UCSB LIBRARY ~ 677-7-^ A ' IT- RELAT1NG TO EELMON, CUSTOMS, GOVERNMENT, LAND; AND OTHEE TEEMS AND WOBDS IN COMMON USE. TO WHICH IS ADDED A GLOSSARY OF TERMS USED IN DISTRICT WORK IN THE N. W. PROVINCES AND OUDH., AHD ALSO OF THOSE APPLIED TO LABOURERS BY G. TEMPLE. "With an Appendix giving Computation of Time and Money, and Weights an* Measures, in British India, and Forms of Address. LONDON: LUZAC & Co., Publishers to the India Office 46, Great Russell street, 1897. ROELOFFZEN & HUBNER, Printers. Amsterdam (Holland.') PREFACE. This work has been compiled chiefly for those who have not sufficient time to devote to the study of those languages of India to which this Glossary pertains, and who yet, in the course of their reading of Indian subjects, feel the want of an explanation, in a small compass, of terms relating to the religion, manners, customs, &c., of the Hindu and Mussalman peoples of India. These terms are, it is true, to be found in excellent Urdu and Hindi dictionaries; but the latter are large and expensive works, and however essential to students of those languages, they would not be requisite for the majority of the readers to whom the present compi- lation appeals. For these the Roman character is used in this work. The Alphabets (in the same character), of the respective languages have been prefixed. At the same time, the students to whom we have referred will derive an advantage from having in a small compass, affording facility of reference, a collection of those particular terms to which this Glossary is confined. The compiler is indebted to various valuable Hindustani Dictionaries. This Glossary was submitted to the late Dr. HOST, Librarian at the India Office, who expressed a very favourable opinion of the adaptability of the work to the end which the compiler had in view. PREFACE The compiler takes this opportunity of acknowledging his obligation to Professor BLUMHARDT, for kindly looking over the MS., and making some useful suggestions. It is possible, nay probable, that some errors in accentuation may have been overlooked, and for these the compiler must appeal to the indulgence of his readers. G. T. LONDON, 1896. CONTENTS. The Hindustani Alphabet in Roman Characters The Hindustan? Numerals The Hindi Alphabet in Roman Characters Glossary of Indian Terms relating to Religion Customs, Government, Land, &c., &c., &c 6 Glossary of Terms used in Official District work in the N. W. P. and Oudh 319 Glossary of Terms applied to labourers in the N. W. P. and Oudh 325 APPENDIX: Muhammadan Calendar 328 Hindu Calendar 329 Monetary System of British India 330 Weights and Measures 331 Forms of Address , 331 The Hindustani Alphabet in Roman Characters, POWER. * I.. \ with modifications of sound, vide note be b l>e p te t ta t se s jim j che ch he h khe kh dal d v, etc. he h ye y, etc. The vowel marks which are sounded after the consonants over or under which they are placed consist of three, viz ; (1) fatha, or zabar , written over the consonant, and having the sound of a short a. (2) kasra, or zer 7, written under the consonant to which it belongs and having the sound of i in sip. (3) zamma, or pesh j_, written over its consonant, and having the sound of u in pull, push, or more exactly of oo in foot, hood, &c. *) a, i or u, guttural. (Arabic Grammar by Paris Al-Shidiac). ) The Northumbrian r, as in round (Do. Ed. Eev. H. G. Williams, .B. D. formerly Professor of Arabic in the University of Cambridge) Sir William Jones (Persian Grammar) says of ain and ghain the first is considered as a consonant, and occasions any vowels with which it is connected to be pronounced as if from the chest." Indians pronounce ain very slightly. In this vocabulary we have represented the ain either at the commencement or end of a word by an inverted comma, 'as 'akl, ma'. The Hindustani Numerals. 1 ek. 2 do. 35 pamtis. 36 cbattis. 69 mi hall a r. 70 sattar. 3 tin. 37 saiiitls. 71 ikhattar. 4 char. 5 punch. 6 chha. 38 athtls. 39 untalis. 40 chillis. 72 bahattar. 73 tihattar. 74 chauhattar. 7 sat. 8 ath. 41 iktalis. 42 be'alis. 75 pachhattar. 76 rhiii ha It :ir. 9 nan. 43 tetalls. 77 a Hi at tar. 10 das. 1 1 igarah. 1 2 barah. 44 chan'alis. 45 paiutalls. 46 chhi'alls. 78 uthhattar. 79 u n as i. 80 assl. 1 3 terah. 47 saiutalis. 81 ikiisi. 1 4 chandah. 48 a till nl is. 82 be'asi. 1 5 paudrah. 16 solah. 1 7 satrah. 1 8 atbarah. 49 nuchas. 50 pachas. 51 ikawan. 52 liiMvan. 83 tirasl. 84 cliaiii-asi. 85 pachasT. 86 chrasi. 1 9 nms. 20 bis. 21 ikkis. 22 ba'is. 23 te'Is. 53 tirpan. 54 chauwan. 55 pachpan. 56 chappan. 57 sattawan. 87 satiisi. 88 athasl. 89 nan'asi. 90 nanwe. 91 ikanawe. 24 chanbls. 58 nl haw a n. 92 banawe. 25 pachis. 26 chabbls. 59 iiii-ii.ii. 60 sath. 93 tiranawe. 94 chanranawe 27 sata'is. 28 atha'Is. 29 nntls. 30 tis. 61 iksath. 62 basath. 63 tirsath. 64 cbausath. 95 pachanawe. 96 chl'anawe. 97 sjitamnvc. 98 at h;m a we. 31 iktis. 32 batls. 33 tetis. 65 paiiisath. 66 chhi'asath. 67 satsath. 99 ninanawe. 100 san or sai. 34 chautis. 68 athsath. THE HINDUSTANI NUMERALS. The following are used as collective numbers: ganda, a group of four. gain, a five. korl, a score. chalisa, a forty. The ordinals proceed as follows: saikra, a hundred, lia/ar, a thousand. lakh, a hundred thousand. karor, one hundred lakhs, or ten millions, a 'crore'. chautha. . . 4th. or paihla t 1st. panclma i'i 5th. diisra . . . . | 2nd. rhhahvafi 1 Cth. tisra. .. . 3rd. chliatha | abers : pa n n I 3/4 The following are pao, 1 (-lia.il Hi > fractional nun 1/4 panne j >a >va -11/4 chautha, I j tiha, I derh ] n 1/9 arha'T . . . . . 2V^ The Hindi, Sanskrit or Deva Nagarl Alphabet of "the city of the gods," from Sanskrit deva, a god, and uagara, a city. The alphabet consists of fourteen vowels and thirty-three simple consonants, and each letter has but one invariable sound. The Hindi Alphabet in Roman Characters. VOWELS. a, a, i. I, u. 11, ri, .;!, e, ai, o, au. CONSONANTS. ka, kha, ga, gha, lui. cha, chlia. ja, jiia. na, ta, tha, da, dha, iia, ta, tha, da, dha, ua, pa, pha, ba, bha, ma, ya? ra, la, va, or wa, sa, sha, sa, ha. THE HINDUSTANI NUMERALS. 5 For further information regarding the Hindi alphabet, and for the construction of the language, the student can consult KELLOGG'S Hindi Grammar. The numerals differ very slightly from those we have already given. The characters of the Sanskrit letters differ considerably from those of the Urdu, the Arabic, and the Persian. In Sanskrit, the letters have a perpendicular form and are written from left to right; while the letters of the Hindustani alphabet are written in a horizontal direction from right to left. Glossary of some Indian Terms relating to Religion; Customs; Government; Land, and other Words in common use. (The letter (a) placed after a word in the glossary stands for Arabic, (/<) for Hindi or Hindustani, (p) for Persian, and (s) for Sanskrit). A. A The name of God or Yishnu. As a prefix it is a particle of negation. *Abd A servant of God. Abdhutni A kind of Hindu devotee who worships Siva. A bhislick Sprinkling with holy Ganges water, purification, royal unction. *Abid. . . An adorer. Ab-i-haiwan Waters of life, name of the fabulous fountain of immortality. Abja ... The lotus, the moon, the physician of the gods. Achama.ii Sipping water before religious ceremonies, meals, from the palm of the hand, and spitting it out again. A-char Keligious observance, custom. Acharaj. A spiritual guide, a learned pandit. Achchhat - (unbroken) tilak. (mark made bj Hindus on the forehead). Ceremony of putting a few grains ol rice on the forehead of an image when addressed, or of a Brahman when invited to an entertainment. Achchut Eternal. A name of Vishnu. Adab Manners, ceremonies, etiquette. *Adalat A court of justice. *Adam Non existence, nonentity, privation. GLOSSARY OF INDIA.N TERMS. 7 'Adat Habit, custom. A-dharui Irreligion, impiety. Aditi The proper name of the mother of the gods. Aditya Deities in general, the sun. Aftab (sun) parast (worshipper) A worshipper of the sun. Afrid-gar The Creator. Again A Sastra or work on sacred science and of divine origin. Aghor-panth A religious order among Hindus. The mendicants who profess it, eat every- thing, however filthy. Hence a gross feeder is so called. Agni The god of fire, name of a Puraiia. Agrils Food offered in oblations, sacrifices, &c., to the gods. 'Alid Contract, treaty. Ahmad Most praiseworthy. Prop, name of Mu- hammad, and of Musalmans. 'Ajam Barbarians (all persons not Arabian.) A-jat Applied to a man expelled from his jat or caste, thence called ajat-i. Ajal The predestined time of death. 'Aka'id Articles of religion. Akas-diya A lamp which the Hindus hang aloft on a bamboo in the month Kartik. Dakait Generally written in English * dacoit,' a robber, a pirate. Dakant A caste of Hindus, descended on the father's side from a Brahman and on the mother's from a drwalin, a female of the trwala, or cow-herd, caste. Daman-! Scrap of the shroud kept by relatives of the deceased. Dan . Charity, alms-giving. Daud-wat Hindu salutation, bow, prostration. DJiut (tooth). Dant niigli katna To bite the finger, is a term expressive of being surprised. Dantau A tooth-brush made from the branch of a tree, and generally used by the natives of India. Dauw A wager, a cast of the dice. Daph-all A kind of fakir, who always plays on the daph, a sort of tambourin. Dargah Place, court, door, mosque, shrine. Darl A small carpet, a dialect of the Persian language. Daru-1-bawar The abode of perdition, i.e. hell. Daru-1-karar The mansion of rest, the grave. Diiru-s-salam The mansion of safety, heaven. Darwesh A dervis (Muhammadan fakir), a beggar. Das'hara (Tenth) The birth day of Ganga. (Fide. Sacred Places of the Hindus). Da'wat Pressing people to become Mussulmans. Dehra A temple where idols are worshipped by Jains, a Hindu temple. Dev (God) than (stand- ing up) The day on which Yishim awakes from his sleep of four months. Derhra A temple where idols are worshipped. De\T A Hindu goddess, a queen. Dewa-sthan A place of idols, a temple. Dewal A temple where idols are worshipped, a temple, a pagoda (often used by the natives to designate Christian place of worship.) 16 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. Dewall A Hindu festival. Dew-stau The habitation of demons. Dhauattar (powerful). . . Name of a physician in the court of ludra. Dhang Breeding, manners, gracefulness. Dharl Black lines made on the lips with niissl (a kind of ink). Dharicha The name given to the second husband of a Hindu woman among the lower classes. Such marriage is contrary to Brahmanical teaching. Diuirni Justice, religion. Dharm or Dharam-sala . . . A place where alms are distributed, a resting place for travellers. Dneha ... A kind of fakir; also a tribe of Jats. Dho'a Fruit and flowers presented by inferiors on festival days. Dhora The tomb carried about in the Muharraiu. Dhunl (smoke) A fire lighted by a Hindu fakir, over which he sits, imbibing the smoke, by way of penance. Dkup A perfume burnt by Hindus at the time of worshipping. Dig-gaj Elephant that supports one of the four quarters of the earth. Great. Dig (side) sul (a dart, pain) An unlucky day for travelling in a par- ticular direction. Dikpal Eegion. (Brahma, for upwards; Annul u. for downwards; Indra, for east; Agui, for south-east ; Yama, for south ; Nairrita, for south-west; Varuna, for west ; Yayu, for north-west ; Kuvera, for north; Isana for north-east.) Din Faith, religion. I)i ii-hii nil li ii Friend of the poor, \ I Epithets of Dm-dayal Protector of the poor, / \ the Deitv. Dma-natk Master of the poor, Dola A wife from an inferior family married by a person of rank, who gives a pre- GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 1 7 sent to her parents. She ranks below wives of equal family, but above con- cubines. I)om ; Domril A low caste of Hindus, also among Mussulmans, professionals, the males of which are musicians, and the females sing and dance in the company of females only. Dozakh Hell. Dube Knowing two beds, or Veda, a title of Brahman s. Dulha A bride-groom. Dnrga V name of Bliu an I. - purana A name of a Hindu book containing an account of the goddess. Durrani Name of a tribe of Pathuns, inhabiting the country about Kandahar. They are said to have got this name from wearing pearls (A-durr, a pearl) in their ears. They are also called Abdulis. Durnd Salutation, blessing. Diit (Au ambassador) Vn angel who passes between God and man. DwarabatI; Dwarika .... A Hindu holy place near the mouth of the Gulf of Cutch (Fide. Hindu Sacred Places). Dwarika-nath. Lord of Dwarika, i.e. Krishna. Dwija. (twice-born) A Brahman. E. Eri The heel. Eri dekho Look at your heel (look at home) : a phrase used to obviate the effect of the evil eye. Etwar Sunday. Ezid God. Ezid-T ])ivine. 18 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. F. Fabiha Excellent ! bravo ! very well ! Faghfnr The emperor of China. Fahlm Intelligent, wise, knowing. Fahish Nefarious. Fahisha A harlot, anything abominable. Fahm Understanding, intellect. Failsuf (0^offoqpoj) A philosopher. Fajir A sinner. Fakhr Glory, nobility, grace. Fakih A theologian. Fakir A beggar, a darwesh. Falak The heavens, fate. Kali ta Torch, a wick composed of paper in- scribed with mystic words, from the smoke of which demons are supposed to be expelled from those possessed by them. Fana Mortality. Far an g Europe. Farang-i European. Far hang Science, a dictionary. Farosh (selling) kalwa- (sweetmeats) halwa- farosh A sweetmeat-seller. Fars Persia. Fars-i A Persian, the Persian language. Fasl Chapter, division, time, season, crop, date. FaslI A Hindu era. Fath "Victory, conquest. Falwa A judicial decree, judgment, sentence. Fauj An array. Fauj-dar An officer of the police, a magistrate. Faut Death, failure, omission. Faut-I Property of those who die intestate escheated to the sovereign. Fida Sacrifice, ransom. FIroz Victorious, happy. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 19 Fitr Breaking a fast. Fitrat Wisdom, a trick, nature, creation. Fota Tax, revenue. G. GH. t}ab , A tree, tbe fruit of which yields a glutinous, astringent juice, used for smearing the bottoms of boats, and for soaking nets. (iabr A follower of Zoroaster, a fire-worshipper ; applied by Musaltnans to non-Mu- hammadans. (iadii A club, a mace. dhar Mace- bearing, a name of Yishnu. Gaddl A cushion, pad, anything stufted. A sovereign's throne. (wajar Chimes rung at the expiration of a watch or pahar of the day or night. (iJaj-pati (from traj, an elephant, and pati, a lord, master) The master of an elephant, the title of a raja. trail Abuse. In plural (galiyau), indecent songs at marriages. (rainak Sound of the kettle-drum, drandar A kind of grass of which Khas Khas is the root. The latter, placed on frames, is used before doors, and constantly wetted to cool the air passing into the rooms, during the hot season. (*andhar The name of a Rag or musical mode. (xandharb A celestial musician, a demi-god. <.;i mj i A circle, particularly that which Raina- chandra drew round Sita to protect her from Havana. (iaues. (ianesh The name of a Hindu divinity. The Janus of the Hindus. The God of wisdom, represented with an elephant's 20 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. head and attended by a rat. He was the son of Mahadeva and a daughter of the mountain Himalaya. He is in- voked at the commencement of every affair of consequence. Ganga The river Ganges, deemed sacred by Hindus, and on which they are sn r orn. Ganit Arithmetic. (iaujhu The hemp plant ((.'anna bis Sativa). The fruit when nearly ripe is bruised and smoked as an intoxicant. The leaves when dried and ground, are mixed with water and form an intoxicating drink. The mixture is called bhang and sabzl. Gara Mud prepared for making pottery. Name of a ragini or musical mode. Gardun A wheel, the firmament, the heavens. Garwa A vessel for holding water, a flower- pot carried by musicians and dancing women at the feast of basant-panchanri, as an offering to people of rank, from whom they receive presents in return. Gath baudhan Binding in a knot. A Hindu marriage festival, on which the bride and bride- groom's clothes are fastened together and conveyed in procession to a river or lake. Gaura A name of the goddess Partvatl. Gauri Ibid, the name of a ragini or musical mode. Gauriya Inhabitant of Gaur, formerly the capital of Bengal; hence, the followers of Chaitanya of Nadiya are so called. (This philosopher flourished about the year 1407 of Salivahana. a prince whose era commences 78 years after the birth of Christ; it is called Saka. He was by birth a Brahman, and, having become a Saunyasi. maintained that the doc- trines of the Vedas had been hitherto misunderstood, and explained them in OLOSSAKY OF INDIAN TERMS. 21 a manner peculiar to himself. His sect is a branch of the Yaishuava or wor- shippers of Vishnu. His disciples are numerous, over five millions. His fol- lowers believe him to have been an incarnation of the deity. (iaya Name of a city in Bihar, a celebrated tlrth or place of pilgrimage. (wayatri A prayer repeated by Brahmans with the rosary. (iliabawat Inadvertency, stupidity. Cihabl Negligent, imprudent. (wjiafr, ghufran Pardon, remission of sins. (ihaib Concealed, invisible, mysterious. (ihaib-dan Skilled in discovering mysteries, a prophet, a diviner, omniscient. (ihair Other, different, foreign. (ihair - shar'-I Unlawful. (ihalaba Superiority, strength, conquest. (ihalat Wrong, erroneous. go A false relater. I A mistake, error. kar Delusive. kar-I Delusion, deception. navis. . An erroneous writer. (rham-aluda Grieved. (ihamin Grief, sorrow. (rhana Riches, wealth. (iliam Rich, wealthy. (ihanim An enemy, a robber. (iharbi Western. Ghari An hour. (rharib A foreigner, stranger, poor, humble, strange, foreign, wonderful. (harlb-mar Oppression of the poor. (iharib-nawaz Courteous, hospitable to strangers, kind to the poor. (iharib-nawaz-i Hospitality. (iharlb-parwar Cherisher of the poor. (Often applied by inferior persons to their superiors.) '2'2 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. Gharik Immersed, drowned. i-rahmat Overwhelmed with mercy, drowned in the grace of God. Ghazb Violence, injustice, force, oppression, plunder. Ghassal One whose business it is to wash the bodies of the dead. Ghat A landing place by a river, a bathing place. Ghatak An ambassador, a mediator; applied, also, to one who negotiates a marriage. GhatI A mountain pass. (The Ghauts, on the east and west of the Deccan are so called from their numerous passes). Ghazal An ode. kit vraii A reciter of odes. sara-I. .......... Singing of odes. (jliopu A cloth with a part folded like a sugar loaf to cover the head Avorn over the body in cold or wet weather. Ghubar Dust, vapour, the smallest Arabic or Persian handwriting. Ghul An imaginary sylvan demon of different shapes and colours, supposed to devour men and other animals. Ghul-i-bayaban-I A demon (inhabitant of the woods). Giram or Gram A musical scale, an octave. Girja (Portuguese Jgreja, from Gr. sxxJLqain) . . . A church. God Bosom, god lena, to adopt a child. Golok Name of the heaven of Vishnu. Gopal (from Go, a cow, and pal, who protects). A name of Krishna, a cow-herd. Gor A tomb, a grave. Gotam The name of a muni, or saint, famous in Hindu mythology. He was the author of the Nyaya, or logic, and his doc- trines corresponded with those of Aris- totle. Gotam and his wife Ahalju lived in a retired forest, where Indra, GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 23 happening to pass, was struck with the beauty of the latter; and assuming the appearance of Gotam, deceived and slept with his wife; which discovering, Gotam cursed them both. He wished that Ahalya might be turned into stone; in which state she remained till Ramachandra (son of Dasaratha), passing that way with his brother Lachhman, restored her to her original form, and after she had been purified by Kama, she was again received by her husband. Granth A code, particularly the book of the Sikh religion composed by Nanak Shah. Grish The name of the fourth of the six seasons, from 15th of Baisakh to 15th Asharli. summer. Gudariya Clothed in patched garments or in rags. Gudarij a-plr A tree near a town or village on which people tie \vp rags in the manner of votive tablets, which they believe to be efficacious for the accomplishment of their wishes. Gudrl A quilt (especially a fakir's). (iujrl Name of a raginl, or musical mode. diulal A farinaceous powder dyed red, which the Hindus throw on each other in the holl festival, (q.v.). darn Important, respectable, a spiritual guide, a teacher, the planet Jupiter. Gntka A ball which devotees swallow to make themselves invisible, a small book worn as an amulet. H H. Habs (Retention) Applied to retention of breath practised by fakirs, as a religious act. It is 24 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. considered a means of prolonging life as extending the time in which the predestined number of inspirations takes place. Habshani A female Abyssinian. Habsh-I Abyssinian, a Kaffir. Madas or hads An accidental cause of impurity, according to Musalman traditions, whereby it becomes unlawful to commence or finish a prayer without ablution. Hadd Punishment agreeable to the laws of Muhammad, which fix the exact number of lashes, &c., to be inflicted for certain crimes. Had! Cattle carried to Mecca for sacrifice. Hadls A history, a tradition, the traditional sayings of Muhammad. Hadm Ruin, destruction, a destroyer. Had ya The price of a Kur'an. Haflx (a guardian) One who has a good memory, who can recite the whole Kur'an. The poetical name of the celebrated Persian poet Muhammad Sharasu-d-dm. Haflza A retentive memory. Hafl An assembly, council, congregation. Haft Seven. hasht Abuse, idle talk. lia/ar-i A command of seven thousand. kalam Seven sorts of handwriting in Persian, one who writes those seven hands. Haft-kishwar The seven regions, the world. Hai'at Astronomy, the aspect of the heavens. Haibat Fright, perturbation, awe. Ha i liar A lion, name of 'All, son-in-law of Muhammad. Haidar-I One of the sect of 'All. Half. Iniquity, oppression, a pity. Haija War, battle, conflict. Haikal Any great building, a palace, a temple. Ha'Tl Terrible, horrible. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 2i> Hailaj (In astrology) A mark by which the duration of life is foretold. Haiy Alive. -kaiyuin. . . Eternal, immortal. la-yaniilt Eternal. Haiza The cholera. FJa jar A stone. Hajaru-1-aswad The black stone in the temple of Mecca. Hajat Need, want, poverty ; also, hope, wish. Hajl Said of one who has taken part in a festival, and, particularly, who has per- formed the pilgrimage to Mecca. H:ijiy u-1-haramaiu A pilgrim to both Mecca and Medina. Hajj Act of moving round, or going to a place, pilgrimage to Mecca. Hajo Satire, a lampoon. MI a IT h Apparent praise but real satire, irony. Hakam An umpire, mediator, arbitrator, also,, knowledge, wisdom. Haklkat Account, narration, condition, explanation, truth, sincerity. Hakim A ruler, governor, master, commander. Hakim A sage, philosopher, and, commonly, a physician. Hakim-i The practice of medicine. Hakk Just, right, true, the deity, justice,. rectitude. Hakk ada karua To render every one his due. - jall-o-jalal. ........ The deity in all his splendour. Hakka Really, truly, by God. Hakk-ta"ala God is great, the Almighty. Hakku-1-lali The rights of God, punishment inflicted for religious offences. Mala A halo, or circle round the moon. Hala-dola Shaking, an earthquake. Halak Perdition, ruin, slaughter, death. Halakat Death, destruction. Halal Legal, right, allowable, a woman laying aside mourning for the death of her 20 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. husband, at the expiration of 100 days during which time she is not allowed by law to re-marry. Halal karna To slay according to the forms prescribed by the Muhammadan religion. - khor A sweeper of the lowest caste (so called because everything eatable is lawful food to him. Halat State, condition, circumstances. Hal-dhar A name of Balarama. Mil 1 1 in A kind of food dressed in the Mu- harram. Halka . A ring, circle, a fraternity. Hania All, the whole, everything. dan Knowing everything, experienced, wise. Uama'il A small Knr'an suspended to the neck as an amulet. Hamd Praise. Hauie-o * . . Vanity, egotism, arrogance, pride. Hamesha Always, ever, continually, perpetually. Hamesha-gi Eternity, perpetuity. Hamitl Praised, laudable, glorious. Hamiyat . Ardor, zeal, a nice sense of honor. Ham-kasam Bound together by oath. Hiinir The understanding, wisdom. Haniiman A monkey, the name of the monkey who headed Rama's forces against Havana. Hara A name of Mahadeva. Harain Sacred, forbidden, the temple of Mecca, the Seraglio. Haram-I A robber, an assassin. Har-bab-I Master of knowledge of every kind. Har-giz Ever. Hari A name of Yislmu. ' ilia j Jin Adoration of Vishnu. bhakt A worshipper of Tishnu. das A servant of Yislnm. Harlm The sacred enclosure of the temple of Mecca. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 27 Hariit The name of an angel, who, together with another named marut, severely censured mankind before the throne of God: they were, therefore, both sent down to earth in human shapes, to judge of the temptations to which man was subject, and these they were unable to withstand; being seduced by the planet Venus in form of a woman. As a punishment, they were suspended by the feet in a well in Babylon, where they are to remain in great torment till the day of Judgment. Hasab Pedigree, nobility, sufficiency, religion. Hasb-i-hal Agreeably to circumstances. Hasbn-1-hukm Agreeably to orders. Hasbu-1-ma'mul Agreeably to customs. Hasli A collar of gold, or silver, worn as an ornament round the neck. Hassas Possessed of the five senses, an animal. Hast Being, existence. Hast-I Existence, entity, world. Hath-lewa A ceremony in marriage among Hindus. (The hands of the bride and bridegroom are joined palm to palm, with some flour put between them, and tied with a red thread. Hauda ; A litter (used on an elephant or camel, in which Arabian ladies travel). Anglice Howdah, "a square enclosure, four feet by four, formed of wood, or cane stretched upon a wooden frame, and provided with a seat slung across for the con- venience of the occupant. This machine is placed on the back of an elephant and strapped round its body by means of broad leathern girths and chains. Seated herein and provided with rifles, ammunition, and a day's provision of biscuits, sandwiches, and a bottle of ale or '28 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. brandy and water, a European can travel in a single day a distance of forty miles, either in search of tigers, or to reach a station to which he may be summoned by business or pleasure " (Stocqueler.) Hawaii Having a white skin, a friend, companion, an apostle, a disciple or apostle (of Jesus Christ), a friend, associate, companion (of Muhammad). Hawas. .... Desire, lust, ambition, curiosity. HI or Hiya Heart, breast, mind, soul, life. Hidayat Guidance in the way of righteousness righteousness. Hijrat Separation, flight; particularly the flight of Muhammad from Mecca to Madina, on the 15th of July A.I). 622, the commencement of the Muhammadan era. Hilal The new moon, the first and last two or three days of the moon. Hind India. Hindol Name of a rag, or musical mode, sung in the morning of spring. Hindu A negro, a black Arabian, Indian, or Ethiopian. A Gentoo ("Indian. One of the aborigines of India. At Madras our countrymen use this term to designate the language and people of Tellingana, who occupy the north-eastern portions of the peninsula") (Stocqueler.) Hindustan India (particularly applied to the upper provinces) from Hindu, Indian, and Slan, place, country. Hing-laj A temple of Devi. Hisn-i-hasln An impregnable fortress, the title of a book of Musalman traditions. Holl The great Hindu festival held at the approach of the vernal equinox, when great license prevails, and the people sprinkle each other with gnlal, a red powder. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 29 Hor . . A wager, an agreement, a bargain. Hosli Understanding, mind, soul. Hoskang Name of the second king of Persia, of the Peskdadiyan dynasty. Hotab Predestination, destiny. Hubal Xame of an idol in the Ka'ba at Mecca be Tore the time of Muhammadanism. Hirnia A name given to (1 ) an eagle, (2) a phoenix, (3) a bird of paradise. It is considered of happy omen, and that the head it overshadows will wear a crown. Hun A coin, called also a pagoda made of gold with an image on it, principally in former times in use at Madras. The term pagoda appears to have been applied by Europeans, who also, by it, designated Hindu temples. In reference to the coin, Europeans, of times long since passed away, who had made their fortunes in India were said to have shaken the "Pagoda tree". H Hilda bkara Contract for transportation of goods, including the payment of duties. Humlavi, hunch A bill of exchange. H u u ml . . The Hindus. H urmu/ The isle of Ormuz in the Persian gulf, also the name of a king of Persia who reigned A.D. 272. Hnrnk A kind of drum in form like an hour-glass (generally played on by bearers). Huskaska The last breathings of the dying. I. I'anat Help, aid, assistance, favour. 'Ibadat Divine worship, adoration. 'Ibadat-i A devotee, a religious person. Ibadat-khana A place of worship. 30 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 'Ibiirat Style (in writing), speech, a word, dialect, idiom, a trope or figure, phrase, sig- nification. Ililiiiiu The thumb, suspicion, ambiguity, adj. covered, concealed, unknown. Iblis The devil (so named because he despaired of God's mercy.) 'Ibrat An example, warning. 'Id A solemnity, festival, holy day. {Fide, bakar-'Id). fasah Feast of the Passover. fatir Feast of unleavened bread. - gah A place of worship. ka chand hona To be seen on very rare occasions. - khima Feast of tabernacles. 'Idi A customary present on the day of 'fd, or on some holyday. 'Idn-1-fltr The festival held on breaking the Mussal- man lent. Ifrlt Anything frightful or horrible, a giant, demon, spectre. If tar Breaking a fast especially in the even- ing, when Mussalmans eat after fasting all day during the month of Ramazan. Ihkak Act of proving the truth of a doctrine, restoring to rights, administration of justice. Ihram Interdicting, applied to the resolution formed by pilgrims at a certain distance from Mecca to abstain from all worldly enjoyments. lijsaii Beneficence, benevolence, benevolent actions, favour, courtesy, kindness. karna To oblige. in ;i IK! Obliged, grateful. Ihtiram Act of honouring, paying respect, vener- ation, reverence, attention. Ihtiraz Abstinence, abstaining from improper passions of any kind, forbearance. Ijab Rendering neceesary. (In logic) Affirma- GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 31 tion. (In Muhammadan law). The first proposal made by one of the parties in negociating or concluding a bargain. Ijilbat Answering (of prayer or of a petition), consent, approbation, compliance. Ijad Invention. karna To invent. Ijara Hire, rent, a farm. Ijara-dar A farmer of land or of revenue, the holder of a monopoly. Ijazat Permission, leave, dispensation, sanction, commands, orders. - khwah Asking permission. Ijtihad Exertion, effort. Ijtiina' Act of assembling or gathering together, agreeing together in opinion, conjunction in astronomy. Ikhhar Act of giving intelligence or information. Ikhtif a Act of hiding, concealing. Ikhtilaf Difference of opinion, discord, disagree- ment ; misunderstanding between friends. Ikhtilal Interruption, disturbance, obstacle. Ikhtira' Invention, inventing, fancying. Ikhtisar Abridgment, curtailing. Ikhtiyar Choice, will, opinion, election, authority, power. karna To approve of, to adopt, to choose. - meii hona To be in the power of, or dependent on. Ilah God. Ilahi. . . Divine, interj. O God ! 'Ilaj A remedy, medicine, cure. 'Ilal (plur of 'illat) Infirmities, pretences. Ilka Inspiration. 4 niat Pretence, cause. i-f a*ill Efficient cause (as the maker, if the work of man). i-gha'i Final cause, or purpose for which it was made. i-maddi Material cause, or the matter of which the thins: is made. 32 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. i-siirl Formal cause, i.e. that form in which its essence consists. ^Ilm Science, knowledge. i-'aruz Poetry, versification. i-asma The knowledge of the names, i.e. of the attributes of God. -i-ghaib The knowledge of what is occult or absent, or what has not yet existed. i-haiyat Astronomy. -i-hikmat Philosophy, physics. -i-hisab Arithmetic. i-ilah-I Theology. i-kalam The explanatory science, i.e. rhetoric, oratory, eloquence. i-ladun Inspired knowledge. -i-maraya The study of perspective. -i-m nsFK t Music. 'Ilm-i-riyayl The mathematical sciences. -i-sihr Magic. i-tasauwuf The mystic, or contemplative science. 'Ilmu-l-yaktn Certain knowledge, demonstration. 'Imad A lofty pillar, confidence, reliance, trust, support. Imam A leader in religious affairs, &c., a priest ; also, a large bead in a rosary, which remains fixed in the hand while the others are turned over and counted, (called by the Hindus, Sumerii). I niii in i ya Name of a Muhammadan sect, who make All the rightful imam immediately after Muhammad. 'I mar at Government, lordship, office or dignity of amir, a public edifice, a fortification. Imkan Possibility, contingent existence. Imla Filling up, completing, orthography. Inabat Conversion to God, repentance. In'am A present, a gift. I iiMm-i-iknmi An honorable gift. 'Inayat Favour, gift, present. Indilra. ... A laro;e well of masonrv. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 33 Indiraj Extinction of a family. Indifa' Kepelling, prohibiting. ludimal Recovery, getting well of a wound. Imlra The regent of the visible heavens and of the inferior divinities. liailli u The wife of Indra. Indrani Indra-prastha A name of Dehli. Indra-purl The city of Indra. Iiidri An organ of sense, the senses (external and internal). Ins Men, mankind. Insiin Man a human being. Irada. Iradat Desire, inclination, design, intention, plan. *Irak A territory divided into two portions. i-'ajam Babylonia or Chaldea and Media. i-'arab Babylonia or Chaldea. ^Irakan The two cities of Basra and Kufa. Iran Persia. Iran-T Persian. Irs Inheritance. 'Isa Jesus. Christian. Belonging to Jesus, of Jesus, Christian. 'Isha The first watch of the night, the prayers said when going to rest. Isht A god, beloved person, anything wished for. Islam At peace, orthodoxy, the Muhammadan religion, Islam is in. Islam! A believer, a Muhammadan. Ismal'l Ishmael, son of Abraham. Ispand A seed burnt at marriages and after the birth of a child to drive away evil spirits ; also, when a child goes out or comes home. Israfll The name of an angel who, it is said, will sound the last trumpet at the resurrection. A seraph. 3 34 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. Istambol Constantinople. (It is so called by the Turks. The Persians name it Kustun- tumya. It is thus called in the Bagh o Bahar.) Istibdad Absolute dominion, despotism, insisting upon a thing's being done. Istibra Cleansing, washing one's hands of a business or desiring to be freed from it, the waiting of a woman (for three months, according to the Muhammadan law) after being divorced from her husband, to ascertain whether she is pregnant or not, before she can contract another marriage. Istifta Consulting a lawyer or learned man. Istihbab Contracting friendship, a work or supererogation. Istihzar Calling, citing, summoning to appear. Istikamat Standing erect. Rectitude, integrity. Istikbal The ceremony of meeting and receiving a visitor, futurity. Istikbar Pride, presumption. Istiklal Absolute power, intrepidity, perseverance. Istikma Bringing to perfection. Istikra Reasoning from induction. Istimta* Enjoying, the celebrating the solemnities of the festival of Mecca. Istmas Familiarity, intimacy, sympathy. 1st ilia s History. (This refers to heroic history, fables and traditions, as the Hindus were not historians in the proper sense of the term. From the time of the Mussalman conquest the historians of India are the Mussalmans. Ittifak Agreement, equality, concord, friendship , chance, fortune, accident, success. Ittif akan Accidentally, by chance. Ittif ak-i-hasana Unexpected good fortune, agreeable ac- cidents. Ittifak hona To happen, to be agreed. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 35 Ittifak karua To accord, to happen. Ittihad Union, concord, friendship. Ittika Abstaining from evil, piety. I'tikaf Curbing the desires ; continuing at worship in a Mosque, especially at Mecca. "lyadat Visiting the sick. Izafat Addition, adjunct, reference ; construction of one noun with another. Iz n an Obedience, submission, confidence, belief. Izhar Manifestation, revelation. Izn Permission, dismission. Izra'fl The angel of death. Iztirab Agitation, troxible, chagrin. Iztlrar Violence, constraint. 'Izz Glory, dignity, grandeur, excellence, power. 'Izzat Ibid, glory. J. Jabadda Rigid, stiff, awkward. Jabaddiya Ill-shaped. Jabal A hill, a mountain. Jabalkum An amethyst. Jabbar Omnipotent, mighty, a conqueror, a tall palm tree, a revenger, Orion. Jablia The forehead. -sa Kubbing one's forehead on the ground, beseeching, begging earnestly. -sa-I The act of rubbing the forehead on the ground, beseeching earnestly. Jabr Oppression, violence, strength, force, power. - se By violence, violently. i-nnksan Making good a deficiency in exchange of goods. 36 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. Jabra'fl,. . The archangel Gabriel. Jiichak A beggar, one who goes about singing for charity. Jachna To want, implore, beg. Jada Pathway, road, the right road, manner, practice. Ja-dad A place, station, service, employment, consignment. Jadar One of the lineage of Krishna. Jadd A grandfather, (plur. ajdad, ancestors), dignity, glory (of God), happiness, prosperity. Jadd-i Ancestral, belonging to ancestors. JadI A he-goat, a kid, the sign Capricorn, the diminutive of JadI, pronounced Jndai is the name of the polar star. Jadu An ancestor of Krishna. Jailu-bausi One of the family of Jadu. Jadn-nath An epithet of Krishna. Jadu Sorcery, juggling. Jadwal Horizontal, or marginal ruling in a book, a tabular form, an astronomical table. Ja'edad An assignment of land for the mainte- nance of any establishment. Jag A religious sacrifice, vigils. Jaga The name of a caste of Hindus. Jagadamba (Mother of the world) Epithet of the wife of M ahadeva. Jagarau Vigil (in a religious ceremony), vespers. Jaggesar A name of Vishnu and of Siva. Jagopabit The ceremony of putting on the Brah- manical thread. Jahez A bride's portion, whatever a wife carries with her to her husband's house. Jai Triumph, promotion, preferment, victory, bravo! huzza! all hail! Jai-jai-kar Rejoicings, triumph, exultation. Jai-mal Garland of victory. Jait.. Name of a musical mode. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 37 Jiijak (h.) A player on cymbals or on the labour. Jajak (s.) ' A Brahman who presides at the perfor- mance of a religious ceremony, an officiating priest. Jajaiu A cloth thrown over the carpet to sit on. Jajat The series of binary combinations of letters, beginning with J (jlin). Jajman The hereditary barber of a village to whom fees must be paid whether employed or not. Jak An animal supposed to guard buried treasures. Jakh A demi-god, or fairy an attendant on Knvera, the Indian Plutus. JakhanI A female jakh or fairy. Jalal Dignity, state, majesty, grandeur, splendor, power. Jalal -I Divine. Jalalija A worshipper of the more terrible attri- butes of the deity. Jal-sa'i (Sleeping on the water). Applied to Vishnu, the only being who survived the destruction of the universe-remaining afloat on a leaf of the bar or Firus Indica, or on the great snake, ananta. Jal-tarang Musical glasses, playing on gloss or china bowls by rubbing the edges, a brass vessel in which water is put and the edges are beaten with two sticks. Jam, or Jamslrid Name of an ancient King of Persia. Jam The Hindu Pluto, death, and judge of departed souls. Jam' A congregation, conjunction, collection, accumulation, assembly, amount, sum total, whole, plural number. band! Accounts, settlements of revenue. dar A native officer. dar-I lf lf , the business of. o-kharch Account of receipt and disbursement, account current. 38 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. Jam (A goblet: amirror) Jam-Jamskid The mirror of Jamshfd in which he saw whatever he wished. Jamani A Mnkammadau. Jambudip One of the seven parts of the world (India.) Jam-diva A candle or illumination, sacred to Jam, lighted on the 13th of Kartik, Krishii paksh, i.e., three days before the dewali. Jan Cp.J Life, soul, spirit, mind, self, a sweetheart, dear beloved. a-afarin Animator, creator of life (an epithet of God.) -bakhsh Animating, bestowing life, forgiver of a capital crime. bar liakk tasllm karna To expire, to give up the ghost. bar hona To survive. ba-lab At the point of expiring. flshan Eeady to sacrifice one's life for another. flshan-I Very hard labour, devotion, extreme diligence. -kali Heart breaking, life reducing. kaudan Gasping in the agonies ot death. -sit ;i ii Life destroying (as poison or a snake, &e. Jan (h.) An astrologer. Janab Majesty, highness, excellency. (A term frequently applied to persons, not entitled to the appellation, out of courtesy. The fact that certain individuals, talnkdars, or holders of land under the Government, were so addressed in the Nawabi times, from the exaggerated style common to the East, by no means implies that the persons so adressed were entitled from their rank to the appellations.) -l-'all Your (or his) Majesty or Excellency. Janain Birth, life. bliiim Birthplace din.. Birthday. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 39 .lit mi ni-jala Burned or spoiled from its birth, origi- nally bad. -maran Eternal death. Jane'u The brahraanical thread. Jangam A kind of fakir who has matted hair and rings a bell. Janinashtani! The eighth of Bhadra-Ki isluia-paksh, the birthday of Krishna. Janmejai The son and successor of Raja Parikshit. Jann A demon. Janub The south. Janiin Madness, a demoniac. Janwasa The place at the bride's house where the bride-groom and his train are received. Jarga Surrounding of game by bodies of men. Jashn A royal festival. Jat Caste, sect, tribe, class, race. pant A pedigree. Jat The name of a tribe among Rajputs. Jath The axis of an oil or sugar-mill which presses the grain or the canes, a post placed by Hindus in the centre of a tank to mark its being dedicated to the deity. Jatra A moment (generally implying a fortunate moment), pilgrimage, departure, march, journey, procession, a festival. Jatrl A pilgrim. .Jati liar or juliar Applied to the custom of Hindus killing their wives and children, and then committing suicide to prevent capture by the enemy. (Literally, a gem, jewel, in a secondary sense, virtue, merit.) Jautuk Dower, a nuptial present. Jawab (answer)-nama. ... A writing fixed to the winding sheet, on the breast of the deceased for the perusal of Munkir and Nakir, in case the poor soul should be too flurried to answer their questions. Jawana-marg Death in the bloom of youth. 40 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. Jazam A cloth over a carpet to sit on. Jeb A pocket. katra A pickpocket. Jchar The name of an ornament, bracelets. Jehar A pile of pots filled with water and placed' one over the other in order to be carried on the head. A ceremony preparatory to marriage, in which pots filled with water are piled over one another, the whole is crowned with a bowl of sharbat, and the friends watch by it during the night. Jel A string or line of captives chained together, a string of buckets passed over the Persian wheel. Jhabba A tassel. Jhak Passion, emotion. Jhakkar '. . A storm, tempest. Jhakmarna To act fruitlessly or absurdly. Jhalak Brightness, glitter, reflection of light. Jhalna To fan, to move to and fro (as a fan). Jhau The sound of platters or of any vessels of metal striking against one another, the clash of arms in battle. Jhanda A banner, flag, ensign, streamer. Jhari Continued rain, showers, storm, wet weather. Jhll A lake. Jhula A swing, the rope on which people swing. ,1 inm A slight resemblance. .Ihut False, a lie. Jhuta Liar, false. Jhutha (Among Hindus) that which has touched food and is thereby denied. JI (s.) Life, soul, spirit (much used prefixed to verbs, as ji-lena, to kill, ji-nikalna, to die, &c., &c.) JI (li.) Yes, sir, master, madam. Affixed to sur- names it is equivalent to the English Mr., but, the Arabic appellation, sahib, is added. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 4t i Jibh The tongue. dabke bat knhiia To speak with reserve. Jibh-I An instrument for cleaning the tongue, a bit. JIfa Carcase, corpse. Jigar The liver, heart, mind, courage, (used in composition as, be-jigar, without courage, a coward; jlgar-afgar, heartbroken; jigar-sokhta, heart-inflamed, in love, &c_ Jigijigl karna To fawn. Jila Splendour, lustre. Jil The note or tone in singing or music r opposite to the bass, the treble. Jilwa The meeting of the bride and bridegroom (in presence of the relations). Jimar Capital (as a crime), mortifying one's desires. Jin A deified saint of the heretical sects ot Jin and Bnddh. Jina To live, living. Jinnat Genii. Jira , Cumin-seed. Jit Winning, victory. Jitiya A Hindu fast, during which women who have lost children, in order to preserve the remainder sacrifice to, and worship Devi. JIw or jl'li Life, soul, animated being, animal, a lover. Used as an interjection ; Bravo I Jiwat Living, victorious. J& Penance, devotion, intense meditation. Jog-I A Hindu fakir. A caste of Hindus who are commonly weavers. (The people of this caste do not burn, but bury their dead ; and the women are sometimes buried alive with their husbands corpse). Jotik. (Astrology) Jotiki. An Astrologer. Ju'a (dice, gambling)- Ju'e-khana A gaming-house. Jndhishtar An ancient Sovereign of India, so Raja Pandu 42 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. Jug One of the four great Hindu periods. Jnhar Hindu salutation, obeisance. JutI (a shoe). Jliti-kar-i. A shoe-beating. K. K. Kh. Ka'b A cube. Ka'ba, Ka'bat A square building, the temple of Mecca. Kab A large dish for serving rice. Kaba A quilted garment, a jacket. Kabala A deed, written agreement, bill of sale. Kaba'il Family, tribes. Kabila . A midwife. Kabin A marriage portion. Kabir Great, illustrious. Kablr Name of a fakir, who had several followers. called Kabir-panthi. Kilbis An earth for glazing. Kabit A sort of verse used by the Hindus, poetry. Kabiz Seizing. u-1-arwah The angel of death. Kabr A grave, a tomb. Kabr-istan A burying ground. Kabr-Kan A grave-digger. Kabul Consent. Kabuliyat A written agreement, acceptance, consent. Kab/ A receipt, tax, tribute. Kachahri A hall of justice, townhouse, court. Kachaurl A dish made of wheaten bread and pulse. Kachera The name of a tribe. Kachh.. H. (from S.) dhoti, P. langothi, a cloth round the waist, passing between the legs and fastened behind, worn by all Indians, even by those who have adopted European costume. Kachhl A gardener. Kachhwaha A tribe of Rajputs, claiming descent from Kus, the son of Ramachaudr. The Rajas of Jainagar are of this family. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 43 KachI A kind of milk soup. Kachpach Crowd, close together. Kachpach-iya The pleiades. Kada A place, house, (Mai-Kada, a house for the sale of wine, ar A hogsty. Khokha A boy, a bill of exchange, the amount of which has been paid, remaining in the hand of him who has paid it, by way of voucher. K liom-li i . . A trifle paid by those who draw water 54 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. at a well to the bhishtl for the use of his bucket. Klionpa. . . j, . . The hair braided or tied up on the top of the head. Khonta Deficient, adulterated, bad (as coin), false, deceitful, also, a tent-pin, a peg, a nail, a thorn, protection. Khor An alley, the rage or curse of a god. Khu or Kho Habit, custom, disposition, nature. Khub Good, excellent, well, beautiful, pleasing, amiable. 1*11 Beautiful (face, form). - surat Klmd Self. Khnd-ba-daulat Your worship, Sir! His Majesty, &c., (much used in composition). -khud Of thine, his, &c., accord. Khuda God. Khnmra A small mat of palm leaves for kneeling on at prayers, also a small drum carried by beggars. Khnrfa To pluck fruit from a tree, to strip off honours, or decorations. Khurpa An instrument for scraping grass for horses. Khntba A sermon after the service in the mosque on Friday, in which the preacher blesses Muhammad, his successors, and the reigning sovereign. Khwaja A man of distinction, a rich man. (Khwaja Khizr) The name of a prophet skilled in divi- nation, and who is said to have discovered the water of life ; hence, he is considered as the saint of waters. The Muhamma- dans offer to him oblations of lamps, flowers, &c., placed on little rafts and launched on the river, particularly on Thursday evening in the month of Blind on and it is in his honour that the feast of the bera, q.v. is held. Kibla Anything opposite, the direction of one GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TEEMS. 55 praying, hence Mecca, as a form of address, it signifies ; Worship ! Father ! The Kibla of the world, your Majesty ! Kibla-numa Showing the direction of Mecca, the mariner's compass. KI1. . Word, speech. Kil-o-Kal Conversation, controversy. Kil'a A fort. Kima Minced meat. Kimar Dice, or any game of hazard. baz A gambler. KTmat Price, value. Kimiya (xrjui,n) Alchymy, chymistry. karua To do anything with to work miracles. Kina Malice, spite, rancour, hatred. Kinar or Kanar Bosom, embrace, side, margin, edge. Kinar khaiuchna To give up, to quit, to leave. Kinara 1 > prop. Kanara. . Side, margin, part, limit Kinara j karna To abstain, to refrain. kash Withdrawing. Kinare A side. KingrI A kind of fiddle. Kinkini. . Bells, tinkling ornaments. Kir . Pitch. Kiran Conjunction of the planets. Kirat A seed of the Abrus precatorious, used as a weight, a carat, the twenty-fourth part of an ounce : four barley-corns. Kiraya Hire, fare, rent. Kirayadar A tenant. Kirdigar God the Creator. Kirmiz Crimson (the origin of the word). Kisan Farmer, ploughman. Kisas The law of retaliation. Kisbat The case (or bag) in which barbers, surgeons, &c., keep their tools, a piece of leather worn by a bihishtl or water- man on his left hip, on which he rests the bag containing water. 