THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES T II E School for Wives. COMEDY. AS IT IS PERFORMED AT THE THEATRE-ROYAL I N DRURY-LANE. x>cxx LONDON: PRINTED FOR T. BECKET, IN THE STRAND. 1774. [PRICE ONE SHILLING AND SIX-PENCE.] PREFACE* H E Author of the following performance cannot commit it to the prefs, without acknow- ledging the dcepeft fenfe of gratitude, for the un- common marks of approbation with which he has been honoured by the Public. Tho' he has chofen a title us'd by MOLIERI, he has neither borrowed a fmgle circumftance from that great poet, nor to the beft of his recollection from any other writer. His chief ftudy has been to fteer between the extremes of fentimental gloom, and the excefles of unmterefting levity ; he has fome laugh, yet he hopes he has alfo fome leflbn ^ and faftiionable as it has been lately for the wits, 6565^3 ii PREFACE. even with his friend Mr. Garrick at their head, to ridicule the Comic Mufe, when a little grave, he muft think that !he degenerates into farce, where the grand bufmefs of instruction is ncglccled, and confider it as a herefy in criticifm, to fay that one of the moft arduous tafks within the reach of literature, flaou'd, when executed, be wholly without utility. The Author having been prefumptuous enough to affbrt, that he has not purloin'd a fmgle fprig of bays from the brow of any other writer, he may perhaps, b aik'd, if there are not feveral plays in the Englim language, which, before his, produced Generals, Lawyers, Irimmen, Duels, Mafque- rades, nnd Miftakes ? He anfwers, yes -, and con- fcfles moreover, that all the Comedies before his, were compos'd not only of men and women, but that before his, the great bufmefs of comedy con- fiftetl in making difficulties for the purpofe of re- moving them ; in diftrefiing poor young lovers ; and in rendering a happy marriage the object of every cataftrophe. Yet the* the Author of theSchool for Wives, pleads guilty to all thefe cliarges, ftill, in extenuation of his offence, he begs leave to oblerve, that raving only PREFACE. iii cnly rreii and women to introduce upon the ftao-e, he \vas oblig'd to ccmpofe his Dramatis Ferfcnse of mtre ficfn. and blood j if, however, he has thrown this flelh and this blood, into mw fituations ; if he has given a new fable, and plac'd his characters in a point of light hitherto unex- hibited : lie flat.ters himfelf that he may call his play, a new play, and tho' it did not exift before the creation of the world, like the famous Welch pedigree, that he may have fome fmall preteniions to original'ty, Two thing? befides the general moral incul- cated thro' his piece, the Author has attempted j the firft, to refcue the law, as a profeffion, from ridicule or obliquy ; and the fecond, to remove the imputation of a barbarous ferocity, which dra- matic writers, even meaning to compliment the Irifh nation, have connected with their Idea oj that gallant people : The law, like ever}' other profellion, may have members who occafionally difgrace it ; but to the glory of the Britifh name, it is well know that in the word of times, it has produced numbers \\hofe virtues reflected honour upon human nature-, many of the nobleft privileges the conilitution has to boaft of, were derived from die integrity, or the wifdom of lawyers : iv PREFACE. Yet the ftage has hitherto caft an indifcriminatc ftigma upon the whole body, and laboured to make that profefiion cither odious or contemptible in the theatre, which, if the laws are indeed dear to good Englifhmen, can never be too much refpefted in this kingdom. There is fcarcely a play in which a lawyer is introduced, that is not a libel upon the long rcbe - t and fo ignorant have many dramatic writers been, that they have made no distinction, whatever, between the characters of the firft Barri- fbers in Weftminfter-Hall, and the rneaneft lolicitorg. at the Old Bailey. "With rcfpcct to the gentlemen of Ireland, where even an abfolute attempt is manifefled, to place them in a favourable point of view, they are drawn with a brutal promptitude to quarrel, which is a dif- race to the well known humanity of their coun- tcv. The gentlemen of Ireland have doubtkis a quick fcnfcr of honour, and, like the gentlemen cf I'ngland, as v/cli as lilce the gentlemen of every other Ligh-fplritcd nation, ere perhaps unhappily too rca- 10 draw the fword, \vhere they conceive themfelves iriurcd But to make them proud of a barbarous jv/optnfity to Duelling ; to mak^ them actually de- 1'ght in ilx-trTufiGn of blood, is to fuften a very unjuft .-on their general character, and to ren- der- PREFACE, * dcr them univerfally obnoxious to fociety. The Author of the School for Wives therefore, has given a different picture of Irifh manners, though in humble life, and flatters himfelf that thofe who arc really acquainted with the original, will acknow- lege it to be at lead a tolerable rejemblance. It would be ungrateful in the higheft degree to clcfe this preface, without acknowledging the very great obligations which the author has to Mr. Garrick. Every attention, which either as a ma- nager, or as a man, he could give to the intereft of the following play, he has bellowed with the moft generous alacrity -, but univerfally admired as he is at prefent, his intrinfic value will not be known, till his lofs is deplored ; and the public have great reafon to wifh, that this may be a very diftant event in t he annals of the theatre. The Epilogue fufficiently marks the mafterly hand from which it originated , fo does the comic commencement of the Prologue, and the elegant writer of the graver part, is a character of diftinguifhed eminence in the literary republic. It has been remarked with great juftice, that few new pieces were ever better performed than The $cbcol for Wives* Mr. King, that highly, deferving favorite tf PREFACE, favourite of the town, was every thing the author could poflibly wifli in General Savage. Mr. Red- difh acquired a very confiderable ihare o-f merited reputation irr Belville. Mr. Moody is unequalkd in- his Irifhmen. Mr. Palmer, from his manner of fupportrng Leefbn, was entitled to a much better part : And Mr. \Vefton in Torington v/as admi- rable. Mifs Younsje, in Mrs. Belville, extorted o applnufc from the cokkft auditor. Her ten- dernefs her force h:r pathos, were the true jerFufions of genius, and proved that (he 'has no fuperior where the feelings are to be intercfted. \Yith refpcd to Mrs. Abington, enough can never be faid. The elegance, the vivacity, the critical nicety with which me went through Mifs Wal- fingham, is only to be guefled at, by thofe who are familiar with the pe'riormance of that exquifite ac- trcls. Her Epilogue was delivered with an anima- tion not to be conceived, and manifefted the ftricl . propriety, with \vhich- ihe is called the firft prieftcfs of the Comic Mule in this country. Jan. i, 1774. THE THE SCHOOL FOR WIVES, BEING A COMEDY IN WHICH THE LADIES ARE PARTICULARLY INTERESTED, IT SHOULD BE ADDRESS'D TO THE FIRST ORNAMENT OF THE SEX-, AND IS THEREFORE INSCRIBED WITH THE HIGHEST ADMIRATION AND THE MOST PROFOUND REVERENCE, TO HER MAJESTY; NOT BECAUSE SHE IS THE GREATEST CF QUEENS, BUT BECAUSE IN THE MILDER, AND MORE ENDEARING RELATIONS OF LIFE, SHE IS THE BRIGHTEST PATTERN OF ALL THE FEMALE VIRTUES. January i, 1774. PROLOGUE. Spoken by Mr. KIN G. coward be, wbe in this critick age, Dares fet bis foot upon the dangerous flage -, 'Thefe boards, like Ice, your footing will betray, Who can tread fure upon a flipp'ry way ? Tet fome thro* five aRs, Jlide with wond'rous Jkill, Skim fwift along, turn, flop, or wind at will! Some tumble,, and get up ; fome rife no mere \ While cruel cri ticks watch them on the Jh ore, And at each ftumUe make a helli/h roar ! A wife Philofopher, hath truly noted, (His name I have forgot, tho' often quoted,) *That fne-fpun fpirits from the Jlightefl caufe, Draw to themselves affiittion, or applaufe : Si fares it with our Bard. Laft week he meets Some hawkers, roaring up and down the fereets. Lives, charatters, behaviour, parentage, Of fome who lately left the mortal ftage ! His ears fo caught the found, and worked his mind, He thought his owyjiame floated in the wind-, As thus " Here is a faithful, true relation, " Of the birth, parentage, and eaucation, ** Laft dying fpeech, confejjion, character, *' Of the unhappy malefafferer, " And comick poet, Thomas Addle Brain ! " Who fuffer'd Monday loft at Drury Lam ; " All for the price of half -fenny a piece ," Still in his ears thefe horrid founds encreafe ! Try'd and condemned, half executed too \ the culprit , 'till reprieved by you. [going. Enter PROLOGUE. Enter Mifs Y O U N G E. Mils Y O U N G E. Pray give me leave I've fomething now to fay. Mr. KIN G. 7j'/ at the School for Wives, you're taught this way? Or louder yet, off, off; no more ! no more ! J Should Pit, Box, Gall'ry with convulfionsfoakc, Still are they half ajleep, nor t'other half awake : O, ladies fair ! are theft fit men to wed ? Such hufbands, half, had better be quite dead. But, to return, vain men, throughout the nation^ Boaft, they alone, have College education : Are not we qualify d to take degrees ? } We've caps, and gowns, nay bands too, if you pleafe, > Cornelly's, and Almac k's, our Univerfities / j Young female ftudents rife, if girls of par ts^ From under graduates, miftrefTes of arts ! The ba/Jjful fpinftcrs, turn important fpoufes, Strive to be mailers, and the heads of houfes ! Will any of you here, bkft with a wife, Dilute the f aft, you dare net fcr your lift. Pray EPILOGUE. Pray tell me truly, criticks, and be free, Do you this night prefer the Wife to me ? Shall Mrs. Bemlle^iw the Play a name ? What are her merits ? a cold, fmiling dame, While /, a falamander, liv'd in flame ! Prrfs'd by three lovers A 'twas indeed provoking ! Ladies, upon my word, it was no joking. Can you from mortal woman more require, Than favc her fingers, and yet play with fire ? The r:Jks I run, the partial bard upbraids , Wives won't be taught, be it the School for Maids. Dramatis Perfonae. M E N. General SAVAGE, Mr. KING, BELVILLE, Mr. REDDISH, TORRINGTON, Mr. WfiSTON, LEESON, Mr. PALMER, Captain SAVAGE, Mr. BRERETON, CONNOLLY, Mr. MOODY, SPRUCE, Mr. BADDELEY, GHASTLY, Mr. W. PALMER. WOMEN. Mifs WALSINGHAM, Mrs. ABINGTON, Mrs. BELVILLE, Mifs YOUNGE, Lady RACHEL MILDEW, Mrs. HOPKINS, Mrs. TEMPEST, Mrs. GREVILLE, Mifs LEESON, Mifs JARRATT, 4 MAID, Mrs. MILLIDGE. THE THE A C T I. SCENE, an Apartment at BELVILLE'.*. Enter Captain SAVAGE, and Mifs WAL SING HAM. ! ha! ha! Well, Mifs Walfmgham, this fury is going > what a noble peal me has rung in Belville's ears ! Mifs WAL. Did me fee you, Captain Savage ? CAPT. No, I took care of that ; for tho* Ihe is'n't married to my father, me has ten times the influence of a wife, and might injure me not a little with him, if I didn't fupport her fide of the queftion. Mifs WAL. It was a pleafant conceit of Mr. Bel- ville, to infmuate the poor woman was difordered in her fenfes ! CAPT. And did you obferve how the termagant's violence of temper, fupported the probability of the charge ? Mifs WAL. Yes, me became almoft frantic in re- ality, when me found herfelf treated like a mad- woman. 2 We S C II O O L for W I V E S. CAPT. Belville's affected furprife . too, was adnrL rable ! Mifs WAL. Yes, the hypocvirical compofure of his countenance, and his counterfeit pity for the poor woman, were intolerable ! CAPT. While that amiable creature,, his wife, im- plicitly believed every iyliable he laid Mifs WAL. And felt nothing; but pity for the ac- cufer, inflead of paying the leaft regard to the accu- fation. But pray, is it really under a pretence of getting the girl upon the rbige, that Belville has taken away Mrs. Tempeil's ne?cs from the people me boarded with ? CAPT. It is : Belville, ever on the look out for frefli objects, met Her in thofe primitive regions of purity, the Green-Boxes ; where, diicovering that fhs was paffion- ately defirous cf becoming an actrefs, he improved his acquaintance with her, in the fictitious character of an Irifh manager, and me eloped laft night, to be, as Jhe imagines, the heroine of a Dublin theatre. Mifs WAL. So, then, as he has kept his real name artfully conceai'd, Mrs. Tempeil can at moil but iufpect him of Mifs Leefon's feduction. CAPT. Of no more-, and this, only, from the defcription of the people y.'ho :w him in company with her at the play , but, I \viili the affair may not have a ferious ccnclufion -, for ilie has a brother, a very fpirited young teller.", v/lio is a council in the .Temple, and who will certainly call Belviile to an ^account, the moment he hears of it. Af^rvVAL. And what w'.li become, of the poor creature after he has d:fcrted her? CAPT. You know that Belville is generous to nro- fufion, and has a thoufand good qualities to counter- balance this fingle fault of gallantry, which con- taminates his character. e SCHOOL for WIVES. 3 vAL. You men ! you men! You are fuch/ wrenches that there's no havinsr a moment's fatisfac- ^ tion with you! and what's ftill more provoking, there's no 'having a moment's fatisfaction without you !'- CAPT. Nay, don't think us all alike. Mijs WAL. I'll endeavour to deceive my&lf , for it is but a poor argument of your fincerity, to be the confidant of another's falfehood. CAPT. Nay, no more of this, my love ; no peo- ple live happier than Belville and his wife ; nor is there a man in England, notwithftanding all his levity, who eonfiders his .wife with a warmer degree of affection : if you have a friendfhip therefore, for her, let her continue in an error, fo necefiary to her repofe, and give no hint, whatever, of his gallantries to any body. Mifs WAL. If I had no pleafure in obliging you$ 1 have too much regard for Mrs. Belville, not to follow your advice ; but you need not- enjoin me fo ilrongly on the lubject, when you know- 1 can" keep a fecret. CAPT. You are all goodnefs , and the prudence with which you have, conceal' d our private engage- ments,- has eternally oblig'd me , had you trufted the fecret even to Mrs. Belville, it wou'dn't have been'fafe; fhe wou'd have told her hufband, and he is fuch a rattlefkul, that, notwithftanding all his -regard for me, he wou'd have mention'*! it in ibme moment of levity, and fent it in a. courfe of circulation to my father. Mifs WAL. The peculiarity of your father's tem- per, join'd to my want of fortune, made it necefTary for me to keep our engagements inviolably fecret ; there is no merit, therefore, either in mv prudence', -or in my labouring afliduoufly to cultivate the good .opinion of the General , fmce both were fp necefc B 2 farf S C H O O L for W I V E S. ary to my own happinefs ; don't defpife me for thJ3 acknowledgement now. CAPT. Bewitching Ibftnefs ! -But: yxir goodnefs, I flatter myfclf, will be fpeedily rewarded -, you are now fuch a favourite with him, that he is eternally talking of you , and I really fancy he means to pro- pofe you to me himfelf : for, laft nighr, in a few mi- nutes after he had declared you would make the be{ v> r ife in the world, he ferioufly afk'd me if I had any uvcrfion to matrimony ? Mifs WAI/, Why, that was a very great conceflion indeed, as he feldom ftopps to confult any body's inclinations. CAPT. So it was, I aflure you ; for, in the arQny ? being ufed to nothing but command and obedience, he removes the diicipline of the parade into his family, and no more expects his orders fhou'd be dii- puted, in matters of a domeftic nature, than if they were deliver'd at the head of his regiment. Mifs WAL. And yet, Mrs. Tempeft, who you fay is as much a florm in her nature as her name, is dif- puting them eternally. Enter Mr. and Mrs: BELVILLE. BEL. Well, Mifs Walfingham, hav'n't we had a pretty morning's vifitor ? Mifs WAL. Really, I think fo , and I have been alking Capt. Savage, how long the lady has been dif- erdered in her fenks ? BEL. Why will they let the poor -woman abroad, without fome body to take care of her ? CAPT. O, me has her lucid intervals. JV///} WAL. I declare I fhall be as angry with you as I am with Belville. (afide to the Captain.) Mrs. BEL. You can't think how fenfibly me fpo^e at firft. BEL. I fhouki have had no conception of her mad- nefs We SCHOOL for WIVES. 5 nefs, if fhe hadn't brought fo prepofterous a charge againft me. Enter a Servant. SER. Lady Rachel Mildew, Madam, fends her compliments, and if you are not particularly en- gaged, will do herfelf the pleafure of waiting upon you. Mrs. BEL. Our compliments, and we mail be glad to fee her Ladymip. [Ex. Servant. BSL. I wonder if Lady Rachel knows that Tor- rington came to town laft night from Bath ' Mrs. BEL. I hope he has found benefit by the waters, for he is one of the beft creatures exiiYmg ; he's a do\vnright parfon Adams, in good nature and fimplicity. Mifs WAL. Lady Rachel will be quite happy at his return, and it would be a laughable affair, if a match could be brought about between the old maid and the old bachelor. CAPT. Mr. Torrington is too much taken up A \Vefbminfter-Hall, to think of paying his devoirs to the ladies-, and too plain a fpeaker, I fancy, to be agreeable to Lady Rachel. BEL. You miltake the matter widely ; me is deep- ly fmitten with him ; but honeft Torrington is ut- terly unconfcious of his ccnqueft, and modeftly thinks that he has not a fmgle attraction for any woman in the uniyerfe. Mrs. BEL. Yet my poor aunt fpeaks fufficiently plain, in all confcience, to give him a different opinion of himfeif. Mifs WAL. Yes, and puts her charms intp fuch repair, whenever me experts to meet him, that her cheeks look for all the world like a rafberry ice upon a ground of cuftard. CAPT. I thought Apclh was the only god of Lady- Rachel's 6 prefent fituation is a very difagreeable one. , ... CON. Faith,' and fo it is ; but: who 1 - makes it difa- reeable ? your Aunt Tempeft would let you have as much money as you pleafe, but you won't condefcend to be acquainted with her, though people in this country can be very intimate friends, without jpeing one anothers faces for feven years. LEES. Do you think me bale enough to receive a favour from a woman, who has difgraced her family, and {loops to be a kept miftrefs ? you fee, my filler is already ruin'd by a connection with her. CON. Ah, Sir, a good guinea isn't the worfe for coming through a bad hand : if it was, what would C* O * become of us lawyers ? and by my foul, many a high head in London would, at this minute, be very low, if they hadn't rf cieved favours even from much worfe people than kept miftreffes. LEES. Others, Connolly, may proftitute their honour, as they pleafe ; mine is my chief pofiefnon, and I muil take particular care of it. CON. Honour, to be fure, is a very fine thing, Sir ; but I don't fee how it is to be .taken care of, without a little money ; your honour, to my know- ledge, has'n't been in your own pofleffion thefe t\vo years, S Me S C H O O L for WIVES. years, and the devil a crum can you honeftly fwear by, till you get it out of the hands of your creditors. LEES. 1 have given you a licence to talk, Con- nolly, lecaufe I know you faithful j but I hav'n'c given you a liberty to fport with my misfortunes. CON. You know Pd die to ferve you, Sir } but of what ufe is your giving me leave to fpake, if you oblige me to hould my tongue ? 'tis out of pure love and affection that I put you in mind of your misfortunes. LEES. Well, Connolly, a few days will, in all pro- bability, enable me to redeem my honour, and to re- ward your fidelity ; the lovely Emily, you know, has' half confented to embrace the firft opportunity of flying with me to Scotland, and the paltry trifles I owe, will not be mifs'd in her Fortune. CON. But, dear Sir, confideryou are going to fight i duel this very evening, and if you fhou'd be kilt, I fancy you will find it a little difficult, to run away afterwards with the lovely Emily. LEES. If I fall, there will be an end to my mil- fortunes. CON. But furely it will not be quite genteel, to go out of the world without paying your debts. LEES. But how fhaU I ftay in the world, Connolly, without punifhing Belville for ruining my filter ? CON. O, the devil fly away with this honour ; an ounce of common fenfe, is worth a whole mip load of it, if we mud prefer a bullet or a halter, to a fine young lady and a great fortune. LEES. We'll talk no more on the fubje<5t at pre- fent. Take this letter to Mr. Belville , deliver it into his own hand, be fure ; and bring me an anfwer : make hafle ; for I mail not ftir out till you come back. CON. By my foul, I wilh you may be able to ilir out then, honey. O, but that's true ! LEES. What's the matter ? CCN. Why, Sir, the gentleman I Lift liv'd clerk with, S C H O O L for W I V E S. 9 v'th, died lately and left me a legacy of twenty guineas LEES. What! is Mr. Stanley dead ? CON. Faith, his friends have behav'd very unkindly if he is not, for they have buried him thcie iix weeks. LEES. And what then ? COST. Why, Sir, I received my little legacy this morning, and if you'd be fo good as to keep it for-' me, Td be much obliged to you. LIES. Connolly, I underiland you, but I am already fhamtfully in your debt : you've had n. money from me this age. CON. O Sir, that docs not fignify , if you are not Ivilt in this ciamn'd duel, you'll be able enough so pay me : if you are, I ftjan't want it. LEES. Why fo, my poor fellow ? Cox. Becaufe, tho' I am but your cK'rk, znd tho' I think fighting the moil foolifh thine upon earth, Tm as much a gintleman as yourfeit, and have as much right to a murder in the way of' duelling, LEES. And what then ? You have no quarrel with Mr. Bdvillc ? CON. I mall have a cfomn'd quarrel with him tho* if you are kiit : your death fhall be reveng'd, de- pend upon it, fo let that content you. . LEES. My dear Connolly, I hope I fhar* s t want fuch a proof of your arTlclion. Kow he diiVr^iTcs me ! CON. You will want a fecond, I fuppofe, in this affair : I flood fecond to my own brother, in the r- it- teen Acres, and tho' that has made me Retell the very thought of duelling ever fince ; yet if you want a friend, Til attend you to the field of death with a great deal of latrbfa&ion, LEES. I thask you, Connolly, but I think it ex- tremely wrong in any man who has a quarrel, to ex- C io. ne SCHOOL for WIVES. pofe his irtnd to difficulties ; we fhou'dn't feek for redrefs, ir ve :.r: not equal to the talk of fighting or own b::Lt:cbi . nc! I chooie you particularly, to carry my IcLter Ix-cau'e, you may be iuppofcd ignorant of the contents, and thtAL-ht to be. acting only in. th4 ordinary c,.UiIe of your buf|ne& CON Say no more about it, honey ; I will be back with you prcfenily. (sting, returns.) I put the twenty givneas in your pocket, before; you were up, Sir; and I don't believe you'd look for fuch a thing there, if I wasn't to tell you of it. [Exit. LEES, This faithful, noble-hearted creature !-^- but let me fly from thought ; the bufmefs I have to execute, will not bear the ttft of reflection, [Exit. Re-enter CONNOLLY. CON. As this is a challenge, I fhou'dn't go with- out a fwcrd , come down, little tickle -pitcher, (iakes a faord.) Some people may think me very. conceited now ; but: as the dirtied black legs in town can wear one without being flared at, I don't think it can luffcr any diigrace by the fide of an honefl man, [Exit. SCENE changes ts'cn Apartment at BSLVILLE'S. ^ Enter Mrs. BELVILLE, Mrs. BSL. How ftrangcly this affair of Mrs. peft hangs upon ir,y Ipirits, thp' I hav every reaibn, from the tenderncfs, the politencfs, and the genero- fity of Mr. Belvillc, as well as from the woman's behaviour, to believe the whole charge the refult of a clHhirb'u imagination. Yet funpofe it fnouid be ac- tually true : hcigho ! Vrell, iuppofe it Ihou'd ; I wou'd endeavour I think I wou'd endeavour to keep my temper : a frowning face never recovered a heart that was not to be fix'd with a fmiling one : but wo- men, in general, forget this grand article of the. ma- trimonial S C H O O L for W I V S. i r trimonJal creed entirely ; the dignity of infulted virtue obliges them to play the fool, whenever their Corydons play the libertine; and poh ! they muft pull down the houfe about the traitor's ears, tho* they are themfelves to be crufli'd in pieces by the ruins. Enter a Servant. SER. Lady Rachel Mildew, madam. [Exit Ser. Enter Lady RACHEL MILDEW. Lady RACH. My dear, how have you done fince the little eternity of my lad feeing you. Mr. Tor- rington is come to town, I hear; Mrs. BEL. He is, and muft be greatly flattered to find that your Ladymip has made him the hero of your new comedy. Lady RACH. Yes, I have drawn him as he iSj an honeft practitioner of the law , which is I fan-cy no very common character-- Mrs. BEL. And it muft be a vaft acquifition to the Theatre. Lady RACK* Yet the managers of both houfes have refilled my play , have rcfufecl it peremptorily ! tho 3 I offer'd to make them a prefent of it. Mrs. BEL. That's very iurpr.zing, when you offered to make them a prefent of it. Lady RACH. They alledge that the audiences are tired of crying at comedies ; and infill that my De- fpairing Shepherdels is abfolutely too diinial for re- prefentation. Mrs. BSL. What, tho' you have introduced a law^ yer in a new light ? Lady RACH. Yes, and hare a boardinofchool romp, that her mother's face, and throws a bafon of fcalding water at her governefs. Mrs. BEL. Why, furely, thcfe are capital jokes ! C 2 12 Me S CIIO OL for WIVE?. Lady RACH. But the managers can't find them out. However, I am determined to bring it out iumewhere; and I have diicover'd fuch a treafurc for niy hoardifigtichooi romp, as exceeds the moil ua- .guine expectation of critic iim. A.'/J. BEL. How fortunate ! Lady RACH. Going ^o Mrs. Le Blond, my mille- ner's, this mo/nrng, to fee fome contraband filks, you know there's a foreign miniflcr juit arriv'd) I heard a loud voice rehtarfing Juliet, from the dining-room ; and upon enquiry found that it was a .country girl, juil elop'd from her friends in town, to .go upon the ilage with an Irifh manager. Mrs. BEL. Ten to one, the ftrange woman's neice, .who has been here this morning. (ajide. ] tit'y RACH. Mrs. Le Blond has fome doubts about the manager it iecms, though me hasn't fecn him yet, becauie the apartments are very expenfive, and \vere taken by a fine gentleman out of livery. Mrs. BEL. What am I to think of this ? Pray, Lady Rachel, as you have convers'd with this young aclrefs, J fuppoie you could procure me a fight of iiCr. Lady RACH. This moment if you will, I am very intimate with her already; but pray keep the matter a fccret from your hulband, for he is lo witty, you know, upon my pnflion for the drama, that I iliall be teized to death by him. Afrs. BI.L. O, you may be very fure that your fe- cret ii fare, for I have a moft particular reafon to keep ;rn Mr. Belville ; but he is coming rhis way with Captain Savage, let us at preicnt avoid him. [Exeunt. Enter BELVILLE, and Captain SAVAGE. CAFT. YOU are a very flrange man, Belville , you sue for ever tremblingly folicitous about the hap- p'.ncis rite SCHOOL fir WIVES. 15 pinefs of your wife, yet for ever endangering it by your pallion for variety. BEL. Why, there is certainly a contradiction be- twetn my principles and my practice , but, if ever you marry, you'll be able to reconcile it perfectly. Pot- ieffion, Savage ! O, pofieffion, is a miierable whetter of the appetite in love ! and I own myfelf lo fad a fellow, that though I wou'dn't exchange Mrs. Bel- O O ville's mind for any woman's upon earth, there is fcarcely a woman's perfon upon earth, which is not to me a ftronger object of attraction. CAPT. Then perhaps in a little time you'll be weary of Mils Leefon ? BEL. To be lure I fhall -, though to own the truth, I have not yet carried my point conclufively with the little monkey. CAPT. Why how the plague has fhe efcap'd a moment in your hands ? BEL. By a mere accident. She came to the lodg- ings, which my man Spruce prepar'd for her, rather un- expectedly lalt night, fo that I happened to be en- gaged particularly in another quarter you unde,'- liand me and the damn'd aunt found me fo much employment all the morning, that I could only fend a meiiuge by Spruce, promifmg to call upon her the firft moment 1 had to fpare in the courfe of trie day. CAPT. And fo your are previoufly fatisfied that you lhall be tired of her. BEL. Tir'd of her r Why I am at this moment in purfuit of frefh game, againft the hour of fatiety : Game that you know to be exquifite ! and I fancy I mail bring it down, though it is clofely guarded by a. deal of that pride, which paffes for virtue with the generality of your mighty good peop'e. CAPT. Indeed ! and may a body know this wonder ? 14 Me SCHOOL for WIVES. BEL. You are to be trufted with any thing, fof you are the clofeft fellow I ever knew, and the rack itfelf would hardly make you difcover one of your own fecrets to any body what do you think of Mifs Walfingham ? CAPT. Mils Walfingham ? Death and the devil ! (a/ide, BEL. Mifs Walfingham: CAPT. Why furely flie has not received your ad- dreffes with any degree of approbation ? BEL. With every degree of approbation I cou'd CAPT. She has ? BEL. Ay : Why this news furprifes you ? CAPT. It does indeed ! BEL. Ha, ha, ha ! I can't help laughing to think what a happy dog Mifs Walfingham's hufband is likely to be ! CAPT. A very happy dog, truly ! BEL. She's a delicious girl, is'n't me, Savage ? but lhe'11 require a little more trouble ; for a fine woman, like a fortified town, to fpeak in your fa- ther's language, demands a regular fiege ; and we muft even allow her the honours of war, to magnify the greatnefs of our own victory, CAPT. Well, it amazes me how you gay fellows ever have the prelumption to attack a woman of principle ; Mifs Walfingham has no apparent levity of any kind about her. BEL. No; but me continued in myhoufe, after I had whifpered my paflion in her ear, and gave me a fecond opportunity of addrcfling her improperly j what greater encouragement cou'd I defire ? Enter SPRUCE. Well, Spruce, what are your commands ? SPRUCE. My Lady is juft gone otic with Lady Rachel, Sir, BIL. BEL. I underftand you. SPRUCE. I believe you do. {Afide.} [Exit. CAPT. What is the Englifh of thefc fignificant looks between Spruce and you ? BEL. Only that Mifs Walfingham is left alone, and that I have now an opportunity of entertaining her , you muft excufc me, Savage ; you muft upoa my foul; but not a word of this affair to any body; becaufe when I fliake her off my hands, there may be fools enough to think of her, upon terms of ho- nourable matrimony. [Exit CAPT. So, here's a difcovery ! a precious difco- very ! and while I have been racking my imagina- tion, and facrificing my intereft, to promote the happinefs of this woman, fhe has been liftening to the add refTls of another; to the addreffes of a mar- ried man ! the huiband of her friend, and the imme- diate friend of her intended huiband ! By Belville's own account, however, fhe has not yet proceeded to any criminal lengths But why did fhe keep the affair a fecret from me ? or why did fhe continue in his houfe after a repeated declaration of his unwarrantable attachment r What's to be dene? If I open my engagement with her to Belville, I am furc he will in- ftantly defift -, but then her honour is left in a ftate extremely queflionable It mail be ftill concealed While it remains unknown, Belville will himfelftell me every thing ; and doubt, upon an occafion of this nature, is infinitely more iniupportable than the downright falfehood of the woman whom we love. [Exit. END of the FIRST ACT. Toe SCHOOL far WIVES: ACT II. SCENE, an Apartment in General SAVAGE'S Houfe. Enter General SAVAGE, and TORRINGTON. Z T T OUNDS ! Torrington, give me quarter,- when I lurrender up my Iword: I own that for thde v L y years, I have betn fuffcring all the incon- veniences of marriage, without tailing any one of its comforts, and rejoicing in an imaginary freedom,! v/hiie I was really grovelling m chains. TOR. In the dirtieil chains upon earth; yet you vrou'dn't be convincM, but laugh'd at all your mar-, ried acquaintance as .Haves, when not one of tlvTn put up with half fo much from the woril wife, as you were obliged to crouch under, from a. kept mil- trfl< >,'t;i^. GEN. *Tis too true. But, you know, fhf focrificed .'nuch for rue ; you know that iht- was ine widow of a coiond, and refus'd two very advr.ntageous matches on my account. TOR. If me was the w: i judge, and had re- fufed 2. high chancellor, fht: was (till a dcvi] incar-. n But firft I'll order the chariot, for the moment I have your opinion, I purpofe to iii down regularly Before. Mils Walfingham who waits .there? o Enter a feri'axt. GEN. Is Mrs. Tempeft at home ? SERV. Yes, Sir, jxilt-come in,, and juft going oivt again. GEN. Very well , order the chariot to be got ready. SERV. Sir, one of the pannels was broke laft nigiis at the Opera-houfe. GEN. Sic, I d dn't call to have the pleafure of your converiation, but to have obedience paid to rny. orders. TOR. Go order the chariot, you blockhead. SERV. With the broken pannel, Sir. GEN. Yes, you raical, if both pannels were broke, and the back mattered to pieces. SERV. The coachman thinks that one of the wheel* ks damag'd, Sir. GSN. Doji't attempt to reafon, you dog, but e^e- D 2 cute 20 f&e S CH O O L for WIVES. cute your orders. Bring the chariot without th$ \vheeis if you can't bring it with them. TOR. Ay bring it, if you reduce it to a fledge, and let your rr. after look like a malefactor for high trea- ibn, on his journey to Tyburn. L:~er frlrs. TEMPEST. Mrs. TEMP. General Savage, is the houfe to be for ever a icene of noife with your domineering ? The clruiot ihan't be brought it won't be fit for uk 'till it is repaired and John, fhall drive it this very minute to the coach-makers. GEN. Nay, my dear, if it isn't fit for ufc that's another thing. Ton. Here's the experienced chief that's fit to com- mand in any ^urrifcn. (afide.) GEN. Go order me the coach then. (to the Ser* - Mrs. TEMP. You can't have the coach. GEN. And why fo, my love. Mrs. TEMP. Becaufe I want it for myfelf. Robert, get a hack for your mailer tho' indeed I don't fee what bufmefs lie has out of the houfe. [Exeunt Mrs. Te^npeft axd Robert. TOR. When you ifTue your orders, you expect them to be cbey'd, and don't look for an examin- ation into their propriety. GEX. The fury ! this has fteePd me againft her for ever, and nothing en earth can now prevent me fr,om drumming her out immediately. Mrs. TEMP, (behind) An unreasonable old fool- But I'll make Kirn know who governs th,is houfe ! GEN. Zounds ! here me comes again ; me has been lying in ambufcade, I fuppofe, aud has over heard us. TOR. What if &v has ? you are fteePd againft her fdr ever. - Gxix. No y ihe's not coming -Ihe's going down We SCHOOL/^ WIVES. 21 Jtairs , and now, dear Torrington, you mufl be as filent as a fentinel on an out-poft about this affair. If that virago was to hear a fyllable of it, |he might perhaps attack Mifs Walfmgham in her very camp, and defeat my whole plan of operations. TOR. I thought you were determin'd^to drum her out immediately. [Exeunt. The SCENE changes to BELVILLE'S. Enter Mifs WAI.SINGHAM, folio-wed by BELVILLE. JW//}WAL. I beg, Sir, that you will infult me no lon- ger with felicitations of this nature Give me proofs of your fincerity indeed ! What proofs of fmcerity can your fituation admit of, if I could be even weak enough to think of you with partiality at all ? . BEL. If our affections, Madam, were under the government of our realbn, circumftanced as I am, this unhappy bofom wouldn't be torn by paffion for Mifs Walfmgham. Had I been blefs'd with your acquaintance, before I faw Mrs. Belville, my hand as well as my heart, wou'd have been humbly of- fer'd to your acceptance fate, however, has or- dered it otherwife, and it is cruel to reproach me with that fituation as a crime, which ought to be pitied as my greateft misfortune. Mifs WAL. He's a6uially forcing tears into his eyes. However, I'll mortify him feverely. (afide.) BEL. But fuch proofs of fmcerity as my fituation can admit of, you mall yourfelf command, as my only byfinefs in exiftence is to adore you. Mifs V/AL. His only bufmefs in exigence to adore me. (afide.) BEL. Proftrate at your feet, my deareft Mifs Wal- fmgham (kneeling) behold a heart eternally devoted to your fervice. You have too much good fenfe, Madam, to be the Have of cuftorn, and too much humanity not to piry the wreGchedngft you have-. caufed. 2 T&e SCHOOL for WIVES. eanfed. Only, therefore, fay that you commiferate my fufferiiiop I'll aik no more and lurely that may be faid, without any injury to your purity, to thatch even an enemy from diftraftion wherc's my handkerchief ? (afide. ' Mffs WAL. Now to anfvver in his own way, and to make him ridiculous to himfeif (afide.} If I thought, if I could think (offering to weep} that thefe protections were real. BEL. How can you, Madam, be fo unjuft to your own merit ? how can you be fo cruelly doubt- ~&\\ of my folemn affeverations ? Here I again kneel, ;ind fwear eternal love i Af//i WAL. I don't know -what to fay but there is one proof (afie&ing to weep.) BEL. Name it, my angel, this moment, and make ir,c the happieft of mankind \ Mifs WAL. Swear to be mine for ever. BEL. 1 have fworn it a thonfand times, my chirmer -, and I will iwear it to the laft moment of my life. Stiffs WAL. Why then but don't look at me I bcfeech. you I don't know how to fpeak it BEL. The delicious emotion do not check the generous tide of tenderncis that fills me with fuch Mifs WAL. You'll defplfe me for this weaknefs. BEL. This v/caknefs this generofiry which will demand my cyerlafting gratitude. Mijs WAL. I arn a fool but there is a kind of fatality in this affair and I do confent to go off with you. I* BEL. Eternal blcflings on your condefcenfion. Mifi WAL. You are irrefifliblc, and I am ready to fiy with you to any part of the world. BEL. Fly to any part of the world indeed-' you fhali fiy by yourfeif then; (s/^'O You are the moil SCHOOL /^r WIVES, moft lovely, the mofl tender creature in the world-, and thus again let me thank you : O, Mifs Wa- fmgham, I cannot exprefs how happy you've made me ! But where's the neceffity of our leaving Eng- land ? - Mifs WAL. I thought he wouldn't like to go abroad (a/ide.) That I may poffefs the pieafure of your company unrivaled. BEL. I muft cure her of this tafle for travellin Mifs WAL. You don't anfwer, Mr. Belville? BEL. Why I was turning the confequence of your propofal in my thoughts, as going off going off- you know. - Mifs WAL. Why going off, you know, is going off And what objections can you have to going off? BEL. Why going off, will fubjecft you at a cer- tainty, to the (lander of the world; whereas by flaying at home, we may not only have numberlefs oppor- tunities of meeting, but at the lame time prevent fufpi- cion it felf, from ever breathing on your reputation. Mifs WAL. J didn't dream of your ftarting ar.j- difficulties, Sir. Juit now I was dearer to you than all the world. BEL. And fo you are, by heav'n \ Mifs WAL. Why won't you facrilice the world then at once to obtain me ? BEL. Surely, my dearelt life, you muft know'the neceffity, which every man of .honour is under- of keeping up his character ? Mifs WAL. So, here's thi* fellow fwearing to tea thouiand lies, and yet talking very gravely about his honour and his character, [a/id?.) Why, to be lure in thefe days, Mr. Belville, the inftances of conjugal infidelity are fo very fcarce, and men of faihion are fo remarkable for a tender attachment to their wivesi that I don't wonder at your circumfpe&ion But d^ you 24 7& SCHOOL for WIVES. you think I can {loop to accept you by halves, or admit of any partnerfhip in your heart ? BEL. O you muft do more than that, if you have any thing to fay to me. (cfidt.') Surely, Madam, when you know my whole foul unalterably your own, you will permit me to preferve- thole appearances with the world, which are indifpenfibly requifite Mrs. Bel- ville is a mod excellent woman, however it may be my fortune to be devoted to another Her happinefs, befides, conftitutes a principal part of my felicity, and if I was publicly to forfake her, I mould be hunted as a monfter from fociety. Mifs WAL. Then, I fuppofe, it is by way of pro- moting Mrs. Belville's rcpoie, Sir, that you make love to other women -, and by way of mewing the nicety of your honour, that you attempt the pu- rity of fuch as your own roof, peculiarly, intitles to protection. For the honour intended to me thus low to the ground, I thank you, Mr. Belville. . BEL. Laugh'd at, by all the flings cf mortification ' Mifs WAL. Good bye. Don't let this accident mortify your vanity too much ; - but take care, the next time you vow everlaiting love, that the object is neither tender enough to fob fob at your dif- trefs ; nor provoking enough to make a propcfal of leaving England. How greatly a little common fenie can lower thefe feliov/s of extraordinary impudence ? [Exit, BEL. (alone,} So the?, I sm fairly taken in, and fhc has been only diverting herfelf with me all this time : - however, lady fair, I may chance to have the laugh in a little time on rny fide ; for if you can fport in this manner about the fiame, I think it mull in the run lay hold of your wings : what mall I do in this affair? fhe fees the matter in its true light, rnd there's no eocd to be expected from thumping of befbms, or iqucezing white handkerchiefs , no tnelef The S C HO O L fir W I V E S. 25 won't do with women of fenfe, and in a fhort time, they'll be ridiculous to the very babies of a board- ing-fchool. Enter Captain SAVAGE. CAPT. Well, Bclville, what news ? You have had a frelh opportunity with Mifs Walfmgham. BEL. Why, faith, Savage > I've had a mofl extra- ordinary fccne with her, and yet have but little rea- fon to brag of my good fortune, tho' ihe ofFer'd in cxprefs terms to run away with me, CAPT. Prith'ee explain yourfelf, man j fhe cou'dn't furely be fo fhamelefs ! BEL. O, her offering to run away with me, was by no means the worft part of the affair. CAPT. No, then it muil be damn'd bad indeed ! but prith'ee, hurry to an explanation. BEL. Why then, the woril part of ths affair is, that fhe was Luighing at me the whole time j and made this propofal of an elopement, with no ether view, than to fhew me in ftrong colours to mylelf, as a very dirty fellow to the bell wife in England. CAPT. I am eafy. (afide. Enter SPRUCE. SPRUCE. Sir, there is an Irifh gentleman below with a letter for you, who will deliver it to nobody but yourfelf. BEL. Shew him up then, SPRUCE. Yes, Sir. [Exit, CAPT. It may be on bufmefs Eelville, 1*11 take my leave of you. BEL O, by no means ; I can have no bufmefs \vtrch I defire to keep from you, tho' you are the arrant'ft mifer of your confidence upon earth, and wou'd ra- ther truil your life in any body's hands, than even a paltry amour with the apprentice of a millener. E Ent* 26 We S C H O O L for W I V E S. Enter CONNOLLY. CON. Gintlemin, your molt obedient ; pray which of you is Mr. Bclviiic ? BEL, My name is Belville, at your fervice, Sir. CON. I have a little bit of a letter for you, Sir. BEL. (Reads.) S I R, he people where Mifi Leefcn lately lodgd, affertinr pc/iiivtly that you hcvc taken her c, be fo good 2 5 r/je S C M O O L for W I V E S. good as to prefent my compliments to your friend^ and tell him I fhall certainly do niyfeif the honour of attending his appointment. CON T . \Yhy then upon my foul I am very fbrry for it. CAPT. .'Tis not very cuftornary, Sir r with gentle- men of Ireland to oppole an affair of honour. CON. They are like the gindemin of England, Sir, they are brave to a fault ; yet I hope to lee the day that it will be infamous to draw the fwords of either, againil any body but the enemies of their country. [Exit. BEL. I am quite charmed with this honeft Hiber- nian, and would aimed fight a duel for the pleafure of his acquaintance. CAPT. Come, flep with me a little, and let us confider, whether there may not be feme method of accommodating this curfed bufmefs. BEL. Poh! don't be uneafy upon my account; my character, with regard to affairs of this nature, is unhappily too well efutblilhed, and you may be fure that I fhan't n;ht with Lecfcn. CAPT. No- --yon have injured him greatly ? BEL. The very reafon of ail others why I mould not cut his throat. [Exeunt. Enter SPRUCE. - SPRUCE. \Vhat, the devil, this matter of mine has got a a duel upon his hands ! Zounds ! I am lorry for that ; he is a prince of a fellow ! and a good fub- ject mufl always love his prince, though he may now and then be a little out of humour with his actions. Enter General SAVAGE. GEN. Your hall-door {landing open, Spruce, and none of your icntinels being' on guard, I have fur- prifed your camp thus far without rcfillance : Where is your mailer ? SPRUCE . T&e S C H O O L for WIVE S. 29 SPRUCE. Juft gene out with Captain Savage, Sir. GEN. Is your lady at home ? SPRUCE. No, Sir, but Mifs Walfingharn is at home; fhall I inform her of your vifit,? GEN. There is no occafion to inform her of it, for here fhe is, Spruce. [Exit Spruce. Enter Mifs WALSINGHAM. Mzfs WAL. General Savage, your moft humble fervant. GEN, My dear Mifs Walfingham, it is rather cruel that you fhould be left at home by yourfelf, and yet I am greatly rejoic'd to find you at prefent with- out company. Alifs WAL. I can't but think myfelf in the beft company, when I have the honour of your conver- fation, General. GEN. You flatter me too much, Madam ; yet I am come to talk to you on a ferious affair, Mifs Wal- fingham , an affair of importance to me and to your- lelt : Have you isifbre to favour me with a fhort au- dience, if I bea: a parley ? Mi/s WAL. Any thing of importance to you, Sir, is always fufncient to command my ieifure. *Tis as the Captain fufpected. (afide. GF.N. You tremble, my lovely g : rl, but don't be alarmed ; for though my bufinds is of an important nature, I hope it won't be of a difagreeable one. Mifs WAL. And yet I am greatly agitated. (a/Ids. GEN. Soldiers, Mifs Walfingham, are faid to be generally favcur'd by the kind partiality of the ladies. Mifs WAL. The ladies are not without gratitude, Sir, to thole who devote their lives peculiarly to the fervice of their country. GEN. Generomly laid, Madam : Then give me leave, without any maiked buttery, to alk, if die ]. of SCHOOL for W I V E S. of an honeft foldier is a prize at all worth your ac- ceptance. Mifs WAL. Upon my word, Sir, there's no malk- ed battery in this qucftion. GEN. I am as fond of a coup de main, Madam, in lovCj as in war, and hate the tedious method of fap- ping a town, when there is a pofiibility of cnt . iword in hand. Mifs WAL. Why really, Sir, a woman may as well know her own mind, when me is firft fummoned by the trumpet of a lover, as when {lie undergoes all the t:r> iome formality of a fiege. You fee I have caught your own mode of converiihg, General. GEN. And a very great compliment I confider ir, Madam : But now that you have candidly confefs'd an acquaintance with your own mind, anfwer me with that franknels for which every body admires you fo much. Have you any objection to change the name of Walfingham ? Mifs WAL. Why then frankly, General Savage, I lay, no. GEN. Ten thoufand thanks to -vou for this kind declaration. Mifs WAL. I hope you won't think ir a forward one. GEN. I'd fooner lee my fon run away in the day of battle-, I'd fooner think Lord Ru'lell was bribed by Lewis the XlVth, and fooner viiijfy the memory of Alo;ernoon Sidney. Mifs WAL. How unjuft it was ever to fuppofe the General a tyrannical rather ! v afide. GEN. You have told me condefcendingly, Mifs Walfingham, that you have no objection to change your name, I have but one queition more to afk. Mifs WAL. Pray propoie it. GEN. Would the name of Savage be difagreeablc to you r Speak frankly again, my dear girl ! Mifs WAL. Why then again I frankly fiy, no. GEN. r&f SCHOOL for WIVES. 31 GEN. You make me too happy, and though I fhall readily own, that a propofal of this nature would come \yith more propriety from my ion Mifs WAL. I' am much better pleas'd that you make the propofal yourfelf, Sir. GEN. You are too good to me. Torrington thought that I mould meet with a repulfe. (afidc. Mifs WAL. Have you communicated this pufmefs to the Captain, Sir ? GEN. No, my dear Madam, I did not think that at all necefiary. ' I have always been attentive to the Captain's happincfs, and I propoie that he mall be married in a few days. Mifs WAL. What, whether I will or no ? GEN'. O you can have no objection. Mifs WAL. I mu ft be confuked, however, about the day, General : but nothing in my pov/er mail be wanting to make him happy. GEN. Obliging lovelinefs ! Mifs WAL. You may imagine, that if I was not previoufly impreft in "favour of your propofal, it wou'd not have met my concurrence fo readily. GEN. Then you own that I had a previous friend in the g:\rrifon. Mifs WAL. I don't blufh to acknowledge it, when I coniidcT the accomplimments of the object, Sir. GE^. O this is too much, Madam ; the principle merit of the object is his paflion for Mils Walfing- ham. Mifs WAL. Don't fay that, General, I beg of you, for I don't think there are many women in the king- dom, who could behold him with indifference. GEN, Ah, you flattering, flattering angel \ and yet, by the memory of Marlborough, my lovely inrl, it was the idea of a prepoffcfiion on your part, which epcouraged me to hope for a favourable re- ception. 38 The SCHOOL for W I V E S. Mifs WAL. Then I mull have been very indifcreer, for I labour'd to conceal that prepoffeffion as much as pofiible. GEN. You cou'dn't conceal it from me ! you cou'dn't conceal it from me ! The female heart is a field which I am thoroughly acquainted with, and which has more than once been a witnefs to my vic- tories, Madam. Mifs WAL. I don't at all doubt your fuccefs with the ladies, General ; but as we now underftand one another fo perfectly, you will give me leave to retire. GEN. One word, my dear creature, and no more ; I fhall wait upon you fometime to day, with Mr. Torrington, about the neceffary fettlements. Mifs WAL. You muft do as you pleafe, General, you are invincible in every thing. % GEN. And if you pleafe, we'll keep every thing a profound fecret, 'till the articles are all fettled, and the definitive treaty ready for execution. Mifs WAL You may be lure, that delicacy will not fuffer rne to be communicate on the fubject, Sir, GEN. Then you leave every thing to my manage- ment. Mifs WAL. I can't truft a more noble negociator. [Exit, GEN. The day's my own. (fings.) Britons, ftrike home! ftrike home ! Revenge, &c. [Exit finging, END of tbe SECOND ACT. SCHOOL -for WIVES. 33 ACT III. SCENE, Mifs L E E s o N 's Lodgings. Mifs LEE SON. VV ELL, Mrs. Belville, I am ex- tremely glad you agree with me, in opinion of this young lady's qualifications for the ftage. Don't you think (he'd play Mifs Headftrong admirably in my comedy ? Mrs. BEL. Yes, indeed, I think me pofTefies a natural fund of fpirit, very much adapted to the "character. 'Tis impoffible, furely, that this hoy- den can have a moment's attraction for Mr. Belville ? , . , (afide. Mifs LEES. You are very obliging, ladies-, but I have no turn for comedy \ my fort is tragedy en- tirely. Alpbonfo / - 0, Alfbonfo ! to tbee I call &c. Lady RACK. But, my dear, is there none of our feomedies to your tafte ? Mifs LEES. O, yes , fome of the fentimental ones are very pretty, there's fuch little difference between them and tragedies. Lady RACH. And pray, my dear, how .long have you been tngaged to Mr. Frankly ? Mifs LEES. I only came away laft night, and hav'n't feen Mr. Frankly finctj tho' I expect him, every moment. F 54 fie SCHOOL for W I V E Mrs. BEL, Lail night ! juft as Mrs. Temped inert* tioned. (afidc< Lady RACK. You had the concurrence of your friend. 1 ; ? Mjs LEES. Not I, Madam. Mr. Frankly faid r I had too much genius to mind my friends, and as I mould want nothing from them, there was no occa- fion to confuh them in the affair. Lady RACH. Then Ofbaldifton is not your reat name, perhaps ? Mifi LEES. O no, nor do I tell my real name : I chofe Ofbaldifton, becaufe it was a long one, and; wou'd make a $riking appearance in the bills. Mrs. BEL, I wifh we cou'd fee Mr. Frankly. A/y}LEES. Perhaps you may, Madam, for he defigns to give me a leflbn every day, 'till we are read}- to fet off for Ireland.. Lady RACK.. Suppoie their,, my dear, you wou'd oblige us with a fcene in Juliet, by way of IKewing your proficiency to Mrs. Belv-ille. Mifi LEES. Will you Hand up for Romeo ? Lady RACH. With all my heart, and I'll give you- fome mftruolions. Mifs LEES. I beg pardon, Ma'am ; I'll learn to aft under noboc'y but Mr. Frankly. This room is with- out a carpet -, if you will ftep into the next, ladies, I'll endeavour to oblige you. Shall [ not be environed, diftraught This way, Ladies. Lady RACH. Pray, Madam, mew us the way. {Exeunt Mifs LEES, and Lady RAC. Mrs. BEL. I'll prolong this mummery as much as poilible, in hopes the manager may come. Lye ftill, poor fluttering heart ! it cannot be the lord of all : your willies ! it cannot fnrely be your ador'd Bel- vlic! [Exit. S C II O O I, for WIVE S. 35 Re-enter Mifs Leefon. Mifs LEES. Hav'n't I left my Romeo and Juliet tiere ? O yes, there it is. Enter Belville, BEL. Q, wtre thofe eyes in beav'ft, Ihefd thro' the ftarry regions fir earn Jo bright, That 'birds wotCd fing, and think it was the morn I - Mijs LEES. Ah, my dear Mr. Frankly ! I am fo glad you are come ! I was dying to fee you. BEL. Kids me, my dear; *vhy didn't you fend me -word of your intention to come away Lift night ? Mifs IJEES. I hadn't time: but as I knew where the lodgings were, I thought I fhou'd be able to find you by a note r-othe coffee-houie I always directed to. BEL. Kiis me again, my little fparklerl Mifs LEES. Nay, I won't bekifs'd in this manner-, for tho' I am going on the fcage, I intend to have fome regard for my character. . But, ha, ha, ha, I am glad you are come now : T-h ;ve company above flairs. BEL. Company! that's unlucky at this time, for I wanted to make you mtirely eafy about your charac- ter, (afidt.) And pray, my dear, who is your com- pany ? You know we muft be very cautious for fear of your relations. Mifs LEES. O, they are only ladies. But one of them is the moil beautiful creature in the world ! - BEL. 'The devil me is ! Mifs LEES. An earih-ir eating ftar, that makes dim ksaiyns light. BCL. Zounds ! I'll take a peep at the ftar, who knows but I may have ah opportunity of making another aftrefs. Mifs LEES. Come, charmer ! charmer! BEL. Weft thcu as far As that vaft fiore, wafh'd by the fa-theft fea^ I ivou'd adventure for' fuch merchandize. F 2 36 We S C H O O L for WIVES. Now let's fee what fortune has fent us above flairs. [Exeunf* SCENE changes to a Dining-room at Mtft LEESON'S. Mrs. BELVILLE and Lady RACHEL dif covered. Mrs. BEL. This is a rooft ignorant young creature, Lady Rachel. Lady RACH. Why I think me is did you obfcrve how fhe flighted my offer of inftructing her \ Enter Mifs LEESON, Mifs LEES. Ladies ! ladies ! here he is ! here is Mr. Frankly! Enter Belville, bowing very low, not feeing the Ladies. BEL. Ladies, your moft obedient. Mrs. BEL. Let me, if poUibie, recollect myfelf Sir, your moft obedient humble fervant. BEL. Zounds! let me out ofthehoufe. Lady RACH. What do I ice ! Mifs LEES. You item, ladies, to know this gentle- man ? Mrs. BEL- (taking bold of him] You fhan't go rene- gade You' lauglvd at my credulity this morning, and I muft now kugh at your errbarafTment. BEL. What a kirrd thing it 'would be in any body to blow out my ftupid brains ? Lady RACH. I'll mark this down for an incident in my comedy. Mifs LEES. What do you hang your head for Mr. SCHOOL for WIVES. 37 BEL. Be fo good as toafk that lady, my dear. The Devil has been long in my debt, and now he pays me home with a witnefs. Mrs. BEL. What a cruel thing it is to let Mrs. Tempeft out, my love, without fomebody to take care of her ! Mtfs LEES. What, do you know Mrs. Tempeft, madam ? Mrs. BEL. Yes, my dear ; and I am pretty well acquainted with this gentleman. M*fs LEES. What -isn't this gentleman the manager of a play-houfe in Ireland ? BEL. The curtain is almoft dropt my dear; the farce is nearly over, and you'll be fpeedily acquainted with the cataftrophe. Enter Mrs. Tempeft. Mrs. TEMP. Yes, Sir, the curtain is almoft dropt : I have had fpies to watch your haunts, and the cata- ftrophe ends in your detection, Come, you aban- don'd flut, Mifs LEES. And have I elop'd after all, without being brought upon the ftage ? Mrs TEMP. I don't know that you would be brought upon the ftage , but I am fure you were near being brought upon the town. I hope, madam, for the future:, you'll let me down, a mad-woman. [to Mrs. Belville. Mrs. BEL. Mr, Belvill, you'll make my apologies to this lady, and acknowledge that I think her per- fectly in her fcnfes. BEL. I wifh that I had intirely loft mine. Lady RACK. (Writing) I wifo that I had entirely loft mine. A very natural wifh, in fuch a fituation. Mrs. TEM. Come, you audacious minx, come away. You mail be lent into Yorkftiire this very evening; and fee what your poor mother will fay to you, hufley. Mifs 3$ ?be S C H O O L for W I V E S. Mifs LEES. J will- go on the ftage, if I die for't; and 'tis fpme comfort there's a play-houfc at York. - [Exit Airs. Tempcft and Mifs Leeibn. BEL. Nancy, I am fo dham'd, fo humbled, and fo penitent, that if you knew what pafies here, I am lure you wou'd forgive me. Mrs. .BEL. My love, tho' I cannot fay I rejoice in your infidelity, yet, believe me, I pity your diftrefs : jet us therefore think no more of this. Lady RACK. (Writing.} And think no mere of this. - This conduct is new in a wife, and very dra- matic. BEL. Where, my angel, have you acquired fo many rcquifites to charm with? Mrs. BEL. In your fociety, my dear ; and believe me . - that a wife may be as true a friend as any bottle companion upon earth, tho' fhe can neither get merry with you over night, nor blow out your brains about ibme foolim quarrel in the morning. BEL. Jf wives knew the omnipotence of virtue, vhere {he wears a fmile upon her face, they'd all follow your bewitching example, and make a faith- lefs hufband quite an incredible character. Lady RACK. Quite an incredible char after \ me fet down that. (writing.) [Exeunt* SCENE changes to General SAVAGE'S. Enter General and Captain. GEN. Yes, Horace, I have been jufl vifiting at Belvill's. CAPT. You found nobody at home, but Mifs Walfingham ? GEN. No, but I'd a long converfition with her, and upon a. very interefling fuhje&. CAPT 'Tis as I guefs'd. \_efM. GEN. S C H O O L for W I V E S. & GEN. She is anrjft amiable creature, Horace. CAPT. -So me is, Sir,,and wiH make any man happy that marries her. GEN. I am glad you think fo. CAPT. He's glad I think fo!' 'tis plain, but I muft leave every thing to himfelf, and feem wholly pafiive in the affair. \afidt* GEN. A married life after all, Horace, I am now convinced is the moft happy, as well as the moft re- putable. CAPT. It is indeed;,. Sir. GEN, Then perhaps you wou T d have no objection to be married, if ! offered you as agreeable a youn^ woman as Mils Walfmgham. CAPT. Twou'd be my firft pride on every occa- fion, Sir, to pay an implicit obedience to your com- mands. GEN. That's fenfibly faid r Horace, and obligingly faid ; prepare yourielf therefore for an introduction: to the lady in the morning. CAPT. Is the lady prepar'cl to receive me, Sir ? GEN. O yes ; and you can't think how highly de- lighted Mifs Walfmgham appeared, when I acquaint- ed her with my refolution on the fubjecl:. CAPT, She's all goodnefs ! GEN. The more I know her, the more I am charm'd with her , I muft not be explicit with him yet,, for fear my fecret mould get wind, and reach the ears of the enemy. [rjtde. GEN. I propofe, Horace, that you mould be mar- ried immediately. CAPT. The fooner the better, Sir, I have no'wili but your's. GEN. (Shaking hands with him,) By the memory of Malbro', you are a mod excellent boy ! But what do you think ? Mifs Walfmgham infuts upon nam- ing the day. CAPT, 40 We S C H O O L for W I V E S. CAPT. And welcome, Sirj I am furc me won't make it a difiant one. GEN. O me faid, that nothing in her power mou'd be wanting to make you happy. CAPT. I am fure of that, Sin GEN. \_A loud knocking] Zounds, Horace ! here's the difgrace and punifhment of my life : Let's avoid her as we would a fever in the camp. CAPT. Come to the library, and I'll tell you how whimfically me was treated this morning at Belville's. GEN. Death and the devil ! make hafte. O I muft laugh at marriage, and be curft to me ! But I am providing, Horace, againft your falling into my error. CAPT. I am eternally indebted to you, Sir. [Exeunt, SCENE, BELVILLE'S Houfe. Enter Mrs. Belville and Lady Rachel. Lady RACK. Nay, Mrs. Belville, I have no pati- ence, you act quite unnaturally. Mrs. BEL. What! becaufe I am unwilling to be miferable ? Lady RACH/This new Inflance of Mr. Belville's in- fidelity This attempt to feduce Mifs Walfmg- ham, which your woman overheard, is unpardon- able! Mrs. BEL. I don't fay but that I am ftrongly wounded by his irregularities. Yet if Mr. Belville is unhappily a rover, I wou'd much rather that he ihould have twenty miitreffcs than one. Lady RACH. You aftonifli me ! Mrs. BEL. Why, don't you know, my dear ma- dam, that while he is divided araidft a variety of ob- jects, 'tis hfipoflible for him to have a ferious attach-- ffient ? Lady The S OH O O L fir W I V E^ 41 Lady RACH. Lord, Mrs. Belville ! how can you fpeak with fo much compolure ! a virtuous woman flioul.l be always outrageous upon fuch an occafion as this. Mrs. BEL. What, and we.iry the innocent fun and moon from the firmament, l ; ke a defpiiiring princely in a tragedy No no Lady Rachel, 'tis bad enough to be indifferent to the man I love, without ftudying to excite his averfion. Lady RACH. How glad I am that' Mifs Walling? ham made him fo heartily afham'd of himlelf : Lord, thefe young men are fo full of levity : Give me a hufband of Mr. Torrington's age, fay I. Mrs. BEL. And give me a huiband of Mr. Bel- ville's, fay I, with all his fellies : However, Lady Rachel, I am prttty well fatisfied that my conduct at Mifs Leefori's will have a proper effect upon Mr. Bel- ville's generofity, and put an entire end to his ga- lantries for the future. Lady RACH. Don't deceive yourfdf, my dear, The gods in the milling gallery would fooner give up Roail Beef, or go without an epilogue on the firft night of a new piece. Mrs. BEL. Why mould you think fo of fuch a man as Mr. Belville ? Lady RACH. Becaufe Mr. Belville is a man : How- ever, if you dare run the rifque - we will try the fin- cerity of his reformation. Mrs. BEL. If I dare run the rifque ! I would flake my foul upon his honour. Lady RACH. Then your poor foul would be in a very terrible fituation. Mrs. BEL. By what teft can we prove his fincerity ? Lady RACH. By a very fimple one. You know I write fo like Mils Walfingham, that our hands are fcarcely known afunder. Mrs. BEL. Well- - G G 42 tffe SCH66L>r WIVES. RACK. Why then let me write to him as from her Mrs. BEL. If I did not think it would look like a doubt of his honour--- Lady RACH. Poh ! dare you proceed upon my plan ? Mrs. BEL. Moft confidently : Come to my drefiing- room, where you'll find every thing ready for writ- ing, and then you, may explain your fcheme more particularly. Lady RACK. I'll attend yon, but I am really forry, my dear, for the love of propriety, to fee you fo calm under the perfidy of your hufband -, you Ihould be quite wretched indeed you fnould. #.- SCENE, the Temple. Enter Leefon. LEES. The hell-hounds are after me. Enter Connolly, at the cppofite fide. Fly, open the chambers this moment, the bailiffs -are in fights CON. Faith and that I will ; but it will be of no ufe to fly a -ftep, if I hav'n't the key. ' LIES. Zounds ! did. not you lock the door ? CON. Yes; but I believe I left the key on the 'infide: Hovvever, I fee no more than three people, and think we could beat them to their hearts con- tent in three minutes. LEES. What ! and fly in the face of the law ? CON. To be fure you have a great regard for the law, when you are going to fight a duel ! LEES. S'death ! is this a time to talk ? Stay here, and throw every poffiblc impediment in the way of execrable rafcals. (-going-) CON-. The S C H Q P L for WIVE S. 43 CON. Holloa! honey, come back: Thefe exe- crable rafcals are very worthy people, I fancy, for they are quietly turning down th,e next court, LEES. Their appearance alarm'dme beyond meafure. CON. O you ihou'dn't judge by oiuiide fhew, my dear for there is no being a complete rogue, without the appearance of an honeft man LEES. Circumftanced as I am at prefent, every thing terrifies me ; for fbould I be arrefted, the confe- iquence would poflibly be fatal, both to my honour and my love. Belville would proclaim me publicly a coward ; and Emily fet me down as a bafe, a mer- cenary adventurer, who was folely attracted by he? fortune. CON. Why faith, honey, like yourfelf, they might >e apt to judge by appearances. LEES. O, Connolly, a man of fpirit fhould learn prudence from his very prids, and confider every imneceffary debt he contracts as a wanton diminution of his character ! the moment he makes another his creditor he makes himfelf a flave ! He runs the ha- zard of infults, which he never can refent, and of clifgraces which are feldom- to be mitigated I He inr curs the danger of being dragg'd, like the vileft fe- lon to the felon's prifon ! and, fuch is the depravity of the world, that guilt is even more likely to meet with advocates, than misfortune ! [Exit Leefon. CON. Mufha, long life to you, ould Shillala \ I wifh I had any thing befides my carcafe to venture for you, for that's nothing , yet you are as welcome to it as the fiowersin May. Poor lad ! I don't wonder that he is fo much afraid of a prifon, for to be fure it is a blefled place to live in , and a bleffed law it muft be, which coops a man up from every chance of getting money, by way of making him pay his debts But now let my thick fkull confider, if there is any method ot preventing this infernal duel. Suppofe I have hits G 3 44 Me S C H O O L for WIVE S. bound over to the pace ! No, that will never do- it would be a fhameful thing for a gintleman to keep the pace ! Beiides, I mult appear in the bufmefs, and people may think, from my connexion with him, that lie has not honour enough to throw away his life : Suppofe I go another wr.y t-o work, and fend an anonymous letter about the affair to Mrs. Belville : They fay, though me is a woman of fafhion, that no creter upon earth can be fonder of her hufband. Surely the good genius of Ireland put this fcheme into my head I'll 'about it this minute-, and if there's only one of them kept from the field, I don't think that the other can be much hurt, when there will be no body to fight with him. [Exit. SCENE, changes to Caff. SAVAGE'S Lodgings. Enter Captain SAVAGE end BELVILLE. CAPT. Why, faith, Belville, your detection, and fo fpeedily too, after all the pretended fanctity of the morning, muft have thrown you into a moft humili- ating fituation. BEL. Into the moft diflrefilng you can imagine: had my wife rav'd at my falfehood, in the cuftomary manner, I cou'd have brazen'd it out pretty tollcra- bly j but the angel-like fveetnefs, with which me bore the mortifying difcovery, planted daggers in my boibm, and made me at that time wiih her the verielt vixen in the whole creation. CAPT. Yet, the fufFering forbearance of a wife, is a quality for which me is feldom allow'd her me- rit ; we think it her duty to put up with our falfe- hood, and imagine ourfelves exceedingly generous in the main, if we practife no other method of breaking her heart. Bit. Mcrftrous! mcnflrcns ! from this moment Ibid The S CH O O L for W I V E S. 45 I bid an everlafting adieu to my vices : the generofity of my dear girl Enter a Servant to BELVI.LLE. SERV. Here's a letter, Sir, which Mr. Spruce has brought vou. o * . BEL. Give me leave, Savage. Zounds ! what an indiiilrious devil the father of durknefs is, when the moment a man determines upon a good action, he lends fuch a thing as this, to dagger his refolution. CAPT. What have you got there ? BEL. You mall know prefently. Will you let Spruce come in. CAPT. Where have you acquir'd all this ceremony? BEL. Bid Spruce come in. SERV. Yes, Sir. [Exif. CAPT.- Is that another challenge ? BEL. 'Tis upon my foul, but it came from a beau- tiful enemy, and dares me to give a meeting to Mifs Walfmgham, CAPT. How ! Enter SPRUCE. BEL. Pray, Spruce, who gave you this letter? SPRUCE. Mifs Walfmgham's woman, Sir : fhe l?id it was about very particular bufmefs, and there- fore I wou'dn't truft it by any of the footmen. CAPT. O, damn your diligence. (afjde. BEL. You may go home, Spruce. SPRUCE. (Looking Jignificantly at his Mafler.) Is . there no anfwer neceffary, Sir. BEL. I mall call at home myfelf, and give the ne- ceiiary anfwer, SPRUCE. (AJide.') What can be the matter with him all of a fudden, that he is fo cold upon the fcent of wickednefs ? [Exit. CAPT. And what anfwer do you propofe mak ing to it, Bclville? BEL. 46 The S C H O O L for WIVES, BEL. Read the letter, and then tell me what I Ihou'd do. You know Mils Walfingham's hand. CAPT. Q, perfe&ly ! This is not yes, it is her hand ! I have too many curil occafions to know it. (ajide. BEL. What are you a muttering about ? Read the letter. CAPT. Jf you are not entirely difc our aged, by our laft confer fationjrcm renewing the fubjeft which then gave offence BEL. Which then gave offence, T You fee, Savage, that it is not offl-nfive any longer, CAPT. Sdeath ! you put me out. -j0# may at the mafqiierade, this evening BE i . You remember how earneft fhe was. for the mafqueradc party. CAPT. Yes, yes, I remember it well : and I re- rnember, alfo, how hurt fhe was this morning, about; the affair of Mifs Lceibn. (aftde. } -have an oppor- tunity of entertaining me r O the ftrumpet ! (afide. BEL. But mind the cunning with which me figns the note, for fear it Ihou'd by any accident fall into- improper hands. CAPT. Ay, and you put it into very proper hands, {ajidc.} I Jhall be in tbe blue domino. -The fignature is You KNOW WHO. BEL. Yes, you kw-jvivbo. CAFT. May be, however, fhe has only written this to try you. BEL. To try me, for what purpofe ? But if you read a certain poftcript t:here, I fancy you'll be of a different opinion. CAPT. Jf Mr. Behilk has any. hcufe of chaxifter to Tttire to, it wou'd be weft agreeable, as there cotfd be no fear of interruption. ELL. What do you fay new ? Can you recom- mend S C.H O O L fir WIVE S. 47 mend me to any houfe of character, where we mall be free from interruption. CAPT. ,O, curie her houfe of character! (afide) But furely, Bclville, after your late determin'd refo- lution to reform BEL. Zounds ! I forgot that. CAPT. After the unexampled fweetnefs of your wife's behaviour BEL. Don't go on, Savage: There is fomething here (putting his hand upon his bofcm') which feels al- ready not a little aukwardly. CAPT. And can you ftiil perfid ? BEL. I am afraid to anfwer your queftion. CAPT. Where the plague are you flying ? BEL. From the juftice of your cenfure, Horace; my own is fufficiently fevere ; yet I fee that I mall be a rafcal again, in fpite of my teeth ; and good advice is only thrown away upon fo incorrigible a libertine. [Exit. CAPT. (alone) So then this diamond of mine proves a counterfeit after all, and I am really the verielt wretch exiiling at the moment in which I conceiv'd myfclf the peculiar favourite of fortune-. O the curfed, curfed fex ! I'll fee her once more to upbraid her with her faiiehood, then acquaint my fa- ther with her perfidy, to juftify my breaking oft the marriage, and tear her from my thoughts for ever. Enter a Servant. SERV. Sir! Sir! Sir! CAPT. Sir, Sir, Sir, What the devil's the matter with the booby ? SERV. Mils Walfingham, Sir ! CAPT. Ah ! what of her ? SERV. Was this moment overturn'd at Mr. Bel- ville's door, and John tells me carried in a tit into the houfe. CAPT. 48 S& SCHOOL for W I V E S/ CAPT. Ha ' let me fly to her afllftance. \JLxit. SERV. Ha let me fly to k:r cjpftance O, are you thereabouts* [Exit. SCENE changes to Mr. BELVILLE'S. Enter Mrs. Belville, Mlfs Walfmgham and LaJ-i Rachel Mildew. Mrs. BEL. But are you indeed recover'd my dear ? Mifs WAL. Perfectly my dear, I wasn't in the kail hurt, tho* greatly terrified, when the two fools of coachmen contended for the honour of being firfl, and drove the carriages together with a violence in- credible. Lady RACK. I fincerely rejoice at your efcap~ ; and now Mrs. Belville, as you promifed to choofe a drefs for me if I went in your party to the mafquerade this evening, can you fpare a quarter of an hour to Ta- viilock- Street ? Mrs. BEL. I am loth to leave Mifs Walfmgham alone, Lady Rachel, fo loon after her fright. Mifs WAL Nay, I infift that you don't flay at home upon my account , and Lady Rachel's com- pany to the mafquerade is a pleafure I have fuch an mtereft in, that I beg you won't delay a moment to oblige her. Mrs. BEL. Well, then I attend your ladylhip. "Lady RACH. You are very good; and fo is Mifs Walfmgham. [Exit. Mifs WAL. I wonder Captain Savage flays away fo long ! where can he be all this time ? I die with impatience to tell him of my happy interview with the General. Enter a Servant. SERV. Captain Savage, madam. Mifs '?he SCHOOL for WIVES. 49 Mifs WAL. Shew him in. [Exif Serv.] How he inuft rejoice to find his conjectures To fortunately re- aliz'd. jEfl/dT Captain Savage. CAPT. So, madam, you have jult efcap'd a fad ac- cident Mifs WAL. And by that agreeable tone and coun- tenance, one would almoit imagine you were very ibrry for my efcape. CAPT, People, madam, who doubt the kindnefs of "others, are generally confcious of fome defect in themfelves. Mifs WAL. Don't madam me, with this accent of indifference. What has put you out of humour ? CATT. Nothing. Mifs WAL. Are you indifpos'd ? CAPT. The Crocodile ! the Crocodile ! \afidc. Mifs W T AL. Do you go to the malquerade to night? CAPT. No, but you do. A^ WAL. Why not ? come, don't be ili-natur'd, I'm not your wife yet. CAPT. Nor ever will be, I promife you. Mifs WAL. What is the meaning of this very \vhimfical behaviour ? . CAPT. The fettled compofure of her impudence is hitolecable, (aftde.} Madam, Madam, ^how have I de- ferv'dthis ufage? Mifs WAL. Nay, Sir, Sir, how have I deferved it, if you go to that ? C-APT. The letter, rnadam ! the letter! JMifs WAL. What letter ? CAPT. Your letter, inviting a gallant from the maf- tjuerade to a houfe of character, madam ! What, you appear iurpriz'd ? Mifs WAL. Well I may* at fo fharhelefs an afperfion. CAPT. Madam, madam, I have feen your letter ! H Your 5 o Tfc SCHOOL for WIVES. Your new lover cou'dn't keep your fecret a moment. But I ha*i nothing to do with you, and only come to declare my reafons for renouncing you everlaftingly ! Enter Servant. SERV. General Savage, madam. Mijs WAL. Shew him up. \Exit Serv.~] I am glad he is come, Sir-, inform him of your rcfolution to break off the match, and let there be an end of every thing between us. Enter General Savage. GEN. The news of your accident reach'd me but this moment, madam, or I fhou'd have potted. much fooner to reconnoitre your fituation. My aid de camp, however, has not been inattentive I fee, and I dare fay his diligence will not be the leaft leiTen'd, when he knows his obligations to you. CAPT. O, Sir, I am perfectly fallible of my obli- gations -, and the confcioufnefs of them, was one mo- tive of my coming here. . . GEN. Then you have made your acknowledge- ments to.mifs Wa finojham I hope. Mil's \V_AL. He has indeed, General, iid a great deal more than was neceffary. GEN. That opinion proceeds from the liberality of your temper j for "tis impoflible he can ever fay enough of your goodnefs. - CAPT. So it is , if you knew but all, Sir. GEN. Why who can know more of the matter than myfelf? Mifj WAL. This gentleman, it feems, has fome- thing, General Savage, very neceffary for your infor- mation. GEN. How's this ? CAPT. Nay, Sir, I only fay, that for fomc particu- lar reafons, which I (hall communicate to you at a more We S C H O O L for W I V E S. 51 more proper time ; I muft beg leave to decline the lady whole hand you kindly intended tor me this morning. GEN. O you muft ! Why then I hope you decline at the fame time, all pretenfions to every {hilling of my fortune. It is not in my power to make you fight, you paltroon, but I can puniih you for cowardice. Mifs WAL. Nay, but General, let me interpofe here. If he can maintain any charge againft the lady's repuation, 'twould be very hard that he Should be disinherited, for a neceflary attention to his honour. CAPT. And if I don't make the charge good, I fubmit to be difmheritcd without murmurring. GEN. 'Tis falfe as hell ! the lady is infinitely too good for you, in every refpect ; and I undervalued her worth, when I thought of her for your wife. Mifs WAL. I am fure the lady is much oblig'd to your favourable opinion, Sir. GEN. Not in the leaft, Madam; I only do her common juftice, CAPT. I cannot bear that you fhou'd be difpleas'd a moment, Sir ; fuffer me therefore to render the con- verlation lefs equivocable, and a few words will ex- plain every thing. GZN. Sirrah, I'll hear no explanation ; ar'n't my erclers that you fhou'd marry ? Mifs WAL. For my fake hear him, General Savage, CAPT. Madam, I difdain every favour that is to be procur'd by your interpofition. [Exit. Mifs WAL. This matter muft not be fuffer'd to proceed farther tho', provokingly, cruelly as the Captain has behav'd. (afide. GEN. What's that you fay, my bewitching girl ? Mifs WAL. I fay that yo\i muft make it up with the Captain, and the belt way will be to hear his charge patiently. 52 We SCHOOL fir WIVES. GE?J. I am fhock'd at the brutality of the dog \ he has no more principle than a futtler, and no more iteadinefs than a young recruit upon drill. But, you {hall have ample fatisraction : this very day I'll cut him off from a pofiibiiity of fuccceding to a fhilling of my fortune. He fhall be as rniferable as Mifs WAL. Dear General, do you think that this wou'd give me any fatisfadion ? GEN. How he became acquainted with my defign I know not, but I fee plainly, that his mutiny pro- ceeds from his averfion to my marrying again. Mifs WAL. To your marrying again, Sir! why iEhou'd he object to that ? GEN. Why, for fear I mould have other children, to be fure. Mifs WAL. Indeed, Sir, it was not from that mo- tive , and, if I can overlook his folly, you may be prevail'd upon to forgive it. GEN. After what you have feen, juftice fhou'd make you a little more attentive to your own intereft, my lovely girl, Mifs WAI.. What at the expence of his ? GEN. In the approaching change of your fituatlon, there may be a family of your own. JV#/}WAL. Suppofe there fhou'd, Sir v won't there be a family of his too ? GEN. I Care not what becomes of his family. Mifs WAL. But, pray let me think a little about it, General. GEN. 'Tis hard, indeed, when I was fo defirous of promoting his happinefs, that he mould throw any thing in the way of mine. Mifs WAL. Recoiled, Sir, his offence was wholly confm'd to me. GEN. Well, my leve, and isn't it throwing an obftacle in the way of my happinefs, when he abules you fo grpfiy for your readinefs. to snariy me ? Mifs WAL. Sir ' f&e S C H O O L for W I V E S, 53 GEN. I fee, with all your good nature, that this is aqueftion you cannot rally againft. Mlfs WAL. It is indeed, Sir. What will become* of me? (fjide. GEN. You feem fuddenly difordered, my love ? Mifs WAL. Why really, Sir, this atfair aff^dts me. ftrongly. GEN. Well, it is poflible, that for your fake, I may not punifh him with as much feverity as I intended : In about an hour I mull beg leave to beat up your quarteis again, with Mr. Torrington ; for 'tis necef- iary I mould mew you fome proof of my gratitude, fmce you have been io kindly pleas'd to honour me with a proof of your affection. Mifs WAL. (ajide.} So, now indeed, we're in a hopeful iituation . [Exeunt. ACT IV. C E N E, an Apartment at BELVILLE'/. Enter Mrs. B.elville, and Captain Savage. Mrs. BEL.JL/ON'T argue with me, Captain Sa- vage , but confider that I am a wife, and pity my diftraftion. CAPT. Dear Madam, there is no occafion to be fo much alarm'd , Mr. Belville has very properly deteF- min'd not to fight ; he told me fo himfelf, and fhouid have been effectually prevented, if I hadn't known his refolution. Mrs. BEL. There is no knowing to what extremities he may be provok'd, if he meets Mr. Leefon , I have fent for you, therefore, to beg that you will fave him from the poflibility, either of expofmg himfelf to any danger, or of doing an injury t his adverfary. CAPT. 54 *Hx SCHOOL for WIVES. CAPT. \Vhat would you have me do, Madam ? Mrs. BE.. Fly to Hyde -park, and prevent, if yet pofnble, his meeting with Mr. Leefon : Do it, J conju:' < cu,- if you'd lave me from defperation. CAPT. Though you have no realbn whatever to. be apprehcnfive for his fafety, Madam, yet, fince you arc lo vxry much affected, I'll immediately execute ycur commands. [Exif. Mrs. BE i, . Merciful heaven ! where is the generoli- ty, where is the fe-nfe, where is the mame of men, to find a pleafure in purfuits, which they cannot re- member without the deepelt horror ; which they can- not follow without the meaneft fraud , and which they cannot effect, without confequences the moft dreadful ? The fingle word, Pleafure, in a mafculine fenfe, com- prehends every thing that is cruel , every thing that is bafe ; and every thing that is defperate : Yet men, in other reipects, the nobleft of their fpecies, make it the principal bufinefs of their lives, and do not hefi- tate to break in upon the peace of the happieft fami- lies, though their own muft be neceflarily expos'd to destruction. O Beiville 1 Belville ! my life ! my love '.--The greateft triumph which a libertine can ever experience, is too defpicable to be envied ; 'tis at beft nothing but a victory over his own humanity , and if he is a hufband, he muft be dead indeed, if he is not doubly tortured upon the wheel of recollection, Enter Mifs WALSINGHAM andLatfyRACHEL MILDEW. . Mijs WAL. My dear Mrs. Belville^ I am ex- tremely unhappy, to fee you fo diftrefs'd. Lao'y RACK. Now, I am extremely glad to (ee her jb, for if ihe wasn't greatly diitreis'd it wou'd be monftroufly unnatural. 'Mrs. BEL. O, Matilda! my hufband ! my huf- "band ! my. children! my children ! Mijs \V-AL. Don't weep, my dear' don't weep F pn:y be comforted, all may end happily. Lady l, beg of her not to cry ib. Lady .We SCHOOL for WIVES. 5.5 Lady RACH. Why, you are crying yourfelf, Mifs Walfingham ; and tho' I think it out of character to encourage her tears, I can't help keeping you company. Mrs. BEL. O, why is not Ibme effectual method contriv'd, to prevent this horrible practice of duelling ? Lady RACH. J'll expofe it on the ftage, fmce the law now a-davs, kindly leaves the whole cognizance of it to the theatre. Mifs WAL. And yet if .die laws againir. it, were an well enforced as the laws againft deftroying the game, perhaps it would be equally for the benefit of the kingdom. Mrs. BEL. No law will ever be effectual till the cuftom is render'd infamous. Wives muft fhriek ! mothers mult agonize ! orphans muft multiply ! unlels fome blefTed hand ftrips the fafcinating glare from honourable murder, and bravely expoles the idol who is worfhip'd thus in blood. While it is difreputable to obey the laws, we cannot look for reformation :- But if the duellift is once banifried from the prefence of his fovereign , if he is for life excluded the confidence of his country ; if a mark of indelible difgrace is ftamp'd upon him, the fword of publick juftice will be the fole chaftifer of wrongs ; ttifles will not be pimifh'd with death, and offences really meriting fuch a punifhment, will be referv*d for the only proper avenger, the common executioner. Lady RACH. I cou'dn't have exprefs'd myfelf bet- ter on the fubject, my dear : but till fuch a hand as you talk of is found, the beft will fall into the error of the times. - Mifs WAL. Yes, and butcjier each other like mad- men, for fear their courage mould be fufpectetf by fools- Mrs. ELL. No news yet from Captain Savage.? Lady RACH. He can't have reach'd Hyde-park yet, my dear. Mifs WAL. Let us lead you to your chamber,- my clear ; you'll be better there. Mrs, 5 6 77*? SCHOOL for WIVE?. Mrs. BEL. ' Matilda, I rhuft be wretched any vvliere ; but I'll attend yon. Lady RACH. Thank heav'n,' I have no hufband to plunge me into fuch a fituation ! Mifs WAL. And, if I thought I cou'd keep my re- folution, Pd determine this moment on living fingle all the days of my life. Pray don't fpare my arm, my dear. {Exeunt. S C E N E, Hyde Park. Enter BELVILLE. BEL. I fancy I am rather before the time of ap- pointment , engagements of this kind are the only ones, in whichj now-a-days, people pretend, to any punctuality : a man is allow'd half an hours law to dinner, but a thruft through the body mult be given within a fecond of the clock. Enter Leefon. LEES. Your fervant, Sir. Your name I fuppdfe is Belville ? BEL. Your fuppofitiofi is very right, Sir; and I fancy I am not much in the wrong, when I fuppofe your name to be Leefon. LEES. It is, Sir ; I am forry I fhou'd keep you here a moment. BEL. I am very forry, Sir, you fhou'd bring me here at all. LEES. I regret the occafion, be afllired, Sir , but 'tis not now a time for talking, we muft proceed to action. BEL. And yet talking is all the action I mall pro- ceed to, depend upon it. LEES. "What do you mean, Sir ? Where are your piftols ? BEL. Where I intend they fhall remain till my next journey into the country, very quietly over the chim- ney in my drefling room. LEES. You treat this matter \vith too rrmch levity, Mr. Belville ; take yonr choice of mine, Sir. BEL, SCliOOL/^r WIVES. 5; BEL. I'd rather take them both, if you pleufe, for then no mifchief mall be done with either of" them. LEES. Sir, this trifling is adding inlult to injury 5 and fhall be relented accordingly. Didn't you come here to give me fatisfabion ? BEL. Yes, every iatisfac"tion in my power. i ,EES. Take one of -thele piftols then, BEL. Come, Mr. Leefon, your bravery will not at all be leffcn'd by the exercitc of a little underitand- ing : If nothing leis than my life Cuii atone for the injury I have done you, fire at me in- liantly, but don't be offended becaufe I decline to do you an additional wrong. LEES. S'death, Sir, do you think I come nere with an intention to murder ? BEL You come to arm the guilty sgainft the inno- cent, Sir; and that, in my opinion, is the moil atrocious intention of murder. LEES. How's this ? BEL. Look'e, Mr. Leefon, there's your pifbol ('thrcwS it en the grcur-d) I have already acted very wrongly with refpect to your fifter, but, Sir, I have fome character (though perhaps little enough) to maintain, and t will not do a Hill worle a<5licn, in railing my hand againft your life. LEES. This hypocrkal cant of cowardice, Sir, is too palpable to dilarrn my reientment ; though I held you to be a man of profligate principles, 1 ncverthe- lefs confider'd you as a man of courage -, but, if you hefitate a moment longer, by heaven, I'll chaftife ycu .on the fpor. (Dra\;-s.) BEL. I muft defend my life -, thougli if it did not look like timidity, I would inform you ( they Leefon is di farmed) Mr. Leefon, there is your again. LEES. Strike it through my bofom, Sir -,---! dcn'c dcfire to cut-live this initant, I hope, my dear Sir, that ycu v.i-i long iive I happy 58 Me S C H O O L for WIVE S. happy as your lifter, tho' to my fhame I can claim no merit on that account, is recovered unpolluted, by her family , but let me beg that you will now lee the folly of decifions by the fword, when fuccsfs is not fortunately chain'd to the iide of juftice : Before I leave you, receive my fincereft apologies for the in- juries I have done you ; and, be allured, no occur- rence will ever give me greater pleafure, than an op- portunity of ferving you, if, after what is paft, you fhall at any time condefcend to ufe me as a friend. [Ex* LEES. Very well very well very well. Enter Connolly. LEES. What, you have been within hearing, I fup- CON. You may fay that. [pole ? LEES. And isn't this very fine? CON. Why I can't fay much as to the finery of it, Sir, but it is certainly very foolifh. LEES. And ib this is my fatisfa&ion after all ? CON. Yes, and pretty fatisfadlion it is. When Mr. Belville did you but one injury, he was the greateft vil- lain in the world i but now that he has done you two,, in- drawing his fword upon you, I fuppofe he is a very worthy gentleman LEES. To be foil'd, baffled, difappointed in my revenge ! What tho' my fifter is by accident unftain'd, his intentions are as criminal, as if* her ruin was actu- ally perpetrated ; there is no poflibility of enduring the reflection ! I vvifli not for the blood of my enemy, but I would at ieaft have the credit of giving him life. CON. Arrah, my dear, if you had any regard for the life of your enemy, you mou'drft put him in the way of death. LEES. No more of thefe reflections, my dear Con- nolly ; my own feelings are painful enough. Will you be fo good as to take thefe damn'd piftols, and conie with me to the coach ? CON. Troth and that I will j butdoa't make vour- ' felf The SCHOOL for WIVES. 59 felf unealy , confidcr that you have done every thing which honour required at yous hands. LEES. I hope Ib. CON. Why you know fo : You have broke the laws of heaven and earth, as nobly as the firft lord in the land, and you have convinc'd the world, that where any body has done your family one injury, you have courage enough to do it another yourlelf, by hazarding your life. LEES. Thole, Connolly, who would live reputably in any country, muft regulate their conduct in many cafes by ks very prejudices. Cullom, with rcfpect to duelling, is a tyrant, whofe defpotifm no body ven- tures to attack, tho' every body detefts its cruelty. CON. I didn't imagine that a tyrant of any kind would, be tolerated in England. But where do you think of going now ? For chambers, you know, are at prefcnt moft delightfully dangerous. LEES. I fliall go to Mrs. Crayon's. CON. What the gentlewoman that paints all man- ner of colours in red chalk ? LEES. Yes, where I firft became acquainted with Emily. CON. And where the fweet creature has met you two or three times under pretence of fitting for her picture. LEES. Mrs. Crayons will, I dare fay, oblige me in this exigency with an apartment for a few days ; but come, Connolly, we have no time to lofe, tho' if you had any prudence, you would abandon me in my pre- fent fituation. CON. Ah, Sir, is this your opinion of my friend- fhip ? Do you think that any thing can ever give me half fo much pleafure in ferving you, as feeing you furrounded by misfortunes. [Exeunt. 'The Scene changes to an Apartment at Belville's. Enter General Savage, Torrington, and Spruce. SPRUCE. Mifs Walfingham will wait on you im- immediately, gentlemen. I 2 6o T/j.e SCHOOL fir WIVES GEN. Very well. SPRUCE, (ejlde] What can old Holifernes want (o continually with Mifs Wailingham ? [Exit GEN. When I bring this fweet mild creature home, I mail be able to break her fpirit to my own wifhes I'll inure her to proper difcipline from the aril mo- ment, and make ntr tremble at the very thought of niurnv. TOR. Ah, General, you arc wonderfully .brave, \vhen you knew the meekneis of your adverfary. GEN. Envy, Torrington ftark, ftaring envy: few fellows, on the borders cf fifry, have fo much reafon as myfelfj to boail of a bloomingyoung woman's partiality. Ton. On the borders of fifty, man! beyond the confines of threeicore. GN. The more reafon I have to boaft of my vic- tory then ; but don't Crumble at my triumph, you {hall have a kifs of the bride, let that content you, 1 orrington. Enter Mifs Walfmgham, . Mifs WAL. Gentlemen, your; molt obedient :. Ge- neral, I intended writing to you about a trifling mif- take ; but poor Mrs. BelvrUe has been fo. very ill, that I cou'tJn't find an opportun'ty. GEN. I rn very lorry for ?/irs. Belville's illncfs, but I am hsppy, Madam, to be j-^rfonally in the way of receiving your commands, and I wait upon you with Mr, Torrington, to talk about a marriage let- dement Mifi W,AL. f leavens !- how fnall I undeceive him P (ajide. TOR. 'Tis rather an aukward bufmefs, Mifs Wal- nngham, to trouble you upon , but as the General xvijhcs that t!,e affair 'may be as private as pofiible, Iv^ thought it better to fpeak to yourfelf, than to treat v;;th any other perfon. Yes, my lovely girl j and to convince you ? that i 'The SCHOOL for WIVES. 61 that I intend to carry on an honourable war, not to pillage like a frec-booter, Mr. Torrington will be a rruitee, Mifs WAL. I am infinitely oblig'd to your inten- tion, but there's no necciiity to talk about any fettle- men t for GEN. Pardon me, Madam, pardon me, there is befides, I have determin'd that there lhall be one, and what I once determine is abfolute. - A tolerable hint for her own behaviour, when I have married her, Torringt-jn. (afide to Tor. Mifs YS'AL. I muft not {hock him Dciore Mr. Tor- rington (cJide). GL.XIM! Savage, \vill you give me leave to ipeak a ft\v v, jras in private to you. GE::. There is no occalion for ibuiiti'iig a retreat, .Madam j Mr. lonmgton is acq-Jainted with the whole bufineis, ana I am ucienmn'd, for your lake, that notfifmg ilu 1 be done without him. Tor,. I can have no objection to your hearing the lady ex parte, General. Mifs WAL. v'vnat I have to fay, Sir, is of a very particular m-iure. TOR. (rifmjr) I'll leave the room then. GE?;. (cpptfing him) You fhan't leave the room, Torrino-ton. iVLls Waifingiiam fhall have a fpeci- tp . O i men of my conmand, even before marriage, and you fhall fee, that every woman is not to bully me out of my determinAtion. (afidc to Tcr.} Mifs WAL. Well, General, you muft have your own Wry. GEX: (to Tor-} Don't you fee that it's only righting the battle Hourly at tint, with one of thefe gentle crea- tures ? TOR. (fignificantly] Ah, General ! GLN. I own, M..dam, your fituation is a diftrelT- ing onr , let us fit downlet us fit down Mifs WAL. It is unipeakably diitrelTing indeed, Sir. TOR. Diftreflirig however as it may be, we muft pro- cud 6ft the SCHOOL for WJVES. i j eeed to ifiue, Madam ; the General propofes your jointure to be icool. a year. Mifs WAL. General Savage ! GEN. You think this too little, perhaps ? Mifs. WAL. I can't think of any jointure, Sir. TOR. Why to be fure, a jointure it at bed but a melancholly pofieffion, for it mufl be purchafed by the lofs of the hufband you love. jVf//}WAL. Pray don't name it, Mr. Torrington. GEN. (kiffing ber hand} A thoufand thanks to you, my lovely girl. Mifs WAL. For heaven's fake, let go my hand. GEN. I fliall be mad 'till it gives me legal poiTef- fion of the town. Mifs WAL. Gentlemen General Mr. Torring- ton- I beg you'll hear me. GEN. By all means, my adorable creature , I can never have too many proofs of your dilinterefted afte&ion. Mifs WAL. There is a capital miflake in this whole affair I am finking under a load of diftrefs. GEN. Your confufion makes you look charming- ly though. Mifs WAL. There is no occafion to talk of join- tures or marriages to me ; I am not going to be married. TOR. What's this ? Mifs WAL. Nor have I an idea in nature, however enviable I think the honour, of being your wife, Sir. GEN. Madam ! TOR. Why here's a demur ! Mifs WAL. I am afraid, Sir, that in our converfation this morning, my confufion arifing from the particu- larity of the fubjecT:, has led you into a material mif- conception. GEN. I am thunderflruck, madam ! I cou'dn't miltake my ground. TOR. As clear a nol: prof: as ever was iffued by an attorney general. GEN. Surely you can't forget, that at the firil word you hung cut a flag of truce, told me even that *Tbe SCHOOL for WIVES. that I had a previous friend in the fort, and didn't fo much as hint at a fingle article of capitulation ? TOR. Now for the rejoinder to this replication. Mifs WAL. All this is unqueftionably true, General, and perhaps a good deal more ; but in reality my confufion before you on this iubjecl: to day, was luch, that I fcarcely knew what I faid ; I was dying with diftrefs, and at this moment am very little better j permit me to retire, General Savage, and only fuffer me 10 add, that tho' I think myfelf highly flatter'd by your addrefles, it is impoflible for me ever to receive them. Lord ! Lord ! I am glad its over in any manner. [#, TOR. Why, we are a little out in this matter, General*, the judge has decided againft us, when we imagin'd ourfelves fure of the caufe. GEN. The gates fhut in my teeth, juft as I expec- ted the keys from the governor. Tor. I am difappointed myfelf, man j, I fhan't have a kifs of the bride. GEN. At my time of life too ! TOR, I (aid from the firft you were too oM for her. GEN. Zounds to fancy myfelf fure of her, and to triumph upon a certainty of victory . TOR. Ay, and to kifs her hand in a rapturous re- turn for her tendernefs to you : let me advife you never to kifs before folks, as long as you live again. GEN. Don't diftract me, Torrington! a joke, where a friend has the misfortune to lofe the battle, is a. downright inhumanity. TOR. You told me that your fon had accus'd her of fornething that you would not hear ; fuppole we call at his lodgings, he perhaps, as an amicus-cwi*f 9 may be able to give us a little information. GEN. Thank you for the thought-, But keep your nger more than ever upon you lips, dear Torringtoru You know how I dread the danger of ridicule, and it wou'd be too much, not on?y to be thram'd out of the field, but to be laugh'd at into the bargain. 64 T6f SCHOOL for WIVfeS. TOR. I thought when you made a prefentmcnt of your iweet perfon to Mifs Waliingham, that the bill wou'd be return'd ignoramus. [Exeunt. SCENE, BELVILLE'S. Mrs. BELVILLE and Lady RACHEL MILDEW, difio* vered on a Sopba. Lady RACH. You heard what Captain Savage faid ? Mrs. BEL. I would flatter mylelf, but my heart will not fufFer it ; the Park might be too full for the horrid purpofe, and perhaps they are gone to decide the quarrel in Ibme other place. Lady RACH. The Captain enquir'd of numbers in the Park without hearing a fyllable of them, and is therefore pofitive that they are parted without doing any mifchief. Mrs. BEL. I am, neverthdefs, torn by a thoufand ap^rehenfions, and my fancy, with a gloomy kind of fondnefs, fallens on the moil deadly, This very morning, I exuitingly numbered mylelf in the cata- logue of the happieft wives. Perhaps I am a wife no longer ; perhaps, my little innocents, your im-' happy father is at this moment breathing his laftfigh, and wifhing, O, how vainly ! that he had not pre- fer'd a guilty pleafure to his own life, to my eternal peace of mind, and your felicity ! Enter SPRUCE. SPRUCE. Madam ! madam! my matter! my mailer I Mrs. BEL. Is he fafe? Enter BILVILLE. BEL. My love! Mrs. BEL. O Mr. Belville ! (/.. BEL. Afliftance, quick ! . Lady RACH. There me revives. BEL. The angcl-foftnefs ! how this rends my heart ? Mrs. BEL. O, Mr. Belville, if you couYl conceive the. S C H O O L for W I V E S. 65 the agonies I have endur'd, you would avoid the pof- fibility of another quarrel as long as you liv'd, out of common humanity. BEL. My deareil creature, fpare thefe tender re- proaches-, you know not how fufficiently I am punifh'd to fee you thus miferable. Lady RACH. That's pleafant indeed, when you have yourfclf deliberately loaded her with affliction. BEL. Pray, pray Lady Rachel, have a little mercy : Your poor humble fervant has been a very naughty boy,~but if you only forgive him this Jingle time, he will never more defer ve the rod of correction. Mrs-. BEL. Since you arereturn'd fafe, I am happy. Etf cufe thefe foolifh tears, they gum in fpite of me. BEL. How contemptible do they render me, my love! Lody RACK. Come, my dear, you muft turn your mind from this gloomy fubject. Suppofe we flep up flairs and communicate our plealure to Mils Walfingham ? Mrs. BEL. With all my heart. Adieu, recreant! [Exeunt Mrs. Bel. and Lady Rach. BEL. I don't deferve fuch a woman, I don't deferve her. Yet, I believe I am the firft hufband, that ever found fault with a wife, for having too much goodnefs. Enter SPRUCE. "What's the matter ? SPRUCE. Your fitter BEL. What of my fifter ? SPRUCE. Sir, is elop'd. BEL. My fifter ! SPRUCE. There is a letter left, Sir, in which me fays, that her motive was a diflike to a match with Captain Savage, as fhe has plac'd her affections un- alterably on another gentleman. BEL. Death and damnation ! SPRUCE. Mrs. Moreland, your mother, is in the grcateft diftrefs, Sir, and begs you will immediately K 46 *2* SCHOOL>r WIVES. go with the fcrvant that brought the mefTage ; for he obferving the young lady's maid carrying fome bundle* out, a little lufpicioufly, thought there muft be fomc Icheme going on, and dogg'd a hackney coach, in, which Mifs Morland went off, to the very houfe where it fet her down. BEL. Bring me to the fervant, inflantly ; but don't let a fyllable of this matter reach my wife's ears, her fpirits are already too mnch agitated. [Exit. SPRUCE. Zounds ! we mail be paid home, for the tricks we have play'd in other families. [Exit. Scene flanges to Caff. SAVAGE'S Lodgings. Enter Captain SAVAGE. CAPT. The vehemence of my refentment againft this abandon'd woman has certainly led me too far. I fhou'dn't have acquainted her with my difcovery of her bafenefs j no, if I had a<5led properly, I fliould have conceal'd all knowledge of the tranfa&ion 'till the very moment of her guilt, and then burft upon her when fhe was folacing with her paramour, in ail the fulnefs of fecurity. Now, if me mould either alter her mind > with refpeft to going to the mafquerade, or go in a different habit to elude my obfervation, I not only lofe the "opportunity of expofmo; her, but give her time to plan fome plaufible excufe for her infamous letter to Belville. Enter a Servant. SER. General Savage, and Mr. Torrington, Sir. CAPT. You blockhead, why did you let them wait a moment ? Vv'hat can be the meaning of this vifit ? [Ex. Servant. Enter General SAVAGE, and TORRINGTON. GEN. I come, Horace, to talk to you about Mils Walfingharn. Me SCHOOL for WIVES. 67 CAPT. She's the moft worthlefs woman exifting, Sir : I can convince you of it. GEN. I have already chang'd my own opinion of her. CAPT. What you have found her out yourfelf, Sir ? TOR. Yes, he has made a trifling diicovery. GEN. S'death, don't make me contemptible to my fon. (ajide to TOR, CAPT. But, Sir, what inflance of her precious behaviour has come to your knowledge ? For an hour has fcarcely clapfed, fmce you thought her a miracle of goodnels TOR.. Ay, he has thought her a miracle of good- nefs, within this quarter of an hour. GEN. Why fhe has a manner that wou'd impofe upon all the world. CAPT. Yes, but fhe has a manner alfo to undeceive the world thoroughly. TOR. That we have found pretty recently; how- ever, in this land of liberty, none are to be pronounc- ed guilty, 'till they are positively convicted i I can't therefore find againft Mils Walfingham, upon the bare ftrength of prefumptive evidence. CAPT. Prefumptive evidence \ hav'n't I promis'd you ocular demonilration ? TOR. Ay, but 'till we receive this demonftration, my good friend, we cannot give judgement. CAPT. Then I'll tell you at onie, who is the ob- ject of her honourable affections. GEN. Who who CAPT. What would you think if they were plac'd on Belville ? GEN. Upon Belville! has fhe deferted to him from the corps of virtue ? CAPT. Yes, {he wrote to him, defiring to be taken from the mafquerade to fome convenient icene of privacy, and tho' I have feen the letter, fhe has the impudence to deny her own hand. GEN. What a fiend is there then difguis'd under the uniform of an angel ! TOR.. 68 We S C H O O L for W I V E S. TOR. The delicate creature that was dying with confufion ! CAPT. Only come with me to the mafquerade, and you fhall fee Belville carry her off: Twas about the fcandalous appointment with him, I was fpeaking, when you eoncciv'd I treated her fo rudely. GEN. And you were only anxious to mew her in her real character to me, when I was fo exceedingly offended with you. CAPT. Nothingelfe in the world, Sir; I knew you would defpife and deteft her, the moment you were acquainted with her bafenefs. GEN. How fhe brazen'd it 'out before my face, and what a regard Ihe affected for your interelt ! I was a madman not to liften then to your explanation. TOR. Tho' you both talk this point well, I ftill fee nothing but ftrong prefumption againft Mifs Walfing- ham : Miftakes have already happened, miftakes may happen again , and I will not give up a lady's honour, upon an evidence that wou'd not cafl a common pick- pocket at the Old Baily. CAPT. Come to the mafquerade then and be con vinc'd. GEN. Let us detach a party for drefTes immediately. Yet remember, Torrington, that the punctuality of evi- dence which is neceflary in a court of law, is by no means requifite in a court of honour. TOR. Perhaps it would be more to the honour of your honourable courts if it was. [Exeunt. y'he Scene changes to an Apartment at Mrs. Crayon'j. BEL. (Mind.} My dear, you muft excufe me. MAID. Indeed, Sir, you muft not go up ftairs. BEL. Indeed but I will ; the man is pofitive to the hcuie, and I'll fearch every room in it, from the cellar to the garret, if I don't find the lady. James, don't ftir from the ftreet door. Enter Belville folio-wed by a Maid. MAID. Sir, you are the ftrangeft gentleman I ever Me SCHOOL for WIVE S. 6? met with in all my born days : I wifli my miftrefs was at home. BEL. I am a ftrange fellow, my dear But if your millrcis was ut home, I fliou'd cake the liberty of peeping into the apartments. MAID. Sir, there's company in that room, you can't go in there. BEL. Now that's the very re.ifon I will go in. MAID. This mufc be fome great man, or he v/ou'dn't behave fo obftropolous. BEL. Good manners by your leave a. little, (forcing the door.) Whoever my gentleman is, I'll call him to a fevere reckoning : I have been jufl call'd to one myielf, for making free with another man's filler. Enter Leefon followed by Connolly. LEES. Who is it that dares commit an outrage upon this apartment ? CON. An Englishman's very lodging-, ay, and an Irifhmpn's too, I hope, is his caftle ; an Infhman is an Englifhman all the world over. BEL. Mr. Leefon ! MAID. O we (hail h,;ve murder. (running of. CON. Run into that room, my dear, and flay with the young lady. (Exit Maid. LEES. And Connolly let nobody elfe into that room. CON. Let me alone for that, honey, if this gentleman has fj fry people. LEES. Whence is it, Mr. Belville, that you per- fecute me thus with injuries ? BEL. I am fill'd with aftonifhment ! CON. Faith, to fpeak the truth, you do look a little furpriz'd. LLES. Anfwer me, Sir^ what is the foundation of this new violence ? BEL. I am come, Mr. Leefon, upon an affair, Sir CON. The devil burn me if he was half fo much- contounded a while ago, when there was a naked fword at his breafL BE.L, 7 o r/je SCHOOL for WIVES. BEL. I am come, Mr. Leefon, upon an affair, Sir, that How the devil dial! I open it to him, fmce the tables are io fairly turn'd upon me. . LEES. Difpatch, Sir, for I have company in the next room. BEL. A lady, I fnppofe ? LEES. Suppofe it is, Sir ? BEL. And the lady's name is Moreland, isn't it, Sir? LEES. I can't fee what bufmefs you have with her name, Sir, You took away my fifter, and I hope you have no ddigns upon the lady in the next room. BEL. Indeed but I have. 1 .EES. The devil you have ! CON. V/ell, this : .s the molt unaccountable man 1 c^er heard of, he'll have all the women in the town, 1 believe, LEES, And pray, Sir, what pretenfions, have you to the lady in the next room, even fuppofmg her to be Mils Morcland ? BEL. No other pretenfions than what a brother Jfcould have to the defence of his fitter's honom : You thought yourfelf authorifed to cut my throat a-while ago in a ii.rular bufmefs. LEES. And is Mils Moreland your fifter ? BEL. Sir, there is iniblcnce in that queftion ; ye know fhe is. LEES. By heaven, I did not know it till this mo- ment \ but I rtjoice at the difcovery : This is blow for blow ! CON. Devil burn me but they have fairly made a fwop of it. BEL. And you really didn't know that Mifs More- land was my iiiler ? . LEES. I con't conceive myfelf under much ne- ceflity of apologizing to you, Sir'; but I am incapa- ble of a difhonourabk defign upon any woman , and ' Mils Morcland in our ihort acquaintance, re- peatedly SCHOOL for WIVES. 7, peatedly mentioned her brother, me never once told me that his name was Bclville. Cox. And he has had fuch few opportunities of being in her company, unk-fs by letters, .honey, that he knew nothing more of her connections, than her being a fweet pretty creter, and having 30,000 1. BEL. The fortune, I dare fay, no way leflened the force of her attractions. LEES. I am above diflimiilation It really did nor. BEL. Well, Mr. Leefon, our families have (hewn fuch a very ftrong inclination to come together, that it would really be a pity to difappoint them. CON. Upon my foul and fo it would ; thouo-h the dread of being forc'd to have a hufband, the you no- lady tells us, quicken'd her refolution to marry this rentleman. BEL. O me had no violence of that kind to appre- hend from her family ; therefore, Mr. Leefon, fined you ieem as neceffary for the girl's happin'efs, as flic ieems for your's, you mall marry her here in town, with' the confent of all her friends, and fave yourfelf the trouble of an expedition to Scotland. LEES. Can I believe you ferious ? BEL. Zounds, Leefon, that air of furprife is a fad reproach ! I didn't furprife you when I did a bad action, but I raife your aftonimment, when I do a good one. CON. And by my foul, Mr. Belville, if you knew how a good action becomes a man, you'd never do a bad one as long as you liv'd. LEES. You have given me life and happinefs in one day, Mr. Belville ! however, it is now time you mould fee your fitter ; I know you'll be gentle with her, tho' you have fo much reaibn to condemn her choice, and generoufly remember that her elopement proceeded from the great improbability there was of a beggar's ever meeting with the .approbation of her family. 72 tte S C H O O L for W I V E S. BEL. Don't apologize for your circumftances, Lee- fon ; a princefs could do no more than make you happy, and if you make her fo, you meet her upon terms of the moil perfect equality. .LEES. This is a new way of thinking, Mr. Belville. BEL. 'Tis only an honeft way of thinking, and I confider my filler a gainer upon the occufion ; for a man of your merit is more difficult to be found, than a woman of her fortune. [Exeunt Lee fon and Behille. CON. What's the reafon now that I can't ikip, and laugh, and rejoice, at this affair ? Upon my foul my heart's as full as if I had met with, fome great misfor- tune. Well, pleafure in the extreme is certainly a very painful thing : I am really afham'd of thcfe wo- Jnans drops> and yet I don't know but that I ought to blufh for being afham'd of them, for I am lure no- body's eye ever looks half fo well, as when it is dif- figured by a tear of humanity. [Exif. ACT V. SCENE a Drawing-Room. Enter BELVILLE. BEL. VV ELL, happinefs is once more mine, and the women are all going in tip-top fpirits to ^hc mafquerade. Now, Mr. Belville, let me have a few words with you -, Mifs Walfingham, the ripe, the luxurious Mils Walfingham, expects to find you there burning with impatience : But, my dear friend, after the occurrences of the day, can you be weak enough to plunge into frefh crimes ? Can you be bafc enough The S C H O O L fir W I V E S. 73 enough to abufe the goodnefs of that angel your wife \ and wicked enough, not only to deftroy the innocence which is fhelter'd beneath your own roof, but to ex- pole your family perhaps again, to the danger ot lofing a fon, a brother, a father, and a huiband ? 1'he poffeflion of the three Graces is furely too poor a recompence for the folly you mufl commit, for the mame you mutt feel, and the confcquences you mull hazard. Upon my foul if I ftruggie ,a little longer, I mall rife in my own opinion, and be Icfs a raicil than I think myfelf : -Ay, but the object is bewitch- ing , the mutter will be an eternal iecret and if it is known that I ineak in this pitiful m.nne'rfrom a fine woman, when the whole elyfium of her perfon folicits me : -well, and am I afraid the world mould know that I have fnrunk from an infamous action ? A thoufand blefllngs on you dear conference for that one ar- gument j I (hall be an honeft man after all Suppofe, however, that I give her the meeting , that's danger- ous-, that's dangerous : and I am fo little accuftomed to do what is right, that I fhall certainly do what is wrong, the moment I am in the^ way of temptation. Come, Belville, youK refolution is not fo very {lender a dependawce, and you owe Mifs Walfmgham re- paration for the injury which you have done her prin- ciples. I'll give her the meeting I'll take her to the houfe I intended I'll Zounds! what a fool I have been all this time, to look for precarious fatisfaftion. in vice, when there is fuch exqu.fite pleafure to b found at a certainty in virtue ! [Ex:! Enter Lady Rachel and Mrs Belville. Lady RACH. For mirth fake don't let him fee u= : There has been a warm debate between his paflion and his confcience. Mrs. BEL And the latter is the conqueror, my life for it. Lady RACH. Dear Mrs. Belville you -re the belt ef women, and ought to have the belt of httibjjftis. L Mrs. 74 We SCHOOL for WIVE 3. Mrs. BEL. I huve the beft of hufbands. Lady RACH. I have not time to difpute the matter with you now -, but I fhall put you into my comedy to teach wives, that the bcft receipt for matrimonial hap- pmejs, is to be deaf, dumb, and blind. Mrs. BEL. i j oh ! poh ! you are a iatireft, Lady Rachel But v,e are lofing time; fhou'dn't we put on cur drcffes, and prepare for the grand Icene ? Lady RACH. Don't you tremble at the trial ? Mr 5. BEL. Not in the leaft, I am lure my heart has no occafi'on. Lady RACH. Hive you lei Mifs Walfihgham ints our little plot ? Mrs. BEL. You know me cou'd not be infenfible of iMr. Beiville's defign upon herfelf, and it is no far- ther than' that d.fij;n, we have any thing to carry into execution. Lady RACK. Well, fne may fcrve to facilitate the matter, and therefore 1 am not forry that you have tr ufled her. Mrs. BEL. We fhall be too late, and then what fgnifies all your fine p'otting. Lady RACH. Is it not a little pang of jealoufy that wou'cl fain now quicken o\;r motions ? Mrs. BEL. No, Lady Rachel, it is a certainty of 1 my hul band's love and gent-roiity r that makes me wtfh to come to the trial. I wou'd not exchange my confidence in his affections lor all the mines of Peru; ib nothing you can fay will make me miferable. Lady RACH. You are a moft unaccountable wo- man-, fo away with you. [Exeunt, SCENE continued. E. f er Spruce and Ghaftly. SPRUCE. Why, Ghaftly, the old general your m af- ter is a greater foci than I ever thought he was : He- -* r.nt to marry Mils Wdfingham ? . Mrs. Temptft iufpt-cled that there was r tome-* 75 fo,n?.etlung going forward, by ail his hugger-mugger confulting withMr. Yorrington -, and loietmeon co liiccn. SPHUCE. She's a good friend of your's, and thac thills llu made the General g : vc you .the ocher day in tilt hofpital, is I fuppoie ainug hundred a year. GHAST. Better than two -, I wafh for near four thoufand people : there was a major of hone who put in tor it, and pleaded a large family - SPRUCE. With long fer vices, I fuppofe. GHAST. Yes, but Mrs, Temp-jit infilled upon rny long fervices; fo the major was let afide However to keep the thing from the dimn'd News-papers, I fancy he will fucceed the barber, who died kill night, pjor wo- man, of a iy:n t v-In fever, ^frer being brought to bed of three children, Places in public inftitutions, SPRUCE. A re often fweetly diposM 1 think of aiking Eclville for fom, thing., one of thefc days, GHAST. He has great int^rcft, SPRUCE. I might be a juftice of peace, if I plea fed, and in a fhabby neighbourhood, where the rrnre 1 wearing would bring in fomething tolerable ; but there are fo many ftrange people let into the com- rniilion now-a-dayi, .that I fnou'dr/t like to huvc my name in the lift. GHAST. You are right. SPRUCE. No, no, I bave that to paltry tradefmcn, and {hall think of fome 1 ttle fmccure, or a faiull penlion on the Irimeftabllfhrnent. GHAST. Well, fuccefs attend you. I mull hobble home as fail as I can, to know if Mrs. Tempeft has any orders. O, there's a rare itorm brewing for oar old goat of a General. SP < UCE. When fhall we crack a bottle together ? GHAST. O, I fhan't touch a glafs of Claret thefe three weeks -, for laft night I gave nature a little :iil:p with a drunken bout, sccord ; ng to the doctor's* dire.c-' ti&ns -, I have entirely left ofFbread, and I am in great hopes that I (hall get rid of my gout by theJfe means, L 2 ci.t- 76 ne S C H O O L for W I V E S. fpecially if I can learn to cat my meat quite raw like a cannibal. SPRUCE. Ha, ha, ha! GHAST, Look at me, Spruce, I was once as likely a young fellow as any under ground in the whole parifh of St. James's :--but waiting on the General fo many years. SPRUCE. Ay, and following his example, Ghaftly. GHAST. 