IRLF gric,- Forestry. Main Library NOTES ON FORESTRY. I PRINTED BY BALLANTYNE AND COMPANY EDINBURGH AND LONDON NOTES ON FORESTRY BY C. F. AMERY, i DEPUTY-CONSERVATOR, N.W. PROVINCES, INDIA. " Die Grundsatze der Forstwirthschaft sind aller Orten die namlichen, nur verschieden nach dem Material und den Yerhaltnissen, auf welche sie angewandt werden. Vieles lasst sich in einem Naturwald erst anstreben ; das Endziel der Forstwirthschaft zu erreichen, kann Generationen kosten, bleibt aber stets ein Werk der Humanitat und Civilisation wie des wirthschaftlichen Nutzens." BURCKHARDT. LONDON: TRUBNER & CO., LUDGATE HILL. 1875. [All rights reserved.] CONTENTS. INTRODUCTION, SOWING, PLANTING, THINNING, FELLING, . CHAPTER I. CHAPTER II. CHAPTER III. CHAPTER IV. CHAPTER V. CHAPTER VI. TIMBER TRANSPORT, CHAPTER VII. MEASUREMENT OF TIMBER, 11 . 22 , 34 . 41 43 . 55 Vlll CONTENTS. PAGK CHAPTER VIII. TAKING STOCK, ..... 67 CHAPTER IX. ' PERIOD OP FELLING, . . . . .73 CHAPTER X. . 78 CHAPTER XL FORESTS OF TREES OF VARIOUS AGES (MITTELWALD), . 83 CHAPTER XII. FELLING BY SELECTION (PLANTERBETRIEB), . . 86 CHAPTER XIII. FELLING BY ROTATION OF AREA, . . . .90 CHAPTER XIV. TIMBER FOREST WITH COPPICE, . . . .94 CHAPTER XV. TRANSITION FROM LOWER TO HIGHER FOREST CONDI- TIONS, ...... 96 CHAPTER XVI. WORKING-PLANS, . . . . . .111 NOTES ON FORESTRY. CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION. THE primeval forests, once occupying we know not now how much of the vast peninsula of India, have, in the ordinary course of cause and sequence, gone down before the spread of a civilisation sup- posed to have extended over nearly four thousand years, to make room for an industrious and increas- ing population. This has ever been the fate of forests in all civilised countries ; but in the harder North there has always been a stage in which civilised com- munities, animated by the need of warmth and shelter, have interposed checks to further inroads on forest area. Local climatic conditions have rendered these influences to a great extent dormant in India. There was little need for fuel in a country in which the sun gave more than warmth 2 NO TES ON FORES TR Y. enough throughout the year ; little need for tim- ber where the rudest huts supplied the necessary shelter. The habits of the people were simple, their wants few ; and such forests as escaped the clearing axe of the Hindu appear to have owed their preservation rather to their non-suitability to agricultural purposes, or to the fact that there was an ample area of already cleared land, than to any purposed check based on the recognition of the fact that a greater or less proportion of forest area was necessary to the general well-being of the people. It is probable that, for long periods in the history of India, the increase of population was scarcely appreciable : areas redeemed from the forest in times of peace had been allowed to run waste in time of war, and the alternate resumption and abandonment of such tracts so far occupied the energies of the people as to re- move all temptation to trench further on forest area. The Hindu appears never to have reached that stage in which the threatened extinction of the forests is recognised as an impending cala- mity. The invasion of Mohammedan conquerors appears to have been followed by the purposed conservation of such remaining forest tracts as were readily accessible. Uninfluenced by the tenderness for animal life which characterised the Hindu rulers, INTRODUCTION. 3 but. often, on the contrary, keen sportsmen, they constituted the forests game reserves, and severe penal rules were sometimes promulgated against even the removal of a stick. But throughout the whole period of their domination in India, it does not appear that there was ever such a demand for land for agri- cultural purposes as to render further forest clearance necessary. On the contrary, there is evidence of such an anxiety on the part of the great talookdars and zemindars to secure settlers on their lands, as justifies the assumption that the cultivable area was in excess of the available labour. But with the advent of the British power in India came a new era in the history of Indian forests. The spread of a higher material civilisa- tion, the dominance of a power mighty enough to restrain internal war, and animated by a disposition to foster every industry, gradually introduced such a feeling of security among the people at large as encouraged them to the display of more domestic comfort and luxury than they had dared indulge in under the rapacious eyes of former rulers, and heavy drains were now made on the existing stock of the remaining forests. Peace and growing prosperity, aided, perhaps, largely by the check given to the ancient 4 NOTES ON FORESTRY. practice of female infanticide, tended to a rapid increase of population ; and side by side with the inroads now being made on the forests for their products, came a demand for the land for cultiva- tion. English rulers, bred in the traditions of a country in which coal and iron were the chief factors of material progress, instead of regarding with dismay the threatened extinction of the forests in the face of a growing demand for timber, hailed the spread of cultivation with unmingled feelings of self-congratulation, and vied with each other in "converting the forest into smiling cornfields." This destruction of forest area, keeping pace with a rapidly-growing demand for timber, soon directed attention to the mountain ranges of the country, in which the unsuitableness of the soil for cultivation had hitherto secured its maintenance as forest. The outer and more accessible ranges came first under tribute ; large areas were laid bare by contractors, who had no thought of providing for reproduction ; and the soil which had accumulated under ages of forest shade went down the steep hillsides before the monsoon rains, leaving only the bare rock, from the crevices of which had sprung up a sparse and stunted vegetation, in place of the whilom noble forest. Farther and deeper into the ranges INTRODUCTION. 5 went the woodcutters, felling every valuable tree before them, unmindful of the formidable obstacles to transport, which prevented more than a small proportion of the felled timber coming to market. Deciduous mixed forests, too, were drained of all their best varieties of timber, and the forest acquired a new feature, by the predominance of inferior kinds and worthless crooked timber. The urgent necessity of doing something to avert the total extinction of the forests, or, at least, what was almost equivalent to it, the de- struction of their value by mismanagement and neglect, became at length recognised with more or less force, and some twenty years ago a Forest Department was formed for the better adminis- tration of the remaining forests. The difficulties which the new Department had to encounter were almost incalculable. England, with its vast wealth of iron and coal, was in a measure independent of forest products, and, if we except Evelyn's " Sylva," had no forest litera- ture of any value as applied to this country. Ruined forests were to be treated systematically by men who, whatever their general abilities and many of them, at least the provincial chiefs, were men of no mean ability as botanists were never- theless not only unacquainted with the first prin- ciples of the science of forestry, but, for the most 6 NOTES ON FORESTRY. part, did not know where to turn for instruction. Much of the mischievous tendency of past opera- tions they were able to repress or restrain ; but the Forest Department was naturally regarded as a revenue department, and, in the effort to achieve satisfactory financial results, the prevailing causes of mischief were often perpetuated, although within narrower limits. Fortunately there soon came to the front a man who grafted on the experience gained in this country a knowledge of scientific forestry as understood in Europe, and who, from his position as Inspector-General of Forests, has been enabled to permeate the Department with correct views of the ends and aims of forest administration. (I refer, of course, to Dr Brandis.) He has, more- over, provided for filling up the ranks with specially-trained men, whose experience, gained in the executive grades, and grafted on those broad principles acquired in the schools of France and Germany, will in time fit them for dealing with those weighty problems in the administra- tion of Indian forests which for the present sorely vex us. To these men, trained in the schools of France and Germany, the forest literature of those countries is accessible ; but, in the advanced state of the science in those countries, the literature INTRODUCTION. 7 deals" so largely in details, that the student must needs wade through a great mass of it to arrive at a clear view of the broad general principles on which the forest administration of those countries is based. Moreover, for the great mass of Indian forest officers, it would be impossible, or at least a work of difficulty, to spell through technicali- ties in a foreign language ; and, moved by these considerations, I have been tempted to pen the following pages, in which I have endeavoured to adapt my Indian experiences to the principles taught in Germany, for my general knowledge of which I am mainly indebted to Forest Director Burckhardt, who, to a comprehensive view of forest administration, and an intimate acquaintance with every detail of executive work, adds a singular facility in imparting information, and a genial nature, which rarely fails to affect those who have the good fortune to come into contact with him with his own enthusiastic love for the " forest shades." I have further endeavoured to lay before the reader the general features of such of the German methods of forest management as promise to be of useful application to our Indian forests; but I have treated only of their general features, being impressed with the idea that a clear comprehension of these is of more im- portance in the present state of the science NOTES ON FORESTRY. of forestry in this country, than a mass of technical details, not always applicable to the diversified conditions of Indian forests. Broad principles are of world-wide application, but in matters of detail we must base our own system upon our experience of local conditions. There is yet another object which I have had in view in penning these pages. The Forest Department has been subjected to severe outside criticism. In one place, financial results appear utterly inadequate to the area under the control of the Department ; in another, financial results may be satisfactory, but the work not being in part of a definite plan based on known data, there is a suspicion that the future well-being of the forests is being sacrificed for present returns. These criticisms are of the greatest advantage in keeping persistently before every forest officer a knowledge of what is required of him, and the necessity of a precise acquaintance with the capabilities of his charge ; but while, on the one hand, these criticisms are in many instances essentially just, it may, on the other hand, be fairly urged that sufficient allowance is not always made for the ruined state in which some of our forests came into the hands of the Depart- ment, and the consequent impossibility of secur- ing satisfactory financial results, with due regard INTRODUCTION. 