' i i-. i i . m •i*,^!!!i; t\' % THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES Tft. , Alfei G,34 h TO HIS DEAR AND VALUED FRIEND THE REVEREND EDWARD MONRO VICAK OF ST. JOHN'S, LBBDS £;^£S.e oT^crug^ts nit |usfribcb BY HIS PEBMISSIOIT ■WITH THE WARMEST AFFECTION THE AUTHOR HitL HousB, Hakkow Weald 824073 r, imxbt ^nH ncfa, mg Ultk hook, | S£n^ tijcj fott^ ; ®;^e ST^ougbts iuitljm t^n ]^^t hmx font faitb pager, |f lljcg s^oulb prok ta ht ai ang feort^, C^£g arc of 6d1&, foljo gabe tbtm to be tl^ca : £;^£g belong not to me : tlje faults | ofan Sire mine. 6Iorg to ^oir, of goob tlje root ! p[ag '§t be pleaseh to faater ^is seeir sofajn, ^nb from pis seeb to tai:se to grofa goob fruit ! |f 6ob grant tl^is, t^eir ntb biill be attaineb |n measure hli inbeeb ; but if one son! One step unto salbation sljall Ijabe gaineb, 'S^is gain for ages, as t^eir course tljeg roll. ^0 fort^ I senb tijee ; biben | am but bust, Pag'st t^ou bg (Sdxucz ^elp one soul to tbe |ust I ETERNITY PAST : TDIE THAT IS : ETERNITY FUTURE ETERNITY: TIME: ETERNITY Oh ! 'tis a theme so deep, so wonderful, And yet so true, to know there was a time. If Time it may be called, when Creation Was non-existent ; when no solid earth Like ours, no atmosphere, no elements Had being ; and not only had this speck In God's great tmiverse, on which we live. Ennobled by His incarnate presence. And made by Him the battle-field Of good and evil, no existence ; but The glorious sun, the moon, the planets Which, in distance vast, God's law obeying B 2 ETERNITY PAST ; TIME THAT IS ; Tlieir course around the brilliant centre Of our system pursue tlieir way, were not ; And if to heaven with wondrous gaze, our eyes We lift, in admiration lost, and think How small a part, our sun, witli all its worlds Attendant, deriving fi-om his splendour Light and heat, doth fonn in God's creation ; Our wonderment a thousandfold augments. Our thought pursues its track, and a fixed star Sirius, the nearest of heaven's host Of brilliants, may settle on our mind ; The nearest ; and yet stiU so distant far, That if our single system were tenfold, For all their revolutions there wou.ld be Space and space again ; this star, what is it ? Astronomers do tell us 'tis a sun. Still more gloriously magnificent It may be than our own ; and possiblyj Nay probably, worlds on worlds around it. This star, this fixed star, as we do speak ETERNITY TO 'COME. lu common parlance, is to us the type Of all the other countless stars of heaven Surrounding us ; there is on earth no point But the high ethereal broad expanse Of orbs resplendent does every part Environ. In the north Orion bold, And in the south doth shine the beauteous Silver Cross, a most glorious emblem Of that high altar on which Christ did die. These even but a mass of units are, Amidst the untold thousands on thousands Of suns and worlds to our imperfect vision Apparent : there is that myriad zone. The ]\Iilky Way, as men do give it name, That girdle so sublime that seems to band The whole together ; yet so component Of such immeasurably distant spheres, As to lead on to the conception vast. That all before our vision, including Those most wondrous nebula?, unfolded B 3 ETERNITY PAST ; TIME THAT IS ; In our day by scientific power, Are but themselves an unit of a whole, So glorious and so magnificent, As to surpass aU effort of man's mind. And thus surrounded, so majestical. This our world doth seem to float in glory. And yet it is so true, there was a time When all that we can see, or can conceive. Had no existence by creation. Thus far in this broad thought have we advanced On the material ; vast as it is In contemplation, yet far higher still Than matter, though in splendour glorious, Are we permitted in our thoughts to range ; From visible to the invisible. — Of the angel host in God's high Heaven, How numberless, surpassing radiant In brightness, how wonderful in power, ETERNITY TO COME. 7 How swift, how pure, in God's presence joyful, Upheld by Him in goodness and in love, We can but know that which has been revealed. Spirits they are, by God's high law ordained, To those who are to be salvation's heirs His will to minister ; the high office, Most glorious duty, to them was given, Even to the Lord of Life to minister. When man's deadly foe for man He vanquished. On that sinful night in the world's history. When fiends poured forth their rage, and for awhile Triumphant seemed, when Peter's ardent zeal Struck with the sword the high priest's servant's ear, Jesus in mild rebuke his ardour stayed, Working a miracle, the wound He healed ; And to a heavenly power, the mind Of His apostle He led and guided. Thinkest thou, that of the host celestial, Of angels, and archangels, to my prayer, b4 ETERNITY PAST ; TIME THAT IS ; More than twelve legions to my succour "Would not instantly, in mighty power, From before my Father's throne be given ? Legions on legions were at hand, If Christ had pleased to call them down to Him. So do we know their numbers to be great ; Wide as the imiversc may their province Be, in order and degree fulfilling That which to each by God has been assigned. What glorious beings ! No mind on earth Can a conception adequate educe Of their bright essence ; in expression So pure, so holy, su.cli radiant joy, Such bliss immaculate, such reverence. Such beams of holiness, and truth, and love. Delighting to obey their Maker — God. In spiritual form, how beautiftil ! When He doth please that form they should assume ; Emanations from His glory ! all are Derived from Him who made them what they are. ETEENITY TO COME. 9 No earthly sounds are these — Excelsior — It is the choir of heaven ! resounding Alleluias from height to height, From depth to depth, from breadth to breadth throughout The broad expanse of that high-vaulted arc, Wliere God His presence specially doth deign. Alleluia ! for the Lord God doth reign Omnipotent, echoes aUeluia ! AUeluia ! for all things created. Visible and invisible, by Him Were made, and for His will and pleasure Are and were created. — Alleluia ! But in detail 'twere endless to pursue The blessed subject of angelic praise. In every holy attribute of God There is a point which alleluias Eing and re-echo, and reverberate Outpom-ing and o'erflowing alleluias From every comer of high heaven, 10 ETERNITY PAST ; TIME THAT IS *, The truth, by God declared, that God is Love ! Everlasting to everlasting, Love ! From the deep depth of counsel infinite Li God's oAvn being, before creation. When He did see and know all that has been, Now is, or e'er shall be, that perfect love Unutterable, past all conception, The blest expression of that love divined. — How gi-and is truth ! grand in simplicity ! The facts of love eternal developed, And developing, to us are given. The how, the why, belong to God alone. How deep is love ! from the holy fountain Of pm-e Deity, supreme Jehovah, The undivided Trinity in one. The stream of love folding in its embrace His everlasting piu'pose, in fulness. As the fulness of the great God Himself, Pours forth ; and sheds a Father's love on all.- ETEENITY TO COME. 11 Angels delight this holy love to tell. — Whence those somids mellifluent, harmony Divine, touching the ear so gently sweet ? Whence those notes above their fellows swelling, So full and round, so divinely blending ? Again, the choir of Heaven ; the holy angels, Sweetest Cherubim, brightest Seraphim, Glorifying in joint and full accord The name of Jesus, very God most high ! Louder and louder still the peal rolls on. Sounds of pure dehght intensifying. Thousands and thousands, tens of thousands more Of the angehc host celestial. In joy and love unceasingly unite In song of holy adoration; thus The mighty roll of voices swells and sweUs, Magnificent in power, and in power StiU more magnificent, till the grandeur Of the voice of melody, vies with their theme. Their ever constant theme — the praise of God. 12 ETERNITY PAST ; TIME THAT IS ; And oh, how glorious that heavenly theme ! To span, with comprehensive mind, how vast Creation's and redemption's glories are ! To trace with reverence and holy fear God's love to man, so infinitely deep, That before creation it existed In Himself alone : to approach in thought The wondrous purpose of Almighty God, In Eternity conceived, and ever To endure, almost presumptuous seems. And yet the songs of angels and of saints, With clearer view than we on earth possess, Doubtless in high strains celestial rise : Glory to God the Father, God the Son, And God the Spirit ; God alone, in One ; That One in fulness manifest in Christ ! And in Him exalted, in His glory, Man was, and is, and evermore shall be ! God said, " Let us make man in our image ;" And in the image of God created ETERNITY TO COME. 13 He him. Christ was that glorious image ! And in Christ, above all holy angels, ^Mighty in power, and wondrous excellent In holiness and spotless piu-ity ; Above all beings, by God created, . Throughout the universe, man stands supreme ! And why ? because his manhood into God Himself is taken, in Christ ordained. Thus, the triune Jehovah, ordained in Christ, To all creation hath a link vouchsafed. By which created and uncreated Are united ; in whom, though mfinite In glory, as His own very Godliead Infinite, yet, in His pei-fect manhood. Is that glory so in loving mercy Veiled, that face to face man may see his God, And in His presence live eternally. So marvellous is man's redemption, That Creation's self seems but the handmaid To this vast act of God's eternal love. 14 ETERNITY PAST ; TIME THAT IS ; So verily it is ; there was a time When there was no creation, visible Or invisible, God Himself alone In His own essence existent ; else that Were etcrniiil, as God eternal is. So were all creation annihilate, God the same would be, yesterday, to-day, And for ever ; incomprehensible, In every holy attribute and power In himself infinite, of addition Or diminution subject to none. No — all things created, material, Or immaterial, alone do serve To manifest Himself, and spread his love, And of His Glory but a shadow are. These holy truths declare we with one voice. When in high praise we sing, — Glory to God, The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, in one ! As it was in the beginning ; that is, ETERNITY TO COME. 15 1 Before God's fiat called creation forth ; — Is now ; the present passing lapse of time, Unfolding God's most holy grace and will ; — And ever shall be ; that is, when the world Now present, by flames of fire purified. Shall pass away, and a new heaven and earth Shall take its place, the new Jerusalem From God in heaven, descending like a bride Adorned for her husband ; when this world Shall yield its kingdoms to our Lord and Christ ; And in His Church, His body, He shall reign For evermore in heaven, the living head ; Fuhiess of Him that filleth all ia all : — World without end ; when the Archangel's trump Throughout the universe its voice shall soxmd. With thiilling echoes, awfully subHme, " Time shall be no longer! " Eternity, Eternity, Eternity now reigns, And in its fall embrace Time is no more. 16 ETERNITY PAST ; TIME THAT IS ; Then comes that blissful era, past all thought Ever conceived by the heart of man, When the saints of Jesus, sheep of Ilis fold, Lambs of His flock, on whose foreheads beam The shining cross, the emblem of His love ; Members of His body, made one with Him, Who on this earth hath lived and died for us, In Heaven shall live eternally with Him. — With Him, in Him, the Christ, the Head and Crown Of all things to His holy Church in heaven ; That we the sons and daughters should be made Of the Lord God Almighty ! how blessed ! His sons and daughters ! in body risen Free from the clog of sin, from sorrow free, The fruit of sin, in self-same body risen. But a glorious body ; for, like Him, The promise is, that we shall ever be. — And the soul pui-ified, holy made, One with the body, then abrupt by death, And now again united, never more ETEENITT TO COME. 17 Asunder to be torn, a perfect man Glorified, like unto Christ Himself, But in degree distant as finite is From infinity immeasurable. How unutterably far stretciied beyond The power of mind, imagination, thought. Is man's exalted state through Christ, in heaven I What words can e'er recoimt its blessedness ? First, above all, there is the holy will Consentient with Deity, the same That was ia Jesus when He Hved on earth, His Father's will fulfilling, to atone For man's rebelHon, by His own blood. And briag us back unto our Father's home. A will so holy, and divine, upheld By God's own power, but still a will, In perfect righteousness delighting ; With Jesus one, saved in Him for ever. From the tempter's power evermore secure, c IS ETERNITY PAST: TI5IE THAT IS: A will so pei-fect iu obedience, So intense in loving adoration, So pure, so good, that by God's gi'ace it forms A high element in the bliss of heaven. And oh ! witli what expanded noble powers Of action, of intellect, of grace, Body and soul will be endued, the man Ennobling, transcendently surpassing All that imagination can conceive : No weariness, no tardy kikewarmness. No taint of sin, no weakness, no doubting Shall ever enter there, but unto God, His honour and His praise, unceasingly Shall each blest soul in heaven with one accord Their holy service render, rejoicing In their Lord, that they in Him are worthy Reckoned His great Name to glorify With all theii" faculties ; and who can tell Their marvellous development by gi-ace ? So freshened, so invigorated, ETERNITY TO COME. 19 So enlightened, ever so sustained, Who can foresee and know the height, the depth, Wliich to the saints of God may then be given Of things in heaven, to see, and know, and hear ? And as by heavenly light and grace divine, Their powers continually do expand. The eaints of Jesus through ages endless. In every holy attribute, nearer And nearer approach to Him, still finite As degree must be to infjiity. Oh I what a glorious contemplation ! And then again, — not only are the souls Of men redeemed by Christ ; His victory Was over death, and our own bodies too In Him are risen ; creation, trembling And groaning, also was redeemed. In that new heaven and new earth, not alone Our souls in holy bliss shall live, but when Creation shall be perfect and renewed, As from the hand of God ; no mind can grasp c 2 20 ETERNITY PAST ; TIME TEAT IS ; The joy and bliss our senses may receive From sight, from sound, from scent, from Nature's touch. Yet, still another blessed source of joy, Heaven opens to the saint in Jesus ; The communion of the Holy Ones ! Patriarchs, apostles, prophets, martyrs, And all who have a good confession made Of Jesus : there shall be met together The faithful, true, the humble and the meek. Those who by grace have loved their Lord on earth, And now in heaven love him deeper still. The throng of holy angels will be there, Blest spirits who lost not their first estate, A bright, celestial, pure company, Whose radiant association. Bright shining seraphs, wiU be bliss indeed. Then, oh how great the joyous blessedness Of recognition in the holy host, ETERNITY TO COME. 21 Of those whom we on earth so loved, whose hearts And ours were intertwined as one, whom death Did for a moment snatch fi-om xis, or ns From them ; but now united evermore. In the kingdom of Christ's Church in glory. Of the blessed happy occupation Of His oAvn redeemed ones, we know not ; But that it will be blessed, high and holy, In the fulfilment of His loving will ; For to the principalities and powers In heavenly places, shall be made known Creation all throughout, by the Church, The wsdom manifold of God most high. So there wiU be expanded intellect ; Deeper perception spiritual ; More perfect knowledge of the Lord most high ; The veil away from nature and God's laws ; The stronger powers of sense to gratify- In all their excellence, and without spot ; c 3 22 ETERNITY PAST ; TIME THAT IS ; The vaster view of God's creation ; The mighty powers in us by God endued ; Duty, its every essence, happiness ; A clearer view of God's past love to us ; An abiding peaceful rest in Jesus ; A spirit of adoration pure ; Fear lost in reverence ; and faith and hope Engulphed in fruition and in love ; Then isolation ceases, and each one Doth realise himself tndy to be A living member of the churcli of Christ. And there the joy of recognition Of those on earth we did so dearly love ; And there the association blest Of pure angelic heavenly spirits ; No tendency to evil shall be there ; And, above all, the presence of the Lord, Of Jesus the Most High God incarnate. Will be there ; and in that glorious presence There will be such radiant joy diffused. ETEENITY TO COME. 23 All imagination surpassing far, That in itself 'twill be eternal bliss. And there shall be an unity throughout, For all creation, immaterial Or material, inanimate And animate, in sj^irit or in body. In intelligence, and movement perfect, In holy will, and ordered greatness. Shall all combine in one harmonious whole, AVith hymns of adoration of angels, And of saints, unto eternal ages. To declare the glory and the Love of God ! And as eternity rolls ages on, Wider and wider, higher and higher still Shall be developed man's progressive powers. Before time was, in past eternity. Creation's self was non-existent ; And now time is, God's purpose to fulfil, Himself is manifest in perfect love Unto the work His hand divine hath made ; c 4 24 ETERNITY PAST ; TIME THAT IS ; The angel's voice, when man's probation's o'er, Loud shall proclaim, "Time shall be no longer." Then comes the measure unfathomable, When holiness, felicity, gloiy Eternal, shall be the gracious meed Of all who form the kingdom of Christ's Church, Ever to reign with Him as kings and priests, Upheld in blessed immortality. And who such glorious inheritance Shall win ? — The answer is a simple one. — Christ Jesus died for all, and all to Him May come ; and none that truly come to Him Will He in any wise cast out ; and they Of his inlieritance the heirs shall be. Truly come: — those who, howe'er unlettered And unlearned, in their hearts receive Him In simplicity and truth, and love him As a httle child its loving mother. To whom it looks with trustful confidence, ETEENITT TO COME. 25 For the supply of all its wants and needs. Their worship is sincere, and their belief Takes in the gospel truth of Jesus' love, That they are sinners saved by Christ alone ; They know their creed, and in it are content, They live to him, and so by faith are saved. And all those blessed infants who in Him At His divine command, by baptism Are grafted ; those dear lo-"-ely innocents, From their original primeval stain Of sin thus cleansed, and whom in mercy He to Himself hath taken home to Heaven, Before the