56 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. Kisbat-nama A book containing the histories of bar- bers, surgeons, &c., and directions for their practice, the bihishtis also have such a book. Kishau . . See Krishna. Kishmish Raisins or currants. Kish in/ Coriander. (Coriandrum Sati v inn ). Kisht A sown field. Kisht-kar An agriculturist. K ishl A ship, bark, boat. Kishti-ban The master of a vessel. Kismat . . Fate, fortune. Kisna'I . . Husbandry, agriculture. Kisra Name of a Persian King, applied to- Kings of Persia. Kissa (a.) A tale, a story, a narration. -khwan A storyteller. - kotah In short, in one word. - karna To settle a dispute. Kissa (in met. Hind.).... A quarrel, a dispute. Kist . Portion, instalment, tax. band! Settlement of the revenues or taxes by instalment. Kitab . . A book, scripture. Kitmir Pellicle of a date stone, name of the dog that accompanied the seven sleepers. Kiyamat The general resurrection. Kiyas Judgment, opinion. Kiyasat Ingenuity, vivacity, cunning. Sahib-Kiyasat .... Ingenious, sagacious. Koba A wooden instrument for beating mud or kankar on rooms and terraces to make them level. Kobi A cabbage. Ko'erl Husbandmen, a Hindu caste whose profession is husbandry. Koft-gar A gilder. Koka A foster brother. Kolii One of the caste of oilmen. Kor A new rope of fine cotton, facing of a dress. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN" TERMS. 57 Kor ehl A keeper of an armoury, a wardrobe. Kor khana An armoxiry, a wardrobe. Kori A score. K it : ma A dish of meat, rice, &c. Kos A measure of about 2 miles. Kosh A dictionary. Kotha An apartment, a house of bricks. Kothi A small house (of bricks or stone) ware- house, and, generally, where business is transacted. Kotwal The chief officer of police in a town. Kotwall- chabutara A place or hall for the office of a Kotwal. Kridant Name of a treatise on syntax. Krishn or Krishna Black, dark blue, name of a Hindu incarna- tion. The most celebrated form of Vishnu, Vishnu himself, distinct from the ten avatars or incarnations. He was the younger brother of the third Rama (Balarama). His parents wereVasudeya and Devakl : but he was brought up in the house of Nanda and Yashoda, to conceal him from the tyrant Kansa whose death from a child so born was predicted. He passed his youth among the gopals and gopis. Like the infant Hercules he vanquished a serpent Kali} a and slew many monsters and giants. He put Kansa to death, protected Vudhishthira, and kindled the war described in the Ma- habharata. He is the Apollo of the Hindus, and is supposed by Colonel Wilford to have lived about 1 300 years before Christ. Kriya An act, obsequies. Ku A street. Ku-ba-ku Street by street, in every street. Kii'a A well, angle of the eye, a slice of the jack fruit, cocoon of the silk worm. Knbba A vault, arch, dome. 58 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. Kucha A street, or lane. Kudrat Power, authority, omnipotence. Kuds Holiness, the angel Gabriel, Jerusalem. KufU Tribe, family, caste. Kukri Maize, Jndian corn. Kul Reading of the sura or chapter of the Kur'an, entitled Kul huwa-1-lah, which is done, by way of benediction, over fruits and sweetmeats presented to the guests, at the conclusion of the annual religious feasts, held in commemoration of ancestors and other relations. Hence the term signifies conclusion. Kul Family, pedigree, race. devl The goddess of a family. Kuliil A potter. Kulba A house, cottage. Kullira An earthen vessel to drink out of. Kuli A slave, labourer, porter, a cooley. Kulicha. A kind of bread. Kulm-a'-I Eespectability of descent, nobility. K ulkullan A house-steward. Kul-puj The object of family worship, the family priest. Kumanchh A kind of bread. Kniuash. Breeding, manners. K u mii h A water-pot, Aquarius. Kumhar A potter. Kninkuma To hold, a vessel (in Hind.) in which the red mixture which they throw at the holi is contained. Kunch A little black and red seed used as a weight by goldsmiths. Kunda A vessel for kneading bread in, a platter. K mid! A vessel in which snuff, bhang, &c., are ground. Kunut From Kauat to be obedient to God devotion, piety. Kujfmar A boy, the son of a Raja. Kuuwara A prince, heir apparent. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 59 Kuuwarl Virgin fit for marriage, a princess. Kur'a A wager. Kin-ban A sacrifice, victim, oblation, Koq3nv-N.T. Kurban-gah An altar. Kurki Confiscated. Kurki parwana A sequestration warrant. Kurm A tortoise, a turtle, the name of the second Hindu incarnation. Kiii ma Tribe, caste, family. Kurs An orb, (pellet of paste), the disk of the sun or moon. Knrsi A chair, stool, the eighth heaven, or, according to some, the ninth, the throne of God, name of a place, 14 miles from Lakhnau, the inhabitants of which are said to be mad, hence Kursi is proverbially used in that sense. Kurta A shirt. Kuril Name of an ancient sovereign of Dehli and the country around. Knsh The sacred grass of the Hindus, (Poa- cynosuroides.) Klishk A palace. Kusiif An eclipse of the sun. Knsnin A flower from which a red dye is extracted. Knsur Fractions in Arithmetic. Kut The base of a right-angled triangle. Kntak A club, a pestle for grinding bhang. Kutb ... The axis of a mill stone, the polar star, the north pole. Kutir A hut. Kin urn Kin, family, tribe, caste. Kuver The god of riches. Kiiza An earthen pot for water. L. La A negative or privative particle used in composition as a prefix. char Helpless, without remedy. CO GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TEKMS. La-hall Difficult, abstruse not admitting of solution, hasil Unproductive, profitless. haul wa la kuwata ilia bi-1-lahi There is no power nor virtue but in God, i.e,, there is no striving against fate. dil Without a heart, heartless. shakk Doubtless. waris Without heir. ya/iil Eternal, that ceases not. zawal , imperishable. Lab Lip. -kha Fastidious, fretful, a prig. o-labja Conversation. rez Brimful, overflowing. Laba A supplication, request. Labe. Ridicule, irony, jest, flattery. Labeda A club. Labera Name of a fruit. (Coadla myxa). Labi The juice of the sugar-cane when boiling into sugar. Lachar A liar, a tattler, left-handed. Lachchhan A foolish fellow, a simpleton. Lachmi SigQ) mark, the goddess of abundance, the daughter of the ocean, and wife of Vishnu, she is also called Pad ma, Kamala and Sri, and corresponds with the Ceres of the Latins, prosperity, wealth. Lachna To bend. Lad. . . A load. Lad phana Loading and packing. Ladan (Gr. Addavov.}. . . . Ladanum, a resinous substance exuding from the leaves and branches of the Cistus creticus. Laf - - Lafzan Boasting, vanity. A boaster. Lafz A word, saying. Lag Striking, fixing, a stroke, enmity, ran- cour, spite, affection, love, cost, expend- iture, a secret, approach. Lagam A bridle, a bit. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 61 Lagaii A moment, the rising of a sign of the zodiac, affection, friendship, love,espousal, appointing the day of marriage, a flat dish. Lagana To apply, to add, to fasten, to fix, to shut, to impute (anything to a person), to report scandal, maliciously. - bnjhana To excite quarrels. Laga'o Series, adherence, intercourse. Lagawat Connection, application. Laggi A pole, a staff. Lag lagna To fall in love. Lah A kind of cloth resembling gauze. Advantage, welfare, lac. Lahab Flame, plying or ascending (as dust). Lahad A niche in the side of a sepulchre in which dead bodies are deposited, also, in Hindustan, the place where the dead are washed. Laliak Glitter. Lahakna.. To glitter, to shine, to wave (as herbage before the wind). Lahar A wave, whim, fancy, vision, emotion, the effect of the poison of a suake, a waving (pattern in embroidery). Laharna To wave, to undulate. Lalibar A kind of parroquet. Lahbera . Name of a plant. Lahkanwar Kice-milk eaten by bride and bridegroom. Lahlaha Blooming, flourishing. Lahlaha-na To bloom, to flourish. I, ulm A sound, a note, melody, modulation. Lahna To answer, to signify, to find, to expe- rience, outstanding debt, fate, destiny. Lahra Quaver, shake, trill (in music). Lahrana To tantalize, to put off, to undulate. Lahsan Garlic, a freckle. Lahsaniya Name of a precious stone. Lahu (Loliu) Blood. Lahu'a Name of a plant. 62 GLOSSARY OP INDIAN TERMS. Lai Voice, sound, tone, melody, symphony, ardent affection, immersion, absorption. La'I Parched rice mixed with sugar. Lii'ik Worthy, proper, fit, suitable, able, capable, qualified, adapte'l. Laila or Laill Name of the celebrated mistress of Majnun (the name of a celebrated lover whose amours with Laila are the subject of a poem by Nizami). Laj Bash fulness, modesty, shame. Lajajat Importunity, adulation. Lajalu The name of a sensitive plant, (Mimosa natans or pndica), bashful. Lajana To be ashamed or abashed, to blush. Lajaward Azure, lapis laznli. Lajlaj Said to be the name of the inventor of chess. Lajlajana To soften. Lak A kneading trough, a tortoise. Lakab A title, surname (either honorable or opprobrious.) Lakh Gum lac, a kind of wax formed by the Coccus lacca, a hundred thousand. - lagana To shut up or conceal. Lakhauta Besmeared with lac. karna To smear with lac, to glaze. Lakhpati (from lakh, hundred thousand, and pati, master, owner). Rich. Lakk-o-dakk Desert, waste, dreary. Laklaka A stork, the voice of, a continual motion of the jaw or of the tongue (in serpents), eloquence, pronunciation. LSI An infant boy, a son. Lala A boy . Lala A tulip. Lala (li.) Sir, master, a schoolmaster. Lala (p.) A slave. Lali A girl, impotent. Lal-I. . Redness. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 63 Lal-rl A kind of ruby, also a counterfeit ruby. Lalsa Desire, view. Lam A ringlet (the letter L, so called, being curled), crooked curled. Kaf kalma To abuse, to give abuse. Lamba Long, tall. - karna To lengthen, to beat. Lam-chhar A long musket. Laua To bring, to breed, produce, make. Liin (Jura Tailless, applied to a person without friends. Langar An anchor, a stay or rope for supporting a tent, an alms-house. - par hona To be at anchor. - uthana To weigh anchor, to feed the poor. Laughan Fast, fasting. Langot, langota, laugot-i. A cloth worn by Indians passing between the legs, and bound round the waist. band A bandage to which the above is fastened, one devoted to celibacy. Langotiya-yar An old friend from childhood, a very intimate friend. Langra Lame. Langra'I Worthlessness. Langra-na To limp. Langri A large shallow pan, made of metal, and generally used to knead bread n. Langucha A sausage. Langiir A baboon. La'o la'o Covetousness. Lap A handful, the space in the palm of the hand closed so as to hold water. Indians, generally form a hollow by joining the palms of both hands for the purpose of holding water or other liquid to drink. Lapak A flash of lightning, the spring of tiger or other wild beast. Lapakna To flash (as lightning), to spring or rush upon, to attack. 4 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. Lapet A fold, a ply, envelope, twist, bandage, fillet. Lapetan Evasion, subterfuge. Lapet-jhapet or -sapet ... A roller on which cloth is wound on the loom, a button. Lapetna To wrap up, to fold, to pack, to spread. Lapet-wan Twisted, ornamented Avith gold or silver thread wound round it. Laphna To jump. Lapka Nimbleness, a bad custom or habit. Lapki A stitch. Lappa Brocade, gold or silver cloth. Lar Caress, play, sport. Larla Darling, dear. Lasa Anything clammy or glutinous, the milk of plants. Lash j A dead bodv, corpse. Liisha t Lashkar An army. Lashkar gah A camp. Lashkar kash-I Raising of forces. Lashkar khalas A trull. Lat (a.) Name of an idol worshipped by the pagan Arabians. Lat (It.) Bad habits, whim. Lat (s.) The hanging branch of a creeper. Lat (h.) Tangled hair. Lat (h J A kick. Lat (h.) Dirty cloth (soiled by keeping). Lata A creeper, a vine. Lata Reduced by sickness, emaciated, lean. Lata A kind of food eaten by the poor, (Mahu'a pounded with grain, Mahu'a is a tree from the leaves or flower of which an intoxicating liquor is distilled). Lathi A staff, club, stick. (These sticks, generally of the he-bamboo and bound round with iron or brass rings, make formidable weapons, they are frequently used in fights, and zammdars arm their followers GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 65 with them as Aveapons both of offence and defence.) Lathi patlii Beating with lathis. Lat jana To become entangled. Latka Incantation, conjuring rod. A philter, a quack medicine. Lat khora Kicked, beaten, comtemptible, mean, a slave, a threshold. Lat, lath An obelisk, a pillar, a club or staff, the vertical part of an oil-mill. Lat-mardan inei parua . . To be trampled under foot, or disgraced. mama To kick. Lau The flame of a candle, any pointed flame. Lauh A plank, a table, a board (especially on which anything is written). Lau lagana To be constant in prayer and devotion. lagiil The frequent and long continued repetition of any saying (particularly of a dying man calling on God, or of a lover on his mistress), to have a constant desire or craving for anything. Lauh-o-kalam The tablet and pen on, and with, which the decrees of the Deity are written. Lawahik Servants, domestics, followers, family. Lawazima Requisites, baggage. Lehna Pasture, provender. Le'I Paste. Le-jana To take away, to carry, to run away with, to submit, to win. Lekha Account, reckoning. Lekhak A writer, accountant. Le-lena To take, receive, accept of, to take by force, to extort. Le-lut Borrowing and never paying. Lena To take, accept, receive, buy, win. Leu-den Traffic, trade, barter. Lew Plaster falling from a wall. Lewar Mud to plaster a wall with. Likha Fate, predestination, destiny, writing, written. 5 66 GLOSSARY OP INDIAN TERMS. Likha'I The wages of writing, the labour of writing, the art or business of writing. Likhna To write. Li k h n i A pen. das A writer, amanuensis, copyist. Ling Membrum virile, the emblem of Maha- deva, and an object of worship. Loban A kind of gum, incense, benzoin. Lobh Avarice, temptation. Lodha Name of a tribe, a husbandman. LodI Name of a caste of Pathans. Log People. Loga'I Woman. Loha Iron. Lohani Name of a caste of Pathans. Loh-ar A blacksmith. Lok People, a world, region, country. (The Hindus divide the Universe into three loks or regions, viz. I. Swarg-lok, the Heaven. II. Mart-lok, the earth, the region under the sun. III. Patal, the region under the earth. Lokalok A chain of mountains surrounding the world. Lok-pal Supporter or cherisher of a world or people, a king. -rile hcli has A demon. (The spirit of a wicked man converted into a demon. Lorn Hair, the base of a triangle. Lon Salt. Lona Salt, brackish. Lon-a Name of a fruit. (Annona reticulata). Lon-ar Salt lands, a salt-pit. Lonmirch lagan! To speak hyperbolically or in high-flown language. Lop Disappearance, vanished. Lor, Lol Tear, tears. Lorha A stone pestle. Lota A pot, pipkin (made generally of brass,. an article indispensable to Hindus). GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 67 Loth A corpse. Lot ha. A bag, sack. Luch Pure, mere, naked. bahiidnr A vagabond. Luchcha A vagabond, libertine, rake. Lnchpan Libertinism, rakishness. Luchra A spider. I. H trim t Tongue, speech, dialect, language, a word, a dictionary. Lutrlio Preposterous, contemptible, absurd, false. Lutrhz or Ingharz Any ambiguous phrase, an enigma, a riddle. Luh, Luk A hot wind, which has often a very per- nicious effect on persons exposed to its influence. Luhaiigi A staff armed with iron. Luk A falling star. l.iikna To lie hid, to be concealed. l.u knat Lisp, stammer, stuttering. Lut Plunder. baz A plunderer, murderer. khut Plundering and ravaging. pat Plunderer and sacking. Lutna To plunder. M. Ma A mother. Ma'ab Place of return, receptacle, repository. Ma^abid Places of worship. Ma'ad Place or return, resurrection, the life to come. Ma"adin Mines. Ma'al End, aim, termination. - k hair A happy issue. Ma n anl Mystical, elegant meanings, elegance of language. Ma"asfar Safflower, (Cartlianms tinctorius). Mabadi Beginnings, origins. 68 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. M - |- A large bedstead or platform, a frame on which persons sit to drive away birds from corn-fields. , A lazy person who never stirs from his bed, a Rajput soldier, naturally indolent and addicted to opium, but active and brave when roused. Machchh.. A nsn > tne name of the first avatar, or incarnation, when Vishnu appeared in the shape of the small fish, sapharl, to Satyavrata, or Hayagrlva, to warn him of the general deluge, and desire him to place the four Vedas in the boat which he (Yishnu) would preserve. The fish was first taken up by Hayagriva in his hands when bathing, being then of the size of a Puthi ; but it grew too large to be contained in a tank or river, and was carried to the sea; where, afterwards, it supported the ark with its horn. Satyavrata lived about 3000 years before Christ. Machi'hliar A musquito, a gnat. kl jhul ka chor A petty pilferer. Machchhi (U.) A kiss. Machchhl (sj A fish (for machhll.) Machhli A fish. Machiya A stool, a chair. Mad Pride, wine, spirits. Mada . . Female, a female. Madad Assistance, help, succour. -gar An ally, protector. gar-I Assistance. -khwah One who asks assistance. Madan Love, lust, a name of Kamadeva, y.v., name of a medicinal plant, Datura. Madar A circumference, a centre, a station, a seat, a place of turning to or returning from. Madari A juggler. Madarij Steps, degrees, ascents, ways. GLOSSARY OK INDIAN TERMS. 69 Madarij-i-kar A chief manager of business, name of a celebrated Musalnian saint. MII. ( Extension, a mark placed over A to ^r. 1 1 i J to lengthen its sound, it produces sounds of other vowels to the following syllable. Madda A matter, subject, article, affair, clause. Maddah An encomiast, panegyrist. Maddl Material. Maddl-j-at Substantialness. Madd-o-jazr Tide, the flux and reflux of the sea. Madfau A tomb, a burying-place. Madh Praise, commendation. Madha A place for the reception of the bride and bridegroom. Madh-khwan A bard, eulogist. Madh-mas Middle of the month. Madhmata Intoxicated, drunk. Madho or Madhaya A name of Krishna or Vishnu. Madhu-baii , pur / Names of Mathura, the birth-place of -puri ' Krishna. .Mad ii 11 ka r A bee, name of Ddhav, a relation of Krishna. MadhukrI A kind of bread baked on live coals (charcoal) eaten by fakirs, victuals given in alms to pilgrims. Madhu-mat Name of a raginl or musical mode. Madhn-sudan A name of Krishna, who slew a demon named Madhn. Madid Long, extensive. Mafarr A place of refuge. Maf asid Evils. Maf asil Joints. Mafhiim Comprehended, understood. Mafluj Paralytic. Mail iik Indigent, distressed, unfortunate. Mafruh Glad tidings. Mafriik Separated, divided. Mafruj Requisite as a sacred duty, indispensable. Magadh Name of a country, including Patna and Gaya, c. 70 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. Magan Delighted, glad. Magana To send for. Maganta Transport, delight. Magar (s.) An alligator. Magas A fly, a kind of Indian corn. ran A fly-flap. Magh Name of the 10th Hindu month. Maghflrat Absolution, remission. Maghrab, Maghrib The west, sunset. Maha Great, illustrious, very, extremely. Mahabat Majesty, greatness, reverence, fear, awe. Maha-bharat One of the two great Hindu epics, (the other, the Ramayan, composed by Val- iiuki; contains the history of Rama) signifying the great war of the descend- ants of Bharat (Rama's brother) was written by Yyasadeva, and gives an account of the wars of the Pandavss and the Kauravas. -brahman A Brahman w r ho officiates at funerals, and is first fed after the mourning for a dead person. Mahadey A name of Siya, one of the gods in the Hindu trinity. Maha-dol A large and splendid sort of sedan or palki. Maha-jan A banker, money-dealer, merchant, a good or trustworthy person. Maha-korh A species of leprosy in its most malignant form. Mahal Formidable, dreadful (places). Mahall A place, house, building, seraglio, station, time, opportunity, occasion. i-mujra The place of obeisance, clearance of accounts. Maha-maiis Human flesh (one who takes money on giving his daughter in marriage, is said to sell mahamaus, human flesh.) inari Plague, pestilence, any epidemic. Mahamm Serious affairs, an important transaction. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 71 Mil hunt A religious superior, a chief of fakirs, the head priest of a temple who has charge of the treasury. Maha-pap Atrocity, great sin. Maha-prasad The meat which is offered to the deity (especially to Jagannath) and afterwards distributed. Ma liar Reins, a bridle, a piece of wood put through the nostril of a camel to guide him by. Maharaj Great king, excellency, used by inferiors as a form of address to superiors, Brahmans are so addressed. Muhii raja Originally the supreme king, now gener- ally applied to quasi-independent princes in India. Mahela A food given to horses, a mash of beans. Maher f Name of a dish, consisting of rice or Maherl \ other grain, boiled in sour milk. Malies A name of Mahadeva. Mahi The earth, Mahi-pat, lord of the earth, a king. Mil li i A fish. dandan A fish's tooth of which hilts of swords are made. -farosh A fishmonger. glr A fisherman, an otter. -niaratib Certain honours, of which the privilege is especially conferred on princes and great nobles, they are denoted by the figure of a fish, with other insignia (two balls), carried as ensigns upon elephants. Mah-iyana Monthly salary. Mahochha A funeral feast-among fakirs. Mahr A portion or gift settled upon the wife before marriage. Mahra A palkl-bearer (mahrai denotes his occu pation, and is also applied to a song among cowherds.) Mali u'a Name of a tree from the flowers of which the common spirituous liquor used by 72 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. Indians is distilled, the distilleries are di-med out by the Government to the ighest bidder. Ma'i Mother. Mai Wine, spirituous liquor. ashiiui A wine-drinker. farosh A vintner. kada , A tavern. k liana khor I ( A wine-bibber, a sot. khwar ) n b p ure wine. Mai-nosh-I Wine-drinking. Malla Dirty, defiled. Maimauat Fortune, prosperity, happiness. Mai in ii n Fortunate, auspicious, prosperous, a baboon, monkey. Maithal or Maithil An inhabitant of Mithila (Tirhut). Maj Ripe, yellow. MajjQ Power, ability strength. Majalis Conferences, assemblies, convivial con- versation. Majami' Congregations. Majaz Lawful, admissible, insincere, feigned, metaphor. "i Adv. superficially, adj. metaphorical, hy- perbolical, unreal. Majliur Constrained, helpless. 1 Constraint, force. Majd Glory, grandeur, the honour derived from ancestors. Maj'hala Wrangling. Maj'har.. An asylum, a hiding place. Maj'hud Oppressed with labour or vexation, care,. trouble, vexation. Jfaj'hul Unknown, little known. Maj'hul-I Ignorance. Maj'hul-i-mutlak Very indolent or useless. Majid Glorious, honourable, noble. Majira Small cymbals. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 73 Majit Cheap, that which is sold under price, bought, second hand. MajTth Name of a drug used for dyeing red (Rubia manjith). Majlis An assembly, a company, congregation, convention. Majma* An assembly, a collection. Majmir A chafing dish, a censer for incense, perfume. Majmu'a A crowd, assembly, a collection, maga- zine, compendium, a form (in printing), adj., collected, assembled, all, the whole. Majmii'a-dar A record keeper, a title given to the servants of a Kanun-go (an officer in each district, acquainted with its customs and the nature of its land tenures). Majnun Insane, in love, the name of a celebrated lover, whose amours with Laila are the subject of a poem by Nizami. Maj us A guebre or follower of Zoroaster, and who conforms with the Zendaresta, Magi. The Parsis are the represent- atives of this faith in India. Makabir (plur. of Makbara, Tombs, sepulchres, a burying place, a tomb) Maka'Id Frauds, cheats, snares. Makal . Speech, discourse sentence, word. Makala Makam Dwelling, mansion a place of residence or encamping, halting of an army, place in a book. Makbara A burying place, a tomb. Makdur Power, abilily, possibility. M iik had i in Servants, domestics, ministers. Makhafat Dreads, terrors. Makhaiyir Expenses, disbursements. Makhan Bountiful, charitable, liberal. Makharjj Butter. Makhdum, m. Served, lord, master, mistress. Makhduma, /. ' "74 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TEKMS. Makhdum-iyat Mastership. Makhluk Created, formed, creature. .M si k hi ii kal (Plur.) Things created. M;i kill ill Mixed, blended, confused. Makhmal Velvet. Makhmasa Hunger, wretchedness. Makkhi A fly, tlie sight of a gun. chug A raiser. m ti rim To be idle, to trifle. urana To flatter, to perform servile offices for any one. Makna' A bride's veil. Makr "Fraud, imposture, evasion. Makra A kind of grain, a spider. Makramat Honour, glory, nobleness, generosity. Makrana To move by winding about or crookedly, to be averse, or act to the contraiy. Miik nix Lent. Maksam A part, a portion. Makta* The last verse of a poem. Maktab j > A school. khana J Mai (a.) Property. Mai (s.) A garland. Mai (h.) A champion, a prize-fighter. Mala A Hindu rosary, a necklace, a garland, a book. Mala Full. Malagir Name of a mountain noted for its Sandal- wood. Mala'I Cream. Mala'ik ) } Angels. Mala'ika j Malakh A locust. Malal Sadness, anguish, vexation, languor. Malam Reproach, rebuke, blame, reviling. Malana To cause, to rub, grind or scour. Malang A kind of darwesh. MalangT A salt-maker. Malar Name of a raglni, or musical mode sung during the rains. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERSJS. 75 Malat A worn rupee or other coin. Malax An asylum, refuge, protection. Malba Rubbish. Mal-dar Rich. Mal-guzar A tenant, a subject, a landholder, one paying rent or taxes. Mal-gu/ar-I Rent paid in money. Mal-I ' Relating to wealth or merchandise. Mali A gardener. Malichh An unclean race, those who make no distinction between clean and unclean food, a barbarian or one speaking any language but Sanskrit and not subject to the usual Hindu institutions. Malik Master, lord, possessor, proprietor. ana Like an owner, an annual or monthly allowance paid to a zamln-dar, by the person who occupies his lands, whether the state or a jagir-dar. Mal-khawind A proprietor. mast Purseproud. Mamalik Kingdoms, provinces, states. Ma'mul Custom, practise, habit. Mandal A circle, orb, the heavens. Maiidap A house, a temple. Maudar The name of a mountain in Indian my- thology with which the ocean was churned. Mandha A place adorned with flowers for the bride and bridegroom. Manjh Name of a raglm, or musical mode. Mansab A magistrate. Mam-hat The place where the Hindus burn their dead. Marhaba (lit. may you enjoy a spacious abode.) Interj. Hail ! Welcome ! God bless you ! Marich Name of the demon, employed by Havana to entice away Sita. Marjan Sprinkling with water for purification before the performance of religious ceremonies. 76 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. Marsiya An elegy, a dirge, a funeral eulogium, particularly one sung during the Muh- arram in commemoration of the descend- ants of 'AIT. Marfi Name of a rag or musical mode, also of a kettle-drum. Marzban A governor of the frontier. Masa'il The precepts of Muhammad. Masai A fable, simile, proverb. Masan A place where a dead body is burned, an evil spirit. Mash'had A place of martyrdom, of assembly, a tomb. Mashshata A tire-woman, one who dresses hair, and who prepares a bride. Mashrfi* Initiated. Prescribed by law, also the name of a kind of cloth made of silk and cotton mixed in which it is lawful for Miisiilniiii's to pray, they being forbid- den to do so in a garment entirely of silk. Masih, Maslha Messiah, Christ. Masjld A mosque. -i-jaini' A great mosque. Mas j lid Worshipped, adored. Math A Hindu college or convent, a pagan temple. Matla' The place of rising of the sun, the east, the opening of a poem. Maula A judge, master, also, a slave. Maulayl A learned man. Maulik Of inferior caste among Kayasths. M;i ul Mir'at A mirror. Mlr-I A winner at play. Mis (p.) Copper. Mis (s .) Pretence, sham. ^iS*ik An agreement, bargain, league. MTsal Simile, similitude. Mishar, Misra A title of Brahmatis, who were brought to India from Sakadwip by Krishna in order to cure the leprosy of his son Samba: also a title of some Brahman s from Mithila, &c. Miskal A weight containing 4 mashas and 3^ rattis, (vide, appendix, weights and measures). Misr A large city, Egypt. Misra' A hemistich, a single line in poetry. Misr-I Sugar candy. Mistar A ruler (generally made by parallel threads fixed on paper, on which the sheet to- be written on is pressed). Mithal A sweetmeat, sweetness. MItl Date, interest. Mitthi A kiss. MittI or mat tl Earth. - dalua To conceal another's fault. dena To bury. - hona To become weak or faint, to be ruined. - karna To ruin or destroy. - kliaiia To eat flesh. Miyau or myaii Sir, an address expressive of kindness, a. title by which eunuchs are addressed, master. Miyan A scabbard, the loins, the waist. Miyana Middling, moderate, (in India), a kind of Sedan or palkl. M i \ a u ad m i A respectable person. Miyan-basta Loins girf, ready for action. -ji A mediator, an arbitrator, a broker, a schoolmaster. Mi'yar Standard of money, a weight or measure- 80 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. Mi/uii A balance, a pair of scales, the sign Libra, measure, metre, rhyme, verse, prosody, addition in arithmetic. dena or -lagana.... To add, to cast up. Mijrab The quill with which a musical instru- ment is struck. Mocha A plantain tree (Musa sapientum.) Mochh Release, salvation, final and eternal happiness, the liberation of the soul from the body and its exemption from further transmigration. Mod Delight, pleasure. Modi A merchant, shopkeeper, grain-merchant, steward. khana A pantry. Moh Pity, compassion, sympathy, kindness, affection, allurement, fascination, love. Mohan A sweetheart, mistress, a name of Krishna, and of Hindus. bhog A kind of sweetmeat. mala Name of an ornament, a string or necklace composed of gold beads and corals. Moh men ana To faint, as at the sudden appearance of a mistress or friend. Mohna To fascinate charm, allure, delude. Mor A chaplet worn by Hindus at the time of marriage. Moza A stocking, boot. glr A horse that bites his rider. Mu'af-I Exempt from rent and tax (land), a grant of land from a sovereign, free of all exactions. Mu'allim An instructor, a pilot. Mu'arrikh An annalist, historian. Mu'azzin A public crier to prayers. Mubid or Mubad A doctor, philosopher, counsellor of state, a priest of the guebres, or sun- worshippers. M mini A sign, a silver coin, a ring worn by jogls in their ears. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 81 Mufassal Adj., distinct, full, ample, adv., partic- ularly, distinctly, fully, n., (peculiar to India), the country in opposition to the town. Mufti A superior officer among Muhammadans whose decrees are regarded as law. garl Office or duty of mufti. Muhammad Adj. praised, name of the Arabian prophet. Muharram Sacred, venerable, forbidden. The name of the first Mnhammadan month, held sacred on account of the death of Husain, son of All, who was killed by Yazld, near Kufa. Muhassil A tax-gatherer, a bailiff, a dun. Muhr A gold coin. Mu lira A shell, a chessman, and generally a counter used in any game. Mu'jiz , A miracle. Mu'jiza Mukaddam Antecedent, prior, a chief, the advanced guard. Mukhtar Chosen, an agent, one who receives power of attorney to act for another. Mukri A short poem. Muksani An oath. Mukt Pardon, absolution from sin, deliverance of the soul from the body and exemption from further transmigration. Mukur Name of the tenth zodiacal sign (Capri- corn represented by a water animal with the body and tail of a fish, and the fore legs, neck and head of an antelope), also a shark and an alligator. Mfil Origin, root, race. Mulk A country, sovereignty. Mulla A schoolmaster, doctor. Mumin Orthodox, faithful. M unijiin Shaving, the first shaving of a child (a religious ceremony with Hindus.) Mundna . . . .- To shave, to convert and make a disciple of. 6 82 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. M ii nli Mouth, face, countenance, presence, orifice v respect, complaisance, power, fitness, qualification, pretence, ability. andhera Twilight, evening, dusk, obscure. >lii nli blgarna To be displeased, to have the taste blunted or depraved. -chang A Jew's harp. -zor Headstrong, obstinate. Muni A holy man, a sage. Munis A saint. Miinkir. Nakir The names of two angels, who, according to Muhammadan creed, are supposed to examine the spirits of the departed in the tomb. M ii ii ki r Denying, rejecting. Munshi A writer, secretary (among Europeans) a, teacher of the languages of India. M ii nil lii A tutor, protector. Murakaba Contemplation, fearing God. M ii rat A statue, idol, picture. Murji One of a sect who think faith without works is sufficient. Mursal A messenger, prophet, apostle. M 11 rsli id An instructor, guide (to salvation). Musabbib The first cause. Mnsabbibn-1-asbab The causer of causes i.e. God. M iisa.fi r A traveller, passenger, stranger. -parwar-I Protection of travellers, hospitality. Musa-i Following of Moses (Judaism). M n sal la A carpet to pray on, a place of prayer. M u sail i Praying, one who prays, holy, righteous. .HiisHlma.ii A believer, a Muhammadan. Musalman-i The Muhammadan religion, (VulgJ cir- cumcision, (Hind}, a female Musalinan. M usa in ma in Fixed, concluded, determined. Mnsannif , . A composer, an author. Musauwir Adj. forming, figuring, S. M. a painter, . sculptor. Mus'haf A book, page, the Kur'an. Mushlr A counsellor, senator. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 83 Mushkil Difficult, hard, painful. Musi A testator. Muslim (Plur. Muslim in). A Mnsalmim, Muhammadan. Mut'a Taking a wife for a time, a temporary marriage among the Shl'as, use, profit. Muta'abbid Devout, religious, refractory, stubborn (a camel). Muta'addl A transgressor, a wicked wretch, an active, transitive, or causal verb. Mutawalli A superintendent, or treasurer, of a mosque. Muwahhid Believing in one God, orthodox. Muza'far Pnlao, coloured with saffron. Muzah A jest, joke. Muzaliamat Prevention, impediment. Muzaraba A battle, combat. Muzari 4 A husbandman. Muzd A reward, premium, salary, wages. Muzhda Joyful tidings. N. Xab A canine tooth, a tusk. .Nabard Battle, war. >"abh The sky, ether, atmosphere. Xabi A prophet. >"a-blna Blind. Xablra A grandson. Xach Dance. na To dance. - nachana To make to dance, to tease. Xach-waiya A dancer. Xad A sound, a song. Niiiliiha A spout, a canal. Xadamat Repentance, contrition, regret. Xa-dan-i Ignorance, simplicity. Niidhna To yoke. >'adl A river. Xadim A companion, intimate friend. 84 GLOSSAEY OF INDIAN TERMS. Nadir-i A rarity. Nad karna To roar (as a tiger), to sing. Nadua To begin. Naf The navel, the middle. Naf 4 Profit, advantage, interest. Nafa A pod of musk. Nafaka The necessary expenses of living. Nafal Plunder from infidels. Nafar A groom, a servant. -I Service, profession, trade (particularly of a groom), a giant, a demon. Nafas Childbirth, the forty days of a woman after childbirth. Nafas The breath, respiration. Naf as-i-baz-pasm The last breath. Naf at Naptha, bitumen, the place whence they are obtained, lamp-oil. Naf I Forbidding, prohibition, annihilation, non- existence. Naflr A brazen trumpet. Nafkh Blowing with the mouth, inspiring, breathing into, sounding a horn or other musical instrument. Nafl A voluntary act of devotion which may be omitted innocently as not being prescribed, a work of supererogation. Nag A snake. Nag The stone of a ring or a stone on which a name is cut, a jewel, a mountain. Naga A caste of Hindu fakirs. Nagal A plough. Nagan or nagin A female serpent. NaganI or Nagini ' Nagar A city, a town. Nagar Name of a tribe of Gnjarati Brahman s, hence applied to cunning or expert persons. Nagari The most common Hindi character of writing, called Devanagarl, from its supposed divine origin. GLOSSARY OP INDIAN TERMS. 85 >"agar-I A town, or village, of -or belonging to a city. Nag-bel Betel-leaf. Xag-bhasha A Prakrit language said to be used by the serpentine race who inhabit Fatal. Xagdaim , A kind of wood, by touching which it is said that fetters spontaneously fall off. Nag-danna Xame of a plant. (Artemisia Tulgaris). >"agha Adjournment, respite. Xag-kanTa A race of females said to inhabit Fatal, or the regions under the earth, and to be of serpentine extraction but very beautiful. lok The region under the earth, Fatal, (not being accessible to the sun, it is illu- minated by very resplendent jewels). - -panchami Name of a Hindu holiday the i5th of Sravan, snkl-paksh, on which day they worship a snake to procure blessings on their children. Xahan Bathing. Nahana To bathe or wash. Xahari Breakfast, a kind of bit or bridle. Xaharni An instrument with which the nails are pared. Xahi i . Prohibition, an interdict. Nahid The planet Venus. Nahj A road, path, manner, prescribing, giving directions. Xahr A stream, rivulet, a canal (of running water). > T a'i A barber. Nai A reed, a tube, a pipe, flute, fife, cane. Na'ib A deputy. \ai-bast Composed of reeds. Na'ib-diwan Deputy treasurer or accountant. Xaibed Food consecrated to the deity. Naibi Deputyship. > T ai-cha A hnkka snake (or covered pliable tube through which the smoke is inhaled). band A person who makes liukka snakes. band-I The trade of a Nai-cha-baiid. 86 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. Naik A corporal. !Na'ira Fire, heat, flame, inflammation, enmity, hatred. Nairang Deceit, trick, evasion, magic, sorcery, a miracle, anything new. -saz A magician, sorcerer. -saz-1 Magic, sorcery. Jfairit Southwest. Naisjni Name of the 7th Syrian month, corre- sponding to the Persian, Farordin, and Hindi, Baisakh. Abr-i-naisan signifies the rain which falls while the moon is in the mansion swati, and, of which, if it drop into a shell, pearls are formed, but, which turns to poison if it happen to fall into the mouth of a serpent. Naiyir The sun, also the moon ; the former being distinguished by prefixing an adjective signifying, greater. Na'izha A canal, tube, the urethra. Najat Freedom, pardon, salvation. Jfajib A hero, a volunteer, a certain class of Indian soldiers distinguished by a pe- culiar dress. Najibu-t-tarafain Noble on both sides (father and mother). Jfajisu-l-'ain Impure by nature. Najjar A carpenter. Najin A star, a planet, fortune, a horoscope, calculation of nativity. (Plural, mi juni ) Stars. 'ilm-i-nujum Astrology. Nnjum-I An astrologer. Mk. The heavens. Naka (h.) The extremity of a road, a lane, the eye of a needle. Naka (s.) An alligator. Nakar Kefusal, denial. Nakbat Adversity, calamity, misfortune. Nakcharhana To be angry or displeased. Nakd Eeady money, cash. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 87 \iikliat A star, a constellation. Nak'hat Perfume, odour, anything odoriferous. Nakhatrl (from Nakhat). . Fortunate, born under a lucky planet. Nakhiyana To claw, to scratch. Nakh-rekh The marks left by the nails, a scratch. Nakhshab Name of a city in Turkestan, famous for the appearance of the moon which the impostor Mnkanna' caused to ascend from a pit in its neighbourhood, during the space of two months. N uk h sikh From tip to toe, from the toe nails to the hair on the crown of the head. Nakhnda ; . . . Captain of a ship. N;i k h uii-ii An instrument to strike the strings of a guitar, &c. Nakib A chief, leader. Nakir Name of an angel. See Munkir. Nakkatana To dishonour. kati-hona To lose one's honour. Nakl A history, tale. Jfakl-I A narrator, story-teller, fictitious, copied. Nakrakhna To preserve one's honour. sako rna To turn up one's nose, to be displeased. X;i k us A bell in eastern Christian churches, also a shell blown by Hindus in worship. Nal A tube, barrel of a gun, stalk of the lotus, umbilical cord. Jfal Joint of bamboo or other hollow wood, specially applied to the piece of bamboo, on which bird-catchers put lime. Nala (h.) A ravine, rivulet. Nala (p.) Lamentation. Nail A drain. Nalish Complaint, lamentation, groan. Mlish-I Complainant, plaintiff. JValki A sort- of sedan or litter used by people of rank. Nam Name, character, fame, reputation, honour. Nama A letter, written treatise, (in compj, a book, history, account. 88 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. A messenger. Namak Salt, spirit, animation, bread, subsistence. chashl The first feeding of a child about six months' old, when certain ceremonies are performed by a Brahman, who is feed. dan A salt-cellar. ka hakk ada ka ma To discharge, one's obligations. khwar A servant, dependent. mirck lagana .... To give a relish to. parwarda A domestic slave, a favourite, confidential servant. - phut phntke nikalna. .... To come out in boils. Nama-nigar A correspondent. Niimaskiir Salutation, adoration. Namaz Prayer (those prayers especially prescribed by the Muhammadan law, which are said five times a day, there is a dispute, however, between the Sunnls and the Shi'ahs as to the number of times for prayer, enjoined by the Kuran). Nam-ba-nam After .each name, per head. batana To name. chalna To remain (one's name). -charhana To register one's name. dharna . . To name, to fix a name on. dharwana ...... To give a name to a child, to be defamed. "asik li A copier of a book, an amanuensis. Nat, , A name given to those who practise jugglery, and rope-dancing. Natak A kind of comedy in Sanskrit. Nath A master, lord, husband, affixed to proper names especially of Jogis. Nath A large ring worn in the nose. NatI Grandson, daughter's son. 90 GLOSSAKY OF INDIAN TERMS. A servant. Nau-ratan .............. An ornament, consisting of nine different gems, worn on the arm and wrist. Nau-roz ................ The day on which the sun enters Aries, and, according to the Persian calendar, the commencement of the year. Nansha ............... A bridegroom, hence,nosha ? fortunate,happy. Jfauwab ................ A governor of a town or district. Wauwab-I .............. l)eputyship, relating to a nanwab. (Nauwab-I government) ... A term applied by the Indians of Oudh to the rule which prevailed there before the annexation. Navisht Khwand ....... Epistolary correspondence, reading and writing. Nawa .................. Voice, sound, modulation, opulence, wealth, substance. Jfawadir ............... Miracles. Jfawakil ............... Histories, traditions. Uawasa ................ A grandson. Nawaz ................. A musician. Nayak ................. A chief, a native officer of the lowest rank. ya,z f .................. The last breath, gasping in the agonies of death, judicial courts, a sheriff. Mzim ................. A poet, a ruler. Nazir .................. An inspector, an officer employed in a judicial court. Nazr .................. A gift, offered to a superior, (the prac- tice of giving and receiving gifts is now forbidden by the Indian Government, the natives, however still continue it among themselves. Rajas, and others of position, demand these gifts from their dependants as a matter of right on the occasion of birthdays, and other anni- versaries. Poor tenants and servants are obliged to give gifts (in cash) to their landlords and masters,- on pain of dis- missal. It is a relic of feudalism that presses hard on the poor and should be abolished.) GLOSSAEY OF INDIAN TERMS. 91 A breeches belt, the part of the drawers through which the string runs to tie them round the loins. Jfeg Presents made to relatives and servants on the occasion of marriages, &c. Xeg-I-jogl Tenants and dependants who receive tho iieg. Nem A vow, piety, meritorious act. Nibedau An address, petition. Mchawar Sacrifice, victim. Xidhi A treasure of Kuvera, the god of riches. Mgam Holy writ, the Vedas. Mkali Marriage. Mkas-I Taxes collected on goods passing out of a town. >" ilkan 1 Ii A bird about the size of a jay, of blue plumage whose note is harsh and dis- cordant. Its throat is said to have been stained blue from its swallowing the poison produced by over-churning the ocean with the mountain Mandara, by the Surs and Asurs, to procure the ainrita. Xim A tree from which oil is extracted, and said to possess many medicinal properties. >"ini-chihra An imaginary being with half a face, one arm, &c. It is male and female; the male having the righthand, &c., the female, the left, &c., when united they resemble a human being ; when separate, they are supposed to move with amazing velocity on one foot, and are considered as very dangerous and cruel. >*irankar Without form (the deity). >"ir-gun Without passions or human qualities, (an epithet of God). Xirkh The price or tariff at which articles must be sold in the bazaars. It is fixed by Government officials, generally the police. Msa The female sex. Nisbat Relation, affinity. 92 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. Nisliiin Sign, emblem, armorial bearings, standard. Nishast-barkhast Manners, etiquette, good breeding. Nistok Definitive settlement, decree. JfittI Small scales used by goldsmiths. Mtya-karma Constant practice. Nnjum Stars. ^ T ujum-i An astrologer. Nupur A hollow ring, inclosing pieces of copper, &c., which sound like bells when in motion, worn by women on their ankles. Nuwab Vice-gerents, governors. Nya'e Justice, reason, argument. NyaVshastr Logic. Nyayak A judge. o. Ochha Light, of little consequence, absurd trifling, silly, fruitless, mean. - hona To want, to be deficient. Ochhi sangat Bad company. Oda Wet, moist, damp. Oghra A dish of food, so called. Ojh Stomach, entrails. Ojha A Brahman tribe, worshipper of a goddess,. charmers. Ojhal Privacy, retirement. - karna To conceal, to screen. Ojhri A bag in the stomach, where food is digested. Ok Sickness at the stomach, inclination to- vomit, a draught of water from the hollow of the hand. Okhli A mortar (wooden). Okna To vomit. 01 Name of a vegetable, the root of which is eaten, (Arum campanulatum), a hostage. Ola Hail, the name of a kind of sweetmeat. hojana To become cold. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 93 joii sir mumlaya ton ole pare I had no sooner shaved my head than a shower of hail came on : (spoken of one who has just engaged in an enter- prise which turns out unfortunate). Ole parna or srirna To fall (hail). Olka or ulka Territory, dominion. Oiulh The cord with which rafters or frames for thatching on are pulled into their places and fastened till the roof is finished. Onth The lip. Or Origin, boundary, limit, way, side- ward. Us or, that way, on that side, thitherward. nibahua To be constant to, to protect for ever. Ora A basket, a pannier. Orinia To put on (dress), a sheet, cloak, or mantle. Orhni A smaller sheet, a veil, or woman's cloak. Orina The name of a particular kind of sewing, stitching together two breadths. Os Dew, mist. par jana To fall in value, to be deprived of im- portance, to become less in demand than formerly. parna To fall (dew), to be dull, cheerless, to fade. Osar A heifer. Osbarg Name of a medicine. OMNI The head of a bed, a pillow. Osra Turn, vicissitude. Ot Overplus, surplus,abatement,convalescenc . Ot Protection, shelter, shade, screen, covering, concealment, partition. Ota A partition wall or screen, a raised entrance to a house. Otna To defend, to screen, to shelter, to separate the seed from the cotton, to catch a ball. 94 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. P. Pa The wind, the god of the wind (In compos:), a nouvisher, a protector, act of drinking. Pa The leg, foot. -andaz A carpet spread at the entrance of a room for cleaning the feet on. band Engaged, employed, occupied. band A rope with which the fore-feet of a horse are tied. hona To be married. Pa-band-I The state of being bound, control. ba-zanjir Fettered, in chains. shikiista Infirm, reduced. Pabitr or Pavitr Pure, holy, clean, undefiled. Pabitra A brahmanical thread, a string of silken beads, a knotted piece of kasha grass used in religious ceremonies of the Hindus. Pabitri A ring of knsha grass, (pod cynosuroides), or of gold, silver, or copper, worn on the ring finger and forefinger by Hindus- during religious worship. Pa-bos Kissing the feet, i.e., adoring, worship- ping, revering. hona To worship, to revere, to adore. Pa-bos-i Worship, reverence, adoration. .... - karna To worship, to reverence. Pachak A digestive, stomachic, solvent, a cook. Pachak Cowdung, dried for fuel. Pachchhl An ally, assislant, advocate, patron, a bird. Pachchi Adherent, joined, (in music), in union. hona To be stuck together, as with glue, to- be in unison, to be strongly attached by love. karl Mosaic, patchwork. Pachh The act of inoculating. Pachhaii. . West. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 95- Pachhar A fall, the act of winnowing. - khitiiii To fall down, to suffer pain. Pachharna To throw down, to abase, to conquer. Pachhiya'o A westerly wind. Pachhna To inoculate. Pachhna The act of scarifying (tattooing), inocu- lation, a scarificator (name of an in- strument). Pachhtana . To regret, to repent. Pachhtawa Regret, penitence, grief. Pachlsl A game played with kauris (small shells)- instead of dice, and so named from the highest throw, which is twenty-five. Pachkha Six days from A wan (the coming, or first) to Rewati or Revatl (the twenty- seventh mansion of the moon), on which days seTeral kinds of work are unlawful. Pach-lara Consisting of five rows, as in a chain. of pearls. Pach-lona A medicine composed of five kinds of salt.- Pach-mahalla Of five stories (a house). Pad The foot, foot-step, step, rank, dignity, character, (In grammar) a word, place, station, thing. (Bishan - for V ishnu - the deity in the character of Preserver, or Vitality personified) pad A particular song in the name of Yishnu. Padam The lotus ( Nelumbi u m speciosum), ten billions (according to the shastr) : or one thousand billions (according to the Dasturu-l-'amal, or the Royal ordinances of Akbar). Padar (in Hind, pidar) . . Father. Padarth A rarity, a blessing, a category in logic. Paddhat Manner, custom, a treatise on a particular science, ritual, a title or titular name. Paddi A path, a way, an alley. Padha A schoolmaster. Padharna To. go, to proceed, to depart, to arrive. 