m^i^m ^ LD The Graduate School Catalogue 1873-1898 A CATALOGUE DOCTORS OF PHILOSOPHY AND OF SCIENCE AND OF THE MASTERS OF ARTS AND OF SCIENCE OP HARVARD UNIVERSITY V\ WHO HAVE RECEIVED THEIR DEGREES AFTER EXAMINATION 1878 — 1898 With the compliments of The Deem of the Graduate School. CAMBRIDGE IPubltsbe^ b^ tbe mmverstt^ 1898 ^ ^"e CONTENTS. Pagk Preface iii Doctors of Philosophy 1 Doctors of Science 19 Masters of Arts 22 Masters of Science 81 Summary 82 APPENDIX. Doctors of Philosophy and of Science classified according to the fields of knowledge wherein their degrees were obt.uned 83 Summary 87 'Alphabetical Tndkx . 88 • .•••-•••■♦ » • ' t (K^ PREFACE. Twenty-five years ago the degree of Doctor of Philosophy was conferred for the first time at Harvard University, and only a few months earlier — in 1872 — the higher instruction was orga- nized which resulted in the permanent establishment of the Graduate Department or School. In the following list, which is the first of its kind, are printed the names of all those who must be regarded as the Graduates of this School. With a few exceptions they have been members of what is now known as the Graduate School, and the studies of all have been carried on under the general direction at first of the Academic Council of the University (1872-1889), and afterwards of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. This list includes only such holders of the higher degrees — Ph.D., S.D., A.M., and S.M. — as have received their degrees after examination and a residence at the University of at least one year. The degree of Doctor of Philosophy and that of Master of Science, which was established in 1897, have never been given as honorary degrees at Harvard University; the degree of Doctor of Science, however, has been so conferred, as also that of Master of Arts. Thei-e are or have been, in fact, six classes of Master of Arts of this University: — holders of the degree (1) honoris causa; (2) ad euyidem; (3) in course, i.e. Bachelors of three or more years' standing, on the payment of a fee ; (4) with a professional degree, but without additional study or residence; (5) with the degree of Doctor of Philosophy; and (6) irro meritis^ conferred after residence and examination upon candidates approved by the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, or — before 1890 — the Academic Council. The A.M. ad eujidem ceased to be conferred early in the present century ; the A.M. in course has not been given since 1872 ; the A.M. with a professional degree but without additional study was conferred only from 1883 to 1895, both years inclusive; and 942020 IV PREFACE. the Ph.D. carried with it the degree of A.M. only from 1877 to 1892. At the present time the degrees of Master of Arts of Harvard University are the A.M. honoris causa, and the A.M. pro meritis. The present list, so far as this degree is concerned, contains the names of the latter kind of Masters of Arts. The information here given about the holders of the higher degrees is in substance what would appear in the Quinquennial Catalogue revised to date — see the Catalogue for 1895, pp. 67, 68 — with certain additional statements about residence and occu- pation. This comprises: (1) names and post-office addresses of living graduates, or — in the case of those who have died — the date of death and age at death; (2) academic degrees received, with dates, — arranged in chronological order; (3) positions held — similarly arranged — chiefly in colleges and universities ; (4) memberships in certain learned societies, and (5) professions or occupations. The abbreviations used are, in general, self-explanatory. Where a degree or a position is named without special designation of College or University the reference is to Harvard University. Positions at this University held by annual appointment only are not ordinarily mentioned. The particular departments of knowledge wherein Doctors of Philosophy and Doctors of Science obtained their degrees are indicated immediately after their names and addresses; and in the case of Masters of Science the Divisions of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences are named upon whose special report the recom- mendations for the degree were made. In the case of graduates who have taken more than one of the higher degrees, the full record is given under the degree last received, with a cross reference under the earlier degree. Graduates who received their degrees out of regular order are placed each under the year in which the studies for the degree were completed, the date when the degree was conferred immediately following the name and address. It is probable that the next edition of this list will be enlarged in scope so as to include persons who have been members of the School, though not holders of higher degrees from the University. All who use this Catalogue are earnestly requested to send cor- rections and^ additional information to the Dean of the Gradoate School, Harv^ard University. Sbptembeb, 1898. DOCTORS OF PHILOSOPHY. (Ph.D.) *** From 1877 to 1892, both j'eai-s inclusive, the degree of Doctor of Philosophy carried with it also that of Master of Arts. William Elwood Byerly, Cambridge, Mass. (39 Hammond St.). (Mathematics.) — A. B. 1871. Asst. Prof. Math. Cornell Univ.; Asst. Prof. and Prof. Math. Fellow Am. Acad. — Teacher (Mathematics). ♦Charles Leavitt Beale Whitney, Died 14 Sept. 1892 aged 42. (History.) — a.b. 1871; ll.b. 1876. — Latoyer. 2 — *1 William Keith Brooks, Baltimore, Md. (Johns Hopkins Univ.). (Natural History.) — a.b. Williams 1870 ; ll.d. ibid. 1893. Assoc. Prof, and Prof. Animal Morphol., and Prof. Comp. Anat. and Zool. Johns Hopkins Univ. (Md.) ; Director of the Chesapeake Zoological Lab. Memb. Nat. Acad. Sci., and Am. Philos. Soc. ; Fellow Am. Acad. ; Fellow Royal Micro- scopical Soc. of London. — Teacher {Zoology). William Everett, Quincy, Mass. (Philology, Classical.) — a.b, 1859; a.m. (in course) 1862; a.b. Cambr. (Eng.) 1863; ll.b. 1865; a.m. Williams 1869; a.m. Cambr. (Eng.) 1870; L.H.D. Williams 1889; ll.d. ibid. 1893. Tutor; Asst. Prof. Latin; Head- master Adams Acad. Quincy (Mass.). FelloAv Am. Acad.; Memb. Mass. Hist. Soc; M. C. — In public life. Teacher. Stuart Wood, Philadelphia, Pa. (1620 Locust St.). (Political Science.) — a.b. Haverford (Pa.) 1870. — In business {iron). 3 *Lucius Henry Buckingham, Died 29 May 1885 a^ed 55. (Philology, Romance.) — a.b. 1851; a.m. Robert Grant, Boston, Mass. (104 Marlborough St.). (Philology, English, German, and Italian.) — a.b. 1873; ll.b. 1879. Over- seer. — Jurist. Author. 2 HAKVARD UNIVERSITY. [ 1 876-78 James Lawrence Laughlin, Chicago^ III. (574:7 Lexington Ave.). (History.)— A.B. 1873. Asst. Prof. Polit. Econ. ; Prof. Polit. Econ. and Finance Cornell Uniy. ; Head Prof. Polit. Econ. Univ. Chicago. — Teacher {Political Economy) . Henry Cabot Lodge, East Pointy Nahant^ Mass., and Washing- ton, D. C. (History.) — a.b. 1871; ll.b. 1874; ll.d. Williams 1893. Overseer. Memb. Mass. Hist. Soc. ; Fellow Am. Acad. ; M. C. ; Senator U. S. — In public life (U. S. Senator). Author. *Ernest Young, Died 2 Mar. 1888 aged 35. (History.) — a.b. 1873. Master in Boston Latin Sch. ; Instr. Hist, and Roman Law; Asst. Prof, and Prof. Hist. — Teacher (History). 5 — *2 (Ph.D. and A.M.) Jesse Walter Fewkes, Washington, D. C. (Natural History.) — a.b. 1875. Fellow Am. Acad.; Kt. Ord. Isabella the Catholic. — Scientist (American Archaeology and Ethnology) . Frank Austin Gooch, New Haven, Conn. (169 Edwards St.). (Chemistry.) —a.b. 1872 ; a.m. (Hon.) Yale 1887. Prof. Chem. Yale Univ. Fellow Am. Acad. — Teacher (Chemistry) . ♦Freeman Snow, Died 12 Sept. 1894 aged 53. (History.) — a.b. 1873; ll.b. 1891. Master in Boston Latin Sch.; Instr. Intemat. Law. — Teacher (International Law). John Williams White, Cambridge, Mass. (18 Concord Ave.). (Philology, Classical.) — a.b. Ohio Wesleyan 1868 ; a.m. ibid. ; ll.d. Wes- leyan (Conn.) 1896. Tutor; Asst. Prof, and Prof. Greek; Prof. Greek Am. Sch. Class. Studies at Athens. Fellow Am. Acad. ; Memb. Kais. Deutsch. Archaol. Inst., and Soc. Archeol. d'Athenes; Pres. of Archaeological Institute of America. — Teacher (Classics). 4 — *1 (Ph.D. and A.M.) Franklin Bartlett, New York, N. T. (82 Times Bldg.). (History.)— a.b. 1869; ll.b. Columbia 1873. M. Q.— Lawyer. Edward Raymond Benton, Newton Centre, Mass. . (Natural History.)— a.b. 1875; s.b. Mass. Inst. Tech. 1885. Asst. Prof . Nat. Hist. Univ. Rochester (N. Y.). — Teacher (Natural History). 1878-80] DOCTORS OF PHILOSOPHr. 3 Edward Asahel Birge, Madison, Wis. (Univ. of Wis.). (Natural History.) — a.b. Williams 1873; a.m. ibid Prof. Z06I. and Dean Coll. Letters and Sci. Univ. Wis. — Teacher (Zoology). Granville Stanley Hall, Worcestei^, Mass. (Clark Univ.). (Philosophy.)— A.B. Williams 1867; a.m. ibid. ; ll.d. Univ. Mich. 1887 ; LL.D. Williams 1888. Prof. Philos. Antioch Coll. (0.) ; Prof. Psychol, and Pedagogy Johns Hopkins Univ. (Md.) ; Pres. Clark Univ. (Mass.). Fellow Am. Acad.; Memb. Mass. Hist. Soc. — Teacher {Psychology). 4 (Ph.D. and A.M.) Melville Madison Bigelow, Cambridge., Mass. (15 Buckingham St.). (History.) — a.b. Univ. Mich. 18G6 ; a.m. ibid. 1871 ; ll.d. Northwestern Univ. (111.) 1896. Prof. Law Boston \Jmy .— Teacher {Law). Marshman Edward Wadsworth, Houghton.^ Mich. (Natural History.) —a.b. Bowdoin 1869; a.m. ibid.; a.m. 1874. Instr. Math, and Mineral. ; Prof. Chcm. Boston Dental Coll. ; Prof. Geol. and Mineral. Colby Univ. ; Prof. Mineral. Petrogr. and Geol., and Director Mich. Mining Sch. — Teacher {Mineralogy, Petrography, and Geology). 2 (Ph.D. and A.M.) Edward Channing, Cambridge., Mass. (1 Brewster PL). (History.) — a.b. 1878. Instr. Asst. Prof, and Prof. Hist. Memb. Mass. Hist. Soc. — Teacher {History). Edward Emerson Phillips, Marietta., 0. (315 Third St.). (Philology, Classical.)— a.b. Baldwin (O.) 1875; a.b. 1878. Tutor; Prof. Greek and Anc. Philos. Marietta Coll. (O.) ; Henderson Prof. Philos. Ethics and Psychol. Marietta Coll. — Teacher {Philosophy). Denman Waldo Ross, Cambridge, Mass. (24 Craigie St.). (History.) — a.b. 1875. Trustee Mus. of Fine Arts Boston (Mass.). Fellow Am. Acad. — Teacher {History and Principles of Fine Art). ♦Samuel Epes Turner, Died 16 May 1896 aged 49. (History.) —a.b. 1869; ll.b. Univ. Md. 1871. Instr. Hist. Phillips Exeter Acad. (N. H.). — Teacher {History). Benjamin Willis Wells, Sewanee, Tenn. (Philology, Germdnic.) — a.b. 1877. Instr. Mod. Lang. Friends' Sch. Pro- vidence (R. I.) ; Prof. Mod. Lang. Univ. of the South (Tenn.).— Teacher {Modern Languages). 5 — ♦! 4 HARVARD UNIVERSITY. [1881-84 (Ph.D. and A.M.) Francis Ellingwood Abbot, Cambridge^ Mass. (Larch St.). (Philosophy.)— A. B. 1859; Meadville Theol. Sch. (Pa.) l^Q^. — Clergy- man (Liberal). Author. *WiLLiAM Harlow Melville, Died 17 Feb. 1893 (xged 40. (Physics.) — A.B. 1875; a.m. 187G. Chemist U. S. Geol. Survey. — Miner- alogist. 2 — *1 (Ph.D. and A.M.) *Farley Brewer GtOddard, Died 18 Mar. 1896 aged 36. (Philology, Classical.)— A.B. 1881. Instr. Greek Columbia Coll. (N. Y.). — Teacher (Classics). John Norton Johnson, Philadelphia^ Pa. (1415 Walnut St.). (Philology, Sanskrit.)- A.B. 1881; a.m. \m2.— Teacher. William Taggard Piper, Cambridge^ Mass. (179 Brattle St.). (Philology, Classical.)— A.B. 1874; a.m. 1881. Arthur Wellington Roberts, Philadelphia^ Pa. (8 So. 12th St.). (Philology, Classical.) — a.b. 1881. Class. Master Wm. Penn Charter Sch. Philadelphia (Pa.). — Teacher (Classics). Frank William Taussig, Cambridge^ Mass. (2 Scott St.). (Political Science.) —a.b. 1879; ll.b. 1886. Instr. Asst. Prof, and Prof. Pol. Econ. Fellow Am. Acad. — Teacher (Political Economy). 5 — *1 (Ph.D. and A.M.) Herbert Morison Clarke, Blairsville, Pa. (Philology, Classical.)— A.B. Hobart (N. Y.) 1876; a.b. 1878; a.m. 1879; A.M. Hobart 1879; Gen. Theol. Sem. (N. Y.) 1892. Asst. Prof. Greek St. Stephen's Coll. (N. Y.). — Clergyman (Protestant Episcopal). Edward South worth Hawes, Brooklyn, N. Y. (Polytechnic Institute) . (Philology, Classical.) — a.b. 1880; a.m. 1882. Master Greek and Lat. €athedr. Sch. St. Paul, Garden City (N. Y.) ; Instr. Greek and Lat. Poly- technic Inst. Brooklyn (N. Y.). — Teacher (Classics). Charles Bingham Penrose, Philadelphia, Pa. (1331 Spruce St.). . (Physics.)— A.B. 1881; m.d. Univ. Pa. 1884. Prof. Gynaecol. Univ. Pa. — Teacher ( Gynaecology) . 1884-86] DOCTORS OF PHILOSOPHY. 5 Charles Robert Sanger, St. Louis, Mo. (Washington Univ.). (Physics.) — A.B. 1881 ; a.m. 1882. Prof. Chem. U. S. Naval Acad. Anna- polis (Md.) ; Eliot Prof. Chem. Washington Univ. (Mo.). Fellow Am. Acad. — Teacher (Chemistry) . *Harold Whiting, Died 27 May 1895 aged 40. (Physics.) — A.B. 1877; a.m. 1878. Instr. Physics; Assoc. Prof. Phys. Univ. Cal. Fellow Am. Acad. — Teacher (Physics). (Ph.D. and A.M.) Hammond Vinton Hayes, Cambridge, Mass. (6 Channing St.). (Physics.) — A.B. 1883. Fellow Am. Acad. — Electrician. Albert Andrew Howard, Cambridge, Mass. (8 Hilliard St.). (Philology, Classical.) — a.b. 1882. Tutor and Asst. Prof. Lat. — Teacher ( Classics) . Benjamin Rand, Cambridge, Mass. (24 Quincy St.). (Philosophy.)— A.B. Acadia (N. S.) 1875; a.b. 1879; a.m. 1880. Instr. in Philos. — Teacher (Philosophy). James Rignall Wheeler, New York, N. Y. (Columbia Univ.). (Philology, Classical.) — A.B. Univ. Vt. 1880. Prof. Greek Univ. Vt. ; Prof. Greek Am. Sch. Class. Studies at Athens; Prof. Greek Columbia Univ. — Teacher (Classics). 4 (Ph.D. and A.M.) Frank Nelson Cole, New York, N. Y. (Columbia Univ.). (Mathematics.) —A.B. 1882. Asst. Prof. Math. Univ. Mich. ; Prof. Math. Columbia Univ. — Teacher (Mathematics). Andrew Fiske, Bostori, Mass. (216 Commonwealth Ave.). (History.) — a.b. 1875; ll.b. 1878. — Lawyer. Oliver Whipple Huntington, Newport, R. I. (Cloyne House). (Physics.) — A.B. 1881. Instr. Mineral, and Chem. Fellow Am. Acad. — Teacher. Richard Alexander Fullerton Penrose, Jr., Philadelphia, Pa, (460 Bullitt Bldg.). (Natural History.) — a.b. 1884. Assoc. Prof, and Prof. Econ. Geol. Unir. Chicago. Memb. Am. Philos. Soc. — Teacher (Economic Geology). 3 HARVARD UNIVERSITY. [1887-89 (Ph.D. and A.M.) Morris Hicky Morgan, Cambridge^ Mass. (45 Garden St.). (Philology, Classical.) — a.b. 1881 ; ll.d. Hobart (N. Y.) 1896. Head Tutor St. Mark's Sch. Southborough (Mass.) ; Tutor in Greek; Asst. Prof. Greek and Lat. ; Asst. Prof. Lat. — Teacher {Classics). 1 (Ph.D. and A.M.) JosiAH Bridge, Dobbs Ferry ^ JSf. Y. (Westminster Sch.). (Philology, Classical.) — a.h. 1884; a.m. 1887. — Teacher (Classics). Herbert Eveleth Greene, Baltimore, Md. (1019 St. Paul St.). (Philology, English.) —a.b. 1881; a.m. 1884. Prof. Eng. Lang, and Lit. Wells Coll. (N. Y.) ; Collegiate Prof. Eng. Johns Hopkins Univ. — Teacher (English) . Carl Friedrich Richard Hochdorfer, Springfield., 0. (Witten- berg Coll.). (Philology, English.) — Stmitsexamen Univ. Leipsic 1881. Prof. Mod. Lang. Wittenberg Coll. (O.). — Teacher {Modern Languages). Louis Lincoln Jackson, Brooklyn., N. Y. (Gold and John Sts.). (Physics.) — A.B. 1885. — Consulting Chemist. Alfred Church Lane, Houghton., Mich. (Natural History.) — a.b. 1883. — Geologist. Theodore William Richards, Cambridge., Mass. (44 Shepard St.). (Physics.) — 8. B. Haverford (Pa.) 1885; a.b. 1886. Instr. and Asst. Prof. Chem. Fellow Am. Acad. — Teacher (Chemistry). Roland Thaxter, Cambridge, Ma^s. (7 Scott St.). (Natural History.) — a.b. 1882. Asst. Prof. Crjrptogamic Botany. Fellow Am. Acad. — Teacher (Botany). 7 (Ph.D. and A.M.) Joseph Lybrand Markley, Ann Arbor, Mich. (50 Thompson St.). (Mathematics.)— a.b. Haverford (Pa.) 1885; a.m. ibid. 1886; a.m. 1887. Asst. Prof. Math. Univ. Mich. — Teacher (Mathematics). Georg Richard Rodemann, Brooklyn, N. Y. (65 New York Ave.). (Philology, Classical.) — A.M. 18S7.— Teacher. George Santayana, Brookline, Mass. (75 Monmouth St.). (Philosophy.) —a.b. 1886. Instr. and Asst. Prof. Philos. — Teacher (Phi- losophy). 1890-91] DOCTORS OF PHILOSOPHY. 7 John Eliot Wolff, Cambridge^ Mass. (Univ. Museum). (Natural History.) — a. b. 1879. Instr. and Asst. Prof. Petrogr. ; Prof. Petrogr. and Mineral. ; Curator Mineralogical Mus. Fellow Am. Acad. — Teacher {Petrography and Mineralogy) . 4 ISOO. (Ph.D. and A.M.) Charles William Colby, Montreal, Qite6ec (McGill Univ.). (History.) —A. B. McGill 1887 ; a.m. 1898. Prof. Hist. McGill Univ. (Que.) . — Teacher {History). August Frederic Foerste, Heidelberg, Germany (lngY\mm^\x . 2) . (Natural History.)— A.B. Denison (O.) 1887; a.m. 1888. Herman Wadsworth Hayley, JficZdZe^own, (7onw.(WesleyanUniv.). (Philology, Classical.)— A.B. Amherst 1887; a.m. 1888. Tutor; Instr. in Lat. Wesleyan Univ. (Conn.). — Teacher {Classics). Thaddeus William Harris, Keene, N. H. (Natural History.) —a. b. 1884; a.m. 1885. Supt. Schools Keene (N. H.). — Superintendent of Schools. John Matthews Manly, Chicago, III, (Univ. of Chicago). (Philology, EngHsh.) — A.M. Furman (S. C.) 1883; a.m. 1889. Asst. Prof, and Assoc. Prof. Eng. Lang, and Lit. Brown Univ. ; Prof. Eng. Lang. Brown Univ. ; Head Prof. Eng. Univ. of Chicago. — Teacher {English). William Albert Setchell, Berkeley, Cal. (Univ. of Cal.). (Natural History.) —a.b. Yale 1887; a.m. 1888. Prof. Botany Univ. Cal. — Teacher {Botany) . William Codman Sturgis, New Haven, Conn, (242 Prospect St.). (Natural History.) —a.b. 1884 ; a.m. 1888. Mycologist at the Conn. Agri- cultural Experiment Station. — Mycologist. Edson Leone Whitney, Chicago, III. (5490 Ellis Ave.). (History.)— A.B. 1885; ll.b. Boston Univ. 1887; a.m. 1888. Prof. Hist. and Philos. Norwich Univ. (Vt.) ; Prof. Math, and Polit. Sci. Benzonia Coll. (Mich.) ; Acting Pres. Benzonia Coll. ; Docent in Polit. Sci. Univ. Chicago. — Teacher {Political Science). 8 1801. (Ph.D. and A.M.) Herman Vandenburg Ames, Philadelphia, Pa. (Univ. of Pa.). (History.)— A.B. Amherst 1888; a.m. 1890. Instr. in Hist. Univ. Mich.; • Acting Asst. Prof. Hist. ibid. ; Asst. Prof. Hist. Ohio State Univ. ; Instr. in Am. Constitut. Hist. Univ. of Pa. — Teacher {History). 8 HARVARD UNIVERSITY. [1891-92 George Aaron Barton, Bryn Mawr^ Pa. (Philology, Semitic.)— A. B. Haverford (Pa.) 1882; a.m. ibid.; a.m. 1890. Assoc. Prof. Bib. Lit. and Semitic Lang. Bryn Mawr Coll. — Teacher (Semitics) . Herbert Haviland Field, Zurich, Switzerland (Oberstrasse). (Natural History.) — a.b. 1888 ; a.m. 1890. — Student (Natural Science). Fred Emory Haynes, Nashua, N. H. (46 Concord St.). (History.) —A.B. 1889; a.m. 1890. — Teacher. John William Henry Walden, Cambridge, Mass. (13 Mt. Auburn St.). (Philology, Classical.) — a.b. 1888; a.m. 1889. — Teacher (Classics). William McMichael Woodworth, Cambridge, Mass. (149 Brattle St.). (Natural History.) — a.b. 1888. Instr. in Microscop. Anat. Fellow Am. Acad. — Teacher (Natural Science). Theodore Francis Wright, Cambridge, Mass. (42 Quincy St.). (Philosophy.)— A.B. 1866; a.m. (in course) 1869. Prof. Church Hist, and Homiletics, and Dean New Church Theol. Sch. Cambr. (Mass.). — Clergy- man (New Church). Teacher. 7 (Ph.D. and A.M.) Charles Benedict Davenport, Cambridge, Mass. (11 Francis Ave.). (Natural History). — s.b. Brooklyn Polytech. and Coll. Inst. 1886; a.b. 1889 ; A.M. 1890. Instr. in Zool. Fellow Am. Acad. — Teacher (Zoology). Alfred Cope Garrett, Cambridge, Mass. (27 Everett St.). (Philology, English.) — a.b. Haverford (Pa.) 1887; a.b. 1889; a.m. 1891. Instr. in Eng. — Teacher (English) . Walter Louis Jennings, Boston, Mass. (900 Beacon St.). (Chemistry.)— A.B. 1889; a.m. 1890. Asst. Prof. Chem. Worcester Poly- tech. Inst. — Teacher (Chemistry) Henry Baldwin Ward, Lincoln, Neb. (Univ. of Nebraska). (Natural History.) — a.b. Williams 1885. Assoc. Prof, and Prof. Zool. Univ. Neb. — Teacher (Zoology). William Homer Warren, Brooklyn, N. Y. (13 Middagh St.). • (Chemistry.)— A.B. 1889; a.m. 1891. 1893] DOCTORS OF PHILOSOPHY. 9 William Nickerson Bates, Philadelphia^ Pa. (Univ. of Pa.). (Philology, Classical.)— A. B. 1890; a.m. 1891. Instr. in Greek Univ. Pa. — Teacher ( Classics) . William James Battle, Austin^ Tex. (Univ. of Texas). (Philology, Classical.) — a.b. Univ. N. C. 1888 ; a.m. ibid. 1889 ; ph.d. ibid. 1890; A.M. 1891. Assoc. Prof. Greek Univ. Tex. — Teacher (Clashes). William Herbert Carruth, Lawrence^ Kan. (Univ. of Kansas). (Philology, Germanic.) — a.b. Univ. Kan. 1880; a.m. ibid.; a.m. 1889. Prof. German Lang, and Lit. Univ. Kan. — Teacher {German). George Lucius Collie, Beloit, Wis. (Pearson's Hall). (Natural History.) — s.b. Beloit (Wis.) 1881; a.m. 1891. Prof. Geol. Beloit Coll. — Teacher (Geology). EvARTS BouTELL Greene, Uvbana, III. (ffistory.)— a.b. 1890; a.m. 1891. Asst. Prof, and Assoc. Prof, ffist. Univ. 111. — Teacher (History). Walter Scott Hendrixson, Grinnell, la. (Iowa Coll.). (Chemistry.) — s.b. Union Christian (Ind.) 1881; a.m. ibid. 1884; a.m. 1889. Dodge Prof. Chem. Iowa Coll. — Teacher (Chemistry). Alfred Henry Lloyd, Ann Arbor, Mich. (1503 Washtenaw Ave.). (Philosophy.) —a.b. 1886 ; a.m. 1888. Instr. Latin and Eng. Phillips Acad. Andover (Mass.) ; Asst. Prof. Philos. Univ. Mich. — Teacher (Philosophy). Sidney Edward Mezes, Austin, Tex. (Univ. of Texas). (Philosophy.) — s.b. Univ. Cal. 1884 ; a.b. 1890 ; a.m. 1891. Adjunct Prof. Philos. Univ. Tex. — Teacher (Philosophy). Charles Peabody, Cambridge, Mass. (197 Brattle St.). (Philology, Classical.)— A.B. Univ. Pa. 1889; a.m. 1890. George Reisner, Cairo, Egypt (Khedivial Museum). (Philology, Semitic.) — a.b. 1889; a.m. 1891. — Archaeologist (Semitic and Egyptian) . William Emerson Ritter, Berkeley, Cal. (Natural History.)— Wis. State Norm. Sch. 1884; s.b. Univ. Cal. 1888; A.M. 1891. Asst. Prof. Biol. Univ. Cal. — Teacher (Biology). Charles Luke Wells, Minneapolis, Minn. (Univ. of Minn.). (History.) —a.b. 1879; s.t.b. Epis. Theol. Sch. Cambr. (Mass.) 1882. Prof. Eccles. Hist. Seabury Div. Sch. (Minn.); Asst. Prof. Hist. State Univ. Minn. — Teacher (History) . Clergyman (Protestant Episcopal) . 12 10 HARVARD UNIVERSITY. [1894 Charles Montague Bakewell, BrynMawr^Pa. (BrynMawrColl.). (Philosophy.) —AB. Univ. Cal. 1889 ; a.m. ibid. 1891 ; a.m. 1892. — Teacher {Philosophy) . Francis Kingsley Ball, Paris, France (care Munroe and Co., 7 Rue Scribe). (Philology, Classical.)