IISpiiiiill:iS DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE BUREAU OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC COMMERCE JULIUS KLEIN, Director MISCELLANEOUS SERIES— No. 99 COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES REVISED EDITION, MARCH 1, 1923 PRICE, 20 CENTS Sold by the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1923 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE tC r d BUREAU OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC COMMERCE / ?>«ag-J^r O^ JULIUS KLEIN, Director MISCELLANEOUS SERIES— No. 99 COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES REVISED EDITION, MARCH 1, 1923 PRICE, 20 CENTS Sold by the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1923 ) 19-23 Bancroft Libfaiy LETTER OF SUBMITTAL. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, Washington, March 81, 1923. Sir: There is submitted herewith a revised edition of Commercial and Industrial Organizations of the United States. The first edition of this directory was published in 1913, in conformity with Senate Resolution 406 of December 12, 1912. The interest shown in the initial volume convinced the department that the work should be continued, and the current volume comprises the fifth edition of the directory. The first copy of the directory contained about 3,200 names. The directory just preceding this one listed approximately 5,800 organi- zations, while the present compilation shows slightly more than 11,000, made up of approximately 1,500 interstate, national, and international, 2,000 State, and 7,700 local organizations. The omission of the street addresses of the active ofiicers of the associations in previous editions of the directory was the basis of some criticism, and, as far as possible, this has been corrected in the present work. Quite a number of the local organizations did not report their street addresses, although a fairly complete record of the street addresses of the secretaries of the national associations was obtained. Another improvement is the addition of an index to the interstate, national, and international organizations, by means of which an as- sociation can be readily located in the classified section, provided some indication of its primary interest is known. The column showing income has been omitted. Only those organi- zations which repUed to the department's request for information have been included. Population figures given in connection with the local organizations are from the latest Census Bureau report. The Post Ofiice Department, through the postmasters of the coun- try, was of material assistance in ascertaining the names of the com- mercial organizations from which the bureau obtained the detailed information here presented. ra IV LETTER OF SUBMITTAL. Special thanks are due to the National Industrial Conference Board for cooperation extended by that organization in turning over to the department material deahng with trade associations in the United States which it had collected. Assistance and cooperation received from many other organiza- tions and individuals also helped to make the present directory the most complete compilation of its kind thus far issued by the department. Respectfully, Julius Klein, Director. Hon. Herbert Hoover, Secretary of Commerce, •;;j; COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL. ALPHABETICAL LIST. Name. Address of secretary. Abrasive Paper and Cloth Manufacturers' Exchange. Actors' Equity Association Actuarial Society of America Aeronautical Chamber of Commerce of America Agricultural Publishers' Association Air Brake Appliance Association Air Brake Association Allied Artists of America (Inc.) American Aberdeen-Angus Breeders' Association... American Academy of Arts and Letters American Academy in Rome American Acceptance Council American Agricultural Association American Angora Goat Breeders' Association American Asiatic Association American Association of Advertising Agencies American Association of Creamery Butter Manu- factiurers. American Association of Engineers American Association of Fhnt and Lime Glass Man- ufacturers. American Association of Foreign Language News- papers (Inc.). American Association of Ice and Refrigeration American Association of Industrial Physicians and Surgeons. American Association of Joint Stock Land Banks. . . American Association of Labor Legislation American Association of Nurserymen American Association of Operating Engineers American Association of Passenger TrafTic Officers. . American Association of Petroleum Geologists American Association of Port Authorities American Association of Railroad Superintendents . American Association of Textile Chemists and Col- orists. American Association of Wholesale Hatters American Association of Wholesale Opticians American Association of Wool Blanket Manufac- turers. American Association of Woolen and Worsted Man- ufacturers. American Automobile Association American Bakers' Association American Bankers' Association American Bar Association American Boiler Manufacturers' Association American Booksellers' Association American Bottlers of Carbonated Beverages American Brush Manufacturers' Association American Building Exposition American Bureau of Metal Statistics American Bureau of Shipping American Carnation Society American Ceramic Society American Chamber of Commerce for the Levant American Chemical Society American Chiropractic Association (Inc.) American Cider and Vinegar Manufacturers' Asso- ciation. American Civic Association American Civic Reform Union (Inc.) 17 Battery Place, New York, N. Y. 115 West 47th St., New York, N. Y. 256 Broadway, New York, N. Y. 501 5th Ave., New York, N. Y. 76 West Monroe St., Chicago, 111. Munsey Bldg., Washington, D. C. 165 Broadway, New York, N. Y. 48 Charles St., New York, N. Y. 817 Exchange Ave., Chicago, 111. 327 Lexington Ave., New York, N. Y. 101 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. 120 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Box 203, Riverdale, Md. Reeds Spring, Mo. 627 Lexingtoh Ave., New York, N. Y. 162 Metropolitan Tower, New York, N. Y. 1005 Contmental and Commercial Bank Bldg., Chi- cago, 111. 63 East Adams St., Chicago, 111. 316 House Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. 30 East 23d St., Now York, N. Y. 163 West Washington St., Chicago, 111. 343 State St., Rochester, N. Y. 1422 F St. NW., Washington, D. C, 131 East 23d St.. New York, N. Y. 106 South Main St., Louisiana, Mo. 501 Maury St., Alcoa, Tenn. 143 Liberty St., New York, N. Y. Norman, Okla. 57 Common St., Montreal, Canada. 400 Union Station, St. Louis, Mo. 5 Mountain Ave., Maplewood, N. J. Fulton, Mo. Times Bldg., New York, N. Y. Care of Chatham Manufacturing Co., Winston-Salem, N.C. 45 East 17th St., New York, N. Y. 135 Church St., Hartford, Conn. 1135 FuUerton Ave., Chicago, 111. 110 East 42d St., New York, N. Y. 901 Maryland Trust Bldg., Baltimore, Md. 191 Dikeman St., Brooklyn, N. Y. 156 5th Ave., New York, N. Y. 728 Bond Bldg., Washington, D. C. 505 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. Care of Builders' Exchange, Rose Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. 115 Broadway, New York, N. Y. 50 Broad St., New York, N. Y. 3800 Rookwood Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Lord HaU, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. 29 Broadway, New York, N. Y. 1709 G St. N W., Washington, D. C. 33 Lafayette Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. 841 Powers Bldg., Rochester, N. Y. 905 Union Trust Bldg., Washington, D. C 501 Caxton Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL— Continued. ALPHABETICAL LIST— Continued. Name. Address of secretary. American Civil liberties Union American Clay Producers' Association American Clothing Designers' Association. American Clydesdale Association American Concrete Institute American Concrete Pipe Association American Constitutional Association American Construction Coimcil American Com Millers' Federation American Cotton Association American Cotton Manufacturers' Association American Cotton Waste Exchange , American Council on Education American Cranberry Exchange American Dahlia Society American Dental Trade Association American Devon Cattle Club (Inc.) American Doll Manufacturers American Dramatists American Drop Forging Institute American Drug Manufacturers' Association , American Duroc-Jerscy Association American Economic Association , American Educational Association (Inc.) , American Electric Railway Accountants' Associa- tion. American Electric Railway Association American Electrochemical Society American Engineering Standards Committee American Envelope Manufacturers' Association American Erectors' Association American Exjjorters and Importers' Association . . . American Face Brick Association American Farm Bureau Federation American Federal ion of Arts American Yvacl Mimufacturers' Association , American Fisheries Society American Flag Association (Inc.) American Foreign Insurance Association American ForestryAssodation. American Fox Breeders' Association , American Fruit and Vegetable Shippers' Association. American Fur Dealers''^ Association (Inc.) , American Galloway Breeders' Association American Game Protective and Propagation Asso- ciation. American Gas Association (Inc.) American Gear Manufacturers' Association American Genetic Association , American Geographical Society , A.merican G old and Silver Institute American Grocers' Society (Inc.) American Groupe of the Soci6t6 des Architectes Dipl6mes par le Gouvemement Frangais. American Giuld of Organists American Hardware Manufacturers' Association American Hereford Cattle Breeders' Association. American Homes Bureau American Honey Producers' League American Hotel Association of tne United States and Canada. American Hungarian Chamber of Commerce American Importers of Spanish CJreen Olives , American Incubator Manufacturers' Association American Industrial Lenders' Association American Institute of Accountants. American Institute of Actuaries American Institute of Architects American Institute of Banking American Institute of Chemical Engineers American Institute of Consulting En^eers (Inc.) . . . American Institute of Electrical Engineers American Institute of FertiUzer Chemists American Institute of Graphic Arts American Institute of Marme Underwriters American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical En- gineers. 138 West 13th St., New York, N. Y.i Macon, Ga. Care of Clothing Trade Journal, 70 5th Ave., New York, N. Y. 842 Exchange Ave., Chicago, lU. 1807 East Grand Boulevard, Detroit, Mich. Ill West Washington St., Chicago, 111. Box 721, Charleston, W. Va. 1053 Mvmsey Bldg., Washington, D. C. 332 South La Salle St., Chicago, lU. St. Matthews, S. C. 701 Commercial Bldg., Chariotte, N. C. 99 Chauncy St., Boston, Mass. 818 Connecticut Ave., Washington, D. C. 90 West Broadway, New York, N. Y. 198 Norton St., New Haven, Coim. 100 Boylston St., Boston, Mass. 61 Cornhill, Boston, Mass. 10 West 23d St., New York, N. Y. 148 West 45th St., New York, N. Y. 1168 Hanna Bldg. , Cleveland, Ohio.a 507 Albec Bldg., Washington, D. C. 817 Exchange Ave., Chicago, 111. Yale University, New Haven, Conn. 522 6th Ave.. New York, N. Y.s Care of Pubhc Service Railway, Newark, N. J. 8 West 40th St., New York, N. Y. Columbia University, New York, N. Y. 29 West 39th St., New York, N. Y. 19 West 44th St., New York, N. Y. 930 Union Arcade, Pittsburgh. Pa. 17 Battery Place, New York, N. Y. 130 North WeUs St., Chicago, 111. 58 Ea.st Washington St.. Chicago, 111. 1741 Now York Ave., Washtagton, D. C. 53 West Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, III. Care of Bureau of Fisheries, Washington, D. C. Caryl, Yonkcrs,N.Y. 80 Maiden Lane, New York, N. Y. 1847 l^amont St., Washington, D. C. 229 Congress St., Boston, Mass. 139 North Clark St., Chicago, 111. 144 West 27th St., New York, N. Y. Carrollton, Mo. 233 Broadway, New York, N. Y. 342 Madison Ave., New York. N. Y. 2443 Prospect Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. 511 11th St. NW., Washington, D. C. 46 Lewis Parkway, Yonkers, N. Y. 1143 -Munsey Bldg., Washington, D. C.i 323 Ridge St., Newark, N.J. 333 4th Ave., New York, N. Y. 29 Vesey St., New York, N. Y. 1819 Broadway, New York, N. Y. 300 West 11th St., Kansas City, Mo. 423 Monadnock Bldg., Chicago, 111. Capitol Annex, Madison, Wis. Auditorium Tower, Chicago, 111. 949 Broadway, New York, N. Y. 87 34th Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Box 1636, Lincohi, Nebr. 204 Chestnut St., Harrisburg, Pa. 135 Cedar St., New York, N. Y. Peoria Life Insurance Co., Peoria, 111. 1713 Sansom St., Philadelphia, Pa. 5 Nassau St., New York, N. Y. Polytechnic Institute, Brooklyn, N. Y. 143 Liberty St., New York, N. Y. 33 West 39th St., New York, N. Y. 275 South Gay St., Baltimore, Md. 109 East 31st St. , New York, N. Y. 25 South WiUiam St., New York, N. Y. 29 West 39th St., New York, N. Y. 1 Address of director. ' Address of commissioner. 3 Address of president. COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL— Continued. ALPHABETICAL LIST— Continued. Name. Address of secretary. American Institute of Steel Construction American Institute of Weights and Measures American Iron and Steel Institute American Iron, Steel and Heavy Hardware Asso- ciation. American Jersey Cattle Club American Jewelers' Protective Association American Lace Manufacturers' Association American Ladies Hairdressers' Association American Leather Chemists' Association American Macaroni Manufacturers' Association American Malleable Castings Association American Manufacturers' Association American Manufacturers' Exjjort Association American Manufacturers of Toilet Articles American Marine Association American Mathematical Society American Medical Association American Medical Editors' Association American Metric Association American Mining Congress American National Live Stock Association American National Retail Jewelers' Association American Newspaper PubUshers' Association American Ocean Officers' Conference American Oil Chemists' Society American Optometric Association American Order of Steam Engineers American Paper and Pulp Association American Patent Law Association American Peat Society American Petroleum Institute American Pharmaceutical Association American Pharmaceutical Manufacturers' Asso- ciation. American Photo-Engravers' Association , American Physical Society American Pig Iron Association American Polish Chamber of Commerce and Indus- try in the United States (Inc.). American Posture League (Inc.) , American Poultry Association American Protective Tariff League American Psychiatric Association , American Public Health Association , American Pulp and Paper Mill Superintendents' Association. American Railroad Master Tiimers, Coppersmiths and Pipe Fitters' Association. American Railway Association American Railway Bridge and Building Association American Railway Development Association American Railway Engineering Association American Railway Tool Foremen's Association American Rice Growers' Association American Road Builders' Association American-Russian Chamber of Commerce (Inc.) .. . American Saddle Horse Breeders' Association American Schooner Association American Seed Trade Association American Short Line Railroad Association American Shovel Institute American Society of Agricultural Engineers American Society of Certified Public Accountants. . American Society of Cinematographers American Society of Civil Engineers American Society of Composers, Authors and Pub- lishers. American Society of Equity American Society of Heating and Ventilating Engi- neers. American Society of Landscape Architects (Inc.) . . . American Society of Marine Designers American Society of Mechanical Engineers American Society of Miniature Painters American Society for Municipal Improvements American Society of Naval Engineers 1052 Leader-News Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. 115 Broadway, New York, N. Y. 40 Rector St., New York, N. Y. 47 West 34th St., New York, N. Y. 324 West 23d St., New York, N. Y. 37 Maiden Lane, New York, N. Y. 251 4th Ave., New York, N. Y. 12 East 49th St., New York, N. Y. 22 East 16th St., New York, N. Y. 26 Front St., Brooklyn, N. Y. 1900 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. * 156 Broadway, New York, N. Y. 160 Broadway, New York, N. Y. 131 Hudson St., New York, N. Y. Manhattan Bridge Plaza, Brooklyn, N. Y. Brown University, Providence, R. I. 535 North Dearborn St., Chicago, lU. Lake Shore Road, Avon Lake, Ohio. 156 5th Ave., New York, N. Y. 814 Munsey Bldg., Washington, D. C. 515 Cooper Bldg., Denver, Colo. Neenah State Bank Bldg., Neenah, Wis. 63 Park Row, New York, N. Y.s 21 Pearl St., New York, N. Y. Wilmington, N. C. 312 Central Ave., Faribault, Minn. 753 North 44th St., Philadelphia, Pa. 18 East 41st St., New York,TNr. Y. 900 F St. NW., Washington, D. C. 2 Rector St., New York, N. Y. • 15 West 44th St., New York, N. Y. 701 South Wood St., Chicago, 111. Stoneham (80), Mass. 53 West Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, 111. Case School of AppUed Science, Cleveland, Ohio. Penton Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. 953 3d Ave., New York, N. Y. 125 West 58th St., New York, N. Y. 655 West 3d St., Fort Wayne Ind. 137 Centre St., New York, N. Y. State Hospital, Albany, N. Y. 370 7th Ave., New York, N. Y. 7 McNair Bldg., Kalamazoo, Mich. 202 North Hamlin Ave., Chicago, 111. 30 Vesey St., New York, N. Y. Care of C. & N. W. Ry., Chicago, 111. Care of Kansas City Southern Railway, Kansas City, Kans. ' ' 431 South Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. 1145 East Marquette Road, Chicago, 111. * Lake Charles, La. 37 West 39th St., New York, N. Y. 233 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Lawrenceburg, Ky. 87 Kilby St., Bostoii, Mass. 101-105 High Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. 1319 F St. NW., Washington, D. C. 909 Oliver Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. St. Joseph, Mich. 421 Woodward Bldg., Washington, D. C. 6533 Hollywood Boulevard, Hollywood, Calif. 33 West 39th St., New York, N. Y. 1186 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. Maquoketa, Iowa. 29 West 39th St., New York, N. Y. 18 Tremont St., Boston, Mass. 47 SaviUe Ave., Quincy, Mass. 29 West 39th St., New York, N. Y. 124 West 72d St., New York, N. Y. Box 234, St. Petersburg, Fla. Bureau of Engineering, Navy Department, Wash- ington, D. C. Address o/ manager. COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. NATIONAL AND INTERN ATIONAL-Continued. ALPHABETICAL LIST— Continued. Name. American Scx;iety of Refrigerating Engineers American Society of Safety Engineers American Society of Sales Executives American Society of Sanitary Engineering American Society for Steel Treating American Society of Swedish Engineers American Society for Testing Materials American Society for Thrift American Sociological Society American Specialty Manufacturers' Association American Specification Institute American Spice Trade Association American Staple Manufacturers' Association American Statistical Association American Steamship Licensed Officers' Association (Inc.). American Steamship Owners' Association American Supply and Machinery Manufacturers' Association. American Surgical Trade Association American Tack Manufacturers' Association American Trade Association Executives American Toy Exhibitors (Inc.) American Uniform Boiler Law Society American Vitrified China Manufacturers' Associa- tion. Amencan Walnut Manufacturers' Association American Warehou.semen's Association American Washing Machine Manufacturers' Asso- ciation. American Water-Color Society American Water Works Association American Welding Society American Wholesale Coal Association American Wholesale Garment Association American Wholesale Grocers' Association American Wine Growers' Association American Wood-Preser\'crs' Association American Zinc Institute (Inc.) Anthracite Coal Operators' Association Archaeological Institute of America Argentine American Chamber of Commerce (Inc.). . Army and Navy Union of the United States of America. Army Ordnance Association Art Alliance of America Art Directors' Club (Inc.) Art-in-Trades Club Asbestos Paper Manufacturers' Association Asbestos Textile Manufacturers' Association Asphalt Association Associated Advertising Clubs of the World Associated Broom Com Dealers of America Associated Business Papers (Inc.) Associated Cooperage Industries of America Associated Dress Industries of America Associated Flower and Feather Manufacturers Associated General Contractors of America (Inc.) . . . Associated Highways of America Associated Knit Underwear Manufacturers of America. Associated Leather Goods Manufacturers of the United States of America (Inc.). Associated Manufacturers of Electrical Supplies Associated Medical Publishers Associated Metal Lath Manufacturers Associated Milhnery Men (Inc.) Associated Newspapers Associated Office Furniture Manufacturers Associated Petroleum Engineers Associated Press Associated Rice Millers of America (Inc.) Associated Traffic Clubs of America Associated Wooden Ware Manufacturers Association of American Dairy Food and Drug Officials. Association of American Steel Manufacturers Association of Average Adjusters of the United States. « Address of manager. Address of secretary. 154 Nassau St., New York, N, Y. 29 West 39th St., New York, N. Y. 50 Church St., New York, N. Y. 500 Clinton Bldg., Columbus, Ohio. 4600 Prospect Ave., Cleveland, Ohio, 271 Hicks St^ Brooklvn, N. Y. 1315 Spruce St., Philadelpgia, Pa. 9 East 46th St., New York, N. Y. 58th St. and Ellis Ave., Chicago, HI. 53 Park Place, New York, N. Y. 19 South La Salle St., Chicago, lU. 82 Wall St., New York, N. Y. 44 Wall St., New York, N. Y. Kent Hall, Columbia University, New York, N. Y. Room 1302, 15 Moore St., New York, N. Y. II Broadway, New York, N. Y.« 1819 Broadway, New York, N. Y. 58 East Washington St., Chicago, III. 44 WaU St., New York, N. Y. 505 5th Ave., New York, N. Y. 10 West 23d St., New York, N. Y. 253 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Beaver Falls, Pa. 616 South Michigan Ave., Cliicago. lU. 1110 Bessemer Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. 818 Otis Bldg., Chicago, lU. 58 West 57th St., New York, N. Y. 153 West 71st St., New York, N. Y. 33 West 39th St., New York, N. Y. 710 Union Fuel Bldg., Chicago, 111. 1609 Washington Ave., St. Louis, Mo. 410 Consolidated Bldg., Jacksonville, Fla. 302 Broadway. New York, N. Y. Care of A. T. & S. F. Ry. Co., Topeka, Kans, 27 Cedar St., New York, N. Y. 519 North American Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md. 89 Broad St., New York, N. Y. 1241 Juniata St., Pittsburgh, Pa. 410 Munsey Bldg., Washington, D. C. 65 East 56th St., New York, N. Y. 310 East 67th St., New York, N. Y. 381 4th Ave., New York, N. Y. 246 North 17th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Do. 25 West 43d St., New York, N. Y. 110 West 40th St., New York, N. Y. 7 American State Bank Bldg., Wichita, Kans. 220 West 42d St., New York, N. Y. B-20 Railway Exchange Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. 1328 Broadway, New York, N. YJ 15 West 37th St., New York, N. Y. 1033 Mimsey Bldg, Washington, D. C. 321 Mayo Bldg., Tulsa, Okla. Union Station, Utica, N. Y. 3 West 29th St., New York, N. Y. 30 East 42d St., New York, N. Y. 4753 Ravenswood Ave., Chicago. lU. Care of Berger Manufacturing Co., Canton, Ohio. 604 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Care of New York Globe, New York, N. Y. 801 Mich. Tr. Co. Bldg., Grand Rapids, Mich. 30 Church St., New York, N. Y. 51 Chambers St., New York, N. Y. 412 Maison Blanche Annex, New Orleans, La. 260 nth Ave., New York, N. Y. 79 West Monroe St., Chicago, III. Louisiana State Board of Health, New Orleans, La, Care of Carnegie Steel Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. 56 Beaver St., New York, N, Y, 1 Address of director. COMMERCIAL OBGAl^lZATlOJTS 0^ THE tT^sriTED STATES. NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAI^Continued. ALPHABETICAL LIST— Continued . Address of secretary. Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture Association of Color Lithographers Association of Custom Tanners Association of Dress Manufacturers (Inc.) Association of Edison Illuminating Companies Association of Electragists Association of Foreign Press Correspondents Association of Governmental Labor Ofllcials of the United States and Canada. Association of Ice Cream Supply Men Association of Iron and Steel Electrical Engineers. . Association of Life Insurance Counsel Association of Life Insurance Presidents Association of Limb Manufacturers of America Association of Lock Washer Manufacturers Association of Manufacturers of Chilled Car Wheels. Association of Manufacturers of Window Cloth Association of Marine Underwriters of the United States. Association of Military Surgeons of the United States Association of National Advertisers (Inc.) Association of Natural Gas Supply Men Association of Natural Gasoline Manufacturers Association of Natural Soil Fertility Resources Association of North American Directory Publishers . Association of Official Agricultural Chemists of North America. Association of Professional Millers Association of Railway Electrical Engineers Association of Scientific Apparatus Makers of the United States of America. Association of Tin Plate Manufacturers Association of Urban Universities Association of Wilton and Brussels Manufacturers of America. Atlantic Pacific Highway Association Audit Bureau of Circulations Authors' League of America (Inc.) Auto Financing Credit Men's Association (Inc.) Automobile Body Builders' Association Automobile Club of America Automotive Electric Service Association Automotive Equipment Association Automotive Manufacturers' Association Automotive Metal Wheel Association Automotive Wood Wheel Manufacturers' Associa- tion. Baggage Manufacturers' Association Bakers' Service Bureau (Inc.) Bankers' Association for Foreign Trade Bankhead National Highway Association Barbers' Supply Dealers' Association Bee Line Hignway Association Belgian Chamber of Commerce in the United States. Belt Buckle Society Ben Hur Highway Bicycle Manufacturers' Association Binder's Board Manufacturers' Association Biscuit and Cracker Manufacturers' Association Board of Trade of the Fur Industry Book Paper Manufacturers' Association Botanical Society of America Box Board Manufacturers' Association Brake Liners' Association Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce Bridge and Building Supply Men's Association British Empire Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America (Inc.). Broom Supply Dealers' Association Building Officials' Conference Bureau of Explosives Bureau of Industrial Research Bureau of Information of the Eastern Railways Bureau of Municipal Research Bureau of Personal Accident and Health Under- writers. Bureau of Raw Materials for American Vegetable Oils and Fats Industries. Burglary Insurance Underwriters' Association Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. 19 West 44th St., New York, N. Y. 822 Southeast 1st Sty Des Moines, Iowa. 212 5th Ave., New York, N. Y. 80th and East End Ave., New York, N. Y. 15 West 27th St., New York, N. Y. 66 Broadway, New York, N. Y. 612 Bremer Arcade, St. Paul, Minn. 1328 Broadway, New York, N. Y. 1007 Empire Bldg^ Pittsburgh, Pa. 1 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. 165 Broadway, New York, N. Y. 136 Niagara St., Buffalo, N. Y. 116 West 32d St., New York. N. Y. Railway Exchange Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. 320 Broadway, New York, N. Y. 25 South William St., New York, N. Y. Army Medical Museum, Washington, D. C. 17 West 46th St., New York, N. Y. 905 Oliver Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. 821 Mayo Bldg., Tulsa, Okla. Ill West Washington St., Chicago, III. 624 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Kensington, Md, 630 New York Bldg., Seattle, Wash. 441 C. & N. W. Ter. Sta., Chicago, 111. 460 East Ohio St., Chicago, 111. 909 Oliver Bldg.. Pittsburgh, Pa. Collie of the City of New York, New York, N. Y. 650 West Lehigh Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Weltmer Institute, Nevada, Mo. 15 North Wells St., Chicago, lU. 22 East 17th St^ New York, N. Y. Garrett Bldg., Baltimore, Md. 1819 Broadway, New York, N. Y. 247 West 54th St., New York, N. Y. 91 Selden Ave., Detroit, Mich. 139 North Clark St., Chicago, 111. 926 Consumers' Bldg., Chicago, 111. 805 East 70th St., Cleveland, Ohio. 105 West Monroe St., Chicago, 111. 1215 Monadnock Bldg., Chicago, 111. 80 West 40th St., New York, N. Y. Care of Central National Bank Saving & Trust Co., Cleveland, Ohio, 3200 Cliff Road. Birmingham, Ala. 116 West 39th St., New York, N. Y. Hoisington, Kans. 2S1 6th Ave., New York, N. Y. 1 16 West 32d St., New York, N. Y. Ridgeway, Mo. 3& Pearl St., Hartford, Conn. Glastonbury, Conn. 90 West Broadway, New York, N. Y. 303 5th Ave., New York, N. Y. 18 East 41st St., New York, N. Y. University of Virginia. University, Va. 1410 G St. NW., Washington, D, C. 246 North 17th St., Philadelphia, Pa. 66 Beaver St.. New York, N. Y. 3240 South Michigan Ave., Chicago, 111. 25 Broadway, New York, N. Y. 1541 West 6th St., Cinemnati, Ohio. City Hall, Springfield, Mass. 30 Vesey St., New York, N. Y. 289 4th Ave., New York. N. Y. Grand Central Terminal. New York, N. Y. 261 Broadway, New York, N. Y. 80 Maiden Lane, New York, N. Y. 944 Munsey Bldg., Washington, D. C. 13 Park Row, New York, N. Y. COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS OP THE UNITED STATES. NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL— Continued. ALPHABETICAL LIST— Continued . Name. Address of secretary. Camara Portugueza de Commercio e Industria Canners' Inter-Organization Canners' Service Bureau Canning Machinery and Supplies Association Cap Manufacturers' Credit Association Capital Route Highway Association Cardboard Manufacturers' Association Carded Woolen Manufacturers' Association Carriage Builders' National Association Cash Register Dealers' Association Casket Manufacturers' Association of America Cast Iron Pipe Publicity Association Central Traction and Lighting Bureau Central Warehousemen's Club Certified Milk Producers' Association of America. . . Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America. Chemical Alliance (Inc.) Chemical Equipment Association Chemical Fire Engine Exchange Chemists' Club Chicago, Kansas City and Gulf Highway Associa- tion. Chile American Association China Society of America Church News Association Cigar Manufacturers' Association City Managers' Association Clean Food Association Coal Mining Institute of America Cocoa and Chocolate Manu&cturers' Association of the United States. Coffee Growers' Association Colorado-Gulf Highway Association Commercial Standards Council Commercial Travelers' Association of the Lace, Embroidery and Allied Trades (Inc.). Common Brick Manufacturers' Association Common Comm ercial Language Committee Community Millers' Association of America Compressed Air Society Compressed Gas Manufacturers' Association (Inc.). . Concrete Block Machinery Association Concrete Mixer Association „ Concrete Products Association Concrete Roofing Tile Association Confectioners' Mercantile Agency Conference of Undertakers and Embalmers' Examining Boards. Contracting Plasterers' International Association.. . Conveyor Manufacturers' Association Cooperative League of the United States of America. Cooperative Society of America Coopers' International Union of North America Copper and Brass Research Association Cordage Institute Corset Manufacturers' Association of the United States. Cost Association of the Paper Industry Cotton, Fire and Marine Underwriters Cotton Piece Goods Traffic Association Cotton Thread Manufacturers' Exchange Council on Foreign Relations (Inc.) Country Newspapers (Inc.) Cover Paper Manufacturers' Association Credit Union National Extension Bureau Custer Battlefield HI way Association Cycle Jobbers' Association of America Cycle Parts and Accessories Association Cycle Trades of America (Inc.) Czechoslovak Chamber of Commerce of America — Dairymen's Leaguejof Cooperative Association (Inc.). Dallas-Canadian-Denver Highway Association Detroit- Lincoln-Denver Highway Diamond Cutters' Manufacturers' Association of America. Direct Mail Advertising Association Dixie Highway Association j Dude Overland Highway Association 8 Address of manager. 29 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Clyde, Ohio. llOi South Main St., Urbana, OMo. Cadiz, Ohio. Colorado Bldg., Washington, D. C. Sabetha, Kans. 18 East 41st St., New York, N. Y, 103 East Sharpnack St., Philadelphia, Pa. 130 Opera Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. 189 Flatbush Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. 308 Odd Fellows Temple, Cincinnati, Ohio. 165 East Erie St., Chicago, 111. 1 Liberty St., New York, N. Y. 732 McKnlght Bldg., Mlrmeapolls, Minn. 4175 Irv-Ing Park Boulevard, Chicago, 111. Mills Building, Washington, D. C. 1010 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. 90 West St., New York, N. Y. 355 Leader Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. 52 East 41st St., New York, N. Y. Chamber of Commerce, ChilUcothe, Mo. 1133 Broadway, New York, N. Y. 131 East 66th St.. New York. N. Y. 9 West 49th St., New York, N. Y. 57th and 5th Ave., New York, N. Y. 14340 Euclid Ave,, East Cleveland, Ohio. 505 5th Ave., New York, N. Y. 909 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa 522 5th Ave., New York, N. Y. 73 Front St., New York, N. Y. Childress, Tex. 61 Broadway, New York, N. Y. 1115 Broadway, New York, N. Y. 2121 Discount Bldg.. Cleveland, Ohio. 211 West 138th St^ New York, N. Y. i66 West Jackson Boulevard. Cfhicago, 111. .50 Church St., New York, N. Y. 1 20 West 42d St.. New York, N. Y. 1218 Wriglpv Bldg., Chicago, 111. HI West Washington St., Chicago, 111. Monadnock Block, Chicago, 111. 3818 North Kedvale Ave., Chicago, 111. 438 Broadway, New York, N. Y. 125 7th Ave., North Nashville, Tenn. 201 Huron Bldg., Detroit, Mich. 511 Westminster St., Providence, R. I. 2112 East 4Cth St., New York, N. Y. 130 North Wells St., Chicago. 111. Meriweather Bldg., Kansas City, Kans. 25 Broadway, New York, N. Y.^ 350 Madison Ave,, New York, N. Y. 200 5th Ave., New York, N. Y. 18 East 41st St., New York, N. Y. 25 Beaver St., New York. N. Y.s 13 Market Square, Providence, R. I. 116 West 32d St., New York, N. Y. 25 West 43d St., New York, N. Y.s Nevada, Iowa. 18 East 41st St., New York, N. Y. 5 Park Square, New York, N. Y. Sheriden, Wyo. 137 Broadway, Buflalo, N. Y. Care of Stevens & Co., 375 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 35 Warren St., New York, N. Y. 515 West 184th St., New York, N. Y. 333 Lafayette St., Utica, N. Y. Canadian, Tex. 108 North 10th St., Lincoln, Nebr. 170 Broadway, New York, N. Y. 770 Penobscot Bldg., Detroit, Mich. 302 First National Bank Bldg., Chattanooga, Tenn. Box 768, Columbus, Ga. » Address of general manager. COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL— Continued. ALPHABETICAL LIST— Continued. Name. Address of secretary. Domestic Sugar Producers' Conference Drill and Reamer Society Drop Forge Supply Association Drug and Chemical Credit Association Eastern Automobile Underwriters' Conference Eastern Tornado Insurance Association Electric Hoist Manufacturers' Association Electric Power Club Electrical Manufacturers' Club Electrical Manufacturers' Council Electrical Safety Conference Electrical Supply Jobbers' Association Elevator Manufacturers' Association of the United States. Emergency "Wood Shipbuilders' Association Employing Photo Engravers' Association of America Enameled Sanitary Manufacturers' Association Engineering Foundation Engineering Societies Employment Service Engineers' Exchange Engravographia Evergreen National Highway Association Export Clothes Pin Association of America (Inc.) . . . Fabric Glove Manufacturers' Association of the United States. Face Brick Dealers' Association of America Fair Tariff League Farm Mortgage Bankers' Association Farmers' Educational and Cooperative Union Farmers' National Council Farmers' National Grain Dealers' Association Federal Wholesale Druggists' Association (Inc.) Federated American Engineering Societies Federation of Mutual Fire Insurance Companies. . . Federation of National Farm Loan Associations Fibre Container Supply Association Financial Advertisers' Association Fine Cotton Goods Exchange Fine Stationery Manufacturers' Association Fire Extinguishers Exchange Flavoring Extract Manufacturers' Association Floor Covering Association of America Folding Box Manufacturers' National Association.. Foreign PoUcy Association I'oundry Equipment Manufacturers' Association. . . Foundry Supply Manufacturers' Association (Inc.). Framed Picture Manufacturers' Association Franco- American Board of Commerce and Industry (Inc.). Free Trade League Fur Dressers and Fur Dyers' Association (Inc.) Furriers' Security Alliance of the United States Game Conservation Society (Inc.) Gas Consumers' Association of the United States... . Gas Products Association General Federation of Women's Clubs Gentlewomen's League (Inc. ) Geological Society of America George Washington National Highway Glass Bottle Blowers' Association of the United States and Canada. Glass Container Association of America Glassine and Greaseproof Manufacturers' Association. Glazed and Fancy Paper Manufacturers' Association. Grain Dealers' National Association Granite Paving Block Manufacturers' Association of the United States (Inc.). Grant Highway Improvement Association Graphic Arts Board of Trade Grass and Fiber Rug Manufacturers' Association. . , Greeting Card Association Grey Iron Founders' Association Grinding Wheel Manufacturers' Association of the United States and Canada. Guild of Bookworkers Gulf-Atlantic Highway Association 10 Address of chairman. 132 Front St., New York, N. Y. 116 West 32d St., New York, N. Y. Drexel Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. 438 Broadway, New York, N. Y. 1 Liberty St., New York, N. Y. 80 Maiden Lane, New York, N. Y. 165 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Kirby Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. Care of Hartford Faience Co., Hartford, Conn. 522 5th Ave., New York, N. Y. 25 City Hall Place, New York, N. Y. 411 South Clinton St., Chicago, 111. 150 West 15th St., New York, N. Y. Old Colony Club, Washington, D. C. 505 Bangor Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. 909 Ohver Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. 29 West 39th St., New York, N. Y. Do. 30 North La SaUe St., Chicago, lU.io 250 West 57th St., New York, N. Y. 105 South 9th St., Tacoma, Wash. 258 Broadway, New York, N. Y. 215 Suydam Ave., Jersey City, N. J. Cedar St., Scranton, Pa. 1 Carlton Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. 112 West Adams St., Chicago, 111. CarroUton, Mo. Bliss Bldg., 35 B St. NW., Washmgton, D. C. Omaha, Nebr. 106 West Redwood St., Baltimore, Md. 26 Jackson Place, Washington, D. C. 208 South La Salle St., Chicago, 111. 1731 1 St., Washington, D. C. 313 South Dearborn St., Chicago, HI. 816 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Chicago, 111. Masonic Bldg., New Bedford, Mass. 41 Park Row, New York, N. Y. 855 Leader Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. 1238 First National Bank Bldg., Chicago, 111. 18 East 41st St., New York, N. Y. 19 West 44th St., New York, N. Y. 3 West 29th St., New York, N. Y. Care of Penton Publishing Co., Cleveland, Ohio. 35 Nassau St., New York, N. Y. 342 West 14th St., New York, N. Y. 415 Kerrigan Ave., West Hoboken, N. Y. 9 South William St., New York, N. Y. 519 Academy St., New York, N. Y. 303 5th Ave., New York, N. Y. 110 West 34th St., New York, N. Y. 467 Farrell St., San Francisco, Calif. 140 South Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. 1734 N St. NW., Washington, D. C. The Rochambeau, Washington, D. C. Care of American Museum of Natural History, New York, N. Y. 315 Exchange Bldg., Union Stock Yards, Omaha, Nebr. 1006 Colonial Trust Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. Care of C. L. Flaccus Glass Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. 25 Park Place, New York, N. Y. 18 East 41st St., New York, N. Y. Toledo, Ohio. 31 State St., Boston, Mass. Nelson Hotel, Rockford, 111. 639 Diversey Parkway, Chicago, 111. 233 Broadway, New York, N. Y. 354 4th Ave., New York, N. Y. 1019 Guardian Bldg., Columbus, Ohio. Summit St. and Negley Place, Dayton, Ohio. 77 Irving Place, New York, N. Y. Columbus, Ga. COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS OP THE UNITED STATES. NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL— Continued. ALPHABETICAL LIST— Continued. Name. Address of secretary. Gummed Paper Manufacturers' Association Gypsum Industries, The Hardware Board of Trade (Inc.) Hardwood Manufacturers' Institute Hat Trade Credit Association (Inc.) Hatter's Fur Cutters' Association of tlie United States of America. Health and Accident Underwriters' Conference Heating and Piping Contractors' National Associa- tion. Heavy Thread Society Hickory Products Association Hillhway Education Board Holland-American Chamber of Commerce Hollow Building Tile Association Hollow Metal Door Society Holtstein-Friesian Association of Americ-a Home Market Club Hydraulic Society Illuminating Engineering Society Illuminating Glassware Guild Independent Tobacco Manufacturers' Association of the United States. Industrial Arts Council Industrial Cost Association Insecticide and Disinfectant Manufacturers' Associ- ation. Institute of American Meat Packers Institute for Government Research Institute of International Education Institute of Makers of E.xplosives Institute of Marjjarin Manufacturers Institute of Ka(lio Engineers (Inc.) Insurance Ft'd(>ration of America Insurance Institute of America International Accountants' Society International Acetylene Association International Apple Shippers' Association International Association of Casualty and Surety Underwriters. International Association of Clothing Designers International Association of Display Men International Association of Electrotypers of America International Association of Fire Engineers International Association of Garment Manufacturers International Association of Master House Painters and Decorators of the United States and Canada. International Association of Mimicipal Electricians. . International Association of Printing House Crafts- men. International Association of Street Sanitation Of- ficials. International Belting Conference International Congress of Architects International Cut Stone Contractors and Quarry- men's Association (Inc.). International Editorial Association (Inc.) International Fann CoD^ress International Milk Dealers' Association International Monumental Granite Producers' As- sociation. International News Service International Peace Highway International Press Association (Inc.) International Publishiim Association International RaUway Fuel Association International Railway Master Blacksmiths' As- sociation. International Retail Delivery Association International Shipmasters' Association International Stamp Manufacturers' Association — International Stewards' Association International Union of Scientific Radio Telegraphy (American Section). Inter-l^acial Council , Interstate (Cotton Seed Crushers' Association (Inc.) Inventors' League of the United States (Inc.) , 11 Address of vice president. 18 East 41st St., New York, N. Y. Ill West Washington St., Chicago, 111. 127 Duane St., New York, N. Y. 1020 South Wabash Ave., Chicago, 111. 34 West 4th St., New York, N. Y. 1 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. Care of Prov. Life & Accident Insurance Co., Chat- tanooga, Term. 50 Union Square East, New York, N. Y. 116 West 32d St., New York, N. Y. 105 West Monroe St., Chicago, 111. Bureau of Education, Washington, D. C. 669 Mills Bldg., San Francisco, Calif. Ill West Washington St., Chicago, 111. 103 Park Row. New York, N. Y. Brattleboro, Vt. 99 Bedford St., Boston, Mass. 50 Church St., New York, N. Y. 165 IJroadwav, New York, N. Y. 19 West 44th"St.. New York, N. Y. Box 182, Covington, Ky. 599 6th Ave., New York, N. Y. Care of General Electric Co., West Lyim, Mass. Care of Baird & McGuire (Inc.), Holbrook, Mass. 509 South Wabash Ave., Chicago. 111." 2702 Woolworth Bldg., New York, N. Y. 419 West 117th St., New York, N. Y. 103 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. Munsey Bldg., Washington. D. C. College of the City of New York, New York, N. Y. Majestic Bldg., Detroit, Mich. 110 William St., New York, N. Y. 2626 South Michigan Ave., Chicago, HI. 30 East 42d St., New York, N. Y. 522 Mercantile Bldg., Rochester, N. Y. 80 Maiden Lane, New York, N. Y. 13 Astor Place, New York, N. Y. 5707 West Lake St., Chicago, HI. 147 4th Ave., New York, N. Y. Chief Fire Department, Yonkers, N. Y. 395 Broadway, New York, N. Y. 1513 11th St. NW., Washington, D. C. Ofllce Fire Department Headquarters, Houston, Tex. 33 White Ave., Hamilton, Baltimore, Md. 10 South La Salle St., Chicago, 111. 53 West Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, HI. 808 17th St. NW., Washington, D. C. 622 K. of P. Bldg., IndianapoUs, Ind. 140 South Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. 409 Republic Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Room 607, 139 North Clark St., Chicago, 111. 73 Tremont St., Boston, Mass. 21 Spruce St., New York, N. Y. 416 West Liberty St., Louisville, Ky. 413 East 160th St., New York, N. Y. 5423 MitcheU Ave., Detroit, Mich. 702 East 31st St., Chicago, lU. 2347 Clark Ave., Detroit, Mich. 239 West 39th St., New York, N. Y. 2115 Summerdale Ave., Chicago, HI. 602 Empire Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. 60 West 45th St., New York, N. Y. Bureau of Standards, Washington, D, C. 625 West 120th St., New York, N. Y.12 North Texas Bank Bldg^ DaUas, Tex. 114 Maiden Lane, New York, N. Y. 12 Address of managing director. COMMERCIAL OEGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL— Continued. ALPHABETICAL LIST— Continued. Name. Address of secretary. Investment Bankers' Association of America. . . Italy America Society Jaclcson Highway Association Japanese Chamber of Commerce Jefferson Highway Association Jewelers' Security Alliance of the United States. Jewelers' Vigilance Committee (Inc.) Jobbers' Association of Knit Goods IBuyers Joint Amnesty Committee Joint Coffee Trade Publicity Committee Jute and Cotton Bag Manufacturers' Association. Jute Manufacturers' Association of America King of Trails Association Kiwanis Club International Knit Goods Manufacturers of America Knitting Machine Manufacturers' Association Label Manufacturers' National Association Lace and Embroidery Association of America (Inc.) Lakes to Gulf Highway Association Latch Needle Manufacturers' Association of the United States. Laundryowners' National Association , League of American Pen Women (Inc.) League for Industrial Rights Leather Belting Exchange Lee Highway Association Lewis & Clark Highway Association Lighting Fixture Dealers' Society of America Lincoln Highway Association Linen Supply Association of America Locomotive Crane Manufacturers' Association Lone Star Route Highway Association (Inc.) Machinery BuUders' Society Mahogany Association (Inc.) Maintenance of Way Master Painters' Association.. Manufacturers' Aircraft Association (Inc.) Manufacturing Chemists' Association of the United States. Manufacturing Confectioners' Board of Trade Manufacturing Jewelers' Board of Trade Maple Flooriug Manufacturers' Association Master Boiler Makers' Association Master Horseshoers' National Protective Associ- ation. Masters, Mates and Pilots' Association of America. Memorial Craftsmen of America (Inc.) r. . . . Merchant Tailor Designers' Association Meridian Highway Association Metal Finishers' Equipment Association , Metallic Bedstead and Supply Manufacturers' Alliance. Mexican Chamber of Commerce of the United States (Inc.). Milking Shorthorn Society Millers' National Federation Millinery Chamber of Commerce of the United States (Inc.). Millinery Jobbers' Association Milling Cutter Society Millwork Cost Bureau Minced Razor Clam Packers' Association Mineralogical Society of America Mining and Metallurgical Society of America Mirror Manufacturers' Association Mississippi Atlantic Inland Waterways Association. Mississippi River Scenic Highway Motion Picture Directors' Association (Inc.) Motion Pictm-e Producers and Distributors of America (Inc.). Motion Picture Theatre Owners of America Motor and Accessory Manufacttu"ers' Association Motor Truck Association of America (Inc.) Motor Vehicle Conference Committee Motorcycle and Allied Trades Association Music Industries Chamber of Commerce " Address of president- Ill West Monroe St., Chicago, 111. 25 West 43d St., New York, N. Y. 525 2d St., Louisville, Ky. 444 Bush St., San Francisco, Calif. Caddo, Okla. 15 Maiden Lane, New York, N. Y. 14 John St., New York, N. Y, 505 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. 233 Maryland Bldg., 1410 H St. NW., Washington, 64 Water St., New York, N. Y. 8 West 40th St., New York, N. Y. 1155 Manhattan Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Chamber of Commerce, Parsons, Kans. 514 MaUera Bldg., Chicago, lU. Union Station, Utica, N. Y. 3700 Kensington Ave., Philadelphia, Pa, 19 West 44th St., New York, N. Y. 160 5th Ave., New York, N. Y. Chamber of Commerce, Chillicothe, Mo. Care of The Nevins Needle Co., Franklin, N. H. Box 202, La Salle, 111. 1722 H St. NW., Washington, D. C. Room 2126, 42 Broadway, New York, N. Y. 119 South 4th St., Philadelphia, I'a. 632 Mimsey Bldg., Washington, D. C. Lev/ist on, Idaho. West 65th St. and Detroit Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. 401 Garfield Bldg., Detroit, Mich. 646 North Parkside Ave., Chicago, 111. Care of Link Belt Co., 300 West 49th St., Chicago m. 2621 College Ave., Alton, 111. 50 Church St., New York, N. Y. 1133 Broadway, New York, N. Y. U. P. Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Review and Borden Aves., Long Island City, N. Y 540 Woodward Bldg., Washington, D. C. Care of American Chicle Co., Long Island City, N. Y. 414 Turks Head Bldg., Providence, R. I. 1045 Stock Exchange Bldg., Chicago, HI. 26 Cortlandt St.. New York, N. Y. 317 North 17th St., PhUadelphia, Pa. 435 Bigham St., Pittsburgh, Pa. 608 South Dearborn St., Clucago, 111. 314 South 5th St., Springfield, 111. MacNaughton Addition, San Marcos, Tex. 35 Nassau St., New York, N. Y. 41 Park Row, New York, N. Y. 233 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Independence, Iowa. 108 South La Salle St., Chicago, 111. 15 West 37th St., New York, N. Y. 308 North Michigan Ave., Chicago, HI. Il6 West 32d St., New York, N. Y. 605 North Michigan Ave., Chicago, 111. Aberdeen, Wash. Care of American Museum of Natural History,, New York, N. Y. 2 Rector St., New York, N. Y. 54 West Washington St., Shelbyville, Ind. Columbus, Ga. 4945 Newton Ave. South, Minneapolis, Minn. 234 West 55th St., New York, N. Y. 522 5th Ave., New York, N. Y. 132 West 43d St., New York, N. Y.is 32 West 42d St., New York. N. YM 949 Broadway, New York, N. Y. 366 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. 326 West Madison St., Chicago, HI. 105 West 40th St., New York, N. Y. i< Address of manager. 10 COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL— Continued. ALPHABETICAL LIST— Continued. Name. Address of secretary. Music Publishers' Association of the United States Music Publishers' Protective Association Musical Supply Association of America Naphthaline Manufacturers' Exchange National Aeronautic Association of the UnilM States of America. National Agricultural Limestone Association National Aircraft Underwriters' Association , National Amateur Press Association National Amateur Wireless Association National Arts Club National Association of Accredited Commercial Schools. National Association of Automobile Show and Asso- ciation Managers. National Association of Automotive Mutual Insur- ance Companies. National Association of Bakers' Supply Houses National Association of Band Instrument Manu- facturers. National Association of Bedding Manufacturers National Association of Book Publishers National Association of Box Manufacturers National Association of Brass Manufacturers National Association of Builders' Exchanges National Association of Building Owners and Man- agers. National Association of Building Trades Employers. National Association of Button Manufacturers. . . National Association of Carders and Spiimcrs National Association of Casualty Surety Agents.. National Association of Certified Public Accountants. National Association of Cliair Manufacturers National Association of Chewing Gum Manufac- turers and Allied Trades. National Association of Clothiers National Association of Commercial Organization Secretaries. National Association of Commissioners and Secre- taries of Agriculture. National Association of Comptrollers and Account- ing OfRcors. National Association of Convention Bureaus National Association of Corrugated and Fibre Box Manufacturers. National Association of Cost Accountants National Association of Cotton Manufacturers National Association of Credit Men National Association of Cut Glass Manufacturers National Association of Dairy Machinery Manufac- turers. National Association of Dvers and Cleaners of the United States and Canada. National Association of Egg Case and Egg Case Filler Manufacturers. National Association of Electrical Contractors and Dealers. National Association of Employing Lithographers. . National Association of Engine and Boat Manufac- turers. National Association of Farm Equipment Manu- facturers. National Association of Finishers of Cotton Fibres. . National Association of Gardeners National Association of Glue and Gelatin Manu- facturers. National Association of Harpists (Inc.) National Association of Hosiery and tlnderwear Manufacturers. National Association of Ice Cream Manufacturers. . . National Association of Ice Industries National Association of Importers of Hides and Skins (Inc.) National Association of Independent Oil Producers. National Association of Insurance Agents National Association of Jewish Baking Industry National Association of Knit Goods Selling Agents.. National Association of Ladies' Hatters National Association of Leather Belting Maaxu- facturers. 243 West 42d St., New York, N. Y. 56 West 45th St.. New York, N. Y. 105 West 40th St., New York, N. Y. 25 Broad St., New York, N. Y 305 Metropolitan Bldg., Sioux City, Iowa. 405 Hartman Bldg., Columbus, Ohio. 95 William St., New York, N. Y. Fresno. Calif, 326 Broadway, New York, N. Y. 2.39 West 39th St., New York, N. Y. Care of Jamestown Business College, Jamestown, N. Y. 239 West 39th St., New York, N. Y. 208 South La SaUe St., Chicago, lU. 923 South 13th St., Omaha, Nebr. 629 North Broad St., Elkhom, Wis. 440 South Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. 30th St. and 4lh Ave., New York, N. Y. Ill West Washington St., Chic< Address of managing director. COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. 17 NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL— Continued. ALPHABETICAL LIST— Continued. Name. Address of secretary. Sterling Silverware Manufacturers' Association Stoker Manufacturers' Association Structural Service Bureau Structural Steel Society Sulgrave Institution Suspender and Belt Exchange Swedish Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America. Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturers' Asso- ciation of the United States. Syrian National Society Talc and Soapstone Producers' Association Tamworth Swine Association Tanners' Council of the United States of America. . . Tap and Die Institute Taylor Society Tea Association of the United States of America — Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper In- dustry. Technical Photographic and Microscopical Society. Technical Publicity Association (Inc.) Telephone Pioneers of America Textile Alliance (Inc.) Textile Color Card Association of the United States (Inc.). Theodore Roosevelt International Highway Asso- ciation. Thoroughbred Horse Association (Inc.) Tile Manufacturers' Credit Association Tile and Mantel Contractors' Association of America Tissue Paper Manufacturers' Association Tire and Rim Association Tobacco Manufacturers' Association Tobacco Merchants' Association of the United States. Toilet Paper Converters' Association Tool Steel Society Toy Manufacturers of the United States of America (Inc.). Track Supply Association Trailer Manufacturers' Association Traveling Hat Salesmen's Association Tubular Plumbing Goods Association Turkish- American Information Bureau Turpentine and Rosin Producers' Association Umbrella Manufacturers' Association of America. . . United Commercial Travelers United Engineering Society United Real Estate Owners' Association United Roofing Contractors' Association United Shirt Manufacturers' Association (Inc.) United States Fire Companies Conference United States Fisheries Association United States Good Roads Association (Inc.) United States Independent Telephone Association. . United States League of Local Building and Loan Associations. United States Potash Producers' Association United States Potters' Association United States Revolver Association United States Shellac Importers' Association United States Ship Operators' Association (Inc.). . . United States Sugar Manufacturers' Association United States Trade Mark Association United Typothetae of America United Waist League of America Universal Craftsmen CouncQ of Engineers Upholstery Association of America (Inc.) Vacuum Cleaner Manufacturers' Association Vegetable Growers' Association of America Vegetable Parchment Manufacturers' Association... Vehicle Wheel Manufacturers' Conference (Eastern Division). 2< Address of president. *5 Address of managing director. 15 Maiden Lane, New York, N. Y. Care of Phoenix Manufacturing Co., Eau Claire, Wis 112 South 16th St., Philadelpliia, Pa. 460 Monadnock Block. Chicago, 111. 233 Broadway, New Y^ork, N. Y. 116 West 32d St., New York, N. Y. 2 Broadway, New York, N. Y. 1 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. « 863 Saratoga St., East Boston, Mass. 1448 Girard St. NW., Washington, D. C. Marine Trust Bldg., Carthage, III. 41 Park Row, New York, N. Y. 116 West 32d St., New York, N. Y. 29 West 39th St., New York, N. Y.» 64 Water St., New York, N. Y. 18 East 41st St., New York, N. Y. 251 West 19th St., New York, N. Y. Ingersoll-Rand Co., 11 Broadway, New York, N. Y. 195 Broadway, New York, N. Y. 45 East 17th St., New York, N. Y. 395 4th Ave., New York, N. Y. ^ Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Duluth, Minn. 200 Phoenix Hotel, Lexington, Ky. Beaver Falls, Pa. 336 Main St., Cincinnati, Ohio. 18 East 41st St., New York, N. Y. 537 Leader-News Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio." 214-216 Woodland St., NashviUe, Term. 5 Beekman St., New York, N. Y.25 18 East 41st St., New York, N. Y. 116 West 32d St., New York, N. Y. 200 5th Ave., New York, N. Y. Hillbum, N. Y. Care of TraUmobile Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. 1225 Broadway, New York, N. Y. 522 5th Ave., New York, N. Y. 400 West 40th St., New York, N. Y. 1425 Whitney-Central Bldg., New Orleans, La. 10 West 23d St., New York, N. Y. 140 E St., San Bernardino, Calif. 29 West 39th St., New York, N. Y. 280 Broadway, New York, N. Y. 102 North Wells St., Chicago, HI. 580 Broadway, New York, N. Y. 56 Cedar St., New York, N. Y. 245 Northern Ave., Boston, Mass. 3200 Cliff Road, Birmingham, Ala. 19 South La SaUe St.^ Chicago, HI. Station A, Cincinnati, Ohio. 800 Southern Bldg., Washington, D. C. East Liverpool, Ohio. Hotel Virginia, Columbus, Ohio. 7 Cedar St., New York, N. Y. Produce Exchange, New York, N. Y. 1132 First National Bank Bldg^ Chicago, 111. 34 Nassau St., New York, N. Y^. 608 South Dearborn St., Chicago, III. 29 East 32d St., New York, N. Y.27 33 Linden Ave., Cherrydale, Va. 295 5th Ave., New York, N. Y. 1067 East 152d St., Cleveland, Ohio. Box 223, New Brunswick, N.J. 505 5th Ave., New York, N. Y. Care of Phineas Jones & Co., Newark, N. J. *8 Address of manager. *'' Address of director. 18 COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL— Continued. ALPHABETICAL LIST— Continued. Name. Vehicle Wheel Mahufaoturers' Conference (Western Division). Victory Highway Association Wallpaper Manufacturers' Association of the United States. Water Power League of America (Inc.) Water Works Manufacturexs' Association Waxed Paper Manufacturers' Association WebbinK Manufacturers' Exchange White Pine Bureau , White River Trail Wholesale Dress Manufacturers' Association (Inc.).. Wholesale Grass Seed Dealers' Association , Wholesale Saddlery Association of the United States. Wholesale Scedmon's League Wholesale Shoo League Wholesale Stationers' Association of the United States of America. Women's Auxiliary of the Photographrrs' Associa- tion of America. Women's National Book Association Workers' Educational Bureau of America Workmen's Compensation Publicity Bureau World Cotton Conference World's Board ofAoronautical Commissioners (Inc.) World 's Dairy Congress Association Wrapping I'aper Manufacturers' Service Bureau — Writing Paper Manufacturers' Association Writing Tablet Manufacturers' Association Yacht Masters and Engineers' Association , Address of secretary. Care of Mutual Wheel Co., Moline, HI. 1035 Kansas Ave., Topeka, Kans. Box 420, Hackensack, N. J. 253 Broadwav, New York, N. Y. 25 West 43d St., New York, N. Y. 505 5th Ave., New York, N. Y. 25 Broad St., New York, N. Y. 808 Merchants' National Bank Bldg., St. Pam, Minn .2 < Locust Grove, Okla. 1133 Broadway, New York, N. Y.i? 110 South St., Baltimore, Md. 30 North La Salle St., Chicago, 111. Bristol, Pa. 320 Broadwav, New York, N. Y. 1741 West 11th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. 467 Virginia St., BufTalo. N. Y. 437 5th Ave.. New York. N. Y. 476 West 24th St., New York, N. Y. 80 Maiden Lane, New York, N. Y. 45 Milk St., Boston, Mass.^ 342 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. 426 Star Bldg., Washington, D. C.m 53 Park Place. New York, N. Y. IS East 41st St., New York, N. Y. 41 Park Row, New York.N. Y. Foot of 23d St., Brooklyn, N. Y. INTERSTATE. ALPHABETICAL LIST. American Sand Association American Shipmasters' Association of the Pacific Coast. Appalachian Logging Congress Arkansas-Louisiana Automobile Association Association of Pacific Fi.sheries Atlantic Chairniakers' Association Atlantic Coast Shipt)uilders' Association Atlantic Deeper Waterways A.ssociation Atlantic Inland Association Baltimore and Southern Paper Trade Association... Boston Export Round Table Boston & Maine Railroad Stockholders' Protective Association. California and Southwestern States Ice Cream Manufacturers' Association. Central Association of Lmnber, Sash and Door Salesmen. Central A uto Finance Association Central Electric Railway Accountants' Association, Central Electric Railway Association Central Electric RaQway Engineering Council Central Electric Traffic Association Central States Paper Trade Association Central Supply Association Colorado and New Mexico Coal Operators' Associa- tion. Cooks' Association of the Pacific Coast (Inc.) Cotton States Merchants' Association Dairy Products Association of the Northwest Eastern Association of Car Service Officers Eastern Association of Glass Distributors Eastern Beet Sugar Manufacturers' Association Eastern Clay Products Association Eastern Hollow Building Tile Manufacturers' Asso- ciation. Eastern Ice Manufacturers' Association Eastern Implement and Vehicle Dealers' Association 28 Address of manager. 29 Headquarters of association. S 26 Guardian Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. 112 Market St., San Francisco, Calif. Braemar, Tenn.«> Comer Louisiana and Capitol Aves., Little Rock, Ark. 1621 L. C. Smith Bldg., Seattle, Wash. 99 Edgree St., Gardner, Mass. 1701 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. 1133 Real Estate Tmst Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. 56 Beaver St., New York, N. Y. 36 South Hanover St., Baltimore, Md. Care of United Motors of New England, 916 Com- monwealth Ave., Boston, Mass. Room 1003, 53 State St., Boston, Mass. 3994 San Pablo Ave., Oakland, Calif. 1029 People's Bank Bldg., Indianapolis, Tnd, 76 West Monroe St., Chicago, 111. 308 Traction Terminal Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. Do. Do. Do. 21 % 111 West Washington St., Chicago, 111. 139 North Clark St., Chicago, III. 304 Boston Bldg., Denver, Colo. 620 .Sd Ave., San Francisco, Calif. Chamber of Commerce, Memphis, Tenn 620 Hamm Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. Reading Terminal, Philadelphia, Pa. 1206 Times Bldg., New York, N. Y. 912 Union Trust Bldg., Detroit, Mich. 906 Colonial Trust Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. 175 5th Ave., New York, N. Y. 154 Nassau St., New York, N. Y. Woodboume, Pa. »<> Address of president. 81 Address of chairman. COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. 19 INTERSTATE— Continued. ALPHABETICAL LIST— Continued. Name. Address of secretary. Eastern Millinery Association (Inc.) Eastern Paperboard Manufacturers' Association Eastern Paving Brick Manufacturers' Association. . Eastern Shook and Wooden Box Manufacturers' Association. Eastern States Association of D vers and Cleaners . . . Eastern States Milk Producers (Inc.) Eastern Supply Association Eastern Woodworkers' Cost Information Bureau. . . Electrical Credit Association of Middle and Southern States. Executive Association of Wholesale Grocers of New England. Florida Short Route Association Foreign Commerce Association of Pacific Coast Georgia-Florida Saw Mill Association (Inc.) Great Lakes, Hudson and Atlantic Waterways As- sociation (Inc.). Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Tidewater Association. . . Gulf States Agricultural and Live Stock Fair Hardware Association of the CaroUnas Illinois- Wisconsin Ice Dealers ' Association Illinois and Wisconsin Retail Coal Dealers' Associa- tion. Inland Daily Press Association Inter Mountain Association of Credit Men Intermountain Automotive Trades Association Intermountain States Truckmen and Auto Carriers' Association. Interstate Cooperative Union Interstate Fruit Jobbers' Association Interstate Furniture Manufacturers' Association Inter State Milk Producers' Association Interstate Oil Mill Superintendents' Association — Interstate Typothetae Iowa-Nebraska Canners' Association Iowa-Nebraska Master House Painters and Decora- tors' Association. Iowa-Nebraska- Minnesota Wholesale Grocers' Asso- ciation. Kentucky & Indiana Dairies Co Ladies Hairdressers' Association of New England (Inc.). Lake Carriers' Association Lake Superior Iron Ore Association Lake Superior Mining Institute Laundryowners' Association of the CaroUnas and Georgia. League of the Southwest Lumber Carriers' Association of the Great Lakes Lumber Manufjwturers' Association of South New England. Maryland and Virginia Milk Producers' Association (Inc.). Merchants' Legislative League Michigan-Ohio-Indiana Coal Association Mid-Continent Oil and Gas Association Mid West Concrete Products Association , Mid- West Implement Dealers' Association , Midwest Milk Manufacturers' Association Mid-West Retail Coal Association Mid-West Rubber Manufacturers' Association Middle Atlantic Fisheries Association Middle States Furniture Manufacturers' Association. Middle States Shoe Wholesalers' Association Middle States Textile Manufacturers' Association. . . Middle States Wrapping Paper Association Midland Club Milk Producers' Association Mississippi Valley Association Mississippi Valley Power Boat Association Missouri-Kansas- Oklahoma Hotel Men's Association Missouri-Kansas Wholesale Grocers' Association Missouri Valley Association of Sand and Gravel Pro- ducers. Missouri Valley Canners' Association Missouri Valley Wrapping Paper Association Missouri Yellowstone Pure Breeders' Association. w Address of president. 15 West 37th St., New York, N. Y. 1410 G St., Washington, D. C. 1016 Lincoln Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. 40 Court St., Boston (9), Mass. 6339 Perm Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. Sandy Creek, N. Y. 261 Broadway, New York, N. Y. 103 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. 1324 Land Title Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. 5 Commercial St., Boston, Mass. Columbus, Ga. 255 CaUfomia St., San Francisco, Calif. 805 Graham Bldg., Jacksonville, Fla. Care of State Engineers Office, Albany, N. Y. Chamber of Commerce, Muskegon, Mich. Box 12, Mobile, Ala. Charlotte, N. C. 7421 East End Ave., Chicago, 111. 20 West Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, HI. Box 35, Clinton, Iowa. Care of Smith-Faus Drug Co., Salt Lake City, Utah. 702 Mclntyre Bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah. Box 1483, Boise, Idaho. 1318 Beacon St., Brookline, Mass." Care of Mobridge Grocery Co., Mobridge, S. Dak. Warren, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. York, S. C. 406 Commerce Bldg,, Erie, Pa. Marshalltown, Iowa. 108 East Park Ave., Waterloo, Iowa. 311 Rogers Bldg., Council Blufls, Iowa. Simpsonville, Ky. 2 Park Square, Boston, Mass. 1415 Kirby Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. 1001 Kirby Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. Ishpeming, Mich. 508 West 5th St., Charlotte, N. C. 1045 Ingraham St., Los Angeles, Calif. 1316 Drexel Ave., Detroit, Mich. 354 Main St., Ansonia, Conn. 101 Q St. NE., Washington, D. C. 1915 Wallace St., Philadelphia, Pa. Brunson Bldg., Columbus, Ohio. Dallas, Tex. 3045 Fowler Ave., Omaha. Nebr. 515-517 South Main St., Council Bluffs, Iowa. Ill West Washington St., Chicago, 111. 514 Pierce Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. 1515 North La Salle St., Chicago, Rl. Arch 11, Brooklyn Bridge, New York, N. Y. Picture Rocks, Pa. 320 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Cannelton, Ind. Ill West Washington St., Chicago, lU. 58 East Washington St., Chicago, 111. Room 522, 9 South Clinton St., Chicago, 111. 511 Locust St., St. Louis, Mo. Peoria, Rl. 910 Central St., Kansas City, Mo. 516 American Bank Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 204 Minor Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Prairie Grove. Ark. 304 West 6th St., Kansas City, Mo. WiUiston, N. Dak. 20 COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. INTERSTATE-^Continued. ALPHABETICAL LIST— Continued. Name. Moulding and Picture Frame Manufacturers' Credit Bureau. Mountain States Hardware and Implement Associa- tion. Mountain States Ice Manufacturers' Association Mountain States Lumber Dealers' Association National Drug and Sundries Exposition (Inc.) New England Agricultural Society New England Association of Boiler Manufacturers. New England Association of Commercial Engineers New England Association of Dyers and Cleaners New England Association of Gas Engineers New England Association of Ice Cream Manufac- turers. New England Association of Railroad Veterans New E ngland Automobile U ndcrwriters ' Conference . New England Awning and Tent Manufacturers' Association (Inc.). New England Business Papers Association New England Coal Dealers^Association New England ColTcc Roasters' Association New England Cotton Buvcrs' Association New England Dairy and l-^xxl Council New England Dental Trade Association New England Dry Dockand Ship Repair Association. New England Dry Goods Association New England Fish E.xchange New England FoundrjTuen's Association New England Hardware Dealers' Association New England Hotel Association New England Industrial Nurses' Association New England Insurance E xchange New England Iron and Hardware Association New England Joljbersand Manufacturers' Millinery Association. New England Leather and Shoe Findings Associa- tion. New England Manufacturing Confectioners' Asso- ciation. New England Manufacturing Jewelers and Silver- smiths' Association. New England Milk Producers' Association New England Music Trade Association New England Nurser>'men's Association New England Osteopathic Association New England Paper Merchants' Association New England Paper and Pulp TrafFic Association. . . New England Purchasing Agents' Association (Inc.). New England Railroad Club New England Retail Clothiers' Association New England Shoe and Leather Association New England Shoo Wholesalers' Association New England Stovo Manufacturers' Association New England Street Railway Club New England Tobacco Growers' Association New England Traffic League New England Watchmakers' Club New England Water Works Association New England Women's Club New England Women's Medical Society New England Yellow Pine Dealers' Association New York and New Jersey Dry Dock Association . . New York and New Jersey Live Stock Exchange. . . New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio Ice Association. North Pacific Millers' Association North Platte Valley Stockmen's Association North Platte Valley Water Users' Association Northeastern Retail Lumbermen's Association Northern Hemlock and Hardwood Manufacturers' Association. Northern Nut Growers' Association Northern Pine Manufacturers' Association Northern Potato Traffic Association Northern White Cedar Association Northern Wholesale Hardwood Lumber Asso- ciation. Northwest Canners' Association Northwest Electric Light and Power Association.. . Northwest Face Brick Association Northwest Lime Association Address of secretary. 181 Quincy St., Chicago, 111. Boulder, Colo. Care of Riverside Ice & Storage Co., Fort Collins, Colo. 516-17 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Denver, Colo. Care of Dow Drug Co., Cincimiati, Ohio. Worcester, Mass. 99 Summer St., East Boston, Mass. 53 Devonshire St., Boston, Mass. Box 4, Boston (25), Mass. 247 Essex St., Salem, Mass. 51 ComMll, Boston, Mass. Park Ave.. Wakefield, Mass. 1 Liberty St., New York, N. Y. 280 State St., Boston, Mass. Ill Summer St., Boston, Mass. 141 Milk St., Boston, Mass. 311 Summer St., Boston, Mass. 160 State St., Boston, Mass. 51 Cornliill, Boston, Mass. 86 Wevi)asset St., Providence, R. I. 110 State St., Boston, Mass. 453 Washington St., Boston, Mass. 62 Wel)Ster St., Atlantic, Mass. 205 Broadway, Cambridge, Mass. Room 430, 10 High St., Boston, Mass. Draper Hotel, Northampton, Mass. 125 Emory St., Roxbury, Mass. 141 Milk St., Boston (3), Mass. 88 Broad St., Boston, Mass. 68 Chauncy St., Boston, Mass. 14 Albany St., Boston, Mass. 40 Court St., Boston, Ma.ss. 42 Weybosset St., Providence, R. I. 51 Comhill, Boston, Mass. 114 Boylston St., Boston, Mass. 678 Adams St., North Abington, 687 Boylston S't., Boston, Mass. 299 Congress St., Boston, Mass. 101 Milk St., Boston, Mass. 201 Devonshire St., Boston, Mass. 683 Atlantic Ave., Boston, Mass. 99 Chauncy St., Boston, Mass. 166 Essex St., Boston, Mass. Do. Box 82, Stamford, Conn. 84 State St., Boston, Mass. Box 629, 1910 Main St^ East Hartford, Conn. 200 High St., Boston, Mass. 387 Washington St., Boston, Mass. Care of Supt. of Water Co., Dedham, Mass. 5 Fells Road, Winchester, Mass. 14 Warren Square, Jamaica Plain, Boston, Mass. Box 783, Providence, R. I. 30 Church St., New York, N. Y. Jersey City Stock Yards, Jersey City, N. J. Erie Pa. 600 dentral Bldg., Seattle, Wash. Scottsblufif, Nebr. 1720 5th Ave., Scottsbluff, Nebr. Becklev Bldg., Rochester, N. Y. Box 669, Oshkosh, Wis. 983 Main St., Hartford, Conn. 1103 Lumber Exchange, Minneapolis, Minn. 712 New York Life Bldg., MinneapoUs, Minn. 702-3 Lumber Exchange, Minneapolis, Minn. 1011 Lumber Exchange, Minneapolis, Minn. 318 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Oreg. 205 Electric Bldg., Seattle, Wash. 1949% University, St. Paul, Minn. 212 Pioneer Bldg., Seattle, Wash. COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. 21 INTERSTATE— Continued . ALPHABETICAL LIST— Continued. Name. Address of secretary. Northwest Mining Association Northwest Real Estate Association Northwestern Association of Mutual Insurance Companies. Northwestern Brewers' Traffic Managers' Asso- ciation. Northwestern Coal Dock Operators' Association ... Northwestern Fruit Jobbers' Association Northwestern Hardwood Lumbermen's Association Northwestern Hotel Men's Association Northwestern Lumber and Sash and Door Travel- ing Salesmen's Association. Northwestern Lumbermen's Association Northwestern National Shoe Travelers' Association. Northwestern Private School Owners' Association. Northwestern Tow Boat Owners' Association Ohio Valley Retail Shoe Dealers' Association Ohio and West Virginia Tent and Awning Manu- facturers' Association. Pacific American Steamship Association Pacific Associatictn of Consulting Engineers Pacific Canned Fish Brokers' Association Pacific Coast Association of Nurserymen Pacific Coast Electrical Association Pacific Coast Fire Chiefs' Association Pacific Coast Furniture Warehousemen's Asso- ciation. Pacific Coast Garment Manufacturers' Association. . Pacific Coast Gas Association Pacific Coast Millinerv Association Pacific Coast Paper Box Manufacturers' Association Pacific Coast Shippers' Association Pacific Cotton Exchange Pacific Ice Cream Manufacturers' Association Pacific Logging Congress Pacific Northwest Association of Cleaners and Dyers Pacific Northwest Hardware and Implement A_ssof*ifttioii Pacific Northwest Millwork Association Padfle Northwest Newspaper Association Padflc Northwest Stationers' Association Pacific Northwest "Tourist Association Pacific Railway Club Pacific States Paper Trade Association Paint and Oil Club of New England Paint, Oil and Varnish Club of New York Paint Trade Salesmen's Club of New England Pennsylvania and Atlantic Seaboard Hardware Association (Inc.). Pennsylvania. New Jersey and Delaware Whole- sale Grocers' Association. Philadelphia Inter-State Dairy Council Pittsbiu-gh and West Virginia Railway Coal Oper- ators. Railway Development Association of the Southwest. Retail Bakers' Association of the Eastern States. . . Retail Milliners' Association of New England Rocky Mountain Retail Clothiers' Association Shipowners' Association of the Pacific Coast South Atlantic Supply Association South Central Gas Association Southeastern Association of Cleaners and Dyers — Southeastern Fair Association Southeastern Leather and Shoe Finders' Credit Bmeau. Southeastern Live Stock Association Southeastern Master Printers' Federation Southeastern Millers' Association Southeastern Retail Hardware and Implement Association. Southeastern Shoe Retail Association South-Eastem Underwriters' Association Southern Adjustment Bureau Southern Alluvial Land Association Southern Appalachian Coal Operators' Association Southern Association of Ice Cream Manufacturers. . Southern Association of Stove Manufacturers Southern Bakers' Association Southern Canners' Association Southern Cattlemen's Association Southern Commercial Congress (Inc.) 415 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Washington, D. C. 415 Abington Bldg., Portland, Oreg. Owatonna, Minn. Care of Minneapolis Brewing Co., Minneapolis, Minn. 1229 Plymouth Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. 408 Market Bank Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. 1011 Lumber Exchange, MinneapoUs, Minn. 416 South 14th St., Omaha, Nebr. 68 Wisconsin St., Milwaukee, Wis. 1026 McKnight Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. 7 South 5th St., Minneapolis, Minn. Wenatchee Business College, Wenatchee, Wash. Colman Bldg., Seattle, Wash. 427 Gasco Bldg., Columbus, Ohio. 222 East 6th St., Cincinnati, Ohio. 603 Alaska Commercial Bldg., San Francisco, Calif. 612 Sharon Bldg., San Francisco, Calif. 705 Arctic Bldg., Seattle, Wash. Burton, Wash. Room 527 Rialto Bldg., San Francisco, Calif. 205 Merchants' Exchange, San Francisco, Calif. 2808 West Pico St., Los Angeles, Calif. 231 Monadnock Bldg., San Francisco, CaUf. 812 Howard St., San Francisco, Cahf, 7.53 Market St., San Francisco, Calif. 2133 Stone Way, Seattle, Wash. 845 Henry Bldg., Seattle, Wash. 603-8 1. W. Hellman Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif. 912 A St., Tacoma, Wash. 616 Spalding Bldg., Portland, Oreg. Regal Cleaners and Dyers (Inc.), Tacoma, Wash. 305 Button Bldg., Spokane, Wash. 3018 Arcade Bldg., Seattle, Wash. Box 544, Spokane, Wash. 1005 2d Ave., Seattle, Wash. 1618 L. C. Smith Bldg., Seattle, Wash. 64 Pine St., San Francisco^ Calif. 461 Market St^^ San Francisco, Calif. 6 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. 17 Battery Place, New York, N. Y. 144 Court Road, Winthrop, Mass. 1314 Fulton Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. 308 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. 721 Heed Bldg., Philadelphia, P&. Greensburg, Pa. St. Augustine, Fla. 338 Newark Ave., Jersey City, N. J. 488 Boylston St., Boston, Mass. College and Mountain Aves., Fort Collins, Colo. 112 Market St., San Francisco, CaUf. 38 West Alabama St., Atlanta, Ga. San Antonio, Tex. Selma, Ala. Macon Drive, Atlanta, Ga. Macon, Ga. Johnson and Main Sts., Louisville, Ky. 508 Union St., Nashville, Tenn. 1209 Independent Life Bldg., Nashville, Tenn. 701 Grand Theatre Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. 412 Gould Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. Box 1743, Atlanta, Ga. Atlanta, Ga. 218-221 Bank of Commerce Bldg., Memphis, Tenn. Holston Bank Bldg., Knoxville, Tenn. Decatur, Ala. 307 KeUer Bldg., Louisville, Ky. Care of Crawford Advertising Agency, Mobile, Ala. Biloxi, Miss. Blacksburg, Va. Southern Bldg., Washington, D. C. 22 COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. INTERSTATE— Continued. ALPHABETICAL LIST— Continued. Name. Address of secretary. Southern Commercial Secretaries' Association Southern Consolidated Yarn Spinners' Association.. Southern Cooperative League Southern Crate Manufacturers* Association Southern Cypress Manufacturers' Association Southern Fertilizer Association Southern Fisheries Association Southern Freight Rate Association Southern Furniture Manufacturers' Association Southern Gas Association Southern Hardware Jobbers' Association Southern Hardwood Traffic Association Southern Hotel Association Southern Ice Exchange Southern Industrial Insurers' Conference Southern Interior Traffic Association Southern Interstate Hotel Association Southern Logging Association Southern Manufacturers' Club Southern Metal Trades Association Southern Newspapers Publishers' Association Southern Nurserymen's Association Southern Pine Association Southern Poultry and Egg Shippers' Association Southern Retail Furniture Association Southern Sash, Door and Millwork Manufacturers' Association. Southern Sccdmen's Association Southern Shoe Wholesalers' Association Southern and Sout hweslern Railway Club Southern Supply and Machinery Dealers' Associa- tion. Southern Textile Association Southern Trade Congress (Inc.) Southern Travelers' Association (Inc.) Southern Wholesale Confectioners' Association Southern Wholesale Dry Goods Association Southwest Water Works Association Southwestern Association of Dyers and Cleaners Southwestern Association of Nurserymen Southwestern Electrical and Gas Association Southwestern Hardwood Manufacturers' Club Southwestern Ice Manufacturers' Association Southwestern Interstate Coal Operators' Association Southwestern Limibermen's Association Southwestern Millers' League Southwestern Peanut Shellers' Association Southwestern Professional Photographers' Associa- tion. Southwestern Shoe Travelers'AssocIatlon Talking Machine Men (Inc.) Texas-Mississippi Association of Baldng Industry . . Texas-Missouri Passenger Club Timber Products Manufactiu"ers Traffic Club of New England Tri-City Manufacturing Printers' Association Tri-State Association of Credit Men TrI-State Association of Ice Cream Manufacturers . . Tri-State Coal Stripping Association Tri-State Country Grain Shippers' Association Tri-State Fair Association Trl State Ice Manufacturers' Association Tri State Live Stock Protective Association Tri State Packers' Association Trl State Retail Merchants' Association Tri State Road Material Association Tri State Sheep Breeders and Wool Growers' Asso- ciation. Trl State Water and Light Association Underwriters' Bureau of Middle and Southern States Underwriters' Bureau of New England Union Association of Liunber and Sash and Door Salesmen. United MetalTrades' Association of the Pacific Coast, Upper Potomac Coal Association (Inc.) Utah-Idaho MiUers and Grain Dealers' Association Utah-Idaho Wholesale Grocers' Association M Address of manager. Chamber of Commerce, Alexandria, La. York S C 937 Woodward Bldg., Washington, D. C 117 West Forsyth St., Jacksonville, Fla. 507 Carondelet St., New Orleans, La. Box 926, Atlanta, Ga. 308 Duval Bldg., Jacksonville, Fla. Marietta and Forsvthe Sts., Atlanta Ga. Southern Furniture Exposition Bldg., High Polai 200 Pliime St., Norfolk, Va. Box 6.'>4, Richmond, Va. 1761 CaiT Ave., Memphis, Tenn. Hotel Burton, Danville, Va. Selma, Ala. Box 914, Durham Life Insurance Co., Raleigh, N. < 105* East Main St., Jackson, Tenn. 714 Common St., New Orleans, La. Care of Lumber Trade Journal, New Orleans, La. M. & T. National Bank, Charlotte, N. C. Candler Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. Box 22>!, Chattanooga, Tenn. Box 169, Birmingham, Ala. t Interstate Bank Bldg., Canal St., New Orleans, U Shelbwille, Ky. Charlottesville, Va. 1026 Candler Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. Box 27, Montgomery, Ala. 41 Ilavne St., Charleston, S. C. 219 Grant Bldg., Atlanta, Ga, Care of Smith-Courtney Co., Richmond, Va. 210 Realty Bldg., Gastonia, N. C. Southern Bldg., Washington, D. C. 90<> Broadway, New York, N. Y. Bay and Barnard Sts., Savannah, Ga. Fort Smith Ave., Richmond, Va. 2123 Morrow St., Waco, Tex. 106 West Exchange Ave., North Fort Worth, Te Denton, Tex. 40:i-4 Slaughter Bldg., Dallas, Tex. 9;U Whitney Central Bldg., New Orleans, La. Temple, Tex. 519 Keith and Perry Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Long Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 907 New York Life Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Weatherford, Tex. Ada, Okla. Box 1102, Waco, Tex. 119 Broadway, Bayonne, N. J. 923 South 13th St Omaha. Nebr. 808 Woodmen of the World Bldg., Omaha, Nebr. 719 Hutton Bldg., Spokane, Wash. 294 Washington St., Boston, Mass. 212 East Third St^ Davenport, Iowa. 620 Caples Bldg., El Paso, Tex. 919-27 Walker St., Augusta, Ga. 501 Board of Trade Bldg., Wheeling, W. Va. Luveme, Minn. '' Aberdeen, S. Dak. 101 SW, 1st St., Washington, Ind. Bellefourche, S. Dak. Beckford Ave., Princess Anne, Md. Bluffton, Ind. 46 North 2d St., Memphis, Tenn. Wellsburg, W. Va. 2226 Lincoln St., Columbia, S. C. 1 Liberty St., New York, N. Y. 141 Milk St., Boston, Mass .33 401 West Bancroft St., Toledo, Ohio. 520 Oregon Bldg.. Portland, Oreg. Box 338, Cumberland, Md. 118 West 48th St., Murray, Utah. Ness Bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah. COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. 23 INTERSTATE— Continued. ALPHABETICAL LIST— Continued. Name. Address of secretary. Vehicle Manufacturers' Association of New England. Washington-Idaho Retail Clothiers and Furnishers' Association. West Coast Lumbermen's Association West Virginia-Kentucky Association of Mine, Me- chanical and Electrical Engineers. Western Association of Electrical Inspectors Western Association of Nurserymen Western Association of Rolled Steel Consumers Western Association of Shoe Manufacturers and Wholesalers. Western Bar Iron Association Western Canners' Association Western CaroUna Lumber and Timber Association. . Western Cigar Box Manufacturers' Association Western Confectioners' Association Western Forestry and Conservation Association Western Fruit Jobbers' Association of America Western Glass Jobbers' Association Western Glass and Pottery Association Western Grain Dealers' Association Western Ice Manufacturers' Association Western Insurance Bureau Western Leaf Tobacco Merchants' Credit Associa- tion. Western Magnesite Association Western Newspaper Association Western Paper Merchants' Association Western Paving Brick Manufacturers' Association.. Western Petroleum Refiners' Association Western Pine Manufacturers' Association Western Railway Club Western Red Cedar Association Western Retail Implement and Hardware Associa- tion. Western Retail Limibermen's Association Western Society of Engineers Western Warm Air Furnace and Supply Association White Cedar Shingle Manufacturers' Association... . 922 Commonwealth Ave., Brookline, Mass. 514 Thompson Bldg., Seattle, Wash. . 425 Henry Bldg., Seattle, Wash. 211 R. P. Bldg., Huntington, W. Va. 175 West Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, 111. Rosedale, Kans. 139 North Clark St., Chicago, 111. 209 Southern La Salle St., Chicago, 111. 306 Mahoning B Bldg., Youngstown, Ohio. 12 East Grand Ave., Chicago, 111. Electrical Bldg., Asheville, N . C. 537 South Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. 635 New Call Bldg., San Francisco, Calif. 511 Spalding Bldg., Portland, Oreg. Room 517, 127 North Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. Ill West Monroe St., Chicago, 111. Cambridge Springs, Pa. Hubbell Bldg., Des Moines, Iowa. 623 Shukert Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 175 West Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, 111. 86 Michigan St., Mlwaukee, Wis. 785 Market St., San Francisco, Calif. 326 Rookery St^ Spokane, Wash. 621 Plymouth Court, Chicago, 111. Dwight Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 304 Interstate Bldg., Kansas City, Mo, 510 Yeon Bldg., Portland, Oreg. 605 North Michigan Ave., Chicago, 111. Peyton Bldg., Spokane, Wash. 205 Buckeye Ave., Abilene, Kans. 308 Columbia Bldg., Spokane. Wash. 53 West Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, 111. 2407 Cuming St., Omaha, Nebr. Oshkosh, Wis. NATIONAL, TNTERNATIONAL, AND INTERSTATEi. KEY TO CLASSIFICATION. [The association representing the particular commodity or service in this list will be found imder the designated group heading in the classification beginning on p. 29,] Abrasive paper and cloth: Hardware, etc. Accoimtants: Accounting and accountants. Acetylene: Fuel, heat, light, and power. Actuaries: Insurance and insurance agencies. Adjusters: Credit and mortgage; Insurance and in- surance agencies. Advertisers and advertising: Advertising and ad- vertisers. Agriculture: Agriculture and horticulture. Aircraft: Aeronautics and automotive. Apparatus, scientific: Research, scientific, and in- vestigation. Archaeology: Miscellaneous. Architects: Professional. Architects (naval): Engineers arid engineering. Army and Navy Union: Miscellaneous. Army Ordnance Association: Educational. Art and artists: Arts and artists. Arts: Educational. Arts (graphic): Printing and allied trades. Asbestos: Metals, minerals, and manufactures (non metaUic). Asphalt: Metals, minerals, and manufactures (non- metallic). Authors: Arts and artists; Publisher and press. Automobiles: Aeronautics and automotive. Awnings (and tents): Specialties. Baggage: Specialties. Bags: Textiles (cotton, fiber and fabric; and mis- cellaneous). Bakers and baking: Foodstuffs (baking industry). Band instruments: Specialties (music). Banks, bankers, and banking: Banking; Credit and mortgage. Barbers' supphes: Specialties. Barrels (steel): Metals, minerals, and manufactures (metallic). Baskets, fruit: Specialties. Bedding: Furniture, fixtures, and appliances. Beds (spring): Specialties. Bedsteads (metal): Specialties. Belt buckles: Specialties. Belting: Leather and leather manufactures. Beverages (and mineral waters): Foodstuffs (mis- cellaneous). Bicycles: Implements and vehicles. Binder's board: Paper and pulp. Biscuit: Foodstuffs (baking industry). Blacksmiths (master railway): Transportation (railways). Blankets: Textiles (wool, fiber and fabric). Boats (and engines): Machinery and equipment. Boats (power) (Mississippi VaUey): Transporta- tion (waterways). Body builders (automobile): Aeronautics and • automotive. Boilers: Machinery and equipment. Boilers (and radiators): Metals, minerals, and man- ufactures (metallic). Books (sales): Paper and pulp. Booksellers and bookworkers: Publisher and press. Boots: Leather and leather manufactures (shoe). Bottles (carbonated beverages): Foodstuffs (mis- cellaneous). 24 COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. NATIONAL, INTERNATIONAL, AND INTERSTATE— Continued. KEY TO CLASSIFICATION— Continued. Bottles: Glass, glassware, and ceramics. * Box board: Lumber and lumber products. Botany: Research, scientific, and investigation. Boxes: Lumber and lumber products. Boxes (corrugated, fiber, folding): Paper and pulp. Brake liners: Specialties. Brakes (air): Railway equipment, etc. Brass: Metals, minerals, and manufactures (metal- lic). Breeders: Live-stock breeders and shippers. Brick: Metals, minerals, and manufactures (non- metallic). Bridge and building supplies: Construction. Bridges (railway): Railway equipment, etc. Brokers (food): Foodstuffs (nuscellaneous). Bronze: Iron and steel, etc. Broom corn: Agriculture and horticulture. Brooms: Specialties. Brushes: Miscellaneous. Budgets: Educational. Builders (carriage): Implements and vehicles. Builders( machinery and machine tool): Machinery and equipment. Builders and building: Construction. Building (railway): Railway equipment, etc. Building managers and owners: AlisceUanoous. Burlap: Textiles (misceUancous). Bu.siness: Educational; General trade. Butter (creamery): FoodstulTs (dairy). Buttons: Spooialties (buttons). Canners: Foodstuffs (canners). Canning macliinery and supplies: Machinery and equipment. Caps: Textiles (clothing and dry goods). Cars (railway): Railway equipment, etc. Cards (greotmg): Printrng and alliea trades. Cardboard: l^a|)cr and pulp. Carders: Textiles (miscellaneous). Carriage buUdcrs: Implements and vehicles. Carriers: Transportation (waterways). C;arriers (auto): Aeronautics and automotive. Carriers (letter): Employees' benefit. Cash registers: Specialties. Caskets: Specialties. Castings (malleaijle): Metals, minerals, and manu- factures (mctailic). Cast-iron pipe: Motals, minerals, and manufac- tures (metallic). Cattle and cattlemen: Live-stock breeders and shippers. Cement: Metals, minerals, and manufactm-es (non- metallic). Cement (oxychloride): Chemicals, dnigs, etc. Ceramics: Glass, glassware, and ceramics. Chairs and chair makers: Furniture, fixtures, and appliances. Chemical equipment: Machinery and equipment. Chemicals: Chemicals, dru^s, etc. Chemists: Research, scientific, and investigation. Chemists (agricultural): Agriculture and horticul- ture. Chemists (fertilizer, leather, textile): Research scientific, and investigation. China: Glass, glassware, and ceramics. China Society: Foreign relations and foreign trade (foreign relations). Chiropractic: Professional. Chocolate: Foodstuffs ^coffee, tea, and cocoa). Church news: Publisher and press. Cider (and vinegar): Foodstuffs (miscellaneous). Cigars: Tobacco. Cigar boxes: Liunber and lumber products. Cinematographers: Motion pictures. Circulations (audit bureau): Publisher and press. City managers: Civic. City planning: Civic. CivU liberties: Educational. Civil-service employees: Employees' benefit. Civil-service reform: Educational. Clam packers: Foodstuffs (fisheries). Classification (oflScials): Transportation (traffic). Clay: Glass, glassware, and ceramics. Clay prod ucers: Metals, minerals, and manufactures (nonmetallic). Cleaners: Laundries, dyeing and cleaning. Cleaners (vacumn): Specialties. Cloaks: TextUes (clothing and dry goods), Cloth (abrasive): Hardware, etc. Clothe-spins: Specialties. Clothiers and clothing: Textiles (clothing and dry goods). Clothing designers: Textiles (clothing and drj goods). Clubs (business and professional, women's): Edu- cational. Coal: Fuel, heat, light, and power (coal). Coal-dock operators: Professional . Cocoa (and chocolate): Foodstuffs (coffee, tea, and cocoa). Coffoe: Foodstuffs (coffee, tea, and cocoa). Color cards (textUe): Printing and allied trades. ColorLsts (textile): Research, scientific, and in vestigation. Commerce (foreign): Foreign relations and foreign trade (foreign trade.) Commercial language: Educational. Commercial schools (accredited): Educational. Commercial standards: Research, scientific, an investigation. Commissioners (aeronautical): Aeronautics ancfl automotive. Comtriissioners and secretaries (agriculture): Pro fessional. Commission merchants: Foodstuffs (miscellaneous) Coinmunily hoard: Civic. Comptnsation insurance (workmen's): Insurant and insurance agencies. Composers: Arts and artists; Publisher and press Compressed air: Engineers and engineermg. Compressed gas: Fuel, heat, light, and power Concrete: Metals, minerals, and manufacture! (nonmetallic). Concrete-block machinery: Machinery and equip mcpt. Concrete institute: Engineers and engineering Concrete mixers: Machinery and equipment. Confectioners: Foodstuffs (confectionery). Confectioners' mercantile agency: Credit and morb ^ gage. Conservation: Educational; Lumber and lumbaj products. Conservation (game): Live-stock breeders and shippers. Consumers: Educational. Containers (fiber): Paper and pulp. Containers (glass): Glass, glassware, and cerami( Contractors: Construction: Electrical. Convention bureaus: Civic. Conveyors: Machinery and equipment. Cooks: I'rofessional. Cooperage industries: Lumber and lumber prod- ucts. Cooperative league and society: Educational. Coopers: Lumber and lumber products. Copper: Metals, minerals, and manufactures (me- tallic). Coppersmiths (master railroad): Transportation (railways). Cordage: Textiles (miscellaneous). Corn: Foodstuffs (milling and grain). Correspondents (press): Publisher and press. Corsets: Textiles (clothing and dry goods). Cotton: TextUes (cotton, fiber and fabric). Cottonseed crushers: Foodstuffs (miscellaneous). Crackers (and biscuit): Foodstuffs (baking ini dustry). Crafts: Arts and artists. Craftsmen: Metals, minerals, and manufacture! (nonmetallic). Craftsmen (printing house): Printing and allied trades. Cranberries: Foodstuffs (fruits and nuts). Cranes (locomotive): Machinery and equipment, Crates: Lumber and lumber products. Creditors' publicity: Credit and mortgage. Cutters (hatter's fur): Fur. Cutters (milling): Machinery and equipment Cycles: Implements and vehicles. icJ COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. 