96 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. Pad ma The goddess of riches, LaclihniT. PadmanI The most excellent of the four classes into which the Hindus divide their women. The others are chitrinl, sankhim and hastini. Padshah A king, a sovereign. Badshah ] Padshah-I ) I Royal, imperial, royalty, empire, reign, Badshah-I ) | sovereignty. Padshah-zada A prince. fate (A J A peasant residing in one village and cultivating land belonging to another village. Pa'e (p.) The foot, the stand of a table, chair, &c. band Tied by the leg, fettered, captivated, en- cumbered with a family. -dam A gin, snare, noose. dar Firm, steady. limb lana To settle accounts. -jama Drawers, trowsers. khana A privy. kuban Beating the feet in dancing. lagna To make obeisance by embracing the feet (a token of respect paid by the Hindus to Brahmans). mal Trampled on, ruined. mal karna To trample on, to destroy, to lay waste, to ravage. inal-i . Destruction, ravage (occasioned by an army or cattle overrunning and trampling on fields). mardi Courage, resolution. lii khl The royal residence. -turab The first stage of a journey. (It is usual to make one short stage at the com- mencement of a journey, and then to wait a few days to collect everything necessary). Pag 1 A turban, syrup. Pag , The foot. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 97 Pag-dandl A by-path. (laiiiji lena To track, to trace. dharna To travel, to go, to leave, to depart. Pagal A Bengali word signifying a fool, idiot, madman. Pagla Foolish. (This and the above, term were formerly peculiar to Bengal and the eastern parts of Hindustan; but since the influx of natives of Bengal into the West especially the North-western provinces and Oudh where, from their superior intelligence and capacity, they fill nearly all the Government offices and private banks, &c., these terms are in common use in the N. W. P. and Oudh, and also in the Panjab). Pagna To be dipped in or covered with syrup, hence to be in love. Pagri A turban. - atakiia To be obstinate, to persist or persevere. Pah Dawn. - phatna To dawn, to grow luminous. Pahan Width, breadth, ampleness. Pahanana To put on, to wear, to dress, dress, clothing. Pahanawa Clothing, dress. Pahar A mountain. si rat en Long nights (especially, of sorrow). Paliar A division of time consisting of eight gharis, a watch, or 3 hours. Pahara The multiplication table (in arithmetic^. Pahar-I A hill, a small mountain. Pahariya Belonging to, or of a mountain, a moun- taineer. Pai The foot. - ana To have a splint (a horse). - karna To plague, to be importunate. Pai A fault. Paida Born, created, produced, exhibited, dis- covered, invented. 7 98 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. I 'a Ida hona To be born, to be created, to be found, to be produced. ish Birth, creation, production, earnings, produce, profit. - karna To discover, to produce, to find, to obtain,. to get, to earn, to invent, to procure. Paida-war Produce of a field, fruit, profit of trade. Faidal On foot, infantry. Palghama-paighami Mutual messages, mediation, correspond- ence. Paigham-bar A messenger, prophet. Paighaiubar-I Mission. Pay A vow, a promise. - karna To make a vow. Paik A courier, a messenger. Paikar War, battle, contest. (Hind.) A pedlar. Paikar Face, countenance, visage, form, appearance,. a portrait, a likeness. Pai-karha ) j Iron chains on a culprits legs, ornamental Pai-karl J | rings worn on the ankles. Paila A vessel for measuring grain. Paima (In compos.-) Measuring, a measurer. Paiina-ish Measure. Paiiuan A promise, agreement, confirmation, security, an oath, asseveration, conven- tion, compact. Paimana A goblet, a certain dry measure. umr ka bharna. To fill up the measure of one's age, to die, or kill. Paina A goad, sharp. Painana To sharpen. Paincha Return, retribution, a loan, repayment of a loan. Painchna To winnow. Painda A road, highway, path. mania To stop a road, to rob in the road. Paiwand Junction, conjunction, connection, rela- tionship, a joint, a patch, graft, bud. kar A patcher. kar-I Patching, cobbling. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TEEMS. 99 Paiwast Junction, connection, friendship, joined. a-gl Contiguity, connection, attachment. Pak Pure, clean, holy. Pakar 1 ( The citron-leaved Indian fig-tree. (Picas Pakariya ) | Venosa). Pak-baz Undefiled (mind), honest. Pak-baz-I Purity. Pak ha A shed. Pakhal A large leather bag, for holding water, generally carried on bullocks. Pakhand or pashand .... Wickedness, deceit, hypocrisy, heresy. Pal A sail, a small tent, layers of straw or leaves, between which mangos are placed to ripen. Pal A moment, the 60th part of a gharl or daml (2^ pals being equal to one minute). marte Immediately, instantly, in the twinkling of an eye. -ot For an instant. Pala A spoon or ladle for taking out oil, &c. Pala Frost, snow, trust, charge, a heap of earth made by children to separate the two parties in a game called kabaddi. Palak A kind of greens resembling spinach, a bed-stead, a watchman, preserver. putr An adopted son. Pa-lakrI Blocks of wood placed under the feet of a bed-stead to raise it, generally at the head. Palan Packsaddles. Palang A tiger, panther, leopard. Palaiig A bed (without curtains), a bedstead. posh A coverlet, counterpane. Palautha First-born. Palethan Dry flour laid under and over bread when it is rolled. nikalna To beat severely. - pakana To contrive the ruin of any one. Pale'o Soup, pounded rice or flour put into soup to thicken it. 100 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. Pale A field of melons. Palkl A litter, a sedan. -nisli i ii Entitled to be carried in a palkl. (For- merly this privilege was granted by a king or viceroy). Palkl-sawar One who rides in a palkl. Palna To be reared, nourished or fattened, to thrive. Pan (s .) An aggregate number consisting of twenty gandas (a ganda = 4 kauris) or eighty kauris, and 16 pans make a kalian). Pau (It.) A termination affixed to nouns, answering to the English terminations ship, hood, ness, as larak-pan, childhood, banya- pan, the business of a banya. Pan Betel-leaf. -supari (betel-nut) The name given to a mixture of betel- nut broken fine, spices, and lime, &c., offered to visitors to chew. Pana To get, acquire, find, reach, overtake. Panch Five, a council, an assembly, a meeting, arbitrators. palav The branches of five trees which are used in religious ceremonies. patr A kind of vessel used by Hindus during worship. -piriya Any person, Hindu or other, who worships the five plrs or saints of the Musalmans, a caste of Halalkhors. Pauchagni Five fires, a posture of Jogis. Panchakkl A watermill. Pancham Fifth, name of a rag and of a sur or musical note. Panchanan A name of Siva, a lion. Panchayat A meeting of any particular society (gen- erally as a court of inquiry), a jury, an inquest. A panchayat assembles to determine whether for a particular fault a man is to be turned out of caste. Pand Advice, admonition. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 101 Pand-go Adviser, monitor. Panda' A priest who presides at the temple of an idol. Pan-dan A box for holding betel and other in- gredients for chewing. Pandar A descendand of Raja Pandu. Pande ] > . , . . . . A title of Brahmans. a schoolmaster. Pan re j Pandit Wise, learned, a learned Brahman. Pandita'T The learning of a Brahman, learning. Paudit-khaua A prison. Pandiyayan The wife of a Pande. Panga Culinary salt obtained by a process from sea sand. Panghat A passage to a river, steps from which water is drawn. Panhara A man who carries water in pots on his head. Panharl A woman. Pan! Water, lustre. - bharna To confess inferiority. ka bulimia (A bubble of water), instability. - karna To abash, facilitate. mania To dry up, to be evaporated. inei ag lagana To revive a contention which had subsided. - na mangna To be slain by a single stroke of a sword, and to die instantly. - parna . To rain. Panlha Anything living in water, a water snake. Panir Cheese. maya Eunnet. Paniyana To irrigate, to water. Panj Five. -'aib-i-shar'I* Very vicious, having five vices, (1) Robbery, (2) Adultery, (3) Gaming, (4) Drunk- enness, (5) Falsehood. ayat The five chapters of the Kur'an, which are read during the mourning of a Musalman. - tan-i-pak Five holy persons, (1 . Muhammad, 2. 3. Fatima, 4. Hasan, 5. Husain). 102 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. Panja A hand with the five fingers extended, claw, clutch, grasp. -kasli-kasli A iron instrument resembling a hand, with which wrestlers exercise themselves by locking their fingers into those of the instrument. Panja-ab A country so called from its 5 rivers. Panm Tinfoil, name of a tribe of Pathans. Pant or panti. A row, a line of writing, a rank of soldiers. Pantar A desert field. Panw Leg, foot. barhana To take the lead among one's equals. bhar jana Numbness, sleeping of the feet. - dalna To prepare for and commence an under- taking. dho dho pma To drink the water with which one's feet are washed a phrase denoting perfect confidence. lagna To make obeisance. nikalna To exceed one's proper limits. ragarna To go about foolishly and unprofitably, to be in the agonies of death. Pa*o A quarter, a fourth part. Pap Sin, fault, crime. Papaiya A sort of child's whistle, name of a tree and of its fruit (the papaw tree, Carica papaya), much used medicinally. Pap-I A sinner, a criminal. Pa-posh A slipper. Par The opposite bank or shore, over, across, through, beyond. -karna To ferry over, to cross, to finish, to transfix, to relieve, to carry off. Par (s.) Distant, remote, strange. -des Abroad, foreign. Par (p.) A feather, quill, wing. -girana To prepare to fly. nikalna To display, on acquiring power, those qualities which remained concealed in poverty or a low station. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 103 Par A scaffold. Para Quicksilver, mercury. Para A strap, piece, fragment. Para-doz A tent-maker, or one who applies the leather parts in tents and pardas. Para A quarter of a town, a ward. Para A company, a body of troops. Parab A festival, holiday, anniversary. Parachit A fine or penance imposed on religious occasions as the price of absolution, atonement, expiation. Parachna To be made acquainted, to be introduced. Parachna To move a lamp over the heads of a bride and bridegroom to drive away evil spirits. Parah Flight, a general emigration. Parakh' Inspection, examination, trial, proof. Parakh-na To inspect, examine, prove. Parana To lay down, to put to sleep, to cull, to gather. Paras The philosopher's stone, Persian. Parashu An offensive weapon resembling a hatchet. Parasna To worship. Parasna To touch. Parast (worshipper) Stash (fire). Atash-parast A fire- worshipper, (Juebre, or follower of Zoroaster, a Parsl. Parastar An adorer, a slave. Parast-I (In compos : only), worship, adoration. Parastish Worship, devotion gah Place of worship. Parat A fold, layer, crust, stratum. Parat | Paratlf A large plate. Paraya. Strange, foreign, belonging to another. Parayan The act of reading a Puran continually without expressing its meaning. Par-bas Depending on the will of another, precious. Parbat A mountain. Parbat-i . . A mountaineer. 104 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TEKMS. Parcha Demonstration, proof, trial. Parcha A bit, scrap. Farcham A flag or military ensign of horse-hair, an ornament of hair carried on a spear, a flag, a tassel. Parchha-iu Image, shadow, shade. apnl se bhagna To be frightened at one's own shadow. Parda A curtain, a screen, secrecy, privacy, modesty, a musical tone. chhorna To let fall a curtain. dar Confidential. dar A betrayer of secrets. -nishm Remaining behind the curtain applied to women in India, who are invisible to men except their husbands. Pardes-I Foreigner, stranger. Parekha Repentance, regret. Pareshan Dispersed, perplexed, confused, ruined, distressed, wretched. dil-I Trouble of mind. go-I Confused or absurd talk. hal Distressed in condition. kahna To talk foolishly from absence of mind. Pargar A pair of compasses. Parha A hog-deer (CerYus porcinus). Parha Read, learned. ii uiiii A learned, experienced man. Parhan The act af reading. Parhana To cause or teach to read, to instruct, to teach, to teach to speak or sing (as birds). Parhant A reading, science, magic. Parhez Abstinence, forbearance, continence, control of the passions. Parhez-gar Abstinent. Parhez-gar-i Abstinence, temperance. Parhez karna To control one's passions, to be temperate. Par! A fairy. Parl-khwan A magician to whom fairies and genii are subject. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 105 Parj Name of a musical mode or raginl, handle of a shield. -dar Basket-hilted (a scimitar). Parja A subject, tenant, renter. Parja' e Order, method, custom, manner, place, room. Parjank A bed-stead. Parjatan Travelling. Parjawat Quit- rent, tax. Parkas or Pra-kas J^ight, splendour, revelation, appearance apparent, conspicuous, illumined. Parkha'I The act of examining, the price paid for examination, inspection, trial or proof. Parkhaua To cause to inspect, examine, try or prove. Parkhi An examiner, a discriminator. Parlai A general destruction, such as the flood or resurrection, vexation, fatigue, disgust. Parmaii ) j Quantity, authority, proof, example, detail r Pra-maii J ' ( authentic, real, approved of. charhna To rise to a high rank. Parmilu A kind of dance. Parna Breaking a fast, to finish, to accomplish- Parnala Pranah Parn5m Salutation, adoration. Pra-nam J Parnana A great grandfather by the mother's side* Parniyan] A kind of fine painted silk. Paroha A bucket for drawing water with. Parohan Carriage, vehicle, appliance for transpor- tation. Paropakarl Acting for others, preferring their interest to one's own, benificent, hospitable. Pares Neighbourhood. ParosI A male neighbour. Parosin A female neighbour. Par-paith Duplicate of a bill of exchange. Parpanch Delusion, fraud, imposition, deceit, artifice,. treachery. Parpanch-I Insidious, fraudulent, artful. 106 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TEEMS. Pars Persia. Parsa Abstemious, chaste, watchful. Par-sal Last year, Parsan Gracious, kind. Prasann Parsan Asking, inquiring, inquisitive, inquirer. Pars! A Persian, the Persian language. ParsI A follower of Zoroaster. Parson The day before yesterday, the day after to-morrow. Parsuram The sixth Avatar, or incarnation of Yishnu; fabled by the Brahmans to have destroyed the Kshatriyas. The Brahmans say that he extirpated the Kshatriyas, and that there have been none since. Parwa ) f Care, concern, anxiety, fear, terror, in- Parwah j 1 clination, affection, desire, rest, quiet. Parwan The yard of a sail. - charhna To grow up (a phrase peculiar to women) Parwana. An order, a pass, a license, leave, command, a precept, a warrant. kisl ka honu. . To be desperately in love with any one. Parwana-gl Command, order, permission. Parwana-jat Orders, licenses, passes. Parwar (s.) A patron, protector, cherisher, educated, cherished (used in compos : as gharib- parwar, cherisher of the poor, saya- parwar, educated in the shade, or at home, soft, delicate, knowing little of the world.) Parwar (p.) Name of a kind of gourd (Tricosanthes dioica.) Parward ) > Bred, reared, brought up, nourished, a slave. Parwarda j Parwardi-gar A epithet of the deity, nourisber of all. Parwarish Breeding, nourishment, maintenance, fos- tering, rearing, patronising, education, protection. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TEEMS. 107 ParwatI (Daughter of a mountain), Durga, the wife of Siva. Parwlz A prince, the lover of Shirm (the mistress of Farhad, a celebrated Persian statuary, who, to please Shlrln, dug through an immense mountain), celebrated in romance. Pas (h.) A rope, a noose, at the side, near, about, at. Pas (p.) Guarding, taking care, respect, observance, sake, a watch or term of three hours. -i-khatir Attention to one's wishes. Pas After, behind, at length, their, therefore, finally. -andaz Savings, something laid up to provide for old age or want of employment. Pasa A die. Pasa Two handfuls, as much as can be held in two hands open. Pasana To skim, to pour off superfluous water. Pasand Choice, approbation. I'usandida Chosen, approved of, agreed to. Pa-sang A make weight, something placed in one scale to balance the other, or something placed on one side of a load as an equipoise to the other Pasara Expansion, the act of spreading out. karna To procrastinate and find obstacles to an easy matter. Pasarl | > One who sells spices. Pansarl j Pasarna To spread, distend, stretch out, expand. Pas-ban A sentinel, a watch, a guard, a shepherd. Pas-ban-I Watch, guard, protection, keeping. Pas-dar-i Watching, guardianship. Pase (plur.) Dice. Pase'o ] f Perspiration, sweat. (Pasina is most com- Paseyha \ J monly used). Pasma ' Pash Sprinkling, scattered. Paslieman Penitent, ashamed, abashed, disgraced. Pasheinan-I Repentance, regret, shame. 108 GLOSSABY OF INDIAN TERMS. PashI A kind of wild rice growing in shallow ponds. Pashm Wool, hair, a thing of no moment. na ukharna To suffer nothing from the enmity of another, not a hair of the head to be touched. (Spoken in great contempt of an adversary). Pashm-i | I vvoollen. Pashm-In I Pashm-ma Woollen goods. Pashna The heel. Pa-shoya Washing of the feet. Pat A leaf, an ornament worn in the upper part of the ear, a draft or cheque on a banker. Patoii-a-Iagna (A phrase, when applied to trees, which indicates the fall of their leaves in autumn, metaphorically, the phrase signifies that one's power or ability is exhausted, and this expression is often applied to patience exhausted by the scorn of a beloved person, or to a destitute condition from adverse fortune). Pat (s.) Silk, a mill-stone, a board, shutter, plank, flap, seat, throne, a plank on which washermen beat clothes. Pat (h.) Breadth of cloth or of a river, tow. Pat A shutter, valve of a folding door, a sound, upside down. Pata A sign, mark, symptom, hint, direction, address or place to which one is directed. Pata A plank on which washermen beat clothes. Pa-taba A sock. Patait A cudgeller. Patal Regions, according to the Hindus, under the earth or towards the south-pole in- habited by a serpentine race, the infernal regions, hell. Patal Rose or pink colour. Pat-ambar Silk cloth. Patan A roof, name of a city. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 109 Pataii Hoofing. Patapar Name of a fruit. Patapat The sound of beating or of the falling of drops of rain. Pati God, name, honour, character, a lord, master, husband. Patka A cloth worn round the waist, a girdle. bandhua To determine on, or prepare for any act. - pakarua To hinder, to obstruct. (zari-patka) The golden girdle (an ensign conferred by the Peshwa on generals who are invested by him with authority). Pat-rani A queen, a princess. Pat-sal A college, a school. Pech Twist, revolution, a coil, plait, screw, perplexity, difficulty, trouble, deceit, complication. baudhiia To grapple in wrestling. chalua To prevail by stratagem. chnima To bind by twists of a turban with care. ijal iia To throw obstacles in the way. dar Twisted, coiled, crooked, intricate. dar-pech Coil within coil, entangled. dena To circumvent, to deceive. karna To deceive, trick, complicate. k liana To coil, to be perplexed, to fall into difficulties, to sustain a loss. kholna To untwist, unscrew. lena To meet, to embrace. ukharna To loosen the twist of anything. ut liana To suffer loss or distress. Pecha An owl. Pechak A ball, skein or clue of thread. Pech-ida Twisted. Pech-ida-gl Twisting, contortion, winding. Pekhna To see. Peklma Play, farce, sham, comedy. Pekhniya A player, an actor. Pela Fault, oppression, a prop, a support. Pel mama To shove, to push. 110 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. Pelna To shove, push, stuff, cram, express, squeeze out. Pel-pal Shoving, pushing. Pelu A wrestler. Pern Love, friendship. Pend or paind Pace, step, a rising ground, an eminence. Peng 1 The exertion made by people in a swing, when two persons keep the swing in motion without external assistance. Pen. .1 Sharp. Per A tree, plant. - lagana To plant trees. Pesh Promoted, advanced, respected, confided in, possessing influence, before, front, the vowel point ('). amad Access, admittance. ana To treat, to behave, to negotiate. band A belt passing over a horse's breast to prevent the saddle from slipping off. -band! Foresight, timely preparation. -bin Prudent, provident, wise. -dast Surpassing, one who excels. -dast-1 Excelling, surpassing, aggression. jana To go forth. kabz. . . A kind of dagger. -kadam-I Outstripping, alertness, activity. -khaima A tent or other bagage sent on before. namaz He that precedes in prayer, the priest. nigah Take care ! nihad Custom, regulation, habit, example, model, profession. -raft Making impression, successful, efficient, effectual. ras Early fruit, grain, crops. -ran A precursor, leader, an advanced guard. rau-I Act of preceding. Pesha Trade, profession, custom, habit, practice. war An artificer. PeshanI The forehead, brow. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. lit Peshaur, properly Pesh-awar Name of a city built by Akbar, the- word imports "an advanced post", a it is the next town to the Afghans. Peshaur-I A kind of slipper made in Peshaur, a kind of rice. Pesh-gah The foremost place, a portico. Peshgi An advance of money. Pesh-I An advance, precedency, superior rank. Pesh-m Anterior, ancient, former, the afternoon. Pesh-karl A deputy, agent, assistant, minister, manager. Pesh-kar-I Deputy-ship. Pesh-kash A present, a tribute. Pesh-tar Before, prior, formerly, heretofore. Peshwa A leader, guide, title of the Maharatta minister. - lena To meet and to receive a friend or visiter. Peshwa-i The meeting and conducting a guest or visiter, the duty of chief priest, guidance. Peshwaz A gown, a female dress. Pet The belly, the womb, pregnancy, the bore of a gun, cavity, capacity. bandlma To eat less than one's appetite demands. barhaiia To eat voraciously, to encroach on the share or rights of another. bhar Bellyful. bharna To fill one's belly, to be satisfied. dik liana To complain of poverty and hunger (lit' to show one's belly; to do so, and at the same time, tap it with the hand is a usage among certain beggars in the East). Pet ka dukh dena To starve. katna To pinch one's belly, to starve one's self. - kl ag Maternal affection. kl bateu. . . Bosom secrets. lag ralina To be very hungry. - marna. To commit suicide. meu paithiia To w orm one's self into the secrets of another, to become intimate. "112 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. Pet-I A belly-band, a girth, a portmanteau, a box, a tumbril, the thorax, chest. Petiya A pension, daily food. Pewakkar i A tippler, a toper. Piwakkar ' Pezna A sieve. Phab Embellishment, ornament, dress. I'hiilcni Phabakna . To shoot forth, as a plant. Phabna To become, to fit. Phag Hed powder, sprinkled in the time of the Hull, the act of throwing coloured powders in the Holl, the gambols of the Holl. Phagu'a The holl, presents made during that time. Phagnn j The name of the llth month. Phalgun Phakkar Wrangling, mutual abuse, raillery. baz An abuser, an indecent chatterer. Phakoriya A fop, an absurd prattler, an indecent talker. Phakoriyat Absurdity. PhakrI . The act of treating with rudeness. Phal "Fruit, effect, advantage, children, progeny. dar Fruitful, the iron head of a spear or arrow, blade of a sword. pana To reap the fruit of good or bad actions. phalarl Fruits of various kinds. Phalana To cause to produce. Phalas A step, stride. Phall (s .) A shield. Phall | i A pod of any leguminous plant, especially Phaliya f ' j of peas, a loop. -kash A hook for drawing the strings through the holes by which the walls of a tent are laced to the top. Phanda A noose, a net, perplexity, difficulty. Phandaua To cause to jump or leap over. Phaudna To be imprisoned. Phanga A grasshopper. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 113 Phunkfi The quantity of food, gathered by the fingers, that can be thrown into the O y mouth to be eaten. mama To eat by chucking food into the mouth, to chuck food into the mouth. Phaus A noose, a slip-knot. -lagana. To catch in a noose. Phaisa'o Entanglement. PhausI -A- n ose, loop, strangulation. dena ... To hang, to strangle. lagaiia. . To commit suicide. Phausna ^ f ot P ac l wuo strangles passengers or travellers. Phausna ^ noose ' to ensnare, to entrap. Phanswana. To be entangled, to stick, to be involved or entrapped, to be caught, pj t -, A small quantity given over and above that purchased. T,, -, _ A mattock, spade, hoe. Pha'ora . _, *_ A crutch on which a jogi leans, a piece i Hi i ori of wood with a support at each end, held in both hands, horizontally, in performing the exercise of dand, which consists in placing the hands on the ground and then bending down so as almost to touch the earth with the breast. One who thus exercises himself, called dand -pel, will, if expert, raise himself to an upright position, without again touching the ground, an instrument like a small rake or hoe for removing a horse's dung. Phar A gaming-house where dice are played, also the table used if any, a place where goods are exposed for sale, the shafts or pole of a carriage. baz A player at dice, a gambler, a prater, a talkative fellow. -bazl Playing at dice, gambling. Pharak Fluttering, vibrating, throbbing. 114 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. Pharakua To flutter, to vibrate convulsively, to throb, to writhe the shoulders. Phariya A pedlar, retailer, one who keeps a gambling-house. Pharsa A pick-axe, or other instrument for digging. Phasana To cause to stick-as in mud-, to entangle, to catch, to cause to be imprisoned, to squash. Phata A crack. Phate men paiw dona . . . To interfere in anything. Phatak A gate, a large, door, stocks, arrest, the bar of a court of justice. - band! Custody, imprisonment. Phatakha . A cracker (firework). Phatakna To winnow, to dust, to be separated. Phatkl A fowler's net, a large cage, a rope tied to a tree to frighten birds with its sounds. Phen ) Foam, froth. Fhena Phen-I A kind of sweetmeat. Phenk Throw, cast. dena To throw away. Phenkna To throw, to fling, to dart. Phent or phaint Waist-band, fob. PhentS A small turban. Pher Turning, maze, curvature, twisting, cir- cumference, equivocation, ambignity,, difficulty, distance, again, back. dena To return. - parna To differ. Pherl-wala A pedlar. Phet The waist when bound with a belt. IMi rt a A small turban, a waist-band without a fringe. Phik The point of a whip or scourge. Phlka Weak, vapid, tasteless, pale, sallow, light in colour. Phir or phiri Again, then. PhirkI A whirligig, anything turning, as on an. axis. GLOSSARY OP INDIAN TERMS. 115 Phirna To turn, return, walk about, whirl, wheel, wander. Phirtii Returning, premium, brokerage. Phisalna To slip, to slide, to err. Phitkar Curse, malediction, removing something to a distance. Phitkarna To curse. Phitkarl or phitkirl Alum. Phonk The notch of an arrow, hollow, not solid (particularly, jewels). Phouphi A pipe, a tube, anything perforated or hollow. Phora A boil, sore. Phorna To break, burst. Phii'a Father's sister, a lizard. Phndakua To jump, to leap, to hop (applied to small birds), to dance about in token of delight. Phndki The name of a bird, (Certhia tula). Phuha A fictitious teat by which milk is given to a calf or kid unable to suck the mother. Phuliar Undisciplined, uneducated, stupid, obscene, rude (applied to women), a bad house- wife, a slut or slattern. pan or -pana Stupidity. Phuhl Small rain. Phniyau Drizzling. Phukar A fine, sensible young fellow. Phukna To blow. Phuknl A blow-pipe. Phul A flower, a blossom, a swelling, a kind of bell metal, a ceremony, the charred bones of a burnt body, a kind of drink for the dead. -dar Having flowers. jana To swell, to be delighted, to be pleased, to become fat. jharna To speak eloquently. kobi.. A cauliflower. 416 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. suiigh ke ralma.... To live in the fragrance of flowers, to eat very little. Phula Swelled, blossomed. ua-samana Not to be able to contain one's self from delight, to be overjoyed. Phulna To blossom, flower, be pleased, be puffed up. 1 Minimi ka gahna Flower wreaths or garlands. kl chharl A thin stick wrapped round with flowers. J'liu nk Act of blowing, a puff, blowing up fire. dona To set on fire. phunk-ke paiw dharna To act or walk carefully and cautiously. PhunsI A pimple. Phupha Father's sister's husband. Phuphi Father's sister. Phur True, right. Phurt or phurti Activity, quickness. - karna To make haste. Phus Old dry grass or stranw. - meu chingari dalna. To excite contention or strife. I'hiisiihimla Disgusting, stinking. Phnska Weak, without strength, slack (as a knot). Phuslana To coax, wheedle, cajole, flatter, decoy, entice. Phut A kind of melon (Cucumis momordica), odd, unpaired, difference of opinion, separation, a flaw. - parna To arise (dissension). - hona To be divided in opinion. - kar ron a To weep excessively. Phuta Broken. Phiitan Wrangling, disagrement, misunderstanding. Phut-I Disagreement, disparity. Phutkar Eetail. Phutkl A blot, spot, stain. Phutna To be broken, to be broken into or broken down, to be dispersed, to burst, to be made public, to arise or burst forth (as a smell). PI Beloved, a lover, husband. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 117 Pib Pus, matter, corruption. Pibiyana To suppurate. Pichh Hice- water, rice-gruel. Plchha The hinder part, the rear, pursuit, perse- cution, absence. - karna To pursue, to chase, to recoil (a gun). - lena To pursue, to importune, to obstinately persevere. - pherna To leave, to withdraw. Pichharl The rear, the ropes by which a horse's hind legs are tied. - marna To attack in the rear. - (jal 11 a To leave behind, to outstrip. - pariia To dance attendance, to importune, to dun, to persecute, to torment. Pichkana To squeeze, wrinkle, burst. Pichkari A squirt, a syringe. Pidar or Padar Father. Pidarana Father-like, fatherly. Pidda Name of a bird. Pighalnu To melt, or be melted. PI jaua, To drink up, to repress one's passions, to refrain from answering. Pik The juice of the betel-leaf chewed and spit out. -dan A spitbox, spittoon. PI1 An elephant, name of one of the pieces at chess. Pila Yellow. Pilana To give or cause to drink, to suckle, to nurse. PHI A gold mohur. Pilpa Afflicted with elephantiasis. Pilpaya A pillar, column (lit. an elephant's foot). Pma To drink, smoke. Pinak The bow of Siva, a musical instrument' Pind Body, person. - chnrana To avoid, to escape. - parna To follow, to pursue, to be intent on, balls made of flour or rice, at a religious 1 1 8 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. ceremony of Hindus, they are afterwards thrown into the river or given to cows. PInd A roller. Pinda Body, person, a lump of clay, a bundle or ball of string. Pindar Thought, imagination, opinion. Pindara A plunderer, a pillager (among Maha- rattas). T Pindi The upper part of a Siva-ling, a lump of anything that can be contained in the fist, a small clue or ball of twine, a small altar of sand, a cubit square, on which oblations to the manes are offered. Pindol A kind of white earth used by the Hindus to cover or wash the walls of their houses with. Pingal Art of measuring verses, prosody, name of a fabulous being in the form of a serpent to whom a treatise on prosody is ascribed, tawny, pale. Pinjra A cage. hona To be or grow lean. Pinki Intoxication from eating opium, drowsiness, nodding. Plpa A pipe, barrel, cask. Pipal A species of fig tree. (Ficus religiosa). Long pepper. Plr (p.) An old man, a saint, a spiritual guide. -zan An old woman. Plr (p.) Monday. Pir (h.) Pain, sickness, pity, mercy. PIra, plla Yellow. PIra'I JSame of a tribe or caste who beat a kind of drum called dhol. PIran Charity-lands (bestowed on the poor in honour of a saint). Pirha A stool or chair. Pirhi , a generation. Pirtima or Pratima Image, statue, picture, likeness, an idol. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. H9 Pirthi, prithl The earth, the ground. Pirthl or p rithi-nat h Lord of the earth, a sovereign, a king. Pisach An evil spirit of a particular class, a demon, a spectre. Pisach.nl A female pisach. Pisa'I Price paid for grinding. Pisan Meal, flour. Pisana To grind, to reduce to meal. Pisar A boy, a son, a child. -khwanda An adopted son. khwanda-gl Adoption. Pista A pistachio nut. Pista-I-rang Pea-green. Pistan Breasts. Pit Love, friendship. Pita A father. ma ha Father's father, paternal grandfather. Pital Brass. Pitam Most beloved, a lover, a husband. Plt-ainfoar A silk cloth of yellow colour. (Vulg.), a silk cloth. Pitara A large basket, a portmanteau. Pitarl (h.j A small basket. Pitarl (h.) A weevil,an insect bred in rice or other grain. Pitar-pakh The first or dark fortnight of the lunar asm month. Pith The back. -il c iiii To run away. 'lagana To throw down in wrestling. lagna To have a sore on the back (a horse}. par hath pherna .... To pat on the back, to encourage. pherna To turn one's back, to depart, leave, fly. PItha A kind of food made of rice and flour. Pitna To beat, strike, thrash. Pitr Ancestors, manes of the dead. Pitr arpan Gifts in honour of one's deceased ancestors. Pitr sa radii The obsequies of a father. Pitron ko pam.deua. ... To offer a libation of water. Pi'u or pl'o Beloved, dear, husband, lover. Piya 120 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. Piyada A foot-man, a foot soldier, a pawn at chess. Piyala or pyala A glass, cup, priming pan of a gun. lioiiii. , To die (phrase used by fakirs). Piyar or pyar Love, affection. ka rua. To fondle. Piyara or pyara Beloved. Jan 11 a To esteem. Poh Dawn of day. Polma To make bread. Pona Po'Is See ! Ho ! holla! (calling to people to get out of the way). Pokhan Breeding, rearing. Pokhar A pond, a tank. Pola Soft, hollow. Polad The finest Damascus steel, which, with that of Kaum, was esteemed the best in the east. Ponga A blockhead, a sort of drum, a thin joint of bamboo, empty, Popla One whose teeth have fallen out, toothless. Popm A wind instrument. Por The space between two joints or articu- lations of the body or of a bamboo, or sugar-cane. Pora Finger. Posh Covering, clothed in (used in compos.)^ pa (covering the feet) shoes, slippers. sabz Clothed in green. Poshak Vestments, dress, habit. Poshak-I fit for making (cloth). Posh ida Concealed, hidden. -gl Concealment. Post Crust, shell, skin, bark, rind. -kan A preparer of skins. Posta Poppy-head. Post-I One who intoxicates himself with infusion* of poppy- heads. Post-In A leather garment, fur, a fault, blemish.. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 121- Pot (s.) A boat. Pot (li .) Nature, disposition, quality, glass beads, beads. Pota A grandson, a descendant. Pota The eye-lid, the crop of birds, stomach- Potdar A cash-keeper. Potha A large book. PothI (h.) A book. PothI (h.) A clove of garlic. Poll Grand-daughter. Potiya A cloth worn at the time of bathing. Potla A large bundle. Potli A bundle. Pra-bala Predominant, violent, strong, powerful. Prabandh A kind of song, style, composition of a discourse. Prabes Entrance, access. Prabha Splendour. Pra-bha'o Influence, prosperity, felicity, majesty. Prabhat Morning, dawn. Prabhat-I Sung in a tune or ragini peculiar to- morning. Prabhu Commander, lord, principal, master. Prabhuta-i Government, liberty, option, superiority, influence, legislation. Prachin Ancient. Pra-dachchhin Going round an object to which respect is intended with the right hand always towards it (a religious ceremony), circuit, cir cumambulatio n . Pragat . Obvious, notorious, public. Pargat Pragatna ) i To issue forth, to become manifest, to Pargatna j ' appear. Prahar The act of beating, a stroke. Prahari A striker, smiter, debaser. Praja A subject, tenant, renter. Prakar Manner, method, kind, sort. Prakaram Strength, vigour. Prakas Apparent, couspicuous, clear, (n. light).. 122 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. Prakitl Nature, the natural state or disposition, habit. Pralabdh Fate, lot, destiny, predestination. Praman Quantity, proof, verification. Pramanik Proper, creditable, reverend, chairman of an assembly, (in Bengal) a chief of a tribe among the inferior castes. Breath, soul, life, sweetheart, mistress. Paran - pati Soul's lord. Pranam Salutation, bow, obeisance. Praia Having life, an animated, a human being. Prapti Receiving, getting. Prarthana Supplication, prayer. Prassan Kejoiced, pleased. Iioiiii To acquiesce, to like. I* rasa 11 iiiit :i Acquiescence, pleasure, favour. Praschit Atonement, expiation. Prashn Question. Prasiddh Notorious, famous. Prat Morning, dawn of day. Pratap Auspices, splendour, glory. Pratapl Glorious. Pratham First, before. Prathinl The earth, ground. Pratipal Patronising, tuition, fostering, rearing, breeding, cherishing. Pratipalak Cherisher, patron. Prein Love, affection, friendship. rang-rata Coloured with the dye of love, loving. Prem-i Affectionate, lover. Pret A departed soul, a spirit of the dead, a ghost, an evil spirit. Pretnl A female ghost. Prlt Love, friendship. A favourite, friend, lover, beloved. Pitam j ' PrithI (see pirthl) The eartb - Prithu Name of an ancient Raja, son of Vena, Raja of Bettoor. He was married to a GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 123 form of the goddess Lakshml, and taught men to cultivate the earth. Priya" Beloved, dear, mistress, sweetheart. Pu'a A kind of pancake. P. Puch Absurd, useless, injudicious, inordinate, obscene, nonsense. baf-i Talking (or weaving) nonsense. go Talking nonsense. Puchara Whitewash, a sponge, a brush for white- washing. dena ) (To lay on a thin coat of clay, to white- pherna j ( wash, to flatter. Piichh Inquiry, investigation. Puchhna To ask, to inquire. PuchhwaiyS An inquirer. Puja Worshipping, adoration, veneration, de- votion, idolatry. Pujapa Offerings, libations. Puja-pat Worship, idolatry. Pnjari A worshipper, a priest having charge of an idol temple. Pujna To worship, to adore, to venerate. Pujya Venerable. Pukar Calling out aloud. Pukar dena To proclaim publicly, to call. Pukarna To call aloud, to cry out. Pnkhraj A topaz. Pukhta Dressed food, baked (as bricks), made of brick, sly, knowing, wise, firm, strong. karna To make strong. PukhtagI Maturity, experience of the world. Pukhtakar Experienced, strong. Pukhtakar-I Experience. Pukhtari Cakes laid over dishes, in which the meat is kept warm, cakes, impregnated with ghl, whence, mama pnkhtariyau khana, to eat cakes prepared by his mother, i.e. applied to a person accus- tomed to luxury and incapable of labour or fatigue. 124 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. Pul A bridge, an embankment. - bandhiia (To make a bridge), signifies to limit, to bound. Pul-sirat The bridge over which Musalmans believe they must pass into paradise. Pula'o , . A kind of dish made of flesh and rice. Pnni I i Virtue, virtuous action, charity, merit. Puny a | Punya'i A virtuous action, performed (according to those who hold the doctrine of the metempsychosis) in one state of existence, the reward of which is received in a future transmigration, merit of an an- cestor rewarded in his descendants. PunjI Capital in trade, stock, principal sum. Punyatma Charitable, virtuous, religious. Pur (s .) A city, town. Pur A son. Pur (p.) Full, complete. Pura Entire, complete, exact, full, total^ sufficient. - karna To fill, to reimburse. Pura A kind of cake made of pease meal. Pura A large village. Purab East, eastern, former, prior. Pnraiia Hindu sacred books. Purana To fill, old. PuranmasI ) ( The day of the full moon, when Hindus Purna-masI J ( bathe in the Ganges or other sacred river. Purbi The bhasha or dialect of the eastern district, a rag sung in the third watch, eastenu Purl A kind of fresh cake fried in ghl. bat A complete sentence. Purl A skin with which a drum is made. Purkha An old man, an elder, an ancestor. Purkhe ) > Ancestors, ancestry. Purusha j Purohit A priest who presides at the performance- of religious ceremonies, family priest. Purohitanl. . The wife of a Purohit. GLOSSARY OP INDIAN TERMS. 125 Pursish Inquiry (generally after health), inter- rogation, questioning. Purnsh A man. Purwa A small village. Pur/a A scrap (generally of paper), piece, bit, rag, the nap of cloth, or the down of birds. Purze hoiia To be severely wounded in battle. Pur-zarur Very necessary, most essential. Pus The ninth Hindi! month. Pnshp A flower. Push pak The car of Kuvera, god of riches. Pusht Back, progenitors, ancestry, a prop, second, an assistant. -ba-pusht Generation by generation. Pushta A buttress, bank, hill. - baudi An embankment. Pushtaini Hereditary, ancestral. Pushtak A vice in horses, plunging and kicking up behind. Pusht-ara A load borne on the back. Plit A son. /it in i> lira A young monkey. Piitkl A term of abuse. Pfitla A puppet, an image. Putll A small , image, the apple of the eye. - ka tara karna To honour or esteem as the apple of the eye. - ka tamasha ] - swang } A puppet show. nach > Putr(a) A son. Putrl A daughter. Puttha The buttock, the hip of any animal. Putthi The felly of a wheel. Puwal Straw. Puz The lip of a horse. null A cord twisted tight round a horse's lip or ear to enable the farrier to manage him. Pyar . _ Love, affection. Piyar ' 126 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. Piyar kariia.. ........... To fondle. Pyarl ................. Beloved, pleasant. Pyas .................. Thirst. - I m j liana .......... To quench thirst. - lagna ............. To be thirsty. - mania ............ To suffer thirst. Pyasa ................. Thirsty. Pyase mama ........... To be very thirsty. "This letter is represented by K in this work." R. In Arabic and Persian there is only one form of this letter, which has a distinctly lingual sound. In Hindi, and Hindustani,. there are three forms to denote (I) r, fully sounded with the tongue vibrating on the palate, or, as in the French amour. (2) r, pronouned with the point of the tongue reverted on the palate. (3) rh, a& the last, aspirated. Ra'aiyat (Plur. ra'aya). . . A subject, tenant. - -parwar-I ....... Protection of subjects. Ra'aiyat-I .............. Subjection, tenancy. > ............... Syrup, liquid juice of the sugar-cane. Rabab ................. A kind of violin. Rabab-I A player on the rabab. Rabab-iyB ' Raban or Havana Son of Vishrava and Kaikasi, was king of Lanka (Ceylon), carried away Sita, and his kingdom was deprived her husband Rama-chandra. q.v. It is said that Vishnu^ having an inclination for war, caused a Brahman to curse his two door-keepers wishing that they might be born on earth three times, returning after each time to their original forms of porters GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 127 to the deity. By these means Vishnu contrived to be nearly matched on earth, so as to have a good battle. They first appeared as Hiranyaksha and Hiranyakashipu ; then, as Havana and Knmbhakarna; and lastly, as Shishupal and Dantavaktra; in each of which characters they opposed the deity m different avatars. Rabar Fatigue, fruitless labour. Ha liar mi To fatigue one's self, to run about fruitlessly. Babb Lord, preserver, a name of God. Halilianl Divine, godly. Rabda Mud. Rabda Fatigued. RabI* The spring, the spring harvest or grain cut in the spring. Rab!-bar Sunday. Rabl'I Produced in the spring, vernal. Rabrl Thick milk, a kind of milk food. Rabt Connexion, binding, bond, friendship, practice, habit, use. Rachana To set to work, to set a going, to make, to do, to make merry, to stain the nails of the hands and feet with hinna, to- celebrate. Raehchha Protection, assistance, patronage, shadowing safety. Rachchhak A protector, keeper, redeemer. Rachhas A demon, fiend. achhasaul A female rachhas. Ha rh ha si Demoniacal. Haclina To be made, created, prepared, set to work, employed, to stain, colour, love, like, keep time in music, penetrate, predestinate, make, form, invent, prepare,, compose, perform. Rad A tooth. -ch hail The lips. 128 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. Radd Rejection, repulsion, resistance, refutation, vomiting. badal Argument, discussion, altercation. i-jawab A rejoinder. -i-salam fteturning compliments. kiirna To reject, vomit. Radda A layer of a wall, the work of a day. Radd-I Eejected, rejected things. Radhanagarl A kind of silk cloth. Radlf A man riding behind another on the same horse, the rhyming word of a poem. Ra'e (h .) A (Hindu) prince, chief. rayau A Hindu title the chief of princes. Ra'e (a .) Wisdom, opinion, thought, counsel. Ra'e-baiis A kind of spear. Ra'e-bel A flower so called. Ra'e guiuan | f Opinion, judgment, notion, persuasion, - zanii j ( one who gives his opinion. Ra'ozani karna To form or give an opinion. Raf a Mending (a garment), cementing broken friendship, quieting, pacifying, peace, tranquility. Raf Elevation, promotion, ascending, finishing, completing, settling, deciding, repelling, removing. daF Deciding, settling, finishing. i-sharr Settling a dispute, deciding a difference, getting rid of a dispute. Raf-'at Elevation, promotion, dignity, eminence, nobility. Raf I* High, sublime, exalted. "u-l-kadr Of high estimation. "n-l-makan Of exalted rank. Raflk A friend, ally, associate, companion. Raflzi A heretic, particularly a shi'ah. q.v. Gone, departed, deceased, lost. Rafta j Rafta rafta Going, in the act of going, by degrees, gradually, in process of time. .Raf u ... .... Darning, a darn. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 129 Raf u ehakkar Making one's escape, stealing off. ehakkar uieii a-jana To be lost in astonishment. gar A darner. gar-I The employment of darning. houa To run away, to retire. Rag A musical mode, of which there are six, music, song, tune, anger, passion, love. chhana To be in concert. -mala Xame of a treatise on music, consisting of illustrations of the primary and subor- dinate modes, and the subjects appro- priated to each. -rang Music. sagar A song composed of many rags or mu- sical modes. Bag A vein, fibre. charhua To be obstinate, pettish, proud. dar Veined, cloth in which the threads are uneven, a wicked brat. i-gardan Pride. mania To become impotent. resha Every vein. ntarua To be appeased, to have a rupture. Ragar Attrition, friction, rubbing. Ragara or Ragra Quarrelling, rubbing, polishing. -jhagra Quarrel, debate, discussion. Rah Road, way, manner. award A present brought from on a journey. bandhna To refuse admittance, to stop one's progress. -bar A guide, conductor. bar-I Conducting, guiding on the way. chhorua To give way. daliia To establish a custom. dar A collector of duties (on roads). -dar-i Collection of duties (on roads). -dekhna ) > To expect, to wait for. takna karna To contract friendship. kharch Charges of the road, travelling expenses. 9 130 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. Rah lagua To follow one's own devices. lena To go, to depart. marna To waylay, to rob, to lay one under restraint, to ruin one's prospects in life... nama A book or map of roads. parna To establish mutual confidence. rakhna To keep up an intercourse. -ran A traveller. rawish Manners, habits, customs. sir Just, right. -zan A highwayman. zan-I Highway robbery. Rah-I A. traveller, way-farer, travelling. Rah (Contracton of rah), a road, path. naward A traveller, a galloping horse. niniia A guide. Rahas Waggery, merriment, secret, private. Rahasna To be pleased, to rejoice. Rabat Staying, remaining. Rabat A wheel for drawing water with. Rabat Quiet, repose, ease, tranquility. Rah ik Wine, pure, of the best quality. Hah i in Merciful (an epithet, of God and the prophet Muhammad). Rahlm-I Mercy. Rabin A mortgagor. Rahkala , A small cannon, a swivel, a cart. Rahkala Ka lila A kind of pulse, chana, (cicer arietiiium). Rahm Mercy, kindness, pity, a sort of sweet cake of a white colour. dil Tender-hearted, merciful, kind. Rahman Merciful, forgiving. (An epithet of God). Raima To stay, stop, remain, be, exist, last, stand, continue, live, escape. Rahta A spinning-wheel. Ralm Typhon, or the dragon that is supposed to devour the sun or moon during an eclipse, the ascending node. Rahwa A slave (not purchased). GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 131 Rahwa'I House-rent. Rahwaiya An inhabitant. Ra'I A kind of mustard seed, with small grains. ka'i Broken to small pieces or atoms. Ra'iha Fragrance, perfume, odour. Ra'ij Customary, current, usual, common. u-l-wakt The fashion or custom of the time. Ra'Ts Prince, president, chief, captain. Raj Dust, a substance with which the tilak, g.v., is made, quality of passion, love of sensual enjoyment. Raj (s.) Government, sovereignty, royalty, reign, kingdom, (in compos), prince, king. bhog Victuals placed before idols at noon. bhuban A royal residence, palace. gadi King's cushion, throne. kanya A princess. mandir A royal residence, palace. pat or -pati A Hindu title, prince. rog A mortal disease, consumption. sat ha. The king's court or assembly. tilak The royal mark on the forehead, coronation. Raj (p.) A mason, bricklayer. Raja A king, a prince, a title bestowed by the Indian Government on distinguished Indians, land-holders or others, and permitted to some, who were thus designated during the Muhammadaa rule but which carries with it no authority or power, in the ancient acceptation of the term. This title, and that of Maha- raja, also serves to designate some of the quasi-independent princes of India. Raja Hope, prayer, supplication, intercession. Rajab The seventh month of the Muhammadan year, it was unlawful to go to war during this month. Rajas Love of pleasure, sensual enjoyment. Rajasu-jag A grand sacrifice by an emperor attended by tributary kings. 