LI3RARY {Wjri UNIVERSIT^OF CALIFORNIA {: >o^. w 13 (^i)*!- ie<» ONIVEBSITV Of C«L1F0RN1* S»N DIEGO B 3 1822 01063 7403 A NEW MEDICAL DICTIONARY. RECOMMENDATIONS AND PRESS NOTICES GouLD's Medical Dictionary " One pleasing feature of the book is that the reader can almost invariably find the definition under the word he looks for, without being referred from one place to another, as is too commonly the case in medical dictionaries. The tables of the bacilli, micrococci, leucomaines and ptomaines are excellent, and contain a large amount of information in a limited space. The anatomical tables are also concise and clear. . . . We sliould mihesitatmgly recommend this dictionary to our readers, feeling sure that it will prove of much value to them." — AmeHcan Journal of Medical Science, Sept., i8go. " Again and again we have submitted the book to tests, and we have found it relialjle and full, every page giving proof of careful editing and research. It is sufficiently large to meet the requirements of any ordinary practitioner. Of course the bespectacled, poly- syllabic, home-from- Berlin young man could not take pleasure or feel satisfied in anything short of a multi-voluminous work ; but, like the Heathen, he is a law unto himself, and may safely be left out of calculation in practical therapeutics. In addition to the dictionaiy proper we have elaborate tables of bacilli, micrococci, leucomaines and ptomaines, and all such infinitesimal creatures as we to-day build laboratories to hatch; tables with analyses of American mineral waters, some of which waters will soon, we believe, be found in our midst; and tables of vital statistics. All this great mass of information is excellently arranged, so that the reader has no difficulty in at once finding what he wants, and the type is beautifully clear, there being no blurring, so that reading is a pleasure. As we turn over the pages we are grateful for the free trade system that admits, free of duty, such a useful and desirable book." — T/ic Dziblin Journal of Medical Science, A'ov., iSgo. " We know of no work in which so many important and yet isolated facts may be obtained without great expenditure of time. The tables of muscles, nerves, arteries, etc., seem to be very complete, and in looking through the dictionary, we were struck by the good presswork, clear type, and handsome paper, while no one of the many words which it occurred to us to look for have been found absent." — Therapeutic Gazette, May i^th, iSgo. "As a handy, concise and accurate, and complete medical dictionary it decidedly claims a very high place among works of this description. In fact, taking handiness and cheapness into account, we certainly think this is the general practitioner's model dictionary, and we cordially recommend it to our readers. The definitions are for the most part terse and accurate, and the derivations up to modern lights." — British Medical Journal, Lon- don, Sept., iSgo. " I find it an excellent work, doing credit to the learning and discrimination of the author." — Dr. J. M. Da Costa, Pj-of of Practice of Medicine, Jefferson Medical College. " In Gynaecology, Ophthalmolog}% Otology and Tar>-ngolog)' ; in Biology, Embrj'ology, Physiology and Pathology ; in Electro-therapeutics, and in the newly-developed fields of Bacteriology, Ptomaines and Leucomaines, the aim has been evidently to issue an authori- tative text-book, one that should be ample in its vocabulary, concise in its definitions, compact in its arrangement, and convenient of size for the everyday use of busy practitioners and as a handbook for medical students. The author, in this respect, is to be congratulated upon his success, and so far as a careful examination enables us to judge, it faithfully represents the medical literature of to-day." — Jourtial of American Modical Association. " The work of Dr. Gould claims to be essentially a new work, all definitions being framed ' by the direct aid of new, standard and authoritative text-books.' It certainly l>ears very little resemblance to previous works of the kind, in nearly all of which a great deal of space is devoted to obsolete terms. . . . More complete and more up to date than any other medical dictionary of similar dimensions in our own, or, indeed, as far as we know, in any other language." — London Lancet, July 20th, iSgo. ANEW Medical Dictionary INCLUDING ALL THE WORDS AND PHRASES GENERALLY USED IN MEDICINE, WITH THEIR PROPER PRO- NUNCIATION AND DEFINITIONS. BASED ON RECENT MEDICAL LITERATURE. BY GEORGE iM. GOULD, B.A.. M.D., OPHTHALMIC SURGEON TO THE PHILADELPHIA HOSPITAL AND CLINICAL CHIEF OPHTHALMOLOGICAL DEPARTMKNT, GERMAN HOSPITAL, PHILADELPHIA. WITH ELABORATE TABLES OF THE BACILLI, MICROCOCCI, LEUCOMAINES, PTOMAINES, ETC.; OF THE ARTERIES, GANGLIA, MUSCLES, NERVES AND I'LKXUSES; OK WEIGHTS AND MEASURES, THERMOMETERS, ETC.; AND APPENDICES CONTAINING CLASSIFIED TABLK:S WITH ANALYSES, OF THE WATERS OF THE MINERAL SPRINGS OF THE U. S., AND TAULE.^ OF VITAL STATISIICS. PIIII.ADnLPHIA: P. BLAKISTON, SON & CO. I o I 2 Walnut S r k i-. i : r. 1 891. Copyrighted, 1S90, by P. Blakiston, Son & Co. WM. F. FELL & CO., Electrotvpers and Printers, 1220-24 sansom street, philadelphia. PREFACE. Throughout the preparation of this Dictionary my work has been shaped to meet the following distinct purposes: — 1. To include those New Words and Phrases created during the past ten years — a period rich in coinages — which appeared destined to continuous usage. There are certainly thousands of these; and in their compilation I have especially endeavored to cover the latest results in the study of Bacteri- ology, Ptomaines and Leucomaines, Electro-therapeutics, Physiology, Path- ology, and in the various special branches of medicine, such as Ophthalmology, Otology, Laryngology, Gynaecology, Antiseptic Surgery, etc. 2. To frame all Definitions by the direct aid of New, Standard and Authoritative Text-Books, instead of making a patchwork of mechanical copyings from older vocabularies. 3. To OMIT Obsolete Words not pertinent to medicine, except in a remote or factitious sense, while neglecting nothing of positive value. 4. To make a volume that will answer the needs of the medical student and busy practitioner by its compactness and logicalness of arrange- ment, its conciseness of definitions, its elimination of the useless, and its convenience of size and price. It would not have been half the labor to make a volume double or treble the size of this one. I have to express my appreciation of the services rendered the work by Professor Jacques W. Redway, in the compilation of the departments of Chemistry, Materia Medica and Physical Science; by Professor A. P. Brubaker, with continuous advice and help ; by Dr. Judson Daland, in unreservedly giving the results of long study and labor concerning the mineral springs of the United States ; by Professor J. W. Holland, Dr. J. M. Keating, Professor Henry Lcffmann and others. GEORGE M. GOULD. it() South Snentecnth St., Philadelphia. February, l8(}0. ABBREVIATIONS. I. ABBREVIATIONS USED IN GENERAL MEDICINE. aa ana Of each. Abdom Abcloincn The belly. Abs. feb Abseiitc fcbre When fever is absent. Abstr Abslractuni Abstract. Ad .-Vdde Add. Ad lib Ad libitum To the desired aincunt. Admov Adtnoveatur Let it be apjilitd. Ad pond, om .Ad pondus omnium To the weight of tlio whole. Alt. dieb Alterius diebus Every other day. Alt. hor Alterius horis Every other hour. Alv. adstrict Alvo adstricta The bowels beiiiR confined. Alv. deject Alvi dejectiones The evacuations. Aq Aqua Water. Aq. bull Aqua bulliens Boilinjj; water. Aq. dest Aqua dcstillata • . . Distilled water. Aq. ferv Aqua ferveiis Hot water. Aq. font Aqua fontis Sprinj; water. Aq mar Aqua marina Ocean water. B. A., or B. S Balneum arena; Sand bath. Bals Balsamum Balsam. Bib Bibe Drink. Bis ind Bis in dies Twice daily. Bol Bolus A large pill. Bull Bulliat Let it boil. B. V Balneum vaporis Vapor hath. C Coiigius, Centigrade A gallon ; centigrade. c.c Cubic centimeter. Cap Capiat Let him take. Cm Cras mane To-morrow morning. cm Centimeter. C m. s Cras mane sunieiidus To be taken to-morrow morning. C. n Cras noctc To-morrow night. Cochl Cochleare Spoonful. Cochl. ampl " amijlum A tablespoonful. " infant " infantis A teaspocjiiful. " mag " magnum A tablespoonful. " med " medium A dessertspoonful. " parv " parviim A teaspooiitul. Col Cola Strain. Colat Colatus Strained. Comp Compositus Compound. Cong Congius A gallon. Contin Conlinuatur Let it be continued. Cont. rem Continuetur remedium . . . . Let the medicine be continued. Coq Coque Boil. Cort . . Cortex ... Bark. Crast Crastinus For to-morrow. Cuj Cujus Of which. Cyath Cyathus ' A glassful. D Dosis A dose. Decub Decubitus Lying down. De d in d De die in diem From day to ilay. Destill Dcstilla Distill. Det Detur Let it be given. Dieb. alt Diebus alterius On alternate days. tert " tertius Every third Greater than, as, A' >W. < Less than. III. ABBREVIATIONS USED IN OPHTHALMOLOGY. Ace. . . . Accommodation. Ah Hyperopic .Astigmatism. Am. . . < Myopic Astigmatism. As Astigmatism. cm Centimeter. Cyl. . . . Cylinder, Cylindrical Lens. D Diopter. E Emmetrupia, Emmetropic. F Formula. H Hvperopia, Hyperopic. L. E. . . . Left Eye. M Myopia, Myopic. mm. . . . Millimeter. CD.... Right Eye. O. S. . . . Leit Eye. p.p. . . . Punctum proximum, Near Point. p. r. ... Punctum remotum, Far Point. R. E. Sph. Right Eye. Spherical, Spherical Lens. V Vision. Visual Acuity. + , — , = . Plus, Minus, Eiinal to. 00 Intinity, 20 ft. distance. C Combined with. o Degree. IV. SUNDRY ABBREVIATIONS. Adj. . Adv. . Am. . Arab. A. S. . Bot. . Celt. . Chem. Colloq. Comp. Dim. . r. g. . Elec. . Eng . Etym. Fr. . . A • • Geoe. Geol. Geom. Gcr. . Gr. . . Heb. Ichth. It. . . Adjective. Adverb. American. ,\rabic. Anglo-Saxon. Botany, Botanical. Celtic. Chemistry, Chemical. Collorccciliiig word, e.g., Hyiiia-mui, l.ilhtrmui, Pyii-niia, L'm-iiiia. -agogue i^ayai, lo bear oft", carry away). Signifies an agent stimulating the function of excretion or secretion of the product. Thus, Emnu-iiagoguf, Hydtagogue, Siala^ogiit-, tic. -agra (aypa, an attack, seizure). Denotes an acute attack ol pain in the part, as Arlhragta, PoJai:ra. -algia loA-yi?, pain). Pain in a part, expressed by the chief word, e.g., Cephalalgia, Castralgia, .Xostalgia. -atresia (arpijcria). Imperforate, as in Proctatresia. -cele [Ki]\r)). \ tumor, hernia or protrusion. See Cyslocele, Hydrocele, Meningocele. -ectomy ^txTtM''"))- Excision, exsection, as in Oophorectomy, JS'ephrectomy, i^plenectomy. -graph, graphy (>pa.J)u), to write). An instrument; a treatise or description, e.g., iyphygmo- g> apli, Jhmogiapliy. -itis (iTit). An inllammation, as Gastritis, Otitis, etc. -logy lAoyot, discourse). A treatise upon, as Bacteriology, Derinatology, Pathology. -malacia (uaAaKos, soft). Abnormal softness, as in osteo-malacia. -mania (/xana, madness). The chief word denotes tlie principal symptom of the mental afTection : e.g., Etotomania, Kleptomania, etc, -Gdynia (oSui-i), excessive pain). The principal word denotes the seat of great pain, as Coccyo- liynia. -Old (ei'ios, form). Similar in shape, etc., as xnChoroid, Cuboid, Sphenoid, Xiphoid. -oma (ujfLo.). A tumor. See Glioma, Sarcoma. -opia [u)Jj). Pertaining to the eve or vision, as in Amhhopia, Myopia, etc. -pathy (iraSo?). A condition of disease, and also a method of cure. As, e.g.. Adenopathy, Psycho- pathy, Honuvopathv, Hydropathy. -phobia ((^odo?, fear). Excessive fear or dread, as Agoraphobia, Photophobia. -plasty irkacraui, to form). Surgical plastic operation upon a part, e.g., Blepharoplasty, Rhino- plasty. -rhaphy (pai^ij, a suture). A stitching or suturing of a part, as Enterorrhaphy, Perineorrhaphy. -rhagia (pijyruM', to burst forth). A hemorrhage or excessive discharge, e.g., Blennorrhagia, Metrorrhagia. -rhoca (ptui, to flow). An excessive discharge or excretion, as in Blennorrhcea, Diarrha-a, Leucor- rhita. -scopy (dKOTTfui). An examination, as Ophthalmoscopy. The instrument by which the examina- tion is made takes the termination scope, as in Laryngoscope. -tomy (T«/iru), to cut). Incision, e.g., Laparotomy, Tenotomy. -uria (oi'peu), to urinate). Abnormalities of the urine or of urination. As Albuminuria, Polyiti ia. CONCERNING PRONUNCIATION. The syllable marked with a single acute accent, is the accented syllable. Quantity of I 'owels. Accented vowels are usually long, except i followed by a consonant and ;', as in inhibition, imbibition, beneficial, etc. Diphthongs are usually long, but in a few words, such as haemorrhage, which are often spelled with a single vowel, the ^is short. In words ending in ite, the / is long. In words ending in itis, the » of the i>eindt is always long, as bronchitis, neuritis, etc. Final i, o, and « are long; final e, uidess silent, is long. It is marked with a grave accent if sounded. A vf)wel which is obscure in . eu (diphthong) the sound nf /-re \\\yew, CONSONANTS. In words of Latin and C.ri-ek deriv.Ttion ch is hard, like k. The Idlers//', represenling the (',rci-k , havi- ihe sound ofy. In Creek words /// has the soft souml, as in Ihm. The combination phth, <(><♦, has the sound of/ at the beginning of a word. Itefore e,i.y, if, and priv., nit/o, to rub). E.xcori- atiun of tlu' cutaneous or mucous surface by mechanical means. In dentistry ap- plied to the destruction of the dentine and enamel, or the cutting edges of the teeth, whether by mechanical or chemical means. A 'brine. The chemical ferment or jroison- ous principle of jeijuirity, eiToneously sup- poseil to be due to a sj>ecitic microbe. A'brus. Jequirity. The seeds of ^. />re- ciitorius, or wild liciuorice. Properties are Uiought to be due to the presence of cer- tain ferments. Non-sterilized infusions applied to the conjunctiva or to any mucous surface induce violent purulent inllamma- tion with growth of false membrane. It is used in producing artiticial conjunctivitis. A. Infusum : semina iij, aqua dest. ^.ss. Macerate and add acj. 5 ss. All unoflicial. Ab'scess {abscesstis, 2ide\)3iri\xre or separa- tion — of the matter). A pus formation within some cavity of the body, the result of localized inflammation. According to location, abscesses are named Dorsal, Iliac, Mammary, Ischio-rcctal, Peri-typlilitii, Re- Iro-pharyui^cal, Urethral, etc. A., Alve- olar, abscess in the gum or alveolus. A. of Brain, due to local injury, or to supi)u- rative inflammation near or distant, such, especially, as diseases of the ear. The symptoms are those of pressure, impaired function of the part affected, meningitis, headache, optic neuritis, etc. A., Bursal, abscess in the bursx', the most frequent being in the bursa; patella;, commonly called Ihniii'maid's Knee. A., Chronic, or Cold Abscess, one of slow and a])pa- rcntly noninflammatory development, usu- ally aUjut a iK^ne, joint, or gland. A., Congestive, the pus appears at a ix)int distant fmm where it is fomied. A., Con- stitutional, due to some systemic disor- der. A., Critical, occurring^ at some critical [x-ri'xl of an acute A., Embolic, formnl iti the clot h,itics, t/.i'. In inatciia niediia, a name applied to a drug ABSORPTION 20 ACCOMMODATION or medicine which produces absorption or exudation of diseased tissue. In surgery, applied to substances which mechanically take up excreted matter, as A. Cotton, A. Sponge, etc. A. Glands. See Lymph- atics. Absorp^tion. The permeation or imbibi- tion of one body by another. The process whereby nourishment, medicines, morbid products of tissue metamorphosis, etc., are taken up by the lymphatic and venous sys- tems. In ophthalmology the process by which the lens is disintegrated and carried off after the capsule has been ruptured. A. Lines or Bands, the lines of the spectrum, called Fraunhofer's lines ; they are dark lines caused by the arrestation or absoiption of the ethereal waves of certain lengths and rapidities, mainly by vapors of the sun's atmosphere. Abste'mious (^abs, from, tcinetiim, wine). Abstinence from wine. Temperance, or moderation in matters of diet. Abster^gent {abs, tergeo, to cleanse). Cleansing, detergent. See Detergent. Ab^stinence [abs, tineo, to hold or keep). Privation or self-denial in regard to food, liquors, etc. Ab^stract (abstraho, to draw from). A preparation containing the soluble princi- ples of the drug evaporated and mixed with sugar of milk. It represents twice the strength of the drug or its fluid extract. Abstrac^tion (^abstraho). Blood-letting. In pharmacy, the process of distillation. Also, attention to one idea to the exclusion of others. Generalization or classiiication of the qualities common to the individuals of a group. Abstrac^tum. See Abstract. Abu^lia (a priv,, j3ov?.>}, will). Loss or defect of will power. Aca^cia. Gum Arabic. A nearly white transparent gum exuding from several species of acacia. Soluble in water. Used in manufacture of mucilage. Con- tains Arabin, CjjHjjOjj, identical in com- position with cane sugar. A. Mucilage, acacia 34, water lOO parts ; incompatiljle with alcoholic tinctures. A. Syrup, muci- lage 25, syrup, simp. 75. Used in vari- ous mixtures, as a demulcent, and to sus- pend insoluble powders. Acard^ia (a neg., Kapdia, heart). A mon- strosity without heart, developed simulta- neously with a normal fcetus. Aca'rus (« neg., Keipu, to cut [because so small]). The mite or tick, a parasite of man and animals. A. Autumnalis, the harvest-bug. A. Scabiei, the sarcoptes scabiei, or itch parasite. Accel'erans Nerve. A nerve from the accelerans center in the medulla to the heart, intermediating acceleration of its rhythm. Accelera'tor Urinae. A muscle of the penis whose function is to expel the last drops in urination, to expel the semen and to assist erection. The sphincter vaginae is its analogue in the female. Acces^sion {ad,X.o, ccedo,\.o draw). The insult, beginning, or onset of a disease, or of a stage of the same ; applied especially to periodical diseases. Acces'sory. A term applied to certain muscles, ducts, nerves, arteries, etc., that are often inconstant, but always auxiliary in function, course, etc., to the principal. A. of the Parotid, the socia parotidis. A. Willisii, the spinal accessory nerve, named after the discoverer. A. Gland of the Pancreas, Brunner's glands. Accident'al Hemorrhage. See Hemor- rhage. Acclimatiza''tion (ad, clima, climate). The act of becoming accustomed to the climate, soil, water, etc., of a country to which a plant, animal, person or a people have removed. Accommoda'tion of the Eye [accon- niodo, to adjust). That function of the ciliary muscle and lens whereby objects at different distances are clearly seen. It depends upon the inherent elasticity of the lens, which when the ciliary muscle of an emmetropic eye is at rest, is adapted to the proper focalization of parallel rays of light, or of such rays as proceed from an infinite distance, or from the horizon of the ob- server. Objects nearer, to be clearly seen, require a greater refracting power on the part of the eye because the rays from such objects are more divergent. This addi- tional refracting power is gained by an increased antero-posterior diameter of the lens brought about by the contraction of the ciliary muscle which occasions, a loosening of the suspensory ligament and a thickening of the lens by its own elas- ticity. ^., Absolute, the accommoda- tion of either eye separately. A., Anom- alies of, departures from the normal in the action of the mechanism of accommo- dation. A., Negative, the eye passive or at rest. A., Paralysis of, ]>aralysis of the ciliary muscle. A. Phosphenes, the peripheral light streak seen in the dark after the act of accommodation. A., ACCRETION 21 ACHEILIA Range of, the distance between the /■unr- tu»i proximuni, or nearest of distinct vis- ion, and the punctuin reiuotissimum, or most distant jx)int. Accre 'tion (or, or delivery of a child. The act of childbirth. A. Force, rapid and forceful deliver)- with the hand durinn severe hemorrhage. Accoucheur. A man-midwife. Accrementi'tion ((/(/, craccrc). A term ap])lied to grow ths in which increase takes place by interstitial development from blastema, and also by reproduction of cells by fission. Accoucheuse. A midwife. A. C. E. Mixture. An anesthetic mix- ture, not so depressing as chloroform : al- cohol, 1 part; chloroform, 2 parts; ether, 3 Jiarts. Acepha'lia (a neg., KeaXT/, head). A monstrosity without a head. The tenn is compounded with others to denote the ab- sence of the head and some other part. Thus: Acephalobra'chia, without head and arms. Acephalocar'dia, without head and heart. Acephalochei'ria, without head and hands. Acephalogas'- tria, without head and belly. Acepha- lopo'dia, without head and feet. Aceph- alora'chia, without head and vertebral column. Acephalothora'cica, without head and chest. Aceph-'alocyst (/ctwr/r, a bladder). The bladder-worm. A headless, sterile hyda- tid, found in the liver and other organs. A. Racemosa, the hydatid mole of the uterus. Acerb'ity (ncfrbita:^, shaqjness, sourness). Acidity combined with astringency. Acerv'ulus Cerebri. A term applied by Sommering to certain concretionary matter of the pineal gland, consist- ing of alkaline phosphates and carlxjnales, with amyloid matter. Aces'ccncc (acaeo, to grow .sour). A di.scase of wines, whereby they liecomc sour owing to (he agency of Niycotirrnia accti. Acetab'ulum [iiirtiihultim, a vinegar cu|>). 'l"h<- eup-.sha|Md cavity whicli receNes the Snc. Ac'etal {iiccttim, vinegar). Ethidene di- ethylate, a colorless liquid having the composition CpII,^(>.„ fonned by the oxida- tion of common alcohol. Ac'etate. Any salt of acetic acid. Acetan'ilide. See Antifcbrin. Acet'ic. Pertaining to acctitm or vinegar; sour. See Aii\/, .Li/ir. Acet'ic Ac'id and Ferrocyanide Test for Albumin. Strongly acidulate the sample of mine and add a few droi)S of recently prepared potassic ferrocyanide solution. (It precipitates hemialbumose, but does not affect peptone.) Acetom'etry {ie. Acetophe'none. Hypnone. A hyjinotic and antiseptic. Without satisfactoiy re- sults. Ace'tum. Vinegar. An impure, dilute acetic acid produced by acetous fermenta- tion of wine, cider or other fruit juice. See Fermcutatiou. In phannacy a .solu- tion of the active principles of certain dnigs in dilute acetic acid. There are fonrofticial acr/Lq, vision). Green-blindness. See Blindness. Acho'lia (a priv., x^'^^U bile). Non-secre- tion or non-excretion of bile. Acho'lous (a, JO'^-'A bile). Pertaining to Acholia, q. v. A''chor (ajup, chaff, scurf, or dandruff). Crusta lactea. A small pustule, followed by a scab, upon the heads of infants. Acho^rion («j(jp.) A name given to several species of fungous (or fungoid) organisms (possibly modified forais of Petiicilimn glauciini), found in the skin, especially the hair-follicles. A. Kerato- phagus, the form causing onychomycosis, q. v. A. Lebertii, the parasite of tinea tonsurans. A. Schbnleinii, the species occurring in ringworm or tinea favosa. Achroi'a (a, without, xi>°'-"-i surface color). Same as Achro/na, q. 7'. Achro'ma (a, ;t;/)w/^a, color). Absence of color. Pallor. Paleness, from whatsoever cause. A., Congenital. See Albinism. Achromat'ic (a, XP'^F^)- Pertaining to achroma ; without color. A. Lens, one whose dispersing power is exactly neutral- ized by another lens having the same curvature but of unequal refractive index. See also Aberration. Achro'matin. The substance in the nu- cleus of a cell prior to division. So called because not readily stained by coloring agents. See Cell Body. Achro^matism (a, xP^^I-t")- Absence of chromatic aberration. Achromatops''ia (a, j/i6j//«, oijitg, eyesight). Color-blindness, Daltonism, dyschroma- . topsia. See Blindness. Achroodex''trin. A reducing dextrin formed by the action of the diastatic fer- ment of saliva upon starch or glycogen. Achylo'sis (« neg., ;^;i'Aof, juice). De- licient chylification. Achymo'sis (a neg., ;i,'i'//of, chyme). De- ficient chymification. Acic'ular (acus, a needle). Needle-like. Ac'id [acere, to be sour). A name loosely applied to any substance having a sour taste. A compound of an electro-negative element with one or more atoms of hydro- gen which can be replaced by electro-posi- tive or basic atoms. Acids vaiy in their terminations according to the quantity of oxygen or other electro-negative they con- tain. Those having the maximum of oxy- gen end in -ie ; those of a lower degree in -o:es. WTiere there are more than two com- binations the preposition liyper- is prefixed to the highest, and hypo- to the lowest. Acids which end in -ic, as sulphur/c acid, form salts terminating in -ate ; those end- ing in -ous form salts terminating in -ite. Physiologically, acids in concentrated form act as caustics ; diluted and in medicinal doses they check acid-producing and in- crease alkaline secretions. A., Acetic, an acid solution composed of 36 parts of absolute acetic acid, C2H^02, and 64 parts water, f las strong acid properties. Mis- cible with water and alcohol. A., Acetic, Glacial, the absolute acid in ciystalline form. A., Acetic, Dilute, contains 6 per cent, of absolute acid. Dose 3J-ij. An impure foim obtained by the destructive distillation of wood is known as wood vine- gar, or pyroligneous acid. A., Arse- nious, and Arsenic. See Arsenic. A., Aromatic, a name applied to certain or- ganic acids occurring in the balsams, resins and other odoriferous principles. Also, in pharmacy, a dilute mineral acid reinforced by aromatic substances in order to modify their flavor. A., Boric. See Boron. A., Butyric [biityriim, butter), an acid, C^Hg Oj, having a viscid appearance and rancid smell. It is obtained commercially by the fermentation of a mixture of sugar and butter or cheese in the presence of an alka- line carbonate, but occurs in various plants. Combined with glycerine as glyceryl buty- rate it is essentially butter. The ether de- rived from butyric acid is the natural flavor of the pineapple. A., QaxhoWc, phe7iy lie alcohol, or phenol, an alcoholic product of the distillation of coal-tar having the com- position CgHg*^). It occurs in pinkish acicular crystals, highly soluble in water, alcohol, ether, glycerine, and oil. It is a powerful antiseptic and germicide, and a violent poison. Internally it is useful in nausea and phthisis. Dose gr. \^. A., Carb., Glycerite, contains acid I, gly ceriive4}mrts. A., Carb., Solutions.', arv from I to 5 per cent, in water. A. Carb., ACID 23 ACID Unguent, contains acid lo, ointment 90 parts. A., Chromic, CrO^, used as an escharolic for the desti-uciion of syphi- litic warts and similar growtlis. A solu- tion of I : 40 is used as an antiseptic wash for putrid sores and wounds. See J\>f. Occurs in fme acicular crystals. Astringent and disin- fectant. Useful in night sweats, diabetes and chronic diarrhiY?a. A., Gallic, Un- guent, benzoaied lard 90, gallic acid ID. A., Pyrogallic (unofficial), obtained from gallic acid by heating the latter. Recommended locally in phagedenic chan- cres. A., Hydrobromic, 1 1 Br, the dilute acid, which is the chief form used, consists of 10 jjer cent, acid and 90 per cent, water. A good solvent for quinine. Useful in hysteria, congestive headaches and neural- gia. Is recommended as a substitute for potassium and sodium bromides. Dose n\^xx-_:5ij. A., Hydrochloric, jy//r/V?//er cent, solution of al)S^jlute acid in water. Dose ULiij-x. A., Hydrocyanic, Dilute, I'ntssic And, IICN, a lio\vdered dmg or its fluid ext. gr. %-]. A. Ex- tractum. Dose gr. '^-'j. A. Ext. Fluid., has a strength of one drop to the grain of powdered dmg. Dose H^J2-'j- A. Tinct., contains, aconite 40, tartaric acid 0.4, alcohol loo parts. Dose \\ '^-ij- The following are unofficial : Aconitia (aconitine), an amoiphous solid. Dose gr. 5 Jjj— -'5. AioiiitiH(t-, Olcatiiiii, a 2 per cent. solution of aconitine in oleic acid. Napcl- lina. Dose gr. \-\. St. Jacob's Oil, a weak aconite liniment. Acor'mus («, /io/|//of, the trunk). A mon- ster without a trunk or body. Ac'orus. See CuIiuiihs. Acou'meter, or Acouom''eter {okovu, to hear, /if -/c's. Acous'tics. The science of sound. Acquired Movements. Those brought unaTnn, without strength, (ivitiiiir, micturition). Inability to mictu- rate from atony of the bla/ldrr. Acrodyn'ia (nKimr, an exlr -mity, oih'vrj, pain). A iv and efu^pa^tg, to obstruct). Glandular obstruction. Ade'nia. See Lymphadenoina. Aden'iform [aSijv, forma, resemblance). Of the shape of a gland ; glandlike. Ad'enine [a6r]v, a gland, — first discovered in pancreatic glands). A leucomaine, dis- covered in 1885 by Kossel; the simplest member of the uric acid group of leuco- maines. A relation exists between hydro- cyanic acid and all the members of this group, and the base Adenine seems to be fonned by polymerization of hydrocyanic acid. It occurs, with other bases, as a de- composition product of nuclein, and may be obtained from all animal and vegetable tissues rich in nucleated cells. It exists largely in the liver and urine of leuco- cythremic patients, as a result of the breaking up of the nucleated white blood corpuscles. It appears to be necessary to the formation and building up of organic matter, playing an important part, together with guanine, in the physio- logical function of the cell nucleus. Non- nucleated cells, though capable of living, are incapable of reproduction ; the nucleus appears to be the seat of the functional activity of the cell, indeed, of the entire organism. Nuclein, the parent of ade- nine and guanine, has been credited with a direct relation to the re])roductive powers of the cell. Adenine is not poi- sonous. Its physiological action is not definitely known. Adeni'tis [a(hjv and itis, inflammation). Infiamniation of a gland. See Bubo. Ade'no-. A Greek prefix to denote rela- tion to glands. Aden'ocele. See Adenoma. Adenodyn'ia. See Adenalgia. Adenog'raphy {aAiiv, ypai^u, to write). A treatise on the glandular .system. ADENOID 27 ADVENTITIA Ad'enoid (^«('vi',f"'"f, resemblance). Re- sembling a gland. A. Body, the pros- tate gland. A. Tissue. See Aninial y 'issue. Adenol'ogy yufiijv and /.o^.cf, a discourse). Tlic science of the glandular system. Adeno'ma (nJr/i', o^ia, tumor). A tumor that has sprung from a gland, or con- structed after the type of a secreting gland. Adenomyxo'ma [a^i{\\ fiv^n, mucous). A composite growth having the characters of adenoma and myxoma. Adenop'athy (^aJ;/r, -a(^of, disease). Dis- t-ax' of glands. Adenophleg'mon (a^^,/<-. A., Primary, called also Hi-aliiii; by First Intrn/ioii, and by Iiniitediate Union, a rtiethod of healing of wounds by the production of lymj)!!, followed by the vascularization and cica- trization of the exudate. A., Secondary, or I/ealinj^ by Sei-ond /nh-iitioii, or bv Granulation, is that mode of healing at- tended by the production of |>us and the formation of granulations. A. Plaster. See Kiitplaslruin . Adhe'sive Plaster. See Resin and J-'.in- p/iistrunt. Adiaphore'sis (« priv., (hrulxiprvij, to per- s|>iri-). iJi-dcicnt sweat. Adiapneus''tia («, (W«Ti't(j, to perspire). A wurcl used to denote stopp;»ge of |>ersi)i- ralion. Adiathe'sia (a, Aia^iair, condition). A tirtn lo denote a condition or partic- ular disc-ojie which is not coni^eniiul. Ad'inine. See Adenine. Ad'ipic Acid. An oxidation product of the fatty acids, having the comjxisition ^.^'^ 1 ii"4- ^' '* diba.-ic and diatomic. Ad''ipocere [adeps, fat, cera, wax). A wax-like substance formed by the exjx)- sure of fleshy tissue to moisture, with the exclusion of air, i. e., in the earth or under water. It consists of the fatty acids in coml)ination with the alkaline earths and ammonium. Human botlies in moist burial places often undergo this change. Adipog''enous ((7s, fat, genero, to pro- duce). That which produces fat and adi- pose tissue. Ad'ipose. Patty. A. Tissue, fat cells, united by connective tissue ; distributed extensively through the body. It is com- po.sed of triolein, tripalmitine and tristear- ine, and is liiiuitl during life or at the tem- perature of the living body. Ad'juvant [aJjm'o, to assist). A medi- cine that assi-sts the action of another to which it is added. Adoles'cence ((^/(»A'.frv>, to grow). Youth, or the period between puberty and ma- turity, usually reckoned as extending in males from about 14 to 25 years, anil in females from 12 to 21. Ado'nis Estiva'lis. A plant much used in Italy as a cardiac tonic. Similar pro- perties possessed by A. Vernalis. Dose tal)lespoonful of ^^j to i^ xl. Unofficial. Adoscula'tion (, the kidney). The supra-renal capsules. Adru'e. Anti-emetic root. The root of O'- /tvVo, to turn). A method of arresting hajmor- rhage by everting the cut end of an artery, invaginating the vessel in itself and lixing the parts by a needle. .^s^culin. A glucoside in the bark of the horse chestnut having the composition .^s^thesin (a/fn?//crif, sensibility). A name given by Thudichum to an anhydrous compound of sphyngosin and neurostearic ether occurring in brain-tissue. i^sthesiom^eter. An instrument for measuring tactile sensibility. .^sthesod^ic [aicdr/cig, odog, path). Re- lating to the gray substance of the cord that conducts sensory impressions to the brain. Kinesodic parts conduct the motor impulses from the centers to the muscles. .^stua'rium [trsha, heat). A vapor-bath. Also a stove designed to apply warm, dry air to all parts of the body at the same time. yE-'ther. See £t/ier. JEtioVogy. See Etiolos^y. Affec^tion [afficio, to affect). A synonym of disease. Af^ferent (ad, \.o,fcro, to cairy to). A term applied to vessels, nerves, ch-., that con- vey their contents or impulses from the periphery to the center. An efferent nerve, impulse or current is in the reverse direction. Affin^ity (afflnis, akin to). Relationship; a synonym of attraction. A., Chemical, the force exerted at inappreciable dis- tances, and between definite and invari- able weights of two or more combining substances, whereby bodies of dissimilar nature unite to form new compounds. Contradistinguished from cohesion, which is an attraction between molecules. A., Elective, the preference of one sub- stance for another rather than for a third or fourth. Af ^flux [iiffltio, to flow toward). The flow of the blood or other liquid to a particular part. Affu^sion (affiindo, to pour upon). Pour- ing water upon a substance to cleanse it, or upon the body in fevers to reduce tem- perature and calm nervous symptoms. African Lethargy. A " sleeping sick- ness " affecting negroes of the West African coast. Increasing somnolence is the characteristic symptom. Veiy fatal. Death after emaciation follows in from three to six months. The cause is un- known, and post-mortem examination has revealed only hyperemia of the arachnoid. No treatment avails. After-birth. The popular designation of the placenta, cord and membranes, some' times called the secundines. AFTER-IMAGES 29 AGRVPNIA. Arter-images. Continued retinal im- pressions after the stimulus of the light or image has ceased to act. A fositii'c after- image is a simple prolongation of the sen- sation ; a nei^ative aftcr-iniiii^c is the ap- jxjarance of the im;ige in complementaiy colors. After-sensations may be also e.\- jx^rienced with other senses. After-pains. See Piiins. After-sensation. A sensation lasting longer than tlie stimulus jiroducing it. Agalac'tia (a, }«/«, milk). Failure or insulliciency of the mother's milk after childbirth. Agamogen'esis (nyaim^, without mar- riage, }fi'f(j/f, generation). Reproduction without fecundation, as, e.g., by gemma- tion. See Piirt/u-nogt')icsis. A'gar-a'gar. A Ceylon moss. A kind of glue made from certain mosses, used in medicine to make suppositories, and in bacteriological studies to make a solution in which micro-organisms are bred or kept. See Gclose. Agar''icine. The active principle of Ai^ar- iitts all'us. It has proved useful in the night sweats of phthisis, where atropia has failed. Dose gr. tV~i*s- Unof. Agar'icus. A genus of the family of Agaricini or mushrcHDm. The edible va- riety, A. Campestris, is characterized by a brownish color, which does not change when cut, and an agreeable taste. A. Albus, Purging Agaric, unof , a fun- gas parasitic upon the European larch ; contains an alkaloid agaricin and agaric Olid. Used as a drastic purgative, valuable in night sweats. Dose gr. xxx-^jj. A. Cheirurgorum, a parasitic fungus for- merly u->ed fur moxa, ij. v. .Soaked in .so- lution of pota.ssium nitrate it forms spiivk. A. Muscarius, a poisonous mushroom, containing an alkaloid muscarim', q. v., a {xjWL-rful cardiac depressant. Dose of the alkaloid gr. %-\]. Munarine nitrate, a>ed hy]XKlermically. Dose gr. -j^y-f. Age. A jK-riod of life. The age of infancy, up to the third year; of child- hiKxl, from 3 to I2; of adolescence, fmni alxjul 12 to 25; of maturity, from 25 to 50; of decline or .senility, from 50 to death. The word is sometimes used to de- note the period alone. Other divi- .sions may Ik; made, as, <•. g., thosi- of em- brj'onic life, of inunaturity, of maturity, of sti-rility, etc. Agene'^sia («, ywiair, generati(jii). A lenn vjmewhat lix»sely used to designate abnormal or imj>crfect development. Also imjx)tence and sterility. In 1 otany, the asexual development of the llower. Agens Morbi. See IMorhi. A'gent (ago, to act, to do). A substance or force that by its action effects changes in the human body. Ageu'sia (a, ytvaig^ taste). Abolition of the sense of taste. Agglutina'tion (i/gg/t/ti/io, to glue ujwn or to). A joining together; applied to the healing of wounds; it is called imnte- liitite, if by the lirst intention; mediate, if through the inteiposition of some sub- stance in the lips of the wound. Agglu^tinatives. Substances with adhe- sive properties, fitted to retain the edges of wounds in apposition. Such are caout- chouc, Collodion, etc. Aglobu'lia (a negative, and glMniliis, a globule). A decrease in the cjuantity of red blood coipuscles, with corresponding increase of serum. Aglos^sia (a priv., y^Moaa, the tongue). Congenital alisence of tongue. Ag'minate Glands. See Glands, Pey- cr' s. Ag^'nail. Hangnail. Agna'thia (a jsriv., yvnf^og, a jaw). Ab- sence or defective development of the jaws. -ago'ga, -agogues [nyuyog, one who leads). A suflix, denoting agents that drive out other substances, as enimena- gogues, lithagogues, ete. Agorapho^bia [(lyopa, a market-place, (f>Oj3og, fear). A symptom of mental dis- ease characterized by a morbid fear of open places or spaces. -agra {ciypa, a seizure). A Greek word added as a suffix to various roots to denote seizure, se7iere />ain ; as jxjdagra, ete. Agram'matism (a, ypafifirj, a word). A j)henomenon of aphasia consisting in the inability to form words grammatically, or the suppression of certain wurtls of a phr;i>e. Agraph'ia (a neg., ypndu, to write). In- aliility to express ide;is l)y writing. In .some cases not a single leder can be formed; in others, wt)rds, and a luiinber of words, without meaning, can be written. See Af'liiisia. A'gria (nypwr, wild). A ceilain pustular erupt ioti. Ag'rimony. The r(K)t of .Igrimonia en- patoria. A mild a>tringent. Dose of lid. ext. _^ss-ij. Unof. Agryp'nia (ayfimc, restless, vkviic. sU-ep). Loss of sleep, sleeplessness, insomnia, y. v. AGUE 30 ALBUMIN A''gue {^nciifus, sharp, acute, Fr. (iii,ni). Malarial or intermittent fever, character- ized by paroxysms or stages of chill, fever, and sweating at regularly recurring times, and followed by an interval or intemiission whose length detennines the epithet, quo- tidian, tertian, etc. In some cases there is a double paroxysm, and hence called, double quotidian, double tertian, etc. In dumb ague the paroxysms are masked. Splenic enlargement follows ague, and is called A. -cake. A. -drop, a solution of the arseniate of potash, and for which Prowler's solution is substituted. Ailan^thus. The bark oi A. glandulosa, commonly known as Tree of Heaven. Properties due to an oleoresin and a vola- tile oil. A nauseant and drastic purgative, constituting an excellent anthelmintic against tape-woiTn. A., Ext. fld., dose TTLx-gj. A., Tinct., dose TTLx-^ij. Ain^hum (negro word, meaning to sau'). A disease in Guinea and Hindostan, pe- culiar to negroes, in which the little toes are slowly and spontaneously amputated at about the digito-plantar fold. The pro- cess is very slow, does not affect other toes or parts, is unaccompanied by any consti- tutional symptoms, and its cause is un- known. Sometimes attacks the great toe. Air (cE/), from aw to blow or breathe). The chief part of the atmosphere. At- mospheric air consists of a mixture of 77 parts by weight, or 79.19 by volume, of nitrogen, and 23 parts by weight or 20.81 by voliune of oxygen, with 3.7 to 6.2 parts by volume of COj in 10,000 parts. 100 cubic inches weigh 30,935 grains. The pressure of the air at sea-level is about 14^4^ fts. upon the sq. in. A., Complemental, is that that can still be inhaled after an ordinary inspiration. A., Reserve or Supplemental, that that can still be ex- haled after an ordinary expiration. A., Residual, that which remains in the lungs after the most complete expiration possible. A., Tidal, that taken in and given out at each respiration. A. Vesicles, the rounded tenninations of the bronchial tuljes, the alveoli. See Atmosphere. Air-space. A space in tissue filled with air or other gases arising from the separa- tion, rupture, or absorption of cells. Ajo^wan. Bishop's Weed. The fmit of A. Carum. Carminative and antiseptic. Has been recommended in colic, diarrhoea, etc. Dose of the fld. ext. TTLx-xxx. Akanthaesthe^sia (anavOa, a thorn, aiaO//- ciq, sensation). A form of parai'sthesia or perverted sensation in which there is a feeling as of a shar]) point. Akatapha^sia (a, without, Kciraipan'u^ to declare). Inability to utter or to form a complete sentence, arising from a .syntactic disturbance of speech. Akin'esis (n neg, Kiveu, to set in motion). Absence or imperfection of movement. Applied to the heart's diastole. Akroposthi^tis {oKpng, point, nnaOia, fore- skin). Inflammation of the foreskin. See Bala>iitis. Akyanops''ia. See Blindness. AI. The Arabic definite article, the. Pre- fixed to many words to designate preemi- nence, etc., as alkali, alcohol. In chemi- cal nomenclature it is used as a suHix to denote similarity to or derivation from an aldehyd, as chloral, butjTal, etc. A^las (pi. of ala, a wing). Applied to various wing-shaped parts or appendages. A. Auris, the pinna of the ear. A. Nasi, the lateral cartilages of the nose. A. Vespertilionis, the broad ligaments of the uterus. A. Vulvae, the labia of the pudendum. Applied also to the armpits, parts of the sphenoid, vomer, etc. Ala^lia (a ne:^., "kaXeu, to talk). Impaired or lost articulation from paralysis of the muscles of speech. A^lar i^ala, wing). 'Winglike. A. Liga- ments, lateral synovial folds of the liga- ment of the knee-joint. A. Odontoid Ligaments, lateral ligaments of the odontoid process. Alaria ossa, lateral processes of the sphenoid bone. Alares musculi, the pterygoid muscles. Albicans {^albico, to grow white), white. Applied to the corpora albicantia at the base of the brain. Al'binism [at/>us, white). Congenital leucoderma, congenital leucopathia, con- genital achroma. The congenital absence or abnormal deficiency of pigment in the skin and other tissues. Alay be complete or partial. Albugin'ea {a/in/s). White, or whitish. A. Oculi, the sclerotic coat of the eye. A. Ovarii, and testis, the tunica albu- ginea of the ovary and testicle. AFbumen [albus). The white of egg. See Albumin. Albumim'eter(rt'/(^;tassium, etc. Albu'minoid {tilliiiniin, rifniq, form). Re- sembling albumin. Ajjplied to certain compounds having many of the character- istics of albumin. Albu'minoids. Substances resembling true proteicis in their origin and comjiosi- tion. They are amoqjhous non-cr}'Slalline colloids, occurring as organized constitu- ents of the tissues, and also in fluid form. Mucin, Nuclein, Keratin, Fibroin, Spon- gin, Elastin, Gelatin, Chondrin, etc., are the ])rincipal members of the group. Albuminu'ria {albumin and ovpov, urine). The presence of albumin in the urine. The term is not now used, as it formerly was, as synon)Tiious with Blight's disease. All)umin in the urine may result from a number of caases, e. t,'., mechanical inter- ference with renal circulation ; from* toxic substances in the blood ; from changes in the blood due to various diseases ; from lesions and diseases of the kidneys them- selves, etc. A., Tests of. See .Ubumi- meter, .Acetic Acid uiul Fcrrocyanide, Boil- inj^, EsbaclC s Method, Heller, Picric Acid, Ix'lurt',' Pediment, Pan ret. Al'bumoses. The first products of the splitting up of proteids by en/ymes, inter- mL-diate between the food-albumin-, and the typical peptones. After the precipitation and filtering off of the para-peptones, e. ;'., in the [K-ptic digestion of fibrin, the cK-ar solution of albuin<)s<-s thus olitained, treated with .sfxlium chloride, yields in precipitate form, J'roto-albutnose, Dys-albumose and Heteroalhumoie ; a fourth, Deulero-ulbit- tnoic, remains in solution. The iJeutero- alliinno~i- i> the ncan-st to pi-ptones. A., Vegetable. Sci; J'/iytiilbumnus. Al'chcmy (.\rabir, of doubtful derivation), 'i'he sujij»>)St.-d art of the transmutation of metals (into gold) and of finding a remedy for all diseases. Modern cluinistiy is the development of this chimerical mediaeval dream. AFcohol (Arab, al, the, ko/iol, finely pow- dered antimony). Ethyl alcohol, C.llgO. A lii|uid obtained by the distillation of fer- mented grain or starchy sub.-tance. Used in pliamiacy as a solvent for resins, and as a base for all tinctures. Commercial alco- hol contains 91 per cent, of absolute alco- hol, with 9 ])er cent, of water. Is in- flammable, colorless, and jiossesses a pun- gent otior ami burning taste. Sometimes used externally as a stimulant lotion. In- ternally, it is a powerful cerebral excitant ; in large doses a depressant, narcotic poison, producing muscular incoordination, deli- rium and coma. A food within the limits of 3J-5J per day; continued use is apt to result in epilepsy, amblyojna and insanity. In form of wine, whisky or brandy, it is invaluable in diphtheria, ady- namic fevers, and ])oi>oning by cardiac depressants. A., Absolute, spirit contain- ing no water. A., Ethyl. See Alcohol. A., Methyl, CII^O, commonly known as "Wood Spirit.' A., Amyl, C'/H,./), com- monly known as " Potato .Spirit" and "Fusel Oil." A., Phenic. See Acid Carbolic. A., Dilute, composed of equal parts each of alcoliol and water. Al'coholism. The morbid results of ex- cessive or prolonged use of alcoholic liquors. The term acute A. has been used as a synonym for inebriety. The chronic form is associated with severe lesions or disturbances of the digestive, respirator)' and nervous systems. Delirium tremens is a common result of alcoholism. Al'dehyde [al, the first syllable of alco- hol, dchyd, from deliydratus). Alcohol deprived of two atoms of hydrog,en, or acetic aldehyde. It is a colorless, limpid liquid, with a characteristic odor, having the comi)o>ilion C.;I1^(). Interi>ally it produces intoxication, aiuvstlusia and as jihyxia. A., Benzoic, the oil of bitter almonds, C'^IIuO. Chemically, the alde- hydes are iKwlies containing the group CO, associated witii a monatoiiiic alcohol radi cal, and with hydrogen. Tliey are easily converted into the corres|X)nding acid by oxidation, or into the corres|H)iuliiig alco- hols by nascent hyilrogen. They are |)owi-rfiiI reducers. Ale. .All alcoholic beverage brewed from malt and hops. It contains from 3 to 7 per ciiit. of alcohol. .See A/alt /.ii/uors. ALEMBIC 32 ALLEN'S TEST Alem''bic (Arab, al, afilii^, a cup). A vessel used for distillation. Alep'po Boil, or Evil. See Furimculus Orieiitalis. Ale^tris. Star Grass, Unicorn Root, Star- wort, Colic Root. The root of A. farinosa. Tonic, diuretic and anthelmintic. Formerly a popular domestic remedy in colic, dropsy and chronic rheumatism. Dose of fid. e.xt. Tl^x— XXX ; of aletriii, the extractive, gr. X-iv. Unof. Alexan'der's Operation. An operation consisting in shortening the round ligament of the uterus in order to bring the uterus into its normal position. Alex^ia (a, "kt^iq, word). Word-blindness. A form of aphasia and a special type of psychical blindness, in which the patient is unable to recognize ordinary written or printed characters. Alexipharm^ic (a^.E-fw, to repel, (pap/itaKov, a drug). A medicine neutralizing a poi- son. Alexipyrefic (aZefw, Tvviierog, a fever). A febrifuge. Aleze^ (aAefw, to protect). A cloth to protect the bed from becoming soiled from excreta, efc. Al'gae {^al^^oi; coldness). A group of acotyledonous plants, of simple vegetable construction, living mostly in the water. Al'garoth (It. A/garotti, the Veronese phy- sician). A name formerly used to desig- nate an oxychloride of antimony. Alge'do [aXyo^^ pain). A name applied to severe pain in the generative and extend- ing to the urinary organs, sometimes arising from a sudden stoppage of gonorrhoea. -algia {aTiyoq). A suffix denoting pain, as odontalgia, neuralgia, etc. Algid {^a/gidus, cold). Cold, chilly. A. Fever, a pernicious intermittent fever, with great coldness of the surface of the body. A. Cholera, Asiatic cholera. Aliena^tion (alieno, to withdraw). Men- tal derangement, insanity. A'lienist. One who treats mental diseases ; a specialist in the treatment of insanity. AFiment {aUmcntiim, from alo, to nour- ish). Nourishment, food. A substance that, acted upon by the digestive and as- similative organs, yields the sources and repairs the losses of heat, force or the tis- sues of the body. Aliment^ary. Nourishing. A. Bolus, the food after mastication and just prior to swallowing. A. Tube, System, or Canal, the digestive tube from the lips to the anus, with its accessory glands. Alimenta''tion. The process of the recep- tion and conversion of food into material fit for nourishment. AFizarine. The red coloring principle occurring in the madder plant, Ruhia tinc- torium, and in "anthracene, a coal-tar pro- duct. Its composition is Cj^HgO^. Al'kali (Arab, al, and kali, the plant from which soda was first obtained). The term includes the hydrated oxides of the alkali metals; these are electro-positive, are strong bases, uniting with acids to form salts, turn red litmus blue and saponify fats. A., Caustic (usually potash), when so concentrated as to possess caustic pro- perties ; potash and soda are called fixed alkalies, because permanently solid ; soda is called a mineral, potash a vegetable, and ammonia a volatile alkali. AFkali- Albumin. A derived albumin; a proteid having been acted upon by dilute alkalies and yielding an alkaline reaction. Alkalim'eter [alkali, and ^erpeu, to mea- sure). Alkalimetry, the measurement of the amount of an alkali in a substance. Alkaloid [alkali and euhQ, likeness). Resembling an alkali. The alkaloids are nitrogenous organic compounds, basic and alkaline in character, highly complex in chemical constitution and usually of vege- table origin. Most are solid and ciystal- lizable ; but nicotin and conein are liquid. Most are toxic. A., Putrefactive. See Ptomaines. AKkanet (Arab, alkanah, a reed). The root of AncliHsa tinctoria, now used in medicine as a coloring material. AUanti^asis {al7M^, a sausage). Sausage poisoning, due to putrefactive changes in imperfectly cured sausages, or in those made from bad materials. Allant^oin. C^HgN^Og. Occurs in traces in normal urine, and prepared from uric acid by oxidation processes. AUant^ois (aAA«f, eidoq. like). One of the fetal appendages or membranes, de- rived from the mesoblastic and hypoblas- tic layers. Its function is to convey the blood-vessels to the chorion. The lower part finally becomes the bladder, the rest, the urachus. Allant''o-tox''icon (a?.Z«f, to^ikov, a poi- son). A name applied to a poisonous sub- stance, probably a ptomaine, which devel- ops during the putrefactive fermentation of sausage, especially that made of blood and liver. Allen's Test for Zinc. A few drop-; of potassium fcrrocyauide added to boiling ALLIACEOUS 33 ALPHA-OXVNAPHTHOIC ACID water slightly alkaline yields a white pre- cipitate if zinc be present. Allia'ceous ((//////w, garlic). Resembling garlic or pertaining to the same. Al'ligator Pear. The seeds of Piisc-a ^ratissirna, or Avocado pear. A Mexican remedy for intercostal neuralgia, and, in- ternally, an anthelmintic (?). Dose, in- ternally, of the tld. ext. tTLxxx-;^j. Al'lium {d/.eu, to avoid). Garlic. The bulb oi .4. satiium. Cont:uns a pungent volatile oil^allyl sulphide), which is found also in the leek and the onion. The tubers of each are used both as a food and as a condiment, and are stimul.ants to digestion. A. Syr., contains, garlic 15, sugar 00, dil. acetic acid 40 parts. Dose 3 j-.^ iv. Allochi'ria («/./■.<){■, other, x^'lh hand). An infrequent tabetic symptom, in which, if one extremity be pricked, the patient locates the sensation in the corresjxjnding member of the other side. The better name, al/irst/u-sia, has been suggested. Allop'athy (a'/./jo^, other, TvaOng, affection). According to Hahnemann, the inventor of the tenn, that method of the treatment of disease consisting in the use of medicines whose action upon the body in health pro- duces morbid phenomena different from those of the disease treated. Opposed to homivopathy. It need hardly be said that modem scientific medicine is based ujxin no such theoiy, or definition, as that sup- plied by homa^opathy. See Regular. Allorhyth'mia (a/v.flC, pvfi/ioc:, rhythm). Variation in intcr\-al of the pulse. See Pulse and J^u/stts. Allotrioph'agy {n7.7x)Tptoq, strange, (^ayw, to eat). Depraved or unnatural ajjpetite. The Italian epidemic disease called /'ica. Allot'ropism (n/./of, TpoTro^, method). The term expresses the fact of certain elements existing in two or more condi- tions with differences of physical ]iro{x:rties. Thus carlxin illustrates allotropism by ex- isting in the forms of charcoal, ])lumbago, and the diamond. See homi-ric. AUox'an. An oxidation jirotluct (C^IIj- NjO,) of uric acid. 1'a.sses into alloxanic acid, C'^N.^II^O, by the action of alkalies. Occurs in the intestinal mucas in case of di.irrh'i-a. All'spice. See Pimenta. Al'lyl. < ,H^- A non-saturated univalent alcohol-radical of the oils olitained from alliaceous plants. A. Alcohol, (',!I^II(). A. Aldehyde, ' ",! 1/ ), a synonym o{ Acro- Ifin. A. Sulphide, (<'jl I j)j.S, the essen- tial oil of garlic. 3 Al 'men's Test. A test for haemoglobin or blood in urine. Add to urine freshly prepared tincture of guaiacum and ozo- nized ether ; a blue color indicates the presence of blood. Al'mond. See Aniyj^dahi. Al'nus. Akler Bark. The bark of the American Alder. A. Serrulata, contains tannic acid. Decoction of bark and leaves is astringent, and used as a gargle and as a lotion for wounds and ulcers. Dose of powtlered bark gr. x. Al'oe [a/or/, gen. a/.aijq). The inspissated juice of several species of aloe, of which the A. Socotriiia, A. Bml'iKhnsis, and A. C(7/>t'nsis are most conmionly used. Properties due to a glucoside, si(i)\ from the use of tobarco or alcohol or other loxic influences ; from traumatism; or it may be hysterical. Nyctalopia or day-blindness, and hcmcral- opia or night-blindness, are other forms ; it may arise from cntoptic phenomena, such as mtiscic ~e the term is applied to the surgical staff and arrangements of an army in ser\'ice. In the U. S. the word is re- stricted to a vehicle for the transference of the sick or wounded from one place to another. Ambus''tion {iimbtistio, a bum). A burn or scald. Amc'lia [a ncg., fiF?/>r^a limb). Absence of the limljs from arrested develoimient, or atrophy. Am'elus (a priv., /zt/of). A monstrosity without limbs. Ame^nia. Sec Amenorrhna. Amenoma''nia (ama-nit':, agreeable, //aivrt, madne.v->). A mild form iniils, regarded as dciivatives of annnonia by the substitution of alcohol radicals. They are called mona- AMMONIA 36 AMPERE mines, diamines, triamines, etc., according to the number of amidogen molecules, NHj, substituted for H. The lower mem- bers are gases, the higher, oily liquids. Ammo^nia. See Ammonium. Ammoni^acum. Ammoniac. A gum resin obtained from a Persian plant, Do- rema annnoniacum. A stimulating expec- torant and laxative, resembling asafcetida. Employed in chronic bronchial affections. Dose gr. x-xxx. A. cum Hydrargyro Emplastrum, ammoniac 72, mercuiy 18 per cent., with sulphur, acetic acid and oil, q. s. A. Emplastrum, 100 parts of ammoniac, digested with 140 parts of acetic acid, dil., strained and evaporated. A. Mistura, a 4 per cent, emulsion in water. Dose ^ ss-j . Ammoniae^mia {ammonia and aifia, blood). The theory explaining the pro- duction of uraemia as due to a decomposi- tion of urea in the blood, yielding ammo- nium carbonate. Ammo'nium (from the name of Jupiter Amnion, because first discovered near his temple in Libya). A hypothetical alkaline base, having the composition NH^. Exists only in combination. Occurs most com- monly in the foiTn of ammonia gas, NH3, which, dissolved in water, is the water of ammonia of commerce. Inhalation of gas causes suffocation and oedema of glottis. The salts first stimulate and then paralyze the motor nerves. Useful as a stimulant, as an antagonist in cardiac depressants, and locally in bites and stings of venomous reptiles and insects. Ammonia Aqua, water of ammonia, a solution containing 10 per cent, of the gas in water. Dose tTLv- ^ss, well diluted. A. Aqua Fortius, contains 28 per cent, of the gas in solu- tion. A., Aromatic Spt., spirit of ammo- nia, with A. carb., A. Aq., Ol. Lemon, Lavender and Pimenta, Alcohol and water. Dose Jss-ij. Ammonii Acetas Liq., dilute acetic acid neutralized with ammo- nia. Dose 3J-oJ- A. Benzoate. Dose gr. v-xv. A. Bromide. Dose gr. x- _:^ss. A. Carbonate, a mixture of car- bonate and dicarbonate. Dose gr. v-x. A. Chloride, sal ammoniac. Dose gr. j-xx. A. Chloridum Trochisi, each lozenge contains gr. ij of the salt. A. Glycyrrhi- zate. Unof An expectorant. A. Iodide. Dose gr. ij-x. A. Liniment, A. Aq. 30, cottonseed oil 70 per cent. A. Spt., a 10 per cent, solution of aqua ammonia in alcohol. Dose Tt\^x-_5J, diluted. The following salts and their preparations are official : A. Nitrate, used only in preparing nitrous oxide. A. Phosphate. Dose gr. v-xx. A. Sulphate, used only in the preparation of other ammonium salts. A. Valerianate. Dose gr. j-v. RaspaiPs Ean Sedatif (unof), am. aq. "T^x], sodium chloride ^^ij, spt. vini camph. ^iij, aq. ^xxxij. For local use. Amne^sia (afivrjaia, forgetfulness). Defect of memoiy. Loss of the memory for words. Am'nion [afiviov, the membrane of the fcetus). The inner membranous layer surrounding the foetus and inclosing the liquor amnii, or amniotic fluid. It is a double non-vascular membrane, the inner layer or sac derived from the epiblast, the outer from the mesoljlast. The cavity of the inner folds is called the true amnion, that of the outer, the false. A., Dropsy of the, excessive secretion of li(|uor amnii. Amni'ota. Animals with an amnion and allantois, comprising mammals, birds and reptiles.' Those without an amnion are called anamnia. Amnioti^tis. Inflammation of the am- nion. Amoe'ba (a«e6puci^, an articulaliun). The articulation of the lower jaw, as it partakes of the nature both of ginglymus and artlirodia. Ampho-pep'tone. See Peptones. Amphor'ic ('iiioopnr, a two-handled ves- sel). A. Resonance, in auscultation, a metallic sound like that of blowing into a l)Ottle,caased by the reverberation of sound in a cavity of the lung. Amphoter'ic {n//(fn)Trpnr^ Ixjth of two). Sulistantes neither acid nor alkaline, as glucose, gums, etc. Am'plitude {amplitudo, the extent of a thing). The range or extent, as of vibra- tions and undulations, the pulse, etc. Ampul'la. A Roman wine jug. The trumix.t mouthed or dilated extremity of a canal, a.s of the lachrymal canal, tlie recep- taculum chyli, the J-allopian tul)es, mam- mary ducLs, semi-circular canals, vas de- ferens, etc. ('hemically, the term denotes a largelx-Ilied Ixjttle. Ampula'tion ((//;//>«/(?, to cut away). The removal of a limb or part of the Inxly, by the knife, ligature or other means, or a.s a result of gangrene, constriction {e. ^^, of the curd, in the futas) or the diseiuse, ainhtim. It is tenned primary, if done very soon after an injuiy ; secondary, if after the limb has passed through the stage of inflammation. In the circular method the division is vertical to the jilane of tlie limb ; in the cutaneous, the (laps are composed exclusively of the integuments; in the Jlap method, the soft paits are cut obliquely and are comjiosed of both skin and soft parts. Spontanecus aiupu/ation occurs in the ftetus, and in ainhum; sub- periostea/ is when jieriosteal flaps are made to cover the cut end of the bone. Amy'elus (a neg., five/.oq, marrow). A fcetal monstrosity, with partial or ccmplete absence of the sjjinal cord. Amyenceph'alus {t^KKpa7oi\ the brain). A fietal monstrosity with absence of the spinal cord and brain. Amyg-'dala. Almond. The seeds of .7. amara and .-/. du/cis, containing the principle Emulsin or Synaptase. The former contains Amygdalin. The ex- pressed oil of the sweet almond is a de- mulcent useful in skin affections; in doses of 3J-ij, a mild laxative. That of A. amara is used in ctisinetics and is jioisoii- ous internally. A. Amara, Aq., a 1 : 100 solution of the oil in water. I )ose in- deflnite. A. Amara, Ol., a volatile oil bitter to the taste Contains 3-I4 jier cent, of hydrocyanic acid. Dose ITLJ4-J. A. Expressum Ol., oil of .sweet almonds. A. Mistura, oil of sweet almonds 6 per cent., sugar, water, and acacia q. s. Dose .^j-,^ss. A. Syr., contains oil of bitter almonds 3, sweet almonds 10, syrup 87 per cent. AmygMalae. A term used to denote the tonsils. Amyg'dalin. .See Amyi^dala. Am'ykos. An antiseptic fluid used in Russia and Sweden, comjiosed of I oric acid and thymol. Of reputed service in gononhoa and catarrhs. Unof. Am^yl. The hy]X)thetical radical C5II,, of amyl alcohol, tlic fifth term of the scries of alcohol radicals, C'„H.,n-f,. A. Alco- hol. See .-l my lie .-I /echo/. A. Nitrite, nitrite of amyl, C",, II,,N( ),^, a clear, yel- liquid, ethereal, aromatic, volatile ; produces vascular dilatation and great car- diac activity, and hence is useful in angina ]H(loiis, respiratory ncurosi'S, etc. Amyla'ceous {nmy/itm, .starch). Con- taining starch ; starch like. Am'ylene. C,_H,„. ,\ transjiarenl. li<|uid hydrocarbon, having an:isll)etic ])roperties, but dangerous to A. Hydrate, a AMYL HYDRATE 38 ANESTHESIA tertiary alcohol having hj-pnotic effects. Dose rrLxxx-gj. Unof. Am'yl Hydrate, or AmyFic Alcohol. Fusel Oil. Potato Starch Alcohol. Amyl Hydrate. An al- cohol having the composition CjHi.jO. Occurring in the continued distillation of fermented giain. The pure substance has considerable value as a hypnotic. In large doses it suppresses tactile sensibility, and produces motor paralysis. It is employed with advantage in mental disorders. Dose n\^ I5~7S- Unof. It was formerly much used to adulterate whiskey. Am^yloid (amylum, starch, u8oq^ form). Starchlike. A. Bodies, pathological pro- ducts resembling starch grains found in the membranes of the brain and other nervous tissues, the prostate, etc. A. De- generation, waxy, fatty or lardaceous de- generation ; a disease occurring in most of the organs of the body, and indicative of im- paired nutritive function. It is a nitrogenous, not starchy body, of uncertain composition. Amylolyt^ic {aniyhiin, Tivu^ to loosen). Pertaining to ferments, like the saliva and pancreatic juice, that convert starch into sugar. Amylop^'sin. See Ferments. Amylo'ses. One .of the divisions of the carbohydrates, comprising starch, glycogen, dextrin, inulin, gum, cellulose and tunicin. Amy^lum. Starch, CgHj^Og. The internal cells of Triliciim vulgaris, common wheat, all other cereals and many tubers, piths, and roots, such as potato, cassava, etc. ; constitutes nearly the whole of arrow-root, tapioca, and sago. Converted into glu- cose by boiling with mineral acids. The most valuable nutrient. Inert medicinally. A. Glyceritum, a jelly for external ap- plication. Starch lo, glycerine 90 per cent. A. lodatum, contains starch 95, iodine 5 P^i" cent., triturated with rose water and dried. Dose 3;j-5ss. Amyosthe^nia (a neg., five, muscle, adevoc, force). Deficient muscular power without obvious disease or lesion. Amyosthen'ic. Pertaining to amyosthe- nia. Also, a medicine or agent depressing muscular action. Amyotroph'ic (a, /uvg, rpo0?