'Tis too true : has reduc'd me to what you fee. . Thefe miferable fpindles wou'd do very well for a lord or a duke, Spruce -, but they are a fad difgrace to a poor valet de chambre. [Exit. SPRUCE, Well, I don't believe there's a gentleman's gentleman within the weekly bills, who joins a pru- dent folicitude for the main-chance, to a ftrict care of his conflitution, better than myfelf. I have a little o-irl who ftands me in about three guineas a O O week , I never bet more than a pound upon a rubber of whift ; I always fleep with my head very warm ; r.nd fwallow a new laid egg every morning with my chocolate. [Exit. ''The Scene changes to the Street, two Chairs crofs the Stage, knock at a Door, and fet down BELVILLE and a Lady. BEL. This way, my dear creature ! [Exeunt. Enter Gtn. Savage, Capt. Savage, and Torrington, CAPT. There ! there they go in : You fee the place is quite convenient, not twenty yards from the mafqnerade. GEN. How clofely the fellow flicks to her. TOR. Like the great feal to the peerage patent of a cV.ncellor, But, gentlemen, we have ft ill no more than proof prefumptive : where is the ocular de- ihonilration which we were to have ? CAPT. I'll fvvear to the blue domino ; 'tis a very remarkable one, and fo is Belville's.- TOR. You wou'd have rare cuftom among the New- We SCHOOL for WIVES. 77 gate follicitors, if you'd venture an oath upon th& identity of the party under it. GEN. 'Tis the very fize and fliape of Mifs Wal- fmgham. TOR. And yet I have a ftrange notion that there- is a trifling alibi in this cafe. GEN. It wou'd be a damn'd affair if we fhoXiM be countermin'd. CAPT. O, follow me, here's the door left luckily open, and I'll foon clear up the matter beyond a q ueftion . [Enters the houfe. TOR. Why your fon is mad, General. This mull produce a deadly breach with Belvillc. For heav'n's fake, let's go in and prevent any excefies of his rafhnefs. GEN, By all means, or the poor fellow's generous anxiety on my account may be productive of very facal confluences. Exeunt. Ihe Scene changes to an aparment, Belville and a lady in a blue domino mafid. BEL. My dear Mils Walfmgham, we are now per- fectly fafe, yet I \vill by no means intreat you to im- mafk, becaufe I am ccnvinc'd, from the propriety with \\hich you repuls'd my addrefles this morning, that you intend the prefent interview mould make me (till more deeply fenfible of my prefumption. I never lied fo aukwardly in all my life ; if it was to make her comply, I fhould be at no lofs for language. (af:dc] The fituation in which I muft appear before you, Ma- dam, is certainly a very humiliating one , but I am pcriuaded that your generofity will be gratified to hear, that I have bid an everlafting adieu to my pro- fligacy, and am now only alive to the virtues of Mrs. Belville. She won't fpeak I don't wonder at it, for brazen as I am myfelf, if I met fo mortifying a re- je&ion. 1 mould be curkdly out of countenance. (afide* CAPT. 78 We S C H O O L for W I V E S. CAPT. (behind) I will go in. GRN. ( behind.) I command you to defifl. TOR. (behind.) This will be an affair for the Old-Bailey. (The noife grows more violent , #// continues. BEL. Why, what the devil is all this ? Don't be. slarm'd, Mifs Walfingham, be aflur'd I'll protect you at the hazard of my lifer ; flep into this clofet, - vou fhan't be difcover'd depend upon it ; (Jbe goes in) : And now to End out the caufe of this con-r fufion. ( unlocks tie door. Enter Gen. Savage, Capf. Savage x and Torrington. BEL. Savage! what is the meaning of this ftrangq behaviour ? CAPT. Where is Mifs Walflngham ? BEL. So then, Sir, this is a premeditated fcheme^ for which I am oblig'd to your rrieiddvp. CAPT. Where's Mifs W 'alfingham, Sir? GEN. Dear Belville, he is out of his frnfes ; this (lorm was entirely againft my orders. TOR. If he proceeds much longer in thefe vaga- lies, we mult amufe him with a commifTun of lunacy, B^-L. This is neither a time nor a place for argu- ment, Mr. Torrington ; but as you and the Generat fcem to be in the pofllffion of your ienfes, I fh^H be glad if you'll take this very friendly gentleman away ; and depend upon it, I ihan't die in his debt for the prefent obligation. CAPT. And depend upon it, Sir, piy the obliga- tion when you whl, I fnan't ftir 'till I lee M Is Wai- fmgham. Look'ee, Bclville, there are fecret reaions for my behaving in this manner ; reaibns, which you yourfelf will approve, when you know tium; -my father here GE-ST. Difavows your conducl in ever/ particular, and would rejoice to iec you at the halber Js To* '"The SCHOOL for WIVES. 79 TOR. And, for my part, I told him previoufly *twas a downright burglary. BEL. Weil, gertttetrtetr, let your different motives for breaking in upon me in this agreeable manner, be what they may, I don't fee that I am lefs annoy'd by my friends than my enemy. I muft therefore again, requeft that you will all walk down ftairs, CAPT. I'll firft walk into this room. BEL. Really, I think you will not. GEN. What phrenzy pofTeffes the fellow to urge this matter farther ? CAPT. While there's a fmgle doubt me triumphs over juftice; (drawing.) I will go into that room. BEL. Then you muft make ycur way thro' me. Enter Mrs. Belville. Mrs. BEL. Ah ! CAPT, There, I knew fhe was in the room : there's the blue domino. GEN. Put up your fword, if you don't defire to be cafhier'd from my favour for ever. BEL. Why, wou'd you come out, madam ? But, you have nothing to apprehend. CAPT. Pray, madam, will you have the good nefs to unmafk ? BEL. She fhan't unmafk. CAPT. I fay me fhall. BEL. I fay flic fhall not. Mrs. BEL. Pray, let me oblige the gentleman ? CAPT. Death and deftru&ion, here's a difcovery ! GEN. and TOR. Mrs. Belville ! Mrs. BEL. Yes, Mrs. Belville, gentlemen: Is cofi- fngal fidelity fo very terrible a thing now a-days-; that a man is to fuffer death for being found irt company with his own wife ? BEL. My love, this is a furprize, indeed But it is a moft agreeable one ; fmce you find me really .smam'd of my former follies, iind cannot now doubt the fmcerity of my reformation. Mrs. BEL 80 rte S C H O O L for W I V E S. . BEL. I am too happy ! this fmgle moment wou'd over pay a whole life of anxiety. BEL. Where (hall I attend you? Will you return to the mafqueradc ? Mrs. BEL, O no 1 Lady Rachel and Mils Walfing- ham are by this time at our houfe, with Mr. Leefon and the Trim gentleman whom you prefs'd into our party, impatiently expecting the remit of this adventure. BEL. Give me leave to conduct you home then from this fcene of confufion. To-morrow, Captain Savage, I fhall beg the favour of your explanation ; (afide to him as be goes out.} Kind gentlemen, your moft humble fervant. Mrs. BEL. And when you next difturb a tcte a tite, for pity to a poor wife, don't let it be fo very uncullomary a party, as the matrimonial one. {Exeunt Bel. and Mrs. Bel. GEN. (to the Capf.} So, Sir, you have led us upon a blefled expedition here. TOR. Now, don't you tlrnk that if your courts of honour, likeour courts of law, fearch'd a little minutely into evidence, it wou'd be equally to the credit of their underftandings ? CAPT. Tho' I am cover'd with confufion at my miftake (for you fee, Belville was miftaken as well as my felf J I am overjoy'd at this difcovery of Mils Walfingham's innocence. GEN. I mou'd exult in it too, with a feu de joy, if it didn't now mew the impoilibility of her ever being Mrs. Savage. +-^ CAPT. Dear Sir, why Ihould you think that an impoflibility^ Tho' fome miftaker have occurred tonfequence I fuppofe, of Mrs. Belville's little plot tipon her hu(band, I dare fay Mifs Walfinghain may- yet be prevail'd upon to come into our family. TOR. Take care of a new error in your proceed- ings, ycamg gentleman. GEM. cuml peel: ion TOR. O, if you gave him any hints at all, I am not furpriz'd at his diicovering every thincr. GEN. I fhall be all impatience 'till I' hear of his interview with Mils Walfingham : Suppofe my deaf friend we went to Belviile's, 'tis but in the next ftreet, and we fhall be there in the lighting of a match. TOR. Really this is a pretty bufmefs for a man of my age and profeffion, trot here, trot there. But) as I have bceo weak enough to rfiake myielf a kind' of party in the caufe, J o*wn that I have curiofity- cnougli to be anxious about the determination. GEN. Come along my old boy ; and remember ihe fonff, u Servile fpirits, &c." [Exeunt. M s c H o d L for w i v ESv Scene changes to Belville's. Enter Captain Savage and Mifs Walfingham. CAPT. Nay, but my deareft Mils Walfingham^ the extenuation of my own conduct to Belville made it abfolutcly necefiary for me to difcover my engagements with you , and as happinefs is now fo fortunately in our reach, I flatter myfclf you will be 1 prevaii'd upon to forgive an error, which pro- ceeded only from an extravagance of love. Mifs WAL-. To think me capable of fuch an ac- tion, Captain Savage ! I am terrified at the idea of a union with you, and it is better for a woman at any time, to facrifice an- infolent lover, than to. accept of a fufpicious hufband. CAPT. In the happieft unions,- my deareft creature,' there muft be always fomerhing to overlook on both- fides. Mifs WAL. Very civil, trtily. CAPT. Pardon me, my life, for this frankriefs , and recollect-, that if the lover has thro' milconcep- lion been unhappily guilty, he brings a hufband al- together reform'd to your hands. Mifs WA. Well, I fee I muft forgive you at laft, io I may as well make a merit of neceffity, you pro- voking creature. CAPT. And may I hope, indeed, for the blefling of this hand ? Afs WAL. Why, you wretch, would you have me force it upon you ? I think, after what I have laid, a foldier might have ventur'd to take it without farther ceremony. CAPT. Angelic creature ! thus I feize it as my lawful prize. Mifs WAL. Well, but now you have obtained this ineilimable prize, Captain, give me again leave to alk if you have had a certain explanation with the General? CAPT. SCHOOL fir WIVES. 83 . How can you doubt it ? lfs WAL. And he is really impatient for our marriage ? OAPT. 'Tis incredible how earned he is. Mifs WAL. What, did he tell you of his Intervie\y with me this evening., when he brought Mr. Tor- rington ? CAPT. He did. Jtffs WAL. O, then, I czn have dp doubt. CAPT. If a lhado\V of doubt remains, here he comes to remove it. Joy, my dear Sir ! joy a thou- fand times ! Enter General Sayage, .and Torrington. GEN. What, my dear boy, have you carried the ,day ? Mifs WAL. I have been weak enough to indulge Jhim with a victory, indeed, General. GJEN". None but the brave none but tbe brave* TOR. I ongraju]ate you heartily on this decree, General. GEN T . This had nearly proved a day of difappoint- ment, but die ftars have fortunately turn'd it in my favour, and now I reap the rich reward of my vic- Xory, (Salutes her ) CAPT. And here I take her from you, as the greateft good which heav'u can fend me. Mfs WAL. O, Captain ! GEN. You take her as the greateft good which feeav'n can lend you, firrah ; I take her as the greateft good which heaven can lend me: And now what have you to fay to her ? Mifi WAL. General Savage! TOR. Here will be a frefh injunction to flop pro- ceedings. Mifs WAL. Are \ve never to have don* with miftakes ? 84 TI* S C H O O L fir W \ V E--S. GEN. What miftakes cm have happen'd now fweeteil ? you deliver'd up your dear hand to me this moment: ? Mifs WAL. True, Sir-, but I thought you were going to beibjw my dear hand upon this dear gen- tleman. GEN. Ho'w ! that dear gentleman ! CAPT. I am thunder-ftruck ' TOR. G-n. i-il fifom but the bra-ve^ &V. [Jin*s. GEN. So the covert way is clear'd at h(l , and you have irna^in'd that I \v. r-11 t .lor,g negociatingfor this fell r AV, \vhen I was gravely ioJ:citint>, for my (elf ? Mijs WAL. No other idea, Sir, ever once entered my ma-jn..tioo. TOR. General. McSte minds fibuld ne'er GEN. Zounds ' here's all the company pouring upon us in full gallop, and I mall be the laughing flock of the whole town. Enter Bclville, Mrs. Belville, Lady Rachel, Leefon and Connolly. BEL. Well, General, we have left you a long time together. Shall I give you joy ? GEN. Noj wiih me dernoiifh'd in the fortifications of Dunkirk. Mrs. BEL. What's the matter ? Lady RACH. The General appears difconcerted I,E ; s. The gentleman looks as if he had fought a hard battle. CON. Ay, and gain'd nothing but a defeat, my dear. TOR. I'll mew cauie for his behaviour. GEN. Death and damnation ! not for the world. I am taken by furprife here -, let me confidcr a mo- ment how to cut my way thro' the enemy. Mifs Tke S C H O O L-for WIVES. 85 Mifs WAL. How cou'd you be deceiv'd in this manner. (To Capt. Lady RACH. O, Mr. Torrington, we are much oblig'd to you ; you have been in town ever fmce laft night, and only lee us now by accident. J ToR. I have been veiy bufy, Madam-, but you look fadly, very fadly indeed ' your old diforder the' jaundice, I fuppofe, has been very troublefometoycu? Lady RACH. Sir, you have a very extraordinary mode of complimenting your acquaintance. CON. I don't believe for all that, that there's a v/ord of a lie in the truth he fpeaks. (aftde Mrs. BEL. Mifs Walfmaham, Capt. Savage has been telling Mr. Belville and me of a very extraor- dinary mifiake. Mils WAL, 'Tis very flrange indeed, miftake on miftake. BEL. 'Tis no way ftrange to find every body pro- perly ftruck with the merit of Mifs Walfinghatn. Mifs WAL. A compliment from you now, Mr. Belville, is really worth accepting. GEN. If I thought the affair cou'd be kept a fe- cret, by making the town over to my fon, fmce I am utterly {hut out myiclf CAPT. He feems exceedingly embarrafled. GEN. If I thought that ; why mortified as I muft be in giving it up, I think I cou'd refolve upon the manoeuvre, to lave myielf fro;r> univerfal ridicule: but it can't be ; it can't be , 3?id I only double my own difappointment in rcwu : diibbedience of the rafcal who has'^xipplanted me. There ! there! they are all talking of it, ail kughing at me, and I (hall run mad! Mrs. TEMP. (bd-'>rtc.\ I f?y, you feather-headed puppy, he is in this houiV; my ov/n fervant faw him come in, ajid.I wiil not ftir'tiu I iind him. GEN, 86 ne S C H O O L for WIVES, GEN. She here !- -then deliberation is over, and I am entirely blown up. Lady RACK. I'll take notes of this affair. Enter Mrs. Tempeft. Mrs.Tj.up. Mighty well, Sir. So you arc in love it feeirs j and you want to be married it feems i 3 LEES. My bleffed aunt 1---O how proud I an) of the relation. GEN. Dear Bab, give me quarter before all this company. Aprs. TEMP. You are in love, you old fpol, are you ? jnd you want to marry Mifs Walfmgham, indeed! CON. I never heard a pleafanterfpoken gentlewoman O hone, if I had the taming of her, me fhou'd never be abufive, without keeping.a civil tongue in her head. Mrs. TEM. Well, Sir, and when is the happy day to be fix'd ? BEL. What the devil, is this true, General ? GEN. True. Can you believe fuch anabfurdity ? Mrs. TEMP. Yv hy ? will you deny, you miferable old mummy, that you made propofal of marriage to h el - ?__ GEN. Yes I do no I don't propofal s of marriage! Mifs WAL. In favour of your fon. I'll help him Out a little. \ajid* GEN. Yes, in favour of my fon-what the devil (hall I do ? ' Mrs. BEL, Shall I take a lefibn from this lad}% Mr. Bel vi lie ? Perhaps if the wometfef virtue were to pluck up a little fpirit, they might be foon as well treated as kept miftrefles. Mrs. TEMP. Harkee, General Savage, I believe you aflert a falfehood ; but if you fpeak the truth, give your fon this moment to Mifs Walnngham, and let me be fairly rid of my riyal. GEN. My fon ! Mifs' Walfinghara !~rMifc Wal- fingham, my fon { BIL. ne SCHOOL for WIVES. $7 &EL. It will do, Horace-, it will do. Mrs. TEMP. No prevarications, General Savage; do what I bid you inftantly, or by all the wrongs of an enraged woman, I'll foexpofe you. CON. What a fine fellow this is, to have the com- mand of an army ! GEN. If Mils Walfingham can be prevailed upon. TOR. O, fhe'll oblige you readily But you muft fettle a good fortune upon your fon. Mrs. TEMP. That he fliall do, Mrs. BEL. Mifs Walftngham, my Dear - Mjfe WAL. I can refufe nothing either to your re* quell, of to the requelt of the General. GEN.- Oblige me with your hand then, Madam: come here you come here Captain. There, there is Mils Walfmgham's hand for you. CON. And as pretty a little fift it is, as any ia the three kingdoms. GEN. Torrington fhall fettle the fortune. LEES. I give you joy moft heartily, Madam. BEL. We all give her joy. CAPT. Mine is beyond the power of expreflion. Mifs WAL. (afide to the company) And fo is the General's, I believe. CON. O faith, that may be eafily feen by the fweet- nefs of his countenance. TOR. Weil, the caufe being now at laft determin'cL, 1 think we may all retire from the court. GEN. And without any great credit, I fear, to the General. CON. By my foul, you may fay that. Mrs. TEMP. Do you murmur, Sir? Come this moment home with me. GEN. I'll go any where to hide this miferable head