9 to the permanent maintenance of their capa- bilities. Some gross mistakes have unquestionably been made in the past such as felling large quantities of timber which were sold at an absolute loss upon costs ; but such mistakes could only have been made in ignorance of the relation of costs to market value, and not in pursuit of any recognised principle that it was necessary to do something, if even at the cost of impoverishing the forests. But it is even yet to be feared that, in some instances, where seemingly satisfactory financial results are achieved, there is not that attention to reproduction which alone can justify the expectation of the per- manent maintenance of the yield. The golden rule for the forester is to maintain his forest at its highest capacity of production ; to cut out annually an amount equal to the annual increment; to reduce transit charges to a figure which shall secure him a market for his whole produce ; and where natural difficulties render it impossible to take timber to market at a profit, to sell such portion of his annual increment as he can locally, reserving the forest for a future day ; or, if it is in the Hills, for its importance in the general economy of nature, apart from direct finan- cial considerations. These ends can only be achieved by systematic I O NO TES ON FORES TR Y. management ; and the author hopes that the following pages will be of assistance in indicating the means to the desired end. This little work makes no pretension to a complete scientific ex- position of the subject ; but the writer, strongly impressed with the difficulty of first steps, has laid before himself the modest attempt to smooth away preliminary difficulties for such as need it. The object sought to be attained is mainly the lay- ing down of general principles, in such clear lan- guage that one who had never before given the subject a thought might rise from its perusal with a good general idea of what to do and how to do it. CHAPTER II. SOWING. IN primeval forests which have escaped the influence of the woodman's axe and such are still to be found in the remote recesses of the mountain ranges of India we find trees of all ages, from the seedling of a few years' old to the hoary giant that has braved the storms of centuries. As a general rule, these purely natural forests do not consist of trees of all ages growing pro- miscuously together, but are divided naturally into blocks, in each one of which the trees are of a nearly uniform age. Among the younger groups are sometimes to be found scattered giants of an older growth : these are the trees of a past generation, which have outlived their fellows, and lead to the inference, established by a variety of considerations, that the young forest beneath them is the offspring of an older forest, of which they are the survivors, and doubtless of many past generations of forests. If we now turn our eyes 12 NOTES ON POPES TR Y. to another hillside, only dotted with large trees, and the interspaces at foot covered with a dense undergrowth, or deprived of its rich carpet of humus, and supporting only grass, we should not infer, in the case of gregarious trees, that the existing sprinkling came up under present condi- tions, but that they are the survivors of a once close forest, the mass of which went down under conditions unfavourable to reproduction. Careful research has established the view that perfect and thorough reproduction is largely dependent upon a gradual removal of the existing older stock. In the rich forest soil of the Plains, if a forest tract be cleared, there will ordinarily spring up a mass of coarse herbage and undergrowth, through which coppice shoots may readily find their way, but through which young seedlings will rarely be able to struggle ; and on steep hillsides the chances of reproduction following a clean sweep are still more precarious. Under the forest shade the soil is in a state of perpetual increment from humus afforded by decaying foliage and trunks ; the roots hold it together ; the branches break the violence of the rainfall ; the spongy absorbent nature of the soil enables it to retain it ; and this, slowly sinking into the underlying rock, preserves the needful moisture in the soil, and becomes the source of perennial springs. But if such a nioun- SOWING. 13 tain forest be suddenly laid low, we have not only to fear the sudden appearance of an undergrowth prejudicial to tree reproduction, but we have to fear the total loss of the soil, which, exposed to the violence of the falling rain, and no longer held together by the tree-roots, gets washed down into the valley below, until the bared subsoil or rock is unfitted for the support of any but the scantiest herbage. Turning now to the compact forests in search of Nature's method of reproduction, and going from blocks of poles of twenty feet high, through every succeeding stage, to blocks of mature trees, we find the number of trees on a given area dimin- ished at every stage to make room for the gradual perfect development of the survivors ; and as long as the forest is full, although we may find delicate seedlings of the year, we shall find none of two or more years old : the trees, closing at top, do not admit sufficient light to foster such seedlings as annually germinate. But passing on to a block in the next stage, in which mature trees are going to decay, we find an occasional fallen tree, the site occupied by which is covered with a dense carpet of seedlings. Year after year fresh trees crumble to decay, admitting sufficient light to foster the seedlings which spring up annually, at first in spots, and finally throughout the whole area, but 1 4 NO TES ON FORES TR Y. short of that full light which fosters the appear- ance of dense undergrowth ; and by the time the bulk of one generation has disappeared, a succeed- ing generation is sufficiently strong to hold together and shelter the soil on hillsides, and to triumph over the undergrowth of shrubs in any 'condition. Nature's method is simply the gradual admission of sufficient light to foster the young seedlings, and short of that full light which would leave them to struggle with rank under- growth before they have attained to the necessary strength for a successful struggle. This method I found largely imitated in Ger- many ; but the German forester, instead of wait- ing for his trees to decay, attacks them at ma- turity, thinning out the block at first only lightly to foster germination, then to admit more light to encourage healthy development, reserving the clean sweep until such time as the forest is covered with a new and vigorous growth. The period between the first thinning and final clearing varies from ten to thirty years. On the plains of India, such is the rapid growth of some of our trees in their earlier stages, as compared with the rate of growth in Europe, that it will probably not be desirable to extend the period beyond two or three years ; but this difference of conditions does not affect the principle, which is the admis- SO WING. I 5 sion of as much light, and no more, than is necessary to the well-being of the young crop at every stage. In South Germany, where the period is frequently protracted to thirty years, it is based less on the necessities of the young crop than on the ascer- tained fact that, in a forest in which the trees have already been drawn up to their full height, a sharp thinning out, to an extent that allows every tree to stand alone, results in the production of as large an increment as would be made by a close forest of the same area, and of a larger class of timber than could be grown in close forests a fact of the utmost importance in the treatment of our plantations of naturally non-gregarious trees, such as sissoo, to which further reference will be made in the chapter on thinning. This is the simplest and most economical of all systems of reproduction, and is especially applicable to forests of deciduous trees. This method is sometimes supplemented by hoeing the ground to a depth of a few inches in small spots a few feet apart, a method facilitating the lodgment of the seed, and insuring its taking root, especially in hard or stiff soils. If it is desired to substitute another class of tree for that now growing in the forest, the seed of the required class should be scattered over the forest 1 6 NOTES ON FORESTRY. at the proper germinating season following tlie first light thinning. If the newly-introduced seedlings are as hardy and of as rapid growth as those they have to con- tend with, they may be left to take care of them- selves ; but if they are less hardy, or of slower growth in their first stages, we must help them in the struggle by keeping down their opponents for a while. But there is sometimes a demand for plantations in grass-lands, or lands not previously occupied by forests ; and here recourse must be had to artificial sowing, the -method of which will vary with local conditions and the character of the seed. All cattle being of course rigorously excluded, the principal difficulties to contend with are the present occupants of the soil, and temporary lodg- ments of water upon the surface. Some of the finest timber trees spring from most delicate seedlings, as tun, sissoo, eucalyptus. These can hardly struggle through rank grass, nor can they stand being submerged for a few hours at this stage, nor, on the other hand, can they struggle through a drought of a few weeks' duration. The system best adapted to overcome these difficulties in ordinary grass-land is that of turning over the sod grass to grass, and sowing on the in- verted sod. If the sod is taken thick enough SOWING. I/ five or six inches there will not only be no seed of indigenous plants on the new surface, but the sown seed coming up on an elevation of a few inches above the surrounding soil, the seedling plants have no foes to contend with in their first stages. In irrigated plantations, or where operations are on such a large scale as to necessitate preparing the ground before the rains commence, the best way to give effect to this principle is to trench the land in lines at distances proportioned to the rapidity of growth and the market value of saplings, and with the earth thrown out from the trenches, forming a compact bank sloping back from the edge of the trench, and about six inches high. The irrigation water flowing through these channels, or the rain lodging in them, concentrates all the moisture in the subsoil at the lines, which guards the plants against the evils of a long drought, while their elevation guards them from all danger of being flooded; moreover, the bank preserves for a long period that looseness of structure which facilitates the passage of the young roots. If the plantation is irrigated, the chief point demanding attention is that the first watering be sufficiently liberal, and maintained long enough for the ridge to be saturated by upward percolation. If the watering be by rainfall, throw the ridge r 1 8 NO TES ON FORES TR Y. back six inches from the trench, spread it out to a good width, and beat it down compactly, that the rain may not wash the earth into the trenches. This method has proved very successful in the Punjab plains, the cost of collecting seed, trench- ing, banking, and sowing being about eight rupees per acre, with the trenches a foot wide, a foot deep, and fifteen feet apart. I know no method of sowing to compare with it where irrigation has to be resorted to ; but in sailaba lands, sown on the subsidence of the river, and free from undergrowth, hardy seedlings need no more preparation of the soil than a light scratching of the plough. In localities where the rainfall is insufficient for cultivation, and where irrigation water is not available, there are often large areas of waste dotted with stunted trees Prosopis spicigera, Capparis aphylla, &c. requiring little moisture for their support ; and the question of stocking these uniformly for fuel reserves may sometimes crop up. Here the first question for consideration is, Did the trees now standing spring up under conditions of moisture similar to those now existing, or has some once-neighbouring river shifted its channel to a distance, and the withdrawal of moisture destroyed all trees excepting such as had their roots deep down in the soil? In this latter case, it would be, SOWING. 