/, nutrition). Muscular atrophy. A. Paralysis, that which is due to muscular atrophy. Am^yous (a, without, /«'f). Weak ; deficient in muscle or muscular strength. Ana («i'a). A Greek preposition signify- ing tZ/rouq-//, tip, again, etc. In prescrip- tions contracted to aa, meaning of each. Anabi''osis (a!'a,/3(ow, tocome to life again). The phenomenon of a restoration of vi- tality possessed by certain organisms after drying, or even after heating to 140° C. Anab^olism [avaba'Alu, to throw or build up). Synthethic or constmctive metabol- ism. Diminished activity and repair of function. Opposed to KataboUsm. The process by which simpler elements are built up into more complex. See Meta- bolism. Anacar''diuni. The oil of the pericarp of the cashew, nut. Of reputed value in leprosy. Unof. Anac^rotism (ava/cporew, to lift up and strike together). A peculiarity of the pulse-curve, when a series of closely- placed elastic vibrations occur in the upper part of the line of ascent, so that the apex appears dentate and forms an angle with the line of descent. It takes place in dilatation and hypertrophy of the left ven- tricle, when extensibihty of the arterial wall is diminished, in great diminution in the velocity of the blood-stream, after lig- ature of an artery, etc. Anadicrot'ic {civa, upward, ^Lq, twice, KpoTot;, a stroke). Dicrotism of the venous pulse-wave occurring in the upward stroke. Anae^mia [av neg., ai/ia, blood). Defi- ciency of blood, or deficiency of the rela- tive number of its red coipuscles, the latter being the most generally understood mean- ing and use of the term. Idiopathic, pcr- iiiciojis, essential, progressive, malignant, etc., are terms denoting a t}p)e resisting all treatment and of fatal prognosis. Anae''mic [av, aiua). Pertaining to anamiia. A. Murmur, blood murmur, or soft mur- mur heard at the base of the heart over the great vessels. Ansemot^rophy [av priv., aiua, Tprxp?/^ nourishment). A deficiency of blood nourishment. Anaero'bia (a neg., ar/p. air, fiioq, life). The ([uality of living without oxygen. A. Facultative, normally or usually living in the presence of oxygen, but under cer- tain circumstances acquiring anaerobia. Anaero'bic. A term used of microorgan- isms, leucomaines, ptomaines, etc., that are produced or that live in the absence of oxygen (or air). Anaesthe^sia [avaicBrjaia, want of feeling). A condition of insensibility or loss of feel- ing clue to pathological conditions of the centres, conducting paths of the nerves, or the peripheral terminations of the same, or to artificial production by means of anoesthe- AN.tSTHESIMETER 3d AXAMNIA tics. A., Bulbar or Central, due to central disease. A. Dolorosa, loss of touch but preservation of pain in the part. A., Local, of a limited part of the boily. A., Muscular, loss of muscular sense. A., Peripheral, depending upon conili- tions of the end organs of the nerves. A., Surgical, by means of amvsthetics for the purpose of preventing pain, producing re- la.vation of muscles, or for diagnostic pur- jx)ses. AnsesthesinT'eter. An instrument to mea- sure the amount of an ana-sthetic adminis- ' tered in a given time. Anaesthet'ic (a privative, aicdavouai^ to lecli. A substance which produces insen- sibility to feeling or to acute pain, dimin- ished muscular action, and other ]>he- nomena. May lie local, general, partial and complete. The following are the sub- stances conmionly used : Car/>on Tetrachloride, not so irritating to organs of respiration, but far more dangerous than chloroform. Chloral hydrate, action indi- rect and incomplete. Rarely, if ever, used. Chloroform, by inhalation. largely em- ployecl in general surgery. Fatal i : 3000 in 500 cases. Death by cardiac paraly- sis. Cocaine. Local, and of short dura- tion. Used mainly in eye, throat, and mucous tissues. /:V//(7-, by inhalation. I're- cjuently spasmodic action and sus- pension of respiratory action. Twenty cases (1 : 16,000) of death reported from its Ethylene Chloride, chlorinated muriatic ether; clo.sely re.'iembles chloro- form, but less of a cardiac depressant. Safer than chloroform, and recovery from the effects prompt. Ethylene Dichloride. Dutch liquid ; chloric ether. Rapid and powerful in its effects. Paralyses respira- tory centers. Nitrous Oxide, by inhala- tion, much used by dentists for extraction of teeth. Symjjloms resemble those of a.s- phyxia. A., Local, an anaslhetic which, locally applicfi, proiliility to or absence of pain. Analge'sic. A remedy which relieves pain either by depressant action on the nerve- centres or by impairing the conductivity of nerve fibres. Anal'gia. Paralysis of the sense of pain. AnaFogous (ora>o)of, Con- forming to, proportionate, answering to. See,, Analoi^iw. A. Tissues, mor- bid tis.sues similar to the elementary and normal tissues of the body. An'alogue. A part or organ having the same function as another, but with a differ- ence of structure. The correlative term liviiioloi^ue, denotes identity of stioicture with difference of function. The wing of the butterfly and that of the bird are analo- gous, but the wing of a bird and the arm of a man are homologous. Analysis [ava7vu, 1 unloose). The reso- lution of compound bodies into simpler, or constituents. A., Gasometric, the de- termination of the constituents of gaseous com|X)unds, especially the determination of the amount of oxygen in .samples of atmo- spheric air. A., Gravimetric, the ([uan- titative deteniiination by weight of the elements of a body. A., Organic, the determination of the elements of matter formed under the influence of life. The analysis of animal and vegetable ti.ssues. A., Proximate, the determination of the sinipkr compound elements into which a substance may be resolved. A., Qualita- tive, the determination of the nature and number of elements which comj)Ose a body. A., Quantitative, the determination of the proi)Oiti(in:ite parts ot the various ele- ments of a com|)ound. A., Ultimate, the resolution of a compound, not into its simpler constituents, but its ultiniale elements. A., Volumetric, the (|uan- titativc determination of a ( <)n^tilU(■nl by ascertaining the volume of a licjuid which is re()uired to complete a given reaction. Anamnes'tic {avn, again, /irtimr, memory). l\<(.illiiig 1(1 mind; remembering. Anam'nia. See .Imniota. ANAPEIRATIC 40 ANENCEPHALUS Anapeirat''ic [aimTTeipao/uaij to do again). A general term for such affections as writers' and telegraphers' cramp, or pa- ralysis. Anaphrodis''iac [av, a(ppoSiT?j, Venus). An agent which allays sexual passion. An^aplasty [avmrAaacro), to form again). Operation for the renewal or restoration of lost parts, commonly called "grafting," or a '■'■plastic operation.'''' Anap^nograph (avaTzvorj^ respiration, ypa(po)j to write). Ap apparatus register- ing the movements ot inspiration and ex- piration, together with the quantity of air inhaled. Anar''thria [avapdpia, want of vigor). Par- tial aphasia from partial destruction of the paths of the motor tracts of speech. Anasar^ca (ai'a, through, cap^, the flesh). ■ An accumulation of serum in the areolar tissues of the body. General dropsy. If the affection be local it is called oedema. Anaspa^'dias (ai'a, upward, (777aw, to draw). An urethral opening upon the upper sur- face of the penis. Anastotno'sis {^avaarofiocj, to bring to a mouth). The junction or intercommuni- cation of vessels. Anastomotic arteries of the thigh, etc., branches of the brachial, femoral, etc., whereby the collateral circu- lation is established after ligatui'e for aneurysm, etc. The term has been in- accurately used of the junction of nerve- filaments. Anat^omy (^avaTSfivu, to cut up). The dissection of organic bodies in order to study their structure, the situations and uses of their organs, etc. A., Compara- tive, the investigation and comparison of the anatomy of different orders of animals or of plants, one with another. A., Mor- bid or Pathological, is a study of dis- eased structures. A., Regional, a study of limited parts or regions of the body, the divisions of which are collectively or pecu- liarly affected by disease, injury, operations, etc. Anazotu'ria [an negative, azotum, nitro- gen, tiria, the urine). A name applied to that form of chronic diuresis in which urea is deficient or alisent from the urine. Anchie''ta Saluta^ris. Vegetable mercury. The root of a violaceous plant growing in Brazil. Highly recommended as an altera- tive in syphilitic affections. Possibly iden- tical with Manaca, q. v. An^chilops. See Aiichyhps. Anchyloglos''sia. See Ton^ne-fie. An^chylops (aj^j^, near, wi/;, eye). Abscess at the inner angle of the eye, prior to rupture. Anchylo^sis. See Ankylosis. Anchylostomi^asis i^ayKvloq, curved, OTopa, mouth). A peculiar anaemia pro- duced by the parasite Dochmius Duode- nalis sucking the blood from the walls of the duodenum. Especially prevalent among brickmakers and other workmen in Europe. Called also Brickmakers' Anaemia, Tunnel Aniemia, Miners' Cachexia, Egyptian Chlo- rosis, Tropical Chlorosis, etc. Male fern and thymol expel the worm. Anchylosto^mum. A worm found in the' human intestine. The duodenal variety is common in Italy and Egypt. See Anchy- lostomiasis. An''con («7/c(ji', the elbow). Originally the olecranon process; applied to the elbow generally. Anco''nad. Toward the olecranon or elbow. Ancona''gra. Arthritic pain at the elbow. Anco''nal. Pertaining to the elbow. Ancone^us. A small muscle, an extensor of the forearm, inserted into the olecranon. Anco^noid. Resembling the elbow. Ancyloglos''sum. See Tongue-tie. An^da Assu. The oil expressed from the seed of a plant found in Chili. Laxative. Unof. AndrcE''cium {avrjp, a man, oiKca, a house). Male spores taken collectively. Androg^yna {av7/pj man, yvvri, woman). An hermaphrodite ; a female in whom the genital organs are similar to those of the male. Androg^ynus. A male with genital or- gans similar to those of the female. An'drum. A form of elephantiasis Arabum, characterized by oedema of the scrotum. Anelectrot'onus (av neg., ri?.eiiTpov, elec- tricity, Tovog, tension). The condition of diminished excitability at the positive pole when a nerve is traversed by a current of electricity. See Electrotonus and Catelec- trotonus. Anemia. See Amemia. Anemom'etry (aw/zof, wind, /nerpov, to measure). The art of measuring the ve locity and direction of the wind, princi- pally by means of the anemometer. Anem^onin. The active principle (Cj^- HjjOg) of the anemone. See Pulsatilla. Anenceph'alus [av, without, evK£(paXoQ, brain). A monster with a rudimentary or brainless head, and with an an^est of de- velopment of the vertebral column, the spinal cord being absent. ANEROID BAROMETER 41 ANGULAR An''eroid Barom'eter. See Barometer. Anerythrop'sia (av neg., epiHpng^ red, oi/'/i", sight). Subnormal color perception of red. See B/int//icSs. An'eurysm [atTVfnvua^ an aneurysm). A tumor con>isting of a dilated arter)' or com- municating with an artery. In the eaily stages there is expansive pulsation of the tumor, and a systolic nmrmur. In the later stages the laminated coagulum increases, so that pulsation may be ab>ent, and there may be secondan,- troubles from pressure upon adjacent organs. It may be caused • by the rupture, wound, disease or weakness of the arterial walls. Cardiac dilation is sometimes sjxiken of as aneurysm of the heart. A., Cirsoid. "S^q \'anx. Arterial. A., Diffused, follows ruptiu-e of all the arterial coats with intiltration of sunound- ing tissues. A., Dissecting, when the blood forces its way between the media and adventilia. A., False, or spurious, indicates a ruptiue of one or more coats ; true, when there is only a dilatation. A., Varicose, opens both into a vein and an artery. Anfractuos'ity [aiifractus, a l)ending round). The furrows or sulci between the cerebral convolutions. Angeiec'tasis (avyeiov^ a blood vessel, tKziiair^ dilatation). Abnormal dilatation of a vessel, as in aneurysm, etc. Angeioglio'ma (avyetcrv^ 7^'^, glue, o/ja). A gliomatous vascular tumor of the spinal cord. Angei'ograph {avyeiov, ypa(^^ to write). A form of sphygmograph invented by I-amiois. Angeioleuci'tis (nv^'nov^ a vessel, 7.evKo^^ while, irir). Inliammation of the lym- phatic vessels. Angeid'ogy [nvynov, '/oyoq, account). A description lymphatics. Angeiolympho'ma. lymphatic ves.sels. Angeio'ma. A tumor formed of blood ve^sl•l■,. ( "all<-d also rircitile or Vascular Tumor. Cavernous A., with commu- nicating alveolar spaces. See I'arix, Cirsoid. Capillary and venoas angeio- mata are calleii:^elica officinalis and other species. An aromatic stimulant and ennnenagogue. Dose of the tld. ext. : Seeds n\_v -x ; root ^:5ss-j. Unof. Angi'na {a/ix'o, to strangle). A sense of choking or suffocation ; a symptom of in- tlammatory affections of the pharvnx. A. Acuta or Simplex, simple sore throat. A. Parotidea, mumps, or parotitis. A. Pectoris, a paroxysmal neurosis with in- tense pain and oppression about the heart, Tlie exact cause is unknown. A. Ton- sillans, quinsy. An'gio-. See Am^eio-. Angiodef'ma Pigmento'sum. See At- ropliodertna. Angiograph. See Angeio;.^raph. An'gio-myo'ma. See Myoma. Angle [aiii^itlus). The degree of diverg- ence of two lines that meet each other ; the space between two such lines. A., Alpha, the angle formed by the intersec- tion of the visual line and optic axis. Cephalic angles, measurements for com- paring tlie skulls of different races. A., Facial, that formed by a horizontal line from the external auditory meatus to the aheolar liorder of the up]ier jaw, with another from the most ])rominenl j^art of the forehead to the edge of the alveolar border of the u]iper jaw opjiosite the in- ci,sor teeth. A. of Incidence and of Re- flection (of light or sound), that between the incident anil the rellected ray res]:ec- tively, and tlie pei-])endicular to the reflect- ing surface. A, of Refraction, that made by a ray of light in passing through a transparent .sulistance with a line at right angles to it. A., Visual, that between lines drawn from the extremities of an object to the ncxlal point. The smallest is al)out 30 seconds. Ang^licus Su'dor. Engli.sli Sweating Fever. A contagious malignant fever, also known as J-.plienti ra malii^iia, character- i/iil by black or dark-colored sweat. A n'gor ((///;'«;-, a strangling). Synonymous with .Ini^ina. Api)lied by some to epi- gastric pain. Anguil'lidae [ani^uilla,tmfc\). 'i'lu-smiill nematdid worms that live in \inegar and Sdur past<\ An'gular (angulus, an angle). I'ertainiiig t(i an angle. A. Artery and Vein, the terminal branclK'S of tlii' facial artery and vein. A. Gyrus or Convolution, the ANGULARIS SCAPULA 42 ANKLE pli coiirbe, a convolution of the brain. A. Processes, the external and internal ex- tremities of the orbital arch of the frontal bone. Angularis Scapulae Muscle. The Le- vator nnguli scapula. Angustu''ra. The bark of Galipea cus- paria. A stimulant tonic and febrifuge. In large doses emetic. Dose of fld. ext. Tr\^x-xxx. Unof. Anhalo'nium Lewin'ii. The active principle of the cactus of this name. Intensely poisonous. Resembles strych- nine in action. Unof. Anhela^tion [anhelo, to pant). Shortness of breath ; dyspnoea. Anhidro^sis (av neg., tJpcjf, sweat). Ab- sence or deficiency of sweat. Anhidrot^ic. An agent that checks sweating. Anhydrae''mia. The opposite of hydroe- mia, or an abnormal decrease in the rela- tive proportion of the water and salts of the blood. Anhy'dride ( av^ v(^up, water). In chem- istry, any oxide, either basic or acid, un- combined with water. Anhy^drous (av, without, wTup). In chemistry, a term used to denote the absence of hydroxyl or of constitutional water. Ani''dous (av neg., ei6og, form). Foetal monsters, formless, from general arrest of development. Anidro'sis. See Ankidrosh. An'iline (Port, anil, indigo). A thin, colorless liquid alkaloid, having the struc- ture CgH^N, derived from coal-tar. Com- bined with chlorine, the chlorates and hypochlorites, the various aniline dyes are produced. Poisonous. Unof. A., Red. See Fuchsin. An^ilism. An acute or chronic disease produced in workmen in aniline factories, by the poisonous fumes. An'imal {anima, the spirit, breath or life). An organic being having life and power of motion. Pertaining to the same. The ani- mal kingdom is composed of the Vertebrata , Jllolliisca, Articulata and Radiata. A. Charcoal, bone-black, ivory-black, etc., is the product of calcining bones in close vessels. A. Chemistry, that concerning itself with the composition of animal bodies. A. Magnetism, mesmerism, hypnotism, etc. A. Starch. See Glycogen. AnimaPcule (dim. of animal). An or- ganism so small as to require the micro- scope for its examination. Animaliza^tion (rt;^/wa//.f, animate). The process of assimilating food to the tissues of the body. An'imal Tis^sue. A general name for any of the textures which form the ele- mentary structures of the body. T., Ade- noid or Retiform, a variety of tissue found in the lymphatic glands. T., Adipose, a variety of areolar tissue constituting a re- servoir for fatty substances. T., Areolar, Cellular or Connective, a tissue of easily- distended meshes, used to bind the various parts of the body together. T., Cartilagi- nous. See Cartilage. T., Erectile, tissue of a spongy nature, which is expanded when turgid with blood or other fluid. T., Fibrous, the membranous tissue covering the bones and cartilage. T., Gelatinous, or Mucoid, a form of tissue found chiefly in the fcetus. T., Muscular. See Muscle. T., Nervous. ^eeNe>-ve. T., Osseous. See Bone. Anima^tion [animare, to have life or ex- istence). To be possessed of life. Formerly used to denote the effect of the vital principle by which the foetus acquires the power of continuing its existence. A., Suspended, a condition marked by interrupted respira- tion and consciousness ; caused by strangu- lation, the inhalation of carbon dioxide or other gases, etc. An^ion [ava.^ up, «//<, to go). A word employed in electrolysis to designate an electro-negative element. See Ion. Anirid^ia [av neg., iris). Absence or de- fect of the iris. Anischu^'ria (an neg., ischuria). A word sometimes used to denote enuresis or in- continence of urine. Anisoco'ria. See Isocoria. Anisometrop^ia' (av neg., iao(;, equal, jxerpov, a measure, wi/', the eye). A differ- ence in the refraction of the two eyes. Anisofropous (aviGog, unequal, r/3£7rw,to turn). Pertaining to the ])Ower of doubly refracting a ray of light, like Iceland spar. An''isum. Anise. The fruit of Anisiiin piiiipinella. Properties due to a volatile oil. Slightly stimulant to heart action. Useful chiefly to liquefy bronchial secre- tions, and is therefore a favorite ingredient in cough mixtures. Dose, gr. x-xx. A. Aqua, oil of anise I, water 500 parts. Dose indefinite. A. Oleum, an ingre- dient in tinct. opii camph. Dose TTLJ-v. A. Spt., a 10 per cent, solution of the oil in alcohol. An'kle. The joint between the tibia and fibula above and on the sides, and the ANKYLOBLEPHARON 43 ANTEVERSION astragalus. It is a ginglymus joint, with three Uganients, the anterior, internal and external. A. Clonus, " foot-clonus," " foot-[)henomenoii,'' a clonic series of sjMisniodic contractions elicited by putting the extensors of the ankle joint on a con- tinuous stretch. They are uniform and number from si.x to nine contractions per second. Ankylobleph'aron {aynv/n, a thong or ktij), .i/.t<;>(if)in\ fvelid). The adhesion of the ciliary edges of the eyelids. Ankyloglos'sia. See 7\»tifuc--/i\'. Ankylo'sis {(r.Kv/.og, curved). Union of the bones, forming a joint resulting in a stirtjoint. A., False, or Spurious, is due to the rigidity of surrounding parts. A., True, or Bony, when the connecting material is bone. A., Ligamentous, when the nudiiim is fibrous. Ankylos''tomum [a-}Kv?.or, aro^a, mouth"). A nematoid worm inhabiting the duodenum of man. Ankylo'tia (a>7cvAof, ore, o^^og, ear). Union of the walls of the meatus auditorius. Annat'to. See Annotto. Annot'to. Annatto, arnotto. A coloring matter obtained from the pellicles of the seeds of Bixa orellatta. Used to color plasters. Also employed as an artificial color for butter. An'nual [tifiiit/s, a year). Yearly. In botany, plants that mature and die in one year. An''nular [aniin/us, a ring). Ringlike. A numl)er of ligaments of the joints are called annular, as those of the ankle, wrist, eU. A. Muscle of Miiller, the circular fibres of the ciliary muscle. A. Carti- lage, the cricoid cartilage. A. Process, or Protuberance, the jxins varolii. An'nulus (dim. of annus, a ring). A ring-sha|)ed or circular oix-ning. A cir- cular or rounded margin. A. Abdomi- nalis, the external and internal abdominal rings. A. Abdominis, the inguinal ring. A. Fibrosus, the external ]):irt of the inicrvi-rtebral discs. A. Membrani Tympani, an incomplete Ixjny ring which forms the fain). A medicine that given relief from pain. From their tendency to pnxluce sleej) they are called kypnotus. A., Hoffman's. .See J:tlier. Anom^alous (a.vuua>Mq, not equal). Ir- regular, deviation from the common order. .\ UKinster is an anoina/y. Anonych'ia [av neg., ori-f, nail). Ab- sence or defect of the nails of the hngers or toes. Anophthal'mos [av, o(pda}.^io^, eye). Congenital absence of the eyes. Anops'ia [(iv neg., oftq, vision). Disuse of the eye, not from retinal or cerebral disease, but because of defects of the media, strabismus, errors of refraction, etc-. A. Amblyopia, ex-, amblyopia from disuse. Anor'chus [av neg., op\ir, the testicle). A person in whom the testicles are absent or not descended. The adj. is anorchous, the condition, anarchism. Anorex'ia (av neg., opeiig, appetite). Ab- sence or diminution of appetite. Anos'mia («r neg., oa/trj, smell). Partial or complete loss of the sense of smell. Anosto'sis {av neg., oareov, bone). De- fective development of bone. Anoves'ical. Pertaining conjointly to the anus and bladder. Ant-, Anti- {avri, against). Prefixes to comjwund words signifying ojiposed to, against, counteracting, eU. Antac^id {nrTt,act, a fever). An agent reducing a fever ; a febrifuge. Antifeb'rin. Phcnyl-acetamid acetanilide. A white, crystalline powder insoluble in water, freely soluble in alcohol. An anti- pyretic alleged to be more powerful than quinine. Eft'ects manifest in one hour, passing away in 3-10 houre. Efficacious in fevers characterized by high teni|)era- ture. Dose gr. iv-.\v. Unof. Antigalac'tic (air*, ya/.a, milk). Agents lessening the secretion of milk. Antihe'lix [nvri, t'/t^, a coil). The semi- circuhir piuminence of the external ear, opix)>ite the helix, or outer circle. Antihydrop'ic (avri, i'(5/)wi/', dropsy). A medicine used for the relief of dropsy. Antihydrot'ic. An agent lessening the secretion of sweat. Antilep'sis [arri'/.r/tj'ig, a receiving in re- turn). The treatment of disease by the application of the remedy to a healthy ]>.irt. Antilith'ic {aiTi, TuOog, a stone). Agents preventing the deposit of urinary calculi or sediment. Antilob'ium (avrt, ?/)/3f)?, the lobe of the ear). The tragus or part of the ear opjx)- site the IoIjc. Antimo'nium. Antimony. Sb = 122 ([uaniivalence I, HI, V. A non-metal, having a metallic luster. Only the com- binations are VLsed in medicine. Anti- monial salts are cardiac depressants. Pro- mote rai)id excretion of waste jiroducts ofthelxxly; in large doses produce vomit- ing and purging, with .symptoms similar to those of cholera. Valuable in inllamma- tory ailments of the respiratory organs, pueqxiral |>eritonitis and muscular rheu- matism. A. et Potass. Tartrate, tar- trate of antimony and |X)tassiuni, '• tartar emetic." iJose gr. ■j',;— }. A. Vini, wine of antimony, boiling water 60, tartar emetic 4, stronger white wine looo |iail^. A gfKxi exjxTtorant. Itose H\_v-xv. Syr. Scillae Comp., (ox's hive mixture, hive .syrup. E:ii !i '^j contains gr. i,^ of tartar emetic. A. O.xide, Sb^Oj, soluble in hydrochloric anwder of antimony, James' |xjwder, consists of antiinonious oxide H, and calcium phosphate, 67 parts. A prom|)t diaphoretic. gr. iij-viij. In larger dosn/rittis, itching). A drug which relieves the sensation of itching. Antipyre''sis {avri, TTVfnToq, fever). The empluyment of antipyretics in fever. Antipyret'ic [av-i, Trvpe-oq). An agent reducing the temperature of fever; any antifebrile medicine, or febrifuge. Most such also reduce the normal bodily tempera- ture slightly. They act either by prevent- ing oxidation processes, or encouraging the ratliation of heat. Antipy 'rin. Dimethyl- oxy chinicine, C,,11,.,N.,0. An alkaloidal product of the destructive distillation of coal-tar. It is a grayish crystalline jiowder, slightly bitter, .soluble in water ; adult dose gr. v-x, every hour for two or three hours. It re- duces the temi)eralure 3-5 degrees in fevers, causes sweating, sometimes vomit- ing, but no serious result. Antipyro'tic (al•^^ -vftuxjir, a burning). .\l;( Ills ( urativi' of burns. Antiscorbu^tic {aiiti, scorhiitiis, scurvy). A remedy for or ijrevenlive of scurvy; mainly v<-getable acids. Antisep'tic ("it/, (Tz/tw, to make putrid). Having iH>W(r to prevent or destroy jnilre- faclion, or, what is the same thing, the bacteria u|)on which putrefaction dei^nds. The principal in use are corrosive subli- mate, carliolic acid, iiKloform, thymol, sali- cylic acid, Ixjric aciil, ftc. A. Gauze, ANTISIALICS 46 APHASIA open cotton cloth charged with carbolic acid, resin, and paraffin. A. Ligature, catgut or other material rendered aseptic by soaking in antiseptic solutions. The antiseptic treatment of wounds looks to thorough asepsis and antisepsis as re- gards the wound, the instniments, the operator's hands, the dressings, etc. See, also, Listeria7i Method. AntisiaKics. Substances that lessen the secretion of saliva. Antispasmod'ic {avTL,GJvaafio^, a spasm). An agent allaying or relieving convulsions or spasmodic pains, as the narcotics, the nitrites, etc. Antispas''tic. That which counteracts spasm. An antispasmodic. Antisyphilit'ic. A remedy directed against, or used for the relief of syphilis. Usually an alterative. Antithe''nar [avri, devap, the hollow of the hand or foot). Opposite to the thenar. A. Eminence, the border of the palm of the hand from the base of the little fin- ger to the wrist. A. Muscles, of the toe and of the thumb : the adductor pollicis pedis, and the flexor brevis pollicis manus. Antitra''gus (avr<, rpftyof, the tragus). An eminence of the external ear opposite the tragus. The antitragicus muscle arises from it. Antizymot^ic (avTi, Cv/iwr/Kof, causing to ferment). An agent preventing the process of fermentation. Ant^lia [antiia, a pump). A syringe or pump. A. Lactea, a pump for drawing milk from the breast. A. Mammaria, same as A. Lactea. Antri^tis (antrum, a hollow place, -itis, inflammation). A word denoting inflam- mation of any of the cavities of the body, especially the A. Ilig/unoriamim. An'trophore. A soluble, medicated bougie. An''trum (autnuti). A physiological cavity or hollow place, especially in a bone. A. Ethmoidale, the ethmoidal sinuses. A. Highmorianum, Antrum of Highmore, a cavity in the superior maxillary bone. A. Pyloricum Willisii, the cavity of the pylorus. Anu^'ria [av neg., ovpoi>, urine). Absence, deficiency, or retention of the urine. A^nus [anus, the fundament). The ex- tremity of the rectum ; the lower opening of the alimentary canal. A., Artificial, an artificial opening, the natural for any reason being closed. A., Fissure of, rupture of the skin at the side, due to pas- sage of hardened fceces. A., Fistula of, a sinus, or fistulous ulcer opening from the rectum into the connective tissue about the rectum, or discharging externally. A., Im- perforate, absence of the anus, the natural opening being closed by areolar tissue or a membranous septum. A., Pruritus of, persistent itching of the anal orifice. A., Prolapse of, protrusion of the rectum or its mucous membrane. Aor^ta [aopTTj). The great arterial vessel arising from the left ventricle and ending with its bifurcation into the two common iliacs at the fourth lumbar vertebra. 77n' arch, that extending from the heart to the third dorsal vertebra, is divided into an ascending, a transverse, and a descending part. The thoracic portion extends to the diaphragm ; the abdominal, to the bi- furcation. The diseases of the aorta are acute aortitis, due to traumatism, throm- bosis, etc. ; and the chronic form, or athe- roma of the aorta ; fatty degeneration ; stenosis ; aneurysm. See Artery. Ap^athy (« priv., Tradog, feeling). In- sensibility, want of passion or feeling. Aper'ient (aperio, to open). A mild pur- gative; a laxative, or aperitive. Aperistal^sis. See Peristalsis. Ap'erture (apertura, an opening). An opening. A^pex [apex, the extreme end of a thing). The summit or top of anything ; the point or extremity of a cone. A. Beat, the impulse of the heart felt in the fifth inter- costal space about 2)% inches from the middle of the sternum. A. Murmur, a murmur heard over the apex of the heart. Apices of the Lungs, the upper extremity of the lungs behind the border of the first rib. Apha''kia [a neg., (paKog, a lentil, and the crystalline lens). Condition of an eye without the lens, whether the result of con- genital defect, luxation, traumatism or cata- ract operation. Apha^sia (a, (paaig, speech). Partial or complete loss of the power of expression or of comprehension of the conventional signs of language, from no lesion of the peripheral organs or nerves, but from le- sions of the cortical centers concerned. If sensory, it may be either of two varieties : I. Word-deafness, in which spoken words are not understood (there is usually some paraphasia or imperfection of speech con- nected with this form); 2. lVord-bli?idness. in which written or printed words are not understood. If motor, it may be either — I. Motor aphasia, or afhemia, consisting APHEMIA APOCYNUM in a loss of language, or inability to ex- press thoughts by articulate language ; or, 2. A-^rapltia, or "aphasia of the hand," inability to write. Charcot sup|X)ses the center for articulate language divided into four sub-centers, a vi.-.ual center for words, an auditory center for words, a motor cen- ter of articulate language, and a motor center of written language. Lesions of one or more of these centers produce the characteristic fonns of aphasia al>ove given, which have had clinical e.xemplilications. A., Ataxic, loss of sjjcech owing to in- ability to execute the various movements of the mouth necessary to speech, the mus- cles lieing not paraly/ed but not coordi- nated, owing to disease of the cortical cen- ter. A., Amnesic, loss of memory of words. Parapha''sia, inability to connect the ideas with the jiroper words to express the ideas. Agram'matism, inability to form words grammatically. Ataxapha''sia, inability to arrange words synthetically into sentences. Bradypha'sia, aljnormal Slowness of speech, from pathological cause. Tumultus Sermonis, a stutter- ing manner of reading, from pathological cause. Aphe'mia (a, (?7yU<, to speak). Motor aphasia; inability to articulate words or sentences from focal and not from periphe- ral disease of the organs of speech [A/a/ia). Apho'nia (a, ^wi';/, the voice). Dumbness, due to some peripheral lesion. Aphore''sis (n, (^o/jz/a^f, carrying). Separa- tion or ablation of a part, either by excision or .iminitation. Apho'ria (a, <*)opeu , to bear). Sterility of thi- female. Aphra'sia. A sj'non)in iox Aphasia. Aphrodis^iac (a(f>po(iiaia, venery). An agtnt stimulating the sexual passion. Aph'thae ((Kplla, from a-ru, to set on fire). The small, white ulcers, .sjx)ts or vesicles of the mouth, characteristic of the infantile disease. Thrush. Aphthoid and Aphthous are adjectival forms. Aphthong''ia (n neg., ^o}70f, sound). A jx-culiar form of aphasia due to spasm of the muscles supplied by the hyixjglo.ssal ncr%"e. A'pices (plural of ^7/,-.r). Summits. A'piol. A non-volatile, oily liquid of acid pri)|><-rties, n j)arsley, /'i/rosr/iinirii sativum. < arniinative, diu- retic, and in larger closes an cmmriiagogue. F.m|)loyed in intermittent fever, amenor- rh'>-a and dysm<-norrhortifacicnt, but worth- less. Dose ^iij-x. In doses of IT^xxx is n;iJCOtic Unof. Aplanat^ic (a, ^7.avau, I wander). Not waiuicring; rectilinear. A. Lens, a lens corrected for all aberration of light and color. A rectilinear lens. Apla'sia (a neg., -/rtfffTu, to form). A t\-pe of incomplete structure by reason of the non-formation of a necessary cell-group during the developmental stage. Called also Jhptplasia. Aplas'tic ((/, 7r?.(/fTCT(.)). Structureless, form- less. A. Lymph, one of the products of inflammation or disease. A non-tibrin- ous material incapable of coagulatioia or organization. Apleu^ria («, 7r?.ei'p«, a rib). A word employed to denote congenital absence of ribs. Aplotom''ia (a-?.orc, simple, roiir), section). Simple incision. Apneumato^sis (a neg., TriTiy/arojcr/f, in- flation). L'ollapse of the air cells of ^oxn& parts of the lung caused by blocking of the bronchial tubules, and resulting in a condi- tion of non-inflation whereby the lung tis- sue is reduced to a condition similar to that of atelectasis, or congenital apncumatosis. Apnce^a (n, -kveu, to breathe). Breath- lessness. Difficult respiration ; partial or complete suspension of breathing. Sy- nonymous with ,-/.\//')'.i7Vz. A. Neonato- rum, of the new-born child, caused by diflicult labor, pressure u])on the cord, etc. Apo-. A Greek prefix denoting y)(W/, a-vay^ separation. Apocen'osis (aTo/cfiow, to drain). An increased flow or evacuation of blood or other humors. Apochromat'ic Lens {a-o, from, away, off). A lens for micro.scopic and optical j)ur]K)ses, wiili high correction of spherical and chromatic aberrations, and better "de- finition." Professor Abbe, through Dr. Sciiott, of Witten, in \Vestphalia, as a re- sult of extended research, di.scovered crown and flint glass in which the dispersions for tiie different regions of the spectnmi should ap])r()xiniateiy |)ossess the same ratio, and thus avoid li)e "secondary s|)ectnun." A maiuifactory hxs been established in Jena for tiie production of these lenses. Apoc'ynum. ( anadian llenip. The rofU of -'/. cauUiihinuin. Properties due to an alkaloid, a/'orynin. In full doses an emetic and cathartic. \'aluable in dropsy. Dose gr. v-xx ; of the alkal()iiu»t, a grain. ss., se?nis., one half. See IVeights and Measures. Apoth'ecary. A druggist. One who pre- pares and sells drugs, fills prescriptions, etc. In Great Britain the apothecary is also a physician, filling his own prescrip- tions. In the United States it frequently happens that an authorized practitioner is also an apothecary, but without the degree of M. D. the practice of medicine is illegal. Apoth^'ema (oTro, from, QEjia, a. deposit). A brown powder formed by the open-air evaporation of a vegetable infusion or decoction. Apoz^ema (a/ro, ffu, to boil). A decoc- tion. Appara''tus {apparatus). The instruments used in any science, art or surgical opera- tion. Anatomically the word is used to designate collectively the organs effecting any specified work or action. A. Liga- mentosus Colli, the occipito-axoid liga- ment, a broad band at the front surface of the spinal canal, which Covers the odontoid process. Appendici'tis. Inflammation of the ap- pendix vermiformis. Append^ix (pi. appendices) (appendo, to hang upon or to). What is accessory to or dependent upon another. An append- age. A. Auricularis, the auricular ap- pendage, a process of the auricles of the heart. A. Caeci Vermiformis, a worm- shaped process of the c^cum. A. Epi- ploicae, pouch-like, fatty projections of the peritoneum of the large intestine. Ap^perts' Pro^cess. The preservation ("canning") of meat, fruits and vegetables by exclusion of air and germs ; effected by hermetically sealing the substances in tin cans after lieating the contents to 110° or more. Ap'petite {appcto, to desire). The desire for food ; also any natural desire ; lust. A., Perverted, that for unnatural and undi- gestible things, frequent in disease and pregnancy. Anorexia, loss of appetite ; Bulimia, insatiable appetite ; Hunger, the strong desire and need of food. Aprax'ia (« neg., npaaau, to do). De- fective thought and memory associated APRON, HOTTENTOT 49 ARBUTIN with aphasia; especially concerns the use of objects and methculs of doing things. A'pron, Hottentot. Aniticially elongated labia minora. Aprosex'ia [a, -poaexu^ to give heed). A niontal disturbance consisting in inability to tix the attention ujxjn a subject. Aproso'pia (a, -poau-ov, the face). A fetal monstrosity with partial or complete absence of face. Apselaphe'sia (a, \lTjaiq, touch). Pa- nilysis of the tactile sense. Ap'titude {aplitudo, titness). Fitness, tendency. The natural proneness of an organism toward certain functions or patho- logical conditions. Apty'alism (a, without, TrrfaZ/CtJ, to spit). A tenn applied to a condition marked by deficiency or absence of saliva. A'pus (n, -oi'f, foot). A monstrosity con- sisting in absence of the lower limbs, or feet. Apyrex'ia [a neg., rrvptacu, to have a fever). Without fever; especially used of tlie intermission-periods of ague, e/c. A'qua. Water. An o.xide of hydrogen having the composition H.^0. Is a solid below 32°, a liquid between 32° and 212°, vaporizes at 212° at the sea level (bar. 760 mm.), giving oflf vapor of tension equal to that of the air. Covers four-lifihs of the surface of the earth, but is never pure in nature, containing from a trace of soluljle matter, in rain water, to 26 per cent, of soluble mineral salts, in the Dead Sea. Water is an essential constituent of all ani- mal and vegetable tissues. In the human Ixxly it forms 2 per cent, of the enamel of the teeth, 77 per cent, of the ligaments, 78 per cent, of the blood, and 93 per cent. of the urine. Kxtemally, water has a stimulating effect upon the skin, either by direct or reactionary means. Cold water when continued too long may lower the general lemix;rature of the body so as to praluce .serious depression of circulation and mascular power. Hot water and vapor increase circulation and profluce dia|)horesis. Its too long-continued use deijililates. Internally, water is a diuretic. It is the most usiful of all the solvents in pharmacy. The following arc the offi- cial preparations anrl forms. A. Bulliens, Ixiihng water. A. Communis, coininou water. A. Destillata, di^iillol water. A. Fervens, lir)l watir. A. Fluvialis, river- water. A. Fontana, well or spring- water. A. Marina, s<.a water. A. Pluvialis, rain water. Sec also Mitifral If'd/rr. In pharmacy, a s(.>lution of a volatile 4 soluble substance in water. There are 15 official aqua:, all of arbitrary strength. Also, A. Fortis. See AciJ, Nitric. A. Regia, a mixture of hydrochloric acid 3, and nitric acid I part. A solvent of gold and platinum. A. Vitae, spirit, q. v. In anatomy, A. Labyrinthi, the clear liquid existing in the labyrinths of the ear. Aqueduct'us {aqua, water, ductus, a lead- ing). Used of ducts or canals in various parts of the body. A. Cerebri, the in- fundibuluni. A. Cochleae, aqueduct of the cochlea. A. Fallopii, the canal of the portio dura in the petrous portion of the temporal bone. A. Sylvii, the acjueduct of Svlvius from the third to the fourth ventricle. A. Vestibuli, aqueduct of the vestibule of the ear. A'queous. Referring to water. A. Cham- ber of the Eye, the space between the conica and the lens; the iris divides it into an anterior and a posterior chamber. A. Extract, solid preparations of drugs made by evaporation of ac|ueous solutions. A. Humor, the fluid tilling the anterior cham- ber of the eye. Aquocapsuli^tis {aqua, capsula, a small l)ox). A disused name for what is now classed as Serous Iritis, q. v. Ar^abic Acid. One of the constituents (C,.^H.^2^^ii) of acacia, or gum arabic, a gummy exudation of Acacia. Arachni'tis {apaxviov, a spider's web, itis). Inflammation of the arachnoid membrane of the brain. Arach^noid {apaxviov, eiSoc, form). Re- semliling a wel). A. Cavity, the sjiace between the arachnoid numbranc and the dura mater. A. Membrane, the deli- cate serous membrane of the brain and cord between the dura and pia mater. Sub-arachnoid fluid. See Ccrebro- spiiuil J-luiii. Ar'ack {/iit/.). A spirituous licjuor dis- tilled from rice or cocoanut juice, used in India. Araeom'eter {(i/>ai(>c, light, thin, fierpov, measure). ,\n instnmient for estimating tile s])eeiric gravity of fluids. Aran'tii. See Corpora. Afbor Vi''tae. A term applied to the arborescent ap]>earance of a section of the cerebellum, and also to a similar ap|)ear- ance of the folds of the interior of the cervix uteri. Arbu'tin. A bitter glucoside, Cj^II,.^0|j. 11/ ), obtained from U7',i ursi, or jjcar- berry. It is lU'Utral, crystalline, and re- solvable into glucose and liydn)quitu)ne. ARCANUM 50 ARGYRIA Arbutin is an efficient diuretic. See Uva Ursi. Arca'num [arcanwn, a secret). A medi- cine wliose composition is kept secret. Arch (L. arcus, a bow). A term applied to the curved shape of several various parts of the body. A. of Aorta. See Aorta. A. of Colon. See Colon. A., Crural. See Poitpart's Ligament. A., Palmar, the arch formed by the radial artery in crossing the bones of the metacarpus. Archebi^osis [apxv, the beginning, fSitoai^, life). The theory of the origin of living organisms from non-living matter. See Generation, Spo)itaneoiis, and Biogenesis. Archegen^esis. The same as Archebiosis. Archespo'rium [apx>?, a beginning, airupa, a seed). The cells from which spore mother-cells are immediately derived. Arch^etype (apje, chief, tvkoq, a type). A word employed in comparative anatomy to denote an ideal type or form to which other individuals or classes may be com- pared. A standard type. Archiblast^ic (apxi, the beginning, (ilaa- Toq, bud). A term used by His, of the three layers of the embryo, in contra- distinction to Parablastic cells or ele- ments that he thinks wander in between the epiblast and hypoblast from the margins of the blastoderm, from which are devel- oped the blood vessels, blood and con- nective tissue. Ar^chil. A coloring matter somewhat like litmus, chiefly obtained from the lichen Rocella tinctoria ; used for staining animal tissues. Arcta^'tion [arcto, to draw close together). Contraction or lessening of an opening or of the lumen of a canal. Arcua^tus [areas, a bow). Bent or curved in an arched form. A. Morbus, a former name for jaundice. Arc^us («;r«^). A bow or arch. A. Den- talis, the dental arch. A. Senilis, the ring of fatty degeneration of the corneal tissue about the periphery. A. Zygoma- ticus, the zygomatic arch. Ar''dent Spiralis. AlcohoHc liquors. vSee Spiritus. Ar^dor (ardor, to burn). Violent heat, burning ; applied to fevers and the sexual passion. A. Urinae, burning pain in the inflamed lu-ethra in micturition. A^rea [area, an open space). Any space with boundaries. A. Celsi. Set Alopecia areata. A. Germinativa, or Embryonic Spot, the oval germinating spot of the ^mbiyo. A. Pellucida, the light central portion of the last. A. Opaca, the opaque circle about the same. A. Vasculosa, the vascularization of the A. Opaca. Are^ca Nut. See Betel. Ar^ecin, An organic base (CjjH^gNoO) isomeric with brucin, derived from cinchona bark. Arefac^tion [arefacere, to make dry). Ex- siccation or desiccation. The removal of structural or constitutional water from a substance. Applied to the process whereby certain watery medicines may be reduced to a dry powder. Arena'tion {arena, sand). A sand-bath. The application of hot sand to a limb or part of the body. Are^ola (dim. of area, an open space). The brownish space surrounding the nipple of the female breast. This is sometimes called Areola papillaris. A secondary areola, smrounding this, occurs during pregnancy. The pigmentation about the umbilicus is called the tunbilical areola. A. Tissue, connective tissue. Areom^eter (apaioq, thin, light, /usTpov, measure). An instrument for estimating the specific gravity or strength of liquids, especially alcoholic liquids. Argen^tum. Silver. Ag = io8 ; quanti- valence, I. A malleable and ductile metal of brilliant white luster. Tarnishes only in presence of free sulphur, sulphur gases and phosphorus. An excellent sub- stance for vessels used in pharmacy, and for sutures used in surgery. The follow- ing salts are used : A. Cyanidum, used in the jjreparation of hydrocyanic acid. A. lodidum, sometimes used internally in- stead of A. nitrate. Dose gr. ^-j. A. Oxidum, explosive when treated with am- monia. Dose gr. j^-ij. A. Nitras, " nitrate of silver," argentic nitrate, " lunar caustic," a powerful astringent and an escharotic of moderate strength. Stains skin and other tissue black when applied in strength. In small doses stimulates heart and nerve centers. Too long con- tinued, leaves a slate-colored, insoluble deposit of silver under the skin (Argyria). Dose gr. y^-^z- A. Nitras Fusus, " stick caustic." Contains 4 per cent, of silver chloride. Used locally. The miti- gated or dilute stick is fused with an e<(7/, from its local application. Aristolo'chia. See Sdrpcntaria. Aristolo'chin. A bitter principle found in \ irijinia snake-root. See Scrpcntaria. Aristotle's Experiment. The double feeling exijerienced by the fingers when a single pebble is placed between the crossed fingers of one hand. Arm (^Sax. Arm, G. Arm, Lat. Armits). That part of the upper extremity from the shoulder to the wrist. Armamenta'rium (Lat., an arsenal). The outfit of medicines or instruments of the physician or surgeon. Arma'rium. See Armamentarium. Ar'mature (armatura, equipment). A ma>s of soft iron at the extremity of a magnet. Also, the core of iron around which coils of insulated wire are wound or disposed. Ar''nica. A plant commonly known as " Leopard's bane," — A. moutana. Both flowers and root are used in medicine. Proixjrties probably due to an alkaloid, tri-methyl-amine. In small doses a car- diac stimulant ; in larger doses a depres- sant. In toxic doses frequently causes death. A popular remedy, when locally apj>lied, for sprains, bruises and surface wounds. Valuable also in t>'^)hus and tj-phoid fevers as an antipyretic. A. Tinct., 20 per cent. Dose ITLv-xxx. A. Infusum, 20 parts flowers, loo parts water. Suix-rior to tincture for local use. A. Ext. Radicis. Dose gr. j-iij. A. Ext. Rad. Fid. Dose TT^v-xx. A. Tinct. Rad., 20 percent. Dose tl\^v-xxx. A. Emplastrum, contains ext. of root 50, lead pla-tcr ICO parts. 'J'rimelhylaviine (unof. ). Dose gr. ij-iij in syrup. Ar'nicin, C^gH^^O^. A brownish, bitter glucoside extracted from the flowers of Aiuiiii montana. Arnot'to. See Anatto. Aro'ma (n{xma, s|>ice). The im])ondcr- abli- fragrant or o< ^-z tn J2 — si - TO — 3 « E ■- E ■■?i; S E •?=- = :u "o .-3 3 ~ ,-« — u u 3 < = -i; < o a a. — _ o E 3 •-:" ." sj I. 5 --J v^ - - T3 — ' a u*^ c E o U o ^ >. u u (/2 2 3 2 .- 0. E 1; = o w = a 3* < E^ •a •^T3 rt rt <^si r? - 41 r O « .i~ •^ •■" i^ "n -- a. . ea in ;7) i/i t/2 UJ 3< O §•< ^EU t/) H 1 3 - "^ 3 o "! 3 •J O ^ u ;/) O O /5 H rt— 3 5?3._- • = =/'. !; - " : E-> u .^ "n rt ^ ■— * M ■* n. >; a. W 113 3 tx: ;_;, tc k. U a D i> a «5 ci 'a Ui a. V V Q — 3 c« . a -o _. :; ■r 3 5 i; o E o «-* tf> .id 3 u H *.« tfi o 3 u H .a O '3 'I cc/5 3-0 n 3 -a, S-5 U - 3 = (/3 ^ X w -.0 o U o 5 « > < o c o < « ?! y •o c C CD O (!) c? u n n V .a u c c9 u CQ c C3 "C « f) «^ -g « X aa Qg M 00 •a c m •o cs V u o b c 'rt . o c 41 "5. i S •== = £ ^ u en « « E S (/I H U. o c C O E S O rt <: o c CO bo (/) be T3 C cd tfi c (d c u o O ^ ^ %) - o rt 41 y) •— U) 3 s •= -H J 41 ^ .1 0:= i; — :- n o - 9. u 4) y ^.S? a. z 5 O o r. il rj ►* C o o Si cd O 03 (J — 10 7) < -I o i 1 1 •s >< ^ rt rt i U < U u c o E E o U 7. "3 ■*. .s 'A E *- 2 < < <• C9 c c < < e o rt C o o ■c tf! o eu ;3 1 « •3 ^ 11 E u E ^ o X U W ■« -b" T3 = o o o 3 X < < rt rt 'J '_» •a E (J a Q .!2 N u -m^ X - a. ■liac A ronar> rsalis It "rt w E rt 000 D. rt V U u u Q u u. U. M V 03 E 3 C 3 < <« -3 •= c i2 ^ E - 57 E i 41 u .Sox- - •5 Q U W - i a> . . .. - •-' u u u u o 3 rt rt n rt rt 53 Si m W I— I pi; w H < 1-1 < u Ph o w P3 <; 05 td X u z ■>: 0) rt J2 0) 3 ■^- -t-t O J= - .5? CO ^ ^ o 2 S3 S u C o ._: S J3 O a u 3 ^ O fciO 13 5 3 M C 3 3 c o a; CO o .2 I- T3 J3 ;i a< a^ 'C 3 v u Cu w _3 c w ._■" 'I' 'S x; ^ Ong > *-■ M 2;« « c S S 01 ■a o ;-• u O E 11 o. 3 •a 'o S be 'Ji ■= § >5 2 . ^^ TJ - O rt CI ^ •n rt OS H <"-:; u o '5 a. « (^ K ,r ^ 2 E 3 3 a 2—'.^ -I- j? E_->: J Ctl -o q C V- V P. 50 uta ula ial. •V U.HrS 3 u i-r-i rt tD rt < . w5 c Q luscu ygos d Pos X ^ «=; N g c rt M ,^-<^ "5 CL, "3 c CL, md In Int.), ), Ant. -a o pa 3 o o n! 3 •■ — 1 — TD . CdTJ S _o "o u s" 3 1^ ™ c ■3 U c E C C E o 3 en S 3 1- (/2 1/3 en 3 y 55 en 2 = CJ rt J3 •a 3 Q. 3 Q t/} Oh 3 H n (K - M W) • c n 11 fc (I, ■a T3 J3 X) c 3 CL, rt cd 0) E E CJ rt rt 2: 0. CL, (/) (U a 13 C M 15 u- be a n "^ > 13 CI m , S -a •0 3 tS T3 g s 6 5 < U *-• X U j3 a < 5 < U 12 •6 u 2 E E u CI «3 a 3 c/) U X ■jS 3 u 3 U u, u t. [il W oa XI ^ CJ a a CQ > u S J3 E •a 43 m U ■4-J U X U .5 pa U 3 C to }-• E u < !/2 *• OS P cu b c 3 O Cu s o O 3 S i J CD S E E ^ rt a 01 3 c a u v^ 3 OJ u tfi c OJ Of*;) rt 3 3 o Lh U, .-'0 .•3 u rt rt c (U X m s >, ^. S -5 _ s c« .t; ■ — - u S S ,9. 3 .ii- O a t; hn C u: 0. 1-1 (U V Q 0. 3 t/3 CJ C < (1) J3 X 4-* u 1 — i X E < u < 1) hi) W •3 0! u u r! IP j: rt rt >, J3 E E J3 3 a rt cS rt Cu CU CU 0^ CU 54 03 X i >- H = — - M fe "^ = -5 0.2 2 - >.^^ S t t !; be 01 2 -x^; U-o- I- -._ b -ill E 3 « 2 ir X ^ il C i' > C E "3 c o u c .a K 3 '5 ;; •£< ^- 5 c= = « ^ c^ tn - K^ ?• csi u f •3 C <9 £ H H<< o o. E o o c. E o U V > I C V I bO c b« o Q o w ^ ^ C u |g 06 ■ o ■■U X) a. 3 (/3 c a a cd a f 3 , u a tn X H W e be C rt •a ■C V. 3 C. C f^ o o « 3 u 3 a t- 4/ 3 41 Q S c. --5 ^ 3 o (0 0) a - ^ •d" o (5 1- V 3* (/3 H.iS t.2 (J « '^ r: — 3 E E o U 3 Cd o) Is o .h o ^^ I/} c u Cl. O •o a c V c_- < M Sft. ^" Ft-K o CL, c _4> o — — ^t-^ •> « Wj < .= Oi 41 u (J iJ 01 •n c cd 41 C 'a o O c te n ■ a o e o (-1 u 35 cd 41 2; X c t« C c 1/3 4) • Cd O ~T3 - u X u — i^ •c f a S o c 3 fe b Jj (/I Cd aj'o 0-c c < bo II o o .M •u <; s cd X < X c o .2 •i:< ■0 'o U u c cd cd cd v *-> O !2 'i 1— 1 — c pa o a i:^ ^ JZ CJ *^ .£fi a. e 3 1/2 CA < ■© u H vi (- 3 (/) '5 u cd !3 in o U ti "> IS < Oil D 5 * E = x> C ARYTENOID 56 ASPARAGIN in abeyance, as in asphyxia neonatoram, drowning, etc. Hall sMethod, by turning the body alternately upon the side or face. Harvard's Method, by pressure upon the lower ribs every few seconds. Sylvester's Method, chiefly by movements of the arms. Arytc'noid [apvraiva, a pitcher, scSog, like- ness). Resembling the mouth of a pitcher. A. Cartilages, two cartilages of the laiynx regulating, by the means of the at- tached muscles, the tension of the vocal cords. A. Muscle, arises from the pos- terior surface of one arytenoid cartilage and is inserted into the corresponding parts of the other. It is composed of three planes of fibres, two oblique and one trans- verse. It draws the arytenoid cartilages together. Aryth^mic. Irregular; without rhythm. Asafcef'ida. Asafetida. A resinous gum obtained from the root of Ferula nai-thex and F. scordosoma. Somewhat soluble in alcohol, and forms an emulsion with vi^ater. Properties due to allyl sulphide, CgHjgS. A powerful antispasmodic, stimulant and expectorant. Very service- able in hysteria and bronchial affections. Dose gr. v-xx. A. Tinct., strength 20 per cent. Dose ^ss-ij. A. Emplas- trum, asafcetida 35, lead plaster 35, gal- banum 15, yellow wax 15, alcohol 120 parts. A. Mistura, a 4 per cent, emul- sion. A. at Magnesiae Mist., Dewer's carminative, magnesium carb. 5) tinct. asa- fcetida 7, tinct. opii I, sugar 10, aq. dest. ad 100 parts. Dose^ss-^ss. A. Pil- lulae, contain each gr. iij of asafcetida and gr. j of soap. Dose j-iv. A. et Aloes Pil., have gr. i^ of each ingre- dient. Galliani PH., comp. See Gal- batiuvt. Ammo7iicE Fcetidus Spt., con- tains asafcetida l'^, liq. ammonite fort. 2, spirit 20 parts. Dose Jss-j. Unof Ascar''icide. A medicine that kills asca- rides. Ascaridi^asis. The existence of ascarides in the intestine. As''caris (plural Ascarides) [aoKapi^u, to jump). A genus of the family Ascarida. A class of parasitical worms inhabiting the bodies, and especially the intestine, of most animals. A. Lumbricoides, is found in the ox, hog and man. It inhabits the small intestine, especially of children. A. Vermicvalaris (the thread worm), a syno- nym of Cryz^rw VertJiicitlaris. A. Mys- tax, the round worm of the cat, and A. Alata have rarely been foimd in man. Asci''tes [aaKiTTjg, from atjKog, a bag). An abnormal collection of serous fluid in the peritoneal cavity. There is uniform en- largement of the abdomen, fluctuation, percussion dullness, etc. Ascle^pias. Pleurisy Root. The root of Asclcpias tuberosa. A popular remedy in the Southern States for pleurisy. A powerful diaphoretic and a moderate emetic and cathartic. The infusion re- commended has a strength of ^j of the powdered root to ^ xxxij of water. Dose teacupful every 3 or 4 hours. Unofh- cial. Also, A. Curassavica, Blood Flower. An herb common to tropical America. Astringent, styptic and anthel- mintic against the tapeworm. A popular remedy for checking capillary hemorrhage. Dose of fld. ext. 3J-ij. Unof Ascococ^cvis (aanoq, a leather bag, KOKKog, a kernel). A genus of the family of Coc- cacees; with elements united in massive colonies surrounded by tough, thick, gela- tinous envelopes. A, Billrothii, found in putrefied meat; its natural habitat is the air. Details of culture, etc., are wanting. Ascomycc'tes (acKog, /.iVKrjg, a mushroom). A large family of fungi, of whicli the truffles, or Tuberacea, the ergot of rye and mould of dried fniits are examples. Ascoph^ora Muce''do. A microscopic fungus, of which the mould of bread is an example. As^cospore {aaKog, airopa, a spore). A spore developed within a sac-like fungus- cell. Asep''sis (rt neg., (J7]ku, to putrefy). The condition of non-putrefaction ; absence of all septic material or pathogenic micro- organisms. Asep^tic. Free from contaminating or septic matter. The antiseptic treatment of wounds, including aseptic and antiseptic dressings, renders the wound aseptic. Asep^tin. This term has been given to a secret preparation containing lioric acid, used for preserving articles of food. Asep^tol, CgHgSO,, a reddish liquid, with an odor of carbolic acid, recommended as a disinfectant and antiseptic. Used ex- ternally I : 1000, and internally in about the same dose as carbolic acid. Asit^ia (a, without, atrog, food). The want of food. Also a loathing for food. Aspar^agin. A crystalline organic princi- ple, C^HgN.^O^, found in asparagus and many other plants. It is diuretic, and sedative to the circulation. See Althcea. ASPARAGUS 57 ASTHMA Aspar'agfus. Tlie green root of Aspara- i^iis officinalis. A mild diuretic. Dose q{ lid. ext. "^ ss-j. Unof. Aspaf'tic Acid. C^I^NO^. A dibasic crys- talline substance obtained from asparagin. It occurs in the body as a result of the action of the pancreatic juice on the fibrin of the bkxxl. Aspergil'lus (aspcrs^o, to scatter). An order of fungi. A. Auricularis, a fungus found in the wax of the ear. A. Glaucus, the bluish mould found, ('. g., upon dried fruit. A. Mucoroides, a species found in tuberculous or gangrenous lung tissue. Asperm'atism (n neg., a-epjia, seed). Non-emission of semen, whether owing to non-secretion or non-ejaculation. Asper'sion {aspcrgo, to sprinkle). The act of besprinkling, medicines being some- times thus applied. Asphyx^'ia (aneg.,CT^i'f/f, thepulse). The effect upon the body of the non-oxygena- tion of the blood ; the suspension of vital phenomena when the lungs are deprived of air. The excess of carbon dioxide in the blood at first stimulates, then paralyzes the respiratory center of the medulla. Arti- ficial respiration is therefore re'juired in cases of sudden asphyxia. A. Neonato- rum, the inability of new-bom infants to begin respiration spontaneously, or to con- tinue it. Aspidiosper^mine. An alkaloid extracted from OuLhraih\ q. v. Aspid'ium. The rhizome of several spe- cies of A., especially A. vtarginalc. Pro- perties due to a resin containing filicilic acid. Valuable chiefly as a vermicide against tapeworm. Dose Jss-^ss. A. Oleoresina, an ethereal extract. Dose As'pirates. Sec Consonants. Aspira'tion (ad, to, spiro, to breathe). U>e<«l into such a nutrient condition that it is taken up by the circulatory system, and forms an inte- gral jjart of the economy; synthetic or con- structive metabolism; anabolism. A., Pri- mary, that concerned in the conversion of food into chyle and blood. A., Sec- ondary, that relating to the fonn;ition of the organized tissues of the body. Associa'tion [associatio). The act of com- bining; union with. Associated Move- ments, coincident or consensual move- ments of other muscles than the leading one, and which by habit or unity of pur- pose are involuntarily connected with its action. P.oth eyeballs move alike in read- ing, though one be a blind eye. Move- ment of the normal ami will sometimes produce slight motion of the ojiposite para- lyzed ami. An uniformity of innervation is usually the cause of these movements, and such an example as the rigidity of the jaw in lifting a heavy weight should hardly be called an associated movement. Asso- ciated Paralysis, a common paralysis of associated muscles. As^surin. A name given liy Thudichum to a complex substance occurring in brain- tissue. Properties not investigated. Asta^sia (a neg., oraotg, standing). Motor incoordination for standing. See Abasia. Asteato'des (a neg., areap, tallow, uth]q, fullness). Delicient or absent secretion of sebaceous matter by the sebaceous glands. As'ter. .See A'aryol-inesis. Aster^ion. See Sku/l. Astern'al (a neg., arfpiw, the breast bone). Not connected with the stemum. A. Ribs, the five lower pairs, because not joincenesthe- sia, anaesthesia, or other abnormality, or by general nervous aflections. Asth'ma (aaOfin, pairing). Paroxysnial or inton the part. Atmom'eter, or Admidom''eter [ar/wg, fiLTfxiv, a measure). An instrument to de- termine the amount of water exhaled from a given surface in a given time, in order to determine the humidity of the atmosphere, of a |)l:icc. At'mosphere (nriinr, ci^aipa, a sphere). 'Ilie mixture of gas<-s, vajwr of water, and other sus|)ended matters, surrounding the earth, as an elastic fluid envelo|H-, to the hiij^hi r)f aUjut 200 tniles. Atmospher'ic. Pertaining to the atmo- sphere. A. Moisture, the vajwr of water mingled with the atmosphere. It varies in quantity according to temperature. A. Tension, the pressure of the air per sciuare inch on the surface of a body. Nor- mally, at the sea-level it is about 14.7 lbs. per square inch, or ecjual to that of a col- umn of mercury about 30 in. in height. It decreases about ^^ in., or :,'j lb. per stjuare inch for every 90 feet of altitude. Above lOjOOO feet, the rarity of the atmo- sphere is usually noticeable in quickened breathing and j)ulse rate. Ato'cia {aTOKoq, bairen). Sterility of the female. Afom (« neg., re/tvu, to cut). The ulti- mate unit of an element; that part of a substance incapable of further division, or the smallest part capable of entering a chemical compound, or uniting with an- other to form a Molecule, — which last is the smallest quantity of a sul)stance that can exist free or uncombined. Atomic Valence, Equivalence, or the Atom- icity of an element, is the saturating power of its atom as compared with that of hydrogen. Atomic Weight, the weight of an atom of an element as com- pared with the weight of an atom of hydro- gen. Atomic Heat of an atom is its specific heat multiplied by its atomic weight. Afomizer. An instrument for transform- ing a iKjuid into a spray or mist. At'ony (a, roi'of, tone). Want of tone. Deiiilily. Loss or diminution of muscular or vital energy. Atopomenorrhce''a {aTorrng, out of place, /iiv, month, /^tw, to flow). Vicarious menstruation. AtrabiPiary {ater, black, />i7/s, bile). An obsolescent term relating to melancholy and hypochondriasis; abso referring to the rinal and supra-renal glands, believed to j>ro- duce i)lack bile, or atrabilis, the cause of the gloomy disposition. Atre'sia [a neg., r^zpntvu, to ])erforate.) Imjxirforation of an opening or canal, as of the anus, vagina, meatus auditorius, ]iupil, etc. The word is com|x)unded with the name of the organ affected; <'. .4'., atrcsocystia, atresoi^astria, atresometria, alretruteria, etc., denoting respectively, in)]K-rforation of the bladder, stomach. Worn!), intestine, etc. A'trium {utrium, the fore-court or hall). Tli:il ]).irt of the auriile of the heart into wiiieli liie venous IiUmmI is |K)ured. At'ropa ((iT/ioTTdg, one of the three I'ates, who cut the thread of life, in allusion to \ ATROPHIA 60 ATTENUATION the poisonous effects of the plant). A genus of the nat. ord. Solanaccce. A. Belladonna, the deadly nightshade, whence is obtained atropine. See Bella- doiina. Atroph^ia (a, without, rpocj)?/, nourish- ment). Atrophy, (/. v. A term applied to various diseases marked by wasting or innutrition. A. Cutis. See Atropho- dej-ma. A. Cutis Senilis. See Atropho- dcDfia. Atroph^icum Melanc'sis Progres^'siva. See AtropJioderma. Atrophoder^ma (a, rpoipr/, nourishment, Ssp/ia, the skin). Atrophia Cutis, atrophy of the skin, a wasting of the skin due to innutrition. A. Pigmentosum, Xero- derma Pigmentosum, Angioderma Pig- mentosum, Atrophicum Melanosis Progi'es- siva, — a degenerative wasting of the skin accompanied by a development or gather- ing of pigmentary matter in patches. A. Albidum, described by Kaposi as con- fined to the inner parts of the thighs and anus. The skin is white, thin, glistening, and destitute of pigmentary matter, a con- dition remaining stationary throughout life (dif. from A. Scleroderma). A. Neuri- ticum. Glossy Skin, an atrophy of the skin in the area of a diseased or injured nerve. Occurs most commonly on the ex- tremities. A. Senile, Atrophia Cutis Senilis, an atrophy of the skin due to old age. A. Striatum et Maculatum, Stride et MaculiB Atrophica;, a form of the dis- ease occurring in streaks and spots. May be idiopathic or symptomatic. Afrophy [aTpo(j)ia, want of nourishment). A retrogressive change in parts originally well-formed and nourished, consisting in a loss of weight, size and function of an or- gan or tissue, owing to some disorder of nutrition. A., Active, due to the inherent inability of the cells of a tissue to assimi- late the nutriment brought to them. A. of the Bulb, progressive shrinking of the eyeball. A., Muscular, affects the mus- cles, and may be hereditary or acquired, simple or progressive. A., Passive, caused by diminished nutrition supplied the part. A., Pigmentary, so called from a deposit of pigment (yellow or yellowish- brown) in the atrophied fat cells. A., Serous, that characterized by a transuda- tion of serum into the tissue after the fat has gone, giving it a gelatinous appear- ance. A., Simple, the retrogressive pro- cesses and shrinking due to pathological causes, allied _ to the physiological retro- gression of senility, but occurring, as it were, prematurely. A., Trophoneurotic, that dependent upon abnormality of the nervous supply or control of an organ or tissue, best illustrated in muscular atrophy from injury of the proper nerves of the muscle, or in disease of the anterior horns of gray matter of the cord. A. of Hair, a wasting or deficient growth of the hair. Atropi^na or At^ropine. A crystalline alkaloid, Cj7H23N03, obtained from Atropa belladonna, and is the active principle of the plant. The sulphate is a white powder of bitter taste, neutral reaction, soluble in water. Homatropine, CjgHjjNOg, is a de- rivative alkaloid, the hydrobromate being used by ophthalmologists as a mydriatic, principally because its effects pass off more quickly than those of atropine. Atropine is an irritant narcotic, a mydriatic, anti- spasmodic and anodyne ; in small doses a cardiac, respiratory and spinal stimulant, in large doses a paralyzer of the cardiac and respiratoiy centers, the spinal cord, motor nerves and voluntary muscles. It produces congestion and dryness of the mucous membrane of the mouth, nose, pharynx and larynx, at first lessening the gastric and intestinal secretion, to be fol- lowed by an increase of the same. It is extensively used in ophthalmic practice to dilate the pupil, paralyze accommodation, and also in various corneal, iritic and other ocular diseases. Its therapeutic use in general medicine is also manifold; e.g., in inflammatory affections and pain in cerebral and spinal hyperemia, atonic con- stipation, cardiac failure, h}'persecretions, etc., and as a physiological antagonist in opium poisoning. At^tar of Rose. Oil of Rose. The volatile oil distilled from the fresh flowers of the Damascene rose. Comes mainly from E. Roumelia. Generally adulterated with other volatile oils. Used only as a per- fume. Atten^tion. The direction of the will or thought upon an object or to a particular sensation. A. Time. See Time. Atten^'uant [atteniio, to make thin). A medicine or agent increasing fluidity or thinness of the blood or other secretions. Atten^uating Medium. See Fractional Cultivation. Attenua^tion [attenuo, to make thin). A thinning, naiTowing or reducing the strength or size of a substance. A. of Microbes, weakening the pathogenic virulence of microbes by successive cultures and other ATTOLLENS 61 AURICLE methods, so that they may be used as a vaccine to confer immunity from future attacks of the disease. A., Sanderson's Method of, by passing the virus through the system of another animal {^.^., guinea pig, in anthrax) so that it becomes modi- fied in virulency. Toussaint and Chauveau showed that heat is a valuable attenuation method, while oxygen, sundry chemical reagents, exposure to sunlight, c/f., have also l>een used. Attol'lens (^attol/o, to raise up). Applied to nniscles raising or elevating the part, ;ts the A. Auris, a muscle raising the exter- nal ear. Attrac'tion {attraho, to draw to). The tendency of one particle of matter to ap- proach another. Athnity. As existing between celestial bodies it is termed gravitation, while molecular attraction or cohesion expresses the force aggregating molecules into masses. A., Chemical, the attraction of affinity, relates to the attraction of atoms of one element to those of others, resulting in chemical comjwunds. A., Capillary, the tendency of a cun-ed surface or a tube to exert traction on a liquid. A., Electrical, the tendency of bodies toward each other when charged with opposite electricities. A., Magnetic, the traction of a magnet upon certain metallic substances, chielly iron. Attra'hens {attraho, drawing). Applied to muscles, as Attrahens auris, a muscle drawing the ear forward and u]5ward. Also used of medicines attracting lluids to the part, as stimulants, epispastics, etc. Attri^tion [attero, to rub against). An abrasion or chafing of the skin. In physics, any rubbing or friction which breaks or wears the surface. Atyp'ic (a neg., ti'ttoc, a tyi^e). Inegiilar; not conformai^le to the type. A. Fever, an intermittent fever with irregularity of the paroxysm. Aubernage (Fr.). A contagious disease of the vine, called by the Italians the Black Disease. It is doui>tful whether it is due to a fungus or a bacterium. Audiom'tter [aitJio, to hear, fjirpnv, a measure). An instrument for measuring the ,i( ul<-ni-ss of hearing. Aud'iphone (audio,