— A. B. Drury Coll. (Mo.) 1887; a.b. 1890; a.m. 1891. Prof. Greek Lang, and Lit. Univ. N. C. — Teacher (Classics'). John Bigham, Ann Arbor, Mich. (Philosophy.) —A.B. Amherst 1887 ; a.m. ibid. ; s.t.b. Yale 1892 ; a.m. 1893. Prof. Philos. De Pauw Univ. (Ind.) — Teacher (Philosophy) . Clergyman (Methodist Episcopal) . Frank Dyer Chester, Budapesth, Hungary (U. S. Consulate). (Philology, Semitic.) — a.b. 1891; a.m. 1892. — Student (Semitics). George Amos Dorsey, Chicago, III. (Field Columbian Museum.). (American Archaeology and Ethnology.) — a.b. Denison (0.) 1888; a.b. 1890. — Anthropologist. Edward Fulton, Aurora, Cayuga Lake, N. Y. (Philology, English.)— a.b. Dalhousie (N. S.) 1889; a.b. 1891; a.m. 1892. Prof. Eng. Lang, and Lit. Wells Coll. (N. Y.). — Teacher (English). James Gteddes, Boston, Mass. (Boston Univ.). (Philology, Romance.)— A.B. 1880; a.m. 1889. Prof. French Span, and Ital. Boston LTniv. — Teacher (Romance Languages) . Charles Burton Gulick, Cambridge, Mass. (18 Walker St.). (Philology, Classical.) —a.b. 1890; a.m. 1891. Instr. in Greek. — Teacher ( Classics) . Willis Hatfield Hazard, West Chester, Pa. (Philology, Semitic.)— A.B. Haverford (Pa.) 1887; Gen. Theol. Sem. (N. Y.) 1891; a.m. 1892.— Clergyman (Protestant Episcopal). Charles Atwood Kofoid, Urbana, III. (909 California Ave.). (Natural History.) —a.b. Oberlin (0.) 1890; a.m. 1892. Asst. Prof. Zool. Univ. 111. — Teacher (Zoology). George Edgar Ladd, Cambridge, Mass. (81 Oxford St.). (Natural History.) —a.b. 1887; a.m. 1888.— Geologist. Maurice Whittemore Mather, Cambridge, Mass. (13 Mt. Auburn St.). (Philology, Classical.)— A.B. 1890; a.m. 1891. Instr. in l^dA. — Teacher (Classics). 1894-95] DOCTORS OF PHILOSOPHY. ' 11 Curtis Hidden Page, New York^ N. Y. (Columbia Univ.). (Philology, English and German.) —a. b. 1890; a.m. 1891. Tutor in the Romance Languages and Literatures Columbia Univ. — Teacher {Romance Languages) . Fred Norris Robinson, Cambridge^ Mass. (Grays 24). (Philology, English.) —A. B. 1891; a.m. 1892. Instr. in ^n^. — Teacher (^English and Celtic). *Elliot Folger Rogers, Died 2 Oct. 1895 aged 27. (Chemistry.) — a.b. 1890; a.m. 1891. — Teacher {Chemistry). Arthur Wisswald Weysse, West Roxhury^ Mass. (Park St.). (Natural Historj.) — a.b. 1891; a.m. 1892. Instr. in Biol. Mass. Inst. Tech. — Teacher {Biology). 16 — *1 Frank Cole Babbitt, Hartford, Conn. (Trinity Coll.). (Philology, Classical,) — a.b. 1890; a.m. 1892. Instr. in Greek; Acting Prof. Greek Trinity Coll. (Conn.). — Teacher {Classics). Edward Angus Burt, Middlebury, Vt. (Natural History.) —a.b. 1893; a.m. 1894. Burr Prof. Nat. Hist. Middle- bury Coll. (Vt.). — Teacher (Natural Science). Harry Edwin Burton, Hanover, H. N. (Philology, Classical.) —A.B. 1890; a.m. 1893. Asst. Prof. Lat. and Greek Dartmouth Coll. (N. H.). — Teacher {Classics). William Ernest Castle, Cambridge, Mass. (10 Ash St. PI.). (Natural History.) —a.b. Denison (O.) (1889); a.b. 1893; a.m. 1894. Instr. in Anat. and Embryol. — Teacher {Biology). Bradley Moore Davis, Chicago, III. (Univ. of Chicago). (Natural History.) — a.b. Leland Stanford Jr. Univ. 1892; a.b. 1893; a.m. 1894, Instr. in Botany Univ. of Chicago. — Teacher {Botany). William Edward Burgh ardt DcBois, Atlanta, Ga. (Atlanta Univ.). (Political Science.) —a.b. Fisk (Tenn.) 1888 ; a.b. 1890; a.m. 1891. Prof. Lat. and Greek Wilberforce Univ. (O.) ; Prof. Economics and Hist. Atlanta Univ. (Ga.). — Teacher {Economics and History). James Waterman Glover, Ann Arbor, Mich. (1209 So. Univer- sity Ave.). (Mathematics.) — litt.b. Univ. of Mich. 1892; a.b. 1893; a.m. 1894. Instr. in Math. Univ. Mich. — Teacher {Mathematics) . John Hiram Gerould, Hanover, N. H. (Natural History.)- litt.b. Dartmouth 1890; a.b. 1892; a.m. 1893. Instr. in Zool. Dartmouth Coll. (N. H.). — Teacher {Zoology). 12 HARVARD UNIVERSITY. [ 1 895-96 Henry Theodore Hildreth, Salem, Va. (Roanoke Coll.). (Philology, Classical.)— A.B. 1885. Prof. Greek Univ. Wooster (0.); Asst. Prof. Greek Hist, and Lit. Brown Univ. ; Acting Prof, of Ancient Languages and Lit. Roanoke Coll. (Va.). — Teacher (Classics). George Edwin Howes, Burlington, Vt. (98 So. Williard St.). (Philology, Classical.)— A.B. 1886; a.m. 1890. Prof. Greek Univ. Vt. — Teacher (Classics). Robert MacDougall, Cleveland, 0. (102 Aclelbert St.). (Philosophy.)— A.B. McGill (Que.) 1890; a.m. 1893. Assoc. Prof. Peda- gogy Adelbert Coll. (0.). — Teacher (Pedagogy). Kenneth McKenzie, Morgantown, W. Va. (West Virginia Univ.). (Philology, Romance.) — a.b. 1891 ; a.m. 1893. Asst. Prof. Romance Lang. W. Va. Univ. — Teacher (Romance Languages). Edgar Pierce, Cambridge, Mass. (9 Mercer Circle). (Philosophy.)— A.B. 1892; a.m. 189S. — Teacher (Philosophy). Harris Eastman Sawyer, Newport, R. I. (289 Broadway). (Chemistry.) — a.b. 1891; a.m. 1894. Lecturer on the Chemistry of Fer- mentation. — Chemist. William Henry Schofield, Cambridge, Mass. (Holyoke 7). (Philology, English.)— A.B. Victoria Univ. (Ont.) 1889; a.m. 1893. Instr. in Eng. — Teacher (English) . Earley Vernon Wilcox, Bozeman, Mont. (Natural History.) —a.b. Otterbein (O.) 1890; a.b. 1892 ; a.m. 1894. Prof. Biology and Veterinary Science Mont. State Coll. — Teacher (Biology) . 16 Kendric Charles Babcock, Berkeley, Cal. (Univ. of Cal.). (History.) — litt.b. Univ. Minn. 1889 ; a.m. 1895. Instr. in Hist, and Polit. Sci. Univ. Cal. — Teacher (History and Political Science). Howard Hamblett Cook, Salem, Mass. (10 Federal St.). (Political Science.) — a.b. 1893; a.m. 1894. — Statistician. Arthur Stoddard Cooley, Athens, Greece (Am. Sch. Class. Studies) . (Philology, Classical.) — a.b. Amherst 1891 ; a.m. 1893. — Student (Classics) . Reginald Aldworth Daly, Cambridge, Mass. ( Apley Court) . (Natural History.) — a.b. Victoria Univ. (Ont.) 1891; s.b. ibid. 1892; a.m. 1893. Instr. in Physiography. — Teacher (Physiography). William Preston Few, Durham, N. C. (Trinity Coll.). (Philology, English.)— A.B. Wofford Coll. (S. C.) 1887; a.m. 1893.— Teacher. 1896] DOCTORS OF PHILOSOPHY. 13 Frederic Putnam Gtulliver, Southboro, Mass. (St. Mark's Sch.). (Natural History.) — a.b. 1893; a.m. 1894:. — Teacher. Arthur Winfred Hodgman, Columbus, O. (164 W. 9th Ave.). (Philology, Classical.) — a.b. 1890; a.m. 1893. Asst. Prof. Class. Lang. Ohio State Univ. — Teacher (Classics). Martin Hill Ittner, St. Louis, Mo. (2603 Michigan Ave.). (Chemistry.) — ph.b. Washington Univ. (Mo.) 1892; s.b. ibid. 1894; a.m. 1S95.— Chemist. Herbert Spencer Jennings, Hanover, N. H. (Natural History.) — s.b. Univ. Mich. 1893; a.m. 1895. Prof. Botany and Bacteriology Mont. State Coll. of Agr. and Mech. Arts ; Instr. in Z60I. Dartmouth Coll. (N. H.). — Teacher {Natural Science). John Daniel Logan, Boston, Mass. (36 So. Russell St.). (Philosophy.)— A.B. Dalhousie Univ. (N. S.) 1893; a.m. ibid. 1894; a.b. 1894; a.m. 1895. Acting Prof. Philos. and Psychol. Ursinus Coll. (Pa.) 1896-97. — Teacher (Philosophy). Richard Clarke Manning, Jr., Cambridge, Mass. (5 Felton St.). (Philology, Classical.) — a.b. 1888; a.m. 1892. Tutor in Jj&t. — Teacher ( Classics) . Herbert Vincent Neal, Galesburg, III. (Knox Coll.). (Natural History.) —a.b. Bates Coll. (Me.) 1890; a.b. 1893; a.m. 1894. Prof. Biol. Knox Coll. (111.)-— Teacher (Biology). Charles Edward St. John, Oberlin, 0. (Oberlin Coll.). (Physics.)— 8. B. Mich. Agr. Coll. 1887; a.m. 1893. Assoc. Prof. Phys. and Astr. Oberlin Coll. (O.). — Teacher (Physics and Astronomy). Theodore Clarke Smith, Poughkeepsie, W. Y. (Vassar Coll.). (Political Science.) — a.b. 1892; a.m. 1893. Instr. in Hist. Vassar Coll. (N. Y.).— Teacher (History). Joseph Torrey, Jr., Cambridge, Mass. (8 Avon St.). (Chemistry.) — a.b. Bowdoin 1884; a.m. ibid. 1887. Instr. in Chem. — Teacher (Chemistry). Frederic Wilson Truscott, Morgantown, W. Va. (W. Va. Univ.). (Philology, Germanic.) — a.b. Indiana Univ. 1891; a.m. 1894. Asst. Prof. Germanic Lang, and Lit. W. Va. Univ. — Teacher (German). Lewis Gardner Westgate, Evanston, III. (1208 Chicago Ave.). (Natural History.)— a.b. Wesley an (Conn.) 1890; a.b. 1891; a.m. 1892.— Teacher (Natural Science) . George Rantoul White, Exeter, N. H. (Chemistry.) — a.b. 1886; a.m. 1887. Instr. Chem. Phillips Exeter Acad. (N. H.). — Teacher (Chemistry). 18 14 HARVARD UNIVERSITY. [1897 *JoHx Henry Boynton, Died 22 May 1898 a^ed 29. (Philology, English.)— A.B. 1890; a.m. ISdi. — Teacher (Unglish). Guy Stevens Callender, Cambridge^ Mass, (Matthews 7). (Political Science.) — A.B. Oberlin Coll. (O.) 1891; a.b. 1893; a.m. 1894. Instr. Pol. Econ. — Teacher (Political Economy'). George Davis Chase, Lawrenceville, N. J. (Philology, Comparative.) — a.b. 1889; a.m. 1895. Lat. Master Lawrence- ville Sch. (N. J.).— Teacher (Classics). Herbert Ernest Cushman, Tufts College, Mass. (Philosophy.)— A.B. Bates Coll. (Me.) 1887; s.t.b. Tufts Coll. 1890; a.m. ibid. 1890; a.b. 1895; a.m. 1896. Instr. in Philos. Tufts Coll.— Teacher (Philosophy). Clyde Augustus Duniway, Stanford Univ., Gal. (Leland Stan- ford Jr. Univ.). (Political Science.)— A.B. Cornell Univ. (N. Y.) 1892; a.m. 1894. Asst. Prof. Am. Hist. Leland Stanford Jr. Univ. (Cal.).— Teacher (History). Frank Edgar Farley, Haverford, Pa. (Haverford Coll.). (Philology, English.)— A.B. 1893; a.m. 1894. Instr. in Eng. Haverford Coll. (Pa.). — Teacher (Modern Languages). Jeremiah Denis Matthias Ford, Cambridge, Mass. (Philology, Romance.) — a.b. 1894; a.m. 1895. Instr. in Rom. Lang. — Teacher (Romance Languages). Frank Bernard Gallivan, So. Boston, Mass. (113 3d St.). (Chemistry.) — a.b. 1893; a.m. 1894. — Teacher (Chemistry). John Irvin Hamaker, Durham, N. C. (Biology.)— A.B. Univ. Kansas 1893; a.b. 1894; a.m. 1895. Prof. Biol. Trinity Coll. (N. C.) . — Teacher (Biology) . Albert Elmer Hancock, Williamstown, Mass. (Williams Coll.). (Philology, English.)— s.B. Wesleyan Univ. (Conn.) 1891; a.m. 1895. Instr. in Eng. and Rom. Lang. Williams Coll. — Teacher (Modern Lan- guages) . Alfred LeRoy Hodder, Bryn Mawr, Fa. (Philosophy.) — Assoc, in Eng. Lit. Bryn Mawr Coll. (Pa.). — Teacher (English). Thomas Augustus Jaggar, Jr., Cambridge, Mass. (Perkins 60). (Geology.)— A.B. 1893; a.m. 1894. Instr. in Geol. — Teacher (Geology). Gaillard Thomas Lapsley, JVew York, JSf. Y. (12 W. 37th St.). (History.)— A.B. 1893; a.m. 18di. — Student (History). 1897] DOCTOKS OF PHILOSOPHY. 15 Henry Richardson Linville, New York, TV. T. (60 W. 13th St.). (Biology.) — A.B. Univ. Kansas 1893; a.b. 1894; a.m. 1895. Teacher in Zool. Boys' High Sch. of Manhattan (N. Y.). — Teacher (^Zoology). Charles Whitney Mixter, Cambridge, Mass. (1671 Cambridge St.). (Political Science.) —a.b. Johns Hopkins Univ. (Md.) 1892; a.m. 1893.— Teacher (Economics). Milton Brockett Porter, Austin, Tex. (Univ. of Texas). (Mathematics.) — s.b. Univ. Texas 1892 ; a.m. 1895. Instr. in Math. Univ. Texas. — Teacher (Mathematics) . Frederick Hollister Safford, Cambridge, Mass, (22 Sacra- mento PI.). (Mathematics.) — s.b. Mass. Inst. Tech. 1888; a.m. 1894. Instr. Math. — Teacher (Mathematics) . Boris Sidis, New York, N. Y. (1 Madison Ave.). (Philosophy.) — a.b. 1894; a.m. 1895. Assoc, in Psychol, at the Pathologi- cal Inst, of the N. Y. State Hospitals. — Pathologist. Macy Millmore Skinner, Cambridge, Mass. (care Harvard Univ.). (Philology, Semitic.) — a.b. 1894; a.m. 1895. — Student (Semitics). To study abroad 1898-99. *RoscoE Addison Small, Died 18 July 1898 a^ed 27. (Philology, English.) —A.B. Bates Coll. (Me.) 1892; a.b. 1894; a.m. 1895. Instr. in Eng. Brown Univ. (R. I.) 1897-98. — ^eacAgr (English). Oliver Mitchell Wentworth Sprague, St. Johnsbury, Vt. (Political Science.) — a.b. 1894; a.m. 1895. — Student (Economic History) . Henry Augustus Torrey, Burlington, Vt. (75 S. Prospect St.). (Chemistry.) —A.B. Univ. Vt. 1892 ; a.m. 1896. Instr. in Chem. Univ. Vt. — Teacher ( Chemistry) . George Ole Virtue, Winona, Minn. (Political Science.)— a.b. Univ. Kan. 1892; a.b. 1892; a.m. 1893. Instr. Minn. State Normal Sch. — Teacher. John Albrecht Walz, Cambridge, Mass. (care Harvard Univ.). (Philology, Germanic.)- A.B. Northwestern Univ. (111.) 1892; a.m. 1895. — Student (Germanic Philology). To study abroad 1898-99. Raymond Weeks, Columbia, Mo. (Univ. of State of Mo.). (Philology, Romance.)— A.B. 1890; a.m. 1891. Prof. Rom. Lang. Univ. of State of Mo. — Teacher (Romance Languages). 25 — *2 16 HARVARD UNIVERSITY. [1898 Frank Watts Bancroft, Cambridge^ Mass. (care Harvard Univ.). (Biology.) — 8.B. Univ. Cal. 1894; s.m. ibid. 1896; a.m. U^l. — Student (^Zoology). To study abroad 1898-99. Charles Heyward Barnwell, Cleveland^ 0. (Adelbert Coll.). (Philology, English.)— A.B. South Carolina CoU. 1887; a.m. ibid. 1888; A.M. 1893. Instr. in Eng. Adelbert Coll. (O.). — Teacher {English). Harry Yandell Benedict, Graham^ Tex. (Mathematics.) — s.B. Univ. Texas 1892; a.m. ibid. l%dZ. — Teacher {Mathematics) . William Burdelle Bentlet, Fayetteville, Ark. (Chemistry.)— A.B. 1889; a.m. 1890. Prof. Phys. and Chem. Ark. Indus- trial Univ. — Teacher {Physics and Chemistry). Clarence Powers Bill, Cleveland^ 0. (Western Reserve Univ.). (Philology, Classical.) — a.b. Adelbert Coll. of Western Reserve Univ. (O.) 1894 ; A.M. Western Reserve Univ. 1895 ; a.m. 1896. Instr. in Lat. Western Reserve Univ. (O.). — Teacher (Classics) . Joseph William Blankinship, Bozeman, Mont. (Montana State Coll.). (Biology.)— A.B. Drury Coll. (Mo.) 1889; a.b. 1894; a.m. 1896. Prof. Bot. Mont. State Coll. — Teacher {Botany). Neil Conwell Brooks, Champaign, HI. (Univ. of Illinois). (Philology, Germanic.) — a.b. Univ. of Kan. 1890; a.m. 1896. Instr. in Germ. Univ. of 111. — Teacher {German) . William Sargent Burrage, Cambridgeport, Mass. (10 Fayette St.). (Philology, Classical.)— A.B. 1892; a.m. 1S9o. — Teacher {ClaJssics). Donald Frank Campbell, Cambridge., Mass. (Mathematics.) — A.B. Dalhousie Univ. (N. S.) 1890; a.b. 1894; a.m. 1895. Instr. in Math. — Teacher {Mathematics). Allerton Seward Cushman, St. Louis., Mo. (Chemistry.) — s.B. Worcester Polytechnic Inst. 1888 ; a.m. 1897. — Teacher {Chemistry). Now in the U. S. army. Samuel Bannister Harding, Bloomington., Ind. (History.) — a.b. Indiana Univ. 1890; a.m. 1894. Asst. Prof. European Hist. Ind. Univ. — Teacher {History). Herbert Mltller Hopkins, Berkeley, Cal. (Univ. of Cal.). (Philology, Classical.)— a.b. Columbia Univ. (N. Y.) 1893; a.m. 1896. Instr. in Lat. Univ. Cal. — Teacher {Classics). i8q8] doctors of philosophy. 17 James Edwin Lough, Oshkosh^ Wis. (Philosophy.)— A-B- Miami Univ. (O.) 1891; a.m. ibid. 1894; a.b. 1894; A.M. 1895. Instr. in Philos. State Normal Sch. Oshkosh (Wis.). — Teacher (Philosophy) . GusTAVus Howard Maynadier, Cambridge, Mass. (17 Plymp- ton St.). (Philology, English.)— A.B. 1889; a.m. 1890 . — Teacher (EngHsh). William Pepperrell Montague, Cambridge, Mass. (6 Gibson St.). (Philosophy.)— A.B. 1896; a.m. 1897.— Teacher (Philosophy). William Allan Neilson, Bryn Mawr, Pa. (Philology, English.)— A.M. Univ. of Edinburgh (Scotland) 1891; a.m. 1896. Assoc, in Eng. Bryn Mawr Coll. (Pa.). — Teacher (English). George Rap all Noyes, Cambridge, Mass. (care Harvard Univ.). (Philology, English.) — a.b. 1894; a.m. 1895. — Student (Slavic Lan- guages). To study abroad 1898-99. Ismer John Peritz, Syracuse, N. T. (Syracuse Univ.). (Philology, Semitic.) —Drew Theol. Sera. (N. J.) 1887; a.m. 1893. Prof. Semit. Syracuse Univ. (N. Y.). — Teacher (Semitics), Clergyman (Metho- dist Episcopal) . John Wesley Rice, Rockland, Mass. (Philology, Biblical and Patristic Greek.) — a.b. 1891; s.t.b. Yale Univ. 1895; a.m. 1896; s.t.b. 1897. Frank Russell, Cambridge, Mass. (25 Ware St.). (American Archaeology and Ethnology.) — s.b. State Univ. of la. 1892; s.M. ibid. 1895; a.b. 1896; a.m. 1897. Instr. in Anthropol. — Teacher (Anthropology) . Charles Augustus Soch, Ithaca, J!^. Y. (32 Stewart Ave.). (Chemistry.) — a.b. 1894. Leon Mendez Solomons, San Francisco, Cal. (care Lucius L. Solomons, 508 California St.). (Philosophy.) —S.B. Univ. of Cal. 1893; s.m. ibid. 1894. James Sullivan, Jr., Cambridge, Mass. (Stoughton 21). (History.)— A.B. 1894; a.m. 1895. — Teacher (History). Ashley Horace Thorndike, Cleveland, 0. (Western Reserve Univ.). (Philology, English.)— A.B. Wesleyan Univ. (Conn.) 1893; a.m. 1896. Instr. in Eng. Coll. for Women Western Keserve Univ. (O.). — Teacher (English) . 18 HARVARD UNIVERSITY. [1898 Frederick Clayton Waite, Hudson^ 0. (Biology.) — LiTT.B. Adelbert Coll. of Western Keserre Univ. (0.) 1892; A.M. Western Reserve Univ. 1894; a.m. 1896. — Teacher {Zoology^. Arthur Mayer Wolfson, New Tork^ N. T. (Boys' High Sch.). (History.)— A. B. 1893; a.m. 1896. Instr. in Hist. Boys' High Sch. N. Y. — Teacher {History). 26 DOCTORS OF SCIENCE. (S.D.) John Trowbridge, Cambridge^ Mass. (58 Linnaean St.). (Physics.)— 8. B. 1865. Asst. Prof. Phys. Mass. Inst. Tech. Asst. Prof, and Prof. Phys. ; Rumford Prof, and Lect. on the Application of Science to the Useful Arts; Director Jefferson Phys. Lab.; Fellow Am. Acad.; Memb. Nat. Acad. Sci. ; Memb. Am. Philos. Soc. — Teacher (Physics). 1 Nathaniel Southgate Shaler, Cambridge, Mass, (25 Qiiincy St.). (Natural ffistory.) — s.b. 1862. Prof. Palaeontol. ; Prof. Geol. ; Dean Lawrence Sci. Sch. ; Geologist U. S. Geol. Surv. ; State Geologist Ky. Fellow Am. Acad. — Teacher (Geology). 1 Walter Faxon, Cambridge, Mass. (Museum of Comp. ZooL). (Natural History.) — a.b. 1871; s.b. 1872. Instr. and Asst. Prof. Zool. Fellow Am, Acad. — Teacher (Zoology). Byron David Halsted, Neiv Brunswick, N. J. (Rutgers Coll.). (Natural History.) — Prof. Botany and Hortic. Rutgers Coll. (N. J.). — Teacher (Botany). Charles Sedgwick Minot, Boston, Mass. (688 Boylston St.). (Natural History.) — s.b. Mass. Inst. Tech. 1872. Instr. Oral Pathol, and Surg. ; Asst. Prof. Histol. and Embryol. ; Prof. Histol. and Human Embryol. Fellow Am. Acad. ; Cor. Memb. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci. ; Memb. Am. Philos. Soc. — Teacher (Physiology) . 3 Leonard Waldo, Bridgeport, Conn. (Astronomy.)— S.B. Marietta (0.) 1872; a.m. (Hon.) Yale 1880. Director Horological Bureau Yale Observatory 1879-88. — Astronomer. 20 HARVARD UNIVERSITY. [1881-91 Charles Frederic Mabery, Cleveland^ 0. (57 Adelbert St.). (Physics.) —s.B. 1876. Prof. Chem. Case Sch. Appl. Sci. Cleveland (O.). Fellow Am. Acad. — Teacher (Chemistry). 1 Leonard Parker Kinnicutt, Worcester, Mass. (Chemistry.)— s.B. Mass. Inst. Tech. 1875. Asst. Prof, and Prof. Chem. Worcester Polytech. Inst. Fellow Am. Acad. — Teacher (Chemistry). 1 William Trelease, St. Louis, Mo. (Washington Univ.). (Natural History.) — s.b. Cornell (N. Y. ) 1880. Prof. Bot. Washington Univ. (Mo.) ; Director Shaw Sch. Botany and Mo. Botanical Garden. Fellow Am. Acad. — Teacher (Botany) . 1 Austin Lee McRae, Austin, Tex. (Univ. of Texas). (Physics.) — s.B. Univ. Ga. 1881. Asst. Prof. Phys. Univ. Mo.; Prof. Phys. Mo. Sch. of Mines ; Assoc. Prof. Phys. Univ. Tex. — Teacher (Physics) . Arthur William Palmer, Champaign, III. (614 W. Park St.). (Chemistry-.) — s.b. Univ. 111. 1883. Asst. Prof, and Prof. Chem. Univ. 111. — Teacher ( Chemistry) . George Henry Johnson, St. Louis, Mo. (2732 Pine St.). (Mathematics.) — s.b. Rutgers (N. J.) 1882 ; s.m. Cornell 1883 ; c.e. Rutgers 1885. Robert Tracy Jackson, Boston, 3fass. (33 Gloucester St.). (Natural History.) — s.b. 188-i. Instr. Palaeont. Fellow Am. Acad. — Teacher (Palaeontology) . KiNGO MiYABE, Sapporo, Japan. (Natural History.) — s.a.b. Sapporo Agric. Coll. (Japan) 1881. Prof. Botany Sapporo Agric. Coll. — Teacher (Botany). 2 George Howard Parker, No. Cambridge, Mass. (6 Avon PL). (Natural History.) — s.b. 1887. Instr. in Zool. — Teacher (Zoology). 1892-97] DOCTORS OF SCIENCE. 21 * J AMES Ellis Humphrey, Died 17 Aug. 1897 aged 35. (Natural History.) — s.b. 1886. Lect. in Botany Johns Hopkins Univ. (Md.). Memb. Am. Philos. Soc. — Teacher {Botany). 1 — *1 Robert Wilson Cornelison, Watsessing^ N. J. (McKenzie Bros. & Hill). (Chemistry.) — s.b. Univ. 111. 1890. — Consulting Chemist. Harry Sands Grindley, Urhana^ III. (Univ. of Illinois). (Chemistry.) — s.b. Univ. 111. 1888. Asst. Prof. Chem. Univ. 111. — Teacher {Chemistry). WiNFiELD Scott Nickerson, Evanston, III. (Northwestern Univ.). (Natural History.) — s.b. 1890. Instr. in Biol. Northwestern Univ. — Teacher (Biology). 2 Frederick Levy Dunlap, Worcester, Mass. (Worcester Polytech. Institute) . (Chemistry.) — s.b. Univ. Mich. 1892. Instr. in Industrial Chem. Worcester Polytech. Inst. — Teacher {Chemistry). Herbert Maule Richards, Cambridge, Mass. (Dunster 21). (Natural History.) — s.b. 1891. Instr. in Botany. — Teacher {Botany). 2 Alfred Goldsborough Mayer, Cambridge, Mass. (11 Francis Ave.). (Natural History.) — m.e. Stevens Inst, of Tech. (N. J.) 1889. — Zoologist. 1 MASTERS OF ARTS. (A.M.) James McBride Sterrett, Washiiigton, D. G. (Columbian Univ.). 1894. —A. B. Rochester (N. Y.) 1867; s.t.b. Epis. Theol. Sch. Cambr. (Mass.) 1872; s.t.d. Rochester 1886. Prof. Ethics Seabury Div. Sch. (Minn.) ; Prof. Philos. Columbian Univ. (D. C). — Teacher {Philosophy^. Clergyman {Protestant Episcopal) . 1 ♦James Olney Averill, Died 16 Dec. 1886 aged 38. A.B. Amherst 1870; Union Theol. Sem. 1878. — Clergyman (Congrega- tional) . Edward Penniman Bliss, Boston, Mass. (86 Franklin St.). A.B. 1873. — In business. Eugene Bigelow Hagar, Boston., Mass. (33 Temple PI.). A.B. 1871; LL.B. 1873. — Lawyer (retired). Henry Parkman, Boston, Mass. (1003 Exchange Bldg.). A.B. 1870; LL.B. 1873. — Lawyer. Melville Howard Swett, Watertown, Mass. A.B. 1873. — Lawyer (^retired). James Freeman Tufts, Wolfville, JSf. S. A.B. Acadia (N. S.) 1868; a.b. 1872. Prof. Logic and Mark Curry Prof. Hist, and Pol. Econ. Acadia Coll. ; Prin. Horton Coll. Acad. Wolfville (N. S.) . — Teacher. William Warren Vaughan, Boston, Mass. (1003 Exchange Bldg.). A.B. 1870; LL.B. 1873. — Lawyer. Marshman Edward Wadsworth, Houghton, Mich. A.B. Bowdoin 1869 ; a.m. ibid. See also Ph.D. and A.M. 1879. 