UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA OAVIS NOV 0 7 1984 EER. REC. LIBRARY An Annual Planning Model for Food Processing: An Example of the Tomato Industry Giannini Foundation Research Report No. 332 Division of — Agriculture and Natural Resources UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRINTED MAY 1984 Table of Contents Acknowledgements j Objective 4 Methodology and Model 4 An Overview 4 Processing Plant Definition 5 Labor Requirements and Costs 8 Other Inputs 9 Evaporator Clean-up and Boiler Start-up Costs 11 Production Options 11 The Initializing Management Decisions 12 Acreage and Planting Dates 13 Summary of Model Development 18 Results 24 References 30 Appendices 31 The Giannini Foundation Research Report Series is designed to communicate research results to specific professional audiences interested in applications. The first Research Report was issued in 1961 as No. 246, continuing the numbering of the GF Mimeograph Report Series which the Research Report replaced. Other publications of the Foundation and all publications of Foundation members are listed in the Giannini Reporter issued periodically. Single copies of this Research Report or the most recent Giannini Reporter may be requested from Agriculture and Natural Resources Publications, 6701 San Pablo Avenue, Oakland CA 94608. Acknowledgements I would like to express my appreciation to Christi Bengard of the U.C. Davis Agricultural Economics Data Services for her excellent contribution in translating the planning model into the computer program presented in the Appendix, and to a California food processing firm for providing data on operating requirements and costs of tomato canning. Also, thanks to Ben C. French, Department of Agricultural Economics, University of California, Davis, and L. L. Sammet, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of California, Berkeley, for reviewing the manuscript, and Patti Boyland, Research Assistant in the Department of Agricultural Economics, University of California, Davis, for her aid in developing the heat -unit model and reviewing the planning model. Finally, thanks also go to Robert Skinner, K. Charles Ling and Jeffrey S. Royer of the Agricultural Cooperative Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture and to that agency for financially supporting this research project, and to the Agricultural Economics Word Processing Unit of the University of California, Davis, for typing assistance and manuscript preparation. AN ANNUAL PLANNING MODEL FOR FOOD PROCESSING: AN EXAMPLE OF THE TOMATO INDUSTRY Samuel H. Logan 1 Food processors often face operations which differ from the continuous, year-around operations of most manufacturing firms. Food processing is generally highly seasonal because of the biological growth patterns of the commodities which are the major inputs in the processing function. Also, the raw product may be perishable in its fresh state, input quality may be variable, and the flow of raw product to the processing plant during the harvest season is uncertain, depending largely on the climatical whimsy of nature. Although multiple products are characteristic of many industries, food processors seldom use the planned batch-type of production found in other manufacturing industries. Batch production in manufacturing operations typically means exclusive production of one of a number of products for a time period, then a switch to the production of a different product. But, many food processing firms must be able to channel raw product into a variety of final goods being produced simultaneously on independent processing lines, a characteristic demanded by the perishability and quality variability of the raw product. Production management literature offers a variety of planning tools dealing with inventories and procurement of inputs (for example, see Hillier and Lieberman 1980, or Dilworth 1983). However, the perishability (i.e., the nonstorable nature) of raw food products as well as the uncertainty of the available produce supply prevents the application of many of these models by food processors to their major input-raw farm products. Such models, however, can be useful in planning inventory levels for secondary, nonperishable inputs such as cans, cartons, and recipe ingredients given an expected flow of raw product to the processing plant. The short processing season and the raw product characteristics outlined above emphasize the need for annual, aggregate planning and scheduling by the processor prior to the harvest season in order to make efficient use of plant facilities and resources. Most food processors make such plans several months in advance of the actual processing season, realizing that weather conditions will likely alter the annual plan when the processing actually begins. This paper presents a computer model for developing such an annual, aggregate plan. Specifically, it is designed for a tomato processing firm which converts whole tomatoes into a variety of products packaged in different sizes of containers. The goal of the systems model is to find a least-cost plan of operation over the processing season, given a projected arrival pattern of raw product to the plant. For firms which may stipulate delivery dates (or planting dates) to their producers (growers), the model will also determine expected acreage and planting dates needed to provide the scheduled arrivals of tomatoes at the plant. Tomato processing follows the operational traits outlined in general terms above. Different varieties and quality of tomatoes arrive daily during the harvest season. Quantities of arrivals of raw product are not uniform over the season, but begin slowly in early summer, reach a peak which is maintained for several weeks, then taper off in the early fall weeks. These tomatoes can be converted into various products: whole (peeled) tomatoes, sauce, paste, puree, tomato juice, and catsup. These products, in turn, can be packed in various sizes of cans and containers. While the average interval between planting and harvesting of tomatoes generally is about 150 days, the actual length of this period depends on temperature and other climatic factors, a situation which may produce unexpected shortages and gluts of raw product within the same processing season. 1. Professor of Agricultural Economics and Agricultural Economist in the Experiment Station and on the Giannini Foundation, University of California, Davis. 1 The initial planning for the upcoming processing season is done during the winter months when the year's aggregate production goal is determined and that quantity is allocated among the various final products which can be produced at the plant. These initial decisions are based on maximizing some objective function such as profits and/or on meeting prior commitments (e.g., contracts) to producers or customers. Once the quantity targets have been established, it is the task of the production manager to plan the short term (weekly) operations of the plant for the processing season. The plant operations consist of several more or less independent stages. 2 As used in the analytical model later, these stages are denned as: I. Receiving and general preparation. The incoming tomatoes are unloaded from trucks, washed, and routed to either whole tomato processing or processed products processing. II. Preparation-whole tomatoes. Tomatoes allocated to whole tomato processing are washed, and checked for foreign matter and/or mold. Tomatoes not meeting these initial checks are disposed of; the other tomatoes are further sorted for color, texture, and grade. Tomatoes meeting the color, texture, grade requirements are peeled and continue to the whole tomato processing operations; the others are diverted to processed products processing. HI. Preparation-processed products. Those tomatoes initially allocated to processed products from Stage I are washed and sorted for foreign matter and/or mold, ground (chopped) and sent as hot broken tomatoes to the appropriate evaporators. IV. Filling and processing -processed products. Material from Stage III is blended into the particular final product desired and sent to the appropriate filling and can sterilizing line where the cans are sealed. V. Filling and processing-whole tomatoes. The raw material from Stage II is sent to a particular whole tomato canning line where the cans are filled, syrup is added, and the cans are sealed. VI. General processing. Canned items from Stages IV and V are cooked and the seams are inspected. VII. General service. This stage provides general, common service to the above operations and includes mechanical repair, electrical operations, personnel administration services, and quality control. VIII. Brites stacking. The cans from the various canning lines (with the exception of those from Stage IX) are cooled, stacked on pallets, and covered for transportation to the warehouse. IX. Cooling floor. Cans from certain whole tomato canning lines are stacked while hot and are air cooled prior to storage. X. Pack receiving. Items from Stages VIII and IX are received and stored at the warehouse. Most processing plants are similar in organization to the above format; however, minor differences will be found among specific plants. Furthermore, the particular aspects of the model developed in this paper are representative of actual plant operations and can easily be modified to fit particular situations in other applications. These functions emphasize the need for harmonious combinations of the capacities and operations of the different stages to assure a smooth flow of product through the plant while avoiding idle time (excess capacities). The major canning operations (Stages IV and V) are performed on a series of can filling lines, each of which has some limiting output capacity for a given final product. While some lines can be utilized to process more than one final product (e.g., sauce or paste), the line can process only one alternative product at a time and will generally be used for one product for an extended length of time (e.g., a week) to avoid the costs involved with a product changeover. Furthermore, each line is oriented to a fixed can size which is determined by the technical nature of the 2. For a detailed discussion of tomato processing operations see Uyeshiro (1972). 