-)yr/, a sound). An instrument for improving the jxjwer of h<-aring. Audi'tion. 'Ilie act of hearing. Aud'itory. Pertaining to the act or the organs f(f hearing. A. After-Sensations, continuing or occurring after the cessation of the stimulus. A. Area, the cerebral center for hearing, location not definitely detennined. A. Aurae, auditory sensa- tions preceding an attack of epilepsy. A. Center, same as .-/. Area. A. Hairs, the processes of the crista acustica, at jiresent of indeterminate function. A. Meatus (exter- nal and internal), the external and inlcnial canals or openings of the ear. A. Nerve, ihc /ortio mollis of the seventh pair. A. Ossicles, the chain of small bones of the middle ear. A. Sac, the lalyrinth pit or depression in the epiblast, on both sides of the cmbr)ological after-brain, \^hen cut olT from the epiblast it is calletl the vesicle of the labyrinth, or Primary Auditory Vesicle. Au'ra (ow, to breathe). A breath of wind ; a soft vapor. A sensation like a gentle cun-ent of air rising from the limbs or body to the head ; a frequent forerunner of an epileptic attack, aura epileptica. Also applied to any slight sjTnptom preceding an attack of any disease or paroxysm, as the aura hysterica, aura verliginosa, etc. Auran''tium. Orange. The fruit of Ci- trus ztili^ai'is and C. aurantiuni. Both the flowers and the rind of the fruit are employed. The volatile oil from the rind is aromatic and a mild tonic. Used mainly as a flavor. A. Amara, Ext. Fid., bitter orange peel, alcohol and water. Used as a tlavor. A. Amara, Tinct., bitter orange peel 20, dilute alcohol, q .s. ad 100. Dose ^^^j-ij. A. Corticis, Ol., the volatile oil exjiressed from the rind of the orange. I lose gtt. j-v. A. Dulcis, Tinct., sweet orange peel 20, dilute alcohol, (|. s. atl loo. Dose 3J-ij. A. Elixir, oil of orange I, sugar 100, alcohol and water, q. s. ad 30x3. A. Spt.,oil of orange 6, alcohol 94. Dose according to iiuantity of alcohol desired. A. Flores, Aq., orange (lowers 40, water 200. Distill to 100 parts. A. Florum, Ol., " oil of neroli," a volatile oil distilled from fresh orange tlowers. I )ose gtt. j-v. A. Florum, Syr., orange water 35, sugar 65. A cdninum llavoring agent. A. Syr., sweet orange peel 5, alcohol 5, calcium j)hosphate precip. I, sugar 60, water, f|. s. ad 1 00. Aur'icle (auricula, the outer ear), 'i'hc pinna and external meatus of the lar. The auriclo of the heart are the two cavities between the veins and the ventricles. The Auricular arteries, anterior and jKistcrior, are liranclies of the tiinporal nnf a part, as a pt>lypus, a limb, cA-. Ax'ial Current. See J'oiseiiilh-'s Sparc. Axil'la ^duul'tful derivation). The armpit. Ax'illary. Pertaining to tlie axilla. A. Artery, the continuation of the subclavian artery, extending from the Ixjrder of the first ril) to the in.sertion of the pectoralis majfir muscle, where it becomes the bra- chial. A. Glands, the lymphatic glands of the axilla. A. Plexus, the brachial plexus formed by the last three cervical and the first dorsal ncr%es. A. Space, the irregular conical space of the axilla. A. Vein, a continuation of the brachial, cor- res|K)nding with the artery and terminating in the subclavian. Ax'is (a^wv, an axletree). An im.iginary line passing through the center of a body. Tlie second vertebra. A., Cerebro- spinal, the central ner\ous system. A. Cylinder (of a nerve), the conducting or essential part of a nerve lying in the centre and surrounded by the sheath, or sheath of Schwann. A., Optic, the line from the corneal ajxjx to the macula hitea. A., Visual, the line from the olijcct through the nodal point to the macula, — the two last are not identical. Azed'arach. The bark of J. vicHa. Occurs in curved pieces or (|uills, having a sweetish taste. The decoction, ^^ ij toOj, is a gastro-intestinal irritant and anthel- mintic. Unof. Azobsperm'ia (a, ^ux), life, a-spfia, seed). Want or deficient vitality of the sjierma- tozoids. Az'ote (n, C(jrj). A .synonym of nitrogen. Azotic acid, nitric acid. Azotu''ria (azotiim, nitrogen, itrina, the urine). An increase of the urea in the urine. Az^ygos (rt, C^'/'T, yoke). Ajijilied to jiarts that are single, not in j)airs. A. Uvulae, a small mu.scle of the uvula. A. Vein, a vein connecting the superior and inferior venix; cav:e. B B. In chemical terminology the symbol of I'oron. B. A. A contraction of balneum aqua-, a water-liath; also, of balnciivi airtuf, a sandliath. B. M. A contraction of balneum maris, a s< -a water i>ath. B. V. A contraction of balneum Z'aporis, a vai)orbath. Ba. 'Hie chemical symi

    ( /I/ZV^). B. of Symptomatic Charbon. .See H.Chau- BACK-STROKE OF HEART 64 BAG OF WATERS vceiiyTable). B. of Cholera. SeeSpinl- lum CholetcE. Comma-Bacillus. See Spirilhiin Cholera:. B. of Green Diar- rhcEa of Infants ; Lesage has isolated a species whose pure culture products in animals a disease similar to that of the in- fant. B. of Diphtheria. Of a number isolated and believed pathogenic, the Krebs-Loffler variety is thought specific by Klein. B. of Epidemic Dysentery; inoculations upon animals of a B. isolated by Chautemasse and Widal seemed conclusive that it was the specific cause of the disease. B. of Glanders. ?>eeB.Ma/lei{Tabk),— proved specificity. B. of Hay, the B. Siib- tilis, not pathogenic. B. of Hog Cholera. See Table. B. of Jequirity, does not exist ; the ocular imtation being due to an alkaloid in the jequirity seed. B. Krebs- Lbffler, see B. of Diphtheria. B., Lac- tic. See B. Lacticiis ( Table). B . of Blue Milk. See B. Syncyanus ( Table). B. of Leprosy. Hansen and others have iso- lated a B. they believe specific, but inocu- lation experiments are not conclusive. B. of Malaria. Lemaire, Klebs and Crudeli, and others, have isolated forms believed by them to be specific. Laveran first, and Richard and Marchiafava and Celli found in the l^lood three forms of protozoa, one of which particularly produced intermit- tent fever by inoculation. B. of Blue Pus. See B. Fyocyatieus [Table). B. of Rhinoscleroma, probably the same as Micrococcus Pneiinwiiite, of doubtful spe- cificity. B. of Measles of Hogs (see Table), of proved specific nature. B. of Syphilis. Lustgarten first, and a number of others, have isolated a form believed specific, but no cultures have so far been successful. B. of Tetanus ; the l)acterial origin of this disease seems established by many observers, the B. discovered by Ni- colaier being the specific cause. B. of Tuberculosis. There seems to be no reason to doubt the specificity of Koch's B. B. of Typhoid, the typhic B. has not been isolated from the air, but has been isolated, and of its specific quality there is little remaining doubt. B. of Whoop- ing- Cough. Afanassieff believes an iso- lated form specific, and injections in ani- mals lends some support to the view. A Table of the chief characteristics of the principal B. is herewith appended (pp. 65-74)- Back-stroke of the Heart. See Diastole. Bacte^ria {jiaKTrjpiov, a little staff). A generic tenn for microorganisms, or mi- crobes. According to Colin (1872), divisi- ble into four families, the Spherobacteria, Microbacteria, Desmobacteria and Spiro- bacteria. The classification of Zopf ranged all forms also in four classes : Coccacees (including Streptococcus, Micrococcus, Merismopedia, Sarcina and Ascococcus) ; Bacteriacees (including Bacterium, Spiril- lum, Vibrio, Leuconostoc, Bacillus and Clostridium) ; Leptothricees (including Leptothrix, Beggiatoa, Crenothrix and Phragmidiothrix) ; Cladothricees (Clado- thrix). Mace's classification gives three families : the Coccacees (including 4 gen- era, the Micrococcus, Sarcina, Ascococcus and Leuconostoc) ; the Bacteriacees (gen- era : Bacillus, Spirillum, Leptothrix and Cladothrix) ; the Beggiatoacees (with two genera, the Beggiatoa and Crenothrix). Bacteria''cees. The second family of the order of Bacteria or Schizomycetes ; the ele- ments are rod-shajjed, sometimes in short cylinders or in filaments, but the length always exceeding the breadth. Many have true endogenous spores. The following are the members of the family : The Bacillus, Spirillum, Leptothrix and Cladothrix. Bacte^ricide. See Germicide. Bacterid^ia. Davaine's designation of the Bacillus. Bacterid^ium. According to Davaine, a genus of Bacteriacees, characterized by immol)iKty of the elements at all periods of their existence. The distinction does not now obtain. BacterioKogy [(ianrripiov, 2,oyoq, science). The science of microorganisms. Bacterio- logical investigation consists in the study by the microscope of forms present, the artificial cultivation or culture of the same, and the study of the effects of pure cul- tures upon animals. Bacteriopur''purine. The coloring matter of Beggiatoa roseo-persicina, isolated and studied by Ray Lankester. Insoluble in water, alcohol, chloroform, ammonia, ace- tic and sulphuric acids, etc. Bacte^rium. An individual of the order of Bacteria. B. Chauvaei. See Bacil- lus ChauvcT-i. B. Chlorinum. See Ba^ cillus Chlorinus. B. Janthinum. See Bacillus Janthinus. B. Phosphores- cens. See Bacillus Phosphoreus. B. Termo. See Bacillus Termo. B.Xanthi- num. See Bacillus Synxa)ithus. [Table.) Bag of Waters. The foetal membranes enclosing the liquor amnii, projecting through the os uteri, which usually nip tares when the cervix is dilated. .1 ^ c (/) cms" ' >, — 4) 4) VJ z s« (4 .2 ^ «'5T-^ > " ^ _'?; >2 "w . ^r , 'i 3 u « i u ^— a H u i u •3="'-o 3 ^30 -J 1 a < z > 3 ^ T3 C 3 bet— - ■ ■ IT. SJ lU^ " " = ;: « j;*^ u 2=-= u in n _2 rt£ £ ^■5 ij a u) 0.2 «S-E.° < CQ O H~ (fl J < c - •5^ hh ° "iS Z < u . c 2 2G X 4i— . 15 « 2 a in.X 'c V «-• 'E 0) «-« 3 =-a »_ C— in 1-^— 3 ^ii 0:5 — 2 O a. < (/3 Q CL, Oui Ol. < te. ^ 1^ t z < J < 2 < tn •0 Ms- "5 •- /-; 1- * 0^ J3S« - 00 d in •0 l/T-I/3 3 LU u 4— u u it Iz 2i •?2E«2 s ■-'_0 Id X a.<0 .- 01 % S^ii cr:-ri 5 H o 1=5 ?f u ^^-•5 ^^ ^ h "1 ^ :j:a < u X 4^ i :2l^i «oS-2 1 .E- u u 1) C5 5-a in— u—, . Oil -; « -< b in o P in o O " 3 B ■2« wS E §Sj;S2 U >* > Uo-C- s ^^~ -J < U H U < < U c "J 2 ill! 5 s ■c'S 3 <>« cr>, •a §1 i" Mali's 2^ S 2: « .S"! '^ " ".£^-2 z * = § 4i '°"B u ii .i ° £ = .u £ LU in in ^£ S 3 « tfl C O* ■5'c.E-= a^ aj h- . u . .h is < "O O < n < < u < e . « m c «- it u n E---2 = ? - 5 rt ra n . n in c 11 5 <-" c = Is UJ -J tfi . ,^ V5 111 CQ < ij u c ii2 u tfi c UI 3 _u *C >• 3 < < < < -1; n ca n « n « « « tt oq"' 05 "^ s ►J (— ( u < Pi O I— I w Pi o H o u H c/} I— I w U < U o5 z Q < Z ^ D « » O Dissolves pre- cipitated ca- seine. Produces propi- onic acid at the expense of sugars. 1 • en C 3 (U — g u Spores form at an enlarged extremity. Pigment is in- soluble in water, a 1 c - hoi and acids. Decolored b y Gram's meth- od. < u K (J 'a cu _tj 'S >• .3 a. a 13 C is' < 'S But slightly pa- thogenic. Pathogenic. Influence OF Oxygen and Heat. 6 1 u .•01 < .•0) 3 u •■J >J ►J u U u s Rods 3.2 to 8 /It by 0.8 M. Mobile when free. 2i M 00 (n 13 Cellules 2 to 2.5 by o.s /u. ; fre- quently united in chains. Rods 2 to 3 by 0.4 to 0.6 /a; slight- ly mobile. Immobile rods, 4 to 5 fi.. Short rods with rounded ends, with capsule. ui W D H U M K h [I. O (fi u s M H U < < u c _o "3 o m Troubled greenish liquid and greenish deposit. 6 O Oh Dirty yellow layer. Pellicle dark blue, then blue- black. Thick layer ; yellow, with green tinge. u r' 0) in >> en O Large greenish- yellow cul- ture ; buttery consistence. Culture white and opaque. "3 O The gelatin becomes viscid. Rapid liquefaction ; whitish deposit. Jelly partly liquefied ; upper layers tinged with blue. Does not liquefy ; whitish semi- transparent culture. Does not liquefy; putrid odor. Does not liquefy ; nail-shaped culture. tn 0) !2 tn Colonies of whitish concentric rings, like a tortoise shell. Yellow-green small round colonies, quickly liquefying. Small, trans- parent islets with yellow- ish center and sinuous borders. Thin grayish, almost trans- parent, layer. Grayish convex colonies. < 3 < X u . .3 3 Excrement and putrefying masses. Animals with symp- tomatic charbon. ■a . ■U 0) 0) 3 u PQ 3 3 'u !S u 03 B. Claviformis ( Tyrotlirix claviformis). u5 3 0) "3 H U E ■■3 2 U3 E n V 01 tn M3 si pa 1 3 a in tfl . 3 tn tn 3 66 u o •V o i> 75 55 1 0. '5 o Agent of albu- minoid fer- mentation. Pathogenic. ■?. 0. u Q. a (fi Agent of albu- minoid fer- mentation. Aerobic. The rods die at 90° to 95°; the spores at 100° to 105°. 1 < Aerobic. The rods with- stand 100°; the spores 110°. 2i 1' ii CO iH E 'O E " «.« tA . 1=0 en u t/3 Thin mobile rods, growing often in fila- ments. Spores a dirty red. ■§55 Mobile rods. Spores ovoid, of same size. Cloudy liquid ■ greenish sediment. The dull liquid sooti becomes alkaline in reaction. At the sur- face small white scales with reddish center. Thickwhite velvety pellicle; cloudy liquid. Green culture covering surface. Layer reddish, then brown. "7, V *— ^ Numerous radial fila- ments from the central streak. Does not liquefy; greenish culture. Does not liquefy; culture whitish. 1^ Does not liquefy ; whitish culture ; the jelly tinged green. Does not liquefy ; numerous whitish filaments in the jelly. 1.^ ■"3 « 3 3'= Small whitish colonies ; do not liquefy. Small clear spots becoming yellowish, with darker center ; later they become whitish. Wrinkled whitish colonies with brown center. Whitish islets, with fine straight or curved prolonga- tions. Yellowish colonies with darker center ; hyaline surface cells. Intestine of infant. Diphthe- ritic false membrane. Fermenl- Caseine. (A 1 < < Ferment- ing Caseine. < is A 1 K •c V o. ai ; 3 Cv 2 la .2,^-5 . n i u x: «-* t- . u n in c S2 £ n B. Filiformis ( Tvrothrix ji/t/oi-niis). B. Fitzianus. C7 (/} • ^^ • • z >-2 3 3 do — J3 01 oT3 *j CIS z > 3 3 A c c D a! dj.S^ (U.i3 03 U E oj-— E i> CO &3i5 b«3 O IX E u >^ . _o _o _o s§ '^ S '-t-* '■*-» _o ■^ >% >> >. 0-- 's >i _„^ Si /= * ~3 a a o. £ S ■*-» ft 8 X rt rt rt C3 rt ■•« D-, (/) t/3 [/2 < a< U3 S e z < ■ -M 01 .2S — •a a^- "fcz5 R o w a i PS m'"^^ 1— 1 3o '^ •— o *-• kJ 5 X CO rt O O ,/" "^ >. . O ' ^ a. j: ' 00 <; CO Id •S^ U3 D rt u o .t; X ►-t m J o o o "-i — s " ^ ^ -i < H Pi 1— ( w Pi D J U u Id X H O 0) a; tn oj > 3 ^ M Vh (U ^ 3 3 ££'^ U V — t: 5 s p 1- c _o '3 o m T3 '-^ •- >^ E ^ V •JTTD en — E ?^ O TJ — ^ 111 •::.? cL) ;;; 13 IC o 6 3 :>. ?* u. ^-Mbi ^cl . rt H 3 B o Oh •S^O (LI IS'E'n (A be tu rr: -^ U ^ U (/) . o u t-H H U X h [I. u p 01 O <1> 3 E Is. ^ 3 = o So >■ •" 2 i- •T3 II iioo — ■ o"r Pi •- 1 Vh i*-. ^ w H < Pi < u H-l U S w H U < < u 5 "3 O C.2 o . « ^ S S u u mm a, 3 s 3 u ^i";; •d-a . ■B • '^ m "1 o !i-- •C m 3 ■ ■ gl-«^S^^i3 j; 01 01 01 3 • 3 (u 3 hr >,^ O O m 3 :r m O U_Q „-T3 r; O « tU 3t3 3 O « CJ ?i llilfll HH Pi ^T3 h TJ . "ti U tn . Ph E^-3 5^1 3 a 2 ^ c (U in (-0 3 ;^ s w < 3 0- — ^1 ■3S1 '3^5 01 3 ■3 n m~ PQ n n pq 68 f S2 - C 3 = -•« u u •3 . c Bl.S .2 2 OS 1 = — j= c - !;._ Bji Un The rods are divided into short joints, each with a spore. o - ^_. s ? « « < (J tic *-* 1 j= Q. u a tn >^ a u a « c be Cu cu £ a n I/} lo o u -■« < is i2 J' 2 ••OJ <: Short immobile rods, 1.7 by 0.6 1.^ = re N — |2i 1^6 = — c IS c --r-^ tfl'w ^ « i OS u > £^ ♦-» -^ t: is a p »— 1 5i i en" "O ii "^ li s « in U S 71 ? j^ t J,-o"ll« a.5 o.5t3 U) H "" P 1* £ c u 5-6 lit — 3 i1 01 i> efl 3 . ■0'5 m Us §15 0-" u 1; ■;: 3 n Ills ■I- ! V'.'.f -r— • Z*-.' ■; ;2 y <" a -^ - ^ u en V 3 • b..l i »i Z = ' S S'-f J = i, •=.:e .— < CO (^ D Bi « 4)t3 , — E■" Z X 2 IB u 01 '^ o < < < y5 M M uT'l V >> ■U . "2 M IH ni ■*-• T3 — ^ c 6 u ELLULl ■Si o\ o\ ■c i 2^. 02 «^3 5 u v-^ Di 05 a 1 -aTJ^ o Ci ^ dj oj^ • Q^ji: Z— u ra u^ « 3 rt h u w X h ■3 fill?? ,': i; -' -K b •CT3 . jr 3 g ^E- rr ^ (J c £■3 3 rt ^ > •Sii"S •0^ o.iS d ^ ^ 0) 1^ b O in y C^ > s^ P H h < > u (LI 3 a" 3 lif.E S & (LI r' .M 3 u,.5 tf3 . 3 y 2*3 >> ^ . ES rt 3 cnci'-'-g < X V J 2 £ ft JO* CU CJ be 01 S^ c cu £ > 5 CT) M v. ^ ■% S <" .E tn S" • > m rt ■Si 2^ 3 fc- '^ w u -4J , ^ c/) OJ (U 2:53-5 ^c/>2° . c^IIeSs TO rj — • >. c s. -IS tfl tfl c <— *J ^ D I- (n K-. *-» . ^I'eI U&28 ft 1 " U) -t3 < h n < < i" r c c« i '5 t;; J, 3 03 cn •En a; g (U 3:;: ^ 3 3-z; rtX3 o< 3 en ■*-' .— 3 — ft U C « C , ■ (n ■< Qj tn S3 •C3 ^3 ■2 S ? ft (L) cn Is (U -a 'S 2 ft « . OJ ,n cn u> 3 3 cn 2-e u u . c ft m n pq"" m n n m 70 Light very weak below 30°, and dis- appears at 10°. Produces blue crystalli/alilo pyo-cyanine. Is 1- 3 Tl — — 3 u b Brick-red spots upon cooked rice. R M 3 C 0. c u Ol. u 6 u 1 ■*-» a Cu 'S X *.* <2 0. "5 u •a '0 Jl < (J 1 < ASrobic or facultative anaerobia. >> C N u < Very mobile rods, 1. 15 to 1.75 by 0.45 jx- •Si IE C M £0 Short, very mo- bile rods, I to 1.5 by 0.6 m- Rods slowly mo- bile, 1.45 by 0.58 M- 00 ° i Rods 6 to 8 by I fi. Very mo- bile. Short elliptical rods, I to 1.5 by 0.6 jn, with capsule. Short rods, slow- ly movable, 2 by 1. 1 jit. Cloudy, thin vail on the surface. Thick mem- brane ; creamy at the surface. Greenish cloud ; dry, friable pellicle. Quickly clouds. Slight deposits. Whitish weak cloud. Fragile pellicle adhering to the sides. Thin white culture. Thick, slightly reudish layer. Gelatinous masses of almost cartilagi- nous con- sistency. Brownish mucoid layer ; the medium green. Brown, clear lu,\uriant culture. 0" Milky spot with cut bortlers. Mucoid, grayish, nacreous layer; the jelly green, then brown. Grayish band. Small whitish colonies. U5 Cupuliform depression, then liquetaction. Does not hquefy ; thin whitish culture. Liouefies rapidly ; thick sediment. Liq'iefies. The liquitl becomes greenish. Grayish, mucoid, transparent layer. Does not liquefy ; flocculent cloud about the point. Brownish colonies, liquefying the gelatine. Granular colonies surrounded by radial filaments. Small round yellowish colonies ; the jelly becomes greenish. Gray spots, almost trans- parent at the borders. Small flocculent colonies. u B 1 i rt It E2 0. in 3 & 3 a Pus of a fetid abscess. c < Normal or pathologi- cal saliva. U. A u X & X = » It 3 s 2 c . = 2 B. Polymyxa. c 3 si 8 n 1 C v X> 3 Oi n in a « 3 CO B Scaber ( Tyrothrix scaber). 71 -S 1-1 I— ( < m o pi; o o in U H I— I Pi H U <: Pi < o «1 Ph I— I o P< Ph • tr -^ >«-t3 >2 rt 1) a u *^ cd ^ "TT « H i_ • ca c ■>: a^ ft" z > >•! 3 o! .^ u v-^ U D J _o >— IS ' < 'n 'S c o 0) £ _ iJ^ §§■ "a "S '5 M J3 J3 • u >> •— .— a s in bi 22g >,->j-in u ^- u-a U S e 2>,Win 3 J J „ " ftrt ■"3 ii'x: u u x -00 o E-^ ^3 E-Q ">S?5 3 S S tt! _^ , (I. .■a >;3~ x: I- c rt ■- 3 3 3 3 o s'r 1=^1^ d 13 i.y i; o en :§itli -^ in H D o §^51 3 ojSt;; D4 en ^>m u u a h (I. o u p 2 "a; O 5= c ^ w E^-2 ^"8 c I' . ti 5 01 >- _- - rt 0) c 0|^^ U t, u >^ ft*^ 333 t3-^IS| 0- ft _n in iS>. M in p *j •i: 3-3 u < X u ^5 u) i; 3 a*., Q = | >- =1 J"" ,' >. ■S c a-" „ 1- ^J2-S be I- j:^ M . •2 .- 3 M . 55 O I- — S S (« ^ (L) n y^ CO.— ^>. ^M £ cl cu . — in his 1- 3 >» X v 3 •0 C-o . en — ^. — *j ^ •o c r7 w ^ (A £"^>- -■« ° 1 S-E^E S.E Eu ._■- o o-O 4/ - w o/C ttS s oe: a Hi Cu 1 • 3 U li «-§ C o o _o .53 •n *— — w >. 'c 'c '5 cere >» c.r n ^ v u . UJ3 to i ■"oo ^ ° P U) •- o T! C. XI in fO O "" i o o 1- ^SJre c re— x:5Wg- -"1 C il in c/5 s Oi »! s H > OS ^5- tc-5 3T3 «•- £•5. ■c.E II ^««* ci « (J rt Cj re c ..0- X. . r 3 >.b^ — i- ^ *-■ »-.^ Kin --y: £3 >>u;5-u oa" _* •-■ ^h"-Ei •^ 5 -^ In V. V _t; u bfS .£ = - E c ^s^ u V V ^ 3 -; = 0^ OEy g=£_^^ 'x. " r-* 4^ U ji re Cdg H -^ be H •0 c *; in ., TJ n ^ .- u • '7^ u cr-^ 0.- 3 .2" Q 3 •- re c3 .2" - jS-'^g- 3 S-2 X ^ S g 5-0 jj - re c V, a; =":: E-^'S£|§3 • 2-- . ill T3 . «x 12 £f-£ = 'c-5 :< (i! r~ > O.E < •0 11 t — :: ere T3 . Si I- re i K A U) ."' a n cd i aj^ oa ci n M GQ n 73 8 i-l I— I u < < H Pi O o o u H t— I Pi W H O «1 Pi < U < Ph u l-H Pi Ph u5 z * ^ * >-2 1-4 Q < M Ji,^ Z > S-« £?•- ~ t/1 o 3 c j; C3 C-o y ii o ^ J < U3 u (.4 3 5 "5 3 3 ss C 2u "3 c . ^1 o s o 11 C tj c'5 l§ > S ^3 as O, <; < < < Influence XVGKN and Heat. o • o iS 15 2 o 2 o £o215 :v :D ••(U au S w u O < < < <: ^ 0) « VO ^-IS D •a o c/T oT ^•"Ort J li •a C N " OT u u o o ^1 3 >, ^6 •5 >> - a X S^ Oj3 OjQ i* 1-. o uj in H § S > ui c '3 o P3 c .-5 S 01 o ^ 3 a >>_■ .4) U) o « C8 D H O J Oi D U ^ .ti H b O in u tn O 23 P OS .^ w 1 D . c s tfl 4-I _ « rt - i, a; . Id H u < < X u "3 O 3'- ^ en rt tn w. j= w- ■- ^>iC° tn c 3; M ■n w~ E 3-a V ui r; 3 - u cs "5 i^ -53^3 _ rt 3 -^-3 O 1 ^2 15 55 ■22° oab U.2 & h ■a 1 (J c « 3 in •< tn cd • < 1" CL, oj :; 'J c 3 < U 3 M s ^ ?I» & N 1 m 03 cd n 74 BAIN-MARIE 75 BANDAGE Bain-Mahe (Fr.). An instrument for immersing solutions, microorgiiuisms, etc., in water or chemical solutions, thus keep- ing them at a desired temi^)erature. Bakers' Itch. An ec/ematous alTection uf the hands, caused by the irritation of the yeast. Bakers' Salt. A synonym for smelling salts, or the subcarbonate of ammonia. Bal'anic. Pertaining to the gland of the [Kiiis or clitoris. Balani'tis ( Jti/albutio, to stammer). Stam- mering. Bald. Wanting hair. A term applied to one who has lo>t the hair of the scalp. Bald^ness. Aloj^ecia, whether congenital or acquired. When the loss of hair is circumscribed it is called tinea decalvans ; when general, it is called alopecia. Senile baldness is called calvities. Premature haltiiiess is caused by disease. Ball-and-Socket Joint. See Diart/irosis. Ballotte'ment (Kr. from A?//.)/'/^', a ball). .\ method of diagnosticating pregnancy from the fourth to the eighth month. A push is given the uterus by the finger in- serted into the vagina, and if the fnetus be present, it will move up and fall again like a heas-y Ixxly in water. Balm {balsam urn, a balsam). A popular synonjTn of bal.uimum. Any soothing application or ointment. B. of Gilead. See Balsam. See also Melissa. Bal'mony. The herb Chelone glabra. Cathartic and anthelmintic. Dose of fid. cxt. "3^ ss-j. Chelonin, the concentrated ext. Dose gr. j-iv. Unof. Balned'ogy {Balneum, a bath, ?o}or, a treatise). The science of baths and their cTfccis u|)on the sy^t^•m. Balneother''apy [/alneum, Oepaireia, heal- ing). Systematic bathing for therapeutical purposes. Bal'neum. A bath. See BatA. BaKsam {3a/frii/ioi'). The resinous, vola- lili-, aromatic vcgi-table substance, li(|uid or concrete, obtained fnjm certain trees by natural exudation or by artificial extraction. Bnlsams are divided into two clas.scs, those with, and those without l>en/oic and cin- naniic acids. In general they are mixtures of various essential oils, resins and acids. B., Canada ; a turpentine gathered from the natural blisters of the bark of j^bies balsamutn. It is much used as a mounting medium by microscopists. B. of Copaiba. See Copaiba. B. of Fir. Same as Canada Balsam. B., Friar's. See Ben- zoin. B. of Gilead ; the balm of the Old Testament, an oleo-resin obtained from the Balsainodendron Gileadcnsc. B. of Peru ; the balsam obtained from Myro.vy- lon pereinc, antiseptic ; stimulant to cir- culation, and sedative to nervous system. Generally a tonic, and expectorant in bronchitis. Applied locally is useful in chronic intlammalory skin diseases. Dose of the emulsion rt\^x-xxv. B. of Tolu- tan, or of Tolu, obtained from Myroxy- Ion tolufera. Properties due to a volatile oil, toluene. Possesses an agreeal)le odor, and is a basis for many cough mixtures. A fair expectorant. The tincture contains lo per cent, of the balsam in 90 per cent, of alcohol. Dose ITLx-xxx. The syrup, balsam 4 parts ; simple syrup 96. Dose Bamboo'' Brier. The root of Smilax sarsaparilla. Habitat, Southern Slates. Properties identical with those of sarsa- parilla. Dose of the fld. ext. 3ss-ij. Unof. Banan'a. The root of the common banana, JSIusa sapientum. .Said to be a valuable alterative, and useful in strumous aflec- tions. Dose of the fid. ext. n\^x-xxx. Unof. Band'age. Bandages are usually strips of muslin or other material of var\-ing widths and lengths used in surgery for the pur- jx)se of protecting, compressing, etc., a part, or for the retention of dressings and appli- cations. A simple bandage or roller con- sists of one piece ; a compound, of two or more pieces. According to their tlircciion they are classed as: i. OV(7//ar, circular turns alx»ut the part. 2. /-igurr-of-S, the turns crossing each other like that figure. 3. Oblique, covering the i>art by oblique turns. 4. Recurrent, the turns leturiiing successively to the jx)int of origin. 5. Spica, the turns resembling the arrangement of the husks of an ear of corn. 6. Spiral, each turn covering one-half of the pieced- ing. 7. Spiral reverse, the bandage is re- versed in order to beltrr at it to the part. Handages are alsocl:is>etl according to the |)art to which they are applied. Of Bandages of the head we have : i. Cir- BANDAGE 76 BAPTOTHECORRHCEA cular, of the forehead, to retain dressings to the head. 2. Circular, of the eyes. 3. Crossed, of the eyes, to hold dressings to one or both eyes. 4. Crossed, of the atigle of the jaiv, to support the parts in fracture of the angle of the jaw. 5. Knotted, of the head, a double-headed roller with compress, to make compression in wound of the tem- poral artery. 6. Recurre^it, of the head, single- or double-headed roller, to retain dressings to the head. 7. Gibson's, for the body of the lower jaw, to support the parts in fracture. 8. Rhea Barton's, for the same purpose. Of Bandages of the trunk there are: I. Circular, of the neck. 2. Fig- ure-of-8, of the neck and axilla, to retain dressings over the shoulder or in the axilla. 3. Anterior figure-ofS, of chest, to draw the shoulder forward and to retain dressings on the anterior surface of the chest. 4. Posterior figure-of-8 , of chest, to draw the shoulders back in fractured clavicle, or to retain dressings on posterior part of chest. 5. Crossed, of one or both breasts, to support the breasts in excessive lactation or in mammary disease. 6. Spica, of shoulder, to retain the head of the humerus in place after dislocation. 7. Spiral, of the chest, \.o make compression in fracture of the ster- num or ribs. 8. Circular, of the abdomen, to support the abdominal walls. 9. Spiral, of the abdomen, \.o compress the abdominal walls or retain dressings. 10. Spica, of one or both groins, to compress gi-oin or retain dressings. 11. Spiral reverse, of the penis, \.o retain dressings to the organ. The Band- ages of the hand are : i. T\i& Spiral, of the finger. 2. Spiral, of all the fingers, or gauntlet. 3. Spiral, of palm, or denii- gaunth't. 4. Spica, of thttmb — all used in cases of fracture or to retain dressings. The Bandages of the arm are: I. The Circular, of the wrist. 2. Figure-ofS, of 7vrist, to compress the joint or retain dress- ings. 3. Figure-ofS, of elbow. 4. Circular, of arm or foreann. 5. Oblique, of arm or forear7n. 6. Spiral, of arm, to retain dress- ings. 7. Spiral reverse, of upper extremity, to support the arm in dislocations, fractures, etc. The Bandages of the lower ex- tremity are : I. Figure-of-S, of ankle, to cover the part or retain dressings. 2. Figure- ofS, of knee, to cover the same or compress it. 3. Figure-of-S, of thighs, to compress the same after wounds or operations. 4. Spica, ^ zw/(/, to compress the parts. 5. Spiral retierse, of whole lower extremity, to sup- port the limb after fracture, etc. B. of Scultetus, a compound bandage, similar to a spiral reverse in appearance and action, used in compound fractures, so that the short pieces of which it is com- posed may be removed without motion of the limb. B., Recurrent, for stumps, is used after amputations, to support the flaps. Velpeau's B. is used to sup- port the arm in fracture of the clavicle, the neck, or acromion process of the scapula. The hand of the injured side being placed on the sound shoulder an oblique turn is made from the axilla of the sound side across the back of the chest to the shoulder covering the fracture, down under the elbow in front to axilla of sound side, then across the back over the outside of the point of elbow to axilla of sound side, thus continuing the oblique and circular turns alternately and advancing over the arm till it is held firmly. Desault's Apparatus consists of an axillary pad held by tapes aliout the neck, a sling for the hand, and two single-headed rollers. The foreann is at right angles with the humerus, held in place by many circular and oblique turns about the shoulder and body. T-Bandages are compound, and resemble that letter ; the menstrual napkin is an example. Starch, Plaster-of- Paris, Silica, Dextrine, Tripo- lith, etc., etc., are used or recommended for making a stiff and immovable dressing or bandage. Bandl, Ring of. The superior limit of the cervical canal, in pregnancy at a level with the pelvic inlet, marking the bound- ary between the lower uterine segment and the rest of the uterus. Band^oline. See Cydonium. Bang or Bangue. See Cannabis Tndica. Bant^ingism. (From name of the in- ventor.) A method proposed for the re- duction of corpulence, by abstinence from saccharine and farinaceous foods. Baptis''ia. Wild Indigo. The root bark of B. tinctoria. Properties due to an im- pure resin, the so-called Baptisin. Laxa- tive and stimulant in moderate doses; emetic and cathartic in large doses. Valu- able in amenorrhcea, typhus and ty])hoid fevers. Excellent for local apjilication to indolent ulcers and gangrenous .sores. B. Extract. Dose gr. j-x. B. Ext. Fid. Dose rrLij-xx. B. Tinct. Dose ttlv-xxx. Dose of the resin gr. j-v. All unof. Baptorrhce^a [(iaivro^, infected, pfw, to flow). A generic term for any infectious discharge from a mucous surface. Baptothecorrhce''a (/JaTrrof, Otjkjj, vagina, peeing indicated by the cr, amtTiu, to observe). /\ti instrument used ff)r determining the loss of weight of a lKj weight in a vacuum. A form of baroscope was invented by Esbach for the ([uantitative determination of urea. Baros'ma [fiapog, oofia, smell). A plant of the order A'/itaccn-, native to Cape of Cood Hope and vicinity ; several species of which yield the Huchu of commerce. Bar'renness. Sterility in the female. Bartholi'ni's Glands. See Gland. Barton's Bandage. See Bandage. Barton's Fracture. See Fracture. Baryglos'sia {,vipog, ■)}.Ljaaa, a tongue). 1 hick, slow utterance. Baryphonia {jidpug, ase. B. Ganglia. See Ganglion. Bascula^tion [¥r. bascu/cr, to swing). The movement by which retroversion of the uterus is corrected when the fundus is pressed upward and the cervi.x drawn downward. Bascule Movement [Vr. bascule, a.svi'mg). The recoil of the heart in its systolic motion. Base [(Saai;, a foundation). The lower part, as, the base of the brain. In c/iem- istry, an element or radical which com- bines with an acid to form a salt. The electro-positive molecule or radical of a compound. In dentistry, the plate upon w-hich artificial teeth are held. In phar- macy, the most important ])art of the j^re- scription. B., Organic, a term including a large number of organic com])ounds, especially nitrogen comjxjunds, which, like anmionium, unite with acids to fonn salts. They are conmionly called alkaloids. Ba'sedow's Disease. An exophthalmic bronchocele ; called, also. Exophthalmic (ioitre, and Craves' Disease. See Goitre. Ba'sham's Mixture. See Ferrum. Ba'sic. Having jirojierties the opposite of those of aciis mclli- fica. B. Bread, a rt-sinous substance with which l>ces line their liivcs ami till ceriain cirlls. B. Poison, the irritating .secretion , twice, caput, the head). A term applied to several muscles, as B. hrachii, B. extensor, B. Jlexor cruris. So called from their double origin. Bicip'ital. Pertaining to the biceps muscle. Bi-con'cave. See Lens. Bi-con'vex. See Lens. Bicusp'id {f>i and cuspis, the point of a sjx'ar). Having two cusps, as B. Teeth, the fourth and fiftli teeth, which are di>tin- pui>hed by having each two cusps or [xjints. B. Valve, the mitral valve of the heart. Bid'der's Gang'lion. A ganglion situa- ted between the auricles and ventricles, in the walls of the heart. Bien'nial \^bi, two, annus, a year). Every two years. In botany, plants that pro- duce foliage and a root-stalk the first year, flowering and maturing the second. Bi'fid [dis, twice, yfwf/o, to cleave). Divided in two; cleft, as the spina bifida. Bifo'cal. With a double focus. Used of a system of lenses or spectacle glasses with two foci, for the correction of presby- opia, when there is at the same time an error of refraction for distant vision. The distance lens is al)Ove that for near work. .Sometimes called Pantoscopic lenses, and also Franklin spectacles, because the de- vice was first made by Benjamin F"ranklin. Bile ( I>at. bilis, Gr. X"'^'l)- 1 he juice secreted by the liver. H. is mucilaginous, golden brown in man, golden red in car- nivora, brownish green in herhivora, and green in birds. Composed of biliary salts, choleslerin, mucus and certain pigments. The principal acids are taurocholic and glychocolic, txjth commonly combined with sixiium. Bile Pigments. I'iliruljin and IJiliverdin. B. P., Test for. See Gmelin I/eintz AV- aetion. Bilhaf'zia Haemato'bia. See Distoma. Bil'iary. I'l-rtainiiig to the bile. B. Acids, Cilycocholic and Taurocholic AcifLs, formed in the liver. Tests for K. A. in the urine. See Oliver s Test, /'rttrn- kof.ys lest, and Hay's Test. B. Ducts, the h<-|xitic, the cystic ami the duclus com- munis choledilis, rrpaaox', a leek). A pig- mentary substance occurring in gall-stones, icteric urine and bile. It is bilirubin -f 11,0 + o. Biliru'bin {bilis, ruber, red). A pigment- ary substance found in bile. Biliver'din {bilis, viridis, green). A pig- mentary substance found in bile. Bima'na \J>i, two, /nanus, a hand). An Older of the division of nianunalia in- cluding man only. Biman'ual. Two-handed. Ambidextrous. Bi'nary (binus, a couple). In chemistry, compounded of two elements. In anat- omy, separating into two branches. Binaur'al (bis, twice, auris, ear). Per- taining to or having two ears. Bind^er. A wide Ijandage about the abdo- men, worn by women during or after labor, to support the al)dominal walls. Binoc'ular {bi, two, oculus, an eye). In anatomy, having, or pertaining to two eyes. In oi)tics, an instrument with two eye-pieces for use with both eyes at once. B. Vision, the faculty of using both eyes synchron ously and without diplopia. Biogen^esis (/J'of, life, ^eieaic, origin). The doctrine that living things are pro- duced only from living things — the reverse of nbiox'enesis. Biolog'ical Law. See F/iylos;eny. BioKogy (/^">f, ^oyor, a discourse). The science embracing the stniclure, function, and organization of life forms. BioPysis (..^of, /'.wj, to loosen). The destruction of life. The devitalization of living tissue. Biom'eter (/'?<'}(j, U) eat). A ukkIc of mitrition of plants, in wiiich the organs of the plant seize and di.s.solve the liodics of insects. BIOPLASM 82 BITUMEN Bi^oplasm {[^loc;, irlacfia, form). Any liv- ing matter. A matter possessing repro- ductive vitality. See ProtopiasHi-. Bi^oplast [jiioq,'K%aaau, to form). A mass or cell of bioplasm which is a unit of living matter. Bios^copy (/3wf , gkotteu, to examine). Ex- amination of the body to ascertain whether life be extinct. B., Electro-, examination by the aid of the electric current. The muscular reaction is lost to Faradic stimu- lation in about two hours after death in the tongue ; 3-4 hours in the extremities ; 5-6 in the trunk. Galvanic reactions persist somewhat longer. Biot^ic [jiio^). Pertaining to life or to the laws of animal and vegetable progress and evolution. Biot's Respira^tion. That occurring with- out variation in the size of the individual respirations, as, e.g., during sleep. Bi^ped iybi, t-wo,J>es, a foot). With or hav- ing two feet. Bipo^lar. Having two poles. B. Nerve- cells, nerve-cells which have two pro- longations of the cell matter. Found chiefly in the ganglia of the gray matter of the brain. Bird's Formula. The two last figures of the specific gravity of urine nearly repre- sent the number of grains of solids to the ounce contained in the urine. The same two figures multiplied by 2 (Trapp's Fac- tor) give the parts per looo. Haeser's Factor is 2.33. Bird's-nest Cells. The cells of certain fonns of epithelial cancer, distinguished by the concentric arrangement of their cell walls. Bird's-nest, Edible. The nest of certain species of swift, used by the Chinese as food. Consists of marine algce, Gelidium, cemented by salivary mucus of the bird. Birth (Sax. beortli). The delivery of a child. B., Plural, the birth of more than a single child. B., Posthumous, a child born after the death of its father. B., Pre- cocious, the occurrence of natural labor in a shorter time after coition than is usual. B., Premature. See Labor. B., Still. See Still-bom. Birth-mark. See N'cevus Pigmcntosiis. Bis^cara Button. See Furiinculus Orien- talis. Bisex''ual. Having the reproductive or- gans of both sexes. Hermaphrodite. Bish^op's Weed. See Ajowan. Bis'kra Boil. See Furunculus Orien- talis. Bis^muth, or Bismu^thum. Bi = 210 ; quantivalence I, III, v. A pinkish-white crystalline metal. Not used in medicine in its metallic form. Commercial salts apt to contain arsenic. The insoluble salts of B. are feebly astrin- gent. Useful in disordered digestion, acne, eczema, etc. B. et Ammonii Citras, soluble in water. Dose gr. j-v. B. Citras, soluble in water of ammonia. Used only for pharmaceutical puiposes. B. Oxychlorid., pearl white. Unof. Used as a cosmetic. B. Subcarbonas, insoluble. Best given in emulsion with milk. Dose gr. x-^j. B. Subnitras, the salt chiefly used in medicine. Used also as a cosmetic. Dose gr. x— ^j. Bis^tort. The rhizome of Polygon tun bis- torta. An astringent. Dose of fld. ext. TTLxx-xl. Unof. Bist^oury(Fr. i>'M/6;//;7). A small (straight or curved) knife used in surgery. B.- cache, has the blade concealed for pass- ing to the point to be incised, and by pressure on the handle the blade is ex- posed and the incision made. Bit^ter (Sax. bitan, to bite). A peculiar, well-known taste, of which quinine pre- sents an example. B. Almond, the nut of the Afiiygdalum amara. Contains hydrocyanic acid. B. Apple, the fruit of the colocynth. Purgative. B. Bugle- weed, the herb Lycopiis EuropiEus. Alter- ative and tonic. Dose of fld. ext. ^ss-j. Unof. B. Cup, a cup made of quassia wood. Tonic. B. Purging Salt, sul- phate of magnesia. B. Root, the root of Gentiana Catesbcei. Tonic. B. Tincture, tincture of bitter almonds. B. Wine of Iron, a solution of white wine, syrup, citrate of iron and quinine. Tonic. See Feri-um. Bit^ters. Medicines characterized by a bitter taste. B., Aromatic, medicines that unite the properties of aromatics with those of simple bitters. B., Simple, medi- cines that stimulate the gastro-intestinal tract without influencing the general sys- tem. B., Styptic, medicines that add styptic and astringent properties to those of bitterness. Bit'tersw^eet. See Dulcamara. Bitu^men [bitiiiiie?!, Gr. «(T^a/lrof). Min- eral pitch or oil composed of various hydro- carbons. In solid form it is usually called asphalt; in liquid form, petroleum. An intermediate form is known as mineral tar or maltha. By distillation, bitumen yields benzol, naphtha, paraffine, and various other hydrocarbons, liquid and gaseous. BIURET REACTION 83 BLENNORRIICEA Biu''ret Reaction. A test for proteids — a violet color by adding a few drops of Fehl- inij's solution. Biv'alent. See Quantivalence. Biven'tral (A/, two, vcntrurn, a stomach), llavinjj two stomachs. Black (Sax. b/tci). Absence of color or light. The appearance of an object from whose surface none of the spectmm colors are reflected. B. Alder. See Priiios. B. Antimony, aiuimonium tersulphide, Sb- S3. B.,\hchM'koi Fmxintis Siiinbuci- folia, a mild tonic and a.vtrin.i^ent. Dose of fid. ext. 3 ss-j. Unof B. Blood, venous blood. B. Cancer. See .l/./i/^/ .y/.r. B. Cohosh. See tV////W///i,''ower. B., Catarrh of. See Cystitis. B., Extrophy or Extroversion of, absence of the anterior wall of the H.,and more or less deficiency of the corres]xin(t& Cystoeele. B., Inflamma- tion of. See Cystitis. B., Inversion of, a jirotniiionor an invagination of the blad- der through the urethra. B., Irritable, a condition characterized by constant desire to urinate. B., Neck of, the constricted portion continuous with the urethra in front. B., Paralysis of, the same symjitoms as in atony, but more marked and due to nervous or central disease. If affecting the neck alone, thcrre is ineontinenee; if the Iwdyof the organ, retention of urine. B., Saccu- lated, |x>uches f(jrm<-ed in tlie fowl during the first days of embrj-onic life, within tiie large branched cells of the mcsobLost. Bloodless Operations. Surgical opera- tions, such as amputations, in which the menil>er is so bandaged by compresses and elastic rings that the blood is expelled from the part to be oj^erated ujxjn. Bloodletting. The artilicial abstraction of blood from the Ixxly. B., General, venesection or phlelx)tomy ; it acis by re- ducing the iieart's action and diminisliiiig the quantity of blood. Occasionally used with excellent results in pneumonia, sun- stroke, etc. B., Local or Topical. See (. 'tipping. Leeching or Scari/I, ,iti,'/t. Useful in certain inllanimator)' conditions. Blood-root. See Sangninaria. Bloodshot. Extravasated witli blood. Bloody. Having the nature of, or filled with blood. B. Flux. See Dysentery. B. Sweat. See Ephidrosis. Blow'pipe. A short tube bent at one end and tapering to a point, used in direct- ing the tl.iine of a lamp in a fine conical tongue. B., Oxyhydrogen, an appa- ratus for producing intense heat by l)urn- ing hydrogen or illuminating gas at the end of a mixing noz/.le. Blue. One of the colors of the spectmm. B. Disease. See Cyanopathy. B. Flag. See Iris. B. Gentian, the root of Gen- tiana tv/A-j/'^z-/, tonic and stomachic. Dose of lid. ext., n\,x-xl. Unof. B. Gum. See Gingival. B. Gum Tree. Sec Aw- calyplu^. B. Ointment. See //ydrarg\'- riiiii. B. Pill. .See Hydrargyrum. B. Stone. Sic Copper. Boat-belly. See Scaphoid .Abdomen. Body. The animal frame with its organs. .\ls/'.of, a clod of earth). A trans- lucent, soft variety of clay formerly much useil in medicine, internally as an astrin- gent, externally as an absorbent. Bologn'a Phos'phorus. A sulphide of Barium, having the ])roperty of emitting a pale, feeble light in the dark. Bo'lus. A mass of medicine exhil)ited in the form of a large pill. Bom'bus (jiofifiog, the lunnming sound of bees). A ringing or bu/./ing sound in the ears. Also a sonorous movement or rmiibling tiatus of the intestines. Bone. (.Sax. M/i). A hard ti>sue which constitutes the framework or skeleton of the Ixjdy. Comj^sed mainly of tri-caleium ])hosphatc and cartilage. A single articu- lation of Utne usually consists of a compact outer mass covered with periosteum, sur- rounding a reticulated inner sinicture which encloses a central cavity filU tl with marrow. A transverse section shows lione tissu(- lobe com|K).S((l of a numlK-rof nearly circular /ones, eaih having a central tuU-, the //(iTcniitn canal, through which the BONESET 86 BOW blood circulates. Surrounding the H. canal are concentrically arranged belts of oblong cells called lacituis. Each lacuna is the outlet of a number of canaliciili, through which the nutrition is conveyed to all parts of the bone. B. Ash, the calcic phos- phate remaining after bones have been incinerated. Bone^set. See Eupatorhim. Bonnet's Capsule. Se^e Octtlar {Sheath). Boot, Junod's. ^e.e Jitiiod^s Boot. Borac^ic Acid. See Boron. Bo^rage. The plant B. officinalis. A demulcent, mild refrigerant and diapho- retic. Dose of fid. ext. gj. Unof. Bc'rax. See Boron. Borboryg^mus. See Bombus. Bo'ric Acid. See Boron. Bor'neol. A principle derived from Drya- balanops cajnphora:, a tree native to the East Indies. It produces spasms of epi- leptiform character. Bo^ro-glyc^eride. A preparation made by heating boracic acid and glycerine. Used as a local application in eye and skin affections. Unof. Bo^ron. B = II; quantivalence III, V. The base of boric acid and of the mineral borax. Boracic, or, more properly. Boric Acid, a crystalline substance, H3BO3, found native in the volcanic lagoons of Tuscany. Occurs in white, transparent crystals, soluble in water and alcohol. A powerful antiseptic, and much used in parasitic diseases of the skin. Borax, sodium diborate. Occurs in lacustrine de- posits as white, transparent cystals, soluble in water, alcohol and glycerine. Used as an antiseptic wash for ulcers and indolent lesions. Valuable also as an emmenagogue, and in leucorrhcea. All unof. Bot (botus, a belly-worm). The larva of certain species of flies of the genus QLstras, which are conveyed into the stomach of man, where they hatch. Also the thread- worm, Oxynrus verniicidaris. BotalTi, Foramen of. ^ht foramen ovale of the foetal heart. Bot^any {(ioTavTj, an herb). The science of plants — their classification and struc- ture. Bothrioceph''alus La''tus. See Tape- 7uor>?i. Bot^ryoid [(ioTpvq, a cluster of grapes). Resembling the shape of a bunch of grapes. Bott'ger's Test. See Ba-ttchei^s Test. Bot^tle (povTi^, a flask, Pr. hoiiteillc'). A vessel, usually of glass with a narrow neck. B., Feeding, a flat flask with a nipple of India rubber attached, used in feeding infants. B. Nose, a common name for Acne Roseola. B., Specific Gravity, a Florence flask graduated to contain 500- 1000 grains of water, with the weight of which any other equal volume of liquid may be compared. Botulin^ic Acid. An acid asserted to exist in putrefying sausages, forming their specific poison. Bougie (Fr. bougie, a candle). A slender, cylindrical instnmient made of waxed silk, catgut, etc., for introduction into the urethra or other passage, for the purpose of dilation, exploration, c/r. Some- times coated with preparations that are thus conveyed to the inner mucous sur- faces. B., Armed, a bougie with a piece of nitrate of silver or other caustic attached to its extremity. B., Filiform, whale- bone or other bougies of very small size. Bou^hou. A name given to a malarial disease resembling dengue, which is preva- lent in the Sandwich Islands. Bou^illon (Fr.). An alimentary broth made by boiling meat, usually beef, in water. A soup. Also a liquid nutritive medium made by boiling meat for the cul- ture of microorganisms. Peptonized bouil- lons and solutions of powdered meats have also been used. B. of Liebig, made by dissolving Liebig's meat extract, 5 grammes, in boiling water, loo grammes, neutralizing with bicarbonate of soda and filtering. It becomes more nutritive by adding glucose. Bounc^ing Bet. See Soapwort. Bou'quet. The peculiar flavor of wines which have been aged, supposed to be due to oenanthic ether. Bourdon^nement (Fr. bourdonncr, to buzz.) Any buzzing sound. The mur- mur which is heard when the stethoscope is applied to any part of the body. Thought to result from contraction of muscular fibrillas. See, also, Bombus. Boutonniere Opera^tion (Fr. bouton- niere, button hole). An operation for urethral stricture. The location of the stricture is fixed by a catheter and an in- cision is made in front of it ; a probe is then passed to the bladder. The stricture is then divided. Boutons Terminals (Fr.). The enlarge- ments of the free ends of certain sensory nerves. Bow. A bending. B. Leg, a bending outward of the lower limbs. BOWELS 87 BREAD Bow'els [dc^Mis, a sausage). The intes- tines. Bowman's Glands. Peculiar tubular glands in the olfactory region of the nasal distribution of the olfactor\ ner\e. B. Probe. Set Lac/iryma/. B. Tubes, artilicial productions made by forcing air or fluids between the conical lamella;. Box Pulse-measurer. An instrument for measuring the pulse by its action upon a column of liquid when the exposed artery is placed within an oblong box communi- caliui; with the column. Brach'ial t^l>rachiitni, the arm). Pertain- ing to the arm. B. Artery, the con- tinuation of the axillary which extends along the inner side of the ami. B. Di- plegia. Sec Piini/ysis. B. Glands, the hinph.itic glands of the arm. B. Plexus, the plexus of the tifth, sixtli, seventh and eighth cer^ical and the first dorsal pair. B. Veins, the veins of the arm which accompany the B. artery. Brach'ium (dnu/iium). The arm. An extensor process of an organ. B. Cere- bri, or B. of Optic Lobes, the bands connecting the nates and the testes with the optic tlialanius. Brachyceph'alic [Spaxvr, .short, Kee, the larger end behind. See Index. Brachydac'tylous {^^{mxvq, 6aKTv7joq, finger). Pertaining to an abnormal short- ness ijf the lingers or toes. Brachymetro'pia. See Myopia. Bradycar'dia ( ipifhf, slow, Kapfiia, the heart). \ term us--d 1-iy Eichhorst to indi- cate the )jhenomcna as.sociated with slow pulse — the op]X)site of tachycardia. Bradyla'lia ( ^\mftv<:, hi/.ia, a babbling). A slow and disordered utterance. Braid'ism. The hypnotic state produced by fixation of the eyes ujx)n a shining object. Bradypha'sia. See Aphasia. Brain >ax. lira\i;en). The general con- tents of the cranium, especially the cere- brum. B., Compression of, may arise from injury or disease, from serous exuda- tion, \AiKn\ cxtrava.salion, clc. B., Con- cussion of, is tlie result of injury pro- ducing symptiiins of loss of jxjwer an<)lted wheaten flour, and therefore defi- cient in dia.sliUie, gluten ami mineral plios- BREAD-PASTE 88 BRONCHITIS phates. Other kinds, such as rye (or black), corn, bran, barley, etc., indicate their composition in their name. Bread-paste. A cultm-e medium for bacteria. Stale, coarse bread is dried, ground to powder and made into a paste with water. Well suited for the growth of moulds. Break. See Make. Break-bone Fever. See Dengue. Breast. The upper anterior part of the body between the neck and abdomen. Also the mamma. Breath (Sax. brceth). The air exhaled from the lungs. It has lost a part of its oxygen and gained a certain but varying amount of ammonia, aqueous vapor and carbon dioxide from the oxidation of the waste matter of the blood. Also applied to the air inspired. Breech Position. See Position. Breeding-season. The period during which certain species of animals, espe- cially the lower fomis of vertebrates, beget and rear their young. Breeze. See Head-breeze and Static-breeze. Brefeld and Nagele's Method. See Fractional Cultivation. Breg'enin (Low Ger. bregan, brain). A name given by Thudichum to a soluble, crystalline substance found in brain-tissue. Breg^ma. See Skull. Bren^ner's Form^ula. The feeble tone heard when the anode is opened in gal- vanic stimulation of the auditory nerve. This tone corresponds with the resonance fundamental tone of the sound-conducting apparatus of the ear itself. Brick-makers' Anse^mia. Stt Anc/iylos- totniasis. Bridge of Nose. A term applied col- lectively to the nasal bones. Bright's Disease. A name foiTnerly in- correctly used as a sjTionym of albuminuria and at present covering several forms of disease of the kidney associated with albu- min in the urine. May be either acute or chronic. Considered by P^othergill as a secondary condition arising from a ten- dency toward the reversion to that pre- anthropic type in which the liver per- formed the additional office of excreting uric acid. Brim of Pelvis. See Pelvis. Brim^stone. See Sulphur. Broad-leafed Laurel. See Kalinia. Broad Ligament. See Ligament. Bro'mal Hydrate. A fluid of oily con- sistence, having a structure similar to that of chloral hydrate. More iritating and narcotic than the latter. Dose gr. j-v. Unof. Bromid''rosis [jSpufiog, a stench, Wpwf, sweat). Osmidrosis. Offensive sweating, due to functional disorder of the sweat glands or fermentation of the sweat after excretion. Frequently symptomatic of scrofula, rheumatism, ursemia, syphilis, etc. Bromi'dum. Bromide. Bro^mine, or Bro^mum {[ipu/mi). Br = 80; quantiva- lence l. A reddish-brown liquid, which, at ordinary temperatures, gives off a heavy, suffocating vapor. In its element- ary form it is a very active escharotic, and internally a violent poison. The salts of bromine are cerebral and cardiac de- pressants, and highly valuable as hypnot- ics. The salts of the alkaline metals are those most commonly used. Ammonii Bromidum, prismatic crystals. Dose gr. v-xx. Calcii Bromidum, granular and deliquescent. Dose gr. v-^j. Ethyl Bromide, useful in spasmodic coughs. Ferri Bromidi, Syr., contains 10 per cent, of the salt. Dose 3 ss-j. Lithii Bromidi, granular and deliquescent. Dose gr. v-xx. Potassi^i Bromidum, color- less, cubical crystals. Dose gr. v-^j. Sodii Bromidum, colorless, monoclinic crystals. Dose gr. v-^j. Zinci Bro- midum, granular, deliquescent powder. Dose gr. ;?-ij. Bro'moform. A bromide, CHBrg, having a structure like that of chloroform, CHCI3. A powerful anaesthetic. Use not followed by vomiting. Causes irritation of con- junctiva and respiratory organs. Unof. Bronch^i {i3povxoc, the windpipe). The two tubes into which the trachea divides opposite the third dorsal vertebra, called the right and the left bronchus. Bronchiec^tasis (f/cracr^f, dilatation). A term denoting the dilatation or relaxation of the walls of the bronchi, arising from inflammation and other causes. Bron''chioles (dim. of bronchus^. The smallest subdivisions of the bronchi. Bronchi^tis. Inflammation of the mucous membrane which lines the bronchial tubes. Usually attended with soreness, cough, alteration of the voice and febrile symp- toms. B., Acute, the initiatory stage of the disease. B., Capillary, a stage in which the minute tubes of the lungs are involved. B., Catarrhal, a form at- tended with muco-purulent discharges. B., Croupous or Plastic, attended with BRONCHOCELE 89 BUDDING expectoration of the casts of the bronchial tubes. B., Mechanical or Potter's, a form caused liy the inhalation of dust, etc. B., Summer, synonymous with " Hay rcver." Bronch'ocele. See Goitre. Bronchoph'ony (i^vrj, the voice). The resonance of the voice within the bronchi as heard and diagnosticated by the stetho- scope. Broncho-pneumo'nia. A term applied to intlanunalion of the lungs, which, lie- ginning in the bronchi, finally involves the parenchyma of the lungs. Bronchorrhce'a (/Ww, to flow). A fonn of bronchitis attended by profuse expec- toration. Bronchot'omy {^povxog, te/ivu, to cut). A surgical operation upon the bronchus, trachea, etc. Bronch'us. See Bronchi. Bronzed Skin. A s}-mptom of Addison's Disease. Brood-cells. In cell-division, the mother- cells enclosing the daughter-cells. Broom. See Scoparius. Brown'ian Movement. An oscillation or agitation obser\-ed under the microscope in very fine granules, drops, etc., when sasp)en(.led in a liquid. The movement is not locomotion, and is to be distinguished from that of the self-motility of living microorganisms. Its caase is not de- finitely known, but it may be due to heat, light, electricity, osmosis, etc. Brown Mixture. See Glycyrrhiza. Brow Presentation. See Position. Bru''cine. See A'tix Vomica. Bruise. See Contusion. Bru'it (Fr., a noise or report). A term ased by French physicians to designate Jie various s[x;cific sounds of auscultation. B. de Diable, a venous murmur, of a whistling or ru>hing character, arising in the bulb of the common jugular vein, and due to an.emia, lead-poisoning, or other specific disease, more common in the young, and caased immediately by the viljration of the blocni flowing from the narrow ])art of the common jugular vein into the wide, bull)ous jxirtion of the vessel. See alsucca, the cheek). Pertaining to the clieek. Buc'cinator. The thin, flat muscle of the cheek. See Muscle. Bu'chu. The leaves of several species of Barosma, yielding a volatile oil, to which its properties are probably due. Causes a sensation of glowing wamith over the body, stimulates the ajipetite, and increases the circulation. Useful in urethritis and affections of the genito-urinary mucous membrane. Dose of the leaves, gr. xv- XXX. B. Ext. Fid. I)osen\^x-5J. B. Infusum (unof"), _^j toOj. Dose ^ss-ij. Buck'bean. The rWw.omcoi Moiyant/ies trifoliata. Tonic, antiscorbutic, and em- menagogiie. Has been recommended as a vermifuge. Dose of fld. ext. TTLxv-^j. I'nof. Buck'eye Bark. The bark of A-lsculus jr/(ilim. Astringent and tonic. Ser\ice- able in rectal irritation, prt)lai)sus, and va- rious uterine deranf^ements. Dose of fld. (•\t. f,'tt. iij-v. Unof. Buck'thorn. See J'rani^uln. Bucne'ma Tro'pica. See Elephnutiosis. Bucne'mia ( ,<«i'. inere.xse, Kviifiii, the leg). A kind of intliimmatinn of the leg character- ized liy tenseness of swelling;. Bud'ding. A form of repriHluclinn ur cell n, occurring anion),' the jxilyps and infu.sents. Cad'mium. Cd ^ II2 ; quantivalence II. A bluish- white metal resembling zinc in its general properties ; only the .sulphate and iodide are used in medicine. In physiological action it is escharotic and astringent, producing in large doses, emesis and violent gastritis. C. lodid., used as an ointment, I to 8 of lard. C. Sul- phas, a valuable astringent in gonorrhcea and in corneal opacities ; used in a lotion in strength of gr. j or ij to 3J of water. Unof Cae'cal. Pertaining to the cajcum. Cae'citas Verba'lis. See llWii-blinJ- ness. Cae'cum [ctrcus, blind). Tlie large blind pouch or cul-de-sac in which the large intestine begins. Caesa'rean Operation [cu-do, to cut). Ex- traction of the fcetus through an incision made in the abdomen. Gastro-elytrot- omy, an incision into the vagina (after the alKlominal section) instead of into the uterus, and if the child caiuiot be extracted in this way, the incision of the os uteri is made. Gastro-hysterec'tomy. See J'orro's 0/een called nephritic colic. C., Salivary, forming in the ducts of the salivary glands. C., Vesi- cal, may have originally ilescended from tlie kidney or formed primarily in the bladder. Calefa'cient (L., f<7//V//Af, warm, and facto, to make). A medicine, externally applied, which causes a sensation of warmtli. Calend'ula. Marigold. The llowering plant known as the garden marigold, C. officinalis. C, Tinct. contains 20 per cent, of the leaves and stems. Used ex- clusively as a local application in wounds, ulcers and lesions. Ca'lices of the Kidneys. The cup-like tul>es of the ureter which encircle the apices of the Malpighian pyramids of the kidneys. Cal'ico Bush. See Kalniia. Califor'nia Laur'el. The leaves of Umbellaria Culifornica, common to the Pacific slojie. Recommended by Mann in nervous headaciies, cereltro-spinal menin- gitis, neuralgia, etc. Dose of lid. ext. gtt., x-xxx. Calisa'ya. See Cinchona. Calisthen'ics {Ka'/j>q, l^eautiful, aihvoq, strength). A term used to express various rh)thmic movements of the Itody intended to develop the muscles and produce grace- fulness of carriage. Callos'lty or Callos'itas (I-. rrt////r, hard ness). Tylosis, Tyloma, Keratoma. A hard, thickened patch on the skin pro- duced by excessive accumulation of the horny layers. CaKlus {^callus). The exudative de[)osit l>etwcen and almut the fracture of a broken l>one. C, Permanent, the permanent Ixjnd of Uiny unicin after the re absoqition of the C, Provisional, or cartil.jge like, phtstic material first tlirown out. C. of Skin, induration and thicken- ing of Dauic. Calm'ative. That which produces a calm- ing or depressing effect upon the various centres of motor nerses. Caromel. See Ilydrargvruni. Calorim'eter \calor, heat, fterpoi', a mea- sure). An instrument for transforming the jxiteiitial energy of tlie food into heat, and to measure the number of heat-units proiiuced. Two forms are principally used, the Water- and the Ice-C. Calum'bo. Columlx). The root of C. JiUconliiza, native to South Africa and paits of E. Indies. An excellent example of simple bitters. Is not astringent, and may l)e prescribed with salts of iron. Use- ful in atonic dyspepsia, and as a mild, appetizing tonic in convalescence. C, Fid. Ext. Dose n\,v-xxx. C, Tinct., contains ID per cent, of C. Dose ^ss-ij. Calva'rium or Calva''ria {calvus, bald). Tlie upper part of the skull. Calvit'ies [calviis). Baldness. Calx. The heel. In chemistrj', formerly applied to any oxide of a metal, especially an alkaline metal. Ca^lyx [KaXv^, a cup). In anatomy, the truncated extremities of the ureters in the kidneys. C. of Ovum, the wall of the Graafian follicle from which it has escaped. In botany, the outer envelo]>e of the flower, — the sepals taken collectively. In biology, that part of a coral or crinoid which surmounts the stem. Cambo''gia. Gamboge. A resinous gum from Garcinia Ilauburii, a tree native to Southern Asia. Proi)erties due to i:^am- bogie acid. A drastic hydragogue catliar- tic, decidedly diuretic. Officially a con- stituent of Pil. Comp. Cath. See Colocynth. Dose gr. ij-v. Cam'era {Kniinpa, an arched roof or chamber). In anatomy, a chamlier or vaulted structure. C. Cordis, the en- veloping membrane of the heart, the peri- cardium. C. of Cranium, tlie cliainberof the skull. C. Lucida, a four sided prism with sides cut at such an angle that rays of ligiit entering it are divided, part continu- ing in a right line, tlie remaining rays being relleeti'd at an angle of 90°. C. Oculi, the ciianil)cr of tlie eye. In op- tics, tile tlianil>er or atlju.stalile d;u-k lox of the apparatus used for |)liotography. Cam'phor. A solid volatile oil obtained from Ciinutiiioniiini cani/t/, a seam). A surgical operation to reduce the si/e of the palpebral fissure by a suture of the can- thus. Can'thus {KavOo^). The inner or outer an^^li- formed by the juncture of the eyelids. Canutil'lo. See 'I'epifote. Caout'chouc (a Caribl>ean word). The concrete, prepared juice of a Hra/ilian tree, Siphitiia elustidj. N'aluable for its clastic qualities. .Similar pro])crties are found in the juices of other trees. See also Gutlii IVr, hit, ,ti,s. C, Suprarenal, the duct- less glan0), to write). An instrument for registering graphically, by curved lines, the modifications of the IiulsatidMS of the heart. Cardio-inhib^itory. Pertaining to the diminution cf the heart's action. C.