19 labour lost to attempt re-stocking it ; but if the con- ditions remain unaltered, such land may possibly be stocked by rigorously excluding all cattle, and scattering the seed in plough-lines in exceptionally moist seasons. I say " possibly," for much depends on uniformity of soil. If the trees now standing are found only on mounds of humus, with the intervening spaces excessively impregnated with saline matters, it would be vain to attempt stocking it. In connection with sowing, it should always be borne in mind, that although most tree-seeds, if kept dry, will remain good for an indefinite length of time, if they are once moistened sufficiently to cause them to swell, they will immediately rot, unless sufficient moisture is supplied to foster ger- mination and growth. These are general remarks : special seeds require special treatment. Tun-seed must be collected before it is quite ripe, or the capsules will have opened and shed the seed ; but it must not be sown until the capsules have burst, and the seed separated from them. Sal-seed germinates on the tree, and if it is required to sow it in ground not yet prepared, or to keep it until the soil be properly moistened, it may be kept for a few weeks spread out on sand in a shady place, and well sprinkled with water twice a day ; but it will require careful handling 2O NOTES ON FORESTRY. in removal. Teak-seed, if collected and sown immediately, will generally take a year or two to germinate ; but if a pit be dug, and the bottom filled to a foot deep with sand, the seed spread thickly on this (2 to 6 in.), and covered with another foot of sand, and the whole mass well watered, it will be found, on opening it at the ex- piration of three or four weeks, that germination has already commenced. If it be now taken out and sown, it will spring up almost immediately, provided it be kept well watered. Many of my readers will probably be acquainted with other peculiarities of other seeds, but we want a ready means of communicating such small but not un- important items of experience. In any ordinary system of sowing, we cannot count on more than a small and irregular per- centage of the seed germinating ; we have conse- quently to sow far more seed numerically than we want trees. This involves an early and unrepro- ductive thinning, or the plants are left to struggle with each other until the thinnings have a market value. This struggle, which ends in the weaker- plants succumbing, is always carried on at some little cost to the survivors, but its lasting injury is inappreciable if the thinnings in the next sub- sequent stages are conducted with prudence and moderation. SO WING. 2 1 On these grounds many foresters advocate the resort to planting for the more valuable trees a system which admits of the plants being placed at once at the required distances apart; and al- though it requires a greater first outlay, this is supposed to be well compensated for by the saving of cost of early thinning, and the more uniform and healthy development of the planta- tion. Moreover, where seed of the required variety is scarce, the greater care which it is possible to give to the preparation of soil in nurseries renders it often possible to stock a plantation on this system with five per cent, of the seed that would be required to sow it. CHAPTER III. PLANTING. THE first step preparatory to planting is the formation of nurseries, for the proper irrigation of which some provision is generally necessary. The soil should be thoroughly well worked, and divided into small beds : long and narrow ones are the most convenient. These beds should be raised, and the water allowed to flow in the channels between them, just rising over their surface if they are too wide for the water to find its way through them by capillary attraction. If the soil is dry at the commencement of operations, it should be well irrigated before a spade is put into it : dry soil can never be properly worked. Where irrigation is not available, and the rain- fall scanty, it may be desirable to sow rather in sunk than in raised beds, to economise all the moisture ; but measures should be taken to drain such beds in the event of a heavy rainfall. The best manure for nursery beds is leaf-mould, but many authorities deprecate its employment, especially for plants that have afterwards to be PLANTING. 23 removed to a poor soil. I do not quite agree with this view, believing, rather, that the stronger and more vigorous a plant is, the better will it be able to cope with hardships ; but some two or three weeks before a plant is removed, it is desirable to check the water supply to prevent the formation of too succulent shoots, and this remark is espe- cially applicable to transplanting from a richer to a poorer soil. The beds being prepared, the seed may be sown broadcast, and covered in either with a small garden rake, or by lightly sprinkling fine mould over the surface; but a better mode, because more convenient for removing the plants, is to sow thickly in lines 6 to 12 in. apart. These lines are trenches half an inch to an inch deep, according to the size of the seed, small seed being always very lightly covered ; but I get the best results from ridge -and-furrow beds, sowing on the top of the ridge. With the exception of oaks and walnuts, which an occasionally transplanted three or four times, and allowed to attain a height of 8 to 12 ft. before they are removed to the forest, plants are seldom kept more than three years in the nursery ; but three-year old plants in a European nursery rarely exceed 18 in. in height. Seedlings of one year old are sometimes transplanted to their place in 24 A TES ON FOKES TR Y. the forest, either singly or in bunches of three to live. Others transplant these at 8 to 10 in. apart in the nursery, removing them to the forest the second year, planting them singly ; while others prefer transplanting them a second time in the nursery at 9 to 12 in. apart, removing them to the foresj: the third year. These frequent trans- plantings cause the roots to be much branched, which enables them the more readily to assimi- late food when removed to changed conditions, and facilitates their removal by preventing the formation of too deep a top root. This system, which may be advantageously adopted for the cultivation of deodar and other hill-trees, involves generally too long a period for trees on the Plains. Many of our trees, if sown in nurseries in March or April, will reach a height of 1 to 2 ft. by the middle of July, and require to be planted out immediately, otherwise the labour of removing them becomes too costly. For forest work, I do not think it necessary to keep any of our stock plants more than one year in the nursery, unless for planting in rank grass-jungles ; and here it is generally cheaper to put out the plants at 6 to 8 ft. high, than to clear the jungles. As soon as the trees meet overhead, the undergrowth will die out, and leave a clean forest floor. PLANTING. 25 Almost infinitely various are the methods adopted in the final planting-out; but the prin- cipal points for consideration are, first, whether the soil is to be loosened throughout, or only in strips or spots ; secondly, whether the mois- ture is scant or superfluous. If it is determined to work the ground over the whole surface, it should receive two or three ploughings with a native plough, be cleaned of weeds, and then turned over with the hoe to a depth of eight or ten inches. If the ground is to be worked in strips only, it is better to plough over the whole surface, and then with the hoe dig up the strips intended to be planted. A convenient width for these strips is 5 to 8 ft., with interspaces of similar width ; the guiding principle being, to have the strips wide enough to carry a double row of plants, and the interspaces not so wide as to leave room for marketable poles to be grown between the strips. Such wide strips not only involve waste of land, but tend to the too early development of lateral branches. When the soil is not easily worked, or where, from the absence of water, it is impossible to get it ploughed before the planting season, trenches a foot deep may be dug at 10 to 15 ft. apart for quick-growing trees, and at 5 to 8 ft. for such trees as grow slowly at first. 26 NOTES ON FORESTRY. Planting is usually conducted during the rains ; and if the soil is liable to be submerged for any period, the soil from the trenches should be thrown up, and a compact bank formed at the edge of the trench. In the strips, the soil can either be thrown up from the outer edges on to the centre, or, in the wider strips, from both the outer edges and the centre, so as to form a double ridge. In planting in spots, which is the most economi- cal method, holes 10 to 12 in. deep are made at the intervals at which it is determined to plant: 5 to 8ft. is a convenient distance for the Plains. Mak- ing these holes with native implements is generally a costly one compared with the quantity of earth removed. There is no room for the hoe to reach the bottom, and resort is generally had to the rumba to finish the holes a method involving a ridiculously large outlay, a coolie being employed the whole day in making twenty or thirty holes. If the soil be first well soaked, a good man will make 250 holes a day with the semi-cylindrical-shaped spade figured in the margin a rate which admits of holes being made at time of planting. This is made wholly of iron, the blade being about 8 in. in the curve, and being inserted into the soil to the required depth, a twist is given which PLANTING. 