2 equipment on that line. Thus, the initial management decision about the quantity of individual final products to be produced determines the priorities with which the raw product is sent to the specific processing lines. Although the raw product flow may be common to several canning lines, the lines operate with little interaction with each other because of the equipment constraints. While the firm's initial production goals of the various final products rest on optimizing some objective function (e.g., profit maximization), once the flow of raw product begins, the production manager is generally concerned with minimizing the variable cost of producing a given weekly level of output. 3 In this context, the basic decisions each week are then at what rate per time period (hour) to produce and how many time periods (hours or shifts) per week to operate. The rate of production refers either to the amount of final product (e.g., cases of canned tomatoes) processed per period of time or the equivalent quantity of raw material processed in the same period of time. 4 The rate of output per hour on a particular processing line generally can be varied to some degree; however, the capacity of that line eventually reaches some technically imposed limit. Furthermore, the labor required to operate the line at reduced output levels does not decrease proportionately, but often remains near the amount needed for capacity output. Thus, the lowest labor cost per unit of output for a given canning line is often achieved near (or at) the peak capacity production. Because of this factor, plants tend to operate canning lines at or near capacity and vary the plant's aggregate rate of output via duplicate or multiple lines rather than altering production on a given line. The other decision variable in planning for a particular aggregate weekly output is the number of time periods, or number of shifts, operated. Several combinations of rate and time of production can yield a given output, but costs will vary with the different combinations (see French et al^ 1956). Labor agreements generally stipulate some minimum number of hours to be worked, either daily or weekly, but the manager can schedule overtime work or add additional shifts of operation. Overtime hours significantly increase wage costs (at 1.5 times the regular pay for overtime), and additional shifts may require a premium payment (e.g., $.10 per hour extra pay) for the evening and night shifts. Other factors, however, complicate the decisions on rate and time of production. For example, if the plant works less than three shifts per day, the processing equipment must be cleaned at the end of the final shift, boilers must be turned off between the current day's last shift and the next day's first shift, then started again. Operating three shifts per day for the entire week on fewer lines (lower rate of output) may eliminate most of these cleanup and heating costs, even though the labor costs may increase. The rate and time dimensions of production operations have been discussed for food processors by French et ah (1956). In their theoretical model for deriving the optimal rate and time of production, the time dimension was generally viewed as linear for a given rate of production. That is, output and cost for several time periods was simply a linear multiple of a single period level, with possible adjustment for added overtime costs in some periods. This specification is appropriate for a single line operation; however, in the case of tomatoes, it is possible that not all the lines used in the first shift will be used in the second or third shifts. If a firm allocates a certain proportion of its output to whole, peeled tomatoes and the remainder to processed products, it may be able to process the former quantity in one shift per day, but need to work two or more shifts on the processed lines, depending on the design and capacities of the various canning lines. Thus, the total plant processing cost function represents many combinations of rates and times of production, and could be viewed as 3. Only variable costs of processing are considered in this study inasmuch as the plant facility itself is fixed. Thus only variable costs are relevant to the operating decisions. 4. Given the commonality of the basic raw product, tomatoes, in this study, it is more convenient to consider rate of output in terms of raw product equivalent. 3 TC = £ QSi i where TC = total variable processing costs C- = variable cost per shift of operating line i Sj = number of shifts worked by line i. The goal of the planning process is to consider the cost trade-offs between rates of output and the time periods worked each week in such a manner as to find the lowest variable cost to process a given level of raw product. Objective In order to plan procurement of labor and other inputs, given the planned arrivals of raw tomatoes, management first must determine through its advanced planning function outlined above the expected rate of output and number of hours (or shifts) to be worked for each week of the processing season. This plan, in turn, is used to derive the number (and costs) of employees as well as the quantities (and costs) of other inputs required to achieve the planned production levels. The goal of this paper, therefore, is to present a computerized annual, aggregate planning systems model which can generate for a tomato processor such a seasonal plan or schedule in terms of rates and hours of output that would minimize the cost of producing a set level of output. Given the discrete nature of expansion and contraction of output caused by the use of multiple canning lines as well as the relative constancy of labor over wide ranges of output for a given line, the model must search among the feasible alternative combinations of rates and time of output to find that combination which yields the lowest cost for processing the week's expected arrivals of raw tomatoes. 5 Furthermore, the model should calculate the expected required acreage and time of planting which will yield the expected weekly quantities of raw product. The model presented here is based on operating specifications for an existing California tomato processing plant with a given number of processing lines and a fixed combination of possible final products. Many of the input requirements and their associated costs were provided by the processing company; however, other data were obtained from previous studies, other industry sources, and published historical data. The quantity of tomatoes to be processed over the entire season is predetermined as are the desired proportions of total output to be assigned to the various final products. Methodology and Model An Overview As indicated above, the planning model is designed to produce weekly operating schedules and costs; however, these derivations are based on several prior management decisions and a set of input data. These management decisions include specification of (a) the annual quantity of tomatoes to be processed, (b) the allocation of these quantities to the various final products (i.e., whole peeled tomatoes or processed products), (c) the priority with which the various products are to be produced (this priority stipulates the order in which the various product canning lines will be utilized), (d) the beginning and ending weeks of the plant's operating season, and (e) the 5. Several methods of aggregate planning have been reported in other studies including the linear decision rule developed by Holt, et aL (1955), the search decision rule reported by Taubert (1968), and linear programming as discussed by Bowman (1956). The method employed in this paper would more nearly reflect Taubert 's search decision rule process. Because the labor costs of adding a new line to the plant's operations are more or less fixed (indivisible) over a large range of output and because of the importance of labor costs of associated operations which are not related directly to any one canning line, the linear programming approach was not utilized in this study. 