-i. Center, located in the medulla. C.-i. Nerves, the fibres of the spinal accessory su])i)li< il to the vagus. Cardio-pneumat'ic [KnpAta, m'sv/m, the breath). Pertaining to the heart and the breath. C. -p. Movements. Those move- ments of the air in the lungs which are caused by the pulsations of the heart and the larger vessels. Cardio-pneu'mograph (KapiSia, m'tv/ia, -/pdou, to write). An instrument designed for grajihically recording cardio-pneumatic movi-incnts. Car'duus. The seeds of C. murianits, St. Mary's thistle, anfj C. briinlif tus, ijlessed thistle. A ilecoction of the former, J^ ij ad f )j, constitutes an old and prjpular remedy in hremoptysis. The latter is alspuiar cure all, u.sod mainly as a touic bitt<-r^. L'nof Car'icin. Sec Papain. 7 Ca'ries [carlo, to rot). A chronic inflam- mation of lione with rarefaction or absorp- tion of l)ony tissue, followed usually by pus-fonnation. C"alled, also, rarcfyim; os- teitis. C. Fungosa, when there is great rapidity of formation and extension of granulation ti.ssue. C, Necrotic, when portions of bone lie in a suppurating cav- ity. C. of Spine, or Pott's Disease, osteitis of the botlies of the verlebne and intervertebral fibro-cartilage producing cur- vature of the spine. Ca'rious. Pertaining to caries. Carmin'ative [r a r /n r it , a charm). A calming or soothing medicine, fhielly for children, that acts by relieving pain from flatulence. Car'mine. .\ coloring matter extracted from coihincal, q. v. Carnau'ba. The root of Corypha cerifera. Used in Brazil as an alterative. Resem- bles sarsaparilla in properties. Dose of the fld. ext. n\^xxx-3J. Unof Carnifica'tion {caro, flesh, fieri, to make). A turm indicating the alteration of tissue to an unnatural, fleshy appearance. Also, the amyloid degeneration of certain tissues. Car'nin. A leucomaine isolated from American meat-extract, but not from mus- cle-tissue itself, — also obtained from yeast and wine. It is not thought to be very poisonous, but experiments made by Briicke showed it caused a fluctuation in the rate of the heartbeat. Carniv'orous [caro, voro, to devour). In surgeiy, a name applied to caustic sub- stances. In zoology, flesh-eating animals. Car'nose (earnosus, fleshy). Resembling, or ha\ing the consistence of flesh. Caro'ba. The leaflets of Jaearanda pro- eera. A [Kipular IJrazilian remedy as an alterative and tonic in s}'])hilis. Dose of the fld. ext. n^xv-gj. Unof Carof'id (sa/jow, to produce sleej)). The great arteries of the neck. (They were tliought to give origin to sleep.) See Artery. Car'pal (i^ling in rupturing the cajisule, Vi that the aiiueous hutnor gains access to the lens. C, Extraction of. Kemoval of the cataractous lens by surgical opera- tion. See Extraction of C. C, Imma- ture, or Unripe, only a part of the lens- sulstance is cataractous. C, Lamellar, or Zonular; certain layers between the cortex and nucleus are opaque, the remain- ing layers being transparent. C, Mature, or C, Ripe. The whole lens-substance is cataracious. C, Morgagnian, when a liyperiHittiire or oi'crripc C. shrinks and leaves a nucleus floating in the dissolved outer layers. C, Polar, (anterior or jws- terior), the opacity is conlined to one pole of the lens. C, Pyramidal, the opacity is at the anterior pule and conoid, the apex extending forw.uil. C, Recur- rent Capsular, or Secondary. Capsular cataract, appearing after the extraction of the lens. C., Senile, the cataract of old persons, the most frequent form, and that understood when not specified as congeni- ta/, jiroenile, traumatic, soft, etc. C, Soft, is especially that of the young; the lens-matter is of soft consistency and a milky a])pearance. Catarrh'' (Kurappsu, to flow down). In- flammation of the mucous membrane, espe- cially of the respiratory tract, but also used of the bladder, etc. See Coryza, In/Iii, nza, etc. C, Gastric, gastritis. C, intesti- nal, enteritis. C, Nasal, con,-za. C, Pulmonary, bronchitis. C, Vesical, cystitis. Cat'aschasm {Kara, uxarrun, scarified part). Deep or thorough scarification. Catastal'tic {KnraGrr'A/M, to contract downward). Astringent. Catat'ony. See Katatonia. Catelectrot'onus {cathode, electro, rovog, tension). The state of increased irritabil- ity of a nerve near the cathode. See Ane- lectroto)ius. Cat-gut. The intestines of a sheep treated to make ligatures. C, Carbolized, ren- dered asejitic by soaking in an emulsion of carbolic acid. Cathar'sis (Kidhupu, to])urge). Purgation. Cathart'ic {Kalhiipu). A medicine used to iinnluce evacuations of the bowels. A purgative. Cathelectrofonus. See Catelcctrotomis. Cath'cter {Kudtrr/p, a thing put down). A tube like instrument for evacuating the licjuid of a cavity, usually the bladder. C, Eusta'chian, an instrument for ex- amining the 1'.. tube, disleiidiiig or making np|ilieatioiis to il. C. Fever, disturliance, with fe\er, following inlriKluetion of the C into the urethra. CATHODE 100 CELL- BODY Cath''ode. See Kathode. Cat^ion {Kara, downward, Hfii, to-go). A word employed in electrolysis to denote an electro-positive element. See Ion. Cat^ling. A pointed, two-edged knife for amputating. Cat^nep. The leaves and tops of the herb A'epeta cataria. Stimulant and tonic. A popular remedy in chlorosis, hysteria, etc. Dose of fld. ext. 3J-ij. Unof. Catop^trics {^KaToTrrpiKog, in a mirror). The laws of the reflection of light. C. Test, the diagnosis of cataract by means of the reflection of images from the cornea and lens capsules. Caud^a Equi^na. The terminal extrem- ity of the spinal cord from the second lum- bar vertebra, resembling a horse's tail. Caud^ate [cauda, a tail). Having, or re- sembling a tail. C. Lobe of Liver, a small elevation of the liver. C. Nucleus, the intra-ventricular portion of the corpus striatum. Caul (Welsh caul, a covering for the bowels). A portion or all of the foetal membranes covering the head and carried out in advance of it in labor. Caus^tic {iiaiu, to bum). A substance that disorganizes or destroys living tissue. C. Alkali, a pure alkaline hydrate or oxide. C, Common, argentic nitrate. C, Dubois's, arsenious acid I, mercuric sulphide l6, dragon's blood 8 parts. C, Lunar, argentic nitrate or nitrate of sil- ver. C, Mitigated, argentic nitrate made less active by fusion with potassium ni- trate or argentic chloride. C. Potash, potassium hydrate. See Potassium. C. Soda, sodium hydrate. Cau^tery (imuo). Primarily, the applica- tion of caustics, but more frequently now the use of the galvanic cautery or hot iron for counter-irritation, removal of tis- sue, etc. C, Actual, the use of the white- hot iron. C. Button, iron heated in hot water. C. Gas, cauterization by a stream of burning gas directed upon the part. C, Galvanic, a platinum wire heated by electricity. C, Paquelin's, or C, Ther- mo-, a hollow platinum point kept at a uniform temperature by a current of ben- zene vapor. C, Potential, or C, Vir- tual, the application of caustic substances. Cav^alry Bone. A bony deposit in the adductor muscles of the thigh. Cav^ernous {caverna, a cave). Having cave-like spaces or hollow places. C. Bodies, the coqoora cavernosa of the penis. C. Breathing, the reverberating or hollow sound of bronchial breathing in dilated or abnormal bronchi. C. Plexus. See Flextis. C. Sinus, situate at the side of the body of the sphenoid. C. Tis- sue, erectile tissue. C. Tumor. See Angeioi/ia. Cay'enne Pepper. See Capsicum. Ceboceph^alus [Kr/j3og, a kind of monkey, ne^alT], head). A cyclocephalic monster with a complete absence of the nose. Ce^cum. See Ccccum. Ce^dron. The seeds of C. siinaba. A popular external remedy in tropical Amer- ica for the bite of venomous insects and serpents. Of reputed value in malarial fevers. Dose of the fld. ext. n\j-viij. Ceke (pronounced theke). A Feejee term for elephantiasis of the scrotum. Cel'andine. See Chelidonitan. -cele {ta])ii]^ a tumor). A suffix denoting a tumor. CeFery. The stalks of common garden celeiy. Contains apiol, an active prin- ciple found in wild parsneps. Reputed to be antispasmodic and nervine. Dose in- definite. C. Seed, used to cover the taste of other drugs. Unof. Ce^lioscope. See Cocloscope. Cell (L. cella, a small, hollow cavity). In anatomy, the interstitial spaces and small cavities of the bones. In biology, a nucle- ated mass of protoplasm capable of repro- duction. See Cell-body. C. of Corti, the hair-cells on the outer surface of the organ of Corti. C. of Deiters, cells with fine processes resting on the basilar mem- brane of the cochlea, beneath the air-cells. C, Giant, the polynucleated bodies of protoplasmic matter occuning in tubercu- losis, sarcoma, etc. C. Multiplication. Cytogenesis. A name given to the process of reproduction of cells. May be endo- genous, as when the cell-contents break up by segmentation into separate nucleated masses within the cell wall ; gcmiparous, as when new cells bud from the mother- cell ; and ftssiparous, as when the mother- cell divides by cleavage into two or more cells. C, Neuro-muscular, a name given to certain cells of lower life-forms, which act in part as nerves and in part as muscles. Cell-body. The mass of a cell, composed of two substances, the mitoma, or cyto- mitoiiia, and the para-viitoma. The first is the thread-like basis of the C.-b,. the latter the homogeneous filar and interfilar substance. The nucleus is composed of karyo-mitoma, or nuclear network, other- CELLULITIS 101 CENTRUM wise called the chromatin ; the nuclear sap, or substances contained in the nioshes of the cliromalin, anil from its non-slaining quality called achromatin ; and the iiucUar tiiembranc, made up of two layers, the outer achromatic, the inner chromatic, or staining. The nucleoli are usually mul- tiple, and composed of more rcfractile matter. Celluli'tis (dim. cclla, itis). A diffuse inllainmation of the cellular tissue, due to some wound and introtluction of septic material. Cel'luloid. Zylonite, Xylonite. A sub- stance made by heating trinitro-cellulin or gun-cotton with cam|)hor, under pressure. An excellent substitute for ivory and tortoise-shell. Useful in various ways in surgen.'. 1 lighly intlaramat)le. Unof. Cel'lulose. The b;vsis of vegetable liber. Identical in composition with starch. Swedish tiltcr-paper is pure C. Celot'omy (w/A//, tumor, teuvcj, to cut). The operation for strangulated hernia by incision of the stricture. Cement'um. See Tooth. Cenaesthe'sis {Koivnq^ common, 'aicBi^aiq, feeling). Used latterly as a synonym for the st-nsations of the visceral organs. Center (wit/wi'). The middle point or line of the Ixxly. The ganglion or plexus whence issue the nen'es controlling a func- tion. C. Accelerans, a probable C. in the medulla SL-nding accelerating fibres to the heart. They leave the cord through the rami cominunicantes of the lower cervical and upper six dorsal nen'es, passing thence into the sympathetic. C, Ano-spinal, controls defecation; at the 5-6-7th lumbar; but for the co-ordinated activity it must remain in connccticjn with the i^rain. C, Auditory, proi)ably in the tem]xjros|}henoidal lobes, ujxjn each side. C, Cardio-inhibitory, in the medulla, carried by the vagus. C, Cilio-spinal, connt.cted with the dilatation of the pupil; lower cer\ical part of cord. C. for Closure of Eyelids, in the medulla, part of the I'acial Center. C, Cough- ing, in medulla, alxjve Respiratory C. C, Ejaculation, IJudge's Clcnito spinal C!., 4tli luitiliar vertebra (raiibit). C, Erection, is in the sjiinal cord, but con- Iroll.d from the mi-dulla. C. for Masti- cation and Sucking, I'acial and IIy|x>- (»ll;s^al Outers. C. for Secretion of Saliva, lloout \) of an English inch. Cent'rad (,cntruiii, ail). Toward the cen- ter, or median line. Centrifugal [centrum, fu.^io, to fly). Re- ceding from the center. C. Nerves, those (mostly motor) conveying impidses towaril the peri|)heral parts of the iiody. Centrip'etal [centrum, peto, to seek). Traveling toward the center. C. Nerves, thoS(; (mostly .sensory) conveying impres- sions from the |K-ripheral organs toward the rerebro spinal system. Ccnt'rum. llie centa?i7/, ypafu, to write). A description of the head. Ceph'aloid (^KE^altj, eidog, likeness). Re- sembling the head. Cephalol'ogy (^KE(pa?Lr)^ Pioyog, treatise). The science of cranial measurements and indications. Cephalom'eter (^KE(pa2.rj, fiErpnv, a meas- ure). An instrument for measuring the head. Cephalop''agus {^KEtpalrj^ head, Traystg, joined). An ensomphalic monstrosity with the heads united at the top. Cephalot^omy (/ce^aA;/, To/itj^ section). The crushing or breaking-down the head of the fcetus in labor. It is effected by the cephalotome, an instrument for this purpose. Ceph^'alotribe {KE(pa?.rj, -pifSu, to crush). An instrument for crushing the fostal head in ccphalotripsy. Cephalotrip^sy {Ke'^'C)- Conjunctival and sub cunjunclival swelling. Chenopo'dium. American Wormsced. The fruit (if ( '. am/>/vsi(iides,a plant native to die Uiiilfd States. l'ro|M-rtic> diii- to a volatile oil, the only prepuralion u»ed. A mild cardiac stinnilant, piomnting the sc- CHERRY 104 CHLORINE cretions of skin and kidneys. A very efficient anthelmintic against the round worm. Dose of the oil n^v-xv. Cher^ry. The bark of the common cherry, Fntmis scrotina. A mild bitter and tonic, containing tannin. Dose of fid. ext. ^ss-j. /'/v/;;///, a concentrated ext. Dose gr. j-iij. C. Compound, each Oj represents cheny bark ^viij, lettuce ^iij, horehound ^iijss, bloodroot, ^j. veratrum viride ^ss. Dose Tr^xv-gj. All unof. Chest. See Thorax. Chest'nut. See Castanea. Chew^stick. The bark of Gouania Do?mn- gensis. A popular aromatic bitter in the West Indies. Dose of the fld. ext. 3 j-iij. Unof. Cheyne-Stokes Respiration. See Res- piration. Chi^asm (;i;ia^w, to make a cross, as an X). The optic commissure. Chick'en-pox. See Varicella. Chi^cot. Kentucky Coffee Bean. The seeds of Gymnocladiis Canadensis. Con- tains a volatile oil and a glucoside. Pro- bably a cerebro-spinal stimulant. Some- times used as a substitute for coffee. Unof. Chignon^ Fun'gus. A name given to the fomiation of nodular fungoid growths on the hair. Probably due to bacteria. Chig^oe. See Pulex. Chil'blain (Sax. cele^ cold, blegan, boil). An erythematous local inflammation and swelling of the skin due to cold. Child^bed. The popular term for the con- dition of a woman during and after labor. C. Fever. See Puerperal Fever. ChiFi- Saltpe'ter. See Sodium. Chimaph^ila. Pipsissewa, Prince's Pine. The leaves of C. uinbellata, an evergreen found in the U. S. An astringent tonic and excellent diuretic. The bruised leaves are used as a rubefacient. Valuable in dropsy, several forms of kidney disease and affections of the vuinaiy passage. C, Fid. Ext. Dose ^ss-ij. C, Decoc- tum. I to 17. Dose ,^j-iij. Unof. Chi'na Grass. A soft, silky vegetable substance used as a surgical dressing. Chi^nium Amorph^ium Bo^ricum. Amoiphous iJorate of Quinia. See Quinia. Chin-jerk, 'iee Jazv-jerk. Chinoid^in,or Chinoidin^um. Quinoidin. A mixture of amorphous alkaloids ob- tained in the manufacture of quinine. Has the therapeutic properties of quinine. Chinoli^na. Chinoline, Leucoline. An alkaloid derivative of quinine and cincho- nine, occumng also in coal tar. Now generally prepared by heating aniline or nitro-benzol with glycerine and a dehydrat- ing agent. A valuable antiseptic and anti- pyretic. Useful in pneumonia and typhus. Commonly used in form of tartrate because of the deliquescence of other salts. Dose gr. v-xx. Unof. Chira^ta. Chiretta. The leaves and lighter stems of C. Ophelia. Resembles gentian in its therapeutic properties. An excellent tonic. Dose of the powdered plant gr. xv-xxx. C, Fid. Ext., in glycerine and alcohol. Dose tt\^xv-xxx. C., Tinct., ten per cent, in strength. Dose ^ss-ij. Chiret^ta. See Chirata. Chirop'odist [x^ip, the hand, Trovf [gen. 7ro(5of] the foot). A surgeon or person who professionally treats diseases of the hands and feet, especially corns, bunions, ele. Chirur''gia {x^ip, £pyov, work). Surgery. Chirur^gical. Pertaining to surgeiy. Chit^tim Bark. See Cascara Sagrada. Chloas'ma. See Tinea Versicolor. Chlo^ral, or Chloral Hydrate. A colorless crystalline solid having the composition C.,HCl3(H0),; the hydrate of chloral, C.^HClaO, improperly called by the latter name. A powerful hypnotic, antispas- modic and depressant to the cerebral, meduUaiy and spinal centers. To a lim- ited extent an ancesthetic. Ser%'iceable in fevers accompanied by cerebral excite- ment, in chorea, convulsions, and all affec- tions requiring a cerebral depressant. Ex- cellent in delirium tremens, but should be used with great caution. Dose gr. v-xx ; smaller if combined with potassium or sodium bromide. C. Butylicum, crolon chloral. A solid occurring in crystalline scales, resembling chloral hydrate, but made with butyl, C^Hg, as a base, instead of ethyl, CjHj. In properties parallel to chloral but much feebler. Dose gr. v-xx in syrup. Unof. Chloralam^ide. A name inaptly applied to chloral fomianidate. In doses of 45 grains it is a hypnotic. Chlo'ric Ether. See Ethyl Chloride. Chlo'rides, Test for. Add a few drops of nitric acid, then gradually add a solu- tion of nitrate of silver. A white precipitate of silver chloride forms. Chlo'rine (;):/opof, green). CI = 35.5; quantivalence i. A non-metallic element. At ordinary temperatures a greenish-yel- low gas, prepared by decomposing sodium chloride, NaCl. Highly irritative to the skin and mucous membrane, producing CHLORODYNE 10c ciiolerinp: spasmodic closing of the glottis. The most valuable of disinfectants. Chlori Aqua, chlorine water, contains 4 percent, of the gas in solution. A gocx.! antiseptic wa-h. Dose, internally, rt\^x-xxx. Calx Chlorinata, " chloride of lime," a hypo- chlorite of calcium containing free chlo- rine. A valuable disinfectant. Dose, in- ternally, gr. iij-vj. C. Chlorat. Liq. con- tains I lb. of the salt i^er gallon of water. Sodium Chlorat., Liq., Labarraquc s S^'/uiion, scKlium carbonate lo, calx chlori- nata 8, water ad loo. Dose tT\,x-3J. Chlo'rodyne. A proprietary remedy pre- pared i>y a physician of London. Supjxjsed to contain chloroform, ether, morphine, cannabis Indica, hydrocyanic acid, and capsicum. The various imitations dift'er widelv. Dose n\^\-xxx, 7oifh care. Unof Chlo'roform. Methyl Terchloride, CHCI3. A heavy, colorless li [uid oiitained by the action of chlorinated lime on methyl alco- hol. (Commercial article, C. Venule, con- tains 2 per cent, of impurities and unlit for administration. Internally, produces nar- cosis and violent gastro enteritis.) C. is ex- cellent in true cholera and similar diseases of stomach and bowels. Externally, much employed as an ingredient of rubefacient and anodyne liniments. Mixed with at lea^t 96'^ i)er cent, of air and inhaled, it is the most valuable of general anaes- thetics, but occasionally (i : 3000) caus- ing death by cardiac paralysis. Deep injections in the vicinity of the sciatic nerve are recommended in sciatica. C, Ammoniated, eiual parts of ammonia in alcohol and chloroform; antipyretic and anodyne. Unof C. Liniment, commer- cial chloroform 40, soap liniment 60 parts. C. Mistura, |)ure chloroform 8, cam|)ho.' 2, fresh yolk of egg 10, water 80 parts. Dose .^j-5J- C. Spt., pure chloroform 10, alcohol 90 [>arts. Dose TT\^x- jj Chlo'rophane. See Chromopluines. Chlo'rophyll (x^xjfmr, si- gr ij-viij. Unof Choked Disc. See Papillitis. Cholae'mia (jo?-'?, bile, atfia, blood). The presence of liile pigment in the blooil. Choragogue (,vo>.//, a)u, to expel). .\ purgati\e medicine which promotes the ilow of bile. Chola'lic Acid. See Choloidinic Acid. Cholecystec'tomy {x'^'kij, Kvang, bladder, eKTiiur/, a cutting out). Excision of the gall-Madder. Cholecystenteros''tomy (^'O''-'/, Kvartg, n'Tepou^ intestine, arofia, a mouth). In- cision of the gall-bladder and intestine with suture of the intestinal wound to that of the gall-bladder. Cholecysti'tis. Inflammation of the gall- blaililer. Cholecystot'omy (,yo?.//, Kvcriq, re/irtj, to cut). The operation of incising the gall- bladder. Chole'dochus (.f"^^'/, Sexo/iai, to receive). Receiving or holding bile. C, Ductus Communis, the common excretory duct of the liver and gall-l)Iadder. Chole'ic ix»'/.'/). Pertaining to the bile. Chole'in ( v"''-'/)- ■'^" obsolete terra for a mixture of several principles of the bile. Chol'era {x"''-'/, P^<->, to flow). A disease characterized by violent emesis, diarrhtea, alxlominal pain and cramps. C, Asiatic, a malignant form of the disease existing in India during the whole year, and occa- sionally spreading as an epidemic over large areas. It is characterized by exces- sive vomiting, alvine discharges resembling flocculent rice-water, severe cramps, and collapse. The cause is not with certainty known, but is probai)ly of microbic origin. Koch has discovered a bacillus (see Spiril- lum Cliolenc), the cultures of which have in some instances proiluced the disease, and in others have failed. C, Bilious, a form of the disease attended by excessive Ilow of bile. C, Chicken, a very fatal epidemic disease of fowls, marked by tumefaction of the lymphatic glands, with inllainmationand ulceration of the digestive organs and peri- cart hum. There are none of the synipioms peculiar to cholera. C. Infantum, the "sunnner com])laint" of childnii, cliarac- teri/ed i>y gxstric pain, vomiting, purgation, fever and prostration. C. Morbus, an acute catarriial inllamniation (jI ilie imuuus membranes of the stomach and intestines, witii enteric |)ain, jmrging, vomiting, s|)as- nuxlic contractions of the nni.scies, e/c. Very similar to .Asiatic C. in its syniptom- alology. Chol'crinc (dim. of ,//<»/,•;•,;). .\ term ap- plied to the mild cases (jf choleraic diiu-- CHOLESTEATOMA 106 CHOREOID rhoea. Also, the initiatory stage of malig- nant cholera. Also, the zymotic cause or virus of cholera. Cholesteato'ma (jo2;;, arearu/m, a seba- ceous tumor). A tumor consisting of a spermaceti-like substance, occumng most frequently at the base of the brain, but occasionally in subcutaneous tissue. Cholesterae^mia {^cholesterin, a^/za, blood). The retention of cholesterin in the blood instead of being excreted by the bile ; sup- posed (probably erroneously) by Flint to produce grave nervous symptoms. Cholesferin (;i;ol??, arsapov, stearine). A monatomic alcohol, a constituent of bile, a normal ingredient of nei-vous tissue. Also the fatty substance forming the acid prin- ciple of biliary calculi. Cholelithi^asis (;i:oA;7,A«^of, stone). For- mation of calculi in the gall-bladder. Cholet'elin. An amorphous, soluble, yel- low pigment derived from bilirubin. Cho'lic (;(;o/i?/). Pertaining to the bile. Cho^lin. Same as Neurine, q. v. Cho^line. A ptomaine found both in animal and vegetable tissues. It has been obtained from flesh, fish and eggs, and cultures of vibrio-proteus and comma-bacillus ; it has been found also in toad-stool {Agarictes 7niiscanus), in hops (and hence in beer), in ergot, in numerous vegetable seeds, in extracts of belladonna and hyoscyamus, in beetroot-sugar molasses, in cotton-seed, etc. It is believed that choline is derived from the decomposition of lecithin, a complex ether, and one of the most widely-distri- buted compounds occurring, in greater or less quantity, in all of the animal tissues. The existence of lecithin in plants is no longer doubtful. It is a remarkable fact that in ordinary putrefaction, as choline disappears, the diamines appear and increase in quan- tity, according as the time of decomposition is extended. Free choline ordinarily forms a strongly alkaline syrup, which combines readily with acids to form salts. Choline possesses a toxic action when given in large quantities, paralyzing like curara. Atropine antagonizes the action of choline, as well as of the far more poisonous neu- rine. Choline Group of Ptomaines. Four ptomaines — Choline, Neurine, Beta'ine, and Muscarine — have been thus classified. All these bases may be considered as oxi- dation products of trimethyl-ethyl-ammo- nium hydrate. Choloidin''ic Acid. Derived from Cho- lalic Acid, and probably a mixture of this with Dyslysin ; all three decomposition pro- ducts of bile acids. ChoFolith {x'^'kii, AiQoq, stone). A gall- stone, or biliai-y calculus. Cholu^ria (jo/,//, ovpov, the urine). The presence of bile in the urine. Also the greenish coloration of the urine. Chon^drin (joz'rfpof, cartilage). A sub- stance obtained from the matrix of hyaline cartilage by boiling. Resembles gelatine in general properties, but differs from it in not being precipitated by tannic acid. The substance yielding it is cJnmdrogen, prob- ably an anhydride. Chon^drogen. See Choiidrin. Chondro'ma (^oirfpof). A cartilaginous tumor. See Enchondroma. Chondrofomy {^x'^'^'^po^i Tefivu^ to cut). The dissection or anatomical analysis of cartilage. Chon^drus. Irish Moss. The substance of the algae C. rrispus and C. viaviniillosus. These yield, on boiling with water, a sol- uble colloid consisting mainly of mucilage. Demulcent and somewhat nutrient. Some- times used in making blauc niaiige. Unof. Cho^part's Operation. Medio-tarsal am- putation of the foot. Chor^da (Lat. a cord). A cord, tendon, or filament of nerve. C. Dorsalis. See A^otochord. C. Tendinae, the tendinous strings connecting the camece cobivincE of the heart to the auricular valves. C. Tympani, a filament of the vidian nerve, which enters the tympanum. C. Vocalis, one of the vocal cords or th}'TO-aiytenoid ligaments. Chordae^ (;i;op(5;/', a cord). A symptom in gonoirhoea characterized by painful erec- tion and downward curvature of the penis. Chore'a (;);ope/a, dancing). St. Vitus' dance. A functional nervous disorder, usually occurring in youth, characterized by spasmodic and convulsive contraction, and non-rhythmic action of the muscles of the extremities, face, etc. It may be caused by a number of conditions, among which are fright and reflex irrita- tions, but it is essentially a disease of the later period of childhood, and affects girls about three times as frequently as boys. C, Electrical. See DitbinVs Disease. C, Habit. See Spasm. C. Major, the hysterical C. of the French, the movements wide in range and regular in sequence, causing regular oscillatory movements of the parts. C. Minor, that first above de- scribed. Cho^reoid. Pertaining or similar to chorea. CHORIO-BLASTOSES lo: CHRYSOPHANIC Chorio-blasto'ses (chorium, skin, /J/lacr- raru, to germinate). Anomalies of growth of ihe corium and connective tissue of the skin. Cho'rio-capilla'ris. The inner layer of capillary vcssjis >^i\ the choroid coat of the eye. Chorioidi'tis. See Choroiditis. Cho'rion (^op^oi', the fcetal membrane). The enveloping membrane of the fcetus, external to the amnion, internal to the decidua. C, Primitive, the Vitelline inmbrane (or Zona pillttiJa) during the time of the development of the hollow, structureless villi ujwn its suilace. C, Shaggy, or C. Frondosum, when cov- ered by villi. C. Laeve, the smooth or non-villous portion of the chorion. Cho'rio-retini'tis. See Choroido-retini- tis. Cho'roid (yo/J'oi', the chorion, f»5of, like- ness). The second or vascular tunic of the eye continuous with the iris in front and lying Ijetween the sclerotic and retina. C. Plexus, a vascular plexus in the lat- eral ventricles of the brain. Choroidi'tis. Inll.unin.ition of the choroid. Choroid'o-retini'tis. Choroiditis with re- tinitis. C.-r., Ametropic, caused by Ametropia. Choroma'nia (:fo/)Oj", a dance, ftavia, madness). A nervous disorder manife-it in various times and places, a-id characteri/^ed by dancing or other rhythmic movements. Chris'tison's Formula. To estimate the amount of solids in the urine : Multiply the two last figures of a specitic gravity expressed in four figures by 2.33 (or by 2, Trapp ; or by 2.2, Lubisch). This gives the amount of solids in every 1 000 jarts. Chromat''ic (Ypwun, color). Relating to or jxjss -Sling color. Chro'matin ( fpfj/zn). The delicate retic- ular network or plexus of fibrils |)ermeat- ing the achromatin of a typical cell in process of division. Calletl also Nucleo- plasm, Karj'oplasma, and Kar}omiton. See Oil h Jv. Chromatog'cnous [xpuua, yevvau, to Ijc- get). I'roiirij, to bear). Sp.ices in the skin of ccphalo|XKla tilled will) colored granules. Chromatops^ia (xpirly lallcd " chryMipliaiiic acid," extracted by alkaline solutions from Uva pinodcr, the product of the decay of Andira ararobn, a Hra/ilian tree. A gaslroiiite-.linal irritant, which is almost a specific when aj)plied locally in psoriasis. Hose, internally, gr. J-xx. C, Ung., contains lO per cent of the drug with yo jK-r tent. Iicn/oated lard. Chrysopha'nic. See Chiymiobin, CHYLE 108 CINCHONINA Chyle (;i;v/lof, juice). The milk-white fluid absorbed by the lacteals during diges- tion. On standing, separates into a thin, jelly-like clot and a substance identical with serum. Chylifica^tion (;i;i;2oiT,y(7f/(', to make). The process by which the chyle is formed, separated and absorbed by the villi of the small intestine. Chylo-pericard^ium. An effusion of chyle within the pericardium. Chylorrhce'a (;^;Mof, pew, to flow). The excessive flow of chyle. Also, a diarrhoea characterized by a milky color of the faeces. Chylu^ria (;^;^'/lof, ovpov, urine). The pas- sage of milky-colored urine. Thought to be caused by disordered condition of the lacteals, and also connected with Filaria sanguinis hominum. Chyme {]Q)iioq, juice). Food that has undergone gastric and intestinal digestion from which chyle is absorbed. The con- tents of the small intestines after having been acted upon by the salivary, gastric, biliary, pancreatic and intestinal secretions. Chymifica^tion (jD/;of, facio, to make). The change of food into chyme by gastric and intestinal digestion. Cicatri^cial Deformities. Abnormal con- tractions caused by cicatrices. Cicatric'ula. The Blastoderm of a hen's egg- Cica^trix (Lat., same). The scar or mark left after the healing of a wound. Cicatriza'tion. The process of healing. Cicu^ta Viro''sa. See Cowbane. CiFia [ciliiim, the eyelid or lash). The eyelashes. Also, hair-like appendages of certain epithelial cells, whose function it is to propel fluid or particles along the pas- sages that they line. CiFiary [ciliw)i). Pertaining to the eye- lid or eyelash, and also by extension to the C. Apparatus, or the structures related to the mechanism of accommodation. C. Arteries, — anterior, posterior long, and posterior short, branches of the ophthalmic artery, supplying the recti muscles, the cili- ary apparatus, and the posterior structures of the eye, with the exception of the retina. C. Body, the ciliary muscle and pro- cesses. C. Ganglion, the ganglion at the apex of the orbit, supplying the ciliary muscle and iris. C. Muscle, the muscle of accommodation, whose contraction lessens the tension upon the suspensory ligament of the lens. C. Nerves, branches of the ophthalmic ganglion supplying the anterior structures and accommodative apparatus. C. Neuralgia, neuralgic pain of the eye, brow, temple, etc. C. Processes, circu- larly arranged choroidal foldings continu- ous with the iris in front. C. Region, the pericorneal or "danger" zone corres- ponding to the position of the ciliary body. Cilium. See Eyelash. Ci'mex Lectula^rius. The common bed bug. A disgusting insect which infests beds, furniture, and the walls of bedrooms, and which feeds on the human body, punc- turing the skin and injecting an imtating fluid to increase the flow of blood. Char- acterized by the repulsive odor of its se- cretion. Cimicifu''ga. Black Snake Root, Black Cohosh. The root of C. racemosa, nat. ord. Ranunculacese. A stomachic, anti- spasmodic, aphrodisiac, and diuretic. Acts on the heart similar to digitalis. Efficient as a tonic in many cardiac diseases, in functional impotence, and ovarian neural- gia. C, ext. fid. (alcoholic). Dose X(\y.- "7^]. C, Tinct., 20 per cent, in strength. Dose gss-ij. Macrotin (unof), a resin- ous extract. Dose gr. _J^-ij. Cincho^na. Peruvian Bark. • The bark of several varieties of cinchona, a tree native to the eastern slopes of the Andes and cultivated in India, the most valuable being C. calisaya. Other varieties are C. sticcirnbra, red bark, C. condaminea, pale bark, C. pitayensis, pitaya bark, and C. 7nicrantha. C. bark contains 21 alka- loids, of which 4, quinine, cinchonine, quinidine and cinchonidine are the most important. Cinchona has the same physio- logical action and therapeutic uses as its chief alkaloid quinia. See Qiiinia. It is also an astringent, bitter and stomachic tonic, stimulating appetite and promoting digestion, beneficial in atonic dyspepsia and adynamia. C, Ext. Dose gr. j-v. C, Fid. Ext. Dosen\^x-3J. C, In- fusum, bark 6, arom. sulph. acid i, water 93 parts. Dose ^j-^j- C, Tinct., 20 per cent, of the bark. Dose 3;ss-ij. C, Tinct., Comp., red bark 10, bitter orange peel 8, serpentaria 2, alcohol 80 parts. Dose 3J-^5ss. Cinchonid'ia, or Cinchon^idine. An alkaloid derived from cinchona. Resem- bles quinia in general properties. C. Salicylate (unof), has decided antima- larial properties. C. Sulph., less bittei than quinine and valuable as an antipyretic. Dose gr. j-xx or more. Cinchoni^na, or Cin'chonine. An otifi- cial alkaloid derived from cinchona. Simi- CINERARIA MARITIMA 109 CLARIFY' lar to (]uinine in therapeutic effects, but less active, producing much heat-lachc ami some muscular weakness. C. Sulph., ditVicultly soluMe in water, but soluble in aciilulati'd water. Dose gr. v-xx.\. Cinera'ria Mariti'ma. The juice of this plant has been long used in Venezuela for the absorption of cataract. Unof. Cineri'tious [r/'/ic-ns, ashes). Ash-like or p<.'rtainii)g to ashes. Applied also to the cortex of the brain, from the color of the same. Cin'nabar (Ktwai3api, a pigment). Mer- curic >uli)liidf, HgS. See Jlydiarg^'ruDi. Cinnamo'mum, i_>r Cin'namon. 1 he iimcr liark of the shoots of several species of CiniKiinomtiin, native to Ceylon and China, the latter Ijeing known in commerce under the name of ctissiii. Proix;rties due to a volatile oil. An agreeable carminative anil aromatic stimulant. Useful comi-iined with opium in tlatulence, cramp of the stomach, enteralgia, etr. C, Aqua, 2 parts of oil in looo of water. C, Ext. Fid. Arom., contains arom.itic powder lo parts, alcoliol 8 parts. C, Oleum, the volatile oil. Dose gtt. j-v. C, Spt., ID per cent of the oil in spirit. Dose tT^v-xxx. C, Tinct., lo per cent. of the ix)wdered bark in alcoliol. Pul- vis aromaticus, aromatic |X)wder, cinna- mon, ginger a;i 35,cardamon,nutmL'gaa 15. Dose gr. x-xxx. Cioni'tis (k'/wi', the uvula). Inflammation of the uvula. Gionot'omy [muv, 70/^7, a section). Exci- sinii of (lie uvula. Circle of Diffusion. See Diffusion. Circle of Willis. The passage between the anteiior cereliral arteries anteriorly, and the internal carotids and cerebral arteries ]X)steriorIy, by communicating ves- .scls. Circula'tion. The passage of the blood through the varioas vessels, distinguished a^ capillar)', f'fial, jwrtal, pulmonary, t-fr. C, Collateral, dial through branches and sccondar)' channels after ^tojipage of the principal route. C, First or Primitive, that of the embryo, a closed system, carry- ing luitrim'iit and oxygen to the embryo. C, Second, the funiin to the left. Circumval'late (r/Vrz/wrv/Z/c, to surround with a wall). Surrounded by a wall or prominence. C. Papillae, certain papilkc of the tongue. Cirrho'sis (^Kippni;, reddish-yellow ; from the cokir of the cirrhotic liver). Increase and thickening of the connective tissue of an organ, esjiecially of the liver. Cir'socele (hv/jffof, a varix, kij7jj, tumor). A varicose tumor, especially of the .^j)er- matic cord. Cir'soid [Kipanc;, firTof, likeness). Resem- bling a varix, or dilated vein. Cirsom'phalos [Kipaog, o/KpaXo^, navel). A varicose condition of the navel. Cirsot''omy [Kipaog, rt/zrw, to cut).. Ex- cision of a varix. Cistern of Pequet. See Rcciptaculuni Chvli. Cit'rine Oint'ment. See Ilydrar^ynn'i. Cit'rus. -See .lui (Uilium. Clad'othrix (/c/arJof, a branch, Bpi^, a hair). A genus of the family Hacteriacees, having long filaments, in jiseudo-ramifica- tions, with true six)res. C. Dichotoma, found in soft or brackish waters, a sapro- phytic fungus, non-ijathogenic, i)recipilates oxide of iron and calcareous concretions. C. Forsteri, found in the lachrymal canal in concretions; is proliably identical with C. Dichotomy. Clamp (Cier. A7a»i/',). \n instrument for compressing the parts in surgical opera- tions to fix them or to prevent hivmorrluige, f(r. Clap. A jx)pular designation of gonor- rhu'a. Clar'ificant [rlariis, clear). A substance used for the purj^se of clearing .solutions from insoluble matter. Clarifica'tion {c/anis). The operation of making a li |uid or naturally transparent substance clear. May lie accomplislird liy allowing the sus|>i'nded matter to subside, I y (he addition of a clariticant or .substance which precipitates su.spended matters, or by nKHlcralc heating. Clar'ify [Jurus). i'o free a linuid or .solu- liim from insoluble or lictiiogcneous sub- btuuces. Tc) make clear. CLARIFYING REAGENT 110 CLONUS Clar'ifying Rea^gent. Any preparation used for purifying microscopic and ana- tomical preparations tliat have been mounted in gummy media. Oil of cloves, turpentine, creasote, xylol, and oil of berga- mot are the chief. Clasp-knife Rigid^ity. A reflex spas- modic action of the legs in increased myo- tatic irritability of the cord, in which ex- tension is completed with a "spring," as in the knife. Classifica'tion [c/assfs, a class, /ado, to make). An orderly airangement of names, objects, diseases, rfc, according to their properties and peculiarities. Clathrocyst^is [a/ajdpa, a trellis, kvotiq, pouch). A genus of microbes with round or oval cells, fomiing zoogloese in the foiTa of circular layers. Claus^trum \clanJo,\.o shut). A barrier; used of several apertures that may be closed against entrance. Also applied to a layer of gray matter in the cerebmm near the lenticular nucleus. Clav^iceps {clava, club, caput, \y&zA^. A genus of fungi. C. Purpurea, the fungus producing sclerotis, or the ergot of rye. ClaV'icle {clavus, a key). The collar- bone. The bone fonning the anterior part of the shoulder. Cla'vus (c/az'us). A corn. A small, cir- cumscribed, flat and deep-seated callosity caused by thickening and excessive devel- opment of the epideiTnis. Usually caused by pressui-e, and occur most frequently on the toes! Occurring between the toes, • there is frequently considerable maceration, causing the "soft" corn. C. Hysteri- cus. A local neuralgic pain in hysteria, anremia, etc., in the head, as if a nai/ were being driven in. Claw-hand. A popular expression to signify the condition of the hand resulting from atrophy of the interosseous muscles. (French, main-en-griffc.^ Cleans^ings. The lochia. Cleav'ers. See GaHitni Aparine. Cleft Palmate. A congenital malformation of the palate, usually occurring with hare- lip. Clefts, Vis''ceral. The four slit-like open ings each side of the cervical region, in the foetus, sometimes called the Branchial openings. The slits close (in the human) except the upper, from which are devel- oped the auditory meatus, tympanic cavity and Eustachian tube. Clei'do- (K?f/f, the clavicle). A prefix, meanin;eirs Experiment. See LbzvSs /\iiig. Climac^teric [K2.i/j.aKT7/p, the round of a ladder). A period of the lifetime at which the system was believed to undergo marked changes. These were at yearly periods divisible by seven. C. Age, in women the time of cessation of the catamenia. C, Grand, the 63d year. ClimatoFogy [K/a/ua, ?ioyog, a discourse). A treatise upon climate. Clim^ato-ther^apy. The uses of residence in different climates as a therapeutic agent. Climbing Staff- Tree. False Bittersweet. The bark of the root of Celastnts scandens. Alterative, diuretic and slightly narcotic. Has been advantageously employed in syphilitic and scrofulous affections. Dose of fld. ext. .^j-ij. Unof. Clin^ic {lOaviKoq, pertaining to a bed). Medical instruction given at the bedside, or with the patient present, whose symp- toms are studied and treatment considered. Clinodac^tylous (/v?.;vw, to flex or lie, 6aKTv/MQ, finger). Pertaining to an ab- normal flexure, deviation or curvature of the fingers or toes. Cli'noid {^ulivrj, a bed, f«5of, likeness). Resembling a bed. Applied to sundry bony stiTictures of the body, as the clinoid processes, plate, walls, etc. Cliseom^eter [K?ucng, inclination, /xerpov, a measure). An instrament for measur- ing the degree of inclination of the female pelvis. Clitoridec'tomy {^K7.eiropig, enTe/xvu, to excise). Excision of the clitoiis. Cli^toris (^K?ieiTopig). The analogue in the female of the penis, attached by two crura or branches to the ischio-pubic rami, which meet in front of the pubic joint to form the body, or corpus. The so-called " gland " is such only in appearance or name. C. Crises, paroxj^sms of sexual excitement in women suffering from tabes. Cloa^ca (^cloaca, a sewer). In early foetal life the common orifice of the intestine and the allantois. In surgery the long canal of escape of pus from a necrotic seques- trum. The chamber into which open the large intestine and urogenital ducts of birds, amphibians and monotremata. Clon'ic (/cAovof, commotion). Applied to convulsive and spasmodic conditions of muscles in which alternate contractions and relaxations occur involuntarily. Clo^'nus {K/Mvoq). Involuntary, reflex, irregular contractions of muscles when put suddenly upon the stretch. Accord- CLOQUET, CANAL OF 111 COCILLAXA ing to the part stimulated, the jihenomenon is sjx)kcn of as ankle, j\>ot, or >\ctus i, etc. A valuable diagnostic sign in certain cord lesions. See ankle C. Clo'quet, Canal of. See Hyaloid Artery, Clostrid'ium. See Bacillus Butyrictts. Clot. See Coiii^uluin. Clof'tage of the Ureters. Xx\ operation proposed ill case of li.vniaturia from a kid- ney hopelessly crushed or with advanced carcinoma. The procedure consists iu blocking or corking up the ureter with a clot. Cloud'herry. The leaves of Ruhus clumuiinorus, much used in Russia as a diuretic. Dose jj to a cupful of boiling water. Unof. Cloudy Swelling, rarenchymatous de- generation, — a swelling up of the elements of a tissue by imbibition or accretion, a fonn of hypertrophy with a tendency to degeneration. Clove. See Ca>yo/>/tylliis, Club-foot. See Talipes. Club-hand. A deformity of the hand similar to that of club-foot. Clys''ter i^K/.vartip). An enema. Cnido'sis. .'^ee Crticana. Coag'ulative Necro'sis. See Necrosis. Coag'ulum {coa^^ulo, to curdle). Clot. A name applied to the mass of fibrin that forms from the plasma of the blood after the latter has been drawn from tiie botly. .\l>o, the curd of milk, and the insoluble form of albumin. Coales''cence [coalesco, to grow together). Tlie union of two or more parts or things. Coapta'tion {cm, together, '//A*, to fit). The proper union or adjustment of the ends of a fractured booe, the lips of a wound, e/c. Coarcta'tion [coarcto, to put together). A compression of the walls of a vessel or canal, thus narrowing or closing the lumen. Coarse Disease. .Macrosco|)ic organic Iciions, such as tumor, hxinorrhage, etc. Coat {coitus, a tunic). A cover, or mem- brane? covering a jjart or substance. C, Buffy, the U|);)or fil)rinous biyer of the clot of coagulated blix^d, marked by its color, and absence of red corpuscles. Coating of the Tongue, a condition of the tongue indicalivir of almormaiity of the on the cactus of Mexico and Central America. Contains a rich red coloring matter, car- Niifte. Used mainly as a coloring matter. Thought to be valuai>le in infantile whoop- ing-cough. Dose gr. '(. Coch'lea (^'*i'/of, a concha shell). A cavity of the internal ear resembling a snail .shell. De.scril)es two and a half turns al)out a central pillar called the inoiiiolusox coluni- nclta, funning llie spiral ciinal, aliout I '^ inches in length. 'I'he latter is divided into three canals or seal e, — the scale tyiii panir, vestihuli and inci/iir. Cocilla'na. The bark of asiK-ciesof Cun- rea, of the family .Muli]iular do- mestic remedy used in the Southern States as a cure-all. Has antispasmodic proper- ties. l)(.>se gr. xv-lx in decoction. Unof. Colliqua'tion [co/liipic-o, to melt). The liijuef;\ction or breaking down of a tissue or organ. Collo'dion (ko7J)jj>6jj^, glue-like). See Py- roxylin. Col'loid (Ko?.?.fl,glue). A non-cr}-stallizable and generally soluble organic substance. See Diii/ysis. Also, having the nature of glue. In chemistiy, amorphous and non- crystalline. C. Degeneration of the Skin. A rare di>ease, occurring chietly on the upper part of the face, in the form of small, glistening, translucent, flattish ele- vations, and yielding by pressure a small, jelly-like mass. Col'Ium (Lat.). The anterior part of the neck. Collyr'ium ( Kn/./.vpiov, an eye-salve). An astringent, antiseptic or medicinal lotion for the eyes. Colobo'ma {ko7x>i3ou, to mutilate). A cleavage or fissure of parts of the eye, of congenital or traumatic origin. Con- genital C. are due to imperfect closure of tissurcs during fjetal development. CoKocynth, or Colocynth'is. Colocynth. The fruit of C. Cilrullus, from which seeds and rind have l>een rejected. IVoj)erties due to a bitter glucoside, colocyiitltin. A tonic ani(hu-ss. Color-hearing. The hypothesis of the excitation of the chromatic centers through the auditory nerve. Colorim'eter [color, fie-pov, measure). An in.stnimcnt for determining the quan- tity of coloring matter in a mixture. Color-sensation. Depends on the num- ber of vibrations of the ether, the same as the pitch of a note depends on the number of vibrations of the sounding body. Her- ing's Theory of C.-s. predicates di.s- assiniilation and assimilation (decomposi- tion and restitution) of the visual sub- stance in vision — white, red and yellow representing the sensation of disassimila- tion, black, green ami blue of restitution; thus endowing the visual sut)stance with three modes of chemical metalnjlism. Young-Helmholtz's Theory, assumes three kinds of nerve-elements correspond- ing to the tlirce primary colors. Stimula- tion of the first causes red, of the second, green, of the third, violet. Color-top. A top containing on the sec- tors of its disc a number of colors to be " mixed " by rapid whirling. Colos'trum {lo/ostnini). The first milk in the mother's breasts after the birth of the child. It is laxative, and assists in the exjjulsion of the meconium. Colot'omy {ki>?()v, Tt/ivu, to cut). Incision of till- colon, either liitiihnr or iii:;iiiii«, together, ccntnim, the centre). Evaporation of part of the water of a mixture, tlius rendering it re- latively stronger. Concenf'ric. Arranged in an equidistant manner aluiut a centre. Concep'tion (Av/iT/'/f', to conceive). The fecundation of the ovum by the sjjermato- zoid. !^ee Pregnancy. Con'cha(/co};ia,ashell). A shell. Used of organs having some resemblance to a shell, as the patella, vulva, dVr.,and especially of tlie C. Auris, or hollow part of the external car. C. Narium, the turbinated bones. Concoc'tion [coniO(juo, to boil together), 'llic act of boiling two substances together. Con'crete [concresco, to grow together). .S.iiidified or condensed. Concre'tion. The solidification or con- densation of a fluid substance ; used, also, of union of parts normally separate, as the fingers. Concu'bitus {concubo, to lie together). t'o])iilation. Concus'sion of Brain. See Brain. Cond^iment {lonJiinailtirn, sj)ice). Spice, sauce, or other aj^jjeti/ing ingredients used will) fixxl. Cond'om, or CunMum (corrup. oi confon, a |)hysician). A sheath worn over the jKiiis, during copulation. Conduction {cundmo, to draw together). The |)a-«sage or transfer of force or mate- rial from one i)art to another. Conduran'go Bark. A remedy much u.sid in .S. .America as an alterative in sy|jliilis. Introduced into the U.S. as a nmedy for cancer of the .stomach, with uiii crtaiii results. Dose gr. x-xxx. Unof Con'dyle (KovAv'/nr, a knuckle). The routicjcd eminences in the joints of many of the Ixjncs, esjjccially Uie fftnur, hit- mrrus and jiiw. Con'dyloid. Resembling or pertaining to the condyle. Condylo'ma {kov6v7.oc;). A wart-like growth or tumor about the anus or pu- dendum of either sex. Applied also to syphilitic patches and discolorations. Cone'in. .^ee Ccniitin. Cones, Graduated. Cone-shaped bodies used for measuring the size of orifices of vessels, etc., especially In post-mortem ex- aminations. ConfeC'tion [ccnfcitio, a making). A confection. In pharmacy a mass of sugar and water, or of honey, as an excipient with a prescribed medicinal substance. There are two ofticial confcctiones. Confec'tioners' Disease. A fre- tjuintl)- occurring in the workpeople manu- facturing candied fmits, nuts, etc. It is confined to the nails of the fingers of the hands; the nail loses its polish, becomes black, the periungual jx)rtion becomes loosened and raised up. Confine'ment. The condition of women during childbirth. Con^fluent {conjiuo, to flow together). In mc'dutnc, a term apjjlied to eruptions which run together. Tiie opposite of discrete. In anatomy, used of the blending of two or more bones originally separate into one. Congen'ital [con, together, gcnitus, born). Existing from birth. Conges^tion [congcro, to heap up). Ab- normal collection of blood in a part or organ. Used of other liquids besides blood. Con'gius (a Roman measure). A gallon. Conglom'erate (conglonicro, to heap uj)). A mass of units witlumt order. C. Glands, synonymous with acinous glands. Conglu'tin. See Casein. Con'gress [congressns, a meeting together). An assemblage for deliberative C, Sexual, coition, or carnal intercourse. Con'ical Cor'nea. See A'erato-glo/'its. Coni'um. Hemlock. The green, fiill- grown fruit of the sjX)tted hemlock, ('. viaculalum. Contains several alkaloids and a volatile oil, I'roperties maiidy due to alkaloids conine and niet/iy/i onine. Produces motor ])aralysis \\ itlumt loss of sensation or consciousness. In toxic doses death ensues from jiaralysis of organs of respiration. N'aluable in tetanus, bji-phaio- s|)asm, asthma and whooping cough. C. Abstract, made from conium 2cx), diliile hydrochloric aciil 6, sugar of milk and alcohol <|. s.,to make loo parts of abstract. Dose gr. ss-iij. C. Ext., aUoholic, each grain represeniing 1 gr. of n/ra/io). Approximation i)f the elements of a tissue or organ, thus dinimi>hing its volume or content. C. -remainder, the st;ige of elastic after- vibration or residual contraction persist- ing in a muscle after withdrawal of the stimulus. Contra-indica'tion [confra, against, in- t/iio, to point out). A term applied to that pathological or modifying condition in which a rcmetly or a metlioose 5 ss. Unof. Con'tre-coup (Fr.). Counter-stroke, a variety of injury by indirect violence. Contu'sion [conftnido, to bruise). A bruise or injur)- by a blunt weajx)n,or by collision, withoul breaking the skin or covering. Co'nus {kuvo^, a cone). A crescentic patch of atrophic choroidal tissue surround- ing the optic jjapilla. Convalla'ria maja'lis. Lily of the \'al- ley. All parts of the plant. Properties due to cotn'allariu and cflit-i-a/lainarin, glu- cosides. A prompt cathartic, diuretic, and cardiac stimulant. \'aluai,le as a heart tonic. Unlike digitalis, has no cumulative etTect. C, Ext., soluble in water. Dose gr. v-xxx. C, Ext., Fid., alcoholic. Dose ^ ss-ij. C, Infusum, prepared with three times its weight of water. Dose J ss-ij. Convallamarinum, soluble in water. l)o>ic gr. '+-ij. All unof. Convales'cence {co/iTn/i-sm, to l)ecome well). A tenn applied to the recovery of strength after the di.•^appearance of a dis- or ailment. Convolu'tion (cotiToho, to roll together). A ti-nn aiijilird to the folding and turning u|xjn itself of any organ, as the c<-relinnn and the sinallir inti-stines. C, Broca's, the third lift frontal, the speech-center in right liand'd |)<-opIc. Convol'vulus pandura'tus. Wild I'o- talc). 1 he tuU:r is a mild cathartic. Dose gr. xl. I'nof. Convul'sant (ronvi-llo^ to pull together). A ini-di' iiii- that caases convulsions. Convul'sions. 'Hie manifestation of nervous di.sorder commis. C. Acetas, verdigris, used in pulmonary, and a^ a lotion in sUin dist-ises. Dose gr. 7',-s— I- C. Aceto-arsenite, Paris (ireen, used as a pigment and an insecticide. C. Ammo- niatum, unof, annnonium carbcinate J, io|)|)(r sidi)liate 4 parts. L'seful in chorea, liy>lnia,(A . Dosegr. ' (j-j. C.,Potassio- tartrate Sol., Fehling's solution, unof., co])per sulphate gr. 70, distilled water irL400: al>o (»c. stone). A term applied to hard masses of fatal matter wiiiih sometimes form in the IkjwcIs. COPTIS 118 CORONA Cop''tis. Goldlhread. The root of C. tri folia. A simple bitter tonic resembling quassia. Contains berberine. Dose gr. x- XXX. Copula''tion [copulo, to couple). The act of sexual intercourse. Coraco- [Kopa^, a crow). Pertaining to muscles attached to the coracoid process, as C. BracJiialis. See Aluscles. Cor^acoid [Kopa§). A term applied to any part having the shape of a crow's beak. C. Ligament, a triangular, beak-shaped ligament joining the coracoid process to the acromion. C. Process, a beak-shaped process of the scapula. Corral Root. Crawley. The root of Corallorhiza odontorhiza. A prompt and powerful diaphoretic, much employed by the "eclectic" school of pi'actitioners. Used in fevers. Dose gr. xxx. C, Fid. Ext. Dose iTLxv-xxx. Cord (^chorda). Used as a synonym for the Umbilical Cord, the vascular, cord-like structure connecting the placenta and foetus. C, Coiling of, loops about the foetus or its members. C, Knots of, real knots of the cord formed by the passage of the foetus through a loop. False Knots, accumulations of WTiarton's jelly at parti- cular points. C, Presentation of, descent of the cord at the beginning of labor be- tween the presenting part and the mem- branes. C, Prolapse of, descent at the rupture of the bag of waters, incomplete, if remaining in the vagina, complete, if protmding therefrom. C, Torsion of, twisting upon its axis. The blood vessels make about 40 spiral turns. Wharton's Jelly, the gelatin-like connective tissue of the cord. Cor^dial {cor, the heart). Pertaining to the heart. In pharmacy, an aromatic spiritu- ous stimiilant. Corec^tomy. See Iridectomy, and Pupil, Artificial. Corecto^pia {nop?/, pupil, enTuirn^, mis- placed). An anomalous position of the pupil. CorediaFysis {noprj, Si.a?ivu, to liberate). The production of an artificial pupil at the ciliary border of the iris. CoreKysis {Kopr/, Xvaig, a loosening). The detachment of iritic adhesions to the lens. Coremorpho^sis. See Pupil, Artificial. Coreom'eter {nopri, jieTpov, a measure). An instrument for measuring the pupil of the eye. Cor'eplasty. See Pupil, Artificial. Corian'der, or Corian^'drum. Coriander. The fruit of C. sati'i'a. An aromatic carminative and stimulant. Used mainly to give flavor to other remedies and as a corrective to griping purgatives. Dose gr. x-xx. C. Ol., the volatile oil. Dose IT^ij-v. Co^rium {^corium, leather). The deep layer of the cutis. Corm [Kopiioq, the trank of a tree). The bulbous underground part of certain plants, as the crocus. Corn [cornu, horn). Local induration and thickening of the skin from friction. Cor^nea [cornu). The transparent an- terior portion of the eyeball, its area oc- cupying about one-sixth the circumference of the globe. It is continuous with the sclerotic, and nourished by lymph from the looped blood vessels at its peripheral bor- der. It is lined posteriorly by Descemet's membrane, and the conjunctiva is firmly adherent to its substance in front. C, Conical. See Keratoglobus. C, Leu- coma of. See Leuconia. C, Tattooing of. See Tattooing. C, Transplantation of, the operation of engrafting a section of transparent cornea from some animal into the space of an excised portion of leuco- matous human cornea. Cornei^tis. See Keratitis. Cornic'ula Laryn^gis. A small, hom- shaped mass of cartilage on the arytenoid cartilages; called also the Cartilages of Sautoriiii. Corn Smut. See Stigmata ATaydis. Corn^u. (Lat.) A horn. A name applied to any excrescence resembling a horn. C. Ammonis, the liippocamptcs major oiXht. brain. C. Cervi, hartshorn or ammonium hydrate. C. Cutaneum. A horn of the skin. A horny excrescence bearing a resem- blance to the horns of lower animals. May be any size from that of a pin's head to that of the finger. Of rare occurrence. C. Sacri, the prominence on each bone of the sacrum. Cor^'nus. Dogwood. The bark of the root of C. fiorida. Properties due to a crystalline principle, corniti. A simple stomachic, bitter and somewhat antiperi- odic. C, Fid. Ext. Dose ITLx-^j. Corn^utin. One of the active principles of Ergot. Unof Cor^ona [corona, a garland). A crown. C. Ciliaris, the ciliary ligament. C. Glan- dis, the ridge of [he glans penis. C. Ra- diata, the convolutions of the brain. C. Veneris, syphilitic blotches occurring on the forehead. CORONAL SUTURE 119 CORROSIVE Coro'nal Su'ture. The suture joining the frontal with the two parietal bones. Cor'onary. A term applied to vessels, nerves, or attachments which encircle a part or organ. Cor'oner (corona/or, a crown, an oflRcer appointed by the Crown). An olticer who inquires by authority of the law into the causes of deaths of sudden or violent oc- currence. C, Inquest of, the legal iuquir)' liefore a jurj- concerning the causes of a .'iuddcn or violent deatli. Coronil'la. The plant C. scorpeouh's, abundant in southwestern Europe. Has doubtful value in cardiac affections where increased amplitude of pulsation is re- ([uiretl. Unof. Cor'pora (pi. of corpus, a body). A gene- ral tenn apj^lied to any part of the body, especially of the brain, having a rounded or ovoid shape. C. Albicantia or Mam- millaria, the two roundetl masses of white matter forming the bullisof the fornix. C. Arantii, the tubercles, one in the center of each segment of the .semilunar valves. C. Cavernosa, the cylindrical bodies of erectile tissue forming the chief part of the penis. Also the two masses of erectile tissue comix)sing the clitoris. C. Genicu- lata, two small eminences projecting from the optic thalami. C. Olivaria, the two oval masses behind the pyramids of the medulla oblongata. C. Pyramidalia, the two bundles of white matter of the medulla oblongata, situated l*clow the pons varolii. C. Quadrigemina, the optic lobes of the lirain, the four rounded eminences situated under the corjius callosum. The anterior pair are the nates, and the posterior the testes. C. Restiformia, the large columns or cord-like Ixxlies extending from the medulla to the cerel)rum. C. Striata, two organs in the lateral ventricles (jf the brain, com])Osed of the cauflate and lenti- cular nucleas. ITie first, or intraventricular pdy. Corp'us (pi. corpora), {corptts, a body). A lody; the human Ixxly. C. Aran- tius, tJie cartilaginous tubercle of the semilunar valves. C. Callosum. See Comttii^uirrs. C.Cavernosum Vaginae, tlif '-|>f'ngy tissue of the vagina. C. Fimbriatum, the lateral thin edge of the tiinia hi|)|KK'ampi. C. Luteum. Sc-i; Corpus l.utcuni. C. Spongiosum, the sjjfjngy Uxly enclosing tiie urethra, etc. C. Striatum. Sec Corpora. Cor'puscle (dim. of rorpiis). A name loosely applied to almost any small, rounded, or oval body. C. of Blood, the minute, biconcave, Hat discs, circular in man, elliptical in the camel, and oval in birds and reptiles. Coqniscles of the blood have been distinguished, according to their sue — into normoblasts (normal in size), megaloblasts (of excessive size),mikro- blasts (abnormally small), and poikilo- blasts, of irregular sliape and size. Tiie red corpuscles in the blood of man are about jiVij in. in diameter and yj.fjjTj in. thick. They consist of a colorless stroma (paraglobulin.cholestcrin, lecithin and ncu- rin) intiltrated with coloring matter (hLvmo- globin). The white corpuscles are flattened, bi- or tri-nucleated cells, about joVtf ^'^- ^" diameter, and exist in the ratio of I : 400 compared with red coqiuscles. They possess a contractile jxiwer, alter their shape readily, and in general api>ear- ances closely resemble amoilja;. They are most numerous in venous blood. C. of Krause, the spherical or ovoid corpuscles occurring on the ends of the nerve tubules which emerge from a nerve plexus. They occur in the conjunctiva, the edges of the lips and various mucous and glandular sur- faces. C, Malpighian, a name applied to the splenic coqnisclcs. Also to the Malpighian bodies. C, Pacinian, certain small coqjuscles occuiring in the subcuta- neous cellular tissue of the fingers and toes. C, Tactile, of Wagner, the small oval boflies found in the paj)illa' of the skin and enveloped by nene-iibers. Corpuscula'tion. A condition in wliich the coqiuscles of the blood have undergone hyjx'rplasia, being more large and numer- ous than in the normal state. Corp'us Lute'um. The yellow body. lly|)erlropliy of the me ml) ran a propria, or reticulata of the ovisac, after the esca])e of the ovule. C. L., False, that result- ing when pregnancy does not occur, called also the C. L. of Menstruation. C. L., True, that when pregnancy takes place, called al>o the C. L. of Pregnancy, and liilfcring in several res|>ects from the first. Correct'lve {corrigo, to correct). A sub- stance used to mcKlify (irmakemore pleasant the action of a purgative or other renieily. Correla'tion. Interdependence; relation- ship. Corro'sive {eon, rodo, to gnnw). A .sub- stance that destroys organic tissue either i)y direct chemical means or by causing inllammation and suppuration. CORROSIVE SUBLIMATE 120 CRAMP Corro''sive Sub^limate. See Ilydrar- gyruin. Corruga^tor {corrugo, to wrinkle). That which wrinkles. See JMuscle. Cor^tex (Sanskrit k7-it, to split). The bark of an exogenous plant. The external layer of gray matter of the brain. Cor''ti. A celebrated Italian anatomist. C, Cells of, the external hair-cells of the organ of Corti. C, Organ of, a series of some 3000 arches contained on the floor of the basilary membrane, within the ductus cochlear is of the internal ear. C, Rods of, the pillars of the arch of the organ of Corti. C, Rolls of, the fibers forming the inner limb of the arches of Corti. Cort^ical {^cortex, bark). Pertaining to the cortex or bark. Used of the gray matter, cortex, of the brain. Coryd^alis. Tmkey corn. The tuber of C. fo7-mosa {^Dicentra Canadensis of de Candolle). Tonic, diuretic and alterative. Dose of-tld. ext. ITLx-xI. Corydalin, the alkaloid. Dose gr. j-v. Unof. Cory^za {nopvg, the head). Catarrh of the mucous membrane of the nasal passages and adjacent sinuses. Popularly called a " cold in the head." Cosmet^ic [Koa/jeu, to adorn). A remedy designed to improve or to hide the defects of the skin or other external parts. May be a white powder, such as starch, mag- nesic oxide, calcium carbonate (levigated), zinc oxide, mercurous chloride, or bismuth subnitrate applied externally ; it may be a white substance dissolved in dilute alco- hol, which is left upon the face after the evaporation of the solvent ; or it may be a stimulant to the skin used internally, such as arsenic. C. Operation. A surgical operation to give a natural appearance to a defective or unsightly part. Cos^moline. See Petrolatum. Cos^tal (^costa, a rib). Pertaining to the ribs. C. Cartilages. The 12 cartilag- inous extensions of the ribs. Cos''tiveness [constipo, to be bound). An al)normality of digestion characterized by retention and hardness of the faeces. Cos''to- [costa, a rib). A prefix denoting connection with the ribs. Coto'ine. See Coto. Cofto. Cotto Bark. The bark of a tree native to Bolivia. Irritant to skin and mucous membranes. Therapeutic proper- ties not known. Recommended in diar- rhoea and zymotic fevers. Dose gr. j-xv. Cot^ton. See Gossypiutn. Cot^ton-seed Oil. See Gossypium. Cot''yloid CaV'ity. See Acetabulum. Couch-grass. See Triticum. Couch^ing (Fr. Coucher). The operation, now fallen into disuse, of depressing a cataractous lens into the vitreous chamber, where it was left to be absorbed. Cough^ing. A sudden violent expiratory explosion after deep inspiration and closure of the glottis. C. Center. See Center. Cou^'lomb. The unit of measurement of electrical quantity; the quantity of elec- tricity that passes during one second in a conductor having a resistance of one ohm, with one volt of electromotive force. The micro-coulomb is the millionth part of this amount. Count^er-exten''sion. See Extension. Count^er-irrita^tion. Superficial and arti- ficially produced inflammation, in order to exercise a good effect upon some adjacent or deep-seated morbid process. Generally effected by vesicants, rubefacients, etc. Count^er-o^pening. An incision made in an abscess or cavity, opposite another, generally for purposes of drainage. Cours^es. See Menses. Court Plaster. See Ichthycolla. Couveuse''. See Inczibator. Cow^'age. The external hairs of the pod of iMucuna pruriens. Cow^bane. Water Hemlock. The leaves of Ciiuta virosa. An acrid narcotic, highly poisonous to cattle, but not affecting sheep and goats. Causes intoxication and spasm. Sometimes used externally as an anodyne in rheumatism. Cow'per's Glands. See Glands. Cow-pox. See Vaccination. Cox^a [coxa, hip). The hip-joint. CoxaPgia [coxa, alyog, pain). Pain in the hip-joint. See Hip-joint Disease. Coxe's Hive Mixture. See Scilla. Crab Louse. See Fediculus. Crachot^ement. A peculiar reflex follow- ing operations upon the utero-ovarian or- gans, marked by a desire to spit without the ability to do so. It is usually accom- panied by a tendency to syncope. Cracked-pot Sound. A peculiar sound elicited by percussion over a cavity of the lung communicating with a bronchus. Cra''dle. In surgery, a wire or wicker frame so arranged as to keep the weight of the bed-clothing from an injured part of the body. Employed in fractures, wounds, etc. Cramp (Teut. kramp). A spasmodic con- traction of the muscles attended with sharp pain. CRANE'S-BILL ROOT. 121 CROCUS Crane's-bill Root. See Geranium. Cra'nioclasm \K\mviov, the skull, K/.au, lo break). The operation of breaking the fetal head by means of the crunioclii^t. Craniol'ogy i^Kpai-ioi\ /o; of , a discourse). A treatise on the comparative study of skulls. Craniom'eter \Hi>aiioi\ fttrfior, a meas- ure). An instrument for gauging the dimen- sions of the skull. Craniom'etry. See Index. Cranios'copy. See Phrenology. Cranios'tosis [Kpaviov, oartov, a bone). Congenital os-ihcation of the cranial sutures. Craniot'omy [spaviof, rour/, a cutting). The oi>eraiion of reducing the size of the f<-L'tal head by cutting or breaking it up, when delivery is otherwise impossible. Cra'nium (K//ar/or, the head). The skull. The cavity which contains the brain, its membranes and vessels. Consists of 22 bones, of which 14 belong to the face, and 8 to the cranium proper. See Skull. Crassamen'tum [erassus, thick). The clot of the blood. Craw - Craw. See Filaria Sanguinis Iloniinis. Craw 'ley. See Coral Root. Cream of Tartar. See Potassium. Creamom'eter. An instrument for esti- mating the amount of cream in milk. Crc'asote, or Creaso'tum {xpeag, flesh, au^u, to preserve). The product of the distillation of wood tar, consisting of a mix- ture of phenol com]x>unds. .'