132 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. Rajat Silver. Raj-bans-I Descendant of a Raja, the name of a Rajput tribe. Raj-dhani The metropolis, seat of empire, royal residence. Raj-dhar The prime minister of a Raja. Rajm Detestation, repulse, dejection, stoning to death. Rajo-gnu One of the three characters or dispositions assigned by the Hindus to the human mind. They are (1) Saliva, goodness, benevolence. (2) Raja, passioii or love of sensual enjoyment, pleasure. (3) Ttima, darkness, delusion, promptitude to the vindictive passions. These are all ex- hibited in the Hindu Trinity ; in Brahma, raja prevails, in Vishnu, Sativa, and in Siva, tama. Rajwara A kingdom, a country under the control of a Raja. Rakaba Neck, slave, enclosure, esplanade, environs. Rakain A mark, sign, writing, character, a mode of arithmetical notation, chiefly taken from the initials of the Arabic words denoting the numbers, also a character in this notation, arithmetic, manner, kind, method, sort, a royal edict. kama To mark down, to write. Rakam-I Written, marked. Rakas A demon, an evil spirit, a giant. Rakasan Dancing, skipping about. Rak n at Bowing the body in prayer. Rakhak Keeper. Rakhan Keeping, charge, protection. Rakhana To give in charge, to cause to keep, put, place. Rakhl A tribute paid to a Sikh chief for pro- tection, a protector, guardian, grass which has been preserved for cattle, hay. (In view of the frequent droughts in India, GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 133 it Avas suggested that the system of silos should be introduced i.e. of preserving food for cattle in pits ; but this has not been, at all events, generally, adopted). Rakhl An amulet or string which Hindus tie round their arms on a certain festival. Rakiiiya Protection, keeping. Rakhna To keep, put, place, have, hold, possess, lay, set, station, leave, own, stop, save, reserve. Ilnki: chhorua To place, keep, have, give in charge. Rakh deua To put down, place, keep, put by. - lena To take in charge, to take into keeping or service. Kaklish A horse, a famous horse of Ru stain, q.v., splendour, the rays or reflection of light. Rakhshau Eesplendent, refulgent, dazzling. Kakjhsltnmlii I > Shining, flashing. Raklishinda [ Raklishindagl A flash of lightning. Rakht Property, apparatus, furniture, apparel. - bandhua To pack up. - i-azimat Intention. - i-safar Goods for travelling, a pedlar's stock. Rakhwa-I The price paid for keeping. Raklnval Raklnvala A keeper, guard, shepherd, cowherd, Raklnvara goatherd. Raklmal-I Keeping, guarding, grazing cattle. Raklb A rival, enemy, one who watches, a guardian. Rakib A rider, riding, mounted on a horse, also, on a ship. Rakkas or Rakshas Fide, Rakas. Raksh Dance, dancing. Rakt , Blood, red. Rakat -chaudau Red sandal-wood. Ral Resin, rosin, pitch, saliva. Rain, Rama The seventh Hindu incarnation, God. 134 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. Ram-kahani The Ramayan, a long story. ram A common Hindu form of salutation. Ram . Flight, elopement. Ramm - karna To fly, run away. khur Taking to flight. khurda Taken to flight. Rama-chandra Son of Dasaratha, and conqueror of Lanka or Ceylon. He was the seventh avatar; when the deity descended for the purpose of destroying Ravaiia, who having obtained (for his devotion) a promise from Brahma that he should not suffer death by any of the usual means, had become the tyrant and pest of mankind. The Deratas came in the shape of monkeys, as Ravana had gained no promise of safety from them ; hence Hanumliua was Rama's general. Rama- chandra's mothers's name was Kaushalya. His younger brother Bharata was son of Kekayi, who was the cause of Rama's going to the desert to perform devotions, on the banks of the Pampa nadl, in- sisting that her son should reign the fourteen years that Rama employed in the devotions; while engaged in these, or during his sojourn in the forests accompanied by Lakshmaiia (his brother by Sumitra), on an occasion of his absence, hunting, Ravaiia appeared as a beggar, and enticed away Sita, the daughter of Jauaka Raja, who had promised to give her to any person who could break a certain bow, which was done by Ramachandra. These incidents are related in Ramayan q.v. The story given there of the abduction of Sita is, as fellows; Rama had drawn a circle round Sita, and forbidden her to go GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TEEMS. 135 beyond it, leaving Lakshmana to take care of her ; but, he, hearing some noise which alarmed him for his brother, left her to seek him; then, it was that Ka van a appeared, enticed Sita out of the circle (gandl), and carried her in his flying chariot. In the air Havana was opposed by the bird, Jatayu, whose wings he cut, and escaped. Ramachandra reigned in Awadh (Ayodhya), B.C. 1600. Ram-duha'I An asseveration, by Kama. Eamayan An epic poem by Valmiki, containing the history of Rama. The rescue of Sita from Havana is celebrated annually by Hindus, when an effigy of Havana, amidst a great display of fire-works, is burnt. Eama The last breath, departing spirit. mal Geomancy, foretelling by figures. Kamana To entice, beguile, take possession of. Ramanandi A seet of Hinda f aklrs? believers in Rama. Rarnavatar The i ncarna tion of Yishnu in the person of Rama. Ramawat System of a sect of Hindu fakirs. Ramazan To be scorchet i by the sun ; the name of the ninth Muhammadan month because when the ancient name given by the Pagans was changed, this month happened in the season of the greatest heat. During this month Musalmans are interdicted from eating, drinking, and conjugal intercourse, between the morning dawn and appear- ance of the stars at night. They believe that on the 27th of this month the Kur'an began to descend, and that every prayer offered up on that night will be . . complied with. Also, prayers on the 19th, 21st, and 23rd days of this month are supposed to be peculiarly efficacious. Kambhna To bw IQ beUow> cry out 136 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. Ram-chera ' Slave of Ram, a common appellation of a slave. Ramdu phattu The mob, vulgar, common people. Ramida errified, disturbed, afflicted. Ramkell Name of a ragim or musical mode. Rammal A soothsayer, fortune-teller, conjurer. Kstmpi A shoemaker's knife, a scraper. Ramsar The name of a wood, of a kind of reed. Ramtura'I The name of a vegetable, Ochra (Hibiscus esculentus). Ham/ A wink, nod, sign, riddle, enigma, mys- terious allusion, ambiguous expression. Rau Battle, war. bhumi Field of battle. Rana A Hindu title of a prince or raja ( ran i, a princess). Ran-ban A wilderness. Rand The name of a tree. (Palina christi. Ri- c in us vulgaris), the castor-oil plant. Rand A widow. ka sand Son of a widow, a spoilt child. Randa A plane for smoothing wood. Randa A hole, loop-hole, embrasure. Randa Rejected, driven out, expelled. Randa-pa , Widowhood. Randa-paro Randa Barren. (The mangoe fish without roes are so called, and the word is applied to unproductive trees). Randi ... A woman (generally in a bad sense). baz A whore-monger. baz-I Whoring. Randiya A widow. Randna To expel. Randm Parsley. Rand-paros Neighbourhood. Randua A widower. Rang I^cwtcr tin Ranga ' GLOSSARY OF INOIAN TERMS. 137 Rang Colour, hue, paint, manner, method, amusement, merriment, pleasure. afshan-I Scattering colour. amez-I Painting, colouring, stratagem. bakhta Having lost colour, being lost in fear or astonishment. ba-rang Various colours or sorts, various. -bhang Spoiling of sport. bhum A place of amusement, theatre, palaestra. bigarna Changing the state or condition of anything. charhna To be elated with liquor. dekhua To look at, examine the state or condition, result or consequence of anything. Hang fak hojaua To grow pale from fear or astonishment. karua To enjoy, to lead a life of pleasure. lagana To colour. -ma hall An apartment dedicated to voluptuous enjoyment. mil ma To win in gaming. ur jana To change colour, to be afraid. Ranga'i The price paid for dyeing, a certain space of time during which a cloth is dyed. Rangaiia To colour, to tinge or dye. Rang-a-rang Various, many coloured, of various kinds. Raugat Colour. Rang-I ." A dyer, Ranur-ila A rake, gaudy, fine, showy. Rangm Coloured, painted, figurative, fine, showy,, various. ada Of elegant manners. ada-I Elegance of manners. Rangln-I Colouring, figurativeness, variety. Rangna To colour. Rangwaiya A dyer. Rangwa'I Price paid for colouring, dyeing. Ranj Grief, affliction, anguish of mind, offence,. disgust. Ranjak Priming-powder. -dan pan. pilana To prime. 138 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. Eanjak Tirana To burn priming, to flash in the pan. urna To flash in the pan (priming). Ranjida Afflicted, offended, vexed, displeased. Banjida-gl Affliction. Banjish Grief, affliction. Banjur Sick, afflicted, infirm. Ban-sawari Riding on horseback. Banwas The seraglio of a Raja. Bapat Fatigue, hard labour. Bapatna To slip, to slide. Baprapana To gallop hard. Bas (s J The gambols of Krishna, in which the women of Braj danced round him, whilst he stood in the midst, the name of a Hindu festival celebrated in the month of Kartik. Bas-chakr The Zodiac. dharl A dancing boy who imitates the ras of Krishna, a heap, the sign of the Zodiac. Bas (hj The reins of a bridle. bithana or -lena .... To adopt a son. Bas (a.) The head, a head of cattle signifying one horse or ox. fakat A horse of middling breed. kalau A thorough-bred horse. u-l-jadl The winter solstice n-s-saratan The summer solstice. Bas Juice, humour, essence, (in rhetoric) the passions or sentiments which a com- position describes or is calculated to excite. The different styles of such com- position are. (1) sringara-ras, expressing love, or the intercourse between and mutual feelings of lovers. (2) hasya-ras, the ludicrous style. (3) karnna-ras, the pathetic. (4) Tira-ras, the heroic or epic, describing deeds of courage and martial prowess. (5) randra-ras, describing or exciting rage and indignation. (6) bhay- anaka-ras, the terrible, describing the GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 139 fear and apprehension of the writer. (7) vlbhatsa-ras, expressing aversion. (8) santa-ras, expressing confidence and security. (9) adbhnta-ras, the marvellous, expressing astonishment. Taste, flavour (of which are reckoned six kinds), viz. sweet, sour, salt, bitter, acrid and as- tringent. Relish, enjoyment, jocularity, quicksilver, mercury. Rasa-i Access, entrance, arriving, v/isdom, quick- ness of apprehension, cleverness, skill. Rashl A briber. Rashid Pious, faithful, orthodox, following the right path. Rashid Finding and proceeding in the right way, sagacious, intelligent, wise, a guide, a conductor. Ras-I Of middling breed (a horse), indifferent, so, so. Rasid Acknowledgment of arrival of, or receiving a receipt. Raslda Arrived, received, ripe, overtaken by. Rasikh Firm, durable, constant, rooted, sincere, learned. Rasila Juicy, luscious, voluptuous, rakish. Rasiya A rake, a voluptuary. Raslyaua To be moist, juicy, to commence ripening, to ooze. Raskapur Corrosive sublimate, or a preparation of mercury similar to it, but perhaps milder. Rasl Sending news. rasa'il Epistolary correspondence. Rasni Custom, law, model, plan, a game among children, in which one, in reply to a question, must not use a word containing any of the letters in rasin, or, as a forfeit, must imitate the voice of any animal which may be mentioned by the questioner. 140 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. Rasmasana To wet with perfumed essences. Rasin-'i Customary, middling, second sort. Raso'I Victuals, kitchen. Rass! String, cord. Rat Night. Rat, contraction of Rat i A nightly vigil kept by women on reli- ( nii; lit ) . . ) gious occasions. Rata Red, dyed, coloured. Ratalu A yam, (Dioscorea). Ratan A jewel, gem, precious stone, the pupil of the eye. Ratana To be lewd. Ratan-jot Name of a plant, a medicine said to be good for the eyes. Ratan-mala A necklace of precious stones, name of a book on astronomy. Ratan-manjar! Name of a flower. Rath A four-wheeled carriage. ban or -wan A coachman. - ban-! Coachmanship. -jatra The festival of the procession of the car of Jagannath. " On the occasion of the festivals of Juggernaut, be is accom- panied by his brother Bala Kama, and his sister Subhadra, and is conveyed to a place about a mile from the temple at Poree. This throne on which he is seated is fixed on a stupendous car, sixty feet in height ; the enormous weight of which, as it passes slowly along, deeply furrows the ground over which it rolls. Immense cables are attached to it, by which it is drawn along by thousands of men, women, and even infants ; as it is considered an act of acceptable devotion to assist in urging forward this horrible machine, on which, i-ound the throne of the idol, are upwards of a hundred priests and attendants. As the ponderous car rolls on, some of the GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 141 devotees and worshippers of the idol throw themselves under the wheels, and are crushed to death ; and numbers lose their lives by the pressure of the crowd." (STOCQUELER). " Jnggernath (prop. Jagaunath), in Hindoo mythology the re-animated form of Krishna. According to the Hindoos, the love-inspiring Krishna was one day shot with an arrow from the bow of a hunter, who left the lovely form of the deity, whom the Gopias had so frantic- ally adored, to rot under the tree where it fell. After some time, his bones were collected by some pious persons, and made the means of enriching the priests of the Hindoos. Being placed in a box, they remained till Vishnu, on being applied to by a religious monarch, Indra Dhoomna, commanded him to make an image of Juggernat'h, and place the bones in it. The king would willingly have done as lie desired, but, unfortunately, possessed not the skill for such an undertaking : so he made bold to ask Vishnu who should make it? Vishnu told him to apply to Viswakarma, the architect of the gods. He did so, and Viswakarma set about forming the image of Jugger- nat'h, but declared, if any person dis- turbed him in his labours, he would leave his work unfinished. All would have gone on well, had not the king shown a reprehensible impatience to those divine injunctions which he had solemnly pledged himself to observe. After fifteen days he went to see what progress the holy architect had made ; which so enraged him that he desisted from his labours, and left the intended god without either 142 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. arms or legs. In spite, however, of this perplexing event, the work of Viswa- karma has become celebrated throughout Hindostan, and pilgrims, from the re- motest corners of India, flock at the time of the festivals of Juggernat'h to pay their adoration at his monstrous and unhallowed shrine. Between two and three thousand persons are computed to lose their lives annually on their pil- grimage to Juggernat'h. The temples of this deity being the resort of all the sects of Hindoos, it is calculated that not less than two hundred thousand worshippers visit the celebrated pagoda in Orissa yearly, from which the Brahmans draw an immense revenue. All the land within twenty miles round the pagoda is considered holy;" (The classical scholar will compare the Phocian town of Crissa). "but the most sacred spot is an area of about six hundred and fifty feet square, which contains fifty temples. The most conspicuous of these is a lofty tower, about one hundred and eighty- four feet in height, and about twenty- eight feet square inside, called the Bar Dewali, in which the idol and his brother, and sister Subhadra, are lodged. Ad- joining are two pyramidical buildings. In one, about forty feet square, the idol is worshipped ; and, in the other, the food prepared for the pilgrims is distrib- uted. These buildings were erected, A.D. 1198. The walls are covered with statues, many of which are in highly indecent postures. The grand entrance is on the eastern side; and close to the outer wall stands an elegant stone column, thirty-five feet in height, the shaft of GLOSSARY OF INDIAN .TERMS. 143 which is formed of a single block of basalt,, presenting sixteen sides. The pedestal is richly ornamented. The column is surrounded by a finely sculptured statue of Hanuman, the monkey-chief of the Ramayana. The establishment of priests, and others belonging to the temple, has been stated to consist of three thousand nine hundred families, for whom the daily provision is enormous. The holy food is presented to the idol three times a day. This meal lasts about an hour, during which time the dancing girls belonging to the temple exhibit their professional skill in an adjoining build- ing. Twelve festivals are celebrated during the year, the principal of which is the Rat'h Jattra. Juggernat'h is styled the Lord of the World. His temples,, which are also numerous in Bengal, are of a pyramidical form. During the in- tervals of worship they are shut up.- The image of this god is made of a block of wood, and has a frightful visage r with a distended mouth. His arms, which, as he was formed without any, have been given to him by the priests, are of gold. He is gorgeously dressed, as are also the other two idols which ac- company him. In a compartment in the temple of Kama, he is represented in company with Bala Rama and Subhadra, without arms or legs. The town of Juggernat'h is situated on the coast of the province of Orissa, in Lat. 19 deg. 49 min. N., Long. 85 deg., 54 min. E. It is named, and usually called Pooree, and is inhabited chiefly by Brahmuns,. and others connected with the pagoda. On the sea-shore, eighteen miles to the: '144 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. northward of Juggernat'li, are the remains of an ancient temple of the sun, called, in English charts the black pagoda. The greater part of the temple is in ruins, having been thrown down, apparently, by lightning or earthquake; but, from what remains, it appears to have been one of the most singular edifices ever constructed in India. Part of the tower, 120 feet high, is still standing, and the antechamber, or jung- mohun, about 100 feet high. They are built of immense blocks of stone and massive beams of iron, some of which are nearly a foot square, and from twelve to eighteen feet long. This temple, which has been long deserted, was built by a Rajah of Orissa, in 1241." (STOCQUELER). RatI The Hindu Yenus, wife of Kamadeva (Cupid). Ratib Daily allowance of food (to animals, par- ticularly dogs and elephants), allowance, portion, provision. Ratiba Salary, stipend, pay. Ratr or ratrl Night. Raughan Grease, oil, boiled butter, varnish. dagh A vessel for boiling butter in. farosh An oil- merchant. -i -balsa n Balsam. -i-talkh Oil of mustard. i-zard Boiled butter. josh A kind of dish. Ha u /a A garden, mausoleum. khwan One who recites the praises of Husaiu in the month muharram, or an eulogist at the tomb of a saint. Rayana See Raban. Ravish Custom, fashion, institution, law, rule, avenue, walk, passage, way. Rawa (p.) Right, proper, accurate, worthy. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 145 Rawa-dar An approver, chooser, consenter, judging, right. Rawa-dar-i Approbation. Rawa (li.) Gold or silver filings, a grain or particle of sand, dust, gunpowder. Ra\vaj Usage, custom, fashion, currency, sale, customary, current, vendible. Rawaii Going, flowing, running, text, reading, life, soul. karuu To set agoing, to despatch, to forward, to send, to make current. Rawana A pass, passport, despatched, departed, proceeding. liona To flow, to be despatched, to be in motion, to go, to pass. Rawanna A servant who attends at the gate of the women's apartment, to purchase articles that are required. Rawa-rau 1 , bwiit, going, proceeding, travelling swiftly. Rawa-rau-I Ranat A hero, a sweeper of a particular caste. Rawayat History, narrative, tale. Raw! A historian, the author of a fable, ro- mance, fiction. Rayat Standards, banners, especially of an army in motion, a camp. Raz A secret, a mystery. dar Trusty, faithful, a confidant. -dar-I Keeping of secrets, secrecy. i - 11 i li 11 f tii A secret. niyaz Secrets of lovers, loving prattle, a mason, bricklayer. posh-i Keeping or concealing secrets. sarbasta A state secret. Raz A vineyard, vine, grape, a battle, a castle in Medina. Raza Consent, acquiescence, permission, leave. mand Acquiescing, consenting, permitting, wish- ing, willing. maiid-i Consent, acquiescence, permission. 10 146 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. Ra/a'I A quilt. bha'i A foster-brother. Razi Satisfied, contented, agreed, pleased, willing. -ba-riza God willing. na ma An acknowledgment by the plaintiff that a cause is finally settled, the defendant giving a saf i-nania, a general release. Razik Sustainer, a title of the deity. Razm War, battle, combat. gah The field of battle. Razm-I Kelating to war. Razmiya. Poems giving accounts of wars. Razzak An epithet of the Deity, provider of daily food. i-mntlak God, the sole provider of daily food. Reg Sand. I-rawaA Sand agitated as waves by the wind. Reh Fossil alkali used for washing and making soap. Rekn ) > Writing, line, mark, fate, destiny. Rekhta Scattered. The Urdu, or Hindustani language is called rekhta, being a mixed dialect, a Hindustani ode, mortar, plaster. Rela A flood, line or string of animals, rushing,. rush, push, shove. Relna To shove, push, rush. Rel pel Abundance, plenty, crowd, bustle. Ren or rain Night. Rendl A small melon. Rendl Pal ma christi (Ricinus vulgaris). ka tel Castor-oil. Rengni Name of a medicinal herb. Renkna To bray (as an ass). Resh A wound, a sore, pus, matter. - Dil-resh Wounded to the heart. Resha Fibre, stringiness of a mango. dar. . Fibrous. Resliam . . Silk. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 147 Reshm-I j { Silken, made of silk. Reshmma \ Ret Sand, filings. Reta'i Price paid for filing or polishing. Retal Sandy, sandy ground. Ret-I Sandy ground on the shore of a river, a file. Ret-na | , .. _\ 10 nle, to polish. Ret-iyana j Rewand j } .Rhubarb. i-chini j Rewri A kind of sweetmeat. ke pher meii parna To be involved in difficulties from a game in which a party agrees to eat a piece of rewrl, after it has increased in number so many times in geometrical progression, when he is confounded at the amount of pieces. karna To begin to speak or talk, (as, young birds). Reza A. scrap, piece, bit, small coin, a kind of cock, children employed in work for which they receive a fraction of a man's pay. Limit Fine-striped, thin-lined. reza Scraps, pieces, in pieces. R^zgl A small silver coin. Ribat An inn, a caravansary. I' i h;it i The keeper of a ribat. Richh A bear. Rih Wind, odour, exhalation. Rlhan-I A kind of Arabic writing, used in titles of books and inscriptions on monuments so called from the name of the inventor. Rijh Choice, approbation, desire, pleasing, satisfying. Rijhana To please. Rljhna To be pleased, to be gratified, to be delighted. Rikebl (prop. Rikabi).... A dish, a plate. 148 GLOSSARY OF JNDIAN TERMS. Rikhi A sage, a saint. KM kins A chief of the rikliis or saints. Rim : Pus, matter, humours, dregs, lees, rheum. Rind A reprobate, drunkard, debauchee. Rind-I Drunkenness, debauchery, trick, fraud. Rin-i In debt ; a debtor. Riniya A. debtor. Ris Anger, vexation, passion. Risala Mission, sending a letter, a book, treatise, an essay, a small tract, a troop of horse. -dar The commander of a troop of horse. dar-I The command of a troop of horse. Risalajat (pi.) Pamphlets. Risalat Mission, divine mission. panali Asylum of prophecy, i.e. Muhammad. Risana or rusna To be displeased, to be angry, to be vexed. RIsh Beard. banana To shave. khand Laughing, risible, ridiculous. khand-i .Risibility, a laughing-stock, a proverbial saying when a man does anything un- worthy of his beard. Rishi A sage, a saint. Rishta A string, line, series, relationship, kin. -dar A relation. Rishwat A bribe. khor . One who takes bribes. Rishwat-i Risiyana To be vexed, angry, provoked. Rit Custom, usage, rite, habit, regulation, rule. Rita Empty, void. Ritha The name of a fruit, of a fish, soap-nut (Sapindns saponaria). Ritu Season, weather. The Hindus divide the year into six seasons; viz. yasanta, grlshma, varsha, sarad, hiina, and sisira. Riwaj (corruption of rawaj Usage, custom, fashion, currency, sale, customary, current, vendible. Riwayat A history, narrative, tale, fiction, fable. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 149 Riya Hypocrisy, dissimulation, subterfuge, evasion, affectation. kar A hypocrite, dissembler. Riyasat Government, command, dominion. Riyaj Gardens. Hiyazat Abstinence, austerity. Riyaxat-I A practise! of austerities, a devotee. Riya/i Mathematics. Riza Wish, will. Rizal Mean, worthless. pan or pana Meanness, baseness, worthlessness. Rizk Food, subsistence. Rijwau Good pleasure, the name of the door- keeper of paradise. Ro'aii Hair of the body, down, wool. Rohat Weeping, crying, tears. Rohini The name of the fourth mansion of the moon, comprising Aldebaran and four other stars in Taurus. Rohfi The name of a fish. Ro'Idagl Vegetation, growth of a plant. Ro'In Brass, bell-metal. tan Brazen-bodied, a hero, an epithet of Isfandyar, whose body was impenetrable to weapons. Rok Ready money, cash. Rok Prevention, prohibition, stopping, hin- drance. Rokar ) Ready money, cash. Rokre Rokar-iya A cash-keeper, a treasurer. Rokna To enclose, to surround, to stop, to pre- vent, to detain, to interrupt, to prohibit. Roll or rorl A red grain or seed with which the tilak is made. Kill sin To roll, to place, to smooth, to select, to pick out. Rom Down, small hair of the body. Rona To cry, weep, be displeased, be melancholy, addicted to crying, lamentation, grief. 150 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. Itoni surat Of a sad countenance, a melancholy countenance. Bopna To sow, to plant, to defend. Eor Noise, clamour, fame. Bora or rora (sj A stone, fragment of stone or brick. Bora (li.) Name of a caste of Chhatrl or Eshatri. Bo-ro-kar With difficulty, labour, pain. Bosh Anger, rage. - karna To be angry, to be displeased. Boshan Light, splendid, manifest, conspicuous. chaukl A kind of serenade with pipes and small tabors, round the apartment of a great man when he retires to rest, the same kind of music used on other occasions. damagh Snuff. -dan A small hole for admitting light. -dfl Of an enlightened mind. ra'e Of enlightened understanding. tab* Of a bright genius. zamir Enlightened in mind. Boshna'I Light, splendour, ink. Boshn-I Light, splendour. Hosna or riisna To be displeased, to quarrel, to have a misunderstanding with a friend. Bosta ] _, ,_._ i A village, a peasant, a villager. Bosta'i j Bot \ ~,- r Thick bread, sweetmeats offered to Hanuman. RotI Bread. Roz A day. Boz ba-'aish A good day to you. ba-roz Daily, constantly. -bib. Fortunate days, happy times, prosperity. jaza Day of judgment. -i-slmmar The day of reckoning, (judgment). -i-sirah Adversity, misfortune, trouble. -o-shab Day and night, always, constantly. Boza Fast, fasting, lent. -dar One who fasts. kbolna To kr,eak a fast. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 151 Eoza rakhna To keep a fast, to fast. Roz-ana Daily, by day, a daily allowance. Roz-gar Service, earning, daily subsistance, the world, time, age, fortune. karna To serve, to earn. Roz-gar-Ij One who earns. Roz-I Daily food, employment. Roz-Ina Daily pay. dar One who receives daily wages. Ru Face, surface, sake, cause, reason. dar A man of rank and dignity. dar-I Rank, dignity, flattery, complaisance. -tic 11:1 To attend to, regard. gardan Turning away the face, deserting, aban- doning. gar dan karna To turn away the face, to abandon, to beat. kash Exciting some one to calumniate or injure another. posh Hiding the face, concealed, being exter- nally one thing, and internally another. posh-I Concealment. -siyah Disgraced, criminal, sinner, unfortunate. -siyah-I Disgrace, dishonour, criminal conduct. -snfaid Fair-faced, of a bright countenance, un- blameable, honest, respected, select. -MI fuid- 1 Honourable conduct. Ru'b Fear, terror, awe, dignity. dar Fearful, awful, full of dignity. Rub Juice, syrup. Rubbu-s-sns Extract of liquorice. Rub' A fourth part, a quarter. i-maskan The inhabited parts of the earth. Ruba"! A stanza of four lines. Ru-ba-kar Face to business, ready for business, intent on, beginning. Ru-ba-kar-I Proceedings of a cause. Ru-ba-rah Fit for business, reformed (habits). Ru-ba-ru Presence, face to face, before. Ruch Relish, desire, intentness, desire of or pleasure from eating, a ray of light. 152 GLOSSAUY OF INDIAN TERMS. Rnchna To excite desire, to be agreeable. Rndan Weeping. Rudhir Blood. Rfi'e The face. Rnfaka, plur. of raflk. .. A friend, ally, associate, companion. Ruh Soul, spirit. u-1 -a mi n The angel Gabriel. u-l-kuds The holy spirit, the angel GabrieL - u-l-lah The spirit of God. KiihiinT Spiritual. Ruh-I (My spirit, my word), spiritual. Ru'I Cotton. dar A quilt stuifed with cotton. Ruju* Ueturn, turning towards, appearing. lana. To turn towards, to submit, to yield.. Rnka'o I } Prevention, detention, hindrance. Rnkawat j Rukan To boot, over and above. Rfikh A tree. charha (A climber of trees), a monkey, plain,. unseasoned. Rukh The cheek, the castle at chess, face, point, side, quarter. dena To familiarize. karna To attend to, to accede to. -pherna or -badalna. To be inattentive, to reject, to turn away from, to be angry, to be displeased. rakhna To continue friendship, to maintain friendly intercourse. Huklia Dry, plain, pure, simple, rough, harsh, unkind. suklia Plain, blunt, harsh (words). Rnkha-i Roughness, plainness, unfriendliness. Rukham Alabaster, marble. Rukh-am A carpenter's chisel. Hiikli-sar The cheek. Rnkhsat Leave, license, permission, discharge^ hona To depart. karna To dismiss. talab Asking leave to depart. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 153- Rukhsat-ana A parting present. Rukhsat-i Anything given at parting. Rnkn A pillar, prop, aid, support, a grandee,. foot of a verse. Rukna To stop, to be hindered, to be enclosed, to be prohibited. Kuk Bowing the head in prayer. 1! n k ii it The act of riding on a horse, in a carriage,, commission of a crime. Rukwaiya A preventer. Kuk >\ iiiia To cause to prevent. Rulana To cause to weep. Rum Rome, the Turkish empire, Greece, Ro- melia, Constantinople. Rn-mal A handkerchief, a towel. Rii-mal-I A handkerchief worn about the head, a kind of pigeon. Ruminan A pomegranate. Huiiimau-i Belonging to or resembling the pome- granate, of a ruby colour. Rundhna To surround, to enclose (as, with a hedge), to watch, to be restrained, to be con- founded, astonished. Rungta The short hairs of the body. H ii nsrto k ha ro hona The standing of the hairs on end from fear. Rup Countenance, form, shape, figure,appearance, face, picture, beauty, manner, mode,, method, silver. Rup-nidhan Receptacle or abode of beauty. ras . . Calcined silver. sagar Ocean of beauty. Rupa Silver. Rupiya A coin so called, the rupee, the silver token of exchange in India, (at one time^ the rupee was equal to two shillings^ or a little more, English money; but since the depreciation of silver, its ex- change value is but a fraction over a shilling). Rnposh Hiding the face, concealed. 154 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. Ruposh hona To hide one's face, to be concealed, to abscond. Ruposh-I Concealment. Hup- want Well-shaped, handsome, beautiful, Rnsna or risana To be displeased, to be angry, to be vexed. Rnstain One of the twelve champions of Persia. His combat with Isfandiyar is famous in the east ; it lasted two days : and, as the brazen body of his enemy was proof against his arrows, he at last killed him with his mace. He was son of Zal, who was son of Sain, son of Narlman. He was general to Kaika'us, and considered by the Persians descended from Mamun, son of Benjamin, son of Jacob. He overcame Afrasiyab, king of Turkistan, who was joined by the Indians and Tartars: nevertheless, he fell into dis- grace with his master, principally on account of his rejecting the religion of Zoroaster; and, it was upon this occasion that he killed Kaika'us's son Isfandiyar above mentioned. He was killed by the wound of an arrow in an engagement with Bahman (or Artaxerxes Longimanus) son of Isfandiyar. Hence a hero is called Rustam. Rnstam-I " Valour, heroism. Rnsukh Firmness, constancy. Rnsukhiyat Firmness, constancy, steadiness, steady friendship. Rnsum Customs, a fee, duties, taxes, postage of letters. Rnsumat, (plur. of rusum) Customs, fees, usages. Ruswa Infamous, ignominious, dishonoured, opprobium, disgrace. -e-'alam Infamous throughout the world. Rnswa-T Ignominy, infamy. Rntba Rank, dignity, degree, stair, step. barhana To advance in dignity. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 155 Rutba kam Of low r rank. Rutha-ruthl Mutual coolness, misunderstanding. Riithna To have a misunderstanding with a friend, to be cool, to quarrel. Riithni Quarrelsome, the name of a species of sensitive plant, (Mimosa natans). Rntubat Humidity, moisture, freshness. S. S. S. S. SH. < Saba A gentle breeze, an easterly breeze, a morning breeze. Sabadhan Attentive, cautious, with attention. Sabah The morning, dawn of day. u-1-khair Morning salutation, good day, name of a bird. Sabahat Beauty, gracefulness. Saban . Soap. Sabun Sabar A leather of elk's or any kind of deer's hide for bedding, an elk. Sabar man 1 r A spell composed in colloquial language. Sabbagh A dyer. Sabi A youth. Sablh Beautiful, a fine complexion. Sabik Former, preceding, anterior. Sabika , friendship. Sabiya A damsel, girl, child, a daughter. Sabr Patience, endurance. - karna To wait. Sach True, truth, indeed, in earnest, actually. - much Truly. Sacha-hat Truth. Sachak Hinna presented to the bride on the day of marriage. Sachcha True, genuine, real, honest, sincere, faith- ful, sure. Sa-chet With circumspection, with caution, cautious' mindful, conscious, attentive. 156 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. Sad Desire. Sad Hundred. Sad (h.) An ode, poem. Sada (h.) Always. - phal A fabled fruit, eating of which confers long life, constantly bearing fruit, a kind of lemon. -siva A name of Mahadev. sn-hagan The name of a bird (Trogon dilectus), the name of a flower (Hibiscus phoeni- ceus, the white variety). A kind of fakir dressed like a woman. Sada (a .) Sound, tone, echo, voice, noise. Sada Plain, white, unadorned, simple, beardless, artless, open, sincere. -dil Artless, simple, stupid. dil-i Simplicity, sincerity, artlessness. -kar A kind of goldsmith. lauh Same as sada-dil. -ru Beardless. -waj-'I Artlessness, simplicity, stupidity. Sada-bart Alms, or food distributed daily to the poor, travellers and others in want. Sadaf A shell, a pearl, mother of pearl. Sada-gl Plainness, want of ornament, artlessness, simplicity, sincerity. Sadakat Sincerity, candour, friendship, truth. Sadarat The office of prime minister, of chief justice. Sad-barg Name of a flower. (Rosa glandulifera). Sadd A wall, barrier, impediment, ditch, rampart, an obstacle, an obstruction of any kind- -i-ramak The last remains of life, the agonies of death. i-sikandar ... Alexander's wall. Sadh Virtuous, righteous, good, holy, a reli- gious person, a fakir, desire. Sadhak Holy, a devotee, a practiser. Sadhiia To teach , learn, rectify, use, practise, solicitation, contrivance, devotion. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 157 Sadhu Pious, a kind of mendicant, a merchant. Sadhya Practicable, easy. Nadka Alms, propitiatory offerings, sacrifice. Sadke-jana or -hona To become a sacrifice for the welfare of another. karua To sacrifice for the welfare of another. Sad ma A blow, a stroke of fortune, adversity, collision, au adventure. Sadr Chief, government. -i-iinjiiiiian President of an assembly, or association for a particular purpose. 'adalat The chief court of justice. 'ala A subordinate judge, an officer in the civil court. aiiim An umpire, investigator, arbitrator, an officer in the civil courts. bazar The chief bazar in a military station. diwani 'adalat The chief civil court. i-sudur The chief judge. iiislnn A president. Saf Clean, clear, pure, innocent. Safa Purity, cleanness, pleasure, content. Safa-i Purity, cleanness. bataiil To reject a petition without ceremony, to refuse flatly. -i-kalb Purity of heart. Safaid, sufaid, or safed.. White, blank. - hona To become white or grey, to turn pale- karna To whiten, whitewash. mitti Chalky soil, chalk. posh A man dressed in white, a man who can afford good clothing. Safaida or safed-a White. Safar The second month of the Muhammadan year. (On the 20th day of this month is held the festival of Sarotan, in commem- oration of the junction of the head and body of Husain. The 28th and the last days of this month are reckoned unfortunate ; the former on account of 158 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. Hasan's being poisoned by his wife ;. the latter because destructive vegetables are supposed to be produced on that day.) Safar Journey, voyage, travel. karna To travel, to go, depart, retire, die. meu On the journey or voyage. Safar-I A traveller, travelling provisions. Safarjal A quince. Saff Series, order, line, rank, file, row, a mat. ara An-aying, putting in order of battle. i-jang The ranks of war, the field of battle. kash-i Drawing forth of an army. *Saf I Pure, just. The name of a Persian dynasty overturned by Nadir Shah. It was founded by Shah Isma'il Safl in 1503, and lasted to 1736. Safl A strainer, duster. nama A general release, discharge from obligation. Safih Foolish, stupid, ignorant. Saf ma A shrip, vessel, boat, blank book, common- place book. Saf ir An envoy, ambassador. Saf uf A medicinal powder. Sag Greens, edible vegetables, culinary herbs ^ pat Greens. hona To become soft. Sag A dog. hacha A pup. ban A dog-keeper. -daw-I Running about fruitlessly. -laii'i Flattery, servitude. zada Son of a bitch. Saga Related, of the same parents. blia'i Own brother, a relative, kin. Saga-! Relationship, betrothing for marriage, second marriage of a woman of low caste. karna To engage for marriage, to betroth. Sagar Sea, ocean. Saggar A kind of cart. Saghar A cup, wine cup. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. Saglrir . ' Small, slender, inferior, junior. sinn Of tender age. Sagnauti An auspicious sign or omen. Sagra or sigara All, every, the whole. Sah A banker, a season. Saha'I Aider, assistant, helper, kind, favourable. Sahalag The wedding season. Sahar-gah The dawn of day. -I Of or relating to the dawn, food taken. at early dawn or a little sooner, a& among Muhammadans in time of fasting. Sahejna To try, adjust, provide. Sahell Female companions in a seraglio, hand- maids, concubines. Sahib A lord, master, companion. ikbal Fortunate, prosperous. -i k ha mi Master of the house. Sahib-zada Genteely born, a young gentleman, a son. Sahiba A lady, mistress. Sahib-I Rule, command, lordship. Sahib-kiran An invincible hero, a great emperor. Salrifa A book, a leaf, page, letter. Sahlh Accurate, just, pure, perfect, entire, sound, certain. karna To sign, to correct. Sahil A plumb line. Sahl Easy, not difficult, simple, trifling. angari Indifference, carelessness. Sahm (p.) Fear, dread. Sahm (a,) A arrow, transverse beam of a house, a lot, portion, share, the segment of a circle, segment, a versed sine. Sit him To bear, endure, support. Sahnak A plate, dish. Sit ho An error, mistake, fault. Sahol, sahnl A plummet. Sahra A desert, a plain. nishm A hermit, an inhabitant of the desert. naward( PI. Sahara). Wanderer of the desert. Sah ukar A great merchant. 160 GLOSSAKY OF INDIAN TERMS. Sahnkar-I Traffic, trade, commerce, exchange, money. Sahw Vide, Saho. -i-katib An error of the copyist. n-1-kalam An error or omission of the pen. Salman Erroneously. Sa'l A wire-chain. Sai Hundred. kara or saikra A hundred, per cent. Sa'l Endeavour, attempt, enterprise. karna To endeavour, attempt, strive. Said Game, prey, hunting. -af'sran Killer of game. umla/ or -baz A sportsman. band A taker of game. Said-gab. A place for game. Saif Summer. Saif A sword. -ban A rocket with a sword attached to its tail. -zaban One whose curses prevail. Saif-I Cursing. parhna To destroy one by cursing. Saikal Polishing, cleaning, polish, the polishing instrument. -gar A polisher. Sail (a.) Flowing, a current, torrent, flood. Sail (s.) A mountain. Sai ham Fond of going about for amusement. .Sair Taking the air, moving about, amusement, adventure, perusal. karna To take the air, to travel, to read, to peruse. gab. Place of perambulation, passage, pass, thoroughfare. Sa'il An interrogator, a beggar. Sa'in Lord, master, a fakir, the deity, an imi- tative sound. : SaMr The whole, the remainder, going, walking, wandering, a tax, duty, levied on personal property. .Sa'is A groom, a horse-keeper. -I The business of a groom. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 161 Saiyid A lord, a descendant of Husain, grandson of Muhammad. Saj Shape, ornament, appearance, preparation. dar Well-shaped, handsome. dhaj Preparation and appearance. Saj (&.) Preparation, harness, accoutrements. Saj (p.) The teak-tree (Tectona grandis). Saja-i The price paid for making belts or scab- bards. Sajan A sweetheart, a lover. Sajana , To cause to prepare. Saja'o Disposition, quality, nature. Sajaya Preparation, ornament. Sujlia Partnership. Sajhi A partner. Sajid Prostrate in adoration, an adorer. Saj-ila Well-shaped, handsome. Sajjada A carpet, or mat on which Muhammadans kneel at prayers, an altar, a mosque. Sajji A kind of mineral alkali, natrum. saj iia To prepare, to dress, to decorate, to become, to regulate. Sak The leg, the trunk of a tree, the stalk of an herb. Saka An era. karna To establish an era, to distinguish one's self by heroic actions. (Sake-bandh) A king who has established an era. Sakii Mil To be sorrowful, to be wearied. Sakar Hell. Sakarat Agony, fainting. i-maut Senselessness, the point of death. Sakari Dawn of day, morning. sak am a To accept (a bill of exchange). Sii kill (h .) Ability, strength, power. sa k a t (s .) A cart, the name of a Hindu holiday, festival (Sakat cliaum, the birthday of (xanesh). sa kat (a ) An error, blunder, mistake, defect, anything of a base or useless nature, merchandise 11 162 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. of a perishable quality, either spoilt or spoiling. Sakat hona To die (applied to animals), to miscarry. Siikct Narrow, strait, want, distress. Sakh (s.) Trust, credit, reputation. Sakh (hj Season. Sakha A branch. Sakha A friend, companion. Sakhl A female friend, companion confidant (to a woman), a kind of fakir who dresses like a woman. Sakhl An evidence, a witness. Sakhl Liberal, generous. S:ik ht Make, fabrication, fashion. Sakht Hard, strong, tough, difficult, stingy, very cruel, severe, harsh. (Adv.) very, in- tensely, violently, extremely. -andaz An archer. glr Holding fast (an animal of chase). -girl Extortion, taking by force. Sakht-I Hardness, harshness, intenseness, obdu- racy, stinginess, indigence, distress. Sakhun. or sukhan, or sukliun Thing, business, affair, speech, language, a word. dalna To ask, to question. dan or -jan Intelligent, skilled in language, eloquent, a poet. -fjilim Intelligent, quick of apprehension. fahm-I Intelligence, understanding, apprehension. i-ghaib-I Foretelling, predicting, second sight. i-nmkhtasar In short. na-shanan Not attending to advice. ras Attending to what is said, eloquent. sanj A weigher of words, prudent, a poet, a wise man. -saz An orator, speaker. tiraz-I Eloqxience. -war Eloquent. war-i Eloquence. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 163 Silk him -/an Speaking. SakI A cup-bearer, a page. Sakit Fallen, vile. liona To be fallen, to be degraded. Sakit Silent, quiet. Sakkak A cutler, one who makes knives. -I The business of a cutler. Sakna To be able. Sakora A small earthen vessel. Sakori A saucer. Sakorna To shrink, to draw up (the limbs), to gather up, to shrivel, to tighten, to wrinkle. Sakra Small, narrow, strait (not having room enough). Sakra'i Smallness, want of room. Sakrana To straiten, to deprive of necessary room. Sakrant The entering of the sun into a new sign. Sakshl An eye-witness, evidence. Sakta Aktrance, an apoplexy, a pause, vacancy. Sak ucli Shrinking, awe, fear, shame. Saknch-na To fear, to be afraid of, to be in awe of, to be abashed, to apprehend, to be apprehensive. Sakiinat . Residence, dwelling, habitation. Sukunat ' pazir An inhabitant. Sal (p.) A year. trash 1 Old in years. girah Birthday, on the anniversary of which a knot is annually added on a string kept for this purpose. lia-siil Annually, for many years. hasil Yearly produce. khurda Old. Sal (s .) Name of a tree (Shorea robusta), a thorn, perforation, bore, mortice, a hole made in the ground by a pin, a place, a school. Sala An affix to numbers to denote so many years old, as do-sala, two years old. I ' 164 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. A wife's brother, brother-in-law. Salabat ................ Firmness, hardness, majesty, dignity. Salagram .............. A sacred stone, supposed by Hindus to re- present Vishnu, and an object of worship. Sain li .................. Peace, concord, treaty, rectitude, integrity, advice, counsel. (Adj.) advisable. Salahiyat .............. Virtue, chastity, integrity. Sala'I .................. A needle, or piece of wire for tinging the eyelids with collyrium also used for depriving people of sight, which is effected by drawing it while hot close over the eyes of the sufferer, a lead pencil, a match. Salaka ................. A rule, a ruler, a probe. Salakh ................. The end of the month, or the day of the new moon; the last day of a month of thirty days. Salaiii ................. Peace, safety, saluting, submitting, cul- tivating peace, friendship, free from fault or flaw. (Sallamahu-1-lahu ta . , . A musical instrument like a fiddle. Saranglya.. A player on the sarangl. Saraswati The goddess of speech and wife of Brahma. Sarb-byapak All, pervading, a title of the Deity. da i-sliii Omniscient, all-seeing. gahan or grahaii ... A total eclipse. -saktiman Almighty, all-powerful. SarbhangI A sect of fakirs who eat without dis- crimination. Sard Cold, damp. karna To cool, to pacify. mihr A cold or luke-warm friend. mihr-I Coolness or luke-warmness in friendship, indifference. 172 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. Sarda A kind of water-melon, a superior kind of musk melon brought from Cabul. Sard-aba A cold bath, a place built under ground to shelter from heat, a cool room for summer. Sar-dar A chief, a head man. Kali MI Chief-priest. -I Chief-ship. Sar- (or sir) -dnwal Reins of a bridle, head-stall. Saresh prop. Siresli Glue, starch. Sarf Expenditure, the orthographical and ety- mological parts of grammar, dexterity, increase, gain, excess, changing, turning, volubility, vicissitudes of fortune. hona To be expended. - karna To spend, to pass. o-naho Grammar. Sarfa Expense, profusion, surplus, addition, the twelfth mansion of the moon, a star in the tail of Leo. Sar-faraz Exalted, eminent, distinguished, promoted. Sarfaraz-I Exaltation, promotion. Sarf I A grammarian. Sarg . Heaven, the firmament, the sky. lok ' Sar-garm Intent on, earnest, eager. 1 Application, attention, earnestness, eager- ness, love, or being in love. Sar-guroh A leader, commander, chief of a sect, head of fakirs. Sar-guzasht An event, accident, history, account of circumstances. Sar-hadd Boundary, extremity, frontier,limit,confines. Sarhang A general, commander, overseer. Sari or Sari A Hindu female's dress. Sari* (a.) Quick, nimble. Sari (s.) The shaft of an arrow, the reed of which it is made. Sarih Apparent, evident, clear. Sarir The .scratching sound of a pen, the grat- ing of a door. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 173 Sarisht Nature, temperament, constitution, in- tellect. Sarishta Custom, usage, office. dar The chief under native officer in the courts. Sar-kar The king's court, government, estate, property, a district comprehending several parganas, a superintendent, a title given by way of respect. Sar-kar-I Superintendence, belonging to the state, or to the government. Sarkash Rearing the head, disobedient, rebellious. Sarkash-I Disobedience, mutiny, insolence. Sarkhatt An agreement to hire service. Sanna Winter. Sa niiii-i Winter clothing, wintry. Sarinaya Stock in trade, capital. Sarnam Well-known, famous, distinguished. hona To be famous. Kama To make famous or notorious, to proclaim. Sar-naina Title, address, superscription of a letter. 1 i klina To address a letter. Sarod A song, melody. Sarod-I . A singer. Sarokar Business, intercourse. Sarosh An angel, a voice from heaven, the seven- teenth daj of the solar month. Sarp A serpent. Sarparast A guardian, patron. Sarparast-i Patronage. karna To patronize. Sarparda Name of a Persian musical mode, supposed to have been published by Amir Khusrau of Dihli. Sarposh A cover, a lid. Sarraf A banker, a money-changer. a The place where bankers transact their business, a bank. -I Banking, money-changing. - karna To carry on the business of banking. 174 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. Sar-sabz Fresh, verdant, flourishing, prosperous^ fortunate, happy. Sar-sabz-I Verdure, vegetation. Sarsa-I Increase, abundance, excellence. Sas The moon, sky, heavens. Sasta Cheap, easy to procure. chhutna To get off cheap. lagana To sell cheap. mal A cheap article, a good bargain. -sania A season of plenty, a good season. Sat Power, strength, essence, the principle of goodness, virtue, truth, purity,faith,power, conjugal fidelity, true, virtuous, right. bad! Speaker of truth. jug The age of virtue, the golden age. kar Good act, piety, hospitality, charity,. funeral rites. -karam . Virtuous action, piety. kari Truth, fidelity, honesty. Sataua To tease, to vex, to fret, to trouble, to afflict, to interrupt. Satana To unite, to stick, to make adhere. Satar A line, row, rank, series, lineament, delineating, describing. -bandl Ruling, lines for writing on. Sath Society, company. - ka khela Playmates, playfellow. - rait iia To live with, dwell together. - dena To share, to help, to go with. - wala A comrade, a companion. Sathiya A surgeon, a mark in form of a cross^ the four arms of which are bent at right angles, prefixed in vermilion by Hindus to their account books at the commence- ment of a new year. The same figure is formed on the ground with flour at marriages and other ceremonies. Sati A woman who burns on her deceased husband's funeral pyre, chaste, virtuous,, constant. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 1 75 Sati chauira The place where a Sati is burned. - hona To burn alive on the funeral pyre. (This- horrible rite was abolished by Lord William Bentinck in 1 829 ; though some instances of its practise have occurred even at the present day). Sat-masa A feast given in the seventh month of pregnancy. | The name of a book written by Bihari- Satsa'I , } < lal (an inhabitant of Go'aliyar) containing Satsaiya 700 distiches or dohas in Braja-bhakha. Satya True, sincere, honest. bad! Speaker of truth. Satyanas A term of imprecation, signifying depra- vation, destruction. jana or -lioim. . To be the depravation or destruction of any person or thing. karna To make the ruin or destruction of any person or thing. Sauda Melancholy, love, ambition, desire, madness. (From which, perhaps, the Portuguese saudada, signifying love for country and intense desire to return to it, during absence). Sandii Trade, traffic, marketing. gar A merchant. ^ar-i Merchandise, trade, commerce. kharidna To make purchases. MI 1 ii f Traffic, barter. Saurif Aniseed (Pimpinella anisnm). Saul) Side, tract, way. Sawab .... Rectitude, a virtuous action, success. Sawad (h.) Eelish, flavour, taste, sweetness, pleasure^ Sawad (a.) Blackness, blackening, soot, smoke, en- virons of a city, reading, ability. Sawal. .1 A title of the Rajas of Jaipur. Sawaj Savage, wild. Sawan Name of the fourth Hindu month. Sawangr or Swang Mimicry, acting, -imitation, disguise, sham_ lana . . To imitate. 