tempter's power could lure their will, And cause the seeds of sin to germinate. — Blessed, blessed are those sweet little ones ! Then there are those to whom on earth are given But few short years, for their eternal good, As God may see it best to be for them ; 26 ETERNITY PAST; TIME THAT IS; In youth so promising, shedding around On parents and on kin such joyous rays ; But Jesus knew and took them for His oato : He loved them, and having by his gi-ace Kegenerated them in that pure font Of water unto life, by the same grace He them upheld, thus their will submitting Unto Him, they grew in grace ; He saw them. Their strivings against sin He witnessed, And from the rocks and shoals which life beset, His loving hand gently withdi-ew them home. — These all had early learned to love their Lord. Another class who truly come to Him Are those who the meridian of life have reached. And from their childhood have grown up in prayer Continuous, earnest, humble, faithful Prayer ; resting on Jesus, living in Him Alone ; who in their daily life have striven. Under the guidance and by aid divine ETEEXITY TO COME. 2" Of God the Holy Ghost, to mould their will To that of God, desiring above all His glory, and that He woiild deign vouchsafe To them on earth such things as in His love And wisdom would knit them into Jesus, And draw them nearer to Himself in Him. Those precious gifts, their childi-en, as fiom God They have regarded, to them committed As a sacred stewardship, immortal Trust ; and to their God humble petitions They have raised, even before their birth. That if He i^leased to grant the blessing. They might be made His own, and in the fear And admonition of the Lord most high, They might, by grace, be reared and nurtured. The means of grace, by God ordained, to them Have ever been the channel authorised Through which have flowed the powers thereby given. In Baptism, as by their Lord commanded, They have felt and known they had a title 28 ETERNITY PAST; TIME THAT IS; To membership in Christ ; children of God To be ; and of heaven the inheritors ; On this sure rock they set their foot, and knew That if they did not by their own free will Away from them cast their inheritance, Theirs it was for ever and evermore. — But then in early youth they keen had felt Proneness to sin, and wilM wickedness ; And, conscious that no power of their own This sinful inclination could withstand. They sought the means of all-sufficient grace In Jesus ; surely by Him provided In the blest ordinances of His Church : Baptized already, confirmation next Came to their aid ; the Holy Ghost vouchsafes. On their renewing their baptismal vows, And to their God their future life resolving: To devote, by the laying on of hands. And prayerful blessing of God's high priest, From Heaven to descend, and rest on them. ETERNITY TO COME. 29 Confirmation past, at tlieir Lord's command, And as His Cliurcli enjoins, they followed on, Avoiding subtleties of disputants. From grace to grace, and ever and anon, At every blessed opportunity. In the pru'e simple element of bread, And in the same pure element of Avine, Made consecrate and holy by God's priest, As Christ by His example did foreshow, The broken body of their Lord they ate, Li faith and verity, believing true The words of Jesus : " This is My Body." And of His sacred Blood they hiunbly drank, For of the wine He said, " This is My Blood " Shed for the remission of yOur sins." — And both they did, obeying His command Li love, " This do in remembrance of Me : " And they remembered too the promise given, " Whoso My Flesh doth eat. My Blood doth drink, " Hath eternal life "— " He shaU hve by Me," 30 ETERNITY PAST ; TIME THAT IS ; And " He dwelleth in Me and I in him." They knew that bread and wine they still remain, And yet His Body and His Blood they were. — They believed, and so to them was given In their inmost souls a sentient power Of His incarnate j)resence ; the manner "Was not for them, that was for God alone. The holy fruits were theirs ; the Holy Ghost ! Union with Christ ! pardon of their sins ! And strength renewed life's combat to endure ! And then there come the aged holy ones, Whose hour of Hfe to threescore years and ten. Or it may be to foiu'score years or more, Has been extended ; who that fleeting hour Have spent in holy service to their God, In acts of faith, and deeds of charity And righteousness ; by the power of gi-ace, Through the ordained channels to them given. They have no self-reliance, but their trust ETEKXITT TO COME. 31 For their inlieritance stands on a rock, And that rock, Clirist ; so shall be firm and true. These are all His, and though with hindrances Many and grievous, and with many falls, Their course has ever onward been to heaven ; Faithful, repentant, loving, they are His, And the inheritance is made then- own. Not all have thus pursued consistently Theii" way through life ; m?ny there are, indeed, Who through a headlong guilty course of sin Have passed ii-revocably years on years, Than finest gold, or sparkling diamond, More precious far, not to be recalled. Wliat a fearful looking for of judgment Would await them, were God to pass them by. And hold His mercy fi-om them, as it were Forgetting them, as they did Him forget ; If to their sure doom inevitable, Fruit of their o^vn acts, He were to leave them. / 32 ETERNITY PAST; TIME THAT IS; But God is merciful, as a Father He pitieth His ■wandering children, And few there are, perhaps not any one, To whom some solemn warning is not given, Some strong call of conscience, some event Of life ; it may be in the early death Of those most dear ; it may be fell sickness, That droops the strength of man to infant's power ; The prospect brightest of their hope may sink ; Friends may betray ; their bosom friend deceive ; In their destruction's path them to arrest. And point to heaven as their only good. And all who heed God's warning so vouchsafed. Repent, and truly give their heart to Him, ' Turn from the fatal error of their ways, And in obeying seek their happiness, Shall doubtless find inheritance made sure. These chastening mercies, as a Father For his childi-en's good, God doth also use, Closer to draw to Him those whom He loves. ETERNITY TO COME. 3S 'Tis to God's Chiu-ch, to tliose baptized in Him, To those who in that Church are truly His, That His most blessed promises are made ; But, God forbid that any should define And limit close His all-pervading love ! His all-seeing eye. His discerning glance. Piercing the coat of man's outAvard semblance. To the dividing of the very joints And marrow of intent in each man's heart ; "Weighing his motives, opportunities, And temptations, sees what man^ees not. He can perceive the sproiiting germ of faith. The seed of love to Him ready to burst. But lacking the moisture of occasion. To Him are known the workings of man's mind, The honest, bold, straightforward open heart, That would adore and love Him as he ought ; And love Him really does, and all mankind, Yet firom his education, circumstance. Or birth, the moulding of his character 34 ETERNITY PAST ; TIME THAT IS ; To man may seem unsettled, and not right. There are the humble retiring spirits, Gentle and meek, living "within themselves. Oft communing, it may be, with their God, In silence, love and adoration, Still externally may not scorn to be Ri2:htful members of Christ's Church Catholic, Yet in God's sight all members of His Son. Even 'mongst those who farthest seem from God, That may exist within, imseen by man, A deadly struggle may be going on ; Or, as the penitent, while on the cross He hung, did turn to Jesus, there may be Some awful tui-ning point, some wrench of soul, Open to God alone, which leads to Heaven. Numbers within, numbers without the door Of Christ's Church visible on earth to men, A great multitude no man can number. ETERNITY TO COME. 35 Love bids us hope salvation still may find ; — Oil in their lamps sufEcient may have been To give them Hght, within the door of heaven Just to enter, though there the least they be. Jesus redeemed all, for aU He died, Let none eternally condemn another. Sin as sin may be condemned, the sinner We must leave to Jesus the Judge alone ; God loves the sinner though He hates the sin. Millions on miUions numbei'less, EoUing thi-ough earth's existence constantly, There are, on whose ear the name of Jesus Never fell ; whom the Gospel's joyful sound Has never reached ; where the light of nature. Aided by streamlets of primeval truth, Through ancestral rites and customs trickling, Has been their only guide ; what is their doom "We knoAv not, nor is it for us therein To pry ; of the Gentiles, thus speaks Saint Paul: " When they the things contained in the law u 2 36 ETEENITY PAST ; TIME THAT IS ; " By natm-e do ; " and again, thus Saint John ; " Thon art worthy, and hast redeemed us " To God, out of every kindred, and tongue, " And people, and nations, by Thy blood." Almighty is the love of God in power, And by that boundless love there may be found Among the heathen a goodly number, Saved, as they only can be saved, By the all-sufficient grace of Jesus. Thus is hope permitted salvation And inheritance in Heaven may be theirs. But oh ! supremely blest are they, The ambassadors of Christ, ministers Of God, priests of His holy Chiu'ch on earth. Heralds of salvation, in Jesus' name. The Gospel to declare to sinful men. And to dispense His holy sacraments. To them committed ; a most sacred trust, To noui'ish souls with heavenly culture. ETEKNITY TO COME. 37 Most holy office ! to sliare with Jesus, By His divine appointment, the priesthood Of His Church, bond of closest union Of man with His Eedeemer ; privilege The most exalted man can here possess. Oh how blessed, thrice blessed, will they be Among the holy company of heaven. Who to their Master's glory here on earth, "With love unfeigned, and faith imdoubting, Their hearts, their souls, thoir minds, and all their powers Of body, thought, and will, ever devote, In all sincerity and truthfiilness. As good shepherds, leading their flock to God. To them is open to obtain in Heaven A glorious inheritance indeed. O ye doubtful of heart, who cannot see With clearness the sheet anchor of your hope Well fast in ground ; who to imholy fear Give way, cast off your doubting, erring fear ; D 3 38 ETERNITY PAST ; TIME THAT IS ; If on your spirit sin bear down its weight, Tell it to Jesus, your soul's Physician, His balm will heal thee, and restore to health. Do you believe God's holy name is Love ? Love not to one, not to a few, but all, Therefore to you ; do you, because you have . Within you strong sense of sin committed. Think that from His love you are excepted. Your prayers not heard, yourself from heaven cast out ? Oh no ! your sense of sin is evidence Most true that you are His ; for, if sincere. Your heart is set to strive to sin no more. And for past sin feels repentant sorrow. With good resolve henceforth to live to Him. You yearn for Jesus, Jesus yearns for you ; Yea more for you than you can do for Him. He died for you, you surely do not doubt The atoning power of the blood of God To wash away your sin ; come, then, to Him Who longs to save you ; utterly cast out ETERNITY TO COME. The very shadow of self-dependence ; Jesus, our living head, for us hath wrought All righteousness, rest on Him alone ; Believe the gift of God, given unto yoii ; To disbelieve were to reject the gift ; With humble confidence, and thanksgiving. Through your Eedeemer ever make your prayer. Believe His love, and with heart love to Him, Though the sin for which you deeply sorrow Were as scarlet, the very deepest dye. You will in His sight be clad in whiteness Pure as snow. Come, with simple, child-like faith, Cast yourself on Jesus, and He is yom-s. And you are His : if your former dimness Hath arisen from unbehef your past sins Could be forgiven, let the almightiness Of Jesus' love be present with you now ; No longer fear, but hearken to His words, — " Come iinto Me, and I will give you I'est." If there be any known lurking idol D 4 40 ETERNITY PAST; TIME THAT IS; In the recesses of your heart, veiling Your sight of Jesus, tear it from its throne ; 'T will not be hard, if with a firm resolve You seek for grace in prayer, it will be given ; But ask in faith, believing God will lielp you. It may have been Avhen thought your prayers not heard, That this was the secret cause ; God requires An undivided heart, and though you fall Frequent and oft, if in sincerity You come to Jesus, fear not forgiveness ; A kind Father's ear is ever open. To grant you pardon and to hear your prayer : For hath not Jesus promised ; " Him that cometh Unto Me, I will in no Avise cast out ? " Or it may be imagination's power Which is the hindrance of your solid peace ; This may arise from causes physical, Producing groundless fear, and yet the heart Be true; if so, God sees, accepts the heart, And hears your prayer, and He wUl answer it ETERNITY TO COME. 41 If earnestly continued ; beseecli Him The illusion to dispel, and be sure, That if in faith on Jesus you repose, See in His blood your past sin washed away, Do use the means of grace which He has given, He will uplift your soul, dispel your fear. And bless yoiT with the blessing of his peace. To every grade and rank of human life, To every age, or state, or rich, or poor, To every nation, tongue, or people, Through Jesus are the gates of heaven open': And " let him that is atliirst fi-eely come ; " " And whoso ■will, of the water of life " Let him take freely." — Those who receive Christ In simple and pure faith and love may come ; The sinless innocents in Jesus washed ; The young, who all theu- life have lived to Him ; The middled aged, who have fought the fight Of faith, living in God's ordinances ; 42 ETERNITY PAST ; TIME TEAT IS ; The full aged Christian, who with years Hag grown from grace to grace, in love to Christ ; The brands which from the burning have been snatched. And by repentance been again restored. Those in the varied circumstance of life Who grace have found, and to their Lord have turned ; And, as we hope, millions through the love Of Jesus and his all-atoning blood, Who yet on earth have never heard of Plim ; And those so blest ones, His own true servants Ministering in His name, who His glory By grace have made the first desire of life : All these the blest inheritance of heaven May win, and live eternally with Him, Who bought them with a price no man can coimt. And in whose presence ever will be Bliss. Heaven is now to all believers open, Yet of ourselves alone, by oiu* own works, No one can enter there ; by the merits ETERNITY TO COME. 43 Of Jesus Christ, and by pure faith in Him, — That faith which works by iove obedient; For, " if ye love Me, My commandments keep, " All may win the gift of life eternal. Jesus liimself hath said, " I am the way, The truth, the Kfe," — " Ask, and ye shall receive," " Seek, and ye shall find" — and " I am the door, " Knock, and it shall be opened imto you. " That knock is prayer, pm-e, fervent prayer, The holy, blessed privilege of prayer, Humble, earnest, faithful, loving prayer, The holy communion of the soid. With God in Christ, through Christ, by God's Spirit Proceeding from the Father, and the Son, Vouchsafed from Jesus, and for Jesus' sake. Let us therefore now pray while life doth last, And nothing doubt, the answer will be given, A blissful Immortality is yours. God, most Holy, Eternal Father, -14 ETERNITY PAST; TIME THAT IS; Eternal Son, Eternal Spirit — One Co-equal, undivided Trinity In unity incomprehensible, In all the fuhaess of thy great Godhead Bodily revealed and manifest In Jesus Christ, incarnate Deity, To Thee I pray ; in Thy name, O Jesus, God grant me grace to be a child of thine ; And as a child, with all my heart and soul, With all my mind and life, all that I am, And all that I have, truly to love Thee ; To adore and worship Thee in spirit , Arid in truth, now and everlastingly. Give me to realise thy love to me In creation, in redemption, In salvation, and in the power Of the Holy Ghost; to make me thankful, Faithfiil, himible, penitent, righteous. Holy and good ; to make me stedfest, true, Cahn, peaceful, joyful in the assurance ETEENITY TO COME. 45 Of hope, loving, dutiful and just. O God, forgive me all my sins, the sins Of those so dear to me, and on all mankind Have mercy ; forgive me all offences Wlierein I may have injured others ; And do thou, O Lord, in mercy, blessing Recompense to them for all the wrong I've done ; And if any, in thovight, or word, or deed, Intent, or motive, have done injury To me, I pray forgiveness for them all, As I would fi'om my heart forgive them too. God, all this in Jesus I do pray, And in the power of His atoning blood ; Yea, in thine own blood, O God Almighty; In thine o^vn life of sorrow, sufFerine:, And shame; in thine own fearful agony; In thine o"\vn most deep passion, bearing For us the just wrath of God the Father ; In thine own most degraded cross of pain, Of ignominy and of scorn; O God, 46 ETERNITY TAST ; TIME THAT IS ; In Tliinc own precious death, yea, Thy death, For the sins of the world Tliou didst create ; In Thine ovn\ sacred burial, tlie tomb Thus sanctifying unto us ; tliine oAvn Most glorious resurrection life, In victory ti-iumphant o'er the grave ; In Thy divine ascension up to heaven ; Thy session on the high throne of God, In that entire glory of the Father, Wliich with Him thou hadst before the world was ; And by. the coming of The Holy Ghost ; In all this most heavenly work of love, O Jesus, my God, I pray for mercy. Pardon and forgiveness of all my sin. O Jesus Christ, to God in Thee, through Tliee, The alone Mediator between God And man ; our all-prevailing Advocate And Intercessor, Jesus, Son of God, Passed mto the heavens, and for us Ever living to make intercession ; ETEENITY TO COME. 47 Our High Priest, after the sacred order Of Slelchizedek : of thy holy Church The living head, King of kings, Lord of lords ; The King of glory ; Prince of peace and joy; God incarnate ; bodily in glory Infinite, yet veiled, manifest to man; ]\Iy Redeemer and Lord, my Saviour And my God, Thee I adore, to Thee I humbly pray : — O God, keep me now and ever without sm ; From all temptation, and from all danger Spiritual and temporal, good Lord, Defend me ; from aU evil and mischief, And especially from all evil thoughts "VVliich may assault and hiu-t the soul, good Lord, Deliver me ; let thy good providence Be over me ; and grant me now And always such things on earth, in Thy sight Best, iur Thy glory, and my future good. In every time of need sustain, guide. And strengthen me, help and deliver me. 48 ETERNITY PAST ; TIME THAT IS ; God grant Tliy holy angoLs over me May watch, succour, defend, and minister ; God, give me grace to