27 carries the blade round the whole circle, when the earth can be raised with the spade in one piece. This implement is useful in removing seedlings of rare trees from the nursery. On hill-slopes, planting in spots is the usual method. A cord, knotted at the required distances, marks the spots to be planted ; and the soil is dug out from the face of the hill as in the dia- gram, so as to make a flat surface for the roots to rest on. This operation should always be carried on from the top of the hill down- wards, otherwise the plants are in danger of being trodden on. I REMOVING THE PLANTS. A fruitful source of failure in planting opera- tions on the Plains is the injury caused to the roots and young shoots by exposure during re- moval, which may be guarded against by attention to the following directions. Transplant only during rainy or cloudy weather, or in the evening after four o'clock. 2 8 NO TES ON FORES TK Y. Provide a few large earthen pans, about a foot deep, and in these mix a compost of fresh cow- dung and water to the consistence of cream. Then dig out the plants, first cutting away the earth in front of, the lines to the full depth of the roots. If several plants are held together in one lump of earth, do not pull them apart, but raise the clod, and drop it, when the plants will fall apart without injury to the roots. Immerse them immediately in the compost-pans, leaving them there until a coolie-load is ready. Then place the plants in baskets on a layer of fresh-cut grass or herbage, covering them over with similar material. In this state they may be carried to the forest without risk ; but more should not be despatched at once than can be planted in an hour, unless the distance is great and the weather damp. If the plants be kept without water a week or two before removal, it will check the formation of tender shoots, and thereby lessen the risk ; but the beds may be watered the day before the plants are wanted, as this will facilitate their removal. These appear but trifling matters, but attention or inattention to them constitutes all the difference between success and failure. PLANTING. 2 9 PLANTING IN THE FIELD. Trees are generally planted either in quadrate or quincunx order, and the spots are conveniently marked by triangles of the required dimensions, made by tying three sticks or stout reeds together ; for the former a right-angled triangle, for the latter an equilateral triangle. A guiding line, A B, having been first laid out, the position of subsequent B lines is easily maintained, a little pains being taken to instruct the coolies at the outset. 3 + -43-7 If it increase 800 cubic feet in the next twenty years, then MOO + 600 + 600 + 800 _ 43 ^ ^ per annum And we now say it has attained its highest average between eighty and a hundred years, and that that is 74 NOTES ON FORESTRY. the length of rotation at which it would be desirable to cut it, unless large timber of the class is worth more per cubic foot than small timber; and this being ordinarily the case, the timber should be allowed to stand until the annual falling off in increment is barely compensated by the increased money value. Moreover, between the sixtieth and the hundred and twentieth year we may count on being able to thin out to the extent of one-fifth the quantity of stock at final clearing without detriment to ultimate results. German forest literature abounds in elaborate tables of the growth at various stages of every description of tree in the German forests, but these would be useless as a basis for calculating the rate of increment in our Indian forests, especially in the Plains, where the growth during the first period of twenty years is vastly in excess of anything known in Europe. The corresponding statistics concern- ing Indian trees must be studied by practical re- search in the forest itself. The following tables, giving the cubic contents of an oak, a beech, and a Scotch fir forest at their several stages, may be taken as indicating the general ratio of increase of each class within itself ; but being compiled by three different authorities, they must not be taken as indicating the relative growth of the three classes. PERIOD OF FELLING, 75 PFEIL SCOTCH FIR. G-KEBE BEECH. PRESSLER OAK. Age. Cubic contents. Annual yield. Age. Cubic contents. Annual yield. Age. Cubic contents. Annual yield. 10 280 ft. 28 10 60ft. 6 10 200 ft. 20 20 640 32 20 500 25 20 700 35 30 1000 33 30 1300 43 30 1200 40 40 1500 37-5 40 2200 55 40 1700 42 50 2000 40 50 3100 62 50 2400 48 60 2400 40 60 4100 68 60 3100 51 70 2800 40 70 5000 71 70 3800 54 80 3100 38-7 80 5700 71 80 4700 58 90 3400 379 90 6400 71 90 5500 61 100 3700 37 100 7000 70 100 6400 64 110 3900 35-4 110 7500 68 110 7200 65 120 4100 34 120 7900 66 120 8100 67 130 8900 68 Total of thinnings 140 9700 69 over the whole 150 10400 69 Eeriod, 2900 cubic 160 11100 69 36t. 200 13400 67 Thinnings over the whole period varying from 25 per cent, to 50 per cent, of final i cuttings. The cubic contents here given are per Austrian jock, which is 6173 square yards, or a little more than an acre and a quarter. Now it is very evident from these tables that to cut the oak before it reached a hundred years, or the beech before it reached seventy years, would be to lower the annual revenue of the forest below its capa- bilities ; but on examining the pine, we find that to cut it at fifty years would secure as high a yield per annum as is attained at any subsequent stage, and 25 per cent, more than is realised on a 120 76 NOTES ON FORESTRY. years' rotation, which latter is indeed but a trifle higher than is to be got from a twenty years' rota- tion. What, then, is the inducement to protract the period ? This is readily rendered intelligible. At fifty years we may suppose there were 125 trees, 60 feet high and a foot diameter at breast-high, giving 2000 cubic feet; at 120 years we may estimate 75 trees, a foot and a half diameter at breast-high and 90 feet high, giving 4000 cubic feet. (This is taking *33 as the form figure.) Now these 125 trees would taper to 6 inches diame- ter at 30 feet, leaving 125 spars, 30 feet long and 6 inches diameter at base, unsaleable as timber, while the 75 trees in the longer rotation would only taper to 6 inches at 60 feet, leaving only 75 spars, 30 feet long and 6 inches at base, as unsaleable. This would leave 325 cubic feet waste, or about 15 per cent, on the 2000 cubic feet, and 187 cubic feet, or a little less than 5 per cent, on the 4000 cubic feet. Moreover, between the 50th and 120fch years, 50 trees, equal approximately to 1500 cubic feet, have been thinned out. On the fifty years' rotation the saleable timber is 2000 325 = 1675, or 33 cubic feet per annum, and on the 120 years' rotation, 4000 - 187 = 3813 + 1500 for thinnings, giving a total of 5313 or 44 PERIOD OF FELLING. 77 cubic feet per annum, or 33 per cent, in favour of the longer period in mere quantity, to say nothing of the higher price realisable from 60-feet spars in comparison with 30-feet spars. From this it will be seen that an important element in forest administration is a careful deter- mination of the period of felling which will give the highest pecuniary results. But forest increment is a science of itself, and to lay down instructions for determining the relative growth of trees at various stages would involve a certain amount of technicality foreign to* the purpose of this little work. Pressler's Forstzuwachs-Kunde, published by Waldemar Turk, Dresden, might be advantageously consulted by those having an acquaintance with German. CHAPTER X. COPPICE OR NIEDERWALD. THE foregoing remarks refer especially to timber 1 forests, but all forests are not grown for timber. If we were to convert all the waste lands in the plains of India into forest in this generation, I have no doubt that a century hence there would be a vast improvement in the structure of native houses and in their internal arrangements, and that there would be men ready and willing to extol the wisdom and foresight of their ancestors ; but these appreciative murmurs, floating idly over the graves of the deaf dead, would hardly com- pensate them for the labours of which they never reaped the reward. In the last chapter I deprecated the reduction of the capabilities of our forests by premature felling and inattention to reproduction ; for a very proper sentiment lies at the bottom of the motive which prompts us to leave those who come im- mediately after us no occasion to tax us with COPPICE OR NIEDER WALD. 79 spoiling a property in which we had only a life- interest, and which was ours only in trust for future generations. But to tax the present generation for benefits to be reaped a century hence is to sacrifice justice to the present for generosity to the future. Hence I would not advocate the formation of new timber forests on a large scale, except in so far as this can be done by a fair tax on a liberal present forest revenue. Even if we were entirely to identify the present with the future, my rough calculations lead me to assume that, to grow timber taking a hundred years to reach maturity, the forest would be so heavily weighted by compound interest accumulat- ing on the first outlay, that it would be nearly two hundred years before it would show a balance- sheet superior to that of a coppice wood in a locality where there was a good demand for fuel and bullahs. In the face of a newly-developed demand for timber in a country in which forests did not exist, it would be a matter of very questionable prudence to commence growing timber on a large scale, at least if anything approaching a hundred years was required for it to come to maturity ; for, under English rule, material progress would hardly wait with folded hands while the timber was growing, but would rather turn to some substitute, with 8O NO TES ON FORES TR Y. which the timber when mature might be unable to compete. But to grow forests to meet an increased de- mand for fuel is another matter. On the plains of India first-class wood-fuel can be produced in ten j r ears; and although, even while this is growing, the railways, which first provoked the demand, may be driven to resort to imported coal, there is every probability of wood-fuel again successfully com- peting with it ; and even if it fail, the rapid ex- tension of agriculture under a settled government is fast reducing the old area of fuel wastes, leading to a rapidly-increased demand for fuel and poles for domestic purposes. By raising fuel-plantations systematically and economically, we can set free jungle-lands for agriculture, while increasing the fuel production. The question of the growth and administration of fuel-plantations is thus to some extent a matter sui generis, and the considerations which guide us in their administration somewhat different from those which guide us in the administration of forest proper. The first point is the selection of trees which coppice freely. Among Northern Indian trees, the sissoo, mulberry, and large ber (Zizyphus jujuba) take first rank : the sal coppices as freely, and is an excellent fuel wood. These should be COPPICE OR NIEDERWALD. 