176 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TEKMS. Savrar (prop. Smvar) .... A rider, mounted, or riding (on a ship, horse, camel, c.). -kar A good rider, a jockey. -kar-I Good riding, cavalry, a trooper, drunk. Sawar-I Riding, equipage, suite. Sawera Morning, dawn of day. hona To break the day, to be dawn. Sa\a Shadow, shade, protection, an apparition, a petticoat. -dar Shady, a protector. liiniii A demon appearing to, or possessing any one. parna To imitate the manner of another. tale ana To take protection. Saz Making, preparing, maker, arms, appa- ratus, accoutrements, harness, furniture, a musical instrument, concord. -imx. Trim, dressy. -kar Proper, consonant, concordant. -yarak Warlike instruments, furniture, baggage. Sa/a Correction, punishment, retribution. dena To punish. dilana To bring to punishment. in i 1 na | } To be punished. pana J war Fit for, deserving punishment. Sazawal A taxgatherer, a land steward. Sazawal-I The business of a land steward. Sazinda A maker, a musical performer. Sazish Combination, collusion, confederacy. Sela A kind of sheet constituting a part of dress, especially worn and given in presents in the Dakkhin. Sell A necklace (of threads) worn by fakirs, a sash, a belt. Sena (s J An army. Sena (h.) An officer who collects the revenue in a village. .Sena-pati .-. . Commander of the army, also, sometimes title given to prime ministers. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 177 Name of a weight equivalent to about 21bs. avoirdupois; but varying in different parts of India. Ses Remainder, end. (The king of the serpent race, a large thousand-headed snake, the couch and canopy of Yishnu and the upholder of the world, which rests on one of his heads.) Seth A great banker, a rich person, a wholesale merchant, hence a patronymic. Sewa Service, worship. Sewak A servant, a worshipper. Sewra A kind of fakir among Hindus. Shab Night. i-barat The 14th day of the month Sha'ban, on which Mnsalmans make offerings and oblations in the names of deceased relatives. parah A bat. -i mah Moonlight. bash One who stays all night, a lodger. Sha'ban The eighth Arabian month, on the 14th day of which is a festival (barat), when an angel is believed to examine a record of the names of the living. shabd A word, vqice, sound. .Shabd-shastr Etymology, the science of grammatical inflection. Shab-deg A dish composed of meat and turnips cooked all night on the fire. Shabdez A black horse of extraordinary size, belonging to king Khusrau Parwez, a black horse, a horse of noble breed. Shabih A picture, a likeness. Sliab-uam Dew, a kind of fine linen. >li a b-nain i A kind of canopy for protecting one from night dew. sliiida Joyful, glad. Sliad-i Pleasure, delight, joy, marriage, festivity, rejoicing. 12 178 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. Shad-mar^ An easy death, death from joy. Shad it! Difficult, afflicting, violent, strong, intrepid. Shadiyana Relating to marriage or rejoicings, music and singing at marriages or on other festive occasions. bajana To triumph. Shafa, prop. Sliifa Cure, remedy, healing, convalescence. dena To cure, to heal. hona I _ > lo recover. parna I -khana A hospital. Shafa'at Deprecation, intercession, recommendation, entreaty. Shaf! Healing, salutation, a healer. i-hakiki An epithet of the Deity. Shaft* ........ 1 An intercessor, advocate, patron. Possess- ing a right of pre-emption founded on contiguity. Shaf I'a A kind of Persian character or handwriting. Shaft*-! One of the chiefs of the four principal sects of the Muhammadan religion. Shaflk Merciful, compassionate, affectionate, kind, a friend. Shagird A scholar, disciple, apprentice, a servant. -i-rashld A complete, an apt scholar. Shagird-I Learning, studying, apprenticeship. Shaghl Occupation, amusement, religious con- templation. karna To employ one's self, to be occupied. Shah A king, check at chess. (In compos :), royal, great, large. a O king ! baz The royal falcon. mat Check-mate. u in ii a A celebrated epic poem, containing a history of the kings of Persia, written byFirdausi about the year of Christ 1,000. -nish in , A principal seat in an assembly, a pre- sident's seat, a balcony. -vi win- A good rider, a jockey, a horse-breaker.. GLOSSARY OP INDIAN TERMS. 179 Shahad Evidences, witnesses. Shahadat Evidence, testimony, martyrdom. Shahamat Generosity, bravery. Shah-ana , . Royal, pnncely. Shah -an! Shahaushah A king of kings, an emperor. Sim hanshali i Empire, sovereignty. Shah-bala The companion of a bridegroom. Shah id A martyr. (Any Mussalman killed in battle is so called). hona To be killed. Minima A watchman, a superintendent of police, a musical wind instrument. Mia Imft'T A kind of musical pipe. chl A player on . Shahr A city. ashob A disturber of the peace of a city, a mistress, a kind of verses. dar A birdcatcher, a huntsman. -gharib A stranger, a traveller. khabra An intelligencer. panah Wall, or entrenchments round a town. pura Suburbs. Shahrah The highway. Shahr-T A citizen, anything belonging to the city. Shah-war Worthy of a king, princely. Shah-zada A prince. Shaikh A venerable old man, a chief, a prelate, a title taken by the descendants of the prophet, and given to proselytes to Muhammadanism. Miaik han In the manner of a chief, authoritatively. Shaikhana My lord ! my preceptor ! my patron ! SIiaikli- Wickedness, depravity, malignancy. [snarr Sharbat Sherbet, beverage, a dose of medicine. -dar A butler. Sharbat-I A kind of lime or lemon, name of a colour. Sharh Explanation, commentary, description, allowance, pay, rate. -war Explicily. Sharl'at . . The laws of Muhammad, law, justice, equity. Sharif Noble, eminent. Sharif-i-makka The prince of Mecca. Sharifa A custard apple. (Annona squamosa). Shan k Partner, accomplice, associate, comrade. liona To partake, to participate. Sharlr Vicious, wicked. Shark The East, rising. shark -I Eastern, oriental. Sharm Bashfulness, modesty, shame. sar Abashed. ana To be abashed, to feel shame. Shariuanda Blushing, abashed, ashamed, bashful, modest. Sharm-gm Bashful, ashamed, modest, coy. Sliar in-Tla Bashful, abashed. Sharm-nak Bashful, modest. Shurma sharin i Modesty. Sharr Wickedness, depravity, malignancy. I Vicious, quarrelsome. Shart Condition, stipulation, agreement, wager, sign, mark, signal. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 183 Shart-bart Advantage, success, profit, succeeding in one's undertaking. karna To agree, to bargain. Shash-niahl imtihan Half-yearly examination. Shast Aim, a large fishing hook, attached to a line fastened on shore, the handle of a bow. justa Shot from the bow (an arrow). Shastr A weapon, 'especially one used in the hand. -dhari Armed. karna To use arms. Shastr Hindu religious books, Hindu scripture, religion, law, institutes of law, science. Shastrarth Argument, debate, dispute, discourse. Shastr-i Skilled in Hindu law or religious books, one skilled in holy science. achchhar The Devanagarl character. Shatranj Chess. -baz A chess-player. Shatranj- 1 A kind of carpel. -baf A carpet-weaver. Slum liar A husband. Shank Desire, inclination, love, gaiety, cheer- fulness, curiosity. sank Pleasure, delight, gratification. Shankat State, dignity, magnificence, majesty. Shank-In Intent upon, desirous, lascivious. Slum k i ya The part of an epistle which follows the complimentary address. slum ;i 1 The tenth month of the Muhammadan year ; on the first day of which the festival of Bairani, or 'Id is celebrated, being the first day after the Musalriian Lent, and, on this day it is customary to make presents. Shayasta Worthy, honourable, suitable, polite. -gl Aifability, fitness, propriety. -mizaj Aifable, mild, good-tempered. &hekhan-pur A town inhabited by descendants of the prophet 184 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TEEMS. Shekh-I ............ .... Boasting, bragging. -baz ............. A boaster, braggart. nikal jana ....... To have one's pride humbled. Sher .................. A tiger, a lion. ana .............. Tiger-like. i-gardun .......... The sun, the sign Leo. - -i-kali ............. (The effigy of a tiger), a person only fit to be looked at, a braggart. ShernI ................. A lioness. Shi'ah ................. A follower of the sect of 'All, a sectary. Shiddat ................ Violence, force, vehemence, adversity, affliction, difficulty. Shifa .................. Cure, remedy, healing, convalescence. khana ............ A hospital. Shikar ................ Hunting, chase, prey, game, plunder, perquisities. afgan ........... Game-killer. -- band ........... Cords for tying game to a horse's saddle. -- baz ............. A sportsman. gah ............ Place for hunting in. Shikar-I ............... Of the chace, relating to hunting, a hunter. Shikast ................ Breaking, fracture, deficiency, loss, defeat, broken, odd, uneven. kliurda ......... Broken oft", interrupted, defeated. Shikast a ............... Broken, bankrupt, sick, a kind of writing, the Persian running hand. Distressed, broken down, wretched. par - -bal-i ............ Distress, wretchedness, afiliction. -- dil ............. Distressed, afflicted. -- dil-I ............ Distress, affliction. - -hal ............. Distressed, wretched, broken down, ruined. -hal-I ........... Indigence, distress, wretchedness. - -khatir .......... Distressed in mind, afflicted, offended. rang ............ Altered in colour, from affliction. wa'da ........... Broken engagements, faithless. Shimal I _. > ............. The north, the north-wind, the left-hand. Shamal j Sli i inal- 1 ............... Northern. -- nuiiiii ........... The mariner's compass. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN" TERMS. 185- Shimal-ru Facing the north. Shimar The name of one of Yazid's generals who slew Husaiu in the plains of Karbala. hence it means, vile, infamous. Shiua Swimming. Shinakht Knowledge, understanding. Shiuas Knowing, intelligent, acquainted with. -I Knowledge. Shirk Company, society, partnership, paganism,. infidelity. Shirkat Partnership, society. Shisha Glass, a battle, a glass. -baz A juggler. -baz-I Legerdemain. e sa'at An hour-glass. gar A glass-maker. gar-I Glass-making. Sliisha-maliall A house or palace all hung with glass. Shishl A small glass phial. Shitab Haste, quickness, quick, speedy, quickly,. expeditiously. baz Hasty, expeditious. Shitab-i Quick, hastily, quickness, haste, expedition. Shir I J The Deity in the character of Producer and Shiw J j Destroyer, of time personified, Mahadey. Shiwala Temple of Siya. Shlok A verse, stanza. Shola A kind of wood (Jlschynomene paludosa), very light and spongy, used by fishermen for floating their nets. Artificial birds and. flowers are made of it; garlands of these flowers are used in marriage ceremonies. The wood when charred is used for tinder. Shor Cry, noise, outcry, disturbance, tumult,. salt, very bitter, disturbed, mad. -angez Exciting tumults. bakht Unfortunate, wretched, infamous. bor Very wet, drenched. pusht Quarrelsome, noisy, encouraging, disturb- ance. 186 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. Shor-machaua To make a noise. shagha shar , ,_ Noise, tumult, bustle, disturbance, clamour. -sharr zamm Barren land. Shora Marshy, barren ground, nitre, saltpetre. .gar A manufacturer of saltpetre. Shorba Broth, soup. sh iTidd ha Funeral obsequies (vide, sraddh). Shu'a* Light, splendour, lustre, the rays of the sun, sunshine. Sim Ita n A shepherd. Shubha Doubt, suspicion, ambiguity, uncertainty. hona To be in doubt. karna ) n , , , } lo doubt, to suspect. lana j Shnbha ka Doubtful, suspicious (things). Slmdani Occurrence, coming to pass. Shud bud So so, a little knowledge. hona To have some little knowledge. Shugufa A flower, a bud. Shigufa lana To bud, to put forth young shoots, to produce something new and wonderful. Shngnfta Expanded, blooming, blown (as a flower). hona To be blown (a flower), to be delighted. Shng un ] > Augury, omen. Sling- mi | Shugun-iya A diviner, an augur, an explainer of omens. Sh u li d a A rake, prodigal, debauchee. -pan Raking, debauchery. shikasta Ruined and wretched. Shuhra Fame, renown, reputation. e-afak 1 > Renowned, known over the world. e-a'lam J Slmliral Renown, fame, divulging, report, rumour, celebrating. ;Shnja< Brave. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 187 Shuja'at Bravery. Mi n k k a A royal order, a letter (especially from a superior). Shukr Thanks, gratitude. gnzar Grateful. -guzar-I Gratitude. -i-ni'mat A.n ackowledgment of favour. karna To thank, to return thanks. Shukr-ana . Gratitude, thanksgiving. Shum Black, unfortunate, unhappy, disgraceful, vile, a miser. kadain Unlucky, bad (omen). -inizaj Stingy. Ugly, miserly, avaricious. -ri tab' Ill-tempered. Shu mar Counting, computing, numbering, number account, note. Shumar-I Counting, a rosary. Shurafa (pi. of shari), Nobles, grandees. Shurfi* Beginning, commencement. liona To be begun or commenced. karna To commence, to begin. Shush The lungs. Shusta Washed, dressed, prepared. gruft-if n ) > Pure language, or conversation. zaban J Shust-o-shn Washing. Shutnr A camel. ban A camel-driver (or keeper). dil Timid. dil-I Timidity. -gam A camel-step. ghaiuza Wickedness, deceit. i-be-iuahar Incorrigible, refractory. k a t a r A string of camels. klna Bearing malice (a propensity of camels). -niurgh An ostrich. -nal A small gun carried on a camel. sawar Mounted on a camel, a camel rider. 188 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. Shyam V. Syuin. Sicha-i Irrigation, the cost of irrigation. Sichchha Tuition, teaching. Slchna To water, to irrigate. SIdh Straight, opposite, accurate. Sidliii . . A saint, a holy man, a sort of demigod, success, accomplished. Sidha Straight, opposite, simple, fair, candid. Sidha-I Straightness, simplicity, candour. Sidharna To go, to depart, to set off. Sidk Truth, veracity, sincerity. Sif anat The art of ship- building. Sif Irish Recommendation. karna To recommend, to intercede. nama A letter of introduction. Sifarish-I An intercessor, recommended. Sifat Praise, quality, attribute, manner, descrip- tion, like, resembling, a noun adjective. Ignoble, mean, contemptible, stingy, miserly, envious. -dan . . ^ plate to throw scraps, bones, on. Thought, suspicion, word, speech, enmity, hatred. ^ mould for casting metal, a word declin- able and derivative, the mood of a verb, conjugation, derivation, trade, profession, a form of words used in marriage ceremonies, fund, department. Si h- l:i nd i A soldier employed in collecting rents, a trident, a contingent. dar-a Three-doored (room). fasl-a Having three harvests. gosha Having three corners, a triangle. harf-i Triliteral. -karrar Three times as much. niii n/il-a Having three stories (house). pahal Trilateral. -pahar Afternoon. sal-a Triennial. Sihariiii To shiver, to shake with cold. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 189 Sihhat Health, entireness, soundness, perfection, integrity, accuracy. k liana A necessary. Sihr I j En -hantment, magic, necromancy. (Sahir, Sahir-I j [an enchanter, a magician, a necromancer). Sijda Bowing so as to touch the ground in adoration, especially to God. gah The place of performing the syda. kariia To adore, to worship. Sijill A register, the decree of a judge, written attestation of a notary, seal of a judge. (sigillnm). Sjjil, the recording angel, right, proper, good, well-arranged. ISijjIl Hard stones ; stones made of clay, hardened in hell fire, on which are inscribed the names of certain men, with a catalogue of their sin*. Sikh fs ) Name of a people living in the Panjab and in the neighbourhood of Lahose, disciples or followers of Nanak. Sikh (sj A disciple, a scholar, a pupil. Sikhaua To teach. Sikha'I Teaching, instruction. Sikhaya ' Sikka A coining die, an impression on money, sterling, current, stamped coin. ( A stone on which spices are ground, or j- J knives sharpened, a hone, a stone in general. Silsila A chain, series, succession, descent of a family, pedigree. i jama* o tafrik . . Arithmetical progression. i khandan Genealogical tree. mu Having the hair in ringlets like chains. -war Linked together as a chain, in regular order, in a series. Sin or Sinn An age, period of life, nib of a pen. i buluurh Tears of discretion. i slm'ur Age of discretion. o sal.. Age. 190 GLOSSARY OP INDIAN TERMS. Sin raslda Advanced in years. Si na Breast, bosom. afgar Wounded in the bosom. baud Stays, bodice. basta Locked up in the heart, a secret. chak Bosom-torn, afflicted. -chak-I Affliction. kharashi Laceration of the breast, affliction. kobl Beating the breast. resh Wounded in the heart, afflicted. sokhta) .. , } lormented, distressed. soz -zan One who beats his breast at the festival of the Mali arm in. zan-I Beating the breast. zor Robust, proud of strength. zor-I Strength, robustness, force, oppression. Slncha'I The price paid for irrigation. SInchI The season for watering fields. SInchna To irrigate. si 1 1 dli Sea, ocean, the name of a district, name of a musical mode, or ragini. Sing A horn. Singa A horn (musical), a trumpet. Singar Ornament, dress, embellishment,decoration. .rag One of the nine ras : q.v. Singar-har The weeping Nyctanthes. (Nyctanthes arbor tristis). -iya One whose business it is to dress an idol. Singarna To dress, to decorate, to embellish. Singauti A polishing tool made of horn, an orna- ment of metal on the horns of a bullock. Singh 1 f A lion, the sign Leo, a title used by Sinna J | Hindus, Kajputs. Slug! Name of a kind of fish. (Silurus pun- genlissimns). A cup for cupping. lagana To cup. Slngiya A kind of poison. Singhar ) f Making away, killing, murdering, slaughter, Sanghar j j destruction, bloodshed, killed. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 191 Miisrhara A handkerchief folded diagonally, a species of water-nut, growing in ponds, and edible. Singhasan A throne. par bithaua. ... To enthrone, install. (The term generally used, is to place on the gaddl, H. for a sovereign's throne). Singhlnl ) } A lioness. Singnam I Singra A powder-horn. Sinl .' A salver, tray, trough. Sink The culm of the grass (Audropogon inuricatum) of which brooms are made. Smkdar Broom-shaped. Smkiya Striped, a kind of striped cloth. Sip A shell, a kind of mango. M pah pi. Soldiers, an army. -gar-I The military profession. phir jana Revolt or treachery in an army. Sipah (Contract, of sipab.) salar A general. Sipah-! A soldier (vuty. sepoy). Sipahr The sphere, the celestial globe, the sky,. fortune, time, the world. Sipahr-I Afternoon, from sib or si, three, and pahar, watch. Sipa'I A tripod, trivet, three-legged stool or table* Sipar A shield, target. dar-i Protecting, shielding. Si-para Each one of the thirty sections, or the thirty sections into which the Kur'au is divided. Sir The head, the top. charha Proud, haughty. charhana To exalt, assume, to be arrogant, to shew respect. charhke mama To lay the guilt of one's blood at the door of another. ............. A tyrant, an oppressor. -- gar J gar-I .............. V. Sitam. -- kushta ............ Killed by oppression, violently slain. -- -zarlf-I ............ Elegance or ingenuity in tyranny. Slta-phal ............... The custard apple. (Annona squamosa). Sitar .................. A kind of guitar with three strings. One who plavs on the guitar. iya Sitara ................. A star, a kind of fire- work, name of a musical instrument with three strings. -- dan .............. An astrologer. - -peshanl .......... Having a star on the forehead (reckoned a fault in a horse). - -shinas ........... An astrologer, an astronomer. Sitar-I ................. A small guitar, a rope twisted with three strings. Slth (a.) ............... Boiled rice, rice gruel. 13 194 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. SIth (h.) l)regs of betel, or anything that has been chewed. Sith-a Insipid, tasteless. \ Abusive songs sung by women at weddings. Sitlini SItl Whistling. -bajana To whistle. -baz A whistler. -bandhna -gum-hona To be distracted or confounded. -bhulna Sltla prop. SItala Small pox, the goddess of small pox, Kali, Durga, or Bhawani, wife of Sira or Mahadera. (Hindus consider small pox a visitation from the goddess, and do not treat the disease from fear of incurring her anger.) Shvala A Temple of Mahadera. Shall Black, unfortunate, bad. -bakht Unfortunate. bakht-I Misfortune. chasm Black-eyed, unkind. -dil Black-hearted, malevolent. fam Black. -kala in karna To delineate. -kar Wicked, tyrannical. -karna To take an account of. -kasa Miser, niggard, a sordid wretch. -iiia>t Dead-drunk. posh Clad in black. roz-I Adverse fortune. ru Black-faced, unlucky, disgraced. -talfi Black-mouthed (horse), abusive, whose curses prevail. Sly aha An account-book or written account, a list, inventory. Siyah-i Blackness, ink. Soch Consideration, reflection, thought, medi- tation. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 195 Sochna To think, to meditate, to reflect, to con- sider, to advert (in one's mind). Sodh Discharge (of debt), correction, search, inquiry. Sodhna To pay, to discharge or liquidate a debt* to refine metals. Sog | f Affliction, grief, sorrow, lamentation, Sok j I anguish. - karna To mourn, to wail, to observe a period of mourning; this observance among women who have lost their husbands, consists in strict seclusion from all those whom they are permitted to visit, or whose visits they may receive. A Hindu widow, though the law now forbids her immolation on the funeral pyre of her dead husband, is, in many parts, com- pelled to have her head shaved, and to be otherwise disfigured. She is treated with contempt; hence her sorrow for her husband's death is aggravated by her unfortunate position as a widow. Sog-I Afflicted, grieved. Sohau (p.) A file, a whetstone. Sohan (&.) Pleasing, a lover, a friend. Soliaii (hj A kind of sweetmeat. So klit Burnt, burning, a revoke at cards. Sokhtu Burnt, scorched. -dil | f Inflamed in mind with love or grief, a jan j j slow match, tinder. Sokhtan-I Fit or deserving to be burnt. Som The moon. -war Monday. Sou An oath. Sona To sleep, gold. -chainli Gold and silver, riches, wealth. Sone ka lunvala An expensive banquet, a delicious morsel. s.i ii ta A club, mace, pestle. Sonte-foardar A mace bearer, a person in the retinue 196 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. of the great armed with a club, generally covered with silver. Sonth Dry ginger, a miser. - kl si nas le rahna To endure, to wait patiently, to suffer. South kl nas na lena ... To be very covetous. Sot ) [ A spring, a fountain, a rivulet, an arm Sota j 1 of the sea. Soz Burning, vexation, heart-burning, ardour, a stanza of a marsiya or elegiac poem. gudaz Burning and melting, an impassioned style in poetry. -khwan One who chants a dirge. khwan-1 Chanting a dirge. Sozan A needle, pricker of a gun. Sozish Burning, solicitude, pain, vexation. Sozn-I A kind of small embroidered carpet, quilted linen, tamboured work. Sraddh Funeral obsequies, consisting in offering rice and fruits, &c., to the manes of ancestors: feeding of priests and other prescribed ceremonies in honour of ancestors. Sraddha Faith, belief, fondness, desire. Sradki The name of a tribe of Hindus. Sarap or srap Cursing, a curse. dena To curse. Saresh, prop, siresh Glue. Sri Prosperity, name of LachhinI, wife of Vishnu, written before Hindu proper names of persons, master, sir. Srisht i Srishti / The creation, the world. Sarisht ' Sthapan Causing to stand, placing, fixing, as the placing of a god. Su (In compos :) signifies good, well. daul Beautiful, well-shaped. dhal Neat, elegant. Su A side, part, towards. - -ba-su Side by side. GLOSSARY OF 1NDIA.N TERRS. 197 Su'a A parrot, a needle with which gunny bags are sewed, a packing needle, an awn of corn. Nuba A province, also, in Hindustan, a go- vernor. Suba-dar The chief (or lieutenant) of a province, a military officer among Indian troops whose rank corresponds with that of a captain. dar-i The office of lieutenant of a province, the government of a province. Snbh (a.) Morning, dawn. . gab The morning time. gahan The early dawn. gah-i Of the morn. -i-kazib Just before daybreak. i-sadik Dawn of day. khez Rising early in the morning. khez-a 1 f A thief who rises early in the morning khez-iya j \ and steals before people are awake. Subh (s.) Good, pleasant, agreeable, happy, fortunate. Subha A rosary. gardan Turning or revolving the rosary. gardan-I The turning, or counting the beads in, the rosary. Sub'han Praising, glorifying God, a title of the deity. Sub'han-I Of God, divine. Su-bhaw Good disposition, disposition, nature, manner, well-disposed, of good quality. Subheta ] Subh~t~ I Opportunity, convenience, time, leisure. Snbk-I | Subka'I [ Lightness, levity. Subka'I J Sfibar ) Subra | Impure, alloyed silver. Subuk, prop. Sabuk Light (either in weight or character), debased, unsteady. fo**r Lightly, burdened, unencumbered. 198 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. Snbnk-dosh ............. Lightly laden. - -pa ............... Swift-footed. T [ ........... Quick, swift, light-paced. sair J rau-I ............ Swiftness, celerity. Suchet ......... . ....... Attentive, mindful, careful, aware, cautious. Siul h ........... ....... Memory, remembrance, sensation, con- sciousness, notice, care. -- be sudh ........... Beside one's self, accurate, correct, pure, clean, unpolluted. - budh ............. Sense, perception, sensation, care. - rakhna ........... To regard, look after, remember. Sudha ................. Proper, true, straight, simple, artless. Sndharna .............. To be correct, to be mended. Sudharna .............. To adorn, to adjust. Sml-i ............. ..... Money borrowed at interest. Sml -in a iul .............. Profitable, useful, beneficent, benefited, profited. Siid-m:iiid-i ............ . Usefulness. Sudr, Shndra ........... A person of the fourth or servile tribe of Hindus. (Composed principally of the aborigines of the country, at the time of the Aryan immigration. The caste divisions, and restrictions as to intermarriage were imposed, partly for social reasons, and partly to prevent further intermarriages between the Aryans and the aborigines of India. For the latter purpose, however, the prohibition came too late, and it is very doubtful whether there are, at the present day, any Hindus, however high their caste, of pure Aryan descent. A girl's selecting a husband for herself, Suembar | the public selection of a husband by a Swavambar J * princess or lady of rank from among a number of assembled suitors. -- rachua. . ..... To hold an assembly or tournament for the selection of a husband. Suf. ................... Wool, also silk, thread and cotton. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TEEMS. 199 Sufi A Musalman sectary, holding peculiar notions. -ul-maxhab Belonging to the Sufi sect. , A medicine, dry and unmixed, a powder, to absorb the ink. , | rags put in the bottom of an ink-stand Siiirand ) Mi-sramlli I Good smell, odour, perfume, fragrant, sweet-smelling. Sughar Elegant, accomplished, beautiful, virtuous. bhalai Currying favour, flattery. Su-gyan Wisdom, intelligence, sagacity. Suha Red, crimson, name of a musical mode or rag 1 . Suhasr Such ornaments as are worn by married women, while their husbands are alive. ka itr A kind of perfume. A casket of jewels presented by the bride- pitara para groom to the bride, a paper of ingre- dients for painting the head presented by the bridegroom to the bride. ntarna To become a widow. Suhagan A married woman whose husband is alive because she then wears the suhag. Suhal Suli all Bread or cakes fried in butter. Snhar Snhana Agreeable, pleasant, charming, to be agreeable, to please, to be liked or approved o Snhbat Companionship, society, an assembly, a fair, coition, discourse. bar-ar An acquaintance, bar-ar-I Acquaintance. -dar-I Keeping company with, associating, acquaintance. yafta Used to good society, of a society. Suhbat-i Companion, comrade. Sul A needle. ka M n ba 1 . . A bubble. 200 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TEEMS. Su'i ke nake se khuda-1 ko nikalna "To draw (anything large) through the eye of a needle", a phrase expressing the performance of things apparently impossible. Hidayat (a poet, whose name signifies in Arabic 'right- eousness' says Tha kam yih tera hi Khudawand " This, Almighty was thy work, to draw the universe through the eye of a needle." ta'ala; la su'i ke nake se khnda-i ko nikala. Suj Swelling. Suja A borer, a gimlet. Sujh Sight. SujI (s .) A tailor. Sfiji (k.) Meal, flour (ground coarse). Snjua To swell, to rise. Suk The planet Venus, Friday. Suka A quarter of a rupee piece, four anas. Suka> Leisure. Siikh Ease, tranquillity, easy circumstances,. content, happiness, pleasure, delight. -bas Abode of happiness. -chain Ease, rest, leisure, tranquillity. -da'I Ease-affording, comforter, giver of ease. -darsan A shrub, the juice of which is given for- the ear-ache. -dliaui Abode of happiness. -karuu To live at ease. paiia To get ease, rest, leisure. -tala A piece of leather placed on the sole- within the shoe. SH k ha Dry, dry tobacco eaten with betel-leaf,. a consumption, atrophy. dhau Rice burnt up with the sun's rays. -jawab A dry answer, a flat refusal. parna To occur (a drought). Siikham Abstracted. Sukhan V. gakhun. s u k liana To dry, to evaporate. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 201 Sukh-i | [ At ease, happy, tranquil, contented, com- Sukhiya J j fortable. Sukhit Tranquil. MI kh nil To dry, dry up, evaporate, fall away, to- pine away, wither. Sukh-pal A kind of palki. Su k ii 11 Quietude, peace, rest. Suk limit Residence, dwelling, habitation.tranquillity.. sruziu A resident, an inhabitant. Sukfit ) > Silence, quietness, peace, silent. Sukr (h.) See : Suk. Sukr (a.) An intoxicating drink, wine, intoxication- Sukwar Delicate, feeble. Sul Colic, the point of a spear, pike or trident,. a thorn, compassion, tenderness. Su-lachchan ) Good sign or mark, beauty. Su-lakshan Sulachhna Favouiable, well-behaved. Sulagna To light, to be kindled, to be inflamed,. to burn without smoke or flame. Sulahi A game played with 1 6 kauris. Sulaiinan Solomon, the son of David. Sulai ma n- 1 Belonging to Solomon, an onyx. Milajluia To be unravelled or disentangled. Sulana To cause or put to sleep, to kill, to- murder. Sula dena To kill, to murder. Sulf a Little balls of tobacco, gaiija or charas- smoked in a hukka, without the inter- vention of a tile. Sulflyai | Snlflyaha j Pertaining to a hukka. Sulgana To light, to inflame, to kindle. ulh Peace, reconciliation, treaty, truce, concord. i-kull Perfect reconciliation, definitive treaty. -nama An agreement of peace. SulT An empaling stake, a name of Mahadeya. c ha r liana | \ To empale. dena 202 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. Sul.pi ana To unravel, to disentangle. Sultan, pi. Salatm A prince, a sovereign, power. Sultana An empress. Nitl tau-i Regal, princely, belonging to a sovereign, a kind of broad cloth (prop. sultan-I banat). Suluk Road, way, manner, mode, intercourse, usage, treatment, civility, kindness, attention. karna To treat, to proceed with, to treat with kindness. Nu hv ana To cause to put to sleep, (caus : of sonsi, to sleep). Sum A hoof. Snmlw A sponge-staff, a ramrod. Sumhul Spikenard (to which the locks of a mis- tress are compared), the hyacinth. -ista n Hyacinth-bed. Suinoru A mountain in Hindu mythology the residence of the gods. The north pole. Sun . . .. Insensible, without sensation, palsied. Sunar A goldsmith. Sunar-T The trade of a goldsmith, a good, hand- some woman. SIJIHI . . . . The proboscis of an elephant. S Tin da A weevil or small insect in corn. Sungh Smell. .Nil iighii Staunch (as a dog), a person employed in Maharatta armies, who was said to be able to detect hidden treasure or grain by the smell of the earth. Sunna To hear, a dot, a cipher. Nu n nut Circumcision, the traditions of Muhammad. karna To circumcise. Sunn-1 Lawful, an orthodox Muharamadan, who reveres equally the four successor* of Muhammad, and, hence, called also cliar-yar-I (the Turks are Sunnis; the Persians are Shi'ahs, q.v.) Su fi> A porpoise. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 203 Still, silent, dreary. Supari } Betel-nut. Snpirarl ' Supurd | > Charge, keeping, care, trust, custody. Sipurd liona To be consigned to one's care. kuni a To give in charge, to consign, to entrust. knninda The committing officer. iiama Assignment, delivery, trust or hypothe- cation. SupurdagI Delivery, chargy, commitment. ka \varaut .... Warrant of commitment. ISu-plit ) > A dutiful, tractable son. Saput j Sur A god, deity, angel, tone, melody, accent, song, note. - inilana To sing in tune. Snr A hero, the sun, a horn, trumpet. Sura A chapter, or division of the Kur'an (there being 114 in number). gae The Yak of Tartary, or bushy tailed bull of Tibet. Snragh Search, inquiry, sign, mark, spying. lagaua | ( To search, to seek, to spy. lena J 111 Una To get an inkling of. rasani Tracing, detection, discovery. Surahi A goblet, a long-necked flask, a jar, a jug (In India, this utensil is generally made of earthenware, something in shape like an English water-bottle, but with a longer neck). bardar The carrier of the flask or goblet. dar Shaped in form of a surah i (a pearl). Suraj The sun. -bans! The family or race of the sun, in con- tradistinction with the chaudil orchan- dela, who claim descent from the moon. -i: alia ii I } Eclipse of the sun. grahan J 204 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. Snraj-mukh-i Sun-flower, (Helianthns aumius ), a kind of parasol. Surakh A hole, orifice, passage. Surang A mine, subterraneous passage, (particu- larly dug by thieves), light-bay, red. - lagana To mine, to plot. - urana To explode, blow up. Surat Form, face, countenance, appearance, por- trait, manner, condition, state. -usliiiu An acquaintance. gar A painter, limner, sculptor. haram Plausible,specious, superficial, (fair without and foul within). i-hal A statement. Siiratau ' In form, in shape, in appearance. Surl Exterior, apparent. Surkh -had -a i , \ St. Anthony s nre. bad-a f * bed A kind of cane. lab-I ,. . . Redness of the lips. posh Dressed in red. ru Honourable not pale with the con- sciousness of guilt). ru.i Honour, character, fame. Surk Ii-T .Redness, blood, brick-dust. Surma A collyrium (generally considered to be antimony, but what is used in India is an ore of lead), with which the eyelids are stained, especially those of women and children, partly from a notion that it adds to beauty, and partly, because it is considered to strengthen the sight- a In da. Stained with surma. dan . , A box for holding surma. -dam -hona To be reduced to a fine powder. karna To reduce to powder. lagana To apply surma to the eyelids. Sursurl Titillation, an insect bred in grain. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 205 Surt Consideration, reflection, memory, atten- tion, caution, accuracy. Surta ) f Mindful, considerate, prudent, intelligent, Surt-ila j } accurate. Snrup Good form or appearance, beautiful, handsome. Surfir Pleasure, joy, cheerfulness. hona To get to the head, to be flushed with wine. Sus (a.) Liquorice. Sus (s .) A porpoise. Susa Gasping, panting. Susi A kind of cloth. Su-sll Well-disposed, good-natured, of good man- ners, polite. Sust Kelaxed, lazy, negligent, slow, dilatory, languid, feeble, indolent. -paiman Unsteady to one's engagement. Sustana To rest. Sustana Sust-I Eelaxation, languor, laziness, negligence, dilatoriness, remissness. karna To relax, to work lazily. Sut A son. (Swat!) Sut The issue of Arcturus, a pearl (from a popular belief that drops of rain, falling into shells in October, when the sun's longitude corresponds with that of Arc- turus, are converted into pearls). Sut Thread, yarn, a silver thread, a stamen (in botany), a tendril. buuti A kind of needle- work. Suta A daughter. Sutak Uncleanness or impurity contracted by the members of a family on the birth of a child or the death of a person. Siital Hell, or a place three stages under the surface of the earth. HUNTER. Sutar A carpenter, time, opportunity. Sutari.. . An awl. 206 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. Snthan Snthni Snthra Good, well, excellent,neat, beautiful, elegant. Snthra-T Goodness, neatness, beauty. Snti Made of cotton thread. Sntli String, twine. Sn^ubat Difficulty, trouble. Su'nd Ascent. Snwal Interrogation, questioning, question, pro- position, request, begging. karna To ask a question. Snwal-I A questioner, one who sings the marsiya.. Swam! Master, owner, lord, proprietor, a husband, an appellation of dandi fakirs. Swan A dog, a hound. Swing ] ~ _ t Mimicry, acting, imitation, disguise, sham. lana 1 , _ } To imitate. banna J Swar Tone, voice, accent, note, a wowel. Swarg The sky, the first heaven of the Hindus, heaven. V. lok. SwargI . ........... Heavenly, celestial. Swargiya j Swarth ................ Wordly affairs, desire, object, end, aim, self- ishness, one's own purpose, self-interest. Swarth-i ............... Selfish. Swati ................. The star Arcturus, the fifteenth mansion of the moon. V. Snt. Syain ................ . . Black or dark blue, an epithet of Krishna, name of a musical mode or raginl, name of a bird, a black cuckoo. -- chiri ............. Name of a bird. Syan .................. Name of a bird. ............. Cunning, artful, clever, prudent, mature. Siyana J Syanap j Syan-pan I ........... Cunning, art. Syan-pana I GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 207 T. T. T. Ta'addi Extortion, exorbitancy, oppression, wrong,. injury, tyranny, violence, cruelty. Ta'ahhul Marriage, establishing a family. Ta'akkub Punishment, chastisement. Ta'akknl Understanding, perceiving, informing. Ta'akub Pursuit, persecuting, alternate succession,. following. Ta'ala Most high. Ta'ala-llah The most high God. Ta<51 allah Good God! Ta'alll Exalting one's self, appearing conspicuous. Ta'alluk Relationship, connection, dependence, pro- perty, possession, appertaining, consider- ation, reflection, commerce, correspon- dence, a manor, lordship. at-i-dunyavi Worldly concerns. dar Possessor of an estate, a lord of a manor,. landlord, feofl'ee. (Those holding this- position under Government in Oudh and the N. W. P., are so called; in Bengal such are designated zamin-dar, which has the same signification). Ta'allnl Procrastination, excuse, objection. Ta'allum Learning, study, knowledge, being taught^ Ta^am Victuals, eating. -hakhsh A large spoon to serve out food with. -talash A sponger. Ta'at Devotion, obedience, obsequiousness. Ta'b Labour, lassitude, weariness, toil, trouble. Tab Heat, light, splendour, power, endurance,. brooking, rage, fury, twisting, contortion. -dar Bright, luminous, twisted. dena To twist. lana To be able to bear. tilli Affection of the spleen. 208 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. Tab Sweet, agreeable, good, pure, excellent. Tab* Nature, genius, temperament, quality, disposition. -azina-i Trial of genius. zad Invention, production of genius. Tababat The practice of medicine. Tabah Bad, wicked, depraved, abject, spoiled, ruined, wretched. Tabahjmr Profoundness in learning. Tabah-i Wickedness, depravity, ruin, perdition. Tabak A cover, plate, dish, leaf, disk, gold-leaf, tinfoil, one thing following another or consecutive, the story of a house, class, order, degree. Tabaka ) ( A story, floor, stage, degree, class, order, Tabka j | rank, shelf. Tabakhtur Strutting, walking with a haughty gait or a rolling motion. Taban Resplendent, splendid, glittering, burning. Taban-I Splendour, light. Tabar A small lake. 'Tabar A hatchet, an axe. bardar A.n axe-bearer, a wood-cutter. zan zln A horseman's battle-axe. 'Tabar People, nation, race, tribe, family. Tabarak Be blessed, bless. allah God be blessed. 'Tabarra Curse of a Shl'ah over a Niiiini. Tabarruk Benediction, congratulation, a portion of presents (or what is left of food presented to great men), given to their dependents, sacred relics. Tabashir The sugar of the bamboo. Tab-dan A lattice, a sky-light. Tabdil Change, alteration, difference, transpor- tation, migration. hona To be changed. karna To change, to alter. 'Tabdlli . . Transfer. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 209 Tabi* Dependent, follower, subject. dar Dependent, follower. dar-I Allegiance, obedience, fidelity. --dar-I karua To obey, to serve, to submit. - hona To be subject, to be dependent. - karua To control, to subject. Tab-'I Natural. Tabl'at Genius, nature, disposition, temperament, constitution, essence, property. ana To be attached to. - bahal hoiia To recover from illness. bahalua To be amused. bhar jana To be satiated. bigarna To feel sick, to be excited. - bimar hona To be ill. -dar Clever, sharp. - lagna To take interest or pleasure in, to be attached to. - 1 arana To tackle a difficulty. larna To tackle a problem. na lasrua To be disinclined towards, to feel un- comfortable. -shinas A physician. ulajlma To be entangled in. Tabi'at Following, dependence. Tabib A physician. Tabib-i The business of a physician. Tabi'I Natural, of nature, innate, intrinsic. TabI'm Followers, companions. Tabinda Shining. gi Splendour, brightness. Ta'blr Explanation, interpretation. Tabl A drum. - bajana To beat the drum (with the fingers). Tabla A small tambourin. Tablak A file or bundle of papers. Tablak A little drum. Tabl i Jang Martial drums. Tabrld Cooling, refreshing, a cooling and refresh- 14 210 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. ing drink, usually given after a (A.)' jnllab (a purge). Tabnt A coffin, a bier, the ark of the convenant, presented by God to Adam, and which (according to Muhammadans) contained the portraits of all the prophets. (In the muharram, y.v., when the obsequies of Husaiii are annually commemorated by the shi'ah (q.v.) sect, the tabut of the martyr is carried in procession). Tadaruk Reparation, remedy, precaution, provision, preparation (particularly, to obtain jus- tice), the instruments and means used to procure justice as writings, lawyers, witnesses, &c., chastisement, retaliation. karna To provide against, to prepare, to oppose, to chastise. Tadawul Tradition. Tadbir Deliberation, counsel, contrivance, opinion, (pi. tadblrat). advice, government, regulation, arrange- ment, order, management. -i-ghiza Regimen of diet. i-saltanat Politics. Tad f i n Burial, interment. Tadry Gradation, scale. Tafakknd Searching for a thing lost, kindness. Tafakknh Admiring,penitence,enjoyment of any thing. Tafakkur Reflection, meditating, considering, anxiety. Tafarnk Division, separation. Tafawut Distance, dift'erence, distinction, disparity, distant, separate, away, absent. - bolna To prevaricate. Tafrlh Rejoicing, exhilarating, amusement. -I-taM Ease of mind, cheerfulness, hilarity. Tafrik Separation,division,partition,participation v jealousy, misunderstanding, department. karna To analyse. Tafrika Separation, dispersion. dena To sow dissension. karna To separate. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 2H Tafsll Explanation, analysis, separation, division, detail. war Distinctly, in detail. Tafslr Explanation, commentary, paraphrase, an interpretation of the Knr'an. Tafta Hot, burning, melted, quick lime. gi Heat, ardour, trouble of mind. Taftlsh Examination, inquiry, search, investigation, research. Tafzih Disgrace, disrepute. Tafzil Excellence, preeminence. Tag Running. Taga A thread, a strand or thread of twist. TaggI Taga'I The price paid for quilting, the act of quilting. Tagana To cause to be quilted, to get stitched together. Tagarg Hail. Tag-dan 1 f Fatigue, running about on business or in Tag-o-dan / | search of employment, great exertion. Taghaiyur Change, alteration, removal. Taghlr Alternation, change, changed, discharged, dismissed. hona To be altered, removed or dismissed. karna To remove from an office, to dismiss, to alter. Taghlr-I The state of alteration or change, revo- lution, discharge, dismission. Taghina A mark which artists put on their pro- ductions, device on a shield, a medal. Tagna To quilt, to stitch together. Tag-o-pu -..-.. Search, inquiry, bustle. Tag-o-taz Running, course, gallop. Tab Fold, plait, the bottom, beneath, under, intent, meaning. . , , band A cloth worn round the waist, and pass- ing between the legs; (V. langot-i and dhoti). -ba-tah Plait by plait, every fold. 212 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. Tah-ba-tah karua To pile one upon another. bazar-I Ground-rent of a stall in the market. -dar Having foundation or meaning, rational. darz New. -deg-i The scrapings of a pot, the burnt part of victuals that sticks to the bottom of a pot. dena To tinge slightly. kar raklio Fold and lay it by, i.e. keep it to your- self (is used . to express the speaker's independance, or his not wanting the thing spoken of). k liana A cavern, a cellar, a room under ground, a lower story, a vault. mama A disease of a horse, from excessive thirst, affecting the flanks. nishm hona To subside, to settle. o-bala Topsy-turvy, upside down. -o-bala karna To subvert, to overthrow. pah H nch na To get to the bottom, to find out. Taha'if (pi. of tuhfa) J Earities, varieties, curiosities, choice ar- Tnhfajat j | tides, presents. Tahaiyur Amazement, wonder, astonishment. Tahajji Spelling, (Huruf-i ) The letters of the alphabet. Tahajjnd A form of prayer said during the night, wakefulness, sleeping sound. Tahal Housewifery, housekeeping, duty, service, task, business, work, job, use, drudgery. karna To serve, to drudge. lagan! To dance attendance. na To walk backwards and forwards, to take the air, to rove, to ramble. ni A maid-servant. takor Business, duty, work. wa A servant, attendant, menial. Ta ha m m ill Patience, endurance, long-suffering, resig- nation, forbearance, truce, peace, meek- ness, humility. Tahana To fold, to ply, to wrap. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 213 Taharat Purity, cleanliness, sanctity, ablution, ceremonial purification. kariia To become pure, clean, to purify one's self. Taharati Pure, clean. Tahkik Ascertaining, investigation, trial, verifi- cation, exactness, precision, truth, cer- tainty, authentic, ascertained, actual, real, indubitable, apparent, truly, indeed. Tahkir Despising, scorn, neglect, disdain. Tahrik Movement, agitation, incitement, exciting desire, temptation, encouragement. dena To touch, to move, to affect, to encourage. - kariia To tempt. Tahrir Writing correctly, description, manumis- sion, written, dated. i-uklidas Euclid's elements. i-zohri A writing on the back. kunfii To write, describe, record. Tahsil Gain, acquisition, profit, attainment, learning, collection (particularly of revenues). -dar A collector, tax-gatherer. -dar-I Collectorship, tax-gathering. - karna To acquire, to gain, to collect. Tahsfl-na To collect, to gather a tax, to oppress, to afflict, la h>i ii Approbation, applause, acclamation. - i akhlak Good breeding, civilization, refinement. Taht The inferior part, below, under, subjec- tion, possession. -i-faniiau Subjection, dominion. lafzl Verbally, literal translation, interlinear translation. meu lana To conquer, to subjugate. - u-s-sara Under the earth. u-sh-shu'a 4 Change of the moon, conjunction with the sun. Tahwil Change, transfer, renovation, return, pass- ing of the sun, moon, or a planet from one sign to another. 214 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. Tahwilat (pi) Trusts, charges, cash. Tahwil-dar A cash-keeper, a treasurer. Talwfl-dar-1 The office of cash-keeper. Tahzlb Civilization, politeness. -i -a Ik hi ;ik Good breeding, civilization, refinement. yafta Civilized, educated, refined. Tai Rolling up, folding, travelling, passing or crossing over. karna To fold, to roll up, to constrain, to abridge, to travel, to pass over. Ta'I Paternal uncle's wife, an earthen fryingpot. Ta'ib Repenting, penitent. Ta'Id Aid, assistance, corroboration. -i-da*wa Support of a claim. i-kalam Support of a statement. karna To help, assist, aid, support, take part within, strengthen. Ta'Idat (pi.) Aids, helps. Ta'if Going round, making the circuit of anything, night-watches or patrols, name of a city in Arabia. Ta'Ifa People, tribe, a troop, a band (particu- larly of musicians and dancing women), suit, equipage. Ta'In Appointing, deputation, appointment. Ta'mat Appointments, appointment, business. karna To appoint, nominate, put in possession. Ta'inat-I The object or business of an appointment, appointment, tour of service, a guard, nominated for one's special duty. Tairak A swimmer. Tai rua To swim, to cross over. Tais At the same moment. Taish Levity, folly, anger, passion. Taiyar Flying quickly. Taiyar Ready, prepared, finished, complete, alert. hona To be ready. karna To get ready. Taiyar-i Readiness, preparation. Taj A crown, diadem, a cap crest, the comb, GLOSSARY OF INDIAN! TERMS. 215 of a bird, name of a suit of cards. Taj-bakhsh A king,emperor,one who gives away crowns. -dar One who wears a crown, a king, prince, emperor. mahall A magnificent tomb constructed at Agra, according to the design of Austin de Bordeux, a Frenchman, by the emperor Shah Jahaii, in memory of his queen Mir Jalian, "the light of the world". Taj The bay tree or its bark. (Laurns cassia). Tajaddud 1 \ Renewal. Tajdld I Tajahnl Pretended ignorance, contrivance, apathy indifference. Tajalll Splendour, brilliancy, lustre, clearness. Tajalliyat (pi. of Tajalll), lustres, illuminations. Tajammul Dignity, pomp, parade, retinue, furniture, (pi. tajammnlat). conveniences. Tajarmd Living in solitude, solitude, celibacy. Tajassus Spying, exploring, search, inquiry, cu- riosity, inquisitiveness. karna To pry into, to search diligently, to explore. Tajawuz Departing, transgressing, oifending, devi- ation, diversity. karna To err, to deviate, to stray. Tajhiz o t uk f i n Interment, burial. TajhTz Burial, expediting, arranging, adorning. i-lashkar karna. ... To raise an army. Taj-i-kharos The comb of a cock, the cockscomb flower (Amaranthns or Celosia). Tajir A merchant. Tajiriba Experiment, trial, proof, experience, essay, probation. Tajiriba-kar Expert, conversant in. kar-T Experience. karna To experience. Tajna To abandon, desert, quit, leave. Tajnls. . Making of- the same kind, resemblance, analogy, equivocation, punning to the eve, instead of to the ear. 216 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. Tajms-i-khattl Writing words alike which are pron ounced differently. Tajwif Hollowing, making concave. Tajwlz Approbation, permission, inquiring into,. examining, considering, investigation, con- trivance, sentence, judgment, trial, plan. hona To be examined, contrived, ascertained. kariia . To examine, investigate, inquire into, contrive, plan, prescribe, appoint, con- sider. i-sani Re-trial, new trial, revision, review of order or judgment. Tak A scale, balance, aim. -bandlma -lagaua To gaze, to stare. -rahna Tak (h.) A look, a glance, an aim, the act of aiming, pointing (of a dog). baudlma To covet, to point as a dog. rahna To aspire. Tak (p.) Vine, grasses. Tak Temper, nature, disposition. bandima To stare. lagana To expect, to long for. Taka A copper coin equal to two paisa. Takabbnr Arrogance, haughtiness, pride. Takabnl Encountering, drawn up in mutual op- position. Takaddasa Pure, holy, purified. ta'ala (An epithet of the Deity). Holy, mosthigh. Takaddnr Muddiness, turbidness, dregs, dullness, moroseness, disquietude of mind. Takaffnl Taking security, becoming security for another. Taka'I Tax, duty, collection, imposition. Takalluf Inconvenience, ceremony, taking much pains one's self in any matter, extrav- agance, profusion, preparation. bar-taraf Waiving ceremony. -mizaj Ceremonious. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 217 Takalluf at (pi.) i-darbar Expending much. i-majlis The ceremonies of society, etiquette. i-rasini Ceremonious attention, empty compliments.. Takallnm Conversation. Takaii Motion, agitation, gesture. charlma To be fatigued, tired. Takarrur Repetition, repeating, reiterating, per- evering. Takassul Sickness, being lazy or inactive. Takassur Being broken or shattered, spent or de- bliated, carrying figures (in arithmetic),, folding the wings (a bird). Takatur Distilling drop by drop, raining. Takawat Piety, abstinence, continence. Takawl Strengthening, assisting (particularly ten- ants engaged in agriculture, with ad- vances of money to buy seed), vying, contending with, money in advance. Takaxa Dunning, exacting, urgency, importunity, -i-shadid Inexorable dunning. -i-siim The customs or habits of different ages r as of childhood, youth, manhood. Takaza-I Importunate, urging, solicitous. Takbir . . Repeating the Musalman creed, or only saying, " God is great," upon particular occasions. Takdlm Giving precedence, priority, precedence y performance. karna To perform, to put before, to give pre- cedence to. Takdlr Fate, destiny, predestination, lot. Takdls Sanctification, sanctity, purity, sanctifying, magnifying. la k fin Putting on the winding-sheet, laying in the coffin, shrouding, sepulture. Takflr Covering, expiating a crime, doing penance or paying a mulct as atonement, hum- bling one's self before another (putting the hand upon the breast and inclining "218 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. the head), showing distant respect, accus- ing one of impiety, calling him infidel, making one an unbeliever, guiltiness. Takhallns Nom de plume, especially of poets ; as Sanda was takhhallus of Mirza Mu- hammad Rafl'. Takhf If Making light, alleviation, lifting up, de- spising, abbreviating, abatement, relief, remission, abridgment, decrease, dimi- nution, decay, softening the pronunciation of letters or changing one for another, for the sake of euphony. i-tasdl* Banishing care, relieving pain or trouble. Takhir Delay, procrastination, impediment. karna To delay. Takhliya Evacuation, privacy, a private room, manumission of a slave, divorce of a wife. Tii k hm i n a Guess, appraisement, conjecture, valuation. Tak h in man By guess, by appraisement, nearly, about. Takhrlb Devastation, destruction, razing. Takhsis Particularity, pecularity, appropriating, reserving for one's self. Takht A throne. bakht Throne and fortune, also ' wedlock and wealth ', as a form of benediction used by woman. chhorna To abdicate a throne. dar A king. -i-rawan A travelling throne, a throne on which the king is carried. nishiin Seating on, or bestowing thrones. -nishin One sitting on a throne, a king, a sovereign. -nishm-I Accession to the throne, reign. par baithna To reign. par baithahia To enthrone. ya takhta Either a throne or a bier (spoken on engaging in a desperate enterprise). Takht Assault, attack, incursion, invasion. karna.. To assault. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 219 Takht-taraj Assault and plunder, depredation, de- vastation. o tSraj karna To ruin, to depopulate. Takhta A plank, a board, a shelf, deck of a vessel, a stool, a bier, a sheet of paper, a bed of flowers. baud! Wainscot, boarding. gardau. Thick, broad and straight-necked (a horse). nard Backgammon. Takhtl A small plank, a small rectangular piece of smooth wood, generally covered with fine -sand, on which children write, a signet of stone, the breast. TakI Wall-eyed (a horse). Taki Stare, fixed look, aim. Taki So that, to the end that. (V. under Ta). Taki Pious, fearing God. Takid Confirmation, injunction, ascertaining, superintendence. karna To enjoin stric'ly, to urge, to press, to insist on. Takldan Reprovingly, emphatically. Takka A goat. -rish Beard on the chin only, like a goat. rish-I The state of having beard on the chin only, like a goat. Takkar Shoving, pushing, shouldering, knocking against, striking a blow, butting, the knocking of head to head, equality. - khana To stumble, to be dashed against anything, to meet with a loss or misfortune. mama To knock against, (met. from the sup- pliants striking their heads on the ground), to pray, to curse. pahar se leni. ... To enter the lists against an antagonist of greatly superior force. Takla A spindle. Takll A weaver's reel. Takllf (pi. Taklifat) Ceremony, imposition of a. burden, trouble, difficulty, molestation, distress, incon- 220 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. venience, ailment, affliction, annoyance.. Takllf deiia To annoy. - karna To take the trouble. - nieii ana To he in straitened circumstances. nthana To suffer. Takmil Completing, finishing, perfection, excel- lence. -i rihn Foreclosure of mortgage. i tamassnk Execution of a bond. - karna f . . . To execute, give authority, complete. - parna To be completed, finished. Takmila Perfection, completion. Takna To be looked at, to be stared at, to look at, to observe, to aim at, to watch. Takua To be stitched. Takora A fillip, a tap, a very small unripe mango,, the sound of a drum. Takraua To knock together the heads of two people,. to dash the head on something, to dash together, to grope in a dark place or passage. Takrar Repetition, tautology, altercation, conten- tion, dispute. - karna To dispute, debate, wrangle, cavil, repeat. -I Importuning, seizing, troublesome, fond of argument. Taksal A mint. bahar Uneducated, unpolished, rude, unclassical.. charhna To be educated. - ka khota Spoilt in education. Taksal-I /a ban pure language, good idiom. Taksali I *,_,._ f Officers of the mint. Taksaliya I Taksun Dividing, distributing, division in arith- metic. TaksTni karna -. To distribute. Taksir (pi. taksirat) Fault, error, crime. war Blamable, criminal, guilty. Tak-tak The sound of feet. TaktakI Staring, fixed look. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 221 Taktaki bandhna To look attentively, to gaze at. Takti' The csesara or pause in reading poetry. Taktir Distilling, dropping, strangury, Taku'a A spindle. Takwa Piety, abstinence, the fear of God. Takwahi "... Watching, overseeing, superintending, looking sharply after servants, workmen, (especially gold and silver smiths when employed to manufacture ornaments from the metals). Takra A pillow, a fakir's stand, the reserve of an array, reliance. lift |* 1 I A fakir, a dervis. -ii i-h I ii I dena To receive respectfully. kaniii To support, to encourage. kuliim'sukliaii-takra A cant word, introduced into conver- sation, without meaning, an expletive. karna To depend upon. lairana To lean. Tal A pond, chime, time in music, beating time, striking the hands on the arms previous to fighting, the name of a musical instrument, name of fruit and tree of the palm dena To chime, to strike the hands upon the body before fighting. mania | f To strike the hands against the arms thokna j 1 preparatory to wrestling. Tal Evasion, putting aside, putting off or out of the way, rejecting a request, a heap of wood, or grain, a stack, a rick, bald- ness from age, a turn or trick in wrestling. karna To put off, to heap, to prevaricate. marna To heap, to turn the scale fraudulently in weighing. matal Fraud, deceit. Tala A lock. Tala The bottom of anything, the sale of a shoe, protection. 222 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. Tala V. Tal. Talab 1 A pond, tank, reservoir of water. Talab Pay, wages, salary, desire, wish, inquiry, search, demand, request, application, sending for, seeking, seeker, requiring. ana Daily pay to constables. bantna To distribute pay. bnjhana To satisfy one's desire or appetite for drinking or smoking. -dar Desirous, asking, inquiring, one who receives pay. dena To pay one his wages. gar Desirous, a seeker. -gar-I Desiring, wishing, inquiring, seeking. hoiia To be called or summoned. karna To demand, seek, ask for, call, summon. nama A summons, citation. Talab-ana dakhil karna. . To pay witnesses. Talaf Ruin, destruction, loss, prodigality, con- sumption, expense. hona To be unfortunate, to meet with a loss. karna To waste, to consume. n-l-mal khalafu-1- *umr The loss of riches is the prolongation of life. Talaffnz Utterance, expression, pronunciation. Talaiya A small pond. Talak Till, to, up to, while. J.&K Talaf*! Compensation, recompense, amends. Talak Meeting, interview, reunion. Talak i Divorce, repudiation. Talamiz (pi. of Talmlz). . Students, scholars, pupils, disciples. Talaratola karna To put off, procrastinate, parry, temporize. Talap A piece, a fragment. Talash Search. -I Seeker, searcher. TalashI Annihilation, dispersion. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 223- Tal'a shinas A- fortune-teller. -I ........... Fortune- tellin. Tale Below, down, beneath, under. ki zamin upar hon! Signifies great disturbance and confusion.. tale deklma To see clandestinely. -upar Upside down, confused. Tale bale batana To put off. Tali A key, clapping of the hands. - bajana To clap the hands (generally by way of censure and ridicule), to hoot. ek hath se bajnl. ... Is used to express an impossibility. - mania To hoot. Tali A sort of musical instrument. Tali* ... .Rising (as the sun), arising, appearing, fortune, prosperity, destiny, horoscope, the dawn. azma-I Trying one's fortune. mand Fortunate, wealthy. mand-I Fortune, prosperity, wealth. -shinas Fortune-teller, astrologer. -war Fortunate, wealthy. war-I Good fortune. Talib Asking, demanding, interrogating, an in- quirer, a seeker, a lover. -i-dunya Wordly-minded. i-'ilm Searching after knowledge, a student. -i-'ilm-I Search of knowledge, study. Tallf Connecting, uniting in friendship, recon- ciling, bringing together, composition, compiling of a book. Ta^lik A kind of writing used by Persians, and in India, suspension, delaying. Ta'lika ) An inventory, a catalogue. Talika (corrup. form) Ta'lil Causing, occasioning one to make an excuse, (in grammar), changing one of the weak letters for another. Ta'lim Teaching, instruction, tuition, copying fine, writing accurately, a copy to write from. 224 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. Ta'llm karna ........... To teach. Taljana ................ To get out of the way, to disappear, to vanish, to pass away. Talkh ................. Bitter, acrimonious, rancid, malicious, sorrowful. - -daiia ............ Darnel, tares. - -go ............... Plain-spoken, harsh. karna ............ To embitter or make bitter, to aggravate. nii/iij ............ Ill-tempered. -ru ............... Morose. Talkha ................ Grain parched and pounded, then mixed with water into a paste, the gall-bladder. Talkh-i ........... ...... Bitterness, rancour. Talkm ................. Instructing, informing, religious instruc- tion, prayer over the dead at the time of interment. karna ............ To instruct, to inform, to teach. Tall.. . . ............... A hillock, hill, heap. Tall ................... The dew. Talle-nayis-I ) } .......... Unprofitable employment, wasting or time. nawis-i J Tal-inakhana ............ The name of a medicinal herb. (Barleria longifolia). Talnialaua. . To totter, to tantalize. Talmalana .............. To be tantalized, perplexed, anxious. Talmalate phirna ........ To walk about in restless expectation, to be uneasy. Talna .................. To give way, to shrink from, to disappear, to pass away. Talna ................. To fry. Talna ................ To evade, prevaricate, put off, postpone, defer, to drive out of the way, to put aside, to move, to prevent. Talpat ................. Ruined, destroyed. Talu .................. The palate, the ridge or slit roof of the mouth, a disorder in horses, the lampreys. The sole of the foot. Talwa chatna ; To flatter Talwe tale hath dharna J Copper. tm i GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 225 Talwe sahlaiie (lit. To stroke the soles of the feet) signifies excessive flattery, adulation. Talwou se ag lairni (lit. burning in the soles of the feet) implies excessive anger. Talwar A sword. chalana To fight with swords. -ka ghao A sword-cut. khainclma To draw a sword. kl ancli A flash of a sword. iniyan men karna To sheathe the sword. Talwariya A swordsman. I Darkness, irascibility, promptitude to vin- Taina, N. \ ** i ' ( \ dictive passions. Dark, irascible, vin- Tainas-I, Adj. ' ( dictive. Tama Taiuba Taina' Avarice, covelousness, greediness, avidity. - karna To covet. - dena To bait, bribe, exciting desire. Ta maclia A pistol. Tamacha A slap, a blow. Tauiak Vanity, arrogance, pride, growing red in the face. Taiuaku | 5 Tobacco. Tambaku | Tamam Entire, perfect, complete. 1 Completion, perfection, totality, brocade, cloth of gold tissue. hona To be finished, to die. karna To perfect, to complete, to finish. - shud Finished, is finished. -tar Wholely, completely, entirely. Tauiancha ] > V. Tamacha. Tapancna Tarn a nc ha V. Tamacha. Taman i vat Rest, repose, tranquillity. (prop, tumanlnat). Tamaiiua Request, wish, prayer, supplication, in- clination, petition, hope. kash Desirous. 15 220 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. Tamasha An entertainment, show, spectacle, sight, amusement, fun. -blii-I Luxury, libertinism. deklma To see any sight or spectacle. -gah A place of show. karna To see, to take a walk, to exhibit a sight, to make fun, to jeer, to jest. kl bat Anything strange or funny. Tamash-bin A spectator, a rake, an epicure, a whore- master. bm-I Luxury, libertinism, raking, whoring. Tamaskhnr Buffoonery, joking. Tamassnk A note of hand, bond, obligation, receipt, Tamil ssul Imitating, resembling, applying allegories. Tamba A kind of drawers very wide. Tamhih Admonition, correction, punishment, beating. Tii in In ha n By way of admonition, by way of punish- ment. Tambiya A pot. Tambol The betel leaf. Tamboli Name of a caste whose business is to sell betel leaf. T;i m hoi i ii A woman who sells betel leaf, wife of a tamboll, name of a tree. Tambu A tent, a pavilion. tanna To pitch tents. Tambur A Turkish guitar with six wires or strings- a drum (in Hindustan). chl A drummer. Taiuh nl Disposition, arrangement, settlement, man- agement, confirmation, preliminary, pre- amble, preface, preparative, introduction, karna To dispose, to premise. 1 Introductory Tami' Covetous, greedy. Ta'mil Performance, operation. -dink MI Kama To execute, or carry out an order. - karna. ...:....... To put into execution, to serve. Ta'nrir Building, structure, constructing, repairing. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 227 Ta'mlr hoiiSi To be built. karna To build. at slgha Engineering Department. Tamiz Discernment, judgment, discretion, dis- tinction, sense. (harf-i ) An a( i ver b. Tamjld The glorification of God ; hence, the hymn or prayer that is pronounced from the minarets an hour and a half before dawn. Tamkri A stroke of the sun. Tainkanat Dignity, pride. kiiriia To distinguish, discern, perceive, appreciate. Tamkln . Majesty, dignity, authority, power. Tamr A date. i-hindl A tamarind. lainra ^ g em o f inferior value, of a copper colour, also, as tambra, a false stone resembling a ruby. Tains!! Comparison, similitude, allegory, parable, (pi. tamsilat). apologue, an example. " l ana To allegorize. Taintamahat The state of growing red in the face. Tamtamana To grow red in the face, to glow, to sparkle, to twinkle, to flash. T an Twang, pride, conceit, vanity. - tan A. sound. T a ' n Blame, disapprobation, reproach, censure, chiding, striking with a spear. Tan A note in music, a tone. - torna To crack a joke, to utter a word to excite a quarrel, or to induce conver- sation, to animadvert, to strike up a tune. Tan The body, person. - chhipaua To hide one's self. - dena To pay attention. dih A person of application. dih-i Application, exertion, attention. durnst Healthy, vigorous. dnrust-i Health, \igour. i-tanha Alone ' solitary. 228 GLOSSAEY OF INDIAN TERMS. Tan-o-man inarua To restrain one's desires, and be silent, to suppress any feeling, to concentrate one's powers or attention. parwar Self-indulgent, luxurious, selfish. -parwar-I Self-indulgence, luxuriousness. Tana To heat, to prove, to assay. Tana The warp, the threads that are extended lengthways upon a loom. Tana tarlz Unfortunate. Ta'na Taunting, reproach, ignominy, disgrace, aspersion. dena To taunt. mania To cast reproach, to gibe, to twit. -zau A reproacher, taunt er, asperser. -zan-I Taunting, reproaching. Tanab A tent rope. Tan ;ul ilu in Penitence, bashfulness, modesty. TanafI Expelling, pursuing, persecuting, denial, that another person has performed some thing, as that he has paid a debt. Tanaffur Aversion, disgust. Tanaffns Respiration, breathing. Tanana i To extend, to stretch. Tiiiiiia \ Tanasnb Resembling, relation, proportion. Tanasukh Transmigration, metempsychosis. Tanasnl Uninerrupted descent through a series of generations. Tauazn' Wiangling. Tanazul Descent, decline (falling of price, losing rank), leaping from a horse in order to fight. Tanba V. Tamba. Tanch j Perverse, audacious, troublesome. Tanchra I Tan (la. A venture (of goods), name of a place, the goods of a banjara, (a grain merchant). Ta nil i li i V. under Tan. - kn rna To apply one's self, to take pains. Tang Strait, tight, narrow, confined, wanting, GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 229 scarce, barren, distressed, dejected, sad, a horse- belt, a girth, a bag, a sack, half a horse's, bullock's, or camel's load. Tang ana To be distressed, exhausted, dejected. -ba-tang-hona To be in distress or difficulty, to be ex- hausted or tired. chashm Miserly, niggardly. (last Poor, distressed, miserly. dast-i Parsimony, poverty, want, inability. dil Narrow-hearted, miserly. -dil-T Xarrow-heartedness, stinginess. -hal Poor, distressed, straitened in circum- stances. hal-I Poverty, distress, narrow, circumstances. karna . To straiten, tighten, contract. lena -posh Tightly dressed, wearing tight clothes. posh-i. Tightness of dress. wakt Emergency, critical moment. Tang The leg. - deiia " To hang up, to hang. - lena To seize or bite the leg (as a dog), to reproach. - tale se nikal jana. . To pass under one's legs, to submit, to yield. Tanga A small two-wheeled car without covering, and on which one person only can sit. saw ii r One who rides in a Tanga. Taiigar ... A bale (as of cotton). Tanghau A kind of horse, a highland pony. n 11 in a Like a tanghan. Tangi A hatchet. Tang-I Straitness, tightness, poverty, want, a bag, a sack. karna To be parsimonious. Tang-na . A strait place or passage, a strait. Tang-na'i ' Tangna. . . . To hang up, to dangle, to hang by a string (not on a peg). Tangrl The leg. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. Tanha Alone, solitary, singular, unique, private, apart, only, single. Tanha'I Loneliness, solitude. TanI A string with which garments are tied. Tani A daughter. Tani The warp, the price paid for weaving. Taiiin Buzzing. Taniya A kind of covering for the waist. Tank A weight equal to four mashas (V. under tola). Tank An iron pin, a stitch. T.mka A stitch, a tub made of stones, solder. Tanke lagana To stitch, to solder. ndharna ) }-..., ... To be opened or unripped. - khulna j Tan-khwah bantna ] dena -dar One who receives salary, a holder of an order for wages. -dar-I Receiving pay, service. zatl Personal allowance. Wages, an assignment on the revenue. > To distribute pay. Tankl A venereal chancre, a square piece cut out of a melon to examine its quality. Tankl A chisel for stone-work. Tii nk ih Cleaning, polishing, deciding disputes, investigation, search, ascertaining. Tankiya Purging (medicinally), winnowing grain, settlement, decision, clearness. Tankna To stitch. Tank mi To be stitched. Tanna To extend, to stretch, to expand, to pull, to knit (the eyebrows). Tanili n lamia To pitch tents. Tanna To stretch, to pull tight, to sit upright. Tansif Bisection. Taut Cat-gut, sinew, the string of a musical instrument. - baji aur rag bu.jha. He understood from the first word. baudhna To put to silence an idle talker. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 231 Taut The crown of the head. Tauta A string of camels, horses, a drove, train, series. Tanta Wrangling, altercation, squabble. Tantaua Sound, fame, rumour, pomp, dignity, state. Tantana Show of authority, imperiousness, pride, childish passion. Tantauana Ta twang, to jingle. Tantha Powerful, strong, firm, solid. Tantha-I Solidity. Tantra Name of a Hindu scripture, (Shastr), charm, enchantment. Tantrl A musician. Tauu ) rpi i T I he body. Tan u ) Tanur.. . An oven, a stove. Tan win Nunation, doubling the vowel with the final letter of a word in writing, which in pronunciation gives such vowel the additional sound of n. Tanz Mirth, joking, pleasantry, ridiculing, sneering, taunting. an< . ift Tauntingly, sneeringly. -karna To taunt. Tanzlh Removing or separating from all vice or impurity, holiness. Taiizll Revelation, the Kur'an, causing a traveller to alight, receiving him hospitably. 'ran/Tin Ordering, arranging, composing verses, threading pearls. Tanzir Likening, resembling. Tanziya Inspiring with desire, desire, propensity. Ta'o (p.), . Heat, passion, rage, strength, power, splendour, dignity, twist, coil, contortion. dena. To twist, to stroke the whiskers, to heat (as iron). khana To be heated, to be angry. rj xyj A sheet of paper, proof, trial, assay, speed. Ta'onji To heat, to raise heat by blowing with bellows, to prove, to assay, to twist. 232 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TEHMS. Tap Warmth, heat, fever. Tap (s.) Warmth, prayer, adoration, devotion. Tap (p.} A fever. < lia rh iia To come on (a fever). i-dikk A hectic fever. i-ghibb A tertian fever. ka mut jana The breaking out of an eruption on the lips after a fever. i-larza An ague. -i-mnhrik An ardent fever. -i-muwazaba A quotidian fever. i-nanbat A intermittent fever. ntarna To go off (a fever). Tap Spring, leap, bound. Tap A stroke with the fore-foot of a horse, sound made by a horse's hoofs in tra- velling, a frame made of bamboo for catching fish. Taptap Without ceasing (the sound of falling drops or the pattering of rain drop after drop successively). Tapa A worshipper, an ascetic, a devotee. T;i pa A hen-coop. to'I or -to'iya karna To trifle, to grope, to rummage. Tapak Friendship, the anguish of love, solicitude of friendship, affection. Tapak Pain, throbbing, sound made by dropping. Tapak Affection, esteem, regard, love, zeal, ar- dour, also, apparent, cordiality, palpi- tation, consternation, affliction, uneasiness. Tapakna To throb, to palpitate. phoreka The throbbing of a boil, when coming to suppuration. Tapakna To drop when ripe, to drip, to distil, to throb, to palpitate. Tapan Heat, glow, fervour, the sun, the hot season. Tapana To heat, to cause to glow, to make another person warm himself at the fire, or in he sun. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 233 Tapana. . . To pour a libation. Tapas Sunshine, the sunbeams, toil, labour. TapasI A devotee, a performer of austere devotion. TapashI ' TapassI machhli The mango-fish. (Polynemus paradisea). Tapish . Affliction, agitation, palpitation, heat, warmth. Tapka A drop of rain, fruit falling when ripe, (particularly mangos), a windfall. Tapkana To cause to drip, to distil. Tapkao ,,, Distillation, dripping. Tapna To be glorified, to glow, to be heated, to frisk about. Tapua To paw with the fore feet (as a horse expecting his corn), to search in vain. Tapna To bask in the sun, or before a fire, to warm one's self at a fire, to warm, to heat. Tappa A division, district. Tappa The post-office, the name of a mode in music, the hound of a ball, a jump, a bo'ind, a sort of hook. khana To bound, or ricochet (a shot). mania To sew or stitch with intervals, to read in a desultory manner. TaprI A mound, a small height, an acclivity. Tapu An island. Tapna A plot of a field. Tar A thread, a wire, the string of a musical instrument, darkness, obscurity. bandhua To continue or repeat an action without interruption. barkl The electric telegraph, a telegram. i-'ii ii k:i hii t Cobweb. -kash A wire-drawer. kash-T Wire-drawing, a kind of needle-work. karna To draw wires. tutna To be disjointed, to be separated. Tar (sj The palm tree (Borassus flabelliformis). Tar (h.) Understanding. baz Intelligent, quick of apprehension. 234 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TEBMS. Tar-baz-I Quickness of apprehension. Tar Moist, wet, fresb, green, young, juicy, a particle, which, added to Persian adjec- tives, forms the comparative degree. Tar Intoxicated. Tara A star, the apple of the eye, the name of the wife of Raja Bali. - mandal The starry sphere. Tare ginna To count the stars, i.e., to get no sleep. Taraddud. Irresolution, hesitation, fluctuating, sus- pension of judgment, anxious considera- tion, debating, rejecting, contrivance. at-i-dun j avl. . . . Attention to wordly affairs. Taraduf . Succession, uninterrupted, carrying double (a horse). Taraf ) [ Side, margin, corner, quarter, extremity, Tarf j I towards, occasion, notice, approach. dar A partisan, a follower, a sectary, an assistant, partial. -dar-i Following, partiality. i-sanl A defendant, an enemy. se On the part of. Tarh or tarah Manner, mode, position, establishment, ejection, throwing. dar Beautiful, graceful, well-shaped. dar-I Beauty, elegance, style, grace. dena , To disregard, to turn a deaf ear to pass over. dikhana To show off one's airs and graces, to affect. -kash. Sketching, imitating. Tara'I A marsh, mead, meadow. -khewa Living in or near water, water- fowl. Taraj Plunder, devastation. Tarak The crown of the head, a hill, heap, head, top, summit. Tarak A beam, a rafter. Tarakkl Promotion, preferment, advancement, in- crease, making progress in learning, proficiency. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 235 Tarakna To be cracked, to be split. Tarakri The beam of a balance. Tarakum Heaping together, the being thickly collected together. Taraii The act of freeing, salvation, deliverance. Tarau Revenue. Tarana ] > lo cause to pass over or swim, to save. Tirana ) Tarana Modulation, harmony, voice, song, melody, symphony, trill, shake, quaver, a kind of song. pardaz Composing songs. Tarang Wave, emotion, whim, conceit, fancy, caprice, becoming state and dignity. Taranjubm Tarangubin Manna (produced from the Hedysarum alhagi), with some, honey mixed with lime-juice. Tarap Haste, hurry, outrageousness, explosion fury, leap, jump. Taraph Agitation, tossing about, palpitation. i To flutter, to palpitate, to be very desirous Taraplma } < about anything, to be agitated, to writhe, Tarapna jump, spring, bound, wriggle, toss. Taras 1 _.. _ > Thirst, alarm, fear, terror. Tiras ana } To be thirsty. -lagna ' Tarash (In compos :). Cutting, n. cutting, paring, cut, shape, form, fashion. ijalna To pare off or away. kharash Shape (particularly good), neatness of form, elegance in dress, erasures, corrections. Taraslma To cut, clip, prune, to shape, to cut out. Tarashshuh. Exuding, dropping (as sweat), dripping, distilling, a small rain, drizzling, man- ifest, evident. houa To drizzle, to appear, to seem. Tarash-wana To cause to cut or pare. Tarasna To long, to desire anxiously, to pity Tar-ba-tar Completely wet. 236 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. Tar-ba-tar hona To drip with wet, to be covered with blood. Tarbl* , . . Dividing into four, making a quadrangular or square figure, (in astronomy) a quad- rangular aspect of the stars, a quadrature. Tarbiyat Education, instruction, tuition, breeding, correction. karna To educate, to instruct. -pazir Docile, tractable. -yafla Well-trained, well-educated. Tarbuz 1 } A water-melon (Cucurbita citrullus). Tarbnz ) Tardld Refutation, rebutment, reversal, repelling, opposing. karna To refute, confute, disprove. Tarera The falling of water from a spout, or from any height. Tar-I Moisture, freshness, sugar. -se By water. Tap (s.) The juice of the palm tree, (corrupt. Toddy). Tarl (It ) Hilt of a dagger. Tarl (s ) The clapping of hands, a key, abstraction, absence of mind, absorption in thought or devotion. Tar-I (p.) Darkness, obscurity. hona To prevail over, overcome, overshadow. Ta'rif Explanation, description, praise, praising, assertion. - n-1-maj'hai bl-l- maj'hul Explaining in terms as little understood as the thing intended to be explained. Ta'rlf T Commendable, notable. Tarik Dark, obscure. chasm Blind-dim-sighted. Tarik Leaving, a deserter. u-d-dunya ... Abandoning the world, abstinent, sober, chaste, an anchorite, hermit. Tarik Way, road, manner, custom, fashion, rite, religion. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 237 { AYav, path, manner, custom, rite, religion, Tarikat \ ) sect, the better sort of people (Tarikat. Tarika I [ a peculiar order among the Sufis). bataua To direct, show the way. baratna To work a system. i batwara Mode of partition. -i darbar Form of state. i hisab System of accounts. i munasib The proper mode. Tarika The apple of the eye, a star. Tarikh Date, era, annals, history. - u-1-hijra The era of the Hgra (q.v.) war Daily, at stated periods. Tarim Any building of a circular form with an arched or cupola roof, a wooden struc- ture in gardens, where a watchman sits. Tarji'-band A kind of stanza in which one line oc- curs at stated intervals. Tarjih Gaining a superiority, preference, excel- lence, pre-eminence. i-bila murajjah. . . . Unreasonable preference. rakhnu To excel, to surpass. Tarjuma or tarjama Translation, interpretation. -navls A translator. Tark (a.) Abandoning, leaving, deserting. -i-adab Disrespect. Tark (s.) Logic, a proposition in logic. Tarka Dawn of day. Tarke in the morning early. Tarka The estate of a deceased person, a share of it. i-pidari The paternal estate. Tarkarl Edible vegetables. Tarkash A quiver. -band Carrying a quiver. Tarke men ana To inherit, succeed, descend, come into possession. Tarke men chhorna To leave, bequeath. Tarkib Composition, mixture, cement, make, form, mechanism. 238 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. Tarkibat Mixtures, compositions. -dar Well-formed. I Composed, mixed, artful, artificial. karna To organize. Tarna To pass over, to be ferried, to be saved. Tarna To free, to rid, to exempt, to absolve from sin, to save. Tarna To understand, to conceive, to comprehend, to guess. Tarna ) Punishment, admonition, reproof, penalty. Tarau Tarna karna To reprove. Tarni A ship, vessel, boat. Tar o taza New, fresh, cheerful, verdant. gl Newness, freshness. Tarpaii Satisfaction, gratification, an offering of three handfuls of water to ancestors. Tarplla Haste, hurrying. Tarra Wicked, vicious (particularly a horse),. stout. pan. Violence, roughness. Tarrana To chatter, murmur, grumble. Tarrar A pick-pocket, a cut-purse. Tarrara Rapidity. - bharna To gallop. Tarrara Quickness, expedition. - bharna To stretch out, or bound (a horse at full speed). -zaban Chattering ceaselessly. Tarrarl Quickness, fluency of speech, eloquence. Tars (h.) Compassion, mercy. khana To compassionate. Tars (p.) Fear, terror. Tarsa A Christian, also a guebre, a worshipper of fire, a pagan, an infidel. bachcha A young fire-worshipper. Tarsan Fearful, timid. Tarsa na To cause, to long, to tantalize, to tease. Tars-nak Timid, cowardly. Tartara. . A kind of dish. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. L39 Tartarahat Bluster, boast. Tartaraiia To bluster, to boast. Tartaratii Very greasy, dripping with moisture. Tar tar karua To tear to pieces. Tartib Arrangement, disposition, order, method. deiia To order, to arrange, to put in order, to compose. dih One who arranges. -i-daftar Putting the office paper in order. -war Regular, methodical, regularly, method- ically. Tar tutna To break off (V. tar). Tarz Form, manner. i 'ibarat Construction of a sentence, style. i jawab-dihl Line of defence. i kalam Diction, phraseology. Tasaddnk Giving alms (particularly from a religious motive), alms, sacrifice, sacrificing, devoting. houa To become a sacrifice. karua To devote, to sacrifice. Tasahnl Pardoning, carelessness, apathy, slowness, tardy proceedings. karua To defer, delay, put off, retard. TasallT Consolation, comfort, solace. dena To comfort, console, assure, secure, ani- mate, exhilarate. baklish | . . dih [ Comforting. liona To be consoled or comforted. Tasalsul Connecting like a chain, association of ideas, infinite series, succession, flowing (as of water). -daur ) Arguing in a circle. Tit si m u h Reciprocal indulgence, mutual kindness and forgiveness, connivance, double meaning. Tasanif (pi.) Compilations, books. Tasaniinm The being, or becoming a Suuni. 240 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. Tasar A. kind of coarse silk, the produce of a particular worm (Bombyx paphia) that feeds on the asan (Terminalia aluta tomentosa). Tasarruf Possession, use, sway, expidenture, dis- posal, embezzlement, extravagance. karua 1 > lo take or get possession of. men lana I Tasarrufat (pi.) The sum total of expenses, possessions. Tasarruf-I Common provisions given to dependants. (Khassa, being what the master and his friends eat). Tasauwuf The theology of the Sufis or mystics of the east, mystery, contemplation. Tasanwur Imagininiug, imagination, contemplation, meditation, reflection, fancy, conception, preconception, apprehension. karua To imagine, to fancy. Tasauwurat (pi.) Ideas. Tasblh The act of praising God, a rosary, a chaplet of beads (not a Hindu rosary). -k liana A chapel. -khwan Saying prayers, a person hired to pray for another, a private chaplain. khwan-I The office of a chaplain. parhua To count the names of God on beads, to describe the holiness of God. Tasdl' The headache, trouble, perplexity, affliction, annoyance, vexation, toil. dena To incommode, trouble, vex, tease, harass, distress, annoy. karua To take the trouble. Tasd ik Verifying, attesting, acknowledging as true, appeal. i-bila tasanwnr . . . Presupposition. -karna To testify, to attest, to certify, to verify. wala The person attesting, an auditor. Tasflya Purifying (particularly the mind from ill- will), reconciliation, adjustment, disposal. karna To reconcile, adjust a dispute, settle. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TEEMS. 241 Tasghlr. . . . ! Diminution, a diminutive noun. Tashaddnd Seizing and holding firmly or by force, strong, robust, corroborated, confirmed, aggravation, severity, hardship. Tashaffi Consolation, becoming calm (after anger), calmness. Tashblh A simile, comparison, allegory, metaphor (harf-i-tashblli) Adverb of similitude. dena To assimilate, compare. Tashdid Consolidating, corrobo ration. The name of the orthographical mark ( w ) placed over letters, which denotes that they should be doubled in pronunciation. Tashhlr Proclaiming, publishing, marking a crim- inal, public exposure. liona To be publicly exposed in the streets. Tas'lnf Making an error in writing, writing, changing the diacritical points so as to alter the pronunciation and meaning of a word. Tas'hlh Rectification, correction, verifying, illus- trating, attestation. kariia To amend, correct, verify. Tashkhis Distinguishing perfectly, making a correct diagnosis valuation, assessment. karna. To ascertain. Tashrif Honouring, exalting, investing with a splendid robe. arzaii! farmana I } - To go, or to come. - farmana lana To come i } LO honour with one s presence, lejana To go J never said of one's self, except by a king. -i sharif Your honour! your presence! Tashrlh Illustration, explanation, exposition, dec- laration, anatomy, dissecting a body, skeleton, details. karna To enumerate, illustrate, explain, to particularize. -war In detail, with full particulars. 16 242 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. Tasht 1 A platter, basin, ewer, cup, salver. Tasht ) Tashtari A small salver, plate, a saucer. Tashwish Confusion, distraction, anxiety, grief, alarm, disquietude, apprehension. Tashwishat (pi.) \ ^ , , ... J, 1 roubles, anxieties. Tashawish Tasir (pi.) Taslrat The making an impression, an effect, impression, operation, penetration. karna To make an impression, to influence, prevail upon. Taskhlr Imprisoning, taking a strong hold, sub- duing, captivating, imprisonment of an evil spirit, magic. -i-knlub . . Captivating of hearts. Taskln Consolation, comfort, pacifying. bakhsh Assuasive, mitigating. dena.. ... To appease, pacify, calm, soothe, assuage. -hona.. ... To be satisfied, consoled. Tasla.. A culinary vessel used by Hindus. Taslib . . Crucifixion. Taslim (pi.) Taslimat Delivery, consignment, recommending to the care or protection of another, salu- tation, homage, health, security. . karna To salute, to make obeisance, to do homage, to accept (most respectfully). Taslimat ba-ja lana To make obeisances. Tasma A thong, a strap of leather. kash A strangler, a mute. khainchna To strangle. Tasmf Invention, composition. Tasanif (pi.) \ T ., ... \ Literary compositions. TasBifat Tasrif Conjugation, declension, inflection (in grammar), changing, turning, converting. Tasrih Evidence, manifestation. explanation, narration, description. Tassn An inch. Taswid Making black, the draft of a letter, a rough copy, a sketch, plan, delineation. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 243 Taswlr A picture, an image. banana | > lo draw, delineate, paint. - khainchiia J Tat Father, warm, hot. Tat . ... Canvass, sack-cloth, a coarse hemp cloth, a counter. -baf A weaver of canvass, a maker of embroidery. baf-I Embroidery. Tata Hot, heating (food). Tatabbu* Following, imitation, continuation. karua To search diligently, to explore, to examine, to follow, to imitate. Tata thai Beating time in music or dancing. Tatak Juggling. Tatal I }. ... Hot, warm. Tati ) Tataiik An ornament worn in the ear. Tath True, right. Tatha Power, ability, might. Tatlhra A sand-piper (Tringa goeiisis). Tatimma An appendix, a supplement, continuation. i-khatt A postcript. Tatka Fresh, new, recent. Tatolna To feel for, to grope, to search for by feeling, to touch. Tatpar Engaged, attentive, addicted to, adept. Tatparj The apprehension of an implied wish or thought, need. Tatpunji A man of little means. Tatta Hot, warm, zealous, fiery, passionate, furious, outrageous, wrathful. Tatta A skreen. Tattar A matted shutter. > a skreen, placed at doors and windows, made of strips of bamboo, painted and letting in the light ; sometimes made of khas, (a grass, an- dropogon mnricatum), excluding light, and wetted to cool the hot air, passing into the room from the outside, a necessary. 244 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. Tattu A pony, a small horse. Tatwani - mare. Tauba Penitence, conversion, promising to sin no more. karna To repent. -dhar The sound of punishing. tanba Tush ! fie ! foh ! torna To break one's vow. shikan Unfaithful. shikani Unfaithfulness. Tanblkh Reproach, speaking harshly, threatening. Tauf Surrounding, making the circuit, pil- grimage, the procession round the temple of Mecca. Tauflk (pi. Tauf Tkat) . . . The completion of one's wishes, the divine grace, the favour of God. bakhslma To grant a favour. Tauf ir Increasing, perfecting, increase, excess, perquisites, a supernumerary. r l';i u hid Unity, believing in the unity of God. Ta 11 hm Enervating, relaxing, scoffing, disgrace, dishonour. karna To insult, to dishonour. Taujih Calling one's attention, explaining, ac- counting for, adjustment of accounts, assessment, a description roll. Taujih navls A keeper of description rolls. Tank A collar, yoke, necklace, chain for the neck, for ornament or punishment, a ring. -i-zanjlr Irons, manacles. /iinjir karna To imprison, to put in irons. Tauklr Honouring, respecting, treating with ceremony. Tanl or tol Weight, weighing. tal Weighing and measuring. Tallinn or tolna To weigh, to balance, to confront (as two armies). Tan 'am A twin. Tan MS Thirst, great thirst. Taufisna . . To be affected or overcome with heat. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TEKMS. 245 Taur .................. Mode, manner, way, condition, state. tarika ............ Ways, manners, deportment. Taurlt or tauret ........ The pentateuch. Ta'us .................. A peacock. Tausan ................ A horse, Avar-horse, a young unbroken horse. Ta'us-T ................ Peacock-shaped. -I t a kht- 1 ......... A peacock throne of the emperors of Delhi. Tausif ................. Description, praise, commendation. Tau/ih ................. Manifestation, a statement, account, de- scriptive roll. Tawa .................. The iron plate on which bread is baked, the part of the jnikka in which the tobacco is placed, or the tobacco itself, an iron mirror. Tawaf ................ (V. Tauf). Turning, encompassing, pil- grimage, making the circuit of a pillar of theKa'ba, or sacred temple of Mecca. Tawa'if (pi. of Ta'Ifa) . . . People, nations, troops, bands (particu- larly of dancing girls), Tawajjuh .............. Turning towards, regarding, attending to, kindness, favour, obligingness, condesc- ension. Tawajud .............. Mutual ecstacy, rapture. Tawakku* .............. Expectation, hope, desire, wish, trust, reliance, request. Tawakkuf ............. Delay, pause, hesitation, tediousness, patience. Tawakkul ............. Trust in God, reliance, faith in or res- ignation to the divine will or destiny. -- karim ........ To resign to God. Tawallud .............. Birth, born, generated. - hona .......... To be born. Retaliation, recompense, debt, fine, loan (tawiiii is used in opposition to Kisas, and means the price paid for blood). bandhna 1 -lena ...... ^ ^ ne ' to dena ............. To pay a penalty or damages. dilana ............ To adjudge damages. 246 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. Tawan-I Compensation, debt, fine, loan. Tawan Power, strength. Tawana Powerful. Tawau-gar Rich, opulent, powerful. Tawan-I Compensation, debt, fine, loan. Tawarlkli (pi. of Tarlkh). Dates, histories, annals. Tawarud Unintentionally inserting the sense of another in one's own poems, correspond- ing by letter, when two persons think the same thing, succession of ideas. Tawassul Conjunction, introduction to another per- son, means, intervention. Tawassut Mediation, introduction, an introducer, a mediator. Tawattun Fixing one's residence in a foreign country. Tawatur Continuation, succession. Tawazu* Humility, attention, pretended kindness, empty compliments. i-samarkandl False politeness, pretended kindness, empty compliment. -i-shiraz Simple fare, homel\ r diet. karna To entertain, receive, present, offer. Tawaj/u Performing the ablution before prayer, arriving at the age of puberty when the ablution must be performed. Tawela A stable, stall. Tawll Explanation, elucidation, interpretation, paraphrase. Ta'wlz. Having recourse to the deity, asking protection, a charm, an amulet. Ta'u or taya Paternal uncle. Tin ak k u ii Ascertaining, ascertainment, certainty. Tii) iiui in ii in Purifying before prayer with sand or dust, when water cannot be had. Taza Fresh, new, young, green, tender, raw, fat, happy, pleased. ba-taza Fresh and blooming. dam Good spirits, hilarity, cheerfulness. hona To be in good case, to increase, to flourish. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 247 Taza-kar Making fresh or anew, beginner, renewer. kar-I Fresh or new work. khiyal Imagining what is new or fresh, an inventor. warid A newcomer. Taza-gl Freshness, plumpness, fatness, tenderness, greenness, pleasure. Tazallum Groaning under oppression, injustice, injury. Tajarru' Supplication, lamenting. Tax'hik Mocking, derision, ridicule. TazI Arabian or Arabic, Arabian (horse). khana A dog-kennel. kul t;i A greyhound. Tajl' Spoiling, wasting, idling away time. -i-ankat Idling away time, ennui, weariness. Tax'if Doubling. Tazik A horse ot mixed breed. Ta'zll .Removing or deposing from an office. Ta'zlm Reverence, respect, honour, treating with ceremony and respect, honouring, gen- tility, politeness. kariui To honour, to reverence, to show respect. Ta'zlr Punishment, correction, reproof, censure, reprimand. Ta'zlrat (pi.) Reproofs, censures, punishments. - i-Hind Indian Penal Code. Ta'ziya The representation of the tomb of Hasan and Husaiii. which is thrown into the river at the anniversary of the Mu- harram (q.v.) -dar ) f One who observes the mourning in the glr j I Muharram. dar- 1 The observance of Muharraiu. khana The place of ta'ziya. - thanda karna .... To bury a . - lena To observe the mourning during he Muharram, to go into mourning. Ta'ziyaiia A whip, scourge. mania To apply the whip, to scourge. 248 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. Ta'/iyat Condolence, lamentation, mourning. -na ma A letter of condolence. Ta/kir Masculine gender. Tazkira Mention. Tegh A scimitar. ba-kaff Sword in hand. -zan A swordsman, a user of a scimitar. -zan-i Use of the scimitar. Techa A short, broad scimitar. -n inna A sword like a scimitar. Tehar Name of an ornament of dress (perhaps a bracelet). Tej Splendour, glory, refulgence, strength, energy. man Glorious. Tek A prop, pillar, reliance, promise, vow. rail na To lean upon. Tekan A prop, support. Tekna To support, to prop. Tekar ) } A height, a rising ground. Tekra J Tel Oil. TelT Name of a caste whose business is to sell oil, an oil-man. tambolT Low caste people, the dregs of society. Telin Wife of an oilman. Teliya Name of a colour dark bay. surang Light bay coloured. Telna To remove. Telu'a A beam. Tern Snuff of a candle, the flame of a candle or lamp. Tendu The name of a fruit (Diospyros ebenum). TeMu'a A leopard. Tenl A particular breed of fowls, tiny, small. Tent The ripe fruit of Karil, (Capparis). a speck on the eye. Tenteii An imitative sound, an inarticulate sound. karna To screech like a parrot. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 249 Tentu'a The windpipe, the throat. Te'o Habit, custom. Te'ohar A holiday, a festival. -I Present made, at a festival. Te'ona To sharpen. Te'orana To have a swimming in the head, to be faint, to stagger, to fall down senseless from a blow. Te'oras The third year past or to come, year before last, year after the next. Te'ori Frown. Mgarua To get displeased. charhana To frown. Tepchl A kind of stitch. Ter Tune, voice, sound, cry. Tera A curtain, squint-eyed. Tera The trunk of a tree, an instrument for twisting coarse thread or twine. hilana To be afflicted with the venereal disease. Tera Thy, thine. merit karna To dispute about property, to fight over anything. Terah Thirteen. - wan Thirteenth. win The thirteenth, the thirteenth day after death Avhen the last of the funeral rites is performed. Terha Crooked, bent, uneven. bera Crooked. hoiia To be crooked, displeased, angry. karna To bend, crook. pan Crookedness. Terhl Pride, vanity, haughtiness. -khir ... A difficult matter. snnana To give an impudent answer. Terna To bawl, to roar to, to call loudly, to shout, to tune. Tesu The blossoms of the palas tree. (Butea frondosa), a kind of play. Tetak manjha Difficulty, embarrassment. 250 GLOSSARY Of INDIAN TERMS. Tewa Calculation of nativity, habit, custom. Tewar The forehead, look, shape. badalna To change colour or countenance, to turn away one's countenance. - bigarna To change countenance when dying, to be in the agonies of death. Tewar Swimming or giddiness in the head. Tez Sharp, pungent, acute, hot, strong, impetuous, violent, swift. ab Nitrous acid, aqna fortis. 'akl | I'ah in ( Intelligent, quick of apprehension. - hosh J kadam j > Swift, quick fast-going. gain j gam-I Swiftness. iu k h ii 11 Sharp-nailed. par High-flying, swift-flying. pat Name of an aromatic plant (Laurns cassia). raftar | \ Jb ast-going. rau j rau-I Rapidity, swiftness. tab' Quick of apprehension. Te/ak Cress, cresses. (Lepidium sativum). Tez-I Sharpness, strength, swiftness. Tha A sound made by striking one thing on another. Thadda Standing, the beak, the back stick of a paper kite. Thag I ( A robber, an assassin by strangling, a Tkagiya j | cheat, swindler, imposter. -bazl | . } Cunning, fraudulent, art, dexterity. --bidya ' thagna To rob, to cheat. lana -lena. . To cheat. Thagaua . To be cheated. Thag-na To cheat, to deceive. Thag-ni A female robber or cheat. Thag-orl Cheat, trick. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 251 Thah Bottom, ford. J'haliaku A peal, a succession of land sounds, an explosion. - kl mulakat Meeting with great demonstrations of friendship. Thaharua To be stopped, to be fixed, to stop, to stay, to be settled, to be determined, to be proved. Thahraua To fix, stop, determine, appropriate, settle, ascertain, appoint, fix on, prove, consider. Thabra'o Settlement, fixture, permanency, appro- priation, proof. Thai Place, firm or dry ground. bera Place of abode, one's whereabouts. Thaila I I hail i > A purse tied round the waist, a bag. Thailiya J Thak Thakka ( Clot > lum P (congealed). Tliaku Tired, weary. Thakaiia To tire, harass, weary. Thakke ke thakke Conglomerated, stuck, congealed. Thakit Wearied, stopped, motionless, astonished. Thakua To be wearied, to tire, to fatigue. Thakna To fatigue, to be tired. Thak thak Sound, hard work, very wet, drenched. Thaknr A divinity, an idol, a lord, master, chief (among Rajputs), a title of respect, a landholder, a barber. dwara An idol temple. sewa Grant of revenue for maintaining the worship of an idol. Thakura'I Divinity, lordship, chiefship, mastership. ] hak ii riin i A thakur's wife. Thakurayan A female divinity or idol. Thai A large flat dish. Thala The place at the root of a tree for holding water, the excavation in which a tree is to be planted, a large flat dish. 252 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. Thai thai Loose, hanging, shaking, flabby. Tham A prop, a support, an obstacle. [ To support, prop, shield, protect, shelter, Thamna * .' L _> < prevent, withold, restrain, stop, pull up ( (a horse), bear, assist, resist. Than A piece of cloth, a stall for cattle, a manger, a piece of coin. Than Udder. TIi jui a A station, (as police), a guard, the inside of the lines of an army. dar The head constable. Thana A heap of bamboos. Thand Coldness, a cold. a Cold. hona To become cold, to be extinguished, to be comforted or pacified, to rest, to lose virility. karna To make cold, to extinguish, comfort, assuage, pacify. parna To abate (anger, virility or wantonness). (Kaleja thanda hona). ... To be pleased, to be happy (by seeing a friend or relation), to have one's revenge gratified. Thanda-i Refrigerant medicine, the intoxicating drug made of bhang 1 . Thandak Coldness. Thand-i Cold. - sans foharnl To sigh. Thande thande In the cool of the morning or evening, at dawn or dusk. Thand-I garmiyan Lukewarmnless, a show of love, pre- tended affection. Thang A den of thieves. -I A receiver of stolen goods. Thanna To resolve, determine, be intenton, intend, set one's heart on, settle, perform. Thanna To be fixed, to be ascertained. Thausna To stuff, to cram. Than than Dingdong, tingle. Thanthauana To jangle, rattle. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 253 Thamv \ Tha'ou I Place, residence. Thaur Thap A tap, pat, flap, a paw, the sound of a small drum. Thap-a A mark of a paw. Thap-I The noise of tapping, the instrument with which potters beat their earth, or with which the earthen floors of rooms and terraces are beaten (made of wood). Thapua To beat, tap (floors, walls, terraces), to patch (as a wall, floor, with cow-dung), a religious ceremony performed at a cer- tain season, at Agra and in its vicinity. Thappa An instrument for stamping leather with, a die, stamp. deua > lo coin, to stamp, to clap against a wall. lagaua j Tharra A kind of wine or spirituous liquor, a kind of shoe worn by villagers. Tharrana To tremble, quiver. Thar thar Trembling. Thartharahat ) > Shaking, tremor. Thartharl ) Thartharana To tremble, quiver, shiver, shake. Thas, this or thus An imitative sound, as of a musket ill charged, a flashing in the pan. Thasa thas Filled, crowded. Thasak State, dignity. Thasakna To break or chip off a piece of earthen- ware, without completely destroying the vessel. Thasiia To stuff, cram, to ram down the charge of a gun. The frame of a roof on which the straw That is laid, arrangement, adjustment, thathri Thatthar > also means the shell of a house, a bier, Thathri a skeleton, a very thin person. Thath Throng, crowd. 254 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. Thath State, dignity, pomp, equipage, conven- ience, plenty. Thathakna ) J To stop short, stand amazed, draw bock Thithakna j { in surprise, slirink, stagnate. Thathana To strike, beat, beat one's own head (in token of vexation), to harass one's self. That badalna To change one's posture or attitude. Thathera A brazier, tinker. Thathere thathere kl badla'I A bargain between two people, equally acute and knowing, diamond cut diamond. Tliatl ) A trust, charge. Thathi ( Thathol | ( Waggish, jocular, jocose, a jester, banterer, Thathor j wag. ThatholT Fun, humour, sport, joking. Thattha Fun, sport, joking, jest, name of a place. To jest, joke, crack a joke, deride, ridicule. marna J Thatthe-baz A jester, a humorous person, a funny fellow, jocular. baz-i Jesting, sporting, joking, fun. men Tirana To make a jest of, to ridicule. Thawa'i A mason, bricklayer, architect. Thek A support, prop, a large sack filled with grain. Theka A plug. Theka ] } Hire, fare, contract, a resting place. Thika j bajana To play an accompaniment. band! A form or lease, held on lease. dena To give out by the job. i dainil A lease in perpetuity. lena To take, or enter into, a contract, to take out a license. peshgl A lease or form of which the rent is- paid in advance. Thel A hand cart. Thela A push, a shove. thell . . Shoving and shouldering. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 255 Thelam thela The pushing and shoving of a crowd. Thelua To push, to shove, to move forward by pushing. Thenth Pure, genuine, contentious. Thenthi A cork, a plug, a ball of ear-wax, a dhoti (q.vj Thepi A cork, a plug. - urn ii h iiicu dena . . To be silent Thes A knock, a blow, a shove, push, thrust, tripping against a stone. Thesua To pierce, knock against, stuff, cram, ram in, to eat ravenously. Thesra .... Sneer, innuendo, oblique reflection. Thik Exact, even, accurate, complete, just, fit, proper, reasonable, true, regular, right, parsimonious, sum, addition, exactly. ana To fit, correspond, suit, answer. banaiia To chastise, bring to one's senses or bearing. karua To put to right, to correct, to adjust. manna To receive, allow, admit the accuracy of, approve. -samajh Sound mind, sound. Thik thak I * \ Exact, fit, accurate, properly, accurately. wakt Point of time, the nick of time. Ili i k;i in thik Exactly, truly, rightly. Thikam thika Abuse. Thikana Residence, place, station, abode, dwelling. - dhundlma To seek a residence or employment. kariia To account, to search or trace an affair to its commencement. lagana To establish, to settle, to prove, to find out one's residence. Thikane lagana To put to death, to kill, to waylay, to make away with, to assassinate. - lagiia To be killed, to die, to be put an end to, to be terminated. Thikra An earthen vessel, a fragment of one (a shard), a vessel used by fakirs for carrying fire. 256 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. Thiliya A water-pot, pitcher. Thinak I } A sob. Thunak j Thinakna ) ! To sob. Thunakna j Tkingna Of small stature, middle-sized. Thirakna . To dance with expressive action and gesture. Thirkaua To cause to dance. Thirna To settle. Thithak . . The state of standing amazed. jana | } lo stop short. - rahna j Thithakna V. Thathakna. Thithur | \ .Numbness, chilliness. Thithir | Thithurna 1 - \ lo be numbed, chill. Thithirna j Thok Amount, heap, ready money, share, portion. dar A wholesale dealer. Thokar A blow, stroke, thump, clash, tripping, a stumble, a kick, a stumbling block. Thokar khana To trip, to stumble, to meet with a loss or misfortune. lagna To strike the foot against anything. Thola A cup for the food and drink of a bird in a cage, the knuckles. mania To strike with the knuckles. Thouk bajake After close examination, openly. lena To sound, to try, to examine coin. deita To hammer, or drive down, to knock. Thoukna To knock, to hammer, to drive (as a stake), to thrust with the finger, to drive, to beat, to thump, to punish. Thop An ornament at the end of the bamboo of a palki, head, topping. ThopI Box, thump. Thopiyana To trickle. Thopna To support, to prop, to plaster, to pile, to heap. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 257 Thor j j A little, small, scarce, seldom, some, less, Thora j ' ( a few. ha lint More or less. thora A little, by degrees. houa To feel one's self small, to be ashamed, to shrink with shame. diuou se A short time ago. se thora Very little. " The chin. Thorhl j men hath dena... To chuck under the chin, to soften, to flatter. Thos Solid. Thosa The thumb presented in token of denial (peculiar to women). Thuk Spittle. chatna To break one's promise. lagakar chhorna. ... To treat with sovereign contempt. lasraiia To apply spittle. (A term of abuse and most indecent meaning.) Thukna To spit. Tli ukrana To kick or strike with the toes. Thnmak The act of waving or walking with a graceful easy air. chal A dignified pace, stately gait, graceful carriage. Thumakna To walk with grace and stateliness, to walk with dignity. Tim in ka Short, of low stature. Thumkl Lazy, the playing or jerking of a paper kite to keep it up when the wind is light. ThunT A post, pillar, column. Tidda A grasshopper. Tiddl A locust. Tidhar There, in that direction. Tidhara The name of a plant (Euphorbia anti- quorum), the meeting of three streams. Tifl An infant, a child, a young animal. Tifl-I Infancy. Tighalna To be melted, to rarefy. 17 258 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. Tighlana To melt, dissolve. Tiariin A tone in music. Tiguna Three- fold. Tiha'I ' The third part. Tihayat . A third person, a court of inquiry, three or four persons by whom any cause is arbitrated, an arbitrator. Tihi Empty, vain. Tihidast Empty-handed, poor. TihidastI Poverty, penury. Tihi-dimagh Ignorant. Tij The third day of a lunar fortnight. Tija The third day after the death of a rela- tion, on which oblations are offered. Tijaral Trade, commerce, traffic. -i bahri Commerce. -I Mercantile, commercial, trade. Tijarl A tertian fever or ague. A commentary, inoculation, a mark made TIka ) I on the forehead by Hindus, an ornament Tilak j ' ' worn on the forehead, the nuptial gifts or engagement. Tilak bhejua To send the nuptial gifts, which are presented by the relations of the bride to the bridegroom. - lena To accept nuptial gifts. Tikana To retain, to fix in any place, to stop, to billet, to lodge, to station. Tikas I " _ ( Tax, house-tax, income-tax, duty, toll. I JIKil 1 I Tika'o Stability, residence. Tikat Stamp, ticket, pass, passport. chaspan Paid, stamped. Tikha Pungent, angry, passionate, sharp, pene- trating. Tikharna To confirm, to prove, to establish by argument, to question closely, ask searching questions, to plough three times. Tiki A small loaf of bread. Tikki GLOSSAUY OF INDIAN TERMS. 259 Tikki lagana To form a connection, to make interest, to earn a scanty livelihood. Tikiya A small cake, a little cake of charcoal for the hukka, a wafer, a bolus. Tikkar A thick loaf of bread. Tikll A wafer, a small round cake, an ornament worn on the forehead. Tikna To stop, to remain in any place, to be detained. Til The seed of the sesamum, or name of the plant (Sosamuin orientale), a mole on the face, a moment, an instant, pupil of the eye. - ka tel. . Sesamum oil. - til Little by little. Til A young hen, a woman (so named in contempt). Tila A rising ground, a small hill, a hillock, a ridge. Tila Gold, gold fringe. -baf-i Gold tissue. kar A gilder. kar-I Gilding. Tila An ointment, embrocation, a liniment. Tilak (s.) The mark which Hindus make on their forehead, a commentary. Tilak (p.) A gown. dhari One who wears the tilak. Tilanga An inhabitant of Tailang, in which the first soldiers were clothed and disciplined in the European manner ; hence, a soldier. Ti-lara An ornament of three strings worn round the neck. Tilawa 1 Night-watch, rounds, picket. Tilaya Tilawat 1 i Meditation, reading (particularly the Talawat j Knr'an, as an act of religion). Tila-yana . Golden. Til ism Tilsam (pi. Tilismat) . \ . . . A talisman. lat) I 260 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. Tilismat-I Talismanic. Tilla The golden border of a turban. -dan-I A housewife, or small bag for holding needles and threat. Timar Care, attention, regimen of the sick, infirmity, sickness, indisposition, affliction. Timsiil Resemblance, picture. Tim pun Dressing. Timtini A sound. Timtimahat A faint light, a twinkling. j'im li iiiaiiii To give a faint light. Tin-panel! Three and five, contension, dispute, quarrel. karna To quarrel. terah Dispersed, scattered, ruined. karna To rout or scatter to the winds, to dissipate. Tinakna To flutter, palpitate, throb. Tinat Nature, disposition, tenor. nek Good-natured. Tinka A straw, a bit of the stalk of grass. danton meu lena . . To make submission, confess inferiority, ask for quarter. na To be robbed of the smallest coin. Tinke chunne (Lit. to pick straws), to be intoxicated. Tip A note of hand, a cheque, drawing a card, raising the voice in singing. lena To draw a card. -tap . . . Ornament. Tipna To press, compress, squeeze, grope, feel. TIr An arrow, the planet Mercury, the fourth solar month of the Persian year, cor- responding to the Hindi Sa wan, abeam, an archer. -andaz An archer. -andaz-I Archery. ha ran A punishment in which the culprit is shot with arrows. -clialana To shoot an arrow. gar A maker of arrows. gar-I The manufacture of arrows. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 261 TTr-kari The piercing of the body by an arrow. -khaki A light, small-headed arrow. khurda Wounded by an arrow. partab Within bow-shot. -yan An archer. -i-nawak An arrow discharged through a tube. Tiras | Thirst, alarm, fear, terror. Tras ana . To be thirsty. lagna ' Tin birl Dispersed. Tiriya j m . _ ( A woman, maid, female, wife. Triya J -bed The science of women, knowledge of women. charitr Female wiles. -raj Petticoat government. Tinsfil A trident, a three-pointed pike or spear (especially that borne by Shira, and placed at the top to temples to the god). Tirth I \ Pilgrimage, a sacred place, sacred water. 1 ii ill II I jatra To go on a pilgrimage. jatrl A pilgrim. karna To go on a pilgrimage. raj The city of Ilahabad. Tiryak Treacle (in Hindustan, opium), an antidote to every disease. Tishna Thirst, temptation. lab One whose lips are dried on account of thirst. Tisi Flax. Tita Bitter, pungent, hot. Titar A partridge. Titar bitar Scattered, out of order. (V. Tiri birl). Tith A lunar day. Titiuiba Obstacle, impediment, stratagem. Tiwarl A sect of Brahmans entitled to read three Vedas. Toh Spying, watching, espionage. - lagana To trace, to find out. 262 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. Tok Hindrance, prevention, the influence of an evil eye. Hindrance, prevention. tak Tokna To interrogate, to prevent, to challenge, to envy, to accost, to look at with an evil eye. Tokra A large basket (without a lid). TokrI A small basket (without a lid). Tol A company, society, hamlet. - inarna To dash one top against another while in motion. Tol or taul Weight, weighing. Taul-tal Weighing and measuring. Tola A denomination of weight, consisting of a number of mashas, which varies in different parts of India. The standard tola, or sicca weight of Calcutta is 12i/2 mashas as follows: 4 ranks.. 1 Dhan or Grain. 4 Dhan... 1 Eatti Gr. Tr. 1, 79666 8 Rattl. . . 1 Masha 1 4,37333 12% Mashas . 1 Tola 179,6666. Tolna 1 [ To weigh, balance, to confront (as, two Taulna J 1 armies). iisi/roii men To estimate the work of any one. Toman A myriad, 10,000, a sum of money equal to 1 0,000 Arabic silver drachmas (which are about one third less than those of the Greeks), a sum of money equal to fifteen dollars and a half, districts into which a kingdom is divided, each being supposed to furnish 1 0,000 fighting men. Top A hat, cap, helmet, thimble, bait, stitch. Top-I A hat. wala One who wears a hat, or an animal with a comb, a term used to designate Per- sian, Moghal, and European troops, and still applied to the latter and to Euro- peans, generally in India. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERVS. 263 Top A cannon, gun. anduz A cannonier. cliiiliinii chliorna -daghiia To cannonade. lagana maruii khaua A park of artillery, the place where cannon and artillery stores are kept. Topaua I / lo have buried, to cause to cover. Tupana | Top-chI A conductor of artillery, a commissary of ordonnance. Topna , To bury, to cover. Topra A fly, a kind of pigeon. Tor The breach made by a gun, the strength of a current, whey. dalua To break, destroy, pull down. deiia To break, spoil. jor Cutting out (as by a tailor), arranging a speech. karna To make a breach (as a ball). lena To gather, to pluck. phor Breaking, plain speaking. tar Breaking and destroying. Tor 1 A net thrown over a woman's palki. Tor j Tora A number of trays, containing various dishes of food, presented to others by great men, a nobleman, a minister, pride. -baiidl The arrangement or sending out of trays of food as presents. posh A covering for dishes. Tora Scarcity, want, a purse, a bag containing one thousand rupees, the match of a gun, a bank, bar, an island, a plough- share, a piece of rope, an ornament like a chain. Tora A ledge, projecting from a wall to keep off rain, eaves. 264 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. Tore-dar A matchlock. Tori Mustard seed, till, up to. Tori 1 | The name of a vegetable, a kind of Tura'I j \ cucumber. (Cncnmis acutangulns). Tori The name of a musical mode or raginl. Torna To break, to change (as, coin). (dam - ) To be at the point of death. (rotl - ) To eat the bread of idleness. Torna jorna (To break and to join) expresses absolute power over anything. Tosha Provision (particularly of a traveller, or that which is carried with the funeral of a deceased person, to support him during his journey to the other world). Ik liana A wardrobe, a place where furniture is kept. Tota A parrot, the cock of a gun. -chasm Parrot-eyed, faithless as a parrot. palna To nurse a sore, to conceal a foul disease. sa bolna . . To prattle, talk sweetly. Tota Loss, deficiency, a cartridge, a candle's end. Totka A charm, an amulet, a philter. Totla Lisper, stutterer, stammerer. Totlana 1 f To lisp, to speak imperfectly. Tntlana j Trail, trahi Mercy ! save ! - or trahi kar Calling out for deliverance or mercy. - or - - kariui . . . .- To complain, to repent of a sin, to cry out for mercy. Tran Safety, a coat of mail. karna To free, to protect. karta A saviour, a deliverer Treta The name of the second Hindu jug, the silverage. Tri-beni (Lit. three tresses), the conflux of three sacred rivers, especially that of the Ganges, Jamnna, and supposed Saras- watl underground, at Dahabad (the ancient Prag). Tribhanga Standing awry, an epithet of Krishna. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 265 Tribhauga-I Name of a species of partical measure. Tribhnwan The three worlds, viz., heaven, earth, and the infernal regions, the universe. ujagar Splendour of the three worlds. Trilochan Having three eyes, an epithet of Shiva. Tri-murti Trinity, the three principal Hindu deities. Trin Grass. Tripauliya A building with three doors or arches. Tirpanliya ' Tripuud Three marks made across the forehrad as a religious sign. Trishua Thirst, desire, avarice. Triya (V. tiriya). Tli'ar A kind of pulse (Cytisus cajan). Tuba The name of a tree in paradise, whose fruit is said to be most delicious, excellent, sweet. Tubhak The sound of water dropping, sound of gargling. Tuchh Void, empty, contemptible, despicable, worthless. Tuchha A rake, a blackguard. Tuda or toda A mound, heap, stack, butt or mark at which arrows are shot. band! Marking of boundaries. -e-tufan Accusing, charging with crime, a calum- niator. Tufail A parasite, glutton, an uninvited guest, through the agency of. Tfif an An inundation or deluge, a storm, tem- pest, hurricane. ana To blow a hurricane, to come on (a deluge or flood). jorna To blame, to censure. khara karna To slander. -tiraz-I Deluge-making, a quarrelsome person. ut luiiia To make a great noise. l' funir A musket (properly any tube through which a thing is blown). Tuf an-I Quarrelsome, boisterous. 266 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. TufHliyat .............. Infancy, childhood. Tughyan .............. Rebellion, sedition, perverseness, insolence. I ............... Excess, overflowing, inundation. Tuhfa ................ A curiosity, a present, rare, uncommon, excellent, admirable, nice, choice, beau- tiful, wonderful, odd, singular. gl ............... Excellence, rarity, beauty. ........ Presents. tahaif ) Tuhmat ................ Suspicion, accusation, charging one with a crime, suspicion of guilt, calumny, slander, aspersion. Tuhmat dena To slander, calumniate. lagana Tnhmat-i Suspicious, ignominious. I'n Iim1:i ii Brave, an epithet of Rustara in the Shahnama. Tuhr Purification, purity, cleanliness. Tnjjar PI. of tajir, a merchant, used in the singular in Hindustan. Tuk One line of a poem, a rhyme, a moment. Tuk ) I A piece, a little, a particle, a bit, an Tnka J | atom, a single beat of a drum. I ii Ujui Seed, an egg, sperm, a testicle. i-foad Low-bred. -i-foalangu I | Seeds, which when infused, yield a cooling i-raihan j | drink. i-kahu Seed of lettuce. -i-kaian Linseed. rezl Scattering seed, sowing. I' u kh ma Indigestion. Tnkka A sort of arrow blunt at the end, a small hill, an eminence. Tiikmn A button, loop, eye-loop. -e-jaib-kholna To open the purse. Tukra 1 } A piece, bit, portion, division. Tukri J Tukra or Tnkra pur/a . . Scraps, clippings, shavings. Tukr-gada A beggar for a scrap. Tnkre tukre Piecemeal, in pieces. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 267 Tukre tukre karna To cut to pieces, smash, break, to parcel out. Tukur tukur dekhna .... To stare, gaze. Tul Resembling. Tul Alike, like. baithna To be weighed against valuable things, which are given in alms, to sit evenly in a boat. - rahna To stand front to front, opposed, ready for battle. Tul Length, prolixity, long, tall, extensive, lasting long. dena To lengthen out. i-harf | i-kalam / Prolixity, length of discourse, many words. -i-sukhan J pakarna To be prolonged. tawil Lasting long. Tula . . . . A balance or scale, the sign Libra of the zodiac, the practice of being weighed against gold or any kind of valuable substance which is afterwards given to the priests. Tulawa (t.) An advanced guard, a patrol or recon- noitring party, a forlorn hope. Tulawa (h.) Part of a Hindustani carriage which rests on the axle-tree arm and supports the body of the carriage. 'i ulna To be weighed or balanced. Tulsl The name of a plant (worshipped by the Hindus, and cultivated by the priest of the temples) (ocymum sanctum). It is said that Tulsi or Tulasi was a nymph beloved by Krishna and by him turned into this plant. dana A gold ornament. Turn Trifles, an ornament, a frame for pigeons to perch on. tarn A few trifles, an ornament. dena To push gently. Tumal The price of carding. 268 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TEKMS. Tii mini Brotherhood, connexion, caste, bevy, crowd, troop, squadron (prop, ten thousand). - band him To collect a body of troops. -dar The commander of a 1 11111:111. -dar-I The command of a 1 11111:111. Tuinaua To cause to be carded. Tuinar A book, volume, roll, an account book, a story. navis An accountant. (Jam'i' - ) The produce or collection of a land recorded in Government books. Tiimiya Thread made of carded coton, in oppo- sition to that made which has been only beaten (called Akra ril'I). Tiiiuiia To card or separate (wool or cotton) with the finger, preparatory to combing. TII nit iir;ik Magnificence, grandeur, pomp, ostentation. I Pompous, ostentatious. Tnnn Name of a tree, the flower of the tree used for dyeing a yellow colour (Cedrela toona). Tunuk , Slight, weak, delicate, thin, effeminate. Tuiiak hawass Sensible. hawass-T Sense, sensibility. -maya Slight, or weak in substance. mizaj Whimsical, captious, peevish, fretful. 1 ... Weak-mindedness. Tund Active, quick, hot, spirited, sharp, severe, acrid. - hona To be angry, to be displeased. kho Warm, passionate, fretful. -mi/iij Hot-headed, passionate. -raft5r .... Fast-going. zaban Eloquent, talking rapidly. Tumi Hand or branch that has been cut off. Tundar or tundur Thunder. Tnnd-I Fierceness, activity. Tnpak or topak A musket. Tor A mountain, Sinai. Tnrab Earth, ground, dust. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 269 Turab-I Earthen. Tiirau The country beyond the Oxus from Persia. Turana I \ To cause to be broken or changed (as Torana j ( money). Turang A horse. Turauj A citron, a lemon, an ornamental tissue or embroidered piece. Turaut Instantly, quickly, directly. Turapna To sew in a particular manner, to stitch. Turb A radish. Turbat A tomb, sepulchre. -I Sepulchral. Tnrk (pi. turkan) A soldier, a Mnsalman (properly, a Turk, which in Persian takes many other meanings). chashm A murdering or captivating eye. inizaj Wicked, sly, depraved. -sawar A horseman, cavalier. Turk-an ) f A Turkish woman. 1 | I Turkish, a kind of horse. tainam hu'I. ... Spoilt, destroyed. f Inroad, depredation, attack, feigned anger Turk-t&z of a lover, walking affectedly or with -la/1 a tossing about of the body. Turpan A kind of stitch. Turpana To stitch, darn, hem. Turra An ornament worn in the turban, a ringlet, a curl. dar Crested. - lagaiia To be vain. Tursh Sour, harsh, ill-tempered, crabbed. mizaj I , . t Sour-tempered, harsh. tab' ) ru Cynical, morose, surly, stern, hard-favoured, ugly. Tursha Wild sorrel. Tursha*! Sourness, harshness, acidity. Turshana To acidulate. Tursh-i Sourness, acidity, harshness. 270 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. Tursh-I-lMdl Acid or flatulent (a medical term). Turt I Instantly, quickly, directly, presently, Turta'o J | immediately, fresh, new, recent, late. Turt plmrt Tusar Ice, frost, snow, fog, blight, crops that ripen after the rains. Tusi A bud. Tusi A kind of purple colour. Tut Fracture, breaking, misunderstanding or coolness between friends, harm, loss, deficiency, a passage omitted in the writing of a book and afterwards written in the margin. Tut jana To be broken, to become ill, to pine. - parna To break in upon, to rush in, to be collected in crowds. - rail n:i To be distressed, weary, reduced to poverty, to pine away, to be separated. Tut A mulberry. Tuta Broken, decayed, deficiency, scarcity. - phnta Fragments, broken to pieces. - parna To incur or suffer a loss, to lose, to fail. - uthana To suffer a loss, sustain damages, to make restitution. Tuti A parrot. Tutiya Blue vitriol. Tntna To break, to be broken, to fail, to break forth upon, to assault, to be helpless. Tuz The ornaments or embellishments of a bow, a saddle. Tnzuk Retinue, pomp. o ihtishaiu Great pomp and glory. Tyag Abdication, abandonment. dena . To leave, to abandon, desert. karna patr A bill of divorcement. Tyag-I Leaving, relinquishing, abandoning. Tyagna To leave, abandon, desert, forsake, quit, abdicate. Tyondha Dim-sighted, purblind. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 271 u. Ubal Boiling, passion, rage, explosion. Ubal dial na . . To boil over, run over, fall over. Ubalna To boil, to boil up. Ubana To sow, to plant. Ubarna.. To set at liberty, to economize, to keep in reserve. Ubarna To be set at liberty, to remain over and above, to exceed. Ubasna To rot, putrefy. Ubh Oppressing heat, languor occasioned by heat. Ubhar Swelling, prominence, acquiring fulness, plumpness. Ubharna To swell, to rise up, to overflow, to unlade a cart or boat. Ubharna To excite, raise up, persuade. Ubharna To take away, to steal. Ubhna To be agitated or oppressed with heat, to be angry or dissatisfied. Ubhra Unladen (as a cart or boat). Ubhrana To fill a vessel till it run over. Ubka'I Nausea. Ublana To cause to boil by another, to boil over. Ubsana To cause to rot or spoil or become sticky. Ubtan Ubti | A composition of flour and perfumes I' 1>1 a ii I ' j used to rub the body. Uptana inahia To rub with nbtan. 'Ubaid A servant, slave, a devotee. 'Ubudiyat Servitude, devotion, subjection, reverence. 'Ubur Passing, crossing (a river), a ford or pass. i darya i shor .... Transportation beyond the seas. karna To cross a river. Uchakka A thief, pickpocket. -pan Theft, sharp practice. 272 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. Ucliakki A female thief, pickpocket. Uchukna To rise, to be raised or lifted up, to leap, bound. Uchalua To separate, to be separated. Uchana To lift up a burden. Uchat Separated, broken off, alienated, estranged, displeased. Uchat hona To be tired, to be disgusted, to be broken (sleep). Uchat-i (f.) The act of vexing or renderiug sorrowful. Uchchatan (in.) \ Uchatna To separate, to be separated (as plaster from a wall), to slip, slide, rebound, to be broken or interrupted (sleep). Uchatna (Caus. of nchatna). Uchhalna To throw up, to toss up a thing (as a ball) and catch it in the hand. Uchchar Pronunciation, utterance. Uchcharan Uchcharna To pronounce, to speak out, to utter, articulate, express. Uchchhah Joy, gladness. Uchchhist Food left or rejected, crumbs, fragments, leavings. Uchchu hona To be nearly choked in the act of swal- lowing, to go down the wrong way. Uchelna To separate one thing from another. Uchhalna To leap, or bound, to spring up (as wa- ter in a fountain), to spring or fly up. Uchhlana To order another to throw up anything. Uchit Proper, fit, suitable. Uchkana To lift or raise up. Ud , otter. -bilao 'Ud Wood, timber, a staff, stick, the wood of aloes, a lute or harp. -soz An utensil to burn wood of aloes in, or gum benzoin. Uda Brown, of a brown colour, a purple colour. Udaharan An example; simile, comparison. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 273 * > Brownness, blue-red colour, purple colour. Udapaii j Udai The rising of the sun or of any of the heavenly bodies. - ast From sunrise to sunset, from east to west. - lioiiii To rise (the sun, &c.). Udar The belly. Udar Liberal, generous, munificent. -ta Liberality, generosity, munificence. Udas Unsettledness, retiredness, unsettled, dejected, sorrowful, sad. I Solitude, loneliness, sadness, dejection, unsettled, solitary, lonely, a class of fakirs. - chhana '. . . To be clouded with sorrow, to become dull. Uddim, udyaui Strenuous and continued effort, exertion, endeavour, calling, employment, trade. Udham Noise, disturbance, impudence, rebellion. - jotiia To make a great noise. Udham-I Making noise, impudent, rebellious. (Credit, loan, rescue, deliverance, salvation. . - dena To lend or give on credit, to put out at interest, to owe. - k liana To live on credit. lena To borrow or buy on credit. Udharna To liberate, to discharge. Udharna To be unrolled, untwisted, unravelled or unwound, to be opened. Udherna To undo, unravel, strip ofl'. Udhra Opened, undone, unrolled, stripped off. Udit Risen (as the sun), distinguished, con- spicuous for valour. ^Udul Declining, refusing, receding, deserting, returning, deviation, refusal, disobedience. - hukm One who is disobedient. i karna To disobey orders, to deviate from, dis- obey, refuse. Udya-pan A religious ceremony. "Uf Fie ! poh ! for shame ! alas ! - karna To disapprove of, to lament. 18 274 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. Uf na kariia To hold one's tongue. Ufk The horizon, a tract, or region of the (pi. afak). earth, (poet.), the world. Uftfid UftMa J Uftada-gl Falling, fallen state, humility. Uftan o khezan Now falling, now rising, hardly, witl> difficulty. Ugahl Usury, the trade of lending money on interest of one fourth, the payment of which is received by instalments. Ugahna To gather, collect, accumulate. Ugal Betel leaf, or other thing, when chewed and spitted out.- -dan A spittoon. Ugalna To spit out, to refund stolen property . Ugana To cause to grow. Ughari Uncovered, naked, bare. Ugharna To uncover, discover, unveil, open, pull off. Ugharna To be uncovered, discovered, opened, pulled off. Ugna To grow, be produced, rise (as the moon). (Ugte hi jal jana) To be withered immediately on springing up (is applied to a hope or expectation nipped in the bud). 'Uhda A commission, an obligation, agreement, business, office, post. -bar-a Having performed an agreement or com- pleted an undertaking. -bar-a-I Completion of an agreement or undertaking. -dar Intrusted with a business, employed, holding a commission, an officer. Ujadd Inconsiderate, rash, ignorant, clownish. Ujagar Splendour, brightness. Ujala ) . | , , light. liona To be lighted, to become light. Ujalna To cleanse, to polish (metals or Jewell). Ujar Desolate, ruined, demolished, deserted, abandoned. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 275 Ujarna To become desolate. Ujarua To lay waste, desolate, injure. Ujaru Squandering, wasteful. Ujarwana To lay waste by the hands of another person. Ujjaiii A once celebrated city, the capital of king Yikramaditya. Ujjal, iijala Clear, shining, bright, white. - miinh houa To clear one's good name. - kapra Clean, white clothes. hona To shine, to be light, to be clean. -pau .... Whiteness, brightness. Ujlana To cause to cleanse, polish. Ujlat Rapidity. Ujra pujra In ruins, desolate. Ujrat Reward, wages, hire. Ujriya. . . . Moonlight. TJk Error, slip. 'Ukab An eagle. Ukasiia To be excited, to be moved, to try to move. Ukat Contrivances, invention. lena To discover, to find out. Ukatna To call names, to dig up slowly a thing buried in the ground, to artfully extract a secret, to pump. Ukh Sugar-cane (Saccharum officiiiarum). Ukhar lena To bring over, buy off, entice away. - pachhar Back -biting, evil speaking, slander. Ukharua To be rooted up, plucked up, raised up. - pnkharua To be plucked or rooted up. Ukharna To root up, eradicate, break or pluck up. Ukhll A wooden mortar. Ukhrana To pluck up, eradicate. Ukrii The posture of sitting on the hams with the soles of the feet on the ground; this, and with the legs crossed under- neath the body, are the common sitting postures with natives of the East. Uksaua To raise, to give a light motion. 276 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. Uktana To fret, to be melancholy or dejected, to be out of hnmour with, to be tired of, to tire. Ulak A kind of small boat. Ulalna To overset, to lay over to one side. ^Ulama (pi. of 'alirn) .... The learned. Ulatna To pervert, subvert, thwart, reverse, overturn, reply, to be reversed, turned over or turned back, to return. Ulat pulat Higgledy piggledy, topsy, turvy, confu- sion, interchange. Ulfat Friendship, familiarity, intimacy, society, affection, attachment, kindness. karna To be friendly, to be intimate. Ulfat-I Friendly, affectionate. Ulichna To throw up water. Uljban Entanglement, complication, perplexity. Uljhao J Uljhana To entangle, to embroil. Ullii An owl, a stupid fellow, blockhead, fool. - pan Stupidity, folly. Ulta Reverse, opposite, contrary. - dhara bandhua .... To bring a cross suit or counter action. - jawab A crooked or impudent answer. - parda The cut of an angarkha to the left hand side as worn by Hindus, the Musalmans wear theirs to the right. - phirna To return. - tawa \ r ery black. - mala pherna To count one's beads backwards. - pnlta Topsy turvy, higgledy piggledy. Ultana To overturn, overset, pervert, thwart, reverse. pnltana To reverse, to modify, to interchange. YJIT: A kind of grass used in thatching (Sacchamm eylmdricum). *Ulufa Stipend, salary, daily pay, subsistence L money. Uluhiyat ^ The divin i t y 5 go d-head. Ilahiyat GLOSSARY OK INDIAN TERMS. 277 Uliim (pi. of 'iliu) Sciences. i-maghrabl European sciences. i-mashraki Oriental sciences or arts. i-nmrawwaja Modem sciences. ii-fiinim Arts and sciences. Umadna To overflow, to fall (as tears), to swell, increase or be poured out (as a river, clouds, an army, the heart). Umaiig Excessive joy, transport, ambition. -I Aspiring, ambitious. na To greatly rejoice. Uniara (pi. of amir) Nobles, grandees, a noble (generally). Umda Great, noble, a grandee, a support, a pillar, a prop, confidence, reliance, trust. Unii An ear of corn half ripe. I' iiiinat People, sect, a people of the same religion. -I A believer in, or follower of any religion, depth, profundity. Ummed I Hope, expectation, trust, dependence. Unied \ (In Hind.) pregnancy. Immaid Ummed dena To give or inspire hope, promise. - o Mm t . . Hope and fear, suspense. - rakhua To hope, expect. - se lion a To be pregnant. - war Hopeful, an expectant, a candidate. hona To hope for, to be a candidate. -I Expectation, hope, dependence. Umiui Not knowiug how to read or write, un- educated, illiterate, unacquainted, nn- known. *Umr Age, lifetime, period of life. - bhar All the lifetime. daraz hoiia. . To be old. - ka paimaua The cup of life. - katna To pass one's life. patta ' A lease for life. - rasida One advanced in years, one superannuated. 'Umiid 1 f A perpendicular (in geometry). 'Annul 278 GLOSSARY OF INDIAX TERMS. ... Depth, profundity. Umur (pi. of amr) ...... Things, aft'airs, business, matters, actions, commands. Un .................... Wool. Una ................... A kind of sword, scimitar. Uncha ................. High, tall, above, steep, loud. bol bolna ......... To speak with pride. -kaii-I ............ Deafness. sunna ............ To be hard of hearing. Uncha-I ................ Height, elevation, steepness. Unchana ............... To raise, to take up. Unche bol ka munli nlclia The proud ones are degraded. - sur se gana ..... . To sing in a high key. Unch-nich .............. Ups and downs of life, vicissitude, high and low, particulars every detail, un- evenness, inequality. - sochna ........ To consider well, to debate, balance, hesitate. Undelna ............... To pour (out water, &c.). TJngal . - A finger, a finger's breadth. Ungli ' Ungh Nodding, sleepiness. _ \ Drowsiness, sleepiness, nodding, drooping. Ungha'-I ) Unglma To nod from sleepiness, to doze, to droop. Ungli chatkana ......... To crack one's fingers. par machana To make a jest of. ul liana To point one's finger at. iitliua To become notorious, (in a bad sense). Un-I Woolen. 4 Unnab The jujube fruit. -i Of the colour of the jujube, red like the jujube. Uns Society, companionship, friendship, love, affection. ^Unsul or 'unsal A squill. ^Unsur or 'unsar Origin, element. 'Unsur-i or 'imsar-I Elementary, original. Unt.. A camel. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 279 katara Name of a thistle of which camels are fond (Echiiiops echinatus). - nl A she-camel. 'Unwan The ornamented title-page of a book, that whereby anything is known, or understood, mode, manner. Upa Near, by, by the side of, with, secondary to. Shastr Sciences connected with or derived from the Shastr. Ved The Purans. Upaban A grove, an artificially planted wood or garden. Upach Produce, variation, invention. Upa-des Advice, counsel, exhortation, admonition, instruction. -I An adviser, a monitor. Upadh Violence, injury, injustice, tyranny. -I Violent, unjust. Upa'e Expedient, plan, contrivance, scheme, preparation, redress, remedy, method, means. - karna To plan, devise, contrive, provide against. Upa'i Eesorting to expedients, contriving, re- medying, contriver. Upaj The burthen of a song, the chorus, vari- ations in music. Upajit Produced, propagated. Upajna To spring up, to grow, to be produced. Upar Above, on, up, npon, upwards, over, outside, past. - ana To come up, rise, emerge. - hi Apart, alone, on the surface. - ka kam Miscellaneous duties, odd services. - tale Successively, one over the other. - wala The moon. - wallan Fairies, evil spirits. TJparjan Earning, acquirement. Uparjit Acquired. Uparna To root up, to extirpate, to eradicate. Upas A fast, fasting. 280 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. Upas-a Hungry, one who fasts. Upasana To reverence, to worship. Upasna To become musty, to rot. Uphanna To boil over. Upjana To produce, make to grow, cultivate. Upja'u Fertile. Upkar or upa-kar Assistance, benefit, kindness, favour. Upkar-i or upa-kar-I .... Assisting, helping, beneficent. Upla or upll Cakes of dried cow-dung (used for fuel). Uprala karna To take one's parts to protect, to stickle for. Uprawarl Quarrelsome, wrangling. Up tan I | A composition of perfumes and flour used Uptana f | to rub the body with. - malna To apply, to rub. Ur The breast, bosom. - lana To embrace. Ura Dearth, scarcity. Uran Act of flying. Urana To cause to fly, to squander or spend extravagantly, to entice. - pnrana To squander. Uranghal Imposition, artifice, trick, stratagem. but ami To mislead, deceive. Ura'u A spendthrift, an extravagant person. Urdabegnl A female armed attendant in the harem. Urddh High, on high, above. a balm With arms aloft or raised up (a posture of Joins). Urdh A kind of vetch. Urdu An army, a camp, a market. i-nin'alla The royal camp or army, a term applied to the city of Dihli or Shahjahilnabad. i-iim"alla ki zaban . The court language, which at first, when the Muhammad a us invaded India, was composed mainly of Persian and Arabic words ; but, in course of time, the lan- guage became mixed with that of the conquered country, and fashioned into what is called urdu (rekhta) (mixed), or the modern Hindustani. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 281 . . . . Open, again, back, with. 286 GLOSSARY 01' INDIAN TERMS. Wa-basta Bound, related, connected, depending on,. an adherent, dependent. basta-gau (pi.) Connections, relations, adherents. hona To become open, cheerful or relieved of sorrow. karna To open. Miami;) . Tired, fatigued, remaining behind. shndan Expanding, opening. Waba Plague, pestilence. - phailna To prevail (a plague). Wabal An unhealthy climate or atmosphere, a crime, fault, pest, plague, misfortune, ruin, vexation, painful, vexatious. hona To be a plague to one. i-jan Burdensome to life. Wa'da A promise, a vow. Wa'da-khilaf A person who does not keep his promise. -khilaf I Breach of promise. -talna To evade a promise or agreement. -wafa Punctual, true to one's word. - - karna To fulfil one's promise, to keep faith. Wadad I > Love, friendship. Wadd j Wadi A valley. Wadi'at Deposit, trust. i-hayat Death, depositing one's life. Wadnd Loving, an epithet of the deity. \Vafa Performing a promise, observation of faith, sincerity, fidelity, sufficiency. hegana Faithless. dar Faithful, sincere. dar-i Sincerity, fidelity. kesh | . , } Faithful. parast J pesha Faithful, practising good faith. Fidelity, sincerity. i Wafat Death, decease. \VafI Sincere, honourable, entire, complete, plentiful, numerous. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. V J87 Waflr Vbundant, plentiful, copious, much, many, opulent, ample. Wafk A sufficiency, concord,agreement,congruity. Wafr Full, complete, entire, numerous, copious, abundant. Wagha War, battle, tumult, clamour. Waghaira Et csetera, and so forth. Wall Bravo ! well done ! excellent ! alas ! fy ! - karna To applaud, clap hands. - wa or wah Bravo ! bravo ! how excellent ! also an exclamation to denote surprise, concern, sympathy, sorrow. Wahb Giving, bestowing. Wahdanlyat Believing in the unity of the dei'y. Wahdat Unity, the being one. Wahl Divine revelation, inspiration. - utarna To be revealed. Wahl Weak, crazy, ill-founded (premises, ar- gument, conclusion). tabahi ) > Absurd, nonsense. wahi j yat : Absurdities. Waliib A giver, liberal, generous. i-be-minnat Disinterestedly liberal (the deity). u-l-'ataya The giver of all gifts (God). Wahid Alone, unique, singular. - u-l-'asr The nonpareil of the age. Wahid One, sole, individual, single, singular. - shahid God is my witness, giving, bestowing. Wahim Thinking, imagining, being of opinion. Wahima Imagination, fancy. Wahla An attack. Wahiu Imagination, idea, conjucture, opinion, anxiety, apprehension. Wahm-I Imaginary, conjectural. Wahsh A wild beast. Wahshat Fright, fear, dread, horror, loneliness, a desert, solitude, dreary place, wildness, savageness. aiigez Frightful. 288 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TEKMS. >Valishat-asar 1 ~ Impressing with horror frightful. -zada ........... Aghast, terrified. Wahsh-I ............. . . Wild, savage, a wild beast. yana ........... Savage-like, rustic. Wa'Id ................. Threatening or predicting anything bad, promising anything good. Wail .................. Calamity, reprisal, revenge. -- kash .............. Vindictive. Wairan or wiran ....... Desolated, laid waste, depopulated, ruined. Wairan or wlran-a ...... A solitude, a desolated or desolate place. -- i ...... Desolation, depopulation, destruction, desert places. Wa'iz ..... . ........... A preacher. Waja* ................. Disease, pain, affliction, complaint, mourning. i-mafasil ......... Rheumatism. Wajd .................. Ecstacy, rapture, excessive love, opulence, discovering, procuring, finding. Wajh .................. Cause, reason, mode, manner, way, face, visage, appearance, semblance, (in Peru. and Hind.} wages, salary, money. -- i-hal .............. Mode of living, state of circumstances. Wajha ................. Allowance, pension, salary. Wajib ................. Necessary, expedient, proper, worthy, convenient, just, reasonable. (pi. TVajibat) ........... Things necessary or expedient. Wajib hona ............ To be necessary, whorthy, proper. - u-l-ada ........... Necessary to be discharged (duties). u-l-'arx ........... Fit to be represented. -- -kail .......... Deserving death. t-ta/'Im ......... Worthy of respect and attention. t-ta'zlr .......... Punishable. -- 1-wujud ......... God (whose existence is necessary). Wajih ................. Fine looking, conspicuous. Waka'I' (pi. of wakiV).. News, events. -nayis . An intelligencer. nigar nigar-I The office of an intelligencer. Wakalat Embassy, agency, deputation, attorneyship. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 289 Wakalat iiama A power of attorney. Wakalatan By delegation. >Vakf Standing, stopping, understanding, tran- quillity, firmness, constancy, permanency, a legacy for pious uses, an endowment for public charity. Wakfa Delay, choking, stopping, retarding, respite, vacancy. dena To grant an extension of time, an ad- journment. Wakf lyat The book in which legacies for pious uses are registered. Waki' Befalling, happening, occurring, arriving, appearing. .(pi. Waki'at) Accidents, events, occurrences, intelligence. men In fact, truly. Waki n a Event, intelligence, news, death. nayis An intelligencer. YVakif Acquainted, experienced, intelligent, know- ing, learned, sensible. i-hal ) Experienced, intelligent, a connoisseur. kar kar-I Experience, intelligence, knowledge. Wakiflyat Experience, knowledge, intelligence. Wakil An agent, ambassador, representative, pleader, attorney, deputy. i-iuutlak A plenipotentiary, a vicegerent invested with full powers. karna To appoint an attorney. kharcha Fees of an attorney. Wakr Dignity, honour, character, mild, modest, sedate. YVakt (pi. ankat) Time, season, opportunity, adversity. ba-wakt From time to time. be-wakt In season or out of season, constantly. - dekhna To look out or wait for an opportunity. - guzarna To kill time. i-iiii/iih Critical, delicate, hard times. - katiia To pass away the time. - ka paband Punctual. 19 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. Wakt par At the proper, exact time. - parna To suffer misfortunes, to be distressed. -yah Finding an opportunity. (in compj, agent, keeper, man, inhabitant r j master, lord, possessor, (as Dilli-wala ? ' I inhabitant of Dilll : ghar-wala, master Wala or keeper of a house ; hone-wala, be- coming, about to be ; naw-wala, boatman. Wala Exalted in dignity, sublime, high. -jah Of exalted dignity. kadr Of high dignity. -shaii High in rank or dignity. Walad A son, offspring. u-z-/ina A son of a whore, an earthworm. Wall A prince, lord, master, friend, saint, a servant, a slave. war. the place where sati (q.v.) is \\ '11* burned; phul-wari, a flowergarden. Warid Coming, arriving, being present. (pi. Waridat) Events, ocurrences. Warid liona To arrive, to come. - sadir Guests. Warl-pheri-hona To be transported with joy. Waris An heir, master, lord, owner. -I Heritage. W r ar-kharch Profuse, prodigal, extravagant. Warna To surround, to offer sacrifice. Warrad A gardener. 202 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TEEMS. War-rahna To be victorious. Warsa Heritage, bequest. Warta A labyrinth, whirlpool, embarrassment, any situation of danger and difficulty. Warzish Abstinence, sobriety, custom, habit, gain, labour, exertion, exercise. - karna To go through athletic exercises. Wasalat Mediation, channel, medium, means. Wasat The middle, centre, middling, central, suitable, just, proper, excellent, great, magnificent. I Middling, neither long nor short pro- nunciation. TVas'at | [ Space, extent, power, means, leisure, Wus'at J convenience, opportunity, ease. Wasatat Means, mediation, medium. Wasf Praise, encomium, merit, virtue, worth, description, description of qualities. - karna To praise, describe. raklma To possess any good quality. Was!' Extensive, large, spacious. Was! An executor, administrator of a will, a preceptor. yat A last will and testament, precept, man- date, making a will. Wasiyat-naraa A last will or testament. Wasid The threshold of a house. Wasik Firm, steady, strong, confident, binding, obligatory. Waslkat Firmness, solidit3 r , confidence, faith, a bond, obligation, written agreement. Wasila . . Affinity, propinquity, cause, conjecture, support, prop, means of effecting anything, patronage. dar A client, dependent. I Clientship, dependence. Wask Confidence, trusting in. Wasl Meeting, union, conjunction. - karna To unite, paste, conjoin, annex. TVasl-I Copulative, conjiinctive, paper or other GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 203 material pasted together for the purpose of practising writing on. Wasma The leaves of woad or indigo (with an extract from which the natives stain their beards, cloth, &c.), a hairwash. dar Stained with wasma. -posh Dressed in cloths stained with wasma. Wasmat Reproach, disgrace, crime, sin, fault, torpor, languor. Wa-sokht An impassioned style in poetry. Wast V. Wasat. Wasta Account, sake, cause, reason. (prop, wasite, a mediator, meaiis, medium, motive). Waste-dar Relation by bJood or marriage. rakhiui To bear upon, concern. Waste On account of, for the sake, in behalf. WastI A reed of which pens are made. Waswas The temptation of the devil, distraction of mind, doubt, suspense, hesitation, apprehension, dread, perplexity, super- stition, scrupulousness. Waswasa Temptation, evil suggestion. Waswas-I Doubtful, causing suspense, distracting, apprehensive, scrupulous. Wated or watid A peg, pin. Wataii Native country, country residence, abode, home. -dost ... A patriot, a friend to one's country. dnshman A traitor, an enemy to one's country. (hubb-i-ivatan) Patriotism. Watan-i Belonging to one's country. Water A necessary thing, necessity, use. Wati Kicking, treading under foot. Watira A path, way, manner, habit, custom. Wa waila Lamentation, bewailing, alas ! karna To wail, cry out, make a noise. Waz Open. Admonition, advice, exhortation, preaching, serin ou. 294 GLOSSAKY OF INDIAN TERMS. Wa'z kit 1 1 mi To preach. kaniii j Situation, state, condition, manner, mode, procedure, position, conduct. dar Stylish, elegant. i-haml Abortion, miscarriage. - karna To deduct, to subtract, to found. Wazi' An inventor, founder. Wazi* Ignoble, base, plebeian, low, a deposit, trust, anything committed to the care of another. (Sharlf-o-wazI') Nobles and plebeians. Wazlfa A pension, stipend, salary, stipulated allowance, a daily performance or task, anything agreed on, a daily lesson from the Kuraii. dar I kh -~ I ^ P ens i ner > a holder of a scholarship. Wazih Evident, apparent, manifest, clear. hona To be known. - karna To explain. Wazir (pi. Wuzara.) A minister of state. n-1-mamalik The grand wazir. WazIr-I The office of a minister of state. Wazn Weight, weighing, measure, metre, rhyme, reputation, esteem, honour, examination. - karna To weigh, measure. - rakhna To be weighty. Wazn-I Heavy, weighty. Wazu The ablution performed by Musalmans (prop. wn/u). before prayer and consisting in first washing the hands and inside the mouth, then throwing water on the forehead, afterwards washing the face, arms, and feet. Wida* Farewell, adieu, bidding farewell. - karna To bid farewell. Wifak Concord, harmony, good understanding, unanimity. Wika* Attack in battle, engagement. Wila Friendship, sway. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TEEMS. 295 Wiladat Nativity, birth. Wilayat An inhabited country dominion, district, a foreign country, possession, being master of anything, friendship, union (especially with God), sanctity. -I Foreign, European. kkatt A kind of Persian writing called nasta'lik. Wiiuau A celestial car. (same as biman and bewan). Wiran Desolated, laid waste, depopulated, ruined. Wairan ' >Viran-a A solitude, a desolated or desolate place. Wirasat Heritage. aii By way of inheritance. Wird Daily use, practise, task. - k;ini;i To repeat. -wazifa parhna To perform one's daily tasks of devotion. Wisal Meeting, interview, connection, death, society, confederacy. Wisatat V. wasatat. Wizr .*.... A crime, sin, fault, a burden, load, arms. Wizarat The dignity of wazlr, the office of prime minister or grand vizir. Wufur A multitude, plenty, abundance, full, complete, copious. Wujub Necessity, obligation. Wujud Invention, existence, essence, substance, body. ba Notwithstanding. jud A liberal person. Wujuh [ w .-, _. } PI. of wajh q.v. ujuhat ) >Vuku'. A contingency, accident, event, occurrence, the happening. Wukuf Understanding, information, sense, ex- perience, wisdom. dar Experienced. paida kama To get sense. Wurud Arrival, coming, appearing, approaching, descending, alighting. 296 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. Wusul Arrival, conjunction, acquisition or enjoy- ment (of anything desired). - hona To get, receive, to be arrived. karnil To collect. - pana To realize, to receive. Wuzara pi. of wazir, q.v. Wuzu V. wazu. Wuzuh Evidence, proof. Y. Yab (in compos.) Finder, finding, getting. Yabanda A finder, finding. Yabu A pony. Yachak A beggar. Yad Memory, recollection. ana To come to mind, to recur. ash bakhair An expression referring to an absent friend. awari Remembrance. bud A keepsake. -dasht A memorandum. dih A putter in mind. -dilana To remind. -faramosk Name of a game. gar A memorial, memento. - gar-I A keepsake, token. Yad A hand, handle, aid, assistance, power, vigour, benefit, service. Yaft Perquisite, earnings, profit, income, fees. Yagan Singly. a Kindred, single, sole, singular, unique, incomparable, agreed, unanimous. gat Singularity, unity, concord, unanimity, conjunction, union. gl Singularity, excellence, concord, unamity. iyat Solitariness, kindred. Yaghma Yaghma Plunder, booty, spoil. Yaghman Yagn A kind of Hindu sacrifice. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 297 Yahud | \ ............. A Jew, a Hebrew. Yahudi j Yahudiya ..... . ........ Judea. Yajuj-uiajuj ............ Gog and Magog. Y r ak ................... One, a, an. adh ............... A few. a-yak All at once, immediately, once. Successively, all at once. l)a-yak _ .baggha ............. A horse pressing on one rein. _ -chaiid.. ... Some little, some little time, some time. _ -chob-ii . . ... One-poled (a tent). __ d as t .............. Entire, uniform, even (cloth), altogether. __ dlgar .............. One another. _ .dil tt .......... Of one heart and mind. _ .ka ................ Single, the ace at cards. __ kalaui .............. Consistent (a writer), all, total, at once, entirely, altogether. _ -lakht .............. All R t once, altogether. __ lauta .............. Single, solitary, a single child (without brother or sister). ____ loh-I ............... A sword blade made of one piece of steel. __ man-! ........ , ..... Unanimity, friendship. __ nnu'ih .............. Talking consistently. ma slit | -math r .......... A handful, all at once, prompt payment. muttlii ' nafas .............. One breathing, one moment. rah ................ Going on the same road. rang .............. Of one colour, sincere, simple, uniform. --- 1 ............. Sincerity, simplicity, uniformity. ru ................. Unanimous. - I ............... Unanimity, friendship. san ................ Equal, alike, the same, level, parallel, conformable. sar ........ ....... All at once, altogether. - -taraf.. Aside. 298 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. thai Collected, assembled together. Yak-a'I Unit, Yakh Ice. Yak h ii i Gravy, sauce, stew. pula'o A kind of pula'o (a dish of flesh and rice), prepared with gravy. V ;i k i a Certainty, truth. - karna To ascertain. - lana To believe. Yakln-1 Certainty, infallibility, truth, certain, indisputable. Yak-la'I A veil, cloak or sheet, worn over the head and shoulders, of one breadth without a seam. Ya'kub Jacob. Yakum The first day of the month. Yakut A ruby. I Of or relating to the ruby, name of a medicine. Yal A horse's mane. Yal A hero, a brave man, corpulent, robust. Yala phaila Unconfined, extended, spread, at ease. Yalda The longest night of the year. Yam Season, time, weather. ni Mnhammadan dialect or words, night. > . The angel of death. Jam j Yaman (It,.) Name of a raginl or musical mode. Yaman (s J Arabia Felix. Yaman-I Anything belonging t,o Arabia Felix, a cornelian. Yamin An oath, the right hand. Yamln-o-yasar The right and left wings of an army. Ya'ni. Videlicet, viz., namely, to wit. Yar A friend, a lover, paramour, an assistant, a companion. banana To make a friend of, to form a friendship. ban 11 a To be friendly with. -bash Voluptuous, sensual. -bash-I. .. Sensuality. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 299 Yar-i-ghar A sincere friead. i-wafadar A faithful friend, name of a river. Vara Power, strength. I Might, ability, power. na Friendly, like a friend. Yara A broad bracelet, the wrist, a wound, power, strength, a shrewd man, friend- ship, necessity, tax, toll, revenue. Yarak Arras, apparatus, a dart. Yararha An amble (pace of a horse). clialana To amble, name of a bird. Yargkamal A hostage. Yar-I Friendship, love, assistance, also, intri- gining. dena To second, help, side with. -gar A helper, an assistant. -gar-I Help, assistance. Yaml A female friend. Yarkan The yellow jaundice. (Tap-i-yarkan, yellow fever). Yas Despair, fear, terror. - hona To be despondent. Yasar (a.) Left, the left side, plenty, opulence, affluence. o-yamin Eight and left (dast-i-yasar) on the left hand. Yasar (p.) An unlucky person. Yasawal A captain of the guard. Yashb I } Agate. Yashm | Y;i sin in | } Jasmine. Yasmm I Yatash-khana An antichamber, hall of audience. Yatim An orphan, pupil, ward, a valuable jewel (durr-i-yatlm), a large and precious pearl found only in the shell. I The state of an orphan. Yamn A day. an fa yanman Day after day. u4-liaslir . . The day of resurrection. 300 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TEKMS. Yaumu-1-hisab The day of judgment. Yanmiya Daily, the daily food. Yawa Absurd, vain, futile, lost, ruined. bakna To talk nonsense. go An absurd talker. -go-i Absurdity, talking nonsense, babble. YSiwar An assistant, coadjutor, a friend, com- panion. -I Aid, friendship, favour. Yazd Name of a city in Persia, God. Yazdau God. -I Divine. Yoddha I > A hero, warrior, brave tellow. Jodha j Yoddhau | } Fighting, battle. Jodhau I Ynkt Fit, proper, project, contrivance, art. Yfinan Ionia, Greece. -I A Grecian. iyaii The Greeks. Yunas Jonah. Yurish Assault, storm, invasion. Yusuf The patriarch Joseph. Yuva Youn Java Yuz A panther. Z. Z. Z. Z. Zh. /abau ) J The tongue, language, dialect, speech, /iilmn j ' } flame (of a candle, &c.). Zaban-awar Eloquent, voluble. band karna To hush, silence. barhana To chatter, prattle. -chalana To abuse. dabke kahna To detract in whispers. dabna To hold one's tongue. dalua. . . To ask, to put a question. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 301 Za ban-dan .............. Skilled in language, a poet, a linguist. daraz ............ Abusive. . --- 1 .......... Abuse. . karna ..... To give abuse. --- -deua j > ......... To promise. -- harna J liiliiii.-i ........... To speak. -karna ............ To speak foolishly or inconsiderately. katna ............ To interrupt. kholiia ........... To speak out. I ark! i iinina ....... To stammer. --pakarna .......... To stop one, to criticize. piiliit n.-i .......... To equivocate, to retract, to eat one's words. -par laiia ......... To speak, to say, to mention. par raklma ....... To taste. se nikalna ........ To pronounce, utter, speak. se nikalua ........ To be uttered. zad .............. Public, on men's tongues. - hona ......... To become current, to pass into an idiom. /alia ii;i .......... ...... Flame (particularly of a candle). /aban-i ............... Language, words of the mouth, traditional, verbal, by the tongue. /abar ................. Above, superior, the vowel point ( x ) pro- nounced a. dast ............. Vigorous, violent, oppressive. -dast-I ............ Violence, oppression. - karna ...... To oppress, to force. - hona ............ To have the upper hand. - karna ........... To oppress. /abh . . ............... A sacrifice, slaughter. - karna ............ To sacrifice, to slaughter, to kill animals for food, agreeably to the Muhamma- dan law. . .......... A deer. /ablh ................. Sacrificed, a sacrifice. u-I-lali ........... A name of Isma"Il, the son of Ibrahim, who, and not Isaac, (according to Mu- salmaus) was offered as a sacrifice by his father. 302 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. Zabih A sacrifice!', a butcher. Zabit A governor, master, possessor. u-l-kull Omnipotent (God), lord of all. Zabita Canon, ordinance, law, rule, regulation. -i-faujdarl Criminal procedure. -i-dlwani Civil procedure. Zabt Government, direction, discipline, regu- lation, check, control, possession. - karna To take possession, to rule over, to watch. preserve, restrain, control. Zabt-I Regulation, management. /aim n Bad, ill, unlucky, wicked. -I Vileness, wickedness. /aim r The psalms of David. (in compos.) Born, a son, a child. a (I in 1-7,1 (I. a man, born of man; Zad. m. _ . imri-zad, born of an angel or lairv, a /ada. m. > beautiful woman ; Zadl. /. J snan-zada, a prince; i, a princess. /ada Stricken, affected, smitten, arrayed (used Zadan-i Fit or deserving to be stricken, killed. /ad-hum Native land, birth-place. i-rah Provisions of travelling, way charges. Zad-o-kob Beating. Zaf Sudden death. Zafar Victory. nitind Victorious. - inand-T Victory. ZiiM'siran Saffron. /a 4 far an- 1 Of saffron, saffron- coloured, yellow, a yellow colour, a surname sometimes adopted by African and Portuguese Jews. , Copperas, vitriol. Zaj ' -i-sufaid Alum. Zagh A crow. Zaghan A kite. Zaghand Leaping or springing up, sally, flight, levity. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 303 Zahab Gold. /iihid A monk, hermit, recluse, zealot. a zealot ! religious, devout. (Persian pi. zahidan). Zahl or zihl Excellent! bravo ! Zahik Satirist, mocker, name of a poet. Zahil Careless, forgetful. Zahm Sagacious, ingenious. Zahir . . An assistant, ally, associate, a poetical name of a Persian poet of Faryab. /ahlr Eeduced by sickness, thin, sad, melancholy, low-spirited. Zahir Apparent, evident, open, the outside, external, appearance. 1 External, apparent. men Openly, in public. Zahl Forgetting, leaving, carelessly abandoning. Zahuiat Disquietude, pain, trouble. Zahmat-I Afflicted, sick. Zahr Poison. alud Poisoned. dar Poisonous. i-halahal 1 Deadly poison. i-katil j -khaua To take poison. kisl par To imitate an act unsuitable to one's state or condition, to ape. - lagna To be hateful like poison. - inuh ra An antidote to poison, said to be the bezoar. Zahra Bile, gall-bladder. - ab hona To be much distressed or terrified. Za'i' Lost, destroyed, perished, fruitless, abortive. - karna To lose, to destroy, waste, diminish, squander, frustrale, misapply. Za'icha Horoscope, astronomical table. Zaid Increasing, adding, augmentation, a fic- titious name. Za'id Redundant, superfluous. Zaif Hospitable, convivial, a stranger, a guest 304 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. Za'If Weak, infirm, impotent, emaciated, feebl frail, old. -I Weakness, emaciation. Zaigham Biting, a lion. Za'ik" Tasting. Za'ika The sense of tasting, the palate, relish, taste. -shinas Knowing in taste. /ail The skirt of a garment, the train of a robe, the last, hinder, or supplementary part of anything, train, retinue, the sequel, a list of particulars mentioned in a letter, that which follows or is annexed, an appendix. Zail-I Connected, related. - kislitkar A sub-cultivator. /a'il Deficient, failing, perishing, vanishing. Zain Ornament, adorning. Za'ir A visitant, a pilgrim. Zaitun An olive. Zaj V. zag. Zak or zik Injuring, deceiving, disappointing, injury, deception. - dena To put to shame. - nthana To be ashamed, to suffer loss. Zaka Vivacity, acuteness of genius, penetration, (/uliii, the sun). Zakan The chin, the beard (chuh-i-xakan), a dimple in the chin. Zakat Alms, a portion of a Mnsalman's property given in charity agreeably to the rules laid down in the Kur'an. Zakawat Brightness of genius, acuteness. Zakawat Probity, purity, ingenuity. Zakha'ir Victuals, provisions, treasures, stores. Zakhamat Thickness, bigness. Zakhkhar Overflowing, raging (the sea). /ak hni A wound, sore, scar, cut. i-karl A mortal wound. kliana . , To be wounded. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 305 /uklim pakna To suppurate (a wound). parna To become a sore. -rasa A deep wound. /a kh 111-1 Wounded, slain. /akl Acute, ingenious, fiery, flaming. u-1-iua'I Of a splendid genius. Zakum A thorny tree so called. Zal Old, decrepid, grey -haired (man or woman), the name of the father of Rustam, and son of Sam, son of Rariman. He was called zal-i-zar, because he was born with white hair like that of an old man, and a red (of golden hue) countenance. /alal Error, fault, vice, ruin, perdition. / i i * /alalat /alal An error. Zalal Erring, blundering, stumbling, falling, deficiency, loss. /alal Meanness, baseness. /alalat Abjectness, obsequiousness. Xalam Darkness. Zallklia ) ,. . , ' \ 1 lie name of rotiphar s wife. /ulaikha j /alii Shady. /alii Abject, submissive, mean, contemptible, base, wretched. hona To be disgraced. ktirua To debase. /aliiu A tyrant, tyrannical. 1 , . . . . Tyranny, oppression. /alk A prompt, ready, an eloquent tongue. /all An error, a vice. /all Straying, a prevaricator. Zalu A leech. /alum Cruel, most oppressive, tyrannical. Zalzala An earthquake. Za'in Tliinking,opinion,presuming,presumption, speaking from belief, vanity, arrogance. /amad A bandage or fillet for binding the head or a wound. 20 306 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. /ama'ir plur. of. zamir, q.v. /aiiuin ) f Time, an age, the world, fortune, the- Zamana j | heavens, tense, deklina To get experience. -muwaflk Fortunate. -saz A turn-coat, time-server. -saz-I Turning with the tide. karna..... . To tarn with the tide, to temporize. Xamanat Bail, surety. Zanianat-iiama Security, bond. /amb (pi. xiiuub.) A crime, sin, fault. Zambak Name of a flower, the white jasmine, a lily or an iris. Zauibil A basket, purse, wallet. /a in bur A hornet, bee, a vice, nippers, forceps. Zambura A hornet, large bee, the point of a musical instrument called in Hindi KingrI (a- sort of fiddle), a small gun. Zamburak A small gun. Zambur-chi A fusileer. Zamharlr Cold, intense cold. 1 Intensely cold. Zamima Addition, thingincorporated, incorporation an appendix, supplement, extra. /jiniiii A surety, sponsor, security, bail. dona To give a surety. hona To become bail, to guarantee, engage for another. I Surety, bail. kabul karua To admit as bail. The earth, ground, soil, a region, country,, the ground of a picture. -bos hona To make a profound bow. -dar A landlord, one who holds ground subject to the payment of the Government reve- nue. (Practically, the Indian Government are the owners or landlords of the soil, and they can confiscate the estates of such zammdars, who fail to pay the revenue). GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 307 Zamm 1 Landed estate. darn! The wife of a landholder or farmer. doz Level with the ground. gir Unable to walk, paralytic. T Earthy, terrestrial. - men gar jaiia To be greatly ashamed. pakarni. To persevere obstinately in any design, to insist. par se kiiehli para To be overjoyed at finding unexpectedly pana the object of one's wishes. /amir The mind, heart, thought, reflection, sense, conscience, conception, idea, comprehen- sion, a personal pronoun. /a iiiistun Winter, wisdom. /aimn Contraction, conjunction, incorporation, the vowel point (') pronounced as the Italian short u or as the English u in full. /a in in Blame, reproach, accusation, detraction. /am/am The name of a well at Mecca, called also Hagar's well. /ain/ama Singing, modulation, a concert. pardaz Singer, songster. Zan A woman, wife. Kama 1 > . . . * To marry. - lena j -mnrld Hen-pecked (rah-zau, a highwayman). Zanakh ] > The chin, the pit in the chin. Zanakhdan j Zanan Striking, beating, striking up. Zanana Female, feminine, effeminate, womanly, female apartments, a seraglio. Zauan-I Of the women, of the seraglio. Zang Name of a people in Africa, rust, a small bell. alud .Rusty, covered with rust. - lagna To become rusty. Zangar Rust, verdigris. -I Rusty, of the colour of rust. Zani (in compos.} Striking, the act of striking. 308 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. /an I An adulterer, a whoremonger. Zaniya A whore, strumpet, an adultress. Zanjabll Dry ginger. Zan-jalab A cuckold. -I Cuckoldom. Zanjir A chain. -I Chained, in chains, a prisoner. Zanka A little woman. Zaun Suspicion, jealousy, opinion, impression, notion, conjecture. -bad Suspicious, sceptical. -I Supposed. Zanu The knee, the lap, the hip. Zar Desire, wish, a groan, lamentation, afflicted, groaning, lamenting. -nail Lamentation. -o-nizar.. Emaciated, (in compos,) it implies place, multitude; as, gnl-zar, a garden of roses. Zar Gold, riches, wealth, money. Gilt, plated with gold. anduda baf Brocade, gold tissue. baf-i Woven in gold, embroidered. baft Brocade, cloth of gold. dar Wealthy. dost Fond of money, covefous. -doz Embroidered. doz-i Embroidery. gar A goldsmith. gar-I The business of a goldsmith, a kind of dialect. -i-gul. The yellow stamina of a rose. -i-nakd Beady money. -i-talisll Collections, revenue. kharid Purchased (as a slave). kharida - khez .Rich (a country), producing gold and silver. nigar Gilt, an electroplater. nigar-I Gilding. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 309 Zarafat Beauty, politeness, elegance, gallantry, wit, humour, jocularity. an By way of joke. Zarar Injury, damage, detriment, loss, ruin, affliction, anguish. dena To injure, hurt. -i shadid Great injury. rasani Causing injury, annoyance. Zarb A blow, beating, violence, multiplication (in arithmetic), striking, stamping, coining (money), struck. dena To coin, multiply. -i-masal A proverb, a saying. u-1-inasal lagana To strike, to hammer. uthana.. To suffer loss or damage. (daru-z-xarb) The mint-office. Zar-baf V. under Zar. Zard Yellow, pale, livid. Zarda A kind of pula'o, dressed with saffron. Zardak A carrot. Zard-alu An apricot. Zardar Wealthy. Zard-chob Yellow wood, turmeric (Curcuma longa). Zard-gosh Hypocritical, malignant. Zard-i Yellowness, the -yoke of an egg. -pflak The name of a bird. rang Yellow, bashful. ru Bashful. -I Bashfulness. Zarf Ingenuity, elegance, politeness, a vase, (pi. zuruf ) vessel, ingenious, (in grammar) an adverb. -i-makiin Adverb of place. -i-zaman Adverb of time. Zar-i Anything woven with gold thread. -baf A manufacturer of gold thread. Zar-I Crying, sighing, groaning, lamentation, supplication, crying for help. Zarlf Ingenious, polite, gallant, good, elegant, witty, jocose. 310 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. Zarlh A railing or lattice-work surrounding a temple or tomb. Zark Turning the eyes, (in Pers.), hypocrisy, fraud, detraction. - bark Glare, glitter, show, splendid cloths, splendour. Zarna I r, - \ f Arsenic, orpiment or (yeuow sulphuret I of arsenic). Zarmkh j Zarra ] _ > An atom, a particle, a little. /am J jot A little. sa A very little. Zar-rln Golden. murgk The name of a bird, the sun. Zarur Necessary, expedient, unavoidable, the necessary (thing). - hona To be necessary. at Force, violence, compulsion, restraint, want, indigence, necessity. - an Necessarily, of necessity. hona To have need of. Zaruri Necessary. - yat (pi.) Necessaries. Zarzar Great lamentation. - rona . To weep bitterly. Zat A mistress, possessor, (in Sans., equiva- lent to jat, caste, sect, tribe, class, race, the essence, nature, soul, substance). - dena To give up one's caste or relinquish the benefits of one's religion by eating with a person of another caste, or not acting in conformity with certain rules, also to give caste or receive a person into caste. (To deprive another of caste by touching his food, even by allowing one's shadow to pass over the food. If a member of - marna ) \ a caste be touched by a non-member, j the former should immediately divest \ himself of his clothing: and bathe. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 311 Zatu-1-jamb The pleurisy. Zatal Chattering, talking much and foolishly, quibbling, tattle. - ha nk Ha To quibble. - mama To chatter, to talk nonsense. Zat-i Essential, natural, innate. Zauj A couple, a pair, alike, a spouse, husband. Zauja A wife. Zaujiyat The married state. Zank Taste, delight, joy, pleasure, voluptu- ousness. - se With pleasure, willingly, with all my heart. Zaur Going on a pilgrimage. Zauwak A taster. Zauwar A visitor, visitant. Zawal Decline, wane, declination, setting of the sun, misery, wretchedness. -pazlr Transitory, fading. Zawl Having, posessing, endowed with. Zawiya or Zaviya An angle (in geometry), a corner, retired place. audariiul Interior angle. beruul Exterior angle. kharija hadda An acute angle. ka'ima A right angle. mnnfarija An obtuse angle. mnsattah A plane rectilineal angle. unit a badila An alternate angle. unit a kabila The opposite angle. naslilii One who keeps himself in retirement. Zeb Ornament, elegance, beauty. - dena To suit, become. Zeba Adorned, beautiful. Zeba-I Beauty, gracefulness. Zeba-ish Ornament, adorning, elegance. - karna To adorn, to decorate. Zeba-ish-I Elegant, beautiful. Zebinda Adorning, ornamenting, adorned. 312 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. Zer Under, below, inferior, lower, the vowel point (') sounded like the Italian i. -andaz The cloth or carpet spread under a hnkka. -band A martingale. bar hona To be indebted, to undergo a great expense. barl Expenses, burdens, liabilities. dast Powerless, under command, a subject, a vassal. - hiikin ralma To be in subjection. -i-lab Inarticulateness, mumbling. i-lab-I Inarticulate, slightly uttered (a word). i-nagm Submissive, subject. -ka niii To overpower, to subdue. mashk Writing. -o-zabar TP s y turvy, overturned, ruined rom head to foot, from beginning to end. pal Slippers. taJTVlz Under consideration, sending. Zewar (pi. zewarat.) Jewels, ornaments of gold, silver, &c. Zhala Dew, hoar-frost, hail. Zhazh Idle, trifling, or indecent speech, a kind of thistle. -kha'e A trifler, one who speaks obscenely. Zhinda A patched garment. Zhiyan Formidable, rapacious, raging (sher-i- zhiyan), a fierce lion. Zhollda Intricate, entangled. mu Entangled hair. ZI A lord, master, (in compos.) possessed of, endowed with. -hayat Endowed with life, an animal. hijja The last Muhamniadan month of the year. hosh Sensible. khirad Endowed with wisdom. -ruh A rational being. shan Possessed of dignity. shu'ur. Intelligent. Zibak Quicksilver. Zi-bas In plenty, sufficiently. Zi-bas-kT.. In as much as. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 313 Zich Teasing, check-mated. Zidd The contrary, the opposite, contrariety, opposition. - hoiia To be baffled, rendered helpless,to be tired of. - karna To baffle, defeat, to persist, to persevere. rakhna To importune, press eagerly. Ziddain Contrary to each other. Zidd-I Perverse, contrary, unmanageable. Zifaf Leading the bride home, to her husband's house. Zih A bowstring, the border or edge of anything, the collar or facing of a gar- ment, excellent ! bravo ! throes of child- birth. Zihar A bladder, the lower part of the belly. Zihar A formula of repudiation, or saying what amounts to, and has the effect of a regular divorce; as, " You are my mother," or, " I sucked the same breast as you." A penance is requisite to do away with the effect of such a speech. Zihdan The womb. Zlhi or zahi Excellent! bravo ! Zi-hijja The name of the last month of the Muliaininadan year (on the 10th day is the festival of foakar-'Id). Zihn Understanding, memory, genius, ability. i-dakik A subtile genius. - nisliiu karna To impress, to fix on the mind. - nishin hoiia To be impressed on the mind. ZTj Astronomical tables, a mason's rule. Zlk Anguish, vexation, melancholy, affliction, anxiety, doubt, oppression of spirit, or any thing that tortures the mind. n-n-nafas Asthma. Zik V. zak. Zikr Remembrance, memory, commemoration, mention, praise, fame, recital, relation, reading of the Kur'an and recital of the praise and names of God. 314 GLOSSAHY OF INDIAN TEKMS. Zikr kariiil To recite, mention. Zil' A side, part, district, division, a column in the page of a book, (in Hindustan), the art of speaking with double meaning. dar The officer in charge of a district. ZI1 ) | A fine soft sound, the smallest string of ZTr I | a lute, the treble in music. Zill Shadow. i-sub'hanl | , * \ Shadow of God, a king, an emperor. U"l"iS);Il ( ilii nut /ill uh 11 or zilluhum) May his, or their, prosperity continue. ?ill Gentleness, ease. Zillat Baseness, meanness, dishonour. Zimad j ( A bandage or fillet for binding the head Ziman j / or a wound, a plaster, liniment, an Zamad J ^ embrocation, ointment. Zimma Trust, charge, obligation, subjection, duty, service, fidelity, lineage. Zimmadar Responsible. hona To be responsible, to be careful. Ziinntadar-i Responsibility, care, charge. /inline karna To give in charge. lena To take in charge, to take care of. Zimn The cover of a letter, the contents, anything comprehended, contained or inserted, subject, an idea, conception, suretyship, an obligation, aid, favour, clause, section. - karna To include, take in. Zimnan Comprehensively, by the by. ZIn A saddle. - bandlma To saddle. gar A saddler. posh A cloth fastened over the saddle, housing. ZIna A ladder, stairs, steps. Zina Adultery, fornication. kar An adulterer, a fornicator. 1 Fornication, adultery. karua To commit adultery. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 315 Zmat .................. Ornament, dress, decoration, beauty, elegance. Ziuda .................. A live, living. -- dil .............. Lively, joyful, happy. Life, living, existence. karna ........... To bring to life. rahna ............ To live, survive. Ziiidaii ................. A prison. Zindau-i ............... Imprisoned, a prisoner. (pi. Zindanian). Zmhar ................. Care, caution, protection defence, patron- age, (interj.) take care, beware, (adv.) by no means, soon, certainly. Zinjif or /in jaf ......... Fringe, border, edging. Zir ................... V. zll. Zira ................... Cumin-seed (Cumiuum cyminnm). Zira' .................. A yard, a cubit, two bright stars in the head of Gemini. Zira'at ................ Agriculture, husbandry, sown field, land. -- I .............. Agricultural. Zirab .................. Fighting, fencing, conquering. Zirah (prop, zirih) ...... Iron armour made with rings. - -posh ............. A man clad in armour. ZIrak .................. Ingenious, intelligent, sagacious, pene- trating, acute. - -I ................. Ingenuity, sagacity. Zir o bam ............. High and low notes. Zisht .................. Deformed, ugly, inhuman, hideous. - -klio .............. Of ugly habits or disposition. -ru ................ Ugly, ill-favoured. Zist ................... Life, living, existence. Ziyada ................. More, too much, excessive. - hona ............ To exceed, surpass, to be increased. - karna ........... To increase, augment, use force, also, to take away the dinner and table-cloth. - talab-I ........... Extortion, imposition. Ziyafat ......... ' ....... A feast, banquet, convivial entertainment, hospitality, invitation. - karna .......... To entertain, feast, treat. 316 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. Ziyan Loss, damage, deficiency, injury, hurt, barm. -kar Hurtful, injurious. kar-I Injury, hurtfulness. karna To cause harm, hurt, injury, to injure. Ziyarat Pilgrimage, visiting. karna To go on a pilgrimage. Ziyarat-I Relating to pilgrimage. Zor Force, strength, virtue, power, vigour, violence, effort, weight. a war Powerful, strong. -I Power, force. -azma-I Trial of strength, wrestling. -azmana To try one's strength, to contend. chalna To have authority or influence. -dar Strong, vigorous. derm To aid, support, assist. dikhana To show off one's authority or power. karna To compel, to exercise, to use effort, to exert one's self. mama To endeavour, strive, toil, struggle. - pariia To be stretched, to be forced. Zu A lord, a master, fin compos.} possessed of, or endowed with. 1-fakar A sword possessed by Muhammad, and afterwards by 'All. 1-jalal Possessed of glory, glorious. Zu'af Sudden death (by poison). Zu'af Deadly venom. Zuban , V. zaban. The best of anything, butter. Znbda Zud Quick, swift, soon, suddenly. -ranj Irascible, soon irritated. -tar More speedily. tarin Will all speed. Zirf or Za'f Infirmity, weakness, imbecility of mind or body. Zu'f ana To faint, to fall into a swoon. -i-masana . . Irritability of the bladder. GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. 317 Zu'f i-mi'da Weak digestion, dyspepsia. Znha Breakfast time, the part of the day between sunrise, and the meridian ('idu-z-zuha, name of a festival celebrated on the 10th of zl-liijja (q.v.), when an animal is sacrificed in commemoration of Abra- ham's offering up of (according to Musalmans) his son Isma'il. /uhd Continence, devotion, abstinence. -kesh Devout, continent. Zuhhad plur. of zahid, q.v. Zuhr Mid-day, or a little time after the sun has passed the meridian, when it is most sultry. Zuhra The planet Venus. Zuhul Oblivion, forgetting. Zuhur Appearing, rising, becoming visible. - lioiia To arise, appear. meu ana To arise, to come in sight. meu lana To make apparent, to bring about. /ukam Rheum, catarrh, cold, defluxion. karna To take cold in the head. Zukhr ) } Treasure, provisions, victuals, stores. Zakhira j Zulal Pure, limpid, wholesome water. Zulam The colic. Zulf A curling lock, a ringlet, a whisker. -i-'arnbarln Perfumed (with ambergris) locks. i-tab-dar Curling locks. -i-pareskan Dishevelled locks. Zulf-I A sword-knot, the chain by which a door is fastened. Zn-1-jalal V. under zu. Zulla A covering, anything shady, a cloud. Zulm Oppression, injustice, injury, extortion. liona To befal one (a misfortune). - karna To oppress, tyrannize/ Zulm-pesha ) > Tyrannical, tyrant, oppressor. shi'ar | raslda Oppressed. C$18 GLOSSARY OF INDIAN TERMS. Zulmat Darkness. pi. Znliuat A dark place where the water of immor- tality is said to be. /uliii-i Oppressive, tyrannical, unjust. -yat Oppression. /miira A troop, group, crowd, multitude. / u n u h (pi. of zamb.). . Crimes, sins, faults. /mi nar (From Gr. Zoivagtov), a belt, the Brah- manical thread, a Hindu rosary. Zur A lie, falsehood, adulteration, a false deity, an idol. Zurara Particles scattered from anything pounded. Zuruf Vessels, adverb. (pi. of Zarf. q.vj The following GLOSSARY of TERMS in constant use in Official District Work in the N. W. P. and Oudh is taken (with a few corrections) from a very useful work (which should be in the hands of all District officers) entitled, "A District Office in Northern India" by C. W. WHISH. B. Civil Service. We take this opportunity of mentioning that Mr. WHISH is one of those officials who has done good service for the Government, and, at the some time, earned the respect and gratitude of all the Indians with whom his duties have brought him in contact. A. NAME. DESCRIPTION. Abadi Village site. Ahlmand or Ahl-1-kar . . . Departmental clerk. Almarl 'A chest or book case. Am m Official directing an inquiry. Ana Sixteenth part of a rupee. Arz i irzal Notice of remittance. AsamI Tenants, defendants in law-suits. Asami war Held by tenants or asamls, document including all the names applied to revenue settlements made with the proprietors. B. Babul The accacia Aralnca tree (of the Mimosa kind). Hahi-khata Ledger. Baniya Flour seller or petty shop-keeper. Basta Bundle of records (Lit. a cloth wrapper). Benin az sly aha Money not credited in the public accounts. Bhung An intoxicating drug made from hemp (Cannabis sativa). 320 TERMS USED IN OFFICIAL DISTRICT WORK, N. W. P. AND O. films Chaff, husk, bran. Bigha About two-thirds () of an acre. Biswa One-twentieth (^) of a biglia = kattha. Biswansi One-twentieth (-fo) of a biswa. c. Chakbat Compact. bandi Defining or marking the boundaries of an estate. Chilian Notice of remittance, clearance. Chandu A preparation of opium for smoking. Chaprasi Messenger, servant, peon. Chiiras An intoxicating drug made from hemp. ('lunik idar Village watchman. Chanpal Landed proprietor's office. Chik Bamboo blind. Chliatank One-sixteenth (y 1 ^) part of a seer or |th of a pound. Cooly Day labourer. . Cr. P Code of Criminal Procedure. D. f~ Dakhila Receipt. Dakhila bahl Receipt register. Darbar A public reception. Dastak Writ of demand. Deputy Inspector of Schools Departmental official in charge of district schools. District Board Elected Committee for Local Government. F. FaslI (year) Agricultural year. FaslI sal The revenue year. G. (ianja An intoxicating drug (the hemp plant). Ohara Earthenware water-pot. Ghat A bathing or landing place. TERMS USED IN OFFICIAL DISTRICT WORK, N. W. P. AND O. 321 Hand! ................. An earthenware bowl. Hindi ................. The indigenous vernacular of Upper India. J. Jamabandl ............. Rent roll. Jamadar ............... Officer of peons or messengers. Jinswar ....... ........ See Khasra Jinswar. k ;i l ii 1 i y ai .............. Counter part of a lease. (A written agreement). Kabzn-1-wnsul .......... Acquittance roll, receipt, ackowledgment. Kankar ................ Nodular limestone. Kiirln ................. Straw (the stalk of jo'ar of bajra (Horeus sorgum and spicatus). Kharlf ................. Autumn harvest. Khiirij az siyaha ........ Sums outside the public accounts. Khasra ................ Field register, a village account. Khasra Jinswar ......... Crop outturn register. Khatiuui ............... Abstract of account. Khetbat ............... Sub-division of fields. Khewat ................ Register of proprietors, record of village shares. Kist ................... Instalment. -band! .............. Settlement of the revenues or taxes by instalment. Ks ................... A measure of distance, about two miles. Kulliyat ............... General, miscellaneous, total, universality. L. Lambardar ............. Representative of revenue payers. (Lit. number-keeper). Lota .................. Brass drinking pot; a pipkin. 21 32.! TERMS USED IN OFFICIAL 1)1 TRICT.WORK, N. W. P. AND O. M. Madak A preparation of opium for smoking, (properly betel-leaf mixed with opium). Malguzar Land revenue payer. I Land revenue; ground-rent. Mall Gardener, florist, adj. belonging to prop- erty, financial. Malkhana Store-room. M:i u nd A measure of weight containing ($0) eighty (properly Man.) pounds. Mauja* (mouza) Village. Milan Sum, correspondence, comparison, col- lection. Misl A record. Lit. similitude. Misl band File, register. Mnharrir Clerk. Monsoon Rainy season. anglice frommausim(season) Mua'fi An estate on which the land revenue is remitted. Mnkhtarnama Power-of-attorney. Munsarim . Office superintendent, head clertof a court. M uiishik Iiuiiii Vernacular office. Mutation Change of proprietor's name in register. N. Naib Assistant, deputy.. . dnvaii The deputy treasurer or accountant. Nathis Separate bundles of records. (from u at In, the string by which papers are strung to leather). Mil/a rat Office of Nazir. Nazir Office superintendent, in law, a court officer, sheriff. Nuzul Immovable property of Government (strictly in a political sense). TERMS USED IN OFFICIAL DISTRICT WORK, N. AV. P. AND O. 323 or Occupancy Exemption from liability to ejectment. P. Pakka, pucka or pucka . Solid masonry, stone, or brick. Panchayat Committee or Council of five. Parwaua Official order, pass, warrant. Patwarl Village accountant, land steward. Peon Messenger. Peshkar A head vernacular writer or clerk, properly, minister, manager, deputy or agent. Pie Twelfth ( T ^) part of an anna. Paiich Assessor (originally from one of five arbitrators). R. Rabi* Spring harvest. Ravrana Pass, permit. Registrar Kauimgo Keeper of pargana registers. Rozuamcha Diary. s. Sadar (Sadr, or Sadder) . Head-quarters office. Sadar Kaunngo Superintendent of kauuugos. Sajra Field map. Schedules Heads of account. Ser A measure of weight containing two pounds (2 Ibs) or sixteen chhatanks. Sewai Miscellaneous items of income. Siyaha Sub-treasury account sheet. NM film iiu v is Sub-treasury vernacular accountant. Slnghara An edible water nut. Sir (Sanskrit : a plough) . Land in special cultivating possession of proprietor. Lit. husbrandry, agriculture. Supervisor Kanungo Superintendent of patwaris, an officer in each district, acquainted with its customs, the nature of the tenures of the land, &c. 324 TERMS USED IN OFFICIAL DISTRICT WORK, N. W. P. AND O. T. Tahsll ................. A subdivision of a district (especially for revenue purposes). Tahsildar .............. The officer in eharge of a Tahsfl. Tali v i Ida r .............. Sub-treasurer. (Tahwil-dar) ............ Cash-keeper. Takawl ................ State loans for agricultural improvements (assisting particularly, tenants). Talabnama ........ ..... A summons. Talabani ............... Process fees. Talabana dakhil karna. .. To pay witnesses fees. Tarl (toddy) ............ An intoxicating drink made from palm trees. *) Terai .................. Low lying land. (properly tara'I, a marsh, or meadow.) Thana ................. Police station. Urdu .................. The vernacular of India subsequent to Urdu-i-mu'alla, the royal the Muhaminadan conquest, literally; camp or army, generally an army or camp, (a Turkish word). means the city of Dihli or Shahjabanabad, and urd n - i-mn'iilla ki xaban. the court language. W. Wasil bakl ............. Land revenue accountant. (hisab-navls) ........... (collections and balance). z. Zamlndar . . Land-holder. *) The natives make an incision in the tree near the top, and fasten underneath earthen vessels into which the juice drops during the night. The liquor, thus obtained, haying a slightly sub-acid flavour, is peculiarly grateful and refreshing in the early morning. It acquires its intoxicating property when kept for some time and allowed to ferment. TERMS APPLIED TO LABOURERS, N. W. P. ANT) O. 325 GLOSSARY of TERMS applied to Labourers, in the N. W. P. and Oudli revised from a very interesting pamphlet, entitled " Our Difficulties and Wants" by the late S. M. Hossain (a distinguished student at the Cirencester Agricultural College, who held an important post in the Agricultural Department of Northern India). Ahlr Keeper of cows and seller of milk, butter,&c. Asunn Agricultural tenants. Atishbaz Firework maker. 'Attar Druggist. Bakar or Bu/ Butcher dealing in mutton. (These words signifying bull goat are locally applied). Baulyii or Bakkal Shop keepers (also corn-grower). Bharbhnnja, Hlmj. or Blmja Keeper of an oven (bhar) for parching chabeiia. *) Barhal Carpenter. Barl Torch bearer (properly the name of a Hindu caste who sell torches, and leaves used as platters). Belma(Dhunya, or Naddaf) One who prepares cotton for spinning and receives in exchange untwined thread. Bhatyara Baker, or innkeeper. Beldar A member of a wandering tribe that vend fuel carried on asses, also, a pioneer, a digger. Bhangi (Dom, or Mihtar) Sweepers and removers of ordure, they make baskets, Sup or chhaj for cleaning grain from dust, they play musical in- struments at weddings, their wives are employed as midwives. Chamar Tanners, they strip the skin from dead cattle (the flesh of which they eat). Chitera Carver (properly, a person who paints flowers). Chikwa Fide. Bakar (a butcher who kills only goats, sheep, kids and lambs). *) Chabeiia is the unground grain parched in burning sand which alone is eaten by more than three-fourths of the villagers for breakfast. 326 TERMS APPLIED TO LA.BOUKEUS, N. W. P. AND O. Churiyar Makers of bracelets (churiya) composed (from churl, bangles or of sodium, carbonate and sand. rings made of glass, &c., and worn by women on the wrist.) Darzl Tailor. IMiirkal or Bausplior . . . . Basket, box and chairmaker (of bamboo). Dhobi Washerman. Dhunya Fide Behna. Doiii Fide Bhangl. Garariya Shepherd. Gosam A kind of Hindu fakir. Gaura Bearer of the palanquin, they also keep ferry boats like kewats, and roast grain. Halwal Vendor of sweetmeats and tobacco. Jolaha jorya Weavers. (from jorna, to join, to mend). Kaliar A bearer (especially of a palaquin ; a caste). Kliovat A ferry-man, (he also, in some parts, makes salt). Khatik Principally engaged in selling fruit, and vegetables making twine, &c., they also work like pasis, q.v., and serve as guards in the houses of zamindars. Kachhl or Kurmi Agriculturists (the former are properly (probably from Kapari). gardeners who cultivate and sell pot-herbs). Kabarya or Kunjra Greengrocer. Kassab Fide Dakar. Kasal Dealers in beef. Koli and Kori Fide Jolaha. Kasera Brazier. Kumhar Potter. Loliar Blacksmith. Lonlya from loni (salt)... In former times manufacturers of salt, they now work on the roads, &c. Manibar (from main, a gem, a jewel) Fide Clmriyar. Marau Vide KachliT. Mihtar . . Fide Bhangl. TERMS APPLIED TO LABOUKEKS, N. W. P. AND O. 327 Mali Gardener. Mahajau Grain and money lender (at very liigh interest). >'ai; hajjam Barbers. "Besides their particular pro- fession, the Nais also wait upon the zamindars upon extraordinary occasions, especially at marriage ceremonies, when their services as intermediators between the contracting parties are invariably employed. They are also appointed by their customers to wait upon their guests who have brought no servant with them, to bring water for them and otherwise attend upon them. The Nais are entrusted with letters and presents from respect- able people to their relations and friends, as well as with invitations." > ar.hai ; rotiwala Baker. Naddaf Vide Behua. PasI Men, who, in occupation, resemble ohamar q.v. (both low caste Hindus). Patu'a or Pathar (local).. Lace-maker; a man who strings pearls, a braider, a maker of fringe and tape. Raugrez (from rang, dye, colour) Dyer. Sunar Goldsmith. Tamoli or Tamboll This caste sell lime or Pan (Betel leaves) which are chewed by Indians and con- sidered a luxury as well as a stomachic. Tell A presser of oil-seed and vendor of oil. That li era Tide Kasera (brasier, tinker). APPENDIX. Muhammadan Calendar. The era from which Mussulmans reckon corresponds with the date of their prophet's flight (called the Hijra) from Mecca to Medina. This is computed to have occurred on Friday, the 16th of July, A.D. 622. Mussulmans count time by lunar months, of which there are twelve consisting of 354 day and nine hours, very nearly. Their New-year's Day will thus fall every year about eleven days earlier than in the preceding year. In order to find the Christian year corresponding to that of the Hijra, Forbes (vide Grammar p. 146) gives the following rule: "From the given number of Musalman years, deduct three per cent, and to the remainder add the number 621.54, the sum is the period of the Christian aera at which the given current Masai man year ends This very simple rule is founded on the fact that 100 lunar years are very nearly equal to 97 solar years, there being only about eight days of difference. A more accurate proportion would be 101 lunar to 98 solar years, but this would lead to a less convenient rule for practical use. "When great accuracy is required, and when the year, month, and day of the Mnhammadaii aera are given, the precise period of the Christian aera may be found very nearly, as follows: Rule. Express the Mnsalman date in years and decimals of a year ; multiply by . 97 ; to the product add 621.54, and the sum will be the period of the Christian aera. This rule is exact to within a few days, and if in the Mn salman date the day of the week is given, as is generally the case, the very da;/ is easily determined. "The Mnhammadau or lunar months are made to consist of thirty and twenty-nine days alternately, but in a period of thirty years, it is found necessary to intercalate the last month eleven times so as to be reckoned thirty days instead of twenty-nine. The months retain their Arabic names in all Mnhammadan countries, as follows ' APPENDIX. Lunar Months. 329 Muharram . . 30 days. Safar. . 29 Rabi ul-awwal . 30 RabPus-sani ) Rabl' ul-akhir j Jumad al-a \\ u a 1 . . . ..30 . cO Juuiad-ag-sanl 1 Jmnad-al-akhir j oq ** // Rajab 30 days. Sha'ban 29 Rauiazan 30 ^ Shawwal 29 Zi, 1 ka'da I ou Zi ka'da Zi, 1 hijja Days of the Week. Musalmun. Hindu. ff . Persian. Itwar. Rabl-bar. Sun. Ekshanba. Somwar or pir. Som-bar. Mon. Doshanba. Mangal. Mangal-bar. Tues. Sishaiiba. Budh. Budh-bar. Wed. Chaharshanba. Jnm'a rat. Brihaspati-bar. Thure. Paiichshanba. .luni'a. Snkra-bar. Fri. \s. dcoir. A Mann = 40 ser. The tola is the denomination of a weight, consisting of a number of nuishas. which varies in different parts of India. : .-<.! .,. The standard tola, or sicca weight of Calcutta, is 12 mashas, agreeably to the following table. 4 Panks. . ... .... .... 1 Dhan or Grain. 4 Dhan..... . ..... ;. 1 Rattl.. Gr. Tr. 1. 79606 8 Rattl . . ........ ____ 1 Masha ....... 14. 37333 12 Mashas.. . . ..... .... 1 Tola.. . . . . . : . . 179.666& A gaz is used in measuring length; it is equivalent to a yard. Distances are reckoned by Kos = to about 2 miles. Forms of Address. In respect of forms of address, Indians, and, indeed all Oriental peoples, are very punctilious. Their use .of flowery expressions is ; , proverbial, and apt to excite ridicule among Western nations,, espe- cially those in the noxth of Europe. Towards the .south, in Italy, Spain, and Portugal, and even in France exaggerated terms of address -are noticeable. 332 APPENDIX. In India, Brahmans are addressed as Maliaraj!, Great King!, Pander (which also signifies a schoolmaster,) Dobe, Tiwari or Chaube (which signifies a Brahman acquainted with the four Yedas, and though this term, like Pandit, was originally applied to learned It rah mans, ignorant men of this caste are still addressed as Chaubes and Pandits. Miisalnian Fakirs are adressed with Pir or Sufi or Shah; Hindu devotees, with Sa'In or (i visa' in or Bhagat or Guru; Rajputs with Thakur and Singh or Rae. The two latter terms are also used among Sikhs. Moguls are addressed as Mirza or Beg, or Agha or Khwajah; Saiyids, with Mir; Shaikhs, with Shaikh; Pathans, with Khan; Doc- tors with Mulla or Mania vl or Pandit; Merchants or Bankers, with Seth or Sah. The most common terms of respectful address are Maliaraj, Jahan Panah (Refuge of the world!), Your Majesty!, Great King! Khudawand, JI, Miyan or Sahib; Sir!, or Babii, Lala, or Thakur; Sir!, Master!, Worship!. Muhammad Ibrahim of Bombay laid down the following rules respecting the etiquette to be observed in the use of the pronouns. " \ . When the speaker and the person whom he addresses are of the same rank, each should speak of himself in the singular number, and address the other in the second person plural. "2. A person of superior rank may speak himself in the singular number, and address the other in the second person plural, but this is not considered to be polite, nor is it thought correct to address even the lowest rank in the singular number. " 3. The pronouns of the third person may be used in the singular when speaking of any person in their presence, unless they be of superior rank, when they ought to be spoken of in the plural. "4. When one person of rank addresses another of the same or superior rank, or speaks of him in his presence, it is most correct to make use of the respectful pronoun ap, or the great man's title, or some respectful phrase, Khudawand. your honour; huzrut, honour, highness, etc,, and the like, with the third person plural (of the pronouns and verbs); and when an inferior addresses a superior he ought at all times to use similar expressions of respect, suitable to the rank of the person addressed." In writing letters, the person addressed is denoted, according to his rank, by some or other of the terms we have given above ; but even, as a mark of respect, persons are addressed in expressions which are quite incongruous with their position. Messrs. LUZAC & Co.'s. publications Concerning "British In5i t Burma w& th.c Publishers to the India Office, the Asiatic Society of Bengal, the University of Chicago, etc. ANANDAS'RAMA SANSKRIT SERIES. T7DITED by Pandits of the Anandas'rama. 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