realise Thy presence Always, everywhere ; Thy omnipotence And Thy omniscience ; for as thine eye Under the fig-tree did Nathaniel See, so is thine eye ever upon me. — May I reahse Thy Almighty power, That nothmg is impossible with Thee. — Holy Father, ever look iipon me In thy dear Son, not as I am myself, But only in His righteous merits ; For all thy gracious mercies, blessings, And goodness undeserved, I thank Thee. My poor thanksgiving and my prayers Hear and accept, O Lord, in Him, Thy Son, Thine own beloved Son, in whom alone Hiunbly I dare approach Thy throne of grace. O God, most holy. Lord of life, Giver Of all good things, from Heaven descended, ETEENITY TO COME. 49 As the Comforter and Sanctifier, Dwell Thou in me for my Lord Jesus' sake ; Be Thon my light, my life, my joy, my peace, My comfort and my strength, my guide, my trust, » My ruler, and my fi-iend ; increase my faith ; Enlarge my mind ; and by Thy power divine Make me to love Thee with a perfect heart : Give light unto my spirit to discern Thy holy truth and will, and to receive Into myself that truth in all its breadth And iulness as revealed in Jesus ; Exalt my soul to heaven, and in faith Jesus my Lord in glory there to see, My God in Him, to whom, through whom I pray. — Oh ! my Father, lead, draw me to Thyself, Through Thy Son Jesus, by Thy Spirit's power. — Oh ! my Saviour, fit and prepare me Wliile on earth, in thine own most blessed way, To enter into the joy of my Lord ; And that I may that blest inheritance £ 50 ETERNITY PAST ; TIME THAT IS ; In Hoaven receive, to live for ever In lliy blissful presence, in the kingdom Of Thy Church in glory ; bestow on me Thy most unworthy creature, ere I die. Thy peace, which all understanding passe th, And which Thou alone canst give — peace in Thee, — And may Thy grace, Thy love, Thy fellowship, Be mine, through Jesus Chuist, my Lord and God. Amen. So in eternity that now is past, AYlien no creation was, but God alone In His ovm glorious infinity ; So in the roUing years of time that is. In which it hath pleased God the universe To create, and shadow forth His glory ; So in eternity to come, when time ' ShaU be no more, the fuU accomplishment Of God's will yet ever still fulfilUng, There has been, from outstretched eternity ETERNITY TO COME. 51 Gone by, through time, through that eternity As far outstretched, which lies, past time, before, One mighty scheme of love divine, grand, deep, Majestically vast ! — its object — man ! Man, — in Chpjst Jesus, as the living Head, I\Ian, — in the kingdom of Christ's Church in heaven ; Through man in Christ, and in His holy Church, To all the wondrous universe make known God's majesty and power, glory and love. How great, how high, the destiny of man ! How past all thought his blessedness in heaven ! How exalted from human to divine ! How glorious for ever to fulfil. In bodies glorified, souls purified, The holy will of God ! by His Spirit Empowered and upheld in Holiness ! To sing His Praise, His wondrous Love declare ' GLOiiy TO God in highest evermore ! E 2 52 ETEKNITY. — TKIUNE GOD. O TuoL' incoinpreliensible, Clearly revealed ; Holiness inexpressible, Our Sim and Shield. From the depth of eternity Thou art made known ; Unchangeable infinity, One God alone. Declared from heaven above, Ever to be Indivisible, God of love, One God in Three. O everlasting Trinity, Thee we adore In Jesus, in the Unity, God evermore. Glory and praise O God to Thee, In Thy dear Son ; Worship to Thee eternally, Incarnate One. The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, Almighty One ; Our God in Jesus manifest, Th' eternal Son. THE PERFECTION OF GOD IN CHRIST E 3 THE PERFECTION OF GOD IN CHRIST. Perfection is the attribiite of God Alone, most clearly seen in all His works ; And, if reflected in His works, profound, Impenetrable as infinity, Is perfection perfect in the essence Of His own being ; to His creatures known By His OAvn revelation of Himself. God ever was, now is, ever will be Incomprehensible ; and in that way And that degree alone, in which His will Dotli manifest His attributes to us. Whether in wisdom, power, or goodness E 4 56 THE PERFECTION OF GOD IN CERIST. In creation ; or by the word of truth, Explicitly revealing unto man The essence of Plis own holy Godliead, Tliat truth attesting liy Ilis powcsr divine In those lie made tlie heralds of His will, Creation bowing to His sovereign sway, Do we know God: — tlius enough is given, Us to suffice truly to apprehend God self-existent, triune Jehovah, Undivided Trinity, God alone. In one sole unity, inscrutable. Co-equal, co-eternal, three in one. As Father, Son, and Holy Ghost declared ; One Spirit, inherently possessing All infinite perfection, of which But a poor finite, though a gi-and idea. Can be conceived by the mind of man. Thus in words exprest; majesty divine. Greatness and holiness, omnipotence. Omniscience, omnipresence, goodness. THE PEEFECTION OF GOD IN CHKIST. 57 Truth and love. — Other than Avhom there is no God; No, not any. — God is omnipotent ; Therefore in thousand times ten thousand ways He could create, and to creation Could Himseh' reveal ; how truly Avondrous, God wills His attributes to demonstrate ! That He whose name is God, past finding out, Shordd so ordain, that while His own essence For ever should inscrutable remain. We are permitted Him to know and see, As He is ; hidden in infinity, And yet revealed in very brightest light ! His Godhead inviolate maintaining. And yet so, out of Himself, descending ^Marvellously, that of His majesty Not one iota is im^jaired or dimmed ! God is imchangeable, yet a change Took place when to the Godliead man was joined ; How clear the seeming paradox becomes. When, by the Spirit's power, the truth we bring 58 THE TEI^FECTION OP GOD IN CHRIST. Home to onr minds, that God's decrees and will, From everlasting to everlasting, Are one unity, an emanation Of His own omniscient sovereignty : Thus in the counsels of eternity Christ was ordained to be the only way Through Avhich God willed His nature shoidd be known. In Christ Jesus, our Saviour, behold God, very God eternal, incarnate ! Himself, triune Jehovah, co-equal, Undivided Trinity, in essence And in will, decreeing that Christ alone. Perfect manhood into perfect Godhead Taken, should be to all creation God apparent, and as apart from Christ, And out of Him, that God unknown should be. Incomprehensible, inscrutable; In all His holy attributes most high : So that in Christ alone do we know God, x\nd out of Christ we know Him not at all. THE PEEFECTION OF GOD IN CHEIST. 59 For by Him, who of God invisible The image is, all things created were, Visible and invisible, by Him, For Him, who before all things is and was, B}' whom all things consist, and in whom dwells All the fuhiess of God, the Trinity In Unity that filleth all in all. And thus did God in Christ unto Himself Unite creation, work of His own Avill, Still only manifest, through Him, in Him. "Wlierefore did God create, when nought could add To His perfection ? — a deep solemn thought ! Only to be answered by His oAvn "Word ; Tliat word divine doth tell us " God is Love." May we not say, on God's authority, Creation sprung from the exuberance Of His loA'c ? and may we not then believe. When in creation God made all things good, He did design the reflex of himself 60 THE PERFECTION OF GOD IN CHItlST. In all His holy mighty attributes ? As in God there is one sovereign will So to His creatures, Avhom in His imao-e • He did to being call, a Avill He gave, Reflection of His will, and endowment, With power in its exercise, to look to Him For never-failing aid, ever to keep him In that blest estate of his existence. Then would the freedom of his will enhance Each step of his primeval happiness ; But that Avill was free, so might be abused To evil purpose of rebellion ; And thus the very gift tliat Avas for good Designed, might become the fruitful source Of alienation from the giver. Herein is God's almightiness, that sin. Which is the setting up the creature's will - 'Gainst that of his Creator, cannot chano-e The truth, that " God is love," nor ever thwart THE PEEFECTION OF GOD IN CUEIST. 61 His purposes of love ; and though in God's Omniscience all eternity is known, And therefore He foreknew the fall of man, And by His foreknowledge knew redemption By Himself alone as our Eedeenier Could be achieved ; and though foreseeing all, The fulness of the scope of love reqixired In His own holy work, to give Himself As an atonement for a sinfid Avorld, Yet by Chiust Jesus in eternal love He made the world, and then redeemed the world ! So infinite, passing thought, is God's love ! Love, deep as deep eternity itself! He permitted, did not ordain man's fall, And all its dire consequence ; yet in faith We may be sure, though now we dimly look Through a glass darkly, that the time Avill come, When the radiant power of the Spirit Shall to conviction so illuminate The whole creation, that each soul condemned 62 THE TERIECTION OF GOD IN CHRIST. Or uncondcmnecl, must perforce, willingly Or unwillingly, the unchanging truth Admit, that God, the just and holy God, Is not a God of vengeance, but of love. There is no flaw in God's perfection. Thus as Creator Christ we do behold. The tmiverse is witness to God's power. Wisdom and goodness, greatness and glory ^Manifest through Christ ; in Christ redemption Is the attestation of His love. How glorious the one, yet higher still The other ! to call creation forth, Ten thousand thousand worlds, systems and spheres. Wisdom, beneficence and might disjilayed In every atom, perfect and wondrous, Marvellous in beauty and arrangement. Were, indeed, an act, in God's holy will. Worthy of Himself, and to finite mind Might seem the fulness of Divinity. THE PERFECTION OF GOD IN CHRIST. 63 But oh ! how imiitterably deeper To manifest to that creation His OAvn most holy attributes of mercy, Justice and love, uniting to Himself In Christ ordained, the universe He made. Each attribute of God is in itself As perfect as the rest, not any one Can militate agamst, or set aside The other's fulness of perfection ; So God's justice doth its own meed require, And even love cannot ride paramount, To the deflection of one single point Of God's most holy law, that sin requires Satisfaction ; to the fiill and utmost. — God said to man, one thing thou shalt not do, I make thee lord of all the rest around Thee. If thy will thou dost perversely use, And, in defiance of my just command. That fruit which is forbidden, thou dost cat, 64 THE TEUFECTION OF GOD IN CHRIST. Sin will possess thy sonl, and thou shalt die. Adam did eat, and fell, no longer then Was paradise a paradise to him. He was an outcast fi-om high heaven, Banished from God, his doom was death and hell; God's justice this demanded, and unless A ransom could Ije paid, as infinite As that His attribute, man had no hope Of restoration to God's favour : His paradise was lost, and misery, Sin's mate, fell dire on him and all his race. But what no finite being could have done, For how can finite fill infinity ? God, in the fulfilment of His counsels, Deep in eternity, undertook to do; And by his own act of man's redemption, To develop to all the universe His own all perfect holiness divine. Justice co-equal with His holiness, Omnipotence of His eternal love. THE PERFECTION OF GOD IN CHRIST. 65 So to creation manifesting '^ A more sublime and glorious knowledge Of Himself, than that creation gave. God in Christ of all things Creator was, God in Christ alone our Eedeemer is. And what a mighty argument is this ! That if there be redemption it must be That oiir Eedeemer must be very God. None else could satisfy infinity. This mighty act transcendent of God's love, Decreed in Christ to be accomplished, And in Christ alone, Jesus, Son of God, Son of the Father, one with the Father And the Holy Ghost, undivided One, Was done, when, ia the fulness of time, God For man's redemption gave His only Son. Eternal God in Christ, made perfect man On earth, sinless, of reasonable soul And human flesh subsisting ; in that flesh, F 66 THE rERFECTION OF GOD IN CHRIST. By the o'ershadowing of the Holy Ghost Of His Virgin -Mother, blessed Mary, Bom, He lived, suffered, died, was crucified. And from the gi'ave victorious, from death To life He rose again, no more to die; The grasp of death was powerless on Him ; Impossible He could by death be held. From Heaven came the Christ, to Heaven again The Christ, Jesus, our Lord and God, on high Ascended ; and in the Father's glory, The glory of the eternal Godhead, The glory of the Father, the glory Of the Son, glory of the Holy Ghost, The gloiy which He had before the world. He sits and reigns ; the perfect man And perfect God, One, altogether One, God in Jesus on earth, Jesus in God In Heaven ; as man, the law of God for man Fulfilling in every point and tittle ; As man, suffering for man sorrow and pain. THE PERFECTION OF GOD IN CHRIST. 67 And death, the agony profoundly deep, That passion beyond conception bitter. Which no tongue can utter, no thought can reach, Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani ! To justice infinite, as infinite A ransom paid ; and thus did God in Christ Unto Himself the whole world reconcile ; His IMajesty in no point derogate. Thus is redemption, laiown in Christ alone, And therein, in Christ alone, do we know God. When into being first creation came. Over the face of the dark waters moved The Spirit of God ; when fi-om earthly dust The Lord formed man, into his nostrils His Holy Spirit breathed the breath of life, And man became a living soul : of old. When holy men God's promises declared. As they were moved by the Holy Ghost, They spoke and wrote ; pointing to Christ alone, F 2 68 THE PERFECTION OF GOD IN CHRIST. As He Himself unto His disciples, Those Scrip tvires so graciously did open, This in their fulness testifying. And ere the mortal life of Jesus closed, He said, " For you it is expedient " I go away ; the Comforter will come " If I depart, even the Holy Ghost, " The Spirit of truth, whom from the Father " I will send. He shall testify of Me." He said, " I am the way, the truth, the life, " No man to the Father ever cometh " But by me : " — Jesus, He is Lord of all, By Him, to the Father by one spirit We have access ; He created all things ; Creation hath hfe ; man's immortal soul Is part of man, and man by Him was made. Thus to creation by Him life was given. And through Him did the Spirit breathe his breath, " Without Him was not anything made that was made." So by His Spirit, through holy prophets THE PERFECTION OF GOD IN CHRIST. 69 Since the -world began, was God's holy will Unfolded ; of that rock Israel drank, And that spiritual rock was Cln-ist. The " Spirit of Christ " who was verily Before the world's foundation foreordained, In these last times made truly manifest, In them did testify Christ's sufferings And glory : — not until the Heaven of Heavens Lifted its gates in glory to receive The King of Glory, did the Holy Ghost, The Sanctifier, from Heaven descend. Thus unto us the knowledge high is given, That not in creation and redemption Only, do we know God in Christ alone, But all life-giving power, grace, holiness, All revelations of Himself, through Christ, And in Christ alone, are in Him vouchsafed. Each atom of the universe obeys The sov'reign law on it impressed by God ; F 3 :0 THE PERFECTION OF GOD IN CHRIST. Resistance to His will there can be none. Though, by permission, in His counsel deep, The powers entrusted to His creatures, With free agency by Him endowed. May to evil purpose be perverted ; God, sole Ruler and Governor supreme Has ever been, now is, and e'er shall be. O'er mind and matter to eternity. God, by Christ, the universe created, God, by Christ Jesus, did this world redeem, So God in Jesus, the Christ, Saviour Omnijootent, very God, doth maintain In Him supremacy, iiile absolute Over that work His will brouglit into being, Over that work His loving wiU redeemed. In Him, of principality and power The head ; in Him, by whom, for whom, all things In heaven and earth, seen and unseen, exist ; In Him, the Christ, God blessed for ever, Who is over all, the triime God, THE PERFECTION OP GOD IN CHEIST. 71 In all fulness in the flesh manifest, True manhood into Godhead taken up, The imiverse doth govern, from the sublime Magnificence of ethereal spheres, To the provision of the needs of life Of the minutest insect ; from the powers Of highest seraph and archangel bright To the most abject of creation. In all their order, beauty, and design : All in subjection are to Him in whom God is, in whom God reigns, Jesus the Christ, The same yesterday, to-day, and for ever.. Thus God in love and condescension. From Majesty incomprehensible Nothing detracting, doth to creation Witness his own perfection of Himself. There is no contrariety in Him. The Majesty of God is infinite, To finite being unapproachable F 4 72 THE PERFECTION OF GOD IN CHRIST. In presence, by his own unaided power ; Wlio of himself to highest heaven can reach ? Who penetrate to lowest depth's abyss ? Who span in breadth illimitable space ? Impossible ; — so also cannot man In his own carnal weakness entrance make : No ; nor the highest being God e'er made, Into the presence of God's unveiled High Majesty, without His aid divine. But oh ! how glorious ! that God Himself Hath, in the stupendous power of the acts Of His eternal love, wrought out a way, In, by, and through Himself unto Himself, Whereby his creatui-es access free may find To Him, who verily is God alone. Jesus, the Christ, Creator, Redeemer, And through whom God in man doth truly dwell. Hath said, " I am the way," — " Unto the Father " No man cometh but by me." And His word, His sacred word, doth tell us plainly this, THE PERFECTION OF GOD IN CHIIIST. " There is one God, and one Mediator " Between God and men, the man Christ Jesus," " The great God and Saviom- Jesus Christ." How blessed ! how perfect ! how glorious Are the ways of God to His creation ! How infinite His power and His love ! That yielding none of His great Majesty Inconceivable, into His presence We may come, and in our Mediator The fidness of the Godhead manifest In Body see, and in Him and through Him We may hold communion with our God : We may speak to Him in prayer, gloriiy His great name in praise, with hmnility Confess oiu' sins to Him in penitence. Oh ! when we tliink how frail and weak we are. How drawn away by pleasure and by sin. How overcome by our own wayward will. How overwhelmed by earth's desires and cares, How hard, and blind, and cold, and vain in heart 74 THE PErvFECTION OF GOD IN CHRIST. And mind, liow dull in oiu' affections, How irreverent, and in thought impiu'C ; HoAv indifferent, supine and careless, How negligent and ignorant, how prone To err, how open to temptation, How weak in faith, how poor in love and hope. Conscience convinces us no moment Of our life the light of God's scrutiny- Can stand ; and if on ourselves we rested, Though heaven be open, none would enter there. Thanks be to God, through Jesus Christ our Lord, The victory is ours in Him ; His grace Is all-sufficient, and our weakness Is in Him made strength, because weak, then strong All that is good in xis is by His grace. With soul and body we may adore Him, And worship Him in spirit and in truth, Through Jesus, the Christ, very God and man. In Him, veiled in flesh, God may know and see. High heaven to us is truly open THE PEEFECTION OF GOD IN CHRIST. 