25 NATIONAL, INTERNATIONAL, AND INTERSTATE— Continued. KEY TO CLASSIFICATION— Continued. Dairies and dairymen: Foodstuffs (dairy). Dairy machinery: Machinery and equipment. Daylight saving: Educational. Decorators: Arts and artists. Delivery (retail): General trade. Dental trade: Miscellaneous. Designers: Textiles (clothing and dry goods). Designers (artists): Arts and artists. Designers (marine): Professional. Diamond cutters: Specialties. Dies (and taps): Machinery and equipment. Directory puDlishers: Publisher and press. Disinfectants: Chemicals, drugs, etc. Display men: Advertising and advertisers. Dolls: Specialties (toys). Doors (hollow metal): Metals, minerals, and manu- factures (metallic). Doors (sash, door, and millwork): Lumber and lumber products. Doors (steel): Metals, minerals, and manufactures (metaUic). Drainage congress: Educational. Dramatists: Arts and artists. Dress and dress industries: Textiles (clotliing and dry goods). Dressers and dyers (fur): Furs. Drills and reamers: Machinery and equipment. Drop-forge supplies: Machinery and equipment. Drop forging: Iron and steel, etc. Drugs and druggists: Chemicals, drugs, etc. Dry docks: Ships and shipping. Dry goods: Textiles (clothing and dry goods) Dyers: Laundries, dyeing and cleaning. Dyers (silk): Textiles (silk, fiber and fabric). Economic league: Educational. Economics: liesearch, scientific, and investigation. Editors: Educational; PubUsher and press. Egg and poultry shippers: Foodstuila. (miscella- neous). Egg cases and egg-case fillers: Specialties. Electragists: Electrical. Electrical inspectors: Professional. Electric railways: Transportation (railways). Electric service (automotive): Aeronautics and automotive. Electric supplies (railway): Railway equipment, etc. Electrochemistry: Research, scientific, and inves- tigation. Electrotypers: Printing and allied trades. Elevators: Machinery and equipment. Embroidery: Textiles (miscellaneous). Employees: Employees' benefit. Employment service: Engineers and engineering. Engines: Machinery and equipment. Engineers (yacht): Ships and ship])ing. Engineering education: Educational. Engravers (photo): Printing and allied trades. Engravographia: Printing and allied trades. Envelopes: Paper and pulp. Equity: Educational. Equity (actors'): Miscellaneous. Erectors: Construction. Examining boards (embalmers'): Miscellaneous. Executives: Professional. Explosives: Chemicals, drugs, etc. Export (manufacturers): General trade. Exporters (lumber): Lumber and lumber products. Exporters and importers: General trade. Extensions (credit union): Credit and mortgage. Extracts (flavoring): Foodstuffs (miscellaneous). Fabric fimshers: Textiles (cotton, fiber and fabric). Fairs: Miscellaneous. Fairs (agricultural and live stock): Agriculture and horticulture. Farm equipment: Implements and vehicles. Farm loan: Credit and mortgage. Farm mortgage (bankers): Credit and mortgage. Farming (power): Machinery and equipment. Farms and farmers: Agriculture and horticulture. Fats (and vegetable oils): Foodstuffs (miscella- neous). Feathers (and flowers): Specialties. Federation of arts: Educational. Feed: Foodstuffs (miscellaneous). Fence products (and wire): Metals, minerals, and manufactures (metallic). Fertilizer chemists: Research, scientific, and inves- tigation. Fertilizers: Agriculture and horticulture. Fiber boxes: Paper and pulp. Fiber container supplies: Paper and pulp. Finance (auto): Banking. Financing (auto credit men): Credit and mortgage. Finders (leather and shoe credit bureau): Credit and mortgage. Finders and findings (leather and shoe): Leather and leather manufactures. Finishers' equipment (metal): Metals, minerals, and manufactures (metaUic). • Fire chiefs: Professional. Fire companies: Insurance and insurance agencies. Fire engines (chemical): Chemicals, drugs, etc. Fire extinguishers: Specialties. Fish (caimed): Foodstuffs (fisheries). Fish and fisheries: Foodstuffs (fisheries). Fixtures: Furniture, fixtures, and appliances. Flag association: Educational. Floor covering: Furniture, fixtures, and aijpli- ances. Flooring: Lumber and lumber products. Florists: Agricultiu-e and horticulture. Flour: Foodstuffs (miUing and grain). Flowers: Agriculture and horticulture. Flowers and feathers: Specialties. Foreign language newspapers: Publisher and press. Foreign relations: Foreign relations and foreign trade (foreign relations). Forestry: Lumber and lumber products. Foundry equipment and suppUes: Machinery and equipment. Foxes: Live-stock breeders and shippers. Frames (parlor): Credit and mortgage. Free trade: Foreign relations and foreign trade (foreign relations). Freight rates: Transportation (traffic). Fruit: Agriculture and horticulture; Foodstuffs (fruits and nuts). Furnaces: Specialties, Furnishers: Textiles (clothing and dry goods). Gardeners: Agriculture and horticulture. Garments: Textiles (clotliing and dry goods). Gears: Machinery and equipment. Gelatin (and glue): Specialties. Gentlewomen's league: Educational. Geology: Research, scientific, and investigation. Ginncrs: Textiles (cotton, fiber and fabric). Glassine: Paper and pulp. Gloves: Textiles (clothing and dry goods). Gloves (leather): Leather and leather manufac- tures. Glue and gelatin: Specialties. Goats, Angora: Live-stock breeders and shippers. Gold: Metals, minerals, and manufactures (metal- Uc). Grain: Foodstuffs (miUing and grain). Granite: Metals, minerals, and manufactures (non- metaUic). Gravel producers: Metals, minerals, and manufac- tures (nonmetallic). Greeting cards: Printing and allied trades. Grinding wheels: Machinery and equipment. Grocers: Foodstuffs (grocers). Gimi (chewing): Foodstuffs (confectionery). Gypsum: Metals, minerals, and manufactures (nonmetaUic). Hairdressers: Professional, Harpists: Professional. Hats and hatters: Textiles (clothing and dry goods) . Heating (air): Engineers and engineering. Heating (district): Civic. Heating and piping contractors: Construction, Highways: Transportation (highways); Educa- tional. Hoists (electric): Machinery and equipment. Homes bureau: Educational, Honey: Foodstuffs (miscellaneous). Horses (draft): Live-stock breeders and shippers. 26 COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. NATIONAL, INTERNATIONAL, AND INTERSTATE— Continued. KEY TO CLASSIFICATION— Continued. Horseshoers: Employees' benefit. Hosiery: Textiles (clothing and dry goods). Hotel keepers: Credit and mortgage. Hotels and hotel men: Hotels and restaurants Husbandry: Agriculture and horticulture. Hydraulics: Engineers and engineering. Ice cream: Foodstuffs (confectionery). Ice-cream supply men: Specialties. Implements: Hardware, etc. Implement and vehicle dealers: Implements and vehicles. Importers (hides and skins): Leather and leather manufactures. Importers (oUve): Foodstuffs (miscellaneous). Importers (shellac): Paint, oil, varnish, etc. Importers (silk): Textiles (silk, fiber and fabric). Importers and traders: General trade. Improvements (municipal): Civic. Incubators: Specialties. Industrial lenders: Credit and mortgage. Ink (printing): Miscellaneous. Insecticides: Chemicals, drugs, etc. Inspectors (electrical): Professional. Instruments (band): Specialties (masic). Inventors: Research, scientific, and investigation. Investment bankers: Banking. Iron: Hardware, etc. Iron: Iron and steel, etc. Jewelers: Jewelry. Jute: Textiles (miscellaneous). ICnit ^oods: Textiles (clothing and dry goods). Knittmgmachines: Machinery and equipment. Labels: Paper and pulp. Labor: Employees' benefit. Labor (child): Educational. Lace: Textilas (miscellaneous). Lace, embroidery, and allied trades (commercial travelers): Commercial travelers. Ladders: Specialties. Land: Agnculture and horticulture. Language (commercial ) : E ducati onal . Lath (metal): Metals, minerals, and manufactures (metallic). Laundry owners: Laundries, dyeing and cleaning. Law (patent): Profj^ssional. League of the Southwest: General trade. Leather and leather goods: Leather and leather manufactures. Leather finders' credit bureau: Credit and mort- gage. Legislation (labor): Employees' benefit. Legislative league (mcrcnarits'): General trade. Lenders (industrial): Credit and mortgage. Letter carriers: Employees' benefit. Liberties (civil): Educational. Light (electric): Fuel, heat, hght, and power. Light (and water): Professional. Lighting (and traction): Insurance and insurance agencies. Lighting-fixture dealers: Furniture, fixtures, and appliances. Limb manufacturers: Specialties. Lime and limestones: Metals, minerals, and manu- factures (nonmetallic). Linen: Textiles (miscellaneous). Lithographers: Printing and aUied trades. Live stock: Live-stock breeders and shippers. Live-stock fair: Agriculture and horticulture. Loans (farm): Credit and mortgage. Lock washers: Hardware, etc. Liunber carriers (Great Lakes): Transportation (waterways). Lumber, sash, and door salesmen: Commercial travelers. Macaroni: Foodstuffs (miscellaneous). Magnesite: Metals, minerals, and manufactures (nonmetaUic). Mantel contractors: Construction. Marble: Metals, minerals, and manufactures (non- metaUic). Margarin: Foodstuffs (miscellaneous). Markets (home): General trade. Marketing officials: Miscellaneous. Masters: Ships and shipping. Mates: Ships and shipping. Mathematics: Research, scientific, and investiofc tion. ^ \" Meat packers: Foodstuffs (miscellaneous). • Medical editors and publishers: Publisher and press. Metal: Metals, minerals, and manufactures (metal lie). Metal ware (sheet): Metals, minerals, and manu- factures (metallic). Metallurgy and mining: Research, scientific, an^ investigation. Midland Club: Foodstuffs (confectionery) Milk: Foodstuffs (dairy). Millers: Foodstuffs (milling and grain). Milling cutters: Machinery and equipment. Millwork: Lumber and lumber products. Millwork cost: Accounting and accountants. Mineralogy: Research, scientific, and investigation. Mineral waters (and beverages): Foodstuffs (mis« cellaneous). Mining (coal): Fuel, heat, light, and power (coal)^ Mining and metallurgy: Research, scientific, and investigation. Mirrors: Specialties. Mississippi Valley: General trade. Models (snip): Ships and shipping. Molasses (and sirup): Foodstuffs (miscellaneous). Morticians: Miscellaneous. Motors and accessories: Aeronautics and automoJ tive. Motor cycles: Aeronautics and automotive. Motorists: Transportation (highway). Music: Specialties (music). Music publishers: Publisher and press. Musical merchandise: Miscellaneous. Naphthalvie: Fuel, heat, light, and power. National Information Bureau: Research, scientifi(v and investigation. Naval architects: Engineers and engineering. Navy (and Army): Miscellaneous. Navy employees' welfare: Employees' benefit. Navy League: Educational. Neckwear: Textiles (clothing and dry goods). < News and newspapers: Publisher and press. Newsprint: Paper and pulp. Nurserymen: Agriculture and horticulture. ' Nurses: Professional. ; Nut growers: Foodstuffs (fruits and nuts). Oats: Foodstuffs (miUing and grain). Office managers: Professional. Officers (comptrollers and accounting): Accounting and accountants. Officers (ocean): Ships and shipping. Official classification: Transportation (traffic). Oil chemists: Research, scientific, and investiga- tion. Oil-mill superintendents: Professional. Oil producers: Fuel, heat, light, and power. Oils (vegetable and fats): Foodstuffs (miscellane- ous). Olives and olive oil: Foodstuffs (miscellaneous). Onions: Foodstuffs (miscellaneous). Opticians: Professional* Ore (iron): Metals, minerals, and manufectures (metallic). Organists: Professional. Organs: Specialties (music). Osteopathy: Professional. Outer wear: Textiles (clothing and dry goods). Overseers (woolen and worsted): Textiles (wool, fiber and fabric). Oysters: Foodstuffs (fisheries). Packers: Foodstuffs (miscellaneous). Painters: Arts and artists. Painters (maintenance of way): Transportation (railways). Painters (miniature): Arts and artists. Paper (abrasive): Hardware, etc. Paper and paper board: Paper and pulp. Paper industry (cost): Accounting and account- ants. Paper industry (technical): Paper and pulp. COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. 27 NATIONAL, INTERNATIONAL, AND INTERSTATE— Continued. KEY TO CLASSIFICATION— Continued. Paper makers (advertising club): Advertising and advertisers. Papers: Publisher and press. Parchment (vegetable): Paper and pulp. Parks (National and State): Civic. Passenger club: Transportation (highway). Patent law: Profa«sional. Patterns: Miscellaneous. Paving blocks (granite): Metais, minerals, and manufactures (nonmetallic). Peanut butter: Foodstuffs (fruits and nuts). Peanut cleaners and shellers: FoodstufTs (fruits and nuts). Peat: Fuel, heat, light, and power. Pecan growers: Foodstuffs (fruits and nuts). Pen women: Arts and artists. Pershing Way: Transportation (highway). Personnel research: Educational. Pet dealers: Live-stock breeders and shippers. Petroleum: Fuel, heat, light, and power. Petroleum geologists: Research, scientific, and in- vastigation. Petroleum refiners: Fuel, heat, light, and power. Photo-engravers: Printing and allied trades. Photographers: Arts and artists. Photography (technical): Research, scientific, and investigation. Physicians: Professional. Pianos: Specialties (music). Piano benches and stools: Furniture, fixtures, and appliances. Piano tuners: Professional. Pickle packers: Foodstufis (miscellaneous). Pictures (framed): Specialties. Pictures (motion): Motion pictures. Piece goods (cotton): Textiles (cotton, fiber and fabric). Pig iron: Iron and steelj etc. Pilots: Ships and shippmg. Pipe (concrete): Metais, minerals, and manufac- tures (nonmetallic). Pipe and piping: Construction. Pipe fitters (master railroad): Transportation (rail- ways). Pipefittings and valves: Hardware, etc. Plants: Agriculture and horticulture. Plasterers: Construction. Pliunbers: Employees' benefit. Plmnbing goods: Hardware, etc. PoUsh (shoe): Specialties. Port authorities: Ships and shipping. Poster advertising: Advertising and advertisers. Postmasters: Professional. Post-oflice clerks: Employees' benefit. Potash producers: Chemicals^ drugs, etc. Potato traffic: Foodstuffs (miscellaneous). Potters and pottery: Glass, glassware, and ceramics. Poultry: Live-stock breeders and shippers. Poultry (and egg shippers): Foodstuffs (miscella- neous). Preservers: Foodstuffs (fruits and nuts). Presidents (life insurance): Insurance and insur- ance agencies. Press: Publisher and press. Press (amateur): Arts and artists. Printers: Printing and aUied trades. Printing presses: Machinerj' and equipment. Programs (theater): Publisher and press. Propagation (game): Live-stock breeders and ship- pers. Protective Legion: Educational. Publicity (creditors): Credit and mortgage. Publicity (technical): Publisher and press. Pubhcity (workmen's compensation): Employees' benefit. Public utiUties: Civic. Public works: Civic. Pulp: Paper and pulp. Pulp industry (techmcal): Paper and pulp. Purchasing agents: Miscellaneous. PyroxyUn plastics: Chemicals, drugs, etc. Quarries and quarryinen: Metals, minerals, and manufactures (nonmetallic). Radiators and boilers: Metals, minerals, and man- ufactures (metallic). Railway accounting officers: Accounting and ac- countants. Railway equipment: Railway equipment , etc. Railway fuel: Fuel, heat, light, and power. Railwaymen relief: Employees' benefit. Railways: Railway equipment, etc.; Transporta- tion (railways). Real estate: Miscellaneous. Reamers: Machinery and equipment. Receivers (and shippers): General trade. Reform (civic): Civic. Refonn (civil service): Educational. Refrigerating machinery: Machinery and equip- ment. Refrigeration (and ice): Ice and refrigeration. Reporters (shorthand): Professional. Research (economic. Government): Research, sci- entific, and investigation. Research (industrial, personnel): Educational. Research (municipal): Civic. Research Council (engineering): Engineers and en- gineering. Retail secretaries: Miscellaneous. Revolvers: Specialties. Rice: Foodstuffs (milling and grain). Rights (industrial): Educational. Rims: Lumber and lumber products. Rims (and tires): Aeronautics and automotive. Road material: Construction. Roadmasters: Transportation (railways). Roads: Transportation (highways). Roofers and roofing: Construction. Rosin: Paint, oil, varnish, etc. Rubber: Specialties. Rugs: Textiles (wool, fiber and fabric; and miscel- laneous). Sacks (rope paper): Paper and pulp. Saddlery: Leather and leather manufactures. Safety conference (electrical): Electrical. Safety Council: Educational. Sales executives: Professional. Salesmen: Commercial travelers. (See also the commodities.) Salt producers: Metals, minerals, and manufactures (nonmetaUic). Sand: Metals, minerals, and manufactures (non- metaUic). Sand and gravel producers: Metals, minerals, and manufactures (nonmetalUc). Sanitation: Engineers and engineering. Scales (and balances): Specialties. Schools: Educational. School supplies: Furniture, fixtures, and appli- Science service: Research, scientific, and investiga- tion. Scientific apparatus makers: Research, scientific, and investigation. Sculpture: Arts and artists. Secretaries: Miscellaneous. Secretaries (agriculture): Professional. Secretaries (commercial): Professional. Secretaries (implement): Implements and vehicles. Securities (owners of railroad): Transportation (railway). Security: Educational. Security aUiance (jewelers'): Jewelers. Seed (cotton crushers): Foodstufis (miscellaneous). Seed analysts: Research, scientific, and investiga- tion. Seed and seedsmen: Agriculture and horticulture. Sheet-metal contractors: Construction. Sheet-metal wai-e: Metals, minerals, and manufac- tures (metallic). SheUac: Paint, oil, varnish, etc. Shippers (apples): Foodstuffs (fruits and nuts). Shippers (live stock): Live-stock breeders and shippers. Shippers (warehousing and distributing): Miscel- laneous. Shirts: Textiles (clothing and dry goods). Shoe Finders' Credit Bureau: Credit and mortgage. Shoe polish: Specialties. Shoes: Leather and leather manufactures (shoe). Shocks: Lumber and lumber products. 28 COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. NATIONAL, INTERNATIONAL, AND INTERSTATE— Continued. KEY TO CLASSIFICATION— Continued. Shorthand reporters: Professional. Silk: Textiles (silk, fiber and fabric). Silos (concrete stave): Metals, minerals, and manu- factures (nonmetallic}. Silver: Metals; minerals, and manufactures (me- tallic). Silversmiths: Jewelry. Silverware: Jewelry. Sirup (and molasses): Foodstuffs (miscellaneous). Skins (importers): Leather and leather manu- factures. Skirts: Textiles (clothing and dry goods). Slag: Metals, minerals, and manufactures (me- talUc). Slate: Metals, minerals, and manufactures (non- metallic). Soapstono producers: Metals, minerals, and manu- factures (nonmetallic). Soil (fertility rcsoiu-ces): Agriculture and horti- culture. Specialty manufacturers: Specialties. Specifications: Research, scientific, and investi- gation. Spice: Foodstuffs (miscellaneous). Spinners: Textiles (miscellaneous). Sprinklers (automatic): Miscellaneous. Stamp manufacturers (international): Specialties. Standards (commercial): iiesearch, scientific, and investigation. Standards (engineering): Engineers and engi- neering. Staples: Hardware, etc. Stationers: PubUshor and press. Stationery and stationers: P;ipor and pulp. Steajuship owners and ollicers: Ships and shipping. Steel: Iron and steel, etc. Steel doors: Metals, minerals, and manufoctures (metalhc). Steel hardware: Hardware, etc. Steel treating: Iron and steel, etc. Stewiirds: llotels and restaurants. Stock and stockmen: Livestock breeders and shippers. Stockholders (railroad protective): Transportation (railway). Stock land banks: Banking. Stokers: Machinery and equipment. Stone: Metals, minerals, and manufactures (non- metallic). Stoves: Metals, minerals, and manufactures (me- talhc). Street sanitation ofhcials: Engineers and engi- neering. Structural service: Construction. Sugar: FoodstulTs (sugar). Suits: Textiles (clothing and dry goods). Superintendents (oil mill): Professional. Superintendents (pulp and paper mill): Paper and pulp. Superintendents (railroad): Transportation (rail- way). Surgeons: Professional. Suspenders and belts: Textiles (clothing and dry poods). Tables: Furniture, fixtures, and appliances. Tablets: Paper and pulp. Tacks: Hardware, etc. Tailors (merchant, wholesale, etc.): Textiles (cloth- ing and dry goods). Talc prcxiucers: Metals, minerals, and manufac- tures (nonmetalUc). Talking machines: Specialties (music). Tanners: Leather and leather manufactures. Taps and dies: Machinerv and equipment. Tariff (fair): Foreign relations and foreign trade (foreign relations). Tariff (protective): Foreign relations and foreign trade (foreign relations). Tea (and coffee): Foodstuffs (coffee, tea, and cocoa). Team and motor-truck owners: Aeronautics and automotive. Technical pubUcity: Publisher and press. Technical society: Research, scientific, and invi tigation. Telegraphy (radio): Research, scientific, and vestigation. Telephony: Miscellaneous. Tents and awnings: Specialties. Terra cotta: Metals, minerals, and manufiacti (nonmetallic). Testing: Research, scientific, and investigation. Textile chemists: Research, scientific, and in- vestigation. Textile color cards: Printing and allied trades. Textile colorists: Research, scientific, and in- vestigation. Textiles: Textiles (cotton, fiber and fabric miscellaneous). Theater owners (motion picture): Motion pictun Theater programs: PubUsher and press. Thread: Textiles (cotton, fiber and fabric; a miscellaneous). Tidewater (Great Lakes-St. Lawrence): Transpor- tation (waterways). Tile (hollow): Metals, minerals, and manufactureag (nonmetallic). ^ Tile contractors: Construction. Tile manufa'^turers' credit: Credit and mortgage. Tinners' (master railroad); Transportation (ra: ways). Tin plate: Metals, minerals, and manufacturfll (metallic). Tire dealers: Miscellaneous. Tires and rims: Aeronautics and automotive, TLssue paper: Paper and pulp. Tobacco merchants' credit: Credit and mortgag( Toilet articles: Specialties. Tool foremen: Transportation (railways). Tool steel: Iron and steel, etc. Tourists: Transportation (highways). Towboat owners: Ships and shipping. Toys: Specialties (toys). Track supply: Railway equipment, etc. Traction and lighting: Insurance and agencies. Trade, foreign: Ceneral trade. Trade executives: Professional. Trade-marks: Miscellaneous, Traffic: Transportation (traffic). Trailers: Implements and vehicles. Trails: Transportation (highway). Travel: Miscellaneous. Truckmen and auto carriers: Aeronautics and w motive. Tuners (piano): Miscellaneous. Turpentme: Paint, oil, varnish, etc. Typothetae: Printing and alhed trades. Umbrellas: Specialties. Undertakers: Miscellaneous. Underwear: Textiles (clothing and dry goods). Underwriters: Insurance and insurance agencies. Universities (urban and State): Educational. Upholstery: Furniture, fixtures, and appliances Valves (arid pipe fittings): Hardware, etc. Vaudeville artists: Arts and artists. Vegetable parchment: Paper and pulp. Vegetables: Agriculture and horticulture. Vegetables (and fruit): Foodstuffs (fruits and nuts). Ventilation (air): Engineers and engineering. Vinegar (and cider): Foodstuffs (miscellaneous) Waists: Textiles (clothing and dry goods). Wall paper: Paper and pulp. Ware (sanitary): Specialties. Warehousemen (furniture): Furniture, fixtures, and appliances. Warehousing and warehousemen: Miscellaneous. Washing machines: Machinery and equipment. Waste (cotton): Textiles (cotton, fiber and fabric). Waste-material dealers: Miscellaneous. Watchmakers: Jewelry. Water and light: Professional. Water color: Arts and artists. Water power: Educational. Water users: Civic. Waterways: Transportation (waterways). insur i COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. 29 NATIONAL, INTERNATIONAL, AND INTERSTATE— Continued. KEY TO CLASSIFICATION— Continued. Waterworks: Civic. Webbing: Textiles (miscellaneous). Weights and measures: Research, scientific, and investigation. Welding: Research, scientific, and investigation. Wheels, automotive (wood, metal, etc.): Aeronau- tics and automotive. Wheels, chilled car : Railway equipment, etc. Wheels, grinding: Machinery and equipment. Wheels, vehicle: Implements and vehicles. Window cloth: Textiles (miscellaneous). Wine: Foodstuffs (miscellaneous). Wire products: Metals, minerals, and manufactures (metallic) . Wireless (amateur): Miscellaneous. Wood preservers: Research, scientific, and investi- gation. Wood turners: Lumber and lumber products. Woodenware: Lumber and lumber products. Woodworkers (cost information): Accounting and accountants. Wool, woolen and worsted: Textiles (wool, fiber and fabric) . Woolgrowers: Live-stock breeders and shippers. Workmen's compensation: Employees' benefit; Insurance and insurance agencies. World's Dairy Congress: Foodstuff s (dairy) . Yacht masters and engineers: Ships and snipping. Yarn: Textiles (cotton, fiber and fabric). Zinc: Metals, minerals, and manufactures (me- tallic). CLASSIFIED LIST. (See " Key to classification " on p. 23.] Name. Address of secretary. Num- ber of mem- bers. Date of annual meeting. Accounting and Accountants. American Electric Railway Account- ants' Association. American Institute of Accountants American Society of Certified Public Accountants. Central Electric Railway Accountants' Association. Cost Association of the Paper Industry . , Eastern Woodworkers' Cost Informa- tion Bureau. Industrial Cost Association International Accountants' Society Millwork Cost Bureau National Association of Certified Public Accountants. National Association of Comptrollers and Accounting Officers. National Association of Cost Account- ants. Railway Accounting O fleers' Associa- tion. Advertising and Advertisers. American Association of Advertising Agencies. Associated Advertising Clubs of the World. Association of National Advertisers (Inc.). Direct Mail Advertising Association Financial Advertisers' Association International Association of Display Men. National Industrial Advertisers' Asso- ciation. Paper Makers' Advertising Club Poster Advertising Association Public Utilities Advertising Associa- tion. 1 Number of mills. 41162°— 23 3 Care of Public Service Railway, Newark, N.J. 135 Cedar St., New York, N. Y 421 Woodward Bldg., Washington, D. C. 308 Traction Terminal Bldg., Indian- apoUs, Ind. 18 East 41st St., New York, N. Y 103 Park Ave., New York, N. Y Care of General Electric Co., West Lynn, Mass. 2626 South Michigan Ave., Chicago, lU . . 605 North Michigan Ave., Chicago, 111 . . . 945 Pennsylvama Ave. NW., Washing- ton, D, C. Care of City Comptrollers' Office, Chi- cago, 111. 130 West 42d St., New York, N. Y 1116 Woodward Bldg., Washington, D. C 162 Metropolitan Tower, New York, N.Y. 110 West 40th St., New York, N. Y 17 West 46th St., New York, N. Y. 770 Penobscot Bldg., Detroit, Mich 816 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Chi- cago, 111. 5707 West Lake St., Chicago, 111 837 Monadnock Bldg., Chicago, 111 Care of Chemical Paper Mfg. Co., Hol- yoke, Mass. 1620 Sterger Bldg., Chicago, 111 820 Electric Bldg., Portland, Oreg ,608 800 200 40,000 500 3,036 3,000 1,000 131 25,000 318 606 600 1,500 200 117 1,400 October. September. December. January. October. February. May. April. June. Do. September. April. October. Jime. November. October. June. Do. Do. April. October. 30 COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. NATIONAL, INTERNATIONAL, AND INTERSTATE— Continued. CLASSIFIED LIST— Continued. Name. Address of secretary. Num- ber of bers. Aeeonautics and Automotive. Aeronautical Chamber of Commerce of America. Arkansas-Louisiana Automobile Asso- ciation. Automobile Body Builders' Association. Automotive Electric Service Associa- tion. Automotive Equipment Association — Automotive Manufacturers' Associa- tion. Automotive Metal Wheel Association. . . Automotive Wood Wheel Manufao- tiu-ers' Association. Intermoimtain Automotive Trades As- sociation. Intermountain States Truckmen and Auto Carriers' Association. Manufacturers' Aircraft Association (Inc.). Motor and Accessory Manufacturers' Association. Motor Truck Association of America (Inc.). Motorcycle and AUied Trades Associa- tion. National Aeronautic Association of the United States of America. National Association of Automobile Show and Association Managers. National Automobile Chamber of Com- merce. National Automobile Dealers' Associa- tion. National Team and Motor Truck Ownors' Association. Tire aud Rim Association World's Board of Aeronautical Com- missioners (Inc.). Agriculture and Horticulture. American Agricultural Association American Association of Nurserymen . . . American Carnation Society American Dahlia Society American Farm Bureau Federation American Seed Trade Association Associated Broom Corn Dealers of America. Association of Natural Soil Fertility Resources. Association of Official Agricultural Chemists of North America. Farmers' Educational and Cooperative Union. Fanners' National Coimcil Gulf States Agricultural and Live Stock Fair. International Farm Congress National Association of Gardeners National Board of Farm Organizations. National Fertilizer Association National Flower Growers' Association. . National Grange of the Patrons of Husbandry. National Hay Association (Inc.) National Haymakers' Association of the United States. National Plant, Flower and Fruit Guild . New England Agricultural Society New England Nurserymen's Associa- tion. Nurserymen's Bud Selection Associa- tion. s Address of manager. 501 5th Ave., New York, N. Y Comer Louisiana and Capitol Aves., Little Rock, Ark. 1819 Broadway, New York, N. Y 91 Selden Ave.. Detroit, Mich 139 North Clark St., Chicago, 111. . . . 926 Consumers' Bldg., Chicago, 111. 805 East 70th St., Cleveland, Ohio. . 105 West Monroe St., Chicago, 111. . . 702 Mclntyre Bldg., Salt Lake, Utah . Box 1483, Boise, Idaho Review and Borden Aves., Long Island City, N. Y. 32 West 42d St., New York, N. Y.« 949 Broadway, New York, N . Y 326 West Madison St., Chicago, 111 305 Metropolitan Bldg., Sioux City, Iowa. 239 West 39th St., New York, N. Y .^. . . . 366 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y 320 North Grand Ave., St. Louis, Mo 1207 FuUerton Bldg., St. Louis, Mo 175 1,000 no 280 498 16 395 2,000 10.000 30 550 537 Leader-News Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio.» 342 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y.. Box 263, Riverdale, Md 106 South Main St., Louisiana, Mo 3800 Rookwood Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. 198 Norton St., New Haven, (Jonn 58 East Washington St., Chicago, 111. . . 101-ia5 High Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. . . . 7 American State Bank Bldg., Wichita, Kans. Ill West Washington St., Chicago, Dl. . . Kensington, Md. Carrollton, Mo.. 345 400 1,896 772,634 240 33 Bliss Bldg., 35 B St. N W., Washington, D.C. Box 12, Mobile, Ala 409 Republic Bldg., Kansas City, Mo.. . , 286 5th Ave., New York, N.Y 1731ISt.NW., Washington, D.C 1010 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa Edwardsville, 111 Tippecanoe City, Ohio 10,000 700,000 265 40,000 1,100 I. O. O. F. Bldg., Winchester, Ind 8110 Frankford Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. . 70 5th Ave., New York, N.Y. Worcester, Mass 200 300 700,000 1,261 43,973 678 Adams St., North Abington, Mass. . . Martin St., Gilroy, CaUl 1,500 80 18 COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. 31 NATIONAL, INTERNATIONAL, AND INTERSTATE— Continued. CLASSIFIED LIST— Continued. Name. Ageicultuee and Hoeticultuee— Continued. Pacific Coast Association of Nursery- men. Society of American Florists and Orna- mental Horticulturists. Southern AUuviai Land Association. . . Southern Fertilizer Association Southern Nurserymen's Association. . . Southern Seedmen's Association Southwestern Association of Nursery- men. Vegetable Growers' Association of America. Western Association of Nurserymen... Wholesale Grass Seed Dealers' Associa- tion. Wholesale Seedmen's League Aets and Aetists. Allied Artists of America (Inc.) American Dramatists American Society of Miniature Painters American Water-Color Society Art Alliance of America Art Directors' Club (Inc.) Art-in-Trades Club Artists Designers' League of New Eng- land (Inc.). Authors' League of America (Inc.) International Association of Master House Painters and Decorators of the United States and Canada. Iowa-Nebraska Master House Painters and Decorators' Association. League of American Pen Women (Inc.) National Amateur Press Association. . . National Arts Club NationalAssociation of Portrait Painters National Sculpture Society National Vaudeville Artists (Inc.) Photographers' Association of America. Pictonal Photographers of America Society of American Dramatists and Composers (Inc.). Society of Arts and Crafts (Inc.) , Southwestern Professional Photogra- phers' Association. Women's Auxiliary of the Photogra- phers' Association of America. Banking. American Acceptance Council American Association of Joint Stock Land Banks. American Bankers' Association , American Institute of Banking , Bankers' Association for Foreign Trade. Investment Bankers' Association of America. National Association of Mutual Savings Banks. National and State Bankers' Protective A s s ooifitioii United States League of Local Building and Loan Associations. Chemicals, Deugs, Etc. American Chemical Society American Drug Manufacturers' Associ- ation. Address of secretaiy. Burton, Wash , 43 West 18th St., New York, N. Y. 218-221 Bank of Commerce Bldg., Mem- phis, Tenn. Box 926, Atlanta, Ga Box 169, Birmingham, Ala Box 27, Montgomery, Ala Denton, Tex Box 223, New Brunswick, N. J. Rosedale, Kans 110 South St., Baltimore, Md. Bristol, Pa. 48 Charles St., New York, N . Y 148 West 45th St., New York, N. Y . 124 West 72d St., New York, N. Y. . 58 West 57th St., New York, N. Y. . 65 East 56th St., New York, N . Y. . . 310 East 67th St., New York, N. Y.. 381 4th Ave., New York, N . Y 6 Newbury St., Boston, Mass 22 East 17th St., New York, N . Y. . . . 1513 11th St. NW., Washington, D. C. 108 East Park Ave., Waterloo, Iowa. 1722 H St. NW., Washington, D. C. Fresno, Calif , 239 West 39th St., New York, N. Y. The Enclosure, Nutley , N.J 74 Gard Ave., Bronxville, N . Y 229 West 46th St., New York, N. Y. Sewickley, Pa 65 East 56th St., New York, N. Y. . . 148 West 45th St., New York, N. Y. 9 Park St., Boston, Mass. Ada, Okla 467 Virginia St., Buffalo, N. Y. 120 Broadway, New York, N. Y. ... 1422 F St. NW., Washington, D. C. 110 East 42d St., New York, N. Y ....do Care of Central National Bank Saving & Trust Co., Cleveland. Ohio. 111 West Monroe St., Chicago, 111 , 1 Madison Av6., New York, N. Y... 512 Hass-Howell Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. Station A, Cincinnati, Ohio 1709 G St. NW., Washington, D. C. 507 Albee Bldg., Washington, D. C. Num- ber of mem- bers. 200 4,000 100 54 100 130 60 1,500 92 40 138 250 27 159 1,000 130 3,500 60 1,500 4,550 257 1,400 400 1,600 44 240 6,000 1,500 400 250 1,050 415 192 50 23,000 52,308 76 900 619 264 14,534 55 Date of annual meeting. July. August. September. June. September August. January. June. November. April. October. November. March. November March. May. April. November. February. January. April. July. April. February. May. July. August. Do. October. March. July. December. September. October. July. June. July. September. April. 82 COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. NATIONAL, INTERNATIONAL, AND INTERSTATE— Continued. CLASSIFIED LIST—Continued. Name. Chemicals, Drugs, Etc. — Continued. American Pharmaceutical Association.. American Pharmaceutical Manufactur- ers' Association. Bureau of Explosives Chemical Alliance (Inc.) Chemical Fire Engine Exchange Federal Wholesale Druggists' Associa- tion (Inc.). Insecticide and Disinfectant Manufac- turers' Association. Institute of Makers of Explosives Manufacturing Chemists' Association of the United States. National Association of Oxy Chloride Cement Manufacturers. National Association of Retail Drug- gists. National Drug and Sundries Exposition (Inc.). National Drug Trade Conference , National Wholesale Druggists' Associa- tion. National Wood Chemical Association. . , Proprietary Association , Pyroxylin Plastics Manufacturers' As- sociation. Salesmen's Association of the American Chemical Industry. Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufac- turers' Association of the United States. United States Potash Producers' Asso- ciation. Civic. American Civic Association American Civic Reform Union (Inc.) . . . American Society for Municipal Im- l)rovoments. American Water Works Association Bureau of Municipal Research City Managers' Association , Kiwanls Club International National Association of Convention Bu- reaus. National Civic Federation National Community Board National Conference on City Planning. National Conference on State Parks National District Heating Association. . National Mimlclpal League National Parks Association , National PubUc Works Department Association. National Service Bureau for Public Utilities. New England Water Works Association. North Platte Valley Water Users' Asso- ciation. Pilot Club Rotary International , Southwest Water Works Association. . . Water Works Manufacturers' Associa- tion. Commercial Travelers. Central Association of Lumber, Sash and Door Salesmen. 4 Address of president. Address of secretary. 701 South Wood St., Chicago, 111. Stoneham (80), Mass , 30 Vesey St., New York, N. Y 1010 Arch St. . Philadelphia, Pa 855 Leader Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio 106 West Redwood St., Baltimore, Md. . Care of Balrd & McGulre (Inc.), Hol- brook, Mass. 103 Park Ave.. New York, N. Y 540 Woodward Bldg., Washington, D. C, 461 8th Ave., New York, N. Y 168 North Michigan Boulevard, Chicago, Care of Dow Drug Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. 507 Albee Bldg., Washington, D. C , 51 Maiden Lane, New York, N. Y. 76 Main St., Bradford, Pa 134 West Onondaga St., Syracuse, N 350 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y 3 Park Place, New York, N. Y 1 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y.<. 800 Southern Bldg., Washington, D. C. 905 Union Trust Bldg., Washington, D. C. .501 Caxton Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio Box 234, St. Petersburg, Fla 1:13 West 71st St.. New York. N. Y 261 Broadway, New York, N. Y 14340 Euclid Ave, East Cleveland, Ohio. 514 Mallcra Bldg^ Chicago, lU , 507 Commercial Bldg., St. Louis, Mo 1 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y 1516 H St. N W., Washington, D. C . . . . 130 East 22d St., New York, N. Y National Park Service, Washington, D.C. 112 West Fourth St., Greenville, Ohio. . . 261 Broadway, New York, N . Y 1512H St., Washington. D.C 310 East Hall, Columbia University, New York. N. Y. 911 15th St. NW,, Washington, D.C... Care of Supt. of Water Co., Dedham, Mass. 1720 5th Ave., Scottsbluft, Nebr 114 Rogers Ave., Macon, Ga 910 South Michigan Ave^ Chicago, 111. . 2123 Morrow St., Waco. Tex 25 West 43d St., New York, N. Y 1029 People's Bank Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. Num- ber of mem- 3,500 75 19 15,000 24 669 62 225 4 250 77 20 2,000 25,000 750 1,724 22 500 72,000 35 150 100 2,000 1,800 60,000 815 279 90,000 375 92 250 COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. NATIONAL, INTERNATIONAL, AND INTERSTATE— Continued. CLASSIFIED LIST— Continued. 33 Name. Address of secretary. Num- ber of mem- Date of annual meeting. COMMEECIAL Teavelers— Ck)ntd. Commercial Travelers' Association of the Lace, Embroidery and AUied Trades (Inc.)- National Association of Commercial Or- ganization Secretaries. National Board of Tobacco Salesmen's Associations. National Confectionery Salesmen's As- sociation of America. National Council of Traveling Sales- men's Associations. National Shoe Travelers' Association. . . Northwestern Lumber and Sash and Door Traveling Salesmen's Associa- tion. Northwestern National Shoe Travelers' Association. Order of United Commercial Travelers of America. Paint Trade Salesmen's Club of New England. Pottery^ Glass and Brass Salesmen's Association. Silk Travelers' Association (Inc.) Southern Commercial Secretaries' Asso- ciation. Southern Travelers' Association (Inc.).. Southwestern Shoe Travelers' Associa- tion. Union Association of Liunber and Sash and Door Salesmen. United Conxnercial Travelers CONSTBUCnON. American Building Exposition. American Construction Council American Erectors' Association American Institute of Steel Construction Associated General Contractors of America (Inc.). Bridge and Building Supply Men's As- sociation. Building OflBicials' Conference Contracting Plasterers' International Association. Heating and Piping Contractors' Na- tional Association . National Association of Builders' Ex- changes. Nationa , Association of Building Trades Emplo^yers. National Association of Sheet Metal Contractors. National Builders' Bureau National Builders' Supply Association. . National Contractors' Association (Inc.). National Erectors' Association ^ National Federation of Construction In- dustries. National Pipe and Supplies Association. Power Piping Society Prepared Roofing Association Roofer Manufacturers' Club Structural Service Bureau Tile and Mantel Contractors' Associa- tion of America. Tri-State Road Material Association United Roofing Contractors' Association. 6 Number of associations. 1115 Broadway, New York, N, Y. Care of Chamber of Commerce, Hamil- ton, Ohio. 123 Liberty St., New York, N. Y 1007 North Duke St., Lancaster, Pa. Hotel Cadillac, New York, N. Y. . . . 183 Essex St., Boston, Mass 68 Wisconsin St., Milwaukee, Wis. 7 South 5th St., Minneapolis, Minn. , . 638 North Park St., Columbus, Ohio. 144 Court Road, Winthrop, Mass 126 5th Ave., New York, N. Y 373 4th Ave., New York, N. Y Chamber of Commerce, Alexandria, La. 906 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Box 1102, Waco, Tex , 401 West Bancroft St., Toledo, Ohio. 140 East St., San Bernardino, Calif. . Care of Builders' Exchange, Rose Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. 1053 Munsey Bldg., Washington, D. C... 930 Union Arcade, Pittsburgh, Pa 1052 Leader-News Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio 1038 Munsey Bldg., Washington, D. C... 3240 South Michigan Ave., Chicago, 111. . City Hall, Springfield, Mass 201 Huron Bldg., Detroit, Mich. 350 642 500 650 5 31 3,000 125 198 108, 250 81 1,216 800 250 1,000 171 700 75 230 157 17 115 1,350 47 70 50 Union Square East, New York, N. Y. Webster City, Iowa 4900 EucUd Ave., Cleveland, Ohio 608 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa 300 Columbia Bldg., Spokane, Wash 708 Merchants' Bank Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. 449 West 44th St., New York, N. Y . . . . 286 5th Ave., New York, N. Y 757 Drexel Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa 909 Oliver Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa do 1219 Conway Bldg., Chicago, 111 Thomaston, Ga 112 South 16th St.. Philadelphia, Pa. 336 Main St., Cincinnati, Ohio 7,500 3,000 2,000 1,000 150 5,000 50 540 300 11 40 50 46 North 2d St., Memphis, Tenn 102 North Wells St., Chicago,' lU. 360 12 100 December. October. December. July. January. Do. February. December. June. January. December. Do. May. February, Do. January. March. January. June. January. November January. October. April. October. May. February. January. June. January. Do. Do. May. Do. March. December. February. August. January. 34 COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. NATIONAL, INTERNATIONAL, AND INTERSTATE— Continued. CLASSIFIED LIST— Continued. Name. Address of secretary. Num- ber of mem- bers. CEEDrr AND MOETGAGE. American Industrial Lenders' Associa- tion. Auto Financing Credit Men's Associa- tion (Inc.). Central Auto Finance Association Confectioners' Mercantile Agency Credit Union National Extension Bu- reau. Drugs and Chemical Credit Association. . Electrical Credit Assfx;iation of Middle and Southern States. Farm Mortgage Bankers' Association of America. Federation of National Farm Loan Associations. Hat Trade Credit Association (Inc.) Inter Mountain Association of Credit Men. Moulding and Picture Frame Manu- facturers' Credit Bureau. National Association of Credit Men National Creditors' Publicity Associa- tion. Nation Electrical Credit Association National Hotel Keepers' Protective Association. National Lumber Manufacturers' Credit Corporation. Parlor Frame Manufacturers' Associa- tion. Betail Credit Men's National Associa- tion. Southeastern Leather and Shoe Finders' Credit Bureau. Southern Adjustment Bureau Tile Manufacturers' Credit Association . . Tri-State Asswiation of Credit Men Western Leaf Tobacco Merchants' Credit Association. Educational. American Academy of Arts and Letters. American Academy in Rome American Civil Liberties Union American Constitutional Association. . American Council on Education American Educational Association (Inc.). American Federation of Arts American Flag Association (Inc.) A merican Genetic Association American Geographical Society American Homes Bureau American Physical Society American Posture League (Inc.) American Public Healtn Association. American Society of Equity American Society for Thrift American Sociological Society Army Ordnance Association Association of Collegiate Schools Architecture. Association of Urban Universities Bureau of Industrial Research Common Commercial Language Com- mittee. Cooperative League of the United States of America. Cooperative Society of America General Federation of Women's Clubs. . 204 Chestnut St., Harrisburg, Pa. Garrett Bldg., Baltimore, Md. . . 76 West Monroe St., Chicago, HI. 438 Broadway, New York, N. Y. 5 Park Square, Boston, Mass 438 Broadway, New York, N. Y 1324 Land Title Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. , 112 West Adams St., Chicago, 111. 1731 1 St., Washington, D. C 34 West 4th St^ New York, N. Y Care of Smith-Faus Drug Co., Salt Lake City, Utah. 181 Quincy St., Chicago, lU 41 Park Row, New York, N . Y 5015-A Ridge Ave., St. Louis, Mo. . . 1347 Marquette Bldg., Chicago, HI. . . 342 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. International Bldg., Washington, D. C . 1029 Wabash Ave., Chicago, 111 314 North 6th St., St. Louis, Mo Macon, Ga Atlanta, Ga P.cavcr Falls, Pa. 020 CapU'S Bldg., El Paso, Tex. .. 8G Micliigan St., Milwaukee, Wis. 327 Lexington Ave., New York, N. Y. . . 101 Park Ave., New York, N. Y 138 West 1.3th St., New York, N. Y.7 Box 721, Charleston, W.Va 818 Connecticut Ave., Washington, D.C. 522 5th Ave., New York, N.Y. 8 1741 New York Ave., Washington, D. C. , Caryl, Yonkers, N.Y 511 11th St. N W., Washington, D. C 46 Lewis Parkway, Yonkers, N. Y , 423 Monadnock Bldg., Chicago, 111 , Case School of Apphed Science, Cleve- land, Ohio. 125 West 58th St., New York, N. Y 370 7th Ave., New York, N.Y , Maquoketa, Iowa , 9 East 46th St., New York, N.Y , 58th St. and ElUs Ave., Chicago, 111 , 410 Munsey Bldg., Washington, D.C Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y , College of the City of New York, New York, N. Y. 289 4th Ave., New York, N.Y , 211 West 138th St., New York, N.Y , 2112 East 46th St., Cleveland, Ohio. 400 62 19 600 400 150 263 8 295 8 171 60 33,000 6 764 8 10,156 40 50 4,000 835 6,000 130 North Wells St., Chicago, 111..., 1734 N St. NW., Washington, D.C. 8 Number of associations. » Address of president. » Address of director. » Number of universities 1,500 93,000 1,500,000 COMMERCIAL OUGAlsriZATiOlTS OP THE UHITKO STATES. 35 NATIONAL, INTERNATIONAL, AND INTERSTATE— Continued. CLASSIFIED LIST— Continued. Name. Educational— C ontinued . Gentlewomen's League (Inc.) Highway Education Board Industrial Arts Council Institute of International Education — Inter-Racial CovmcU Joint Amnesty Committee League for Industrial Rights Motor Vehicle Conference Committee . . National Association of Accredited Commercial Schools. National Association of State Universi- ties. National Budget Committee (Inc.) National Child Labor Committee National Civil Service Reform League. . National Committee for Constructive Immigration Legislation. National Conservation Association National Consumers' League National Council of Education National Council of Teachers' College. . National Daylight Saving Association . National Drainage Congress of America National Economic League National Editorial Association National Education Association of the United States. National Federation of Business and Professional Women's Clubs. National Fire Protection Association National Health Council National Highways Protective Society. National Mutual Society National Negro Business League National Nonpartisan League National One Cent Letter Postage Association. National Personnel Association National Private School Owners' Association. National Protective Legion National Safety Council National Security League National Society for Vocational Educa- tion. Navy League of the United States New England "Women's Club Northwestern Private School Owners' Association. Personnel Research Federation Private Business School Owners' Asso- ciation of the United States^ Race B etterment Foundation. Safety Institute of America Society for Electrical Development (Inc.). Society for Promoting Theological Edu- cation. Society for Promotion of Engineering Education. Southern Cooperative League Sulgrave Institution Syrian National Society Water Power League of America (Inc.) Workers' Educational Bureau of Amer- ica. Address of secretary. Rochambeau, Washington, D. C Bureau of Education, Washington, D. C. 599 5th Ave., New York, N. Y. 419 West 117th St., New York, N. Y.... 525 West 120th St., New York, N. Y.i". . . 233 Maryland Bldg., 1410 H St. NW., Washington, D.C. Room 2126, 42 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 366 Madison Ave., New York, N.Y . . . . Care of Jamestown Business CollegCj Jamestown, N. Y. University of Kentucky, Lexington, 340 Madison Ave., New York, N.Y 105 East 22d St., New York, N. Y 8 West 40th St., New York, N.Y , 105 East 22d St., New York, N.Y 3607 New Hampshire Ave. NW., Wash- ington, D.C. 44 East 23d St., New York, N. Y 200 New Jersey Ave. NW., Washington, D.C. Teachers' College, Oxford, Ohio 57th and Broadway, New York, N.Y... 144 Fredonia St., Peoria, III.12 6 Beacon St., Boston, Mass 709 Exchange Bank Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. 1201 16th St. NW., Washington, D. C. 276 5th Ave., New York, N.Y 87 Milk St., Boston. Mass State Board of Health, Topeka, Kans 27 Cedar St., New York, N. Y 1929 nth St. NW., Washington, D.C... Tuskegee Institute, Tuskegee, Ala.... Samuels, Idaho 1240 Hm-on Road, Cleveland, Ohio.. 20 Vesey St., New York, N.Y 424 Duquesne Way, Pittsburgh, Pa. HoUey, N. Y 168 North Michigan Ave., Chicago, 111. 17 East 49th St., New York, N. Y 140 West 42d St., New York, N.Y 528 17th St. NW., Washington, D. C... 5 Fells Road, Winchester, Mass Wenatchee Business College, Wenatchee, Wash. 29 West 39th St., New York, N.Y 424 Duquesne Way, Pittsburgh, Pa Sanitarium, Battle Creek, Mich . . 141 East 29th St., New York, N. 522 5th Ave., New York, N. Y.. . North Main St., North Boston, Mass University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pa. 937 Woodward Bldg., Washington, D. C 233 Broadway, New York, N.Y 863 Saratoga St., East Boston, Mass 253 Broadway, New York, N.Y 476 West 24th St., New York, N. Y Num- ber of mem- bers. 2,000 115 260 45 2,800 17,000 1,500 120 175 300 3,000 2,500 116,000 32,000 4,000 13 11 400 1,200 350 250,000 50,000 500 300 19,302 3,500 23,000 2,000 8,500 15 44 250 10 150 810 1,730 2,300 25,000 150 250 158 Date of annual meeting. November March. December. November. June. December. November. July. February. Septemb er. July. Do Do. May. January. April. August. January. November. September. August. November. June. October December, May. Do. June. December. June. January. Do. April. 10 Address of managing director. u Number of national organizations. 12 Address of president- is Number of organizations. 36 COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. NATIONAL, INTERNATIONAL, AND INTERSTATE— Continued. CLASSIFIED LIST— Continued. Name. Electrical. Associated Manufacturers of Electrical Supplies. Association of Electragists Electric Power Club Electrical Manufacturers' Club Electrical Manufacturers' Council Electrical Safety Conference Electrical Supply Jobbers' Association . Interuational Association of Municipal Electricians. National Association of Electrical Con- tractors and Detvlers. Pacific Coast Electrical Association Employees' Benefit. American Association of Labor Legisla- tion. Association of Governmental Labor Of- ficials of the United States and Can- ada. Master Ilorseshoers' National Protec- tive Association. National Association of Letter Carriers.. National Association of Master Plumb- ers of the United States (Inc.). National Association of United States Civil Service Employees at Navy Yards and Stations. National Federation of Post OlTice Clerks. National Slovak Society of the United States of America. Navy Employees' Welfare Association (Inc.). * Railwaymen's Relief Association of America. Workmen's Compensation Publicity Bureau. Engineers and Engineering. American Association of Engineers American Association of Operating En- gineers. American Concrete Institute American Engineering Standards Com- mittee. American Institute of Chemical Engi- neers. American Institute of Consulting Engi- neers (Inc.). American Institute of Electrical Engi- neers. American Institute of Mining and Met- allurgical Engineers. American Mining Congress American Order of Steam Engineers American Society of Agricultural Engi- neers. American Society of Civil Engineers American Society of Heating and Ven- tilating Engineers. American Society of Mechanical Engi- neers. American Society of Naval Engineers. . . American Society of Refrigerating En- gineers. American Society of Safety Engineers... American Society of Sanitary Engineer- ing. American Society of Swedish Engineers, Associated Petroleum E ngineers Address of secretary. 30 East 42d St., New York, N. Y. 15 West 37th St., New York, N. Y Kirby Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio Care of Hartford Faience Co., Hartford, Conn. 522 5th Ave., New York, N. Y 25 City Hall Place, New York, N. Y. . . . 411 South Clinton St., Chicago, lU Office Fire Department Headquarters, Houston, Tex. 15 West 37th St., New York, N. Y Room 527 Rialto Bldg., San Francisco, Calif. 131 East 23d St., New York, N. Y.. 612 Bremer Arcade, St. Paul, Minn. 317 North 17th St., Philadelphia, Pa. . , 6 Park St., Belfast, Me , 1260 Book Bldg,, Detroit Mich. 1874 East 12th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. 242 Ellsworth Ave., San Mateo, Calif. . . Hooper and Ivanhoo Sts., Pittsburgh, Pa. 1054 Bergen St., Brooklyn, N. Y 714 Maflett St., Muskegon, Mich... 80 Maiden Lane, New York, N. Y. 63 East Adams St., Chicago, 111. 601 Maury St., Alcoa, Term 1807 East Grand Boulevard, Detroit, Mich. 29 West 39th St., New York, N. Y Polytechnic Institute, Brooklyn, N. Y. 143 Liberty St., New York, N. Y 33 West 39th St., New York, N. Y 29 West 39th St., New York, N. Y 841 Munsey Bldg., Washington, D. C. 753 North 44th St., Philadelphia, Pa. St. Joseph, Mich 33 West 39th St., New York, N. Y. 29 West 39th St., New York, N. Y. .do. Bureau of Engineering, Navy Depart- ment, Washington, D. C. 154 Nassau St., New York, N. Y ., 29 West 39th St., New York, N. Y. 500 CUnton Bldg., Columbus, Ohio. 271 Hicks St., Brooklyn, N. Y... 30 Church St., New York, N. Y. Num- ber of mem- bers. 200 2,200 225 130 135 200 2,000 2,000 3,100 5,000 5 10,000 400 5 39,000 6,270 10,000 18 21,000 110 896 31 549 112 14,566 10,200 4,000 1,500 530 10,493 1,554 17,000 1,250 700 500 200 401 COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. 37 NATIONAL, INTERNATIONAL, AND INTERSTATE— Continued. CLASSIFIED LIST— Continued. Name. Address of secretary. Num- ber of mem- bers. Date of annual meeting. Engineers and Engineering— Con. Association of Iron and Steel Electrical Engineers. Association of Railway Electrical Engi- Central Electric Railway Engineering Council, Compressed Air Society Engineering Foundation Engineering Societies' Employment Service. Engineers' Exchange , Federated American Engineering So- cieties. Hydraulic Society Illimiinating Engineering Society , Institute of Radio Engineers (Inc.) InternationalAssociation of Fire Engi- neers. International Association of Street Sani- tation Officials. National Association of Practical Refrig- erating Engineers. National Association of Stationary Engineers. National Research Council, Division of Engineering. National Warm Air Heating and Venti- lating Association. New England Association of Commer- cial Engineers. New England Association of Gas Engi- neers. Pacific Association of Consulting En- gineers. Russian Engineering Society in the United States of America. Society of American Military Engineers. Society of Automotive Engineers (Inc.). Society for Industrial Engineers Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. Society of Terminal Engineers United Engineering Society Universal Craftsmen Council of En- gineers. West Virginia-Kentuclcy Association of Mine, Mechanical and Electrical En- gineers. Western Society of Engineers Foodstuffs. BAKING INDUSTRY. American Bakers' Association Bakers' Service Bureau (Inc.) Biscuit and Cracker Manufacturers' Association of America. National Association of Bakers' Supply Houses. National Association of Jewish Baking Industry. Quality Bakers of America Retail Bakers' Association of America . . Retail Bakers' Association of the East- ern States. Southern Bakers' Association Texas-Mississippi Association of Baking Industry. 1007 Empire Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa 441 C. & N. W. Ter. Sta., Chicago, 111. . . 308 Traction Terminal Bldg., Indianap- olis, Ind. 50 Church St., New York, N. Y 29 West 39th St., New York, N. Y do 30 North La Salle St., Chicago, lU.is. 26 Jackson Place, Washington, D, C. 50 Church St., New York, N. Y 165 Broadway, New York, N . Y College of the City of New York, New York,N.Y. Chief Fire Department, Yonkers, N. Y. . 10 South La SaUe St., Chicago, 111 5707 West Lake St., Chicago, 111 721 Lindenwood Ave., Topeka, Kans.... 29 West 39th St., New York, N . Y 52 West Gay St., Columbus, Ohio 53 Devonshire St ., Boston, Mass 247 Essex St., Salem, Mass 612 Sharon Bldg., San Francisco, Calif. . 612 West 137th St., New York, N. Y. . .. 618 17th St. NW., Washington, D. C 29 West 39th St., New York. N. Y. 1,500 500 13 14 4 50,000 5 55,000 27 1,200 2,000 1,200 120 1,300 19,500 35 125 225 327 South La Sa'fle St., Chicago.' 111". 29 West 39th St., New York, N. Y. 1133 Broadway, New York, N. Y. . 29 West 39th St., New York, N. Y. 33 Linden Ave., Cherrydale, Va 211 R. P. Bldg., Huntington, W. Va. .. 53 West Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, 111, 1135 Fullerton Ave., Chicago, 111 80 West 40th St., New York, N. Y. . . 90 West Broadway, New York, N. Y. 923 South 13th St., Omaha, Nebr. 799 Broadway, New York, N. Y. . 80 West 40th St., New York, N. Y. , 10 South La Salle St., Chicago, 111.. 338 Newark Ave., Jersey City, N, J. Care of Crawford Advertising Agency, Mobile, Ala. 923 South 13th St., Omaha, Nebr 25 100 4,000 5,227 991 1,700 250 12 7,000 150 2,500 750 100 91 30 3,820 100 3,800 450 200 September. October. January. December. February. January. December. October. November. September. April. Do. July. February. September. February. January. Do. October. November. May. January. August. September. June. September. Do. Do. April. September. April. i< Number of national societies. 16 Address of chairman. 38 COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES, NATIONAL, INTERNATIONAL, AND INTERSTATE— Continued. CLASSIFIED LIST— Continued. Name. Foodstuffs— Continued. CANNERS. Canners' Inter-Organization Canners' Service Bureau Iowa-Nebraska Canners' Association.. Missouri Valley Canners' Association. National Canners' Association Northwest Canners' Association Southern Canners' Association. Western Canners' Association . COFFEE, TEA, AXD COCOA. Cocoa and Chocolate Manufacturers' Association of the United States. Coffee Growers* Association Joint Coffee Trade Publicity Conunittoe. National Collee Roaster Association National Retail Tea and Coffee Mer- chants' Association. New England Coffee Roasters' Associa- tion. Tea Association of the United States of America. CONFECTIONERY. California and Southwestern States Ice Cream Manufacturers' Association. Manufacturing Confectioners' lioard of Trade. Midland Club National Association of Chewing Gum Manufacturers and Allied Trades. National Association of Ice Cream Man- ufacturers. National Confectioners' Association New England Association of Ice Cream Manufacturers. New England Manufacturing Confec- tioners' Association. Pacific Ice Cream Manufacturers' Asso- ciation. Society for Manufacturing Confectioners Southern Association of Ice (-ream Man- ufacturers. Southern 'Wholesale Confectioners' Asso- ciation. Tri-State Association of Ice Cream Man- ufacturers. Western Confectioners' Association DAIRY. American Association of Creamery But- ter Manufacturers. Association of American Dairy, Food and Drug Officials. Certified Milk Producers' Association of America. Dairy Products Association of the Northwest. Dairymen's League of Cooperative Asso- ciation (Inc.). Eastern States Milk Producers (Inc.) International Milk Dealers' Association.. Inter State Milk Producers' Association.. Kentucky and Indiana Dairies Co Maryland and Virginia Milk Producers' Association (Inc.). Midwest Milk Manufacturers' Associa- tion. 18 Number of companies. Address of secretary. Clyde, Ohio llOi South Main St., Urbana, Ohio Marshalltown, Iowa Prairie Grove, Ark 1739 H St. NW., Washington, D. C 318 Chamber of Conunerce, Portland, Oreg. Biloxi, Miss.... 12 East Grand Ave., Chicago, lU 522 5th Ave., New York, N. Y. . 73 Front St., New York, N. Y. . 64 Water St., New York, N. Y.. ....do 1996 Gratiot Ave., Detroit, Mich. 311 Summer St., Boston, Mass. . 64 Water St., New York, N. Y. . 3994 San Pablo Ave., Oakland, Calif. . . Care of American Chicle Co., Long Island City, N. Y. 58 EastWashlngton St.. Chicago, 111 19 West 44th St., New York, N. Y 155 North Clark St., Chicago, HI. 1921 Conway Bldg., Chicago, HI. 51 CornhiU, Boston, Mass 40 Court St., Boston, Mass. 912 A St., Tacoma, Wash. . 208 South La Salle St., Chicago, HI. Decatur, Ala Bay and Barnard Sts., Savannah, Ga.. 919-27 Walker St., Augusta, Ga 635 New Call Bldg., San Francicso, Calif. 1(X)5 Continental and Commercial Bank Bldg., Chicago, 111. Louisiana State Board of Health, New Orleans, La. 4175 Irving Park Boulevard, Chicago, HI 620 FftTTiTTi Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. 333 Lafayette St., Utica, N. Y. . . . Sandy Creek, N. Y Room 607, 139 North Clark St., Chicago, m. Philadelphia, Pa Simpsonville, Ky 101 Q St. NE., Washington, D. C 111 West Washington St., Chicago, HI.. Num- ber of mem- 50 131 28 150 54 32 320 52 300 150 200 14 130 40 550 920 70 60 175 30 300 126 35 75 100 200 98 73,730 1613 244 15,320 720 1,000 COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. 39 NATIONAL, INTERNATIONAL, AND INTERSTATE— Continued. CLASSIFIED LIST— Continued. Name. Address of secretary. Num- ber of bers. Date of annual meeting. Foodstuffs— Continued. DAIRY— continued . Milk Producers' Association Milking Shorthorn Society. . National Dairy Association. National Dairy Products Committee. . . National MUk Producers' Association. . . New England Dairy and Food Council. . New England Milk Producers' Associa- tion. Philadelphia Inter-State Dairy Coimcil. . World's Dairy Congress Association FISHERIES. American Fisheries Society. Association of Pacific Fisheries Middle Atlantic Fisheries Association. Minced Razor Clam Packers' Associa- tion. New England Fish Exchange Oyster Growers and Dealers' Associa- tion of North America. Pacific Canned Fish Brokers' Associa- tion. Southern Fisheries Association United States Fisheries Association FRUITS AND NUTS. American Cranberry Exchange American Fruit and Vegetable Shippers' Association. International Apple Shippers' Associa- tion. Interstate Fruit Jobbers' Association National Peanut Butter Manufacturers' Association. National Peanut Cleaners and Shellers' Association. National Pecan Growers' Exchange National Preservers and Fruit Products. Association. Northern Nut Growers' Association Northwestern Fruit Jobbers' Associa- tion. Southwestern Peanut Shellers' Associa- tion. Western Fruit Jobbers' Association of America. GROCERS. American Grocers' Society (Inc.) American Wholesale Grocers' Associa- tion. Executive Association of Wholesale Grocers of New England. lowa-Nebraska-Minnesota Wholesale Grocers' Association. Missouri-Kansas Wholesale Grocers' Association. National Association of Retail Grocers (Inc.). National Chain Store Grocers' Associa- tion of the United States. National Wholesale Grocers' Associa- tion. Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Dela- ware Wholesale Grocers^ Association. Room 522, 9 South Clinton St., Chicago, ni. Independence, Iowa 910 South Michigan Boulevard, Chicago, HI. 620 Hamm Bldg., St. Paul, Minn 1731 1 St. NW., Washington, D. C 51 Cornhill, Boston, Mass do 8,000 500 600 200,000 20,' 290' 721 Heed Bldg., PhUadelphia, Pa. . . . 426 Star Bldg., Washington, D. C^^ . . Care of Bureau of Fisheries, Washington , D.C. 1621 L. C. Smith Bldg., Seattle, Wash . . . . Arch 11, Brooklyn Bridge, New York, N.Y. Aberdeen , Wash 62 Webster St., Atlantic, Mass. . 86 Perry St., New York, N. Y.. 705 Arctic Bldg., Seattle, Wash. 308 Duval Bldg., Jacksonville, Fla. 245 Northern Ave., Boston, Mass.., 90 West Broadway, New York. N. Y... 139 North Clark St., Chicago, 111 522 Mercantile Bldg., Rochester, N. Y... Care of Mobridge Grocery Co., Mobridge, S. Dak. 140 West Kinzie St., Chicago, 111 , Suffolk, Va , 685 18 55 350 15 86 200 19 105 606 525 300 950 18 12 20 Albany, Ga 422 KeUogg Bldg., Washington, D.C... 983 Main St., Hartford, Conn , 408 Market Bank Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. Weatherford, Tex. Room 517, 127 North Dearborn St., Chi- cago, 111. 323 Ridge St., Newark, N. J 410 Consolidated Bldg., Jacksonville, Fla. 5 Commercial St., Boston, Mass 311 Rogers Bldg., Council Bluffs, Iowa.. 516 American Bank Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 416 R. A. Long Bldg., Kansas City, Mo.. 233 Broadway, New York, N. Y . . 6 Harrison St., New York, N. Y. . , 308 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. 85 500 25 10 500 20,000 1.800 106 70 30,000 39 1,500 147 February. December. November January. Do. Do. October. September November October. February. May. January. July. August. April. January. August. October. May. January. September. February. July. January. January. May. October. Do. April. June. September. Jime. March. 17 Address of president. 18 Number of firms. 40 COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. NATIONAL, INTERNATIONAL, AND INTERSTATE— Continued. CLASSIFIED LIST— Continued. Name. Foodstuffs— Continued. QBOCEBS— continued . Utah-Idaho Wholesale Grocers' Associa- tion. MILLINO AND GRAIN. American Corn Millers' Federation American Manufacturers' Association of Products from Com. American Rice Growers' Association Associated Rice Millers of America (Inc.). Association of Professional Millers Community Millers' Association of America. Farmers' National Grain Dealers' As- sociation. Grain Dealers'. National Association Millers' National Federation National Association of Oats Millers National Federated Flour Clubs North Pacific Millers' Association Rice Millers' Association Southeastern Millers' Association. Southwestern Millers' League Tri-State Country Grain Shippers' As- sociation. Utah-Idaho Millers and Grain Dealers' Association. Western Grain Dealers' Association MISCELLANEOUS. American Bottlers of Carbonated Bev- erages. American Cider and Vinegar Manufac- turers' Association. American Feed Manufacturers' Associ- ation. American Honey Producers' League American Importers of Spanish Green Olives. American Macaroni Manufacturers' Association. American Spice Trade Association American Wine Growers' Association. . . Bureau of Raw Materials for American Vegetable Oils and Fats Industries. Clean Food Association Flavoring Extract Manufacturers' As- sociation. Institute of American Meat Packers Institute of Margarin Manufacturers Interstate Cotton Seed Crushers' Asso- ciation (Inc.). National Food Brokers' Association National Kraut Packers' Association. . . National League of Commission Mer- chants of the United States. National Macaroni Manufacturers' As- sociation. National Mineral Water and Beverage Association. National Onion Association National Pickle Packers' Association.., National Syrup and Molasses Associa- tion. Northern Potato Traffic Association Olive Oil Association of America Southern Poultry and Egg Shippers Association. Tri State Packers' Association u Number of mills. Address of secretary. Ness Bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah. 332 South La Salle St., Chicago, 111. 208 South La Salle St., Chicago, 111. Lake Charles, La 412 Maison Blanche Annex, New Or- leans, La. 630 New York Bldg., Seattle, Wash. . . . 166 West Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, lU. Omaha, Nebr Toledo, Ohio 108 South La Salle St., Chicago, 111 720 Chestnut St ^ St. Louis, Mo 1341 Insurance Exchange, Chicago, 111. . 600 Central Bldg., Seattle, Wash 609 Maison Blanche Annex Bldg., New Orleans, La. 1209 Independent Life Bldg., Nashville, Tenn. 907 New York Life Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Luveme, Minn , 118 West 48th St., Murray, Utah. , Hubbell Bldg., Des Moines, Iowa. 726 Bond Bldg., Washington, D. C , 841 Powers Bldg., Rochester, N. Y , 53 West Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, 111. Capitol Annex, Madison, Wis , 87 34th St., Brooklyn, N . Y 26 Front St., Brooklyn, N. Y 82 Wall St., New York, N. Y 302 Broadway, New York, N . Y 944 Munsey Bldg., Washington, D. C... 505 5th Ave., New York, N. Y 1238 First National Bank Bldg., Chicago, 509 South Wabash Ave., Chicago, lU.^'. Munsey Bldg ;^ Washington, D. C North Texas Bank Bldg., Dallas, Tex. . . 326 West Madison St., Chicago, lU Clyde, Ohio 627 Munsey Bldg,, Washington, D. C... Braidwood, ni 726 Bond Bldg., Washington, D. C. 207 North Main St. , Kenton , Ohio , 326 West Madison St., Chicago, 111 Richmond and Tioga Sts., Philadelphia, Pa. 712 New York Life Bldg., Minneapolis, Miim. 161 Maiden Lane, New York, N. Y Shelbyville, Ky Beckford Ave., Princess Anne, Md. Nmn- ber of mem- bers. 15 100 10 1,500 J9 34 100 1,000 M12 4,145 1,430 15 600 59 •9 50 60 250 135 100 500 2,000 30 140 2,000 25 15 114 321 26 400 266 43 1,000 770 45 650 78 25 55 110 50 45 100 72 300 Date of annual meeting. April, January. June. May. August. May. November. October. April. November June. Do. May. April. July. AprU. October. June. Do. February. May. Do. Do. September. June. January. June. January. June. December. July. January. Do. April. October. December. 20 Number of States. 2> Address of vice president. ^ COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATION'S OF THE UNITED STATES. 41^ NATIONAL, INTERNATIONAL, AND INTERSTATE— Continued. CLASSIFIED LIST— Continued. Name. Address of secretary. Num- ber of mem- bers. Date of annual meeting. Foodstuffs— Continued. Domestic Sugar Producers' Conference.. Eastern Beet Sugar Manufacturers' As- sociation. National Sugar Brokers' Association United States Sugar Manufacturers' Association. Foreign Relations and Foreign Trade. chambers of commerce, foreign. American Chamber of Commerce for the Levant. American Hungarian Chamber of Com- merce. American Polish Chamber of Commerce and Industry in the United States (Inc.). American-Russian Chamber of Com- merce (Inc.)- Argentine-American Chamber of Com- merce (Inc.). Belgian Chamber of Commerce in the United States. Brazilian-American Chamber of Com- merce. British Empire Chamber of Commerce in the United States of America (Inc.). Camara Portugueza de Commercio e Industria. Chile- American Association Czechoslovak Chamber of Commerce of America. Franco-American Board of Commerce and Industry (Inc.). Holland-American Chamber of Com- merce. Japanese Chamber of Commerce Mexican Chamber of Commerce of the United States (Inc.). Netherlands Chamber of Commerce in New York (Inc.). Norwegian- American Chamber of Com- merce (Inc.). Spanish Chamber of Commerce Swedish Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America. FOREIGN RELATIONS. American Asiatic Association American Protective Tariff League China Society of America Council on Foreign Relations (Inc.) Fair Tariff League Foreign Commerce Association of the Pacific Coast. Foreign Policy Association Free Trade League Italy America Society Pan American Society of the United States (Inc.). Pan-Pacific Union Philippine Government Commercial Agency. TurMsh- American Information B ureau FxTEL, Heat, Light, and Power. American Gas Association (Inc.). American Peat Society American Petroleum institute. . . 132 Front St., New York, N. Y 912 Union Trust Bldg., Detroit, Mich. 82 Wall St., New York, N. Y 1132 First National Bank Bldg., Chicago, ni. 29 Broadway, New York, N. Y. , 949 Broadway, New York, N. Y. 953 3d Ave., New York, N. Y ... 233 Broadway, New York, N. Y. 89 Broad St., New York, N. Y.., 281 5th Ave., New York, N. Y. . , 66 Beaver St., New York, N. Y. . 25 Broadway, New York, N. Y.. 29 Broadway, New York, N. Y.. 1133 Broadway, New York, N. Y 515 West 184th St., New York, N. Y... 415 Kerrigan Ave., West Hoboken, N. J. 669 MiUs Bldg., San Francisco, Calif... 444 Bush St., San Francisco, Calif. 233 Broadway, New York, N. Y... 44 Beaver St., New York, N. Y 8 Bridge St., New York, N. Y.^ 115 Broad St., New York, N. Y. 2 Broadway, New York, N. Y... 627 Lexington Ave., New York, N .Y... 137 Centre St., New York, N. Y 131 East 66th St., New York, N. Y 25 West 43d St., New York, N. Y.2< 1 Carlton Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y 255 California St., San Francisco, Calif.. 3 West 29th St., New York, N. Y 9 South William St., New York, N. Y. . 25 West 43d St., New York, N. Y 89 Broad St., New York, N. Y Honolulu, Hawaii 37 Broadway, New York, N. Y.2» 400 West 40th St., New York, N. Y. . 342 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. 2 Rector St., New York, N. Y 15 West 44th St., New York, N. Y. . 18 425 30 100 142 332 65 19 30 95 213 225 125 192 140 600 187 766 200 '"65' 1,800 550 700 800 200 2,200 200 2,000 September. Do. January. March. January. Do. May. January. Do. Do. Do. Do. May. January. Do. March. January. Do. Do. February. January. March. October. January. February. June. September November. January. February. January. October. October. September. December. »3 Address of manager. « Address of general manager. 42 COMMERCIAL. ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. NATIONAL, INTERNATIONAL, AND INTERSTATE— Continued. CLASSIFIED LIST— Continued. Name. Address of secretary. Num- ber of bers. Date of annual meeting. Fuel, Heat, Light, and Power— Continued. Asssociation of Edison Illuminating Companies. Association of Natural Gas Supply Men. Association of Natural Gasoline Manu- facturers. Compressed Gas Manufacturers' Asso- ciation (Inc.). Gas Consumers' Association of the United States. Gas I'roducts Association International Acetylene Association International Railway Fuel Association. Mid-Continont Oil and Gas Association. Naphthaline Manufacturers' Exchange. . National Association of Independent Oil Producers. National Electric Tvipht Association National Petroleum Association National Petroleum Marketers' Associa- tion. Natural Gas Association of America Northwest Electric Light and Power Association. Pacific Coast Gas Association South Central Gas Association Southern Gas Association Southwestern Electrical and Gas Asso- ciation. Western Petroleum Refiners' Associa- tion. COAL. American Wholesale Coal Association . . Anthracite Coal Operators' Association . Coal Mining Institute of America Colorado and New Mexico Coal Opera- tors' Association. Illinois and Wisconsin Retail Coal Deal- ers' Association. Michigan-Ohio-Indiana Coal Association Mid- west Retail Coal Association National Coal Association National Retail Coal Merchants' Asso- ciation. New England Coal Dealers' Association. Pittsburgh and West Virginia Railway Coal Operators. Southern Appalachian Coal Operators' Association. Southwestern Interstate Coal Operators' Association. Tri-State Coal Stripping Association Upper Potomac Coal Association (Inc.). FuBNiTURE, Fixtures, and Appll/^nces. Associated Office Furniture Manufac- turers. Atlantic Chairmakers' Association Floor Covering Association of America.. Interstate Furniture Manufacturers' Association. Lighting Fixture Dealers' Society of America. Middle States Furniture Manufacturers' Association. » Number of factories. 80th and East End Ave., New York, N.Y. 905 Oliver Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa 821 Mayo Bldg., Tulsa, Okla 120 West 42d St., New York, N. Y. , 467 Farrell St., San Francisco, Calif. 140 South Dearborn St., Chicago. 111.... 30 East 42d St., New York, N. Y 702 East 51st St., Chicago, 111 Dallas, Tex 25 Broad St., New York, N. Y 201 Central National Bank Bldg., Tulsa, Okla. 29 West 39th St., New York, N.Y Guardian Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio 76 West Monroe St., Chicago, HI 905 Oliver Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. 205 Electric Bldg., Seattle, Wash. 812 Howard St., San Francisco, Calif. .. San Antonio, Tex 200 Plume St., Norfolk, Va 403-4 Slaughter Bldg., Dallas, Tex 304 Interstate Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 710 Union Fuel Bldi Chicago, ni ladelphia, ig., cmcago, 519 North AmericanBldg., Phili Pa. 909 Chamber of Conmierce Bldg., Pitts- burgh, Pa. 304 Boston Bldg., Denver, Colo 20 West Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, 111 Branson Bldg., Columbus, Ohio 514 Pipppc Bldp., St. Louis, Mo 200 Commercial Bank Bldg., Washing- ton, D. C. 1414 South Penn Square, Philadelphia, Pa. 141 Milk St., Boston, Mass Greensburg, Pa Holston Bank Bldg., Knoxville, Tenn. 519 Keith & Perry Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 501 Board of Trade Bldg., Wheeling, W.Va. Box 338, Cumberland, Md 801 Mich. Tr. Co. Bldg., Grand Rapids, Mich. 99EdgreeSt., Gardner, Mass 18 East 41st St., New York, N.Y Warren, Pa West 65th St. and Detroit Ave., Cleve- land, Ohio.2« Picture Rocks, Pa 70 175 53 185 64 185 1,100 1,200 4 1,000 15,000 75 936 1,985 240 753 150 240 200 70 495 121 2,000 49 1,200 300 1,600 800 9 72 180 27 29 17 25 27 8 35 260 »30 August. April. January. Do. October. May. October. December. Jime. September. October. June. September. October. May. March. June. March. December. June. Do. Do. Do. May. Do. March. February. Do. June. March. Do. November. Do. Febraary. December. January. *> Address of business manager. COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. 43 NATIONAL, INTERNATIONAL, AND INTERSTATE=Coiitinued. CLASSIFIED LIST— Continued. Name. Address of secretary. Num- ber of mem- bers. Date of annual meeting. Furniture, Fixtures, and Appli- ances — C ontinued. National Association of Bedding Manu- ffl.ot'iirprs National Association of Chair Manufac- turers. National Association of Office Appliance Manufacturers. National Association of Piano Bench and Stool Manufacturers. National Association of Steel Furniture Manufacturers. National Association of Table Manufac- turers. National Association of Upholstered Furniture Manufacturers. National Commercial Fixture Manufac- turers' Association. National Council of Furniture Associ- ations. National Council of Lighting Fixture Manufacturers. National Furniture Warehousemen's Association. National Out-Door Furniture Manu- facturers' Association. National School Supply Association — National Wholesale Floor Covering As- sociation. National Wholesale Furniture Associ- ation. Pacific Coast Furniture Warehouse- men's Association. Retail Furniture Association of the United States. Southern Furniture Manufacturers' As- sociation. Southern Retail Furniture Association. . Upholstery Association of America (Inc.) Furs. American Fur Dealers' Association (Inc.). Board of Trade of the Fur Industry Fur Dressers and Fin: Dyers' Associ- ation (Inc.). Furriers' Security Alliance of the United States. Hatter's Fur Cutters' Association of the . United States of America. General Trade. American Exporters and Importers' Association. American Manufacturers' Export As- sociation. Associated Merchants and Manu- facturers of New England. Boston Export Round Table Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America. Cotton States Merchants' Association. . Home Market Club International Retail Delivery Associ- ation. League of the Southwest Merchants' Legislative League Mississippi Valley Association National Association of Manufacturers of the United States of America. National Better Business Commission (Inc.). ^ Number of concerns. 440 South Dearborn St., Chicago, lU 531 Monadnock Bldg., Chicago, 111 374 Broadway, New York, N. Y 1215 Monadnock Bldg., Chicago, Rl , Engineers' Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio 1215 Monadnock Bldg., Chicago, HI 1721 Sedgwick St., Chicago, Rl 5lf Murray Bldg., Grand Rapids, Mich. . High Point, N. C , West 65th St. and Detroit Ave., Cleve- land, Ohio. 4259 Drexel Boulevard, Chicago, 111 , Box 125, Greensburg, Pa. 64 East Van Buren St.. Chicago, 111. 505 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa .do. 2808 West Pico St., Los Angeles, Calif — Board of Commerce Bldg., Detroit, Mich. Southern Furniture Exposition Bldg., High Point, N. C. Charlottesville, Va 295 5th Ave., New York, N. Y 144 West 27th St., New York, N. Y. 303 6th Ave., New York, N. Y 519 Academy St., New York, N. Y.. 303 5th Ave., New York, N. Y 1 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. 17 Battery Place, New York, N. Y. 160iBroadway, New York, N. Y.... 53 State St., Boston, Mass 916 Commonwealth Ave., Boston, Mass., Mills Bldg., Washington, D.C , Chamber of Commerce, 79 Monroe Ave., Memphis, Tenn. 99 Bedford St., Boston, Mass , 239 West 39th St., New York, N. Y 1045 Ingraham St., Los Angeles, Calif.. 1915 Wallace St., Philadelphia, Pa 511 Locust St., St. Louis, Mo 50 Church St., New York, N. Y 190 31 10 12 58 66 135 120 600 15 180 60 65 12,000 90 300 392 75 15 35 500 27 8 64 703 110 West 40th St., New York, N. Y. 1,200 16,000 950 135 3,345 5,000 130 6,000 10,000 January. September. December. October. Do. April. February. January. Jime. January. June. February. January. November. May. December. December. March. Do January. October. January. October. February. January. April. August. November. March. January. April. May. October. 44 COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. NATIONAL, INTERNATIONAL, AND INTERSTATE— Continued. CLASSIFIED LIST— Continued. Name. Address of secretary. Num- ber of bers. Geiteeal Tbade— Continued. National Coimcil of American Importers and Traders (Inc.). National Foreign Trade Council National Industrial Council National Junior Chamber of Commerce.. National Shippers and Receivers' As- sociation. Southern Commercial Congress (Inc.). . . Southern Manufacturers' Club Southern Trade Congress (Inc.) Tri State Retail Merchants' Association. Glass, Glasswabe, and Ceramics. American Association of Flint and Lime Glass Manufacturers. American Ceramic Society American Vitrified China Manufac- turers' Association. Eastern Association of Glass Distrib- utors. Eastern Clay Products Association Glass Bottle Blowers' Association of the United States and Canada. Glass Container Association of America. Illuminating Glassware Guild National Association of Cut Glass Manu- facturers. National Association of Manufacturers of Pressed and Blown Glassware. National Association of Window Glass Manufacturers. National Bottle Manufacturers' Associa- tion of the United States and Canada. National Glass Distributors' Association National Ornamental Glass Manufac- turers' Association. Optical Manufacturers' Association Plato Glass Manufacturers of America . . Refractories Manufacturers' Association. United States Potters' Association Western Glass Jobbers' Association Western Glass and Pottery Association. Hardware, Etc. Abrasive Paper and Cloth Manufac- turers' Exchange. American Hardware Manufacturers' Association. American Iron, Steel and Heavy Hard- ware Association. American Shovel Institute American Staple Manufacturers' Asso- ciation. American Tack Manufacturers' Associa- tion. Association of Lock Washer Manufac- turers Central Supply Association Eastern Supply Association Hardware Association of the Carolinas. . Hardware Board of Trade (Ltd.) Mountain States Hardware and Imple- ment Association. National Hardware Association of the United States. National Retail Hardware Association. . »8 Number of associations. 45 East 17th St., New York, N. Y. 1 Hanover Square, New York, N. Y 50 Church St., New York, N. Y , Care of Commonwealth Steel Co., Herce Bide, St. Louis, Mo.29 108 North Dearborn St., Chicago, 111 Southern Bldg., Washington, D. C M. & T. National Bank, Charlotte, N. C. Southern Bldg., Washington, D. C Bluflton, Ind 316 House Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. Lord Hall, Ohio State University, Co- lumbus, Ohio. Beaver Falls, Pa 1206 Times Bldg., New York, N. Y 906 Colonial Trust Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. 1006 Colonial Trust Bldg., PhUadelphia, Pa. Care of C. L. Flaccus Glass Co., Pitts- burgh, Pa. 19 West 44th St., Now York, N. Y Third and Cambridge Sts., Philadelphia, Pa. 316 House Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa 1706 First National Bank Bldg., Pitts- burgh, Pa. 19 West 44th St., New York, N. Y.w.... Ill West Monroe St., Chicago, 111 , 625 West Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, 111. 511 Westminster St., Providence, R. I. First National Bank Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. 840 Oliver Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa East Ivivcrpool, Ohio Ill West Monroe St., Chicago, 111 Cambridge Springs, Pa , 17 Battery Place, New York, N. Y... 1819 Broadway, New York, N. Y 47 West 34th St., New York, N. Y... 909 OUver Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. 44 WaU St., New York, >?. Y.... 44 WaU St., New York, N. Y 116 West 32d St., New York, N. Y... 139 North Clark St., Chicago, 111. 261 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Charlotte, N. C 127 Duane St., New York, N. Y. Boulder, Colo 505 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. Argos, Ind 29 Address of president. 450 75 28 31 5,000 3,011 5,000 410 45 55 1,800 12 70 18 8,000 108 11 30 72 65 100 140 62 14 7 87 95 69 426 10 525 265 6 11 12 7 235 308 400 450 300 675 21,000 80 Address of manager. COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. 45 NATIONAL, INTERNATIONAL, AND INTERSTATE— Continued. CLASSIFIED LIST— Continued. Name. Address of secretary. Num- ber of mem- bers. Date of annual meeting. Hardware, Etc.— Continued. New England Hardware Dealers' Asso- ciation. New England Iron and Hardware Association. Pacific Northwest Hardware and Im- plement Association. Pennsylvania and Atlantic Seaboard Hardware Association (Inc.). Pipe Fittings and Valve Exchange Southeastern Retail Hardware and Im- plement Association. Southern Hardware Jobbers' Associa- tion. Tubular Plumbing Goods Association. . Western Retail Implement and Hard- ware Association. Hotels and Restaurants. American Hotel Association of the United States and Canada. International Stewards' Association Missouri-Kansas-Oklahoma Hotel Men's Association. National Restaurant Association New England Hotel Association Northwestern Hotel Men's Association. Southern Hotel Association Southern Interstate Hotel Association. . Ice and Refrigeration. American Association of Ice and Re- frigeration. Eastern Ice Manufacturers' Association. Ilhnois-Wisconsia Ice Dealers' Associa- tion. Mountain States Ice Manufacturers' Association. National Association of Ice Industries . . National Refrigerator Manufacturers' Association. New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio Ice Association. Southern Ice Exchange Southwestern Ice Manufacturers' Asso- ciation. Tri State Ice Manufacturers' Association Western Ice Manufacturers' Association Implements and VEmcLEs. Bicycle Manufacturers' Association Carriage Builders' National Association. Cycle Jobbers' Association of America. . Cycle Parts and Accessories Association. Cycle Trades of America (Inc.) Eastern Implement and Vehicle Deal- ers' Association. Mid- West Implement Dealers' Associa- tion. National Association of Farm Equip- ment Manufacturers. National Association of Retail Imple- ment Secretaries. National Cycle Dealers' Association National Federation of Implement Deal- ers' Association. Trailer Manufacttirers' Association Vehicle Manufacturers' Association of New England. 31 Number of associations. 41162°— 23 4 Room 430, 10 High St., Boston, Mass.... 88 Broad St., Boston, Mass. 305 Hutton Bldg., Spokane, Wash 1314 Fulton Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa 103 Park Ave., New York, N. Y 701 Grand Theatre Bldg., Atlanta, Ga.. Box 654, Richmond, Va 522 5th Ave.. New York, N. Y 205 Buckeye Ave., Abilene, Kans Auditorium Tower, Chicago, 111 60 West 45th St., New York, N. Y 910 Central St., Kansas City, Mo 1115 Walnut St., Kansas City, Mo Draper Hotel, Northampton, Mass 416 South 14th St., Omaha, Nebr Hotel Burton, Danville. Va 714 Common St., New Orleans, La 163 West Washington St., Chicago, 111.., 154 Nassau St., New York, N. Y 7421 East End Ave., Chicago, lU Care of Riverside Ice & Storage Co., Fort CoUins, Colo. 163 West Washington St., Chicago, 111.. Kelsey Bldg., Grand Rapids, Mich Erie, Pa Sehna, Ala Temple, Tex 101 SW. 1st St., Washington, Ind 623 Shukert Bldg., Kansas City, Mo 36 Pearl St., Hartford. Conn 130 Opera Place, Cincinnati, Ohio 137 Broadway, Buffalo, N . Y Care of Stevens & Co., 375 Broadway, New York, N. Y. 35 Warren St., New York, N. Y Woodboume, Pa^ 515-517 South Main St., Council Bluffs, Iowa. 608 South Dearborn St., Chicago, 111 664 38th St., Des Moines, Iowa 326 West Madison St., Chicago, 111 Abilene, Kans Care of Trailmobile Co., Cincinnati, Ohio 922 Commonwealth Ave., Brookline, 700 February 95 June. 330 January. 2,000 February 16 1,025 March. May. 145 April. 5 2,000 March. January. 1,800 July. 150 350 January. November. 650 300 510 154 35 October. November. October. December. 300 March. 200 180 November. 55 January. 2,000 18 October. June. 43 March. 275 200 November. 25 292 Do. Do. 11 200 50 49 September. August. Do. 170 300 September. January. 200 Do. 532 October. 24 Do. 654 SI 17 February. October. 20 42 January. 46 COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. NATIONAL, INTERNATIONAL, AND INTERSTATE— Continued. CLASSIFIED LIST— Continued. Name. Address of secretary. Num- ber of mem- bers. Implements and Vehicles— Con. Vehicle Wheel Manufacturers' Confer- ence (Eastern Division). Vehicle Wheel Manufacturers' Confer- ence (Western Division). Insubance and Insurance Agencies. Actuarial Society of America American Foreign Insurance Association American Institute of Actuaries American Institute of Marine Under- writers. Association of Average Adjusters of the United States. Association of Life Insurance Counsel. . . Aisociation of Life Insurance Presidents. Association of Marine Underwriters of the United States, Atlantic Inland Association Bureau of Personal Accident and Health Underwriters. Burglary Insurance Underwriters' Asso- ciation. Central Traction and Lighting Bureau. . Cotton, Fire and Marine Underwriters. . Eastern Automobile Underwriters' Con- ference. Eastern Tornado Insurance Association. Federation of Mutual Fire Insurance Companies. Health and Accident Underwriters' Con- ference. Insurance Federation of America (Inc.). Insurance Institute of America International Asscxiation of Casualty and Surety Underwriters. National Aucraft Underwriters' Asso- ciation. National Association of Automotive Mutual Insurance Companies. National Association of Casualty Surety Agents. National Association of Imsurance Agents. National Association of Life Underwrit- ers. National Association of Mutual Casualty Companies. National Automobile Underwriters' Conference. National Board of Fire Underwriters . . . National Btueau of Casualty and Surety Underwriters. National Council on Workmen's Com- pensation Insurance. National Protective Life Association New England Automobile Underwrit- ers' Conference. New England Insurance Exchange Northwestern Association of Mutual In- surance Companies. South-Eastem Underwriters' Associa- tion. Southern Industrial Insurers' Con- ference. Underwriters' Bureau of Middle and Southern States. Underwriters' Bureau of New England. United States Fire Companies Con- ference. Western Insurance Bureau Care of Phineas Jones & Co., Newark, N.J. Care of Mutual Wheel Co., Moline, 111. . . 256 Broadway, New York, N. Y 80 Maiden Lane, New York. N. Y Peoria Life Insurance Co., Peoria, 111. . . 25 South William St., New York, N. Y . . 56 Beaver St., New York, N. Y. 1 Madison Ave., New York. N. Y ir>5 Broadway, New York, N. Y 25 South Wiiham St., New York, N. Y 56 Beaver St., New York, N. Y. . . 80 Maiden Lane, New York, N. Y. 13 Park Row. New York, N. Y.... 1 Liberty St., New York, N. Y.. 25 Boaver St., New York, N. Y.a I Liberty St., New York, N. Y.., 80 Maiden Lane, New York, N. Y. 208 South La Salle St., Chicago, 111. Care of Prov. Life & Accident Insurance Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. Majestic Bldg., Detroit. Mich 110 William St., New York, N. Y 80 Maiden Lane, New York, N. Y 320 253 36 177 125 54 34 105 95 William St., New York, N. Y 208 South La SaUe St., Chicago, 111. . . 175 West Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, 111. 80 Maiden Lane, New York, N. Y.. . . 25 West 43d St., New York, N. Y do 1 Liberty St., New York, N. Y 76 William St., New York, N. Y. . 120 West 42d St., New York, N. Y. 16 East 40th St., New York, N. Y.3»... . HoUey,N. Y 1 Liberty St., New York, N. Y. 141 Milk St., Boston (3), Owatoima, Minn Box 1743, Atlanta, Ga Box 914, Durham Life Insurance Co. Raleigh, N. C. 1 Liberty St., New York, N. Y 141 Milk St., Boston, Mass.»8 . . 56 Cedar St., New York, N. Y . 4,000 55 20 40 600 8,000 14,000 30 109 180 83 24 16 19,302 98 232 30 132 30 50 43 26 175 West Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, HI. Address of manager. •» Number of companies. COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. 47 NATIONAL, INTERNATIONAL, AND INTERSTATE— Continued. CLASSIFIED LIST— Continued. Name. Iron and Steel, Etc. American Drop Forging Institute American Iron and Steel Institute American Pig Iron Association American Society for Steel Treating Association of American Steel Manufac- turers. Grey Iron Founders' Association National Association of Ornamental Iron and Bronze Manufacturers. National Founders' Association New England Fotmdrymen's Associa- tion. Steel Founders' Society of America Structural Steel Society Tool Steel Society Western Association of Rolled Steel Consiuners. Western Bar Iron Association Jewelry. American Jewelers' Protective Associa- tion. American National Retail Jewelers' Association. Jewelers ' Security AUi ance o f the United States. Jewelers' Vigilance Conunittee (Inc.) . . . Manufacturing Jewelers' Board of Trade. National Association of Manufacturing Jewelers. National Jewelers' Board of Trade National Jewelers' Bureau National Wholesale Jewelers' Associa- tion. New England Manufacturing Jewelers and Silversmiths' Association. New England Watchmakers' Club Sterling Silverware Manufacturers' As- sociation. Laundries, Dyeing and Cleaning. Eastern States Association of Dyers and Cleaners. Laundryowners' Association of the CaroUnas and Georgia. Laundryowners' National Association. . National Association of Dyers and Cleaners of the United States and Canada. New England Association of Dyers and Cleaners. Pacific Northwest Association of Clean- ers and Dyers. Southeastern Association of Cleaners and Dyers. Southwestern Association of Dyers and Cleaners. Leather and Leather Manufac- tures. Associated Leather Goods Manufac- turers of the United States of America (Inc.). Association of Custom Tanners International Belting Conference Leather Belting Exchange National Association of Importers of Hides and Skins (Inc.). National Association of Leatho: Belting Manufacturers. M» Address of oommisi Address of secretary. 1168 Hanna Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio.^^a. 40 Rector St., New York, ^l. Y Penton Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio 4600 Prospect Ave., Cleveland, Ohio.... Care of Carnegie Steel Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. 1019 Guardian Bldg., Columbus, Ohio.. 614 Race St., Cincinnati, Ohio 29 South La Salle St., Chicago, 111. 205 Broadway, Cambridge, Idass. . 511 Magee Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. . . 460 Monadnock Block, Chicago. 111. 116 West 32d St., New York, ^l. Y. 139 North Clark St., Chicago, 111.. 