4 quantities of raw product arriving each week. This latter item (e) may be a management decision if delivery dates are specified for the plant's growers, or, as in the case of this model, the proportions of the annual quantity arriving each week can be based on past historical data. The basic initial data include technical coefficients for (a) the efficiency level (percent of rated capacity) with which the plant operates, (b) damage allowance levels for inputs such as cans and cartons, (c) conversion of raw product into the various final products, (d) physical input requirements for labor, utilities, cans, cartons and other inputs, (e) yields of tomatoes obtained by growers, and (f) heat unit (temperature) requirements for tomato plant growth. In addition to the technical coefficients, additional data are needed relating to the costs of the inputs and historical weather (temperature) data. The model then determines the quantities to be processed each week of the season, and sets the number of days to be worked each week. Frequently the quantities of whole tomatoes and processed products to be processed in a given week can be accommodated by any one of several combinations of canning lines being operated and numbers of shifts worked. The planning model finds each of these feasible alternative combinations and determines the labor and clean-up (evaporator clean-up and boiler start-up) costs associated with each combination. Most of the other costs (e.g., cans, cartons, etc.) remain fixed regardless of the combination selected, so only the labor and clean-up costs for each feasible alternative combination are examined; the alternative with the lowest such costs is then selected as that week's planned schedule. The costs of all other inputs are then added to determine the week's total operating costs. In addition, given the yield data, the total acreage required to supply the plant with the week's planned deliveries is calculated. Furthermore, using historical temperature data and the concept of heat -units (degree-days) to estimate time between planting and harvest, the model will specify planting dates for different geographical regions supplying the plant. The weekly schedule is printed out as well as a seasonal summary table of costs. The procedure j ust described is also shown in Figure 1. An additional benefit (to the scheduling per se) of such a computerized method of planning is the ability to adjust the plan to different sets of assumptions related to the arrival rates of raw product, desired proportions of final product forms, or costs of the individual inputs. Processing Plant Definition The processing plant in this model possesses 12 independent canning lines, seven of which produce only whole tomatoes (in some form) in various sizes of cans and five of which produce processed products either as sauce and puree or as paste. Of the latter five lines, two lines can produce either sauce and puree or paste; the other three lines produce only paste. The individual line data regarding product type, can size, and capacity in cases of final product per hour are given in Table 1 along with the conversion coefficients to change the capacity figures to pounds of raw equivalent. The rated hourly capacity of each canning line is determined by the technical (mechanical) limitations of the equipment on that line. The lines are numbered to indicate the priority with which they are to be added to the production sequence. This priority reflects the order in which the management wishes to produce the given products. Thus, for whole tomatoes, the initial product would begin with line 1 producing 303 size cans and expand through line 7 with 2-1/2 can size. In this model, the lines 8 and 12 will be used to produce sauce and puree until the season's goals for those products are met and then will be changed to produce paste for the remainder of the season. In terms of raw product equivalent, the plant has a rated hourly capacity of about 47 tons of whole, peeled tomatoes, 122 tons of paste, and 42 tons of sauce and puree. If the plant produces only whole tomatoes and paste, total rated capacity is 169 tons per hour; if it processes whole tomatoes, paste, and sauce and puree, the total rated capacity is 159 tons per hour. 5 Figure 1 Input Basic Data (Annual pack, proportion of weekly arrivals, proportions for various products, technical production relationships, cost relationships, temperature data, etc.) Determine Weekly Arrivals Allocate Weekly Arrivals to Whole Tomatoes, Processed Products Find Number of Working Days for the Week Find Average Daily Output of Whole Tomatoes and Processed Products Find Production Combinations of Shifts and Lines Needed to Can Week's Pack Calculate Week's Labor Requirements, Labor Costs, and Cleanup Costs for Each Feasible Production Combination Select Lowest Cost Option as Week's Production Plan Calculate Cost of Other Inputs Calculate Number of Cases Produced on Each Canning Line and Number of Cans Needed Find Total Cost of Operations for Week T Find Number of Acres Needed to Supply Week's Pack Calculate Planting Date for Week T Repeat for Each Week of Season Find Total Costs of Season's Operation 6 Table 1. Canning Lines, Products, Can Sizes, Output Capacities, and Conversion Coefficients Line Product Can Size Capacity (Cases/hour) Lbs. Raw Product/ Case 3 " Conversion Coefficient 1 Whole 303 350 28.000 2 Whole 303 450 28.000 3 Whole (stewed) 303 550 28.000 4 Whole 10 200 45.388 5 Whole 10 400 45.388 6 Whole 2-1/2 140 49.420 7 Whole 2-1/2 450 49.420 8 Sauce & Puree 10 420 113.470 Paste 10 350 213.972 9 Paste 48/6 430 95.040 10 Paste 24/12 500 114.972 11 Paste 48/6 430 95.040 12 Sauce & Puree 2-1/2 300 123.550 Paste 2-1/2 125 232.980 a Derived from Brandt e^al., 1978, p. 114. 7 The rated line capacities in Table 1 are those associated with 100 percent operation; however, allowances must be made for downtime resulting from breakdowns and other stoppages. In this case, the rated capacities were multiplied in the computer model by a factor of .7 to obtain the actual line capacities, based on estimates from a tomato processing firm. 6 Labor Requirements and Costs The hourly labor requirements for the 10 stages of operation given earlier were obtained from industry sources. The various tasks performed by individual workers in each stage are shown in Appendix Table 1 along with the base hourly wage rates. 7 The base hourly pay applies to the first shift of the day. A $.10 per hour premium is added for the second shift, and a $.15 per hour premium is added for the third shift. Overtime pay is 1.5 times the appropriate regular hourly scale. Much of the direct labor required in tomato processing operations is more or less constant regardless of the rate of output. For example, most of the labor needed in the receiving and general preparation operations, the general processing operations, the general service functions, the brites stacking, cooling, and finished pack receiving operations remains essentially unchanged no matter how many canning lines are being operated or what final products are being produced. Thus, the number of workers shown for each task for a particular canning line represent full capacity operation for that line. In the plant specified for this application, a total of 235 employees are required for full capacity operation (all 12 lines functioning). However, of that number 185 are required even if only the first line is canning. The computer model utilizes a concept of labor options in developing the appropriate labor requirements for a given output. Initially, a base labor force for operating the first line of whole tomato processing is specified as labor option A. This option shows the labor needed to initiate operations of the plant on only the one canning line, but includes the labor requirements for all of the associated operations in receiving, general processing, general service, etc. As additional whole tomato processing lines are engaged, the incremental labor requirements (different options) are added to the initial labor option. Because the processed products lines can be operated independently with any combination of whole products lines, a base labor option (Labor Option H) for the first processed product line (line 8) is established which adds the incremental labor needed to the labor determined for the whole tomato operations. The subsequent labor additions for the other processed products lines are added to that base processed products labor option. The processed products labor requirements are then added to whatever combination of whole products lines is used. Both the whole tomato canning lines and the processed products lines are added to the operations in the sequence indicated by their line number. This sequence reflects the firm's priority for producing the various final products, a priority which may be based on such factors as expected market conditions or contractual arrangements with the firm's customers. Of course, these sequences and their associated labor requirements can be changed to adapt to new market or contractual conditions. It is possible (and even likely), however, that the processed product lines may work additional shifts without the whole products lines in operation. In this case, a separate base labor option for the first processed products line must be defined which includes those general functions that occur regardless of which canning lines are working. Labor Option M is defined as the base requirement for line 8; the other options add the incremental labor to the base requirement as other processed products lines are opened. 6. In this planning model, only the direct (hourly) labor requirements for the processing lines are considered. For a discussion of other labor requirements see Uyeshiro (1972). 7. The wage rates were obtained for 1983 from industry sources and include an allowance of 35 per- cent for fringe benefits. 