75 Through Christ, who is "the way, the truth, the life ; " But how can we poor worms oiir pleadings make To gain admission there ; merit to us Pertaining we have none ; to a fountain Not our oAvn we needs must fly ; to a well Of righteousness which we digged not ; To a spring of holiness all sinless ; To obedience perfect of God's law ; To enter heaven we must have all these, Holiness, righteousness, and merit Of fulfilled obedience ; besides, As prisoners bound down by wilful sin, A ransom we must pay, or must be paid For us, and we ourselves are powerless ; We cannot of ourselves appropriate To ourselves that which to us belongs not, But to another ; so stiU destitute We should ever be, were it not that He, Wlio the way opened, in that opening Hath joined Himself to us, and us to Him, THE TEllFECTION OF GOD IN CUEIST. Made Himself to us an everlasting head, All holy, all righteous, all perfect Infinitely ; so made His merit ours, In His wondrous love, in His own body Did our ransom pay, and in victory Did to heaven ascend, as oiu- Redeemer, As our only Mediator and way. And as our all-prevailing Advocate. Being our Mediator, we may plead Through Him, as our Advocate, forgiveness And acceptance ; as our only one Advocate He pleads for us His blessed work of love, Plis atoning blood, His all infinite Suffering, obedience perfect. So in this step, as in all steps Of God's deep purposes of love, we see God fulfilling all things, and man nothing : Man utter weakness, God his only strength. From first to last aU is of God alone. The glory His through Jesus Christ oui- Lord. THE PERFECTION OP GOD IN CHRIST. 77 K God be for us, who shall be against ? If God doth plead for us, we cannot fail ; That which we could not do, He does for us, He so loves us, why do we not love Him ? Still onward flows the loving stream from God Of His perfection as revealed to man. In Christ, "Jesus, the Son of God most high," Into the heavens for us passed once, Ever living, intercession making For those He has redeemed, who in their hearts Believe, and, with humility and joy Eeceive Him as their God and Saviour ; Our Melchisedek High Priest for ever. Thus not only does He plead righteousness, Atonement, a ransom, obedience. All fulfilled in Him, the Christ, for us, But as High Priest He intercedes for us In His own Person, His eternal love, That everlasting love, which with the Father i THE PERFECTION OF GOD IN CHRIST. Was ever one, He pleads on our behalf, And for His love's sake to His Church, His body, For their salvation ever intercedes. Our only Mediator, Advocate, And Intercessor, aU in Christ alone, And Christ in God in whom all flilness dwells. Thus God in all is perfect in the Christ. No point of God's perfection really is More perfect than another, but there seems In the divine unfolding of Himself Vouchsafed to man, one central point, lustrous. And so gracious, that all other points In their perfection seem to concentrate In that one — eternal Love — God is Love ! The channel of that love Christ Jesus is. The steps successive of His mighty works Take bii'th in love, love their source and spring. Love their continued course, and love their end : Creation sprang from love, its deep, deep root THE PERFECTION OF GOD IN CHRIST. 79 Lies in past eternity, its action Expands its blessed spirit, Avings its flight Throughout the ever new, untiring. Never ending ages, constant rolling, Of eternity to come ; trace its coiu'se Even as seen by the dim eye of man. Taught by the Spirit of God ; thus it runs ; — God's holy will that blessing from Himself Should emanate ; and thence creation sprmig, " And lo ! God beheld all that He had made, " And it was very good ; " — God willed that man In His own image shoixld created be. From that blest estate man fell, was lost. But God's will promised and gave One mighty To redeem and save lost man ; so Himself He gave, none else so gi'eat a work could do. Clothed in man's nature, O wondrous mystery ! He died for man, for him did rise again From death, that man might live in bHss in Him. Thus to live he must believe that Jesus, 80 THE PERFECTION OF GOD IN CHRIST. The Christ, very God and very man did so die For his salvation ; to enable him For this his part, fi-om heaven God descended To light the soul of man its path to God ; To point to Jesus risen, Christ in glory, As our sole Mediator, Priest, and King, Our Advocate and Intercessor, till The biu'st of resiu-rection morn ; When He who died for us, who pleads for us His blood, who so loves xis, our Judge shall be. Oh ! what a blessed pledge is this, that none But those who Him do wilfully reject. Shall be rejected from the life of heaven ; That they who come to Him in penitence And faith. He will in no wise them cast out. Awful indeed will be the sinner's lot, Those who despite warning, exhortation, Forbearing love, and constant proffered grace. Reject the glorious inheritance, Prepared for all who will but come to Him. THE PERFECTION OF GOD IN CHRIST. 8i Blessed will be the resurrection life Of those, who while on earth have lived to God ; By gi'ace, have daily grown in grace, in faith Putting on Christ, ever in prayer their wills, By nature stubborn, may be so sul)dued, And moulded to their loving Maker's will, As to prepare them for the day of death. And for that greater day, when all mankind Shall stand before the judgment-seat of Christ; The throne of Him, who died for them, that they Who knock on earth, may enter into heaven. So Christ, the Alpha and Omega is, God manifest in Christ, and Him alone, Jesus, the Christ in glory, very God, The same yesterday, to-day, and thi'oughout The everlasting ages, for ever. •r For ever ! yes, for ever ! thoiigh as yet We know not the depths extreme which God's love Divine tmto creation shall reveal, Wlien the kingdoms of His Christ completion G 82 THE TERFECTION OF GOD IN CHRIST. Shall receive, in some yet grander, vaster, More sublime effluxion of His glory, And God omnipotent be all in all. Thus know we God in Christ, and Christ alone. Each step of revelation more and more, As in His works, so also in Himself, Tlie perfect God proclaiming, perfect Love. ADORATION G 2 85 ADORATION. To be a Christian, uncliristianised, Is a paradox, alas, too common ; But to be a Christian, whose every Aspiration breathes pure hoHness, Whose every act is set in righteousness, So far as man's infirmity permits ; Whose virtues, from love to his Redeemer, Vie with each other in their bright extent. Where grace doth water grace, and each lovely Budding flow'ret is the germ of bloom. So beauteous, so fragrant with delight, That while it fascinates and spreads its glow G 3 S6 ADORATION. Of heavenly lustre, benign and pure, On all around, shedding a balmy perfume, Inhaled by kindred spirits; it scatters Seed so fragrant, so infusing, so bright, That admiration is elicited From the profane inclined ; a Christian Thus to be, is to be the child of God. Through admiration the small seed of good May in the profane so gently buried be, That they who sow, and they in whom are sown, That which hereafter much fruit may produce, Of its blest influence and gradual Eipening power aUke unconscious are. So doth example, by its influence For good or ill, exert a power unknown ; But if silent, yet true, so permeates The living character of those in Christ, Into the mass of beings all around ; If its leavening power be so potent. That the good it energises, speeds on ADORATIOX. 87 His way the Christian less advanced ; Deters the evil e'er so small degree In his career, mayhap, insensibly As to the cause precise, his vessel steer From the lee shore of sin where rocks abound. Into the blest haven of salvation ; If this be so, how lovely is the flower Of Christian holiness and virtue ! But if to distant points the radius Of its influence extends, how distant Who can tell, how does dear home with kindred Spirit become imbued, and a pure loA'e Of holiness strike deep its root in one, Another, and another, till that home By grace becomes a home of blessedness. Such is the power of one soul singly bent To Jesus' glory, both to live and die. Prayer for each other, daily, night and morn, Suljmissive always to His holy will, G 4 88 ADORATION. Special and constant, rises up to heaven As incense ; but not Avithin home's circlet Is confined, nor to night and morn alone, 1 jut oft at other times, and with a range Spreading from heme, as from a centre dear, Embracing all mankind, but next to home Those to home dearest ; highest over all With thought exalted, and aspiration Holy, breathing out with fervent heart Continual prayer for that the truest home, The Church, the members of the family Of Jesus ; the home of heaven on high, The home of heaven on earth, to those in faitli WTio realise its high and holy truth. High as the heavens are above the earth, Yea, higher still is that adoration Holy, most holy, so sublime and piire, The Christian soul doth realise, Avho, By God's Spirit, truly discerns and feels His exaltation so surpassing high" ADORATION. 89 In Jesus ! the Creator and the head Of all creation, being one with Him. Clirist the Christian's adoration is, God in Christ, and Christ in glory ! Glory ! Not the figure of the Man-Christ on earth. In this world born by God's o'ershadowing Maiy blessed, perfect God, perfect man, But the very figure of the self-same Man-Christ in glory ; in whose remembrance Of all He underwent on earth for man Eighteen centuries gone, pre-eminent The Man of Son-ows, "vvith gi-ief acquainted. The scorned, rejected, biiffeted, spit on. In depth of agony and bloody sweat, In bitterest passion, yielding Himself To shameful death, most ignominious. On the cross, the crucified, for man ; Giving His sacred body to the grave. Instant to rise again by His own power 90 ADORATION. On the third day, in victory triumphant Over sin, and death, and hell; all for man : Ascending up to heaven, and sitting there, In all the ftdness of the Majesty Of the eternal glory of the Father, Which before creation He ever had With Him, ruUng the universe as man, For man ; in whose dearly-loved remembrance. Of all His holy mighty -work of love, Kedeeming power and saving grace for man, We do lift up the symbol of the cross On high, and to the world its banner Wide unfurl, the emblem of our redemption. Of God's love, and of salvation our hope. In its most sacred memories the cross Embodies all. The holy life and death Of Jesus on earth is concentrated There ; the cross especially to earth Belongs, the figure that once hung thereon, Now to heaven belongs ; so the cross we need, ADORATION. 91 But not the crucifix ; to all, the eye Of fliith should be directed up to heaven, See there by faith that figure glorified ; Grasping with firm hand the blessed emblem Of the cross in memory of Jesus upon earth, Not to be sun-endered but with life. 'Tis well man's soul, with vivid memory Of the past, should through the past look onward Up on high, and constant have before him The figure of his dear Lord in glory ! As St. Paul thus speaks, " It is Christ that died, " Yea rather, that is now risen again, " Who is even at the right hand of God." It is truly contemplation higher, Than to confine oiu' views to earth alone ; For it is Himself, and not another, The crucified on earth, the glorified In heaven, the man Christ Jesus in glory ! And oh ! what is that glory ? Light of light ! Yet not alone the pure brilliancy 92 ADORATION. Of light's splendour, though unnumbered suns In all their power were as a diadem Upon His brow, and though all radiant hues, Diversified in every aspect. As the Almighty power of God to them Could give a beauty unto us luiknown. Were to surroimd His throne ; though worlds on worlds, Nay, the whole imiverse in harmony Magnificent, in all its wondrous might. To His sole glory might contribute make ; They do but shadow forth His glory, for They are all creation ; doubtless they yield Their homage ; there is an infinity In the glory of God in Jesus Christ Beyond creation. An infinity Of holiness, wisdom, truth, and power ; An infinity of righteousness. Goodness, mercy, kindness, and compassion ; And of aU other pure perfections, Unutterable, inconceivable ADOEATION. 93 By man ; but above all, the glorious Infinity of God's eternal love. And does not all this holy Majesty, And all this pure beauty of holiness, And all this deep depth of love eternal, And all the fathomless perfections Of God receive expression in the face Of Jesus ? of Jesus in His glory ? Sui'ely we may believe that this is so, That in the holy person of the Christ AU glories meet ; or, of God's own essence, Or, God manifest in His mighty works. The Christian in his adoration Some conception aims to realise, faint It must be, of this glory of the Lord. He prays to see His figure, and by faith He sees Him, feels His presence, knows his God. He also knows, hereafter face to face, It wiU be given, with powers transcending Human thought, — " We shall see Him as He is." 94 ADORATION. In worship ever, the Christian eye On the very body of his dear Lord, Risen with all his wounds, and now in heaven, Stedfast should be fixed, and let no semblance Take its place ; and this in true accordance Is with the command, " No graven image " Shalt thou make unto thyscH'; " and in Him To see the Father, Son, and Spirit, one In Godlaead's fulness manifest in flesh. Heaven ! 'tis that region where God Himself, God ! uncreated sole self-existent. Is pleased His glory should especially Shine forth ; His holy habitation called ; Though with His fulness all things He fiUeth : Incomprehensibly omnipotent. Omniscient and omnipresent, ever Thence outpouring fi-om His infinity The rich exuberance of love divine. Thence Jesus the eternal Son came down To earth ; from earth did thither reascend. ADORATION. 95 Into His own glory with tlie Father And the Holy Ghost, to take that manhood, In which with us, for us, He lived and died. The perfect man in the perfect Godhead, The manifested God ! not by His works Alone, but in person, by whom those works Were done. So Jesus Christ is God in Heaven ! God is not changed, but only made apparent, The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost in Christ, God visible, and Jesus Christ in God ! Thus hath the soul one object to adore. The manifested God, for evermore. He is at once. Himself, unto Himself, The only way for worsliip, prayer, and praise. But for meditative aid how precious Is the high painter's art, the sculptor's hand ; When they essay delineation just, Of His most blessed form while here below. And of His acts of love and mercy pure. 96 ADOBATION. How beautiful to look upon His form, When, in His holy mother's arm?, honom-s Divine to Him were rendered ; the wise men From the East, their gold and frankincense And myrrh in adoration offering To the Babe of Bethlehem, King of kings ! And when we see Him in His early gi-owth Pictui-cd among the doctors, their wisdom Utterly confoiuiding, and read and see The outpouring of the deep affection Of His mother's heart, reverential love Is into our own infxised, and we feel Some of the sanctity of that dear home. Who can tell the association blest Of those two families, parents And children, the Redeemer and St. John ! How many minds in Christian art have tried With fervom- to depict that intercoui'se. Most blessed, which grew with Jesus' stature ADORATION. 97 And how sweet to contemplate tlie pure reign Of holiness in those so near to God ! How the broad canvas frequent brings to thought His mighty acts of goodness and of power ! How to five thousand, and acrain to four. He gave the bread of sustenance, fi-eely Disti'ibuting to all, much as they would ; Increasing by his power divine the few Scant loaves and fishes, imtil they sufficed The whole multitude to fill, more at last Remaining over than there were at first : Most striking sign of his creative power. His rule o'er nature, and His providence. Whereby to each his daily bread He gives ; The symbol too of that pure bread fi-om heaven, Himself, the soul's most holy food on earth. Or, it may be the " healing of the sick " Portrayed, showing how while on earth he made H 98 ADORATION. "The deaf to hear, the dumb to speak, the bhnd " To see, the lame to walk, and the lepers " To be cleansed" from their repugnant foulness; Reminding us how fouler still is sin ; From which His cleansing blood deliverance gave. Again, the " weeping o'er Jerusalem " Of the Lord of heaven, for men's sinfulness ; His mild, affectionate deploring Of the sad wilful hardness of their hearts. Tells on its graven page His loving will. And then, how sweet the pictm^e is of " Christ " Blessing little children ; " how sweet the words Embodied there, " Suffer little children " To come unto me, for of such is heaven." O'er every element His power is shown. And painting stamps the impress on the heart, Of the demonstration of that power, In His cahn majestic rule, commanding ADOEATION. 99 The tiiimiltuoiis sea and winds, " Be still : " And fi-om a tempest with fmy ragino-, Instant, at His word divine, winds and sea Obeyed their Creator, hushed their voice, " And there was a great calni." His disciples In their fear and trouble to Jesus came. He was their helper and deliverer. Fit emblem of his power to subdue The fierceness of man's wrath, to subjugate His uni-uly will and passions, to calm The tumult of his heart, and to allay The risings of rebellion in his soul : But we must come to Jesus, and ask Him In prayer, to save us, to deliver us. And He will deliver us by His grace. Again, see Him waUdug on the water. How beautiful ! the ocean knows its Lord; In dignity He treads His watery way. Speaks those everlasting words of comfort, h2 100 ADORATION. " It is I, be not afraid ; " precious Words of strength, and peace, and consolation, Oil ! to how many souls, while time shall last ! But the limner's pencil to the mind's eye Hath winged yet higher flights, and reminds us Of Jesus' power over life and death. The soul of Lazarus from his body Had departed, and Lazarus was dead. In eastern cHmes corruption soon its work Begins ; four days of sepultiire had passed, And disorganisation had begun ; So 'twas ordained, that God be glorified. It was a mighty act of power, his soul To recall from Hades, and his body From corruption to restore to perfect Functions of regiven life, and to present Him once again a perfect man on earth. Yet so it was ! at Jesus' word divine, " Lazarus come forth ! " Lazaru.s came forth ; ADOEATION. 