8 — *1 1875-76] MASTEKS OF ARTS. 23 Thomas Simms Bettens, New York, N. Y. (130 W. 87th St.). A.B. 1874. — Teacher. Michael Joseph Canavan, Lexington, Mass. A.B. 1871; LL.B. 1875. — Lawyer. ♦Bernard Whitman Flagg, Died 20 June 1890 aged 37. A.B. 1874. — Teacher (^Music). Arthur William Foote, Boston Mass. (153 Tremont St.). A.B. 1874. — Teacher (Pianoforte). Composer. Lewis Cass Ledyard, New York, N. Y. (54 Wall St.). A.B. 1872; LL.B. 1875. — Lawyer. Albert Lamb Lincoln, Jr., Boston, Mass. (18 P. O. Sq.). A.B. 1872; LL.B. 1874. — Lawyer. William Caleb Loring, Boston, Mass. (60 State St.). A.B. 1872; LL.B. 1874. — Lawyer. William Cary Sanger, Sangerjield, N. Y. A.B. 1874; LL.B. Columbia 1878. — Lawyer. Edward Preston Usher, Boston, Mass. (23 Court St.). A.B. 1873; LL.B. 1880. — Lawyer. Electrician. Henry Nathan Wheeler, Cambridge, Mass. (55 Garden St.). A.B. 1871. Instr. in Math. — In business (publishing). *John Henry Wheeler, Died 10 Oct. 1887 aged 36. A.B. 1871; PH.D. Bonn 1879. Tutor; Prof. Lat. Bowdoin Coll.; Prof. Greek Univ. Va. — Teacher (Classics). George Wigglesworth, Boston, Mass. (1004 Exchange Bldg.). A.B. 1874; LL.B. 1878. — In business. Charles Herbert Williams, Boston, Mass. (15 Arlington St.). A.B. 1871; M.D. 1874. — Physician. 13 — *2 William Silsbee FenoUosa, Salem, Mass. (73 Pinckney St.). A.B. 1875. — Teacher (Pianoforte). ♦Charles Abner Ham, Died 5 June 1882 aged 30. A.B. 1873. Eliot Lord, Boston, Mass. (307 Washington St.). A.B. 1873. — Hdiior. 24 HARVARD UNIVERSITY. [ 1 876-77 Woodbury Lowery, Washington^ D. C. (1651 Pennsylvania Ave.). A.B. 1875; LL.B. Columbian (D. C.) 1880; ll.m. ibid. 1881. — Lawyer {Patents) . ♦William Harlow Melville, Died 17 Feb. 1893 aged 40. A.B. 1875. See also Ph.D. and A.M. 1881. John Murdoch, Boxbury, Mass. (195 Walnut Ave.). A.B. 1873. — Librarian. Marshall Livingston Perrin, Wellesley Hills, Mass. A.B. 1874; PH.D. Gottingen 1889. Asst. Prof, and Prof. Germ, and Anglo- Saxon Boston Univ. — Teacher (German and Anglo-Saxon). 7 — *2 Henry Sherman Boutell, Washington, D. 0., and Chicago, III. (24 Walton PI.). A.B. Northwestern Univ. (111.) 1874; a.b. 1876. M.C. — Lawyer. In pub- lic life (M.C.). Samuel Carroll Derby, Columbus, 0. (93 loth Ave.). A.B. 1866. Prof Lat. Lang, and Lit. and Pres. Antioch Coll. (0.) ; Prof. Lat. Lang, and Lit. Ohio State Univ. ; Dean of the Coll. of Arts Philos. and Sci. Ohio State Univ. — Teacher (Classics). Herbert Lee Harding, Boston, Mass. (1004 Exchange Bldg.). A.B. 1874; LL.B. 1876. — Lawyer. Edward Bruce Hill, New York, N. Y. (45 Wall St.). A.B. 1874; LL.B. 1876. — Lawyer. ♦Holmes Hinkley, Died 25 Feb. 1891 aged 37. A.B. ISIQ.— Teacher. WiUiam Gordon McMillan, Cleveland, 0. (306 Sibley St.). A.B. 1874; LL.B. 1876. — Lawyer. Alden Sampson, Haverford, Pa. A.B. Haverford (Pa.) 1873; a.b. 1876; a.m. Haverford 1877. Stephen Perry Sturges, New York, N Y. (55 Liberty St.). A.B. Cornell 1876; ll.b. Columbia 1880. — Lawyer. Eugene Wambaugh, Cambridge, Mass. (29 Hammond St.). A.B. 1876; LL.B. 1880; ll.d. State Univ. Iowa 1892. Prof. Law State Univ. Iowa; Prof. Law. — Teacher (Law). 9 — *1 1878-79] MASTERS OF ARTS. 25 John Henry Appleton, Boston, Mass, (23 Court St.). A.B. 1875; LL.B. 1877. — Lawyer. Henry Hall Buck, Boston, Mass. (50 State St.). A.B. 1875; LL.B. 1877. — Lawyer. Arthur Tracy Cabot, Boston, Mass. (3 Marlborough St.). A.B. 1872; M.D. 1876. Fellow; Fellow Am. Acad. — Physician. Richard Tupper Cadbury, Philadelphia, Pa. (409 Chestnut St.). A.B. Haverford (Pa.) 1872; a.b. 1877. — Accountant. Reginald Gray, Boston, Mass. (60 Devonshire St.). A.B. 1875; LL.B. 1877. — Lawyer. Thomas Macauley, New York, N. Y. (205 W. End Ave.). A.B. 1877; LL.B. 1882. William Reuben Richards, Boston, Mass. (31 State St.). A.B. 1874; LL.B. 1877. — Lawyer. Albert Smith Thayer, New York, N. Y. (11 William St.). A.B. 1875; LL.B. 1877. — Lawyer. *Hollis Thayer, Died 3 Jan. 1884 aged 31. A.B. 1875; LL.B. 1877. Samuel Dennis Warren, Boston, Mass. (220 Devonshire St.). A.B. 1875; LL.B. 1877. — Lawyer. Harold Wheeler, San Francisco, Cal. (Mutual Life Bldg.). A.B. 1877. — Lawyer. ♦Harold Whiting, Died 27 May 1895 aged 40. A.B. 1877. See also Ph.D. and A.M. 1884. Rufus Phillips Williams, Boston, Mass. (Enghsh High Sch.). A.B. Dartmouth 1876; a.m. ibid. Master Dept. Chem. Eng. High Sch. Boston. — Teacher ( Chemistry) . 13 — *2 HoUis Russell Bailey, Cambridge, Mass. (4 Buckingham St.). A.B. 1877; LL.B. 1878. — Lawyer. Edward Bicknell, Buckfield, Me. (Box 85). A.B. 1876; LL.B. 1878. — Lawyer. George Henry Browne, Cambridge, Mass. (16 Garden St.). A.B. 1878. — Teacher. 26 HARVARD UNIVERSITY. [1879-80 Herbert Morison Clarke, Fulton^ Oswego Co., N. Y. A.B. Hobart (N. Y.) 1876; a.b. 1878; a.m. Hobart 1879. See also Ph.D. and A.M. 1884. Emor Herbert Harding, Boston, Mass. (77 Marlborough St.). A.B. 1876; LL.B. 1878. — Lawyer. Rockwood Hoar, Worcester, Mass. (9 P. O. Block). A.B. 1876; LL.B. 1878. — Lawyer. Ernest Jackson, Boston, Mass. (383 Beacon St.). A.B. 1878. — Teacher. Philippe Belknap Marcou, Cambridge, Mass. (42 Garden St.). A.B. 1876; PH.D. Berlin 1888. Tutor; Instr. Romance Lang. — Teacher (Romance Languages) . Edward Woodman, Portland, Me. (85 Exchange St.). A.B. 1877; LL.B. 1881. — Lawyer. Francis Almy, Buffalo, N. T. A.B. 1879. — In business. Clement Walker Andrews, Chicago, III. (Marshal Field Bldg.). A.B. 1879. Librarian Mass. Inst. Tech. — Librarian. Harrison Otis Apthorp, Milton, Mass. (Milton Acad.). A.B. 1879. Headmaster Milton Acad. (Mass.). — Teacher. Robert S Avann, Albion, Mich. (310 Jackson St.). A.B. 1877 ; PH.D. Boston Univ. 1881. Prof. Lat. Claverack Coll. and Hudson River Inst. ; Prof. Lat. Albion Coll. (Mich.). — Teacher {Classics). Henry Baily, Newton Centre, Mass. (991 Beacon St.). A.B. Haverford (Pa.) 1878; a.b. \S1^. — Lawyer. Francis Hagar Bigelow, Washington, Z>. (7. (U. S. Weather Bureau). A.B. 1873; s.t.b. Epis. Theol. Sch. Cambr. (Mass.) 1880. Prof. Math, and Astron. Racine Coll. (Wis.) ; Prof. Solar Phys. Columbian Univ. (D.C.) ; Prof. Meteorol. U. S. Weather Bureau. — Teacher (Meteorology). Clergy- man {Protestant Episcopal) . Walter Cary, Buffalo, N. T. (184 Delaware Ave.). A.B. 1879. — Journalist. Stedman Willard Clary, Boston, Mass. (110 Boylston St.). A.B. 1877. Instr. Mod. Lang, and Math. Philhps Acad. Andover (Mass.). — Tea/iher. l88o-8l] MASTERS OF ARTS. 27 James Arthur Gage, Lowell^ Mass. (48 Central St.). A.B. 1879; M.D. 1885. — Physician. James Ward Gilman, Bacine, Wis. (1307 No. Wisconsin iSt.). A.B. 1877; s.T.B. Epis. Theol. Sch. Cambr. (Mass.) 1880. — Clergyman ( Protestant Episcop al) . Benjamin Fosdick Harding, Boston^ Mass. (Hopkinson Sch.). A.B. 1878. Head Belmont Sch. (Mass.) 1889-98. — ^eac^er. Edward Lovell Houghton, Pawtucket, B. I. (2 Brook St.). A.B. 1879; Andover Theol. Sem. 1883. — Clergyman (Universalist) . Benjamin Rand, Cambridge, Mass. (24 Quincy St.). A.B. Acadia (N. S.) 1875 ; a.b. 1879. See also Ph.D. and A.M. 1885. Francis Joseph Swayze, Newark, JV. /. (776 Broad St.). A.B. 1879. — Lawyer. U WilHam Zebina Bennett, Wooster, Wayne Co., 0. (67 Bowman St.). A.B. 1878; PH.D. Wooster (O.) 1883. Brown Prof. Chem. and Phys. Uniy. Wooster. — Teacher ( Chemistry and Physics) . Henry Champion Jones, Boston, Mass. (Public Latin Sch.). A.B. 1880. — Teacher. James Otis Lincoln, San Mateo, Cal. A.B. 1873; Berkeley Div. Sch. (Conn.) 1884. — Clergyman (Protestant Episcopal) . Edwin Howard Lord, Wolf borough, N. H. A.B. Bowdoin 1871 ; a.m. ibid. Master Dept. Phys. Sci. High Sch. Lowell (Mass.) ; Headmaster High Sch. Lawrence (Mass.) ; Prin. Brewster Free Acad. (N. H.). — T'eac/ier. William Taggard Piper, Cambridge, Mass. (179 Brattle St.). A.B. 1874. See also Ph.D. and A.M. 1883. Charles Wellington Stone, Boston, Mass. (68 Chestnut St.). A.B. 1874. — Teacher. Alfred Worcester, Waltham, Mass. A.B. 1878; M.D. 1883. — Physician. 28 HARVARD UNIVERSITY. [ 1 882-83 Le Baron Russell Briggs, Cambridge^ Mass. (140 Brattle St.). A.B. 1875. Tutor ; Instr. Asst. Prof, and Prof. English ; Dean Harvard Coll. — Teacher (English) . Edward Southworth Hawes, Brooklyn, N, Y. (Polytechnic Inst.). A.B. 1880. See also Ph.D. and A.M. 1884. John Norton Johnson, Philadelphia, Pa. (1415 Walnut St.). A.B. 1881. See also Ph.D. and A.M. 1883. Charles Henry Morss, West Medford, Mass. A.B. 1880. — Superintendent of Schools. Charles Robert Sanger, St. Louis, Mo. (Washington Univ.). A.B. 1881. See also Ph.D. and A.M. 1884. Frank Webster Smith, Lincoln, Mass. A.B. 1877. Master Class. Dept. State Normal Sch. Westfield (Mass.).— Teacher (Classics). Edmund Allen Whitman, Cambridge, Mass, (23 Everett St.). A.B. 1881; LL.B. 1885. — Lawyer. 7 Frederic Almy, Buffalo, N. T. (Fitch Institute). A.B. 1880. — Lawyer. Joseph Austin Coolidge, Cambridge, Mass. (20 Martin St.). A.B. 1882. — Teacher (Mathematics and Physics). George Trumbull Hartshorn, Taunton, Mass. (7 Pleasant St.). A.B. 1S82. — Chemist. Henry Churchill King, Oberlin, Ohio. A.B. Oberlin (O.) 1879 ; s.t.b, ibid. 1882. Assoc. Prof. Math, and Philos. and Prof. Philos. Oberlin Coll. ; Finney Prof. Theology Oberlin Theol. Sem. — Teacher (Philosophy and Theology). Clergyman (Congregational) . Philip Coombs Knapp, Boston, Mass. (33 Marlborough St.). A.B. 1878; M.D. 1883. — Physician. Robert Luce, Boston, Mass. (68 Devonshire St.). A.B. 1882. — In business (newspaper clippings). *John Edward Maude, Died 26 June 1885 aged 30. A.B. 1881. — Clergyman (Unitarian). ♦Harry Leverett Nelson, Died 16 Aug. 1889 aged 30. A.B. 1881. — Lawyer. 1883-84] MASTEKS OF ARTS. 29 Edward Knights Stevens, Newport, R. I. (Box 82). A.B. 1882. — Teacher. Frederic Mather Stone, Boston, Mass. (706 Sears Bldg.). A.B. 1882. — Lawyer. Duren James Henderson Ward, Manhattan, Kan, A.B. Hillsdale (Mich.) 1878; a.m. ibid. ; s.t.b. ibid. 1884; ph.d. Leipsic 1887. Prof. Eng. Kan. Agr. Coll. — Clergyman {Unitarian). Teacher. Horace Leslie Wheeler, Watertown, Mass, A.B. 1881; S.T.B. 1885. — Clergyman (Unitarian). 12— *2 Joseph Randolph Coolidge, Jr., Chestnut Hill, Ma;SS. A.B. 188S.— Architect. Harold Clarence Ernst, Jamaica Plain, Mass. (8 Greenough Ave.). A.B. 1876; M.D. 1880. Asst. Prof. Bacteriology. Fellow Am. Acad. — Teacher {Bacteriology). * James Newton Gan-att, Died 29 Jan. 1885 aged 22. A.B. 1883. — Student {Chemistry). Herbert Eveleth Greene, Baltimore, Md, (1019 St. Paul St.). A.B. 1881. See also Ph.D. and A.M. 1888. Ernest Flagg Henderson, Berlin, Germany (1 Maienstr.). A.B. Trinity (Conn.) 1882; a.b. 1883; ph.d. Berlin 1890. Lect. in Hist. Wellesley Coll. (Mass.) 1895-98.— Teacher {History). Charles Austin Hobbs, Watertown, Mass. A.B. 1880. — Teacher {3fathematics and Physics). Horace Addison Hoffman, Bloomington, Ind. (Ind. Univ.). A.B. Iiid. Univ. 1881. Prof. Greek Ind. Univ. — Teacher {Classics). ♦Berwick Manning, Died 28 July 1884 aged 25. A.B. Amherst 1882. Alanson Herbert Mayers, CJiarlestawn, Mass. (57 Green St.). A.B. 1881.— Teacher. John Farwell Moors, Boston, Mass. (171 Beacon St.). A.B. 1883. — In business (brokerage). ♦Samuel Newell Nelson, Died 25 Feb. 1893 aged 36. A.B. 1878; M.D. 1882. — Physician. Walter Ferris Price, Haverford Coll. P. 0., Pa. A.B. Haverford (Pa.) 1882. 30 HARVARD UNIVERSITY. [1884-85 William Stanford Stevens, St. Albans, Vt. A.B. 1880; M.D. ISSS. — Fhysician. Merle St. Croix Wright, New York, N. Y. (215 W. 126th St.). A.B. 1881; 8.T.B. 1887. — Clergyman (Unitarian). Theodore Lyman Wright, Beloit, Wis. (Beloit Coll.). A.B. Beloit (Wis.) 1880. Prof. Greek Lit. and Art Beloit Coll. (Wis.) — Teacher (Classics). 15 — *3 William Tufts Crocker, East Boston, Mass. (185 Webster St.). A.B. 1884; 8.T.B. Epis. Theol. Sch. Cambr. (Mass.) 1888. — Clergymcm (Protestant Episcopal) . Edward Cummings, Cambridge, Mass. (cor. Irving and Scott Sts.). A.B. 1883. Instr. and Asst. Prof. Sociology. — Teacher (Sociology). Robert Willard Greenleaf, Boston, Mass. (561 Boylston St.). A.B. 1877; M.D. 1885. Prof. Mat. Med. and Botany Ma«s. Coll. Pharm.— Teacher (Pharmacy). Physician. Thaddeus William Harris, Keene, N. H. A.B. 1884. See also Ph.D. and A.M. 1890. Mellen Woodman Haskell, Berkeley, Cal. (2029 Durant Ave.). A.B. 1883; PH.D. Gottingen 1889. Asst. Prof, and Assoc. Prof. Math. Univ. Cal. — Teacher (Mathematics). Alexander George McAdie, San Francisco, Cal. (Signal OflSce) . A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1881; a.m. ihidi. — Meteorologist. Edwin Guthrie Mclnnes, Boston, Mass. (276 Newbury St.). A.B. 1883. — Lawyer. William Lenhart McPherson, Washington, D. C. (1322 F St., N.W.). A.B. 1884. — Newspaper correspondent. Charles Marsh Marvin, Elmira, N. Y. (Robinson Bldg.). A.B. 1884. — Lawyer. *Silas Allen Potter, Died 10 July 1892 aged 38. A.B. 1876; Andover Theol. Sem. 1879; m.d. ld>M. — Physician. Greenough White, Sewanee, Tenn. A.B. 1884; s.T.B. Epis. Theol. Sch. Camb. (Mass.) 1892. Prof. Eccl. Hist. Univ. of the South (Tenn.). — Teacher (Ecclesiastical History). Clergy- man (Protestant Episcopal). Isaac Spalding Whiting, Boston, Mass. (Chamber of Commerce) . A.B. 1882. — In business (grain^. 12 — *1 l886] MASTERS OF ARTS. 31 Edward Ernest Atkinson, Boston^ Mass, (Epis. Mission, Boylston Sta.). A.B. Brown 1879; a.m. ibid.; s.t.b. 1887; s.t.b. Epis. Theol. Sch. Cambr. (Mass.) 1888. — Clergyman (^Protestant Episcopal). William Albert Buxton, Fairbury, Neb. A.B. Brown 1882; a.m. ibid. Prof. Eccles. Hist. Drake Univ. (la.). — Clergyman ( Christian) . *Orrin Benner Clark, Died 14 May 1894. A.B. Univ. of Chicago 1872 ; a.m. ibid. Prof. Eng. Lang, and Lit. Ind. Univ. — Teacher {English) . James Thome Fairchild, Tabor ^ la. (Tabor Coll.). A.B. Oberlin (O.) 1883. Prof. Lat. Tabor Coll. (la.) . — Teacher (Classics) . Eugene Hiawatha Foster, Glendale^ 0. A.B. Antioch (O.) 1878; a.m. ibid. — Superintendent of Schools. Charles Bertie Gleason, Ghino, San Bernardino Co., Oal. A.B. 1885. — Teacher. Percy Stickney Grant, JSfew York, N. T. (7 W. 10th St.). A.B. 1883; S.T.B. Epis. Theol. Sch. Cambr. (Mass.) 1886. — Clergyman (Protestant Episcopal) . Maximilian Lindsay Kellner, Cambridge, Mass. (17 Lawrence Hall). A.B. Hobart (N. Y.) 1881; a.m. ibid. 1884; Griswold Theol. Sem. (la.) 1884; A.B. 1885; s.t.b. Epis. Theol. Sch. Cambr. (Mass.) 1886. Asst. Prof. O. T. Lang. Epis. Theol. Sch. Cambr. Mass.). — Clergyman (Pro- testant Episcopal). Teacher (Semitics). Arthur Keith, Washington, D. C. (care U. S. Geol. Survey). A.B. 1885. — Geologist. Alfred Wilhelm Martin, Tacoma, Wash. A.B. McGill (Que.) 1882; s.t.b. 1885. — Clergyman (Independent). William Whiting Nolen, Cambridge, Mass. (Manter 2). A.B. 1884. — Teacher. William King Richardson, Boston, Mass. (40 Water St.). A.B. 1880; A.B. Oxford (Eng.) 188i. — Lawyer. Edward Drake Roe, Jr., Oberlin, 0. (Oberlin Coll.). A.B. Syracuse (N. Y.) 1880; a.b. 1885; ph.d. Erlangen 1898. Assoc. Prof. Math. Oberlin Coll. (O.). — Teacher (Mathematics). 32 HARVARD UNIVERSITY. [188^-87 George William Rolfe, Cambridge^ Mass. (405 Broadway). A.B. 1885. Instr. in Analytical Chem. Mass. Inst. Tech. — Teacher ( Chemistry) . ♦George WiUiam Sawin, Died 29 Dec. 1889 aged 29. A.B. 1884. Instr. Math. — Teacher {Mathematics). Walter Edward Clifton Smith, Dorchester^ Mass. {io% Monadnock St.). A.B. 1883; 8.T.B. Epis. Theol. Sch. Cambr. (Mass.) \^^%. — Clergyman {Protestant Episcopal). William Roscoe Thayer, Cambridge^ Mass. (8 Berkeley St.). A.B. 1881. Memb. Mass. Hist. Soc. — Editor. Author. 17 — *2 Josiah Bridge, Dobbs Ferry., N. Y. A.B. 1884. See also Ph.D. and A.M. 1888. * Arthur Deloraine Corey, Died 17 Aug. 1891 aged 25. A.B. 1886; PH.D. Berlin 1891. — Student (Classics). Samuel Marcus Fechheimer, Cinci7inati^ 0. (86 Garfield PI.). A.B. 1886. — In business (shoe manufacture). Edward Chenery Gale, Mirmeapolis, Minn. A.B. Yale 1884. — Lawyer. Henry Harrison Haynes, Cambridge, Mass. (6 EUery St.). A.B. 1873; s.T.B. Epis. Theol. Sch. Cambr. (Mass.) 1877. — Clergym^an (Protestant Episcopal) . Henry Arnold Henshaw, Wobum, Mass. (129 Salem St.). A.B. 1886; s.T.B. and a.m. 1890.— Teacher. Frank Aurin Houghton, Chicago Lawn, III. PH.B. Hillsdale (Wis.) 1880; s.m. ibid. 1883. Thomas Spencer Jerome, Detroit, Mich. PH.B. Univ. Mich. 1884. — Lawyer. Charles Alexander Loeser, Brooklyn, N. Y. (484 Fulton St.). A.B. 1886. Edward Clark Lunt, Neio York, JST. Y. (159 E. Houston St.). A.B. 1886. — In business (ink). Joseph Lybrand Markley, Ann Arbor, Mich. (50 Thompson St.). A.B. Haverford (Pa.) 1885 ; a.m. ibid. 1886. See also Ph.D. and A.M. 1889. William Fogg Osgood, Cambridgeport, Mass. (14 Centre St.). A.B. 1886 ; PH.D. Erlangen 1890. Instr. and Asst. Prof. Math. — Teacher (Mathematics) . 1887-88] MASTERS OF ARTS. 33 Georg Richard Rodemann, Brooklyn., N. Y. (65 New York Ave.). See also Ph.D. and A.M. 1889. Frank Warren Smith, Pinole., Contra Costa Co., Cal. A.B. 1886. Frederic Morse Smith, Hartford, Conn. A.B. Yale 1880. George Rantoul White, Exeter, N. H. A.B. 1886. See also Ph.D. 1896. Henry Arthur Whitman, Charleston, S. C. A.B. Univ. Ga. 1868; a.m. ibid. 1870; Southern Theol. Sem. (Ky.) 1878.— Clergyman ( Unitarian) . Philip Green Wright, Galesburg, 111. (314 E. Tompkins St.). A.M.B. Tufts 1884. Prof. Math, and Astron. Lombard Univ. (111.) . — Teacher (^Mathematics and Astronomy) . 18 — *1 Clarence Walter Ayer, Cambridge, Mass. (14 Mellen St.). A.B. 1885. Acting Prof. Eng. Wittenberg Coll. (O.). — Teacher {English). Solon Irving Bailey, Arequipa, Peru, S. A. (Harv. Coll. Observ.). A.B. Boston Univ. 1881; a.m. ibid. 1884. Asst. Prof. Astron. Fellow Am. Acad. — Teacher {Astronomy) . William Sohier Bryant, Boston, Mass. (1 Charlesgate) . A.B. 1884; M.D. 1888. — Physician. Charles Francis Adams Currier, Boston, Mass. (Mass. Inst. Tech.). A.B. 1887. Assoc. Prof. Hist. Mass. Inst. Tech. — Teacher {History). August Frederic Foerste, Heidelberg, Germany (Ingrimmstr. 3). A.B. Denison (0.) 1887. See also Ph.D. and A.M. 1890. Herman Wadsworth Hayley, Middletoion, Conn. (Wesleyan Univ.). A.B. Amherst 1887. See also Ph.D. and A.M. 1890. Joseph Adna Hill, Temj^le, A^. H. A.B. 1885; PH.D. Halle- Wittenberg 1892. Albert Walker Hinds, We.st Boylston, Mass. A.B. Brown 1887. — Teacher. John Francis Holland, Chicago, III. (107 Dearborn St.). A.B. 1885. — Lawyer. Mark Antony de Wolfe Howe, Bristol, R. I. A.B. Lehigh (Pa.) 1886; a.b. 1887. — Jovrnalist. 34 HARVARD UNIVERSITY. [1888 Byron Satterlee Hurlbut, Cambridge^ Mass. (Hollis 7). A.B. 1887. Instr. English. — Teacher {English). George Edgar Ladd, Cambridge^ Mass. (81 Oxford St.). A.B. 1887. See also Ph.D. 1894. Alfred Henry Lloyd, Ann Arbor, Mich. (Univ. of Mich.). A.B. 1886. See also Ph.D. 1893. Myron Augustus Lochman, New York, N. Y. (Harvard Club). A.B. 1887. — Teacher (private tutor). John McKinstry Merriam, So. Framingham, Mass. (60 Union Ave.). A.B. 1886. — Lawyer. Adolph Caspar Miller, Chicago, III. (6018 Stony Island Ave.). A.B. Univ. Cal. 1887. Asst. Prof. Hist, and Polit. Sci. Univ. Cal. ; Assoc. Prof. Polit. Econ. and Finance Cornell Univ. ; Assoc. Prof. Polit. Econ. and Prof. Finance Univ. Chicago. — Teacher (Finance). Frank Walter Nicolson, Middletown, Conn. (174 High St.). A.B. Mt. Allison (N.B.) 1883; a.b. 1887. Assoc. Prof. Lat. Wesleyan Univ. (Conn.). — Teacher (Classics). Chauncey Goodrich Parker, Newark, N. J. (761 Broad St.). A.B. 1885; LL.B. Columbia 1887. — Lawyer. George Totten Quinby, New York, N. Y. (27 E. 38th St.). A.B. 1887; LL.B. 1891. — Lawyer. James Harvey Robinson, New York, N. Y. (170 W. 85th St.). A.B. 1887; PH.D. Freiburg 1890. Assoc. Prof. Eur. Hist. Univ. Pa. ; Prof. Romance Lang, ibid.; Prof. Hist. Columbia Coll. (N. Y.). — Teacher (History). William Sanford Robinson, Omaha, Neb. (1112 Dodge St.). A.B. 1887. — Chemist. Wallace Clement Sabine, Cambridge, Mass. (40 Shepard St.). A.B. Ohio State Univ. 1886. Instr. and Asst. Prof. Physics. Fellow Am. Acad. — Teacher (Physics). Hem-y Francis Sears, Boston, Mass. (86 Beacon). A.B. 1883; M.D. 1887. — Physician. William Albert Setchell, Berkeley, Cal. (Univ. of Cal.). A.B. Yale 1887. See also Ph.D. and A.M. 1890. Daniel William Shea, Washington, D. C. (Catholic Univ. of Am.). A.B. 1886; PH.D. Berlin 1892. Asst. Prof. Phys. and Prof. Phys. and Electr. Engin. Univ. 111.; Prof. Physics Catholic Univ. (D. C.).— Teacher (Physics). O/V- 1888-89 MASTERS OF ARTS. ^-^ 35 Frank Bulkeley Smith, Worcester, Mass. (Box 876). 1889.— A.B. 1886. Lawyer. William Henry Snyder, Worcester, Mass. 1889. — A.B. Colby 1885. Master in Sci. Worcester Acad. (Mass.). — Teacher {Science). Walter Raymond Spalding, Cambridge, Mass. (1 Parker St.). A.B. 1887. Instr. in Harmony. — Teacher (Music). William Codman Sturgis, JVew Haven, Conn. (242 Prospect St.). A.B. 1884. See also Ph.D. and A.M. 1890. Joseph Brown Thomas Tuthill, Salem, Oregon (178 State St.). A.B. 1887. Prof. Chem. Willamette Univ. (Ore.).— Teacher {Chemistry). Frank Hamilton Underwood, Buffalo, N. Y. (190 Hodges St.). A.B. 1886.— Teacher. Edson Leone Whitney, Chicago, III. (5490 Ellis Ave.). A.B. 1885; LL.B. Boston Univ. 1887. See also Ph.D. and A.M. 1890. 32 Frederick Anderegg, Oberlin, O. (207 E. College St.). A.B. Oberlin (0.) 1885. Prof. Math. Oberlin Coll.— Teacher {Mathematics). Frederick Harold Bailey, Cambridge, Mass. (75 Wendell St.). A.B. 1887. Asst. Prof. Math. Mass. Inst. Tech. — Teacher (Mathematics). William Herbert Carruth, Lawrence, Kan. (Univ. of Kan.). A.B. Univ. Kan. 1880; a.m. ibid. See also Ph.D. 1893. Charles William Colby, Montreal, Quebec (McG-ill Univ.). A.B. McGill 1887. See also Ph.D. and A.M. 1890. Edmund Burke Delabarre, Providence, R. I. A.B. Amherst 1886 ; ph.d. Freiburg-m-Baden 1891. Assoc. Prof. Psychology Brown Univ. ; Director of Psychological Lab. — Teacher (Psychology). Samuel Atkins Eliot, Boston, Mass. (25 Beacon St.). A.B. 1884. — Clergyman (Unitarian.) Henry Lexington Everett, Worcester, Mass. (29 Bowdoin St.). A.B. Brown 1886. — Mechanic. Jefferson Butler Fletcher, Cambridge, Mass. (4 Riedesel Ave.). A.B. 1887. Instr. Eng. — Teacher (English). James Geddes, Jr., Boston, Mass. (Boston Univ.). A.B. 1880. See also Ph.D. 1894. / 36 HARVARD UNIVERSITY. [1889-90 Clarence Willard Gleason, Dorchester^ Mass. (3 Stratford St.). A.B. 1888. Master in Greek Roxbury Latin Sch. — Teacher (Classics). Walter Scott Hendrixson, Grinnell, la, (Iowa Coll.). 