8 The requirements for the various labor options are given in Appendix Table 2. Other Inputs The other major inputs included in the aggregate planning model include utilities (electricity, gas, water), lye (required for whole tomato processing), cans, salt, and cartons. Utility requirements were derived from previous work by Uyeshiro (1972), and from industry estimates. The requirements in physical units are given in Table 2. Uyeshiro (1972, p. 123) presents total annual electrical, gas, and water costs by product type for a large tomato cannery. Each of these costs was converted to a cost per ton of raw product for each of the three basic products considered here. If the cost rate per physical unit used for a particular utility is the same for use in the various products processing, a ratio of the costs per ton provides an approximate ratio of the physical requirements for the different usages. Uyeshiro's electrical costs show equal levels of costs per ton of raw material processed for puree and paste, while the electrical cost per ton of raw material processed into whole tomatoes was 4.25 times that level. Thus, 4.25R(Xw) + R(Xp) = KWH where R = KWH per ton of raw material processed into processed products Xw = tons of raw material used in whole tomatoes per time period Xp = tons of raw material used in processed products per time period KWH = total electrical usage per time period. Based on an actual plant usage of 2,800,000 KWH for an annual production of 135,000 tons, R = 10.008 and 4.25R = 42.532 KWH per ton. Similar procedures were used to estimate requirements for natural gas and water. The ratios of gas usages were whole tomatoes 1, puree 1.43, and paste 1.05. Applied to an annual usage of 2,596,150 therms, the requirements given in Table 2 are obtained. The estimated water requirements ratios did not vary significantly by product type, so the water consumption from actual plant data of 127,748,398.8 gallons resulted in a per ton use of 946.284 gallons. This level compares quite favorably with the average of 50 gallons/per case of final product requirement estimated by Uyeshiro (1972, p. 54), (946.284 gallons per ton of raw material processed is about 52 gallons per case of final product processed, on the average). Costs of utilities were estimated at $.07 per KWH for electricity, $.52 per therm for natural gas, and $.0004 per gallon for water. The amount of lye used for processing whole tomatoes was 2.5 gallons per ton of raw product, based on industry sources. The cost was $1.16 per gallon. The quantities of cans and cartons required are easily calculated from the number of cases of final product produced on each canning line. Five can sizes are used in this plant application with the following numbers of cans per case: No. 303, 24 cans per case; No. 2-1/2, 24 cans per case; No. 10, 6 cans per case; 6 ounces, 48 cans per case; 12 ounces, 24 cans per case. A .005 allowance for damaged (unusable) goods was added to the can and carton requirements. Based on price quotations obtained from industry sources, the costs of the cans and the appropriate cartons were set at: Can Size Cost/Can Cost/Carton (1983) No. 303 No. 2-1/2 No. 10 6-ounce 12-ounce $.113 .167 .467 .065 .096 $.178 .265 .225 .143 .138 9 a Table 2. Utility Requirements for Tomato Processing Electricity Natural Gas Water Final Product (KWH/ton raw p roduct) (ther ms / ton raw) (gal. /ton raw) Whole Tomatoes 42.532 17.553 946.284 Sauce & Puree 10.008 25.101 946.284 Paste 10.008 18.431 946.284 a See text for explanation of the derivation of these figures. 10 The other major variable input was salt, a factor which may vary as recipes change. In this case, salt was utilized only for whole tomato products in the form of tablets per case of final output. The requirements and cost per tablet were: Can Size No. of Tablets Cost/Tablet (1983) No. 303 No. 303 (stewed) No. 10 No. 2-1/2 Evaporator Clean-up and Boiler Start-up Costs For the plant in this problem, one evaporator is used for each processed product canning line. Each time one of these lines ceases production (e.g., the associated line works only one or two shifts per day), the evaporator must be cleaned and prepared for use the following day. With three shift operations, of course, this cost is avoided on a daily basis and may be incurred only once a week or even every other week, depending on the number of days worked. An estimated cost of $300 for chemical compounds per cleanup, obtained from industry sources, was used as the nonlabor cost of evaporator cleanup. In addition to the evaporators, tomato processing requires large quantities of hot water. Two boilers were stipulated for the plant, one with a capacity of 120,000 pounds and one with 80,000 pounds capacity. Operations of less than three shifts per day generally entail shutting down the boilers and then reheating them for the next day. Boiler company personnel estimated that the cost of reheating the 120,000-pound capacity boiler at $2,000 per occurrence and the cost of reheating the 80,000-pound capacity boiler at $1,340 per occurrence. The larger boiler was assumed to handle the requirements from lines 8, 9, and 10, while the smaller boiler was assigned to the lines 11 and 12. Thus, the combined cleanup and boiler start-up costs per occurrence for the processed products lines were estimated as follows: Line Boiler Start-up Evaporator Clean-up Total 8 $2,000 $300 $2,300 8, 9 $2,000 600 2,600 8, 9, 10 2,000 900 2,900 8, 9, 10, 11 3,340 1,200 4,540 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 3,340 1,500 4,840 24 24 12 24 $.0030 .0022 .0099 .0053 Production Options Given the production capacities in raw product equivalent (including the adjustment for down time), the model calculates the possible production options available to the production manager. These production options show the maximum amounts of raw product that can be processed per day for the various combinations (sequences) of lines being operated and shifts being worked. Three sets of calculations are needed: (1) production options for processing whole tomatoes on various lines for different number of shifts worked per day; (2) production levels for processing products over lines 8 through 12 for different numbers of shifts per day when sauce and puree are being processed on lines 8 and 12 and paste on lines 9 through 11; and (3) production levels over lines 8 through 12 when paste is also being produced on lines 8 and 12. 11 Given the priority sequence with which the lines are utilized, (see Table 1) the production options for whole tomatoes are derived by multiplying the hourly capacity of line 1 by 8 hours, then adding to that the hourly capacity of line 2 multiplied by 8 hours, and so on, through line 7. The process is repeated using 12 hours for 1.5 shift operations, 16 hours for 2 shifts, 20 hours for 2.5 shifts, and 24 hours for 3 shifts. This process implicitly assumes that expansion of output is accomplished by operating those lines being utilized the same number of shifts rather than using line 1 for, say, two shifts and line 2 for only one shift. Given the nature of the labor requirements for the associated operations which are independent of the lines operating, this specification is reasonable. Thus, there are 35 combinations of rates and times, or production options, for whole tomatoes. (Five shift possibilities times seven line possibilities per shift.) This process is also used to determine two sets of production options for processed products. When producing sauce and puree on lines 8 and 12, production from line 8 becomes the initial base output to which are added sequentially the outputs from the other canning lines as they are used. The total number of production options for the five canning lines of processed products is 25. (Five shift possibilities times five line possibilities per shift). The other set of processed products production options is calculated in the same manner as the second, only lines 8 and 12 are used to process paste. The Initializing Management Decisions The basic initializing decisions required to begin the seasonal operation computations include (1) the total quantity of raw product (in tons) to be processed over the season; (2) the beginning and ending dates of the processing season; (3) the proportions of total seasonal production to be allocated to whole tomatoes, sauce and puree, and paste; and (4) the proportions of total quantity processed each week of the season. At this point the plan can be developed. The week's scheduled arrivals are first allocated to whole products and to processed products. Each allocation is then divided by the maximum, three-shift processing capacity of the plant for the appropriate product (whole or processed products) to determine the minimum number of days the plant has to operate. The larger of the two calculations becomes the number of days worked. Given the labor contracts and the flow of raw product to the plant during the week, the minimum number of days of operation is five, even if the quantity to be processed can be accommodated in less time. As the tomato harvest increases during the middle of the processing season, the flow of tomatoes to the plant during the week may force the plant to operate more than five days, even though the total quantity could be processed in only five days. (A five-day week would require storing raw product arriving on Saturday until Monday for processing, an interval which would result in spoilage of the product; hence, the use of a six-day week becomes necessary.) If the arrival of raw product exceeds the amount that can be processed in seven days, the excess material is carried over to the following week. Once the number of days of operation is determined, the average daily output of processed products is calculated and used to select the feasible production combinations of canning lines for each of the five shift possibilities. The feasible option from each shift alternative is denned as that production option whose quantity is closest to, but greater than, (or equal to) the average daily output requirement of processed products. Thus, a maximum of five production options-one from each of the shift possibilities -can be selected to produce the week's processed product requirement. Initially, these feasible options are selected from those combinations which include production of sauce and puree. This procedure is used until the plant has met the seasonal requirements of sauce and puree at which time the production options are selected from the third set described above which uses lines 8 and 12 to produce paste. 