8 1 sown in lines at 7 to 10 feet apart, or, if planted, may be put in at 5 to 6 feet apart. The period of felling is not, as in timber forests, determined by the period of highest increment, but by the period at which the stumps send out the most vigorous shoots, which is generally when they are from 4 to 9 inches diameter. The ber will coppice as vigorously from larger stumps, but the shoots have not as good a hold on the stump ; the stump is more liable to decay ; the fuel requires to be split ; and after the first clear- ing, the shoots will probably attain their highest capacity for increment at 6 to 8 inches diameter. The fellings should never be performed with the saw, as shoots from sawn stamps are liable to windfall ; nor should the top of the stump be left cup-shaped, or water will lodge on it, and cause early decay. The stems should be cut nearly through from one side, a small notch only being made at the back to prevent splitting. Coppice stems grow much quicker than seedling stems in their first stages, but retardation of growth sets in sooner. The following table gives the average proportion of oak and beech seedling and coppice stems for sixty years, by which it will be seen that 82 NOTES ON FORESTRY. the coppice takes the lead for thirty years, when it rapidly drops behind. YEARS. SEEDLING. COPPICE. 10 2 2 20 4 6 30 k 9 40 9* 11 50 12| 12 60 16} 13 The period of coppice-rotation in Germany is usually thirty years, but the above-mentioned In- dian trees will give better results in ten years than beech or oak in thirty. Coppice should be grown tolerably thick, and blanks caused by decayed stumps immediately re-stocked ; the stems will thus grow tall and straight, and both yield more fuel, and give a better proportion of poles, than if the stocks were more scattered. CHAPTER XL FORESTS OF TREES OF VARIOUS AGES (MITTELWALD). THE German Mittelmald, or mixed forest of timber and coppice, will be best understood by regarding it as an old coppice in which a few stems per acre have been spared at every cutting, until, in process of time, it contains trees of all ages, from timber to coppice shoots and seedlings ; and at every coppice clearing a few selected stems being left, a corre- sponding number of older trees are taken out. The theory of this system is a very pretty one. It rests upon the assumption that a dozen or twenty trees to the acre, left at the first cutting, would neither perceptibly affect the yield of coppice, nor would they shade the ground so as appreciably to affect the yield at the second cut- ting, while it is understood that the trees make more wood in the later than in the first stages, and are also growing to a better class of wood. Practically the system is not so satisfactory. 84 NOTES ON FORESTRY. The reserved stems, on being left standing alone, immediately send out strong lateral branches; they never rise to the height desirable in timber trees ; and at any subsequent period of growth they are found occupying more ground space than would be occupied by a tree of equal cubic con- tents in a timber forest. After a few rotations there is a very marked depreciation in yield of coppice wood, while the forest, regarded as a timber forest, is in a hopelessly unsatisfactory condition. I visited many Mittelroald forests in Germany, and found them very instructive as indicating what to avoid; but they were mostly private forests, and the forest officers with whom I visited them generally agreed with me that their unsatisfactory state was mainly due to leaving more stems at every felling than was consistent with the ideal theory of a mixed forest. The cubic contents of each felling were generally on a par with the yield of pure coppice, and the money value somewhat higher ; and although the system has been almost entirely discarded in State forests, I am not quite sure that it might not be advantageously introduced into our coppice planta- tions, provided we keep in view the maintenance of the coppice yield, and do not leave too many stems for timber. FORESTS OF TREES OF VARIOUS AGES. 85 To form a Mittelwald, one proceeds in precisely the same way as for coppice up to the first felling, when, instead of clearing all off, twenty selected stems to the acre should be left as nearly as possible at uniform distances of 45 to 50 feet apart. No more stems should be left at the second period, as these would be only coppice shoots, which would never grow to timber. At the third period there would be seedlings from the first reserve, and of these, six per acre might be reserved, a corresponding number of the first reserve being cut out to make room for them, and the process repeated at every felling, the six stems taken out being not trees of uniform age, but one or two of the reserves of each period. Even with this moderate number of reserved stems there would soon be an appreciable diminu- tion in the yield of fuel, but I believe the timber yield would more than compensate for it. CHAPTER XII. FELLING BY SELECTION (PLANTERBETRIEB). THIS is the primitive system of working forests in all countries. In its ruder form, the forester proceeds without method, going into the forest and selecting such timber as suits him, irrespective of the relation of its cubic contents to the forest incre- ment. Reduced to system, it implies a condition of the forest in which every part is covered with trees of each period of growth in just proportion, so that with say a rotation of a hundred years, if all the trees of full age be taken out in any one year, there will be a corresponding number which will reach maturity the following year. Among the drawbacks of this system, a very important one is the large area over which operations range, and the consequent difficulty of supervision. This is to some extent met by dividing the forest into twenty equal blocks, and cutting the required number of trees in each block annually. The introduction of this modification upsets the regularity of yield FELLING BY SELECTION. 8/ to some extent. In the first year, we can only get the just number of trees by felling all from eighty to a hundred years ; in the second year, the trees are from eighty-one to a hundred and one years, and so on to the twentieth year, when the last block gives the required number of trees at from a hun- dred to a hundred and twenty years ; and in all subsequent rotations this irregularity will be per- petuated. And even on this modified system the area under treatment annually is much greater than it would be when felling was conducted on rotation of area. In gregarious forests this system of working has all the disadvantages of Mittelwald forests, and perhaps in an aggravated measure ; for al- though in the Mittelwald the trees are generally found so near together that the coppice has no chance in the struggle, the trees themselves do not generally interfere with each other ; while in the Planterwald, the whole forest being stocked with trees in various stages of growth, all mixed pro- miscuously, every growing tree is oppressed by a stronger neighbour, and forming lateral branches on its free side, overpowers and checks the develop- ment of its next younger neighbour. On the other hand, it is claimed for this system that, in the final period, it affords light-loving trees that free space which they cannot get in close forests ; that in 88 NOTES ON FORESTRY. practice it is possible to modify the system by leaving the trees of each stage of growth in larger or smaller clumps, instead of singly, and that, when it is desired, scattered trees may be left to attain the largest possible dimensions with little prejudice to the young crop below. The annual outcome, cceteris paribus, is said to be barely two-thirds of the outcome from timber forests worked by rotation of area ; and, with the progress of scientific forestry in Germany within the last century, the method has been to a great ex- tent abandoned in State forests, but it still prevails in private forests, the proprietors or managers of which attach little weight to the objections against their method, and smile complacently upon the new system. This system of felling by selection has been spoken of very favourably for India, and there can be little doubt that it is the method best adapted to lofty mountain ranges, the steep slopes of which, if laid bare area by area, would be exposed to erosion by avalanches, landslips, &c. In mixed forests, too, worked mainly for one valuable class of timber, which is not the preponderating class in the forest, the system of felling by selection could not gener- ally be departed from without felling a great deal of immature timber in course of transition ; but even here, if the conditions were such that it were pos- FELLING BY SELECTION. 89 sible to subdivide the Division into blocks, that the bulk of the teak or other valuable timber in each block should be of approximately uniform age, the disadvantages of perpetuating the system of felling by selection should not be lost sight of. First, it spreads operations over immense areas, a matter of far greater importance in our immense Indian divisions than in a German forest charge, which rarely exceeds five thousand acres. Secondly, although favourable to the growth of large timber, it is not favourable to the growth of tall timber. Thirdly, mature trees cannot be felled without damage to younger trees. Further, the collection of scattered logs over the whole forest area, and work- ing them out singly, is not only expensive and difficult, but causes incalculable damage to the young seedlings ; and, finally, there is a difficulty in so apportioning the fellings to the increment, as to maintain permanently the status quo of the forest; and should the working-plan be based on estimates above the mark, its provisions cannot be carried out save at the cost of rapid, although at first imperceptible, degeneration both of standing crop and rate of increment. CHAPTER XIII. FELLING BY ROTATION OF AREA. THIS is the G-erman forester's attained ideal of methodical treatment, and is especially suited to forests of gregarious trees. The forest is divided into blocks as many in number as there are years in the rotation. These blocks are uniform in size, or vary in area with the capabilities of the soil, so as to equalise the yield. Large forests are gener- ally cut up into primary divisions, rarely exceeding five thousand acres, and each of these primary divisions subdivided into annual blocks. These divisions are each in charge of a compe- tent officer ; and if it were determined to work up any of our forests to this regular system of rotation, it would be a matter for consideration at the outset whether the number of primary divisions should be based on the numerical force of the existing staff, or upon a probable increase to their numbers. If our forest divisions were now divided into subcharges of fifty thousand or a hundred thousand acres each, and each of these subdivisions divided into FELLING BY ROTATION OF AREA. gi a series of annual blocks, it would hardly be pos- sible at any future time to effect a further subdivi- sion, especially if the blocks were situated in the order of their numbers ; but the difficulty would be trifling if there were a fortuitous irregularity in the position of the blocks with relation to their numbers, which would render it possible to divide the division into two equal parts, in each of which there would be