101 And God's gloiy was tlius made manifest. So, thi-ough the trump of tlie liigh archangels, Will tlie same Jesus, at tlie judgment day, Summon the dead ; and from its dust the earth, And from its deep the sea shall, render up All that to thein ever committed were. Thus are we taught the lesson of God's power, Of our decay, and recall to judgment. Doubtless that pictures and the sculptured form Ai-e graphic words leading to mental thought ; And where their character is sacred, pure, Expressive, holy, may conduce to thoughts Of highest calibre, and depth of love ; And the impressions stamped on the heart. And by the mind's power spiritually Conceived thereby, may add intensity To prayer and adoration ; but never. Never, in that prayer and adoration. Should the pictured shadoAV for the substance Be permitted to usurp one moment ; H 3 102 ADOEATION. No : God incarnate in Christ in glory, Seen by the eye of faith, in flesh, in heaven. Discerning the Lord's body there, the same That rose from earth, and conscious of that truth Therein to rest ; Jesus ineffable ! Almighty Trinity in Jesus Christ ! Felt by the soul as very God supreme, Should in that holy, blest communion Of the Christian's sold with God in prayer And praise, the one sole object be. Wlien not engaged in prayer direct to God, Then their dominion to these adjuncts give. For though they short must infinitely fall Of the reality, great is their Avorth As sacred aids to holiness of thought, To feelings of the heart, to help the soul Li aspiration on its way to heaven. One class of art delineates the works Of Jesus, another his own person 5 ADORATION. 103 Here tlie great difficiilty really rests : How impossible truly to render His divine expression, whether of sorrow Or of love ; or His transcendent glory As in the transfigui'ation ; or His Deep agony in dark Gethsemane ! Or when He with the twelve that night sat down, To give to them, and Avith them to His church, His body and His blood, in bread and wine ; To be by them received before His death, While He was present still in life on earth ; To be by us received while now in heaven He dwells ; but both to them and us truly His body and His blood ; one in foretaste Dispensed, before the mighty sacrifice Was offered up ; the other from Heaven given, Though there His body glorified remains ; To each miraculous, the elements By His will, of His grace, the conduit made, h4 104 ADORATION. In themselves unchanged ; how wonderful ! And yet how true ! for God is mfinite, Alike in omnipotence and truth ; And with him nothing is impossible. What pencil can portray the character Of Jesus ? so heavenly and divine ! The sublimity of His expression, Ever beaming pure holiness and love ! His agonising woe ! His deep passion ! Who was emphatically truly styled The Man of Sorrows ! in radiant love For us men pouring out His soul to death, A -willing sacrifice on Calvary ! The glories of His risen life on earth ! His heavenly ascension ! and His session On His Father's throne in co-equal glory From everlasting to everlasting ! His Great Majesty on the Judgment Day ! ADORATION. 105 What human power can draw such lines as these ? Yet though the highest art the faintest point Can reach, compared with the reahty, Still the expressed conception of those minds - Imbued with adoration, and to whom The faculty of that expression Has been given by God, are blessed aids And helps to other Christian minds In their conception, soaring to a point Which, undefined, so far surpasses art, As heaven to earth, and mind to matter. The Cliristian his own nothingness doth know, But with his soul exalted unto heaven, His prayer for hoHness and purity. He, by the all-sufficient grace of Jesus, Doth strive to reahse his part in Him, His present risen life in Christ on high, To live in heaven while he lives on earth. 106 adoeation. And him in glory ever to adore, In faitli and love, in spirit and in truth ; And yearns with all the fulness of his heart. To love liim for his holiness, to love Him For His unutterable boundless love. THE SPIRITUAL WORLD 109 THE SPIRITUAL WORLD I SAW a child, midway the road along, Stretched flat on front, his arms outspread as if To cling to earth, and in its young embrace To grasp it to its bosom, well content With grovelling in the dusty, dirty Ground, in which it seemed to be imbedded And surrounded ; the child was gratified With its position, would have resisted. Probably, any effort made to draw Him from it ; careless and heedless was he Of aught beyond his first propensity. 110 THE SPIRITUAL WORLD. Himself to gratify ; narrow and low Indeed that his desii-e seemed ; circumscribed And worthless one might judge its boundary, But within that little groping figure There was a gem so precious, Golconda Nor Peru its parallel could furnish ; No, nor all the real or fabled jewels Of Oriental splendour ; nor in worth Could all the fields of gold throughout the world Approach it ; possessions, ample as earth, And all that earth can give, its luxury, And power, all that ambition could desire, Weigh not in the balance one feather's weight. Against the priceless gem that little child Holds as its own within its mortal frame. For in that child dwells an immortal soul, A gem so precious that Christ died to save ! A soul ! immortal ! what a wondrous field Of thought illimitable opens wide Its broad expanse, high as heaven, deep as heU. THE SPIRITUAL WORLD. Ill The so\il and body make the perfect man One being, of matter and of spirit Formed, Ms body from earth's dust created, His living soul the breath of God inspired ; Thus in his image God did man create. Immortal, and though death is permitted O'er the body for a time to triumph, The breath of life from God can never die. And how wondrous is that body, wherein The soul doth dwell ! how replete with wisdom In aU its parts ! marvellous iu figure. In all its adaptations perfect quite ; Its faculties siu-passing excellent ; An eye piercing to orbs in distance vast, Immeasurable, and yet so fitted To all the purposes of life ; an ear So exquisitely fonned as to convey, In the vibrations of the air, sweet sounds Of gentlest haraiony, and yet to bear The loud rolling thunder's mighty echoes ; 112 THE SPIRITUAL WORLD. The liand, the limbs, the whole external frame So dignified, gi'acefiil, and expressive. — If the extei'nal frame so wondrous be. Still even more is that which is within ; The heart, that constant fountain of the life, The brain, that seat of high intelHgence, The varied functions, the powers physical, In their combinations so profoimd, all In their unceasing action betoken The good, glorious wisdom of that God Who made man's body so almost divine. Of all God's works, man stands preeminent, The being, man, of man and woman made, Two parts of one, to make one perfect whole ; The parts diverse, each one's deficiency The other so beautifiilly filling ; Each with a body, in life principle The same, but in formation all throughout. How different ; vigour and manhood in one, THE SPIKITUAL WORLD. 113 Gentleness and womanhood the other ; The adaptation perfectly complete. Nothing to the perfect being wanting ! The two united as by God's own law, We comprehend the saying, that " A man " Shall cleave unto his wife, and they shall be " One flesh : " and if thus in the body true. How in the heart and mind 'tis also true They blend, in wisdom infinite fi-om God ! Take love ; — their love is mutual, in depth Equal, strength eqiial, but in character. One, — guardian, protective, cherishing, And providing ; the other — a watchful, Tender, gentle, soothing, sweetening love ; And in their children so concentrating The full power of each, so beautifully Uniting, as to them forming one love. And thus endued, each -with dispositions. Faculties, affections, in nature same. But in expression how differently 114 THE SPIRITUAL AVOIJLD. Constituted ; so that as in the fiesli, So also in mental jiowers, as by God Ordained, man is of man and woman formed. Each perfect in themselves, each the other Perfecting ; with immortal souls endued. And more, to the one united being, To neither of themselves, power hath God given. Of immortals progenitors to be ; What high honour is thus conferred on man ! Wliat a bond of union here exists, A bond that makes mankind's whole race as one ! A link of soul as well as body joined ! In paradise, when God for Adam made A help-meet for him, in Eve's creation, How perfect then came forth the work of God ! And man, the being man, was then comjJete. Before sin entered, no impurity Was known ; but in perfection absolute, Of body, heart, and souJ, in God's presence THE SPIRITUAL WORLD. 115 They did walk in Eden's beauteous light. The tempter came, the evil one, and guile So specious did employ, as to prevail, And for a time o'erturn God's ordinance. The subjugation of the body to the soul. And of the soul to God ; and thus deranged. What God made good, by evil influence Was made corrupt, and the whole train of sin, Lust, and pride, and anger, and rebellion, Entered into man, and led him captive. Then did the flesh against the spirit rise, And Adam and his wife then first " did know " That they were naked; " and God's presence feared. God loved them, and to them the promise gave Of His redeeming power, which in due time In Jesus was fulfilled, and so the man, The being man, was once again restored To purity, in body and in soul, Where grace and faith in power are strong enthroned, I 2 IIG THE SPIRITUAL WOELD. To quell tlie body's lustfi.il appetites. To the pure all things are pure ; so in place Of unclean thoughts, the heart and mind and soul Are filled with wondering admiration Of God's deep wisdom, and His power divine. In construction, faculty and purpose. When male and female He created man. God the angels hath created spirits, And though to them sometimes by God is given Visible appearance, material Existence is not theirs ; they are spirits Purely, no bodies are assigned to them. To the animal creation, bodies Have been given, endued "with Nature's instinct ; But to none, save man, an immortal soul. Man is the central point of imion, Of the visible and invisible. Of material and spiritual Existence, and this in grade the highest ; THE SPIRITUAL WORLD. 117 Revelation hath not told of any, Nor Lath been discerned by human knowledge, In whom this glorious combination Doth unite, but 'tis true, in man alone. And then again, tracking the thought still on, See how subhme God hath willed to make him, That his nature should be the very link Of all creation, the whole tmiverse, Whether of pure spu-it, or of matter. Unto God himself, in Jesus Christ ; For Jesus was a perfect man on earth, Of human flesh and reasonable soul, As well as perfect God, the two in one ; And m that perfect nature of the Christ, Into the Godhead was received in heaven. Thus God in man creation doth luiite. And man became imited unto God. Oh ! that we now could truly realise The glorious nature of our being ! In Jesus Christ, our living head, to heaven l3 118 THE srirjTUAL world. Exalted, and on earth the temples made Of the living God, of life the giver And the Lord, the Holy Ghost from heaven ! Man was created good, by his o-mi will He fell, to be restored by God alone. Every created being doth to God Allegiance owe, with all their powers. To glorify and mag-nify His name, His holy name ! so no one conld redeem Another, none ; Jesus the perfect man, Perfect not only in man's true nature, _ But in obedience, every tittle Of God's law fulfilling, the sinless One ; Alone the victory could achieve for man : And as man He did it. Is it too much Intruding into God's deep mysteries To believe, that with the self-same powers God did give to Adam, the first Adam, With those very powers the second Adam, THE SPIRITUAL WORLD. 119 Jesus Christ the righteous, did as man In God's sight ftilfil all righteousness ? As by his will, to temptation yielded, The first Adam fell ; so 'tAvas by His will Upheld in holiness, and against all Temptation proof, that the second Adam, Jesus the Christ, for man the triumph gained. Thus before God man's nature was restored To favour, and God fiilly justified In the first Adam's condemnation. Thus was obedience rendered, and God Will graciously vouchsafe us to regard In Him who rendered it ; but there was still A farther need, a ransom to be paid For sin committed, and He who was God As well as man this ransom paid for us ; So thus our souls immortal were redeemed, And by His resurrection ours made ^u^e. With this glorious truth of man's high state Of being, firmly graft;ed in the heart, 14 120 THE SPIRITUAL WORLD. How do the things of earth to nothing sink, Save and except as channels made for heaven. Yet earthly blessings by God's goodness given, Suited to om* nature and enjoyment Must never be despised, they are God's gifts, And ever should be sought with gratitude, Tlianksgiving, and with prayer to use them right. How little do we know of the unseen Around us,, and how little do we think Of that we know, yet that we know is great. However little it may be compared "With that which is ; for the essential Elements of all truth to us are given, The facts ; though not the how, why, when, or where. First, above all, of God : His holy word Hath told us " God is a spirit," by which We understand a being quite devoid Of all materiality, and which Li aU its pui'e spiritual essence THE SPIRITUAL WOELD. 121 Is perfect and entire, without body ; For the Lord Himself hath said, "A spirit " Hath not flesh and bones as ye see Me have." Spirits do possess great capacities Of attributes and powers ; God in his word Doth show us that in Himself, holiness, And truth, and love, and every perfection Are infinite, self- existing, supreme. Created spirits do derive from Him Their being and their powers ; God created All things, therefore He is their fountain spring ; He made them good, for He is goodness, and He cannot of evil be the author ; Evil is the opposite to His will ; The holy angels are in number great, Mighty and glorious, and ministers Of God's Avill, they too have degrees in heaven ; So far we know, and that with all their powers, God's glory is their aim and happiness, (xiving to Him that which He gave to them. 122 THE SPIRITUAL "WORLD. The good of man is their desire, Scripture Hath said, " that likewise in heaven there shall be " Joy over one sinner that repenteth." Beyond this we know not ; how nnmerons. Their power, extent, their celestial joys, Employments, and holy avocations, Their movements and appearance, and their place. Are not within our reach, for they are not Revealed ; but doubtless, their glorious throng Our conception highest far surpasses. But oh ! how some among them who were once Holy in their creation, from the height Of their once celestial blessedness Have fallen ; and to a depth how fathomless ! Awfiil thought, beyond redemption's sphere. How appalling 'tis to think of beings Once so exalted, in pure happiness, Endued with mighty power, rebellious Against God their IMaker, and so from heaven THE SPIRITUAL WOELD. 123 Cast out ; and now so lost that their delight, If such a word may be to them applied, Is ever unremittingly to strive To drag do-uTi to the same deep perdition As themselves, the soids of men and women ; And to mar God's Avork of man's creation, And His love in Jesus in redemption. But oh ! how futile is their labour, vaiu To thwart God's plans ; they may destroy indeed Those souls which to their vile temptations yield, But they are powerless 'gainst those who love And rest implicit faith in Jesus Christ ; They quailed before His presence while on earth, And could not, dare not, disobey one word From His most gracious lips, one look fi-om Him. They knew Him, and they trembled as they said, " "We know Thee who Thou art, Jesus, the Son " Of God, art Thou come hither to torment " Us before the time ?" and they obeyed Him. No doubt great power is to them permitted, 124 THE SPIRITUAL WORLD. How great we know not ; but we do know this, Their power to harm is controlled by Jesus ; And that the holy angels than they Are mightier ; and we do also know Their power is but for a season short ; Our safety from the dark roaring lion Of evil, is alone in Jesus, but In Him it is both certain and secure. Their awful crime which hath on them brought down The dire doom of everlasting burning, And the consuming fire of a will set And sxink in the dark abyss of evil, And of raging sin ; ever consuming. Never to be consumed, is not to us Revealed ; but our conviction and behef Is sure and stedfast, that as God is love. There is no one part of His creation To which His love hath not extended free ; And so, is not that true which has been said ? That " love is written on the gates of heU." THE SPIEITUiVL WOKLD. 12S Of the influence wMcli angel spirits In the world's affairs constantly exert, We but little ken, and less consider ; If our eyes were open their appearance To perceive, ever we oui-selves might see To be surrounded by them ; an unseen Conflict between watchful guardian care Protecting us, by God's loving mercy ; And the lying subtleties of deceit, Throwing temptation imder every form Before us, infusing u.nholy fear, And groimdless doubt of Jesus' holy love, Assaulting us, by the devil's mahce, Ever going on ; which though now Tmseen Yet not imfelt, we may believe to be. Thanks be to God that He that is with us, Is greater than he which is against us. So may we rest in perfect peace and trust On Jesus, God over all, ever nigh, The same yesterday, to-day, and for ever. 126 THE SPIKITU.VL -WORLD. Trace back iu tlie world's history its age, Count it six tliousand years ucarly complete, Oh ! what may that completion not produce ? A thousand million hinnan heings now Exist on the world's surface, in each one Dwells an immortal soul, never to die ; The body dies, and to its native dust Returns, to rise again at the last day, But the soul never ; that lives on and on. Man's days prescribed are threescore years and ten. Some few do farther stretch the cord of life ; How great the number where that cord is snapped, And quick cut short ere life has scarce began ; So is the average of life reduced To thirty-three swift flying years of time. A thousand millions ! three and thirty years ! Each one passing moment passing a soul Away from earth, leaving the body dead ; Thousands of millions — thousands of millions Of eternal souls sped away from earth ; THE SPIEITUAL WORLD. 