12 The same type of procedure is used to find the feasible production options for producing whole tomatoes. Each feasible production option for producing whole tomatoes is then combined with each feasible option for producing processed products to yield all possible feasible combination of lines and shifts which can be used to accomplish the week's output. Without any constraint, there would be 25 possible combinations each week (one option for each of the five shift alternatives for both whole and processed products). However, the model is constrained to consider only alternatives in which the number of shifts worked in producing processed tomatoes is equal to or greater than the number of shifts producing whole tomatoes. This constraint results from the larger allocation of raw product to processed products and from labor contract stipulations. Thus, the possible feasible combinations are reduced to 15 for a five-day or six-day week. These 15 combinations simply show the number of shifts to be worked by the whole tomato lines in conjunction with the processed products lines and are indicated by the X's in the following tableau: Processed Product Lines Work: Whole tomato 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 lines work: shift shifts shifts shifts shifts 1 shift X X X X X 1.5 shifts X X X X 2 shifts X X X 2.5 shifts X X 3 shifts X Naturally, there may not be 15 feasible production combinations if the weekly quantity to be processed exceeds the plant's capacity when it operates at one shift, for example. While the number of shifts worked might be the same for two separate weeks, the production options selected as feasible might vary because of differences in the total quantity to be processed between the two weeks. The production options selected in these 15 combinations in turn define the labor requirements and, therefore, the labor costs. The weekly labor and cleanup costs for each feasible combination are referred to as cost alternatives in the program. The cost alternative (cost of the production option combinations) which is the lowest among the feasible alternatives is selected as that week's schedule. Operation for seven days per week requires working three shifts per day, although less than the total the number of lines may be operated. Given the tonnage of raw product and the ensuing allocation among the various lines (final products), the week's requirements and costs of utilities, cans, cartons, and other inputs can be computed. Acreage and Planting Dates Specification of the weekly flow of raw product provides the basis for estimating the acreage needed to assure that quantity. In this case an average yield of 26 tons per acre was used to estimate the needed acreage values each week. Estimating the planting date to assure harvestable tomatoes at a given week in the processing season is more complex. This facet of the planning model applies the concept of heat- units or degree-days as related to the maturing of the tomato plant. The particular method applied in this case has been presented in detail in Logan and Boyland (1983). 13 The heat-unit model utilizes a sine function to approximate the behavior of temperatures during the day, based on the premise that temperature efficiently represents the relevant climatic conditions for tomatoes between time of planting and time of harvest. Heat units are simply that part of the temperatures during the day which is available for plant growth and are determined by integrating the sine function between each 24-hour period (from minimum temperature in day 1 to minimum temperature in day 2). The heat unit formulation also incorporates the nature of tomato plant growth reported in the plant science literature (for example, Went 1957, Went and Cosper 1945, and Owens and Moore 1974) by including as constraints: (1) a temperature below which plan growth stops (45° Fahrenheit); (2) a high temperature (80°) above which plant growth remains unchanged for an interval up to (3) a maximum high temperature (100°) above which plant growth is retarded. Consider a sine function of the form in Figure 2: Temperature = (y sin X) + pi where y = the amplitude of the sine curve and in this case is simply T-t „ — or T — fx ix = mean of the sine curve or X = time of day in radians (2 tt = 1 day). The values of y and /x are shifters of the usual sine curve which has an amplitude of 1 and a mean of 0. At X = tt/2, temperature will equal T, the day's maximum; at -tt/2 and 3n/2, temperature will equal t, the day's minimum level. Of course, the sine function is an imperfect approximator of the day's temperature pattern since it is symmetric whereas the temperature pattern generally is not. Given this approximation, the heat units available each day (Y) are the area under the sine curve between the two minimum values, i.e., the integral of the above function over the interval between minima. Since time in the sine function is represented in radians (1 day = 2n radians), the result divided by 2tt to obtain the equivalent value of Y for one day. If we first stipulate a base temperature, g, below which tomatoes register little or no effective growth, we can insert that in the above function as in Figure 3. The area of available heat units now is that area under the sine curve but above the base line, g. Thus , the integral is now between points a and b with the axis shifted by /n - g. Or, the function is given by where a = fx-g/T-fx. Dividing the quantity /x-g by T-fx simply converts the shifter to a relative value needed in the integration process. Alpha defines the two end points of the interval on the sine curve containing the available heat units; however, because it represents a value on the temperature axis rather than on the X or time axis, it must be converted into radians by finding its arcsine. Thus, a =— arcsin a and b = 7r+arcsine a. When 1, its arcsine is defined as n/2, resulting in integration of the sine function between its two minima. In this manner, only those temperatures which are above the base level are considered in determining the available heat units. 14 Temp. Figure 2. Daily heat units (shaded area) without temperature limits on growth Figure 3- Daily heat units (shaded area) with lower temperature limit on growth Temp. y g _£ t if -r 0 L r 2x IT X t t Figure 4. Daily heat units (shaded area) with both lower and higher temperature limits on growth Temp 15 In addition, the growth function for tomatoes reflects a maximum level at some temperature (defined as h) and declines when temperatures exceed some extreme high (defined as h'). In this situation, we want to exclude temperatures between h and h' and include a negative effect for temperatures above h'. In other words, the area between points c and d and above line h in Figure 4 must be deleted from the previous calculations because temperatures above h do not contribute to plant growth. Furthermore, for temperatures above h' in the figure, an additional negative adjustment must be included. The alternative used here is to subtract the area above line h' from the heat -unit total after prior adjustment for g and h. In the same manner as was done previously, we define P T-fi and a , h'—n T—fj. which determine the points of intersection of the lines h and h' with the sine function. Points c, d, e, and f are found by obtaining the arcsine values of )8 and /3' . Subtracting the integral of the sine function between points c and d and e and f, however, excludes the entire area under the curve from the sine function to the X axis, whereas we want to exclude only that portion above lines h and h'. Therefore, an adjustment is made resulting in the sine heat -unit function as 8 Y = [ y J [sine X + a\dx - yjisine X - p)dx - yj [sine X - p'ldxl— which after integration leaves Y = [y[-cos b - (-cos a) + ba - act] - y[-cos d - (-cos c) - dfi + c/3] - y {-cos f - ( - cos e) - ffi' + efi'U -gj- Because of possible significant variation in the heat unit requirements over different geographical regions, the location of the tomatoes to be planted should be specified and the mean value of heat -units required at that location for maturity calculated (Logan and Boyland 1983). In this study the heat -unit model was applied to experimental and commercial tomato production data near Davis, California. The mean heat -unit value for 32 observations for 1965 through 1981 was 3,135 with a standard deviation of 259. In the annual planning model, Wednesday arbitrarily was selected to represent the week during the processing season. A 10-year historical average of daily minimum and maximum temperatures was then used to determine when planting should occur to provide the necessary arrivals of harvested tomatoes during each week of processing. That is, the heat units each day are derived starting with Wednesday of week T and going backwards in time until the mean value of 3,135 heat units is reached. The day when the total equals or exceeds the 3,135 heat units defines the planting day for week T's supply. 