a corresponding number of blocks of all ages ; but if the blocks follow each other in the order in which they come to the axe, we might not be able to cut the division into two parts without getting all timber above middle age in the one part, and all below middle age in the other. This objection does not hold in a forest worked on the system of felling by selection; such a forest, however subdivided, would still have trees of all ages in each subdivision. Recurring to the system of felling by rotation of area, if the period of rotation were fixed at a hun- dred years, each forest or primary division would be divided into a hundred blocks, and if planting were resorted to for reproduction, one block would be felled every year ; and necessarily, after the first rotation, each block would come to the axe at an uniform age of a hundred years ; and if in the course of the rotation one or more blocks were laid low, or so damaged as materially to affect the Q2 NO TES ON FORES TR Y. promise of the outcome, it is frequently advisable to complete the clearing of such block or blocks, and provide for re-stocking it at once. Its place in the next rotation would probably have to be altered, and the loss in outcome be spread over the rest of the rotation by a rateable reduction of felling in each block. If natural reproduction is relied on, we cannot then effect a clean sweep of one block per annum, but must begin by thinning out the older blocks in that gradual manner prescribed in the chapter on natural reproduction ; but after we have got as many years into the rotation as are allowed from the first thinning to foster germination to the final clearing, we have always one block to be finally cleared annually one block in which we make the first thinning, and another or others in which we make the second and intermediate thin- nings, to admit light and foster the growth of the young crop. This necessitates felling operations being spread over a large area ; and, as a general rule, when felling by rotation of area is the system, artificial planting is resorted to for reproduction. On this system trees have only to struggle with those of their own age; they lead each other up tall and straight ; periodical thinnings afford the necessary space for lateral development; and the FELLING BY ROTA TION OF AREA. 93 result is an out-turn equal to the full capabilities of the soil. Moreover, the operations of plant- ing, thinning, and felling are all carried on in well-defined areas only, and younger trees are not damaged by the older being felled on and worked out over them. This renders supervision easy and effective, and, guided by the working-plan, the con- trolling officer can see at a glance whether the work returns of the year are in accordance with its provisions. CHAPTER XIV. TIMBER FOREST WITH COPPICE. THIS is a further modification of the last system, resorted to when it is desired to secure heavier timber than is to be obtained from close forest, by which term is understood a forest in which the branches meet overhead. The forest having been subjected to the ordinary thinning until the trees have attained nearly their full height, is then sub- jected to a sharp thinning to the extent of 50 or even 75 per cent. The remaining trees, bathing in the full sunlight, and no longer crowding each other, soon develop a broad spreading crown, with proportionate increase in girth of trunk. And provision having previously been made to guard against the trees being drawn up too rapidly for their strength, they will now develop that ample girth which they would have attained had they grown from the first in free space, with the additional advantage of combining height and straightness with great girth. TIMBER FOREST WITH COPPICE. 95 Oaks thus grown for large timber are sometimes allowed to stand for another hundred years after the last thinning; and to shade and utilise the vacant ground, and preserve to the soil all its properties as forest soil, the whole area is planted with an under-crop, usually treated as coppice ; or the coppice^ shoots of the felled trees are allowed to occupy the ground, and are cut over periodically for their bark; but when the trees are intended to stand for another hundred years or more, the soil is frequently covered with beech or pine, which are grown for timber, and on their reaching matu- rity, all are felled together. CHAPTER XV. TRANSITION FROM LOWER TO HIGHER FOREST CONDITIONS. IT is perhaps somewhat arbitrary to class a sys- tematically worked coppice as a low condition of forest, especially when, as sometimes happens, it is the condition best suited to local requirements; but, nevertheless, as there is a gradually increas- ing scale of outcome from the coppice to the high timber forest, the classification of the various conditions into higher and lower appears legiti- mate. As we have already seen, the transition from a young coppice to a forest of trees of mixed ages is easy and natural ; we require only to spare a few seedlings at each felling, until we have the required proportion of high timber, when we can supplement the yield of each coppice clearance by felling with it a few older stems of various ages, and leaving a corresponding number of seedlings to take their place. The transition from the forest of trees of various TRANSITION, ETC. 97 ages to a timber forest worked by selection is more a change of system than of condition. For both systems we require a forest stocked with trees of all ages, from the seedling to the mature tree ; but while on the one system we cut out some trees of all ages with every coppice rotation, on the other, we cut out annually those trees only which arrive at maturity. But to work a forest methodically, and with uniformity of annual yield, on the system of selection, it is important to determine in how far the areas of trees of each stage of growth are in just relation throughout ; and in the case of great irregularity or preponder- ance of area of trees of any one stage, fellings should be arranged with an -eye to their adjust- ment. The trees should be classed into periods of growth, and supposing we fix these periods at say twenty years, and the rotation at a hundred years, then one-fifth of the area should be occu- pied with trees of each period. With trees of all ages growing promiscuously together, it would be difficult to estimate the relative area of each by ground measurement, but by determining how many trees of each period will flourish on an acre, we know that in the present case we require one- fifth of the determined number of each period. Thus, supposing a forest of such trees as would stand at fifty to the acre in the fifth period G 98 NO TES ON FORES TR Y. (80-100 years), we should probably find that the proportion in which they would stand to the acre at all periods would be somewhat as follows : At 1st period, 1- 20 years, 800 2d 20- 40 400 3d 40- 60 200 4th 60- 80 iOO 5th 80-100 50 And in a forest worked by selection on a hundred years' rotation, we should require an average of approximately one-fifth of these numbers for each period to the acre. If there are no blocks of trees of uniform ages at hand to afford data for fixing the number which an acre will carry, we arrive at it easily by measuring the spread of the branches of a typical tree of each period, and dividing the square of the spread in feet into 43,560, the number of square feet in an acre. For instance, if the spread of the branches were 30 feet, then 43,560 -r- 30 2 = 48, the. number of trees of that spread which would stand on the acre without undue crowding. The average increment of such a forest is approxi- mately ascertainable, and the timber to be felled annually should be limited to such annual incre- ment ; for if trees of the older periods are in excess, and we keep cutting out all the mature timber, we TRANSITION, ETC. 99 shall by and by find it impossible to maintain the outcome. The transition from any of the afore-named con- ditions to such a condition as will enable us to work the forest by rotation of area, requires much more thought ; the possible variation of conditions extends over a wide range, and every such variation requires a more or less special treatment. The general idea to be kept in mind is that of such a gradual transition as will admit of the end being attained by the sacrifice of as little present revenue as needs be ; but improvement of system is a future gain, which must be paid for with a present price. TRANSITION FROM COPPICE. In the chapter on coppice it was seen that, dur- ing the first thirty years of its growth in Europe, the yield is greater than from seedling stems, but that after that period the latter take the lead, increasing rapidly in annual production, while in the coppice there is a rapid falling off, the incre- ment becoming almost imperceptible at sixty to seventy years. But this is not necessarily true of India ; and although we want data for determining the comparative rates of growth of seedling and coppice stems at all ages, there is ample data to support the conclusion that both sal and teak coppice will grow into good-sized timber ; but, I OO NO TES ON FORES TR Y. unless the coppice has been cut off close to the ground, there is so commonly an element of decay developing itself at the point at which the new shoot encloses the old stem, that we could hardly count with confidence on raising really first-class timber by laying up coppice. But if it were deter- mined to convert a coppice into timber forest in a Division in which there was no officer practically familiar with planting, the forest might be divided into as many blocks as there are years in the contemplated rotation, and one of these blocks be laid up annually, the remainder being worked for coppice as before. There would be of course an ever-increasing reduction in yield for the first few years, but this would subsequently be to a great extent compensated for by the yield of thinnings from the reserved blocks, and at the end of the period the forest would be cut over as timber forest. This of course assumes that the coppice is a tall-growing wood, valuable as timber; but if this is not the case, or it is wished to introduce a better class of timber, planting must be resorted to. After the annual clearance, the block intended to be laid up should be planted with strong plants from 3 to 6 feet high, and at distances of 15 to 20 feet apart. The coppice may be allowed to grow with them, and be cut over as before, TRANSITION, ETC. IOI as long as it is worth cutting, care being taken during the first few years to cut out any shoots which threaten to domineer over or crowd the young trees. In substitution of this method, we may plant the trees more closely, and keep down the coppice shoots until the young trees shall have domineered over them ; and this would be the better course if the coppice is not straight-growing ; or, better still, clear the ground entirely, if the stumps will pay cost of removal ; but when there is no great demand for fuel, it will be cheaper to keep down the shoots. The possibility of stocking each block in the order of its geographical position will depend upon the arrangement