\.n inllam- malile oily liquid dilfering in this respect from carlK)lic acid. Does not coagulate albumin and collodion. Most of the com- mercial creasote consists of carlx)lic acid or contains a large jjercentage of it. Valu- able for its antiseptic, astringent, styptic, an 1 -tlictic and ocharotic pro|x-rties. C. Aqua, a one per cent, solution. Dose Cre'atin (Kpcag). A weak organic base occurring in various tissues of the body, especially in mu>cle. Creat'inin («/ the testis. Cremaster''ic Re'flex. Retraction of the lolicle on the same side by exciting the skin on the inner side of the tliigh. Crema'tion (eremo, lo bum). The de- struction of the Ijfxly by burning, as dislin- giiisli<-d from inlernient. Crem'or (i-rentor, broth). Cream. Any thick .sul»lancc formed on tlie surface of a li'|ui(l. Cre'nated {^ircna, a notch). Notched or scalloped. In botany, leaves which are serrated. See Crenation. Crena'tion [erena'). A notched or mul- berr)' appearance of the red corpuscles of the blood ; may lie spontaneous or due to poisoning with Calabar bean. Cre'nothrix (k{iiivii, source, 'V^. hair). A genus of the family Beggiatoacees, whose Hlaments are enveloped in a gelatinous sheath. C. Kuhniana, abundant in fresh waters. The pathogenic role attributed to this variety by Kiinsther in the production of typhoid is unjustilied. Cre'olin. A coal-tar product deprived of carbolic acid. Ha-mostatic and highly anti- septic. It is more active than carbolic acid on pure cultures of pathogenic mi- crobes, but less etiicacious in putrefying masses. An excellent non-poisonous de- odorizer. Crepita'tion, or Crep'itus [crepito, to crackle). The noise produced by escaping flatus, by the grating of fractured bones, by the crackling of the joints, and by tlie pressure upon tissues containing an abnor- mal amount of air or gas. Also the pecu- liar murmur of respiration observed in pneumonia. Cres'cent, Myopic. See Myopia. Crest. The surmounting part of an organ or process. Cre'ta. Chalk. See Calcium. Cret^inism. (Doubtful etymology.) The condition of a cretin. An endemic dis- ease characterized by goitre, and a condi- tion of physical, physiological and mental degeneracy and non-development. Crib''riform {eribrum, a sieve, forma, form). Similar to a sieve in being pcr- for.iteil, as the cribriform Plate of the Ethmoid Bone. Cri^co- (KpiKog, a ring). A prefix denoting connection with the cricoid cartilage. Cri'coid Cartilage. See Cartilages of th,- I.aryn r. Cri''sis \crisis). The turning ])oint in a disease, fever, time of life, is in disi-ase, jx-riod of life, etc. Cro'cus. .Saffron. The stigmas of the flowers of f. sativus. (Should not be coiv CROSSED REFLEXES 122 CUBEBS founded with American Saffron, Cartha- mus tinctorius). An aromatic stimulant and emmenagogue, commonly used as a cooling agent. C. Tinct., lo per cent. in strength. Dose 3J-ij; of the drug, gr. v-xx. Crossed Re^flexes. An exception to the usual law of reflex movements, in which, e. g., excitation of one fore limb produces movement in the opposite hind limb. Cross-legged Progres^'sion. A method of walking in which one foot gets over or in front of the other. A symptom of cer- tain cord lesions. Crouton Chlo'ral. See Chloral Butylicum. Croton-oil. See .Tiglii Oleum. Croup (Sax. kropan, to cry aloud). A dis- ease of the larynx, trachea, etc., of children, of which prominent symptoms are a peculiar cough, difficulty of breathing, and often accompanied by the development of a membranous deposit or exudate upon the parts. There is doubt as to the real natui-e of the disease, some contending that it is either an acute spasmodic laiyngitis or a laryngeal diphtheria, while others believe it a special type of disease. Cru'cial (^crux, a cross). Resembling or pertaining to a cross, as a crucial in- cision. Cru^ra (pi. of crus, a leg). A name applied to certain parts of the body from their resemblance to a leg or root. C. Cerebelli, the peduncles of the cerebellum. C. Cerebri, the peduncles of the cere- brum. C. of Diaphragm, the muscular bundles arising from the vertebrte, etc., and inserted into the central tendon. C. of Penis, the corpora cavernosi. Cru^ral [c7-tis). Pertaining to the thigh. C. Arch. See Ligatuent. C. Hernia, femoral hernia. Crus [crus). The leg; structures resem- bling a leg. See the plural. Crura. Cruso-creafinine. A leucomaine, iso- lated from muscle-tissue. In this and other leucomaines of the Creatinine Group, as well as in those of the Uric Acid Group, hydrocyanic acid plays an important part in the molecular structure of the bases. Very little is yet known as to the function of this Cyanogen Group in relation to the vital activity of tissues, but recent investi- gations seem to show that the seat of the cyanogen formation lies within the nucle- ated cell, and is intimately connected with the functions of the nuclein molecule. A number of leucomaines of fresh muscle- tissue are credited with possessing an in- tensely poisonous action ; and, if this be the case, any accumulation of such bases in the system, due to interference with elimi- nation, may cause very serious disturb- ances. Crus^ta. The inferior part of the crura cerebri. C. Lactea. See Achor. C. Petrosa, a thin layer of bone covering the fang of a tooth. C. Phlogistica, the yellowish layer of the upper stratum of a blood-clot coagulating slowly. Crypt [KpvnTU, to conceal). A small sac or follicle. Crypts of Lieberkiihn, mi- nute tubular depressions of the mucous membrane of the small intestine. Cryptoceph^alus [kpvtvtoq, hidden, Ke(pa7.ri, head). A monster fcetus with imperfectly formed and concealed head. Cryptoga^mia [KpvnrTog, ya//of, marriage). A division of the vegetable kingdom com- prising all plants with concealed sexual organs, without pistils or stamens. CryptophthaFmos {KpvTTTog,o^6a?ijuog, the eye). Congenital union of the eyelids, usually over imperfect eyes. Cryptor^chid, or Cryptorchis (/i)itals, f/c. Alx)ut looo cubic feet to each patient is necessary to proper ventilation. Cu'bitus [i-n/'i/its, the ellx>\v). The fore- arm. Cu'boid Bone. A hone of the foot situ- ated at the outer anterior part of the tarsus. Cu'ca. See Erythroxylon. Cud Weed. See Life Everlasting. Cul-de-sac (Fr. <•///, the bottom, dc, of, sac, bag). A cavity of the body closed at one end. Douglas's C, a jxjuch between the anterior wa-ll of the rectum ami tiie posterior wall of the uterus formed by the reflection of the peritoneum. Called, also, the recto-uterine or retro-uterine C. Cu'lex. A mosquito. A well-known in- sect which punctures the skin to obtain its focxl, the blood. Cul'ture (<■<)/<>, cu/tum, to till, cultivate). A name loosely and indiscriminately ap- plied to the act, the liquid or solid me- dium used, and the product of the process, in culture ex])eriments upon micro6rj:;an- isms. The culture media are of various kinds: mineral liquids (see A'au/in's Li- quid, Cohn's Liquid, etc.), bouillons of various kinds, gelatinous fluids, gelose, potato, serum, etc. These media are first sterilized, usually by heat (see Oren, .Ster- ilization), but possilily also by chemicals, by filtration, by cold, by steam, etc. The infectious matter is then taken upon a ster- ilized platinum needle point, pipette, or other instrument, and transferred to the culture-medium. When the latter is of semi-solid consistency, as gelatin, the inocu- lation by the needle is called Stichcultur ((jr. ) or par piijilre ( Fr.), the needle being lhru-.t into the suijslance. When sown along the surface in a line it is called Slriihcultur ( ( jr. ), or en stries ( I'"r. ). The macrfiscopic features of the subse<|uent de- velo|)ment give im|)ortant means of differ- entiation. I'or example, when the iiiocu- lati-d matter forms a mas> in the mcsited or not, etc. Sub.sequent microscopical examination of the culture- product, inoculation experiments uixjn ani- mals, etc., complete the study. CuUver's Root. See Leptandra. Cune'iform Bones (L. cuncus, a wedge). The name of three wedge-shaped bones at tlie anterior part of the tarsus. Cune'us {^cu>/eus). A wedge-shaped con- volution on the internal asjject of the cortex of the occipital lobe. Cu'pola [cupola, a dome). The dome- shajjcd extremity of the canal of the coch- lea. Also, the summit of a solitaiy gland of the small intestines. Cup'ping. The application of cupping glasses; a method of blood-abstraction. C, Dry, without the abstraction of bUxKi — a form of counter-irritation. C, Wet, with the abstraction of blood after scari- fication. Cu'prum. See Copper. Cura're. Woorara. A vegetable extract olitained from Paulinia C. and certain members of the Strychnos family. A pow- erful paralyzer of the motor nerves and the voluntary muscles. Used in S. Amer- ica and elsewhere as an arrow poison. In toxic doses death occurs by paralysis of the organs of respiration. Reported ef- fectual in two cases of hydrophobia, and has been successful in tetanus. Dose by hyjxidermatic injection gr. n'lj-J. Curd. The coagulum of milk which sepa- rates on the adilition of rennet or an acid. Curette (Fr.). An instrument sha|jed like a sjxxjn or scoop, for detaching sub- stances from one another, as the placenta from the uterine wall, etc. Cur'rent {curro, to run). In electricity, a term api)lied to tlie transference of the force, which is arbitrarily likened to the flow of a liquid in a confined p;\ssage. C, Action, that oidained when an in- jured muscle contracts. C, Alternat- ing, a term applied to a current which, by means of an interrupter, is alternately di- rect and reverse. This current is em- ployed (in New York) for the execution of capital sentences. C, Battery, a gal- vanic current. C, Continuous, a con- stant, unintermiitcd current in one tiirec- tion. C, Demarcation, the muscle cur- rent of Du IJois Raymond, the current obtained from an injured muscle. C, Galvanic, a current generated liy the dec<)m|K)sition of aciduiati-d watir liy means of met.allic plates. C, Induced, or Secondary, a momentary current pro- duced when a coil of insulated wire is in CURTATE 124 CYSTICERCUS troduced within the field of another coil through which a continuous current is passing. When the coil is removed from the field there is a momentary current in the opposite direction. Curt^ate. See Expectation of Life. Curv^ature of Spine. See Caries. Cusp iyCHSpis, a point). The crown or pro- jecting part of a tooth. Cuta^neous {cutis, the skin). Pertaining to the skin. C. Calculus. See A/ilium. C. Horns. See Cornu Cutanetim. C. Respiration, the transpiration of gases through the skin. Cu^ticle (dim. of ciitis, the skin). The epidermis or scarf-skin. See Skin. Curtis. The derma, or true skin. C, Anserina. See Goose Skin. Cut-off Muscle. A popular designation of the compressor m^ethrae muscle. Cyan^ogen {piavoq, blue, yevvacj, to pro- duce). A radical molecule having the structure CN, an acid compound of carbon and nitrogen existing as a colorless, com- bustible gas, exceedingly poisonous. Forms with hydrogen, hydrocyanic or prussic acid; with metals, the cyanides; with oxygen, the compound known as fulminic acid. Cyanogen and hydrocyanic acid are usually distinguished by the odor of almonds. Cyanop''athy. See Cyanosis. Cyano^sis («:«avof). A bluish discolora- tion of the skin from non-oxidation of the blood, caused by local or general circula- tory diseases. Cyanotic. Pertaining to Cyanosis. Cycli^tis (/cuK/^of, a circle, ltic, inflamma- tion). Inflammation of the ciliary body, causing a pericorneal circle of congested sclerotic tissue. A serious condition, often implicating adjacent structures. May be serous, plastic, or suppurative. Irido- cyclitis, when the iris is also implicated in the inflammatory process. Cycloceph^alus («:D/c?.of, KE^cikri, head). A monstrosity with a Cyclopean eye and atrophy of the nose. Cyclop'ia. See Synophthalmia. Cyclople^gia (/ct)/c/,of, Tv'krjyrj^ a stroke). Paralysis of the ciliary muscle of the eye. Cy'clops (/cm/lof, wi/;). A congenital mal- formation consisting in a fusion of the two eyes into one. See Rhinocephaliis. Cyclot^omy [kvkAo^, TOf-iri, section). An operation proposed for the relief of glau- coma, consisting in an incision through the ciliary body. Cydo''nium. Quince Seed. The seeds of C vulgaris. Employed mainly for the muci- lage contained in the epithelial covering, which consists of a compound of gum and glucose. C. Mucilago, quince seeds 2, macerated in water 1 00 parts. A bland demulcent, known in commerce as Bando- line, and used as a hair dressing. Cylin'drical Lenses. See Lenses. Cylindro^ma (/cvAii^rfpof, a cylinder). A tumor peculiar to the orbit of the eye and to the stomach, composed of cylindrical or club-like hyaline processes. Cynan'che (/<:i'ui',adog, ayx^^, to strangle). An old name for cases of diphtheria, croup, tonsillitis, etc., in which the patient struggles for breath (as a panting dog). C. Tonsillaris. See Quinsy. Cynanthro^'pia (kvuv, avdpuirog, man). A mania in which the patient believes him- self a dog. Cypho''sis. See Kyphosis. Cypripe^dium. Lady's Slipper. The roots of C. pubescens and C. pai'vifloriwi, Ameri- can valerian. Properties due to a volatile oil and acid. An antispasmodic and stimulant tonic. Used instead of valerian, which it resembles, in certain parts of the U. S. C, Fid. Ext. Dose TTLx-xxx. Cypnpedein, unof., an impure alcoholic extract. Dose gr. ss-iij. Cyrtoni''eter [Kvprog, curved, /lerpov a measure). An instrument adapted for measuring curves, and especially those of the chest. Cyst i^Kvartg, a pouch). A cavity contain- ing fluid and surrounded by a capsule. C, Cutaneous. See Dermoid C. C, Dentigerous, containing teeth ; one form is found in the ovaries. C, Dermoid, congenital; the cyst- wall is like the skin. C, Meibomian. See Chalazion. C, Retention, fonned by closure of the ducts of secreting organs, as in mucous or seba- ceous cysts. C, Exudation, from increase of exudation, or from exudation into a closed cavity. C, Primary, newly formed, not from distention. C, Secondary, a cyst within a cyst. C, Sublingual. See Ranula. C, Synovial, from the disten- tion of bursae or synovial sheaths. C, Tarsal. See Chalazion. CystaFgia (/cwfr^f, akyoq, pain). Pain in the bladder. Cys^tic. Pertaining to a cyst, especially of the urinary or gall bladder. Cysticer^cus Cellulc'sae Cu''tis. See Altrrnatio>t of Generation. A hydatid, or immature form of Tcenia solium, which CYSTIN 125 DANCE is sometimes parasitic upon the sulKutane- ous tissues of the skin. Cyst'in. A substance, C5H,.,N._,S,0^, found in urine in small amount. Test : boil with a solution of lead oxide in sotlium hydrate. If cystin is present, black lead sulphide is precipitated. Cyst'is. See Cysf. Cysti'tis. Inflammation of the bladder. Cyst'itome. See Lystotiune. Cyst'ocele {kvgti^, a pouch, wyXv, tumor). \'esical hernia. Cyst'oplasty [^Kvari^, 7r?.aaa(o, to form). Plastic operation ujwn the bladder, espe- cially for vesico-vaginal fistula. Cysfoscope (Ki-ffr^f, a/co-fw, to examine). .\n instrument for examining the interior of the bladder. Cyst'otome (mvng, rriivij, to cut). A knife used in cystotomy and in rupturing the cap>ule of the lens in cataract operations. Cystot'omy. Incision of the bladder. Cythaemol'ysis (KiTog, cell, aifia, blood, /iwr, dissolution). Dissolution of the corpuscles of the blood. Cy'tisin. A cr)'stalline alkaloid of Cytisus laburuum. It has marked hypnotic pro- {>erties, with diminution of pulse. It has lieen used hy]>oilermically with advantage in migraine. Dose of the nitrate gr. .,'^. Unof. Cy'toblast (KVToq, i3?.aa7og, germ). The cell nucleus. Cytoblaste'ma (hirrof, jVaaTi/iia, germ). The genninalive liquid in which cells grow. Cytodier'esis (nvror, ihnii)rGi(;, division). Cell stLjmcntation or divisiun. Cytogen'esis. See CW/. Cy'toid [KVTog, Eidog, likeness). Resem- bling a cell. Cytol'ogy (KiTof, ^oyog, account). The science of cell formation and cell-life. Cy'to-mito'ma. See Ccll-boiiy. Cy'toplasma. See Protopiasin. Cytozo'on [nvroq, ^uov, animal). Proto- pla>mic cell masses, prol)ably parasitic in nature, with indei^endent movement; found by Ciaule in deiibrinated blood and other structures. D D. Abbreviation of Dioptry and Dexter. Dacryoadeni'tis {^nKp\H)x\ a tear, M(5;/r, a gland). Inflammation of the lachr}'mal gland. Dacryoblenorrhce'a. Chronic inflannna- tion and discharge of mucus from the lachr)'mal sac. Dacryocysti''tis {(^aKp\'nv, KvuTig, a sac). Inflammation of the lachrymal .sac. Dac'ryolite. .See Dacryolitlis. Dac'ryoliths {iuKpvov, ?uOog, a stone). Calcareous concretions in the Iachr)mal jassages or |)aljK*bral conjunctiva. Dacryo'ma (i^tiKfuxj, to weep). The clos- ure or obstruction of the puncta /iir/irv- malia, causing e|>i|)hora, or su|)erabundant secretion of tears. Dac'ryops ('W/jiwi', wi/i, sight). Cyst of the dui ts of the lachrymal gland. Dac'tylatc ('Jrtxrr/w, a finger). Resem- bling a firigi-r. Possessing tivc rays or ap- pendages. Daemonoma'nia ((^aiiiuv, a devil, maniay madness). A form of mailness in which a person imagines hiin>elf iK).sScssed of a devil. Dalt'onism. \ synonym fur color-blind- ness. See Blindness. Damia'na. The leaves of Tttrncra aphro- (/isidid, found in .Mexico anil l.ower Cali- fornia. A stimulant tonic and said to t>e a ])owerful a|)hrodisiac. The basis of a great number of quack remedies. D., Ext. gr. ij-x. D., Fid. Ext. Dose n\_x-^:5J. Dose of the leaves '^j daily. .\11 unof. Damp'ing Appara'tus. Tin- iniion of the lymi)anic membraneof the ear with the andit(jry ossicles acting as a damper to pre- vent excessive sympathetic vibration for its own fundamental note. Dance ( I-'r., lAinsi-r). Any measur>'il tread or system of sle|)S accompanied by nnisic. Also, iuiy motion of the liotly caused by DANCING MANIA 126 DECORTICATION an abnormal nervous stimulus. D., St. Vitus'. See Chorea. Dan^cing Mania. See Choroinania. Dan^delion. See Taraxacum. Dan'druff. See Seborrhoca and Pityria- sis. D'Arsonvals' Oven. See Oven. Darto^ic Myo'ma. See Alyoma. Darf'os (6aproq, flayed). The contractile fibrous layer beneath the skin of the scro- tum. Dar-'winism. The theory of descent by evolution, as moditied by the doctrine of the siu-vival of the fittest. Named after Charles Darwin, a celebrated naturalist. Datu^ra. A genus of Solanacese, or night- shade family. D., Stramonium. See Stramoniztm. D., Tatu^la, a plant be- longing to the nightshade family, closely resembling stramonium in its therapeutic and physiological properties. Has been smoked with advantage in asthma. Unof. Daf'urine. See Stramonium. Daugh''ter-Nuclei. See Karyokinesis. Day-Blindness. See Hcnieralopia. Deaf (Sax. deaf). Without the sense of hearing. A condition of impaired heai'- ing. D. -mutism, a condition of deafness or impaired hearing, accompanied by im- perfect development (congenital), or loss of speech. DeaPness. The condition of being deaf. D., Paradoxical, called also Paracousia Willissii, deafness for speech in silence, but with ability, e. g., to hear the same voice in a noisy car or street. Said to be caused by compression of the labyrinth. A form of otopiesis. D., Psychical, the deafness from destruction of the central area of the auditory center ( Munk) . Sounds are heard but not recognized or under- stood. Death (Sax. death). The cessation of life. D., Apparent, a term applied to a cataleptic state in which respiration and circulation are so feeble as to be unnotice- able. D., Black, an exceedingly fatal epidemic called the " Plague," which oc- curred in Europe during the 14th century, during which it is estimated that 20,000,- 000 people died. D. Rate, a term arbi- trarily expressing the mortality of a place, based upon the number of deaths for each 1000 of poj)ulation during a period of one year. D., Signs of, certain indications of death, such as cessation of the heart's action, and respiration, vigor of the body, healthiness of the tissues, etc. D., So- matic, death of the organism as a whole. in distinction from localized D., or necro- sis, and gangrene. Debove's Membrane. A deep, genni- nal layer of flattened cells in the mucous membrane of the trachea and extra-pulmo- nary bronchi. Debri'dement (Fr.). The enlarging of a gunshot wound or a hernia with the knife. Dec^agramme. See Metric System. Decalcific^ation {^De neg., calx, lime). The loss of the lime constituent of bone in some cases of osteitis. Decalcifying Fluid. Solutions for the puipose of depriving tissue of its earthy salts. Chromic acid I grm., water 200 c.c, then add 2 c.c. nitric acid, — is commended. Decanta''tion. The operation of removing the supernatant fluid from a sediment. It may be poured off by means of a guiding rod, or drawn off by means of a siphon. Decapita''tion [de, from, caput, head). Di- vision of the neck of the child in labor, when delivery and turning are both im- possible. Sometimes called decollation. Decid'ua {dcciduus, a falling off because shed at birth). The membranous envelope of the ovum derived from the mother and cast off at birth with the placenta, etc. D. Reflexa, that part of the decidua growing about the ovum and enclosing it as a sac. D. Serotina, that part of the decidua vera upon which the ovum lies, and where the placenta is subsequently formed. D. Vera, the thickened, vascular, spongy mucous membrane of the uterus. Decid^uous Teeth. The temporary or milk teeth. Dec^igramme, Dec'iliter, Dec^imeter. See Ale trie System. Decoc^tion [decoquo, to boil down). A decoction, or "tea." In pharmacy, a preparation obtained by boiling vegetable substances in water. There are 2 official dec acta. Decolla^'tion. See Decapitatioii. Decollator. An instioiment for decapita- tion. Decolora''tion. The operation of discharg- ing the color of an organic substance, usually by bleaching or by filtration through animal charcoal. Decomposi^tion {^de, from, compono, to put together). The separation of the com- ponent principles of a body, either by chemi- cal analysis or by putrefactive fennentation. Decortica''tion [cortex, the bark). The operation of removing or stripping the bark or husk of a plant. DKCREriTATION 127 DELIRIUM Decrepita'tion ^crepitus, crackling). The crackling noise made by certain crystalline bodies when their water of crystallization is driven otT by heat. Caused by the con- version of the imprisoned water into steam. Decu'bitus [t/ccu/fid.\ to lie down). A term denoting a recmubent or horizontal position. Also, the position of a sick per>on while in bed. D., Acute, a form of Ixid-sore, due to cerebral ksion^. Decus'sate [Jc\-ussi>, to divide crossways). To intersect. A term applied to ner\'e and to muscle libers which interlace. Dedenti'tion [Jc-, and lA-ns, a tooth). The shedding of the teeth, especially the milk teetli. Dee'linae O'leum. A highly relined petroleum oil manufactured on the Dee River. Said to be valuable for local appli- cation in ec/ema, arts aci|uire an al)normal shape. Deform'ity {defonno). That condition of a i)osue, organ (jr cell, so thai it can no hnigcr maintain its funrtion. Atrophy is a form. D., Amyloid or D., Albuminoid, now regarded as an infiltra- tion (rom witliout, and not of a degenera- tion of the proper cells and fibers. D., Calcareous, the deposition of in.soluble comixjunds of lime and magnesia within the tissues. Caseation, the proieiil con- stituents imdergo dry fatty degeneration, ani^L are converted into cheese-like masses. Cloudy Swelling. See Cloudy Swelling. D., Colloid, akin to mucoid, the dis- organized material becoming of a struc- tureless, serai-solid, jelly-like consistence. D., Fatty, the conversion of the proteids of a cell or fiber into oil. D., Hyaline, the disorganized tissue liecomes shining and translucent. D., Mucoid, hyper- secretion followed by disorganization of the mucus cells. D., Reaction of. See Rtaction of Degeneration. D., System, when the degenerative process affects a system of fibers, in contradistinction to insular or scattered D. Degluti'tion [^deglutUio, to swallow). The act of swallowing. Degree' {de and gradtis, a step). Posi- tion in a graded series'; quality. The units or intervals of thermometric scales. Also, a charter or testimonial of qualification granted liy a medical or other college. In trigonometry the j^j part of the arc of a circle. Dehydra''tion [de and v^up, water). The removal of the constitutional water of an organic substance, or the water of crystal- lization of a chemical salt. Called, also, aiihydration. Dei'ters's Cells. Certain cellular struc- tures between the outer hair cells of the organ of Corti. Also certain nucleated cells at the intersection of the fibers of the white substance of nerves. Dejec'tion {de andyar/o, to throw). The discharge of f.ecal or other excremcntitious matter. Also, a state of des|x>ntlency. Delete'rious [iteleterius, baneful). Hurt- ful, injurious. DeUhi Boil. See Fttninculiis Orientalis. Deliques'cence (I-. delit/itesco, to melt away). The absorption of water from tin- atmosphere, characteristic of certain suii- stances. .Such substances are said to be liyi^roscopic. Delir'iant {de, out of, lira, the furrow). .\n agent wliich acts on the brain, .so as to iliMirder the mental faculties and priKliicc C(jnfusinn of will jxiwer. Delir'ium ((/<•, //>./). A disturbance of the cerebral functions manifested in tlie impaired action of the nt-rve centers, characterized by halhu iiiatioiis, an inco- herence of »i)eech, a staggering gait, etc. DELITESCENCE 128 DENUTRITION D., Alcoholic. See D. Tremens. D. Ambitiosa, a condition of boastfulness which is sometimes manifest in the deh- rium of the insane. D., Febrile, the dehrium of fever. D. Nervosum, the delirium following severe surgical opera- tions, or injmies. D., Senile, the delirium of old age, dotage. D., Toxic, the deli- rium caused by poisons. D. Tremens, the delirium arising from alcoholic poi- soning, manifested in trembling and hal- lucination ; called, also, niania a potu. Delites^cence [delitesco, to lie hid). The sudden disappearance of inflammation by resolution. Also, the period of incubation of the virus of contagious diseases, such as smallpox, etc. Deliv^ery (Fr. delivrer). Parturition, childbirth. Delomorph^ous {drfkoq, conspicuous, fiopip/j, form). With open or conspicuous form. D. Cells of Rollet, collections of large, oval or angular, well-defined, granular reticulated, nucleated cells, be- tween the membrana propria and the adelomorphous cells of the fundus glands of the gastric mucous membrane. Called, also. Parietal cells of Heidenhain, or oxyntic cells of Langley. The lining of the secretory part of the tubes is by cells called Adelomorphous, Central, or Principal Cells. DeFphinae O^leum. The oil of the common porpoise. It is said to have all the medicinal virtues of cod-liver oil with- out the disagreeable properties of the latter. Delph''inine. See Staphisagria. Delt^oid [delta, the Greek letter A). Having the shape of a delta, or a triangu- lar form, as the D. Muscle. See JMtisele. Delu^sion [^de and hisiis, play). A term signifying false judgment of objective things, as distinguished from illusion and hallucination. See Hallucination. Demen'tia ((/|)cculum. D., Tongue, an in- strument for depressing the tongue in order to examine the ihrrjat. Ocpu'rant { purus, pure). A term s<'»me- what Ujostly used to designate a incdicini; which purifies the animal economy. In pharmacy, to clarify. 9 De R. A contraction and symbol of the term Kdiction of Degeneration, q. v. Deradel'phus ((V/j//, neck, aSt'/.ipjg, bro- ther). A monoccphalic dual monstrosity with fusion of the bodies above the umbili- cus, four lower extremities and three or four upper. Deradeni''tis {'^Fprj, aih/v, a gland). Inflam- mation of the glands of the neck. Derbyshire Neck. See Goitre. Derenceph'alus {jStpr], evKEa?.o^, brain). An anencci)halic monster, the brain, cranium, and occijHtal foramen being ab- sent, and with a partial arrest of develop- ment of tlie upper vertehnv. Deriv'ative {deriz'o, to turn aside a stream). A tenn fonnerly applied to certain medi- cines or modes of treatment that changed the form or symptoms of a disease. Derm. See I)er»ia. Derm^a [depva, the skin). The skin. The true skin. See Cutis. Derm'al [6epfia). Pertaining to the skin. Dermatal'gia ((hp^ua, a?.yoc, pain). Neu- ralgia of the skin. Rheumatism of the skin. Pain in the skin not due to any stmctural change in it. Dermati^tis [ihp^ua, irig). A name used loosely to include various inflammations of the skin induced by external agencies. D. Calorica, inflammations cau.sed by heat, such as scalds, etc. D. Congela- tionis, a name used by Van llarlingen and others to denote chilblains. .See /-J/y- tliema. D. Contusiformis. See Ery- thema Nodosum. D. Exfoliativa. See Pityriasis Rubra. D. Gangrenosa, a disease marked by the formation of circu- cular, erythematous sjwts, wliich Ijecome gangrenous and eventually slough. D. Gangrenosa Infantum. -See Sphacelo- derma. D. Herpetiformis. See Jly- droa. D., Malignant, Papillary, Paget's disease of the nii)ple. Carcinoma of the nipple. See Carcinoma. D. Medica- mentosa, enijnions and inflannnalory afl"ections of the skin cau.sed by the in- gestion of substances used in medicine and pharmacy. " I >rug truplions "' ( \'an Il.iriingcn). D. Papillaris Capillitii. Acne Keloid. A disease of the skin of the occijiital region, marked liy enormous papillomatous vegetations of granuhu" tis- sue wliiih excrete a fetid discharge. D. Traumatica, inflammations of tlie skin caused by met liaiiii al agents, sucii as D. Venenata, eruptions caused by |X)i.sonous sulistances, such as jjoisou ivy, jKjison oak, etc. DERMATOID 130 DIABETES Derm''atoid [(hp/xa, eiSog, resemblance). Like or resembling skin. Dermatology [depfia, loyog, a treatise). A treatise on the skin, its nature, structure and functions. DermatoFysis [Sep/ia, Aiwf, a loosing). A loosened and pendulous condition of the skin. A name given to a rare form of Fibro?na, q. v., marked by hyjDertrophy of the skin, which is thickened by infiltration into unsightly pendulous folds, soft and lax. Dermato'ses [6ep/ia). Disorders or dis- eases of the skin. Dermatozo''a [Sepfia, l^uov, an animal.) A term applied to animals parasitic upon the skin. Der^moid. See Dermatoid. Uerodid^ymus (c^fp'/, neck, 6i6viioq, double). A sysomic monstrosity with a single body, two necks and heads, two upper and lower extremities, with other rudimentary limbs occasionally present. Dassault's Apparatus. See Bandage. Des^ault's Splint. See Splint. Des^'cemet's Mem^brane. The internal or posterior lining membrane of the cornea. Descemetitis, inflammation of Descemet's membrane. Descend'ens (descendo, to go down). Having a downward movement. D. Noni, a branch of the hypoglossal nerve. Descent'' (descendo). The act of going down. D. Stage of Labor, one of the stages in labor, consisting in the descent of the foetal head into the pelvis. D. of Tes- ticle. See Testicle. D. of Womb. See Prolapsus. Desicca^tion [desicco, to diy up). The process of removing moisture from solids and organic tissues. Des''iccative [desicco). A medicine hav- ing the property of drying moist tissues, especially of drying ulcers and running sores. Desmobactc'rium [SeafioQ, a band, (iaKTTjpiov, a small staff). A group of microbes, so-called by Cohn, correspond- ing to the genus Bacillus of Klein. Desmog''raphy (fltcr/zof , a ligament, ■ypa(pu, to write). The description of the ligaments. Des^moid [Sfa/i?/, a bundle, eiSog, like). Like a small bundle. Despuma^tion [despumo, to skim froth). The purification of a liquid by removal of the scum or froth. Also, the formation of froth. Desquama''tion [desquamo, to scale off). The exfoliation or falling off of the cuticle in scales. Deter-'gent (detergeo, to cleanse). A drug, compound, or solution, used for cleansing wounds, ulcers, etc. Determina''tion (detertnino, to prescribe bounds). The direction to a part or an organ, as of blood to the head. Detri'tion [detero, to wear off). The act of wearing or wasting of an organ or part, especially the teeth. Detri''tus {deto-o). The waste matter re- sulting from ulcerative processes. Deutero-aFbumose. See Albiwwse. Deuterop^athy {dEvrspo^, second, 7rai?of, a disease). A disease that is secondary to another, arising from sympathetic action or influence of the first affection. Deu''toplasm [pEvxEpoq, Tr'Aaafia, a fonn). The granules of proteid and fatty matter occuiring in the ova of certain echinoder- mata. Development (Fr. devclopper, to unfold). The sequence of organic changes, by which the vitalized ovum becomes the mature animal or plant. Devia'tion (devitis, out of the way). A turning aside from the nomial. D., Pri- mary. In strabismus the deviation of the visual axis of the squinting eye. D., Secondary. That of the covered healthy eye when the squinting eye fixes. Devi^'talize [ile, from, vita, life). To de- stroy vitality, as that of living tissue. Dewees's Carminative. HeeAsafcetida. Dexiocard'ia {6e^ioq, on the right, Kupdia, the heart). Transposition of the heart to the right side of the thorax. Dex''ter (Lat.). Right ; upon the right side. Dex^trad. Toward the right side. Dex''tral. Pertaining to the right side ; right-handed. Dex''trine {dexter, the right hand). A mucilaginous substance produced by the action of mineral acid on starch. Inter- mediate between starch and glucose. Turns polarized ray to the right. The adhesive agent of postage stamps and gummed labels. Dex^trose. See Sugar and Glucose. Diabe^tes [Slu, through, fimvu, to pass). The common name for diabetes fnellitus. D. Insipidus, a disease with many of the symptoms of dial^etes mellitus, but without glycosuria. D. Mellitus, a disease of the metabolic functions of the system without great or clearly defined anatomical lesions, manifesting itself by glycosuria, polyuria, thirst, and progressive loss of flesh and strength. See Glycosuria. DIABETIC 131 di£thvlamine Diabe'tic (rf/a/J^r^f). Pertaining to dia- Lt'ics. D. Gangrene. See Sp/i,u<:Iouerma. Diach'ylon Plaster, oi Ointment. See D iagnc/ sis (('/«, }T«jeaic Irom its sj-mptoms. D., Dif- ferential, the qualiuitive dislinguishing lietwecn two diseases of similar character, by coni])arative symptoms. Dial'ysis (6ia, through, /rw, to loose). The operation of separating crystalline from colloid substances by means of a j30- rous diapluagm, the former passing tiirough the diapliragm into the pure water upon which the dialyser rests. Diamagnet'ic (J(a, fia-jVtjTt^, magnetism). Tile ea--t- and -west orientation of certain sub.-tances, notably antimony, copper, and gold, wiien placed in the magnetic held. Di'amine. See Ainiiic. Diapede'sis ((5; 6»7/^'/i'w//j, or hinge joint, with backwaril and forward motion ; and IK rofiiforiit, with pivotal movement. Diastal'tic (»)/«, mi'/'/ju, to .start). A synonym for rcllex action. Di''astase (d/affracr/f, separation). A nitro- genous vegetable ferment that is either contained or develoix;d in the fermentation of grain, which acts on the molecules of starch, converting them into grape sugar or glucose. Dias'tasis. See Dislocation. Diastat'ic Ferments. See Fenitotts. Diaste'ma [^6taa~>/fia, a distance). A space or cleft. Dias^ter. See A'aiyokinesis. Dias'tole (^6taaTo?.>/, a drawing apart). The perioil of expansion or dilatation of the iieait during its rhythmic cycle or beat. Applied also to the dilatation of the arteries by the heart's contraction. Diastoric. Pertaining to diastole. D. Impulse, the back-struke. D. Murmur. See Murmur. D . Thrill, the vibration felt in the region of the heart during diastole of the ventricle. Diather'mal (Jm, through, ^fp//^, heat). A temi applied to certain .sul stances that are transparent or diaphanous to the waves of radiant heat. Diath'esis (6ia, through, TiQjjtxi, to ar- range). A state or condition of the body whereby it is especially liable to certain diseases, such as gout, calculus, diabetes, etc. May be acquired or hereditary. Diblast^ic ((5/r, double, li/.aarog, a sprout). Referring to a theory of disease that as- cribes it to a double agency. Diceph'alous (JOmS. DicthyPaminc. .\ plom.ilnc, oblaim d from |>ike-rish allowed to putrefy for six tiays in sinnmer. It is an inflammable DIFFERENCE THEORY 132 DILUENT liquid of strong basic properties, soluble in water, boils at 57.5°. Non -poisonous. DiFference Theory. A theory to explain the galvanic plienomena of living tissues. The theory is an expression of the facts : Protoplasm when- injured or excited in its continuity becomes negative to the unin- jured part ; when heated becomes positive ; and the surface-polarization diminishes with excitement and in the process of dying. Called also Alteration Theory {Hermatiri). Differen^tial. Pertaining to, or creating, adifi'erence. D. Diagnosis, ^ee: Diag- nosis. D. Rheotome. See Kheotome. D. Tone, a tone produced by two pri- mary tones when sounding simultaneously, the number of whose vibrations corres- ponds to the difference between the two primaiy tones. D. Staining, a method of staining tubercle bacilli, syphilitic ba- cilli, etc., founded upon the fact that if deeply colored, and especially with a mor- dant, they retain the color in presence of certain reagents that decolorize the sur- rounding tissues. Koch, Ehrlich and Weigert, Ziehl and Neelson, Fiitterer, Gibbes, etc., have devised different methods of D. S. Differentia''tion. Specialization of tis- sues, organs or functions. The gradual change of homogeneous material into special tissues or organs. Diffrac^tion (de, apart, fractus, brokes). The deflection suffered by a ray of light when it passes through a narrow slit or aperture. D. Grating, a strip of glass closely ruled with fine lines; it is often used in the spectroscope in the place of the battery of prisms. Diffuse^ {de, fiatdo, to pour over). Scat- tered or spread about. In medicine, applied to diseases that involve a large part of the body. D. Aneurism, one caused by a rupture of the walls of a blood vessel. D. Inflammation. See InJJatiunation. Diffu^sion {diffitndo, to spread). A spread- ing or dissemination. D. Circle, the imperfect image formed by incomplete focalization, the position of true focus not having been reached or passed. Digas^'tric (rf/c, double, yaaTrip, the .stomach or belly). Having two bellies. D. Muscle. See Muscle. DigC'rent (digero, to digest). A digest- ant ; also a medicine which excites the lualthy secretion of pus in wounds. Digest^ant. A fennent or organic acid that effects solution of the food in the mouth, stomach and intestines. Diges''tion i^digero). The action of the organs of the digestive tract and of their secretions upon the food. D., Artificial, the production of peptones outside of the body. Digit (^digitus, a finger). A finger or toe. Dig^ital. Pertaining to the fingers or toes. D. Arteries, the arteries of the hands and feet supplying the digits. D. Compres- sion, the stoppage of a flow of blood by pressure with the finger. D. Dilatation, the enlarging of a cavity by means of the finger. D. Examination, examination or exploration with the finger. D. Nerves, the nenes of the hands and feet. D. Phalanges, the bones of the fingers or of the toes. Digita^lis (digitus). Foxglove. The leaves of D. purpuiea. Contains an amor- phous complex substance, digitalin, that does not, however, represent the full prop- erties of the leaves. A cardiac stimulant and excito-motor. In larger doses causes severe gastric disturbance. Employed mainly in afiections of the heart where the latter is rapid and feeble. Dose of the leaves gr. ss-iij. D. Abstractum, strength 200 per cent. Dose gr. %-}4.- D. Ext. ; leaves yield 25 per cent, of ex- tract. Dose gr. Ye-yi- D. Ext. Fid., strength 1 00 per cent. Dose Tl^j-iij. D. Infusum, lyi per cent, in strength. Dose ^ss-j. D. Tinct., 15 per cent. Dose ITLv-xv. Digitalin. Unof. Varies greatly in strength. Dose gV^A- Dig^itus (Lat.). A finger or toe. Dilata^tion [dilato, to spread out). An increase of size of the walls of a cavity or vessel. D. of Blood-vessel. '&&& Tele- angiectasis. Dila''tor [dilato). An instrument for stretch- ing or enlarging a cavity or opening. Barnes' D., an instrument for dilatation of the OS and cervix uteri, consisting of a rubber bag that, being inserted, is dis- tended by water. D., Intra-uterine, for dilating the uterine cavity by means of air or water. D., Laryngeal, an instru- ment with two or three blades that may be spread for freeing or dilating the laiynx. Dilem^ma (rf/n, laf-tfiavu, to take). In experiments to determine the reaction-time of psychical processes, if the person is told whicli side is to be stimulated, or what colored disc is to be presented, etc., the time is .shorter. Lack of such foreknowl- edge is called the dilemma. Dilu^ent [diluo, to wash away). An agent that dilutes the secretions of an organ, DILUTION. 133 DIPSOMANIA or one which increases the lluidity of secre- tions. Dilu''tion. The process of mixing with a neutral tluid or substance in order to attenu- ate. Dimethyramine. A ptomaine found in putrefviiig gelatine, old deconijxjsing yeast, certain forms of fish-decomposition, itc. Not poisonous. Dimid'iate. Half round. Dimorph'ous (d/f, double, fiofxpT), a form). Existing in two forms. In chemistry, having th.e quality of two forms of crystal- lization. In biolog)', having two forms indei>endent of those of se.x. Dinner Pills. A name applied to various mild cathartic pills taken after meals. Dice'cious (('/f.iwo, otKia, a house). Hav- ing di-tinct sexis. Diop'ter, or Dioptric. See Dioptry. Diop'trics (f5(a, through, ottw, to see). A branch of optics treating of the refraction of light by transparent media, especially by the media of the eye. Diop'try {fna, o-ru). The new and most commonly accepted unit of measurement for optical lenses. A positive (or />///s) spherical (biconvex) lens of one dioptry has a focal distance of one meter ; one of two dioptrics, a focal distance of one-half a meter, t'/c-. Dioscor'ea. Wild Yam, Colic Root. The rhi/ome of D. villosa, a creeping plant, indigenous to the eastern U. S. Con- tains an extractive, Dioscorine. Claimed to !« expectorant, diaphoretic and stimu- lant to the intestinal canal ; in large doses causing neuralgic [xiins and erotic excite- mi,-nt. Used, successfully in bilious colic. D., Fid. Ext., standard strength n\,xv- XXX. .Ml unof. Diphthe'ria [^loOepa, a skin or membrane). An epidemic, infectious disease, generally regarded as of six:cific cont;igious origin, attacking the mucous membrane of the air jKLvsages, and prof)o)yog, a voice). The production of a double tone of the voice by the incomplete unilateral paralysis of the recurrent ner\'e, or by some lesion of the vocal cords that causes each jxjrtion of the glottis to produce its own sound. Diplacu^sis {6nr?.oo^, double, a/cv(T<)-il. Pus will grow thick, ttiugli and gilalinous, while nnaus will form llakes and become thin. DONOVAN'S SOLUTION 136 DRUG Don-'ovan's Solu''tion. See A>-sen{c. Dor'sal [dorsum, the back). Pertaining to the back, or to the posterior part of an organ. D. Artery. See Artery. D. Nerves. See Nerve. Dor^so- [dorsum). A prefix used in con- nection with the names of such organs as have their attachment to or about the back. Dor^sum. The back. The rounded part of the back. Dose [6oGig, a portion). The measured portion of medicine to be taken at one time. D., Divided, a mode of adminis- tration in which the dose is to be taken in fractional portions at intervals of a few minutes. D., Maximum, the largest portion of medicine ordered to produce a given result, or the largest consistent with safety. In this work both minimum and maximum dosage is given under each medicine or preparation. Dosim^etry [Soaiq, ^lerpov, a measure). The accurate and systematic measurement of a dose or prescribed portion. Do^sis. See Dose. Doub^le [ifuo, two, f lien, a fold). Two- fold. In pairs. D. Staining. In micro- scopy, an ingestion of two colors into a structure in order to show its details. Bacteriologically the application of such staining reagents as will stain the spores one color and the rods another. D. Touch, the exploration of the vaginal and rectal walls by inserting the thumb into the one cavity, and the index finger into the other, so that, e. g., the presence of any abnormal growth may be ascertained. D. Vision. See Diplopia. Douche (Fr. douche'). A stream of water directed against a part, or one used to flush a cavity of the body. Doug^las, Cul-de-sac or Pouch of. vSee Pouch. Do''ver's Powder. See Opium. Doyere, Eminence of. See Sarcoglia. Drachm [(^paxi'V, a Greek weight). The eighth part of the apothecaries ounce, equal to 60 grains or 3.8 grammes. Also the one-sixteenth part of the avoirdupois ounce, equal to 27.34 grains. D., Fluid, the eighth part of a fluid ounce, equal to 60 minims. Dracun^culus. See Guinea Worm.. Drag'on Root. Indian Turnip. The root of Arum tryphyllum. Acrid, expectorant and diaphoretic. of fld. ext. Tl\,xv- •2^}. Unof Drain''age (Sax. drehnigcan, to strain). The insertion of a tube or strands of other material in a wound or abscess to withdraw the fluids therefrom. D. Anchor, a rub- ber filament inserted in an abscess or cav- ity. D. Tube, a rubber tube with per- forations. D. Tube, Decalcified, a de- calcified bone (chicken, etc.), used as a drainage tube. Dras''tic [6pau, to draw). Powerful and irritating purgatives, such as scammony and gamboge. Drench (Sax. drencan). In veterinary practice, a draught of medicine. Drepanid^ium Rana''rum. A (probably) parasitic cytozoon of frogs' blood. Dres''sing. The application of a bandage, lint or other substance to a wound or ulcer. Drom^ograph (dpo//of, a course, ypacpu, to write). An instrument for measuring the velocity of the blood-current. Dropped Hand, or Dropped Wrist. A fonn of paralysis from lead-poisoning, con- sisting in the inability to contract the ex- tensors of the forearm. Drop'sy [vSpuil', dropsy). See Hydrops. D. of Belly, "i^^^ Ascites. D. of Brain. See Hydrocephalus. D. of Chest. See Hydrothorax. D. of Spine, ^ee Spina Bifida. D. of Testicle. Set Hydrocele. D. of Uterus. See Hydrometra. Drug. A substance, simple or compound, natural or prepared, single or mixed with other substances, used as a medicine. D., Antagonistic, one that neutralizes the action of another by a process other than chemical. The following table of Brunton gives the mutual antagonistic doses of the principal powerful poisons with both lethal and antagonistic doses, in grains per pound weight of the animal : — ^^ rt U^ ° ANTAGONISTS. ^8 -S HJ in ■0 m *^ -IQ -JQ D ^Q I. n. I. II. I. II. Aconitine and Atropine, . . 555 7 7fn If " Digitalin, . . 5sn t BOO 1 " " Strychnine, . B05 lis 7S0 ik Alcohol and Stryclinine, . . 5BB ... Atropine and Aconitine, . . 7 B^B ... " Chloral, . . . 7 7 ... " " Hydrocyanic acid, .... 7 ... " " Jaborandi, . . 7 ... " " Muscarine, . . 7 " " Morphine, . . 7 3 " " Pilocarpine, . 7 " " Phytolaccine, . 7 ... ... ... " " Physostigniine 7 ^. " " Quinine, . . . 7 li Bromalhydrate and Atropine soo 7 ... DRUM -BELLY 137 DURATION OF LIFE 1 ^. I_ . u.' wj rt*— H 15 o o 1 ° •c u — u V ■S " ANTAGONHSTS. ^S ^S en o - o -"Q -JQ a 4° I. II. I. II. 1. II. Chloral and Atropine, . . . 7 7 ... ... " " I'icrotoxine, . . 7 • •• " " Physostijiinine, 7 A • •• " " Strychnine, . . 7 ... ... ... Chloroform and Aniyl nitrite 7 7 309 DIgitaline and Acoiiitine, . Tis " " Muscaria, ... V^0 ... • •• " " Sapoiiia, . . • >• Gelsemium and (.)piuin, . . 4 ji A ^ " " Atropine, . 3 7 3 f Morphine and Catieine, . . i Ij i " " Chloroform,. ... Muscarine and .Xtroijine, . ... • <• • •. .•• Opium and .Vtropinc, . . . 7 >>> • *• " " Gelsemium, . . 7 ..• " " Veratrum viride ... ... ... Drum'-belly. See Tympanites. Drum'ine. .\ name given to the alkaloid extractive of Euphorbia dnimmonJii, an Australian plant. Said to be a local an- aesthetic. Claimed, also, to be an impure calcium oxalate. Unof. Drum of Ear. See Tympanum. Dry Belly-ache. .See Girdle Pain. Dry Caries. See Onychomycosis. Du'alism {duo, two). A system by which all natural phenomena are explained by two principles. D., Chancrous, the theory of the existence of two forms of chancre — the non-infecting, or soft chancre, and the inf -cting, or true (hard) chancre. Dubin'i's Disease. " Electrical chorea,'' a malady met with in Italy, differing from chorea in the character of the movements, which are sudden and shock like ; in the course of the, which is progressive and often fatal; and in the addition of muscular palsy and wasting. Etiology and pithokigy obscure. Dubois''ia. The leaves of D. myoporoidesy an Australian tree. Contains an alkaloid, duboisin-, thought to be identical with hyoscyamine. Resembles the active prin- ciple of txrlladonna in |)hysiological and thera|K-utic effects. D., Ext. Uose gr. Yu-^i- D., Tinct. tTLv-xx. Du- boisinac Sulphas. Dose gr. xJj— tjV- Duchenne's Paral'ysis. See J'imdo- bypi-rtrophic I'aralvsis. Duct (duco, to leatl). A tulie for the con- veyance of ci-rtaiii fluids of the liody. D. of Bartholin, the ducts of the sub- lingual glands, cMciiding along Wiiarton's duct. D., Biliary, the biliaiy passages. D., Cystic, the excretory duct of the gall- bladder. D., Hepatic, the main tnmk of the ducts of the liver. D., Prostatic, the ducts of the [irosiaie gland. D., Tho- racic, the trunk funned by the junction of the absorbent vessels. D. of Steno, the excretoiy duct of the parotid gland. D. of Wharton, the excretory duct of the sublingual gland. D., Vitelline, the duct that leads from the umbilical vesicle of the embryo to the intestinal canal. Ducfus [duco, to lead). A canal or duct. D. Arteriosus, a continuation in the fcetus of the pulmonary artery. In after life the atropliicil remains are found attached to that vessel. Called also D. Botalli. D. Choledochus Communis, the tulie formed by the junction of the hepatic and cystic ducts. D. Lachrymalis. See Lachrymal. Duhl'ing's Impeti''go. See fmpefigo. Dulcama'ra. Bittersweet. The young brandies of J'>. solanum. Contains sev- eral glucosides and an alkaloid. Froper- ties not well untlerstood. Causes nausea, emesis and convulsive muscular movements, and in toxic doses is a narcotic poison. Now employed in psoriasis and similar skin diseases. D., Fid. Ext. Dose.t^j. D. Decoctum,uiiof., lo per cent, strength. Dose 5J-ij. Dumb (Sax. dumb'). Unable to utter ar- ticulate sjieech. D. Ague, a popular ex- pression for ague or malarial sickness marked by obscure sym[)toms. Duodenos'tomy [iluodenum, a-oua, a UKiuih). The operation of opening the duodenum, and its attachment to the walls of the abdomen, in order to form an arti- ficial mouth and to introduce nutriment. Duode'num. (I^t.) The first part of the small intestine beginning at the pylorus. The inner surface is covered with folds of mucous membrane called valvulie conni- ventes. Du'ra Ma''ter. The outer membrane of the lirain and spinal cord. Dura'tion of Life. Several methods of ascertaining the duration of life are em- ployed : I. The ;\ge at Death; 2. the I'n)l)al)le 1 >uialion of Life; 3. the Mean hurationof Life; 4. the l'-x])ecta- tion of Life, or mean after-lifetime ; and 5. the number living out of which one dies aniuially. According to the I'!iiglish Life Table No. 3, the mean age at death is 40.9 years, but this test is for several reasons fallacious, though it is of excep- tional interest when the deaths from vari- oas diseases are considered. .See ProhabU DWARF 138 DYSURIA D. of L., Expectatio7i of Life, and Life Table. Dwarf (Sax. dweorg). A thing or person of stunted or arrested growth. D. Elder, the root of Aralia hispidia. A valuable diuretic. Dose of fld. ext. .tJ-iJ. Unof. Dy'ad. See Qnantivalence. Dynam''ic (6vvaiii^, energy). Pertaining to energy. In medicine, a synonym of sthenic, q. v. Dynamics. See Mechanics. Dy^namite (Jwa^^f)- An explosive con- sisting of nitro-glycerine incorporated with infusorial earth, to give it consistency. Dy^namo (Jvi'a/z/f). A word popularly applied to an electrical machine in which the current is generated by revolving coils of insulated wire through the field of a magnet intensified by the same current. Dynamog^eny (dvvafUQ, yevvau, to beget). The production of energy ; the physio- logical generation of force. Dynam^ograph {Svva/nQ, ypa(pu, to write). An insti-ument designed to measure and graphically record muscular strength. Dynamom^eter (cWo///f , /u^rpoi', a meas- ure). An instrument designed to measure force. In physiology, one for the measure- ment of muscular strength. Dyne. A force sufficient to impart a ve- locity of one centimeter per second to a mass of one gramme. Dysacou^sis. See HypcTakiisis. Dysaesthe'sia (di'f, diihcult, aiadj]GiQ, sen- sation. Dullness of any sensation, especi- ally that of touch. Dys-aFbumose. See Albumose. Dysba'sia ((Jnf, jSaatc, a step). Difficulty of walking. Proposed instead of abasia, since in the affection there is rarely abso- lute inaliility to walk. Dyschromatops''ia {Svg, xP'^i^'^i "V"?) sight). Subnormal color-perception. Dyscor-'ia (duf, difficulty, aopi], pupil). Abnormality of form of the pupil. Dyscras^ia (rfvf, Kpaatc;, combination). A term latterly restricted to an abnormal or impure condition of the blood, due to general disease. Dys''entery {Svg, evrepov, the bowels). A disease marked by inflammation of the solitaiy glands and follicles of the large intestine, with bloody stools. Prevalent in all malarious regions. Dyshidrc'sis, or Dysidro''sis. See Po»i- phlox. DyslaFia (fivq, "ka^Aa, speech). A defect of speech due to organic changes or mal- formation in the organs of speech. Dys''lysin. See Choloidinic Acid. Dysmenorrhce^a {6vq, ni]v, month, peu, to flow). Obstructed or difficult menstru- ation. Dysorex^ia [6vq, ope^ig, appetite). A de- praved or unnatural appetite. Dysos^'mia {6vg. oafiij, odor). An un- pleasant or fetid odor. Dyspep''sia (rfiif, ketttu, to digest). Im- paired or imperfect digestion. D., Atonic, a derangement of the stomach, with dis- order of its function, due to insufficient gastric juice or impaired quality of the same. May be due to reflex causes. D., Intestinal, due to defects in the pancreatic, biliary or intestinal secretions, to deficient peristalsis, etc. Dyspep^tone. See Hemiprotein. Dyssperm^ia (tJuf, oTvepfia, seed). An imperfect or abnormal condition of the semen. Dysperistal''sis. See Peristalsis. Dysphag^ia (()vg, ^«j w, to eat). Difficulty or inability to swallow. Dysphas^ia (6vg, ^aoiq, speech). Imper- fect or disconnected speech arising from loss of or faulty arrangement of words. Dyspho^nia {Svq, ^uvij, voice). A condi- tion of defective voice. Dysphra^sia (tJvf, (ppaaig, speech). Im- perfect speech. Kussmaul's term for a mental condition in which the emotion is opposed to the words designed to express it. DyspncE''a {Svg, nveu, to breathe). Diffi- cult or labored breathing. Dysta^sia [Svg, icittj/lu, to stand). Diffi- culty in standing. Proposed for astasia, since in the affection there is rarely abso- lute inability to stand. DysteleoFogy (tJi'f, rekeog, perfect, Xoyog, a treatise). A term used by Hackel to denote the study of rudimentary and use- less organs, such as the vermiform appen- dix. Dystc'cia {6vg, difficult, roKog, birth). Difficult labor. D., FcEtal, difficult labor due to such foetal irregularities as dis- placement of the arm, excessive size, plural pregnancy, monsters, etc. D., Maternal, due to some defect upon the side of the mother, pelvic deformity, dis- ease, etc. Dystroph^ia {Svg, rpocpTf, nourishment). Imperfect or faulty nourishment. Dys^trophy. See Dystrophia. Dysu''ria (f^i'f, ovpov, urine). Partial or painful urination ; may be due to calculi, cystitis, spasm, stricture, etc. 139 ECSTASY E. Al 'breviation of Eye, and Emmetropia. E. M. F. Abbreviation of Electro-motive F<,irce. Ext. Abbreviation of extractttm. Ear. The organ of hearing. Consists of the outer or external ear, the middle ear or tympanum, and the internal e;u- or labyrinth. E.-ache. See Ottil^^ia. E.- cough, refle.v coughing from irritation or disease of the ear. E., Drum of. See lympaniim. E., Inflammation of. See Otitis. E. -trumpet, an instrument for gathering a larger number of waves of sound to a focus, and thus to improve the hearing of those partially deaf. E.-wax. ."^ee Certinien. Earths. Certain metallic oxides or sili- cates, not soluble in water and not affected by a great heat. E., Alkaline, the oxides and hydrates of calcium, magne- sium, strontium, barium and other metals of the same group. E., Fuller's, a clay used as an absorbent in sores. Ear' wig. An insect {^Forficula auiicti- /•iria), erroneously sujjposed to have a fondness for secreting itself in the external auditoiy m<'atus. East'on's Syrup. See Ferritin. EbuUi'tion. See Boiling. Eburna'tion {chur, ivory). Increase of the earthy constituents of l)onc causing greater size and density of the same. Ecbol'ic (, a throwing out). A sub- stance used t<3 produce alxirtion. Ecchondro'ma (f«, ;|fov(5poc cartilage). A tumor growing from cartilage. Ecchondro'sis. See Ecchondrovia. Ecchymo'ma {iKX'^/' A tumor made up of e\trava>alion of blood into the areolar tissue of the lids, or skin, the result of traumatism. Sec, also, Pill pma. Eccoprot'ic (ck, out of, KOTzpoc, dung). A medicine that em|)ties the bowels without causing lir|uid di.scharge. Ecdem'ic {enArifior, away from home). Used of diseases originating in a distant locality or iM'opie. Ec'dysis (»k(5'«j, to cast off). In zoulogy, tlic slougliing or casting off the skin. Echinococ'cus {fx^'^^* ^ hedgehog, kok- Kitr, a Ixrry). An hydatid, or bladrler- worm, one of the larval stages of growth of the small tapeworm, Ticnia cchinococ- ctis, of the dog and woll", infesting the hu- man digestive tube. See .l/tenidtioiis of Generation. Echinorhyn''cus (f,Yn'of, pi'},V''f. a beak). A worm parasitic within certain animals, aiul occasionally fountl in man. Echolal'ia (//.v^. echo, '/.d/.ia, talking). An aphasic symptom consisting in a repe- tition of words spoken to the patient by others. Echophot'omy ('/A'Cj tic jiroperties. Elast'in. An albuminoid substance, the fundamental element in elastic tissue. It yields 36 to 45 per cent, of leucin and }4 per cent, of tyrosin. Elat'erin, or Elate'rinum. A neutral principle obtained from Elatcrium cchal- liuni, or sijuirling cucumber. A jxDwerful hydragogue cathartic. In toxic doses, causes emesis, spasmodic respiration and death. Dose gr. .vVrV- '^^ Trituratio, elaicrin to, sugar of milk 90 parts, thor- oughly mixed. Dose gr. ss-j. El'bow. Tlie ellx)\v-joint. That part of the ann adjacent to the elbow-joint. El'der. Sec S//<-/ts. Elec'tion, Operations of. Considera- tions of circumstances, such as age, condi- tion in life, business, sex, c/c, determining whether to proceed with a certain surgical operation or not. Called, also, Operations of ComplaiSiince. Elec'trical (;//^k7/)oi', amber). Having the n.iture of or produced by electricity. E. Chore''a. See Duhint s Disease. E. Shower Bath, a device for general elec- tri/ation : ( )nc of the ix)les is immersed in a tub containing an alkaline solution. The patient l>eneath this reservoir stands on a metallic stool connected with the other pole. The falling water completes the cir- cuit, dispersing the current over the whole \«A\-. E. Sunstroke. See Suiis/roke. Electric'ity (///.iK7/wr). One of the forces of nature developed or generated bychom- ism, magnetism, or friction, and |)rol)aijly a mode of ethereal vibration, closely analo- gous to and convertible into heat and liglit. E., Faradic, that produced by induction. E., Franklinic, friclional or static electri- city. E., Frictional, that produced Ijy friction. E., Galvanic, that which is generaterl liy chemical action in a galvanic cell. E., Inductive, that imxluced in a Ixxiy by |)roximity, without contact, to an clectrilied l)udy. E., Magnetic, that rle- velo|)cd by bringing a conductor near the IMili-s of a m.ignet. See Current. E., Medical, tliat used for theraixnitic pur- |x>M-s. E., Static, friitional electricity. E., Voltaic, same xs galvanic or chemical electricity. Elec'tro- (v?