306 Mahoning B Bldg., Yoimgstown, Ohio. 37 Maiden Lane, New York, N. Y Neenah State Bank Bldg., Neenah, Wis. 15 Maiden Lane, New York, N. Y 14 John St^ New York, N.Y 414 Turks Head Bldg.. Providence, R.I. 95 Chestnut St., Providence, R. I 15 Maiden Lane, New York, N. Y. 42 Gratiot Ave.. Detroit, Mich 505 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa.... 42 Weybosset St., Providence, R. I. 387 Washington St., Boston, Mass.. 15 Maiden Lane, New York, N. Y.. 6339 Penn Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa.. 508 West 5th St., Charlotte, N. C. Box 202, La Salle, ni Merchants-Laclede Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Box 4, Boston (25), Mass Regal Cleaners and Dyers (Inc.), Tacoma, Wash. Selma, Ala 106 West Exchange Ave., North Fort Worth, Tex. 3 West 29th St., New York, N. Y. 222 SE. 1st St., Des Moines, Iowa 53 West Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, 111. 119 South 4th St., Philadelphia, Pa 41 Park Row, New York, N. Y Box 859, City HaU Station, New York, N.Y. Num- ber of bers. 45 2,200 100 3,500 84 41 23 650 200 55 33 5 780 200 4,500 7,000 30 425 1,300 200 200 11 175 72 2,000 1,250 80 100 100 185 60 20 248 34 50 Date of annual meeting. October. May. September. January. November. January. Do. Do. January. August. January. April. January. Do. October. March. January. November. October. February. January. December. November. April. February. September. December. November, M Number of companies. 48 COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. NATIONAL, INTERNATIONAL, AND INTERSTATE— Continued. CLASSIFIED LIST— Continued. Name. Address of secretary. Num- ber of mem- bers. Leathek and Leather Manufac- tures— Continued . National Association of Leather Glove Manufacturers. National Harness Manufacturers and Leather Goods Dealers' Association. National Leather and Shoe Finders' Association. National Saddlery Manufecturers' As- sooifttioD New England Leather and Shoe Find- ings Association. Tanners' Council of the United States of America. Wholesale Saddlery Association of the United States. SHOE. Middle States Shoe Wholesalers' As- National Boot and Shoe Manufacturers' Association. National Shoe Retailers' Association National Shoe Wholesalers' Association. New England Shoe and Leather Associa- tion. New England Shoe Wholesalers' As- sociation. Ohio Valley Retail Shoe Dealers' As- sociation. Southeastern Shoe Retail Association.. Southern Shoe Wholesalers' Association. Western Association of Shoe Manu- facturers and Wholesalers. Wholesale Shoe League Live-Stock Breeders and Shippers. American Aberdeen- Angus Breeders' Association. American Angora Goat Breeders' As- sociation. American Clydesdale Association American Devon Cattle Club (Inc.) American Duroc-Jersey Association American Fox Breeders' Association American Galloway Breeders' Associa- tion. American Game Protective and Prop- agation Association. American Hereford Cattle Breeders' Association. American Jersey Cattle Club American National Live Stoclc Associa- tion. American Poultry Association American Saddle Horse Breeders' As- sociation. Game Conservation Society (Inc.) Holsteln-Friesian Association of Amer- ica. Missouri Yellowstone Pure Breeders' Association. National Federation of Cooperative Livestock Shippers. National Federation of Flemish Giant Breeders. National French Draft Horse Associa- tion of America. National Live Stock Shippers' League.. National Poland China Record Associa- tion. National Sheep and Wool Bureau of America. Union Station, Utica, N. Y 628 Hampshire St., Quincy, HI. . . . 812 Pontiac Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. . 30 North La SaUe St., Chicago, HI. 14 Albany St., Boston, Mass 41 Park Row, New York, N. Y.... 30 North La Salle St., Chicago, 111. 320 Broadway, New York, N. Y 342 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y 224 South Michigan Ave.. Chicago, HI... 320 Broadway, New York, N. Y. 166 Essex St., Boston, Mass .do. 427 Casco Bldg., Columbus, Ohio. 412 Gould Bldg., Atlanta, Ga 41 Hayne St., Charleston. S. C 209 South La SaUe St., Chicago, 111. 320 Broadway, New York, N. Y.... 817 Exchange Ave., Chicago, HI. Reeds Spring, Mo 842 Exchange Ave., Chicago, HI. 51 Cornhill, Boston, Mass 817 Exchange Ave., Chicago, 111. 229 Congress St., Boston, Mass... Carrollton, Mo 90 55 311 52 18 250 114 60 375 7,000 275 300 19 650 200 55 75 125 6,124 200 825 25 4,900 300 420 233 Broadway, New York, N. Y 300 West 11th St., Kansas City, Mo. 324 West 23d St., New York, N. Y. 515 Cooper Bldg., Denver, Colo 655 West 3d St., Fort Wayne, Ind. Lawrenceburg, Ky 110 West 34th St., New York, N. Y. Brattleboro, Vt , Williston, N. Dak. Essex, Iowa Owosso, Mich Fairfield, Iowa 15,000 984 1,050 4.500 2,200 20,000 125 500 240 Union Stock Yards, Chicago, HI. Winchester, Ind 23 East Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, HI. 2,500 300 COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. 49 NATIONAL, INTERNATIONAL, AND INTERSTATE— Continued. CLASSIFIED LIST— Continued. Name. Address of secretary. Num- ber of mem- Date of annual meeting. Live-Stock Breeders and Ship- pers— Continued. National Silver Fox Breeders' Associa- tion. National Swine Growers' Association... National Wool Growers' Association — New York and New Jersey Live Stock Exchange. North Platte Valley Stockmen's As- sociation. Pet Dealers' Association Red Polled Cattle Club of America Southeastern Live Stock Association... Southern Cattlemen's Association Tamworth Swine Association Thoroughbred Horse Association (Inc.). Tri State Live Stock Protective Associa- tion. Tri State Sheep Breeders and Wool Growers' Association. Lumber and Lumber Products. American Forestry Association American Walnut Manufacturers' Asso- ciation. Appalachian Logging Congress Associated Cooperage Industries of America. Associated Wooden Ware Manufacturers, Box Board Manufacturers' Association.. Coopers' International Union of North America. Eastern Shook and Wooden Box Manu- facturers' Association. Georgia-Florida Saw Mill Association (Inc.). Hardwood Manufacturers' Institute Hickory Products Association Lumber Manufacturers' Association of South New England. Mahogany Association (Inc.) Maple Flooring Manufacturers' Associa- tion. Mountain States Lumber Dealers' Asso- ciation. National Association of Box Manufac- turers. National Association of Railroad Tie Producers. National Association of Wood Turners (Inc.). National Cigar Box Manufactxirers' As- sociation. National Hardwood Lumber Associa- tion. National Lumber Exporters' Associa- tion. National Lumber Manufacturers' Asso- ciation. National Retail Lumber Dealers' Asso- ciation. National Veneer and Panel Manufac- turers' Association. National- American Wholesale Lumber Dealers' Association. New England Yellow Pine Dealers' Association. North Carohna Pine Association (Inc.) . Northeastern Retail Lumbermen's As- o ooi ji t" i Oil Northern Hemlock and Hardwood Man- ufacturers' Association. » Address of president. 38 Ransom St., Muskegon, Mich. 37 West Van Buren St., Chicago, 111 303 McComick Bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah. Jersey City Stock Yards, Jersey City, N.J. Scottsbluff, Nebr 10 West 23d St., New York, N. Y 361 North Park St., Richland Center, Wis. Johnson and Main Sts., Louisville, Ky.. Blacksburg, Va , Marine Trust Bldg., Carthage, 111 200 Phoenix Hotel, Lexington, Ky , Belief ourche, S.Dak , Wellsburg, W. Va.. 1847 Lament St., Washington, D, C... 616 South Michigan Ave., Chicago, lU. Braemar, Tenn.ss. B-20 Railway Exchange Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. 79 West Monroe St., Chicago, 111 1410 G St. N W., Washington^ D. C Meriweather Bldg., Kansas City, Kans.. 40 Court St., Boston (9), Mass 805 Graham Bldg., Jacksonville, Fla. 1020 South Wabash Ave., Chicago, lU. . . 105 West Monroe St., Chicago, 111 354 Main St., Ansonia, Conn 1133 Broadway. New York, N. Y 1045 Stock Exchange Bldg., Chicago, 111. 516-17 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Den- ver. Colo. Ill West Washington St., Chicago, 111. . . Care of Western Tie & Tbr. Co., 905 Syn- dicate Trust Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Citizens' Bank Bldg., South Bend, Ind. . 236 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa , 1864 McCormick Bldg., Chicago, 111 , 50 Knickerbocker Bldg., Baltimore, Md. 904 International Bldg., Washington, D.C. 820 Railway Exchange Bldg., Chicago, lU. 12-15 Monadnock Bldg., Chicago, 111 41 East 42d St., New York, N. Y. Bo;£ 783, Providence, R, I Norfolk, Va Beckley Bldg., Rochester, N. Y. Box 669, Oshkosh, Wis 365 13,000 100 1,400 100 100 ,000 200 65 14,000 20 100 370 115 110 225 10 103 33 22 180 48 136 110 1,408 84 2,000 4,200 72 525 11 120 650 November. December. January. April. September. November. December. March. October. January. February. January. Do. October. May. Do. September. January. May. September. Do. March. January. Do. April. January. Jime. February. June. January. April. October. December. March. February. March. January. Do. 60 COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. NATIONAL, INTERNATIONAL, AND INTERSTATE— Continued. CLASSIFIED LIST— Continued. Name. Address of secretary. Num- ber of mem- bers. LUMBEB AND LUMBEE PRODUCTS— Continued. Northern Pine Manufacturers' Associa- tion. Northern White Cedar Association Northern Wholesale Hardwood Lumber Association. Northwestern Hardwood Lumbermen's Association. Northwestern Lumbermen's Associa- tion. Oak Flooring Manufacturers' Associa- tion. Pacific Logging Congress Pacific Northwest Millwork Association. Quartered Oak Veneer Association Rim Manufactvirers' Club Rotary Club Box Limiber Manufactur- ers' Association. Southern Crate Manufacturers' Associa- tion. Southern Cypress Manufacturers' Asso- ciation. Southern Hardwood Traffic Association . Southern Logging Association Southern Pino Association . Southern Sash, Door and Millwork Man- ufacturers' Association. Southwestern Hardwood Manufactur- ers' Club. Southwestern Lumbermen's Association. Timber Products Manufacturers West Coast Lumbermen's Association. . Western Carolina Lumber and Timber Association. Western Cigar Box Manufacturers' Association. Western Forestry and Conservation Association. Western Pine Manufacturers' Associa- tion. Western Red Cedar Association Western Retail Lumbermen 's Associa- tion. White Cedar Shingle Manufacturers' Association. White Pine Bureau Machinery and EqxnPMENT. American Boiler Manufactvu-ers' As- sociation. American Gear Manufacturers' Asso- ciation. American Supply and Machinery Manu- facturers' Association. American Uniform Boiler Law Society. . American Washing Machine Manufac- turers' Association. Canning Machinery and Supplies Asso- ciation. Chemical Equipment Association Concrete Block Machinery Association. . Concrete Mixer Association Conveyor Manufacturers' Association... DriU and Reamer Society Drop Forge Supply Association Electric Hoist Manufacturers' Associa- tion. 3« Number of firms 1103 Lumber Exchange, Minneapolis, Minn. 702-3 Lumber Exchange, Minneapolis, Minn. 1011 Lumber Exchange, Minneapolis, Mirm. do 1026 McKnight Bldg., MlnneapoUs, Minn. 1014 Ashland Block, Chicago, 111 616 Spalding Bldg., Portland, Oreg 3018 Arcade Bldg., Seattle, Wash , 1215 Monadnock Bldg., Chicago^ 111 Care of J. M. Skinner Bending Co., Toledo, Ohio. 1020 South Wabash Ave., Chicago, 111. . 117 West Forsyth St., Jacksonville, Flo. 607 Carondelet St., New Orleans, La 1761 Carr Ave., Memphis, Tenn Care of Lumber Trade Journal, New Orleans, La. Interstate Bank Bldg., Canal St., New Orleans, La. 1026 Candler Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. 931 Whitney Central Bldg., New Orleans, La. Long Bldg., Kansas City, Mo 719 Button Bldg., Spokane. Wash 425 Henry Bldg., Seattle, Wash Electrical Bldg., Asheville, N. C 537 South Dearborn St., Chicago, 111 511 Spalding Bldg., Portland, Oreg 510 Yeon Bldg., Portland, Oreg Peyton Bldg., Spokane, Wash 308 Columbia Bldg., Spokane, Wash. Oshkosh, Wis 808 Merchants' National Bank Bldg., St. Paul, Minn.« 191 Dikeman St., Brooklyn, N. Y... 2443 Prospect Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. 1819 Broadway, New York, N. Y.... 253 Broadway, New York, N. Y. 818 Otis Bldg., Chicago, 111 Cadiz, Ohio. 8 40 36 19 2,800 24 250 35 17 25 9 30 31 500 100 190 115 40 1,800 42 200 40 57 90 West St., New York, N. Y 1218 Wrigley Bldg., Chicago. Ill Ill West Washington St., Chicago, HI. 611 Westminster St., Providence. R. I. 116 West 32d St., New York, N. Y. ... Drexel Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa 165 Broadway, New York, N. Y w Address of manager. 20 1082 75 230 65 180 COMMERCIAL ORGAIiriZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. 51 NATIONAL, INTERNATIONAL, AND INTERSTATE— Continued. CLASSIFIED LIST— Continued. Name. Machinery and Equipment— Con. Elevator Manufacturers' Association of the United States. Foundry Equipment Manufacturers' Association. Foundry Supply Manufacturers' As- sociation (Inc.). Grinding Wheel Manufacturers' Asso- ciation of the United States and Can- ada. Knitting Machine Manufacturers' As- sociation. Latch Needle Manufacturers' Associa- tion of the United States. Locomotive Crane Manufacturers' As- sociation. Machinery Builders' Society Master Boiler Makers' Association Milling Cutter Society National Association of Dairy Machinery Manufacturers. National Association of Engine and Boat Manufacturers (Inc.). National Machine Tool Builders' Asso- ciation. National Supply and Machinery Deal- ers' Association. New England Association of Boiler Manufacturers. Power Farming Association of America. Printing Press Manufacturers' Associa- tion. Refrigerating Machinery Manufacturers ' Association. Southern Supply and Machinery Deal- ers' Association. Stoker Manufacturers' Association Tap and Die Institute Metals, Minerals, and Manufac- tures. metallic. American Bureau of Metal Statistics American Gold and Silver Institute American Malleable Castings Associa- tion. American Zinc Institute (Inc.) Associated Metal Lath Manufacturers. . . Association of Tin Plate Manufacturers. Cast Iron Pipe Publicity Association Copper and Brass Research Association. Hollow Metal Door Society Lake Superior Iron Ore Association Lake Superior Mining Institute Metal Finishers' Equipment Asso- ciation. National Association of Brass Manu- facturers. National Association of Sheet and Tin Plate Manufacturers. National Association of Stove Manu- facturers. National Boiler and Radiator Manu- facturers' Association. National Metal Trades Association National Slag Association New England Stove Manufacturers' Association. Northwest Mining Association 88 Number of mills. »» Number of firms. Address of secretary. 150 West 15th St., New York, N. Y Care of Penton PublishingCo., Cleveland, Ohio. 35 Nassau St., New York, N. Y Summit St. and Negley Place, Dayton, Ohio. 3700 Kensington Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Care of The Nevins Needle Co., Franklin, N.H. Care of Link Belt Co., 300 West 49th St., Chicago, III. 50 Church St. . New York, N. Y 26 Cortlandt St., New York, N. Y 116 West 32d St., New York, N. Y 69th St. and Haverford Ave., Philadel- phia, Pa. 29 West 39th St., New York, N. Y 817 Provident Bank Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. 505 Arch St. , Philadelphia, Pa Summer St., East Boston, Mass. Monadnock Block, Chicago, lU.. 150 Nassau St., New York, N. Y. Foot of East 138th St., New York, N. Y. . Care of Smith-Courtney Co., Richmond, Va. Care of Phoenix Manufacturing Co., Eau Claire, Wis. 116 West32d St., New York, N. Y 115 Broadway , New York, N. Y 1143 Munsey Bldg., Washington, D. C.«>. 1900 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, Ohio.... 27 Cedar St., New York, N. Y Care of Berger Mfg. Co., Canton, Ohio 909 Oliver Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa 165 East Erie St., Chicago, m 25 Broadway, New York. N. Y- « 103 Park Row, New York, N. Y 1001 Kirby Bide., Cleveland, Ohio. . . Ishpeming, Mien 35 Nassau St., New York, N. Y 139 North Clark St., Chicago, 111.. 421 Oliver Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. 508 National State Bank Bldg., Troy, N.Y. 29 Seneca St., Geneva, N. Y , 122 South Michigan Ave., Chicago, HI. 935 Leader Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio Box 82, Stamford, Conn Num- ber of mem- bers. 2 25 13 22 15 '8 14 397 31 400 7 18 161 145 19 8 28 146 15 415 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Wash- ington, D. C. *> Address of managing director. « Address of manager. 60 175 9 10 8 36 5 25 450 17 45 101 23 ,000 12 13 160 Date of annual meeting. October. May. June. February. January. May. April. October. February. October. May. March. November. October April. June. April. April. January May. November. January. November. December. January. Do. Do. December. October. May. January. December. 52 COMMEECIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. NATIONAL, INTERNATIONAL, AND INTERSTATE— Continued. CLASSIFIED LIST— ContiBued. Name. Metals, Minebals, and Manufac- TUBES— Continued. M ETALLic— continued . Page Fence and Wire Products Asso- ciation. Rolling Steel Door Association Sheet Metal Ware Association Southern Association of Stove Manu- facturers. Southern Metal Trades Association Steel Barrel Manufacturers' Association. United Metal Trades Association of the Pacific Coast. NONMETALUC. American Clay Producers' Association. . American Concrete Pipe Association American Face Brick Association American Sand Association Asbestos Paper Manufacturers' Asso- ciation. Asbestos Textile Mfnufacturers' Asso- ciation. Asphalt Association Common Brick Manufacturers' Asso- ciation of America. Concrete Products Association Concrete Roofing Tile Association Eastern Hollow Building Tile Manu- facturers' Association. Eastern Paving Brick Manufacturers' Association. Face Brick Dealers' Association of America. Granite Paving Block Manufacturers' Association of the United States (Inc.). Gypsum Industries, The Hollow Building Tile Association International Cut Stone Contractors and Quarrymen's Association (Inc.). International Monumental Granite Producers' Association. Memorial Craftsmen of America (Inc.) . . Mid West Concrete Products Asso- ciation. Missouri Valley Association of Sand and Gravel Producers. National Agricultural Limestone Asso- ciation. National Association of Marble Dealers National Association of Sand and Gravel Producers. National Brick Manufacturers' Asso- ciation. National Building Granite Quarries Association (Inc.). National Concrete Stave Silo Associa- tion. National Crushed Stone Association National Lime Association National Paving Brick Manufacturers' Association. National Slate Association National Terra Cotta Society Northwest Face Brick Association Northwest Lime Association Portland Cement Association Salt Producers' Association Sand Lime Brick Association Address of secretary. Talc and Soapstone Producers' Associ- ation. Western Magnesite Association , Western Paving Brick Manufacturers' Association. « Number of companies. 215 North Michigan Ave., Chicago, 111.. 103 Park Ave., New York, N. Y.... 280 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y 307 Keller Bldg., Louisville, Ky . . . . Candler Bldg., Atlanta, Ga 855 Leader- News Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. 520 Oregon Bldg., Portland, Oreg Macon, Ga Ill West Washington St., Chicago, 111. 130 North Wells St., Chicago, HI. 826 Guardian Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio... 246 North 17th St., Philadelphia, Pa. . . .do. 25 West 43d St„ New York, N. Y 2121 Discount Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. Monadnock Block. Chicago, 111 3818 North Kedvale Ave., Chicago, 111.. 175 5th Ave., New York, N. Y 1016 Lincoln Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa... Cedar St., Scranton, Pa 31 State St., Boston, Mass Ill West Washington St., Chicago, 111. — do.* 622 K. of P. Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind... 73 Tremont St., Boston, Mass South Dearborn St.. Chicago, 111 608 South Dearborn Ht.. cmcago, 3045 Fowler Ave., Omaha, Nebr. 204 Minor Bldg., Kansas aty, Mo 405 Hartman Bldg., Columbus, Ohio... 242 Kirby Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio 903 Munsey Bldg., Washington, D. C... 211 Hudson St., Indianapolis, Ind 31 State St., Boston, Mass 1537 Conway Bldg., Chicago, 111 405 Hartman Bldg., Columbus, Ohio.. 918 G St. NW., Washington, D. C 830 Engineers' Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. 757 Drexel Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa.... 19 West 44th St., New York, N. Y . . . . I949I University, St. Paul, kinn 212 Pioneer Bldg., Seattle, Wash. Ill West Washington St., Chicago, IlL. 650 Penobscot Bldg., Detroit, Mich Care of Jackson-Church Co., Saginaw, Mich. 1448 Girard St. NW., Washington, D. C 785 Market St., San Francisco, Calif. Dwight Bldg., Kansas City, Mo Num- ber of mem- bers. 30 4 39 30 120 21 70 360 85 275 376 1,353 30 23 15 106 300 500 15 200 125 «27 60 45 42 26 «15 24 COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. 53 NATIONAL, INTERNATIONAL, AND INTERSTATE— Continued. CLASSIFIED LiST— Continued. Name. Miscellaneous. Actors' Equity Association American Brush Manufacturers' Asso- ciation, American Dental Trade Association American Warehousemen's Association. Archaeological Institute of America Army and Navy Union of the United States of America. Central Warehousemen's Club Conference of Undertakers and Em- balmers' Examining Boards. Interstate Cooperative Union National Amateur Wireless Association. National Association of Building Own- ers and Managers. National Association of Pattern Manu- facturers. National Association of Printing Ink Makers. National Association of Purchasing Agents. National Association of Real Estate Boards. National Association of Retail Secre- taries. National Association of Secretaries of State. National Association of State Marketing Officials. National Association of Waste Material Dealers (Inc.). National Automatic Sprinkler Ass'o- ciation. National Musical Merchandise Associa- tion of the United States. National Selected Morticians National Tire Dealers' Association National Travel Club New England Dental Trade Association . New England Purchasing Agents' Association (Inc.). Northwest Real Estate Association Outdoor League of America Shippers' Warehousing and Distribut- ing Association. South Atlantic Supply Association Southeastern Fair Association Telephone Pioneers of America , Tri-State Fair Association United Real Estate Owners' Association. United States Independent Telephone Association. United States Trade Mark Association. . Motion Pictures. American Society of Cinematographers. Motion Picture Directors' Association (Inc.). Motion Picture Producers and Distrib- utors of America (Inc.). Motion Picture Theatre Owners of America. National Board of Review of Motion Pictures. Paint, Oil, Varnish, Etc. National Association of Paint Jobbers. National Paint, Oil and Varnish Asso- ciation (Inc.). *s Address of president. Address of secretary. 115 West 47th St., New York, N. Y. 505 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa 100 Boylston St., Boston, Mass 1110 Bessemer Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. . . . Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md. 1241 Juniata St., Pittsburgh, Pa 732 McKnight Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. 125 7th Ave., North Nashville, Tenn 1318 Beacon St., Brookline, Mass.«. 326 Broadway, New York, N. Y. . . Edison Bldg.", Chicago, 111 47 South Scioto St., Columbus, Ohio. 15 East 40th St., New York, N. Y. . . . 19 Park Place, New York, N. Y , 220 South State St., Chicago, lU , 71 Kirkland St., Cambridge, Mass... Capitol Bldg., Olympia, Wash 136 State House, Boston, Mass , 1109 Times Bldg., New York, N. Y... 85 Maiden Lane, New York, N. Y — 60 Broadway, Brooklyn, N. Y , 803 Renshaw Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa 242 West 56th St., New York, N . Y . . . 471 Park Ave., New York, N . Y 86 Weybosset St., Providence, R. I 201 Devonshire St., Boston, M:ass 415 Abington Bldg., Portland, Oreg. 1472 Josephine St., Denver, Colo.<8.. 239 West 39th St., New York, N. Y. 38 West Alabama St., Atlanta, Ga. . Macon Drive, Atlanta, Ga 195 Broadway, New York, N. Y Aberdeen, S, Dak 280 Broadway, New York, N. Y 19 South La Salle St., Chicago, 111... 34 Nassau St., New York, N. Y 6533 Hollywood Boulevard, Hollywood, Cahf. 234 West 55th St., New York, N. Y 522 5th Ave., New York, N. Y 132 West 43d St., New York, N. Y.". . . , 70 5th Ave., New York, N. Y 140 West Van Buren St., Chicago, lU. . . 342 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y Num- ber of mem- bers. 12,000 160 191 460 2,500 25,000 162 5,000 1,340 250 36 4,000 18,000 200 48 96 265 50 145 3,000 12,000 13 326 1,200 26 61 300 4,200 11,000 800 400 45 11 16,000 250 120 1,500 Date of annual meeting. May. February. June. December. Do. September. December. September. June. May. Do. June. February. December. March. January. February. October. Do. May. July. December. February. November. September. November. Do. October. January. March. May. January. November. 54 COMMERCIAL. ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. NATIONAL, INTERNATIONAL, AND INTERSTATE— Continued. CLASSIFIED LIST— Continued. Name. Address of secretary. Num- ber of mem- Paint, Oil, Varnish, Etc.— Con. National Varnish Manufacturers' Asso- ciation. Paint Manufacturers' Association of the United States. Paint and Oil Club of New England Paint, Oil and Varnish Club of New York. Turpentine and Rosin Producers' Asso- ciation. United States Shellac Importers' Asso- ciation. Paper and Pulp. American Envelope Manufacturers' As- sociation. American Paper and Pulp Association . American Pulp and Paper Mill Superin- tendents' Association. Baltimore and Southern Paper Trade Association. Binder's Board Manufacturers' Associa- tion. Book Paper Manufacturers' Association. Cardboard Manufacturers' Association.. Central States Paper Trade Association. . Cover Paper Manufacturers' Association. Eastern Paper board Manufacturers' As- sociation. Fibre Container Supply Association Fine Stationery Manufacturers' Associa- tion. Folding Box Manufacturers' National Association. Glassine and Greaseproof Manufactur- ers' Association. Glazed and Fancy Paper Manufacturers' Association. Gummed Paper Manufacturers' Asso- ciation. Label Manufacturers' National Associa- tion. Middle States Wrapping Paper Associa- tion. Missouri Valley Wrapping Paper Asso- ciation. National Association of Corrugated and Fibre Box Manufacturers. National Association of Loose Leaf Man- ufacturers of the United States of America. National Association of Stationers and Manufacturers of the United States of America. National Drug Label and Box Manu- facturers' Association. National Paper Box Manufacturers' Association. National Paper Trade Association National Wall Paper Wholesalers' Asso- ciation. New England Paper Merchants' Asso- ciation. New England Paper and Pulp Traflac Association. News Print Service Bureau Pacific Coast Paper Box Manufacturers' Association. Pacific Northwest Stationers' Associa- tion. Pacific States Paper Trade Association. Pulp Manufacturers' Association Rope Paper Sack Manufacturers' Asso- ciation. ** Address of director 509 The Bourse, Philadelphia, Pa. do 6 Beacon St., Boston, Mass 17 Battery Place, New York, N. Y. 1425 Whitney-Central Bldg., New Or- leans, La. 7 Cedar St., New York, N. Y 19 West 44th St., New York, N. Y. 18 East 41st St., New York, N. Y. . 7 McNair Bldg., Kalamazoo, Mich. 36 South Hanover St., Baltimore, Md. .. Glastonbury, Conn 18 East 41st St., New York, N. Y do Ill West Washington St., Chicago, 111. 18 East 41st St., New York, N. Y 1410 G St., Washington, D. C 343 South Dearborn St., Chicago, 111 41 Park Row, New York, N. Y 19 West 44th St., New York, N. Y 25 Park Place, New York, N. Y 18 East 41st St., New York, N. Y do 19 West 44th St., New York, N. Y Ill West Washington St., Chicago, 111. . . 304 West Sixth St., Kansas City, Mo. . . . 209 South State St., Chicago, lU 407 Conway Bldg., Chicago, Ill.« 111 West Washington St., Chicago, Ill.«. 1034 Hulbert Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio 112 North Broad St., Philadelphia, Pa. . 41 Park Row, New York, N. Y . . . 906 Sycamore St., Cinchmati, Ohio. 299 Congress St., Boston, Mass. 101 Milk St., Boston, Mass 342 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. 2133 Stone Way, Seattle, Wash 1005 2d Ave., Seattle, Wash. 461 Market St., San Francisco, Calif. . . 18 East 41st St., New York, N. Y 511 Westminster St., Providence, R. I. 97 140 245 254 23 50 310 500 22 50 7 1,315 30 400 125 26 <8 30 30 « Address of manager. 4« Number of firms. COMMERCIAL. ORGANIZATIOlsrS OF THE UNITED STATES. 55 NATIONAL, INTERNATIONAL, AND INTERSTATE— Continued CLASSIFIED LIST— Continued. Name. Address of secretary. Num- ber of mem- bers. Date of annual meeting. Papeb and Pulp— Continued. Sales Book Manufacturers' Association. . Salesmen's Association of the Paper In- dustry. Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry. Tissue Paper Manufacturers' Associa- tion. Toilet Paper Converters' Association Vegetable Parchment Manufacturers' Association. Wallpaper Manufacturers' Association of the United States. Waxed Paper Manufacturers' Associa- tion. Western Paper Merchants' Association. . Wholesale Stationers' Association of the United States of America. Wrapping Paper Manufacturers' Service Bureau. Writing Paper Manufacturers' Associa- tion. Writing Tablet Manufacturers' Associa- tion. Printing and Allied Trades. American Institute of Graphic Arts American Photo-Engravers' Association Association of Color Lithographers Employing Photo Engravers' Associa- tion of America. Engravographia Graphic Arts Board of Trade Greeting Card Associaton International Association of Electro- typers of America. International Association of Printing House Craftsmen. Interstate Typothetae National Association of Emplojdng Lithographers. Southeastern Master Printers' Federa- tion. Textile Color Card Association of the United States (Inc.). Tri-City Manufacturing Printers' Asso- ciation. United Typothetae of America Professional. American Association of Industrial Phj^sicians and Surgeons. American Association of Wholesale Opticians. American Bar Association American Chiropractic Association (Inc.) American Groupe of the Soci6t6 des Architectes Dipl6mes par le Gouverne- ment Frangais. American Guild of Organists American Institute of Architects American Ladies Hairdressers' Associa- tion. American Medical Association American Optometric Association American Patent Law Association American Psychiatric Association American Society of Landscape Archi- tects (Inc.). American Society of Marine Designers. . American Society of Sales Executives. . . American Surgical Trade Association. . . « Address of managing director. 208 South La Salle St., Chicago, 111. 18 East 41st St., New York, N. Y. . .do. .do. .do. 505 5th Ave., New York, N. Y . Box 420, Hackensack, N.J 505 5th Ave., New York, N. Y. 621 Plymouth Court, Chicago, 111 1741 West 11th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. . . . 53 Park Place, New York, N. Y. . . 18 East 41st St., New York, N. Y. 41 Park Row, New York, N. Y.... 109 East 31st St., New York, N. Y 53 West Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, 111 19 West 44th St., New York, N. Y 505 Bangor Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio 250 West 57th St.. New York, N. Y. 639 Diversey Parkway, Chicago, 111. 354 4th Ave., New York, N. Y 147 4th Ave., New York, N. Y 33 White Ave., Hamilton, Baltimore, Md 406 Commerce Bldg., Erie, Pa. 39 State St., Rochester, N. Y.. 508 Union St., Nashville, Tenn 395 4th Ave., New York, N. Y. " . . . 212 East 3d St., Davenport, Iowa. . . 608 South Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. 343 State St., Rochester, N. Y.. Times Bldg., New York, N. Y. 901 Maryland Trust Bldg., Baltimore, Md. 33 Lafayette Ave., Brooklyn. N. Y 333 4th Ave., New York, N. Y 29 Vesey St., New York, N. Y. . . . 1713 Sansom St., Philadelphia, Pa. 12 East 49th St., New York, N. Y. 535 North Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. 312 Central Ave^ Faribault, Minn 900 F St . N W ., Washington, D . C. . . State Hospital, Albany, N. Y 18 Tremont St., Boston, Mass 12 150 500 38 35 140 47 Saville Ave., Quincy, Mass 50 Chvu-ch St., New York, N. Y 58 East Washington St., Chicago, 111. 291 400 16 165 40 168 3,500 29 162 120 13 5,000 500 86 17,000 76 2,500 2,450 125 89, 481 6,000 500 1,200 130 300 32 252 April. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. May. April. February. July. January. Jime. July, January. October. September Do. May. March. February. September October. June. May. August. September. December. May. Do. January. Jime. Do. October. June. January. October. June. 56 COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. NATIONAL, INTERNATIONAL, AND INTERSTATE— Continued. CLASSIFIED LIST— Continued. Name, Professional — Continued. American Trade Association Executives Association of Military Surgeons of the United States. Cooks' Association of the Pacific Coast (Inc.). International Congress of Architects Interstate Oil Mill Superintendents' Association. Ladies Hairdressers' Association of New England (Inc.). National Association of Commissioners and Secretaries of Agriculture. National Association of Harpists (Inc.). . National Association of Ofllce Managers. National Association of Piano Timers (Inc.). National Association of Postmasters of the United States. National Shorthand Reporters' Associa- tion. New England Industrial Nurses' Asso- ciation. New England Osteopathic Association. . New England Woman's Medical Society Northwestern Coal Dock Operators' Association. Pacific Coast Fire Chiefs' Association. Tri State Water and Light Association Western Association of Electrical In- spectors. Publisher and Press. Agricultural Publishers' Association.. American Association of Foreign Lan- gaa^e Newspapers (Inc.). American Booksellers' Association American Medical Editors' Association American Newspaper Publishers' Asso- ciation. American Society of Composers, Au- thors and Publishers. Associated Business Papers (Inc.) Associated Medical Publishers Associated Newspapers Associated Press Association of Foreign Press Corre- spondents. Association of North American Direc- tory Publishers. Audit Bureau of Circulations Church News Association , Country Newspapers (Inc.) Guild of Bookworkers Inland Daily Press Association International Editorial Association (Inc.). International News Service , International Press Association (Inc.). International Publishing Association. . Music Publishers' Association of the United States. Music Publishers' Protective Associa- tion. National Association of Book Publish- ers. National Association of Theatre Pro- gram Publishers. National Publishers' Association (Inc.), *8 Address of manager. Address of secretary. 505 5th Ave., New York, N. Y Army Medical Museimi, Washington, D.C. 620 3d Ave., San Francisco, Calif 808 17th St. NW., Washington, D. C. York.S.C 2 Park Square, Boston, Mass State Department of Agriculture, Boston, Mass. Cummington, Mass Care of Alexander Hamilton Institute, New York, N. Y. 22 Quincy St., Chicago, 111 WUkes-Barre, Pa 308 Municipal Bldg., Elkhart, Ind. 125 Emory St., Roxbury, Mass 687 Boylston St., Boston, Mass 14 Warren Square, Jamaica Plain, Bos- ton, Mass. 1229 Plymouth Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. 205 Merchants' Exchange, San Fran- cispo Oftlif 2226 Lincoln St., Columbia, S. C 175 West Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, HI. 76 West Monroe St., Chicago, HI. 30 East 23d St., New York, N. Y.. 156 5th Ave., New York, N. Y Lake Shore Road, Avon Lake, Ohio 63 Park Row, New York, N. Y.« 1186 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y... 220 West 42d St., New York, N. Y 4753 Ravenswood Ave., Chicago, 111... Care of New York Globe, New York, N.Y. 51 Chambers St., New York, N. Y 66 Broadway, New York, N. Y 524 Broadway, New York, N. Y. 15 North Wells St., Chicago, 111 9 West 49th St., New York, N. Y. . . Nevada, Iowa 77 Irving Place, New York, N. Y.... Box 35, Clinton, Iowa 140 South Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. 21 Spruce St., New York, N. Y 413 East 160th St., New York, N. Y. 5423 MitcheU Ave., Detroit, Mich.... 243 West 42d St., New York, N. Y. . 56 West 45th St., New York, N. Y 30th St. and 4th Ave., New York, N.Y. 625 Marsh-Strong Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif. 15 West 37th St., New York, N.Y Num- ber of mem- bers. 134 3,000 430 100 300 250 45 511 75 4,000 1,350 200 300 60 16 195 200 265 40 450 125 650 265 125 6 48 1,300 100 40 1,803 7,038 130 254 3,000 450 62 40 10 225 COMMEE.CIAL OKGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. 57 NATIONAL, INTERNATIONAL, AND INTERSTATE— Continued. CLASSIFIED LIST— Continued. Name. Address of secretary. Num- ber of mem- bers. Date of annual meeting. Publish EE and Pbess— Continued. New England Business Papers Asso- ciation. Pacific Northwest Newspaper Associa- tion. Periodical Publishers' Association of America. Southern Newspaper Publishers' Asso- ciation. Stationers and Publishers' Board of Trade. Technical Publicity Association (Inc.). Western Newspaper Association Women's National Book Association. Railway Equipment, Etc. Air Brake Appliance Association Air Brake Association American Railway Bridge and Building Association. Association of Manufacturers of ChiUed Car Wheels. Railway Car Manufacturers' Associa- tion. Railway ElectricSupply Manufacturers' Association. Railway Equipment Manufacturers' Association. Railway Supply Manufacturers' Asso- ciation. Track Supply Association Research, Scientific, and Investi- gation. American Association of Petroleum Geologists. American Association of Textile Chem- ists and Col orists. American Economic Association American Electrochemical Society , American Institute of FertiUzer Chem- ists. American Institute of Weights and Measures. American Leather Chemists' Associa- tion. American Mathematical Society American Metric Association American Oil Chemists' Society American Society for Testing Materials American Specification Institute American Statistical Association American Welding Society American Wood- Preservers' Association Association of Scientific Apparatus Makers of the United States of Amer- ica. Botanical Society of America Chemists' Club Commercial Standards Council Geological Society of America Institute for Government Research International Union of Scientific Radio Telegraphy (American Section). Inventors^ League of the United States (Inc.). Mineralogical Society of America Ill Summer St., Boston, Mass... Box 544, Spokane, Wash 200 5th Ave., New York, N. Y . . Box 228, Chattanooga, Tenn 99 Nassau St., New York, N. Y. Ingersoll-Rand Co., 11 Broadway, New York, N. Y. 326 Rookery St., Spokane, Wash 437 5th Ave., New York, N. Y Munsey Bldg., Washington, D. C 165 Broadway, New York, N. Y Care of C. & N. W. Ry., Chicago, HI.... Railway Exchange Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. 61 Broadway, New York, N. Y 1021 Monadnock Bldg., Chicago, 111 17 East 42d St., New York, N. Y 1841 Oliver Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa Hillbum, N.Y Norman, Okla. 5 Mountain Ave., Maplewood, N. J. Yale University, New Haven, Conn Columbia University, New York, N. Y 275 South Gay St., Baltimore, Md 115 Broadway, New York, N. Y... 22 East 16th St., New York, N. Y. Brown University, Providence, R. I 156 5th Ave., New York, N. Y Wilmington, N . C 1315 Spruce St., Philadelphia, Pa , 19 South La Salle St., Chicago, lU , Kent Hall, Columbia University, New York, N.Y. 33 West 39th St., New York, N.Y , Care of A. T. & S. F. Ry. Co., Topeka, Kans. 460 East Ohio St., Chicago, 111 , University of Virginia, University, Va. . 52 East 41st St., New York, N. Y. 61 Broadway, New York, N. Y Care of American Museiun of Natural History, New York, N. Y. 2702 Woolworth Bldg., New York, N. Y. Bureau of Standards, Washington, D. C. 114 Maiden Lane, New York, N. Y American Museum of Natural History, New York, N.Y. 25 36 21 232 130 205 110 1,200 700 25 21 40 «100 600 59 3,000 2,300 20 500 1,100 700 300 3,100 126 900 650 500 «»35 900 1,610 457 50 216 November. September. July. January. May. November. May. Do. October, Do. February. October. Do. September. March. December. Do. April. July. December. June. December. Do. May. June. May. December. April. January. April. December. May. January. December. April. December. Do. « Number of firms. 68 COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. NATIONAL, INTERNATIONAL, AND INTERSTATE— Continued. CLASSIFIED LIST— Continued. Name. Address of secretary. Num- ber of mem- bers. Date of annual meeting. Kesearch, Scfentific, and Investi- gation— Continued . Mining and Metallurgical Society of America. National Bureau of Economic Research (Inc.). National Industrial Conference Board.. National Information Bureau (Inc.) . . . National Institute of Inventors OflTicial Seed Analysts of North America Production Association of Public Seat- ing Manufacturers. Radio Club of America Science Service (Inc.) Tavlor Society Technical Photographic and Micro- scopical Society. Ships and Shippino. American Association of Port Authori- ties. American Bureau of Shipping American Marine Association American Ocean Officers' Conference . . . American Schooner Association American Shipmasters' Association of tlie Pacific Coast. American Steamship Licensed Officers' Association (Inc.). American Steamship Owners' Associa- tion. Atlantic Coast Shipbuilders' Associa- tion. Emergency Wood Shipbuilders' As- sociation. International Shipmasters' Association. Masters, Mates and Pilots' Association of America. National Marino League of the United States of America (Inc.). National Merchant Marine Association.. National Organization of Masters, Mates and Pilots. Neptune Association of Licensed Masters and Mates of Ocean and Coastwise Steam Vessels. New England Dry Dock and Ship Re- pair Association. New York and New Jersey Dry Dock Association. Northwestern Tow Boat Owners' Asso- ciation. Pacific American Steamship Associa- tion. Pacific Coast Shippers' Association Ship Model Society Shipmasters' Association of the United States of America. Shipowners' Association of the Pacific Coast. United States Ship Operators' Associa- tion (Inc.). Yacht Masters and Engineers' Associa- tion. Specialties. miscellaneous. Manufacturers' American Incubator Association. 60 Number of associations, w Headquarters. 2 Rector St., New York, N. Y 474 West 24th St., New York, N. Y. 10 East 39th St., New York, N.Y 1 Madison Ave., New York, N.Y 8 East 14th St., New York, N. Y.si Agronomy Bldg., Madison, Wis 14 East Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, 111 15 Warren St., New York N.Y 1115 Connecticut Ave. NW., Washing- ton, D.C^ 29 West 39th St., New York, N. Y.m. . . 251 West 19th St., New York, N. Y . . . . 57 Common St., Montreal, Canada. 50BroadSt., New York, N.Y Manhattan Bridge Plaza, Brooklyn, N.Y. 21 Pearl St., New York. N.Y 87 Kilby St., Boston, M.ass.» 112 Market St., San Francisco, Calif. Room 1302, 15 Moore St., New York, N.Y. 11 Broadway, New York, N.Y." 1701 WaUiut St., Philadelphia, Pa... Old Colony Club, Washington, D. C. 2115 Summcrdale Ave., Chicago, 111. 435 Bigham St., Pittsburgh, Pa 268 Pearl St., New York, N. Y. 832 Munsey Bldg., Washington, D. C. 3018 Ave. Q i, Galveston, Tex 21 Pearl St., New York, N. Y. 110 State St., Boston, Mass , 30 Church St., New York, N. Y. Colman Bldg., Seattle, Wash. . . . 603 Alaska Commercial Bldg., San Fran- cisco, CaUf. 845 Henry Bldg., Seattle Wash. 845 Henry Biag., Seattle, wasn. 26 Liberty St., New York, N. Y. Colman Bldg., Seattle, Wash.... 112 Market St., San Francisco, Calif Produce Exchange, New York, N. Y... Foot of 23d St., Brooklyn, N.Y Box 1636, Lincoln, Nebr. 310 19 60 31 3,000 100 12 275 15 753 100 400 88 130 S03 16 250 1,503 70 1,100 110 6,000 7,500 10 15 11 20 65 65 200 55 42 275 20 January. February. May. March. December. Do. AprU. November. September. September. January. November. January. March. December. February. May. January. March. January. December. April. September. December. Jvme. January. May. December. September. January. April. October. 1 »* Address of manager. &3 Address of managing director. » Address of president. COMMEK-CIAL. OEGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. 59 NATIONAL, INTERNATIONAL, AND INTERSTATE— Continued. CLASSIFIED LIST— Continued. Name. Address of secretary. Num- ber of mem- bers. Date of annual meeting. Specialties— Continued . MISCELLANEOUS— continued. American Manufacturers of Toilet American'specialty Manufacturers' As- sopifil^ioii Associated Flower and Feather Manu- facturers. Association of Ice Cream Supply Men — Association of Limb Manufacturers of America. Baggage Manufacturers' Association Barbers Supply Dealers' Association... . Belt Buckle Society Brake Liners' Association Broom Supply Dealers' Association Cash Register Dealers' Association Casket Manufactiirers' Association of America. Diamond Cutters Manufacturers' Asso- ciation of America. Enameled Sanitary Ware Manufac- turers' Association. Export Clothes Pin Association of America (Inc.). Fire Extinguisher Exchange Framed Picture Manufactmers' Asso- ciation. International Stamp Manufacturers' Association. MetalUc Bedstead and Supply Manu- facturers' AlUance. Mid- West Rubber Manufacturers' Asso- ciation. Mirror Manufacturers' Association 131 Hudson St., New York, N. Y. 53 Park Place, New York, N. Y. . 15 West 37th St.. New York, N. Y. 1328 Broadway, New York, N. Y. 136 Niagara St., Buffalo, N. Y... . 1215 Monadnock Bldg., Chicago, 111 , 116 West 39th St., New York, N. Y 116 West 32d St., New York, N. Y , 246 North 17th St., Philadelphia, Pa. . . , 1541 West 6th St., Cincinnati, Ohio 189 Flatbush Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y 308 Odd Fellows Temple, Cincinnati, Ohio. 170 Broadway, New York, N. Y 909 Oliver Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. 258 Broadway, New York, N. Y . National Association of Egg Case and Egg Case Filler Manufacturers. National Association of Glue and Gela- tin Manufacturers. National Basket and Fruit Package Manufacturers' Association. National Broom Manufacturers' Asso- ciation. National Ladder Manufacturers' Asso- ciation. National Tent and Awning Manufac- turers' Association. New England Awning and Tent Manu- facturers' Association (Inc.). Ohio and West Virginia Tent and Awn- ing Manufacturers' Association. Rubber Association of America (Inc.) . . Scale and Balance Manufacturers' Asso- ciation. Shoe Polish Manufacturers' Association of America. Specialty Stores Association (Inc.) Spring Bed Manufacturers' Information Bureau. Umbrella Manufacturers' Association of America. United States Revolver Association Vacuum Cleaner Manufacturers' Asso- ciation. Western Warm Air Fumance and Supply Association. BUTTONS. National Association of Button Manu- facturers. National Ivory Button Exchange 855 Leader Bldg., Cleveland. Ohio... 342 West 14th St., New York, N. Y. 602 Empire Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa... 41 Park Row, New York, N. Y 1515 North La Salle St., Chicago, 111. 54 West Washington St., Shelbyville, Ind. Fifth and Ohio Sts., Quincy, 111 81 Fulton St., New York, N. Y. Care of Barden & Robinson Corp., Penn Yan, N. Y. 608 South Dearborn St., Chicago, lU 6 North Michigan Ave., Chicago, 111. 445 Endicott Bldg., St. Paul, Minn.. 280 State St., Boston, Mass 222 East 6th St., Cincinnati, Ohio ... 250 West 57th St., New York, N. Y. 17 State St., New York, N. Y 166 Essex St., Boston, Mass. 35West32dSt.,NewYork,N.Y.58.... 41 Park Row, New York, N. Y 10 West 23d St., New York, N. Y. Hotel Virginia. Columbus, Ohio. . . 1067 East I52d St., Cleveland, Ohio. 2407 Cuming St., Omaha, Nebr.... 1182 Broadway, New York, N. Y. 116 West 32d St., New York, N. Y. 210 178 105 25 3 11 30 31 130 58 20 14 10 15 9 350 43 175 50 25 57 24 100 60 17 600 64 33 370 19 20 6 38 52 2,500 26 20 April. November. January. October. December. May. December. March. October. April. May. February. September. March. June. December. January. December. October. Do. Do. December. January. October. November. October. January. Do. December. January. December. January. Do. May. December. January. June. 68 Number of firms. B7 Number of concerns. w Address of managing director. 60 COMMERCIAL. ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. NATIONAL, INTERNATIONAL, AND INTERSTATE— Continued. CLASSIFIED LIST— Continued. Name. Specialties— Ckjntlnued . MUSIC. Music Industriee Chamber of Commerce. Musical Supply Association of America. National Association of Band Instru- ment Manufacturers. National Association of Music Mer- chants. National Association of Music Roll Man- ufacturers of America. National Association of Sheet Music Dealers. Natipnal Piano Manufacturers' Associa- tion. New England Music Trade Association. Organ Builders' Association of America. Talking Machine Men (Inc.) TOYS. American D oil Manufacturers American Toy Exhibitors (Inc.) Toy Manufacturers of the United States of America (Inc.). Textiles. CLOTHma AND DRY GOODS. American Association of Wholesale Hat- ters. American Clothing Designers' Associa- tion. American Wholesale Garment Associa- tion. Associated Dress Industries of America. Associated Knit Underwear Manufac- turers of America. Associated Millinery Men (Inc.) Association of Dress Manufacturers (Inc.). Cap Manufacturers' Credit Association. . Corset Manufacturers' Association of the United States. Eastern Millinery Association (Inc.) Fabric Glove Manufacturers' Associa- tion of the United States. International Association of Clothing Designers. International Association of Garment Manufacturers. Jobbers' Association of Knit Goods Buyers. Merchant Tailor Designers' Association. Millinery Chamber of Commerce of the United States (Inc.). Millinery Jobbers' Association National Association of Clothiers National Association of Hosiery and Un- derwear Manufacturers. National Association of Knit Goods Sell- ing Agents. National Association of Ladies' Hatters. National Association of Men's Neckwear Manufacturers. National Association of Men's Straw Hat Manufacturers of America. National Association of Merchant Tai- lors of America. National Association of Retail Clothiers. National Association of Shirt Manufac- tiurers. M Address of director. \ Address of secretary. 105 West 40th St., New York, N. Y do 629 North Broad St., Elkhom, Wis. 532 Republic Bldg. , Chicago, 111 105 West 40th St., New York, N. Y. 275 Orient Way, Rutherford, N, J... 105 West 40th St., New York, N. Y. 114 Boylston St., Boston, Mass 1507 Kimball Bldg., 306 South Wabash Ave., Chicago, 111. 119 Broadway, Bayonne, N.J 10 West 23d St., New York, N. Y. do 200 5th Ave., New York, N. Y. . . . Fulton, Mo Care of Clothing Trade Journal, 70 5th Ave.,New York, N. Y. 1609 Washington Ave., St. Louis, Mo.... 1328 Broadway, New York, N. Y.69 Union Station, Utica, N. Y 604 Broadway, New York, N. Y. 212 5th Ave., New York, N. Y. . Colorado Bldg., Washington. D. C. 200 5th Ave., New York, N. Y 15 West 37th St., New York, N. Y. . 215 Suydam Ave., Jersey City, N. J. 13 Astor Place, New York, N. Y. 395 Broadway, New York, N. Y. 505 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. . . 314 South 5th St., Springfield, 111... 15 West 37th St., New York, N. Y. 308 North Michigan Ave., Chicago, 111. 42 East nth St., New York, N. Y 334 4th Ave., New York, N. Y 350 Broadway, New York, N. Y.... 15 West 37th St., New York, N. Y. 61 Broadway, New York, N. Y 1225 Broadway, New York, N. Y. 50 Bromfleld St., Boston, Mass. .. 223 West Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, 111. 395 Broadway, New York, N. Y Num- ber of mem- bers. 3,000 65 14 1,230 149 123 140 40 400 25 75 112 100 40 450 130 650 700 12 59 400 350 400 400 200 65 400 450 20 85 25 14 6.709 COMMERCIAL. OEGAN-IZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. 61 NATIONAL, INTERNATIONAL, AND INTERSTATE— Continued. CLASSIFIED LIST— Continued. Name. Textiles— Continued . CLOTHING AND DRY GOODS— continued. National Cloak, Suit and Skirt Manu- facturers' Association. National Garment Retailers' Associa- tion. National Industrial Federation of Cloth- ing Manufacturers. National Knitted Outerwear Associa- tion. National Retail Dry Goods Association. National Wholesale Dry Goods Associa- tion. National Wholesale Tailors' Association. New England Dry Goods Association... New England Jobbers and Manufac- turers' Millinery Association. New England Retail Clothiers' Associa- tion. Pacific Coast Garment Manufacturers' Association. Pacific Coast Millinery Association Retail Milliners' Association of Nev/ England. Retail MilUnery Association of America (Inc.). Rocky Moimtain Retail Clothiers' Asso- ciation. Southern Wholesale Dry Goods Asso- ciation. Suspender and Belt Exchange Traveling Hat Salesmen's Association. . . United Shirt Manufacturers' Association (Inc.). United Waist League of America Washington Idaho Retail Clothiers and Furnishers' Association. Wholesale Dress Manufacturers' Ass> elation (Inc.). COTTON (FIBER AND FABRIC), American Cotton Association , American Cotton Manufacturers' Asso- ciation. American Cotton Waste Exchange , Cotton Piece Goods Traffic Association . Cotton Thread Manufacturers' Ex- change. Fine Cotton Goods Exchange National Association of Cotton Manu- facturers. National Association of Finishers of Cot- ton Fabrics. National Council of American Cotton Manufacturers. National Girmers' Association New England Cotton Buyers' Associa- tion. Pacific Cotton Exchange Southern Consolidated Yam Spinners' Association. Southern Textile Association World Cotton Conference MISCELLANEOUS. American Lace Manufacturers' Associa- tion. Association of Manufacturers of Win- dow Cloth. Address of secretary. 1019 Guardian Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio... 1 West 34th St., New York, N. Y 1300 Medinah Bldg., Chicago, HI 321 Broadway, New York, N. Y , 200 5th Ave., New York, N. Y. 505 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. 178 West Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, 111.61 453 Washington St., Boston, Mass 68 Chauncy St., Boston, Mass I Chauncy St., Boston, Mass. 231 Monadnock Bldg., San Francisco, Cahf. 753 Market St., San Francisco, Calif 488 B oylston St. , Boston, Mass , Care of R. H. Macy & Co., New York, N. Y. College and Mountain Aves., Fort Col- lins, Colo. Fort Smith Ave., Richmond, Va 116 West 32d St. , New York, N. Y. 1225 Broadway, New York, N. Y. 580 Broadway, New York, N. Y. , 29 East 32d St. , New York, N. Y.«2 . . . 514 Thompson Bldg., Seattle, Wash.. 1133 Broadway, New York, N. Y.si St. Matthews, S. C 701 Commercial Bldg., Charlotte, N. C. . 99 Chauncy St. , Boston, Mass 13 Market Square, Providence, R. I. 116 West 32d St., New York, N. Y.. . . Masonic Bldg. , New Bedford, Mass. 45 Milk St., Boston, Mass 320 Broadway, New York, N. Y. 45 Milk St., Boston, Mass 420 Exchange Bldg., Memphis, Tenn.^s. 160 State St., Boston, Mass 603-8 1. W. HeUman Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif. York, S.C 210 Realty Bldg., Gastonia, N. C. 45 Milk St., Boston, Mass.e* 251 4th Ave., New York, N. Y... 320 Broadway, New York, N. Y Num- ber of mem- bers. 20 1,000 60 100 5 2,000 '30 14 225 17 5 300 ,600 100 185 15 165 50 *i26' 100 1,000 201 30 17 26 980 62 14 19 87 211 400 60 15 13 Date of annual meeting. December. February. Do. January. June, February. October. November. February. May. December. January, Do, February. May, April, October, May. Do. Do. March. January, April, January. September October. January, Do, 6" Number of firms. 61 Address of manager. 41162°— 23 5 62 Address of director. 6» Address of president. 6< Association's headquarters. 62 COMMERCIAL. ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. NATIONAL, INTERNATIONAL, AND INTERSTATE— Continued. CLASSIFIED LIST— Continued. Name. Textiles— Continued. MISCELLANEOUS— continued. Cordage Institute Grass and Fiber Rug Manufacturers' Association. Heavy Thread Society Jute and Cotton Bag Manufacturers' Association. Jute Manufacturers' Association of America. Lace and Embroidery Association of America (Inc.). Linen Supply Association of America. . . Middle States Textile Manufacturers' Association. National Association of Carders and Spinners. National Burlap Bag Dealers' Associa- tion. Textile Alliance (Inc.) Webbing Manufacturers' Exchange SILK (FIBER AND FABRIC). Oriental Silk Importers' Association (Inc.). Raw Silk Association of Japan Silk Association of America Silk Dyers' Mutual Protective Associa- tion of America. WOOL (FIBER AND FABRIC). American Association of "Wool Blanket Manufacturers. American Association of Woolen and Worsted Manufacturers. Association of Wilton and Brussels Man- ufacturers of America. Carded Woolen Manufacturers' Asso- ciation. National Association of Wool Fibre Manufacturers. National Association of Wool Manufac- turers. National Association of Woolen and Worsted Overseers. National Association of Worsted and Woolen Spinners. Tobacco. Cigar Manufacturers' Association Independent Tobacco Manufacturers' Association of the United States. National Cigar Leaf Tobacco Associar tion. New England Tobacco Growers' Asso- ciation. Tobacco Manufacturers' Association Tobacco Merchants' Association of the United States. Transportation. highways. American Automobile Association American Road Builders' Association . . Associated Highways of America Atlantic Pacific Highway Association . . Automobile Club of America Bankhead National Highway Associa- tion. «» Number of mills. 9^ Number of firms. Address of secretary. 350 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. 233 Broadway, New York, N. Y. . .. 116 West 32d St., New York, N. Y. 8 West 40th St., New York, N. Y. . 1155 Manhattan Ave., BrookljTi, N. Y. 160 5th Ave., New York, N. Y 646 North Parkside Ave., Chicago, 111. . Cannelton, Ind 1813 East Hazzard St., Philadelphia, Pa. 497 Kent Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y 45 East 17th St., New York, N. Y. 25 Broad St., New York, N. Y.... 71 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. 225 5th Ave., New York, N. Y. 354 4th Ave^ New York, N. Y.. 152 Market St., Paterson, N. J.. Care of Chatham Mfg. Co., Winston- Salem, N. C. 45 East 17th St., New York, N. Y 650 West Lehigh Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. . 103 East Sharpnack St., Philadelphia, Pa. South Acton, Mass 50 State St., Boston, Mass Box 395, Webster, Mass 45 East 17th St., New York, N. Y 57th St. and 5th Ave., New York, N. Y. Box 182, Covington, Ky 162 Water St., New York, N. Y Box 629, 1910 Main St., East Hartford, Conn. 214-216 Woodland St., Nashville, Tenn. 5 Beekman St., New York, N. Y.s^ 135 Church St., Hartford, Conn , 37 West 39th St., New York, N. Y. . 321 Mayo Bldg., Tulsa, Okla Weltmer Institute, Nevada, Mo 247 West 54th St., New York, N. Y. 3200 CliS Road, Birmingham, Ala.. Num- ber of mem- bers. 400 22 200 28 22 475 23 210 66 14 1,500 90 30 215 250 500 66 20 1,491 210,000 1,400 68 22 2,000 5,000 5,000 6" Address of managing director. 68 Number of associations. COMMEECIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. 63 NATIONAL, INTERNATIONAL, AND INTERSTATE— Continued. CLASSIFIED LIST— Continued. Name. Address of secretary. Num- ber of mem- bers. Date of annual meeting. Teanspoetation— Continued. HIGHWAYS— continued. Bee Line Highway Association Ben Hiu- Higliway Capital Route Highway Association Chicago, Kansas City and Gulf High- way Association. Colorado-Gulf Highway Association Custer Battlefield Hiway Association. . . DaUas-Canadian-Denver Highway Asso- ciation. Detroit-Lincoln-Denver Highway Dixie Highway Association Dixie Overland Highway Association.. Evergreen National Highway Associa- tion. Florida Short Route Association George Washington National Highway Grant Highway Improvement Associa- tion. Gulf-Atlantic Highway Association International Peace Highway Ja,ckson Highway Association -. . Jefferson Highway Association King of Trails Association Lakes to Gulf Highway Association. . . Lee Highway Association Lewis and Clark Highway Association . Lincoln Highway Association Lione Star Route Highway Association (Inc.). Meridian Highway Association Mississippi River Scenic Highway. National Highways Association.... National Midland Trail , National Motorists' Association National Park-to-Park Highway Asso- ciation. Old Spanish Trail Association Ozark Trails Association Pacific Hiway Association Pacific Northwest Tourist Association.. Pershing Way Pikes Peak .Ocean-tOrOcean Hi^way Association. Southern National Highways Associa- tion. Southwest Trail Association State Highway Officials Texas-Missouri Passenger Club Theodore Roosevelt International High- way Association. United States Good Roads Association (Inc.). Victory Highway Association White River Trail , BAIL WAYS. American Association of Passenger Traf- fic Officers, American Association of Railroad Su- perintendents. American Electric Railway Association. American Railroad Master Tinners, Coppersmiths and Pipe Fitters' Asso- ciation. American Railway Association Hoisington, Kans llidgeway, Mo Sabetha, Kans Chamber of Commerce, Chillicothe, Mo. Childress, Tex.. Sheridan, Wyo. Canadian, Tex. 200 200 600 108 North 10th St., Lincoln, Nebr 302 First National Bank Bldg., Chatta- nooga, Tenn. Box 768, Columbus, Ga 105 South 9th St., Tacoma, Wash 500 5,000 5,000 Columbus, Ga 315 Exchange Bldg., Union Stock Yards, Omaha, Nebr. Nelson Hotel, Rockford, 111 Columbus, Ga 416 West Liberty St., LouisviUe, Ky. 525 2d St., Louisville, Ky Caddo , Okla 100 1,100 1,500 500 Chamber of Commerce, Parsons, Kans. Chamber of Commerce, ChiUicothe, Mo. G32 Munsey Bldg., Washington, D, C... Lewiston, Idaho 401 Garfield Bldg., Detroit, Mich 2621 College Ave., Alton, 111 4,000 5,000 . 120 2,000 MacNaughten Addition, San Marcos, Tex. 4945 Newton Ave. South, Minneapolis, Minn. "Workshop," Bass River, Cape Cod, Mass. 69 416 West Liberty St., Louisville, Ky. .. 911 15th St. NWy^ Washington, D. C. . . 1608 Broadway, Denver, Colo 1,700 2,600 200 Gimter Hotel, San Antonio, Tex.^o Tulia, Tex 1211 4th Ave., Seattle, Wash 1618 L. C. Smith Bldg., Seattle, Wash.. Cedar Falls, Iowa 121 East Pikes Peak, Colorado Springs, Colo. CUfton. Ariz 169,000 1,455 3,700 900 500 4,000 4,000 120 West 10th St., Kansas City, Mo Raleigh, N.C 808 Woodmen of the World Bldg., Omaha, Nebr. Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Duluth, Minn. 3200 Cliff Road, Birmingham, Ala 1035 Kansas Ave., Topeka, Kans. Locust Grove, Okla 143 Liberty St., New York, N. Y. . 400 Union Station, St. Louis, Mo. 8 West 40th St., New York. N. Y . . . . 202 North Hamilin Ave., Chicago, 111. 30 Vesey St., New York, N. Y. 200 112 3,500 6,000 1,647 150 137 1,150 3,046 100 755 March. October. March. May. September. May. Do. Do. April. Do. March. January. Do. December. September. July. June. Do. November. August. October. June. February. December. January. December. April. November. May. October. August. October. November. ® Address of president. ^0 Address of manager. 64 COMMEBCIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. NATIONAL, INTERNATIONAL, AND INTERSTATE— Continued. CLASSIFIED LIST— Continued. Name. Address of secretary. Num- ber of mem- bers. Transportation— Continued. RAILWAYS — continued . American Railway Development Asso- ciation. American RaUway Engineering Asso- ciation. American Railway Tool Foremen's Asso- ciation. American Short Line Railroad AssociSr tion. Boston & Maine Railroad Stockholders' Protective Association. Bureau of Information of the Eastern Railways. Central Electric Railway Association... Eastern Association of Car Service Officers. International Railway Master Black- smiths' Association. Maintenance of Way Master Painters' Association. National Association of Owners of Rail- road Securities. National Railway Service Corporation.. New England Association of Railroad Veterans. New England Railroad Club New England Street Railway Club Pacific Railway Club Railway Business Association Railway Development Association of the Southwest. Railway Treasury Officers' Association. Roadmasters and Maintenance of Way Association of America. Short Line Railroad Association Southern < y> California Association of Insurance Agents, 35 West Santa Clara St., Ran Jose, Calif. CaUfomia Asstxjiation of Nurserymen, 401 Phelan Bldg., San Francisco, Calif CaUfomia Automobile Trade Association, 407 Pacific Bldg.. Oakland, CaUf California Bankers' Association, 628 Mills Bldg., San Francesco, Calif CaUfomia Bar Association, 701 Hall of Records, Los Angeles, CaUf CaUfornia Bean Dealers' Association (North), 255 California St., San Francisco, CaUf. CaUfornia Bean Dealers' Association (South), I. W. HeUman Bldg., Los Angeles, CaUf. CaUfornia Bean Growers' Association, 120 Battery St., San Francisco, Calif California Canning Peach Growers, 244 California St., San Francisco, CaUf California Casing Association, 461 Market St., San Francisco, Calif California Cattlemen's Association, 814 Santa Fc Bldg., San Francisco, CaUf California Citrus League, Box 630, Station C, Los Angeles, Calif California Dairy Council, 216 Pine St., San Francisco, Calif California Develojiment Association, Ferry Bldg^ San Francisco, CaUf California Farmers' Cooperative Ass(X!iation, 510 Battery St., San Francisco, CaUf. California Fruit Exchange, California Fruit Bldg., Sacramento, CaUf CaUfornia Fruit Growers' Exchange, 8U9 Consolidated Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif. . . California Growers' Association (Inc.), 1221 West 47th St., Los Angeles, Calif CaUfomia Hair Dealers' Association, Stewart Hotel, San Francisco, Calif CaUfomia Honey Producers' Cooperative Exchange, 3209 Grim St., San Diego, CaUf. California Leghorn Breeders (Inc.), Fifth Ave. and O St., Chula Vista, CaUf California Lima Bean Growers' Association, First National Bank Bldg., Oxnard, CaUf. California Manufacturers' Association, First National Bank Bldg.. Oakland, Calif . CaUfornia Material Dealers' Association, Hearst Bldg., San Francisco, CaUf CaUfornia Metal and Mineral Producers' Association, 625 Market St., San Francisco, CaUf. CaUfornia Metal Trades Association. 218 Rialto Bldg., San Francisco, CaUf CaUfomia Milk Producers' Association, 1505 South Main St., Los Angeles, CaUf ... CaUfomia OUve Association, 528 Higgins Bldg., 108 West Second St., Los Angeles, CaUf. CaUfornia Peach and Fig Growers^ 715 University Ave., Fresno, CaUf CaUfornia Pear Growers' Association, 216 Pine St., San Francisco, CaUf CaUfornia Pharmaceutical Association, 946 West 80th St., Los Angeles, CaUf CaUfornia Photo-Engravers' Association. 343 Front St., San Francisco, CaUf CaUfornia Prune and Apricot Growers' Association, San Jose, CaUf CaUfornia RetaU Candy Dealers' Association, 407 Foxcroft Bldg., 68 Post St., San Francisco, CaUf. CaUfomia RetaU Dry Goods Association, 903 Broadway Central Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif. CaUfornia Retail Grocers and Merchants' Association, 461 Market St., San Fran- cisco, Calif. California Retail Hardware and Implement Association, 112 Market St., San Francisco, CaUf. CaUfornia Rhubarb Growers' Association, 1650 East Villa, Pasadena, CaUf California Shoe RetaUers' Association, 121 Grant Ave., San Francisco, CaUf California State Agricultm-al Society, Fair Grounds, Sacramento, Cahf California State Association of Electrical Contractors and Dealers, 641 CaU Bldg., San Francisco, Calif. California State AutomobUe Association, 1628 Van Ness Ave., San Francisco, CaUf. CaUfornia State Dental Association, 909 Hyde St., San Francisco, CaUf CaUfomia State Grange P. of H., 753 Slater St^ Santa Rosa, CaUf California Walnut Growers' Association, 1746 East Seventh St., Los Angeles, Calif. 8,000 1,100 1,500 45 11,000 34 175 COMMERCIAL. ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. STATE AND TERRITORIAL— Continued. 67 Name. CALIFORNIA — Continued. California White and Sugar Pine Manufacturers' Association, 425 Call Bldg., San Francisco, Calif. ^ . ^ ,., California Wholesale Grocers' Association, 216 Market St., San Francisco. Cahf . . . California Wholesale Potato Dealers' Association, 214 Front St., San Francisco, Calif. Canners' League of California, 112 Market St., San Francisco, Calif Central California Berry Growers' Association (Inc.), Box 7, Moimtain View, Calif. Challenge Cream and Butter Association, Tulare, Calif Chamber of Commerce of the Pajaro Valley, Watsonville, Calif Chamber of Mines and Oil. 206 South Spring St., Los Angeles, CaUf China Commerce Club of California, 1204 Merchants' Exchange, San Francisco, Calif. Citrus Belt Automobile Trade Association, Pomona, Calif Colusa County Automotive Trade Association, Colusa, Calif Colusa County Chamber of Commerce, Colusa, CaUf Contractors' Association of Northern California, 625 Market St., San Francisco, CaUf. Cooperative Credit Association of Alameda County, 520 Pacific Bldg., Oakland, CaUf. Dried Fruit Association of California, 1 Drumm St., San Francisco, Calif El Dorado County Chamber of Commerce, PlacerviUe, CaUf Fraternal Honey Producers of CaUfornia, 4232 West First St., Los Angeles, CaUf.. Fresno County Chamber of Commerce, Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Fresno, CaUf. Golden State Canneries, 527 San Fernando Bldg., Los Angeles, CaUf Goleta Lima Bean Growers' Association, Howard-Canfield Bldg., Santa Barbara, Calif. Granite Manufacturers' Association of CaUfornia, Colma, CaUf Growers' Packing and Warehousing Association (Inc.), San Jose, CaUf Hemet VaUey Chamber of Commerce, Hemet, CaUf Independent Petroleum Marketers' Association, 951 Marsh-Strong Bldg., Los Angeles, CaUf. Interior Counties Freight Bureau of Southern CaUfornia, 383 Third St., San Ber- nardino, Calif. Japanese Chamber of Commerce of Southern CaUfornia, 436 North Madison Ave., Los Angeles, CaUf. Japanese Farmers' Association of Southern CaUfornia, 723 East Tenth St., Los Angeles, CaUf. Kern County Automobile Trade Association, Box 637, Bakersfield, CaUf Kern County Chamber of Commerce, 1717 19th St., Bakersfield, CaUf Kings County Chamber of Commerce, Box 182, Hanford, Calif Lassen County Chamber of Commerce, SusanviUe, CaUf Laundryowners' Association of California, 2938 East Anaheim St., Long Beach, CaUf. Los Angeles County Medical Association, 621 Marsh-Strong Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif. Los Angeles and Southern CaUfornia Retail Druggists' Association, 426 H. W. Hell- man Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif. Madera County Chamber of Commerce, Madera, CaUf Manufacturers and Wholesalers' Association, 58 Sutter St., San Francisco, CaUf. . . Marin County Retail Grocers' Association, 314 First St., San Rafael, CaUf. Merced County Credit Bureau, corner 17th and L Sts., Merced, CaUf Milk Producers' Association of Central California, Denair, Calif Milk Producers' Association of San Diego County, Bonita, CaUf Mill Valley Chamber of Commerce, Mill Valley, CaUf Modoc County Development Board, Box 218, Alturas, CaUf Motor Carriers' Association, 366 14th St., Oakland, Calif Music Trades Association of Southern California, 317 Homer Laughlin Bldg., Los Angeles, CaUf. Mutual Orange Distributors, 302 West Fern Ave., Redlands. Calif Nevada County Development Association, Grass VaUey, Calif. North of Bay Counties Association, San Rafael, CaUf Northern CaUfornia Counties Association, Redding, Calif Northern CaUfornia Farmers' Association, 292 Wholesale Terminal Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif. Northern California Hotel Association. 204 Crocker Bldg., San Francisco, CaUf Northern CaUfornia Milk Producers' Association (Inc.), 214 19th St., Sacramento, CaUf. Northern CaUfornia Photo-Engravers' Association, 343 Front St., San Francisco, CaUf. Northern CaUfornia Wholesale Grocers' Association, 216 Market St., San Francisco, CaUf. Oil Operators' Association of CaUfornia, 206 South Spring St., Los Angeles, CaUf. . Orange County Automobile Trade Association, 411 West Washington Ave., Santa Ana, Calif. Orange County Credit Association, 1528 Durant St., Santa Ana, CaUf. Num- ber of mem- bers. 35 19 50 459 28 699 417 105 50 500 75 145 19 115 118 1,600 35 105 Date of annual meeting. 400 24 220 400 45 250 800 750 1.200 850 350 153 32 45 1,600 112 130 137 75 70 2.500 70,000 458 300 800 26 18 234 68 300 January. April. May. January. ■ Do. Do. AprU. December. March. June. August. March. December. March. January. November. February. March. June. August. April. February. January. Do. Do. February. September. June. December. May. February December. January. March. April. June. April. November. October. November. July. October. September. January. December. March. January. September. June. January. a Number of companies. 68 COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. STATE AND TERRITORIAL— Continued. Name. Num- ber of mem- bers. CALIF o ENiA— continued. Paper Trade Conference, 461 Market St., San Francisco, Calif Photo Engravers' Association of Southern California, 232 East Fourth St., Los Angeles, Calif. Placer County Chamber of Commerce, Roseville, Calif. Pomona Valley Merchants' Credit Association, 462 West Center St., Pomona, Calif. Retail Furniture Association of California, 180 New Montgomery St., San Francisco, CaUf. Rice Growers' Association of California, Princeton, Calif Rice Millers' Association of California, 465 California St., San Francisco. Calif Riverside County Chamber of Commerce, 641 West Ninth St., Riverside, Calif Sacramento County Pomona Grange, Route 4, Box 1315, Sacramento, CaUf San Benito County Chamber of Commerce, HoUister, Calif San Bernardino County Auto Trades Association, 435 Court St., San Bernardino, CaUf. San Bernardino Valley Potato Growers' Association, Center St., San Bernardino, CaUf. San Joaquin VaUey Milk Producers' Association, 1111 FrankUn St., Fresno, CaUf. . Santa Barbara County Chamber of Commerce, Santa Barbara, CaUf Santa Barbara County Walnut Growers' Association, Route 1, Santa Barbara, Calif. Santa Barbara Horticultural Society, Sycamore Canyon Road, Montecito, CaUf. . . Santa Maria Valley Chamber of Commerce, Santa Maria, Calif. Santa Maria VaUey Merchants' Credit Association, 6 Rudel Bldg., Santa Maria, CaUf. Shasta County Promotion and Development Association, 320 Yuba St., Redding, CaUf. Sonoma County Automobile Trade Association, Santa Rosa, CaUf. Sonoma County Board of Trade, Santa Rosa, Calif South Pacilic Millers' Association. 465 California St., San Francisco, Calif. Southern CaUfornia Association of Cleaners and Dyers, 144 South Pacific St., Hun- tington Park, CaUf. Southern California Canners' Bureau, 612 Laughlin Bide., Los Ani^eles, CtiUf Southern California Editorial Association. Huntington Beach, Cahf Southern CaUfornia Fuel and Feed Dealers' Association, 308 Douglas Bldg., Los Angeles, CaUf. Southern CaUfornia Hotel Men's Association, 512 Title Insurance Bldg., Los An- geles, CaUf. Southern CaUfornia Japanese Fishermen's Association, Box 187, East San Pedro, Calif. Southern CaUfornia Laimdry Owners' Association, 502 Marsh-Strong Bldg., Los Angeles, CaUf. Southern CaUfornia MiU Owners' Association, 320 Henne Bldg., 122 West Third St.. Los Angeles, Calif. Soutnem CaUfornia Retail Bakers' Association, 314-15 Coulter Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif. Southern CaUfornia RetaU Grocers' Association, 1640 North Alexandria St. , Los Angeles, CaUf. Southern CaUfornia RetaU Hardware Association, 435 San Fernando Bldg., Los Angeles, CaUf. Southern CaUfornia Retail Lumber Dealers' Association, 614 Central Bldg., Los Angeles, CaUf. Southern CaUfornia Wholesale Bakers' Association, 314-15 Coulter Bldg., Los Angeles, CaUf. Southern CaUfornia Wholesale Grocers' Association, 826 Higgins Bldg., Los Ange- les. CaUf. Soutnem CaUfornia Wholesale and Retail Bakers' Association, 314 Coulter Bldg., 211 South Broadway, Los Angeles, CaUf. Southern Monterey County Business Men's Association, King City, Calif Stanislaus County Board of Trade, Modesto, CaUf State Agricultural Society, State Fair Grounds, Sacramento, CaUf Stationers' Association of CaUfornia, 255 CaUfornia St., San Francisco, Calif Stationers' Association of Southern CaUfornia, 608 O. T. Johnson Bldg., Los An- geles, CaUf. Sun Maid Raisin Growers, HoUand Bldg., Fresno, CaUf Sutter County Almond Growers' Association, Box 417, Yuba City, CaUf Sutter County Chamber of Commerce, 435 Second St., Yuba City, CaUf Sutter Water Users' Association, Yuba City, CaUf Truck Owners' Association of Southern CaUfornia, 513J South San Pedro St., Los Angeles, CaUf. Tulare County Board of Trade, Municipal Auditorium. VisaUa, CaUf , Tuolumne County Chamber of Commerce, Sonora, Cahf United Chambers of Commerce of the Sacramento VaUey, Yolo County Board of Trade, Woodland, CaUf. Used Car Dealers' Association of Southern CaUfornia, 1310 South Main St., Los Angeles. CaUf. Ventura County Chamber of Commerce, Box 1055, Oxnard, Calif 13 11 150 75 370 500 10 300 20 635 700 200 200 40 250 57 6 3 15 30 13 146 160 200 150 87 35 122 350 450 140 41 15 150 18 14 12 28 60 14,000 65 250 50 200 11 174 30 37 225 » Nimaber of Arms. COMMEKCIAL. ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. 69 STATE AND TERRITORIAL-Continued. Name. Num- ber of mem- bers. Date of amiual meeting. CALIFORNIA— continued . Ventura County Farm Labor Association, Santa Paula, Calif Wholesale Boot and Shoe Association of California, 25 Fremont St., San Francisco, Calif. Yuba County Chamber of Commerce, Marysville, CaUf Zone Five CaUfomia Cattlemen's Association, 602 1. W. Hellman Bldg., Los Ange- les, Calif. CANAL ZONE. Engineers' Club of the Canal Zone, Box 72, Balboa Heights, Canal Zone Panama Automobile Club, Pedro Miguel, Canal Zone Adams County Credit Association, Brighton, Colo Alamosa County Chamber of Commerce, Alamosa, Colo Arkansas Valley Fair Association, Rocky Ford, Colo Brighton Farmers' Cooperative Elevator Co., Brighton, Colo Colorado Confectioners' Association, 303 Sugar Bldg., Denver, Colo Colorado Creamery Butter Manufacturers' Association, 600 Chamber of Commerce, Denver, Colo. Colorado Dairy Council, Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Denver, Colo Colorado Engineering Council, 4145 Clay St., Denver, Colo Colorado Good Roads Association, 310 Interstate Trust Bldg., Denver, Colo Colorado Honey Producers' Association, 1424 Market St., Denver, Colo Colorado Jobbers' Credit Association, Interstate Trust Bldg., Denver, Colo Colorado Manufacturers and Merchants' Association, City Auditorium, Denver, Colo Colorado Metal Mining Association, Room 10 Capitol, Denver, Colo Colorado Pharmacal Association, Denver, Colo Colorado Public Service Association, 900 loth St., Denver, Colo Colorado Society of Engineers, 4145 Clay St ., Denver, Colo Colorado Stationers' Association, 301 Colorado National Bank Bldg., Denver, Colo. , Colorado Stockgrowers' Association, 404 Exchange Bldg., Denver, Colo Cooperative Farmers' Exchange (Inc.), Brighton, Colo , El Paso County Retail Grocers and Butchers' Association, 302 Bennett Bldg., Colorado Springs, Colo. Huerfano County Credit Association, Walsenburg. Colo Larimer County Credit Association , Loveland, Colo , Logan County Credit Association, Benge Bldg., Sterling, Colo Mesa County Retail Merchants' Association, 438 South Fifth St., Grand Junction, Colo. Morgan County Credit Men's Association, Fort Morgan, Colo , RetailMerchants' Association of Colorado, 619 Denham Bldg., Denver, Colo , San Juan Basin Purebred Live Stock Association, Box 111, Durango, Colo San Juan Medical Society, Durango, Colo Southwestern Colorado fiar Association, Durango, Colo Southwestern Credit Men's Association, 123 State Ave., Alamosa, Colo Trinidad-LasAnimasCountyChamber of Commerce, Court House, Trinidad, Colo. . Uncompahgre Valley Water Users' Association, Olathe, Colo Washington County Chamber of Commerce, Akron, Colo Weld County Credit Men's Association, Greeley, Colo , Weld County Farmers' Protective Association, Greelev, Colo Western Credit Exchange, 214 Fair Bldg., Grand Junction, Colo CONNECTICUT. Connecticut Automobile Association, 902 Chapel St^ New Haven, Conn Connecticut Brick Manufacturers' Association, 226 Pearl St., Hartford, Conn Connecticut Builders' Exchange (Inc.), 103 Elm St., New Haven, Conn Connecticut Chamber of Commerce, 64 Church St., Hartford, Conn Connecticut Dairymen's Association, Route 3, Bristol, Conn Connecticut Editorial Association, Box 94, Derby, Conn Connecticut Foundrymen' s Association (Inc.), 296 Church St., New Britain, Conn. Connecticut Hardware Association, Woodbury, Conn Connecticut Hotel Association, The Stratfield, Bridgeport, Conn Connecticut Milk Producers' Association, 450 Asylum St., Hartford, Conn Connecticut Nurserymen' s Association , Manchester, Conn Connecticut Pharmaceutical Association, Middletown, Conn Connecticut Products Association, 248 Division St., New Haven, Conn Connecticut Retai IMerchants' Association, Hartford, Conn Connecticut Safe Deposit Association, City National Bank, Bridgeport, Conn Connecticut Society of Civil Engineers (Inc.), Box 235, New Haven, Conn Connecticut State Grange, Plymouth, Conn Connecticut Vegetable Growers' Association, Pomfret Centre, Conn Consumers' League of Connecticut, 36 Pearl St., Hartford, Conn Daily Newspaper Publishers' Association of Connecticut, 174 Grand St., Water- bury, Conn. 200 300 38 125 55 200 50 12 27 50 1,000 63 350 9 350 300 57 490 12 5,000 333 146 76 75 100 131 125 700 65 14 20 31 700 1,600 110 400 2,000 108 17 127 750 600 80 45 150 60 2,100 60 550 11 50 59 510 17,000 200 January. December. May. March. June. December. January. September. June. December. March. January. Do: Do. March. January. June. September. January. November. December. Do. January. June. January. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. February. June. January. May. January. February. May. January. February. June. February. September. January. Do. June. May. April. February. January. Do. February. January. 70 COMMERCIAL. ORGAl^IZATTONS OF THE UNITED STATES. STATE AND TERRITORIAL— Continued. Name. Num- ber of mem- bers. CONNECTICUT — Continued . Employers' Association of Hartford County (Inc.), 616 Capito Ave., Hartford, CJonn. Employers' Association of Litchfield County, 60 Main St., Torrington, Conn Industrial Association of the Lower Naugatuck Valley, Derby, Conn Litchfield County Automobile Club, 653 Main St., Winsted, Conn Lumber Dealers'^ Association of Connecticut, 185 Church St., New Haven, Conn.. . Manufacturers' Association of Connecticut (Inc.), 252 Asylum St., Hartford, Conn. Manufacturers' Association of Eastern Connecticut, 114 Porafrct St., Putnam, Conn. Manufacturers' Association of Hartford County, 61G Capitol Ave.,HartfordjConn.. Master Iron "Workers' Association of Connecticut, 336 Sherman Ave., New Haven, Conn. Memorial Craftsmen of Connecticut, 292 Riverside Ave., Bristol, Comi Naugatuck Valley Real Estate Board, Shelton, Conn New Haven County Horticultural Society, 198 Norton St., New Haven, Conn New Haven County Medical Association, 66 Trumbull St., New Haven, Conn Nutmeg State Commercial Travelers' Health Association, 910 Stratford Ave., Bridgeport, Conn. Open Shop Conference of Comiecticut (Inc.), 616 Capitol Ave., Hartford, Conn Purchasing Agents' Association of Connecticut, Bridgeport, Conn Society of Master House Painters and Decorators of Coimecticut (Inc.), 7 Ford Place, Hartford, Conn. DELAWARE. Delaware Automobile Association, 901 Orange St., Wilmington, Del Delaware Corn Growers' Association, Newark, Del Delaware Pharmaceutical Society, 718 West Eighth St., Wilmington, Del. FLORIDA. Associated Boards of Trade of the Scenic Highlands, Avon Park, Fla Cattle Raisers' A.ssociation of Florida, Cocoa, Fla. Central Florida Water Traffic League, Orlando, Fla Citrus County Board of Trade, Inverness, Fla Dado County Fair Association, Court House, Miami, Fla Dade County Poultry Association, Route 2, Box 409, Miami, Fla De Soto County Chamber of Commerce, Arcadia, Fla Duval County Employers' Association, 412 Duval Bldg., Jacksonville, Fla Florida Association of Architects, Independent Bldg., St. PetersburgLFla , Florida Audit and Incorporating Association, Box 478, Jacksonville, Fla Florida Banana Growers' A.ssociation, Bolles Banana Plantation, 01d.smar, Fla. . Florida Baniccrs' Association, Jacksonville, Fla Florida Development Board, 405 ConsoUdated Bldg., Jacksonville, Fla Florida East Coast Growers' Association (Inc.), Naranja, Fla Florida Engineering Society, Gainesville, Fla Florida Lumber and Millwork Association, Orlando, Fla Florida Retail Jewelers' Association. 700 Jacobs & Co.. Jacksonville, Fla Florida State Bar Association, 712 Graham Bldg., Jacksonville, Fla Florida State Commercial Secretaries' Association, Eustis, Fla Florida State Fair and Exposition Association, 210 Mitchell Bldg., Jacksonville, Fla. Florida State Hotel Association, Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Jacksonville, Fla.. Florida State Marketing Association, 204 St. James Bldg., Jacksonville, Fla Florida State Pharmaceutical Association, Palatka, Fla Florida West Coast Tj-pothetae, 107 La Fayette St., Tampa, Fla Gadsden County Chamoer of Commerce, Q uincy, Fla Hardee County Good Road League, Wauchula; Fla Interior Wholesale Grocers' Association of Florida, Orlando, Fla Jackson County Chamber of Commerce, Box 195, Marlanna, Fla Lake City and Columbia County Chamber of Commerce, Lake City, Fla Lake County Chamber of Commerce, Tavares, Fla Lee County Citrus Sub-Exchange, Cleveland Ave., Fort Myers, Fla Leeco Cirtus Growers' Association, Bonita Springs, Fla Marion County Chamber of Commerce, 623 East Fort Iving Ave., Ocala, Fla North Florida Chamber of Commerce, Tallahassee, Fla Orange County Chamber of Commerce, 4 Watkins' Block, Orlando, Fla Orange County Fair Association, 32 East Pine St., Orlando, Fla Palm Beach County Real Estate Board, Box 520, West Palm Beach, Fla Pinellas County Board of Trade, Clearwater, Fla Pittsburgh Florida Fruit Growers' Association, Avon Park, Fla Sarasota Cormty Chamber of Commerce. Sarasota, Fla South Florida Fair and Gasparilla Carnival, Tampa, Fla Sumter Coimty Chamber of Commerce, Bushnell, Fla Suwanee Covmty Chamber of Commerce, Live Oak, Fla 250 16 75 300 60 725 35 135 15 25 11 126 360 10.0(X) 104 200 600 300 75 30 60 131 215 100 40 251 1()3 600 200 119 50 558 40 40 210 450 15 120 300 22 60 241 650 50 321 300 60 49 100 125 200 100 Taylor County Board of Trade. Perry, Fla. Winter Haven Citrus Growers' Association, Winter Haven, Fla. 400 ApriL COMMEECIAL ORGANIZATION-g OF THE UNITED STATES. STATE AND TERRITORIAL— Continued. 11 Name. Num- ber of mem- bers. Date of amiual meeting. Americus and Sumter County Chamber of Commerce, Americus, Ga Association of County Commissioners of Georgia, 404 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. Corrall County Trade Board. Corrallton, Ga Cotton Manufacturers' Association of Georgia, Exposition Cotton Mills, Atlanta, Ga. Cotton Seed Crushers' Association of Georgia, 24| Luckie, Atlanta, Ga Country Bankers' Association of Georgia, 512 Hass-Howell Bldg., Atlanta, Ga DubUn and Laurens County Chamber of Commerce, 524 Academy St., Dublin, Ga. . Fulton County Medical Society, 436 Peachtree St., Atlanta, Ga Georgia Association, Waycross, Ga Georgia Association of Sand and Gravel Producers, 39 South Forsyth St., Atlanta, Ga. Georgia Bankers' Association, 313 Candler Bldg., Atlanta, Ga Georgia Cotton Growers' Association, 18 Stewart Ave., Atlanta, Ga Georgia Fertilizer Mixers' Association, Fayetteville, Ga Georgia Forestry Association, 307 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Atlanta, Ga Gerogia Hotel Men's Association^ 404 Chamber of Commerce Bldg^ Atlanta, Ga — Georgia Manufacturers' Association, 1127 Candler Bldg., Atlanta, Ga Georgia Pharmaceutical Association, 122 State Capitol, Atlanta, Ga Georgia Plant Growers' Association, Tifton, Ga Georgia Retail Food Dealers' Association, 402 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. Georgia Retail Jewelers' Association, Lamar Bldg., Augusta, Ga Georgia State Automobile Association, Hotel Ansley, Atlanta, Ga Gordon County Chamber of Commerce, Calhoun, Ga Griffin and Spalding County Chamber of Commerce, Griflin, Ga Independent Oil Marketers' Association, Atlanta. Ga Insurance Federation of Georgia. Haas-Howell Bldg., Atlanta, Ga La Grange-Troup County Chamber of Commerce, La Grange, Ga Lamar County Board of Trade, BarnesviUe, Ga Manufacturers' Association of Chatham County, 409 Oglethorpe Bldg., Savannah, Ga. MiUen and Jenkins Coimty Chamber of Commerce, MiUen, Ga Newton County Board of Trade, Covington, Ga Randolph County Medical Society, Cuthbert, Ga Bylvester-Worth County Chamber of Commerce, Sylvester, Ga Turner County Board of Trade, Ashburn, Ga Waycross and Ware County Chamber of Commerce, Waycross, Ga 250 800 280 120 125 400 250 15 14,000 50 205 125 300 500 Association of Hawaiian Rneapple Canners, 301 Hawaiian Trust Bldg., Honolulu, Hawaii. Association of Hawaiian Sugar Technologists, Box 3440, Honolulu, Hawaii Bar Association of Hawaii, Box 2938, Honolulu, Hawaii Hawaiian Sugar Planters' Association, Bank of Hawaii Bldg., Honolulu, Hawaii . Maui Chamber of Commerce, Wailuku, Maui, Hawaii .' Maui County Fair and Racing Association, Wailuku, Maui, Hawaii Medical Society of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii Gem County Commercial Club, Box 252, Emmett, Idaho Idaho Agricultural I--oan Company (Inc.), Box 1312, Pocatello, Idaho Idaho Automotive Trade Association, Boise, Idaho Idaho Bankers' Association, Boise, Idaho Idaho Mining Association, Overland Bldg., Boise, Idaho Idaho Press Club, Boise, Idaho Idaho Retail Hardware and Implement Dealers' Association, 305 Hutton Bldg., Spokane, Wash. Idaho State Association of Optometrists, Box 689, Boise, Idaho Idaho State Bar Association, 610 Overland Bldg., Boise, Idaho Idaho State Pharmaceutical Association, Box 1086, Boise, Idaho Idaho Woolgrowers' Association, McCarthy Bldg., Boise, Idaho Kootenia Valley Commercial Club, Box 72, Bonners Ferry, Idaho Minidoka-Cassia County Shorthorn Breeders' Association, Burley, Idaho. Minidoka County Potato Growers (Inc.), Rupert, Idaho. North Idaho Chamber of Commerce, 421 Sherman Ave., Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. Southern Idaho Cleaners and Dyers' Association, Twin Falls, Idaho Southern Idaho Laimdry owners' Association, Payette, Idaho Southern Idaho Pharmaceutical Association, Pocatello, Idaho 450 65 400 50 200 50 100 75 16 100 300 20 150 50 4 300 75 250 85 250 227 190 1,100 75 51 50 193 150 100 100 72 208 20 Allied Florists' Association of Illinois, 500 North Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. Central Illinois Coal Bureau, 327 South Fifth St., Springfield, 111 Central Illinois Coal Operators' Association, Springfield, 111 500 30 17 February. April. June. May. March. December. Do. April. July. June. December. April. June. October. July. January. July. November. June. January. Do. February. November. June. November. January. Do. November. January. February. August. February. January. Do. Octobei. January. February. June. November. June. July. January. December. 72 COMMEECIAL, ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. STATE AND TERRITORIAL— Continued. Name. Num- ber of mem- bers. Date of annual meeting. ILLINOIS — continued . Coal Operators' Association of Fifth and Ninth Districts of Illinois, 710 Fullerton Bldg.,St. Louis,Mo. Coles County Home Bureau, Mattoon, 111 Composition Floor Manufacturers' Association, 231 South Wells St., Chicago, 111... Coo'^ Countv Business Men's Welfare Association (Inc.), 4132 Lake Park Ave., Chicago, 111. Eighth District Coal Operators' Association, Commercial Bldg., Galesburg, 111 Farmers' Grin Dealers' Association, 1303 North Park St., Bloomington, 111 Fox River Valley Manufacturers' Association, Aurora, 111 Henry County Automotive Trade Association, care of Chamber of Commerce, Kewanee, III. Henry County Dental Society, Kewanee, 111 Henry County Medical Society, Kewanee, 111 Illinois Abstracters' Association, 206 West State St. , Sycamore, 111 Illinois Agricultural Association, 608 South Dearborn St., Chicago. Ill Illinois Association of the Baking Industry, 108 Knoxville Ave^ Peoria, 111 Illinois Association of Highway and Municipal Contractors, Hotel La Salle, Chi- caco, 111. Illinois Association of Ice Cream Manufacturers, 155 North Clark St., Chicago, 111. . Illinois Bankers' Association, 208 South La Salle St. , Chicago, 111 Illinois Booksellers and Stationers' Association, 129 North Main St., Decatur, 111... Illinois Butter Manufacturers' Improvement Association, 1526 South State St., Chicago, 111. Illinois Chamber of Commerce, 10 South La Salle St. , Chicago, 111 Illinois Coal Operators' Association, Fisher Bldg. , Chicago, 111 Illinois Commercial Secretaries' Association, Chamber of Commerce, Juliet, 111 Illinois District Traffic League, 101-103 East Third St., Sterling, 111 Illinois Drainage and Rivers Improvement Association, Urbana, 111 Illinois Electric Railways Association, 305 Illinois Mine Workers' Bldg., Spring- field, 111. Illinois Freight Association, 1725 Transportation Bldg.. Chicago, 111 Illinois Furniture Warehousemen's Association, 2531 Shedicld Ave., Chicago, 111... Illinois Gas Association. 305 Illinois Mine Workers' Bldg., Springfield, 111 Illinois Grain Dealers' Association, 302 Lincoln Bldg.. Champaign, 111 Illinois Highway Improvement Association, 125 West Monroe St., Chicago, 111 Illinois Implement Dealers' Association, 901 Maine St., Quincy, 111 Illinois Industrial Council, 1432 Fort Dearborn Bank Bldg., Chicago, 111 Illinois Lumber Merchants' Association, 431 South Dearborn St., Chicago, 111 Illinois Manufacturers' Association, 76 West Monroe St., Chicago, 111 Illinois Master Plumbers' Association, 318 First National Bank Bldg., Aurora, 111. . Illinois Paving Brick Manufacturers' Association, 1217 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Chicago, 111. Illinois Pharmaceutical Association, 701 South Wood St., Chicago, 111 Illinois Realtors' Association, 752 West 69th St., Chicago, 111 Illinois Retail Clothiers' Association, Kankakee, 111 Illinois Retail Hardware Association, 19 North Spring St., Elgin, 111 Illinois Retail Jewelers' Association, 2015 Milwaiikee Ave., Chicago, 111 Illinois Retail Merchants' Association, 523 Murphy Bldg., East St. Louis, 111 Illinois Safe Deposit Association, 209 South La Salle St., Chicago, 111 Illinois Society of Engineers, 217 Gary Ave., Wheaton, 111 Illinois State Automobile Association, 2300 Michigan Boulevard, Chicago, 111 Illinois State Electric Association, 305 Illinois Mine Workers' Bldg., Springfield, 111 . Illinois State Florist Association, 1005 North Ninth Ave., Maywood, 111 Illinois State's Attorneys' Association, Peoria, 111 Illinois Tamworth Breeders' Association, Marine Trust Bldg., Carthage, 111 Illinois Telephone Association, 309J South Sixth St., Springfield, 111 Illinois Tire Dealers' Association, 3605 South Washtenaw Ave., Chicago, 111 lUinois Valley Manufacturers' Club, 603 Eighth St., La Salle, 111 Illinois Wholesale Grocers' Association, Peoria, 111 La Salle County Lumberman's Club, La Salle, lU Laundry owners' Association of Illinois, 118 East First, Geneseo, 111 Live Poultry and Dairy Shippers' Traffic Association, Chicago, 111 Logan- Lee Highway, 909J Broadway, Mount Vernon, 111 McDonough County Retail Druggists' Association, McComb, lU McLean County Auto Club. 408 West Locust St., Bloomington, 111 Manufacturers and Dealers' Association, 36 West Randolph St., Chicago, 111 Master House Painters and Decorators' Association of Illinois, 127 North Jefferson, Peoria, lU. Mississippi Motor Club, 537 39th St., Rock Island, 111 North Shore Motor Club, 5600 Sheridan Road, Chicago, lU Northern Illinois Lumbermen's Club, Naperville, 111 Northwestern Illinois Retail Lumbermen's Club, 920 South MainSt.,Rockford,Ill. Quad City Builders' Exchange, 229H8th St., Rock Island, lU Retailers' Commercial Union, 3600 South Loomis Place, Chicago, 111 Rock Island County Home Bureau, Milan, 111 Rock Island County Retail Druggists' Association, Rock Island, 111 Schuyler County Auto Association, Route 2, Rushville, 111 414 14 350 16 400 25 20 40 100 100,000 75 100 ,861 35 36,000 125 85 400 450 42 62 83 500 300 22 522 2,200 1.047 1,600 1,500 300 1,600 300 3,750 70 260 35,000 70 102 25 200 48 72 30 180 300 55 11 300 1,900 250 650 3,340 40 80 100 900 800 30 45 Jime. December. January. Do. September. February. Do. January. May. June. January. April. January. December. May. Jp.nuary. October. Do. March. January. Do. March. October. March. May. December. February. December. January. Do. June. October. February. May. Do. Do. January. Do. March. Do. December. Do. October. Do. February. March. October. January. March. August. March. May. February. March. July. October. January. 1 COMMEECIAL. OKGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. STATE AND TERRITORIAL— Continued. 73 Name. Num- ber of mem- bers. Date of annual meeting. ILLINOIS— continued . Southern lUrnois Editorial Association, Flora, lU Southern Illinois Millers' Association, 224 North Washington St., Sparta, lU , Southern Illinois Retail Lumber Dealers' Association, Carmi, 111 Stephenson County Cooperative Marketing Co.