8. If the day's expected high temperature is less than h' or h, then that respective part of the follow- ing equation is omitted. 16 Frequently, tomatoes for processing originate from different geographic regions, depending on climate patterns as well as other factors. Harvesting generally begins in the southern part of the Central Valley with its warmer spring temperatures and then progresses northward furing the middle and late summer months. In scheduling potential planting dates, the model allows for different temperature data designated for particular regions and then computes the prospective planting date for each region using the heat-unit function. To illustrate the heat-unit calculations, assume that Wednesday of the first week of processing is day 201. Based on the 10-year historical average for Davis for that day, the expected high temperature is 91.9 degrees and the expected low temperature is 54.5 degrees. Then, _ 9L9±545 m ?a2 and y = iUhiM = 18 . 70 73.2 - 45 , c , ^ , . .„ a = Q1 Q ^777 = 1°1 > 1> so arcsin a = tt/2 yi.y — / 0.2* _ 80 - 73.2 _ P 91.9-73.2 _ - 36 , = _100 7&2_ = i 43 >i so restraint is not applicable p 91.9 - 73.2 a = -tt/2 b = 3tt/2 c = .37 d = 2.77 e = not applicable f = not applicable Y = [18.7 -cos 3tt/2 - (-cos -tt/2 4- 1.51 (2m 1 2 - -tt/2)] -18.7 [-cos 2.77 - (-cos .37) - .36 (2.77 + .37)]] 1/2tt = 25.28 heat units. 17 The same procedure would be used to calculate the available heat units for days 200, 199, etc., until the sum of the daily heat units reaches 3,135. Summary of Model Development Figure 1 and the following outline demonstrate how the model functions, given the above development. 9 The computer program, written in Fortran, is given in Appendix Table 4. I. Input the following data: A. Processing line numbers (LINEU7)), capacities in cases per hour (CAPU7)), can size (CAN(17)), and coefficients to convert a case of final product of a given can size to pounds of raw product equivalent (LAMBDAQ4)). 10 B. Number of employees in each wage class and the cost per hour for each wage class (LABOR.DAT.). C. Labor options for a single shift giving the cumulative number of employees in each class as new processing lines are added sequentially to production (LON(17)). These options are derived from the basic number of employees for the first line (labor option A) of whole tomatoes; this number includes those general employees needed for such things as receiving and sorting. The employees needed for the remaining whole tomato lines are then added incrementally to this first option. Labor for the basic line for processed products (line 8) is labor option H. The other processed products lines' labor requirements are added incrementally to option H, which is then added to the appropriate whole tomato labor option to find the total number of employees for a given number of canning lines in operation. There are also labor options for operating the processed product lines when the whole tomato lines are inactive. D. Daily index (1 - 365) and maximum (HITEMP) and minimum (LOTEMP) temperatures for each day. E. Proportions of the season's raw product supply delivered each week (DISTRIB(13)). F. Year's projected pack of raw product (X). G. Proportions of annual raw product supply allocated to whole tomatoes (WHOLE), sauce and puree (SAUCE), and paste (PASTE). H. Starting date for plant operations (DAYSTART). I. Number of weeks in the processing season for the plant (IT). J. Expected yield of raw product in tons per acre (YIELD). K. Unit cost (price) of cans (CANCALC), cartons (CARTCALC), and raw product per ton (TONCOST, ADDTON). L. Cleanup and shutdown cost for processed product lines (CLEAN). 9. Definitions of the variables are given in Table 3. 10. For computational convenience, lines 8 through 12 are renumbered as lines 13 through 17 when the plant is producing paste only on processed products lines. 18 M. Other input requirements and their costs per unit for electricity, gas, water, lye, and salt are written directly into the program for the various final products. The weekly costs are then derived. These inputs, their requirements and unit costs, are given in Table 2. N. Similarly, other parameters used in the calculations are written directly into the program for available productive time (.7), allowance for unusable cans and cartons (1.005), and the heat-unit constraints (g = 45, h = 80, and h' = 100). 0. The minimum days of plant operation per week are constrained to 5 for weeks 1, 2, 12, and 13 of the season and 6 for all others. Calculations of costs: A. Labor costs are calculated from the files (LABOR.DAT.) containing the cost of each labor class and the number of employees in each class on each line. The total hourly cost is determined for each labor option for each shift (including premium payment for second and third shifts) (LO(17)). B. Find the raw product equivalent capacity of each line adjusted by expected downtime and converted to tons (Z(14)). 1. Do one set with lines 8 and 12 processing sauce and puree. 2. Do one set with all processed products lines processing paste. 3. Find hourly capacity for aggregate whole tomato product in raw product equivalent. 4. Find hourly capacity for aggregate processed products production with lines 8 and 12 producing sauce and puree. 5. Find hourly capacity for aggregate processed products production with all processed products lines producing paste. C. Calculate production options (capacities) varying the hours (shifts) worked and the number of lines used (PCX 17, 5)). 1. Define Table 1 as production options for whole tomato lines. 2. Define Table 2 as production options for processed products lines with lines 8 and 12 producing sauce and puree. 3. Define Table 3 as production options for processed products with all lines producing paste. 4. Shifts include 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, and 3 shifts of eight hours each (SHIFTW and SHIFTP). D. Define corresponding labor options in relation to the production options (LCK17)). E. Define corresponding cleanup costs for production options. F. Define lines worked for each production option. G. Distribute the year's aggregate pack by the proportions of deliveries each week (ARRIVAL). H. Find week's pack of whole tomatoes (XWT). 1. Find week 8 aggregate pack of processed products (XPT). J. Find days to be worked in week T given allocation of arrivals of raw product (WDAYS, PDAYS). 19 1. Processing weeks 1, 2, 12, and 13 can have minimum of five days; all others have minimum of six days. K. Find average daily pack of whole tomatoes in week T (XWDT). L. Find average daily pack of processed products in week T (XPDT). M. If days to be worked is equal to or greater than 7, go to step Q. N. Select various production options to be evaluated for processed product lines. (Note step S for rule for use of Table 2 producing sauce and puree vs. Table 3 for producing paste only.) 1. For each shift find the production option closest (but not less than) the daily average output of processed products, thus determining the number of canning lines to be used on that shift (e.g., search Table 2 for number of lines capable of processing XPDT in one shift, the number of lines needed for 1.5 shifts, 2 shifts, etc.). 2. Find appropriate labor option and hourly cost for each of the five production options selected. O. Select various production options to be evaluated for whole tomato production lines. For each shift find the production option closest to (but not less than) the given daily average output for whole tomatoes from Table 1, thus determining the number of lines needed to work 1 shift, 1.5 shifts, 2 shifts, 2.5 shifts, and 3 shifts. 1. Find the appropriate labor option for the five production options selected and add to the labor options found for processed products in step N. SHIFTP must be greater than or equal to SHIFTW in any combination. (Thus, there are 15 possible feasible production combinations.) 2. Find the labor cost, including overtime if required (LABOVT), of each feasible combination and add required cleanup cost to define feasible cost alternatives (COSTU5)). P. Select the lowest cost alternative from the possible 15 combinations. Some of these combinations won't be feasible, since the capacities of the smaller number of shifts may be less than the amount to be processed. Q. Find the cost of production if the days to be worked 1 7. The plant will operate all 12 lines, 3 shifts per day. 1. Allocate any excess deliveries to the following week's ivals. R. Find output of each whole tomato and processed product line in raw product equivalent (XIJTQ7)), and convert to cases of final product (QIJTU7)). S. Determine if season's requirements for production of sauce and puree have been met; if so, use production option Table 3. T. Find cost of other supplies and of raw product (GAS, ELEC, WATER, SALT, LYE, CANCOST, CARTCOST, TOMATOES). U. Find week's total cost (TOTAL). V. Repeat for each week of the season. W. Find season's total costs (TOTAL). 