-r/(r/>oi'). A (Ireek word used as a prefix to denote; connection with or r<:lation to <•](■( tri of organic l>cings. E.-bioscopy. .See Bioscopy. E. -chemistry, the science of the inter-relations and laws of elec- tricity and chemistry. E. -magnetism, magnetism induccil within iron, steel or nickel, by introducing it within a coil through which a current is passing. E.- pathology, the diagnosis of a disease by the aid of electric irritation. E. -physi- ology, the study of electric reactions, properties, and relations of organs and organic tissues. E. -therapeutics, the science and art of the application of elec- tricity for therapeutical paqxises. See Contractions. Elec'trode [electricity, o(^oq, a way). The a])plication of points or surfaces connecting the Inxly with the poles of a battery. E., Brush, one end fitted with a camel-hair pencil. E., Non-polarizable, zinc wires treated and so arranged as to prevent elec- trolysis. See Anode and Cathode. Electrogen''esis. The results, after with- drawal, of the application of a current of electricity to the spinal cord, a nerve or jiart. Electrol''ysis [electricity, Ivu, to release). The dissolution of a chemical compound by an electric current. Used in the tieat- ment of hydrocele, and other surgical dis- eases. Electro-massage. The transmission of a cun-ent of electricity dirough the knead- ing instrument. Electrom'eter [rj'keKTpov, electro-, fierpov, a measure). An instrument for the meas- urement of the dilTerence of electrical ]«tential. Electro-mo'tive. Pertaining to the me- chanical or motor efl'ects of electricity. E. Force, the potential, or tension of a cur- rent. It is estimated in volts. See Volt. Electromus'cular. Pertaining to the action of electricity u]JOn muscles. E. Contractility, the contractile resjxjnse of a muscle to an electric current. E. Sensi- bility, the imjjression u[>on a sensory nerve by electric irritation. Electropunctura'tion. The use of needles as electrodes, which are into the cavity of an aneurysm, with the object of coagulating the contained bl, loqiwr, to speak). The choice, arrangement and delivery of words and language, including the use of the voice, the action of the lungs, diaphragm, etc. Elutria^tion [ehifrio, to wash out). A water-sifting process whereby the coarser particles of an insoluble substance are separated from the finer. Elytri^tis (eAvrpov, the vagina, iTLq). In- flammation of the vagina. Ely^troplasty [sTivrpov, n'kaaau, to form). Plastic operation upon the vagina, espe- cially for vesico- vaginal fistula. Elytropto^sis [ihirpov, nTuatr, a falling). Prolapse of the vagina. Elytror^'rhaphy [eTivrpov, pa/ia- lotripsy, Cranioclasm, Biisio(n'i>c, Basilvaf, Decollatioti, Decapitation, Exenteration, Evisceration, Lamination, Perforation, Spondylotomy, Transformation. Em 'esis (f//t(J, to vomit). Vomiting. Emet'ic [efjeriKog, causing vomiting). An agent causing emesis. E., Direct, one acting directly on the ncr\-es of the stomach. E., Indirect, or E., Systemic, one acting through the blood u\K>n the vomiting center, or by relle.x action from other peripheral sources. Emeto-cathar'sis. \omiting and purga- tinii at the s;uue lime, or produced liy a com- mon agent. Em'inence (emincntia). A rounded or protuberant part of an organ, especially of a bone. E., Ilio-pectineal, a ridge on the upper surface of the pubic bone. E. of Doyere. See Sarco^i^'-iia. Eminen'tia. See Eminence. Emis'sion (emitto, to send lorth). An ejaculation, or sending forth. Emmen'agogue (f//////i'«,ihe menses, a/w; to expel). A medicine tliat .stinuiiatos the menstrual flow. E., Direct, one acting directly on the generative organs. E., Indirect, one acting only through other functions .nnd indirectly. Emissa'rium (Lat.). A term for any canal or channel conveying a fluid outward. Used e.>>|}ccially of the veins of the skull. Em''issary Veins. See Emissarittm. Emmetro'pia (rr, in; fierpov, measure; uV, the eye). Normal or jierfect visian. The condition of an eye whose shape and refractive media are such that, with sus pended accommodation, parallel rays of light are brought to a focas upon the retina. For practical tests, rays of light from a |K>int 20 feet away are considered as ])arall(d. Em'met's Opera'tion. See Trachelor- rlidph V. EmoKlient (emollio, to .soften). A sub- stance ust:.) There are 17 official emp/astra. Emprosthot^onos [gfj-poaOfv, forward, T£ivu, to stretch). A tetanic condition of the muscles of the front part of the body whereby the body is bent forward. Empye'ma (fi', in, nvov, pus). Pus in tlie pleural cavity or in the chest. Empye'sis (efinvEu, to suppurate). Dis- eases characterized by phlegmonous pim- ples gradually filling with purulent lluitl. Empy'ocele {n\ m - lor, pus,K7/?.f/,t\imvr). A jjurulent scrotal tumor. EmuFsin {emutgeo, to milk out). A fer- ment contained in bitter almonds. Also called Synaptase. Its union with amyg- dalin forms hydrocyanic acid. See Amyg- dnlin. EmuPsion. Water in which oil, in minute suiidi vision of its particles, is suspended. Emunc'tory [^tminii^o, to blow the nose). .\n excretory duct or organ. Enam'el. See 'J'ceth. Enanth'ema (n', avOtu, to blos.som). An eruption within the body in distinction from exanthcnta. Enarthro'sis. See Diart/irosis. Encan'this {n>, kuvHhc;, the angle of the eye). A colored morbid growth in the inner canthus of the eye. Encephalic (eyKtcjxUof:, the brain). I'er- lainiiig t(i the encephalon. Enceph'alin. A nitrogenous glucoside extracted from brain tissue. Encephali'tis. (Jeneral inlkunmation of the encephalon. Enceph'alocele {i)Kr;e0aZof,7rn^oc,pain). A term for indefinite or general disease-of the brain. Enceph^alotome (evus^aTio^, rofui, sec- tion). An instrument for slicing the en- cephalon or a part for examination or pre- servation. Enchondro^ma [ev, ;;\;ovSpog, cartilage, oma, tumor). A tumor arising from car- tilage or resembling it in texture, etc. Enchy^lema [ev, Xv?.o^, juice). The fluid enclosed in the meshes of the chromatin. En Clou. See CiilHire. Encyst^ed [tv, Kvarig, a bag). Enclosed in a cyst, or capsule. Aneurysms, hernioe, tumors, etc., may become encysted. End. The terminal point of a thing. E. Bulb, the terminal bulb of a nerve in the skin. £7td Bulb of Krause. See Cor- puscle. E. Plate, the expanded terminal of a motor nerve upon a bundle of muscu- lar fibers. E. Organ, the general name for the terminal organ or part of a sensory nerve-fiber of whatever kind. Endarteri^'tis (tvfiov, within, arteritis). Inflammation of the intima, or innermost coat of an arter)'. Endem'ic (ti', in, ^iifioQ, a people). Used of diseases that are not brought from with- out a particular area or people, but that are peculiar to it. E. Verrugas. 'S)tQ Fram- liivsia. EndemioFogy (ev, Srjiioc;, Tioyog, a treatise). The science of endemic diseases. Ender^mic (ev, (kp/ja, the .skin). Within the skin. Pertaining to a method of admin- istering medicines through the skin, by rubliing, etc. End^o- [£V(hv, within). A prefix, meaning li^nthin. Endo-ausculta''tion. A method of auscul- tation devised by Bianchi by using the ordinary oesophageal tube passed into the stomach, to auscult the gullet and stomach, and through them to a certain degree the heart and lungs. End^oblast {ev<)ov, ft^aarog, a germ). The cell-nucleus. Endocardi^tis [nnhv, napfiui, the heart, , ou(pn/itr, navel). A diiulile munslrosity with practically com- plete and functional organisms, iiut united tfjgethcr by .some more or less suiK-rlicial lond. Enta^sia {rvrnntr, a straining). A generic I'-nii iitr s[)asmrxlic muscular action. EnteraPgia {n'rifniv, intestine, u7.yor, |iain). Pain in the Ixiwels. 10 Enterec'tomy (cvrepov, intestine, tiarofiT], excision). E.xcision of a pait of the intes- tine. Enter''ic (fiTf/)oi). Pertaining to the in- testines. E. Fever, tyjihoid fever. Enteri^tis {p'-vpoi', irt^, inflammation). Intlanimation of the intestines. Ent'ero- [eirepoi'). A prefi.x denoting relation to the intestines. Ent'erocele [evTepov, k7/?>/, a tumor). A heniia containing a loop of intestine. E., Rectal, witli a covering of the rectal wall. E., Vaginal, with a covering of the vagina] wall. Enterocly'sis {^evrepm', K7.vaig, a drench- ing). Injection of nutrient material with- in the intestine in cholera, collapse, etr. Entero-coli'tis [nTepor, ko?mv, the colon). Combined intlanimation of the intestines and colon. Entero-epip'locele. See Hernia. Entero-gas^trocele {iv-tpov, yaa-j/p, the belly, K>//j/, tumor). A hernia containing gastric and intestinal walls. Ent'erolith [evTepov, 7iill(>c, a stone). A stony concretion formed in the digestive tube. Enterop^athy [evrepov, naffog, suffering). Disease of the intestines. Entero-peritoni^tis (errepov, irepirovaing^ iTig). Combined inflammation of the in- testines and adjacent |x:ritoncum. Ent^eroplasty (eiTepov, Tr?.nnaUj to form). Pla.stic operations upon the intestine to re- pair injuries of its walls. Enterorrha'gia [t^mpov, pr/yvv^t, to burst forth). Intestinal hemoirhage. Excessive discharges of any kind from the intestine. Enteror'rhaphy (trrFpov^ pcPl, ^ suture). Suture of the intestine. Enterost^omy (tmpav, arnun, mouth). Incision of the small intestine and suture of the same to the abdominal wall for in- troduction of food by this artificial mouth, in case of im]X)ssibility of food-entrance by the normal route. Enterot^omy [rvTepov, re/zvu, to cut). In- cision of the intestine. Enterozo''6n {n'repov, (uoVj an animal). :\ |)ar; of the intestine. Enthet'ic {tyri(h//ii^ to put in). Coming from without, usi'd es|)eeially of syphilitic and other specific contagious di.seases. Enfoblast ('iror, within, ji/acTog, germ). The nucleolus, or germinal s|K)t. Ent'ocyte (nTor, mtik;, cell). The con- tents of a cell, including nucleolus, graiiu- lati'7its, a hair). The removal of hair. Epilato'rium. .\n application for perma- nently removing hair. Epilep'sy [i-i'/J/il'ig, a laying hold of). .\ ner\ous affection characterized by sud- den loss of consciousness and [X)wer of co- ordination of motion with tonic and clonic convulsions, the fits lasting but a short time. This form of the disease is the "true" affection, or the haut mal of the Erench. The petit mal [uliorthe epilepsy, epileptic Viftij^o) is less severe, and may consist of only a slight loss of conscious- ness, with retained coordination of motion. E. Cursiva, the fit preceded by a tend- ency to run. E., Jacksonian, spasmodic contractions in certain groups of muscles due to local diseases of the cortex, always confined to one-half of the body and with retention of consciousness. E. Larvata, or E., Masked, the less severe cases of the true epilejjsy, in which the patient does not fall. E., VasXAaX, Jacksonian E. E., Procursive, there is propulsion of the iKxly in some special direction. E., Reflex, liuc to some reflex neurosis. Epilep'tic. Pertaining to or like epilepsy. Also one affected with epilepsy. E. Cry, the vocal sound or cry in ejiilepsy, from lar)ngeal sjxism. E. Hemiplegia, some- times follows the fit, especially after uni- lateral convulsions. E. Mania, slight maniacal tendencies following or taking the place of the fit. E. Vertigo, giddi- ness is a common sensation of epilepsy, but is erroneoasly applied to attacks of minor epilc|)sy. Epilep'tiform {epHcp-iy, forma, likeness). lymi>loms of Epileptog'enous {epilepsy, yevvau, to pro- duce). I'nxlucing epilepsy. Epi'lose (c neg.,///(W/., hairy). Without hair ; bald. Epineu'rium (»-<, vrvf>ov, nerve). The nerve-sh'-ath. Epipas'tic {rm:rntjau, to s|)rinkle). Per- t. lining to plasters sprinkli-il witii s.ed as a vesicant. Epiph'ora (im^ijxj, to burst u|)<)n). An overflow of tears, due to ovcr-secrelion (jr impeded outflow of the normal methods of excretion. Lachryination. Epiph''ysis (z~i,^vi^, to grow). A process of bone attached to another bone by carti- lage. E. Cerebri, the pineal gland. Ep^iphyte (f ~', (^i'7or, a plant). A para- ^ilic plant living upon another plant. Used also of a parasitic plant upon an animal. Epip'locele. See Hernia. Epip'loon [e-L-7.tu, to float upon). The omentum. E. Gastro-colic, the great omentum. E. Gastro-hepatic, the les- ser omentum. Episcleri'tis (em, atCkripoq, hard, «rical swelling of the legs. E. No- dosum, a form marked by symmetrical, notledike swellings over the tibi;e, con- sidered an expression of rheumatism. E. Papulatum, ;m inflammatory fonn marked by p.ijRiles and vesicles. E. Paratrim- ma, the red patches jireceding the a|>pear- ance of bed-sores E. Pernio, a chil- blain. E. Roseola, a form marked by a dull ret! hue. .May be idiopathic, or the symptomatic eruption preceding scarlet fever, measles, cti-. E., Scarlatiniform, somewhat like that of scarlet fever, imt usually in defined patches. Frequently accomjwnies septicaemia, puerperal fever, etc. E. Simplex, congestion due to ex- ternal irritation. E. Urticaria, the early stage of urticaria, q. z'. Erythras'ma (f/n'rt|jof). A vegetable para- sitic di.sease producing brownish patches. Appears usually on the folds of the a.xilke and inguinal regions. Resembles Titu-a Versicolor, but is more insignilicant. Due to ver)- minute microspores. Eryth'roblast. See Leucocyte. Erythrochloro'pia (tinain). An affection of the extremi- ties characterized by great redness ami pain. Erythroph'leine. See Cusca /i,iri: Erythrops'ia (eiivOin^, uij'ir, vision). An abnormality of vision in whicli all objects a|i|M-3r red. Erythrox'ylon. f'oca,C'ura. The leaves of /:'. ciirii, a shrub indigenous to the Andes Mountains. (Not to l« confouniled with cocoa.) Contains an alkaloid, cocaine, q. v., to which its properties are mainly due. An aromatic tonic and cerebral stimulant. Stimulates the brain, produc- ing a remarkable power of enduring hun- ger and fatigue. Large doses produce hallucinations. Efl'ects similar to those of cotVee, but more intense. Much used by the natives for sustenance during long journeys. The leaves, smoked, are bene- ficial in hay fever. E., Ext. Fid. Uose ^ss-ij. Difticult to obtain good leaves. ^Vines and elixirs of coca are numerous. Es'bach's Method. A test for all>umin in urine, the albumin being precipitated by a solution of picric and citric acids (10-20- 970 parts of urine) ; the number of grammes per 1000 c.c. being indicated on the gradu- ated tube of the albumimeter. Es'char (fCT^«/wea--e. E'ther {,,///er, the u])|)er air). The tenu- ous subtle fluid filling space and intir|K-ne- trating all Inxlies, the medium of trans- mission of the vii)ratory activities called light, heat, eleclricily ami magnetism. Used also to designate a large class of organic com|K)unthnia and cardiac dyspncea. Dose of the extract gr. j. Unof Eupho'ria (fioo/wK-, easily earned). The sense of well-being or health. Euphra'sia. Eycbright. A small an- nual, formerly much used in eye affections. Of utility as an a.stringent lotion in con- junctivitis. Valuable in breaking up nasal catarrh and in hay fever. E., Tinct., strengtli 1.9. Dose Tt\j-v. Euplas'tic (fi', well, -'/.acGo, to form). Pertaining to lymph of a healthy form, consistency, efc. Eupnce'a [tv, well, — vfw, to breathe). Normal and easy respiration. Eustach'ian Cath'eter. An instrument for dilating the E. tube, introduced along the floor of the nose. Eustach'ian Tube. The canal extending from the tympanum to the pharynx. Euthana'sia (u', well, Haiarog^ death). .•\n easy or calm death. Euto'cia (romig, childbirth). An easy n.atural delivery. Evac'uant {tfaruo, to empty). A medi- cine which increases the secretion or evacu- ation of an organ, especially the bowels. A purgative. Evacua'tion {n-acuo). Defecation. Evapora'tion (e, away, vapor, vapor). In i)harmacy, the ])rocess of converting a liquid into va|X)r by the agency of heat. Eve^ning Prim'rose. The flowering tops of (.Enothcra biennis. Recommended in asthma with gastric irrital)ility. Dose of the fid. ex t. Jss-^j. Unof. Eventra'tion (<•, out of, Tcufer, the belly). I'trrtainiiig to an extrusion of the alKlomi- nal viscera; especially in a monstrosity. Used also as a synonym of /\niin/ons Abdomen. Ever'sion of the Eyelid. A folding of the lid u|K)ti itself for the |)ur|xjsc of ex- |)Osing the conjunctival surface or sulcus. Eviscera'tion (/■•, (7;-i'/«/.(w. E., Spontaneous, a tenn expressive of the occurrence in child- birth of a series of changes effected by the organisms themselves, whereljy a shoulder presentation is transfoniied within the pelvis into a combined breech and shoulder j)resentation and delivery eflected. Evul'sion [eve/lo, to pluck out). Forcible tearing or plucking away of a part, as a polypus, tonsil, etc. Exacerba'tion i^cxacerbo, to be violent). Increased violence of the symptoms of a disease. Exan'thema, or Ex'anthem {e^nvdijiia, eruption). An eniption of the skin. Excava'tion of the Optic Nerve. A hollowing or " cupping "' of the disc, or optic nerve-entrance, that may be physiological or congenital, and without particular signifi- cance; ox pathological, the result of glau- coma, optic atrophy, etc. Excen'tric Pains. Radiating pains, symp- tomatic of s]:)inal disease, due to irritati(.>n of the jxDsterior nerve-roots. The pains are felt to be in the peripheral organs, hence the name al)ove. Excip'ient [e.vcipio, to take up). In phar- macy, any substance used to give an agree- able or convenient form to the ingredients of a prescription. Excis'ion ((vn/^i/o, tocut off). The opera- tion of removing a part or tissue by cut- ting. ExcitabiFity [excito, to rouse). The ([ual- ity of reacting to stimulus. Exci'tant. A remedy that stimulates the activity of an organ. Excito- (e.rcito). A Latin prefix denoting stiniulition or excitation. E. -motor, ikt- taining to nerves arousing motor function. Also, a drug or agent that increases activity cf the motor nerve centers. E. -reflex, pertaining to a reflex action that ends in muscular action. Exci'tor. See Sympathetic Ophthalmitis. Exclu'sion {excluilo, l<> shut out). A sinitting out. E., Diagnosis by, the EXCORIATION 152 EXPECTORATION reaching a final or most probable diagnosis by successively excluding one hypothesis after another as, from a consideration of the symptoms, impossible. Excoria'tion (^.r, from, corium, the skin). Abrasion of the skin, or removal, partial or complete, of a limited portion of the same. Ex^crement {excerno, to sift out). The fteces. Excrementi''tious. Pertaining to the ex- crement. Excres''cence [excresco, to grow out). An abnormal outgrowth upon the body. Excre^ta {excej-no). The natural dis- charges of the body, particularly those of the bowels. Ex'cretin. A substance extracted from human fseces, related to cholesterin ; of un- known history and constitution. Excre^'tion {excerno). The separation of the fluid waste products of an organ, or the body as a whole, out of the blood. The fluids so excreted. Ex^cretory [excerno). Pertaining to ex- cretion. E. Duct, a canal conveying the excretion from the excretory organ to the discharging point. Exenceph'alus {e^,£-yKE(pa?iov). A mon- strosity with the brain outside the cranial cavity, associated with vertebral fissure. Exentera^tion (ef, evrepov, intestine). Removal of the intestines or thoracic viscera in embryotomy. Ex^ercise [exerceo, to keep busy). Func- tional activity of the muscles. E., Active, that exerted by the will of the patient. E., Passive, when the part is moved by another, or acted upon, as in massage. Exfolia'tion [ex/o/?'o, to shed leaves). The lamellar (or other) separation of bone or other tissue from the living structure in I?/y AWrosis, etc. Exhala^tion [exhah\ to breathe out). The vapor, subtle particles, etc., given off by the body through the skin, lungs, etc. Exhaust^'ion [exhaurio, to pour out). Drawing out or emptying. Apj)lied espe- cially to great loss of vital and nervous power from fatigue, or protracted disease. Exhib''it [exhibeo, to give). To adminis- ter medicine. Exhil'arant (exhilaro, to cheer). An agent to enliven and cheer the mind. E. Gas, Nitrous Oxide gas. Exhuma^tion [ex, humus, ground). The digging up after interment, or again bring- ing a dead body out, for examination in medico-legal inquiries, or for reinterment, etc. Exod''ic (ffu, out of, oSoq, a way). Ap- plied to nerves transmitting impulses out- ward from the central nervous system. Ex''ogen (ffw, yevvau, to produce). A plant whose growth is by means of ex- ternal deposit upon the trunk or branch. See Endogen. Exom^phalos. See Hernia. Exopath^ic (efw, nadoq, pain). Pertaining to those causes of disease coming from without or beyond the organism. See, also, Endopathic. Exophor^'ia. See Heterophoria. Exophthalmic. Pertaining to exophthal- mos. E. Goitre. See Goitre. Exophthalmos (ef, otpPal/uoc). Abnor- mal prominence or protrusion of the eye- balls. E., Pulsating, that characterized by a bruit and pulsation, due to an aneu- rism that pushes the eye forward. Exosmo'sis. See Osmosis. Exosto'sis (tf, ooTEov, bone). Abnormal enlargement or growth of bone, especially a deposit of bony tissue upon the surface preexisting bone. Exoter^ic [e^u-EpiKoq, external). Synony- mous w^ith Exopathic. Exot^ic [e^uTiKog, foreign). Pertaining to plants and products from another country. Exotro'pia. See Strabismus. Expec^tant (expecto", to look out for). Awaiting or expecting ; applied to a plan of treatment consisting in watching the progress of a disease, and not interfering, with therapeutical measures, unless war- ranted by special symptoms. Expecta^tion of Life. The average num- ber of years that persons of a given age, taken one with another, live, assuming that they die according to a given table of the probabilities of life. It thus has no rela- tion to the most probable life of a single given individual. E. of L., Complete, the addition of one-half year to the Cur- tate Expectation to allow for that portion of a year lived by each person in the year of his death. E. of L., Curtate, the average number of whole or completed years lived by each person. Expecf'orant {ex, out, pectus, the breast). A remedy that acts upon the pulmonic mu- cous memljrane, to promote or modify its secretions. Expectora^tion [ex, pectus). The fluid or semi-fluid matters from the lungs and air passages expelled by coughing and spit- ting. EXPERIMENTUM MIRAHILK ir,3 EXTRACTION OF CATARACT Experimen'tum Mirab'ile of Kirch- ner. An hvpnutic phciionienou in ani- mals; a lien, c". _^'., remaining in a fixed position when the head is pressed down and a chalk line made from its beak. Ex'pert [slic purjwses. Explor'atory. Pertaining to exploration. E. Puncture, the puncture of a cavity or tumor anil extraction therefrom of some of the contents to leani the nature of the same. E. Trocar, one especially adapted for E. puncture. Explor'er. An instnmient for use in ex- ploration. E., Electrical, an instrument for detecting a bullet by means of the elec- tric current. Explo'sives. See Consonants. Expres'sion. \ pres'^ing out. The forci- ble separation of linuids from .solids by pressure. E. of Foetus or Placenta, assisting the exjuilsion of the same by pressure u]xin the abdominal walls. Expul'sion, Sponta'neous. The extru- sion of tin- fiutus or the placenta without external aid. ExpuKsive {expello, to drive out). Per- taining to the extrusion or driving out of the fd-tus in childbirth, the voiding of the fa-ces, urine, i-tc. Exsan'guine (ex, sanguis, WooCl). IJlood- le-,^. Exsicca'tion {ex, sicca, dry). The process of depriving a .solid of its moisture (jr vola- tile con.-ilitucnls by the agency of moition. E., Angular, a miiluK.1 of reilucing and maintaining old dislocations of the hip. E., Counter, traction ujwn the trunk or the tmnkend of a fractured limb in adilition to extension. E., Double, upon both limbs in hiji-joint disease, e/r. E. Stage in Labor, one of tlie st;iges of lalK)r, consisting in the bending of the f(Vtal head, the occiput toward the back. Exten''sor {rxh-m/o). That which stretches out or extends. E. Muscles. See il///5r/i-. E. Tet^anus. In general spasms the extensor muscles overcome the llexors, and the spasm thus becomes an £. T. Extirpa'tion (cxtirpo, to root out). Thinough excision or out-rooting of a part. E. of the Eyeball, comjiletc removal of the globe of the eye. Enucleation. Extra-. A Latin prefix, meaning oulsidc, 7i'////i l(t. Extraction of Cataract. Removal of the cataractous lens by surgical operation. The mothotls proi^sed or jiracticed are al- most numberless. Daviel's Method, im- proved by ySVtV-, was by a semicircular flap, upward in Daviel's, downward in Heer's, in the cornea, or at the margin, with rupture of the capsule and expression of the lens. This method is being revived and, with modification, adopted by a large number of modem ojienitors, and is called the Flap Extraction. The Discission Operation is used in .soft cataract, and consists in in- troducing a needle, whereby the capsule is broken and the anueous humor gains access to the lens-substance, which then isabsorlied or taken out by suction. In v. Graefe's Peripheral Linear Method, the Oi-aefe lance-knife enters the sclerotic 1. 5 nim. from the corneal border, and 2 nun. below the horizontal tangent of the upper border of the cornea, and is at first directed down- ward, but the counter])uncture is finally made o])]X)site the ptjint of puncture. The cut U])ward is then made jiarallel to tlu' plane of the iris, fi)lk)wed by an iridectomy, ca|)- sulotomy, and expression of the lens. The change in v. Graefe's Modified Linear Extraction consists chiefly in bringing the section to the corneo sikral juiietion. Needling, or the needle -operation. See above, under Discission. The Sim- ple Method, now advocated by many ()|th- thaimic surgeons, consists in a (laj) fonn- ing section an|)lieres of the brain. Fairing. Umpiiing; losing one's cqui- lil>riui.'i. F. of Womb. .See I'tcnis. F. Sickness, a cotnnion ttrm for e|)ilepsy. Fallo'pian Tubes. See Ovidurts. Fall'-rheotomc. An arrangement where- by a weigiit injures a niu-scle, and also breaks and makes a galvanometer circuit ; by this instrument it was shown that the demarcation cuirent took a certain time to develop. False [fai/o, to deceive). Not genuine. Feigning or closely counterfeiting. F. Bittersweet. See Clinibitig Staff-tree. F. Gromwell, the root of Onos»iodiuin virginiaiiuin. Reputed to be tonic and diuretic. Dose of fid. ext. n\,xv-3ss. Unof. F. Passage, a jiassage foiined by the laceration of the urethra, caused by the forcible introduction of a catheter or other instiiiment in the wrong direction. F. Ribs. See /v'//'j. F. Water, a collection of tluid in catarrhal endometritis. Falx (Lat.). A sickle. F. Cerebelli, the sickle-like processes between the lobes of the cerebellum. F. Cerebri, the sickle- like process of the dura mater. Fam'ily [familia, a household). The per- sons ])elonging to a household. Inliiology, a class of genera similar in organic struc- ture. Fam'ine {fa»iis, hunger). Severe and continued hunger. Also, a general scarcity of food, which results in the star^•ation of many people. F. Fever. Same as Relap- sing Fez'cr, q. v. Fang. See Tedh. Fan'tome. See Phantom. Farad'. The unit of electrical capacity. Practically, a capacity suft'icient to hold one coulomb of current having a ]xjtential of one volt. The micro-farad, ^500555 part of the theoretical farad, is conmionly used. A practical form of condenser of one farad capacity consi.sts of 300 leaves of tinfoil, each 16 centimeters in diameter, se])arated l>y leaves of mica. Tiie entire surface is aUjut 1. 1 sq. meters area. Farad'ic. The induced current, named from its discoverer, Michael I'araday. See ( ttrreiit. Faradiza'tion. The apjjlication of the induced current to a diseased part, or in disease. Far''cy. See Equinia. Fari'na {/arina). The ground or pow- dered fecula of seeds, especially that of corn, liarley, lye and wheat. Farina'ceous {farina). Having the nature of or yielding flour., ap- plied to very fine furfuraceous exfoliations. Far Point. See J'liHituin Keiitolum. FARRANT'S SOLUTION 166 FEEDING Par^'rant's Solu^tion. See JMounting Fluids. Far-sight^edness. A colloquial term for Ilyperuictropia . Fas^cia {fascia, a band). The membran- ous fibrous covering of muscles and other organs. F., Anal. See F., Jschio-irc- tal. F. of Arm [Brachial), invests the muscles of the arm, attached to the clavi- cle, acromion and spine of the scapula. F., Cranial, a firm, dense layer, adherent to the skin and occipito-frontalis muscle. F., Cervical, Deep, invests the muscles of the neck and encloses the vessels and nerves. F., Cremasteric, forms a looped, thin covering of the spermatic cord. F., Cribriform, the sieve-like covering of the saphenous opening. F. Dentata, a serrated band of gray substance of the dentate convolution of the cerebrum. F. of the Dorsum of the Foot, forms a sheath for the dorsal tendons of the foot. F., Iliac, lines the back part of the ab- dominal cavity, covering the psoas and iliacus muscles. F., Infundibuliform, the funnel-shaped-membrane enclosing the cord and testis in a distinct pouch. F., Intercolumnar, from the margins of the external abdominal ring, forming a sheath for the cord and testis. F., Ischio-rec- tal, covers the perineal aspect of the leva- ■ tor ani muscle. F. Lata, the dense fibrous aponeurosis surrounding the thigh, called the Beep F. of the Thigh. F., Deep, of Leg, continuous with the last, surrounds the leg. F., Lumbar, the posterior aponeurosis of the transversalis muscle, divided into three layers. F., Obtura- tor, continuation of the pelvic, surrounds the obturator muscle. F., Pelvic, lines the cavity of the pelvis, continuous with the transversalis and iliac fascia. F., Perineal, the deep, called the triangular ligament, closes the front part of the out- let of the pelvis, attached to the pubes and rami of the ischium. F., Recto-vesical, the visceral layer of the pelvic F., invests the prostate, bladder and rectum. F., Transversalis, continuous with iliac and pelvic F., lies between transversalis muscle and peritoneum. Fascic^ulus (dim. of fascis). A little bundle, as the fasciculus of fibers that com- pose a nen'e. Fat. See lissue and Oil. Fatigue^ (faligo). \Vearincss, tiredness. That condition of diminished capacity for work produced in a muscle by prolonged activity. F. -stuffs, the accumulation of decomposition products in the muscular tissue and to which fatigue is probably due. Fat^ty Degen^eration. See Degenera- tion. Fau^ces (Lat.). The gullet or windpipe. Ihe space surrounded by the palate, tonsils and uvula. F., Isthmus of, the space at the back of the mouth enclosed by the margin of the palate, the back of the tongue, the pillars of the soft palate and the tonsils. F., Pillars of, the fold of mucous mem- brane between the base of the uvula and the posterior border of the tongue. Fau^na [Fau/nes, the god of agriculture). The animal life of a locality or epoch. Fa^vus {favus, honeycomb). Honey- comb Ringwonn, Tinea Vera, Tinea Lupinosa, Porrigo Lupinosa, Porrigo Fa- vosa. A contagious parasitic affection of the skin characterized by sulphvu-yellow, cup-shaped crusts within the epidenuis, especially in the scalp and hairy parts of the body. Feb^rifuge [febris, {ever, f /go, to dispel). An agent that lessens fever. Fe^brile {febris, a fever). Pertaining to or having the symptoms of a fever. Fe^'bris. See Fever. Fences. See Faces. Fech^ner's Law. The more expanded and accurate statement of Weber's Law as to the relation between the intensity of stimuli and the changes in the resulting sensations, a constant ratio existing be- tween the strength of the stimulus and the intensity of the sensation. With increase of the stimulus the sensation increases only as the logarithm of the stimulus. As there is a lower limit [threshold) or liminal in- tensity of excitation, so there is an upper or maximal height of sensibility. Between the two is the Range of Sensibility. Fec'ula (dim. of fcx, sediment). The starchy part of a seed. Also the sediment subsiding from an infusion. Fecunda'tion [f-cii>idns, fi-uitful). Fer- tilization ; impregnation ; the act of mak- ing fmitful. F., Artificial, impregnation by means of artificial intromission of the spermatic fluid in the vagina or uteras. Fecund^ity [fecunditas). The capability of reproduction. Feed^ing. The taking of food or aliment. F., Artificial, the introduction of food into the Ijody by means of artificial devices, such as the stomach-pump or in the form of an enema. F. Bottle, a glass flask armed with a rubber nipple, used in feed- ing liquid food to infants. F. by Rec- FEIILIXG'S SOLUTION 157 FERMENTS turn, the introduction of food into the rec- tum in the fonu of an enema or supjwsi- tor)-. Feh'ling's Solu''tion. As this sohition d<->cs net keep well, Prof. Ilolland ailvises its manufacture as follows : To be kept in two distinct parts. A. Take copj>er sulph. 34.64 gms. and water enoujjh to make 500 c.c. M. B. Pure Kochelle salt 173 gms.; sol. sodium hydrate (sp. g;r., 1. 33), 100 c.c, and water enough to make 500 c.c. For use, mi.\ equal volumes, and thus m:ike Fehling's solution. See Copper. Feh'ling's Test for Sugar. Boil i inch of l'ehling"s solutiun, and while hot add urine and Unl again. If no red or yellow color appears, add more urine until the volume is 1^4 inches. Again raise to toil- ing jxjint and set aside. If yellow or red cuprous o.xitle appears, the urine is saccha- rine. Fel Bo'vis (Lat.). O.x-gall. The biliaiy litjuid of the domestic ox. Bos taurns. It is a dark-green, ropy sul stance, consisting mainly of sotlium glycocholate and tauro- cholate, together with cholesterine. A tonic, antiseptic antl jiurgative, useful in emulsifying the fatty jwrtions of food. F. B. Inspissatum, 100 parts fresh ox-gall, strained and cvajxirated to 15 parts. Dose gr. v-xv. F. B. Purificatum, ox-gall 3, alcohol I jiart. Should stand 24 hours before straining; then evajx^rate to con- sistence of pilular mass. Dose gr. v-xv. Fel'lic Acid. C^jH^qO^. A constituent (.f the Mlc. Fel'lows' Syrup of Hypophosphites, proprietar)'. Unof. Each 3 contains hyjx)- phosph. of iron gr. j, quinine gr. 3^, strych- nine gr. -f}f, calcium and manganese &&. gr. j, ])otassium q. s. Dose ^j. Fel'on. See Paiouyrhia. Fe'male [/iiiit//ii, a young woman). The sex that brings forth the young of a species. In surgery, that part of a doublc- liml>ed instrument that receives the com- plementary [lart. In Igtaiiy, the llower that contain.* the ovary. F. Catheter, a catheter having a short tul>e witli a slight curve. Fem'oral (finmr, the thigh l)one). Per- taining to the femur. F. Arch, that formed by Pou|iart\ liganniit. F. Artejy. .Sc-e /{rti-ry. F. Ring, the alKlnniinal end of the femoral canal, normally closed by the crural septum and the py the niuncb. FERN 158 FERRUM In the pancreatic juice, there is F., Dias- tatic or Amylopsin, converting starch into maltose ; Trypsin, converts proteids into peptones in an alkaline medium; F., Emulsive, emulsify fats ; F., Fat- splitting, or Steapsin, splits fats into glycerin and fatty acids and F., Milk- curdling. In the intestinal juice, there is a F., Diastatic, changes maltose into glucose ; F., Proteolytic, changes fibrin into peptone; Invertin chai^ges cane- into grape-sugar; and F., Milk-ciirdlhig, and /'., Diastatic, are also found in blood, chyle, liver, milk, etc. Pepsin and other ferments are also found in muscle and urine; and, lastly, a Fibrin-forming F. is also found in blood. Fern (Sax.y>ar«). A name given to the cryptogamous plants of the order Filices. See Aspidium. Ferrein', Tubule of. See Pyramid. Fer'ro- i^ferrunt, iron). A prefix used with the names of certain salts of iron. Fer^rum. (Lat.) [Geti. Ferri.) Iron. Fc = 56. Quantivalence 11, iv. A metal having a luster varying from silver white to gray. In pharmacy, a fine non-elastic, soft wire is used. F. Redactum, iron by h)drogen, occurs in fine powder ob- tained by the reduction of ferric oxide by hydrogen. A constituent of the blood, to the red corpuscles of which it gives color. An irritant in large or long- continued doses. In small doses a stimulant and slightly astringent tonic. Highly valuable in anaemia, but contra- indicated in plethora. Externally many of the soluble salts are excellent styptic and astringent lotions. Dose gr. j-v. Ferri Acetat., Liq., a 33 per cent, so- lution in water. F. Acetat., Tinct., has liq. ferri acetas 50, alcohol 30, acetic ether 20 parts. Styptic and stimulant. Dose gr. X- 5 iij. F. Bromidi, Syr., contains 10 per cent, of ferric bromide. Sedative tonic, recommended in nervous disorders. F. Carb., Saccharat., contains 15 per cent, of ferrous carbonate. Stimulant to diges- tion. Dose gr. ij-x, with food. F. Carb., Massa, Vallet's mass; ferrous sulphate 100, sodium carbonate no, honey 36, sugar 25, syrup and distilled water aa q. s. ad fac. loo parts. F. Comp., Mis- tura, Griffith's mixture; ferrous sulphate, myrrh, sugar, aa 18, potassium carbonate 8, spt. lavender 50, rose water 900. Essen- tially a carbonate of iron. Dose gr. iij-v. F. Pilulae, Comp., Griffith's pill, con- taining each, ferrous sulphate gr. ^, so- dium carb. gr. 3^, myrrh gr. jss, syrup q. s. F. Chloridum, strongly acid, astringent, haemostatic and styptic. Never used in- ternally. F. Chlor., Liq., an aqueous so- lution containing 38 per cent, of the salt. Dose n\^ij-x ; rarely used. F. Chlor., Tinct., contains liq. chlor. ferri 35, alco- hol 65 parts. "Very commonly used, and one of the best tonic preparations. Dose rT\^v-xx. F. Citras, soluble in water, insoluble in alcohol. A mild stimulant. Dose gr. ij-v. F. Citras, Liq., a solution of ferri citras, 35 per cent, in strength. Dose gr. v-xv. F. Citras, "Vinum, am- monio-ferric citrate 4, tinct. orange peel, syrup, aa 12, stronger white wine 72 parts. Dose 5J-ij. F. Hypophosphitis, feme hypophosphite, soluble in very dilute hydrochloric acid. Dose gr. v-x. F. lodidum Saccharat., soluble in water. Tonic. Dose gr. v-x. F. led., Pil., contain reduced iron, iodine, liquorice, sugar, acacia, and water, coated with balsam of tolu in ether. Dose j-ij p'lls. F. lodidi, Syr., contains 10 per cent, of the iodide. Dose ITLv-xxx. F. Lactas, ferrous lactate, — best solvent, sodium citrate. Dose gr. j-iij. F. Ni- tratis, Liq., aqueous, contains 6 per cent, of salt, styptic and astringent. Dose IT^v -XV. F. Oxalas. Dose gr. ij in pill. F. Oxid. Hydratum, ferric hydrate, prepared by adding aq. ammonia 8 parts to a solution of ferric sulphate 10 parts. An antidote for arsenical poisoning, pre- pared when needed. F. Oxid. Hydrat. cum Magnesia, prepared when needed from sol. fenic sulphate 1000 gr., water 2000 grains, to which is added magnesia 150 gr. water ^ xxxij. An antidote for arsenic. F. Emplastrum, strengthen- ing plaster; ferric hydrate, dried Canada turpentine. Burgundy pitch, aa 10, lead plaster 70 parts. F. Trochisci, have each of ferric hydrate dried gr. v, vanilla gr. jL, sugar and mucilage of tragacanth q. s. Dose j-iij each day. F. Phos- phas, an adjuvant to laxative pills, gr. v -X. F. Pyrophosphas, tasteless and non-astringent. Dose gr. ij-v. F. Sul- phas, copperas, proto-sulphate of iron, fer- rous sulphate, astringent and irritating. An ingi-edient of )>il. aloes et ferri, q. v. F. Sulph. Precipitat., the foregoing pre- cipitated from solution by alcohol. Dose gr. ss-ij. F. Subsulph. Liq., Monsel's solution, an aqueous solution of basic sul- phate of iron, powerfully astringent, st\q)tic and haemostatic, rarely given internally. FERRUM 159 FEVER Dose gj- iij-x. F. Sulph. Exsiccat., dried ferams sulphate, the most astringent and irritating. Dose gr. ss-ij, in pill. F. Valerianas, valerianate of iron, soluMe in alcohol. Dose gr. i-iij, in pill. F. et Ammonii Citras, citrate of iron 3, water cif ammonia i part. Dose gr. ij-v. F. et Ammonii Sulphas, anunonic- sulphate of iron, ferric alum. Least astrin- gent of sulphates. Dose gr. ij-v. F. et Ammonii Tartras, amnionic tartrate of iron. Deise gr. v-xx. F. et Potassii Tartras, least disagreeable of all iron prejjarations. Dose gr. v-x. F. et Quininae Citras, has 12 per cent, of quinine. Astringent and stimulant. Dose gr. iij-v. F. et Quin. Cit., Liq., of douliiful value. Dose ITLv-xv. F. Vi- num Amarum, hitter wine of iron, con- tains liq. citrate of iron and quinine 8, tinct. orange peel 12, S)Tup 36, stronger white wine 44. A gocnl sul'Stitute for the various "elixirs of cali>aya and iron." Dose 3J-iv. F. et Strychninae Citras, contains I per cent of strychnine. Astrin- gent and stimulating. Dose gr. j-iij. F. et Ammonii Acetas, Mist., I'.asham's mix- ture, contains tinct. fer. chloride 2, acetic acid 3, liq. ammonii acct. 20, elixir au- rantii 10, s)Tup 15, water 50 parts. Very agreeable, tonic and diuretic. Dose 3 ij-v. rNOFFICI.XL rREPARATIONS. F. Dialysatum, dialysed iron, a ten per cent, oxychloride in water. Astringent and stj-jjtic, but only feetly chalybeate. I)o.-5e n\^x-xxx. F. Arsenias (not to lie confounded with arsen/A- <<( iif)n). gr. yg-'. F. et Manganesii lodidi Syr., containing in each tkl. 3 , 50 gr. of i(xlides in prci|)ortion of 3 of iron to I of manganese. I )ose TTLx-xxx- ^]. F. et Manganesii Phosphat., Syr., syxup of pliosjdiate of iron and manganese. Each 3 contains 2 gr. phosph. of iron and, I of manganese. Dose ^]. F. Mistura Aromat., pale cinchona 1 ark 4, ca- lumba 2, cloves l.iron wire 2, tinct. carda- mon comj). 12, tin(t. orange peel 2, water of |«|i]Hnnint 50. Dose ,5J-ij. F. Mist. Laxans, ferrous sulphate gr. ij, magnesia sul|)hate 3J, dilute sulphuric acid n\iij, .spt. chlorofomi TTLxx, water of ])eppermint ari fac. ^j. Fcrro-salina, Mist., mag- nesium suljihate _^j, |iolas^ium ditartratc 2J. dried sulphate of iron gr. x, water ,^xxxij. Dow a wineglassful. F. Phos- phatum Quininz et Strychninae, Syr., Ea^loii's symp, unof llath ^j contains gr. j phosph. of iron, gr. j quinia and gr. ^'5 strychnia. Fer^tile {fertilh, fmitful). Prolific, fruit- ful. In botany, applied to flowers having a pistil. Fertiliza'tion of the Ovum. See /v- itinaation. Feru'la. Giant fennel. A genus of the order Umbellifem;. Also, a splint. Festina'tion {/cstino, to hasten). A symp- tom of paralysis agitans anil other diseases in which the patient shows in walking a tendency to take ciuicker and (juicker steps. Propulsion or retropulsion are coincident symptoms. Fe'ver (/rdrts, a fever). A systemic dis- ease or symptom of disease whose distinc- tive characteristic is elevation of tem])era- ture, accompanied also by quickened cir- culation, increased katabolism or tissue- wa.-te and disordered secretions. F., Abdominal. See Typhoid F. F., Af- rican. See F., Yellow. F. and Ague. See /•'., lutermitlent. F., Anomalous, one whose s)Tnptoms are irregular. F., Ardent, a malarial fever to which immi- grants to a tropical country are peculiarly liable. F., Articular. See Dtm^'ue. F., Asthenic, one with a low fever tem- perature, weak circulation and great loss of ner\ous force. F., Atypic. See /'., aitoi/iiiloiis. F., Bilious, one accom- panying affections of the digestive organs. F., Catarrhal, that with catarrhal aftec- tions of the air passages. F., Catheter, a se%'ere remittent fever sometimes follow- ing the passage of the catheter. F., Cerebro-spinal, a malignant epidemic fever characterized by spasmodic actions of the muscles of the neck, retraction of the head, hyperasthesia, rfr., with lesions of the cerebral and spinal numbranes; due to a si)ecil"ic poison. F., Congestive, a malignant form of a remittent or intermit- tent malarial fever. F., Continued, one in which there is a slowly continuous rise of temperature until a not high crisis is reached, whence the fever ends fatally or slowly subsides. F., Enteric. See /'., 'J'yplioiil. F., Eruptive, that accom panied or succeedeil by an eruption of the skin. Examples are Scarlet F., Mt-asUs, A"df/i('ht, SniiillpoXy V'lKiinnfion, Vnri- celln, Fiysipdos, Dens^iif. F., Essen- tial. See /'"., liliof.tlhif. F., Idio- pathic, one in which no local alletiion the disorder. F., Inflammatory, the .same as sim|)le Citi/iiiiml /. F., Intermittent, one in which the symjiloms FEVER BUSH 160 FICUS intermit, with intermediate periods of free- dom from the febrile attack. F., Mala- rial, remittent, or Fever and Ague. F., Jungle, a remittent fever of India. F., Malignant, a severe and fatal form. F., Pernicious, a malignant fatal type of re- mittent or intermittent malarial fever. F., Relapsing, an epidemic, contagious type due to a specific poison, similar to yellow fever. F., Remittent, a paroxysmal fever with exacerbations and remissions, but not intermissions. F., Septic, due to the admission of septic matter into the system. F., Typhoid, or enteric fever, an acute, self-limited febrile affection due to a spe- cific germ, and having characteristic lesions in Peyer's patches and the solitaiy glands. F., Typho -malarial, a malarial fever with typhoid symptoms. F., Typhus, ship or jail fever, a contagious specific type connected with filth and overcrowding. F., Yellow, an acute, infectious, paroxys- mal, malignant fever, characterized by three stages^the febrile, the remission, and the collapse; due to a specific poison. Destioyed by frost. Fe^ver Bush. Spice-wood. The bark and fruit of Benzoin odorifcrum. An aro- matic stimulant and tonic. Properties due to a volatile oil. Dose of fid. ext. — bark 5J-ij, of the berries n\^xx-3J. Unof. Fe^verfew. The herb Pyrcthrum par- thciihtin. A stimulant tonic vv'ith emmena- gogue and anthelmintic properties. Dose of fld. ext. 3J-ij. Unof. Fi''ber [Jibra, a thread). A filamentary or thread-like organ or part of an organ. Ap- plied to the thread-lilvc filaments of mus- cular, cartilaginous and tendinous tissues. F. of Corti, See Corti. Fibbers of Tomes. Elongated and branched processes of the odontoblasts of the pulp, filling the dentinal tubules of teeth. FibriPla (dim. oi Jibra). A small fiber or component filament of a fiber. A name applied to minute nerve filaments. FibriPlar. Pertaining to fibrilke. F. Con- tractions, short contractions occurring alternately in different bundles of muscular fibers. Fibrilla^tion. See Fibrillar Contractions. Fi^brin {fibra, a fiber). A native albumin or ])roteid, a substance that, becoming solid in shed blood, plasma and lymph, causes coagulation of these fluids. It then exists in the shape of innumerable, excess- ively delicate, closely-packed, microscopic, doubly-refractive fibrils, entangling the blood corpuscles, as in a spider's web, and with them forming the blood cloior placenta sanguinis. Fibrin forms about 0.2 per cent, of the blood and is insoluble in water and ether. It is changed into syntonin by dilute hydrochloric acid. Fibrin'ogen (yfi^rm, }evi'a«, to beget). A native proteid of the globulin class, obtained from blood plasma, serous transudations, etc. According to Schmidt it is one of the chief elements in the formation of fibrin (the other being Paraglobulin), which occurs dissolved in the plasma, aided by a fibrin ferment. Fibrinoplast^in. See Paraglobulin. Fi^bro- (_/f(^rrt', afiber). A prefix used with words to denote fibrous structure. F.- blasts,the formation of new fibrous tissue. F. -cartilage, a variety of cartilage having fibrous structure. See Cartilage. F.- myoma. See Myoma. F.-neuro- myoma. See Neuroma. F. -plastic, fiber-forming. F.-plastin. See Para- globulin. F. -sarcoma, a tumor having structural resemblance both to fibroma and spindle-celled sarcoma. Fi^broid [Jibra, eiSo^, likeness). A term applied to such structures as possess a fib- rous appearance, but cannot be separated into fibers. Also, a fibroid tumor. Fi^'broin. An albuminoid, the chief con- stituent of the cocoons of insects and spider- web. Fibro^ma [Jibra, oma, a tumor). Fibroma Molluscum, Molluscum Simplex, Mollus- cum Pendulum, Molluscum Fibrosum. A disease of the skin marked by the pres- ence of soft tumors within the connective tissue of the deeper layers of the corium and subcutaneous tissue. They are usually hemispherical, and vary in size from a pin's head to that of an orange. Occur on all parts of the body, and frequently extend to the nerve trunks, where they have been found in post-mortem examination. Thought to be due to obstmction of the lymphatics. F. Fungoides. See Mycosis. Fib'ula (L. a buckle). The smaller or splint bone at the outer part of the lower leg articulating above with the femur, and below with the astragalus and tibia. It forms the external malleolus. Fi''cus. (Lat. a fig-tree.) The fig. The fleshy receptacle of F. carica, native to Asia Minor, and cultivated throughout Europe and tropical America. Contains 62 per cent, of grape sugar when dry. Somewhat laxative and fairly nutritious. Constituent of conjeclio settncE. FIELD OF VISION , 161 FIT Field of Vision. Sometimes sjx)ken of as simply the fielJ. The extent of indi- rect vision with fixation of the visual axis upon one jx)int. Its limit for white light is alxDut 90° outward, 70° inward and alK)ve, and 60° downward. The F. for colors is more restricted, that for Mue is nearly as large as white, red and green more narrow. F., Testing, the. See Perinutcr. F., Contraction of the, oc- curs in certain retinal and cerebral aflec- tions. Fig. See Ficiis. Fig' wort. The herb Scrophiiltiria nodosa. Alterative, diuretic and anodyne. Some- times u---ed in form of ointment in piles. Dose of tld. ext. 3 ss-j. Unof. Fil'ament {fii'uni, a thread). A small thread-like structure or part of an origan, as a muscle, nerve or tendon. F., Sperm- atic, the caudal filament of the sperma- tozoa. Fila'ria [filtt/n). A genus of thread-like worms lielonging to the order A'e»tah>dti. Many, if not all of them, are parasitic. F. Medinensis, the Guinea IVorm, q. v. F. Sanguinis Hominis. Craw Craw. A nematode worm native to the Guinea coa>t of Africa, which, entering the blood and lymphatics, causes lym]>h abscesses and certain forms of Elephantiasis, y means of a wire. Fil'ter (ftUnun, felt). An apparatus for .straining and removing from water or otiier ii(|uid sar vertebra through the cauda c'|tjina. Fim'briac (ft»i/ina,a. fringe). Threads; a fringe, f". of Fallopian Tube, the fringe-like processes of the outer extremity ening external. F., Blind, Internal, anal lissure with hut one opening internal. F., Blind, Uri- nary, suppurating tracks opening into the urethra, but without external openings. F., Biliary, of the biliary ut so made that the 1int (called /;7;/c7/<;//^vw5) whereto are gathered the rays of light by a convex lens or a concave mirror. F., Negative, or Virtual, the imaginary focus of an object i)]aced within tlie ])rinci- ]>al focus. Conjugate Foci, interdepen- dent foci. Foenic'ulum. Fennel. The fruit of F. vulgare. Properties due to a volatile oil. A mild stimulant and aromatic carmina- tive. F., Aq., 2 parts of the oil in loo of water. Dose 3SS-5J. F., Ol., the volatile oil. Dose tTLij-v. Fce'tal. Pertaining to the foetus. Fce'ticide {/a-fus, unliom offspring, cado, to kill). The killing of the foetus in the worn!) by intent. Fce'tid [fateo, to become putrid). Hav- ing a foul odor. Fce'tus (/eriod of intra-uterine life. F., Altitude of, the general form and direc- tion of the tiaink and the pc>sition of the limbs in relation to it. F., Papyraceous, a retained dead fetus inumniilied and compressed. F., Presentation of. See rrcsentation. Fold. A temi applied to the plication or doubling together of various parts of the IxKly. F., Recto-vaginal, the fold of the peritoneum descending in front of the rectum. (Called in the male the rccto- rf.ioil fold.) Folie a deux (Fr.). See Insanity, Com- tiiiiiiiiiiteil. Fol'liclc (dim. oi follis,z. pair of bellows). In anatomy a very small secretory cavity or sar, as the follicles of I,iel>crkiihn. F., Graafian, the small vesicular i^odies in the cnnii al layer of the ovarv', consi.sting of flattened granular cells with oval nuclei and memlirana |)ropria, each ab//ii)itiim). The appli- cation of cloths .soaked in hot medicinal solutions, to reduce intlanimation or allay pain. Also, the application of hot dry cloths. Also, the decoction applied. Fons Pulsati''lis. See Foiitoitilh-. Fonta'na's Markings. Delicate micro- scopic transverse folds of ner\'e-fibers, to which is due their non-retraction when divided. Fontana's Spaces. Those between the jjrocesses of the ligamentum pectinatum iridis. Fontanelle'' (dim. oi foittaiiu, a spring, from the ajipearance and feeling). The membranous spaces of the infant's head, from delayetl ossification of the cranial bones. F., Anterior, that at the point of union of the frontal, saggital and coronal sutures. See also Brigmn. F., Pos- terior, that at the point of junction of the apex of the lami)doidal sagittal suluu?s. Food (Sax. foda). Anything used for the nourishment or formation of tissue. The substances ordinarily employed as aliments. Foods, Isodynamic. Ihose producing an eipal amount of heat. F., Plastic, pro- teids. F., Respiratory, fats and carbo- hydrates. (The nomenclature of the two last rests ujwn an eiToncous theory-.) Foot (Sax. fdl)- "Hie organ at the ex- tremity of the leg ; one of the organs of locomotion. In bimana and C|uadrumana it consists of the tarsus, metatar.sus, and ] ha- langes, or toes. F. Clonus. See Cliiius. Fora'men {foio,\.o ])ierce). A passage or opening. F. Caecum, the blind jassage al tiie root of the spine of the frontal 1 one. Ajiplied also to other caeal foranuna. F. of Magendie, an opening in the inferior boundary of the fourth vintricle. F. Magnum. That in the occipital bone coninnniicating with the spinal canal. F. of Monro, an opening under the arch of the fornix. F. Ovale, an 0]>ening be- tween the auricles of the fotal heart. F. of Winslow, the aperture tliat extends between the large sac of the omentum and the cavity of the al donien. Force {fortis, strong). That which pro- iluees or arrests motion. For'ceps {forceps, a pair of tongs). An instrument with two blades atid handles for pur|x")scs of seizing, traction, etc., in surgical, obstetrical, and otlier operations. F., Angular, fcrcej IS bent for insertion into a canal. F., Arterial, specially adapted FORCIBLE 164 FRACTURE for seizing an artery ; many varieties are named after inventors. F., Bone, ex- ceptionally strong, for use in operations upon bones. F., Bullet, of peculiar con- struction, to extract bullets. F., Canula, long, slender forceps enclosed in a tube, that open by protruding the blades. F., Craniotomy ; the halves are crossed and adapted to embryotomy. F., Dental, adapted for extraction of teeth. F., Ec- tropion, adapted for seizing the lid in ec- tropion operations. F., Gouge, cutting forceps for operations upon bone. F., Iri- dectomy, delicate forceps for seizing the iris. F., Midwifery, or Obstetric, for seizing the foetal head in labor and by traction aiding its exit ; a great number of varieties. Forc'ible. With force or power. F. Ex- tension. See Extension. For^cipressure i^ force, and presser, to squeeze). The arrest of a minor haemor- rhage by pressing the end of the divided vessel with a pair of spring forceps, the pressure being continued for 24-36 hours. Fore-arm. That part of the arm between the wrist and the elbow. Fore -brain. The anterior of the encepha- lic vesicles into which the primary nei-ve- system of the embryo divides at an early stage. Fore-gut. The cavity in the raised cephalic end of the embryo, called also Head- gut. Fore^head. That part of the face between the orbits of the eyes, the hair above, and the temples at the sides. For''eign Bod''y. A substance in a wound or cavity acting as an irritant. Foren'sic i^forensis, belonging to the fonmi). Pertaining to a court of law. In medicine, that part of the science con- nected with judicial inquiry. Also, medi- cal jurisprudence. Forc'skin. The prepuce. Forma^tio Reticula^ris (Lat.). The in- tercrossing of the fibers in the medulla. Form''ative Cells. Large spherical, re- fractive cells beneath the hypoblast. Formica''tion i^forniica, an ant). A sensa- tion like that produced by ants or other insects crawling upon the skin. Form''ula (dim. oi forma, a. form). A pre- scribed method. In pharmacy, a list of the names and respective quantities of sub- stances entering into a com]30sition. In chemistry, a method of representing the gravimetric structure of a compound by symbols. F., Constitutional, one that shows structure and proportionate compo- sition of its component parts. F., Em- pirical, that showing the constitution of a body without showing how the molecules are grouped. F., Graphic. Same as Constitutional. F., Rational. Same as Constitutional. For^nix {^fornix, ?es\ arch). The triangular lamina of the white substance of the brain, extending into the lateral ventricles and arching downward. Fortifica^tion Spect^'rum. A term used of the appearance of a peculiar subjective visual sensation in migraine. The luminous shape of its outer edge assumes a zigzag form, with angles like a fortification. Fos^sa {fossa, a ditch). A depression, fur- row or sinus. F., Canine, the depression on the external surface of the superior maxillary bone, forming the origin of the levator anguli oris and compressor nasi muscles. F., Cranial, any fossa of the skull. F., Iliac, the smooth internal sur- face of the ilium. F., Lachrymalis, the depression in the frontal bone for the recep- tion of the lachrymal gland. F., Nasal, the nostrils. See Nasal Fossce. F., Navicularis, a fossa within the penis, foiTned by a dilatation in the spongy por- tion of the urethral passage. Fossette^ (Fr ). A dimple or small de- pression. Fourchette^ (Fr., a fork). A fold of mu- cous membrane at the junction of the labia majora. Fove^a [fovea, a small pit). Applied to many depressions in the body or its organs, but more particularly to \he fovea centralis retince, a little pit in the macula lutea op- posite the visual axis, the spot of distinct- est vision, where the retinal cones are massed together and the rods and some other parts are absent. Fowl'er's Method. See Urea. Fowl'er's Solution. See Arsenic. Fox-glove. See Digitalis. Frac'tional Cultiva'tion. The isolation of one variety of microorganism from a mixture of several in order to study or cul- tivate it. This is done by attenuation of the medium so that a drop will proloably contain but one organism. Distilled water was first used as the attenuating medium, but gelatinized media are now used. Bre- feld and Nageli suggested the procedure, and Lister isolated the first microbe, the bacillus lacticus of Cohn. Frac'ture {frango, to break). The break- ing of a bone, either by external force, or FR.ENUM 165 FRONTO- by the action of the muscles of the body. Applied also to the breaking of a cartihige. F., Barton's, oblique, of the lower end of radius, beginning in the articulating sur- face. F.-Bed, a double inclined plane for fractures of the hip. F., Capillary, consistini; of only a line crack or fissure. F., Comminuted, with shattering of the bone. F., Colics', one of lower end of radius with di>i)lacement backward. F., Complete, entirely through the bone. F., Complicated, with injur.