127 And oil ! to what ? not yet unto that state Of final consummation of theii* bliss Or woe, that awaits them at the gi'eat day Of judgment, when their bodies shall arise, And with their souls again the perfect man Shall form ; meanwhile their souls are sentient, And it may be, that those who while on earth Believed in Jesus, loved Him, adored Him, And in pm"e faith rested their peace in Him, Do love, adore, believe, and rest on Him Still, but with no drawback of temptation. And in faith strengthened by a purer light ; Yet still a faith, which, the bright assurance Of hope they had in life renders brighter Still, yet only hope as yet, in patience Waiting with joy the advent of their Lord In glory ; looking imto Jesus, He Who in humihation gave Himself 'To be their Savioiir and Redeemer, And at whose second coming to judgment. 128 THE SPIRITUAL WORLD. Hope in fruition shall be swallowed up. That theirs is now a state of blessedness We know ; for to the thief our Lord did say, " Verily, to-day shalt thou be with Me " In paradise ; "—again, St. Paul desires " To depart, and be with Christ, which is far " Better; for to die is gain." — The nature Of that state is to us but little known, How spirit may a spirit recognise We cannot tell, but we can Uttle doubt That this is so. — Angels' isolation, Each to each unknown, admits not credence ; Angels are identified by given names. In God's own word we read of Gabriel, Of Michael ; it would be contrary To the whole system of God's unity Of purpose, which so pervades creation, To think the holy angels have no power Of knowledge one of another ; do they Not act in concord in the praise of God ? THE SPIRITUAL WORLD. '29 Are tliey not all unto the souls of men INIinist^ring spirits ? must they not then, In that ministration, the faculty Possess of discerning spirits ? and if Of men, then surely each of each other. God is a spirit, and knows all spirit ; The archangel Michael Satan knew, Wlien for Moses' body he contended : Therefore there is, under the power of God^ A mode, whether b}' some affinities, Wliich the place of actual vision take. Or whatever other means we know not. By which one spirit may know another. This then of angels to be true is held, And if of angels, doth it not follow That the souls of men, who have entrance found Into paradise, there may recognise The souls of those so dear to them on earth. To whom like entrance hath by God been given ; Holy David said, " I shall go to him, K 130 THE SriRITUAL AYOKLD. " He shall not come to me ; " consolation Blessed to be draAvn from this grounded hope. Angels, as instniments of God, regard Us here below ; but whether it may be That souls of those departed from this world Have cognisance of those that they have left, Is not for us to know, because to us It hath pleased God it shotild not be revealed. Oh ! agonising thought — there are some souls Who do not rest in Jesus; how remorse Must tear them, when all before is dark And gloomy, when they see that salvation "Wliich they spumed on eai-th now to them become All but hopeless ; yet a lingering hope, Paling with its own dim most feeble light, May yet remain even to them until The Judgment Day ; when the dread, words shall sound, " Depart from me, ye cursed, into fire " Everlasting, prepared for the devil " And his angels " — dread anticipation ! THE SPIRITUAL WORLD. 131 They too may each other know ; how bitter Their feeling of reproach 'gainst those who led Them wrong : and now repentance all too late ! Such the spiritual world may be, nay, j\Iay we not say that such it really is ? If then such high, exalted interest Pertains to man, so above all beings Created by the loving will of God ; Heaven for his home ; Eternity his life ; Holiness and truth, pui'ity and love His bliss ; God's glory his sole aim in view ; "WHiere sorrow is unknown ; sin never comes ; Where peace dwells ever ; and all is love, love Of Jesus ; seeing His holy presence ; The virtuous affections of the heart, The intellect of mind, the perception Of the soul, and every noble power iVnd capacity, in our risen life, 111 body as in soul, ever consonant K 2 132 THE SPIRITUAL WORLD. In all things to the will of God most high ; And all enlarged, and progressively Enlarging, deepened and deepening, Heightened and heightening eternally : If such then be man's holy destiny, So glorious, high, so never fading ; So happy, so blissful, and so blessed ! How woful is the will, how hard the heart. How blind the sight that rejects such blessing 1 And yet this bending of the will on earth. This softening of the heart, this lighting Of the sight to see, know, and realise The things that belong unto our peace, Must be from God, and by His gi-ace alone. Man's power is powerless, but powerful Through prayer, which is the blest communion Of the soul with God, bringing gi-ace from heaven. Thus the gates of Heaven open wide are flung. And all who will may freely enter there. For God is more free to give than we are To receive ; He tells us to ask and pray THE SPIEITTJAL WORLD. 133 In th€ name of Jesus Christ, believing, And -we shall never ask or pray in vain. Jesus hatli said, " All things whatsoever •*' Ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall ^' Receive ; " and " Ask, and it shall be given yoxi." Oh ! hear Him expostulate : " Ye will not come •^' To me that ye might have life ;" and again, ^' Why will ye die, O house of Israel ? " The souls of men are precious ia God's sight, ^Tis not His will one single soul be lost. With an inheritance so ennobling, So enduring, with joys so passing thought. Is it not wondrous that the world should find So apt an emblem ia that little child ? How dark the influence, perverse the will, Which mankind so blinds to their 0A\ai true good ; Which makes so many grovel to possess Heaps of earth's dust, gold and silver called, To which by the world's usage power is given. B.3 134 THE SPIRITUAL WORLD. Some gather it simply for the dust's sake ; Others make their hoard, that it may the means Be made of ministering to their vices, Whether of pride, ambition, or of lust And worldly pleasure, giving to the flesli Full sway of every sinful appetite. Others by habit, want of thought, plod on lu a prescribed track, set by their fathers. Careless of aught beyond their daily wants. In their own way, indulging ease, and what In their sight is man's whole duty, to leave A fortune, as 'tis called, for their children. Others, who seem reckless of the world's wealth, But at heart love it, dash out right and left With boldness in its schemes with such success. As if of fortune they were childi-en born ; These dispense their gold with a free hand, but On no principle, save unto themselves. Though in appearance 'twas for others' good. THE SPIEITUAL "WOELD. 135 Others there are who toil and labour, who Early rise, late take rest, and eat the bread Of carefulness, who wend their way through life Eespectablj, but never think of God, As He to whom their doings should be -wi-ought. Some of another class, to whom treasure Has been committed without toil, stewards Of God's gifts, but who hold them not of God ; ^Yith these and other classes yet, their heart Is with the world, like the child's boimdary Of desire, 'tis themselves to gratif)' ; And they look not beyond the heap of dust They make, and its subservience to then- will. Such is the case with multitudes ; these all Do place their souls in fearful jeopardy. Oh ! if from the world's dream they should awake^ Ere their life doth close ; and eternity Enter on their soul's thought, there is One m heaven, Who, like the Father with the prodigal, K 4 136 THE SriRITUAL WORLD. Will run to meet them, if with repentance They will wholly c«st tliemselves on Jesus- Eiches are God's gift, and in their abuse The evil lies, — not intrinsically In themselves ; like all other stewardships By God to man committed, use them right, And they the means of much gi'eat blessing are To the possessor, and to all around ; They are a trust, which faithfully obtained, And faithftilly applied, brings down reward From heaven, in time and for eternity. So riches are no bar to heaven, neither Is poverty a passport there, but all, Eich or poor, who to God's glory live, Shall surely find in Jesus, happiness Eternal, heavenly riches, past all thought. God grant we all, Avhile we have time, may look Beyond the world to that which is to come ; God forbid one sinner sliould pass judgment IN EEMEMBKANCE OF MAEY. 137 On another ; no, rather let us all, As in our power lies, strive for each other, As well as for ourselves, a helping hand To give, onward to carry us to heaven. God is Love ! in His love may we find peace. And in our own hope, may we hope for all. IN EEMEMBEANCE OF MAEY. O CHILD of Heaven, fuir and bright, O dearest Mary, should it be. That, dwelling in most holy light, Thou art permitted near to me : "Were thy blest presence to us known. While to earth's cares we still are boimd ; Thy spirit pure regarding home, \Vhere once thy joys and cares were found : If with thee OTir joys are blended. Though on earth, and thou in heaven ; Peaceful resting, sorrow ended. How great to us the blessing given ! 138 IN REMEMBRANCE OF MART. We cannot tell, it may be ti'ue, God grants this blest communion ; To minister as angels do, To those in saintly union. Praised be God, thy peaceftd rest Is .safe for ever and secured ; Without us, thou art ever blest In Jesus Christ thy Saviour Lord. Not thine only, Mary dearest, But thine own dearest brothers too ; And infant love, sister sweetest. The bKss of heaven share with you. 'Tis Jesus' love on which we rest This hopeful trust of mercy given ; On Jesus' grace, that ye are blest With rich inheritance in heaven. Hope, joyous hope, bids us look on, Press toward the mark of our high prize ; Wlien parents, children, may be one. And none be wanting in the skies. 'Tis wise, 'tis good, 'tis holy love, God's mysteries to us are hidden ; When we shall reach those realms above, Then to our souls shall light be given. DEPENDENCE AND INDEPENDENCE 141 DEPENDENCE AND INDEPENDENCE. Oh Thou Almighty Powei-, the Great First Cause, Who holdest in Thine hand the universe, Whose power none can deny, for all must oavti Effect and cause, Avhate'er that cause may be ; Ever vouchsafe Thy holy Church by grace, To know Thee as Thou art, the source of power, Truth and love, supreme Creator, God alone : Eternal unity in Trinity, Trinity in unity, manifest In all Thy Godhead's fulness in Jesus The Christ, King of Heaven, Kuler, Lord of all. *k7 142 DEPENDENCE AND INDEPENDENCE. O God, we how before Thy awful throne Of glorious majesty, and ever In humble prayer, beseech thy holy guard And keeping, to preserve us from the sin. The proud fatal sin of independence Of Thee, and of Thy revealed will and word. This may have been the sin of angels fallen, As dependence sm-ely is the vital Blessedness of those who in God's favour Stand; — that there may be an independence Personal, constituted so by God Himself, as in the gift of man's free will, Is true, to choose to rest on God or no ; That independence is ordained by God, And that which lie ordains cannot be sin. If God's gift given to man for good be made By man of his own ruin the self cause, It lies in the abuse and not the use ; Though the right use can be by grace alone. Which grace can. ever be obtained by prayer. DEPENDENCE AND INDEPENDENCE. 143 So do we see there may exist a state Of conditional independence ; A state wherein the power to act aright, Or wrong, is given ; the power being derived Creates dependence, thns one source of power ; And if the act be good, it is by grace, Thus dependent, so one source of goodness. But if the act be evU, 'tis an act Of the free will, casting away the good. And so an act of independence is ; Thus the relation between God and man ; To God all power and goodness, yet to man A power permitted, from God's will derived. And this phase holds good, or from God to man, Or man imto his fellow-man, the same Principle exists, and exemplifies The Scripture maxim in the light of truth, "The powers that be are ordained of God." God some men has placed, in respect of others, In conditional independence ; 144 DEPENDENCE AND INDEPENDENCE. Thoy may act right, then 'tis by grace alone ; They may act wrong, then 'tis their ovni fi-ee will. Every being with some power is endued. Some more, some less, more or less, all from God ; If all did use it right, it would result In perfect harmony, and every part Of man's social sta,te, into the other jmrts "Would so fit in, to make a perfect whole ; Not by folly's notion — equahty — But by the exercise of those powers And faculties, or gifts of worldly power, Which God in various extent to each Has given, in mode and time and circumstance ; Producing all those various degrees In the relations of this earthly life, Which ope so wide a field for love and faith. Thus, in the good ordinary action Of its exercise, some to influence Would rise, some to a lower grade descend. As their endowments, and capacities, DEPENDENCE AND INDEPENDENCE. 145 And opportimities afForded them By God, to their advancement may lead on, Or their let placed in a more humble sphere. It needs not stretch of boundary prescribed To give to every man his proper place. The inlierent nature of mental j^ower, The strength of man's physical condition, According as their gift may be, themselves Are quite suiEcient, though in accordance Perfect "vvith God's will for their use designed, To raise one man, another to depress, And so produce an ever-changing scene. God's constitution of society, / Like all His other works, is very good : When marred by sin of man, then evil reigns. Independent God every man has made Of his fellow-men to be, inasmuch Their powers are not derived fi-om them, but God ; But He has made them all dependent too, 146 DEPENDENCE AND INDErENDENCE. Eacli on others, with assigned duties And limits ; from the king's authority, Through every grade of life, to every age, Down to the poor cotter's crying infant ; Thus is man, in power, as 'tween man and man, Bounded by duty, at once dependent And independent of and on the rest ; So true it is, that now and for all time. Whether of empires, or of social life, " The powers that be are ordained of God; " And in their .station, be it what it may. Their duties are co-relevant with power, To them on whom they lean, or lean on them. No power is absolute, no sul:)jection Due, man to man, from all conditions free, And those conditions are the law of God. So long as each therein his duty does To God, the duties to his station due By others, as by the command of God, That must the rule of every duty be. DEPENDENCE AND INDEPENDENCE. 147 Sliould by all ever be fully rendered ; Wlietlier to tlie king as supreme, or to The labouring father in his own home. Obedience to power in possession, If rightful used, a bounden diity is, Let whoever be, by whom 'tis wielded ; So that as all power is conditioned. And those conditions are decreed by God, With limits and extent as he permits. Subject to his ordinance, and controlled By Him, the apostolic words are true, " The powers that be are ordained of God ;" Not for tyrannising xise, neither for Rebellion to authority that is ; Not to exact a blind obedience, Nor to rise up in disobedience. But in all things fulfil that golden law. Each in your station do to another As you would that other should do to you. Dependence and independence balanced L 2 148 DEPENDENCE AND INDEPENDENCE. Truly would work to the world's happiness; Their boundaries o'erthrown, God set at nought, Becomes the fruitful source of misery, Anger, and pride, and every boundless sin. Wliat did from God cast our first parents off ? A straw before the wind its current tells ; To eat an apple were a trivial thing ; True, but if in eating of that apple Or no, man's rebellion or submission, Obedience or disobedience, Were involved, 'tis not the apple eaten, Or not, as a thing of itself worthy Of account, but of importance great, As the test and touchstone by God ordained, Whether the creature He had made should be, With free will, holy and obedient, In blessed happiness ; or, rebellious. And indicating by a simple act The token of rebellion, that spirit, DEPENDENCE AND INDEPENDENCE. UJ Wlaicli woiild tell out from that one little seed, A line of evil to eternity. To eat that apple was to disobey, To disobey was to exert a will Against the Giver of that "will, and so To lose the blessing which dependence gave, And to incur the curse, the penalty Brought dowTi by that act of independence. Incalculable loss ! the elements Of happiness all gone, perverted quite. Good turned to evil, rectitude to sin, Pure, holy love in all hiunility Trod under foot by pride's usurping tlirone ; The conscience, self-condemning, could not brook God's presence, that glorious source of bliss. But vainly slimk to hide its guiltiness. And to seek Aveak reftige in concealment. From God dependence and independence Both do spring ; and though in reality l3 150 DEPENDENCE AND INDEPENDENCE. As unto God, no true independence Can there be, Avhetlier as from man to God Himself, or fi-om man to man, his fellow. Yet, practically, by the ordinance Of God, in wisdom, the two states exist. He hath permitted them that men may do Their duty wilUngly, not ol" constraint, Ever by grace when done, free will when not. The love of independence is replete With danger ; it unlinks the chain by which Man rests on God ; impairs and oft destroys The girdle of society, the cord Which interweaves among mankind, Binding them together with advantage J\lutual ; and disorganises all. ^ As between God and man there do exist Tavo principles, antagonistic, yet When within their fixed boimdaries controlled, DEPENDENCE AND INDEPENDENCE. 151 Are in accordance found to be ; So do the same exist 'tween man and man, In their relations to each other here. Independence is a power given by God, Closely bound iip with the free will of man, And in its train responsibility ; In that precise degree man is endued With position, power, giving him command O'er men and things, so far he may be called Independent ; as others stand to him, Less endued than he, so he stands to those To Avhom a greater power is given, and so He may be called dependent ; each and all Have some degree of power in their own will To exercise, thus are independent; But each and all do owe allegiance To some other, and thus dependent are ; Moreover none can stand alone in power, The rich man needs the poor man's hand to work, l4 152 DEPENDENCE AND INDEPENDENCE. The poor man needs requital from tlie rich ; Not only so, but each one, rich and poor, Independent individually, Is to the body of society A debtor, and society to him Is indebted in retiu-n ; in exact Proportion to tlie clear poise of duty Responsibihty its right assumes. The constitution of society, Graduating from wealth to poverty. From power to weakness, from erudition To the unlearned, as ordained by God, Is doubtless wise and good ; degrees of men Would seem to be God's plan ; if all did well In their respective stations, human lot Of happiness might be found equipoised More truly than men commonly do think ; That happiness, 'tis true, might of a caste In some be higher than in some others, DEPENDENCE AND INDEPENDENCE. 