^ Lena, 111 Stephenson County Holstein Friesian Association, Route 4, Freeport, 111 Stephenson County Poultry Association, 10 West Exchange St., Freeport, 111 Stephenson County Pure Bred Swine Breeders' Association, 837 Lincoln Boule- vard, Freeport, lU. Structural Engineers' Association of Illinois, 30 North La Salle St., Chicago, 111.. . . Tri County Short Horn Breeders' Association, Dakota, 111 Underwriters' Service Association, McKinlock Bldg. , Chicago, 111 Vehicle Manufacturers' Association of Illinois, 117 North Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. Vermilion County Automobile Club, Plaza Hotel, Danville, 111 Wholesale Sash and Door Association, 1211 Steger Bldg., Chicago, 111 Decatur Comity Farmers' Association, Greensburg, Ind Hoosier Motor Club, Claypool Hotel, Indianapolis, Ind Hoosier State Automobile Association, Claypool Hotel, IndianapoUs, Ind Indiana Association of Dyers andCleaners, Madison and Ray Sts., Indianapolis, Ind. Indiana Association of Insurance Agents, EvansviUe, Ind Indiana Automotive Trade Association, 729 People's Bank Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. Indiana Bakers' Association, 2236 East Michigan St., Indianapolis, Ind Indiana Bankers' Association, Indiana National Bank, Indianapolis, Ind , Indiana Bituminous Coal Operators' Association, Opera House Block, Terre Haute, Ind. Indiana Builders' Supply Association, Box 436, South Bend, Ind , Indiana Canners' Association, Windfall, Ind Indiana Cattle Feeders' Association, Purdue Experiment Station, Lafayette, Ind Indiana Coal Trade Bureau, 609 Terre Haute Trust Bldg., Terre Haute, Ind Indiana Commercial Secretaries' Association, Elkhart, Ind Indiana Confectioners' Club, Indianapolis, Ind Indiana Corn Growers' Association, Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind Indiana Crushed Stone Association, 3609 Salem St., Indianapolis, Ind Indiana Dairy Marketing Association, 147 East Market St., Indianapolis, Ind Indiana Draft Horse Breeders' Association, Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind Indiana Drain Tile Manufacturers' Association, 211 Hudson St., Indianapolis, Ind. Indiana Egg and Poultrv Association, 1140 Reid St., Indianapolis, Ind Indiana Electric Light Association, Lafayette, Ind Indiana Engineering Society, 1503 Merchants' Bank Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind Indiana FruitGrowers'Association,R.R."C", Box 416-E, Indianapolis, Ind Indiana Grain Dealers' Association, 600 Board of Trade, Indianapolis, Ind Indiana Hardwood Lumbermen's Association, 3760 East St. Clair St., Indianapolis, Ind. Indiana Horticultural Society^ Purdue Experiment Station, Lafayette, Ind , Indiana Hotel Keepers' Association, Grand Hotel, Indianapolis, Ind , Indiana Ice Dealers' Association, 305 Merchants' Bank Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind.. Indiana Implement Dealers' Association, Milford, Ind , Indiana Independent Petroleum Marketers 'Association, 309 North Meridian St., Indianapolis, Ind. Indiana Laundryowners' Association, 49 North East St., Indianapolis, Ind Indiana Limestone Quarrymen's Association, Bedford, Ind Indiana Livestock Breeders' Association, Purdue Experiment Station, Lafayette, Ind. Indiana Manufacturers' Association, 1053 Lemcke Annex, Indianapolis, Ind Indiana Manufacturers of Dairy Products, 308 Chamber of Commerce, Indianapolis, Ind. Indiana MiUers' Association, 600 Board of Trade, Indianapolis, Ind Indiana Pharmaceutical Association, 1911 West Washington St., Indianapolis, Ind. Indiana Retail Clothiers and Furnishers' Association, 20 South Capital Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Indiana Retail Coal Merchants' Association, 706 Fidelity Trust Bldg., Indian- apoUs, Ind. Indiana RetailDry Goods Association, Richmond, Ind , Indiana RetailHardware Association, Argos, Ind Indiana Retai 1 Jewelers' Association, Marion, Ind Indiana Retai ] Shoe Association , Inmanapolis, Ind Indiana Sand and Gravel Producers' Association, 603 Occidental Bldg., Indian- apolis, Ind. Indiana Sheep Breeders and Feeders' Association, Lafayette, Ind , Indiana Society of Sanitary Engineers, 1026 West Franklin St., EvansviUe, Ind.., Indiana State Association of Electragists, 507 I. O. O. F. Bldg., IndianapoUs, Ind. . Indiana State Association of Master House Painters and Decorators, 3016 Central Ave., IndianapoUs, Ind. Indiana State Chamoer of Commerce, 134 East Market St., IndianapoUs, Ind 87 50 120 800 35 150 54 367 29 15 100 750 60 500 3,500 4,500 85 300 300 171 1,100 95 450 120 150 36 50 22 1.400 20 45 271 100 200 150 300 175 500 70 75 200 25 50 17 700 700 135 710 200 500 264 1,000 250 152 31 700 June. January. March. Do. January. March. April. September. March. November. January. Do. August. January. Do. December. January. March. January. May. November. January. June. January. Do. Do. February. January. June. March. September. January. Do. Do. December. Do. February. December. September. April. February. January. July. June. February. June. January. June. March. January Do. March. December. June. 74 COMMERCIAL. ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. STATE AND TERRITORIAL— Continued. Name. Num- ber of mem- bers. INDIANA— continued . Indiana State Dairy Association, Purdue University. Lafayette^ Ind Indiana State Medical Association, 221 South Sixth St., Terre Haute, Ind Indiana State Poultry Association, Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind Indiana Swine Breeders' Association, Orleans, Ind Indiana Wholesale Grocers' Association, 208 State Saving and Trust Bldg., Indian- apolis, Ind. Lake County Agricultural Societv, Crown Point, Ind Marshall County Farm Bureau, lloute4, Argos, Ind National Dunes Park Association . 569 Tyler St. j Gary, Ind Purchasing Agents' Association or Indiana^ Indianapolis, Ind Retail Lumber Dealers' Association of Indiana, Crown Point, Ind St. Joseph Valley Tj-pothetae, 708 J. M. S. Bldg., South Bend, Ind Southern Indiana Coal Bureau, 511 Old State Bank Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind Sullivan County Automotive Association . SulUvan, Ind Sullivan Coimty Druggists' Association , Shelhurn, Ind Wells County Bankers* Association, Liberty Center, Ind White County Fish and Game Protective Association, 309 South Main, Monticello, Ind. IOWA. Association of Ice Cream Manufacturers of Iowa, 704 Iowa National Bank Bldg., Des Moines, Iowa. Buchanan Coimty Farmers' Mutual Insurance Association, Independence, Iowa. . Buchanan County Guernsey Breeders' Association, Rowley, Iowa Central and Northeastern Iowa Retail Lumbermen's Association, 322 West Fifth St., Waterloo, Iowa. Com Bolt Moat Producers' Association, Eleventh and Walnut Sts., Des Moines, Iowa. Eastern Iowa Retail Lumbermen's Association, Wyoming, Iowa Farm Warehouse Co. (Inc.), Maquoketa, Iowa Hancock County Agricultural Association, Britt, Iowa Henry County Community Club, Mount Pleasant, Iowa Iowa Asscxjiation of tlie Baking Industry, 207i North Third St., Burlington, Iowa. . . Iowa Association of Municipal Contractors, Fort Dodge, Iowa Iowa Automotive Merchants' As.sociation, Shops Bldg., Des Moines, Iowa Iowa Bankers' Association, 600 Observatory Bldg., Des Moines, Iowa Iowa Buttermakers' Ass{x;iat ion. Gamer, Iowa Iowa Cement Stave Silo Association, Oskaloosa, Iowa , Iowa Clay Products Manufacturers' Association, 406 Hubbell Bldg., Des Momes, Iowa. Iowa Coal Dealers' Association, Marshalltown, Iowa Iowa Coal Operators' Association, 1233 West 22d St., Des Moines, Iowa , Iowa Creamery Butter Manufacturers' Association, 704 Iowa National Bank Bldg., Des Moines, Iowa. Iowa Electric Railway Association, 510 Crocker Bldg., Des Moines, Iowa Iowa Engineering Society, 406 Flynn Bldg., Des Momes, Iowa Iowa Fleece Wool Growers' Association, Bloomfield, Iowa Iowa Hotel Association, Hotel Saverz, Des Moines, Iowa Iowa Ice Dealers' Association, Waterloo, Iowa Iowa Implement Dealers' Association, 664 38th St., Des Moines, Iowa Iowa Independent Telephone Association, 409 UnitedBankBldg., Des Moines, Iowa. Iowa Manufacturers' Association, 611 Crocker Bldg. , Des Moines, Iowa Iowa Manufacturers of Carbonated Beverages, Denison, Iowa Iowa Pharmaceutical Association, Algona, Iowa Iowa RetailClothiers' Association, 418 First National Bank Bldg., Waterloo, Iowa. Iowa Retail Furniture Dealers' Association, Mason City, Iowa Iowa Retail Hardware Association, Mason City, Iowa Iowa RetailJewelers* Association (Inc.), Perry, Iowa Iowa Retail Shoe Dealers' Association, Griswold, Iowa Iowa Sand and Gravel Producers' Association, 7 Commercial Securities Bldg., Des Moines, Iowa. Iowa Seed Dealers' Association, Washington, Iowa Iowa Sheet Metal Contractors' Association , Mason City, Iowa Iowa State Association of Optometrists, Lenox, Iowa Iowa State Chamber of Conamerce, 2009 Pleasant St., Des Moines, Iowa Iowa State Cleaners and Dyers' Association, 614 Story St., Boone, Iowa Iowa State Retail Merchants' Association, 616 Bank and Insurance Bldg., Du- buque, Iowa. Iowa State Traveling Men's Association, 807 Fleming Bldg., Des Moines, Iowa — Iowa Street and Highway Service Bureau, 411 Securities Bldg., Des Moines, Iowa. Jefferson County Community Club, Fairfield, Iowa Johnson County Bar Association, Iowa City, Iowa Linn Coimty Motor Trades Bureau, 724 Third Ave. East, Cedar Rapids, Iowa — Mahaska County Chamber of Commerce, Oskaloosa, Iowa Master Builders' Association of the State of Iowa, 211 Masonic Templt Iowa. North Iowa Fair, 121 East State St., Mason City, Iowa 500 300 200 38 500 125 400 38 18 18 14 12 52 100 1,800 10 200 200 159 64 10 900 1,915 175 32 le, Des Moines, 500 80 25 550 12,000 125 75 456 250 700 87 4,380 300 585 1,100 100 175 20 36 80 168 560 72 1,200 66,000 14 100 30 30 500 175 COMMERCIAL. OBGANIZATIOITS OF THE UNITED STATES. STATE AND TERRITORIAL— Continued. 75 Name. Num- ber of mem- bers. Date of amiual meeting. IOWA — continued . Northwest Iowa Lumbermen's Association, Fort Dodge, Iowa Palo Alto County Credit Association, Emmetsburg, Iowa Permanent Buildings Society, 406 HubbeU Bldg., Des Moines, Iowa Polk County Farm Improvement Association, Adelplii, Iowa River to River Road Association, GrinneU, Iowa Scott County Medical Society, 710 Kabe Bldg., Davenport, Iowa Southeastern Iowa Retail Lumbermen's Association, Leighton, Iowa Southern Iowa Breeders' Association, Box 46, Oskaloosa, Iowa Southern Iowa Fair and Exposition, Oskaloosa, Iowa Southwestern Iowa Retail Lumbermen's Association, 702 North 16th St., Clarinda, Iowa, KANSAS. Anderson County Credit Association, Garnett, Kans Associated Industries of Kansas, 414-15 Mulvane Bldg., Topeka, Kans Automobile Trade Association of Kansas, care of National Hotel, Topeka, Kans. Bankers' Advertising Service, Herington, Kans Barton County Business Men's Association, 1215 Stone St., Great Bend, Kans — Barton County Fair Association, McBride Bldg., Great Bend, Kans Bourbon County Retailers' Association, 6 Harbison Bldg., Fort Scott, Kans Business Men's Credit Association of Stafford County, St. John, Kans. Butler County Credit Men's Association, 125 North Summit St., El Dorado, Kans Central Kansas Retailers' Association, 522§ Main St., Newton, Kans Chamber of Commerce of Jackson County, Holton, Kans Civic League of Wichita County, Leoti, Kans Crawford County Retailers' Association^ 116 J West Fourth St., Pittsburg, Kans.. Edwards County Credit Association, Kinsley, Kans Farmers' Cooperative Association, Hays, Kans Farmers' Cooperative Grain Dealers' Association, 724 R-W Bldg., Hutchinson, Kans. Farmers' Educational and Cooperative Union, South Eighth St., Salina, Kans... Finney County Poultry Association, Motor route A, Garden City, Kans Finney Coimty Sliipping Association, Garden City, Kans , Ford County Livestock Improvement Association, Dodge City, Kans Ford County Merchants' Credit Association, 1001 First Ave., Dodge City, Kans. .. Franklin County Retailers' Association, 223 South Main St., Ottawa, Kans Greenwood County Retail Merchants' Association, 422 East Third St., Eureka, Kans. Greenwood County Retailers' Association, Eureka, Kans , Gypsum Valley Chamber of Commerce, Gypsum, Kans , Harper County Credit Association, Anthony, Kans Harvey County Automobile Association, 709 Main St., Newton, Kans , Harvey County Motor Trade Association, 709 Main St., Newton, Kans Hodgeman County Industrial Club, Jetmore, Kans Holstein Friesian Association of Kansas, Herington, Kans Jackson County Creditors' Protective Association, Holton, Kans Jackson County Grange Cooperative Association, 610 New York Ave., Holton, Kans . . Kansas Automobile Owners' Association, care of Chamber of Commerce, Topeka, Kans. Kansas Bankers' Association, Mulvane Bldg., Topeka, Kans , Kansas Board of Pharmacy, Stark, Kans Kansas Book Dealers' Association, Wichita, Kans Kansas Bottlers' Association, care of Coca Cola Bottling Co., Wichita, Kans Kansas Egg Shippers' Association, Newton, Kans Kansas Farmers' Union Cooperative Auditing Association, 119 South Seventh St., Sahna, Kans Kansas Grain Dealers' Association, 319 New England Bldg., Topeka, Kans. Kansas Master Plumbers' Association, 312 Sedgwick Block, Wichita, Kans. . Kansas Oil Men's Association^ Manhattan, Kans Kansas Pharmaceutical Association, 918 Kansas Ave., Topeka, Kans Kansas PubUc Service Association, 14 West Sixth St., Emporia, Kans Kansas Retail Clothiers' Association, 701 Kansas Ave., Topeka, Kans Kansas Retailers' Association, 110 East EngUsh St., Wichita, Kans Kansas State Bankers' Association, 822 Kansas Ave., Topeka, Kans Kansas State Bee Keepers' Association, State House, Topeka, Kans Kansas State Bottlers' Association, 215 South Washington St., Wichita, Kans Kansas State Dental Association, Clajr Center, Kans Kansas State Retail Merchants' Association, Box 85, Leavenworth, Kans Kansas Wheat Growers' Association, 1619 North Emporia St., Wichita, Kans League of Kansas MunicipaUties^ Lawrence, Kans Lyon County Retailers' Association, 118 Mechanic St., Emporia, Kans McPherson County Business and Professional Men's Association, McPherson, Kans. Memorial Craftsmen of Kansas, 225 Sherman Ave., Leavenworth, Kans Northern Kansas Poultry Association, Marysville, Kans Northern Lyons Coimty Commercial Club, Allen, Kans Osage County Credit Association, Lyndon, Kans Osborne County Farmers' Union Cooperative Association, Downs, Kans Pawnee County Cooperative Association, Lamed, Kans Pawnee County Polled Hereford Association, Lamed, Kans 150 50 26 800 300 60 175 50 856 140 90 600 200 170 200 70 30 200 175 233 35 210 75 325 250 ,000 20 153 39 100 115 49 98 33 140 11 14 75 100 100 225 1,523 215 90 32 160 550 220 150 750 50 105 2,500 826 100 95 650 2,000 3,000 206 115 50 50 100 35 70 892 325 , 22 February. June. July. January May. February. December. November. January. May. January. November. October. September. January. Do. February. September. October. Do. February. Do. January. December. ' January. May. Do. January. March. January. Do. March. February. January, February. May. February. Do. January. Do. March. January. May. January. February. April. January. April. May. October. January. Febraary. January. October. January. Do. 76 COMMERCIAL OEGAinZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. STATE AND TERRITORIAL— Continued. Name. Num- ber of bers. KANSAS — continued. Reno County Credit Men's Association, 509 First National Bank Bldg., Hutchinson, Kans. Rice County Merchants' Association, Lyons, Kans SaUne County Medical Society, Nesraith Bldg., SaUna, Kans Southwest Kansas Cattlemen's Association, Federal Bldg., Garden City, Kans Washington County Bankers' Association, Washington, Kans White Way Auto Trail, Greenleaf , Kans Winchester Club of Kansas, 1202 Kansas Ave., Atchison, Kans Bowling Green and Warren Coimtv Chamber of Commerce, Bowling Green, Ky Campbell County Retail Grocers' Association, 37 East Tenth St., Newport, Ky Central Kentucky Millers' Association, 412 Fayette Bank Bldg., Lexington, Ky — Chamber of Commerce of Lancaster and Garrard County, Lancaster, Ky Harlan County Coal Operators' Association, Harlan, Ky Harlan County Good Roads Association, Harlan, Ky Hazard Coal Operators' Exchange, 612 Fayette National Bank Bldg., Lexington, Ky. Henderson County Fruit Growers' Association^ Henderson, Ky Henderson Coimty Strawberry Association, Nicholson Bldg., Henderson, Ky Hopkins Coimty Credit Bureau, East Arch St., Madison ville, Ky Kentucky Association of Highway Contractors, 523 Court Place, Louisville, Ky... Kentucky Association of Pul)lic Utilities, Louisville, Ky Kentucky Association of Sand and Gravel Producers, 329 River Road, Louisville, Ky. Kentucky Bankers' Association, Fifth at Market St., Louisville, Ky Kentucky Hardware and Implement Association (Inc.), 202 Republic Bldg., Louis- ville, Ky. Kentucky Ice Manufacturers' Association, Danville, Ky Kentucky Manufacturers' Association, 76 Kcnyon Bldg., Louisville, Ky Kentucky Master Bakers' Association, 1455 South Preston St., Louisville, Ky Kentucky Oil Men's Association, McClelland Bldg., Lexington, Ky Kentucky Pharmaceutical Association, Frankfort, Ky Kentucky Press Association, Danville, Ky Kentucky Retail Clothiers' Association, Lexington, Ky Kentucky Retail Lumber Dealers' Association. 642 South 40th St., Louisville, Ky. Kentucky Society of Florists, 624 South Fourth St., Louisville, Ky Kentucky State Bottlers' Association, 716 Logan St., Louisville, Ky Kentucky State Horticultural Society, Henderson, Ky Laimdryowncrs' Association of Kentucky, 723 West Chestnut St., Louisville, Ky. Northeast Kentucky Coal Association, l5ox 569, Ashland, Ky Pike County Chamber of Commerce, Pikeville, Ky Retailers' Association of Kentucky, 702 Inter-Southem Bldg., Louisville, Ky Shelby County A. & M. Association, Shclbyville, Ky. Simpson County Strawberry Growers' Association, Franklin, Ky Trigg County Development Association, Cadiz, Ky West Kentucky Coal Bureau, 613 Starks Bldg., LouisviUe, Ky... LOUISIANA. Alexandria Lumbermen's Exchange, Alexandria, La Louisiana Bottlers' Association, Monroe, La Louisiana Cotton Seed Crushers' Association, 604 Liverpool, London, and Globe Bldg., New Orleans, La. Louisiana Engineering Society. Tulane University, New Orleans, La Louisiana Ice Manufacturers' Association, Bunkie, La Louisiana League of Homestead and Building and Loan Associations, Title Guaran- tee Bldg., New Orleans, La. Louisiana Manufacturers' Association, 1407 Whitney Bldg., New Orleans, La Louisiana Real Estate Board, Alexandria, La l/ouisiana Retail Hardware and Implement Association, Bunkie, La Louisiana Sugar Planters' Association, 407 Carondelet St., New Orleans, La Louisiana Sugar and Rice Exchange, 301 North Front St., New Orleans, La Louisiana Wholesale Grocers' Association, care of Foster & Glassell, Shreveport, La. Motor League of Louisiana, 635 Common St., New Orleans, La Associated Industries of Maine, 178 Middle St., Portland, Me Maine Association of Engineers, 487 Union St., Bangor, Me Maine Automobile Association, Longfellow Square, Portland, Me. . Maine Canners' Association, Frederick St. , Portland, Me Maine Federation of Retail Merchants' Association, Winthrop, Me. Maine Pharmaceutical Association, Danforth, Me Maine Press Association, Skowhegan, Me Maine Retail Jewelers' Association, 515 Congress St., Portland, Me. 200 38 170 43 110 75 35 20 42 50 36 602 500 55 320 50 300 600 120 100 100 79 38 97 45 66 650 258 150 90 39 40 40 36 333 72 55 95 5 200 450 212 21 1,300 100 200 3,000 30 500 512 95 73 COMMERCIAL. ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. STATE AND TERRITORIAL— Continued. 77 MAINE— continued. Maine Retail Shoe Merchants' Association, 381 Congress St., Portland, Me Maine Typothetae, 92 Exchange St., Portland, Me Memorial Craftsmen of Maine, 110 Biidge St., Gardiner, Me State Chamber of Commerce and Agricultural League, City Hall, Portland, Me. MARYLAND. Automobile Club of Maryland, Moimt Royal Ave. and Cathedral St., Baltimore, Md. Exhibitors' League of Maryland, 433 North Luzerne Ave., Baltimore, Md Manufacturers' Association of Washington County, Box 105, Hagerstown, Md Maryland Association of Optometrists, 800 Lexington Bldg., Baltimore, Md Maryland Banters' Association, care of Merchants' Bank, Baltimore, Md Maryland Bottlers' Protective Association, 602 South Chester St^ Baltimore, Md.. Maryland Hotel Men's Association, Stafford Hotel, Baltimore, Md Maryland Pharmaceutical Association, Lombard and Greene Sts., Baltimore, Md. Maryland State Dairymen's Association, 812 Fidehty Bldg., Baltimore, Md Maryland State Funeral Directors' Association, Lafayette Ave. and Washington St., Baltimore, Md. MASSACHUSETTS. Aero Club of Massachusetts, 683 Atlantic Ave., Boston, Mass Allied Theatres of Massachusetts (Inc.), 604 Barristers'^ Hall, Boston, Mass Associated Industries of Massachusetts, 1034 Kimball Bldg., Boston, Mass Automobile Chib of Berkshire County, 211 North St., Pittsfleld, Mass Bay State Automobile Association, 698 Beacon St., Boston, Mass Boston and Suburban Milk Dealers' Association, 375 Broadway, Boston, Mass Cape Cod Cranberry Growers' Association, Wareham, Mass Consumers' League of Massachusetts, 3 Joy St., Boston, Mass Credit Service Exchange, 23 Beach St^^ Boston, Mass Credit Union League, 5 Park Square, Boston, Mass Eastern Soda Water Bottlers' Association, 39 Portland St., Boston, Mass Employers' Association of Berkshire County, 73 North St.. Pittsfleld, Mass Employers' Association of Central Massachusetts, 44 Front St., Worcester, Mass.. . Employers' Association of Eastern Massachusetts, 186 Purchase St., Boston, Mass. Employers' Association of Hampden County, 10 Chestnut St., Springfield, Mass. . . Engineering Society of Western Massachusetts, 387 Main St., Springfield, Mass Essex County Associated Boards of Trade, 126 Washington St^ Salem, Mass Home Furnishers Association of Massachusetts. 6 Beacon St., Boston, Mass Horn & Celluloid Manufacturing Co., Leominster, Mass Insurance P'ederation of Massachusetts, 79 Milk St., Boston, Mass Insurance Society of Massachusetts, 119 Water St., Boston, Mass Massachusetts Association for Occupational Therapy, 33 Marlborough St., Bos- ton, Mass. Massachusetts Association of Women Lawyers, 100 Summer St., Boston, Mass Massachusetts Automobile Club, 120 Exchange Bldg., Boston, Mass Massachusetts Banters' Association, First National Bank, Boston, Mass Massachusetts Bar Association, 60 State St., Boston, Mass Massachusetts Carpenters' Credit Union, 61 Court St., Boston, Mass Massachusetts Civic Alliance, 60 Bromfield St.. Boston (9), Mass Massachusetts Cooperative Bank League, Excnange Bldg., Boston, Mass Massachusetts Dairymen's Association, 136 State House, Boston, Mass Massachusetts Dental Society, 175 Newbury St., Boston, Mass Massachusetts Eclectic Medical Society, 1069 Boylston St., Boston, Mass Massachusetts Fish and Game Protective Association, 945 Tremont Bldg., Boston, Mass. Ma.ssachusetts Forestry Association, 4 Joy St., Boston, Mass Massachusetts Fruit Growers' Association. Amherst, Mass Massachusetts Highway Association, 11 Lincoln St^ Natick, Mass Massachusetts Homeopathic Medical Society, 416 Marlborough St., Boston, Mass. . Massachusetts Hotel Association, Samoset House, Plymouth. Mass Massachusetts Ice Dealers' Association, 201 Devonshire St., Boston, Mass Massachusetts Industrial Protective Association, 40 Court St., Boston, Mass Massachusetts Leather Manufacturers' Association, 161 Summer St., Boston, Mass. Massachusetts Nurserymen's Association, Cherry Hill, West Newbury, Mass Massachusetts PoUce Association, 9 Fern St ., Worcester, Mass Massachusetts Prison Association, 20 Pemberton Square, Boston, Mass Massachusetts Real Estate Exchange, 20 Pemberton Square, Boston, Mass Massachusetts RetaU Grocers and Provision Dealers' Association, 46 Clinton St., Boston, Mass. Massachusetts Retail Jewelers' Association, 258 Cabot St., Beverly, Mass Massachusetts Retail Lumber Dealers' Association, 11 Garden St., Worcester, Mass. Massachusetts Retail Merchants' Association, 6 Beacon St., Boston, Mass Massachusetts Retail Shoe Merchants' Association, 80 Boylston St., Boston, Mass.. Massachusetts Safety Council, 6 Beacon St., Boston, Mass 5,500 267 25 9 360 ,300 54 300 1,550 3,000 350 90 350 1,040 500 25,000 400 72 250 380 11 160 40 10,000 414 350 100 565 335 900 485 250 168 125 1,275 150 500 3,000 700 350 392 100 779 2,500 40 29 3,138 130 700 500 236 100 250 257 85 March. January. November. November. February. June. May. Jime. Do. August. September. October. Do. June. November. October. August. March. January. December. January. June. December. January. May. April. February. January. Do. June. November. May. January. June. October. November. January. September. January. May. June. January. December. February. Do. April. May. April. December. January. October. January. March. May. March. February. January. April. May. 41162°— 23- 78 COMMERCIAL OKGANIZATEOFS OF THE UNITED STATES. STATE AND TERRITORIAL— Continued. Name. MASSACHUSETTS— continued. Massachusetts Society of Certified Public Accountants (Inc.), 79 Milk St., Boston, Mass. Massachusetts Society for Tromoting Agriculture, 55 Congress St., Boston, Mass.. Massachusetts State Association of Master Plumbers (Inc.), 33 Harvard St., Brook- line, Mass. Massachusetts State Chamber of Commerce, 6 Beacon St., Boston, Mass Massachusetts State Pharmaceutical Association, Worcester, Mass Massachusetts Warehousemen's Association, 73 Tremont St., Boston, Mass Massachusetts Wholesale Lumber Association (Inc.), Box 2626, Boston, Mass Northeastern Massachusetts Typothctae, 580 Washington St., Lynn, Mass Oquossoc Angling Association, 50 State St., Boston, Mass Purchasing Agents' Association of Western Massachusetts, Springfield, Mass State Service Association, Room 360 State House. Boston, Mass Worcester County Extension Bureau, 11 Foster St.. Worcester, Mass Worcester County Farmers' Exchange (Inc.), Sterbng Junction, Mass MICHIGAN. Aero Club of Michigan , 2250 East Grand Boulevard , Detroit, Mich Annual Michigan Conference on Highway Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. Calhoun County Medical Society, Battle Creek, Mich Carbonated Beverage Manufacturers' Association of Michigan, 314 South Main St., Plainwoll, Mich. Central Michigan Bean Jobbers' A.ssociation, St. Louis, Mich Chippewa Coimty Automobile Club, 415 Ashmun St., Sault Ste. Mario, Mich Clinton County Agricultural Society, St. Johns, Mich Copper Country Credit Bureau, Houghton, Mich Insurance Fcderat ion of Michigan, 408 West Fort St., Detroit, Mich Livingston Cooperati vo Association, IIowoll, Mich Livingston County Holstcin Association, Howell, Mich Luce Comity Commercial Club, Newberry, Mich Michigan AUied Dairy Association, Lapeer, Mich , Michigan Association of the Baking Industry, 2320 Outlook St., Kalamazoo, Mich Michigan Association of Creamery Owners and Managers, Lapeer, Mich Michigan Association of Fairs, North ville, Mich , Michigan Association of Ire Cream Maim fact urcrs, Caro, Mich Michigan Association of Superintendents and School Board Members, 121 Elm- hurst Ave., Highland Park, Mich. Michigan Association of Travelling Lumber and Sash and Door Salesmen, 1110 Ford Bldg., Detroit, Mich. Michigan Automotive Trade Association, Hotel Addison, Detroit, Mich Michigan Baby Chick Association, 121 East Lincoln St., Zeeland, Mich Michigan Beekeepers' A.ssociation. 237 Kedzie St., East Lansing, Mich Michigan Camiers' Association, McMiillen Bldg., Grand Rapids, Mich Michigan Case Goods Association (Furniture), care of Baker & Co., Allegan, Mich. Michigan Commercial Secretaries' Association, Chamber of Commerce, FUnt, Mich Michigan Electric Light Association, care of Detroit Edison Co., Ann Arbor, Mich. Michigan Engineering Socio! v, 6017 Grand River Ave., Detroit, Mich Michigan Fruit Growers (Inc. ), South Haven^ Mich Michigan Hardwood Manufactmers' Association, Cadillac, Mich Michigan Hay and Grain Exchange, 318 Bingham St., Lansing, Mich Michigan Honey Producers' Exchange, 5495 Grand River Ave., Detroit, Mich... Michigan Hospital Association, care of Accounting Department, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. Michigan Ice Industries Association, 2457 Grand River Ave., Detroit, Mich Michigan Implement Dealers' Association, 108 Lincoln Ave., Mount Clemens, Mich. Michigan Inspection Bureau, 1200 Real Estate Exchange, Detroit, Mich Michigan Laundryowners' Association, Hotel Cadillac, Detroit, Mich Michigan Library Association, State Library ^ Lansing, Mich Michigan Loggers' Association, GrayUng, Mich Michigan Manufacturers' Association, 1303 Real Estate Exchange Bldg., Detroit, Mich. Michigan Milk Producers, 14 J North Division St., Howellj Mich Michigan Pikes Association, 1220 Book Bldg., Detroit, Mich Michigan Poster Advertising Association, 88 Custer Ave., Detroit, Mich Michigan Potato Growers' Exchange, East Jordan, Mich Michigan Potato Shippers' Association, Greenville, Mich Michigan Real Estate Association, 507 Union Trust Bldg., Detroit, Mich Michigan Retail Clothiers' Association, Jackson, Mich Michigan Retail Dry Goods Association, 328 Capital National Bank Bldg., Lansing, Mich. Michigan Retail Hardware Association, Marine City, Mich Michigan Retail Jewelers' Association, 124 North Burdick, Kalamazoo, Mich Michigan Retail Lumber Dealers' Association, 511 Wilson Bldg., Lansing, Mich. Michigan Retail Monument Dealers' Association, 321 Bay, Traverse City, Mich. Num- ber of mem- bers. 137 12 467 1,600 23 40 44 34 76 200 850 273 600 100 120 147 200 45 325 100 95 2,000 180 71 70 30 300 277 319 58 825 45 25 47 82 41 143 200 50 50 535 65 300 19 1,300 8,000 150 276 16,000 34 1,000 125 400 1,600 195 350 74 COMMBECIAL. ORGANIZATION'S OF THE UNITED STATES. STATE AND TERRITORIAL— Continued. 79 Name, Num- ber of mem- bers. Date of annual meeting. MICHIGAN — continued . Michigan Sand and Gravel Producers' Association, Burdick Hotel, Kalamazoo, Mich. Michigan Sheet Metal and Roofing Contractors' Association, 1121 Franklin, Grand Rapids, Mich. Michigan State Association of Cleaners and Dyers, Lansing, Mich , Michigan State Association of Electrical Contractors and Dealers, 613 Lincoln Bldg., Detroit, Mich. Michigan State Association of Plumbing and Heating Dealers, 12 Oakes St. SW., Grand Rapids, Mich. Michigan State Good Roads Association, Hastings, Mich , Michigan State Hotel Association, Normandie Hotel, Detroit, Mich Michigan State Pharmaceutical Association, Ottawa Ave. and Mason St., Grand Rapids, Mich. Michigan Tourist and Resort Association, Morris Plan Bank Bldg., Grand Rapids, Mich, Michigan Wholesale Grocers' Association, 203 Davidson Bldg., Bay City, Mich Motion Picture Theatre Owners of Michigan (Inc.), 5335 Russell St^ Detroit, Mich. Northeastern Michigan Association of Credit Men, 816 Adams St., Bay City, Mich Northeastern Michigan Development Bureau, Bay City, Mich OsceolaCounty Board of Commerce, Reed City, Mich ." Ottawa County Chick Hatchers' Association, Holland, Mich Purchasing Agents' Association of Western Michigan, care of Kalamazoo Loose Leaf Binder Co., Kalamazoo, Mich. Retail Furniture Club of Michigan, Board of Commerce Bldg., Detroit, Mich Saginaw VaUey Lumber Dealers' Association^ 413 Bearinger Bldg,, Saginaw, Mich. St. Joe Valley Shipping Association, Niles, Mich Schoolcraft County Association of Commerce, Manistique, Mich , Upper Peninsula Development Bureau, Bacon Block, Marquette, Mich , Western Michigan Development Bureau, Morris Plan Bank Bldg., Grand Rapids, Mich, MINNESOTA. Agricultural Society of Steams County, Sauk Center, Minn „ », Aitkin County Commercial Club, Aitkin, Minn , Association of Wholesale Jewelers of Minnesota, 17 South Sixth St., Minneapolis, Minn. Bay Lake Fruit Growers' Association, Derwood, Minn Beltrami County Agricultural Association, 1431 Irvine Ave., Bemidji, Minn Blue Earth County Guernsey Breeders' Association, Box 143, Mankato, Minn Blue Earth County Holstein Breeders' Association, 411 North Front St., Mankato, Minn. Cedarmen's Traffic Association, 702 Lumber Exchange. Minneapolis, Minn Concrete Products Association of Minnesota, 126 Soutn Ninth St., Minneapolis, Minn. Douglas County Automobile Club, Alexandria, Minn Engineers' Club of Northern Minnesota, Virginia, Minn Garage Dealers' Association of Blue Earth County, 320 South Second St., Mankato, Minn. Hubbard County Live Stock Breeders' Association, Park Rapids, Minn Isanti County Auto Club. Cambridge, Minn Kandiyohi County Fair Association, 409 Third St. East, WiUmar, Minn Kandiyohi Coimty Horticultural Society, 409 Third St. East, Willmar, M: Lake County Development Association, Two Harbors, Minn Lake Superior Industrial Bureau, Fidelity Bldg., Duluth. Minn Mankato Fair and Blue Earth County Agricultural Association, 317^ South Front St., Mankato, Minn. Martin County Agricultural Society, Fairmont, Minn Martin County Business Men's Association (Inc.), Fairmont, Minn Minnesota Association of Community Secretaries, 317i South Front St., Mankato, Minn. Minnesota Association of Electragists, 2395 University Ave., St. Paul, Minn Minnesota Bankers' Association, 601 Northwestern Bank Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. Minnesota Beekeepers' Association, St. Paul, Minn Minnesota Canners' Association, Le Sueur, Minn Minnesota Editorial Association, Jordan, Minn Minnesota Employers' Association, 609 Ryan Bldg., St, Paul, Minn Minnesota Federation Arcliitectural and Engineering Societies, 811 Guardian Life Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. Minnesota Fimeral Directors' Association, 249 West Seventh St., St. Paul, Minn.. Minnesota Ginseng Growers' Association, Rockford, Minn Minnesota Implement Dealers' Association, Owatonna, Minn Minnesota Loggers' Association, 704 Lumber Exchange, Minneapolis, Minn Minnesota Petroleum Association, 1928 University Ave., St. Paul, Miim Minnesota Realty Association, 628 McKnight Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn Minnesota Red River VaUey Development Association, Crookston, Minn Minn 13 300 75 65 350 10,000 154 1,097 800 80 86 75 580 60 300 120 48 70 154 35 700 140 600 300 110 75 15 242 400 12 150 200 10 33 30 130 20 50 27 190 70 1,477 250 20 375 650 1,240 198 "977" 38 700 January. February. , Do. March. September. March. Do. Jime. May. October. May. January. May. January. June. March. December. Do. January. May. March. March. October. January. October. January. Do. March. February, March. February. July. March. November. Do. January. June. November. May. February. January. June. December. Do. February. December. February. December. January. September. March. January. February. '80 COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. STATE AND TERRITORIAL— Continued. Name. Num- ber of mem- bers. MINNESOTA — Continued. Minnesota Retail Clothiers' Association, Hutchinson. Minn Minnesota Retail Grocers and General Merchants' Association, 312-13 Columbia Bldg., Duluth, Minn. Minnesota Retail Hardware Association, Minneapolis, Minn Minnesota Retail Jewelers' Association, New Ricnland, Minn Minnesota Select List of County Newspapers, 709 Exchange Bank Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. Minnesota State Automobile Association, La Salle Ave. at 13th St., Minneapolis, Minn. Minnesota State Bottlers' Association, 520 Bradley St., St. Paul, Minn Minnesota State Fire Department Association, Red Wing, Minn Minnesota State Horticultural Society, University Farm, St. Paul, Minn Minnesota State Pharmaceutical Association, University of Minnesota, Minne- apolis, Minn. Minnesota Surveyors and Engineers' Society, 811 Guardian Life Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. Minnesota Telephone Association, 327 Hamra Bldg. , St. Paul, Minn Minnesota Warehousemen's Association, 732 Mo Knight Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn.. . North Central Electric Association, 15 South Fifth St., Minneapolis, Minn Northwestern Stationers' Association, St. Paul, Minn Pennington Coimty Agricultural Society, Thief River Falls, Minn Polk County Improvement A.ssociation, Crookston, Minn Red River Valley Livestock Association, Northwest School of Agriculture, Crooks- ton, Minn. Southern Minnesota Credit Associat ion^ Mankato, Minn Soutliern Minnesota Game, Fish and Bird Prot cction League, Mankato, Minn. Southern Miimesota Mills, 634 Security Bldg. , Minneapolis, Minn Todd County Agricultural Society. Long Prairie, Mitm Todd County Chester White Breeders' Asswiat ion, Eagle Bend, Minn Todd County Creamery As.sr>c;iatif m , Long Prairie, Minn Todd County Diiroc Jersey Hog Association, Clari.ssa, Minn Todd County G ucrnsey Breeders' Association, Long Prairie, Minn Todd County Live Stock Breeders' Association. Clarissa, Minn Todd County Poland China Breeders' Association, Bertha, Minn Todd County Shorthorn Breeders' Association, Route 1, Long Prairie, Mirm Traverse County Agricultural Association, Wheaton, Minn Yellowstone Trail Association (Inc.), 337 Andrus Bldg., Miimeapolis, Minn Attala County Chamber of Commerce. Kosciusko, Miss Columbus and Lowndes County Chamber of Commerce, Columbus, Miss Grenada County Chamlicr of Commerce, Grenada. Miss Madison County Charal)er of Commerce, Canton, Miss Marion County Chamber of Commerce, Columbia , Miss Mississippi Bankers' AssrK;uition, Capital National Bank, Jackson, Miss Mississippi Cotton Seed Crushers' Association . Box 616, Meridian, Miss MississippiCreamery Association, Jackson, Miss Mississippi Development Board, care of Chamber of Commerce, Hattiesburg, Miss. . Mississippi Ice Manufacturers' Association, care of Denton Ice, Coal & Gin Co., Shelby, Miss. Mississippi Manufacturers ' Association , Corinth , Miss Mississippi Merchants' Association, Jackson. Miss Mississippi Retail Hardware and Implement Association, Starkville, Miss Mississippi State Pharmaceutical Association, Box 18, Jackson, Miss Mississippi Textile Manufacturers' Association, Tupelo, Miss Newton County Chamber of Commerce, Newton, Miss Associated Industries of Missouri, 1010 Commerce Bldg., Kansas City, Mo.^. Atchison County Athletic Association , Rockpor t. Mo Automobile Club of Missouri, 3230 Locust St., St. Louis, Mo Cape Girardeau County Poultry Association. Cape Girardeau, Mo Farmers' Grain Dealers' Association, Columbus, Mo Federated Highway Association of North Missouri, Chillicothe, Mo Insurance Federation of Missouri, St. Louis, Mo Missouri Association of PubUc Utilities, 315 North 12th St., St. Louis, Mo. . Missouri Bottlers' Association, 1808 Biddle St., St. Louis, Mo Missouri Commercial Secretaries' Association, Springfield, Mo Missouri Creamerymen's Improvement Association, Springfield, Mo Missouri Grain Dealers' Association, Mexico, Mo Missouri Laundryowners' Association, 301 Statler Hotel, St. Louis, Mo Missouri Millers' Association, 940 Landers Bldg., Springfield, Mo Missouri Pharmaceutical Association, 714 Wyandotte St., Kansas City, Mo. * Address of president. 2,200 250 300 44 200 9 13S 10 30 35 17 158 200 400 125 90 100 350 90 200 40 700 184 532 18 85 360 108 23,000 67 36 20 200 179 32 60 30 300 111 35 800 COMMERCIAL. ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. STATE AND TERRITORIAL— Continued. 81 Name. Num- ber of mem- bers. Date of annual meeting. MISSOURI— continued . Missouri Real Estate Dealers' Association , 106 South St., Springfield, Mo Missouri Retail Hardware Association, 5106-8 Nortli Broadway, St. Louis, Mo.... Missouri Society of Retail Jewelers, Humansville, Mo Missouri Soda Water Manufacturers' Association, 1813 Olive St., St. Louis, Mo. . . Missouri Soft Wheat Millers' Association, Mexico, Mo Missouri State Medical Association, 3529 Pine St., St. Louis, Mo North Missouri Cross State Highway Association, CarroUton, Mo Northeast Missouri Lumbermen's Association, 100 West Rollins St., Moberly Mo. Northwest Missouri Retail Lumber Dealers' Association, Maryville, Mo Pemiscot County Community Chamber of Commerce, CaruthersviUe, Mo Phelps County Breeders' Association, RoUa, Mo Phelps County Poultry Association, RoUa, Mo Phelps County Strawberry Growers' Association, Rolla, Mo Pike County Medical Society, Louisiana, Mo Polk County Farmers' Association, BoUvar, Mo Polk County Jersey Association, Bolivar, Mo Polk County Mutual Telephone Association, Bolivar, Mo Southeast Missouri Retail Lumber Dealers' Association, Festus, Mo Women's Progressive Farmers' Association of Missouri, Bolivar, Mo Associated Industries of Montana, Butte, Mont.. Big Horn County Rod and Gun Club, Hardin, Mont Cascade County Bar Association, Ford Bldg., Great Falls, Mont Cascade County Medical Society, Great Falls, Mont Farmers' Educational and Cooperative Union, Columbus, Mont Flathead Project Water Users' Association, Ronan, Mont Gallatin-Park Association of Credit Men, Livingston, Mont Lower Milk River Water Users' Association. Malta, Mont Medical Association of Montana. 222 Hart Albin Bldg., BilUngs, Mont Milk River Valley Cooperative Association^ Malta, Mont Montana Association of Commercial Organization Secretaries, Three Forks, Mont. Montana Automobile Distributors' Association, Great Falls, Mont Montana Coal Operators' Association, 516 Securities Bldg., Billings, Mont Montana Development Association, i ellowstone Merchants' National Bank Bldg., Billings, Mont. Montana Fruit Distributors. Hamilton, Mont Montana Hereford Breeders' Association, CardweU, Mont Montana Honey Producers' Association^ 508 St. John Ave., Billings, Mont Montana Lumber Manufacturers' Association, Kalispell, Mont Montana Orthopedic Commission, BiUings, Mont Montana Society of Engineers, 1155 West Gold St., Butte, Mont Montana State Pharmaceutical Association, Boulder, Mont Montana Stockgrowers' Association, Helena, Mont Montana Wheat Growers' Association, Lewiston, Mont Montana Wholesale Grocers' Association, Box 35, Billings, Mont Northern Montana Association of Credit Men, 422 Ford Bldg., Great Falls, Mont. Northern Montana Forestry Association, KalispeU, Mont Northwestern Grain Dealers' AssociatioUj 4.?4 Ford Bldg., Great Falls, Mont Park County Chamber of Commerce, Livingston, Mont Primary Repeal Club, Dillon, Mont Retail Merchants' Association of Gallatin County, Bozeman, Mont Retail Merchants' Association of Montana, 219 First Ave., Kalispell, Mont Silver Bow County Medical Association, 41 West Park St., Butte, Mont State Tax Association, Laurel, Mont Sweet Grass County Wool Growers' Association, Big Timber, Mont Sweet Grass Stockgrowers' Association, Hunters Hot Springs, Mont Upper Milk River Water Users' Association, Zurich, Mont Y. G. Bee Line Highway Association, Great Falls, Mont NEBRASKA. Association of County Treasurers of Nebraska, Court House, Butte, Nebr Boone County Agricultural Association, Albion, Nebr , Community Commerce Club of Kearney County, Mtnden, Nebr Cornhusker Highway Association, Lincoln, Nebr , Farmers' Educational and Cooperative State Union of Nebraska, 11th and Jones Sts., Omaha, Nebr. Federation of Nebraska Retailers, Lincoln, Nebr , Fillmore Coimty Agricultural Society, Geneva, Nebr , Keith County Community Club, Ogalalla, Nebr Madison County Agricultural Society, Madison, Nebr Master Builders' Association of Nebraska (Inc.), 1818 Harney St., Omaha, Nebr Memorial Craftsmen of Nebraska, 1 Orpheum Bldg. , Lincoln, Nebr Nebraska Association of Commercial Organization Secretaries, Sidney, Nebr 200 686 107 50 3,500 200 60 600 20 20 50 17 1,000 15 600 75 4,000 4 170 110 34 3,600 14 300 300 25 15 20 5,000 60 50 5 10 5 120 650 500 4,500 25 45 426 400 175 105 700 55 5,000 65 263 103 178 250 32,000 1,200 167 84 200 35 20 50 June. Februarj . January. May. November. May. August. Do. February. June. November. January. October. March. August. December. May. February. December. April. January. December. July. December. May. January. December. March. September. April. January. July. April. July. April. June. May. July. March. June. March. May. December. March. January. December. August. January. December. Do. January. February. December. February. December. January. April. 82 COMMERCIAL. ORGANIZATrONS OF THE UNITED STATES. STATE AND TERRITORIAL— Continued. Name. Num- ber of mem- bers. NEBRASKA— continued . Nebraska Association of Dyers and Cleaners . Fairbury, Nebr Nebraska Bankers' Association^ Omaha, Nebr Nebraska Brick and Tile Association, 10 Orpheum Bldg., Lincoln, Nebr Nebraska Ciiamber of Commerce, 1416 North 11th St., Beatrice, Nebr Nebraska Committee on Public Utility Information, Bankers' Life Bldg., Lincoln, Nebr. Nebraska Creamery Butter Manufacturers' Association, First National Bank Bldg., Lincoln, Nebr. Nebraska Dairymen's Association, Lindell Hotel, Lincoln, Nebr Nebraska Farm Bureau. Federation, 1543 O St., Lincoln, Nebr Nebraska Fanners' Cooperative Grain and Live Stock State Association, 1219 City National Bank Bldg., Omaha, Nebr. Nebraska Good Roads Association, 1319 N St., Lincohi, Nebr Nebraska Holstein Fricsian Association, care of Lindell Hotel, I>incoln, Nebr Nebraska Hotel Association, 416 South 14th St., Omaha, Nebr Nebraska Ice Cream Makers' Credit Association, 204 North 11th St., Lincoln, Nebr. Nebraska Independent Oil Men's Association, 1044 South 29th St., Omaha, Nebr... Nebraska LaundryoxsTiers' Association, Falls City, Nebr Nebraska Lumber Dealers' Association, 1016 Terminal Bldg., Lincoln, Nebr Nebraska Manufacturers' Association, 10 Orpheum Bldg., Lincoln, Nebr Nebraska Millers' Association, 921 City National Bank, Omaha, Nebr Nebraska Pharmaceutical Association, 223 West 20th St., University Place, Nebr.. Nebraska Poultry. Butter and Egg Association, 1206 Jones St., Omaha, Nebr. Nebraska Retail Clothiers' Association, W'ahoo, Nebr Nebraska Retail Dry Goods and Ready-to- Wear Association, Red Cloud, Nebr. Nebraska Retail Furniture Dealers' Association, Fairburv, Nebr Nebraska Retail Grocers and Meat Dealers' Association, Omaha, Nebr Nebraska Retail Hardware Association, 415 Little Bldg., Lincohi, Nebr Nebraska RetailJewelers' Association, Pierce, Nebr Nebraska Shoe Retailers' Association, Fairbury, Nebr Nebraska Soda Water Manufacturers, 10 Orpheum Bldg., Lincoln. Nebr Nebraska State Bar Association, 700 First National Bank Bldg., Omaha, Nebr«. Ncl^raska Stale Holstein Fricsian Association, Lincoln, Nebr Nebraska State Medical AsscK-iatlon, Terminal Bldg., Lincoln, Nebr Nebraska Telephone Asscxiatlon, 14th and M Sts., Lincoln, Nebr Northwestern Nebraska G o(xi Roads Association, AlUance, Nebr Seward County Agricultural Society, 636 Seward St., Seward, Nebr Tri-County Community Club, Newman G rove. Nebr Valley County Purebred Livestock Breeders' Association, Ord, Nebr York County Agricultural Society, York, Nebr York County Commercial Club, York. Nebr 20 1,200 20 40 400 22 350 20,000 250 400 75 43 100 76 40 480 350 85 700 75 200 200 100 500 800 180 Chamber of Commerce of Churchill County, Fallon, Nev Eureka County Chamber of Commerce, Eureka, Nev Humboldt County Chamber of Commerce, 837 Bridge St., Winnemucca, Nev Nevada Highway Association, Reno National Bank Bldg., Reno. Nev Nevada Mine Operators' Association, 210 Reno National Bank Bldg., Reno, Nev.. Nevada State Board of Pharmacy, Murrv Street, Ely, Nev Nevada State Medical Association, G oldfield, Nev Pershing County Chamber of Commerce, Lovelock, Nev NEW HAMPSHIRE. Cheshire Cotmty Automobile Association, 35 Wilder St., Keene, N. H , New Hampshire Hotel Association, 875 Elm St., Manchester^, H New Hampshire Lumbermen's Association, Manchester, N. H New Hampshire Manufacturers' Association, h3 Hanover St^ Manchester, N. H... New Hampshire Pharmaceutical Association, Manchester, N. H New Hampshire Retail Jewelers' Association, Lebanon, N. H Society for Protection of New Hampshire Forests, Manchester, N. H NEW JERSEY. Associated Automobile Clubs of New Jersey, 111 Carroll Place, New Brunswick, N.J. Automobile Association of Bergen Cotmty, 95 Terrace Ave., Hasbrouck Heights, N.J. Bottlers' Protective Association of Northern New Jersey, 155 Beacon Ave., Jersey City, N. J. Buildiing Trades Employers' Association of Essex Coimty, 23 Central Ave., Newark, N. J. Burlington County Automotive Trade Association, MasonviUe, N.J Employers' Association of North Jersey, 45 Academy St., Newark, N.J Essex County Bankers' Association, American National Sank, Newark, N.J Gloucester Coimty Bankers' Association, Woodbury, N.J 35 700 100 1,190 60 200 185 60 75 461 300 45 160 300 51 5 101 100 100 97 160 350 300 68 2,500 4,000 450 32 160 36 COMMERCIAL. ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. 83 STATE AND TERRITORIAL— Continued. Name. Num- ber of mem- bers. Date of annual meeting. NEW JERSEY— continued. Gloucester County Bar Association, 138 South Broad St., Woodbury, N.J Gloucester Coimty Chamber of Commerce, Pitman, N .J , Gloucester Coimty Retail Merchants' Association, Thorofare, N.J Manufacturers' Association of New Jersey, 175 West State St., Trenton, N.J Manufacturers' Council of che State of New Jersey, Gloucester, N.J , Mason Material Dealers' Association of New Jersey, 277 Halsey St., Newark, N. J, Material Men's Credit Association of Passaic and Bergen Coimties, 625 Main Ave., Passaic, N. J. Mercer County Automobile Club, Canal St. at State St., Trenton, N.J Monmouth County Chamber of Commerce, Freehold, N.J Monmouth County Farmers' Cooperative Association, Englishtown, N.J Monmouth County Farmers' Excnange, 2 East Main St., Freehold, N.J Morris County Automobile Club, Morristown, N.J New Jersey Association of Bakers, 26 Lombardy St., Newark^ N.J New Jersey Association of Commercial Organization Secretaries, Trenton, N.J — New Jersey Automobile and Motor Club, 343 High St., Newark, N. J New Jersey Automotive Trade Association, Broad Street Bank Bldg., Trenton, N.J. New Jersey Bakers' Board of Trade (Inc.), 167 Seymour Ave., Newark, N.J New Jersey Bankers' Association, 15 Excnange Place, Jersey City, N.J New Jersey Clay Workers' Association, Rutgers College, Now Bnmswick, N.J — New Jersey Coal Dealers' Association, 357 Grafton Ave., Newark, N.J New Jersey Ice Manufacturers' Association, care of SheUy Hygiene Ice Co., Morris- town, N, J. 25 100 80 2,500 125 160 150 92 438 New Jersey Laundry Owners' Association, 128 Market St., Newark, N.J New Jersey Lumbermen's Association, 738 Broad St., Newark, N. J New Jersey Motoring Federation, 111 Carroll Place, New Brunswick, N. J New Jersey Pharmaceutical Association, 12U8 Hudson St., Hoboken, N.J New Jersey Poultry Producers' Association, 37 West State St.. Trenton, N.J New Jersey Retail Grocers' Association, Main St., Brookside, N.J New Jersey Retail Jewelers' Association, 909 Broad St., Newark, >< . J New Jersey Retail Monument Dealers' Association, 862 Centre St., Trenton, N. J. New Jersey Society of Architects, 1 Exchange Place, Jersey City, N.J New Jersey State Association of Master Plumbers, 30 Division St., Trenton, N. J.. New Jersey State Chamber of Commerce, Clinton Bldg., Newark, N.J New Jersey State Federation of Labor, 18 CUnton St., Newark, N.J New Jersey State Funeral Directors' Association, 198 Ferry St., Newark, N.J New Jersey State Hotel Association, Hotel Lenox, Newark, N.J New Jersey State League of Municipalities, 606 American Mechanic Bldg., Tren- ton, N. J. North Jersey Association of Credit Men, 287 Washington St., Newark, N.J North Jersey Automobile Club, 702 14th Ave., Paterson, N.J North Jersey Hardware and Supply Association, 470 Broad St., Newark, N. J Northern New Jersey Paper Box Manufacturers' Association, 200 Badger Ave., Newark, N. J. Real Estate Board of Northern New Jersey, 279 Broadway, Westwood, N. J 125 50 2,000 400 300 40 240 175 35 120 200 1,306 525 500 80 50 292 864 500 80, 000 425 300 6 170 422 1,300 290 18 Retail Grocers' Association of Hudson County, 2887 Boulevard. Jersey City, N. J.. Rubber Manufacturers' Association of New Jersey, Hamilton Square, N. J NEW MEXICO. Grant County Chamber of Commerce, 206 West Broadway, Silver City, N. Mex.. . Grant County Retail Merchants' Association, 206 Broadway, Silver City, N. Mex.. Las Vegas-San Miguel County Chamber of Commerce, Boulevard at San Miguel Ave., Las Vegas, N. Mex. McKinley County Chamber of Commerce, Gallup, N. Mex New Mexico Bankers' Association, Santa Fe, N. Mex New Mexico Cattle and Horse Growers' Association, Albuquerque, N. Mex New Mexico Chamber of Commerce, Albuquerque, N. Mex.s New Mexico Electrical Association, Albuquerque, N . Mex New Mexico Wool Growers' Association, Albuquerque, N . Mex Pecos Water Users' Association, Carlsbad, N. Mex Taxpayers' Association of New Mexico, Santa Fe, N. Mex 135 45 330 350 101 500 13 200 NEW YORK. Advertising Club of New York (Inc.), 47 East 25th St., New York. N. Y Agricultural Society of Queens-Nassau Counties, 126 Franklin St., Hempstead, N. Y. Architectural League of New York, 132 Madison Ave ., New York, N . Y Associated Glove Manufacturers of New York State, Glovers viUe, N. Y Associated Industries of New York State (Inc.), 64 Sagamore Terrace, Buffalo, N.Y. Association of Ice Cream Manufacturers of New York State, Box 676, Syracuse, N.Y . 150 1,050 900 825 50 2,600 117 January. Do. May. February. Do. May. October. May. December. September. May. Do. Do. September. May December. November Do. May. December June. August. October. June. February June. May. September , Do. Jime. January. November June. January. October. July. December. June. January. December. November. September. March. January. February. March. January. May. November. May. December. May. November. 6 Number of municipalities. 6 Address of president. 84 COMMERCIAL. ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. STATE AND TERRITORIAL— Continued. Name. Num- ber of mem- bers. NEW YORK — continued. Association of Manufacturers of Confectionery and Chocolate of the State of New York, 522 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. Association of Master House Painters and Decorators of the State of New York, 156 West 99th St., New York, N. Y. Association of New York State Canners (Inc.), 810 Union Trust Bldg., Rochester, Auto Bus Association of New York State, 120 Vermont St., Rochester, N. Y , Automobile Club of Fulton Coimty, Johnstown, N. Y Automobile Club of Oswego County, 153 West 2d St., Oswego, N. Y Automobile Club of Ulster County, 302 Wall St., Kingston, N. Y Bar Association of Erie County, 451 Main St., Buffalo, N. Y Beaux-ArtsInstituteofDesitrii,in7Ea.st37thSt.,NewYork,N.Y Board of Underwriters of New York, 25 South WilUams St., New York, N. Y Bronx County Pharmaceutical Association, 72 West 113th St., New York, N.Y Building Material Men's Association of Westchester County (Inc.), 116 North Ave.. New Rochelle, N. Y. Central New York Pre^ Association, Union, N.Y Central Now York Tobacco Growers' Cooperative Association (Inc.), Baldwlnsville, N.Y. Chamber of Commeroo of the Stale of New York, 65 Liberty St., New York, N.Y. ChenangoCoinity Auto Dealers' Association, Norwich, N.Y Compensation liispeclion Hating Board, 370 Seventh Ave., New York, N. Y Confectioners and Ice Cream Manufacturers' Protective Association of the State of New York, 1773 South Boulevard, New York, N. Y. Consumers' Iveague of New York, 416 West2Jth St., New York, N. Y Delaware County Maple Products Cooperative Association. Walton, N.Y Empire State Federation of Beekeepers' Cooperative Association (Inc.), Earlville, Empire State Forest Products Association, 314 Journal Bldg., Albany, N. Y Empire State Gas and Electric Association, Grand Central Terminal, New York, N.Y. Empire State Paper As.sociation, 47 Exchange St., New York, N.Y Empire State Potato Growers' Cooperative Association (Inc.), Sherburne, N. Y... Far Western Travelers' Association (Inc.), 255 West 9')th St., New York, N.Y Federation of Cooperative Associations of Greater New York, 10 Carlton Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Finger Lakes Association. Watkins. N.Y Finger Lakes Poultry, Rabbit and Fanciers' Association, 123 North Aurora, Ithaca, nTy. Fire Underwriters' Electrical Bureau, 1 Liberty St., New York. N. Y General Contractors' Association, 51 Chambers St., New York, N. Y Genesee Valley Automobile Club, Genosco, N.Y Greater New York Cut Stone Contractors' Association, 121 Passaic Ave., Harrison, N.J. Horticultural Society of New York, 59S Madison Ave., New York, N. Y Hudson Valley Federated Chamber of Commerce, Ten Evck Bldg., Albany, N.Y. Hydro-Electric Association, 332 Brisbane Bldg., Buffalo, N.Y Insurance Federation of the State of New York, 47 Maiden Lane, Albany, N. Y... Irene County Automobile Club, CatskilL N. Y Jefferson County Automobile Clnb^ 145 Bowers Ave., Watertown, N.Y Kings County I*harmaceutical Society, 667 Central Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y Medical Society of the County of Kings, 1313 Bedford Ave., Brooklyn, N.Y Medical Society of the County of New York. Ill West 85th St., New York, N. Y. . Medical Society of the State of New York, 17 West 43d St., New York, N.Y Motion Picture Theatre Owners of the State of New York, 2038 85th St., Brooklyn, N.Y. Mutual Millers and Feed Dealers' Association, Randolph, N.Y Nassau County Association (Inc.), Plum Tree Lane, Hempstead, N. Y New York Associated Dailies, Jamestown, N.Y New York Association of Baker Supply Houses, 10 Leonard St., New York, N.Y — New York Bakers' Association, 250 West 67th St., New York, N.Y New York County Lawyers' Association, 115 Broadway, New York, N.Y New York County Pharmaceutical Society, 63 West 102d St., New York, N.Y New York Electric Railway Association, 267 State St., Rochester, N.Y 77 400 128 1, 115 425 500 750 297 42 600 41 45 300 1,975 10 48 425 60 28 55 145 27 29 1,000 10,000 24 100 37 80 """23' 1,200 300 200 2,980 50 1,000 4.50 1,500 3,000 9,685 1,000 161 1,100 40 19 100 4,200 325 35 New York Federation of Horticultural Societies and Floral Clubs, 508 Stewart Ave., Ithaca N. Y. New York Furniture Warehousemen's Association, 143 West 99th St., New York, N.Y. New York Milk Conference Board (Inc.), Flatiron Bldg., New York, N. Y New York Motor Coach Manufactturers' Association, 10 West 23d St., New York, N.Y. New York Petroleum Marketers' Association, 1201 South Salina St., Syracuse, N. Y . New York Philatelic Society (Inc.), 27 Schermerhom St., Brooklyn, N. Y New York Press Association, Waterloo, N.Y New York Retail Implement Dealers' Association, care of Buck Bros., Middletown, N.Y. New York Sales Managers' Club, 50 Church St., New York, N.Y 127 83 48 250 200 71 COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. STATE AND TERRITORIAL— Continued. 85 Name. Num- ber of mem- bers. Date of annual meeting. NEW YORK— continued. New York Society of Accountants (Inc.), Hotel McAlpin, Broadway and 34tli St., New York, N. Y. New York Society of Architects, 562 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y New York Society of Ceramic Art, 50 Central Park West, New York, N. Y New York State Association, 305 Broadway, New York, N. Y New York State Association of Builders, Grand Central Terminal, New York, N. Y. . New York State Association of Chamber of Commerce Secretaries, care of Chamber of Commerce, Utica, N. Y. New York State Association of Electrical Contractors and Dealers, 15 West 37th St., New York, N. Y. New York State Association of Manufacturing Retail Bakers, 610 Courtland Ave., New York, N. Y. New York State Automobile Association, 108 State St., Albany, N. Y New York State Automobile Association, 108-110 State St., Albany, N. Y New York State Bakers' Association, Southern Boulevard and East 143d St., New York, N. Y.^ New York State Bankers' Association, 128 Broadway, New York, N. Y New York State Brewers' Association, 109 East 15th St., New York, N. Y New York State Builders' Supply Association, 907 Electric Bldg., Buffalo, N. Y.. New York State Coal Merchants' Association (Inc.), 250 Arkay Bldg., Albany, N. Y, New York State Cold Storage Association, Le Roy, N. Y New York State Forestry Association (Inc.), 93 State St., Albany, N. Y New York State Hay an'd Grain Dealers' Association, Weedsport, N. Y New York State Horticultural Society, Le Roy, N. Y New York State Hotel Association, 334 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y New York State Ice Manufacturers' Association, 154 Nassau St., New York, N. Y. New York State Laundryowners' Association, Main and Northland Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. New York State League of Savings and Loan Associations, 2161 Bethgate Ave., New York, N. Y. New York State MiUers' Association, Chamber of Commerce, Buffalo, N. Y New York State Oil Producers ' Association, Wellsville, N . Y New York State Oystermen's Protective Association, Fort Pike St., New York, N. Y. New York State Pharmaceutical Association, 125 South Salina St., Syracuse, N.Y. New York State PubUshers' Association, Watertown, N.Y New York State Railways, 267 State St., Rochester, N.Y New York State Retail Grocers' Association, 401 Bridge St., Brooklyn, N.Y New York State Retail Hardware Association (Inc.), 412 City Bank Bldg., New York, N. Y. New York State Retail Jewelers' Association, 87 East Genesee, Buffalo, N.Y New York State Road Builders' Association (Inc.), 197 Green St., New York, N. Y. New York State Safe Deposit Association, 530 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y New York State Society of Certified PubUc Accountants, 110 WiUiam St., New York, N. Y. New York State Title Association, 149 Broadway, New York, N.Y New York State Undertakers' Association, 150 West 13th St., New York, N. Y New York State Warehousemen's Association, 143 West 99th St., New York, N. Y. New York Tax Reform Association, 140 Nassau St., New York, N.Y New York Water Color Club, 33 West 67th St., New York, N.Y Northeastern Retail Lumbermen 's Association, 318 Beckley Bldg., Rochester, N.Y. . Oil Trades Association of New York (Inc.), 35 South WiUiam St., New York, N.Y. Opticians' League of the State of New York, 312 Fulton St., Brooklyn, N. Y Purchasing Agents' Association of Eastern New York, Consolidated Car Heating Co., Albany, N. Y. Purchasing Agents' Association of New York, 1 Bridge Plaza, Long Island City, Retail Bakers' Association of the Eastern States, 1404 Decatur St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Retail Clothiers and Furnishers' Association of New York State (Inc.), 286 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. Richmond County Pharmaceutical Association, 113 Figerboard Road, New York, N.Y. Rockland County Good Roads Association, Post Office Bldg., Nyack. N.Y Sample Cord Manufacturers' Association, 42 West 39th St., New York, N.Y Savings Banks Association of the State of New York, 56 West 45th St., New York, N.Y. State Charities Aid Association, 105 East 22d St., New York, N.Y Steuben County Sheep Breeders' Cooperative Association, Canisteo, N.Y Tobacco Salesmen's Association of America (Inc.), 200 West 118th St., New York, N.Y. Tompkins County Automobile Club, care of Board of Commerce, 109 North Tioga St., Ithaca, N.Y. Tompkins County Sheep Growers' Cooperative Association (Inc.), Newfield, N. Y. Torrens Title League of the State of New York, 1 Liberty St., New York, N.Y Westchester County Chamber of Commerce, 8 Depot Square, White Plains, N. Y.. 1 Address of president. 250 350 150 1,817 100 550 1,200 25,000 25,000 1,123 60 550 1,000 63 1,000 339 1,350 2,100 50 175 100 200 100 2,800 65 5,000 1,080 400 500 554 150 717 156 500 220 620 175 22 28 351 4,000 700 28 775 17 140 140 12,000 250 117 765 December. May. December. February. January. October. Do. January. December. January. September. Jime. January. August. January. November. April. March. June. November. January. June. January. February. August. February. July. January. Do. May. June. Do. July. January. Do. March. November. April. June. February.. December. Do. May. October. April. November. March. November. January. 86 COMMERCIAL. ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. STATE AND TERRITORIAL— Continued. Name. Num- ber of mem- bers. NEW YORK— continued. Westchester County Hardware Dealers' Association, care of Fowler & Sellers Co., White Plains, N. Y. Westchester County Pharmaceutical Association, Fordham University, Fordham, N.Y. Westchester County Wheelmen, 1 Park Ave., Mount Vernon, N.Y Yates County Wool Growers' Cooperative Association (Inc.), Middlesex, N.Y NORTH CAROLINA. Albemarle Agricultural Association (Inc.), 15 South Water St., Elizabeth City, N.C. Booksellers and Stationers' Association of North Carolina, Greensboro, N. C Builders' Exchange of North Carolina, Greensboro, N.C Caldwell County Creamery (Inc.), Lenoir, N.C Catawba Fair Association, Hickorv, N.C Chowan County Chamber of Commerce, Edenton, N.C Chowan Fair Association (Inc.), Edenton, N.C Cooperative Sweet Potato Growers' Federation, Goldsboro, N. C Cotton Manufacturers' Association of North Carolina, Law Bldg., Charlotte, N. C. Eastern Carohna Chamber of Commerce, Goldsboro, N.C Guilford County Milk i'rodncors' Association, Route 3, Greensboro, N.C North Carolina'Bankers' Association, Rak'iph, N. C North CaroUna Commercial Secretaries' Association, Burhngton, N.C North Carolina Cotton Growers' Cooperative Association, Raleigh, N. C North Carohna Cotton Seed Cnishers' Association, Greenville, N.C North Carohna Good Roads Association, 301 Hondrix St., Greensboro, N. C North CaroUna Merchant s' Assoeial ion, St atcsville, N.C North CaroUna Pharmaccul ical Association, Chapel IlilL N.C North CaroUna Retail Jewelers' Association, Durham, N. C North CaroUna Traffic Association, Box 906, Raleigh, N.C Perauimans County Chamber of Commerce, Hertford, N. C PittCounty Chamber of Commerce, Greenville, N.C Tobacco Growers' Cooperative Association, V27 West Hargett St., Raleigh, N.C... Triangle Typothetae of North CaroUna, Box 1861, Winston-Salem, N.C Western North Carolina Wholesale Credit Association, Asheville, N.C , NORTH DAKOTA. Associated Industries of North Dakota, 604 Northwest National Bank, Grand Forks, N. Dak. Grainmen's Union, Valley City, N. Dak North Dakota Bankers' Association, 52 Broadway, Fargo, N. Dak North Dakota Education Association, Valley City, N. Dak North Dakota Implement Dealers' Association, Hope, N. Dak North Dakota Medical Association, Lisbon, N. Dak North Dakota Pharmaceutical Association, Fargo, N. Dak North Dakota Retail Hardware Association, Grand Forks, N. Dak North Dakota.Retail Lumbermen's Association, 515 Fourth Ave., North Fargo, N.Dak, North Dakota Retail Merchants' Association, Box 328, Fargo. N. Dak. North Dakota Society of Engineers, University Station, N. Dak North Dakota State Association of Master Plumbers, 15 South Fourth St., Grand Forks. N. Dak. North Dakota State Board of Pharmacy, Lisbon, N. Dak North Dakota State Dental Association, Suite 539 de Lendrecie Bldg., Fargo, N. Dak. North Dakota State Good Roads Association, Bismarck, N. Dak , Northwestern North Dakota Development Association, Minot, N. Dak Pierce Cotmty Agricultural Association. Rugby, N. Dak Richland County Fair Association, Wahpeton, N. Dak Richland County Livestock Breeders' Association, Fairmount, N. Dak , RicUand County Poultry Association, Wahpeton, N . Dak , Walsh County Livestock Improvement Association, Grafton, N. Dak , Walsh County Wool Growers' Association, Grafton, N . Dak , OHIO. Building Trades Employers' Association, Park Theatre Bldg., Youngstown, Ohio Butler County Automobile Club, 205 South Third St., Hamilton. Ohio Central Association of Stove Manufacturers, 52 West Gay St., Columbus, Ohio — Central Ohio Coal Operators' Association, Henderson Bldg., Coshocton, Ohio Champaign County Automobile Club, St. Paris, Ohio Clark County Fish and Game Protective Association, 1201 South Fountain Ave., Springfield, Ohio. Clark County Good Roads Council, 604 Fairbanks Bldg., Springfield, Ohio Columbiana County Hardware Club, Harvard Ave., East Liverpool, Ohio Coshocton County Auto Club, 212 North Sixth St., Coshocton, Ohio 26 120 175 250 105 9 100 125 74 400 350 25 563 56 31,000 1,700 650 75 351 95 300 80,000 11 32 220 1,000 860 3,600 300 417 450 50 1,200 90 74 650 175 3.000 400 575 40 100 156 1,450 40 18 90 1,000 65 40 100 COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. StATE AND TERRITORIAL— Continued. 87 Name. Num- ber of mem- bers. Date of amiual meeting. OHIO— continued . Crawford County Auto Club, Public Square, Bucyrus, Ohio Crawford County Automotive Trade Association, Bucyrus, Ohio Darke County Auto Club, 500 Washington Ave., Greenville, Ohio Erie County Automobile Club, 1606 Central Ave., Sandusky, Ohio Fairfield County Automobile Club, Lancaster, Ohio Farmers Grain Dealers' Association of Ohio, Savings and Loan Bldg., Defiance, Ohio. Fayette County Automobile Club, Washington Court House, Ohio Funeral Directors and Embalmers' Association of Ohio, 110 South Main St., Find- lay, Ohio. Gallia County Automobile Club, Third Ave., Gallipolis, Ohio Great Lakes Protective Association, 1415 Kirby Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio Huron County Automobile Club, 51 South Lmwood St., Norwalk, Ohio Lake County Chamber of Commerce, 11 River St., Willoughby, Ohio Madison County Shorthorn Breeders' Association, 14^ South Main St., London, Ohio. Madison Livestock Co., London, Ohio Miami County Auto Club, 345 River St., Piqua, Ohio Miami Valley Grain Dealers' Association, Sidney, Ohio Miami Valley Paper Manufacturers' Association, Mead Pulp & Paper Co., Chilli- cothe, Ohio. Miami Valley Traffic Club, Mutual Home Bldg., Box 1025, Dayton, Ohio Music Merchants' Association of Ohio, 929 Society for Savings Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. Muskingum Motor Club, 306i Main St., Zanesville, Ohio , Noble County Chamber of Commerce, CaldweU, Ohio. Northern Ohio Coal Operators' Association, Henderson Bldg., Coshocton, Ohio Northern Perry County Auto Club, Glenford, Ohio Ohio Association of Building Owners and Managers, 612 Arcade, Cleveland, Ohio. . . Ohio Association of Creamery Owners and Managers, 509 Outlook Bldg., Columbus, Ohio. Ohio Association of Ice Cream Manufacturers, 509 Outlook Bldg., Columbus, Ohio. . Ohio Association of Insurance Agents, Columbus, Ohio Ohio Association of Retail Lumber Dealers, 24 West Main St., Zenia, Ohio Ohio Automotive Trade Association, 404 Central National Bank, Columbus, Ohio. . Ohio Bankers' Association, 314 Huntington Bank Bldg., Columbus, Ohio Ohio Board of Commerce, 145 East State St., Columbus, Ohio Ohio Bottlers' Association, 713 South Scioto St., Circleville, Ohio Ohio Builders' Supply Association, Gerke Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio Ohio Building Association League, Citizens' Bank Bldg., Columbus, Ohio Ohio Butter, Egg and Poultry Association, 400 Clinton Bldg., Columbus, Ohio ... Ohio Canners' Association, Clyde, Ohio Ohio Cigar Box Manufacturers' Association, Minster, Ohio Ohio Commercial Secretaries' Association, care of Chamber of Commerce, Marion, Ohio. Ohio Confectioners' Club, Delaware, Ohio Ohio Electric Light Association, 112 West Fourth St., Greenville, Ohio Ohio Engineering Society, Central National Bank Bldg., Chillicothe, Ohio Ohio Farmers' Cooperative Milk Company, 521 Sloan Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio Ohio Gas and Oil Men's Association, 811 First National Bank Bldg., Columbus, Ohio. Ohio Good Roads Federation, 600 Hartman Bldg., Columbus, Ohio Ohio Grain Dealers' Association, 504 Commerce Bldg., Columbus, Ohio Ohio Hardware Association, Dayton, Ohio Ohio Hardwood Manufacturers' Association, 1242 Greenwood Ave., Zanesville, Ohio. Ohio Laundry owners' Association, 10 Zergler St ., Da3rton, Ohio Ohio Leaf Tobacco Packers' Association, 38 West Second St., Dayton, Ohio Ohio Macadam Association, 405 Hartman Bldg., Colvunbus, Ohio Ohio Manufacturers' Association, 66 South Third St ., Columbus, Ohio Ohio Milk Distributors' Association, 509 Outlook Bldg., Columbus, Ohio Ohio Millers' State Association, 205 Wilson Ave., Columbus, Ohio Ohio Paving Brick Manufacturers' Association, 510 Hartman Bldg., Columbus, Ohio. Ohio Retail Clothiers' Association, BeUevue, Ohio Ohio Retail Clothiers and Furnishers' Association, BeUevue, Ohio Ohio Retail Dry Goods Association, Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Columbus, Ohio. Ohio Retail Furniture Dealers' Association, 1006 Hartman Bldg., Columbus, Ohio. Ohio Retail Jewelers' Association, 2954 West 25th St., Cleveland, Ohio Ohio Sand and Gravel Producers' Association, GreenAdlle, Ohio Ohio Sheep and Wool Growers' Association, Gambler, Ohio Ohio State Association of Builders' Exchanges, 212 Second National Bldg., Akron, Oliio. Ohio State Association of Dyers and Cleaners, care of Reliable Laundry & D. C. Co., Toledo, Ohio. Ohio State Automobile Association, 306 South High St., Columbus, Ohio Ohio State Bar Association, State House, Colimibus, Ohio 600 18 198 756 600 175 890 724 175 25 168 300 75 455 2,200 50 20 233 250 1,300 200 9 156 200 60 90 20,000 622 1,200 1,000 250 1,425 13 225 30 22 800 60 270 15 500 500 400 125 210 25 20,000 2,000 173 50,000 1,547 May. June. February. May. February. January. Jime. July. January. Do. March. January. Do. Do. October. January. February. September. January. December. January. June. April. January. Do. Jime. January. December. 1,200 October. 175 February. 500 January. 481 200 March. 130 December. 16 23 May. 100 July. 135 Do. 225 February. 3,600 December. 2,300 October. December. Jime. February. Do. March. January. Do. Do. April. March. February. Do. March. Do. July. January. Do. Do. July. April. Jifiy. 88 COMMERCIAL. OEGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. STATE AND TERRITORIAL— Continued. Name. Num- ber of mem- bers. omo— continued. Ohio State Foundrymen's Association, 405 Century Bldg., Cleveland. Ohio Ohio State Industnal Traffic League, Chamber of Commerce, ColumDus, Ohio.... Ohio State Pharmaceutical Association, 514 Schultz Bldg., Columbus, Ohio , Ohio Wholesale Grocers' Association Co., 608 Commerce Bldg., Columbus, Ohio... Ottawa Cotmty Automobile Association, 227 Adams St., Port Clinton, Oliio Pittsburgh Vein Operators' Association of Ohio, Leader-News Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio, Richland County AutomobUe Club, Mansfield, Ohio , Ross County Automobile Club, 104 South Paint St., Chillicothe, Ohio , Sandusky County Auto Club, Hotel Fremont, Fremont, Ohio Southern OhioCoal F:xchange, 14 GUI St., Columbus, Ohio Tri County Community Club, Ada, Ohio Wayne County Auto Club, 240 East Liberty St., Wooster, Oliio Wood County Automobile Club, Bowling Green, Ohio Wyandot County Automobile Club, 317 South Eighth, Upper Sandusky, Ohio.... OKLAHOMA. Association of General Contractors of Oklahoma, 212 American National Bank, Oklahoma City, Okla. Automobile Club of Oklahoma, 318 South Denver, Tulsa, Okla Caddo County Retail Merchants' Association, Anadarko, Okla C;auaclian County Retailers' Association, Box 836, El Reno, Okla Cooi)erative Livestock Development Association, Stock Yards Station, Oklahoma City, Okla. Garvm County Fcfloration of Farm Women's Clubs, Pauls Valley, Okla Garvin County Medical Scx-iety , i'auls Valley, Okla Grain Dealers'* Asstx-iation of Oklahoma, Oklahoma City, Okla Greer Coimty Retailers' Association, Mangum, Okla Insurance Federation of Oklahoma, 322 Liberty National Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla. Jackson County Business Men's Association, Altus, Okla Jack.son County Chamber of Commerce, Altus, Okla Love County Good Roads Association, Marietta, Okla Marshall County Free f'air Association, Madill, Okla Northeastern Oklahoma Chamber of Commerce, Room 321-22 Mayo Bldg., Tiilsa, Okla. Nowata County Community Club, Nowata, Okla Oklahoma Association of Ice Cream Manufacturers, Box 1129, Tulsa, Okla Oklahoma Automobile Association, 206 Bassett Bldg., Oklahoma Citv, Okla Oklahoma Bankers' Association, 907 Colcord Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla Oklahoma Coal Operators' Association, 501 East Cherokee, McAlester, Okla Oklahoma Cotton Ginners' Association, 10(M Oil Exchange Bldg., OklaliomaCity, Okla. Oklahoma Cotton Growers' Association. Oklahoma City, Okla Oklahoma Cottonseed Crushers' Association, 1002 Herskowitz Bldg,, Oklahoina City, Okla. Oklahoma Education Association, Capitol Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla Oklahoma Employers' Association, Oklahoma City, Okla Oklahoma Hardware and Implement Association, 209* West Main St., Oklahoma City, Okla. Oklahoma Ice Manufacturers' Association, Room 7 Jones Bldg., Ardmore, Okla. Oklahoma Laundry Owners' Association, care of Guaranty Laundry, Main and Archer Sts.. Tulsa, Okla. Oklahoma Millers' Association, 601 Grain Exchange Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla. . Oklahoma Oil Jobbers' Association, Colcord Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla Oklahoma Pharmaceutical Association, Wynnewood, Okla Oklahoma Press Association, El Reno, Okla. . 150 100 2,000 101 60 32 1,200 215 338 75 65 400 600 110 30 700 96 7 250 29 200 56 100 2,088 150 30 1,600 990 45 900 34,000 60 15,000 Oklahoma Retail Clothiers' Association, Oklahoma City, Okla Oklahoma Retail Jewelers' Association, Stillwater, Okla Oklahoma State Association of Cleaners and Dyers, Box 1092, Muskoeee, Okla Oklahoma State Bar Association, 608-14 Terminal Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla Oklahoma State Conference of Bricklayers, 305 North Pine St., Ponca City, Okla . . Oklahoma State Conference of Painters, 7 West 13th St.. Oklahoma City, Okla Oklahoma State Cotton Exchange, 705 Herskowitz Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla. . . Oklahoma State Shippers' Association, 411 Empire Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla Oklahoma Utihties Association, Oklahoma City, Okla Oklahoma Wholesale Grocers' Association, 212 Magnolia Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla. Okmulgee County Free Fair Association, Okmulgee, Okla Okmulgee County Medical Society, Commerce Investment Bldg., Okmulgee, Okla. Okmulgee County Poultry Association, Court House, Okmulgee, Okla Osage Oil and Gas Lessees' Association, 505 Cosden Bldg., Tulsa, Okla Paper Men's Club, care of Oklalioma Paper Co., Oklahoma City, Okla Retail Merchants' Association of Tillman County, Frederick, Okla State Chamber of Commerce of Oklahoma, 209 Shops Bldg., Oklahoma City , Okla. . 80 75 25 136 2,500 250 40 80 150 700 900 1,000 117 65 400 46 22 64 110 125 22 50 COMMERCIAL. OROANIZAnONS OF THE UNITED STATES. 89 STATE AND TERRITORIAL— Continued. Name. Num- ber of bers. Date of amiual meeting. Oreg. Associated Industries of Oregon, 702 Oregon Bldg., Portland, Greg Baker County Chamber of Commerce, Baker, Oreg Baker County Realty Board, Baker, Oreg Coos County Business Men's Association, Marshfield, Oreg Douglas Creditors' Association, Roseburg, Oreg Hood River County Commercial Club, Hood River, Oreg . . Josephine Farmers' Cooperative Association, Murpny, Oreg Klamath County Chamber of Commerce, Klamath Falls, Oi Lake County Chamber of Commerce, Lakeview, Oreg Lane County Credit Association, Eugene, Oreg Linn County Breeders' Association, Albany, Oreg Liim County Fair Association, Albany, Oreg Linn County Holstein Cattle Club, Harrisburg, Oreg Linn County Jersey Cattle Club, Shedd, Oreg Linn County Realty Board, Halsey, Oreg ■. Liim County Shorthorn Association, Albany, Oreg Manufacturers and Merchants' Association of Oregon, 510 Oregon Bldg., Portland, Oreg. Merchants' Protective Association, 740 Morgan Bldg., Portland, Oreg Oregon Association of Master Plumbers, 267 Astor St., Astoria, Oreg Oregon Duroc-Jersey Breeders' Association, Dayton, Oreg Oregon Electrical Dealers and Contractors' Association, 258 Franklin Ave., Astoria, Oreg. Oregon Growers' Cooperative Association, Masonic Temple, Salem, Oreg Oregon Irrigation Congress, Bend, Oreg Oregon Laundry owners' Association, 405 Oregon Bldg. , Portland, Oreg Oregon Mint-Growers' Cooperative Association, Gervais, Oreg Oregon Retail Clothiers' Association, Albany, Oreg Oregon Retail Hardware and Implement Dealers' Association, 305 Hutton Bldg., Spokane, Wash. Oregon Retail Jewelers' Association, Albany, Oreg Oregon State Association of Naturopaths, 408 Alisky, Portland, Oreg Oregon State Caterers' Association (Inc.), 109 Fourth St^^ Portland, Oreg Oregon State Chamber of Commerce, 105 Oregon Bldg., Portland, Oreg Oregon State Dental Association, Stevens Bldg., Portland, Oreg Oregon State Hotel Association (Inc.), 109 Fourth St., Portland, Oreg Oregon State Medical Association, Journal Bldg., Portland, Oreg Oregon State Miners' Association, 402 Panama Bldg., Portland, Oreg Oregon State Motor Association, 200 Oak St. , Portland . Oreg Oregon State Pharmaceutical Association, 221 North 16tn, Portland, Oreg Oregon State Retail Merchants' Association, Fitzpatrick Bldg., Portland, Oreg Oregon State Society of Certified Public Accountants, Northwestern Bank Bldg., Portland, Oreg. Oregon Wholesale Grocers' Association, 815 Yeon Bldg., Portland, Oreg Oregon Woolgrowers' Association, Box 811, Pendleton, Oreg Purchasing Agents' Association of Oregon, care of Portland Gas & Coke Co., Port- land, Oreg. Roseburg and Douglas County Merchants' Association, 333 South Stephens St., Roseburg. Oreg. State Association of Commercial Secretaries, Bend, Oreg State Miners' Association of Oregon, 402 Panama Bldg., Portland. Oreg The Dalles- Wasco Countv Chamber of Commerce, The Dalles, Oreg TUlamook County Auto Dealers' Association, TiUamook, Oreg Tillamook County Creamery Association, Tillamook, Oreg , Union County Ad Club, La Grande, Oreg , United Metal Trades Association of the Pacific Coast, 520 Oregon Bldg., Portland, Oreg. Washington County Automotive Dealers' Association, HiUsboro, Oreg , Washington County Credit Association, Hillsboro, Oreg Willamette Valley Flax and Hemp Growers' Cooperative Association, 407 Masonic Temple, Salem, Oreg. PENNSYLVANIA. Allegheny County Liquor Dealers' Protective Association, 24 Grame St., Pitts- burgh, Pa. Allegheny County Medical Society, Jenkins Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa Allied Boards of Trade of Allegheny County, 6101 Penn Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa Anthracite Bureau of Information, 437 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa Associated Pennsylvania Highway Contractors, 200 North Third St., Harrisburg, Pa. Automobile Club of Washington Coimty, 15 West Beau St., Washington, Pa Beaver VaUey Retail Credit Men's Association, 813 Third Ave., New Brighton, Pa Berks County Millers and Flour and Feed Dealers' Association, 319 Franklin St., Reading, Pa. Bucks County Chamber of Commerce, 205 Moreau St., Morrisville, Pa Building Association League of Pennsylvania, 302 Perry Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. 375 300 15 120 250 300 109 110 50 500 17 50 9 40 150 37 "25 2,200 100 61 23 17 175 100 85 42 3,000 245 80 666 530 1,200 150 2,000 35 30 350 200 9 25 200 75 18 42 125 500 1,187 30 100 90 February. Do. January. February. December. January. May. October, January. March. October. January. March. December. February. Do. January. May. April. Do. October. May. February. Do. January. December. November. December. Do. October. June. January. September. February. June. January. November. October. March. May. February. March. April. June. March. April. September. December. 234 June. 60 November. 38 August. 200 November. 950 I September. 90 COMMERCIAL. OEGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. STATE AND TERRITORIAL— Continued. Name. PENNSYLVANIA— continued . Building Material Dealers' Association of Eastern Pennsylvania, Reading, Pa — Cambria County Medical Society, Johnstown, Pa Central Pennsylvania Coal Producers' Association, LincoUi Trust Bldg., Altoona, Pa, Central Pennsylvania Typothetae, 316 Telegraph Bldg., Harrisburg, Pa Civic Club of Allegheny County, 608 Kennan Bldg. , Pittsburgh, Pa Clearfield County Cooperative Association ( Inc.), Clearfield, Pa Elk County Manufacturers' Association, Ridgway, Pa Engineers' Society of Western Pennsylvania, Wilham Penn Hotel, Pittsburgh, Pa Hotel and Restaurant Association of Allegheny County, Diamond St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Insurance Federation of Pennsylvania, 119 South Fourth St., Philadelphia, Pa Jefferson County Agricultural Association, Brootville, Pa Keystone State Bottlers' Protective Association, 737 Church St., Indiana, Pa Lackawanna Motor Club, 326 Spruce St. , Scranton, Pa Lawrence County Auto Club, 2404 East Washington St., New Castle, Pa Lehigh Valley Association of Credit Men, Hunsicker Bldg., Allentown, Pa Lehigh Valley Motor Club, Allentown, Pa , Lycoming County Manufacturers' Association, 150 West Fourth St., Williamsport, Pa. Manufacturers' Association of Beaver County, Beaver Falls, Pa Manufacturers' Association of Berks County, 511 Penn St., Reading, Pa Mauufacturers' Association of Delaware County, Crozer Bldg., Chester, Pa Manufacturers' Association of Lackawanna County, 503 Board of Trade Bldg., Scranton, Pa. Manufacturers' Association of Monroe County, 119 South Green St., East Strouds- burg. Pa. Manufacturers' Association of Montgomery County, Miller Bldg^ Norristown, Pa Manufacturers' Association of Northampton County, 704 N. N. B. Bldg., Easton, Pa. Monroe County Automobile Club. Stroudsburg, Pa Motor Club of Lackawanna County, 326 Spruce St., Scranton, Pa Northern Cambria Business Men's Association, Hastings. Pa Northern Pennsylvania J Jeekeepers' Association, Troy, Pa Northwestern Pennsylvania Coal Operators' Association, 301 Butler County Bank Bldg., Butler, Pa. Northwestern Pennsylvania Oil Producers' Association, 32 Sanford St., Bradford, Pa. Old York Road Chamber of Commerce. 21 South 12th St;. Philadelphia, Pa Pennsylvama Adjustment Bureau, 22 South Centre St., Pottsville, Pa Pennsylvania Association of Cleaners and Dyers, Chester, Pa Pennsylvania Bakers' Association, 623 Pittsburgh Life Bldg.. Pittsburgh, Pa Pennsylvania Bottlers' Protective Association, 2537 North Ninth St., Philadel- phia, Pa. Pennsylvania Commercial Secretaries' Association, Chamber of Commerce, Lan- caster, Pa. Pennsylvania Confectioners' Association, 341 South Cameron St^. Harrisburg, Pa.. Pennsylvania Electric Association, 212 Locust St., Harrisburg, Pa Pennsylvania Furniture Warehousemen's Association, Penn Storage & Van Co., 2136 Market St., Philadelphia, Pa. Pennsylvania Gas As.sociation, 14 South Market Square, Harrisburg, Pa Pennsylvania Ice Producers' Association, 13th and Pike Sts., Pittsburgh, Pa Pennsylvania Lumbermen's Association, 212 Otis Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa Pennsylvania Manufacturers' Association, 2005 Finance Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa.. Pennsylvania Millers' State Association, Huntingdon, Pa Pennsylvania Motor Federation, 206 Dauphin Bldg., Harrisburg, Pa Pennsylvama Nurserymen's Association, Morrisvifle, Pa Pennsylvania Optometric Association, 2o North Beaver St., York, Pa Pennsylvania Puarmaceutical Association, 1431 Bluff St., Pittsburgh, Pa Pennsylvania Retail Clothiers' Association, Wilhamsport, Pa Pennsylvania Retail Coal Merchants' Association, 603 Baer Bldg^ Reading, Pa... Pennsylvania Retail Dry Goods Association, Telegraph Bldg., Harrisburg, Pa.. . Pennsylvania Slate Manufacturers' Association, Market St., Bangor, Pa Pennsylvania State Beekeepers' Association, Box 79, Harrisburg, Pa Pennsylvania State Brewers' Association, 31st St. and Jefferson, Philadelphia, Pa. Pennsylvania State Chamber of Commerce, 101 Telegraph Bldg., Harrisburg, Pa. . Pennsylvama State Hotel Association, 122 South 13th St., Philadelphia, Pa Pennsylvania State Telephone and Trafllc Association, 227 Walnut St., Harrisburg, Pa. Pennsylvania Trade Secretaries, 2005 Finance Bldg., Philadelphia^ Pa Pennsylvania Wholesale Hardware and Supply Association, 825 Hamilton St., Allentown, Pa. Perry County Agrictdtural Society, Newport, Pa Potter Cooperative Potato Association, Coudersport, Pa Purchasing Agents' Association of Lehigh Valley, Allentown, Pa Retail Grocers' Association of Berks County. 963 North 11th St., Reading, Pa Retail Grocers' Protective Union, 2235 Vodeli St., Pittsburgh, Pa Num- ber of mem- bers. 56 130 227 46 3,500 150 53 1,350 12 6,000 100 488 6,100 200 101 1,450 75 85 125 90 58 190 275 240 ,000 125 54 42 219 350 125 1,400 60 200 200 6,000 300 24,000 32 1,000 1,800 650 850 350 42 300 65 832 46 35 135 100 42 105 COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. STATE AND TERRITORIAL— Continued. 91 PENNSYLVANIA— continued. Retail Lumber Dealers' Association of Pennsylvania, 730 Park Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. Retail Meat Dealers' Association of Allegheny County, 203 West St. Claire St., Pittsburgh, Pa, - , , . ^ Retail Merchants' Association of Pennsylvania, 917 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Retail Merchants' Protective Association, 227 North Washington Ave., Scranton, Pa. Rush Township Automobile Association, Quakake, Pa Schuylkill Cooperative Potato Growers' Association, Hegins, Pa Schuylkill County Motor Club, 113 North Centre St., PottsviUe, Pa Shenango Valley Builders' Exchange, 368 Baldwin Ave., Sharon, Pa Shenango Valley Real Estate Board, 56 East State St., Sharon^ Pa Somerset County Coal Operators' Association, Somerset, Pa Warren County Medical Society, Warren, Pa Western Pennsylvania Retail Druggists' Association (Inc.), 918 Bessemer Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. Western Pennsylvania Wholesale Grocers' Association, 504 Monongahela Bank Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. White Deer Valley Auto Association, Allenwood, Pa Wyoming Valley Motor Club, 31 First Ave., Kingston, Pa York County Cigar Manufacturers' Association, Red Lion, Pa Youghiogheny Auto Club, 534 East Crawford Ave., Connellsville, Pa PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. American Chamber of Commerce of the PhiUppine Islands, Manila, P. I. PORTO EICO. Association of Sugar Producers of Porto Rico, 2 Fanca St., San Juan, P. R. Camara de Comercio de Puerto Rico, Mayaguez, P. R. Centro De DetaUistas de Provisiones de Puerto Rico, 26 San Jose St., San Juan, P. Chamber of Commerce of Porto Rico, 12 Canal St., Fan Juan, P. R La Constructora del Ilogar, Box 1218, San Juan, P. R Porto Rico Fruit Exchange (Inc.), Rio Piedras, P. R Porto Rico Mercantile Association, San Juan, P. R Porto Rico Mercantile Association and Credit Protective Agency (Inc.), 16 Tetuan St.,San Juan, P. R. Porto Rico Sugar Development Co., 15 Tetuan St., San Juan, P. R RHODE ISLAND. Employers' Association of Rhode Island, 420 Butler Exchange, Providence, R. I. Jewelers' Protective Association , 42 Weybosset St. , Providence, R.I Master Builders' Association of Rhode Island, 230 Industrial Trust Bldg., Provi- dence. R. I. Pawtucket Valley Board of Trade, 8 St. John St., Arctic, West Warwick, R.I... Rhode Island Association of Stationary Engineers, 65 Belmont Ave.. Providence, R.I. Rhode Island Association of Steamship Ticket Agents, 506 Westminster St., Provi- dence, R. I. Rhode Island Bankers' Association, Mechanics' National Bank, Providence, R. I. Rhode Island Business League, Box 45, Greenville, R. I Rhode Island District Dealers' Association, 208 AtweU Ave., Providence, R. I... Rhode Island Fruit Growers' Association, Buttonwoods, R. I Rhode Island Horticultural Society, Kingston, R.I Rhode Island Life Underwriters' Association, 515 Turks Head Bldg., Providence, R.I. Rhode Island Pharmaceutical Association, 309 Smith St., Providence, R. I Rhode Island Press Club, 1198 Westminster St., Providence, R.I Rhode Island Retail Grocers and Marketmen's Association, 386 Smithfield Ave., Pawtucket, R. I. Rhode Island Society of Certified Public Accountants, Industrial Trust Bldg., Providence, R. I. Rhode Island Society of Optometry, Washington St., Providence, R.I Rhode Island State Dental Society, 511 Westminster Place, Providence, R. I — Rhode Island Textile Association, 13 Market Square, Providence, R.I Typothetae of Rhode Island, 17 Exchange St., Providence, R.I SOUTH CAROLINA. Abbeville County Chamber of Commerce, Municipal Bldg., Abbeville, S. C Camden and Kershaw County Chamber of Commerce, Camden, S. C Cotton Manufacturers' Association of South Carolina, Anderson, S. C Ice Manufacturers' Association of South Carolina, Sumter, S. C Piedmont Credit and Adjustment Bureau, Greenville, S. C South Carolina Bankers' Association, Columbia, S. C 225 230 9,000 125 58 226 550 25 20 39 48 275 18 50 1,300 85 200 994 70 50 150 60 100 149 102 20 287 100 20 54 200 50 166 300 63 350 45 12 78 220 125 37 201 300 110 43 34 367 February. August. December. February. Januarv. December. October. January. March. July. May. February. April. January. June. March. December. January. Do. February. July. June December. January. October. January. March. April. December. January. Do. Do. June. January. February. October. April. November. January. Do. October. September. November. October. February. July. 92 COMMERCIAL. ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. STATE AND TERRITORIAL— Continued. Name. Num- ber of bers. SOUTH CABOLiN A— continued. South Carolina Credit Association, Columbia, S. C South Carolina Development Board and State Chamber of Commerce, Charleston, S.C. South Carolina Pharmaceutical Association, Box 301, Charleston, S.C South Carolina Retail Merchants' Association, Columbia, S.C Sumter County Chamber of Commerce, Sumter, S.C Sumter County Fair Association, Sumter, S.C _ SOUTH DAKOTA. Belle Fourche Valley Water Users' Association, Newell, S. Dak Farmers' Grain Dealers* Association of South Dakota, 215-17 Security National Bank, Sioux Falls, S. Dak. Ice Cream Manufacturers' Association of South Dakota, Station A, Brookings, S. Dak. Interstate Fair Association, Lemmon, S. Dak Manufacturers and Employers' Association of South Dakota, 900 Sioux Falls National Bank Bldg., Sioux Falls, S. Dak. Master Builders' Association of South Dakota, Aberdeen, S. Dak Retail Merchants' Association of South Dakota, 211 Minnehaha Bldg., Sioux Falls, S. Dak. South Dakota Bottlers' Association, Rapid City, S. Dak South Dakota Commercial Secretaries' Association , Huron, S, Dak Sotith Dakota Com and Grain Growers' Association, Agronomy Department, Brookings. S. Dak. South Dakota Dairy Association, State Collef;e, Brookings, S. Dak South Dakota E .xperiment Association. Station A , Brookings, S. Dak South Dakota Improved Livestock and Poultry Breeders' Association, Station A, Brookings, S. Dak. South Dakota Independent Oil Jobbers' Association, Madison, S. Dak South Dakota Laundryowners' Association, 122 South Main Ave., Sioux Falls, S.Dak. South Dakota Press Association, Iroquois, S. Dak South Dakota Retail Hardware Association, 1120 Metropolitan Life Bldg., Minne- apolis, Minn. South Dakota Retail TTamess Dealers' Association, Vermillion, S. Dak South Dakota Retail Implement Dealers' Association, Sioux Falls, S. Dak South Dakota RctailJowclers' Association, RedDcld, S. Dak South Dakota Shoop and Wool Growers' Association. Brookings, S. Dak South Dakota State Horticultural Society, 828 Eighth Ave^ Brookings, S. Dak. . . South Dakota State Pharmacist Association, Dell Rapids, S. Dak South Dakota Wholesale Grocers' Association, Queen City Fire Bldg., Sioux Falls, S. Dak. State Dairy Association, State Dairy Expert, Brookings, S. Dak State Hydro Club, Mobridge, S. Dak State Pharmaceutical Association, Dell Rapids, S. Dak United Creditors' Association (Inc.), 718 South Summit Ave., Sioux Falls, S. Dak. TENNESSEE. Chamber of Commerce of Haywood County, Brownsville, Tenn Chattanooga Intcr-State Fair Association, Court House. Chattanooga, Tenn East Tennessee Beekeepers' Association, Y. M. C. A., State St., Knoxville,Tenn.. East Tennessee Tyi^othetac, 105 Tipton St., Johnston City, Tenn Fourth District Dental Society, Lebanon, 'Tenn Madison County Truckers' Association (inc.), Route 1, Jackson, Term Middle Tennessee Poultry Breeders' Association, 916 Gilmore Ave., Nashville, Tenn. Montgomery County Livestock Association, Port Royal^ Tenn Montgomery County Pure Bred Poultry Association, Hickory Point, Tenn Retail Merchants' Credit Association, Box 71, Dayton, Tenn Tennessee Automobile Association, care of Nashville Auto Club, Nashville, Tenn. Tennessee Bankers' Association^ Independent Life Bldg^ Nashville, Tenn Tennessee Beekeepers' Ass(x;iation, 406 MorrUl Hall, U. T., Knoxville, Tenn Tennessee Chiropractors' Association, 203 Jackson Bldg.. Nashville, Tenn Tennessee Manufacturers' Association, 1014 Stahlman Bldg., Nashville, Tenn Tennessee Pharmaceutical Association, 1123 Cedar St., Nashville, Tenn Tennessee Retail Clothiers' Association, NashviUe, Tenn Tennessee State Florists' Association, 406 Morrill Hall, U. T^ Knoxville, Tenn Tennessee State Horticultural Society^ 406 Morrill Hall, U. T., Knoxville, Tenn... Termessee State Nurserymen's Association, 406 Morrill Hall, University of Ten- nessee, Knoxville, Tenn. Tipton County Berry Growers' Association, Covington, Tenn Upper Cumberland Medical Society, CookeviUe, Tenn "Washington County Hampshire Sheep Association, Jonesboro, Tenn Washington Coimty Shortnorn Breeders, Jonesboro. Tenn West Tennessee Beekeepers' Association, BoUvar, Term White County Commercial Club, Sparta, Tenn 40 275 600 300 103 200 40 60 275 200 630 20 185 80 300 350 125 23 426 35 963 988 900 16 200 900 1,200 216 16 102 7 32 200 60 100 47 10,000 595 123 20 1,200 1,480 111 252 252 174 100 200 15 33 155 150 COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. 