- to adjacent jiaris. F., Compound, with communi- cating wouml of the skin. F., Depressed, with dejiression of the fractured part be- low the normal level, as in fracture of the skull. F., Double, one bone is fractured in two places. F., Dupuytren's, frac- ture of the fibula with retraction and dis- placement outward, and with laceialion of the ligaments of the foot. F., Epiphy- seal, with separation of the epiphysis of a bone. F., Greenstick, one side of the lone is broken, the other bent. F., Im- pacted, with forcible compression of the parts into each other. F., Pott's, same as Dupuytren's, without laceration of the inferior tiliio-fibular ligaments. F., Simple, without rupture of the skin or mucous membrane. F., Spontaneous, with but a slight force to cause it, as in diseases of the bone. Frae'num (Lat., a curb). A ligament, fold of integument, or other part which checks or limits the movement of any organ, as F. Labiorum, the fourchettc or lower commissure of the labia piiiiendi. F. Linguae, the bridle of the tongue. Fragil'itas (Lat.). In phy- siology, a want of flexile strength. F. Cri'num, a brittlcncss of the hair, wliieh breaks or s|iliis. F. Ossium. Abnormal briitieness of the bones. Fragmenta'tion [fragmentuni, a piece). The suWivision into fragments. F. of Calculi, Spontaneous, the exfoliation and i»reaking u|) of a calculus i)y the action of the uric acid or other morbid products in the bladder. Framboe'sia. Yaws, Plan, Amlxiyna But- ton, I'arangi, Coco, Kndemic Verrugas. A contagious disease of the skin character- ized iiy dirty nr iiright red raspi)erry-like tulK-rcle-s ; a|)|>ifs exiflsa. Frank'lin Spec'tacles. iiee Bz/'oca/. Fra'serin. See A»ic-ncan Columbo. Frec'kles. See Lentigo. Freea'ing. The congelation of liquids, especially of water. F. Fluids, li(|uid preparations, syrupy or gummy in con- sistence, with boric acid, in which tissue specimens are immersed prior to freezing and section-cutting. F. Machine, an apparatus for producing intense cold by the eva^ioration of condensed gases. F. Mi- crotome, a microtome attached to a con- trivance for freezing artificially the tissue to be sectioni/ed. Used with very st)ft tissues. F. Mixture, a mixture of salts which in undergoing solution absorb heat. Frem'itus (I^t., a murmur). A tremor caused by the sympathetic vibration of the body in consonance with some other vibrating body. Also a murmuring. Fri'able {frio, to rub). Easily broken or ci"umbled. Fri'ar's BaFsam. See Benzoin. Fric'tion {frico, to rub). The act of rub- bing. Tlie process, in medicine, called shampooing. Also the inunction of a medicinal substance by rubbing. F. Sound, the sound observed in ausculta- tion, caused l)y the rubbing of adjacent parts. Fried'reich's Disease. Hereditary Ataxia, or Hereditary Ataxic I'aiaplegia ; depending on combined posterior and lat- eral sclerosis of the cord, differing from tabes and ataxic paraplegia in the early age, hereditaiy nature and some other s\mptoms. Frigorif'ic [fngus, cold, facto, to make). That which i>roduces extreme cold. Fringe-tree. The bark of the root of Chioiiitiitliiis I'irginica. A mild diuretic, ajierient and reputed alterative. Dose of (Id. ext. 3;.ss-j. Unof. Fro'mann's Lines. Silver nitrate stain- ings of the axis-cylinders of nerves at their niHJeS. Fronf'al {from.'). Pertaining to the an teriori)art or aspect of an organ or body. F. Bone, the anterior l)one of the skull and suiH-rior of the face. F. Sinuses, tiie cavities, one over each orbit, ol the frontal liorie. Fronto- {/rons). A prefix denoting an- terior jxjsilion. FROST-BITE 166 FURUNCULUS Frost-bite. Injury to the skin or a part from extreme cold, resulting in inliamma- tion and gangrene. Frost-wort. See Helianthemum. Fructifica''tion [^fructus, fruit, facto, to make). The fonnation and development of the seed or fi-uit of a plant. Applied also to animal reproduction. Frugiv^orous [/ru.v, fruit, voro, to de- vour). Fmit-eating. Friihlingskatarrh. See Vernal Conjunc- tivitis. Fruit iyfructiis). The developed ovary of a plant, and especially the succulent, fleshy parts gathered about the same. Also ap- plied to the offspring of animals. F. Sugar. See Sugar. Fuch^sin. Rosei'n, Magenta, Eosin, Ani- line Red. The hydrochloride of rosanilin, a lustrous, green, crystalline salt imparting an intense red to solutions. In large doses produces violent emesis and purging. In- jected into a vein causes staggering and trembling. Very efficient in reducing al- buminuria. Dose gr. j^-iv. Fu'cus Vesiculo^sus. Bladder-wrack, Sea-wrack. A marine alga abundant on the seashore. Alterative and tonic. Em- ployed in goitre and glandular enlarge- ments, but mainly as an empiric remedy for the absoiption of fatty tissue in obesity. An extract for such purpose is sold under the name of anti-fat. Unof. FuFminate ( fulinen, lightning). A com- pound of fulminic acid with a base, usually silver, gold or mercury ; characterized by highly explosive qualities. Fumiga^tion [fumigo, to smoke). Disin- fection by exposure to the fumes of a vapor- ized disinfectant. Func^tion {fungor, to perform). The nor- mal or special action of a tissue, organ or part of the body. Func'tional [jfungor'). Pertaining to the special action of an organ, whether physio- logical or pathological. Fund^ament [fitndo, to be at the bottom). The foundation or base of a thing. Also the anus. Fund'us [fundus, the bottom). The base of an organ. F. Glands, microscopic tul^ular glands of the cardiac portion of the gastric mucous membrane. F. Oculi, the posterior and interior portion of the eye seen by the ophthalmoscope, comprising chiefly the retina, papilla, retinal vessels, etc. Fun'giform (//w^^^, a mu.shroom). Hav- ing the fonn of a mushroom. F. Papil- lae, elevations over the middle and front part of the tongue. Fun'gus [fungus). An order of plants without stems, leaves or roots, consisting of juxtaposed cells, without chlorophyl. They reproduce by spores. The chief classes are the Hyinenomycctes, Basidiouty- cetes, AscoiiiyceicSj and Ooinycetes. F. of the Dura Mater, a tumor of the skull, of malignant nature, originating in the layers of osteal cells. F. of Brain, hernia cerebri, F. Haematodes, a bleeding tumor. Fun'gus Foot. Madura Foot, Myceto- ma, Ulcus Grave. An endemic disease of India affecting the foot or the hand, accompanied by mammillaled pustules, in each of which is a deep-seated sinus. It is now thought that the presence of fungoid growths is an incidental feature and not a cause. Fu^nic [funis, a rope). Pertaining to the funiculus. Funic^ulus (dim. of funis). The sper- matic or the umbilical cord. Fu^nis. See Umiuiicus. Fun''nel (Old Fr. fond). A wide-mouthed, conical vessel ending in a tube, designed for the speedy and safe transportation of liquids from one vessel to another. Also used as a .support for paper filters. Furfura'ceous [furfur, bran). Resem- bling bran. Applied also to dandriff-covered skin. Fu^'ror Uteri-'nus. See Nymphomania. Furred (Old Fr. forre, a sheath). A coating of granular or epithelial scales and other matter upon the tongue. Fur^rowr (Sax. furh). A groove or trench. F., Genital, . a groove in the Wolffian body, appearing about the sixth week of pregnancy. Furun'culous [furunculus,2,hd\\). Per- taining to the continuous production of furuncles. Furun^culus (I,at.). A boil. A local inflammatory affection, commonly invest- ing a skm-gland or hair-follicle, ending in necrosis and central suppuration of adjacent parts. It begins with a painful induration, followed by a swelling, that finally sujjpurates and sloughs the " core." F. Orientalis. Oriental Boil, Aleppo Boil, Delhi Boil, Biscara Button, Gafsa Button, Kandahar Sore, Pendjeh Sore, Natal Sore. A local disease, marked by the successive formation of papule, tubercle, scab, and sharjDly circumscribed ulcer, on the face, especially the cheeks and angle of the FUSEL OIL 167 GALL mouth. Common along Uie shores of the Mediterranean Sea. Fu'sel Oil. .See ALohol. Fusible (/usus, melted). That which can l>e easily fused or melted. Fu'siform [J'ttsus, a spindle). Spindle- shaped. Fu'sion {/it>i(/<>, to ix)ur out). The process of lii|utf\ ing a solid by the agency of heat. Fustiga'tion {//is//i;ii, to heat). Fhigella- tion. F., Electric, an ai^plication of elec- tricity in which the .surface of the hotly is rapidly tapped with the electrodes of an induced current. G. Abbreviation of ^^raww/£\ Gal. Abbreviation of gallon. Gr. Abbreviation of grain. Gtt. Abbreviation of gn/la or g7if((r. Gad-fly {god, a goad). A dipterous insect belonging to the genus Tabamis, .Mso, ap- plied to riies of the genus CEstris. Gad'inine (from GaJits callarias, had- dock). .\ ptomaine obtained from decom- ix»sing hatldock, — also from cultures of the Ixicteria of iiuman f.eces. It acts as a de- cided poison when given in large doses. Gad'uin {gmlus, the codfish). A fatty principle occurring in cod-liver oil. Gaert'ner, Ducts of. Remains of the Wolttian liodies jjersisting in certain ani- mals. Gaf'sa Button. See I'unininlm Orien- talii. Gag (Mid. Eng. gaggm, to suffocate). An instrument placed between the teeth to prevent the closing of the jaws. GalaCtagogue ( } «/.«, milk, a) n, to bring). An .-igi Ml that increases the secretion of milk ill tlie Ireast. GalaC'tia [y>eases, according to (IcxkI's Nosology, eml tracing defective or abnormal secretion of milk. Galac'tocele {yn?Ji, Krp.r/, tumor). A cystic tumor of the female breast owing to the closure of the milk duct. Galactom'eter. See I.artonteter. Galactoph''agus {^ya'/xi, uyu, to eat). Milk-caling. Galactoph'orous {yn?M, tpopro, to lx?ar). Milk-licaring. G. Ducts, the excretory ducts of tli(- mammif. Galactoph'orus. An artificial nipple placed over the natural organ in order to facilitate suckling and also to protect the natural ni]iple when abraded. Galacto-phthi'sis {ya?ia, pu- hir remi'dy in strumous allections. I Jose .f tl le JUICC i, v. Unof Gall ( \'t>ii, bile). The liile. The jnicc normally secreted by the liver. G. Blad- GALLA 168 GASKELL'S CLAMP der, the pear-shaped sac in the right lobe of the Uver, constituting the reservoir for the bile. G. Stones, the calcareous con- cretions occasionally formed in the gall- bladder and its ducts. GaKla (Lat.). Nut-gall. An excrescence on the leaves of dyer's oak, Quenus lusi- tanica, caused by the deposited ova of an insect. Contains tannic acid from 10-75 per cent., gaUic acid 5 per cent. G., Tinct., 20 per cent. Dose ^ss-iij. G. Unguentuna, 10 per cent. See Add, Tannic. Gal'lic {galla, an oak-gall). Pertaining to the oak-gall or nut-gall. G. Acid. See Acid, Gallic. Gallon. A standard unit of volumetric measurement, having in the United States a capacity of 231 cu. in., and equivalent to a weight of 58,328.8 grains of distilled water at maximum density. In Great Britain its capacity is 277.27 cu. in. Gallon's Whistle. An instrument for testing the power of hearing shrill notes. Galvan''ic {Galvani, an Italian physician and scientist). Pertaining to galvanic or chemical electricity. G. Battery. See Battery. G. Belt, a belt composed of alternate plates of copper and zinc sepa- rated by pieces of felt moistened with dilute acid. Designed to be worn around the waist. G. Cautery. See Cautery. Galvaniza'tion. The transmission of a current of low electro-motive force through any part of the body, for the purpose of diagnosticating or curing disease. Galvan''o- i^Galvani). A prefix denoting connection with chemical or current-elec- tricity. G. -cautery. See Cautery. G.- puncture, the introduction of fine needles, that complete an electric circuit, into the skin or other tissue. Also a form of galvano-cautery employing a current of the necessary electro-motive force to heat the needle to whiteness. Galvanom''eter [fieTpov,a measure). An instrument used for the qualitative deter- mination of the presence of an electric current. Gamboge''. See Cainbogia. Gang^liform {^ganglion and fonna, a form). Formed like, or having the nature of, a ganglion. Gang^lion (ya}7/l. Maxillary and Inf. Maxi lary. Jugular (or Supe- rior). Jugular Foramen. Hypoglossal. Continuation of Hypoglossal. Lenticular. See Ophthalmic. Meckel. See Spheno-Pala- tine Ophthalmic. Back of Orbit. Ophthalmic of the Fifth, Third, Sympathetic. Short Ciliary. Otic {Arnold). Foramen Ovale. Inf. Maxill.-\iy,Int. Ptery- goiti, Auriculo-Tempo- ral, Sympathetic, Glosso-Pharyngeal, Fa- cial. Tensor Tympani, Tensor Pa- lati, Chorda Tympani. Ribes. Ant. Communicat- ing Artery. Cords of Sympathetic. Cords of Sympathetic. Semilunar. See Gasserian. 5emilunar-3. Front of Crura of Diaphragm. Solar Plexus. Solar Plexus. Spheno-Palatine. Spheno- maxillary Fossa. Su|). Maxillary, Facial, Sympathetic. Ascending (Orbit\ Pcscciiiiing (I'alalc), Internal iNosi), Pos- terior (Pharynx). Submaxillary. Above Sub -maxil- lary Oland. Gustatory, Cliorda Tym- paiii, Syinpalhi-tic. Mouth and S u b in a x i 1 1 a r y Gland. Supra-renal. j 'unction of Great Splanchnic. Solar Plexus. Su]>ra-rcnal Capsule, Thyroid. ! 5ee Cervical (Mid- dle). \WJ GASP 170 GAULTHERIA tions of the am-icles and ventricles may be separately registered ; used in the study of cardiac pulsation. Gasp (Ice. gaispa, to yawn). To catch for breath. To breathe spasmodically with open mouth. Gasse^rian. See Ganglion. Gas''tero- (7a(Tr;?p, the belly). See Gastro. Gas'tral {yaariip). Pertaining to the stomach or abdomen. GastraFgia [yaarjjp, aXyo^, pain). Pain of the stomach. A mild form is sometimes called gastrodytiia. Gastrec^tomy {jasuk'S of gelatine designed for containing medicines of nauseating taste. G., Medi- cated, a soft basis consisting of gelatine 3, zinc oxide 3, glycerine 5, water 9 parts, to which antiseptic or other medicaments may be added. IVeferable to greasy oint- ments. All unof. G. Culture-medium, a jelly made by a solution of the best com- mercial food gelatine in the proportion of 6, 8 or 10 parts to loo of water, with i or 2 parts of dried peptones or glucose (the latter not u-^ed if the culture is to be made on slides), for increased nutritive value. Bicarl)onate of soda is used to neutralize the acid reaction. This in bacteriology is simply known as Gelatine. Gelat'inous. Resembling, or having the nature of gelatine. G. Tissue. See Animal Tissue. Gel'Dse. A culture-medium used in bac- teriological investigation. Gelatine lique- fies at 23° or 24° C., and is thus inferior to gelose, for those cultures that retjuire a higher degree of heat for their proper devel- opment. The base of gelose is a vegetable mucilage, derived from an Indian sea- weed, Gelidiuni spiniformc, of which a jelly is made, 2 to 3 parts (to 100) of dried I>eptones added; lo to 15 parts of this sul)stance to 50 parts of water, with I to 5 of glycerine, forms the nutritive jelly called gelose. Gel'osine. A mucilage extracted from a species of alga found in Japan. Soluble in water and alcohol. An excellent ex- cipient for jxjwders, tinctures and salts. Unof Gelsem''ium. ^'ellow Jasmine. The root of G. senipen'irens,'!i\)\iw\M\\. in the .south- em U. S. Pro[)erties mainly due to an alkaloid, ^^/t^*////';/', a jx)werful motor de- pressant, antispasmodic and ,'-<'w/;///.f, twin). Double. In pairs. G. Muscle, the gas- trocnemius muscle, on account of its double origin. See Miiscle. Gem'inate {^geviinus). In pairs. In l>otany, i)arts that are disposed in pairs. Gem'inous. Simic as Ge/ninate. Gemma'tion. See Budding. Gen'erate [genero, to beget). To beget, to produce of the same kind. Genera'tion (^'fwt'rf?//*', a begetting). The begetting or production of otispring. G., Organs of, those that are functional in reproduction; the genitalia. G., Spon- taneous, the supposed production of or- ganic matter or beings, from inorganic matter. G., Alternations of. See Altcr- iitj/ions of G. Gener''ic {^gettus, a kind). Pertaining to the same genus. Gene''siai {yeveaiq, origin). Pertaining to generation. G. Cycle, the periods of ovarian, uterine, and mammary activity, into which the reproductive life of the female is divided; the first extending from puberty to conception, the second from conception to gestation, and the third from gestation through lactation. Gen^'esis ()ere(T/f). The act of begetting. Generation. Genefic (^eveaiq, generation). Pertaining to generation. Also, anything inherited. Genic'ulate Bodies. Two oblong, flat- tened bodii-s on the outer side of the coqiora nuadrigemina and under the back part of the optic thalamus. Gen'io- (yeviiov, the chin). A prefix denot- ing connection with the chin. Gen'ital {genitalis, pertaining to genera- tion). Pertaining lo the organs of genera- tion or to reproduction. G. Cord, tlie union of the two ducts of Wolfl and of Miiller to form a common cord in the emi'iyo. G. Eminence, or Tubercle, an eitvation appearing about the 6tli wei-k of embryonic life, in front of tlie cloaca, and from which the ]>enis or clitoris is developed. G. Fissure, a fuirow extend- ing from the genital eminence of the embryo to the cloaca. G. Folds, two plications at the side of the orifice of the cl< aca. G. Sense, the degree of vigorous- ness of the development of ovisacs. Gcnita'lia {^^enitiilis). The organs of generation. GENITO- 172 GIACOMINI'S METHOD Gen''ito- {^genitus, begotten, from gigno, to be born). A prefix denoting connection or relation to the genital organs. Gen^tian, or Gentia'na. The root of G. lutea, a European, and of G. catesbai, an American species. A simple, non-astrin- gent bitter. Highly esteemed as a sto- machic tonic in convalescence from acute diseases and malarial fever. G., Ext. Dose gr. j-v. G., Ext. Fid. Dose ^ss-j. G., Infusum Comp., unof., gentian lo, bitter orange peel 2^, coriander 2^, alcohol 40, water to make 320. Dose 3J-5J. G., Mist. Alkalin., unof, dil. hydrocyanic acid tT\^iij, sodium bicarb, gr. xv, infus. of gentian comp. to make ^j. Dose 5J. G. et Sennae Mist., unof., infus. of senna ^^^iij, comp. tinct. cai'damom ^j, comp. infus. of gentian ^vj. Dose ^x. G., Tinct. Comp., contains gentian 8, bitter orange peel 4, cardamom 2, dil. alcohol to make 100. Dose ^ss-ij. Gen^u (^f'/n^, the knee). Pertaining to the knee. G. Extrorsum, outward bowing of the knee, — bow-legs. G. Valgum, in- ward curving of the knee, — knock-knees. G. Varum. Same as G. Extrorsum. Gen''uclast {^genu, tOiau, to break). An instriiment for breaking irreducible adhe- sions of the knee-joint. Gen^u Cor''pus Callo'si. A name given to the reflected part of the corpus cal- losum. Genuflex'' {^genu, flexus, bent). Bent at, or like, the knee. Also, bent at any joint. Ge'nus [genus, a family). A species or a number of species marked by one or more common characteristics that distinguish them from the species of another family. Genyplast^y [yevvg, the cheek, n-^aaau, to form). The operation for reforming or restoring the cheek imperfect either from injury or from congenital malformation. Geog^raphy (77/, the earth, jpa^u, to write). In medicine, a description of the earth's surface with reference to climatology, and the distribution of disease, with relation to origin and locality. GeoFogy [jt], 7Myoq, a treatise). The sci- ence treating of the structural development of the earth. Geom''etry [yrj, /lerpov, sl measure). That branch of mathematical science treating of the relations of magnitudes. Geoph''agism [jt/, tpayu, to eat). The practice of earth- or clay-eating, practiced in a few localities. Gera''nium. Cranesbill-root. The root of G, maculatum. Properties due to tan- nic and gallic acids. Useful in diarrhoea, infant colic, etc. G., Ext. Fid. Dose GeratoFogy (yrjpag, old age, Tioyoc, a treat- ise). A treatise concerning old age. Ger^Iach's Network. An exceedingly delicate fibrous network of the finest nerve fibrils in the gray matter of the cord. Ger^lach's Theory. Pertains to the con- nection of the nerve-fibers and ganglionic cells of the cord. Gardner's Disease. An affection (of farm- hands) characterized by sudden paroxysms of ptosis, vertigo, muscular paresis, and cervico-occipital pain. Germ [gerz/wn, a sprout). The ovum, spore, or zoospore that, by fecundation, is capable of developing into an organism like that whence it was derived. G. of Disease, the special virus or spore by which a disease becomes communicable. G. of Sac, the vesicle constituting the blastoderm of mammals. G., Specific, same as Germ. G. Theory of Disease, the theory that contagious and infectious diseases are communicated by means of the transference to and development of a spe- cific seed or spore within the organism of the animal infected. German Breast Tea. A decoction of althaea, ea. Gig'gcr. See Piihw. Gimbernat's Ligament. See Lii^ameni. Gin. See Spiritus ; a.\>o,Juni/'t:rus. Gin'ger. See Zingiber. Gingi'va (Lat.). Ihe vascular tissue sur- rounding the necks of the teeth and covering the alveoli. In the plural it is popularly known as the gums. Gingi'va! [gingiva). Pertaining to the gums. G. Line, the blue or purplish line along the gums where they meet the teeth, indicative of chronic lead-poi- soning. Gingivi'tis {gingiva). Inflammation of the gums. Gin'glymoid()7)7/'.i^,uof,ahinge). Resem- tiling a liinge-joint. Gin'glymus. See Diar't/trosis. Gin'seng. The fleshy root of several spe- cies of J'anax. An aromatic bitter with tonic projXTties. Unof. Giral'des, Organ of. The vasa aberrantia of the Wolfilan Bodies. Gir'dle (Sax. gyrJcl, a waistband). Any band designed to go around the Ixxiy. G., Pelvic, the l>ones (or cartilages) form- ing the supix)rt for the lower limbs of vertelirates. In mammals they consist of the ilium, ischium and os puliis. G. Sen- sation, ux Pain, a sensation as thoiigli a band liad been tied around the ])elvis, or one of the limlis. A .symptom of atlections of the spinal conl. Giz'zard (Old Kr. Gisier). The strong muscular stomach of l)irds. Glabella (dim. of ;7(//v/-, smclweeii tlie eyeiirows. Gla'brous (glaher). .SukhjiIi. In Ixitany, de.stitutc of hairs or down. Gla'cial (x'/ac/Vj, ice). Icy Rcscml'ling ice in a[)|x;arancc. Glacia'tion [g/aciis). Assuming a condi- tion like that of ice. Also producing ero- sive elTects like those of moving ice. Gladi'olin. A certain alkaloid occurring in brain tissue. Gladio'lus ^^dim. of gladius, a sword). The middle or second piece of the sternum. Glair'ine. See Banginc-. Glai'ry [glair, the white of egg). Slimy. .\lso, alliuminous. Gland [g/ans, an acorn). A name given to various small racemose or ovoid organs of the i)ody, both secretive and excretive in function, withdrawing from the blood material for other puqKases, or that is injurious or of no use to the economy. In structure they may be sini])le, saccular or tubular. Also, the bullions end of the penis and clitoris. G., Arytenoid, the small muciparous glands in front of the arytenoid cartilage. G. of Bartholini, two small glands, one on each side of the vagina, opening through ducts on the iiuier surface of the nymphce. Also, the .sublingual glands. G., Bowman's, tubular glands of the olfactoiy region. G., Brunner's, the granular l)Oilies occurring in the duo- denum. G., Buccal, the glands between the buccinator muscle (of the cheek) and the adjacent mucous membrane. G., Cervical, the lymphatic glands of the neck, also called ceifica/ gang/ion. G., Ceruminous, the glands that secrete the wax of the ear. G., Coccygeal, a gland at the tip of the coccyx. G., Cow- per's, two small glands anterior to the prostate gland. G., Duodenal. See (7., Brunner's. G., Ebner's, serous glands of the tongue. G., Epiglottic, the mu- ciparous glands about tiie epiglottis. G., Gastric, the glands of the stomach — tuliu- lar and peptic. G., Haversian, the fatty bodies lying iichind the synovial fringes of most joints. G., Iliac, the glands, six or eight in number, lying on both sides of the iliac vessels, that re- ceive certain lymj)hatics and the ellerent vessels of tiie inguinal glands. G., La- bial, the racemose glands near the edges ofthelii)s. G., Lachrymal. See /,(/,/// r- tnal Glands. G., Laryngeal, the nuui- parous glands scattered about the region of the larynx G., Lieberkiihn's, the columnar gbmds di.striiiuled over the nmcous membrane of the inlistiiies. G., Lingual. See S.ilnuiry C'linds. G. of Littri, the gl inds in the subnmeous ti.ssue of the uretiira. G. of Luschka. See Ccitygeal Gland. G., Mammary, GLANDERS 174 GLIOMA the milk-secreting glands in the breasts of the female. G., Meibomian, the minute follicles between the cartilage and conjunc- tiva of the eyelids. G., Molar, the glands between the masseter and bucin- nator muscles of the cheek. G., Moll's, sweat glands opening into the hair-follicles of the eyelashes. G. of Naboth, the small glandular bodies within the mouth of the uterus. G., Nuhn's, mixed glands near the tip of the tongue. G., Odoriferae, the glands behind the cervix of the penis, ex- creting the smegma. G., CEsophageal, the glands in the submucous tissue of the oesophagus. G., Pacchionian, the so- called granulations clustered about the outer ■ surface of the dura mater, pia matar, and certain sinuses of the brain. G., Palatine, the small glands forming a continuous layer near the surface of the hard palate and about the soft palate. G., Parotid. See Salivary Glands. G., Peptic, the glands situated all over the mucous coat of the stomach secreting the gastric juice. G., Payer's, the clustered glands near the lower end of the ileum. G., Pharyngeal, the racemose glands of the pharynx. G., Pineal. See Pineal Gland. G., Pitui- tary. See Pituitary Body. G., Pros- tate. See Prostate Gland. G., Salivary. See Salivary Glands. G., Sebaceous, the minute saccular glands in the corium of the skin, that secrete the sebum. G., Solitary, the glands scattered through the mucous membrane of the smaller intes- tine. G., Sublingual. See Salivary Glands. G., Submaxillary. See Sali- vary Glands. G., Sudoriferous, the glands of the skin that secrete sweat. G., Suprarenal, the suprarenal capsules. See Capsule. G., Thymus, a temporary organ lying mainly in the neck, attaining its full growth at two years and practically disap- pearing at puberty. G., Thyroid, a lobu- lated gland in the upper part of the trachea. G., Tracheal, the minute ovoid glands abundant in the posterior part of the trachea. G. of Tyson. See G. Odorifercr. G., Uterine, the tubular follicles distributed throughout the mucous membrane of the uterus. G., Vulvo-vaginal, the gland of Bartholini. G., Weber's, mucous glands near the root of tongue. Gland^ers. See Eqidnia. Glans Pe^nis. The conical shaped body forming the head of the penis. Glass (Sax. gltzs). A brittle, hard, and transparent substance consisting usually of the fused, amorphous silicates of potassium and calcium, or sodium and calcium, with an excess of silica. When glass of a high refractive index is required, lead silicate is also added. G. -blowers' Disease, a term formerly used to designate any infec- tious disease of the lips, especially syplii- litic eruptions. Also, applied to pulmo- nary emphysema. G., Crown, a very hard glass, made from sodium sulphate and lime. Has a low refractive index but considerable chromatic dispersion. Used in lenses of optical instruments. G., Flint, composed of lead and potassium silicates. Has a very high refractive index. Used in lenses of optical instruments. G., Solu- ble, potassium or sodium silicate. Glas^ses. A synonym of spectacles or optical lenses. Glau^ber's Salt. See Sodium. Glauco^ma (jMlvko^, sea-green). A dis- ease of the eye whose essential and char- acteristic symptom is an abnormally height- ened intraocular tension, resulting in hard- ness of the globe, excavation of the pa- pilla or optic nerve, a restriction of the field of vision, corneal ansesthesia, colored halo about lights, and lessening of visual power that may, if unchecked, proceed to blindness. The etiology is obscure. G. Ab- solutum, or Consummatum, the com- pleted glaucomatous process, with blind- ness. G. Acutum, the first or the re- newed attack, with the characteristic and inflammatory symptoms, generally intermit- ting after a few days. G. Fulminans, an acute attack coming on with great sud- denness and violence. G. Hsemorrha- gicum, that associated with retinal haemor- rhage. G., Secondary, that consequent to other ocular diseases. G., Simplex, without inflammatory symptoms. Gleet (Sax. glidan, to slip down). The chronic stage of gonoiThoea with muco- puiiilent discharge. Glen-'oid {yh/v?/, a cavity. A name given to any part or organ having a shallow cavity. Gli^a Cells. See Deitcr's Cells. Gli'adin. See Gluten. Glio^'ma {ylia, glue). A name given by Virchow to a variety of round-celled sar- coma, consisting of a tumor of neuroglia cells, occurring in the central mass of the brain, or of the spinal cord. G. of the Retina (" encephaloid of the retina "), a glioma .springing from the connective tissue of the retina, usually occurring in the young, and involving the choroid, optic nerve, and extending finally into the brain. G., GLIOMATOSIS 175 GLUCOSINE Pseudo-, of the Retina, metastatic puru- lent choroiditis, simulating the appearance of retinal glioma. Gliomato'sis. Exul)erant masses of glio- ma-like tissue in S)Tingo-myelia. Gliomyxo'ma. A term applied to tumors having the character both of glioma and viyx'»ia. Gliosarco'ma. Such tumors as have both the neuroglia cells of glioma and the fusi- form cells of sarcoma. Glis'son. See Capsule. Globe of the Eye. The eyeball. Glo'bin (x'^o/'ies, a globe). A native pro- teid of the globulin class, one of the products of the decomposition of hamo- glol'in. Glob'ular (dim. of ^^M'us). Having the shape of a glol>e or sphere. Glob'ule [dim. of j^'/o/'us). A small globe. In biology, any minute spherical structure. In phannacy, a small pill or pellet. Glob'ules of Donne. See Blood-PIntes. Glob'ulin. One of the native proteids of the general class called glolmlins ; it is obtained from the crystalline lens. Glob'ulins. A class of native proteids comprising (jlobulin, Vitellin, Para-, or Serum-globulin, Filirinogen, Myosin and Globin. They are ins<.iluble in distilled water, but solul'le in dilute neutral saline solutions. These solutions are coagulated by heat, and precipitated by a large amount of water. They yield acid-albumin when acted upon by dilute acids, and alkali-all 'U- min by dilute alkalies. Vegetable Glob- ulins have l)een studied, and named 7lack Tongue. A dark discoloration of the tongue, due to accumulations of .si>ores, dead epithelium and accidental impurities. Glossople'gia [y/.cjaaa, rrAT/yTi, a stroke). Paralysis of the tongue. Glossot^omy [^/.(jaaa, refivu, to cut). The dissection of the tongue. Also, the excision of the tongue. Glos^sy Skin. See Alrophodervia. Glot^tis (;/w77«, the tongue). The ritna glottidis. The opening between the ary- tenoid cartilages, or the interv^al betwein the vocal chords. Over it is the e])iglottis, a thin lamella of cartilage covering the lary-nx during deglutition. GIu''cose (; T^vKvq, sweet). Dextrose, Levu- lose, Grape Sugar, Starch Sugar. A sub- stance obtained from starch by the action of the natural ferment diastase, and by the catalytic action of mineral acids on starch. Less soluble, and therefore less sweet than cane sugar, but equally nutritious. Much used as an adultiTant of cane sugar. Dextrose differs from levulose in its beha- vior to the ix)larized ray that is turned by the former to the right, and by the latter to the left. Glu'coside {glucose, eifioq, like). A name given to a series of com|>ounds that may be resolved by the presence of acids into glucose and another ])rinciple. Glu'cosine. N'arious i)toiiiainc-bascs ob- tained by the action of ammonia on glu- cose. One of these, tn'lin^A*^ =^ ^)' corresjxmds in fornuila and gmeral prop- erties to a remarkable unnamed I ase fonned during the alcoholic fermenlatiun of sugar or, — Morin's baj«, C",H,„N.^: — a colorless, strongly refract- ing, very mobile oil, with a nau.senus, pyritline like odor. It prtKluces sluixir, GLUE 176 GOITRE paralysis, diminution of sensibility, dilata- tion of pupils, lowering of pulse and temperature, coma, and death. Alkaloidal bases have also been found in petroleum, paraffine-oil, chloroform, benzole, ether, amyl alcohol, and in most solvents in com- mon use. Glue. An impure gelatine obtained from the hides and hoofs of animals. Glute^al [yXovTog, the buttock). Pertain- ing to the gluteal muscles or to the but- tocks. G. Artery. See Ariery. G. Nerve. See Nei-ve. G. Reflex, a con- traction of the gluteal muscles when the skin over the buttock is stimulated. Glu''ten ly gluten, glue). A substance re- sembling albumin, with which it is proba- bly identical. Occurs abundantly in the seed of cereals in the form of cubical cells surrounding the starchy fecula of the seed. It consists mainly of gluten-fibrin, gluten- casein, gliadin and mucedin. Glyc'erine [^'\vkv<;'). Propenyl hydrate. A viscous, syrupy, colorless substance de- rived from certain fats — mainly palm oil — by decomposing them with superheated steam. Pure glycerine is an emollient; the impure article an irritant to the skin. Glyc'erine Cu''pric Test (for sugar). To an inch of potassium hydrate in a test- tube add a few droj)s of copper sulphate and a few of glycerine. Boil and add suspected urine by small amounts up to less than one inch in the tube. Sugar will throw out the cuprous oxide, red or yellow. Gly'cerite, or Glyceri^tum. A glycerite, or mixture of medicinal substances with glycerine. There are two official glycerites. Gly'cin. Called, also, glycocoll, amido- acetic acid, or gelatin sugar; derived from gelatin. GlycochoFic Acid (j'kvK.vq, x^'^^Vt bile). An acid found in the bile. Gly^cocol. See Glycin. Gly^cogen {y7\.vKvq, jEvvau, to produce). A white amorphous powder, tasteless and odorless, forming an opalescent solu- tion with water, insoluble in alcohol. Com- monly known as animal starch. Occurs in the blood and the liver, by which it is elaborated. Changed by diastasic ferments into glucose. Gly^conin. See Vitellus. Glycosu^ria (^yTMKvq, ovpov, the urine). The existence of grape sugar in the urine. See Diabetes. G., Tests for. See Boctt- cher's, Fehling's, Glycerine, Cupric, In- digo-carmine, Favfs, Picrosacchari- ?netcr, Phenyl-hydrazin, Roberts' Differ- ential Density, Saccharonieter, TnmiDiers. Glycyrrhi^za. Liquorice Root. The root of G. glabra. A demulcent and mild lax- ative, of sweet taste. In combination with other medicaments, an excellent expector- ant. Much used as an excipient in pills, troches, etc. G., Ext., the liquorice of commerce, occurring in black rolls. G., Ext. Purum, made with aq. ammonia and water by percolation and evaporation. G., Fid. Ext., prepared with water and alcohol. G., Mist. Comp., Brown mix- ture, pure extract, sugar, acacia, aa 3 parts, tinct. opium camph. 12, vin. antimony 6, spt. nitrous ether 3, water 70. Dose 3 j- 5 ss. G. et. Opii Trochisci, have each G. ext. gr. ij, ext. of opium gr. ■^■^, acacia, sugar, oil of anise q. s. Dose j-ij. G. Ammo- niatum, the sweet principle of the root made soluble by ammonia. Dose gr. v-xv. Gme''lin-Heintz Reaction. A test for bile-pigments in urine. Nitric acid con- taining some nitrous acid is added to the liquid, and if bile-pigments be present, a play of colors follows, beginning with green and passing through blue, violet, red to yellow. Gme^lin's Test. See Gnielin-Heintz Re- action. Gnat (Sax. gmct). A dipterous insect, the Cnlex pipiens, differing but slightly from the common mosquito, with which it is popularly included. The " bite " consists in a piercing of the skin and the with- drawal of a minute quantity of lilood. It has no sting nor poison glands. Gna'thic [yvaHoc;, the cheek bone). Per- taining to the cheek or the upper jaw. Goad^by's Solution. A solution of salt and corrosive sublimate in water, for pre- serving meat against putrefaction. ■ Gob'let Cells. Chalice-like cells lying between the epithelial cells of the intestinal villi. Gog^gles (E. goggle, to roll the eyes). Spectacles with colored lenses and wire or cloth sides, to protect the eyes from ex- cessive light, dust, etc. Goi^tre [gut/ur, throat). Enlargement, particularly if hjrpertrophic, of the thy- roid gland. Called, also, Bronchocele and Tracheocele. It generally accompanies cretinism. G., Exophthalmic, a disease characterized by one or more of three symptoms — cardiac palpitation, goitre and exophthalmos. GOKRHU 177 GRACILLIS Gok'rhu. The fruit of Pcdalium nturex, found in East Indies. Much used by the natives in enuresis and spemiatorrhoea. Used in infusion of 3J to Dj of boihng water. Dose mi lib. L'nof. Gold. See Aurum. Golden Rod. The leaves of Solidago odcra. Aromatic stimulant and carmina- tive. A volatile oil distilled from the |>iant is used in llatiilence. Dose of the Hd. ext. 5J-ij ; of the oil n\^ij-x. Unof. Golden Seal. See Hydrastis. Gold'-thread. See Cof-tis. Goltz's Balancing Experiment. Ani- mals lose their jxjwcr of e(|uilil)riuni witli removal of the midbrain or corjx)ra quad- rigemina. Goltz's Croaking Experiment. A pithed male frog croaks when the skin of its back or tlanks is stroked. Goltz's Embrace Experiment. During the breeding season the body of the male frog between the skull and fourth vertebra embraces even.- rigid object with which it is brought into contact. Goltz's Statical Theory. Every position of the head causes the endolymph of the semicircular canals to exert the greatest jiressure upon some part of the same, thus in varj-ing degree exciting the nerve-termi- nations of the ampulkv. Gompho'sis. See Synitrthrosis. Gona'gra (yoi'v, the knee, ay()a, a seizure). Gout of the knee or knee-joint. Gonarthri''tis {yovv, apHpov, a joint). In- Hammatinn of the knee-joint. Gonarthroc'ace (;"Jt, aptlpov, kuktj, evil). A cancerous or ulcerated afiection of the knee-joint, popularly known as white swel- ling. Gonarthrof'omy (yorv, affipov, a jfiiit, TtfjiD, to cut). Incision into the knee- joint. Gonecysf'ic {yn'j], semen, Kvarc^, a blad- • Icr). Pertaining to the veiicidcB scniiiialcs. Gonepoiet''ic {yovri, iroieu^ to produce). I'crt.iining to the secretion of semen. Gonococ'cus {yot>r/, kokko^, a kernel). A micTol>e thought to be the specific cause of gonorrh'ira.. See (Jonurrliaa. Gon'ion. See Skull. Gonorrhcc'a ( yr;/, /\^n Niiixiintini. An expectorant. Use- ful in obstinate coughs. Dose of fld. ext. TTLv-xv. Unof. Green. A simple color of the spectrum. G. Dragon. The corm of Amni dra- r,'nfiii>n. Kxj>ectorant and diaphoretic. Dose of fld. ext. ny-x. Unof. G. Osier, the hark of Contiis circinata. -An astringent tonic and febrifuge. Dose of fld. ext. n\^ x.\-3J. Unof. G. Sickness. See Chlorosis. Gregarin'idae {grex, a herd). A of jjarasitic protozoa, of extremely simple na- ture. Griffe. See Mulatto. Griffith's Mixture. See Ferriim. Griffith's Pills. See Ferrum. Grinde'lia. The leaves and flowering top of G. roluista, found in California. An antispasmodic and motor depressant, in large doses producing mydriasis. \'alu- able in asthma, bronchitis and whooping- cough. Dose of the fld. ext. ITLx-^j. G. Squarrosa, common ague weed. An herb popular in the western U. S. as a remedy for ague and malarial diseases. 1 lis proved serviceable in chronic rheuma- tism. Dose of the fld. ext. Tt\^xv-xxx. Unof. Grind'ers' Asth'ma. A chronic affection of the lungs resulting from the inspiration of metallic or siliceous dust, accumulating in the lungs, and producing symptoms similar to those of consumption. Called also G. Kot and G. Disease. Grippe. .See Iitjliicnza. Groin. Tlie depression between the belly and the thigh. Groove {\'>..,groof, a channel). A furrow, or channel. G., Dental. See Dental Groove. G., Infraorbital, the furrow at the jxjstcrior of the suiK.'ri of the I'a- cific Ocean, ("onsists essentially of alka- line urates and phosphates. U.->cd exter- nally in certain skin di:>eascs. GUARANA 180 GYRI Guara^na. A dried paste prepared from the seeds of PatilUnia sorbilis, found in Brazil. Contains an alkaloid, guaranine, identical with caffeine. Employed chiefly in nervous sick headache. Commercial preparations not always trustworthy. Dose of the fid. ext. rr^ x-3 ij. Gubernac^ulum Testis (Lat.). The conical-shaped cord attached above the lower end of the epidydimis and governing the descent of the testes in foetal growth. Gubler's Tumor. A prominence over the carpus of the dorsum of the hand in chronic wrist-drop from lead-poisoning. Guillotine. A surgical instniment for excision of the tonsils or growths in the larynx, etc. Guin''ea Worm. A nematode worm of tropical countries, that in the human tis- sues in which it burrows may develop to a length of several feet, producing inflamma- tory ulceration, unless removed. GuFlet. See Oesophagus. Gum. A name loosely applied to con- creted juices of plants. Chemically, a .substance yielding vincic acid when treated with nitric acid. See, also, Gums. Gum Arabic. See Acacia. Gum-boil. Abscess of the jaw. Gum Dammar. The resin of a species of pine, Daminara orien talis, native to the East Indies. An ethereal solution is used by microscopists as a mounting fluid. Gum'ma (Fr. Gomme). Gum-like tumors, resulting from a peculiar caseation of terti- ary syphilitic inflammatory deposit. Gums. See Gingiva. Gun Cotton. See Pyroxylin. Gurgling Sound. The peculiar sound caused by air passing through a li<]uid. It is heard in breathing, when the bronchi or pulmonary cavities contain a fluid sub- stance. Gur''jun BaFsam. Balsamum Diptero- carpus, Wood Oil. An oleo-resin obtained from several species of Diptocarpus, a tree native to Southern Asia. Similar to Copaiba in therapeutic effects. Dose TTLx-^ij, in emulsion. Unof. Gus''tatory (gusto, taste). Pertaining to the special sense of taste and its organs. Gut. A common name for intestine. Gufta (Lat.). A drop. Also, freely used as a minim or sixtieth part of a fluid drachm. G. Nigra, or Black Drop, a dilute acetic acid containing saffron, and flavored with sugar and nutmeg. Unof. G. Rosacea. See Acne. G. Serena, a synonym of Amawosis. Gufta Per''cha. The elastic gum exud- ing from Isonandra gutta, a tree growing in the East Indies ; the best solvents are chloroform, oil of turpentine and carbon disulphide. G. P. Liq., a solution in 91 parts of commercial chloroform with 9 parts lead carbonate. I'or protective appli- cation to slight wounds and eruptions. See, also, Traiimaticinc. Gutta^'tim [gutta). A pharmaceutical term signifying drop by drop. GmVXmt [g2ittur,ihQ throat). The throat with reference to the trachea. Guftural (guttu?-). Pertaining to the throat. Gufturo-tef'any [gicttur, tetany). A form of stuttering in which the pronuncia- tion of such sounds as g, k, q, is difficult. Gymna^sium [yvfivoc, naked). A place designed and fitted with appliances for the systematic exercise of the muscles and other organs of the body. Also, in Ger- many, a high school. Gymnasf'ic [yvfjvog). Pertaining to the science of preserving health by bodily ex- ercise. Gymnas''tics (yvjuvo^). The science of preserving (and formerly of restoring), health by bodily exercise. G., Medical, any physical exercise designed to restore or promote health. G., Ocular, regular muscular exercise of the eye, to overcome muscular insufficiency of the eye. G., Swedish, a system of exercises to restore paretic muscles. Gynaecology [yvvr;, a. woman, Tioyo^). A A treatise on the diseases of woman. Gynaecomast^ia {ywr/, fiaa-og, a breast). A term used to denote the excessive devel- opment of the breasts of a man, either with or without atrophy of the testicles. Gynan^dria {yvvrj, avrjp, a man). The same as Hermaphroditism. Gynatre'sia {yvvri, a, without, Tirpr/jui, to perforate). The obliteration or imperfora- tion of the vagina. Gynoplasf'ic (}i»i7/, Tr/laor/Kor, suitable for moulding). Pertaining to the closing of unnatural openings, or the dilatation of contracted, narrow openings in the female organs of generation. Gyp'sum [yvijiog, lime). Native calcium sulphate. See Calcium. Gyra^tion (gyro, to turn or whirl). A turning in a circle. Also, giddiness. Gy'ri (pi. of gyrus, a circuit). A name applied to the spiral-shaped cavities of the internal ear, and also to the convolutions of the brain. GYRUS 181 H.EMATIC Gy'rus {x}'rus, a circle). A term applied to the convolutions of tlie brain. Also, the winding of the cochlea. G., Angular, the jX)Sterior division of the lower parietal lobule of the brain. G., Annectant, the first and second external occipital gyri. G., Ascending Frontal, the anterior central gyrus. G., Ascending Parietal, the }X)sterior central g^ms. G., Anterior Central, the convolution Ixjunding an- teriorly the fissure of Rolando, extending from l)ehind that fissure backward to the margin of the great longitudinal fissure of the brain. G., Posterior Central, the convolution lx)unding posteriorly the fissure of Kolantlo, joining the anterior central g)Tus at the upper and lower ends. G., Cuneus, the small convolution joining the posterior end of the gyrus fomicatus with the apex of the cuneus. G., Den- tate, a small notched convolution of giay matter in the hijipocampal fissure. G., Frontal Inferior, a convolution of the frontal lobe of the brain, called also the third frontal convolution. G. Hippo- campi, the convolution at the inferior median edge of the upper lobe of the brain. G., Marginal, the convolution on the inner surlace of tlie great longitudinal fissure of the cerebrum. G., Occipital, a name given to several convolutions, one of which, the G. Occipital Primus, or first annectant of Huxley, connects the jiarietal and occipital lobes. G., Tem- poral, a convolution on the under surface of the temjxjral lobe. H H. Abbreviation of hypermeiropia. In chemistry, the symbol of hydrogen. In I)harmacy, the abbreviation of haustus, a draught. Haben'ula [habrna, a rein). A ribbon-like structure. In anatomy, the sujierficial gray nucleus of the optic thalamus in front, and superior to the posterior commissure. Hab'it {haheo, to have). That condition or quality that one naturally possesses, or that may be acijuired. The tendency to rei)eat an action or condition. In biology, the apiKiarance and mode of living of an organi/eil Inking. Hab'itat {hahito, to dwell). The natural locality, or geographical range of an ani- mal or plant. Habita'tion {hahito). A dwelling place. The natural locality of an animal or a plant. Hab'itus {/labeo, to have). A habit. Hae'ma- {(Kim, bkxxl). A Greek prefix signifying blrxxl. Haemacy'anin (niua, Kvaro^, blue). A blue coloring matter found in the blood and the bile. Haemacytom'cter. See lf,cmoc\toiiuler. Hacmadynamom'cter. See /Acmoiiyiia- momettr. Hae'magogue [ai/m, ayu, to expel). A remedy or agent that excites or increases menstpjal discharge. Hae'mal {aifja). Pertaining to the blood or vascular system. Haemalo^pia {niua, oij', the eye). Effu- sion of blood in the eye. Kiythroiwia. Haemarthro'sis (atfia, njAtiJot^, a joint). I'.llusion of blood into a joint. Haemastat'ics {(I'/^n, (JTariKoq, standing). That l>ranch of ])hysiology treating of the laws of tlie ei|uilibrium of the blootl. Haemastheno'sis {mun, anthiua, weak- ness). A weakening or deterioration of the blood. Haematachom'eter. See ILcmolachom- tier. H3ematangio''sis {ai/in, ayyemv, a blood vessel. Any disease of the blood vessels. Haematemc'sis {nifin, r/zfu, to vomit). \'omitiiig of blood, from any cause. Haematenceph'alon {aiint, r-)KKj)ii?.iii\t\\{^ i>rain). \ h.euKirrhage or bleeding witliin the brain. Haematherm''ous («',"", '^'/'/"A heat). Having warm blooil. Haemaf'ic {pings or coarse i)owder. Con- tains tannic acid and a coloring principle, hicmatoxxlin, that becomes grayish - red by tiie action of light. A mild astringent. H. Ext. Dose gr. v-xx. H. Decoc- tum, strength I to 17. Dose 3J-ij. Uiiof. Haematozo'on (aiua, fwor, an animal). Any living organism or animal in the blood. Haematu''ria [ai^a, ovpov, urine). Blood in the urine. Called, also, /lumaftorsis. It is due to injur)', local disease, general disorder, or the presence of entozoa. Haemautog'raphy [aiua, avrog, self, -jpiiou, to write). The tracing of the pulse- c\iT\e by the jet of blood from a divided arterj- caught upon paper drawn in front of it. Haemid'rosis. See Hirmathidrosis. Hae'min. Chloride of h.i^matin. A doubly retractive pleochromatic crystalline sub- stance derived from blood. H. Test (for blood in urine) ; from the colored earthy phosphates hsmin may be extracted in several ways. Haemochro'mogen [aifia, xP'^t^^^ color, yEvvau, to beget). A reduced alkali-ha:- matin. Hsemocryst'alline. See Ilicnioi^'loHn. Haemocy'anin. A substance correspond- ing to hemoglobin, found in the plasma of iiivertebrala. Hae'mocyte [aifia, Kvrng, cell). A gene- ral term for the corpuscles of the blood. Haemocytol'ysis {(n/m, /ciTof, '/.v(j, to un- loose). The dissolution of blood cor- pu.>clcs under heat. Haemocytom'eter [aifia, Kvroq, a cell, fitTfMiv, a measure). A device for esti- mating the relative number of corpuscles in the blood. Hacmocytotryp''sis {nt/in, Kvrnr, cell, Tftiijiu, to ruli). The breaking U[) of blood cor|/U.selcs under strong pressure. Haemodromom'cter [ni/in, Aim/iog, s\xe(i, fteT(xiv, a measure). An instrument for mca.suring the rate of the flow of i)lcxxl in the bloofl-vcssels. Hacmodynamom'eter {ai/m, 6vva/tig, strength, iiirjiiiv, a measure). A con- trivance for measuring the tension or pres- sure of blood agaitist the walls of (he arteries. Careful ex|x.Timents .show that ID man, the pre.ssure of blooone also. H., Double, two clefts of the lip, or one of each lip. Twisted or Harelip Suture, figure-of-S suture a!)OUt a pin thrust through the lips of freshened edges of the cleft. Har'rison's Groove. A depression, later- ally, from the xiphoid cartilage in persons with chronic difficulty of breathing. Harts'horn. A name po[iularly given to ammaninm hydrate. See Aniinoninm. Har'vest Bug. See Leptiis .littitmnalis. Hasch'isch. See Cannis. Has'sall's Corpuscles. Concentric, gran- ular, nuclear, endothelial cells in the me- dulla of the thymus. Hatters' Disease. A fonn of constitu- tional mercurial ]X)isoning. Also a skin disease arising from the use of mercury and arsenic. Also an acute irritation of the respiratory tract caused iiy the fumes of nitrogen tetroxide ; all these chemicals being used in hat-making. Haunch ( Fr. hanche). The part of the l)o, tojxjur out). In phar- macy, a dratight. A jxtrtion of medicine ill the form of a draught. Haul Mai. See l-'.pilcpsy. Havef'sian Canal. See Bone. Hawlc'ing. ( learing the throat by a pe- culi:ir exjiiratory current of air. Hay Asth'ma. See Hay Fner. Hay'craft's Method. See Uric Acid. Hay'den's Vibur''num Compound. .See / 'it'll mil in. Hay Fever. .\ disexse of the mucous membranes of the nasal and respiratory j)a->sages, als'j at times involving the con- junctiva and fycl>all. Il i^ mirkt-d by catarrhal iiidammation, cory/a luxl abun- dant lachrjination. It is thought to l>e due to the [Kjllcn of the grains and (iiiicr grasses. It is also attributed to the influ- ence of microbes that float in the air. Hay's ReaC'tion. See Strassl'iirg's '/est. Hay's Test. Eor the presence of bile- acids, tliat lower the surface-tension of fluids in which they are dissolved. Throw a small cjuantity of sulphur on the surface of the fluid containing bile-acids, and the sulphur will sink and be precipitated in a few minutes. Head (Sax. heafod). The anterior or upper part of the body. That part of the body containing the brain or central ner\'e-system. Also, the upper end of a long bone, as, the femur. Head'ache. Any [lain in tlic head, gen- eral or local, arising from any cause what- ever. According to llughlings-Jackson, frontal headaches, such as "sick" and "bilious" headaches, are due to disorders of the digestive system ; headache at the vertex, to cerebral troubles; and occipital headache, to anivmia. Eye-strain is a fre- quent source of headache, especially of the frontal region. Head^-breeze, Electro-therapeu''tic. A device for general static cephalic electriza- tion by a head-plate with numerous in- sulated pencils for subdividing and accu- mulating strong currents, and giving more gradual elVects. See Static Breeze. Head'-fold. An inflection or tucking-in of the layers in front and beneath the head of tiie cml)ryo. Head'-gut. See Fore-i^ut. Head** -locking. A tenn in ob.stetrics de- noting the entanglement of the heads of twins at the time of birtii. Heal'ing (Sax. hn-lan). Union and cica- trization of a wound. Ajijjlied generally to the cure of disease. H. by First In- tention, without llie granulating jirocess. H. by Second Intention, by the inter- mediation of granulations. H. by Third Intention, the direct union of twt> already granulating surfaces. Health (Sax. hiclth). That condition of the iKidy and its organs necessary to the proi>cr ])erformance of their normal func- tions. A hale, or whole condition of i>ody. Hear'ing (Sax. hyran). The special sense liy whicii the .sonorous vilirations of the air are conununicated to the mind. Tiie cereliral center is excited i)y the vibration of the fluid contents of tiie laliyriiith, or terminal organs of the auditory nerve. .Sound is com|X)sod of three factors, |)itch, intensity and timbre. The first depeiidf HEART 186 HELLEBORE upon the number of the aerial viljrations ; the second upon their amphtude ; the third upon their form. Heart. The organ giving the initiative and chief impulse to the circulation of the blood. It is enveloped by a membranous tissue called- the pericardium. Consists essentially of four cavities, a right auricle and ventricle, and a left auricle and ven- tricle. H., Dilatation of, the abnormal increase in size of any or all of the cavities of the heart. H., Hypertrophy of, an abnormal increase of the muscular tissue of the heart. H., Sounds of, the sounds observed in the auscultation of the heart, occurring synchronously with the con- traction and the closure of the valves, etc. H., Valves of. See Valz'e. Hearf^burn. A burning feeling at the stomach and lower part of the chest, caused by the acetic or putrefactive fermentation of the food. Heat. A mode or rate of vibration of ethereal or physical wave-motion. Within certain limits of intensity it is essential to the development of all organized beings; above a certain degree, destructive to all organization and life. As regards the body, a temperature above 98.6° F. Also, in physiology, the period of sexual excite- ment in the females of many animals. H., Animal, the heat generated within the bodies of living animals by the libera- tion of the latent heat contained in the food. H., Latent, physiologically the potential energy existing in a complex proteid molecule, and which is liberated by the simplification of the latter, or the katabolic processes of the organism. H., Prickly. See Ui-ticaria. H., Specific. See Specific. H. Stroke, a nervous affection characterized by sudden syn- cope, enfeebled circulation and respira- tion, caused by exposure to intense heat. Called also Sunstroke. Hebephre^nia (';//3?7, puberty, <^priy, the mind). A special form of mental de- rangement occurring in young persons of both sexes at or soon after the age of puberty. Heb^etude (Jiebeto, to be blunt). Dull- ness of the senses and intellect. A term applied to the state of partial stupor in affections of the brain. Hec'tic [mTLKoq, habitual or consumptive). Habitual. A word now commonly used in connection with certain constant symp- toms of phthisis, as H. Fever, the febrile symptoms concurrent with pulmonary con- sumption. H. Flush, the flushed cheek accompanying pulmonary consumption. H. Spot, same as //. Flush. Hec^togramme [ckutov, one hundred, grai)i?iu'). One hundred grammes. Hec^tolitre [kKarov, liter). One hundred liters. Hec^tometre {ekutov, fiieter). One hun- dred meters. Hedeo^ma. Pennyroyal. The leaves and tops of H. pulcgioides, distinguished by their aroma. Properties due to a volatile oil. Stimulant and canninative. Has some value as an emmenagogue. Useful in flatulent colic of children. Odor ex- tremely repulsive to fleas and mosquitoes. H. 01., the volatile oil. Dose n\^ij-x. H. Spt., unof., 10 per cent, of the oil in alcohol. Hed^rocele [iSpa, the anus, ot;?.?/ a tumor). A hernia in which the part protrudes through the notch of the ischium. Also, prolapsus of the anus. Heel (Sax. held). The hinder part of the foot Helco''sis {i?iKuaig, ulceration). The for- mation and development of an ulcer. HePcoid (f/Aof, an ulcer). Resembling an ulcer. HePenin. See Inula. HelianthePla. The root of //. temiifolia. Aromatic, expectorant, antispasmodic, and in large doses emetic. Of reputed service in pulmonary complaints. Dose of the fid. ext. TTLv-xxx. Unof Helianth''emuni. Frostwort, Rock Rose. The herb //. canadense. Astringent, aro- matic, tonic and alterative. Useful in diarrhoea, scrofula and secondary syphilis. Dose of fld. ext. TT\^v-xx. Unof. HePicine [p^^S,, a spiral). Tortile, or spiral in structure. H. Arteries, arteries proceeding from the profundie penis branches of the pudic, and from the dorsal arteries of the penis. Heli^coid (eA;f). Having a structure with S])i rally arranged parts. HelicotrC'ma. The opening connecting the scala tyiupaiii and vestibuli of the spiral canal of the cochlea. Heliother'aphy i^rjlioq, the sun, deprnveia, treatment). The treatment of disease by exposure of the body to sunlight. Sun- bathing. Heliotro''pin. See Piper. He^lix (f/'i/f, a coil). The margin of the external ear. HePlebore, or Helleb''orus. The root of //. 7iiger, black hellebore. Properties due HELLEBOREINE 187 HEMIEHLEPSY to two glucosides, helhhorin and helle- boretn. A drastic hydragogue cathartic, and emmenagogue. Formerly a popular remedy in insanity, dropsy, and amenor- rhcea. HelUhordn is somciimes used in cardiac affections as a subsiilute for digi- talis, its action being obtained by smaller doses-and less irritation. H. Nigri., Ext. Unof. Dose gr. j-x, cautiously . H. Nigri., Ext. Fid. Unof. Dose n\,ij-xv. Helleborin. Unof. Poisonous, insoluble in water. Helleborein. Unof. Very solui'le in water. Dose gr. x,t~To- Hellebore 'ine. See ILllebor\\ Heller's Blood-test. A test for blood in urine : Add to urine half its volume of solution of caustic potash and heat gently. The earthy phosphates are precipitated and carry the hamatin with them, falling as garnet-red tlocculi. Heller's Test (for albumin in urine). Pour down the side of the test-glass con- taining the urine, pure nitric acid. A white zone of coagulated albumin between the acid and urine indicates the presence of albumin. (.See, also, Roberts' Reai^cnf). Helminth'agogue. See Anthcl>nintic. Helminthi'asis {Diuvg, a worm). A con- dition marked by the presence of parasites in the body, especially of intestinal worms. .Also, disorders or lesions caused by worms. Helmin'thics. See Antlielntititics. Helminthorogy (i'/.iuvq, ?.n-,og, a treatise). A treatise on worms, especially those para- sitic ujxin the body. Helminth'ous (i'/.uiv). Wormy. Helo'des (fZ-of, a swamp). Swam])y, or mar-h y. Also, a fever attended by profuse sweating. Also, marsh fever. He'ma-. See I fa; in a to-. Hem'atin. A synonym for hirmatoxylin. .Sec Uuiiidloxylon. Hemeralo''pia ('^/icfxi, day, , the eye). Night-blindness, a .symptom of several dis- ea.->es of the eye, of failure of general nutri- tion, fU. Vision is good in day or strong light, but fails at night. An unfortunate dif- ference of detinition |)revails in reference to this won! and Xydalopia. Sometimes it is defined as a condition the reverse of that given alxjve. Hemi- (''/,«'. half). A Clreek ])refix, mean- ing one-half. In anatomy and physiology it is ap|)lied to one of the two lateral liahes of the Uxly. Hcmiachromatops''ia {'T//navf, ;j'^6j/i«, »<)lor, "V'f, ^'H''')- Defective, or absent color vision in corres|X)ndiiig halves of the field of vision. Hemi-albumin. See Anti-a!l>umiii. Hemialbu'minose. The same as Hemi- albiiiuose. Hemial'bumose. See Peptones. Hemianaesthe'sia ('/////, avaiath/ata, want of feeling). Partial or complete loss of the sense of feeling in a lateral half of the body. Hemiano'pia. See Hemianopsia. Hemianops''ia (''////, half, av neg, oi/>/f, sight). Blindness of one-half of the visual field. It may be bilateral (binocular) or monolateral (monocular or uniocular), ac- cording as it affects one or both eyes. H., Binasal, due to an.v.sthesia of the tem- poral halves of the retina, the nasal fields thereby becoming invisible. H., Bitem- poral, the reverse of the last. H., Crossed or Heteronymous, a general term for either binasal or bitemporal II. H., Homonymous, the most common form, affecting the inner half of one lield and the outer of the other. H., Inferior and Superior, the upjjer or lower halves of the retina are insensitive. Hemiatax'ia ('7/", ara^ia, disordered movement). Inability to produce orderly or systematic movements on one side of the body. Hemiathetc'sis {'iiut^aBETO(;, without fixed po>ition). A term for athetosis or invol- untary rhythmic movements of one side of the body only. Hemiat^rophy ('?///<, arpcvpia, lack of nour- ishment). Imperfect or impaired nutrition confined to one side of the body. Hemiceph'alus {'>/in, KKpa/.//). A name applied to a monster fcetus in which the cerel)ral hemispheres and skull are absent or undeveloped. See Anencephalus. Hemichore'a (')///<, jopf/n, a convulsive twitching). A form of chorea in which the convulsive movements are confined to one side of the Ixxly only. Hemicra^nia (>///', Kpavmv, Neu- ralgia or headache of one-half of the head. Hemidiaphore'sis ('//'/, ihuoDpi/mr, sweat- ing). .Sweating of one lateral half of the Ixxly only. Hemidysaesthe'sia (''/"', '^'C, dithcuU, (iiilh/(Tir^ sensation). Enfeebled or dulled sensation in a lateral half of the bixly, or in half of one of the organs of .sense. Hemienceph'alus {'r//ii, cvKcipn/m;). A monstrosity without organs of .sense, but |xjs.sessing otherwise a nearly normal brain. Hemiep'ilepsy (V////, rTTi?tpj>in, epilepsy). A form of epilepsy in which the con HEMIHIDROSIS 188 HEPATOGRAPHY vulsions are confined to one lateral half of the body. Hemihidro''sis ('?//», hlpug, sweat). The same as henndiaphoresis. Hemim^elus (V///<, IjLe}^^, limb). An eclro- melic monstrosity with deficient or atro- phied forearms, legs, feet and hands, with normal arms and thighs. Hemiop'ia (V//zi, u-\p, eye). The older term for hemianopsia. Hemiopia refers to the seeing half of the retina, hemianopsia to that part of the field not seen. Hemip^agus (V;//<, Trajog, united). A monomphalic monstrosity united by the thoraces, and with a common mouth. Hemiparaple^gia ('////<, irapaTrh/yia, paral- ysis of the limbs). Paralysis of a lower limb on one side only. Hemipar^esis {'vfic, Tvapeatg, impairment of strength). Paresis, or weakening of the strength on one side of the body only. Hemi-pep'tone. See Peptones. Hemipho^nia (V//yz, (^uvt], the voice). Speech having the characteristics of half- voice, half- whisper; used by patients in great weakness and exhaustion. Hemiple^gia (V;//y, Trhiyr], a stroke). Paralysis of the motor nerves of one side of the body, due usually to a lesion of some part of the coipus striatum and in- ternal capsule, or of the cms cerebri, of the opposite side of the brain. H., Al- ternate, unilateral injury to the pons, causing paralysis of the facial nerve on the same side, but paralysis of the oppo- site side of the body. H., Cerebral, the ordinary form first described above. H., Crossed, paralysis of the muscles of the eye supplied by the third nerve on the opposite side to the one otherwise affected. H., Facial, motor paralysis of one side of the face. H., Hephsestic, from the use of the hammer by smiths ; not properly a special type. H., Spastic, a form oc- curring in infants, in which the affected limb is subject to convulsive twitchings. H., Spinal, paralysis of one side or of the whole body without loss of sensation of the opposite side. Due to disease of the spinal cord. Hem^ispasm {'rifu, ajraafiog, a spasm). A spasm or convulsive movement affecting only one side of the body. Hem^isphere {'r//ii, afaipa, a ball). Half a sphere. H., Cerebral, either lateral half of the cerebrum. Hem''lock. See Coiiium. He^mo-. See Hccmo-. Hem-'orrhage. See Hemorrhage. Hem'orrhoids. See HcEtnorrhoids. Hen'bane. See Hyoscyatnus. Henle, Fenestrated Membrane of. The layer of longitudinal elastic fibers of the inner coat of arteries. H., Loop of. See Tiilndi Urinifcri. Hensen's Experiment. Proving that the so-called auditory hairs of the crustacean Mysis vibrated to a particular note. HepataFgia (^i]~ap, the liver, aAyog, pain). Pain in the liver, but more especially the paroxysmal pain occasionally affecting the right hypochondrium. Hepatec'tomy ['rjirap, turefivu, to cut out). Excision of a protruding portion of the liver. Hepaf'ic ['rjirap). Pertaining or belonging to the liver. H. Duct. See Duel. H. Lobes, the natural anatomical divisions of the liver, usually designated as right, left, quadrate, spigehan and caudate lobes. H. Zones, certain areas in an hepatic lobule. The central area, capillaries and cells form the Hepatic Vein Zone, specially liable to cyanotic changes ; the area next the periphery of the lobule is the Portal Vein Zone; and the area between the two the Hepatic Artety Zone. Hepatiza''tion ('7;7ra/3). An abnormal change in lung-tissue, in which it becomes solid and friable, somewhat resembling that of the liver. H., Gray, the condition of a lung in the third stage of pneumonia. H., Red, that in the second stage of pneumonia. H., 'White, the condition of the lungs in stillborn s}q3hilitic children. H., Yellow, the condition of the lung in the third stage of pneumonia when tinted by numerous pus cells. See Pneumonia. Hepati^tis ['rjirap, nig, inflammation). In- flammation of the liver. Hep^atocele ['rjivap, K7/lr], a tumor). A form of hernia in which the liver pro- trudes through an opening in the abdo- minal wall. Hepatocirrho''sis {'/jnap, Kippog, yellow). CiiThosis of the liver. Hepatocysf'ic ('r/irap, Kvarog, a bladder). Pertaining to the liver and gall-1 (ladder. Hepatodyn^ia ['//Trap, oSvvij, pain). Pain in the liver. Hepatogen''ic {'yrrap, yevvau, to beget). Pertaining to conditions produced by the liver, as H. Icterus, also called absorp- tion icterus, or jaundice, caused by the absorption of bile already formed in the liver. Hepatog^raphy {r/~ap, ypacpu, to write). A description of the liver. HEPATOLITIIIASIS 189 HKKPES Hepatolithi''asis {r'/-ap,?j0iaaic, presence of calculus). A disease characterized by gallstones or other concretions in the liver. Hepatorogy {>i~ap, Pojof, a discourse). A treatise on the nature, structure and functions of the liver. Hepatomala'cia [I'lrrap, /laXoKO^, soft). Softenint; of the liver. Hepator'rhaphy {r'/~(ip, paa, vo>o, to devour). A name foimerly given to a division of mam- malia. .\nimals that feed on vegetation. Herbiv'orous {/icrlm^voro). A descriptive tenn applied to animals that subsist on vegetation. Herbst's Corpuscles. Sensory end- organs in the tongue of the duck. Hered'itary (^>iires, an heir). Acquired by inlieritance. H. Disease, one trans- mitted to the offspring by the parent. H. Syphilis. See Syphilis. Hered'ity {/wres). The law by which nat- ural form, structure, and conditions, both of mind and l>ody, are repeated in offspring or de.