20 Table 3. Definition of Variables ACRES - acres of plantings needed to supply raw product requirements in week T. ADDTON - premium price addition for late season tomatoes ($5 per ton for first week in October, $7.50 per ton, thereafter). ARRIVAL - weekly arrivals of raw products (tons). CANCALC - cost per can for various can sizes. CANCOST - total weekly cost of cans. CAN(17) - can size used on each line. 1 CAPQ7) - capacity of each line in cases of final product per hour. CARTCALC - cost per carton of cartons used for various can sizes. CARTCOST - weekly cost of cartons. CLEAN - weekly cleanup costs (boiler start up, evaporator cleanup) associated with various production options. COSTQ5) - labor and cleanup costs for each feasible combination of production options. DAYSTART - day number for beginning of processing operations. DISTRIBQ3) - proportions of season's deliveries of raw product allocated to each week of the season. DLABOR - daily labor cost. ELEC - weekly cost of electricity. GAS - weekly cost of natural gas. HEAT - number of heat units per day. HITEMP(305) - average maximum temperature by days where January 1 = day no. 1. IDAY - day of week from which planting dates are calculated. IT - week of processing season. LABOVT - cost of overtime work in week T. LAMBDAQ4) - conversion coefficient for each processing line to change a case of final product into pounds of raw product. LINEQ7) - processing line numbers. LON(17) - number of employees working on each line. LOPT - labor option selected. LOTEMPT(305) - average minimum temperature by day. LO(17) - cost of all employees in each option working one hour. LYE - cost of lye for processing whole tomatoes per week. NEMPLOY(16,3) - number of employees for each cost option and shift. PASTE - proportion of raw product to be processed as paste. PDAYS - days required to can week's processed products. POPT - production option selected. jU The numbers in parentheses used with several variables indicate the number of different values that are to be specified for that particular variable. In the case of CAN(17), for example, there are 17 can sizes to be specified; one for each canning line as defined in the program. Some can sizes may be the same for different canning lines. 21 Table 3 continued PCX 17, 5) - production options by line and shift. QIJT(17) - production of final products in cases, by line in week T. SALT - cost of salt tablets used in processing whole tomatoes in week T. SAUCE - proportion of raw product to be processed as sauce and puree. SHIFTP(16) - number of shifts worked by processed products lines. SHIFTW(16) - number of shifts worked by whole tomato TOMATOES - cost each week of raw product. TONCOST - cost per ton of raw tomatoes. TOTAL - total weekly cost. WATER - weekly cost of water. WDAYS - number of days required to can week's whole tomatoes. WLABOR - weekly labor cost. WHOLE - proportion of raw product to be processed as whole tomatoes. X - year's projected pack of raw product. XIJT - raw product equivalent processed each week by each canning line. XPDT - average daily production of processed product in raw product equivalent in week T. XPT - total plant production in raw product equivalent of processed products in week T. XWDT - average daily production in raw product equivalent of whole tomatoes in week T. XWT - total plant production in raw product equivalent of whole tomatoes in week T. YIELD - expected yield per acre of raw product. Z(14) - adjusted capacity in raw product equivalent of each canning line. 22 III. Calculate the needed acreage for each week's deliveries (ACRES). IV. Calculate the planting dates for deliveries in week T using Wednesday (IDAY) as the representative starting point deriving expected daily heat units (HEAT) from historical data. As an illustration of how the model operates for a given week, consider the following situation for Week 1 of a 13-week processing season (the complete season's schedule for this case is discussed in the "Results" section.) The plant plans to process 135,000 tons of tomatoes over the season. Based on historical arrival patterns, for instance, 5.3 percent of the deliveries should arrive in Week 1, resulting in a canning level for the week of 7,155 tons (135,000 x .053). One third of the week's arrivals are allocated to whole, peeled tomatoes, or 2,361.15 tons (7,155 x .33), while the remainder, 4,793.85 tons, goes to processed products. Operating at full capacity, the plant could process both quantities in just under three days, but given the contractual constraints, the number of days operated is set at five. This time period yields an average daily output of 472 tons of whole, peeled tomatoes, and 959 tons of processed products. The next step is to determine the labor and cleanup costs of various alternative combinations of lines and shifts operated. Reviewing first the production options for canning the processed products, we note that the aggregate capacity of these lines is such that operating all processed products lines for either 1 or 1.5 shifts, 5 days will not permit all arrivals to be processed. Hence, the first feasible production option is to work 2 shifts and use lines 8, 9, 10, and 11 with a combined daily capacity of about 1,046 tons. 11 Working 2 shifts, 5 days for these lines results in cleanup and boiler start-up costs of $4,540 x 5 days = $22,700. In a similar manner, we find that operating lines 8, 9, and 10 for 2.5 shifts has cleanup costs of $2,900 x 5 days = $14,500 and operating lines 8, 9, and 10 for 3 shifts has a single cleanup cost of $2,900 for the week. The feasible production options for canning the 472 tons of whole tomatoes each day are determined by the same process using production capabilities for lines 1 through 7. Here again, the aggregate capacity for working 1 or 1.5 shifts is not sufficient to meet the week's supply. However, we can operate lines 1-7 for 2 shifts (capacity = 527 tons); lines 1-6 for 2.5 shifts (capacity 503.6 tons); or lines 1-5 for 3 shifts (capacity = 546.24 tons), 5 days. The costs of these production options are found by using combined labor and cleanup costs. In this illustration, these costs are cost option 10 (2 shifts whole and 2 shifts processed), cost option 11 (2 shifts whole, 2.5 shifts processed), cost option 12 (2 shifts whole, 3 shifts processed), cost option 13 (2.5 shifts whole and 2.5 shifts processed), cost option 14 (2.5 shifts whole and 3 shifts processed), and cost option 15 (3 shifts whole and 3 shifts processed). 11. The production options are obtained by finding the actual capacities for various sequences of can- ning lines when operating different numbers of shifts. For lines 8, 9, 10, and 11, operating 2 shifts, this capacity is calculated from Table 1 as follows: (KRated capacity/hour) x (pounds/case) x (.7)] divided by 12,000 pounds]) x 16 hours which yields the following : Line Actual Capacity for 2 Shifts Cumulative Capacity 8 266.9 tons 266.9 tons 9 228.8 tons 495.7 tons 10 321.9 tons 817.6 tons 11 228.8 tons 1,046.4 tons 23 Cost option 10, for example, is calculated by combining the labor costs for operating lines 1 through 11 for both the first and second shifts (the sum of the 233 employees needed per shift times their respective wage rates). These labor costs equal $223,231 and, when added to the cleanup costs ($22,700) yield a cost alternative of $245,931. Applying the same procedures to the other feasible production alternatives results in cost alternatives varying from $257,422 to $327,741 (see Table 4a). Thus, the schedule selects the option (No. 10) of working 2 shifts for lines 1-11 for Week 1. The production from each canning line is prorated on the basis of that line's proportion of the total capacity of those lines being operated which produce similar products (whole or processed). Thus, for lines 1-7 in Week 1, the total actual capacity is 32.96 tons per hour. Line 1, for instance, has a capacity of 3.43 tons per hour, equal to 10.41 percent of the total for lines 1-7. Line 1, therefore, is allocated 245.66 tons for the week (.1041 x 2,361.15 tons) of whole tomatoes. 12 This production level, in turn, equals 17,547 cases of final product (245.7 tons x 2,000 pounds divided by 28 pounds per case), or 421,138 cans (17,547 x 24 cans per case). The related costs of the other inputs are then derived by applying the cost levels presented earlier to the production levels for this week. 13 Results As an initial specification, the annual pack in raw product equilavent was set at 135,000 tons; the only constraint on the length of the work week was that it be at least 5 days. Examples of the ensuing weekly schedules (as printed out by the computer) for weeks #1 and #12 are shown in Tables 4a and 4b, respectively. The individual weekly data show the various feasible cost (production combinations) alternatives which can be used to process the week's pack and notes the lowest cost alternative selected. From that point, the number of shifts worked and the number of employees per shift are presented, and the total tonnage of raw product processed, the total output of cases of final product, and the number of cans required, are listed for each line. The week's costs for the various inputs are summarized and the required acreage and planting dates given. For computational and programming convenience, lines 8 through 12 are renumbered as lines 13 through 17 when the multiple product lines (8 and 12) are producing paste. In the example of Week #1 in Table 4a, the only feasible cost alternatives are 10 through 15. Cost alternatives 1 through 9 are not feasible because the quantity to be processed (7,155 tons) exceeds the capacity of the plant when working less than two shifts. Cost alternative #10 utilizing 11 canning lines for two shifts has the lowest labor and clean-up costs ($245,931). For the smaller quantity to be processed in week #12 (2,835 tons), all cost alternatives are feasible with the production option (cost alternative #1) of working 9 lines, one shift per day, five days a week, having the lowest labor and cleanup costs ($123,372). In week #1, planting date 1 uses Davis temperatures and shows a zero value reflecting a planting date prior to February 1, a cutoff point prior to which plantings are not allowed because of higher risk of poor weather conditions. Planting date 2 is for Fresno. Thus, the model can be used to reflect the appropriate regions for raw product production for given times in the processing season. The weekly data are summarized in an annual table as illustrated in Table 5. 