8.B. Union Christian (Ind.) 1881; a.m. ibid. 1884. See also Ph.D. 1893. James Gibson Hume, Toronto, Ont. (University Coll.). A.B. Toronto 1887; ph.d. Freiburg-in-Baden 1891. Prof. Ethics and ffist. of Philos. Univ. of Toronto (Ont.). — Teacher {Ethics and Philosophy). Perry Lawton, Quincy, Mass. A.B. 1888 ; s.B. 1890. — Civil Engineer. Leo Rich Lewis, Tufts College, Mass. A.B. Tufts 1887; a.b. 1888. Prof. Hist, and Theory of Mus. Tufts Coll.— Teacher (Music). John Matthews Manly, Chicago, III. (Univ. of Chicago). a.m. Furman (S. C.) 1883. See also Ph.D. and A.M. 1890. Walter Maxwell, Washington, D. C. (Dept. of Agriculture). — Agricultural Chemist. Bradley Webster Palmer, Boston, Mass. (24 Marlborough St.). A.B. 1888. — Lawyer. John Martin Pierce, Oak Park, III. (212 S. Boulevard). A.B. Washington (Mo.) 1886. Paul Revere Reynolds, New York, N. Y. (70 Fifth Ave.). A.B. 1887. — In business (American agent for Cassell and Co.). Eugene Sondheim, New York, N, Y. (44 Broad St.). A.B. Coll. City N.Y. 1887; a.b. 18S8. — Lawyer. Henry Lewis Stimson, New York, N. Y. (34 E. 33rd St.). A.B. Yale 1888. — Lawyer. John William Henry Walden, Cambndge, Mass. (13 Mt. Auburn St.). A.B. 1888. See also Ph.D and A.M. 1891. Julius Freiberg Workum, New York, N. Y. (10 Wall St.). A.B. 1888; LL.B. 1891. — Lawyer. Herman Vandenburg Ames, PhUacMphia, Pa. (Univ. of Pa.). A.B. Amherst 1888. See also Ph.D and A.M. 1891. George Aaron Barton, Bryn Mawr, Pa. A.B Haverford (Pa.) 1882; a.m. ibid. See also Ph.D. and A.M. 1891. iSgo] MASTERS OF ARTS. 37 Ralph Waldo Emerson Bassett, Syracuse^ N. Y. (Syracuse Univ.). A.B. 1889. Instr. in Romance Lang. Syracuse Univ. (N. Y.). — Teacher {Romance Languages). William Burdelle Bentley, Fayetteville, Ark. A.B. 1889. See also Ph.D. 1898. Percy Gardner Bolster, Boston^ Mass. (17 State St.). A.B. 1886. — Lawyer. Jonathan Brace Chittenden, New Yorh^ N. T. (Columbian Univ.), s.B. Brooklyn Polytech. and Coll. Inst. 1884; c.e. and m.e. Worcester Polytech. Inst. 1888; a.b. 1889; ph.d. Konigsberg 1893. Tutor in Math. Columbia Univ. — Teacher {Mathematics). Charles Benedict Davenport, Cambridge., Mass. (11 Francis Ave.). 8.B. Brooklyn Polytech. and Coll. Inst. 1886; a.b. 1889. See also Ph.D. and A.M. 1892. Herbert Haviland Field, Ziinch^ Switzerland (Oberstrasse). A.B. 1888. See also Ph.D and A.M. 1891. *George Rudolph Freeman, Died 10 Apr. 1898 aged 47. A.B. Pa. Coll. 1876; a.m. ibid. 1878; s.t.b. Yale 1885; s.t.b. 1889. Asst. Prof. Bibl. Lit. and Comp. Rehg., Wilder Prof. Ilebr. O. T. Lit. and Hist. Rehg. Meadville Theol. Sch. (Pa.). — Teacher {Semitics and History of Religions) . Thomas Walton Galloway, Marshall^ Mo. A.B. Cumberland (Tenn.) 1887; a.m. ibid. 1889; ph.d. ibid. 1892. Prof. Biol. Mo. Valley Coll. — Teacher {Biology). William Frederick Giese, Madison, Wis. (Univ. of Wis.). A.B. 1889. Asst. Prof. Romance Lang. Univ. Wis. — Teacher {Romance Languages) . Henry Simon Glazier, JSfew York, JST. Y. (17 E. 67th St.). A.B. 1889. — In business {brokerage). Henry Volkmar Gummere, Cambridge, Mass. (Harvard Univ.). s.B. Haverford (Pa.) 1888; a.m. ibid. 1889. — Tmc/ier {Mathematics). Fred Emory Haynes, Nashua, N. H. (46 Concord St.). A.B. 1889. See also Ph.D and A.M. 1891. Walter Gregg Horton, Boston, Mass. (41 Commonwealth Ave.). A.B. 1888; LL.B. 1893. George Edwin Howes, Burlington, Vt. (98 S. Willard St.). A.B. 1886. See also Ph.D. 1895. 38 HARVARD UNIVERSITY. [1890 Walter Louis Jennings, Boston^ Mass. (900 Beacon St.). A.B. 1889. See also Ph.D. and A.M. 1892. Herbert Parlin Johnson, Des Moines, la. A.B. 1889. James Lee Love, Cambridge, Mass. (27 Walker St.). PH.B. Univ. N. C. 1884. Instr. Math. — Teacher {Mathematics). Alexander William MacRae, St. John, N. B. A.B. Dalhousie (N. S.) 188G. William Gwathmey Manly, Columbia, Mo. (Univ. of State of Mo.). Prof. Greek Lang, and Lit. Univ. of State of Mo. — Teacher {Classics). George Raynolcls Mathews, Salt Lake City, Utah (68 2nd St.). A.B. Western Reserve (O.) 1884; s.t.b. Yale 1887. Prof. French and Ger- man Univ. Utah. — Teacher {French and German). Max Benjamin May, Cincinnati, 0. (72 Smith St.). LiTT.B. Univ. of Cincinnati 1884. — Lawyer. Gustavus Howard Maynadier, Cambridge, Mass. (17 Plympton St.). A.B. 1889. See also Ph.D. 1898. Charles Peabody, Cambndge, Mass. (197 Brattle St.). A.B. Univ. Pa. 1889. See also Ph.D. 1893. Wilbur Henry Siebert, Columbus, 0. (206 W. 10th Ave.). A.B. Ohio State Univ. 1888; a.b. 1889. Asst. Prof. Hist. Ohio State Univ. — Teacher {History). Louis Franklin Snow, Providence, R. I. (20 Tabor Ave.). PH.B. Brown 1887 ; a.b. 1889. Dean Women's Coll. of Brown Univ. (R. I.) . — Teacher. ♦Percy Hayes Taylor, Died 22 May 1893 aged 35. A.B. 1886. — Teacher {Classics). Henry Russell White, Arlington Heights, Mass. A.B. 1889. — Teacher. Frank Beverley Williams, Cambridge, Mass. (Thayer 29). A.B. 1888; LL.B. 1895. Instr. in Roman Law; Asst. Prof. Law. — Teacher {Law) . *Frank Zinkeisen, Died 11 Nov. 1895 aged 28. A.B. 1889; PH.D. Berlin 1893. Asst. Prof. Hist. Univ. III. — Teacher {History) . 31 — *3 1891] MASTEES OF ARTS. 39 ISO I. Mark Bailey, Jr., JVb. Seattle, Wash. (2600 Boylston St., North). 1897. —A.B. Univ. Ore. 1888 ; a.b. 1890. Prof. Anc. Lang. Univ. Wash. — Teacher (Classics). Francis Kingsley Ball, Paris, France (care Munroe & Co., 7 Rue Scribe) . A.B. Dniry Coll. (Mo.) 1887 ; a.b. 1890. See also Ph.D. 1894. William Nickerson Bates, Philadelphia, Pa. (Univ. of Pa.). A.B. 1890. See also. Ph.D. 1893. William James Battle, Austin, Texas. A.B. Univ. N. C. 1888 ; a.m. ibid. 1889. See also Ph.D. 1893. Adolf Augustus Berle, Brighton, Mass. (697 Cambridge St.). s.T.B. Oberlin (O.) 1887; a.b. 1891; s.t.d. Yankton Coll. (S. Dak.) 1894. — Clergyman ( Congregational) . Edwin Victor Bigelow, Cohasset, Mass. A.B.Washington State Univ. 1887; s.t.b. Yale 1890. — Clergyman (Con- gregational) . Edward Tenney Brewster, Andover, Mass. (Phillips Acad.). A.B. 1890. — Teacher (Science). Carroll Neid6 Brown, Stoneham, Mass. A.B. 1891. Acting Prof. Greek Univ. Vt. 1892-93. — Teacher (Classics). *John Cabel Breckinridge Burbank, Died 26 Dec. 1892 aged 25. A.B. 1889. — Student. William Bancroft Carpenter, Woonsocket, R. I. (216 Blackstone St.). A.B. 1890. — Teacher (Mathematics). George Lucius Collie, Beloit, Wis. s.B. Beloit (Wis.) 1881. See also Ph.D. 1893. Robert Elkin Neil Dodge, Providence, R. I. (Brown Univ.). A.B. 1889. Instr. in Eng. Lit. Brown Univ. (R. I.). — Teacher (English). William Edward Burghardt Du Bois, Atlanta, Ga. A.B. risk (Tenn.) 1888 ; a.b. 1890. See also Ph.D. 1895. Charles Rochester Eastman, Cambridgeport, Mass. (354 Brookline St.). A.B. 1890; PH.D. Munich 1894. — Palaeontologist. Alfred Cope Garrett, Cambridge, Mass. (27 Everett St.). A.B. Haverford (Pa.) 1887; a.b. 1889. See also Ph.D. and A.M. 1892. 40 HARVARD UNIVERSITY. [1S91 Nathan Richard George, Mendon, Mass. A.B. 1890. Instr. in Math. Mass. Inst. Tech.— Teacher (Mathematics). Evarts Boutell Greene, Urbana^ 111. A.B. 1890. See also Ph.D. 1893. Charles Burton Gulick, Cambridge, Mass. (18 Walker St.). A.B. 1890. See also Ph.D. 1894. Edwin Charles Headle, Bockville, Conn. (26 Prospect St.). A.B. Tufts 1876; s.t.b. Tufts 1880. — Clergyman (Unitarian). Henry Newell Herman, Newarlc, N. J. (70 Front St.). A.B. 1890. — Chemist. Arthur Kendrick, Terre Haute., Ind. A.B. Amherst 1887. Asst. Prof. Physics Worcester Polytech. Inst.; Prof. Physics and Applied Electr. Rose Polytech. Inst. Terre Haute (Ind.). — Teacher (Science). Augustus White Long, Lawrenceville, N. J. A.B. Univ. N. C. 1885; a.m. (Hon.) Trinity (N. C.) 1889. — Teacher. Maurice Whittemore Mather, Cambridge, Mass. (13 Mt. Auburn). A.B. 1890. See also Ph.D. 1894. Sidney Edward Mezes, Austin, Texas (Univ. of Texas). s.B. Univ. Cal. 1884. See also Ph.D. 1893. Charles Louis Mix, Chicago, III. (3058 Calumet Ave.). A.B. 1890; M.D. 1894. — Physician. Edwin Vernon Morgan, Cleveland, 0. (Adelbert Coll.). A.B. 1890. Instr. in Hist. Adelbert Coll. (O.). — Teacher (History). George Dana Mumford, New York, N. T. (2 Wall St.). A.B. Columbia 1889. — Lawyer. Curtis Hidden Page, New York, N. Y. (Columbia Univ.). A.B. 1890. See also Ph.D. 1894. William Lyon Phelps, New Haven, Conn. (Yale Univ.). A.B. Yale 1887; ph.d. ibid. 1891. Asst. Prof. Eng. Lit. Yale Univ. — Teacher (English). William Forrest Pillsbury, Chicago, III. (625 The Rookery). A.B. 1889. — Lawyer. James Dwight Prindle, Jr., Somerville, Mass. (179 Summer St.). A.B. 1889. — In business (provisions). George Reisner, Cairo, Egypt (Khedivial Museum). A.B. 1889. See also Ph.D. 1893. 1891-92] MASTERS OF ARTS. 41 William Emerson Eitter, Berkeley^ Gal. Wis. State Normal Sch. 1884; s.b. Univ. Cal. 1888. See also Ph.D. 1893. *Elliot Folger Rogers, Died 2 Oct. 1895 aged 27. A.B. 1890. See also Ph.D. 1894. Theophilus Huntington Root, Whately, Mass, A.B. 1885 ; Union Theol. Sem. (N.Y.) 1888 ; s.T.B.Yale 1890. —Clergyman. James Brown Scott, Los Angeles, Cal. (Los Angeles Law Sch.). A.B. 1890; j.u.D. Heidelberg 1894. Prof. Law and Dean Los Angeles Law Sch. (Cal.). — Lawyer. Teacher (^Law). Allison Wing Slocum, Burlington, Vt. (Univ. of Vermont). A.B. Haverford (Pa.) 1888; a.m. ibid. 1889. Prof. Physics Univ. of Vt.— Teacher (Physics). DavidEUsworth Spencer, PaZoJ.Z^o, Cal. (LelandStanfordJr.Univ.). LiTT.B. Univ. Wis. 1887. Acting Asst. Prof. Hist. Univ. Mich. ; Asst. Prof. Hist. Leland Stanford Jr. Univ. (Cal.). — Teacher (History). Livingston Boyd Stedman, Seattle, Wash. (1111 18th Ave.). A.B. 1887. — Lawyer. Hermon Weed Stevens, Brookline, Mass. (13 Fairbanks St.). A.B. 1889. — In business (advertising agency). Hugh Tallant, JVew York, N. Y. (481 5th Ave.). A.B. 1898. — Architect. William Homer Warren, Brooklyn, N. Y. (13 Middagh St.). A.B. 1889. See also Ph.D. and A.M. 1892. Raymond Weeks, Columbia, Mo. (Univ. of State of Missouri). A.B. 1890. See also Ph.D. 1897. Thomas Elmer Will, Manhattan, Kan. A.B. 1890. Prof. Polit. Econ. Kan. State Agr. Coll. — Teacher (Political Arthur Brown Wilhnott, Toronto, Ont, A.B. Toronto 1887 ; s.b. ibid. 1887. 45 — *2 Joseph Allen, New York, JST. Y. (107 E. 45th St.). A.B. 1892. — Teacher. Gustaf Bernhard Anderson, Chicago, HI. (150 Washington St.). A.B. Augustana (111.) 1888; a.b.;1891. — LoAvyer. James Rowland Angell, Chicago, III. (Univ. of Chicago). A.B. Univ. Mich. 1890; a.m. ibid. 1891. Asst. Prof. Experimental Psychol. Univ. Chicago. — Teacher (Psychology). 42 HARVARD UNIVERSITY. [1892 Frank Cole Babbitt, HaHford^ Conn. (Trinity Coll.). A.B. 1890. See also Ph.D. 1895. Charles Montague Bakewell, Bryn Mawr^ Pa. (Bryn Mawr Coll.). A.B. Univ. Cal. 1889; a.m. ibid. 1891. See also Ph.D. 1894. Walter Greenwood Beach, Marietta^ 0. A.B. Marietta (O.) 1888; a.b. 1891. Prof. Hist, and PhiloB. Worn. Dept. Marietta Coll. (O.). — Teacher {History and Philosophy). Albert Perry Brigham, Hamilton^ N. Y. (Colgate Univ.). A.B. Colgate (N.Y.) 1879; a.m. ibid. 1882. Prof. Geol. and Nat. ffist. and Curator of the Museum Colgate Univ. — Teacher {Natural Science). Harry Fletcher Brown, Newport^ R. I. (U. S. Naval Torpedo Sta.). A.B. 1890. — Chemist. William Garrott Brown, Cambndge, Mass. (Gore Hall). A.B. Howard (Ala.) 1886; a.b. 1891.— Archivist. Charles William Cabeen, Syracuse, N. Y. (Syracuse Univ.). 8.B. Univ. Wis. 1882 ; litt.m. ibid.^ 1883. Prof. French Lang, and Lit. Syracuse Univ. — Teacher {French). Francis Gordon Caffey, Montgomery, Ala. (16 Court Sq.). A.M. Howard (Ala.) 1887; a.b. 1891. — La/wyer. Sidney Calvert, Columbia, Mo. (Univ. of State of Missouri). b. appl. SCI. McGill 1890. Asst. Prof. Chem. Univ. State of Mo. — Teacher {Chemistry) . William Morgan Cannon, Norfolk, Mass. A.B. 1891. Benjamin Edward Carter, Boston, Mass. (133 St. Botolph St.). A.B. 1890. Instr. in Math. Mass. Inst. Tech. — Teacher {Mathematics). Robert John Cary, Chicago, III. (Home Ins. Bldg.). A.B. 1890. — Lawyer. Allan McCleery Parker Chase, Leicester, Mass. A.B. 1890. Prin. Leicester Acad. (Mass.). — Teacher. Frank Dyer Chester, Budapesth, Hungai^ (U. S. Consulate). A.B. 1891. See also Ph.D. 1894. William Wallace Clendenin, Baton Rouge, La. (La. State Univ.). s.B. Univ. of State of Mo. 1886; s.m. ibid. 1889. Prof. Geol. and Mineral. Louisiana State Univ. — Teacher {Geology and Mineralogy) . Frederick Redman Clow, Oshkosh, Wis. (171 W. Irving St.). A.B. Carleton (Minn.) 1889; a.b. 1821. — Teacher. 1892] MASTERS OF ARTS. 43 Charles Rogers Cummings, Fall River ^ Mass. A.B. 1892; LL.B. 1894. — Lawyer. Jonn Cummings, Gamhridge^ Mass. (Thayer 7). A.B. 1891; PH.D. Univ. of Chicago 1894. Instr. Polit. Econ. — Teacher {Political Economy^ . Leonard Henry Davis, New Hampton^ N. H. A.B. 1892. — Civil Engineer. Thompson Trueman Davis, Portland^ Ore. (421 7th St.). A.B. Mt. Allison (N. B.) 1874; a.b. l^n. — Teacher. Arthur Morgan Day, New York, N. Y. (Columbia Univ.). A.B. 1892. — Teacher (^Political Economy and Social Science). Frank LaMont DeLong, San Francisco, Cal. (2709 Buchanan St.). A.B. 1890. — In business (milk). William Kendall Denison, Tufts College, Mass. A.B. Tufts 1891. Asst. Prof. Lat. Lang, and Lit. Tufts Coll. (Mass.). — Teacher (Classics). Frederick Wesley Dewart, St. Louis, Mo. (2108 Waverly PL). A.B. Hamline (Minn.) 1888; a.b. 1890. — Lawyer. George Alexander Eaton, Ogden, Utah. A.B. 1892. Sub-prin. High Sch. Ogden (Utah).— Teacher. Herbert Darling Foster, Hanover, N. H. (Dartmouth Coll.). A.B. Dartmouth 1885 ; a.m. ibid. Prof. Hist. Dart. Coll. — Teacher (History) . James Everett Frame, New York, N. Y. (41 E. 69th St.). A.B. 1891; Union Theol. Sem. (N. Y.) 1895. Instr. in New Test. Union Theol. Sem. (N. Y.).— Teacher (New Testament). Edward Fulton, Aurora, Cayuga Lake, N. Y. (Wells Coll.). A.B. Dalhousie (N. S.) 1889; a.b. 1891. See also Ph.D. 1894. Robert Sever Hale, Boston, Mass. (5 Exeter St.). A.B. 1891; M.E. Cornell (Sibley Coll.) 189S. — Eledrician. Henry Hale Harris, Loivell, Mass. (Varnum Sch.). A.B. 1891.— Teacher. William Fenwick Harris, Cambridge, Mass. (8 Mercer Circle). A.B. 1891. Willis Hatfield Hazard, West Chester, Pa. A.B. Haverford (Pa.) 1887; Gen. Theol. Sem. (N.Y.) 1891. See also Ph.D. 1894. 44 HARVARD UNIVERSITY. [1892 William Hill, Chicago, III. (335 So. Halsted St.). A.B. Univ. Kan. 1890 ; a.b. 1891. Asst. Prof. Polit. Econ. Univ. Chicago. — Teacher (Political Economy) . William Garfield Hormell, Delaware, 0. (Ohio Wesleyan Univ.). A.B. Ohio Wesleyan 1889 ; s.b. ibid. 1891. Asst. Prof. Phys. Ohio Wesleyan Univ. — Teacher (Physics) . David Frank Houston, Austin, Texas (Univ. of Texas). A.B. Coll. S. C. 1887. Adj. Prof. Polit. Sci. Univ. Texas. — Teacher (Political Science) . William Gruild Howard, Cambridge, Mass. (Grays 5). A.B. 1891. Instr. in German. — Teacher (German). *Lorenzo Nickerson Johnson, Died 27 Feb. 1897 aged 34. A.B. Wesleyan (Conn.) 1884; a.m. ibid. 1887. — Teacher (Botany). Pitt Gordon Knowlton, Lindenville, O. A.B. Oberlin (O.) 1%%Q. — Teacher. Charles Atwood Kofoid, Urhana, III. (909 California Ave.). A.B. Oberlin (O.) 1890. See also Ph.D. 1894. Nariaki Kozaki, Tokyo, Japan (8 Gobancho, Kojimachi Ku). Doshisha (Japan) 1881; Theol. Dept. Doshisha 1884; s.t.b. Pacific Theol. Sem. 1887; s.t.b. 1891. — In business. Henry Barnard Kummel, Chicago, III. (Lewis Inst.). A.B. Beloit (Wis.) 1889 ; ph.d. Univ. of Chicago 1895. Asst. Prof. Physi- ography Lewis Inst. (111.). — Teacher (Physiography) . Edward Davison McCoUom, Orange, N. J. (11 High St.). A.B. 1891.— Teacher. Duncan McDermid, CamhHdge, Mass. (31 Bigelow St.). A.B. 1891. — Clergyman (Congregational). George Francis McKelleget, Cambndgeport, Mass. (709 Cambridge St.). A.B. 1892; LL.B. 1895. — Lawyer. *Ambrose Watts MacLeod, Died 17 June 1893 aged 28. A.B. Dalhousie (N. S.) 1888; Presbyterian Coll. Halifax (N. S.) 1890; A.B. 1891. — Clergyman (Presbyterian). Frederick Joseph Macleod, Charlottetown Royalty, P. E. I. A.B. Dalhousie (N. S.) 1890; a.b. 1891. Richard Clarke Manning, Jr., CamhHdge, Mass. (5 Felton St.) . A.B. 1888. See also Ph.D. 1896. 1892] MASTERS OF ARTS. 45 Melville Asbury Marsh, New York, N. Y. (727 Park Ave.). A.B. 1891. — In bifsiness. Dickinson Sergeant Miller, Philadelphia, Pa. (312 S. 10th St.). A.B. Univ. Pa. 1889 ; a.b. 1892; ph.d. Halle-Wittenberg 1893. Associate in Philos. Bryn Mawr Coll. (Pa.). — Teacher (Philosophy). Edward Clark Morey, Meadville, Pa. A.B. Syracuse (N.Y.) 1884; a.m. ibid. 1887; a.b. 1891. Prof. Lat. Lang, and Lit. Allegheny Coll. (Pa.). — Teacher {Classics). James Ferdinand Morton, Boston, Mass. (1 Lynde St. PI.). A.B. 1892. — Journalist. Nathaniel Gushing Nash, Cambridge, Mass. (13 Craigie St.). A.B. 1884. Charles Neave, Boston, Mass. (40 Water St.). A.B.Yale 1888; s.b. Mass. Inst. Tech. l^^Q. — Lawyer. Aven Nelson, Laramie, Wyoming. A.B. Mo. State Normal Sch. 1883; s.m. Drury (Mo.) 1890. Prof. Bio- logical Sciences Univ. Wyoming. — Teacher {Biology). Jesse Gilman Nichols, Hamilton, Essex Co., Mass. A.B. 1891; Andover Theol. Sem. 1894. — Clergyman {Congregational). Archie Burton Pierce, Berkeley, Col. S.B. Univ. Cal. 1890. Instr. in Math. Univ. of Cal. — Teacher {Mathematics) . Arthur Henry Pierce, Westhoro, Mass. A.B. Amherst 1888. Emberson Edward Proper, Brooklyn, N. Y. (Boys' High Sch.). A.B. Allegheny (Pa.) 1889 .— Teacher {History). Charles Cornell Ramsay, Fall River, Mass. (Durfee High Sch.). A.B. 1892; A.M. (Hon.) Highland (Kan.). Prin. B. M. C. Durfee High Sch. Fall River (Mass.). — Teacher. John William Roberts, Ayer, Mass. 1893. — A.B. Colgate (N.Y.) 1890; a.b. 1891. — Clergyman {Unitarian). Fred Norris Robinson, Cambridge, Mass. (Grays 24). A.B. 1891. See also Ph.D. 1894. Winfred Smith Ross, Somersworth, N. H. A.B. Dartmouth 1887. — Teacher. Frederic William Sanders, Morgantown, W. Va. (W. Virginia Univ.). A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1883; ph.d. Univ. Chicago 1895. Asst. Prof. Eur. Hist. W. Va. Univ. — Teacher {History) . 46 HAKVARD UNIVERSITY. [1892-93 William Emil Schliemann, Morgan Park, III. A.B. Knox (111.) 1884; s.t.b. Chicago Bapt. Sem. 1888. — Clergyman (Baptist) . James Curtis Shaw, Stanhope, P. E. I. A.B. Dalhousie (N. S.) 1887. William Pratt Sid ley, Chicago, III. A.B. Williams 1889. — Lawyer. Fritz Hubert Small, Melrose, Mass. (90 W. Emerson St.). A.B. 1891. — Teacher. Charles Alexander Smith, Montclair, N. J. A.B. Hobart (N. Y.) 1888; a.m. ibid. 1891.— Teacher. George Warren Towne, Salem, Mass. (42 Leach St.). A.B. 1882. — Teacher (Mathematics). Frank Vogel, Boston, Mass. (120 Pembroke St.). A.B. 1887. Asst. Prof. Mod. Lang. Mass. Inst. Tech. — Teacher (Modern Languages) . Charles Warren, Dedham, Mass. A.B. 1889. — Lawyer. Elmer Ellsworth Wentworth, Lakewood, N. J. A.B. 1882. Prof. Eng. Adelphi Acad. Brooklyn (N.Y.) ; Prof. Rhet. and of the Eng. Lang, and Lit. Vassar Coll. (N.Y.). — Teacher (English). Lewis Gardner Westgate, Evanston, III. (1208 Chicago Ave.). A.B. Wesleyan (Conn.) 1890; a.b. 1891. See also Vla..I>. 1896. Arthur Wisswald Weysse, West Roxbury, Mass. (Park St.). A.B. 1891. See also Ph.D. 1894. Henry Kirke White, Chicago, III. (with Crane Co.). A.B. Beloit (Wis.) 1888. — In business. 78 — *2 Isaac Adler, Rochester, N. Y. (1008 Granite Bldg.). A.B. 1890. — Lawyer. Robert Percival Alexander, Stanhope, P. E. I. A.B. Mt. Allison (N. B.) 1888; a.b. 1892. Chester Hastings Arnold, West Roxbury, Mass. (Park St.). A.B. 1892. — Electrician. Charles Hamilton Ashton, Cambridge, Mass. (415 Broadway). A.B. Union 1887 ; a.m. ibid. 1890. Instr. in Math. — Teacher (Mathematics). 1893] MASTERS OF ARTS. 47 Joseph Nickerson Ashton, Salem, Mass. (336 Essex St.). A.B. Brown 1891. Instr. in Musical Theory and Hist. Brown Univ. (R. I.). — Teacher (Music) . James Oscar AtkiDson, Eton College, N. C. A.M. Wake Forest (N. C.) 1890. Prof. Lat. and Moral and Soc. Sci. Elon Coll. (N. C). — Teacher. Clergyman (Christian). Irving Babbitt, Cambridge, Mass, (65 Hammond St.). A.B. 1889. Instr. in French. — Teacher (French). Benjamin Francis Bailey, Abbeville, S. C. A.B. 1877. — In business (cotton). Charles Heyward Barnwell, Cleveland, 0. (Adelbert Coll.). A.B. Coll. S. C. 1887; a.m. ibid. 1888. See also Ph.D. 1898. John Edmund Barss, Lakeville, Conn. (Hotchkiss Sch.). A.B. Acadia (N. S.) 1891 ; a.b. 1892. — Teacher. Murray Augustus Bartlett, Rochester, N. Y. (Vick Park) . A.B. 1892. — Clergyman (Protestant Episcopal). John Bigham, Ann Arbor, Mich. A.B. Amherst 1887; s.t.b. Yale 1892. See also Ph.D. 1894. Alexander Lee Bondurant, University P. 0., Miss. A.B. Hampden-Sidney (Va.) 1884 ; a.m. ibid. 1892. Prof. Lat. Univ. of Miss. — Teacher (Classics). William Tenney Brewster, New York, N. Y. (Columbia Univ.). A.B. 1892. Tutor in Rhet. Columbia Univ. (N. Y.). — Teacher (English). Enoch Albert Bryan, Pullman, Wash. (State Agricultural Coll.). A.B. Ind. Univ. 1878 ; a.m. ibid. 1884. President and Prof. Hist, and Polit. Sci. Wash. Agric. Coll. and Sch. of Sci. — Teacher (History and Political Economy) . Harry Edwin Burton, Hanover, N. H. (Dartmouth Coll.). A.B. 1890. See also Ph.D. 1895. George Ashley Campbell, Boston, Mass. (with Bell Telephone Co.). s.B. Mass. Inst. Tech. 1891; a.b. 1892. — Physicist. Carlos Carleton Closson, Glendale, Cal. A.B. \^^2.— Teacher. Roland Ellsworth Conklin, Eureka, III. A.B. Eureka (111.) 1886; a.b. 1892. Prof. Nat. Sci. Eureka Coll. (111.)- — Teacher (Science). Arthur Stoddard Cooley, Athens, Greece. A.B. Amherst 1891. See also Ph.D. 1896. 48 HARVARD UNIVERSITY. [1893 John Corbin, New York, N. Y. (16 Gramercy Park). A.B. 1892. — Journalist. John Crosby, Minneapolis, Minn. (350 Temple Court Bldg.). A.B. Yale 1890. — Lawyer. Thomas Hatfield Currie, Fredericton, N, B. A.B. Univ. New Brunswick 1885; a.b. 1891. — Teacher. Reginald Aldworth Daly, Cambridge, Mass. A.B. Toronto 1891 ; s.b. ibid. 1892. See also Ph.D. 1896. Frederick Lincoln Davis, Ward Hill, Mass. A.B. Umv. City N.Y. 1888; Union Theol. Sem. (N. Y.) 18dl. — Clergyman ( Congregational) . Henry Crosby Emery, New York, N. Y. (Columbia Univ.). A.B. Bowdoin 1892 ; ph.d. Columbia 1896. William Preston Few, Durham, N. C. (Trinity Coll.). A.B. Wofeord (S. C.) 1889. See also Ph.D. 1896. Frederic Gardiner, Jr., Pomfret, Conn. A.B. 1880. — Clergyman {Protestant Episcopal). Teacher. John Hiram Gerould, Hanover, N. H. LiTT.B. Dartmouth 1890; a.b. 1892. See also Ph.D. 1895. Frank Honor^ Gerrodette, New York, N. Y. (9 W. 31st St.). A.B. 1891.