153 The scale not resting in a man's riches Or his poverty, but in the nature Of his mental character ; that idea May be regarded in a point of view INIore abstract, and it might be found to be, If all did well, the happiness of man Considered merely as to earthly wants "Was so disposed, suited to each man's state, As that their shares were nearly equipoised. Wlio perfect acts aright ? Truth answers, none ; Confusion comes, and Avi'ong takes place of right : As far 'tis done, 'tis done by Christian men, Who both obey and rule with meekness calm. The truest independence upon earth Is that of blessed Christian liberty ; The faithfiiJ Christian lives to God alone. His works on earth are done as mito Him, He rests on Him, and knows on whom be rests, Of all events Disposer, the supreme ; 154 DEPENDENCE AND INDEPENDENCE. He looks for peace and rest not here beloAV ; For lasting liappincHs he looks to heaven, There is his home, and there his chief delight ; He prays to God to oveiTiile his coiu-se In life, first to God's glory, and then next To his oAvn heavenly welfare, his trust For daily need's supply secui-ely rests On Him who is almighty and all good. His happiness and hope are not in wealth. Or power, thus if he hath them not, his mind And soul, set as they are on better things, Can readier bear the disappointment Of the world, and all the world's power can give. He knows he cannot thus be blest, unless He strive to please his stu-e dependence — God; This can he do alone through grace, by prayer. So he ever prays to God in Jesus, Jesus in God, through Jesus Christ, his God : In whom dwells the fulness of the Godhead Of the Father, the Godliead of the Son DEPENDENCE AND INDEPENDENCE. 155 In the same fulness, and the like fulness Of the Godhead of the Holy Ghost, one Undivided Trinity, all in Jesus. Resting on Him, without whom no sparrow Falls, ever looking up to Him, he sees His hand in all things, the events of life He knows and feels are imder his control, He feels his weakness, is sometimes deprest, God is not less then over him for good ; He resorts to prayer, he finds it wandering, But still he prays, and prays more earnestly, And his prayer is ansAvered by light and peace. He feels it difficult his way to see In his day's path, as regards earthly things He thmks his Avay is right, believes it given ; Others think it wrong, he appeals to Heaven For guidance, and fears not Heaven will guide him. 156 DEPENDENCE AND INDEPENDENCE. He is blest wifli imtold earthly blessings, He knoAvs that all good gifts do come from God, And he holds them, uses them, as God's own ; The blessing in such use is liis, made his By the very natui-e of God's goodness. Pie is by sickness brought to verge of death. His powers gone, the world from view fast fading. He knows he leaves behind those to him dear. The constant object of his prayers, whether In weal or woe, in God his Father's hand ; If 'tis the first, who them can keep so well From prosperity's deep snares and dangers ? The last, 'tis to the God of the widow. And to the Father of the fatherless. He in sure faith coixfides them in his prayer. He loves God, and he prays to love Him more. He lives by faith and prays for its increase. If his lot be poverty, from comj^etence Cast down, he strives by penitence for sin^ DEPENDENCE AND INDEPENDENCE. 157 Aiid tliankfulness for mercy undeserved, Still to seek in God, strength, peace, and blessing ; And not to plungfe anew into the world's Vortex, for the world's sake, and in his heart And mind to fix his hope on wealth regained, And on his own powers to rest to do it : But in his heart to feel that blessed trust, " Though He slay me yet will I trust in Him." If fi-om an open hand and willing heart. Which imder circumstance seemed justified ; If ft'om erroneous judgment, if from Too much self-confidence, if fi'om a want Of due consideration, by a zeal Too ardent, he has been led on to action In a course, however motives just and right ]\Iight be, yet unto himself and others Deeply injurious, he feels his faults, And prays to God forgiveness for himself, And that He Avill bless with good recompense 158 DErENDENCE AND INDEPENDENCE. In double measm-c, unto each of those, To whose injury and sore detriment He has been the real though unwilling cause. The faithful Christian earnestly doth strive That middle course to hold, in exercise Of all the talents, power, and position, God has given him in life, so as to steer His bark in all its right relations, just To tliose whom God hath pleased to place above, And equally to those whom the same God Hath pleased beneath him in their coxirse should walk. Thus in every phase of man's mortal life Is the blest state of Christian liberty. By dependence the most perfect upon God For all his needs, whether for earth or heaven, Verily, independence the most real. There is no human being Lives on earth Who docs not occupy some middle state. DEPENDENCE AND INDEPENDENCE. 159 Invested with a power ordained of God ; To the powers above him owing due respect, Willing dependence, and recognition Of God's hand, in His having placed them there : And to those whom God has made dependent Upon him, he is, before God the Lord, Responsible to exercise his power With jxTstice, gentleness, love and mercy. The high to low, the low to high are boimd By these ordained rules of God most high, Though 'tis given to the high to have control. On other's labour they are dependent ; And though the poor man on his labour rests. His work is fi-ee, God made him not a slave ; His labour is a duty for his good. And though the ever-changing scenes of life Do constant vary each man's relation To all others, the self-same laws prevail. The breaking of those mutual laws, both Of dependence and of independence, 160 DEPENDENCE AND INDEPENDENCE. Of man's misery is a fruitful som-ce, Spi-ings out of sin, and leads to sin again. No mortal lives in whom existetli not Both principles, in less or greater power ; When rightly exercised they are a chain Of mutuality 'twixt man and man, And to the good of all most clearly tend ; But independence, when permitted range Of exercise, the Avill of man perverse The sovereign dictator of its limits, Then the chain is broken, each link disjoined, Man becomes the adverse of his fellow ; Ambition, pride and selfishness, anger And strife, dire feud and animosity Spring up in rampant strength, and carry on Its victim to the depth of u.ntold guilt. How wrong may independence be applied ! In the world's acceptance of its meaning What is it but indulgence of self-will ? DEPENDENCE AND INDEPENDENCE. 161 To act without concern or thought of those By whom Ave are surrounded, and to care For one's self alone ; never regarding What is right as right, but simply looking To the right of power, for aggrandisement It may be, of self or children ; perhaps For pride, to appear great in the world's eyes ; Too often shown in angry temper's mood, In malice or revenge, or fearful spite ; Under the guise of holding manly right. Sometimes it takes another course, and flies To sensuality, and hideous vice ; Or the soul to drown in sheer drunkenness ; Or becomes lavish on some pet idol, Be it what it may, and squanders freely On his oAvn humour, or for such purpose As it pleases him, those good gifts and powers Committed to his trust to give account. How are the comforts of a home destroyed, By the wayward use of independence ! M 162 DEPENDENCE AND INDEPENDENCE. Harshness and often tyranny take place, And disobedience, and jealousies Arise, and love is cold, and confidence Impaired, the unison of blood is lost, Where all, as one united, ought to be. Contemplated on a scale extended, How dreadftil are the evils to mankind ! Whence come wars and wide spread desolation ? Come they not hence ? of man's unlawftil lusts. Leading men on, self-will to gratify. Hardened and blind as to the means employed ? Come they not all of men's discontentment With the good gifts of God to them assigned ? Sui'ely it is the casting off control. Not bending where God would that we should bend ; Sm-ely it is the tyrannising use Of powers conferred, where we should use them well ; Surely 'tis this use of independence. In the world's sense, on our evil nature Grafted, that is at least one fi-uitful source Of the world's misery and wretchedness. DEPENDENCE AJ^D INDEPENDENCE. 163 Not so dependence; there, every link Of tlie gi-eat moral chain is in its place ; Those below do hang on them, they hang on Those aboTe ; and all consist together ; The very act of each dependent one Keeping Iris place, does in itself involve The independence true of those on whom They do depend ; they are two parts of one ; And this holds good of all change possible In the affairs of men, whatever state At any given moment may exist. If from that moment all would act aright, On this true principle, though wrong before, The product would be peace and unity. Equity would hold her scales in balance ; The same mind which to its superiors Would deference yield, with all willingness, Would also to its own inferior So justly use its power, and so temper AU its acts with kindness and with mercy, H 2 164 DEPENDENCE AND INDEPENDENCE. That free good-will would ever circulate Through all the varied forms of social life. As undue independence genders pride, And is the frviitful source of evil great, So due dependence of humility. Of happy meekness, and affectionate Association, a true promoter Is ; one of every sin is capable. The other to all virtues consonant. And more, the one by setting God at nought, Eebellion is, and dislocates from Him ; The other, on God resting, all in all, Through meek submission exaltation gains. But oh ! 'tis but too true, evil doth so Beset us — withm inclined, and tempted From without, this blest state of unity Is scarcely to be hoped for here below ; Hereafter, in another, better state, DEPENDENCE AND INDEPENDENCE. 165 With risen bodies, it may perfect be. But like all other righteous principle, Though to perfection it cannot attain. By reason of our sin and man's self-will ; Though it be so far distant from that point, That in the world's practice, the distance is As fi'om east to west, or from north to south ; Yet it is manifest, if rightly di'a"\vn That principle has been, that on each one A bounden duty lies, with earnestness To strive, by aid divine, to cany out, As far as infirm nature will allow. The blessed rule of doing all to God, As one who has to give account at last ; And so in every man his neighbour see, And whether than himself richer he be, Or poorer, higher or lower, always To do to him as he would be done by. Thus, through grace, his equilibrium To maintain, a true servant to his God, M 3 166 DEPENDENCE AND INDEPENDENCE. Using his talent justly, oppressing None, and yielding to all the meed their due. Let none to gi-eatness think they raise themselves B)' despising those below them ; oh, nf) ! True greatness lies to sen^e the King of kings ; Did He despise the poor ? or value set On the world's wealth ? Oh, no ! He loved the poor ! And let not those whom God hath humbly placed, Think that they raise themselves by murmuring Outcry ; and unfounded allegation Adverse to those, by God's will, over them. So tar as either class transgress God's laws, They surely seek their own unhappiness ; Si) far as either to His laws conform. They meet His smile, and in their hearts find peace. GLORY TO GOD 169 GLORY TO GOD. When finite beings strain their utmost strength To glorify the source firom whence they sprung, How feeble is the effort, when compared With their lofty theme of aspiration ! Increase to render to infinity Were impossible for finite power ; Yet God pennits creation His glory To declare, and glory render back to Him, And graciously ascribes unto Himself As creation's yield, that which is His own ; Dispensing bliss and blessing through the act. 170 GLORY TO GOD. Glorv to God on liic-h, in highest heaven ! Be suug by angels and by men, in time, And through eternity ! Let all the worlds On Avorlds, ten thousand times ten thousand more In number, and ten thousand times again, Rolling in that vast arc on every side This world siirrounding, in the breadth of space Illimitable, with all their glories And their beauteous grandeur, in loud song Of harmony exalt their maker, God ! Let them eternally adore the Lord ! Oh praise the God of Holiness and Love ! Praise Him that these most heavenly attributes, In revelation of Himself do take Pre-eminence ; in the development Of His power and might, in divine wisdom. In the glad tidings of man's salvation, In the blessedness of heaven, the pure bliss That reigneth there, and evermore shall reign GLORY TO GOD. 171 In tlie celestial hierarchy ; In the soiil of man, for heaven designed, In all God's ways to man, and above all, In redemption, that great and blessed work, How gloriously do these attributes Shine forth ! they seem to be the very soul Of all God's acts, and so pervade all else, As to inspire such power and pure beauty In all the rest, and so predominate By their inflision, that it would appear To be His chosen way, the character In Avhich it best hath pleased His sacred will, Creation should eternally adore the Lord ! Holiness ! comprehensive word of words. Embracing in its holy influence (What word but holy can express itself?) All other attributes of God ; 'tis not An isolated attribute, but one In which all others centre, 'tis with love Combined, holy love ! that demonstration 172 GLORY TO GOD. Of Himself to which other attributes, Equally in their glory infinite, Do seem to lend their aid, to gloriiy God in His Holiness, and in His Love ! Almighty is God's power, infinitely Deep His wisdom, unerring in His truth, Magnificent in His stupendous works, Marvellous in order of their greatness, And marvellous incomparable In their minutiae, in form and beauty Surpassing exquisite, adaptation Wondrous perfect, goodness in every work, Majesty in all, of great compassion, And ever in all things just and righteous ! But oh ! what gives to power, and to wisdom, And to all the great glorious display Of God's works and ways throughout creation, And in that most stupendous work of all, Eedemption, their excellency sublime, But that they are all begun, continued, GLORY TO GOD. 17J And to end in pure Holiness and Love ? Doth not God's Avord that descrij)tion give With which He is best pleased, that " God is Love?" And, " Be ye holy, for I am holy," Is His blessed injunction and command ; The High and Lofty One inhabiting Eternity, and " whose name is Holy ! " And again, how strong the declaration, " Without hohness no man shall see the Lord." So should hohness be our heart's desire, And so love ever present in our breast, Eemembering we are to be Hke Jesus, And so eternally adore the Lord! Blessed Jesus, by whom all things consist, Upholding all things by Thy power divine, In whom the fulness of the Godhead dwells, Thine is the kingdom, the power, and glory, Now, for ever and for ever, amen ! 1'4 GLORY TO GOD. Systems of the universe, dazzling suns, Pale, placid moons, ye bright rolling planets, All ye stars of light in beauteous order Eanged, in the vast rich canopy of heaven, Centres may be of circling worlds unseen, Innumerable ; ye flaming comets Wonder exciting, traversing your course Assigned, not one devious step permitted ; All ye created spheres, of whose glories Our dim sight but bright sparkling specks can see, Ye that are visible to mortal ken, And ye, may be a thousand milhons more Invisible, rich in brightest splendour, A mighty majesty of rolling worlds ; Praise ye your maker, God, most holy God ! All His will beneficent obeying, By whose almightiness ye were and are. And at whose pleasure ye were created, By whose power ye are in your course restrained ; Let your loud voice resound from star to star, GLORY TO GOD. - 175 One to another telling out His glory, As in yom- orbits grand ye onward sweep, All in rapid movement, wheeling Yonr mighty masses, and revolving too On your own imaginary axes With such precision and exactitude, That not the time of one electric spark Doth vary in your motions as ordained. But all in order wondrously consist, Till the accumulated song of praise Swells in its echoes to infinity. And thus eternally adore the Lord ! Were we to try and stretch conception's power, Of God's restraining rule withdrawn, leaving To a million spheres their given impetus, How awfully terrific, past all thought, Would be the crushing crash of meeting worlds, Shattering and shattered, in fi-agments hurled. Broken, hither, thither, till collision 176 GLORY TO GOD. On collision, sucli dire destruction and Confusion made, they would be worlds no more. Or were it thy will, O God, utterly The whole creation to annihilate, One single instant would fulfil that Avill : Eternity to come would be as past Eternity once was, when Thou alone. In all thy glorious infinity, Wert equal fulness, before creation, The same yeterday, to-day, and for ever. But such is not thy will, we surely know From Thy revealed word ; or to withdi-aw Thy loving rule, or to annihilate The glorious works of Thy hand divine, Though for man's guilt, no sentence were severe. For Thy forbearing love we praise and bless Thy holy name, and fain would gloriiy Thy majesty ; God gi-ant to us thy grace GLOEY TO GOD. 177 That in our hearts Ave now and ever may Out praises sing, Glory to God most High ! Oh nniverse, in thy grandeur exalt And worship God ! and not in thy grandeur Only as a whole, but thy elements Unto His Glory also shall redound. O thou light and heat, whose radiant power So universal is, that without thee Nature herself would die ; thou, by God's law One animating principle of life. Who dost foster into being countless Multitudes ; thou who sheddest thy bright beams O'er all creation, and whose rays diffuse Such glorious effects, such varied tints. Such beauteous colour, such resplendence In the heavens above, in the earth beneath, In every form and feature nature's face Exliibits ; cheering with thy brilliancy N 178 GLORY TO GOD. • That which were dvill without thee, And wonders woi-king by thy wide iulluence