-CL-iidants. Hering's Theory. See Cohr-seiimlion. Hermann's Difference Theory. See J >ijjFc'> eii: c. Hermaph'rodite [Epfir/c;, Mercury, A(ppn- Sirr/, Venus). One with some congenital malfcrm.ation of the genital organs, such as epispadias, hyjxjspadias, cleft of the scro- tum, <■/<•., that makes the dclermination of sex somewhat doubtful. H., Apparent, the external non-essential organs are the only ones of the ojJiKJsite sex. H., Bi- lateral, a testicle u|»n each side. H., Female, essentially female, but with simu- Ial<--<1 male organs. H., Lateral, a testicle ujx'n "iKf side, an ovary u|K)n the other. H., Male, the reverse of //. /■;■///earing upon the external surface of the body. H., Femoral, the protrusion takes place through the femoral ring be- neath I'oupart's ligament. H., Humor- al, swelled testicle. H., Incarcerated, a strangulated, obstructed or irreducil>le II., — variously used. H., Incomplete, not fully ])assed through the opening. H., Inguinal, passing aliove's liga- ment. H., Inguinal, Direct, to the inner sitle of the epigastric artery, not following the course of the spennaiic cord. H., Oblique Inguinal, through the inguinal canal following the course of the sperm- atic cord. H., Irreducible, that cannot be put back, but that is not strangulated. H., Obstructed, obstruction, but not jx)sitive strangulation. Hernial Sac, the serous membrane pushed before it liy a hernia. H., Strangulated, such con- striction as to prohibit ])assage of blood and fivces. H., Umbilical, appearing at the navel. H., Ventral, tliidugh the alnlominal wall in fiont other tli.m at the alxiominal ring. Herniopunc'ture [hernia, puiirtura, a |)riikini,'). The ])uncture of a hernia. Her'niotomy (//(•/;//,;, 7f7/i'(.),tocut). (Oper- ation for tlie relief of hernia by .section of the constriction. Heroph''ilus, Torcu'larof. See Torculir. Her'pes (//ito, to creep). Fonnerly cree|)ing eru|)tioiis, now appliecl to eni|)- tions marked iiy the presence of groups of tlie same U])cjr, a,xif":, retention). Ketcntion or suppression of the sweat. Hidro'sis [U^puq). The formation and excretion of sweat. High'more, Antrum of. Tlie l.irge cavity in the body of the superior maxillary bone. Hi'lum (Lat. a little thing). A small fis- sure, notch, or depression, especially the notch on the internal or concave border of the kidney. Hind'brain (Ger. hinterJiirn'). A division of the brain, developing from a funnel- shaped tube in the embryo to an anterior lobe that becomes the cerebellum, and a posterior lobe that becomes the medulla oitlongata. Hinge -joint. See Diarthrosis. Hip (Sax. hype). The upper part of the thigh at its junction with the buttocks. Hip-joint Disease. An arthritis of the hip-joint ; an affection of early life, and ac- cording as it begins in the head of the femur, the acetabulum, or in the synovial membrane and proper structures of the joint, is divided respectively into Femora/, Acetalnilar and Arthritic. Its etiology is obscure, its symptoms pain (coxalgia), swelling, and deformity. Coxalgia is in- correctly used as a synonym. Hippocamp''us (iTrrof, horse, Ka^tnog, a sea monster). A name applied to the con- volutions, // major and //. minor, the former situated in the inferior, and the lat- ter in the posterior horn of the ventricles of the brain. Hippocory'za. See Eqiiitiia. Hippu'ric Acid. Kenzoylamidoaccticacid. An odorless, monobasic acid occurring in large amount in the urine of heri)ivora, and in them the chief end-product of the metabolism of nitrogenous substances. Human urine contains a small amount Hip'pus {\--oq, horse, from analogy to the movement of the same). Spasmodic j)upil- laiy movement, independent of the action of light. Hir''sute [hiisutiis, shaggy). Covered with hair or 1 eristics. Shaggy. Hirsu'ties (///;-.r////^f). llypertrichiasis. Ily- jjerlrichosis. I'olytriciua. Trichauxis. Ily- ]>crtrophy, excessive, or abnormal growth of tlie hair cither in quantity or in position. Histioid. See J/istoit/. Histochem'istry (('(Trof, a web or tissue, ihiiiiistry). The chemistry of organic ti.ssue. Histodial'ysis ('ffror, (ha7vcor, a resolu- tion). The dissolution of organic tissue. HistOgen'csis (((iror, )iir, to beget). Tlie study of the origin and ilevelopment of organic tissues. HISTOH^MATIN 192 HOMOLOGOUS Histoh3e''niatin ((crrof, heematin). A pig- mentary extractive of the suprarenal bodies. Hist^oid (('ffrof, EidoQ, likeness). Pertain- ing to tissue derived from the mesoblast, as a histoid tumor. See Neoplasfn. Histology {^iGToq, TMyoq, a treatise). The study of the intimate structure of tissues. Histolysis (icrrof, 7,vaig, dissolution). Dis- integration and dissolution of organic tis- sue. Histon''oiny (iorof, vo/xog, a law). The laws of the development and airangement of organic tissue. HistophysioFogy [larog, (pvaig, nature, 2x)yog, a treatise). A treatise concerning the functions of the various tissues. Histot^omy [larog, refivu, to cut). The dissection of any organic tissue. Hives. A name loosely applied to almost any papular eruption of the skin. In Great Britain, applied to croi/p and to chicken-pox ; in the United States, limited to a transitory form of urticaria. Hoang Nan. A Chinese preparation ob- tained from Strychnos gaullhcria. Proper- ties due to small percentage of strychnine. Recommended as an alterative in syphilis, leprosy and similar diseases. An alleged preventive of hydrophobia if given in large (gr. xv) doses during period of incubation. Dose gr. ^-K- Unof. Hoarse'ness (Sax. has). Harshness of voice depending on some abnormal condi- tion of the larynx or throat. Hodg''kin's Disease. See Lympkade noma. HofTs Malt Extract. See Malt. HoKagogue (oAof, whole, ayuyog, leading). A medicine or remedy that expels or drives out the whole of a morbid substance. A radical remedy. Holm'gren's Tests. See Blindness, Color. Ho^lo- [pMq, entire). A Greek prefix sig- nifying entirety. Holoblasf'ic {o\oq, jUaarog, a sprout). Pertaining to the segmentation of the ovum. Homat''ropine. See Atropine. Home''sickness. Nostalgia. An urgent desire to return to one's home. May be accompanied by a morbid sluggishness of the functions of the various organs of the body, developing into profound melan- choly. Hom'icide [homo, a man, ccedo, to kill). The killing of a human being without malice or intent, as distinguished from murder or manslaughter. Also, the taking of human life in general by another. Also, one who takes the life of another. Ho^mo (Lat.). Man. The sole genus of the order Biviana. Homocent^ric [piiog, the same, K^vrpov^ a center). Concentric. Having tlie same center. H. Rays, a pencil of light-rays either cone-shaped or rod-shaped. Homocer^ebrin (6/zof, cerebrin). A nitro- genous glucoside obtained from brain- tissue. Hom^ceo- [oixoioq, like). A Greek prefix signifying like or similar. Homceomorph^ous {ojioiog, /uoparative study of the same part or organ in different species and orders of animals, and also to the study of organs or parts develojied from the same eml)ryonic structure. Also, the nioqjhological identity of parts or organs in different animals. Homon'omous {opog, vofu>g, a law). Gov- t.nied by or under the same law. Homon'ymous {o/ior, ovvua, a name). A term applied to names that have the same sound or pronunciation, but different mexnings. Homother'mic [6^og, Oep/it/, heat). 1 laving uniformity of tenn^erature or bodily heat. Hom'otype {ouog, rv-ng^ a pattern). A part corresponding and similar to an- other part, as the humerus to the femur, fU. Hondu''ras Bark. See Cascara Amarga. Honey. See ^/c/. Honeycomb Ringworm. See Flavtis. Hook (Sax. hoc). A cur^'ed instrument. H., Blunt, an instrument described by its name, for exercising traction uixin the fnetus in an arrested breech presentation. H., Tyrrell's, a blunt, slender hook for oi)erations u|kjii the eye. Hop. See Jfumitlus. Hope'ine. See Ilumithis. Horde'olum {/lonitum, a grain of barley). A stye ; a furuncular inflammation of the connective tissue of the lids, near the hair follicle. Hor'deum (Lat.). Barley. H. Decorti- catum, barley deprived of its husk ; cun- nioiily called pearl barley. H. Germi- natum, malt, q. v. Hore'hound. See Marmbium. Hori'zon [lnuluv, the horizon). The line separating the visible from the invisible part of the earth f'-om a single ixjint of view. Horizon'tal (npi<,un>). Parallel to the hori- zon. Hor''mion. Sec Skull. Horn (Sax., //(TM). The hard projection u.sed as a defensive weajHin, growing on the heads of certain animals. Horns may Ijc |)cruianenl, a.s in the ox; or deciduous, a.s in the deer. Also, the hardened epi- thelial .substance of wlii< h the horn is com|Kj.s< servcr). Tiie sum of all the points seen single by the two retiniv while the fixation point remains stationary. Horripila'tion [liorreo, to stand on end, /i/t/s, the hair). A sensation as if the hairs of the skin were stiff and erect. Hor'rors [liorn-o). A ix)pular name for delirium tremens, q. v. Horse-Chestnut. See Esculus Jlippo- idstanum. Horse-Radish. The fresh root of Cock- lea ria (irHtortieia. Properties due to a vola- tile oil. Stimulant, diuretic, and exter- nally a rubefacient. Much used as a condi- ment. Dose of fld. ext. 3J-ij. Unof. Hos^pital [Ih'spiliile, a large house). A building for the care and treatment of sick or infirm people. H. Fever, a condition formerly common in hospitals, due to ill-ventilation and unsanitary con- ditions. Also, the fever symptomatic of gangrene. See Fever, H. Gangrene, a contagious, phagedenic gangrene occa- sionally attacking wounds or open sores. It is confined mainly to military hospitals, and believed to l">e of microbic origin. Hos^'pitalism. The morbific influences arising from the gathering of diseased per- sons in a hospital, which seems to have a tendency to produce septic diseases. Host [liostis, a stranger). A landlord. The organic l>ody u\K>n which parasites live. Hot-spots. See Temperature Sense. Hot^tentot Apron. See Apron. Hound's Tongue. The leaves and root of Cynoglossum officinale. Anodyne, de- mulcent and astringent. Dose of fld. ext. _^ss-j. Unof. Hour-glass Contrac'tion. See Uterus. Housemaid's Knee. See Abscess, Bur- sal. Howship's Lacu'nae. Depressions in which lie the osteoclasts of eroded or s|>ongy I Mine. Huin'gan. The seed of a plant native to the Andes. Infusion used in urinary affections. Hum. A low rhythmical murmur. H., Venous. .See Venous. Humec'tant (huinecto, to make moist). A diluent. Also a substance used to moisti-n. Hu'meral {humerus'). Pertaining to the liunierus. Hu'merus. ( Tiie largel)oncof the upjK-r arm. Also the shoulder. HUMIDITY 194 HYDRANGIOLOGY Humid^'ity (Jntmor, moisture). The state or quality of being moist. Hummer lyhumor). Any fluid or semi-fluid part of the body. H., Aqueous, the transparent fluid that fills the anterior chamber of the eye. H., Vitreous, the transparent gelatine-like substance filling the posterior chamber of the eye. Hu^moral {Jniinor). Pertaining to the natural fluids of the body. H. Path- ology, a theoiy among the Greeks that all diseases resulted from a disordered or ab- normal condition of the fluids or humors of the body. Hu^mulus. Hop. The fruit-cones of // lupulus. Contains various principles, hopeine and lupulin being most important. A bitter stomachic tonic and feeble hyp- notic, increasing cardiac action. A poul- tice of hops is a favorite remedy in inflam- mations. H. Infusum, unof, ^ss-Oj. Dose 5J-iv. H. Tinct., 20 per cent, in strength. Dose ,^j-ij. Lupulinum, the glandular powder. Dose gr. v-xv. L. Fid. Ext., alcoholic Dose ^ss-ij. L. Oleoresina, ethereal. Dose gr. ij-v. L. Tinct., unof., strength I2j^ per cent. Dose gss-ij. Hun^ger (Sax. /mngot-). A condition marked by a sensation of emptiness of the stomach and intense desire for food. Hunte^rian Chancre. See Chancre. Hunt^er's CanaF. See Canal. Hunts^man's Cup. See Trumpet Plant. Hutch^inson's Teeth. A notched or furrowed condition of the free edges of the permanent teeth, especially the central in- cisors of the upper jaw; due to inherited syphilis. Hux''hani's Tincfure. Red cinchona bark 5 iv, orange peel ,^iij, serpentaria gr. Ixxx, Spanish saiTron gr. clx, cochineal gr. Ixxx, brandy ^ xl, digested four days. Dose ^^ss-ij. Hy'alin {halMq, glass). A translucent sub- stance, called, also, canalized fibrin, that sometimes occurs in miliary tubercle. Also, the membrane or sac forming the wall of hydatid cysts. Hy^aline (iicAof). Resembling glass in transparency. H. Cast, or Cylinder, a clear, nearly transparent urinary tube-cast. H. Degeneration, a degeneration of fibrous tissue that becomes transparent, jelly-like, and homogeneous in stracture. Hyali^tis (va\oq, irig, inflammation). In- flammation of the hyaloid membrane. Used a.s a synonym for inflammation of the vit- reous humor. Hy'aloid (m/lof, eiSog, like). Transparent; like glass. H. Artery, in the .embiyo, a branch of the arteria centralis retina;, tra- versing the vitreous humor to the posterior capsule of the lens. Its hyaloid sheath forms the Canal of Cloquet. Persistence of this artery after birth has been observed. H. Membrane, a delicate, transparent membrane surrounding the vitreous humor, except in front, where it becomes fibrous and strong and forms a leaflet of the zo- nula of Zinn. Hyaloidi^tis, See Hyalitis. HyaFoplasma. See Protoplasm. Hy^brid {Jiybrida, a mongrel). A term signifying the offspring of two individuals of distinct but closely related species. Among animals, the mule is the best known hybrid. Hydarthro''sis. See Hydrarthrosis. Hydaf'id [ydajiq, a vesicle). The cyst of the embryo of Tcenia echinococciis in the human body; frequently, also, loosely ap- plied to vesicular tumors and cysts of many kinds. They are most frequent in the liver, but are found in most any tissue, even in bone. Synonymous with H. Cyst. H. Mole. '6&e. Mole,Hydatidiform. H. of Morgagni, certain short processes of the tunica vaginalis testis. Hydatid'iform [vdarig, forma, form). Having the foiTn of a hydatid. Resem- bling a hydatid. H. Degeneration of Chorion, or Vesicular Mole. See Mole. Hydrac^id. A term sometimes used in chemistry denoting an acid formed by a combination of hydrogen and some acid element or radical other than oxygen. Hydrochloric acid, HCl, and hydrogen or hydric sulphide, H^S, are examples. Hydradeno^ma. Adenoma with serous or watery contents. Hydrae^'mia (hdup, water, mfia, the blood). A watery condition of the blood due to de- fective renal secretion, or to imperfect fibri- nation. Accompanies albuminuria and certain other exhausting diseases. Hy^dragogue {y6up,ayu,io ex\ie\). A pur- gative that causes liquid alvine discharges. Hydram^nios {vdup, water, a/Ltviov, foetal membrane). An abnormal amount of amniotic fluid. Hydran^gea. The root of JI. arhorescens, a saxifrage. Much used by the Cherokee Indians in calculi of the bladder, and said to be of certain utility. Dose 3 ss-ij. Unof. HydrangioFogy (/'(Jwp, ayytiov, a vessel, /lojof, a treatise). A treatise on the nature and functions of the lymphatics. HYDRARGYRIA 195 HYDRATE Hydrargyr''ia. See Mcriurialisin. Hydrargyri'asis. See McnuriaHsm. Hydrar'gyrum. Mercury, llg ^= 200; qu;uuiv;ilence II, IV. Tlie only liquid metallic element, hence the common name, quicksxXsQX. In medicine the metal, its nitrate, o.xides, chlorides and iodides are the salts most commonly, the suljihide and cya- nide less frequently, used. A tonic, purga- tive, and alterative in small doses continued not too long a time. In larger doses, or too long contiimed, is apt to produce ptyalism. In " biliousness," mercurial purgatives have long been a favorite remedy, blue mass, and mercurous chloride or calomel being usually employed. In syphilis mercuiic chloriile and iodide are generally con- sidered a specific. In the form of calomel, useful in inllamniations. For- merly much used in the same form in typlKiid and malarial fevers. The soluble salts of mercury are highly poisonous. H. Ammoniatum, ammoniated mercury, " white precipitate," mercur-ammonium chlnride. Used externally. H. Ammo- niatum Ung., " white precipitate tiint- ment," — ammoniated mercury 10, iienzo- ated lard 90 parts. H. Chloridum Cor- rosivum, corrosive chloride of mercury, mercur/c chloride, " bichloride of mercuiy," "corrosive sublimate." Soluble in water and alcohol; antisyphilitic. l>osegr. s'fj-j'j. \'ery |xjisonous. H. Chloridum Mitis, mild chloride or subchloride of mercury, mitxcwxoiis chloride, "calomel," — laxative, tonjc and anti]5)Tetic. Insoluble in water and alcohol. 1 'ose gr. .-.'.(-x. H. cum Ammonia, Emplastrum. .See Aiumo- niuin. H. cum Creta, mercury with chalk, "chalk mixture," "gray powder," contains mercury 38, sugar of milk 12, prejjared chalk 50, ether and alcohol c|. s. Dose gr. ss-x. H. Cyanidum, mercuric cyanide. Soluble in water and alcohol. Recommended in diphtheria, with aconite. Dose gr. yJij-r'fj. roi.soncus. H. Em- plastrum, mercurial plaster, — Mercury 30, (.live oil 10, resin 10, lead-ijlastcr 50 j»arts. H. et Arsenii lod., Liq., Dcmo- van's Solution. See Arsenic. H. Flav. Lotio, unof., "yellow wash" for syphi- litic slass. icnlid. gr, cij, wati-r Vt^ iij, .syrup (|. s. ml f^ x. H. lodid. Viride, ^nen icxlide of nur- i ury. iiK rcurc/^r iixlidc. Dr).sc gr. joj. H. lodid. Rubrum, red iiMlide or binio- dide of mercury, mercuri't iodide. Soluble in solution of potassium iodide. Poisonous. Dose gr. jV'i^fi- ^- Massa, " blue mass," " blue pill," ha.s mercury })^, licorice 5, ahhiva 25, glycerine 3, confection of rose 34. Used mainly as a purgative. Dose gr. ss-xx. H. Nigra Lotio, unof., "black wash" for s)-philitic sores, — calo- mel gr. XXX, lime water 5x. H. Nitrat. Liq., solution of mercuric nitrate. Used as an escharolic. H. Nitrat. Rub., Ung., unof., red ointnienl of miTcuric nitrate, brown citrine ointment; made with cod- liver oil. H. Nitrat., Ung., citrine oint- ment, — mercury 7, nitric acid 17, lard oil 76. H. Oleat., contains yellow oxide 10, oleic acid 90. H. Oxid. Flav., yellow oxide of mercur}'. Insoluble in water; solulile in nitric and hydrochloric acids. Used in preparation of ointments, etc. H. Oxid. Flav., Ung., contains 10 j^er cent, of the oxide. H. Oxid. Rub., red oxide of mercury. L) gr. tjV— j'j. H. Oxid. Rub., Ung., contains 10 j:>er cent, of the oxide. H. Subsulph. Flav., )ellow subsulphatc of mercury, basic mercuric sulphate, " tuqjcth mineral." Soluble in nitro-hydrochloric acitl. Dose, for emesis, gr. ij-v. H. Succinimidum. Has been recommended for hypodermic use. H. Sulph. Rub., red mercuric sulphate, "cinnabar." Used only in fumigation. H. Unguent., mercurial ointment, "blue ointment," — mercuiy 450, lard 225, suet 225, comp. tinct. benzoin 40, old mercurial ointment 100 ; triturated until the globules of mercury disap])ear under a magnifying glass. Used to produce mercurial ellect by inunction. Hydrarthro'sis (v6up, water, ai)OfMv, j(,pint). An effusion of fluid in a joint as a result of chronic synovitis. Called also Hydrops Articuli, dropsy of the joint, white swelling, c/c. Hydrar'thrus. See Ilydraiihrosis. Hydras''tis, Golden Seal. The roots of JI. ciiNu/ensis. Properties due to several alkaloids, the principal l)eing hydrastine. A simple, bitter tonic with antii)erioe of the lid. ext., tt\_x-x\x ; of the tinct. — 20|)crcent. — ^^ss-ij. Hy- drastin, unof, consi.sls mainly of chlo- ride of JK-rberine. Dose, gr. iJ-v. Hy'drate (/('(.'/<, water). A com|> ) ii^ which n Olefines, CjHjn, Acetylenes, C^Hjn —■ stands for J any number if n = 3, the the Paraffine series would be CgHg, etc. All the hydro- carbons are inflammable. They occur in nature as marsh gas (fire damp), natural gas, naphtha, petroleum, asphaltum, ozocer- ite, etc., in a multitude of forms. Hy^drocele [v6up, k;//1 77, tumor). A collec- tion of serous fluid in the tunica vaginalis, or in connection with the testicle or cord. Applied, also, to a seious tumor in other locations. Hydroceno''sis (w5wp, KEvuaiq, evacua- tion). An evacuation of water either by the use of hydragogue cathartics or by the operation of "tapping" the cavity contain- ing the accumulation of fluid. See Para- ceiifesis. Hydroceph''alic (ySup, KEcpaTiTj). Pertain- ing to or affected with hydrocephalus. H. Cry, the shrieks of pain of the hydroceph- alic child during the exacerbations. Hydroceph^alocele (iJw/o, KscpaTirj, the head, k//2,tj, a tumor). Congenital hydro- cephalus in which the encephalon pro- tioides through the ununited or undeveloped crarial wall. Hydroceph^aloid [vSup, /cf^o?.)/, the head). Pertaining to or resembling hydrocephalus. H. Disease, a disease resembling hydro- cephalus, sometimes observed in poorly nourished infants just after weaning. Hydroceph^alus [vSup, Ke(pa?[)/, head). A collection of fluid in the cerebral ventricles, preventing closure of the fontanelles and causing enlargement of the skull. Hydrocholecys''tis {vSup, x^^V, the bile, Kvar/g, a bladder). Dropsy of the gall- bladder. Hydrocirs''ocele [vSup, Kipaog, a venous enlargement, kt/?.?j, a tumor). Hydrocele accompanied with varicose veins of the spermatic cord. Hydrocce''lia (m^up, KoiTna, the belly). Dropsy of the belly or abdominal region. HydrocoFlidine. A highly poisonous ptomaine-base, so named by Gautier and Etard, and declared by them to be identi- cal with the hydrocollidine obtained by Cahours and Etard by the action of sele- nium on nicotine. Nencki, on the other hand, asserted its identity with a base iso- lated by him in 1876, to which he had as- cril)ed the fonnula CgHjjN. The formula of Gautier and Etard's hydrocollidine is CgHj^N. This ptomaine was obtained from chloroformic extracts, from putrefying mackerel, and putrefying horse flesh and ox flesh. The free base is an almost color- less, alkaline, oily fluid, having a strong, penetrating odor like syringa. So small a HYDROCOLPOCELE 197 HYDROrilTIIALMIA dose as 0.0017 gram of the hydrochloride injected into birds, produces di/.ziness, paraly>is and death. 'I'lie pupils are nor- mal, and the heart stops in diastole. Hydrocorpocele (i'"C, ^ treatise). A is<' (Jii the nature and uses of water. Hydrolyfic (»' f^u/J, ^-fw, to di.s.solve). Per- taining to tlie decompf)sition of water, or the lilK-Tation of water during a chemical rcaciif)n. H. Ferments, tlic)sc causing a comiiinaiion with tin- cK-mcnls of water in the 8ul<8tances they dccomijosc. Hydro'ma (rJwp). A cyst or sac filled with water or serous fluid. Also, an cvdematous swelling. Also, the dilatation of a lymphatic of the neck from a cystic tumor. Hydromeningi''tis {ii^up, fir/i'f)^, a mem- brane). Intlammalion of the membranes of the brain or cord, accompanied by ef- fu.-ion of watery fluids. Hydromenin'gocele (/(^wp, /ir/rr/i, ktjIt], a tumor). A watery tumor of the men- inges, protruding through the skull., a watery tumor in the arachnoid cavity or in the continuation of the subarachnoid space. Hydrom'eter (I'fTw/j, perpov, a measure). An instrument for determining the specific gravity of liiiuids or solutions containing water. Hydromc'tra {^itVop, /i?/rpa. uterus). A collection of water or mucus in the womb. Hydrom^phalus (i(5wp, o/i(pa?og, the na- vel). A tumor at the navel distended with water. May arise either from ascites or umbilical hernia. Hydromy'elus {i'''(^p, pvel.oq, maiTow). A congenital cavity of the spinal cord. Also, distention of the spinal cord caused by the effusion of water or serous fluid. Hydron'cus {h^up, oyKig, a mass). A dis- tention or swelling caused by an accumu- lation of water. See, also, CEi/c/z/a and A)!tjsi7rra. Hydronephro'sis {vi^up, vetfipo^, kidney). A collection of urine in the kidney from obstructed outflow. Hydrop'athy [v(^up, naOng, suffering). The treatment of diseases by the use of water, externally and internally. Hydropericar''dium [vi^uf), TvipiKapfhov, (the jK-ricanliuni). Dropsy of the peri- cardium. Also, an effusion of water or serous fluid into the pericardium during pericarditis. Hydroperitonae''um. See Asciti-s. Hydropho'bia (l(^up, r>i'iog, dread). A symptom of rabies in man, consisting in fear of water, or inability to swallow it. Used commoidy as a synonym of A'aln'es, anfl jiarticuiarly of the disease in man. H., Pseudo-. See J'.uiiiio-/iyi/ro/itt. Hydropho'bic (i(Suii>,tUt,iiic). Pertaining to or liaving the nature of hydinphobia. H., Tetanus. See Kopf ttia'kmyS,, a trumpet). A distention of the Eallopian tube with a fluid substance, and its obstruction at the fimbriated extremity, caused by inflamma- tion. Frequently a result of gonorrhoea. Hydrosar'cocele. See Sarcocele. Hydros^cheocele ('lAjp, oax^nv, the scro- tum, and Krfkr], a tumor). ' Dropsical hernia of the scrotum. Hydrostat^ic ('r'(yw/),(7ra(7/f, standing). The science treating of the conditions and properties of liquids in a state of equilib- rium. Hydrotherapeu''tics ('wTwp, QepaiiEvu, to heal). That part of balneology treating of the hygienic use of cold water, and of its therapeutic application to the body. See, also, Bath and Aqua. Hydrothionu^ria ('uAjp, Qiov, sulphur, ovpov, the urine). Hydrogen-sulphide in the urine. Hydrothc'rax {ySup, dupa^, chest). Dropsy of the chest. Hydrot^omy {'wlup, te/ivu, to cut). A method of dissecting certain tissues by the forcible injection of water into the arteries and capillaries whereby the structures of the tissues are separated. Hydrova^rium ['v6up, ovar/'u///, an ovaiy). Ovarian dropsy. HydroxyFamine. An amine having the composition NH.^(HO), and much re- sembling pyrogallic acid in physiological properties. It has been successfully used as a local application in psoriasis. It does not discolor the skin. The following fonnula is used by Fabiy : hydroxylamine hyd'-ochlorate 2-5, alcohol 1 00 parts, chalk to neutralize. Unof. Hydrozo''a ['vSup, ^uov, an animal). A class of the Coelenterata including the Siphonophera, Ctenophora and Hy- droids. Hygei^a ['Tycia, the goddess of health). State or condition of health. Hy^giene ['vyteivo^, good for the health). That science treating of the laws of health in its broadest sense. Hygreche''ma {'vypo^, moist, 7ixv, sound). The peculiar sound produced by a liquid as observed by the stethoscope, or by per- cussion. Hygrin^ic Ether. A substance of uncer- tain composition, said to have mydriatic properties. Unof Hy'gro- {'vypoc, moist). A prefix denot- ing /noist or zvet. Hygro''ma {^vypoQ, oma, tumor). A serous cyst. The bacillus of tuberculosis, has been found in four cases of hygroma con- taining rice bodies. Hygrom^eter ['vypog, jusTpov, a measure). An in.strument for determining quantita- tively the amount of moisture in the air. This amount, constantly varying, is ex- pressed in terms of the percentage re- quired to saturate the air at the particular temperature observed. Hygromet^ric {'vypog, jjerpov). Per- taining to hygrometiy, or the quanti- tative determination of atmospheric mois- ture. HYCROrillLIA srixosA 199 HYPERDICROTIC Hygroph'ila Spino'sa. A shrub used in Ceylon ami India as a diuretic in dropsy. I'nof. Hygroscop''ic ('r}pof, aso-eu, to see). Having the properly of absorbing moisture fr<,>ni the air. Hy'lonite. See Celluloid. Hy'men \^vnr,x\ a membrane). The fold (.if mucous membrane at the vaginal en- trance. H., Imperforate, a con!:;enital abnomiality, the hjinen without an open- ing, thus closing the vaginal outlet or inlet. Hyme'nal ('t'//;/i). Pertaining to the hy- men. H. Tubercles. See Myrtifonn Canmcles. Hymenol'og^ {'v/ir/v, ?.o-)og, a treatise). A treatise on the nature and structure of membranous tissue. Hymenomala''cia {'vur/r, iia/aKoq, .soft). .\n aliKirnial softening of membranous ti-sucs. Hymenomyce'tes {'vinjv, ^ivKr/^, a fungus). An order of fungi having the hymenium or uml:)rella. All the edible mushrooms i>elong to this class. Hymenop'tera ('vfirp', Trrepov, a wing). An order or family of insects distinguished by two pairs of membranous wings. In- cludes ants, bees, wasp, ichneumon, flies, e/r. Hy'o-. A prefix denoting attachment to or connection with tlie liyoid bone. Hyoglos^sal {/lyoul, y'Auaaa, the tongue). Pertaining to the hyoglo.ssus. Extending l)etween the hyoid lx)ne and the tongue. Hyoglos'sus. .See Musclt-. Hy'oid Bone (Tof/fiz/f, similar to Greek upsilon). A bone situated between the root of the tongue and the pharynx, su])- |)orting the tungue and giving attachment to its miLscles. Hy'oscine. See I/yostyariius. Hyoscy'amus. Henbane. The older leaves of //. tiii^'er. Contains an alkaloid, hyoscyamine, isomeric with and similar to atrojiinc; also, a derivative hyoscine. An excellent narcotic, calmative and hypnotic, less irritating than l^elladonna and stramo- nium. Useful in mania antl the delirium of fevers. Hyoscyamine is u.seful when ever atropine is indicated. A |Kiwtjsc gr. iij-v. H. Ext., Alcoholic. I)<t>7'C, beyond ox excessive. Hyperacou''sis. See Hypcraktisis. Hyperae''mia ('iwfp, aiiia, blood). A con- dition of pletliora or congestion of blood, esjiecially in the capillaries of the skin. H., Active, caused by an abnormal sup- ply of blocKl. H., Passive, caused by an impediment to the removal of the blood. Hyperaesthc'sia ('r'~fp, aiaOi/aic, sensa- tion). Excessive or exalted sensibility of the skin. May be symptomatic or idio- pathic. Hypersesthet'ic {'v-ep, aicOijai^). Per- taining to hypeni:sthesia or an unusual sensibility to impressions in the sensory nerves. Hyperaku^sis {^v-aep, amvaig, hearing). An excessive or exalted sensibility of the sense of hearing. Also, a highly devel- ojK'd sensitiveness to the discernment of pitch and timbre of musical sounils. Hyperalbumino'sis. An unusual rich- ness of albumins in the blood. Hyperalge'sia {^tmep, a'Ayrjaig, sense of |>ain). Excessive sensibility to pain. Hyperal'gia ('vTrep, «/}<(f, pain). Exces- sive ])ain. H., Acoustic, excessive hy- pe rakusis. Hyperaph^ia {'vrrrp, aelow the base line. HYPERDISTENTION 200 HYPERTONIC Hyperdisten^'tion ['vnep, distendo, to stretch). Forcible or extreme distention. Hyperdiure^sis (^vnep, diovpeu, to pass urine). Excessive secretion of urine. Hyperdynam'ia ['vrrep, Svvafii^, energy). Excessive strengtli or exaggeration of ner- vous or muscular functions. Hypereme''sis ['vTzep, efiectg, vomiting). Excessive vomiting. Hyperencep h^a 1 u s (^'v-rrep, eyKe(l>a?iov, brain). An exencephalic monstrosity with lack of the superior part of the cranium, the brain protruding. Hyperephidro^sis ('vttep, EipiSuaig, slight perspiration). Excessive or long-continued sweating. Hyperesopho''ria. See Heteropho7-ia. Hyperexophc'ria. See Heterophoria. Hypergen-'esis ['virep, -yevvao), to beget). A general term signifying excess or re- dundancy of the parts or organs of the body. It may be normal, as in the increase of the tissue of a muscle ; or abnormal, as seen in monstrosities. Also, an exces- sive production of the elements of a tissue or organ. Hypergeu''sia ['vivEp, yEvatg, taste). Abnor- mal increase of the sense of taste. Hyperglobu''lia. Polycythcemic plethora. An abnormal increase of the red-blood corpuscles. Hyper^icum. St. John's Wort. The flow- ering tops of //. perforatum, abundant in temperate climates. A long- known and useful remedy, applied locally in contusions and ecchymoses. Unof. Hyperhidro''sis or Hyperidro''sis ('vTrep, Mpwf, sweat). Idrosis, Ephidrosis, Sudatoria. Excessive sweating. A functional disorder of the sweat glands marked by excessive secre- tion. May be general or local. Hyperin''osis. {'virEp, ivog, muscle). Ab- normal increase in the fibrin-factors in the blood. Hyperinvolu'tion {'virEp, involve, to roll around). A diminution in size of the uterus, due to the abnormal involution oc- curring after pregnancy. Hyperkerato''sis ['vTrsp, Kepag, horn, cor- nea). Hypertrophy of the cornea either in extent or thickness. Hyperkinc'sia {'vttep, Kivrjoiq, energy). A general terra to denote any exaggerated spasm or muscular contraction. Hyperkinefic {'vrrEp, KivijoLg). Pertaining to hyperkinesia. Hypermas^tia {'viTEp, iiaarnq, the breast). Excessive development or hypertrophy of the mammary gland, which remains nonn:il in structure. Hypermetro''pia. Same as Hyperopia. Hypermnc'sis ['vnEp, /j.v//ai(;, memory). Abnormal exaltation of the power of mem- ory. Hyperodontog''eny {'vKEp, odovg, a tooth, ■yEvvau, to beget). The phenomenon of a third dentition late in life. Supposed to be due to development of one or more su- perfluous tooth-genns which have remained dormant. Hyperop''ia ('vrrEp, uip, the eye). That condition of the refractive media of the eye in which, with suspended accommoda- tion, the focus of parallel rays of light is behind the retina ; it is due to an abnormally short antero-posterior diameter of the eye, or to a subnormal refractive power of its media. H., Latent, that part of the total that cannot be overcome by the accom- modation, or the difference between the manifest and total. H., Manifest, that the accommodation can overcome, or that corrigible by a convex glass with acting accommodation. Hyperos''mia {'vttep, oa/xr/, odor). An ab- normal and usually morbidly acute sense of smell. Hyperosto'sis ('t;7rfp,o(Treov,bone). Exos- tosis or general hypertrophy of bony tissue. Hyperphc'ria. See Heterophoria. Hyperpla''sia (^vTTzp, TzTiaaLq, moulding). The excessive deposit or augmentation of the elements of the tissue composing an organ. Hyperplasf'ic {'vTvsp, irTiaaTLKog, fit for moulding). Pertaining to hyperplasia. Hyperporc'sis {'vttep, irupuaig, cementing or uniting). An excessive formation of callus in the reuniting of fractured bones. Hyperprax''ia {'vTrep, Trpa^cg, exercise). The excessive restlessness of movement characterizing certain forms of mania. HyperpselaphC'sia {'vTtep, ifir/'Aafi/ma, touch). Abnormal increase of tactile sen- sibility. Hyperpyret^ic {'vTrep, nvp, fire). Pertain- ing to hyperpyrexia. Hyperpyrex^ia {'vttep, nvp, exu, to have). A condition marked by excessively high temperature or febrile symptoms. Hypersecre^tion. Excessive secretion. Hypersthen^ia {'vwEp, aOsnog, strength). A condition of exalted strength or tone of the body. Hyperton^ic {'vttep, rovog, tone). A con- dition beyond the natural tension or tone. Also, irritability. HYPERTRICHIASIS 201 HYPOPLASIA Hypertrichi'asis. See Hirsulits. Hypertricho'sis. See Hirsuties. Hypertroph'ic('iTfp,7/joo/;, nourishment). A condition of h}'pertrophy or excessive size. Hyper'trophy ('i'tf/j, Tp(xf>f/). Excessive nourishment or increase in size of any part or oryan of the Injily. H., Cardiac, may be caused by valvular disease, or by dis- ease of the kidneys and other distant organs, or by constitutional disease. H., Concentric, thous^h the wall be hyjjer- tro[)hied, the cavity of the heart is con- tracted. H., Eccentric, cardiac H. with dilatation. H., Idiopathic, when wiihout further disease of the heart's strucluro, or those of other organs. H. Numerical, an increase in the nunil)er of the con- stituent cells or structures. Hypertro'pia. See Strubis/nus. Hyphae'mia ('i'to, a/z/a, blooil. ILvmor- rhage within the glol)e of the eye. Hjrphidro''sis ('uto, 'wlup, water). Defi- ciency of water. I^ss than the noiTnal amount of water in the tissues of the Ixxly. Hypino'sis ('uto, e produced by vari- ous means, as, for example, looking with concentrated attention at any small object .so near that effort is reriuired to converge the axes of the eyes. It is characterized by a partial or complete absence of volition, sensation and self- consciousness, except that which comes from the hypnotizer or s one altecled in the hypochondrium). A dis- turbance of the functions of the nervous system similar to melancholia, in which the patient believes himself suffering from bodily disease. Characterized liy alternate spells of moodiness and excitability. Hypochon'drium. See Abdomen. Hypochro'mia ('i'~o, jj-pwHO, color). Ab- normal pallor or trans])arency of the skin, occurring in certain skin diseases. Hypodermaf'ic ('I'-o, Jfp/za, the skin). Pertaining to that which is under the skin, or to the introduction of medicines beneath the skin. Hypoder'mic. See Hypoderrnatic. Hypodermocly'sis ('n-o, Sepfia, skin, K?.vaig, a drenching). The hypodermatic injection of nutrient material beneath the skin in the algid stage of Asiatic cholera, collapse, t'/r. Hypogas^tric {'v~o, yaa-r/p, the belly). Pertaining to the hyixigastric region. See Abdomen. Hypogas'trium. See Abdomen. Hypogeu'sia ('uto, yevnig, taste). Dimi- nution in the sense of taste. Hypoglos''sal ('uto, y?.(.)r!na, the tongue). Liider the tongue. H. Nerve. See A'en'e. Hypoglof'tis ('uTTo, yhjrTa, the tongue). The under |)art of the tongue, adherent to the lower jaw. y\lso, a swelling at the under part of the tongue. Hypognath'us {'vrro, bene.alh, yrnOnq, jaw). A monstrosity in which the parasite is attached to the inferior maxillary l>one. Hypoma'nia ('i'~", /lavin, madness). A inudir.itr degree of maniacal exaltation. Hyponeu'ria ('j'To,i'»iywi',anerve). .Slight, or diminished nerve |X)wer. Hypoph'ysis ('rn-u, ^lu, to l)c developed). Ihe jiituitary iKxly; sometimes called the H. Cerebri. Hypopla'sia. Sec ////<;«i]^(q, rupture). Rupture of the womb. Hysterotomy. See Qcsivean Opera- tion. Hystrici'asis {'varpi$, a hedgehog). A disease of the hair in which the latter ".stares" or stands out like the hair of the hedgehog. I I. The symlx)l of Iodine. lamatol^ogy {tnua, a remedy, Poyof, science). .\ treatise on remedies. latralip'tic {larpoc^, a physician, a?.ei(j)u, to anoint). Pertaining to the cure of diseases by inunction. lat'ric (larpor;). Pertaining to the physi- cian or to the science of medicine. latro- {larpevij, to heal). A Cireek prefix signifying /o heal, and in comjX)sition, relating to medicine or physicians. latrophys'ics {larpnc, ipirriKnr, pertaining to nature). The relation of |)hysics or use of physics in or theraj^eutics. The materialistic explanation of disease. Iatrotech''nics [tarpnij^ Tcx^tj, art). The art of healing. Ice (Sax. is). The solid form that wafer takes l)elow o° C. or 32° V. I. Bag, a bag of wateqjroof material filled with ice, for application to any {>art of the Ixxiy. I. Cap, a bladder or nibi)er cap filled witli jjounfied ice for apijlication to tiie Ik.-kI in f ongcslinn. Icc'land Moss. Sec Cetraria. Ice^land Spar. A lrans|)arent calcium carlxinatecrysialli/cd inrhoml>oidal jirisrns. It has the pro|xrty of dividing and doulily ri-fr.u ting a ray of light. I'chor ('.t'*'/', I'U^). An atrirj and thin puriform discharge from an ulcer or wound. I'chorous ('V'-'P)- Pertaining to pus con- taiiiiuL; ulcerative, serum-like ]iro(lucts. Ichorrhae'mia (/,:iw/j, atfia, the lilood). The di.seased condition of the blood due to the absorption of septic matter. Also, jjyncmia. Ich'thin, or Ich''thidin. An albuminous sul 'Stance obtained from fishes. IchthyocoFla. Isinglass. The air blad- der of the sturgeon, Acipcnser. Occurs in homy, translucent, white sheets, that fomi a jelly with hot water. The jnirest form of gelatine. I'sed as a food, for clarifying li(iuids, and as a test for tannic acid. I. Emplastrum, court-plaster; consists of isinglass 10, glycerine I, alco- hol 40, water and tinct. ben/oin (|. s., spread u|)on fine white silk l>olting cloth and dried. Ichthyog''raphy (/,v"i'f, ypnd^u), to write). A description of fishes and their distribu- tion. Ichthyoid (/,Yfl''f. f'^'T, a form). Re- sembling a fish. Ich'thyol ( ',v"''C )■ -^ preparation ob- tained from certain vnrielies of a.splialtum occurring in the Tyrolese .Alps. It is alleged to be efficient in ee/ema and psoriasis. Ich'thyolitc ('v"'''.". '''""C. ^ stone). A fossil |K'trifaetion or imprint of a fish. ICHTHYOLOGY 204 IDIOPLASM Ichthyology (/^Y^i'f, /ioyog, a treatise). A treatise on fishes. Ichthyoph^agus {ix^vg, (pajeiv, to eat). Fish-eating. A word apphed to such ani- mals as subsist on fish. Ichthyc'sis {'x^vg). Xeroderma. Fish- skin disease. A chronic, hypertrophic, con- genital disease of the skin characterized by extreme dryness and excessive develop- ment of scales and warty growths. I. Hys''trix, a form characterized by thick, enormously hypertrophied warty papillae, usually localized and morbid, and con- sidered by Van Harlingen as a distinct disease. I. Sauroderma, " lizard-skin," a variety of /. Simplex. I. Sebacea. See Seborrhoea. I. Simplex, a scaliness developing most commonly on the arms, legs and back, and not attended by con- stitutional disturbance. Ichthyotox''icuin [ix^vg, to^ikov, poison). A name loosely given to poisoning irom eating the flesh of certain fish, and also to the poisonous principle. It may be due to a natural poisonous principle, or to pu- trefactive fermentation of the substance of the fish. It is probably a ptomaine. I''con [ecKuv, an image). An image or model. Iconog''raphy [eiKuv, ■Ypa(pu, to write). A description by means of pictorial illustra- tion. Icterepati^tis [iKTspng, jaundice, hepatitisy inflammation of the liver). Jaundice at- tended with inflammation of the liver. Ic'teric [iKTspog). Pertaining to jaundice. Ic'terode [iKTspog). Having jaundice or affected by it. Ic'teroid [iKTspog). Resembling or having the nature of jaundice. Ic^terus {iKTepog). Jaundice, i/. v. I., Hepatogenic. See Hepatogenic. I . Neonatorum, that which is sometimes observed in an infant during the first few days after birth ; probably an indirect result of tying the umbilical cord. Ic'tus (Lat., a stroke). A stroke or attack of disease coming without premonition. -ide. A sufiix used in chemistry to denote a combination of two elementary sub- stances. Ide^a (<(Jert, form or semblance). A men- tal representation of something perceived. I. Chase, a condition in acute mania in which disconnected ideas and fancies flow rapidly through the mind. A term much used by German authors. I., Fixed, that form of mania in which one dominant idea controls all actions. Ident^ical Points. Corresponding points of the two retinae, or the two positions in normal eyes where the image of an object is focused upon the retinae. Ident^ist {idein,i\\^ same). A term formerly applied to such writers as held gonorrhoea, hard and soft chancre, to be due to the same specific virus. Idenfity (/(/^/«). Absolute sameness. I., Personal, that which is commonly proved by establishment of similarity or sameness of age, sex, physical characteristics, marks, and peculiar habits. Ideo-mo''tor [idea, a mental image, moveo, to move). Pertaining conjointly to idea- tion and movement. I. Center, that part of the gray matter which, influenced by ideation, excites muscular movement. I. Movements. Unconscious movements, due to impulses of the mind when the attention is otherwise absorbed. Ideoplasf'ic (»5e«, appearance, Trlaaau, to form). That stage of hypnotism in which the idea impressed on the brain of the agent is translated into action. -ides l^eiSog, resembling in form). A suf- fix denoting resemblance to the object with the name of which it is combined. -ideus lyLSiog, one's own). A sufiix having the sense of possession or o^vnership. Idiempre''sis {jSiog, efiTTprjatg, burning). Spontaneous combustion. Also, sponta- neous inflammation. Id^io- (((5wf). A Greek prefix signifying peculiar to one's self. Id^iocy [iSiojTTig, a private person). A con- dition of mental deficiency, usually accom- panied by physical degeneracy. See Idiot. Idio-mus''cular [uhor, musculus, muscle). Peculiar to muscular tissue. I. Contrac- tion, the contraction of a fatigued or tired muscle under certain conditions of stimulus, influence, etc. Idioneuro''sis (<(J/of, VEwpoy, a nerve). An affection due to some disturV)ed or abnor- mal condition of the nerves supplying the affected part. Idiopath^ic [iSiog, iradog, suffering). Per- taining to any disease not consequent or dependent upon another. The antithesis of sympathetic, deuteropathic, etc. Idiophren'ic [iSiog, ecial or jjeculiiu- characteristic or temjx^rament by which a person difiers from other persons of ordi- nary habits. Id'iot [ti^iurrjg, a private person). A jierson of imperfect, deficient or arrested mental development, either congenital, or due to causes arising so(.>n after birth. Id'iotism. The state of idiocy. Idro^sis. See Jlypcridrosis. Igasu'ric Acid. An acid occurring in :?t. Ignatius bean, and certain other plants containing strychnia. Igna'tia. St. Ignatius Bean. The seed of Stiychnos Igtuitii. Properties due to the alkaloids strychnine and brucine, of which the plant contains of each about i per cent. Therapeutic effects similar to those of nux vomica, q. v. Recommended in hysteria. Highly efficient in control- ling the functions of the cerebro-spinal axis. I. Abstractum. Dose gr. ss-j. I. Tinct., lias lo per cent, of the drug. Ignipunct'ure [t^'nis, fire,///;/'.//^;v7, punc- ture). A method of cauterization and treating certain forms of hypertrophy by the introduction of platinum needles heated to whiteness by the electric current. Ig'nis (l^t.). Fire. Combu^ticm distin- guished i)y rapid oxidation. I. Actualis, actual cautery. I. Fatuus, the plienome- non known as Jack o' lantern, \Vill o" the Wisp, e/c. Its origin is not known. I. Sacer, an obsolete name for er}sipclas. I. Sancti Antonii, Suint .Int/ionys lire, a common name for erysipelas. Igni''tion {ignis'). The process of heating solids, csj)ecially inorganic com]X)unds, at a white-hot temperature until all volatile matter has been driven off. Il'eac Passion [ei/jor, a colic or grijjing). An ailment characterized by severe gri|)ing pains and vomiting of facal matter, to- gether with .spasm of the abdominal muscles. IleadeKphus (/A/^w, fMf/i/ior, brother). A moiioceplialic dual monstrosity with l>otlies united at the pelvis, with four lower and twf) uplK-r extremities. ll'co- (i/ii4»i). A prefix signifying con- nection fir relation to the ileum. Ileo-cae'cal (ilen/n, arium). IVrtaiiiing or U-Umging to ix)th ileum and t;ecum. I. Fossa, a dej)rcssion in the lower part of the small intestine at the lixsc of the vermiform process. I. Valve, a valve consisting of two folds of mucous mem- brane that guards the passage between the ileum and ca-cum. Ileo-coKic [i/fum, colon"). Pertaining con- jointly to the ileum and the colon. Ileo-coli'tis [i/rnni, cc/on). Inflamma- tion of the lower part of the ileum and the colon. It is commonly known as in- testinal catarrh. H'eum [et?.fu, I tum). The lower half of the small intestine. Receives its name from its peristaltic movements. Il'iac {i/i(i, the fianks). Pertaining to the ilium or to the flanks. I. Aneurism, one occurring at the groin. I. Artery. See Artery. I. Crest, the upper free margin of the ilium to which tlie abdominal muscles are attached. I. Muscle. See Muscle. I. Region, one of the regions into which the abdomen is conventionally divided. See Ahdonun. Ili^acus. See JMttscle. IliadeFphus {ilio, a(h?.(pog, brother). A term applied to fatal monsters united at the pelvis but double above. Il'io- {ileum). A Greek word used as a prefix to denote relation to, or connection with the ilium. Ilio-capsula''ris {ilium, capstila, a little chest). A muscle occasionally found in man, originating at the anterior lower S]>ine of the ilium and inserted into the ilio- femoral ligament. Ilio-fem^oral {ilium, femur, the thigh bone). I'ertaining conjointly to the ilium and the femur. I. Ligament, an inverted V-shaped ligament extending obli(iuely across the hip joint, from a spine of the ilium to the trochanters of the femur, pre- venting over-extension of the joint. I. Triangle, a triangle consisting of a base drawn from the summit of the great tro- chanter to the anterior upjier spine oi the ilium, with an ai)ex fornud by lines drawn backward from the anterior upper spine and u])ward from the summit of the tro- chanter. Ilio-hypogas'tric {ilium, vTrnyaaTpiov, the lower belly). Pertaining conjointly to the ilium and the hypogastrium. I. Nerve. See A'en'e. Ilio-in'guinal {ilium, im^nten, the groin). Pirtaining to the ilium and the groin. I. Nerve. See A'cnr. Ilio-lum''bar {ilium, luml'it^, the loin). Pertaining conjtiintly to the ilium and the loins. I. Artery, a branch of the [Kisie- rior division of the internal iliac ailery, supplying tlie iliacus, and also the psoas, ILIO-PECTINEAL 206 IMMUNITY and quadratus lumborum muscles. I. Muscle, that part of the quadratus lum- borum muscle that is inserted at the tips of the processes of the lumbar vertebrae. Ilio-pectine^al. Pertaining conjointly to the ilium and the pectineus muscle. I. Ligament, that part of the iliac fascia which attaches Poupart's ligament and the sheath of the crural vessels to the os pubis. I. Line, the ridge reaching from the spine of the OS pubis to the auricular surface of the ilium. Ilio-pePvic. Pertaining conjointly to the ilium and the pelvis. I. Abscess, a sup- puration sometimes occurring over the ili- acus muscle during first labor, and com- monly due to the laceration of muscular fiber. Ilio-pso'as. The iliacus and psoas mus- cles taken conjointly. IPium (Lat.). The upper part of the os i)inominatiiin. The haunch bone. Illaquea^tion {illaqiiea, to ensnare). A method of changing the direction of mis- placed cilia, by withdrawing them by a noose, througli an opening in the adjacent tissue of the lid. lUegit^imacy (//;, not, legitiinus, according to law). The condition of being unlaw- ful, or not legitimate. lUegit^imate (in, legitiimis). Not in ac- cordance with statutory law. I. Child, one born out of lawful wedlock ; a bastard. Illequa^tion. See Illaqueation. lUic^ium. Star Anise. The frait of 77- liciiim aiiisatum. Properties due to a volatile oil identical with oil of anise. Illumina''tion {illiiniiiio, to make light). A light produced by a luminous body, and reflected by surrounding objects. I. of Eye, the lighting up of the interior of the eye by means of the ophthalmoscopic mirror. I., Oblique, in microscopy, an illumination produced by throwing the rays upon the object at any angle of inclination. In ophthalmology, of the cornea, etc., by focusing a pencil of rays obliquely upon the part. Illu^sion [illusio, a mocking). See Hal- lucination. Im^age {imago, a likeness). The picture of an object formed by the focalized rays of light proceeding from it. I., Diffu- sion of. See Diffusion. I., Erect, that of the fundus oculi as seen by the ophthal- moscope, the details of the fundus being in their natural position. I., Inverted, that olitained by interposing between the mirror and observed eye, a high-power lens ; it is an aerial image at the focus of the lens used. I., Real, that made by the focal- ized reflected rays. I., Virtual, that pro- duced by the imaginary focus of the rays, as, e.g., behind a miiTor. Imagina^tion (/wrt^'-, to drive into). A for- cible striking against. Impacfed (///, />/«.,<)). Driven a^jainst and retained, as a weilge. I. Fracture, one in which the fragments of bone are driven into one another in such a manner as to shorten the bone. Impale'inent (/;/, />ti/; e-iual). Odd or un- equal. I., Ganglion, a small ganglion on the coccyx. Imper'forate {ifi,neg., per/oro, to pierce). Congenital and abnormal closure of an opening of the IxKly, as the anus, vagina, (•/'■. .'^ce Oiclusicii and Olislruction. Imperfora''tion (///, neg., perforo, to bore through). Occlusion, es])ecially used of the .\nu>, Hymen, Vagina, y Tilbury Kox : I. Contagiosa, marke/, phuito, to set). The act of setting in. Also, the transplantation of a tooUi from the jaw of one person to that of another. Also, the engrafting of epidermis from the skin of one jxrson upon the Inxly of another. I., Hypodermatic, the intrcKlucti(.>n of a medicine in the form of a soluble bolid under the skin for thera- peutic jiurposes. I., Teratological, a fetal monstrosity consisting of an imperfect, joined to a perfect Retus. Impond'erable (///, not, /<)«(/£7(?/'/7w, that which can be weighed). That which can- not be weighed. I. Fluids, an obsolete term, formerly applied to light, heat and electricity. Importa'tion (///,/(>/-/(>, to carry). Trans- ference from anollier locality or foreign country. I. of Disease, the carrjing of the contagion of di.sease. Impos'thume {cnroari/fia, standing away from). A corrupt form of apostcnta. An abscess. Im'potence {in, not, possum, to be able). Lack of power, applied especially to male incapacity of procreation. Impregna^tion {in, pirgii(nis,w\\\\ child). The slate of being pregnant. Fecunda- tion. Fertilization. Impres^sion {imprimo, to press ujwn). A hollow or depression. Ajjplicd to a number of such in the body. I., Digital, the mark made by finger pressure. Impu'beral (/;/, noi, pit/u-/; ripe). Desti- tute of hair on the puiies. Not of adult age. Im'pulse (/w/t'/Zc, to drive against). Any communicated fcirce. Also, the shock and reverberation on tlie chest-walls caused by the beating of the heart. Also, a sudden s|X)ntaneous emotion of the mind or in- fluence acting upon it. I., Cardiac, the systolic beat of the heart occiu-ring at the apex, and ft-lt in the fifth intercostal space. I., Morbid, any strong, unnatural im- pulse, especially one of an insane cliarac- Icr. ImpuFsion {impillo). The act of driving or urging onward, either mentally or physi- cally. Impur'ity (///, not, purus, pure or clean). Want of ]iurity or cleanliness. In chem- istry the condition of containing some sub- stance other than that desired. .Adultera- tion. In nies in the .sounds of tlie heart, bill llol sullieielit lo a iiiuriiiur. In A Latin prefix signifying /// or within. Alst), a particle signifying negation. -IN 208 INCUBATOR -in, or -ine. A suffix added to the names of the halogen elements, chlorine, bromine, iodine and fluorine. Also, a distinctive termination used to distinguish organic bases, particularly the class known as al- kaloids. It is also loosely applied to cer- tain organic radicals. Inan^imate (w, not, aiii/iiHSjliie). Not animate. Dead. Without life. Inani^tion (z«ff«/f,tomake empty). Empti- ness of the organs of digestion for want of food. Also, wasting of the body from starvation or disease. Inap^petence [in, not, appeto, to desire). Loss or want of appetite. Inartic^'ulate {in, not, articiihis, a joint). Not jointed or articulated. Also, vocal sounds not capable of aiTangement into syllables, or of being understood. Inassim'ilable {in, not, assimulo, to make like). Incapable of assimilation. Incandes^cent {incandesce, to become white hot). A term applied to a substance that has been heated to the degree of emit- ting light. I. Electric Light, one con- sisting of a film of carbon of high resistance enclosed in a vacuous glass globe. The film emits a white light when the cuirent passes through it. Incar^cerated. See Hernia. Incarcera^tion {in, carcero, to imprison). The condition of imprisonment or confine- ment of a part. See Hernia. Incarna^tion. See Conception. In^cest {incestus, not chaste). Carnal in- tercourse between persons of near relation- ship. In^cidence {incido, to fall). A falling upon. The direction in which one body strikes another. I., Line of, the path of a ray or a projectile. I., Point of, the point upon which the ray or projectile is reflected or strikes. In'cident {incido). Falling upon. Incinera^tion {cineres, ashes). The process of heating organic substances in contact with the air until all organic matter is driven off, and only the mineral ash re- mains. Inci^sed (2«(7V/(7j to cut). Cut. I. Wound, one made by a sharp-edged instrument. Incis^ion {incido). The act of cutting into any tissue of the body. Inci^'sive {incido). Having the quality of cutting. Pertaining to the incisor teeth. I. Teeth. See Incisor. Inci^sor {incido). Any cutting instrument. I. Nerve, the branch of the inferior dental nerve supplying the incisor and canine teeth. I. Teeth, the four anterior teeth in each jaw. Incisu^ra {incido). A notch. Also, an incision. Inclu^sio Fceta''lis. (Lat.) A form of ftt^tal parasitism in which the parasite is more or less included and overgrown by the tissues of the autosite. Inclu^sion {inchtdo, to enclose or shut in). The state of being shut in. Also, the act of shutting in. Incohc'rent {in, not, cohcEro, to stick together). Not connected or coherent. Inability to express that sequence of words or of ideas necessary to convey meaning. Incompafible {in, not, compatibilis, en- durable). A term used to designate such compounds as are incapable of mixture without undergoing such chemical or phys- ical changes as impair or destroy their value. Also, substances physiologically antagonistic, and therefore useless to pre- scribe. Incotn'petence {in, not, compatior, to suffer together). Inability to perform natural functions. I., Mental, a disorder of mind sufficient to produce irresponsi- bility. I., Valvular. See Insufficiency. Incon^tinence (/;/, not, contineo, to con- tain). Inability to restrain the faeces or the urine ; involuntary evacuation. Some- times used as a synonym of venereal indul- gence. Incoordination {in, not, con, together, ordino, order). Not in natural or normal order. In pathology, the inability to pro- duce voluntary muscular movements in proper order or sequence. I. of Ocular Muscles. See Insufficiency. Incorpora''tion (/;/, corpus, a body). The process of intimately mixing the particles of different bodies into a practically homo- geneous mass. Increma^tion. See Cremation. In^crement {incrcnientuni, growth). In- crease or growth. Incrusta''tion {incrusto, to cover with rind). The formation of a crust. Also, the formation of a calcareous deposit in organic tissue due to senility or disease. Incuba^tion {incuho, to sit on eggs). In medicine, the period between the implant- ing of the contagion and the development of the disease. In^cubator {incubo). A device for the artificial hatching of eggs or cultivation of microscopic plants. I., Crede's, a copper tube made with double walls, between INCUBUS 209 INDOL which water at the desired temperature may be put, and withdrawn by means of pipes and stop-cocks. I., Tarnier's, an apparatus for the rearing of premature children, consisting of a l)OX with two compartments, one containing the cliiid, the other, and lower compartment, being filled with warm water, so as to keep a uniform temperature of S6°-SS°. In'cubus. See .\/>/;/;«art is icx> times the sagittal, divi(let of Pterocaulon Pyinoilaehium. lias reputed alterative pr(i[xrrlies. Dose of flil. extract TT\^xv- XXX. Unof. I. Corn. See /.ea Mays. 14 I. Physic, American Ipecacuanha, the bark of the root of Gillenia trifoliata. A mild emetic and cathartic. Dose of (Id. ext. n\,x-xl. Unof. I. Turnip. See Drai^vn A'oct, Ind'ia-rub'ber. The prepared concrete juice obtained mainly from an Indian tree, J-ieus elastieus, and a South American tree, Siphonia elustiea. It is valuable chiefly for its elasticity and its insolubility in water. It is ditl'icultly soluble in oil of tuq)entine, and highly soluble in carbon disulphitle. Also, called Caoutchouc. Ind'ican. A glucoside forming the basis of indigo. May be obtained from the leaf in the form of a yellowish-brown syruj), having an acid reaction. Indig''enous {indii, in, ^':^no, to be bom). Kative. Originating or belonging to a cer- tain locality or country. Indigest^ion (in, digestOy to dissolve). Same as Dyspepsia. Indigita'tion (z«, digitus, a finger). A term applied to the displacement of a part of the intestine by intussusception. In'digo. A blue pigment foniied during the fermentation of Indigofera anil, I. tinetona and other species. It is insoluble in alcohol or water, but freely soluble in strong sulphuric acid. Used mainly in the arts as a dye-stuff Chemically, it is a mixture of several ])rincipk'S, the chief being a blue coloring matter, indigotin. Therapeutically, it is an irritant to the mucous membrane of the alimentary tract, jiroducing intense nausea. It has been used advantageously in epilejisy, chorea and convulsions, in e due to the stars]). A contagious, epidemic, inflammatory aflection of the mucoas membrane of the respiratory tract, accorajjanied by a muco-purulent discharge, fever, and prostration. Popularly called by its I'Vench name, la f^rippe. In'flux (/;7,y7«", to flow). An inflow. The act of flowing in. Infra- (infra, beneath). A Latin prefix meaning beneath. Infra-ax'illary [infra, axilla, the arm- pit). I{r!(jw the armpit. Infraclavic'ular (infra, chn>iiula, the collar Ixjnc). Hehjw the collar-l)one. Infracost^al (//;y>-a, rcj/a, the ribs). Below the ribs. Infrac'tion (///./r^r/iV, breaking). Incom- plete fracture of a lionc Alstj, an inden- tation or driving iiiwanl. Inframax'illary (infra, maxillium, the jaw). Iklow or under the jaw. Infra-orb'ital {infra, orbita, the orbit). Beneadi or below the orbit. I. Artery, the branch of the internal maxillary- artery traversing the infra-orbital canal. I. Canal, the canal in the superior maxillaiy bone that ti-ansmits the infra-orbital vessels and nerves. I. Foramen, the aperture in tlie superior maxillaiy bone through which the infra-orbital artery passes. I. Groove, the groove leading to tl>e infra-orbital canal. I. Nerve, the name of the supe- rior maxillary nerve at its entrance to the infra-orbital canal. Infrascap'ular (infra, scapula, the shoul- der-blade). Below the shoulder-blade. Infraspina'tus. See Muscle. Infrasternal (infra, sternum, the breast bone). Beneath the sternum. I. Depres- sion, the depression of the ensiform car- tilage, commonly called the pit of the stomach. Infundib'uliform {infunJibulum, a fun- nel, y^rw,/, a ftirin). Funnel-shaped. I. Fascia, the funnel-shaped membranous layer that invests the spermatic cord. Infundib'ulum (htfundo, to pour into). A funnel. I. of Brain, a funnel-shaped mass of gray matter attached to the jiitui- tary gland. I. of Cochlea, a sniall cavity at the end of the modiolus. I. of Heart, the arterial cone from which the pulmonary arteiy arises. Infu'sion. See Infusum. Infuso'ria (infusum, an infusion). A class of microscopic, ciliated organisms belong- ing to the order of Protozoa. They repro- duce by fission and budding, and also by eggs or germs. Infu'sum (Lat.). An infusion. In ]ihar- macy, a jjreparation made by treating a vegetable sulistance with hot or witli cold water without lulling. Infusions should, in the absence of sjxicific directions, con- tain I part of the substance to lo of water. There are 5 official infusa. Inges'ta (im^ero, to cany into). Sub- stances introduced into the body, especially for purjKjses of alimentation. Inges'tion (im^ero). Tin- introduction of footl or imtritiim into the inuutli or stomach. In'gluvin. A preparation obtained from the gi/zard of the fowl, u.sed as a substi- tute for pepsin and pancrcaiin. Very cfli- cient in tlie vomiting of pregnancy. Dose gr. XX. Ingras'sias, Processes, or Wings of. The lesse of the same disease. I'nogen [tg [gen. u'of], fiber, yevrao), to produce). A name given to a hyix)thetical substance held to occur in muscular tissue, and to be decomjxjsed, during contraction, into carbon dioxide, sarcolactic acid, and myosin. Because of this behavior it is considered the energy-producing substance of muscle. Inorgan^ic [ht, organtan, an instnmient). A temi applied to a body or a sul stance that possesses none of the possibilities of development, growth or life. I. Constitu- ents. .*^ee Cintstitiu-nts. Inoscula'tion {in, o:cuIo, to kiss). The joining, at their mouths, of the branches of blood vessels, especially the extremities of arteries with the origins of veins. Inosin'ic Ac'id. An ammonia derivative from muscle ; of unknown constitution. Pnosit. See Sus^ar. In'quest [in, qinrro, to ask). A judicial in'juirv'. I., Coroner's, an in^iuiry con- cerning the cause of the death of one who has died by violence or in some other un- known way. Inquisi'tion (?*;/, ^«^rr^). The ini|uiryor hearing lx;fore a jury or commission con- cerning the sanity or lunacy of a criminal or a]>tr«on charged with crime. Insaliva'tion (/;/, j<7//zw, the spittle). The mixture of the food with saliva during mastication. Insane' (/«, not, ^(7««j, sound). Deranged or di.seased in mind. I. Ear. See //uf-wa- toma Aiiris. Insan'ity (///, santa:^. A derangement or abnormal condition of one or more of the mental faculties, without loss of volition or consciousness, arising from causes other than l)0<-rii>