— Teacher. Edward Leeds Gulick, Lawrenceville, N. J. (Lawrenceville Sch.). A.B. Dartmouth 1883 ; a m. ibid. — Teacher. Clergyman (Congregational). Stephen Marshall Hadley, Oskaloosa, la. (646 No. C St.). PH.B. Pa. Coll. 1884 ; a.m. ibid. 1887. Franklin Tweed Hammond, Cambridge, Mass. (49 Langdon St.). A.B. 1892. — Lawyer. Horatius Bonar Hastings, ComfoH, Kendall Co., Texas. A.B. 1891. Arthur Winfred Hodgman, Columbus, O. (164 W. 9th Ave.). A.B. 1890. See also Ph.D. 1896. Robert Afton Holland, Jr. St. Louis, Mo. (805 Union Trust Bldg.). A.B. Tulane (La.) 1886; a.b. 1888; s.t.b. Epis. Theol. Sch. Camb. (Mass.) 1889. — Lawyer. *Frank Fay Howe, Died 7 Feb. 1894 aged 25. A.B. 18^2. — Student {History). 1893] MASTERS OF ARTS. 49 Herbert Lyon Jones, Oberlin, 0. (Oberlin Coll.). 1894.— A.B. Denison (O.) 1886; s.m. ibid. 1887; a.b. 1892. Assoc. Prof. Bot. Oberlin Coll. (O .)•— Teacher {Botany). Harry McCormick Kelley, Mt. Vernon, Linii Co., la. A.B. Bucknell (Pa.) 1888; a.b. 1891. Prof. Biol, and Curator of the Mu- seum, Cornell Coll. (la.). — Teacher {Biology). Louis Frank Kiesewetter, Columbus, 0. (care Ohio National Bank). c.E. Ohio State Univ. 1891; a.b. 1892. — Bank teller. Harry Lyman Koopman, Providence, R. I. (Box 109). a.b. Colby 1880; a.m. ibid. 1883. Librarian Brown Univ. — Librarian. Harry Landes, Latona, Wash. A.B. 1892. Prof. Geol. and Mineralogy Univ. Washington. — Teacher {Ge- ology and Mineralogy) . Fred Brooks Lindsey, Chicago, III. (Univ. of Chicago). 1894. — A.B. Allegheny (Pa.) 188d. — Student {English) . ♦ Hugh McCuUoch, Howardsville, Va. A.B. 1891. Kobert MacDougall, Cleveland, 0. (102 Adelbert St.). A B. McGill 1890. See also Ph.D. 1895. Kenneth McKenzie, Morgantown, W. Va. (West Virginia Univ.). A.B. 1891. See also Ph.D. 1895. Edward Dudley Marsh, Boston, Mass. (165 Huntington Ave.). A.B. 1885. — Teacher. Charles Whitney Mixter, Cambridge, Mass. (1671 Cambridge St.). A.B. Johns Hopkins 1892. See also Ph.D. 1897. Emmett Leonidas Moffit, Asheboro, N. C. A.B. Trinity (N. C.) 1889; a.m. ibid. 1891. Prof. Eng. Elon Coll. (N. C) 1893-94. — Teacher {English). Paul Elmer More, Cambridge, Mass. (care Mr. Irving Babbitt, 65 Hammond St.). A.B. Washington (Mo.) 1887; a.m. ibid. 1891 ; Assoc, in Sanskrit and Class. Lit. Bryn Mawr Coll. (Pa.) 1895-97. — Teacher {Sanskrit and Classics). Author. Edward Payson Morton, Bloomington, Ind. (430 E. Kirkwood Ave.). A.B. 111. Coll. 1890; A.B. 1892. Instr. in Eng. Indiana JJmy . — Teacher {English) . 50 HARVARD UNIVERSITY. [1893 Winthrop Sargent Gilman Noyes, JSt. Paul, Minn. {Ill Pioneer Press Blclg.) A.B. Yale 1891. — In business. Andrew Henry Patterson, Athens^ Ga. PH.B., B.E. Univ. N. C. 1891; a.b. 1892. Instr. in Fhys. Univ. of Ga.— Teacher (Physics). Gaylard Hawkins Patterson, Slippery Bock, Pa. 1894. —A.B. Ohio Wesleyan 1888; ph.d. Yale 1890; s.t.b. Boston Univ. 1892. — Clergyman (^Methodist Episcopal). Henry Caples Penn, Columbia, Mo, A.B. Central (Mo.) 1885. Asst. Prof. Eng. Lang, and Lit. Univ. Mo. — Teacher {English). Ismar John Peritz, Syracuse, N. Y. Drew Theol. Sem. (N. J.) 1887. See also Ph.D. 1898. Edgar Pierce, Cambridge, Mass. (9 Mercer Circle). A.B. 1892. See also Ph.D. 1895. William Harry Chichel^ Pynchon, Hartford, Conn. (Trinity Coll.). A.B. Trinity Coll. (Conn.) 1890. — Teacher {Natural Science). Charles Edward St. John, Oherlin, 0. (Oberlin Coll.). s.B. Mich. Agri. Coll. 1887. See also Ph.D. 1896. William Henry Schofield, Cambridge, Mass. (Holyoke 7). A.B. Toronto 1889. See also Ph.D. 1895. Frank Smith, Champaign, III. (Univ. of Illinois). PH.B. Hillsdale (Mich.) 1885 ; ph.m. ibid. 1888. Asst. Prof. Z06I. Univ. 111. — Teacher {Zoology) . Theodore Clarke Smith, Poughkeepsie, ^. T. (Vassar Coll.). A.B. 1892. See also Ph.D. 1896. Philip Leffingwell Spalding, Philadelphia, Pa. (19 13 Rittenhouse St.). A.B. 1892; s.B. 1894. — Electrician. Edwin Augustus Start, College Rill, Mass. (Tufts Coll.). A.B. Tufts 1884. Asst. Prof. Hist. Tufts Coll. (Mass.) . — Teacher {History) . Herbert Taylor Stephens, Kansas City, Mo. (Kan. City Univ.). PH.B. Adrian (Mich.) 1888; a.b. ibid. 1889 ; s.t.b. Boston Univ. 1891.— Teacher. Algernon de Vivier Tassin, Washington, D. C. (413 4th St. N. W.). A.B. 1892.— Actor. George Ole Virtue, Cambridge, Mass, (Thayer 54). A.B. 1892 ; A.B. Univ. Kans. 1892. See also Ph.D. 1897. 1893-94] MASTERS OF ARTS. 51 John Moss Wathen, Lisbon^ N, H. 1894.— Bangor Theol. Sem. 1890; a.b. Bowdoin 1892. — Clergyman {Con- gregational) . Robert DeCourcy Ward, Cambridge, Mass. (University Museum). A.B. 1889. Instr. in Climatology. — Teacher {Clir/iatology) . Benjamin Arthur Whittemore, Cambridgeport, Jfass.(17BigelowSt.). A.B. 18^2.— Teacher. 70 — *1 Myron Eugene Baker, Kenosha., Wis. (459 Durkee Ave.). LiTT.B. Univ. Wis. 1890. Marshall Albert Barber, Lawrence., Kan. (Oread PI.). A.B. Univ. Kans. 1891 ; a.b. 1892. Asst. Prof. Bot. Univ. K^ns.— Teacher {Botany) . Francis Gano Benedict, Middletown, Conn. A.B. 1893 ; PH.D. Heidelberg 1896. Instr. in Che jn. Wesley an Univ. (Conn.). — Teacher ( Chemistry) . ♦John Henry Boynton, Died 22 May 1898 aged 29. A.B. 1890. See also Ph.D. 1897. Albert Francis Buck, Schenectady, N. T. (Union Coll.). A.B. Amherst 1890. — Teacher (Philosophy). Ernest Gisborne Burke, Quincy, Mass. (6 Saville Ave.). A.B. 1893. Edward Angus Burt, Mkldlebury, Vt. A.B 1893. See also Ph.D. 1895. Raymond Calkins, Newton, Mass. A.B. 1890. Prof. Mod. Lang. Iowa Coll. — Teacher (Modern] Languages). Guy Stevens Callender, Cambridge, Mass. (Matthews 7). A.B. Oberlin (0.) 1891 ; a.b. 1893. See also Ph.D. 1897. James Oscar Campbell, Lowell, Mass. (502 Middlesex St.). A.B. Mt. Union (O.) 1879; a.m. ibid. 1889. — Clergyman (Presbyterian). Walter Webster Campbell, Concord, Mass. Andover Theol. Sem. 1890; a.b. 1892. — Clergyman (Congregational) . Edwin Stately Carr, Galesburg, III. A.B. Knox (111.) 1882; a.m. ibid. 1885; s.t.b. Yale 1885. Joseph William Carr, Leipsic, Germany (Georgenstrasse 16™). A.B. 1893. 52 HARVARD UNIVERSITY. [1894 Edward Howard Castle, Alexandria, 0. A.B. Denison (O.) 1888; a.m. ibid. 1891. William Ernest Castle, Cambridge, Mass. (10 Ash St. PL). A.B. Denison (O.) 1889; a.b. 1893. See also Ph.D. 1895. William Van Allen Catron, Lexington, Mo. A.B. Univ. of State of Mo. 1890; a.b. 1891. Acting Asst. Prof. Lat. Lang, and Lit. Univ. of State of Mo. — Teacher (Classics) . Edward Everett Cauthorne, Gallatin, Mo. A.B. Univ. Texas 1891; a.b. 1892. Henry Livingston Coar, Cambridge, Mass. (81 Oxford St.). A.B. 1893. — Teacher. CoUier Cobb, Chajyel Hill, N. C. (Univ. of North Carolina). A.B. 1889. Asst. Prof. Geol. and Mineral. Univ. N. C. — Teacher (Geology and Mineralogy) . Gilman Collamore, New York, N. Y. (165 W. 59th St.). A.B. 1893. Howard Hamblett Cook, Salem, Mass. (10 Federal St.). A.B. 1893. See also Ph.D. 1896. George Halliburton Crandall, Stoiv, Mass. A.B. Amherst 1892. Frederick William Dallinger, Cambridge, Mass. (384 Broadway) . A.B. 1893. — Lawyer. Br,adley Moore Davis, Chicago, III. (Univ. of Chicago) . A.B. Leland Stanford Jr. (Cal.) 1892 ; a.b. 1893. See also Ph.D. 1895. Richard Elwood Dodge, New York, N. Y. (Teachers' Coll., W. 120th St.). A.B. 1890. Assoc. Prof, of Nat. Sci. and Prof. Geography Teachers' Coll. of Columbia Univ. (N. Y.). — Teacher (Geography) . Louis Henry Dow, Hanover, N. H. A.B. 1890. Asst. Prof. French Dartmouth Coll. (N. H.) . — Teacher (French) . Charles William Downing, Liberty, Mo. A.B. WilUam Jewell (Mo.) 1890; a.m. ibid. 1892; a.b. 1893. Clyde Augustus Duniway, Stanford University, Cal. A.B. Cornell (N. Y.) 1892. See also Ph.D. 1897. . Frank Edgar Farley, Haverford, Pa. (Haverford Coll.). A.B. 1893. See also Ph.D. 1897. 1894] MASTERS OF ARTS. 53 William Oliver FainswoYth^Eoxbury^Mass. (2550 Washington St.). A.B. 1893. — Teacher. John Nelson Fellows, Westori, Mo. s.B. Univ. of State of Mo. 1892; t.e. ibid. 1892; s.m. ibid. 1893. Frank Bernard Gallivan, So. Boston, Mass. (113 3rd St.). 1895.— A.B. 1893. ^ee a/so Ph.D. 1897. James Waterman Glover, Anri Arbor, Mich. (1299 So. University Ave.). 1895. — A.B. 1893. See also Ph.D. 1895. Frederic Putnam Gulliver. A.B. 1893. See also Ph.D. 1896. Kenneth Sylvan Guthrie, Philadelphia, Pa. (1213 N. 41st St.). A.B. Univ. of the South (Tenn.) 1891; a.m. ibid. 1891; ph.d. Tulane (La.) 1893. — Clergyman {Protestant Episcopal). William Wallace Hammond, Lima, Ind. (The Howe School). 1895.— A.B. Mt. Union Coll. (0.) 1884; ll.b. Cincinnati Law Sch. 1887. — Teacher. Learned Hand, Albany, N. Y. (224 State St.). A.B. 1893; LL.B. 1896. — Lawyer. Samuel Bannister Harding, Bloomin^ton, Ind. A.B. Ind. Univ. 1890. See also Ph.D. 1898. John Goddard Hart, Cambndge, Mass. (Little's 18). A.B. 1893. Instr. in English. — Teacher {English). Perley Leonard Home, So. Byjield, Mass. (Dummer Acad.). A.B. 1892. Master Dummer Acad. (Mass.). — Teacher. John Strother Humphreys, Marksburg, Ky. 1895. — A.M. Georgetown (Ky.) 1892; a.b. 1893. Frank Irwin, New Haven, Conn. (57 Wall St.). A.B. 1890; S.B. 1891. Thomas Augustus Jaggar, Jr., Cambridge, Mass. (Perkins 60). A.B. 1893. See also Ph.D. 1897. *Roger Wolcott Keep, Died 6 June 1897 aged 31. A.B. 1887. Theodore Wesley Koch, Ithaca, N. Y. (38 Stewart Ave.). A.B. Univ. Ta. 1892; a.b. 1893. — Librarian. Gaillard Thomas Lapsley, New York, N. Y. (12 W. 37th St.). A.B. 1883. See also Ph.D. 1897. 54 HARVARD UNIVERSITY. [1894 Arthur Gardner Leacock, Cambridge^ Mass. (Harvard Univ.). A.B. Syracuse (N. Y.) 1892; a.b. 1%%^ . — Student (Classics). Charles Henry Lincohi, Philadelphia, Pa. (Delancey Sch.). A.B. 1893. — Teacher. George Grant McCurdy, Warrensburg, Mo. B.8.D. State Normal Sch. Warrensburg (Mo.) 1887; a.b. 1893. "Walton Brooks McDaniel, Cambridge, Mass. (69 Dana St.). A.B. 1893. — Student (Classics). Edward Irving Manley, Chicopee, Mass. A.B. 1887. — In business. Curtis Fletcher Marbut, Columbia, Mo. 8.B. Univ. of State of Mo. 1889. Instr. in Geol. and Mineral. Univ. of State of Mo. — Teacher ( Geology and Mineralogy) . Arthur Allen Marsters, Neio York, N. Y. (18 Coui-tlandt St.). A.B. 1893. Hugo Richard Meyer, Cambridge, Mass. (1716 Cambridge). A.B. 1893. Instr. in Polit. Econ. — Teacher (Political Economy). William Vaughn Moody, Chicago, 111. (5488 East End Ave.). A.B. 1893. Instr. inEng. and Rhet. Univ. of Chicago. — Teacher (English). Edgar Coit Moms, Syracrtse, N. Y. A.B. Hamilton (N. Y.) 1889 ; a.m. ibid. 1892. Prof. Rhet. and Eng. Lang. Syracuse Univ. — Teacher (English). Arthur May Mowry, Altadena, Los Angeles Co., Cat. A.B. Brown 1883; a.m. ibid. 1886. — Teacher. Herbert Vincent Neal, Galesburg, III. (Knox Coll.). A.B. Bates (Me.) 1890; a.b. 1893. See also Ph.D. 1896. Edwin Gordon Parker, Cambridge, Mass. (Dunster 16). A.B. McGill (Que.) l^^2. — Student (Law). Thomas Drayton Parker, Cambridge, Mass. (Grays 36). U. S. Naval Acad. Annapolis (Md.) 1893. — Student (English). Now in the U. S. navy. Peter James Pettinger, Toronto, Out. (473 Spadina Ave.). A.B. Toronto 1893. John Parkhurst Putnam, Worcester, Mass. (23 Fruit St.). A.B. 1891. — Clergyman (Unitarian). Oliver Brewster Roberts, Sykesville, Md. (Warfield Sch.). A.B. 1890. — Teacher (Languages). 1894] MASTERS OF ARTS. 55 Kernan Robson, No. Gfree7ijield, 0. A.B. Ohio Normal Univ. 1891; a.b. Ohio Wesleyan 1892; a.m. ibid. 1893. Prof. Eng. Lang, and Lit. Univ. So. Dakota 1895-97. — Teacher (English). George Benjamin Rogers, Albion, N. Y. 1895. —A.B. Williams 1888. Howard Stanley Rosevear, Port Huron, Ont. (Box 277). A.B. Toronto 1893. Frederick Hollister Safford, Cambridge, Mass. (22 Sacramento PI.). s.B. Mass. Inst. Tech. 1888. See also Ph.D. 1897. Albert Hart Sanford, Platteville, Wis. LiTT.B. Univ. Wis. 1891. Harris Eastman Sawyer, Newport, R. I. (289 Broadway) . A.B. 1891. See also Ph.D. 1895. William Schoch, San Antonio, Texas (1717 Main Ave.). Realschule Berlin (Germany) 1891. — Teacher. Frank Charles Schrader, Washington, D. C. (U. S. Geol. Surv.). S.B., s.M. Univ. Kans. 1891; a.b. 1893. — Geologist. Hermann Schrenk, New York, N. Y. (1676 East End Ave.). s.B. Cornell (N. Y.) 1893. Richard Edwin Schuh, Cottage City, Mass. A.B. Hanover (Ind.) 1882; a.m. ibid. 1886; s.t.b. Drew Theol. Sem. (N.J.) 1885. — Clergyman (Methodist Episcopal). Howard Burton Shaw, Columbia, Mo. (Univ. of State of Missouri). A.B. Univ. N. C. 1890; b.e. ibid. 1891. Asst. Prof. Electrical Engin. Univ. of State of Mo. — Teacher (Electrical Engineering) . Richard Asbury Shipp, Salt Lake City, Utah. Univ. Deseret (Utah) 1886; litt.b. Univ. Mich. 1893; ll.b. ibid. 1893.— Lawyer. James Brady Smiley, Cleveland, O. (81 Clinton St.). A.B. Oberlin (O.) 1889; a.b. 1891. — Teacher (Classics). Josiah Edward Spurr, Washington, D. C. (U. S. G-eol. Surv.). A.B. 1893. — Geologist. Alfred Ernest Taylor, Ithaca, N. Y. (17 Eddy St.). A.B. Wesleyan (Conn.) 1892 ; a.m. ibid. 1893 ; ph.d. Cornell (N. Y.) 1896. Joseph Richard Taylor, Boston, Mass. (Boston Univ.). A.B. Wesleyan (Conn.) 1882 ; a.m. ibid. 1885. Prof. Greek and Lat. Bos- ton Univ. — Teacher (Classics) . 56 HARVARD UNIVERSITY. [ 1 894-95 Edward Allen Thurber, Lincoln, Neh. (1201 J St.). A.B. Yale 1891. Instr. in Eng. Univ. Neb. — Teacher {English). Willoughby Cordell Tindall, Columbia, Mo. (Univ. State of Mo.). 8.B. Univ. of State of Mo. 1881 ; s.m. ibid. 1884. Prof. Math. Univ. State of Mo. — Teacher {Mathematics). Fred Monroe Tisdel, Oberlin, 0, A.B. Northwestern (111.) 1891 ; a.m. Univ. Wis. 1893. Assoc. Prof. Rhet. and Orat. Oberlin Coll. (O.). — Teacher {English). Frederick Wilson Truscott, Morgantown, W. Va. (W. Va. Univ.), A.B. Ind. Univ. 1891 ; a.m. ibid. 1892. See also Ph.D. 1896. Thomas Wayland Vaughan, Washington, D. C. (U. S. Geol. Surv.). 8.B. Tnlane (La.) 1889; a.b. 1893.— Geologist. Enoch Howard Vickers, Shepardstown, W. Va. a.b. West Virginia Univ. 1890 ; a.b. 1893. Henry Ware, Brookline, Mass. (52 AUerton St.). A.B. 1893; ll.b. 1897. — Lawyer. Hollis Webster, Cambridge, Mass. (Claverly 18). A.B. 1884. — Teacher {Classics). Kenneth Grant Tremayne Webster, Milton, Mass. (Milton Acad.). A.B. Dalhousie (N.S.) 1891; a.b. 1893.— Teacher. Harry White, Duluth, Minn. A.B. 1891. — Clergyman {Unitarian). Earley Vernon Wilcox, Bozeman, Mont. A.B. Otterbein (O.) 1890; a.b. 1892. See also Ph.D. 1895. George Parker Winship, Providence, R. I. (359 Benefit St.). A.B. 1893. Librarian John Carter Brown Library Providence (R. I.). — Librarian. De Winter, Berkeley, Cal. LiTT.B. Univ. Cal. 1892. James Homer Wright, Boston, Mass. (Mass. General Hospital). A.B. Johns Hopkins 1890; m.d. Univ. Md. 1892. Instr. in Pathology. — Teacher {Pathology). 93 — *2 Abram Piatt Andrew, Cambridge, Mass. A.B. Princeton 1893. — Student {Economics). Kendric Charles Babcock, Berkeley, Cal. (Univ. of California). LITT.B. Univ. Minn. 1889. See also Ph.D. 1896. 1895] MASTERS OF ARTS. 57 Edgar James Banks, Bagdad^ Turkey (U. S. Consulate). A.B. 1893. — U. S. Consul. Frederick Marsh Bennett, Milford Centre^ 0. LiTT.B. Univ. 111. 1889. Albert Emerson Benson, Southborough, Mass. (St. Mark's Sch.). A.B. 1892. — Teacher. *William Dorr Boardman, Died 4 Sept. 1896 aged 26. A.B. \^^2. — Student {Fine Arts). Alexander Phoenix Bourne, Exeter^ N. H, A.B. Brown 1890; Andover Theol. Sem. 1894. — Clergyman {Congrega- tional) . Jonathan Bailey Browder, Nashville^ Tenn. (cor. State St. and Ellison Ave.). A.B.Vanderbilt (Tenn.) 1892 ; a.m. ibid. 1893 ; ph.d. Univ.Wis. 1897. Prof. Lat. and Greek Wesleyan Female Coll. Macon (Ga.) 1897-98. — Teacher ( Classics) . Arthur Charles Lewis Brown, Haverford, Pa. (Haverford Coll.). A.B. Hobart (N. Y.) 1893 ; a.b. 1894. Instr. in Eng. Haverford Coll. (Pa.). — TeaA:her {English). Harrison Hitchcock Brown, Cambridge^ Mass. (54 Hammond St.). A.B. Amherst 1889. — Student {Physics). Myron Luther Bruuer, Cambridge^ Mass. (16 Gerry St.). A.B. 1^^%.— Teacher. William Sargent BuiTage, Cambridgeport, Mass. (10 Fayette St.). A.B. 1892. See also Ph.D. 1898. Donald Frank Campbell, Cambridge, Mass. A.B. Dalhousie (N. S.) 1890; a.b. 1894. See also Ph.D. 1898. George Davis Chase, Lawrenceville, N. J. A.B. 1889. See also Ph.D. 1897. George Ernest Chipman, Tupperville, N. S. A.B. Acadia (N. S.) 1892 ; a.m. ibid. 1894. George Foster Collier, Berea, 0. (Box 424). s.B. Ohio Wesleyan 1892 ; a.b. 1894. Prof. Eng. Lang, and Lit. Baldwin Univ. (O.). — Teacher {English) . *John Winlhrop Cooke, Died 28 Apr. 1898 aged 31. A.B.WiWiamslSSd. — Teacher. Morris William CroU, Gettysburg, Fa. A.B. Pa. Coll. 1889; a.m. ibid. 1892; a.b. 1894:. — Teacher, 58 . HARVARD UNIVERSITY. [1895 Francis Franklin Davis, Montclair, N. J. (47 Church St.). s.B. Haverford (Pa.) 1893; a.m. ibid. 1894. Robert Gray Dodge, Newhuryport^ Mass. (47 High St.). A.B. 1893; LL.B. 1897. William Duane, Boulder, Col. (Univ. of Colorado). A.B. Univ. Pa. 1892; a.b. 1893; ph.d. Berlin 1897; Prof. Phys. Univ. Col. — Teacher {Physics). Benjamin Minge Duggar, Gallion, Ala. s.B. Agr. and Mech. Coll. of Miss. 1891; s.m. Agr. and Mech. Coll. of Ala. 1892 ; A.B. 1894. Asst. Cryptogamic Botanist Coll. of Agr. of Cornell Univ. (N. Y.) 1896-97. — Botanist. Samuel Chandler Earle, SoTnerville, Mass. (8 Franklin St.). A.B. 1894. — Teacher. Frank Warren Eaton, Natick, Mass. A.B. 1894. — Teacher. Harold KelseyEstabrook, CambHdge^ Mass. (101 Washington Ave.), A.B.I 892 . — Sociologist. A.llan Bradshaw Fay, National City, Cat. (Box 190). A.B. 1894. Frederick Carlos Ferry, Saratoga, N. Y, A.B. Williams 1891 ; a.m. ibid. 1894. John Soren Festerson, Utica, N. Y. (306 Dudley Ave.). A.B. Colgate Univ. (N.Y.) 1885; a.m. ibid. 1893; a.b. 1894. Prof. Eng. Lang, and Lit. Ripon Coll. (Wis.). — Teacher {English). Jeremiah Denis Matthias Ford, Cambridge, Mass. A.B. 1894. See also Ph.D. 1897. Robert Jay Forsythe, Cambndge, Mass. (Weld 7). A.B. 1894. Instr. in Metallurgy and Metallurgical Chemistry. — Teacher {Metallurgy) . Albert Philip Francine, Philadelphia, Pa. (Hospital of Univ. of Pa.). A.B. Univ. Pa. 1894; m.d. ibid. 1898. — Physician. Charles Josiah G-alpin, Belleville, jV. Y. (Union Acad.). A.B. Colgate Univ. (N.Y.) 1885; a.b. ibid. 1S8S.— Teacher. Henry Albert Gehring, Cleveland, 0. (care C. E. Gehring Brewing Co.). A.B. 1894. — 'In business {brewing). [895] MASTERS OF ARTS. 59 Louis Packard Gillespie, New YorJc^ N. T. A.B. Yale 1894. Elmer Ellsworth Griffith. A.B. Ind. Univ. 1885 ; a.m. ibid. 1890. John Irvin Hamaker, Durham, N. C. A.B. Univ. Kan. 1893; a.b. 1894. See also Ph.D. 1897. Albert Elmer Hancock, Williamstown, Mass. (Williams Coll.). 1896. — s.B. Wesleyan (Conn.) 1891. See also Ph.D. 1897. Eugene Howard Harper, Port Byron, III. A.B. Oberlin Coll. (O.) 1890. Henry Barrett Hinckley, Northampton, Mass. A.B. Yale 1892. Martin Hill Ittner, St. Louis, Mo. (2603 Michigan Ave.). PH.B. Washington Univ. (Mo.) 1892 ; s.b. ibid. 1894. See also Ph.D. 1896. Herbert Spencer Jennings, Hanover, N. H. s.B. Univ. Mich. 1893. See also Ph. D. 1896. Benjamin Chauncey Jutten, Providence, R. I. (610 Cherry St.). A.B. 1894. — Inspector of telephones and telegraphs. Francis Stewart Kershaw, Boston, Mass. (9 Beacon St.). PH.B. Ohio State Univ. 1891 ; a.b. 1892. — Teacher. Francis Joseph Lange, Elgin, 111. A.B. Univ. Kan. 1893. Joseph Francis Langton, Waltham, Mass. (48 Gushing St.). A.B. MeGill (Que.) 1887 ; a.b. Presbyterian Coll. Montreal (Que.) 1888 ; s.T.B. 1896. — Clergyman (Presbyterian). Charles Lewis Lawrence, Los Angeles, Gal. (209 Bunker Hill St.). A.B. 1894. Henry Richardson Linville, New York, N. T. (60 W. 13th St.). A.B. Univ. Kan. 1893; a.b. 1894. See also Ph.D. 1897. John Daniel Logan, Boston, Mass. (36 So. Russell St.). A.B. Dalhousie (N. S.) 1893; a.m. ibid. 1894; a.b. 1894. See also Ph.D. 1896. James Edwin Lough, Oshkosh, Wis. A.B. Miami Univ. (O.) 1891; a.m. ibid. 1894; a.b. 1894. See also Ph.D. 1898. Robert MacDonald, Brooklyn, N. Y. A.B. 1894; s.T.B. 1896. — Clergyman {Baptist). 60 HARVARD UNIVERSITY. [l895 Frederick Chase McLaughlin, Cambridge^ Mass, (Read's 4). A.B. 1893; LL.B. 1898. Howard Lincoln McLaury, Rapid City, So. Dak. A.B. Oberlin (O.) 1893. — Teacher {Mathematics). Henry Camp Marshall, Cambridge, Mass. (Grays 29). A.B. Ohio Wesleyan 1891; a.b. 1894. — Student {Economics). Watson Nicholson, Cambridge, Mass. (19 Shepard St.). A.B. Leland Stanford Jr. Univ. (Cal.) 1892. George Rapall Noyes, Cambndge, Mass. (care Harvard Univ.). A.B. 1894. See also Ph.D. 1898. George Oenslager, Harrisburg, Pa. (Pennsylvania Ave.). A.B. 1894. — Chemist. Andrew Oliver, 2nd, San Mateo, Cal. (St. Matthew's Sch.). A.B. 1891 ; PH.D. Univ. of City of N. Y. 1898. Head Classical Dept. St. Matthew's Sch. (Cal.). — Teacher {Classics). Charles Eugene Ozanne, Cleveland, O. (785 Republic St.). A.B. Adelbert Coll. (O.) 1889; s.t.b. Yale l%^2.— Teacher {History). Joseph Francis Paxton, Norman, Okla. A.B. Univ. of State of Mo. 1891; a.m. ibid. 1893. Prof. Greek and Lat. Univ. of Oklahoma. — Teacher {Classics). Milton Brockett Porter, Austin, Texas. s.B. Univ. Tex. 1892. See also Ph.D. 1897. Edward Kennard Rand, Watertown, Mass. A.B. 1894. Instr. in Lat. Univ. of Chicago. — Teacher {Classics). Charles Andrew Rhetts, Bloomington, Ind. A.B. Ind. Univ. 1889; ll.b. Columbian Univ. (D.C.). Assoc. Prof. Law Ind. Univ. — Teacher {Law). Henry Isaac Richmond, Jr., Little Compton, R. I. s.B. 1894. William Harvey Rush, St. Louis, Mo. (Washington Univ.). s.B. Univ. Mich. 1893. Instr. in Phanerogamic Bot. Washington Univ. (Mo.). — Teacher {Botany). Boris Sidis, New York, N. Y. (1 Madison Ave.). A.B. 1894. See also Ph.D. 1897. Macy Millmore Skinner, Cambridge, Mass. (care Harvard Univ.). A.B. 1894. See also Ph.D. 1897. 1895] MASTERS OF ARTS. 61 *Roscoe Addison Small, Died 18 July 1898 aged 27. A.B. Bates (Me.) 1892 ; a.b. 1894. See also Ph.D. 1897. George James Smith, Washington^ D. C. (Central High Sch.). A.B. National Normal Univ. 1885; a.m. ibid. 1890; ll.b. National Law Sch. (D. C.) 1892; ll.m. ibid. 1893; ph.d. Univ. of Wooster (O.) 1893.