Benign, inscrutable, far, far beyond The point which man can reach and penetrate;- In this our day unfolding unto us Marvels that tell how little -we do kno^v ; Thou, who in electric power wonderful Art the chief agent, in the lightning's flash Terrific, grand, sublime and beautiftil; Or, in the slender wire doth thy presence Clearly demonstrate, giving power to man Till now by him imknown, and even noAv Not comprehended ; thou, who dost echpse In one moment the studied art of man. The truth portraying, dwindling to nothing Man's puny efforts as compared with thee, Though the cost of years in toil and study ; O wonder working power, in the silent Exercise of thy tmiversal good. All glory, glory give to the great God, GLORY TO GOD. I79 Wiio spake tlie word, " Let there be liglit," and light There was, thus by Him thou wert created ! O thou wide-spread sea, whose vohiminoiis Expanse o'er more than half this globe extends, Teeming with life, with depth unfathomable. In thy stormy rage so magnificent, Tossing the angiy surge, now moimtains high. Now to the hollow deep, lashing the rocks With foam, and rolling dashing on the shore, As if again to overwhelm the earth. Thy huge swelling billows so gigantic. Each wave would seem itself to be a sea ; In the gentle motion of thy calmness, "With sound so soothing, rippling on the sand ; In the order of thy tides and currents From pole to pole, and the circumference Of the earth embracing ; bleak north and south Your mighty icebergs floating off, double In depth below to height above, leaving n2 ISO GLORY TO GOD. Your frigid homes to seek more genial climes 111 suited, and find your own destruction. Thou higliwny of the nations of the earth ; Thou recipient of all earth's waters, In exhalation giving oiit again That which the rivers freely gave to thee ; Feeding the atmosphere, and forming clouds Of towering grandeur to drop their fatness On tlie dry gi-ound, and having fertilised Earth's surface, once again return to thee ; So in thy circlet, working as ordained, Praise ye the Lord, and glorify your God ! Ye winds and tempests, and ye hurricanes, Instruments of destruction and of good ; Ye soothing, balmy, whispering zephyrs, So sweetly giving to the mind repose. And in thy vibrating power, such sweet sounds Of stirring music to the ear doth bring ; Ye pure snows, each flake in varied beauty GLORY TO GOD. 181 Crystolline, emblem of heart purity ; Ye showers so gentle, noiu-ishing the earth, Life giving, as God's Spirit to the soul ; Ye ice and pelting hail, ye mists and dews, Roaring cascades, fountains, and bubbling springs, Each in your place to good contributing ; O thou blue ethereal sky's expanse, Upward tlirough which man's thought ascends to Heaven ; Thou loud thunder, reverberating, Crasliing in air with crackling suddenness, Striking with awe as 'twere the voice of God ; O thou clouds in majesty and beauty Ever varying, sometimes portentous, Sometimes in radiant light effulgent, Honoured by thy Maker's use, when to heaven He ascended, and so again to be When in His glorious second advent In the clouds of heaven He again shall come. So may the tlirong of anguLs and of saints. As clouds of splendour, fill the gorgeous sky. N 3 182 GLOKY TO GOD. O all ye works of the Lord, excellent, And exceeding wonderful, magnify And praise the Lord, and glorify your God. And now, O earth, tliy God doth call on thee^ In all things Him to worship and adore ; He gave thee all thy marvellous powers And capacities, He knows thy frame-work, Praise ye Him, for He made thee what thon art t He framed thee out of nothing, each atom Of thy multifarious substance, deep To thy centre, thence to thy surface fair, In wisdom occupies its place assigned. Fulfils that mission which His will has given, Must obey his laws, and so for ever shall. Though for the sin of man now under curse. And so must be, until baptismal fire Its purifying work on thee hath wrought ; Yet thou art redeemed by Him that made thee, The morning star of thy new creation GLOEY TO GOD. 183 "Will soon fivise, and then tlioii slialt sliine fovtb In pure loveliness, unknown before. Ye mountain ranges spread o'er all the earth, Your lofty peaks raised high above the world Around, pointing like the chm-ch spire to heaven, Reminding us that our true home is there ; Ye fruitful vales, rich in luxuriance, With flocks and herds, and corn, and fi-uits, and flowers, Nurtui-ed by flowing rivers, brooks and streams, Apt emblem of the Spirit-nurtured soul ; Ye mighty caverns, hollow depths unknown. Ending may be in one great vacancy ; Ye volcanoes, craters, biu-ning mountains. With terrific power belching to mid air Your fiery entrails, leading the thoughts To that deep dark abyss of fire and woe. The doom of those who will not come to God : Tell out your Maker's power in sounding praise ! n4 184 GLORY TO GOD. O world, at tlie beginning God did tliee Create, tlie order of thy creation, And of all created things, doth to him Alone pertain the knoAvledge ; Ave know not ; Nor to our salvation is it needful We should know. It may be that changes gi-eat, Through many ages, on thee have j)assed, So doth thy crusted surface indicate ; But this we know most truly by God's "Word, The race of man from Him existence had On earth only six thousand years ago : Suffice it ever imto us to know That which God giveth ; all our powers bending His wisdom and His goodness to descry, Not into things inscrutable to dive. Thou art wonderfully made, the riches Of thy substance, or for use or splendour, Are inexhaustible ; fi-om within thee Come forth silver and gold, the brilliant SparkKng diamond, and all precious stones, GLOEY TO GOD. 196 Emblems of that more precious than yourselves ; Thou givest the iron and brass, metals Of all kinds, stones, and beauteous marbles, Useful coal and every kind of product, Like the talents to oiu- trust committed, All are for some good purpose to be used. And thy life-sustaining surface is fraught With gorgeous beauty ; thy forests vast. And varied foliage, speak loud temis of praise ; Thy pastures green and fair do tell of peace ; Thy fruits, the mner life with so much care Preserved by substance round, and to man's good So conducive, do of the inner life Of man remind us, ^Tl•apt up in Jesus ! From thee alone doth man his food derive, And not man only, but all living things ; Thou art the fruitful mother, giving bread And nourishment to all who ask of thee Thy produce for theii' labom-, so plainly Uttering the truth, that lie by whose power 186 GLOEY TO GOD. Alone tliou yicldost for the body's life, Is for man's living soul more free to give That living food than we are to receive ; O earth, earth, with all thy powers magnify And praise the Lord, and glorify your God ! O all ye living creatures on earth's face, Come ye and raise your living voice to heaven, In your* wondrous forms and instincts, your strength. And power, your sagacities, your beauty, Youi- innumerable varied species On earth, in earth, in water, and in aii-. Ye countless millions of every figure And of form, from gigantic to minute, Each one without exception, as perfect As if that one were the sole work of God ; With habits, and capacities, and arts, So fitted to your end designed, and each So in creation placed, that every niche Is fiUed, and such a perfect whole is framed, GLOr.Y TO GOD. 1S7 That in the chain there no disjointure is, But thi-onghout the range of nature's kingdom, Every creature, every plant, each atom, Is a link set another link within. So gradual, and yet so true, that while Your name is multitude, your name is one : So with one voice give God your Maker praise. 'T were vain the attempt creation's wonders To describe, it is one great miracle, In all its parts, its workings, and its end ; We can but glance its wisdom, manifold. Whether in the structure of an insect, God's mighty army, when he calls it forth, Or in those developments of beauty. Or of strength and wondrous adaptation, In fish or fowl, in animal or flower. Which seem more manifest, or in those More hidden workings which philosophic Science oft essays to trace ; one and all 188 GLORY TO GOD. Ai-c demonstrations of almightiness, In love and goodness ever exercised, Deep, fathomless, yet clear as daylight truth. Oh ! then let all that God has ever made. His praise declare, and glorify His name ! And, above all, ye chikh-en of God's love, Immortal beings, with undying souls, Eich in the riches of His saving grace, "With intellect to comprehend, and mind To gi-asp eternal things ; whose eye can scan, In mental thought, ideas Avhich deeply pierce The truth of infinite eternity Gone by, the rolling hour of passing time, And the deep impenetrable future ; Ye, for whom God made the world, and all things Very good, though by your sin perverted, "Who art endued with noble faculties. So elastic, that to their expansion And enlarged progression no bounds appear ; GLORY TO GOD. 189 To whom God deigns to open more and more Intelligence and knowledge of His ways And works, eacli advancing step leading thought Onward, by new great marvels, to perceive Sublime, yet, in comparison, still faint Inadequate ideas of His greatness, His goodness. His Avisdom, His love. His power. Eternity itself, though constantly ; Unfolding to creation the knowledge Of created things, ne'er can exhaust The depth profound, and height of God in them. 'Tis not only with the gift of knowledge And of intellect in things external Thou art endued ; you have an inward life, A never-dying life ; you have a heart Susceptible of intense affection ; You have a soul, with holiness, with truth, With purity, hiunility, and love To be impressed, to make you meet for heaven ; These high gifts of God are youi's, neglect them 190 GLORY TO GOD. Not ; by divme love given, destroy tlicm not ; Sink not your mind, your licart, your soul, In works and ways that to destruction lead, But by prayer, through the ordained means of grace, Seek earnestly that God be pleased to grant Such grace to you, that you may dedicate The whole fulness of your mind's intellect, The warm devotion of jouv inmost heart. The exaltation of your priceless soul, With faith and gratitude, to magnify And praise the Lord, and glorify your God ! O man, beloved of God, couldst thou behold In fulness, all the great and mighty things Which God for thee hath done ; from nothing brought He created thee, gave thee thy body To work His will and thine o^vn happiness ; Gave thee thy soul, thine everliving soul, Wliich with thy body constitutes thee — man ! He laid the world's creation at thy feet, GLORY TO GOD. 191 And with full dominion tliee invested ; In paradise He placed thee, surrounding Thee with every element of bliss ; And yet more, He -vvallved in presence with thee ; One single test He did on thee impose. That you might know and feel that you were His. In youi" self-will you fell, and ruin brought On all mankind in thee, and on the world ; Wlaat did God do ? in love He had made you. He so loved you still, that to redeem you From your lost estate, which no power but His, His justice to vindicate, man to save, Ever could have done, He gave you Himself; God gave you Ilis Son, that Son one with Him ; G*d the Son did give Himself, ever one With the Father ; and the Holy Ghost one With the Father and the Son, God alone. Has come down from heaven, that in Jesus Christ, God the Eedeemer and only Saviour Of the world, you, man, may live in heaven ! 192 GLORY TO GOD. "For wliosoever believetli in Tliin " Shall not perish, but have everlasting " Life ;" and lo, these are the true words of God ! O man, for whom such ransom has been paid, O thou, for whom the law has been fulfilled, O thou, whom God with open arms invites Home to the bosom of a Father's love ; Thou, the most exalted of God's creatures, By thine high mystic imion in the Christ, Fall down before the footstool of His throne. And pray to be convinced of sin ; and pray For faith and penitence ; to realise In ti'uth, by the power of the Holy Ghos Forgiveness of your sin, and salvation Of your entire manhood, soul and body. In Jesus, the Christ, manifested God. O thou for whom such saving means of grace Have been vouchsafed, to whom so much is given, To be grafted iuto Christ, live on Christ, Feed on His body, di-ink His very blood. GLOEY TO GOD. 193 In the pure elements of bread and wine, So made, tliougli still imchanged, by power divine. Oh realise thy resurrection Hfe In JesuSj risen now, in Him, thy head, Thy living head ; so let yoiu* affections Rest on things above, not on things on earth, That with a depth of love as deep as man Can know ; that with a holy reverence. As great as man can feel ; with a pure heart. As pure as man's infirmity permits ; With gratitude so quickened by delight ; And with a soul devoted to your God ; You may with all your faculties and powers Adore His glorious and holy name, And worship Him in truth, and magnif)- And praise the Lord, and glorify your God ! Were not the Lord the gracious God He is. To deign acceptance of adoring praise From the creation of His hand ; apart 194 GLORY TO GOD. From Him, creation would be desolate ; But God is love, He in love made all things, And in that same love, though to His glory- No adoring praise can add, He permits Creation, for its own highest blessing. To Him to render that adoration, Glory, honour, and praise, which is at once The most blessed and the boimden duty Of creation to its creator — God ! Shout, O ye heavens, and ye that dwell therein, Angels, archangels, principalities, And powers, ye shining radiant bright ones, Ministering spirits before God's throne. Ye holy cherubim and seraphim And all the hierarchy of heaven, Shout your alleluias, alleluias. With your angelic voice of harmony, With sweet rapturous melody divine, With the celestial loud trumpet's sound, GLORY TO GOD 195 With harps, and all the music of the spheres, Praise, O praise ye the Lord, the God of Heaven ! Ye saints in paradise who joyful wait. With longing expectation and desire. The second Advent of yotu- Lord, Jesus, Li glory, and in your living spirits Evermore love him with a fervent love ; Ye sacred multitude in blessed rest. Who from earth's toils and cares have passed away, And from temptation's power now are free, Ye who to your Saviour are nearer brought Than saints on earth, though both do hve in Him ; Ye blessed company, fi'om Adam first To tlie last ptu-ified and righteous Soul, to whom 'twas given thy gates to enter ; Patriarchs, prophets, apostles, martyrs ; Holy men, holy women, new born babes. Washed in the foimtain of their Saviour's blood ; Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph, o 2 196 GLORY TO GOD. Noah, Dauiel, Job and Samuel, Moses, Aaron, David and Isaiah, Peter, James, and John, Stephen, and Saint Paul ; Confessors who have died for Jesus' name, And thou, O most blessed Virgin Mary, Highly favoured, holy among women, Mother of Jesus, the incarnate God ! Ye who may have a brighter glimpse of heaven, And of heaven's occupants, oh ! join with them, Mingle your song of praise with theirs on high, Resound their choral alleluia notes, Which have such sweetness from their holiness, And sing of your Redeemer's saving love ; Your powers not yet are full ; when the great day Shall come ye shall sing more gloriously Th' eternal song, the triumph of the Lamb, The Father's love, and His co-equal Son, And Holy Ghost, glory to three in One. And all ye saints on earth, the Church of God, GLOKY TO GOD. 197 The living members of your living Head, And ye wlio yearn that life to live in Him, Striving in prayer, in ever constant prayer, Nearer and nearer to draw near to God ; Ye poor in spirit, and ye meek in mind, Hungering, thii-sting after righteousness. Who love to forgive, and forgive to love, Calming the troubled waves of man with peace, IMoui-ning for sia, and merciful to all ; Ye who the world's scorn can bear for Jesus' sake. And all in whom the seed of life is sown ; O ye are one in Christ, with those blest saints In paradise, and ye are flowing on With them to those unseen, imheard-of joys, Which are in heaven laid up for them and you. O then, by faith, know that your voice Shall to the throne of grace ascend Avith theirs ! Holy communion blest, body and soid ! O then, while here below, ere ye go hence To them, in life, in act, in word, in thought. 198 GLORY TO GOD. In spirit and in mind, in heart and soul, The grace of God pre-venting, helping you, Let your whole self hosannas loudly sing. In love obedient, so magniiy And praise the Lord, and glorify your God ! " O praise God in His Holiness ; praise him " In the firmament of his power ; praise Him " According to His excellent greatness ! " Let all creation praise His Holy name ! Come, O come ye to the glorious feast Of hallowed homage to Almighty God. Spirits in pure celestial essence. In adoring love His will fulfilling, Youi- radiant beauty, your holiness. Your spotless purity, your power and might, All the angelic graces to you given Ascribe ye unto Him, ft'om whom they came ; And in the song of heavenly praise in tones Melodious, transcending human thought. GLORY TO GOD. 199 Fill the wliole arc of heaven, re-echoing, " We give Thee thanks, Lord God Almighty, " Holy, Holy, Holy, which art and wast, " And art to come ! The first and last ! — Amen." Ye sonJs of men departed, and ye souls Of men still passing the short hour of life, O man redeemed by the Almighty love Of your great God and Savioiu* Jesus Christ, Respond the strain of angels' praise on high ! All material being, ye systems Of the rmiverse, with your million worlds. With all your glories, with yoiu* mightiness And grandeur, your sublime magnificence. Brilliant stms, and shining stars of light, EoUing throiigh space, by power divine controlled ; In aU the wisdom, goodness and beauty, Animate and inanimate in you Displayed, in ten thousand times ten thousand 200 GLORY TO GOD. Forms and ways, so marvellous and perfect In all your glorious, harmonious Order and arrangement ; — one splendid whole ! •* Do ye with the angelic host of heaven, And with man as high as heaven exalted ! In everlasting anthem praise the Lord ! All Glory, Honom-, Majesty, and Love, Worship and Adoration unto GOD ! The Almighty GOD of Heaven and of Earth ! Glory to GOD, Creator of aU things' ! Glory to GOD, Redeemer of the world ! Glory to GOD, Holy, Holy, Holy ! Eternal Father, Son, and Holy Ghost ! GOD alone in One ! Jesus ! only One ! Glory to GOD, in JESUS ! GOD's ow SON \—Amen. THE END. LOKDOjr : PKINTED BY SPOTIISWOODE AND CO. NEW-SIOBBT SQUAEB. This book IS DUE on the last date stamped below. m 7 i'i^ 10M-1 l-50'2555i470 retminbtdn rand inh. ?□ THE LIBRARY UNIVEnSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES 3 1158 00630 9404 LfTV AA 000 366 608 8 '^-_