12. The totals presented are those from Table 4a. Rounding error may cause a slight difference from those total figures and the results obtained using the figures shown above in parentheses. 13. Can and carton costs are inflated by the allowance for damaged or unuseable items. 24 Table 4a WEEK # 1 TABLE: 2 DAYS WORKED: 5 WEEKLY ARRIVAL: 7155. DAILY WHOLE: 472. DAILY PROCESSED: 959. COST #SHIFTS WHOLE #SHIFTS PROCESSED 10 245931 2.0 2.00 11 257422 2.0 2.50 12 267390 2.0 3.00 13 288278 2.5 2.50 14 298246 2.5 3.00 15 327741 3.0 3.00 COST ALTERNATIVE SELECTED: 10 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES PER SHIFT: 233 233 0 LINE CAN SIZE CANS XI JT QIJT 1 1 421138 245.66 17547. 45 2 1 541464 315.85 22561 . 01 3 1 661789 386.04 27574. 56 4 3 60162 227.56 10027. 12 5 3 120325 455. 11 20054. 23 6 2 168455 173.44 7018. 98 7 2 541464 557.48 22561 . 01 8 3 129287 1222.52 21547. 95 9 4 1058927 1048.34 22061 . 00 10 5 615655 1474.65 25652. 32 11 4 1058927 1048.34 22061 . 00 LABOR CLEAN UP WATER GAS ELECTRICITY CARTON COSTS CAN COSTS LYE SALT TOMATOES TOTAL 1 223231.23 22700.00 2708.26 71736.56 10388.09 41571 .00 646817.63 6847.33 11679.98 186030.00 223709.88 ACRES: 256. PLANTING DATE1 : 0 PLANTING DATE2: 34 25 Table 4b WEEK # 12 TABLE: 3 DAYS WORKED: 5 WEEKLY ARRIVAL: 2835. DAILY WHOLE: 187. DAILY PROCESSED: 380. COST #SHIFTS WHOLE #SHIFTS PROCESSED 1 123372 1 .0 1 .00 2 142654 1 .0 1 .50 3 161464 1 .0 2.00 4 182558 1.0 2.50 5 194453 1.0 3.00 6 171364 1.5 1 .50 7 190174 1.5 2.00 8 211269 1.5 2.50 9 223164 1.5 3.00 10 218432 2.0 2.00 11 239526 2.0 2.50 12 251421 2.0 3.00 13 270595 2.5 2.50 14 282489 2.5 3.00 15 309500 3.0 3.00 COST ALTERNATIVE SELECTED: 1 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES PER SHIFT: 228 0 0 LINE CAN SIZE CANS XIJT QIJT 1 1 218441 127.42 9101 .74 2 1 280853 163.83 11702.24 3 1 343265 200.24 14302.74 4 3 31205 118.03 5201 .00 5 3 62411 236.06 10401 .99 6 2 87376 89.96 3640.70 13 3 55064 981 .85 9177.36 14 4 541202 535.79 1 1275.04 15 5 314652 753.67 13110.51 LABOR CLEAN UP WATER GAS ELECTRICITY CARTON COSTS CAN COSTS LYE SALT TOMATOES TOTAL 108872.81 14500.00 1073-09 26743.84 4116.04 16298.86 245869.61 2713.09 4569.80 87885.00 512641 .31 ACRES: 101. PLANTING DATE1: 150 PLANTING DATE2: 169 Table 5 ANNUAL AGGREGATE PRODUCTION PLAN FOR PROCESSING 135000 TONS OF TOMATOES 3 WEEKS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 12 13 TOTAL DAYS WORKED 5 10 16 22 28 31 10 46 52 57 62 67 72 72 SHIFTS (WHOLE) 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 NA SHIFTS (PROCESS) 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 NA EMPLOYEES/ SHIFT 233 233 233 233 235 235 235 235 233 231 231 228 215 NA RAW PRODUCT 7155 11310 12825 12825 11175 11175 11175 14175 12825 9990 7155 2835 1350 1 35000 PRODUCTION (CASES) LINE 1 17517 27811 31452 31452 31763 31763 31763 31763 31452 21500 17517 9101 8250 338172 LINE 2 22561 35757 40439 10139 11696 11696 11696 11696 40439 31500 22561 1 1702 10607 131792 LINE 3 27574 13703 49426 19126 51628 51628 51628 51628 49426 38500 27574 14302 12964 531113 LINE 1 10027 15892 17973 17973 19865 19865 19865 19865 17973 11000 10027 5200 0 1 88526 LINE 5 20051 31784 35946 35916 39730 39730 39730 39730 35946 28000 20054 10401 0 377053 LINE 6 7018 11121 12581 12581 13905 13905 13905 13905 12581 9800 7018 3640 0 1 31 968 LINE 7 22561 35757 40439 10139 11696 11696 44696 44696 40439 31500 22561 0 0 412183 LINE 6 21517 31151 38623 38623 35623 35623 35623 35623 38623 32339 23161 9177 8454 387198 LINE 9 22060 31961 39543 395 4 3 36471 36171 36471 36471 39543 39731 284 5 6 11275 0 401005 LINE 10 25652 10656 45980 45980 42409 12109 42409 42409 45980 16198 33088 131 10 0 466285 LINE. I I 31961 3954 3 395 4 3 36471 36171 36471 36471 39543 0 0 0 0 321543 LINE 12 0 0 0 0 25415 25115 25445 25445 0 0 0 0 0 101782 AVG DAILY WHOLE 172 718 705 705 779 779 779 779 705 659 472 187 89 NA AVG DAILY PROC. 958 1519 1432 1432 1582 1582 1582 1582 1432 1338 958 379 180 NA COSTS (DOLLARS) LABOR 223231 335778 426976 426976 128105 128105 428105 428405 426976 332955 221 354 108872 103036 1319780 CLEAN UP 22700 1510 4540 4540 1810 4840 1810 4840 4540 2900 14500 14500 11500 103620 WATER 2708 4292 4854 4854 5365 5365 5365 5365 4854 3781 2708 1073 510 51099 GAS 71736 1 1 3695 128581 128584 116181 146181 146181 146181 128584 94240 67496 26743 12735 1357126 ELECTRICITY 10388 16464 18620 18620 20580 20580 20580 20580 18620 14504 10388 4116 1960 196001 CARTONS 11571 65886 71511 74514 81276 84 276 84 276 84276 74511 56845 40713 16298 7606 789571 CANS 616817 1025144 1159390 1 159390 1299178 1299178 1299178 1299178 1159390 864901 619456 245869 110552 12187625 LYE 6817 10852 12273 12273 13565 135>5 13565 13565 1r273 9560 6847 2713 1291 129195 SALT 11679 1851 1 20935 20935 23139 23139 23139 23139 20935 16307 11679 4569 2042 220157 TOMATOES 186030 294 84 0 333450 333150 368550 368550 368550 368550 333150 259740 186030 87885 45225 3531300 TOTAL 1223709 1890005 21 84 1 38 2 1 84 1 38 2 3 94 082 2391082 2394 082 2394082 2181138 1655735 1181173 512641 296460 22888172 ACRES NEEDED 255 405 458 158 506 506 506 506 158 356 255 101 18 1821 PLANTING DAY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 NA The convenience of computer simulation in testing changes in specifications, assumptions, etc., is illustrated by constraining the processing plant to work at least six-day work weeks for week 3 through 11 when the arrivals of fresh tomatoes may occur daily. Using the same 135,000- ton seasonal processing goal, the only changes are in weeks 10 and 11 which in the initial run operated only 5 days (all schedules for other weeks remain unchanged). As a result of this change, the total season's costs increase from $22,888,472 in the base model to $22,923,106 in the constrained version because of higher labor and cleanup costs. One can also utilize this type of planning model to analyze the effects on average cost per ton of raw product processed of altering the season's pack. As an example, the season's pack was increased about 30 percent to 175,000 tons and the model was run with the work week constrained to be no less than five days (see Table 6). Using the same weekly proportions of arrivals as the base model, the plant worked 7 days for most of the season (weeks 2 through 9). The additional shifts and overtime work pushed the season's labor costs up by 34 percent to $5,798,903 from $4,319,780. Other input costs went up less proportionately; however, the cost per ton of raw product processed dropped from $169.54 at 135,000 tons per season to $168.70 for the 175,000-ton level. In this manner the changes in costs associated with changes in output for the season can be determined by running the model with several quantity alternatives. Other possible simulation experiments can also be made with the plant operations. Wage rates can be altered, product mixes can be varied (by altering the priority with which the canning lines operate), and, of course, the structure of the model itself can be revised (e.g., more processing facilities included). Similarly, the plan generated by this model can be updated periodically prior to and during the processing season as additional information about such factors as weather and yields becomes available. While the model has been developed for a particular set of plant operating conditions and technology, (i.e., input-output coefficients), the model can be made applicable to other specific plants and operations by changing its parameters directly. The model is deterministic in that the season's supply of tomatoes, the weekly arrivals, farm yields, and weather data are used at their expected value. Stochastic simulation could be developed in the context of this model to estimate the effects of the probabilistic nature of these items on the cost of production. 28 Table 6 ANNUAL AGGREGATE PRODUCTION PLAN FOR PROCESSING 175000 TONS OF TOMATOES WEEKS 1 2 3 1 5 C O 1 O 0 n y 1 n 1 u 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 3 TOTAL DAYS WORKED 5 12 19 26 33 Ml) 117 RH 6.1 O 1 fi7 73 77 ft? SHIFTS (WHOLE) 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 ■3 3 0 J J c 1 NA SHIFTS (PROCESS) 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 NA EMPLOYEES/ SHIFT 233 233 235 235 235 235 235 ^33 <=33 c3 1 C J I 220 NA RAW PRODUCT 9275 11700 16625 16625 18375 18375 18375 18375 16625 12950 9275 3675 1750 175000 PRODUCTION (CASES) 8623 117897 LINE 1 22716 36051 10772 10772 11 160 111160 11 160 11 160 10772 31759 22716 9012 LINE 2 29215 16351 52121 52121 5291 9 5291 9 5291 9 c 0 0 1 0 3<:9 I 9 C Oll0 1 H AQO O HUOJ J 1 1 >\ft7 1 1Aft7 1 1 UO I 33 l£yi LINE 3 35711 56652 61070 61070 61680 64 680 61680 61680 61070 U9907 35711 14163 13551 656696 LINE 1 12998 2 0 600 23298 23298 23520 23520 O OCO A OOCO A OQOQft 1 R1 lift 1 O 1 HO 1 900ft 1 eyyo O I ou LINE 5 25996 11 201 16597 16597 ll 7/1 ll A li *rnn n UTAH A H f UMU ll 7AM n nooy f 3 £.9 On joe yo pc.QQn coyyo 1 0300 0 LINE 6 9098 1 1120 1 6308 1 6308 1 All All 1 0*1 OM 1 All All 1 OH OH 1 All All 1 All All I OH OH 1 e f U J Oft Oft O AAC JOUO 0 1 6^70Q LINE 7 29215 16351 52121 52121 52920 co no n 5 ooy II O QOO O M^09t 3 OOQ*70 *7