of the blocks in the coppice rotation ; but if much stress is laid on it, it can be provided for at the trifling sacrifice of clear- ing the required block annually, irrespectively of whether it is mature coppice or not. TRANSITION FROM FORESTS OF MIXED COPPICE AND TIMBER. This is hardly a known condition in Indian forests. The method of its conversion into timber forest would be by the laying up of one block annually as with coppice, felling all the older trees from three feet girth upwards, fostering the young IO2 KOTES ON FORESTRY. seedlings by cutting out such, coppice shoots as crowd them, and planting the bare spots. The block being now laid up, subsequent thinnings would be generally confined to coppice stems until these were all removed. TRANSITION FROM THE SYSTEM OF FELLING BY SELEC- TION (PLANTERBETRIEB) TO THAT OF FELLING BY ROTATION OF AREA. In prescribing rules for such a conversion of system, the European forest officer would natu- rally proceed on the assumption that the forest in which the change of method was to be effected bore some approach to the ideal condition of a just proportion of timber at maturity, and a just proportion of timber at every stage of growth. In dealing with such an ideal forest, the system of rotation of area might be adhered to during a great part of the first rotation. The trees felled would not be of uniform age, and the admissibility of the system would depend to some extent upon the prudence of felling more or less immature timber. There are great possibilities of variety in the details of treatment with a view to such a tran- sition, but a single instance will be sufficient to indicate the general principle. Let us suppose a forest in which, if the trees TRANSITION, ETC. 1 03 were of uniform age, they would at maturity say at a hundred years stand at fifty to the acre, but which, having hitherto been worked on the system of felling by selection, is now stocked with toler- able uniformity in something like the following proportion per acre throughout : Trees from 80-100 years, 10 60- 80 20 ., 40- 60 40 20-40 80 20 160 Now, if we divide the forest into say five blocks, ABODE, and begin by laying up E for twenty years, treating ABCD as before, we sacrifice one-fifth of our income for that period (supposing, of course, that the forest had been hitherto worked up to its full capabilities). At its conclusion, E, having been properly thinned of all its small stuff during the period, will have been reduced to sixty or eighty trees per acre, varying from sixty to 120 years old. Now lay BCD up, and occupying the first five of the second twenty years in cutting out the large timber from A, we next turn to E, cut out the oldest trees in the next five years, the then oldest in the following five, and clear off in the last five of the period. In this manner we avoid felling any timber under seventy-five years old ; and getting a proportion at 120 years, the yield of this second period of twenty I O4 NO TES ON FORES TJ? Y. years will probably be fully as high as in any similar period before conversion. In the third period, the first five years would be occupied in selecting timber from A, which would then be laid up, and the next fifteen in clearing off D (taking the oldest trees first), with similar results to the previous twenty years. We have now behind us D, covered with seed- lings under twenty years, E with trees from twenty to forty years, and before us CBA, the two former of which carry timber from sixty to 120 years, and the latter from seedlings to eighty years ; and taking C in hand, and cutting out the oldest trees first, we are able to clear the last at from seventy-five to eighty years old. B being similarly treated in the next twenty years, the trees would be cut out at from ninety- five to 140 years old. Finally, A, being similarly treated, would give trees from seventy-five to 120 years. At the expiration of this period, we should have five blocks, in each of which there is a grada- tion of twenty years in age ; but to complete the transition we want a hundred blocks in which the gradation is by annual steps ; and we may not be able to divide any of these five blocks into twentieth parts, and secure anything like a yearly gradation of age in the blocks. TRANSITION, ETC. IO5 We have now the choice of spreading twenty years over each block, and felling the oldest trees first, which would be the introduction of a modified system of felling by selection in restricted areas, or of dividing each block into twentieths, and felling by rotation of area ; and throughout the whole second rotation, instead of cutting at the uniform age of 100 years, we should have to cut trees varying from eighty to 120 years. It will be gathered from this that the change of system is not a matter to be effected in a day, and should not lightly be resorted to at a great sacrifice of present revenue, even where the ulti- mate benefit is beyond question. Throughout this example it has been assumed that reproduction is ensured either by planting or by thinning out gradually the timber to be felled, so as to foster natural reproduction, and that the blocks laid up were thinned where necessary, and principally by removal of trees under forty years old only. But Indian forests, although they may have hitherto been worked on the system of felling by selection, will rarely be found in the state above pictured. Instead of having trees of all ages in due proportion springing side by side from an uniform undergrowth of seedlings, we find more generally that they consist of irregular blocks, in io6 NOTES ON FORESTRY. each of which, if the timber be not exactly of uniform age throughout, trees of approximately uniform age will nevertheless preponderate. Here the groundwork of the operation would be the division into blocks, and the classification of the areas of trees of the preponderating age of each block above or below their true place in the rotation ; and the amount of departure from a just proportion of trees of all ages would be rectified in the course of the first rotation by fell- ing a greater or less area above or below the age fixed as the length of the rotation. Let us suppose, for example, that stock has been taken of a forest of 120,000 acres in extent, the proper period of rotation being fixed as 120 years, and that the returns per area, based on the preponderating trees of each block, are as follows : IST PERIOD. 1-20 yrs. 2D PERIOD. 20-40 yrs. 3D PERIOD. 40-60 yrs. 4THPERIOD. 60-80 yrs. 5TH PERIOD. 80-100 yrs. GTH PERIOD. 100-120 yrs. Area in acres. Area in acres. Area in acres. Area in acres. Area in acres. Area in acres. 10,000 50,000 35,000 15,000 10,000 And we want 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 Now, in the first period, having only 10,000 acres, we supplement it with 10,000 of the second period, in which we shall then have 40,000, one TRANSITION, ETC. 107 half of which is allowed to stand as second period, and the other half carried to the third period. Of the 35,000 acres in the third period, we carry 20,000 acres to the fourth period ; and the remain- ing 15,000 acres, with 5000 acres of the fourth period, being carried to the fifth period, we have left 10,000 acres of the fourth period and 10,000 acres of the fifth period to carry to the sixth period. Having thus arranged the area in classes, it is evident that we cannot commence cutting at once without cutting immature timber for the next eighty years, by which course we should lower the money value of the increment, which is ordinarily highest in the last twenty years of the rotation ; and unless immature timber were in fair demand, yielding a good profit, it would be desir- able to give such a forest rest for a time. Let us see now what would be the result of laying it up for twenty years 80-100 yrs. 100-120 yrs. 120-140 yrs. 140-160 yrs. 1 In the 1st period we Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. should then have * 10,000 10,000 , 2d , 15,000 5,000 , 3d , 20,000 , 4th , 20,000 , 5th , 20,000 , 6th , ... 10,000 10,000 * By cutting out the oldest first, we should guard against cutting any under a hundred years old. 108 NOTES ON FORESTRY. And by this arrangement we should cut only the first 25,000 acres below maturity, and the last 40,000 acres above the recognised period of ma- turity, which may or may not be a disadvantage, according to the correctness of the data on which the period of rotation has been fixed. If the preponderance of area had been of trees of the fourth and fifth periods, instead of the second and third periods, and the desirability of preserving each block to maturity fully recognised, the whole area carrying timber saleable at a profit might be sharply thinned through during the twenty years of rest, without prejudice to the ultimate crop, especially with deciduous trees, but only in the event of the forest being fully stocked ; for, if fellings had already been so excessive, that, supplemented by fires which destroyed their seedlings, grass and rank undergrowth had got possession of the forest floor, our care should be to leave every tree until the branches had again closed, that the undergrowth might be destroyed, and the forest floor again fitted for tree reproduc- tion. No prejudicial undergrowth can exist in a close forest. It need hardly be pointed out that, as the trees in each block vary twenty years in age, it will generally be desirable to cut out the oldest first, by which means all are felled at an uniform age ; TRANSITION, ETC. 1 09 but if it is intended to work by rotation of annual blocks with artificial reproduction, the blocks may be each divided into twentieths, classed according to the age of the preponderating trees of each subdivision, and felled as they are classed; but if it were intended to trust to natural reproduction, the division into annual blocks would scarcely result in concentrating operations more than the modified system of Pldnterbetrieb indicated in the last example that is, a Pldnterbetrieb in which the trees of each block vary only twenty years in age. The choice between these rival systems would depend generally on the rate of growth of the young crop. With timber like sissoo, the seedlings of which in favourable conditions reach a height of from two to five feet the first year, the rotation of area would have the preference, as the block opened for light the first year might be cleared off the second, and operations be always concentrated on two blocks ; but with slower grow- ing seedlings, in which it is necessary to thin out slowly, and at intervals of three or four years, operations would be spread over nearly the same area on the one system as on the other. Taking block by block, it is perhaps easier to count stock and maintain uniformity of yield. Taking the whole area en masse admits of the selection of the 1 10 NOTES ON FORESTRY. oldest trees first, and consequently the maintenance of the highest yield, estimated by money value. In felling by blocks, it is a matter of little consequence whether they come to the axe in the order of their geographical position or not, but it is of more consequence so to arrange them, and especially in hill country, that