93 STATE AND TERRITORIAL— Continued. Name. Num- ber of mem- bers. Date of amiual meeting. Alice- Jim Wells County Chamber of Comjnerce, Alice, Tex Associated Master Plvmibers of Texas (Inc.), 2000 West Seventh St., Fort Worth,Tex. Bell County Agricultural Fair, 1119 South 17th St., Temple, Tex Bosque County Sheep and Goat Growers' Association, Chfton, Tex Brewster County Chamber of Commerce, Alpine, Tex Brown County Farmers' Association, Brownwood, Tex CaldweU County Fair Association, Lockhart, Tex Cottle County Chamber of Commerce, Paducah, Tex East Texas Chamber of Commerce, Mount Pleasant, Tex Fayette County Retail Merchants' Association, Schulenburg, Tex Hall County Chamber of Commerce, Memphis, Tex Highland Hereford Breeders' Association, Marfa, Tex Hill County Fair Association, Box 274, Hillsboro, Tex Houston County Farm Bureau Sweet Potato Association, Crockett, Tex Karnes County Fair Association, Kenedy, Tex Lavaca Coimty Retail Merchants' Association, Hallettsville, Tex Lumbermen's Association of Texas, Houston, Tex McCulloch County Retail Merchants' Association, Brady, Tex Marion County Chamber of Commerce, Jefferson, Tex 100 50 200 30 115 45 80 Master Stevedores' Association of Texas, 25 Marine Bldg., Galveston, Tex. Motor League of South Texas, Bendor Hotel, Houston, Tex North Texas Wholesale Grocers' Association, 1607 Magnolia Bldg., Dallas, Tex.... Panhandle- Plains Chamber of Commerce, Amarillo, Tex Pecos Valley Water Users' Association of Texas, Grandfalls, Tex Randall Coimtv Commercial League, Canyon, Tex Retail Coal Dealers' Association of Texas, 113 South Washington Ave., Dallas, Tex. Retail Merchants' Association of Angelina County, Lufkin, Tex Retail Merchants' Association of Texas, San Antonio, Tex Rio Grande Grower Exchange, Harlingen, Tex Runnels Coimty Fair Association, Ballinger, Tex Sabine Pilots' Association, 36 Realty Bldg., Port Arthur, Tex Scurry County Chamber of Commerce, Snyder, Tex Sheep and Goat Raisers' Association of Texas, 606 Central National Bank Bldg., San Angelo, Tex. South Texas Association of Life Underwriters, First National Bank Bldg., Houston, Tex. South Texas Cotton Seed Oil Millers' Association, Wharton, Tex South Texas Rabbit Breeders' Association, Box 364-B, Park Place, Houston, Tex.. South Texas Wholesale Grocers' Association, North Medina and West Travis, San Antonio, Tex. Southwestern Open Shop Association, 413J Fannin St., Houston, Tex Texas Automotive Dealers' Association, Box 926, San Antonio, Tex Texas Brick Manufacturers' Association, Ferris, Tex Texas Chamber of Commerce, 303 Insurance Bldg., DaUas, Tex Texas Commercial Executives' Association, Box 591, Yoakiun, Tex Texas Cotton Association, 709-10 First State Bank Bldg., Waco, Tex Texas Cotton Ginners' Association, 3115 Commerce St., Dallas, Tex Texas Cotton Manufacturers' Association, care of Waxahachie Cotton Mills, Waxa- Texas Cotton Seed Crushers' Association, Room 201 North Texas Bldg., Dallas, Tex. Texas Hardware Jobbers' Association, 700 North San Jacinto St., Houston, Tex... Texas Hardware and Implement Association, 822 Dallas Coimty State Bank Bldg., Dallas, Tex. Texas Highway Association, 1910 F. & M. Bank Bldg., Fort Worth, Tex Texas Honey Producers' Association, 1105 South Flores, San Antonio, Tex Texas Industrial Congress, 721 Dallas Co. Bank Bldg., Dallas, Tex Texas Midcoast Industrial Congress, CoUegeport, Tex Texas Pharmaceutical Association, Forney, Tex Texas Retail Clothiers' Association, Box 574, Corsicana, Tex Texas Retail Dry Goods Association, Box 1191, Dallas, Tex Texas Retail Jewelers' Association, Dallas, Tex Texas State Federation of Labor, Box 417, Temple, Tex Texas Wholesale Fruit and Produce Dealers'^ Association, Fifth and Throck- morton, Fort Worth, Tex. Titus Coimty Farm Bureau Melon Growers' Association, Route 7, Mount Pleasant, Tex. Titus County Farm Bureau Potato Growers' Association, Route 7, Moimt Pleasant, Tex West Texas Chamber of Commerce (Inc.), City Hall Bldg., Stamford, Tex West Texas Hardware Dealers' Association, Uvalde, Tex Wharton County Farm Bureau Potato Growers' Cooperative Association, lago, Tex. 41162°— 23 7 62 1,010 60 125 22 920 40 2,000 8 150 300 40 12,000 15 18 83 1,000 148 300 28 700 122 180 2,140 15 200 29 1,000 1,075 584 1,800 500 4,900 224 256 220 55,000 60 109 107 6,234 16 56 April. November. February. December. August. January. June. May. September. January. October. June. April. December. January. November. January. September. February. June. August. May. July. June. Do. Do. January. May. Jime. February. March. June. April. Do. June. April. January. Do. June. May. June. November. March. May. March. 94 COMMERCIAL. 0RGA]SriZAT10NS OF THE UNITED STATES. STATE AND TERRITORIAL— Continued. Name. Num- ber of bers. Strawberry Water Users' Association, Payson, Utah Utah Associated Industries, 1063 South Ninth St. East, Salt Lake City, Utah UtahCanners' Association, Box915, Ogden, Utah Utah County Credit Rating Association, Provo, Utah Utah Honey Producers' Association, Fort Duchesne, Utah Utah Irrigation and Drainage Congress, Utah Experiment Station, Logan, Utah. . Utah Manufacturers' Association, 712 Keams Bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah Utah Pharmaceutical Association, Broadway at Fifth, East, Salt Lake City, Utah. Utah Retail Merchants' Association, 90 T St., Salt Lake City, Utah Utah State Auto Association, Salt Lake City, Utah Utah State Beekeepers' Association, 3 East Gregson Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah. . Utah State Fair Association, State Capitol, Salt Lake City, Utah Utah State 'Woolgrowcrs, 521 McCornick Bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah , Associated Industries of Vermont, Montpelier, Vt Automobile Club of Vermont, 11 School St., Montpelier, Vt Bennington County Improvement Association. Bennington, Vt Vermont Certified Seed Potato Growers' Association, 191 Loomis, Burlington, Vt. Vermont Dairymen 's Associatioii. Plainficld, Vt Vermont P^lectrical Association, St. Albans, V t Vermont Master Bakers' Association, St. Johnsbury, Vt Vermont Shoe Retailers' Association, La France Block, Springfield, Vt Vermont Society of Engineers, Montpelier. Vt Vermont State Merchants' A.ssociation, ISsMain St., Burlington, Vt Vermont State Pharmaceutical Association, Proctor, Vt Augusta Coimty Farmers' Cooperative and Educational Union, Churchville, Va. . Buckingham County Board of Trade, Dillw-yn, Va Insurance Federation of Virginia, Hox fi.'V}, Richmond, Va Public Service Association of Virginia, Hampton, Va Retail Merchants' Association of Virginia, 201 Central National Bldg., Richmond, Va. Roanoke County Fmit Growers' Association. 305 Boulevard, Salem. Va Shenandoah Valley Cooperative Milk Producers' Association (Inc.), "Woodstock, Va. Staunton and Augusta County Chamber of Commerce, Staunton, Va Tidewater Automobile Association of Virginia, Box 607. Norfolk, Va Virginia Association for the Conunon Good. 3400 Park Ave., Richmond, Va..» Virginia Association of Insurance Agents, 337 Main St., Farmville, Va Virginia Automobile Dealers' Association. 1335 West Broad St.^ Richmond, Va.. . Virginia Bar Association, Law Bldg., Eighth and Main Sts., Richmond, Va Virginia Coal Operators' Association, Norton, Va Virginia Cooperative Sheep and Wool Growers' Association, American National Bank Bldg., Richmond, va. Virginia Federation of Business and Professional Women's Clubs, 828^ West Grace St., Richmond, Va. Virginia Good Roads Association, Murphy Hotel, Richmond, Va Virginia Ice Manufacturers' Association, Box 864, Roanoke, Va Virginia Pharmaceutical Association .Richmond, Va Virginia Real Estate Association, 26 West Eighth St., Richmond, Va Virginia Retail Hardware Association, 602 East Broad St., Richmond, Va Virginia State Fair Association, Richmond. Va Virginia State Horticultural Society, Winchester, Va Washington County Farmers' Fair Association, Abingdon, Va Washington County Good Roads Association, Main St., Abingdon, Va. WASHINGTON. Associated Industries of the Inland Empire, 719 Hutton Bldg., Spokane, Wash.... Automobile Club of Western Washington, 1211 Fourth Ave., Seattle, Wash Federated Industries of Washin^on, 422 Alaska Bldg., Seattle, Wash Fishing Vessel Owners' Association, Pier 8, Seattle, Wash Frankhn County Automobile Club, Pasco, Wash Grays Harbor Coimty Business Men's Association, Aberdeen, Wash Mand Automobile Association, 911 West Main Ave., Spokane, Wash Jefferson Covmty Berry Growers' Association, 830 Taylor St., Port Townsend,Wash. Manufacturers' Association of Washington, Arctic Bldg., Seattle, Wash Shelton-Mason County Commercial Club, Shelton, Wasn Spokane County Good Roads Association, Spokane, Wash Stevens County Livestock and Fair Association, Colville, Wash Washington Association of Commercial Organization Secretaries, care of Chamber of Commerce, EUensburg, Wash. Washington Automotive Trade Association, 1321 Seneca, Seattle, Wash Washington Berry Growers' Association, Summer, Wash 325 21 33 80 150 175 200 80 1,800 80 12 300 201 1,648 250 100 750 34 25 85 205 248 225 500 76 297 21 2,500 35 175 135 3,000 400 225 785 44 1,500 3,000 49 808 300 160 ,000 95 30 540 5,000 3,000 100 49 100 700 30 300 225 600 100 30 782 July. 631 February; COMMERCIAL. ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. 95 STATE AND TERRITORIAL— Continued. Name. Num- ber of mem- bers. Date of annual meeting. WASHINGTON— continued. Washington Cereal Association, 309 Arctic Bldg., Seattle, Wash Washington Coal Operators' Association, 608 Lyon Bldg., Seattle, Wash Washington Coal Producers' Association, 1706-1707 L.C. Smith Bldg., Seattle, Wash. Washington Coffee Roasters' Association, Colman Bldg., Seattle, Wash Washington Qooperative Egg and Poultry Association, East Maple St.,Bellingham, Wash. Washington Fisheries Association, 71 Columbia St., Seattle, Wash Washington Irrigation Institute, Yakima, Wash Washington Laundryowners' Association, Model Sanitary Laundry, Centralia, Wash. Washington Natural Parks Association, 6152 Arcade Bldg., Seattle, Wash Washington State Chamber of Commerce, Chehalis, Wash Washington State Good Roads Association, Olympia. Wash Washington State Holstein-Friesian Association (Inc.), 1060 Stuart Bldg., Seattle, Wash. Washington State Hotel Association, 212 Madison St., Seattle, Wash , Washington State Pharmaceutical Association, Hillyard, Wash , Washington State Press Association, Davenport, Wash , Washington State RetailJewelers' Association, 424 Main St., Olympia, Wash , Washington State Retailers' Association, 513 Thompson Bldg., Seattle, Wash Western Washington Wholesale Grocers' Association (Inc.), 263 Colman Bldg., Seattle, Wash. Whatcom County Dairymen's Association, 1419 Dock St., Bellingham, Wash Whatcom Coimty Grocers and Merchants' Association, Stephen Court, BeUingham, Wash. Whitman County Bankers' Association, Pullman, Wash Wool Growers' Service Corporation, Miller Bldg., Yakima, Wash Yakima Valley Business Men's Association, EUensburg, Wash Yakima Valley TraflBlc and Credit Association, 122i West Yakima Ave., YaMma, Wash. WESl- vraGiNU. Central West Virginia Credit and Adjustment Bureau, 410 Union National Bank Bldg., Clarksburg, W. Va. Ice Cream Manufacturers' Association of West Virginia, Box 617, Huntington, W.Va. Kanawha Coal Operators' Association, Charleston, W. Va Monongahela Coal Association. Box 775, Morgantown, W. Va New River Coal Operators' Association, 807 Kanawha Bank and Trust Bldg., Charleston, W.Va. Northern West Virginia Coal Operators' Association, 512 Jacobs Bldg., Fairmont, W.Va. Ohio Valley Sand and Gravel Association, 1044 Market St., Parkersburg, W. Va... Operators' Association of Williamson Field, WiUiamson, W. Va Public Utihties Association of West Virginia, Charleston, W. Va Ritchie County Automobile Club (Inc.), PennsborOj W.Va Smokeless Coal Operators' Association of West Virginia, Beckley, W. Va Tug River Coal Operators' Association, First National Bank Bldg.^ Welch, W. Va. West Virginia Association of Commercial Organization Secretaries, Chamber of Commerce, Parkersburg, W. Va. West Virginia Coal Association, 804 First National Bank, Huntington, W. Va West Virginia Fair Associatiouj Clarksburg, W. Va West Virginia Hardware AssociatioUj 1001 Schwind Bldg., Dayton, Ohio West Virginia Laundryowners' Association, care of Sanitary Laundry, Clarksburg, W. Va. West Virginia Lumber and Builders' Supply Dealers' Association, New Martins- viUe, W. Va. West Virginia Panhandle Coal Operators' Association, care of Hitchman Coal & Coke Co., WheeUng, W. Va. West Virginia Retail Clothiers' Association (Inc.), 12th St., Wheeling, W. Va West Virginia State Pharmaceutical Association, care of Kelly Stores Co., Mont- gomery, W. Va. West Virginia Wholesale Grocers' Association, comer Second and JuUana Sts., Parkersburg, W. Va. Winding Gulf Operators' Association, Beckley, W. Va Brown County Contractors and Builders' Association, 33-34 Nicolet Bldg., Green Bay, Wis. Calumet County Agricultural Association, Main St., Chilton, Wis Calumet County Merchants' Association, Brillion, Wis Central Wisconsin Traffic Association, 309 Sturgeon Eddy, Wausau, Wis Door County Chamber of Commerce, Sturgeon Bay, Wis Engineering Society of Wisconsin, 34 Virginia Terrace, Madison, Wis Good Roads Association of Wisconsin, 212 Tenney Block, Madison, Wis Green Lake County Agricultural Society, Berlin, Wis ". Lincoln County Bar Association, MerriU, Wis 20 5 11 10 2,800 50 400 104 150 600 350 130 500 105 3,000 14 1,650 53 33 65 62 28 116 22 110 11 50 50 174 150 29 16 100 220 25 300 20 70 250 62 33 350 22 74 678 225 1.400 11 September. August. January. Do. August. December. April. February. May. July. April. January. Do. December. June. January. Do. July. November. Do. October. January. Do. February. June. August. December. January. February May. September. January, February. January. June. April. December. January. December. October. Jime. January. February. January. November. October. 96 COMMEBCIAL. ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. STATE AND TERRITORIAL— Continued. Name. WISCONSIN— continued. Lincoln County Real Estate Board, Merrill, Wis Master Builders' Association of Wisconsin, 373 Broadway, Milwaukee, Wis Men's Apparel Club of Wisconsin, 524 Caswell Bldg., Milwaukee, Wis Monroe County Bankers' Association, Sparta, Wis Motion Picture Theatre Owners of Wisconsin, 621 17th St., Milwaukee, Wis Wisconsin Association of Coffee Roasters and Jobbers, Clinton and Florida Sts., Milwaukee, Wis. Wisconsin Association of Commercial Secretaries, 210 Jefferson St., Wausau, Wis. . Wisconsin Association of Ice Cream Manufacturers, Oshkosh, Wis Wisconsin Association of Master Bakers, 2425 Hadlev St., Milwaukee, Wis Wisconsin Association of Optometrists, Evansville, Wis Wisconsin Automotive Dealers' Association, 316 Brumder Bldg., Milwaukee, Wis. . Wisconsin Bankers' Assoc-iation, 203 Caswell Block. Milwaukee, Wis Wisconsin Brewers' Association, 3202 Galena St., Alilwaukee, Wis Wisconsin Buttermakers' Association, Wasliin>;ton Bldg., Madison, Wis Wisconsin Cheese Producers' Federation, PljTnouth, Wis Wisconsin Cheesemakers' Association, Madison, Wis Wisconsin Coimty Highway Commissioners' Association, Barron, Wis Wisconsin Dairymen's Association, Fort Atkinson, Wis. Wisconsin Funeral Directors and Embalmers' Association, 1119 Michigan St., She- boygan, Wis. Wisconsin Hide Dealers' Association, 711 Canal St., Milwaukee, Wis Wisconsin Implement Dealers' As.sociation, Madison, Wis , Wisconsin Independent Oil Jobbers' Association, 242 Broadway^ Milwaukee, Wis.. "Wisconsin Insurance Federation, 373 Broadway, Milwaukee, "SVis , Wisconsin Laundryowners' As.sociation, 413 Ekchange, Kenosha, Wis Wisconsin Manufacturers' Association, 410 Bank of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis Wisconsin Master I'lumbers' Association, 456 Broadway, Milwaukee, Wis Wisconsin Mineral Aggregate Association, 1018 Railway Exchange Bldg., Mil- waukee, Wis. Wisconsin Municipal and Highway Contractors' Association, 204 Grand Ave., Mil- WQiUkcG Wis Wisconsin Paper Merchants' Association, 324 East Water St., Milwaukee, Wis Wisconsin Pea Packers' Association, Fort Atkinson, Wis Wisconsin Pharmaceutical Association, 49 Biddle, Milwaukee, Wis Wisconsin Retail Clothiers' Association, 601 Beaver Bldg., Madison, Wis Wisconsin Retail Dry Goods Association, 601-8 Insurance Bldg., Madison, Wis — Wisconsin Retail Furniture Dealers' Association, 266 West Water St., Milwaukee, Wis. Wisconsin Retail Hardware Association, Stevens Point, Wis Wisconsin Retail Jewelers' Association, Neenah State Bank Bldg., Neenah, Wis... Wisconsin Retail Lumbermen's Association, 214 West Water St., Milwaukee, Wis. Wisconsin Retail Market Men's Association, 2826 Lisbon Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. . . Wisconsin Retailers' Association, 288 East Water St., Milwaukee, Wis Wisconsin Retailers' Federation, 108 Mason St., Milwaukee. Wis Wisconsin Sheet Metal Contractors' Association, 279 Lake St.. Milwaukee, Wis Wisconsin Shoe Retailers' Association, 737 Third St., Milwaukee, Wis Wisconsin Society of Certified Public Accountants, 405 Loan and Trust Bldg., Milwaukee, Wis. Wisconsin State Association of Dyers and Cleaners, care of West Side Dyeworks, Milwaukee, Wis. Wisconsin State Association of Electragists, 23 Erie St., Milwaukee, Wis , Wisconsin State Automobile Association, Montgomery Bldg., Milwaukee, Wis — Wisconsin State Cranberry Growers' Association, Cranmoor, Wis Wisconsin State Dental Society, 104 King St., Madison, Wis Wisconsin State Hotel Association, Republican Hotel, Milwaukee, Wis Wisconsin State Millers' Association, 782 Lawrence St., Appleton, Wis Wisconsin State Poultry Breeders' Association, Waterford, Wis Wisconsin Textile Association, 905 Clinton St., Milwaukee, Wis Wisconsin Tire Dealers' Association, 472 Milwaukee St., Milwaukee, Wis Wisconsin Utilities Association, 445 Washington Bldg., Madison, Wis Wisconsin Wholesale Grocers' Association, 288 East Water St., Milwaukee, Wis... Johnson County Commercial Club, Buffalo, Wyo Laramie County Credit Rating Exchange, Cheyenne, Wyo Natrona County Stock Growers' Association, 501 South Kimball St., Casper, Wyo. Platte County Credit Rating Exchange, Wheatland, Wyo Platte Coimty Medical Society, Sunrise, Wyo Shoshone Project Waterusers*^ Association (Garland Division), Powell, Wyo Southern Wyoming Coal Operators' Association, Box 823, Rock Springs, Wyo. . . . Wyoming Engineering Society, 801 East 17th St., Cheyenne, Wyo Wyoming Pharmaceutical Association, Sheridian, Wyo Wyoming State Chamber of Commerce, Casper, Wyo.s Wyoming Utility Association, care of Natrona Power Co., Casper, Wyo Wyoming Wool Growers' Association, McKinley, Wyo Num- ber of mem- bers. 1,576 275 16 171, 11 45 200 300 500 1,079 40 430 200 1,000 150 4,000 400 600 50 500 65 550 361 25 55 87 700 2,300 500 270 1,280 300 740 400 1.000 100 115 29 48 138 1,390 75 1,100 200 36 400 7 100 227 31 100 175 75 56 8 640 10 60 150 15 35 300 8 Address of president. C0MMEE,CIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. 97 LOCAL. Symbols are employed to indicate the field of service of the respective local oi^anizations and their special activities. Following is the key to the symbols: Al.— Civic and industrial development district. A2. — Interests of local merchants. A3. — Interests of local manufacturers of miscellaneous products. A4. — Interests indicated in title of organization, or special service not indicated by preceding symbols. Figures in parentheses following the names of cities represent their population according to the census of 1920. ALABAMA. City and organization. Num- ber of mem- Pri- mary pur- pose. Date of an- nual meeting. Albany (7,652): Chamber of Commerce Albert ville (1.666): Chamber of Commerce Alexander Ciiy (2,293): Chamber of Commerce. Aliceville (944): Board of Trade Altoona ri,078): Commercial Club .- Andalusia (4,023): Chamber of Commerce Hog Sale Association Anniston (17^734): Advertismg Club Chamber of Commerce Manufacturers' Association^ Box 688 Retail Merchants' Association Rotary Club, Box 145 Ashland (1,655): Chamber of Commerce Athens (3,323) : Commercial Club AttaUa (3,462): Business Men's Club Auburn (2,143): The Villagers "Women's Departmental Club (18,674): Chamber of Commerce (Inc.), 318^ 19th St. Kiwanis Club, 1731 Dartmouth Ave Rotary Club, 316 Realty Bldg Birmingham (178.086): Automoblie Club, 1230 North 23d St Chamber of Commerce, First Ave. at 19th St Civic Association, 7916 Caldwell Ave Credit Men's Association Furniture Dealers' Association (Inc.). Box 1522 Merchants' Credit Association, 2024 First Ave Retail Grocers and Butchers' Association, 509 Lyric Bldg Stationery Association, 2014 First Ave Wholesale Lmnbermen's Club, Woodward Bldg Brewton (2,682): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club Camp Hill (952): Chamber of Commerce Dadeville (1,146): Civic Club Decatur (4,752): Morgan Kiwanis Club, Johnson St., Albany, Ala. DemopoUs (2,779): Commercial Club Retail Credit Association Dothan (10,034): Chamber of Commerce Kiwanis Club Rotary Club Ensley : Coal and Iron Civic League Eufaula (4,939): Commercial Club Rotary Club Evergreen (1,813): Chamber of Commerce Fayette (1,741): Chamber of Commerce Florence (10,529): Chamber of Commerce Florence Rotary Club, Box 105 Gadsden (14.737): Chamber of Commerce Goodwater (920) : Commercial Club Grand Bay (1,107): Chamber of Commerce Greensboro (1,809): CivitanClub Retail Credit Association 112 37 80 55 50 300 150 75 175 13 12 60 100 105 32 135 50 36 1,000 1,800 700 100 150 4 19 85 20 25 57 64 175 40 100 50 34 270 30 30 200 78 500 36 364 50 78 32 20 Al Al Al Al Al Al A4 A2 Al A3 A1,A2 A1,A4 Al Al Al A4 A4 A1,A2, A3 Al A1,A4 Al Al Al A3 A2 A2 A2 A2 A4 A4 A1,A4 A4 A4 Al Al A2 A4 Al A1,A4 Al Al A1,A4 Al Al Al A1,A4 Al Al Al A1,A2 A1,A2, A3 November. February. May. Do. April. January. April. January. April . January. July. June. May. December. April. September. June. Do. May. November. January. December. January. December. Jime. May. April. December. April. October. January. June. April. February. June. November. January. Do. 98 COMMERCIAL. OEOANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. LO C Al^-Continued. ALABAMA— Continued. City and organization. Greenville (3,471): Commercial Club Truck Growers' Association Hartselle (2,009): Chamber of Commerce. Huntsville (8,018): Acme Club Chamber of Commerce CivitanClub Junior Chamber of Commerce Kiwanis Club Retail Credit Bureau Rotary Club, Elks Bldg Jackson (1,331): Chamber of Commerce Jacksonville (1,331): Community Club Jasper (^3,246): Merchants' Association Lineville (1,507): Chamber of Commerce Luverne (1, 464): Chamber of Commerce Mobile (60,777): Chamber of Commerce and Business League (Inc.), 52 St. Joseph St. Cotton Exchange Paint, Oil and Varnish Club Realty Association, 104 St. Francis St Rotary Club, Box 96 Typothetae, 64 North Royal St Montgomery (43,464): Advertising Club Chamber of Commerce Cotton Exchange Junior Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club Tvpothetae Opelita (4,900): Chamber of Commerce Ozark (2,518): Chamber of Commerce Piedmont (2,645) : Chamber of Commerce Pratt ville (2 316): Chamber of Commerce, 113 Fletcher St : Roanoke (3,841): Chamber of Commerce. Russell ville (2,269) : C hamber of Commerce Selma ( 15,589): Chamber of Commerce Sheffield (6,682): Muscle Shoals Chamber of Commerce. Sylacauga (2,141): Advertising igClub Exchange Club Retail Merchants' Association Talladega (6,546): Business and Professional Women's Club.. Kiwanis Club Rotary Club Tallassee (2,034): Chamber of Commence Troy (5,696): Rotary Club Tuscaloosa (11,996): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club Tuscumbia (3,855): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club, East Sixth St Union Springs (4,125): Chamber of Commerce. York (1,65 ): Board of Trade and Industries . . . Num- ber of mem- bers. 25 35 25 26 500 28 50 47 65 39 40 25 77 28 18 24 113 11 52 335 19 160 112 6 75 121 104 80 50 400 50 52 30 63 43 650 56 125 21 150 30 Pri- mary pur- Al A4 A4 Al A1,A2, A3 Al Al Al A2 A1,A4 Al Al A2 Al A1,A4 A1,A2, A3 A4 A4 A4 A4 A2 A4 Al A4 Al A4 A4 Al A4 Al Al Al Al Al Al A1,A2 Al A2,A3 Al Al Al Al A4 Al A4 Al A4 A1,A2, A3 Al ALASKA. Anchorage (1,856): Bar Association A4 Al Al Al Al Al Al A1,A2 \ Chamber of Commerce 100 25 22 85 84 200 20 1 Cordova (955): Chamber of Commerce November, t Fairbanks (1,155): Commercial Club July 1 Do. Jimeau (3,058): Commercial Association Ketchikan (2,458) : Commercial Club Do. Seward (652): Chamber of Commerce. . . March Skagway (494): Commercial Club COMMERCIAL OEGANI^ATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. 99 LOCAL— Continued. ARIZONA. City and organization. Nnm- Pri- berof mary Date of an- mem- pur- nual meetin{ bers. pose. 462 A1,A2 October. 171 Al Do. 70 Al 83 A2 March. 150 Al May. 25 Al September. 28 A4 90 Al January. 200 A1,A2, A3 A4 February. 24 March. 60 Al January. 60 Al March. 140 Al January. 34 A4 40 A4 April. 252 Al December. 34 A4 April. 30 Al September. 50 Al March. 750 Al 257 A2 February. 110 A4 April. 38 A2,A3, A4 Do. 89 Al 30 A1,A4 January. 65 A2 October. 600 Al January. December. 58 Al 50 A2 January. 40 A2 17 Al Do. 78 A1,A4 May. 100 Al 147 A1,A2, A3 January. Bisbee (9,205): Chamber of Commerce Chandler: Chamber of Commerce ' Clifton (4.163): Commercial Club Douglas (9,916): Business Men's Protective Association, 830 G Ave. Chamber of Commerce and Mines Flagstaff (3,186): Chamber or Commerce Rotary Club Glendale (2,737): Glendale District Commercial Club.. Globe (7,044): Chamber of Commerce, Box 1047 Rotary Club Higley (321) : Board of Trade Holbrook (1,206): Chamber of Commerce Mesa (3,036): Mesa District Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club Miami (6.689): Rotary Club Nogales (5,199): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club Peoria: Chamber of Commerce Phoenix (29,053): Builders' Exchange, 129 North Central Ave Chamber of Commerce, Box 1376 Merchants and Manufacturers' Association, 201 Home Builders' Bldg. Rotary Club, 17 North First Ave Prescott (5,010) : Rotary Club, 143 South Cortez St Tempe (1,963): Men's Civic Club Tucson (20,292): Builders' Exchange (Inc.) Business Men's Protective Association Chamber of Commerce, Box 668 Kiwanis Club ." Merchants' Association Motor Trade Association Real Estate Board Rotary Club Wickenburg (527): Chamber of Commerce, Box 901 Yiuna (4,237): Chamber of Commerce ARKANSAS. Arkadelphia (3.311): Chamber of Commerce. Rotary Club. Batesville (4,299): Chamber of Commerce. Benton (2,933): Chamber of Commerce Benton ville (2,313): Community Club Blytheville (6,447): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club, Glencoe Hotel Brinkley (2,714): Chamber of Commerce. . Camden (3,228): Chamber of Commerce.. . Conway (4,564): Commercial Club Rotary Club, 112 West Oak St De Witt (1,422): Chamber of Commerce... Dequeen (2,517): Growers' Association Dermott (2,330): Chamber of Commerce. . El Dorado (3,887): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club. Eureka Springs (2,-429) : Commercial Club Fayetteville (5,362): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club Fordyce (2,996): Retail Merchants' Association. 125 Al 42 A1,A4 264 Al 86 Al 85 Al 284 Al 24 A4 Al Al 128 200 Al 37 A4 40 A1,A2 150 A4 50 A2 1,501 A1,A2, A3 46 A4 250 Al 250 Al 45 Al 14 A2 January. December. Do. January. November. April. August. September. June. December. June. December. 100 COMMERCIAL OEGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. LOG AL— Continued . ARKANSAS— Continued. City and organization. Num- ber of mem- bers. Pri- mary pur- pose. Date of an- nual meeting. Forrest City (3,377): Chamber of Commerce Community Service Club Rotary Club, Planters' Bank Bldg , Fort Smith (28,870): Chamber of Commerce Retail Merchants' Association Rotary Club, Goldman Hotel Traffic Bureau Typothetae Harrison (3 ,477) : Rotary Club Helena (9.112): Board of Trade Chamber of Commerce, 328 Cherry St Retail Credit Men's Association. Retail Merchants' Association Hope (4,790): Chamber of Commerce, Elm St Rotary Club, South Ehn St Hot Springs (^11,095): Business Men's League Retail Credit Men's Association Rotary Club, 428 Central Ave Little Rock (fw,i42): Board of Commerce Builders' Exchange, 218 West Second St. Cotton Exchange Engineers' Club, 339 Gazette Bldg Grain Exchange, Cotton Exchange Bldg. Motor Club Magnolia (2,158): Chamber of Commerce Malvorn (3,864): Chamber of Commerce Mariaima (5,074): Lions Club Mena (3,441): Commercial Club. Morrillton (3,010): Chamber of Commerce Nash \-llle (2,144): Advertising Club Chamber or Commerce Newport (3.771): Chamber of Commerce Para^'ould (6,30(>): Chamber of Commerce Parkin ( 1 ^378) : Chamber of Commerce Pine Bluff (19,280): Automotive Dealers' Association, Box 52 Chamber of Commerce Retail Merchants' Association Rotarv Club, Box 381 Prescott (^,691): Chamber of Commerce, 113 East Elm St. Rogers (3,318): Community Club Rotary Club, 318 South First St Russellville (4,505): Rotary Club Searcy (2,836): Chamber of Commerce Siloam Springs (2,569) : Chamber of Commerce Springdale (2,263): Community Club Stuttgart (4,522): Ad Club Rotary Club Texarkana (8,257): Chamber of (Jommerce Lions Club Van Buren (5,224): Business Men's Club Rotary Club Walnut Ridge (2,226): Chamber of Commerce Warren (2 145): Chamber of Commerce 165 40 412 120 95 88 7 43 104 310 75 80 275 33 800 75 4,000 98 125 62 20 200 150 59 100 25 126 300 75 18 540 Rotary Club Wynne (2,933): Chamber of Commerce. 101 100 200 45 35 166 104 51 37 929 91 130 33 75 160 40 218 A1,A2 Al A4 Al A2 A4 A2 A4 A1,A4 A4 Al A2 A2,A3 Al A4 Al A2 A4 A4 A4 A4 A4 A4 A4 Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al A2 Al A2 A4 A1,A2, A3 A1,A4 A1,A4 Al Al A1,A2, A3 Al A2 A4 Al Al Al A4 Al A1,A2, A3 Al Al,^2 COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. 101 LOCAL— Continued. CALIFORNIA. CJity and organization. Alameda (28,806): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club, 2(K)8 Alameda Ave Alhambra (9,096): Chamber of Commerce. Anaheim (5,526): Chamber of Commerce Retail Merchants' Protective Association, 514 Zeyn St. Antioch (1,936): Chamber of Commerce Areata (2,239): Chamber of Commerce Atascadero: Chamber of Commerce Rochdale Association Bakersfield (18,638): Builders' Exchange, 910 D St Civic Commercial Association, Box 27 Industrial Association, K. C. Land Co. Bldg Retail Dealers' Association, Box 637 Bay Point: Improvement Chib Benicia (2,693): Chamber of Commerce Berkeley (56,056): Chamber of Commerce Lions Club, 2112 Berkeley Way Manufacturers' Association, Station A. Rotary Club Bl3^he (1,622): Chamber of Commerce Brawley (5,389): Commercial Club Rotary Club Burbank (2,913): Chamber of Commerce , Commercial Club Burlingame (4,107): San Mateo and Burlingame Merchants' Association. Three Cities Chamber of Commerce Calexico (6,223): Chamber of Commerce Chico (9,339): Almond Growers' Association Business Women's Club Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club, Box 903 Claremont (1,728): Chamber of Commerce CoaUnga (2,934): Business Men's Association Chamber of Commerce Colton (4,282): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club Colusa (1,846): Business Men's Association Concord (912): Chamber of Commerce Corcoran (1,101): Business Men's Association Chamber of Commerce Coming (1,449): Chamber of Commerce Corona (4,129): Chamber of Commerce Merchants and Manufacturers' Association, 121 East Sixth St. Covina (1,999): Golden Orange Growers (Inc.) Davis (939): Business Men's Association Delano (805): Chamber of Commerce Dinuba (3,400): Rotary Club, 157 South L St El Centro (5,464): Chamber of Commerce Realty Board Rotary Club Escondido (1,789): Chamber of Commerce Merchants' Association Exeter (1,852): Chamber of Commerce Commercial Club Ferndale (1919): Chamber of Commerce. Num- ber of mem- bers. 560 66 400 400 56 150 124 25 560 500 50 200 600 94 38 115 40 175 320 200 150 620 400 400 77 349 43 225 70 103 324 31 50 70 50 55 192 40 30 65 275 33 300 18 37 250 163 Pri- mary piu-- pose. Al A4 Al Al, A2, A3 A2 Al Al Al A2 A4 Al A4 A2 A4 A1,A2, A3,A4 Al, A2, A3 Al A1,A3 A4 Al Al A4 A1,A2, A3 Al A2,A3 Al Al A4 Al Al A1,A4 Al A2 Al Al A4 A2,A3 Al A1,A2 Al Al A1,A2, A3 A2,A3 A4 Al Al A4 Al A4 A1,A4 A1,A2 A2 A1,A2, A3,A4 A2 Al Date of an- nual meeting May. January. July. January. July. January. July. March. October. January. April. July. May. January. February. April. January. October. February. January. Do. March. April. Do. January. April. December. April. July. February. Januarv. December. May. December. Do. Do November. April. May. January. May. January. February. Do. December. 102 COMMEECIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. LOCAL— Continued. CALIFORNIA-Continued. City and organization. Num- ber of mem- bers. Pri- mary pur- Fillmore (597): Chamber of Commerce Fort Bragg (2,616): Commercial Club, Franklin St Fresno (45,086): Commercial Club Merchants' Association , Box 536 Rotary Club, 033 Rowell Bldg San Joaquin Valley Lumbermen's Club Fullerton (4.415): Board of Trade KiwanisClub Gilroy (2 862): Merchants' Association, Monterey St Retail Grocers' Association, 205 Monterey St Women's Ci\ic Club Glendale (13,536^: Chamber of Commerce Credit Association , East Glendale Advancement Association Exchange Club Kiwanis Club, Broadway Inn , Motor Car Dealers' Association, 228 South Brand Boulevard Realt y Board Rotary Club, Chamber of Commerce Bldg San Fernando Road Improvement Association, 1034 South San Fer- nando Road. Verdugo Woodlands Improvement Association , Glendora (2,028): Chamber of Commerce , Grass Valley (4,006): Chamber of Commerce , Woman's Improvement Club, 319 Neal St Gridley (1,636): Chamber of Commerce Ilanford (5,8.S8): Board of Trade Hayward (3,487): Chamber of Commerce Merchants' Booster Club Poultry Producers' Association Rotary Club, 936 B St Healdsburg (2,412): Chamber of Commerce Hemet (1,480): Kiwanis Club of Jacinto, 121 Harvard St Orange Growers' Association Walnut Growers' Association Highgrove: Chamber of Commerce Improvement Association Hillsborough (1)31): Three Cities Chamber of Commerce, Burlingame, Calif . Hollistor (2,781): Merchants' Association Holtville (2,781): Chamber of Commerce Huntington Beach (l,r)37): Chamber of Commerce Credit Association Huntington Park (4,513): Rotary Club, 130i South Pacific Boulevard Imperial (1,885): Imperial City Chamber of Commerce Independence: Commercial Club Inglewood (3,280): Chamber of Commerce Trade Association King City (1 ,048): Chamber of Commerce Kingsburg (1-,316): Chamber of Commerce Fruit Growers' Association La Jolla: Civic League Lakeport (1,024): Chamber of Commerce, Main St Laton: Library and Community Association Lemoore (1 .335) : Commercial Club Lodi (4,850): Business Men's Association, Box 116 City Planning Commission Growers and Shippers' League Lions Club Rotary Club Woman's Club Long Beach (55,593): Advertising Club, 636 First National Bank Bldg Auto Trades Association, Chamber of Commerce Business and Professional Women' Club Central Labor Council, 921 Chestnut Ave 520 350 120 64 240 74 40 10 1,040 43 76 17 49 36 180 279 105 50 35 350 250 90 675 31 175 57 60 210 60 20 620 40 275 350 15 38 100 50 320 35 351 60 289 100 125 150 154 7 3,000 44 53 435 165 75 60 23 Al A1,A2 Al A1,A2 A1,A4 A2 Al Al A2 A2 Al A4 A2 Al A4 Al A2 A4 A4 Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al A2 A4 A4 Al Al A4 A4 Al Al Al A2 A1,A2 Al A2 A4 Al A1,A2 Al A2,A3 Al Al A4 Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al A4 A4 Al A4 COMMERCIAL. OKGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. 103 LOCAL— Continued. CALIFO RNIA— Continued . City and organization. Num- Pri- ber of mary Date of an- mem- pur- nual meeting. bers. pose. 1,650 Al May. 75 A2 March. 1,800 Al November. 107 A1,A2 December. 90 Al October. 960 A4 June. 85 A3 115 A3,A4 October. 600 Al February. 200 A2,A3 December. 6 A4 July. 300 Al January. 250 A4 80 A4 December. 8,800 Al January. 14 A4 October. 175 A1,A4 May. 970 A3 Do. 55 A2 28 A4 September. 75 A3 January. 40 A3 March. 53 A4 July. 12 A4 September. 2,400 A1,A2 Do. 3,852 A4 January. 220 Al Do. 10 A4 December. 25 A2 May. 14 A2 September. 180 A2 January. 3,000 A2,A3 Do: 45 A4 62 Al May. 450 Al Do. 12 A4 104 A4 December. 161 A1,A3, A4 May. 519 Al December. 100 A4 January. 12 A2 Do. 120 A2 Do. 210 A2 21 A2 October. 263 A4 April. 66 A4 January. 18 A4 October. 535 A1,A2 January. 22 A4 October. 8 A2 400 A4 Do. 125 A4 220 Al January. 35 A2 Do. 255 Al October. 35 A2 February. 280 Al October. 33 A4 April. 701 Al October. 43 Al 225 Al May. 100 Al 43 A4 June. 40 Al 12 A2 December 425 A1,A2, A3 A4 March. 32 AprU. Long Beach—Continued. Chamber of Commerce Credit Association, Chamber of Commerce Junior Chamber of Commerce, IGOO Atlantic St., Alberta Apts Eiwanis Club, 407 Security Bank Bldg Lions Club, 46 Chestnut Ave Los Angeles (576,673): Apartment House Association (Inc.), 314 South Olive St Associated Apparel Manufactm-ers, 756 South Broadway Associated Jobbers of Los Angeles, 104 North Spring St Automobile Association, 1644 North Alvarado St Automobile Trade Association, 1318 South Figueroa St Brick Manufacturers' Association. 345 Douglas Bldg Builders' Exchange, 500 Stimson Bldg Building Material Dealers' Credit Association, 815 South Hill St Business Property Owners and Managers' Association, 214 Stock Ex- change Bldg. Chamber of Commerce, 130 South Broadway Clearing House Association, U. S. National Bank Commercial Board, 730 Citizens' National Bank Bldg Credit Men's Association, 312 East Third St Electrical Contractors and Dealers' Association, 1009J South Hill St. . Flour Men's Club, 706 Central Bldg Founders and Employers' Association, 226 Wilcox Bldg Furniture Manufacturers' Associatioia, 520 American Bank Bldg Grain Exchange, 660 I. W. HeUman Bldg Hav Exchange, 151 West 33d St ^ Hollywood Chamber of Commerce Japanese Association of Los Angeles, 105 East First St Los Angeles Harbor Chamber or Commerce, Wilmington, CaUf Lumbermen's Exchange, 615 Central Bldg Machinery Dealers' Association, 408 East Third St Master Printers' Association , 206 South Spring St Merchant Plumbers' Association, 131 West 15th St Merchants and Manufacturers' Association , 1008 Van Nuys Bldg Motion Picture Producers' Association, 1004 HoUinswortn Bldg Motor Car Dealers' Association, 1344 South Figueroa St Municipal League, 327 Bradbury Bldg. Paint, Oil and Varnish Club, 435 San Fernando Bldg Produce Exchange. 1304 East Seventh St Purchasing Agents' Association, 1235 Merchants' National Bank Bldg. Realty Board, 631 South Spring St Restaurant Association, 314 Coulter Bldg Retail Dry Goods Merchants' Association, 903 Broadway, Central Bldg Retail Meat Dealers' Association, 1437 Los Angeles St Retail Merchants' Credit Association Retail Shoe Dealers' Association, 903 Broadway, Central Bldg Rotary Club, 1550 West Washington St Stock Exchange, 610 Van Nuys Bldg Theaters Association, 631 Loew's State Bldg Western Avenue Business Association, 210 Lilly Fletcher Bldg Wholesale Dry Goods Association, 756 South Broadway Wholesale Paper Dealers' Association, 826 Higgins Bldg Wholesalers Board of Trade, 108 West Second St , World Traders, 375 P . E . Bldg : , Los Gatos (2,317): Chamber of Commerce Merchants' Association Lindsay (2,576): Chamber of Commerce Commercial Boosters' Club Livermore (1,916): Chamber of Commerce Madera (3,444): Rotary Club, 116 South D St Manteca (1,286): Chamber of Commerce Lions Club ^rtinez (3,858): Chamber of Commerce, 938 Main St Woman's Club MarysviUe (5,461): Builders' Exchange ^ Lions Club Yuba and Sutter Grocers' Association Merced (3.974): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club 104 COMMERCIAL. ORGANIZATTOITS OF THE UNITED STATES. LOCAL — Continued. CALIFORNIA— Continued. City and organization. Num- ber of mem- bers. Pri- mary pur- Modesto (9,241): Chamber of Commerce Exchange Club Merchants' Association Monrovia (5,480): Chamber of Commerce Monterey (5.479): Chamber of Commerce Mountain View (1,888): Chamber of Commerce. Napa (6,757): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club, Clay and Brown Sts Nevada City (1.782): Chamber of Commerce. . . , Newcastle: Fruit Growers' Association Newman (1,251): Chamber of Commerce Oakdale (1,745): Chamber of Commerce Oakland (216,261): Advertising Club, 233 Blake Block Chamber of Commerce ^ East Side Board of Trade, 1315 Fruitvale Ave. Merchants' Exchange, 412 13th St Rotary Club, 733 Hotel Oakland Up-Town Association, Athens Hotel Ontario (7,280): Business Men's Association Chamber of Commerce *. , Orange (4,884): Merchants and Manufacturers' Association , Orange Community Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club Orland (1,582): Chamber of Commerce Woman 's Improvement Club •. , OroviUe (3,340): United Chamber of Commerce of Oroville and Allied Communities. . . Wyandotte Olive Growers' Association Oxnard (4,417): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club Pacific Grove (2,974): Chamber of Commerce , Women's Civic Club, Grand Ave Palo Alto (5,900): Chamber of Commerce Merchants' Association Rotary Club, 156 University Ave Pasadena (45,354): American Plan Industrial Association Chamber of Commerce and Civic Association, 100 South Raymond Ave. Jewelers' Association, 197 East Colorado St Master Builders' Association. 829 Earlham St Merchants' Association, 100 South Raymond Ave Paso Robles (1,919): Almond Growers' Association Chamber of Commerce Petaluma (6,226): Chamber of Commerce, 140 Main St Pittsburg (4,715) : Chamber of Commerce PlacerviUe (1,650): Merchants' Association Pomona (13,505): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club, care of Pomona Valley Hospital Porterville (4,097): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club : Red Blufl (3,104): Chamber of Commerce Redding (2,962): Chamber of Commerce Women's Improvement Club Redlands (9,571): Chamber of Commerce Merchants and Manufacturers' Association — Rotary Club, 347 Orange St Redondo Beach (4,913): Chamber of Commerce Redwood City (4,020): Chamber of Commerce 70 96 590 200 200 285 40 75 105 225 92 275 3,000 600 227 192 90 300 86 200 49 l.W 142 3.50 32 175 51 150 420 120 21 165 ,200 10 20 125 400 600 90 26 560 53 225 35 320 400 100 540 64 415 271 Al Al A2 Al Al A1,A2, A3 Al A4 Al A4 Al Al A4 A1,A2, A3 Al A2,A3 A4 A1,A2, A3 A2 Al A2,A3 A4 A4 Al Al Al A4 Al A4 Al Al Al A2 A4 A1,A4 Al A2 A4 A2,A3, A4 A4 Al A1,A2, A3 Al A2 Al A4 Al A4 A4 Al Al Al A2,A3 Al Al A4 COMMERCIAL. ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. 105 LOCAL— Continued. CALIFORNIA— Continued. City and organization. Num- ber of bers. Pri- mary pur- Date of an- nual meeting. Reedley (2,447) : Chamber of Commerce Richmond (16,843): Point Richmond Commercial Club Real Estate Board, 915 MacDonald Ave Riverside (19,341): AlfaKa Growers' Association (Inc.), 509 Ottawa Ave. Business Men's Association Chamber of Commerce Realty Board Roseville (4,477): Business Men's Association Sacramento (65,908): Architects and Engineers' Club, 910 Ninth St Auto Trades Association, Box 528 ■ Board of Trade. Builders' Exchange, 1015 J Tenth St. Business Women's Club, 1527 L St.. Chamber of Commerce. Federated Trades Council, 1905 L St Lions Club, Court House Master Builders' Association, 1015^ Tenth St Merchants and Manufacturers' Traffic Association, 402 Fruit Bldg Retail Grocers' Association, 1216 24th St Retail Merchants' Association Retailers' Credit Association (Inc.), 302 Capital National Bank Bldg. . Rotary Club, Capital National Bank Bldg Society for Medical Improvement, Physicians' Bldg St. Helena (1,346): Chamber of Commerce Salinas (4,308): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club San Bernardino (18,721): Chamber of Commerce Merchants' Protective Association Rotary Club, Box 322 San Diego (74 683): Board of State Harbor Commissioners for the Bay, 920 Eighth St Builders' Exchange, 615 Tinken Bldg Chamber of Commerce Manufacturers and Employers' Association, 509 Union Bldg Materialmen's Association, 403 Union Bldg Merchants' Association, 608 Tinken Bldg Poultry Association (Inc.), Station B Retail Grocers' Association, 2710 Landis St San Diego Club Wholesalers' Board of Trade and Credit Association, 573 Spreckels Bldg. San Dimas: Chamber of Commerce San Fernando (3,204): Chamber of Commerce San Francisco (506,676): Architectvu-al Club, 1800 Claus Spreckels Bldg , Associated Retail Credit Men, 112 Kearny St , Association of Credit Men, 608 Wells Fargo Bldg Auto Accessories Credit Association, 68 Post St Automobile Trade Association, 900 FarreU St Builders' Exchange, Monadnock Bldg , Business Furniture Association, 461 Market St Cabinet Manufacturers' Association, 4546 New Call Bldg Chamber of Commerce, 1001 Merchants' Exchange Bldg Chinese Chamber of Commerce, 701 Grant Ave Commercial Artists' Association, 220 Post St Commercial Club, 465 California St Commercial Photographers' Association, 527 New Call Bldg Draymen's Association, 310 Call Bldg Engineers' Club, 251 Kearny St Foreign Trade Club Garage Owners' Protective Association, 900 O' FarreU St General Contractors (Inc.), 55 New Montgomery St Importers and Exporters' Association, 255 California St Industrial Association, 168 Sutler St Italian Chamber of Commerce, 604 Montgomery St Laundry owners' Association, 1408 Turk St Lumber Association, 407 Hearst Bldg Machinery Dealers' Association, 230 California St Master Painters and Decorators' Association, 185 Stevenson St Milk Dealers' Association, 1020 Valencia St Printers' Board of Trade, 525 Call Bldg , Real Estate Board, 156 Montgomery St , 500 70 24 63 125 366 15 25 125 57 30 200 150 ,700 110 135 50 218 310 300 212 104 17 779 85 62 5 50 1,730 70 7 400 700 750 32 150 200 152 120 800 19 150 1,050 10 12 5,200 350 120 2,664 14 90 525 400 150 145 23 9,000 200 26 20 28 85 25 104 720 Al Al A4 Al A2,A3 Al A2 A2 Al A2 A4 A4 A4 Al A4 Al A1,A4 A2,A3 A2 A2 A2 A4 A4 Al Al A4 Al A2 A4 Al Al Al A3 A2 A2 A4 A2 Al A4 Al A4 A1,A3 A2 \4 i4 A.2 A4 A2 A3 Al Al A4 Al A4 A4 A4 A4 A2 A2 A4 A3 A4 A4 A2,A3 A4 A4 A2 A4 A4 April. June. December. January. Do. May. October. September. January. March. October. January. November. June. May. April, December. January. June. July. May. January. Novemoer. January. July. June. Do. January. May. December. January. February. January. October. May. March. February. May. February. December. January. November. January. October. December. February. September. January. March. February. Do. December. Do. Do. February. 106 COMMERCIAL. ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. LO GAL— Continued . CALIFORNIA— Continued. City and organization. San Francisco— Continued. Restaurant Association, 942 Market St Retail Dry Goods Association, 815 Pacific Bldg Retail Grocers' Association. 319 Slieldon Bldg Retail Merchants' Association, 1039 Merchants' Exchange Bldg Retailers' Credit Association, 112 Kearny St San Francisco District Dental Society, 2509 Mission St South San Francisco Manufacturers' Association Warehousemen's Association, o02Cunard Bldg Wholesale Dairy Produce Exchange, 252 Clay St Wholesale Fruit and Produce Merchants' Credit Association, 252 Clay St. San Jose (39,642): Chamber of Commerce Realty Board, 119 North First St San Lcandro (5,703): Chamber of Commerce San Luis Obispo (5,895): Chamber of Commerce Merchants' Association San Mateo (5,919): San Mateo and Burlingame Merchants' Association Three Cities Chamber of Commerce San Miguel: San Miguel District Chamber of Commerce San Pedro: Chamber of Commerce, 512 Palos Verdes i, Industrial Association Japanese Association, 213 Ferl Bldg Marine Exchange Pacific Avenue improvement Association, 620 Pacific Ave Realty Board Retail Merchants' Association San Rafael (5,512}: Chamber of Commerce Improvement Club Rotary Club Sanger (2,578) : Chamber of Commerce , Santa Ana (15,485): Chamber of Commerce Kiwanis Club Lions Club Merchants and Manufacturers' Association Rotary Club Santa Barbara (19,441): AutomoViilc Trade Association Commercial Club Merchants' Credit Association National J^xchange Club Rotary Club Santa Clara (5,220): Chamber of Commerce Merchants' Association Santa Cruz (10,917): Business Men's Association Chamber of Commerce Exchange Club Rotary Club Santa Monica (15,252): Merchants' Association Chamber of Commerce, 1 118 Third St Santa Paula (3,967): Chamber of Commerce Santa Rosa (8,758): Bennet Valley Grange, Route 3, Box 464. '^"- "- 'Coi Chamber of Commerce. Rotary Club, 629 Fourth St Sausalito (3,794): Men's Club Sawtelle: Sawtelle District Chamber of Commerce. Sebastopol (1,493): Chamber of Commerce Selma (3,158): Chamber of Commerce Sisson (542): Mount Shasta Chamber of Commerce. Sonora (1,684): Lions Club South Pasadena (7,652): Chamber of Commerce Stockton (40,296): Chamber of Commerce Exchange Club Federation of American Farmers Lions Club Num- ber of mem- bers. 175 20 700 441 350 400 14 12 33 60 1,700 82 275 500 114 150 620 60 750 80 30 52 50 500 165 30 312 800 82 58 135 57 125 115 77 450 40 234 500 25 35 60 700 250 114 600 45 100 450 367 340 1,500 35 362 1,200 58 800 95 Pri- mary pur- Al A4 A2,A3 Al A2 A2,A3 Al Al Al A4 A4 A4 Al A4 A2 Al Al A4 A1,A2 Al Al Al A2,A3 A1,A4 A2 A2 A2 Al A4 Al A2 A2 Al A4 A1,A4 A2 Al Al Al Al A1,A4 Al Al A1,A2 A3 Al Al Al Al Al Al A4 Al COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. 107 LOCAL — Continued. CALIFO RNI A— Continued. City and organization. Stockton— Continued • Merchants' Association Mercliants, Manufacturers and Employers' Association. Retail Grocers' Association Rotary Club Suisun (769): Chamber of Commerce Sunnyvale (1,675): Chamber of Commerce Susan ville (918): Business Men's Association Taft (3,317): Business Men's Club Petroleum Club West Side Merchants' Protective Association Thermal: Chamber of Commerce Torrance: Chamber of Commerce Tracy (2,450): Chamber of Commerce Lions Club Truckee: Chamber of Commerce Tulare (3,539): Board of Trade Rotary Club Turlock (3,394): Chamber of Commerce Ukiah (2,305): Chamber of Commerce Upland (2,912): Business Men's Association Business Women's Club , Chamber of Commerce Citrus Association Vallejo (21,107): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club Van Nuys: Chamber of Commerce Merchants and Manufacturers' Association Realty Board Venice (10,385): Chamber of Commerce Ventura (4,342): Chamber of Commerce, Box 184 Rotary Club Visalia (5,753): Chamber of Commerce Commercial Club Rotary Club, 113 North Coast Watsonville (5,013): Auto Trade Association Merchants' Association Retail Grocers' Association Weed: Chamber of Commerce Westwood: Auto Club Whittier (7,997): Chamber of Commerce WilUts (1,468): Chamber of Commerce Woman' s Improvement Club Willows (2,190): Chamber of Commerce Realty Board Wilmington: Los Angeles Harbor Chamber of Commerce. Woodland (4,147): Ad Club Business Men's Association Yreka (1,277): Chamber of Commerce '. Num- ber of mem- 235 65 135 50 40 50 50 215 85 22 375 174 40 92 450 30 200 362 55 37 428 235 300 29 360 60 10 1,000 175 65 501 72 6 145 5 75 300 413 110 60 13 250 150 78 76 Pri- mary pur- Date of an- nual meeting. A2 A2,A3 A2 A4 Al Al A2 A2 A4 A2 Al Al Al Al Al Al A4 Al Al A2 Al Al A4 A1,A2, A3 A1,A4 Al A4 A4 Al Al A1,A4 Al Al A4 A2 A2 A2 Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al A1,A2 Al March. Do. November. December. March. July. December. Do. January. July. June. January. July. January. Do. May. January. December. July. Do. December. Do. Do. April. May;. April. October. May. October. November. April. July. April. January. March. COLORADO. Ault (769): Agricultural and Commercial Club Boulder (11,006): Chamber of Commerce, Boulderado Hotel . Credit Rating Association Retail Grocers' Association Rotary Club, 961 15th St , Brighton (2,715): Farmers' Cooperative Elevator Co , Japanese Association 150 1,000 200 50 63 A1,A4 Al A2 A2 A4 48 A4 June. A4 January. January. March. April. 108 COMMERCIAL. ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. LOCAL— Continued. CO LO RAD O— Continued. City and organization. Num- ber of mem- bers. Pri- mary pur- pose. Brush (2,103): Civic Club - Commercial Club T Burlington (991): Chamber of Commerce Inter Sese Club Canon City (4,551): Chamber of Commerce Carson City: Chamber of Commerce Colorado Springs (30,105): Automobile Club, 121 East Pikes Peak Ave Automobile Trades Association, Box 26 Chamber of Commerce, 121 East Pikes Peak Ave Kiwanis Club Lions Club, Box 566 Merchants' Association, 302 Bennett Bldg Rotary Club, 18 Nevada St Cripple Creek (2,325): Motor and Commercial Club Delta (2,623): Chamber of Commerce, 620 Columbia St Lions Club Rotary Club Denver (256,591): Advertising Club, Mountain States Telephone Co. Bldg Brick Manufacturers' Association, 428 Exchange Bldg Building Trades Council, 4920 Tenn vson St Civic and Commercial Association, Chamber of Commerce Bldg Credit Men's Association, care of Continental Oil Co Fruit and Vegetable Growers' Association, Golden, R. D., Colo Grain Exchange Association, 806 Cooper Bldg Master Builders' Association , 213 Interstate Tmst Bldg Master Plumbers' Association, 419 Quincy Boulevard Purchasing Agents' Association, 304 E. & C. Bldg Real Estate Exchange. 605 Chamber of Commerce Bldg Retail Coal Merchants' Association Retail Credit Men's Association, 618 Kittredge Bldg Retail Grocers and Meat Dealers' Association, 203 Chamber of Com- merce Bldg. Rotary Club, Albany Hotel Tourist and Publicitv Bureau, 505 17th St Traffic C lub, 806 Cooper Bldg T3/pothetae, 409 Chamber of Commerce Bldg Vegetable Growers' Association Derby: Commercial Club Durango (4,116): Durango Exchange Mesa Verde Auto Trades Association San Juan Medical^ociety Eaton (1,289): Community Club, Cheyenne Ave Florence (2,629): Chamber of Commerce Fort Collins (8,755): Chamber of Commerce, 1212 West Oak St Credit Association, Box 475 Fort Morgan (3.818): Commercial Club Lions Club, First National Bank Glenwood Springs (2,073): Chamber of Commerce. Golden (2,484): Chamber of Commerce. Grand Jimction (8,655): Chamber of Commerce Fruit Growers' Association Jobbers' Association Manufacturers' Association, care of Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club, Fifth and Colorado Ave Greeley (10,958): Automotive Association, 1109 Eighth Ave Chamber of Commerce, Box 509 Retail Grocers and Butchers' Association Rotary Club, 808 Ninth St Gunnison (1,329): Chamber of Commerce Rotarv Club Haxtun (1,118): Chamber of Commerce Holly (940): Commercial Club Holyoke (1,205): Business Men's Civic Association Commercial Club Julesburg (1,320): South Table Community Club 275 36 1,250 133 80 126 114 126 88 40 34 400 3,800 190 143 72 112 57 40 180 300 200 215 30 80 450 25 11 160 141 347 92 60 37 150 950 16 25 12 350 12 50 85 20 65 75 25 66 Al Al Al A4 Al Al A4 A4 Al Al Al A2 A4 Al Al A1,A4 A4 A4 A3 A4 Al A2 A4 A4 A4 A2 A4 A4 A2 A2 A2 A4 Al A4 A4 A4 Al Al A2 A4 Al Al Al A2 Al A1,A2, A3 Al Al Al A4 A4 A3 A1,A4 A2 Al A2 A4 Al A1,A4 A2 Al A1,A2, Al Al COMMERCIAIi OEGANIZAnONS OF THE UNITED STATES. 109 LO CAL— Continued. CO LO RAD O— Continued. City and organization. Num- ber of mem- bers. Pri- mary pur- pose. Date of an- nual meeting. La Junta (4,964): Credit Association (Inc.), Box 462. Industrial Association La Veta (737): Commercial Club Lamar (2,512): Rotary Club Young Men's Business Association Las Animas (2,252): Commercial Club Lions Club Leadville (4,959): Chamber of Commerce, 707 Harbor Ave. Littleton (1,636): Civic and Commercial Association Longmont (5,848): Commercial Association Credit Rating Association Grocers' Association Grocers and Meat Dealers' Association Loveland (5,065): Civic Association Rotary C lub Manitou (1,129): Civic League Meeker (935) : Rio Blanco Commercial Club Milliken (372) : Commercial Club Monte Vista (2,484): Commercial Club Rotary Club, 134 Washington St Montrose (3,581): Chamber of Commerce Fruit and Produce Association Lions Club Retail Merchants' Association Rotary Club Nunn (149): Commercial Club Ordway (1,186): Lions Club Paonia (925): Farmers and Business Men's Association. . . Pueblo (43,050): Commerce Club Correct Weight Association Kiwanis Club, 18 Franklin Bldg Lions Club Manufacturers' Association, Box 725. Master Builders' Association Mercantile and Credit Association . . . Real Estate Exchange Retail Butchers and Grocers' Association. Rotary Club Rifle (885) : Commimity Club Rocky Ford (3,746): Chamber of Commerce Credit Association Lions Club Salida (4,689): Commercial Club Credit Men's Association Lions Club Simla (387): Commercial Club Steamboat Springs (1,249): Commercial Club. Sterling (6,415): Chamber of Commerce, Box 718 Lions Club Rotary Club , Stratton (421): Commercial Club Swink (465): Commercial Club , Trinidad (10,906): RetaU Credit Association, 208 Bank Bldg. Victor ( 1 ,777) : Motor and Commercial Club , Walsenburg (3,565): Chamber of Commerce , Wiley (565): Community Commercial Club Wray (1,538): Commercial Club Farmers' Union Cooperative Elevator Co 61 254 125 35 150 100 31 200 40 160 40 12 12 250 29 100 46 100 26 100 19 50 14 33 11 55 100 650 15 59 73 42 40 225 28 62 100 57 55 500 45 45 72 126 275 50 46 60 125 45 350 180 100 120 5 A2 Al A1,A2, A4 A4 Al Al Al Al A1,A2 Al A2,A3 A2 A2 Al A1,A4 Al Al Al Al A4 A4 A4 Al A2 A4 Al Al Al A1,A2, A3 A2 Al Al A3 A4 A2 A4 A2 A4 Al Al A2,A3 Al Al A2 Al Al Al A1,A2, A3 A4 A4 A1,A2 Al A2 Al Al Al A1,A2 A4 May. September. January. March. October. March. July. October. January. Do. November. Do. June. December. June. January. May. April. February. July. November. Juno. January. June. April. January. June. February. January. Do. May. December. April. October. May. January, Do. March. October. June. April January. April . February. January. Do. December. 41162°— 23 8 110 COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. LOCAL — Continued. CONNECTICUT. City and organization. Num- ber of mem- bers. Pri- mary pur- pose. Ansonia (17,643): Chamber of Commerce Branford (2,619): Cliamber of Commerce Bridgeport (143,555): Business Men's Association, 1115 Main St Chamber of Commerce KiwanisCIub Lions Club Manufacturers' Association, Court Exchange Bldg. Master Plumbers' Association Merchants' Credit Association, 414 "Warner Bldg... Rotary Club Typothetae Bristol (20,620): Chamber of Commerce Employees' Health Protective League Danbury (18 943): Boosters^ Lunch Club Business Men's Association Chamber of Commerce Merchants' Association Danielson (3,130): Chamber of Commerce Derbv (11,238): Business Men's Association, 26.5 Main St Derby and Shelton Hoard of Trade East Hampton: Business Association East Hartiord: Chamber of Commerce Elmwood: West Hartford Manufacturers' Association Glastonbury: (Chamber of Commerce Greenwich (5,9.19): Chamber of Commerce (Inc.) Rotary Club Hartford (l.'{S,():36): Automobile Club. Hotel Bond Board of Fire Underwriters, 720 Main St Chamber of Commerce (Inc.) Master Pattern Makers' A.ssociation, 516 Asylum St Open Shop Building Trades Exchange (Inc.), Room 36, 118 Asylum St. Typothetae Kent: Chamber of Commerce Lakeyille: Business Men's Association Manchester: Chamber of Commerce Meriden (29,867): ^ Chamber of Commerce 9 Employers' Association Manufacturers' Association , Middlctown(i;<,638): Chamber of Commerce City Club Get Together Club Milford : Chamber of Commerce Moodus: Moodus River Valley Manufacturers' Club Mystic: Men's Club Naugatuck ( 15,051 ): Chamber of Commerce New Britain (.i9,316): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club, 1 18 Klnsington Ave , New Canaan (1,918): New Canaan Association New Haven (162,537): Architectural Club, 103 Elm St Automobile Club, 152 Temple St Business and Professional Woman's Club, 33 Wall St Chamber of Commerce, 185 Church St Clearing House Association Dental Society, 216 Seventh St , Druggists' Association, 416 Forbes Ave Edgewood Civic Association, 379 Fountain St , Fire Insurance Agents' Association , 956 Chapel St Master Builders' Association, 103 Elm St Master Painters' Association, 442 Whalley Ave Master Plumbers' Association, 196 Whalley Ave Milk Exchange, Box 875 ". Real Estate Board. 18 Centre St Rotary Club, 1.52 'Temple St Typothetae. 123 Olive St West End Association (Inc.), 1539 Chapel St 100 43 200 1,000 120 105 90 45 70 80 355 J, 000 75 863 75 100 65 180 100 300 15 167 378 51 1,300 100 900 5 2,610 35 36 90 350 425 316 112 30 200 7 75 494 400 85 70 103 1,905 675 2,300 8 80 50 400 Al A1,A2 A2 A1,A2 Al Al A3 A4 A2 A4 A4 A4 A4 Al, A2, A3 A1,A2 Al A1,A2 A4 A2 Al Al Al A3 Al Al A4 A4 A4 Al A3 Al A4 Al Al A1,A2 Al Al A3 A1,A2 Al A3 Al A3 Al A1,A2 A1,A2 A4 Al A4 Al A4 Al A4 A4 A2 Al A4 A4 A4 A4 A4 Al A4 A4 Al COMMEECIAL. OROANIZATTONS OF THE UNITED STATES. Ill LO C Al>-Continued. CONNECTICUT—Continued. City and organization. New London (25,68S): Automobile Dealers' Association. Chamber of Commerce Manufacturers' Association Rotary Club New Milford: Board of Trade Commercial Club, Main St Niantic: Chamber of Commerce.... Norwich (22,304): Chamber of Commerce , Rotary Club, 23 Union St Plain ville: Chamber of Commerce . Putnam (7,711): Chamber of Commerce... Ridgefield (1,030): Chamber of Commerce. RockviUe (7,726): Chamber of Commerce. Sharon : Chamber of Commerce Shelton (9,475): Chamoer of Commerce Derby and Shelton Board of Trade, Derby, Conn. South Manchester: Chamber of Commerce Merchants' Association South Norwalk: B oard of Trade Kiwanis Club. Southington (5,085): Business Men's Association. Southington Club Stafford Springs (3,383): Agricultural Society Business Men's Association. Stamford (35,096): Chamber of Commerce Manufacturers' Association Merchants' Credit Association Stonington (2,100) : Board of Trade Thomaston: Business Men's Association Thompsonville: Board of Trade Enfield Tobacco Growers' Association Torrington (20,623): Business Men's Association Rotary Club, 198 Prospect St Wallingford (9,648): Industrial Association (Inc.). Water bury (91,715): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club, 63 Bank St West Haven: Chamber of Commerce (Inc.) Wethersfield: Business Men's and Civic Association, 20 Church St. WilUmantic (12,330): Chamber of Commerce (Inc.) Rotary Club, 87 Lewiston Ave Windsor Locks: Chamber of Commerce Winsted (8,248): Chamber of Commerce Manufacturers' Association Rotary Club Num- ber of bers. 15 102 75 125 40 483 62 145 156 30 125 60 45 180 300 40 41 100 147 150 48 175 600 35 200 122 44 150 60 30 105 600 136 170 250 423 30 110 110 19 25 Pri- mary pur- A2 Al A3 A1,A4 A1,A2, A3 A4 Al Al A4 A1,A2, A3 A1,A2 Al Al Al A1,A2 Al Al A2 Al A1,A2 A1,A2 Al A4 A4 A1,A2, A3,A4 A3 A2 Al Al Al A4 A1,A2 A4 Al A1,A2, A3 A4 Al Al A1,A2, A3 A1,A4 Al Al A3 A4 Date of an- nual meeting. March. April. January. April. May. January. April. October. April. Do. May. March. January. Do. February. January. November. Do. December. Do. April. January. Do. Do. October. Jtme. January. April. July. December. March. April. January. June. Januarv. Decemoer. October. April. March. January. Do. May. DELAWARE. Dover (4,042): Chamber of Commerce 243 A1,A2 February. Rotary Club. Kings Highway 28 A3 April. Middletown (1,260): Chamber of Commerce 50 Al Do. Milford (2,703): Chamber of Commerce 40 Al Newark (2,183): Chamber of Commerce 80 Al January. Seaford (2,141): Produce Growers' Association 150 A4 Do. Retail Merchants' Association 32 A2 Do. 112 COMMEECIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. LOCAL— Continued. DELAWARE— Continued. City and organization Num- ber of bers. Pri- mary pur- pose. Wilmington (110,168): Chamber of Commerce, 1059 Du Pont Bldg Employers' Association Kiwams Club, Hotel Du Pont - Lions Club, Box 103 Manufacturers' Association Retail Grocers' Exchange (Inc.) Rotary Club Box 774 553 134 170 65 52 1,731 124 Al, A2, A3 A3 Al Al A3 A2 A4 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Washington (437,571): Anacostia Citizens' Association and Board of Trade, 1343 Mapleview Place SE. Anthropological Society, Smithsonian Institute Association of Credit Men, 726 Colorado Bldg Association of Oldest Inhabitants of the District of Columbia, 1354 Columbia Road. Automotive Trade Association, 1100 Cormecticut Ave Better Business Bureau, (Inc.), Evening Star Bldg Board of Trade, Mills Bldg Chamber of Commerce, 318 Homer Bldg City Club Coal Merchants' Board of Trade, Fendall Bldg District of Columbia Retail Druggists' Assodation, 1326 New York Ave.NW. Film Board of Trade, Mather Bldg Mercantile Credit Association (Inc.), 503 Seventh St. NW Merchant Tailors' Exchange, 912 14th St. N W Merchants and ]^Ianufacturers' Association, 400 Star Bldg Mutual Purchasing Association, 1410 I St. NW North East Business Men's Associat ion, 615 H St. NE Northeast Washington Citizens' Association, 1007 L St. NW Osteopathic Association of the District of Columbia, Southern Bldg. . Real Estate Board, 1319 F St . N W Retail Grocers' Protective Association, 905 Webster St. N W Shoe Retailers' Association, 1001 F St. NW Society of Engineers, 3621 35th St Typothetae (Inc.), 409 Merchants' Bank Bldg Underwriters' Association of District of Columbia, 1016 Woodward Bldg. 450 A1,A2 52 A4 102 A3 415 Al 130 A4 200 A1,A4 2,500 Al Al Al 1,800 63 A2 150 A2 18 A3 300 A2 25 A2 215 A2,A3 40 'A2 125 A2 485 Al 21 A4 306 Al 100 A2 20 A2 550 Al 88 A3 135 A4 FLORIDA. Apalachicola (3,066): Chamber of Commerce. Apopka (798): Chamber of Commerce Aubumdalo (715): Commercial Club Aurantia: Civic League Avon Park (S90): Board of Trade Bartow (4,208): Chamber of Commerce Bonita Springs: Board of Trade Bradentown (692): Board of Trade Brooksville (1,011): Chamber of Commerce. . . Cedar Keys (695): Board of Trade Clearwater (2,427): Board of Trade Civitan Club Motor Club Realtors' Association Clermont (496): Chamber of Commerce Crescent City (838): Chamber of Commerce. . Crooked Lake: Board of Trade Crystal River (944): Chamber of Commerce., crystal Springs: Board of Trade. Dade City (1,296): Chamber of Commerce. Davenport (117): Board of Trade. Daytoua (5,445): Chamber of Commerce, Beach St. Motor Club Peninsula Civic Club 103 Al 22 Al 45 Al 60 Al 65 Al 178 Al 25 Al 240 Al 56 Al 100 Al 250 Al 30 Al 115 A1,A4 14 A2 166 A4 Al Al 35 75 Al 25 A1,A2, 'A3' 60 Al 50 Al 240 Al 280 A4 55 Al COMMERCIAL. ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. 113 LOCAI^Continued. FLO RID A— Continued. City and organization. De Funiak Springs (2,097): Chamber of Commerce Woman's Club Deland (3,324): Commercial Club Delray (1,051): Board of Trade Eustis (1,193): Chamber of Conxmerce Fernandina (5,457): Chamber of Commerce Fort Lauderdale (2,065): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club Fort Meade (2,029): Developing Board Fort Myers: Business and Professional Women's Club Chamber of Commerce Franklin Miles Association Kiwanis Club Rotary Club Truckers' Association Fort Pierce (2,115): Chamber of Commerce Frostproof: Board of Trade Fruitland Park: Board of Trade Gainesv Ue (6,860): Advertising Club Merchants' Association, 126 North Arredonda St Rotary Club Green Cove Springs (2,093) : Business Men's Club Groveland: Board of Trade Haines City (651): Chamber of Commerce Hastings (761): Commimity League Howey : Board of Trade JacksonviUe (91,558): Chamber of Commerce Credit Men's Association Kiwanis Club Motor Club Poultry Association, Box 455 Retail Furniture Association. 318 Main St Rotary Club, 746 West Bay St Traffic Bureau Wholesale Brokers' Association Wholesale Grocers' Association Wholesale Lumbermen's Association, 505 Bisbee Bldg. Jasper (1,260): Board of Trade.: Key West (18,749): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club. Box 484 Kissimmee (2,722): Chamber of Commerce La Belle (377): Board of Trade Lady Lake: Civic Club Lake Wales (796): Board of Trade Lakeland (7,062): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club, 200 Drane Bldg Largo (599) : Board of Trade Leesburg (1,835): Chamber of Commerce Live Oak (3,103): Rotary Club Longwood (106): Board of Trade Manatee (1,076) : Board of Trade Mascotte: Cooperative Club Melbourne (533): Chamber of Commerce Miami (29,571): Advertising Club, 36 N W. First Ave Chamber of Commerce, 39 NE. First Ave Civitan Club, 218 Central Arcade Bldg Kiwanis Club Motor Club, 30 SE . Second Ave Realty Board, 216 NE. Second Ave Rotary Club, 505 First National Bank Bldg Miami Beach (644): Chamber of Commerce Montverde: Chamber of Cormnerce Moore Haven (623): Commercial Club Mount Dora (725): Chamber of Commerce New Port Richey: Board of Trade New Smyrna (2,007): Coronado Board of Trade Ocala (4,914): Rotary Club Okahvunpka: Board of Trade Num- ber of mem- bers. 30 96 200 100 300 20 188 30 45 35 190 5 69 23 60 150 56 10 107 20 45 101 100 85 20 1,940 76 122 1,000 75 20 140 41 200 40 20 35 536 56 75 85 25 15 20 40 75 60 700 62 76 700 243 103 541 260 85 Pri- mary pur- Al Al Al Al Al Al Al A4 Al A4 Al A4 Al A1,A4 A4 Al Al Al A2 A2 A4 Al Al Al Al Al Al A2,A3 Al A4 A4 A2 A4 Al A2,A3 A2 A4 Al lA A4 Al Al Al Al Al A4 A1,A2 Al A4 Al Al Al Al A2 A1,A2, A3 Al Al A4 A4 A4 Al Al Al A4 Al Al A4 Al Date of an- nual meeting. June. April. October. January. Do. February. April. February. January. December. April. May. November. January. April. January. Do. February January. Do. June. December. June. May. Do. January. May. January. April. July. Septenber. April. January. August. April. January. Do. November. April. May. December. March. December. February. December. September. March. January. October. April. 114 COMMERCIAL. ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES, LOCAL— Continued. FLORIDA— Continued. City and organization. Num- ber of mem- bers. Pri- mary pur- pose. Date of an- nual meeting. Okeechobee (9(V1); Charnber of rmnTnArr« 100 56 68 500 300 60 21 40 46 30 200 47 52 Al Al A4 Al A2,A3 Al Al A4 A1,A4 Al Al Al Al Al A2 A1,A2 Al, A2, A3 A4 A2 A4 Al Al Al Al Al A4 Al Al Al Al A2 A4 A4 A4 A2 A1,A2 A4 A1,A2, A3 Al Al Al Al A2 Al A3 A2 A4 A4 A4 A2 Al Al Al Al Al A1,A2 Al Al Al Al Al A2 A4 Oldsmar: Board of Trade January. Orlando (9,282): Easiness and Professional Women's Club, 32J East Pine St Chamber of Commerce ' . February. Credit Association KiwanisClub Lions Club J Realty Board ^^0. 1 Rotary Club Pablo Beach (357): Board of Trade . Palatka (5,102): Chamber of Commerce Do. Kiwanis CluD December. J Rotary Chib Palmetto (2,046): ('hamber of Commerce 1 25 120 639 103 18 230 55 70 15 260 75 30 80 35 63 1,250 108 7 310 36 50 150 29 100 50 126 35 100 28 400 66 200 443 15 8 60 52 30 41 32 20 135 200 70 65 125 457 8 65 PftTiftTTift City (1,722): Chftm her nfCnTnTno.rf>fi- . December. ^ Pensacola (31,035): ChftTPber of CnTiTmfirf>fi. January. < August. October. June. < March. December, January. April. Novemberj May. February. April. January. December, Do. AprU. Do. January. • December. Do. January. November, March. January. April. 1 May. 1 December.! November. Decemt)er. October. January. June. February March. July. January. April. ^Do. Motor Club Retail Merchants' Association, 270 Brent Bldg Plant City (3,729): Growers' Association KiwanisClub Punta Gorda ( 1 ,295): Commercial Club Safety Harbor (429): Board of Trade St. Augustine (6,192): Board of Trade Rotary Club, Room 3, St. Augustine National Bank Bldg. . . . Woman's Club St. Cloud (2,011): Chamber of Commerce St. Petersburg (14,237): Chamber of Commerce General Contractors' Association... Motor Club Retail Merchants' Association . . Sanford (5,5X8): Rotary Club, 115 Park St. Sebring (812): Board of Trade Seffner: Board of Trade . South Jacksonville (2,775): Chamber of Commerce Stuart (778): Commercial' Club Tallahassee (5,637): Chamber of Commerce Tampa (51,608): Automobile Dealers' Association, Box 407 Board of Trade, Box 407. Cigar Manufacturers' Association, Box 998 Merchants' Association City TTall Bldg Motor Club, Box 2910.... . Realtors' Board, StovaU Bldg Tampa Bay Pilots' Association, 316 West Michigan Ave Tarpon Springs (2,105): Chamoer of Commerce . ... Civic Club Tavares (359): Board of Trade . Thonotosassa: Board of Trade Tillman: Commercial Club Titusville (1,361): Business Men's Club... Civic League Umatilla (640): Chamber of Commerce Valrico: Improvement Association Vero (793): Chamber of Commerce Wauchula (2,081): Board of Trade West Palm Beach (8,659): Chamber of Commerce Merchants' Association Rotary Club, 212 Valletta Way COMMERCIAL, ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. 115 LOCAL— Continued. FLO RIDA— Continued. City and organization. Num- Pri- ber of mary mem- pur- bers. pose. 4G Al 100 Al 150 Al 400 A4 150 Al 45 A1,A2 31 A4 100 A4 30 Al Date of an- nual meeting. White Springs (984): Chamber of Commerce Wiliiston (823): Chamber of Commerce Wiater Haven (1,597): Board of Trade Citrus Growers' Association Winter Park (1,078): Board of Trade Business Men's Club Citrus Growers' Association Yalaha: Yacht Club Zephyrhills (577): Board of Trade January. August. November. April. February. June. May. January. Do: GEORGIA. Albany (11,555): Automotive Dealers' Association. Chamber of Commerce (Inc.) Kiwanis Club (Inc.), Box 376 Pecan Exchange, Pecan Exchange Bldg Retail Merchants' Association (Inc.) Rotary Club Americus (9,010): Rotary Club, 1224 Lee St Athens (16,748): Chamber of Commerce Insurance Exchange Kiwanis Club Life Underwriters' Association Retail Merchants' Protective Association Rotary Club Atlanta (200,616): Advertising Club, 516 Peters Bldg .'. Affihated Technical Societies Ansley Park Civic League Anti-Tuberculosis Association, 23 East Cain St Association of Building Owners and Managers, 1428 Atlanta Trust Co. Bldg. Association of Credit Men, 305 Chamber of Commerce Bldg Association of Life Insurance, 1307 Fourth National Bank Bldg Automobile Association Bar Association, 1208 Citizens' and Southern Bank Bldg Business and Professional Women's Club Central Council of Social Agencies, 33 Crescent Ave Chamber of Commerce Civitan Club, 1107 Flatiron Bldg Clearing House Association, Fulton National Bank Commercial Exchange, 10 Trust Co. of Georgia Bldg Convention Bureau, 404 Chamber of Commerce Bldg Electrical Association, 8 FairUe St Employers' Association, 415 Chamber of Commerce Bldg Federation of Woman's Clubs, 308 Fairmont Ave Film Exchange Managers' Association, 26 Moore Bldg Foreign Trade Club Freight Bureau, 301 Chamber of Commerce Bldg Hotel Men's Association, 404 Chamber of Commerce Bldg Jimior Chamber of Commerce Kiwanis Club, Hotel Ansley Laundrymen's Club, 38 North Forsyth St Lions Club, 79 Forrest Ave Merchants and Manufacturers' Association, 302 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Millinery Jobbers and Manufactxirers' Association, 69 South Pry or St... Presidents' Club, Box 1729 Printers' Club Produce Exchange, 7 Produce Road Real Estate Board, Transportation Bldg Retail Druggists' Association, 912 Citizens and Southern Bank Bldg Retail Food Dealers' Association, 402 Chamber of Commerce Bldg Retail Merchants' Association, New Gould Bldg Rotary Club, 113 Piedmont Hotel Secretaries' Club Stationers' Club, 70 North Broad St ' '...".'.".'.*.I!! Traffic Club, 36 Central Ave Wholesale Grocers Woman's Club, 946 Peachtree St !..'...!...!!!!!!!!!! 300 65 250 60 54 47 250 20 62 21 70 66 297 750 300 4,400 22 237 80 90 225 60 80 3,800 130 6 150 300 39 236 15,000 40 250 18 1,400 200 20 80 75 7 64 15 18 140 62 275 275 198 16 130 900 A2 Al, A2, A3 Al A4 A2 A4 A1,A4 Al A4 Al A4 A2 A4 A4 A4 Al A4 A4 A3 A4 A2,A3 A4 A4 A4 A4 Al A4 A4 A4 A2,A3 A3 A4 A4 A4 A4 A1,A4 Al Al Al Al Al A4 Al A3 A4 A4 A2 A2 A2 A4 A4 A2 A4 A2 A4 July. January. May. April. November. March. Do. February. May. October. August. Febntary, January. May. January. December. Do. January. October. January. Do: December. January. Do. February. May. December. January. Do. December. February. January. Do. April. December. January. Do. April. September. August. 116 COMMEECIAL. ORGANIZATION'S OF THE UNITED STATES. LOCAL— Continued. GEORGIA— Continued. City and organization. Num- ber of mem- bers. Pri- mary pur- pose. Augusta (52,548): Cotton Exchange Bainbridge (4,792): Board of Trade Brunswick (14.413): Board of Trade, Oglethorpe Hotel Young Men's Club Calhoun (1,955) : Civitan Club Carrollton (4,3G3): Advertising Club Cartersville (4,350): Chamber of Commerce Cedartown (4,053): Chamber of Commerce Kiwanis Club Columbus (31,125): Advertising Club Chamber of Commerce Civitan Club Kiwanis Club Motor Club Rotary Club Cordele (6,538): Kiwanis Club Cuthbert (3,022): Women's Club Dalton (5,222): QvitanClub Merchants' Association Dawson (3,504): Kiwanis Club, Baldwin Block... Decatur (6,150): Advertising Club Douglas (3,401): Kiwanis Club Dublin (7,707): Association of Credit Men Eastman (2,707): Advertising Club Kiwanis Club Eatonton (2,519): Commercial Club Elberton (6,475): Chamber of Commerce Credit and Protective Association Fitzgerald (6,870): Chamber of Commerce Kiwanis Club Merchants' Credit Association Retail Merchants' Association Forsyth (2,241 ): Business Men's Association Gainesville (0,272): Chamber of Commerce Griffin (8,240): Chamber of Commerce Hartwell (2,323): Chamber of Commerce HawkinsvUle (3,070): Kiwanis Club Jackson (2,027): Kiwanis Club La Grange (17,038): Kiwanis Club Macon (52,995): Automotive Trade Association, 690 Third St.. Chamber of Commerce Civitan Club City Federation of Clubs Jimior Chamber of Commerce Kiwanis Club Lions Club Rotary Club Madison (2,348): Board of Trade Junior Chamber of Commerce Marietta (6,190): Rotary Club, 816 Whitlock Ave. MUledgeville (4,619): Kiwanis Club Monroe (3,211): Board of Trade Moultrie (6,789): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club Pelham (2,640): Business Men's Club Quitman (4,393): Chamber of Commerce Retail Merchants' Association Rotary Club Rome (13,252): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club, 5 Third Ave 159 105 350 100 27 38 130 150 60 100 500 42 114 300 75 A1,A2, A3 A1,A2, A3 Al Al Al A2 Al Al Al A4 A2 Al Al A4 A4 Al Al Al A2 Al A1,A2 Al A4 A1,A2 Al Al A1,A3 A2 A4 Al A2 A2 A4 Al Al Al Al A4 Al A2 Al Al A4 Al Al Al ^A4 Al Al A4 Al A1,A2. A3,A4 Al A4 Al Al A2 Al Al A4 COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. 117 LOC Al^-Continued . GEORGIA— Continued. City and organization. Savannah (83^252): Automobile Trades Association, 116 West State St. . . Board of Trade Builders' Exchange, 111 'West Congress St City Salesmen Association, 207 West Bay St Clearing Association Cotton Exchange Kiwanis Club. 1307 Savannah Bank and Trust Bldg. Real Estate Board. 16 Bryant St. East Retail Merchants' Association, 12 West State St Rotary Club Statesboro (3,807): Advertising Club Tallapoosa (2,719): Chamber of Conunerce CivicClub . . Thomas ville (8,196): Business and Professional Women's Club Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club, care of Smith-Harley Shoe Co Tifton (3,005): Board of Trade Kiwanis Club Toccoa (3,567): Board of Trade Union City (620): Board of Trade Valdosta (10,783): Chamber of Commerce Vidalia (2,860): Dewberry Association Washington (4,208): Chamber of Commerce , Kiwanis Club Waycross (18,068): Kiwanis Club Lions Club Merchants' Association Waynesboro (3,311): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club West Point (2,138): Rotary Club Winder (3,335): Barrow Chamber of Conunerce Num- ber of mem- bers. 34 1,100 90 75 7 250 130 294 50 125 77 75 30 65 28 127 70 65 287 15 40 54 65 45 102 25 36 105 Pri- mary pur- pose. A2 Al A4 A2 A4 A4 A1,A2 A4 A2 A4 Al Al Al A4 Al A4 Al Al Al Al Al A4 Al Al Al Al A2 A4 A4 A4 Al Date of an- nual meeting. January. April. October. December. November. December. April. Do. October. April. May. April. February. April. December. January. Jime, December. Do. October. March. HAWAII. Hilo (10,431): Board of Trade Rotary Club, 116 Waianuenue St Honolulu (83,327): Advertising Club Chamber of Commerce Commercial Club, McCandless Bldg Japanese Chamber of Commerce Japanese Merchants' Association Rotary Club, Box 2420 Lihue: Kauai Chamber of Commerce Wailuku (14,941): Maui Planters' Association 120 Al 27 A1,A4 472 Al 321 Al 550 Al 32 Al 64 A2 119 A4 170 A1,A3 6 A4 January. AprU. Do. January. August. November. January. April. August. IDAHO. Blackfoot (3,937): Commercial Club Rotary Club, Box 146. Boise (21,393): Ad Club Association of Credit Men Automobile Trade Association Business Women's Club, 1119 Franklin St Chamber of Commerce, 705 Thatcher St Exchange Club, care of Idaho Laundry Kiwanis Club, Box 1232 Merchants' Protective Association, 623 Empire Bldg. Rotary Club 95 Al 28 A4 50 A1,A2, A3 50 A4 24 A3 110 A4 1,001 Al 71 Al 78 Al A2 A4 80 April. December. March. September. April. January. AprU. 118 COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. LO CAL— Continued . IDAHO— Continued. City and organization. BuM (2,245): Chamber of Commerce Credit Association Rotary Club, care of Buhl Hardware Co. . Shrine Club, 425 11th Ave Burley (5,408): Business and Professional Women's Club. Commercial Club Rotary Club Woman's Club Caldwell (5,106): Commercial Club Kiwanis Club Coeur d'Alene (6,447): Chamber of Commerce Merchants' Association Rotary Club Elmore ( 1 ,644) : Development League GoodiiiR (1,843): Businass Men's Club Cattle Grazing Association Chamber of Commerce Grange Cream Association. Grangeville (1,439): Commercial Club. Idaho Falls (8,064): Chamber of Commerce. IviwanLs Club, Box 456, Potato Growers (Inc.) Rotary Club Jerome (1,759): Civic Club (Inc.) Jerome Club Kellogg (3,017): Kellogg Club Lewlston (6,574): Commercial Club Montpelier (2,984): Bear Lake Chamber of Commerce Chamber of Commerce Moscow (3,956): Business Men's Club Chamber of Commerce Inland Merchants' Association Nampa (7.621): Chamber of Commerce Retail Merchants' Association Rotary Club Parma (583): Association of Commerce Payette (2,433): Chamber of Commerce Pocatello (15,0(J1): Automotive Trades Association, 444 South Second Ave. Chamber of Commerce, Box 667 Dental Society Real Estate Board Rotary Club, Box 1312 Preston (3,235): Commercial Club Rexburg (3,569): Commercial Club Rotary Club Rigby (1,629): Club of Commerce Rupert (2,372): Chamber of Commerce Mini-Cassia Holstein Association Rotary Club Shorthorn Calf Club Woman's Club St. Anthony (2 957): Chamber of Commerce Egin Bench Potato Producers' Association Kiwanis Club St. Maries (1,952): Chamber of Commerce Salmon (1,311): Lemhi Business Men's Association. Sandpoint (2,876): Chamber of Commerce Retail Trade Bureau Twin Falls (8,324): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club, Box 866 Num- ber of mem- bers. 38 150 200 85 129 57 32 50 125 20 180 120 65 205 41 254 53 90 75 76 400 75 100 25 100 150 670 36 30 62 300 10 720 20 18 70 84 29 100 70 16 43 318 48 200 250 42 Pri- mary pin-- Al A2 A1,A4 A4 A4,A1 Al A4 Al A1,A2 Al Al A2 A1,A4 Al A2 A4 Al A4 Al Al Al A4 Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al A2 Al A2 A4 Al Al A2 Al A4 A4 A4 Al Al A4 A4 A1,A2 A4 A4 A4 Al Al A4 Al A1,A2 Al Al A2 Al A4 COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. 119 LOCAL— Continued. IDAHO— Continued. City and organization. Num- ber of mem- bers. Pri- mary pur- pose. Date of an- nual meeting. Wallace (2,816): Board of Trade . 104 63 50 63 175 26 Al Al A2 Al Al Al August. May. March. Shoshone Credit Association Warren: Commercial Club September. February. January. Weiser (3,154): Chamber of Commerce Wilder (349): Business Men's Association.. .... ILLINOIS. Abingdon (2,721): Community and Commercial Club Aledo (2,231 ) : Retail Merchants' Association Alton (24,682): Auto Club, Mineral Springs Hotel Chamber of Commerce Manufacturers' Association Retail Merchants' Association, 307 Commercial Bldg Rotary Club, 8 East Third St Amboy (1,944): Commercial Club Anna (3^019): Business Men's Club Union Club Areola (1,831): Chamber of Commerce Aurora (36,397): Chamber of Commerce, 109 Fox St Merchants' Credit Rating Association^24 Mercantile Block Austin: Business Men's Association, 5707 West Lake St Bata via (4,395): Industrial Association ICiwanis Club Beardstown (7,111): Men's Club BeUeville (24,823): Board of Trade Commercial Club, 11 East Lincoln St Lions Club, 31 Court House Square Manufacturers' Association, 31 Court House Square Retail Merchants' Association, 11 East Lincoln St Rotary Club, 111 East Main St Belvidere (7,804): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club, Y. M. C. A Benton (7,201): Commercial Club RotarvClub Bloomington (28,725): Association of Commerce Blue Island (11,424): Automobile Club Chamber of Commerce Bridgeport (2,229) : Chamber of Comimerce Brookfield (3,589): Business Men's Association South Brookfield Improvement Association Cairo (15,203): Association of Commerce Kiwanis Club, 806 Washington Ave Retail Merchants' Association Rotary Club Canton (10,928): Community Rest Room Association, 42 North Main St Kiwanis Club Rotary Club Carbondale (6 267): Business Men's Club Rotary Club Carlinville (5,212): Commercial Club Painters, Decorators and Paperhangers Typographical Union Carmi (2,6b7): Commercial Association Carrollton (2,020): Mississippi Valley Highway Association Carthage (2,129): Commercial Club Casey (2,189): Business Men's Association 150 Al 50 A1,A2 402 Al 200 A4 20 A1,A3 140 A2 58 A1,A4 80 A1,A2 50 Al 125 Al 60 A2 900 Al 220 A4 348 A1,A2 300 Al 74 Al 65 A1,A2 210 Al 160 Al 43 Al 30 A3 162 A2 58 A4 315 A4 40 A4 200 Al 23 Al 850 Al 160 A4 430 Al 76 A2 82 A2 202 Al 225 Al 84 A4 95 A2 77 Al 76 A4 47 Al 50 A1,A4 80 A1,A2 42 A1,A4 175 A1,A2 24 A4 16 A4 90 Al 150 A4 125 Al 78 A1,A2 March. January. December. January. Do. May. April. January. Do. February. May. January. February. April. December. March. November. June. May. December. March. April. October. January. Do. Do. April. January. December. March. December. June. April. Do. January. Do. August. February. January. 120 COMMEECIAL. ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. LO CAL— Continued . ILLINOIS— Continued. City and organization. Num- ber of bers. Pri- mary pur- pose. Centralia (12,491): Associated Retailers. Commercial Club — Rotary Club Champaign (15,873): Associated Employers of Champaign and XJrbana, Griggs St., Urbana, Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club, 10 Main St Charleston (6,615): Chamber of Commerce Chester (2,904): Chamber of Commerce Chicago (2.701,705): Advertising Specialty Association, 208 South La Salle St Asphalt Promotion Bureau, 133 West Washington St Associated Builders, 133 West Washington St Associated Credit Bureau, 308 Chamber of Cortimerce Associated Fur Industries, 57 East Jackson Boulevard Associated Retail Credit Men of Chicago, 35 South Dearborn St Association of Commerce , Association of Consulting Engineers, 123 West Madison St , Board of Trade of Chicago Bottlers' Clearing House Association, 1152 West Polk St Brass Manufacturers' Association , Brick Exchange, 133 West Washington St Building Construction Employers'^ Association, 133 West Washing- ton St. Business Secretaries' Forum, 208 South La Salle St , Butchers' Calfskin A.ssoc-iation (Inc.), 207 Milwaukee Ave Carpet and Upholstery Club, Palmer House Cartage Exchange of Chicago, 5 North La Salle St Chicago District Ice Association, 37 South Wabash Ave , Coal Merchants' Association, 9022 Commercial Ave , Coat and Suit Manufacturers' Association, 166 West Jackson Boule- vard. Container Club, 608 South Dearborn St Contracting Team Owners' Association, 2500 Elston Ave Cut, Trim and Make Industry, 30 South Jefferson St Decorating and Painting Contractors' Association, 115 South Dear- born St. Dried and Canned Foods Association , 326 West Madison St , Electrical Contractors' Association, 179 West Washington St , Electrical Credit Association, 140 South Dearborn St Employers' Association, 139 North Clark St Engmeering Advertisers' Association, 53 West Jackson Boulevard. Engineers' Club, 314 South Federal St Executive Radio Council, 1 1 12 North Boulevard Flower Growers' Association Furniture Manufacturers' Association, 203 South Dearborn St Garage Owi!crs' Association, 53 West Jackson Boulevard General Superintendents' Association, 321 Grand Central Station. . Hardware Club, 620 North Michigan Ave. Hay, Grain and Feed Association, 141 West Jackson Boulevard Industrial Club, 300 West Adams St Industrial Federation of Clothing Manufacturers. 1300 Medinah Bldg. Industrial Relations Association, 514 Mailers Bldg ItaUan Chamber of Commerce. 1452 Spruce St Jewelers' Association, 60 South Wabash Ave Laundry Owners' Association, 155 North Clark St Lumbermen's Association, 11 South La Salle St Lunch Room Owners' Association, 120 South Clarke St Machinery Club, 549 West Washington St Mantel and Tile Contractors' Association, 746 South Michigan Ave... Marble Dealers' Association, 919 South Fairfield Ave Master Cleaners and Dyers' Association . 708 Roosevelt Road Master Plumbers' Association, 155 North Clark St Mosaic and Terraz/.o Dealers' Association, 15 East Van Buren St Motor Club, 3254 Michigan Ave North Central Improvement Association, 208 South La Salle St North- West Side Commercial Association, 1152 North Ashland Ave.. Paint, Oil and Varnish Club, 130 North Wells St Paper Rulers' Protective Association, 333 South Dearborn St Photo-Engravers' Association, 863 Monadnock Block Piano Manufacturers' Association, 1746 Marquette Bldg Poultry Merchants' Association, 300 West South Water St 50 123 62 250 550 102 300 132 5 850 52 110 45 7,450 10 25 36 10 769 90 350 700 125 36 190 25 120 360 1,600 150 573 46 50 55 300 33 230 18 75 20 175 350 96 100 300 118 700 13 22 60 600 8 40,000 1,000 500 123 101 32 40 A2 A1,A2, A3 A1,A4 A4 Al A4 Al A1,A2 A4 A4 A2 A2,A3 A4 A2 Al A1,A4 Al A4 A4 A3 A4 A4 A2 A3 A4 A4 A2 A3 A4 A4 A3 A4 A4 A1,A2, A3 A4 A3 A3 A4 A4 A4 A3 A2 A4 A4 A2,A4 Al A4 A4 A4 A2,A3 A4 A2 A4 A3 A4 A3 A2,A4 A2 A2 A4 Al A1,A2, A3 A3 A3 A4 A3 A2 COMMERCIM. OKGAI^IZATTONS OF THE UNITED STATES. 121 LOCAL— Continued. ILLINOIS— Continued. City and organization. Chicag o— C ontinued . Printing Ink Men's Credit Association, 440 South Dearborn St Produce Trade and Credit Association, 263 North Clark St Purchasing Agents' Association, 5750 Ellis Ave Retail Clothiers' Association, 1200 Milwaukee Ave Retail Druggist Association, 31 West Lake St Retail Furniture Association, 35 South Dearborn St Retail Merchants' Association, 1001 Centre St Rotary Club, 156 North Clark St Sheet Metal Contractors' Association, 1933 West Lake St Shoe Trades Association, 10 South La Salle St South Chicago Business Men's Association, 9206 Commercial Ave Swedish Engineers' Society, 503 Wrightwood Ave Tanners' Association, 1601 Conway Bldg Tire Dealers' Association, 1005 Irving Park Boulevard Traffic Club, Hotel La Salle Typothetae, 162 West Monroe St Undertakers' Association, 189 West Madison St United Master Butchers' Association, 207 Milwaukee Ave Uptown Chicago Association, 4610 Ravenswood Ave Westcenter Commercial Association, 3128 West Lake St Wholesale Clothiers' Association, 501 South Franklin St Wholesale Grocers' Exchange, 4750 Sheridan Road Wholesale Millinery Association, 72 East Randolph St Woman's Association of Commerce, 24 West Washington St Chicago Heights (19,653): Chamber of Commerce Manufacturers' Association Rotary Club Christopher (3,830): Greater Christopher Club Rotary Club Cicero (44,995): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club Clinton (5,898): Chamber of Conmierce Collinsville (9,753): Civic Association Crystal Lake (2,249): Community Club DanviUe (33,776): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club, Y. M. C. A De Kalb (7,871): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club, 625 South Fourth St Decatm- (43,818): Association of Commerce, 211 Citizens' Bank Bldg Manufacturers and Merchants' Association, 220 MiUikin Motor Club, 156 South Water St Rotary Club, 130 East Wood St Transportation Club Dixon (8, 191) : Chamber of Commerce Downers Grove (3, 543): Citizens' Association Woman's Club Du Quoin (7,285): Lions Club Rotary Club East Dubuque (1,163): Grant Highway Auto Association East MoUne (8,615): Business Men's Association of Moline-East Mohne and Silvis, 410-12 People's Bank Bldg., MoUne, lU. Chamber of Commerce, 824^ 15th Ave Rotary Club, 9th St. and 17th Ave East St. Louis (66,767): Bar Association, 250 Arcade Bldg Chamber of Commerce, Mxirphy Bldg Dental Society, 228a CoUinville Ave , East Side Employers' Association, 49 Murphy Bldg , Junior Chamber of Commerce, Arcade Bldg Lumbermen' s Association, MetropoUtan Bldg Master Plumbers' Association, 624 Missouri Ave , Retail Druggist Association, 13th St. and Lynch Ave , Retail Merchants' Association, 523 Murphy Bldg Rotary Club, Y. M. C. A Num- Pri- ber of mary Date of an- mem- pur- nual meeting. bers. pose. 23 A4 46 A2 February. 325 A4 May. 17 A2 January. 1,535 A2 Do. 75 A2 May. 300 A2 September. 410 A4,A1 May. 47 A3,A4 December. 37 Al October. 300 Al January. 500 A4 •Do. 20 A3 Do. 100 A2 December. 1,140 A4 March. 350 A3 June. 375 A4 May. 600 A2 250 A2 January. 100 Al October. 21 A4 12 A2 17 A4 December. 180 Al May. 300 A1,A2, A3 A3 December. 45 November. 30 A1,A4 April. 200 Al March. 25 A1,A4 April. 300 Al September. 40 A1,A4 April. 321 Al January. 422 Al July. 80 Al 800 Al January. 100 A4 May. 130 A4 December. 45 A4 April. 1,200 A1,A2, A3 Al January. 55 1,200 A4 March. 131 A4 May. 98 A4 October. 552 Al February. 75 A1,A2 150 A4 April. 30 Al 46 A1,A4 50 Al January. 150 A1,A2 Do. 215 Al December. 40 A4 April. 65 A4 January. 700 Al March. 28 A4 32 A4 December . 175 Al 4 A2,A3 November. 14 A2 35 A2 210 A2 January, 80 A4 122 COMMERCIAL. ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. LOCAL— Continued. ILLINOIS— Continued. City and organization. Num- ber of mem- bers. Pri- mary pur- Efflngham (4,024): Chamber of Commerce (Inc.) Rotary Club El Paso (1,638): Business Men's Association Commercial Club Eldorado (5,004): Chamber of Commerce Elgin (27,454): Association of Commerce Merchants' Association Rotary Club, 19 N orth Spring St Elmhurst (4,594): Boosters' Club Eureka (1,559): Commercial Club Evanston (37,234): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club, Box 284 Fairbury (2,532): Business Men's Association Commercial Club Fairfield (2,754): Chamber of Commerce, 401 North First St Flora (3,558): Commercial Club Rotary Club Woman's ('lub Forest Park (10,768): Commercial Association Freeport (19,669): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club, 214 West Stephenson St Fulton. (2,445): Industrial Association Retail M crchants' Association Galena (4,742): Chamber of Conunerce Galesburg (23,834): Chamber of Commerce, 518 Bank of Galesburg Bldg Manufacturers and Merchants' Association Galva (2,974): Chamber of Commerce, 113 SW. Ninth Ave Qoneseo (3,375): Chamber of Commerce Kiwanis Club Geneva (3,375): Chamber of Commerce Gibson City (2,234): Lions Club Glen EUyn (2,851): Community Club Granite City (14,757): Commercial Club East Side Manufacturers' Association, Niedringhaus and C St Greenville (3,091 ): Chamber of Commerce Harrisburg (7, 125): Greater Harrisburg Association Harvard (3,294): Farmers' Cooperative Association Harvey (9,216): Chamber of Commerce Havana: Commercial Association Henry (1,637): Shipping Association Herrin (10,986): Improvement Association, 121 North Park Ave Retail Merchants' Association Rotary Club Highland (2,902): Business Men's Le&^e Highland Park: Business Men's Association HUlsboro (5,074): Commercial Club Hinsdale (4,042): Commercial Association Hoopeston (5,451): Chamber of Commerce JacksonviUe (15,713): Chamber of Commerce, Myers Bldg — Rotary Club Jerseyville (3,839): Advertising Club Johnston City (7,137): Community Club JoUet (38,442): Association of Commerce Commercial Club Merchants' Association Rotary Club, 539 Barber Bldg Kankakee (16,753): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club, 543 North Fifth Ave Kewanee (16,026): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club 150 26 80 90 150 800 78 36 150 73 700 72 90 100 65 150 19 70 162 500 65 200 316 12 70 90 53 100 36 135 14 60 450 132 330 130 109 935 56 39 75 80 200 70 255 500 74 73 50 625 300 127 96 720 47 Al A1.A4 A2 Al Al A1,A3 A2 A4 Al Al A1,A2 A4 A2 A4 Al Al A4 Al A1,A2, A3 Al A4 Al A2 Al Al A3 Al Al Al Al Al Al Al A3 Al Al A4 Al Al A4 Al A2 A1,A4 Al A2 Al A1,A2 Al Al A1,A4 A2 Al Al Al A2 A1,A4 A4 A4 Al A1,A4 COMMERCIAL. ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. 123 LOCAL— Continued. ILLINOIS— Continued. City and organization. Num- ber of mem- bers. Pri- mary pur- Date of an- nual meeting. La Grange (6,525): Business Men's Association, 13 South Fifth Ave. La Salle (13,050): Associated Contractors of La SaUe and Peru, Peru, 111 Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club Lawrenceville (5,080): Chamber of Commerce Lemont (2,322): Commercial Association Libertyville (2,125): Commercial Club Lincobi (71,882): Commercial Club Grocers, Butchers and Bakers' Association Litchfield (6,215): Merchants' Association Lockport (2,684): Merchants' Association McLeansboro (1,927): Commercial Club Marion (9,582): Greater Marion Association Mercantile Bureau Marseilles: Greater Marseilles Club, 473 Lawrence Ave Mason City (1,880): Commercial Club Mattoon (13,552): Association of Commerce Mendota (3,934): Business Men's Club Metropolis (5,055): Commercial Club , Moline (30,734): Advertisers' Club Business Men's Association of Moline-East Moline and Silvis, 410-12 People's Bank Bldg., Moline, HI. Chamber of Commerce Moline-East Moline Realtors' Association Rotary Club, 2203 Third Ave Tri City Manufacturers' Association, Skinner Annex. Momence (2, 218): Chamber of Commerce Monmouth (8,117): Chamber of Commerce Monticello (2,280): Conamunity Club Morris (4,505): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club, 41 West Jackson St , Morton (1, 179): Commercial Club Mount Carmel (7,456): Rotary Club Mount Carroll: Commercial Club Mount Morris (1,250): Ben Ezra Club Mount OUve (3,503): Commercial Club Mount Sterling (1,932): Young Men's Commercial Club. Mount Vernon (9,815): Chamber of Commerce Murphysboro (10,703): Commercial Association Rotary Club NaperviUe (3,830): Association of Commerce Newton (2,083): Advertising Club Nokomis (3,465): Business Men's Club Chamber of Commerce Normal (5,143): Commercial Club North Chicago (5,839): Commercial Association Oak Park (39,858): Commercial Association Rotary Club, 125 North Oak Park Ave Ohiey (4,491): Business Men's Club Rotary Club, 107 Market St Ottawa (10,816): Business Men's Association Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club, College Bldg. . , Pana (6,122): Business Men's Association. . 25 325 46 150 87 65 225 35 100 35 100 330 147 350 50 198 Rotary Club, 117^ South Locust St . Paris (7,985): Chamber of Commerce. . Park Ridge (3,383): Commercial Association. Paxton (3,033): Chamber of Commerce 100 32 150 600 25 100 63 50 600 79 150 52 79 40 100 60 85 80 300 125 39 165 30 35 11 140 75 375 92 90 33 75 300 60 100 43 265 73 45 A2 A4 A1,A2 A1,A4 Al Al A1,A2 Al A2 A1,A2, A3 A2 A1,A2 A1,A2, A3 A2 Al A1,A2 Al A2 A2,A3 A4 A1,A2 Al A4 A1,A2, A3,A4 A3 Al Al Al Al A4 Al A4 A1,A2, A3 Al Al A2 A1,A2, A3 Al A4 A4 A2 A1,A2 Al A2 Al A2 A2,A4 A2 A4 A2,A3 A1,A2, A3 A4 A1,A2, A3 A4 A1,A2, A3 Al Al January. Do. May. March. February. December. January. February. Do. December. January. Do. February. May. December. October. January. May. January. Do. April. November. September. October. April. January. Do. Do. October. May. January, April. October. January. December. October. February. December. April. January. April. May. November. May. January. April. December. Do. January. 124 COMMERCIAL. ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. LOCAL— Continued. ILLINOIS— Continued. City and organization. Num- ber of mem- bers. Pri- mary pur- pose. Pekin (12,086): Association of Commerce Rotary Club Peoria (76,121): Association of Commerce Automobile Club Board of Trade Manufacturers and Merchants' Association Merchants' Association Rotary Club, 1102 City Hall Peru (8,869): Associated Building Contractors of La Salle and Peru Associated Contractors of La SaUe and Peru Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club Pinckney\'ille (2,649): Booster Club Business Men's Club Pittsfield (670): Lions Club Limchpon Club Piano (1,473): Men's Club Polo (1,867): Chamber of Commerce Pontiac (6,664): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club, 521 West Henry St Princeton (4,126): Commercial Club Rotary Club Woman's Club Quincy (35,978): Chamber of Commerce Freight Bureau Kiwanis Club Lions Club Motor Club Retail M erchants* Association Rotary Club Riverside (2,532): Men's Club Woman's Club Robinson (3,375): Chamber of Commerce, 208 South Cross St Rochelle (3,310): Chamber of Commerce Rock Island (35,177): Business Men's Association Chamber of Commerce Exchange Club Kiwanis Club Real Estate Board Retail Grocers' Association Rotary Club Tri City Local Freight Agents' Association Rockford (66,651): AdvertisingClub Associated Building Contractors, Electric Bldg Automobile Trade Association Chamber of Commerce, 323 South Main St Fourteenth Avenue Business Men's Association, 1024 14th Ave Manufacturers and Shippers' Association , Merchants and Business Men's Association, 519 Stewart Office Bldg.. Seventh Street Business and Professional Men's Association, 324 Seventh St. Typothetae Yoimg Business Men's Association, 305 Trust Bldg Rushville (2,275): Golden Rule Advertising Club Salem (3,457): Chamber of Commerce Sandwich (2,409): Commercial Club Savanna (5,237): Commerce Association Rotary Club, 127 Main St Shelbyville (3,568): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club 50 1,200 400 152 40 530 150 28 25 114 25 400 34 41 69 100 50 318 30 500 105 96 100 700 68 117 300 255 135 275 150 550 48 50 14 40 121 15 60 25 1,300 50 140 195 150 18 250 50 50 50 100 35 162 37 Al A4 Al A4 A4 A2,A3 A2 A4 Al A4 Al A1,A4 Al A1,A2 Al Al A1,A2, A3 Al Al A4 Al A4 Al A1,A2, A3 A4 Al Al A4 A2 A4 Al Al A1,A2, A3 Al A2 Al Al A1,A4 A4 A2 A1,A4 A4 A4 A4 A4 Al A2 A3 A2 A2 A4 Al A2 Al Al Al A4 Al A4 COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. 125 LOCAL— Continued . ILLINOIS— Continued. City and organization. Num- ber of mem- bers. Pri- mary pur- Date of an- nual meeting. Silvis (2,541): Business Men's Association of Moline-EastMoline and Silvis 410-12 People's Bank Bldg., Moline, 111. Sparta (3,340 ) : E andolph Club Spring Valley (6,493): Commercial Association, 231 East St. Paul St Springfield (59,138): Associated Building Contractors, 411 J East Adams St Automobile Association, 410 South Sixth St Business Men's League, 411^ East Adams St Chamber of Commerce, 410^ South Fifth St Manufacturers' Association Rotary Club, 309-11 South Fifth St Sterling (8,182): Association of Commerce Manufacturers' Association Sterling- Rock FaUs Credit Bureau Stockton ( 1, 449) : Automobile Association Streator (14,779): Chamber of Commerce, 510 East Broadway Manufacturers' Association, 403 Murray Bldg Rotary Club. 221 Main St SulUvan ( 2,532) : Community Club Sycamore (3,602) : Chamber of Commerce Taylorville (5,806): Chamber of Commerce Motor Club.., Retail Merchants' Association Tuscola (2,564): Chamber of Commerce Urbana (10,244): Associ a ted Employers of Champaign and Urbana Associ a t ion of Commerce VandaUa (3,316): Chamber of Commerce Virden (4,682) : Commercial Club Washington (1,643) : Commercial Club Watseka (2,81 7 ) : Chamber of Commerce , Waukegan (19,226): Chamber of Commerce, 14 North Genesee St Rotary Club, 19 North Genesee St West Frankfort (8,478): Greater West Frankfort Club Retail Merchants' Association Rotary Club, 608 East Oak St , White Hall (2,954): Business Men's Association Wilmette (7,814): New Trier Commercial Association , Wood River (3,476) : Business Men's Association , Woodstock (5,523): Chamber of Commerce, 207 North Benton St , Zion City (5,580) : Merchants' Credit Association, 2812 Emmons Ave 150 150 24 50 950 35 1,652 16 108 375 25 53 150 697 20 53 50 100 178 100 65 92 250 375 100 85 125 75 600 84 300 81 44 37 55 47 255 A1,A2 Al Al Al A4 A4 Al A3 A4 A1,A2 A1,A3 A2 A4 Al A3 A4 A2 A1,A2, A3 Al A4 A2 A1,A2 A4 Al Al Al Al A2 Al A1,A4 Al A2 A4 A2 A2 A1,A2, A3 A1,A2 A2 January. Do. Do. Do. Do. May. November. April. Do. February. April. January. Do. April. September. Dxx May. January. May. January. AprU. March. April. January, Do. April. January. May. October. January. September. INDIANA. Alexandria (4,172): Business Men's Association Anderson (29,767): Chamber of Commerce Retail Growers' Credit Association Argos (1,111): Green and Walnut Township Shipping Association Improvement Club Attica (3,392): Advertising Association Auburn (4,650): Commercial Club Aurora (4,299): Commercial Club Batesville (2,361): Commercial Club Bedford (9,076): Chamber of Comimerce Rotary Club, 1211 M St , Stone Club, 1407 West 15th St , Berne (1,537): Business Men's Association Bicknell (7,635) : Retail Merchants' Association Bloomington (1L595): Chamber of Commerce, 106 South College St Rotary Club 41162°— 23 9 100 Al 825 30 200 Al A2 A4 46 Al 60 A2 800 A1,A2, A3 75 Al 64 A1,A3 250 Al 59 A4 24 A4 30 A2 40 A2 215 A1,A2, A3 70 A4 February. October. November. January. March. January. Do. May. February. Do. Do. June. August. April. 126 COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES LOCAL— Continued. INDIANA— Continued. City and organization. Num- ber of mem- bers. Pri- mary pur- pose. Bluflton (5,391): Ch&mber of Commerce Free Street Fair Association KiwanisClub Rotary Club BoonvUIe (4,451): Kivvanis Club Warrick Cooperative Co Brazil (9.293): Block Coal Producers' Association Ci\icClub Brook\nlle (2,220): Busin ess Men's Associatioil Commercial Club Cannelton (2,008): Chamber of Commerce Improvement Association Clinton (10,962): Chamber of Commerce Columbia City (3,499): Commercial Development Club. Columbus (8,990): Cham ber of Commerce Kiwanis Club Coimersville (9,901 ): Chamber of Commerce Crawfordsville( 10,139): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club, 1 19J South Washington 8t Crown Pomt (3,232): Chamber of Commerce Decatur (4,762): Industrial Association Rotary Club, 122 North Fourth St Delphi (2,087): Business Men's Association East Chicago (35,969): Chamber of Commerce Manufacturers' Association Edinburg (2,376): Chamber of Commerce. Elkhart (24,277): Chamber or Commerce Rotary Club, 116 West Franklin St. Elwood (10,790): Chamber of Commerce KiwanisClub EvansvUle (85,264): Associated Bmlding Contractors, 715 Blackford Ave Chamber of Commerce, Old State National Bank BIdg... Furniture Manufacturers' Association, 16 Furniture Bldg* Lumberman's Club, 810 North Garvin St Manufacturers' Association, Old State Bank Bldg Merchants' Credit Bureau, 212 South Fourth St Retail Merchants' Association, 830 East Columbia St Rotary Club, 301 Furniture Bldg Fort Wayne (86,549): Association of Credit Men Builders' Exchange, 825 Calhoun St Chamber of Commerce, 817 Harrison St Credit Rating Association, 817 Harrison St Employers' Association, 210 Utility Bldg Retail Grocers' Association, 311 Farmers' Trust Bldg Rotary Club. 405 Shoaff Bldg Fowler (1,442) : Business Men's Association Frankfort (11,585): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club Franklin (4,909): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club French Lick (1,980) : Chamber of Commerce Garrett (4,796): Chamber of Commerce Gary(55,378): Board of Realtors Chamber of Commerce 125 20 200 140 350 60 300 350 70 130 145 43 30 190 33 155 450 70 200 55 40 1,879 29 12 175 Clearing House Association ^ Commercial Club, Fifth Ave. and Broadway. Rotary Club Goshen (9,525): Rotary Club, 611 Emerson St 120 180 143 102 1,250 100 50 90 117 60 300 56 251 46 120 100 29 650 9 550 42 60 Al A4 A4 A1,A2 Al A2 A4 Al A2 A1,A2 Al Al A1,A2 Al A2,A3 Al Al A4 Al Al A4 A1,A2, A3 A4 Al Al A1,A2 A1,A4 A1,A2, A3 Al A4 Al A3 A4 A3 A2 A2 A4 A2,A3 A4 Al A2 A3 A2 A4 A2 Al A4 A1,A2 A4 Al Al Al January. Al, A2, February. A3 January. September. May. A4 Al A4 A1,A4 COMMERCIAL. 0EGA:N"IZATI0NS OF THE UNITED STATES. 127 LO CAL— Continued. INDIANA— Continued. City and organization. Greencastle (3,780): Chamber of Commerce. Rotary Club Greenfield (4,168): Civic League. Greensbiu-g (5,345): Chamber of Commerce Commercial Club Rotary Club Hammond (36,004): Chamber of Commerce Manufacturers' Association . , Rotary Club Hartford City (6,183): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club Huntingburg (3,261): Chamber of Commerce. Huntington (14,000): Business Men's Association Commercial Association Rotary Club, 841 North Jefferson St IndianapoUs (314,194): Architects' Association, Board of Trade Bldg.. Associated Employers, Merchants' Bank Bldg. Association of Building Owners and Managers, People's Bank Bldg. . Association of Credit Men, People's Bank Bldg Automobile Trade Association, 963 North Meridian St Better Business Bureau (Inc.), 203 Chamber of Commerce Board of Trade, Board of Trade Bldg Chamber of Commerce, 28 South Meridian St Clearing House Association, 915 Merchants' Bank Bldg Commercial Credit, Audit and Correct Weights Bureau, 5543 Bonna Ave. Electric Appliance League, 319 North Pennsylvania St Foundrymen's Association (Inc.), Merchants' Bank Bldg Furniture Association, 1219 State Life Bldg Greater Indianapolis Industrial Association, 418 Merchants' Bank Bid?. Interc-hange Car Inspection Association, 442-50 Carrollton Ave Live Stock Exchange (Inc.), Exchange Bldg Merchants' Association, Merchants' Bank Bldg Real Estate Board, 817 Lemcke Bldg Retail Grocers' Association, 404 Chamber of Commerce Bldg Retail Shoe Association, :?4 East Washington St Sheet ^fetal Contractors' Association, 621 East Michigan St Stock Exchange, People's State Bank: Traffic Club, 114 Monument Place Typothetae, 504 City Trust Bldg Jasper (2,539): Chamber of Commerce Industrial Association Manufacturers' Association Jefferson viUe (10,098): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club, 410 East Chestnut St . Kendallville (5,273): Rotary Club Knox (1,577): Chamber of Commerce Retail Merchants' Association Kokomo (30,067): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club La Porte (15,158) : Chamber of Commerce Lafayette (22,486): Merchants and Manufacturers' Association . Rotary Club, 633 Owen St Lebanon (6,257): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club Liberty (1,292): Commercial Club Ligonier (2,037) : Chamber of Commerce Num- ber of mem- bers. 100 30 60 420 34 135 80 160 34 43 500 15 360 60 240 635 4,300 11 18 16 15 790 7 81 30 240 250 35 40 15 350 47 55 14 14 250 43 40 131 32 400 94 285 150 160 31 35 43 Pri- mary pur- pose. A1,A2, A3 A4 Al A4 Al A4 Al A3 A1,A4 A1,A2, A3 A4 A1,A2, A3 A2 Al A4 A4 A1,A2, A3,A4 Al A4 A4 Al A4 Al A4 A2 A2 A1,A3, A4 A4 Al A4 A4 A2 A4 A2 A2 A4 A4 A4 A4 A1,A2, A3 A3 A3 Al A4 Al A1,A2, A3 A2 Al A4 Al A2 A4 Al A4 A4 Al Date of an- nual meeting. May. June. February, June. January. April. July. Jime. October. April. September. December. January. Do. October. January. Do. June. December. May. January. February. Do. December. September. July. March. May. December. January. Do. December. October. March. February. May. Do. January. March. April. January. April. January. April. July. October. 128 COMMERCIAL. ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. LOCAL — Continued. INDIAN A— C ontinued. City and organization. Num- ber of mem- bers. Pri- mary pur- pose. Linton (5.866): Ad Club... Greater Linton Club, 89 South Main St Logansport (21,626): Rotary Club, 310 Market St Madison (6,711): Commercial Club Rotary Club, 323 West Main St Marion (23.747) : Association of Commerce Martinsville (4,895): Greater Martinsville Association. Michigan City (19,457): Chamber of Commerce Grocers, Butchers and Bakers' Association Manufacturers' Club Rotary Club Mishawaka (15,195): Chamber of Commerce Mitchell (3,025): Commercial Club Monticello (2,536): Chamber of Commerce Montpellcr (2,297) : Indiana Club Mount Vernon (5,284): Chamber of Commerce Munoie (36,524): Chamber of Commerce ilcrchants' Association Rotary Club. 815 West Main St Nappanee (2,678): Kiwanis Club New Albany (22.992): Chamber of Commerce, Pearl and Main Sts Retail Grocers' Association Retail Merchants' Association Rotary Club Newcastle (14,458): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club, Box 409 Noblesville (4,758): Kiwanis Club North Mauchester (2,711): IviwanisClub North Vernon (3,0^4): Chamber of Commerce Oakland City (2,270): Community Boosters Peru (12,410): Credit Exchange, Home Saving and Loan Association Bldg. Kiwanis Club Rotary Club Petersbiu-g (2,367): Chamber of Commerce Plymouth (4,338): Commercial Club Progressive Association. . . » Portland (5,958): Chamber of Commerce .' Rotary Club, 202 North Meridian St Princeton (7,132): Advertising Club Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club, 603 South Main St Richmond (2*5,765): Industrial Development Co Kiwanis Club Rotary Club Rochester (3,720): Young Men 's Business Association Rockville ( 1 ,968): Conunercial Club RushviUe (5,498): Rotary Club, 219 North Perkins St Saiem (2,836): Chamber of Conunerce Seymour (7,348): Chamber of Commerce, 110 South Chestnut St. Shelbyville (9,701): Better Business Club Manufacturers' Association Rotary Club South Bend (70,983): Advertising Club Association of Credit Men Chamber of Commerce Pim;hasing Agents' Association Retail Credit Association, 510 Citizens' National Bank Bldg . Rotary Club, 227 South Main St Spencer (2,066) : Chamber of Commerce SulUvan (4,489): Business Women's Association Community Club 55 400 71 210 28 950 600 30 22 100 207 45 70 45 120 1,050 30 77 56 340 25 65 43 2.50 53 65 57 50 110 68 60 30 150 117 201 50 225 54 110 84 53 85 44 125 153 62 14 45 97 186 950 45 92 155 50 25 125 A2 A2 A4 Al A4 Al Al Al A2 A3 A1,A4 Al A1,A2, A3 Al A2, A3 Al Al A2 A4 A1,A3 Al Al A2 A4 Al A4 Al Al Al Al A2 Al A4 Al Al Al A1,A2, A3,A4 A4 A2 Al A4 Al Al Al A2 Al A4 Al A1,A2 A2 A3 A4 A2,A3 A2 A4 A3 A2 A4 A1,A2 Al Al COMMEECIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. 129 LO CAL— Continued . INDIANA— Continued. City and organization. Num- ber of mem- bers. Pri- mary pur- Date of an- nual meeting. Tell City (4,086): Chamber of Commerce Retail Merchants' Association, 845 Main St Terre Haute (66,083): Advertising Club, 414 South Fourth St Associated Building Contractors, 671^ Wabash Ave. Automobile Club, Seventh and Wabash Chamber of Commerce, Tribune Bldg. Merchants' Association, 617 Tribune Bldg Rotary Club, T. H. Trust Bldg Tipton (4,507): Chamber of Commerce Union City (3,400): Community Welfare Association Rotary Club, 314 North Columbia St Valparaiso (6,518): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club Vincennes (17,160): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club Wabash (9,872): Chamber of Commerce Warren (1,520): Commimity Association Warsaw (5,478): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club, 802 East Center St Washington (8,743): Business Men's Association Rotary Club, K. C. Bldg Whiting (10,145): Commercial Club Winamac (1,684): Kiwanis Club Winchester (4,021): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club Worthington (1,853): Chamber of Commerce 125 32 60 450 2,600 125 138 100 300 27 500 40 420 84 510 125 250 48 103 62 118 Al A2 Al A2 Al Al A2 A4 A2 A1,A2; A3 A1,A4 Al A4 Al A4 A1,A2, A3 A4 Al A4 Al A4 A2 Al Al A4 Al January. December. March. December. May. January. March. April. Do. October. December. June. Do. Do. January. Do. Do. April. IOWA. Adel (1,455): Retail Merchants' Association.. Albia (5,067): Commercial Club Algona (3,724): Community Club Credit Association Ames (6,220): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club Anamosa (2,881): Community Club ?. . Atlantic (5,329): Rotary Club Audubon (2,108): Commimity Club Belle Plaine (3,887): Commerce Club Rotary Club, 822-824 12th St Belmond (1,797): Chamber of Commerce Bloomfield (2,064): Commercial Club Boone (12,451): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club Britt (1,619): Farmers' Industrial Union Burlington (24,057): Greater Burlington Association Rotary Club, 323 North Fourth St Shippers' Association Carroll (4, 254}: Commercial Club Rotary Club Women's Civic League Cedar Falls (6,316): Commercial Club Cedar Rapids (45.566): Chamber of Commerce Emplovers' Association Retail Butchers and Grocers' Association South Side Commercial Club (Inc.) West Cedar Rapids Commercial Club 21 150 A2 A1,A2 86 40 Al A2 425 39 56 50 100 Al A1,A4 Al A1,A4 Al 100 24 100 75 Al A4 Al Al 400 62 13 A1,A2 A4 A4 800 85 90 Al A4 A4 96 29 75 330 Al A4 Al A2 700 100 28 75 80 Al A4 A2,A4 Al Al January. Do. Do. July. December. April. January. Do. September April. January. Do. March. Do. February. May. Do. February. January. April. Do. March. September. January. May. March. December. 130 COMMEBCTAT. OEGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED LOCAI^-Continued. IOWA— Continued. .. 1 City and organizAtion. Num- ber of mem- bers. Pri- mary pur- pose. Date of an- nual meeting Centerville (8,486): Advertising Club 60 256 150 42 500 33 70 150 165 400 40 59 190 115 100 A2 Al Al, A2 Al Al A2 Al, A2 Al A2 Al A3 A4 Al A1,A2 A1,A2 A1,A2, A3 Al Al A4 A4 Al A2 A2 A1,A4 A1,A2 Al A4 Al Al A4 Al Al A2 A2 A4 A4 A2 Al Al A4 A1,A2, A3,A4 A4 A4 Al A4 Al A2 A2 A4 A4 Al A4 A4 A2 Al Al A4 A4 A2 Al A2 A2 Al May. January. March. February. May. October. March. February. October. . April. June. February. May. December. ' June. October. ' March. December. September.' May. April. January, i December. < April. January. Do. September. ' January. • December. January. May. September. January. March. January. June. January. Do. Do. ^ June. December. , May. February. April. March. .j February. April. May. April. October. January. April. September. May. October. December. February. Association of Commerce Chariton (5,175): Commercial Club Cherokee (5,824): Rotary Club Clarinda (4,511): Commercial Club Clarion (2,826): Business Men 's Credit Association Commercial Club Clear Lake (2,804): Commercial Club Clinton (24,151): Associated Credit Bureau Chamber of Commerce Manufacturers and Shippers' Association Rotarv Club, Sixth Ave. and First St Colfax(2 504): Commercial Chib Corning (1 ,840) : Cooperative Club Corvdon ( 1 ,867): Commercial Club Coimcil Bluffs (36,162): Chamber of Commerce, First Ave. and Main St KiwanisClub, 105 Pearl St 126 46 33 50 83 103 107 188 300 32 1,250 108 8 70 160 202 110 155 15 76 250 100 50 3,000 600 304 130 20 30 80 400 40 125 1,050 103 56 46 90 150 300 33 100 150 45 14 1,500 Lions Club, Court House Medical Society. City National Bank.. Pottawatamie Automobile Protective Association, Chamber of Com- merce. Real Estate Board, 9 South Sixth St Retail Grocers and Butchers' Association, 121 Vine St Retail Merchants' Association, 37 South Main St... Rotarv Club Cresco (3,195): Commercial Club Creston (8,034): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club, 209 North Maple St Davenport (.56,727): Chamber of Commerce Exchange Club Grain Exchange Gyro Club, 306 West Third St Kiwanis Club, 216 West Third St Rating Association, Chamber of Commerce Retail Merchants' Council, Security Bldg Rotary Club, 406 Brady St Tri-City Manufacturing Printers' Association, 315-17 West Fourth St. De Witt (1,849): Business Men's Association Decorah (4,039): Commercial Club Denlson (3,581): Chamber of Commerce Des Moines (126,468): Board of Trade Chamber of Commerce Cooperative Dairy Marketing Association, Colfax, Iowa Employment Bureau, 422 Court Ave Engineers' Club, 206 11th St Globe Tanning Co., 222 S E . First St Greater Des Moines Committee (Inc.), Coliseum Bldg... Retail Credit Men's Association, Seventh and Chestnut Retail Merchants' Bureau, Savery Hotel Tvpothetae, 519 Polk Bldg Dubuque (39,141): Automobile Club Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club, 310 B. & I. Bldg. . Shippers' Association Eagle Grove (4,4.33): Business Men's Association . Commercial Club Eldora (3,189): Community Club Farmers' Cooperative Elevator Co RotaryClub Elkader (1,223): Commimity Club. Estherville (4,699): Chamber of Commerce Fairfield (5,948): Retail Merchants' Association Fort Dodge (19,347): Automobile Dealers' Association Chamber of Commerce COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. 131 LOCAL— Continued. IOWA— Continued. City and organization. Num- ber of bers. Pri- mary pur- Date of an- nual meeting. Fort Dodge— Continued. Industrial Association Retailers' Bureau, 509-510 First National Bank Bldg. Rotary Club, 17i South Eighth St Fort Madison (12,066): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club, 314-A Market Gamer (1,311): Commercial Club Glenwood (3,862): Chamber of Commerce Greenfield (1,707): Booster Club GrinneU (5,362): Commercial Club Credit Exchange Grundy Center (1,749): Commercial Club Hampton (2,992): Commercial Club Harlan (2,831): Commimity Club Ha warden (2,491): Booster Club Boosters' Sales Club Hiunbolt (2,232): Commercial Club Ida Grove (2,020) : Retailers' Bureau Independence (3,672): Commercial Club Rotary Club Indianola (3,628): Chamber of Commerce Iowa City (1;267): Association of Fire Insurance Agents Association of Realtors Commercial Club Credit Bureau (Inc.) Iowa Falls (3j954): Commumty Club Credit Association Rotary Club Jefferson (^,416): Commercial Club Rotary Club, Head Hotel Jesup (774) : Jersey Breeders' Association Keokuk (14,423): Chamber of Commerce Commercial Club Rotary Club, care of United Lead Co Knoxville (3,523): Chamber of Conunerce Lamoni (1,787) : Commercial Club Le Mars (4,683): Commercial Club Rotary Club, 33 Eighth St. S W Leon (2,193): Chamber of Commerce Logan (1,637): Community Club McGregor (1,289): Citizens' Association Coramunity Welfare Association Mendon Towoiship Shipping Association Manchester (3,111): Commercial Club Manning (1,863): Chamber of Commerce Manson (1,409): Commercial Club Coopei-ative Live Stock Shipping Association. Maquoketa (3,626): Commumty Club Kiwanis Club Marengo (2,048): Commercial Club Marion (4,138): Community Club Marshalltown (15,731): Chamber of Commerce Lions Club Rotary Club Mason City (20,065): Chamber of Commerce Retail Merchants' Association Rotary Club. 119^ East State St Missouri VaUey (3,985): Chamber of Commerce. . . Monticello (2,257): Rotary Club Mount Ayr (1,738): Commercial Club 75 136 81 250 59 50 80 156 85 80 200 110 300 53 130 35 250 36 120 380 87 230 110 26 25 350 140 46 144 120 160 39 75 100 100 197 86 201 80 97 44 75 91 250 625 75 600 175 59 350 22 150 Al A2 A4 Al A4 Al A2 A2 A1,A2 A2 Al Al Al A1,A2 A2 A1,A2 A2 Al A1,A4 Al Al Al Al A2 Al A2 A4 A2 A4 A4 A1,A2, A.3 A2 A4 Al Al A2 A4 Al Al Al Al A4 A1,A2 A1,A2 A1,A2 A4 A2 Al A1,A2 Al Al A4 A4 Al A2 A4 Al A4 A4 June. January. April. June. May. December. January. November. Do. January. April. January. May. January. Do. April. Do. January. Do. April. May. February. January. April. January. Do. Do. May. January. Do. April. March. February. April. January. June. December. July. February. January, December. April. February. March. April. Do. 132 COMMERCIAL, ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. LOCAL— Continued. IOWA— Continued. City and organization. Mount Pleasant (3,987): Rotary Club, 604 East Madison St. Mount Vernon (1,466): Live Stock Shipping Association Muscatine (16,068): Association of Commerce Rotary Club, Hotel Muscatine Nevada (2,668): Community Club (Inc.) Rotary Club New Hampton (2,539): New Hampton Club Newton (6,627): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club, 203 First Ave. East Northwood (1 ,597): Commercial Club Odebolt (1,4^15): Chamber of Commerce Oelwein (7,455): Chamber of Conunerce Credit Association Orange City (1,632): Commercial Club. Osage (2,878): Business Men's Association Cooperative Grain & Supply Co. . . Osceola (2,684): Commercial Club Oskaloosa (9,427): Credit Men's Association Kiwanis Club Manufacturers' Association Rotary Club Ottumwa (23,003): Chamber of Commerce Merchants' Exchange Rotary Club, care of Dain Manufacturing Co. Pella (3,338): Chamber of Commerce Perry (5,642): Bureau of Commerce Rotary Club Red Oak (5,578): Rotary Club United Commercial Travelers Rock Rapids (2,172): Community Club Credit Association Rockwell City (2,039): Chamber of Commerce. Sac City (2,630): Community Club... . Sheldon (3,488): Commercial Club Credit Rating Bureau (Inc.) Shenandoah (5,255): Advertising Club Conunercial Club Sigourney (2,210): Community Club.. Sioux City (71,277): Associated Retailers Chamber of Commerce Grain Exchange Retail Merchants' Association Rotary Club, 623 Nebraska St ... . Spencer (4,599): Commercial Club Credit Bvueau (Inc.) Spirit Lake (1,701): Commercial Club. Storm Lake (3,658): Commercial Club Kiwanis Club Rotary Club Tama (2,601): Commercial Club Farmers' Cooperative Elevator Co. Live Stock Snipping Association . . Toledo (1,604): Commercial Club Traer (1,329): Commercial Club VilUsca (2,111): Commercial Club Vinton (3,381): Community Club Num- ber of mem- bers. 31 270 140 63 160 17 100 304 43 150 78 50 65 80 170 150 30 50 25 50 700 175 73 160 60 44 74 46 153 149 280 20 130 200 85 1.400 90 163 400 48 234 250 68 41 100 250 190 100 125 126 200 Pri- mary pur- A4 Al Al A4 Al A4 Al Al A1,A4 Al Al Al, A2, A3 A2 A4 Al A4 Al A2 Al A3 A1,A4 Al A2 A4 A1,A2, A3 Al A1,A4 A1,A4 A2 Al A2 Al, A2, A3 Al Al A4 A4 Al A1,A2 A2 Al A4 A2 A1,A4 Al A2 Al A1,A2 Al Al, A2, A3,A4 Al A4 A4 A1,A2 A2 Al A1,A2 Date of an nual meeting. OOMMEECIAL OROANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. 133 LOCAL— Continued. IOWA— Continued. City and organization. Num- ber of mem- bers. Pri- mary pur- pose. Date of an- nual meeting. Washington (4,697): Commercial Club Rotary Club, Commercial Club Bldg Waterloo (36,230): Builders' Exchange Greater Waterloo Association Motor Club, 1111 Riehl St Retail Merchants' Association Waukon (2,359): Commercial Club Waverly (3,352): Community Club Webster City (5,657): Chamber of Conxmerce Engineers' Club West Liberty (1,834): Commimity Club. West Union (1,777): Community Club. . . Woodbine (1,463): Commercial Club 100 48 9 800 600 205 200 200 225 23 61 300 147 Al A1,A4 A4 Al A4 A2 Al A1,A2 A1,A2, A3 A4 Al A1,A2 Al June. February. November. March. October. January. Do. February. January. April. KANSAS. Abilene (4,895): Business Men's Association -. Commercial Club Federation of Women, 1202 North Buckeye Ave Rotary Club Altamont (603): Community Club Anthony (2,740): Chamber of Commerce Lions Club Argentine (Kansas City): Activity Association, 1404 South 26th St. City, Kans. Argonia (478): Commercial Club Arkansas City (11,253): Chamber of Commerce Junior Chamber of Commerce Retailers' Association Rotary Club ArUngton (590): Amigo Club Ashland (1,147): Community Club Atchison (12,630): Board of Trade Chamber of Commerce Kiwanis Club, 527 Commercial St Lions Club Rotary Club Augusta (4,219): Business and Professional Women's Club, 816 State St Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club Welfare Association Baldwin (1,137): Chamber of Commerce Commercial Club Baxter: Woman's Club Baxter Springs (3,608): Kiwanis Club, 1824 Tenth St Belleville (2,254): Chamber of Commerce Beloit (3,315): B usiness M en' s Club ; Minerva Club^ 322 North Bell St. Woman's Civic Club . Beverly (344) : Commercial Club Bison (357): Dorian Club Blue Rapids (1 ,534) : Commercial Club Buhler (486): Commercialand Farmers' Club. Bunker Hill (268): Community Club Burlington (2,236): Commercial Club Burr Oak (638): Community Booster Cliib. . . . Burrtcn (679): Commercial Club Byers(510): Community Fair Caldwell (2,191): Commercial Club Retailers' Association Caney (3,427): Chamber of Commerce Cedar Vale (1,044): Chamber of Commerce. . . 80 A2 90 Al 260 Al 50 A1,A4 26 Al 55 Al 25 Al 175 Al 37 Al 615 Al 150 109 A2 59 A1,A4 17 A4 150 Al 32 A4 400 Al 60 Al 40 Al 58 A4 45 Al 250 Al 32 A4 250 Al 35 Al 50 Al 160 Al 70 Al 75 Al, A2, A3 85 A2 23 Al 213 Al 25 Al 16 Al 30 Al 42 Al 98 Al 352 Al 60 Al 30 Al Al 45 72 A2 200 Al 65 Al, A2 January. March. May. March. December. Januarv. December. January. September. May. Do. January. July. AprU. March. Do. November. April. September, April. Do. February. November. January. Do. February. January. September. October. June. January. Do. October. January. Do. 134 COMMERCIAL OEGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. LOCAL— Continued. KANSAS— Continued . City and organization. Centralia (619): Booster Club Chanute (10,286): Chamber of Commerce Federation of Women's Clubs Kiwanis Club Rotary Club Cherryvale(4,G98): Business and Professional Women's Club Chamber o f Commerce Chetopa (1.519): Booster Club Cimarron (500): Better Community Club Clay Center (3,715): Chamber of Commerce Clifton (()31): Automobile Club Commercial Club Clyde (l.0(;3): Research Club Cofrejrvillc( 13.452): Business and Professional Women's Club, 512 North Walnut St. Chamber of Commerce Community Welfare Council, 613 Beech St Federation of Women's Clubs, 708 West Eighth St Lions Club, .50S Willow St Merchants' Association Rotary Club, 3 East Ninth St Colby (1,114): Commercial Club Colony (997): Chamber of Commerce Columbus (3,155): Chamber of Commerce Concordia (4,705): Chamber of Commerce Gridiron Club Rotary Club Women 's Community Club Council C.rove (2.857): Commercial Club Lions Club Woman's City Club, 109 Hockaday St Culver (2.34): Commercial Club Horseshoe Club Dodge City (o.or.l): Board of Trade Chamber of Commerce Kiwanis Club Rotary Club Women's Council of Clubs, 1107 Central Ave. Down s ( 1 ,5ns) : Chamber of Commerce Effingham (616): Community Club Men's Welfare Association El Dorado (10,995): Chamber of Commerce, 716 West First St Kiwanis Club Lions Club, 4165 Emporia St Rotary Club, 716 West First St Elgin (600): Commercial Club Elkhart (1,160): Commercial Club Ellinwood (1,103): Community Club Ellis (1,876): Community Club Ellsworth (2,065): Chamber of Commerce Emporia (11,273): Advertising Club Business and Professional Women's Club Chamber of Commerce Lions Club Rotary Club Women's City Club Englewood (466): Community Club Enterprise (975): Women's Club Eureka (2,606): Chamber of Commerce Lions Club, 618 North Oak St Everest (403): Commercial Club Florence (1,.517): Chamber of Commerce Women's Club , Num- ber of mem- bers. 30 142 250 58 61 84 75 110 25 195 177 35 138 38 70 50 375 118 25 35 234 85 37 125 16 50 350 54 53 250 125 140 65 30 46 100 102 20 150 275 55 66 800 33 30 200 47 30 45 46 Pri- mary pur- pose. A1,A2 A1,A2 Al Al A1,A4 A4 Al Al Al A2 Al Al Al A4 Al A4 A4 Al A2 A4 Al Al A1,A2 A3 A2 A4 A1,A4 Al Al Al Al Al A1,A2 A4 Al Al A1,A4 A1,A4 A4 Al Al Al Al Al A1,A4 A1,A2 Al Al Al Al A2 A4 Al Al A4 Al Al Al Al Al A1,A2 Al A4 te of an- ' [meeting. COMMERCIAL ORGAlSriZATIONS OF 1^S£ tXinTED S^TATTES. 185 LOCAI^-Continued. K AN S A S— Continued. City and organization. Num- ber of mem- bers. Pri- mary pur- pose. Date of an- nual meeting- Fort Scott (10,693): Chamber of Commerce , Kiwanis Club Rotary Club Frankfort (1,314): Commimity Club Fredonia (3,954): Ad Club Chamber of Commerce Kiwanis Club Frontenac (3,225): Commercial Club Garden City (3,848): Business Service Bureau Chamber of Commerce Cooperative Equity Exchange Cooperative Truck Growers and Producers' Association Woman's Club, 704 Fourth St Garnett (2,329): Booster Club Geuda Springs (2G6): Conamercial Club Girard (3,161): Chamber of Commerce Goodland (2,664): Chamber of Commerce Commercial Club Grainfield (290) : Commercial Club Great Bend (4,460): Board of Trade Association Chamber of Commerce Greenleaf (778) : Commercial Club Greensburg ( 1,215): Business Men's Club Grenola ( 547) : Commercial Club Gfidley (321): Commercial Club Halstead (1,163): Commercial Club Hanover (947): Community Club Harper (1,770) : Commercial Club Hartford (575): Civic Improvement Club Hays (3,165): Chamber of Commerce Retail Merchants' Association Herington ( 4,065) : Rotary Club Hiawatha (3,222): Chamber of Commerce Hill City (732) : Chamber of Commerce Hoisington (2,395): Cheyenne Club Hope (589) : Commercial Club Horton(4 009): Chamber of Commerce Kiwanis Club Howard (1,060): Commercial Club Hugoton (644): Commercial Club Humboldt (2,525): Bargain Sales Association Community Club Hutchinson (23,298): Advertising Club, care of D. J. Fair Liunber Co Automobile Trade Association, 100 West Sherman St , Board of Trade Association , Business and Professional Women's Club, 124 West North Ave. Chamber of Commerce Cooperative Club Rotary Club, 106 19th St. West. Independence (11,920): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club Inman (482): Commercial Club. lola (8,513): Chamber of Commerce Kiwanis Club Rotary Club Jamestown (495): Business Men's Association. Jennings (253) : Commercial Club Jewell City (805): Chamber of Commerce Civic Improvement Club 400 57 44 107 60 250 45 20 61 180 187 79 165 105 24 156 37 35 47 400 57 70 60 . 65 75 21 200 60 35 200 60 75 25 125 50 85 28 35 74 36 50 140 1,100 45 290 320 51 35 50 40 100 Al Al A4 A1,A2, A3 Al Al Al Al A2 Al A4 Al Al Al A1,A2 Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al A2 A2 Al Al A2 Al Al A2 A1,A4 Al A2 Al Al Al Al Al Al A4 Al Al A1,A2 A4 Al A1,A2, A3 Al A1,A4 A1,A2, A3 A4 A2 A1,A2, A3 Al Al Al Al Al Al January. December. June. February. January. December. January. December. January. April. February. January. December. January. February. June. January. February. December. March. December. January. September. April. November. January. April. January. December. Do. January. June. Do. December. March. May. June. January. May. December. May. January. Do. Do. 136 COMMERCIAL OROANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. LO CAL— Continued . KANSAS— Continued. City and organization. Num- ber of mem- bers. Pri- mary pur- Junction City (7,533): Booster Club Business Girls' Club, 337 West Fourth St Chamber of Conamerce Merchants' Association Rotary Club Kanopolis (762) : Chamber of Commerce Kansas City (101,177): Armourdale Busmess Club, 7(X) Pyle St Automotive Dealers' Association, Fourth and Minnesota Ave. Chamber of Commerce, 727 Minnesota Ave Chelsea- Klamm Park Association Cooperative Club, 302 Portsmouth Bldg. Kiwanis Club, 913 North Seventh St Optimist Club, 800 Minnesota Ave . Quindaro Booster Club, 1835 Quindaro Boulevard Rotary Club, 727 Minnesota Ave Wyandotte Motor Club , Kensington (595): Chamber of Commerce Kingman (2,407): Ad Club Chamber of Commerce Lions Club Kinsley (1,986): Chamber of Commerce Lions Club La Crosse (808): Chamber of Commerce Woman's Community Club La Harpe (1,001): Commercial Club , Lamed (3,139): Business Men's Association , Rotary Club , Lawrence (12,456): Business and Professional Women's Club, 433 Ohio St . Chamber of Commerce, 902J Main St Federation of Women's Clubs, 1708 Haskell Ave Kiwanis Club Rotary Club Leavenworth (16,912^: Associated Retail Credit Men Business Women's Club Chamber of Commerce RotarvClub Lebanon (822): Commercial Club . Leoti (392): Commercial Club Lewis (439): Commercial Club Liberal (3 613): Chamber of Commerce . Eciuity Exchange Association. Lions Club Rotary Club Woman's Club Lincohi (1,613): Civic Improvement Club Commercial Club Lindsborg (1,897): Commercial Club Retail Merchants' Association Linn (282): Booster Club Little River (749): Commercial Club . . Longford (155): Community Club Lyndon (732): Chamber of Commerce. Lyons (2,516): Commercial Club Lions Club Woman's Club McCune (591): Chamber of Conmierce, Box 76. . . Federation of Clubs McPherson (4,595): •CoE 27 70 180 110 43 27 267 12 1,200 200 41 85 45 72 108 500 30 60 208 38 80 23 40 60 20 135 25 120 300 300 45 67 16 80 319 58 Chamber of Commerce . Rotary Club Macksvilie (753): Commercial-Community Club. Madison (795) : Comimercial Club 200 180 35 28 30 105 100 85 18 25 46 20 20 140 26 48 52 70 200 48 48 40 A1,A4 Al Al A2 A1,A4 Al Al A4 Al Al Al Al Al Al A4 A4 A2 A2 Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al A4 A4 Al Al Al A4 A2 Al A1,A2, A3 A4 A2 Al Al Al A4 Al A1,A4 A4 Al Al Al A2 • A2 Al Al A4 Al Al A4 Al Al A1,A2, A3 A1,A4 Al A2 COMMERCIAL. ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. LOCAL— Continued. 137 KA.NSAS— Continued. City and organization. Num- ber of mem- bers. Pri- mary pur- pose. Date of an- nual meeting. Manhattan (7,989): Chamber of Commerce Cooperative Club Ki wanls C lub Rotary Club Mankato (1,326): Commercial Club Marysville (3,048): Chamber of Commerce Meade (838): Commercial Club Melvern f 422): Commercial Club Meriden (422): Commercial Club Milton vale (821): Booster Club MinneapoKs (1,842) : Commimity Club Moliae (950): Chamber of Comnierce Morganville (262): Citizens' Commercial Club Mound Valley (803): Community Welfare Association. Mount Hope (513): Community Club Neodesha (3,943): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club Ness City (905): Civic Improvement League Commercial Club Newton (9,781): Chamber of Commerce Lions Club, 306 East Broadway Rotary Club, 500 Main St North Topeka: Civic Club Norton (2.186): Commercial Club Norwich (430) : Chamber of Commerce Notoma: Improvement Club Oaklev (768): Commercial Club Oberhn (1,247): Commercial Club Olathe (3,268): Chamber of Commerce Lions Club Onaga (838) : Business Men's Association Osage City (2,376): Commercial Association _. , Osawatomie (4,772): Chamber of Commerce Oswego (2,386): Chamber of Commerce Ottawa (9,018): Chamber of Commerce , Rotary Club, 302 North Main St , Oxford (748) : Get-To-Gether Club Paola (3,238) : Chamber of Commerce , Parkerville (144): Community Welfare Association Parsons (16,038): Auto and Accessory Dealers' Association Business and Professional Women's Club Chamber of Commerce Clearing House Association Kiwanis Club Retailers' Association Rotary Club Peabody (2,455}: Chamber oi Commerce Retailers' Association Phillipsburg (1, 310): Chamber of Commerce Pittsburg (18,052): Chamber of Commerce Kiwanis Club Rotary Club Plains: Chamber of Commerce Plain ville (1,004): Commercial Club Pleasanton (1,291): Chamber of Commerce Pratt (5,183): Chamber of Commerce Lions Club Rotary Club Preston (401): Community Club Pretty Prairie (432): Advertising Club Commercial Club Community Club Protection (1 ,109): Community Club Quinter ( 733 ) : Commercial Club Randall (401): Booster Club 300 49 65 59 157 65 15 24 40 180 41 250 250 206 42 12 60 60 138 32 40 150 42 235 49 75 342 25 22 30 400 5 42 140 50 60 40 70 600 52 68 34 125 75 272 35 31 150 25 35 150 43 150 80 A1,A2 A4 A4 A4 A2 Al A1,A2 Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al A1,A2 A4 A4 Al Al Al A4 Al Al Al Al Al Al A1,A2 Al Al Al Al Al Al A4 Al A1,A2, A3,A4 Al A2 A4 Al A4 Al A2 A4 Al A2 Al A1,A4 Al A4 Al Al Al Al Al A1,A4 Al A2 Al Al Al Al Al January. September. December. March. October. January. Do. April. March. January. Do. March. June. January. March. October. November. Do. June. December. January. Do. July. March. Do. January. May. January. June. March. December. January. March. January. April. July. March. January. November. August. May. April. January. Do. Do. December. April. December. 138 COMMERCIAL. ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. LOCAL— Continued. KANSAS— Continued. City and organization. Num- ber of mem- bers. Pri- mary pur- pose. Date of aihS nual meeting. Ransom (285): Commercial Club 60 30 102 125 63 107 25 28 400 95 75 48 150 90 75 75 167 103 Al Al Al Al A2 Al A4 A4 Al Al Al A4 A2 A4 Al Al A2 A4 Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al A4 A4 Al Al A4 A4 A4 A3 Al Al A2 Al A4 A1,A4 'A4 A4 A I Al A2 Al Al A1,A2 Al A2 Al, A2 A2 A4 Al A4 A2 A3 Al, A2, A3 A4 Al A4 A2 Al A3 A4 A4 Al December.^ Reading (358): Commercial Club 1 Russell (1,700): Chamber of Commerce . .... fZ 1 May. a October. Sabetha (2,003): Chamber of Commerce. St. John (1 ,671 ): Chamber of Commerce St. Marys (l,.'i21): CnTnmnnity Chib SaUna (15,085): ' Association of Local Fire Insurance Agents May. Board of Trade Julv. Chain bor nf Cnminprrp. . April. February. , October December. January. March. May. Do. January. Do. December; January. Do. Do. Do. Do. April. January. Soptcmbei January. Do: Do. Do. Do. DecembetJ Do. < April. June. August. January. Do. Do. Dorian Club Lions Club Realtors' Association Retailers' Association Rotary Club... Scott City (1,112): Chamber of Commerce Sedan (1 '8S5): Chamber nf Cnnrmerpe , . , . Seneca (l.S.S.'j): Chamber 6f Commerce Savings and Rural Credit Association Severy (551 ): Commercial Club Shawnee: Chamber of Commerce 104 116 75 45 80 108 140 18 200 3.50 1,600 27 14 160 110 115 100 44 200 63 37 142 62 12 35 80 25 20 47 50 85 71 155 96 51 30 55 136 18 1,400 97 65 8 220 129 90 207 103 36 Smith Center (1,507): Chamber of Commerce Solomon ( 1 ,071 ): Commercial Club Stafford (1,752): PtafTord Club Sterling (2,060): Young Men's Commercial Club . . Stockton (1,324}: Chamber of Commerce Civic League Sylvia (542) : Civic Club Topoka (50,022): Business and Profe.ssional Women's Club, 822 Kansas Ave Chamber of Commerce, 111 East Seventh St CIvitan Club Clearing IIouso Association, Central National Bank... Cooperative Club, 409 Now England Bldg Ena;inoers' Club, 1200 r.arfleld Ave Jobbers and Maiuif;i'turor'«' Association KiwanisClub, 112 West 14th St Lions Club, Columbian Bldg. ... . . . Merchants' Association, 111 East Seventh St Press Club, 1 16 East Seventh St Real Estate Board. 819 Kansas Ave . . Rotary Club, 106 West Ninth St TrafTio Associat inn , Chamber of Commerce Bldg Typothetae, Copper Bldg Utica (28.',): Commcrical Club Valley Fulls (1,218): Commercial Club , . Verimllion (294): Commercial Club . Viola (173): Chamber of Commerce Wakeriold (531): Commercial Club Wamego (1,58.5): Community Club Washington (1,406): Chamber of Commerce Do. Waverly (619): Chamber of Commerce December. WeUington (7,018): Commercial Club Do. i June. m February. 1 May. 1 Retail Merchants' Association Rotary Club White City (652) : Commercial Club Wichita (72,217): Advertising Club, 201 South Market St Association of Credit Men, 901 First National Bank Bldg Do. Ben Franklin Typothetae, 109 South Washington Ave June. Board of Cnrmnfirpe, 209 North T^awrp.noe fit October Board of Trade... . . May. 1 December.! July. i ifaT^- 1 December. \ Civitan Club, 123 South Main St Clearing House Association Credit Service Exchange, 422 Butts Bldg Lions Club, care of Y. M. C. A Manufacturers' Club, 209 North Lawrence St Rotary Club .... Traffic Club Wilson (1,020) : Chamber of Commerce COMMEECIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. 139 LOCAL— Continued . KANSAS— Continued. City and organization. Num- ber of mem- bers. Pri- mary pur- pose. Date of an- nual meeting Winfield (7,933): Chamber of Commerce. Community Council of Women . Lions Club Retail Merchants' Association . . Yates Center (2,306): Federation of Women's Clubs.. Kiwanis Club 330 114 44 107 125 A1,A2; A3 A4 Al A2 A4 Al AprU. January. KENTUCKY. Ashland (14,729): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club, 810 Prospect Ave Bowling Green (9,638) : Rotary Club, Nashville Boulevard CampbellsviUe (1 ,535) : Commercial Club Catlettsburg (4,183): Chamber of Commerce CarroUton (2,281): Commercial Club Cave City (690) : Chamber of Commerce Central City (3,108): Chamber of Commerce Corbin (3,406): Kiwanis Club, 208 Railroad St.. Covington (57,121): Industrial Club, Pike St. and Madison Ave Retail Merchants' Association, Coppin Bldg Cynthiana (3,857): Business Men's Club DanviUe (5,099): Chamber of Commerce Frankfort (9,805): Chamber of Commerce (Inc) Franklin (3,154): Rotary Club Fulton (3,415): Commercial Club Georgetown (3,903) : Chamber of Conunerce, Jackson St Glasgow (2,559): Chamber ofCommerce .' Greenville (1,917): Commercial Club Harlan (2,647): Kiwanis Club Harrodsburg (3,765) : Mercer Chamber of Commerce Hazard (4,348) : Chamber of Commerce Henderson (12,169): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club, 115^ Main St HopkinsviUe (9,696): Chamber OfCommerce Tobacco Board of Trade Lexington (41,534): Automobile Club, La Fayette Hotel Board of Commerce, 108 North Upper St Credit Men's Association Kiwanis Club j Lions Club Optimist Club, Fayette National Bank Bldg Pyramid Club, 156 West Main St Rotary Club, Room 9 Union Station London ( 1,707 ) : Commercial Club , Louisville (234,891): Association of Building Owners and Managers, 400 Realty Bldg Automobile Club, 416 West Liberty St Board of Trade, Third and Main Sts Contracting Plasterers' Association, Brook and Bloom Sts Convention and Pubhcity League, 510 Republic Bldg Employers' Association , Kenyon Bldg Engineers and Architects' Club, 1412 Starks Bldg Falls City Laundrjonen's Association, 125 South Third St General Contractors' Association Hardwood Club, 1200 Starks Bldg Industrial Foundation (Inc.), 908 Columbia Bldg Market Street Merchants' Association, First and Market Sts Master House Painters and Decorators' Society, 1330 Catalpa St Merchants and Manufacturers' Association, United States Trust Bldg Paint, Oil and Varnish Club Real Estate Board, 400 Realty Bldg Retail Grocers' Association, 1529 Inter-Southern Bldg Retail Merchants' Association, 816 Inter-Southern Bldg ^ Number of clubs. 750 Al 92 Al, A4 44 A4 43 Al 42 75 Al 75 Al 100 Al 52 Al 400 Al 98 A2 200 Al 125 Al 350 Al 27 A4 145 A2 120 Al 144 Al 138 Al 72 Al 150 Al 165 Al 550 Al 48 Al, A4 400 A2,A3 39 A4 600 A4 400 Al 45 A4 101 Al 60 Al 90 Al 85 Al 98 Al, A4 95 Al 20 A4 4,800 A4 2,700 A1,A2, A3,A4 8 A4 208 A4 138 A4 226 A4 18 A4 20 A4 8 A3 3,118 A4 275 A2 22 A4 205 A2, A3 19 A4 108 A4 310 A2 93 A2 February. April. July. February. January. December. May, August. February. March. Do. January. May. November. December. October. November. July. November. May. November. June. December. January. Do. April. July. August. April. January.' Do. February. April. January. Do. November. January. Do. Do. May. December. September. January. J 140 COMMERCIAL. OEGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. LOCAL— Continued. KENTUCKY— Continued. City and orgsmization. Num- ber of mem- bers. Pri- mary pur- pose. Louisville — Continued. Retail Merchants' Credit Men's Association, 816 Inter-Southern Bldg Rotary Club, Watterson Hotel Tobacco Board of Trade, 1027 West Main St Madisonville (5,030): Chamber of Commerce Marion (1,718): Chamber of Commerce Mayfield (6,583): l-ions Club Middlesboro (8,041): KiwanisClub Morganfield (707): Kiwanis Club, Cottingham Bldg Mount Sterling (3,995): Chamber of Commerce Newport (29,317): Chamber of Commerce, Sixth and Orchard Sts Nicholasv-ille (2,786): Exchange Club, Main St Owen.sboro(17,424): Cham ber of Commerce Rotary Club, Chamber of Commerce Bldg Paducah (124,735): Board of Trade, City National Bank Bldg Manufacturers' Association, Board of Trade Retail Merchants' Association, 117North Third St Rotary Chib, Sixth and Broadway Paintsville ( 1,383): Van Lear Rotary Club Paris (2,310)- Commercial Chib, 407 Main St Pike ville (3,110): Rotary Chib, Pikeville Grocery Co Princeton (3,689): Commercial Club, Main St Richmond (5,622): Chamber of Commerce, Box 359 Rotary Club, High St Russellvilie (3, 1 24): Woman's Civic League, 206 East Ninth St Shelbyville (3.760): Business Men's Association Exchange Club Somerset (4,672): Business Men's Club Winchester (8,333): Chamber of Commerce, 45 South Main St Rotary Club, Box 22 75 234 52 150 125 74 76 54 29 500 71 300 68 53 81 26 150 28 300 2C0 33 33 75 27 100 391 31 A2 A4 A4 Al Al Al Al Al Al Al A1,A2 Al A4 Al A3 A2 A4 A4 Al A4,A1 Al A1,A2 A4 Al A1,A2 Al A2 Al A1,A4 LOUISL^NA. Abbeville (3,461): Vermilion Chamber of Commerce Alexandria (17,510): Chamber of Commerce, Box 592 KiwanisClub Rapides Credit Men's Association Rotary Club Baton Rouge (21,782): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club, comer of Church and Laurel Sts Berwick (1,691): Chamber of Commerce of Morgan City and Berwick Bogalusa (8,245): Chamber of Commerce Bunkie (1,743): Chamber of Commerce Covington (2,942): Association of Commerce St. Tammany Parish Fair Association Crowley (6,108): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club De Ridder (3,535): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club Eunice (3,272): Boosters' Club Franklin (3,504): Chamber of Commerce Hammond (3,855): Chamber of Commerce (Inc.) Junior Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club Women's Improvement League Houma (5,160): Houma-Terrebonne Association of Commerce Rotary Club Jennings (3,824): Rotary Club Lafayette (7,855): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club 330 A1,A2, A3 350 Al 50 Al 75 A2 71 Al 600 Al 60 A4 205 Al 100 Al 140 Al 72 A4 400 A4 225 A2,A3 34 A1,A4 150 Al 19 A4 60 Al 50 A1,A2, A3 99 Al 21 Al 18 A4 70 Al 260 Al 33 A4 39 A4 196 A1,A2, A3 40 A4 COMMEKCIAL. ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. 141 LOCAL— Continued. LOUISIANA— Continued. City and organization. I/ake Charles (13,088): Association of Commerce. Monroe (12,675): Chamber of Commerce Morgan City (5,429): Chamber of Commerce of Morgan City and Berwick, La. Natchitoches (3,388): Chamber of Commerce New Iberia (6,278): Chamber of Commerce New Orleans (387.219): Association oi Commerce, Box 1460 Association of Master Plumbers, 609 Common Board of Trade (Ltd.) Board of Underwriters, 826 Commercial St Clearing House Association Cotton Exchange Cotton Future Brokers' Association, Cotton Exchange.. . Credit Men's Association, Louisiana Bldg Funeral Directors' Association, 4820 Magazine St General Contractors' Association, 408 Marine Bank Bldg. Insurance Exchange, 629 Common St Italian Chamber of Commerce, 1102 Decatur St Live Stock Exchange (Ltd.), Box 53, Arabia, La Lumbermen's Club (Inc.), 318 Carondelet St Master Bakers' Association. 301 Eureka Bldg Merchant Tailors' Association, 136 St. Charles St Metal Trades Association Real Estate Auction Exchange, 826 Perdido St Retail Grocers' Association, 6l0 Baronne St Retailers' Credit Bureau (Inc.) Rotary Club, 635 Common St Stationers' Association, 320 Camp St Steamship Association, 306 Marine Bank Bldg Typothetae, 341 Carondelet St Oakdale (4,016): Chamber of Commerce, Box 312 Opelousas (4,437): Rotary Club, 140 Main St Ruston (3,389): Chamber of Commerce Shreveport (43,874): Builders' Exchange Builders and Material Men's Exchange, 710^ Milam St Chamber of Commerce Merchants' Association, 318 Levy Bldg Open Shop Association, 710^ Milam St Rotary Club, Box 380 Slidell (2,958): Chamber of Commerce Thibodaux (3,526): Thibodaux-Lafourche Association of Commerce. Winnfleld (2,975): Chamber of Commerce Num- ber of 675 450 205 185 200 5,009 33 560 18 11 465 82 375 36 40 186 200 10 289 40 35 32 28 463 171 12 46 64 500 28 211 140 2,200 128 65 72 50 Pri- mary pur- pose. Al A1,A2, A3 Al Al Al A1,A2, A3 Al A4 A4 A4 A4 A4 A2,A3 A4 A4 A4 A4 A2,A4 A4 A4 A2 A4 Al A2 A2 A1,A4 A2 A4 A4 A1,A2, A3 A4 A1,A2, A3 A4 A4 Al A2 A4 A4 Al Al Al Date of an- nual meeting. October. June. November. June. December. January. Do. Do. December. March. Do. November. January. Do. Do. July. June. January. Do. Do. Do. April. January. May. October. January. April. January. December. October. January. Jvme. July. Do. June. MAINE. Auburn (16,985): Chamber of Commerce Lewiston and Auburn Grocers' Association, 235 Lisbon St., Lewiston Me. Augusta (14,114): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club Bangor (25,978): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club, 6 State St Bar Harbor: Board of Trade Bath (14,731): Rotary Club, 99 Commercial St Belfast (5,083): Chamber of Commerce Farmers' Union Benton: Fairfield and Benton Board of Trade, Fairfield, Me Biddeford (18,508): Biddeford and Saco Chamber of Commerce Rotarv Club of Biddeford and Saco, 14 Elm St Bridgton (1,545): Chamber of Commerce Brunswick (5,784): Chamber of Commerce 41162°— 23 10 275 100 Al A2 381 108 Al A4 425 63 175 56 Al A4 Al A4 110 118 150 A1,A2 A4 A1,A2 50 61 98 476 A1,A2, A3,A4 A4 ^'■^' Al June. January. May. June. March. April. November. December. June, January. March. April. February. April. 142 COMMERCIAL. ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. LOCAL— Continued. MAINE— Continued. City and organization. Num- ber of mem- bers. Pri- mary pur- Calais (5,084): Chamber of Commerce Merchants' Association Caribou: Community Club Eastport (4,494) : Chamber of Commerce Ellsworth (3 ,058): Board of Trade Fairfield (2,747): Board of Trade Farmington (1,650): Retail Merchants' Association. Fort Fairfield (1,993): Chamber of Commerce Merchants' Association Gardiner (5,475): Board of Trade Retail Merchants' Association Houlton: Chamber of Commerce Merchants' Association Rotary Club Kennebuiik: Chamber of Commerce Lewiston (31,791): Chamber of Commerce Grocers' Association, 235 Lisbon St Machias: Business Men's Association Madison (2 ,729) : Board of Trade Norway (2,208): Board of Trade Farmers' Union Merchants' Association Old Orchard: Board of Trade Orono: Chamber of Commerce Pittsfield (2,146): Retail Merchants' Association. . . Portland (69,272): Chamber of Commerce Contracting Carpenters' Association Credit Men's Association, 419 Cumberland Ave Presque Isle (3,452): Board of Trade Merchants' Association Rockland (8,109): Chamber of Commerce Saco (6.817): Rotary Club of Biddeford and Saco, 408 Main St., Saco, Me. Sanfora : Chamber of Commerce Skowhegan: Merchants' Association South Paris (1,793): Board of Trade, Market Square Waterville(13,:}51): Rotary Club, 94 Silver St Waterville-Winslow Chamber of Commerce Westbrook (9,453): Chamber of Commerce 102 50 65 100 150 150 40 200 50 400 35 150 60 32 135 250 100 25 47 130 100 42 67 78 40 1,250 40 187 50 120 51 50 62 220 105 Al A2 Al Al Al A1,A2 A2 Al A1,A2 Al A2 A1,A3 A2 A4 A1,A2 Al A2 A2 Al Al A4 A2 Al Al A2 Al A4 A2 Al A2 A2 A4 Al A1,A2 Al A4 A1,A2 Al MARYLAND. Aberdeen (1,067): Chamber of Commerce AnnapoUs (11,214): Rotary Club Baltimore (733,826): Advertising Club (Inc.), 1204 MunseyBldg Association of Credit Men, 100 Hopkins Place Automobile Trade Association, 1002 North Charles St Board of Trade, 1404 Munsey BIdg Builders' Exchange, 15 East Fayette St Building Owners and Managers' Association, Lexington Bldg Canned Goods Exchange, Boston and Streeper Sts Chamber of Commerce City Club. Munsey Bldg East Baltimore Business Men's Association, 1628 Bank St Engineers' Club (Inc.), 1229 Calvert Bldg Export and Import Board of Trade. 106 bouth Gay St Foreign Trade Club (Inc.), 106 South Gay St Fnlit and Produce Association , 12 East Pratt St Hide and Wool Association, 2600 West Franklin St Institute of Electrical Contractors, 204 North Calvert St Jewelry and Kindred Industries Board, 22 Light St Kiwanis Club, 105 Court House Leather and Finders Protective Association, 732 North Caroline St. . Lime and Cement Exchange, 1001 North Patterson Park Ave Lions Club, University of Maryland , ,..,...,.,. 40 A2 27 Al 626 A4 700 A4 158 A4 21 Al 265 A4 24 A4 86 A4 323 A4 1,600 A4 260 A1,A2 779 A4 500 A4 225 A4 90 A4 38 A4 16 A4 34 A4 242 A4 12 A2 26 A2 106 Al COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. 143 LOG AL— Continued . MARYLAND— Continued. City and organization. Baltimore — Continued . Lumber Exchange, 740 Eastern A v^e Manufacturing Confectioners, 749 West Pratt St Master House and Sign Painters and Decorators' Association, Builders' Exchange. Meat trackers' Association, 2143 Taylor St Merchants and Manufacturers' Association, 22 Light St Old Tovm Merchants and Manufacturers' Association, 516 North Gay St. I'urchasing Agents' Association, 500 block, West Conway St Ileal Estate Board, 7 St. Paul St Retail Druggists' Association, North and Madison Aves Retail Furniture Association, 22 Light St Retail Grocers' Association, 312 Hanover St Retail Hardware Association , 2050 Orleans St Retail Merchants' Bureau, 22 Light St Rotary Club, 1611 Lexington Bld^ Stationers' Association, 641 Washington Boulevard Traffic Club, Box 502 Typothetac, 1327 Miuiscy Bldg Wholesale Lumber Dealers' Club, 412 Marine Bank Bldg Wholesale Millinery Asscxjiation, 17 West Baltimore St Cambridge (7,467): Chamber of Commerce r»>!itreville (1,765) : Chamber of Commerce < si ertown (2,537) : Business Men's Association ' [ield (4,116): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club Cumberland (29,837): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club, 108 Union St Frederick (11,066): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club tburg (6,016): Commercial Club (Inc.) .cvstown (28,064): Cliamber of Commerce Retailers' Bureau Rotary Club, 25 South Jonathan St we de Grace (4,377): Business Men's Association, 454 Franklin St ; ^bury (7,553): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club Wicomico Farmers' Association Num- Pri- ber of mary Date of an- mem- pur- nual meeting. bers. pose. 68 A4 December. 24 A3 January. 40 A4 Do. 25 A2,A3 November. 2,700 A1,A2, A3,A4 January. 305 A1,A2 Do. 35 A3,A4 May. 1,000 A1,A4 October. 150 A2 42 A2 February. 1,000 A2 January. 85 A2 375 A2 May. 224 A4 April. May. 25 A2 415 A3 March. 148 A2 AprU. 16 A2 January. 4 A4 313 Al 100 A1,A2 March. 55 A1,A2 87 Al January. 25 A4 805 Al March. 75 A4 April. 230 Al July. 44 A4 April. 350 Al February. 250 Al December. 47 A2 61 A4 April. 60 Al Afarch. 175 A1,A2, A3 A1,A4 February. 70 April. 950 Al January. MASSACHUSETTS. Abington (5,787): Board of Trade Adams (12,967): Chamber of Commerce Ainesbury (10,036): Chamber of Commerce Amlierst (5,550): Business Men's Association Poultry Association (Inc.) Ashland: Board of Trade Attleboro (19,731): Chamber of Commerce Ayer (3,052) : Board of Trade Bflchertown: Board of Trade i'-vody (22,561): (Jhamber of Commerce Rotarv Club, care of Y. M. C. A .Boston (748,060): American Academy of Dental Sciences (Inc.), 784 Columbia Road Art Club, 150 Newbury St Association of Fur Manufacturers, 105 Chauncy St Association of Photo Engravers, 216 High St Association of Railroad and Steamboat Agents, 309 Old South Bldg... Automobile Dealers' Association (Inc.), 5 Park Square Back Bay Board of Trade, Box C-25, AUerton, Mass Bank Officers' Association of the City of Boston, Franklin Savings Bank. Board of Fire Underwriters, 55 Kilby St Boot and Shoe Club, 166 Essex St , , . , . . 70 Al 190 Al 220 Al 70 A2 65 A4 60 Al 579 Al 90 Al 82 Al 300 Al 41 A4 152 A4 488 A4 20 A4 8 12 A3 453 A4 50 A2 100 Al 1,943 A4 45 A4 200 A3 May. February. December. January. February. December. May. January. March. October. April. Majr. April. June. January. June. November. May. 2 Number of organizations, 144 COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. LO GAL— Continued. MASSACHUSETTS— Continued. City and organization. Boston — Continued. Bourse, 110 Warren St Box 52 Association, GO Bowdoin St.. Dorchester, Mass . .^ Boylston Street Retail Merchants' Association Building Trades Employers' Association, 1 Beacon St Business Women's Club, 4 Mercer Circle, Cambridge Canadian Club, Hotel Bellevue Cap Manufacturers' Association (Inc.), 62 Chauncy St Caterers' Bureau, 34 Yarmouth St Caulkers' Association, 19 Border St Chamber of Commerce, 177 Milk St Charter Association, 801 Barristers' Hall Church Street Cooks and Waiteis' Association. 32 Porter St Clothing Manufacturers' Association, 72 Lincoln St Club of Printing House Craftsmen Coal Exchange, 141 Milk St Commercial Motor Vehicle Association (Inc.), 5 Park Square Credit Men's Association, 136 Federal St District liclectic Medical Society, 1 1 Temple St Druggists' Association, 14 Fulion St Engineers' Club, 200 Devonshire St Faneuil Improvement Association, Faneull (35), Mass First Assistant Assessors' Association, 74 Moseley St Fish Bureau Fish Commission Dealers' Association. Fish Pier Flour and Grain Club, 601 Chamber or Commerce Bldg Fruit and Produce Exchange, Faneuil Hall Market Good Covonimcnt Association, 502 Barristers' Hall Guild of Boston Artists (Inc.), 162 Newbury St Heating and Piping Contractors' Boston Association (Inc.), Beacon St. Home Beaut iful Exposition, 5 Park Square Household N ursing Association, 322 Newbury St Hyde Park Board of Trade, 908 Metropolitan Ave Industrial Credit Union. 46 Channey St Jewelers' Club, 887 Washington St Kiwanis Club, 2Sl Washington St Laundryowners' Bureau (Inc.), 100 Boylston St Life Underwriters' Association, 79 Milk St Lumber Inspectors' Association, 24 Milk St Mail Advertising Service Association, 6 Beacon St Marine Society, 15 Maplewood St Master Bakers "^Cooperative Association, 155 Broadway Master Builders' Association, 77 Centre St Mercantile Library Association, 674 Tremont St Merchant Tailors' Exchange, 50 Bromfleld St Metaphysical Club, 30 Huntington Ave Motor Cab Association, 54 ClifTord St Musicians' Protective Association, 56 St. Botolph St Numismatic Society, 302 Beacon St Old South Association, 1101 Pemberton Bldg Park Street Club, 54 Ferdinand St Pattern Makers' Association, 158 Broadway Pilgrim Publicity Association (Inc.) Pilot Commissioners, 716 Chamber of Commerce Poultry Association, 165 Tremont St Proofreaders' Association, Tremont Temple Public School Association, 101 Tremont St Retail Credit Men's Association, Beverly, Mass Retail Grocers' Association, 12 South Market St Retail Shoemen's Institute, 727 Atlantic Ave Retail Shoe Salesman's Association (Inc.), 114 Bedford St Rotary Club, 1 Beacon St Schoolmen's Economic Association, 114 Trenton St Sheet Metal Contractors' Association, 110 State St Shoe Goods Converters' Association, 683 Atlantic Ave Society of Civil Engineers, 715 Tremont Temple Society of Landscape Architects, 21 Abbott Bldg Society of Printers, 152 Central St., Winter Hill, Mass South Boston Citizens' Association, South Boston (27) South End House Association, 20 Union Park South End Improvement Society, 103 Monroe St Stores Mutual Protective Association, 12 West St Suffolk-Norfolk Associates, 137 Milk St Team Owners' Association, 40 Court St Textile Credit Association, 68 Harrison Ave Typothetae Board of Trade, 157 Federal St Umted Improvement Association, 6 Beacon St Nimi- ber of bers. 94 42 66 250 300 850 19 30 7,500 30 15 370 24 50 ,138 75 125 890 100 50 100 23 150 830 555 35 15 250 1,050 120 101 41 575 43 424 132 200 100 Pri- mary pur- A4 A4 A3 A4 A4 A4 A2 A4 A4 Al A4 A4 A4 A4 A2 A2 A2 A4 A2 A4 Al A4 A4 A2 A4 A4 A4 A4 A4 A4 A4 Al A4 A2,A3 Al A4 A4 A4 A4 A4 A2 Al A4 A2 A4 A4 A4 A4 A4 Al A3 A4 A4 A4 A4 A4 A2 A2 A2 A2,A3 A4 A4 A4 A4 A4 A1,A4 A4 Al Al Al A2 A4 A4 A3 A4 A4 COMMERCIAL. ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. 145 LOCAL — Continued. MASSACHUSETTS— Continued. City and organization. Num- ber of mem- bers. Pri- mary pur- pose. Date of an- nual meeting. Boston— Continued. Uphams Corner Improvement Association, 49 Greenbrier . Vermont Association, 73 Tremont St Wholesale Grocers' Association ,*45 Commercial St Women's City Club, 40 Beacon St Women's Municipal League, 115 Commonwealth Ave Women's Trade Union League, 634 Little Bldg Wool Trade Association, 263 Summer St Young Men's Civic Club, 6 Beacon St Braintree (10,580): Board of Trade Bridf!;ewater (8,438): Our Town Club Brockton (66,254i: Chamber of Commerce (Inc.) Retail Merchants' Association Rotary Club, 54 North Main St Shoe Manufacturers' Association Brookline (37,748): Board of Trade Cambridge (109,694): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club, 689 Massachusetts Ave. Dhatham; Board of Trade (Inc.) I^hicopee (36,214): Board of Trade 3Unton (12,979): Chamber of Commerce Dedham (10,792): Board of Trade Dorchester: Board of Trade, 218 Adams St Medical Society East Dedham: Board of Trade Easthampton (11,261): Board of Trade. Everett (40,120): Board of Trade , Merchants' Retail Association Rotary Club, Hotel Prescott ?all River (120,485): Board of Underwriters, 64 Bedford St Chamber of Commerce, 54 North Main St Cotton Manufacturers' Association, Box 736 Druggists' Association, 105 Pleasant St Master Carpenters and Masons' Association, 8 Grove St Merchants' Association, 91 South Main St Retail Grocers and Marketmen's Association, 936 South Main St. ?almouth (3.500): Board 01 Trade Succanessett Club iltchburg (41,029): Chamber of Commerce, 560 Main St Master Builders' Association Metal Association ''oxboro (4, 136) : Fraternity 'Yamiugham (17,033): Board of Trade Framingham Associates Rotary Club, Kendall Hotel. Tankhn (6,497): Business Association.. . jrardner (16,971): Chamber of Commerce. j!-louccster (22,947): * Chamber of Commerce (Inc.) Fish Exchange. Fishing Vessel Owners' Association, 7 Washington Square. Master Mariners' Association M u t Barrington (6,315) : Chamber of Commerce reciifield ( 15,462) : Chamber of Commerce [averhi 11 (.53,884): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club, 124 Washington St Shoe Manufacturers' Association [olyoke (60,023): Automobile Club Chamber of Commerce , Paper Makers' Advertising Club. 130 350 59 5,600 2,200 500 450 3,000 100 36 1,000 75 324 500 40 127 150 150 60 220 70 98 550 48 825 35 24 200 175 100 100 690 12 18 225 434 50 36 260 720 715 15 25 175 196 700 900 70 48 400 900 A2,A4 A4 A4 A4 Al A4 A4 A4 Al Al Al A2 A4 A4 A2 A1,A2, A3 A4 A1,A2, A3 Al Al Al, A2, A3 Al A4 A1,A2, A3 Al, A2, A3,A4 A1,A2, A3 A2 A1,A4 A4 Al, A2, A3 A3 A2 A4 A2 A2 A1,A2 Al Al A4 A4 Al Al Al A4 Al Al Al A4 A4 A4 Al Al Al A4 A3 A4 Al, A2, A3 A4 January. Do. October. May. Do. January. February. January. June. December. January. May. December. January. April. Do. August. January. Do. May. April. January Do. Do. April. January. October. February. March. April. March. January. December. February. September. January. April. October. January. August. January. March. January. October. January. April. January. November. 146 COMMERCIAL OEGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. LOG AL— Continued . MASSACHUSETTS— Continued. City and organization. Num- Pri- ber of mary mem- pur- bers. pose. 262 Al 112 A4 356 Al 58 Al 600 Al 250 Al 25 A2 800 Al 58 A4 20 A2 59 Al 120 A1,A2, A3 100 Al 120 Al 35 A2 1,039 Al 8 A2 16 A4 24 Al 14 A2 14 A2 1,000 Al 115 A4 60 A3 625 Al 150 Al 38 A4 50 Al 100 A1,A2 135 Al 45 A4 170 Al 90 A2 150 Al 70 Al 325 Al 327 A2 325 Al 1,300 A1,A2, A4 637 Al 900 A1,A2 550 A1,A2, A3,A4 31 A4 175 A1,A2 46 A4 70 A1,A2, A3 600 Al 60 A2 97 A2 75 Al 121 Al 289 Al 32 A4 648 Al 50 A4 350 Al 245 A1,A2 500 A1,A2, A3 110 A3 Holyoke— Continued . Real Estate Owners' Association Rotary Club, Hotel Nonotuck Hudson (7,607): Board ofTrade Hyannis: Board of Trade Cape Cod Chamber of Commerce Hyde Park: Board of Trade Lawrence (94,270): Automobile Dealers' Association Chamber of Commerce, 820 Bay State Bldg Fire Underwriters' Association RetailJewelers' Association, 711 Bay State Bldg. Rotary Club, 303 Essex St Lee (4,085) : Business Men' s Association Lenox (2,691): Chamber of Commerce Leominster (19,744): Chamber of Commerce, 42 Main St Lowell (112,759): Butchers and Grocers' Association, 136 Ennell St Chamber of Commerce, 302 Fairbum Bldg Master Painters and Decorators' Association, 446 Bridge St. Master Plumbers' Ass(x;iation . 359 Bridge St Real Estate Exchange, 220 Hlldreth St RetailJewelers' Association, 123 Central St Shoe Retailers' Association, 476 Bridge St Lynn (99,148): Chamber ofCommerce, Security Bldg Rotary Club, 440 Broadwaj^ Shoe Manufacturers' Association (Inc.) Maiden (49,ia'3): Chamber of Commerce Mailb )rough (15,028): Board of Trade Rotary Ckib, 186 Main St Maynard (7,080): Business Men's Association Medford (39,038): Board of Trade Mch-ose (18,201): Board of Trade Rotary Club, Main St Middlebora(s,4r,;3): Commercial Club (Inc.) Merchants' Association, Centre St Milford (13,471): Chamber ofCommerce Mon,570): Employers' Association, 803 Union Bank Bldg. Greater Muskegon Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club, care of Muskegon Extract Co Negaunee' (7,419): Chamber of Commerce Niles (7,311): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club Northville (1.738): Auto Club Otsego (3,168): Chamber of Commerce. Owosso (12,575): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club, 637 North Water St.. Oxford ( 1 ,668) : Commercial Club Paw Paw (1,556): Commercial Club Petoskey (5,064): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club Plymouth (2,857): Chamber of Commerce — Pontiac (34,273): Board of Commerce Manufacturers' Association, 51 Parke St. Port Huron (25,944): Chamber of Commerce. Portland (1,899): Board of Commerce Reed City (1,803): Exchange Club Rochester (2,549): Board of Commerce Rockford (1,143): Community Brotherhood. Saginaw (61,903): Board of Commerce Builders and Traders' Exchange, 450 South Seventh St Employers' Association of Saginaw Valley, 217 Federal Ave. Manufacturers' Association, 610 Eddy Bldg Merchants and Manufacturers' Association, Box 444 Retail Merchants' Credit Bureau, 618 Jones St United Club St. Clair (3,204) : Chamber of Commerce St. Johns (3,925): Chamber of Commerce 50 547 600 180 150 200 200 57 398 75 54 80 53 30 60 225 25 40 100 37 120 75 150 250 41 300 40 ,800 67 60 200 40 200 70 65 53 75 110 150 34 264 12 700 71 27 76 1,650 57 A1,A4 A4 Al A2,A4 Al Al Al A2 Al Al Al Al Al Al A2 Al Al A2 A4 Al A4 A1,A2 Al A3 Al A4 Al A3 A1,A2 A4 Al Al, A2, A3 A4 A4 A4 Al A4 A2 Al Al, A2, A3 A4 Al Al A3 A1,A2, A3,A4 Al Al Al Al A1,A2, A3 Al 30 200 195 100 125 A3 Al A2 Al Al A1.A2 May. November. January. May. February. January. Do. November. March. January. Do. AprU. October. July. March. January. April. March. Do. February. March. January. October. December. April. Do. February. January. September. May. January. Do. March. December. Febraary. October. May. November. September. May. March. December. May. March. September. December. March. 152 COMMERCIAL. ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. LO CAL— Continued . MICHIGAN— Continued. City and organization. St. Joseph (7,251): Chamber of Commerce Development Co Housing Corporation Retail Merchants' Association Rotary Club Twin City Jewelers' Association St. Louis (3,036): Board of Trade Sault Ste. Marie (12,096): Civic and Commercial Association Shelby (1,288): Commercial Club South Haven (3,829) : Chamber of Commerce Sturgis (5,995): Improvement Association Tecumseh (2,432): Commerce Club Three Rivers (5,209): Boosters' Association Business Men's Association Exchange Club Retail Merchants' Association Traverse City (10,925): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club, 736 Washington St Wayne (1,899): Rotary Club, 603 West Park St Wyandotte ( 13,851): Board of Commerce Ypsilanti (7,413): Board of Commerce Kiwanis Club, 219 North Huron St Rotary Club Zeeland (2,275) : Advertising Association Num- ber of bers. 300 102 75 55 78 15 50 514 96 93 150 280 60 45 46 50 253 63 30 560 540 95 56 35 Pri- mary pur- pose. Al Al Al A2 A4 A2 A1,A2, A3 Al Al Al Al Al Al A2 Al A2 Al A4 A4 A4 Al Al A4 A1.A2 Date of an- nual meeting. October. December. Januarv. December. April. February. December. January. April. January. March. January. October. January. September. January. April. Do. February. May. December. November. MINNESOTA. Ada (1,411): 100 60 120 Al Al A4 A2 A4 Al A4 A2 A1,A2 Al A1,A2 Al A4 Al Al Al A2 A4 A2 A4 Al Al A4 Al A4 A2 Al A1,A4 Al Al Al Al July. January. Do. Women's Civic League.. Aitkin (1,490): Automobile Club Merchants' Association Albert Lea (109): Automobile Club 450 250 87 205 25 200 39 69 75 40 40 360 125 50 30 50 46 400 42 150 150 130 351 33 64 50 March. B usiness Men's League Do. Business Women's Club Credit Association (Inc.) October. Alexandria (3,388): Better Town Club August. Commercial Club (Inc.) January. Dof Credit Men's Association Eawanis Club. December. Anoka (4,287): Auto Club February. Kiwanis Club Arlineton (776)* Association and Automobile Club Austin (10,118): Automobile Association April Business Men's Association 311 West Alleehanev St May. AprU Rotary Club Backus (297): Automobile ciub Belview(381): Automobile Club May. Commercial Club January. Bemidii f 7 086)' Civic and Commerce Association March. Benson (2,111): Auto Club January. Blue Earth (2,568): Do. Farmers' Shipping Association Do. Brainerd (9,591): Chamber of Commerce • .....•.....•....-.••••.- Do. Rotary Club May. Breckenridge (2,401): AutoClub Eighth St North February. BoosterClub .. December. February. Woman's Civic League 35 COMMERCIAL. ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. 153 LOCAL— Continued. MINNESOTA— Continued. City and organization. Num- ber of bers. Pri- mary pur- pose. Date of an- nual meeting. Brook Park (167): Auto Association. , Bullalo ( 1 ,438) : Automobile Club Cambridge (1,080): Commercial Club . Canby (1,754) : Commercial Club Cass Lake (2,109); Commercial Club Chatfield (1,382): Commercial Club Chisholm (9,039): Chamber of Commerce. Cleveland (269) : Community Club Cloquet (5,127): Automobile Club Rotary Club Crookston (6,825): Association of Public Affairs Credit Exchange Rotary Club Detroit (3,426) : Business Men's Association Duluth (98,917): Automobile Club, Christie Bldg Board of Trade Board of Trade Clearing Association , Builders' Exchange, 603 Palladio Bldg Chamber of Commerce Credit Association, 506 Christie Bldg , Engineers' Club ■ Jobbers' Credit Bureau (Inc.), 417 Lonsdale Bldg Taxi and Jitney Association, 31 East Superior St Typothetae East Grand Forks (2,490): Commercial Club, Kittson Ave . Ely (4,902): Commercial Club Rotary Club Emmons (297): Auto Club Eveleth (7,205): Commercial Club (Inc.) Lions Club Retail Merchants' Association Rotary Club Fairmont (4,630): Comjnercial Club Farmers' Shipping Association, R. F. D. 4 Faribault (11,089): Automobile Club Chamber of Commerce Fergus Falls (7,581): Commercial Club Kiwanis Club Rotary Club Glencoe ( 1,747) : Community Club Glenwood (2,187): Commercial Club Graceville (1,077): Automobile Club Grand Rapids (2,914): Commercial Club . Granite Falls (1,611): Commercial Club . . Hastings (4,571): Commercial Club Hibbing (15,089): Commercial Club Hill City (928): Auto Club Hopkins: Commercial and Manufacturers' Club Store Bureau Huntley: Automobile and Commercial Club — Hutchinson (3,379): Auto Club Business Men's Association Farmers' Cooperative Shipping Association. Land and Improvement Association Union Club International Falls (3,448): Commercial Club. . . Jackson (2,144): Automobile Club Business Men's Association Commercial Club Kenyon (1,362): Commercial Club Kiester(257): Auto Club 20 60 100 100 91 146 36 200 180 30 325 92 25 180 1,027 207 40 150 1,800 320 206 30 4 13 46 250 19 130 165 33 56 28 250 100 415 316 60 28 48 100 24 163 80 50 45 108 21 92 60 100 1,000 120 250 450 142 41 67 70 40 A4 Al A1,A2, A3 Al Al A1,A2 Al Al A4 A1,A4 A1,A2, A3 A2 A4 Al Al A4 A4 A4 Al A2 Al A3 Al A4 A1,A2 Al A4 A4 Al Al A2 A4 A1,A2 A4 A4 A1,A2, A3 Al Al A4 Al Al Al Al Al A1,A2, A3 Al Al Al A2 A4 A1,A2 A2 A4 Al Al Al Al A2 Al Al A4 AprU. May. March. May. August. March. November. March. May. November. April. January. April. January. Do. Do. October. March. August. February. June. March. January. April. March. May. June. April. February. March. Do. June. February. December. January. Do. April. January. October. April. January. Do. February. January. Do. November. March. January. Do. February. January. Do. April. 154 COMMERCIAL. ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. LOCAL— Continued. MINNESO TA— C ontinued. City and organization. Num- ber of mem- bers. Pri- mary pm-- poso. Date of an- nual meeting. Lake City (2,846): Commercial Club Retail Merchants' Association Lake Crystal (1,204): Automobile Club Lakefield (1,346): Automobile Club Commercial Club Laporte (216): Laporte Brotherhood Lester Prairie (4342; Auto Club Litchfield (2,790): Business Men's Association Little Falls (5,500): Automobile Club B oard f C ommerce , Long Prairie (1,346): Autoni obile Club Conununity Club Cow Tost ing Association Live Stock Shipping Association Potato Growers' Asso^-itition, R. F. D. 5 Luverne (2,7S2): Commercial Club Madelia (1,447): Community Club Credit Bureau Madison (1,838): Commercial Club — Mahnomen (1,076): Business Association Mankato (12,469): Auto Club Builders' Exchange Civic and Commerce Association KiwanisClub Retail Merchant s' Association Marshall (3,092): Business Men's Association Milaca ( 1 ,347) : Commercial Club Minneapolis (3S0,:)S2): Automobile Club, La Palle and 13th Sts -. Builders' Exchange Cement Block and Tile Manufacturers' Exchange, 3217 29th Ave. South. Chamber of Commerce Cigar and Tobacco Dealers' Association , 727 Andrus Bldg Civic and Coramorce Association, 1254 McKnight Bldg Credit Service Exchange ( Inc. ), 314 Nicolett Ave Engineers' Club, Box 15, St. Anthony Hall's Station Grain Shippers' Association, 900 Flour Exchange Manufacturers' Club, 200 Builders' i:xchange Master Painters and Decorators' Association, 928 South Fourth St Northwest Tractor Trade Association, 1018 Lumber Exchange Produce Exchange, 408 Market Bank Bldg Real Estate Board, 628 McKnight Bldg Retail Credit Association, 314 Nicolett Ave Retail Grocers' Association (Inc.), 430 Temple Court Retail Hardware Association, 1 120 Metropolitan Life Bldg Retail Meat Dealers' Association, 271 4 East Lake St Retailers' Association, 436 Adams Bldg Sheet Metal Contractors' Association. 17 West 28th St Twin City Association of Merchant Tailors, 12 North Fifth St Twin City Association of Purchasing Agents Twin City Coal Exchange (Inc.), 744 McKnight Bldg Twin City Implement, Vehicle and Hardware Club, 1018 Lumber Exchange. Twin City Master Plasterers' Association, 3035 Bryant Ave. South — Twin City Vehicle Manufactiu-ers' Assoaation, 926 Metropolitan Life Bide. Typothetae. 423 South Fifth St MontcNideo (4,419): Advertismg Club Commercial Club Merchants' Association Moorhead (5,720): Auto Club , Commercial Club Rotary Club, 116 Eighth St. South Moose Lake (571): AutoClub Mora (1.006): Community Club Morris (2,320): Commercial Club New Prague (1,540): Community Club. New Ulm (6,745): Commercial Club 100 30 70 150 156 38 60 26 600 82 00 115 14 65 75 250 50 500 100 125 85 125 3,350 400 32 583 175 4,600 1,076 265 65 200 32 27 35 350 291 400 42 150 67 35 65 17 150 110 200 175 25 24 74 110 53 154 Al A2 A4 Al Al Al A4 Al Al Al A1,A4 A1,A2 A4 A4 A4 Al Al A2 Al Al A4 Al Al Al A2 A1,A2 Al Al A4 A3 ,A4 A2 Al A2 A4 A4 A3 Al A3 A4 A4 A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 A3 A2 A4 A2 A4 A4 A4 A3 A2 Al A2, A3, A4 Al Al A1,A4 Al A4 Al Al Al COMMERCIAL. OEGANIZATIONS' OF THE UNITED STATES. 156 LOCAL— Continued. MINNESOTA— Continued. City and organization. Num- ber of bers. Pri- mary pur- pose. Date of an- nual meeting. North Branch (742) : Automobile Club Northfield (4,023): Community Club Holstcin Club Merchants' Bureau Olivia (1,488): Automobile Club Commercial Club Owatonna (7,252): AutomobUe Club Commercial Club Park Rapids (1,603): Citizens' Credit Association Community Club Shell Prairies Agricultural Association Pme River (1,303): Auto Club Pipestone (3,325): Business Men's Association Preston (1,227): Commercial Club Princeton (1,685): Commercial Club Red Lake Falls (1,549): Automobile Club Red Wing (8,637): Chamber of Commerce Community Welfare League, 216-220 Bush St. Credit Association Manufacturers' Association Redwood Falls (2,421): Commercial Club Merchants' Association Remer (290) : Auto Commercial Club Rochester (13,722): Automobile Club Civic and Commerce Association Rush City (971): Improvement Association St, Cloud (15,873): Automobile Club Business Men's Association Commercial Club Northwestern Granite Manufacturers' Association St. James (2,673): Business Men's Association Commercial Club St. Paul (234,698): Association of Public and Business Affairs, Fourth and Cedar Sts.. Board of Trade, 165 Market Place Builders' Exchange, 609 Ryan Bldg Daytons Bluff Commercial Club, B2 Mounds Boulevard Engtaeers' Society, 811 Guardian Life Bldg Graia Exchange Association Hay Board of Trade , Hotel and Restaurant Keepers' Association, Fourth and Cedar Sts. Midway Club , North Central Commercial Club, 575 Romdo St Real Estate Board (Inc. ), 1022 Guardian Life Bldg , Retail Druggists' Association, 2058 Marshall Ave , Retail Growers' Association, Athletic Club Bldg Riverview Commercial Club, 205 East Winifred St Twin City Association of Purchasing Agents » , Twin City Milk Producers' Association Typothetae, 214 Globe Bldg West End Commercial Club St. Peter (4,335): Business Men's Association Sauk Center (2,699): Business Men's Association Commercial Club Sauk Rapids (2,349) : Auto Club Shakopee (1,988): AutomobUe Club Sleepy Eye (2,449): Commercial Club South St. Paul (6,860): Commercial Club Kiwanis Club Spring Valley (1,871): Commercial Club Farmers' Shipping Association , ,..,,..,.., 75 300 100 53 33 56 300 300 21 100 150 55 50 102 75 50 587 70 26 150 70 50 225 436 300 100 400 20 50 135 4,000 18 240 426 285 39 18 40 1,284 427 90 85 200 550 42 4,100 45 300 100 20 80 165 60 120 125 54 100 146 Al Al A4 A2 A4 Al A4 Al A2 Al Al A1,A2 Al A2 Al A4 Al A4 A2 A3 A1,A2 A2 A2 Al A1,A2, A3 A1,A2 Al A2,A3 Al A1,A3 A4 Al A1,A2, A3 A4 A4 Al A4 A4 A4 A4 Al Al A4 A2 A2 Al A2 A4 A4 A1,A2 Al A2 Al Al A4 Al Al Al A2 A4 January. Do. November. January. Do. December. Do. November. January. August. January. Do. Do. November. December. January. Do. Do. Do. April. Do. Do. September. February. March. February. Do. January. Jime. December. January. Do. August. June. January. October. Do. January. Do. April . Do. November. January. September. February. November. December. March. January. Do. October. December. March. See Minneapolis. 156 COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. LOCAL— Continued. MINN E so T A— Continued. City and organizaticm. Num- Pri- ber of mary mem- pur- bers. pose. 101 Al 60 Al 19 A2 88 Al 12 A4 50 A2 120 A2 115 Al 175 Al 63 Al 24 A2 37 A4 300 Al 40 Al 37 A4 50 Al 60 lA 28 Al 125 A4 98 Al 28 Al 28 Al 160 Al 50 Al 150 A1,A2, A3 90 Al 150 Al 20 A2 135 A1,A4 94 Al 88 A1,A2 718 A1,A2 A3 2 A4 60 A2,A3 100 Al Date of an nual meeting. Springfield (1,849): Booster Club Staples (2,570): Community Club Stillwater (7,735): Grocers and Butchers' Association. Thief River Falls (4,685): Commercial Club Firemen's Relief Association Merchants' As.sociation New Settlers' Association Tracy (2,163): Community-Commercial Club Two Harbors (4..546): Automobile Club Federated Trades Assembly Merchants' Association Virginia (14,022): Business and Professional Women's Club Chamber of Commerce ICiwanis Club Rotary Club Wabasha (2,249): Boosters' CI ub Wabasha Club Wadena (2, ) ,S6) : Lions Club Walker (78,5) : Automobile Club Warren (1,772): Commercial Club Waseca (3,908): Auto Club Civic Improvement League Commercial Club Wells ( 1 ,S9 4 ) : Progre^ssive Club West Duluth: Commercial Club Wheaton (1,337): Commercial Club. WUlmar (5,892): Commercial Club Sales Day Association Windom (2,123): Community Club . Winnebago (1,641): Automobile Club Community Club Winona (19,143): Association of Commerce Commercial Service Bureau . Worthington (3,4si): Business Men's Association. Commercial Club MISSISSIPPI. Aberdeen (4,071): Chamber of Commerce Lions Club Rotary Club : Amory (2,861): Chamber of Commerce Biloxi (10,937): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club, 402 West Harvard Ave Booneville (1,495): Chamber of Commerce Brookhaven (4,706): Board of Trade Kiwanis Club Charleston (3,007) : Chamber of Commerce Clarksdale (7,552): Associated Retailers (Inc.) Chamber of Commerce Kiwanis Club, 620 Mc Williams Bldg Rotary Club Cleveland (1,674): Women's Club Columbus (10,501): Rotary Club, 1014 Second Ave. South Corinth (5,498): Chamber of Commerce Greenville (11,560): Business Women's Club Chamber of Commerce Good Citizenship Club « Merchants' Bureau Rotary Club 200 Al 25 Al 25 Al 97 Al 175 A1,A2 42 A1,A4 50 Al 110 Al 45 Al 110 Al 85 A2 189 Al 37 Al 48 A1,A4 44 Al 32 A1,A4 200 Al 127 Al 800 Al 20 Al 50 A2 60 A1,A4 COMMERCIAL. ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. 157 LOCAL— Continued. MISSISSIPPI— Continued . City and organization. Num- ber of bers. Pri- mary pur- pose. Date of an- nual meeting Greenwood (7,793): Chamber of Commerce Kiwanis Club, 211 Howard St Rotary Club Gulfport (8,157): Chamber of Commerce Kiwanis Club Rotary Club Hattiesburg (13,270): Chamber of Commerce Merchants' Bureau Rotary Club, 116 East Pine St Hazlehurst (1,762): Truck Growers' Association. Holly Springs: Chamber of Commerce Itta Bena (1,620): Merchants' Association Jackson (22,817): Chamber or Commerce Kiwanis Club Lions Club Lumbermen's Club Rotary Club Traveling Men's Club Laurel (13,037): Chamber of Coromerce Exchange Club Iviwanis Club Rotary Club Lumberton (2,192): Commercial Club McComb (7,775): Chamber of Commerce Exchange Club luwanis Club Macon (2,051): Retail Merchants' Association... Meridian (23,399): Chamber of Commerce Exchange Club Retail Merchants' Association Rotary Club Natchez (12,608): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club Newton (1,604): Chamber of Commerce Oxford (2,150): Chamber of Commerce Merchants' Credit Association Pascagoula (6,082): Rotary Club Philadelphia (1,669): Board of Trade Shelby (1,300): Chamber of Commerce Starkville (2,596) : Chamber of Commerce Tupelo (5,055): Lions Club Vicksburg (18,072): B oard of 'Trade Chamber of Commerce. Cotton Exchange Yazoo City (5,244): Chamber of Commerce. Kiwanis Club 330 49 40 180 56 300 65 72 150 150 30 100 40 52 92 120 490 38 75 50 150 43 55 13 486 47 65 65 200 34 87 100 20 27 40 96 125 75 200 475 26 250 68 A4 Al A4 A4 Al A1,A4 Al A2 A1,A4 Al Al A2 Al Al Al A4 A1,A4 A1,A4 A4 Al Al A],A4 Al Al Al Al A2 Al Al A2 A1,A4 Al A4 Al Al A2 A1,A4 Al Al A2,A1 Al A1,A2, A3 A1,A2, A3,A4 A4 Al Al January. Do. Do. April. March. February. October. January. June. March. April. January. December. May. February. January. April. June. March. June. December. April. March. September. January. July. October. April. MISSOURI. Albany (2,016): Chamber of Commerce Aurora (3,575): Community Chamber of Commerce Fruit Growers' Association , Bethany (2,080): Commercial Club BoUvar (1,980): Conmiercial Club Bonne Terre (3,815): Chamber of Commerce. Booneville (4,665): Chamber of Commerce , Retail Merchants' Association Bowling Green (1,965): Farmers' Equity Exchange Live Stock Shippers' Association A1,A2 Al A4 Al Al Al Al A2 A4 A4 February. December. November. May. December. March. December. October. 41162°— 23- -11 158 COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. LOCAL— Continued. MISSOURI— Continued. City and organization. Num- ber of mem- Pri- mary pur- Brookfield (6,304): Community Club Publicity Club Rotary Club, Lapierre Hotel Butler (2,702): Commercial Club Cameron (3,248): Chamber of Commerce Cape Girardeau (10,752): Cliamber of Commerce Clearing House Association Rotary Club, 402 Broadway Carrollton (3,218): Chamber of Commerce Carthac^e (10,068): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club, Drake Hotel , Caruthcrsville (4,750): Retail Merchants' Association. Centralia (2.071): Municipal League Charleston (3,110): Business Men's League Cliillicothe (6,772): Chamber of Commerce , Clinton (5,098): Chamber of Commerce Columbia (10,392): Commercial Club , Rot ail Merchants' Association Rotary Club , De Soto (5,073): Community Club , Dexter (2,635): Chamber of Commerce Eldorado Springs (2,212): Chamber of Commerce . . Excelsior Springs (4.165): Comniorcial Chi r> Retail Merchants' Association Farmington (2,68.5): Chamber of Commerce Fayette (2,381): Commerdal Club, PubUc Library. Flat River: Chaml)er of Commerce Fulton (5,595): Automotive Dealers' Association Commercial Club Gallatin (1,747): Commercial Club Harmibal (19,306): Chaml^er of Commerce Rotary Club, Mark Twain Hotel Shippers' Association Holden (2,011): Civic Improvement and Benevolent Society Midland Trail Booster Club Independi'noe ( 1 1 ,686): Chamber of Commerce (Inc.) JeflersonCity(14 490): Commercial Club Retail Merchants' Association Rotary Club JopUn (29,902): Chamber of Commerce Open Shop Association, 402 Joplin St RotaryClub.llSi West Fourth St Kahoka ( 1,624): Community Chamber of Commerce Kansas City (324, 410): Advertising Club, Hotel Baltimore Association of Credit Men, 315 Hall Bldg Association of Operative Millers, 203 Postal Telegraph Bldg. Automobile Club, 120 West Tenth St Automobile Trade Credit Bureau, 605 Firestone Bldg Board of Trade Builders' Association, 229 Railway Exchange Chamber of Commerce Cooperative Club, 321 Lathrop Bldg Employers' Association, 229 Railway Exchange Engineers' Club, 509 K. C. S. Bldg Gardens Association Graphic Arts and Credit Corporation , 801 Graphic Arts Bldg . Hay Dealers' Association, 733 Live Stock Exchange Live Stock Exchange Master Painters and Decorators' Association Merchants' Association, 403 Gordon and Koppel Bldg Millers' Club, 231 Board of Trade Bldg Printers' Supply Club, Seventh and Central Sts Purchasing Agents' Association, 13th and Oak Sts 100 20 31 150 75 420 5 60 150 375 50 32 300 125 500 100 250 80 32 200 100 75 400 30 60 80 96 270 120 350 55 36 40 25 150 125 78 540 250 76 200 230 525 1,005 2,200 217 155 5.100 350 150 73 56 Al A2 A4 Al Al Al A4 A4 Al Al A4 A1,A2 A4 Al Al Al Al A2 A1,A4 Al Al, A2, A3 Al A1,A2 A1,A2 Al Al A2 A2 A1,A2, A3 Al Al A4 A4 Al Al Al Al A2 A4 Al A4 A4 Al A4 A2 A4 Al A4 A4 A4 Al A4 A4 A4 Al A3 A2 A4 Al A2 A3 A3 A4 COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. 159 LOCAL— Continued. MISSOURI— Continued. City and organization. Kansas City— Continued. Retail Grocers' Association, 912 Grand Ave Rotary Club, 500 Gates Bldg Traffic Club, 107 Railway Exchange Kennett (3,622): Commercial Club Kirksville (7,213): Clothing Dry Goods Show and Ready-to-Wear Association Commercial Club, 408 East Washington St Farmers' Cooperative and Shipping Association^ R. F. D. 2 Furniture Dealers and Builders^ Supplies Association Grocers and Butchers' Association Rotary Club Koshkonong (414): Koshkonong-Brandsville Fruit Shippers' Association. Lamar (2,255) : Chamber of Commerce Lebanon (2,848): Chamber of Commerce Lexington (4,695): Chamber of Commerce Liberty (3,097): Commercial Club Louisiana (4,060) : Chamber of Commerce Macon (3,549): Community Club MarceHne (3,760): Chamber of Commerce Marshall (5,200) : Chamber of Conunerce Maryville (4,711) : Chamber of Commerce Mexico (6,013): Chamber of Commerce Kiwanis Club Rotary Club Moberly (12,808): Chamber of Commerce , Retail Merchants' Association Rotary Club, Moberly Trust Bldg Monett (4,206): Commercial Club , Credit Association Moimtain Grove (2,212): Chamber of Commerce Neosho (3,968): Advertising Club Nevada (7,139): Chamber of Commerce North Kansas City (870) : Commercial Club , Palmyra (1,964): Commercial Club Poplar Bluff (8,042): Chamber of Commerce , Richmond (4,409) : Chamber of Commerce , Rock Port (1,136) : Commtmity Club RoUa (2,077): Chamber of Commerce Retailers' Protective Credit Association Welfare Cotmcil St. Charles (8,503): Commtmity Chamber of Commerce , Main Street Business Men's Association St. Joseph (77,939): Automobile Club , Chamber of Commerce Retail Grocers, Butchers and Bakers' Association , Retail Merchants' Association Stores Association, 716^ FeUx St Traders and Live Stock Exchange Louis (772,897): Advertising Club, 210 Olive St Associated Engineering Societies, 3817 Olive St , Associated Laundryowners, 301 Statler Hotel Associated Retailers. 501 Chamber of Commerce Bldg , Associated Retailers' Credit Bureau, 501 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. , , Association of Credit Men, 510 Locust St Association of Master Plimibers, 407 North Eighth St , Automobile Dealers' Association, 3124 Locust St , Bar Association, Boatmen's Bank Bldg , Brick Manufacturers' Association, 601 Wainwright Bldg , Butter, Egg and Poultry Exchange, 813 North Third St Chamber of Commerce, 511 Locust St Clearing House Association, 506 Olive St Convention, PubUcity and Tourists' Bureau, 507 Commercial Bldg Electrical Board of Trade, 1298 Arcade Bldg Engineers' Club, 3817 Olive St Flour Trade Association, 215 Merchants' Exchange Fruit and Produce Exchange, 800 North Third St Grain Clearing Company, 314 Merchants' Excliange Bldg Heating and Piping Contractors' Association, 352 Odd Fellows Bldg. St Num- ber of bers. 585 310 300 75 15 200 "14 32 48 150 90 125 100 125 200 136 613 200 150 58 23 250 28 40 85 40 75 130 200 126 50 335 200 50 135 22 16 325 97 1,400 1,900 100 14 13 96 850 975 62 67 600 750 170 85 700 17 96 4,500 15 600 465 525 25 Pri- mary pur- A2 A4 A4 Al A1,A2 Al A4 A2 A2 A1,A4 A1,A4 Al Al A1,A2 Al .. Al Al A1,A2 Al Al Al Al Al, A2, A3,A4 Al A2 A1,A4 Al A2 Al A2, A3 Al Al Al Al Al Al Al A2 Al Al A2 A4 Al A4 A1,A2 A2 A4 A4 A4 A4 A2 A2 A2 A2 A2,A4 A4 A3 A4 Al A4 Al A4 A4 A3 A4 A4 A4 Date of an- nual meeting May. December. August. December. January. August. December. October. June. January. April. February. June. April. January. December. October. January. April. December. Do. March. January. July. February. May. June. January. Do. Do. Do. April. October. Jtme. March. January. May. Jime. April. May. November. January. November. January. May. June. January. Do. Do. 160 COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. LOCAL — Continued. MISSOURI— Continued. City and organization. Num- ber of mem- bers. Pri- mary pur- St. Louis— Continued. Implement, Vehicle and Hardware Association, 2516 North Broadway. Lumber Trade Exchange Limibermen's Exchange, 101 Statler Hotel Manufacturers and Merchants' Association, 310 Security Bldg Master Bakers' Protective and Benevolent Association, 2326 Union Boulevard. Master Builders' Association, 605 Chamber of Commerce Bldg Material Dealers' Association, C-entury Bldg Merchants' Exchange, Third and Pine Sts Millers' Club, 834 Pierce Bldg Motor Accessory Trade Association, 3124 Locust St North St. Louis Business Men's Association, Jefferson and North Mar- ket Sts. Paint. Oil and Varnish Club, 707 Star Bldg. . . . Petroleum Club, 1430 South Vandeventer Ave. Purchasing Agents' Association, 310 Security Bldg Raw Fur and Wool Association, 124 Pine St Real Estate Exchange, 623 Chestnut St Retail Coal Merchants' Correct Weight and Inspection Bureau, 514 Pierce Bldg. Retail Druggists' Association, 4701 St. Louis Ave Retail Furniture Dealers' Association, 902 Franklin St Retail Grfx^ers' Association, 720 North Third St Retail Hardware Association, 3202 Park Ave Rotary Club, Statler Hotel Shoe Manufacturers' Association, 304 Advertising Bldg Stationers' Association Stock Exchange, Room 127 Merchants' Exchange Bldg Storage Battery Trade Association, 31 24 Locust St United Glass Manufacturers' Association, 2660 W'ashington Ave West End Business Men's Association, 42,52 Washington Boulevard. . . Wholesale Grocers' Association, 510 Locust St Woman's Chamber of Commerce, 400 Title Guaranty Bldg,, 706 Chest- nut St. Sedalia (21,144): Chamber of Commerce ICiwanis Club Rotary Club Slater (3,797): Community Commerce Association South St. Joseph: Live Stock Exchange Springfield (39,631): Associated Retail Credit Men Chamber of Commerce Commercial Club Credit Exchange, 407 McDaniel Bldg Jobbers and Manufacturers' Association Retail Druggist Association Stanberry (1 ,864): Chamber of Commerce Sturgeon (728): Produce Co Tarkio (1.870): Chamber of Commerce Trenton (6,951 ): Commercial Club Unionville (1,765): Chamber of Commerce Vandalia (2,158): Chamber of Commerce Civic League and Chamber of Commerce Warrensburg (4,811): Commercial Club Webb City (7,807): Chamber of Commerce Wellsville (1,551): Commercial Club West Plains (3,178): Chamber of Commerce 400 50 25 805 104 110 1,760 72 55 145 50 1,300 32 300 52 512 115 291 13 20 50 .56 14 638 28 35.000 500 55 44 195 92 61 750 100 250 40 70 400 126 400 100 86 118 318 150 94 150 A3 A2 A4 A1,A2, A3 A2 A4 A4 A4 A4 A2,A4 A1,A2, A3 Al A4 A3 A3 A4 A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 A1,A4 A4 A2 A4 A2,A4 A4 A2 A2 Al Al Al A4 '^l A.4 A2 A2,A3 Al A2 A3 A2 Al A2 A4 Al Al Al A1,A4 Al Al Al Al MONTANA. Anaconda (11,668): KiwanisClub Rotary Club Bear Creek (744): Merchants' Credit Association BiUings (15,100): Commercial Club Credit Adjustment Bureau Bozeman (6,183): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club Bridger (679): Commercial Club 56 61 3 Al A1,A4 A2 400 79 Al A2,A3 300 48 75 A1,A2 A4 Al COMMERCIAL. ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. 161 LOCAL— Continued. MO NTAN A— Continued . City and organization. Num- ber of mem- bers. Pri- mary pur- Date of an- nual meeting. Butte (41,611): Association of Credit Men Chamber of Commerce Community Club Iviwanis Club Merchants' Association, 116 West Park St Rotary Club, 50 East Broadway Silver Bow Employers' Association Columbus (987): Stillwater Club Conrad (988): Pondera Communitv Club Culbertson (547): Commercial Club Dear Lodge (3,780): Chamber of Commerce Forsyth (1,838): Chamber of Commerce Commercial Club Geraldine (354): Development Association GUman: Commercial Club Glasgow (2,059): Chamber of Coramerce and Agriculture Glendi ve (3,816): Chamber of Coramerce Great Falls (24,121): Advertising Club Association of Life Underwriters, 416 Ford Bldg Business and Professional Women's Club, Johnson Hotel. . Civitan Club Commercial Club Credit Exchange Kiwanis Club Merchants' Association Northwestern Grain Dealers' Association Real Estate Board Rotary Club Tractor Club Hamilton (1,700): Chamber of Commerce Hardin (1,312): Business Men's Association Chamber of Commerce Women's Club Harlem (721): Development Association Harlowton (856) : Chamber of Commerce Havre (5,429): Business and Professional Women's Club, 526 Fourth Ave. Development Association Men's Welfare Club Merchants' Association (Inc.) RotaryClub Helena (12,037): Commercial Club Retail Merchants' Exchange Rotary Club, Placer Hotel Kalispell (5,147): Chamber of Commerce Flathead Merchants' Association Rotary Club, 538 Fifth Ave. East Kremlin: Farmers and Merchants' Club Lewiston (6,120): Chamber of Commerce Merchants' Association (Inc.) Rotary Club, 205-206 Bank-Electric Bldg Livingston (6,311) : Business Protective Association Malta (1,427): Commercial Club Miles City (7,937): Chamber of Commerce Credit Rating Exchange Missoula (12,668): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club, Chamber of Commerce Bldg Poison (1,132) : Commercial Club Red Lodge (4,515) : Chamber of Commerce Reed Point: Community Club Roundup (2,434) : Commercial Club Sidney (1,400) : Chamber of Commerce Whitefish (2,867): Home Industry Club, 311 Second St. Wolf Point (2,098): Commercial Club ,600 40 125 30 141 336 75 150 20 152 150 100 50 50 115 200 90 8 75 27 600 150 75 97 400 25 60 21 155 18 155 70 45 50 20 247 40 29 1,000 60 71 152 35 36 50 300 35 69 60 65 304 10 728 79 54 150 40 100 80 50 100 A2 Al Al Al A2 A1,A4 Al Al Al A2 Al A1,A2 Al Al Al A4 A1,A2 A4 A4 Al Al Al A2 Al A2 A2 Al Al A4 Al Al Al A4 Al Al A4 Al Al A2 A1,A4 Al A2 A4 Al A2 A1,A4 Al Al A2 A4 A2 A1,A2 A1,A2 A3 A2 Al A4 Al Al Al Al Al A1,A2 Al January. May. December. April. February. January. Do. May. February. Do. January. April. February. Do. January. Do. Do. December. February. Jime. December. February. January. November. January. April. December. March. May. January. Do. April. January. November. October. April. January. June. February. January. February. April. January. September. January. Do. 162 COMMERCIAl. ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. LOCAI^— Continued. NEBRASKA. City and organization. Ainsworth ( 1 ,508) : Commercial Club Albion (1,978) : Commercial Club Alliance (4,591): Chamber of Commerce Farmers' Union Cooperative Association. Home Builders' Association Rotary Club, 919 Laramie Ave Almo (1 ,058) : Commercial Club Angora: Chamber of Commerce Anselmo (457): Community Service Club Arapahoe (894): Community Club Ashland (1,725): Chamber of Commerce Ashton (397): Community Club Atkinson (1,300): Business Ken's Club Auburn (2,S63): Commercial Club Aurora (2,9()2): Commercial Club, 803 11th St Rotary Club Axtell (38o): Community Club Bancroft (673): Chamber of Commerce Bartley (251): Community Club Bassett (664): Chamber of Commerce Bayard (2,127): Lions Club Beatrice (9,Gf.4): Automobile Club Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club, 24 High St Beaver City (1 J_03): Community Club Beemer (548) : Booster Club Bonkclnian (1,009): Comniorcial Club Blair (2,702): Chamber of Commerce Blue Springs (742): Community Club Bridgeport (1,23.5): Chamber of Commerce. Broken Bow (2,567): Pu blic Service Club Rotary Club Cambridge (1,042): Community Club Cedar Rapids (766): Community Club Center (19S): Community Club Central City (2.410): Business Men's Club, Y. M. C. A Community Welfare Association Chadron (4,412): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club, 302 Chapin St Chester (529): Community Club Clarks (540): Community Club Clarkson (8S4): Community Club Clay Center (965): Chamber of Commerce. College \'iew (2,249): Community Club... Columbus (5,410): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club Cozad (1,293) : Commercial Club Crawford (1,646): Chamber of Commerce.. Crete (2,445): Community Club Rotary Club Crofton (81 1 ) : Commercial Club Dalton (295): Commimity Club Danncbrog (436): Community Club David City (2,216): Commercial Club De Witt (623) : Commercial Club Deshler (944) : Commercial Club Diller (418): Commimity Club Dorchester (522) : Commercial Club Dunbar (312) : Community Club Eagle (368): Community Club Elwood (473) : Commercial Club Fairbury (5.454): Chamber of Commerce. Fairm ont ( 7&5 ) : Commercial Club Falls Citv (4,930): Chamber of Commerce. Firth (33i2): Community Club Franklin (1,055) : Community Club Num- ber of mem- bers. 55 140 118 128 68 33 51 5 60 50 95 135 116 35 31 60 85 60 40 300 70 40 60 112 136 84 45 135 26 60 80 26 34 60 82 40 65 100 178 31 55 90 95 21 65 48 300 125 75 119 165 45 40 220 30 50 175 125 125 Pri- mary pur- Al Al Al A4 Al A1,A4 Al Al A2 Al A1,A2 Al A1,A2 A2 A2 A4 A2 Al Al Al Al A4 A1,A2, A3 A4 Al Al Al Al Al Al A1,A2 A4 Al Al Al A1,A2, A3 Al Al A4 A1,A4 Al Al Al Al A1,A2 A1,A4 A1,A2, A3 Al Al A4 Al Al Al Al A2 Al Al Al Al Al A1,A2 Al Al A1,A2 Al Al COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. 163 LOCAL— Continued. NEBRASKA— Continued. City and organization. Num- ber of mem- bers. Pri- mary pur- pose. Date of an- nual meeting. Fremont (9,605): Chamber of Coromerce . Retail Merchants' Association Rotary Club, Sixth and Broad Sts. Geneva (1,768): Community Club Farmers' Cooperative Society Gering (2,508): Commercial Club Gordon (1,581): Community Club Gothenburg (1,754): Beet Growers' Association Community Club Potato Growers' Association Poultry and Pet Stock Association Grand Island (13,947): Automobile Club Chamber of Commerce Greeley (919): Community Club Gresham (492): Community Club Gretna (491): Commercial Club Guide Rock (611): Community Club Hampton (457): Commercial Club Harrison (401): Commercial Club Hartington (1,467): Commercial Club Harvard (991): Community Club Hastings (11,647): Chamber of Commerce Havelock (3,602): Business Men's Club Women'sClub, 1741 North St..... Hay Springs (577): Hay Springs and Rural Improvement Club. Herman (385): Commercial Club Holbrook (455): Commercial Club Holdrege (3,108): Commercial Club Homer (491): Progress Club Humboldt (1,277): Chamber of Commerce Humphrey (835): Commimity Club Indianola (742): Community Club Kearney (7,702): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club Kenesaw (646): Kommunity Klub Kimball (1,620) : Lions Club Laurel (830): Commercial Club Leigh (516): Commercial Club Lewellen: Comxaercial Club Lincoln (54,948): Automobile Club, 320 Little Bldg Ben FrankUn Club, 1235 N St Chamber of Commerce Kiwanis Club, 140 South latli St Lions Club Pathfinder Club, 316 Security Mutual Bldg Retail Credit Men's Association, Box 841 Rotary Club, 1213 N St Lodge Pole (451): Commimity Club Long Pine (1,200): Chamber of Commerce Loup City (1,364): Community Club McCook (4,303): Commercial Club Rotary Club, 117 Main St Madison (1,735): Community Club Mason City (487): Community Service Club Maywood (533) : Commercial Club Mead (329) : Community Club Meadow Grove (449): Community Club Merna (553): Community Club Mitchell (1,298): Community Club Monroe (309): Commimity Club Nebraska City (6,279): Chamber of Commerce Nehawka: Community Club Neligh (1,724): Chamber of Commerce 207 73 100 412 100 15 71 20 18 200 423 40 65 25 52 28 50 125 100 372 40 86 100 30 146 30 87 90 65 325 44 125 40 60 35 100 1,350 21 1,899 200 90 50 101 214 75 54 45 150 28 125 100 60 38 44 20 216 206 95 A1,A2, A3,A4 A2 A4 Al A4 Al, A2; A3 Al Al Al Al A4 Al Al Al Al Al Al A1,A2 Al Al Al Al A2 Al A1,A2 Al Al Al Al A2 A1,A2 Al Al A2,A4 Al Al A1,A2 Al Al Al A4 Al Al Al Al A2 A1,A4 Al Al Al Al A4 Al Al Al Al Al Al A4 Al Al Al A1,A2 April. Do. Do. March. January. October. December. January. October. February. May. January. Do. October. January. October. January. May. October. January. Do. Do. May. December. January. Do. May. February. December. January. March. January. February. September. October. June. November. October. May. April. January. February. January. April. September. April. January. October. December. January. March. January. 164 COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. LOCAL— Continued . NEBRASKA— Continued. City and organization. Norfolk (8,634): Greater Norfolk Association Retail Merchants' Association Rotary Club, 320 Norfolk Ave North Loup (637): Community Club North Platte (10,466): Auto Dealers' Association Chamber of Commerce Omaha (191,601): Advertising-Selling League, 500 Electric Bldg Associated Retail Credit Bureau, 204 Laflang Bldg Associated Retailers, 203 Laflang Bldg Assor-iation of Credit lien Auto Club, 1814 Douglas St Automobile Trade Association, 201 Omaha National Baiok Ben Franklin Club, 1126 W.O.W. Building Builders' Exchange, 1818 Harney St Building Owners and Managers' Association, Painters' Trust Bldg. . . Business Woman's Club, 1550 Georgia Ave ChamberofCommerce, 1707 W.O.W. Bldg Dyers and Cleaners' Association, 521 Park Ave Electrical Contractors' Association, 1818 Hamev Fruit Growers' Association, Florence Station, R. F. D. 8 Grain Exchange Hay Exchange, 1015 North 14th St , Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben Life Underwriters' Association, 733 Keeline Bldg Live Stock Exchange, Stock Yards Station , Manufacturers' Association , Master Painters and Decorators' Association, 1902 Emmet St. Real Estate Board, 806 World-Herald Bldg Retail G roccrs' Association School Forum, City Hall Woman's Press Club, 1550 South 29th St O'Neill (2,107): Commercial Club , Ord (2,143): Retail Dealers' Association Orleans (954): Community Club , Oshkosh (707): Public Service Club , Overton (515): Boosters Oxford (739): Community Club PaHsade (527): Community Club , Papilhon (666): Commercial Club Pawnee City (1,595): Public Service Club. Paxton (430): Commercial Club Peru (783): Chamber of Commerce Pierce (1,105): Conunercial Club Pilger (563): Community Club Plattsmouth (4,190): Business Men's Ad Club Credit Bureau Chamber of Commerce Ponca (1.014): Community Club Ralston (455): Commercial Club Randolph ( 1 .338): Community Club Ravenna (1,703): Ex-Service Men's Club Woman's Club Red Cloud ( 1 ,856) : Chamber of Commerce Sargent (1,078): Commimity Service Club Schuyler (2,636): Commimity Club Scotia (559): Community Club Scottsbluff (6 912): Business Women's Club, 1605 Broadway Chamber of Commerce Farmers' Union Exchange Lions Club Merchants' Adjustment Association, WeUer Bldg. Rotary Club Scribner (1,021): Community Club Seward (2,368): Amusement Association Business Men's Investigating and Entertainment Bureau. Commercial Club Shelby (559): Community Club , Num- ber of mem- bers. 240 1,000 430 60 200 1,800 45 30 125 40 180 2,687 35 35 330 200 49 4,000 128 236 180 21 98 250 1,016 61 148 40 66 60 10 76 31 75 56 200 47 170 100 22 105 40 80 124 60 46 50 25 80 58 32 530 155 40 165 36 76 250 240 206 Pri- mary pur- A2,A3 Al A4 Al A2 Al A4 A2 A2 A2 Al A4 A3 A4 A4 A4 A1,A2, A3 Al A4 A4 A4 A4 Al A4 A4 A3 A4 A4 A2 A4 A4 A2 A2 Al Al Al Al Al A1,A2, A4 Al Al A1,A2, A3 Al Al A2 Al A2 Al A1,A2 A4 Al Al Al Al Al Al Al A4 Al A2 A4 A1,A2, A3 Al A2 Al Al 1 COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIOKS OF THE UNITfit) STATES. 165 LOCAL— Continued . NEBRASKA— Continued. City and organization. Num- ber of mem- bers. Pri- mary pur- Date of an- nual meeting. Sidney (2,852): Chamber of Commerce South Sioux City (2,402) : Community Club Spalding (878): Commercial Club Spencer (728): Community Club Springfield (413): Community Club Stanton (1,487): Chamber of Commerce Community Club Stratton (509): Community Club Stromsbing (136): Community Service Association Superior (2^719): Grain Exchange Order of Shifters Sutton (1,603): Community Club Tecumseh (1,688): Community Club Tekamah (1,811): United Community Club Tilden (1,101): Community Club Tobias (357): Commercial Club Trenton (592): Commercial Club University Place (4,112): Community League Upland (433): Community Club Valentine (1,596): Good Roads and Community Club. Valley (764) : Commercial Club . . v Venango (285): Community Club Verdigre (528): Community Club Wahoo (2,338): [ Community Club Lions Club Wakefield (1 ,114): Commercial Club Wauneta (572): Community Club Wayne (2,115): Community Club Weeping Water (1,084): I.X. L.Club West Point (2,002): Community Club (lac.) Whitney: Community Club Wymore (2,592): Community Club i Wynot (368): Commercial Club I York (5,388): Allied Unions Cooperative Association.. 107 60 173 60 60 60 140 60 100 40 98 106 250 180 75 60 67 50 105 25 60 200 35 67 12 100 100 100 30 168 Al Al A1,A2 Al A2 Al Al Al Al A4 Al Al A1,A2 Al Al A2 Al Al A1,A2 Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al A1,A2 Al A4 January. Do. July. May. Do. December. January. July. May. January. Decemoer. January. Do. Do. February. March. January. May. February. January. April. October. June. November. Do. February. January. February. NEVADA. Carson City (1,685): Greater Carson Club Goldfield (1,558): Mine Operators' Association Las \egas (2,304): Bar Association Chamber of Commerce ^ Realty Board Mina: Commercial Club Reno (12,016): Chamber of Commerce , Sparks (3,238): Progressive Business Club Yerington (1,169): Commercial Club 130 18 12 170 20 25 1,000 35 100 Al Al Al Al Al Al A1,A2, A3 Al A1,A2, A3 January. August. January. February. Do. January. December. Do. January. NEW HAMPSHIRE. Berlin (16,104): Chamber of Commerce Claremont (9,524): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club, 149 Broad St Concord (22,167): Chamber of Commerce Granite Manufacturers and Quarry Owners' Association Derry (5,382): Board of Trade Dover (13 029): Chamber of Commerce Merchants' Club Exeter (4,604): Chamber of Commerce Frankhn (6,318): Retail Merchants' Association, 374 Central St. . . Hampton Beach: Hampton and Hampton Beach Board of Trade Hanover (1,551): Boardof Trade Keene (11,210): Chamber of Commerce Laconia (10,897): Chamber of Commerce 250 102 35 546 20 100 600 160 50 60 200 65 500 165 A1,A2 Al A4 A1,A2 A3 Al Al A4 Al A2 Al A1,A2 Al Al September. April. January. Do. Do. April. Do. January. Do. June. September. April. June. 166 COMMERCLAX. ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. LOCAL — Continued. NEW HAMPSHIRE— Continued. City and organization. Num- ber of mem- bers. Pri- mary pur- Date of an- nual meeting. Lancaster: Civic and Trade Association.. Lebanon (6,162): Chamber of Commerce. Lisbon: Board of Trade Littleton (4,239): Chamber of Commerce. Manchester (78,384): Chamber of Commerce Employment Managers* Association Milford (3,783): Board of Trade Granite Manufacturers' Association Merchants' Association Nashua (28,379): Board of Trade Merchants' Association Rotary Club, 44 Spring St Newport (4,109): Board of Trade Portsmouth (13..569): Chamber of Commerce. Rochester (9,673): Chamber of Commerce Merchants' Association Whitefield: Board of Trade Woodsville: Board of Trade 75 127 90 122 16 200 17 75 70 70 58 125 620 150 102 Al A1,A2 Al A1,A4 A1,A2, A3 A3 Al A3 A2 Al A2 A4 Al Al Al A2 Al A1,A2 January. Febmary. January. Do. May. December. March. January. March. February. April. May. January October. January. Do. Do. December. NEW JERSEY. Allenhurst (343): Allenhurst Association, 313 Spier Ave Asbury Park (12^400): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club, 607 Bangs Ave Atlantic City (50,707): Chamber of Commerce, 333 Guarantee Trust Bldg Convention and Publicity Bureau, 335 Guarantee Trust Bldg Hotel Men's Association, Hotel Traymore , Kiwanis Club, 2013-19 Atlantic Ave Lions Club, 415 Guarantee Tnist Bldg Rotary Club, 640 Guarantee Tnist Bldg Atlantic Highlands (1,629): Citizens' Association, 17 Lincoln Ave Community Club Bayonne (76,754): Chamber of Commerce, 16-18 West Ninth St Kiwanis Club Rotary Club, Box A BeUeville (15,600): Rotary Club, MiU St Belmar (1,9)^7): Board of Trade, F St Woman's Club, 309 Tenth Ave Beverly (2,562): Associated Merchants Cooperative Growers' Association Bloomfield (22.019): Board of Trade, 36 Berkley Place Kiwanis Club, Essex Bldg Boonton (5,372): Chamber of Commerce Bordentown (4,371): Business Association Bound Brook (5,906): Board of Trade Manufacturers' Association , Bridgeton (14,323): Chamber of Commerce, 10 West Commerce St Rotary Club, 51 East Conunerce St Burlington (9,049): Chamber of Commerce, 100 West Broad St lawanis Club, 100 West Broad St Caldwell (3,993): Chamber of Conxmerce, 1 CampbeU Ave Camden (116, 309): Chamber of Commerce, 531 Market St Rotary Club, Seventh and Pearl Sts West Jersey Bottlers' Protective Association, 259 Mechanic St West Jersey Typothetae, 38 South New York Ave Cape May (2,999): Board of Trade Progressive League, 213 Broadway January. Do. COMMEKCIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. 167 LO CAL— Continued . NEW JERSEY— Continued. City and organization. Num- ber of mem- bers. Pri- mary pur- pose. Date of an- nual meeting. Carteret: Industrial Association, 16 Carteret Ave Business Men's Association, 126 Lowell St Clifton (26,470) : Chamber of Commerce, Van Houten Ave ColUnps wood (8,714) : Chamber of Commerce Cr an ford: Business Men's Association, 213-15 East South Ave Civic Board, 38 John St South Side Civic Association, 10 Edgebrook Place Dunellen (3, 394): Board of Trade East Orange (50,710): Board of Realtors of the Oranges and Maplewood, 84 Eaton Place. ICiwanis Club. 378 Main St East Rutherford (.5,463) : Chamber of Commerce Edgewater (3,530): Board of Trade Egg Harbor City (2,622): Chamber of Commerce EUzabeth (95,783): Broad Street Improvement Association, 210 Broad St Chamber of Commerce, 215 Broad St East Grand Street Improvement Association, 1170 East Grand St. El Mora Improvement Association. 37 Princeton Road First Street Association, 105 First St Retail Merchants' Bureau, 215 Broad St Rotary Club, 280 North Broad St West End Improvement Association (Inc.), 74 Clover St Woman's Club, 16 South Broad St Englewood (11,627): Board of Trade, East Palisade Ave Flemington (2,590): Chamber of Commerce Fort Lee (5,761): Board of Trade Freehold (4,768): Chamber of Commerce Frenchtown (1,104): Automobile Club Garfield (19,381): Board of Trade Gloucester (12,162): Chamber of Conunerce Hackensack (17,667): Real Estate Board Rotary Club, 194 Main St Hackettstown (2,936): Board of Trade Haddonfield (5,646): Business Men's Association Hammonton (6,417): Chamber of ('ommerce Kiwanis Club W" Oman's Civic Club Hightstown (2,674): Board of Trade Hoboken (68.166): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club, 1 Newark St Jersey City (298,103): Bakers' Cooperative Association Bergen Association (Inc.) Business Men's Association (Inc.), 191 Newark Ave Chamber of Commerce Hudson City Board of Trade, 269 Central Ave ICiwanis Club, 89 Montgomery St Rotary Club, 76 Montgomery St Traffic Club, 76 Montgomery St Keansburg (1,321): Board of Trade, 98 Manning Place Kearny (26,774): Meadows Taxpayers' Association, Jacobus Ave. Lake wood: Hotel Men's Association Rotary Club, 124 Second St Lambert ville (4,660): Chamber of Commerce Merchants' Association, 16 Coryell St Long Branch (13,521 ) : Rotary Club , Madison (5,523): Board of Public Improvement, 45 Maple Ave... Milltown (2,573): Retail Merchants' Association Millville (14,691): Municipal League Montclair (28,810): Chamber of Commerce Manufacturers' Club Rotary Club, 460 Bloomfield Ave 14 140 100 200 50 165 112 55 110 100 950 60 500 100 200 93 300 500 55 138 52 165 80 107 110 7 46 100 70 45 62 130 90 60 100 300 100 125 125 112 125 26 175 300 41 33 A1,A3 A2 Al A2 A2 Al Al Al Al A2 A1,A2, A3 A2,A3 Al A2 Al A1,A2 Al A1,A2 A2 A4 Al Al A2 Al A1,A2 Al A4 Al A1,A2, A3 A4 A4 Al Al A2,A3 Al Al Al, A2, A3 A1,A2, A3 A4 A4 A1,A2 A1,A2 Al A2 Al A4 A4 Al A3 A4 A1,A4 Al A2 A4 Al A2 Al A2 A3 A4 February. January. May. February. December. January. December. Do. Do. January. March. Do. April. June. May. January. April. December. May. January. February. December. April. May. February. January. April. March. January. December. March. Do. December. May. February. April. October. January. December. April. January. August, January. November. April. Do. January. March. January. May. 168 COMMERCIAL ORGAMZATlOl^S OF THE TTKirED STATES. LOCAL — Continued. NEW JERSEY— Continued. City and organization. Num- ber of mem- Pri- mary pur- Date of an- nual meeting. Morristown (12.548): Chamber of Commerce Lions Club, 17 Park Place Rotary Club Mount Holly: Business Men's Association. New Brunswick (32,779): Board of Trade, 390 George St Middlesex Auto Club, 111 CarroU Place Rotary Club, 390 George St Newark (414,524): Advertising Men's Club, 711 Broad St Associated Retail Credit Men, 224 Market St Automobile Trade Association, 343 High St Bakers' Mutual Cooperative Association, 119 Nesbit Terrace, Irving- ton, N. J. Builders and Traders' Exchange, 156 Market St Chamber of Commerce, 128 Market St The Contemporarv, 724 Lake St Foundrymcn's Association, 74 Nesbitt Terrace, Irvington, N.J Ironbound Manufacturers' Association, 671 Broad St Iviwanis Club, 17 Nevada St Lions CUib, 30 Clinton St Manufacturing Jewelers' Association, care of Shiman-Miller Mfg. Co., Murray and Austin Sts. Manufacturers' Purchasing Bureau, 50 Grafton Ave Master Electricians' Association, 23 Central Ave Master Painters' Association, 348 South 11th St Master Plumbers' Association, 106 Belmont Ave Master Printers' Association, 197 Market St Merchants' Association, 44 Clinton St Real I<:state Board, 237-A Clinton Ave Rotary Club, 671 Broad St Traffic Club, Box 497 Newton (4,12')): Board of Trade Ocean City (2,512): Chamber of Commerce Civic Club, 29th St. and Central Ave Kiwanis Club Young Men's Progressive League Ocean Grove: Board of Trade, 79 Abbott Ave Hotel Association, 90 Mount Herman Way Orange (33,268): Master Plumbers' Association, 301 Main St Physicians' Automobile Association of the Oranges Rotary Club of the Oranges, 301 Main St Palisades Park (2,633): Women's Club Palmyra: Chamber of Commerce, 725 Morgan Ave Passaic (63,841): Chamber of Commerce, 127 Prospect St Industrial Council of Passaic Wool Manufacturers Manufacturers' Association, Box J Rotary Club, Hobart Trust Bldg Paterson (135,875): Associated Industries, 152 Market St Chamber of Commerce, 5 Colt St Coal Dealers' Association Merchant Bakers' Cooperative Association, 32 Pearl St Real Estate Exchange, 90 Washington St Rotary Club, 140 Washington St Paulsboro (4,352): Chamber of Commerce, 33 Broad St Penns Grove (6,060): Chamber of Commerce Perth Amboy (41,707): Industrial Association, 130 Smith St Rotary Club, 130 Smith St.. Pitman (3,385): Board of Trade. Plainfield (27,700): Chamber of Commerce Pleasantville (5,887): Chamber of Commerce, 12 North Second St.... Kiwanis Club Pompton Lakes (2,008): Board of Trade Princeton (5,917): Chamber of Commerce Rahway (11,042): Board of Trade, 165 Seminary Ave. Red Bank (9,251): Business Men's Association, 36 Broad St Lions Club Rotary Club 150 40 50 120 325 100 51 100 65 115 150 65 2,312 1,200 53 60 185 200 27 100 44 220 50 413 190 95 200 50 75 265 72 150 79 60 63 60 225 783 6 37 90 55 1,050 41 30 37 119 75 50 30 42 250 490 300 72 94 136 175 110 54 41 Al Al A1,A4 Al A1,A2, A3 A4 A4 A4 A2 A4 A4 A4 Al A4 A3 A3 Al Al A3 A3 A1,A2 A4 A4 A4 A2 Al A4 A4 A2 A4 Al Al Al Al A1,A2 A2 Al Al Al Al Al A3 A3 A4 A3 A3 A2 A2 Al A4 Al Al Al A4 Al Al Al Al Al Al A1,A2 A2 Al A4 February. June. May. August. February. May. Do. June. March. February. January. April. Do. May. November. December. January. Do. December. June. December. April. November. May. January. May. January. Do. Do. April. May. January. June. January. May. January. June. October. January. April. Do. December. Do. April. January. October. December. January. March. January. Do. November. COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. 169 LOCAL— Continued. NEW JERSEY— Continued. City and organization. Num- ber of Pri- mary pur- pose. Date of an- nual meeting. Ridgefleld Park (8,575): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club Ridgewood (7,580): Board of Realtors Business Men's Association Rutherford (9,497): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club, 85 East Pierrefort Ave Salem (7,435): Chamber of Commerce Retail Merchants' Association Rotary Club Someryille (6,718): Chamber of Commerce South Amboy (-7,897): Chamber of Commerce South Orange (7,274): Board of Realtors of the Oranges and Maplewood Board of Trade Kiwanis Club South River (6,596): Chamber of Commerce Summit (10,174): Business Men's Association, 403 Springfield Ave Civic Club Swedesbor o (1,838) : Chamber of Commerce Tenafiy (3,585): Borough Club Toms River: Chamber of Commerce Trenton (119,289): Chamber of Commerce Credit Association, Himt Bldg Rotary Club, 15 North Montgomery St Typothetae, 137 East State St Union (20,651): Associated Silk Manufacturers of North Hudson, N. J Upper Montclair: Business Men's Association Vmeland (6,799): Chamber of Commerce, 425 Landis Ave Rotary Club, Seventh St Weehawken: Rotary Club West Hoboken (40,074): Rotary Club, 246 Summit Ave Summit Avenue Business Association, 226 Summit Ave West field (9,063): Business Men's Association, 218 North Ave. West Rotary Club Westwood (2,597) : Chamber of Commerce, 261 Broadway Wildwood (2,790): Board of Trade, 4614 Pacific Ave Hotel Association Lions Club Woodbine (1,406): Board of Trade Woodbridge: Board of Trade Woodbviry (5,801): Rotary Club 210 23 21 64 55 26 116 20 25 135 130 52 85 50 30 100 250 150 103 150 1,404 150 118 9 20 55 360 33 45 110 45 40 50 200 25 73 50 47 29 Al A4 A4 A2 Al A4 A3,A4 A2 A4 A1,A2 Al A1,A2 A1,A2 Al Al A2 Al A4 Al Al Al A2 A1,A4 A3 A3 A2 Al A4 A1,A4 A4 A2 A2 A4 Al Al A4 Al Al Al, A2 A4 December. April. February. November. January. April. December. January. May. December. Do. Do. January. Do. March. December. June. January. February. March. April. July. January. November. April. May. April. January. Apnl. July. November. June. February. March. April. NEW MEXICO. Alamogordo (2,363): Commercial Club 65 26 100 1,000 51 100 60 150 28 300 A2 A2 A2 Al A4 A4 A4 Al A4 Al Al Al, A2 Al Al Al Al Retailers' Credit Association Albuquerque (15,157): Business Men's Cooperative Association September. January. July. Chamber of Commerce Cooperative Dairy Association Game Protective Association Rotary Club, 216^ West Gold Ave Carlsbad (2,205): Chamber of Commerce January. Clayton (2,i57): Rotary Club Clovis (4,904): Cham hp.r of Commprcfl, 11.^ South Main St May. Kiwanis Club .' Colnmbns (2,110): Chamber of CnmmArp.p._ SO 75 90 46 72 January. Deming (3,212):' B ooster Club Chamber of Commerce December. Farmington (728): Civic Club June. Hot Springs (455): Chamber of Commerm 170 COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. LO CAL— Continued . NEW MEXICO— Continued. City and organization. Num- ber of mem- bers. Pri- mary pur- pose. Date of an- nual meeting. Las Cruces (3,969): Chamber of Commerce Farm Bureau Marketing Association Las Vegas (4,304): Rotary Club, Casteneda Hotel. Raton (5,544): Rotary Club, Methodist Church. . . RosweU (7,033): Advertising Club Chamber of Commerce Kiwanis Club Retail Merchants' Association Rotary Club Santa Fe (7,236): Chamber of Commerce Women's Board of Trade Tucumcari (3,117): Chamber of Commerce Kiwanis Club 200 100 31 36 33 310 35 75 35 409 85 55 Al A4 Al, A4 A4 A4 Al Al A2 A4 Al Al • Al, A2 Al, A2 January. Do. April. Do. January. November. January. Do. NEW YORK. Adams (1,557): Board of Trade. Albany (113,344): Auto Club , Builders' Exchange (Inc.).., Capital District Typothetae. Chamber of Commerce Employers and Business Men's Association. Rotary Club, 778 Myrtle Ave Albion (4,6&3): Motor Club Rotary Club Alexandria Bay (1649): Board of Trade , Business Men 's Association , Amsterdam (33,524): Automobile Club , Board of trade , Builders' Association Rotary Club, 165 West Main St Angola ( 1 ,367) : Civic Association Arcade (1,609): Arcade Club (Inc.) Board of Trade , Athens (1,844): Board of Trade Atlanta: Atlanta and North Cohocton Commercial Association. Attica (2,015): Advertising Club Auburn (36,192): Chamber of Commerce Employers' Association Merchants' Exchange Rotary Club, care of Chamber of Commerce Babylon (2,523): Civic Association Welfare Club Bain bridge (1,259): Dairy Producers' Cooperative Corporation . . Bald wins ville: Board of Trade Ballston Spa (4,103): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club, Community House Bata via (13,541): Manufacturers' Association Rotary Club, 123 North St Bay Shore: Bayshore and Brithwaters Community Association. Beacon ( 10,996) : Chamber of Commerce Binghamton (66,800): Advertisers and Merchants' Association Automobile Club Automobile Dealers' Association Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club, 116 State St Boonville (1,914) : Chamber of Commerce 130 2,200 56 70 1,600 1,000 200 200 327 460 25 Al, A2 A3 Al. Al, A2, A3 Al, A4 January. Do. Do. October. January. February. May. January. June. January. Do. November. June. December. April. May, April. December. May. October. September. December. March. January. April. February. September. Do. January. May. November. January. March. February. COMMERCIAL. OEGANIZATIOKS OF THE UNITED STATES. 171 LOCAL— Continued. NEW YORK— Continued. City and organization. Brocton (1,383): Business Men's Association Bronx, (3,055): Rotary Club, 159th St. and Mott Ave Brooklyn (2,018,356): ^ Atlantic Avenue Business Men's and Taxpayers' Association, 2731 Atlantic Ave. Atlantic Avenue Civic Association, 69 Court St Automotive Service Association, 254 13th St '■ Bar Association, 123 Remsen St Bath Beach Taxpayers' Association, 203 Bay Eighth St Bay Ridge Citizens' Association and Chamber of Commerce, 421 51st St. Bedford Heights Board of Trade, 700 Franklin Ave Broadway Board of Trade. 1028 Gates Ave Brooklyii Heights Association, Hotel St . George Brown ville Apothecaries' Society, 426 Ralph Ave Canarsie Board of Trade, 1221 Remsen Ave Chamber of Commerce, 32 Court St Children's Clothing Contractors' Association, 41 Graham Ave Coal Exchange, 354 Livingston St Columbia Street Merchants' Association, 285 Columbia St Commerce Club, 821 Manhattan Ave Commercial Credit Union^oew Bldg., New York, N. Y Committee on City Plan, Hotel St. George Cypress Hills Board of Trade Ditmas Park Association, 515 East 19th St East Brooklyn Citizens' Association, 926 Bedford Ave East New York Pharmaceutical Society (Inc.), 495 Sutter Ave Eastern Parkway Civic League, 898 Nostrand Ave Electrical Contractors of Brooklyn and Queens, 714 Monroe St Engineers' Club, 117 Remsen St Erie Basin Board of Trade, 195 Richards St Finnish Cooperative Trading Association (Inc.), 764 40th St Fiske Terrace Association, 782 East 18th St Flatbush Chamber of Commerce (Inc.), 887 Flatbush Ave Flatbush Community Center, 1290 New York Ave Flatbush Taxpayers' and Civic Association, 1290 New York Ave Fort Hamilton Citizens' Association, 346 97th St Fulton Street Board of Trade, 1211 Dorchester Road Grand Street Business Men's Association, 683 Grand St Grand Street Improvement Association, 673 Decatur St Greenpoint Pharmaceutical Society, 880 Manhattan Ave Hardware Dealers' Association^5l Macon St Hotel Association of Brooklyn Heights, Hotel Margaret Insurance Brokers' Association, 157 Remsen St Jamaica Bay Improvement Association, 396 State St Kings Highway Board of Trade, 1620 East 15th St Kiwanis Club Lawyers' Club, 44 Court St Lions Club, 169 Columbia Heights Long Island Automobile Club, 90 West Bldg., New York City Long Island Bottlers' Association, 367 Park Ave Master Bakers' Purchasing Association (Inc.), 293 Cooper St Merchants and Manufacturers' Association of Bush Terminal (Inc.), 969 Third St. Midwood Board of Trade, 1428 East Tenth St Midwood Manor Association, 1024 East Ninth St , Motor Vehicle Dealers' Association (Inc.), 998 Bergen St Municipal Civic League (Inc.), 1421 East Ninth St Navy and Marine Workers' Educational Council, 149 Waverly Ave. . . Navy War Workers' League, 149 Waverly Ave Navy Yard Employees' Cooperative Stores (Inc.), 168 Sands St New Lots Board of Trade, 198 Hendrix St Nostrand Avenue Merchants' Association, St. Johns Place, comer Nostrand Ave. Old South Brooklyn Civic League, 139 Harrison St Old South Brooklyn Dental Dispensary, 139 Harrison St , Paper Box Manufacturers' Association, 141 Harrison Place Prospect Heights Citizens' Association, 135 Berkeley Place , Prospect Park South Association, 121 Marlborough Road Real Estate Board, 189 Montague St Retail Grocers' Syndicate (Inc.), Bellrose, N. Y Rotary Club, 307 Washington St Sheepshead Bay Board of Trade and Improvement Association, 2601 . East 26th St. Sheepshead Bay Boat Owners' AssociatioUj S. S. Giralda ShoQ Manufacturers' Board of Trade, 346 Livtogston St Num- ber of mem- bers. 200 160 650 210 400 100 250 350 125 350 3,500 85 47 125 225 1,800 350 500 135 250 75 200 359 400 100 1,874 157 950 200 500 35 125 100 100 56 112 7 400 500 800 110 118 90 1,000 114 300 200 300 40 100 1,450 2,200 1,100 700 125 Pri- mary pur- pose. Date of an- nual meeting. Al A4 Al Al, A2 A4 A4 Al Al Al Al, A2 Al A4 Al Al A3 A2 A2 Al A4 Al Al Al Al A2 Al A2 A4 A1,A2, A3 A3 Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al A2 A2 A2 A4 Al Al Al A4 Al 18 250 198 50 400 300 25 January. May. October. January. May. November. October. November. January. May. February. May. February. January. December. January. Do. Do. Do. May. March. January. December. March. February. January. December. April. June. Decemoer. February. December. January. Do. December. May. A4 December. A4 January. A4 Do. Al Julv. A1,A2 December. Al March. A2 April. Al Do. A4 December. A1,A4 A4 January. Al A2 Do. Al February. A4 Do. Al Al January. Al February. A1,A4 November. A2 September A4 April. Al May. January. 172 COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATION'S OF THE UNITED STATES. LOCAL— Continued . NEW YORK— Continued. City and organization. Num- ber of mem- bers. Pri- mary pur- pose. Date of an- nual meeting B rooklsm — C on tinned . South Brooklyn Board of Trade, 317 Ninth St Underwriters'^ Society, 12 Montague St United Master Butchers' Association, 401 Bridge St United Retail Grocers' Association, 1702 Eighth Ave Urban League for Social Service Among Negroes, 105 Fleet Place. Utica Heights Board of Trade. 1.323 Prospect Place. West End Board of Trade, 421 51st St. WilUamsbiiTgh and Greenpoint Board of Trade, 286 Graham Ave. Wyckoff Heights Taxpayers' Association, 170 St. Nicholas Ave... Buffalo (506,775): Academy of Medicine, 441 Elmwood Ave Association of Credit Men, 1001 Mutual Life Bldg. Association of Fire Underwriters. Bakers' Purchasing Corporation, 83 MonticeUo Ave Black Rock Manufacturers' Association, 1710 Elmwood Ave Builders' Exchange Building Managers' Association, 712 Prudential Bldg Buyers' Club, Chamber of Commerce Bldg Chamber of Commerce, 403 Chamber of Commerce Bldg Clearing House Association, Marine Trust Co Clothing Manufacturers' Association, 87 Elhcott St Employers' Association, 691 Ellicott Square Engineering Sm-iety, 575 Ellicott Square Hotel Associationjlroquois Hotel Italian Aniprican Business Men's Association, 707 Front Ave Kiwanis Club, 207 Sidway Bldg Lumber Dealers' Association, 710 D. S. Morgan Bldg Lumber Exchange, 794 Ellicott Square Mason Builders' Association, Builders' Exchange Master Bakers' Association, 24 1 Genesee St Master House Painters and Decorators' Association, 201 East Utica St. Master Plumbers' Association, 845 Tonawanda St Merchant Tailors' Exchange, 703 Main St Paint, Oil and Varnish Club, care of National I^ad Co Polish American Business Men's Association, 1 100 Broadway Pohsh Business and Professional Men's Association, 940 Grant St Produce Exchange, 102 Perry St Purchasing Agents' Association Real Estate Board, 134 Franklin St Retail Grocers' Association, 236 Scott St Retail Jewelers' Association, Brisbane Bldg Retail Merchants' Association, 702 Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club, Hotel Statler Typothetae, 47 West Swan St Who- - - lolesale Merchants and Manufacturers' Association, 424 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Camden (1,941): Citizens' Club Canandaigua (7,356): Business Men's Association Rotary Club Canastota (3,995) : Exchange Club Canisteo (2,201): Century Club Chamber of Commerce Carthage (4,320): Chamber of Commerce Catskill (4,728): Chamber of Commerce Cazenovia (1,683): Business Men's Association Chatham (2,710): Chamber of Commerce Clayton (1,849): Thousand Islands Fish and Game Club Women's Civic Club Clyde (2,528): Citizens' Club Cobleskill(2 410): AutomoMe Club Chamber of Commerce Cohoes (22,987): Board of Trade Capitol District Employers' Association, 122 Remsen St Cooperstown (2,725): Automobile Club Chamber of Commerce, 43 Pioneer St Coming (15,820): Auto Club Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club, 202 WaU St 428 192 400 767 500 63 250 216 150 500 350 83 60 75 138 20 75 .500 140 500 125 200 310 30 43 33 110 90 100 40 27 280 150 60 75 700 200 50 60 549 38 280 80 115 58 46 100 225 200 76 100 126 109 170 250 95 100 247 504 400 70 Al A4 A2 A2 Al Al Al A1,A2, A3 Al A4 A2 A4 A2 A1,A3 A4 A4 A4 Al A4 A3 A3 A4 A4 Al Al A2 A4 A4 A2 A1,A3 A2 A2 A4 A1,A2 A2 A4 A4 Al A2 A2 A2 A4 A3 A4 Al A2 April. A4 May. Al, A2 January. Al Al A1,A2 A4 A1,A2 Al Al Al A2 A4 Al Al A3 A4 Al A4 A1,A2 A4 COMMERCIAL ORGAlsTIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. 173 LOCAL— Continued. NEW YORK-Continued. City and organization. Cortland (13,294): Chamber of Commerce- Retail Grocers' Association Rotary Club, 13 Railroad St Cuba (1,611): Chamber of Commerce. Dansville (4,631): Automobile Club Board of Trade Rotary Club Deposit (1,943): Automobile Club Business Men's Association Civic Chib Dolgeville (3,448) : Exchange Club DunJdrk (19,336): CJiamber of Commerce Merchants' Exchange East Aurora (3,703): Board of Trade East Buffalo: Live Stock Association East Rochester (3,901): Chamber of Commerce Elmira (45,393): Automobile Club Builders and Builders' Supply Dealers' Exchange. Business Men's Association, 306 Realty Bldg Chamber of Commerce Community Service (Inc.) Credit Ratmg Bureau. Supply Dealers' Association. TraiRcClub Traf Typothetae. Endicott (9,500): Chamber of Commerce (Inc.) Rotary Club Far Rockaway: Board of Trade Floral Park (2,097): Board of Trade Flushing: Umted Association Fort Edward (3,871): Adirondack Farmers' Cooperative Association, Civic League Fort Edward Club Merchants' Cooperative Association Fort Plain (2,747): Chamber of Commerce Franklinville (2,015): Board of Trade Fredonia (6,051): Chamber of Commerce Freeport (8,599) : Chamber of Commerce Fulton (13,043): Chamber of Commerce (Inc.) Rotary Club 110 Oneida St Geneseo (2,157): Board of Trade (Inc.) Geneva (14,648): Automobile Club Chamber of Commerce Merchants' Trading Association Rotary Club, 623 Exchange St Glen Cove (8,664): Chamber of Commerce (Inc.) . .. Glens Falls (16,638): Automobile Club Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club, 191 Glen St Gloversville (22,075): Chamber of Commerce Retail Grocers' Association Goshen (2,843): Board of Trade Gouvemeur (4,143): Advertising Club Chamber of Commerce Gowanda (2,673) : Chamber of Commerce Granville (3,624) : Commxmity Association Great Neck (339): Business Men's Association (Inc.) Greenport (3,122) : Chamber of Commerce Greenwich (2.384): Green wich-SchuylerviUe Automobile Club. Groton (2,735) : Chamber of Commerce Hamilton (1 ,505) : Board of Trade Hammondsport (1,060): Chamber of Commerce ,. 41162°— 23- -12 Num- ber of mem- bers. 187 27 100 50 50 33 917 96 285 81 104 586 23 425 625 2,000 175 20 54 300 54 100 lis 1,000 500 75 88 50 117 40 125 70 197 62 125 1,000 450 75 63 149 270 220 50 340 16 100 60 100 320 78 65 A1,A2, A3 A2 A4 Al Al A1,A2, A3 A4 A4 A2 A4 Al Al A2 Al A4 Al A4 A4 A2 Al Al A2 A4 A2,A3 A4 Al A4 A1,A2 Al Al Al Al Al A1,A2 Al Al Al Al A1,A2 A4 Al A4 Al A2 A4 Al A4 Al A4 Al A2 Al A2 A2,A3 A1,A2, A3 Al Al Al A4 Al Al Al Date of an- nual meeting January. April. May. April. September. January. AprU. January. Do. April. February. December. March. January. Septcrriber. January. November, January. Do. Do. April, January. Novcm'ber. April. June. April. December. January. May. April, January. June. April. Do. Do. December. April. June, December. January. October, April. November. March, October, April, December. October. January. December. February. January. 174 COMMERCIAL. ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. LOO AL— Continued . NEW YORK— Continued. City and organization. Num- ber of mem- bers. Pri- mary pur- Haverstraw (5,226): Chamber of Commerce. Hempstead (6,382): Chamber of Commerce . Herkimer (10.453): Chamber of Commerce. . Hicksville: Civic Club Hoosick Falls (4,896): American Plan Association Chamber of Commerce HomeU (15,025): Automobile Club Chamber of Commerce Slerchants' Association Rotary Club Hudson (11,745): Chamber of Commerce Fruit Shippers' Cooperative Association (Inc.), R. F. D. 2. Rotary Club, 444 Warren St Himtington: U imtington Association Ilion (10,167): Clianil)cr of Commerce Isley: Business Men's Association Ithaca (17,004): Board of Commerce Retail Grocers' Association Rotary Club, 110 Ferris Place Jamaica: Bo:ird of Trade (Inc.) Jamestown (39,917): Automobile Club Autoni()l;ilo Doalers' Association Chamber of Commerce Furniture Market Association Manufacturers' Association Retail Bureau , 409 Pine St Retail Dry Goods Association, 110 East Second St Rotary Chib, 102 East Third St Katonah: Board of Trade Kingston (26,688): Chamber of Commerce (Inc.) ., Kiwanis Club Rotary Club Lake Oeorere (630): Board of Trade Lake Placid (2,099): Chamber of Commeroe , Lancaster (6,069): Rotary Club, East Main St , Larchniont (2,468): Business Men's Association Liberty (2,459): Business Men's Association Little Falls (13,029): Automobile Club , Lockport (21,308): Auto Club Board of Commerce Rotary Club, 28 Savings Bank BIdg Long Island City: Astoria Avenue Business Men's Association, K. of C. Center, Newtown Ave. Astoria Taxpayers and Business Men's Association Chamber of Commerce of the Borough of Queens Queens boro Board of Trade Steinway Business Men's Association, 402 Ninth St Lowville (3,127): Chamber of Commerce (Inc.) Lynbrook (4,371): Board of Trade Lyons (4,753): Business Men's Association Malone (7,556): Chamber of Commerce Mamaroneck (6,571) : Business Men's Association Massena (5,993): Advertising Club Board of Trade Mechanicville (8,166): Chamber of Commerce (Inc.) . Medina (6,011): Advertising Club Middletown (18,420): Automobile Club Chamber of Commerce, 10 King St Monticello (2,330): Board of Trade Civic Club Mount Klsco (3,944): Business Men's Association — 109 290 293 125 50 350 200 19 77 492 60 51 200 100 320 17 190 21 700 43 84 100 20 106 25 400 57 50 175 45 25 85 200 750 823 77 65 150 ,000 50 64 225 50 15 150 90 30 100 60 70 400 65 A1,A2, A3 A2 A1,A2 Al A3 Al A4 Al A2 A4 Al, A2, A3 A4 A4 Al A4 Al Al A2 A4 Al Al A2 Al A4 A3 A1,A2 A2 A4 Al Al Al A1,A2, A3,A4 A4 A1,A2 A4 Al Al A4 Al Al A4 A2 Al Al A3 Al A1,A2, A3 Al A4 A2,A3 Al A2 A1,A2 A3 Al A2 A4 A1,A2 Al Al A1,A2 COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. 175 LOCAL— Continued. NEW YORK— Continued. City and organization. Date of an- nual meeting. Mount Morris (3,312): Retail Merchants' Association Mount Vernon (42,726): Rotary Club New Rochelle (36,213): Chamber of Commerce Merchants' Credit Association, 530 Main St New York (5,620,048): Academy of Sciences, care of American Museum of Natural History.. . Accident and Health Claim Association, 8U Maiden Lane Allied Printing Trades Council of Credit, 924 World Bldg American Fine Arts Society, 215 West 57th St American Museum of Natural History Art Alliance of America, 65 East 56th St Art Center (Inc.), 65 East 56th St Associated Fur Manufacturers (Inc.), 303 Fifth Ave Associated Furniture Dealers, 32 Union Square Associated Retail Credit Men, 15 West 37th St Associated Retail Florists (Inc.), 984 Madison Ave Associated Traveling Salesmen of New York (Inc.), Hotel Theresa, 125th St. and 7th Ave. Association of American Wood Pulp Importers Association of Cotton Textile Merchants, 70 Worth St Association of Investing Builders, 280 Madison Ave Association of Manufacturers of Decorative Furniture, 14 East 32d St. Association to Promote Proper Housing for Girls (Inc.), 152 East 35th St. Association of Union Bakery Proprietors, 10 West 23d St Automobile Club, 2107 Broadwa;sr Automobile Merchants' Association, 2030 Broadway Automotive Service Association, Gotham Bank Bldg Board of Fire Underwriters, 99 W lliam St Board of Trade and Transportation, 41 Park Row Boat Owners' Association (Inc.), 80 Broad St • Boiler Manufacturers' Association, 30 Church St Bond Club, 14 Wall St Booksellers' League, 1150 New York Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y Boot and Shoe Travelers' Association^ 132 West 42d St Bottlers and Manufacturers' Association, 792 East 133d St Brewers' Board of Trade (Inc.), 109 East 15th St Broadway Association (Inc.), 1270 Broadway Bronx Board of Trade, 127th St. and 3d Ave Bronx Chamber of Commerce Bronx Master Bakers' Buying Association, 397 Willis Ave Builders' Protective Association of Bronx, 784 East 179th St Building Manaj^ers and Owners' Association, 220 Broadway Building Superintendents' Association, 665 Fifth Ave Building Trades Employers' Association, 34 West 33d St Business Publishers' Association, 10th Ave. and 3Gth St Butchers' Calfskin Association, 385 Ninth Ave Cabinet Makers' Employers' Association, 501 East 70th St Cane and Umbrella Handle Manufacturers' Association, 10 West 23d St. Chamber of Commerce of Washington Heights, 1042 St. Nicholas Ave. Chambre de Commerce Frangaise de New York, 456 Fourth Ave Citizens' Union, 41 Park Row City Club, 55 West 44th St Claim Association, 80 Maiden Lane Clearing House, 77 Cedar St Cloak, Suit and Skirt Manufacturers' Protective Association, 285 Fifth Ave. Cloth Hat and Cap Manufacturers' Association, 48 West Fourth St Coal Merchants' Association (Inc.), 90 West St Coffee and Sugar Exchange (Inc.), 113 Pearl St Conference of Hospital Superintendents, Bellevue Hospital Consolidated Stock Exchange, Port Washington. Long Island, N. Y.. Contracting Dockbuilders' Association, 30 Church St ". Converters' Association, 291 Broadway Cotton Garment Manufacturers, 1 Madison Ave Cotton Exchange, 62 Beaver St Council on Immigrant Education, 244 Madison Ave Credit Association of the Budding Trades, 35 Nassau St Credit Men's A ssociation, 320 Broadway Crockery Board of Trade, 126 Fifth Ave Custom Cutters' Club, 115 Broadway De Kalb Improvement Association, 112 Lewis Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. . Decorative Glass Manufacturers' Association, 26 East 13th St Deutscher Apotheka Verein, 1253 Lexington Ave Downtown League, 154 Nassau St 1,000 3,000 271 35 612 100 500 23 55 11 28 120 28,000 56 277 175 740 150 6 425 250 200 80 36 500 1,350 143 8 53 277 285 915 85 1,400 23 18 520 122 5,000 1,836 200 41 261 35 35 323 30 475 21 104 75 450 200 225 3,300 76 189 150 10 200 2,600 A2,A4 A4 A1,A2 A2 A4 A4 A4 A4 A4 A4 A4 A3 A2 A2 A2 A4 A4 A2 A4 A3 A4 A4 A4 A4 Al A4 A4 A4 A3 A4 A4 A4 A3 Al Al Al Al A2 Al A4 A4 A4 A4 A3 A4 A3 Al A4 Al Al A4 A4 A3 A3 A2 A4 A4 A4 A4 A4 A3 A4 A4 A2,A3 A4 A4 A4 Al A3 A4 A4 June. April. May. December. June. October. February. May. February. Do. April. July. February. January. February. January. December. February. January. May. October. January. June. March. December. November, Do. January. Do. Do. Do. Do. December. January. February. October. January. Do. Do. November. April. November. October. April. December. Do. January. April. June. December. Do. April. June. May. January. September. Januarv. December. January. December. January. 176 COMMERCIAL. ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. LOCAL — Continued. NEW YORK— Continued. City and organization. Ne-vf York— Continued. Dress and Waist Manufacturers' Association, 200 Fifth Ave Dried Fruit Association, 6 Harrison St East Broadway Merchants' Association (Inc.), 71 East Broadway Eastern Union, 84 William St Eldridge Merchants' Association (Inc.), 66 Eldrldge St Electrica 1 Contractors' Association, 26 Cortlandt St Electrical Credit Association, 47 West 34th St ElectricalJobbcrs' Club, 47 West 34th St Electrical Society, 29 West 39th St Employing Bookbinders, 200 Sixth Ave Employing Electrotypers and Stereotypers' Association, 324 West 23d ^t. Employing Engravers' Association, 42 West 39th St Emplojing Metallic Furring and Lathing Association, 41 East 22d St. Employing Plasterers' Association, 558 West 125th St Employing Printers' Association, 461 Eighth Ave Equitable Merchants' Association (Inc.), 347 Fifth Ave Export Managers' Club (Inc.), 53 Park Place Fifth Avenue Association (Inc.), 358 Fifth Ave Fifth Avenue Men's Tailors' Association, 561 Fifth Ave Filing AssfK'iation, 521 East Eighth St., Brooklyn Fire Insurance Exchan;:o, 76 William St Fire, Marine and Liability Brokers' Association (Inc.), 80 Maiden Lane. Florists' Club, 43 West 18th St Flour Club, 23 Beaver St Foreign Fruit Association, 204 Franklin St Forty-Second Street Property Owners and Merchants' Association (Inc.), 50 East 42d St French American Chamber of Commerce (Inc.), 599 Fifth Ave Fruit Exchange, 204 Franklin St Fruit and Produce Trade Association, 97 Warren St Fulton Market Fish Mongers' Association, Fulton Wholesale Fish Market. Fur Dressers and Fur Dyers' Association (Inc.), 43 West 27th St Fur Merchants' Association, 220 Fifth Ave Funiiture Exchange Association, 469 Seventh Ave Greater New York Cut Stone Contractors' Association, 121 Passaic Ave., Harrison, N. J. Greater New York Paper Box Supplies Association (Inc.), 318 Broad- way. Grecters' Club, 68 West 68th St Harlem Board of Commerce, 59 West 1 25th St Hay Exchange Association, 601 West a3d St Hide and Leather Association, 30 Spruce St Hospital Information Bureau, 15 West 43d St Hotel Association, 334 Fifth Ave House Movers and Shorers' Association, 34 West 33d St Ice Publicity Association (Inc.), 560 West 190th St Independent Retail Tobacconists' Association of America (Inc.), 45 West 34th St. Insurance Clerks' Mutual Benefit Association, 80 Maiden Lane Insurance Society, 84 William St Iron League, 101 Park Place Italian Chamber of Commerce, 99 Hudson St Italian Pharmaceutical Association, 614 Jackson Ave Jewelers' 24 Karat Club, 15 Maiden Lane Jewelry Crafts Association (Inc.), 130 West 42d St ■ Jobbing Trade Cloak Manufacturers' Association, 54 West 21st St Joint Board of Sanitary Control, 147 West 94th St Ladies' Hat Manufacturers' Protective Association, 621 Broadway Laundry Board of Trade of Greater New York, 1204 Times Bldg Leaf Tobacco Board of Trade, 166 Front St Legal Aid Society, 239 Broadway Life Underwriters' Association, 50 John St Lighterage Association Port of New York, 80 Broad St. Lining Merchants' Association, 291 Broadway Linseed Association, 91 Wall St Long Island Ice Manufacturers' Association, 154 Nassau St Lumber Trade Association, 17 West 46th St Man Advertising Service Association, 47 East 44th St Manhattan and Bronx Retail Grocers' Association, 1312 Boston Road Manhattan Merchant Tailors' Association, U East 14th St Marble Industry Employers' Association, Webster Ave., Long Island City, N. Y. Maritime Association of the Port of New York, 21 State St Master Blacksmiths' Association, 30 Church St Num- ber of mem- bers. 140 150 41 190 27 719 35 25 19 20 800 125 200 1,350 25 65 105 150 625 200 44 300 300 200 114 18 37 123 900 23 300 425 20 175 325 13 2,373 1,200 2.5 700 400 200 193 40 20 25 146 24 200 300 30 1,100 22 Pri- mary pur- pose. A3 A4 A2 A4 Al A4 A4 A4 A4 A4 A4 A2 Al A4 A2 A2 A4 Al A2 A4 A4 A4 A4 A4 A4 Al Al A4 A4 A4 A2 A4 A2 A4 A4 A4 A4 Al A4 A3 Al A4 A3 A4 A2 A4 A4 A4 A4 A4,A1 A4 A3 A4 A4 A3 A2 A3 A4 A4 A4 A4 A4 A3 A2 A4 A2 A2 A3 A4 A4 COMMERCIAL. ORGANIZATION-S OF THE UNITED STATES. Ill LO CAL— Continued. NEW YORK-Continued. City and organization. Num- ber of mem- bers. Pri- mary pur- Date of an- nual meeting. New York — Continued. - Master Bookbinders and Paper Rulers' Association, 461 Eighth Ave. . Master Carpenters' Association, 334 Fifth Ave Master Cleaners and Dyers' Associ ation (Inc.), 2454 Webb Ave Memorial Crafts Institute (Inc.), 200 Fifth Ave Mercantile Exchange, 164 Chambers St Merchant Bakers' Security Association, 100 East 105th St , Merchant Tailors' Society, 110 West 4afch St Merchants' Association, 233 Broadway Merchants' Protective Association, 305 Broadway Metal Ceiling Association, 34 West 33d St Metal Exchange, 111 Broadway Metropolitan Bag and Paper Jobbers' Association (Inc.), 256 East 138th St. MetropoUtan Furniture Merchants' Association, 304 East 87th St Metropolitan Hardware Association, 470 Broad St., Newark, N. J Metropohtan League of Savings and Loan Associations, 2161 Rathgate Ave. Metropolitan Paper Box Manufacturers' Association (Inc.), 318 Broad- way. Municipal Art Society, 119 East 19th St Municipal Engineers, 29 West 38th St Mutual Protective Manufacturers' Association, 1269 Broadway National Academy of Design, 175 West 109th St North Harlem Retail Druggists' Association, 2433 Seventh Ave Paper Association, 32 Bleecker St Parquet Flooring Association, 24 West 33d St Petroleum Exchange (Inc.), 158 Broadway Phannaceutical Conference, 850 East 156tn St Photo Engravers' Board of Trade (Inc.), 419 Lafayette St Piano Manufacturers' Association, 217 West 125th St Piano Merchants* Association, 217 West 125th St Plate Glass Insurance Exchange, 1 Liberty St Plimibago Graphite Association (Inc.), 17 State St Port of New York Warehousemen's Bureau of Information (Inc.), 15 Park Row. Produce Exchange, 2 Broadway Producing Managers' Association, 220 West 48th St Railroad Club, 26 Cortlandt St Raw Feather Association (Inc.), 1170 Broadway Real Estate Auctioneers' Association, 16 Vesey St - . . Real Estate Board (Inc.), 7 Dey St Retail Bakers' Association, 2442 Jerome Ave Retail Druggists' Association, 145 East 58th St Retail Dry Goods Association, 130 West 42d St Retail Furniture Dealers' Association, 304 East 87th St Retail Jewelers' Association of Greater New York, 3d Ave. and 58th St. Riverside Business Men 's Credit Union, 163 West 98th St Rotary Club, Hotel McAlpin Rubber Trade Association (Inc.), 75 Maiden Lane Rugby Civic and Social Association, 331 East 52d St School Art League, 599 Fifth Ave Shoe Manufacturers' Board of Trade (Inc.), 346 Livingston St Society of Craftsmen, 65 East 56th St Society of Gas Lighting, 342 Madison Ave Society of Illustrators (Inc.), 65 East 56th St Society of Restauranteurs, 145 West 41st St Stationers' Association, 144 Pearl St Surety Underwriters' Association. 100 William St Team Owners' Association, 27 William St Theatre Owners' Chamber of Commerce, 1540 Broadway Thirty-Fourth Street Board of Trade (Inc.), 47 West 34th St Tow Boat E xchange (Inc. ), 11 Moore St Trade Association Executives, 354 Fourth Ave Traffic Club, 305 Broadway Travelers' Association of the Local Paint and Allied Trades (Inc.), 84 Herkimer St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Undertakers' Association, 150 West 13th St United Fruit Buyers' Association, 188 West St United Hospital Fund, 105 East 22d St United Restaurant Owners' Association (Inc.), 1440 Broadway Van Owners' Association of Greater New York (Inc.), 210 West 89th St. Washington Market Merchants' Association, Washington Market Washington Square Association, 262 Greene St Waste Merchants' Association, 276 Water St 43 15 416 550 87 ,000 66 16 136 700 500 250 282 55 63 15 1,000 1,760 55 1,800 450 55 200 350 160 100 36 200 125 32 95 1,600 77 235 167 106 110 150 350 40 A4 A4 Al A2 A4 A2 A2 A1,A2 A2 A3 A4 A2,A3 A2 A2 A4 A3 Al A4 A3 A4 A2 A2 A4 A4 A4 A4 A3 A2 A4 A4 A4 A4 A4 A4 A4 A4 Al A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 A4 A4 A4 Al A4 A3 Al A4 A4 Al A1,A2 A4 A4 A4 A1,A2 A4 A4 A4 Al A4 A2 A4 A2 A4 A2 Al A2 December. January. August. January. Do. Do. Do. May. February. April. March. September. March. Do. April. January. Do. April. December. January. Do. Do. Do. April. Do. February. Do. January. May. Do. January. December. October. January. Do. Do. October. January. April. November. December. January. April. December. April. December. May. November. March. January. Do. May. November. January. February. January. October January. March. Januai Novenf nber. 4 Number of organizations. 178 COMMERCIAL. ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. LO CAL— Continued. NEW YORK-€ontinued. City and organization. New York— Continued. West End Association, 2161 Bathgate Ave Wholesale Cut Flower Protective Association, 97 Warren St Wholesale Fish Dealers' Association (Inc.), 60 Broadway Wholesale Grocers' Association, 100 Hudson St Yorkville Chamber of Commerce, 134 East 87th St Newark (6,964): Community Association Newburgh (30 366): Automobile Club Broadway Business Association Builders' Exchange, Third St Chamber of Commerce Kiwanis Club Merchants' Association Rotary Club Clean (20,506): Automobile Club Business Men's Association (Inc.) Cham])er of Commerce Oneida (10,541): Automobile Club Chamber of Commerce (Inc.) Exchange Club Rotary Club Niagara Falls (50^760): Chamber of Commerce Manufacturers' Association , Rotary Chib 425 Cluck Bldg , North Tonawanda (15,482): White Pine Association of the Tonawandas Northport (1,977): Merchants' Association N or wich (8 ,268) : Chamber of Commerce Nyack (4,444): Chamber of Commerce Ogdensburg (14,609): Auto Club Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club, 45 Ford St Oneonta (11,582): Automobile Association Chamber of Commerce , Manufacturers' Association Merchants' Association Rotary Club, 169 Main St Ossining( 10,739): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club, 4 Wolden Road Oswego (23,776): Chamber of Commerce (Inc.) Oxford (1 ,990): Citizens' Association Oyster Bay: Business Men's Association Palmyra (2,480): Chamber of Commerce Patchogue (4,031 ): Round Table Club Pearl River: Pearl River Club Peekskill (15,868): Automobile Club Board of Commerce Lions Club Rotary Club Penn Yan (4,517): Benton Cooperative Co. (Inc.), R. F. D.9 Chamber of Commerce Fruit Growers' Cooperative Association (Inc.) Keuka Lake Grape Growers' Cooperative Association (Inc.) Milo Cooperative Co. (Inc.) Retailers' League Rotary Club Perrv (4,717): Automobile Club Chamber of Commerce Plattsburg (10,909): Chamber of Commerce (Inc.) Port Chester (16,573): Chamber of Commerce (Inc.) .' Port Jefferson: Business Men's Association, Post Office Bldg Port Jervis( 10,171"): Automobile Club Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club Port Richmond: Board of Trade Num- Pri- ber of mary mem- pur- bers. pose. 700 Al 35 A2 6 A2 113 A2 286 Al 100 Al 650 A4 200 Al 35 A4 M> 600 Al ' 83 Al 87 A2 72 A4 450 A4 100 A2 500 Al 250 Al 200 A1,A2. A3 53 Al 55 A4 1,200 A1,A2 43 A3 146 A4 7 A4 6 A2 250 Al 100 Al 307 A4 50 A1,A2, A3,A4 39 A4 318 A4 425 Al 18 A3 72 A1,A2 30 A4 170 A1,A2 31 A4 300 Al 73 Al 40 Al 250 Al 80 A2 175 Al 300 A4 125 Al 35 Al 34 A4 175 A4 120 Al 18 A4 113 A4 120 Al 60 A2 35 A4 53 A4 266 Al 125 Al 140 Al 100 A1,A2 165 A4 300 Al 44 A4 149 Al COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. 179 LOG AL— Continued . NEW YORK— Continued. City and organization. Num- ber of mem- bers. Pri- mary pur- Date of an- nual meeting Potsdam (4,039): Chamber of Commerce Poughkeepsie (35,000): Automobile Club Chamber of Commerce Electrical Contractors and Dealers' Association . Hudson River Bridge Association Manufacturers' Association Retail Grocers' Association Wholesale Grocery Co. (Inc.) , Pulaski (1,895): Commercial Club (Inc.) , Rennsselaer (16,823): Board of Trade Rhinebeck (1,397): Violet Association Richfield Springs (1,388): Automobile Club Business Men's Association Richmond Hill: Business Men's Association Riverhead: Chamber of Commerce Rochester (295,750): Associated Manufecturers of Saddlery Accessories, 429 Granite Bldg. Automobile Club, 183 Corwin Road 1 Boot and Shoe Manufacturers' Association, 4 Church St Builders' Exchange Chamber of Commerce, 55 St. Paul St City Club Clothiers' Exchange Coal Merchants' Association, 555 Lyell Ave Engineering Society, 52 City Hall Fire Underwriters' Association, 1228 Granite Bldg Genesee Valley and Flower City Poultry and Pigeon Association, Box 472. Merchant Tailors' Society, 148 South Ave Retail Grocers' Association, 457 Main St. East Retailers' Master Bakers' Exchange, 516 Clifford Ave Rotary Club, Powers Hotel Stock Exchange Rockaway Beach: Board of Trade (Inc.) Rockaway Park: West End Board of Trade of the Rockaways Rockville Center (6,262): Merchants' Association Rome (26,341): Automobile Club Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club, 106 North George St Sag Harbor (2,993): Chamber of Commerce Salamanca (9,276): Automobile Club Chamber of Commerce Merchants' Association (Inc.) Saranac Lake (5,174): Chamber of Commerce, 23 Broadway . Saratoga Springs (13,181): Business Men's Association Chamber of Commerce Saugerties (4,013): Chamber of Commerce Schenectady (88,773): Automobile Club Board of Trade Merchants' Association Rotary Club, Mohawk Hotel Schoharie (851): Automobile Club Seneca Falls (6,389): Automobile Club Citizens' Club Rotary Club, 77 FaU St Sidney (2,670): Automobile Club, Main and River Sts Chamber of Commerce Silver Creek (3,260): South Shore Cooperative Association (Inc.). Sodus (1,329): Board of Trade Southampton (2,891): Business Men's Association, Main St Spring Valley (3,818): Chamber of Commerce 583 500 7 6,000 20 65 54 65 100 3 100 52 100 65 75 6,000 5 22 235 4,200 350 15 77 450 200 22 120 45 165 10 500 110 44 650 76 75 250 400 90 350 237 225 150 115 41 62 150 37 196 100 800 100 100 85 A1,A2, A3 A4 Al A4 Al A3 A2 A2 Al Al A4 A4 A1,A2 A2 Al A3 A4 A3 A4 Al Al A4 A2 A4 A4 A4 A2 A2 A2 A4 A4 Al Al A1,A2 A4 A1,A2. A3 A4 Al Al Al A2 A1,A2, A3 Al A1,A2 A1,A2, A3 A4 Al A2 A4 A4 A4 Al A4 A4 A1,A2 A4 Al A1,A2 Al December. Do. March. January. February. June. January. August. December. May. October. January. May. June. December. February. January. Do. November. October. Jime. Februarv. January. December. January. April. June. January. July. January. March. December. March. Do. May. March. November. June. January. Do. Do. May. October. April. May. December. March. October. April. January. Do. Do. Do. March. AprU. Number of factories. 180 COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THH UNITED STATES. LOCAL— Continued. NEW YORK— Continued. City and organization. Num- Pri- ber of mary mem- pur- bers. pose. 182 Al 75 A1,A2, A3 143 Al 500 Al 1,500 Al 40 A2 4,500 A4 31 A4 80 A4 200 A2 2,000 Al 99 A4 62 Al 24 A2 628 A4 89 A2,A3 500 A4 33 A4 130 Al 35 Al 24 A4 400 Al 94 A 4 9 A4 1,500 Al 950 Al 100 A4 140 A4 72 Al 89 A1,A2, A3 60 Al 136 A2,A3 1,500 'A4 1,100 Al 65 A4 14 A4 40 A1,A2, A3 130 A1,A3 50 Al 100 Al 95 A1,A2, A3 175 Al, A2, A3 160 A2 650 Al 126 A4 35 A1,A2, A3 90 Al 90 A4 18 A4 100 Al 40 A4 67 A4 12 Al 45 A4 100 Al 46 Al 14 A2 51 A4 175 Al Springville (2,331): Board of Trade (Inc.) Lona fare Club Stamford (947): Chamber of Commerce Stapleton: Staten Island Chamber of Commerce Staten Island: Civic League, 11 Catlin Ave., Stapleton, N. Y Suffem (3,154): Board of Trade, 94 Orange Ave Syracuse (171,717): Automobile Club (Inc.), Onondaga Hotel Automobile Dealers' Association, 701 Eckel Bldg , Builders' Exchange. 610 Cahill Bldg Business Men's Credit Association (Inc.) Chamber of Commerce Druggist Association Master Phimbers' Association, 617 South Clinton St Merchant Bakers' Exchange, 131 West Onondaga St Onondaga Milk Producers' Cooperative Association (Inc.), 310 Burnet Ave. Syracuse Grocers (Inc.); Lamed Bldg •mjhnology Club, 401 Vmney Bl.dg Typothetae, 320 West Onondaga St TarmersviUe (597): Chamber of Commerce Tarrytown {o^7): Building Trades Employers' Association Rotary Club Tonawanda (10.068): Chamber of Commerce of the Tooawandas, 18 Young St Rotary Club, 136 Christiana St Troy (72,013): Association of Collar Manufacturers, 5 First St Automobile Club, 2134 Seventh Ave Chamber of Commerce Commercial Travelers' Association, 2.57 Broadway Rotary Club Trumansburg (1,011): Chamber of Commerce (Inc.), 18 Congress St Tupper Lake (2,508): Chamber of Commerce Unadilla (1,157): Board of Trade Utica (94,156): Association of Credit Men Automobile Club Chamber of Commerce Traffic Chib Typothetae, 305 Arcade Bldg Walden (5,493): Chamber of Commerce Walton (3,598): Chamber of Commerce Wappingers Falls (3,235): Chamber of Commerce Warsaw (3,622): Board of Trade Warwick (2,420): Board of Trade Waterloo (3,809): Business Men's Association Watertown (31,8«): Business Mm's Association (Inc.) Chamber of Commerce (Inc.) Rotary Club. Jefferson County Bank Bldg Waterville (1,25*): Chamber of Commerce WatervUet (16,972): Chamber of Commerce Cooperativa Public Market (Inc) Medical Society Watkins (2,785): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club Waverly (5,270): Rotary Club Wayland (1,790): Board of Trade Cooperative Association (Inc. ) Weedsport (1,379): Chamber of Commerce WellsviUe (4,996): Business Men's Association : Retail Grocers' Association Rotary Club, 47 Early St Westbury: Board of Trade (Inc.) COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. 181 LOCAL— Continued. NEW YORK— Continued. City and organization. Niun- ber of mem- bers. Pri- mary pur- pose. Date of an- nual meeting. Westport (669): Automobile Club 100 35 400 40 150 25 55 500 25 129 72 Al A2 Al A4 A2 Al Al A2 Al A2 A2 A1,A4 October. White Plains (21 031): Automobile Dealers' Association.. . March Chamber of Commerce October. Rotary Club May. South Woodhaven Business Men's Association, 95th St. and Byrne Place. Williamson (1,753): Automobile Club , . . Board of Trade Woodmere: Business Men's Association (Inc.) January. March Yonkers (100,176;: Chamber of Commerce Master Bakers' Association Merchants' Credit Association Rotary Club, 300 South Broadway May. NORTH CAROLINA. Asheville (28,504): Chamber of Commerce, 30 Ravenscroft Road. Merchants' Association, 170 Haywood St Rotary Club, 118 Patton Ave , Ayden (1,673): Merchants' Association Beaufort (2,968) : Chamber of Commerce Burlington (5,952): Chamber of Commerce Merchants' Association , Carthage (962): Board of Trade Charlotte (46,338): Association of Credit Men Automotive Trade Association Chamber of Commerce Master Printers Merchants' Association (Inc.) Rotary Club, 15 West Fourth St Shippers and Manufacturers' Association Concord (9,903): Merchants' Association Dunn (2,805): Chamber of Commerce Women's C lub Durham (21,719): Chamber of Commerce Merchants' Association Edenton (2,777): Albemarle Fisheries Association Elizabeth City (8,925): Chamber of Commerce Merchants' Association (Inc.) EUdn (1,195) : Retail Merchants' Association Enfield (1,648): Chamber of Commerce Farmville (1,780): Basket Association Farmers' Mutual Association Tobacco B oard of Trade Fayetteville (8,877): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club Franklinton (773): Merchants and Business Men's Association. Gastonia (12,871): Chamber of Commerce (Inc.) Goldsboro (11,296): Automotive Trade Association Chamber of Commerce Merchants' Association Greensboro (19,861): Automotive Trades Association Chamber of Commerce Merchants' Association (Inc.). Real Estate Board Women' s C lub Greenville (5,772): Merchants' Association Rotary Club Tobacco Board Trade 642 125 99 21 100 300 19 73 72 45 1,200 10 165 144 110 50 200 125 124 25 300 45 34 50 8 55 14 100 34 450 25 25 250 45 332 800 160 50 400 Al A2 A4 A2 Al Al A2 Al A4 A1,A2 A1,A2, A3 A4 A2 A4 A3 A2 Al Al Al A2 A4 Al A2 A2 Al Al Al A4 Al A4 Al Al A2 A2 Al A2 A2 A1,A2, A3 A2 Al Al A2 A4 A4 July. May. April. May. February. July. April. Do. December. January. February. January. December. February. January. December. January. Do. April. August. January. August. December. June. July. December. June. February. August. January. February. May. April. August. 182 COMMERCIAX. ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. LOCAL— Continued. NORTH CAROLINA— Continued. City and organization. Num- ber of mem- bers. Pri- mary pvu- pose. Hamlet (3,808): Chamber of Commerce Henderson (5,222): Chamber of Conunerce Rotary Club, Box 164 Women's Club Henderson ville (3,720): Chamber of Commerce. Hickory (5,076): Chamber of Commerce Merchants' Association High Point (14,302): Chamber of Commerce Commercial Club Rotary Club, 301 North Main St Kannapohs: Chamber of Commerce Kinston (9,771): Chamber of Commerce Merchants' Association Rotary Club Tobacco Board of Trade Laurinburg (2,643): Scotland Cooperative Cantaloupe Exchange. Lenoir (3,71-8 ): Chamber of Commerce (Inc.) Lexington (5,254): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club Ldncohiton (3,390): Kiwanis Club Women 's Club Louisburg (1,954): Chamber of Commerce Luniberton (2,691): Chamber of Commerce Mebane (1,351): Chamber of Commerce Retail Merchants' Association Monroe (4,0S4): Chamber of Commerce Mooresville (4,315): Chamber of Commerce Morganton (2,867): Kiwanis Club Mount Airy (4,752): Commercial Club Kiwanis Club . . . , Tobacco Association Murphy (1,314): Chamber of Commerce New Bern (12,198): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club, 70 Hancock St North Wilkesboro (2,363): Merchants' Association Wilkes Commercial Club Oxford (3,606): Chamber of Commerce Raleigh (24,418): Business and Professional Women's Club. Chamber of Commerce (Inc.) Merchants' Association (Inc.) Rotary Club, Supreme Court Bldg Reidsville (5,333): Commercial and Agricultural Association. Rotary Club Rocky Mount (12,742): Chamber of Commerce Retail Merchants' Association Tobacco Board of Trade Roxboro (1,651):. Chamber of Commerce Tobacco Association Salisbury (13,884): Chamber of Commerce, Box 632. .. Sanford (2,977): Merchants' Association Scotland Neck (2,061): Retail Merchants' Association. Shelby (3,609): Board of Trade Smithfield (1,895): Woman's Club Spencer (2,510): SaUsbury-Spencer Chamber of Commerce, Box 532, Salis- bury, N.C. Statesville (7,895): Chamber of Commerce T Rotary Club 200 200 40 34 34 185 100 147 32 104 300 50 25 200 200 68 95 65 15 50 215 34 15 115 110 770 72 95 29 450 75 20 200 20 1 35 13 34 117 1 305 40 Al A4 Al Al Al A2 Al Al A1,A4 A1,A2, A3 Al A2 A4 A4 A4 A1,A2, A3 Al A4 Al Al Al Al Al A2 Al Al Al Al Al A4 Al Al A1,A2. A3,A4 A2 Al Al A4 Al A2 A4 Al A1,A4 Al Do. A2 Do. A4 August. A1,A2, A3 A4 Al A2 A2 A1,A2, A3 Al Al A1,A3 A1.A4 COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THB UKI1*ED STATES. 183 LOCAL— Continued. NORTH CAROLINA— Continued. City and organization. Num- Pri- ber of mary mem- pur- bers. pose. 18 A2 21 A4 105 Al 60 A2 202 Al 300 A1,A2 A2 125 Al 20 Al 390 Al 94 Al 60 A2 65 A4 97 A4 320 Al 75 Al 42 A2 47 A4 33 A4 325 Al 140 A2 Date of an- nual meeting. Tarboro (4,568) : Merchants' Association ThomasvlUe (5,676): Rotary Club Woman's Club Wadesboro (2,648): Advertising Club Chamber of Commerce Washington (6,314): Chamber of Commerce Merchants' Association Waynesville (1,942): Board of Trade Williamston (1,800): Twentieth Century Book Club Wilmington (33,372): Chamber of Commerce Kiwanis Club Merchants' Association Rotary Club Wilson (10,612): Business and Professional Women's Club Chamber of Commerce Kiwanis Club Merchants' Association Rotary Club Tobacco Board of Trade Winston-Salem (48,395): Chamber of Commerce Retail Merchants' Association January. Jime. May. July. October. January. July. January. May. Do. February. June. August. January. Do. NORTfi: DAKOTA. Beach (1,106): Town Criers Bismarck (7,122): Association of Commerce, First Guaranty Bank Bldg Commercial Club Rotary Club Town Criers Bottineau (1,172): Commercial Club Carrington (1,420): Commercial Club Casselton (1,538): Commercial Club Devils Lake (5,140): Kiwanis Club Rotary Club Dickinson (4,122): Business and Professional Women's Club Rotary Club Town Criers' Club EUendale (1,334): Commercial Club Fargo (21,961): Ben Franklin Club Builders and Traders' Exchange Business Men's Association Commercial Club, Ansonia Apartments Rotary Club. 216 North Ninth St Town Criers' Club Grafton (2,512): Civic Club Grand Forks (14,010): Builders and Traders' Exchange Commercial Club Kiwanis Club Merchants' Association of Grand Forks and East Grand Forks Rotary Club Hankinson (1,477): Credit Bureau Harvey (1,590) : Commercial Club Jamestown (6,627): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club Kenmare (1,446): Community Club Lisbon (1,855): Keystone Club i Kiwanis Club Mandan (4,336): Commercial Club Radio Club Rotary Club Town Criers » 30 A1,A2 486 Al 160 Al 53 A4 44 Al 150 A1,A2 100 Al 55 Al 58 Al 44 A1,A4 24 A4 34 A4 35 Al 52 Al 12 A4 74 A4 125 A2 800 Al 100 A1,A4 47 Al 100 Al 46 A4 450 Al 85 Al 184 A2 64 A4 A2 100 A1,A2 319 Al 44 A4 80 Al 19 Al 38 Al 160 Al 80 A4 29 A4 38 Al November. December. April. May. March. December. Do. April. December. March. Jime. April. December. March. June. May. June. December. January. December. March. April. January. Do. April. December. Jtme. November. March. May. Do. 184 COMMERCIAL. ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. LOCAL— Continued. NORTH DAKOTA— Continued. City and organization. Num- ber of bers. Pri- mary pur- pose. Date of an- nual meeting. Minot (10j476): Assoaation of Commerce Builders and Traders' Exchange Rotary Club, 425 Third Ave. SE New Rockford (2,111): Business Men's Association Oakes (1,637): Commercial Ciub Live Stock Shipping Association Potato Growers'^ Association Rugby ( 1 ,424) : Community Club Valley City (4,686): Commercial Club Kiwanis Club Rotary Club Town Criers' Club Wahpeton (3,069): Commercial Club, 318 Sixth St Red River Valley Holstein Breeders' Association Rotary Club , WiUiston (4,178): '^^ Commercial Club ...'.".' Rotary Club 350 20 48 85 100 48 50 176 65 40 35 260 10 32 175 27 Al A4 A4 Al Al Al A4 Al Al Al A1,A4 Al Al Al A4 Al A4 July. December. May. January. April. January. July. February. December. April. Do. February. October. April. OHIO Akron (208,435): Associated Lumbermen, 206 Buckeye Bldg Automobile Club, 311 South High St Builders' Exchange, 213 Second National Bldg Chamber of Commerce, 1023 Second National Bldg. Merchants' Association, 309 Buckeye Bldg Real Estate Board, 811 Second National Bldg Retail Credit Men's Association, Box 372 South Akron Board of Trade, 1115 South Main St . . . Alliance (21,603): Automobile Club Builders' Exchange, 391 West Main St Chamber of Commerce Ashland (9,249): Chamber of Commerce Lions Club Rotary Club Ashtabula (22,082): Automobile Club Chamber of Conunerce, 171iMain St Lettuce Growers' Association Rotary Club, Loan Bldg Athens (6 418): Chamber of Commerce Kiwanis Club Barberton (18,811): Chamber of Commerce Barnesville (4.865): Chamber of Commerce Bedford (2,677) : Chamber of Commerce Bellaire (15,061): Chamber of Commerce Kiwanis Club BeUefontaine (9,336): Chamber of Commerce. BeUevue (5,776): Retail Merchants' Board... Berea (2,959): Board of Trade Blanchester (1,671): Business Men's Club... Bluffton (1,950): Business Men's Association Commmiity Association Bowling Green (5,788): Commercial Club Kiwanis Club Bremen (1,134): Automobile Club. Brewster (928): Auto Club Bryan (4,252): Business Men's Association. . . Exchange Club 52 A2 3,000 A4 190 A4 3,600 Al 145 A2 481 A1,A4 110 A2,A3 100 Al 250 A4 30 Al 365 Al 150 Al 36 Al 36 A4 491 A4 550 Al 10 A4 47 A4 243 Al 73 Al 400 Al 100 A1,A2 125 Al 417 A1,A2, A3 96 A4 200 Al 56 A2 122 Al 50 Al 42 Al 150 Al 225 A1,A2, A3 67 Al 1.30 A4 75 A4 Al Al 45 January. Do. November. Do- December. November. February. October. March. June. April. May. January. September. April. June. October. January. Do. Do. December. AprU. January. Do. Do. December. Do, February. March. December. COMMERCIAL. ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. 185 LOCAL— Continued. OHIO— Continued. City and organization. j Num- ber of I mem- bers. Pri- mary pur- Date of an- nual meeting. Bucyrus (10,425): Chamber of Commerce Employers' Association Retail Grocers and Butchers' Association Caldwell (1,706): Commercial Club, 524 North St Cambridge (13,104): Ad Club Board of Trade Rotary Club, 729 Wheeling Ave Canton (87,091): Builders' Exchange Chamber of Commerce Industrial Corporation Merchants' Association Real Estate Board Rotary Club, 610 Renkert Bldg CeHna (4,226): Business Association Eawanis Club Merchants' Extension Club Chagrin Falls (2,237): Kiwanis Club Chiliicothe (15,831): Chamber of Commerce, 19 West Second St Credit Exchange, 13 East Main St Kiwanis Club, Box 165 Rotary Club, 3 Howson Block Cincinnati (401,427): Associated Foundries, 705 Elm St Associated Manufacturing Jewelers, 1007 Andrews Bldg Association of Credit Men, 1918 Greenup St Automobile Club, 3410 Clifton Ave Automobile Dealers' Association, Hotel Harlin Automotive Trades Association, 809 Gerke Boot and Shoe Manufacturers' Association, 610 Sycamore St Brick Club, 128 East Fourth St Building Owners and Managers' Association, 2406 Union Central Bldg Business Men's Club Co., corner Ninth and Race Sts Carriage Makers' Club Chamber of Commerce Coal Exchange, 1522 Union Trust Bldg Electric Club, 129 Goverimient Square Engineers' Club, Box 333 , Franklin 'Typothetae, 2400 Harper Ave Furniture Exchange Furniture and Piano Movers' Association, 305 Walnut St Grain and Hay Exchange, United Bank Bldg Greater Cincinnati Motion Picture Exhibitors, 730 Madison Ave., Covington, Ky. Industrial Association, 308 Odd Fellows Temple Lumbermen's Club, 906 Neave Bldg Main Street Merchants' Association, 1314 Main St Manufacturing Confectioners' Club, 27 West Court St Mason Contractors' Association, 614 Race St Master Painters' Association, 614 Race St Master Plumbers' Association, 325 East Fourth St Merchant Tailors' Exchange, 811 Main St Merchants and Manufacturers' Association, 70 Atlas Bank Bldg Milk Exchange, 1259 West Seventh St 328 Motor Club Paint, Oil and Varnish Club, 215 East Ninth St Print Trades Association, 306 Odd Fellows Temple Railway Club, 524 Union Central Bldg Real Estate Board, 321 Hammond St Retail Merchants' Association, 37 Carew Bldg Shoe and Leather Club (Inc.). 520 Main St Tailors-to-the-Trade Association, Sixth and Sycamore Sts Team and Motor Truck Owners' Association, 305 Walnut St Wholesale Jewelers and Manufacturers' Association, Andrews Bldg. Wood Trades Association, 4634 Spring Grove Ave CircleviUe (7,049): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club Cleveland (796^1): American Plan Association, 606 Guardian Bldg Association of Building Owners and Managers, 612 Arcade Association of Credit Men. 314 Engineers' Bldg Automobile Club, HoUenden Hotel 12 60 52 850 45 110 900 100 150 230 109 30 77 50 60 550 39 68 84 11 500 15 35 80 15 7 42 100 116 4,501 83 175 550 101 90 29 70 75 70 300 12 15 33 138 45 3,500 57 62 181 250 95 270 20 66 35 120 32 135 1,200 27,000 A1,A2 A1,A3 A2 Al A2 Al A4 A4 Al Al A2 A4 A4 Al Al A2 Al Al A2 Al A4 A3 A4 A2,A3 A4 A1,A2 A4 A3 A4 A4 Al A3 Al A4 Al A4 A4 A3 A4 A4 A2 A4 A4 A2 A3 A4 A4 A2 A2 A2,A3 A1,A2, A4 A4 A3 A4 A4 A4 A2 A3 A4 A4 A2,A3 A4 Al A4 A4 A4 A4 A4 May. February. October. December August. April. January. Do. March. February. January. Do. November. February. May. February. May. Do. April. December. January. Do. February. November. April. January. Do. December. Do. January. Do. Do. November. May. January. December. Do. January. December. January. Do. September. October. November. January. October. September. January. December. March. July. April. January. April. May. February. 186 COMMERCIAL. ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. LOCAL— Continued. OHIO— Continued. City and organization. Num- ber of mem- bers. Pri- mary pur- pose. Date of an- nual meeting. Cleveland— Continued . Builders' Exchange Building Contractors' Exchange, 201 Ulmer Bldg Building Trades Employers' Association Butter and Egg Board, 606 Broadway Chamber of Commerce Chamber of Industry Civic League, 516 Hippodrome Bldg Clearing House Association. 1459 West .Sixth St Concrete Products Association, West 73d and Denison Sts Electrical League, Hotel Statler Engineering Society, Room 108, Hotel Win ton Engineers' Veteran Corps, 3011 East Derbyshire Road Fire Insurance Club, 304 Chamber of Commerce Bldg Garment Manufacturers' Asstwiation, 223 Marion Bldg General Contractors' Association. Hotel Winton Graphic Arts Club, 1584 Lauderd.ale Ave Industrial Association, 335 Euclid Ave Jewelry Craft As.sociation, 2063 East Fourth St Knitted Outerwear Manufacturers, 1019 Guardian Bldg Life Underwriters' Association, 317 Society for Savings Bldg Live St(x;k Association, Union Stock Yards Music Trade Asswiation, 929 Society for Savings Bldg Paint, Oil and Varnish Club, 627 Hanna Bldg Purchasing Agents' Association. 2176 West Third St Real Estate Board, Swetland Bldg Retail Credit Men's Co., 405 Chamber of Commerce Bldg , Retail Credit Stores Association , 409 Euclid Arcade Retail Grocers' Association, 1S27 East 65th St , Retail Meat Dealers' Association, 2997 West 25th St Retail Merchants' Board, 406 Chamber of Commerce Bldg Rotary Club, Hotel Statler Stock Exchange Traffic Club, 300 Western Reserve Bldg Clyde (3,099): Cycle Exchange Club Coldwater ( 1 ,531): Industrial Club, 554 South Second St Columbus (237,301): Automobile Club, Southern Hotel Bldg , Better Business Commission, 419 Citizens' Bank Bldg Clearing House Association Convention, Exposition and Community Service Association, 40 West Gay St. Engineers' Club, Southern Hotel Hub Board of Trade Lumber Trade Exchange, 8 East Long St Manufacturers and Jobbers' Association, 30 East Broad St Purchasing Agents' Association Real Estate Board, 36-38 West Gay St. Retail Furniture Dealers' Association, Citizens' Bank Bldg. , iBl Retail Merchants' Association, 333 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. . . Rotary Club, 224 Hotel Deshler Stock Exchange, 1822 Bryden Road Typothetae, 319 CUnton Bldg Women's Association of Commerce, 1511 Dublin Road Coimeaut (9,343) : Chamber of Commerce, Hotel Cleveland Coshocton (10 847): ., ,;^ . Business Men's Association .'i'..'.l.-':V. KiwanisClub ....■.■.:::..■.. Rotary Club Crestline (4,313) : Chamber of Commerce, Seltzer St Dayton (152,559): Association of Credit Men, 707 Schwind Bldg Automobile Club, Third and Ludlow Sts B uilders' Exchange , 259 Fourth St Building Owners and Managers' Association, 1206 American Bldg. Chamber of Commerce, Box 1025 Druggists' Association, 650 Main St. North Employers' Association . 213 N orth Ludlow St Employment Managers' Association Engineers' Club Franklin Typothetae, 211 South Ludlow St Master Plumbers' Association, 1910 East Fifth St Purcnasing Agents' Association Real Estate Board, 607 Schwind Bldg Retail Furniture Dealers' Association, Ludlow Bldg Retail Grocers' Association, 612 D. S. & T. Bldg Retail Merchants' Association & Credit Co 600 250 620 19 4,200 1,200 1,000 12 570 900 1,000 175 25 41 250 2,500 22 8 290 42 22 76 200 927 700 18 300 160 350 36 300 32 60 5,500 100 11 270 50 17 250 27 150 25 52 260 19 37 263 400 70 62 46 150 220 3,800 175 28 2,000 70 280 30 580 16 35 50 145 15 100 A4 A4 A4 A4 Al Al Al A4 A4 A4 A4 A4 A4 A3,A4 A4 A4 A4 A3 A3 A4 A4 A2 A3 A4 A4 A2 A4 A2 A2 A2 Al A4 A4 Al Al A4 A2 A4 Al A4 Al A2 A3 A4 A1,A4 A2 A2 A4 A4 A3 Al Al A2 Al A4 Al A2,A3 A4 A4 A4 Al A2 A4 A4 A4 Al A4 A4 A4 A2 A2 A4 November. Jime. January. February. April. January. February. January. May. June. January. Do. February. January. May. November. October. January. February. May. April. December, February. May. December. May. April. February. June. March. January. December. January. Do. May. January. June. December. January. March. June. December. May. April. Do. September. May. February. March. January. June. December. April. June. May. January. Do. Do. December. January. COMMERCIAL. ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. 187 LOCAL— Continued. OHIO— Continued. City and organization. Num- ber of mem- bers. Pri- mary pur- pose. Date of an- nual meeting. Defiance (8,876): Commerce Club, 400J Clinton St Delaware (8,756): Chamber of Commerce Kiwanis Club Delphos (5,745): Kiwanis Club Dennison (5,524): Board of Trade Dover (8,101): Chamber of Commerce Kiwanis Club Rotary Club East Cleveland (27,292): Chamber of Commerce, 15907 Hazel Road. East Fultonham: Tri-City Motor Club East Liverpool (21,411): Automobile Club Chamber of Commerce Fare Refunding Association, Box 94 Hardware Association Rotary Club, Box 94 East Palestine (5,750): Kiwanis Club Retail Merchants' Association East Youngstown (11,237): Chamber of Commerce Eaton (3,210): Chamber of Commerce. Elyria (20,474): Manufacturers' Association Rotary Club Findlay (17,021): Auto Club Chamber of Commerce. Rotary Club, 500 West Sandusky St. Fostoria (9,987): Automobile Club . Chamber of Commerce Franklin (3,071): Rotary Club, Hamilton Hotel Fremont (12,468): Exchange Club Kiwanis Club Gallon (7,374): Automobile Club Chamber of Industry Kiwanis Club Gallipolis (6,070) : Gallia Commercial Association Geneva (3,081): Chamber of Commerce Glrard (6,556): Retail Credit Association Glouster (3,140): Chamber of Commerce Granville (1,440): Business Men's Association Greenfield (4,344): Rotary Club, 122 North Washington St. Greenville (7,104): Commercial Club Hamilton (39,675): Chamber of Commerce Manufactiu-ers' Association Hillsboro (4,356): Business Men's Association Holloway (974): Automobile Club Ironton (14,007): Business Men's Association Chamber of Commerce -. Jackson (5,842): Chamber of Commerce. Jefferson (1,532): Chamber of Commerce Junction City (890): Auto Club Kent (7,070): Chamber of Commerce Kenton (7,090): Chamber of Commerce Lakewood (41,732): Chamber of Commerce . Lancaster: Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club, Elks Bldg , Lebanon (3,396): Men of Lebanon, 105 East Silver St Rotary Club Leipsic (1,788): Commercial Club Lima (41,326): \dvertismg Club Automobile Club Better Business Bureau Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club, 15 Domestic Bldg 300 350 100 56 350 350 58 32 400 200 50 9 64 50 52 70 129 20 75 2,000 600 175 243 25 45 56 150 50 56 200 140 25 49 28 33 60 720 16 30O 75 192 407 130 225 80 173 225 1,000 200 200 47 76 30 700 142 1,348 140 Al A1,A2 Al Al Al Al A4 A4 Al A4 A4 A1,A2 A2 A2 A4 Al A2 Al A2 A3 A4 A4 A1,A2, A3 A4,A1 A4 A1,A2 A4 Al Al Al A3 Al Al Al A1,A2 Al Al A1,A4 Al Al A3 Al A4 A1,A2 A1,A2, A3 A1,A2, A3 Al A4 Al A1,A2 A1,A2 Al A1,A4 Al A4 Al A2 A4 A2 Al A4 April. February. December. June. March. April. Januarv. December. February. January. Do. Do. December. Do. January. Do. Do. April. January. March. April. November. March. April. December. Do. January. December. October. April. May.^ January. July. March. November. March. February. January. Do. February. January. Do. May. October. May. AprU. January. November. January. December. January. Do. Do. May. 188 COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATION'S OF THE UNITED STATES. LO C Air—Continued . OHIO— Continued. City and organization. Num- ber of mem- bers. Pri- mary piu- Lodi (1,240): Automobile Club Lorain (37,295): Automobile Club Chamber of Commerce Kiwanis Club, 1908 Broadway LoudonviUe (1,887): Chamber of Commerce. Mansfteld (27,824): Builders' Exchange Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club, 13") Brinkerhofl Ave. Marietta (15,140): Advertising Club Chamber or Commerce Kiwanis Club Rotarv Club, Hotel Lafayette Marion (27,891): Chamber of Commerce Retail Merchants' Bureau Rotary Clul), 61 1 Bellefontaine Ave — Martins Ferry (11,634): Board of Trade Kiwanis Club Marysville (3,635): Chamber of Commerce. MassiUon (17,428): Automobile Club Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club, Merchants' National Bank Mechanicsburg ( 1 ,470): Cooperative Exchange Co Medina (3,430): Board of Trade Co Credit Association Miamisburg (4,3.s3): Business Men's Club Rotary Club, 3,3.3 South Fifth St Middleport (3.772): Business Men's Association Middlotown (23,594): Chamber of Commerce MiUersburg, (2,098): Rotary Club, 102 North Washingtrai St. Minerva (2,261): Add Club , Mingo Junction (4,616): Civic League Montpelier (3,052): Commercial Association Napoleon (4,143): Kiwanis Club Nelson ville (6,440): Chamber of Commerce New Concord (889) : Chamber of Commerce New Lexington (3,157): Auto Club New Philadelphia (10,718): Chaml)er of Commerce Grocers and Butchers' Association, 117 South Broadway. Rotary Club, North Broadway Newark (26,718): Chamber of Commerce Employers' Association Manufacturers' Club Merchants' Association Retail Grocers and Meat Dealers' Association Newcomerstown (3,389): Chamber of Commerce Niles (13,080): Chamber of Commerce Norwalk (7,379): Kiwanis Club Oak Harbor (1,858): Business Men's Association. Oberlin (4,236): Automobile Club Business Men's Club Exchange Club Ottawa (2,167): Chamber of Commerce Paulding (2,106): Commercial Club Piqua (15,044): Retailers' Association. Rotary Club, Hotel Favorite. Shippers' Association Pomeroy (4,294): Meigs Auto Club- Port Clinton (3,928): Kiwanis Club. 24 600 60 102 82 61 600 125 41 100 88 500 642 425 67 110 51 120 23 60 ,000 25 50 50 77 60 110 56 16 43 500 75 21 1 61 30 103 400 125 60 217 46 35 75 60 82 80 200 80 A4 A1,A4 Al Al A1,A2, A3 Al Al A4 A4 A1,A2, A3 Al A4 Al A2 A4 Al Al Al A4 A1,A2, A3 A4 A4 Al A2 Al A4 A1,A2 Al A4 Al Al Al A1,A2, A3 Al Al A4 A1,A2 A2 A4 Al A4 A3 A2 A2 Al Al A1,A2, A3 A2 A4 A2 A4 Al A2 A1,A2 A1,A4 Al, A3 A4 Al COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. 189 LOCAL— Continued. OHIO— Continued. City and organization. Num- ber of mem- bers. Pri- mary pur- pose. Date of an- nual meeting. Portsmouth (33,011): Automobile Club Chamber of Commerce Employers' Association R otary Club Ravenna (7,219): Chamber of Commerce Rittman (1,803): Automobile Club St.Clairsville (1,5G1): Community Club St. Marys (5,679): Chamber of Commerce Salem (10,305): Auto Club Chamber of Commerce, 573 McEonley Ave Manufacturers' Association Retail Grocers and Butchers' Association Rotary Club, Elks Home Sandusky (22,897): Chamber of Commerce Retail Grocers and Butchers' Association Sebring (3,541): Business Men's Association Shelby (5,578): Advertising Club Sidney (8,590) : Automobile Dealers' Association Commercial Club Kiwanis Club Retail Merchants' Association Springfield (60,840): Automobile Club Building Trades Employers' Association, 26 East Washington St. Chamber of Commerce Florists and G rowers' Club Harvester Club, International Harvester Co Kiwanis Club, 606 Fairbanks Bldg Lions Club, 1126 Garfield Ave Merchants' Association Optimist Club, 1820 Kenton St Poultry and Pet Stock Association, 409 Oakwood Place Real Estate Board Rotary Club, Bancroft Hotel, High St Social Service Bureau, 315 North Fountain Ave Typothetae, 22J South Limestone St Wholesalers and Salesmen's Club Steubenville (28,508): Automobile Club Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club. Fort Steuben Hotel Struthers (5,847): Credit Men's Association Tiffin (14,375): Chamber of Commerce Toledo (243,164): Association of Sanitary and Heating Engineers, 405 Meridith Bldg Association of Credit Men, 2250 Rosewood Ave Automobile Club, 407 Madison Ave Builders' Exchange Chamber of Commerce East Side Commercial Club, 441 St. Louis St Lumbermen 's Club, 1704 Oakwood Ave Men's Wear Club, 230 Superior St Merchants' Credit and Adjustment Co Merchants and Manufacturers' Association, 501 Nash Bldg Merchant Tailors and Designers' Association, 230 Superior St Purchasing Agents' Association Produce Exchange, 906 Second National Bank Bldg Retail Furniture Dealers' Protective Association, 230 Superior St Retail Grocers and Butchers' Association, 206 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Retail Merchants' Board, 230 Superior St Shoe and Leather Club, 230 Superior St Typothetae, 407 Meridith Bldg Troy (7,260): Business Men 's Association Rotary Club, West Main St Uhrichsville (6,428) : Board of Trade, 139 North Main St Upper Sandusky (3,708) : Chamber of Commerce , Ufbana (7,621): Chamber of Commerce Manufacturers' Association , 150 1,500 24 61 325 167 51 135 250 200 619 16 45 500 50 50 30 75 44 550 100 800 45 300 144 40 50 25 270 21 97 24 56 800 700 61 36 250 57 300 6,000 142 3,008 215 45 40 308 159 9 75 76 12 125 120 40 45 225 52 224 150 A4 Al A4 Al, A4 Al Al A4 Al A4 Al A3 AZ A4 Al, A2 A2 Al, A2 A2 A2 Al A4 A2 A4 A2 Al Al Al Al Al A2 Al A4 Al A4 A4 A4 A2 A4 Al A4 A2, A3 A1,A2, A4 A3 A4 A4 Al Al, A2 A4 A2 A2 A3 A2 A4 A4 A2 A2 18 January. April. Do. January. December. January. October. February. April. June. December. May. February. December. January. February. December. January. October. April. Jtme. January. June. May. November. January. Do. April. October. February. May. February. January. June. May. January. October. April. January. December. January. Do. May. January. April. January. Do. May. January. March. September. December. * Number of organizations. 41162°— 23 13 190 COMMERCIAL. ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. LOCAL— Continued. OHIO— Continued. City and organization. Van Wert (8,100): Rotary Club Young Men's Business Club , Wadsworth (4,742): Business Men's Advertising Club, 266 Beyer St. Wapakoneta (5,295): Chamber o f Commerce , Kiwanis Club Warren (27,050): Automobile Club (Inc.) , Board of Trade Rotary Club , 7 Electric Block Washington Court House (7,962): Dutch Treat Club Fayette Credit Bureau Co Rotary Club, 608 Columbus Ave , Wauseon (3,035): Exchange Club Wellington (2,245): Advertising Club Chamber of Commerce Wellston (6,087): Chamber of Commerce , WellsviUe (8,849): Chamber of Commerce , Westerville (2,480): Business Men 's Association Chamber of Commerce WiUard (3,889): Chamber of Commerce Kiwanis Club , Willoughby (2,656): Chamber of Corameroe Wilmington (5,037): Commercial Club, South Walnut St , Woodsfield (2,394): Monroe Board of Trade , Wooster (8,204): Board of Trade Business Men's Association Rotary Club, 1105 Quinby Ave Xenia (9,110): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club, North King St Youngstown (132,358): Automobile Club Builders' Exchange Chamber of Commerce Youngstown Club Zanesville (29,569): Chamber of Commerce Nvun- ber of bers. 25 201 54 1,700 500 100 150 100 84 120 100 46 287 180 100 115 56 200 2,400 200 2,100 419 646 Pri- mary pur- A4 Al A2 Al Al A4 Al A4 Al A2 A4 A2 A2 Al Al Al A2 Al Al Al Al, A3 Al Al Al Al Al, A4 Al A4 A4 A4 Al Al A4 OKLAHOMA. Ada (8,012): Cnamber of Commerce Good Road Motor Club Merchants' Credit Bureau and Retail Merchants' Association Altus (4,522): Rotary Club. 511 Walnut St. East Alva (3,913): Chamber of Commerce Anadarko (3,116) : Conmiercial Club Antlers (1,842): Chamber of Commerce Ardmore (14,181): Chamber of Commerce Retail Merchants' Association Rotary Club, 404 Simpson Bldg Atoka (2,038): Chamber of Commerce Bamsdall: Chamber of Commerce Bartlesville (14,417): Business Men's Association Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club, 107 East Third St Beggs (2,327): Commercial Club Blackwell (7,174): Commercial Club Rotary Club Trade Day „ Bristow (3,460): - Chamber of Commerce Lions Club Retail Merchants' Association Broken Arrow (2,086) : Chamber of Commerce Broken Bow (1,983) : Chamber of Commerce- ..,,, 357 Al 226 A4 53 A2 29 A1,A4 175 Al 100 Al 130 Al 550 Al 150 A2 79 A4 110 A4 10 Al 92 A1,A2 275 Al 70 A4 65 A1,A2 300 Al 54 A1,A4 75 A2 200 Al 83 Al 60 A2 150 Al 100 A1,A2 COMMERCIAL, OKOANIZATIOITS OF THE UNITED STATES. 191 LOCAL— Continued. OKLAHOMA— Continued. City and organization. Num- ber of bers. Pri- mary pur- pose. Date of an- nual meeting. Chandler (2,226): Commercial Club Chelsea (1,692): Chamber of Commerce. Cherokee (2,017): Commercial Club. . . Chickasha (10,179): Chamber of Commerce , Rotary Club, 110 North Third St. Cleveland (2,717): Commercial Club Noonday Luncheon Club Clinton (2,596): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club Coalgate (3,009): Booster Club Collinsville (3,801): Chamber of Commerce Community Club Cordell (1,835): Chamber of Commerce. . . Cushing (6,326): Lions Club Retail Merchants' Credit Association. Rotary Club Dewey (2,302) : Kiwanis Club Drumright {6,^^^,. Busmess Men's Association, Box 1547 Business and Professional Women's Club. Community Council Lions Club Duncan (3,463): Chamber of Commerce Retailers' Association, 804 Chestnut St Durant (7.340): Chamber of Commerce Edmond (2,452): Chamber of Commerce El Reno (7,737): Chamber of Commerce Kiwanis Club Lions Club Elk City (2,814): Business Men's Credit Association Chamber of Commerce Enid (16,576): Chamber of Commerce Eufaula (2,286): Lions Club Fair view (1,751): Chamber of Commerce Merchants' Association Frederick (3,822): Chamber of Commerce. . Grandfleld (1,990): Chamber of Commerce. Guthrie (11,757): Chamber of Commerce Retail Association Rotary Club, 501 East Loza St Sweet Potato Growers' Association Hartshorne (3.480): Booster Club Haskell (2,196): Chamber of Commerce Henryetta (5,889): Chamber of Commerce Delphian Society, 812 Gentry St Lions Club — Retail Merchants' Association Rotary Club Hobart (2,936): Commercial Club Rotary Club Holdenville (2,932): Chamber of Commerce. Hominy (2,875): Business Men's Association Business Men's Club Hugo (6,368): Chamber of Commerce , Lions Club ;... Retailers' Association Idabel (3,067): Chamber ol Commerce Lawton (8,930): Chamber of Commerce (Inc.) Retail Merchants' Association RotaryClub, 405JD Ave..,., , 100 300 40 85 310 35 80 40 35 148 56 85 42 54 20 22 175 60 382 225 125 59 60 43 165 807 50 35 175 75 200 50 35 105 140 242 48 36 76 48 155 31 200 50 27 50 50 160 414 100 54 Al Al, A2, A3 A2 Al A4 Al Al Al A1,A4 Al Al, A2, A3 Al A2 Al A2 A1,A4 Al A2 A4 Al Al Al A2 A1,A2 A1,A2 Al Al Al A2 Al A1,A2, A3 Al Al A2,A3 Al Al Al A2 A1,A4 A4 Al Al Al Al Al A2 A4 A1,A2 A1,A4 Al A2 Al Al A1,A2 A2 Al Al A2 A1,A4 January. Do. Do. December. April. March. July. April. November. January. November. January. March. January. Do. April. January. Do. Do. March. Jime. February. January. March. December. March. May. June. February. December. June. January. March. September. January. Do. December. January. March. January. November, 192 COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATION'S OF THE UNITED STATES. LOCAL — Continued. OKLAHOMA— Continued. C5ity and organization. Num- ber of mem- bers. Pri- mary pur- Date of an- nual meeting. Lindsay (1,543): Chamber of Commerce McAlester (12,095): Chamber of Commerce and Agriculture Retail Merchants' Association Rotary Club, 341 West Monroe St Mangum (^,405): Chamber of Commerce Marietta (1,977): Chamber of Commerce Retail Merchants' Association Medford (1,050): Booster Club Miami (6,802): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club Muskogee (30,277): Chamber of Commerce Junior Chamber of Conmierce Retail Merchants' Association Rotary Club, 801 Metropolitan Bldg Norman (5,004): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club Nowata (4,435): Rotary Club OUton (2,231): Business Men's Association Lions Club Okemah (2.162): Retail Merchants' Association Oklahoma City (91,295): Advertising Club, 510 Baltimore Bldg Associal ion of Credit Men, 713 Herskowitz Automobile Underwriters' Club, 406 Merchants' Bldg Chamber of Commerce Clearing House Association Grain Kxchanw, 612 Grain Exchange Bldg Graphic Arts Association , 510 Baltimore Bldg Interstate Traffic Biu-eau, 713 Continental Bldg Jobbers and Manufacturers' Club, 204 East 11th St l*Iotor Car Dealers' Association, 403 Oklahoma Bldg Real Estate Board, 202 Colcord Bldg Retail Credit Men's Association, FideUty National Bank Bldg. Retailers' Association, 419 Baum Bldg. Rotary Club, 409 American National Bank Bldg TrafTic Association, 321i West Main St Okmulfree (17,430): Chamber of Commerce District Oil and Gas Association Retail Merchants' Association Pauls Valley (3,694): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club Pawhuska (6,414): Chamber of Commerce Retail Merchants' Association Rotary Club Pawnee (2,418): Commercial Club Retailers' Association Perry (3,154): Chamber of Commerce Pich'er (9,676): Advertising Club Ponca City (7,051): Chamber of Commerce Retailers' Credit Association Rotary Club Poteau (2,679): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club Prague (1,127): Community Club Pryor (1,767): Farmers' Union Cooperative Exchange Pureell (2,93S): Chamber of Commerce Sallisaw (2,255): Chamber of Conamerce Sand Spnngft (4,076): BusuiessMen's Association 412 150 67 100 200 46 100 300 100 850 350 211 141 125 41 40 25 36 77 147 145 90 2,500 10 35 29 Chamber of Commerce nilpa (11,634): Business Men's Association. Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club 200 135 800 110 115 160 26 300 60 51 185 145 160 60 325 65 33 165 20 115 11 130 100 65 100 108 640 75 Al Al A2 A4 Al Al A2 A2 Al A4 Al Al A2 A4 Al A4 A4 A2 Al A2 A2,A3 A2,A3 . A4 Al A4 A4 A4 A4 Al, A3 A2 Al A2 A2 A4 A4 Al Al A2 Al A4 Al A1,A2 A1,A4 Al A2 Al Al Al A2 A4 Al A4 Al A4 Al Al Al, A2, A3 A1,A3 A2 Al A4 COMMERCIAL OBGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. 193 LOCAL— Continued . OKLAHOMA— Continued. City and organization. Num- ber of mem- bers. Pri- mary pur- pose. Date of an- nual meeting. Sayre (1,703): Chamber of Commerce Retail Merchants' Association. Shawnee (15.348): Board of Commerce Jobbers and Manufacturers' Association , I-ions Club , Professional and Business Women's Club Retail Merchants' Association Rotary Club Stillwater (4,701): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club Sulphur (3,667): Chamber of Commerce Tahlequah (2,271): Chamber of Commerce Temple (906): Community Service Association Tulsa (72,075): Chamber of Commerce Cooperative Club, 401 Tuloma Bldg Junior Chamber of Commerce, 720 South Galveston Kiwanis Club Open Shop Association Purchasing Agents' Association Retail Merchants' Association and Associated Retail Credit Men (Inc.). Rotary Club Traffic Association, 406 City Hall Typothetae, 210 East Third St Vinita (5,010): Rotary Club Wagoner (3,436): Ch amber of Commerce Retail Credit Association Walters (3,032): Rotary Club, 209 East Iowa St Watonga (1,678): Community Club Waurika (3,204): Business Men's Club Weatherford (1.929): Chamber ot Commerce Retail Merchants' Association Wetumka (1,422): Good Roads Motor Club Wilburt on (2,226): Lions Club Woodward (3,849): Chamber of Commerce Yale (2,601): Chamber of Commerce Merchants' Retail Credit Association (Inc.) 55 30 100 30 68 51 90 75 42 100 100 35 2,200 100 200 124 42 77 325 126 125 12 100 23 36 150 30 100 30 50 45 200 100 54 Al A2 A1,A2, A3 A3 Al Al A2 A4 Al A4 Al Al Al A1,A3 A4 Al Al A1,A4 A4 A2 A1,A4 A4 A4 A4 Al A2 A4 Al Al Al A2 Al Al Al Al A2 January. Do. Do. June. January. May. Apiil. July. January. Febniary. Do. January. April. July. June. January. November. April. November. January. July. May. January. April. January. OREGON. Albany (4,840): Alco Adjusting Bureau Chamber of Commerce Creamery Association United Buyers Ashland (4,283) : Chamber of Conmierce Astoria (14,027): Ad Club; 377 Commercial St Association of Master Plumbers, 519 Duane St Chamber of Commerce Kiwanis Club Rotary Club, 308 Savings Bank Bldg Baker (7,729): Advertising Club, Box 332 Kiwanis Club, 1906 Main St Bend (5,415): Commercial Club Merchants' Association Woman's Civic League, Box 166 Boardman: Commercial Club Coquille (1,642): Commercial Club, Box 92 Woman's Club Corvallis (5,762): Chamber of Commerce , .50 150 100 A2 Al A3 7 A2 300 Al 120 Al 7 A2 300 A1,A2, A3 80 Al 54 A4 32 A2 71 Al 250 A1,A2, A3 25 A2 60 Al 20 Al 75 Al 12 Al 350 A1,A2, A3,A4 January. Do. Do. March. Jime. January. Do. December. April. March. December. November. Do. May. November. February. April. January. 194 COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. LOG Al^-Continued . O REGON— C!ontinued . City and organization. Cottage Grove: Chamber of Commerce Dallas (2,701): Merchants' Credit Bureau (Inc.). Enterprise (1,895): Chamber of Commerce Eugene (10,593): Chamber of Commerce Forest Grove (1,915): Commercial Club Grants Pass (3,151): Chamber of Commerce Irrigation District . Woman's Club... Heppner (1,324): Commercial Club , Hermiston (655): Commercial Club , Hillsboro (2,468): Business Men's Club Hood River (3,195): Apple Growers' Association Commercial Club Klamath Falls (4,801): Merchants' Bureau Rotary Club, 645 Alameda Lebanon (1,805}: Commercial Club Woman's Civic Club McMinnville (2,767): Commercial Club , Marshfleld (4,034): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club Medford (5,756): Chamber of Commerce, 29 Ross Court Milwaukee (1,172): Commercial Club, Harrison St Newberg (2 566): Commercial Club North Bend (3,268): Chamber of Commerce, Box 240 Ontario (2,039): Commercial Club , Oregon City (5,686): Commercial Club Pendleton (7,387): Commercial Association ^ Rotary Club, 120 East Court St •. Portland (258,288): Ad Club, 308 Oregon Bldg Association of Building Owners and Managers, Northwestern Bank Bldg. Automobile Dealers' Association, 424 Henry Bldg Automotive Trades Association, Sixth and Main Sts Builders' Exchange Building Material Dealers' Credit Association, 511 Worcester Bldg. Chamber of Commerce, Umatilla and East 27th St Community Service, 519 Oregon Bldg East Side Business Men's Club, 112-115 Citizens' Bank Bldg. Equity Association, 88 East 15th St Grade Teachers' Association, 600 Hawthorne Ave Greater Portland Association, 502 Selling Bldg Industrial Traffic Club, Tru Blue Biscmt Co. Laundryowners' Association, 405 Oregon Bldg , Opera Association, 1512 Yeon Bldg , Produce Credit Association, 514 Exchange Bldg , Retail Grocers and Merchants' Association, Fitzpatrick Bldg. Typothetae, 310 Oregon Bldg , Wholasale Merchants' Association, 1025 Gas Co. Bldg , Prineville (1,144): Commercial Club Roseburg (4,381): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club Salem (17,679): Business Men's League Commercial Club Rotary Club, Hotel Marion Silverton (2,251): Community Club — The DaUes (5,807): Cooperative Union Elevator Co Retail Grocers' Association Tillamook (1,964): Chamber of Commerce Waldport (181): Community Club Num- ber of mem- bers. 120 3 150 600 100 200 92 ,000 200 35 20 25 100 150 300 30 375 50 125 100 85 570 450 56 470 30 150 200 58 3.600 150 150 60 19 60 9 250 85 200 20 100 500 81 100 42 45 Pri mary pur- Al A2 Al Al Al A1,A2, A3 Al Al Al A1,A3, A2 A1,A3 A4 Al A2 A4 Al Al Al Al A4 Al Al Al Al Al A1,A2 Al A4 Al A4 A2 A4 A4 A4 A1,A2, A3 A4 A1,A2, A3 A4 A4 A2 A3 A4 A4 A4 A2 Al A2 Al Al A4 A2 A4 A4 A1,A2 A4 A2 Al Al COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. LOCAL— Continued. PENNS.YLVANIA. 195 City and organization. Num- ber of mem- bers. Pri- mary pur- Date of an- nual meeting. AUentown (73,502): Chamber of Commerce. Clearing House Association Kiwanis Club Retail Coal Merchants' Association Rotary Club Wholesale Grocers' Association of Lehigh Valley. Altoona (60,331): Booster Association Chamber of Commerce Kiwanis Club Rotary Club Ambridge (12,730): Board of Trade Buying and Credit Association Chamber of Commerce Retail Merchants' Association Annville: Chamber of Commerce Apollo (3,227): Chamber of Commerce Archbald (8,603): Board of Trade Ardmore: Chamber of Commerce Ci\4c Association Woman's Club Arnold (6.120): Dealers' Aid Bureau Ashland (6,666): Business and Professional Men's League , Athens (4,384): Rotary Club , Avonmore (1,242): Board of Trade Bangor (5,402): B oard of Trade Roofing Slate Association Bamesboro (4,183): Chamber of Commerce , Northern Cambria Business Men's Association, Hastings, Pa . Bath (1,401): Board of Trade Beaver Falls (12,802): Advertising Club Associated Tile Manufacturers Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club, 613 Sixth Ave Bedford (2,330): Chamber of Commerce Belief onte (3,996): Associated Business Men Board of Trade Belleville: Chamber of Commerce Bellwood (2,629): Motor Club Berwick (12,181): Chamber of Commerce Bethlehem (50,358): Broad-Main Business Association Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club, 409 Main St Third Street Business Men's Association, 17 East Third St . Blairsville (4,391): Chamber of Commerce Bloomsburg (7,819) : Rotary Club Boswell (2,168): Chamber of Commerce Boyertown (3,189): Greater Boyertown Association , Braddock (20,879): Tri-Boro Chamber of Commerce Bradford (15,525): Automobile Association Board of Commerce Business Men's Association Rotary Club, 6-8 Main St , Brockwayville (2,369): Business Men's Exchange BrookviUe (3,272): Chamber of Commerce Community Club Brownsville (2,502) : Chamber of Commerce Bryn Mawr (392): Business Association Butler (23,778): Board of Commerce Rotary Club, 231 South Main St Cambridge Springs (1,663): Chamber of Commerce 920 10 116 28 136 4 65 580 108 64 200 90 84 14 100 40 224 120 70 125 52 28 13 550 48 277 84 80 125 30 400 75 ,000 117 40 100 42 30 300 500 128 44 200 65 30 150 125 600 72 168 A1,A2, A3 A4 Al A2 A4 A2 Al Al Al A4 Al A2 Al A2 Al A1,A2, A3 A4 A2 Al Al A2 Al A1,A4 A1,A2 Al A3 Al Al Al A2 A3 Al A4 Al Al Al Al Al A1,A2, A3 A1,A2 A1,A2, A3 A4,A1 A2 Al A4 Al Al Al A4 A4 A2 A4 Al Al Al Al A1,A2 Al A4 Al January. December. Do. Ap; Ma arch. April. Janvia: Decem aber. October. February. November. January. June. February. May, April. May. April. January- July. January. October. November. January. Do. March. Do. June. January. Do. Do. March. January. April. Do. March. April. January. Do. March. November. April. November. April. January. 196 COMMERCIAL ORGAITIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. LOCAL— Continued- PENNSYLVANIA— Continued. City and organization. Num- ber of mem- bers. Pri- mary pur- Carlisle (10,916): Chamber of Commerce Retail Grocers' Association Rotary Club Carnegie (11,516):' Chamber of Commerce Credit Men's Association Central City (1,051): Cliamber of Commerce.. Chambersburg (13,171): Chamber of Commerce Motor Club Rotary Club, Hotel Washington Charleroi (ll.oiti): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club, Box 104 Chester (58,030): Business Men's Association Rotary Club, 511 Welsh St Clairton f6,2G4): City Council Lions Club Clarion (2,793): Coramimity Club Claysville (1,009): Chamber of Commerce Clearfield (8,529): Commercial Club Rotary Club Columbia (10,s:5G): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club Conncautville (969): Board of Commerce ConncUsville (13,804): Chamber of Commerce. Conshohocken (s,4Sl): Chamber of Commerce Merchants' Association Corrv (7,228): Chamber of Commerce Motor Club Rotary Club Crafton (5,954): Board of Trade Cresson (2, 170): Civic Association Curwensville (2,973): Chamber of Commerce Industrial and Community Association (Inc.) Danville (6,952): Retail Merchants' Protective Association Rotary Club, 7 Bloom St Darby (7, 922): Business Association Donora (14,131): Rotary Club, Elks Club Bldg Dormont (6,455): Board of Trade, 1431 Kelton Ave., South Hill Station, Pittsburgh, Pa. Down,ingtown (4,024): Business Club Doyle'stown (3,837): Chamber of Commerce DuBois (13,681): Chamber of Commerce KiwanisClub Rotary Club Dunmore (20,250): Professional and Business Men's Club Duquesne (19,011): Board of Commerce East Pittsburgh (6,527): Board of Trade East Stroudsburg (4,855): Board of Trade Merchants' Association Easton (33,813): Board of Trade Rotary Club, Hotel Karldon Elk Lick: Salisbury Board of Trade EUwood City (8,958): Chamber of Commerce Emaus (4,370): Board of Trade Ephrata (3,735): Chamber of Commerce Erie (93,372): Builders' Exchange Chamber of Commerce 425 26 20 440 65 240 150 49 197 32 156 77 5 .50 30 35 87 53 100 44 60 300 175 40 265 100 31 112 124 25 120 31 135 18 310 20 50 227 74 63 75 200 107 72 48 525 124 83 240 35 220 150 1,200 Manufacturers' Association Motor Club Rotary Club, 16 Scott Bldg. 1,400 134 Al A2 A4 A1,A2 A2 Al A1,A2 A4 A1,A4 Al A4 A1,A2 A4 .Al Al Al A2 Al A1,A4 Al A4 Al Al A],A2, A3 A2 Al A4 A4 Al Al Al Al A2 A1,A4 Al A4 Al A4 Al Al Al A1,A4 Al Al Al Al A2 Al A4 Al Al Al A1,A2, A3 A4 A1,A2, A3 A3 A4 A4 COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. 197 LOCAL— Continued. PENNSYLVANIA— Continued. City and organization. Nmn- berof mem- bers. Pri- mary pur- pose. Date of an- nual meeting. Etna (6,341): Board of Trade. . 100 100 170 100 1,040 40 300 76 100 36 20 200 125 160 40 Al A1,A2 Al A4 A2 A4 Al Al Al A1,A4 'A2 Al Al A1,A2 Al Al Al Al A4 Al A4 A4 Al A4 Al Al A1,A2 Al A2,A3 A4 A4 Al Al A4 A2 Al A2 Al A1,A2 A2 A1,A2 A2 A1,A2, A3 Al A1,A4 A1,A2, A3 A1,A2 Al Al Al A2 A4 Al Al A4 A2,A4 A4 Al A4 Al April. January. September. Everett (1,687): Business Men's Association Farrell (15,586): Chamber of Commerce . . Motor Club Frankford: Grocers' Association February. May. FrankUn (9,970): Automobile Club, 304 West Park St Chamber of Commerce Kiwanis Club DfiOfitn npr Oil City- FrankUn TrafTic Club Do. Rotary Club April. Freedom (3,452): Business Men's Association Freeland (6,666): Community Welfare Organization December Galeton (2,969): Chamber of "Commerce Do. Gettysburg (4,439): Chamber of Commerce June. Glassport (6,959): Board of Trade February. CivicClub Glenside: Business Men's Association 75 54 59 432 476 24 300 35 300 102 17 1,000 110 1,500 150 125 368 185 38 36 24 82 40 65 500 85 75 85 40 150 55 60 27 150 25 125 23 850 35 162 104 70 29 157 Greensburg (15,033): Kiwanis Club, 132i North Main St December. Rotary Club March. Greenville (8,101): Chamber of Commerce.. . . . Do Motor Club February. April. Rotary Club, Canal St Grove City (4,944): Commercial Club Rotary Club April. January. February. Hamburg (2,764): Board of Trade.. . Dinner Club Hanover (8,664) : Merchants' Association, 17 York St Harrisburg (75,917): Chamber of Commerce October Credit Exchange... April. Do. MotorClub Rotarv Club, Box 1131 . Do Hastings (2,292): Northern Cambria Business Men's Association July. May Do. Hazleton (32,277): Chamber of Commerce. Motor Club (Inc.) Retail Merchants' Protective Association August. Herndon (650): Board of Trade Hollidaysburg (4,071): Business Men's Association. Chamber of Com TTiercp, September. Homer City (1,802): Chamber of Commerce. Homestead. (20,452): Business Men's Association December Chamber of Commerce April. Merchants' Credit Bureau Honesdale (2,756): Business Men's Association March. Chamber of Commerce.. . . April. Indiana (7,043): Rotary Club, 670 Philadelphia St Jeannette (10,627): Chamber of Commerce October. Jenkintown (3,366): Business Men's Association, 206 Walnut St December Noble Improvement Association Jersey Shore (6,103): Kiwanis Club Do. Johns onburg (5,400): Board of Trade January. Do. Johnstown (67,327): Association of Credit Men February. Automobile Dealers' Association Chamber of Commerce (Inc.) . April. Dental Study Club Merchants' Credit Bureau July. April. Rotary Club, 15 Homestead Ave Kane (7,283): Business Men's Association . . . Rotary Club Do. Kennett Square (2,398-): Board of Trade 198 COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. LOCAI^Continued. PENNSYLVANIA— Continued. City and organization. Num- ber of mem- bers. Pri- mary pur- pose. Date of an- nual meeting. Kittanning (7,153): Chamber of Commerce 450 44 40 100 2,200 1,000 50 140 65 150 100 300 125 30 80 435 50 200 30 A1,A2, 'A3 A1,A4 A1,A2, A3 Al A4 Al A4 A3 A1,A2 Al A1.A2. A3 A2 Al Al A2 Al A4 Al A2 Al A4 Al Al A4 Al Al A1,A2, A3 A2 A1,A2, A3 Al Al A2 A2 A4 Al Al A1,A2 A1,A2, A3 A4 A4 Al A4 A4 A1,A2 Al A1,A2, A3 A4 Al Al Al Al A4 Al Al Al A4 A4 A1,A2 April. Do. Rotary Club Knoxville (696) : Cliamber of Commerce January. Kutztown (2,684): Chamber of Commerce Lancaster (53,150): Automobile Club March. Chamber of Commerce Leaf Tobacco Board of Trade. January. Do. Manufacturers' Association Lanesboro (805): Susciuehanna-Oakland-Lanesboro Business Men's As- sociation, Susquehanna. Pa. Langhome (1,067): Chamber of Commerce Do. October. Lansdale (4,728): Board of Trade January. November. Lansford (9,625): Business Men's Association... . Latrobe (9,484): Woman's Civic Club Do. Rotary Club June. Lebanon (24,643): Business Men's Association December. Chamber of ComTnernp, Leechburg (3,991): AutoChib March. Chamber of Commerce May. January. February. May. Retail Merchants' Protective Association Lehighton (6,102): Board of Trade Rotary Club . . 29 Lewisburg (3,204): Business Men's Association Lewistown: Chamber of Commerce 270 55 112 151 104 200 600 92 40 26 21 100 35 June. Rotary Club May. January. Do. Lititz (3,680): Young Men's Business League Lock Haven (8,557): Business Men's Association McDonald (2,751): Chamber of Commerce July. January. McKees Rocks (16,713): Business Men's Association McKeesport (46,781): Chamber of CoTTfiTnerce.. . , May. December. Kiwanis Club Lions Club Real Estate and Insurance Exchange January. Retail Druggists' Association. Rotary Chib McVeytown (480): Chamber of Commerce August. Mahanoy City (15,599): Motor Club Mansfield (1,609): Business Men's Association 76 106 10 600 500 100 125 140 400 150 210 100 154 90 90 419 43 50 100 32 59 490 Marcus Hook (5,324): Chamber of Commerce January. Mauch Chunk (3,666): Motor Club Meadville (14,568): Auto Club, 274 Chestnut St February. Chamber of Commerce April. January. Cooperative Association . . Mechamcsburg (4,688): Business Men's League Do. Media (4,109): Business Men's Association April. Mercer (1,932): Chamber of Commerce March. Meyersdale (3,716): Chamber of Commerce January. Middletown (5,920): Automobile Club Board of Trade Do. Midland C5,452^: Community Clnb Mifflin (965): Mifflin-Mifflintown Chamlser of Commerce Mifflintbwn (1,083): Chamber of Commerce Millersburg (2,936): Motor Club (Inc.) u March. Millheim (515): Bustuess Men's Association August. Millvale (8,031): Business Men's Association 614 Patrick St March, Rose Township Board of Trade December. Milton (8,638): Chamber of Commerce. . January. Rotary Club, Center St April. Monessen (18,179): Board of Trade February. COMMERCIAL. ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. 199 LOG AL— Continued . PENNSYLVANIA— Continued. City and organization. Num- ber of mem- bers. Pri- mary pur- Date of an- nual meeting. Monongahela City (8,688): Business Men's Association Rotary Club Montgomery (1,798): Business Men's Association, Montrose (1,661): Chamber of Commerce... Morrisville (3,639): Chamber of Commerce. Mount Carmel ( 17, Retail Merchants'' Protective Association. Rotary Club, 33-35 East Third St Mount Joy (2,192): Board of Trade Mount Pleasant (5,862): Merchants' Association. Mount Union (4,744): Chamber of Commerce. . . Mountaintop: Board of Trade Muncy (2,054): Round Table Nanticoke (22,614): Kiwanis Club Nescopeck (1,638): Chamber of Commerce New Bethlehem (1,662): Board of Trade New Bris;hton (9,361): Chamber of Commerce New Castle (44,938): Board of Trade Retail Grocers' Association Rotary Clnb New Kensmgton (11,987): Kiwanis Club New Orleans: Contractors and Dealers' Exchange (Inc.). Newport (1,972): Chamber of Commerce Civic Club Newton Hamilton (400): Chamber of Commerce Newtown (1,703): Chamber of Commerce NewvUle (1,482): Chamber of Commerce Civic Club Norristown (32,319): Merchants' Association North Wales (2,041 ) : Board of Trade Northampton (9,349): Improvement Co Oakland (1,120): Snsquelmnna-Oakland-Lanesboro Business Men's As- sociation, Susquehanna, Pa. Oakmont (4,512): Verona-Oakmont Board of Trade, Verona, Pa Oil City (21,274): Chamber of Commerce , Kiwanis Club OU City-Franklin Traffic Club MotorClub Rotary Club. 402 West Second St South Side Business Men's Association Olyphant (10,236): Board of Trade Orson: Board of Trade Osceola (568): Merchants' Association Osceola Mills: Motor Club Palmerton (7,168): Board of Trade Palmyra (3,646): Auto Club...- Parkesburg (2,543): Chamber of Commerce Patton (3,628): C;3iamber of Commerce Northern Cambria Business Men's Association, Hastings, Pa Peckville: Board of Trade Perkasie (3,150): Chamber of Commerce Philadelphia (1,823,779): Allied Printing Trades Council, 514 Heed Bldg Association of Credit Men, 1011 Chestnut St Association of Electrical Contractors and Dealers, 1518 Sansom St. Association of Industrial Medicine, 2018 North 22d St Association of Retail Druggists, 1500 Mount Vernon St Association of Wholesale Jewelers, corner Ninth and Sansom Sts .. Automobile Club, 23 South 23d St Automobile Trade Association Board of Trade, 258 The Bourse Board of Trade of the Twenty-first Ward, 364 Lyceum Bldg Boot and Shoe Manufacturers' Association Bourse, 226 The Bourse Builders' Exchange and Employers' Association, 1716 Arch St :^uilders' Supply Association, 27tli and Bainbridge Sts 75 125 125 78 61 50 250 250 650 29 98 80 85 64 15 163 135 225 50 240 65 220 300 79 100 300 52 37 120 65 125 70 1,025 70 72 900 30 1,870 200 2,700 300 20 3,325 400 50 A2 A1,A4 A1.A2, A3 Al A4 A1,A2 A4 A1,A2, A3 A2 A1,A3 Al Al Al Al A1,A2, A3 Al Al A2 A1,A4 Al A4 Al Al Al Al Al Al A2 A1,A2, A3 Al A1,A2 A1,A2, . A3 Al Al Al Al A4 A2 Al Al A2 A4 A1,A2 A4 Al Al Al Al Al A4 A4 A2 A4 A2 A3 A4 Al Al Al A3 A1,A4 A4 A2 October. April. July. March. September. April. January. June. November. April. December. June. April. December. February. April. January. June. February. January. Do. Do. March. October. December. Do. February. May. December. AprU. January. Do. AprU. July. January. December. April. January. Do. Do. June. March. January. December. May. Do. September. 200 COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. LOCAL— Continued. PENNSYLVANIA— Continued. City and organization. Num- ber of mem- bers. Pri- mary pur- pose. Date of an- nual meeting. Philadelphia— Continued . Business Men's Association of Germantown, 5678 Morton St 600 12 5.000 125 33 56 155 412 A2 Al Al A2 A4 A3 A2 A4 A4 A4 A4 A4 A4 Al Al A4 A4 A4 A3 A4 A2 A2 A2 A2 A4 A4 A3 A3 A2,A3 A4 A3 A3 A3 A4 A1,A2 A1,A3 A4 A4 A4 A4 A4 A4 A3 A2 A2 A4 A3,A4 A3 A2 A2 Al A4 A4 A4 A2,A3 A2 A2 A4 A3 A4 A2 A4 A4 A3 Al A2 A2 A2 A4 A4 A2 A2 A3 A4 January. Do. Cement and Asphalt Mastic Contractors' Association, 2622 Parrish St.. . Chamber of Commerce, 12th and Walnut Sts Cigar and Tobacco Merchants' Association, Box 916 Do. Clearing House Association, 313 Chestnut St .... Do. Clothing Manufacturers' Association (Inc.), 507 Hevman Bldg Coal Exchange, 206 Colonial Trust Bldg .... " December. Do. Commercial Exchange, Bourse Bldg January. Commercial Museiun, 34th St. below Spnice Do. Confectioners' Association, 274 North Fourth St 51 60 60 40,000 100 1,974 700 200 February. December. Contracfors' Association, 638 Commercial Tnist Bldg Cotton Yarn Merchants' Association, 226 Chestnut St Do. Council of Associated Building Trades, 1924 Spring Garden St Dnig Pvxchange, Bourse Bldg January. Engineers' Club, 1367 Spruce St . . . . May. Fire Insurance Societv, 427 Walnut St January. Fire Underwriters' Association, 131 South Foiu"th St November. Foundrvmen's Association (Inc ), Nicetown Lane and D St J'till Fashioned Hosiery Manufacturers' Association, 32 South Broad St Funeral Directors' Association, Third and Pine Sts "■"i28' 37 125 80 28 22 109 52 60 .500 9,662 40 22 33 142 230 40 14 400 90 45 66 668 20 25 35 13 February. Furniture and Bedding Manufacturers' Association, 239 North Water St. Grocers and Importers' Exchange, 201 North Second St January. Hardware Merchants and Manufacturers' Association, 505 Arch St Do^ May. Hotel Asso(!iation, 1 22 South 13th St January. December. Institution of Ojierati vo Engineers, 304 New St Iron Le^igue, 1712 Ludlow St October. Jobbing Confofl ionors' Association, 1626 Arch St March. Keystone Aufoniobile Club, Hotel Adelphia October. Knitted Outerwear Manufacturers' Association, 307 Bailey Bldg Lager Beer Ass(x;iation, 505 Chastnut St Laundryownors' Exchange 401 North American Bldg January. June. Lumbermen's Exciiango, 301 Crozer Bldg AprU. March. Manavtmk Business Men's Asscx'iation Manufacturers' Associat ion of Cabinet Workers, 682 Drexel Bldg Manufacturing Photo Engravers' Association, 1218 Chestnut St Maritime Exchange, The Bourse January. February. April. Master Carpenters and 13uiiders' Club, 1716 Arch St January. March. ^m January. 1 Do. J Do. 1 Do. 1 September.' December. January. , ■ December,! March. 1 November.' May. March. April. March. May. Do. December. Novemb3r. February. January. Do. December. November. March. January. October. March. February. Master Dyers' Association West Moreland and C Sts Master House Painters and Decorators' Association, 1716 Arch St Master Plumbers' Association, 78S North 26th St Master Stone Cutters' Association (Inc ). 2302 Spruce St Merchandise Brokers' Association, 1001 Chestnut St Merchant Tailors' Exchange, 1011 Chestnut St Metal Club 505 Arch St .... Metal Mannfftrtnrers' A<;<;nriatinn SflSChp^tnnt. Rt Milk Exchange, 1537 "North 23d St 45 437 189 7 60 65 7 22 39 25 24 242 80 1,350 15 129 75 240 1,493 1,494 260 63 North Philadelphia Realty Board, 3313 North Broad St Northeast Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce OU Trade Association, 110 Race St '. Operative Builders' Association C03 West End Trust Bldg Paint and Varnish Superintendents' Club, Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Paper Stock Dealers' Association , 30 South Marshall St Paper Trade Association, 28 North Sixth St PemamClub.. . Photographic Society, 1615 Sansom St Physicians' Motor Club, 114 South 19th St Piano Trade Association, 1108 Chestnut St Produce Exchange Real Estate Board 1214 Locust St Retail Grocers' Association, 7 Wahiut St Retail Lumbermen's Association, 2500 South St Rotary Club 506 Bulletin Bldg Rubber Association, 1021 Filbert St 40 40 100 11 125 Save the Surface Dealers' Association 12th and Morris Sts Shirt Manufacturers' Association, 505 Arch St Shoe Travelers' Association, 92a Chestnut St 7 Number of organizations. COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. 201 LOCAL— Continued . PENNSYLVANIA— Continued. City and organization. Num- ber of mem- bers. Pri- mary pur- pose. Date of an- nual meeting. Philadelphia— Continued . Society of Municipal Engineers of Philadelphia Society of Optometrists, 1809 Spring Garden St Stationers' Association, 607 Chestnut St Stock Exchange Clearing House, 1411 Walnut St Suburban Underwriters' Association Textile Manufacturers' Association, 2706 Germantown Ave Tile and Mantel Contractors' Association, 151 North 16th St Traffic Club, The Bourse Typothetae, 925 Walnut St - United Business Men's Association, 505 Bunton St United Clothing Contractors, 1216 McKean St United Upholstery Manufacturers' Association, Fourth and Cambria Sts. Vessel Owners and Captains' Association, 507 BuUitt Bldg Wholesale Coal Trade Association, North American Bldg Wholesale Fish Dealers' Protective Association, Delaware Ave. and Dock St. Wholesale Grocers' Sales Company, Room 306, Insurance Exchange Bldg. Wholesale Lumber Dealers' Association, Crozer Bldg Wholesale Oystermen's Association, 301 South Front St Wool and Textile Association (Inc.), Third and Jackson Sts Worsted Spinners' Association, 54th and Poplar Sts PhiUpsburg (3,900): Commercial Club.. Rotary Club Phoenixville (10,484): Merchants' Association Pittsburgh (588,343): Association of Credit Men Automobile Club, 5905 Baum St Automotive Association (Inc.), Baum Block and Beatty St Board of Trade, 7512 KeUy St Brookline Board of Trade, 1057 Brookline Boulevard Brushton Board of Trade Builders' Exchange, 207 Fulton Bldg Butter and Egg Exchange, Wabash Bldg Chambgf of Commerce Coal Operators' Association of the Thick Vein Freeport Seam of Penn- sylvania, 435 Sixth Ave. Coal Producers' Association, Farmers' Bank Bldg Eighteenth War Board of Trade, 400 Sylvania St Employers' Association. 1636 Oliver Bldg Fineview Board of Trade Foundrymen's Association, 1001 Bessemer Bldg Grain and Hay Exchange, 26 Grant Ave Greenfield Board of Trade, 529 Greenfield Ave Homewood-Brushton Board of Trade, 7140 Upland St Lawrenceville Board of Trade, 431 Fifth Ave Manufacturers' Associated Agents, 609 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. . Newspaper Publishers' Association, 508 Farmers' Bank Bldg North Side Chamber of Commerce, 511 Berger Bldg Oakland Board of Trade, Fitzsimons' Bldg Produce Credit Association, 18th and Penn Ave Purchasing Agents' Association, 2206 First National Bank Bldg Railway Club, 515 Grandview Ave Real Estate Board, 309 Fourth Ave Retail Hardware Dealers' Association, 3809 Fifth Ave Retail Grocers' Association, 120 First Ave Retail Merchants' Association, 506 Commonwealth Bldg South Pittsburgh Board of Trade. 1411 Carson St Squirrel Hill Board of Trade, Forbes St. and Murray Ave Stationers' Club Tile and Mantel Contractors' Association, 228 Third Ave Typothetae, 242 Diamond St Uptown Board of Trade, 900 Union Arcade Wholesale Coal Association. 928 Oliver Bldg Wholesale Lumber Dealers* Association, Keenan Bldg Wholesalers' Credit Association, 821 Penn Ave Pittston (18,497): Greater Pittston Chamber of Commerce Merchants' Association Rotary Club Pleasantville (191): Motor Association 8 Number of organizations. 500 125 67 220 236 814 15 400 250 8 60 75 12 120 18 57 15 150 17 72 25 75 1,000 1,550 1,700 400 100 460 50 5,332 13 45 1,150 400 150 127 650 345 7 225 198 67 245 1,140 363 160 768 13 300 600 7 15 65 175 43 29 108 250 101 43 165 A4 A4 A2 A4 A4 A3 A4 A4 A4 Al A3 A4 A4 A4 A2 A4 A2 A2 A4 A3 Al A1,A4 A1,A2 A3 A4 A2 Al, A2, A3 Al Al A4 A2 Al A4 A4 A1,A2 A3 Al A4 A4 Al Al Al A4 A4 Al A1,A2 A4 A4 A4 Al A2 A2 A2 A1,A2 Al A2 A2 A4 Al A2 A2 A3 A1,A2 A2 A4 Al June. May. October. January. October. April. February. May. January. March. January. December. January. Septeniber. November. January. April. September. February. May. December, Do. January. February. May. December. January. Do. February. May. June. January. December. Do. February. May. January. May. November. October. December. Do. January. August. December. January. December. May. January. November. March. Do. February. January. March. Do. M. 202 COMMERCIAL. ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. LOCAL — Continued. PENNSYLVANIA— Continued. City and organization. Num- ber of mem- bers. Pri- mary pur- Plymouth (16,500): Greater Plymouth Chamber of Commerce. Port Allegany (2,662): Board of Trade Portage (4,804): Chamber of Commerce Pottstown (17,431): Business Men's Association Commercial League, 22-24 High St Rotary Club Pottsville (21,S76): Chamber of Commerce Commercial Club KiwanLsClub Merchants' Association Rotary Club, 202 South Center Rt Prospect (2,536): Prospect and Vicinity Board of Trade. Pimxsutawney (10,311): Auto Chib Business Men's Association Quakertown (4,391): Chamber of Commerce Reading (107,784): Automobile Club, 136 Clymer St Chamber of Commerce Contractors and Builders' Exchange, 304 North Fifth St.... Federalod Trades Council Rotary Chib, 1 (m North Front St Renovo (0,877): Business Men's Association Revnoldsville (4,1 16) : Chamber of Commerce RidjT^vay (6,037): Retail Merchants' Association Rochester (6,957): KiwanisClub Rotary Ciub Rockwood (1 ,362): Community Club Royersford (3,278): Business Men's Association, 27 Second Ave. St. Marys (6,967): Chamber of Commerce St. Marys Boosters Sandy Lake (645) : Community Club Sayre (8,078): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club Schuylkill Haven (5,437): P^ish and Game Association Manufacturers' Association, Main St Scottdale (5,768): Rotary Club Scranton (137,783): Anthracite Typothetae Board of Trade Builders' Exchange, 515 Board of Trade Bldg.... Building Association^ 235 Arthur Ave Commercial Association , 501 Mears Bldg Rotary Club, 1638 Adams Ave Sellersville (1,739): Board of Trade Sewickley (4,955): Sewickley Valley Board of Trade. Shamokin (21,204): Motor Club Sharon (21,747): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club, South Irvine Ave Sharpsburg (8,921 ) : Commercial Club Sharps ville (4,674): Improvement Association Shenandoah (24,726): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club Shippensburg (4,372): Board of Trade Motor Club Shippensburg Club Sinking Spring (1,270): Board of Trade Slatington (4,014): Civic Association Slippery Rock (826) : Chamber of Commerce Smethport (1,568): Conopus Club Somerset (3,121): Chamber of Commerce South Greensburg (2,188): City Improvement Association . Springdale (2,929): Chamber of Commerce , , 301 212 2, 175 1,500 50 50 327 100 67 10 56 225 10 30 50 750 105 2,000 75 169 50 75 300 500 53 100 138 24 100 70 90 300 74 42 360 800 153 Al Al Al A1,A2 A1,A3 A4 A1,A2, A3,A4 Al Al Al A1,A4 Al A4 Al Al A4 A1,A2, A3 A4 Al A4 Al A2,A3 A1,A2 Al A4 Al Al A1,A2, A3 A4 Al Al A4 A4 A3 A4 A4 Al Al A4 A1,A2 A4 Al A1,A2 A4 Al A4 Al Al Al A4 Al A4 Al A1,A2, A3 Al Al Al Al Al Al COMMERCIAL. ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. 203 LOCAL— Continued. PENNSYLVANIA— Continued. City and organization. Num- ber of bers. Pri- mary pur- pose. Date of an- nual meeting. State College (2.405): Chamber of Commerce Steelton (13,428): Municipal League Stoneboro (1,405): Chamber of Commerce Stroudsburg (5,278): Chamber of Commerce Merchants' Association, 589 Main St Rotary Club Sunbury (15,721): Chamber of Commerce , Civic Club Kiwanis Club Rotary Club Susquehanna (3,764): Susquehanna-Oakland-Lanesboro Business Men's Association. Swarthmore (2,350): Business Association Sykesville (2,507) : Improvement Association Tamaqua (12,363): Rotary Club , Tarentum (8,925): Business Men's Association (Inc.) , TitusviUe (8,432): Chamber of Commerce Merchants' Protective Association Motor Club Rotary Club, East Main St , Towanda (4,269): Rotary Club, 401 Main St , Troy (1,419): Business Men's Club , Turtle Creek (8,138): Board of Trade and Public Welfare Tyrone (9,084): Chamber of Commerce, Municipal Bldg Union City (3,850): Golden Rule Advertsiing Club , Uniondale (370) : Motor Club ; , Vandergrift (9,351): Chamber of Commerce, 109 Grant Ave , Verona (3,938) : Verona-Oakmont Board of Trade Warren (14,272): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club Washington (21,480): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club, 520 Washington Trust Bldg. Washington Crossing: Chamber of Commerce. Waynesboro (9,720): Advertising Club Chamber of Commerce Manufacturers' Association Motor Club Rotary Club, 19 North Church St Wellsboro (3,452): Chamber of Commerce Wemersville (797): Cliamber of Commerce West Chester (11,717): Board of Trade Rotary Club West Grove ( 1 , 152) : Board of Trade West Newton (2,645): Board of Trade White Haven (1,402): Industrial Committee Wilkes-Barre (73,833): Greater Wilkes-Barre Chamber of Commerce Wilkinsburg (24,403): Automobile Cluo (Inc.) Business Men's Association WiUiamsport (36,198): Board of Trade Business and Professional Woman's Club Civic Club Community Service (Inc.) Kiwanis Club Lycoming Automobile Club Merctiants' Credit Association Retail Merchants' Association Rotary Club WiUiamsport Foundation Wind Gap (1,133): Board ofTrade Woodlawn (12.495): Automobile Club Kiwanis Club Rotary Club, 383 Franklin Ave Yardley (1,262): Chamber of Commerce , , 200 150 50 140 110 42 400 75 67 65 90 140 32 209 80 200 31 43 60 175 200 60 40 75 200 200 400 60 50 65 351 10 102 41 200 65 114 43 36 192 62 1,004 300 100 300 361 900 120 150 207 78 98 5 76 115 42 36 70 Al Al Al Al A2 Al Al Al A2,A3 A4 A1,A2 A1,A2 Al A4 Al Al A1,A2 A4 A4 A1,A4 Al Al Al A2 A4 A1,A2 A1,A2, A3 A1,A2, A3 A1,A4 Al A4 Al A2 Al A1,A3 Al A4 Al A1,A2, A3 Al A4 Al Al Al Al A4 A2 Al A4 Al A4 Al A4 A2 A1,A2 A1,A4 ■Al Al A4 A4 A4 Al October. Do. February. January AprU. November. December. April. January. February. March. June. April. Do. January. November. April. January. March. Do. June. October. March. January. May. March. January. February. December. April. January. Do. December. Jime. April. May. Do. January. October. April. January. Do. Do. May. June, 204 COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. LOCAL— Continued. PENNSYLVANIA— Continued. City and organization. York (47,512): Chamber of Commerce Engmeering Society Iviwanis Club Lions Club Manufacturers' Association TlTT. Motor Club Rotary Club Traffic Club YoimgsviUe (1,611): Business Men's Association Zelienople (1,870): Business Men's Protective Association Num- Pri- ber of mary mem- pur- bers. pose. 1,050 Al 143 A4 100 Al 47 Al 125 A3 230 A4 105 A4 200 A3 30 A2 35 A2 PORTO RICO. Ponce (71,426): Rotary Club, Hotel Frances. RHODE ISLAND. Bristol (11,375): Chamber of Commerce East Greenwich (3,290): Chamber of Commerce Newport (30,255): Chamber of Commerce, 140 Thomas St Pawtucket (64,248): Business Men's Association, 188 Main St Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club, 119 Cottage St Providence (237,.')95): Association of Credit Men, 83 Weybosset St Builders and Traders' Exchange, 75 Westminster St Building, Sanitary and Educational Association, 938 Hospital Trust Bldg. Chamber of Commerce, Box 1337 City Club^ 15 Greene St Commercial Club, 17 Custom House St Cotton Buyers' Association, 4 Market Square Economic Club Engineering Society, Box 796 Fniit and Produce Exchange Kiwanis Club, 004 Angell St Master Plumbers' Association, 333 Westminster St OLney\'ille Business Men's Association. 218 Webster Ave Real Estate Exchange, 10 Weybasset St Retail Credit Men's Association Retail Grocers' and Marketmen's Association, 309 Friendship St Rotary Club. 75 Westminster St Wakefield (5,181): South lOngstown Board of Trade, 179 Main St.. Warren (7,841): Merchants' Association Westerly (;9,952): Board of Trade Granite Manufacturers and Quarry Owners' Association Woonsocket (43,496): Chamber of Commerce (Inc.) Chambre de Commerce de Social (Inc.) Kiwanis Club 200 A1,A2 180 A1,A2 A3 550 Al 385 Al 700 Al 70 A1,A4 370 A3 110 Al 54 Al 2,400 A1,A4 75 A1,A4 100 Al 20 A4 400 A4 1,000 A4 10 A4 86 Al 48 A4 270 Al 107 A4 31 A2 100 A2 124 A4 50 Al 50 A2 218 Al 15 A3 700 Al 210 Al 75 Al SOUTH CAROLINA. Aiken (4,103): Chamber of Commerce. Anderson (10,570): Chamber of Commerce Yoimg Men's Business League. Batesburg (2,848): Board of Trade. Beaufort (2,831): Chamber of Commerce (Inc.) , Truck Growers' Association Bennettsville (3,197): Chamber of Commerce. COMMERCIAL OEGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. 205 LOCAI^-Continued. SOUTH CAROLINA— Continued. City and organization. Num- ber of mem- Pri- mary pur- pose. Date of an- nual meeting. Charleston (67,957): Automotive Trades Association. 253 Meeting St. Chamber of Commerce, 50 Broad St Cotton Exchange Rotary Club, 309 Meeting St Young Men's Board of Trade, 253 Meeting St . Chester (5,577): Chamber of Commerce (Inc.) Clinton (3,767): Advertising Club Civic Improvement Association Commercial Club Columbia (37,524): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club, 1224 Main St Wholesalers' Credit Association. Conway (1,969): Chamber of Commerce Darlington (4,669): Kiwanis Club Easley (3,568): Chamber of Commerce Florence (10,968): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club, 45 West Evans St Gaffney (5,065): Chamber of Commerce and Agriciilture . Georgetown (4,579): Chamber of Commerce Greenville (23,127): Chamber of Commerce Kiwanis Club Rotary Club Typothetae Greenwood (8,703): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club, Commercial Bank Bldg. Greer (2,292): Chamber of Commerce Laurens (4,629): Business League. Marion (3,892): Chamber of Commerce. . Mullins (2,379): Chamber of Commerce. Newberry (5,894): Chamber of Commerce Cotton Holding Corporation Rotary Club Orangeburg (7,290): Chamber of Commerce , Clearing House Association Rotary Club Young Men's Business League Rock Hill (8,809): Chamber of Commerce St. Matthews (1,780): Chamber of Commerce. . Spartanburg (22,638): Chamber of Commerce. Summerville (2,550): Chamber of Commerce. . Sumter (9,508): Rotary Club Yoimg Men's Business League Union (6,141): Yovmg Men's Business League. Yorkville (2,731): Bustaess Men's League 268 900 90 75 750 88 25 106 81 72 120 46 165 76 ,200 99 74 6 327 41 110 120 85 400 250 28 5 50 60 400 50 1,000 42 55 100 165 100 A2 A1,A2. A3 A4 A4 Al Al A4 Al Al A1,A2 A3 A4 A2 Al A1,A4 Al Al A1,A4 Al Al Al Al A4 A4 A1,A2, A3 A4 A1,A2, A3 A1,A2, A3 Al A1,A2 Al A4 A4 Al A4 A4 Al, A2, A3 Al Al Al, A2, A3 Al A4 Al Al Al November. January. September* April. May. April. September. November. Do. December. October. February. August. June. April. September. April. November. June. May. March. April. March. December. Do. July. April. August. June. April. January. Do. December. February. May. April. August. February. SOUTH DAKOTA. Aberdeen (14,537): Commerce Association Commercial Club Employers' Association Merchants' Association Tacoma Park Association Beresford (1,519): Commercial Club.. . , Brookings (3,924): Associated Retailers Commercial Club , Rotary Club Canton (2,225): Chamber of Commerce, 41162°— 23 14 75 A3 347 A1,A3 200 A4 110 A2 600 Al 80 Al 27 A2 165 Al 33 A1,A4 145 Al June. May. January. Do. Do. September. January. April. October. 206 COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIOl^S OF THE TJITITED STATES. LOCAL— Continued. SOUTH DAKOTA— Continued. City and organization. Chamberlain (1,303): Chamber of Commerce Retail Merchants' Association. Clark (1,392): Commercial Club DeSmet (1,035): Commercial Club. Deadwood (2,403): Business Club.. Dell Rapids (1,677): Commercial Club. Fruitdale (40): Commercial Club Gregory (1,067): Commercial Club Hot Sprmgs (2,141): Civic Club Commercial Club Huron (8,302): Commercial Club Rotary Club, 417 Dakota Ave Ipswich (909): Commercial Club Kimball (993): Chamber of Commerce. . Lead (5,013): Commercial Club Madison (4,144): Commercial Club Merchants' Association Miller (1,478): Commercial Club Mitchell (8,478): Chamber of Commerce. Mobridge (3,517): Commercial Club NewaU (414) : Commercial Club Nislaud ( 173) : Commercial Club Parker (1,2SS): Commercial Club Pierre (3,209): Commercial Club Platte (1.242): Commercial Club Rapid City (5 777): Associated Retailers Commercial Club Rotary Club, 820 South St Redfield (2,755): Business Women's Club Commercial Club Sioux Falls (25,202): Associated Retailers Chamber of Commerce Live Stock Exchange Milk Producers' Association Real Estate Board Sturgis (1,250): Commercial Club Timmonsville: Advertising Club.... Tyndall (1,405): Commercial Club... Vermillion (2,590): Commercial Club . Watertown (9,400): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club, 815 Second Ave. SE Webster (1,800): Commercial Club Wessington Springs (728): Commercial Club Merchants' Association ;..- White Lake (GIO): Cooperative Creamery Association. Winner (2 ,000) : Commercial Club Woonsocket (1,368): Commercial Club Yankton (5,024): Chamber of Commerce Credit Association - TENNESSEE. Num- ber of mem- bers. 250 25 100 185 100 450 96 150 100 52 92 343 65 75 30 100 135 60 82 150 34 50 100 141 1,300 73 80 20 60 40 85 150 600 200 78 50 250 150 40 150 75 Pri- mary pur- Al A2 Al Al Al, A2, A3 Al A2 Al Al Al Al A4 Al Al A1,A2 Al A2 Al Al Al, A2, A3 Al A1,A2 A1,A2 Al Al A2 Al A4 A4 A1,A2 A2 Al A4 A4 A4 Al A1,A2 Al Al Al, A2, A3 A4 Al Al A2 A4 Al Al Al A2 Athens (2,580): KiwanisClub Bristol (8,047): Association of Credit Men Chamber of Commerce Civitan Club Kiwanis Club Retail Merchants' Association Rot a ry Club .-■•••■• Brownsville (3,062): Berry and Truck Growers' Association 50 Al 70 A2 476 Al 35 Al 98 Al 85 A2 69 123 A4 COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. 207 LOCAL— Continued. TENNESSEE— Continued. City and organization. Num- ber of mem- bers. Pri- mary pur- pose. Date of an- nual meeting. Chattanooga (57,895): Associated General Contractors Automobile Club, Hotel Patten , Automotive Trades Association, 504 First National Bank Bldg. Chamber of Commerce, James Bldg Jobbers and Wholesale Dealers' Association, Hamilton National Bank Bldg. Manufacturers' Association Retail Credit Men's Association, Station A, Box 103 Retail Grocers' Association, 1613 Karby Ave Retail Merchants' Association Rotary Club, 1010 James Bldg Clarksville (8,110): Advertising Club , Automobile Dealers' Association Chamber of Commerce Kiwanis Club , Retail Credit Men's Association , Rotary Club Tobacco Board of Trade , Cleveland (6,522): Kiwanis Club CookevilleV2,395): Lions Club Upper Cumberland Dental Society , Covington (3,410): Business Men's Club Dickson (2,263): Chamber of Commerce Lions Club Dyersburg (6,444): Chamber of Conmierce Lions Club Strawberry and Vegetable Growers' Association Elizabethton (2,749): Chamber of Commerce Erwin (2,965): Kiwanis Club Etowah (2,516): Retail Credit Men's Association Franklin (3,123): Kiwanis Club Gallatin (2,757): Community Club Greenville (3,775) : Burley Association Harriman (4,019): Civitan Club Rotary Club. Humboldt (3,913): Chamber of Commerce Jackson (18,860): Association of Commerce Rotary Club Jellico (1,878): Kiwanis Club Johnson City (12,442): Chamber of Commerce Kiwanis Club, 315 Roan St Merchants' Credit Association Rotary Club Elngsport (5,692) : Business Men's Club (Inc.) Ejioxville (77,818): Automobile Club Automotive Dealers' Association, Box 1114 Board o f Commerce Commercial Club Drug Club ,914 West Fifth Ave Lumbermen' s Club Retail Credit Men's Association, 307 Empire Bldg. Typothetae, Empire Bldg Lebanon (4,084): Rotary Club McKenzie ( 1 ,630) : Chamber of Commerce McMinnviUe (2,814): Rotary Club , Martin (2,837): Chamber of Commerce Maryville (3,739): Mary ville-Alcoa Chamber of Commerce Maryville-Alcoa Kiwanis Club Memphis (162,351): Associated Retailers Automobile Dealers' Association, 603 Monroe Ave. Builders' Exchange Chamber of Commerce Cotton Exchange, 70 Union Ave Employers' Association (Inc.) 11 500 42 64 130 110 44 44 114 125 7 200 65 38 41 30 55 35 7 250 120 24 56 60 5 50 55 30 59 75 400 20 43 200 170 70 66 236 81 50 63 100 640 36 1,000 20 40 180 18 38 115 20 270 70 21 175 2,216 175 60 A4 Al A2 Al, A2, A3 A2,A3 A3 A2 A2 A2 A4 A2 A2 Al Al A2 A4 Al Al Al A4 Al Al Al Al Al Al Al, A2, A3 Al A2 Al Al Al Al A4 Al Al A4 Al A4 Al A2 A4 Al A4 A2 Al A3 A2 A4 A2 A4 A4 Al A1,A4 Al Al Al A2 A2 A4 Al A4 A4 December. October. May. March. Do. October. January. Do. Do. May. December. May. January. June. Do. April. January. Do. March, January. Do. February. March. January. December. February. January. April. February. December. May. January. March. May. March. May. December. February. January. April. December. April. September. April. January. April. January. June. 208 COMMERCIAL. OKGA]S'IZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. LOCAL — Continued. TENNESSEE— Continued. City and organization. Num- ber of mem- bers. Pri- mary pur- Memphis— Continued. Engineers' Club, 622 Goodwyn Instttute General Contractors' Association, Builders' Exchange Bldg Grain and Hay Association Merchants' Exchange Real Estate Assoc-iation, Chamber of Commerce Bldg Retail Credit Men's Association, 506 Bank of Commerce Bldg Retail Grocers and Butchers' Association, 139 Beale St Morrison (271 ) : Chamber of Conmierce Morristown (5,875): Kiwanis Club Rotary Club Mount Pleasant (2,093): Commercial Club Murfreesboro (5,367): Commercial Club Kiwanis Club Rotary Club Stones River Fruit Growers' Association Nash \411e (118,342): Associated Retail Credit Men, 302 Chamber of Commerce Bldg Associated Retailers, 302 Chamber of Commerce Bldg Association of Credit Men, 326 Stahlman Bldg Association of Master Plumbers, 101 16th Ave. South Automobile Club Automobile Trade Association, 717 Fourth Ave. and First National Bank. Board of Fire Underwriters, 607 Stahlman Bldg Chamber of Commerce, 309 Fourth Ave, North Clearing House, 312 Third Ave. North Contractors' Association, 313 Chamber of Commerce Bldg Engineering Association Funeral Directors' Association General Contractors' Association, 86 Arcade Grain P^xchange Jobbers and Manufacturers' Association, Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Junior Chamber of Commerce Legal Aid Bureau, Stahlman Bldg Lumbermen 's Club Merchants' Transportation Association. Chamber of Commerce Bldg. . Paint, Oil and Glass Club, 200 Third Ave. North Press Club, Box 53 Printers' Club Pure-Bred Poultry Association, 1501 Stratton Ave Real Estate Board, 418 Union St Retail Credit Bureau, 302 Chamber of Commerce Bldg Retail Furniture Dealers' Association Traffic Bureau Newport (2,753) : Kiwanis Club Paris (4,730): Chamber of Commerce , Live Stock Shipping Association , Rotary Club , Sweet Potato Growers' Association , Pulaski (2,780): Chamber of Commerce , Exchange Club. Rockwood (4,652): Chamber of Commerce. Roversford: Busmess Men's Association. . . Shelbyville (2,912): Lions Club Rotary Club Sparta (1,517): Retail Merchants' Association. Springfield (3,860): Bachelor Club Commercial Club Kiwanis Club Sweetwater (1,972): Kiwanis Club . TuUahoma (3,479): Chamber of Commerce Union City (4,412): Lions Club Winchester (2,203): Chamber of Commerce 20 50 275 175 335 130 245 70 119 1,800 55 7 33 126 7 11 50 40 725 22 100 26 230 18 150 60 138 1,000 26 95 65 40 31 25 75 200 51 50 130 43 A4 A4 A4 A4 Al A2 A2 A4 Al A1,A4 Al Al Al A4 A4 A2 A2 A3 A4 A4 A2 A4 Al, A2, A3 A4 Al Al A2 Al A4 A4 Al A4 A3 A2 A2 A4 A4 A4 Al A2 A2 A4 Al A1,A2 A4 A4 A4 A1,A2 Al Al Al Al A1,A4 A1,A2 A4 Al Al Al Al Al Al COMMERCIAL, ORGAKIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. 209 LOCAL — Continued. TEXAS. City and organization. Num- ber of mem- bers. Pri- mary pur- pose. Date of an- nual meeting. Abilene (10,274): Chamber of Commerce Kiwanis Club Lions Club, care of Simmons College Merchants' Association Alice (1,880): Retail Merchants' Association Alpine (931): Retail Merchants' Association Amarillo (15,494): Business Men's Association Jobbers and Manufacturers' Association (Inc.). Panhandle Press Association Rotary Club, 301 Taylor St Arlington (3,031): Chamber of Commerce Athens (3,176): Chamber of Commerce Atlanta (1,469): Chamber of Commerce Austin (34,876): Association of Credit Men (Inc.) Chamber of Commerce Open Shop Association Retail Merchants' Association Rotary Club, 610 Guadalupe St Technical Club Ballineer (1,902): Colorado Valley Irrigation Association Retail Merchants' Association Young Men's Business League Bartlett (490) : Retail Merchants' Association Bay City (3,454): Chamber of Commerce Retail Merchants' Association Beaumont (40,422): Chamber of Commerce Dairymen's Association ' Fire Insurance Exchange Retail Merchants' Association, 245i Crockett St. Rotary Club Yoimg Men's Business League BeeviUe (3,063): Rotary Club Young Men's Progressive League BeUville: Retail Merchants' Association Belton (5098): Retail Merchants' Association Rotary Club Young Men's Chamber of Commerce Big Spring (4,273): Chamber of Commerce Bonham (6,008): Board of Trade .w^i.^S-"' vf ••-• Retail Merchants' Association '.'i';? }9Ji\J'S. WJV. Rotary Club. Bowie (3,179): Chamber of Commerce Retail Merchants' Association Brady (2, 197): Chamber of Commerce. Breckenridge (1,846): Chamber of Commerce Woman's Civic League Brenham (5,066): Chamber of Commerce Retail Merchants' Association Rotary Club Brownsville (11,791): Chamber of Commerce Merchants' Association Rotary Club Brownwood (8,223): Chamber of Commerce. . Bryan (6,307): Chamber of Commerce Retail Merchants' Association Rotary Club Burkbumett (5,300): Chamber of Commerce. Burnet (966): Retail Merchants' Association. Cameron (4,298): Commercial Club Retail Merchants' Association Canadian (2,187): Chamber of Commerce 400 50 57 75 32 32 180 65 100 86 50 208 50 30 500 17 150 40 1,200 23 20 82 160 400 100 17 30 33 125 200 200 60 50 100 42 100 400 60 165 500 80 39 631 35 42 275 34 250 35 110 Al Al Al A2 A2 A2 A2 A1,A3, A4 A4 A4 Al Al Al 25 600 A2 Al 400 A4 250 A2 135 A4 30 Al A4 A2 Al A2 A1,A2 A2 Al A2 A2 Al, A2 A4 Al A4 Al A2 A2 A4 Al Al A2 A2 A4 Al A2 A2 Al Al Al A2 A1,A4 Al A2 A1,A4 Al Al A2 A1,A2 Al A2 Al A2 Al AprU. May. Do. January. July. April. Do. May. April. June. January. May. January. April. March. December. October. September. March. July. January. Do. May. March. April. March. Do. January. September, December. July. November. January. July. May. June. April. Do. November. January. Do. May. January. March. December. January. 210 COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. LOCAI^Continued. TEXAS— Continued. 1 City and organization. Num- ber of mem- bers. Pri- mary pur- pose. Date of an- nual meeting. Carthage (1,366): Retail Merchants' Association 20 265 160 80 37 120 185 32 100 40 28 500 28 85 60 110 53 100 55 130 30 36 26 35 80 391 348 110 56 47 215 35 225 900 56 150 2,000 7 170 47 480 1,000 50 231 180 165 35 130 280 150 214 85 40 40 A2 Al Al A2 A1,A4 A2 A1,A2, A3,A4 A4 Al A2 A4 Al Al A2 A4 A1,A3 A4 Al A2 Al A4 A3,A4 A1,A2 Al A2 Al Al A2 A1,A4 'ai Al A4 Al A4 A2 A2, A4 Al A4 A4 A4 A2 Al A4 A4 Al A4 A4 Al Al A2 Al A2 A1,A4 Al A1,A2, A3 A4 Al Al Al A2 A4 Cpntpr (1 jaS): Chamhernf CommPTce May. Childress (5,003): Chamber of Commerce . Retail Merchants' Association May. Rotary Club, Box 453 Chillinnt.he (IjS.'il): Chamber nf Commerce January. Do. Cisco (7,422): Cbambfir nf Commercfl. , ■Rotary CInb "Rirfit Onarant.y Stat.A Banlf Rldg , . . Aprii. Clarks\ille (3,386): Chambpr of Commerne. Rptail Mftrohftnts' Association . . . Rotary Club Do. Cleburne n2,820): Chamber of Commerce February. Lions Club Retail Merchants' Association . . . . August. February. January. Do. Rotary Club CUfton (1,327): Commercial Club . . Poultry Association Coleman (2,868): Chamber of Commerce . . . . June. Retail Merchants' Association Colorado (1,766): Chamber of Commerce April. Do. Commerce (3,842): Rotary Club Conroe (1.858): Chamber of Commerce Retail Merchants' Association January. Cooper (2,r)63); Lions Club Corpus Christi (10,.=i22): Merchants' Credit Association Do. Port Development Association September. February. Corsicana(ll,3.')6): Chamber of Commerce Retail Merchants' Association Rotary Club, 111 South 11th St Cross Plains (700): Chamber of Commerce Do. Cuero (3,671): Chamlwr of C^mmercfl . , April. Do. Rotary Club Dalhart (2,676): Chamber of Commerce January. Do. DaUas (158,976): Automobile Club, 1314 Kirby Bldg Automobile Trades Association, 2311-17 Main St December. Better Business Bureau, 1413J film St May. Chamber of Commerce- -'- '. December. Clearing House Association, National Bank of Commerce January. Cotton Exchange Do. Fire Underwriters' Association, 1026 Kirby Bldg Merchants' Red Book Company (Inc.) Do. Oak Cliff-Dallas Commercial Association, Jefferson and Beckley Sts. . . Purchasing Agents' Association February. Rotary Club, 1103 Main St May. Technical Club. October. TrafRc Club, 1303 Praetorian Bldg November. Tvpothetae, 503 North Texas Bldg June. Del Rio (10,589): Chamber of Commerce, Box 1078. January. Denison (17,065): February. Retail Merchants' Protective Association January. Denton (7,626): Chamber of Commerce December. Retail Merchants' Association . . . . February. Rotary Club Desdemona (3,008): Commercial Club July. Donna (1,579): Chf^mbfir of Commercpi. ... , . , . Rotary Club. . 26 32 100 140 42 36 March. Dublin (3 229): Lions Club . . . Eagle Lake (2,017): Chamber of Commerce July. Eagle Pass (5,765)': Chamber of Commerce.. Retail Merchants' Association, 400 Main St February. Rotary Club June. COMMERCIAL. ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. 211 LOCAL— Continued . TEXAS— Continued. City and organization. Num- ber of mem- bers. Pri- mary pur- pose. Date of an- nual meeting. Eastland (9,368) : Chamber of Commerce Edinburg (1,406): Commercial Club El Campo (1,766): Retail Merchants' Credit Association El Paso (77,560): Automobile Club Business Men's Protective Association Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club, 508 MUls Bldg Electra (4,744): Chamber of Commerce and Agriculture Rotary Club Elgin ( 1 ,630) : Retail Merchants' Association Ennis (7,224): Chamber of Commerce Retail Grocery Association Retail Merchants' Association Floresville (1,518): Commercial Club Floydada (1,384): Chamber of Commerce -. . . . Retail Merchants' Association Fort Worth (106,482): Chamber of Commerce Clearing House Association, Stock Yards National Bank Freight Bureau Open Shop Association, 727 Essex Ave Purchasing Association, 910 W. T. Waggoner Bldg Retail Grocers and Butchers' Association Retail Merchants' Association Fredericksburg: Chamber of Commerce Retail Merchants' Association Gainesville (8,648): Chamber of Commerce Retail Merchants' Association Galveston (44,255): Advertising Club Beach Association, Arcade Bldg City Pilots, 918 American National Insurance Bldg Commercial Association Cotton Exchange and Board of Trade, 2102 Avenue C Deep Water Committee Houston-Galveston Typothetae Merchants' Association, 104 City National Bank Bldg Retail Druggists' Association, 3301 Avenue H Rotary Club, 221 22d St Young Men's Progressive League, 107 Security Bldg Georgetown (2,871): Retail Merchants' Association Young Men's Business League Gonzales (3,128): Young Men's Business League Gouldbusk: Retail Merchants' Association Graham (2,544): Chamber of Commerce Grapevine (821): Retail Merchants' Association Greenville (12,384): Chamber of Commerce Merchants' Association (Inc.) Hallettsville (1,444): Chamber of Commerce Hamilton (2 018): Commercial Club Hamlin (1,633): Luncheon Club Harlingen (1,784): Chamber of Commerce Hearne (2,741): Chamber of Commerce Hereford (1,696): Askren Boys' Pig Club Breeders' Association Chamber of Commerce Poultry Association Hillsboro (6,952): Chamber of Commerce » Retail Merchants' Association Houston (138,276): Auto Trades Association (Inc.), Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Builders' Exchange, 413^ Fannin St Chamber of Commerce Cotton Exchange and Board of Trade Dairy Fund Association 150 148 45 250 425 1,200 152 170 28 100 200 24 120 175 1,250 10 3,000 235 40 350 400 140 '\ 350 100 30 100 19 700 142 7 24 200 16 147 250 32 112 300 6 200 26 450 95 49 50 60 90 7 24 75 35 300 40 50 75 3,000 172 Al Al A2 A4 A2 A1,A3 A4 Al A4 A2 Al A2 A2 Al Al A2 Al A4 A4 Al A4 A2 A2 Al A2 Al A2 A2,A4 A1,A2 A4 Al Al A4 A3 A2 A2 A4 Al A2 Al Al A2 Al A2 Al A2 Al Al Al A4 Al A4 A4 Al Al A1,A2 A2 A4 A4 Al A4 A4 January. June. March. November. March, April. January. February. Do. January. March. November. May. April. January. Do. June. December. February. March. January. February. October. January. November. January, October. April. Do. Decembo". May. April. March. Jime. April. February. May. September. December. Do. August. March. July. April. 212 COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATION'S OF THE UNITED STATES. LOCAL— Continued . TEXAS— Continued. City and organization. Num- ber of mem- Pri- mary pur- pose. Date, of an- nual meeting. Houston— Continued . Engineers' Club, 505 Goggan Bldg Houston-Galveston Typothetae, 417 Mason Bldg Purchasing Agents' Association Retail Merchants' Association, 605 Tumbow Bldg. . Retail Credit Men's Association, 675 Tumbow Bldg. Rotary Club, 800 Ennis St Traffic Club, ISl 8 Tuara Ave Hubbard (2,072): Chamber of Commerce , Humble: Retail Merchants' Association, Box 455 Himtsvillo ( 4,6S9) : Chamber of Commerce , Jacksonville (3,723): Retail Merchants' Association Rotary Club Kaufman (2,501): Chamber of Commerce Kenedy (2,015): Chamber of Commerce Kerrville (1,340): Commercial Club Kingsville (4,770): Retail Merchants' Association. La Grange (1,069): Chamber of Commerce Lampasas (2,107): Business League Laredo (22,710): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club, 1705 Guadamozin St Lexington ((iOO): Retail Merchants' Association •-',-'-• Louieta (995): Retail Merchants' Association ..'".'IV..'.' Lougview (5,713): Lions Club Retail Merchants' Association ..-'.. .... ..■..■.'.'.*.'. Rotary Club $. '.'.'.'.*.'.'.'. V.V.V.V. Lubbock (4,051): Chamber of Commerce Retail Merchants' Association Lufkin (4,878): Chamber of Commerce McAllen (5,331): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club McGregor (2,081): Retail Merchants' Association McKinney (r),()77): Chamber of Commerce Retail Credit Association Manor (827): Retail Merchants' Association Maria (3,553): Chamber of Commerce ,_..„■..,,>...,„. R etail Merchants' Association .':?;: .V. . . .?. MarUn (4.310): Chamber of Commerce and Agriculture. . ,..•.■..•.•.'..•.■. Kiwauis Club .:.\'.',i:»'.\'.\ Marshall (14,271): Chamber of Commerce Merchants' Commercial Association. Rotary Club Mason: Commercial Club ." Mercedes (3,414): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club Mexia (3,482): Chamber of Commerce Lions Club Mineral WeUs (7,890): Chamber of Commerce Retail Merchants' Association Rotary Club, 105 NE. Second St... . Mission (3,847): Business Men's Association Rotary Club South Mission Chamber of Commerce. Chamber of Commerce. Retail Merchants' Association . Rotary Club Nacogdoches (3,546): Rotary Club Yoimg Men's Booster Club — 105 24 87 100 208 279 155 200 50 100 52 37 200 135 125 34 212 81 375 47 15 13 25 35 31 200 55 200 200 35 300 40 24 160 53 500 25 350 35 400 75 46 100 35 24 14 100 20 21 42 30 Al A3 A4 A2 A2 A1,A4 A4 Al A 2 Al A2 A4 A1,A2, A3 Al Al A2 Al A1,A2, A3 Al A4 A2 A2 Al A2 A1,A4 Al A2 Al Al A1,A4 A2 Al A2 A2 Al A2 Al Al A1,A2, A3 A2 A4 Al Al Al Al Al Al A1,A2 A4 Al A4 Al A2 Al A2 A4 A4 Al November. Do. February, May. April. December. Do. May. March. January. July. March. April. October. April. July. January. May. Do. January. '' December. June. May. January. firvO<( AprU. June. April. June. July. April. March. July. October. September. June. August. April. COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. 213 LO CAL— Continued . TEXAS— Continued. City and organization. Num- ber of mem- bers. Pri- mary pur- Date of an- nual meeting. Navasota (5 .000) : Chamber of Commerce , New Braunrels (3,590): Chamber of Commerce Nocona ( 1 ,422) : Community Chamber of Commerce , Orange (9,212): Chamber of Commerce Retail Merchants' Association Palestine (11,039): Business League Retail Merchants' Association Rotary Club, care of Royall National Bank Paris (15,040): Chamber of Commerce , Retail Credit Men's Association Pearsall (2,161) : Retail Merchants' Association , Pecos (1,445): Chamber of Commerce Pilot Point (1,497): Retail Merchants' Association Plain view (3,989): Board of City Development Chamber of Commerce Kiwanis Club Retail Merchants' Association Rotary Club Port Arthur (22,251): Chamber of Commerce and Shipping Retail Merchants' Credit Rating Association Rotary Club, 631 Proctor St Young Men's Business League Post (1,436): Chamber of Commerce Quanah (3,691): Chamber of Commerce Retail Merchants' Association Ranger (16,205): New Ranger Chamber of Commerce Retail Merchants' Association Rising Star (906): Chamber of Commerce Rockdale (2,323): Chamber of Commerce Sabinal (1,458): Retail Merchants' Association San Angelo (10,050): Board of City Development Kiwanis Club Merchants' Board of Trade San Antonio (161,379): Associated Advertising Club, 315 East Commerce St. . . Builders' Exchange, 200 Bedell Bldg Chamber of Commerce, Crockett and iiosoza Sts City Club Credit Men's Association, Alamo National Bank Bldg. Employing Printers' Association, 218 Grayburg Bldg.. Junior Chamber of Commerce, City Hall Kiwanis Club, 510 Houston Bldg Lions Club Manufacturers' Association, 110 Gimter Hotel Open Shop Association, 206 Bedell Bldg Real Estate Board, 319 St. Marys St Retail Credit Association, 112 West Commerce St Retail Merchants' Association, 112 West Commerce St. Rotary Club Salesmanship Club, 312 Navarro St Traffic Club, 415 Grayburg Bldg San Benito (1,208): San Benito District Chamber of Conwnerce. San Marcos (4,527): Chamber of Commerce.. . Retail Merchants' Association. Rotary Club, Box 12 San Saba (2,011): Chamber of Commerce Santa Anna (1,407): Chamber of Commerce Merchants' Credit Association Sealy : Retail Merchants' Association Seguin (3,631): Chamber of Commerce Retail Merchants' Association Sherman (15,031): Chamber of Commerce Retail Merchants' Association Slaton (1.525): Retail Merchants' Association. Smithville (3,204) : Chamber of Commerce 179 126 251 585 105 35 90 41 390 102 19 150 15 8 200 03 50 30 580 150 64 256 75 200 10 200 105 75 200 25 90 130 112 175 180 55 14 100 210 203 •125 500 46 75 1,000 217 150 118 942 161 24 30 125 25 19 24 185 75 565 138 22 150 A1,A4 Al Al Al A2 Al A2 A4 Al A2 A2 Al A2 Al Al Al A2 A1,A4 Al A2 A4 Al Al Al A2 Al A2 Al A1,A2 A2 Al Al A2 A4 A4 Al Al A2 A4 Al Al Al A1,A3 A4 A4 A2 A2 A4 A4 A4 Al Al A2 A4 Al Al A2 A2 A1,A2 A2,A3 A1,A2 A2 A2 Al December. January. October. Jime. January. Do. May. September. January. Do. Do. June. April. January. December. April. June. 'i-»- Do. April. May. March. June. Decemb^. May. June. December. Do. March. May. January. June. ■''' November. May. November. Do. July. January, May. April. Do. May. January. December. April. 214 COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. LOCAL — Continued . TEXAS— Ck)ntiiiued. City and organization. Num- ber of mem- bers. Pri- mary pur- pose. Date of an- nual meetings Snyder (2,179): Retail Merchants' Association Somerville (1,879): Commercial Club Stamford (3,704): Chamber of Commerce, Box 111 Retail Merchants' Association Rotary Club, 711 East Moran St Sulphur Springs (5,558): Chamber of Commerce and Council of Agriculture . Lions Club Sweetwater (4,307): Board of City Development Taylor (5,965): Retail Merchants' Association Rotary Club, 725 West Eighth St Teague (3,306): • Chamber of Commerce Retail Merchants' Association Teniple (11,033): Chamber of Commerce Lions Club Rotary Club Terrell (8,349) : Chamber of Commerce Texarkana (11,480): Chamber of Commerce Merchants' Association Texas City (2,.509): Board of Trade Retail Merchants' Association Tulia (1,189): Chamber of Commerce Retail Merchants' Association Tyler (12,085): Chamber of Commerce Retail Merchants' Association Uvalde (3.885): Chamber of Commerce Retail Merchants' Association Rotary Club Vernon (5.142): Chamber of Commerce Retail Merchants' Association Victoria (5,957): Chamber of Commerce Retail Credit Men's Association Waco (38,500): Chamber of Commerce Clearing House Association Grain Exchange Retail Merchants' Association Rotary Club Young Men's Business League Wallis: Retail Merchants' Association Waxahachie (7,958): Chamber of Commerce Retail Merchants' Association Rotary Club Weatherford (6 203): Chamber oi Commerce Grocerymen's Protective Association Lions Club Rotarv Club Weimar (1,171): Retail Merchants' Association. Wichita Falls (40,077): Chamber of Commerce Kiwanis Club Retail Merchants' Association Rotary Club Wills Point (1,811): Chamber of Commerce Wolf City (1,859): Chamber of Commerce Yoakum (6,184): Chamber of Commerce (Inc.) Retail Merchants' Credit Association (Inc.). 21 40 150 15 46 450 31 44 50 19 300 74 42 375 1,050 110 25 28 94 325 100 50 150 15 375 8 22 210 118 1,500 16 300 114 70 410 10 29 49 40 935 92 300 115 368 125 340 65 A2 Al Al A2 A4 Al Al Al A1,A2 A4 Al A2 Al Al A4 Al Al A2 Al A2 Al A2 Al A2 Al A2 A4 Al A2 A1,A2 A3 A2 Al A4 A4 A2 A4 Al A2 Al A2 A4 Al A2 Al Al A2 Al Al A2 A1,A4 Al Al Al A2 November. Do. July. April. May. January. June. March. April. March. December.. Do. February. November.. January^ May. Do. Do. Do. March. Do. J May. April. Do. May. June. January. April. Do. November. January. April. COMMERCIAL. ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. 215 tOCAL— Continued. UTAH. City and organization. Num- ber of mem- Pri- mary pur- pose. Date of an- nual meeting. Bingham Canyon (2,676): Highland Boy Commercial Club. Women's Civic Club. Brigham City (5^82): Box Elder Commercial Club. Eureka (3,608): Tintic Commercial Club Lehi: Business Club Logan (9,439): Chamber of Commerce Kiwanis Club Rotary Club Ogden (32,804): Associated Industries, 503 Eccles Bldg. Chamber of Commerce Kiwanis Club Progressive Club Retail Merchants' Association Rotary Club Weber Club Park City (3,393): Commercial Club Price (2,364): Rotary Club Provo (10,303): Chamber of Commerce, 710 West Center St , Women's Municipal Council , Richfield (3,262): Commercial Club , Salt Lake City (118,110): Associated Retail Credit Men , Commercial Club, Chamber of Commerce , Lumberman's Bureau of Information, 1101 Boston Bldg. Master Builders' Exchange, National Bank Bldg Real Estate Board, 47 East Third South St Spanish Fork (4,036): Kiijfanis Club , Rotary Club Tooele (3,602): Commercial Club Vernal (1,309): Commercial Club , 35 274 200 40 400 54 52 168 79 70 28 100 600 100 35 300 75 167 1,667 II 17 75 100 120 A4 A4 Al Al Al A1,A2, A3 Al A1,A4 A3 A1,A2, A3 Al Al A2 A4 Al Al A4 Al Al Al A2 A1,A2 A4 A4 A4 Al A1,A4 Al Al November. June. January. Do. Do. March. December. June. July. January. December. May. April. January. March. June. February. March. October. December. Do. January. Do. Do. VERMONT. Barre (10,008): Board of Trade Chamber of Commerce Granite Manufacturers' Association (Inc.) Granite Quarry Owners' Association Quarriers and Manufacturers' Association (Inc.) Retail Merchants' Association Bellows Falls (4,860): Bellows Falls and North Walpole Merchants' Asso- ciation. Bennington (7,230): Board of Trade Merchants' Association Brandon (1,631): Business Men's Association Brattleboro (7,324): Chamber of Commerce Burlington (22,779): Chamber of Commerce Enosburg Falls (1,236): Commercial and Civic Association Fair Haven (2, 182) : Chamber of Commerce Hard wick (1,550) : Commercial Association Middlebury (1,993): Board of Trade Montpelier (7,125): Chamber of Commerce Newport (4,976): Chamber of Commerce , Northfield (1 ,916): Chamber of Commerce Orleans (1,358): Community Club Randolph ( 1 ,819): Board of Trade Rutland (14,954): Cnamber of Commerce Rotary Club, Hotel Berwick St. Albans (7,588): Chamber of Commerce St. Johnsbury (7,164): Commercial Club South Ryegate (332) : Granite Manufacturers' Association 350 Al 350 Al 142 A3 7 A4 145 A3 22 A2 51 A2 200 A1,A2, A3 30 A2 60 Al 160 A2 1,075 Al 60 Al 75 A1,A2, A3 55 Al . 61 Al 200 A2,A3 200 Al 130 Al 90 Al 120 Al 267 Al 64 A4 158 A1,A2 135 A1,A2, A3 15 A3 April. Do. December. February. December. January. Do. April. October. March. May. January. March. February. Do. March. January. February. January. November. February. December. April. January. May. January. 216 COMMERCIAL ORGAIsTIZATIOI^S OF THE UNITED STATES. LOCAL— Continued. VERMONT— Continued. City and organization. Springfield (5,283): Chamber of Commerce Mechanical Society Swanton (1,371): Board of Trade Waterbury ( 1,515): Board of Trade White River Junction: Board of Trade Windsor (3,061): Board of Trade Winooski (4.392): Board of Trade Woodstock (1,252): Business Men's Association Num- Pri- ber of mary mem- pur- bers. pose. 100 A1,A2, A3 100 A4 80 Al 68 Al 75 Al 100 A1,A2 100 Al 50 A2 VIRGINIA. Abingdon (2.532): Business Club. Alexandria (18,060): Advertising Club Chamber of Commerce (Inc.). Appalachia (2,036): Chamber of Commerce Home Builders' Association (Inc.) ,...,.,- , Bedford (3,243): Board of Trade .:.:;::::;;;:::;::..:.;;:...'. Young Men's Business Club ....:.::...:. *:..;. ::...■.. •.■.:. Blacksburg (1,095): Board of Trade Bristol (6,729): -VU;:' " Association of Credit Men ;...... .7 . 1 Chamber of Commerce CivitanClub KiwanisClub Retail Merchants' Association Rotary Club Buena Vista (3,911): Rotary Club Cambria (662): Business Men's Club of Christiansburg and Cambria, Chris- tiansburg. Va. Charlottesville (10,688): Chamber of Commerce Chase City (1,646): w.,.,-. Merchants' Association :. .v.,'i:'i.\ , Tobacco Board of Trade , Chatham (1,171): Chamber of Commerce , Christiansburg (1,641): Business Men's Club of Christiansburg and Cam- bria. CUf t on Forge (6,164) : Kiwanis Club , Covington (5,623): Chamber of Commerce , Culpepcr (1,819): Chamber of Commerce Danville (21,539): ^. Chamber of Commerce Retail Merchants' Association (Inc.) il/..-.. J... Rotary Club, 2 Arcade Bldg Tobacco Association , Young Men's Business Club , East Radford: Young Men's Business Club Farmville (2,586): Chamber of Commerce Fredericksburg (5,882): Chamber of Commerce Front Royal (2,059): Front Royal-Riverton Chamber of Commerce School and Civic League, 30 West Main St , Hampton (6,138): Hampton-Phoebus Retail Merchants' Association, Box 403. Rotary Club, 310 Bank otHampton Bldg Harrisonburg (5,875): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club Hopewell (1,397): Chamber of Commerce Manufacturers' Association Hot Springs: Covtngton-Hot Springs Rotary Club. Lawrenceville (1,439); Business Men's Association. Leesburg (1,545): Chamber of Commerce Lurav ( 1 ,381): Board of Trade Lynchburg (30,070): Chamber of Commerce Retail Merchants' Association Rotary Club, 720 Church St 100 70 62 100 250 130 52 90 600 40 100 109 200 81 65 175 49 50 10 43 36 150 85 1,200 85 113 Al A2 A1,A2, A3 Al A4 Al Al Al A2 Al Al Al A2 A4 A4 Al Al A1,A2 A4 Al Al Al Al Al Al A2 A4 A4 A1,A2, A3,A4 Al Al A1,A2 Al Al A2 A4 Al A4 A1,A2, A3 A3 A4 Al Al Al Al A2 A4 COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. 217 LOCAL— Continued/ VIR GINIA-Continued. City and organization. Num- ber of mem- bers. Pri- mary pur- pose. Date of an- nual meeting. Martinsville (4,075): Kiwanis Club Newport News (35,596) : Chamber of Commerce Norfolk (115,777): Agriculture and Industrial Fair Association (Inc.) Association of Fire Underwriters Builders and Contractors' Association (Inc.), 253 Bank St. Hampton Roads Maritime Exchange Norfolk-Portsmouth Chamber of Commerce 91 400 Norfolk and Portsmouth Clearing House Association Norfolk and Portsmouth Cotton Exchange Real Estate Owners' Protective Association Real Estate and Stock Exchange (Inc.) Retail Grocers' Association of Norfolk and Portsmouth, 411 Board of Trade Bldg. Retail Merchants' Association Rotary Club, 245 Monticello Arcade Society of Architects : Tidewater Association of Credit Men Tidewater Typothetae Warehousemen's Association Norton (3,068) : Kiwanis Club Petersburg (31,012): Chamber of Commerce ^ Retail Merchants' Association RotarvClub, 130 North Union St Phoebus (3,043): Hampton-Phoebus Retail Merchants' Association, Box 403, Hampton, Va. Portsmouth (54 387): Retail Merchants' Association Rotary Club Pulaski (5,282): Rotary Club Richmond (171,667): Better Business Bureau, 218 North Second St Builders' Exchange (Inc.), 805 East Franklin St Chamber of Commerce, Main and Sixth Sts Clearing House Association, Box 1178 Fire Insurance Exchange, American National Bank Bldg Grain Exchange Grocers (Inc.) , 506 Mutual Bldg Printers' Association (Inc.), 109 South 12th St Real Estate Exchange, 22 North Ninth St Retail Furniture Dealers' Association Retail Merchants' Association, 201 Central National Bank Bldg Rotary Club, Box 652 Stationers' Association, 1114 East Main St Tobacco Trade Roanoke (50,842): Association of Commerce Automobile Association Retail Merchants' Association Rotary Club Salem (4,159): Kiwanis Club South Boston (4,338): Young Men's Business Club Staunton (10,623): Augusta Farmers' Cooperative Union (Inc.) Suffolk (9,123): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club Tazewell (1,261): Board of Trade Warrentown (1,545): Chamber of Commerce Waynesboro (1,594): Augusta Farmers' Cooperative Union (Inc.) . Retail Merchants' Association Williamsburg (2,462): Business Men's Association (Inc.) Retail Merchants' Association Winchester (6,883): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club, 447 North Main St Woodstock (1,580): Chamber of Commerce 43 150 250 1,500 10 56 400 9 60 175 115 160 11 125 15 10 120 85 65 70 77 36 105 152 1,031 9 31 29 250 36 250 29 200 202 6 35 625 439 241 114 56 75 300 310 37 88 75 300 22 17 20 250 62 150 Al Al A4 A4 A4 A4 A1,A2, A3,A4 A4 A4 A4 A4 A2 A2 A4 A4 A3 A4 A4 Al Al A2 A4 A2 A1,A2 A4 A1,A4 A4 A4 Al A4 A4 A4 A2 A4 Al A2 A2 A1,A4 A4 A4 Al A4 A2 A4 Al Al A4 A1,A2, A3 A4 Al Al A4 A1,A2 Al A2 Al A4 Al December. January. October. January. Do. ii/i Decembefttia Do. March. October; April. November. January. March. April. January. June. December. Do. January. April. May. Do. April. June, Do. July. February. December. July. June. March. January. February. January. April. -. Do. :i August. April. January. February^ , n May. .:. December. January. December. February. June. January. October. July. January. May. April. February. 9 Number of organizations. 218 COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. LOCAL — Continued . WASHINGTON. City and organization. Num- ber of mem- bers. Pri- mary pur- pose. Date of an- nual meeting. Aberdeen (15,337): Chamber of Commefce Anacortes (5,284): Chamber of Commerce, Box 301 ArUngton (1,418): Commercial Club Woman 's Civic Club Auburn (3,163): New Commercial Club, 12 North Division St. Bellingham (25.585): Chamber of Commerce Kiwanis Club Rotary Club Blaine (2,254): Chamber of Commerce Bothell (613): Commercial Club Bremerton (8,918): Chamber of Commerce (Inc.), Cashmere (1,114): Cashmere Grange, Box 13 Chamber of Commerce CentraUa (7,549): Chamber of Commerce Lumber Manufacturers' Agency Rotary Club, Box 833 Chehalis (4,558): Citizens' Club Kiwanis Club Rotary Club Cheney (1,252): Commercial Club Merchants' Credit Association Chewelah (1,288): Chamber of Commerce Clarkston (1,859): Chamber of Commerce Vineland Cherry Growers' Association. Vineland Industrial Club Colfax (3,027): Commercial Club , . Kiwanis Club Retail Merchants' Association CoUille (1,718): Chamber of Commerce Conway: Commercial Club Davton (2,695): Commercial Club EUensburg (3,967): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club Elma (1,253): Commimity Association Everett (27,644): Chamber of Commerce Merchants' Association Rotary Club Typothet ■Goldendale (1,274): Commercial Club. Grand view (1.011): District Club . Woman's Improvement Club Hoquiam (10,058): Commercial Club, 721 1 St Rotary Club, 721 I St Xelso (2,228): Kelso Club Keiuiewick (1,684): Commercial Club. Kent (2,282): Commercial Club Woman's Improvement Club Leavenworth (1,791): Women's Civic Club Monroe (1 ,675): Commercial Club Montesano (2,158): Chamber of Commerce Credit Association Mount Vernon (3,341): Okanogan (1 ,015): Commercial Club Olympia (7,795): Chamber of Commerce Credit Association, 14 Walker Bldg Rotary Club, Insurance Bldg Omak (525): Okanogan Irrigation District. Pasco (3,362): Chamber of Commerce Pomeroy (1,804): Commercial Club 300 75 37 110 531 100 120 20 120 200 72 50 580 8 45 300 275 54 136 126 60 75 100 20 200 375 38 64 460 93 107 5 100 100 78 481 49 120 175 125 57 60 125 20 200 100 375 50 51 450 120 200 A4 Al A1,A2 Al A1,A4 A1,A2, A3 Al A4 Al Al Al Al Al Al A3 A4 Al A4 Al, A4 Al A2 A1,A2, A3 Al Al Al Al Al A2 Al Al Al Al A4 Al Al A2 A4 A4 Al Al Al Al A4 Al A1,A2, A3 Al A4 Al Al Al A2 Al Al A4 A2 A1,A4 A4 Al Al February. March. January. AprU. February, AprU. January. June. December. Do. March. Do. October. January. Do. Do. Do. February. December. January. Do. February. April. February. December. Do. Do. May. January. April. October. January. November. May. September. January. October. January. March. April. December . May. COMMERCIAL. ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. 219 LOCAL — Continued. WASHiNGTON-continued. Bancroft Ubiwjr City and organization. Num- ber of mem- bers. Pri- mary pur- Date of an- nual meeting. Port Angeles (2,847): Commercial Club. 200 Rotary Club, 207 East Front St Port Townsend (2,847): Commercial Club Prosser (1,697): Business Girls' Club Community Club Woman's Club, Box 207 Pullman (2,440): Chamber of Commerce Credit Rating Bureau • Puyallup (6,323): Commercial Club Kiwanis Club Merchants' Association PuyaUup and Sumner Fruit Growers' Association , Raymond (4,260): Business Men's Association Retail Merchants' Association Rltzville (1,900): Commercial Club , Seattle (315,312): Associated General Contractors, 209 Rainier Bldg Associated Industries , Association of Credit Men, 507 Railway Exchange Bar Association, City-County Bldg Cabinet Manufacturers' Association, 3018 Arcade Bldg , Chamber of Cmmerce^ 900 Arctic Bldg Clearing House Association, Seattle National Bank Electric Club, 935 Henry Bldg Engineers' Club, 1816 L. C. Smith Bldg Japanese Commercial Club, 423 Maynard Ave , Merchants' Association, 507 Railway Exchange Bldg , Merchants' Exchange Millwork Bureau, 3018 Arcade Bldg Press Club, 4022 Woodland Park Ave Produce Association, 501 Maritime Bldg Puget Sound Berry Growers' Association , Purchasing Agents' Association, 1323 L. C. Smith Bldg Real Estate Association, 203 Hinckley Bldg , Retail Cigar Dealers' Association, 228 ]>on Bldg Retail Credit Association, 3107 Arcade Bldg Retail Grocers' Association, 1025 J. Green Bldg Retail Hardware Dealers' Club, 505 Pioneer Bldg , Retail Lumbermen's Credit Association, 344 Henry Bldg Retail Trade Bureau, 900 Arctic Bldg Rotary Club, 813-14 Hoge Bldg Seattle-Tacoma Wholesale Paper Merchants' Association, 1828 Central Bldg. Sales Managers' Association, Arctic Bldg Truck Owners' Association (Inc.), 67 Madison St ,,,,»»«•» Typothetae, 432 Central Bldg ,,,„,,.,, Sedro-WooUey (3,389): ■.;.,:„;.. ,/ Commercial Club Rotary Club Women's Club, 423 Puget Ave Skamekawa: Farmers' Creamery Association Snohomish (2,985): Ad Club , Commercial Club South Bend (1,948): Commercial Club Spokane (104,437): AdvertisingClub, 909 Main Ave Associated Engineers, City Hall Associated Industries of tne Inland Empire Associated Retail Credit Men, 825 Paulsen Bldg Automobile Chamber of Commerce, 204 Jones Bldg Chamber of Commerce Commercial Travelers, Box 474 KiwanisClub, 1024 Old National Bank Bldg Lions Club Manufacturers' Association Merchants' Association, 718 Realty Bldg Realty Board, 708 Paulsen Bldg Rotary Club, 1 South Washington St Transportation Club. Typothetae. 509 Chamber of Commerce Bldg . Who: ' " " wholesale Paper Merchants' Association, 804 PaulL-en Bldg. 35 100 64 225 50 180 55 52 750 60 35 185 45 1,400 543 500 2,750 12 138 265 195 175 150 325 14 125 29 220 175 143 160 25 40 645 325 7 116 225 56 198 54 50 60 100 600 110 520 158 20 3,450 428 118 111 100 121 117 240 300 23 4 A1,A2, A3 A4 Al A4 Al Al Al A2 Al Al A1,A2 A4 Al A2 A1,A2 A4 Al A2 A4 A3 Al A4 A1,A2 A4 Al A2 Al A4 A4 A4 A4 A3 Al A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 A4 A2 A4 A4 A4 Al A4 Al A4 A1,A2 Al Al A4 A4 A4 A2 A2,A4 Al A4 Al Al A3 A4 A1,A4 A4 A4 A2 November. May. April. March. December. February. January. Do. Do. Do. May. Do. June. January. Do. September. January. Do. May. January. March. May. December. January. Do. Do. October. January. Do. May. June. August. September. December. Do. October. Do. January. September. January. Do. Do. February. January. December. Do. Do. January. April. July. 220 COMMEKCIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. LOG AL— Continued . W ASHIN G T O N— Continued . City and organization. Sumner (1,499): Commercial Club Sunnyside (1,809): Commercial Club Tacoma (96,965): Associated General Contractors Associat ed Industries (Inc.) . . Associat ion of Credit Men Chamber of Commerce, Tacoma Bldg Food Manufacturers' AsFociation Kiwanis Club, 614 Tacoma Bldg Ltunbermen 's Club (Inc.) Produce Merchants' Associat ion, 619 Perkins Bldg Retail Credit Bureau, 6;U Perkins Bldg Retail Grocers' A.ssociation, 1001 Puget Sound Bank Bldg. Rotary Club Typothetae, 629 Provident Bldg Wholesalers' Association Toppenish (3,120): Business Men's Credit Association Commercial Club Vancouver (12,6.37): Cham ber o f Commerce Prunarians Rotary Club, 105 West Sixth St Walla Walla (15,503): Commercial Club Kiwanis Club Merchant s' Association Rotary Club Wapato (1,128): Chamber of Commerce Wenatchee (0,324): Business and Professional Women's Club Commercial Club Creditors' Protective Service Lions Club Rotary Club Yakima (18,539): Commercial Club Fruit Growers' Association, R. F. D. 2 N aches Heights Commercial Association, R. F. D. 6 Rotary Club, 209 Hall Ave Tieton Water Users' Association, Box 343 Yakima Valley Busine^ss Men's Association Zillah (647): Community Club Nimi- ber of mem- bers. 100 185 22 200 92 2,600 21 160 60 5 102 76 210 25 84 125 138 50 52 62 100 800 48 56 1,100 400 100 68 1,300 170 60 Pri- mary pur- Date of an- nual meeting. Al Al A4 A4 A2 Al A3 Al A4 A2 I November. A2 ! A2 ! January. A4 May. A4 June. A2 May. A2,A4 Al Al A4 A4 Al Al A2 Al Al A4 Al A4 Al A1,A4 Al A4 Al A4 Al A2 Al WEST VIRGINIA. Alderson ( 1 ,401) : Chamber of Commerce Beckley (4,149): Chamber of Commerce Kiwanis Club Winding Gulf Coal Operators' Association Woman's Club Bluefield( 15,282): Chamber of Commerce Pocahontas Operators' Association Retail Merchants' Association (Inc.) Rotary Club Buckhannon (3,785): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club Cameron (2,404): Chamber of Commerce Charles Town (2,527): Charles Town-Ranson Chamber of Commerce Charleston (39,60^;): Automobile Club Chamber of Commerce Coal Association Clarksburg (27,869): Automobile Club , 214 Court St Chamber of Commerce Kiwanis Club Rotary Club EUdns (6,788): Auto Dealers' Association Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club, Box 128 80 Al 235 Al 67 Al 50 A4 70 Al 400 A1,A2 39 A4 12 A2 87 A4 175 Al 60 A4 40 Al 40 Al 400 A4 1,100 A1,A2, A3,A4 25 A4 460 A4 654 Al 164 Al 121 A1,A4 8 A2 440 Al 72 A1,A4 COMMERCIAL ORGAITIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. 221 LOCAL— Continued. WEST VIRGINIA— Continued. City and organization. Num- ber of bers. Pri- mary pur- Date of an- nual meeting. Fairmont (17,851): Automobile Club Builders' Exchange Business Men's Association ft^ Chamber of Commerce : Rotary Club, 106 Adams St Grafton (8,517): Chamber of Commerce, 314 Walnut St Rotary Club, 54 Main St Hinton (3,912): Rotary Club Huntington (50,177): Business Men's Association, 1026 Fourth Ave Chamber of Commerce Kiwanis Club Rotary Club West Huntington Commercial Club, 1314 Jefferson Ave. Keyser (6,003): Rotary Club Logan (2,998): Chamber of Commerce Coal Operators' Association Marlinton (1,177): Board of Trade Martinsburg ( 12,515) : Chamber of Commerce Morgantown (12,127): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club Wholesale Coal Association, 238 Spruce St. Mounds viUe (10,669): Chamber of Commerce , Kiwanis Club Rotary Club Parkersburg (20,050): Board of Commerce Business and Professional Women's Club. Kiwanis Club Rotary Club Phihppi (1,543): Kiwanis Club Point Pleasant (3,059): Kiwanis Club Princeton (6,224): Business Men's Club Civic Club , 103 Hale Ave Ravenswood (1,284): Chamber of Commerce- . Ronceverte (2,319): Business Men's Club Chamber of Commerce St. Albans (2,825): Board of Trade Rotary Club, 607 Penn Ave St. Marys (1,648): Board of Trade Sutton (947): Board of Trade Boosters' Club Terra Alta (1,261): Improvement Club — Weirton: Merchants' Association Welch (3,232): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club Wellsburg (4,918) : Kiwanis Club West Union (1,270): Woman's Civic Club. Weston (5,701): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club Wheeling (56,208): Automobile Club, 19 Tenth St Chamber of Commerce Retail Merchants' Association Williamson (6,819): Association of Credit Men Chamber of Commerce Operators' Association 300 30 200 700 102 400 49 48 320 ,500 125 146 74 35 72 "250 680 65 22 250 100 42 900 97 117 91 78 150 50 75 42 100 150 26 200 50 150 120 23 200 25 89 54 375 64 550 800 140 47 A4 A4 A2 Al A1,A2; A3,A4 Al A4 Al A2 Al Al A4 Al A4 Al Al Al Al A1,A2, A3 A1,A4 A4 A1,A2, A3 Al A1,A4 Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al A1,A2, A3 Al A4 Al Al Al Al A1,A2 A1,A2 A1,A4 A1,A2 Al Al A4 A4 Al A2 A2 Al A4 April. January. March. May. September. April. March. May. December. April. February. April. October. January. May. January. February. April. December. May. December. March. December. January. Do. July. October. April. July. November. May. July. December. June. Do. July. March. October. Jime. October April. June. 41162°— 23- -15 222 COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. LOCAL — Continued. WISCONSIN. City and organization. Num- ber of mem- bers. Pri- mary pur- Amery ( 1 ,203) : Commercial Club Antigo (8,451): Association of Commerce. Appleton (19,561): Chamber of Commerce Lions Club Retail Grocers' Association Rotary Club Ashland (11,334): Chamber of Commerce Lions Club Rotary Club Baraboo (5,538): Business and Professional Women's Club Kiwanis Club Barron (1,623) : Business Men's Club Beaver Dam (7,992): Chamber of Commerce Beloit (21,284): Rotary Club, 435 East Grand Ave , Berlin (4,400): Chamber of Commerce Burlington (3,626): Advancement Association Burlington Club , Chilton ( 1 ,833) : Advancement Association Chippewa Falls (9,130): Commercial Association Kiwanis Club ClintonviUe (3,275): Chamber of Commerce , Columbus (2,460): Retail Merchants' Association Cudahy (6,72.5): Advancement Association Cumberland ( 1 ,528) : Pioneer Association , De Pere (5,165): Commercial Association Delavan (3,016): Citizens' League Durand ( 1 ,517) : Commercial Club , Eau Claire (20,966): Civic and Commerce Association Kiwanis Club , Lions Club Elkhorn (1,991): Kiwanis Club Ellsworth (1,043): Civic and Commercial Club Evansville (2,209): Commercial Club Credit Association Fennimore (1,383): Chamber of Commerce Fond du Lac (23,427): Association of Commerce Fort Atkinson (4,915): Farmers' Cooperative Exchange Green Bay (31,017): Association of Commerce Merchants' Association, 540 South Monroe Ave Rotary Club, 816 South Madison St Hartford (4,515): Chamber of Commerce Hay ward ( 1 ,302): Building Association Hudson (3,014): Commercial Club JanesviUe (18,293): Builders' Exchange , Chamber of Commerce , Rotary Club, Courthouse Bldg Jefferson (2,572): Association of Commerce , Kenosha (40,172): Advancement Association Garage and Dealers' Association Kiwanis Club Manufacturers' Association Retailers' Association , Rotary Club Kewaunee (1,865): Chamber of Commerce , Kiel (1,599): Agriculture and Breeders' Association Chamber of Commerce La Crosse (30,421): Chamber of Commerce Ladysmith (3,581): Chamber of Commerce Lake Geneva (2,632): Merchants' Association , Madison (38,378): Association of Commerce Master Builders' Association, 202 East Washington Ave. Manitowoc (17,563): Association of Commerce Rotary Club, 534 North Fifth St 100 125 715 45 21 67 33 60 62 50 100 42 51 90 60 70 240 77 176 44 85 85 45 490 103 54 65 43 75 325 146 1,200 200 72 100 3 47 35 640 61 50 50 18 63 14 155 40 101 95 50 800 225 45 657 107 125 58 Al A1,A2 A1,A2, A3 Al A2 A4 Al Al A1,A4 A4 Al Al A4 A4 Al Al Al Al Al Al Al A2 Al A4 A1,A2 Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al A2 Al A2,A3 A2 Al A2 A4 Al A4 Al A4 Al A4 Al Al A4 Al A3 A2 A1,A4 Al Al Al Al Al A2 Al A4 A1,A4 A4 COMMERCIAL. ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. 223 LOCAL— Continued. WISCO NSIN-Continued. City and organization. Num- Pri- ber of mary Date of an- mem- pur- nual meetin bers. pose. 225 Al September. 114 Al March. 43 A4 75 Al February. 35 Al Do. 60 Al 150 Al October. 50 A2 January. 55 Al February. 37 A4 April. 150 A2 May, 3,000 A1,A2, A3 A3 February. 650 May. 239 A4 January. 100 A4 October. 65 A2 March. 8 A2 December. 255 A4 October. 350 A4 January. 33 Al April. 482 A4 Do. 90 A2 90 Al May. 750 A4 January. 62 A2 15 A4 Do. 344 A4 40 A4 20 A4 Do. 151 A4 February. 44 A4 January. 50 A3 Do. 1,700 A4 Do. 65 A4 Do. 125 A2 Do. 25 Al April. 297 A1,A4 December. 20 A2 November. 28 A4 February. 660 A2 January. 21 A2 October. 291 A1,A4 AprU. 25 A3 62 A2 January. 200 A4 February. 100 A3 November. 125 Al May. 115 A1,A2 January. 50 A4 54 A1,A2 June. 200 Al April. 60 Al December. 55 Al August. 32 Al Do. 22 A2 January. 25 Al 22 A1,A4 125 Al December. 75 Al January. 72 Al Do. 850 A1,A2 Do. 19 A4 Do. 70 A4 Do. 11 A2,A3 April. 35 A2 January. 22 A2 October. Marinette (13,610): Chamber of Conunerce Marshfield (7,394): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club, 314 East Fifth St Mauston (1,966): Commercial Club Mayville (3,011): Business Men's Association Medford (1,881): Advancement Association Menomonie (5,104): Commercial Club Retailers' Association MerriU (8,068): Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club Milwaukee (457 J47): Associated Retail Credit Men, 108 Mason St Association of Commerce, 108 Mason St Association of Credit Men, 6045 Mayer Bldg Association of Life Underwriters, 612 First Wisconsin National Bank Bldg. Association of Purchasing Agents Automotive Dealers' Association, 316 Brunder Bldg Awning and Tent Manufacturers' Association, 205 East "Water St Board of Fire Underwriters, Mitchell Bldg Builders and Traders' Exchange, 456 Broadway Butter, Cheese and Egg Exchange, Mayer Bldg Chamber of Commerce, 93 Michigan St Cream City Grocers, 4015 North Ave Electrical Association, Public Service Bldg Employers' Council. 802 East Water St Fimeral Directors' Association, 1807 State St General Contractors' Association, 456 Broadway Greater Milwaukee Poultry Breeders' Association, 2807 Wright St Heating and Piping Contractors' Association, 456 Broadway Hotel Association, Hotel Medford Master Plumbers' Association Master Sheet Metal Contractors' Association, 220 Fifth St Metal Trades and Founders' Association, 439 East Water St Milk Producers' Association, 915 Chestnut St Motor Liverymen's Association, 449 Milwaukee St Pharmaceutical Association, 992 Kinnic Ave Produce and Fruit Exchange, 85 Detroit St Real Estate Board, 1 Pereles Bldg , Retail Cloak and Suit Association, Grand Ave. and Fourth St , Retail Furniture Dealers' Association, 3202 North Ave Retail Grocers' Association. 208 Mayer Bldg Retail Tea and Coffee Mercnants' Association, 401 Chestnut St .... Rotary Club, 112 Mason St Shoe Credit Men's Association, 538 Seventh St Shoe RetaDers' Association, 2726 Lisbon Ave Traffic Club (Inc.), Box 1575 Typothetae (Inc.), 822 Third St Upper Third Street Commercial Association, 308 North Ave Mineral Point (2,569): Commercial Club Mount Horeb (1,350): AutoCIub Neenah (7,171): Business Men Neenah Club NeillsviUe (2,160): KiwanisClub New Holstein (1,373): Association of Commerce Civic Society Retailers' Association New London (4,667): City Club Rotary Club Oconomowoc (3,301): Chamber of Commerce Oconto (4,920): Chamber of Commerce Osceola (674) : Automobile Club Oshkosh (33,162): Association of Commerce Employers' Association Master Builders' Association Metal Trades Association, 78 State St Retail Grocers' Association Retail Market Men's Association , 224 COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. LOCAL— Continued. WISCONSIN— Continued. City and organization. Num- ber of mem- bers. Pri- mary pur- Park Falls (2,676): Business Men's Association Commercial Club Phillips (1,973): Commercial Club. . . Platteville (4,353): Community Club. Plymouth (3,415): Association of Commerce Farmers' Call Board Prairie du Chien (3,537): City Club. . Racine (5S.593): Association of Commerce Junction Business Men's Association, 1520 Washington Ave. Manufacturers' Association, Box 83. Racine-Kenosha Typothetae, 470-472 College Ave Rotary Club, Chaml>er of Commerce Bldg State Street Business Men's Association, 1354 State St. Reedsburg (2,997): Chamber of Commerce, 238 Main St. Rhinelander (0,654): Advancement Association. Rice Lake (4,457): Commercial Club Richland Center (3,409): Kiwanis Club Ripon (3,929): Commercial Club . Rotary Club Shawano (3,544): Commercial Club Sheboygan (30,955): Association of Commerce, Security National Bank Bldg Business Men's Association, 530 South 14th St North Side Improvement Association South and West Advancement Association, 1709 South 12th St South Milwaukee (7,598): Business Men's Association, 915 Milwaukee St. Sparta (4,466): Kiwanis Club Spooner (2,293) : Commercial Club Stanley : Industrial Development Co Stevens Point (11,371): Chamber of Commerce Retail Association ,114 Strongs Ave Rotary Club. 211 Strongs Ave Stoughton (5,101): Credit Association, 100 West Main St Merchants' Cooperative Association Sturgeon Bay (4,553): Rotary Club Superior (39,671): Automoliile Club, 309 Board of Trade Chamber of Commerce, 350 Fifth St Civic and Commerce Association North End Progressive Association , 525-27 Tower Ave Retail Grocers' Protective Association, 20 Columbia Bldg South Superior Commercial Club, 6827 Tower Ave Tomah (3,257): Chamber of Commerce, 1004 Superior Ave Tomahawk (2,898): Civic and Commercial Club Two Rivers (7,305): Retail Merchants' Association, 1315 20th St Viroqua (2,574): Community Club Washburn (3,707): Commercial Club Watertown (9,299): Advancement Association, Masonic Temple Bldg Business Men's Association Chamber of Commerce Waukesha (12,558): Association of Commerce, 267 Broadway Kiwanis Club Rotary Club, 254 South St Waupaca (2,839): Civic and Commerce Association Waupim (4,440): Association of Commerce Wausau (18,661): Chamber of Commerce Commercial Club Rotary Club, 918 Franklin St West Bend (3,378): Commercial Club, 603 North St Whitewater (3,215): Chamber of Commerce, 600 High St Wisconsin Rapids (7,243): Chamber of Commerce Retailers' Association Rotary Club, 217 Second St. South 20 200 119 185 50 75 110 22 10 95 35 105 204 135 64 140 26 180 400 210 325 65 65 91 66 260 318 70 45 40 40 176 125 640 125 44 90 100 100 38 200 61 60 67 300 104 55 54 300 140 325 36 95 130 70 115 60 60 A2 Al Al Al Al A4 Al A1,A2, A3 A1,A2 A3 A4 A4 A3,A2 Al Al Al A1,A2, A3 A1,A2 A4 Al A1,A2, Al Al Al A1,A2 Al Al Al Al A2 A4 A2 A2 A4 A4 Al A1,A2 A1,A2 A2 Al Al Al A1,A2 A1,A2 Al Al A2 Al Al Al A4 Al Al Al Al A4 Al Al Al A1,A2 A4 COMMERCIAL. ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. 225 LOCAL— Continued. WYOMING. City and organization. Basin (1, ): Chamber of Commerce. Casper (11,447): Chamber of Commerce. Kiwanis Club Lions Club Rotary Club, 27 Townsend Bldg Cheyenne (13,829): Chamber of Commerce, 117 East 17th St Retail Grocers and Butchers' Association, Box 354. Rotary Club, 420 West 16th St Cody (1,242): Cody Club Deaver (142) : Business Men's Association Frannie: Commercial Club Green River (2,140): Community Club Greybull (2,692) : Chamber of Commerce Kenunerer (1,517): Lambs Club Lander (2,133): Commercial Club Laramie (6,301): Council of Industry Credit Rating Association, Box 34 Rotary Club Lusk (2,092): Chamber of Commerce Lions Club Newcastle (1,003) : Commercial Club Powell (2 463): Chamber of Commerce Rawlins (3,969): Board of Trade Lions Club Rotary Club Riverton (2,023): Chamber of Commerce Rock Springs (6,456): Lions Club Sheridan (9,175): Commercial Club Credit Rating Exchange (Inc.), Box 73 Rotary Club, 194 North Main St Shoshone (561): Commercial Club. Thermopolis (2,095) : Chamber of Commerce Torrington (1,301): Lions Club Wheatland (1>336): Chamber of Commerce Worland (1,225) : Alfalfa Commercial Club Num- ber of mem- bers. 152 1,250 95 35 41 442 27 61 140 12 25 35 50 40 19 40 85 125 103 40 35 150 325 102 50 75 140 48 50 50 Pri- mary pur- A1,A2, A3 Al Al Al A1,A4 Al A2 A4 Al A2 Al Al Al Al Al Al A2 A4 Al Al Al Al Al Al A4 Al Al Al A2 A4 Al Al Al Al Al Date of an- nual meeting. January. February. December. April. January. June. October. February. October. March. January. Do. December. March. January. April. June. April. January. May. March. January. Do. Do. December. m