— Teacher. Oliver Mitchell Wentworth Sprague, St. JoJmsbury, Vt. 1896. — A.B. 1894. See also Ph.D. 1897. Edwin Diller Stsirhuck, Stanford University, Col. (12 AlvaradoRow). A.B. Ind. Univ. 1890; a.b. 1894; ph.d. Clark Univ. (Mass.) 1897. Asst. Prof. Education Leland Stanford Jr. Univ. (Cal.). — Teacher (Pedagogy). Otto Starek, Cleveland, 0. (37 Portland St.). A.B. 1894. — Teacher. James Sullivan, Jr., Cambridge, Mass. (Stoughton 21). A.B. 1894. See also Ph.D. 1898. John Littlefield Tilton, Indianola, la. (Simpson Coll.). A.B. Wesleyan (Conn.) 1885; a.m. ibid. 1888.— Teacher. George Warren Tower, Jr., Washington, D.C. (U. S. Geol. Surv.). A.B. 1894. — Geologist. Frederick Towers, Cambridge, Mass. (1168 Massachusetts Ave.). A.B. Univ. New Brunswick 1877. — Clergyman {Protestant Episcopal). Robert Reineck Truitt, Philadelphia, Pa. (3505 Baring St.). A.B. Univ. Pa. 1890; a.b. \9>^^. — Student (Classics). John Albrecht Walz, Cambridge, Mass. (care Harvard Univ.). 1896.— A.B. Northwestern Univ. (111.) 1892. See also Ph.D. 1897. Richard Ware, Cambridge, Mass. (45 Trowbridge St.). LL.B. Columbian Univ. (D.C.) 1889. Frederic Leonard Washburn, Eugene, Ore. (Univ. of Oregon). A.B. 1882. Prof. Z06I. State Agri. Coll. Corvallis (Ore.) ; Prof. Biol. Univ. of Ore. — Teacher (Biology) . Charles T Wentworth, Madison, Wis. (543 State St.). A.B. 1894. — Teacher (History). Francis Beach White, Cambridge, Mass. (6 Phillips PI.). A.B. 1894; s.T.B. Epis. Theol. Sch. Cambr. (Mass.) 1895. — Clergyman (Protestant Episcopal) . *William Joseph Whitney, Died 26 Sept. 1896 aged 29. A.B. 1894. Acting Prof. Hist, and Mod. Lang. Drury Coll. (Mo.).— Teacher. 62 HARVARD UNIVERSIXr. [1895-96 Charles Adams Williams, Hudson^ Mass. A.B. Williams 1888, Prin. High Sch. Hudson (Mass.). — Teacher. Charles Fenno Winslow, Jamaica Plain, Mass, (188 School St.). A.B. 1891. — Teacher (Languages). 84 — *4 Cleveland Abbe, Jr., Washington., D. C. A.B. 1894; PH.D. Johns Hopkins 1898. — Student {Geology and Biology). Raymond Macdonald Alden, Philadelphia^ Pa. (3737 Locust St.). A.B. Univ. Pa. 1894; ph.d. ibid. 1898. — Student {English). Thomas Allison, Irvine, Scotland. A.B. Oxford (England) 1893. Don Carlos Barrett, Haverford, Pa. (Haverford Coll.). PH.B. Earlham Coll. (Ind.) 1889; a.m. ibid. 1893. Instr. in Pol. Econ. and Hist. Haverford Coll. (Pa.). — Teacher {Economics and History). Max Benshimol, Cambridge, Mass. (48 Highland Ave.). A.B. 1895. — Teacher {Classics). Theodore Protas Berle, Woburyi, Mass. A.B. Oberlin (0.) 1890; a.m. ibid. 1893; Andover Theol. Sem. 1893.— Clergyman { Congregational) . Clarence Powers Bill, Cleveland, 0. A.B. Adelbert Coll. (0.) 1894; a.m. Western Keserve Univ. (O.) 1895. See also Ph.D. 1898. Asa White Kenney Billings, Pittsburg, Pa. (4512 Center Ave.). A.B. 1895. — Civil Engineer. Joseph William Blankinship, Bozeman, Mont. A.B. Drury Coll. (Mo.) 1889; a.b. 1894. See also Ph.D. 1898. Charles Leonard Bouton, St. Louis, Mo. (2909 Park Ave.). S.M.Washington Univ. (Mo.) 1891; ph.d. Leipsic 1898. — Teacher {Mathe- matics) . Ralph Hartt Bowles, Exeter, N. H. A.B. 1893. Instr. in Eng. and Hist. Phillips Exeter Acad. (N.H.) . — Teacher. Neil Conwell Brooks, Champaign, III. (Univ. of Illinois). A.B. Univ. Kan. 1890. See also Ph.D. 1898. Daniel Francis Calhane,' Haverhill, Mass. (58 Moore St.). A.B. 1894. — Student {Chemistry). 1896] MASTERS OF ARTS. 63 James Leon Chamberlain, Springfield^ Mass. A. B. Amherst 1889. — Teacher. Henry Harmon Chamberlin, Cambridge^ Mass, (1208 Mass. Ave.). A.B. 1895. — Teacher (Unglish). Fletcher Barker Coffin, Newton^ Mass, A.B. 1895; LL.B. 1898. George Franklin Cole, Worcester^ Mass, (English High Sch.). PH.B. NorwichiUniv. (Vt.) 1892; a.b. 1895. — Teacher (Modern Languages) . WiUiam Morse Cole, Concord, Mass, A.B. 1890. — Teacher (Political Economy) . William Wistar Comfort, Haverford, Pa, (Haverford Coll.). A.B. Haverford (Pa.) 1894; a.b. 1895. Instr. in Fr. and Ger. Haverford Coll. — Teacher (French and German) . Robert Wheaton Coues, Cambridge, Mass, (104 Mt. Auburn St.). A.B. 1895. — Student (Modern Languages). Arthur Lyons Cross, Beachmont, Mass. (70 Winthrop Ave.). A.B. 1895. — Student (History). Herbert Ernest Cushman, Tufts College, Mass, A.B. Bates (Me.) 1887; s.t.b. Tufts 1890; a.m. ibid. 1890; a.b. 1895. See also Ph.D. 1897. George Van Ness Dearborn, Boston, Mass. (15 Union Park). litt.b. Dartmouth 1890; m.d. Columbia (Coll. Phys. and Surg.) 1893.— Student (Psychology). John Byron Diman, Newport, R. I. (St. George's Sch.). A.B. Brown 1885; s.t.b Epis. Theol. Sch. Cambr. (Mass.) 1888. — Teacher. Clergyman (Protestant Ejnscopal). John Archibald Fairlie, New York, N. T. (218 W. 123d St.). A.B. 1895; PH.D. Columbia 1898. — Sociologist. Bruce Fink, Fayette, la, s.B. Univ. of State of Mo. 1887 ; s.m. ibid. 1894. Prof. Biol, and Geol. Upper Iowa Univ. — Teacher (Natural Science) . Winthrop Edwards Fiske, Cambridge, Mass, (67 Highland Ave.). A.B. l^)^^. — Student (Physics). HaiTy Nelson Gay, Newton, Mass, A.B. Amherst 1891. Joseph Searle Gaylord, Winona, Minn. (State Normal School). A.B. Knox Coll. (111.) 1885; a.m. ibid. 1888. Teacher Psychol. Pedagogy and Ethics State Normal Sch. Winona (Minn.). — Teacher. 64 HARVARD UNIVERSITY. [1896 Walter Hamilton Gillespie, Cambridge^ Mass. (Harvard Univ.). A.B. Univ. of Toronto 1894. — Student (Classics). Elliot Hersey Goodwin, Cambridge, Mass. (8 FoUen St.). A.B. 1895. — student (History). Ernest Daniel Grand, Cambridge, Mass. (76 Hammond St.). LiTT.B. Fac. des Lett, de Paris 1881 ; Archiviste-Pal6og. ;ficole des Chartes 1886. — Teacher (French). William Henry Gratwick, Jr., Buffalo, N. T. (776 Delaware Ave.). A.B. 1892. Charles Sumner Griffin, Cambridge, Mass. (Grays 43). A.B. Univ. Kan. 1894 ; a.b. 1895. — Student (Economics.) Frederick Orville Grover, Berea, Ky. (Berea Coll.). A.B. Dartmouth 1890; a.m. ibid. ; a.b. 1895. — Teacher (Botany). Edward Harding, Cambridge, Mass. (60 Brattle St.). A.B. 1895. Herbert Miiller Hopkins, Berkeley, Cal. (Univ. of CaKfomia). A.B. Columbia 1893. See also Ph.D. 1898. Tuley Francis Myron Huntington, Milwaukee, Wis. (776 Mineral St.). A.B. Cornell Coll. (la.) 1892. Louis Curtis Jaques, Somerville, Mass. (57 Jaques St.). A.B. 1892. — Teacher. Burris Atkins Jenkins, Indianapolis, Ind. (72 Lincoln Ave.). A.B. Bethany Coll. (Kan.) 1891; s.t.b. 1895. — Clergyman (Disciple). Lucius Page Lane, Boston, Mass. (623 Tremont St.). s.B. Mass. Inst. Tech. 1894; a.b. 1895. Gifford Le Clear, Boston, Mass, (7 Exchange PI.). A.B. 1895. — Mechanical Engineer. John Hart Lewis, Cambridge, Mass. (Harvard Law School). A.B. 1895. — Student (Law). Alexander Lincoln, Brookline, Mass. (Beech Road). A.B. 1895. Eric Isidore Lindh, West Acton, Mass, A.B. 1893. Henry Eastman Lower, W. Cleveland, 0. (1942 Detroit St.). A.B. 1895. 1896] MASTERS OF ARTS. 65 Arthur Hull Mablej, Cleveland, 0. (45 Oakdale St.). A.B. Adelbert Coll. (O.) 1894 ; a.m. Western Reserve Univ. 1895. Instr. in Lat. Adelbert Coll. — Teacher {Classics). Walter Valen McDuffee, Thetford, Vt. A.B. Dartmouth 1892; a.m. ibid. 1895. — Teacher (Classics). William Edward McElfresh, Cambridge, Mass. (Craigie 106). A.B. Illinois Coll. 1888; a.b. 1895. — Student (Physics). Edmund Robert Otto von Mach, Cambridge, Mass, A.B. 1895. — Student (Classics). David Maydole Matteson, Forbestown, Cal, PH.B. Univ. Cal. 1895. William Joseph Miller, Cambridge, Mass. (Warland 3). A.B. Trinity Coll. (Conn.) 1892; a.b. 189'S. — Student (Classics). George Thomas Moore, Cambridge, Mass. (30^ Shepard St.). s.B. Wabash Coll. (Ind.) 1894; a.b. 1895. Instr. in Bot. Radcliffe Coll. (Mass.). — Teacher (Botany). Frederick Hapgood Nash, West Acton, Mass. A.B. 1895 ; LL.B. Boston Univ. 1898. William Allan Neilson, Bryn Mawr, Pa. A.M. Univ. of Edinburgh (Scotland) 1891. See also Ph.D. 1898. Carleton Eldredge Noyes, Cambridge, Mass. (338 Harvard St.). A.B. 1895. — Student {Modern Languages). To study abroad 1898-99. Otis Briggs Oakman, No, Mai'shjield, Mass. A.B. 1887. Master in Lat. Thayer Acad. (Mass.). — Teacher. James Edward Peabody. A.B. Williams 1892. Philip DeWitt Phair, Hartford, Conn. (Trinity College). LiTT.B. Trinity (Conn.) 1894; a.b. 1895. Instr. in Hist, and Pol. Sci. Trinity Coll. (Conn.). — Teacher (History and Political Economy). James Foster Porter, Chicago, III. (789 FuUerton Ave.). A.B. 1895. — In business (real estate). John McClellan Prather, North Reading, Mass, A.B. AntiochColl. (O.) 1891; a.b. 1894. Henry Washington Prescott, Hartford, Comi. (Trinity Coll.). A.B. 1895. Instr. in Lat. Trinity Coll. (Conn.). — Teacher (Classics). James Thomas Pugh, Morrisville, N. C. A.B. Univ. N. C. 1893 : a.m. 1894. QQ HARVARD UNIVERSITY. [1896 Oscar Quick, Urbana^ 111. (907 W. Green St.). A.B. 1895. Instr. in Physics Univ. 111. — Teacher (Physics). Willard Reed, Passaic, N. J. A.B. 1891. — Clergyman {Unitarian). Lewis Clark Renfro, Charlestown, Mass. (51 Maiu St.). A.B. 1895. Cale Young Rice, Louisville^ Ky. (311 W. Walnut St.). A.B. Cumberland Univ. (Ky.) 1893; a.b. 1895. John Wesley Rice, Rockla7id, Mass. A.B. 1891 ; s.T.B. Yale 1895. See also Ph.D. 1898. ♦William Halderman Riddle, Died 23 Jan. 1887 aged 23. A.B. Univ. Kan. 1893; a.b. 1895. — Teacher (Mathematics). Joseph Chapin Rockwell, North Adams., Mass. (23 Quincy St.). A.B. Wesleyan (Conn.) 1887. Asst. Prof. Class. Archaeol. Univ. Cal. 1896-98.— Teacher (Classics). Philip Henry Savage, Boston., Mass. (101 St. Botolph St.). A.B. 1893. — Librarian. Charles Edward Seaman, Cambridge, 3Iass. (Shepherd 2). A.B. Acadia (N.S.) 1892; a.b. 1895. — Student (Political Science). Wilmon Henry Sheldon, Boston, Mass (538 Mass. Ave.). A.B. 1895. — Student (Philosophy). Alburn Edward Skinner, Ottawa, Kan. A.B. Yale 1895. — In business (banking). Andrew Sledd, Oxford, Ga. (Emory Coll.). A.M. Randolph-Macon Coll. (Va.) 1894. Prof. Lat. Emory Coll. — Teacher. Harry DeForrest Smith, Brunswick, Me. (Bowdoin Coll.). A.B. Bowdoin 1891; a.m. ibid. 1894. Instr. in Anc. Lang. Bowdoin Coll. (Me.) . — Teacher ( Classics) . Frank Nicholas Spindler, Mt. Vernon, 0. (400 N. Gay St.). A.B. Oberlin (0.) 1894; a.b. 1895. Prof. Psychology and Lat. Univ. of Omaha (Neb.). — Teacher (Philosophy). Rufus Whittaker Stimson, Palmer, Mass. A.B. 1895. James Stephen Stokes, St. Joseph, Mo. (High Sch.). s.B. Univ. State of Mo. 1887; pe.b. 1887; s.m. ibid. l^dO.— Teacher. Elmer Edgar StoU, Wooster, 0. A.B. Univ. of Wooster (0.) 1893; a.b. 1895. 1896] MASTERS or ARTS. 67 John Percival Sylvester, Cambridge^ Mass. (Thayer 54). A.B. 1895. Instr. in Chem. — Teacher (Chemistry). Lucien Edward Taylor, Providence, B. I. A.B. Brown 1895. Victor Sumner Thomas, Wilmington, Del. (700 Clayton St.). A.B. 1895 Ashley Horace Thorndike, Cleveland, O. A.B. Wesleyan (Conn.) 1893. See also Ph.D. 1898. Henry Augustus Torrey, Burlington, Vt. (75 S. Prospect St.). A.B. Univ. Vt. 1893. See also Ph.D. 1897. James Russell Trotter, Charleston, W. Va. A.B. W. Va. Univ. 1891 ; a.b. 1895. State Supt. of Free Schools W. Va. — Superintendent of Schools. William Mom-oe Trotter, Roxhury, Mass. (16 W. Cottage St.). A.B. 1895. — In business (real estate, mortgages, and insurance). Wallace Manahan Turner, Newton Centre, Mass. A.B. 18\)1.— Teacher. George Burridge Viles, Lowell, Mass. (78 Methuen St.). A.B. 1892. Oswald Garrison Villard, New York, JSf. Y. (145 W. 58th St.). A.B. 1893. — Journalist. Frederick Clayton Waite, Hudson, 0. s.B. Adelbert Coll. (0.) 1892; a.m. Western Reserve Univ. (O.) 1894. See also Ph.D. 1898. James Kelsey Whittemore, Cambridge, Mass. (care Harvard Univ.) . A.B. 1895. — Student (Mathematics). To study abroad 1898-99. Fred Bradlee Winslow, Boston, Mass. (264 Newbury St.). A.B. 1895. Arthur Mayer Wolf son, New York, N. Y. (Boys' High Sch.). A.B. 1893. See also Ph.D. 1898. Clarence David Wood, Brooklyn, N. Y. (80 Halsey St.). A.B. Amherst 1893. Willis Patten Woodman, Pembroke, N. H. A.B. 1895. — Teacher. Sherman Melville Woodward. s.M. Washington Univ. (Mo.) 1893. Herbert Hilarion Yeames, Buffalo, N. Y. (274 Lexington Ave.). A.B. 1895. — Teacher. Now in the U. S. army. 98 — *1 6S HARVARD UNIVERSITY. [1897 Joseph Dana Allen, Philadelphia, Pa. (Delancey Sch.). A.B. Univ. Vt. 1893. — Teacher- Raymond Clare Archibald, Cambridge, Mass. (362 Harvard St.). A.B. Mt. Allison Univ. (N. B.) 1894; a.b. 1896. — Student (Mathematics). Francis Noyes Balch, Cambridge, Mass. (Winthrop 3). A.B. 1896. — Student (Law). Frank Watts Bancroft, Cambridge, Mass. (care Harvard Univ.). s.B. Univ. Cal. 1894; s.m. ibid. 1896. See also Ph.D. 1898. Gregory Paul Baxter, Somerville, Mass. (27 Warren Ave.). A.B. 189G. Instr. in Chem. — Teacher (Chemistry). Charles Beardsley, Jr., Burlington, la. (243 So. 7th St.). A.B. 1892. Archibald Belcher, Covington, Ga. A.B. Emory Coll. (Ga.) 1892 ; a.m. ibid. 1896. — Teacher. George Wyllys Benedict, Cambridge, Mass. (Hilton 4). A.B. Univ. Vt. 1893. — Student (English). Frederick Horatio Billings, Cambridge, Mass. (21 Wendell St.). A.B. Leland Stanford Jr. Univ. (Cal.) 1896. — Student (Botany). Gilbert Sykes Blakely, Mw York, ^. Y. (157th St. and 3d Ave.). A.B. Dartmouth 1888 ; a.m. ibid. — Teacher (English). Ernest Brehaut, Colorado Springs, Col. (Box 82). A.B. Dalhousie (N.S.) 1894; a.b. 1896. Instr. in Classics Col. Coll. — Teacher (Classics). Sears Wilson Cabell, Newport, R. I. (Cloyne House). A.B. Miami Univ. (O.) 1895; a.b. 1896.— Teacher. Walter Bradford Cannon, Cambridge, Mass. (Foxcroft House 2). A.B. 1896. — Student (Medicine.) Paul Capron, Arlington Heights, Mass. (3 Tanager St.). A.B. 1896. — Student (Mathematics.) Charles Cestre, Cambndge, Mass. (13 Kirkland PL). LiTT.B.,Faculte des Lettres de Paris (France) 1889 ; Licencie-es-lettres ibid. 1893; Agrege d' Anglais ibid. 1895. — Teacher (English). George Henry Chase, Cambridge, Mass. (Harvard Univ. ) . A.B. 1896. — Student (Classics). 1897] MASTERS OF ARTS. 69 Edward Conner Chickering, Exeter^ N. H, A.B. Yale 1896. John Firman Coar, Cambridge^ Mass. (81 Oxford St.). 1898, — Kaiser-Wilhelm Gym. Cologne (Prussia) 1884. Instr. in German. — Teacher ( German) . William Dennis Collins, Melrose^ Mass. (211 Upham St.). A.B. 1895. Edwin Henry Colpitts, Cambridge^ Mass. (5 Linden St.). A.B. Mt. Alison Univ. (N. B.) 1893; a.b. I8d6. — Student (Physics and Mathematics) . Ralph Waldo Cone, Cambridge, Mass. (Hilton 23). A.B. Univ. Kan. 1895; a.b. 1896. — Student (Economics). Thornton Cooke, Herington, Kan. A.B. Univ. Kan. 1893. Joseph Potter Cotton, Jr., Newport, R, I. (15 Park St.). A.B. 1896. Arthur John Covell, Lynn, Mass. A.B. Univ. Mich 1887; Andover Theol. Sem. 18\)0. — Clergyman (Congre- gational) . AUerton Seward Cushman, St. Louis, Mo. 1898. — 8. B. Worcester Pol. Inst. 1888. See also Ph.D. 1898. Truman Orville Douglass, Jr., Ghrinnell, la. A.B. Iowa Coll. 1894. Frank Farnum Dresser, Soutlibridge, Mass. A.B. 1894. Arthur Durward, Boulder, Col. 8.B. Univr. Col. 1893 ; s.b. 1895. — Teacher. Horace Ainsworth Eaton, Cambridge, Mass. (20 Elmwood Ave.). A.B. 1893. — Student (English). Thomas'Hooper Eckfeldt, New Bedford, Mass. (Friends' Sch.). A.B. Wesleyan (Conn.) 1881. — Teacher. Sidney Bradshaw Fay, Cambridge, Mass. (care Harvard Univ.). A.B. 1896. Student (History). To study abroad 1898-99. George Converse Fiske, Cambridge, Mass. (Thayer 44). A.B. 1894. — Student (Classics). Benjamin Oliver Foster, BrooMine, Mass. (Windsor Road). A.B. Leland Stanford Jr. Univ. (Cal.) 1S95. — Student (Classics). 70 HARVARD UNIVERSITY. [1897 Alexis Everett Frye, Boston, Mass. (52 Pinckney St.). LL.B. 1890. — Author. John Edward George, Cambridge, Mass. (care Harvard Univ.). PH.B. Northwestern Univ. (111.) 1895. — Student (Social Science). To study abroad 1898-99. Lincoln Robinson Gibbs, Amherst, Mass. A.B. Wesleyan (Conn.) 1892; a.m. ibid. 18dS.— Teacher (English). Henry Closson Gilbert, Cambridge, Mass. (15 Shepherd St.). A.B. Trinity (Conn.) 1893; s.t.b. Epis. Theol. Sch. Cambr. (Mass.) 1896. — Student ( Theology) . Russell Thomas Greene, Jr., Cambridge, Mass. (22 Lee St.). A.B. 1896. — Teacher. John Galentine Hall, Cambridge, Mass. (9 Shepherd St.). A.B. Univ. Kan. 1895; a.b. l^'dQ . — Student (Botany). George Livingstone Hamilton, Boston, Mass. (21 Wabon St.). 1898.— A.B. 1895.— Teacher. Hutchins Hapgood, New York, N. T. (care N. Hapgood, " Com- mercial Advertiser " ) . A.B. 1892. — Journalist. Louis Chnton Hatch, Cambridge, Mass. (11 Mason St.). A.B. Bowdoin 1895; a.b. 1896. — Student (History and Government). Joseph Henry Hathaway, Baltimore, Md. (116 Jackson PI.). A.B. Iowa Coll. 1894; a.b. l8dQ. — Student (Medicine). ♦Ralph Burnell Calhoun Hicks, Died 7 Feb. 1898 aged 25. A.B. 1896. — Student (Sanskrit and Arabic). Lewis Dana Hill, Cambridge, Mass. (366 Hai-vard St.). A.B. 1894. — In business (printing). Archibald Livingston Hodges, JVew; York, N. Y. (36 E. 12th St.). A.B. 1883. Head Class. Dept. Girls' High Sch. New York (N. Y.) . — Teacher ( Classics) . Willis Boit Holmes, Cambr idgeport, Mass. (37 Williams St.). A.B. 1896. — Student (Chemistry). Herman Harrell Home, Cambridge, Mass. (Divinity 19). A.B. Univ. N. C. 1895; a.m. ibid. 1895. — Stude?it (Theology). Thomas Carr Howe, Irvington, Tad. (Butler College) . PH.B. Univ. of Indianapolis (Ind.) 1889; a.m. ibid. 1893. Prof. Germ. Butler Coll. (Ind.). — Teacher (German). 1897] MASTERS OF ARTS. 71 Will David Howe, Cambridge^ Mass. (88 Hammond St.). A.B. Univ. of Indianapolis (Ind.) 1893 ; a.b. 1895. Acting Prof. Eng. Butler Coll. (Ind.).— Teacher (English). Ray Greene Huling, Cambridge, Mass. (101 Trowbridge St.). A.B. Brown 1869 ; a.m. ibid. 1872 ; s.d. (Honorary) ibid. 1894. Prin. Eng. High Sch. Cambr. (Mass.). — Teacher. Edward Vermilye Huntington, WilUamstown, Mass. a.b. 1895. Instr. in Math. Williams Coll. — Teacher (Mathematics). Thornton Jenkins, W. Barnstable, Mass. A.B. 1896. — Teacher. Henry Johnston, Cambridge, Mass. (3 Sumner St.). A.B. Univ. New Brunswick 1892; a.b. 189Q. — Student (English). David Kimball, Cambr >dge, Mass. (Harvard Law School) . A.B. 1893. — Student (Law). Samuel Wardwell Kinney, Cambridge, Mass. (14 Oxford St.). A.B. Princeton 1894. — Student (English). William Hector Saunderson Kollmyer, Montreal, Que. A.B. McGillUniv. (Que.) 1892; ll.b. 1897. Norris Hastings Laughton, So. Boston, Mass. (126 K St.). A.B. 1895. — Teacher. Clarence Woodbury Leach. PH.B. Univ. Cal. 1893. Henry Barrett Learned, Cambridge, Mass. (Trinity 6). A.B. 1890; A.M. Univ. of Chicago 189 i. — Student (History). Jonathan Leonard, Sandwich, Mass. A.B. 1896. Arthur Gardner Lewis, Cambridge, Mass. (Harvard Law School). A.B. 1896. — Student (Law) . Ernest Dorman Lewis, Cambridge, Mass. (353 Hansard St.). A.B. Leland Stanford Jr. Univ. (Cal.) 1892; a.m. ibid. 189S. — Student (History) . Fred Rinaldo Lewis, Cambridge, Mass. (Divinity 16). A.B. 1896. — Student ( Theology) . George Luther Lincoln, Dorchester, Mass. (Pleasant St.). A.B. 1896. Bertram French Linfield, Quincy, Mass. (Adams Academy). A.B. 1894. — Teacher. 72 HARVARD UNIVERSITY. [1897 Arthur Oncken Lovejoy, Cambridge^ Mass. (care Harv^ard Univ.). A.B. Univ. Cal. 1895. — Studeiit {Philosophy) . To study abroad 1S98-99. Albert Morton Lythgoe, Cambridge^ Mass, A.B. 1892. James McGiffert, Troy, N. Y. c.E. Rensselaer Pol. Inst. (N. Y.) 1891. — Teacher (Mathematics}. Martin Raphael Marshall, Oberlin, 0. PH.B. OberUn (O.) 1892. Benjamin Shores Merigold, Cambridge, Mass. (Thayer 67). A.B. 1896. — Student (Chemistry). Roger Bigelow Merriman, Oxford, Eng. (Balliol Coll.). A.B. l9>'dQ. — Student (History). William Pepperrell Montague, Cambridge, Mass. (6 Gibson St.). A.B. 1896. See also Ph.D. 1898. David WiUiam Myhrman, Cambridge, Mass. (Divinity 11). Bethel Baptist Theol. Sem. Stockholm (Sweden) 1892; ph.b. Univ. of Chicago 1896. Chauncey Williams Norton, Boston, Mass. (Harvard Med. Sch.). A.B. 1896. — Student (Medicine). Edwin Lee Norton, Cambridge, Mass. (1689 Cambridge St.). A.B. Amherst 1893. — Student (Philosophy). Edgar William Olive, Cambridge, Mass. (Read's 24). s.B. Wabash Coll. (Ind.) 1893; s.m. ibid. 1895. — Student (Botany). George Lyman Paine, Cambridge, Mass. (Lawrence 14) . A.B. 1896. Arthur Newton Peaslee, Haverhill, Mass. A.B.Bates (Me.) 1890; s.t.b. Epis. Theol. Sch. Cambr. (Mass.) 1896.— Clergyman (Protestant Episcopal) . Ralph Barton Perry, Cambridge, Mass. (1689 Cambridge St.). A.B. Princeton 1896. — Student (Theology). John Arthur Peters, Cambridge, Mass. (9 Francis Ave.). 1898. — A.B. Univ. Mich. 1892. — Student (Classics). Murray Anthony Potter, Cambridge, Mass. (18 Trowbridge St.). A.B. 1895. — Student (Romance Languages). Henry Alfred Preston, Cambridge, Mass. (49 Oxford St.). A.B. Adelbert Coll. of Western Reserve Univ. (0.) 1893. — Student (Classics). 1897] MASTERS OF ARTS. 73 Charles Lincoln Reed, Hudson^ Mass. TH.^.Tutts 1889. — Teacher. Herbert Thomas Rich, lAttleton, Mass. A.B. 1896. Prin. High Sch. Littleton (Mass.). — Teacher. Winfield Scott Rich, Welljleet, Mass. • s.B. 1896. Frank Russell, Cambridge^ Mass. (25 W&ie St.). s.B. State Univ. of Iowa 1892; s.m. ibid. 1895; a.b. 1896. See also Ph.D. 1898. Porter Edward Sargent, Cambridge^ Mass. (Matthews 49). 1898. — A.B. 1896. — Teacher (Natural Science). William Briggs Savery, Cambridge, Mass. (Harvard Univ.). A.B. Brown 1896. — Student (Philosophy). Alfred Dwight Sheffield, Cambridge, Mass. (25 Holyoke St.). A.B. Oberlin (0.) 1895; a.b. 1896. Andrew Rothwell Sheriff, Chicago, III. (175 Dearborn St.). LL.B. Georgetown Univ. (D.C.) 1892; ll.b. 1894; a.b. 1896. — Lawyer. Prescott Orde Skinner, Cambridge, Mass. (College House 56). a.b. 1896. Instr. in Italian and Spanish. — Teacher (Romance Languages). Louis Palmer Slade, Fall River, Mass. (620 N. Main St.). A.B. Williams 1893. Charles Lester Spaulding, Townsend Harbor, Mass, A.B. Williams 1890. Wallace Nelson Stearns, Cambridge, Mass. (45 Trowbridge St.). A.B. Ohio Wesleyan 1891; a.b. 1893; a.m. Ohio Wesleyan 1894; s.t.b. 1896. — Student (Classics) . James Sterenberg, Orange City, la. A.B. Hope Coll. (Mich.) 1893 ; Princeton Theol. Sem. 1896. — Clergyman (American Reformed) . William Earl Stilson, Lebanon, III. A.B. Allegheny (Pa.) 1894. Prof. Math, and Astr. McKendree Univ. (111.). — Teacher (Mathematics and Astronomy) . John Dashiell Stoops, Cambridge, Mass. (Divinity 29). A.B. Dickinson Coll. (Pa.) 1894:. — Student (Theology). John Reed Swanton, Roxbury, Mass. (1 Tatlock St.). A.B. 1896. — Student (Anthropology). 74 HARVARD UNIVERSITY. [1897-98 John Strong Perry Tatlock, Ann Arbor, Mich. (306 No. Division St.). A.B. 1896. Albert Welcome Thayer, Woonsocket, B. I. (Box 218). A.B. Wesleyan (Conn.) 1888; a.m. ibid. 1890. — Teacher. Edward Lee Thorndike, New York, jSF. Y. (Columbia Univ.). A.B. Wesleyan (Conn.) 1895; a.b. 1896; ph.d. Columbia 1898. — Student (Philosophy) . Frank William Tilden, Bloomington, Ind. A.B. Hamilton Coll. (N. Y.) 1892 ; a.m. ibid. 1895. Asst. Prof. Greek Ind. Univ. — Teacher (Classics). Norman Maclaren Trenholme, Cambridge, Mass. (Thayer 23). A.B. McGill (Que.) 1895. — Student (History). Jonas Viles, Worcester, Mass. (Dalzell School). A.B. 1896. — Teacher. Joseph Parker Warren, Cambridge, Mass. (Harvard Univ.). A.B. 1896. — Stude7it (History). . Alvin Sawyer Wheeler, Cambridge, Mass. (49 Wendell St.). A.B. Beloit (Wis.) 1890. — Student (Chemistry). John Arlington White, Arlington Heights, Mass. (37 Park Ave.). A.B. 1896. Henry George Whitman. A.B. Cambridge (England) 1894; ll.b. 1897. Robert Sessions Woodworth, Berlin, Conn, A.B. Amherst 1891; a.b. 1896. Bruce Wyman, Cambridge, Mass. (Harvard Law School). A.B. 1896. — Student (Law) . Arnold Anton Ferdinand Ziillig, Watertown, Mass. Staatsexamen Univ. of Zurich (Switzerland) 1868. — Teacher. 112 — *1 Eugene Charles Alder, Lawrence, Kan. (1225 Tennessee St.). A.B. Univ. Kan 1897; a.m. ibid. 1897. Lee Earle Amidon, Cambridge, Mass. (67 Oxford St.). A.B. Univ. Mich. 1892. John Charles States Andrew, Cambridge, Mass. (Divinity 40). A.B. 1896. — Student (History). 1898] MASTERS OF ARTS. 75 Walter Scott Andrews, New York, N. Y. (Union Club). A.B. 1887; LL.B. Columbia 1883. — Lawyer. Edward Everett Ayers, Egypt, 0. B.C. 8. Mount Union Coll. (0.) 1890; ph.b. ibid. 1892; s.t.b. Boston Univ. 1896. — Clergyman (Methodist Episcopal) . Hugh Bancroft, Cambridge, Mass. (5 Putnam Ave.). A.B. 1897. — student (Engineering). Now in the U. S. army. Charles Hull Batchelder, Cambridge, Mass. (Harvard Law Sch.). A.B. 1897. — Student (Law). William Warren Bell, Roxbury, Mass. (22 Cobden St.). A.B. 1897. Alfred Bettman, Cincinnati, 0. A.B. 1894; LL.B. 1898. Campbell Bonner, Cambridge, Mass. (30 Irving St.). A.B. Vanderbilt (Tenn.) 1896; a.m. ibid. 1897 . — Student (Classics). Percy Holmes Boynton, Newton Centre, Mass. (Langley Road). A.B. Amherst 1897. Burtis Burr Breese, Reece, Kan. A.B. Univ. Kan. 1896 ; a.b. 1897. Alphonse Brun, Cambridge, Mass. (24 Bigelow St.). LiTT. et s.B. Academie de Be8an9on (France) 1878. Instr. in French. — Teacher (French). Arthur Alexis Bryant, Cambridge, Mass. (44 Amory St.). A.B. 1897. — Student (Classics). William Bradford Buck, Kalamazoo, Mich. (Court House). A.B. Albion Coll. (Mich.) 1895 ; a.m. ibid. 1896; a.b. 1896. Wendell T Bush, New York, N. Y. (545 E. 11th St.). A.B. Brooklyn Polytechnic Inst. 1890. Frederick Alexander Bush^e, Cambridge, Mass. (7 Wendell St.). LITT. B.Dartmouth 1893. — Student (Economics). William Deweese Cairns, Calumet, Mich. (City High School). A.B. Ohio Wesleyan 1892; a.b. 1897. — Teacher (Mathematics). Edward Parish Carr, Durham, N. C. A.B. Univ. N. C. 1896; a.b. 1897. Winthrop Holt Chenery, Belmont, Mass. s.B. Mass. Inst. Tech. 1896 ; a.b. 1897. 76 HARVARD UNIVERSITY. [1898 Albert Percival Chittenden, Dorchester^ Mass. (45 Salcombe St.). A.B. 1897. Arthur Herbert Coar, Cambridge^ Mass. (81 Oxford St.). A.B. Williams 1894; s.t.b. 1897. — Clergyman {Unitarian). Charles Nelson Cole, Cambridge^ Mass. (48 Mt. Auburn St.). A.B. Illinois Wesleyan 1894; a.m. Univ. 111. 1897 . — Student (Classics). Wilfred George Garnet Cole, Cambridgeport^ Mass. (3 Highland Park). A.B. 1897. — Student (Classics). Silas Ellsworth Coleman, Glendale, Los Angeles Co., Cal, s.B. Univ. Cal. 1896; a.b. 1897. Edward Collins, Jr., Dorchester, Mass. (985 Adams St.). s.B. Mass. Inst. Tech. 1888. Lewis Ferandus Crawford, Wagoner, Cedar Co., Mo. s.D.B. State Normal Sch. Warrensburg (Mo.) 1893. — Teacher. William Cnllen Dennis, Richmond, Ind. (Earlham Coll.). . A.B. Earlham (Ind.) 1896; a.b. 1897 . — Student (History). Frederick Marshall Fames, Albany, N. T. (31 North Swan St.). E.B. Union (N.Y.) 1895. Carl Russell Fish, Cambridge, Mass. (65 Hammond St.) A.B. Brown 1897. — Student (History). Robert Huntington Fletcher, Hanover, N. H. A.B. Dartmouth 1896. Prin. High Sch. Newport (N. H.). — Teacher. Walter Burton Ford, Oneonta, N. T. , , A.B. 1897. Charles Perkins Fountain, Bryan, Tex. Southern Baptist Theol. Sem. (Ky.) 1880. — Clergyman (Baptist). Frank Henry Gazzolo, Chicago, III. (95 Astor St.). PH.G. Chicago Coll. of Pharmacy 1893; a.b. Univ. 111. 1896. Lynn Van Horn Gerdine, West Point, Miss. A.M. Univ. Ga. 1894. George Gleason, Haverhill, Mass. (450 Kenoza St.). A.B. 1897. — General agent of the National Y. M. C. A. Leon Otis Glover, South Paris, Me. A.B. Colby Univ. (Me.) 1893. 1898] MASTERS OF ARTS. 77 Chaancey Marsh Goodrich, Easthampton, Mass. (Williston Sem.). A.B. Univ. Vt. 1896. — Teacheo-. Clifton Daggett Gray, Somerville, Mass. (27 WiUiam St.). A.B. 1897 . — Student (Theology). Henry Gunther Gray, Cambridge, Mass. (Harvard Law Sch.), A.B. 1897. — Student (Law). Thomas Harvey Haines, Cambridge, Mass. (20 Mellen St.). A.B. Haverford Coll. (Pa.) 1896; a.m. ibid. 1897 . — Student (Philosophy). Robert Hall, Indianapolis, Ind. A.B. Univ. of Indianapolis (Ind.) 1891; a.m. ibid. 1892; ph.d. ibid. 1895; s.T.B. 1897. Instr. in Lat. Indianapolis Training Sch. (Ind.). — Teacher ( Classics) . Robert William Hall, Cambridge, Mass. (7 Irving Terrace). PH. B.Yale 1895; a.b. 1897. — Botanist. Ernest Haycock, Westport, Digby Co., Nova Scotia. A.B. Acadia (N. S.) 1896; a.b. 1897. Jonathan Balcom Hayward, Neponset, Mass. (5 High St.). A.B. 1897. Earle Raymond Hedrick, Cambridge, Mass. (2 Gorham St.). A.B. Univ. Mich. 1896. — Student (Mathematics). George Neely Henning, Cambridge, Mass. (Foxcroft House 5). A.B. 1894; A.M. Columbian Univ. (D.C.) 1896. — Student (French). George Wari'en Hinman, Cambridge, Mass. (Harvard Divinity Sch. ) . A.B. Oberlin (O.) 189S. — Student (Theology). Guy Hintou, San Francisco, Cat. (647 Folsom St.). PH.B. Univ. Cal. 1895; a.b. ibid. 1896. Clarence Gilbert Hoag, Lewiston, Me. (Bates Coll.). A.B. Haverford (Pa.) 1893; a.b. 1894:. — Teacher (English). Louis Leverett Hooper, New York, N. T. (33 Union Sq.). A.B. 1889. Owen Benjamin Huntsman, Cambridge, Mass. (286 Huron Ave.). E.B. State Normal Sch. Westchester (Pa.) 1892; a.b. 1897. — Student (Philosophy) . Mark Sylvester William Jefferson, Cambridgeport, Mass. (59 Chest- nut St.). A.B. Boston Univ. 1889 ; a.b. 1897. 78 HARVARD UNIVERSITY. [1898 William Dawson Johnston, Somerville, Mass. (16 Mossland St.). A.B. Brown Univ. (R. I.) ISdS. — Student (History). Frank Alexander Kennedy, Medford, Mass, (88 Marshall St.). A.B. 1897. Prin. High Sch. Dartmouth (Mass.). — Teacher. Alfred Monroe Kenyon, LaFayette, Ind. A.B. Hiram (O.) 1894 ; a.m. Western Reserve Univ. (O.) 1897. Instr. in Math. Purdue Univ. (Ind.). — Teacher {Mathematics). Charles Reuben Keyes, Mt. Vernon, la. PH.B. Cornell Coll. (la.) 1894. Albert Edward King, Plainjield, iV. J. (Leal's School for Boys). A.B. 1897.— Teacher (Physics). Cyrus Ambrose King, Plum Tree, Ind. A.B. Ind. Univ. 1893; a.b. 1897. William Lyon Mackenzie King, Cambridge, Mass. (14 Sumner St.). A.B. Toronto 1895; ll.b. ibid. 1896; a.m. ibid. 1897. — Student (Political Economy) . Alphonse Marin La Mesl^e, Cambridge, Mass. (Felton 29). litt.b. Academic ds Rennes (France) 1885. Instr, in French. — Teacher (French). Robert Greenleaf Leavitt, Easthampton, Mass. A.B. ISdl. — Teacher. John Ashby Lester, Pasadena, Gal, A.B. Haverford (Pa.) 1896; a.m. ibid. 1897. Frederick Thomas Lewis, Boston, Mass. (Hai-vard Med. Sch.). A.B. 1897. — Student (Medicine). Gilbert Newton Lewis, Cambridge, Mass. (10 Appian Way). A.B. 1896. — Student (Chemistry). Manfred Lilliefors, Contocook, JV. H. New Church Theol. Sem. (Mass.) 1895. — Clergyman (New Church). Vernon Freeman Marsters, Bloomington, Ind. A.B. Acadia (N. S.) 1886. Prof. Geol. Ind. \jm\ .— Teacher (Geology). Wilbur Nesbitt Mason, Cambridge, Mass. (12 Kirkland PL). A.B. Ohio Wesleyan 1890; s.t.b. Boston ^JmY. 1896. — Clergyman (Metho- dist Episcopal) . David Lee Maulsby, Tufts College, Mass. A.B. Tufts 1887; a.m. ibid. 1892. Prof. Eng. and Mod. Lit. Tufts Coll. (Mass.). — Teacher (English and Modern Literature). 1898] MASTERS OF ARTS. 79 George Morey Miller, Cincinnati^ 0. (Univ. of Cincinnati). A.B. Ind. Univ. 1892. Instr. in Eng. Univ. of Cincinnati. — Teacher {Eng- lish) . Clarence King Moore, Belmont ^CaL (The Belmont Sch.). A.B. 1897. — Teacher {Modern Languages). Franklyn Stanley Morse, Worcester^ Mass. (Dalzell Sch.). A.B. Acadia (N. S.) 1896; a.b. 19,^7 . — Teacher (Classics). Samuel Bowman Opdyke, Easton, Pa. (109 N. 2nd St.). A.B. Wesleyan (Conn.) 1895; a.m. ibid. 1896. Arthur Sayles Patterson, Carlyle, III. PH.B. Oberlin (0.) 1895. Henry Alexander Phillips, Springfield^ Mass. A.B. 1897. Charles William Prentiss, Middlebury, Vt. A.B. Middlebury (Vt.) 1896; a.m. ibid. 1897. Student {Zoology). Herbert Wilbur Rand, Oil City, Pa. A.B. Allegheny (Pa.) 1892 ; c.e. ibid. 1893 ; a.b. 1897. Edwin Moore Rankin, Lexington, Mo. A.B. Vanderbilt (Tenn.) 1896; a.m. ibid. 1^%1 . — Student {Classics). John Christian Ransmeier, Cambridge, Mass. (1 Walker Terrace). PH.B. Northwestern (111.) 1894. — Student {German). Alfred Zantzinger Reed, Philadelphia, Pa. (Central High Sch.). A.B. 1897. Instr. in Eng. Central High Sch. Philadelphia (Pa.). — Teacher {English) . Jeremiah M Rhodes, Hiawatha, Kan, A.B. Ind. Univ. 1894. Edward Eggeston Rice, Dorchester, Mass. (68 Stanton St.). A.B. 1897. — In business. William Joseph Rushmore, Cambridge, Mass. {86 Hammond St.). A.B. 1882. — Teacher. Harry Everett Safford, Lawrence, Mass. (27 Abbott St.). A.B. 1897. — Student {History). Robert Porter St. John, Cambridge, Mass. A.B. Amherst 1893; a.m. ibid. 1896. Barnabas Tokutaro Sakai, Cambridge, Mass. (Lawrence 18). A.B. Hobart (N. Y.) 1894; a.m. ibid. 1897; s.t.b. Epis. Theol. Sch. Cambr. (Mass.) 1897. 80 HARVARD UlSnVERSITY. [1898 Charles Winfred Savage, ChurcJiville, N. T. A.B. Oberlin (O.) 1893.— Teacher (Classics). Loring Putnam Sears, Cambridge^ Mass. (Harvard Law Sch.). A.B. 1897. — Student (Law). Albert Beckwith Shields, So. Boston, Mass. (128 K. St.). PH.B. Boston Univ. 1893; a.b. ibid. 1894. — Clergyman (Protestant Episcopal) . Edmund Botterrell Smith, Truro, N. S. (Box 528). A.B. Dalhousie (N. S.) 1890; a.b. 1892. William Kilborne Stewart, Cambridge, Mass. (11 Mellen St.). A.B. Univ. of Toronto (Ont.) 1897. — Student (Germcmic Languages) . Glanville Terrell, Cambndge, Mass. A.B. Leland Stanford Jr. Univ. (Cal.) 1894. — Student (Classics). Henry Asa Vanlandingham, Nordhoff, Cal. (Thacker's Sch.). A.B. Mississippi Univ. 1893; a.b. 1897. — Teacher (English). Henry Shattuck Verrill, Parkville, Mo. A.B. Hamilton Coll. (N. Y.) 1892; a.m. ibid. 1895. Prof. Eng. Park Coll. (Mo.) . — Teacher (English) . Harry Frederick Ward, Chicago, III. A.B. Northwestern Univ. (111.) 1897. Charles Alfred Weatherby, Cambridge, Mass. (Wadsworth 5). A.B. 18%1 . — Student (English). Francis Minot Weld, Jamaica Plain, Mass. (Storey PI.). A.B. 1897. — In business. George Benson Weston, Cambridge, Mass. (Thayer 42). A.B. 1897. — Student (Romance Philology). Philip Manchester Wheeler, Brooklyn, N. T. (56 Pierrepont St.). s.B. Brooklyn Polytech. Inst. (N. Y.) 1894; a.b. 1897. Francis Harding White, Cambridge, Mass. (373 Huron Ave.). A.B. Princeton Univ. (N.J.) 1887; a.m. ibid. 1896. Prof. Hist, and Polit. Sci. Kan. State Agr. Coll. 1888-97 .— Teacher (ffistory and Political Science) . Edwin Mead Wilcox, Cambridge, Mass. (14 Shepard St.). s.B. Ohio State Univ. 1896. — Student (Botany). Stephen Riggs Williams, Shandon, 0. A.B. Oberlin (O.) 1891 ; a.m. ibid. 1893. George Stockton Wills, Westminster, Md. PH.B. Univ. of N.C. 1889; ph.m. ibid. 1896. Prof. Eng. Western Md. Coll. — Teacher (English) . 103 MASTERS OF SCIENCE. (S.M.) Edwin Rust Douglas, New York, N. Y. (123 E. 36th St.). (Physics.) — M.E. Stevens Inst. Tech. (N. J.) 189S. — Student (Physics). Amadeus William Grabau, Cambridge, Mass. (194 River St.). (Geology.) — s.b. Mass. Inst. Tech. 1896. — Student {Palaeontology). Frederic Colby Lucas, Chicago, III, (5487 Monroe Ave.). (Zoology.)— S.B. 1892.— Teacher (Biology). Norman Coleman Riggs, Farmer, Mo, (Mathematics.) — s.b. Univ. State of Mo. 1895 ; s.m. ibid. 1895. — Teacher. Frank Berry Sanborn, Cambridge, Mass, (17 Sacramento St.). (Engineering.) — s.b. Dartmouth 1887; c.e. ibid. 1889. — Civil Engineer. ERRATA. P. 17, 1. 16. For " ISMER" read " Ismar." P. 26, 1. 1. For ^^ Fulton, Oswego Co., N. T." read - Blairsville, Pa. P. 54, 1. 1. For " Gardner" read " Gordner." P. 75, 1. 30. For " 1893 " read - 1894." P. 75, I. 33. For " Parish " read " Parrish." P. 76, 1. 30. For " Van Horn " read " van Horn." P. 81, 1. 8. For " Coleman " read " Colman." 80 HARVARD UNIVERSITY. [1898 Charles Winfred Savage, Churchville, N. Y. A.B. Oberlin (O.) ISdS.— Teacher (Classics). Loring Putnam Sears, Cambridge, Mass. (Harvard Law Sch.). A.B. 1897 . — Student {Law). Albert Beckwith Shields, So. Boston, Mass. (128 K. St.). PH.B. Boston Univ. 1893; a.b. ibid. 1894. — Clergyman (Protestant Episcopal) . Edmund Botterrell Smith, Truro, N. S. (Box 528). A.B. Dalhousie (N. S.) 1890; a.b. 1892. William Kilborne Stewart, Cambridge, Mass. (11 Mellen St.). A.B. Univ. of Toronto (Ont.) 1897. — Student (Germanic Languages). Glanville Terrell, Cambridge, Mass. A.B. Leland Stanford Jr. Univ. (Cal.) 1894. — Student (Classics). Henry Asa Vanlandingham, Nordhoff, Cal. (Thacker's Sch.). A.B. Mississippi Univ. 1893; a.b. 1897. — Teacher (English). Henry Shattuck Verrill, Parkville, Mo. A.B. Hamilton Coll. (N. Y.) 1892; a.m. ibid. 1895. Prof. Eng. Park Coll. (Mo.) . — Teacher (English) . Harry Frederick Ward, Chicago, III. A.B. Northwestern Univ. (111.) 1897. Charles Alfred Weatherby, Cambridge, Mass. (Wadsworth 5). A.B. 1897. — Student (English). Francis Minot Weld, Jamaica Plain, Mass. (Storey PL). A.B. 1897. — In business. George Benson Weston, Cambridge, Mass. (Thayer 42). A.B. 1897. — Student (Romance Philology). MASTERS OF SCIENCE. (S.M.) Edwin Rust Douglas, New York, N. Y. (123 E. 36th St.). (Physics.) — M.E. Stevens Inst. Tech. (N. J.) IB>^Z. — Student {Physics). Amadeus William Grrabau, Cambridge, Mass. (194 River St.). (Geology.) — s.b. Mass. Inst. Tech. 1896. — Student {Palaeontology). Frederic Colby Lucas, Chicago, III. (5487 Monroe Ave.). (Zoology.) —S.B. lS'd2.— Teacher {Biology). Norman Coleman Riggs, Farmer, Mo, (Mathematics.) — s.b. Univ. State of Mo. 1895 ; s.m. ibid. 1895. — Teacher. Frank Berry Sanborn, Cambridge, Mass, (17 Sacramento St.). (Engineering.) — s.b. Dartmouth 1887 ; c.e. ibid. 1889. — Civil Engineer. 82 HARVARD UNIVERSITY. SUMMARY. Doctors op Philosophy. Doctors of SCIKNCE. Masters of Arts. ; Masters ov j Science.* 1 i P .S 1 3 3 3 4 2 4 1 4 4 4 4 1 7 4 8 7 5 12 15 16 18 23 26 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 .2 >• 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 21 i S 3 o 1 1 1870 . 1873 . 1874 . 1876 . 1876 . 1877 . 1878 . 1879 . 1880 . 1881 . 1882 . 1883 . 1884 . 1885 . 1886 . 1887 . 1888 . 1889 . 1890 . 1891 . 1892 . 1893 . 1894 . 1895 . . 1896 . . 1897 . . 1898 . . 2 3 5 4 4 2 5 2 5 5 4 4 1 7 4 8 7 5 12 16 16 18 25 26 1 1 8 13 7 9 13 9 14 7 7 12 15 12 17 18 32 23 31 45 78 70 93 84 98 112 103 1 2 2 1 2 2 3 1 2 1 3 2 2 1 2 4 1 1 1 7 11 5 8 11 9 14 7 7 10 12 11 15 17 32 23 28 43 76 69 91 80 97 111 103 i i 1 5 5 Totals . 190 11 179 22 031 33 898 5 • • 5 Total (deducting 136 for names inserted twice), 1012. * Degree established 1897. APPENDIX. DEPARTMENTS OF LEARNING AND SCIENCE IN WHICH THE DEGREES OP DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY AND DOCTOR OF SCIENCE HAVE BEEN CONFERRED BY HARVARD UNIVERSITY. 1. DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY. Philology. Classical. 1875. William Everett. 1877. John Williams White. 1880. Edward Emerson Phillips. 1883.*Farley Brewer Goddard. William Taggard Piper. Arthur Wellington Roberts. 1884. Herbert Morison Clarke. Edward Southworth Hawes. 1885. Albert Andrew Howard. James Rignall Wheeler. 1887. Morris Hicky Morgan. 1888. Josiah Bridge. 1889. Georg Richard Rodemann. 1890. Herman Wadsworth Hayley. 1891. John William Henry Walden. 1893. William Nickerson Bates. William James Battle. Charles Peabody. Francis Kingsley Ball. Charles Burton Gulick. Maurice Whittemore Mather. Frank Cole Babbitt. Harry Edwin Burton. Henry Theodore Hildreth. George Edwin Howes. Arthur Stoddard Cooley. Arthur Winfred Hodgman. Richard Clarke Manning, Jr. 1898. Clarence Powers Bill. William Sargent Burrage. Herbert Miiller Hopkins. John Wesley Rice (m Biblical and Patristric Oreek). 1894. 1895. 1896. 1880. Benjamin Willis Wells. 1893. William Herbert Carruth. 1896. Frederic Wilson Truscott. Germanic. 1897. 1898. John Albrecht Walz. Neil Con well Brooks. English and German. 1894. Curtis Hidden Page. 84 APPENDIX. English, Gerntian^ and Italian, 1876. Robert Grant. English. 1888. Herbert Eveleth Greene. Carl Friedrich Richard dorfer. 1890. John Matthews Manly. Alfred Cope Garrett. Edward Fulton. Fred Norris Robinson. WilUam Henry Schofield. William Preston Few. 1894. Hoch- 1895 1896 1897.* John Henry Boynton. Frank Edgar Farley. Albert Elmer Hancock. ♦Roscoe Addison Small. 1898. Charles Hey ward Barnwell. Gustavus Howard Maynadier. William Allan Neilson. George Rapall Noyes. Ashley Horace Thorndike. RomaTice. 1876.*Lucius Henry Buckingham. 1894. James Geddes, Jr. 1895. Kenneth McKenzie. 1897. Jeremiah Denis Matthias Ford. Raymond Weeks. 1897. George Davis Chase. 1883. John Norton Johnson. Comparative. Sanskrit. 1891. George Aaron Burton. 1893. George Reisner. 1894. Frank Dyer Chester. Semitic. Willis Hatfield Hazard. 1897. Macy Millmore Skinner. 1898. Ismar John Peritz. 1878. Granville Stanley Hall. 1881. Francis Ellingwood Abbot. 1885. Benjamin Rand. 1889. George Santayana. 1891. Theodore Francis Wright. 1893. Alfred Henry Lloyd. Sidney Edward Mezes. 1894. Charles Montague Bakewell. John Bigham. Philosophy. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. Robert MacDougall. Edgar Pierce. John Daniel Logan. Herbert Ernest Cushman. Alfred LeRoy Hodder. Boris Sidis. James Edgar Lough. William Pepperrell Montague. Leon Mendez Solomons. APPENDIX. 85 History. 1873.*Charles Leavitt Beale Whitney. 1876. James Lawrence Laughlin. Henry Cabot Lodge. ♦Ernest Young. 1877.*Freeman Snow. 1878. Franklin Bartlett. 1879. Melville Madison Bigelow. 1880. Edward Channing. Denman Waldo Ross. ♦Samuel Epes Turner. 1886. Andrew Fiske. 1890. 1891. 1893. 1896. 1897. 1898. Charles William Colby. Edson Leone Whitney. Herman Vandenburg Ames. Fred Emory Haynes. Evarts Boutell Greene. Charles Luke Wells. Kendric Charles Babcock. Gaillard Thomas Lapsley. Samuel Bannister Harding. James Sullivan, Jr. Arthur Mayer Wolfson. 1875. Stuart Wood. 1883. Frank William Taussig. 1895. William Edward Burghardt DuBois. 1896. Howard Hamblett Cook. Theodore Clarke Smith. Political Science. 1897 Guy Stevens Callender. Clyde Augustus Duniway. Charles Whitney Mixter. Oliver Mitchell Wentworth Sprague. George Die Virtue. 1873. William Elwood Byerly. 1886. Frank Nelson Cole. 1889. Joseph Lybrand Markley. 1895. James Waterman Glover. Mathematics. 1897. Milton Brockett Porter. Frederick Hollister Safford. 1898. Harry Yandell Benedict. Donald Frank Campbell. 1881. ♦William Harlow Melville. 1884. Charles Bingham Penrose. Charles Robert Sanger. ♦Harold Whiting. 1885. Hammond Vinton Hayes. Physics. 1886. Oliver Whipple Huntington. 1888. Louis Lincoln Jackson. Theodore William Richards. 1896. Charles Edward St. John. 1877. Frank Austin Gooch. 1892. Walter Louis Jennings. William Homer Warren. 1893. Walter Scott Hendrixson. 1894. ♦Elliot Folger Rogers. 1895. Harris Eastman Sawyer. 1896. Martin Hill Ittner. Chemistry. 1897. 1898. Joseph Torrey, Jr. George Rantoul White. Frank Bernard Gallivan. Henry Augustus Torrey. William Burdelle Bentley. Allerton Seward Cushman. Charles Augustus Soch. 86 APPENDIX, Natural History. 1875. William Keith Brooks. 1877. Jesse Walter Fewkes. 1878. Edward Raymond Benton. Edward Asahel Birge. 1879. Marshman Edward Wadsworth. 1886. Richard Alexander Fullerton Penrose, Jr. 1888. Alfred Church Lane. Roland Thaxter. 1889. John Eliot WolflP. 1890. August Frederick Foerste. Thaddeus William Harris. William Albert Setchell. William Codman Sturgis. 1891. Herbert Haviland Fiske. William McMichael Woodworth. 1892. Charles Benedict Davenport. Henry Baldwin Ward. George Lucas Collie. William Emerson Ritter. 1894. Charles Atwood Kofoid. George Edgar Ladd. Arthur Wisswald Weysse. Edward Angus Burt. William Ernest Castle. Bradley Moore Davis. John Hiram Gerould. Earley Vernon Wilcox. Reginald Aldworth Daly. Frederic Putnam Gulliver. Herbert Spencer Jennings. Herbert Vincent Neal. Lewis Gardner Westgate. 1893. 1895. 1896. Biology. 1897. John Irvin Hamaker. Henry Richardson Linville. 1898. Frank Watts Bancroft. Joseph William Blankinship. Frederick Clayton Waite. Geology. 1897. Thomas Augustus Jaggar, Jr. American Archaeology and Ethnology. 1894. George Amos Dorsey. j 1898. Frank Russell. 2. DOCTOR OF SCIENCE. Mathematics. 1887. George Henry Johnson. Astronomy. 1879. Leonard Waldo. 1873. John Trowbridge. 1881. Charles Frederic Mabery. Physics. I 1886. Austin Lee McRae. APPENDIX. 87 1882. Leonard Parker Kinnicutt. 1886. Arthur William Palmer. 1893. Robert Wilson Cornelison. Chemistry. 1894. Harry Sands Grindley. 1895. Frederick Levy Dunlap. Natural History. 1876. 1878. 1884. 1889. Nathaniel Southgate Shaler. Walter Faxon. Byron David Halsted. Charles Sedgwick Minot. William Trelease. Robert Tracy Jackson. Kingo Miyabe. 1891. George Howard Parker. 1892.* James Ellis Humphrey. 1894. Winfield Scott Nickerson. 1895. Herbert Maule Richards. 1897. Alfred Goldsborough Mayer. SUMMARY. Philology Philosophy History Political Science Mathematics ....*• Astronomy Physics . . • • Chemistry Natural History American Archaeology and Ethnology Total Ph.D.'s. 69 18 22 10 8 9 14 38 2 190 S.D.'8. Total. 69 18 22 10 9 1 12 19 50 2 212 INDEX. In this Index, holders of the various degrees are distinguished by italic letters following the date, a denoting Master of Arts, p Doctor of Philosophy, s Master of Science, ad Doctor ol Science. Where two of these degrees have been taken, the second, with its date, follows the name. Look under the degree last received for full list of degrees and positions. Abbe 1896 a Cleveland Abbot 1881 p Francis E. Adler 1893 a Isaac Alden 1896 a Raymond M. Alder 1898 a Eugene C. Alexander 1893 a Robert P. Allen 1892 a Joseph 1897 a Joseph D. Allison 1896 a Thomas Almy 1880 a Francis 1883 a Frederic Ames 1890aHermanV.,1891i? Amidon 1898 a Lee E. Anderegg 1889 a Frederick Anderson 1892 a Gustaf B. Andrew 1895 a Abram P. 1898 a John C. S. Andrews 1880 a Clement W. 1898 a Walter S. Angell 1892 a James R. Appleton 1878 a John H. Apthorp 1880 a Harrison O. Archibald 1897 a Raymond C. Arnold 1893 a Chester H. ASHTON 1893 a Charies H. 1893 a Joseph N. Atkinson 1886 a Edward E. 1893 a James O. AVANN 1880 a Robert S AVERILL 1874 a James O. Ayer 1888 a Clarence W. Ayers 1898 a Edward E. Babbitt 1892 a Frank C, 1895 j? 1893 a Irving Babcock 1895 a Kendric C, 1896^7 Bailey 1879 a Hollis R. 1888 a Solon I. 1889 a Frederick H. 1891 a Mark 1893 a Benjamin F. Baily 1880 a Henry Baker 1894 a Myron E. Bakewell 1892 a Charles M.,1894^ Balch 1897 a Francis N. Ball 1891 a Francis K., 1894^ Bancroft 1897 a Frank W., 1898 1? 1898 a Hugh Banks 1895 a Edgar J. Barber 1894 a Marshall A. Barnwell 1893 a Charles H., 1898 i> Barrett 1896 a Don C Barss 1893 a John E. Bartlett 1878 p Franklin 1893 a Murray A. INDEX. 89 Barton 1890 a George A., 1891 p Bassett 1890 a Ralph W. E. Batchelder 1898 a Charles H. Bates 1891 a William N., 18931? Battle 1891 a William J., 1893^3 Baxter 1897 a Gregory P. Beach 1892 a Walter G. Beardsley 1897 a Charles Belcher 1897 a Archibald Bell 1898 a William W. Benedict 1894 a Francis G. 1897 a George W. 1898 p Harry Y. Bennett 1881 a William Z. 1895 a Frederick M. Benshimol 1896 a Max Benson 1895 a Albert E. Bentley 1890 a William B., 1898 i? Benton 1878^7 Edward R. Berle 1891 a Adolf A. 1896 a Theodore P. Bettens 1875 a Thomas S. Bettman 1898 a Alfred Bicknell 1879 a Edward BiGELOW 1879 p Melville M. 1880 a Francis H. 1891 a Edwin V. BiGHAM 1893 a John, 1894 p Bill 1896 a Clarence P. , 1898 ^ Billings 1896 a Asa W. K. 1897 a Frederick H. BiRGE 1878 p Edward A. Blakely 1897 a Gilbert S. Blankinship 1896 a Joseph W., 1898jp Bliss 1874 a Edward P. Board man 1895 a William D. Bolster 1890 a Percy G. Bondurant 1893 a Alexander L. Bonner 1898 a Campbell Bourne 1895 a Alexander P. BOUTELL 1877 a Henry S. BOUTON 1896 a Charles L. Bowles 1896 a Ralph H. BOYNTON 1894 a John H., 1897 j? 1898 a Percy H. Breese 1898 a Burtis B. Brehaut 1897 a Ernest Brewster 1891 a Edwin T. 1893 a William T. Bridge 1887 a Josiah, 1888 p Briggs 1882 a Le Baron R. Brigham 1892 a Albert P. Brooks 1875 p William K. 1896 a Neil C, 1898 i? Browder 1895 a Jonathan B. Brown 1891 a Carroll N. 1892 a Harry F. 1892 a William G. 1895 a Arthur C. L. 1895 a Harrison H. Browne 1879 a George H. Brun 1898 a Alphonse Bruuer 1895 a Myron L. Bryan 1893 a Enoch A. Bryant 1888 a William S. 1898 a Arthur A. Buck 1878 a Henry H. 1894 a Albert F. 1898 a William B. Buckingham 1876 p Lucius H. Burbank 1891 a John C. B. Burke 1894 a Ernest G. BURRAGE 1895 a Williams., 1898^7 Burt 1894 a Edward A., 1895 1? Burton 1893 a Harry E., 1895 p Bush 1898 a Wendell T 90 INDEX. BUSHEE 1898 a Frederick A. Buxton 1886 a William A. Byerly 1873 p William E. Cabeen 1892 a Charles W. Cabell 1897 a Sears W. Cabot 1878 a Arthur T. Cadbury 1878 a Richard T. Caffey 1892 a Francis G. Cairns 1898 a William D. Calhane 1896 a Daniel F. Calkins 1894 a Raymond Callender 1894 a Guy S., 1897 i? Calvert 1892 a Sidney Campbell 1893 a George A. 1894 a James O. 1894 a Walter W. 1895 a Donald F., 1898 i? Canavan 1875 a Michael J. Cannon 1892 a William M. 1897 a Walter B. C APRON 1897 a Paul Carpenter 1891 a WilUam B. Carr 1894 a Edwin S. 1894 a Joseph W. 1898 a Edward P. Carruth 1889 a WilliamH.,1893i7 Carter 1892 a Benjamin E. Gary 1880 a Walter 1892 a Robert J. Castle 1894 a Edward H. 1894 a William E., 1895^ Catron 1894 a William V. A. Cauthorne 1894 a Edward E. Cestre 1897 a Charles Chamberlain 1896 a James L. Chamberlin 1896 a Henry H. Channing 1880 p Edward Chase 1892 a Allan M. P. 1895 a George D., 1897^7 1897 a George H. Chenery 1898 a Winthrop H. Chester 1892 a Frank D., 1894 i? Chickering 1897 a Edward C. Chipman 1895 a George E. Chittenden 1890 a Jonathan B. 1898 a Albert P. Clark 1886 a Orrin B. Clarke 1879aHerbertM.,1884_?? Clary 1880 a Stedman W. Clendenin 1892 a WilUam W. Closson 1893 a Carlos C. Clow 1892 a Frederick R. COAR 1894 a Henry L. 1897 a John F. 1898 a Arthur H. Cobb 1894 a Collier Coffin 1896 a Fletcher B. Colby 1889 a Charles W., 1890^ Cole 1886 p Frank N. 1896 a George F. 1896 a William M. 1898 a Charles N. 1898 a Wilfred G. G. Coleman 1898 a Silas E. COLLAMORE 1894 a Gilman Collie 1891 a George L., 1893^ Collier 1895 a George F. Collins 1897 a William D. 1898 a Edward COLPITTS 1897 u Edwin H. Comfort 1896 a William W. Cone 1897 a Ralph W. CONKLIN 1893 a Roland E. Cook 1894 a Howard H.,1896jp Cooke 1895 a John W. 1897 a Thornton Cooley 1893 a Arthurs., 1896 jp INDEX. 91 COOLIDGE 1883 a Joseph A. 1884 a Joseph R. CORBIN 1893 a John Corey 1887 a Arthur D. CORNELISON 1893 sd Robert W. Cotton 1897 a Joseph P. COUES 1896 a Robert W. COVELL 1897 a Arthur J. Crandall 1894 a George H. Crawford 1898 a Lewis F. Crocker 1885 a William T. Croll 1895 a Morris W. Crosby 1893 a John Cross 1896 a Arthur L. CUMMINGS 1885 a Edward 1892 a Charles R. 1892 a John CURRIE 1893 a Thomas H. Currier 1888 a Charles F. A. CUSHMAN 1896 a HerbertE., 1897^?? 1897 fl^AllertonS., 1898^3 Dallinger 1894 a Frederick W. Daly 1893 aReginaldA.,1896jp Davenport 1890 a Charles B., 1892 i? Davis 1892 a Leonard H. 1892 a Thompson T. 1893 a Frederick L. 1894 a Bradley M.,1 895 i? 1895 a Francis F. Day 1892 a Arthur M. Dearborn 1896 a George V. N. Delabarre 1889 a Edmund B. DeLong 1892 a Frank L. Denison 1892 a William K. Dennis 1898 a WilUam C. Derby 1877 a Samuel C. Dew ART 1892 a Frederick W. DiMAN 1896 a John B. Dodge 1891 a Robert E. N. 1894 a Richard E. 1895 a Robert G. DORSEY 1894 p George A. Douglas 1898 s Edwin R. Douglass 1897 a Truman O. Dow 1894 a Louis H. Downing 1894 a Charles W. Dresser 1897 a Frank F. DUANE 1895 a William DuBois 1891 a William E. B., 1895 p DUGGAR 1895 a Benjamin M. DUNIWAY 1894 a Clyde A., 1897^ DUNLAP 1895 sd Frederick L. DURWARD 1897 a Arthur Eames 1898 a Frederick M. Earle 1895 a Samuel C. Eastman 1891 a Charles R. Eaton 1892 a George A. 1895 a Frank W. 1897 a Horace A. ECKFELDT 1897 a Thomas H. Eliot 1889 a Samuel A. Emery 1893 a Henry C. Ernst 1884 a Harold C. ESTABROOK 1895 a Harold K. Everett 1875 p William 1889 a Henry L. Fairchild 1886 a James T. Fairlie 1896 a John A. Farley 1894 a Frank E., 1897^7 Farnsworth 1894 a William O. Faxon 1878 sd Walter Fay 1895 a Allan B. 1897 a Sidney B. 92 INDEX. Fechheimer 1887 a Samuel M. Fellows 1894 a John N. FenOLLOSA 1876 a William S. Ferry 1895 a Frederick C. Festerson 1895 a John S. Few 1893 a William P., 1896^ Fewkes 1877 i? Jesse W. Field 1890 a HerbertH.,1891i? Fink 1896 a Bruce Fish 1898 a Carl R. FiSKE 1886 'p Andrew 1896 a Winthrop E. 1897 a George C. Flagg 1875 a Bernard W. Fletcher 1889 a Jefferson B. 1898 a Robert H. Foerste 1888 a August F., 1890 i? FOOTE 1875 a Arthur W. Ford 1895 a Jeremiah D. M., 1897 i? 1898 a Walter B. FORSYTHE 1895 a Robert J. Foster 1886 a Eugene H. 1892 a Herbert D. 1897 a Benjamin O. Fountain 1898 a Charles P. Frame 1892 a James E. Francine 1895 a Albert P. Freeman 1890 a George R. Frye 1897 a Alexis E. Fulton 1892 a Edward, 1894 -p Gage 1880 a James A. Gale 1887 a Edward C. Gallivan 1894 a Frank B., 1897 p Galloway 1890 a Thomas W. Galpin 1895 a Charles J. Gardiner 1893 a Frederic Garratt 1884 a James N. Garrett 1891 a Alfred C, 1892 jp Gay 1896 a Harry N. Gaylord 1896 a Joseph S. Gazzolo 1898 a Frank H. Geddes 1889 a James, 1894 p Gehring 1895 a Henry A. George 1891 a Nathan R. 1897 a John E. Gerdine 1898 a Lynn V. H. Gerould 1893 a John H., 1895 p Gerrodette 1893 a Frank H. GiBBS 1897 a Lincoln R. Giese 1890 a William F. Gilbert 1897 a Henry C. Gillespie 1895 a Louis P. 1896 a Walter H. GiLMAN 1880 a James W. Glazier 1890 a Henry S. Gleason 1886 a Charles B. 1889 a Clarence W. 1898 a George Glover 1894 a James W., 1895 j? 1898 a Leon O. GODDARD 1883^ Farley B. GOOCH 1877 p Frank A. Goodrich 1898 a Chauncy M. Goodwin 1896 a Elliot H. Grabau 1898 s Amadeus W. Grand 1896 a Ernest D. Grant 1876 p Robert 1886 a Percy S. Gratwick 1896 a William H. Gray 1878 a Reginald 1898 a Clifton D. 1898 a Henry G. INDEX. 93 Greene 1884 a Herbert E., 1888 j? 1891 a EvartsB., 1893 i? 1897 a Russell T. Greenleaf 1885 a Robert W. Griffin 1896 a Charles S. Griffith 1895 a Elmer E. Grindley 1894 sd Harry S. Grover 1896 a Frederick O. GULICK 1891 a Charles B.,1894i? 1893 a Edward L. Gulliver 1894 a Frederick P., 1896^7 GUMMERE 1890 a Henry V. Guthrie 1894 a Kenneth S. Hadley 1893 a Stephen M. Hagar 1874 a Eugene B. Haines 1898 a Thomas H. Hale 1892 a Robert S. Hall 1878 i? Granville S. 1897 a John G. 1898 a Robert 1898 a Robert W. Halsted 1878 sd Byron D. Ham 1876 a Charles A. Hamaker 1895 a John I., 1897 i? Hamilton 1897 a George L. Hammond 1893 a Franklin T. 1894 a William W. Hancock 1895 a Albert E., 1897 i? Hand 1894 a Learned Hapgood 1897 a Hutchins Harding 1877 a Herbert L. 1879 a Emor H. 1880 a Benjamin F. 1894 a Samuel B., 1898 i? 1896 a Edward Harper 1895 a Eugene H. Harris 1885 a Thaddeus W., 1890 i? 1892 a Henry H. 1892 a William F. Hart 1894 a John G. Hartshorn 1883 a George T. Haskell 1885 a Mellen W. Hastings 1893 a Horatius B. Hatch 1897 a Louis C. Hathaway 1897 a Joseph H. Ha WES 1882 a Edwards., 1884^ Haycock 1898 a Ernest Hayes 1885 p Hammond V. Hayley 1888 a Herman W., 1890^7 Haynes 1887 a Henry H. 1890 a Fred E., 1891 jp Hayward 1898 a Jonathan B. Hazard 1892 a Willis H., 1894 2? Headle 1891 a Edwin C. Hedrick 1898 a Earle R. Henderson 1884 a Ernest F. Hendrixson 1889 a Walter S., 1893;? Henning 1898 a George N. Henshaw 1887 a Henry A. Herman 1891 a Henry N. Hicks 1897 a Ralph B. C. HiLDRETH 1895 p Henry T. Hill 1877 a Edward B. 1888 a Joseph A. 1892 a William 1897 a Lewis D. Hinckley 1895 a Henry B. Hinds 1888 a Albert W. HiNKLEY 1877 a Holmes HiNMAN 1898 a George W. HiNTON 1898 a Guy HOAG 1898 a Clarence G. Hoar 1879 a Rockwood HOBBS 1884 a Charles A. 94 INDEX. HOCHDORFER 1888 p Carl F. R. HODDER 1897 p Alfred L. Hodges 1897 a Archibald L. HODGMAN 1893 a Arthur W., 1896 i? Hoffman 1884 a Horace A. Holland 1888 a John F. 1893 a Robert A. Holmes 1897 a Willis B. Hooper 1898 a Louis L. Hopkins 1896 a Herbert M., 1898 p Hormell 1892 a WilliamfG. HORNE 1894 a Perley L. 1897 a Herman H. HORTON 1890 a Walter G. Houghton 1880 a Edward L. 1887 a Frank A. Houston 1892 a David F. Howard 1885 p Albert A. 1892 a William G. Howe 1888 a Mark A. de W. 1893 a Frank F. 1897 a Thomas C. 1897 a Will D. Howes 1890 a George E., 1895^ HULING 1897 a Ray G. Hume 1889 a James G. Humphrey 1892 sd James E. Humphreys 1894 a John S. Huntington 1886 i? Oliver W. 1896 a Tuley F. M. 1897 a Edward V. Huntsman 1898 a Owen B. HURLBUT 1888 a Byron S. Irwin 1894 a Frank Ittner 1895 a Martin H., 1896 i? Jackson 1879 a Ernest 1888 p Louis L. 1889 sd Robert T. Jaggar 1894aThomasA.,1897i? Jaques 1896 a Louis C. Jefferson 1898 a Mark S. W. Jenkins 1896 a Burris A. 1897 a Thornton Jennings 1890 a Walter L., 1892 i? 1895 a Herbert S., 1896^? Jerome 1887 a Thomas S. Johnson 1882 a John N., 1883 p 1887 sd George H. 1890 a Herbert P. 1892 a Lorenzo N. Johnston 1897 a Henry 1898 a William D. Jones 1881 a Henry C. 1893 a Herbert L. JUTTEN 1895 a Benjamin C. Keep 1894 a Roger W. Keith 1886 a Arthur Kellner 1886 a Maximilian L. Kelly 1893 a Harry M. Kendrick 1891 a Arthur Kennedy 1898 a Frank A. Kenyon 1898 a Alfred M. Kershaw 1895 a Francis S. Keyes 1898 a Charles R. Kiesewetter 1893 a Louis F. Kimball 1897 a David King 1883 a Henry C. 1898 a Albert E. 1898 a Cyrus A. 1898 a William L M. Kinney 1897 a Samuel W. KiNNICUTT 1882 sd Leonard P. Knapp 1883 a Philip C Knowlton 1892 a Pitt G. Koch 1894 a Theodore W. KOFOID 1892 a Charles A., 1894 j> INDEX, 95 KOLLMYER 1897 a William H. S. KOOPMAN 1893 a Harry L. KOZAKI 1892 a Nariaki KUMMEL 1892 a Henry B. Ladd 1888 a George E., 1894^ LaMeslee 1898 a Alphonse M. Landes 1893 a Harry Lane 1888 p Alfred C. 1896 a Lucius P. Lange 1895 a Francis J. Langton 1895 a Joseph F. Lapsley 1894 a Gaillard T.,1897i? Laughlin 1876 p James L. Laughton 1897 a Norris H. Lawrence 1895 a Charles L. Lawton 1889 a Perry Leach 1897 a Clarence W. Leacock 1894 a Arthur G. Learned 1897 a Henry B. Leavitt 1898 a Robert G. LeClear 1896 a Gifford Ledyard 1875 a Lewis C. Leonard 1897 a Jonathan Lester 1898 a John A. Lewis 1889 a Leo R. 1896 a John H. 1897 a Arthur G. 1897 a Ernest D. 1897 a Fred R. 1898 a Frederick T. 1898 a Gilbert N. LiLLIEFORS 1898 a Manfred Lincoln 1875 a Albert L. 1881 a James O. 1894 a Charles H. 1896 a Alexander 1897 a George L. LiNDH 1896 a Eric I. Lindsey 1893 a Fred B. LiNFIELD 1897 a Bertram F. LiNVILLE 1895 a Henry R., 18971? Lloyd 1888 a Alfred H., 1893 j> LoCHMAN 1888 a Myron A. Lodge 1876 J? Henry C. LOESER 1887 a Charles A. Logan 1895 a John D., 1896 i? Long 1891 a Augustus W. Lord 1876 a Eliot 1881 a Edwin H. LORING 1875 a William C. Lough 1895 a James E., 1898 i? Love 1890 a James L. LOVEJOY 1897 a Arthur O. Lower 1896 a Henry E. Lowery 1876 a Woodbury Lucas 1898 s Frederic C. Luce 1883 a Robert LuNT 1887 a Edward C. LythgOE 1897 a Albert M. Mabery 1881 sd Charles F. Mabley 1896 a Arthur H. McAdie 1885 a Alexander G. Macauley 1878 a Thomas McCollom 1892 a Edward D. McCulloch 1893 a Hugh McCuRDY 1894 a George G. McDaniel 1894 a Walton B. McDermid 1892 a Duncan MacDonald 1895 a Robert MacDougall 1893 a Robert, 1895 p McDuffee 1896 a Walter V. 96 INDEX. McElfresh 1896 a William E. McGlFFERT 1897 a James VON Mach 1896 a Edmund R. O. McInnes 1885 a Edwin G. McKelleget 1892 a George F. McKenzie 1893 a Kenneth, 1896 i? McLaughlin 1895 a Frederick C. McLaury 1895 a Howard L. MacLeod 1892 a Ambrose W. MACLEOD 1892 a Frederick J. McMillan 1877 a William G. McPherson 1885 a William L. McRae 1886 s Porter 1895 a Milton B., 1897 j? 1896 a James F. Potter 1885 a Silas A. 1897 a Murray A. Prather 1896 a John M. Prentiss 1898 a Charies W. Prescott 1896 a Henry W. Preston 1897 a Henry A. Price 1884 a Walter F. Prindle 1891 a James D. Proper 1892 a Emberson E. Pugh 1896 a James T. Putnam 1894 a John P. Pynchon 1893 a William H. C. Quick 1896 a Oscar 98 INDEX. QUINBY 1888 a George T. Ramsay 1892 a Charles C. Rand 1880 a Benjamin, 1885 p 1895 a Edward K. 1898 a Herbert W. Rankin 1898 a Edwin M. Ransmeier 1898 a John C. Reed 1896 a Willard 1897 a Charles L. 1898 a Alfred Z. Reisner 1891 a George, 1893^7 Renfro 1896 a Lewis C. Reynolds 1889 a Paul R. Rhetts 1895 a Charles A. Rhodes 1898 a Jeremiah M Rice 1896 a Cale Y. 1896 a John W., 1898 p 1898 a Edward E. Rich 1897 a Herbert T. 1897 a Winfield S. Richards 1878 a William R. 1888 'p Theodore W 1895 sd Herbert M. Richardson 1886 a William K. Richmond 1895 a Henry I. Riddle 1896 a William H. RiGGS 1898 s Norman C. RiTTER 1891 a William E., 1893 i? Roberts 1883 p Arthur W. 1892 a John W. 1894 a Oliver B. Robinson 1888 a James H. 1888 a WilUam S. 1892 a Fred N., 1894^ ROBSON 1894 a Kernan Rockwell 1896 a Joseph C. RODEMANN 1887 a GeorgR., 1889 jp Roe 1886 a Edward D. Rogers 1891 a Elliot F., 1894 js 1894 a George B. ROLFE 1886 a George W. Root 1891 a Theophilus H. ROSEVEAR 1894 a Howard S. Ross 1880 p Denman W. 1892 a Winfred S. Rush 1895 a WilUam H. RUSHMORE 1898 a William J. RuSSELL 1897 a Frank, 1898 p Sabine 1888 a Wallace C. S AFFORD 1894 a Frederick H., 1897 p 1898 a Harry E. St. John 1893 a Charles E., 1896 jp 1898 a Robert P. Sakai 1898 p Barnabas T. Sampson 1877 a Alden Sanborn 1898 s Frank B. Sanders 1892 a Frederic W. Sanford 1894 a Albert H. Sanger 1875 a WilHam C. 1882 a Charles R., 1884^ S ANT AY AN A 1889 p George Sargent 1897 a Porter E. Savage 1896 a Philip H. 1898 a Charles W. Savery 1897 a William B. Sawin 1886 a George W. Sawyer 1894 a Harris E., 1895 p SCHLIEMANN 1892 a William E. SCHOCH 1894 a William SCHOFIELD 1893 a William H., 1895p SCHRADER 1894 a Frank C. SCHRENCK 1894 a Hermann SCHUH 1894 a Richard E. ScOTT 1891 a James B. Seaman 1896 a Charles E. INDEX. 99 Sears 1888 a Henry F. 1898 a Loring P. Setchell 1888 a William A., 1890^ Shaler 1875 sd Nathaniel S. Shaw 1892 a James C 1894 a Howard B. Shea 1888 a Daniel W. Sheffield 1897 a Alfred D. Sheldon 1896 a Wilmon H. Sheriff 1897 a Andrew R. Shields 1898 a Albert B. Shipp 1894 a Richard A. SiDIS 1895 a Boris, 1897 p SiDLEY 1892 a WilUam P. SlEBERT 1890 a Wilbur H. Skinner 1895 a Macy M., 1897 p 189G a Alburn E. 1897 a Prescott O. Slade 1897 a Louis P. Sledd 1896 a Andrew Slocum 1891 a Allison W. Small 1892 a Fritz H. 1895 a Roscoe A., 1897 p Smiley 1894 a James B. Smith 1882 a Frank W. 1886 a Walter E. C. 1887 a Frank W. 1887 a Frederic M. 1888 a Frank B. 1892 a Charles A. 1893 a Frank 1893 a Theodore C, 1896 p 1895 a George J. 1896 a Harry D. 1898 a Edmund B. Snow 1877 p Freeman 1890 a Louis F. Snyder 1888 a William H. SOCH 1898 p Charles A. Solomons 1898 p Leon M. Sondheim 1889 a Eugene Spalding 1888 a Walter R. 1893 a Philip L. Spaulding 1897 a Charles L. Spencer 1891 a David E. Spindler 1896 a Frank N. Sprague 1895 a Oliver M. W., 1897 i? Spurr 1894 a Josiah E. Starbuck 1895 a Edwin D. Starek 1895 a Otto Start 1893 a Edwin A. Stearns 1897 a Wallace N. Stedman 1891 a Livingston B. Stephens 1893 a Herbert T. Sterenberg 1897 a James Sterrett 1870 a James M. Stevens 1883 a Edward K. 1884 a William S. 1891 a Hermon W. Stewart 1898 a William K. Stilson 1897 a William E. Stimson 1889 a Henry L. 1896 a Rufus W. Stokes 1896 a James S. Stoll 1896 a Elmer E. Stone 1881 a Charles W. 1883 a Frederic M. Stoops 1897 a John D. Sturges 1877 a Stephen P. Sturgis 1888 a William C.,1890^ Sullivan 1895 a James, 1898 p SWANTON 1897 a John R. SWAYZE 1880 a Francis J. SWETT 1874 a Melville H. Sylvester 1896 a John P. Tall ANT 1891 a Hugh 100 INDEX. Tassin 1893 a Algernon deV. Tatlock 1897 a John S. P. Taussig 1883 p Frank W. Taylor 1890 a Percy H. 1894 a Alfred E. 1894 a Joseph R, 1896 a Lucien E. Terrell 1898 a Glanville Thaxter 1888 p Roland Thayer 1878 a Albert S. 1878 a Hollis 1886 a WilUam R. 1897 a Albert W. Thomas 1896 a Victor S. Thorndike 1896 a Ashley H., 1898 i? 1897 a Edward L. Thurber 1894 a Edward A. Tilden 1897 a Frank W. TiLTON 1895 a John L. TiNDALL 1894 a Willoughby C. TiSDEL 1894 a Fred M. TORREY 1896 p Joseph 1896 a Henry A., 1897 p Tower 1895 a George W. Towers 1895 a Frederick TOWNE 1892 a George W. Trelease 1884 sd William Trenholme 1897 a Norman M. Trotter 1896 a James R. 1896 a William M. Trowbridge 1873 sc? John Truitt 1895 a Robert R. Truscott 1894 a Frederick W., 1896 p Tufts 1874 a John F. Turner 1880 i? Samuel E. 1896 a Wallace M. TUTHILL 1888 a Joseph B. T. Underwood 1888 a Frank H. Usher 1875 a Edward P. Vanlandingham 1898 a Henry A. Vaughan 1874 a William W. 1894 a Thomas W. Verrill 1898 a Henry S. ViCKERS 1894 a Enoch H. ViLES 1896 a George B. 1897 a Jonas ViLLARD 1896 a Oswald G. Virtue 1893 a George O., 1897 i? VOGEL 1892 a Frank Wadsworth 1874 a Marshman E., 1879 p Waite- 1896 ^Frederick C. , 1898j? Walden 1889 a John W. H., 1891 p Waldo 1879 sd Leonard Walz 1895 a John A., 1897 p Wambaugh 1877 a Eugene Ward 1883 a Duren J. H. 1892 p Henry B. 1893 a Robert D. 1898 a Harry F. Ware 1894 a Henry 1895 a Richard Warren 1878 a Samuel D. 1891 a William H.,1892i? 1892 a Charles 1897 a Joseph P. Washburn 1895 a Frederic L. Wathen 1893 a John M. Weatherby 1898 a Charles A. Webster 1894 a Hollis 1894 a Kenneth G. T. Weeks 1891 a Raymond, 1897 p Weld 1898 a Francis M. Wells 1880^7 Benjamin W. 1893 p Charles L. Wentworth 1892 a Elmer E. 1895 a Charles T > 1 » > INDEX. ,''\i.,5r \6i Westgate 1892 a Lewis G., 1896 i> Weston 1898 a Greorge B. Weysse 1892 a Arthur W., 1894 p Wheeler 1875 a Henry N. 1875 a John H. 1878 a Harold 1883 a Horace L. 1885 p James R. 1897 a Alvin S. 1898 a Philip M. White 1877 p John Williams 1885 a Greenough 1887 a George R., 1896 2? 1890 a Henry R. 1892 a Henry K. 1894 a Harry 1895 a Francis B. 1897 a John A. 1898 a Francis H. Whiting 1878 a Harold, 1884 1? 1885 a Isaac S. Whitman 1882 a Edmund A. 1887 a Henry A. 1897 a Henry G. Whitney 1873 p Charles L. B. 1888 aEdson L., 1890 i? 1895 a William J. Whittemore 1893 a Benjamin A. 1896 a James K. Wigglesworth 1875 a George Wilcox 1894 a Farley V., 1895 p 1898 a Edwin M. Will 1891 a Thomas E. Williams 1875 a Charles H. 1878 a Rufus P. 1890 a Frank B. 1895 a Charles A. 1898 a Stephen R. WiLLMOTT 1891 a Arthur B. Wills 1898 a;George S. WiNSHIP 1894 a George P. WiNSLOW 1895 a Charles F. 1896 a Fred B. Winter 1894 a De Wolff 1889 p John E. WOLFSON 1896 a Arthur M., 1898 p Wood 1875 p Stuart 1896 a Clarence D. Woodman 1879 a Edward 1896 a WilUs P. Woodward 1896 a Sherman M. WOODWORTH 1891 p William M. 1897 a Robert S. Worcester 1881 a Alfred WORKUM 1889 a Julius F. Wright 1884 a Merle St. C. 1884 a Theodore L. 1887 a Philip G. 1891 p Theodore F. 1894 a James H. Wtman 1897 a Bruce Yeames 1896 a Herbert H. Young 1876 p Ernest ZiNKEISEN 1890 a Frank ZULLIG 1897 a Arnold A. F. 14 DAY USE RFTURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewals only: Tel. No. 642-3405 Renewals may be made 4 days jjrior to date due. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. QCT181973 61 '^gC'OLg ni;| 4Y3_^ PM±A LD21A-10wj^8,'73 (R1902S10)476 — A-31 General Library University