the young growth shall always be sheltered from the prevailing storm-winds by older forest. But however systematically fellings may be proportioned to the annual increment at the outset, unless proper provision be made for perfect reproduction, the forests are being anni- hilated. CHAPTER XVI. WORKING-PLANS. A WORKING-PLAN is nothing more than a proposed scheme of operations; but the term is generally used to signify that there is some system in the scheme ; that it is based on more or less precisely ascertained data of the amount of standing stock of each period, rate of growth at each stage, yield of thinnings, with the order in which the several blocks require thinning ; order of final clearing, with the financial results of these operations, and on a reliable method of reproduction, the costs of which have been approximately determined; and that it aims at utilising the increment, and per- petuating the capabilities of the forest, or of improving them if it has suffered from past mis- management. On the ordinary Planter betrieb, the principal data are restricted to the average annual increment which is cut out yearly as mature timber, and the method of working out the timber. If a forest officer proposes to fell as much 112 NO TES ON FORES TR Y. timber as he can find a market for, and leave reproduction to take care of itself, this is his working-plan, but it is % hardly a commendable one. He may realise a better revenue for many years than his more experienced brother officer, but there is danger lest it should be at the cost of the permanent deterioration of his forest. Apart from the importance of forests in the general economy of nature, the true aim of forest administration is the realisation of the highest possible present revenue, consistent with the permanent maintenance of the capabilities of the forest ; and the object of the working-plan is, by placing the Government, or the forest officer's im- mediate chief, in possession of all necessary data, to enable him or them to determine in how far the end is likely to be attained by the measures pro- posed. A working-plan is conveniently opened with a brief descriptive account of the forests, their area, geographical position, distance from markets, with means of transport, measure of local demand, &c., with a comparison of current market rates, with ascertained rates of felling, logging, and trans- port. Then taking up the blocks or subdivisions one by one, they should be classed as of the first, second, or third period, &c., according to the predomi- WORKING-PLANS. 1 1 3 nating age of the tre*es ; then should follow particulars as to their general condition, estimated amount of standing stock, and the mode adopted in determining it, stating whether the forest is fully stocked, the condition of the forest floor, whether covered with grass or rank undergrowth, &c. ; and this should be supported by a map, which is conveniently coloured with different shades of green, to enable the age of the prevailing trees of each block to be distinguished at a glance, and with some other colour or colours to denote the intermixture of other than the prevailing class of timber. And at the close, the information as to total area, area bare, area barren or unfit for forest, area stocked, with estimate of standing stock in each period of growth, may be conveniently pre- sented afresh in tabular form. Next might follow proposals for the method which is deemed best suited to the ascertained conditions, the order in which the several blocks are to be taken in hand, if rotation of area is determined on, estimate of stock to be felled annually, with a general budget estimate of financial results, which should be the basis of future annual budget estimates. Here, too, account should be taken of the branches and outcome of thinnings which might not repay carriage to market, with proposals for its con- H 114 N TES ON FOXES TR Y. version into charcoal, or otherwise utilising it, if such intentions were entertained. Then should follow proposals for reproduction, with the ex- perience or data on which the method has been accepted as reliable. On the system of rotation of area, with a fairly just proportion of stock of all ages, and with moderate uniformity of soil (reproduction being ensured), it is easy to secure uniformity of yield for all time ; but on the Planter betrieb, the expe- rience of Germany has shown, not only that it is difficult to maintain uniformity of yield, but that there is commonly a temptation to secure good financial results in the present, in the hope that they may be maintained permanently, at least for our own time ; and as it is difficult to determine the amount of standing stock and average rate of annual increment in a forest of trees of all ages, this hope is not always well founded. We may base our plan upon a fairly reliable estimate of trees of the final period, and may have fair data for assuming that there is an equal number of trees in the penultimate period of growth to take their place when they shall have been felled ; but unless we are secure of a corresponding area of trees of each younger period, we may in time have to suspend operations, or lower the felling age by per- haps twenty years, to the lasting impoverishment WORKING-PLANS. 1 1 5 of the forest. As has been already said, we cannot trust to numbers of young trees, for if these grow in clumps, only one in many of them can ever reach maturity. Several * working-plans have been circulated among Indian forest officers, and of these, Mr Ribbentrop's working-plan of Kalu Tope in the Punjab Himalayas, although dealing only with one small block, furnishes a mass of detail in elucidation of the method pursued, which would be of great assistance to the inexperienced in preparing a working-plan. The term " reducing factor," employed by him in stock-taking, has been rendered "form figure " in these pages. But the Indian forest officer may frequently with justice demur, that working-plans based on the theory of improving our forests up to their highest capabilities, and of utilising all their yield, is not always applicable to Indian forests, in the present relation of working costs to market value of timber. There is a general assumption that our forests have been subjected to draughts upon their resources in excess of their capabilities ; but this appears to be true only of some few classes of timber which have been in excessive demand, and of which the area was in no recent period large, or which are found only in mixed forests, in which other classes of timber preponderate, for 1 1 6 NO TES ON FORES TR Y. which, although they are often first-class timbers, there is almost no demand ; and, in point of fact, the annual outcome of our forests in mere quan- tity is almost infinitely below the productive capabilities of the area from which it is drawn. Take, for example, the Bengal forests, with an esti- mated area of nearly 140,000 square miles, and with an average gross annual revenue under R. 140, 000. Here we have in round numbers one rupee of revenue from 640 acres of forest. The framing of a working-plan for such a forest area would be influenced by manifold considerations. Limited as are the returns, they show a fair profit upon outlay ; and the question arises, Could not ten times or a hundred times the present outcome of timber be disposed of at a similar profit? and if not, does not the proportion of population to forest area justify the assumption that, if the timber could be brought to market at one -half or one- fourth the present costs, it would then be in almost unlimited demand, at a figure yielding a fair profit upon the reduced costs ? and if so, we should turn next to the consideration of the im- provement of the means of transit. But if the revenue were drawn only from one or two classes of timber, the yield of which was not materially in excess of the outcome, our first consideration would be a working-plan for WORKING-PLANS. 117 this special class or classes of timber, framed on the basis of promoting the spread of these timbers over larger areas, and especially in those forests nearest the market, or with greatest facilities of transport, limiting the costs of improvement to a fair proportion of current net revenue ; but having done this, it would be well to form an estimate of the amount of annual increment of the less-valued timbers, and to bend our efforts to utilise it in some form, rather than let it go to decay ; for if even experience shall have confirmed the view that the Department cannot take it to market at a profit upon costs, an effort might be made to sell it standing. Assuming the whole Bengal forest area to be bond fide forest, the annual increment will pro- bably not fall below twenty cubic feet per acre, and if it could be all disposed of at a profit of one rupee per twenty cubic feet, the present 'net revenue of the province would be multiplied two thousand times, that is to say, it would yield a net profit of 640 rupees per square mile, instead of about five annas, as at present. It is too frequently the case that a forest officer, on assuming charge of a Division, bases his budget figures on those of his predecessors, in- stead of on the ascertained capabilities of the forests. The relation between costs and market 1 1 8 NO TES ON FO RES TR Y. value is pretty generally known, but the relation between supply and demand is as yet an unknown quantity, and, with a profit on current transactions, the aim should be the increase of those transactions up to the capabilities of the forests. In the pur- suit of this aim the demand may not keep pace with the supply, but this must not be accepted as the absolute limit of demand, but only as the limit of demand at a given price ; if costs of tran- sport can be lowered, the demand is capable of unknown expansion. There are, unfortunately, some forest Divisions in which, if the accounts be subjected to close criticism, it will be found that the net revenue does not exceed the revenue from minor produce ; in other words, the forests are being denuded of their best timber for no good end ; it would be as well to give it away free on the spot, as to sell it at a distant market at a price not exceeding costs. Such a state of things must be most unsatisfactory to the officer in charge, and should tempt him to bend his best efforts to remedy it. Indian forest-work is beset with numerous difficulties, but it is these very difficulties which the able and enterprising forest officers of to-day have to thank for rare opportunities of distin- guishing themselves. The management of our forests affords scope for the highest administra- WORKING-PLANS. IIQ tive ability, and, apart from any present financial consideration, the establishmeut of a sound sys- tem will prove a lasting benefit to the people of India. THE END. PRINTED BY BALLANTYNE AND COMPANY EDINBURGH AND LONDON THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO 5O CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $I.OO ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. APR 18 183it 19 193! U.C. BERKELEY LIBRARIES CD3Et,MSEDfl 392895 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY