7f J ".". ' 'g^ ■iK irt" . -i^T*!-"- 1 . " I. lA m«^ ATI A^ OR TH F WFiRI i WITH GENERAL INDEX A tiBRARY uyfjiy^Rsrrv of California SAN OWIO •1 I THE Graphic Atlas OF THE WORLD EDITED BY J. G. BARTHOLOMEW LL.D., F.R.S.E., F.R.G.S., Etc. LONDON JOHN WALKER & CO., Ltd. FARRINGDON HOUSE, WARWICK LANE, E.C. 1910 LIST OF PLATES 10- -11 12- -13 14-15 16- -ir 1. ASTRONOMICAL GEOGRAPHY. 2-3. THE WORLD— HEMISPHERES. Heights of Mountains, Etc. 4-5. THE WORLD— MERCATOR. Political and Commercial Chart. 6. NORTH POLAR CHART. 7. SOUTH POLAR CHART. 8-9. EUROPE. Sections across Continent. CENTRAL EUROPE. BRITISH ISLES AND NORTH SEA. .SHOWINO COJIMCNICATIONS WITH CONTINENT. ENGLAND AND WALES. .Section across Country. ENGLAND AND WALES, NORTHERN SECTION. Environs of Newcastle, Leeds, Etc. 18-19. ENGLAND AND WALES, WESTERN SECTION. eO-21. ENGLAND AND WALES, EASTERN SECTION. 22. ENVIRONS OF LONDON. 23. CENTRAL ENGLAND. 24-25. SCOTLAND. Section across Country. 26-27. SCOTLAND, NORTHERN SECTION. Environs of Aberdeen and Inverness. 28-29. SCOTLAND, SOUTHERN SECTION. Environs of Edinburgh and Glasgow. 30-31. IRELAND. Environs of Belfast, Section. 32-33. IRELAND, NORTHERN SECTION. 34-35. IRELAND, SOUTHERN SECTION. Environs of Duklin and Cork. 3&-37. FRANCE. Environs of Paris, Bordeaux, and Marseilles. 38. HOLLAND AND BELGIU.M. Environs of Amsterdam and Antwerp. 39. DENMARK. Environs of Copenhaoex. 40-41. GERMANY. Environs of Berlin, Hamburg, and Kiel. 42-43. AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. Environs op Vienna, Buda-Pest, Trieste. 41 -45 46- -47 48- -49 50 -51 52- -53 54- -55 56- -57 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68-69. 70-7 L 72-73. 74. 75. 76-77. 78-79. 80. 8L 82-83. 84. SWITZERLAND AND THE ALPS. SPAIN AND PORTUGAL. Environs of Madrid, Lisbon, Gibraltar. ITALY. Environs op Rome, Naples, Brisdisl THE BALKAN STATES. Environs op Constantinople and Athens. SWEDEN AND NORWAY. Environs of Stockholm, Christiania, Bergen. RUSSIA IN EUROPE. Environs of St. Petersburg, Moscow, Odessa. ASIA. Section across Continent. THE NEAR EAST. INDIAN OCEAN. TURKEY IN ASIA. PALESTINE. INDIAN EMPIRE. BENGAL, EASTERN BENGAL, ASSAM, Etc. Environs op Calcutta. BOMBAY, BERAR, Etc. Environs of Bombay. MADRAS, HAIDARABAD, MYSORE, Etc. Environs of Madras. PUNJAB, SIND, RAJPUTANA, Etc. PLANS OF CALCUTTA AN'D BOMBAY. BURMA, SIAM, AND INDO-CHINA. Singapore Strait. EAST INDIAN ARCHIPELAGO. EMPIRES OF CHINA AND JAPAN. Environs of Pekin and Hong Kong. CHINA. JAPAN. Environs of Tokio. NORTHERN ASIA. AFRICA. Sections across Continent NORTH AFRICA. Environs op Algiers. EGYPT. Environs of Cairo. CENTRAL AFRICA. WEST AFRICA. IV LIST OF PLATES 85. CAPE TOWX, PORT ELIZABETH, DURBAN. 108. MEXICO. Environs op City of Mexico. 8G-87. SOUTH AFRICA. 109. GUIANA. Environs of Rio Janeiro. 88. NORTH ATLANTIC ROUTE CHART. 110 -111. SOUTH AMERICA. 89. NEW YORK, BOSTON, PHILADELPHIA, Section across Continent. CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS, S. FRANCISCO. 112 -113. CHILE, ARGENTINA, BRAZIL, Etc. 90-^v-[^ , Eartks Airia at Pcocihp.lioa 77i* -whitR part oii-Ar: Eartlia mtrface ta tt-ithitt the Arctic GrSx. \^etS^ Ocean Tides inllMoon., \ SFRmG 'CNewMooti i TIDES NKAP Tirst /"kQiiartar TIDES iowtsAc |1\ *"^«-™ ]fl Last'JOnarter Comparative { SATURN^ Sizes of the Sun and Planets JtrPITER 1 ? EARTH -VKBUS ^™ O O ^^ KEFXraTE <^3 UBANrrs ^^^*RT OF CIRCUMFERENCE OF THE Xhff Zdhiburgli. Cr^oA^inilucal ^dtitmlA Joba Bu^^oliaBSw tt Co ^^^r^'f;m3^MlS ▼t.- ZilirilniF^ii GBottra^^uf.iI Ia«ti«nli- Ja}ui_Bu^u2isoflnr& C«. Hia TJ^TYliiiT.rftL Gvo^i^Lbi^».< I liO Jdlui BartliiJgtiiaw^ iR Co XLa Xdifilnxr^i Grojfi-Ailm?*! Iii£ JobiifiaH^kcJflXDffW Xt C jQie XdmLrUF^ Gto^apliif ^ Ta^titntf Julm Bnrtl>o1om«;r Jfc i - ► 8 n IDui fdinlbiir^lL Geotfctmjiioal Tn» *T»TT*^ "BlM yJrWlim-jytL Gfo^^JocbI iutStMXl^ ' enice ^ s ^ ^ ^^- ?■■?•"- ntari- g^'* itiso* S> 20 Iha MiuLm T ^ Gvo^ipkac«l ^i^titiita ^^bm..m&-^7'^ ' / / ' ' "';< 4. ^j, ■ ■■ .V' ">!•■ .# *i\ ■■Su>'3i>V'V,- ^i#N> ^!.">-.f" ■ /^ Wt'.'S^iS.I- ^""""'^T^^Tf^.d^; «h" '^'B^s°?y?!4jpv^. TerJ w ■; ^ v^ '■ _ . ^■; 3=3 ««*=" ^.^^ ( ,Fmd. itclpost TtuK ttarlingeflZ^^--;;fteauwarder JUoUen I 5,,^1 ift^ TlloSi 1 ■■■./ i ■■« ' ^*>^ I ../.SW.-'?^. ^.JFl.iish' .^ ,. Osi.ndJ .;.i»'''! ,.b\ ^^^^^,,,i^^&;?^^Vk^":'..^^^ *>lb« losendaal ^ - ---.'WA ■ TO^b»T "Xi?^ ^ >^gi;,,^^^ ,V Pb.uvf i_K " /Til 'Err' te>«^'" \"" ;r b„b..>.. >^^'^m^'«''^'\ ^7 *"" ^h-.m^r ^ .,h/5tbn^t?fl^T ^ I \ / "Ka>«eiV'"""'W'""''°l"' I 6 a 10 VUKICH j^ 14- :< = .HB^M^kan. .-&I&V, m:^ J^t^'"' Hnrr}\ ^J-SWlCT**. SfMai ''dumfriesjI k SIkiwkfnd tr^—S ? i ' S^IaHwldsll* Portpatpic \^ '^?^ Surro H of Gallovfay SS, ■^Uea iMiy^ si "" 7)un>'' ., of ^\7 ^%.^- y'\ Br»v j-tot^'* y, „ / ■ B^"" 1a„o,..,,., ^.:^« iSuetciwn "«?4^^^^.. %_ ■■^.. "•■' ..iJ"" ' ■"^tr ^, *.^. ■-!i,„./.,'^ ^-.i^ «!" \ -"*&,-. S ^:"<-^'vrt*\# "T Lancaster r ,, ^jiv ■' > ar- -; . r-Vi,«rfi; — S- 1— e..«il JL....( -»^^r 2)ii» in » iivi»7W"« '^^ "' -T^ — ■ Sktrntm- F*LYnu8 / ^. u£3iu^ar^i (■m^nrilii rWl Ingfa fnf* S"*' St" <:^^^">"''>''«'^«ti^ ^u^nut DURH iiK' .a#,^ irrs-LATT-D &imiLis NORTHERN SECTION ''O'Aiy >"'*io^ Canals = 20 2S 30 3S Coach. Koutes .. — ■^- Stoamer Roittes Motor Bos Rontes • 7i Sw.' '■■ ^Whitby N 0\ R M-i' JVortft: H07-A' Moors I,,.. *S.,.'' ,-„^"— ^:^%!, X/^""'?'-" HORTH X^rSJJlG IIbwc? "^"-^^j-, l*IeA*B^ m*ka JVo/Hft NTi'rA- Jt/'wo'v" 1 '" v$nwi//'n-L,ij- Jfasham * > Sind^^rt'Y, II. I r />,.,,.,;,,/,. * — .-rtherpf t *"v -rf'''*^ YORKXHIRE '^■P'^Mr..,-rVrn>jy\pa^''-f , : y^! ;^^'-«*^^'« Bni.llmS"' '/.iri^yf ^ iihr'-'' .4 T(-ft Om/i,»hti*\ Zockiin/toi ..,11"- B7.iA..'?«'J ■ "' > .i^ agum. ■ "J ■ /#■•• Ti-.H-i,„„S ,vv-';^?)"""";2.T"/'"/ vixjy H-i^ jc °°"-x-a"':y" Yj^-^/ .///,/>//ii,zw -^^^wA,.,., „i^-^''''''''' \ N'' M Tim,,.,, °^\/.)t,a„ ^"yf^TrkJ't^ ii;^.a3 Ir,...^ %„,„„,,. \i, ;,;„; ='^* ' Sesl! -^^p^Lxt. >S^r ,^w''°/f \-..;x.&^-., I p "...<-, i.4'^-^,^.w.H-i4 Fr iJM,,,,,,-,- r £u^oi> .ir- , , 1,1. Ml'.;., 11,^^- jl; ;.A jiLiAf/V^tft -yiJ.r !■,■. [, ^T ,11 '^ lu'fi.i^ti>„ ^,. X js-t ■! " ,1,,;,. , &;,i„ i,.„.,f.-.„.,..,.. ."-^ &Wr^^,,,j,i\„,«-, """■'."/ste"". - ■ /•'>3i Welslipot^ ;n ),,„,„,„...) i^ ^ T<>;,,n„444 WiQa^,*%iiilaiBBf"-' SOUTHERN SECTION English. Jfilcs OS 10 35 30 £5 jb Railways CoadLRcniteS - = Steamer Routes . Canals -. Motor Bus Boat«s • 3!Aiidre"^vTi ^^ ai -P"^'? J^C^^ ^^ :^^' •twick ? ,,„5»^' -,34"'" \,pf^*'- '""■^■^^...^ B E RWI CK Arr * ' — >*tip«7PP,linautii Weedmouth ^tScremrr:i ton ^'lU Bpltoroa i, ■WorkinS'lon^ Cttlthwil \i. T rh bn iH3(^J>icAA««A jl- fe^ ith N^ .^^ J>^^ y-l*A DISW if T-IJ-- ATrwJlU 1 I L'^ U. of (rre^ntrit^- 'ffMu. , " \',^jrif^^. JtiWBju'OuiladUiW^ Co- 50 tal C/j •^i S f^ «^ '^ . ^ M _ljr.p1^ll A^ TT 3:\ D O O I 1 ARRAN \\ JnJjiht7-aAuIi !• \ Malin.S^^ ^- * «<«,„„ ^j^„ ^^ Mtu^trihcadah ) *>*'.;■ -4i^/^ .^J^' • ■ P \1 .az^ripTzj- yi„»,i/^ ^ondondJi^ry r^^ Foyle^ "•■..nlli.,,, '"■•-'„., j>^ "H ^'^ "•*< :««• -"."■ \^ il,«.a-^o Girv-aix/a Cu.f/ir'nduitm Df urn-turn Gai-i'i^til * JJunlov Dtrr-}vrli: ,ugh ^wtoiTOS teivart LOJtDONDERRY :^/ \ TTpperJanJe J ^j7VTuy« ■.■\^. \ 2daQe€ % I TYRONE Cnntsj/y Piiplpatrid x-^l UxiaofSalioway •■ .'""" ,„.i-"'7/'''"'''''^Vi»"'7-v™.... " ■ illids nntona ' Dim^annonVi \ /MarkethillK ARMAGH D OWN ,. ^«ss^" fyldss '^"fi ^6^ oCajvazL CAVAIT OMcaseie westWeath ■ii!iwX.vl"Jd ^ it>«i A---; «»W:; Mavin' ^^^ir.!ltiruU Aft _. - Tp ■iso-f. ,w" i)>w OWtll' Dublui t» Zivtfj?09t.lSljn* SUBLir KJie^jihiJl Huth^^Otm. . .1' --1. X-miy.-'lW^^fi/wi,^-, Bra-V offijlgsto™. ^ i • =SS?fr^'x..«,auy70„ JBWBuitLi^mw>r& Co. Sw E^lnriJli Oeo^^ihical butibrct* 3 4 MUm Jalm Boriliolainnr £ C^ 36 Lyme B(u- ^t H ^ K ^ E JD) mxtiiufs . ff^cz \ lr i-llltl a' s T-i fi^u. Island •ler; Jjouarncnei ii- Chan n e 1 •-'¥». "^/ IAS r^'^rT .Cotes duNord^i" ■ '"^eine Inferiei nAi W^i'feHl/-®^^V^ '>/ Ma "lA>i •4 I .J F. Par"" , , Velid er /.dlttt^,,, 1^ '^ \y o to. ix ^ DepBiTziiieiit a£ \ Corse <^^'' \44 iuTZ.,, Ifl Stntzt nf Bfrnxriirzo - ,\1U ,*io«>'Sf L .^^^^ ~^^nii- 1 Meruhan O of Oremwi^h f ,\ ■'• y^ Ibo £diQLm>4t GvA^'o^OsfAl J<)lin.Bain!£wy,_ T*^ Islands ^^^^^'^^^^^^ Soricum^ *^ • %' ' BR ~ ' wov^aS ^"■i. A, lieo^ ■^T ■PJti' rxcE E,.,^ lA ,- ITr f^"^'. ■ ^iHvy «latm at ,'•''' IV^^v'-''^!, iUddle !/ ,1!^ -Va>fe ^-Sg; //'J-v.«^. ^ ' * ^*!4 P^C jflw / l/i^j. -= — V^^*! S^^ff rr' I * ^ "S V^&Ju vT/"^"??^'" ■^— — .j»i ^ti^Si rw^-^-'-si^^ <^:^^kt f^y^w.fcj^'iairfi^^^S •"^•^^ZZl >^ -^ siyi '3js(^^ =^^35 SL-a(l HIGH \tm Lonattude lUist of Oreenvfith l]fee£jm!bm'^ G gcgf im lncal I] "Memel 4i B A Buffi L T I C ■A. S £ ^ V- Tlicfeoft BriuiUr Ort Gulf "t;.,7;. ffeto Ma+uJ , b4 Jolm BajGuil rttn cw A Cn 42 =G- o :w «} ao ao -Ho o SHometrca Xmi^itmie Enut 16 oi"" Gr-e^nwtch JahaBintWmiewA Co lA UialTnr^ Grogr^fiiural JaMtitear *4^ ^ toot ^ i ^ , toot - •*, \^ \ -L ' yf \' ' t.y ■iiinifrmiaui V''^^ ^f V -^ ^^N^^v't^^^^ S J l(z>t>7i*ir-'-.^--^v,i . \\' jfc,/A 46 B ^ Y^ OF B I S C ^ tr C.Pr C. A JPerijM ><*■ O -v^ ado V^^="^.»JL_.-V'~'^'''^^' — A*'*^ . ^<'^r- f. CorrtiheJaJ S^^O^ 'Cr " _. _ ■ \ ^ RrihieacA\ , y^ ; P-Knistecre Pontev f?SO . ^tii .rhanHa TTiaitaii^ -■Karmma^ar „ -> "!?* >?^ ATjd^lt TO HAIDARA8A0 . 1 Zttnip,t2^. ^ : )1'ia.^J:.];jT\^ ' ■■<"*"'J^/l^^t-;„.fcU„ ntiipatam V.I i , lULshi-'JulW ^ulipatani Jl'oc.'iii^uia. "^iaptiriun ft i 6 I'f u - fellore '^'^-^^H^fc'" a itlapt^ •11 I — i niSiu I Cajtmanore^ W4 Tahil^^ CaUxrui -^&#i^^ s"^' 19 io lakartt Chutt ■^ J *r — A^i 1 - • ' 'I ^''^ PUIIIIRATTAT^ -5 Vfil B ^ Y O B E N G ^ Lan^itu^e East 78 of Greentvich rio Eiimbai-^ G»>ogi-uj^,lii, 111 lustiint* JoLn B arUi^J^i:!^ F> 66 PUNJAB SINS, RAJFUTANA, KASHMIR &c. X'llxF.IKJr . . f:n{tlUh NkUf -So DISTRICTS IN NORTH-WKST FRONTIER PROVINCE ] Hitzant '2 Pexhaicar :> Kohtit 4 Hitnnii 5 Dt^rra Ithmail Khan DISTKIi.TS IN PUNJAB. 1 /tawfU Pindi 10 Jiilniidhar 19 Pirozpiir l(-rM CAnii A'A«»i 25 RolUak 7 Ourdaspur 16 Muzajargarh 36 /JfMi 8 Kangra 17 J/H/*rtH 27 Ourgaon 9 ffothiarfmr 18 Hontgomer!/ TTieyiihi-e A Froteetnl Slates are coloiiretil£Uo>% liallwtiys—^ — Canals- afgeahistant I fOiazni ^^ t^Lakkop^ (rrogt"tB»Tiir al In^^Uitv 67 5 4 CZ^^mS^^^ "^~ *i 70 O C E ':A N 71 120 Bata^S ,:jW«<,Oa^,;Z 125 Aiiiji ilta nijlf Sfdiagt-HD^ Hiaojiel Colaum .- ^al-n-n Clara ft-7 ™_- ■ ^^ Babuyan P 130 135 140 I ' ! F ^ £^1^1101*^ Gr^^s^ba^a^ 75 or-Mvnfanha J olm Bnrt K a lcm c^ J^ Co S HEN -KING Jasak 1/ . ^-^^iSa^"'* ^"^'^ HAN/ S I- Ha-yiirn -\ Ten cliau jlppu, yo^ yh^a "^ riT , '"'"'' rXa v^ xldrli^nax Bw.-m^ tim* 41 ^^'^ T s. li«.Wjjiii i^f*" *""^ •'-'^; . .^*«^^^p»_._ t'AtTuj-i'wii r«i' TuinLyl BstT _)> . itui (uif .*fi-^> c ,-f„ ■ i„ ^^ ' ^I.iU'«:li^ ten len>i£Sang-ia}i st-shvn h ^JoR^^m - , ^- Jriatftf'i*' - -.1-1 , SE^ TkshaagoT great SaJidbaiik ;|H^^, s-,.,,-;^\\7.a/.'-^w ^ ^ '™ 7 mi/ifj ., .<■ ., , Hams-cli;i^^^>i.-l^' ; ;-Sw=,.... Qui saa //.. ^ _ J JlfiS ^Qui-jo n-J 30 !| '■^^;^ Archipelago f^^ji?i*aiui I. Hsiang-tanS ShuitcbaiL ^-^Na. ^^pKi^'" ''"'* 0^ r.7^ VwlaiiB. Pescadores Si Mfht-ksiatjQ ^ , S^J%'c4«,^£ ft» ^ - "**<*£. i_ Zem^itiid^ East 115 of Grtavtieh. Eri^Ush MHea : yufa&aksaaa ■ ^-:^':'' 7 (FORMOSA^- Vtif'hrtrl!'^' SaStn^t open — — Pro/ated or ConHnteUng - a^ffs** TV Uhibcr^ G»og^^^iic*l tuciaie JiJa3«rtl>i3c=." 76 79 80 w ,<^' « ..< LI < < :J f-^ *i -)"."rt -i_'S '\\ 5\ . ^^ -k\ \ '^l^ / / tfl ^ /^ (ri 7?s^ H u ' / c6 h "* ff "-^^ ^ lH I .r '.' i % ■^ rS^ -5 ff •.¥!■' Tho XdlnljiDhj^ {iw^ftl lojit-jtnfj Juka SjuOifiifmiJVir JL C i 82 T" /•'A ..' o- GunA :' J V'" Ga3ae fan. J J^RST^ ' c V^ ^' NdBle ■ . ^-::■;- ' p'"-*' W^T EH- K'^l'TgO- KIKE'S .»^'.'°i^-^^^ , ,<-5„,<„ ^ i i..,./«w KaA M E' ):|;-. U IT' ^v R Xh« XduJjTiP^i Gco^'ophiUiil ^KtjtntP 83 w •i.aaoi^-iM.A ,^ /; n ^ .■^ K(iraa T.JfnniJiil.yii U-Shkhlt iMEdTOR ■^ - , ipcrsLE ^ -HS '-JBRITISH EAST taJeuaiu *! — ' ^A1T7T-R\B f utT ) TJjigiaaa ca- FanaoBiLR. S TE^RNV\ Longitude East of Grf^ntvich. 30 tuiidtuJiay , JAa BarGioloiaoir A C 85 ■Qw laiDJrtlB^Ii Gt<,gFmfiociLl T>itt.itaU ^aiai&ia'i}uitnBfnr& Co liyVuup ' I Koranna --f^^fenfcn^^i^. ^^a^^ ^~^itt^^ Bushman ATLANTIC ^^>^^ ^' >- o\c E A N & Land *^=L*. '; ■' ' X ■/ '^'t^^^^^S^ fiaStoor Gtiqpiat. WUUston- ■fta>^ ■ A^' JiynfonUm ■■.'j^o/M'ji— 'i Qui ^jzD^tir^i (^ro^mlncAl lutf^ ^ .'V X- "C T R A T "^.J-. -^""^ ,As,^ )lAtrj^fnr, T S I ^"-f' ■ GnherbnesJ} ifcflji" ^^) ■^■', YiTUtfiiel^rsburq Fanresi LuMwff fjieifnnl'la,a '^"■'■'^^'--^^^ Vnikontanxi .onx^lile' ■•sditi-pj' '&ijif>di. ,^ira^ Port Gi-osvenor Jl N '^■Pyl^ j;^ /n'tStlai [:n<\ >, f^ lpjpnai^;. V>-^^a-t Alfred. o C E\ jL n H\ 'tis "^ Sn^lish- IdUfLS SaUwaye open, * Pro/ectai or- Construeti/iff - 26 Lun^itu^ East of Greenwich 88 89 92 1*5 140 135 130 125 120 U5 UO 105 100 100 Lorujitud^ West 95 or^ fin-rturroft Tlw £duibar^L Ggo ^ ' Ai AigjH In#titEit« 95 50 155 SO 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 /*3 35 •Jijni SiP^olmicnrA C-a^ 94^ ^TISH COLUMBIA -^^ AND THE NORTH-WEST loo Iso S£dly^£Q't open .^__> ^_h>— Constructing -^ TKa Etholiiir^ GnoglMi^Iiicnl IiLatiliUA 99 -r 7X1 "^" ^ofct ■fF'Rae ^ i n-.™-" ,i /^.j/"""*"-" J5p=^ 5^X^/i''°1u5;i E R /Si^"^ Kf^l.ia"' ' Jnl^-"" ■►■■ ^'^ '■ ^t' uPf^' cM ifSM^Kig M-^i- ■V ■■■i/A o^pt\ lalm^J^ \ u,-oW-<^ , -r-J ^ M-- . ».^ii ■^ -- "^ it'-r 'flJIStpA M„ 4»?; i»"'°" I', .ifi-*^'4 *> l***\s: r.m "'^.XiliiinaJ I '^s^. ''"\ *!&('"'«.*.< |U»"r"--.*'°""r [CUmahDlni, LA, , Longitude West JIB nj>h. E '(to >ru^ \ A T JdloL BanliaWisir & Co. Sua EJiobar^ Gvo^^ilaciil BisEtlraK 1 '"'A A^K ^^t >^. Q •. I,, 'k ^^J-J'-'^'-f"^ H, SJ//,- o« (7(11 --R-^"" \"7 ../;Mt/ r'j ¥^\.>.^i*'>4 "'^'daiut ^vs-^Ci^ I' yw ^S«rSciv 1 •^-t Vj^^^Vp^^^-^^^^^^^^^^^^i^*^/^'^ 40 .1 NCT" " __„p |.3» -S^ I ^^SS! 1 '-j$--.^'>^l^rf ....,«, L.^W^i P^'-Llin no f '\ r I ' LoTUfitud'^ Wvst 95 of Greenwuii. ''.r^Act„n ><&|iY"*_ SiA Rt m b icCTi Gvo^ A^iuc^ IbLtftitat* -3^^^ ''offLrj^i 86 1 E N 105 I U E '* B E C -j^r-^K^^^-i-t'-i^"?^-'' !!^^*ii'^ mr-'.- /i,„.,«^4s^»<" %.".,it^%« 4 "Tx^'a^'Ji 1, s^^'^l iGirLF .P.; ^ .&M or ■\7;aii^ ' Oiibemu} liiat ./ki^g'stiatfim / .// "" Wi„.--p'U K ■■■■ ; '1 4 ^" ^^'iwl'i|»'k'-'' , /'^Scranton rytontankP- iiptort Witl 7ta-fon. I , _ ' ,X I 'ILMTislnn- ii1c.li . mnulLvSai^ .:^1j 5 r s e yyjfH'^'"' K^-i\m L i •^:tnJ^^.,aey r/lvA"'i;' K J/pi-fn/h City ^ ■^i-;3'i>"""'"i ry'" 'Crijfie: C. Chtirl*^ ,C Rynry so 40 English XiLes lOO 120 1*0 ISO Raibvays Ouia . Join BartLuliniuiw & Co. 104^ E R r A '^SASKATCHEWAN p ^'' /^/^^^^ WW^/irfic San &a2i(aacoftlp''SS?tod ;1 fienrrN '■'^ : 1% o SiMfLSun^i^ ,-?V-'V'..'>v p a li SantaBoflaMjjJS^ Jlnaaif Barbara Uol^f ^k. I '* <, ^ f O r < ^,.A «■> f?Joftw *<.a-i!?*8S^---v:,» Brtnsl, .V Ijtf .'I. ^.j,;!-" SOTl; AND WIST TlfDIlS MalptUi ^■^: Bo vac ft Ra.ilwttys thus - iorutiiueJe Ifejft T5 of Gr«€nw\fit- Tlt. Edmiiiii-glt Gcegtapkicjl lusQint* 107 JAMAICA Snjfli^Ji Miles Aniouio Jolm BarlLslaaunr & Co. 108 109 uo Zfa* X&nbna^ GKO^mftn^tl hisUXnXr Hl^i. -^ ^ ^ • X^ choo fi™.iu >J''-W«»^ SaV^ .-Sordino ■ (-' ■ \olraiioj? : ■rOIUIOSA ~-^<~-i- JParieceyila.' ZimtlnvX. Spanith L^ ; ■*?**■ T^l p J r CTa><- Ritiid Mar shall * .4ia'rhLp ^'j-ij'3? ; Jinx -«-..".«/* , T- tj - .-- «,,aO"' i„k i iRntl- '!^-- ■ /» -z-tn^eiat^lSatrn ' p<-i~i; .^■'■■'- !"•"'- .. 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Sa\aael Attllttiki Sa\-niBi f' lecl' ^^^'^ cl DjiS^/Br, Mirux ThtrvtaJt: *»-Wajfekauri IJ' ■--a fChatiiainl nraii .ffl/aj' -tfo/n CM ©CIAIIA / English laXes zoo *oo eoo 00O looo I Britiflh I !I>utcK I Fi-endt I fieriuan i OceanTJMUtxs tiLSauZLcaLnul^A. M-l' 150 X../U/ !♦>*; 140 or Orv^n*-- 130 JcJmB^itOu^Aiive^A Co "■"H. >& i7S^S«^^«A^^''i S '''■''^' •'^'^ ^"''"' T 4 3"^ Ea-SteTTi Ul^t:.! Fast M^urchison ^U " ^--^>.{f i^ L.-*« Oreat Actons Desert A u s c I- 1 J 1 " '>• -S ' S'l' t iOJSl'MlIA £na'irh M:j.-j so t^o t ^Tf^lrtfi^rf^ G^ogr ml n o a T 7ntft^£ai« 121 M*Fei"dmand! SD'U'l'If AUB'niAlIA i:i:jh3kMiUs BnHMoys open — ■• -^ Pro}Ait£d or Cbnsimciing . LimffiXu^ East 136 of Greantnch Tb« fdrnlmi-^ Gvo^'iiplilciLl Iiutjtnle Jolm Bailluilanflit i Ca. 122 HA R D E Y^V(^^„ ,„ J)^ Gold: XailMrayx - Abrolhos r. or " Hontman iTiiunpf^ » Rocks '■£„'";3&»^*^w). - '"W £n^UakJiilt* 100 f^ ""^ri 9J>. . . . .' X) ^indtehSpruios I Ranged FcnLta^ ^.^ ^^ I 'L^ Sir Scoraielh Al. yu-r rm r c k 1 s o a -J: fRaMEo o ,;^ ; EE^'T"" ^i-spr'^i- .irc.„;.,^,..w..v ~---< ^gya.^^^.- - , r--^' I ^Sen _ fitTTrf;.<;jr Cflolgardre Groldf i &-4si J FipeanUdSt^ ^SaULakf.^ Black Fhjci-(^ (r;,„„w_L ^iurtudpi ,ft„^:S^t!f.^ "^ ^ C o o 1 g a^dJ^e^ T" ^Sr^^ 1 CoQl'Sardie, JJiJaeii/ui '^'^^'o 1 d f i e 1 d s^^^^j^r^ . TV" C Cljtraidt UTriWll'^^'"^ tt»rumnuJ3< - . O B W O T O 3 □i A 33 HIS" 0„ :D.n.oam=MS fflD n3i{t £dWjiii?^i GiHi^'tfnliif ilI ^L^^tnte .loim Bitrtlujlian«T 126 128 SUPPLEMENT 1914 BOUNDARIES AS DETERMINED BY TREATIES OF LONDON AND CONSTANTINOPLE 1914 *o eo 5o loo MaihraYs — -. MED I T E R K A N E A N Zoiujitude £tist 2* of lirrenwich- Xh" Kdmbui-^t (jpajJi-npSii-ai InsUlute John BftTlJioloBifB 4 C SUPPLEMENT 1914 GENERAL INDEX The latitudes and longitudes are in many cases only approximately given. The numbers indicate the Maps in the Atlas. ABBREVIATIONS Arch, Archipelago. B. Bay or Bahia. Can. Canal. Cas. Castle. Chan. Channel. Co. County. Cor. Cordillera. Cr. Creeh Dep. Department. Dist, District. Div. Dhision. E. East. Fj. Fjord. Ft. Fort. G. Gulf. Gov. Government. Gt. (?rca(. Harb. Harbour. Hd. ^cad. I. Island. Is. Islands. Juno, Junction. L, Zoic, ZocA, Lou'jh, or Mt, Mount or Mountain. Jits. Mountains. N. A'or(A. P. Pass. Penin. Peninsula. Plat. Plateau. Prov. Province. Pt. /"omi. R. iJiuer or TiJio. Ra. Range. S. South, Sa. Scrrcc or Sierra. Set. Settlement. St. Saint. Str. Siroi*. Ter. Territory. U.S. United States. Val. Fa//cj/. Vol. Volcano. W. Wes*. Aac Abu Lat. Aachen Germarij' 50-4^ N. Aalborg Denmark 57.2 n. Aalen Germany 48. 49 n. Aalesund Norway 62.28 n. Aar Canal Switzerland .^. .47.4 N. Aar River Switzerland 47.15 n. Aarau Switzerland 47. 24 n. Aargau Switzerland 47.25 N. Aarhuas Denmark 56.9 n. Abaco I Bahama Islands. 26.y:t'S. Abaka nsk Siberia 54.4 n. Abana(Barada)R./*rt/^j/i«tf 33.32 N. Abancay Peru 13-58 S. Abaya, L. (Queen Margherita L. ). Abyssinia 6. 30 n. Abbazia Austria 45.20N. Abbeville France 50.7 N. Abbey Craig Scotland 56.8 n, Abbeydorney Ireland 52.21 N. Abbey feale Ireland 52.23 N. Abbeyleix Ireland 52.58N. Abbeyshrule Ireland 53-35 N. Abbeyside Ireland. ^z.6 N. Abbiategrasso ....Italy 45-23 N. Abbot's Bromley England 52.50N. Abbotsbury Erzgland 50.40 N. Abbotsford Scotland S5-37N. Abeokuta West Africa 7.8 N. Aber Wales 53.I4N. Aberaeron Wales 52.14 N. Aberavon Wales S1.36N. Abercorn Rhodesia i7-i5 S. Abereorn Scotland 55- 59 N- Aberdare Wales 51-43 N. Aberdaron Wales 52.48 N. Aberdeen Cape Colony 32.28 8. Aberdeen Mississippi 33-49 N. Long. Map 6.8 E. 40-41 9.58 E. 39 10.6 E. 40-41 6,15 E. 52-53 7.IS E. 44-45 7.40 E. 44-45 8.3 E. 44-45 8.10 E. 44-46 10.13 E. 39 77. 1 1 W. 106-107 91.7 E. 76-77 36.31 E. 60 73-54 w- 110-111 38.0 E. 82-83 14.18 E. 42-43 1.49 E. 3637 3-54 w. 28-29 9.41 w. 34-35 9.23 w. 34-35 7.21 w. 34-35 7-39 w. 32-33 7-36 w. 34-36 8.54 K- 48-49 '•S3W. 18-19 2,36 w. 18-19 2.48 «■. 28-29 3.28 E. 84 4.1 w. 18-19 4. 16 w. 18-19 3-47 w. 18-19 31.42 E. 78-79 3.29 vv. 28-29 3-23"- 18-19 4.44 w. 18-19 24.3 E. 86-87 88.26 w. 104 Lat. Aberdeen Ne'jti S. Wales. ..22.1^ s. Aberdeen Scotland 57.8 N. Aberdeen S, Dakota 45' 26 N. Aberdeen, Co Scotland 57.20 N. Aberdeen, Old. . ..Scotland 57. n N. Aberdour ^i/^, Scotland.. ..^(i. 2 N. Aberdour, New . . Scotland 57- 39 N. Aberdovey Wales 52.33 N. Aberf eldy Scotland .. 56. 37 N. Aherff ra w Wales 53. 12 N. Aberf ord England 53. 49 N. Aberfoyle Scotland 56.20 N. Abergavenny .. ..England 51.49N. Aber^eldie Cai^ilcScotland 57.3 N. Abergele Wales 53.22 N. Aberlady Scotland 56.1 N. Abevnethy Scotland 56.19 N. Aberporth Wales 52.8 N. AbertiUery England 5 1.45 N. Aberystwith Wales 52. 25 N. Abcshr Wadai, Sudan. .14.8 N. Abingdon England 51.40N. Abingtqn Scotland 55-29 N. Ab-i-Panja {[l.)..yi/g/ianistan 37.0 N. Abittibi River.. ..Ontario 50.0 N. Abkhasia Russia 43. ion. Abo !• inland 60.30N. .\bomey Dahomey 7. lON. Aboukir E?ypt 3i-2t N. Aboyne Scotland 57.6 N. Abraham, Plains of Quebec 46.48 N. Abrantes Portugal 39.29 K. Abrolbus Islands, Bra*// I7- 58 s. Abrolhos Rocks.. W. Australia. ..^Z.^tiS. Abruzzi-e-Molise.Mi/y 42.5 N. Abu Hammed.... 5«(/a« 19.28 N. Long. Map 150.57 E. 118 2.5 w. 26-27 98. 50 w. 100-101 2.30 -w. 26-27 2.5 w. 26-27 3.I7W. 28-29 2. II W. 26-27 4.4 W. 1819 3-51 w. 28-29 4. 28 w. 18-19 1.20 w. 16-17 4.21 w. 28-29 3.2 w. 18-19 3-6 w. 26-27 3-35W. 18-19 2.52 w. 28-29 3.18 w. 28-29 4-33 »■• 18-19 3.6 "W. 18-19 4.4 w. 18-19 21.3 E. 78-79 1. 15 w. 20-21 3.42 w. 28-29 72.30 E. 68 81.30 W. 92-93 41.10 E. 64-55 22.30 E. 64-65 2.5 E. 84 30.6 E. 81 2.48 W. 26-27 71.13 w. 9S 8. 1 1 -w. 46-47 38.33 w. 110-111 113.20 E. 122 14.0 E. 48-49 33-13 K- 78-79 A Abu GENERAL INDEX Airy Lab. Abu Klea Sudan 17.0 K. Abu TilonniMn... .RiiJ/iutaria 24.35N Abii-Simbel Leaver Nubia 22.20N. Abut Head New Zealanil.. ..43.14s. Abydos Egyfi 26. ion. Abyssinia East Africa. ......i^.o N. Acadia, old name of Nova Scotia. Acajutia Salvador. 30.39K. Acapulco Mexico 16.50N. Acarai Mts British Guiana.. 2.0 N. Acaii River Pent 15.30 S. Acarnania and ^tolia, froy... Greece 38.40 N. Acatenango, ML. Guatemala 14.30N. Accra. Gold Coast S-3i N- Aocrington England 53-45 N- Acerra Italy 40-55 N. Achaguas Venezuela 7.36 N- Achaia and Eiia.. Greece 38.0 K. Achen Lake Austria 47.26N. Achill Head Ireland. 53-58 N. Achill Island Ireland. 53-57N- Achin Sumatra....: 4-45 N- Achnasheen Scotland 57.36N. Achnashellach....5iro<'/aK(/ 57-29 N. Acire.ale Italy 37-35 N. Ackworth England 53.9 N. Aclaie Ireland. 54.2 N. Aconcagua, Mt... Chile 32-3° S- Aconquija, 'Ht.... Argentine Rep. ..27.20 s. Acquaviva Italy 4°-53 N- Acqui Italy 44-43 ^'- Acro Turkey in Asia..32.ssti- Aci-i Italy 39.28N. Acton Burnell....£K^/a«i/ 52-38N. Acton Water Quebec 45-3° N- Ada Hungaty 45.50N. Ada, Lake Ne%v Zealand... ..44.4s a. Adaja River Spain 41.20N. Adal Abyssinia ii-35f>"- Adalia Asiatic Turkey. .jfi. -,3 N- Adala Elf Sweden 63.30N. Adam, Mt VV. Falkland J. .51.30 s. Aiiamawa IVesi Africa lo.o N. Adamello, Monieltaly 46.10 N. Adaminaby New S. Wales ...36 o s. Adams Massachusetts 42.41 N. Adam's Bridge ...Ceylon S' India.. 9.15 N. Adams Mount Washington 46.10 x. Adam's Peak Ceylon 6.5oN'. Adamstown. Ireland. 52.23N. Adana Asia Minor. 37.0 N. Adare Ireland 52.33 N. Adare, Cape I'ictoria Land ...ji.o s. Adavale Queensland. 2^.56 s. Adda River Italy 45. loN. Addiewell Scotland 55.52N". Addis Abeba Abyssinia 9.0 K. Addiscombe England 51-23 N". Adelaide Cape Colony 32.41 s. Adelaide South Australia. 34.^7 s. Adelie Land Antarctica 69.0 s. Adelong Neiu S. Wales. ..33,'23 s. Adelsberg Austria 45-47 N- Aden Arabia 12.46 N. Aden, Gulf of Arabia 12.30N. Adenara Island. ..Sunda/s.,E.Ind. 8.i6s. Aderno Sicily 37-37N. Adige River Italy 45.7 N. Adir^mpattanani Madras 10.21 N. Adirondack Mts.. A'«(i York 44.8 N. Adler Gebirge Austria 50.2 N. Adlington England 53.36N. Admiralty Bay ...AV^f Zealand 40,50 s. Admiralty Gulf... IK Australia. ...13.0 s. Admiralty Island. /4/,:jii-a 57.30N. Admiralty Is See Manus Is Ado Nigeria 7.0 N. Adoni Madras. 15.38X. Adour River France 43.34 N. Adowa Abyssinia 14. loN. Adpar Wales 52.3 N. Adra Spain 36.45 N. Adramyti Asia Minor. 39.35 N. Adrar W. Sudan 22.0 N. Adria Italy 45.2 N. Adrian Michigan 41.53N. Adriauople Turkey 41.41 N. long. 34-5 K. 72.45 E. 31-51 K- 170.8 E. 31-59 E. 38.0 E. 89.45 w. 99.52 w. 58.0 w. 74.30 w. 21.30 E. 90.52 w. O. II "W. 2.20 w. 14.23 B. 68.1 -w. 21.40 B. 11.43 K. 10.15 w. 10.0 w. 96.30 E. 5-3 «•• 5- 19 w- 15.9 B. 1.20 -w, 8.53 w. 70.0 w. 66.35W. 16.49 E. 16.49 E. 35-4 E. 16.23 E. 2.43 w. 72.30 E. 20.9 E. 167.52 E. 4.50 w. 42.0 E. 30.46 E. 16.25 E. 60.0 w. 13.0 E. 10.35 E. 148.40 E. 73. 8 w. 79.30 E. 121.20 w. 80.34 E. 6.43 w- 35-15 K- 8.47 w. 170.10 E. 144.36 E. 9-49 E- 3.36 w. 38-43 E. 0.5 w. 26.19 E. 138.38 E. 150.0 E. 147.56 E. 14-13 E. 45-2 B. 48.0 E. 123.20 E. 14.50 E. II. 12 E. 79.25 E. 74.0 W. 16.15 E. 2.38 W. 174.0 E. 126.0 E. 134-30 "■- 6.30 E. 77.19 E. 1.30 w. 38.54 E. 4.28 W. 3.2 w. 27.2 B. 12.0 W. 12.3 E. 84.6 w. 26.33 E. map 78-79 66 81 126-127 81 78-79 106-107 108 109 110-111 50-51 106-107 84 16-17 48-49 110111 60-61 42-43 30-31 30-31 70-71 26-27 26-27 48-49 16-17 32-33 112-113 112-113 48^9 48-49 60 48-49 18-19 95 42-43 126-127 46-47 78-79 60 52-63 110-111 78-79 48-49 118 102-103 65 105 65 34-35 60 34-35 7 123 48-49 28-29 82-83 20-21 86-87 124 7 118 42 43 68 58 70 71 48 49 4849 66 102-103 42-43 16-17 126-127 116-117 9091 84 65 36-37 78-79 18-19 46-47 60 78-79 48-49 102-103 5051 Lat. Long. Adriatic Sea Italy /3.0 N. 16.0 E. Adula Alp Switzerland 46.30N. 9.0 E. Adur KivL-r Sussex, England. ^o-SS^- o.i8w. .(Egades Islands. ..//a/v 38.0 N. 11.50 E. .^gean Sea Greece, ifc 38.0 N. 25.0 s. .(Egina, ijt^M o{ ...Greece 37-45 N. 23.35 E. .^Egiiia Island Greece 37.44 N. 23.30 E. iEtolia Greece 38.40N. 21.30 E. Affane Ireland. 52.8 N. 7.49W. Afghanistan Asia 33.0 N. 66.0 E. Afium-Kara- Hissar Asia Minor. 38.43 N. 30.26 E. Aflaj, dist Central Arabia. .24.0 N. 46.10 E. Afridi, tribe N.-W. F. Prov.. 33.40 v. 71.40 E. Afton Water Scotland 55-23 N. 4.11W. Afzalgarh United Provinces2g. 24 K. 78.43 E. Agadem, Oasis ... West Sahara 16.52N. 13.18 E. Agades West Sahara 17.0 N. 8.2 E. Agadir Marocco 30.26N. 9.32 w. Agana Guam Island 13.30N. 144.38 E. Agar Gwalior, India ..23.44^. 76.4 E. Agartala E.B'galb'Assa!tt23.sov. 91.23 E. Agaslii Bombay 19.28N. 72.49 E. Agatti Lakhadiv Is 10.52N. 72.28 E. Agde France 43.17 N. 3.30 E. Agen France 44-13 ^'- 0.38 E. Aggerininde Denmark 56.50N. 8.2 E. Aggershuus, amt.A'orM'av 60.6 N. 11. o E. Agliaboe Ireland. 52.56N. 7.31 w. Aghada Ireland 51.50N. 8.12W. Agincourt France 50.27N. 2.9 E. Aglish Ireland. 52.4 N. 7.48 w. Agnano, Lago d' (drained) Italy 40.50N. 14. 14 E. Agnew's Hill Ireland. 54.51N. 5.56W. Agnone Italy 41.48N. 14.22 E. Agoada Goa, India ...:.. ..13.2^1^. 73.46 E. Agoe Dahomey 6.15N. 1.40 E. Agomska Island .M-IK 7V?-r//;-i.. 53.30 N. 82.0 v.'. Agra C/nited Proviuces27. 101^. 78.5 E. Agradwip \s\and. Bengal 23.34N. 88.17 E. Agram Hungary 45.50N. 15.58 E. Agii River Italy 40.13 N. 16.35 E. Agtolek Hungaty 48.28 N. 20.28 E. Aguadilla Porto Rico 18.28N. 67.7 w. Aguaray, Rio Paraguay 24.30S. 58.0 "W. Aguarico River ..Cofomija i.o s. 74.45 w. Aguas C'alientes .j1/.f.rffO 21.58N. 102.6 w. Agueda River. ...5/ain 40.39K. 6.35 w. Aguilar Spain 37.30N. 4.45 w. Aguilas Spam 37.25 N. 1.3S w. Aguja, Cape Peru 6.0 s. 8i.io\v. Aguihas, ^ay of. .Principe 1 1.32 N. 7.26 w. Agu\has, Caiie.... Cape Colony 34.40S. 20.0 E. Ahaipara New Zealand. ....3^.6 S. 173.10 E. Aliascragli Ireland. 53.24N. 8.igy,\ Aliiyari Bengal 26.18 N. 85.51 E. Ahmadabad Bombay 23.1 N. 72.38 E. Abmadnagar Bombay 19.5 N. 74.55 E. Ahmadpur Bahawalpur 28.0 N. 71.30 E. Aliogbill Ireland. 54.52N. 6.23 w. Ahraura United Provinces2$.z N. 83.4 E. Ahrweiler..; Germany 50.33N. 7.6 E. Ahuriri River New Zealand 44.28 s. 169.50 E. .\hwas Persia 31.19N. 48.48 E. Aidin Asia Minor 37.48 N. 27.48 E. Aigues-Mortes. .../>-a«« 43.34N. 4 12 E. Aigun Manchuria 50.0 N. 127.28 E. Aiken South Carolina. .33.32^. 81.33 w. Alias P.ass Laos 16.40 N. 106.20 E. Ailsa Craig Scotland 5S-15N. 5.7 w. Am, do'p. lie river. France 46.5 N. 5.20 E. Ain Sefra Algeria 32.57N. 0.25 -«'. Ainsworth Washington 46.15 N. 118.20 -w. Aintab Asiatic Turkey ..37.4 N. 37.25 E. Air or Asben Sudan 18.25 N. 8.30 E. Aird, Voint of ....Scotland 57.42 N. 6.18 \v. Aird River New Guinea 7-35 8. 144. 17 E. Airdrie Scotland S5.58N. 4.1 w. Airds Moss Scotland 55-30 N. 4.15W. Aire France 43.14N. 0.14 w. Aire River England 53.44N. 0.57 w. Aire-sur-Lys France 50.38 K. 2.22 E. Airey Force England 54.34.V. 2.56 w. Airlie Scotland 56.39N. 3.7 w. Airolo Switzerland 46.32 N. 8.34 E. Airthrey Scotland 56.9 N. 3.54^. Airy A'. Carolina 36.30 N. 80.35 w. Map 48-49 44-45 14-16 48-49 BO-61 60-51 60-61 6051 34 36 68 60 68 66 24-26 63 7879 78 79 80 114115 64 63 64 62 36-37 36-37 39 62-63 3436 34-35 36-37 3435 4849 30-31 48 49 64 84 92 93 63 63 42 43 48-49 42-43 106-107 112113 110-111 u 108 46-47 46-47 46-47 110-111 78-79 86-87 126-127 32-33 63 64 64 66 8233 63 40-41 126-127 60 60 36-37 72-73 104 68-69 28-29 36-37 80 105 60 78-79 24-25 70-71 28-29 28-29 36-37 14-15 36-37 16-17 26-27 44 45 28-29 lOi Ais GENERAL IXDEX AH Lat. Lons. irap Aisne, R. & dep./^ra«f# 49.25K. 4.0 E. 36-37 Aiwaly.. Asia Minor 39.18N. 26.41 E. 60 Ail France 43-33N. 525 E. 36-37 Aix-Ia-Cliapelie ..Gfrwawy 50.46 N. 6.8 E. 40-41 Ai.x-les-B.iins France. 45,42 N. 5.53 E. 36-37 Ajaccio ..Corsica, France.. ^i.^^ti. 8.44 E. 36-37 Ajaiyarh Bundelkhand 24.53N. 80. 13 E. 63 Ajalon (Yalu) Palestine 31.51N. 35.3 E. 60 Ajaiita Hyderabad 20.32N. 75.48 E. 65 Ajmere Rajputana 26.27N. 74.44 E. 66 Ajudliia (Ajocl- hya) United Provinces z(s.a,%fl. 82.15 E. 63 Akaba, Gulf of. ...^ra^/a 28.30N. 34.43 E. 60 Akalkot Hyderabad 16.24N. 76.7 E. 65 Akaroa New Zealand 43.50 s. 172.52 E. 126-127 Akassa Nigeria, W. Afr. ^.i^s. 6.15 e. 84 Akbaltsikh Russia 41.41 N. 43.1 E. 64-55 Ak-Hissar 4siatic Turkey. .-fi.^'i'S. 27.50 E. 60 Akhlat Asia Minor 38.47N. 42.13 E. 60 Akhtuba River. ..i??/5j/a 48.30N. 45.30 E. 64-55 Akhtyrka Russia 50.19N. 35.0 E. 54-66 Aki, prov Japan 34.36N. 132.15 E. 75 Akila Japan 39-35". 139.55 E. ''5 Akkerman Russia.... 46.12N. 30. ig E. 64-55 AkmoHnsk Asiatic Russia. ..51. j >". 71.22 E. 76-77 Akola Berar 20.42 N. 77.2 E. 64 Akora N.-W. F. Prov..-i,Z.lZ'S. 72.5 E. 66 Akot Bcrar 21.6 N. 77.6 e 64 Akrokeraunian Peninsula Turkey 40.26N. 19.17 E. 50-51 Akron Ohio 41.7 N. 81.37 w. 102-103 Akshehr Asia Minor 38.22N. 31.17 E. 60 Aksu East Turkistan..i,\.Z N. S0.40 E. 72-73 Aksu (R. ) Asiatic Russia. ..i.x.ifi'S. 80.0 E. 76-77 Akaum Abyssinia 14.7 N. 38.44 E. 78 79 Akureyri Iceland 65,40 N. 18.0 w. 8-9 Akyab Burma 20.7 N. 92.56 E. 68-69 Ala Dagh Asiatic Turkey ..^t^.^^v. 43.15 E. 60 Alabama, state... f'^«/7£'i/ 5/a/tfj.... 33.0 N. 86.30 \v. 104 Alabama River ...Alabama 31.20N. 87.50W. 104 Alagar Hills Madras 10.6 N. 78.17 E. 65 Aiagoas, state.... ij/'as// 9-303. 36.30W. 110-111 Alagoez, Mt Caucasus, Russia^o.zBN. 14.13 E. 54-55 Alagon River Spain 39.40N. 6.4o\v. 46-47 Alai and Alai- t.ayh Turkisian 39-55N. 72.0 B. 76-77 Alais France 44.7 N. 4.6 E. 36-37 Alajuela Costa Rica 10.3 N. §4.1 -w. 106 107 Alameda .- California 37.56N. 122.16 \v. 105 Alamos Mexico 27.10N. 109.5 '^^- 108 Alamparia Madras 12.16N. 80.3 E. 65 Aland Islands Gulf of Bothnia..6o.zs'^- 20.0 E. 64-65 Alaotra, Lake Mada^aicar 17.30s. 49.b E. 78-79 Alasbehr ...Asia Elinor 38.20N. 28.34 E. 6" Alaska North America. .64.0 N. 143.0 w. 90-91 Alaska Mts Alaska 63.0 N. 146.0 \v. 90-91 Alaska Penin North America. .^S.o N. 155.0 w. 90-91 Alatau Mts Siberia 43.0 K. 73.0 E. 76-77 Alatri Italy 41.44N. 13.21 E. 48-49 Alatyr Russia 54.52N. 46.32 v.. 54-65 Alausi Ecuador 2.10 s. 78.48 w. 110-111 Alava, prov Spain 42.50N. 2.50W. 46-47 Alba Jtaly 44.42.V. 8.2 E. 48-49 Alba da 'Voviwe^.. Spain 40.58 N. 5.29 \v. 46-47 Albacete Spain 38.59N. 1.51 w. 46-47 Albani, Monti. ...//a/« 40.29N. Alcala la Real ....Spain 37.28 N. Alcamo Sicily 37-58 N. Alcaniz. Spain 41.1 N. Alcantara Brazil 2.24 s, Alcantara Spain 39.40N. Alcaraz Spain ..38.47N. Alcaraz, Sierra deSpain 38.40 N. Alca ud e te Spain 37- 37 N. Alcazar de San Juan Spain 39.23 N. Alcazar-el-kebir..jl/ar(?irr(7 34-55 N- Alcester England 52.13 N, Alcira Spain 39-ii N. Alcoba(;a Brazil 3.57 3. Alcoutim Portugal 37-25 N. Alcoy Spain 38.44 N. Aldabra \^i\xid... East Africa 9.30 s. Aldan River Siberia 58.30N. Aldborough E>:gland 54.6 N. Aldeburgh England 52.9 N. Aldeman United Provinces26.2j N. Alderney Channel Islands. 49. 43 N. Aldersbot England 51.14N. AMinga South Australia. -^^.16 s. AUl winkle England 52.26N. Aid worth England 51.32N. Ale Water Scotland 55-3^ N- Alemtejo, pvo7 ...Portt/gal 38.40N. •Alengon France 48.25 N. Aleppo Asiatic Turkey. . 36. 10 N. Aleshki Russia 46.35 N. Ales.sandria Italy 44.54N. Alossio Turkey 41.48N. Aletsch CUacier... Switzerland 46.26N. Aleutian ls]iinds'.Behring Sea 53.0 N. Alex.inder Arc\).. Alaska 55.0 N. Alexander LcLtid .Antarctica 70.0 s. Alexandra AVw Zealand. 45.15 3. Alexandra Victoria 37-12 s. Alexandretta Asiatic Turkey. ..-^^.-^s "• Ale-xandria Cape Colony 33.39 S. Alexandria Egypt 31.11 N- Alexandria Louisiana 3i-i9 N. Alexandria Ontario 45-17 N. Alciandria Scotland 55-59N. Alexandria I 'ir^inia 38. 50 N. Alexandrina h.. ..South Australia .-^z^.i-j 3. Alcxandropol Russia 40.50N. Alexandre V Russia 56.22 N. Alexandrovo Russia 52.55N. AlexandroTsk Russia 44.58N. Alexinatz Servia 43.32N. Alford England 53.16N. Alford Scotland 57-I4N. Alfred and Marie Range \V. Australia... .24.^08. Alfreton England 53-6 N. Algarve, prov Portugal 37-iS N. Algeciras Spain 36.8 N. Algeria, country. North Africa 33.0 N. Algerian Toll Algeria 36.30N. Alghero Italy 4°-33N. Algiers Algeria 36.45 N. Algoa Bay Cape Colony 33-50 3. Algoma, dist Ontario 46.20 N. Alguada Reef Bay of Bengal ....1S.40N. Aliiama. Spain 37-5 N. Alhambra Spain 37- ' 3 "- Alibagh Bombay 18.39 N. Long. Ma|. '39.53 K- 123 115.0 W. 98-99 153-14 E. 123 146.42 E. 119 6.21 E. 36-37 2.9 E. 36-37 82.48 w. 102103 2.58 w. 4647 628 w. 46-47 0.22 w. 46-47 9-35 E. 44-45 3.11 w. 4647 106.37 w. 100-101 6.47 w. 46-47 14657 E. 118 8.21 w. 46-47 5-51 w. 46-47 3.23 w. 46-47 4.0 w. 46-47 12.57 E. 48 49 0.7 w. 46-47 44. 22 W, 110-111 6. 40 w. 4647 2. 30 W. 46-47 2-3SW. 46-47 4.10 w. 4647 3.11 w. 4647 5.48 w. 80 1.52 w. 1819 0. 24 w. 46 47 49-29 w. 110-111 7. 22 W. 46 47 0.28 W. 46-47 46.30 E. 78-79 130.0 E. 76-77 1.23 w. 1617 1.36 E. 20-21 82.55 E. 63 2. 12 W. 14-15 1-45 w. 20-21 13S.27E. 121 0.32 w. 20-21 1.13 w. 20-21 2.35 w. 24-25 8.0 w. 46-47 0.5 E. 36-37 37.0 E. 60 32-45 E- 6465 8.37 E. 48-49 19.39 E. 50 61 8.0 E. 44-45 168.0 w. 9091 136.0 w. 9091 70.0 w. 7 169.20 E. 126-127 145-43 E. 119 36.9 E. 60 26.55 E. 86-87 29.51 E. 81 52.32 w. 104 74.41 w. 96 4.33 »■■ 28-29 77-4 w. 102103 139.10 E. 121 44.0 E. 54-65 38.27 E. 64-65 18.52 E. 64-65 43.30 E. 64-66 21.43 E. 6051 O.I I E. 16-17 2.43 W. 2829 124-55 E. 116-117 1.24 W. 20 21 8.0 w. 46-47 5.29W. 46-47 4.0 E. 80 4.0 E. 80 8.19 E. 4849 3-2 E. 80 25.50 E. 86-87 83.0 w. 96 94.17 E. 68-69 4.0 w. 4647 3.41 w. 46-47 72-55 E. 64 AH GENERAL INDEX Amh lat. Alicante Sfiniii 3823 N. Alice Cape Colony 32.45 s. Alice Sprinjjs South Australia. Z4.0 s. Alicedale June. ..Cape Colony 33.18 s. Alicuri IslantI Italy 38.34N. Aliganj United /'roz'inies^j.sgti. Aliganj ^^w.in. ...Bengal 26,13 N. Aligarh Un ilcd Pioi'inceszj. 55 N. Aliraa Iviver French Congo — 1.30 s. Aline, Loch Scotland 56-33N. Aliwal Punjab 30.S7N. Aliwal North Cape Colony 30.43 B. Alkmaar Holland 52.37N. All S.aints '&:\y....r>razil 13.0 s. Allahabad I 'niled Frovincesz$. 26 N. Allan River Scotland 56.12N. Allanmyo Burma 19.22N. AUan-sfoid I'Utoria 38.24 S. AUe River Germany 54. ion. Alleghany City ..Penmyh'ania ...,.^0.2% N. Alleghany tiU ... Virginia 37.0 N. Alleghany Jliver .Pennsyli'ania 41. loN. Allen, Bog of Ireland. 53-21 N. Allen, Lough Ireland. 54.8 N. Allendale England..... 54-54 N- Allen town Pennsylvania 40.33 N. Alleppi Travancore 9.30 N. Aller River Germany 52.42N. Allier R. and dep. /■>//a«i/ 55.26N. Almond River Scotland 56.56N. Almondl)ury England 53-38 N. Almora United Provinces2g.3S N- Almunecar Spain 36.45 N. Aln River England 55-23 N. Alness Scotland 57-42 N- Alnmouth England 55.24N. Alnwick England 55-25 N. Along Bay Tongking 20.58N. Alora Spain 36S2N. Alost Belgium 50.56N. Alpena Michigan 45.5 N. Alpes-Marilimes, dep France 44.0 N. Alpnach Switzerland 46. 56 N. Alps, Bernese Switzerland. 46.25 N. Alps, Carnic Austria~Hungary^6.-^% N. Alps, Cottian France, 6-v 44.40 N. Alps, Binaric Austria-Hur,garya,s,.o N. Alps, Eastern Austria-Hungary\-j.o N. Alps, Graian France, 6-Y 45. 17^. Alps, Julian Austria-Hungary^t.zo'ii. Alps, 'LGi^oxiiiiiQ. . Swi tzerland 46.30 N. Alps, Middle Switzerland. 46.50N. Alps, Noric Austria-J/um^ary^^.j K. Alps, Pennine Szi'itzcrland. 46.4 N. Alps, Rhfetian Italy, £rV 46.20 N. AljJS, Southern...i^Vii' /.ealand 43.40s. Alps, The Central Europe. .^$.0 K. Alps, Transyl- vania n Austria-/Iur:gafy45.y>N. Alps, Western France 44.45N. Alpujarras, has. ..Spain 36.47N. Alresford England 51.6 N. Alright Island.... A'^'a Scotia 47.24 N. Alsace, prov Germany 48. ion. Alsen Island Germany 55.0 K Long. )tap 0.25 w. 46-47 26.52 E. 86-87 133- 37 E. 116117 26.3 E. 86-87 14.17 E. 4849 79.13 E. 63 84.24 E. 63 78.6 E. 63 16.0 E. 82-83 5.46 w. 24-25 75-37 E. 66 26.44 E. 86-87 4-44 E. 38 38.0 w. 110111 81.55 E. 63 3.56W. 24 25 95.17 E. 68 69 142.29 E. 119 20.40 E. 40-41 80.5 w. 102-103 80.30 w. 102-103 70.42 w. 102 103 8.0 w. 30 31 8.4 w. 30 31 2.15 \v. 1617 75.32 w. 102-103 76. 23 E. 66 9-54 E. 40 41 3.20 E. 36-37 132.30 E. 116117 0.28 E. 20 21 3-47 "■- 2829 3.21 w. 16-17 152. 1 E. 123 4-39 w. 28 23 9.12 w. 30 31 80.10 E. 65 33-5° E. 54 55 9. 10 w. 46-47 4.51 w. 4647 121.49 w. 105 3.44 w. 46 47 1.7 w. 46-47 6.51 w. 46-47 51-58 w. 109 2.32 w. 46-47 4.10 w. 46-47 3-27 w- 24-25 3-38 w. 24-25 I.4SW. 16-17 79.41 E. 63 346W. 46-47 1.37 w. 14 15 4.17 w. 26-27 1.37 w. 16-17 1.43 w. 16-17 107.0 E. 68-69 4.44 w. 46 47 4.2 E. 38 83.26 W. 102-103 7.0 E. 36-37 8.16 E. 44-45 7.40 E. 44-45 13.0 E. 42-43 7.0 E. 36-37 16.30 E. 42-43 12.0 E. 42-43 6.53 E. 36-37 13.45 E. 42-43 8.35 E. 44-46 9.0 E. 44-45 13.20 E. 42 43 7.30 E. 44-45 9.47 E. 44-45 170.0 E. 126-127 10.0 £, 44 46 24.30 E. 42-43 6.40 E. 36 37 3.30 W. 46-47 X.9 W. 20-21 61.48 w. 94 7.30 E. 40-41 9-55 E- 40 41 Lat. Alseya River Oregon 44. 30 N. Alsh, Loch Scotland 57.16N. Alster River Germany 53-37 J*** Alston England 54. 47 N. Alston South Carolina ..2A-7 N- Alt Breisach Germany 48.3 N. Alt River. Hungary 45.47N. Altai Mts., Orv.it Mongolia 48.0 K. Altamaha \V\yer., Georgia 31.40N. Altanuira /faly 40.49 N. Altdorf Switzerland 46.53 N. Altea Spain 38.35 K Alten.i Germany 5i-i8 N. Altenburf^ Germany 50. 58 N. Altenpaard Norway &9.55N. Altrauhl River .,. Germany 48.52N. Alton Engl a nd 51.9 N. Alton Illinois 38.53 N. Altona Germany 53- 32 N. Altoona Pennsylvania 40.31 n. Altotting Bavaria 48.13 N. K\\.v'\wQ\i:xxxi...^^. England S3.23N. Altrive .\ Scotland 55-3° N* Altsohl Hungary 48.36N. Altvater, Mtn Austria 50.0 N, Altyn Tagh, Mts.Tidet. 38.40 N, Alum-Bagh See Luc-know. Alum B.iy Isle of U'iglit..... ^0.40^11. Alumetto h:i\^Q. ..Ontario 45-50 J''* Aluta River Rutnania 44-0 N. Al va Scotland 56. 9 n. Alvarado Mexico 1 8.45 k. Alves Scotland 57-39^. Alwar Rajputana 27.34N. Alwaye Travancore 10.7 N. Alyth Scotland S6.38K. Alzey Germany 49.45K. ATn:xc\\vQ.\X\vcv... British Guiana.. 8.10N. Amadeus, \j1\\-.q,. South Australia. -2^.0 S. Amager Island ...Denmark 55-35 f*'- Amakjuak Baffin land 65.0 N. Amalapuram Madras 16.34N. AmalH Italy 40.38 N. Anialiier Bombay 21. i n. Ainapala Honduras 13. 1 8 N. Amaranuthj axxeKaslimir 34- 15^"- Araarapura Burma 21.55N. Amasia Asia Minor ...... ^o.y^ k. Amatique Bay Central Americaj^.^^i;. Amatitlan, L Guatemala 14.26N. Auiatola Mts Ca/e Colony 32.33S. Amatonga Land..^'.-^". Africa 27.0 S. Amazon River. ...South America ... 0.0 Amazonas, state .5/ac;V 4.30 S. Amazonas Dept. ./"(^rw 6.0 S. Ambabbuviini ....Rajputana 24.22 n. Ambaca Angola 9.12 s. AmbaUi Punjab 30.21 >'. Ambalappula Travancore 9.23 N. Ambaleraa Colotnbia 4.48 n. Arabasamudraiii .Madras 8.43 N. Ambato Ecuador i.ii s. Ambelakia Greece 37-56N'. Amber Rajputana 26.39N. Amber, Cape Madagascar 12.57 S. A mberg Germany 49. 27 N. Amberley New Zealand 43.2 s. Amberno River... Z>w/^A New Guinea 2.0 B. Ambert France 45-32 N. Ambleside England 54.26 N. Aniboina Island. .£0^/ Indies 3.36 s. Amboise France 47.24 N. Ambriz Angola 7.52 s. Ambrizette Angola 7.20 s. Ambrose Islands. CA/Zi? 26.30 S. Ambrym Island.. .V^'z^ Hebrides ...16.0 S. Atnbiir Madras I2.50N. Ameland \&\a.u^ ..Netherlands 53.27 N. American Ixivcv.. California 38.40N. Amersfoort Netherlands 52.9 N. Aniersham England 51.40N. Amesbury England 51. n N, Amesbury Massachusetts 42. 50 n. Amhara, state. , . . Abyssinia 12.40 N. Amherst Massachusetts — 42.21 n. Amherst Burma 16.2 n. Amherst Nova Scotia 45.47 N. Long. Map 124.0 -w. 106 5-37 w. 24^25 10. 1 E. 40-41 2.25 IV. 16-17 81.10 w. 104 7-36 E. 40-41 24.40 E. 42-43 qo.o E. 72-73 8l.c;4\v. 104 16.32 E. 48-49 8.38 E. 44-45 0.4 w. 4647 7.41 E. 40-41 12.20 E. 40-41 23.27 E. 62-53 11.20 E. 40-41 0.58 w. 20 21 90. 1 1 \v. 100-101 9.56 E. 40-41 78.25 w. 102103 12.41 E. 40-41 2.22 W. 16-17 3-8 W. 28-29 19.7 E. 42-43 16.59 E. 42-43 90.0 E. 72-73 1.35 w. 1819 77.0 w. 96 24.35 E. 50-51 3-47 w- 28-29 95 43W. 108 3.24 w. 26 27 76.38 E. 66 7624 E. 66 3.14W. 2829 8.6 E. 40-41 60.0 w. 109 130.30 E. 116117 12.35 E. 39 70.0 W. 92-93 82.3 E. 66 14.36 E. 48 49 75-7 E. 64 87.41 w. 106-107 75-49 E. €6 96.7 E. 68-69 35-48 E. 60 88.40 w. 106107 90.38 w. 106-107 27.10 E. 86-87 33.0 E. 86-87 50.0 w. 110111 65.0 w. 110-111 77.40 w. 110-111 72.51 E. 66 15.28 E. 82-83 76.52 E. 66 76.25 E. 65 74S9W. 110-111 77- 29 E. 65 78.37 w. 110111 23.31 E. eo-61 7553E. 66 49.14 E. 78-79 11.52 E. 40 41 172.45 E. 126-127 137.55 E 7071 3.46 E. 36-37 2.58 w. 16-17 128.12 E. 70-71 0.59 E. 36-37 13.8 E. 82-83 12.58 E. 82-83 80.0 w. 112113 168.15 E. 114 116 78.45 E. 65 5-45 E. 38 121.9 w. 105 5-23 E. 38 0.38 \v. 20-21 1.47 w. 20-21 70.54-W. 102-103 37.30 E. 1 78-79 72.32 w. 102-103 97.33 E. 6869 64.7 w. 94 Amh GENERAL INDEX Ant Amherst Island ..Korea 34.20 N. Amherst \'&\A\\A..Nova Scotia 47.14 N. Amherstlnir^ Ontario 42.5 N. Araiata, Mount ..//a/y 42.55 N. A Ml ida See Diarbekr. Amiens France 49-53 N. Amirante Is Indian Ocean 6.0 s. Amisus See Samsun. Amlwch Wales 53-24 N. Ammapattaua Madras 10. i N. A inmeberg- Sweden 58. 50 n. Amnier See Germany 48.0 N. Amod Bombay 21.59 N. Amol Persia 36.31 N. Amorgos \Ava\^., Greece 36.50N. Amoy China 24.28N. Ampanam Lombokl. , E. Ind. 8.35 s. Ampezzo V^.^fiv... Austria 46.24 N. Ampthill England 52.2 N. Amraoti Berar 20.56N. Amrcli Baroda 21.36N. Ami'itsar Punjab 31.37 N. Am roha United Provinces 28. 54 N. Amrum Island Prussia 54-38 N. Am^ielfeld Turkey 42.40N. Amstel Jtiver Netherlands 52. 16 n. Amsterdam Holland 52.22 N. Amsterdam New York 42. 58 N. Amsterdam Transvaal 26.37 s. Amsterdam I Indian Ocean 37.50 s. Amu Daria R Turkestan 41.0 N. Amur River Russia in Asia ..48.30 N. An or Aeng Bun'na 19.49N. Anaa Island Loio Archipelago ij.o s. Anadyr River Siberia 64.25N. Anagni Italy 4 1 . 45 n. Anahuac Plain ...Mexico 19.0 n. Anakapalle Madras 17-41 N. Anam, country... .^.f/iz 15.0 N. Anamaboe Gold Coast 5.14N. Anaraalai "RiWi ...Madras 10.30N. Anamasamud- rampet Madras 14.42 N. Anandpur Punjab 31.151;. Ananiev Russia 47.47N. Anantapur Madras 14.5 N. Anapa Russia 44-54 N. Anaphi Island Greece 36.23 n. Anascnul Ireland. 52.9 N. A nato I ia 4 sialic Turkey ... 39- 30 N. Aiiau River Brazil i.o N. Ancachs Dept. ...Peru 9.0 S. Ancohuma, peak of Mt. Sovala.. Bolivia 15.50S. Ancona Italy 43-37N, Ancrum Scotland 55- 3 1^ N. Ancud Chile 41-52 s. Ancyra See Angora. Andahuaylas Peru i3-40 s. Andai Dutch Nexu Guinea i.o S. Andaii, Loch Scotland 55.44N. Andalusia, -^mow. Spain 37-40N. Andaman Is Bay of Bengal . . . . 1 2. o N, Andarab Afghanistan 35-4 5 N. Andelys France 4g.i4N. Andenne Belgium 50.28 N. Anderlecht See Brussels. Andermatt Switzerland 46. 38 N. Ande r nach Prussia 50. 27 n. Anderson Indiana- 40-4 N. Andersonville Georgia 32. 1 1 n. Andersson Y\ey..Bechuanaland. .2.2.1^ a. Andes, Mts Argentine Rep. ..35.0 s. Andes, Mt^ Peru lo.o s. Andipatti HiWs... Madras 9-56N. Andkhui Afghanistan 36.55 N. Andorra Rep Spain 42.31 N. Andover England 51.13N, Andover Massachusetts 43.20N. Andria Italy 41.12 n. Andros Island... .G;rtfce 37- 5° N- Androscoggin W.. Maine 44.28 N. Andnjar Spain 38.3 N. Ancaada Island.. West Indies 18.45 N. Aneto. peak. Mon- ies Malditos. ...Spain 42. 35 N. Angara River Siberia 56. o N. Lung. Mip 126.0 ¥.. 75 61.55 w. 94 83.12 w. 96 11.57 E. 4849 2.18 E. 3637 53-0 E. 4-5 4-21 w. 1617 79.17 E. 65 15.0 E. 62-53 II. 8 E. 40 41 72.56 E. 64 52.22 E. 60 2S-';5 E. 50-51 118.8 E. 74 116.5 E. 7071 12.46 E. 42-43 0. 30 W. 20-21 77.47 E. 64 71.15 E. 64 74-53 E. 66 78.31 E. 63 8.20 E. 40-41 21.0 E. 60 61 4-53 E. 38 4-53 E. 38 74.HW. 102-103 30.42 E. 86 87 77-31 E. 45 62.0 E. 76-77 135.0 E. 76-77 94-S E. 68-69 146.0 w. 114-115 177.0 E. 76-77 13.10 E. 48-49 07. 30 w. 108 833 E. 65 108.0 E. 68-69 0.53 »■• 84 77-0 E. 65 79-43 E. 65 76.34 E. 66 29.59 E. 54-55 75-14 E. 65 3721 E. 54-55 25.48 E. 50-51 XO. 2 W. 34-35 30.0 E. 60 00.0 w. 109 78.0 w. 110111 68. 29 w. HOlll 13-31 E. 4849 £.36 \v. 28-29 73.52 w. 110-111 73-34 w. 110-111 134.0 E. 70-71 6,22 w. 24 25 5.0 \v. 46-47 92.0 E. 68-69 69.20 E. 58- 1.24 E. 36-37 SI E. 38 8.34 K. 44 45 7-23 E. 40 41 85-34 w. 102-103 843 w. 104 23-45 E. 78-79 6g.o w. 112113 78.40 w. 110111 77-44 E. 65 65.10 E. 58 1.30 E. 46-47 1.28 W. 20-21 70.18 w. 102-103 16.18 E. 48-49 24.50 E. 6061 70. 30 w. 102103 4.7 w. 46-47 64.20 w. 106-107 0.30 E. 46-47 II2.0 E. 7677 Latr Angaston South Australia. ^4. 32 s. Angeln, dist. Schleswig. 54-35 N- Angcrman Elf Szveden 64.0 N. Angermiinde Prussia 53.1 n. Ange rs France 4 7. 28 K, Angkor-wat (ruins) Cambodia i3-3oN. Anglesey Wales 53-I7N'- Angmagsalik Greenland 65.30N. Angola, country . West Africa lo.o s. Angora Asiatic Turkey . . 39. 56 N. Angostura Venezuela 8.8 n. Ango ulem e France 45- 39 N. Angoumois, old prov France 45-45 N. Angra de yao Joao Sao Thovid I,..:.. 0.2 n. Angra do Her- Tismo, dist Azores 3S.40N. Angra VQ(i\i.eu.^..Ger.S.'W.Africa26.2S S- Angri Italy 40.44 N. Anguilla Island.. West Indies 18.13N. Angus See Forfar. Anlialt, duchy. ...Gfrmflwy. 51.45^. Anb ol t Den mark 56. 43 N. Ani Erivan, Russia. .40.20N. An jangaon Bera r 2 1 . 10 N. Anjan wel Bombay 17- 33 N. Anjou, old \n'ov.. France 47.20 N. Ankapalle Madras. 17-41 N. Ankaratra Mt^. . . Madagasca /: 20.0 s. Anklam Germany 53-54N. Ankobar Abyssinia 9-35 ^'* AnkohraHiver... Gold Coast 50 n. Ankole Uganda o.ios. Ann, Cape Massachusetts ... .42. 37 N. Ann Arbor Michigan 42. 18 n. Anna de Chaves .Sao Thom^ 1 0.22 n. Annaberg Germany 50. 35 n. Annagassan Irelatid 53- 53 N- Annagh Island .. Ireland 53-58 N. Annalee River Ireland. 54.3 n. Annalong Ireland. 54. 7 n. Annan Scotland 54-59N. Annan River Scotland 55.0 n. Annapolis Matyland 3'^-57N. An iiapolis Nova Scotia 44. 45 x. Annapolis River.. A'oi'fl Scotia 44-56 N. Auuatom Islands AVti* Hebrides.... 20.10 s. Annecy France 45-54 N. Anni.iton Alabama 33. 40 n. Annobon Island., ll^'est Africa 1,22 s. Annonay France 45-14 N- Annsborough Ireland 54. 16 n. Anpi ng Formosa 23. o n. An.sariyeh Mts. Syria 35.0 N. Ansbach Germany 49. 18 n. Ansifan E. Turkestan ... .40.28 n. Ansoes Japen /., Dutch Neiu Guinea... 1.40 S. Anson Bay N. Territory, S. Australia 13.15 S. Ansongo l\ii]A<\^.. Niger River 15.44 ^'■ Ansonia Connecticut 41-17 N. Anstruther Scotland 5^. 13 N- Anta Dhura 'R. ...United Provinces 30.35 N. Antananarivo Madagascar i S. 46 s. Antarctic Sea. Antarctica Antequera Spain 37.4 N. Anti-Balkan 'Mt^. Bulgaria 42.23 N. Antibes France 43- 35 J*- Antioosti Island. . Quebec 49. 40 x. Antietam liivev .. Ma ry land 39-30 N. Antigonish Nova Scotia 45-39 ^'■ Antigua Guatemala 14.30 N. Antigua I. (Brit.) West Indies 17.0 N. Anti-LebanonMt..-^i/a/?V Turkey ..^j,. 4" x. Antilles, Great... West Indies 18.30 N. Antilles, Lesser.. West Indies 14.0 N. Antioch Asiatic Turkey,. ;^6. 10 a. Antioquia Colombia 6.37 N. Antiparos I Cyclades, Greece, 27.0 N. Antipodes I S. Pacific Ocean. ^n^.-y^ s. : Antisana, "^W.. ...Ecuador 0.40 s. Anti-Taurus y\\.'>. Asiatic Turkey. 38.45 N'. An l.i vari Montenegro 42,8 N. An tofugasta Chile 26.48 s. Long. Map 139-3 E 121 9-45 E 40-41 17-30 E 52-53 14.0 E 40-41 0-33W 36-37 103.50 E. 68-69 4.22 w. 1617 39- w. 90-91 15.0 E 82-83 32.45 E 60 63.57 w 109 O.IO E. 36-37 0.20 E. 36-37 6.33 E. 78 79 27.0 w. 88 15-5 E. 86-87 14-35 E. 48-49 63.4 W. 106 107 12.10 E 40-41 11.32 E. 39 432SE. 64-55 77. 20 E 64 73- 13 E 64 0. 30 w. 36-37 83-3 E. 65 40.0 E. 78-79 13-45 E. 40-41 39-54 E. 7879 2. 5 w. 84 31.0 E. 82-83 70.34 «•. 102-103 83.48 \s. 102-103 0-45 E. 7879 13.1 E. 40-41 6. 20 w. 32-33 9.52 w. 30-31 7. 10 w. 30-31 S-54W. 32-33 3-15 "■• 28-29 3-15 w. 24-25 76.28 w. 102-103 65. 26 w. 94 64.55 »•. 94 169.52 E. 114-115 6.7 E. 36-37 85.52 w. 104 S-32E. 78-79 4-43 E. 36-37 5-54 w. 3233 120.10 E. 74 36.20 E. 60 10.33 E. 40-41 96.4 E. 76-77 136.0 E. 70-71 130.0 E. 116-117 I.o E. 84 73-7 «-. 102-103 2.42 w. 28-29 80.17 E. 63 48.0 E. 78-79 2-3 7 4-33 «■■ 4647 23.25 E. 50-51 7-7 E. 36-37 63.0 w. 92-93 77-40 w. 102-103 62.10 w. 94 Q0.43 w. 106-107 61.45 «•• 106-107 36.10 E. 60 70.0 \i. 106-107 65.0 w. 106-107 36.0 E. 60 76. 8 w. 110-111 25-3 E. 5061 173.30 E. 114115 77. 1 8 w. 110-111 36.30 E. 60 IQ.7 E. 6061 67.59 w. 112113 Ant GENERAL IXDEX Ari Z3.30W. 4.17W. 81.57 w. 6.13 w. Lat. Long. Antonilnil; Bay ...Madagascar 12.12 s. 49.19 B. Antonia IV'.ik Santiago, Cape I'erde Islands .1^.0 N. Antoninus' '^'aW. Scotland SS-S^N. Antrim OntaHo 42.24 n. Antrim and ko.... Ireland. 54.48 N. Ant ling Manchuria 39-57 N. 124.30 B. Antwerp Belgium 51.13N, 4.25 K. Anupshahr United Provinces'lZ.'zl N. 78.19 E. Anuradhapura ...Ctfj'Ajrt 8.23N. 80.23 E. Anxious Bay South At^stralia.jS-^ S- 134.44 E. Anzin France 50.22 N. 3.27 E. Aomori Japan 40.52N. 140.44 E Aonia Ciiited ProvinceszS.nn. 79.8 E. Aorangi {.Mt. Cook) A'ew Zealand.. ...^'i.^o s. 170.10 E. Aosta Italy 45.44N. 7.19 E, Aotea H;irbour....A>u' Zealand ....^y.^^ s. 174.48 i:. Apa Kiver Paraguay 21.54 s. 57.35W. Apache Mts Texas 30.35 N. 104.24 w. Apamea See Dineir. Apatin Hungary 45.41 N. ApeMoorn Netherlands 52. 13K. Apennines, Jits... //j/y 41.0 N. Apenrade Prussia 55.2 N. Apia Samoa Islands. ..i-^.^gs. 171.44 Apolda Germany 51.2 N. 11.50 E Apollonia See Valona. Apostle Islands.. Wisconsin 47.6 N. Appalacbee 'B^y .Florida 29.56N. Appalachian Mts. United Stales. ....■^i. 2,0 N. Appalachicola ....Florida 29.46^. 84.54 w, Appalachicola 'R.Florida 30.0 K. 85.0 Appenzell Switzerland. 47.22 N. Appin Scotland 56.34N', Apple Tree Mts. See Yablonoi Mts. Appleby England 54.34N. Applecross Scotland 57.26N. Appleton Wisconsin 44. i8n. Appomatox R Virginia 37.17N. Apsheron, Cn\^e.. Russia 40. 18 N. Apsley Tasmania 42.24 s. Apsley Victoria 37.0 8. Apt France 43S3N. Apulia, coniparti- mento Italy 40.50N. Apulum See KarLsbur^'. Apure River Venezuela 7.10 X. Apurimac T\\\eY..Peru 12.0 s. Aquidaban R Paraguay 23.0 s. Aquila Italy 42.21 N. Aquileia 4ustria-IIungaiy.\^..^~ N. Aquiry Kiver Bolivia 10. 30 s. Arabah Depres- sion Arabia 30.0 K. Arabia, country. .y^j/.i 25.0 N. Arabian Sea Asia 15.0 N. Arabkir Asiatic Turkey ..yj.i N. Aracaju Brazil 11.4 s. Aracaty Brazil 4.23 s. Arad Hungary 46.13 N. Arafat, Jebel Arabia 21.19 N. Arafura Sea A'. Territory, S. Australia 10.0 s. Aragon, prov .Spain 4i.3oN. Aragon River Spain 42.29 N'. Aragona Sicily 37-23 N'. Araguary Va\-^y.. Brazil i.iox. Araguaya River.. i?™c(7 8.0 s. Arakau Burma See Jlru-Haung, Arakan Yoma ....^wrm^i 21.0 N. 94.0 E. Aral Sea Asiatic Pussia....\^.o N. 60.0 E. Aramac Queensland 22.59 s. 145.14 E. Aran Island Ireland 55.0 N. 8.32 \v. Aran Island.^ Ireland 53.8 N. Aran Mowddwy,. Wales S2.47N. Aranda Spain 41.40N, Aranjuez Spain 40.1 N. Aranyos llivev . ...Hunga/y 46.20N. Arapey, Eio Uruguay 30.38 s. Araraquara Brazil 21.59 3- Ararat Victoria 37.15 S. 142.57 E. Ararat, Moniit ...Armenia 39.40 N. 44.18 E Aras River Russia ." 37.27 s. Aratapu Xcw Zealand 36.5 s. Arauco Argentine Rep... .zS.^o s. Arauco Chile 37- 12 s Araure Venezuela 9.23 K i8.!;6e. 5-57 E. 15.0 E. 9.25 E. 90.30W. 84.0 w. 79.0 9-25 E. 5-32 w. 2.30 w. 5.48 w. 88.21 w. 77.40 w. 50.22 E. 147.2 E. 141. E. 5.24 E. 17.0 E. 70.0 W. 74.0 w. 57. 10 w. 13.24 E. 13.20 E. 68.0 W. 33.10 E. 45.0 E. 6^.0 E. 38.40 E. 37. 10 W. 37-57W. 21.15 E. 40.13 E. 135.0 E. I.O w. 1.25 w. 13-37 E. 51.0 w. 50.0 9.44 w. 3.41 w. 3.41 w. 3-35 IV. 23.6 E. 56-35 »■■ 48.38 w. 47.40 E. 174.2 E. 67.0 w. 73 19 w. 69.3 w. Map 78-79 78-79 28-29 96 32-33 76 38 63 66 121 36-37 76 63 126-127 48-49 126-127 112-113 100-101 42-43 38 48-49 40-41 128 40-41 100101 104 102-103 104 104 44-45 28-29 16-17 26-27 100 101 102-103 64-55 120 119 36-37 48-49 110111 110-111 112-113 48-49 42-43 110-111 60 66-67 66-67 60 110-111 110 111 42-43 68 116-117 46-47 46-47 48-49 109 110-111 68-69 76-77 123 3031 30-31 18-19 46-47 46-47 42-43 112-113 112-113 119 60 64-66 126-127 112-113 112-113 110-111 Lat. Aravalli Hills Rajputana 26.30N. Arawan Sahara 19.32 N'. Araxes River See Aras River. Arbo Island -iustria 44.4SN. Arher, Mount. ...Germany .....49.6 N. Arbil or Erbil Asiatic Turkey ..■^b.nit. Arbirlot Scotland 56.33 N. Arboga Sweden 59.24N. Arbois France 46.54 N. Arbroath Scotland. 56.33N. Arbuthnott Scotland S6.53N. Arcachon France 44.41 N. Arcadia See Arkadia. Archangel Russia 64.33N. Archipelago, The Greece 38.0 N. Archipelago, vil- ayet Asiatic Turkey ..29.0 N. Arcis-sur-Aube ...France 48. 33 N. Arco Tyrol, Austria. .^c^.z^^ N. Arcole Italy 4S.20N. Arcona, C.npe Germany. 54.40N. Arcos Spain 36.41 N. Arcot Madras 12.5SN. Arctic Ocean 80.0 N. Ard, Loch Scotland 56.9 n. Ardagh Limerick, Ire Ian dz^^.-zg N. Ardagh Longford,Irelandz^-^.!t,o N. Ardahan Russia 41.8 n. Ardalan, prov. ...Persia 35.40 N. Ardcath Ireland 53-37 N. Ardchattan Scotland 56.28N. Ardebil Persia 38. 12N. Ardecbe, dep France. 44.40N. Ardee Ireland 53-52N- Aiden, Forest ui. England 52. 12N. Ardennes Belgium 50.0 N. Ardennes, dep, ...France 49.40N. Ardentinny Scotland 56.3 N. Arderry Lough... /rWawi/ 53-27 N. Ardfert Ireland 52. 19N. Ardtinnan Ireland 52. 19N. Ardglass Ireland 54. i6n. Ardkeen Ireland 54.37N. Ardl.aniont Point Scotland 55-49 N. Ard !e Water Scotland 56. 40 N. Ardlui Scotland 56. 18N. Ardniore & "Rny ..Ireland 51.57N. Ardmore I'o'uit... Ireland 52.56N. Ardn.amurchan Point Scotland 56.44 N. Ardoch Scotland 56.17 N. Ardoye Belgium So. 58 N. Ardrahan Ireland. 53.9 N. Ardrishaig Scotland 56.1 K. Ardrossan Scotland 55-38 N. Ardrossan South Australia. ^4.22 S. Arecibo.. Porto Rico 18.29 N. Ared, dist Arabia 24.58 N. Arte, Monts d' ...France 48.40N. Arendal Nonvay 58.28N. Arenig (Mt.) Wales 52.55N. Arequipa Peru 16.23 s. Arezzo Italy 43.27N. Arfak Mts Dutch New Guinea 1.5 s. Arga River Spain 42.22 N. Argaju--, Mt Anatolia 38.29N. ArgaiiTU Berar, India 21.8 N. Argent;i Italy 44.37N. Argentan France 48.45N. Argentario,Monte//a.^ 42.30 N. Argenteuil France 48.56 N. Argentine Rep. ..South America. ..-^^,.0 s. Argenton France 46.36 N. Arghanilab {U.) ..Afghanistan 32.0 N. Argolis, div Greece 37.40 N. Argonnes Forest France 49.10 n. Argos Greece 37-38 N. Argostoli Greece 38. lON. Argovia See Aargan. Arguin Islands ... West Africa 20.48 N. Argun River Siberia 52.0 N. Arguni Bay Dutch New Guinea 3.10s. Argyll, CO Scotland 56.20N. Argyrokastron Turkey 40. 13N. Ariano Italy 41.8 N. Aribaco Arizona 3i-35 X. Long. Slap 75.0 E. 66 4.4 w. 78-79 14.45 E. 42-43 13.7 E. 40-41 444 E. 60 2.37 w. 28-29 15.50 E. 62-63 5-47 E. 36-37 2.35 w. 28-29 2.22 W. 26-27 1.9 W. 3637 40.33 E. 64-65 25.0 E. 60-61 26.0 E. 60 4-7 E. 36-37 10.53 E. 42-43 11.23 E. 48-49 13.26 E. 40-41 5-49 w. 46-47 79.24 E. 65 50.0 E. 6 4.27 w. 24-25 9.2 w. 34-35 7.42 w. 32-33 42-47 E. 64-56 45.40 E. 60 6.23 w. 32-33 5. II w. 28-29 48.19 E. 60 4-30 E. 36-37 6.33 W. 32-33 1.48 \v. 20-21 5.0 E. 3S 4.40 E. 36-37 4.55 w. 28-29 9-33 w. 30-31 9.47 w. 34-35 7.52W. 34-36 5-36 w. 32-33 532 w. 32-33 5-12 w. 24-26 3.28 w. 24-25 4.45 «•• 28-2» 7-43 w- 30-31 6.1 w. 30-31 6.14 w. 24-25 3-52 w. 28-29 3.11 E. 3» 8.51 w. 34-35 5.27 V. 28-29 4-5° w. 28-29 137.56 E. 121 66.42 \v. 106-107 46.0 E. 68. 4.0 w. 36-37 8.51 E. 52-53 3-43 w. 14-15 71.31 w. 110-111 11.53 E. 48-49 133-30 E. 70-71 1.48 w. 46-47 35- ME. 60- 76.59 E. 64 11.48 E. 48-49 0. 1 w. 36-37 11.15 E. 48-49- 2.14 £. 36-37 65.0 W. 110-111 1.31 E. 36-37 66.0 E. 6& 22.40 E. 60-61 5.0 E. 36-3T 22.43 E. 50-51 20.28 E. 60-61 16.26 w. 78-79 120.0 E. 76-77 13350 E. 70-71 5.20 w. 28-2» 20.13 E. 60-61 1^-7 E. 48-4» III. 15 w. 105- Ari GENERAL INDEX Ast I,;U. Long. ]>I:ip Arica Chile 1823 s. 70.20 w. 110-111 Aricliat Vova Scotia 45.31 N. 61.2 w. 94 Arid. Cape W. Austra!iii....-iA,.o s. 123.12 E. 116-117 Ariege 11. & dep. . /v-awtrc 42.38N. 1.36 E. 36-37 Arinos River Brazil 10.25 s. 57. low. 110-111 Arisaig & Sound. 6Vo//aK(/ 56.55N. S.50W. 24-25 Arish, El Morocco 35.12N. 6.9 e. 80 Arizona, ter United States 34.0 N. 112.0 w. 105 Arkadelphia, Arkansas 34.9 N. 92.59\v. 104 Arkadia Greece 37.20N. 21.30 B. 50-61 Arkaig, Looli Scotland 56.59N. 5.20 w. 24-25 Arkansas, Little River Kansas 37.0 N. 98.45 w. 100-101 Arkansas, state... tZ/j/VerfS/ato 34.0 N. 92.30 w. 104 Arkaii.sas City ....Aa«raj 37.2 N. 98.4 w. 100-101 Arkansas Post. ...^'•/{■ani?« 5. iK«/«.. .. 30.31 s. 151.42 ]•:. 118 Armori CentralProvinces'zo.'2Z'^, 80.2 E. 63 Armoy Ireland 56.7 N. 6.20\v. 32-33 Arnawi N.-\V. F. ProzK.-^S-''-^^- 71-37 E. 66 Arnolilfe New S. Wales ...■^a,.o s. 151.14 E. 118 Arnhem Netherlands S1.58N. 5.36 E. 38 Arnhem, (Jape.. ..A'. Territory, S. Australia 12.10S. 136.58 B. 116-117 Arnhem Land ,...iV. Territory, S. Australia 13.0 s. 135.0 E. 116-117 Arno River Italy 43.41N. 11. o B. 48-49 Arnold England 53.0 N. 1.7 w. 20-21 Arnprior Ontario 4S.25N. 76.24W. 96 Arnslierg Germany 51.24N. S.6 E. 40-41 Arnstadt Germany 50.50N. 10.57 E. 40-41 Arnswalde Germany 53. ion. 15.22 e. 40-41 Aroa Venezuela 10.30N. 69.3 w. 110-111 Arokszallas Hungary 47.38 N. 20.0 E. 42-43 Arolsen Germany 51.24N. 9.2 E. 40-41 Aron S. Nigeiia 5-55N. 7.30 E. 78-79 Arona Italy 45.4SN. 8.33 E. 48-49 Aroostook River. AffliHe 46.25N. 68.40\v. 102-103 Arpino Italy 41.39N. 13.37 E. 48-49 Arqua Italy 4SiSN. 11.42 E. 48-49 Arra Mountains.. /«/a»if. 52.49N. 8.21 w. 30-31 Arrah Bengal 25.33 N. 84.42 E. 63 Arran Island Scotland 55-35N- 5 '5 w. 28-29 Arr.as France 50.17 N. 2. 46 E. 36-37 Arrino IV. Australia. ...ag.zZs. 115.36 E. 122 Arro (Island) Denmark 54.50N. 10. 25 E. 39 Arrochar Scotland 56.12N. 4.44W. 28-29 Arrow, Lough. .../;Wj«if 54.3 N. 8.20W. 32-33 Arrow Rivor Wales 52.13N. 2.47\v. 14-15 Arrowsmith R [K. ./4?(j/'ra/ja... .29.12 s. 115.0 E. 122 Arrowtown New Zealand 44.55 s. 168.58 E. 126-127 Arroyo Porto Rico 18.0 N. 66.0 w. 106-107 Arroyo Mslinos..5/az'« 39.5 N. 6.12 w. 46-47 Ars-sur-JIo5elle..iv-a«« 49.6 N. 6.4 E. 36-37 Arta Greece 39.8 N. 21.0 E. 60-61 Arta, Gulf of Greece 38.58N. 21.0 E. 60-61 Arta River Greece 39.20N. 21.6 E. 60-61 Ar'thabasoa Quebec 46.3 N. 71.56W. 95 Arthur, Konni. ..New Zealand.. ...4l.\^S. 172.40 E. 126-127 Arthur River Tasmania E. 120 Arthur's Se.at Scotland 55-57^. 3.10W. 24-25 Artois, old prov.. /"/•(!«« 50.30N. 2.20 E. 36-37 Artvin Caucasus 41.2 N. 41.42 E. 64-66 Aru Islands East Indies 6.30 s. 134.30 E. 70-71 Aruba Island Dutch W. Indiesi^.jpii. 70.0 w. 70-71 Arun River England 51.0 N. 0.30 w. 14-15 Arundel England 50.51 N. 0.33W. 20-21 Arundelmilla Ireland 5I-37N. 8.50 w. 32-33 AT:amm\U\y£i- ...Belgian Congo.... 1.20N. 23.55 E. 82-83 Arva River Hungary 49.16N. 19.28 E. 42-43 Arve River Switzerland, k'c. 46.1211. 6.9 E. 44-45 Arwal Bengal. 25.ISN. 84.42 K. 68 Lat. Arz.ama3 Russia i;s.28N. ^■■ze" Algeria 35-53N- Asaba Nigeria 6.10N. Asaraa-yama Vol./a/a« 36.27 N. Asasuni Bengal. 22.33 n. Asben Sahara, Africa. .18.0 N. Ascension I. (Br. )Atlantic Ocean .. 7.57 s. Asch Bohemia 50.14 N. Aschatfenburg Germany 49-58 N. A>^chersleben Germany 51.47N. Aseoli Italy 42.52N. Ascot England 51.25 N. Ashanti, Qonnivy. Gold Coast 6.30N. Ashbourne England 53.2 N. Ashbourne Ireland 53- 31 N. Ashburnbair. England 50.54N'. Asliliurton England 50.31 N. Ashburton & R. Nexv Zealand.. ...4^.0 8. Ashburton Ua N. Territory, S. Australia 18.0 s. Ashburton River. IV. Australia 23.5 s. Asliby-de-la- Zouch England 52.46N. Ashdod {^dud). . Palestine. 31-44 N. Ashdown England 51-33 N. Asheville North Carolina. ."^^.2,2 N. Asbfield Ne7u S. Wales ...•^■^.^2 s. Ashford England 51.9 n. Asbford NrtO S. Wales ...2g. 20 s. Ashiestiel Scotland 55-37N. Asliingdon England 51-37 N. Ashio Japan 36.40N. Ashland Nebraska 41.2 N. Ashland Pennslyvania 40.46N. Ashland Wisconsin 46.40N. Ashley River A^ew Zealand 43.12 s. Ashley River South Carolina .. 22. an. Ashraf Persia 36.40 N. Ashta Bombay i6.57N. Ashtabula Ohio 41.52N. Ashton England 53.29N. Ashton Cape Colony 33.48 s. Ashton-in- Makerfield England 53.29N. Asia Minor, i*. Atessa Italy 42.4 N. Ath Bel^um 50-37N- Athab:isi.-a \A%.... Alberta S4-50N. Athabasca, \£s^fi .Alberta 59-0 N. Athabasca River. .-4/^^rAi 56.30N. Athboy Ireland. 53-37 ^'• Athelney England 51.4 N. Athenry Ireland 53.18N. Athens Georgia 33-S4N- Athens Greece 37-58 N. Athens Ohio 39.20N. Atherstone England 52.36N. Atherton England S3-3IN. Atlileaj^ue Ireland 53.34N. Athlone Ireland 53- 25 N. Athni Bombay 16.44N. Arliolo, dist Scotland 56.48 N. Athos, Mount Turkey 40. 15N. Athy Ireland 53.0 N. Atico Peru 16.5 N. Atitlan, Lake Guatemala 14.56N. Atjeh See Achin. Atlanta Georgia 34.42N, Atlantic City N^ew Jeney 39.21 N. Atlantic Ocean . . . 0.0 Atlas '^\v<,v... France. 46.0 N. Auraiya United Provincej26.28 y. Aurangabad Hyderabad 19.52^. Aurangaba'l Sayzid United Provinces'2Z.y:> N. Auras United Provinces26. 54 n. Auray France 47-43 N- Au rd al Norway -. 61.0 N. Aures Mts Algeria 35.20 N. Aurich Germany 53-28 N. Aurillac France. 44.56N. Aurora Illinois 41.^8 n. Aurora Indiana 39. 2 N. Auskerry I.-^land . Oryf«^ Islands ..y^.o. n. Ausseo Austria 47. 37 N- Aussig A ustria 50.40 N. Austerlit?: Austria 49.9 N. Austin Nevada 39- 30 N. Austin Texas 30. 20 N. Austin, Lake W. Australia.... zy. 30s. Australian Alps.. J'icton'a 37.0 S. Australind 11'. Australia... 23- 1? S. Austria, kingdoni^//j/Wa-//;/;7^rtn'48.o n. Austria, hov^er... A ustria 48.30 N. Austria, Upper. . . A ustria 48.20 n. Autu n France 46. 58 n. Au vergne, dist France. 45. 20 N. Aux Cayes Haiti. 18.12N. Auxerro France 47. 49 N. Auxonne France 47.12N. Ava Burma 21.52 n. Avallon France. 47.29 n. Aralon Penin Neu/oundland ...47.20 s. Avatcha Bay Kamtchatka 53.0 N. Avebury England 51.25N, Aveiro Portugal. 40. 38 N. Avellino Italy 40-55N. Avenches Switzerland. 46. 53 N. Averno, Lago d' .Italy 40.50N'. Aversa Italy 40. 56 n. Aves Islands West Indies 12.0 N. Avesnes France 50. 7 N. Avey ron R. k dcp. France. 44. 2 y. Avezzan o Italy 42. 3 N. Avich, Loch . Scotland 56.16N. Avieniore Scotland 57-13 ^'* Avigliano Italy 40.45 N. Avignon France 43-57 N. Avila Spain 40.40N. Aviles Spain 43- 3^ N. Avlona Titrkey 40. 27 N. Avoca Tasmania 41-47 S. Avoca Victoria 37.6 s. Avoca, Vale of ...Ireland 52.48 N. Avoch Scotland 57-34^- Avola Sicily 36.55N. Avon River England 51.30 N. Avon River England 52.24N. Avon River England 50.S3N. Avon River Linlithgowshire .55. $7 N. Avon River Scotland 57.22 n. Avonmore River . Ireland. 52. 58 N. Avonmouth England 5 1 • 34 N- Avranches France. 4S.40N. Awania River N'ew Zealand..... 44.23 S. Awas Mts German S.-W. Africa 22.50 s. Awatere "River.. ..A>«/ Zealand.... 41.50 s. Awbeg River Cork^ Ireland ... 52. 13!?. Awe, L. and U. ...Scotland 56.20 N. Awob River German S.-W. Africa 25.0 S. Ax France 42.43 ^'• Axarfjord Iceland 66.20N. Axbridgo England 51.18 N. Axe Edge England 53-I4N. Axe River England 51-^7 N. Axholmo, Isle oi. England. 53-32N. Axial ...Colorado 40.30N. Lang. Jlap I15.Q E. 122 9.52 E. 40-41 12.59 E. 54-65 21.9 E. 7879 3.48 w. 28-29 67. 10 w. 110111 3 40 E. 80 1.43 E. E637 74.23 E. 64 0.55 »-. 36-37 79-33 E. 63 75.20 E. 66 77-59 E- 63 80.33 E. 63 3.0 w. 36-37 8.40 E. 52-53 6.30 E. 80 7.28 E. 40-41 2.26 E. 26-37 88.17 w. 100-101 84.56 E. 102-103 2.34 w. 24-25 13-47 E. 42-43 14.3 E. 42-43 16.52 E. 42-43 II 7.0 w. 105 97.29W. 104 118.0 E. 122 148.0 E. 119 115.44 E. 122 15.0 E. 4243 16.0 E. 42-43 14.0 E. 42-43 4.20 E. 3637 2.40 E. 36-37 7330 ■»■■ 106-107 3-34 E. 36-37 523 E. 36-37 96.1 E. 68-69 354 E. 36-37 53.30 «•■ 94 158.30 E. 76-77 1. 51 ■«. 18-19 8.39 w. » 46-47 14.47 E. 48-49 7-3 E. 44-45 14.5 E. 48-49 14.13 E. 48-49 67.35 w. 106-107 3.56 E. 36-37 1.30 E. 36-37 13.28 E. 4849 5-40 w. 2425 3-47 ^v. 26-27 15-43 E- 48-49 4.50 E. 36-37 4.46 w. 46-47 6.8 w. 46-47 19.26 E. 60-51 144.25 E. 120 143.29 E. 119 6.9 w. 34-35 4. 12 w. 26-27 15.6 E. 48-49 2.43 w. 14-15 I 33W. 1415 I. S/ w. 14-15 3.45W- 23-29 3.23W. 24-25 6.17 \v. 30-31 2.42 w. 18-19 1.22 w. 36-37 168.15 E. 126-127 17.0 E. 78-79 173.45 E. 126-127 8.32 w. 30-31 S.io-n-. 28-29 19.0 E. . 86-87 1.48 E. 3637 17.0 w. 8-9 2.49W. 18-19 1.59 w. 18-19 2. 50 w. 14-15 0.50 w. 14-15 107. 50 w. 100 101 Axi GENERAL INDEX Bal lat. Axim Goid Coast 4-47 N. Axniinster England 50. 46 N. Axmouth England 50.42 N. Axura Abyssinia 14.7 N. Ay.icucho Peru 12.40 s. Ayamonte Spain 37. 1 1 n. Ayasoluk Turkey in Asia..yj.^6T^. Ay cli ff e England 54. 36 N. Aylesbury England 51.49^, Aylesford England 51.18N. Aylmer, Lake A'^- IV. Territory 6^.20ti. Aylort, Loch Scotland 56.52 n. Aylsham England 52.48 N. Ayr Queensland 19-33 S- Ayr, CO Scotland 55-25 n. Ayr and \\\vqv ... .Scotland 55-28 n. Ayre Point fsle of Man 54-25N. Ay ton Scotland 55- 5^ N. Ayutliia Siam 14.28N. Azam;:;arh United Provinces 26.-^ n. Azerbaijan. Persia 37-35 N. Azogues Ecuador 2.47 a. Azores Is. (Port.) Atlantic Ocean ..37.44 n. Azov. Russia 47. 2 n. Azov, Sea of Pussia 46.0 n. Azpeitia Spain 43- n N. Azuay, prov Ecuador 2.48 s. Azucar, Pan de...Cfj/(:'m5i£X 2.0 n. Azuero Peiiiii Panama 8.0 N. Azul Argentine Rep. ..37.0 3. Ba, Loch Scotland 56.28 N. Ba, Loch Scotland 56.38 N. Baalbek Syria 34. o N. Baba, Cape Turkey in Asia..y^.zy'i^. Babadagh Rumania 44. 54 N. Bab-el-5landeb, Strait of N.-E. Africa 13.0 N. Babiagora Austria 49- 35 N. Babraham Engla?id 52.9 n. Babylon, ruin^ ...Asiatic Zw^-M' ..32.40 N. Bacchiglione \i... Italy. 45.24N. Bacchus Marsh... Victoria 32-40 S. Baoharach Prussia 53.3 N. Bacher Gebir^^e ..Austria 46.27 n. Bachian Island ...Moluccas 0.30s. Back (or Great N.- IV. Territory, Fish) River Canada 65. 10 N. B.ic-ninh Tongking 21. ion. Bacolor Philippine Is 15.0 N, Bacser Canal Hungary 45.46 n. Bacska Hungary 45-58N. Bactria See Balkh. Bacup England S3-42N. Bad Gastein Austria 47.8 n. Bad Lands Dakota, 43.0 N. Badagry Lagos ,..- 6.29 N. Badajoz Spain 38.53N. Badakshan Afghanistan 36.40 n. Badalona Spa in 41. 25 n. Baden Austria 48.1 n. Baden Switzerland. 47. 28 N. Baden, gd. A\\q\\)' Germany 43-45 N. Baden-Baden Germany. 48. 46 N. Badenoch, dist. ..Scotland 56.570". Badkhis, di^it Afghanistan, ^tc -^$.^01^. Badminton England 5I-33N. Badrinath (Mt.).. United Provinces^o. 4^ i^: Badulla Ceylon 6.59N. Baduria. Bengal. 22.45N. Baena Spain 37-41 N. Baeza Spain 38.0 n. Baffin Biy N.-IV. Territrs..72.o N. Baffinland N.-W. Territrs.. 70.0 N. Bafulabe French Sudan. ...i^-S^^- Bagalkot Bombay t6.i2N. Bagamoyo East Africa 6.0 s. Bagdad Asiatic Turkey ..33.21 N. Bagenalstown Ireland 52.47N* Baghelkhand Central India .... 22.40 N. Bagheria Sicily 38.4 N. Bciginbun Head Ireland 52.UN. Bagirrai, country West Africa lo.o N. Bagnacavallo Italy 44.25 N. Bagnara Italy 38.18N. Bagn^res-de- Bigorre France 43.3 N. Long. Map 2.5 w. 84 2, 59 w. 1819 3-3 w. 18-19 38.44 E. 78-79 74-6 w. 110-111 7.19W. 4647 27- 23 K. 60 1.34 w. 16-17 0.49 w. 20-21 0.29 K. 20-21 loq. 40 w. 92 93 5.42 w. 24-25 1. 14 E. 2021 147.24 K. 123 4.30 w. 28-29 4 38 w. 28-29 4.23 w. 16-17 2.8 w. 28-29 100.36 E. 68-69 83.13 E. 63 470 E. 60 78.48 w. 110-111 25.40 w. 88 30.28 E. E4:F5 36.30 E. 6455 2. 10 W, 46-47 78 5IW. 110-111 77- w. UO-111 80. 30 w. 110111 59.58 w. 112-113 S-59W. 28-29 4,45 w. 28-29 36.10 E. 60 26.3 E. 60 28.52 E. 6051 43.10 E. 78-79 19.30 E. 42-43 0.17 E. 20-21 44.30 E. 60 11.40 E. 48-49 144.27 E. 119 7.47 E. 40-41 15-30 E. 42 43 127.30 E. 70-71 105.0 w. 92-93 106.5 E. 68 69 120.30 E. 70-71 19.0 E. 42-43 19.10 E. 42-43 2.I2W. 1617 13.8 E. 42-43 103.0 W. 100101 3.4 E. 8i 6.48 w. 46-47 70. 20 E . 68 2.12 W, 46-47 16.14 E. 42-43 8.18 E. 44-45 8.30 E. 40-41 8.15 E. 40-41 4.r5w. 26-27 62.30 E. 68 2.17 w. 18-19 79,32 E. 63 81.5 E. 66 88.50 E. 63 4.22 w. 46-47 3-33 w. 46-47 65.0 w. 92-93 75.0 w. 9293 10. 50 w. 78-79 75-45 E. 64 39.0 E. 82-83 44.32 E. 60 6 57 w. 34-35 80.25 E. 63 i3-3t E. 48-49 6.50 w. 34-35 16.0 E. 78-79 11.58 E. 48-49 15.48 E. 48-49 36-37 Lat. Bagneres-de- Luchon Frayice 42.46 n. Bagni di Lucca... //c/j/ 44.2 n. Bagno a Ripoli ...Italy. 43.46 n. Bagno in Komagna Italy 43. son. Bagot Range South Australia.Q.6.30 s. Bagpat United ProvincesizS. 56 N. Eagrada 'Ri-7er....See Majerda. Bagsli ot. Engla nd 51. 22 N. Bahadurgarh Pu/ijab 3^-44 N. Bahama In. [Ew] North Afneriia..-2z^.o n. Baharieh Oasis ...Egypt 28.15 N. Bahawalpur Punjab 29.24 n. Bahia and state ..^ras// 12.56 s. Bahia Blanca Argentine Rep. ..3(^.2$ s. Bahia dos Tigros. See Great Fish Bay. Bahia Hon^^a Cuba 23.0 n. Bahia Nueva Argentine Rep. ..43.0 s. Bah raich United Provinces 27. 35 N. Bahrein Island ...Arabia 26.0 n. Bahr - el - Abiad (Wliite Nile) ...Sudan lo.o n. Balir-el-Arab Sudan 9.20 N. Balir-el- Azrek (Blue Nile) Sudan 12.0 N. Bahr-el-Ghazal ...^Wi/aw 9.0 y. Bahr-el-Jebel Sudan 8.0 N. Baise, ruins Italy 40.48 n. Baikal, Lake Siberia 53.0 N. Bailieborough Ireland 53-55 N- Bailleul France So. 47 N. Bailundo Port.W. Africa.. 12. 10 s. Bain l^iver England 53.7 n. Bain's Kloof Cape Colony 33-32 s. Bairam Ghat Berar 21.22N. Bairath Rajputana 27. 27 n, Baireuth Germany 49*56 N. Bairnsdale I'ictoria 37-49 S- Baithalwadi Hyderabad 20.34 N. Ba ja Hungary 46. 10 N. Bajana Bombay. 23.7 n. Bajitpur.. E.B'gal^Assam24.i3'S. Bajmok..! Hungayy.. 45-58 N. Bakan River Sumatra 4-47 N- Bakarganj E. B'gal b'Assa?n22.2(^ n. Bakau... Rumania 46.30N. Bakel , Senegal. i4-57 N. Baker, Mount Washington 48.45N. Baker City Oregon 45.0 N. Bakersfield California.:. 3S.30N. Bake well England 53-i3N. Bakhchisarai Russia 44. 44 N. Bakhmut Russia 48.34N. Bakhtegn n Lake, /'^rj/a 29. 40 N. Bakkar Island.... Sind, Bonibay. ..27.43 N. Bak lo h Punjab 32. 30 N. Bakony Wald Hungary 47.25 n. Baksa E.B'^al^Assavi^.'^Q'S. Baksar Bengal 25.34N. Baku Russia 40.23N. Bala and Lake.... Wales 52.S5N. Balabac Island ...Philippines 7.50 N. Balaklava Russia 44. 27 n. Balaklava, South A ustralia.34. 9 s. Balapur Berar 20. 40 N. Balasinor Bombay 22.57N. Balasor Bengal. 2r.30N. Balaton La ke Hu ngary 46. 50 N. Balaton-Fiired ...Hungary 46.58 n. Balbriggan Ireland. 53-37 N* Baleha Pass Garhwal.. 31.4 N. Balclutha A^ew Zealand 46.15 S. Bald Muuntain....^Vl?z« Bruns7vick.46.14N. BaUleva United Provinces 27.24 N. Bald ock England 5 1 . 59 N. Baldoyle Ire/and 53.19N. Bale Switzerland 47.33N. Balearic Islands. . Spain 39- 30 N. Balerno Scotland 56. 53 N- Balfour, Mount... Tasmania 41.15 N. Balfron Scotland 56.4 N. Balfrush Persia 36.28N. Bali Bengal. 22.39N. Bali Island East Indies 8.30 S. Balia E.B'gal^Assam26. 13 N. Balkan Mts Bulgaria 43.0 N. Balkh Afghanistan 36.45 n. Loug. Map 0.37 E, 36-37 10.35 E. 48-49 II. l8 E. 48-49 11.57 E. 48-49 134.30 E. 121 77.16 E. 63 0.42 W. 20-21 76.30 E. 66 770 w. 106-107 29.0 E. 81 71.47 E. 66 38.27 w. 110-111 61.25 ^V- 112-113 82.58 w. 106-107 64.0 -w. 110-111 81.38 E. 63 50.30 E. £8 22.40 E. 78-79 26.0 E. 78-79 36.0 E. 78-79 27.0 E. 82-83 30. 20 B . 82-83 14-4 K. 48-49 108.0 E. 76-77 6.59 w. 32-33 2.43 E. 36-37 15-50 E. 82-83 0. 10 W. 14-15 19.0 E. 86-87 77.38 E. 64 76.14 E. 66 11-35 E. 4041 147-35 E. 119 75-41 E. 65 18.55 E. 42-43 71.49 E. 64 gr.o E. 63 19.27 Ej 42-43 95-33 B. 70-71 90.18 E. 63 26.58 E. 60-61 12.19 w. 84 121.42 w. 106 1 17.30 W. 105 119.33 W. 105 1.42 W.' 16-17 33-53 E. 64-55 3B.6 E. 54-66 54.0 E. 60 68.56 E. 66 75-57 E. 66 18.0 E. 42-43 89.36 E. 63 84.1 E. 63 49-53 E. 54 65 3.36 w. 1416 1175 E. 70-71 33-33 E. 64-66 138.29 E. 121 76.49 E. 64 73-23 E. 64 86.58 E. 63 17.40 E. 42-43 17.52 E. 42-43 6. 12 w. 32-33 78.0 E. 63 169.50 E. 126-127 64.17 W. 94 77.52 E. 63 0.12 W. 20-21 6.7 w. 34-35 7-35 E. 44-46 3.0 E. 46-47 3.17 w. 28-29 144.50 E. 120 4- 19 w. 28-29 52.30 E. 60 88.23 E. 63 lli.o E. 70-71 88.24 E. 63 24.0 E. 50-51 66.48 E. 68 B Bal GENERAL INDEX Ban Balkhaili, Lake Balla. Ball:ibf,^arh Balhicluilisli Ballaghaderceii, Ballaghkeen Ballan Ballandean Balkintrae Ballirat Ballater Ballenstedt Balleny I^ilands... Ballia Ballickmoyler Ballina Ballina Ballina Ballinacostello .. Ballinadee Ballinafad Ballinakill Ballinalea Ballinaniore BaUinasloe Ballincolii^ Ballinderry Kiver Ballindine Jiallindrait ^allingarry -Ballinc^arry BaIlin^^alTy Ballinlough Ballinlui>; Ballinpluiil Ballinrobe Ballinskelligs Bay Ballinspittle Ballintober. Ballintogher Ballintoy Ballintra Ballinure Ballitore .... Ballivor Balloch Ballybay Ballybofey .. Ballyboy Ballybrittas Ballybunnion Ballycanew Ballycarney Ballycarra Bally carry B.allyc.astle Ballycastle Ballyclare Ballyclerahan Ballycolla Ballyconcely Bay. Ballyconnell Ballycottin & Bay Ballycumber Ballydavid Head Ballydehob Ballydonegan Ballyduff Ballyduff Ballyetra^'h Balliferis Point.. Ballygally Head.. Ballygar Ballygarrett Ballygawley Ballygeary Ballyglass Ballyhack Ballyhakill Ballyhaise Ballyhalbert Ballyhaunis Ballyhean Ballyheige & Bay Ballyhooly Ballyhornan Ballyhoura Hills. Ballyjamesduff ... Lut. Long. .Asiatic fiussia... 46.30s. 75.30 E. Ireland 53.48N. 9.8 w. Punjab 28.20 N. 77.22 E. ..Scotland 56.39N. 5.9 w. .Ireland 53-44 N* 8.34 ^^■• Ireland 52.29 N. 6.25 w. Victoria ...37.36 s. 144.14 E. Queensland. 28.50 s. 151.45 K. Scotland 55.6 N. 5.0 w. Victoria 37.34 S. 143-53 E. .Scotland 57.3 N. 3.3 w. Germany 51.43N. 11. 13 E. Antarctica 66.30 s. 162.0 E. United Province ^2^.44 'S. 84.11 E. Ireland 52.53N. 7.0 w. Mayo, Ireland ...^4. -J N. 9.9 w. Aew S. Wales. ..2Z.zp%. 153.30 e. Tipperary 52.48N. 8.26W. Ireland 53- 5° N. 8.52 w. Ireland 51.43N. 8. 37 w. Ireland 54.2 N. 8.40 \v. Ireland 52.52N. 7.18 w. Ireland 53.1 N. 6.7 w. Ireland 54.3 N. 7.18 w Ireland 53.20N. 8.13 w. Ireland 51.53 N. 8.35 \v. •Ireland 54.39N. 6.35 w. Ireland 53-41 N. 8.59 w. Ireland 54-51 N- 7.32 w. Limerick, Irelandz^2.2Zji. 8.51 w. Tipperary 52. 36 N. 7. 37 w. Tipperary 53.2 N. 8.2 w. Ireland 53.49 N. 8.38 w. Scotland 56.42 N. 3-45 w. Ireland 53-27N. 8.50W. Ireland 53-38N. 9-13W. Ireland 51.47N. 10. 15 w. Ireland 51.40N. ' 8.3J w. Ireland 53 43 N- 8.24 w. Ireland 54- 12 N. '8.22 w. Ireland 55.14N. 6. 22W. Ireland 54-35 N. 8.5 w. Ireland 52.33 N. 7-45 w. Ireland 53.1 N. 6.49 w. Ireland 53- 33 >■• 6. 59 w. Scotland 56.1 N. 4-36 w. Ireland 54.8 N. 6.54 w. Ireland 54.48N. 7.47 w. Ireland 53-ii N. 7.41 w. Ireland 53.7 N. 7.7 w. Ireland 52.31 N. 9.40 w. Ireland 52.37N. 6.18 \v. Ireland 52.35 N. 6.33 w. Ireland 53.48N. 9.12 w. Ireland 54-47 N. 5.45 w. Antrim, Ireland ^^.i6'ii. 6.14 w. Mayo, Ireland. ...},i,.\T&. 9.22 w. Ireland 54.45 N. 6.0 w. Ireland 52.25N. 7.43 w. Ireland 52-53 N. 7.27 w. Ireland 53.25N. 10.3 w. Ireland 54.7 N. 7-35 w. Ireland 51.50N. 8.0 w. Ireland 53.20N. 7.41 w. Ireland 52.14N. 10.22 w. Ireland S1.34N. 9.28 w. Ireland 51.38 N. 10.3 w. .Kerry, Ireland... ^2. z-j'S. 9.39 w. Waterford 52.9 N. 8.2 w. Ireland 54.39 N.' 7-45 w. Ireland 54.38N. 5.32 w. Ireland 54-53 N- 5.51 w. Ireland 53 32 N. S.iSw. Ireland 52-34 N. 6-I3 w. Ireland 54.28N. 7.2 w. Ireland 52.15N. 6.2QW. Ireland 53-44N. 9.10W. Ireland 52.15:1. 6.S7W. Ireland 52.33N. 9.12W. Ireland 54.3 N. 7.l8\v. Ireland 54.30N. S-27W. Ireland 53-47N. 8.45W. Ireland 53- 4^ N. 9.18 w. Ireland 52.23N. 9.50 w. Ireland 53.8 N. 8. 23 w. Ireland 54- 18 N. 5.33 VT. Ireland 52. 20 N. 8. 30 w. Ireland 53-52N. 7-13W. Mir 76 77 3233 66 28-29 32 33 34-35 119 123 2829 119 2627 40-41 7 63 34-35 32-33 118 3435 32-33 34 35 32-33 34-35 34-35 32-33 32-33 3435 30-31 32-33 32-33 34-35 34-35 34-S5 32-33 28 29 32-33 32-33 30-31 3435 32-33 3233 32-33 32-33 84-35 34-35 32-33 28-29 32-33 32-33 34-35 3435 34-35 34 35 34-35 32-33 32-33 32-33 :2-33 32-33 34 35 3435 30-31 32-33 34-35 34-35 30 31 34 35 34-35 34-35 34-35 32-33 30-31 30-31 32-33 3435 32-33 34-35 32-33 34-35 34-35 32-33 32-33 32-33 32-33 34-35 34-35 32-33 3031 32-33 Lat. Long. .Map Ballykclly. Ireland 55.3 N. 7.1 w. 32-33 Ballylanders. Ireland 52.22N. 8.20 w, 34-35 Ballyliffin Ireland 55.I7N. 7-53 w- 32-33 H;illylongford Ireland 52-33N. 9.28 w. 34-35 Bally lough Ireland 55. ion. 6.30 w. 32-33 Ballylynan Ireland S3-57N. 7.2 w. 34-35 Ballymacanell .,. Ireland 54.36N. 5 54 w. 32-33 B.allyniackney ...Ireland 53-58N- 6.40 w. 32-33 Ballymagauran...//Wa«(j' 54.4 N. 7.48 w. 32-33 Ballyraagooly Ireland 52.8 N. 8.35 w. 3J-35 Ballymagorey ....Ireland 54.52N. 7.26-\v. 32-33 Bally malion Ireland 53-33 N. 7-45 w. 32-33 B.allymena Ireland 54.52N. 6.17W. 32-33 Ballynioe Ireland 53-41 N. 8.29 w. 32-33 Ballymoney Ireland 55.4 N. 6.36 w. 32-33 Ballymoiiey Fishery Ireland 52.42N. 6.12W. 34 35 Ballymore Ireland 53.29N. 7.40 w. 32-33 Ballymore Eustace Ireland 53.8 N. 6.57W. 34-35 Ballymote Ireland 54.5 N. 8.30 w. 32-33 Ballymurphy Ireland 52.34N. 6.52W. 34-35 Bally nabola Ireland 52. 22 N. 6. 50 w. 34-35 Ballynacally Ireland 52.43N. 9.4 w. 34-35 Ballynacarrigy ...Ireland 53-35 N. 7-32 w. 32 33 Ballynacarrow..../re/a«rf 54.8 N. 8.32 w. 32-33 Ballynahinch Ireland 54.24N. 5-53w. 34-35 Ballynakill Ireland 53-35N- 10.3 w. 32-33 Ballynameen Ireland 54-58N. 6.42 \v. 32-33 Ballyneen Ireland 51.44N. 8.57 w. 34-35 Ballyness Bay Ireland 55.9 N. 8.8 w. 30-31 Ballynoe Ireland 52.3 N. 8,5 w. 34-35 Ballynure Ireland 54.47N. 5-57W. 32-33 Ballyporeen Ireland 52.17N. 8.6 w. 34-35 Ballyragget Ireland 52.47 N. 7.20 w. 34-35 Ballyroan Ireland 52.57 N. 7.18 w. 34-35 Ballyronan Ireland 54-47 N. 6.32 \v. 32-33 Ballysadare Ireland 54. 12N. 8.30 w- 32-33 Ballyshannon Ireland 54.31 N. 8-12 w. 32-33 Ballyteige Bay. .../rf/a«rf 52.12N. 6.40W. 30 31 Ballyvaghan Ireland.. 53.7 N. 7.8 w. 34-35 Bally vourney Ireland 51.57N. 9.10 w. 34-35 Bally waiter Ireland 54.38 N. 5.29 w. 32 33 Bally William Ireland 52.27N. 6. 53 w. 34-35 Balme, Col de Switzerland 46.0 N. 6.57 E. 44-45 B.almerino Scotland 56.25 N. 3.2 w. 28-29 Balmoral Cape Colony 33-59S- 22.52 E. 86-87 B.almoral Scotland 57.2 N. 3 12 w. 26-27 Balmoral Victoria 37.15 s. 141. 51 E. 119 Jis.\onx\e'R\\cc.... Queensland 27.12 s. 149.40 E. 123 Balquhidder Scotland 56.21 N. 4.20 w. 28-29 Balrampur United Provinces2j.2^s. 82.15 E. 63 Balranald New S. JFcfo ...34.36 s. 142.33 E. 118 Balrotbery Ireland 53-35N- 6.12 w. 32-33 Balsam, Lake Ontario 48.35N. 78.55 w. 92-93 Balsar Bombay 20.36N. 72. 59 E 64 Balsas, R. de las. . jl/«;Vi) 17. 54 N. 102.8 w. 108 Balta Russia 47.56N. 29.37 E. 54-55 Baltic Port Russia 59.25N. 23.30 E. 54-55 Baltic Provinces .A'«jj!a 59.0 N. 27.0 E. 54-55 Baltic Sea Sweden 57.0 N. 19.0 E. 52-53 Baltimore Maryland 39.16N. 76.41 w. 102-103 Baltimore &Bay../«Va«(^ 51.28N. 9.22W. 34-35 Baltinglass Ireland 52.57N. 6.42 w. 34-35 Baltistan .Kashtnir 35-30N. 76.0 E. 66 Baltjik Bulgaria 43.25 N. 28.13 E. 50-51 B.altoro GX^ckv ...Kashmir. 35.40 N. 76.25 E. 66 Baluchistan Asia 28.0 N. 67.0 E. 62 Bambarra West Africa 13.0 N. 7.0 w. 84 Bamberg Germany 49.53N. 10.52 E. 40-41 Bamborough Ca.s. £»^/i2«i/ 55-36N. 1-43"'- 16-17 Bambuk Senegamlia 13.0 N. 11. o w. g4 Bamian Pass Afghanistan 34.58N. 68.0 E. 58 Bammako French Sudan ...xi.^^'S. 7.57W. 84 Bampton England 51.44N. 1.3 w. 20-21 Bampton England 50.5qN. 3.29W. 18-19 Bauis.aru Pass Carhwal 30.56N. 78.36 E. 63 B.anada Ireland 54.2 N. 8.49 w. 32-33 Banagher Ireland 53-12N. 7-58w. 3i-35 Banalya Belgian Congo..,. 1.20 N. 25.30 E. 82-93 Banana Belgian Congo — 1.0 s. 12.10 E. 82-83 Banana Queensland 24.30s. 150.10 E. 123 Banana Islands. ...S/Vrra Zfw^tf 8.8 N. 13.6 w. 84 Bananal Island. ...BrasiV 12.0 s. 50.0 w. 110-111 Banas River Bombay 24.0 N. 71.40 E. 64 Banas River Rajputana 25.54N. 76.50 E. 66 Banat Hungary 45-53N. 20.40 E. 42-43 Banavar Mysore 13.10N. 76.10 E. 65 10 Ban GENERAL INDEX Bar Lat. Banavie Scotland S^- 5 1 N. Banbrit-Ige Ire/and 54. 22 N. Banbury England 52.4 N. Banchory Scotland 57. 4 n. Banda United ProvirnTS2C^. 28 N. Banda Islands DutchE. Indies.. 4.35 s. Banda Oriental.. .SV^ Uruguay, Banda Sea East Indies 6.0 s. Buiidajan Pass Punjab 31-22 n. 'Bo.ii(\o.mo.'R\'^cv ..French W.Africa 5.1 N. Bandar Abbas ....Persia 27.13 n. Bandar Maharani/ij^t;ri? 2.0 N. Bandawe Nyassalafid 11.56 s. Bandel Bengal. 22.55 N. Ban-de-la-Roche. See Steinthal. Bandikui Rajputaria 27. 3 n. Bandipoliani Madras ii-43 N. Bandon and R Ireland 5i-44 N- Bandra Bombay 19.3 n. Bandunj,^ Java 6.59 s. Banff and 00 Scotland 57.40N. Bantj Pa Kongf 11. )Siam 13. 29 n. Bangala Belgiafi Congo.... 2.0 n. Bangalore Mysore 1 2. 57 N. Bangavniau United Provinces^G.^^^- Bangaso Erench Congo 4. 58 n. Banghi French Con^o .... 4.20 N. Bangkok Siam i3-5o N- Bang-kul (L.) C/tin. Turkistan.;^8.^o'S. Bangor Ireland 54- 39 N. Bango r 1 faine 44. 46 n. Bangor Wales 53I3N- Bangweolo, L Central Africa... 12.0 s. Banialuka Bosnia 44. 42 n. Banias Palestine 33- 1 2 N. Bani-Bagoe KivevFrench IV.Africai^.^oN. Banjermassin Borneo 3.30 3. BanUa Bengal. 24. 33 N. Banka Island Dutch E. Indies. 2.0 s. Bankend Scotland 55 35 N. Banki Orissa, Bengal... 20.2.1 N. Bankot Bombay 17. 58 n. Banks' Island A'ew Hebrides ....1^.0 S. Banks' Land A\-W. Territrs.. 4.0 n. Banks' Penin Kezo Zealand 43-47 s. Banks' Strait N.- W. Tenitrs.. 7.^.20 N. Banks' Strait Tasmania 4038 S. Bankura Bengal. 23.14N. Baun River Irelafid 54-.58N. Bann River Wexford. 5'2-33 N. Bannockburn Scotland 56.6 n. Bannow Bay Ireland 52.13 N. Bansbaria Bengal 22. 57 N. Bansda Bombay 20. 45 N. Bansha Ireland.. 52.27 N. Banswara Rajputana 23. 30 N. Bantam Java, E. Indies.. 6.1 s. Banteer Irelayid 52. 8 N. Bantry Ireland 5i-4i N- Bantry Bay Ireland 5I-39N- Bantuwal Madras 12.53 N. Bantwa Bombay 21.29 n. Banvv River Wales 52.42 n. Banyuls France 42.40 n. Banyuraas Jiva 7.30 s. Banyuwangi Jav.i 8. 15 s. Banz Bavaria 50. 8 n. Bapatla Madras I5-54N- Bapaume France 50. 6 N. Bara Kordofan I3-37N. Bara Lacha Pus^. Punjab 32.49N. Bara-Banki United Provinces 26. 56 n. Baraba Steppe. ...Sil-eria 55.0 N. Barabar Hiiis Bengal. 25.1 N. Baracoa Cuba 20.23 N. Barada River Palestine 33-32 n. Baragaon United Provinces 2^. }f> N. Baragan Ruma?iia 44- 23 N. Baramul Pass Orissa, Bengal... 20. y:>y.. Baramula Kashmir. 34. 10 n. Baran Rajputana 25.5 N. Baranof Island ...Alaska 57.3 N. Barasat Bengal. 22. 43 N. Bara \va Ital. Somali la nd 1.3 N. Barbacena Brazil 21. 11 s. Barbados Island., Windward Is. ...13. loN. Barbalo, JIt Caucasus 42. 25 N. Barbastro Spain 42.1 N. Long. Map 5-4 w. 28-29 6.17 w. 3233 1. 21 w. 20-21 2.31 w. 2627 80.22 E. 63 1.30 E. 70-71 128.0 E. 7071 78.4 E. 66 5-3 w. 84 56.23 E. 58 102.38 E. 6869 34.5 E. 82-83 88.26 E. 63 76.34 E. 66 79.48 E. 65 8,43 w. 34-35 72.52 E. 64 107.51 E. 70-71 2.31 w. 26 27 100.57 E. 68-69 18.20 B, 8283 77.35 E. 65 80.15 E. 63 23.0 E. 82-83 18.59 E. 82-83 100.40 E. 6S,69 74.5 E. 7273 5.40 W. 32-33 68. 52 w. 102103 4.8 w. 18-19 30.0 E. 82-f3 17.7 E. 42-43 35-42 E. eo 4.0 vv. 84 114.28 E. 70-71 86.56 E. 63 106.0 E. 70-71 3-55 w. 28-29 85-33 E. 63 73-5 E. 63 167.30 E. 114-115 120.0 w. 92-93 172.48 E. 126127 1150 w. 9293 148.10 E. 120 87.7 E. 63 6.36 \v. 30 31 6.32 w. 30-31 3-.54"-- 28-29 6.48 -.v. 34-35 88.26 E. 63 73.28 E. 64 8.4 w. 34-35 74.24 E. 66 106.8 E. 7071 8.53W. 34-35 9.27«. 34-35 9-45 »■. 34-35 75-5 E. 65 70.7 E. 64 3-33W. 14-15 3-6 E. 36-37 109.22 E. 70-71 112.20 K. 70-71 II. E. 40-41 80.30 E. 65 2.51 E. 36-37 30.8 E. 78-79 77-2S E. 66 81.13 E. 63 77-3° E. 76-77 85.7 E. 63 74-21 w. 106-107 36.31 E. 60 84.11 E. 63 27.30 E. 50-51 84.50 E. 63 74.30 E. 66 76.33 E. 66 135.20 W. 90-91 88. 32 E. 63 43-57 E. 78-79 43.44 w. 110-111 59-30 w. 106107 45-13 E. 54-55 0.9 B. 46-47 Lat. Long. Majt Barberton 1 lamvaal 25.55 s. 31.10 E. 86-87 Barbuda Island. ../.ft'K'rt/'ijf Islands. l-j.;^;^^, 61.43 E. 106-107 Barby Prussia 51.59N. 11.53 E. 40-41 Barca Plateau Tripoli 31.30N. 22.0 E. 78-79 Barcaldine Queensland 23.0 s. 145.0 E. 123 B.ircellona Sicily 38.7 N. 15.10 E. 48-49 Ba.rce]Io3 Brazil i.o .s. 62.56W. 10? Barcelona Spain 41.23N. 2.9 E. 46-47 Rarcelona Venezuela ic.4 N. 64.48 w. 110-111 Barclay Sound. ...Z?W^;V/i Ct?/tfffM/a49.o N. 125.0 w. 98-99 Barcoo River South y^uslralia. 28. 20 s. i^S.o E. 121 Bard //aly 45.46N. 7.44 e. 48-49 Bardock W. Australia... .30.1^3. 120. 18 E. 122 Bard.sey (Island). Hafc 52.46N. 4.47W. 18-19 Bardwan Bengal. 23.14N. 87. 54 E. 63 Barii^es France 42.54 N. 0.6 e. 36 37 Bareilly United Proz'inces2&.22TS. 79.30 E. 63 Barents Land Arctic Regions. ..'j^.o N. 70.0 E. 6 Barfleur, Yi. i.^.. France 4g.42N. i.i6w. 36-37 Bartfa Pass Punjab 3I.i6n. 78.19 E. 66 Barge Italy .(4.42N. 7.18 E. 48-49 Barb Bengal 25. 29^. 85.45 E. ^^ Barbaj United Provinces26. ids. 83.46 E. 63 Barham England 5r.i2N. i.ioE. 20-21 Bari Italy 41.8 N. 16.53 E. *8-** Barima River Dri'tish Guiana,, 3.30N. 60.0 w. 109 Barin^o Lake Brit. E, Africa., i.o N. 35.40 E. 82-83 Barisal E.B'gal&^Assan:22.4iN. 90.24 E. 6S Barisan Mts Sumatra 4.0 s. 102.30 E. 70-71 Barito Kiver Borneo 1.30 3. 114.55 E. 70-71 Bariya Bombay 22.44 N. 73-51 E. 64 Barka Tripoli 31.30N. 22.0 E. 78-79 Barkalur Madras 13.50N. 74.47 E. 65 Barking. England SI.32N. 0.5 E. 20-21 Barkly East Cape Colony 30.59s. 27.40 E. 86-87 Barkly West Griqualan'd \Vest2Z.i\ s. 24.30 E. 86-87 Barkiil E, Turkislan 43.34N. 93.30 E. 72-73 Barkur Madras 13.28N. 74.48 E. 65 Bar-le-Duc France 48.46N. 5.11 E. 36-37 B.arloo Lake IV, Australia.. ..2g.o s. 119.50 E. 122 Barletta Italy 41.19N. 16.16 E. 48 49 Barley Cove Ireland, 51.28N. 9.47 vv. 34-35 Barmen Germany 51.17N. 713 E. 40 41 Barmer Rajputana 26.0 N. 70.40 E. 66 Barmouth Wales 52.44 N. 4-4 »■■ 18-19 Barna Galway, Ireland. $1.1^1/1. 9.1OW. 34-35 Barnagar Gwalior, India, .22t.\ X. 75.25 E. 64 Barnard Castle... £w.f /i..68.5 N. 110. 55W. 92-93 Barrow Island.... 11'. ^iw/raZ/ir.... 20.48 s. 115.5 E. 122 Barrow River Ireland. 52.18N. 6.59W. CO-31 Barrow Strait.... A'.-ir. 7'i-)7v/'i..74.20N. 95,0 w. 92-93 Barrow - in - Fur- ne.s3 England 54.7 .v. SU't- 16-17 Barrow's Lake. ...A'««'/'''«''i'''""'---48-7 N- 55 7 w. 64 Bar GENERAL INDEX Beg Lat, Loug. M.ip Barrow-upon-Soar£"«^/j«df 52.46N. 1.9 w. 20-21 Barry Ire/and. 53-36 X. 7.43 w. 32-33 Barry Dock Wales 51.23N. 3.18W. 18-19 Barrydale Cape Colony 33-53 S. 20.46 e. 86 87 Barsaori Brit. BaluchistanQ&. 48 N. 68. 2 e. 62 Barsi Bombay 18.13N. 75.40 K. ' 61 Bar-sur-Aube France 48.14 N. 4.43 K. 36 37 Bar-sur-Seino France 48.7 N. 4.21 k. 36-37 Bartfeld Hungary, 49.16N. 21.18 E. 42-43 Barth Prussia 54.22N. 12.44 e. 40-41 Bartica British Guicna .. 6.10 N. 5S.4o\v. 109 Barton - on - H u ni- ber England 53-41 N. 0.26 E. 16-17 Barton-on-Irwell.£'«^/a7i(/ 53.28 N. 2.22 w. 16-17 Bartsch ^\\qv ....GermaTiy 5I-38n. I16.30E. 40 41 Barwan River Xew S. U a/^j... 29.53 s. 148.50 e. 118 Barwani Central India ....21.^1 n. 74.29 e. 64 Basaruto \s\o.i\i\..Port. E. Africa.. zi. 40 s. 35.0 E. 73-79 Basel Switzerland. 47-33 N. 7.35 E. 44-45 Basento River ....Italy 40.35N. 16.10 e. 48-49 Bashahr, state.... Punjab 31-30 N. 78.30 E. 66 Bashan Palestine 32.45 N. 36.15 E. 60 Basbee River Cape Colony 32.13 s. 28.35 K* 86-87 Bashgul \i\\\Gy ...Kajiristan 35-40 N. 71.24 e. 66 Bashi Islands Philippine Is 20.35N. 121.56 e. 70-71 Basilicata, div Italy 40.30N. 16.0 e. 48-49 Basim Berar 20.7 N. 77.11 E. 64 Basingstoke England 51.16N. 1.5 w. 20-21 Basle Switzerland. 47-33N. 7.35 E. 44-46 Basoda Central India.. ..^-^.-^ys. 78.14 K, 63 Basque Provinces5/t2/«... 43.0 N. 2.30 w. 46-47 Basra (Bussora) ...45m/;V Turkey ..20.2,0 "S. 47.50 e. 60 Bass Victoria 38-25 s. 14525 e. 119 Bass Rock Scotland 56.4 n. 2.38 w. 28-29 Bass Strait Tasmania 40.0 s. 146.0 e. 120 Bassadore Persia 26.38N. 55.27 e. 68 Bassano Italy 45.46N. 11.43 E. 48-49 Bassas Rocks Ceylon 6.20N. 81.40 E. 65 Bassein Burma 1D.46N. 94.48 e. 68-69 BassentIiwaite(U)£';;^/cjn(f 54.38N. 3.13W. 16 17 Basses- Alpes France 44. ion. 6.0 E. 36-37 Basses-Py reuees. . France 43. 1 5 N. o. 50 w. 36-37 Basse-Terre Guadeloupe 16.0 N. 61.45 ^- 106107 Basseterre St. Kitts, West Indies 17.20 N. 62.44 "'■ 106-107 Bastar, state Cen. Provinces ...ic^.o N. 81.0 E. 63 Basti United Provinces -26.4^ ■^. 82.48 E. ' 63 Bastia Corsica, France. .42.41 N. 9.25 e. 36-37 Basurhat Bengal, 22.40 N. 88.54 E. 63 Basutoland South Africa 29.30 s. 28.0 e. 86-87 Batabano Cuba 22.45 ^'- 82.42 w. 106 107 Batala Punjab 3^.49 N. 75.14 E. 66 Batang Tibet 29.54N. 99.40 e. 72-73 Batanga Kamerun 2.50N. 9.52 e. 82-83 Batangas Philippine Is 13-32 N. 121. 12 e. 70-71 Batang-liari {R. ).5wOTfl/ra 1.28s. 104.0 e. 70-71 Batavia Dutch Guiana. ... 5.40N. 55-34 w. 109 Batavia New York 42.58N. 78.18 w. 102-103 Bateman's Bay...A^ra' 5. H a/«... 35.46 s. 150.18 e. 118 Batesar United Provinces it. ^b-s. 78.55 K. 63 Batesville Arkansas 35-49 N- 91.37 w. 104 Bath England 51.23N. 2.21 w. 18-19 Bath Maine 43-52 N. 69.54 w. 102-103 Bathgate Scotland 55-55N. 3-40 w. 28-29 Bathurst Cape Colony 33.26s. 26.45 e. 86-87 Batburst Gambia 13.28 N. 16.35 w. 84 Bathurst New Brunswick .^j.-^jH. 65.41 \v. 94 Bathurst Ne-w S. I! a/n- ...33.25 s. 149.42 e. 118 Bathurst, C:\\>q...N.- W. Territory, Canada 70.36N. 127.35 w. 92-93 Bathurst Island. vV.- IK. Territrs.. 76.40 a. loo.o w. '92-93 Bathurst U]and.. South Australia. 11.20 &. 130.20 E. 116-117 ButhnrstLa.ke. ...Ne-.v found land ...4B. 10 a. 57.7 w. ; 94 Batiscan and R.. .Quebec 46.31 n. 72.11 w. 95 B3.t}ianls\a.nd.... Moluccas 0.30s. 127.30 E. 70-71 Batletlie RiYer ...Bechuanaland. ...20.40 s. 24.38 E. 78-79 Batley England 53-43 f»- ^-38 w. 16-17 Baton Rouge Louisiana 30.32N. 91.7 w. 104 Battambong R. ..Cum bod ui 12.41 \. 104.29 E. 68-69 Batticaloa Ceylon... 7.41 N. Si. 41 E. 65 Battle England 50.54N. 0.30 E. 20 21 Battle Creek Michigan 42.20N. Ss.iow. 102-103 Battle Mts Nevada 40.3SN. 117.30W. 105 Battle River Saskatchewan ....^^.o N. 110.0 w. 98-99 Battleford Saskatcheivan ....^3.0 N. 118.30W. 98-99 Battock, '^lowMt.. Scotland 56.57N. 2.45 w. 24-25 Batum Eussia 41.38N. 41.40 E. 64-55 Baturin Russia 51.18N. 32.56 e. B4-65 Lat. Batyrewa ..Russia 55.0 N. Hatz Island France 48.46 N. Baule French W.Africa 7.0 N. Bautzen Germany. 51.11 N. Bavaria, kingdom Germany 49.0 N. Bawian Islands ..Dutch E. Indies. 5.57 s. Bawtry England 53.26N. Bay City Michigan 43-37N. Bay Islands Honduras 16.20 N. Bay of Islands. ...i\>7i/i7a7;(//a«(/.. .49.8 N. Bayamo Cuba 20.27 n. Bayana Rajputana 26.57N. Bay azid Asiatic Tu rkcy . . 39. 26 n. Bayeu x France 49. 1 6 n. Bayfield Wisconsin 46.46 y. Baylen Spain 38.5 N. Bayonne Prance 43- 3^ N. Bayonne A^ew Jersey 40.40 li. Bay re u th Bava ria 49. 55 N. Bayrischer \\iA\d.Germany 49.0 N. Bayuda Steppe. ..5K(/an 17.0 N. Baza Spain 37- 33 N. Bazardjik Bulgaria 43-35N. Bazas France. 44. 27 N. Bazeilles France 49. 42 n. Bazias Hungary 44.50N. Beachport SouOi Australia. 37.-^^ s. Boachy Head England 50. 44 N. Beaconstield Cape Colony 29.1 s. Beaconsfield England S1.36N. Beaconsfield Tasmania 41.9 S. Beaconsfield Victoria 38.5 s. Beal England 55.20N. Beaniinster England 50.48N. Bear Island Ireland. 51-38N. Bear Paw Mts. Montana 48.15N. Beam, old \jvoy ...France 43-12 N. Beas River Punjab 31-30N. Beatrice Nebraska 40. 15 N. Beattock Scotland 55-19 N. Beaucaire Fratice 43-50N. Beauce France 48.20 N. Beaudesert Queensland. 27. 59 S. Beaufurt France 47.25 N. Beaufurt Ireland 52.4 N. Beaufort North Carolina.. ■^4.42 n. Beaufort South Carolina ..32.33 N. Beaufort Victoria 37.27 S. Beaufort West ...Cape Colony 32.17 s. Beaugency France 47-47 >'■ Beau harnois Quebec 45. ^9 >'• Beaujolais, dist. .France 46.1 n. Beau lieu England 50.4B N. Beau] y Scotland 57- 30 N. Beauiy Firth Scotland 57-30N. Beauly River Scotland 57. 28 N. Beaumaris k Bay Wales 53-17N. Beau mont Quebec 46. 59 N. Beaune France 47.1 N. Beau vais France , 49. 26 n. Beaver Dam Wisconsin 43.28 n. Beaver Falls Pennsylvania 40.46 N. Beaver Lslaud Michigan 45-36 N- Becancour R Quebec 46.15 N. Beccles England 52- 37 N Bechuanaland ....South Africa 27.0 s. Beckenham England. 51.24N. Becse, Old Hungary 45-37 N'- Becske rek Hunga ty 45. 24 N. Bective Abbey Ireland 53-36 N. Bedale England 54.17N. Btidarieux France 43-37N. Beddgelert Wales 53.1 n. Bed f rd Quebec 45. 8 n. Bedford and co. .England 52.8 N. Bedford Level England 52.30N. Bedlington England 55.7 n. Bed win England 51*23 N. tied worth England 52.29 N. Beeuliworth Victoria 36.22 s. Beenleigh Queensland. 27,44 s. Bee r England 50. 42 N. Beeren Berg Jan Mayen 71.0 n. Beersheba Palestine 31.17N. Beeston Rock England 53.8 N. Beg, Lough Ireland 54. 48 N. Bega New S. IVales ...^6.2^ S. Bega Canal Hungary 45 36M. Long. Slap 47.40 E. 54-55 4.0 \v. 36-37 5.0 w. Si 14.25 E. 4041 II. E. 40-41 112.26 E. 7071 1.2 W. 1617 8353 w- 102103 86.40 w. 106-107 5815W. 94 76.57 w. 106-107 77-14 E. 66 44.13 E. 60 0.42 w. 36-37 c,o.49W. 100-101 3-45 w- 46-47 1.26 w. 36-37 74.6 w. 102103 11.32 K. 40-41 13.0 E. 40-41 32.0 K. 78-79 2.43 w. 46-47 27-51 E. 50-51 0.12 W. 36-37 4-59 E. 36-37 21.21 E. 42 43 140.0 E. 121 o.i:; E. 14-16 24.40 E. 8687 0.38 w. 20-21 146.6 E. 120 145.31 E. 119 1.54 W. 1617 2.44 w. 1819 9-53 «■- 3031 109. w. 106 0.30 w. 36-37 75.12 E. 66 96. 4 ^ »■■ 100-101 3.28 w. 28-29 4-38 E. 36-37 1.30 E. 36-37 153-2 E. 123 0.12 \v. 3637 9.38 w. 34-35 76.41 w. 104 80.52 w. 104 143.21 E. 119 22.47 E. 86-87 1.36 E. 36-37 735IW- 95 4.10 E. 36-37 1.27 w. 20-21 4 29 w. 26-27 4-20 w. 24-25 4. 28 w. 24-25 4.6 w. 18-19 70.55 «'. 95 4.51 E. 36-37 2-5 E. 36-37 88.57 w. 100-101 80, 36 w. 102103 85.30 w. 102-103 71-55 w. 95 1.34 E. 20-21 24.0 E. 86-87 0.2 \v. 20-21 20.4 K. 42-43 20.42 E. 42-43 6.42 w. 32-33 1.36 w. 16-17 312E. 36-37 4.6 w. 18-19 7258W. 95 0. 28 w. 20-21 0.15 E. 20-21 1.38 W. 16-17 1-37 w. 20-21 1.29 \v. 20 21 146.41 E. 119 153-15 E- 123 3-5 w- 18-19 9-0 w. 6 34-54 K- 60 2-43 w- 18-19 6. 2Q W. 30-31 149-50 E. 118 21.0 £. 42-43 Beg GENERAL INDEX Ber Long. 22. E. 31.40 !■;. 85.28 E. 58-35 K. 180.0 E. 169,0 w. 95.20 E. 36.16 E. 64.50 w. 35.0 E. 8.0 \v. 3529 E- 35-8 E. 4 37"-- 7.49 w. 5-39W. 80.39 K. 755 E. 21.8 E. 21.7 E. 70.0 E. 82.2 E. 31 35 E. o. 50 \v. 7-53 w. 9.32 w. 8.0 E. 48.24 w. Q.14 w. 67.47 w. 164.0 E. 5-56 »•• 69. 1 w. 142.14 E. 5. 50 W. 1.50 w. 6-53 E. 16.0 E. 74-31 E. Lat. Bega River Hungary 45. 50 N, Begshehr. Asiatic Turkey ...i-j.i,\ n. Behar Bengal 25.13 N. Behistun Persia 34.8 N. Beluing Se.i Asia, b'c 55.0 N. Bebring Strait.. ..yli/a, b'c 65.0 N. Bei-Keni (E.) Mongolia 52.0 N. Beilan & Pass Asia Minor, 36.30N. Beira Brazil 12.33 S. Beira Port. E. Af/ica.. ig.^c, s. Beira, prov Portugal 40.30N. Beirut Asiatic Turkey ..33.54 N. Beit-el-Fakib Arabia 31-51 N. Beith Scotland 55.46N. Beja Portugal 38.3 N. Bejar Spain 40.20N. Bejwada Madras 16.31 n. Bekal Madras 12.24 N. Bekes Hunga ry 46. 47 N. Bekes-Csaba Hungary 46.41 N. Bek-pak-dala Desert Turkistan 45.20N. Bela United Proz'inces'Z^.^^ N. Belbeis Egypt 30.24N. Belcbite Spain 41.20N. Belcoo Ireland 54. i8n. Belderg 'iimhour Ire I atid 54-19 N. Beled-eI-Jerid....Z'K«!i 34.0 N. Belem Brazil 1.28 s. Belem Portugal 38.41 N. Belea Argentine Pep, ..27.46 s. Belep Islands New Caledonia ..ig.^os. Belfast Ireland 54.37N. Belfast Maine 44.23 N. Belfast I'ictoria 38.23 s. Belfast Lougb ....Ireland 5442 N. Belford England 55.36N. Belfort France 47. 38 N. Belgard Germany 54.0 N. Belgaum Bombay 15.50N. Belgian Congo Central AJrica Belgium, king. ...£■««!/« 52.0 N. 5.0 E. Belgrade Servia 44.47N. 20.26 E. Belhavel, hough. Ireland 54.13N. 8.11 \v. Beliapatara Madras 11.57N. 75.21 e. Belik River 4siatic Turkey ..-^6. its. 38.50 E. Belikeri Bombay 14.43 N. 74.19 E. Belize Brit, Honduras.. 17. 2gs. 88.20 w. Bell Island Newfoundland ...^o.^^T^. 55.35 \\. Bell Rock Scotland 56.26 N. 2.33 w. Bell Sound Spitsbergen 77.45N. 14.50 E. Bella Italy 40.47N. 15.33 E. Bellac Prance 46.7 N. 1.3 E. Bellaggio Italy 45.S8N. 0. 15 E. Bellahy Ireland 53.58N. 8.43 \v. Bellaire Ohio 40.3 N. 80.46 w. Bellanan]all;ird.../;r/i27;t/ 54-25 N. 7.36 w. Bellanan.agb Ireland, 53-56N. 7.24 w. Bellary Madras 15.9 N. 76.57 E. Bellavary Ireland 53-5-lN. 9.8 w. Belle He France 47.201?. 3-10 w. BeUe Isle Newfoundland ...^2.0 N. 55-i5w. Belle I. , Strait of Newfoundland ... 51.30 N. 57. o w. Belleck Ireland 54.29N. 8.5 w. Belleek Ireland 54.12N. 6.29 w. Bellendeii Ker Mts Queensland 17.30s. 145.0 E. Belleville Illinois 38.27N. 89. 57W. Belleville Ontario 44-11 N. 77.27 w. Bellevue Nebraska 41.9 N. 96.1 w. Belley France 45.40N. 5.40 E. fiellingen River ..A'e^ -S. Wales. ..y:>.Tp^. 152.50 E. Bellingham England 55.9 N. 2.15 \v. Bellinzona .Switzerland 46.11 N. 9.1 K. Bello Horizonte ..Z?ra2:/ 20.1 s. 44.i7\v. Bellot Strait Canada 72.0 N- 94.40W. Bellows Falls Vermont 43.8 N. 72.33W. Bellsbill Scotland 55.50N. 4.2 w. Belluno Italy 46.8 N. 12.14 E. Belmez Spain 38.16 n. 5.17 w. Belmont Cape Colony 29.22 s. 24.30 E. Belmont Nevada 38.30N. 116.55 w. Belmonte Brazil 16.1 s. 38.55 w. BelmuUct Ireland 54.13N. 9-59W. Beloit Wisconsin 42.30N. 88.39W. Belovar Hungary 45-53N. 16.51 E. Belper England 53.2 N. 1.29W. Beltana South Australia. jp.^\ s. J38.25 E. Slip 42 43 60 63 68 9091 9091 7273 60 110111 78-79 43-47 60 60 2829 46-47 4647 66 66 42-43 42-43 76-77 63 81 4647 32 33 32 33 80 109 4647 112-113 114-115 32 33 102 103 119 3031 16-17 36-37 40-41 64 82-83 38 5051 3031 65 60 64 106107 91 28-29 6 48 49 36 37 48 49 3233 102-103 32-33 32-33 65 32-33 36-37 94 94 32 33 32-33 123 100-101 96 100-101 36-37 118 1617 44-45 110111 92-93 102-103 2829 48-49 46-47 86-87 105 110-111 32-33 100101 42 43 20-21 121 Lat. Belturbet Ireland. 54.7 n. Beluebistan See Baluchistan. Belur Mysore 13. ion. Belvoir Castle England 52.54N. Bombatoka ^-[ly ..Madagascar. 15.46 .s. Bernini (or Flo- rida), Strait of. United States ....25.0 K. Ben Alder Scotland 56.49 N. Ben Arthur Scotland 56. 12N. Ben Attow .Scotland 57.13N. Ben Avon Scotland 57.7 n. Ben Chonzie Scotland 56.27 N. Ben Cleuch Scotland 56.11 N. Ben Cruachan Scotland 56.26N. Ben Dearg Scotland S7-47N. Ben Hee Scotland 58. 17N. Ben Hope Scotland 58.35N. Ben Klibrick Scotland 58. 14N. Ben Lawers Scotland 56.32N. Ben Ledi Scotland 56. i6n. Ben Lomond Scotland _56.11 N. Ben Lomond A'ew S. H'ales... ^0.0 s. Ben Lomond Tasmania 41-38 s. Ben Lui Scotland 56.23N. Ben Macdhui Scotland 57.4 n. Ben More Perth, Scotland. .^f>.i-i,-s. Ben More Scotland 57.10N. Ben More Scotland e;6. 25 N. Ben More AssyntScotland 58.7 n. Ben Nevis Scotland .. 56.48 N. Ben Rhy dding. . . . England 53. 55 N. Ben Kinnes Scotland S7.25N. Ben Screel Scotland 57.9 n. Ben Slioch Scotland 57.42 N. Ben Venue Scotland 56.13 N. Ben Voirlicb Scotland 56.20 N. Ben Vorl icli Scotland 56. 1 5 n. Ben Wy vis Scotland 57.41 N. Benabarre Spain 4 r . 59 N. Benadir Coii.-a«(rtf 50.24 N. Berdiansk Russia 46.45N. Berdicbev Russia 49-53N. Bere Haven Ireland 51.39 N. Bere Regis England 50-45 N. Long. Map 7.27 w. 82-33 75-55 E. 6B 0.48 w. 20-21 46.15 E. 7879 80.0 w. 104 4.28 w. 2426 4-47 w. 24-26 5.17W. 24 26 3-25 «•- 24-26 3-59 w- 2126 3.46 w. 2426 5 4 w. 24-26 4.58 w. 24-25 4.42 w. 24-25 4-37 w. 24-25 4.24 w. 2425 4.13W. 24 26 4-21 w. 24-25 4-37 w. 24-25 151-45 E. 118 147.43 E- 120 4-47 w. 24-25 3-43 w- 24-25 4.31 \v. 24 25 5.20W. 24-25 6. 1 w. 24-26 4.50 w. 24 25 5.0 w. 2426 1.48 w. 14-15 3.ISW. 24-26 5-35 V- 24-25 5.17W. 2425 4.26 w. 24-25 4.12 w. 24-26 4-45 w. 24-26 4-34 w. 24-25 0-34 E. 46-47 45-0 E- 78-79 145-59 E. 119 83-3 E. 63 0.32 E. 46-47 S-40W. 46 47 7.18 w. 2425 8.28 W. 32-33 7-15 E. 78-79 29.32 E. 54-55 144-17 E. 119 14-45 E- 4849 88.0 E. 62 88.0 E. 63 111. 45 E. 7071 20.20 E. 78-79 6. 29 w. 30-31 13-8 E. 82 83 6. 14 w. 3436 66. 10 w. 110-111 0.25 E. 4647 122.4 w. 105 30.56 E. 81 6.0 E. , 84 1.20 W. 80 31-13 E. 81 102.10 E. 70-71 6.9 W. 30-31 149- E. 6 7. 1 1 w. 34-36 73.18 w. 102103 2.32 w. 16-17 0. 19 w. 20-21 10.0 E. 78-79 9-49 w. 30-31 3-45 w- 28-29 61. n w. 106107 7- 10 w. 32-33 77-0 E. 64 19.56 E. 5051 13-55 K. 42-43 34-0 E. 78-79 4S-0 E- 7879 57-23 w. 109 13.0 E. 40-41 1-34 E. 36-37 36-51 E. 64-6S 28.35 E. 54-6B 9-53 w. 34-3B 2.11 w. 18-19 Ber GENERAL IXDEX Bik Berea Beresitia River .. Berettyo River., Berczov Bcrezovsk Berga Bergama Bergamo Bergedorf Bergen Bergen Bergeii-op-Zoom Bergorac Bergeroune River Bergholt, East. Bergues Berhampur Berhanipur Beri Beri Berici Monti .. Bering Sea Berja Berl^eley Berkeley Berkeley Sound.. Berkhamstead . . . Berkovitza Berkshire, co. . .. Berkshire Valley Berlad Berlenga Islands, Berlin Berlin Berlin Bcrmejo River. .. Bermuda IsUind. Bermudez, state Berne Bernalda Bernay Bernburg Bernera Island . . Berneray Island. Bernese Alps Bernina, Piz Berre, Etang de.. Berriedale Berrigan Berrima Berry, old prov.. Berthier ., Bertraghboy Ba; Bervie Berwick Berwick, co Berwick-on- Tweed Berwyn, Mount. Besanc^on Besika Bay Beskids, E Beskids, W Bessiirabia, gov. Bessbrook Besseges Betafo Betanzos Bethanga Bethanie Bethany Bethany Bethesda Betlilehern Bethlehem Bethlehem Bethsaida Bethulie Bethuno Betoota Betsiainite River Betsiboka River. Bettia Bettws-v-coed ... Bettyhiil Betwa River Beulah Lat. Basutoland 2q.i6 g. Russia 52-50 N. Hungary 47. i6n. Siberia 63.42 N. Perm, Siissia 5'5.53N. Spain 42.4 N. Asia Minor 39.7 N. Itr.ly 45.42 N. Germany 53 28 N. Germany 54.25 N. Norway 60.26 x. Netherlands. 51.30N. Fratue 44.52^. ■Quebec 48.30N. Suffolk 51.58N. France S0.59N. Bengal 24.5 N. Madras 19.18 N. Bundelkkand 25.54 N. ^Punjab 28.42 N. Italy 45-25 N. North Asia 55.0 N. Spain 36.48 N. .California 37.28 N. England 51-42 N. Falkland Islands^i.-^i s. England 51.46N- Bulgaria 43-i6 N. England 51.30N. W. Australia. ...-^0.^1,5. Rumania 46. 16 x. Portugal 39. 24 N. Germany 52.45N. Ontario 43.26 N. , Wisconsin 43-55 N- Argentine Pep. ..29.50 s. N. Atlantic Oc.^z.ign. Venezuela 9.0 N. Switzerland. 46. 57 N. .Italy 40.23N. France 49.5 N. Germany 51.47N. Hebrides 56.47 N. Scotland 57.43 N. Switzerland. 46.25 N. Switzerland. 46. 22 N. France 43.28N. Scotland 58.11 N. .New S. ]Vales ...2^.40%. .A'ew S. Ilfl/M. .. 34-28 s. France 45.40N. Quebec 46.6 N. ■Ireland 53.20N. Scotland 56.51 N. , Victoria 38.1 S. .Scotland 55- 45 N- England 55. Wales 52 France 47. Asiatic Turkey .. 29' Hungaiy 49. Austria 49. Russia 47. Ireland .54- France 44. Madagasca r. 19. Spain 43. \ 'ictoria 36. Orange A'i~ erCol. 29. German S.- W. Africa 26. Palestine 31. Wales 53. Orange KiverCol.ii .Palestine 31 Pennsylvania 40. .Palestine 32. Orange River Col. 30. France 50 Queensland 25, Quebec 49 Madagascar 16, Bengal 26. . Wales 53. Scotland 58. India 24, Victoria 36 47 N. 53 N. 17 N. 56 N. 20 N. 25 N. 20 N. 11 N. 17 N. 45 s- 18 N. 7 S. 36 s. 24 s. 46 N. 12 N. 7 S. 33 N- 38 N. 52 N. 29 s. 32 N. 36 s. 14 N. 30 S. 48 N. 6 K. 31 N. 30 N. O S. Long. 27.40 E. 29-30 K. 21.40 K. 65-38 K. 60.44 K. 1-47 E. 27.14 E. 9.41 K. 10.12 E. 13.26 E. 5-22 E. 4.18 E. 0.29 E. 70.0 W. I.I E. 2.25 E. 88.10 E. 84- 48 E. 79.56 E. 76.36 E. 11.25 E. 180.0 E. 2. 56 W. 122.0 W. 2.28 w. 57-38 w. 0.34 W. 23- 18 E. 1.20 W. I16.I4 E. 27.37 E. 9.30 W. 13.24 E. 80.37 w. 88.56 w. 69.3 w. 64.51 w. 64.0 w. 7.26 E. 16.41 E. 0-35 E. 11.43 E. 7.38 w. 7. II w. 7.40 E. 9., 56 E. 5-6 E. 3.30 w. 145-50 E- I5O-22 E. 1.40 E. 73-7 w. 9-53 w. 2. i7\v'. 145.21 E. 2.30 w. 2.0 w. 3.22 w, 6-5 E. 26.10 E. 22.0 E. 19.0 E. 28.20 E. 6.21 w. 4.9 E. 47.0 E. 8. 1 1 w. 147.10 E. 25.58 E. 16.50 E. 35-17 E. 4-3 ■»'- 28.22 E. 35-13 E. 78.23 w. 35-35 E. 25-59 E. 2-37 E. 140.40 E. 69.15 w. 46.48 E. 84-33 E- 3.48 w. 4.12 \v. 78.20 E. 142.30 E. Map 8687 61-66 42-43 76-77 64-65 46-47 60 4849 £6-37 40-41 62-53 38 36-37 95 20-21 36-37 63 65 63 66 48-49 90-91 46-47 105 1819 110111 20-21 6061 20-21 122 60-61 46-47 40-41 S6 100-101 112-113 4-6 109 44-45 48-49 36 37 40-41 24-26 24-i5 44-45 44-45 3637 26-27 118 118 36-37 96 30-31 26-27 119 2823 28-29 18-19 36-37 60 42-43 42-43 64-85 32-33 36-37 78-79 46-47 119 86-87 86-87 60 1819 86-87 6J 102103 60 86-87 36-37 123 95 78-79 63 18-19 26-27 63 119 Beult River England 51.12 Beuthen Germany 50- 21 Bevelund, l^orth. Ho/land 51-33 Bevehmd, Uvuih. Ho I land 5 1- 30 Bevcren Belgium 51.13 Beverley England 53-51 Bevei'ley W. Australia 32.7 Beverloo Belgium 51.5 Beverly Massachusetts 42.33 Bcwca.stle England 55.4 Bcwdley England 52-23 Be.x Szoitzerland. 46.14 Be.\hill England 50.51 Bexley England 51-27 Beylando liiver ..Queensland 22.0 Boy pur Madras 11. 10 Beyrout Asiatic Turkey ...^^^.c^^ Bezdan Hungary 45-52 Beziers France 43- 20 Bezwada Madras 16,31 Bhagalpur Bengal. 26.0 Bhagirathi River Bengal 24.0 Bhanio , Burma 24.0 Bliandara Cent. Provinces.. zi-j Bhanpura Central India 24,31 Bhartpur Rajputana 27.13 Bhatgaon Nepal' 27.39 Bhaunagar Bombay 21.45 Bhilsa Gwalior, India ..z^.-^^ Bhima River' Bombay 19.0 Bhiwani Punjab 28.46 Bhopal Central India.. ..2-^.1^ Bhor Bombay 18.9 Bhuj Bomba-y 23.18 Bhusawal Bombay 21. 1 Bhutan, state North India 27.0 Biafra, Bight of.. West Africa 0,2 Biancavilla Sicily 37-48 Biarritz France 43-29 Bibeiach WUrtembef-g 48.6 Bibundi Kamerun 4.13 Bic Quebec 48.24 Bicester England 51-54 Bida Nigeria 9.5 Bidar Bombay. 18.33 Bidassoa \\\yQ\' ...Spain 43-2i Biddefurd .Maine -13-3° Bideford England 51. i Biebrich Germany 50.2 Biel (Bienne) Switzerlayid. 47-9 Bielaia River Russia 55-48 Bielefeld Germany 52.1 Bielev Russia .53-48 Bielgorod Russia 50-33 Bielina Bosnia 44-21 Bielitz Austria 49- 50 Biella Italy 45-34 Bielo-ozero Russia 60.10 Bielnpclio Russia 51.7 Bicln>tok Russia 53.6 Bielozersk Russia 60.0 Bieiyi Klyuch Russia 53.0 Bienne..... Switzerland 47.9 Bienne, Lake of. .Switzerland. 47-5 Biesbosch Holland 51-45 Biferno River Italy 41.52 Big Horn Mts Wyoming. 44-30 Big Horn Ilivcr.. Montana 45- 30 Big Sandy River. Virginia 38.20 Big Sioux Jl'iver ..South Dakota ....43.0 Big Springs Texas 32.8 l;ig Witcliita R. .Te.\as 33.46 Bigbury Bay England 50.17 Bi.irgar Scotland 55-36 Biggar-*berg Natal 28.20 Biggleswade England. 52.7 Bigorre, dist France 43-^5 Bihacs Bosnia 44-48 Bihar Mts Hungary 46.23 Bilie Angola 12.22 Bijngos or Bijuga Islands See Bissagos Is. Bijapur Bombay 16.49 Bijawar Bundelkhand 24.38 Bijbharu Kashmir 33-47 Bijnaur VnitedProvinces 29.22 Bikaner Rajputana 28.1 Bikar I Pacific Ocean 12.30 Long. Map N. 0.31 E. 14-15 N. 18.55 E. 40-41 N. 3-43 E. 3S N. 3-52 E. 3& N. 4-15 E. 3S N. 0, 26 \v. 16-17 S. 116.57 E. 122 N. 5-13 E. 3& N. 70.57W. 102103 N. 2.38 w. 16-17 N. 2-18 w. 18-1» N. 7-1 E. 44-45. N. 0,28 E. 20-21 N. 0,S E. 20-21 S. 146.40 E. ■ 123 N. 7550 E. 66. N. 3529 E. 6a N. 18.53 E. 42-43 N. 312E. 36-37 N. 80.39 E. 66 N. 86.45 E. 63 N. 88.20 E. 63. N. 97.0 E. 68-69 N. 79.37 E. 63- N. 75-49 E- 64^ N. 77.32 E. 66. N. 85.22 E. 63^ N. 72.12 E. 64. N. 77-51 E. 61 N. 73.40 E. 64 N. 76.18 E. 6& N. 77.26 E. 64: N. 73-53 E. 64. N. 69.43 E. 64 N. 75-47 E. 64^ N. 90. E . 63 N. 0.8 E. 84 N. 14.1 E. 48-49 N. 1-33"'. 36-37 N. 9-48 E. 40-41 N. 8.S9 E. 82-83 N. 68. 54 w. 95 N. 1.9 w. 2021 N. 6.2 E. 84 N. 77.0 E. 64 N. 1-45 w. 46-47 N. 73 34W. 102103. N. 4-12 w. 1819 N. 8.14 E. 40-41 N. 7-15 E. 4445 N. 54-30 E. 64-55 N. 8.31 E. 40-41 N. 36.12 E. 64-65 N. 36-33 E. 54-55 N. 19-12 E. 42-43 N. 19-3 E. 42 43 N. 8.3 E. 4849 N. 37.30 E. 64-65 N. 34-25 E. 64-65 N. 23.18 E. 64-65. N. 36-59 E. 64-65 N. 48.37 E. 64-65 N. 7-15 E. 44-45 N. 7.10 E. 44-45 N. 4-45 E. 38 N. 14,55 E. 4849 N. 107.40 w. 100101 N. 107. 2 W. 100101 N. 82.22 W. 102103 K. 96-33 W. 100101 N. 101.32 w. 100101 N. 99.0 vv. 100101 N. 3 54W. 1415. N. 332W. 28-29 .S. 29.55 E. 86-87 N. 16 w. 20-21 N. 0.; E. 36-37 N. 15.54 E. 42-43. N. 22.30 E. 4243 S. 16.30 E. 8283 N. 75.46 E. 64 N. 79.32 E. 63 N. 75-13 E- 66 N. 78.10 E. 63 N. 73-'8e. 66 N. 171.30 K. 114115. H Bil GENERAL INDEX Blu Lat Bilaspur Cent. Provinces.. 22. 5 n. Bilbao Spain 43-15 N- Bilboa Ireland 52.48 n. Bileton or Billi- ton Island Dutch E. Indies. 3.0 s. Bilin Bohem ia 50- 33 N. Billebong River.. AVw» S. Wales ...35.10 s. Biileiicay England 51.38N. Billings Montana 46. loN. Biliom France. 45-44 N- Bilma Sahara 18.37N. Bilo Mts Hungary 45^ 53 N- Biloxi Mississippi 30.21 N. Bilston England 52.24 n. Bima Island Dutch E. Indies. 8.30 s. Bimini Islands ...Bahamas 25.43 N. Binalong Ne7v S. IKfl/^i...34.39 s. Binche Belgium 50. 24 n. Bingara A'ew S. Wales ...29.48 s. Bingen Germany 49-57 N. Bingeul Dagh Asia Alinor 39.16N. Bingham England 52.58 n. Binghamton New York 42.6 n. Bingley England 53- 51 N. Bintang Island. ../)//^(:A .£. Indies, i.ion. Biobio River Chile 36.49 s. Biorneborg Finland, Eussia.61.2g n. Birbhum, dist. ...Bengal 24.5 N. Birchington England 51-23 N. Bird (or Aves) Is. West Indies 11.59N. Birdsville Queensland 25.55 s. Birejik Asiatic Turkey...-^6.$() n. Birkenfeld Germany 49. 38 N. Birkenhead England 53. 24 n. Birket-el-Haji .... Egypt 30. 8 N. Birmingham Alabama 33.28N. Birmingham England 52.28 N. Birnam Hill Scotland 56.32N. Birr Ireland 53.7 n. Bi rregu rra I ''ictoria 38.18 s. Birsk Russia 55- 32 N. Birstal E?igland 53-44 N. Bisaccia Italy 40.59N. Bisacquino Italy 37- 40 N'. Bisal nagar Ba roda 23 . 2 n. Bisalpur Un itcd Provinces 28. 1 8 N. Bi^ayas ls\a.\\As... Philippines 11. o n. Biscay, Bay of .../v-dwce" 45.0 N. Biscay Bay A^eu/oundland ...46.40 N. Bisceglie Italy 4i.i5N. Biscboff, Mt Tasmania 41-25 s. Bischweiler Alsace 48.46N. Bishop and Clerks (Is.) Wales 5^-52 N. Bishop Auck\a.nd England 54-39 N. Bishop Stoke England 50.58N. Bishop Stortford England 51.52N. Bishop's Castle . ..England 52. 30 N. Bishops ^ t)X\X\^xnE}igland 50. 57 N. Bisignano Itcily 39- 30 N. Biskra Algeria 34-55 N. Bisley Gloucestershire ...s^AS^- Bisley Surrey.. 51.19N. Bismarck North Dakota ....46.46 n. Bismarck Arch... Ger. N^eio Guinea 4.0 s. Bismarck Range. G^r. A\'7v Guinea 6.30 s. Bismarckburg .... Togoland 8. 12 N. Bismark Prussia. 52. 39 N. Bissagos Islands. /"or/. Guinea 11.30N. Bissao Port. Guinea 11.48N. Eistritz Hungary 47. ion. Bitche Lorraine 49. i N. Bitlis Asia Minor 38.26N. Bitolia Turkey 41.1 N. Bitonto Italy 41.7 N. Bitter Lakes Egypt 30.20 N. Bitter Root Mts. Idaho 46.0 K Biva, Lake Japan 35- ^5 N. Bizana Cape Colony 30.51 s. Bizerta Tunis 37.16 N. Bjuro, Cape Sweden 64.28N. Blaavand's Huk. . Den mark 55- 33 N. Black Combe England 54- ^5 N- Black Down IWWaETigland 50.51 N. Black Forest (Sch warzwal J) Germany 48. 20 N. Black Forest Wales 5i-55^'' Black Head Ireland 53.9 N. Lon^'. Slap 82.12 1:. 63 2.54 w. 46-47 7. 2 w. 3435 108.0 E. 70-71 13-47 K- 42 43 146.40 K. 118 0.25 E. 20-21 108.10 w. 105 3.20 E. 36-37 13.22 E. 7879 17.30 E. 4243 88. 51 w. 104 2.5 w. 1819 118.52 E. 70-71 80.45 w. 106107 148.37 E. 118 4.9 E. 38 150-33 K- 118 7-54 K. 1041 41.10 E. 60 0.57 W, 20 21 75-S4W. 102-103 1.50 w. 16-17 104.30 E. 70-71 73-2 w. 112113 21.46 E. 54-55 87.0 E. 63 1. 18 E. 20 21 67. 40 \V. 106 107 139.20 E. 123 38.3 E. 60 7.10 E. 4041 3. 2 W. 16-17 30.29 E. 81 86.40 W. 104 1.54 w. 20-21 3-35 w. 24-25 7-54 w. 34-35 143-50 K. 119 55-37 u- 54 56 1.39 w. 1617 15-23 E. 48-49 13-17 E. 4849 72-43 K- 64 79-52 E. 63 124.0 E. 70-71 4.0 w. 3637 53.20 W. 94 16.29 E. 4349 145-25 E. 120 7-51 E. 40 41 5-23 "■• 1415 0.41 W. 16-17 1.20 \v. 20-21 O.IO E. 2021 3.1 W. 18-19 1. 13 w. 20-21 16.18 E. 48-49 5-36 K- 80 2.8 w. 18-19 0.38 \v. 20-21 100.40 \v. 100-101 150.0 E. 114-115 145.30 E. 114-115 I.O E. 84 11-33 K. 40 41 16.0 \v. 84 15-47 w. 84 24.30 E. 4243 7.28 E. 40 41 42.3 E. 60 21.18 E. 60-51 16.41 E. 48 49 32.20 E. 81 115.0 w. 105 136.0 E. 76 29-54 E. 86-87 9.48 E. 80 21.30 E. 62-63 8.4 E. 39 3- '9 w- 16-17 3.16 w. 14-15 8.10 E. 40 41 3-3 w. 14-16 9. 15 w. 30-31 Lat. Long. Black Head W. Australia. ...-^^^.-^o^. 116.0 E. Black Hill South Dakota 44.6 N. 103. I2w. Black \Ae Scotland 57-37N. 4.12 \v. Black Lion h-eland 54.18N. 7.53w. Black Mts Kentucky 36.55N. 82.5o\v. Black Mts Wales 51.52 N. 3. 50 w. Black River Quebec 46.33N. 71.26 w. Black River Wisconsin 44.23N. 90.47 w. Black Sea Europe 43.0 N. 33.0 E. Black Snake Queensland. 26.6 s. 152,28 E. Black Stairs "tAts. Ireland 52.33N. 6.47 w. Black Warrior 'R.Alabama 33.20 N. 87.30 \v. Blackaflder Vliit. Scotland 55.45 N. 2.20 w. Blackall Queens/and 24.26 S. 145.28 E. Blackburn England 53-45 >^' 2.30 w. Blackcraig Scotland 55-22 N. 4.27 w. Blacklion Ireland 52.45N. 6.40W, Blackness Castle. 5r(?//ti«i/ 56.0 N. 3. 31 w. Blackpool England 53.4qN. 3.3 w. Blackrock Ireland 53. 18N. 6. low. Blackrod England 53-35 N- 2.35 \v. Blacksod Bay Ireland 54.5 N. 10.0 w. Blackwater Ireland 52.27 N. 6.20 w. Blackwater R England 51-47 N. 0.59 E. Black wate r R Ireland 54. 25 N. 6. 50 w. Blackwater R Mcath, Ireland ..$},. ^^v. 6.45 w. Blackwater R Water/ord 52.0 N. 7.52 w. B]a.ckv.'!i.lcrioot . ..Scotland 55-31 N. 5.19W. Blackwood Scotland 55-39 N- 3-58w. Blackwood South Australia. -^^.-^ s. 138.44 E. Blackwood Victoria 37.29 s. 144.21 E. Blackwood R W. Australia.... -^.o s. 115. 30 E. Bladensburg Maryland 38.57N. 76.5SW. Blaenavon England 51.46N. 3.6 w. Blagovestchensk.£. Siberia 50.20 N. 127.40 E. Blair Atholl Scotland 56.46 N. 3.52 w. Blairgowrie Scotland 56.36N. 3.21 w. Blakeney lia.vh... England 52.58N. 0.59 E. Blanc, Mont France 45-5' N. 6.53 E. Blanch, Lake South Australia. ig.^S^- I39-50K. Blanche Bay Bismarck Arch. 4.15 s. 152.10 E. Blanchetown South Australia. 34.21 s. 139.28 E. Blanco Ca/e Colony 33-S6s. 22.25 E. Blanco, Cajie Morocco 33.0 N. 8.0 w. Blanco, Cape Oregon 42.40 N. 124.30 w. Blandtord England 50,5iN. 2.9 w. Blankenberglie...Z>V/^za;« 51.18N. 3.6 E. Blankenburg Germany 50.42N. 11.16 E. Blankenhiirg Prussia 51.47N. 10.57 E. Blanquilla I Venezuela 12.0 N. 64.3o\v. Blantvro Brit. Cen. Africai6.o s. 36.0 E. Blantyre Scotland 55-47N- 4-7 w. Blarney Cork, Ireland ....si.sSt^- 8.34W. Blaven, Mt Scotland 57-I4N. 6.5 w. Blaydon England 54-57N. 1-47 w- Blaye France 45.7 N. 0.37W. Blayney Xew S. IKa/M...,33.3i s. 149.23 E. Blayney JunctionC(7/< Colony 32.50 s. 27.32 E. Bleiberg Austria 46.37N. 13.41 E. Blekinge, Ian Sweden 56-I5N. iS-o E. Bleneau France 47.44N. 2.56 E. Blenheim Germany 48-37N. 10.47 E. Blenheim New Zealand.. ...i,\.y>&. 174-2 E. Blenheim Y&rV.... England 51.52N. 1.26W. Blennervilla Ireland 52.16N. 9-44 w- Ble.-isington Ireland 53- 11 N. 6.31 w. BlotchiTigley England 51-14N. 0.6 w. Bletchley England 5I-59N- 0.46 w. Blida Algeria 36.26 N. 2.51 E. Blind Bay New Zealand 40.30 s. 173.20 K. Blinman South Australia. ^1.4 S. 138.35 E. Blisworth England 52.11 N. 0.56 w. Block Island Rhode Island 41.10N. 71-34 w. Bloemfontein OrangeRiverCol.^g.o s. 26.40 E. Bloemhof Transvaal 27.40 s. 25.36 E. Blois France. 47-35'>'- 1-20 E. Blomidon, Cape. . AWa 5«/-i7 Australia 13-15S. 136.30 E. 116-117 Map 122 100101 2425 30-31 104 141S 95 100101 89 123 3031 104 24-25 123 1617 28-29 3435 28-29 16-17 34-35 16-17 30 31 34-36 14-15 30-31 30-31 30-31 28-29 28-29 121 119 122 102-103 18-19 76-77 28-29 28 29 20-21 36-37 121 114115 121 86-87 80 105 18-19 38 40-41 40-41 109 78-79 28-29 34-35 24-26 16-17 36-37 118 8687 42-43 52-63 36-37 40-41 126-127 20-21 34-35 34-35 20-21 20-21 80 126-127 121 2021 102-103 86-87 86-87 36-37 94 30-31 123 100-101 102-103 18-19 94 106-107 118 106 15 Blu GENERAL INDEX Bos tat Blue Nile (Bahr- el-Azrek) Sudan 11.30N. Blue Ridge Virginia 36.0 N. BluefieKls Nicaragua 11.59N. Bluestack, Jit. ...Ireland 54.36N. Bluff A'rw Zealand. ....^(>.3^ S. Bluraenau Brazil 26.57 s. Blyth A'otts, England. .^'i.zzii. Blyth South Australia. ^-^.^-i s. Blyth and 'River .England 55.7 N. Boa Vista Brazil 5.50 s. Boat of Garten ...Scotland 57-15 N. Boavista Island... Ca/tf Verde Is. ...16.0 N. Bobbio Italy 44.47 N. Bober River Germany 51.50N. Bobruisk Russia 53.8 N. Bochetta Pass ..../te/y 44.40N. Bochnia Austria 50.0 N. Bocholt Prussia Si. 51 N. Bochum Germany 51.29N. Bodalla New S. U'a/fj ...36.5 s. Boddam Scotland 57.28N. Bode River Germany 51.52N. Bodegas de Bal ta- hoyo Ecuador 1.44 s. Boden See (Lake of Constance).. G*«K«W7 47.40 N. Bodenbacb- Tetschen Bohemia 50.46N. Boderg, \,ow^\\... Ireland 53-53N- Bodmin England 50.28N. Bodo Norway 67. 15N. Bceotia Greece 38.30N. Bofin, Longli Ireland S3-5IN. Bogan River New S. Wales ...jp.^o s. Bogantungan Queensland. 23. 36 s. Boggabri New S. H'ri/e-j ...30.40 s. Bogbaz-keui Asia Minor. 40.1 N. Bognor England 50.47 N. Bogodukliov Russia 50. ion. Bogong, Mt Victoria 36.48 s. Bogoslovsk Russia 59-S3N. Bogota Colombia 4.43 N. Bogra E.B'gal&'AssamZ4.ii}i. Bogragh Mts Ireland 52.2 N. Boguslav .Russia 49.32 N. Bohemia Austria-Hungary^o.o N. Boberboy Ireland 52 9 N. Bobermeen Ireland S3-39N. Bbhmer "Wald ....Austria 49.0 N. Bobtan River Anatolia 37. 50 N. Buiestown New Brunswick .^S.-^i n. Boisdale, Loch. ...Scotland 57.9 N. Bois^ City Idalw 43.47N. Bois-le-DuG Netherlands 51.42 N. Bojador, Cai)e....A^-^K. Africa ...26.0 N. Bojano Italy. 41.28 N. Bokhara Asiatic Russia. ..^0.0 N. Boksburg, Transvaal 26.15 s. Bolac, Lake Victoria 37.41 s. Bolama Port. Guinea 11.30N. Bolan Pass Baluchistan 29. 50 N. Bolbec France 4g.34N. Bolgrad Russia 45.42N. Boll Anatolia 40.45N. Bolivar Venezuela 8.8 N. Bolivia Rep South America. ..18.0 s. Bolkhov Russia 53.23 N. Bollington England 53.18N. Bolmen Lake Sweden 56.50K. Bolo Cape Colony 34.24 S. Bolobo Belgian Congo..., 2.5 s. Bologna Italy 44.30N. Boloven Plateau . iaM 15,0 N. Bolsena Lake Italy 42.37N. Bolsonde M:\iAmiMexico 27.15 N. Bolsover England 53. 14N. Bolsward Holland 53.3 N. Bolt Head England S0.13 N. Bolt Tail England 50.14 N. Bolton England 53-34N. Bolton Abbey England 53-59N. Bolus Head Ireland 51.47N. Boma Belgian Cong^ 0.553. Bomarsund Aland Island fo. 15N. Bombala A'eia S. H '.:/«.... 36. 54 .s. Bombay Bombay 18.55N. Bombay Pres India 20.0 N. Long. 35.0 K. 82.0 w. 83.41 w. 8.4 w. 168.10 E. 49.1 w. 1.3 w. 138.30 E. 1.31 w. 48. 30 w. 3-45 w. 21.46 w. 9.22 E. 15.16 E. 29.12 E. 8.55 K. 20.30 K. 6.36 E. 7.13 E. 149.59 E. 1.47 w. 11.40 E. 3Iap '78-79 104 106-107 30-31 126127 112-113 16-17 121 16-17 110-111 26-27 78-79 48-49 40-41 64-55 48-49 42-43 40-41 40 41 118 26-27 40-41 79.27 w. 110-111 9.20 E. 4041 14.12 E. 4243 8.0 W. 30-31 4.44 W. 18-19 14.26 E. 62-53 23.0 E. 60-51 7-57 w. SO-31 147.0 E. 118 147.14 E. 123 150.0 E. 118 34.38 E. 60 0.40 w. 2021 35-31 K. 64-55 147.30 E. 119 60.3 E. M-65 74.12 w. UOlll 89.26 E. 63 8.56 w. 30-31 30.54 E. 64-55 14.30 E. 42-43 9.3 w. 34-36 6.48 w. 32-33 13.0 E. 42-43 42.50 E. 60 66. 2Q w. 94 7.18 w. 24-26 I16.0 w. 106 5.18 E. 38 14.25 w. 78-79 14.29 E. 48-49 62.0 E. 76-77 28.22 E. 86-87 142.50 E. 119 15-41 w. 84 67.20 E. 62 0.29 E. 36-37 28.39 E. 64-65 31.30 E. 60 63.57 w. 109 65.0 W. 110-111 35-58 E. 64-65 2.7 w. 18-19 12.45 E. 62-63 27.37 E- 86-87 16.30 E. 82-83 11.20 E. 48-49 106.20 E. 68-69 11.55 B- 48-49 104.0 Vf. 103 1. 18 w. 20-21 5. 32 E. 38 3.48 w. 14-15 3-52 w. 18-19 2.26 w. 16-17 1.54 w. 16-17 lo.l6w. 30-31 13.20 E. 82-83 20.11 E. 64-66 149.15 E. 118 72-54 E. 67 74.0 E. 64 16 I at. Bomelo.. Xonvay 59.40 K. Bommel Holland 51.48N. Bomst Prussia 52. n N. Bon, Cape Algeria 37.5 N. Bona Algeria 36.54N. Bonaca Island Honduras 16. 30 N. Bonai Garh Bengal. 21.49 N. Bonaire Islanii ...See Buen Ayre. Bonar Bridge Scotland S7-S3N. Bunaventure \.... Quebec 48.31 N. Bonavista, Cape .A'ezi/oundlaml ...48.4;^^. Bonavista Bay Newfoundland ...48.50N. Bonawe Scotland 56.27N. Boncburch Isle of Wight 50.36N. Bondu Senegal- 14.0 N. Bune See Bona. Bo'ness Scotland 56.1 N. Bonga Abyssinia 7. 20 n. Bonhill Scotland 55-59 N. Uuni, Gulf of Celebes, E. Indies 4.0 8. Bonifacio Corsica, Frame.. 41. 2^ n. Bonifacio, S'r. of. Italy 41.18N. Bonin Island.-^ Japan 27.45 N. Bonn Gerfnany 50-43 N. Bonne Bay Newfoundland ...4':).'^% N. Bonny Niger Coast 4.30 N. Bonnyrigg Scotland SS-S^N. Booby Island Torres Strait 10.36 s. Boobgal Neio S. ^rtz/f-f ...33.53 S. Boom Belgium 51.5 N. Booneville Missouri 38.58N. Booneville N'ew York 43.30N. Boort Victoria 36. 10 s. Boothia N.-IV, Ttfr/Z/rj.. 70.30 n. Boothia, Gulf tf. N.-W. 7Vrr//r.r. . 70. 40 n. Bootle England 54.17N. Bootle Lancashire 53.27N. Boppanl Prussia 50. 24 N. Borda, Cape Soitth Australia,y^.4t s. Bordeaux France 44.50N. Bordentown New Jersey 40.7 N. Border Town South Australia, 2,^.i<^ s. Bordigbera Italy 43-47 N. Boreray (I.) Scotland 57-42 N. Borgerhout Belgium S^-^S N. Borgholm Sweden 56. 50 N. Borgne, Lake Louisiana 30.5 y. Borgo Pass Hungary 47. 1 8 N. Borgo San Do- nino Italy ^ 43.25N. Borgsjd Sweden 62.30N. Borisogliebsk Russia 5 1 . 23 N. Borisov Russia 54- 12 N. Borja Brazil 28.33 s. Borku French Sudan. ...iS.isH. Borkum IsUind. . . Germany 53- 3^ N. Borraio Italy 46.28N. Borna Saxony 51.7 N. Born 80 East Indies 0.0 Borneo, Bril. 'S.. East Indies. 5.0 n. Bornholm I Denmark 55-io N. Bornu N. Nigeria 12.15 N- Boro River Ireland. 52.27 N. Borodino Russia 55-33 N. Borougbl)ndge...£"w^/ti7:£/ 54.6 n. Borovicbi Russia 58.23N. Borovsk Russia 55.12N. Borris Ireland 52.37N. Bovris-in-O^aor y.. Ireland 52.57 N. Borrisokane Ireland 52.58N. Borrisoleigb Ireland 52.45 N. B(MTodale Scotland S6.53N. Borroloola A^. Territory. S. Australia 16.5 B. Borromean la Italy 45-53 N- Borrowdale England 54-32 N- Borsad Bombay 22. 24 N. Berth ll'ales 52.29N. Bortbwiok Scotland 55-49 N. Borthwick "WatcrScotiand 55-23 N. Bo^a Sardinia 40.17N. Boscastle England 50-42 N. Boscobel Engla nd 52. 40 N. Boshof Orange RiverCol.zZ. 41 S. Bosna River. Bosnia 44.0 N. Bosna Serai Bosnia 43- 54 N- Bosnia Austria- Hungary 4^. 20 N. Bosporus, Strait . T^wr^^y 41.5 N. Long. Map S.15E. 62-63 5-15 E. 38 15.49 E. 40-41 II. 2 E. 80 7.48 E. 80 85.50 W. 106107 85.0 E. 63 4.20 w. 2627 64. 9 w. 95 53-9 w. 94 53. 20 w. 94 5.12 w. 2829 I. I I w. 20 21 13.0 w. 84 3.36W. 28-29 36.50 E. 82-83 4-33 w. 2829 120.55 E. 70-71 9.8 E. 36-37 9.10 E. 48-49 142.0 E. 4 7-5 E- 40-41 58.5 iv. 94 7.23 E. 78-79 3-7 w. 28-29 141.53 E. 123 114.59 E. 118 4.22 E. 38 92.53 w. 100101 75.18 w. 102103 14343 E. 119 95.0 w. 92-93 90.30 w. 9293 3,22 w. 16-17 2.59 w. 16-17 7-36 E. 40-41 136.36 E. 121 0.31 w. 36-37 74-43 "■■ 102-103 140.46 E. 121 7.40 E. 48-49 7.19 w. 24 2S 4.26 E. 3S 16.43 E. 62-63 89.37 w. 104 25.0 E. 42-43 11.58 E. 48-49 15-59 K. 62-63 42.13 E. 64-66 28. 28 E. 54-65 55-32 w. 112-113 18.30 E. 78-79 6.45 E. 40-41 10.22 E. 48-49 12.30 E. 4041 114.0 E. 70-71 117.0 E. 70-71 15.0 E. 39 12.0 E. 78-79 6. 38 w. 30-31 35-47 E. 64-65 1.24 w. 16-17 34.2 E. 64-65 36.32 E. 64-65 6.51; w. 34-35 7-37 w- 3436 8.12 w. 34-35 7-57 w. 34-36 5-46 w. 26 27 136.10 E. 116117 8.34 E. 48-49 3,11 w. 16-17 72.56 E. 64 4-3 «•• 18-19 3.2 w. 28-29 3.0 w. 2426 8. 30 E . 48-49 4.40 w. 18-19 2. 1 5 w. 18-19 25.12 E. 86-87 18.2 E. 42-43 18.30 E. 42-43 17.0 E. 42 43 29-S E. 60-61 Bos GEXERAL INDEX Bre Lat. Boston England 52.58 N. Boston Massachiiselts 42. 20 N. Boston Mts Arkansas 35-52 N. Boston 8p,i England 53-49 N. Boswort h England 52. 37 N. Boszormeny Hungary. 47. 44 N. Botany Bay Neiu S. M'a't^s ...-^^.o s. Botesd.ile England 52. 20N- Botlmia, G\\\i oi . Sweden 62.0 N. Bothwell Scotland 55.49 N. Both well Tasmania 42.24 s. Botoshani Rumania 47.45 N. Bottlehill Ireland 52.3 N. Bouches - (lu - Rhone, dep France 43-35 N- Boufari k A Igerla 36. 36 N. Bougainville I. ...Solomon Islands. 6.44a. Bougio Island Algeria 36.44 N. Bouillon Belgium 49. 48 N. Boularderie Is. ...Nova Scotia 46 14 N. Boulia Queensland. 22-55 S- Boul ogne France 50. 43 N. Bounty Bay Pitcairn Island. .2.\2 .s. Bourn England 52.47 N. Bournemouth England 50.43 N. Bourtanger Moor Germany 52.53 N. Bourton England 51.54N. Boussac France 46.21 N. Bovevagh Ireland 54.57N. Bovino Italy 41.13N. Bow River Alberta 51.0 N. Bowen Queensland 20. i s. Bowesdorp Cape Colony 30.10 s. Bowfell, Mt England 54.20 N. Bowling Scotland 5S-51 N. Bowling Green ...Kentucky 36.57N. Bowling Green li. Queensland. 19-17 s. Bowmore Scotland 55. 45 N. Bowness Cumberland 54-57 N. Bowness Westmorland ....54.22 N. Bowral New S. H'ato.... 34.18 s. Boxted England 51.S7N. Boxtel Holland 51.3SN. Boyaca Colombia 5. 25 N. Boyana River Turkey 41.52 N. Boyer River Iowa 41.55 N. Boyle Ireland 53. S8 N. Boyne Rivea- Ireland 53.43 N. Bozeman Montana 45-35 N. Bozen Austria 46,31 N. Bozrah Palestine 32-31 N. Bra Italy 44.42N. Brabant, N. , pro v. Netherlands 51.32N. Brabant, S., \no\\ Belgium 50.45 N. Bracadale & Loc-hScotland 57.22 N. Braociano, hako.. Italy 42.8 N. Biaokley England 52.2 N. Brace Scotland 56. 1 7 N. Bradano River. . ..Italy 40. 40 N. Braddock Pennsylvania 40. 24 N. Bradford England 51.11 N. Bradford England 53.48 N. Bradford Pennsylvan ia 41. 59 N. Brading Isle of Wight 50.31 N. Bradley's Sta Anticosti Island. ^t^.q N. Braeraar Scotland 57.0 N. Braeriach, V^i. ...Scotland 57.3 N. Brafferton England 54.7 N. Braga Portugal 41.35 N. Bragado Argentine Rep. . . ,35. 20 s. Bragani;a Portugal 41. 50 N. Braganza Brazil o. 55 S- Brahe River Germany 53. '5 N. Brahnianbaria. . ..Bengal. 23. 58 N. Brahmaputra R. .Bengal 24. 35 N. Brahmaputra R. . Tibet 29.3SN. Braich-y-Pwll Wales 52.47 N. Braidwood New S. fp'fl/«...,35.30 3. Long. o. I w. 71.3 w. 93-45 w- 1.22 \v. 1.24 w. 21.32 E. 151. 13 K- I 1 E. 20.0 E. 4.4 w. 146.46 E. 26.41 E. 8.35^^. 50 E. 2.44 E. 155.40 E. .5-4 E. 5.4 E. 60. 25 w. 139.38 E. 1-35 E. 130.8 E. 179.0 E. 3.0 E. 5-45 E. 5.13 E. 2.24 E. 5.50 E. 1-57 w- 14s 40 E. o. 24 w. 1-53 "'. 7.5 1!- 1.46 w. 2.13 K. 6. 57 w. 15.22 E. 114.0 w. 148.16 E. 17.55 E. 2.25 w. 4.31 w. 86.24 w. 147.25 E. 6.17 w. 3.13 w. 2.55 w. 150.31 E. 0.52 E. 5.19 E. 73.40 w. 19.17 E- 9^.30 W. 8.18 w. 6.16 w. III.O w. II. 21 E. 36-33 E. 7.52 E. S.O E. 4.30 E. 6.24 w. 12.13 K. 1.8 w. 3- 54 w. 16.35 E. 79.53W. 3. 1 1 w. 1.45 «•. 78. 44 w. 1.9 w. 62.31 w. 3.25 w. 3-45 eland 52.31 N. Brandon Hill Ireland 52. i6n. Brand vlei Cape Colony 30.25 s. Brantford Ontario 43. 8 N. Branxholni Tasmania 41.5 s. Branxholme Victoria 37.50 s. Branxton New S. (I- '<;/«. ...32.38 s. Bras d'Or (l^aX^.s). Nova Scotia 45.50N. Brass S. Nigeria 4.28 N. Brattleboro Vermont 42.48N. Braunsberg Germany 54. 23 N. Braunton England 51,7 n. Brava Island Cape Verde Is. .. .14.54 N. Bray England 51.31 N. Bray Ireland 53. 12N. Bray, dist France 49. 30N. Bray Head Ireland 51-53 N. Braybrook Victoria 37.48 s. Brazil, Rep South America. ..10.0 s. Brazos River Texas 30.50N. Brazza Island Austria 43. 19N. Brazzaville Belgian Congo.... 4.25 s. Brda Mountains .Montenegro 42.52 K. Brdy Mountains .Bohemia 49.43 N. Breaches, 'M^a... Ireland 53.6 N. Breadalbane,di.^t. Scotland 56. 30 N. Bready Ireland 54-55 N. Breakfast Creek . Queensland 27. 27 s. Breakheart Vx. ...Newfoundland .. 48.10 N. Brechin Scotland 56.44 N. Breckenridge Minnesota 46.16 N. Brecknock Beacon Wales 51.7 N. Brecon Wales 51.57N. Breda Netherlands 51. 35 N. Brede River England 50. 59 N. Bree Ireland 52. 27 N. Breede River Cape Colony 34.14 s. Breedoge Ireland 53.S4N. Breeze New S. Wales. ..31.1$ a. Bregenz Austria 47.28N. Breidafjordiir Iceland 65.20N. Breisach Germany 48. 3 N. Breisgau, dist. ...Baden 48.0 N. Breitenfeld Saxony 51.26N. Brejo Brazil 3.55 s. Bremen Germany 53.5 N. Bremer River Queensland 27.37 S. Bremerh aven Germany 53- 32 f^. Brendon Hill England 51.7 N. Brenner Pass Austria 47.3 K. Brenta River Italy 45.26 N. Brentford England 5'.29N. Brentford Ontario 44. ion. Brentwood England S1.37N. Brescia Italy 4.5.33 N. Breslau Germany 51.6 N. Bressay (Island). Shetland Islands.6o.7 N. Bresse, dist France 46.24 N. Bressuire France 46.51N. Brest France 48.23 N. Brest- Li tovsk Russia 52.15N. Bretigny France 48.22N. Breton, Cape A'ova Scotia 45 56 N. Brett, Cape New Zealand 35. 10 s. Brett River England 52.I2N. Bretten Baden 49.2 N. Brewarrina New S. H a to... 29. 58 3. Long. Map 3.52 w. 28-29 27.55 E. 5051 4.7 E. 38 94.8 w. 100101 0.33 E. 20-21 8.12 E. 30-31 0.19 w. 20-21 2.58 w. 1617 79.51 w. 96 0.37 E. 14-15 34.55 w. 110-111 61.30 w. 109 12.32 E. 40 41 5.8 w. 24-25 3.I9W. 26 27 26.38 E. 86-87 0.37 E. 20-21 99.58W. 97 10. 5 v. 30-31 10.15 "■■ 30 31 7.0 w. 30-31 10. 14 w. 3031 20.30 E. 86-87 80 21 W. 96 I47-53 E. 120 141.48 E. U9 151.21 E. 118 60 50 w. 94 6.38 E. 84 72.34 w. 102-103 19.50 E. 40 41 4.9 >v. 1819 24.42 w. 4-5 0.42 w. 2021 6.5 w. 34 35 1.30 E. 36-37 10.26 w. 30-31 144.53 E. 119 55- w. 110-111 96.34 w. 104 16.40 E. 42-43 15.22 E. 82-83 19.25 E. 60-51 1.3- 55 E. 42 43 6. 2 »■. 34-35 4.15 w. 28-29 7. 23 w. 32-33 1535 E. 123 52-59W. 94 2.39 w. 28-29 96.23 w. 100-101 3.23 w. 1415 3. 23 w. 18-19 4.46 E. 38 0.30 E. 14-36 6.37 w. 3435 20. S5 E. 83-87 8.23 w. 32-33 I50-29 E. 118 9.45 E. 42-43 22.30 w. 8-9 7.36 E. 40-41 7.40 E. 40-41 12,22 E. 40-41 42.15 w. 110-111 8.49 E. 40-41 152.48 E. 123 8.34 E. 40-41 3.24 »■• 14-15 11.37 E. 42-43 11.48 E. 48-49 0.18 W. 20-21 79.30 w. 96 0.18 E. 2021 10. IS E. 48-49 17.2 E. 4041 1.5 '"■ 24-25 5-12 E. 36-37 O.30W. 36-37 4.27 w. 36-37 23.42 E. 64-66 1.32 E. 36-37 59-46 w. 94 174.22 E. 126-127 0.51 E. 14-16 8.43 K. 4041 146. 56 B. 118 17 Bre GENERAL INDEX Buc Lat. Brewood England S2,42N. Brezova Hungary 18.40N. Briagolon^ Victoria 37-54 9. Brianfon France 44.56 N. Briansk Russia 53.14N. Briare France 47-39 N. Bride River Ireland. 52.5 N. Brideswell Ireland 53.27N. Bridge oi A\\i\n... Scotland 56.9 N. Bridge of Tlavn... Scotland 56,21 N. Bridge of Weir, ..Scotland 55.52 N. Bridgend Scotland 55-47 N. Bridgend Wales 51-31 N. Bridgeport Connecticut 41. 14 N. Bridgeton .Veto Jersey 39. 22 N. Bridgetown Barbados 13.9 N. Bridgetown Cape Colony 33,6 s. Bridgetown Clare, Ireland ...^2.^6ii. Bridgetown \V. Australia.. .. 2:^.^7 s. Bridgetown Wexford 52.14 N. Bridgewater Nova Scotia 44.25N. Bridgnorth England 52.33 N. Bridgwater England 51.8 N. Bridgwater Bay. . England 51. 17 N. Bridlington England 54.6 N. Bridport England 50.44N. Bridport Tasmania 41.2 s. Brie, dist France 48.44 N. Brieg Germany 50-5i N. Brieg Switzerland. 46. 19N. Brielle Holland 5I-55N. Brienne-le- Chiteau France 48.22 N. Brienz and L Switzerland 46.45N. Brier Island .Xova Scotia 44.14N. Brierley Hill England 52.30N. Brierly England 53-36N- Bries Hungary 48.50N. Brigg. England 53-33 N. Brighouse England 53-43 N. Bright Victoria 36.44 S. Brightlingsca England 5^-49 N. Brighton England 50.49 N. Brighton South Australia. 34. 4 B. Brighton Tasmania 42.43 S. Brighton I'ictoria 37-57S. Brighton, New ...England 53.27 N. Brignoles France. 43-25 N, Brihuega Spain 40.44N. Brill England 51 49 N. Brindaban United Provincesij . 33 N. Brindisi Italy, 40.40N. Brionian \^v^XiA^. Austria 44-55 N. Brioude France 45.17N. Brisbane Queensland. 27.28 s . Brisbane Kiver ...Queensland. 27.25 s. Bristol England 51.28 N. Bristol Pennsylvania 40.6 N, Bristol Rhode Island 41.38N. Bristol Channel ..England 51.20 N. Brit. Baluchistan India 30.0 N. British Columbia Cflwatfa 55.0 N. British Guiana ...South America .. 5.0 N, British N. Borneo£ai/ /««'»« 5.0 N. Brito Nicaragua 11. 12N. Briton Ferry Wales 51-37 N. Britstown Cape Colony 30.35 S. Brittany, old pi:. France 48.10 N. Brittas Bay Ireland 52.52 N. Brives France 45.9 N. Brixen Austria 46.44 N. Brixham England 50.23N. Brixton Isle of Wight 50.38 N. Broach Bombay 21.43N. Broad Arrow W. Australia. ...2o,zoS. Broad B:iy Scotland S8.15N. Broad Haven Ireland 54.17N. Broad Law Scotland 55- 3° N. Broad River South Carolina ..25.0 N. Broad Sound Queensland 22.0 s. Broadford Clare, Ireland ...52.48 N. Broadford Limerick 52.21 N. Broadford Scotland .57.15 N. Broadford Victoria 37-14 S- Broadhaven Wales 51.48N. Broadstairs England 51.21N. Broadway Ireland 52.13N. Brocken, The Germany 51.50N. Long. Mm. 2. 1 1 w. 1819 17-33 E. 4243 1470 E. 119 6.35 E. 36-37 34-23 E. 54 55 2.44 E. 36-37 8.12 w. 30-31 8.6 w. 3233 3-57W. 28-29 3-25 «■• 28-29 4-35 w. 28-29 6.15 w. 28-29 3-34 w. 18-19 73.26 w. 102-103 75-8 w. 102-103 59-35 w. 106-107 18-44 E. 83-87 8. 32 w. 34 35 I16.8 E. 122 6-33 "■■ 3435 64.20 \v. 94 2.25 w. 1819 3-7 V.-. 18-19 3.8 w. 14-15 0.12 w. 16-17 2.45 "•. 1819 147-24 E. 120 3-0 E. 36-37 17-29 E. 40-41 8.0 E. 44-45 4.10 E. 38 4-33 E. 36-37 ao E. 44-46 66.12 \V. 94 2. 10 w. 1415 1.23 w. 1617 19-39 E. 42-43 0.29 w. 20-21 1.46 w. 16-17 146.58 E. 119 1.2 E. 20-21 0.8 -w. 2021 138.32 E. 121 147.16 E. 120 145.0 E. 119 3.1 w. 1617 6.8 E. 36-37 2.48 w. 46-47 1.3 w. 20-21 77.44 E. 63 18.1 E. 48-49 13-45 E. 4243 3-24 E. 36-37 153-2 E. 124 152.40 E. 123 2.3s w. 18-19 74-56 w. 102-103 71.18 VV. 102103 4.0 U-. 14-15 68.0 E. 62 125.0 W. 98-99 59.0 W. 109 I17.O E. 70-71 85- 54 w. 106-107 3-49 w. 18-19 23-43 E. 86-87 2.40 w. 36-37 6.3 w. 3031 1-33 E. 36-37 11.37 E. 42 43 3-31 w. 1819 1. 24 w. 20-21 73-2 E. 64 121.19 E. 122 6.17 E. 24-25 9-45 »•• 3233 3-21 w. 24-25 81.18 w. 104 149-50 E. 123 8.38 w. 34-35 8.58 w. 34-35 5-56 w. 26-27 145-5 E. 119 5-7 w. 18-19 1.26 E. 20-21 6.23 w. 34-35 10.38 E. 40-41 Lat. 18 Brockenhurst England 50.47 N. Brockto'i.. Massachusetts 42.2 N. Broekville Ontario 44.37N. Brod Hungary 45.8 N. Brod, Bosnisch....Sojnr<2 45.8 N. Brodick Scotland 55-36 N. Brody Austria 50-7 N. Broken Hill N. W. Rhodesia, i^.-jos. Broken Hill New S. Wales ...30.58 s. Bromberg Germany 53.7 n. Brome Quebec 45.11 N. Bromley England 5I.24N. Brompton England 54.22 N. Bronisgrove England 52.22N. Bromyard England 52. 13N. Bron Islands Norway 65.29 N. Broni Italy 45.3 N. Bronte Sicily 37.45 N. Brookeborough ...Ireland 54. 19 n. Brooklyn New York 40.41 N. Broom, Loch Scotland 57-SSN. Broome W. Australia.. ..18.0 s. Broomehill W. Australia ....33.^,4 s. Brora Scotland 58.1 N. Brora River Scotland 58.5 N. Broseley England 52.37 N. Brosna River Ireland 53.28 N. Brosna, Little, \\.Ireland 53.0 N. Brothers Islands. 5o.to/n7 12.15N. Brough England 54.32N. Broughshane Ireland 54-53 N. Brough ton England 54-14 N- Brough ton Queensland. 20.7 S- Broughton Scotland 55.36N. Broughton Bay ..Korea 39.10 N. Broughton ^ivAiiKorea 35.0 N, Broughton-in- Furness England 54.16N. 'Bl-ou\^\ity-YGrry.. Scotland 56.28N. Brouwershafen ...Holland 51.44N. Brow Head Ireland 51.27N. Brown, Mount. . ..British Columbians. 40 N. Brown Cleo Hill .England 52.29N. Brown Gilly England 50.32N. Brown Willy, XAWEngland 50.36N. Brownhilis England 52.40N. Brownstown Hd.. Ireland 52.8 N. Brownsville Texas 25.53N. Brownville Nebraska 40.24N. Broxburn Scotland S5-57N. Bruar Water Scotland 56.49 N. Bruce, Mount W. Australia. ...22.30 B. Bruce Mines Ontario 46.20 N. Bruchsal Germany 49.8 N. Bruck Austria 49.25 N. Brue River England 51.12N. Bruff Ireland. 52.28 N. Bruges Belgium 51.13N. Brugg Switzerland 47.29N. Briihl Prussia 50.49 N. Brunei, dist Borneo 4.30 N. Brunet Island Newfoundland. ..4y.i6i>. Bruni Island, S.. .Tasmania 43.22 s. Briinig Pass Switzerland 46.46X. Briinn Austria -49-12 N. Brunnen Switzerland. 46.59N. Brunner New Zealand. ,...42,22 s. Brunswick Georgia 31. n N. Brunswick Germany 52. i6n. Brunswick Maine 43.52 N. Brunswick, duchyGerOTiZTy 51.53N. Brunswick Bay... W. Australia 15.20 s. Bruree Ireland 52.26N. Brusa Asiatic Turkey. .40.11 N. Brussels Belgium 50.51 N. Briister Ort Germany 54.57N. Bruthen Victoria 38.31 s. Bruton England 51.7 N. Briii Bohemia 50.33N. Brynmawr Wales 51.48N. Brzezany Austria 49.28 N. Buachaille Etive. Scotland 56.36N. Bubak Sind, Bombay 26. 26N. Bubanjidda ^\ts..Adamawa 8.30N. Bucaramanga Colombia 7.0 N. Buccaneer Arch.. W. Australia ...16.0 s. Buccari. Croatia 45. 18N. Buccleuch New. S. Wales ,.3^.30^. Long. 1.34 w. 70.59 w. 75-46 w. 18.0 E. l8;2 E. 5-9 w. 25.10 E. 28.30 E. 141. 21 E. 18.0 E. 72.40 w. O.I E. 1.26 W. 2.4 W. 2.30 w. 12.2 E. 9- IS E. 1449 E. 7. 24 w. 73-55 w. 5-14W- I22-I5 E. 117-33 E. 3-52 w. 4.0 W. 2.29 w, 7.28W. 7. 58 w. 53.0 E. 2.20 W. 6.12 w. 2. 56 \V. 146.40 E. 3.26 W. 128.0 E. 129.0 E. 3.12 W. 2.52 w. 3.56 E. 9.48 w. 118.36 w. 2-33 w. 4-33 »■• 4-35 "■• 1-55 »■• 7.2 w. 97.26 w, 95.36 w. 3.28 w. 3-57 w. 118.20 E. 83-59 w. 8.35 E. 15.16 E. 2.54W. 8.32 w. 3.14 E. 8.12 E. 6.56 E. 115. E. 56.0 W. 147.20 E. 8.9 E. 16.37 E. 8.36 E. 171.34 E. 81.33 w. 10.31 E. 70. 1 w. 9-58 E. 124.50 E. 8.39 w. 29.2 E. 4.22 E. 19.59 E. 146.49 E. 2.27 W. 13.40 E. 3. 10 w. 24.57 E. 4-53 w. 67.4s E. 13.56 E. 73-40 w. 123.15 E. 14-33 E. 148.30 E. Map 18-19 102-103 96 42-43 42-43 28-29 42-43 82-83 118 40-41 95 20-21 16-17 1819 18-19 62-63 48^9 48^9 32-33 102-103 2425 116-117 122 26-27 24-26 18-19 30-31 30-31 78-79 1617 32-33 16-17 123 28 29 75 75 16-lT 28-29 38 30-31 98-99 14-15 18-19 14-15 18-19 34-35 100-101 100-101 28-29 24-26 116-117 96 40-41 42-43 14-15 3436 38 44-45 40-41 70-71 94 120 44-45 42-43 44-46 126-127 104 40-41 102-103 40-41 116-117 34-36 60 38 40-41 119 18-19 42-43 18-19 42-43 28-29 66 78-79 110-111 116-117 42-43 118 Buc GENERAL INDEX But Lat. Bucellas Portugal 38.5SN. Buchan, dist Scotland --57-37 N. Buchan Ness Scotland 57-28 N. Buchireddipalem Madras 14-33 N. Buchlyvie Scotland 56-6 N. Buckeburg Germany 52. i6n. Buckhannon West Virginia. ..-^S.^^ N. Buckhaven Scotland 56- 11 N. Buckie Scotland 57.41 N. Buckingham England 52.0 N. Buckland Victoria 36-52 s. Bucks, CO England ---52.0 N. Buctouche Wivcr.New Erunszoick .^6.26 N. Buczacz Austria 49.4 N. Budapest Hungary 47-29 N, Budaun United Provinces 28-2 n. Buddha Gaya Bengal. 24.41 N. Buddon Ness Scotland 56. 28 n. Bude Bay England.. 50-50N. Budhana United Provinces2q. 17 N- Budleigh Salterton England 50-38N. Budrun Turkey in Asia -37-4 N. Budweis Austria 48-58 N. Budwel Madras 14-45 N. Bue French Congo 0.0 Buea Kamerun 4. loN- Buelelenjj Bali Island 8-2 s. Buen Ayro I Venezuela 12.12 N- Buenaventura Colombia 3-55 N- Bueno, Rio Chile 40-8 S- Buenos Ay res Argentine Rep... .■^^.'iq s. Buffalo New York 42.52N. Buffalo Wyoming. 44- 20 N. Buffalo River Natal 28-0 s. Buffavcnte, ^\t... Cyprus 35-i7 N. Buffels River Cape Colony 30.0 s. Bug River Russia 52,30N- Bugulma Russia 54- 27 N. Bugurslan Russia 53-43 N- Build was England 52-38 N. Builth Wales 52-9 N. Buitenzorg Java 6-30 s. Bujalance Spain 37-53 N. Bujio Island Madeira 32.20N. Bukharest Rumania 44- 25 N. Bukkacharla Madras I4- 35 N. Eukkarayasanui- dram Madras 14-42 N- Bukke Fjord Nonvay 59-14N. Bukowina .....Austria .-.48-0 N. Bulandsbahr United Province'i 28-24 N- Bulangan 'Kxsaw. Borneo 2.35 N- Bulawayo Matabeleland. . . - .20-2 S- Bulbarrow Hill ...England. 50-50N. Buldana Berar 20.32N- Bulgaria, prin .... Europe 43. 20 N- Bulhar Brit. SomalilanJlo.21 N. BuUmha Queensland. 27.27 s. Bull Lightship.... iS?/^/a«i/ 53-36N- Bull Point England 51-12N. Bull Run 'R\\-ev. ..Maryland 38-53"- Bullah-Dolah New S. Wales ...32.2,0 s. BuUer River New Zealand 41-47 S. BuUi New S. II''a/«--. 3.4.9 S. Bull's Head Ireland 52.7 N. Buln-Buln Victoria 38.2 s. Bulong W. Australia. ...30.4s s. Buloo Creek Queensland. 27-0 S- Bulsar Bombay 20-36N. Bul-Tul Pass Kashtnir 34-^4 N- Bulun Siberia 71-0 N- Bulwer Natal 29.48 s. Bunatrahir 'Q^y ..Ireland 54- '8 N. Bunbury W. Australia. ...33.18s. Bunorana Ireland. 55.9 N. Bundaberg Queensland 24.50 s. Bundanoon New S. Wales ...34.2$ s. Bundarra New S. Wales ...30.9 s. Bundelkhand Central India.. ..2a,.%o^. Bundi Rajputana 25.27 N. Bundonn Ireland 54.29N. Bunera Uiaipur 25.21 N. Bunessan Scotland 56. 19 N. Bungay England 52-57N. Biingendore New S. IFa/e-i ---35.17 S- Bungo Strait Japan 33-0 N- Bungs Berg ,.Germany S4-12N- liOng- Maji 9-6 w. 46-47 2- 10 w. 26-27 I-46 w. 24-25 79-56 E. 66 4-17 w. 28-29 9.2 E- 40-41 80.8 W- 102-103 3.2 w. 28-29 2- 58 VV- 26-27 0, 59 vv. 2021 146.56 E. 119 O.S9W. 20-21 64. 52 w. 94 25-23 E. 42-43 IQ-3 E. 42-43 79-ioE. 63 85-2 E. 63 2.45 w. 24-25 4-37 "'. 14-15 77-31 E. 63 3-49 w. 1819 27-26 E. 60 14-29 E. 42 43 79.6 E. 65 12.0 E- 82-83 9-12 E. 82-83 IIS-2 E- 70-71 68.25 "'. 110-111 77-3 «•. 110-111 73-47 «■■ 112-113 58-23 W- 112-113 78-54 w. 102-103 106.40 \v. 100101 30.18 E. 86-87 33.29 E. 60 17.6 E. 86-87 23-45 E. 54-55 52.42 E. 64-65 53-22 E- 64 65 2-34 w. 1819 3-24 w. 18-19 106. 48 E. 70-71 4-24 w. 4647 16.30 W. 78-79 26-5 E. 60 51 77.3s E. 65 77-41 E. 66 5.30 E. 52-63 25.30 E- 42-43 77-54 E. 63 117.30 E. 70-71 28.58 E. 78-79 2- 1 9 \V- 14-15 76.14 E. 64 25.0 E. 50-61 44-31 E. 78-79 153.4 E. 123 0.0 20-21 4-12 W. 14-16 77-42 W- 102-103 152.0 E. 118 171.50 E. 126-127 150.29 E. 118 IO-I2 W- 30-31 146.55 E. 119 121. 3 E. 122 144.0 E- 123 72-59 E. 64 75-33 E- 66 127-48 E- 76-77 29.45 E. 8687 9.22 W- 3031 115.38 E- 122 7- 28 w- 3233 152.16 E. 123 150.26 E. 118 151. 8 E. 118 80.0 E. 63 75.41 E. 66 8.15W. 32-33 74-43 E- 66 6.16 w. 28-29 1.26 E. 20-21 149-30 E. 118 131.35 E. 76 10.54 E. 40-41 Lat. Buninyong Victoria 37-39 £ Bunker Hill See Boston. Bunkeya Belgian Congo -..10-24 Buntingford England 5'- 58 Bunzlau Prussia 51.16 Bunzlau, J iini^. ...Bohemia 50.25 Burano Italy 45-3° Burd ekin River - - Queensland 20- 36 Bu re French W. Africa 1 1 . 40 Bure River England 52-38 Burford England 51-48 Burg Germany 54-26 Burgas East Rumelia. ...42.30 Burgdorf Switzerland -.47.3 Burgess Hill England 50-57 Burgh England 52-35 Burgh-by-Sands- . England 54-56 Bu rghead Scotland 57-42 Biirglen Switzerland 47-33 Burgos Spain 42.21 Burgundy, \ivo^.. France 46.50 Burba Central Provinces2\. 48 Burhanpur Central Provinces2i. 17 Burin, ^-^t.. ....... Newfoundland ...4'j. 3 Burirhat E.B'^al&fAssani2z,.2g Buriya Punjab 30. 10 Burketown ...Queensland 17-52 Burley York, England .,^3.^4 Burlington Iowa 40-44 Burlington New Jersey 40- 3 Burlington / ''ermont 44- 29 Burma Farther India. ...20.0 Burnchurch Ireland 52-34 Burnett River-... Queensland 25.10 Burnt oot Ireland 55.3 Burnham England 5 1- 37 Burnhani- , England 51-14 Burnham 'i'hovpeEngland 5^.57 Burnie Tasmania 4°- 57 Burnle)' England 53-48 Burnnu'Uth Scotland 55-51 Burnsall England 54-3 Burnsidc South A ustralia.34. 57 Burntisland Scotland 56.4 Burra Burra See Kooringa, Burra Islands Scotland 60.4 Burrard Inlet British Columbia^g.iy Burray (I- ) Orkney 58-51 Burriana Spain 39-52 Burrow Head Scotland 54.41 Burrowa Nezu S. li'ales ...34.30 Burrundie N. Territoiy, S. Australia 13' 30 Burry Inlet Wales 51.38 Bursclieid Prussia 51.5 Burslem England 53.3 Burton New Brunswick .46.0 Burton-in- Kondal England 54. 12 Burton-upon- Trent England 52-48 Burton Fort Ireland. 54-58 Burn, Cape .Malay Peninsula r.17 Buru Island Moluccas 3.30 Burujird Persia 33-54 Bury England 53-35 Bury St. Edmunds England 52.15 Busby Scotland 55.48 Bush River Ireland 55.7 Bushey England 51.38 Bushire Persia 28. 59 Bushman L\mii...Cape Colony 29-37 Bushmills Ireland. 55-12 Busi River Port. E. Africa .20.0 Biisk Siberia 52-30 Bussa Sokoto 10-45 Bussaco Portugal 40-24 Bussang Sokoto, Nigeria. .10.1$ Busselton W. Australia ---33. 38 Bussora Asiatic Turkey. . .30- 30 Busto-Arsizio Italy 45-37 Busuanga ]s\a.ntl. Philippines 12-0 Bute, CO Scotland 55-40 Bute Island Scotland 55-50 ButeSouud Scotland 55-43 liuller Pennsylvania ....40.S3 Butler's Bridge. ..Ireland. 54-3 Long. 143- 53 E. 27- 12 E. 0.3 W. 15.36 E. 14.24 E. 12.28 E. 147.10 E. 9.0 w. 1-37 E. 1-38 w. II. 12 E- 27-30 E- 7-38 E- 0-7 w- 1.38 E. 3-3 w. 3-30 w. 9-7 E. 3.42 w. 5.0 E- 80,14 E- 76-16 E. 55-9 w. 89.16 E. 77.24 E. 139-50 E. 1.45 W. 91.17 W. 74-54 w. 73- 13'"'. 96.0 E. 7-18 w. 152.6 E. 7- 24 w. 0.49 E. 3-0 w. 0,45 E. 145-56 E. 2-15 W. 2-4 w. 1-57 w. 138-44 E. "3 14 w. 1. 19 w. 123.0 W- 2- 55 ■"• O-6 w. 4.23 w. 148.45 E. 131-45 E- 4- 16 w. 7-6 E. 2.12 w. 66.45 '^• ALap 119 82-83 20-21 40-41 42-43 48-49 123 84 14-15 20-21 40-41 50-61 44-46 14-16 20-21 16-17 2627 44-45 46-47 36-37 63 63 94 63 66 123 16-17 100-101 102-103 102103 68-69 32-33 123 32-33 20-21 18-19 20 21 120 16-17 28-29 16-17 121 28-29 24-26 98-99 26 27 46-47 2425 118 116-117 14-15 40-41 18-19 94 2.S3W. 16-17 1-39 w. 8. 29 w. 104.20 E. 126.30 E. 48.48 E. 2.18 w. 0.43 E. 4. 17 w. 6.27 w. 0.22 w. N. 50-50 E, S. 19-40 E. N. 6.31 w. S. 33-12 E. N. 84.48 E. N. 4-22 E. N. 8. 14 «-. N. 4.22 E. S. 115. 21 K- N. 47.50 E- N. 8-52 E. N. 120.0 E. N. 5. 10 w. N. 5-5 w- N. 5-8 w. N. 79.58 w. N. 7.23 w. 20-21 32-33 70-71 70-71 60 16-17 20-21 28-29 30-31 20-21 60 86-87 32-33 78-79 76-77 84 46-47 84 122 60 48-49 70-71 28-29 28-29 28-29 102103 32-33 19 But GEXERAL INDEX Cam Lat. Long. Baton Island Philippiues s-o s. 123.0 E. Butt of T.ewi~;......SVt'//a«ii' 58-31 N. 6.14 \v. Buttauf Plain Palestine 32.48 N. 35.18 e. Butte Montana 46.0 N. 112.30 \v, Butterley England 53.4 N. 1.19 w. Buttermcre England 54-31 N. 3.16 w. Butterworth Cape Colony 32.2a S. 28.8 E. Buttevant Ireland. 52.14 N. 8.40 w. Butung \%\-Aw(K.... Dutch E. Indies. 6.36N. 99.8 E. Buxton England SS-^SN. i-S5 w. Buy, Loch Scotland 56.21 N. 5.55 w. Buyukderch Turkey 41.8 N. 29.1 e. Buzeu River Rumania 45.12 N. 26.48 E. Buzuluk Russia 52.48N. 52.14 K. Bwlch Mawr Wales 53.1 N. 4.22 w. Byam Martin I.. A^.-IV. Territrs-.y^.^oiJ. 79.0 w. By noe Harbour ..iV. Territory, S. Australia. 12.40 s. 130.30 E. Byrock A^ew S. Il'Vi/fj-. .. 30.15 s. 146.15 e. Byron, Cape A^e7v S. Wales ... 28.^9 S. 153.38 E. Byron Island Gilbert Islands... 1.25 s, 176.10 e. Byron Island A^ova Scotia 47.50 n. 61.30 w. Caaguazu, Cord, of Paraguay 26. Cabanas Cuba 23. Cabes and QuM... Algeria 33. Cabeza Spain 38. Cabinda Angola 5. Cabo de la Nao... Spain 38. Caboolture Queensland, 27. Cabot Quebec 48. Cabourg' France 49. Cabra Spain 37. Cabrncli, Buck oi Scotland 57. Cabral ia Brazil 16. Cabrera Island ...Spain 39. Cabriel River Spain 39. Cabrobo Brazil 8. Cabul (Kabul) Afghanistan 34. Caccam o Sicily 37. Caceres Spa in 39. Cachapoyas Peru 6. Cacliar Plains E.B'^al b' Assam^^. Cacbinal Chile 25. Caconda A ngola 14. Cacongo, dist West Africa 5. Cadenabbia Italy 45. Cader Idris, Jits. Wales 52. Cadibona, Pass oiltaly 44. Cadiz Spain 36. Caen France. 49. Caergwrle Wales 53. Caerleon England 51. Caerphilly Wales 51. Caerwyo Wales'. 53. Caesarea Palestine 32. CagayanSuIuI...£aj/ Indies 6. Cagliari Italy 39. Ciigliari, Gulf oi .Italy 39, Caguan Colombia 2, Caguan River Colombia 1. Caha Mountains. , Ireland. 51. Cah e r Irela nd 52. Caberconlish Ireland 52. Caherdaniel Ireland. 51. Cabirciveen Ireland 51. Caliore Point Ireland. 52. Cab ors France 44. Caia River Portugal 39. Caicos Islands.... West Indies 21. Cairn Goini Scotland 57. Cairn Table Scotland 55. Cairnbulg Scotland 57. Cairns Queensland. 16. Cairnsmore of Fleet Scotland 55- 1 5 N'- Cairntoul Scotland 57.3 n. Cairo I^gypl 50.2 n. Cairo Illinois 37.0 n. Caistor England 52.34N. (.'aithness, co Scotland 58.25N. Caithness, Ord oiScotland 58.10 N. Caivano Italy 40. 55 N- Cajamarca Peru 7.6 s. Calabar, Old, R.. West Africa 4.34 N. Calabozo Venezuela 8.58 n. s. 55-5° w. N. 82.56 w. S.S N. 10.4 E. .36 N. 5-31 w. 40 s. 11.5 E. 43 N. 0.13 E. b s. 152.59 E. 33 N. 67.53 w. 20 N. 1.52 E. 29 N. 4-3° w. .18 N. 2.59 w. 10 S. 38-57 w. 5 N. 2.55 K. .25 N. 1.32 \v. 30 s. 39.20 w. 30 N. 69.18 E. •55;'- 13-37 E. .25 N. 6.ig w. .15 S. 77.41 w. 4,S N-- 92. 50 E. .1 s. 69.38 W. 4 s. 15.32 E. 30 s. 12.45 K. •59 N. 9.14 E. 42 N. 3-54 w. 20 M. 8.22 E. 33 N. 6. 17 w. .UN. 0.21 w. 7 N. 3-3 w. 37 N. 2.58 w. 35 N. 3.14 w. 15 N. 3.19 w. .30N. 34-53 B. ,S4N. 118.30 E. .13N. 9.6 E. .8 N. 9-iSK. .0 N. 74-45 w. .0 N. 73.20W. ■45 N. 9.42 w. .22 N. 7-55 w. .36 N. 8.28 w. .46 N. 10.6 w. .S7N. 10. 13 w. 33 N. 6.12 w. .26 N. 1.27 E. N. 7.2 w. 31 N. 71.32 w. 7 N- 3.40 w. 30 N. 3-58 w. 41 N. 1.57 w. 54 S. 145-44 E. 4-13 w. 3.42 w. 3I-I5 K. 89. low. 0.42 E. 3.30 w. 3-31 w. 14.19 E. 78-35 W. 8.27 E. 67.3s ''• 70-71 26 27 eo 106 20-21 16 17 86-87 34-35 70-71 18-19 2125 60-51 £061 64 E5 38-19 9293 116-117 118 118 114-116 94 112113 106-107 80 46-47 82-83 4647 123 95 36 37 46-47 26-27 110-111 46-47 46-47 110111 68 48-49 46-47 110111 63 112-113 (82-83 8283 48-49 18 19 48-49 46-47 (36-37 1819 18-19 18-19 18-19 60 70-71 4849 48-49 110-111 110111 30 31 34-35 34-E5 34-35 34 36 30-31 36-37 46-47 106-107 24-25 24-26 26-27 123 28-29 24-25 81 101 20-21 26-27 26-27 48-49 110-111 78-79 UO-111 Lat. Calabre.-se. Italy.. 40.25 N. Calahiin, div Italy 39.5 n. CalaUorra Spain 42. 17N. Calais France, 50.57N- Calais Maine 45.9 K, Calama Chile 22.25 s. Calah-as Spain 37.51 N- Calascilietta Sicily 37-33N. Calatafimi Sicily 37-54 N- Calatavud Spain 41.2JN. Calatrava Spain 38.45 N. Calaveras llwer.. California 38.5 N. Calcutta Bengal 22.34N. Caldas da I'amhnPortugal. 39.22 N. Caliler, Mid Scotland 55-54N. Calder, West Scotland 55. 52 N. Calder River England 53-43 N- Caldera Chile 27.5 s. Caldera Ladrones Is 13.30 N. Caldew River England 54.57N. Caldy Island Wales 5I-37N- Caledon Ireland. 54.27N. C(dedon lii\er....Cape Colony 29.30s. Caledonia Ontario 43.3 N. Caledonian CanaliVo/ZcKif 57.5 n. Calewatta River .A'ew S. II 'ales ...31.30 s. Calf of Man Isle of Man 54.3 N. Calgary Alberta 5i.i5N'. Call Colombia 3-25 N. Calicut Madras 11.15N. California, state . United States . ...36.0 N. California, G. oi. Mexico. 27.30 N. Calimere Madras 10.18N. Callan Ireland. 52.33N. Callander. Scotland 56. 14N. Callao Peru 12.2 s. Callaqui Vol Chile 38.32 s. Calle-Calle U Chile 39.50 s. Callejon de Huaylas Peru 9.45 s. Calleria Pen4 6. jo s. Callernisb Lewis Island 58. 12N. Callington England 50.30N. Calliope Queensland 24.4 s. Calne England 51.27K Caloosahacliee 'R.Florida 26.35 n. Calpe Spain 38.36N. Caltabellota Sicily 37.33 N. Caltagirone Italy. 37.12X. Caltanisetta Italy 37.27N. Caltura Ceylon 6.34 N. Cabiniet Michigan 47. 15N. Calvados, dep France 49.5 N. Calverstown Ireland. 53. 5 N. Calvi Corsica, France. .42.^'^, Calvinia Cape Colony 31-25 s. Calw Wiirtemberg 48.41 N'. Cam River Cambridge 52. loN. Caniargo Bolivia 20.50 s. Camargue...; France 43.20N. C'amarones Bay ..Argentine Kep. ,.44.50 s. Cam bay Bombay 22. 18N. Canibay, Gulf of .^ow/^ay 22.0 N. Cambodia 4sia 12.0 N. Cambodia, il^ycFr. Indo-China... 8.36 N Camborne England 50.13N. Cainbrai France 50. lON. Cambrian Mts. ...Wales 52.20N. Cambridge England 52 13 N. Cambridge Maryland 38.31 N. Cambridge Massachusetts 42. 19 N. Cambridge Xcw Zealand 38.23 s. Cambridge, co. ..England 52.13N. Cambridge Gulf. . If. Australia.. .14.0 s. Camhyit^keum^th.. Scotland 56.8 N. Cambuslang .Scotland 55- 50 N. Cambusnethan ...Scotland 55. 47 n. Camden Arkansas 33-33 >'■ Camden New Jersev 39-53 N- Camden New S. U'ales ...34.1 s. Camden South Carolina. .24.17 a. Camel River England So. 33 N. Camel ford England 50.37N. Camerino Italy 43.8 N. Cameroons See Kanierun. Camlin River Ireland 53-45 N- Camooweal Queensland. 19. 57 s. Camp Ireland. 52.13N. Long. Jlap 17.ISE. 43-49 16. 30 E. 48-49 1.59 w. 46-47 1.50 E. 36-37 67.19 \v. 102-103 6q. 4 w. 112-113 6. i;4 w. 4647 14.18 E. 48-49 12.51 E. 48-49 1.40 w. 46 47 3-45 w. 4647 120.50 w. 106 88.24 E. 67 9.6 w. 46-47 3-30W. 28-29 3-35 w. 28-29 1.27 \v. 1415 70. ^6 w. 112113 14-1-38 E. 114-116 2.59 w. 1415 4.42 w- 1415 6. 50 vv. 32-33 27 20 E. 86-87 80.4 w. 96 4.50 w. 24 25 143.17 E. 118 4-49 «•• 16-17 114.30 w. 98-99 76.45 w. 110-111 75-49 E. 65 120.0 w. 105 111.30 w. 108 79.52 E. 65 7.23 w. 34-35 4.12 H-. 2859 77.10 »■. 110-111 71.22 \v. 112-113 73.20 w. 112-113 77. 12 W. 110-m 74.I4W. 110-m 6.42 W. 26-27 4.18 W, 18-19 151.6 E. 123 2.0 W. 18-19 81.40 w. 104 0.0 4647 13.12 E. 48-49 14-33 E- 48-49 14.2 E. 48-49 79-59 E. 65 88.23 «'• 102-103 0. 20 w. 36-37 6.47 w. 3435 8.44 E. 36-37 19.42 E. 86-87 8.45 E. 40-41 0. ^ E. 14-15 64. 58 w. 110-111 4.41 E. 36-37 64. :;o w. 110111 72.40 E. 64 72.0 E. 64 loc;.o E. 68-69 104.40 E. 68-69 5.18 w. 1819 3.12 E. 3637 3.40 w. 14-16 6 E. 20-21 76.16 w. 102-103 71.6 w. 102-103 175.14 E. 126-127 0.6 E. 20 21 128.0 E. 116117 3.50 W. 28-29 4.10 w. 2829 3-45 w. 2829 Q2.49 \v. 104 75.6 w. 102103 150.34 E. 118 80. 27 w. 104 4.41 w. 14-15 4.40 w. 1819 13.4 E. 4849 7. 52 w. 30-31 138. 17 E. 116117 9- 54 w. 3435 20 Cam GENERAL INDEX Car ..Italy.. Lat. ,.40.33 N. ■Campagna .. Canipagna d Roma Itaiy 42.0 N. •Campanha Brazil 21.53 3- ■Campania, d\v. ...Italy 41.0 N. Campi-spe River . Victoria 36.30 s. Campbell, Cape.. AV-d Zealand 41.46 s. Campbell Island. 5. Pacific Ocean. ^2.0 s. Campbell Town.. Tasmania 41-55 S. ■Can;pbellpur Punjab 33-47N. •Campbulltown Inverness 57-34 N. Campbelltown Yew S. Wales. ..-^.^ s. •Campbelltown. ...:V^;d' Zealand.. ..46.37 s. ■Campbelltown.. ..5u«//« Ans/ralia.34.^^ s. ■Campbeltown Scotland 55.26N. Campden England 52.3 n. ■Canipeachy B.iy...Ue.vico 20.0 N. Camperdown Holland C2.43N. ■Camperdown Victoria 38.15 s. CampiJano Italy , 39.30N. ■Campinas Brazil 22.35 S- ■Campine Netherlands 51.15N. Campobasso Italy 41.33N. Campobello Hicily 37.38 n. •Campobello Sicily 37.ISN. Campo-Formio ...Italy 46.1 N. ■Campos Brazil 10. o s. Campsie Fells Scotland 56.1 N. •Campvere See Vere. 'Cana Palestine 32.49N. 'Canadian 'Kwqv ..Oklahoma 35.22N. ■Canaku Mts British Guiana.. 3.3 N. ■Canandaigua AWo York 42.52 n. Canar Ecuador 2.30s. •Canary \%\Ar\'\% ...Atlantic Ocean. ..28.20 N. ■Canaveral, Cape . Florida 28.28 N. 'Cancale France 48.51 N. ■Candelaria A'evada 38.5 N. •Candelo .Vew S. U'a/w. .. 36.45 s. •Candia Crete 35-21 N. •Candia Island Mediterranean ...^^.is ^• •Canea Crete 35-30N- Cangas Spain 43-14 N. Oanglas Point Ireland. 51-59 N. ■Canicatti Sicily 37.20 s. Canigou, ^lonni.. France 42.31 N. ■Canisbay Scotland 58.38N. ■Canna Island Scotland 57.5 N. Catinaaore Madras 11-51 N- 'Cannes France 43-32 N. Cannock F.ngland 52.42 N. ■Cannonbar New S. Wales. ..21.20 a. Cannoucheo K Georgia 32.20N. Cannstatt Wiirteniberg 48.47 n. •Canonbie Scotland 55.5 N. ■Canosa Italy 41.12N. ■Canossa Italy 44.34N. 'Canpile Ireland 52. 17N. ■Canso, Cape Nova Scotia 45.14N. Canso, Strait ot..A'ova Scotia 45-35 N. Cantabrian ^\i^. .Spain 43.0 N- ■Cantal, dep France 45.0 N- •Cantal, Plomb duFrance 45.3 N. Canterbury England 51. i6n. -Canterbury A^e^a S. Wales.. 33-53 S. •Canterbury, prov.A''^jy Zealand. 43.40 s. 'CsLntoyhnvyiightNew Zealand 44.25 s. ■Canton China 23. 12N. ■Canton Ohio 40.50N. Canton River China 22.0 N. Cantyre, Mull oi. Scotland 55.18N. ■Cantyre Venm. ...Scotland 55.40N- Canuma Brazil 4.20 s. Canvey Island England 51.32N. Cap S.int^ Quebec 46.41 N. ■Cape Breton I. ...Nova Scotia 46.20N. Cape Coast C.is... Gold Coast 5.10 N. Cape Colony South Africa 31.0 s. Cape Fear V^xvar. North Carolina.. 3.^.^0^. Ca)ie River Gold- field Queensland. 20.32 s. •Cape Town Cape Colony 33-40 s. •Cape Verde Is -itlantic Ocean, .16.20^. •Cape York Vcnin. Queen stand. 14.0 H. Capella Queensland. 23.11 s. Capella Mts Hungary 45.0 N. •Capernaum Palestine 32. 52 N. ■Capertree New S. ira/«...33.9 S- Lu,i; 15-8 Miip 48-49 . 12.10 E 4849 - 45-11 w 112-113 15.0 E. 48-49 - i4-t-36 E 119 . 174-17 E. 126 127 169.0 E. 114-115 147-30 E. 120 7->.23 E. 66 4.2 w. 2627 150.50 E. 118 168.15 E. 126-127 138.43 E. 121 536 w. 28-29 1.47 w. 18-19 93-30 w. 108 4-38 E. 38 143-9 E. 119 8.53 E. 48-49 46.48 W. 112-113 5.I5E. 38 14.41 E. 48-49 12.43 E. 48-49 13-56 E. 48-49 13. II E. 48-49 53- w. 110-111 4.13 w. 24-26 35.20 E. 60 04. c:2 w. 104 58-55 «■- 109 77.18 w. 102103 79. 10 w. 110-111 16.30 w. 78-79 80. 33 w. 104 1.50 E. 36-37 117.40 w. 105 149.40 E. 118 25.7 E. 60-51 25.0 1:. 50-51 24.1 E. 60-61 6.29 w. 46-47 10.15 \v. 30-31 13-52 E. 4849 2.30 E. 36-37 3.8 w. 26-27 6.30 W. 24-25 75-25 E. 65 6.56 E. 36-37 2.2 W. 18-19 147-17 E. 118 82.6 W. 104 9.14 E- 40-41 2.57 w. 28-29 16.3 E. 4849 10.27 E. 48-49 6. 56 w. 34 35 61.0 W. 94 61 20 w. 94 6.0 w. 46-47 2.40 E. 36-37 2.45 E. 36-37 1.5 W. 2021 151.8 E. 118 II7.10 E. 126-127 171.40 E. 126-127 113.15 E. 74 81.27 w. 102-103 114.0 E. 74 5-49 w. 24-25 5.35 «•. 24-25 59- w. 110-111 0.32 E. 14-15 71.41 »■. 95 60.40 w. 94 I- 13 w. 84 34.0 E. 86-87 78.38 w. 104 145.28 E. 123 18.30 E. 85 24.0 W. 4-5 143-0 E. 123 148.4 E. 123 15.0 E. 42-43 35-36 B. 60 150.2 K. 118 Lat. Capiberibe River.i?r£2£;7.. 8.0 s Capo d'lstria Austria 4S-33N. Cappamore Ireland 52.37 N. Cappoquin Ireland. 52. 14 n. Capraja Island ...Italy 43.2 x. Caprera Island ...Italy, 4r.i2N. Capri Island Italy 40.32N. Captain's \'\^i,...New S. Wales ...■>,^.2p^. Capua Italy.. 41.6 N Caqueta \\.\v%v.... Colombia 0.30 N. Car Nicohur Hay of Bengal 9.20 N, Cara, Lough Ireland. S3. 41 N. Carabobo, sla'o.. Venezuela 10. ion. Caracas Venezuela 10. 28 n. Carao-b, \^o\\y;^\\ ...Ireland. 52.3 N. Caramullo ba. ile Portugal 40.30N. (!'araraut Victona 37- 50 s. Caraquette New Brunsioick .^-j.^gn. Caraqu e tte Uay . . A'ew Brunswick . 47. 55 n. Caravaca Spain 38.5 n. Caravaggio Italy, 45.29N. Caravaya, Andes of Peru 13. 30 s. Caravellas Brazil 17.40 s. Carberry Hill Scotland 55 55 n. Carbonara, Cape./Zrt/v 39.6 k. Carbondale Pennsylvania 41.31 N. Carboniere Newfoundland . . .47.45 N. Carcageiite Spain 39.8 n. Carcans, Etang de/^ra«ff 45. ion. Carcarana River. Argentine Rcp....2,2.-^o s. Carcassonne France 4 3. 1 2 N. Carcbi, prov, Ecuador 0.30N. Carcoar New S. Wales ...23-36 S. Cardamom HiWs .Madras 9.27 n. Cardenas Bay Chile 23.6 n. Cardiff Wales 51.28N. Cardig-an Wales 52.5 n. Cardigan Bay Wales 52.20N. Cardona Spain 41.57N. Cardross Scotland 5 5- 58 N. Cardwell Queensland 18.15 S. Carenero Venezuela 10.28 N. Cariaco Gulf Venezuela 10.30N. Caribbean Sea.... West Indies 15.0 N. Cariboo , British Colninbia^^.-yy N. Caricari Brazil i. 50 N. Carignano Italy 44. 55 n. Carini Sicily 38.8 N. Carinthia, ^nc\xy. AustHa 46.40 N. Carisbrook Victoria 37. 2 S. Carisbrooke Cas.. Isle of Wight 50.42 n. Carlanstown Ireland 53-46N. Ca rl e ton A^e7V Brunswick , 4 6. 20 N. Carieton House Saskatchetvan ... 53.0 N. Carlingford Ireland 54.2 N. < 'arlingfi)rd L Ireland. 54.3 N. Carlingford Mt. ..Ire/and. 54.4 N. (.'arlisle England 54. 54 N. (.'arlisle Pennsylvania 40.10N. ( 'arlisle Quebec 48.2 N. Carlisle Bay Barbados 13.9 N. ( 'arl jolians vaorn. . Norway 59. 24 N. Carloforte Italy ...39.12 N. Carlopago Croatia 44.30N. Carlovitz Croatia 45- n N- Carlow, CO Ireland 52.43N. Carlsbad Boheiuia 50. 13 N. Carlshanin Sweden 56. ion. Carlsrube Germany 49.0 N. Carlton Notts, England. . 53. 10 N. Carlton Saskatchewan 52. 50 N. Carluke Scotland 55-44 N- Carlyle A^ew Zealand 39-43 S. Carraagnola Italy 44-5i N. Carmartlicn Wales 5T.52N. Carmarthen Bay. Wales 51.43N. Carniel, Mt Palestine 32.45 N. Carmen de Pata- gones Argentine Rep 40. 50 S. Carmona Spain 37. 29 N. Carmy II ie Scotland 5^. 35 N. Carnac France 47.30 n. Carnarvon Cape Colony 30-55 s. Carnarvon Queensland. 17. 10 s. C-arnarvon Tasmania 43-8 S. Carnarvon Wales 53.9 N. Carnarvon W, Australia 24.52 s. LOTIJ. JI.lp • 35-35 w. 110-111 . 13-44 E. 42-43 S 20 w. 34-36 ■ 7-50W. 34-35 - 9-49 E. 48-49 . 9-27 E. 48-49 - 14-15 E. 48-49 . 149- 10 E. 118 14-14 E. 4849 . 71.30 w. 110-111 . 92.56 E. 6869 ■ 9-15 w. 3031 . 67.30 W. 110-111 67. 2 W. 110-111 • 9-53 w. 3031 . 8. 20 w. 46-47 . 142-30 E. 119 64. 56 w. 94 . 64.50 w. 94 1-53 w. 46-47 - 9-37 E. 48-49 70. 30 w. 110111 39-14"- 110111 - 3-1 ''-■■■ 24-25 9-31 E. 48-49 75-36W. 102-103 5i.i6 w. 94 0. 29 w. 46-47 1.7 w. 36-37 63.50 w. 112U3 2.21 E. 3637 78.0 W. 110111 149-15 E. 118 76.52 E. 65 81.15 W- 112113 3, 10 w. 1819 4.39 w. 1819 440W. 18-19 1.40 E. 46 47 4-38 w. 28-29 146-5 E. 123 66. 57 \v. 110-111 64.0 w. 109 70. \v. 106107 121.30 w. 9899 61.0 \v. 109 7.40 E. 48-49 13.11 E. 48-49 14.0 E. 42-43 143-51 E. 119 1.20 W. 2021 6.51 w. 3233 67.30 w. 94 106.30 w. 98 99 6.12 w. 32-33 6.12 w. 32-33 6.i5^w. 3031 2.55 «•- 16-17 77.17 «■- 102103 65.22 w. 96 59-35 »■- 106-107 10.28 E. 62-53 8.18 K. 48-49 15.6 E. 42-43 19.56 E. 42-43 6.50 w. 34-35 12.50 E. 42-43 14. ';2 E. 62-53 8.25 E. 4041 0. 50 W. 2021 107.0 w. 98-99 3-51 »•- 2S29 174.27 E. 126-127 7.42 K. 48 49 4.19 \v. 1819 4-32 w. 18 19 35-2 E. 60 62.48 w. 112113 5- 41 w. 46 47 2.44 w. 28 29 3-4 w. 36 37 22.5 E. 86 87 139-45 E. 123 147. S2 E. 120 4.16 \V. 1819 "3-39 E. 122 Car GENERAL INDEX Cas lat. long. Carnarvon Bay... IKo/« 53.4 N. 4.30W. Carnarvon 'Ran^eQueensland.. 25.12 a. 148.18 E. Carnatic India 13.0 N. 7930 E. Carncistle Ireland 54-53 N. 5.53 »'. Carndomijili Ireland 55- '5 N. 7.17 «'■ Cainedd D.-ivjdd Wa/M 53.9 N. 4.2 w. Carnew Ireland S2.43N. 6.29 \v. Carney Ireland S4.21N. 8.31 w. Carnforth England 54.7 N. 2.47«'- Carnio Alps Austria 46.42 N. 12.30 E. Carniola Austria 45.58 N. 15.0 E. Carnlough Ireland S4-59N. 5.59 w. Carnmoney Ireland 54-41 N. 5-58 w. Carnmore Ireland S4.21N. 7.18 w. Carnoustie Scotland 56.31 N. 2.41 w. Carnsore Point ...Ireland 52.10 N. 6.17 vr. Carntogher (lili.) Ireland 54-54N- 6.48 w. Carnw-tth Scotland 55.42 N. 3.39 w. Carolina Brazil 6.58 s. 48.10 w. Carolina, North.. 6'Kj7«i/5/a/« 36.0 N. 77.0 \v. Carolina, South.. ^K;V(;rf 5/a/« 33-50N. 82.0 w. Caroline Islands. ..l/;Vro»«/a lo.o N. 148.0 E. Caroni River Venezuela 6.22N. 63.0 w. Carougo Switzerland. 46. nN. 6.8 E. Carpathians, ¥ or. Hungary 49.0 N. 23.0 E. Carpathian.^, Lit. //j/K^a/j 48.30N. 17.3 E. Carpentaria, G.of(5Kemj/(!nif, &><:.. 15.0 s. 140.0 E. Carpentras France 44.3 N. 5.3 E. Carpi Italy 44.46N. 10.52 E. Carra, Lough Ireland 53.42N. g.i2w. Carrantuohill Ireland 52.0 N. 9-47 »'- Carrara Italy 44-S N. 10.5 E. Carr.athool New S. lKa/« ...34-30 s. 145.30 E. Carrbridge Scotlpnd 57. 17 N. 3. 5° ^v. Carriacou Island. Windward Is. ...12.28 N. 61.27 "'■ Carrick..'. Scotland S5.10N. 4.40 w. Carrick-a-rede..../r«/anrf 55-" N- 6.20 w. Carrickart Ireland 55-iiN. 7.48 w. Carriokbeg Ireland 52.21 N. 7--5«'- Carrickfergus Ireland 54-43 N- 5-4^ w. Carrickn]aeros3.../rf/i7nrf 53 58 N. 6.43 w. C.arrickmines Ireland 53-I5N. 6.10 w. Carrick-on-Shan- non Ireland 53-57N. 85 w. Carrick-on-Suir. ../rf /a»rf 52. 21 N. 7. 24 w. Carrieton South Australia .2^.2^ s. 138.38 E. Carrig Ireland S1.36N. 9.19 w. Carrig Island Ireland 52.34N. 9.29-w. Carrigadda Bay ..Ireland 51.44N. 8.20W. Carrigaholt Ireland 52.37N. 9.43 w. Carrigaline Ireland 51.48 N. 8.23 w. Carrigallen Ireland 54.58N. 7.38 w. Carrigan Head ...Ireland 54-37N- 8.32W. Carrigboy Ireland S1.37N. 9.32 w. Carril Sfain 42.36N. 8.42 w. Carrollton Louisiana 30.1 N. 90.8 w. Carron Scotland 56.2 N. 3.48 w. Carron, Loch Scotland 57. 22 N. 5. 40 w. Carron River Scotland 57.27N. S.23W. Carronbrook. Ontario 43-31 K- 81.24 w. Carrowdore Ireland 54.34N. 5.38 w. Carrowkeel Donegal 55.8 N. 7.11W. Carrowkeel Calway 53-37N. S.ig-iv. Carrowmcre h. ...Ireland 54.12N. 9-47W. Carse of Gowrie,.AVo//aKi/ 56.25 N. 3 14 w. Carshalton England 5t.22N. o.iow. Carson Nevada 39.20 N. iig.46 w. Carsphairn Scotland 5S-I3N. 4.16 w. Carstairs Scotland 5S-42N. 3.42 w. Cart River Scotland 55-51 N. 4.26 w. Cartagena Colombia I0.22N. 75.32 w. Cartagena Spain -..37-37N. 0.55 w. Cartago Colombia 4-38N. 76.10W. Cartago Costa Rica 9-54N. 83.41 w. Carter Fell England 55.21 N. 2.3o\v. Carterton New Zealand.. ...^o.si S. 175-28 E. Carthage, ruins. .. 7"Kai.f 36-53Jf. 10.2 E. Cartier. Ontario 46.40 N. 81.30 w. Cartmel England 54.12 N. 2.57 w. Carunhanha Brazil I4-37S. 44.40 w. Carupano Venezuela 10.36N. 63. i6\v. Carvin France 50.28 N. 2.56 E. Carvoeiro, CapcPorti/gal 39.22N. 9.23W. Cis-tblanca Morocco 33-37N- 7-34 w. Casale Italv 45-7 N- 8.27 E. CasalpusterIeni;o.//a/)' 45.11 K. 9.38 E. Casamanza River West Africa 12.33N. 16.44 w. Casamicciola .Italy 40-44 N- i3-54 E. Map 18-19 123 66 32-33 32-33 38-19 34-36 32-33 16-17 42 43 42-43 32-33 32-33 32-33 28-29 30-31 30-31 28-29 110-111 104 104 114116 109 44-46 42-43 42-43 116-117 36-37 48-49 30-31 34-35 48-49 118 26-27 106-107 28-29 132-33 32-33 34-35 32-33 3233 34-36 32-33 34-36 121 34-35 30-31 30-31 34-36 34-35 32-33 30-31 34-36 4647 104 28-29 24-26 24-26 96 32-33 32-33 32-33 30-31 28-29 £0-21 105 28-29 28-29 24-26 110111 46-47 110-111 106-107 14-16 126-127 80 96 16-17 110-111 109 36-37 46-47 80 48-49 48-49 84 48-49 Lat. Casana Pass Szoitzerland. 46.30 N. Casas Grandes ...Mexico 30.5 N. Cascade Point ...New Zealand 44.0 s. Cascado Range... 5r:ViiA Columbia^-z.o N. Cascade Range. ..O/irfow 45.0 N. Cascoes Portugal 38-41 N. Casco Bay Maine 43.43 N. Cascunipeo B:\y ..FrinceEdwardl.^fi.soH. Caserta Italy 41.3 N. Cashel Ireland 5231 N- C.ashel Victoria 36.22 s. Caslien River Ireland 52.28 N. Cashmere See Kashmir. Casino New S. Wales.. ..tzS.s^If. Casma Peru 9.40 s. Casoria Italy 40.53 N. Caspe Spain 41.14N. Caspian Sea Russia 43.0 N. Casquot Eocks.. ..CAannel Islands. ^g.^z'S. Cassandra Penin.. Turkey 40-0 N. Cassano Italy 39-45 N. Cassano Italy 45-3' N. Cassel Germany 51. 19 N. C.assilis New S. Wales.... ■^t.o s. Cassiquiare HiverBrazil 2.30 N. Castel GantioUo.. Italy 41.45 N. Castel Sarrasiii ...France 44.2 N. Castelbuono Sicily 37'53N- Castelfranco Italy. 44.36N. Castelfranco Italy 45.40 N. Castellamnre Italy 40.42 N. Castellamare Sicily 38.1 N. Castellana Italy 40.52N. Castellanefcv Italy 40. 38 N. Castello lir.incci ..Portugal 39. 52 N. Castello de Wdo.Porlugal 39.24 N. Castellon de la Plana Spain 39-59N. Castelnaudary ....FYancc 43-i8 N- Castel termini Sicily 37.32 N. Castelvetrano Italy 37-41 N. C.asterton Victoria 37 3^ s. Castiglione Sicily 37.52 N. Castiglione delle Stiviere Italy 45.23 N. Castile, New Spain 39-50N. Castile, Old, prov. Spain 42.0 N. Castillon France 44.S2N. Castle Acre England 52.43 N. Castle Dawson Ireland 54.46N. Castle Donuiny- ton ^....England 52.52 N. Castle I)oag\ds.... Scotland 54.57N. Castle Haven Ireland 51.30N. Castle Point A'ctu Zealand 40.57 s. Castle Rising England 52.48 N. Castlebar Ireland 53-52 N. Castlebellin;;hani Ireland 53-54 N. Castleblakeney ...Ireland 53-27 N. Castleblayney'...../;-f/aKif 54.7 N. Castlebridge Ireland 52.23 N. Castlecary England 51.6 N. Castlecary Scotland 55-S8n. Castlecaiillield....A-«/aKrf 54-31 N. Castleconn r Ireland 52.48 N. Castleconnell Ireland 52. 43 N. Castled erg Tyrone. Ireland. ^^.^2N. Castlcdermot Ireland 52.55N. Castlcfinn Ireland 54-53 N- Castleford England 53.44N. Castlegregory ....Ireland 52.15 N. Castleisland Ireland. S2.14N. C.astlejordan Ireland 53-23N. Castlelyons Ireland 52.6 N. Castl emaino Ireland 52. 10 K Castlen;aine Victoria 37.4 s. Castl emartyr Ireland 51-54 ^'- Castlephniket Ireland 53-45 N- Castlepoint Nezu Zealand. 40.54 s. Castlepollard Ireland 53-41 N. Castlereagh Ireland 53.47X. Castlereagh Neiu S. Wales ...33.42 S- Castlereagh Bay .A''. Territor}', S. Australia 12.0 s. C.astlcreagliKiver.'\V2£/ 5. Wales ,..30.30 s. Castleton England 53-21 N. Castleton Scotland 55. UN. Castletown Cork, Ireland ,...^1.401^. Long. Map lo.o E. 44-46 108.3 w. 10» 168.18 E. 126-127 125.0 \v. 98-99 122.30 w. 105 9.26 w. 4647 70.5 w. 102-103 64.3 w. 94 14.22 E. 4849 7- ';3 w- 34-35 145.40 E. 11» 9,42 w. 30-31 J53-6 E. 119 78. 16 w. 110111 14.17 E. 48-49 0. 4 w. 45-47 51.0 E. 64-6& 2.12 W. 14-15 23-25 E. 60-51 16.19 E. 4S-49 g.31 E. 4849 9.31 E. 40-41 150.0 K. 11» 67.0 w. 110-111 12.39 E. 4849 1.8 E. 36-37 14.6 E. 48-49 II. 3 E. 48-49- 11-57 E. 48-49' 14.30 E. 48-49 12.52 E. ,48-49 17.12 E. 48-49 16-57 E. 48-49 7.30 w. 46-47 7.27 W. 46-47 0.5 w. 46-4T 1-57 E. 36-37 13-38 E. 48-49- 12.46 E. 48-49 141-25 E- 119 15.8 E. 48-49- 10.29 E. 48-49- 3.0 w. 46-4T 3-40 w. 46 47 0. 1 w. 3637 0.41 E. 20-21 6.34 w. 32 33 1.22 W. 20-21 356 w- 28-29- Q.8 w. 34-35 176.12 E. 126-127 0.28 E. 20-21 9-I7W. 32-33 6.23 w. 32-33 8.28 w. 32-33 6.45 «•■ 32-33 6. 26 w. 34-35 2.31 w. 18-19 358 w. 28-29 6. 50 w. 32-33 7.12 w. 34-35 8.29 w. 34-35 7-35 w. 32-33 6. 50 w'. 3435 7-35 w. 32-33 I. 21 w. 16-17 10. 1 w. 34-36 9.28 w. 34-36 7.6 w. :2-33 8.13W. 34-35 Q.42 W. 34-35 144.14 E. 119 8-3 w. 34-36 8. 20 w. 32-33 176. 1 E. 126-127 7. 18 w. 3233 8. 29 w. 32-33 150.43 E- 118^ 134.5s E. 116-117 148.17 E. 118 1-47 «'. 16-17 2.49 w. 28-29- 9-57 w- 34-35 Cas GENERAL INDEX Cha Lat. Castletown Cork, Ireland..... ^1.^6}^. Castletown Is/e 0/ Man 54.4 n. Castletown Limerick S2.26N. Castletown Scotland 58. 36 n. Castletown \ Vest Meath 53- 27 N. Castletown-Berc- haven Ireland 5^^ ■ 39 N. Castletownvoche. Ireland 52.11 N. Castle to wn send . . Ireland 5 1. 32 n. Castlewellan Ireland 54.16N. Castor England 53-30N- Castres France 43-36N. Castries, Port Santa Litcia 140 N. Castro Brazil 24.46 s. C;istro del Rio Spain 37.43N. Custro U^diaIe^^..5/a^« 43-25 N. Castrugiovanni...67a7y 37-32 N. Castrovillari Italy 39.47 n. Castrovireyna Peru 13.22 s. Castuera Spain 38.41 N. Cat Island Baha mas 24. 30 N. Cat Law Scotland 56. 44 n. Catalao Brazil 1S.17 s. Catalonia, \)rov... Spain 4^-35 N. Catamarca Argentine Rep. ..27.59 s. Catanduanes J Philippines 13- 42 N. Catania Italy 37.28 n. Catanzaro Italy 38- 55 N. Cataract Hill Tasmania 41.30 s. Catastrophe, Q... South Australia 35.1 s. Catawba Kiver ...South Carolijia ..34.50 N. Cateau, Le France. 50.4 N. Caterham England 5i.i7N. Catharine Canal. . Russia 6 r. o N. Cathcart Scotland 55- 5° N. Cathkin Peak: Cape Colony 29.4 s. Catinf^a 'Kx^jmv ....Brazil 17-25 S. Cato Bank Oceania 23.0 S. Catoche, Cape.... Kwca/cw, Mexicoi\.-^'i'^. Catorce Mexico 23.38 n. Catrail,. Scotland 55.20N. Catria, Monte. ...Italy. 43.27N. Catrine Scotland 5'5-3i N. Catrone^. Italy 39.8 N. Catskill New York 42.13N. Catskill Mts New York 42.12N. Cattaro Aust?-ia 42.23 n. Cattegat Denmark 56.50N. Cat tolica Sicily 37. 26 N. Cauca River Colombia 8.0 N. Caucasus Mts Russia 43.0 N. Caudebec France 49. 31 N. Caulrield Victoria 37-51 S. Caura River Venezuela 5.40 N. Causeway Ireland 52.25 n. Gausses, Plat. desFrance 44. 30 N. Cautereta France 42.54N. Cauvery Kwqt.... Madras 12.0 N. Caux, dist France 49.42 n. Cava dei 'T'lvvQwi. Italy 40.42 n. Cavado River Portugal 41-32 N. Cavaillon France 43' 51 N. Cavalli River Liberia 5.20N. Cavan and co Ireland 53-59N. Cave, South England 53.46N. Cavendish Victoria 37- 30 S. Caviani Island. . . . Brazil o. 12 N. Cavite Philippine Is 14.35N. Cawarral Queensland, 23.15 s. Cawdor Scotland S7- 32 N. Ca wnpur United Provinces 26, 28 N. Cawood England 53-50N. Cawsand BesLCon. Efigland 50.42 N. Cawston England 52.47N. Caxias Brazil 5. 7 s. Caxton England 52.13N. Cayambe, Mt Ecuador 0.2 N. Cayenne French Guiana.. 4.49 N. Cayman Islands.. West Indies 19.20N. Cayo Romano.... C«^a 22.10N. Cayuga Ontario 42.57N, Cayuga Lake New York 42.40 n. Cazalla de la Sierra Spain 37-S6n. Cazorla Spain 37-55N. Ceara Brazil 3.43 9. Cecilstown Ireland 52.11 N. Cedar Bergen Cape Colony 32.15 s. Long. Map 8.S7W. 34-35 4 40 w. 16-17 8.48 w. 3436 3-23 w. 26-27 7.28 w. 34-35 g.54w. 3435 8.28 \v. 34-35 Q. 19 w. 34-35 5S7W. 32-33 0. 19 w. 1617 2.14 K. 36 37 61. 1 w. 106-107 50-3 w- 112-113 4 31 w. 4647 3.18 w. 46-47 14.18 K. 4849 16.13 E. 48-49 75 I3W- 110-111 5-3f>w. 46-47 75-3° w. 106-107 3.7 w. 24-25 47.30W. 110-111 2.0 E. 46-47 67.7 w. 112-113 124.18 B. 70-71 15-3 K. 48-49 16.37 K. 4849 147.10 E. 120 13.S 54 E. 121 82.20 w. 104 3,22 K. 36-37 0.6 w. 20-21 55° E- 64-55 4.16 w. 28-29 29.10 E. 86-87 45-55 w. 110-111 156.0 E. 114115 87.4 w. 108 lOI.O w. 108 2.45 w. 28-29 12.41 E. 48-49 4. 20 w. 28-29 17.8 E. 4849 73-53 w. 102-103 74.20 w. 102-103 18.33 E. 42-43 II. E. 39 13-23 E. 48-49 75.20 W. 110-111 45.0 E. 64-65 0.31 E. 36-37 143-54 E. 119 64.30 w. 109 9.44 w. 34-35 3.20 E. 3637 0.7 IV. 3637 75-34 K. 65 0.30 E. 36-37 14.42 K. 4849 8.41 -w. 46-47 5-0 E. 36-37 7.32 w. 84 7.22 w. 32-33 0. 36 w. 1617 142. I E. 119 50. 10 W. 109 120.50 E. 70-71 150-45 K. 123 3-55 w. 26-27 80.24 K. 63 1.8 \v. 1617 3-56 w. 14-15 1.9 E. 20-21 42. 50 W. 110-111 0.7 W. 2021 77.38 W. 110-111 52.18 W. 109 81.15 ^^• 106107 78.0 w. 106-107 79.56W. 96 76.45 w. 102-103 5-51 w. 46-47 2.57 w. 46-47 38-4 w. 110111 8.46 w. 34 35 19.10 E. 86-87 Lat. .29.8 Cedar Koyg Florida.... Cedar Itapids fowa 4i.s7N. Ced.ar River Iowa 42.30N. Cedros Island Afexico 24.37K. Cefalu 'Sicily 38.1 n. Ceglie Italy 40.39N. Cehegin .'>pain 38.5 N. Celaya .\fexico 20.34 N. Celbridge Ireland 53.21 N. Celebes I.sland,.../;arf/«if/tv 2.0 s. Celebes Sea East Indies 3.0 N. Cellardyke Scotland 56. 14N. Celle Germany 52.38N. Cenis, Mont France. 45. 17N. Cento Italy. 44.44 N. Central America. 12.0 N. Central City Colorado 39.48 N. Central Mount Stuart South Australia 22.0 s. Central Provinces/«:f:a 22.0 N. Cephalonia I Greece 38.1SN. Cephissus River.. G^-e-s^ 38.2 N. Ceram Island Moluccas...: 3.0 s. C6ra River France 44.55N. Ceres Scotland 56. 18N. Cerignola Italy 41.15N. Cerigo Island Greece 36.15 N. Cerigotto I.skuid . Greece 35. 50 N. Cerne Abbas England 50. 48 N. Cerreto Italy 4I.i6n. Cerro Cotzic Guatemala 15. n N. Cerro de rascu.../^tfr« 10.48 s. Cerro de San Felipe Spain 40.28 N. Cerro Duida Venezuela 3.40 N. Cerro Gordo Mexico 20.30N. Cerro Largo Uruguay 32.28 s. Cerro MunchiqueCt3/f;«<5/a 2.35 n. Cerro Nevada Argentine Rep. ..35.10 s. Cerro Queniada..G«a/e?«a/ti 14.49N. Certaldo Italy 43-33N. Corvera, Ca,\>e.... France 42.28N. Cervetri Italy 41.59N. Cervin, Mont Switzerland. 45.58 N. Cesena Italy 44.8 N. Cetigne Montenegro 42. 45 N. Cetina River Austria 43.50N. Cette France 43.23N. Ceuta-. Marocco 35.52 N. Cevennes Mts France, 44. 15N. Ceylon Island Indian Ocean .... 8.0 N. Cezimbra Portugal 3S.26N. Cliablais, dist France 46.14 N. Chablis France 47.50N. Cliachapoyas Peru 6.20 s. Chad, Lake Sudan 13.30N. Chagny France 46.56N. Chagos Islands .../Ka!/a?i 0(fi2« .... 5.0 s. Chagres Panama 9. i8n. Chahbar Persia 25. i6n. Chaibasa Bengal. 22.33 N. Chaki-Chaki Peniba Island .... 5.25 s. Chakrata United Provinces ^0.4;^ N. Cliakwal Punjab 32. 56 N. Clialau Bil E.B'galb' Assam2a,.o N. Cbalcidice Turkey 40.25N. Chaleur Bay New Brunswick .nj .^^'S. Chalfont St. Giles England 51.38N. Chalgrove England 51.41 N. Chalkis Greece 38.27N. Ctialons-sur- Marne France 48.59N. Ch^lon-sur-Sa6ne/'Va«Cf 46.47N. Chama, Rio Venezuela 8.20N. Chamalhari, lilt.. Northern India. .•^■j.^'i.Yi. Ciiaman Baluchistan 30.55 N. Chamba Punjab 32. 29 N. Cliambal liiv^r ...PaJ/utaua 24.48 N. Chamberlain South Dakota 43.53N. Cha.mhertihurg. ...Pennsylvania 39.53N. Ciiambery France 45.34N. Chambezi liiyev. . Brit.Cent. A/ricaii.o s. Chambly Quebec 45-27 N. Chanibord France 47-38 N. Chamen Tagh Tibet. 38.0 N. Chamouni France. 45- 56 N. Champagne, prov.Jv'UHCf 48.40 N. Long. 83.5 w. 93-30 w. 52.39 w. 102.18 w. 14.3 K- 17.31 E. 1.43 w. 100.28 w. 6.33 w. 120.0 E. 122.0 E. 2.41 w. 10.3 E. 7.0 E. 11.16 E. 86.0 w. 105.10 w. 133,0 E. 82.0 E. 20.33 E. 33-24 E- 130.0 E. 2.13 E. 2.58 w. 15-53 E. 23.0 E. 23.18 E. 2.29 W. 14-35 E. 91-55 w. 76. 12 w. 2.5 w. 65. 10 w. 96.48 w. 54-5 w, 77-5 w. 68.50 w. 91.31 w. II. 2 E. 3.10 E. 12.6 E. 7.40 E. 12.18 E. 19.0 E. 16.45 E. 3-42 E. 5.18 W. 3-44 E. 82.0 E. 9.6 w. 6.30 E. 3-47 E. 77.22 \v. 14.0 E. 4.47 E. 72.0 E. 79.5SW. 60.35 E. 85.51 E. 39-50 E. 77-54 E. 72.54 E. 89.12 E. 23.20 E. 65,25 w. 0.34 W. 1.6 w. 23.36 E. 4.20 E. 4.52 E. 71.8 W. 89.25 E. 66.34 E. 76.10 E. 75.26 E. 99.15 W. 77.41 W. 5-54 E. 31.30 E. 73.18 w. 1-33 E. 90.0 E. 6.51 E. 4.23 E. Hap 104 100-101 100101 108 48-49 48-49 46-47 lOS 34-35 70-71 70-71 28-29 40-41 36-37 48-49 106-107 100-101 116-117 63 50-61 60-61 70-71 36-37 28-29 4849 50-61 50-51 18-19 48-49 106-107 110-111 46-47 110-111 108 112-113 110-111 112-113 106-107 48-49 36-37 48-49 44-45 4849 60-51 42-43 36-37 80 36-37 65 46-47 36-37 36-37 110-111 78-79 36-37 4-5 110-111 68 63 82-83 63 66 63 60-61 94 20-21 20-21 5051 36-37 36-37 110-111 63 62 66 66 100-101 102-103 36-37 82-83 9S 36-37 72-73 36-37 36-37 23 Cha GENERAL INDEX Che Lat. Champaign Illinois 40.7 N. Champerico Guatemala 14.50N. Champigny France 48.50N. Champion Bay ... 11' Australia 28.45 s. Champlain, L Vermont 44.30N. Chamundihetta Hill Mysore i2.t7N. Chanar Untied Provincesz%.Z N. Chanaral Chile 26.18 S. Chancay Peru 11.27 s. Chancellor.sville.. Virginia 38. 14N. Chanchan 'Rnev.. Ecuador 2.158. Chanda CeniralProvincesi^. 56 N. Chandarnajjfar Bengal. 22.52 N. Chaudausi United Provinces2Z.2j N. Chandbabi Orissa 20.46N, Chanderi Givalior 24.42N. Chandor Bombay 20.20N. Chandos Queensland, 18.5 s. Chandpnr United Praviiicesy:>.^ N. Chandragiri \\. ...Madras 12.29X. Ciiang-chau China 24.28 N. Changkiakou China ....40.50N. Chang-sha China 28.22 N. Channel Islaniis. . England 49-20 N. Chantabun Siam 12.28N. Chantap.alli Madras 18.5 N. Chantilly France. 49.9 N. Chapada Brazil 5.30 s. Chapala, Lago ie.Mexico 20.40 N. Chapel - en - le - Frith England 53.21 N. Chapelizod Ireland 53-21 N. Chapeltown Ireland 52.17N. Chappell Islands. Tasmatiia 40.17 s. Chapra Bengal 25.46 N. Chapultepec See Mexico. Chard England 50.53N. Charente, dep — France 45.40X. Charente 'R\\ev... France 45.50N. Charente-Inferi- eure, dep France 45.45>'. Cbarenton- le- Pont France 48.47 N. Chargut Lake.... rife/ 31-48N. Charing. England 51-13N. Charing-Xor (L.) Tibet 34-56N. Charjui Asiatic Russia. ..-yj.o N. Charlbury England 5r.52N. Charlemont Ireland 54.22N. Charleroi Belgium 50.25 N. Charles, Cape Labrador 52. 14 N. Charles, Cape Virginia 37.5 N. Chs.rXesLoVih'Sils.DutchN. Guinea. 4.0 3. Charleston New Zealand. 41.55 S. Charleston North Carolina. . 35. 22 N. Charleston South Carolina. .22. ^2 ^'* Charleston West Virginia. ..28.21 N. Charlestown Mayo, Ireland ...53.5711. Charlestown Nevis, W. Indies. 17. 8 N. Charlestown Scotland 56.2 N. Cbarleton Vomx. .Anticosti Island. ^<^.^o'S. Charlevillo France 49.47 N. Charleville Ireland 52.22 N*. Charleville Queensland 26-55 S- Charl otte North Carolina.. 35. 17 N. Charlotte KvaaWe. Danish IV. Indiesi8. 20 N. Charlotte Harb. .Florida 26.45N. Charlotte is]and. Gilbert Islands... 1.50N. Charlotte 1'ov:n.. Dominica 15.21 N. ChcLT]ottenhur^^... Germany 52.32N. Charlottetown . .. ./"rjTjire Edwardl.^6. 14 N. Charlton Victoria 36.2 s. CharnwoodForest£nf/a«rf 52.15N. Charollais, Jits. ..France 46.5 N. CharoUes France. 46.26 N. Charsada N.-W. F. Prozi.. 34.8 N. Charter MasAonaland..... 18. 33 s. Charters Towers. Queensland. 20.6 s. Chartres France. 48.26 N. Chartreuse, Gd. .France. 45.21 N. Chat Moss England 53.27 N. Chat's Rapids Ottawa .ffn-^r... .44.43 y. ChateauduEicher()«fer 47.0 N. Chateau Gontier. /^ranr^ .47. 50N. Cbiteau %o.\ms ...Germany 48.50N. Ch&teaubriant France 47-43 N- Chateaudun France 48.5 N. Long. Map 88.16 w. 100-101 92.50W. 106-107 2.22 E. 36-37 114.42 E. 122 73-25 «- 102103 76.44 E. 65 82.56 E. 63 70.44 w. 112113 77.24 w. 100-101 77.3an« 49.2 N. 3.21 E. 36-37 Chatellerault France 46.49N. 0.33 E. 36-37' Chatliam England 51.23N. 0.52 E. 20-21 Chatham A'ew Brunswick .47.2 N. 65. 31 w. 94 Chatham Ontario 42.27N. 82.20W. 96- Chatham Island.. 5. Paci/fir Offan 44.20 s. 176.0 E. 114-115 Chatillon France 47.53K. 4.33 E. 36-37 Chatillon Italy 45.45 N. 7.36 E. 48-49 Ch.atra Bengal. 24.12N. 84.56 e. 63- C'hatrapur Madras 19.21 N. 85.3 E- 65 Chatsu Jaipur 26.36N. 75.59 E. 66^ Chatswortli England 53.24N. 1.37 w. 16-17 Chatsworth I New S. II a/« ...29.23 s. 153.25 E. 118 ChattahoocheeR.^/aiama 31.18N. 84.6 iv. 104 Cliattanooga Tennessee 35.0 N. 85.21 w. 104- Chatteris England 52.27N. c.2 E. 20-21 Chattisgarh Central Provinces2\.20'S. 83.0 E. 63 Chatton England S5-32N'- i-55"'. 16-lT Chatyr Dagh Crimea 44- 50 s. 34.30 E. 64-55- Cbaudesaigues France 44.51 N. 2.59 E. 86-37 Cb.audfontaine....&i^/»OT 50.36^. 5.37 E. 38 Chaudiere Quebec 46..^ox. 71.17W. 95 Chaudiere Falls. .Un/ar/t; 45.21 N. 75.45 w. 96 Chaudiere RiVLr.^wtffefT 46.25N. 71.0 \v. 95 Chaumont France 48.6 N. 5.8 E. 36-37 Chaun Bay Siberia 70.0 N. 170.0 E. 76-77 Chaiingu Burma 21.57N. 95.18 E. 68-69 Chauny France 49.38X. 3.14 E. 36-37 Cbaur Pe.ak Punjab 30.S2N. 77.32 E. 66 Chautauqua & L.AVio Ko)v6 42.12N. 79.30W. 102-103 Chaux-de-Fond3.5z£/!7«;/anfl'.......47.6 N. 6.50 E. 44-45 Chaves Portugal 4i.44y. 7-33^. 46-47 Cheadle England 52.59N. 1.59 w. 18-19 Chebchi Mts Kamerun 840N. 11.50 E. 78-79 Cbech.at Rajputara 24.46 N. 75.56 E. 66 Chedabucto Bay.Awa 5<-c\.. China 29.0 N. 120.0 E. 74 Chellia, Mt Algeria 35.10 N. 7.0 K. 80 Chelmer Kivcr ...£«^/ani/ 50.45N. 0.33 E. 14-15 Chelmsford England 50-44N. 0.28 E. 20-21 Cheltenham England SLSj^- 2.5 w. 18-19 Cheltenham Victoria 37.57 s. 145.6 E. 119 Chelyabinsk Russia 55.20 X. 61.15 E. 54-55 Chelyuskin, C.....S!fen'a 77.33 N. 105.0 E. 76-77 Chemnitz Germany 50.50N. 12.55 E. 40 41 Chemulpo Korea 37.50 N. 126.30 E. 75 Cbenab River Punjab 32.0 N. 73.0 E. 66 Cliengalpat Madras 12.42N. 80.1 E. 65 Cheng-te China 41.0 N. 118.0 E. 74 Chengtu China 30.44N. 104.10 E. 72-73 Chennanur. Travancore 9.17N. 76.36 E. 65 Chepstow England 51-38X. 2.41 w. 18-19 Cher, dep France 47.0 N. 2.30 E. 36-37 Cher River France. 47.20N. i.o E. 36-37 Cberasco Italy 44-59N- 7 5' E. 48-49 Cherat A'.- II'- /•". /'/■1W..33.50K. 72.1 E. 66 Cherbourg France 49.38 X. 1.37 w. 36-37 Cherchel Algeria 35.33N. 2.10E. 80 Cherehen Oasis. ..£. Turkistan ....38.0 N. 85.30 E. 76-77 Cherdyn Russia 60.22N. 56.30 E. 54-55 Cheribon Java 6.55 s. 118.26 E. 70-71 Cherk.ask Russia 47.23 N. 40.17 E. 64-55 Cherkazy Russia 49.26N. 32.8 E. 64-65 Chernagora See Montenegro. Chernavoda Rumania 44.22K. 28.4 E. 50-51 Chernigov Russia 51.29N. 31.19 E. 64-55 Clierow South Carolina.. 34. 45'S. 79.50W. 104 Cherra Punji E.Ifgal&'Assam2S.i5ii. 91.45 E. 63 Cherso & I Austria 44.59N. 14.25 E. 42-43 Chertsey England 51.24N. 0.30 \v. 20-21 Cherwell Wixcr ...England 5I-5SN. i.i8w. 14-15 Chesape.-ike Bay.yV/aj^/a/i/ 38.0 N. 76 20 w. 102-103 Chesbam ...England 51.42N. 0.37W. 20-21 Cheshire, co England 53.12N. 2.52W. 18-19 Cheshunt England 5I-48N. 0.3 w. 20-21 Chesil Bank England 50.37N. 2.32 w. 18-19 Chesilton England 50-33N. 2.27W. 18-19 CheskaiaBay Russia 67.30N. 47.0 E. 54-55 Chesme Asiatic Turkey ..3(i.i8ft. 26.18 E. 60 Chester England 53.10N. 2.30W. 18-19 Chester Nova Scotia 44.34N. 64.13 w. 94 Chester Pennsylvania 39.52N. 75.20W. 102-103 Chester-le-Street.^n^/awrf.. 54.S2>'. i-35'n'. 16-17 Chester Bay Canada. 67.40 s. 102.30 w. 90-91 24 Che GENERAL INDEX Chu Lat. Loiij. Chesterfield England S3.14N. i-26 iv. Chesterfield Inlet A^.-H'. Tciritrs.. 63.25 a. 92.30 w. Clietang TiM 29.18N. 91.48 E. Chetpat \fadras 12.28 N. 79.23 E. Chettipalaiyam....l/.!rfrai 10.55N. 77. ,s E. Cheviot Neiu /.ealand... ..^2.^2 s. I73-I7 K. Cheviot, hill England 55- =9 N- 2-8 w. Cheviot Hills Scotland 55.18N. z.30 \v. Cheviot WtLXi'^e ...Queensland. 25.30 s. 141.42 E. Chew Stoke England 51.22N. 2.38 w. Cheyenne Wyojning, 41.9 N. 105. 20W. Chhanuya On'ssa 21.32N. 87.6 E. Ohhatnl; E.B'g,il&'Assam2Cj.2 N. 91.42 E. Chhattarpur Bundelkhand 24.54N. 79.38 E. Chhibraniau Un ited Provinces2j. 7 N. 79. 30 E . Chhinilwara Central Provinces22.-3, N. 79.0 K. Chhota Udaipiir. 50^^(1/ 22.18N. 74.8 E. Cliiam.lo Tibet. 3' 48 N. 97.54 E. Chiana River Italy 42-50N. 12.7 E. Chiap.as, state Mexico 16.25 N. 93.0 w. Chiaranionto Sicily 372 N. 14.43 R. Chiari Italy 4S-32N- 9-55 E. Chiavari Italy 44. igN. 9.19 E. C'hiavenna Italy 46.19 N. 9.23 E. Cliicacole Madras 18.17N. 83.56 E. Chicago Illinois 4I-53N'- 87.40 w. Chi-chau China 30-45 N- II7-3S E- Chichen-Itza Mexico 20.13 N. 88.12 \v. Chichester England 50.51 N. 0.47 w. Chicka'.iominv 'R.Virginia 37.3o>f; 77.22 w. Chickasawbi'R. ...l//wmi>/>; 3o.55N- 88.40 w. Chicken Rock Isle of Man 54.3 N. 4-5°"'- Ciiiclana Spain 36.25 N. 6.10 w. Chiclayo Peru 6.483. 79.51 w. Chico River Argentirie Rep.. .i,').o S. 70.0 w. Chicopee Massachusetts 42.9 N. 72.35 w. Chidambaram.... .1/rtrfraj 11.24N. 79-44 E. Chidley, Cape....Z,(!^ra(for. 62.2 N. 65.0 w. Chiera See Germany 47.56N. 12.25 E. Chiengm.ii Siam 18.50N. 99.2 E. Chienti River Italy 43-I7N. 13. 3° K. Chieri Italy 45.1 N. 7-49 E. Chieti llaly 42-21 N. 14.10 E. Chi-fu China 37-31 N. 121.25 E. Clii_sfnecto B.i\-. ...Voi'a Scotia 45-35 N- 64-3° w. Chigwell .' England 53-38N. 0.5 E. Chihuahua Mexico 28.32 N. 106.15 w. Chikballapiir Mysore.. 13.26 n. 77.46 E. Chikislar Asiatic Russia. ..yj.ap-a. 53.57 E. Chikmagalur Mysore... 13.18 N. 75-49 E. Chil.aw Ceylon 7-36N- 79-49 E. Cliilders Queensland. 25.183- 152.20 E. Chile, Republic. ..i'tiK//; ^wifWfii... 35.0 s. 71.0 \v. Chilianwala Punjab 32.40 N. 73-39 K- Chilka, Lake Madras, b'c 19.40 N. 85.20 E. Chilkoot Puss Brit. Columbia.. 60.0 N. 135.0 w. Chillagoe Queensland. 17.10 s. i44-4° E. Chilian Chile 36-4 S. 71-57 w. C'hillicoths Missouri 35-47 N. 92.34 w. Chillicothe Ohio 39-17N. 82.58 w. C'hillingham England 55-32N. i-S5w. Chillon Switzerland 46-25N- 6.55 E. Chiloe, Island of . C/h7. 74-iiw. 110-111 Chiquita, Lake... .-?/;^.?«//«^ yi'i'/. ..31.0 s. 63.0 w. 112 113 Chirakkal Madras ii.54N'. 75.24 E. 65 Chirala Madras 1S-58N. 80.4 v.. 65 Chiriqui, Cord. dcAiffrtw/a 8.45N'. 82. 10 w. 110 111 Chiriqui Vol Costa Rica 9.0 N. 82.0 w. 106-107 Chirk Wales 53-57N- 3 4 w. 18-19 Chirnsido Scotland 56.48N. 2.12 w. 28-59 Chiromo Brit. Cent. Africaxd.jp'i. 35.12 E. 78 79 Chislehurst England 51.25^. 0.4 E. 20-21 Chistopol Russia 5S.22N. 50.33 E. 64-55 Chiswick England 51.28N. 0.9 w. 20-21 Chita Siberia 52.2 N. 113.37 E. 76-77 Chitaldrug Mysore 14.14N. 76.26 E. 65 Chitambo Central Africa.. .12.30 S. 29.50 E. 82 83 Chit,anga British S. Africa2i.o a. 31.300. 78-79 Chitor Rajputana 24.52^. 74.41 E. 66 Chitr.al A'.- II'. /^. /'rot'.. 35.48 K. 71.52 E. 66 Chittagong E.B'gal&f Assam22.2i'S. 91.53 E. 63 Cliittur Cochin, Madras. .\o.3,2'S. 76.47 E. 65 Chittur Madras 13.13N. 79.8 E. 65 Chius.a Sicily., 37-42 N- 13-14 E. 48-49 Chinsi Italy 43.2 N. 11.57 E. 48-49 Cliivasso Italy 45.12N. 7.52 E. 48-49 Chivileoy Argentine Rep. ..3^.505. S9.58W. 112-113 Chivril Asia Minor. 38.20N. 29.50 E. 60 Chi.\oy River Guatemala 16.20 N. 90.30 w. 106-107 Cholie River Beihuanalaud... .17. y^s,. 25.0 E. 78-79 Chobham England 51.21 N. o. 37 w. 20-21 Choiseul \:i\o.ni\... Solomon Islands. 7.0 s. 157.0 E. 114-115 Choiseul Sound. ../(i//(-/^«/)'«fH''- Cloghane Ireland 52.14 N. Clobber Tyrone 54-^5 N- Clogher Head Kerry 52.9 N. Clogher Head Louth 53-47 N. Cloghy and "Q^y.. Ireland 54.26 y. Cionakilty k 'B^\y Ireland 51.37N. Cloncurry Queensland 20.40 s. Clonegall Ireland 52.42 N. Clones Ireland 54. 13^. Clonfert Ireland 53.^5 N- Clonmacnoise Ireland 53- 20 N- Clonmel Ireland 52.22 N. Clonmellon Ireland 53-39 >'- Clonmore Ireland 52,49 n. Clontarf Irelaiid 53-17 N. Cloonaghmorc Ireland 54. 1 2 n. Cloondara Ireland S3.48 N- Cioone Ireland 53-57 N- Clooneenbeg Ireland 53-35 N. Cloontuskert Ireland 54- 12 N. Closeburn Scotland 55-33 N- Closepett Mysore. 12.43 N. Cloudy Bay Neio Zealand ....41.30 s. Clough Jordan Ireland 52.7 n. Cloughton England 54. 20 n. Clo va Scotland 56. 5 1 N. Clovelly England 51.0 N. Cloyne Ireland 51.52N. Clun England 52.27N. Clunes Victoria 37.8 s. Clunie Scotland 56. 34 N. Cluny France 46.261?. Cluses France. 46. 3 n. Clusone Italy 45. 54 n. Clutha River A'ew Zealand. ....^6.20 s. Clwyd River Wales 53-12 n. Clyde A'ew Zealand.... .i\/^.c^6 s. Clyde New Zealand. 39.0 s. Clyde, Falls of Scotland 55-39N- Clyde, Firth oi... Scotland 55-30N. Clyde River Scotland 55-57 N- Clydebank Scotland 55-54^. Coa River Portugal 40. 55 n. Coachford Ireland 51-54 N- Coahuila, state ...Mexico 27.45 ^'- Coal Island Ireland 54-33 N- Coal River Tasmania 42.45 S. Coalbrookdale ....England 52.37 N. Coalville England 52.46N. Coary Brazil 4.20 s. Coast Range California 40.0 n. Coatbridge Scotland. S5-52N. Coats Land Antarctica 73.0 s. Coatzacoaltos Mexico 18.10 N. Cobalt Ontario. 47.2SN. Cobar New S. Wales ...■^\.y:> s. Cobbler, The Scotland 56.12 n. Cobbora New S. Wales ...-^z.^ s. Cobden Victoria 38- 19 S. Long. Map • 3-5 E. 36-37 2.52 -w. 18-19 1.0 w. 16-17 . 81.39 w. 102-103 • 153-19 E. 123 . 6.9 E. 40-41 ■ 9-45 w. 30-31 . 10. 1 w. 32-33 . 170.28 E. 126-127 • 2.43 w. 16-17 . 84.18 w. 104 . 82. low. 104 • 92-33 w. 104 . 121.35 w. 98-99 90.19 w. 100-101 . 71-42 »•. 102-103 • 75-24 "•• 102-103 169.16 E. 126-127 • 97-I5W. 104 109.6 w. 114-116 . 2.23 w. 16-17 . 176.50 E. 126-127 113.40 E. 122 • 4- 52 w. 24-26 • 7-9 w. 34-36 6.17W. 32-33 . 7.52 w. 34-35 10. 10 w. 34-36 7. II w. 32-33 10.28 w. 30-31 6.13 w. 30-31 5-28 w. 32-33 8. 50 w. 34-36 140.33 E. 123 6.38W. 34-35 7.17 w. 32-33 8.3 w. 34-35 7-59 w. 32-33 7.41 w 34-35 7.2 w. 32-33 6.34\v. 34-36 6.12 w. 32-33 9.18 w. 32-33 7-53 "■■ 32-33 7.47 w. 32-33 8.14 w. 32-33 9.1S w. 32-33 3-I3W- 28-29 77-19 E. 65 174-5 E. 126-127 8.2 W. 34-35 0.26 W. 16-17 3.6 w. 26-27 4.24 w. 18-19 8.7 w. 34-35 3-2 w. 18-19 143-47 E. 119 3.27 VV. 26-27 4-39 E. 36-37 6-34 E. 36-37 9-57 E. 48-49 169.50 E. 126-127 3-23 w. 14-15 169.26 E. 126-127 177.30 E. 126-127 3- 48 w. 24-26 5.0 w. 24-26 4-40 w. 24-25 4. 1 2 W. 28-29 7.0 Vf. 46-47 8.47 w. 34-35 101.4:; w. 108 6.42 w. 30-31 147.30 E. 120 2.27 w. 18-19 1.7 w. 20-21 64.3 w. UO-111 123.0 w. 105 4-3 w. 28-29 20.0 w. 7 94.20 w. 108 79.40'tu 5. I Vales ... 30. 25 s. Cofre de Yeroio ..Mexico ig.20N. Coggeshall England S'- 53 N- Cognac France. 45-41 N. Cohoo3 New York 42-45 N. Coiba Island Panama 6.20N. Coimbatore Madras lO.sgN. Coimbra Brazil 19.503. Coimbra Portugal 40.13N. Coin Spain 36.44N. Coire ..Switzerland 46.51 N. Cojedes River Venezuela 9.0 N. Cojutepeque Salvador. 13-48 N. Col de TArgcii- ti^re Switzerland. 44.25 N. Col de Pertus France 42.28 n. Col deir Altare...//a/)' 44.35 N. Col di Tenda Italy 44.8 N. Colao Victoria 38.31 S. Colare River New S. K''a/fi...33.40 s. Colberg Germany 54.10N. Colchester England SI-53N. Cold Fell England 55-32N. Coldingham Scotland S5-53N- Coldstream Scotland 5S.40N. Cold water Michigan 4 1. 54 N. Coleford Gloucester 51.47N. Coleford Somerset 51.14N. Colenso Natal. 28.44 s. Coleraine Ireland 55.8 N. Coleraine Victoria 37.36 s. Coleridge, Lako..A^^z^ Zealand 43.17 s. Coleroon Vci.\av ...Madras H.26N. Colesberg Cape Colony 30.34 S. Coleshill England 52.31 V. Colgong Bengal. 25. i6n. Colico Italy 46.6 N. Colima Vol Mexico 19-25 N- Colinsburgh Scotland 56. 13 N. Colinton .Scotland 55-54 N. Colinton N^ew S. Wales. ..-^s.^os- Colintraiye Scotland 55-56N. Coll Island Scotland 56.37N. CoUares Portugal 38.46N. Colle Italy 43- =5 N. Collegal Madras 12.10S. Collier Bay IK. Australia. ...16.0 s. Collieston Scotland 57-21 N. Collingwood ..New Zealand 40.41 S. CoUingwood Ontario 44-30 N'. Collinstown Ireland 53- 38 N. Collo Algeria 36.57 N- Collo dell' Altare Italy 4.1.20K, Colloouey Ireland 5i.iiN. Long. Map 63-35 w. 94 63-35 w- 94 O-25 E. 20-21 0. 24 w. 20-21 70. 14 w. 112113 7.35 E. 40-41 78.15 W. 96 76.7 w. 106107 12.59 E. 40-41 132.0 E. 116117 82.15 E. 65 65-45 W. 110111 76.17 E. 65 106.0 E. 68 69 151.15 E. 123 141. E. 121 72.0 w. 110111 71.30 w. 106107 83-35 w. 96 82.0 w. 92-93 2.22 W. 28-29 2-57 w. 28-29 3.22 w. 1617 3.6 w. 28 29 88.30 w. 106107 93.21 E. 6869 70. 10 w. 102103 10.6 w. 30-31 9.42 E. 48-49 143-15 E. 123 6-45 E. 38 135.12 E. 121 153.10 E. 118 97-21 w. 108 O-42 E. 20-21 0. IQ W. 36-37 73.46 w. 102-103 80. 30 w. 110111 76-59 !■:■ 65 57.15 w. 110111 8.24 w. 46-47 4.50W. 46-47 9.31 E. 4445 68. ^:; w. 110111 88. 58 w. 106-107 6-55 E. 44-45 2-55 E. 36-37 8.20 E. 4849 7.36 E. 48-49 143.36 E. 119 145- 5 E. 118 15-35 E. 4041 0.24 E. 20-21 2.7 w. 1415 2. 10 W. 28-29 2. 19 W, 28-29 85.2 \v. 102103 2. 37 W. 18-19 2.27 w. 18-19 29.50 E. 86-87 6.41 w. 3233 141.40 E. 119 171-35 E. 126-127 79.52 E. 65 25.33 E. 86-87 1-3 w. 20-21 87.17 E. 63 9.24 K. 4849 103.33 w. 108 2 51 W. 28-29 3.17 W. 28-29 149.15 E. 118 5-8 w. 28-29 6.31 w. 2425 9. 29 w. 46-47 II. 7 E. 48-49 77-9 E. 65 124.15 E. 116-117 1.26 w. 2627 172.40 E. 126-127 80.20 w. 96 7.13 w. 32-33 6.28 E. 80 8.22 E. 48-49 8.29 W. 32-33 Lat. Colmar. Germany ^8.6 n. Colmonell Scotland. 55.8 N. Colne England 53-53 N. Colne River England 51.41 N. Colney Hatch Middlesex Si. 37 N. Coloane Island. ...^V^ Macao. Cologne Germany 50. 56 N". Co\omh\a, "Re^. ..South America... 4.0 n. Colombo Ceylon 6.56N. Colon Panama 9.23 n. Colonelganj United Provinces 2-j.Z N. Colonia Uruguay 34.28 s. Colonna, Qs.-pQ.... Greece 37-38 N. Colonno (Nao) Q.Italy 39.6 N. Colonsay [\'&\vin^)Scotland 56. 4 n. Colonsay, Pas. oi Scotland 56.7 n. Colorado, Rio Argeiitlne Rep. ..39.0 S. Colorado, Rio California 32.30N. Colorado, Rio Texas 29. -^o n. Colorado, River. . A rizona 32. 30 N. Colorado, stixte ...C/ni ted States..... 2S.0 N. Colorado Hprmg^. Colorado 38.48 N. Colpoy's Bay Ontario 44.47N. Columbia Arkansas 33-22 n. Columbia Missouri 39.0 n. Columbia Louisiana 32.9 N. Columbia Pennsylvania 40,0 N. Columbia Sout/i Carolina ..34.2 N. Columbia Tennessee 35-38 N. Columbia, Dist.of United States 38.55N. Columbia River.. Washington 46.10 N. Columbrete.s Is. ..Spain 39-54 N« Columbus Georgia 32.23 N. Columbus Indiana 39- 10 N. Columbus Mississippi 33- 27 N. Columbu.s Ohio 39.56 N. Columbus Texas 29.45 N. ColviUe, Cape New Zealand..... :^6.^o a. Colwyn Bay Wales 53-I7N, Col y ton England 50. 44 n. Comacuhio Italy 44.42 y. Comacchio,Val diltaly 44-40 N. Comaralingam Madras 10. 29 n. Coraayagua Honduras 14. 27 n. Combaconum Madras 10. 58 N. Combe-Florey England 51.4 n. Comber Ireland^. 54.33N. Combin, Mt Switser'/and. 45.56N. Combmartin England 5r.i3N. Comeragh, Mta ...Ireland 52.17 N. C'omet Queensland. 23. 40 s. Comillah E.B'gal^Assam22.2Sn. Comines Belgium, erv 50.46 N. Comino Island Mediterranean ...36.0 N. Comiso Sicily 36. 57 N. Commander's \^.. Kamchatka 55.0 N. Coramentrey France 46.15N. Commissioners L. Quebec. 48. 10 N. Como Italy 45-48 N. Como New S. Wales ...34.0 S. Como, Lago di ...Italy 46.0 N. Comorin, Cape ,..yi/(;t/r(Zi 8.4 n. Comoro Islands ..East Africa 11.30 S. Compass Bevg....Cape Colony 31.48 s. Compicgp.o France 49.25N. Comptoa Quebec 45-I3N- Comrie Scotland 56. 22 n. Cona Water Scotland 56.47 N. Conara Tasmania 41-51 s. Concarneau France 47- 53 N'- Concepcion Argentine Rep. ..32.32 s. Concepcion Bolivia 16.0 s. Concepcion Chile 36.48 s. Concepcion Mexico 28.33 n. Concepcion Paraguay 23. 33 s. Concepcion Bay. .5.- IK. Africa.... 2:^.0 s. Concepcion de la Vega San Domingo ....\g.j$'S. Conception Bay ..A'eztfoundland ...47.$^ N. Conception 'PointCal/forfiia 34.30N. Conchagua Vol . . . Salvador 13. 16 N. Conchagwita Vol . Salvador. 13. 1 3 N. Concbos, Rio Mexico 29.5 n. Ctmcord Massachusetts — 4 2. 23 N. Concord A'ew Hampshire. 42-^^'^- Concordia Argentine Rep. ..31.25 S. Condamine KiyerQueensland. 27.12 s. Conde France 48.24 N*. Long. 7-19 E. 4.54 w. 2.10 Vf. o. 23 w. 0.3 w. 6.59 E. 75.0 w. 79-59 E. 79-23W- 81.44 E. 57-43 '■"■ 24.1 E. 17.14 E. 6. 12W. 6.22 W. 64.0 w. 114.55 w. 96.15 w. 114.55 w. 105.0 w. 105. 1 w. 81.12 w. 91.7 w. 92. 23 w. 92. 3 w. 76.24 w. 80.57W. 87.2 w. 77.5 y- 123.0 w. 0.42 E. 84.59 W. 85.51 w. 88.47 w. 82. 56 w. 96.22 w. 175-24 E. 3 43 w. 3-4 w. 12.11 E. 12.8 E. 77-24 E. 87.39 w. 79.25 E. 3.13 w. 5 45W. 7.18 E. 4.2 \v. 7.30 w. 148.31 E. 91-13 E. 2.59 E. 14.18 E. 14,36 E. 166. 30 E . 2.43 E. 72.16W. 9-3 E. 15I-IO E. 9.ISE. 77-35 E. 43-3° E. 24.50 E. 2.50 E. 71.52 w. 3-59 w. 5-25 w. 147.22 E. 3-53W. 58.16 w. 62.0 w. 72.3 w. 107.3:) w. .57.0 w. 14-30 E. 70.30 w. 53-11 w- 120.30 w. 87. 50 w. 87.46 w. 105.30 w. 71.23 w. 71.30 w. 58.1 w. 149.40 I-:. 0.49 E. Mip 40 41 28-29 16-17 14-15 20-21 40-41 110111 66 110111 63 112113 50-51 48 49 2425 24-25 112-113 105 104 105 100 101 100101 96 104 100-101 104 102-103 104 104 102103 105 46-47 104 102-103 104 102-103 10 i 126-127 1415 18-19 43-49 48-49 65 106107 65 18-19 32-33 44-45 18-19 20-31 123 63 38 48-49 4849 76-77 36-37 95 4849 118 48-49 65 78-79 86-87 36-37 95 28-29 24-25 120 36-37 112113 110111 112113 108 112113 78-79 106107 94 105 106-107 106107 108 102-103 102-103 112113 123 36 37 -7 Con GENERAL INDEX Cot Lot. Cond^-sur- I'Escaut France 50.27N. Cond^-sur- Noireau France 48.53N. Condobolin Xeiv S. Wales ...3-^.10 s. Condom I'rance 43.57N. Condon IK Australia. ...20. ^ s. Condroz, dist Uelgiiim 50.24 N. Conegliano Italy 45. 53N. Coney Islaml \e-u York 40.39N. Confuse, Kio Paraguay 23-54 S. Cong. Ireland 53-33N. Congleton England .. 53.10N. Congo, Krcnfli ... West Africa 2.30 s. Congo River West Africa 6.0 s. Congo State. Sec Belgian Congo. Congrehoy Peal; . Honduras 1 5. 39 N. Colli Ste Cunco. Conishead Vv'iovy Fnglatid 54.11 N. Coni.ston Lake England 54. 20 N. Conje veram 1 ladras 12. 50 N. Conn, Lough Ireland 54.2 N. Connab's Quay ... Wales SS-'SN. Connaugh t, prov. Ireland 53.44 N. Connecticut United States 41.40 N. Connecticut R. ... Vermont 43.3SN. Connel Ferry Scotland 56.27 N. Connemara Ireland 53.23 N. Connor Ireland 54.48 N, Conococha L.alve. . /**:/■« 8.45 s. Conon Scotland 57.33 N. Consett England S4.5IN. Constance and \j.Sivitzerland. 47.35N. Constantia Cafe Colony 34.3 s. Constantina Spain 37.53f'' Constantine Algeria 36.20N. Constantino J >le ... Turkey 41.0 N. Constantsa Rumania 44.12 N. Constitucion Chile 35.20 s. C'onstitui(;ao Brazil 22.44 s. Contas and RiverZfrat// 13. 17 s. Contrexeville France 48.Q N. Conversano Italy 4°. 58 K. Conway Wales 53.17N. Conwil-in-liket.. Wales S1.57N. Coogee New S. Wales ...-^-^ 5^ s. Cook, Jlount New Zealand.. ...i^'^.efi^. Cook Islands A'. Pacijic Ocean. lo.a s. Cook Sound Alaska 60.0 N, Cook's Bay F.aster Island.. ...it.Z s. Cook's Strait \ew Zealand 41. 30 s. Cookstown Ireland 54-39 N. Cooktown Queensland. 1 5. 27 s. Coolah \'ew S. Wales ...-^LJ^Z S. Coolaney Ireland 54.10N. Cooley Point Ireland. S3. 58 N. Coolgardie W. Australia. .. .2,0.^7 s. Cooma New S. Il'a/«. .. 36.13 s. Coomassie Askanti 6.30 N. Coonabaran .\ew S. Wales. ..2^.1$ s. Coonandile New S. irrt.'cj...3i.o s. Cooper Creek Queensland. -6.0 s. Cooper's Creek... / 'ictoria 21,25 S. Coorg South India 11. 56 .v. Coorong, The South Australia. ^fi.o s. Coosa River -ilabania 32.50N. Cootamundra .\'e-iV S. Wales. ..2'^.y) S. Cooteli.all Ireland 53.59N- Cootehiil Ireland 54.4 N. Copacacaburaa Peninsula Bolivia 16.30 s. Copais, Lake Greece 38.25N. Copan Honduras 14-41 N. Copeland New S. U''a/«...3i.48 s. Copeland Yore^t. England 5429 X. Copeland Lsland .Ireland. 54.41 N. Copenhagen Denmark 55-40 N. Co))iapo Chile 27. zi s. Copiapo Vol Argentine Hep. ..27.18 s, Copinshay ^\.).... Orkney I sla?ids ...^j^.^v.. Coppename 'KwcvDutch Guiana.... 5.0 N. Copper \i'xv\iov ...Michigan 47.37 N. Co}iperfield Queensland. -2.49 S. Coppermine R. ...A'^-II'. Territrs..66.2,o'S. Cojipet S-coitzerland 46. 20 N. Coquet Island England 55.20N. Coquet River England 55. 20 N. Coquilhatville Belgian Congo.... 0.5 .\. Long. 3.24 E- 0-33"'- 147.18 v.. 0.22 E. 119.0 E. 5.12 E. 12.17 E. 74.0 w. 57.25 w. 9. 17W. 2. 14 W. 12.30 E. 13.0 E. 36 37 36-37 118 3637 116-117 38 48 49 102103 112-113 32-33 1819 82-83 82-83 87.2 w. 106-107 3-4 w. 3-5 w. 79-45 E. 9.15 w. 3-3 w. 9.0 w. 72.40 w. 72.20 w. 5.23W. 9.50 -w. 6.12 w. 77.40 w. 4. 27 w. 1.52 w. 9.25 E. 18.27 E. S.43'n'- 6-33 E. 29.0 E. 28.41 E. 72.28 w. 47.38 w. 42.34 W. 5 SI E. 17.7 E. 3.50 "■■ 4.21 w. 151.16 E. 170.10 E. 158.8 W. 153.0 W. 109.24 w. 174.30 E. 6.4s w. 145.25 E. 149.44 E. 8.37 W. 6.8 w. 121.10 E. 149.9 E. 1.30 w. 149.15 E. 148.28 E. 142.0 E. 148.29 E. 75-25 E. 139.30 E. 86.43 ^^• 148.2 E. 8.9 W. 7-5 w. 69.0 w. 23-S E. S9.28W. 151-35 E. 3-24 w. 5- 32 w. 12.35 E. 70.32 \V. 69. 20 w. 2.40 w, 55- 5S «'. 87. 50 w. 147.43 E. 115.0 W. 6.11 E. 1.34 w. 1.35 w. 15.8 E. 16-17 • 14 15 65 3031 18-19 3233 102103 102-103 23-29 34-35 32-33 110111 26-27 16-17 4445 86-87 46-47 80 50-51 5051 112-113 112-113 110111 36-37 48-49 18-19 18-19 118 126-127 114-115 9091 114-115 126-127 3. '-33 123 118 32-33 30-31 122 118 84 118 118 123 119 65 121 104 118 32-33 32-33 110-111 50-51 106-107 118 16-17 30-31 39 112-113 112113 26-27 109 102-103 123 92-93 44 45 14-15 14-15 82-S3 Lat. Coquimbo Chile 29.50 s. Coraki Xew S. Wales 29.41 s. Coral Sea Queensland. 15.0 s. Corangamite L... Victoria 38.10 s. Cor.ato Italy 41.8 N. Corbeil France 48.36K. Corbi^res, IXis.... France 42.54N. Corbridge England 54.S8N. Corby England 52.49N. Corcovado, G. oi Chile 43.0 S. Corcubion Spain 42.57N. Cordoba Argentine Hep. ..31.24 s. Cordoba Mexico 18.42 N. Cordoba Peru 14.6 s. Cordova Spain 37.51 N. Corea See Korea. Corentyn Wiycv ..Dutch Guiana ... 5.40 N. Corfe Castle England 50.37 N. Corfu Greece 39-37N. Corfu Island Greece 39.35N. Cori Italy 41.38 N. Corigliano Italy 39.34N. Corinna Tasmania 41.40 S. Corinth Greece 37.55 N- Corinth Mississippi 34-55 >'- Corinth, Gulf ot .Greece 38.15 N. Corinto Nicaragua 12.28 K. Corio Bay Victoria 38.5 s. Coiisco Bay French Congo 0.50 N. Cork Ireland 51.53N. Cork, CO Ireland 5I-59N- Cork Harbour Ireland 51.50N. Corleone Sicily 37.49 N. Cormorant Vqwl^ Anticosti Island. ^<).i^ N. Corner Inlet Victoria 38.55 s. Corneto Italy 42.16 N. Cornhill England 55.39N- Corning New York 42,9 N. Corno, Monte Italy 42.27 N. Cornwall Ontario 45.3 N. Cornwall, co England 50.25N. Cornwallis Nova Scotia 45.7 N. Coro Venezuela 11.23 ^'• Coiomandel New Zealand..... 2^. ^j s. Coromandel (li^i.. Madras. 12.0 N. Coronado liQ^Q\\. .Calif ornia 32.46 N. Coronation Gulf .:'V.- U'. Teriitrs-.^^.o N. Coronea, ruins Cneece 36. 57 N. Corowa New S. Wales ...^^■'b^ ^- Corpus Christi Texas 27.50 N. Corran Scotland 56--t3 ^'■ Correze, dep France 45.20N. Corrib, Lough Ireland 53.25 N. Corriehic Hoov... Scotland 57.7 N. Corrio Scotland 55.38 N. Corrientes Argentine /\'cp. ..28.45 s. Corrientes, Cape. .Argentine Hep. ..38.0 s. Corrientes, C:ii)0. Colonidia 5.23 N. Corrientes, Cape. Mexico 20. 30 N. Corrientes, Cape. Port. East Africaz^. 6 S. Corris Wales 52.40 N. Corry Pennsylvania ....^i.^j's. Corryarrick Scotland 57.2 N. Corry vreclian Scotland 56.9 K. C'or.^ewall ^K)\\\t.. Scotland 55.0 N. Corshain England 51.27^. Corsica Island ....France 42.0 N. Corso, Ca}ie France 43.1 N. Corstorphine Scotland 55.57X'. Cortachy Scotland 56.43 N. Corte France 42.17N. Cortona Italy 43. 17N. Coruisk, Loch Scotland 57-12 J.'. Corumba Bolivia 19.0 S. Corunna Spain 43.22K, Corve Dale England 52.28N. Corvo Island Azores 39.33N- Corwen Wales 52.59N. Corygauni See Koregaon. Cos Island Asia Minor. 56.50N. Coseguina Vol. ...Nicaragua 12.57 N. Cosenza Italv 39-19 N. Co^inoledo I Indian Ocean,... 9.45s. Cosne France 47. 26 N. Coss.ack W. Australia — 20.40S. Costa Rica, Rep. Central Americaio.o s. Costentza .See Constantsa. Cota-Ula .Mexico 18.45 s. Long. Jlap 71.20 w. 112-113 1^2.48 K. 118 148.0 E. 123 143.25 E. 119 10.25 E. 48 49 2.£b K. 36-37 2.30 E. £6-37 2. 1 W. 1617 0. 42 W. 20 21 73-15 w- 110111 9.11 W-. 45 47 64.6 \\'. 112-113 96. ^0 w. 108 75.8 w. 110-111 4.52 w. 46-47 57.0 w. 103 2.3 w. 18-19 19.55 E. 60-51 19.50 E. 50-61 12.53 E. 4849 16.34 E. 4349 144.48 E. 120 22.53 E. 5051 88.3^ %v. 104 22.30 E. 60-61 87.2 w. 106-107 144.30 E. 119 Q.30 E. 82-83 8.28 w. 3435 S.30 w. 3436 8.17 w. 34-35 1317 E. 48-49 61.51 \v. 92-93 146.17 E. 119 11.46 E. 48-49 2.18 w. 16-17 77.9 w. 102-103 13-40 E. 4849 74.48 w. 96 4.40 w. 18-19 64. 9 w. 94 O9.40 w. 110-111 175-33 E- 126-127 80.0 E. 66 1 1 7. 8 \v. 105 1 1 5.0 w. 92 93 21.57 E. 5051 146.25 E. 118 97.32 w. 100-101 5.13"- 28 29 1.45 E. 3637 9.15 w. 30-31 2.28 W. 2425 6.50W. 2829 58.0 W. 112-113 57.23 w. 112-113 77.34 w. 110-111 105.39 w. 108 35.24 E. 78-79 3-5° »■■ 18-19 79.40 w. 102-103 4-39 w. 26 27 5.44 w. 28-29 5-9 w. 24-25 2.11 w. 18-19 9.0 E. 36-37 9.23 E. 36-37 3.18 w. 28-29 3.0 w. 28 29 9.9 E. 3637 11.59 E. 48-49 6. 1 1 w. 24-25 57.20 w. 110111 8.25 w. 4S-47 2.42 w. 18-19 31. low. 88 3.24 w. 1819 27.10 E. 60 87.32 -w. 106107 16.17 E. 4849 47.40 E. 7879 2.58 E. 36-37 117.8 E. 116117 84.0 W. 106-107 96. 25 w. 108 28 Cot GENERAL INDEX Cud Lat. Cote d'Or, dep. ..France 47.30N. C6te d'Or, Hts. ..France 47.15N. Coteau du Lac ...Quebec 45.17 N. Cotentiii, diat France 4g.i5N. Cotes-du-Nord .../■'ranee 48.25 N. Cothi River ll^a/es 52.0 N. Cotopasi, Mt Ecuador 0.48 s. Cotrone Italy 39.8 N. Cotswold Hills England 5 1. 50 N. Cotta Bato Philippines 7.6 N. Cottinghani England 53-47 N. Coubre, Pointe de la France 45.42N. C'oulagh Bay Ireland 57.42 N. Coulman \&\:x\iA ..Antarctica 73.36 s. Coulmiers France. 47.56N. Coulommiers France 48. son. Council Bluffs ....Iowa 41.18N. Coupar Angus.... ^SV()//a«•'• Cros.'^doaey Ireland 53- 5^ N. Cross fa rnoge Point Ireland 52. 10 N. Crosshavcn Ireland 5 r . 48 N. Crossmaglen Ireland 54.4 N. Crussmolina Ireland 54.6 N. Crobsraguel Abbey Scot Ian d 5 5. 20 N. Crosth wai te England 54. 1 8 n. Crouch River England 50-37N. Crow Head Ireland. SI-35N. Crow's Nest Queensland. 27.17 S. Crow's Nest VaAS.Briiish Columdia^t^.S a. Crowborougb Beaco n England 51.0 N. Crowland England 52.42 N, Cio wle England 53- 37 N- Crowlin Lsland-s ..Scotland 57-21 N. Crown Point New York 43.54N. Croy de England 51.8 N. Croydon England 51. 22 N. Croydon Queensland. 18.12 s. Crozet Islands Indian Ocean 46.27 s. Cruden Bay Scotland 57.24 N. Crummock WsLt.. England 54-33 N. Crushecn Ireland 52.27N. Crystal Brook South Australia.^S-S't- S. Crystal Mts French Con^o.... i.o N. Csaba Hungary 46.41 N. Csanad Hungary , 46. 8 N. Csepel Island Hungary 47. 16 N. Csongrad Hungary 46. 43 N. Cuarto, Rio Argentine Rep... ■^2.'^^%. Cuba Island West Indies 22.0 n, Cubanjro River. ../W. W. Africa. i^.io s. Cuchutlin HWU... Scotland 57- ^S^*- Cucktield England 51-I N. Cuckniere River . England 50- 52 n. Cncurbeta Hungary 46.26N. Ciicuta Colombia 7-47 N- Cuddalorc Madras 11.42N. Cuddapah Madras 14.29N. Long. Map 5-15 "■• 24-25 5.1 E. 3637 94. 20 w. 100101 143-54 E. 119 25.0 s. 50-61 2.0 E. 36-37 4.26 E. c637 3-19 E. 46-47 !;.i6 E. 38 0. S7 w. 46-17 2.27 w. 18-19 2. 48 w. 18-19 4-37 w. 28-29 4.14 vv. 1819 3-39 w. 18-19 1.51 w. 2021 3.50 w. 2829 3.37W. 24 25 34-0 H. 64-55 S^33w. 24 25 5-3° w. 28-29 105.8 w. 100101 16.20 E. 42-43 17.0 E. 42-43 9.38 w. 32-33 17.0 K. 42-43 8.13 w. 32-33 2.30W. 3637 3.36 "w. 36-37 4.0 "W. 26-27 4.10 w. 24-25 3.32 IV. 24-25 1. 16 E. 2021 1.34 w. 20-21 169.12 E. 126127 8.29 E. 40 41 29.46 E. 54-55 74 18 w. 106-107 9.42 w. 34-35 149-14 E. lis 1.18 w. 18-19 3.2 w. 16-17 2. 27 W. 14-16 8.0 E. 78-79 7.2 w. 3233 7. 26 w. 3233 6. 36 w. 30-31 8.18 w. 34-35 6.37 w. 32-33 9.18 w. 32-33 4-43 w. 28-29 2.52 w. 16-17 1.0 E. 1415 10.9 w. 3031 154.2 E. 123 114.40 \v. 9899 0.6 E. 14-15 0. II w. 20-21 0.50 w. 16-17 5.50 w. 24-25 73.29 w. 102103 4. 13 w. 18-19 0.6 ■vv. 20-21 142.15 E. 123 52.0 K. 4-5 1-51 «'. 24-25 3. 19 w. 14-15 8. ^3 w. 3435 138.57 E. 121 II. E. 82-83 21.7 K. 4243 20.34 E. 42-43 18.54 K. 42-43 20.9 E. 42 43 65.0 W. 112113 80.0 W. 106-107 18.0 E. 78-79 6.13 W. 24-25 0.9 w. 20-21 0.12 E. 14-lB 23.20 K. 42-43 72. 50 w. 110-111 79.48 E. 65 78.52 E. 66 10 Cud GENERAL INDEX Dam Cudtlesdon England 5i.44y. Cudgogoiii; \C7V S. IFa/«...32.38 s. Cue W. Australia.. ..27.2$ s. Cuenca Ecuador. 2.48 s. Cuenca Spain 40.4 N. Cuernavaca Me.x-ico 18. 50N. Cuevas Spain 37. 17N. Cuilcagh, y\o\mt. Ireland 54-13 >'• Cuitzeo, Lago Afexico 20.0 N. Culbin Scotland 57-38 N. Culcairn New S. Wales ...35.42 8- Culebra Panama 9.3 n. Culebra Island... I'irgin Islands ...18-zoN. Culeiiborg Holland 5 1.57 N- Culgoa River Queensland. 28.58 s. Culiaoan Mexico 24.57N. Cullarin Jits JVe^v S. Wales ...34.40 S- CuUen Scotland 57-41 N- Cullera Spain 39. ion. CiiUei'coats See Tynemoiitb. CuUoden Scotland 57.30N. CuUompton England 50. 51 N. Cullyhanna Ireland 54.7 N. Culm Kiver England 50-53^'• Culox France 45. 54N. Culross Scotland 56.4 N. Culter Aberdeen 57.7 N. Culter Lanarkshire 55-34 N. Cults Aberdeen 57.8 N. Cults Fife, Scotland.. ..S6.17S. Culver Cliff Isleof Wight 51.40 N. Culverden Xew Zealand. 42.45 s. Cumana Venezuela 10.23 ^'• Cunibal Vol Colombia 0.53N. Cumberland. ...... BaJJinland 65.0 N. Cumberland Mar\. Cyprus Island ....Mediterranean. .,3^.0 N. Cyrene Tripoli 32.47 N. Czaslau Bohemia 49-57 -N'. Czegled Hungary 47.10 N. Czenstochow Russia 50.49 N. Czenstochowa Poland 50.49 N. C'zeremosz Ydxer. Austria 48.10 N. Czernowitz Austria 48. 17N. Czornahora (i Guinea 4.35 s. Dampier Land IK Australia ...17.303. Dan Palestine 32.0 N. Danakil East Africa 13.0 N. Danbury Connecticut 41.23N. Dandan Shikaa P. Afghanistan 3 5. 14 N. Dandenong Victoria 38.0 B. Danger Islands. ..^(iwijtz 10.47 S- Danger Point New S. Wales. ...2S.Z s. Dangra-yum L. ..Tibet 31.0 N. Dangs, The Bombay 20.35 N. Dannemora Sweden 60. 1 3 N. Dannevirk New Zealand 40.13 s. Danube, Mouths of the KivQr . ...Rumania 45. ion. Danube River Germany 48.37 N. Danubyu Burma i7.iSN. Dan vers Massachusetts 42. 29 N. Danville Illinois 40.6 n. Danville Kentucky 37. 27 N. Danville Pennsylvania 40.54N. Danville Virginia 36.36 N. Danzig Germany 54. 22N. Danzig, Gulf of . . . Germany .S4- 35 N. Dapsang, W.onni.JCashmir 36.0 N. Dar-Banda Sudan 8.0 N. Dar-el-Beida Marocco 33- 37 N. Dar-es-Salaam....G«r. E. Africa... 9.0 s. Dar-Fertit Sudan 10. o N. Dar-Fur Sudan 13.0 N. Darband N.-W. P. /'/flz'.. 36.40 N. Darbhangah Bengal 26.10N. DardaneUos, The. Turkey 40.158. Dardistan Kashmir 36. ion. Daren t River England 51. 17 n. Dargai Swat 34.30N. Dargaville New Zealand ....35.50 s. D irial Pass Caucasia 42.43 N. Darien Georgia 31-23 N. Darien, OmM oi...Colotfibia 9.20 N. Darjiling Bengal. 27.3 N. Darkot Pass Kashmir 36.40 N. Darlaston England 52.35 N. Darling Cape Colony 33.22 s. Darling Downs ...Queensland 28.30 s. Darling Range. ...IK Australia ....34.0 s. Darling River New S. ll'ales ...31.30 s. Darlington England 54. 32 N. Darmstadt Germany 49.52 N. Daro, Mt Sierra Leone 8.26 M. Daroca Spain 41.7 N. Dart River England 50,208. Dartford England 51.278. Dartmoor Forest. England 50.35 N. Dartmouth England 50.22N. Darton England 53-35 N. Daru Bfit.NeivGuinea 9.10 s. Darvel Scotland 55-37N. Darwaz Bokhara 38.30N. Darwen England 53.45 N. Darwiu, Mount. ..Chile 54-37 s. Dashan, Ras Abyssinia 13 24N. Dasht-i-Chol Turkistan 37.0 N. Dasht-i-Lut Persia 32.0 N. Dasna United Provinces 28. 41 N. Daspalla Orissa, Bengal ...20.i(^ N. Dasuya-Kaithan. . Punjab 31.49 N. ■Datohet England 51.288. Datha Bombay 21.12N. Datia Bundelkhand 25.40N. Dativre Bombay 19.17N. Datu, Cape Borneo 2.6 N. Dauasir, Wady ...Arabia 20.0 8. Daudnagar Bengal. 25.3 N. Daulatabad Hyderabad 19. 57 N. Dauphin^ France 44.508. Long. 15.0 E. 36.18 E. 80.38 E. 89.1 E. 31 48 E. 8.24 E. 86.0 E. 79-7 E. 79-29 E. 36.50 E. 116.25 E. 145-45 K. 123,0 E. 35-0 E. 41.0 E. 73.30 \v. 67.58 E. 145.14 E. 165.48 w. 153-33 E. 86.18 E. 73.40 E. 17-53 E. 176.14 B. 29.40 E. 10.48 E. 95.40 E. 71-I W. 87.38 W. 84. 49 w. 76.33 -w. 79. 17 w. 18.39 E. 19- 10 E. 76-5 E. 23.30 E. 7-34 E. 39-40 E. 26.0 E. 25.0 E. 72.54 E. 85-57 E. 26.30 E. 74,0 E. O.IO E. 71-52 E. 173-59 E. 44.41 E. 81.32 w. 77.10 w. 88.18 E. 73-24 E. 2.2 W. 18.12 K. 151.45 E. I16.12 E. 143.17 E. 1.34 w. 8.38 E. II. O \V. 1.28 w. 3-33 w. 0.12 E. 4.0 w. 3-34 w. 1.28 vv. 142.50 E. 4.17 w. 72.0 E. 2.28 w. 69. 20 w. 38.42 E. 63, o E . 58.0 E. 77-34 E. 84.56 E. 75-42 E. 0.36 w. 72.0 E. 78.30 E. 72.50 E. 109.42 E. 45.12 E. 84.27 E. 75 15 E. 6.0 K. Map 78-79 60 65 63 81 44-45 63 65 63 78-79 116-117 114-115 116-117 60 78-79 102-103 5S 119 128 118 72-73 64 52-53 126-127 50-51 40-41 68 69 102-103 102-103 102103 102-103 104 40-41 40-41 66 82-83 SO 82-83 78-79 78-79 66 63 60-51 66 14-15 66 126-127 54-55 104 110-111 63 66 18-19 86-87 123 122 118 1617 40 41 £4 46-47 14-15 20-21 14-15 18-19 16-17 114-115 28-29 76-77 16-17 110-111 78-79 76-77 58 63 63 66 2021 64 63 64 70-71 58 63 65 36-37 Lat. Dauria, dist Siberia 51.408. -Dausa Rajputana 26.528. Davangere Mysore 14.31 8. Davenport hnea 41-29 n. Daventry England 52.168. Davidson's 'iS.M.a-iScotland 55-58 8. Daviot Scotland 57.26N. Davis Strait North America ..dj.o n. Divos Switzerland. 46.44 N. Dawa Central Provinces2\.\\ N. Dawer Rajputana 25.26N. Dawley Magna ...England 52.428. Dawlish England 50.368. Dawna Mts Burma 16.6 n. Dawros Head Ireland 54.498. Dawson Yukon 64.37N. Dawson River Queensland. 25.0 s. Da.^ France 43.42 8. Daylesford Victoria 37.20 s. Dayton Ohio 39.41 n. De Aar Cape Colony 30.40 s. De Grey River.... W. Australia.. ..2o..\a s. De Kaap Transvaal 25. 50 s. De Long Strait. ...V.-£. Asia 70.0 N. De Peel Netherlands 51. 30 8. Dead Sea Asiatic Turkey ..31. jp-H. Dead wood South Dakota 44.278. Deal England 51.13 N. Dean, Forest oi ..England 51.458. Dearne River England 53-31 N. Dease Strait Canada 68.308. Death Valley California 36- 35 8. Debba Nubia 18.0 8. Deben River England 52.3 n. Debenham England 52.138. Debi-Paton United Provinces 27. 32 N. Debra Tabor Abyssinia 11.50N. Debreczin Hungary 47-33 8. Debu Lake Sudan 15.22 8. Decatur -ilabama 34 3+ 8. Decatur. Ulinois 39. 51 8. Decazeville France 44-34 8. Deecan, The India 16.0 N. Deception Island. S. Shetland /J....62.55 s. Decise France. 46.51 8. Dedaye Burma 16. 24 8. Deddington England 51.588. Dede Agacli Turkey 40. 48 N Dedham England 51-57 8. Dediukhin Russia 59-30 8. Dee River England 53-17 8. Dee River Ireland 53- 52 8. Dee River Scotland 54-55 8- Deo River Scotland 57.5 8. Deel River Ireland 52.35 8. Decnish Island ...Ireland 51.438. Deer, Old Scotland 57-31 8. Deer Lodge City. Montana 46.5 n. Deerfield Massachusetts 42. 29 N. Deerness Scotland 58.59 8. Dees Transylvania 47.7 8. Degam Bombay 22.11 8. Dehegam Baroda 23. 10 8. Dehej Bombay 21.43 N. Dehna or Nefud .Arabia 29.0 N. De h ra Un ited Provinces 30. 20 N. Dehri Bengal 24.55 N. Deir Syria 35.208. Deir-el-Kaniar ...Syria 33-43 8. Dejuchin Russia 59.30N. Delagoa Bay Port. E. Africa. .26.0 s. Delamero Forest. England 53-13 8. Delaware Ohio 40.158. Delaware, state. ..United States.. ...3g.o 8. Delaware Bay Delaware 39. 20 8. Delaware lii\er .. .Delaware 39- SON. Delfshaven Holland 51. 54 N. Delft Holland 52.1 N. Dolfzyl Holland 53.198. Delgado, Cape..../*!)/-/. £. Africa. .10.23 a. Delhi Punjab 28.398. Dcli .....Sumatra 3-558. Deli-Orman Bulgaria 43. 22 8. Delitzsch Prussia 5^-33 N- I>elle France. 47-29 8. Dellen Lake Sweden 61.58N. Delly, Mt Madras 12.2 8. Dollys Algeria 36.558. Long. 115.0 E. 76-53 E. 75-58 E. 90.42 w. 1. 10 w. 3 i6w. 4.7 w. 58.0 w. 9.45 E. So. 13 E. 73- 51 E. 2. 28 w. 3.28 w. 98.42 E. 8.34 w. 140.20 w. 150.0 E. 1-3 w. 144-13 E, 84-34 w. 23-55 E. 120.0 ]■:. 31.0 E. 178.0 E. 5-50 E. 35-3° E. 103.40 w. 1,24 E. 2. 32 \V. I. iS w. IC9.0 w. 1 1 7.0 w. 31.12 E. 1.22 E. 1.11 E. 82.27 E. 35.5 E. 21.38 E. 5.0 w. 87.8 w. 88.55W. 2.14 E. 76.30 E. 60.15 ^^• 3-29 E. 95-56 E. I- 19 W. 25.47 E. 0.59 E. 56-25 E. 3-8 w. 6.30 w. 4,0 w. 2.15W. 8-58 w. 10.13 w. 2.3 w. 112.50 w. 72.36 w. 2.42 w. 23.49 E. 72.39 E. 72-53 E. 72.39 E. 43-0 E. 78.6 E. 84.13 E. 40. 11 E. 35-34 E. 50.25 E. 33-0 E. 2.40 w. 83.2 w. 75-35 w. 75-20 w. 75.10 w. 4.28 E. 4.22 E. 6.56 E. 40.29 E. 77.16 E. 98.27 E. 27.0 E. 12.20 E. 7.2 E. 16.45 E. 75-16 E. 3-55 E. Map 76 77 66 65 100101 20-21 28 29 26-27 90-91 41-45 63 66 18-19 1819 68-69 3031 92-93 123 36-37 119 102-103 86-87 116-117 86-87 76-77 38 60 100101 20-21 38-19 14-15 92-93 105 78-79 14rl5 20-21 63 78-79 42-43 84 104 100-101 36 37 62 7 3637 68-69 20-21 50-51 2021 54-55 14-15 30-31 24-25 2426 30-31 30-31 26-27 105 102-103 26-27 42-43 64 64 64 60 63 63 60 60 64-66 86-87 1819 102-103 102-103 102103 102 103 38 38 33 82-83 66 70-71 50-61 40-41 36-37 52-63 66 80 Del GENERAL INDEX Dhr Deloraine Tasmania 41-33 S- Delos Island Gnece 37.23N. Delplii (K».%\.v\) ...Greece 33.29 N. Del vino Turkey 40.0 N. Ilemancla,Sa.cIel!vS/(!!« 42.6 N. Demavenii, ilt. ...Persia 36.0 N. Dembea (Tsana), Lake Abyssiuia 12.0 N. Dcmerara River.. .Sz-j/jV/i Guiana.. 6.46 N. Deminfr A'ew Mexico 32.20N. Derair-ilissar Turkey 41. 12 N. Demmin Prussia S3S4N. Demotika Turkey 41.22N. Dempo, Jit Sumatra 4.0 s. Denain France 50.20N. Denbigh and co. . Wales 53. 12N. Denderah ^O'P^ 26.13 N. Denderrnonde Belgium 51.2 N. Dendre River Hclgium 50.50N. Dendulur Madras 16.46N. Denepiti^'a Ceylon 6.0 N. Doneslikin-Kan)en./?««;i! 60.30N. Denbam Han^e... Queensland 26.20 s. Donholm Scotland S5.28N. Denia Spain 38.S3N. Deniliquin A'«i) 5. IVales. ...25.23 s. Denison Texas 33-45 N. Denison \{a.nge... South Australia. 28.2.^5. Denizli Asia Minor 37.49N. Denkanikota Madras 12.32 N. Denmark '&\,x&\'(, ..Greenland 66.0 N. Dennewitz Prussia 5i-S8 N. Denny Scotland 56.1 n. Dent du Midi Switzerland 46.10 N. Denton Lancashire 53.27N. D'Entrecasteaux Channel Tasmania 43.20 s. D'Entrecasteau.x Point IK Australia.... 34. $7 a. Denver Colorado 39.48 N. Deo Bengal. 24.40N. Deoband United PrcntinceS2g.42^. Deodangar Madras 18.55 N. Deodar. Bombay 24.8 N. Deodurg Hyderabad 16.25 N. Deogaon United Provit!ces23.^6 N. Deogarl) Bamra 21.32 n. Deogarli Bengal. 24.30N. Deogarh Udaipur 25.33 N. Deolali Bombay 19.56N. Deoli Ajmer-Merwara. 25. 46 N. Deoli. Centra I Provinces20. 39 N. Deolia Partabgarh 24.38 N. Deontlial Hill Punjab 31.11 N. Deoprayag United Prminces^o.Z N. Deori CentralProvinces22. 23 N. Dopsang Plain. . ..Kashmir 35. 20 N. Deptford England 51-29 N. Dei-aah, Ed- Palestine 32.42N. Der.a-Fatha-Khan/*«?//(i^ 31.7 n. Dera Ghazi Khv^nPunjab 30.5 N. Dera Ismail Khan.iV.- IV. F. Prov...2i.^g n. Derajat, div Punjab 31.0 n. Dera-Nanak Punjab 32.2 N. Derayeh, el- Arabia 24.48 N. Derb-e]-Haj Arabia 29.0 N. Derbent Russia 42.2 N. Derby England 52.56N. Derby W, Australia. ...jy.igs. Derg, Lough Ireland 53.0 N. Derg, Lough Ireland 54. 40 N. Deri-Bugti Brit.BalucA!stan2g.2 N. Der-Macarius I^gypt 30. 12N. Derna Tripoli 32.46N. Dorravaragh h... Ireland 53-38N. Derryboy Ireland 54.26N. Derrygonnelly . ...Ireland 54. 25 N. Derry nane Ireland 51. 45 N. Derrynasaggart Mountains Ireland 52.0 N. Derryveagh ilts. Ireland. 55.0 N. Dervock Ireland 55.7 N. Derwent River ...England 53. ion. Derwent River ...England 54.38N. Derwent River ...England 54.54N. Derwent River .. . England 54. 12 N. Derwent River ...Tasmania 42.35 S. Derwent Water. .England 54-35 K- Long. 146.41 K. 25.171-:. 22.30 E. 20.3 E. 3.0 W. 52.0 E. 37-20 E. 58.8 vr. 107.30 w. 23.27 E. 13.1 E. 26.30 E. 103.10 E. 3-25 E. 3-25 w. 32.40 E. 4-5 K. 4.0 E. 8l.I2 H. 80.28 E. 60.0 E. 149.20 E. 2.43 w. 0.5 E. 145.6 E. 96.43 w. 135-42 E. 29.2 E. 77.50 E. 30.0 W. 12.56 E. 3-56 w. 6-55 E. 2.7 w. 147.10 E. 116.3 E. 105.0 w. 84.29 E. 77-43 E. 84.6 E. 71.49 E. 77.0 K. 83.1 E. 84.46 E. 86.45 E. 73-58 E. 73-52 E. 75-25 E. 78-32 E. 74.42 E. 76-53 E. 78.39 E. 79-4 E. 78.0 E. 0.2 E. 36.6 E. 70.46 E. 70.52 E. 70.52 E. 70.40 E. 75-4 E. 27. 6 E . 36.30 E. 48.15 E. 1.29 w. 123.39 E. 8.15 w. 7 56 w. 68.56 E. 30.30 E. 22.38 E. 7.20 w. 5.48 w. 7.48 E. 10.9 w. 9. 10 \v. 8.5 w. 6.28 w. 1-37 w. 3-34 w. 1.50 w. 0.35 w. 146.45 E. 3-9 »■. ■ M.ip 120 6051 60-61 60-61 46-47 60 78-79 109 100101 60-61 40-41 50-81 70-71 36-37 18-19 81 38 38 66 66 54-65 123 28-29 46-47 118 104 121 60 65 90-91 40-41 28-29 44-45 16-17 120 122 100-101 63 63 65 64 65 63 63 63 66 64 66 63 66 66 63 63 66 2021 60 66 66 66 66 66 58 60 64-65 20-21 U6-117 30-31 30-31 62 81 78-79 30-31 32-33 32-33 34-36 30-31 30-31 3233 14-15 1415 14-15 14-15 120 14-15 Lat. Dea Moines k Ji..Io-U'a 41.34 Desaguadero Argentine AV/...33.0 Desaguadero \l. ..Bolivia i7-.30 Descado River. ...Argentine Rep. ..47.0 Dcsertas Island ..Madeira 32.23 Desiradc Island .. Windward Is 16.18 De.^na River Russia 51.10 Desolation Island C////^ 53-3° De-pair Bay Newfoundland ...^j.^^ Despeiinperro^, Puerto de Spain 38. 34 Despoblado Plat. South Ajnenca... 22.0 Despoto Dagh ....Turkey 41-35 Dessau Germany Si- 50 Desterro Brazil 27.36 Desur. Madras 12.26 Detniold Germany 5^-55 Detroit Michigan 42.21 Dettifoss Fall Iceland 65.50 Dettingen Bavaria 50.2 Dculgaon-Raja ...Berar 20.1 Dcutsch-Brod Bohemia 49-37 Deutz Germany SO-S^^ Deux-Ponts ^fejZweibriicken. Deux-Sfevre.s, dep/v-tzffr^ 46.30 Devagadh Bombay 16.22 Devala Madras 11.29 Devarakonda Hyderabad 16. 42 Devarayadurga...yl/i'.?or^. 13-23 Devcnter Netherlands 52- 15 Deveny Hungary 48.11 Deveron River Scotland 57-32 Devgadh Bombay. 16.22 Devikota Madras ir.22 Devil Lake North Dakota.... ifi.io Devil's Bit Ireland 52.50 Devils Bi-idgc... Wales 53.0 Devil's Ditch Cambridge 52.17 Devil's Peak Cape Colony 33.58 Devipatanam Madras 9.26 Devizes England 51.22 Devol River Tttrkey 40.55 Devoluy, Le France, 44-35 Devon, co England 50-4S Devon, North, I. A'.- IK Terrilrs..yc,.o Devon River Scotland 56.13 Devonport England -50- 23 Devonporfc New Zealand.. ...^^.^^ Devonport Tasmania 41.9 Devynnock Wales 51-56 Dewalgaon CentralProvincei20. 23 Dewas Central India,... 22. ^Z Dewsbury England 53-42 Dezhneff, C':ipe...5(?d East Cape. Dhadhar R\s'cv ...Bombay 21.54 Dhamda CentralProvinces2 1 . 27 Dhampur Un ited Provinces2g. iq Dhamra Bengal 20.48 Dh.T m tari Centra lPruvinces2o.^2 Dhanaula Nabha, Punjab .,30,1,2 Dhanaura United Piovinces^Z. 58 Dhandhuka Bombay 22.21 Diiar Central India ....22.35 Dharakot Madras 19-38 Dharampur Bojnbay 20.32 Dharangaon Bombay 20.59 Dharapurani Madras 10.45 Dhar-el-Kosdib...i't'tf Lebanon. Dharla River E.B'gal 6',-Jwa;«25. 40 Dharmakot Punjab 3°- 57 Dharniapatani... jl/(z^;-rt.f 11.46 Dhnrmapuri Madras 12.8 Dharmasala Punjab 32.16 Dharmavaram ....Madras 14.24 Dharn.auda Gwalior 24 36 Dharwar Bombay iS-27 Dhaurahra United Provinces28.o D'Haussez Is A'ezo Zealand. — 36.35 Dhawalagiri, Mt. Nepal 29.11 Dhenkannl Orissa, Bengal ,..20.40 Dherishahan Punjab 33-^7 Dhiban Palestine 31-29 Dholera Bombay 22.15 Dholka Bombay 22.43 Dholpnr Rajputana 26.42 Dhoraji Bombay 21.45 Dhrangadhra Bombay 22. 59 Dhrol Bombay 22.34 Long. Map N. 93-39 w. 100-101 S. 66.40 w. 112-113 S. 68. 25 w. 110111 s. 66.0 w. 110-111 N. 16.^6 w. 78-79 N. 61.0 w. 106-107 N. 31.0 E. 6455 S. 73-0 w. 110-111 N. 56.0 W. 94 N. 3.3OW. 46-47 S. 67.0 w. 112-113 N. 25.0 E. EO-61 N. 12.13 E. 40-41 .S- 48.27 w. 112113 N. 79-32 E. 65 N. 8.52 E. 40-41 N. 83- S w- 102103 N. 16.28 w. 8-9 N. 9.1 E- 40 41 N. 76.5 E- 64 N. 15-35 E- 42-43 N. 7-0 E- 40-41 N. 0. 20 w. 36-37 N. 73-24 E. 64 N. 76.26 E. 65 N. 78.58 E. 65 N. 77-15 E- 65 N. 6.9 E. 38 N. 16.59 E. 42-43 N. 2. ^0 w. 24-25 N. 73.24 E. 64 N. 79.52 E. 65 N. 99.0 W. 100-101 N. 7.50W. 34-35 N. 4.7 w. 18-19 N- 0.17 E. 20-21 S. 18.24 E. 86-87 N. 78-55 E. 66 N. 1.59 w. 18-19 N. 20.35 E. 60-51 N. 5- 50 E. 36-37 N. 3.40 w. 18-19 N. 66.0 w. 92-93 N. 3-44 w- 24-25 N. 4.11 w. 18-19 S. 174.46 E- 126-127 S. 146.22 E. 120 N. 3-34 w. 18-19 N. 80.2 E. 63 N. 76.6 E. 64 N. 1.38 W. 16-17 N. 72.38 E. 64 N. 81.23 E. 63 N. 78-33 E- 63 N. 86.56 E. 63 N. 81.36 E. 63 N. 76.4 E. 66 N- ;8.i8e. 63 N- 72.2 e- 64 N. 75.COE. 64 N. 84.37 E. 65 N. 73-17 E. 64 N. 75-15 E. 64 N. 77-34 E. 65 N. 89.48 E- 63 X. 75-17 E- 66 N. 75-30 E. 65 K- 78.13 E. 6& N. 76.23 E. 66 N. 77.0 E. 65 N. 77.8 E. 64 N. 75-3 E. 64 N. 81.9 E. 63 S. 176.0 E. 126-127 N. 82.59 E. 63 N. 85.38 E. 63 N. 72.49 E. 66 N. 3548E. 60 N. 72.ISE. 64 N. 72.28 E. 64 N. 77.56 E. 66 N. 70-37 E. 64 N. 71-31 E. 64 N. 70.30 E. 64 32 Dhu GENERAL INDEX Don Dhu Heartacli L. Ho Scotland 56.7 n. Bhubri E.B'galb' Assam 26.2 n, Dhulia Iwnibay 20. 54 n. Dhurwai Bundelkhatid 25.28N. Dia Island Crete 35-28 n. Diablerets, M t. . . . Sxuitzerland. 46. 19 n, Diahot River New Caledonia.. 20.20^. Diakovo Slavonia 45. 20 n, Diamante, Vjio. ...Argentine /iep...'^^.^oB. Diamantina Brazil 18.18 s. Dianiantino Brazil. 14.22 s, Diamentiiia K Queensland 25.0 s. Diamond Harb . . . Bengal. 22. 1 1 n. Diimond Kead... Hawaii 21.18N. Diamond ls\a.nd.. Burfna 15.S2N. Diano, Vallo di... Italy 40.25 n. Diano-Marina /laly 43- 56 N. Diarbekr Asiatic Turkey ..2,7.^6 s. Dibhai United Province so^.x-z -Hi. Dibon, Palestine 31-29 N. Dibrugarh E.Bgalb^Assani2.'j.2&-^. Di-chu (R.) Tibet 34.0 n. Dickson Island ...Siberia 74-o N. Didcot Junction .England. 51.37N. Didwana Jodhpur 27.17 n. Diedenhofen Gennany 49-21 N. Diego Garcia I. ..Chagos Islands... 5.0 s. Diego Suarez I. ..Madagascar 12. 12 s. Diemel River Germany 51. ^2 n. Dieppe France 49-56N. Diest Belgiu m 50. 58 N. Dievenow \\\yQX..Ger7nany 54.2 n. Dig Bhartpur 27.28N. Digby Nova Scotia 44. 36 N. Dignagar Bengal. 23.22 N. Digne FraJice 44.5 n. Digoin France. 46.28K. Digras Berar 20.6 n. Digri Sindt Bombay. ..2^.10'S. Dihang River E.B'gal&'Assam23.30T!f. Diji Khairpur 27.21 N. Dijon France 47. 21 N. Dikhtau (Mt.). ...Caucasus 43.2 n. Dikwella Ceylon S-58N. Dilavpar Bahawalpur 28.44 n. Dilem Persia 30.6 n. Dilli Timor Island. 8.33 s. Dillingeu ..Bavaria 48-34 N. Dilman Persia 38.13N. Dilolo, Lake Angola 11.22 s. Dilos Island Greece 37.23 n. Dilwara Udaipur 24.46 n. Dimboola Victoria 36.26 s. Dimbovitsa R Rujnania 44.25 N, Diraeshk-esh-Sham. See Dama.?cu.?, Dinajpur E.B'galb^AssaTn^z.-^Bti. Dinan France 48.27N. Dinanagar Punjab 32.8 N. Dinant Belgium 50.16N. Dinapur Bengal. 25.38 n. Dinara, Mt Bosnia 44.4 n. Dinard France, 48.38 N. Dinaric Alps Austria 44.0 N. Dinas Mowddy ... Wales 52.44^. Dinder River Sudan 13.0 N. Dindigal Madras 10.21 N. Dindings, Tlie Straits Settlemts. 4. 19 n. Dindori Bombay 20. ion. Dineir Asia Minor. 38.5 n. Dinga Punjab 32.38N. Dingi Khairpur. 26. 52 N. Dingle anti Bay . . Ireland 52. 8 n. Dingwall Scotlajid 57- 36 N. Dinkelsbiihl Bavaria 49. 4 N. Diomcdo Islands. j^^r/?/^ S trait.,... 6^. 47 N. Dipalpur Punjab 30.38 n. Dirk Hartog I.... IV. Australia.. ..2^.45 S. Dirleton Scotland 56.3 n. Dirschau Ger?nany 54. 6 n. Disa Bombay 24. 14 n. Disco, I. &T\d^... Greenland 69.39N. Dismal Swamp ...Virginia 36.38N. Diss England 52. 23 N. Dissentis S^uitzcrland 46. 43 N. Ditchl i ng Engla nd 50. 54 N. Dithmar.sclien Ilolstein 54.5 N. Diu Island Bombay 20.43 N. Long. Map r. 6.39 w. 2829 r. 90.2 K. 63 . 74-46 K. 61 • 79-7 E. 63 • 25.13E. 50-61 • 7.13 E. 44-45 . 164.20 E. 114 115 . 18.25 E. 42-43 . 67.0 w. 112-113 . 43-20W. 110-111 . 56.22 w. 110-111 . 140.0 E. 123 . S8.13E. 63 • 157-51 w. 12s . 94-19 E. 68 69 15-32 E. 48-49 . 8.3 E. 48-49 40.20 E. 60 . 78.19 E. 63 3548 E. 60 94-57 E. 63 96.0 E. 72 73 82.0 E. 76-77 1.15 W. 20-21 74-25 E. 66 6.9 E. 40-41 72.0 E. 4-5 49.19 E. 78-79 9.22 E. 40-41 1-5 E. 36-37 5-3 E. 38 14-44 E. 40-41 77.22 E. 66- 65-43 »■• 94 87.45 E. 63 6.14 E. 36-37 4.2 E. 36-37 77-45 E. 64 69.10 E. 66 94-50 E. 63 68.45 E. 66 5-2 E. 36-37 43.20 E. 64-65 80.42 E. 65 71.14 E. 66 50.12 E. 60 125.45 E. 70-71 10.30 E. 40-41 44-54 E. 60 22.34 E. 82-83 25-17 E. 50-61 73-47 E. 66 142.4 E. 119 26.S E. 60-51 88.41 B. 63 2.2 W. 36-37 75-3' E. 66 4-55 E. 38 85-5 E. 63 16.30 E. 42-43 2.2 -W. 36-37 16,30 E. 42-43 3-40 w. 18-19 35-0 E. 78-79 78.0 E. 65 100.37 E. 70-71 73.46 E. 64 30.5 E. 60 73-47 K. 66 68.40 E. 66 10.15 ^^• 34-35 4.27 w. 26-27 10.18 E. 4041 169.4 w. 90-91 73-34 E. 66 113.0 E. 122 2.47 w. 28 29 18.45 E. 4041 72.13 E. 61 51-55 '•I- 90-Gl 76.20 w. 104 1.7 E. 20-21 8.52 E. 44-45 0.6 w. 20 21 9.10 E. 40-41 71.2 K. 64 Lat. Di'vi Point Madras 15,59 N. Divis Mount Ireland 54-37 N. Dixcove Gold Coast 4-47 N, Dixon Entrance., 5r///j-A Columbia^4.y:i n. Diyala River Asiatic Turkey .. .2,4.6 n. Dizak Persia 27.18N. Dizful Persia 32.30N. Djidjelly Algeria 36.46 n. Djokdjokarta Java 7.48 B. Djumbir, Mt Hungary 49.0 N. Dnieper V^wqt ....Russia 49.0 N. Dniester 'Kw^x.... Russia 46.30N. Doab, The United Provinces2(),o N. Dobcross England 53-33 N. Dobeln Saxony 51.7 n. Doberan Germany 54.7 n. Doboi Bosnia 44,47 n. Dobruja Rumania 44.20N. Doce, Rio Brazil 19-38 s. Dodabetta, Mt. ..Madras. 11.32N. Dodge City Kansas 37.46 N. Dodman Point Erigland 5o-i3 N. Dod vad Bombay 1 5. 40 n. Dod worth', Englayid 53- 33 N- Doe, Mt Matabeleland 18.35 s. Doenyolamityu....5r///j-/; E. Africa 1.46 s. Doenyo-Iol-Daika^nV/j-/i E. Africa 0.30 n. Doesborgh Holland 52. i n. Dog Hillock Scotland 56.49 n. Dogger Bank North Sea 54.55N. Dogs, The Leeivard Islands. 24.$ N. Dohad Bombay 22.53N. Dohrighat United Provinces 26.16'S. -Boisa Bengal. 23.6 n. Do). France 48.31 N. Dole France 47.7 N. Dolgelly Wales 52.44 n. Dollar Scotland 56.10N. Dollar Law Scotland 55.32N. Dollart, The Germany S3.I5N. Dulnja-Tuzla Bosnia 44.29N. Dolomite K\t^^.... Austria 46.25 n. Dolon-nor-ting ...China 42.18N. Dolphin's "^0%^,.. Madras. i7-4i N. Domaas Norway 62.2 n. Domariaganj United Provinces27. 13 N. Domhes YAwiQo.M . France 46.0 N. Domel Island Burma 1 1. 25 N. Domeli Punjab 33.1 N. Doraesnes Russia 58- 55 N. Domett, Mount.. New Zealand..... 40.^^0 s. Domingo das Torres Brazil 29.21 s. Dominica Island. West Indies 15.25 N. Domo d'O&aola. ...Switzerland. 46.8 N. Domremy Vosges, France... 4^.17 "ii. Don, Loch Scotland 56.26 n. Don Benito Spain 3S.55N. Don Cossacks' Russia 48.30N. Don River England 53-35 N- Don River Ontario 43.40N. Don River Russia 47. 30 n. Don River Scotland 57- 13N. Dona Franci5N. Downton England 50.59N. Draa, Wady Marocco 28.20 N. Drachenfels Germany 50.40 N. Dragonera I Spain 39-37^. Dragon's Mouth, li'est Indies 10.45 N. Draguignan France 43.32N. Drakensberg Natal 25.0 s. Drama Turkey 41.6 N. Drammen Nonvay 59-47 N- Drance River Switzerland. 46.4 N. Drang Pass Afghanistan 33.50N. Draperstown .Ireland 54-48 N. Drau River Austria 46.33N. Drave River. Hungary 45.50N. Drayton Queensland. 27.33 S- Drenthe Netherlands 52.50N. Long. M:ip lOO.O w. 92-93 8.II w. 3233 4.22 w. 24-25 9.32 w. 34-36 9.47 w. 30-31 19. iS E. 86-87 34-55 E- 60 7.58 E. 48-49 71.40 K. 68 7.10 E. 48-49 48.46 E. 60 85.22 K. 63 2.25 w. 18-19 64.21 w. 94 0.40 E. 36-37 4.40 E. 38 106.30 w. 98-99 2.50 E. 36-37 3.40 E. 3637 134.0 E. 70-71 4.18 W. 26-27 1.20 W. 20-21 19.15 E. 60-51 79.14 E. 66 9-45 E. 42-43 4.2 w. 26-27 3.50 w. 24-26 33-18 E. 64-66 26.23 E. 60-51 7-4 E. 40-41 26.47 E. 64-66 2.30 W. 18-19 4.40 E. 38 7.28 E. 40-41 65.3OW. 110-111 82.31 E. 63 35.18 E. 60 3-4 E. 36-37 4.16 w. 36-37 97-37 E. 6869 6.25 E. 36-37 166.47 E. 126127 119.30 E. 122 173.30 E. 126-127 6.I4W. 30-31 122.10 w. 9899 4.29 w. 16-17 3-51 w. 28-29 105.10 w. 100-101 2.34 w. 14-16 10.18 w. 30-31 4-3 w. 28-29 8.34 w. 46-47 1.50 w. 14-15 75-33 w. 102-103 1.18 E. 20-21 69.31 w. 102-103 70.59 w. 102-103 1.20 E. 14-15 3-53 w. 14-16 9.0 E. 52-63 3. 22 W. 18-19 6.0 W. 3233 0.22 E. 20-21 6.48 W. 32-33 S-43-"-- 32-33 9.21 w. 30-31 1.28 E. 14-16 1.44 W. 20-21 7.0 w. 80 7.13 E. 40-41 2.17 E. 46-47 61.40 W. 106-107 6.28 E. 36-37 30.30 E. 86-87 24.3 E. 50-51 10.18 E. 52-53 7.10 E. 44-45 69.17 E. 58 6.48 w. 32-33 15-45 E. 42-43 18.5 E. 42-43 • 151-59 E- 123 6.35 E. 38 Lat. Long. Map Drepano, Cape...7'Kr;t<;v 39.56N. 23.571. 60-61 Dresden Germany 51.3 N. 13.45 E. 40-41 Dreux France 48.44N. 1.22 E. 36-37 Drewenez River. .G^rmtzM^ 53.4 N. 18.55 E. 40-41 Driffield, Gt England 54.0 N. 0.26 w. 16-17 Drighlington England 53.46N. 1.40 w. 16-17 Drimoleague Ireland 51.49N. 9.15 w. 34-36 Drin, Black, R...7'i/r;i'«y 41.35N. zo.40 E. 50-51 Drin River Turkey 41.50N. 19.39 E. 50-61 Drina River Bosnia 44.20N. 19.15 E. 42-43 Drina River Turkey 44.45 N. 19.22 E. 60-81 Dripsey Ireland 51.24N. 8.53W. 34-35 Drogheda Ireland 53-43N. 6.21 w, 32-33 Drogheda Bay. .../r«/aH'- 3-i9 w. Elgon, Mt British E.Africa 1.0 N. 34.20 E. Elias, Mt Khios Island 38.30N'. 26.0 E. Elie Scotland 56.12 N- 2.50 w. Eliot, Mt Queensland, 19.36 s- 145.48 E. Elis and A.iz\\^\^.. Greece 37-58 N. 21,45 E. Elizabeth North Carolina.. 2^. '^3'^. 76.19W. Elizabeth New fersey 40.39N'. 74. 17 w. Eiizavetgrad Russia 47.15 N. 32.0 E. Elizavetpol Transcaucasia ,..<\o,42'S. 46.17 E. Eljas (Erjes) R.. .5/a/« 39.45N. 7.0 w. Elkhart Indiana 41-38 N. 85.54 w. Elkhorn River Nebraska 41.58N. 97.0 w. Elland England 53-41 N. 1.50 w. Ellen River England 54.40 N. 3.28 w. Ellendale North Dakota 46.0 N. 98.25 w. Eilesmere England 52.55 K- 2-55 w. Ellesmere, Lake .AVtiJ Zi-a/tzfft/.-... 43.47 s. 172.30 E. Eilesmere Land. ..A'.- I r. TV/T-iV/i.. 79.0 N. 80.0 w. Ellice Islands Pacific Ocean 8.0 s. 178.0 E. Ellichpur Berar 21.15N. 77.29 E. Elliot Cove Tasmania 43.0 s. 145.55 E. Elli^ton South Australia. "^-^.y^i. 134.52 E. Ellon Scotland 57.22 N- 2.3 w. Ellora Hyderabad. 20.2 N- 75.13 E- EUore Madras 16.43 N. 81.9 E- Ellsworth Maine 44-31 N- 68.31 w- EUwangen WUrtemberg 4B.57N- 10.7 E. Elm Switzerland 46.55X. 9.11 e. Elmalu Asiatic T^wr^ty ..36.45 n. 29.59 e. Eimetaita Lake ..^nV(.fA£. .(4/WVa 0.15s. 36.12 E. M;ip 40-41 63 64-55 54-55 64-55 64-55 62 53 126-127 81 60 80 81 80 80 78-79 81 112-113 69 68 60 78-79 5S 100 101 78-79 78-79 100 101 63 60 65 86-87 65 78-79 48-49 60-51 43-43 40-41 40-41 36 37 40-41 64-55 60 46 47 40-41 40 41 28-29 119 63 6869 65 64 81 65 60-51 106-107 52-53 100-101 26-27 82-83 60 51 28-29 123 60-51 104 102 103 54 55 64-55 46-47 102-103 100-101 16-17 14-15 100-101 18-19 126 127 92-93 114-115 64 120 121 26-27 65 65 102103 40-41 44-45 60 82-83 Elm GENERAL INDEX Eso Lat. Elrnira Neiv York 42.8 N. Elmore Victoria 37-55 S- Elmshorn Prussia 53-45 N. Elonga, Mts Angola 12-zS s. Elphin Ireland 53.52 N. ElphiQstone I Burma 12.20N. Elsinore Denmark 56.2 N. Elster, White, R.Germany 51.7 N. Elster R, Black.. Germany 51.18N. Elstow England 52.7 N. Elstree England 5°- 38 N- Eiswick England 54. 58N. Eltham England 51.27N. Eltham Victoria 37-44 s. Elton Lake Russia jg.o N. Elumalai Madras 9.52 n. Elumattur Madras ii-ii N. Eius.a Palestine 31.6 N. Elvaa Portugal 38.48 N. Ely England 52.24N. Ely ton Alabama 33.48N. Emba River Asiatic Russia ...i,-j.-^a']4»j/ra/(a ...31.52 s. 121.55 E. 122 Espichel, Cape .../*jr/;/^a/ 38.23 N. 9.14 w. 46-47 Espigao or Espin- ha^o, Mts Brazil 20.0 s. 43.0 w. 110-111 Espirito, Santo. ..5m2:;7 20.0 s. 41.0 w. 110-111 Espiritu Santo I. Nmi Hebrides ....i$.o s. 166.30 E. 114-115 Esquimau Vancouver I. 48.2SN. 123. 26W. 98-99 Esquipulaa Guatemala 15.23 N. 90.3 w. 106-107 Esseg Hungary 45-33 N. 18.43 E. 42-43 Essel Pru-^sia 52.41N. 9-39 E. 40 41 Essen Germany 51.28N. 7.1 E. 40-41 Essendon Victoria 37.45s. 144.58 E. 119 Essentuki Russia 44.3 N. 42.55 E. 64-56 Essequibo River.. .ffnViVA Gum«a.. 7.0 N. 58.30 w. 109 Essex, CO. England 51.4SN. 0.30 E. 20-21 Esslingen. Germany 48.48 N. 9. 19 E. 40-41 Essonnes France 48.35N. 2.26 E. 36-37 Estcourt Natal 29.0 s. 29.52 E. 86-87 Este Italy 45.13 N. 11.39 E. 48-49 Estella Spain 32.6 N. 35.11 E. 46-47 Estena River Spain 39.23 N. 4.55 w. 46-47 Estenoz Spain 42.44N. 1-56 w. 46-47 Estepa Spain 37.17N. 4.56W. 46-47 Estepona Spain 36.25N. 5. low. 46-47 Esthonia, gov Russia 59.ISN. 25.30 E. 64-55 Esthwaite Water. £w^/(2ni/ 54.22 N. 2.59 w. 14-15 Estillville Virginia 36.39 N. 82.29 w. 104 Estissao France. 48.15 N. 346 E. 36-37 Eston England 54 33^- '-8 w. 16-17 Estoril Portugal 38.41 N. 9.26 w. 46-47 Estreito Plateau .Z^ras!/ i6.o a. 50.0 w. 110-111 Estrella Brazil 22-44 s. 43.1SW. 110-111 Estrella, Sa. d'..../'o/-/«.t'<2/ 40.15N. 7.50W. 46-47 Estremadura Portugal 38.58N. 9.0 iv. 46-47 Estremadura Spain 39.0 N. 6.0 w. 46-47 Estremoz Portugal 38.51 N. 7.32 w. 46-47 Estruplund Denmark S6.33N. 10.21 E. 39 Estvad Denmark 56.32N- 8.57 E. 39 Esztergom (Gran)//aK.ffl/7 47.47 N. 18.43 E. 42-43 Etah United Prmincesz-j.-nv. 78.42 E. 63 Etaiyapuram Madras. 9.9 N. 78.3 E. 65 Etampes France 48.27 N. 2.9 E. S6-37 Etang de Cazau../v-<2nc« 44.25N. 1.24 w. 36-37 Etawah United Prcrvinces26.^i'S. 79.3 E. 63 EtchmiadziD Transcaucasia ...^o. 11V. 44.19 E. 54-55 Eten Peru 6.54s. 79.48W. 110-111 Etlieridge Queensland 18.30 s. 143.0 E. 123 Etbie Scotland 56.37N. 2.32W. 28-29 Ethiopia See Abjssinia. Etive, Loch Scotland S6.29N. 5.8 w. 24-25 Etn,i, Mount Italy 37.44N. 15.0 E. 48-49 Etna Bay Dutch N.Guinea 350 s. 134.50 K. 70-71 Eton England 51.29N. 0.37W. 20-21 Eton Queensland. 21.45 s. 151.57 E. 123 Etosha Pan Ger.S.-W.A/ricaiS.ios. 16.30 E. 78-79 Etrepagny France 49.17N. i-37 E. 36-37 Etretat France 49.43N. 0.13 E. 36-37 Etruria England 53.3 N. 2.12 w. 18-19 Etsch River Austia 46.16N. ii.ioE. 42-43 EtsohThal Austria 46.0 N. 11.10 E. 42-43 Et-Taif Arabia 21.2 N. 41.12 E. 68 Ettapur Madras 11.40N. 78.31 E. 65 Etterbeelc Belgium 50.51N. 4.22 E. 38 Et-Tih Desert Palestine 30.0 N. 34.0 E. 60 Ettrick New 2«<2/a«e«?«ar/i S4.50N. iz.o E. 39 Falsterbo Sweden 55-23N. 12.52 E. 52-53 Falta Bengal 22.1SN. 88.10 E. 63 Falterona, Mto. ..//a/y 43.53N. 11.47 E. 48-49 Famagusta Cyprus 35.7 N. 33.57 E. 60 Famaka Sudan 11.18N. 35.12 K. 78-79 ¥oima.iin?i 'Hits. ...Argentine Rep. ..2q.6 s. 67.54 w. 112-113 Famund, Lake....A^(??-zi'av 62.10N. 11.58 E. 52-53 Fanad Head Ireland 55.16N. 7.19W. 30-31 Fan-cheng China 32.0 N. 112. 3 E. 74 Fane River Ireland 54.0 N. 6.35W. 30-31 Fannich, Loch Scotland 57.40N. 5.0 w. 24-25 T&UTAng \s\a.aA... Pacific Ocean .... 4.0 N. 159.40 w. 114-115 Fano Italy 43.50N. 13.2 E. 48-49 Fao Persian Gulf 30.0 N. 48.31 E. 60 Farad Head Ireland 55.16N. 7-37w. 30-31 Farafrah Egypt 27.8 N. 28.0 E. 81 Farah United Provinceszj.i^-^. 77.48 E. 63 Far.allondePajaros£aiZTOn«/j/ans,. 172.44 K. 126-127 Fargo North Dakota.... 46. s-^ts. 96.45 w. 100-101 Faribault Minnesota 44.20N. 93. 4 w. 100-101 Faridkot Punjab 30.40 N. 74.59 E. 66 Faridpur M.B'galSfAssamz^. 3611. 89.53 E. 63 Faridpur United ProvinceszS. 12N. 79.5 E. 63 Farina South Australia. 30. z S. 138.20 E. 121 Faringdon England 51.30N. 1.36 w. 20-21 Farlaiid Ireland 55.3 N. 7.29 w. 32-33 Farleigb England 51.19N. Z.17W. 18-19 Farlington England 54.6 N. 1.4 w. 16-17 Farmerstown Ireland 52.32N. 7.18W. 34-35 Farmersville Ontario 44.39N. 76.9 w. 96 Farmington Iowa 40.38N. 91.47W. 100-101 Farmingtoa Maine 44.38N. 70.18W. 102-103 Farmington Michigan 42.28N. 83.22 w. 102-103 Farmington Missouri 37.49N. 89.55 ". 100-101 Farmington New Hampshire. n'i.zi^. 71.12W. 102-103 Farn Islands England 55-38N. 1.37W. 14-15 Farnborough Hants, England. ^i.l^K. 0.45 w. 20-21 Farnborough Kent, England. ..^i.zz^. 0.4 e. 20-21 Farnborough Warwickshire ...s^.S N. 1.23 w. 20-21 Farndon England 53.5 N. 2.53 w. 18-19 Farnell Scotland 56.42 N. 2.37 w. 26-27 Farnham England 51.13N. 0.48 w. 20-21 Farnham Royal. .£nf/a«i/ 51.32N. 0.37 w. 20-21 Farningham England 51.23N. 0.14 E. 20-21 Farnworth England 53.23N. 2.24 w. 16-17 Faro Portugal 37.0 N. 7.52 w. 46-47 Faro, C. di Sicily 38.17N. 15.5^ E. 48-49 Faro (I.) Sweden S7-S5N. 19.10 E. 52-53 Faroe Islands N. Atlantic Oc. .62.0 N. 7.0 w. 8-9 Farr Scotland 58.32N. 4.i2\v. 26-27 Farra Afghanistan 32.30N. 62.5 e. 58 Farrar River Scotland 57.23 N. 4.52 w. 24-25 Farsan Is Arabia 16.48N. 42.0 e. 58 Farsistan, prov...P^ri/a 30.0 N. 53. o E. 60 Farsley England 53.49N. i.40\v. 16-17 Farso Denmark 56.46N. 9.20 E. 39 Farsund Norway 58.3 N. 6.47 E. 62-53 Fartak, Ras Arabia I5-33N. 52.10 E. 58 Farukh Madras ii.iiN. 75.52 E. 65 Farukhabad United Pro-Ances2-j.y},-s. 79-37 E. 63 Farukhnagar United Proz'inceszS.^^v. 77.25 E. 63 Fasano Italy 40.50 N. 17.20 E. 48-49 Fashoda See Kodok. Fastnet Island. ...Ireland 5I.23N- 9-35^. 30-31 Fatliabad United Provinceszj. 2 N. 78.20 E. 63 Fathabad Punjab 29.31 N. 75.30 E. 66 Fatheganj United Provinceszi.y N. 79.42 E. 63 Fathegarh United Provinces2j.2-i N. 79.40 E. 63 Fathc-garh Punjab 31-53 N- 75-° E. 66 Fathejang A^.- IK. /•. /'roi'.. 34.35 N. 72.38 E. 66 Lat. Fatliekhelda Berar 20.12 n. Fathe-P.anjalllts. A'jjAm/r 33-34 N. Fathepur Jaipur 28.0 N. Fathepur United Provinces2C,.^c, n. Fathepur United Provinces2y. ion. Fathepur-Chau- rasi United Provinceszd.^S N. Fathepur-Sikri ... United Provinces27.6 n. Father Point Quebec 48.31 N. Fatiko Uganda 3.5 n. Fatwa Bengal. 25.30N. Faucigny, dist... .Erance. 46.0 n. Fauoille, Coldelay^ra«fc, Sr'c 46,24N. Faucilles Mts France 48.4 n. Faughanvale Ireland 55.2 N. F.auldhouse Scotland 5S-50N. Faulhorn, The. . . . Switzerland. 46. 40 N. Fauresmith Oran.^eRiverCol.2!).^! s. F.av.ara Sicily 37-15 N. Faversham England 51.19N. Favignana Island//a/i' 37-57N. Faxa Fjord Iceland 64.30N. Fayal Island Azores 38.23 n. Fayetteville A'orth Carolina. .^.S-o N. Fayum Egypt 29.22N. Fazilka Punjab 30.25N. Fazogli Eastern Sudan.. .11.1^ N. Feakle Ireland 52.54N. Feale River Ireland 52.26N. Fear, Cape North Carolina. .2,2.4^^. Feather River . ...California 39- 10 N. Featherston A^e-w Zealand. 41.3 s. Featherstone England 53.42N. Fe.athertop, Mt. . Victoria 3^-57 s. Fecamp France 49.46 N. Fehmain \s]3.vid.. Germany 54-28 N. Fehrbellin Prussia 52.50 N. Feilding New Zealand. ....40.1^ s. Felanitx \. Majorca Island.. 1,9. zgN. Feld Berg Germany 47-5^ N. Feldberg Germany 50. 12N. Feldkirch Austria 47. 13N. Felegyhaza Hungary' 46.41 N. Felixstow Englaiid 51.28 N. Felsb Banya Hungary 47.40N. Felstead England 51.52N. Feltre Italy 46.1 N. Fenagh Ireland 54.2 N. Fen-ho (R.) China 37.0 N. Fenit. .Ireland.. ,.52. i8n. Fenny Stratford .£«^/aK(/ 52.0 Fens, The England 52.30N. Fenwick Scotland 55.40 N. Feochan, hoch. ...Scotland 56.21 N. Feraghan, dist. ..Persia 34.58N. Ferbane Ireland 53.17N. F^reChampenoise/'rrtwf^ 48.44 N. Ferencz Jozsef Pk. Hu?igary 40. 10 N. Ferentino Italy 41.41 N- Ferghana, yvow... Asiatic Russia. ..40.0 N. Fergus River Ireland 52.40N. Feriana Tunis 34-5SN- Fermanagh, co ...Ireland 54.20N. Fermo Italy 43- n N. Fermoy Ireland. 52.8 N. Fern Tree Gully. Victoria 38.3 s. Yevna.nds.Vo I. ...West Africa 4-0 N. Fernandez deTaosA'f7« Mexico 36.25 N. Fernanclina Florida 30 41 N. Fernando de Noronha I Brazil 3-5° S- Ferney France 46. 15N. Ferns Ireland 52.36N. Ferrandiiia Italy 40.29 N. Ferrar-a Italy 44-50 N. Ferriters CoVQ. ...Ireland 52.10N. Ferro Island Cana}y Islands. .2j.j\2'ii, Ferrol Spain 43.29N. Furry den Scotland 56.42N. Ferryland, dist. .. Neufoundland ...47.Z N. Ferryport Scotland 56.27 N. Fertb ^^^KeusiedlerSee. Fesa or Fasa Persia 28.53N. Festiniog Wales 52.58 N. Fethard Tipperaiy 52.28 N. Fetbard Wexford 52.12N. Fetlar Island Scotland 60.36N. Fetteroairn Scotland 56.51 N. Long. Map 76.27 K. 64 74-40 E. 66 75-1 E. 66 80.52 E. 63 81.15 E. 63 80.39 K. 63 77-42 E. 63 68.31 w. 96 32.50 E. 82-83 85.21 E. 63 6-35 E. 36-37 6.2 E. 36-37 6.3 E. 36-37 7.6 w. 32-33 3-44 w. 28-29 8.0 E. 44-45 25.20 E. 86-87 13-37 E. 4849 0.52 E. 20-21 12.17 E. 48-49 23.0 -w. 8-9 28. 48 w. 88 78.45 w. 104 30-55 E. 81 74-4 E. 66 34-50 E. 78-79 8.38 w. 3436 9.25 w. 30-31 77-59 w. 104 121.34 w. 105 175-7 E. 126127 1.20 w. 16-17 147.6 w. 119 0.22 E. 36-37 II. 10 E. 40-41 12.46 E. 40-41 175-7 E. 126-127 3.12 E. 46-47 8.0 E. 40-41 8.30 E. 40-41 9.36 E- 42-43 19-52 E. 4243 1.22 E. 20-21 23.40 E. 42 43 0.2b E, 20 21 11-54 E. 48-49 7-48 w. 32-33 III. 55 E. 74 9-54 w. 34 36 0.-15W. 20-21 0. 10 w. 20-21 4. 26 w. 28-29 5-30 w- 24-25 49.55 E. 60 7.48 w. 34-36 4-0 E. 36-37 20.2 E. 42-43 13.16 E. 48-49 71.0 E. 76-77 9.0 w. 3031 8.36 E. 89 7- 30 w. 3233 13-43 E. 48-49 8.I6W. 34-36 145-15 E. 119 9.0 E. 82-83 105.47 w. 100101 81.36 w. 104 32.25 w. 110111 6.6 E. 3637 6. 29 w. 34-35 16.27 E. 48-49 11.37 E. 48-49 10. 28 W. 34-36 18.0 w. 78-79 8.I3W. 4647 2. 28 W. 28-29 52-54W. 94 2. 52 w. 28-29 53-43 E. 60 3-56W. 1819 7-43 w. 34 36 6.51 w. 34-36 0.51 w. 24^26 2.35 w- 26 27 39 Fez GENERAL IXDEX For Lat. Fez Morocco 34.0 N. Fezzan, prov. Tripoli 26.30N. Fianarantsoa Madagascar. 21,27 s* Fichtel Ber^ Germany 50.27 N. Fichtel iiehw^a ..Germany 50.2 K. Ficksburg Orange RiverCol. 29. o s. Fiddown Ireland 52.20N. Fidra Island Scotland 56.4 N. Field River Queensland. 24.0 s. Fier River France. 43S5N. Fiesole Italy 43,5on. Fife, CO Scotland S6.15N. Fife Ness Scotland 56. i6n. Figeac France. 44.36N. Figig Marocco 32 27 N. Figueira de Voz.. Portugal 40.40 N. Figueras Spain 42.15 N. Fiji Islands Australasia 20.0 s. Filey and Ba.y... .England 54.13 N. Filfola Rock Malta 35.46 N. Filibeli E. Rumelia 42.3 N. Filicuri Island.... //a (c 38.35 N. Fillik Eastern Sudan. ..16.0 N. Finage Ireland. 52.26N. Fincbley England 51-36 N. Findborn Scotland 57.40N. Findborn "River ..Scotland 57.20 N. FindLay Ohio 41. i N. Findochty Scotland 57.42 N. Findon Scotland 57.5 N. Findon South Australia. 2,^.5^ s. Fingal Tasmania 4i-4o s. Finistere, dep. ...France 48.20N. Finisterre, C-Ape .Spain 42.53N. Finisterre Mts Ger. N. Guinea. 6.0 s. Finke Creek South Australia. z^.o s. Finland, Awchy ...Russia 65.0 N. Finland, G. oi... .Russia 60.0 N. Finlay River British Columbia^6.o N. Finraarken, Q.Tat.. Norway 70.0 N. Finn River Ireland 54.52 N. Finnea Ireland 53-47N. Finow Canal Germany S2-S3N. Finster-Aarhorn .Switzerland 46.32N. Finstermiinz Austria 46.57N. Finsterwalde Prussia Si-37 N. Fintona Ireland 54.30 j!. Fintown Ireland. 54-52 N. Fintry Hills Scotland 56.3 N. Firenze 5^^ Florence. Firingbi Bazar ...E.B'gal&'Assamz^.^^'S. Firminy France 45.23 N. Firozabad United Provinces'^- .<) N. Firozpur Punjab 27.47 N. Firozpur Punjab 30-55N. Firozpur Pass Kashmir. 34.0 N. Firozshab Punjab 30.53 N. Fisb {or Auob) "K.Ger.S.- IV.A/rica^y.^o S. Fishguard & Bay. Wales 51.59N. Fitchburg Massachusetts 42. 32 N. Fitri Lake IVadai 12.12 N. Fitzroy River Queensland. 23.23 s. Fitzroy River IV. Australia.. ..18.0 s. Fiunie Ausiria-Hungary4$.ig'S. Fiumicino Italy 42.47N'. Five Mile Tov,n.. Ireland 54.23 N. Fiveally Ireland 53.9 N. FIamboroughHd.£n^/an(/ 54.7 N. Flaming Germany 52.0 N. Flanders Belgium 51.0 N. Flandreau South Dakota 44.3 N. Flannan Islands.. 5co//an' 59.0 N. Freels, Cape Neivfoundland ...4^.17'^. Freels, Cape Neufoundland ...46. 3Zti. Freeport Illinois 43. 17N. Freetown Sierra Leone 8.29 N. Freiberg Germany 50.55N. Freiburg Germany 47. 59N. Freiburg Switzerland 46.48N. Freienwalde Prussia 52.48N. Freising Bavana 48.25N. Freistadt Austria 48.31 N. 41 Long. 2. 32 w. 0.2 w. 47.30 w. 17-35 E. 2.40 E. 140.59 E. 124.50 w. 0.25 K- 13-20 E. 6. 10 E. 0.8 E. 176.10 E. 14.52 E. 126.0 W. 1.9 E. 11.39 E. 11. E. 5.32 E. 10.10 E. 8.57 E. 8.47 E. 13. 1 E. 15.10 K. 11.5 E. 13.26 E. 8.0 E. 15. CO E. 8.31 E. 11.30 E. 7.43 w. 84. 52 w. 8.41 E. 14.32 E. II. O E. 79-55 w. 146.0 E. 79.18 w. 145.0 E. 166.24 E. 69.23 w. 18.13 E. 145.7 E. 76. 1 1 W. 58.0 E. ig.o K. 12.20 E. 12.40 E. 153.10 E. 122.30 w. 21.50 E. 2.0 w. 177.50 E. 69.35 W. 14.17 E. 7.32 E. 19.40 E. 8.54 E. 13.31 E. 16.19 E. 58. 1 1 W. 62.44 W. 76.2 E. 12.24 E. 9-45 E. 77.25 w. 77.33 w. 50. 2 w. 66. 39 w. 11.26 E. 27.12 E. 10.31 E. 11.15 E. 12-3 E. 11.26 E. 12.0 E. 10.2 E. 53.31 w. 53.40 w. 79.33 »■. 13.I4W. 13.20 E. 7.51 E. 7.9 E. 14.0 E, 11.44 E. 14-33 E. F Map 1819 20-21 110-111 48-49 36-37 121 92-93 36-37 82-83 36 37 80 114115 48-49 9899 46-47 4849 40 41 38 40-41 40-41 40-41 40 41 42-43 40-41 42-43 40-41 40-41 40-41 40-41 34-35 102103 40 41 40-41 40-41 102-103 120 102-103 118 7 102-103 42-43 119 96 6 42-43 42-43 48-49 123 98-99 86-87 26-27 126-127 95 4849 44-45 40 41 44-45 40-41 40-41 112-113 112-113 66 39 39 102-103 102103 90-91 94 62-53 64-55 39 62-53 39 62-63 39 62-63 94 94 102-103 84 40-41 4041 44-46 40-41 40-41 42-43 Fre GENERAL INDEX Gal Lat. Long. Freistadt Hungary 48.24N. 17.56 E. Freistadt Prussia 51.45N. 15.368. Fr^jus France 43.26 N. 6.45 E. Fremantle IK Australia.. ..7,2.^ S. 115. 45 E. Fremington England 51.4 N. 4.8 w. Fremont Nebraska 41.28N. 96.33 w. Fremont Ohio 41.21N. 83.8 w. Fremont Peak Wyoming 43.12N. 110.20 w. IPreni^h Gxnana. ...Souik America... 4.0 N. 53.0 w. French River Ontario 46.7 N. 80.1 w. French Rocks (Hirode) Mysore. 12.31 N. 76.45 E. Frenchman's Bay;l/a!n« 44.25N. 78.15 w. Frenchpark Ireland 53-32 N. 8.24 \v. Freshwater Bay../j/if of Wight 50.39N. 1.30W. Freshwater Bay.. IP a/f J SI-37N. 5.5 w. Fresnillo Mexico 23. ion. 102.42 w. Fresno California 36.58 N. 120.30 w. Freston England 52.1 N. l.io E. Freswick Scotland 58.36N. 3.5 w. Freuchie Scotland 56.161*. 3.9 w. Freudenstadt WUrtemberg 48.27N. 8.25 w. Freudenthal Austria 49- 58 N. 17.27 E. Frivent France 50.16 N. 2.18 E. Freycinet Bay W. Australia 26.15 s. 114.0 E. Freycinet Fenin.. Tasmania 42.10 s. 148.20 K. Frias Spain 42.48 N. 1.26 w. Fribourg Switzerland 46.48 N. 7.9 E. Frick Switzerland. 47.31 N. 8.2 w. Friedberg Bavaria 48.21 N. 11. o E. Friedberg Hessen 50.20 N, 8.44 E. Friedberg Prussia 52.54X. is.32 E. Friedeck Austria 49-41 N. 18.21 E. Friedensburg Gold Coast. 5.40 N. 0.24 E. Friedland Bohemia 50.56N. 15.3 E. Friedland E. Prussit} 54.28N. 21.0 E. Friedland Mecklenburg 53.40N. 13.33 E. Fried rich Wil- helm's CtiVi^ ...Prussia 52,18 N. 14.15 E. Friedrich Wil- helmshafen Cer. N. Guinea.. 5.20 s. 145.50 E- Friedrichroda Thuringia 50.50N. 10.33 E. Friedrichsdorf Germany 50.15N. 8.38 E. Friedrichshafen.. IVUrtemberg. 47.39N. 9.29 E. Friedrichshagen ./'rK5.r/(2 52.26 N. 13.37 E. Friedrichsort Prussia 54.24 n. io.io e. Friedrichsruh Prussia 53-32N- 10.22 e. Friedrichstadt Prussia 54.23 N. 9.4 E. Friedrichstadt Russia 56.29N. 25.0 E. Friendly (Tonga) Islands Pacific Ocean 20.0 s. 175.0 w. Friesach Austria 46.57N. 14.30 E. Friesack Prussia 52.44N. 12.34 E. Friesian Islands.. //tJ/Zanrf 53.30N. 5.20 E. Friesland, prov...AVM«r/aHain 43-21 N. Fuentes de Andalucia Spain 37.27K. Fuentes de Ebro.5/a;n 41. igN. Fuentes de \^ton. Spain 38.1 n. Fuentes de OhoroSpain 40 38 N. Fuerte Mexico 26.3 n. yuerteventnra, ].. Canary Islands ..z8.2^ii. Fuji Yama Japan 35 21 N. Fujikawa (R.). ...Japan 35.8 n. Fukuoka Japan 33-36N. Fulda Germany 50.32 N. Fulda River Germany 51.23N. Fiilek Hungary 48. 17N. Fulhara See London. Fuluek Austria 49.42N. Fulton Arkansas 33- 30 N. Funafuti Islands. /'ncj/fc Ocean 8.0 s. Funchal Madeira Island. . ■1,2. yjti. Funcho (Mt.) Madeira 33.8 n. Fundy, Bay of.. ..Nova Scotia 45.0 N. Fiinen Island Denmark 55- 20 N. Fiinfkirchen Hungary 46.6 n. Fung-yang China 33.0 N. Fu-ning China 27.0 N. Fu-niu-shan China 33.40^. Furka Pass Switzerland. 46.35 n. Furneaux Is Tasmania 40.0 s. Furnes Belgium 51.4 N. Furness England 54. 15 n. Fiirstenberg Mecklenbujg 53. loN. Fiirstenberg Prussia 52. 1 1 N. FUrstenwalde Prussia 52.23 N. Furth Bavaria 49. 19N. Fiirth Bavaria 49-29 N. Fury and Hecla Strait N.-W. Territrs..yo.o N. Fusan Korea .,35.ioN. Fusaro, Lake Naples, Italy 40.52N. Fuseno Bay Japan 37.0 N. FUssen Germany 47-34 N. Futa Jallon French Guinea. ..11.0 a. Fyen Island See Fiinen. Fyne, Loch Scotland 56.0 N. Fyvie Scotland 57.26N. Long. 124.0 w, 119.20 E. 107.7 E. 13-35 E. 90.53 w. 4.9 W. 4.11 w. 1.10 w. 6.19 w. 5-31 w. 1.45 w. 5.21 w. 1.37 w. 6.26 w. 6.41 w. 108.35 w. 14.0 w. 138.43 E. 138.38 E. 130.20 E. 9.40 E. 9-34 E. I95IE. 17-54 E. 93-45 w. 178.0 E. 16.54 w. 16.24 w. 66. o w. 10.20 E. 18.13 E. 117.30 E. 120.0 E. 112. o E. 8.25 E. 148.0 E. 2.38 E. 3.6 w. 13.8 E. 14-38 E. 14.2 E. 12.40 E. 12.40 E. 85.0 w. 129.3 E. 14.14 E. 138.0 E. 10.44 E. 12.30 W. 5.20 W. 2.23 W. JInp 9091 74 7273 48 49 103-107 4647 4647 4647 46-47 4647 46 47 46-47 4647 46-47 46-47 108 78-79 75 75 75 4041 40 41 42-43 42-43 104 114-115 78-79 78-79 91 39 42 43 74 74 74 44r45 120 33 16-17 40 41 40-41 40 41 40-41 40-41 92-93 75 48-49 75 40 41 84 24-25 26-27 Gabaras Bay Gabes and Gulf. Gabun and River Gadara Gaeta Gaeta, Gulf of, Gaffney's Creek.. Giifle Gafsa Gagetown Gaillac Gaillon , Gainesville Gainford Gainsborough... Gairdner, Lake. Gairloch , Gairney Bridge . Gala Water Galabat Galaotbi Galapagos Is. ... Galashiels Galata Galatina Galatone GaUtz , Galbally , Galdbopig, Mt.. Galeana Nova Scotia 45. Tunis 33. French Congo o. Palestine 32. Italy 41. Italy 41. Victoria 37. Sweden 60. Tunis 34. New Brunswick .^z^. France 43. France 49. Texas 33. England 54. Eytgland 53. South Australia .'^x. Scotland 57. .Scotland 56. .Scotland 55. Abyssinia 12. United Provincesz^. Ecuador o. Scotland 55, Turkey 41. Italy 40. Italy 40. Rumania 45. Ireland 52. Norway 61 Mexico. 32. 50N- 53 N- 15 N. 37 N. 12 N. ION. 30 s. 38 N. 27 N. 47 N. 54 K- 7 N. 46 N. 32 N. 24 N. .40 s. 43 N. UN. 45 N. .58 N. 34 N- 56 s. .37N. 5 N. 15 N. ,8 N. .27 N. 24 N. 40 N. 2 K. 60.0 W. 10.4 E. 9.20 E. 35-43 E. 13-35 E. 13-45 E. 146.4 E. 17.10 E. 8.48 E. 66.12 w. 1.54 E. 1.20 E. 97.42 w. 1.44 w. 0.4S w. 135-40 E. 5-44 w. 3.24 w. 2-57 w. 35-52 E. 77.50 E. 91.0 w. 2.49 w. 29.0 E. 18. lOE. 18.5 E. 28.3 E. 8. 17W. 8 20 E. 170. 30 w. 94 80 8283 60 48-49 48 49 119 52 53 80 94 3637 36-37 104 16-17 1617 121 26-27 28 29 2425 7879 63 4-5 28-29 50-51 48 49 48 49 60-61 34-36 62 53 103 42 Gal GENERAL INDEX Gau Lat. LoDg. Galeana Mexico 24.43N. 100.2 \v. Galej^a Islands, .../«(//a« Ocean 10.24 s. 56.27 E. Galena Illinois 42.23N. Galeria Corsica 42.25N. Galesburj^ Illinois 40.54 N. Galesvilie Wisconsin 44.3 n. Galijate England 53-59 N. Galgonon Switzerland 47.11 N. Galiakot Rajputana 23.31 K. Galicia Spain 42.45 N. Galicia, prov Austria-Iiungary^g.20'S. Galikonda Mt Madras .'.: 15.26N. 78.49 B Galilee, Sea of Palestine 32.50N. 35.20 E Gallon Ohio 40.46 N. Galistan-Karez. ...Sr2V.5a/ac/«i/t(n3o.38N. Galisteo Spain 40.0 N. Galita Island Tunis 37-31 N. Galitch & hake ...Russia 58.15N. Galkissa Ceylon 6.49 N. Galla Tribes East Africa 3.0 N. Gallala Mts Egypt 28.40N. Gallarate Italy 45 40 N. Gallatin Missouri 39-56 N. Gallatin Montana 46.0 N. Gallatin Tennessee 36.22N. Galle Ceylon 6.0 N. Gallogo River Spain 42. ion. Gallegos, Kio Patagonia 51-38 s. Galley Head Ireland 51.32N. Gulliata Italy 45.28 N. Galliera Italy 44.45 N. Gallinas, Point ...Colombia 12.25N. Gallinas, 'River ...Liberia 7.7 N. Gallipoli Italy 40.3 N. Gallipoli Turkey 40.25 N. Gallo, Capo Italy 38. 14N. Galloway Scotland 54.58N. Galluzzo Italy 43.45N. Gals ton Scotland 55-36N. Gait Ontario 43.19N. Galty ^lo\ints.\viA. Ireland 52.23 N. Galtytnure Ireland 52.21 N. Galva Illinois 41. ion. Galveston Texas 29.igN. Galveston ^.xy ....Texas 29.30N. Galway Ireland 53.17N. Gal way, co Ireland S3.22N. Galway Bay Ireland 53-12 N. Gamaches France 49-59 N. Gambaga Gold Coast 10.38N. Gambia River Gambia 13.28 N. Gambler, ^ioMnt. South Australia. yj.z^\ s. Gambler Islands ZOTi/^rc/^. 23.8 s. Gambler Islands. 5£?z^/A .<4//j/;a//(z. 35.6 s. 136.28 E. Garaboa Panama 9.6 N. 79.12 w. Gam ka River Cape Colony 33.103. 22.0 E. Gamla-Karleby...F;«/a«rf 63.45N. 23.16 E, Gamleby Sweden 57-59N. 16.32 e Gamlingay England 52.9 n. Gampola Ceylon 7.8 N. Gamrie Scotland 57.40N. Gamtoos River ...Cape Colony 34.0 s. Gan France 43- 14 N. Gananofjue Ontario 42.20N. Gand (Glient) Belgium 51.3 N. Gandak, Gt. , R. United Provinces 2,0-^6 fl. G.andak, Lit., R. United Provinces^^.^nn. Gandamak Afghanistan 34-18 N. Gandava Baluchistan 28.32 N. Gander Pond Newfoundland ...^Q.^o N. Gandersheira Germany 51-52 N. Gandesa Spain 41.2 n. Gandevi Baroda 20 48 N. Gandia Spain 39.0 N. Gandikot Madras 14-48 N. Gandu N. Nigeria ii.o N. Gangaikondan Madras 8.51 N. Gangaiki»nda- 90.24 w. 8.38 E. 90.18 w. 91.19 w. 2.47 w. 8.52 E. 74-3 E. 8.0 w. 24.0 E. 82.46 w. 66.33 E. 6.14 W. 8.56 E. 42-34 E. 79-52 E. 37.0 E. 32.10 E. 8.48 E. 94.0 W. IH.3S w. 86.27 w. 80.15 E. 0.30 w. 70.30 w. 8.57 w. 8.42 E. 11.24 E. 71.44 w. 11.49 w. 17-58 K. 26.39 E. 13.18 E. 4.30 w. II. 13 K. 4.23 W. 80.25 ^V- 8.7 W. 8.2 w. 90.4 w. 94.48 w. 94.50 w. 9.3 w. 9.0 w. 9.10 w. 1. 31 E. o. 18 w. 15.0 w. 140.53 E. 134 55 w. 0.12 \v. 80.32 E. 2.40 w. 2S-3 E. 0.24 w. 76. 14 w. 3-44 K. 79-7 E. 85.15 E. 70.2 E. 67.32 E. 54.50W. 10. 1 E. 1.39 W. 73-3 E. o. 10 w. 78.20 E. S-O E. 77-49 E. puram Madras 11.13 N. Gangapur Gwalior 25.13N. Gangapur Jaipur 26.29N. Gangar Strait Japan 41-38 N. Gangavvali Bombay 14.36N, Ganges, Mouths of the Bengal. 23.0 N. Gangi Sicily 37.48 N. Gangiru United Provinceszg.iS N. 79.30 E. 74.18 E. 76.46 K. 140.50 E. 74.21 E. 90.0 E. 14.14 E. 77.16 E. Gangob United Provinceszg. ^6 n. 77.18 E. Map 108 4-6 100101 36-37 100-101 100-101 16-17 44-45 66 46-47 4243 65 60 102-103 62 46-47 80 64-66 66 82 83 81 48-49 100 101 105 104 65 46-47 110111 30-31 48-49 48-49 110-111 84 48-49 50-61 48-49 28-29 4S-49 28-29 96 30-31 34-35 100-101 104 104 32-33 30-31 30-31 36-37 84 84 121 114-116 121 110111 86-87 54-66 52 63 20-21 65 26-27 86-87 36-37 96 38 63 63 58 62 94 4041 46-47 64 46-47 65 84 66 66 64 66 76 64 63 4849 63 63 Gangpur Bengal. 22.5 n. Ganyrar Udaipur 25.3 n. Ganjani Madras 19.22N. Gannaf France 46.6 n. Gantang Pass Punjab 3I..38 N. Gantheaume Bay. W. Australia. ...q.j'.-^is. Ganutia Bengal 23-53N. Gap France 44-34 N. Gara, El Egypt 29.37N. Gara, Lough Ireland S3 57N. Garadice Ireland. 54.0 N. Garag Bombay 15.25 N. G.arauli Central India ....25.5 n. Gard, dep France 44.0 N. Garda, Lago d\. ..Italy 45-40N. Gurdanne France 4'^- 28 n. Garde, Cape Algeria 36.58N. G.irdelegen Prussia 52.31 N. Garden City .New York 40.41 N. Gardenstown Scotland 57-41 N. Gardiner. Maine 44- n N- Garding Schleswig 54.20N. Gardner Massachusetts -.-42.3 n. Gardner Channel British Columbias^.^c^ N. Gare Loch Scotland 56.3 N. Garelochhead Scotland 56.4 n. Garforth England 53 48 N. Gargano, Monte. .//a/v 4i.4gN. Garha Gwalior 24.24 n. Garh.akota CentralProvincesz-i. 47 N. Garhbori Central ProvincesQ.o. 18 N. Garhchiroli CeniralProvinces20. 1 1 N. Garbdiwala Punjab 31.45N. Garhi Yasin Sind, Bombay ....27. c,^N. Garhroukhteshar. United Provinces2&.4,7 N. Garhshankar Punjab 31.13N. Garhwal United Provinces -^i.o N. Gariep See Orange River. Garigliano Kiver./Ca/j/ 41.13N. Garioch, dist Scotland 57-22 N. Garleton liWls ....Scotland 55 58 N. Garliestown Scotland 54.47N. Garmouth Scotland 57.40 N. Garnett Kansas 38.16N. Garnkirk Scotland 55.54 N. Garnock \\\\-qt... .Scotland 55.49N. Garo Hill.-i E.B'gal b'Assam26.o N. Garonne River France 43- 18 N. Garrison Ireland 54-25 N. Garrison ..Montana 46.40N. Garristown Ireland. 53-34 N. Garron Point Ireland. 55.3 n. Garrovillas de Alconetar Spain 39-43N. Garry, Lake N.-W. Territorybb.o n. Garry, Loch Scotland 57.6 N. Garstang England 53.54N. Garston England 53-22 N. Gartok Tibet 31.44N. Garvagh Ireland 54. 58N. Garvan Ireland 54-27 N. Giisuonade K\iaT .Missouri 38.0 N. Gascony France 43.4SN. Gascoyne River... W. Australia. ...24.42 S- Gaspar Strait EastlndianArch. 2.40 s. Gaspe, Cape Quebec 48.52 N. Gaspe Bay Quebec 48.45 N. G.asteiii Austria 47.8 N. Gala, Cape Spain 36.43N. Gatchina Russia S9-32N. Gatehouse of Fleet Scotland 54-53 N. Gateshead England 54.58N. Gath Palestine. 31.41 N. Gatine, Hauteurs de la France. 46.42 N. Gatineau Lake Quebec 48.0 N. Gatineau Yi\y&v ...Quebec 45-45 N. Gatrun Tripoli 24. 57N. Gatton Queensland 27.40 s. : G.atnn Panama 9. 15 N. Gauhati E.B'gal &• Assam26.11 N.I Gauley Bridge li'est I'irginia. ..^S.ii^. Gaurihar Bundelkhand 25. i6n. Gaurisankar (Everest), tM.. .North India 27.59N. Gauritz River Cape Colony 34.20 s. Gausta Field Norway 59-45 N. Long. Uap . 84,43 E. 63 . 74.IOE. 66 ■ 85.7 E. 66 3.12 E. 36 37 78.47 E. 66 . II4.0 E. 122 87-53 K- 63 . 6.4 E. 3637 . 26,51 E. 78-79 8. 27 w. 30-31 7-7 w. 32-33 75-40 E- 64 79-24 E. 63 4-IO E. 36-37 10.40 E. 48-49 5-24 E. 36-37 7-47 E. 80 II-23 E. 40 41 74-8 w. 102 103 2.17 w. 26-27 69.51 w. 102-103 8.46 E. 40 41 72.0 W. 102-103 128. 40 w. 98-99 4.49 w. 2425 4.49 w. 28-29 1.23 w. 16-17 16.10 E. 48-49 77-37 E. 61 79-12 E. 63 79-39 E. 63 80.3 E. 63 7^-48 E. 66 68.33 E. 66 78.9 E. 63 76.11 E. 66 78.0 E. 63 14.36 E. 48-49 2.30 w. 26-27 2.45 w. 24-25 4-23 w. 2829 3-7 w. 26-27 9S.14W. 100-101 4-6 w. 2829 4-45 w- 24-25 90.0 E. 63 1.5 E. 3637 8.5 W. 32-33 112.30 w. 105 6. 23 w. 32-33 5-58 w. 30-31 6.33 w. 46-47 100.0 w. 92-93 4-57 w. 24-26 2. 52 w. 16-17 2.54 w. 16-17 80.23 E. 72-73 6.42 w. 3233 7.19 w. 32-33 92.5 w. 100101 0.0 36-37 114.20 E. 122 107.0 E. 70-71 65.30 w. 95 64.15W. 96 13-8 E. 42-43 2.12 W. 46-47 30.3 E. 64-66 4.12 W. 2829 1.36 w. 16-17 34-54 E. 60 0,40 w. 36-37 75.0 w. 95 7S-55W. 96 15.9 E. 7879 152.17 E. 123 79.58 w. 106-107 91.48 E. 63 81.4 w. 102-103 88.10 E. 63 87.0 E. 63 21.54 E. 86-87 8.45 K. 52-63 43 Gau GENERAL INDEX Gia LixX.. Long. " Map Gautamapura Indore 22.S9N. 75.34 B. 64 GavQ do Pau France 43.25^. 0.36 w. 36-37 Gavieiro, Mt Portugal 41.58N. 8.14W. 46-47 Gawilgarh lierar 21.21 N. 77.24 E. 64 Gawler 5oa/A .<4aj/ra/;V;. 34.35 s. 138.39 E. 121 Gawler Range South Ausiralia.^-j.o s. 135.0 E. 121 Gaya Bengal 24.48 N. S5.3 E. 63 Ga'yndaU Queensland. 25.38 s. 151.36 K. 123 Gaza Palestine 31.30N. 34.33 E. 60 Gaza Land Port. E.Africa. .z^z.-^os. 34.20 E. 78-79 G.azelle Pe^in^ulaZ?IJm^2^lr/S .,4rfA. . 4.308.152.0 E. 114-115 Geashill Ireland 53.14N. 7.19 w. 34-35 Geba Kiver Port. Guinea 12.0 N. 15.0 w. 84 Gebe Islund E. Indian Arch. 0.2 s. 129.35 E. 70-71 Gebensdorf Switzerland. 47.28N. 8.14 E. 44-45 Gebesee Prussia 51.7 N. 10.55 E. 40-41 Gebweiler Alsace-Lorraine. 4-;. Si's. 7.11 E. 40-41 Gedaref Sudan 14.12N. 35.30 E. 78-79 Gei\zC\\a.i[S..) ..Asia Minor 38.36 N. 28.0 E. 60 Gedling England 52.59N. 1.4 w. 20-21 Gedney England 52.42N. 0.2 w. 20-21 Geelong Victoria 38.10 s. 144.21 E. 119 Geelvink Bay New Guinea 3.0 s. 135.0 E. 114-115 Geelvink Channel IK yltti^ra/'/a.... 28. 30 s. 114.0 E. 122 Geestemiinde Germany 53 3' N- 8.34 E. 40-41 Gefle Sweden 60.38N. 17.10E. 62-53 Geilenkirchen Prussia 50.58N. 6.10 E. 40-41 Geisenheim Prussia 50.0 N. 7.52 E. 40-41 Geislingen Wiirtemlerg 48.37N. 9.50 E. 40-41 Ge\i^o\Ai\ie\Ta... .Alsace-Lorraine. ifi.-y>'S. 7.44 E. 40-41 Geithaia Saxony 51.3 N. 12.42 E. 40-41 Gelderland, 'prov. Holland 52.5 N. 6.0 E. 38 Geldern Prussia 51.31 N. 6.9 E. 40-41 Gelidi Ital.Somaliland. 2.1SN. 45.0 E. 78-79 Gelivara Sweden 67.20 N. 20.50 E. 52-53 Gelliijare Wales 51.40 N. 3.15 w. 18-19 Gelnbausen Prussia 50.13N. 9.6 E. 40-41 Gelston Scotland 54-55N. 3.55 w. 28-29 Gemliloux Belgium 50.33N. 4.42 E. 38 Gemlik Asiatic Turkey ..^o.2$'S. 29.10 E. 60 Gemmi Pass Switzerland. 46.25 N. 7.37 E. 44 45 Gemona Italy 46.16N. 13.9 E. 48-49 Genappo Belgium 50.37N. 4-^7 E. 38 Genazzano Italy 41.51 N. 12.58 E. 48-49 Genesee Kiver New York 42.35 N. 78.0 w. 102 103 Geneva Nerw York 42.52K. 77.4 w. 102-103 Geneva Switzerland 46.11N. 6.9 E. 44-45 Geneva, Lake of ..^W/icr/ani/. 46.25 N. 6.30 E. 44-45 Genevre, Mont. .../v-ni 35.52N. Goes Netherlands 51.29N. Gog Magog Hills England 52.10 N. Gogar Scotland. 55.56N. Gogho Bombay 21.39 N- Gogra River United Provinces ■2.%.1^'i N. Gogunda Udaipur 24.46 N. Gohad Gwalior, India. ..zS.2^ N. Gohana Punjab 29.8 N. Gohelwad, (i\s,t... Bombay 21.30 N. Goil, Loch Scotland 56.7 N. Gojam, dist Abyssinia 10.15 ^'- Gokak Bombay 16.11 n. Gokcha, Lake Russia 40.30N. Gokhas Ger.S.-W.Africa2a,.i,Z S. Gokul United Provincesz7.l^T^. Gol Nonvay 60.44N. Gola Bengal. 23.35 N. Gola United Provinces26.'z\ n. Gola Island Ireland. 55.6 n. GoLaghat E. B'gal b'Assamm.-yii!. Golan, dist Palestine 33.6 n. Golcar England 53-38N. Golconda Hyderabad 17.22 N. Gold Coast West Africa 5.0 N. Gold Hill Nevada 39.18 N. Gold Range British Columbia^\.o n. Goldau Switzerland 47.2 N. Goldberg Mecklenburg 53.35N. Goldberg Prussia 51.8 N. Golden Ireland 52.30N. Golden Bay New Zealand.....^o.^o s. Golden Gate California 37.50N. Golden Horn Constantinople .,.s,\.o N. Goldingen Russia S6.58N. Goldsboro North Carolina.. ^s.^zji. Golea, El Algeria 30.30N. Goletta Tunis 36.48 N. Golfo Dulce Guatemala 15.30N. Gollapalle Madras 16.43 N. GoUnitz Hungary 48.51N. Gollnow Prussia 53-34 N. Golosa, Pena Spain 43. i8n. Golra Junction... /"an/ui 33.40N. Long. 75.12W. 74.20 w, 9-34 E. 9.24 E. 33-55 E. 10-33 E. 6.30 w. 1.23 w. 3-35 w. 5-48 v.: 14-57 E. 13.32 E. 9-48 E. 13-48 E. 17-33 E. 12.41 E. 2.14 \v. 73-57 E. 89.46 E. 90.41 E. 5-11 w. 70.25 w. 71. low. 72.48 w. I9-0 E. 88.48 E. 77.30 E. 74-43 E. 5-42 w. 6.40 E. 106.0 E. 42.28 E. 0.37 w. 82.15 E. 81.50 W. 7-9 E. 53.20W. 17-7 E. 0. 12 W. 84.41 E. 19.21 E. 73-40 E. 1-47 w- 51.46 w. 76.30 K. 3-53 E. 0.12 E. 3.21 w. 72.15 E. 84-30 E. 73-34 E. 78.29 E. 76.45 E. 71.50 E. 4-54 w. 38.0 E. 74-52 E. 45.IOE. 19.20 E. 77-47 E. 8.56 E. 85-45 E. 83-25 E. 8.22 w. 94.0 E. 36.0 E. 1.52 w. 78.26 E. 1.0 \v. 119.32 w. 118.35 w. 8.33 E. 12.4 E. 15-56 E. 7-58 W. 172.40 E. 122.30 w. 29.0 E. 21.57 E. 77-53 »•- 3.10 E. 10.18 E. 89.5 w. 80.57 E. 20.59 E. 14-50 E. 4.42 E. 72.58 E. Map 102-103 102-103 40-41 40-41 54 65 42-43 30-31 20 21 18-19 32-33 42-43 42-43 40-41 42-43 40 41 40 41 18-19 64 63 63 24-26 102-103 102-103 106107 78-79 63 63 66 3031 84 72-73 82-83 20-21 66 96 40-41 90-91 42-43 20-21 63 42-43 64 20-21 90-91 66 38 14-16 2829 64 63 66 64 66 64 24-25 78-79 64 54-66 86-87 63 52-63 63 63 30-31 63 60 16-17 66 84 106 98-99 44 45 40-41 40-41 34-35 126-127 105 50-51 51-55 104 80 80 106-107 66 42-43 40 41 46-47 66 46 Lat. Gols Hungary 47.50N. Golspie Scotland 57.58N. Gomal River See Gumal. Gombrun Persia 27.30 N. Gomera island. ..Canary Islands. .q8. 8 n. Gometra ls]cind. . Scotland 56.31 N. Gonaives Haiti 19.29N. Gonave Island.. ..//a!/;, W. IndiesiZ.^^s. Gonda United Pravinceszj.j a. Gondal Bombay. 21.55 ^• Gondar Abyssinia 12.37 N. Gondia CentralProvinceszi.zSn. Gondokoro Uganda 4.54N. Gondwana India 22.30 N. Gongolen A'ew S. Wales ...20.12 s. Gonye Falls Zambezi River... 16. ^o S. Gonzaga Italy 44-57 N. Good Hope, C. oiSouth Africa 34.108. Goodenougb I. ...Brit. A'. Guinea. 9.5 s. Goodmanbara England 53-52 N. Goodna Queensland. 27.37 s. Goodrich England 51-52 N. Goodwin iSands... England 51. 19N. Goodwood England 50.52 N. Goolagong Nc7u S. !r(2&.f ...33.36s. Goole England 53.42N. Goolwa South Australia. 2S-3^ S. Goolwa River A'ew S. Wales ...36.0 s. Goondiwindi Queensland. 28.33 S- Gooty See Gutti. Gopalganj E.B'gal &'Assam23.o N. Gopalganj Bengal. 26.28N. Gogalganj CentralProi'inceszi.sS n. Gopalgarh Bhartpur 27.40N. Gopalnagar Bengal. 23.4 N. Gopalpur United Provincesz6.^ n. Gopalpur Madras 19. i6n. Gopamau United PrauinceszT .32 N. Gopiganj United Provincesz^-iS N. Gopnath Bombay 21.12N. Goppingen Wiirtemberg. 48.42 N. Gora United Provinces26.33'S. Gorakhpur United Provincesz6.i\4 N. Goranari Sind, Bombay 28.29N. Gordon South Australia. 32.7 s. Gordon, West Scotland S5.41 N. Gordon Bennett, Mt Uganda 0.30 N. Gordon River Tasmania 42.36 s. Gore New Zealand. ....i,6.2 s. Gorebridge Scotland 55.51N. Goree Senegal. 14.39N. Goresbridge Ireland 52.38 N. Gorey Ireland. 52.41 N. Gorgona ls\z^rvd... Colombia 2.58N. Gorgona Island... //a/v 43.26 N. Gorgonzola Italy 45.32N. Goriganga Uxyer. United Province: 29.45 N. Goring Oxford. 51.32N. Goring Sussex 5o.49y. Goritz Prussia 52.27N. Gorkum Holland 51.49N. Gorleston England 52-35 N. Gorlitz Germany 51.9 n. Gormaz Spain 41.33N. Goro Sea Eiji Islands 18.0 a. Gorontalo Celebes Island .... 0.30 K. Gort Ireland 53.3 N. Gorz Austria 45-57 N. Gos Rejeb Eastern Sudan ..16.0 N. Gosainganj United Pj-avinceszt.^^^ N. Gdschenen Switzerland. 46.42N. Gosford A'ew S. Wales ...33.28 s. Goshen ^gypi 30.18N. Goshen Indiana 41.33 N. Goslar Germany Si. 55 N. Gospicb Hunga}y 44.33 N. Gosport England 50.48N. Gota Canal Sweden 58.30N. Gota Elf Sweden 58.0 N. Gota Rike, \yTO\..Sw^eden 57-30 N. Gbteborg Sweden 57-39N. Gotha Germany 50-57 N. Gotham England 52.53N. Gothenburg Sweden 57-39N. Gothland, pvov... Sweden 57.30N. Gothland Island .Sweden 57- 30 x. Gdttingen Germany 51-35 ^'' Long. 16.55 E. 3-58 w. 26.23 E. 17.22 w. 6.22 w. 72. 35 w. 73-0 w. 82.0 E. 70.52 E. 37.29 E. 80.29 E. 31.28 E. 80.0 E. 147-0 E. 23-50 E. 10.48 E. 18.30 E. 150-5 E. o. 38 w. 152.56 E. 2. 38 W. 1-35 E. 0.44 w. 148.36 E. 0.52 w. 138.50 E. 145.0 E. 150.21 E. 89-52 E. 84.30 E. 79.34 E. 77.6 E. 88.49 E. 83.13 E. 84.57 E. 80.20 E. 82.36 E. 72.6 E. 9-40 E. 83-51 E. 83.23 K. 63. 50 E. 138.10 E. 2.34W. Map 42-43 26-27 60 78-79 24-25 106-107 106-:07 63 64 78-79 63 82-83 63 118 78-79 48-49 86-87 114-115 16-17 123 18-19 14-15 20-21 118 16-17 121 118 123 63 63 63 66 63 63 65 63 63 64 36-37 63 63 66 121 2829 30.20 E. 82-83 145-45 E. 120 168.50 E. 126-127 3-4 w. 28-29 17-24 w. 84 6. 59 w. 34^35 6.17 vr. 34-35 73. 12 w. 110-111 9-53 E. 48-49 9-23 E. 48 49 80.25 E. 63 1-8 w. 2021 0.24 w. 20-21 14-35 E- 40-41 4-59 E. 38 1.43 w. 2021 15.0 E. 40 41 3-4 "■• 46-47 180.0 E. 128 123.18 E. 70-71 8.49 w. 34-35 13.38 E. 42-43 35-42 E. 78-79 81.9 E. 63 8.36 E. 44-46 151-22 E. 118 32.0 E. 81 85.47 W. 102-103 10.25 E. 40 41 15-23 E. 42-43 1.8 w. 20-21 15.20 E. 62-63 12.2 E. 62-63 14.0 E. 62-53 11-59 E. 62-53 10.42 E. 36-37 I. 12 W. 20-21 11.59 E. 62-63 14.0 E. 62-53 18.30 E. 52-63 9-56 B. 40 41 Got GENERAL INDEX Gre Gottipalli Madras 18.3S N. Gottschee Austria 45-38 N. Gouda Hollatid 52.1 n. Goulburn Neiv S, Wales ...■^\.'2^t s. Goulburn Islands A'. Territory, S. Australia II-35 s. Goulburn River.. Victoria 36.10 s. Gourdon France 44-44 N. Gourock Scotland 5S-57N. Gourock Range ..New S. Wales. ..^5.^0 s. Govan Scotland 55-52 N. Govindgarh Punjai 31.40N. Govindgarh Kajf>utana 27,3011. Govindpur Bengal. 23.51 n. Gowganda Ontario 47.40N. Gowna, hough. .../reland 53. 52N. Gowran Ireland. 52.38 N. Gowrie, Carse of. Scotland 56.25 N. Goxhill England. 53-41 N. Goya Argentine Rep. ..29.12 s. Goyana Brazil 7.38 s. Goyaz Brazil 16.22 3. Goyaz, state Brazil 13. los. G020 Island Mediterranean ...'^.■^ N. Graaff-Reinet Cape Colony 32.16 s. Graben Germany 49.9 N. Grabow .Mecklenburg 53. iBn. Grabow Prussia 51-31 N. Gracia Spain 41.24N. Gracias Honduras. 14.32 N. Gracias a Dios, Qi. Honduras 14-32N. Graciosa \i\.\v\A... Azores 39.0 N. Gradisca, Bosn ...Bosnia 45.8 N. Gradisca, Old Hungary 45-^5 N. Graemsay (I.) Orkney 58.56N. Graena Spain 47.22 N. Grafenberg Austria 50.15 N. Graf rath Prussia 51.13N. Grafton Massachusetts 42.13N. Grafton New S. Wales. ..zq.^g a. Grafton, Cape . ...Queensland. 16.51 s. Grafton ls\iinriSie\A.... England 54-O N- Great Duck I Ontario 45-37 N. Great Exhibition Bay New Zeal&nd 34-38 s. Great Falls Montana 47.30 N- Great Yavmgtion.England 5r.40N. Great Fi.sb 'Bay ...Angola 16.40 s. Great Fish River. Cape Co 'ony 33-25 8- Great Fish River N.- W. Territrs. . 65. 10 N. Great Grim.sby ...Englav.d 53-34 N. Great Lsland Ireland 51-52N- GreatKan.awhaR. Virginia 38-14 N. Groat Karroo Cape Colony 32.50N. Great Kei River.. Gi/i Colony 32.27 s. Great Lake Tasmania 4''-53 S. Great Malvern. ...£k^/ii«(/ 52.7 N. Great Marlow England 5'-34N. Great Mercury \.New Zealand. ....id.zi S. Great Namaqua Land Ger.S.- W.Africa26.o S. Great Ormes Hd. ll'ales 53.21 N. Great Popo Dahomey 6.20 N. Great Russia, div. Russia 60.0 N. Great Salt Lake.. t//aA 41-0 N- Long. 68.0 w. 94. 10 w. 51.20 w. 59-51 w- 63.0 w. 49.0 w. 14.0 w. 100. o w. 61.22 w. 8.33 w. 4-51 E. 6.38 E. 48.58 E. 8.40 w. 3-45 w. 110.30 w. 40-33 ■«■• 5.40 w. 2.15 w. 65.0 \v. 0.6 E. 0.39 w. 3- 14 ^v- 3- 36 w. 145-25 K. 1-37 w- 52.0 w. 24.48 E. 12.27 E. 3.1 W. 6-54 E. 5.27 w. 25.30 E. 17-54 E. 9.30 E. 18-43 E. 4-44 E. 2.6 E. 6.0 E. 0.22 E. 16.24 E. 5-35 E. 0.23 E. 15.26 E. 5.22 w. Map 92 93 100-101 106-107 94 110-lU 110-111 84 100-101 106-107 46-47 36-37 44-45 60 3435 28-29 106 110-111 46-47 46-47 9091 20-21 20-21 28-29 26-27 119 36-37 110-lU 86-87 42-43 16-17 36-37 14-16 60-51 42-43 44-46 40-41 38 36 37 4041 2021 48-49 3637 2021 42-43 46-47 129.0 E. 116-117 131. 10 E. 78.30 w. 52.0 W. 175.30 E. 148.0 E. 73.25 w. 117. o \v. 120.0 w. 10.50 E. 10,32 w, 59. low. 121 106-107 94 126-127 123 102-103 105 92-93 39 30-31 94 14-5 E. 119 0. 26 w. 16-17 83.8 w. 96 173-6 E. 126-127 III. 20 w. 105 1.36 \v. 20-21 11.50 E. 78-79 27.0 E. 86-87 105.0 w. 9293 0.4 w. 16-17 8.17 w. 30-31 81.22 w. 102103 22.30 E. 86 87 28.0 E. 8687 146.46 E. 120 2.19 W. 18-19 0,46 W. 20-21 175-54 E. 126-127 18.0 E. 86-87 3-52 -w- 1415 2.0 K. 84 43-0 K. 54^65 112.30 W. 105 47 Gre GEXERAL INDEX Gua Lat. lonj:. Great Sandy \....Queensland. 25.20 s. 15310 E. Great Slave" L....M-H^. TVrn/rj.. 62.0 N. 102.0 w. Great Swan Yoxt.Tasmania 42.3 8. 148.13 E. Great Victoria Desert VV. j4ustra!ia....2g.o S. 125.0 E. Great Wall CMna 39.40N'. uo.o E. Great Western ... Victoria 37.io s. 142.52 E. Great Whale R. .. Labrador Penin.sS.Z°^- yZ-SOW. Great Winterberg (Mt.) Cape Colony 32.18 S. 26.18 E. Great \'a.rmonth. England 52.37 N. 1.43 E. Great Zwarte- bergen Cape Colony 33.20S. 23 30 E. Greece, coMniry.. Europe. 3B.0 N. 23.0 E. Green iSay Wisconsin 45.0 N. 87.30W. Green Cape Neio S. H'afo ...37.16 s. 150.4 E. Green Mts Ascension Island. 8.0 s. 14.20 w. Green Mts Vermont 43.50N. 72.52 w. Green River Kentucky 37.I3N- 86.40\v. Green River Uta/t 40.0 N. 109. 55W. Green River Wyoming. 41.40N. 109. 30W. Greencastle Antrim, Ireland, ^.^./\$ N. 5.42 w. Greencastlo Donegal 55-I3N. 6.59W. Greencastle Do7t)n, Ireland. ..SAA N. 6.5 w. Greenhithe England 51.27N. 0.17 w. Greenland North America.. 72.0 N. 40.0 w. Greenlaw Scotland S5.43N. 2.271V. Greenlet Island ..A'eufoundland ...^i.^^'S. 56.36W. Greenock Scotland 55-56 N. 4-45 ■»'■ Greenock South Australia. 3^^-20 s. 138.58 B. Greenore Ireland 54.1 N. 6.9 w. Greenore Voini... Ireland 52.14N. 6.19 w. Greenough W. Australia ...28.56 s. 114.42 E. Greensboroiigh... K(Vtorz« 37.30 s. 145.0 E. Greenville Alabama 31.49N. 86.42 w. Greenville Illinois 38.52N. 89.24 w. Greenville Kentucky 37.11 N. 87.9 w. Greenville Missouri 37.9 N. 90.21 w. Greenville North Carolina. .3^.32^1. 77.17 w. Greenville Ohio 40.4 N. 84.33W. Greenville South Carolina ..■^.^219. 82.13 w. Greenville Texas 33.7 N. 95.55 w. Greenwich Connecticut 40.2 N. 73.35 w. Greenwich England 51.28N. 0.0 Greenwich Prince Ediuard I .iS,(>.'Z'j N. 62.44 "w". Greenwich Island C(2rij//«f /j/a«(/j. 1.2 N. 155.0 E. Greetland England 53-41 N. 1.51 w. Gregory, di.st Queensland. 23.48 s. 140.42 E. Gregory, Lake ...South Australia. 2^.20 s. 139.40 E. Greifen Lake Switzerland. 47.40 N. 8.40 E. Greifenberg Prussia S3-5SN. 15.12 E. Greifenberg Prussia 53.5 N. 13.54 E. Greifenberg Prussia 55.1 N. 15.30 E. Greifenbagen Prussia 53.ISN. 14.29 E. Greifswald Prussia 54.5 N. 13.21 E. Grein Austria 48.14N. 14.52 E. Greiz Germany 50.39 N. 12.13 E- Grena.a Denmark 56.25N. 10.51 E. Grenada Mississippi 33.46 N. 89.47 "'. Grenada Island .. 11 >j< /ni^iVx 12.5 N. 61.40 w. Grenade France 43.47N. 1.16 E. Grenadines Is West Indies 12.45N. 61.15W. Grenchen Switzerland. 47.12N. 7.23 E. Grenfell New S. H'aA-j. .. 33.53 S. 148.13 E. Grenna Sweden 58.1 N. 14.31 E. Grennah Tripoli 32.42N. 21.55 E. Grenoble Prance 45.12 k. 5.42 E. Grenville Quebec 45.36N. 74.40 w. Gresford Wales 53.6 N. 2.53W. Greta River. .... /Tw^/a/jd" 54-35N. 3.3 w. Gretna Green Scotland 55.0 N. 3.3 w. Greussen Germany 51.11 N. 10.56 E. Grevenbroich Prussia 51.5 N. 6.37 E. Grevenmacher Luxemburg. 49-42 N. 6.27 E. Grey Abbey Ireland 54.32N. 5-33 w. Grey Mare's TnW.Scotland S5-ISN- 3-38w. Grey Range New S. Wa&i. .. 29.20 s. 142.0 E. Grey River New Zealand.. ...^.2,os. 171.20 E. Grey Town South Australia. 27-^0 a. 140.16 E. Greymouth New Zealand. 42.25 s. 171.9 E. Greystoke England 54.40 N. 2.54W. Greystones Ireland 53.9 N. 6.4 w. Greytown Natal 29.3 s. 30.34 E. Greytown New Zealand. ....41.42 s. 175.24 E. Greytown Nicaragua 10.59N. 83.52W. Gries Tyrol. 47.12N. 11.9 B. Grie.'-kirchen Austria 48.14N. 13.50 B. GrifBn Georgia 33-II N. 84.17 w. Map 123 92-93 120 116-117 74 119 9293 86-87 20-21 86-87 BO-51 102-103 118 4-5 102-103 102-103 105 105 32-33 32-33 32-33 20-21 90-91 28-29 94 28-29 121 32-33 30-31 122 119 104 100-101 102-103 100-101 104 102-103 104 104 102-103 20-21 94 114-115 16-17 123 121 44-45 40-41 40-41 40-41 40-41 40-41 42-43 40-41 39 104 106-107 36-37 106-107 44-45 118 62-53 78-79 36-37 95 18-19 14-16 28-29 40-41 40-41 38 32-33 28-29 118 126-127 121 126-127 16-17 34-36 86-87 126-127 106-107 42-43 42-43 104 48 Lat. Grift Canal Netherlands 52.20N'. Grignan. France 44.26N'. Grignon France 47.34X. Grigoriopol Russia 47.8 N. Grijalva River... .jl/^riV(7 18.40 N. Grijo Portugal 40.57N. Griniisay (1.) Scotland 57.29 N. Grimma Saxony 51. 13N. Grimsby, Gt England 53-34N. Grimsel Pass Switzerland. 46.34 N. Grimstad Norway 58.20N. Grindelwald Switzerland 46.38N. GrindstonelslandA'iTZ'a Scotia 47.22 N. Grinnell la.ni.,..A'orth America. .^.o N. Grinstead, E England 51.7 N. Gripsholra Sweden 59.17>'. Griqualand E Cape Colony 30.30S. Griqu.aland W Cape Colony 28.30 s. Griquatown Cape Colony 28.37 s. Gris Nez, Qix\\&... France 50.54N. Grisons, canton , . Switzerland. 46.42 N. Grisselhamn Sweden 60.5 N, Groais Island Newfoundland ...20. s^yt. Grob-iiig Germany 51.40N. Grodek Austria 49.47 N. Grodno Russia 53-41 x. Groenlo Netherlands 52.2 N. Groitsch Saxony 51.9 N. Groix Island France 47-39 N. Gromitz Schleswig 54.9 N. Gronau Prussia 52.6 N. Gronaa Westphalia 52. 13N. Gronenbach Bavaria 47.53 N. Groningen Dutch Guiana ... 5.34 N. Groningen Netherlands 53-13N. Groningen Prussia 51.57N. Groombridge England 51.7 N. Groomsport Ireland 54-41 N. GrooteEylandt..Af. Territory, S. Australia 13. 45 S. Groote River Cape Colony 33.47 S. Groote (Gamtoos) River Cape Colony 33.20 s. Grootfontein Ger.S.-W.Africaz^.z s. Gros, Cape Ontario 46-35 N. Grosmont England 51-55 N. Gross Beeren Prussia 52.13 N. Gross G\oi:'kneT .. .Austria 47.6 N. Grossa (or Lunga) Island Austria 44.0 N. Grosse Lsle Quebec 47.3 N. Grossenhain Saxony 51.17N. Grosse to Italy 42.45 N. Grosswardein Hungary 47.3 N. Grotenburg Germany 51.54N. Groton Connecticut. 41.20N. Groton innctiun. Massachusetts .... 42.22 f!. Grottaglie Italy 40.32N. Grottamare Italy 43.1 K. Grottau Bohemia 50.52K. Grotto Sicily 37-^4 N. Grottkau Prussia S0.42N. Grotzingen Baden 49.1 N. Grotzingen Wiirtemberg 48.38N. Grotzka Servia 44.39N. Grubieszow Russia 50.49N. Grudek Russia 49.10N. Griiinard Bay Scotland 57-55N. Gruis^an France 43.17N. Grulich Bohemia 50.5 N. Grumo Italy 41.2 N. Grun Russia 50.17N. Griina Saxony 50.47 N. Gruna Skerries... 5/if//a«.irrtJ 32.13N. 105.0 w. 100-101 Guadalupe River. Texas 29.35 N. 97.40 w. 104 Guadarrama Spain .40.42 N'. 4.7 w. 46-47 Guadeloupe I We^t Indies 16.15 N. 61.35 ^- 106-107 Guadiana River... S/rt/« 38.10 N. 7.20 w. 46-47 Guadiana-menor River. Spain 37-50N- 3 ^5 w'. 46-47 Guadi;iro V^Xs'^v ..Spain 36.19^. 5-i7w. 46-47 Guadix Spain 37-19 N- 3-3 w. 46-47 Guainia River .... f^tfw^KcA: 2.15N. 69.40W. 110-111 Guaira, L-i Venezuela 10.35 N. ^72 w. 110-lU Guajaba Island .Cuba 21.S3N. 77. 30 w. 106-107 Guajahu VSwgv ...Brazil 4.0 s. 45.0 w. 110-111 Guajara FalL-^ Brazil ii.o 3. 65.30 \v. 110-111 Guajira Peninsula Ctj/ijw^m 1 1. 45 x. 72.0 w. 110-111 Gualeguay Argentine Rep. ..33.7 s. 59.14 w. 112 113 Gnaleguaychu Argentine Rep.. .33.2 s. 58.34 w. 112-113 Guailabamba W.. Ecuador 0.40N. 79.10W. 110-111 Guam Island Ladrones. 13.20N. 144.35 e. H^HB Guamanga Peru 15. 40 3. 74. 6 w. 110-111 Gaamn Colombia 4.20N. 75.8 w. 110-111 Guanabacoa Cuba 23.7 n. 82.19 w- 106-107 Guanacache, La^. de Argentine A*(?/. ..32.32 3. 68.30 w. 112-113 Guanaja \^\^nA...I-Iondiitas 16.30N. 85.30 w. 106-107 Guanajay Cuba 22.53 ^- 82.40 w. 106-107 Guanajuato Mexico 21.0 n. 100.48 w. 108 Guanape Islands. /'^ra 8.0 s. 79.30W. 110-111 Guanare Venezuela 8.34N. 69.32 w. 110-111 Guanarito I'enezuela 8.15 N. 68. 54 w. ;110-111 Guandacol Argentine Rep. ..29.28 .s. 69.12 w. 112-113 Guanica Porto Rico 18.0 n. 66.53 w. 106-107 Guanines Chile 21.25 S- 70.5 w. 112-113 Guano Ecuador i-35 s. 78.52 w. 110-111 Guano U\a.inH....Peru 13.453. 76.28 w. 110-111 Guanta Venezuela 10.6 n. 64.47 w. 109 Guantanamo, Pto. de Cuba 19.58 n. 75.10 w. 106-107 Guap (Yap) I Caroline Islands 9.25N. 138.15 K. 114-115 Guapore River ...Brazil I3-I5 S- 62.25 w. 110-111 Guaranda Ecuador 1,32 s. 78.53 w. 110-111 Guarapuava Brazil 25.10 s. 51.25 w. 112-113 Guarda Portugal 40.35 N. 7. 16 w, 46-47 Guardafui, Capo. £"«.;/ Africa 11.50N. 51.16 K. 78-79 Guardamar Spain 38 4 N. 0.37 w. 46-47 Guardbridge Scotland 56.22N. 2.48 w. 28-29 Guardia, La Spain 41 55 N. S.50W. 46-47 Guarei^a Spain 38.44N. 6.8 w. 46-47 Guarico River Venez24ela 8.30N. 67.36 \v. 110-111 Guastalla Italy 445SN. 10.39 K. 48-49 Guatemala^ ri^\*, Central Ajnericai^.'^^s. 90.30W. 106-107 Guaviare River... Co/(7?«^/a 2.50N. 71.15 w. 110-111 Guayaquil Ecuador 2.103. 79.56W. 110-111 Guayaquil, G. of. v^cwrtrt'c'/' 3.0 3. So.iow. 110-111 Guayas, prov Ecuador 2.303. 80.0 w. 110-111 Guaymas Mexico 27.58N. 110.50 w. 108 Guayra, Falls oi. Brazil 24.103. 54.0 w. 112-113 Gubbi Mysore 13.19N. 76.59 e. 66 Gubbio Italy 43-22N. 12.34 e. 48-49 Guben Germany 51.58N. 14-42 E. 40-41 Gudalur Madras H.30N. 76.34 E. 65 Gudalur Madras 9.41 N. 77.14 K. 65 Guiialur Madras 11.9 N. 76.59 E. 65 Gudari Madras 19.20N. 83.50 E. 65 Gudbrandsdalen.AV/Ti'rtV 61.30N. 10. o E. 52-53 Guden Aa Denmark .56.22N. 10.20 e. 39 Gudikall Madras 15 4SM. 77-:^'^ K. 65 Gudivada Madras 16.26^. 81.2 e. 65 Gudiyatam Madras 12.57N. 78.55 K. 65 Gudur Madras 14,9 ^f. 79 54 K. 65 Lat, Gudur Madras 16.13N. Gudur Madras '.5-43 N. Gud vangen Nonvay 60.47 N'- Guel ma A Igeria 26. 27 N. Guelpli Ontario 43.30N. Guoret France 46. ion. Guernsey I-*land .Channel Islands .^g.^-j n. Guerrero, ?:i\te,.. Mexico 17.40 N. Guiana, \^T\^^f^\ ..South. America... 5,0 n. Guiana, Dutc'i ....S'/»7/M America... 4.0 N. Guiana, ¥rQxn:\\.. South America... 4.0 n. Guienne France 45.0 N. Gviiidford England 51. 14 N. Guildford \V. Australia ...31.533. Guimaraes Portugal 4 1. 28 n. Guinea, Gulf of. . West Africa 0.0 Guinea, T-ower... IVest Africa 4.0 s. Guinea, Upper... West Africa 6.0 N. Guinegatte France 50. 36 n. Guingamp France. 48.34 N. Guipuzcoa, \>vo\.. Spain 43.6 N. Guisborough England 54. 32 N. Guise France. 49^ 5 r N. Gujarat Bombay 22.0 N. Gujarat Punjab 31.27N. Gujarkhan Punjab 33.16 N. Gujranwala Punjab 32.10 N. Gulbarga Hyderabad 17.19N. Guldal Norway 6^.0 n. Gulegiidd Bombay 16.3 N. Gulf Stream Atlantic Ocean ..42.0 N. Gulgong Neiv S. Wales ...32.22 s. Gulhak Teheran^ Persia.^S-4^ N. G u Uane Scotia nd 56. 2 N. Gumal Pa^s Afghanistan ,5fc. ^2. lo'if. Gumbinnen Germany 54-35 N. Gumeracha South Australia. 24. S'^ S. Gumti River United Prot'inces26.o N. Guna Central India ...24.40 N. Gunas Pas.s Punjab 31.21 N. Gundagai Nexv S. Wales ...2,^.-^ s. Gundlakamma ii.Madras i5-33 N- Gunfleet Sands ...England 5^-45 N- Gunnaur United Proi'inceszH.ii K. Gunnedah N'eiu S. Wales ...^i.c s. Gunning Neiv S. I( a/t'.J...34.45 3. Gunong Agong ...Ba/i Island 8.30 3. Gunong Api Dutch E. Indies.. 8.1 S. Giins Hungaty 47-23 N. Guns Island Ireland 54- '8 N. Gun tur 1 ladras 1 6. 1 8 N. Gurage, dist Abyssinia 8.30N. Gurara Oasis Sahara 29.40X. Gurdaspur Punjab 32.3 N. Gurgaon Pu?ijab 28.37N. Gurgueia ^wgv ..Brazil 9.0 S. Guriev Asiatic Russia ...47. 11 N. Gurk River Carinthia 46,43N. Gurk River Camiola .15.52N. Gurkfeld Austria 45S8n. Gurkha Nepal 28.0 N. Gurramkonda Madras 13.47 N. Gursarai United Provinces^^.2,7 N. Gurupi River Brazil.. 2.10S. Guruvayur Madras 10.36N. Gustrow Germany 53.48N. Guthrie Oklahoma 3S-59N. Gutti Madras 15.7 N. Guvsborough Nova Sddia 45. 22 n. Gwadar Baluchistan 25.8 N. Gwai River S. Rhodesia 18.0 s. Gwaja Pass Brit. Baluchis(ati2,o.Z'^'^- Gwalior Central India.. ..■2o.zo\i. Gwatar Persia 25.0 N. Gweebarra Bay. .Ireland 54-52 N. Gweebarra River Ireland 54.52N. Gweedore Buy.... Ireland 55.4 N. Gwelo '. South Rhode.':ia... ig.20S. Gwydir River A'ew S. Wales. ..2g.s2 3. Gyarmat, Balassa //ww^arj/ 48.6 N. G yergya Mta Hungary 46. 25 N. Gympie (Queensland. 26.15 S- Gyobingauk Burma 18. 15N. Gyoma.. Hungary 46.57N. Gyongyos Hungary 47-48 N. Gyula! Hungary 46.38N. Gyulafeherviir ...Hungary.. 46.5 N. Gyula Varsand...//;/'/^(?n'.. 46.37N. 49 Long. Map 81.7 E. 6(» 78.30 K. 65 6.45 E. 52-63 7.22 E. 80 80.21 w. 96 1.52 E. 3637 2-35 w. 14-15 loi.o w. 108 59. w. 109 55 30 "■■ 109 530 »'■ 109 1.0 E. 36-37 0.34W. 20-21 116. 1 K 122 8.11 w 46-47 S-o K 84 12,0 E. 78-79 4 30\v. 84 2.8 E. 36-37 39 w. 36-37 2. 10 w. 4647 1.4 w. 16-17 3.40 K. 36-37 70.0 E. 64 75-14 E. 66 73.20 E. 66 74.14 K. 66 76.54 E. 66 II.O E. 6253 75-5° K. 64 550 »■• 4-5 149.32 E. 118 51.27 E. 60 2. 50 W, 28-29 69.30 E. 58 22.9 E. 40-41 138.56 E. 121 82.0 E. 63 77.20 E. 64 78.13 K. 66 148.3 K. 118 80.18 E. 65 1. 16 E. 1415 78.59 E. 63 150.16 E. 118 149.16 E. 118 115 10 E. 70-71 I1S.44 E. 70-71 16.31 E. 4243 5-33 w. 30-31 80.29 E. 66 38.0 K. 82-83 1.0 E. 80 75.27 E. 66 77.4 E. 66 44.0 W. 110-111 51-52 E- 76-77 14 33 E. 42 43 15.30 E. 42-43 15.28 E. 42-43 85.0 E. 63 78.38 E. 66 79.13 E. 63 46.0 w. 110-111 76.5 E. 65 J2.II E. 40-41 97.32 w. 104 77.41 E. 65 61.30 w. 94 62.7 E. 62 27.0 E. 78-79 66.10 K. 62 78.4 E. 64 61.18 E. 58 8.25 W. 3031 8.15 w. 30-31 8. 20 w. 30-31 29-55 E. 78-79 150.20 E. . 118 19.10 K. 42-43 25.40 E. 42-43 152.38 E. 123 94.51 E. 6869 20 50 E . 42-43 19.50 K. 42 4S 21.17 E. 42-43 23-34 E. 42 43 21.20 K. 42-43 G Haa GENERAL INDEX Han Lat. Haaksbergen Netherlands 52.9 N. Haano Tonga Isla>nis.,..\^.^$ s. Haarlem Holland 52.22N. Haarlem Island. .Cf>'/t;M 9.41 N. Haase River Prussia. 52.30N. ]Iaast, Mount.. .. AVw 2ra/<7n,f..... 44.0 N. Hab River Sinil, Bombay 25.27K. Haliban Arabia 14.30N. Habelsch\verdt.../'/««/'a 50. 17N. Habra River Algeria 35.40 N. Habsbu rg Switzerla nJ 47-28 N. Hackensack New Jersey 40-53 N. Hacketstown Ireland 52.52 N. Hacketstown Nav Jersey 40 51 N. Haddington Scotland 5S-57N. Hadilinpton, co... Scotland 55-55 N. Haddo House Scotland 57-25 N. Haddon Hall England 53.12 N. Hadendoa, tribe.. A^«^/a 17.30 N. Hadersleben Germany. 55. 15N. Hadfield England 53.28 N. Hadham England 51.52N. Hadhr, el- Asiatic Turtey ..2,sy N. Haditha Asiatic Turkey ..-^1,.^ N. Hadleigh England 52.2 N. Hadlow England 51-13 N. Hadmersleben..../'r«j.jm 52.0 N. Hadramaut Arabia 16.0 N. Haff, The Germany 53- 5° N. Hafiz.abad Punjab 32.4 N. Hafizganj United Provinces^Z.yifi. Hafun, Ras Somaliland 10.17N. Hagenau Germany 48.35 N. Hagenow Germany 53.26N. Hagerstown lifaiyland 39. 36 N. Hags Head Ireland 52.S7N. Hague, C. de \a,.. France 49.44 N. Hague, The Holland 52.4 N. Hahndorf South Australia. -^^.^ S. Haidarahad See Hyderabad. Haidargarh Central /«rf/a ....23.40 N. Haifa Palestine 32-48 N. Hailey Idaho 43.20N. Haileyliury College England 51.47N. Hailsham England 50.52 K Hni-nan (1.) China 19.0 N. Hainault, \ivo\'. ...Belgium 50.30 N. Hainburg Austria 48.8 N. Haing-gyi (Negrais) I Burma IS.54N. Hainichen Saxony So. 58 N. Haiphong Tongking 20.52 N. Hairan Brit.BaluchistanQ.Z.i,^ N. Hais Arabia 13.38N. Hai-tan ( Island). .C^;»a 25.30N. Haiti Island West Indies 19.0 N. Hai-yung China 36. son. Hajdu Bosziir- meny Hungary 47-41 N. Hajdu-Hadhas ...Hungary 47-42 N. Haji Khan Brit.BaluchistanTp.i^ii. Hajiganj £.B'galS}'Assam23.i^t!. Hajipur Bengal. 25-41 N. Hajipur Punjab 31.58N. Hajnad Girdish Pass Afghanistan 34.20N. Hakgala Ceylon 6.55 n. Hakodate Japan 41.47N. Hal Belgium SO-43 N. Hnla Bombay 25.48N. HalaniKandhiaro5o?«^(2_)'. 27. 5 N. Halas Hungary 46.24 N. Halberstndt Germany 51-54 N. Haldwani United Provinces 2g.J2^. Halebid Mysore 13-13 N- Halesowen England 52.28N. Halesworth England 52.20N. Hali Arabia 19.26N. Haliburton Ontario 45.6 n. Halicz Austria 49.7 N. Halidon Hill England 55-47N. Halifax England 53-43 N- Halifax Nova Scotia 44-38 N- Halifax Bay Queensland 18-50.S. Haliyal Bombay 15.20N. Halkirk Scotland 58.30N. Hall. Austria 47 18 N. Long. JI;ip 6.44 E. 38 174.12W. 114115 4.40 E- 38 79-54 E- 65 80 E. 40-41 169.30 E. 126127 67.8 E. 66 47.0 E. 58 16.40 E. 40-41 0.0 80 8. 1 1 E. 44-45 74 7 "•- 102103 6-3.1 "■• 34-35 74.52 w. 102-103 2.47 w. 28-29 2. 40 w. 28-29 2.14 \v. 26-27 1-39 w. 20-21 36.30 E. 78-79 9.10 E. 40-41 1.58 E- 16-17 0.3 E- 20-21 42-49 E. 60 42-35 E- 60 0-58 E- 20-21 O-20 E- 20-21 1I-20 E- 40 41 51.0 E. 58 14.20 E. 40-41 73-16 E- 66 79.24 E. 63 51.28 E. 78-79 7.48 E. 40-41 II. 12 E. 40-41 77.44 W. 102-103 9.27 w. 34-35 I.S7W. 36-37 4.20 E. 38 138.57 E. 121 78.15 E. 64 3.5-1 E- 60 114. w. 105 0.3 w. 20-21 0.16 E. 20-21 IOQ.45 E. 74 4-0 E. 38 16-57 E. 42-43 94.20 E. 68-69 13.6 E. 40-41 106.39 E. 68-69 69.22 E. 62 43-24 v.. 58 119.58 E- 74 71-Q w. 103107 121. 31 E. 74 21.31 E. 42-43 21.39 E. 42-43 67.24 E. 62 90.54 E. 63 85.14 E. 63 75-48 E. 66 66.10 E. 58 80.48 E. 65 140-51 E. 75 4.13 E- 38 68-27 E. 64 68.23 E. 64 19-30 E- 42 43 II-3 E. 40-41 79.34 E- 63 76.2 E. 66 2.3 w. 18-19 1.30 E. 20-21 40-58 E. 53 76. 24 \V. 96 24-43 E- 42-43 2.2 W. 1415 1.52 W. 16-17 63.36 w. 94 146.20 E. 123 74-48 E. 64 3.29 W. 26-27 11.31 E. 42-13 5<5 Hall Wurtemberg 49.6 K. Hall Land Greenland 82.0 N. Hall Peninsula. ..A'.- IK T€rritrs..t^.o N. Jlalladale VSw ex.. Scotland 58.28 N. Hal-la-san {yo\.),Quelpart Island .^Z-C^c^ii. Halle Germany 5129 N. Hallein Austria 47-42 N. Hallett 5. Australia 32.27 S. Halligcn Islands. (7^r;/;a«v 54.30N. Hallingdalen Nonvay 60.35 l^'- Hallowell Maine 44-17 N- Hall's Creek W. Australia.. ..18.15 S- Hallstatt Austria 47-34 N*- Halluin France 50.47 N. Halmahera I Moluccas i.o N. Halmstad Sweden 56.39N. Halsi Bombay IS-33N'- Halstead England 5I-57N. Halstead Kansas 38.0 N. Haltwhistle England 54-58N. Hal wad Botnbay 23. i N. Halys River See Kizil Irmak. Ham France 49-45 N. Hamadan Persia 34*55 ^*- Hamah Syria 35-12 n. Hamar A^or^vay 60,44 N- Hambantota Ceylon 6.7 n. Hambleton England 50.56N. Hamburg Germany 53-33 N- I lamburg South Carolina . . 33. 27 N. Hamelin IV. Australia 34.16 s. Hamelin Harbour IK Australia 26.0 s. Hameln Germany 52.7 N. Hami Afongolia 42.45N. Hamilton Bermuda 32. loN. Hamilton AVw S. }\'a/es...^2.$-;' s. Hamilton AVz*' Zealand,. ...^J-AS S. Hamilton Ohio 39.20N. Hamilton Ontario 43.16N. Hamilton Scotland 55-47 N'- Hamilton Victoria 37-45 s- Hamilton \i\\ct... Labrador 54.20X. Hamilton ^owuCi .Newfojind land ...^^.^yi n. Hamilton-on- Oyde Tasmania 42.36 S. Hamilton-on- Forth Tasmania 41.12 f?. Hamiltons .\ew Zealand 4S-12 s. Hamilton's 'Bo.vcn Ireland 54-21 x. Hamirpur United Provinces 2$. ^S X. Hamirpur Punjab 3i.40N'. Hamley Bridge. ..5. Australia 34.21 s. H a m m Germany 5 1 . 4 N. Hammada-el- Homra Sahara 30.0 N". Hammam AH Asiatic Turkey ..2i,6.Z K. Hammerfest Notivay 70.40 N. Hammond South Australia. $2. 26 s. Hamoaze England 50.24 N. Hanipasagar Madras 15.9 N. Hampden A'eiv Zealand ...,45.20 s. Hainpe Madras 13- 21 N. Hampshire, co.... England 51-0 n. Hampstead England 51-33 N- Hamjiton England 51.25X. Hampton J'irginia 370 N. Hami)ton Plain,,, 11'. Australia. ...-^o-io^. Hamun ls\2ixsh.... Afghanistan 30.0 n. Han Piiver Korea 37.40 N. Hanau Germany 50.9 K. Hand Hills Alberta 51.0 N. Handa Island Scotland 58.23 N. Handapa Bengal 20.57N. Handiya Central Proi'inces22.2()'^. Handiya United Pro7'inces 25.22 N. Hanga River Easter Island. — 27.8 s. Hangal Bombay 14-46 N. Hangan Burma IS'^^ I^'- H a ng-chau China 30. 1 5 N. Hang-cbau Bay ...Ch ina 30. 25 n. Hango Russia 59-47 ^"• Hangrang Vass... Punjab 31.48N. Hangu N.-Jl'. F. Proz\.:^^.$2ti. Han-hai{Dry Hea.)Mongolia 44-0 N- Hankau. China 3°-35^"- Han-kiang (K).... China 32.40 N. Han-kiang {K\... China 24.0 N. Hankinson N. Dakota 46.5 N. Long. 9.43 E. 60.0 w. 66.0 w. 3-S4W. 126.3s E. 11-59 E. "3-5 E. 138.52 E. 8.30 E. 8.30 E. 69.53 w. 127.46 E. 13-38 E. 3-8 w. 128.0 E. 12.49 B. 74-40 E. 0.39 E. 97.32 w. 2.27 w. 71.15 E. 3-2 E. 48.20 E. 36.39 E. 11.14 E. 81.7 E. 1. 5 W. 9-59 E. 81.46 w. I16.S E. 114.16 E. 9.21 E. 93-30 E- 64.^1 w. 151.46 E. 175-18 E. 84.12 W. 79.57W. 4-3 ^'■■ 142.1 E. 58.0 w. 54.20 w. 146.52 E. 146.15 E. 170.15 E. 6.32 ^v. 80.12 E. 76.34 E. 138.42 E. 7.50 E. 10.0 E. 43-17 E. 23- 50 K . 138.16 E. 4.12 w. 76-5 E. 170 50 E. 76.32 E. 1.30 W. O.I I w. 0.24 w. 76.26 w. 123.0 E. 62.0 E. 126.40 E. 8.55 E- 112.0 W. S-ii w. 84.44 E. 77.2 E. £2.14 E. 109.24 w. 75-12 E- 97.54 E. 120.16 E. 121.30 E. 22.59 E. 78-35 E. 71.6 E. lOO.O E. 114. 18 E. 110.0 E. 116.30 E. 96.50 W. Map 40 41 90-91 92-93 24-26 75 40 41 4243 121 40 41 62-63 102-103 116-117 42-43 3637 70-71 52 53 64 2021 100101 16-17 64 3637 60 60 6253 65 20-21 4041 104 122 122 40 41 72-73 106107 118 126-127 102103 96 28-29 119 9293 94 120 120 126 127 32-33 63 66 121 40-41 80 60 52-53 121 18 19 65 126-127 65 1415 20-21 20-21 102103 116117 68 75 40 41 98-99 2425 63 63 63 114-115 64 68-69 74 74 54-55 66 66 72-73 74 74 74 100101 Han GENERAL INDEX Haw Hanle Kashtnir.. Hanley England .. Haniia Austria ... Hannibal Missouri.. Hanoi Ton^king. Lat. ..33-0 N. ..53.2 N. .-49-33 N. .39-40 N. .20.57 N. Hanover Germany 52.23N. Hanover New Hampshire. ^-^.^-^ N. Hanover, prov Germany 52.48N. Hanover Island. .O//^ 51.0 a. Hansag Hungary 47-45 N. Hansi Puiijab 29.6 N. Han well England 51-31 N^ Hanworth England 51-26 n, Han-yanj;: China 30.35 N. Hanyani IW^qt... Southern/^ hodesiaij.^o s. Han-yu China 34-55 N. Hapa Bom bay 23. 34 n. Haparanda Sweden 65.52 N. Hapsburg Switzerland 47. 28 N. Hapur United Provinces-zS.^i ^• Harai Central P rovincesi-z.yj ■^. Haramuk, Mt Kashmir 13-26 x. Haranhalli J fysore 1 3- 1 5 N'. Harappa Punjab 30. 40 n. Harar Abyssinia 8.45 N. Harasnath Jaipur 27.39N. Harbin Manchuria 45.46N. Harbor Grace Newfoundland ,..^7.22 n. Harbour Island. .Bahamas 20.28 x, Harburg Germany 53. 28 N. Harda CentraiProvinces7.-2.21 n. Haniunger Fjeld Norway 60.20 n. Hardanger Fjord A'brTfty 60.20 n. Harder wijk Holland 52.22 y, Hardoi United P/ ounces 26.2^ N\ Hardt Mts Germany 49.18 N. Harduagauj United Pro'i.'inies2j.^j s. Hard war United Ptvzinceszg.^S n. Hard wick HoM.. England 53-12 n. Hare Bay Newfoundland ...z^i.iz^ X. Hare Island Madras 8.47.\. Hare Island Quebec 47-51 N- Harfleur Prance 49.29 N. Hargam United Provinces2j.^^ N. Harha United P/oz'inces 26.2^ ii. Hai-i Rud See Heri Kud, Hariana Punjab 31.38N. Harihar Mysore 14. 31 N. Haribarpur Mysore 13-30N. Haribarpur Nepal 27. 2 1 N. Harik 4rabia 24.0 N. Haring VI let Holland 51-50 N. Haripar N.-W. P. Pjov..j^.o n. Haripur Punjab 32.0 X. Haripur Patiala 31.1 N. Harlaw ...Scotland 57-I9N. Harlech Wales 52.S2N. Harleston England 52.43 N. Harleston England 52. 24 N. Harling, East England S2.27N. Harlingen Netherlands 53.10N. Harlow England 5 1. 47 N. Harnai Bombay 1 7. 49 n. Hare Spain 42. 36 .v. Haro, Canal dQ... British Columbia 48. 16 if. Harpanahalli Madras. 14.47N. Harper's Ferry... IK, Virginia 39.17 N. Harran Asiatic Turkey ..1,6. SS ^• Harrand Punjab 29.28N. Harrat-el-Aue Arabia 28.0 X. Harrat-I\.baiber..^'f/'tJi^/i7 25.20N. Harriana Punjab 29.0 X. Harrietsham England 51.14X. Harrietvillo Victoria 36.50 s. Harrington England 54- 37 N^* Harringworth England 52-34 X. Harris Scotland 57-57N. Harris, Sound of. Scotland 57-43 N- Harrisburg Pennsylvania 40. 1 5 N. Harrismith OrangeJ?iver Col. 28. 2.\ s. Harrison New Jersey 40.45 X. Harrisville Queensland 27. 50 s. Harrogate England 54.0 X. Harrold England 52.12X. Harrow England 51.34 N. Harrow Victoria 37.12 s. Hart Fell Scotland 55.25 X. Hartford Connecticut. 41.42X. L'jng. 11 ip 79-0 K. 66 2.12 \v. 18-19 17.0 E. 42 43 91.24 W. 100-101 106.8 E. 63 69 9.42 E. 40-41 72.11 E. 102-103 9.0 E. 40-41 74-45 "■• 110111 16.50 E. 42-43 76.0 E. 66 0.20 \v. 2021 0. 24 \v. 20-21 114. 5 E. 74 305 E. 78-79 119.20 E. 74 72.58 E. 64 24,3 E. 52-53 8.II E. 44-45 77-50 I-- 63 79.18 K. 63 75-0 E. 66 76.17E. 65 72-53 1:- 66 42.36 E. 82-83 75-iSE- 66 126.35 E. 72-73 55-=5 '■y- 94 76.30 \v. 106107 9-59 E- 40-41 77-8 E. 63 7.25 E. 52-63 6.10 E. 52-53 5-37 E. 38 81.14 E. 63 7.40 E. 40-41 78,12 E. 63 7S.13 E. 63 1. 19 \v. 20-21 55- sow- 94 78.11 E. 65 69. 46 w. 95 0.17 E. 36-37 8o.^7E. 63 80.34 E. 63 75-54 E. 66 76-50 E. 65 75.21 E. 65 85.32 E. 63 47-35 E. 68 4.10 E. 38 72.58 E. 66 76.12 E. 66 77-3 E. 66 2.28 w. 2627 4 7 w. 18-19 1. 41 \v. 18-19 I.IQ E. 20-21 0. SO E. 20-21 5.24 v.. 38 0.8 E. 2021 73-9 E. 64 3- 1 "'■ 46-47 123.55 w. 98-99 76.2 E. 65 77.48 W. 102-103 39-4 E- 60 70.1 E. 66 38.0 E. 60 42.0 1:. 68 75 30 E. 66 0.41 v.. 2021 147.10 E. 119 3-33 »•. 1617 0.39 w. 20-21 6.47 w. 2627 7-5 »•. 24^25 76.54 «-. 102-103 28.36 E. 8687 74 I2W. 102-103 152-40 E. 123 1-33 "■. 1617 0.37 «•. 20 21 0.20 w. 20-21 131.38 E. 119 3- 23 w. 24-26 72.42 w. 102-103 Hartington England. 53.9 n. Hartland England 50-59 N. Hartlaod Paint ..England 51.2 n. Hartlebui-y England S2.20N. Hartlepool England 54.42 N. Hartlepool, Vf ....England 54.41 n. Hartley.... .'Vew S. H'.i/fj ...33.31 s. Hanij-es-Sod Tripoli 27.30 N. Hanikii I.-luud ....l/o/K^i-ar 3-42 s. Harvard, .Mt Colorado 37.30N. Harwich... England 51-56N. Harz .Mountain?.. Gfr;«<7wj' 51-41 N'. Hasara E. B'gal&'Assatmj.^^ri. Haslemere England 51.6 N. Haslinpden England 5,3-43 N. H.asni Kot Bri/. Balncliis/anzg.^z N. Has.sa Arabia 27.0 N. Hassan Mysore 13.0 N. Hassan Afysort 13. i k. Hassanur Madras. "-35 N. Hasselt Belgium 51-56 N. Hasscl t Netherlands 52. 36 n. Hastinapur United Provincesir^.^ N- Hastin^s England 50.52 x. Hastings Minnesota 4442 N. Hastings Nebraska 40.32 N. Hastings Ne7v Zealand.. ...-^q.-^y s. Hastinfjs Victoria 38.16 s. Hatfield England 51.47N. Hatfield York, England. ..^;}.3.\}l. Hatfield, Iiisbop's£'//^/rt«£/ 5i-47 N. Hatherleigh England 50.49 N. Hatherop England 51-45 N. Hathersage England 53-21 N. Hatbras United Provinces^;. 2^ N. Hatia Nepal 27.48 N. Hatia Island E.B'gal&^Assam22.;2^N, Hatszeg Hungary 45.37N. Hatta CentralProvinces2^,S N. Hatteras, Cape...A'(?/-/A Ca7-olina..-2^.i^^. Hatton England 52. 19N. Hatvan Hungary. 47.40N. Hatzfeld Hungaty 45.28N. Haud Desert Somaliland 8.0 N. Hauge Sund Not way 59.20N. Haughsbaw 'WW^'iScotland 55-34 N. Haulbowline Ireland 51.49N. Hauraki Gulf New Zealand. ....-26.20 s. Hauran Syria 32.55 N. Haussa States ....N. Nigeria 11.35 ^■ Haut-Kbin, dep.. Erance. 47.53N. Haute-Garonne ..France. 43.20N. Haute-Loire, dep. /"rawiTtf. 45. loN. Haute-Marne France 48.2 N. Haute-Saune Erance. A7.40N. Hautc-Savoie France, 46.0 N. Haute- Vienne....yv-affr^. 46.0 N'. Hautes-Alpes France 44-40 N. Hautes-Pyrenees Erance. 43.0 N. Havana Cuba 23.0 N. Havant England 50.52 N. Havel River Germany 52.43N. Havelberg Germany 52.50N. Haveli Punjab 30.26 N. Havelock N'ew Zealand 41.14 s. Havelock ls\:xiid .Andanian/ilandsi2.o N. Haverfordwest... ITales 51.48N. Haverbill England 52.5 N. Haverhill Massachusetts 42.44N. Haverbill Neiu Hampshire .^^.2 N. Haveri Bombay 14.48N. Havre France 49.29N. Hawaii (Sand- wich) \s\d.r\i% ..Pacific Ocean 21.0 N. Hawarden Wales 53.11 N. Hawash River Abyssinia 8.24N. Hawea Lake New Zealand. ....m. 2% S. Hawera New Zealand. ....y)-SS S- Hawcs England 54-19 N- Hawes Water England 54-32 N. Hawick Scotland 55.26 N. Hawkc Bay Newfoundland ..50.38 N. Hawker South Australia. 31. ^S s. Hawkes Bay AVu* Zealand 39.20 3. Hawkesbnry N'etu Zealand 45.32 3. Hawkesbury li,..A'eivS. ICa/w ...33.33 3. Hawkesdale Victoria 38.2 3. Hawkshead England 54.22 N. Long. Mil) 1.49 w. 1819 4.29W. 1819 4.31 w. 1415 2. 1 5 w. 18-19 1. 1 1 w. 16-17 1. 1 2 w. 1617 150.12 E. 118 18.30 E. 78-79 128.34 E. 7071 106.0 W. 100101 I.I7 E. 2021 10.37 E. 40 41 90.21 E. 63 0.43 W. 2021 2. 20 w. 1617 69.46 E. 62 SO.O E. 60 76.8 E. 65 76.10 E. ee 77.10 E. 65 5.20 E. 38 66 E. 38 78.3 K. 63 0.36 E. 2021 93.12 W. 100101 98.5 W. 100-101 177.2 E. 126-127 145-13 E. 119 0. 14 w. 20-21 1.0 w. 1617 0. 14 w. 20-21 4-3 w. 18-19 1.46 \v. 20-21 1.40 w. 20-21 78.6 E. 63 87.20 E. 63 91.0 E. 63 22.56 E. 4243 79-39 E. 63 75.32 »'. 104 1.40 w. 2021 19.41 E. 42-43 20.44 E. 42 43 45.0 E. 78-79 5.20 E. 62-53 3-55 w. 2425 8.17 w. 34-35 175-10 E. 126-127 36.20 E. 60 7.30 E. 78-79 7.0 E. 3637 I.O E. 36-37 3-50 E. 36-37 5.10 E. 3637 6.10 E. 36-37 6.20 E. 36-37 1.0 E. 36-37 6. 20 E . 36-37 0. 10 E. 3637 82.15 w. 106-107 0.59 «•• 2021 I2.II E. 40 41 12.4 E. 40 41 73-45 E. 66 173.46 E. 126-127 93-0 E. 68 69 4.58 w. 18-19 0.27 E. 20 21 71.8 W. 102103 72.6 w. 102103 75.29 E. 64 0.6 E. 36-37 157.0 W. 128 3.1 W. 1819 39-0 E. 82-83 169-33 E. 126-127 174.12 E. 126-127 2 14 W. 1617 2.47 w. 14-15 2 48 W. 28 29 S7.15W. 94 138.15 E. 121 177.20 E. 126127 170.50 E. 126127 151.20 r.. 118 142.18 E. 119 3.0 w. 16 17 Haw GENERAL INDEX Her LaU Haworth England 53- 5° Hawthormieii Scotland 55-52 Hay New S. ira/«...34.35 Hay Wales 52.4 Hay River Alitrta. 59 3° Hay River V. Territory, S. A ustralia 24. o Haydon Bridge ..England 54-58 Havel A rabia 27. 10 Hayes Island Burma 11.51 Hayes River N.-IV. Terrilrs.. 56. 18 Hayle England 50.12 Hayling England 30.48 Hay ton England 53 22 Hay ward's '^^■■x'AiEngland 51, i Hazara Afghanistan 32. 50 Hazariliagli Bengal. 23. 59 Hazarmavetli See Hadramaut. Hazebrouck Frame 50. 44 Hazleton Pennsylvania 40.53 1 oadford Ireland 53 28 Heage England 53.3 Healesville I'icloria 37-35 Heanor England. 53.1 Heard Island Antarctiia 53.1 Heart's Content..jVeu/oundland ...47.50 Heath Point .Aniicosti Island. a,q.b Heath Town See Wolverhampton. Heathcote Victoria 36-55 Heathfield England So. 58 Heaton Norris....5« Stockport. Hebburn England 54-59 Hebden Bridge... £w^/arti/ 53-42 Hebli Bombay 15.29 Hebrides, ^nriGr.. Scotland 56.30 Hebrides, Obiter. Scotland 57.30 Hebron Palestine 31.31 Heckington England 52.59 Heckmondwike ..England 53.43 Hecla Island Scotland. 56. 50 Hector Pass Xezo Zealand.... .44. ^.^ Hedixeley 'Moor ...England 55.29 Iledja:!, El, ymt. Arabia 25.0 Hedon England 53-45 Hegyalya Mts Hungary 48.35 Heide Holstein 54- 12 HeideV-.rug Germany 55 22 Heidelberg .Germany 49- 24 Heidelberg Transvaal 26.27 Heidelberg Victoria 37.45 Height of h:\nA. .Canada .t;o.o Heilbron OrangeRiver Col. 27. 15 Heilbronn I VUrtemberg 49. 8 Heiligenstadt Prussia 51 -23 Heilsberg Prussia 54.7 Heilsbronn Bavaria 49-20 Hekia, Mount.... /ie..l>elaware 38.46N. Henlow England 52.2 N. Hennebont ...France 47.50N. Hennepin Illinois 41.14N. Henrichemunt..../v'a«« 47. 17N. Henrietta Jlaiia, Cape JV.-IV, Territrs..^~,.i-, X. Henry, Cape Virginia 36.54>". Henry Mts Vtah 38.0 K. Hcnsbarrow Beacon England 50.23^. Henzada Burma 17.36K. Heptonstall England 53-45 ^'' Hepworth England 52.19K. Heraclea See Eregli. Heraklia l.-l;iiid ..Greece .. .36.49 N. Herald Island Arctic Ocean.... 71.19N. Herat Afghanistan 34.28K. Herault, dep France 43.30N. Herault River... France 43.43K. Herbert 'Hwer. ...Queensland. 18.0 6. Herl)erton Queensland 17.24 6. Herbert.thiibe... Bismarck Aith.. 4.10 s. Hcrbertstowii Ireland 52.31 N- Herborn P}-ussia 50-41 N- Ilerculaneiim .. . Italy 40.47 K. 1 1 ereford and c -. England 52. 3 K. llerencia Spam 39.20N. Hereny Hungary 47.16N. Hereroland Ger.S.-\V.Africa-z^.o B. Herford Germany 52.7 K. Hergott Springs. .5ow/A Australia. "Zt^.-^S S. Heri Rnd {\\\\cY).Afghanistan,^-c.2^.40ii. Heriot Aew Zealana 44-59 S. Heriot Scotland 55.46N. Herisau Switzerland 47.23 N. Heristal Belgium 50.41 N. HerjeSdalen Sweden 62.20N. Herjehogna (Ml. ^Sweden .....61.56 N. Herm Island Channel fslan.is. 4g.QSv. Hermann Missouri 38. 4 2 N. Ilermannstadt ...Hungary 4.^.46,N. Hermannstadt. ....-}aj/Wa 50.15 N- Hermioni Greece 37.22N. Long. Hap Q.27 E. 40 41 11.42 E. 40-41 1-12 K. 20-21 5-59 E. 38 3-39 «•- 26-27 1.3 w. 16-17 II. E. 40-41 0. 19 w. 20-21 0.21 w. 20-21 12.42 E. 62-CS 24.57 E. 54-66 16,0 E. 62-63 12.36 E. 39 5.10 w. 18-19 60. 5 W. 112-U3 3-2 w. 14^16 7-33 w- 30-31 31.12 E. 81 77.2 K. 66 0.28 w. 20-21 0.59 w. 16-17 0.9 w. 20 21 1.17 E. 20-21 3.6 w. 26-27 0.23 E. 20 21 2.17 ». 18-19 17.55 E- 5253 4. 10 W. 18-19 3.0 w. 46-47 2.40 w. 18-19 87.32 w. 102-103 93,16 \v. 100-101 94-47 »- 104 151-57 E- 123 109.10 E- 74 112.25 E. 74 1.45 w. 14-16 0.15 E. 20-21 2.^8 E. 36-37 18,8 E. 86-87 0.54 w. 20-21 1.47 K. 18-19 75 3 w- 102-103 0. iS w. 20-21 3.17W- 36-37 89.15 w. 100-101 2.32 E. 36-37 83- 5 w. 92-93 76.5 «•- 104 110.40 w. 105 4.50W. 1415 94-27 E. 68-69 2.2 W. 16-17 0.56 E. 20-21 25.28 E. 5061 177.36 w. 6 62.9 E. 68 3.20 E. 36-37 3 35E. 36-37 145.20 E. 123 145.26 E. 123 I^2. 12 E. 114-115 8.27 W. 34 35 8.17 E. 3637 14.22 E. 46-47 2.43 «. 18-19 3-25 !»•- 46-47 16.36 E. 42-43 16.0 E- 7879 8.40 K. 40-41 137.4;: E. 121 61.0 E. 68 168,52 E. 126-127 3.0 vv. 28-29 9.17 E. 44-45 5-38 E- 38 13-10 E- 62-63 12.12 E. 62-63 2.27 \v. 14-16 QI.26 w. 100-101 24.9 E. 42-43 17. -0 E. 42^3 23.15 E. 50 51 Her GENERAL INDEX Hoh Lat. Hermiston Siotland 55-55 N. Hermitage Missouri. 37- 5^ N. Hermitage Bay . . .\ew/ound/and ...47.35 N- Hermitnge Ciisl\eSco//and 55- 16 N. Hermon Basutoland 29.54 s. Hermon, Mount , Palestine 33.26N. Hermosillo Mexico 22. 23 n. Hermupolis Greece 37. 26 N. Hermus River See Gediz Chai. Hernad River . ...Hungary 48.10N. Hernani Spain 43.14N. Heme Bay England 51.22 N. Hernosand Sweden 62.35 N. Herreiibertr WUrtetnberg 48.36N. HerreradelDu']ue.5/azrt 39.7 N. Herrnhut Saxony 51. i N. Herrnstadt Prussia 5^-34 N- Her^ibruck Bavaria 49-31 N. Hei'scliell Range. W. Australia ...30.0 8. Hersfeld Germany 50.52N. Hertford sluAco.. England 5r.48N. Hertingfordbiiry.£«^/(zn(/ 51-48 N. Hertogenbosuh ...See Bois-le-Diic. Heruj-el-Abiad... Tripoli 27.28 N. Herve ...Belgium 50.38 N. Harvey Bay Queensland 25.0 s. Hervey Islands. ...S'« Cook Islands. Herzberg Germany 5i- 39 N. Herzberg Prussia 51- 43 N. Herzegovina Austria-Hungary^'^ 20 n. Hesdin France, 50.18N. Heshbon Palestine. 31-45 N. Hesket New Market England 54. 44 n. Hesketh \k\.nk....E fig land 53-43 N- Hessen,gd. ducliy(;ifrOTa«/ 50.0 N. Hessen-Nassau ...Germany 50-25 N. Hes.sle England.. 53-44N. Heston E^ngland 51-29 N. Hesy, Wady el- , . . Palestine 3 1. 1 8 N. Hetch-hetchy ValC(:/?/t)r«m 37-58 N. Hethorsett ...England S2.36N. Hethersgill England 54.S9N. Hettstedt Prussia 51.39N. Heusden Netherlands 51.43N. Hovershaiu England 54- ^5 N. H e vea Hu nga ry 47. 37 N. Hewittville Queensland 23.27 S. Heworth England 54-57 N. Hexham England 54-58 N. Hey field Victoria 38.1 s. Heyst Belgium 51-21 N. Hey tesbury England 5 1 . 12 N. Hey wood Englarid 53-35 N- Heywood Victoria 38.5 s. Hibbs Point Tasmania 42.38 s. Hida-EchuRange/d/art 36.20N. Hidalgo, state Mexico 20.0 n. Hiddensee \^ax\y\ Prussia 54-34 N- Hien-fung {^\.l.)., Korea 40.30N. Hierapetra Crete 35. 3 N. Hierisso Turkey 40.24 N. Hietzing Austria 48.12 N. Hi;;U Pike England 54.42N. Hi-h Willhays Tor England 50.41 N. High Wycombe . . England , 5 1 . 38 N. Highara England 51.27N. Highara Ferrers. . E n^land 52.19N. Highclere England 51.20N. Highgate /: ngla nd 5 1 ■ 34 N. Highwood ^\t^ ...Montana 47.30N. High worth Ejigland 5 ■■38 N. Hikkaduwa Ceylon 6.9 n. Hikurangi, Mt \'ew Zealand. 37.59 S. Hilborougii ..England 52.35N. Hildburgliausen.. Germany 52.26 N. Hilden ...Prussia 51.20N. Hildesbeini Germany 52.8 N. Hili ...E.B'gal^As.wn/2$.i7V. Hill End Vew S. IKc/e-.^ ..-33.5 S. Hill of Fare Scotland 1^7.7 N. Hill River \'.-W. Territrs.. -/xo n. Hill Street Ireland -53-53 ?*- Hill Tippera E.B'gal&'Assam^i.^ps. Hillah Asiatic Turkey ..32.28 N. Hillary lA:\.Thowr . / reland 53-36 N. HiUciud Denmark 55- 5*^ N* ■ Long, Slap 3.19W. 2829 93.20 w. 100101 56.5 w. 94 2.48 w. 23-29 27.13 K. 86-87 35-5° K. 60 110.58 w. 108 2456 K. 60-61 21.2 E. 42-43 1.56 W. 46-47 1.8 E. 14-15 17.49 K. 62-53 8.51 E. 40-41 5-3 w. 46-47 14-45 K- 40-41 16.41 E. 40-41 11.25 E. 40-41 115.30 E. 122 9.41 E. 40-41 0.5 W. 20-21 0.7 w. 20-21 18.20 E. 78-79 5.48 E. 38 152.40 E. 123 10.20 E. 40 41 1314E. 4041 18.0 E. 4243 2.0 E. 36-37 35-49 E. 60 31 w. 16-17 2.50 w. 16-17 9.0 E. 4041 8.6 E. 40 41 0. 26 w. 16-17 0.23 w. 20-21 34-36 E. 60 119.30 E. 105 l.II W. 20-21 2.48 w. 16-17 II. 31 E. 40-41 5 7 E. 38 2.47 w. 16-17 20. ig E. 42 43 151.0 E. 123 1-33 w. 16-17 2.7 w. 16-17 146.49 E. 119 3.14 E. 38 2.7 W. 18-19 2. 14 W. 1617 141.40 E. 119 145.17 E. 120 137-38 K. 75 1Q2.0 W. 108 135 K- 40-41 127,0 K. 76 25-5° B. 60-61 23-53 E- 6051 16.19 E. 42-43 34 w. 16-17 4.1 w. 1416 0.45 w. 20-21 0.28 E. 20-21 0.36 w. 20-21 1. 21 W. 20-21 08 W. 20-21 1 10, 30 w. 106 1-43 w- 2021 80,6 E. 66 177-53 E. 126 127 0.41 E. 20-21 10.43 E. 40 41 6.57 E. 40 41 9.58 E. 4041 89.6 E. 63 149-29 K. 118 2.29 \v. 24-26 94.0 w. 92-93 8.5 w. 32-33 91.40 E. 63 44 29K. (-0 9. i;o w. 32 33 12.18 E. 39 53 Lat. Hillgrove Xew S. Iia/«.... 30.10 N. Hillingdon England 51-34 N- Hillsboro New Brunswick .45.58 n. Hillsborough Ireland 54-28 N. Hillston New S. Wales ...2,'^.2^ s. Hillswick Shetland 60.27N. Hill town Ireland 54.12N. Hilo Hawaii 19.0 N. Hilsaha Bengal 25. 19 n. Hilton Scotland 57.46N. Hilversum Holland 52.13N. Himalaya Mts. ...North India 30.0 n. Himmelbjerg Denmark 56.6 K. Hiachinbrook I... Queensland. 18.10 s. Hinckley England 52-33N. Hindaun Jaipur 26.44 N. Hinderwell England 54-33 N. Hindiyan Persia 30.19 N. Hindley England 53-32N. Hindmarsh South Australia. 24,.$^ S. Hindmarsh, h-.ike Victoria 36.0 s. Hindol Orissa , Bengal ... 20. 36 N. Hindoli Rajputana 25.35 N. Hiiid-s New Zealand 43-59 s. Hindu Kush '^It^. Afghanistan 36.50^. Hindupur Madras 13.49N. Hindutagh P:iss..CA/«. Turkistan 36.20 n. Hinganghat Central Provijzcc^^o.'^-^ N. Hing-chau China 32.40 n. Hingham England 52.35N. H inglajgarh Central India 24. 40 N. Hinlopen ^ivixil ..Spitsbergen 79.0 N, Hinojosa del Duque Spain 38. 26 n. H iogo Japan 34 . 40 N. Hiriyur Mysore '^Z-hl'^- H i rode Mysore 1 2. 3 1 N. Hiroshima Japan 34.20N. Hirscliberg Germany SO- 53 N. Hirsova Rumania 44-42 N. Hirtsholm Island Denmark 57.28 N. Hirwain Wales 51-44 >'• Hisnia, El Arabia 28.0 K. Hispaniola See Haiti. Hissar Bokhara 38.24N. Hissar Punjab 29. 10 K. Hissarlik See Troy. Hit Asiatic Turkey ..^;^.^g'S. Ilitcbin England 51-57 N'- Hittercn Islnud . . A^orway 63.3o_N. Hivao.i Island ...Marquesas Is 10.0 S. Hjelmar Lake ...Sweden 59-I5N- H jerpen Sweden 63. 20 K. Hlaing Burma 17.23N. Hniaw-ui Burma 17.4 N. Hoachanas Ger.S.- W.Africaz^.o s. Hoai-an China 33.5 N- Hoang Ho China 37-0 N- Hoang-chau China 30.34 N. Hobart Tasmania 42.53 s. Hoberg Sweden 56.55^- Hobkirk Scotland 55-24N. Hoboken New Jersey , 40.48 n. Hobson's Bay Victoria 37-55 S- Ho-chau China 31.0 N. Hochelaga See Montreal. I lochheim Germany 50. 2 N. Hochkirch Saxony ---5i-8 N. Hochschwab ^its. Austria 47-38 N- Hochstcdt Bavaria 48.36 N. Hochwald {}>\ii=,.). Prussia 49-35 N- Hod Mezii Vasar- bely Hungary 46.24 N. Hoddesdon England 51.46N. Hodeida Arabia 14.40N. Hof Germany 50.19 N. Hofliuf Arabia 24.42 N. Hogolu X^^Xi-X ....Caroline islands. 7.40 N. Hog's Back England 51. 14 N- Hohe Rhon Germatiy 50.30K. Hohe Taiiern Austria 47-14 N. Hohenenis Austria 47-21 N. Hohenlinden Germany 48.9 N. Hohenlohe I VUrtemberg 49- ' .5 N. Hobensch waii^au Germany 47-34 N. Hohenstaufen Germany 48.44 N. Hohenstein Saxony 50.47 N. HobenzoUern Germany 48.21 N. Lonf. Map 152.10 K. lis 0.24 w. 20-21 6^.40 w. 94 6.5 w. 32-33 145 3 > E. 118 1.30 \v. 24-25 6.9 w. 32-33 155-0 w. 128 85.20 E- 63 3-5 nv- 26-27 5.11 E. 38 84.0 E. 62 9-37 E. 39 146.18 E. 123 1,23 w. 20-21 77-5 E. 66 0.47 w. 16-17 49-43 E. 60 2-34 w- 16-17 138.33 K. 121 141-55 E. 119 85.14 E. 63 7532E. 66 171.36 E. 126-127 70.0 E. 68 79-32 E. 66 79.0 E. 72-73 78.52 E. 63 116,3 E. 74 0-59 E. 20-21 75-50 E. 64 20.0 E. 6 ■;. 8 w. 46-47 135.12 E. 76 76.40 E. 65 76.45 E. 66 132,22 E. 75 15.43 E. 40-41 27.57 E. 60-61 10.36 E. 39 330W, 18-19 36,30 E. 60 68.0 E. 76-77 75.46 E. 66 42,50 E. 60 0,17 w. 20-21 8,50 E. 62-53 139,0 W. 114-llS 15 50E- 52-63 133OE. 6253 95 52 E. 68-69 96.7 E, 68-69 18,0 E. 8687 1IQ,0 E. 74 117,0 E. 74 114,59 E. 74 147,21 E, 120 18.7 E, 52-53 2.39 w. 28-29 74.0 w. 102103 144,48 E. 119 120,0 E. 74 8.23 E. 40 41 14.33 E. 40-41 150 E. 42-43 10.33 E. 40-41 6.45 E. 40 41 20.24 E. 42-43 0.2 w. 20-21 42.54 E. 68 11,54 E. 40-41 s0,0 K. 68 151,20 E, 114-116 0,40 W, 20-21 10,0 E. 40-41 12.45 E. 42-43 9.42 E, 42-43 11,59 E. 40-41 Q.50 E. 40-41 10.55 E, 40-41 9-45 E- 40-41 12.43 E. 40-41 8,54 E. 40-41 Hoh GEXERAL INDEX Hud Lat. Long. Jtn p Hohea Venn Cermany 50. 30 x. 6. 10 E. 40-41 Hokianga \ew ZealanJ 3533 s. 173.28 E. 126127 Hokianga Bay Xau Zealand ...35.33 S. 173.28 E. 126-127 Ho-kien China 38.26N. 116.5 E. 74 Hokitika New Zeaitind 42.41s. 170.59 E. 126-127 Hokkaido{Yezo)I./(Z/a« 43.0 N. 141. o E. 75 Holbeach England 52.49N. o.i E. 20-21 HoUiernesi! England S3-5°N- o.iow. 16-17 Ho^khsim Si Vay .England 52.54N. 0.47 E. 20-21 Hollanis Bird I..5.-IK v^/r/Vd....24.30 s. 14.30 E. 78-79 Holland England 52.SIN'. 0.5 w, 20-21 Holland Manitoba 49.38 N. 99.2 w. 97 Holland .Michigan 42.48X. 86.7 «•. 102-103 Holland, N.jprov.AVMtfr/ant/^ 52-35 ^*• 4-44 E. 38 Holland, y., prov.A>/'/;tf^/a«(/j 52.0 N. 4.30 E. 38 Hollandsch Diep.//i;//an««^jjfc 36.23N. 82.52 \v. 104 Holsworthy England 50.48N. 4.21 w. 18-19 Holt England 52.54N. 1.5 E. 20-21 Holt Wales 53.5 N. 2.54W. 18-19 Holy Cross B.iy.,5i^<;r/3 66.0 N. 180.0 E. 76-77 Holy Island England 55.42N. 1.48W. 14-15 Holy Island Scotland 5S32N. 5.4 w. 24-25 Holy Island Wales S3.18N. 4.37 w. 14-15 Holy Loch Scotland 55-54N. 4.55 w. 24-25 Holyhead S; Bay, 11 'ii/«j 53.18N, 4.39 w, 14-15 Holyoke Massachusetts 42. i6k. 72.39 w. 102-103 Holytown Scotland 55.40N. 4.0 w. 28-29 Holywell Wales S3,i7N, 3.13 w. 18-19 Holy wood Ireland 54.38N, 5.50 w. 32-33 Holzminden Germany 51.50X. 9.26 E. 40-41 Homalko \\\vgy... British Coltivibia^i.o N. 125.0 w. 98-99 Romberg Germany 51.2 N. 9.23 E. 40-41 Hombrechtikon , . 5jf //;tf;7(2nt/. 47.15 x. 8.45 E. 44-45 Homburg Bavaria 49.19X, 7.20 E. 40-41 Homburg Germany 50.14N. 8.36 E. 40-41 Home Rule A^e-jj S. ir'rt/tr.j ...32.23 s. 149.35 E. ^^^ Homebush Xeui S. ira/ir.r...33.53 s. 151.10 E, 118 Homel Russia 52.30X, 31.0 E. 54-55 Homer A'e-ui York 41.46X. 89.4 w. 102-103 Homildon Hill,...£«^/' 47-33 Horton Plains Ceylon 7.0 : Horwicb England 53-35 Hosangadi Madras 13-42 Hosdur^a Mysore. '3-48 Hoshangabad Central Provi n ce^ 20.^^ Hoshiarpur Punjab 3^-32 Hoskot Mysore 13.5 H ospet Mr-.dras 15.16 Hospital Ireland 52.28 Hoste Island Chile 55- »2 Hot Sprinijfs Arkansas 34-29 Hotl)am, Mount. Victoria 3635 Hoti-Mardan A'.-U', F. Prov^-^.w Hotspur I 'ictoHa 37-55 HouL'^htoii Michigan ^{7.5 Hough ton-le- Spring England 54- 5' '■ Hounslow England 51.28 Hourn, Loch Scotland 57.7 Housatonic VyXSQ^Connecticut. 41-30 Houston Scotland 55-53 Houston Texas 29.46 Houtman Rocks. \\\ Australia,. ..2S.4S Ilovingham England 54- 10 Howard Queensland. 25.30 Howden England 53-45 Hnwe, Cape A'eio S. ll'ales ...^j.^S Howick A'ew Zealand..... 27.0 Howlon*^ A'eii' S. H'c/ifj ...35.59 Hownam Scotland 55-28 Howrah Bengal. 22.35 Howtb Ireland 53-23 Huxter Prussia 51- 46 Hoy Island Scotland 58.50 Hoylake England 53- 24 Hoyleton South Australia, t,.^.;^ Hoyuen China 23.45 Hpa^at Burma 16.52 Hpazaun^ Burma 18.52 Hsiu-yen-tiiig China 40.20 Hsu-chau China 28.54 Huafo Island Chile 43- 4' Hualalai ^\ii\\x\i\.. Hawaii 19-5° Huallarra T<.\\qt ..Peru 6.0 Huanialiuaca Argentine Rep. ..23.0 Huancavelica Peru 12.54 Huanchaco Peru 8.5 Huanuco Peru g.54 Huaqui, L:igo de. Bolivia 16.25 Huaras Pertt 9.16 Huaro Peru 10.58 Huasco Chile. 28.30 Hubertusburg Saxony 5i-i7 Hubli Bombay 15.20 Hudderslield England 53-39 Hudemuhlen Germany.. 32-45 Long. Mtip N. 115.25 E. 74 N. 142.33 E. 119 X. 87.31 W. 104 X. 13.46 K. 42-43 X. 8.41 E. 40-41 X. 1-33 w. 1617 X. 7.30 E. 40 41 X. 45-3° E- 63 X. 8.33 E- 44-45 s. 67.40 w. 110-111 X. 18.0 K. 5253 X. 7.59 »•• 30-31 s. 142.20 E. 123 X. 17.20 E. » s. 172.30 E. 126-127 X. 0. 7 w. 20-21 X. 77-44 w. 102-103 X. 1.53 E. 36-37 X. 0. 10 w. 1617 X. 0.6 w. 20-21 X. 25.31 E. 4243 X. 13-55 B. 42 43 N. 9.50 E. 39 X. 1.38 w. 1617 X. 0.20 w. 20-21 s. 142.1:; E. 119 N. 0. 26 w. 20 21 N, 28. 39 w. 88 X. 10.28 E. 62-53 X. 21.38 E. 42 43 X. 81.0 E. 65 X. 2. 29 W. 1617 X. 75-1 B. 65 X. 76.20 E. 65 X. 77.41 E. 63 K. 75-57 E. 66 X. 77.501:. 65 X. 76.26 E. 6S N. 8.26 w. 34-35 3, 60.30 w. 110111 X. 93.1 w. 104 3. 147-8 E. 11» X. 72.6 K, 66 3. 141.308- U9 X. 88.32 w. 100-101 X. 1.29 w. 1617 X. 0. 22 W. 2021 X. 5-35 *■ 24-25 X. 73.20 w. 102103 X. 4-33 w- 28-29 X. 95,24w. 104 s. 113.20 E. 122 X. O.59W. 16-17 s. 152.28 E. 123 X. 0.52 V,-. 1617 s. 150.0 E. 118 s. 175.0 E. 126127 s. 146.37 E. lis X. 2.19 w. 2829 X. 88.23 E. 63 X. 6.3 w. 3233 X. 9.22 E. 40 41 X. 3.18 W. 24-25 X. 3.6 W. 16-17 3. 138.34 E. 121 X. 114.55 E- 74 X. 97.36 E. 6869 X. 97.20 E. 6869 X. 123.10 E. 74 X. 104.36 E. 74 3. 74.42 W. 110-111 X. 155-56 W. 128 s. 76.0 W. 110-111 s. 65.20 \\. 112-113 s. 75-2 w. 110 111 s. 79. 20 w. 110-111 3. 7549 »•■ llOUl 3. 66.0 w. 110111 S. 77.23 w. 110-111 S. 77.50 w. 110111 s. 71.5 w. 112-113 X. 12.56 K. 40^1 X. 75-1= E. 64 X. 1.47 w. 1617 X. 9.35 E. 40-41 Hud GENERAL INDEX Igl Lat. Hudiksval Sweden 61.43 N. Hudson Vew York 42. 12 N. Hudson B.iy Canada 60.0 N. Hudson lUver.....Vir!(' York 41.50N. Hudson SiraXt. ...Canada 61.30N. Hue Annam 16.26N. Huelva Spain 37i5^'- Huercal-Overa ...Spain 37.26 n. Huesca Spain 42.9 N. Huescar Spain 37.5' N. Hugh Town Scilly /j/u/jA ....49.55 N. Hughenden England 51.39N. Hughenden Queensland. 20.51 N. Hugli Bengal 22.55N. Hugli River Bengal. 22.45 N. Hugri River Mysore 15-43 ^'• HuiUa, Jlount Colombia 3.5 N Hujrah Punjab 30.45 N. Hnkeri Bombay 16.13 N. Huleli, Lake Palestine 33.5 N. Hull England 53-45 N. Hull Quebec 45-^3 N. Hulst Netherlands 51.17N. }Iuni.Tnsdorp Cape Colony 34-0 S. Ihimher 'i!io\i\.]i .. England 53-34 >'■ H umber KWer.... England 53.40N. Humber River ...Newfoundland ...^S.^\ N. Humber River.. ..0«/a''ii; 43. 48;*. Humboldt, t^t.... New Caledonia ..21.0 s. Huniboldt Bay ...Cali/ornia\ 40.46 N. Humboldt Hay ...Dutch N. Guinea 2.30 s. Humboldt Glacier Greenland 79.0 N. Humboldt Mts. ..Nevada 40.30N. Humboldt Ki\-er. Nevada 4°- 52 N. Humcha Mysore ^3-51 N. Humela Rock Scotland 57.1 N. Humirida Mt^....5fi? Pacaraima. Humphrey Island. 5ff Maniliiki. Humpy bong Queensland. 27. 14 s. Hu-nan, prov China 26.40N. Hungary Austria-Hungary^j.20'ii. Hunger Steppe. ,,5^f Bek-pa-dala. Hungerford England 51.25 N. Hungry Hill Ireland 51.41 N. Hliningen Germany 47-37 N. Hunmanby England 54- 11 N. Hunsriick 'Uli.fi.... Germany 50.0 N. Hunstanton England 52-57 N. Hunsur Mysore 12. i8n. Hunte River Germany 52-54 N. Hunter Island.... Tasmania 40-30 s. Hunter River New S. Wales ...2,-2.2fl S. Hunterville New Zealand,... .29. s^ s. Huntingdon Quebec 45,6 N. Huntingdon IK Virginia 38.20N. Huntingdon & co. England 52.19N. Huntly Neiv Zealand 37-49 S. Huntly Scotland 57.27N. Huntly Victoria 36.39 3. Huntsviile Alabama 34-45 N. Hunugund Bombay 16.3 N- Hunza Kashmir 36. 30 N. Huo Island Low Arch 18.0 s. Huon Gulf Ger. N. Guinea.. 6.45 S- Huon River Tasmania 43.6 a. Hu-pe, prov China 3i,30N. ilurd, Cape Ontario 45-13 N. Hurlford Scotland 55-36N. Hurlingham See Fnlham- Huron, Lake Canada and U.S. ^^.o N. Hursley England 51. i N. Hurst Berks, England. .^i.zjv. Hurst Northumberland. ^^.11 N. Hurst Castle England 50.42 x. Hurstbourne England 51.13 N. IIurstmonceaux..j';«jf/aK^ 50.52N. IIurstpierpoint...^«^/a«rf 5^-57 '^'- Hurunui River ....Vtiu Zealand ....42.52 S- Hurworth England 54 4' N. Husain United Provincesij.^S^- Husain Ziarat Brit. Daluchistan^^.^i N. Hushi Rumania 46.45N. Husiatyn Austria 49.3 N. Husum Schleswig,Prussia^.^.2g N. Hu.szt Hungary 48. lON- Hutchinson Kansas 38.1 N. Hutt A'civ Zealand ....41.10N. Loiij;. Slap 17.0 K. 62-53 73-51 w. 102-103 88.0 w. 92-93 73-58 w. 102-103 69.0 w. 92-93 107-33 K- 68-69 6. 50 w. 4647 2.1 W. 46-47 0.30 W. 46-47 2.33 w. 46^7 6.18 w. 14-16 o.3;w. 20 21 144.10 E. 123 88.26 E. 63 88.45 E- 63 76. tS E. 65 76.5 w. 110111 7352E. 66 74-38 E. 64 35.48 E. 60 0.20 W. 1617 75.46 w. 96 4-3 K. 38 24.42 E. 8687 0.0 1415 0.12 w. 1416 57.50W. 94 79.59W. 96 167.0 E. 114116 124.12 w. 106 141.0 E. 7071 64.0 -w. 9091 119.15 w. 105 117.20 \v. 105 75.16 E. 65 6-39 w. 2S-27 153.8 v.. 123 lll.o E. 74 21.0 E. 4243 1.30 w. 20-21 9-47 w- 30 31 7.32 E- 40 41 0. 19 \v. 16-17 7-30 E. 40-41 0.31 E. 20 21 76.19 E. 65 8.18 E. 40 41 144.46 E. 120 I5I-0 E. 118 175-48 E. 126127 74-15 w. 95 82,32 w. 102103 0. 11 w. 20-21 175.10 E. 126-127 2.47 w. 26-27 144.20 E. 119 86.40 w. 104 76.7 K. 61 75.0 E. 66 141.0 w. 114115 147.0 E. 114-115 146.35 E. 120 112.30 K. 74 81. 50 \f. 96 4.28 w. 2829 82.30 w. 90-91 1.24 w. 20-21 0.22 w. 2021 1.3s w. 16-17 1.32 w. 20 21 1.22 W. 20-21 0.20 E. 2021 0. 1 2 W. 20 21 1-3,0 E. 126 127 1.21 W. 1617 78-39 K- 63 69.15 E. 62 28.11 E. 6D-51 26.13 K- 42 43 9-3 E. 40-41 23.18 E. 42-43 98,0 w. 100-101 175.5 K. 126-127 Lat. Huttari-durga. . . . Mysore 12. 57 N. Hiittenbori; Austria 46.57N. Hutton..... England 53-58 N. Hutton Scotland 55-47N' Huttwyl Switzerland. 47.7 N, Havinahadag'alli../1/<:7if/-i3.f 15.1 N. Huy Belgium 50.32 N. Huyton England 53-25N. Hvaloer (Is.) Norway 59.3 N. Hveen Denmark 55-52 x. Hveen Island Siveden 55-55 N"- Hwai-lio {R. ) China 32.30 N'. Hwangf-Iiai (Yellow Sea) ...China 36.0 n. Hwei-chau China 23.1 k. Hyde England 53-27N. Hyde New Zealand 45-i8 S. Hyderabad ..^... .India 25.23N. Hyderabad India 17.20 N. HySres France. 43.7 n. Hyeres Islands ...France. 43.0 N. Hymettug, Mt Greece 37.56N'. Hysker Island Hebrides 56.57 N*. Hythe England 51.5 n. lankota Madras i^.iox. Ibadan 5. Nigeria 8.22 n'. Ibar River Servia 43- 35 N- Ibaraki Japan 36. 40 N. ] barra Ecuador o. 23 N, Ibbenbiiren Westphalia 52.17N. Iberville Louisiana 30.15 N. Iberville Quebec 45- 18 n*. Ibi Nigeria 8.0 N. Ibicuy River Brazil 29.23 s. Ibiza Island See Iviza. Ibo S. Nigeria 524 n. Ibo Island Pori.S.-E.A/ricai2.22, s. Ibra Oman, A rabia... 22. ^oK. Jhrahampaitam ..A fad rjs 16.35 N'. Ibrahimabad United Provinces26. 50 N. Ibraila See Braila. Ibrim Egypt 22.34N. Ibstock England 52.44 N. lea Peru 14.2 s. I<;a River Colombia 2.20 S. Icaria (Nikaria) \. Anatolia 37-35 ^*- Ice Fjord Spitsbergen 78.0 N. Iceland, l^\aud... Europe 65.0 n. Icbaboe Island ...S.- W. Africa.... 26.1^ s. Ichak Bengal 24.5 N. I-chang Chijia 30.48 n. Ichapur Bengal. 22.36 N. Tcbapur Madras 19.7 N. I-cbaii China 35■50^'■ I chauli United Provinces2f>.^% X. Icbawar Bhopal 23.2 K. Ickleton England 52.4 N. Ickworth England 52.13 >'. Icolmkill (lona) I.Scotland 56.21 n. Iconium See Konieh. Icy Cape Alaska 70.20N. Ida, Mount Asiatic Turkey ..^g.^oi^. Ida, Mount Crete 35-13^- Idaho, state United States 44.10X. Idaiyangudi Madras 8. 19X. Idaiyankotai Madras iO-37 N- Idar Bombay 23.50N. Idda Nigeria 6.42 N. Iddesleigh England 5052 N'. Idensalmi Finland 63.37 x. Idle England 53.50N. Idle River England 53- 24 N. Idlib Asiatic Zur-tiy ..35.56 N. Idria Austria 46.0 x. Idstein Germany 50. 13X. Idumiea See Edom. If, He d' France 43.16 X. I fag Abyssinia 12.12 x. Iffley England 51.44N. Ifield England 51.8 X. Ifni Marocco 29.0 x. Igatpuri Bombay 19.40N. IghargUar, Wady5'a/ii77-(2 27.0 X. Ighli Marocco 30-25 N. Iglas United Provinces2-j.^i x. Iglau A ustria 49. 23 x. Long. Map 77-11 E. 66 14.33 E- 42 43 0. 26 w. 1617 2.8 w. 28 29 7.51 E. 44 45 7559 E. 65 5.15 K. 38 2. 50 w. 16-17 II. E. 62-53 12.28 E. 39 12,42 E. 62 63 117.0 E. 74 124,0 E. 74 114.30 E- 74 2.5 W. 16 17 170.II E. 126-127 68.25 E. 66 78.15 E. 66 6.5 E. 36-37 6.15 E. 36-37 23.49 E. 60-61 6.47W. 26-27 1.5 K. 2021 79.11 E. 66 4-3 E. 84 20.30 K. 60-51 140.20 E- 76 77-53 •"■ 110-111 7-42 K. 40-41 90-5 «'• 104 73-iSw. 95 9-30 E. 78-79 56,30 w. 112113 6.27 E. 84 40.33 E. 82 83 57-32 E. 58 80.33 E- 66 81.15 E. 63 32.3 E. 81 1.24 \v. 2021 75-S2W. 110-111 70, w. 110-111 26.10 E. 60 15.0 E. 6 18.0 W. 89 14.54 E. 78-79 85,31 E. 63 III. 32 E. 74 88.23 E. 63 84.44 E. 66 118.30 E. 74 81.37 E. 63 77-7 E. 64 0. 10 E. 20-21 0.40 E. 20-21 6.25 w. 2829 161.46 w. 90-91 26. 30 E . 60 24.47 E. 60-51 1 14.0 w. 105 77-56 E. 65 7-53E. 65 73-2 E. 64 6.58 E. 84 4 3 w. 1819 27.12 E- 54-55 1-45 "■- 1617 l.o w. 1415 36-37 K- 60 14.1 E. 4243 8.15 K. 40 41 5.20 E. 3637 37-38 E. 7879 1. 16 \v. 20-21 0.13 w. 20-21 10.27 w. 80 7.v35 E. 64 6.0 K. 80 7-57"-. 80 77- W K- 63 15-35 E. 4243 Igl GENERAL INDEX Inn Lat. Lon^. Mnp Igl.iw.i River -itt^lyia 49.5 N. ib.o E. 42-43 Iglesias SardtHta 3Q.19N. 8.32 K. 48-49 Iglo (Neuilorf)..../i^an^<;n' 48.S7N. 20.33 E. 42-43 Igloolik Island Canada 69.21 N'. 81.31 w. 92-93 Igual.niia Spain 41.35 N. 1.34 E. 46 47 Iguapo Brazil 24.32 s. 47.13 w. 112-113 Iguassu River Brazil 25.30 s. 53 30 w. 112-113 Ihna River Prussia S.1.36N'. 14.55 E. 40-41 Ij River. Holland S2.22N. 5.0 E. 38 Ijil W.Sahara 23.0 N. 14.0 w. 78-79 Ijmuiden Holland S2.28N. 4 36 K. 38 Ijpura Bombay 23.33N. 72.181,. 64 Ijssel River Netherlands. 52.30N. 6.0 E. 38 Ikauna United Prm,inces2T.->,-iV. 81.59 e. 63 Ikhtiyarpur United Proiinces^b.nti. 81.16 E. 63 Iki-shima (I.) Japan 33S5N- 129.45 E. 75 Ikkeri Mysore 14.7 N. 75.4 E. 65 Ikopa River Madagascar 18.0 s. 46.14 e. 78-79 Ikuno Japan 35.11 N. 134.48 e. 75 Ilala Rhodesia 12.30 s. 29.50 E. 82-83 Tam Nepal 26.58N. 87.58 e. 63 Ilambazar Bengal 23.38N. 87.35 e. 63 Hanz Switzerland 46.47N. 9. 12 e. 41-45 Bayangudi Madras 9-37N. 78.40 E. 65 riehester England 51.0 N. 2.41 w. 18-19 l\(:h\(K\\o\au)....E. Turkislan 37.4 N. 80.2 E. 76-77 Iletskoi-Gorodnk-..ffajjia 51.29N. 53.29 E. 64-55 rford England 51.34N. 0.5 E. 20-21 Ilfracorabe England 5t.i2N. 4.7 w. 18-19 Egun Asiatic Tnriey.. 38.14 s. 31.43 E. 60 Ilhavo Portugal '....40.34N. 8.38 w. 46-47 nheos Brazil 14.48 s. 39.2 w. 110 111 Ili River Siberia 45.0 N. 800 E. 76-77 Wia.mnci'Pk.kh... Alaska 60.0 N. 155.0 w. 90-91 nimsk E. Siicjui 56.30N. 103.56 e. 76-77 Hi-su Pass ChineseTurhistanyj.o N. 75.45 E. 72-73 Ilkal Bombay 15.57N. 76.9 E. 64 Ilkeston England 52.58N. 1.20 w. 20-21 Ilkley England S3-S5N. 1.50 w. 16-17 111 River Alsace 48.10 N. 7.23 e. 40-41 niampu, Mt Bolivia 15.503. 68.29 w. 110-111 Illapel Chile 31.28 s. 71.12 w. 112-113 Illawarra Lake ...A'ft/^ 5. Urt/ci, .. 34.33 s. 150.33 E. 118 Ille France. 42.43N. 2.37 E. 36-37 nie-et-Vilaine France 48.10N. 1.40W. 36-37 lUer River Bavaria 48.5 N. lo.o E. 40-41 Uliers France 48.16N. 1.14 E. 36-37 lUimani, ^lowcxt.. Bolivia 16.30 s. 67.58 w. 110-111 Illinois River Illinois 39.20N. 90.35 V. 100-101 Illinois, state United Slates 40.10 N'. 89.0 v. 100-101 missus River Greece 37.S8N. 23.45 E. 60-51 niogan England 50.15N. Si6«. 18-19 riora Spain 37.24N. 354 w. 46-47 niorai Sardinia 40.22N. 9.2 E. 48-49 niyria Austria-Hungaryifo.i^'S. 14.0 E. 42 43 Hm River Germany 51.2 N. 11.27 E. 40-41 rmen. Lake Russia 58.15N. 31.30 E. 54-55 Hmenau Germany 50.41 N. 10.54 E. 40-41 Ilmenau River.. ..GirfffflHr 53.20N. 10.22 E. 40-41 Ilmington England 52.11 N. i 43 w. 20 21 Ilminster England 50.57^. 2.55 w. 18-19 Ilo Peru 17.28 s. 72.18 w. 110-111 lloilo Philippines. 10.50 N. 122.42 E. 70-71 Ilol Bombay 23.59N. 73.18 E. 64 Ilopango, Lago...5afoai/«>-. 13.40K. 89.0 w. 106-107 Dorin N.Nigeria 8.27N. 4 30 E. 84 llsenburg Prussia 51.S2N. 10.40 E. 40 41 Ilsington England SO.34N. 3.42 »• 18-19 Ilsley England 51.32 N. 1.17V. 20-21 Duppur Madras 10.31 N. 78.41 E. 65 Ilytch, River Russia 62.30N. 58.22 E. 54-55 Imaharu Japan 34.3 N. 1330 E. 75 Imanigarh Khairpur 26.32 N. 69.16 E. 66 Imandra Lake....A'aj«'a 67.45K. 32. 10 E. 64-65 Imarieh, Jebel Arabia 22.0 N. 43.0 B. 68 Imatra Cataract.. /Vn/a«(f 61.2 N. 29.0 E. 64-65 Imbabura. prov. ..Efwart'tjr o.iiN. 77-59 w. 110-111 Imbros Island ....7'i/r/f-cr 40.10N. 25.50E. 60-61 Imerina, prov Madagascar 18.0 s. 47.0 E. 78-79 Immeustadt Bavaria 47-33N- 10.13 E. 40-41 Imola Italy 44-21 N. 11.43 E. 48-49 Imperatriz Brazil 4.40s. 48.40W. 112-113 Imperial Canal ...Ciinfl 35.0 N. 117.0 E. 74 Imst Tyrol 47.I4K- 10.44 E. *2-43 Inagua Island Bahamas 21.5 N. 73.0 w. 106-107 Inca Majorca Island ..j/^.i^^'S. 2,.58 E. 46-47 Ince Chester 53.20N. 2.row. 18-19 Ince-in-Makeri]eld.£'ff,^/(7';^. 53-3i N. 2.37 w. 16-17 56 LuU long. Map Inch Cape (Bell Rock) Scotland 56.28N. 2.22W. 24-25 Inch Marnock....6Vo//artvii9.20N. 82.0 E. 63 Indre, dep France. 46.5GN. 1.30 E. 36-37 Indre River France 47.17N. o 40 E. 36-37 Indre-et- Loire, dep France 47.i6n". 0.45 e. 36-37 Indur Hyderabad 18.38N. 78.7 E. 65 Indus River Punjab 26.0 N. 68.0 E. 66 Indu.stry Quebec 46.1 N. 73.29W. 95 Ineboli Anatolia 41.S7N. 33.47 E. 60 Inellan Scotland SS-SBN. 4-58w. 28-29 Ingalele River.... 7"ranjt»a(j/ 22.18s. 30.0 E. 86-87 Ingatestoiie England 51.41 S. 0.28 E. 20-21 IngersoU Ontario 43.3 N. 80.58W. 96 Ingliam Queensland 18.39 s. 146.10 E. 123 Ingleborough England 54.10N. 2.24 w. 16-17 Ingleton.... England 54.9 N. 2.2-w. 16-17 Inglewood New Zealand 39.6 s. 174.15 E. 126-127 Inglewood Victoria 36.358. 143.53 E. H* Ingoldmells I't ...^n/Znnrf 53.i2y. 0.22 E. 14-15 Ingolstadt Germany 48.47^'- ".25 E. 40-41 Ingul River Russia 47.8 N. 32.14 E. 64-65 Ingur River Caucasus 42.35N. 41.55 E. 64-66 Inhambane Port. E. Africa. .23.305. 35.20 E. 78-79 Inhambupe Brazil 11.52 s. 38.5 w. 110-111 Inishannon Ireland S1.46N. 8.39W. 34-35 Inishbolin IsV.md. Ireland S3-S7N- 10.14 w. 30-31 Ini.'heer Island. ../rf/awi^ 53.3 N. 9 37 w. 30-31 Inisbfree Ireland 54-57N- 8.27 w. 32-33 Ini.-hkea Islands. Ireland 54.8 >f. 10.7 w. 30-31 Inisbmaan Islaiid/7r/<2»'- 7-30»'- 30-31 Inny River Ireland 5I-54N- io-5 ". 30-31. Ino GENERAL INDEX I so Inowrazlow Germany 52.47 N. Insal.ih Sahara 27.11 N. Insar. Russia 53.5' N. Insch ScoHand 57.21 N. Inselber^' Cermatty 50. 51 N. In-shan (i\ts.) ....China 41.30N. Inaterburg Get-many 54- 37 N. Interlaken Switzerland. 46. 42 N. Interview \\i\M\i. Andaman s 12.55 n. Intra Italy 4S.57N. Inver Scotland 57.49 N. Inver, Loch Scotland 58.8 N. Inver Bay Ireland 54.38 N. Inveragh Mt.s Ireland si.s8n. Inverallochy Scotland 57.41 N- Inveran Scotland 57.57N. Inverarity Scotland 56.36N. Inverarnan Scotland 56.18 n. Inveraray Scotland 56. 14N. Invercargill .\'ew Zealand 46.26 s. Inverell New S. Wales 29.45 S- Inveresk Scotland 55.56N. Inrerfarigaig Scotland 57. 1 5 N. Invorgarry Scotland 57. 4 N, luvergordon Scotland 57. 42 N. Invergowrie Scotland 56.28 N. Inverhuron Ontario 44. 18 N. Inyerie Scotland 57.2 N. Inverkeilor Scotland 56. 38 N. Inverkeithing Scotland 56. 2 N. Inverkeithny Scotland 57.3' N. Inverleigh Victoria 38. 5 s. Inrerlochy Ca^^UnScotland 56.49 N. Invermoriston .... Scotland 57. 1 2 n. Inverness Quebec 46. 14 N. Inverness Scotland. 57.28 N. Inverness, co Scotland 57.5 N. Inverness Firtli ..Scotland 57-32 N. Inveroran .Scotland 56.31 N. Invershin Scotland 57.57N. Inversn.iid Scotland 56. 14 N. Iiiverugie .Scotland 57-32 N. Inverurie Scotland 57-17 N*- Investigator Is. ...5t?«/A Anstraluz.^^.^S 3. Investigator Str. .South Australia. ;^^.2^ s. Inyak Island Delagoa Bay 26. 10 s. Inyangani Mts. ....So/(/A Rhodesia ..18.10 s. Inyati .Matabeleland 19.59 S. Ida Florida 30.6 n. lona Island Scotland 56.19 N. Ionia Michigan 42.59 N. Ionian Islands. ...(7;-«f« 38.0 N. Ionian Sea Greece, b'c 39.0 N. los IslantfA]exandrett;i. Iskanderuneh, Nahr Palestine 32 24 N. Iskapallo Madras 14.44 N. Iskanio Kashmir 35.12 N. Isker River Bulgaria 43.2 N. Isia River Scotland. 57-31 N. Isla River Scotland.. 56.32N. Islamabad Kashmir 33.43N. Islamgarh Punjab 27. 50 N. Islamkot Sind, Bom.'>ay....2.\.42S. Islaninagar United Provinces^S. 20 N. Isiampur Bombay 17.2 N. Islands, Bay ft ...New Zealand. 35.14 s. Islay Peru 16.53 s. Islay, Sound ui... Scotland 55.50N. Islay Island Scotland 55-45 N. Isle, R. r France 45.0 N. Isle Jesus Quebec 45-35 N. Isle of Man England 54.20N. Isle of Thanet.... England 51.20N. Isle of Wight England 50. 40 N. Isle Royale .Minnesota 48.0 N. Isle Verte Quebec 48.1 N. Islip England 51.39N. Ismail Russia 45.22 N. Tsmailia Fgypt 30.40N. Jsmid Asiatic Turkey ..i,o.a,^'A. Isn.alioz Spain 37.24N. Isnello Sicily 37.56N. Isnik Asiatic Turkey . . 40. 25 N. Isny Wiirtemberg 47 42 N. Isola Istria 45-32 N. Isola Italy 41.40N. Isola Bel la L. di Maggiore . . 45. 53 N. Isonzo River Austria 46.0 N. 57 Long. Map 6o.l3 E. 76-77 22.^0 E. 60-51 79.8 E. 63 7.>36E. 66 SO w. 1213 104.0 E. 76-77 2.28 W. 18-19 22.30 E. 50-51 90.40 w. 100101 88.5 w. 100101 82.30 w. 102-103 75.20 w. 96 3.24 w. 1416 2-34 w. 14-15 75- B. 76-77 1.47 w. 4647 4.39 w. 28-29 145.16 E. 123 7.38 w. 32-33 2.20 W. 14-16 148.28 E. 123 159.0 E. 114116 71.19 E. 66 79.26 E. 63 30.38 E. 86-87 12.19 K. 40 41 76.4 E. 66 30-24 E. 60 13-55 E. 4849 13-37 E. 42-43 3.12 E. 38 11.10 E. 4243 137.0 E. 75 10.3 E. 48-49 15 14E. 42-43 15.0 E. 42-43 S.25 E. 36-37 5.10 E. 36-37 7.42 E. 40 41 14.13 E. 48-49 141.20 E. 75 69.25 E. 76-77 67.30 E. 76-77 74-5 E. 68 53-30 E. 54-55 87.42 W. 102-103 1.6 w. 36-37 30.58 E. 86 87 144.22 E. 123 34-55 E. 60 80.9 E. 65 75-35 E. 66 24.0 E. 60-51 3.0 \V. 24-25 3.20 w. 24-26 75-17 E. 66 70.52 E. 66 70.13 E. 66 78.46 E. 63 74-25 K. 64 174.10 E. 126-127 72.5 W. 110111 6.6 w. 24-25 6. 1 5 w. 24-26 0.43 E. 36-37 73.48 w. 95 4.30 w. 14rl5 1.22 E. 14-lB 1.20 w. 14-15 88. to w. 100101 69. 20 w. 95 1.15 \V. 20 21 28.50 E. 64-55 32.20 E. 81 29.57 E. 60 3 36 w. 46-47 14.2 E. 48-49 29.36 E. 60 10.3 E. 40-41 13.40 E. 42-43 13 34 v.. 4849 8.32 E. 48-49 13.37 E. 42-43 H Isp GEXERAL INDEX Jal Ispahan Persia 32.39 Ispangli Brit. Baiuckistan^o.jy Israelite Bn,y \V. Australia 33.35 Isselburf; Prussia S^-SO Issik Kul (L.) Asiatic ./f««/a... 42.25 Issoire France. 45-32 Tssoudun France 46.57 Is-sur-TiI)e France 47.33 Istranja Dagh Turkey 41-30 Istriu Austria 4 5- 20 Itacolunii, Mt Brazil 20.24 Itaituba Brazil 4 30 Itajaliy, Rio Brazil. 27.30 Itala Somaliland 2.20 Itamakkala Madras 15.23 Itambe, Pico Brazil 18.24 Itapemirim Brazil 21.4 Itapicuru River.. .B/aj// 11.40 Jtapicuru River,. /?rrtc// 5.50 Itarsi Centra I Proz'inces22.2t(> Itasca, Lake .Minnesota 47-^4 Itasy, Lake Madagascar 19.0 It.ata, Rio Chile 36.0 Itatiaya, 'i\n\ir\i.. Brazil 22.24 Itchen River England 51.0 Itching River England 51.3 Itegliem Belgium 51.7 Itenez, Rio Bolivia ii.o Ithaca New York 42.26 Itliaca Island Greece 38.25 Ithon River Wales 52.25 Itimhiri VA-^er ....Belgian Congo — 2.30 N. Iton River France 49.6 N. Ittugi Hyderabad I5.30N'. Itu Brazil 23.7 S. Ituri River Belgian Congo.... i.iox. Itunip Island Tapan 45.20 N. Itzehoe Holstcin S3. 55N. Ivahy River Brazil 23.40 s. Ivakuni Japan 34.ioy. Ivanai Japan 43,0 N. Ivangorod Russia 5I.37N. Ivanhoe New S. IJ'a/fj. ...32.48 s. Ivanhoe Victoria 37.46 s. Ivanovo-Vozne- sbensk Russia 57.2 N. Ivel River. England 52.2 N. Iver England 51.32N. Iveragb Mts Ireland. 5i,5oN. Iveston England 54. 5' »• Ivica Travancore 8.57 N. Ivigtut Greenla?id 61.10 N. Ivinghoe England 51.50N. Iviza and Island .Spain 38.54N. Ivory Coast West Africa 5.0 N. Ivrea Italy 45. 28 N. Ivry France 48. 54N. Ivybridge Evgland 50.24 N'. Ixelles Belgium ^o.50N. Jstaccihuatl, '^i. Mexico 19.10N. Ixworth England 52.18 N. lyampalayam Madras 10. 13N. Izabal Guatemala 15-27 u. Izalco Volcano Sahador 13.47 N. Izamal Mexico 20.57 X. Iznnjar Spain 37-19 N- 51-44 E. 66.56 K. 123.53 B- 6.31 E. 78.30 E. 3.15 E- 2.0 E. 5.8 E. 28.0 E. 13.55 E. 43.22 w. 56.5 w. 49- 50 w. 46.10 E. 80.9 E. 42.52 W. 40.48 W. 39-0 w. 44.0 w. 77.51 E. 95.0 W. 47.0 E. 72.48 w. 44.54 w. 1.20 w. 1. 18 w. 4.48 E. 61.0 w. 76.34 w. 20.40 E. 3.22 w. 24.0 E. 1.8 E. 76.3 r:. 47.2 w. 29.10 E. 148.39 E. 9.31 E. 52.30 w. 132.12 E. 140.28 E. 21.59 E. 144.25 E. 145.4 E. 41. 1 E. 0.22 w, 0.30 W. 10. 10 W. 1.47 w. 76.37 E. 48.30 w. 0.37 w. 1.26 E. 6.0 w. 7.52 E. 1.26 E. 3. 26 w. 4.22 E. 98.35 w. 0.51 E. 77.48 E. 89.2 W. 89.32 w. 88.58 w. 4.17 w. Jabalpur CentralProvincesz'^.ws. 79.59 E. Jabarliera United Provinces^g.^o^. 77.49 E. Jabbera CejitralPrcrjinces^x^Z'^. 79.42 E. Jabbok R. (W. Zerka) Palestine 32.12 N. 35.48 E. Jabesh Gilead Palestine 32,2oN. 35.39 E. Jablunka, Mt Austria 49.34N. 18.47 E. Jahneel Palestine 31.51 N. 3447 E. .Tabua Central India .,..22.45^. 74.36 E. Jaca Spain 42.32 N. 0.29 w. Jachal Argentine Rep. ..30.8 s. 69.17W. Jackson Michigan 42. i6x. 84.26 w. Jackson Mississippi 32.17N. 90.9 w, Jackson AVw Zealand.. ...^2.^;^ s. J~i.2y E. Jackson. Tennessee 35-33 N. 88.42 w. Jackson, Mt ]\'. Australia. ...-110.2 s. iig.o E. Jackson Bay New /.ealand.....43.^ss. 168.36 E. Jacksonville Florida 35.46N. 82.59W. Jacksonville Illinois 39.41 n. 90.6 w. Jacksonville Oregon 42.19 N. 122.43 ^^^■ Map 60 62 116-117 40-41 76-77 36-37 36-37 36-37 60-61 42-43 110-111 110-111 112-113 78-79 66 110111 110-111 110-111 110-111 63 100101 7879 112113 112-113 14-16 14-16 38 110-111 102-103 60-51 14-15 82-83 36-37 66 112113 82-83 72-73 40 41 112113 75 75 64-55 118 119 64-55 14-16 2021 30-31 16-17 65 90 91 20-21 46-47 84 4849 36-37 18-19 38 108 2021 65 106-107 106-107 108 46-47 63 63 63 60 60 42-43 60 64 46-47 112-113 102103 104 126127 104 122 126-127 104 100101 106 I.at. Jacmel Haiti t8. 17N. Jacobabad Bombay 28. i7N'. Jacobina Brazil 11.17 s. Jacobsdal OrangeRiz'crCol.2g.6 s. Jacobshavn Glacier Greenland 69.22 N. JacquesC:ii-ticvR.Quebec 47.8 N. Jacuhy, Rio Brazil 29.55 S- Jaddangi Madras 17.29 N'. Jade Bay Germany 53.30N'. Jade Gate (Yunien) China 38.0 K. Jaen Peru..... 5.45 N. Jaen Spain 37.47 N- Jafarabad Bombay 20.52N. Jafarabad Hyderabad 20.12 y. Jafarganj E.Bgalb'Assam2-3.'i,^ >-. Jaffa Asiatic Turkey ..2,2.4 N. Jaffna Ceylon 9.38 N. Jagadhri Punjab 30. loN. Jagalur Mysore 14. 30 \. Jagannath See Puri. Jagannatiipur Orissa, Bengal. ..20.1^^. Jagdalak Afghanistan 34.27N. Jagdalpur. Centra IProvincesiQ.d K, Jagdispur Bengal 25.28 N. Jagdispur Bengal 24. 17K. Jagdispur United Pro-L'inceS26. 4 N. Jagdi.=:pur-Nihal- parb United Provinces26. 2- N. Jiigei-ndorf 4ustna 50.6 N. Jagersfontein ....OrangeRiverCol.2g.^^ s. Jaggammnpct Madras 17. loN". Jaggayapet Madras 16.52 N. Jagi E.B'galdy^ Assam26. 10 y. Jagner United Provinces26. ^2K. Jagodina Servia 44.1 N. Jagraon Punjab 30.47N. Jagst River WUrtemberg 49.14 N'. Jagtyal Hyderabad 18.48 N. Jaguarao and W.. Brazil 32.30 s. Jagii.aribe River. /?raj// S.50 S. Jagudan Baroda 23.31 N. Jnhanabad Bengal. 22.53 ^'■ Jahanabad United Proi'inces26.6 N. Jahanabad Utiited ProvinceszZ.'^ N. Jaliangirabad United Province^Z. 24 N'. Jaliangirpur Bengal 24.28^. Jahazpur Udaipur 25.38X. Jahital Kashmir 36.2 K. Jaice Bosnia 44.21 x. Jailan Oman. Arabia... 22. y:>y. Jaintia Hills E.B'gal ^'Assams^.^o N. Jaipur E.B'galb' Assam2'j.\^^. Jaipur Madras 18.51 N. Jaipur Rajpuiana -6.55 K. Jais United P>-ffi'inces26.i6'ii. Jaisalmir Rajputana 26.55 N, Jaitak Punjab 50.36N". Jaitapur Bombay 16.8 N. Jaitpur United Provinces2^.i6 N. Jaitwar Central India 24.44N. Jajmau United Provinces2S.2^ X. Jajpur Orissa^ Bengal ...20.^1 N. Jakhaw Bombay 23. I4N". Jako, Mt Punjab 31.5 N. Jakob.':tad Finland 63.37N. Jalalabad Afghanistan 34.24N. Jalalabad United Pro%'inces2(^. 37 x. Jalalabad United Provinces2T.a,i x. Jalali United Provinces2-j.^2 x. Jalalkhera CentralProznnces2\.2T, X. Jalalpur Bombay 20.57X. Jalalpur Punjab 32.22 x. Jalalpur Punjab 29.30X. Jalalpur-Nahvi... United Provinces2(i.2,y X. Jalandhar Punjab 31.19X. Jalapa Guatemala 14.32 X. Jalapa Mexico 19.30X. Jalarpet Madras 12.34X. Jalaun United ProvinceS26.Z X. Jaldak Afghanistan 31.59X. Jaldurg Hyderabad 16.15 ^'• Jalesar United ProvinceS2-j.2Z x. Jaleshw.ir Orissa, Bengal...2T.4-j'S. Jalgaon-Budrukbi?tfff;3izy 20.25X. Jalgaon-Jambod. Z?frar 21.3 x. Jalisco Mexico 20.0 x. Lunf. Map 72.30 w. 106-107 63.29 K- 64 40.2 w. 110111 24.48 K. 86-87 50,25 w. 90-91 71.30 w. 95 qi.30 «■. 112113 82.12 E. 66 8.12 E. 40 41 1000 E. 72-73 78.49 w. 110111 3. ;o W. 4647 71.2; E. 64 76.4 E. 66 91. 11 E. 63 34.45 E. 60 80.3 E. 65 77.21 E. 66 76.24 E. 65 86.2; E. 63 69.^0 E. 68 82.4 E. 63 8428E. 63 86.34 E. 63 82.50 E. 63 81.40 E. 63 17.44 E. 42 43 2;. 20 E. 86 87 82.6 E. 65 80.9 E. 65 92.18 E. 63 77.38 E. 63 21.14 E. 60-51 75.31 E. 66 9.12 E. 40 41 7Q. 9 E . 65 53 20 w. 112-113 38.0 w. 110-111 72.23 E. 64 87.50 E. 63 80.24 E. 63 79.47 E. 63 78-0 E. 63 88.7 E. 63 75.19 E. 66 74.22 E. 66 17.15 E. 42 43 5Q.0 E. 68 92.30 E. 63 95.26 E. 63 82.38 E. 65 75.32 E. 66 81.36 E. 63 70.57 E. 66 77-24 E. 66 73-25 K. 64 79-37 E. 63 80. i4 E. 63 80.28 E. 63 8D.23 E. 63 68.4; E. 64 77.1; E. 66 22.55 E. 64-55 70.26 E. 58 77.25 E. 63 79-42 E. 63 78.18 E. 63 78.27 E. 63 72-59 E. 64 74-15 E. 66 71.16 E. 66 82.10 E. 63 75-23 E. 66 902 w. 106107 96.54 w. 108 78.37 E. 65 79.23 E. 63 66.40 E. 58 76.28 E. 66 78.21 E. 63 87.14 E. 63 74-33 E. 64 76-36 E. 64 104.0 w. 103 58 Jal GENERAL IXDEX Joa Jalk Baluchistan 28.21 N. Jalna Hyderabad 19.50 N, Jaloninitza ^My^v Rumania 44.37N. Jaloii River Spain 41.20N. Jalor Jodhpur 25.22 N. Jalpitiguri E. B'gal&'Assam26. 32 N. Jalpesh E.B'ga I &'Assam26.;ii N. Jaluit Island Marshall Islands 6.8 n. Jamaica Island ... West Indies 18.10 x. Jamalpur Bengal 25 19 n. Jamalpur E.B'gal^Assam2$,.'^(i's. Jaraary River Brazil lo.o s. Jamha]i,Cunul de£'r;^£Zt/(7r 3.0 3. Jambeioo Xew S. \ \ 'alts . . .34. 2,^ S. Jambi Sumatra 1.35 s. Jambughoda Bombay 22,23 N. Jamburg Russia 59. 26 n, Jambii^ar Bombay 22.4 n. James' Bay Hudson Bay 54.0 N. James Ran^'e South Australia. 2^.$ s. Jame3 River I'irginia 37-o N. Jameson's l^Xi)^.^^, Newfoundland ...^Z. 20 N. Jamestown Ireland 53-56 n. Jamestown Xew York 42.7 n. Jamestown... Scotland 55-59N. Jamestown South A ustralla. 33. 133. Jamestown St. Helena I. 15.553. Jami Madras 18.3 n. Jamiesoa l''ictoria 37- 17 s. Jamkher Bombay 18.33 N. Jamki Punjab 32.23 n. Jammalamadngu Madras i4-5i N. Jammer Bugt Denmark 57. 14 n. Jamnm Kashmir. 32. 44 n. Jamner Bombay 20.48 N. Jamnia Palestine 3i-5- N- Jaranotri Un ited Provinces^o. 59 n. Jampur Punjab 29.39N. Jamrud N.-\V. F. Prov... -3,^.2 N. Jamtara Bengal 23.48 N. Jaraui Benga I. 24. 56 N. Jamuna River ....See Jumna. Jaraunder See Prussia 54.18 N. Jan Juc rictoria 31-32 s. Jan Maycn I Arctic Ocean 71.0 N. Janakpur Central Provincesz^-A'i^- Jandiala Pu?tjab 31.51N. Jandiala Punjab 39. 10 N. Janesviile Wisconsin 42.40 N. Janglache Tibet 29.5 n. Janina (Yaniua).. Turkey 39-47N*. Janjira Bombay iS.iSn. Jansatli United Provinces2g. igN. Jansenville Cape Colony 32.45 3. Januaria Brazil 1519 S. JanzQ France 47-57N- Jaora Central India. ...z^-SS^- Japan, Sea of Japan, b'c 40.0 N. Japen Island DutchN. Guinea 1.35 s. Japho (Jaffa) Palestine 32. 4 N. Ja ph ra Benga I. 25.0 K. Japura River South America, ., 1.24 s. Jarama, PUver Spain 40. 12N. Jarcoanaugbt Ireland 53.20N. Jargeau France 47-52 N. Jarmeritz 4 ustria 49. 6 N. Jarnac France 45-41 N- Jaroslaw Austria 50.3 n. Jarro w England 54- 59 N. Jarvis Island Polynesia o. 3 s. Jarwal United Provinces27. 10 a. Jary River Brazil 0.20N. Jasdan Bombay 22. 2 n. Jaahpur Central Provinces22.=,^ N. Jaak Persia 25.47N. Jaso Bundelkhand 24. 30 n. Jason Islands Falkland Islands$i.S s. Jaspur United Provinceszg.tj n. Jasra United Provinces2'^.\T^. Jasrot a Kashmir 32. 29 N. Jasay (Yassy) Rumania 47.5 N. Jaswantnagar United Provinces26.^;^ N. Jasz Boreny Hungary 47.29N. Jath Bombay 17.3 N. Jativa Spain 3g.24N. Jauer Prussia 51.3 N". Jauf... Arabia i6.30\. Jauja Peru ^^-53 S- Long, Slap 62.28 E. 62 75-56 E. 65 27.10 E. 60-51 1.40 W. 46-47 72.=;8 E. 66 88.46 K. 63 88.54 E. 63 169.40 E. 114115 77.20 W. 106107 86.32 E. 63 89.59 E. 63 62.0 w. 110-111 80.0 w. 110-111 150.52 E. 118 I0 5.;o E. 7071 7,^-45 E- 64 28.47 E. 64-65 72.52 E. 64 80.0 w 9293 1330 E. 116-117 76. 40 w. 102-103 56.45 w. 94 8.2 w. 3233 79.17W. 102-103 4-33 w. 28-29 138.32 E. 121 5-44 w. 45 83.18 E. 65 146.9 E. 119 75" E. 64 74-27 E. 66 78.25 E. 65 5.20 E. 39 74-49 E. ee 75-45 E. 64 34-47 E. 60 78.35 E. 63 70.38 E. 16 71.24 K. 66 86.41 I-;. 63 86.16 E. 63 16.10 E. 10-41 144-20 E. 119 8.0 w. 6 81.50 E. 63 7.1-37 E. 66 75-40 E. 66 89.0 w. 100-101 87-30 E. 72-73 20.55 E. 60-51 73.0 E. 64 77-53 E. 63 24-53 E. 86-87 44.41 w. 110-111 1.28 E. 36-37 75-9 E. 64 135.0 E. 75 130.30 E. 70-71 34-45 E. 60 85.8 E. 63 71.0 w. 110-111 3.33 w. 46-47 9.30 w. b2-33 2.8 E. 36-37 IS-53E. 42-43 0. 10 w. 3637 22.44 E. 42-43 1. 28 w. 16-17 160.2 w. 114115 81.36 E. 63 53- 10 w. 109 71.15 E. 64 84.12 E. 63 57.48 E. 68 Bo. 32 E. 63 6r.8 w. 110111 78.53 E. 63 81.49 E. 63 75-27 E. 66 27-45 E. 6061 78.57 E. 63 19.57 E. 4243 75-16 E. 64 0.53 w. 46-47 16. II E. 40 41 4S-0 E. 63 75.22 W. 110-111 Lat. Jaulan P^Ustine 32.50N. Jaunde fCamerun 3.56N. Jaunpur L'nited Provincesz^.^i n. Java Island East Indies 7- 30 s. Java Sea East Indies 5.0 3. Javea Spain 38.48N-. Jawad Gwalior, 24.36y. Jawalamukhi Punjab 31-53 N- Jawhar Bombay 19.56N. Jaworow Galicia 49-57N'. Jaxartes River ...See Syr-Daria. Jayes \V. Australia.. ..^Z-^^ s. Jean de Terre M.Quebec 47.5 n. Jeantown Scotland 5724 n. Jebel Akhbar Tripoli 32.30N. Jebel Akhdar Oman, Arabia ...-22.^0^. Jebel Dokhan Ej^ypt 27.3 N. --33-26 -V, ,,.28.20 N, ...31-35 N" .,24.33 N-, -36-15 N Jebel esh-Sheikh./'tifc//n(f. Jebel Gharib E.^ypt Jebel Nefusa Tripoli Jebel Silsileh Ei^ypt Jebel Sinjar Asiatic Turkey Jebel Zebara I'-^pt 24.40 x Jebel Zeit E^pt 28.0 N, Jedbui-gh Scotland 55.29N. Joddah Arabia 21,25 N. Jeetbo rictoria 38,30 3, Jefara Plain Tripoli 32.30N. Jefferson Ohio 41.43 >*• Jefferson Texas 32.46N. Jeflferson Wisconsin 42.50 N. Jefferson, Mount Oregon 44.40N. Jefferson City Missouri 38.34 N, Jeffersonville Indiana 38.19 N. Jehlam Punjab 32.35 N. Jehlam lliver Punjab 330 N. Jehol China 41.0 N. Jelebu Malay Peninsula 3.0 N. Jemappes Belgium 50.26 N. Jena Germany 50.54 N'. Jenil River Spain 37.38N'. Jenin Palestine 32.27 N. Jenolan Caves, ,,,A'«y S. If a/f^,.. 33. 30 s. .Teparit ...., Victoria 36.10 s, Jequitinhonba M.Brazil 17.30 s, Jerba Island Tunis 33 45 N'- Jerez (Xeres) Spain 36. 45 N. Jergo Island Burma 18,48 N. Jericho Palestine 3'. 51 N. Jericho Queensland. 23.40 s, Jericho I'ictoria 37-37 s. Jerid Shott Tunis 34.0 N. Jerilderie Ke-ui S. ((<;/«,. .35. 21 s. Jerry's Plains tVew S. Wales ...2,2.7:0 s. Jersey City Xew Jersey 40.44 X, Jersey Island Channel Islands. ^g.t^ N, .Jerusalem Palestine 3i,47N', Jervaulx England 54. 17N. Jervis, Cape South Australia. -^z^.i^ s, Jervis Bay A'ew S. Wales. ...-^$.6 3, Jervis Island Pacific Oceaft 0.5 s. Jesselton Br. X. Borneo 6. o K. Jessor Bengal. 23. loN. Jetpur Bombay 21.46N. Jever Oldenburg 53-35 X- Jewar United ProvinceszS.S N, Jeylep-la (Vjss) ..Sikkim, India. ..zS.o N, .Tezreel Palestine 32.33 x. Jhabua Central India. ...22.4$ s. Jhajhar Punjab 28.37 N. -Thalawar Rajputana 24.24N. Jhalrapatan Rajputana 24.32 X. Jhan^-Moghiana. Punjab 31. 16 n, Jhansi United Provinces^^.i'j "S. Jhelam (Jehlam) River Punjab 33.0 N, Jhunjhnu Jaipur 28.6 N. Jibuti! Somaliland 12.0 N. Jiluin River See Amu Daria, Jiloca River. Spain 41.20X. .liloca River Spain 41.0 x, Jimena Spain 36, 30 x, tfimna Queensland. 26,35 ^- Jind Punjab 29. igx, Jindabyne A'eiv S. If a/efj ,..36.23 s. .lindera A'ew S. Wales ,..35.57 3, Jishm (Ki.shni) I. Persia 27.0 N, Joacbimsthal Austria 50.23 X, Long, 35 50E, 11.50 E. 82.43 K- IIO.O K, III.O E, Oil E, 74 53 E. 76.22 E, 73.16 k. 233 K- 115,30 E. 76. 10 w, 5.29 w. 22.0 K. 57.0 E, 33.10 E, 35.50 E, 33-0 E, 12.10 E. 32.45 E, 41.55 E, 34.45 E. 33.15 E. 2.33 W, 39,10 E. 145.40 E. 12.0 E. 80. 50 w, 94.25 w. 88.45 w. 121.20 W. 92.6 w. 85.40 w. 7346 E. 72.30 E. 118.0 E. 102.0 E. 3.53 E, 11,35 E. 5.18 w, 35-20 E, 149.50 E. 141.59 E. 43.0 w, 10.50 E. 6.8 w. 94.0 E. 35-27 E. 146.5 E. 146.40 E. 8.0 E. 145-48 K. 150.50 E, 74.6 W. 2.7 w. 35-14 E. 1.45 w. 138.11 E. 150.45 E. 160. 2 \V. 116.2 E. 89-15 E- 70.49 E. 7. .54 E, 77.36 E, 88,45 E, 35 31 E. 74-38 E. 76,14 E, 76,20 E, 76.12 E, 72.22 E, 78.37 K. 72.30 E, 75-25 E. 42,50 E. 1,20 W. 1.40 W. 5. 27 w, 152.20 E, 76.23 E, 148.42 B. 146.53 E, 55.0 E. 12.54 K. Map 60 82-83 63 70-71 70-71 16-47 64 66 64 42-43 122 96 26-27 78 79 63 81 60 81 80 81 60 81 81 28 29 6S 119 80 102 103 104 100101 105 100-101 102103 66 66 72 73 6869 38 1041 46-47 60 118 119 110111 80 1647 68-69 60 123 119 80 118 118 102 103 14-15 60 1617 121 118 114115 70-71 63 64 40 41 63 63 60 64 66 66 66 66 63 66 66 73-79 46-47 46-47 4647 123 66 118 113 60 42-43 59 Joa GENERAL INDEX Kai Lat. Long. Map Joadja Creek New S. ll'aits ...34-25 s. 150.33 E. 118 Joannes IsUind...^n:c// 1.0 s. 50.0 w, 109 Joazeiro Brazil 9.12 s. 40.36 w. 110-111 Jodhpur Rajputana 26.17N. 72.56 k. 66 J of ra Oasis Fezzan .29.0 N. 16.30 K. 78-79 Johanna Islaiui ..Comoro Islands ..x^.xo s. 44.27 E. 78-79 Johannesburg Transvaal 26.11 s. 28.7 E. 86-87 Johannisberg' Prussia 50.0 N. 7.59 E. 40-41 Johannisburg Germativ S3-37N. 21.49 E. 40-41 John o' Grout's.,. Si of land 58.39N. 3.3 w. 26-27 Johnsiiaven Stotland 56.48 n. 2.20W. 26-27 Johnson City Tennessee 36.20 N. 82.22 w. 104 Johnston \&\o.nd- . Polynesia 16.40N. 169.25W. 114-116 Johnstone D utn/ries ^Scotlandz^^. 12 N. 3. 25 w. 28-29 Johnstone Scotland 55- 5^ N. 4.31 w. 28-29 Johnstown Kildarejrelafid .z,^.z<\'S. 6.52 w. 32-33 Johnstown Kilkenny, I reiandyi.a,^ N. 7.33 w. 32-33 Johnstown Ni->o York 42.59 N. 74. 25 w. 102-103 Johore Malay Peninsula 1.46N. 103.56 E. 68-69 JoUstadt Saxony 50-3' N- i3-6 E. 40-41 Joigny France 47.59N. 3.24 e. 36-37 Joinville Brazil 26.20 S. 48.43 w. 112-113 Joinville-sur- Marne France 48.27N. 5.8 E. 36-37 Jokjokarta Java 7.48 s. 110.28 E. 70-71 Jokkas Finland 61.56N. 27.58 E. 54-55 Jokneam Palestine 32.38N. 35.7 E. 60 J6kullsa{R) Iceland 65.30N. 16.0 w. 8-9 Joliba Kiver French Guinea. ..11.0 N. 9.0 w. 84 Joliet Illinois 41.30N. 88.3 w. 100-101 J6\\ii\oni{y[i.) ...Switzerland. 47.2 N. 7.3 E. 44-45 Jollarpet Madras 12.34N. 78.38 E. €5 Jolliette Quebec 46.4 n. 73.30 w. 96 Jones Sound N.-XV. Tcrritrs.jjt.o N. 83.30 w. 92-93 Jonesboro Tennessee 36.14 N. 82.29 w. 104 Jonesborongh Ireland 54.5 N. 6.22 w. 32-33 Jonesville Michigan 42 o N. 84.43 w. 102-103 Jonga Zon^' Bhutan 27.9 N. 91.6 E. 63 Jiinkoping Sweden 57-47 N'- 14- 12 E. 62-53 Jonzac France 45-26 n. 0.24 w. 36-37 Joost van Dyke \. Leeward Islands. 18.^0 is. 64.40 w. 106-107 Joplin Afissouri 37,1 n. 94.30 w. 100-101 Joppa Palestine 32.0 N. 34.47 e. 60 Jordan River Palestine 32.15 N. 35.34 E. 60 Jordan Rivci" Utah 40.30N. 112.7 w, 105 Jorhat E.B^gal^ Assam2b.^6 n. 94.16 e. 63 Jorullo, ^lownt ...Mexico 18.45 N. ^o'-SS w. 108 Jorya Bombay 22.41 n. 70.27 e. 64 Josephstadt Bohemia 50.20 N. 15. 53 E. 42-43 Joshimath United Provinces^o.^^ N. 79.36 K. 63 Jostedals Bme. ...Nofivay 61.30N. 7.0 K. 52-53 Jotun Fjeld ..Xorivay 61.30N. 8.20 E. 62-53 Joui Lake Switzerland 46.39N. 6.17 e. 44-46 Jowai E.B'gal^.-lssam2S.26ii. 02.13 E. 63 Jowain 4fghanistan 32.0 N. 61.41 e. 58 Jowf Arabia 29.30N. 39.40 H. 60 Joyce's Country. . hrland. 53- 35 N. 9. 35 w. 32-33 JuaadeFucaStr. U'a.f/ri'w^/tfw 48.20N. 124.0 w, 105 Juan Fernandez Island Chile 33-42 s. Juan Godoi Chile 28.0 s. Juba River Fast Africa 2.0 N. Jubal, Strait oi...Fgypt 27.40 N. Jubaland BfitishF, Africa 2.0 N. Jubones, Rio Ecuador. 3-i2S. Juby, Cape N.'W. Africa ...27.56 n. Jucar River Spain 39. ion. Jucka>^jai vi Sweden 67.51 N. Jucuapa y ij\^\\\\'.^ Salvador. 13.28 N. Judea, prov Palestine 31.40N. Judenburg Austria 47. ion. Judicaria, dist. . ..Italy 45-54 N- Juggernaut..., , SceVxixK. Jugiong. Xew S. Hc/fj.. 34.47 .s;. Juist I-sland Germany 53-41 n. Jujuy Argentine Rep.... ^"^.^-^ S. Julfa ...Ispahan, Persia.. ^'2. 2,^ N. Juli Peru 16.12 s. Juliaca. Peru 1532 s. Julian Alps Austria 46.10 N. Julianehaab. Greenland 60.40 N. Julianstown. Ireland. 53.X4N. Jiilich Prussia 50.S5N. Julier Pass Switzerland. 46.28 N. Jumet Belgium 50.24N. Jumilla Spain 38.27N. Junda Nepal 29.17N. Jumna River United Provinccsz^.o n. 78.45 w. 112-113 70.35 w. 112-113 42.30 E. 82-83 340 E. 81 42.40 E. 82-83 79.50 W. 110-111 12. 56 W. 78-79 0. 13 W. 46-47 21.30 E. 52-53 88.19W. 106-107 35.8 E. 60 14.41 E. 42-43 IC.40 E. 48-49 148.37 E. 118 6.59 E. 40-41 66.0 w. 112-113 51-52 E- 60 60.30 w. 110-111 70.6 w. 110-111 13-58 E. 42-43 46.0 w. 90-91 6.18 w. 32-33 6.21 E. 40-41 9-44 K. 44-45 4.24 E. 38 i.jS w. 46-47 82.13 E. 63 77.1= E. 63 Lat. Loii^'. Junagarh Bombay 21.31 N. 70.36 k. Junction City Kansas 39.1 n. 96.43 w. Junee New S. l\'ales...-^^.^Q^. 147.33 E. Jungfrau, 'i\o\x\\tSwitzerland. 46.33 n. 7.58 e. Juniata 'K\\ev.... .Pennsylvania 40.30N. 77.46 w. Junin, dep Peru 12.0 s. 75.0 w. Juniper Green Scotland 55-54 N- 3- 16 w. Junki de BuracoaCw^'- 13-2 E. Jutiapa Guatemala 14.20N. 89.57 w. Juticalpa Honduras i4-43 N- 85 43 >\'- Jutland, pruv Denmaik 56.30N. 9.0 E. 6c Kaafjord Norway 69.59N. Kaarta French Sudaii 15.0 n. Kaba J ian Bokhara 37- 53 N. Kabara VV, Sahara 17.32 N. Kabin Siam 14.5 N. Kaboda Japan 39-35N. Kabomiio River.. Ccn/ra/ Africa. ..i^-SS S- Kabrai United Provincesi^.z'^ N. Kabul Afghanistan 34-35 N- Kabul River Afghanistan 34.40N. Kabylia, leguni.. Algeria 36.40 n. Kachaura United Provinces 2j.2g N. Kacbh 5«Cinics2i.i^j^. Kamranh Bay -innam 1 1, 50 n. Kanagawa lapan 3S-29N. Kanah Pale^stine 33. 12N. Kanah River Palestine 32.28 N. Kanara Bombay , 15.0 N. Kanauj United ProvinitS'z-j.-i n. Kanawha River.. W. Virginia 38. 14N. Kanaza wa Japan 36. 50 n. Kanchanjanga, Mount ...North India 27.42 N. Kan-chau Chiria 38. 59 N. Kan chau-fu. China ^S-S^N. Kandahar Afghanistan 3I.36n. Kandalaksha Russia 67. 10 n. Kandalaksha \^.. .Russia 66.30 N. Kandapu r Madras 13. 38 N. Kandarki United Prori/uaz^.-^g'^. Kandavu \&\iiud . . Fiji Islands 19.0 s. Kandy Ceylon 7. 18 n. Kanea Crete 35.28N. Kauef Russia 49-35 N. Kanem, country. Western Sudan .15.0 N. Kanesville fowa 41.18 N. Kangaroo Flat ... Victoria 36.49 S. Kangaroo ls\ii.\\d. South Australia .;^^.^os. Kangaroo Valley. AVif S. Wales ...1,4.^0 a. Kanguyam Madras. 1 i.i N. Kangean Lslund.>.Z)^/rA £". Indies. 6.50 s. Kangra Puftjab 32. 5 N. Kangwon, prov... A'^jr^a 37.0 N. Kan-gyi-daung.../?«;'?«a 16.56 N. Kanhad Hyderabad 20.16 N. Kan-hoa Annam 11.48 N. Kanigiri Madras 15-23 N. Kaniguran: Waziristan 32.29 N. Kanin, Cape Russia 68. 38 N. Kanin Penin.'^ula. A*^/jj/fl 68.0 n. Kanitz Austria 49.5 n. Kaniva Victoria 36. 40 s. Kauizsa, Nagy . . . . Hunga ?y 46. 28 n. Kanizsa, Hungary.. 46.4 n. Kanjera Central /;/,'. 75.25 E. Kara Bugaz iiaM. Asiatic Russia ...41. 12 N. 53.30 E. Kara Mines Siberia 54.0 N. 116.0 E. Kara Sea Asiatic Russia. ..t^.o n. 65.0 E. Kara Strait Russia 71.0 N. 57.0 E. Kara Su (River).. T'wjXrr 41.22N. 24.0 E. Karabeal Victoria 37.30 s. 142.13 E. Karachi Bombay 24.51 N. 67.4 k. Kara-darya Central Asia 40.45N. 72.20 E. Karagwe Ger. E. Africa... 2.0 3. 31.28 E. Karaia Cwalior 25.53X. 78.3 E. Karaja Foclia Turkey in Asia..2i.^o X. 26.43 e. Karakoram Ra ...A'(ii.4m!"r 36.0 N. 76.0 E. Karakorum, ruinsyl/i>«^o/;"fl 47.30^. 102.0 E. Kara-kul(L,) Pamir 39.0 N. 73.30 E. Kara-kumDesert.^j:fl/;V Russia. ..y^.^^-s. 59.30 E. Kar.anian Asiatic Turkey. ..-^J.io-x. 33.13 E. Karamnasa 'BXseiBengal 24.35 f""- 83.42 E. Karampan Ceylon 9.42 N". 79.52 E. Karanbas United Provinces28.i3N. 78.21 E. Karanja Bcrar 20.29 N. 77.32 E. Karanja Cen/ralProvinces2i. los. 7S.27 E. Karas Mts Ger.S.- ir.Africa27.20 s. 18.42 E. Karasliar C/iina 42.18N. 87.18 E. Karatagh Pass. ...A'aiAw/r. 35- SON. 78.20 E. Kara-tau (Mts.).., 4.i/r!//<,- .ffKOTa... 43.0 N. 68.0 E. Karategin, dist. ..Bokhara 39.0 N. 70.0 E. Karativu I.sland..C;i'/i;K 9.44N. 79. 52 E. Kar.auli Rojputana 26.30N. 77.4 E. Kar.awanken VlIs. Austria 46.30N. 14.30 E. Karczag. Hungaiy 47.19N. 20.56 E. Karenia German E.Africa 6.48 s. 30.42 E. Karenni, dist Burma I9.i2y. 97.0 E. Kargil Kashmir 34.30 N. 76.13 E. Karhad Bombay. 17.15N. 7412 E. Karlial Uniteit Pr-?;m//ir 7'k/-/'0'.. 35.40 N'. 27.7 E. Karra United Proi'inces2^.42'S. 81.24 E. Karree Bergen ...G:/^ C(j/t;wr 31.0 s. 21.0 E. Karridale 11". Australia ...34.12 s. 115.5 S. Karroo, Great.... Cape Colony 33.6 s. 22.0 K. Sr:ip 86-67 66 78-79 65 65 65 126-127 65 126-127 42-43 42-43 44-46 64 70-71 121 66 76-77 76-77 76-77 51-55 50-51 119 64 76-77 82-83 64 60 66 72-73 76-77 76-77 60 63 65 63 64 63 86-87 72-73 66 76-77 76-77 65 66 42-43 42-43 8283 68-69 66 64 63 63 78-79 65 70-71 63 70-71 64 65 64 72-73 78-79 64 42-43 50-51 42-43 62-53 42-43 40-41 52 53 40-41 52 53 40 41 42-43 42-43 81 66 42 43 65 128 82-83 66 60 63 86-87 122 86-87 62 Lat. Kurs Russia 40.36N. Karshi Bokhara 38.23 N. Karsian'• Long. Map 43-9 K. 64 55 6:;. 52 E. 7677 88.20 K. 63 14.0 E. 42 43 75-32 E. 66 133.20 E. 70-71 69.4 E. 64e 81.25 E. 63 48.30 E. 60 76- 35 E. 65 79-57 E. 65 78.7 E. 65 78.5 E. 64 74-14 E. 64 80.57 E. 63 72.33 E. 64 25.27 E. 5051 75-2 E. 69 77.1 E. 6& 44.30 E. 64-55 49.56 E. 60 21.17 E. 42-43 78.42 E. 63 51.47 E. 60 76.4 E. 76-77 74-55 E. 66 69.36 E. 6* 44.40 E. 60 88. ig E. 63 83.0 E. 65 41.29 E. 5465 78.59 E. 6S 89.12 w. 100-101 116.55 w. 98-99 0.55 E. 82 83 27.0 E. 60 30.23 E- 78-79 2745 E. 60 18,0 E. 8283 36.10 E. 78-79 71.36 E. 76-77 33-43 E. 60 21. ig E. 60-51 74.31 E. 66 68.54 w. 102103 27.20 E. 82-83 117.35 E. 122 52.0 E. 5S 96.24 E. 68-6» 71.0 E. 64 50.8 E. 5» 24.20 E. 78-79 75-32 E. 66 19.0 w. 8-9 150.24 E. 118 4.27 w. 24-25 81.43 E. 65 11. K. 39 15.42 E. 40-41 17.12 E. 40-41 9-3 E. 4041 159.30 w. 128 7.46 E. 40-41 72.50 E. 76-77 174.29 E. 126-127 114.10 E. 74 81. l8 E. 63 £0.3 E. 6& 350 E. 8283 178.25 E. 126127 12.0 E. 78-70 169.15 E. 126-127 81.15 E. 63 174.50 E. 126-127 78.9 E. 65. 11.30 w. 84 150.57 E. 11» 49-3 E. 64-55 50.Q E. 54-55 100. "VV. 92-93 44-. ^5 E. 54-55 30.40 E. 82-8a 0.45 w. 1617 Kea GENERAL INDEX Kha Lat, Long. M:ip Keadew Ireland 54.3 n. 8.8 w. 32-33 Keady Ireland 54.15N. 6.42 w. 32-33 'Kqq.\ Lochi\:i-..., Scotland 56.29N. 6.10W, 24-26 Kealkill Ireland 51.44N. g.42 w. 34-36 Kearney Nebraska 40.35 N. 99.9 w. 100-101 Kearsarge, Mt....iV«/i //<2OT/i/«><. 43.27 N. 71.45 w. 102-103 Kearsley England S3-33N. 2.24 w. 16-17 Kebabo Eastern Sudan. ..^^.o N, 23.0 E. 78-79 Kebnekaisse, Mt.i'it'f(f«; 68.15 N. 18.35 e. 62-53 Kebra Baso Rapids. See Quebraba^o. Kecskemet Hungary 46.54N. 19.44 E. 42-43 Kedah, state Malay Peninsula b.o N. loi.o E. 68-69 Kedesh Naphtali /"ij/wZ/wf 33.8 N. 3532 E. 60 Keel, L. & B Ireland 53 58N. 10.5 w. 30-31 Keeling Islands. ./Krf(a« 0«(in 12.12 s. 96.54 E. 4 6 Keen, Mt Scotland 56.58N. 3.0 \v. 24-25 Keene New Hampshire. ^-2.^2,^^. 72.19W. 102-103 Keeper Hill Ireland 52.44 N. 8.15 w. 30-31 Keeragh Islands . /«/a«rf 52.12N. 6.44 w. 30-31 Keetniannsboop.Gc/-.^.- II''..4/r;Va26.30S. 18.2 E. 86-87 Keewatin Ontario 49.45N. 94.18 w. 92-93 Kef Tunis 36.8 N. S.44 E. 80 Keffi Sokoto 8.54N. 7.48 k. 78-79 Kegworth England 52.51 n. 1.17W. 20-21 Kehl Germany 48.35 x. 7.48 e. 40-41 Kei Islands East Indies 5-3o s. 133.0 E. 70-71 Kei Kiver Cape Colony 32.27.S. 28.0 E. 86-87 Keig Scotland 57. 16N. 2.40 w. 26-27 Keighley England 53.52^. 1.55 \v. 16-17 Keil Berg Austria 50.26 N. 12.40 e. 42-43 Keilor yictoria 37.44 s. 144.51 E. 119 Keiss Scotland 58.32N. 3.7 w. 26 27 Keith Scotland 57-33N. 2.57 w. 26-27 Kekerangu .Veto Zealand 42.0 s. 175.0 E. 126-127 Kelantan, state. ..jl/a/<2y /'««'nji//ij 5.20 N. 103.0 E. 68-69 Kelat See Khelat. Kellett, Cape N.-\V. T«r/-j7rj.. 71.59 N. 125.14 w. 92-93 Kellevie Tasmania 42.47s. 147. 53 E. 120 Kei lie Law Scotland 56.15N. 2.46W. 24-26 Kells Antrim, Ireland. S4.481!. 6.13 w. 32-33 Kells Kerry, Ireland... ^2.0 N. 10.7 w. 34-35 Kells Meath, Ireland. .ij,.i,%l!i. 6.53 \v. 32-33 Kells, Rhinns of. 5f0//a7irf 55.10N. 4.22 w. 28-29 Kells and River. .A'//-tf/:«>' 52.33N. 7.i7\v. 34-35 Kelly's Basin Tasmania 42.23s. 135.30 E. 120 Kelmscott W. Australia. ...■i,i.2 s. 116.2 E. 122 Kelso New S. Il'a/cj ...33.26 s. 149.43 E. 118 Kelso A^«a/ 2;'S. 85.13 E. 63 Kiandwa Central Prixvinceszi.yy^. 76.23 E. 63 Khangai ML« Mongolia 48.0 N. 98.0 K. 72-73 Khangarh Punjab 2Q.55N. 71.12 E. 66 Khania, Crete.. ..5« Canea. Khania-dh,Tna....£»»rf.'/Wii»»-!i. 32.48 E. 78-79 Khasb Afghanistan 3I.35N- 62.45 K. ^ Kbasi and Jaintia Hills P.B'galdy'Assam2^.toy. 91.0 E. 63 Khaskoi E. Rumelia. 42.0 N. 25.3:; E. 60-51 KhatakHilis K.-W. F. Pro-cy^.s^^. 71.10 E. 66 Khatanga Bay.... AVi*^rza 74.0 N. 112.0 E. 76-77 Khatauli United Proviuces2<).\TM. 77.46 e. 63 Khatmandu Nepal 27.42 N. 85.12 E. 63 Kbawak Pa.vs Afghanistan 3S-37N'- 69. 52 E. 68 Khazr River Asiatic Turkey ..■^.10^. 43.30 E. CO Khed Bombay .....18.51 N. 73.56 E. 64 Khekera United Pro7intes28.^2t>. 77.20 E. 63 Khelat Maluchislan 28.53N. 66.28 E. 66 Khelat^i-Ghilzai...,4^;«aK;j/aH 32.13N. 66.59 E. 68 Khenikarn J'unjab 31.9 N. 74.371:. 66 Kheralu Baroda 23.54N. 72.40 E. 64 Kheri United Province\2j.^.\^. 81.50 E. 63 Kherson Russia 46 39 N. 32.32 E. 64-55 Kherwara Udaipur 24.4 N. 73.40 E. 66 Khesar Sind, Bombay .. 25.22N. 70.32 E. 66 Khilchipur Bhopal .'. 24.2 N. 76.37 E. 64 Khimlas.i CentralProvinie52a,.\iti. 78.25 E. 63 Khingan Mts. ...J/i)H^o/;a 47.0 N. 120.0 E. 72-73 Khinjan Afghanistan 35.40N. 68.7 E. 58 Kbipra Sind, Bombay ....2-^ ^tj'S. 69.25 E. 66 Khiron United Provinces26.iZs. 80.59 E. 63 Kbirpai Bengal. 22.43N. 87.39 E. 63 Khiva Central Asia 41.18 x. 60.22 E. 76 77 Khoi Persia 38.33 N. 455 E- 60 Khojah Saleh Asiatic Russia ...27.20^. 66.0 E. 76-77 Kbojak Pass Brit.Ba/uchis/anjo.^^^:. 66.34 E. 62 Khojent Asiatic Russia. ..41. 2;^^. 68.42 E. 76-77 Khokand Asiatic Russia. ..^o.jSt!. 71.0 E. 76-77 Kholapur Berar 20.56N. 77.34 E. 64 Kbolni Russia 57.9 N. 31. 8 E. 64-55 Khong Cambodia 14.6 N. 105.46 E. 68-69 Khong Rapids. ...Cam<5ofl'/a 13.58N. 106.0 E. 68-69 Khonsar Persia 33.8 N. 50.28 E. 60 KbuperBiycr.... Russia S1.30N. 42.36 E. 64-55 Khoramabad Persia 33.32N. 47.43 E. 60 Kborasan, prov. jP«/-j;a 34-4°N. 58.0 E. 68 Khorw.a -Smrf, .Bomfoj.... 24.45 N. 68.28 E. 66 Khotan E. Turkistan ...yj.t, N. 80.2 E. 76-77 Khotin Jiussia 48.32N. 27.30 E. 64-65 Khudagaiij United Provinces2S.S N. 79.46 E. 63 Khudian J'unjab 30.S9N. 74.19 E. 66 Klitijji CentralPrmHnces2\.n ■&. 81.58 E. 63 Khiiltn Afghanistan 36.30N. 68.18 E. 68 Khulna Bengal. 22.49 N. 89.37 E. 63 Khun Bombay 22.3 N. 72.18 E. 64 Khurdha Drissa, Bengal. .20.11 'S. 85.40 E. 63 Khurja United Provinces28.l^}<. 77.54 E. 63 Khushab Punjab 32.18N. 72.24 E. 66 Khusbalgarb V.- IT. /•'. /'rot'. .33.28 N. 71.59 E. 66 Khutahan United Provinces2S. 5811. 82.37 E. 63 Khutu Ger. East Africa 7.42 s. 37.30E. 82-83 Khuzistan, pruv../'(frjia 31.20N. 50.0 E. 60 Khvalinsk Russia 52.27N. 48.5 E. 64-55 Khyber Pass AV« Kbaib.ar. Kia-hsing-fu China 30.53N. 120.33 E. ''* Kiakbta Asiatic Russia. ..so.i6k. 106 44 e. 76-77 K.ia-ling-kiang....C//i«a 31-33 N- 106-0 E. 72-73 64 Lat. Kialla Victoria 36.23 3. Kiania S. Nigeria 5.10 X. Kiama New S. IKa/«... 34.40 s. Kiamari Bombay ^4-49 N- Kiandra New S. Wales. ..■}^.},2 s. Kiang-chau China 34-59 N- Kiang-mai Si am 18.50 N. Kiang-nin;/ China 32.0 N. Kiang-si, yy'^w... China 27.0 >■. Kiang-su, \iVity ...China 34.0 N. Kiankari Anatolia 40.35N. Kiao-cbau China 36.21 N. Kiuta Victoria 36-19 s. Kia-ting-fu China 29.33 ^'- Kibongo Belgian Congo.... 0.50 s. Kibwortb England 52.33 N. Kicking Horse Pass Alberta 5I.30N". Kidderminstoi- ..England 52.23 N. Kidlington England 51.50N. Kidsgrove England 53.6 N. Kidwelly Wales 51-45 N- Kiel Germany 54. 19N. Kiel Bay Germany S4-35N. Kielce Russia 50 51 K. Kien-cbang-fii . China 27.34 x. Kien-ning-fii China 27.13 N. Kiev Russia S0.27N. Kiewa Victoria 36.6 s. Kibikibi A>w Zealand..... 38.2 s. Kikinda, Nagy. ..//ungary 45. 50N. KilaDidar SmghPunjab 32.6 N. Kila SobhaSinyh/*a«ya^ 32.14 N. Kilakar.ii Madras 9.14N. Kilauea Vol Hawaii 19.27 N. Kilbarcban Scotland 55- Si N. Kilbeggan Ireland. 53-22 N. Kilbirnie Scotland 55-46 X. Kilbowie Scotland 55-54N- Kilbrennan HA.. .Scotland 55-35 N. Kilbride, 'East. ...Scotland 55.47N. Kilbride, West ..Scotland 55.42 x. Kilbrittain Ireland 51.41 N. Kilear Ireland 54.38 X. Kileasb Ireland 52.24 X. Kilchreest Ireland 53-" N. Kilcb rennan Scotland 56. 2 1 N. Kilcock Ireland 53-24 X. Kilcoiman Ireland. 52.15N. Kil.-'oole Ireland 53.7 X. Kilcooly Ireland. 52.41 X. Kilcreggan Scotland 55-59^- Kilcullen Ireland 53.8 X. Kilcunda Victoria 38.30 s. Kildalkey Ireland 53.34 X. Kildare & CO Ireland 53.9 X. Kildonan Scotland 58.10X. Kildorrery Ireland S2.14N. Kilfeera Victoria 36.0 s. Kilfenora Clare, Ireland.. ..^2.^9 X. Kilfenora Kerry, Ireland... ^2. iT:^. Kiltinnaiie Ireland 52.22 x. Kilfyn Ireland 52.22X. KilgarvMn Ireland 51.54X. Kilgobnet Ireland 52.3 X. Kilbam England 54.3 X. Kilia& K Russia 45-28 X. Kilian Chin. Turiistan 37.18 jf. KilimaNjaro.Jlt.Girr. E. Africa... 3.10 s. Kilkee Ireland 52.41 X. Kilkeel Ireland 54.3 X. Kilkeeran Ireland 53-42 x. Kilkelly Ireland 53-52X. Kilkenny k co. ..Ireland 52.39X. Kilkieran B:i\:... Ireland 53-I5N- Kilkivan Queensland. 26.6 s. Kill Kildare, Ireland S3-iS^- Kill Waterford,Irelands2.ri X. Killadysert Ireland 52.41 X. Killala&Bav Ireland ,54- '5 N. Killaloe ! Ireland 52.48 x. Killan Ireland 53-20X. Killard Point Ireland 52-45 N- Killard Point Ireland S4-I9N. Killarney Ireland 52.3 X. Killarney Ontario 45.59X. Killarney Queensland. 28.5 s. Killary Harbour. /nr/onif 53-37 N. Long. Map 145.30 E. U9 6.15 E. 84 150.52 E. 118 67.2 E. 64 148.32 E. lis iro.50 E. 74 99.2 E. 68-69 118.58 E. 74 II^.O E. 74 119.0 E. 74 33-33 E. 60 120.12 E. 74 141.48 E. 119 104.2 E. 72-73 25.50 E. 82-83 I.O w. 20-21 1 16. 30 w. 98-99 2.15 w. 18-19 1.16 w. 20-21 2.15 w. 18-19 4. 18 w. 18-19 10.8 K. 4041 10.30 E. 40-41 20.43 E. B4-65 116.41 E. 74 118.27 E. 74 30-34 E. 64-6S 146.5s E. 119 175.18 E. 126-127 20.30 E. 42-43 74-2 E. 66 74-48 E. 66 78-50 E. 65 155.28 W. 128 4-33 w. 28-29 7-29 w. 32-33 4.41 »■. 2829 4.24 w. 2829 5-25 ^■• 24-25 4.11 w. 28-29 4.51 w. 28-29 8.42 w. 34-35 8.36 w. 32-33 7.32 w. S4-3S 8.39 w. 34-35 5-9 w. 28-29 6.40 w. 32-33 8-35 w. 34-30 6-3 w. 34 35 7-33 w- 3435 4-49 «•• 2829 6.44 w. 34-35 145 30 E. 119 6.54 »-. 32-33 6.54 w. 34-36 3-52 w- 2627 8.25 w. 3435 146.0 E. 119 9.13 w. 34-36 9- 50 w. 34-35 8.28 w. 34-35 9-37 "■- 34-36 9.26 w. 34r35 9-43^'- 34-35 0. 22 w. 16-17 29.15 E. 64-55 77-52 E. 72-73 37-30 E. 82-83 9-38 W. 34-35 6, 1 w. 32-33 9.16 w. 32-33 8.51 w. 32-33 7.14 w. 34-35 9.48 w. 30-31 152.13 E. 123 6.36 w. 34-35 7.19 w. 34-35 9.6 w. 34.35 Q.i:; w. 30-31 8.26 w. 34-35 7-4 «■• 34-35 9-35 w. 3031 5-37 w. 30-31 9.30 w. 34-35 81.29 w. 96 152.25 E. 123 9-53 w. 3233 Kil GENERAL INDEX Kir Lat. Long. M:ip Killashandra Ireland 54.1 N. 7.32W. 32-33 Killashee Ireland 53.41 N. 7.52W. 32-33 Killconnell Ireland 53 20 N. 8.24 w. 34-35 Kille.agh Ireland 51.56N. 7.9 w. 34-35 Killearn Scotland 36.2 n. 4.22 w. 28-29 Killeedy Ireland 52.23 n. 9.4 w. 34-35 Killeijjh Ireland 53.13N. 7.27 w. 34-35 Killelton Ireland 52.13 N. 9.52 w. 34-35 Killenaule Ireland 52.34N. 7.40 \v. 34-35 Killhope Law England 54.48N. 2.i8w. 14-15 KilliecrankiePass5ft7^/a?zrf 56.44N. 3.47 w. 24-25 Killimor Ireland 53.10 N. 8.18 w. 34-35 Killin Scotland 56.28 N. 4.19 w. 28-29 Killiney Bay Ireland 53-iSN. 6.7 w. 30-31 Killinick Ireland 52.16 N. 6.27 w. 34-35 Killisport, Loch...liV(7//a«t/ 55-53N. 5-39 w. 24-25 Killorglin Ireland 52.6 N. 9.47 \v. 34-35 Killough & B.iy ../rf/a«(/ 54.16N. 5.39W. 30-31 Killucan Ireland 53-31 N. 7.9 w. 32-33 Killurin Ireland 52.23N. 6.34W. 34-35 Killybeg-.s Ireland 54.38N. 8.27 w. 32-33 Killylea Iieland 54.21 N. 6.47W. 32-33 Killyleagh Ireland 54.24N. 5-39w. 32-33 Kilmacthomas Ireland 52.12N. 7.25 w. 34 35 Kilniainham Ireland 53.52N. 6.49 w. 32-33 Kilmalcolm Scotland 55-S4N. 4.43 w. 28-29 Kilmallock Ireland 52.29 N. 8.34 \v. 34-35 Kilmarnock Scotland S5-37N. 4.2qw. 28-29 Kilmartin Scotland 56.8 N. 528 w. 28-29 Kilmaurs Scotland 55-39N. 4-3i w. 28-29 Kilmeage Ireland S3-I5N- 6.51W. 34-35 Kilme-ssan Ireland 53-33N. 6.49 \v. 32-33 Kilmichael Scotland 56.6 N. S-S/w. 28-29 Kilmicbael Point. /;-f/i!Mi/ 52.43N. 6.9 w. 30-31 Kilmiliill Ireland 52.43 N. 9.24 w. 34-35 Kilmore Ireland 52.11 N. 6.35W. 34-35 Kilmore Victoria 37.19 s. 144.58 E. 119 Kilmuir Isle of Skye 57.39N. 6.22 w. 26-27 Kilmun Scotland 56.1 N. 4.58 w. 28-29 Kilmurry Ireland 52.44N. 9.27 w. ;4-35 Kilnaleck Ireland 53.52N. 9.0 w. 32 33 Kilninver Scotland 56.21 N. 5.31 w. 28-29 Kilpatrick Ireland 51.47N. 8.42 w. 34-35 Kilpatrick Hills. .iVoWaMi!' SS-S^N. 4.25W. 24-25 Kilrea Ireland S4.57N. 6.33 w. 32-33 KilreekiU Ireland 53.14N. 8.27 w. 34-35 Kilrenny Scotland 56.14N. 2.41 w. 28-29 Kilroot Ireland 54.45 N. 5.44 w. 32-33 Kilrush Ireland 52.38N. 9.28W. 34 35 Kilsalla^haii Ireland 53.28N. 6.19 w. 32-33 Kilslieelan Ireland 52.22 N. 7-34"'. 34-35 Kilskeer Ireland 53-42 N. 6.59 w. 32-33 Kilsyth Scotland 55.59N. 4.5 w. 28-29 Kiltamiigh Ireland 53.52N. 9.0 w. 32-33 Kiltealy Ireland 52.34 N. 6.44 w. 34-35 Kilteel Ireland 53.14N. 6.31 w. 34-35 Kiltegan Ireland. 52-54 N. 6.36 w. 34-S5 Kiltormer Ireland 53.14N. 8.17 w. 34 35 Kiltyclogher Ireland 54-22N. 8.2 w. 32-33 Kilvine Ireland 53-41 N. 8.50 «. 32-33 Kilwa (Qailoa)....G«r. £. -4/)7Vfl... 9.0 s. 3929 E. 82-83 Kil wa Lake East Africa 15.0 S. 36.0 E. 78-79 Kilwinning Scotland 55.40N. 4.41 w. 28-29 Kilwortli Ireland 52.11N. 8.14W. 34-35 Kimberley Cape Colony 29.0 s. 24.40 H. 86-87 Kimberley England 53.0 N. 1.15W. 2021 Kimberley (Kartimba) Queensland. 17.28 3. 140.53 E. 123 Kimberley Di.^t. . IK ^»ergen 79.0 N. King Leopold Ra. W. Australia 16. 30 3. King Sound H-''. Australia 16. 30 3. King William Land M.-W. Terrilrs. , 6g.o N. King Williams- town Cape Colony 32.48 s. King's Caple England 51.58N. King's County.. ..Ireland 53.15N. King's Lynn England 52.46N. King's Norton. ...England 52.25 N. Kingani R Ger. E. Africa.. 6.20s. Kingarth Bute, Scotland. ..^^.46 N. King-chau China 4059 N. King-fu China .28.23 N. Kinghorn Scotland 56.4 N. Kingower Victoria 36.35 S. Kingsbarns Scotland 56.18 N. Kingsbridge England 50. 17 N. Kingsburgh Isle of Skye ...57.31 N. Kingsbury England 52. 34 N. Kingsclere England 51-19 N. Kingscourt Ireland 53-54 N. Kingskerswell . ...England 50-30 ^■ Kingsmill IsX^nisMicronesia 0.45 s. Kingston Jamaica 18. i N. Kingston New Brunswick .^^.^i N. Kingston A'fTi; York 41.52N. Kingston New Zealand 45-20 S. Kingston Ontario 44-15 N. Kingston Queensland 16. 18 3. Kingston South Australia .36.54 N. Kingston Tasmania 42.59 s. Kingston Victoria 37*21 s. Kingston-on- Thames England 51.2SN. Kingston-upon- HuU England 53-45 N. Kingstown Ireland 53.17N. Kingstown St. Vincent 13.13 N. Kingsville Ontario 42.1 N. Kingswear England 50.20N. Kings winford E?igland 52. 30 N. King-te-chen China 29.7 N. Kington England 52.13N. Kington See Kineton. King- tung- ting... C/i/«a 24.31 N. Kingussie Scotland 57.4 N. King-yuen-fu China 24.26 N. Kinhi CentralProvincesii.yj N. Kin-hwa-fu China 29.11 N. Kinibalu, Mount. i?r(7. N. Borneo. 6.7 N. Kin-kia China 36.40 N. Kinkwa Son Japan 38.19N. Kinloch Rannocli5£:(;//fin£/ 56.42 N. Kinlocbailorfc Scotland 56. 53 N. \\\i\\ochhvrv\e , ...Scotland 58.28 N. Kinlochleven Scotland 56.42N. Kiuloss Scotland 57-38 N. Kinmount Ontario 44-45 N- Kinnagoo Bay Ireland 55. 16N. Kinnaird Yie^id,... Scotland 57-41 N. Kinnoul Hill Scotland 56.24 N. Kino Channel Japan 34.0 N. Kinogami, Lake .Quebec 48.10 N. Kinross and co. ..Scotland 56.12 N. Kinsalo & "H^rh.. Ireland 51.41 N- Kin-sha-kiang....CAi»a 28.30N. Kinta Perak 4-32 N- Kintbury England 51.24N. Kintore Scotland .57-14 N. Kin tyre(C'antyre)5co('/a«rf 55- 35 N. Kinvarra Ireland 53.8 N. Kinver See Kinfare. Kinzig River Germany 50.10N. Kioge Bay Greenland 65.28 N. Kiono, Mt Greece 38-35N- Kioto Japan 35.2 N. Kipirsi Plateau. ../^/^kcA H '.^/;7Vni2.30 N. Kippax England S3.46N. Kippen Ontario 43.29N. Kippen Scotland 56.7 N. Kippure, "^onnt. Ireland 53-^^ N- Kir Moab Palestine 31.6 N. Kirakat United Proi'inccs2^.^8 N. Kiratpur United Provinces 2<).30ti. 65 Long. Maj. 144.5 E. 120 30.0 E. 6 125.0 E. 116-117 123.30 E. 116-117 97-3OW. 9293 27.30 E. 86-87 2.40 w. 18-19 7.30 w. 34r35 0.24 E. 20-21 1-55 w. 20-21 38.56 E. 82-83 5.2 w. 28-29 121.22 E. 72-73 104,37 E. 72-73 3. 1 1 w. 28-29 143.44 E. 119 2. 39 \V. 28-29 3.46 w. 18-19 6.21 w. 26-27 1. 41 w. 20-21 1.14 w. 20-21 6. 49 w. 32-33 3-33 w. 18-19 173.0 E. 114-115 76. 48 w. 106107 66. 2 w. 94 74-4 w. 102-103 16S.45 E. 126-127 78- 35 w. 96 144.18 E. 123 139.40 E. 121 147.19 E. 120 144.8 E. 119 0.18 w. 20-21 0.20 w. 1617 6.8 w. 34-35 61.13 w. 106-107 82.4s w. 96 3-32 w- 18-19 2.10 w. 18-19 117-31 E. 74 3.1 w. 18-19 101.4 E. 72-73 4.2 w. 26-27 108.24 E. 74 80.29 E. 63 Iiq.51 E. 74 116.30 E. 70-71 120.58 E. 74 141.31 E. 75 4. 12W. 28-29 5-38 w. 26-27 5-2 w. 26-27 4-57 w. 28-29 3-33 "■• 26-27 78.40 w. 96 7. 1 w. 30-31 2. 1 w. 24-25 325W. 24-25 1350 E. 75 71.20 w. 95 325 w. 28-29 8.31 w. 34-36 104.0 E. 72-73 101. E. 68-69 1.28 W. 20-21 2.21 W. 26-27 5.40 W. 28-29 8.56 W. 34 35 9.0 E. 40 41 40.40 w. 90-91 22.18 E. 60-51 135-45 E. 75 2. 30 W. 84 1.22 W. 16-17 81.30 W. 96 4.9 W. 28-29 6. 20 w. 30-31 35-42 E. 60 82.58 E. 63 78.15 K. 63 I Kir GENERAL INDEX Kod Lat. Kirby-le-Soken . . . £Hjf /a«cow. Kitakami-gaw:i(R.)/a/>(i« 38-30N. Kiti Ponapi, Carolines 6.43 N. Kittatinny \ii\,,.New Jersey 40.40 N. Kittur..' Bombay 15.36N. Kitzbiichel Tyrol, Austria. ..47. 27 N. Kitzingen Bavaria 49. 44 N. Kiu-cbau-fu China 29.3 N. Long. 1. 14 B. 12.32 K. 9.2 E. '3-33 E- 9-28 E. 5-37 w. 108- 12 E. 38-23 E. 60.0 E. 81.40 E. 126.50 E. 130.50 E. 151. E. 3-1 w. 3-35W. 3.11 w. 1.42 w. 2.36 w. 1-39 w- 0.56 w. 2.22 w. 3.9 W. 4. 1 w. 4-37 w. 4.2 w. 4.0 w. 4.4 M. 3-49 «■- 3-56»- 2-42 w. 1-43 w. 3-1 w. 4 27 w. 4-13W. 27.11 E. 2.32 w. 1-5 "•- 1-44 »■- 3-24 w. 3.36 w. 4-55 w. 3.27 w. 2.41 w. 4.45 w. 3 54W- 3.7 w. Map 20 21 40-41 44-45 40-41 40-41 32-33 76-77 60 76-77 72-73 72-73 75 114-115 16-17 28-29 16-17 16-17 16-17 16-17 J6-17 16-17 28-29 28-29 28-29 28-29 24-25 24-25 28-29 28-29 16-17 16-17 28-29 28-29 28-29 50-51 16-17 16-17 16-17 28-29 28-29 28-29 28-29 16-17 28-29 28-29 28-29 3-43 w. 28-29 3.28 w. 28-29 1.46 w. 16-17 142.17 E. 119 2.48 W. 16-17 2. 1:7 W. 26-27 2.1 W. 16-17 4-55 w- 28-29 3-1 "-. 28-29 42.50 E. 64-55 77.17 E. 63 3-9 w. 28-29 0.36 Vf. 20-21 29-30 E. 82-83 74-55 =• 66 51.21 E. 58 28.52 E. 54-65 55-50 E. 68 35-3 E. 60 42.50 E. 6455 42.30 E. 82-83 137.20 E. 75 2.0 w. 80 10.4 E. 40-41 22.40 E. 50-51 79-0 E. 65 80.9 E. 65 141.20 K. 76 158.10 E. 114-116 76.0 w. 102-103 74-50 B. 64 12.23 E. 42-43 ro.9 E. 40-41 I19.4 E. 74 66 Lat. Kiu-fu China 35-36 N. Kiu-kiang-fu China 29.40 N. Kiung-chau China 30.28N. Kiung-chau-f u. ,,, Hainan Jsland,,,ig.cfi n. Kiushiu Isbind ,,. Japan 32.30N. Kiu-tsing-fu China 25.32 N. Kivalur Madras 10.46 n. Kiz Kartel Hungary 47.42 N. Kizil-.\gatch Russia 39.3 N. Kizil-Irmak R Asia Minor 41.0 N- Kizil-Kum Asiatic Russia, ,.41,40^}, Kizil-Uzen Kiver, Persia 37.28 N. Kizliar Russia 45.51 N. Kjerteminde Denmark 55. 27 B. Kjobenhavn See Copenhagen. KjoRe Denmark 55.28N. Kjblen Norway 65.0 N. Kladno Bohemia 50.8 N. Klagenfurt Austria 46.37N. Klamath Lakes .. 0/r^f?« 42.26 N. Klamath Kiver ,,,Cali/bmia 41.34N. Klang Selangor 3.3 N. Klar Elf Sweden 60.28 N. Klattau Bohemia 49.23 N. Klausenburg Hungary 46.44 N. Klaustbal See Claustlml. Kliber Algeria 35-45 N. Klek Dalmatia 42.55N. Klerksdorp Transvaal 26.50 s. Kliazma River Russia 56. i6n. Klin Russia 56.20N. Klingnau Switzerland, 47.34N. Klip River Natal 28.33 s. Kliuchev Jh KamcJiatka 56.8 N. Klondike Yukon 64.30N. Kloppenburg Oldenburg 52.51 N. Klosterneuburg..^wj/na 48.18 N. Knap Point Scotland 55-53N. Knapdale, dist ,,, Scotland 55-55 N- Knaresborough....£'«^/a«(f 54.1 N. Knebworth Erigland 51.53 N. Kneesall England 53. n N- Knighton Wales 52.21 N. Knight's Town ,,, Ireland 5^-55 N- Knin Austria 44.3 N. Knivskjiirodde Norway 71. 11 N. Knock Mayo, Ireland ,,,53,^811, Knockadoon iid,, Ireland Si. 53 N. Knockando Scotland 57.27 N. Knockbain Scotland 57.33 N. Knockbridge Ireland 53-58N. Knockcroghery.../r(f/a«rf 53-34 N- Knockholt England 51.18N. Knockmeaklown Mountains Ireland 52.14N. Knocktopher Ireland 52.29N. Knottingley England 53-43 N. Knowle England 52-24 N. Knowlton Quebec 45.12N. Knowsley England 53.27 N. Knowsley Victoria 36.48 s. Knowstone England So. 59 N. Knoxville Tennessee 35-57N. Knoydart, dht ...Scotland 57.4 n. Knoyle, East England 51.5 N. Knucklas Wales 52-22N. Knutsford England 53.18N. Knutsford A' Territory, S. Australia 13.13 B. Knutsford W. Australia 30.54 s. Knysna Cape Colony 34.6 s. Koait Arabia 29.20N. Kobdo Mongolia 48.0 N. Kobe Eastern Sudan ..13.36 N. Kobe See Hiogo. Kobelyaki Russia 49.10N. Kobi Japan 34-38 N. Kocbel See Bavaria 47.38 N. Kochem Prussia 50.8 N. Kocber, River Wiirtemberg 49.13N. Kochi Japan 33.0 N. Kochstadt Prussia 51.54N. Kodaikanal Madras 10.13 N. Kodamangalam.. Travancore 10.4 N. Kodamiala Hyderabad 18.36N. Kodiak \^^Xid..., Alaska 57.30N. Kodinar Baroda 20.46N. Kodok Egyptian Sudan, 9.50 N. Long. 117.0 E. 116.8 E. 104.40 E. 110.5 E. I3I-0 E. 103.30 E. 79-47 K. I9-33 K. 49.20 E. 34-40 E. 65.0 E. 50.15 E. 46.42 E. 10.39 E. Map 74 74 72-73 74 75 7273 65 4243 64-65 60 76-77 60 64-56 39 12.11 E. 39 15.0 E. 62-53 14-7 E. 42-43 14-19 E. 4243 121.50 W. 105 123.20 w. 106 101.29 E. 6869 13.10 E. 52-63 13.22 E. 42 43 23-33 E. 42-43 0.15 W. 80 17.38 E. 42 43 27.0 E. 86-87 42.6 E. 64-56 36.44 E. 64-55 8.15 E. 44-46 29.33 E. 86-87 160.35 E. 76-77 13Q.0 w. 9293 8.2 E. 40-41 16.18 E. 42-43 5.42 w. 2426 5-30 w. 2829 1.28 w. 16-17 O- 14 w. 2021 0.57 w. 1819 3-4 w. 1819 10. 22 w. 34r36 16.12 E. 42 43 25.50 E. 52-53 8.54W. 32-33 7-52 w. 30-31 3.20 w. 26-27 4.17W. 26-27 6. 29 w. 3233 8.7 w. 32-33 0.6 E. 20-21 7-SS^-- 30-31 7-13 »■• S4-36 1. 15 w. 16-17 1.55 w. 20-21 72-34 w. 95 2.51 w. 16-17 144-33 E. 119 3-40W. 18-19 S3- 57 "•• 104 5-32 w. 26 27 2. low. 18-19 3-7 w. 1819 2.22 w. 18-19 151.22 E. 116-117 UQ.l E. 122 23-7 E. 86-87 48.0 E. 60 91-55 E. 72-73 24.58 E. 78-79 34.10 E. 64-55 134-59 E. 75 11.20 E. 40-41 7.7 E. 40-41 9-23 E. 40-41 133-0 E. 75 11-24 E. 40-41 77-32 E- 65 76-40 E. 66 78-33 E. 65 IS3-0 w. 90-91 70.46 E. 64 32.10 E. 78-79 Kod GENERAL INDEX Kot Lat. Kodumur Madras i5-4i N. Kodungallur Cochin, Aladras .10. 14 N. Kodur Madras 13- S^ N. Koetong Victoria 36. o s. Kogarah New S. Wales ...^Z-SS^- Kohat N.-W. F. Prov..^i,,->,6-ii. Koh-Cbang {l.)...Siam 12.0 N. Koh-Gram ([.).... Sia m i o. 26 N. Koh-i-baba Mts ..Afghanistan 34.20N. Koh-Pennan (1.) .Siam 9.40N. Koh-Rud [}>\is.).. Persia 31,0 n. Koh-Samuie [\.)..Siam Q-SON. Koh-Taa (I.) Sia7n 10.5 N. Kohima E-B'gal b' Assajiizz^.o n. Kohistan, prov ...Persia 28. ion. Kohukohu ...New Zealand. 35.20 s. Koilkonda Hyderabad 16.45N. Koilpatti Madras 9. ion. Koimbatur See Coimbatore. Koja Lake British E. Africa 1.30 N. Kojonup W. A lisfralia . . ..^^. so a. Kokbektinsk Asiatic Pussia...4S.42 N. Kokel, Great, ^..Hungary 46.4 n. Kokel, Little, R.. Hungary 46.18 N. Kokelburg Hungary 46. 14N. Koki ...Uganda 0.30s. Kokkalai Ceylon 9.2 N. Koko Nor [h.].... Tibet 36.50N. Kokorao Indiana 40.31 N. Koksar (Is.) Russia 59.42N. Koksoak ^\vqy ...Canada 56.0 N. Kokstad Griqualand E, ..30.30 S. Kokura Japan 33-S3N. Kola Russia 68.47 n. Kola Peninsula. ..A'wj-jza 67.30 n. Kolar Mysore 13.8 N. Kolar Lake Madras 16.40 N. Kolattur Madras 10.33N. Kolberg Germany 54. 10 N. Kolding' Denmark 55-29 N. Kole Bombay 17. 14N. Kolguev \s\o.nd... Russia 69.0 N. Kolhapur Bombay 16.42N. Kolin Austria 50.4 N. KoHucMn ^^iy.... Siberia 66.30 n. Kolkai Madras 8.40N. Kolkol Dar-fur^ Sudan .i^-SOli. KoUam Madras 8.S4N. Kol mar- in- Pes en. Prussia 52. 59 N. Koln See Cologne. Kolo Russia 52.11N. Koloraea Austria 48.31 N. Kolomna Russia 55.7 N. Kolozsvar See Klausenburg. Kolyma River. ...Siberia 67.30 N. Kolyrask Siberia 67.10N. Kolyvan ...Siberia 55.10N. Komoe River /vory Coast 5.20N. Komoka Ontario 42.55 N. Komono, Mt Ivory Coast 9-I5N. Komorn Hungary 47.46 N. Konada Madras 18. i n. Konakry French Guinea... 9.30 N. Konchakov, M t. . . Russia 59. 50 N. Konda, River Siberia 60.0 n. Kondapalle Madras 16.37 n. Kondavir Madras 16.1SN. Kondhali CentralProvinces2i.S n. Kondipuram Madras 14-47 N. Kondnji Ger. E. Africa... 6.40 s. Koneynr Travancore 9-14 N- Kong Mountains. Ivory Coast 8.40 N. Kongelf Sweden 57- 52 N. Kongen WUrtemberg. 48 41 N. Kongnoli Bombay 16. 33 N. K ong.sbo ig Norway 59- 36 N. Kongsvinger Norway 60.12 n. Konieh Asiatic Turkey ..37.51 N. Koniggratz Austria 50. 1 3 N. Koniginhof Bohemia 15.27 n. Konigsau, River .Germany 55.20N. Konigsberg Bohemia 50. 7 N. Konigsberg Prussia 54.42 N. Konigsberg Prussia 52.58N. Konigsee Schwarzburg 50.38 n. Konigshiitte Prussia 50. 18 n. Konigslutter Brunswick 52. 1 5 n. Konigssoe { L. ) Bavaria 47. 32 n. Long. M.1P 77-49 B. 66 76.15 E. 65 79.24 K. 66 147.51 K. 119 151. 12 E. lis 71.29 E. 66 102.24 B. 68-69 99.36 E. 68-69 67.0 E. 58 loo.O E. 72-73 550 B. 60 lOO.O E. 68-69 99.40 E. 68-69 93.0 E. 63 59-0 K. 68 173.30 B. 126-127 77-5° B. 66 77-55 B- 66 32.0 E. 82-83 117.10 E. 122 82.40 E. 76-77 24.0 E. 42-43 24.20 E. 42-43 24.9 E. 42-43 315 K. 82-83 80.57 B. 65 99.45 E. 72-73 86.5 V. 102-103 25-3 B. 54-65 67.20 w. 92-93 29.28 E. 86-87 130.56 E. 75 33.2 E. 54-55 36.0 E. 54-55 78.10 E. 66 81.10 E. 65 78.47 E. 65 153= B. 40-41 9.28 E. 39 74.10 E. 64 48.45 E. 54-65 74.10 E. 64 15-14 E. 42-43 45.0 E. 76-77 78.8 E. 65 23-S E. 78-79 76.38 E. 65 16.54 E. 40-41 18.40 E. 5466 251 E. 42-43 38.46 E. 54-56 158.30 E. 76-77 157.10 E. 76-77 82.40 E. 76-77 3-34 w- 84 81.30 \v. 96 3-5 w. 84 18.7 E. 42-43 83- 37 E. 66 13.40 w. 84 50.0 E. 64-65 67.0 E. 76-77 80.34 E- 65 80.17 B- 66 78.39 E. 63 78.14 E. 65 39.12 E. 8283 76-55 E. 65 5.0 w. 84 12.0 K. 52-53 8.21 E. 40 41 74-24 E. 64 9-43 l=- 52-53 12.7 E. 5253 32-15 1-;- 60 15.49 K. 42-43 15.46 K. 42-43 8.45 E. 40-41 12.31 K. 4243 20,30 K. 40 41 14-25 n- 40 41 11-6 v.. 4041 18.57 E. 40-41 10.49 E. 40 41 13.0 E. 40-41 67 Lat. Long. KiSnigsstuhl Baden 49.23N- 8.43 E. Konigstein Germany 50.11 N. 8.26 E. Konigstein Saxony 50.54N. 14.5 E. Konigswart Bohemia 50.0 N. 12.37 E. Konigswiiiter Prussia 50. 50 N, 7. 10 E. Konin Russia 52.11 N. 18.19 E- Konitz Germany 53-43 N. 17.33 E- Koniz Switzerland. 46.55N. 7.24 e. Konkan, di\' Bombay 18.0 N. 73.30 E. Kdnnern Prussia 51.41N. 11.37 E. Konotop Russia 51.12N. 33.16 E. Konskio Russia 51.11 N. 20.26 E. Konstadt Prussia 51.2 N. 18.3 E. Konyica Herzegovina 43.50N. 17.59 E. Koogan W, Australia 30.42 s, 116.2 E. Kookabookra New S. rF(z/(^5 ...29.50 s. 152.0 e. Koolunga South Australia. 23-35 8. 138.20 E. Koondrook Victoria 35-37 S- 143-50 E. Koonunga South Austraiia. 35.18 S. 138.15 E. Koonwarra Victoria 38.30s. 146.0 E, Koonya Tasmania 43.2 s. 147.50 E. Kooringa. South Australia. 33.4ZB. 138.59 E. Koovoocheang.... Victoria 37.4 s. 144.10 E. Kootenay Rivev. . Montana 48.55N. 116.0 w. Koo-wee-rup Victoria 38.12 s. 145.30 E. Kopaganj United J^rovinceszS.i N. 83.37 E, Kopais Lake Greece 33.25N. 23.5 E. Kopal Asiatic Russia. ..4j\ 59 N. 79.23 E. Kopaonik Mts. ...-Scri'/a 43.5 N. 41.0 E. Kopargaon Bombay 19.54N. 74-33 E. Kopua New Zealand, ....40.3 s. 176.16 E. Korat Plateau.... 5/rt?K 1S.25N. 102.20 E. Korata Abyssinia 11.45N. 37-28 E. Kordofan Egyptian Sudan. ij,.o n. 30.0 E. Korea, country... ^ji'a 37.0 N. 327.0 E. Korea, state CeniralProvincesz3.3'z's. 82.19 E. Korea Bay Korea 39.0 N. 124.0 E. Korea Strait Korea 34 15 N. 129.30 E. Koregaon Bombay 13.38N. 74.7 E. Korein Arabia 29.18 N. 48.0 E. Koringa Aladras 16.48 N. 82.16 E. Koriiitji. Miiwnt .Sumatra 1.40 s. 101.5 E. Kornneuburg Austria 48.22 N. 16.20 E- Kornthal Wiirlejuberg 48.50N. 9-8 E. Korobeit Victoria 37.0 S. 144-O E. Koroit Victoria 38.17 S. 142.24 E. \s.oxon, G\i\i oi . . .G reece 36-5SN. 22.5 E. Korong Vale Victoria 36. 27 s. 143. 36 E . Koroni Greece 36-47 N. 21-59 K. Kiiros, Black, R..//««.^arj' 46.40N. 22.0 E. Koros, Rapid, R./Z^w^ary 47.0 N. 21.30 E. Korbs, White, H. Hungary 46.23N. 22.0 E. Kbros River Hungary 46.56N. 20.30 K. Korosko Egypt 22.30N. 32.15 E. Korosmezo Hungary 48.17N. 24.23 E. Korotoiak Russia 50-58 N. 39.20 E. Korotsha Russia 50.49 N. 37.14 E. Korpb (I.) Finland 60.8 N. 21.35 B. Korsor Denmark 55.19N. 11.8 E. Korti Egypt i8.i3N. 31.47 E. Korumburra / 'ictoria 38-30 8. 145-50 E. Ko3Gul(L.) Mongolia 50.30 N. loi.o E. K03 Island Turkey 36.50N. 27.10 E. Kosciusko, Mt....A''«o 5. Ufl/<;j...36-22 8. 148.20 E. Kosel Prussia .....50.20N- 18. 10 E. Koshtantau (Mt. )C(2wcaj;^j 43.5 N. 43.10 E. Kosi River Natal 26.548. 32.42 E. Kosigi Madras 15-51 N. 76-17 E. Koslin Germany S4.13N. 16.10 E. Koslov Russia 52.53N. 40.30 E. Kosseir P-.^ypt 26.6 N. 34.16 E. Kossovo, \)voY. ...Turkey 42,10 N. 20.30 E- Kostainica Hungary. 45-II N. 16.33 E. Kosten Prussia 52.7 N. 16.34 E. Kostendil Bulgaria 42.7 N. 22.53 E. Kostovo Turkey 41.51 N. 21.4 E. Kostroma Russia 57.44N. 40.57 E, Koswig Germany 51-54 N. 12,27 E. Kot Ad u Punjab 30.28N. 71.1 E. Kota Berar 20.33 N. 78.20 E. Kotah Rajputana 25.10N. 75.52 E- Kota-kota Nyasaland 12.58 s. 34-17 E- Kotal Brit.Baluchistan2<^.S5^. 67.10 E. Kotanipatti Madras..... 10.13N. 78.26 E, Kotar Travancore.. 8,ioN. 77,29 E. Kotaraja Sumatra 4-45 N. 96.30 E, KotelniiO,strof([. )AVz« 5(ij 6.5 s. Krakau See Cracow. Krambruk Victona 38.45 s. Krammer Holland 51.42N. Krasno U tinisk . . . Russia 56. 40 N. Krasnovodsk Asiatic Russia. ..40.0 n. Krasnoyarsk Siberia 56.0 n. Kratji Togoland 7-45 N- Krefeld 5^-^ Crefeld. Kremenchug Russia 49. 4 N. Krcmenets Russia 50. 7 N. Kremlin See Moscow. Kremnitz Hunga>y 48.42 n. Krems Austria 48.25N. Kremsier A ustria 49. 1 8 N. Kremsmlinster ...Austria 48.4 N. Kreuzbu r^j Germany 50. 58 N. Kreuznacli Germany 49. 50 N. Kribi ...Kamerun 3.0 n. Krimmitschau....5fl.t'i?rty 50-49 N. Krio, Cape C7-ete 35.i6n. Krishna River. ...5e^ Kistna. Krishnagar Bengal. 23.23N. Knstiania Norway 59-54N. Kristiania Fjord .Nonvay 59-2o n. Kristiansand Norway 58.8 N. Kristianstad Siveden 56.3 n. Kristiansund Nonvay 63. 7 K, Kronenberg Prussia 51. 12 N. KroDstadt Hungary 45.38N. Kronstadt Russia 60.0 N. Kroonstad OrangeRiverCol.sj.^o S. Krossen Germany 52. 3 N. Krumau Austria 48.48N. Krusenstern 'Hir. .Japan 34.0 N. Krushevatz Senna 43-35N. Kuanza River Angola 9.20 s. Kuban River Russia 45.15N. Kubinsk \j(x\iQ.... Russia 59-45 N. Kuch Behar Bengal 26.19 N. Kucha China 41.42N. Kuchaman Jodhpur 27.8 N. Kuchar E. Turkistan 41.37N. Kuchera Jodhpur 26.59N. Kuching Sarawak, Borneo 1.30N. Kudatani Madras 15-^3 N- Kudligi Madras 14-54 N. Kudow River Germany 53- 3° N. Kuds, el- See Jerusalem. Kuen Luen ViX?.. .Tibet. 36. ion. Kufa Asiatic Turkey ..-^z.o N. Kufelong Kashmir 36. 12K. Kufra, Oasis oi.. .Sahara 24.45 N. Kufstein Austria 47-35N. Kuiseb River Ger.S.- W.A/rica22.30 s. Kuka Bornu, Nigeria. .i-^.$ N. Kuksi Central Jndia.... 22.1;^^. Kulab Bokhara 37- 59 N. Kulachi N.-W. F. Prov.,^i.s6-s. Ku-la-dan Kwcv .Burma 21.20N. Loug. Map ii.SSe. 40-41 2.30 E. 84 88.24 E- 63 68,43 E. 64 134.0 E. 76 138.30 E. 76 77.29 E. 65 75-35 E. 65 76.34 E. 65 14.21 E. 40-41 76.16 E. 66 77.2 E. 65 76.18 E. 65 145.10 E. 119 163.0 W. 90-91 64. 58 w. 94 80.18 E. 66 24.41 E. 64-55 23-53 E. 54-55 80.2 E. 65 48.58 E. 60 66.26 E. 62 20.53 E. 50-51 99.0 E. 68-69 23.50 E. 5051 105.22 E. 70-71 143-40 E. 119 4-5 E. 38 57-49 E. £4-65 530 E. 76-77 92.57 E. 76-77 0.5 E. 84 33-37 E. 54-55 25.36 E. 54-65 18.46 E. 42-43 15-36 E. 42-43 17.23 E. 42-43 14.8 E. 4243 18.13 E. 40-41 7.50 E. 40-41 10,0 E. 82-83 12.28 E. 40-41 23.30 E. 50-61 88.32 E. 63 10.48 E. 52-53 10.55 E. 52-63 7-55 E. 52-53 14.10 E. 52-53 7.46 E. 52-53 7.21 E. 40-41 25.30 E. 42-43 29.46 E. 54-55 27.42 E. 86-87 15-3 E. 40-41 14.20 E. 42-43 129.30 E. 75 21.15 E. 50-51 13.2 E. 82-83 38.S E. 64-55 39.16 E. 54-55 89.29 K. 63 83.24 E. 72-73 74 47 E. 66 83-31 E. 76-77 74.1 E. 66 110.20 E. 70-71 76.48 E. 65 76.26 E. 65 16.56 E. 40-41 90.0 E. 72-73 44.24 E. 60 77-52 E. 66 22.0 E. 78-79 12.11 E. 4243 15.0 E. 78-79 13-23 E- 78-79 74.48 E. 64 69.40 E. 76-77 70.30 E. 66 92.48 E. 72-73 6S Lat. Kulasekharapat- nam Madras. 9.5 N. Kulbarga. Hyderabad 17.20N. Kulitalai Madras 10.56N. Kulja Zungaria 43-Si N. Kulni Germany 53-21 n. Kulpa River Austria-H ungary^'^.yi N. Kulpabar United Provinces2$. ig N. Kum Persia 34-37 N. Kuma River Russia 44-53 N* Kumalgarh Udaipur 25.9 N. Kuniauioto Japan 32. 50 N. Kuniura New Zealand 42.40 s. Kumasi (Coo- massie) Gold Coast 6.30 n. Kumaun, div United Provinces2,o.o n. Kurabakonam See Conb'nconum. Kumbhi CentralProvinces22,- 29 N. Kumliarsain,state/^«K_;a^ 31-20 N. Kumpta Bombay 14.26N. Kunar Kajiristan 34-36N. Kuna-sira \s\a.n<\. Japan 44.0 N. Kunawar, div Bashahr. 31.40N. Kundla Bombay 21.21 n. Kunduz Afghanistan 36.49 N. Kuneitrab. q]-.... Palestine 33.6 n. Kunene B.\\eT ....Angola 17*30 S. Kunersdorf Prussia 52. 15N. Kunfuda Arabia 19.5 N. Kungur Russia 57- 15N. Kunigall Mysore. 13.2 n. Run jab Punjab 32.32 N. Kunnattur Travancore 9.4 N. Kunnur Madras 11.20N. Kuopio Finland 62.53 N. ]vu-pei-kou-ying.C/i/«a 40.41 N. Kuppam Madras 12.45 N- Kuppili Madras 18.10N. Kur River Russia 41.30K. Kurai CentralProvincesz^.-^ N. Kuram Pass N.-W. F. Prov..33.3oN. Kurantadih United Provi7ices 2.2. ^S N K u rauli Un ited ProvinceS2.y. 24 N. Kurd Dagh Syria 37.0 N. Kurdistan Asiatic Turk€y...'^7.'^o'!A. Kuria Muria Is... Arabia 17.40 N. Kurigram F.B'gal ^^ Assam2S.4g a. Kurile Islands.... /a/aK 45.0 n. Kurische Neh- rung Germany 55* 12 n. Kurisches Hix^... Germ any 55.12N. Kurla Madras 19. 27 N. Kurna Asiatic Turkey ..31.2. N. Kurnalpi W. Australia 30.0 S. Kuroshiwo Cur- rent Japan 38.0 N. Kumw New Zealand 44.43 S. Kursi United Provinces^-] .4 N. Kursk Russia 5^-44 N. Kuruman Bechuanaland 27.19 S. Kurundwad Bombay 16.40 n. Ku rwai Central India ... .24. 7 n. Kushk Afghanistan 34-58N. Kushtij^a Bengal. 23.55N. Kusnetsk Russia 53.6 N. Kustenji Rumaiiia 44.12 N. Kiistenland A ustria 45. 25 N. Kiistrin Prussia 52*35 N. Kutabdia X^X^xA.E.B'galb' Assam2\.S'>,^- Kutabiyeb Asia Minor. 3q.26N. Kutais Russia 42.21 N. Kutaklik Kashmir 34-58 N. Kuthar, state Punjab 31.0 N. Kutno Lake Russia 66.0 N. Kuttenberg Austria 49-57N- Kuyunjik See Niniveh. Kvalynsk Russia 52.30N. Kwa River Belgian Congo.... 2.40 s. Kwala Kangsa Perak 4.42 n. Kwala Klang Selangor 2-58K. Kwala \Ava\i\xv ...Selangor 3.10N. Kwala Pilah Negri Sembilan . 2.45 n. Kwan^^-chang-tsG A/anchuria 44. ion. Kwang-chau China 23.12N. Kwango 'River. ...Bel^'an Congo ... 8.0 s. Kwang-si, prov... Chi?ta 23.0 n. Kwang-tung,prov.C/i/«i3 23.0 n. Kwang-tungPen..CA/«a 38.30N. Long. Map 78.21 E. SB 76.52 E. 65 78.27 E. 66 81.10 E. 7273 18.25 E. 40 41 153° E. 42-43 79.40 E. 63 50.56 E. 60 45.8 E. 5465 73.39 E. 66 130.40 E. 76 171.17 E. 126-127 1-35 w. 84 79.0 E. 63 80,18 E. 63 77.30 E. 66 74.27 E. 64 70.55 E- 66 145.17 E. 76 78.10 E. 66 71-25 E. 64 69.10 E. 63 35-48 E. 60 14,0 E. 7879 15-15 E. 40 41 41.5 E. 68 56.30 E. 54-56 77.4 E. 66 74-1 E. 66 76.44 E. 66 76,50 E. 65 27.36 E. 64^55 II7.4 E. 72-73 78.23 E. 65 83- 53 E. 65 45.0 E. 64-55 78.23 E. 63 70.20 E. 66 84.1 E. 63 79.1 E. 63 36.56 E. 60 42.0 E. 60 56.0 E. 58 89.41 E. 63 148.0 E. 76-77 20.55 E. 4041 21.0 E, 40 41 84,44 E. 66 47-27 E. 60 122.0 E. 122 150.0 E. 76 170.28 E. 126-127 81.5 E. 63 36.13 E. 54-56 24.10 E. 86-87 74.40 E. 64 78.5 E. 64 67.0 E. 68 89.10 E. 63 46.32 E. 54-65 28.41 E. 5061 14.0 E. 42 43 14-37 E. ,40-41 91-53 E- 63 29.52 E. 60 42.50 E. 54-55 78.2 E. 66 77.0 E. 66 30.30 E. 64-55 15-17 E- 42-43 48.0 E. 54-86 17.0 E. 82-83 100.55 E. 68-69 101.25 E. 68-69 101.58 E. 68-69 102.15 E. 68-69 125.44 E. 72-73 113.15 E. 74 18.0 E. 82-83 107.30 E. 72-73 113.0 E. 74 121. 10 E. 74 Kwa GENERAL INDEX Lai Kwanza River. "Kwathlamba Mts. (Drakenbergen Kwei-chau, pro v. Kwei-cbau-fti Kwei-hwa-chenp^, Kwei-kiang Kwei-lin Kwei-Nhon Kwei-te-fu Kwei-yang Kwei-yang-cliaii , Kwon-yang-cbau, Kwita Kwo-ibo Kyabrara Kyaik-to Kyaingtun Kyauk-pyu Kyaukse Kyauktagu Kyle Kyle Akin Kyle of Durness . Kyle of Loch Alsl Kyle of Tongue.. Kyle Rhea Kyles of Bute.... Kyll River Kyra River Kymmene Elf ... Kyneton Kyrene Kyrenia Mts Kyula Mts Kyun-pyaw Lat. Angolc lo.o S. ) Natal 27.0 s. Ckifia 27.0 N. China 30.58 n. China 40.48 n. .China 25.0 N. China 25. 20 N. .Anna?fi 13.46 n, .China 34.29N. China 26. 35 n. China 25.48 n. China 24.42 N. Gold Coast 550 N. .S. Nigeria 4.30N. , Victoria 36.20 s. Burma 18.0 N. Burjna 21.15 N. Burma ig.22 N. Burma 21.36 n. .Burma 18. ion. , Scotland 55- 3° N. Scotland 57- 1 7 N- Scotia nd 58. 34 N. Scotland 57-I7N. Scotland 58. 32 N. Scotland 57-14 N. Scotland 55-52 N. Germany 49-53 N. England 52. 16 N. Finland 60.40N. Victoria 37-15 s. Tripoli 32.55 N. Cyprus 35. 10 N. British E. Africa 2.30 s. .Burma 17. 17N. Lonj 15-0 E. La Brea West Indies lo. La Calle Algeria. 36, La Chaux-de- Fonds Switzerland 47. La CisaPass Italy 44. La Creuse R France 46, La Crosse Wisconsin 43. La Fayette Indiana 40. La Fleche France 47. La Futa Pass Italy 44, La Guayra Venezuela 10. La Hacha Colombia 11 La Maddalena Sardinia 41. La Mancha Spain 39. La Martre, Lake.jV.- W. Territrs..6^. La Paz Bolivia 16. La Prairie Quebec 45. La Perouse Tasmania 43. La Perouse Str.../fz/a« 45. La Plata Argentine /?f/....34. La Rioja Argentine Rep. ..29. La Rochello France 46. La Roche-sur- Yon France. 46. La Sagra Spain 37, La Salle Illinois 41. La Saona Island. ^azVj 18. La Sarena Chile 29. La Seiba Venezuela 9. La Union Salvador. 13. La Vaux Switzerland 46. La Vega Spain 37. Laacher See Germany 50. Laaland l^tmii ...Denmark 54. Labasheeda Ireland 52, Labi French Guinea. ..\\. Labrador... Newfoundland ,..^%. Labrador Y^mn . .Canada 55, Labranza GrandeC(7/o;«^/fl 5. Labuan X^^xiA. ...Borneo 5. Lao Soul N.-W. Terrilrs..$i. Laccadive Is Arabian Sea......T.z. Laceby England 53, Lacedonia Italy 41, Lacepede Bay ....South Australia. -^b. Lacepede Islands I-K Australia.. ..ib. Lachine Quebec 45. Lachlan Kiver....AVjf S. Wales ...33. Lachute Quebec 45 Lackawanna ')^.... Pennsylvania 41 15 N. 35 N. 6 N. 27 N. ■ SON. ,46 N. 22 N. 43 N. .13 N. 35 N. ,28 N. ,13 N. O N. O N. .27 s. .26N. .26 s. .40N. ,40 s. .lOS. 9 N. 30.0 E. 107.0 E. 109.36 E. 111.39 E. IIO.O E. 110.25 E. 109.14 E. 115.51 E. 106.48 E. 112.43 E. 102.35 E. I.I E. 7-55 E. 145.7 E. 95-5° K • 99.50 E. 93.30 E. 96.10 E. 96.39 E. 4.30 w. 5-43 w. 4.48 w. 5.42 w. 4.24 w. 5-39 w. 5 12W. 6.57 E. 0.20 w. 26.46 E. 144.22 E. 22.0 E. 33-3° E. 37-45 E. 95-15 E. 61.51 w. 8.27 E. 6.50 E. 10.0 E. 0.50 E. 91.10 W. 86.51 w. 0.4 w. 11.20 E. tj. 2 W. 73.1 W. 9.24 E. 30 w. 120.0 w. 68. 22 w. 73.30 w. 146.35 E. 142.0 E. 58.10 w. 67.45 w. 1.9 w. Map 82-83 86-87 72-73 74 72-73 74 74 68-69 74 72-73 74 72-73 84 78-79 119 68-69 68-69 6869 6869 68-69 28-29 26-27 24 25 24-26 24-25 26-27 24-25 40-41 14-15 64-55 119 78-79 60 82-83 68-69 106-107 80 44-45 48-49 36-37 100-101 102103 36-37 48-49 110-111 110-111 48-49 46-47 92-93 iiom 95 120 72-73 112-113 112113 3637 .41 N. 1.25 w. 36-37 -56N. 2.30 w. 4647 .40 N. 89.5 w. 100-101 .I2N. 68.40 w. 106-107 .50 s. 71.20 \v. 112-113 .14N. 70. 56 w. 110-111 .18 N. 87.43 K- 106-107 .30 N. 6.45 E. 44-45 .0 N. 3-55 w. 46-47 .24 N. 7.17 E. 40-41 .46 N. 11.^0 E. 39 .37N. 9. 14 w. 34-36 .:9N. 11.38 w. 84 .0 N. 60.0 w. 94 .0 N. 70.0 w. 92-93 .30N. 72.54 w. 110-111 .20N. 115.10 E. 70-71 .0 N. 92.0 w. 9293 .0 N. 73.0 E. 62 .32 N. 0. 1 1 w. 20-21 .2 N. 15.24 E. 48-49 .42 s. 139-45 E- 121 .40 S. 122.5 E. 116-117 .28 N. 73.40 W. 95 .40 s. 145-5 E. 118 •,17 N. 74,27 w. 95 .30 N. 75.40 w. 102-103 69 Lat. Long. Map Lacock England 51.25N. 2.8 w. 18-19 Laconia, div Greece 36.55N. 22.35 e. 50-61 Ladakh Kashmir 33.20N. 78.0 E. 66 Ladisinith Cape Colony 33.30s. 21.20 e. 86-87 Lado Lado Enclave .... 5.5 N. 31.50 E. 82-83 Ladoga, Lake Russia 60.45N. 31.30 E. 64-55 L-adrone Is Pacific Ocean 16.0 N. 145.0 E. 114-115 Lady Franklin Sound Grantland 81.5 N. 65.0 -w. 90-91 L.idybank Scotland 56.17N. 3,i7w. 28-29 Ladybrand OrangeRiverCol.m.') s. 27.29 E. 86-87 Ladysmith Natal 28.32 s. 29.40 E. 86-87 Lady's Island L. . /ri/o«(/ 52.11N. 6.25 w. 30-31 Laeken Belgium 50.53N. 4,21 E. 38 Laesii Island Denmark 57-iSN. 11. o E. 39 Lafia Sokoto 8.58N. 8.r8 E. 78-79 Laga An Sweden 56.27N. 13.10 e. 62-63 Lagan River Ireland 54.29N. 6.j w. 30-31 Lage IJfpe, Germany. ^i.e/:)^. 8.48 e. 40-41 Lages Brazil 28.3 s. 49.52W. 112-113 Laggan, Loch Scotland 56.52N. 4.32W. 24-25 Laghouat Algeria 33.48N. 2-53 E. 80 Lagny France 48.S2N. 2.41 E. 36-37 Lagoa das Sete Cidades Azores 37.45 N. 25.45 w. 88 Lagoa dos Patos . 5ra^;V 31.0 s. 51.0 w. 112-113 Lagoon (Ellice)ls./'arj/fp. 28 n. I^ndeck Austria 47.7 n. Landen Belgium 50.46N. Iianderneau France 48.30N. Landes, dep France. 44.0 n. Landes, Les France, 44. ion. Lande wednack . . . England 49. 58 n. Landguard Yovt .England 51.56N. Landliaura United Provinces'Z'^.^Z N, Landbi Sind, Bofnbay ....•zy.ep-n, Landi Khana A'hailfar Pass ....^4.^ N. Landivisiau France 48.33N. Landport See Portsmouth. Landquart 'River Switzerland 46.55N. Landrecies France 50. 5 N. Land's End Fngland 50.4 N. Landsberg Bavaria 48.4 N. Landsberg Prussia 32.46 n. Ijandsborough Creek Queensland. 22.0 N. Landshut Bavaria 48.32N. Landsk ron Bohemia 49- 55 N- Landskrona Sweden 55-52 N. I^andstubl Bavaria 49- 25 N. Lanercost England 54-57N. Lanesborough ^...Ireland 53-4^ N. Lang Fjeld Norway 62.10 N. Lanydale England 54.27N. Langdon Hill England 51-34 N- Lange Bergen Cape Colony 28.30 s. Langeac France. 45.5 n. Langeais France. 47. 20 N. Langehind I Denmark 54.57N. Langen Ger?nany 49. 59 N. Langenberg Prussia 51-18 n. Long. Uap 76.23 K. 66 37.30 E. 78-79 76.5 w. 110111 13- 53 E. 42-43 2.31 w. 36-37 120.28 K. 74 6.1 w. 30-31 79.52 w. 110-111 0.24 E. 20-21 78.20 E. 66 1.32 w. 20-21 151.43 E. lis 10.13 w. 3031 7.41 -n-. 46-47 4. u w. 18-19 1.36 w. 1617 22.26 E. 6061 3-37 w. 28-29 5. 8 w. 28-29 45-8 E. 60 I14.5 E. 74 155-59 E. 114-116 11.32 E. 39 2.44 W. 24r25 70. 16 w. 110-111 12.37 E. 48-49 8.28 E. 40-41 4 5 w- 18-19 105.25 E. 70-71 16. low. 84 40.49 E. 82-83 119.55 E- 74 156.55 w. 128 123.0 E. 70-71 76.31 W. 96 3.48 w. 2829 2.48 w. 16-17 2.48 w. 1617 82.29 w. 102-103 74-34 w. 96 76.23 w. 102-103 85.0 w. 92-93 144.46 E. 119 103-55 E- 72-73 1.44 W. 16-17 14.25 E. 48-49 0.20 w. 20-21 22.19 E. 42-43 109.58 E. 70-71 12.7 E. 8283 12.43 E. 40-41 8.6 E. 40-41 78.8 E. 63 10.34 E. 42-43 5-4 E. 38 4.27W. 36-37 0.50 w. 36-37 1.0 w. 36-37 5-12 w. 18-19 1.20 E. 20-21 77-58 E. 63 67.20 E. 66 71.3 E. 66 4-3 w- 36-37 9-50 E. 44-46 3-31 E. 36-37 5-43 w- 18-19 10.51 E. 40-41 15-13 E. 40 41 144.20 E. 123 I2.g E. 40-41 16.37 E. 42-43 12.49 E. 52-53 7.34 E. 40-41 2.40 w. 16-17 8.0 w. 32-33 7.30 E. 62-53 2.35 w. 16-17 0.27 E. 14-15 22.30 E. 86-87 3-3° E. 36-37 Q.30 E. 36-37 10.46 E. 39 8.41 E. 40-41 7.7 E. 40-41 Lat. Langenburg Ger. E. Africa... 9.20 s. Langensalza Prussia 51.7 N. Langenschwal- bacb Germany 50.8 N. Langentbal Switzerland 47.13 K. Langeroog \i\xaAPrTissia 53.46 N. Langesund Norway 58.59N. Langford England 52.4 N. Langliolm Scotland 55.9 N. Langkat Sumatra 3-30N. Langley British Columbia^q.Z N. Langley Island. ..A>w/o?;«a'/aK-t2KCtf 43.8 N. Lannion France 48.44N. Lan-ping-bsien ...China 40.57 N. Lansdown Ontario 44.24 N. Lansing Michigan 42.45 N. Lansingburg AVzti York 42.46 N. Lan-tao Island ...China 22. 15 N. Lanzarote I Canary Islands, .-zS 57 N. Laogbal, 'Loc\\. ...Scotland 58.23N. Lao-bo-keu China 32.30N. Lao-kai Tongking 22.30N. Laon France 4g.34N. Laos, country Farther India. ...20.0 N. Lapa Brazil 25.43 S. Lapba Cen tra IProvinceszz. 30 N. Lapland, region. .A'. Europe 68.0 N. Laporte Indiana 41.37N. Lappmarkcn Sweden 65.0 N. Lar Persia 27.33N. Lara Victoria 38.1 8. Lara, state Venezuela 10.0 N. L.aracor Ireland 53-32 N. Laraicb See El j^risb. Laramie Wyoming 41.42N. Laiangeiras Brazil 10.40 s. Larantuka Flores Island 8.10 s. Larapinta \j.\i\A.. South Ausiralia.zi^.o s. Larat Island Dutch E. Indies.. 3.0 s. Larbert Scotland 56.1 N. Laredo Spain 43.26N. Laredo Texas 27.32N. Lares Peru 13.10 s. Largentiere France 44.32N. Largo and Bay . . . Scotland. 56. 13 N. Largo Cayo Florida 25.13N. Largo Law Scotland 56. 15N. Largs Scotland 55.48 N. Larino Italy 41.48N. Larissa Greece 39.36N. Laristan, prov. ...Persia 28.0 N. Lark River England 52.24N. Larkbana Sind, Bombay. ...zj.-^^'S- Larkball Scotland 55.45 N- Larnaka Cyprus 34-55N. Larne and L Ireland 54.51N. Larut Perak 4.50 N. Larzac Plateau .../Vawtr^ 44.3 n. Las C'nices New Mexico 32.20N. Las Palmas Canary Islands ..28,6 N. Lasb Afghanistan 31.42 N. Lasbkarpur E.B'gal b'Assamz^.i6ii. Lasitbi Mts Crete 35 ion. Lask Russia 51-34 N. Laso (Island) Denmark S7.15 N. Lassa Tibet 29. 39 N. L'Assomption Quebec 45.50N. Long. Map 34-0 E. 82-8S 10.40 E. 40-41 8.4 E. 40-41 7.37 E. 44-4» 7.29 E. 40-41 9.46 E. 62-63 0.17 w. 2021 3.0 w. 28-2» 98.30 E. 70-71 122.22 W. 98-99 56.25W. 94 7.46 E. 44-46 4.36 w. 16-17 14.50 E. 52-63 3-52 E. 36-37 0. 14 w. 3637 2.49 w. 1819 5-20 E. 36-37 5-44 w. 46-47 5.40 E. 36-37 4.17W. 28-29 106.57 E. 68-69 105.30 E. 72-73 3.40 E. 36-37 78.40 E. 63 111.35 E. 74 3.32 w. 46-47 99.32 E. 68-69 II9.31 E. 74 4-43^^'- 18-19 0.23 E. 36-37 3.25 w. 3637 117.47 E. 72-73 76.11 w. 96 84.38 W. 102103 73-45 w- 102-103 "3-55 E. 74 13.32 w. 78-79 4.22 w. 2425 111.40 E. 74 103.59 E. 68-69 336 E. 36-37 lOO.O E. 68-69 49.52 \v. 112-113 82.19 E. 63 2-.0 E. 54-55 S6.43 \\. 102-103 16.0 E. 62-53 54-8 E- 60 144.29 E. 119 70.0 w. 110-111 6.46 w. 32-33 105. 50 w. 100-101 37.20W. 110-lU 122.55 E. 70-71 133-0 E. 116-117 132.0 E. 70-71 3-51 »■- 28-29 3. t6 w. 46-47 99.26 w. 100-101 72.2 W. 110-111 4.17 E. 36-37 2.57 w. 28-29 80.9 w. 104 2. 56 W. 28-29 4.52 w. 28-29 15-54 E. 48-49 22.24 E. 50-51 55-0 E. 60 0.22 E. 14-16 68.15 E. 66 3-59 w. 28-29 33-37 E. 60 5.49 w. 32-33 100.38 E. 68-69 3-9 E- 36-37 106. 50 w. 100-101 15.26 w. 78-79 61.66 E. 68 91.31 E. 63 25.30 E. 50-51 IQ. 14 E. 54-65 11. E. 39 91.5 E. 72-73 73-35 w. 96 70 L'As GENERAL INDEX Lej Lat. Lons, Ij'Assomption R. Quebec 46.20 N. 73.35 w. Lasswade Scotland 55-53N. 3.7 w, Lasta Abyssinia 12.15N. 39.0 K. Lastingham England 54-18 N. 0.52 w. Lastres Spain 43-34 N'- 5- 18 \v. Laswari Alwa/\I^aJpuiana2-j.2^^. 76.55 e. Latacunga Ecuador 0.56 s. 78.26 w. Latakia Asiatic Tur^e}'...-^$.25N. 35.48 E. Latheron Scot/and 58. 17N. 323 w- Latlii Bojtibay 21,43 N. 71.28 E. Latrobe Tasmania 44- 30 3- 146-39 E. Latrobe River Victoria 38-ios. 147.0 e. Laubaa Prussia 51.7 N. 15.17 E. Laiichstildt Prussia 51.24N. n.52 E. Lauder Scotland 55.44N. 2.46 w. Lauderdale Nyasaland 15.58 s. 35.30 E. Lauenburg Schleswig 53.22N. 10.32 E. Lauenburg Prussia S4-33N. 17-44 E. Lauf Bavaria 49-31 N. 11.16 e. Laufenburg S^uitzerland 47.33N. 8.3 E. Lautfen WUrtemberg 49.4 N. 9.9 E. Lau^'b^ne Wales 51.47N. 4.28 w. Lauingen Bavaria 48.34N. 10.25 E. Laun Bohemia 50-23 N. 13.48 E. Launceston England 50.48 N. 4.21 w. Launceston Tasmania 41. 30 s. 147.14 E. Laune River Ireland 52.5 N. 9.42 w, Laupen Switzerland 46.55 N. 7.14 E. Laupheim WUrtemberg 48.13 N. 9.53 E. Laura South Australia. -^^.12^. 138.14 E. Laurahiitte Prussia 50.18N. 19.3 E. Laiirencekiilc Scotland 56.50N. 2.28 w. Laurencetown....//r/i2n(/ 53. 14N. 8. n w. Laurentide Mts. .Canada 50.0 N. 70.0 w. Laurenzana Italy 40.25N. 13.27 E. Lauria Italy 40.1 N. 15.48 E, Lauricocba, h. ...Peru lo.ios. 77.0 w. Laurieston Scotland 56.0 N. 3-46 w. Laurion Greece 37.43N. 24.2 E. Laurvig Norway ....59.4 N. 10.5 E. Lausanne Switzerland 46.31 N. 6.38 E. Lausitzer Gebi rf^^e^ u stria 50.40N. 15.0 E. Lautenburg Prussia 53.16N. 19.49 E. Lauterbach Hesse, Germany. .zp.'i^Z^. 9.23 E. Lauterbrunnen...5i4'?Vs(fr/a7;(3f 46.36N. 7.54 E. Lavagna Italy 44.18N. 9.21 E. Laval France. 4S.4 N. 0.46 w. Lavant Thai Austria 46.50N. 14.52 E. Lavaur France 43-42 N. 1.49 E. Lavello Italy 41.3 N. 15.46 e. Lavenbam England 52.8 N. 0.44 E. Laveno Italy 45-54 N. 8.37 E. Lavernock Point. H^'a^j 5r.25N. 3.5 w. Lavezzi Island.... CoriiVa 41.22N. 9.14 E. Lavington England 51.18 N. 1.58 w. Lavras Ceara, Brazil .... 6.22 s. 38.4 w. Lavras do ¥u\n\.. Brazil 21.22 3. 44 49 w. Lawa Punjab 32.42 N. 71.59 E. Lawa Rajputana 26.23 N. 75-43 E. Lawa Udaipur 25.13N. 74.2 E. Lawlers W, Australia.. ..zS.y a. 120. 28 E. Lawloit Victoria 36.22 s. 141.30 E. Lawrence Kansas 39.0 N. 95.14W. Lawrence Massachusetts — 42.39 N. 71.10 w. Lawrence New S. Wales ...2<^.y2S,. 153.51 E. Lawrence New Zealand.. ....^^.^^ s. 169.43 E. Lawrencebui'g..../K(/i(2«fl 39.3 N. 84.52 w. Lawrencepur Punjab 33. 48N. 72.27 e. Laxe Fjord Norway 70.40 N. 26.40 E. Laxey Isle of Alan 54.14N. 4.24 w. La.\fi6lci England 52. 18N. 1.22 E. Laxford, Loch Scotland 53.23N. 5.5 w. Layard Victoria 38.15 s. 144.8 E. Lnytown Ireland 53-4' N. 6.15W. Lazistau Asiatic Turkey ..^i.jov. 41.20 K. Le Havre France 49.2gN. 0.6 E. Le Lode Switzerland 47.4 N. 6.44 e. Le Man.s France 48.0 N. o. n E. Le Puy France 45.2 N. 3-53 E. Lea, River England 51.36N. 0.2 \v. Leach, River England 5r.46N. 1.46 w. Leadburn Scotland 55-47 N. 3.14 \v. Leadenhara England 53.3 N. 0.36W. Leader Water Scotland 55.40 N. 2-42 w. Leadgate England 54.S2N. I-48 w. Leadhills Scotland 55- 26 N. 3. 45 w. Leadville Colorado 39.30N. 106.40 w. Leamington England 52. t7N. 1.31 w. Map 9S 28-29 78-79 16-17 46-47 66 110-111 60 26-27 64 120 119 40-41 40 41 28-29 78-79 40-41 40 41 40-41 44-45 40-41 1819 40-41 42-43 18-19 120 30-31 44-45 40-41 121 40 41 26-27 34-35 '92-93 48-49 48-49 110-111 28-29 50-51 62-53 44-46 42-43 40 41 40-41 44-46 48-49 36-37 42-43 36-37 48-49 20-21 48-49 14-15 36-37 1819 110-111 112-113 66 66 66 122 119 100-101 102-103 118 126-127 102-103 66 52-53 16-17 20-21 24 25 119 32-33 60 36-37 44-45 36-37 3637 14-15 14-15 28-29 20-21 24-26 16-17 28-29 100-101 20-21 ijeamington Ontario 42.5 N Leane, hough ....Ireland. 52.3 N. Leane, Upper li.. Ireland SI.59N. Leao-ho (River) ..China 41.30N. Leao-tie-shaii, C. China 38.30N. Leao-tong, G. of. China 40.0 N. Leap Ireland 51-35 N. Learmonth Victoria 37- 25 s. Leatherhead England 51.18 N. Leavenworth Kansas 39. 12N. Leba Prussia 54. 46 N. Lebanon Pennsylvania 40. 17N. Lebanon, }iVa\\nt. Asiatic T'^rZ-cy.. 33.40 N. Lebda Tripoli 32.38N. Lebedin Russia 50-33 N. Lebedyan Russia 53.3 n. Leborabo .Mts Transvaal, cr^c. .27.0 s. Lebrija Spain 36.55N. Lebu Chile 37.36 s. Lecce Italy 40.22N. Leceo Italy 45-51 N. Lech River Germany 48.30N. Lechfeld, T\\a ....Germany 48. 13N. Lechlade England 51-42 N. Leckonfield England 53-S2N. Lectoure Prance 43.56 N. Ledbury England 52.2 N. Ledeberg Belgium 51.2 N. Ledesma Argentine Rep 23.33 S* Ledesma Spain 41.7 N. Lee River Ireland 51.54N. Leech Lake Minnesota 47.8 N. Leeds England 53.48N. Leeds Quebec 46. 13N. Leek England 53.7 N. Leer Prussia 53-13 N. Leerdam Netherlands St.53N. Leesburg Virginia 39.7 N. Leeston Ne^u Zealand ....43.493. Leestono Point. ..Ireland 54.4 n. Leeuwarden Netherlands 53. 12 N. Leeuwin, C W. Australia. ...-^^.zos. Leeward Is West Indies 12.50N. Lefkosia{Nicosia)Cv/ri^j 35. 12N. Lefroy Tasmania 41.9 s. Lefroy, Lake W. Australia. ...^i.o s. Leghorn Italy 43-33 N- Legnago Italy 45-11 N- Legnya Burma 13.25N. Legya Burma 21.16N. Leh Kashmir 33.52N. Lehe Prussia 53-35^. Lehigh River Pennsylvania 41.7 N. Lehinch Ireland 52.56N. Lehri Baluch istan 29. 1 2 N. Lehrte Prussia 52.23 N. Lei, River China 26.50N. Leiah Punjab 30.59N. Leicester and co.. England 52.39N. Leichardt R Queensland 17.40 s. Leiehardt Ra Queensland 20.0 s. Lei-chau China 21.39N. Leichhardt A^ew S. Wales. ..■^'^.^i, s. Leigh Essex, England. .^i.^'^ N. Leigh Lancashire 53-59 N. Leighlinbridge ...Ireland 52.44N. Leigiiton Buzzard.£'w_^/(Zrtt/ 51.56N. Leine River Germany 52.30N. Leinster, Mount .Ireland 52.38N. Leinster, piov Ireland 53.5 N. Leinster Cualfield/zY/flwrf 52.52N. Leintwardine England 52.22 N. Lei pa Bohemia 50.42N. Leipnik Austria 49.32N. Leipzig Saxony 51.21 N. Leiria Portugal 39.43N. Leisnig Saxony 51.9 N. Leistoa England 52.12N. Leith Scotland SS-58N. Leith Hill England 51-12N. Leitha River Hungary 48.0 N. Leitmeritz Austria 50.33N. Leitomischl Austria 49.31 N. Leitrira, co Ireland 54. 10 N. Leixlip Ireland 53.21 N. Lei-yang China 26.28 N. Lejja, el- Palestine 33.0 N. Lejjun, el- Palestine. 32.35N. Long. 82.37 w. 9-34 w. 9-35 w. 122.30 E. 121.10 E. 121.0 E. 9.8 w. 143-27 E. 0,20 w. 94. 56 w. 17.36 E. 76. 30 W. 35-40 E. 14-4 E. 34-35 E. 39.6 B. 32.0 K. 6.4 w. 73-50 w. 18.12 E. 9.24 E. 10-54 E. 10.49 E. 1.42 W. o. 59 w. 0.3 E. 2.25 w. 3-44 E. 64.0 w. 5-59W. 8.47 w. 94- 17 w. I- 32 w. 71.20 w. 2.2 W. 7-27 E. 5.6 E. 77-33 w. 172.24 E. 5-58 W. 5.50 E. 115.12 E. 67.0 W. 33.10 E. 146.58 E. 121.50 E. 10.18 E. 11.27 E. 99.1 K. 97.43 B. 77-33 E. 8.35 E. 75-44 w. 9.20 w. 68. 15 E. 9.59 E. 112.40 E. 70.59 E. 1.8 w. 139-58 E. 146.0 E. 110. E. 151.12 E. 0.40 E. 2.31 w. 6.57 w. o. 39 w. 9-30 E. 6-47 w. 7.0 w. 7-3 w. 2-53 w. 14-33 E. 17.45 E. 12.21 E. 8.47 W. 12.5s E. 2 35 E. 3.10 w. 0. 22 W. 17.0 E. 14.9 E. 16.21 £. 8.0 W. 6. 29 w. 112.40 E. 36.20 B. 35.12 K. Map 96 30-31 30-31 72-73 74 74 34-36 119 20-21 100101 40-41 102-103 60 80 54-55 64-55 86 87 46-47 112-113 48-49 48-49 40-41 40-41 20-21 16-17 36-37 18-19 38 112113 4647 30-31 100-101 16-17 96 18-19 40-41 38 102-103 126127 30-31 38 122 106-107 60 120 122 48-49 48-49 68-69 68-69 66 40-41 102-103 34-36 62 40-41 74 66 20-21 123 123 74 118 20-21 16-17 34-35 20-21 40-41 30-31 30-31 34-36 18-19 42-43 42-43 40 41 46-47 40-41 18-19 28-29 14-16 42-43 42-43 42-43 32-33 82-33 74 60 60 71 Lek GENERAL INDEX Lib 95.20 E. 4 8 E. 11.40 E. 14.56 E. 5.26 W. 114.5 E. 6.30 E. 24.0 E. 8.55 E. Lat. Lung. I^k Mongolia 44.20 N. 100.50 E. Lek River Holland S1.48N. 5.0 K. Lekayam Bitrvia 24.30N. Leki Lagos 6.28 N. Lekij (1.) A'onvay 65.5 n. LeksanrI Sweden 60.44 N- Lelant England 5o.i2N. Lema Islands China 22.0 N. Leman, Lake S7vi/:erlaitd. 46.25 x. Lemberg Austria 49.40 N. Lemgo Li/ype, Germany .^2.2 N. --^^ -. ljexQ\nnilA^m\.. Aland Islands ...60.^ N. 20.10 K. LeniQos Islaml.... Turkey 39-53 N. 25.15 E. Lempa, Rio Salvador 13,0 n. 89.20W. Lcmvig Denmark 56.32N. 8.18 E. Le-myet-hna Burma 17.35 N. 95.14 e. Lena River Siberia 59.0 n. ioq.o e. Lenadoon Point. . /r^Azz/f/ 54.19 N. 9.3 w. Lenczyca Russia 52.3 N. Lengefeld Saxony 50.44N. Lenguade Vaca,C.C/ii7^ 30.14 s. Lenliara England 51. 14N. Lenk Switzerland 46.23N. Lenkoran Russia 38.44 N. Lennep Prussia 51.7 n. Lennox Hills Scotland 56.2 N. Lennox Island... ./•«>/(•£• i;i/»ca;v//.46. 37 N. Lcnnoxtown Scotland SSSSn. Lennoxville Quebec 45.23N. Lens France 50.24 N. Lensalin Sclileswig-Holstein%^.i^v. Lentini Sicily 37. i6n. Lenton England 52.57N. Lenvik A'onvay 69.25N. Leny, Pass of Scotland 56.15N. Lenzburg. Switzerland, 47.23 N. Lenzen Pmssia 53.6 N. Leoben Austria 47.24 N. Leobschiitz Prussia So. 13 X. Leominster England 52.13N. Leominster Massacliusetts . ...42.23 s. Leon Mexico 21. i n. 101.15 «. Leon Nicaragua 12.32N. 86.54 w. Leon, Isia de Spain 36.30N. Leon, Mts. irn ....Spain 42.30N Leon, prov Ecuador 2.0 s. Leon, prov Spain 41.50N. Leonard's Hill.... Victoria 37.25 S. Leonberg I VUrtemberg 48. 47 N. Leones Island Patagonia 45.6 s. Leonforte Sicily yi-ZT^' Leongatha J'ictoria 38.30 a. 145.58 E Leonidi Greece 37.10 N. 22.52 E Leonora IK. Australia. ...zS.^^s. 121.20 E Leontes River See Litany. Leopold Victoria 38.12 g Leopold II., 1,.... Belgian Congo.... 2.0 s. Leopoldina Bahia, Brazil ... .ij..ig a. Leopoldina Brazil 4.43 a. Leopoldina Brazil 21.30 s. Leopoldville Belgian Congo.... 4.403. Lepanto Greece 38.23 N. Lepel Russia 54-52 N. Lepers Island New Hebrides . ...15.8 a, Lepini Mts Italy 41.38N. Lepontine A\ps. . .Switzerland. 46.20 K. Leppandaing Bunna ig.20N. Lopsa River -isiatic Russia. ..j,6.20'S. Lepsinsk Asiatic Russia. ..4,^.^6'S. Lequeito Spain 43.24N. Lereara Sicily 37.43N. Leribe Bas-utotand. 28.57 S. Lcrici Italy 44.4 n. Lerida Spain 41.34 N. Lcrins Islands France 43.30N. Lorma Spain 42.3 N. Lcrma, Rio de Mexico 20.20 N. Lernia V.alley Argentine Rep. ..24.30 s. Leros Island Anatolia 37. ion. Lerwick Scotland 60.9 N. LesEbouIements. ^tttr^tv 47.20N. Lesbos (Jlitylene) Island /Hgean Sea 39.10 N. 26.15 E. Lesbury England 5S.24N. 1.38W. Lescar France 43.21 N. 0.26 \v. Lesina Island Austria 43.8 n. 16.40 e. Le.^kovatz Set-ia 42.55N. 22.0 E. Leslie Scotland 56.12 N. 3.12 w. T9.13 E. 13.11 E. 71.45^''- 0.43 E. 7.27 E. 48.52 E. 7.15 E. 4.15 w. 63.53 w. 4.13 w. 71.57 w. 2.49 E. 10.53 E. 14.59 E. 1. 1 1 \v. 18.14 E. 4.15 w. 8.11 E. 11.29 E. IS- 5 E. 17.50 E. 2.45 w. 71.49 W. 6.26 6.30 w, 78.30 w. 6.0 w. 144.9 E. 9.2 E. 6S-35 w. 14.24 E. 144.30 E. 18.35 E. 39.40 w. 45.19 w. 43-0 "■. 15-40 E. 21.50 E. 28.43 E. 167.50 E. 13.26 E. 8.30 K. 94.43 E. 79-30 E. 80.40 E. 2.35 W. 13-37 E. 28.3 E. 9-SSE. 0.20 E. 7-0 E. 3.48 w. 102.0 ^v. 65.0 w. 26.50 ]•:. 1.8 w. 70.40 \v. .Alap 72-73 38 6869 84 62-63 62-63 18-19 74 42-43 40-41 54-65 50-51 106 107 39 68-69 76-77 3031 54-65 40 41 112-113 20-21 44 45 54-66 40-41 24-25 94 28-29 95 36-37 40-41 48-49 20-21 62-63 24-25 44-46 40-41 42-43 40-41 18-19 102-103 108 106-107 46-47 46-47 110-111 46-47 119 40-41 110-111 4849 119 60-51 122 119 8283 110111 110111 110-111 82-83 50-51 64-55 114-115 48-49 44-45 68-69 76-77 76-77 46-47 48-49 86-87 48-49 46-47 36-37 46-47 108 112-113 60 2426 96 50-51 16-17 36-37 42-43 60 51 28-29 Lat. Le.slie, Mt \'ew S. IK«/« ...28.25 s. Lesmah.Tgow Scotland. 55.381?. Lesparre France 45. 1 8 N. Lesse River Belgium 49,59 n. Lesser Antilles... ll'est Indies 15.0 N. Lessines Belgium 50.43 N. Les.Mni, Monte ...Italy 45,40 N. Leswalt Scotland S4-S6n. Letaba River Transvaal 23.30 s. Letham Scotland 56.38N. Lethbridge Alberta 49.48 .v. Lethbridgo New Zealand... ..40.2 a. Lethbridge Victoria 37-58 s. Leti Island Rumania 4S-20 N. Leticia Peru 4.11 a. Letpadan Burma 17.46 N. Letterfrack Ireland S3-33N. Letterkenny Ireland 54.57N. Lettermore I Ireland 53. 17N. Leuca, Capo di... Italy 39.49N. Leucate, Etangde/^;-rt7;r^ 42.55 N. Leuchars Scotland 56.23N. Leuctra, ruius.... Greece 38.17N. Leuk Switzerland. 46.19 N. Leukerbad Switzerland 46.23N. Leutenberg Germany 50.34 N. Lent hen Germany 51. ion. Leiitkirch Wiirtemberg 47.49 n. Leutschau Hungary 49.1 n. Leiize Belgium 50.36 N. Levanger A'oiway 63.46 N. Levantina Val Switzerland. 46.27 N. Levanzo Island. .,//a/v 38.3 N. Leven and hrich.. Scotland 56.12X. Leven, Loch Scotland S6.39N. Leven River Scotland 56. 12N. Leven River Tasmania 48.8 a. Leveque, Cape ... W. Australia ...16,8 a. Levidi Greece 37.41 N. Levie Corsica 41-34 N. Levis Quebec 46.48 N. Levitha Island Anatolia 37.0 N. Levkas Island Greece 38.43N. Levkata Greece 38.7 N. Levrera \s\:\ni. ...Dalmatia 44.47N. Levroux France 41.58 N. Levuka Fiji Islands 17.40 S. Lewes England 50.52N. Lewes River Yukon, Canada.. 61. ^oN. Lewis Island Scotland 5B.10N. Lewiston IdaJio 46.15 N. Lewiston Maine 44.6 n. Lexington Kentucky 38.0 N. Lexington Massachusetts 42.26N. Lexington Mississippi 33.7 N. Lexington Missouri 39. lON. Lexington Virginia 37.42 N. Lexton Victoria 37.15 s. Ley burn England 54. igN. Ley burn Queensland. 28.0 s. Leyden Holland 52.9 N. Leyland England 53-41 N. Leyniah Oman, Arabia ...26.0 N. Leyte Island Philippines 10.30N. Ley ton England S^-34 ^'• Lezaysk Galicia 50.18N. Lezignan France 43- n N. Lgov Russia 51.41 N. Lhanbr.vde Scotland S7-38N. Lhasa Tibet 29.39N. Liakhov Inland (New Siberia).. <^j/(Z 75.0 N. Lialui N.~IV. Rhodesia. z$.i-^ s. Liamone Bxxqt ...Corsica 42.6 N. Liancourt France 49.18 N. Liang-chau-fu China 37-35 N. Liang-hsian China 39-44 N^- Liang-shan-hsien. 0;«rt 30.38 N. Liao-chau China 37.3 N. Liao-ho Manchuria 41.0 N. Liao-tung, \tTov. .Manchuria 41.0 N. \j\a.o-ya.n^-chrm... Manchuria 41.41 N. Liard River British Columbia(i0.o N. Liba River Port. \V. Africa 12.0 a. Li ban Russia 56.30N. Liberia, rep West Africa 5.30 N. Liberia(Guana- caste) Costa Rica 10.44 N. Lung. 152,15 E. 3-54W. o. 56 w. S.IOE. 62.0 w. 3-49 E. ii-S E. 5-7 w. 31.0 E. 2.46 \v. 112.42 w. 175-4 E. 1449 E. 29.20 E. 70.0 w. 95-48 E. 9-S7 w. 7.44 w. 9.41 w. 18.22 E. 3-1 E. 2-53 «•■ 23.14 E. 7-38 E. 7- 38 E. 11.29 E. 16.40 E. 10.2 E. 20.35 E. 3-37 E. 11.18 E. 8.25 E. 12.20 E. 3.0 w. 5-4 w. 3. 10 w. 146.14 E. 122.55 E. 22.18 E. 9.4 E. 71.10 w. 26.27 E. 20.40 E. 20.50 E. 14.19 E. 1.56 E. 178.49 E. 0.1 E. 135.0 W. 6.35W. 116.40 w. 79.18 w. 84.31 w. 7I.20W. 90.3 w. 93-5° "•- 79.20 \v. 143-30 E. 1.30 w. 151-39 E. 4-30 E. 2.42 W. 56.30 E. 125.0 E. 0.1 E. 22.29 E. 2.43 E. 35.22 E. 3.14W. 91.5 E. 140.0 E. 23.12 E. 8.45 E. 2.29 E. 102.5 E. I16.14 E. 107.47 E. 113.27 E. 122.5 E. 123.C E. 123.0 E. 121,30 w. 23.0 E. 21. 1 E. 10.0 w. JI.ip 118 28-2J 36-37 38 106 107 38 48 49 28 29 86-87 28-29 98-99 126-127 119 50-51 iio-m 68-69 32-33 32-33 3031 48-49 36-37 28 29 60 51 4445 4445 4041 40-41 40-41 42-43 38 5253 44-45 48-49 2i-25 2425 24 25 120 116117 50-61 36-37 95 60 60-51 50-51 42 43 36-37 128 2021 92-93 26-27 105 102-103 102-103 102103 104 100-101 102103 119 16-17 123 38 1617 58 70-71 20-21 42 43 36-37 54-65 2627 72-73 56 57 7879 36-37 36-37 72-73 74 72-73 74 72-73 72-73 72-73 98-99 82-83 64-65 84 72 85.26 w. 106-107 Lib GENERAL INDEX Lin Lat. Libertad Nicaragua 12,12 n. Libertad Salvador 13-33 N. Libertaii, dep Peru 8.0 s. Liberton Scotland S5-S5N. Libnan, Jel)el Palestine 33-3oN. Libonibo Mts Port. E. Africa. 1^.0 s. Libourne Prance 44-55 N. Libreville French Congo 0.30N. Libyan Desert Africa 25.0 N. Licancaur Vol. ...B^ilivia 22.27 s. Licata Sicily 37. 4 N, Lich Germa ny 50. 32 n. Lichfield England 52. 42 N. Lichfield New Zeala?td 38.0 S. Licbtenfels Bavaria 50. 8 N. Lichtenfels Greenland 63.2 N. Li ch t enstat It Bohemia 50, 1 9 N. Lichtensteig' Switzerland 47. 19N. Lichtenstei n Saxony 50. 46 N. Lichtenthal Baden 48.45N. Lichtenvoorde Netherlands Si- 58 N. Licking River Kentucky 38.26 N. Licodia Sicily 37.8 N. Licoaa, Cape Italy 40. 14N. Lida Russia 53-53N. Liddell W-Atev.... Scotland 55.5 N. Liddesdale Scotland SS-I5N. Lidf ord England 50- 39 N. Lidgate England 52.12N. Lidkoping- Sweden 58.27N. Lido Islands See Venice. Lidsdale New S. Wales ...^'^-'^S ^^ Liebana Valley. ..S/a/« 43.5 N. Liebau Austria 49.44K. Liebau Prussia 50. 43 N. Liebemtibl Prussia 53-47N. Liebenau Bohemia 50-40 N. Liebenau Brandenburg 52.30N. Liebenstein Saxe-Aleiningen.^o.^yti. Lieben walde Prussia 52. 33 N. Lieben werda Prussia 51. 34 N. Liebenzell WUrtemberg 48.47 n. Liebstad t Prussia 54.0 N. Liebstad t Saxony 50. 5 1 N. Liechtenstein Austria 47. ion. Lifege Belgium 50. 40 N. Liegnitz Germany 51.12N. Lien-chang China 25.37N. Lien-chau China 24. 50 N. Lien-chau-fu China 21.39 n. Lien-kiang-hsien.C/;/;?ii 26.28 N. Lien-ping-cliau...(r/i/«a 24.19 N. Lien-shan-ting ...China 24.45 N. Lienz A14 stria 4^- 5° N. Lierre Belgium 51.8 N. Lies thai Switzerland. 47. 29 n. Lifevre, It. du Quebec 4S-45N. Li-fan-fu China 3T^-33N'. Liff. Scotland 56.29 N. Liffey River Ireland S3.22 N. Lifford Ireland 54- SON. Lifton England 50-38 N. Lifu (Chabrol) \.. Loyalty Islands ..2.1.0 S. Lignieres France 46.46 n. Ligny Belgium so- 32 N. Ligny Meuse, France ...48.39 n. Ligonya River Port. E. Africa. .17.0 s. Ligonyi Mts ^f*? Elgon. Ligor, Isthraus ofA/alay Peninsula 7.0 N. Ligua Chile 32.25 s. Liguria, div. Italy 44.40 N. Lii^urian Sea Italy 43.30N. Lihou Island Channel Islands. 2g.2S N. Lihou Reef Coral Sea 17-30 s. Liim Fjord Denmark 56-55 N. Li-kiang-f u China 26. 52 n. Likugu River Port. E. Africa,. it. 20%. Lilienstein Saxony S0.56 N. Lille France 50.38 N. Lillebonne France 40.30N. Lillehammer Norway 61.9 N. Lillers France 4033N. Lillesand Norway 58.13N. Lillesball England 52.44N. Lilliesleaf Scotland 55-31 N. Lillimur Victoria 30.0 S. Lillo Belgium 51.18N. IiiUooet British Columbia~p.^^ N. Long. M.il> 8s.6 w. 106-107 8q. 15 w. 106-107 78.0 w. 110-111 3. 10 w. 2829 35-32 E. 60 32.0 E. 8687 0. 1 1 w. 36-37 9. 20 E . 82-83 26.0 E. 7879 68.30 w. 112-113 13-57 E. 48-49 8.47 E. 40-41 1.50 W. 20-21 176.0 K. 126-127 II. 4 E. 40-41 51.40 u*. 9091 12.52 E. 42-43 Z.S E. 44-45 12.38 1:. 40 41 8.16 E. 40-41 6.34 E. 38 84.9 w. 102-103 14.44 E. 48-49 14.56 E. 4849 25.19 E. 54-55 2.50 W. 24-25 2.45 W. 2829 4-5 w. 18-19 0.32 E. 20-21 13.9 E. 52-53 150.9 E. 118 4.3OW. 46-47 17.33 E- 42-43 15-59 E. 40-41 19.51 E. 40-41 15.5 K. 42 43 15 23E. 40 41 10.22 E. 40-41 13-23 E. 40-41 13.21 E. 40 41 8.44 E. 40-41 20.7 E. 40 41 13-52 E. 40-41 9-33 E. 42-43 5-34 E. 38 16,9 E. 40-41 116.50 E. 74 112. 14 E. 74 109.40 E. 74 119.30 E. 74 I14.17E. 74 112. E. 74 12.44 E. 42-43 4-34 K. 38 7-44 E. 44-45 75.36 w. 95 103.21 E. 72-73 3-5 w- 2829 6.30 w. 30-31 7.20 w. 32-33 4.17 w. 1819 167.20 E. 114-115 2.11 E. 36 37 4-35 E. 38 5.20 E. 36-37 39-0 K- 78-79 lOO.O E. 68-69 71.22 w. 112113 9.0 E. 4849 9.0 E. 48-49 2.40 w. 14-15 151.45 E. 114-115 9 4 E. 39 100.27 E. 72-73 37.10 K. 78-79 14.6 B. 40-41 3-1 E. 36-37 0.32 E. 36-37 10.30 E. 62-53 2.28 E. 36-37 8.25 E. 62-53 2.25 w. 18-19 2.4s w. 28-29 i^B.o E. 119 4.18 E. 38 122.0 w. 98-99 73 Lat. Lillooet, L. & 'R... British Ci>!utnMa$o.o n. Lily Fonteiii Cafi Colony 30.16 s. Lilytiale Tasmania 41.28 s. Lilydalo Victoria 37.40 s. Lim River Turkey 43.23N. Lima Ohio 40.46 N. Lim.a Peru 12.3 s. Limagne Plain ...France 45.30N. Limasol Cyprus 34.21 N. Limavady Ireland 55.3 n. Limay, Rio A rgeniine Rep. . . 39. o s. Limb.ach Saxony 50.53N. Limbara, Monte .Italy 40.50N. Limburg Nassau ,Ge?-manyzp.z^-^ n. Liraburg Westphalia 51.22N. Limburfr, ■pro-v.... Belgium 51.8 N. Liraburg, prov. ...Nelkerlaiids 51. lON. Limdi {h\uihaA\) . Bombay 22.34N. Limekilns Scotland 56. 2 N. Limerick and co. Ireland 52.39N. Limerick Junction /r^/aK(/. 52.31 N. Limestone, dist... Queensland 16.20 s. Limestone Alps ..Austria 47.50N. Li-mm China 29.36 N. Lim mat "Rixer . ...Switzerland 47.20N. Limmen Bight. ...A'. Territory, S. Australia 14. 50 S. Limmii Abyssinia 8.55 N. Limni Greece 38.46N. Limoges France. 45.S2N. Limon Costa Rica lo.o N. Limousin, pxoy ...France 45.35 N. Limoux' France 43.4 N. Limpopo "Kw^i: ...Transvaal, c-Y... 24.0 s. Limpsfield England 51.16N. Linapacan \^\Q.i\dPhilippines 11.30N. Linard, Piz Switzerland 46.47 N. Linares Chile 35.51 s. Linares Me.xico 25.8 N. Linnres Spain 38.6 N. Linchoten Is Japan 30.0 N. Lincluden Scotland 55.6 N. Lincoln Illinois 40.6 N. Lincoln Nebraska 40.51 N. Lincoln New Mexico 33.30N. Lincoln Neio Zealand 43.32 s. Lincoln, Rlt Colorado 39.24 N. Lincoln, North. ..yV.-I-F.TVrrjVri.. 76.45N. Lincoln and co. ...England 53.14N. Lindau Germany.. 47.34 N. Linde Sweden S9-33N. Lindesniis Norway 58.0 N. Lindfield England 51.5 N. Lindi Ger. E. Africa. ..lo.o s. Lindisfarne{Holy Island) England 55.40N. Lindley OrangeRiverCol.zj.^o s. Lindo Rliodes Island. ...-^6.6 N. Lindores Scotland 56.21 N. Lindsay Ontario 44. 17N. Lindsay, ^\o\^nt.. Queensland. 28.22 .s. Lindsay, (W^in'^t. England 53.25 N. Lino River England 55.2 N. Linga Island Sumatra 0.5 s. Lingagiri Bastar 18.34N. Lingasugur Hyderabad 16.7 N. Lingayen Luzon, Philippines 6.3 N. Lingen Prussia 52. 32 N. Lingfield England 51. 11 N. Linggi Malay Peninsula 2.30N. Ling-pi-hsien China 33-33 N. Ling-ting Island . C/i/'/a 22.6 N. Linguaglossa Sicily 37-58 N. Linguetta, Cape. Turkey 40.25 N. Lingzi Thang Plains Kashmir, ^c 35.0 N. Lin-bsiang China 29.35 N. Linja Persia 26.36N. Lin-kao Hainan, China. .\').i,TS. Lin-kiang-fu China 27.58 N. Linkoping Sweden 58.24 N. Linlithgow & co.. Scotland 55.58N. Linney Head Wales 51.37N. Lin-ngan China 23.38N. Linnhe, Loch Scotland 56.35 N. Linnich Prussia 50.59N. Linosa Island Sicily 35. 5^ N. Linsted England 51.18N. Long. 122.40 w. 18.9 E. 147.30 E. 145.21 E. 19.30 E. 84.7 w. 77.0 w. 3-5 E. 33-4 E. 6.57 w. 68.0 w. 12.48 E. 9.10 E. 8.3 E. 7-33 E. 5-35 E. 5-55 E. 71-51 E. 3.23 w. 8.36 w. 8. ri w. 144.10 E. 15.0 E. 106.50 E. 8.25 E. 136.10 E. 36.20 E. 23.20 E. 1.17 E. 83.15W. 1.30 E. 2.13 E. 33-0 E. O.I E. 120.0 E. 10.5 E. 71.48 w. 99.17 w. 3.42 w. 130.0 E. 3-38 w- 89.16 w. 96.40 w. 105. 10 w. 172.39 E. 106.18 w. 82.0 w. 0.33 w. 9-43 E. 15.17 E. 7.2 E. 0.5 W. 39-50 E. 1-47 w. 28.0 E. 28.4 £. 3. 12 W. 78.49 w. 153-13 E. 0.15 w. 2.55W. 104.56 E. 80.59 E. 76.34 E. 119.58 E. 7.19 E. O. I w. 102.0 E. 115.13 E. 114.2 E. 15.8 E. 19.13 E. 79.0 E. 113.24 E. 54-57 E. 109.30 E. 115.26 E. 15-35 E. 3.36 w. 5-4 -w. 102.48 E. 5-25 w. 6.16 E. 12.52 E. 0.52 E. K 98-99 8687 120 119 50-51 102-103 110-111 36-37 60 32-33 112-113 40-41 48-49 40 41 40-41 38 38 64 28-29 34-36 34-35 123 42-43 72-73 44-45 116-117 82-83 50-61 36-37 106-107 36-37 36-37 86-87 2021 70 71 44-45 112-113 IDS 46-47 72-73 28 29 100-101 100101 100-101 126-127 100-101 92 93 20-21 40-41 52-53 52-53 20-21 82-83 16-17 86-87 60 28-29 96 123 20-21 14-15 70 71 63 65 70-71 40-41 2021 68-69 74 74 48-49 60-51 66 74 58 74 74 52 53 28-29 14-16 72-73 24-25 40-41 4849 20-21 Lin GENERAL INDEX Lla liinth River Sivi/zeriami. 46.58N. liinththal S^vitzerland, 46.57 n. Linthwaite England 53-37 N. Linton Cambridge 52.6 n. Linton Victoria 37-43 S- Linton York, England... ^j^.'^ N. Lin-tsing-fu China 36.57N. Linwood Scotland 55-52 N. Linwood South Australia. -^^[.2.2 S. Linyanti Matabeleland. . ...iZ.ij s. Linz Austria 48.17N. Linz Prussia SO-3-l-N. Lio Bashahr, Puttjab^i.c^^n. Liop. d'Angers France 47-39N. Lion Mountain ...Cape Colony 33-58 S. Lion's Gulf France 43.0 N. Lionsville New S. IVa/es ...zg.2;;^ s. Lipari Islands. ...//a/y 38-35 N. Lipetsk Russia 52.35 N. Li-ping China 26. loN. Lipno Russia 52.53 N. Lipovetz Russia 4q.i3N. Lippa Hungary 46.5 N. Lippe Germany 52.0 N. Lippe, Schaum- burg Germany 52.22N. Lippe River Germany 51.40N. Lippehne Prussia 53.0 n. Lippspringe Westphalia 51.47N. Lippstadt Westphalia 51.40N. Lipso Greece 38.S2N. Lipso Island Anatolia 37- 18 N. Lipson South Australia. 24-1^^ S. Liptau Mts Hungary 48.45 n. Lirapur Indore 24.1 n. Liria Spain 39-37 N. Lisau, el- Palestine. 31.17N. Lisbellow Ireland 54.19N. Lisbon Poriuga I. 38. 42 N. Lisburn Ireland 54- 3^ N. Lisburne, Qw^q... Alaska 68.52 N. Liscannor Bay, . . . Ireland 52. 25 n. Liscard England S3-25N. Liscarroll Ireland 52. 16 N. Liscomb and \....Nova Scotia 44.58N. Lisdillon Tasmania 42.17 s. Lisdoonvarna Ireland 53.1 N. Lisi^oold Ireland 51.58 N. Lisiansky \s\axid. PaciJIc Ocean 26.1 N. Lisieux France 49.8 N. Liskeard England 50-27 N. Lisko Galicia 49. 29 N. Lisle Tasmania 41.16 s. L'Islet Quebec 47.9 N. Lismore Ireland. 52.8 N. Lismore New S. Wales ..,:>Q.cp^. Lismore Victoria 38.55 S. Lismore Island . . , Scotia nd 56. 30 N. Lisnaskea Ireland. 54. 1 5 N. Lispatrick Ireland. 5 1 ■ 38 N. Lissa Bohemia SO-^3 ^'* Ltssa Germany S^-S^ N. Lissa and IsXz^nd.Austtia 43.4 N. Listowel Ireland 52.27 N. Listowel Ontario 43.44N. Li-tang China 30. o n. Litany { Leonte.s)R. Palestine 33. 22 n. Litcbam England 52.44N. Lithada Greece 38.51 N- Litherland England ...53-28 N. Lithgow New S. Wales ...-^^.-^z s. Lithuania Russia 53.0 N. Litin Russia 49.21 n. Litofe N.-W. Rhodesia. IS- S7 S. Li-tsin-hsien China 37- 31 N. Littau Austria 49-43 N- Littau Switzerland. 47.3 N. Little Falls A'ew York 43.1 N. Little Barrier \...New Zealand 36.10 S. Little Belt Denmark 55.12N. Little Ouse K England 52.30N. Little Popo Dahomey 6.12 N. Little River Newfoundland ...^j.a,'j'i^. Little River New Zealand 42.44 S. Little River Victoria 37-59 S. Little Rock Arkansas 34-45 N. Little Russia Russia 50.0 N. Little Yarra June. Victoria 37-45 8. Long. JLap . 9.2 K. 44 45 9.2 E. 44-45 I.51 w. 16-17 0.16 E. 20-21 143- 39 E. 119 2.0 W. 1617 "5-55 E. 74 4. 29 w. 2829 138.47 E. 121 23.50 K. 78-79 14.18 E. 42 43 7.16 E. 40 41 78.37 E. 66 0.44 w. 36-37 18.20 E. 8687 4.0 E. 36-37 1535 E. 118 14.50 E. 48-49 39-37 E. 54-55 109.0 E. 74 19.16 E. 64-55 29.6 E. 64-55 21.39 E. 42-43 8.50 E. 40 41 9.8 E. 40-41 6.37 E. 40-41 14-55 E- 40-41 8.49 E. 40-41 8.20 E. 40 41 233 E. 60-51 26.46 E. 60 139-0 E. 121 19.30 E. 4243 76.25 E. 64 0.33 w. 46-47 35-30 E. 60 7-33W. 32-33 9.8 w. 46-47 6.3 -w. 32-33 166.6 E. 9091 9. 22 W. 30-31 3-3 w. 16-17 8.48 w. 34-35 61.59 w. 94 148.4 E. 120 9.15 w. S4-35 8.8 w. 34-25 172.49 w. 114-115 0.13 E. 36-37 4.27 w. 18-19 22.19 E. 42-43 147.17 E. 120 70.19 w. 95 7-55 w. 34^35 153-21 E. 118 143.20 E. 119 5-31 w. 24-25 7. 26 w. 32-33 8-33 «■. 34-35 14.51 E. 42-43 16.33 E. 40 41 16.10 E. 42-43 9.28 w. S4-36 81.4 W. 96 100.32 E. 72-73 35-15 E. 60 0.48 E. 20-21 22.52 E. 60-61 3.0 W. 16-17 150.8 E. 118 24.0 E. 64-56 28.6 E. 64-65 23.25 E. 78-79 118.23 E. 74 17-5 E. 42-43 8.16 E. 44-45 74-53 »- 102-103 175-6 E. 126-127 9-53 E. 39 0.30 E. 14-15 1.46 E. 84 57-9 w- 94 172.0 E. 126-127 144.43 E. 119 92.13-w. 104 32.0 E. 64-55 145.42 E. 119 74 Lat. Littleborongli England 53-38 N. Littledale FeW.... England 54.0 n. Littleham England 50'37N. Littlehanipton....j?:«^/(2K£^ 50.48 N. Littlebampton ...South Australia. ^^.j 8, Littleham pton ...7'asmania 41-34 s. Littlemore England 5i,44N. Littleport England 52.27N. Littleton Ireland 52.39N. Liu Kiu I.slands../a/a« 28.0 N. Liu-ngan China 31-55 N. Liu-yang China 28. ion. Livadia Greece 38.26N. Livadia Russia 44.27N. Livartsi Greece 37-55N' Lively Island Falkland Islands^'Z.^ E. Livenza, \\\vcr.... Italy 45-4^ N. Liverpool England 53-25N. Liverpool New Brunswick .46,43 N. Liverpool New S. Wales ...33.55 S. Liverpool Nova Scotia 44.2 N. Liverpool, Cai^e. ,Bylot I., Canada. y^.^S'i^- Liverpool Plains. AVw ,5". Wales ...-^o.^S S- Liverpool Range, A^ew S. I-Fa/^J'.. .30.45 s. Liversedge England 53-42 N. Livingston Guatemala,. 15- 51 N. Livingstone New Zealand. 44.45 s. Livingstone Scotland 55-53N. Livingstone YQ.\\s.Belgian Congo 5.0 S. Livingstone '^W.'^., Nyasaland ii.o S. Livingstonia Nyasaland ^5-0 8. Livno Bosnia 43-44 N- Livny Russia 52.26 n. Livo (I.) Denmark 56.53N. Livonia Russia 57.20 n. Livorno Italy 43.33N. Livron France 44.49N. Lixnaw Ireland 52.24N. Lixourion Greece 38. t2N. Lizard & Head ...England 4g.57N. Lj u ng An Sweden 62. 28 N. Ljusne Elf {R.) ...Sweden 62.2 n. Llanarmon Wales 53.6 n. Llanarth Wales 52.12 n. Llanarthney Wales 51-53 N. Llanasa Wales 53-I9N- Llanbadarn-fawr. Wales 52.25N. Llanbadarn- Fynydd Wales 52.23 n. Llanbedr Denbigh, Wales .$2-^ N. Llanbedr Merioneth 52.19 N. Llanbedrog Wales 52.52N. Llanberis Wales 53.6 n. Llanbister Wales 52.21 N. Llanboidy Wales 5I-53N. Llanbrj^nmair Wales S2.36N. Llancaiach June. Wales 51.40N. Llancarvan Wales 51.26 n. Llancynfelin Wales 50.31 N. Llanda£f Wales 51.29N. Llanddarog Wales 51.50N. Llanddausaint..., Wales 53.20N. Llanddausaint Wales 51-54N. Llanddeinol Wales 52. 19N. Llandderfel Wales 52.56N. Llandebie Wales 51.49N. Llandefailogfacli. Wales 5^-59N. Llandefalley Wales 52.1 N. Llandefeilog Wales 51.48N. Llande^la Wales 53.4 N. Llandegley Wales 52.16N. Lland enny England 51 ■ 43 N- Llandilo Wales 51.53N. Llandinam Wales 52.29N. Llandissilio Wales 5I-52N. Llandissiliogogo. . Wales 52.11 N. Llandovery Wales S^-59'^- Llandrillo Wales 52.24 N. Llandrindod Wales 52.14N. Llandrinio Wales 52-45 N- Llandudno Wales 53.20N. Llandulas Wales 53-i8n. Llandwrog Wales 53.5 N. Llandyssil Wales 52.3 N. Llanegryn Wales 52.38N. Llanel'ltyd Wales 52.46 N. Llanelly Wales 51.42N. Llanengan Wales 52 42 N. Long. Slap 2.5 w. 16-17 2-35 w. 14-15 3.22 -w. 18-19 0.32 w. 2021 I39-I E- 121 146.43 K. 120 1.13 w. 20-21 0.18 E. 20-21 7.44 w. 34-35 130.0 E. 72-73 117.30 E. 74 113.27 E. 74 22.52 E. 60-61 34-6 E. 64-55 21.55 E. 50-51 58.20-W. 110-111 12.43 E. 48-49 2. 59 w. 16-17 64-55 «•• 94 150.59 E. 118 64.43 w. 94 73-0 w. 91-92 150.0 E. 118 150.50 E. lis 1.43 w. 16-17 88.46 w. 106-107 170.32 K. 126-127 332 w. 2829 15.0 E. 82-83 34.40 E. 82-83 35-0 E. 78-79 17.7 E. 42-43 37.39 E- 64-66 9-5 E. 39 25.50 E. 54-56 10.18 E. 48-49 4.47 E. 36-37 9.37 w. 34-35 20. 27 E . 5051 5.12 -w. 1416 15.0 E. 62-53 15.0 E. 62-53 3.I4W. 1819 4.I9W. 1819 4. 12 W. 18-19 3.21 W. 1819 4-4 w. 18-19 3.20'W. 1819 3.18 -w. 1819 4.6 w. 18-19 4.29 w. 1819 4-5 w. 18-19 3.18 w. 18-19 4-35'n'- 18-19 3-38 w. 1819 3.17W. 18-19 3-25 w. 18-19 40 w. 18-19 3.I4W. 18-19 4.10 w. 18-19 4-25 w. 18-19 3 47 w. 18-19 4.6 w. 18-19 3.32W. 18-19 4.0 w. 18-19 3.25 w. 18-19 3.18 w. 18-19 4.18 w. 18-19 3-13 ''• 18-19 3- 17 w. 18-19 2.50W. 18-19 3-59 w. 18-19 3.26 w. 1819 4-47 w. 18-19 4.17W. 18-19 3.48 w. 18-19 3.30 w. 18-19 3.21 w. 18-19 3-4 w. 1819 3-52 w. 18-19 3-39 w. 18-19 4.19 w. 18-19 4.1Q w. 18-19 4-4 w. 18-19 3-55 w. 1819 4-9 w. 18-19 4-32 w. 18-19 Lla GENERAL INDEX Lof Lat. Loujij. Llanerchyraedd.. Wales 53.20N. 4.23 w. Uanerfyl Wales 52.41 N. 3.26 w, Llanfachreth Anglesey 53-19 N. 4.32 w. Llanfacbreth Merioneth 52.47 N. 3.51 w. Llanfaelo;,'' Wales 53.14N. 4.29 w. Llanfair-Caerinion Wales 52.39N. 3.20 w. Llanfair-Clydogau H^fl/tfj 52.8 n. 4.1 w. Llanfairfechan ... Wales 53-iS N. 3.58 w. LI an fa ir- Pwllgwyngyll.. Wales 53-i3 N. Llanfairtalhaiarn Wales S3-i3 N. Llanfalltog Wales 51.50N. Llanfechan Wales 52.47 N. Llanfechell Wales 53-23 N. Llanfibangel- Abergwessia ... Wales 52. ion. Llanfihangel- ar-Artb Wales 52.2 n. Llanfibangel- Bryn-Pabuan.. Wales 52.14N. Uanfibangel- Geneur-GIynn. Wales 52.28 N. Llanfihangel-y- Pennant Carnarvon 52.58N. Uanfiliangel-y- Pennant Merioneth 52.49N. 3-59 w. Llanfibangel- rhos-y-corn Wales. 5I-S9N. Llanfibangel- y-Croyddin Wales 52.22 N. 3.58 w. Llanfyllin Wales 52.46 n. 3.15 w. Llanfyrnacb Wales 5I-S7N. 4.36 w. Llangadfan Wales 52.41 N. 3.28 w. Llangadock Wales 51.56N. 3.53 w. Llanganimarch... Wales 52.7 N. 3.34 w. Llangarren England 51-54 N. 2.40 w. Llangatben Wales 5i'54N. 4.4 w. Llangattook Wales S^'S^ N. 3.9 w. Llangedwyn Wales 53.48 N. 3.13 w. Llangefni Wales 53.16N. 4. 19 w. Llangeinor Wales 51.36N. 3.33 \v. Llangeitbo Wales 52.13N. 4.2 \v. Llangoler. Wales 52.2 n. 4.25 w. Llangelynin Wales 52.38N. 4.7 w. Llangennecb Wales 51.42N. 4.4 w, Llangcrniew Wales 53.12N. 3.42 w. Llangibby England 51-39 N. 2.56 w. Llanglydwen Wales 51-55 N. 4 39 w. Llangollen Wales 52.58N. 3.11 w. Llangonoyd Wales 5I-3SN. 3.38 w. Llangranog Wales 52.10 n. 4.27 w. Llangunllo Wales 52.4 n. 4.24 w. Llangwra Wales 52.59N. 3-33 w. Llangybi Cardigan 52. ion. 4.2 w. Llangybi Carnarvon 52.56 N. 4.21 w. Llangynidr ... Wales 51.52N. 3.14 w, Llangyniew Wales 52.41 N. 3.1S w. Llangyuog Wales 52.50N. 3.24 e. Llanbaran Wales 51-32 N. 3.26 w. Llanidloes Wales 52.27N. 3.32 w. Llanilar. Wales 52.22 n. 4.1 w. Llanisbon Wales 51.32N. 3.12 w. Llanllyfni Wales 53.3 n. 4.12 w. Llanmadock Wales 51-38 N. 4.15 w. Llanmorlais Wales 51-38 N. 4.6 w. Llannefydd Wales 53-14 N. 3.32 w. Llannon Wales 51.16N. 4 6 w. Llano Texas 30.38N, 98.37 w. Llano Estacado... Texas 33-30 N. 102.30 w. Llano.'?, Tbe South America... 6.0 N. 70.0 w. Llanover England 5^-47 N. 3.0 w. Llanpumpsaiut... Wales 5I-57N. 4.18 w. Llanquibne, L. ...Chile 41.20 s. 72.45 w. Llanrhaiadi- Wales 53.9 n. 3.23 w. Llanrhaiadr-yn- Mocbnant Wales 52.50N. 3.19 w. Llanrbystyd Wales 52.18 N, 4.8 w. Llanrwst Wales 53.8 N. 3.48 \v. Llaa?adwrn Wales 5i-58 N. 3.54 w. Llansaintffraid ...Cardigan S2.17N. 4.11 w. Llan.saintffraid ...Montgomery 52.47 N. 3. 10 w. Llansaintffraid- Glyn-Ceiriog... Wales 52.57N. 3.12 w. Llansamlet Wales 5i.4oN'. 3.54 w. Llansilin Wales 52-51 N. 3- 11 \v. Llanstephan Wales 51.46N. 4.24 w. Llantarnam England 51.39N. 3.1 w. Llantbony England 51.57N. 3.2 \v. Jlap 18-19 18-19 18-19 1819 18-19 18-19 18-19 18-19 4.H w. 3.36 w. 4.40 w, 3. 1 2 W. 4-27 w. 1819 18-19 1819 18-19 1819 3.41 w. 18-19 4. 16 w. 18-19 3.30 w. 18-19 4.2 w. 18-19 4.I3W. 18-19 18-19 4.6 w. 1819 18-19 18-19 18-19 18-19 1819 18-19 18-19 18-19 1819 18-19 1819 18-19 18-19 18-19 18-19 18-19 18-19 18-19 1819 18-19 18-19 18-19 18-19 1819 18-19 18-19 1819 18-19 18-19 18 19 18-19 1819 18-19 1819 1819 18-19 18-19 18-19 100-101 100-101 110111 18-19 1819 110111 18-19 18-19 18-19 1819 18-19 18-19 18-19 18-19 18-19 18-19 18-19 18-19 1-19 75 Lat. Llantrisaint Wales 51.32N, Llantwit Wales 51.24N. Llantwit-Vairdre Wales S1.34N. Llanuwehyllyii ... Wales 52.52N. Llanwddyn Wales 52.45 N. Llanwern England 51.36N. Llanwnda Wales 53.5 n. Llanwrda Wales 51.58N. Llanwrtyd Wells Wales 52.6 N. Llanybyther Wales 52.5 K. Llanymynech England 52.47 n. Llechrhyd Wales 52.4 n. Llerena Spain 38.10 N. Llewellyn Tasmania 41.52N. Llico Chile 34.46 a. Llobregat \\\\&x.. Spain 41.17N. Lloro Colombia 5.21 N. Lloydminster Alberta 53-i8 N. Llul.ailaco Vol. ,,. Chile 24.10 s. Llwchwr River... Wales 51.40N. Llwyngwrill Wales 52.40N. Llwynpia Wales 5I.36n. Llywell Wales 52. 58N. Lo Mantang Nepal 28. i8n. Loa, Rio Chile 21.35 S* Loanda Port. W.Africa 3.50s. Loango French Congo 4.30 s. Loangwa River... iV^.-.£. J?hodesia..\^,;^6^. Loanhead Scotland 55-53 X- Loano Italy 44.7 n. Lbbau Prussia 53-41 N. Ldbau Saxony 5i-6 N. Lcibejlin Prussia 5^-39 N. Lobenstein Reuss, Germany .50.27 N. Lobetbal South Australia. -^^.c^^ s. Lobha United Provinces;^o.2 N. Lob-Nor (Lake)..£. Tutkistan 39.30N. Lobo Ontario 43.0 N. Lobos Islands ....Peru 6.27 s. Lobo-sitz Bohemia 5°- 3 1 N. Lobster Bay Quebec 49-48 N. Loburg Prussia 52.8 N. Locarno Switzerland. 46. ion. Loch Victoria 38.36 s. Loch Fell Scotland 5S.20N. Loehaber, i\s,i. ...Scotland 56.45 N. Lochalsh Scotland 57. 17N. Loch-an-Dorb Scotland 57' 25 N. Lochbroorn Scotland 57.48 N. Lochcarron Scotland 57-24 N. Lochearnhead Scotland 56.23N. Lochee Scotland 56.29N. Loches France 47.7 N. Lochgelly Scotland 56.8 N. Lochgilphead Scotland 56.3 n. Lochgoilhead Scotland 56.11 N. Lo-chiDg-hsien....C/!/«a 24.43N. Lochinvar .New S. Wales. ...32. 4^3. Lochinver Scotland 58.8 N. Loch niaben Scotland 55. 8 N. Locliluaddy Scotland 57-37N. Loohnagar, ilt... Scotland 56.57N. Lochranza Scotland 55.47N. Lochs Lewis, Scotland .^B. 7 N. Lochwinnoch Scotland 55*48 N. Lochy, Loch Scotland 56.57N. Locke Poit Nova Scotia 43. 20 N. Lockerbie Scotland 55.7 N. Lockoville W. Australia. ...32-7 S- LocUhaven Pennsylvania 41.6 N. Lockport New York 43.7 N. Lockwood Victoria 36.51 s. Locle, Le Switzerland 47.4 N. Lociimba Peru 18.40 s. Lodilon England 52.32 N. Loddon River England 51.16N. Loddon River Victoria 36.0 s. Lodevo France. 43-44 N. Lodkikhera CentralPyoiinceszi.-i$ N. Lodhran Punjab 29.32 N. Lodi Italy 45. i8x. Lodi, Cape Tasmania 41.54 S. Lodingen Notway 68.24 N. Lodz Russia 51.46N. Loe Pool England 50.4 N. Lofoden Islands.. A^orzco}' 68.40N. Lofsta Bay Sweden 60.34N. Lofthouso England 54.33N. Long. Map • 3-23W. 18-19 3.2Q w. 1819 3.20 w. 1819 3-41 w. 18-19 3.26 w. 18-19 2-55 w. 18-19 4.18 w. 18-19 3-53 w. 18-19 340 w. 18-19 4.9 w. 18-19 3-4 w. 18-19 4-35 w- 18-19 6.0 w. 46-47 147- 3-t E. 120 72. 10 w. 112-113 2.9 E. 46-47 76.41 w. 110-111 1 10. 2 W. 98-99 . 68.38 W. 112-113 4-5 w. 18-19 4-5 "•• 1819 3.27 w. 18-19 3-39 w. 18-19 8353 E. 63 70.0 M-. 112-113 15.0 E. 82-83 12.0 E. 82-83 30.10 E. 78-', 9 3-9 w. 28-29 8.14 E. 48-19 19.45 E. 40 41 14.40 E. 40-41 11.54 E. 40 41 11-37 E. 40-41 138.54 E. 121 79.19 E. 63 90.0 E. 76-77 81.34 w. 96 80.41 w. 110-111 14-3 E. 42-43 67. 1 1 w. 92-93 12.6 E. 40 41 8.48 E. 44-45 145-45 E. 119 3I9W. 2425 4-50W. 24-25 5.30 w. 24-26 3.41 w. 24-25 5-3 ""• 2627 5.29W. 26-27 4.17 w. 28 29 3.2 w. 28-29 0.59 E. 36-37 3-i8w. 2829 5-25 w. 28-29 4.44 w. 28-29 108.40 E. 74 151. 28 E. 118 S-'3W. 26-27 3.27 w. 2829 7.7 w. 26-27 3.15 w. 2425 5.I7W. 28-29 6. 29 w. 26-27 4-38 w. 28-29 4-57 w. 24-25 65.5 w. 94 3.21 w. 2829 "5-53 E. 122 77-34 w. 102-103 78.46 w. 102-103 144.10 E. 119 6.45 E. 4445 70. 50 w. 110-111 1.29 E. 20-21 1.0 w. 1415 143.50 E. 119 3.11 E. 36-37 98.54 E. 63 71.47 E. 66 9.29 E. 48-49 148.21 E. 120 15-57 E. 5263 19-33 E. 54-55 5-i8w. 18-19 14.20 w. 62-53 17.44 E. 52-63 O.23W. 16-17 Lof GENERAL INDEX Lot Lat. Lofty, Mount South Australia. -^^.o s. Logan Utah 41.40N. Lofran, '^lomii.... Quebec 48.51N. Logan, iMt Yukon, Canada.. 61. ^6 n. Logan Village Queensland 27.50 s. Logiinsport Indiana 40. 46 N. Logen River Norway 60.5 n. Logh Somaliland 3.0 N. Loghill Ireland 52.31 N. Logie Fife, Scotland 56.22 N. Logierait Scotland S^-SQN. Logon W. Sudan 11.30N. Logroiio Spain 42.26N. Logrosan Spain 39-I7N. Logstor Denmark 5^. 57 N. Lobagara Bengal. 23.12N. Lohara CentralProvi}Hesi-^.\ N. Lohara CentralProvirnt-ii().t^()'H. Loh ardaga Bengal. 23 . 26 n. Loharu Punjab 28. 1 6 N, Loheia Arabia iS-35 N. Lohit River E.B'gal^Assamzj.sS N. Lobombo River. ..^ff^:art Congo.. ..i^.o S. Lohr Bavaria 50.0 N. LoUsal Jaipur 27.24 n. Lo-bwei Hainan, C/iina.. ig.iov, Loibl Pass Austria 46.27N, Loika River Belgian Congo 2.30N. Loir River Fraitce 47-38 N. Loire, dep France. 45.50N. Loire Riv&r France, 47. 14 N. Loire-Inf^rieure../^ra««. 47.20 N. Loiret, dep France, 48.0 N. Loir-et-cber, A^\}. France. 47.40 N. Loisach, ^\y ox.... Bavaria 47-42 N. Loitz Prussia 53- 58 N. Loja Ecuador 3.57 s. Loja Spain 37- n N. Lokeren Belgium 51.6 n. Lokinga Mts N.-E. Rhodesia. .12.0 s. Lokken Denmark 57-21 N. Loko Nigeria 7.58 N. Lokoja Nigeria 7-47 N. Lokanja River. ...A'tzOTirwrt 3.5 n. Lom Bulgaria 43 51 N. Lom Norway 61.50N. Loma, Mount Sierra Leone 9.30N. Loma Tina Mt Santo Domingo.. ih.'^^ N. Loniami River Belgian Congo.... 4.6 S. Lombardy, div. ..Italy 45.40N. Lonibez France 43. 29 N. Lomblem \^\^\\A..Dutch E. Indies.. 8.20 s. Lombok Islands.. Z>«/67j£. Indies.. 8.30 s. Lomello Italy 45.7 N. Lommatzscb Saxony 51.12N. Lomnicz Peak Hungary 49- 1 5 N. Lomond, \J:i<:^\. ...Scotland 56.5 n. Lomond Hills Scotland. 56.15 n. Lomzha Russia 53.9 N. Lo-nan-bsien (.liina 34. 6 n. Lonar Herar, India 19.58 N. Lonaule Bombay 1 8. 44 N. Londerzeel Belgium 51.0 n. London England 51-32 N. London Ontario 43 i N. Londonderry Nova Scotia 45.24N. Londonderry W. Australia 31.5 s. Londonderry and CO Ireland 55.0 N. Londonderry, C. IK Australia ...13.45 s. Londonderry I. ..Chile 55,4 s. Lonely Island Ontario. 45. 34 N. Long Branch New Jersey 40-17 N. Long Eaton England 52.54 N. Long Gully Victoria 36.41 S. Long Island Bahamas 23. 20 N. Long Island Ireland. 51-30 N. Long Island New York 40.50N. Long Island Nova Scotia 44. 20 N. Long Lake Ontario 49.0 N. Long Lake Quebec 47.25N. Long, Locb Scotland 56. 5 n. Long Melford ....England 52.4 K. Long Mynd England 52.32N. Long Point Tasinania 41-46 S. Long Point I Ontario 42.34N. Long Preston England 54.2 N. Long Range Newfoundland ...48.0 N. Loug. Map 138.45 E. 121 1 1 2. low. lOB 66, 32 w. 9B 129.0 w. 92-93 153.10 E. 123 86. 17 w. 102-103 9.20 E. 52-53 42.28 E. 82-83 9.12 \v. 34-35 2. 59 w. 28-29 3.42 w. 28-29 15.0 E. 78-79 2.25 w. 46-47 5.29 w. 46-47 9.15 E. 39 89.42 E. 63 82.6 E. 63 79-24 E. 63 84.43 E. 63 72.51 E. 66 42.50 E. 68 96.10 E. 63 29.50 E. 82-83 9-35 K. 40-41 74.58 E. 66 110.23 E. 74 14.20 E. 42-43 24.0 E. 82-83 0.20 E. 36-37 4.0 E. 36-37 2.12 w. 36-37 1.25 w. 36-37 2.20 E. 36-37 1.20 E. 36-37 II. 17 E. 40-41 13.6 E. 40-41 79.22 W. 110- J 11 4.12 w. 46-47 3-59 E. 38 32.0 E. 82-83 9.42 E. 39 7-55 E. 78-79 6.44 E. 84 lO.O E. 82-83 23.13 E. 5051 8.10 E. 52-53 10. w. 84 70.30 w. 106-107 23.3 E. 82-83 9.40 E. 48-49 0.54 E. 36-37 123.30 E. 70-71 116.20 E. 70-71 8.48 E. 48-49 13.18 E. 40-41 20.15 E. 42-43 4-35 w. 24-25 3-14 w. 24-25 22.10 E. 5455 II0.6 E. 74 76.33 E. 64 73.28 E. 64 4.18 E. 38 0. 5 W. 22 81.21 w. 96 63.32 w. 94 121.8 E. 122 7. 20 w. 32-33 126.45 K. 116-117 70.55 W. 110-111 81.35 w. 96 74.2 w. 102-103 1.16 w. 20-21 144.II E. 119 75-7 w. 106107 9-34W. 30-31 73-0 w. 102103 66.14 w- 94 86.40 w. 92-93 68.58 w. 95 4.52 w. 24-25 0.44 E. 20-21 2.53W. 18-19 148.19 E. 120 80. 20 w. 96 2 1S«'. 16-17 59.0 w. 94 76 Lat. Long. M:ip Long Reach New S. PKa/jj ...34.30 s. 149.50 E. 118 Long Saad England 53,2 N. 0.23 K. 20-21 Long Stratton..../f«.f/uKcf 52.29N. 1.14 E. 20-21 Long Sutton England 52.48 N. 0.7 B. 20-21 Long Swamp A'ew S. H'a/«. ..33. 40 s. 149.30 E. 118 Longbenton England 55.1 N. 1.5 w. 16-17 Long-chau; China 22.25N. 106.58 E. 72-73 Longford Tasmania 41.35 s. 147.11 E. 120 Longford J'ictoria 38.10S. 147.8 E. 119 Longford and CO. /?WaW 53.44N. 7.43 w. 32-33 Longforniacus....iVo//aKrf 55.48N. 2.29 w. 28-29 Longframlington jtVif/a/;;^ 55.18N. 1.48W. 16-17 Loiigjumeau Erance 48.40N. 2.16 E. 36-37 Longley Tasmania 42.59s. 147.6 E. 320 Longniddry Scotland SS-S^N. 2.53W. 28-29 Longnor England 53.IZN. 1.53 w. 18-19 Longonot, Mt Brit. E. Africa.. o.$$s. 36.28 E. 82 83 Longreach Queensland, 23.27s. 143. 58 E, 123 Longridge England 53.49N. 2.36 \v, 18-19 Longridgo New Zealand 45.52 s. 168.40 E. 126-127 Longsbips }.. II. ..England 50.6 N. 5.42 w. 14-15 Long's Peak Colorado 40.15N. 105. 38W. 100-101 Longstone L. H...^77^/(2K(f 5S-36N. 1.36-^. 14-15 Longton England 52.59N. 2.8 w. 18-19 Longtown England 55.1 N. 2.57 w. 16-17 Longueuil Quebec 45.34N. 73.17W. 95 Longwarry Victoria 38.0 s. 145.40 E. 119 Longwood Ireland 53.27 N. 6.55 w. 32-33 Longwood I'icioria 36.50s. 145.28 E. 119 Longwood See St. Helena. Longwy Erance 47.32N. 5.45 E. 36-37 Loni Bombay 18.29N. 74.5 E. 64 Loni United Proz'inceszZ.^t'S. 77.20 E. 63 Lons-le-Saunier../";-aK£rtf 46.41 N. 5.33 E. 36-37 \jinlov\s\iinA. ....Moluccas 4.50 s. 129.58 E. 70-71 Looe England 50.22N. 4.27W. 18-19 Lookout, Cape ...A'7C(i.. 25.56 s. 32.27 E. 86-87 Loreto Italy 43.27N. 13.35 E. 'i8-49 Loreto Mexico 26.20N. iii.iow. 108 Loreto Peru 3 49 E- 70-9 w. 110-111 Lorgues Erance. 43.34N. 6.14 E. 36-37 Lorient Erance 47.47N. 3.21 w. 56-37 L'Orignal Quebec 45.32N. 74.50W. 95 Lorimore North Dakota.. ..e,^.^ N. g7.48w. 100101 Lormes France 47.17N. 3.49 E. 36-37 Lormont France 44.51N. 0.30 w. 36-37 Lome Ontario 44.32N. 81.20W. 96 Lome Victoria 38.32 s. 143.58 E. 119 Lome, Firth of... .Sfo/Za/;!/ 56.18N. 5,50w. 24-25 Liirrach Baden 47.36N. 7.41 E. 40-41 Lorraine, prov....GtfrOTa«j/ 48.50N. 6.0 E. 40-41 Lorrba Ireland 53.5 N. 8.7 w. 34-35 Lords Erance. 47.S3N. 2.29 E. 36-37 Lorsch Hessen 49.39N. 8.33 E. 40-41 Los Angeles California 34.5 N. ii8.i8w. 105 Loslslands Erench Guinea... 9.20N. 13.40W. 84 Los Pedrocl]es....5/>a;« 38.30N. 5.0 w. 46-47 Los Rios, prov Ecuador 1.40s. 79.3OW. 110-111 Los Roques Is. ... J ffnc//. £. ^.^yjvVfj.. 0.15 N. 36.5 E. 82-83 Lot, dep France. 44.40N. 1.40 E. 36-37 Lot River Erance. 44.30N. 1.4 E. 36-37 Lota Baja Chile 37.5 s. 72.37W. 112-113 Lotbiniere Quebec 46.33N. 71.58 w. 95 Lot-et-Garonne.../va««. 44.20 N. 0.30 E. 36-37 Lothians Scotland 55-5SN. 3.0 E. 28-29 Lo-t GENERAL INDEX Lun Lat. Lo-tien-hsien China 30-53 N. Lo-ting-cbau China 22.55 N. Iio-tsing-hsien China 28.10N. Lotzen Prussia 542 N. Loiideac France 48.10N. Loudoun Scotland S5-37N. Loudun France 470 N. Loughborough.... £«.»/(2«i/ 52.47 N. Loughglian Ireland 53.49N. Loughor Wales Si 4° N. Loughrea Ireland 53. 12 N. LoughrosMoroB. //-^/aw^/ 54-48 N. Loughshinny Ireland 53- 33 N. Loughton England. 5I.39N. Louisburg Nova Scotia 45.56N. Louisiade Arch Coral Sea 11. o s. Louisiana, ^taXQ.. United States 31.0 N. Louisville Kentucky 38.13 N. Louie Portugal. 37.4 N. Loup Fork Nebraska 41.20N. Lourdes France 43.6 N. Louren^oMarnuesPor/. E. Africa.^^.^ds. Louth England 53. 22 N. Louth Nezv S. Wales ...y^'iS 8. Louth and co Ireland S3-57N. Louvain Belgium 50.53N. Louviers France 49. 12N. Louza Portugal 40.7 N. Lovat River Russia 57.20N. Lovatz Bulgaria 43-ii N. Lovedala Cape Colony 32.40 s. Lovedale ...Madras 11.22 N. Lovere Italy 45.50 N. Lovett Tasmania 43. 10 s. Lovili, Mt Angola ii-57 S. Lovisa Finland 60.30N. Low Quebec 45.48N. Low Archipelago. Pairzyfc Ocean 16.0 s. Lowan Jaipur 26.46N. Lowell Massachusetts ....^z.-^^Ti. Lovven.. Prussia 50 47 N. Lowenber:^ Prussia 51.6 N. Lower C;ilifornia.Afe«(ri7 27.0 N. Lowesdalo New S. Wales ...35.47 s. Lowestoft England 52.29N. Lowick England 55-38N. Lowicz Russia 52.7 N. Lowsido England 54. 56N. Lowther England 54.37N. Lowther lU\a ....Scotland 55-24 N. Lowther3town..../r(?/a«£f 54.29N. Lowton England S3.28N. Loxa See Loja. Loyal, Loch Scotland 58.23N. Loyalty Islands .. /'acj/fc Ocean 21.20 s. Loz^ro, dop France 44.40N. Lozere, Mont France 44.33N. Loznitza Servia 44-31 N. Lualaba River. ...5c/^jaa CoKfo.... 5.0 8. Luanco Spain 43-38N- Luang-Prabang . . Laos 19. 54 N. Luapula, R N.-E. Rhodesia .12.0 s. Luarca Spain 43-35 N. Lubang Island. ...Philippines 13. 50 N. Liibbec;ke Prussia 52. i8n. Liibben Prussia S^-.S^ N. Lubbonau Prussia 51.53N. Lubeck I'ictoria 36.48 8. Liibeck Germany 53-51 N. Lubeck Bay Germany 54.5 N. Lubefu Belgian Congo.... 4.3 8. Luberon, Mt. in.France 43.50N. Lubiana See Laibach. lia.\n\!i.'i\iKi\er ...Belgian Congo.... 7.0 s. Lublin Russia 51.20N. Lublinitz Prussia 50.40N. Lubnaig, Loch ...Scotland S6.17N. Lubny Russia 50.1 N. Luc, Le France. 43-23N. Luc.an Ireland. .j, 53-5' N- Lucan Ontario 43-I2N. Lucca Italy 43-51 N. Luca Bay Scotland 54.45 N. Lucea Jamaica 18.26 N. Lucena Spain 37-35N- Lucena del CiA... Spain 40.7 N. Lucera Italy 41.30 N. Lucerne Switzerland. 47.3 N. Long. Jlap 115.22 E. 74 110.55 E. 74 121. 1 E. 74 21.43 E. 40-41 2.45 vv. 36-37 4.23W. 28-29 0.5 E. 36-37 I. 12 W. 20-21 8.33 W. 32-33 4-5 w. 18-19 8.4s w. 34-36 8.33 w- 30-31 6.5 w. 32-33 0.4 E. 20-21 60.0 W. 94 152.30 E. 114-115 92. W. 104 8i:.4o w. 102-103 7-54W. 46-47 98. 17 w. 100101 0.1 w. 46-47 32.27 E. 86-87 0,0 20-21 144.57 E. 118 6.32 w. 32-33 4.41 E. 38 I. II E. 36-37 8. 12 \v. 46-47 31- =3 K- 54-55 24 34 E. 50-51 27.2 E. 86-87 76.44 E. 65 10.4 1:. 48-49 147.8 E. 120 15.0 E. 82-83 26.13 E. 54-55 75-56 "■- 95 140.0 W. 114-115 76.15 E. 66 71.23 W. 102-103 17.30 E. 40-41 15-35 E- 4041 113.30 w. IDS 146.20 E. 118 1.44 E. 20-21 1.58 w. 16-17 20.3 B. 54-55 1.40 w. 16-17 2-45 w- 16-17 3-44 w. 24-25 7.38 w. 32-33 2-35 w. 16-17 4-22 W. 24-25 167.25 E. 114-115 330E. 36-37 3-50 E. 3637 19.22 E. 60-51 26.0 E. 82-83 5.46 w. 4647 102.10 E. 68-69 28.40 K. 82-83 6.31 w. 46 47 120.0 E. 70-71 8.37 E. 40-41 13-53 E. 40-41 14.0 E. 40 41 142.25 E. 119 10.40 E. 40-41 II. E. 40 41 22.55 E. 8283 5-3° E. 86-37 24.0 E. 8283 22.35 E. 64-55 18.41 B. 40-41 4.16W. 24-25 33-2 B. 64-56 6-18 E. 36-37 6.27 W. 32-33 81.30 w. 96 10.31 E. 4849 4-45 E. 24-25 78.11 w. 106-107 4.32 w. 46-47 0.20W. 4647 15.21 E. 4849 8.18 E. 44-45 Lat. Long. Lucerne, Lake of. Switzerland. 47. o N. 8. 30 E . Lu-ohau China 28.56 N. 105.33 b. Lu-chau China 31-55 N. 117.25 E. LUchow Prussia 52.59N. 11. 8 E. Lucindale South Australia. ^6.^6 s. 140.19 E. Luckau Prussia 51-53 N. 13-41 E. Luckenwalde Germany 52.7 N. 13.9 E. Lucknow Ontario 43-58 N. 81.30 E. Lucknow United Provincesib 52N. 80.58 E. LuQOn France. 46.27N. 1.9 w. Ludd (Lydda)..../'<2fej//K« 31.57N. 34.56 E. Ludd River England 53.28N. 0.8 K. Luddenden Foot.England 53.43 N. 1.56 w. L\iddington England 53-38N. 0.44 w. Ltidonscheiil Prussia 51.13N. 7.46 e. Liideritzland Ger.S.-W.A/rica^j.o s. 16.0 E. Ludgershall England 51.16N. 1.38 w. Ludgvan England 50.9 N. 5.30W. Ludhiana Punjab 30.52 N. 75.55 B. Liidinghausen..../'r«iija 51.47N. 7.28 E. Ludington Michigan 39.0 N. 86.30 w. Ludlow England 52.22 N. 2.44 w. Ludlow W. Australia ...33.358. 115.30 E. Ludlow, Kentucky. See Covington. Ludwigsburg WUrtemberg 48.53N. 9.12 E. Ludwigshafen ....Z?avar;£Z 49.28N. 8.27 E. Ludwigslust Germany 53.19N. 11.30 E. Luffenham England 52.38 N. 0.36 w. Lutfness Scotland 56.1 N. 2.50 w. Liiga Russia 58.44N. 29.50 E. Lugano, L;ike Italy 46.0 N. 9.0 E. Lugansk Russia 48.35 N. 39.10 E. Lugar Water Scotland 55-28 N. 4.20 w. Liigde Prussia 5I.58N. 9.15 E. Lugg River England 52. 17N. 2.53 w. Lughasi Bundelkhand 25.5 N. Tj.^J 'S.. Lugnaquilla, M.t.Ireland S2.58N. 6.29 w. Lugo Italy 44-25 N. 11-55 E. Lugo Spain 43-0 N. 7.31 w. Lugos Hungary 45-4i N. 21-53 E. Lugu Bengal. 23.47 N. 85.45 E. Luichart, hoah... Scotland 57-37N. 4-43 w. Luing Island Scotland 56-13 N. 5.38 w. Luino Italy 46.0 N. 8.43 E. Lujan Argentine Rep. ..34.33 s. 53.59 w. Lujenda Uiver... .Port. E. Africa. .12.2,0 s. 37-3° E. Lukchan Chin. Turiistan.42.40N. 89.50 E. Lukinville Queensland 16.0 s. 143.46 e. Lukmanier Mt.... Switzerland 46.33N. 8.50 E. Lukolela Belgian Congo. ... 1-30S. 17-0 E. Lukov Russia 51-53 N. 22-26 b. LnkngsiRiYer.... Belgian Congo.... 5.58 s. 28.30 E. Lulea Sweden 6S.35N. 22.10 E. Lulea Klf (R.)....-Szu«(/«« 66.0 N. 20.20 E. Luleh Berg.as Turkey 41.24N. 27.22 E. Lulua River Belgian Congo.... 7.0 s. 22.30 E. Lulworth England 50.39N. 2.12 w. Lumley, Gre^t ...England 54-49N. 1.30W. Lumphanaa Scotland 57-7 N. 2.42W. Liimsdcn New Zealand 45.42N. 168,26 E. Lumsden Scotland 57. 17N. 2. sow. Lunan Scotland 56.40 N. 2.31 w. Lunawara Bombay 23.8 N. 73-37 E. Lund Siveden 55-39N. 1311 E. Lunda, country .. ^n,f»/a 9-108. 25.0 E. Lundenburg Austria 48.46 N- 16.51 E. Lundy Island England 51.11N. 4.40W. Lune River England 54.6 N. 2.42 w. Luneburg Germany 53-I5N. 10-23 E. Luneburg Transvaal 27.30 S. 30.38 E. Llinel>urger Heide Germany 53.3 N. 10. loE. Lunel France 43-40N. 4-9 E. Liinen Prussia 51-37N. 7-29 E- Lunenburg Nova Scotia 44-23N. 64.17 w. Luneville France 48-3SN. 6.30 K. Lunga (or Grossa) Island Austria 44-O N. 15.0 E. Lu-ngan-fu China 36.7 N. 113-O E. Liing.au Austria 47.8 N. 13.36 E. Lung-chau-ting..CA;na 22.24 N. 106.42 E. Lung-nan China 24.52N. ii4-37 E. Lung-ngan China 23.15N. 107.30 E. Lung-ngan-fu China 32.22 N. 104.39 E. Lungo-e-BungoR^».?»/<2, Sj'c 14.0 s. 23.0 E. Lnng-tsiien China 28.8 N. 119.9 E. Lung-ycn-chau... CA:«a 25.8 N. 117.10E. Lung-yu-hsien.. ..CAi'na 29.9 N. 119.18E. Map 44-45 72-73 74 40-41 121 40-41 40-41 96 63 36-37 60 1416 16-17 1617 40-41 86-87 20-21 1819 66 40-41 102-103 18-19 122 40 41 40-41 40-41 20-21 28 29 54-55 48-49 5455 2426 40-41 1415 63 3031 48-49 46-47 42-43 63 24-25 24-26 48-49 112-113 82-83 72-73 123 44 45 82-83 54-65 82-83 52-53 52-53 50-51 8283 1819 16-17 26-27 126-127 26-27 28-29 64 62-53 82-83 42-43 1415 1415 40-41 86-87 40-41 36-37 40-41 94 36-37 42-43 74 42-43 72-73 74 72-73 72-73 82-83 74 74 74 I^un GENERAL INDEX Mac Lat. Lnni Todhpur 26.1 N. Luni River Raputana 25.0 N. Lun-kou China 37-43N. Luuzenau Saxony 50.57N. Luque Paraguay 25.20 s. Luque Spain 37-34N. Luquillo Porto Rico 18.25N. Lure France 474i N. Lurgan Ireland 54.28N. Lurgan Ontario 44.2 N. Lurganboy Ireland 54. 19N. Lurgangreen Ireland S3-57N. Luria Peru 12.18 s. Lurio River Port. E. Africa.z^.zos. Luristan, prov Persia 33.0 N. Lus or Bela Baluchistan 26.15 N. Lushai Hills Bin-jna 23.20N. Lusignan France 46. 27 n. Lusk Ireland 53-32 N. Lusk Ireland 53-32 N. Lusa Scotland 56.6 N. Lussin Isl.ind Austria 44-35 N. Lussinpiccolo Austria 44-33 N. Lustenau Vorarlherg 47.25 N. Lustenau Wurtembcrg 49.9 n. Lut Desert Persia 30.40N. Lutf aba d Asiatic Russia ...y^.^m, Llitjenbiirg Holstein 54. 17N. Luton England 51-52 N. Liitsohiwe River. Switzerland 46.37N. Lutsk Russia 50.44 N. Lutterworth England 52.28 N. LUttringhau.sen../'/-a«;a 51.7 n. Liitzen Germany 51.16N. Luxembou r^,prov.Belgium 50.0 N. Luxemburg and duchy TV. Europe. 49-37N. Luxeuil France 47.49 n. Luxor {at Thebes) £1^// 25.39 N. Luxulion Comxvall 50.24N. Luz France 42.50N. Luzon Island Philippine Is 16.0 N. Luzy France 46.47 N. Luzzara Italy 44.58N. Lwow See Leinberg. Lyal Island Ontario, 44. 57N. Lybster Scotland 58.18N. Lyck Prussia 53-50N. Lydbrook England 51- 5 r N. Lydbury, North.. England 52.28 N. Lydd England 50-S7N. Lydda Palestine 31.57N. Lydden England 51.10 N. Lydenburg Transvaal 25.10 3. Lydford, E. & Vf. England 51.6 N. Lydia Lsland Carolines 8.48 N. Lydney England 50.43 N. Lydoch, Loch Scotland 56.403. Lydom Denmark 55.48 N. Lydoriki Greece 38.32 N. Lyell New Zealand 41.48 3. Lyell, Mount California 37-45 N. Lyme Bay England 50.36N. Lyme Regis England 50.43 N. Lymiugton England 50.46N. Lymiiigton Tasmania 41-39 3. Lymm England 53.23N. Lynchburg Virginia 37. i8n. Lyncb's Creek ...Tasrnania 42.8 s. Lynd River Queensland 16.42 s. Lyndhurst England 50.53 N. Lyndhurst New S. Wales 33-30 s. Lyndhurst Tasmania 40.52 S. Lyndoch South Australia. 2^. ly s. Lyne Water Scotland 55.46N. Lynher, Pdver ....England 50.30N. Lynmouth England 51.14N. Lynn Massachusetts ....42.25 N. Lynn Deeps England 52.57N. Lynn Regis 5« King's Lynn. Lynton Etigland 51. 17N. Lyo (I.) Denmark 55.2 N. Lyon France. 45. 4 5 N*. Lyon, Glen Scotland 56.34N. Lyon, Loch Scotland 56.32 N. Lyonnais, 'i)iis.1^viFrance 45.45N. Lyons Iowa 4 1. 57 N. Lyons River \V. Australia. ...2.4. ops. Long. 73.2 E. 71.45 E. 120.30 E. 12.45 E. 57.36W. 2. 19 W. 65-43 w. 6.39 E. 6. 20 w. 81.42 w, 8.13 w. 6. 23 w. 76.51 w. 40.30 E. 48.0 E. 66.20 E. 93-0 E. 0.8 E. 6. 10 w. 6. 10 w. 4-39 w. 14.25 E. 14.29 E. 9-35 E. 10.13 E. 58.0 E. 59.20 E. 10.3s K. 0.26 w. 7-34 E- 25.22 E. 1. 12 W. 7.16 E. 12.8 E. 5-30 E. 6.7 E. 6.23 E. 32-39 E. 4-44 w. 0.1 w. 121.0 E. 3-59 E. 10.42 E. 81.30 w. 3.17 w. 22.22 E. 2-35 w. 2.58W. O. qi; E. 34-56 E- 1-45 E. 30.40 E. 2. 37 w. 147.10 E. 2.32 w. 4-37 w. 8.21 E. 22.12 E. 172.8 E. 119.20 W. 3.0 W. 2.56 W. 1-33 w. 147.22 E. 2.28 w. 79. 1 W. 145.30 E. 143.0 E. 1-35 w. 149.0 E. 147.41 E. 138.54 E. 3- 23 w. 4. 18 w. 3-58 w. 71. 1 w. 0.22 E. 3-5OW. 10.9 E. 4-49 E. 4.24 w. 4.36 w. 4.20 E. 90.18 W. 115.30 E. Map 66 66 74 40-41 112-113 46 47 106-107 3637 32-33 96 32-33 32-33 110-111 78-79 60 62 68-69 36-37 32-33 3233 28-29 42-43 42-43 42-43 40-41 68 76-77 40-41 20-21 44-45 B4-65 20-21 4041 4041 38 3S 36-37 81 18-19 36-37 70-71 36-37 4849 96 26-27 40-41 18-19 18-19 20-21 60 20-21 86-87 18-19 114-116 18 19 2i-25 39 60 51 126-127 105 14 15 18-19 20-21 120 18-19 102-103 120 123 20-21 118 120 121 24 25 14-15 18-19 102-103 20-21 18-19 39 3637 24-25 24-25 36-37 100 101 122 78 Lai. Long. Lyonville Victoria 37-28 s. 144.20 K. Lyrup South Australia. 34. 25 s. 139.10 K. Lys River Belgium 51.0 N. 3.34 E. Lysa Gora Russia 52.15N. 21.0 E. Lysefjord Nonvay 59.3 n. 6.20 e. Lyss Switzerla7id 47.5 N. 7.18 E. Lytham England 53.44N. 2.58 w. Lyttleton New S. Wales ...36.26 a. 149.30 E. Lyttleton New Zealand 43-39 s. 172.32 e. Lytton British Columlia c^o. 12 N. 121.25 ■^^■ Lytton Queensland 27.25 s. 153.11 E. Ma.abdeh P-g^'pt 27.25 N. Maam Ireland 53.32N. Ma'an Arabia 30. 17N. Maas Ireland 54-49 N. Maas River Holland SI.15N. Maasluis Netherlands 51.55N. Maastricht Belgium 50-51 N. Mablethorpe England 53-2i N. Mabou Nova Scotia 46.7 N. Macahi Island Peru 7-49 8. Macacu Brazil 22.38 s. Macadam ivmc.New Brunswick .^^.j^oin. Macahe Brazil 22.32 s. Macao China 22.11 N. Macapa Brazil o.ios. Macarsca Dalmatia 43.18 N. Macarthur Victoria 38.0 s. Macas Ecuador 2.31 s. Macassar Celebes Island .... 5.8 s. Macas.?ar, Str. of £ai/ /?;rf/« i.o s. Macaulay \i\AT\A.Kermadec Is 30.18 s. Maccagno Italy 46.2 N. Maccan Nova Scotia 45.45N. MacCarthy IslandGam^/a 13.28N. Macclesfield England ... 53. 16N. Macclesfield South Australia. 35.12 s. M'Clintock,ClianA^.-K^. Territrs. .y2.o N. M'Cluer's \Ti\et.. .New Guinea 2.263. Macdonald Is Antarctica 53.0 s. Macdonald, Lake IK. Australia. ...23.305. M'Donnell Ra. ...South Australia. 23.^6 s. Macduff Scotland 57.40N. Macedon Victoria 37-25 S. Macedonia Turkey 41.0 N. Maceio Brazil 9.40 3. Macerata Italy 43. i8n. Macetown New Zealand 44.52 3. Macfinn Ireland 55.5 N. Macgillicuddy's Reeks Ireland 52.0 N. McGrath's Y\ai... South Australia. 35.53 3. McGregor Jlciuge Queensland 27.0 s. Macbar, New Scotland 57.17 N. Machari Rajputana 27.15 N. Machavarara Aladras 16.36N. Machen England 51-35 N- Machhgaon Orissa, Bengal ...ig. 58 N. Machhlishahr United Provinccs25.4J N. Machhreta United Provinces2y. 251^. Machias Maine 44-39 ?f. Machrihanisb Scotland. 55-24 N. ilachvnllech Wales 52.36 N. Macintyre Kwer .New S. Wales. ..28. 40 s. Mackay Queensland 21.103. MacKean \i>\tind .Phisnix Inlands.. 3.403. Mackcespnrt Pennsylvania 40.19 N. Mackenzie Queensland.. 25.50 s. Mackenzie Bay ...Canada 69.0 N. Mackenzie Tl'wev .Canada 65.0 N. Mackenzie KWer .Queensland. 23.9 s. Mackinaw Strait .Michigan 45.48N. Macksville A^ew S. Wales ....30.45 3. McLaren Vale South Australia. 35.15 3. Maclean A'ew S. H'n/f.t ...29.25 s. Maclean Falls ....N.-W. Territrs.. 53.40^. Macleay River. ...A'«« 5. li'ales ...31.0 S. ^Macmerry Scotland. 55-57 N. M'Nab Ontario 45-24 N. ]\Iacosquin Ireland 55.6 N. Macnean, "Lou^Xi. Ireland 54-^9 ^'- Macon France 46-I9 N. Macon Georgia 33. 46 N. Macphail A'ew S. Wales ....32.1t, s. Macpherson, Mt.. IK Australia.. ..22.0 S. Macpherson, Vt.. Canada 67.30X. Jlap 119 121 3S 5466 52-53 44-46 16-17 118 126-127 98-99 123 31-5 E. 81 9-34^-- 32-33 35-17 E. 60 8.21 w. 32-33 6.0 E. 38 4.16 E. 38 5-42 E. 38 0.15 E. 20-21 61.26 w. 94 79.30 w. 110-111 42.39 "■■ 110-111 67.20 w. 94 41-55 "■- 110-111 113.30 E. 74 51.22 w. 109 17.I E. 42-43 142.0 E. 119 77-53"'- 110-111 IIQ-2I E. 70-71 118.0 E. 70-71 181.27 E. 114115 8-43 E. 48-49 64. 10 w. 94 15.32 w. 84 2.8 w. 1819 138.^2 E. 121 104.0 w. 92 93 133.40 E. 114-115 74.40 E. 7 128.50 E. 116117 133.20 E. 116-117 2.30 w. 26-27 144-41 E- 119 23.0 E. 5061 3551 w- 110111 13 26 E. 48-49 108.52 E. 126127 6-35 w. 32-33 9-45 "■• 30-31 13Q.27 E. 121 142.25 E. 123 2.12 Vf. 2627 76.42 E. 66 81.59 E. 65 3.6 w. 1819 86.21 E. 63 82.27 E. 63 80.41 E. 63 67. 30 w. 102-103 5-47 vr. 28-29 3-53 w- 18-19 150.0 E. 118 149-5 K. 123 173- 58 w. 114-115 79.41 w. 102-103 151.45 E. 123 136.0 w. 92-93 12=;. w. 92 93 149.0 E. 123 84.40 w. 102-103 ii;3.i E. 118 138-33 E. 121 153-19 E- lis 64.20 w. 92-93 IC2. -0 E. 118 2.54 tv. 28-29 76.40 TV. 96 6.43W. 32-33 7-56 »■. 30-31 4.50 E. 36-37 83.36 w. 104 148.^0 E. 118 121.40 E. 116-117 134. 40 W. 9091 Mac GENERAL INDEX Mai Lat. MacquarieHarb.. Tasmania 42.15 S. JIacquarie IWvQwA'ew S. ira/^j'...3i.4o 3. Macrae's Fl.it New Zeala?id.... .^^.10^. Mucroom Ireland 51.S4N. Mactou HVind... .Philippines 10.5 N, Maeumba R\^oi\, South Austfaiia .-zj.-^o s. JFadagascar 1 4/rica 20,0 s. Madahapura Bengal 25.56N, MaJakasira Madras 13.57N. Madakia Soioto 9.42N. Madame, Isle Nma Scotia 45.33N. Madanapallo Madras '3. 33". Madapollem Madras 16.26 N. Madaripur E. B'gal&'Assa OT23. 8 N. Ma Ja\v;iska K Ontario 45. 12 N. Maddaloni Italy 41. i n. Maddikera Madras 15.15 N. Maddur Mysore 12.36N. Madeba Palestine 31.42N. Madeira Islands.. ^/Wca 33.0 N. Madeira 'River... .Brazil 9.20a. Madeley England .53.0 N. Madgiri \tysore 13.39 N- Madgula Madras 17.55N. Madba Bombay 18.4 N. Madhubani Bengal, 26.21 N. Madhupur Jaipur 27.28 N. MadliupurJunglt;£.i?'^a/&'.-/jjam24.30N. Madhyarjunam...yl/tZ(/rtjj ii.o N. Madison Indiana 38.46N. Madison Wisconsin 43.3 N. Madoc Ontario. 44.30N. Madonie, Monte.. //)'/o?/ 7.40 N. Mabe Madras 11.42N. Mabe Islands.... Seychelles 4.45 s. Mabebourg Mauritius 20.30 s. Mabedia Tunis 35-32 N. Mabeji Bombay 20.46N. Mahendragiri (Mt.) Madras 8.23 N. Mabeno New Zealand. ....44.45s. Maheshmunda Bengal 24. 14N. Mabesbwar Indore 22.11 N. Mabi Kantha, states Bombay 23.40N. Mabi River Bombay. 23. 15N. MahiaPenin .Vew Zealand 39.4 s. Mahiganj E.B'gal&r' Assam ■25. 44 N. Mabim Bonifay. 19.40 N. Mabiin Punjab 28.58 N. M.abmel, Mt Algeria 35.20N. Mabmudabad United Provinces'zj.iZ N. Maboba United Provincesz^.lS N. Mahom.adpur Indore 25. 54N. Mahon Balearic Isles 39.54 N. Mabone Bay A'ova Scotia 44.32N. Mabor Hyderabad iq.5oN. Mahra, region .Arabia. 17.0 N. Mabr.aj Punjab 30. 19N. Mabr.-iuni United Provinces24.22^' Ma.brisch-0strau.-^w5/;-/a 49.50N. Mabudba Bombay 22.49N. Mabul Bombay 19. i N. Mahul United Provincesz6.S N. Mabuwa Bombay 21.5 N. Mai Muncne Belgian Congo.... 6.42 S. Maiana (Hall) I. .Gilbert Islands ... 0.55N. Maidan Afghanistan 34.23N. Maidanpek Servia 44.23 N. Maiden ^eviton.. England 50.47N. Maidenhead England 51.32N. M.aidens, The Ireland 54.56N. Maidstone England 51.17N. Maidstone Ontario. 42.28N. Maidstone Victoria 37.47 s. Maigue River Ireland 52.35 N. Maihar Central India ....24. i6n. Maikal Range CentralProvincesii.yi'S. Maikop Russia 44.38N. Mailam Madras. 12.7 N. Mailog, state Punjab 31.0 N. Mailer's Flat Victoria 38.20 s. JLaimachin Mongolia 50.0 X. Maimana Afghanistan 35.49N. Maimansingh E.B'gal^.'1ssam24. 46 N'. Maimatcbin Mongolia 50.6 N. Long. fliap 96.47 w. 90-91 48. 22 W. 109 72.11 E. 96 12.27 E. 78-79 2.51 w. 1819 9-53 E. 4849 77-58 K. 64 7,28w. 3233 33-3° B. 82-83 96.40 B. 68-69 89.28 B. 63 2.53 w. 28-29 94-59 E. 68-69 73-42 E. 64 77.47 E. 63 78.30 E. 65 78.52 E. 65 78.25 E. 63 80.7 E. 63 78.0 E. 65 73-56 B. 66 75-9 E. 64 49-32 E. 78-79 93.6 E. 68-69 86.44 E. 63 88.20 E. 63 48.52 E. 78-79 76.7 w. 102-103 75.56 E. 65 79-47 E. 63 78.S E. 64 75-31 E. 66 84.21 E. 63 80.46 E. 65 75-34 E. 65 55-26 E. 4-B 57-35 E. 4^5 II. 5 E. 80 75.30 E. 64 77.32 E. 65 170.58 E. 126-127 86.27 E. 63 75.37 E. 64 73.20 K. 64 73-34 E. 64 177- 58 E. 126-127 89.20 B. 63 72.47 B. 64 76.20 E. 66 6.20 E. 80 81.10 E. 63 79-55 E. 63 75 47E. 64 4.18 E. 46-47 64.15 Vf. 94 76.0 E. 66 50.0 E. 68 75-14 E. 66 78.51 E. 63 18.20 E. 42-43 73.1 E. 64 72.57 E. 64 82.52 E. 63 71.49 E. 64 20.48 E. 82-83 173.12 E. 114-115 68.36 E. 68 21. =4 E. 50-61 2.34 W. 18-19 0.42 w. 2021 5-44 w. 32-33 0.32 E. 2021 82.40 w. 96 144-53 B. 119 8.47 w. 30 31 80.48 B. 63 81.20 E. 63 40.5 E. 64-65 79.40 E. 65 76.55 E. 66 142.30 E. 119 106.37 E. 7273 64.23 E. 68 90.27 E. 63 106.37 E. 72 73 Mai GENERAL INDEX Mam Lat. Long. JI-'P Mnin Lead Victoria 37.2^5. 143.20 E. 119 Main Red River.. 7>:raT 34.26N. loo.o w. lOO-lOl Main River Gennavy 49.50 N. 8.34 E. 40-41 Main River Ireland 54.49N. 6.48 w. 30-31 Maindample Victoria 37.2 s. 146. i e. 119 Maine, old i»r(tT../^n2«r(f 48.0 N. 0.15 w. 36-37 Maine, state United i>lales.....4^.zoft. 6g.o w. 102-103 Maine River Ireland 52.9 N. 9.45W. 30-31 Maine-et-Loire .../v-a«cff 47.25N. 0.30W. 36-37 Main.^kain^ Burma 21.40N. 97.34 E. 68-69 Maingnaun;jf Burma 21.40N. 98,8 E. 68-69 Maingpon Burma 20.50N. 97.30 E. 68-69 Maingpyin Burma 21.8 N. 97.12 E. 68-69 Maini Bombay 17.29 N, 74.34 E. 68-69 JIainland Orkney Islands. ..^o.o N. 3.10 w. 24-25 Mainland Shetland Islands(x>,2oii. 1.15W. 24-25 Mainland W. Australia... .27. ■^■^3. 117.54 E- ^^2 Mainpuri United Provinceszj.i^a. 79.3 E. 63 Mainz {Ma>etice).^f/7«flnj' 50.0 N. 8,16 e. 40-41 Maipo, Rio Cliile. 3.3-51 S- 70.36W. 112-113 Maiquetia Venezuela 10.36^. 67.8 w. 110-111 Maira, River Italy 44.28N. 7.18E. 48-49 Mai ra Parang N.-W. F. Prov..j,i,.% N. 71.47 E. 66 Maitland New S. H'fz/t-i ...32.45 s. 151.35 E. 118 Maitland Nova Scotia 45.17N. 63.32W. 94 Maitland South Australia. ^a,.XT 3. 137.49 E. 121 Alaitland River... (9«/ar/(7 44.39N. 81.40W, 96 Maitoli Nepal 22.20N. 81.24 E. 63 Majella, Monte. ..//a/v 42.5 N. 14.8 E. 48-49 Majerda River Tunis 36.36N. 9.15 E. 80 Majhgawan Baghclkhand 24.55N. 80.51 E. 63 Majhuli Baghelkhand. 24.7 N. 81.40 E. 63 Maiico Siraa Groiip Japan 24.0 N. 125.0 E. 72-73 Majithia Punjab 31.46N. 75.1 E. 66 Majorca. Victoria 37.7 s. 143. 55 E. 119 Majorca Island. ..5/(2i?i 39-35 N. 3.0 E. 46-47 Major's Creek Neiv S, II 'ales ...35.27 s. 149.35 E. 118 Majuba Hill Natal 27.30s. 30.0 E. 86-87 Majunga Madagascar 15.43 s. 46.20 E. 78-79 Makaciiinga V^K.. Siberia 66.30N. 179.50 E. 76-77 Maiwale Abyssinia 13.29N. 39.42 E. 78-79 Makalla Arabia 14.31 N. 39. 18 E. 58 Makapan Mts Transvaal 24.0 s. 30.0 K. 86-87 Makara New Zealand 41.17 s. 174. 38 E. 126-127 Makatea Island ../^f?7f ^?rA 15.503. 148.17W. 114-115 Makemu Island ../.t^w ^rr/i 16.26 s. 144.0 w. 114-115 Maketu New Zealand 37.503. 176.58 E. 126-127 Makliram Ferghana 40.16 N. 70.9 E. 76-77 M.ikikihi A'hu Zm/o//./.... .44.40 s. 171. 12 E. 126-127 Mako Hungary 46.13N. 20.28 E. 42-43 Makotuku New Zealand 40.5 8. 176.14 E. 126-127 Makri Asiatic Turkey ..2,6. j,6fl. 29.7 E. 60 Makronisi (I.) Greece 37.42K 24.6 E. 50-51 Maksura Syria 33-38N. 36.42 E. 60 Makta, V^a<\y ....Algeria 35.40N. 0.9 w. 80 Makua River Belgian Cor.go.... 4.0 N. 28.0 E. 82-83 Makum E.B'galb' Assam 27. y:>fl. 9S.50B. 63 Mai Bay Ireland 52.51N. 9.27 w. 30-31 Mai Bay Quebec 48-37N. 64.15 w. 92-93 Mala Peru 12.40 s. 76. 3S w. 110-111 Malabar Coast. ...jV/arf^ai 12.0 N. 74.0 E. 65 Malabar Point.. ..Som^ay 18.56N. 72.50 E. 64 Malabrigo Island /Vj-k 7-43 S- 79.22 w. 110-111 Malacca Malay Penin 2.10 N. 102.14 E. 68-69 Malacca, Str. oi. .Malay Penin 3.0 N. loi.o E. 68-69 Malad City Idaho 42. ion. 112. 30W. 105 Maladetta, Mt ...5/(!i« 42.38N. 0.40 E. 46-47 Malaga Spain 36.4SN- 4-27'n-. 46-47 Malagarazi lUverGi?-. £. .W/WVn... 3.583. 31.0 E. 82-83 Malagon Spain 39-I3N. 4-4 w. 46-47 Malahide Ireland 53-27N. 6.9 w. 32-33 'M.^\a.\ta.\!i\:iiu\.... Solomon Islands. 8.0 s. 162.0 E. 114-115 Malakand Pa. Mandla CentralProvinces22. 35 Maudlesar Indore 22.11 Mandogarh Central Ifidia....22.zi Mandor Jodhpur 26.21 Mandsaur Givalior 24.3 Mandurah W. Australia.. ..32.^1 Manduria Italy 40-25 Mandvi Cu/ch, Bombay... 22. si Mandvi Surai^ Bombay... 21. iZ Mandya Mysore 12.32 Manea England 52.29 Manerang P^^s... Kashmir S^-S^ Manesi Greece 38.2 Manfalut Upper Egypt 27.23 Manfredonia and Gulf Italy 4r-3S Manfuhah Arabia 23.22 Manga Reva Is... Low Arch 23.15 Mangahpett Hyderabad 18.13 Mangaia Island . . . Coo^ Islands 2 r . 54 Mangal, state ....Punjab 3^-20 Mangalagiri Madras 16.26 Mangaldai E-B'^al^' Assa?n26.27 Mangalia.. Rumania 43-48 Mangaliawas 4Jmere 26.17 Mangalkot Bengal 23.32 Mangalore Madras 12.52 Loiij;. M-i|) N. 74.26 E. 66 N. 0.21 E. 3637 N. 86.3 w. 102-103 S. 65.25 w. 110111 N. 9.40 w. 30-31 N. 4.30 w. 16-17 N. 79.28 E. 63 N. 79 35 K. 63 S. 80.0 w. 110111 N. 3.14 E. 46-47 N. 75-54 K. 64 N. 86.15 w. 106-107 S. 174,12 E. 126127 S. 48.25 E. 78-79 N. 76.3 E. 66 S. 60. 55 \V. 110-111 N. 78.6 E. 65 N. 78.29 E. 65 a. 167.30 E. 126-127 N. 79.0 E. 65 a. 1490 E. 118 N. 87.0 E. 72-75 N. 75.12 E. 64 N. 74-58 E. 66 N. 81.53 E. 72-73 N. 77-33 «•■ 102103 S. 175.40 E. 126-127 N. 86.42 E. 63 N. 86.30 E. 63 N. 3.40 w. 46-47 N. 1.20 w. 36-37 N. 72.30 w. 102103 N. 2.14 w. 16-17 N. 71. 29 W. 102-103 N. 77.26 w. 102103 N. 67.40 E. 66 N. 127.0 E. 72-73 N. 61.48 E. 62 N. 88.42 E. 63 N. 71.58 E. 64 N. 7.27 K. 52-53 N. 74-37 E- 66 N. 71.30 E. 68 S. 36. E . 78-79 N. 96.8 K. 68-69 N. 75-9 E. 66 N. 100.45 ^- 100-101 N. 81.58 E. 66 N. 87. 5 E. 63 N. 13.50 E. 78-79 N. 84.30 E. 65 N. 70.0 E. 64 K. 75-22 E. 66 N. 75.26 E. 64 N. 78.10 E. 63 N. 75-28 K. 66 S. 168.50 E. 126-127 N. 78.5s E. 63 N'. 76.10 E. 63 N. 76.58 E. 66 N. 12.0 W. 84 N. So. 24 E. 63 N. 75 42 E. 64 N. 75.26 1-;. 64 N. 73-5 E. 66 N. 75-8 E. 64 S. 115.45 E. 122 N. 17-37 E. 4849 N. 69.32 E. 64 N. 73.23 E. 64 N. 76.56 E. 65 N. 0.9 E. 20 21 N. 84-55 E. 66 N. 21.58 E. 50-51 N. 30.59 E. 81 K. iS-55 E. 4849 N. 46.25 E. 58 3. 134-35 w- 114115 N. 80.35 E. 65 S. 157.56 W. 114115 N. 77.0 E. 66 N. 80.36 E. 65 N. 92.5 E. 63 N. 28.36 E. 50-51 N. 74.32 E. 66 N. 87.57 E. 63 N. 74.52 E. 65 Lat Mangalvedha Hyderabad 17.31 N. M;ingan.a Tasmania . . 4 r . 38 s . iMan^'aoli Gwalior. 24.24 n. ]VIan;;japai Mew Zealand 35.44 3. M.angawai \eio Zealand 36.5 s. Mangawliare S^ew Zealand 35.53 3. Mangorton, Wx,... Ireland 51.58N. Mang-hao China 23.2 N. JFangishlikPeniii. ^^/(i/iV Russia ...i,^.Q n. Manglaii r United Provinceszq. 47 n. Mango Island Fiji Islands 17.273. Mangoky 'R\'rQv...Mada^a^L-ar. 22.0 s. Mangonui New Zealand 35.0 s. Mangoro Yiiv^v ...Madagascar. 19. 30 3. Mangrol Junagarh 21.8 N. Mangrol Rajpulana 25.17 N. I^Iangrota Punjab 30.42N. I\[:ingi-ul Pir Berar 20.19 N. Mangualde Portugal 40.36N. Mangwato (Shoshong) Bechuanaland 23.30 3. Manhattan Kansas 39.9 N. Manhattan Ishmd. See New York. Manich River Russia 46.0 Manicougan Pen. and River Quebec 49.8 N. Manihiki Islands. /"ar/yfi: Ocean lo.o s. Manika Plateau.. 5. Rhodesia 18.0 s. Manikganj E.B'gal^Assajn2^.z^^-i!S, Manikpur United Prorinccszs- 4 N. Manikpur United Provinces2S.^(>'S. Manikyala Punjab 33.28N. Manila Philippine Is 14.40 N. JIanilla i\ew S. Wales.... 2,0. j,^ s. Manilla Ontario 44-19 N. Maniototo Plain.. AVzti Zealand ....45.10 s. Manipori Lake New Zealand ....45.30 s. Manipur, state ...A^.-£. India 25.0 N. Manissa Asia Minor. 38.36N. Manistee Michigan 44-15 N. Manitoba, 1jQ.V&.. Manitoba 51 o N. Manitoba, ^vov... Canada 52.0 N. Manitou ii^vin^s. Colorado 38.56N. Manitoulin l.^Qt.Lake Huron 45.48 N. Manitowoe Wisconsin 44.5 N. Maniyas & JjSike .Anatolia 39.58N. Manjadikara Travancore g.27N. Manjera River. .. . Hyderabad 18. 30 N. Manjeri Madras. 11. 7 N. Manje.shwarara ...Madras 12.43 ^• Manjliand Sind, Bombay — 25.55N. Manjhi Bengal. 25.50N. Manjira, Hner ...Hyderabad. 18.0 N. Mankato Minnesota 44-12 N. Mankera Punjab 31.23 N. Manly A'ew S. H'a/t;^ ...33.50 s. Manniad Bombay 20. 15N. Manna Sumatra 4.20 s. Manna River Ivory Coa^t 7.0 N. Mannabill South Australia. y2..2)(> 3. Mannanarrio South Australia. '^\.<^ s. Mannargudi Madras 11.16N. Mannhaits Bevg. Austria 48.38N. Mannheim Baden 49.2gN. Mannin Bay Ireland 53.28N. Manning River. ..yV«(/ 5. U a/". ..31. 54 3. Manningtree England 5i"57 N. ]\lannum South Australtu.^^.s? 3. Manoli Bombay 16. i6n. Manono Island ...Samoa '3-5° s. Manoora South Australia. 32.2 a. Manor Cunning- ham Ireland. 54.58N. Manor Hamilton Ireland S4.18N. Manor Water. .... Scotland 55- 34 N. Manora, Cape....5!«i)mfoi'.... 24.47 N. Manori Bombay 19. 13N. Manosquo France.... 43. 50N. Manresa Spain 41.4SN. Mana See Le Mans. Mansa Bombay 23.26 N. Mansahra N.-W. /•". f;u:'.. 34.20 N. Mansericho Falls. /"..vw 4-5' S. Mansfield England 53.9 N. Man.sfield 0/«'o 40.46 N. Mansfield I'ictoria 37.5 S- Mansfield Mand. Hudson Bay 64.0 N. Mansinam Dutch A\ Guinea i.o 3. Long. 75-29 E. 147-54 E. 78.8 E. 174-15 E. 174.32 E. 173.52 E. 9. 29 w. 103.24 E. 52.0 E. 77-55 E. 179.10 w. 44.0 E. 173-34 E. 47.48 E. 70.14 E. 76-33 E. 70.37 E. 77.24 E. 7.42 w. 26.30 E. 96.37 w. N. 44.0 E. 68.20 w. 155.0 w. 32.0 E. 90.4 E. 81.8 E. 81.26 E. 73.17 E. 121.0 E. 150.45 E. 79.4 W. 170.10 E. 167.30 E. 94.30 E. 27.27 E. 86.20 w. 98.40 w. 97.0 w. 104.58 w. 82.0 w. 87.38 w, 27.58 E. 76.35 E. 77-43 E. 76.10 E. 74.56 E. 68.17 E. 84.37 E. 77.0 E. 93-58 W. 71.29 E. 151-17 E. 74.29 E. 102.50 E. 6.30 W. 140.0 E. 139.18 E. 79.36 E. iq.SO E. S.28 E. 10.5 w. 152.0 E. 1.3 E. 139.16 E. 74.40 E. 172.10 w, 138.51 E. 7.31 -W. 8.11 w. 3-iSw. 67.1 E. 72.50 E. 5.42 E. 1-47 E. 72-43 E. 73-15 E. 77-5" w. 1. 12 w. 82.29 ^^' 146.10 E. 81.0 w. 134.2 E. L Map 66 120 64 126-127 126-127 126-127 30-31 72-73 76-77 63 128 78-79 126-127 78-79 64 66 66 64 46-47 78-79 100-101 5455 95 114-115 78-79 63 63 63 66 70-71 118 96 126-127 126-127 63 60 102-103 97 97 100-101 90-91 102-103 60 65 65 65 65 66 63 65 100-101 66 118 64 70-71 84 121 121 65 42-43 40-41 3031 118 20-21 121 64 128 121 32-33 32-33 24-25 66 64 36-37 4647 64 66 110-111 20-21 102-103 119 92-93 70-71 Man GENERAL INDEX Mar Lat Mansonville Quebec 45.5 N. Mansurah Egypt 31.4 N. Mansurkota Madras 19. 17 N. Manta Ecuador 0.54 a. Mantaro, Rio Peru 12.18 s. Manteigas Portugal 40.21 n. Mantes France 48,59N. Mantinea Greece 37-35 N. Mantiqueira Mts.^/<7r:7 22.30 s. Mantoddale Ceyhm 8-55 N. Mantreswar Bengal, 23.26N. Mantua Italy 45.9 N. Manua Islands ...Samoa 1425 S. Manuel Scotland 55- 58 N. Manukau Harb...A>?f' Zealand 37.3 s. Manukota Hyderabad 17.36 n. Manus Is Pacific Ocean..... 2.14 S. Manyami River ..South Rhodesia ..17.50 S. Manyanga ...Belgian Congo 4-45S. Manyema Belgian Congo.... 4.0 s. Manzanas 'irgentme Hep. ..40.20 s. Manzanares Spain 39.3 N. Manzanares R, ...Spain 40.30N. Manzanillo Cul>a 20.23K. Manzani] lo Mexico 19. 3 n. Mao Kanem, Sudan ..14.2211. Mapeia Port. E. Africa .21. z^ a. Mapia 5« St. David Island. Mapim i Mexico 25. 49 N. Mapiri Bolivia 15.5 s. Mapledurliain ....England 51-29 N. Maplestead England 51. 58 N. Maplin Sands England 51.34N. Mappleton England 53.52N. Mapocho, Rio Chile 33-35 S- Mapusa Goa, hidia 1 5. 36 n. Maputa, \X\VQV ...Port. E. A/rua.. 26.26 s. Mar, dist Scotland 57.0 N. MsiT Chiquiia. [L.) Argentine Pep. •. 37-33 s. Mar da Pallia ....Portugal 38.40 n. Mar del Plata ....Argentine Pep.... 3S.0 S. Mar Elias Palestine 32.48 N. Mar Menor Spain 37-45 N. Marabastad Transvaal. 24.0 8. Mara^a Island Brazil 2.0 N. Maracaibo Venezuela 10.38 N. Maracaibo, L Venezuela 9.50N. Maracay Venezuela 10.12N. Maragba Persia 37-21 n. Maragogipe Brazil 12.39 a. Marahra United Provinceszj. 44 N. Maraisburg Cape Colony 32.0 a. Marajo Island Brazil 1.0 8. Marakkanam Madras 12. 12N. Maralbasbi Chin. Turkistan. 3(^.46 N. Marambaya I Brazil 23.4 a. Maramec River . . Missouri 38. 10 N. Maranguape Brazil 3.59 a. Maranhao, state.5ra«7 5.0 a. Maranoa, dist Queensland 27.42 s. Maranon River. ../VrK 8.0 s. Marans France 46. 17 N. Marasesci Putnania 45.50N. Marash Asia Minor 37.37N. Marathon Greece 38.7 n. Marathonisi Greece 3^.45 N, Marazion Eng land 50. 8 N. Marbach Switzerland. 47.23 N. Marbach IVurtemderg 48.56N. Marbella Spain 36.33 N. Marble Bar IV. Australia ...21. 11 8. Marblehead Massachusetts 42.28 N. Marbletou Quebec 45-38 K. Marburg 4 ustria 46. 34 n. Marburg Prussia 50.49 N. March England S2.33N. March River Austria 48.30N. Marcbam England 5 1. 40 N. Marche, old i>rov . France 46.5 N. Marche, La France 48.4 N. M archena Spa in 37- ^9 N. Marches, div Italy 43.25N. Marchfeld Austria 48.16N. Marchienne-au- Pont Belgium 50.24 N. Marchiennes France 50. 24 n. Marciac France 43- 3^ N. Marcianise Italy 41.0 N. Lo.".g. Map 72.26 w. 96 31.26 E. 81 84.58 E. 66 80.34 w. 110-111 75.0 W. 110111 7-31 W. 46-47 1.42 E. 3637 22.20 E. 60-61 45-3° w- 112-113 79-55 B- 66 88.9 B. 63 10.47 B. 48-49 170. 1^3 w. 128 3 39W. 28-29 i7-t-35 E. 126-127 80.3 E. 66 146.34 E. 114116 30-5 E. 78-79 14.40 E. 82-83 27.30 E. 82-83 70. 30 w. 110111 3.25 w. 46-47 3-45 w. 46-47 77.3 w. 106107 104.27 w. 108 15.20 E. 78-79 34.41.E. 78-79 104. low. 108 68.30 w. 110-111 1.2 VV. 20-21 0.38 E. 20 21 O-SS E. 14-15 0.8 w. 16-17 71.46 w. 112113 73-52 E. 64 32.0 E. 86-87 3.0 w. 26-27 57-31 «•- 112-113 9.0 w. 46-47 57.30 w. 112-113 34-54 E- 60 0.45 w. 46-47 29.50 E. 86-87 50.20 w. 109 71.42 w. 110-111 71.30 w. 110-111 67.42 w. 110-111 46.17 E. 60 39.50W. 110-111 78.36 E. 63 26.0 E. 86-87 50.0 w. 109 79-59 E. 65 78.45 E. 76-77 43,46 w. 112-113 91.0 w. 100-101 38.40 w. 110111 45.0 w. 110111 148.0 E. 123 77.I2W. 110-111 I.O w. 36-37 47.13 E. 50-61 36.45 E. 60 23.59 E. 60-61 22.34 E. 60-61 5.28 w. 18-19 933E. 44-45 9.16 E. 40-41 4.56 w. 46-47 119.42 E. 116-117 70.56 w. 102-103 71.32 w. 95 15-39 E. 42-43 8.46 E. 40-41 0.4 E. 20-21 17.0 E. 42-43 1.17 W. 20-21 1.40 E. 36-37 5-47 E- 36-37 5-25"'. 46-47 13.10 E. 48-49 16.35 E. 42-43 4.23 E. 38 3.18 K. 36-37 0.13 E. 36-37 14.19 E. 48-49 82 Lat. Marcigliana Italy 42.0 N. Marcigny France 46.17N. Marcillac France.. 44.29N. Marco Polo Mis. ..Tibet 36.0 N. Marcoing France 50.8 n. Marcq-en-Baroiul /Va?zf c 50. 42 N. Marcy, Mt Ne%u York 44.5 n. Mardan See IIoti-Mardan. Mardanpur Bhopal 22.38K. Marden Hereford 52.7 N. Marden Kent 5 1 . 11 N. Mardin Asiatic Turkey. . .37. 16 n. Mar^ Island Lcyaltyjslands ..21.3'^ s. Mareb A rabia 16. o N. Maree, Loch Scotland. 57.42 N. Mareeba Queensland 1 7. i a . Mareninia, di&t. ..Italy 42.20 n. Marenga-Mkali... G^r. E. Africa... 6.30s. Marengo Italy. 44- 53 N- Marengo New S. Wales 34.22 s. Marennes France 45-49 N- Mareotis See Mariut. MaresBeld England 51.5 n. Maretimo Island. 5iV//y 38.1 K. Mareuil-sur-Be]le/ra«« 45.28N. Mareuil-su r-Lay . . France 46,34 N. Marfa Fort United Provinccsn^.j K Margaloug River. Victoria .,.37.20 s. Margam Wales SI-34N. Margao Goa^ India is.iSn, Margaree River. .A'bi'a Scotia 46.20 N. Margaret River.. Gtfr. N. Guiriea.. 4.35 S. Margaret River.. W. Australia 18.0 a. Margaret's Bay...A^(7Z'a Scotia 44-35 N. Margarita Island Venezuela 11. o N. Margate England 5i'23 N. Margate Tasmania 43.4 B. Margaux France. 45.4 N. Margeride, Mts. de la France 44-45 N. Marggrabowa ....P7-ussia 54.1 N. Marghilan Ferghana 40.28 N. Margitta \s\si.n' 46.8 K. Maria Van Die- men, Cape New Zealand... .. 34.30 s. Mariadeh CentralProvinces24.i6'i\. Mariager Denmark 56.39N, Mariahu United Proz'inces2s.36ii. Mariam-la Tibet 30. 42 n. Marianna Brazil,. 20.21 8. Marianne li,]andspai:ijie Ocean 16.0 N. Mariaschein Bohemia 50.42 n. Mariato, VuniSL... Panama 7,11 N. Mariazell Austria 47,46 N. Maribo Deninark 54-47 ^'• Marico River Transvaal 24,30 S. Marie Galante I.. West Indies I5-55N. Mariefred Sweden 59-17N. Mariembourg Belgium 50. 6 N. Marienbad Bohemia 49- 58 N. Marienberg Saxony 50.38 N, Marienburg Prussia 54-1 K- Marienburg k. li.Russia 57-36N. Marieuwerder ....Prussia 53-44 N* Mariestad Swede?i 58.42 n. Marieton Saskatchewan ... 50.56N. Marietta Ohio 39-Z7K. Mariguana I West Indies 22.30K. Mariinsk Siberia 56. 15 n. Marin Spain 42.48N. Marinduque I Philippines 13.50 K. Marineo Sicily 37-57 N. Marinette I Visconsin 45. 3 N. Maringues France 45. 26 n. Marinha Gmnde. Portugal 38.48 n. Marinilla Colombia 6.2 N. Marino Italy 41.47N. Marion Indiana 40.32 n. Marion Ohio 40-36 N. Long. Map 12.27 E. 4849 4-4 E. 3637 2.27 E. 3637 92.0 E. 72-73 3-9 E. 3637 3-6 E. 36-37 74 w. 102-103 77.30 E. 66 2.42 w. 18-19 0.30 K. 20-21 40.44 E. 60 168.12 E. 114-116 45.10 E. 68 5-25 "■- 2426 145.27 E. 123 II. E. 48-49 36.0 E. 82-83 8.39 E. 48-49 148.30 E. 118 1.6 w. 3637 0.5 E. 2021 12.0 E. 4849 0.27 E. 36-37 I.IO w. 3637 80.45 E- 63 148.27 E. 119 3-43 w- 18 19 74.1 E. 64 6I.Q IT. 94 144.55 E. 114-115 127.30 E. 116-117 64.0 w. 94 64.0 w. 109 1.23 E. 20-21 147.19 E. 120 0.37 w. 36-37 3-3S E. 3637 22.1 E. 40 41 71.43 E. 76-77 18.45 E. 42-43 17.4 E. 40-41 87.54 K. 63 78.47 E. 63 2.9 -a: 46-47 65-59 w. 96 135 53 E- 116-117 148.7 E. 120 19.42 E. 4243 172.36 E. 126-127 79-42 E. 63 9-59 E. 39 82.39 E. 63 82.26 E. 72-73 43.12 w. 110-111 145.0 E. 114-115 15-33 E. 42-43 80. 58 w. 110-111 15.19 E. 42-43 11.30 E. 39 26.30 E. 86-87 61.15 W. 106-107 17.16 E. 62-63 4.32 E. 38 12.43 E. 42-43 13.12 E. 40-41 19.0 E. 40-41 27.3 E. 54-66 18.54 E. 40-41 1352 E. 5253 105.0 w. 98-99 81.26 w. 102-103 72.50 w. 106-107 88.5 E. 76-77 7.37 W. 46-47 122.20 E. 70-71 13.23 K. 48-49 87.40 w. 100-101 3.21 E. 36-37 8.58 w. 46-47 75.27W. 110-111 12.39 E. 48-49 85-37 w. 102-103 83. s w. 102-103 Mar GENERAL INDEX Mas Lat. Marion South. Australia .35.18 s. Maritime A] ps.... France 44. ion. Maritimo Island .Sicily 38.1 N. Maritza River E. Rujnelia. 41.0 n. Mariupol Russia 47. 6 N. Mariut & Lake ...Egypt 31.5 n. Marjata Mouth ..Bengal 21.44 N. Mark England 51.13N. Marka-kul Asiatic Russia. ..48.4511. Markanda Hixec .Pufijad 29.29N. Markandi Central Provinces 19. 4 1 n. Markapuram Madras 15.44N. Markdorf Baden 47.43 N. Marken Island. . . . Netherlands 52. 28 n. Market Bosvjorth England 52.37N. Market Deeping . England 52. 42 N. Market Downham£;/o-/(Z«i/ 52.37 N. Market Drayton . England 52-55 N. JMarket Har- borough England 52.29N. Market Jew See Marazion. MarketLavingtun^n^/flntf 51, 18 N. Market Overton. . England 52.45 N. Market Rasen .... England 53- 23 N. Market W eighton England 53-52 N. Markethill /re/and 54. 18 n. Markgroningen .. I I'iirtemberg 48.53 N. Markham Ontario 43-49 N. Markinch Scotland 56.18N. Markneukirchen.5ajr(7«>' 50.18N. Markranstadt Saxony 51.18N. Markree Ireland 54. 10 N. Mark tbreit Bavaria 49- 39 N. Marlborougli Devon , England. 50. 14 N. Marlborough Massachusetts .... 42. 20 K. Marlborough New Zealand 41.15 S. Marlborough Wilts, England .51. z^-^. Marlborough Downs England 51.28N. Marie France. 49-43N. Marloes Wales 51.44N. Marly-le-Roi France 48-51 N. Marmagao Goa, India 15.25N. Marmande France. 44.30N. Marmara, Sea of. Turkey 40.40 N. Marraarice Asiatic Turkey.. 2^6. 4^ n. Marraaros Hu?igaiy 48.5 n. Marmolata, ^\t... Austria 46.27 n. Marmolejo Spain 38.1 n. Marmora Ontario 44.33N. Marne ...Holstein S3-58N. Marne, dep France 49.0 N. Marne River France. 49.2 N. Marnoch Scotland 57-33 N. Maroa Venezuela 2.49 n. Marocco, country ,V(?r//E Africa 33.0 N. Maroli Bombay 20. 1 8 n. Maromme France 49. 27 n. Marong Victoria 36-40 3. Maroni River Dutch Guiana... 5.40 N. Maroona Victoria 37. 26 s. Maros River Hungary 46.0 N. Maros Vasarhely. Hungary 46.28 n. Maroth Jodhpur 27.5 N. Marowijno Rivor, See Maroni. Marple E?igla nd 53. 24 n. Marquesas \^ Pacific Ocean ....lo.o s. Marquette Manitoba 50.1 N. Marquette \fichigan 46. 30 N. Marquise France 50.47N. Marrabel South Austral/a.^^^.S s. Marn Punjab 33-55^. Marrickville New S. IKa/e'.f ....33.35 3. Marsa Susa Tripoli 3-55 N- Marsa Tobruk .... Tripoli 32.0 N. Marsaghai Orissa, Bengal. . .20.24 N. Marsal Lorraine 48.48 N. Marsala .Italy. 37-49 N. Marsan, Mont ileFrance 43.56N. Marsden England 53- 3^ N. Marsden New S. \['a/es....23-39^- Marseilles France 43. 17 N. Marshall Michigan 42.17N. Marshall Texas 32.31 n. Marshall ls\i\nds. Pacijfc Ocean lo.o N, Marshall River... N. Territory, S. A ustralia 23. o 3. Marshalltown loiva 42.1 N. Long. M.ip 137.8 E. 121 7.10 K. 3637 12.5 E. 4849 26.22 E. 50-51 37-35 E. 54-65 30.0 E. 81 89.32 E. 63 2.54 w. 18-19 85.45 E. 76-77 76.39 E. 66 79- 52 E. 63 79.19 E. 65 9.24 E. 40-41 5.8 E. 38 1.25 w. 20-21 0. 20 w. 20-21 0.22 E. 20-21 2.30 w. 18-19 0. 56 w. 20-21 1.58 w. 18-19 0.42 \v. 20-21 0. 20 \v. 16-17 0.40 \v. 16-17 6. 32 w. 32-33 9.5 E. 40 41 79.17 w. 96 3.8 w. 28-29 12.19 E. 4041 12.13 E- 40-41 8.27 w. 3233 10.9 E. 4041 3-49 "•. 18-19 71.33 w. 102-103 173-45 E. 126-127 1.44 w. 20-21 1-45 «■. 14-15 3-43 E. 36-37 S.I2W. 18-19 2.2 E. 36-37 73-54 E. 64 O.IO E. 36-37 28.0 E. 5051 28.20 E. 60 24.0 E. 42-43 11.52 E. 42-43 4.I3W. 46-47 79.36 w. 96 9.0 E. 40 41 4.10 E. 36-37 4.0 E. 36-37 2. 40 w. 26-27 68.22 W. 110-111 5-0 w. 80 72.46 E. 64 1-5 E- 36-37 144.10 E. 119 5358 w. 109 142.50 E. 119 22.0 E. 42-43 24.31 E. 42-43 75-9 E. 66 2.4 w. 16-17 140.0 w. 114115 96.25 w. 97 87. 20 w. 100101 1.41 K. 36-37 138.54 E. 121 73-27 E. 66 151. 12 E. 118 21.56 E. 78-79 24.0 E. 78-79 86,37 E. 63 6.38 E. 40 41 12.25 E. 4849 0.29 W. 36-37 1.56 W. 16 17 147.40 E. 118 5.22 E. 3637 85.0 W. 102103 94.24 w. 104 170.0 E. 114115 136.0 E. 116117 92.57 w. 100-101 I. r w. 5-53 E. 10.30 E. 115 W. 11.35 E. 97-30 E. 98.0 K. 144-59 E. 1.34 E. 1.37 W. 70. 38 w. 7.5 E. 5.9 E. 58. 20 w. 28.40 w. 17.21 K. 17S-0 E. 6i.o w. 168.2 E. 77.58 w. 2.46 w. 80.13 E. 0.52 w. 175-15 K. 1.56 E. 4.1 w. 63.12 E. 150.1 K. 72.56 E. 81.48 E. 71-15 E. 152.37 K. 7.18 w. Sj Lat. Long. Marsh.illtown Victoria 35-15 S- 144.20 E, Marshfiekl England ,. 51.27N. 2. ig w Marske England 54-36N. Mars-Ie-Toui- France 49.12N. Marstal Denmark 54-51 N. Marston 'M-^mt ....England 53-58N. Marstraml Sweden 57.53N. Martaban Burma 16.30 N. Martaban, G. ol. Burma 16.0 N. Martapura Borneo 4.56 3. Martel France 44.57N, Martham England 52.43 n. Martha'3 Vine- yard Massachiisetls ....^\.'2j,-s. Martigny Switzerland 46.6 N. M.artigues France 43.24N. Martin Garci i \.. Argentine Rep. ..34.3o,s. Martin Vaz Rocks,'i/&«//w 5. ^Fo/e•J. . .28.35 3. 152.0 E. Maryland, state.. t/«!7frf5/(!/ti. Mask, Lough Ireland. 53- 37 N. Mask.at Oman, Arabia. ..■2-i,.yj'S. Maskhal \Aa.i\A...E.B'gal&!' Assam2i.%(> N. Maskino gc Quebec 46.13N. Masland i)ur Bengal. 22.11 N. Masnou Spain 41.30N. Massa Italy 45.1 N. Massabi French Congo 4-56 3- Massachi setts, state United States 42.20N. 72-0 w. Massacre Bay New Zealand 40.45 3. 172.45 E. Massafra Italy 40.37N. 17.7 K. Massawippi LakugK«i5« 45.12N. 72.3 w. Massenya French Congo 11.50N. 16.30 K. Massi Kessi Port. E. Africa. i^.^os. 32.58 K. Massilon Ohio, 40.48 N. 81.30 w. Massowah Red Sea 15.40 N. 39.30 E. Mastafaliad Punjab 30.12N. 77.11 K. Masterton New Zealand 40.55 3. 175.40 E. Mastuj Chitral 36.16N. 72.36 E. Mastung Baluchistan 29.48N. 66.47 K. Masuda Ajmere-Menfara^h.^ N. 74.32 E. Masulipatam Madras 16.9 N. 81.11 K. Masur Bombay 17.23N. 74.15 K. 3.29 w. 121. 1.^ w. 148.50 E. 80.49 w. 37-0 K. 56.30 E. 31.21 E. 38.42 E. 79.0 W. 84.50 K. 86.0 w. 123.30 B. 0.7 E. 57.0 E. 73.21 W, 27.31 B. 1.35 w. 30.0 E. 4.0 W. 9.20 W. 58.36 K. 91-57 K. 73.0 W. 88.9 E. 2.14 E. 11.18 E. 12.0 E. Map 119 18-19 16-17 36-37 39 14-15 52-53 68-69 68-69 70-71 36-37 20-21 102103 44-45 36-37 112-113 4-5 48-49 126-127 106-107 126-127 102103 18-19 63 16-17 126-127 46-47 46-47 68 118 66 63 66 123 34-36 123 119 26-27 26-27 28-29 26-27 lis 102-103 16-17 105 118 112-113 82-83 68 81 82-83 112113 63 106107 70-71 80 69 96 86-87 16-17 78-79 84 30-31 68 63 96 63 46-47 48-49 82-83 102103 126127 48-49 96 78 79 78-79 102-103 78-79 66 126-127 66 62 66 65 64 Mas GENERAL INDEX Med Lat Masura Bombay i6. loN. Mat United Prm'inceszj.t N. J[atabeleland 5. Rhodesia 20.0 s. Matahhanpa Ji.. ..Bengal. 23.9 N. JIatachel River. ..5/a/n 38.25 N. Matadi Belgian Congo.... 5.458. Matagalpa Nicaragua 13.8 N. MatagorJa Te.-ias 28.48 N. Matagorda Bay...7Vx(2j 28.35N. Mataiwa \^\m\'A...Low Arch 14.53 S- Matakana New Zealand. ....30.^3 s. MatakoiiR Island.. Sw/f^a/ 9-I5N- Matala, Cape Crete 34-55 N. Matale Cey/on 7.28 N. Matam Senegal. 15.40N. Matamoros Mexico 25.59N. Matamoros Mexico 18.23N. Matan Borneo 1.50 s. Mataozas Cuba 23.3 N. Matapan, Capo...Gr«« 36.23 N. Matapediac Kiver and Lake Quebec 48.30N. Matar Bombay 22.42 N. Matara Ceylon 5-57N- Mataram Lombok Island ... 8.30 s. Matari Sind, Bombay ....•i^.'>f>'S. Matarieh Egypt 30.7 s. Mataro Spain 41-33 ^'• Matatiele Griqualand East'^o.'io s. Mataund United Pravincesz^.^d N. Mataura... New Zealand. :...s,(>.^ s. Mataura River.. ..A'fy Zealand 46.20s. Matavai Bay Tahiti 17.31 S. Matcliedasli 'Bit.y. Ontario 44-55". Matchin Rumania 45.14N. Matera Italy 40.40 N. Matese Mts Italy 41.26N. Matheran Bombay 18.59 N. Mathinna Tasmania 41.46 s. Mathoura Vra> S. Wales.. ..SS-^S'^- Mathukapur Bengal. 22.3 N. Mathura E.B'galb'Assamzz.ids. JIathura United Proi'inceszy.zS N. Matlalcuoyatl Volcano. See Malinche. Matlock England 53.8 N. Matlock ; 'icloria 37-33 8. Matoclikin ^\ia.v..Novaya Zfm/j-d.. 73, 20 N. Matope Nyasaland 15.20 s. Matopo Hills Matabeleland 20.30 s. Matra Arabia 23.34N. Matra, Mount Hungary 47.54N. Matsu Island China 26. lox. Matsumai Japan 41.30N. Matsumoto Japan 36.15 N. Mutsushinia \\.).. Korea 37.10N. Matsuyama Japan 33-5^ N. Matsuye Japan 35-33N. Mattae Virgens ..See Serra do Mar. Mattawan Ontario 46.15 N. Matterhorn \}>\X..)Svjitzerldnd. 45.58N. ^latthew \^a.\\^.. Melanesia 22.20 s. JIatto Grosso Brazil 15.6 s. Matte Grosso, state Brazil 12.30 s. Mattoon Illinois 39.27N. Matty Island Melanesia 1.46 s. Matucana Peru 11-55 s. Matumba Lake ..Belgian Congo 0.30 s. Matupi Island Bismarck Arch., 4.12 s. Matura Bay Trinidad 9.17s. ilaturin Venezuela 9.40 N. Mau United Provincesz^.i^ N. Man, Mt Brit. E. Africa,. 0.10 s. Maua Brazil 23-S' S. Mau-Aima United Provinces2z^.^2'S. Maubeuge France 5C.17N. Maubin Burma 16.44 N. r.Iaubourguet France 43.29N. Mauch Chunk ....Pennsylvania 40.52N. Maucliline Scotland 55-31 N- Mauch's Peak ....Transvaal 25.16 s. Maudha United Pro^^inces2^.^\ N. Mauer See Prussia 54. loN. Maugliold Hend.. Isle 0/ Man 34.18N. Maui Island Hawaii 20.52 N. Mauku A^ew Zealand 37.10 s. Maule, Rio Chile 35-18 s. Mauleon Prance 43. 13N. Long. Slap 73 33 K. 64 77-45 E- 63 30.0 E. 78-79 88.26 E. 63 6.0 w. 46-47 13-45 E. 82-83 86.7 w. 106-107 95-55 "•• 104 96. 10 w. 104 148.41 w. 114-115 170.50 E. 126-127 13.36 w. 84 24.45 E. 50-51 80.37 E. 65 13.17 w. 84 97.28 w. 108 98.40 w. 108 110.26 E. 70-71 81.37 w. 106107 22.29 E. 6061 67.33 w. 95 72.59 E. 64 80.33 E. 66 116.5 E. 70-71 68.29 E. '66 31.25 E. 81 2.24 E. 46-47 26.3 E. 86-87 80.12 E. 63 168.48 E. 126-127 168.48 E. 126-127 149.30 w. 128 80. 5 w. 96 28.5 E. 50-51 16.36 E. 48-49 14.27 E. 48-49 73.18 E. 64 147-55 E. 120 144.^0 K. 118 88.26 E. 63 89.43 E. 63 77.41 E. 63 1.34 w. 20-21 146.18 E. 119 55-0 E. 6 3+55 E. 78-79 28 40 E. 78-79 58.28 E. 68 20.0 E. 42-43 119.56 E. 74 140.1 E. 75 138.0 E. 75 130.38 E. 75 132-45 E. 75 133-3 E. 76 78.40 \v. 96 7.40 E. 44-45 171.21 E. 114-116 60.0 W. 110-111 55.0 W. 110-111 88.22 w. 100-101 142.56 E. 114115 76.30 w. 110-111 18.10 E. 82-83 it;2.8 E. 114115 61.0 \s. 109 63.20 «'. 109 79.11 E. 63 3555E. 82-83 42-53 w. 110-111 81.58 E. 63 4.1 E. 36-37 95.21 E. 68-69 0.3 E. 36-37 75-52 «-. 102103 4.23 W. 28-29 31.10 E. 86-87 £0.9 E. 63 21.41 E. 40-41 4.19 w. 16-17 156.40 w. 128 174.52 E. 126127 72.15 w- 112113 0.49 «■. 36-37 84 Lat. Maul^on France 42.57N. Manllin Chile 4^-38 s. Maul main. Burma 16.30N. Maumeo Iliver Ohio 41.10N. Mauna Ha]eak]a.//au'ai7 20.44 N. Mauna Kea, ^\\.. Hawaii 20.0 n. Manna Loa, Mt. .Hawaii 19.28 N. Mau-Natbbanj;m United Proz'tnccsss. ^7 a, Maungatua New Zealand 45.0 S. Maun^aturoto....A'«£' Zealand. ....■^.o s. Maung-daw Burma 20.52 N. Maupertuia Fratue 46.32 K. Maupiti Island ...Society /s/ands. .. 16.20 s. Mauranwan United Provinces26.-26 N. Maures (Mts.) France 43.18 N. Mauriac pj-ance 45.13N. Maiirioeville Nexv Zealand 40.44 S. Maurienne, uist. . France 45. 1 8 N. Mauriguana I Bahamas 22.27 N. Mauritius \^-a\\k\. Indian Ocean 20.0 s. Mavelikkara Travanccire 9.15 N'- Ma wana I 'nited Froi -i uceszg. 6 n. Mawar Junetion..A'*7//w/£2A(7 25.30N. Mawddach Kivcr. Wales 52.43 N, Maxwelltown Scotland 55-4 N- Maxwelltowii A'ftt* Zealand ....39.50 S. May, Cape Nexv Jersey 38.57N. May, Isle of Scotland 56.11 N. May, Point Newfoundland ...^6.^6 Vi. Mayaguez Po}-to Rico 18.13 ^'■ Mayakonda Mysore 14.17N. Mayakot Nepal 28.46 >'. Mayani Bombay 17.29N. May avarani Madras 1 1. 6 N. May bole Scotland 55-21 N. Mayebashi lapafi 36.24 N. l^Iayen Prussia 50.20 N. Mayence Germany 50.0 N. Mayenne & dep. .France 48.19N. ^layenne VXs^v... France 47.40 N. Ma}' 1 1 eld Engla nd 51.2 N. May field Staffordshire 53.2 N. May nootli h-eland. 53. 24 n. Maynootb Ontario 45-^2 n. Mayo, CO Ireland 53-53 ^'• Mayo Island Cape Verde Is 15.10N. Mayo Kebbi 11. .. Adamawa 9.10 N. Mayo '^WwQ-i...''.... Punjab 32.40N. Mayon Yolcono ..Philippines 12.50N. Mayor Island New Zealand .,,.36.16 3. Mayotte Island... Cowzort? J stands... 12.^2 S. Maypures WixyAd^Orinoco River.... 5.14 N. Maysville Kentucky 38-35 N. May town Queensland 16.0 s. Mayumba French Congo .... 3.20a. May unga Madagascar 15. 8 s. Mazagan Marocco 33-i7>'*- Mazama Mt See Shasta. Mazamet France 43-39 N- Mazaiideraii Mt^. Persia 36. 30 N. Mazar-i-Sbarif ... Afghanistan 36.45 N. Mazaro Port. E. Affica. .iS.^ s. Mazaruni Kiver ,.Z?W//j/e Guiana.. 5.38 N. Mazatenango Guatemala 14,30^. Mazatlan .Mexico 23.11 n. M azzara Ha ly 37- 42 N. Mazzarino Sicily 37- 1 7 N. Mbakovia Uganda 1.15N. Mbam River Kamerun 6.28 N. Mbomu River Belgian Congo.... 5.0 N, Meadows South Aust/alia.^^.J2S. Jleadville Fennsylvania 41.38 N. Meaford Ontario 44.38N. Meal f ourvouniu , . Scotland 57. 16 N. Meanee New Zealand ....39.30 s. Mearns Scotland 55-46K. Meatli, CO Ireland 53-40N- Meaux Fi-ance. 48.57N. Mecca Arabia 21.20N. Mechlin See Malines. Mecklenbiug, grand duchy ...Gerjnany 53-51 N. Medain Salih Arabia 28.0 N. Medak Hyderabad 18.3 N. Medary South Dakota 44, 20 N. Medbournc England 52.32N. Medeha Palestine 31.42N. Medellin Colombia 6.2 N. Long. Hap 0.3s K- 36-37 73-37 w. iio-m 97-38 E. 68-69 84.40 w. 102-103 156. 18 w. 128 155.0 w. 128 155-38 w. 128 83.36 E. 63 170.0 E. 126-127 174.0 E. 126-127 92.24 E. 68-69 0.23 E. 36-37 152.10 W. 114-U6 ec.5:; E. 63 6.30 E. S6-37 2.20 E. 36-37 175-33 E. 126-127 (3.12 E. 36-37 72-55 w. 106-107 57.0 E. 4^5 76.35 E. 65 77-58 E. 63 73-25 E. 66 4.2 W. 14-15 3-37 «•• 28^29 174.58 E. 126-127 74.57W. 102-103 2.33 w. 24-26 56.4 w. 94 67,4 w. 106-107 76-7 E. 65 82.25 E. 63 74 34 E. 64 79-42 E. 65 4.40 w. 28-29 139-5 E. 75 7.11 E. 40-11 8.16 E. 40-41 0. 39 w. 36-37 0.40 w. 36-37 0.16 E. 20-21 1.47 w. 20-21 6.33 »•• 32-33 77-55". 96 Q. 10 \S. 32-33 23.12 -n-. 46 12.30 E. 78-79 733 E. 66 123-43 E. 70^71 176.17 E. 126-127 45-13 E. 78-79 68.26 w. 110-111 83-35 "'• 102103 144.20 E. 123 12.40 E. 82-83 46.27 E. 78-79 8. 20 W. 80 2.19 E. 36-37 ';3.o E. 60 67.9 E. 68 35-57 E. 78-79 60.0 vv. 109 91.30 E. 106-107 106.23 "■• 108 12.^4 E. 4849 14.15 E. 48-49 30.50 E. 82-83 12.0 E. 8283 2i.O E. 8283 138.48 E. 121 80. 13 W. 102-103 80.43 W. 96 4 37W- 26-27 176.45 E. 126127 4-19W. 2829 6.40 w. 32-33 2.52 E. 3637 40.14 E. 58 11.30 E. 40-41 39-0 E. 60 78.18 E. 65 97-3 w- 100-101 0.50W. 2021 35.48 E. 60 75-49 w- 110-111 Med GENERAL INDEX yiet Lat. Lon; Medellin Spain 38.54N. 5-57W. Medemblik Holland 52.17 N. 5.7 E MeilforJ Massachusetts 42.27N. 71.7 w Mediasch Austria 46.7 n. 24.212 Medicine Hilt Alberta joo N. iio.30\v. Medina Spain 41.18N. 4.56 w, Medina, el- Arabia 24.58N. 40.0 E MedinadelC'ainpo^/a/n 41. 18. v. 4.56 \v MedinadeKioSeco5/a/« 41.52N. 5.6 w, Medina River Isle of ll'i^'/ii 50,44N. 1.17W. Medina Sidonia ..i'/a/a 36.27 N. S-SBW, Medinaceli Spain 41. 11 s. 2.2gw, Medinet-Aba ££ypi 25,42N. 32.33 E Mediterranean Sea South Europe 37.0 N. 12.0 E Medraenhani England 5^.33 ^'. 0.50 w. Medoc France 45.9 N. 0.42W, Medway llivGi: ...England 51.27N. 0.43 E Medyn Russia 55.1 N. 35.47 K Meean Mir Punjab 31.31N. 74.25 E Meelick Ireland 53.11N. 8.6 w Meelin Ireland 52.16N. 9.1 w Meerane (/er/nany 50.51 N. 12.28 E Meerut United Provinces2g.a N. 77.45 E Megalokastron ...C/Wc 35.21 N. 25.7 E Meganatu wan K. . Ontario 4 5. 45 N. 80. 10 w, Megantic, ha.\:.e ..Quebec 45.30N. 70.55 w, Megara Greece 38.0 N. 23.20 E MeghnaEstuary.£'.B'fa/&'.-J«a«23.53N. 90.45 E Megiddo Palestine 32.33N. 35-18 E Mehadia Hungary 44.55 N. 22.22 E Meballet-el-Kebir£p'// 31.0 N. 31.11 B Mehar Sind, Bombay ....^y. 11^. 67.52 E Mebidpur Indore 23.29N. 75.42 E Mehkar Derar 20.9 N. 76.36 E Mehlsack Prussia 54.14N. 20.8 E. Mehmadabad Bombay 22.50N. 72.48 E Mehun-sur-Yevre/v-artt-f 47.9 N. 2.14 E Meia Ponte Brasil 16.0 s. 47.33W Mei-chau China 30.6 N. 104.2 E. Meifod Wales 52.431). 3.16W, Mei-b.sien China 34-ii N. 107.50 E Meiktila Burma 20.52N. 95. 54 E Meiningen Germany 50.34N. 10.25 E Meiringen Switzerland. 46.42N. 8.12 E Meissen Saxony 51. ion. 13.28 e Meissner, Mt Germany 51.11N. 9.51 E Mei-tan-Usien China 27.40 N. 107.27 E Meja United Pruvtnccs-i^.<) N. S2.10 E Jlejillones Chile 23.5 s. 70.30W, Mekhtar Brit. Baluchistan^o.zqa. 69.23 e Mekinez Marocco 33.45 N. 5. 15 w. Me-klawng (li.)..Sia!n I3.33N. 9<).47 E Mekong liiver Siam 17.0 N. 105.0 E Mekran, prov Baluchistan 26.0 N. 61.0 E Melada Island. ...i!3d/»za//j 44.13N. 14.52 K Melagiri HilKs Madras 12.20N. 77.40 E Melamo Cape Port. E. Africa. .ij^.i^^. 40.49 E Melanesia, div, ..,0tf£2«/iZ 10.0 s. 155.0 E Melao Baroda 22.34N. 72.52 E Melapalaiyani Madras 8.42N. 77.45 E Mclbourn England 52.5 N. 0.1 E Melbourne England 52.21 N. 1.27 w, Melbourne Quebec 45.37N. 72.7 w, Melbourne i'ictoria 37.50 s. 144.59 E Melcombe liegis. England 5°.33N. 2.28W, Meleda li\i\nd ....Austria 42.45 N. 17. 30 E Melegnano Italy 45.21 N. 9.19 E Jlelenki /Russia 55.28N. 41.38 E Melfi Italy 41.0 N. 15 38 B Melford, liont;.... England 52.4 N. 0.44 E Melfort, Loch Scotland 56.15 n. 532 w. Melghat (.Mts. )...Z?l!ip 46-47 38 102-103 4243 98-99 46-47 68 46-47 46-47 20-21 46-47 46-47 81 8-9 20-21 36-37 14-15 54-65 66 34-35 34-35 40-41 63 6051 96 95 60-61 63 60 42-43 81 66 64 64 40-41 64 36-37 110111 72-73 18-19 72-73 68-69 40-41 44-45 40-41 40-41 72-73 63 112-113 62 80 6869 6869 62 42-43 65 78-79 114-115 64 65 20-21 20-21 95 124 1819 42-43 43-49 64-65 48-49 20-21 24-25 64 1819 80 80 112-113 5456 42 43 18-19 :6 37 40-41 1617 18 19 42 43 L329 121 8S Lat. Mclsctter South J^ hodest a ..ig.^o s. Melsonl ly England 5 4. 28 n. Meltbam England 53-35N. Melton England 52.7 n. Melton, Victoria 37-40 S- Melton Mov/hmy England 52.47N. Melton Mowbray Tasmania 42.28 s. I^lelukot Mysore 12.40N. Melun France 48.32N. Melupaka Ifadras I7-3SN. Melar Madras 10.2 N. Melvaig Scotland 57-49 N- Melvich Scotland 58.33N. Melville Cape Colony 3?- 59 S. Melville W. A ustralia . . . .2j. ^o 3. Melville, Cape .... Queensland 14.9 S. Melville Bay Greenland 74-35 N- Melville Island... A^.- U' Territrs..7S-3^^' Melville Island ..A^, Territory, S, Australia 11.30 S. Melville Penin ... M- IT. T£rritrs..68.o a. Melville Sound... A'.- H'. Tcrritrs..j;^.40i;. Mel vin, Lough. . . . Ireland 54. 26 n. Mem ba Bay Port. E. Africa .1^.103. Membrilla Spain 38.51 N. M-erael Prussia 55.42N. Memel River Prussia 55.4 N. Memuiingen Bavaria 47-58 N. Memphis ^.^yP^ 29.51 n. ]\Ieniphis Tennessee 35.9 N. Memphreniagog, Lake Quebec 45. o N, Memranicook New Brunswick .^.\ n. Menado Penin Celebes Island .... 0.30N. Menai Strait Wales 53.12K. Menam River Siam 15.0 N. ls\ enaraa Bahrein Island . . 20. 10 N. Menangle A'ew S. t/'tj/fJ ...34.8 s. Mendaria Islands. See Maiquesas. Meiidawei Borneo 2.50 S. M ende France 44- 3 1 ^*• Mendeli Asiatic Turkey ...y^.^^ X. Mend en Westphalia 51.27N. Mendere Chai .....-^iia Minor. 37.48 X. Mendliara England 52.23N. Mendhawal United Provinresofi.^^ N. Mendip Hills England 51.18X. Mendleshau) England 52.20X. Mendocino California 39-^5 ^'• M endocino, C California 40. 26 N. Mendozn Argentine Rep. ..32.52 s. Mendrisio Switzerland 4S.52K. Menemen Anatolia 38.27 x. Menfi Sicily 37-36X. ^leng-hwa ...China 2s.i8x. Mengo Uganda 0.20N. Meng-tsze-lisieu.. CA/«a 23.24X. Menidi Greece 38.5 x. M eni n Belgium 50. 4 7 x. Menindie Xew S. Wales.. ..■^■z.yi s. Meningio South Australia. ^A-AS S. Menlough Ireland 53. 18 N. Menlough Ireland 53-25 X. Menominee Michigan 45.3 X. Monomonee R. ... Wisconsin 45.40X. Menstrie Scotland 56.9 X. Mentana Italy 42-2 X. Mcntawei Is Sumatra 2.0 s. Mcnteith, L. oi.. Scotland 56.9 X. Menteith, Port olScotland 56.11 x. Jluntone France. 43.49X. Mcntone I'ictoria 38.5 S. Menzaleh, 'Uike.. Egypt 3i-i5N. Menzelinsk Russia 55-45 ^'* Menzies IK Australia.. ..il<^.so^. Meon, East E/igland 50■59^'■ Meun, West England 51. i N. Meonstoke England 50.58X. McDpham England SI.22N. Mepal England 52-24 N'- Me-ping Kivcr Siam 16.20 N. Meppel. A'etherlandi 52.42N. ^leppen Germany 52.41 K. Mequinez See Mckiuez. Mer France 47.42 N. Meran Austria 46.41 N. MerandScrPeak.sA'.;jAwi/V. 34.0 X. Merangi Madras 18.49X. Long. Map 32.40 K. 78-79 1.41 w. 1617 1. 51 w. 16-17 1. 21 E. 20-21 144-35 E. 119 0.53W. 20-21 147.15 K. 120 76.43 E. 65 2.39 E. 36-37 82.57 E. 65 78.23 E. 65 5.48 w. 26-27 3.55^^- 26-27 233 E. 86-87 116.47 E. 122 144.32 E. 123 60.0 \v. 90-91 IIO.Q W. 9293 150.50 E. 116-117 84.0 w. 9293 107. 30 w. 9293 8. 10 w. 3031 40.35 E. 82-83 3.21 w. 46-47 21.10 E. 40 41 22.15 E. 40-41 10. 1 1 E. 40-41 31.21 E. 81 90.0 \y. 104 72.I5W. 95 64.32 w. 94 123.0 E. 70-71 4.13W. 1819 100.30 E. 6869 50.40 E. 58 150.45 E. 118 112.3 E. 70-71 330 E. 36-37 45.44 E. 60 7.49 E. 40-41 28.0 E. 60 1. 19 E. 20-21 83.9 E. 63 2. 42 W. 14-15 1.6 K. 2021 123.44 w. 105 124.22 w. 105 68.4S W. 112-113 8.59 E. 44-45 27.3 E. 60 1^.59 E. 48-49 100.30 E. 72-73 32.26 E. 82-83 103.36 E. 72-73 =3-44 E. 50-61 3.6 E. 38 142.25 E. 118 I3Q.2I E. 121 Q.4 W, 32-33 8.35 w. 32 33 87.36 w. 102103 87.47 w. 102103 3 5i>*'. 28-29 12.38 E. 48 49 98.0 E. 70-71 4.17 w. 28-29 4.17 w. 28-29 7.29 E. 36-37 145 34 E. 119 32.0 E. 81 53.8 E. 54 55 121. 1 E. 122 1.2 W. 20-21 1.6 W. 20-21 1.6 w. 20-21 0.22 E. 20-21 0.7 E. 2021 OQ.40 K. 68-69 6.II E. 38 7.18 E. 40-41 1.30 E. 36-37 II. 8 E. 42-43 76.10 E. 66 83.36 E. 65 Mer GENERAL INDEX Mid Lat. Long. Merawi Nubia 18.29 N. 31.44 E. Merayeh Somaliland ii.42K. 150.28 E. Mercedes Argentine Rep. ..■2<^.\2,%. 58.3 w. Mercedes Uruguay 33-20 s. 57.55 w. Mercer New Zealand 37.27 s. 175.10 E. Mercury Bay .V«ti Z«a/an N. Milford Derbyshire 53.1 n. Milford Hants, England, ^o.^-^ N. Milford Ireland 52.21 n. Milford Massachusetts 42. 8 N. Milford Ontario 43-57N. Milford Wales 51.43N. Milford Haven ... Wales 51.42 N. Milford Junction ^w^/awi^ 53-58 n. Milford Sound ...New Zealand 44.35 s. Miliana Algeria 36.16 n. Mi-li-hsien China 24.30 N. Milis Sardinia 40. 3 n. Militello Sicily 37. 14 n. Militsch Prussia 5 1 ■ 3 ^ N. Milk Haven Ireland 54. 27 N. Milk River Montana 48.30N. Millas France 42.43 n. Millau France 44.7 N. Millbank Hound.. British Columbia 52.20 N. Millbrook Ontario 44.8 N. Mill brook South Australia.^A-S'^^- Millbrook Tasmania 41-37 S. Millcbester Queensland 20.10 S. Mille Lacs Minnesota 46.20N. Milledgevil le Georgia 33. 3 n. Millford Ireland 55.6 n. Millford Ireland 52.47N. Millicent South Australia.yj,^,^ a. Millie New S. Wales ...29.37 S- Millport Scotland 55-45 N* Millstreet Ireland 52.3 n. Millthorpe A^ew S. ll^ales...;^2.2o a. MiUtown Cork, Ireland. ....51. 24 N. Mill to wn Donegal 54 . 39 N. Milltown Kerty, I re land... 52.. <^ N. Milltown New Brunswick.. 45.^ N. Millville New Jersey 39.24 N. Milnathort Scotland 56.14 n. Milngavie Scotland 55-37^. Milnthorpe England 54-14 N. Milo3 Island Greece 36.42 N. Milperinka New S. Wales ...2^. ^5 s. Milton Kent, Engla fid... 51. 22 a. Milton New S. Wales ...32.9 s. Milton New Zealand ....40.5 s. Milton Ontario 43.28N. Milton Scotland 56.6 n. Milton Abbas England 50.48 N. Miltown Malbay../r(?/aW 52.51 N. Miltsin, Jebel ....Marocco 31-25 N. Mil verton England 51.2 n. Milwaukee Wisconsin 43.5 N. Mimms England 51.42N. Min River China 26.20 N. Minab Persia 27. 12N. Minahassa Celebes Island i.o n. Minard Head Ireland 52.7 N, Minas Uruguay 34.20 s. LoDg. Map 0.44 w. 20-21 2.30 K. 36 37 28.7 E. 50-51 36.0 E. 60 2.31 W. 26-27 87.21 E. 63 2.27 w. 18-19 22.49 E. 54-55 104.52 E. 72-73 113.12 E. 74 131 K- 42-43 80.3 E. 66 82.44 E- 63 88.40 E. 63 0. 16 W. 4647 39.12 E. 54-66 53-58 K. 76-77 40.20 E. 82 83 6.14 E. 80 9.II E. 4849 1390 E. 121 I3.I4E. 48-49 2.28 W. 1819 148.56 E. 118 0.31 E. 20-21 142.12 E. 119 150.7 E. 123 106.15 w. 100-101 27.40 E. 60 1.29 w. 20-21 1-35 w. 20-21 8.51 w. 34-36 71.31 w. 102103 77. 10 w. 96 5.2 w. 18-19 5-7 w. 18-19 1.14W. 16-17 167.45 E. 126-127 2.13 E. 80 103,32 E. 72-73 8.39 K. 48-49 1347E. 4849 17.16 E. 40-41 8.28 w. 32-33 107.30 W. 100-101 2.40 E. 36-37 3-6 E. 36-37 128.30 w. 98-99 78. 29 w. 96 138.52 E. 121 148.10 E. 120 146.19 E. 123 03.20 \v. 100-101 84 I3W. 104 7.41 W. 32-33 6.58 W. 34-36 140.16 E. 121 149.45 K. 118 4-55 w. 28 29 9.3 w. 34-35 149.0 E. 118 8.58 w. 34-35 8.16 w. 32-33 9'43w- 3435 67.24 w. 94 75.2 w. 102-103 325W. 28-29 4. 19 w. 28-29 2.46 w. 16-17 24.25 E. 50-51 141.4s K. 118 0.43 E. 2021 150.24 E. 118 170.0 E. 126-127 79.57W. 96 3.56w. 28-29 2.17 w. 18-19 9. 23 w. 34-35 7-5 w. 80 3.16 w. 18-19 82.33 w. 102-103 0.14 w. 20-21 119.0 E. 74 57.0 K. 58 124.0 E. 7071 10.9 w. 3031 SS.6 w. 112-113 Lat. Minas Basin Nova Scotia 45. 15 N. Minas de Rio Tin to Spain 37-46 N. Minas Geraes Brazil 18.30 3. Minaa Novas Brazil 17. 30 a. Minatitlan Mexico 18.0 n. Minch, Little Scotland 57.30 N. Minch, The Scotland 58.0 N. Minchinabad Punjab 30. ion. Minchinhampton England Si-42 N. Minchinmadiva Volcano Chile 42.53 8. Minchmoor Scotland. 5S-34N- Mincio River Italy 45.13N. Mindanao Island. /^AzV/^s/Zw^/j 8.0 N. Mindelheim Bavaria 48.3 n. Mindeilo Cape Verde Is 17.0 N. Mindello Portugal 4i.i8n. Minden Ontario 44.50N. Minden Westphalia 52. 17N. Mindoro Ishind... Philippines 13.0 n. Mine Head Ireland 52.0 N. Minehead England 5i.i2N. Mineo Sicily 37-^4 N- Miner's Rest Victoria 37- 30 S. Minerstown Ireland 54.15N. Minervino Italy 41.3 n. Mingan Islands. . . Quebec 50. 14 K. Mingenew \V. Australia ...29.0 s. Mingrelia, div. ...Transcaucasia .../\2.y:>'i!i. Minho, ■province.. Portugal 41.30N. Minho River Spain 41.55N. Minieh Egypl 25.5 N. Minlaton South Australia. 2-\.SZ ^• Minnii AVzw S. H ti/fj,... 32.40 s. Minneapolis Minnesota 45.3 n. Minnedusa Mafiitoba 50. 17N. Minnesota lii'iGV . Minnesota 44.40 N. Minnesota, staiQ. United States 46.0 n. Minorca \^\ixnd... Spain 39.56N. Min^sk Russia 53-53 N. Mintaro South Australia. 23- S^ S. Minusinsk Siberia 53-42 n. Minyip Victoria 36.258. Miquelon \)Azxid.. Newfoundland ...47.3 N. Mira River Portugal 37.36N. Miramichi Bay ...New Brunswick .47.5 N. Miramichi River. A>2«/ Brunswick .46.59 n. Miranda Brazil 20. i s . Miranda Portugal 41.32N. Miranda Spain 42.40 N. Miranda do Corvo/'tfr/if^a/ 40.8 N, Mirandola Italy 44*53 N. Mirath 5fe'Meerut. Mirbat Arabia 16.54N. Mirboo, North... Victoria 38.24 S. Mire Bay A'ova Scotia 46.1 n. Mirecourt France 48.18N. Jlirepoix France 43.5 N. Mirfield England 53.40N. Mirgorod Russia 50.7 N. Mirini, Lake Uruguay 33.0 a. Miropolie Russia 51.2 n. Mirzapur United Provinces 25. 10 N. Misabohe Togoland i.^T^. Mischabelhbrner.^"w;V5fr/a«fl', 46.7 n. Miscou Island New Brunswick .^j. 57 n. Miseno, Cape Italy 40. 46 N. Misery, Mount. ..iV, Kitts 17.20 N. Misiones Terr Argentine Pep.... 2j.o S. Miskolcz Hungary 48.6 N. Misol Island Dutch E. Indies. 1.48 S. Misrata, Cayto ....Tripoli 32.22N. Missiunippi R N.-ll''. 7'erritory56.o N. Mississippi, state. United Slates 33.0 N. Mississippi City ..Alississippi 30.22 n. Mississippi Mvvqv. Mississippi 32.35 N. Missi::.sippi River^ Mouths of the.. Louisiana 29.0 N. Missolongbi See Mesolonghi. Missoula Montana 47.0 N. Missouri, Little River. North Dakota ....^6.0 N. : Misjiouri River Missouri 39.0 N. Missuuri, state ...United States 37.30 N. Mista-ssini, "Lak-d, Labrador Pen in.. 50.^5 N. Mistortou England 53.27N. Misti Peru 16.20 s. Long. Map . 64.0 w. 94 . 6.38 w. 46-47 • 450 w. 110-111 . 42.21 w. 110111 • 9432 w. 108 7.0 w. i 24-26 6.0 w. 24-25 • 73-362. 66 2. I2W. 18-19 72.38 w. 110-111 • 3-3 w. 28-29 . 10.0 E. 48-49 . 125.0 E. 70-71 . 10.30 E. 40 41 . 25. low. 4-6 . 8.36W. 4647 78.40 w. 96 8.55 E. 40-41 121. E. 70-71 7.3s w. 30-31 . 3-29 w. 18-19 14.43 E. 48-49 143.50 E. 119 5.42 W. 32-33 16,5 E. 48-49 63.30 W. 92-93 115.30 E. 122 42.10 E. 54-65 8.20 W. 46-47 8.40 W. 46-47 30-45 E- 81 137-37 E. 121 151.38 E. 118 93.IIW. 100-101 99.46 w. 97 95. low. 100101 95- w. 100-101 4-5 E. 46-47 27-33 E. 5455 138.45 E. 121 91.30 E. 76-77 142.4 E. 119 56.25 w. 94 8.40 w. 46-47 65.15 w. 94 6S-55W. 94 55-35 w. 110111 6.13 w. 46-47 3-9 w. 46 47 8. l3 w. 46-47 II. 3 E. 48-49 54.42 E. 58 146.10 E. 119 S9-59W. 94 6.8 K. 3637 1-53 B. 36-37 1.43 w. 16-17 33-42 E. 54-55 52.30 w. 112-113 35-27 E. 64-55 82.38 E. 63 1.5 E. 84 7-43 E. 44-45 64-35 w. 94 14.5 E. 48-49 62.45 w. 106-107 55-0 w. 112113 20.49 E. 42-43 130.5 E. 70-71 15 I3E. 80 105,0 w. 92-93 90.0 U', 104 89. 1 w. 104 930 w. 104 89.0 w. 104 114,0 w. 106 103.45 w- 100101 92.40 w. 100101 94.0 w. 100101 72.25 w. 9293 0.52 w. 2021 71.30 w. 110-111 S7 Mis GENERAL INDEX Mon Mistley .England Lat. .51.57 N. • 37-4 N. -37.56 N. ■55-49 N. .56.39 N-. .51.23 N. -35-2 s. ..3749 s- .26.32 s. .15.40 s. .S2.i6n. .28.55 N. ■ 36.15 s- ■44-59 N. .42.43 N. .36.30 s. .34.173. .50.30 N. .50.58N. .. 39.10 N. .. 0.0 .. 0.56 S. .40.23 N. .31.22 N. ..51-27 N. ..52.52 N. ..31-50 N. ..60.40 N. . 15.50 S. -31-15 N. .36.3 S. -53-23 N- . 3.0 N. .39.22 N. ..30.43 N. .13.20 N. .38.25 S. . .50. 22 N. -34-48 s. /.29.0 s. -44-38 N. -36-S2N. .48.6 N. ..38.10 s. ■53-9 N- -53-4 N. .52.59 N. .54-57 N. .51-42 -V. ..29.30 N. .. 0.0 s. .55-21 N. /. 2.1 N. -31.30 N. ..29.15 s. ..23.12N. ..34.20N. ..37.16N. ..45-58 N. -■396 S. ..30.30 K. ..42.52 N. -S2-57N. -53-53 N- -53-56 N. .12.24 s. .-56.47 N. - 54-29 N. ..44.20K. .-44-7 N. ..15.42 s. .35-0 N. .41-32 s. .-34-50 N. .41-3 N. -53- ION. .49.30 N. .46.30N. .62.45 N. .51.22 N. .50.55 N. ..4I.12N. .36.45 s. .40.55 N. ■ 41-30 N. -41-35 N. .17.0 S. Long. 1-3 E. 22.22 E. 14.22 E. 4-43 «■■ 23.42 E. 0.12 w. 138.39 E. 145-12 E. 147.52 E. 142.10 E. 8.i6vv. 70.25 E. 144.15 E. 19-36 E. 20.57 E. 147-25 E. 150-31 E. 14,0 E. 12.58 E. 26.15 E. 49.50 w. 8.46 E. 116.53 E. 12.23 E. 9.50 w. 6.3 W. 35^ 12 E. 11.10 E. 35^5° E. 3550 E. 144.56 E. 7.42 w. 18.0 E. 92. 29 w. 88.3 w. 43.12 E. 74.0 w. 3-53 w- 138.38 E. 25.0 E. I0.5SE. 14.46 E. 16.17 E. 146. 11 E. 3.l4\v. 356 w. 3- 59"'. 12.18 E. 4.37 E. 30.40 E. 28.25 E. 3-27 "■• 45.24 E. 9.15W. 149-47 E. 96.42 E. III. 30 \v. 6.44 w. 18.37 E. 177-10 E. 48.15 E. 74.30 W. 9.27 w. 30.22 E. 7.52 w. 43.42 E. 5-50 w. 6. 14 \v. 77.30 w. 1.7 E. 46. iS E. 118. 10 W. 172.0 E. 126.33 E. 17.6 E. 3-9 w. 14-15 E. 27.0 E. 7-9 E. 0. 24 w. 4-56 E. 16.36 E. 143-40 E. 1.51 w. 90.30 w. 14-30 E. 72.7 w. 20-21 6051 48-49 2829 64-65 20-21 121 119 123 123 34-36 66 119 42-43 5061 119 lis 42-43 40-41 60-61 109 82-83 74 80 30-31 30-31 60 B2-63 78-79 60 118 3233 82-83 100-101 104 58 112113 18-19 121 86-87 48-49 48-49 42-43 119 1819 18-19 18-19 39 38 81 82-83 28-29 78-79 80 118 68-69 105 4647 424S 126 127 60 102-103 30-31 54-55 32-33 78-79 24-25 3233 96 36-37 7879 105 126-127 75 48-49 18-19 42-43 5051 6253 14-16 38 48-49 119 46-47 100 101 48-49 110-111 HSnlliisund Urollwitz Molocath River. Mologa River... Molokai )slan/';7/.f A ColunibiaZj2. ii,oii. 131.50 w. Moresby Island... 5r:V. N. Guinea. 10. 40 s. 151.0 E. Moresnet Belgium 50.43 N. 5.59 E. Moreton England 51.36N. i.io w. Moreton Bay Queensland 27.19 s. 153.10 E. Moreton \i\iCnii.. .Queensland 27.10 s. 153.27 E. Moreton-Hamp- ste.ad England 50.40X. 3-45^. 18-19 Moreton-in-tha Marsh England 51-59 N- 1-42 w. Morez France. 46. 31^. 6.1 E. Morgan South Australia .^^-'^ S. 139.45 E. Morgarteu Switzerland 47.6 N. E.40 E. Morges Switzerland. 46.30X. 6.30 E. Morlaix France 48.36N. 349 w. Morley England 53.45 N. 1.38 w. Morne-!i-Garou....S'/. Vincent I, 13.10N. 61.12W, Morne-Diablotin.j9j;«i«/i-rt 15.28 N. 61.20 \v. Hornington Ireland .53-43 N. 6.17 w. Mornington Neiu Zealand 45.52N. 170.31 E. Mornington Victoria 38.14 S. 145-4 E. Morocco, conniry North Africa 31.30N. 7.10 w. Moron Spain 37.7 N. 5.27 w. Morotai Island ...Dutch E. Indies. 2.18 N. 128.18 E. Morpeth England 55. 1 1 N. 1. 40 iv. Morpeth Neio S. 11 a/fi... 32.49 s. 151.35 E. Morphett Vale ...South Australia. 3S.8 s. 138.34 E. Morrinsville A'ew Zealand.. ...37. 38 s. 175.32 E. Morris Manitoba 49. 26 N. 97. 20 w. Morrisburg Ontario 44.56N. 75.11 w. Morrison, Mt Formosa 23.18N. 121.0 E. Morrisons Victoria 37-55^- 144.5 E. Morristown New Jersey 40.48 N. 74.32 w. Morro, El Cuba 23.28N. 82.24W. Mors Island Denmark 56.46 N. 8.41 E. Morshansk Russia 53.27N. 41.53 E. Mortagna France 48.30 N. 0.32 E. Mortain France, 48-37^- 056 "■■ jrurtara Italy 45-I5N- 8.44 E. Morte Bay England 51.10N. 4-15 '"■ Mortes River Brazil 13-O S. 520 \l. Mortimer's Cross England 52.16 N. 2.50 w. Mortlake England 51.28:;. o.i6w. Mortlake New S. K^ii/<^J...34-io s. 150.0 E. Mortlake Victoria 38.6 s. 142.47 E. Mortlock Islands. Caro/(>« Islands. 5.25 N. 154.20 E. Morton Derby, England .^,3.8 N. 1.24 w. Morton Lincolnshire 52.48 N. 0.22 \v. Moruya New S. H'u/fJ...3S.52 s. 150.2 E. Morvan, Mts. dn./=';a«« 47.0 N. 4.0 E. Morveii New S. II'n/«J. .. 35.39 S. 147.7 E. Morven Queensland 26.25 s. 147.5 K. Morven Scotland 56-36^- 5-4°^. Morven, lUunt ..Scotland 58.16N. 3.38W. Morvi Bombay 22.49N. 70.54 E. Morwell Victoria 38.10s. 146.18 E. Morwenstow England 50.55N. 4-33 «'• Moscow Russia 55-45^- 37-34 E. Moscow Mts Tibet 37.0 N. 87.0 E. Mosello River Germany 50.10N. 7.12 E. Mosera Island ....^cai/'a 20.30 N. 58.42 K. Mosgicl New Zealand.. ...4SS^ s. 170-20 K. Mosha Islam! Gulf of Aden 11.38N. 43.10 E. Moshaisk Russia 55-34N- 36-7 E. Moskcneso (I.)....AVra'a)' 68.0 N. 13.8 E. Moskhokori Gieece 38.50^. 22.37 E. Moskva River Russia 55-'o^'- 38-44 E- Mosipiito Bay Labrador Penin. .60.40^1. 77.0 w. Mosquito Coast. ..A'/cara^//'- Mountmellick ....Ireland 53.7 N. Mountrath Ireland 53.1 N. Mounts Bay England 50. 7 N. Mourilyan Queensland. 1 7. 36 s. Mourne Mts Ireland 54. ion. Mourne Piiver Ireland 54-47 N- Mousa (I.) Shetland 60.0 N. Mouse \YQ.ter..... Scotland 55.46>;. Mouseliole England 50. 5 N. Mouta jup Victoria 37- 39 S. Mou tiers France 45-30>'. Moville Ireland 55.12N. Mow Cop Hill England 53.7 N. Moy Ireland 54.27 X. Moy Scotland 56.50N. Moy Scotland 57-23 N. Moy River Ireland 54.3 N. Moycullen Ireland 53. 21 N. Moynalty Ireland 53.48 N. Moyobamba Peru 6.47 s. Moy ola River Ireland 54. 49 n. Moyston J 'ictoria 37. 20 s - Moyvore Ireland 53-32N. Mozambique Fort. £. Africa. .1^.2 s. Mozambique Channel East Africa 16.0 s. Mozdok Russia 43.45N. Mozyr Russia 52. 3 N. Mpala Belgian Congo 6.36 s. Mpim h'amerun 4.0 N. Long. Map 22.15 E. 86-87 144.40 E. 118 1.30 \v. 84 2.3 \v. 16-17 O.IO E. SO 17.58 E. 42-43 43-9 E. 60 15.0 E. 62-53 70.401V. 110111 2.12 \v. 18-19 4.0 ■»■. 28-29 84.57 E. 63 176.17 E. 126127 3.37 w. 46-47 173.0 E. 126-127 6.48 E. 44-45 1445 E. 118 61.21 w. 106-107 3-47 E. 36-37 0.22 w. 20-21 138.58 E. 121 117.39 E. 122 8.30 W. 30-31 148.27 E. 123 141.46 E. 118 139.0 E. 121 153-4 E. 123 145.0 E. 118 144 30 E. 119 68.20 w. 102103 144-5 E. 119 140. t;o E. 121 121.39 "•• 105 146.0 E. 118 15055 E. 118 117.58 E. 122 121.30 E. 122 122.12 E. 116-117 7.51 w. 30-31 143-52 E. 119 150.0 E. 123 6.28 -K. 30-31 132.48 E. 116-117 7.16 W. 30-31 151. 41 E. 123 91-35 w. 100-101 139.3 E. 121 143.30 E. 119 1.9 w. 14-15 117.5 E. 122 8. 1 1 w. 3031 138. 56 E. 121 77.13W. 102-103 150.22 E. 118 142.40 E. 119 8.12 w. 32-33 7.40 w. 32-33 7.20 w. 34-35 7.28 ■«. 34-36 5-30 w. 14-16 146.5 E. 123 6.4 w. 3031 7.28 w. 3031 I.ll w. 24-25 3.42 w. 24-25 5.2 w. 18-19 142.11 E. 119 6.31 E. 3637 7.2 w. 3233 2. 13 W. 14-15 6.42 W. 32-33 4-37 w. 26-27 4.2 w. 26-27 8.48 w. 30-31 9.11 w. 32-33 6-53 «■- 32-33 77.11 w. 110-111 6.40 w. 30-31 142.45 E. 119 7.38 w. 32-33 40.48 E. 7879 42.0 E. 78-79 44.30 E. 54-55 29.12 E. 54-55 29.42 E. 82-83 10.51 E. 82-83 Lat. Mpwapwa. Ger. E. Africa... 6.20 s. Mro-haung Burma 20.44 N. Mruli British E.Africa 1.35 N. Mskhet Caucasus 4 1 . 50 N. Msta RiTer Russia 58.42N. Mtzensk Russia 53- 17 N. Muar River Johore 2.0 K. Much Wenlock...£"«^/(z«(/ 52.37 N. Muck Island Scotland 56.49 N. Muckish, Mt Ireland 55.6 N. Mucury, Rio Brazil 18.0 s. Mudania Asiatic Turkey. .. 40.20 "S. Mudgal Hyderabad 16.0 N. Mudgee New S. Wales ..,22. 2^ S. Mudki Punjab 3*0-47 N. Muff Cavan, Ireland.. S3- 5S'^- Muff Donegal 55.9 N. Muff Londonderry 55.2 N. Muggort Bay Ireland 52.2 n. Mugla Asia Minor 37.12 N. Muhamdi United Provinces^^.^l '^. ^[ubammadabad. United Profinces2c^.37 N. Mahammadgarh.^Ao/a/ 23.39N. Miihlberg Prussia 51.28N Miihlhausen Germany. SI.12N. Muich, L. & Vi.... Scotland. 56.57N. Muilrea, ^lonv.i.. I re I iji:d 53.40 N. Muir Glacier Alaska 58.50N. Muirkirk Scotland 55- 32 N. Mukden China 41-54 >'• Muker England 54.22X. Mulahacen, "Ml.. .Spain 37.7 N. Mulde River Germany 51.0 N. Mulgravals Marshall Arch... 6.8 N. Miilbausen Germany 47. 46 N. Mulheim Germany 5^-57 ^'• Mu-ling Mts China 32.0 N. Mull, Sound ot ...Scotland 56.32 N. Mull Island Scotland 56.25 N. MuU of CsLniyre.. Scotland 55.18N. Mull of Galloway.Sco//(2«(/ 54-38 N. Mull of Oe Scotland. 55-35 N. Mullacre w Ireland 53- 5^ N. Mullagh Ireland 53.48 N. Mullagbareirk Mountains Ireland. 52.22K. Miiller Range W. Australia. ...18.5 s. Mullet, The Ire/and 54.5 N. MuUewa W. Australia 28.30 S. MuUinabone Ireland...... 52.31 N. Mullinavat Ireland 52.22N. Mullingar Ireland 53-32 x. Mulroy Bay Ireland 55.20X. Multan Punjab 30.56X. Multeen River ...Ireland 52.32X. Multyfarnham Ireland 53-37N. Muiuia River Marocco 34-53N' Mul vin Irela nd 54. 45 X. Mulwala A't-^ S. Wales. ..2S-S9 S- Mumbles, The.... Wales 50.34X. Muncie Indiana 40.10 N. M linden Germany 51-25 N. lsl\mQi\.\^^\\iir ...Belgian Congo.... 3.0 X. Mungindi New S. Wales ...zg.z s. Munich Germany 48.9 x. Muniong Range.. J'icton'a 36.0 s. Munkacs Hungary. 48.26N. MunnaMaggi,Mt.J?ajjia| 57.42 N. Miinster Germany 5I-57X. MUnster Switzerland. 47.16X. Munster, prov. ...Ireland 52.18 x. Mur Island Hungary 46.37X. Mur River Austria 46.40 N. Mur Thai Austria 47.10 N. Murad Su {H.).... Asiatic Turkey 38.43 x. Muradabad United ProvinceszS. 50 x. Murchison Victoria 36.37 s. Murchison, "Mi... .British Columbias'i-45ii- JEurchison Ya]\s.. River Nile 2.15X. Murchison 'Fii]^.. Shire River 15-37 S. Murchison Gold- field W. Australia.. ..27.0 s. Murcbison River. W. Australia — 27.36 s. Murcia Spain 37-59N. Murcia, prov Spain 38.30N. Murendat "River.. British £. Africa 0.45 S. Murfreesboro Tennessee 35-5^ N* Murf rcesboro .....A rkansas 34 .0 X. Long. Map 36.30 E. 82-83 93.26 E. 68-69 32.20 E. 82-83 44.45 E. 5455 33.0 E. 54-55 36.39 E. 54-55 J03.2O E. 6869 2.34 w. 18-19 6.19 w. 2425 8. 1 w. 3031 40.0 w. 110-111 28.55 E. 60 76.30 E. 65 149-35 E. 118 74-55 E. 66 6.51 w. 32-33 7. 16 w. 32-33 7. 10 ■»'. 32-33 7-35 «•. 30-31 28.24 E. 60 80.15 E. 63 83.48 E. 63 78.13 E. 64 13.12 E. 40-41 10.30 E. 40-41 3.14 W. 26-27 9-45 w. 3031 136.20 w. 90-91 4-3 «■ 28-29 123.58 E. 72-73 2.10 W. 16-17 3. low. 46-47 12.38 E. 40-41 172.8 E. 114-115 7.19 E. 40-41 7.0 E. 40-41 114.0 E. 74 5-55 "•. 24-25 6.0 w. 24-25 5-49 w- 24-25 4.51 w. 24-25 6.18 w. 24-26 6-33 "■■ 32-33 6.57 IV. 32-33 9. 10 w. 30-31 127.20 E. 116-117 10.3 W. 3031 115.29 E. 122 7.30 W. 34-35 7. 10 W. 3435 7.19 «■• 32-33 7.I7W. 30-31 72.50 E. 66 8.3 W. 30-31 7.26 w. 3233 2.40 w. 80 7.27 w. 3233 146.0 E. 118 358 w. 18-19 85.19 w. 102103 9-39 E. 40 41 20.0 E. 8283 149.10 E. 118 11.37 E. 40-41 148.3 E. 119 22.41 E. 42-43 27.6 E. 54-56 7-37 E. 40^1 7.22 E. 44 45 8.30 -w. 34-36 16.26 E. 4243 IS- 56 E. 42-43 14-3° E. 42-43 39.40 E. 60 78.49 E. 63 145.16 E. 119 117.15 w. 9899 31.40 E. 82-83 34.40 E. 78-79 121. E. 122 J15.0 E. 122 I. low. 4647 2.0 w. 4647 36.36 K. 82-83 86.25 w. 104 93-40 w. 104 90 Mur GENERAL INDEX Nap Murghab CSiveT). Asiatic j?Hjj/a.. .36.30 ^f. Muri Nigeria 9.6 N. MurmanCoast. ...A'«j. Lafpland ...dg.o N. Murom Russia 55-38 N. Murray, dist Victoria 36.10 a. Murray, tiount ..Quebec 48.35 N. Murray Bay Quebec 47.39N. Murr.ay Bridge ..South Australia. T,e,.$ s. Murray River ....S. Australia, ifc.^^.ios. Murraysburg Cafe Colony 32.0 8. MurrumbidgeeR.AVjf 5. l^ales... .24.26s. Murrumburrah....'Wa; .S. Wales. ...2.^.32 a. Murrurundi AVot 5. nVj/«. ...31,46 s. Murshidabad Bengal 24. ii N. Murtoa Victoria 36.37 S. Murtoza Portugal 40.44 N. Murua Island Brit. New Guinea 9.0 s. Murviedro Spain 39-39 N. Murwillumbah....AV7o S. Wales. ...20.1^ a. Murzuli Fezzan 26.0 N. Milrzzuscblag A ustria 47. 36 N. Mu3 Alia {^t.) ...Bulgaria 42.10 N. Muaardu Liberia 7-42N. Muscat Oman, Arabia. .. 22.27 "S. Muscatine Iowa 41. 24 N. Muscuraba Belgian Congo.... 8.453. Musgravo Range. 5ipk/A Australia. 26. 20 a. Mush Asiatic Turkey ..2Z.V7'S. Musha ls\a.nds. ...Gul/o/ Aden 11.41 N. Muskegon Afichigan 43.12K. Muskingum R. ...Ohio 39.40 N. Muakoka, lisike... Ontario 45.0 N. Musquodoboit ....iVova Scotia 44. son. Musselburgh Scotland 55-57 N. Mustagh Pass Himalaya 35.4SN. Mustapha See Algiers. Mustique Island .Grenada 12.53 N. Muswellbrook Ne^v S. Wales.. ..22.16 a. MutaNzige, Lake5ir(^/(Z« Congo..,. 0.30 s. Muthill Scotland s6.20N. Muttaburra Queensland 22.36 s. Mutton ls\.\ni.... Ireland. 52.48 N. Muttra United Prminces^j. 20s. Muzaffarabad Kashmir 34.24N. Muzaffargarh Punjab 30.5 N. Ma2atfarnagar. ... 6'«//^f^ Proz'inces2g.28 N. Muzaftarpur Bengal. 26.7 N. Muzo Colombia 530N. Mweru, Mt British E. Africa 3.20s. Mycena. rmn^... .Greece...... 37-43 N. Mymensingh See Nasirabad. Myrtleford Victoria .36.34 s. Myshall Ireland 52.41 N. Mysore and slaleSoutA India 12.18N. Mythen, Mt Switzerland 47.1 N. Mytho Cochin China.... 10.21 N. Mzensk Russia 53. 17N. Kaab River Germany 49.30 N. Naas Ireland..... 53. 13N. Naauwport Cape Colony 31.18 3. Nabha Punjab 30-25 N- Nablus Palestine 32.11 N. Nacimiento Chile 37.25 S- Nada Island Brit. NewGninea 9.28 s. Nadder River . ...England 51.3 N. Nadendal Finland 60. 32 N. Nadiad ['i^iarmi) .Bombay 22.41 N. Nadiya Bengal 23.25 N. Nafa IJu Kiu Islands.26.12ii. Nafels .Switzerland. 47.7 N. Nafferton England 54.1 N. Naga Hills E.B'galb'Assain26.o N. Nagambie Victoria 37-48 S. Nagapatam Madras 10-45 N. Nagar .Kashmir 36.13 N. Nagar Mysore 13-15 N. Nagar Karnul Hyderabad 16.25 N- Nagasaki Japan 32-48 N. Nagh Hamaili ....^gy// 26.3 N. Nagina United Provinces2q.2TS. Nagles Mts Ireland 52.7 N. Nagold I Viirlemberg 48. 33 N. Nagor Jodhpur 27. 12N. Nagothna Bombay 18.33 N. Nagoya Japan 35.7 N. Kagpur CentralProvinces2i.<^ N. Lon^. Slap 62.28 B. 76-77 10.30 K. 7879 35-0 K- 54-55 42.6 E. 64-55 147-0 E. 119 65.25 w. 95 70. 1 1 w. 95 139.20 E. 121 140.0 E. 121 23.50 E. 8687 144-30 E- 118 148.27 E. 118 150.50 E. 118 88.19 E. 63 142.30 E. 119 8.20 w. 4647 152-30 E. 114-115 0. 15 W. 46-47 153-51 E. 118 13-45 E. 80 15-39 E. 42-43 23.40 E. 60-51 8.48 W. 84 58.36 E. 58 91. 5 w. 100-101 23.15 E. 82-83 131.0 K. 116-117 40.29 E. 60 43-13 E- 78-79 86. 17 w. 102-103 81.52 w. 102-103 79-35 w. 96 63. 10 w. 94 3-3 w. 28-29 75-42 E. 66 61. low. 106-107 150.59 E. 118 29.30 E. 82-83 3-5°w. 28-29 144-31 E. 123 9.32 w. 30-31 77-44 E. 63 73.22 E. 66 71.14 E. 66 77-44 E. 63 85.27 E. 63 74.15 w. 110-111 36.50 E. 82-83 22.45 E. 50-51 146.48 E. 119 6.47 W. 34-35 76.40 E. 65 8,41 E. 44 45 106.21 E. 68-69 36-39 E. 64-65 12.10 E. 40-41 6.39W. 34-36 25.0 E- 86-87 76.9 E. 66 33-17 K. 60 72.15 w. 112-113 153-32 K. 114-115 2.0 \v. 14-16 22.4 E. 64-65 72-55E. 64 88.25 E. 63 127.46 E. 72-73 9-3 E. 44-45 0.23 w. 1617 93-50 E. 63 145.10 E. 119 79-53 E. 65 74.43 E. 66 75-6 E. 66 79.15 E. 66 129.57 E. 75 32.18 E. 81 78.29 E. 63 8.30 W. 3031 8-43 E. 40-41 7348 E. 66 7^.11 E. 64 136.56 E. 75 79-7 E. 63 Lat. Naguabo Porto Rico. 18. ion, Nagy Banya Hungaiy 47.40 N- Nagy Becskerek, . //««^<7ri' 45 22 n, Nagy Enyed Hungaiy 46, i8n. N.agy Kanizsa Hungary 46.28 N, Nagy Karoly Hungary 47,41 N, Nagy Kikinda Hungaiy 4S,5oN. Nagy Koros Hungary 47.x n, Nagy Varad See Grosswardein. Nahe River Germany 49.55N. Nahr-el-Kebir....Sma 34.40N, N.ahr-ez-Zerka Syria 32,12 N. Nahuel-Huapi It. Argentine Rep. ..41.0 s, Naiguata (Mt.).,. Venezuela 10.30N, Naihati Bengal 22,54N. Nailsworth England 5i,42N. Nain Labrador 56.25 N. Nain Palestine 32,36n, Naini Tal United Prorinces2g. 22 N. Nairn Scotland 57-36N. Nairn, co Scotland 57-27 N, N.iirne South Australia. 25-2 S- Naivasha, hxke ..British E. Africa 0,40 s, Najibab.ad ..United Provinces 2^.21 N, Naked Man England 55,8 N, Nakhiclievan Russia 47, 12N. Nakodar Punjab 31.8 N. Nakskov Denmark 54- 50 N. Naktong River ...Korea 35. ion. Nalagarh, s^tate... Punjab 31.2 N. Naldrug Hyderabad 17.49 N. Nalgonda Hyderabad. 17.3 N. Nalon River Spain 43,30N. Namakal Madras ii,i3N. Namangan Ferghana 41.0 N. Namaqualand. ...Ger.S.- W.Africa 25,0 s, Nam-Dinh Tongking 20. 25 x. Nam-Ing (R ) Siam i9,2oN, Nam-Kok (R,)....5(V!OT 20.0 N. N.am-Ling Tibet 29.40 N. Nam-Lui(K, ) Burma 2i,36x. Nam-Mun (R.)....5;a;« 15. i8n. Nam-Nan (W.)....Siam 18.20 N. Namoi River New S. Wales. ...20.^^ a. Namsen Norway 64.30N. Namsen Elf (R). .Noi-ivay 64.34N. Namuka Tonga Islands, ...20.12 a. Namuli Mts Port. E. Africa .1^.20 a. Namur Belgium 50.28N. Nan Hai China 20.0 N. Nanaimo British Columbia\g. 20^. Nanango Queensland 26.41 s. Nan-chang China 28.27N. Nancowry I Nicobar Islands,. 7.58N. Nancy .....France 48.41 N. Nanda Devi {^\t,)Garhwal 30. 23 N. Nandair Hyderabad 19.8 N. Nandgaon Central Provinces20. 39 N. Nandi Uganda 0.5 N. Nandidrug .^lysoie 13.22N. Nandod Bombay 21.54 N. Nanenwar, Mt.... A'ashmir 34-31 N. Nanga Parltat ....A'a^/^/w/r 35.20N. Nangamessi Sumba Island.... 9.0 s. Nan-hsiung-chau China 25.12 N. Nan-kang-fu China 29.32 x. Nan-king China 32.0 N. Nankou Pass China 40.15 N. Nan-kung-hsieii..C^:«a 37-27 N. Nan-ling China 31.3 N. Nan-ling (Mts.)...C/H'«a 26.0 N. Nan-ngan-1'u China 25.30N. Nannine IV. Australia.... 26. S3 a. Nan-ning-fu China 22.43 "• Nanny River Ireland 53-39 N. Nanpara United Pro-oinces2j. 32 N. Nan-sban {Mu) ..Tibet 38-30 "■ Nantawana South Australia. 34.2 8. Nantes France. 47.13N. Nanticoke Pennsylvania 41.14N. Nantua France 46.8 N. Nantucket I Massachusetts 4 1. 14 N. Nantwich England 53.4 N. Nanu Ova Ceylon 7.0 N. Nan-yang-fu China 33.6 N. Nao, Capo Italy 39.0 N. Nao, Capo Spain 33-43N- Napanee Ontario 44.15 N. long. , 66.0 vr. 23.30 E. 20.23 E. 23.41 K. 17.0 K. 22.24 E. 20.30 E. , 19.47 E. 752 E. 36.0 E. 35-55 E. 71.0 w. 66.35 w. 88.28 E. 2.17 W. 62. 15 w. 35.18 w. 79.29 K. 3-52 w. 3 50 w. 138.19 E. 36.24 E. 78.23 E. 2.20W. 39.42 E. 75-31 E. 11.8 E. 128.52 E. 76.43 E. 76.20 E. 79.20 E. 6.8 w. 78-13 E. 71.40 E. 17.0 E. 106.8 E. lOO.O E. 99.50 E. 88.53 E. 100.30 E. 103.0 E. 100.30 E. 150.46 E. 11.43 E. 12.40 E. 174.52 w. 37.0 E. 4.52 E. 115.0 E. 124.0 w. 152.1 E. 115-52 E. 93-40 E. 6. II E. 80. 1 E . 77.21 E. 77-51 E. 35-0 E. 77-44 E- 73-34 E. 74. ,50 E. 74.40 E. 120.10 E. 113-55 E. 116. J2 E. 118.58 E. I16.0 E. 115.30 E. 118.18 E. 110.0 E. 114. E. 118. 19 E. 108.3 E. 6.21 w. 81.33 E. 98.0 E. 138.14 E. 1-33 w- 76.4 w. 5-36 E- 70.5 w. 2.31 w. 80.46 E. 112.35 E. 17.14 E. 0.13 E. 773 'f- Map 106107 4243 42-43 42-43 42 43 42-43 42-43 42-43 40 41 60 60 110-111 110-111 63 18-19 92-93 60 63 2627 26-27 121 82-83 63 16-17 64-55 66 39 75 66 66 65 46-47 65 76-77 86-87 6869 68 69 68-69 72-73 68-69 68-69 68-69 lis 52-63 52-53 114-116 78-79 38 74 98-99 123 74 68-69 36-37 63 66 63 82-83 65 61 66 66 70-71 74 71 74 74 74 74 li 74 122 74 3031 63 72-73 121 3637 102 103 36 37 102 103 18-19 66 74 48-49 46-47 96 9' Nap GENERAL IXDEX Neu Lat. Napier Xcw Zt'aland.,...y^.^^ s. Napien'ille Quebec 45. 12K Naples /ia!y 40.52N. Naples, Bay of ... Italy 40.45N. Napo River Ecuador. 2-3° S. Napoleons I'ictoria 37-37 s. Narandera Xew S. IKa/fj.. ..34.35 .<(. Naranjal Ecuador. 2.33 s. Narayanp.inj E./t'ea/ ir'Assamz^.^J N. Narbada Rivev ...Bombay 22.41 n. Xarbertli ll'a/cs 51.48 N. Narbonne Erance. 43- 11 N. Narellan V«cr 5. Il'n/cj. ...34.0 s. Narenta River ...Hcrzego-cina 43.0 N. Narev River Russia 53.8 N. Naricuai Venezuela lo.o N. Narinda Bay Madagascar 14.30 s. Narnaul Punjat 28.2 N. Narova River Russia 59.8 N. Narrabri New S. Wales.... ^p.iq s. Narracan Victoria 38. 20 s. Narracoorte South Australia. 26. c^z, s. NarragansettBayi?//(?(ftf Island 41.30 N. Narramine A'ew S. IVales. ...32.1^ s. Narridy Soutli Australia. 33.26 s. Narrogin IK A ustralia ....32.55s. Narsiughgarh Bhopal 23.44 N. Narsingbpur Central Proviitcei22.^tii. Narva Russia 59-22 n. Naseby. England 52.24 x. Naseby New Zealand ....45.0 s. Nasb Point Wales 51-23 N. i^asbua A^ew Hampshire. ^2.^^ N. Na.shville Tennessee 36.Q N. Nasbwack River .Aetf Brunswick .46.7 N. Nasik Bombay iQ.5qN. Nasirabad E.Ii.fal&'Assam24.46ii. Nasirabad RaJ/>utana 26.19 ^- Nassarawa Nigeria S-30N'. Nassau Bahama Islands. 2^.0 n. Nassau Germany 50. 18 N", Nassau^ Cape A'ovaya Zemlya -.76.33 N. Nasse River British Columbia^^.2s N. Natal Brazil 5. 48 s. Natal, colony South Africa 29.0 s. Natashquanliarb. (^//t-^tfc 5o.i6>'. Natchez Mississippi 31.34N. Natchitoches Louisiana 31.45N. Nathalia Victoria 36.5 s. Na-ti-cbau China 24.42 N. Natick Massachusetts 42. 17.\. Natimuk Victoria 36-32 s. Natiou.al City California 32.30N. Natte Yallock .... Victoria 36.56 s. Natuua Islands. ..ffl.t/ //ii//Vj 4.0 N. Naturaliste, C. ... IK Australia.. ..33.2% s. Nauen Prussia 52.37 N. Naugatuck Connecticut. 40. 28 x. Naubeampatepetl. See Cofre de Perote. Naul Ireland 53-35^'- Naumburg Prussia 51-11 N. NaumV>urg Prussia 51- n N- Nauplia Greece 37-33 ^*' Nauplia. Gulf oL. Greece 37.25 N. Nauri, Mt Upper Senegal. ...11.30^. Nauta Peru 4.2 s. Nauvoo Illinois 40.35 X. Navan Ireland 53.38N. Navan South A ustralia. 3^.13 s. Navarin \s\iinii ....4rgentineRef....^i.o s. Navarino Greece 36.54N. Navarra, prov. ...Spain 42.35 x. Navarre Victoria 36. 52 s. Naver, Loch Scotland. 58. i8n. Navia River Spain 43.20 N. Navigator Islauds/^aiT^i.- Ocean 14.0 a. Nawa Palestine 3^-53 N. Nawalgarb Jaipur 27.51 N. Nawalgund Bombay ^5-33 N- Nawanagar Bombay 22.27N. Nawargaon Central Provinces2o. 16 N. Nawashahr Punjab 31.8 K. Nasos Island Greece 37.5 N. Nayland England 50.58 N. Na-yu Korea 35.0 N. Nazareth Palestine 32.42 N. Naze, The E?igland 51. 5-' .v. Naze. The Nuiway 58.0 X. Long. 176.55 E. 73.30 w. 14.15 E, 14.15 E. 73. 10 W. 143-50 E. 146-35 E. 79.27 w. 90.32 E. 81.49 E. 4.48 W. 3.0 E. 150.46 E. 17.30 E. 21-45 E. 64.46 w. 47-40 E. 76.14 E. 28.0 E. 149.45 E. 146.14 E. 140.48 E. 71.25 W. 148.17 E. 138.19 E. 117.12 E. 77.8 E. 79.15 E. 28.6 E. 0.59 \v. 170.20 E. 3-34 w. 71.53 w. 86.48 \v. 66. 38 w. 73-50 E. 90.27 E. 74-47 E. 7-40 E. 77.30 w. 7-46 E. 62.57 E. 129.0 w. 35- 13 w. 30.0 B. 61.44 ^v. 91.20 w. 93-7 w. 145-13 E- 107-24 E. 71.20 w. 141.38 E. 117.8 W, 143.30 E. 108.0 E. 114.59 E. 12.49 E. 73.2 w. 6. 17 w. 11.49 E. 15.23 E. 22.48 E. 22.55 E. 1.12 W. 73. 28 W. 91.20 w. 6.42 w. 138.45 K. 67.30 w. 21-43 E. 2.0 w. 143.8 E. 4.20 w. 6.20 w. 172.0 w. 36.6 E. 75-18 E. 75-25 E. 70.7 E. 80.18 E. 76.10 E. 25.30 E. 0.53 E. 127.0 E. 35.20 E. 1.18 E. 7.2 E. Map 126-127 95 48-49 4849 110-111 119 118 110111 63 64 18-19 36-37 118 42-43 64-55 109 7879 66 54-55 118 119 121 102-103 118 121 122 64 63 64-55 20-21 126-127 14-15 102-103 104 94 64 63 66 78-79 106-107 40-41 6 98-99 110-111 86-87 92-93 104 104 119 72-73 102-103 119 105 119 70-71 122 40-41 102-103 32-33 40-41 40-41 5051 50-51 84 110-111 100101 32 33 121 110-111 50-61 46-47 119 24-25 4647 114-115 60 66 64 64 63 66 5061 20-21 75 60 14-15 52-53 Lat, Lung. ilap Nazzaro, San. Italy 45.5 n. 8.54 e. 48-49 Ndara Ger.S.-VV..4fricai&.o s. 21.30 E. 78-79 Neau'h, Lough-. ../ri/am/. 54.40N. 6.25"-. 30-31 Nealo River South Australia.z7.18s. 135.25 E. 121 Neanderthal Prussia 51.15 x. 7.0 E. 40-41 Neapolis Greece 36.30K. 23.5 E. 60-51 Neath IVales 51.39N. 3.48 \v. 18-19 Neath River Wales 51.42X. 3-43W. 14-15 Nebo Queensland. 21.41 s. 148.44 E. 123 Nebo, Mt Palestine. 31.42 x. 35.42 E. 60 Nehraska, &Uile..i'nited States 41. ox. 100.0 w. 100-101 Nebraska City ...A'ebraska 40.40X. 95.95VV. 100-101 Nebraska River.. AV^;'tzj^ti 40.50X. 99.40 w. 100-101 Neby Samuil Palestine 31.48X. 35.12E. 60 Neches, River .... TVa'dj 31.10X. 94.5o\v. 104 Neckar River Germany 49.18 N. 9.14 e. 40-41 Needham 'M-c^v\iQtEngland 52.9 X. 1.3 u-. 20 21 Needles, The California 34.45X. 114.38 w. 105 Needles, The England 50.39 x. 1.36 \v. 14-18 Neerwindeu Belgium 50.46X. 5.2 E. 38 Nefud, The 4rabia 27.0 K. 42.0 e. 60 Negapatam Madras ]o.46x. 79.53 E. 05 Negeb, The Palestine 31.0 N. 34.40 E. 60 Negoi, Mount Hungaty 45.35^'. 24.30 E.; 42-43 Negombo Ceylon 7.12X. 79.50 E. 65 Negowac A'ew Brunsuiici.. 47.16 ti. 65.6 w. 94 Negrais, Cape....i?;/«nj 15.56X. 94.8 E. 68-69 Negriiiemhilnn.. Malay Peninsula 2.40 N. 102.20 E. 68-69 Negro, Rio Argentine Rep. ..40.0 s. 64.0 w. 112-113 Negro, Rio Brazil 0.0 65.0 w. 110-111 Negroponte I Greece 38.30X. 23.50 e. 50-51 Negros Island ..../'/;!7////Hfi /j lo.o X. 122. 55 e. 70-71 Neh Persia 3i.3ox. 60.0 E. 58 ^eha.Mel'E.h'e-c. ...Palestine. 31.36N. 35.42 E. 60 Neheim Prussia 51.29X. 8.0 E. 40-41 Neilborough Victoria 36.35 S. 144.16 E. 119 Neilston Scotland 55.48 X. 4.26 w. 28-29 Neisse River Gennany 51.30X. 15.0 E. 40-41 Neiva Colombia 3-23X. 75-30\v. 110-111 Nejd 4rabia 26.0 X. 43.30 e. 58 Nejef 4iiatic Turkey. ..32.0 X. 44.28 E. 60 Nejran Arabia 17.45 x. 44-30 E. 58 Nejran Palestine 32,22X. 36.29 E. 60 Nelligen .Vna 5. IKa/fj... .34.45 s. 150.5 E. 118 Nellore Madras 14.26X. £0.1 E. 65 Nels Poort Cape Colony 32.10s. 23.5 E. 86-87 Nelson British Columbia^r). 33s. 117 :o \v. 98-99 Nelson England 53.50X. 2.12W. 16-17 Nelson New Zealand ....41.17 s. 173.19 E. 126-127 Nelson Victoria 38.3 s. 141.2 E. 119 Nelson, prov New Zealand ....42.0 s. 172.15 E. 126-127 Nelson River N.-W. Territrs.,cja.3^-s. 95.0 w. 92-93 Nemi, Lake Italy 41.43X. 12.42 E. 48-49 Nemours 4lgeria 35.6 x. 153 w. 80 Nemours France 48.14X. 2.42 E. 36-37 Nen River England 52.14X. 1.0 w. 14-15 Nenagh Ireland 52.52X. 8.12 w. 34-35 Nenthead England 54.47 N. 2.22 w. 16-17 Neosho Missouri 36.56X. 94.25 w. 104 Neosho River Kansas 38.50X. 95.48 \v. 100-101 Nepal, state North India 28. o X. 84.0 E. 63 Nepean, Yo\ut. ...Victoria 38.20s. 144.40 E. 119 Nepean River New S.Wales 34.0 s. 150.44 E. 118 Nephin Beg Mt. .//y/cK.^ 54.1 X. 9.44". 30-31 Nephin, Mount. ..//-eVtiWf/ 54.1 x. 9.22\v. 30-31 Nepisquit River.. A'isif/ i>rKwJ2i'U".^. 47.25 X. 66.0 w. 94 Neptune Islands. Sca/A --iK.f//c//a. 35,18 s. 136.5 e. 121 Nerac Erance 44.9 N. 0.21 E. 36-37 Nerang Queensland 27.58 s. 153.23 E. 123 Nerchinsk Asiatic Russia. ..^2.5 N. ii-.o E. 76-77 Nerekhta Russia 57.29X. 40.35 K. 54-55 Neretva River. ...//«se;fi«/;«<2 43.30X. 18.8 E. 42-43 Nerone, Mte Italy 43.33^". 12.30 E. 48-49 Nerrigundab A^ewS. IVales 36.3 s. 149.55 E. 118 Nerur .Madras 11.0 x. 7S.12E. 65 Ness, Loch Scotland 57.15X. 4.30\v. 24-25 Neston England 53.18N. 3.4 \v. 18-19 Nestved Denmark 55.l3^'- ii-45 E. 39 Nesvizh Russia 53.16X. 26-42 E. 54-55 Nethou, Pie de ...5/f2/w, 6-v 42.40 x. 0.40 E. 46-47 Nethybridge Scotland 57,i7N. 3.4ow. 26-27 Netley England 50.53N- 1-22 w. 18-19 Neto River Italy 39.15 N. 17.9 E. 48-49 Nettilling, LaUe ..^rt^«/£277(/ 66.10X. 73.0 a-. 92-93 Netze Brucb Prussia 52.45X. 15.30 E. 40-41 Netze River Prussia 53.5 K. 16.56 E. 40-41 Netzschkau Saxony 50.37X. 12,14 E. 40-41 'SeaBrandenburgMeciiettburg 53.32K 13.15 E. 40-41 Neu GENERAL INDEX New Lat. Long. Neu Breisach Prussia 48.3 N. 7.28 E. Neu Haunover I.Bismarck Arch. . 2.38 s. 150.0 E. Neu Mecklen- burg Island Bismarck Arch. . 4.0 s. 153.0 E. '^Q\iVoWi'aiGxn\. .Bismarck Arch. . 6.0 s. 150.0 E. Neu Sandeo Austria 49-43 N. 20.44 E. Neu Strelitz Germany 53.20N. 13.3 e. Nea U'lm Bavaria 48.22N. lo.o E. Neuburg Prussia 48.43 N. 11. 11 E. Neuchatel and canton Switzerland 47.0 N. 6.55 e. Neuclidtel, L. oi. Switzerland. 46.55 N. 6.50 E. Neufahi wasser.../*raj.r:a 54.24N. 18.39 E. Neufcbatel France 49.44N. 1.26 E. Neuhiiiisel Hungary 47.59N. 18.10 E. Neuhausen Switzerland. 47.41 N. 8.35 E. Neuilly See Pari^, Neumarkt Austria 4g.29N. 20.1 E. Neumiinster Prussia 54.4 N. 9.59 E. Neunkirchen Prussia 49.20N'. 7.9 E. Neuquen River. ...4;^(?«/iKf .A'^ ...39.0 s. 69.0 w. Neurode Prussia 50.35 X. 16.30 E. Neusatz Hungary 45.16N. 19.33 ^'-■ Neuse Kivcr North. Carolina. .^^.o N. 76.40 w. Neusiedler h:i\<.e. Hungary 47.50N. 16.44 E. Neusohl Hungary 48.45 X. 19.10 K. Neuss Prussia 51.12X. 6.41 e. Neustadt Prussia 54.38\. 18.13 ]■;. Neustadt Prussia 50.20N. 17.34 i" Neutra Hungary 48.19N. 18.5 E. Neutra Gebirge..//wH^i2rj' 49.0 N. 18.20 E. Neutral Bay Mew S. JKi/w... .33.51 s. 151.13 E. Neuwerk \^2L\\'\..Mecklejibuig 53-55 N. 8.30 E. Neuwied Prussia 50.26N. 7.29 E. Neva River Russia 59.48 x. 30.45 E. Nevada, state United States ....2,9.0 X. 117.0 w. NevadodeColimaJ/^jiriVt? 19.25X. 103.33 w. Nevadode lLo\\xca.Mexico ig.ii N. 99.25 \v. Nevers France. 47.0 N. 3.9 E. Novertire New S. Wales ...;i-i.c,i s. 147.45 E. Nevian.sk Russia 57.30 X. 6.31 E. Neville's Cross England 54-45 X. 1.37 w. Neviu Wales 52.57N. 4.31 w. Nevis Island Lxeuuard Islands. \j.^ N. 62.35 \v. Nevis, Loch Scotland 57.0 X. 542 w. New Abbey Scotland 54-59X. 3.37 w. New Albany Indiana 38.18X. 85.46 w. New Almaden ....California 37.21 X. 121.47 w. New Amsterdam. .5/-i//jA G«/a//ii.. 6.8 X. 57.24 w. New Amsterdam Island Indian Ocean 39.0 s. 78.0 K. New Angledool...A'«i; S. 11 a/t-j-...29.i s. 147.3 E. New Bedford Massachusetts ....j^s..^,'^ x. 70.59 w. New Benin Nigeria S-S^x. 5.7 E. New Berne North Carolina. .-^^.4 x. 77.13 w. New BirminglKim/7f/a/:(/ 52.37X. 7.38 w. New 'Bolm'^hroX^aEngland 53.7 X. 0.3 w. New Brighton.. ..£'«.°'/j«c\i.. ...Scotland 55.24 x. 4.11 w. New Deer Scotland 57-3i X. 2.12 w. New Edinburgh. .0«/a/-/i) 45.22X. 75.42 w. New En-land Ra.A'«i) 5. ira/«...30.o s. 151.50 E. New Fore.st England 50.50X. 1.38 w. 'Hail GiiWoway... .Scotland 55.5 X. 4.9 w. New Georgia I ....5«e Malaita. New Germany. ....Vo>7/a 5<:a/("a 44.5 X. 65.5 w. New Glasgow Nova Scotia 45.36X. 62.40 w. New Guatemala.. G«a/ev«a/d 14.36X. 90.30W. New Guinea I Pacific Ocean 5.0 X. 140.0 E. New Hampshire.. f//nVv. 32-33 7. 22 w. 32-33 7.23 w. 32-33 3.10 w. 2829 22.30 E. 78-79 114.34 E. 74 II7.0 E. 74 119.36 E. 74 II7.5 B. 74 II2.31 E. 74 105. i3 E. 72-73 96-33 E. 72-73 170.45 E. 126-127 I75.II E. 126127 13.48 E. 78-79 175.40 E. 126127 37.30 E. 8283 141.25 E. 119 82.30 E. 72-73 79.9 w. 96 121.30 K. 122 79-5 w. 102-103 13-30 E. 82-83 97.30 E. 70-71 85.0 w. 106-107 85. 20 -w 106-107 16.22 E. 48-49 7.18 E. 36-37 56.50 \\\ 109 18.58 E. 60-61 93-0 E. 68-69 72.33 w. 96 33.10 E. 60 84.4s w. 106-107 43-5 ''- 112-113 1.20 w. 14-16 8.51 K. 40-41 14.0 E. 42-43 754 E. 40-41 21.50 E. 54-55 8.20 E. 40-41 7.30 E. 44-45 31-57 E. 64-65 2.44 E. 38 21.45 E. 86-87 3.30 E. 36-37 4.47 E. 38 6.0 E. 84 Lat. Nigeria, N. & %., Africa 10.0 N. Nigg Scotland 57-43 N- Nightcaps Neio Zealand... ..4~,.$$ s. Nihon See Nippon. Ni-igata Japan 37.50N. Nije Mts Turkey 40.55 n. Nijmegen Holland 51.51 ^'. Nijni Kolynisk ...Siberia 68.48 K. Nijni Novgorod ..Russia 56.0 n. Nijni Tagilsk Russia 57-59 N- Nikaria Island Turkey 37-35 N. Nikki French Sudan 9.36 N. Nikko Japan 36.38 N. Nikolaiev Russia 47.7 n. Nikolaievsk Siberia 53-15 N- Nikolaistad Russia 63. 10 N. Nikolsburg Austria 48.49 N. Nikopoli Bulgaria 43.42 n. Nile River Egypt 27.0 N. Nile, Delta of the£"^// 31.30N. Niles Michigan 41. 53 N- Nilgiri Hills Madras 11. 12 N. Nilly, Lough Ireland 54.i5X. Nimach Central India ....24.27 n. Nimeguen See Nijmegen. Nimes France 43-51 N. Nimitybelle A'ew S. Wales ....-^.2.% s. Ninirud Dagh Asiatic Turkey ..;^^.ept;. Ninemilehouse. . . . Ireland 52. 28 N. Ninety Mile Beach A'eiu Zealand. 44.0 s. Nineveh, ruins Asiatic Zwr/rr ..36.24 N". Ning-bsia-fu China 38.30N. Ning-kwo China 30.43 N. Ning-po China 29.42 x. Ninguta Manchuria 44-27 N. Niobrara Nebraska 42.44 N. Niort France 46.19N. Nio3 Island Greece 36. 42 N. Nipe Cuba 20.40 N. Nipigon, Lake ...Ontario 50.0 N. Nipisiguit Bay....AV2^ Brunswick .^j. 4^ n. Ni pissing Ontario 46. 15 N. Nipissing Lake , . . Ontario 46. 16 n. Nippon Japan 36.0 K. Nirmal Hyderabad 19.5 N. Nish Servia 43.27N. Nishapur Persia 36.8 N. Nisyros Island.. ,..^im//r T'wr-t^ ..36.33 n, Nith River Scotland 54-59N. Niti Pass United Provinces^o.^^ n. Ni velles Belgium 50. 36 n. Nivernais, -groy ... France 47.8 N. Nizam patani Madras i5- 54 N. Nizam's Domi- nions India 18.0 N. Noakhali E.B'gal&'Assam22.4Sii. Noarlunga South Australia .35.10 s. Nobber Ireland 53-49 N. Nocera Italy 40.44 X. Nodaway River ..Missouri 40.20N. Nogal River Somaliland. lo.o N. Nogat River Prussia 54.5 N. Nogent-le-Retrou/^rawiTtr 48. 19 n. Nogent-sur-Seine /V'iiwfT^ 48. 29 n. Nohaval Irelaftd 52.43 n. Noire, Mont France 43.30N. Noirmoutier 1 France 47.0 N. Noissevillc Lorraine 49.8 N. Nola Italy 40.54N. Nolinsk Russia S7-30N. Nong-khai Siam 17. 48 N. Nonni River Manchuria 48.0 N. Noongal W. Australia 27.50 s. Noorat Victoria 38.14 s. Nootka Sound.... Vancouver I. 49.35N. Noradjuba Victoria 36.54 s. Norbury England 53-23 N. Nord, dep France 50. 20 N. Nord Fjord Notway 61.58 N. Norderney I Prussia 53.43 N. Nordbausen Prussia 51. 30 N. Nordkyn, Ca.pri...A'orway 71.0 N. Nordrach.. Baden 48.23N. Nore, The England 51.28 N. Nore River Ireland. 52.55N. Norfolk Virginia 36.50N. Norfolk, CO England.. 52.42 n. Long. Slap 8.0 E. 78-79 4.0 w. 26-27 168.2 E. 126-127 139.0 E. 75 21.55 E. 60-51 5-33 E. 38 161.0 E. 7677 44.0 E. 54-65 60.19 E. 54-55 26.10 E. 60-51 3.10 E. 84 139.30 E. 75 32.0 E. 6455 140.22 E. 76-77 21.45 E. 6455 16.38 E. 42-43 24.53 E. 60-51 31.0 E. 81 30.20 E. 81 86. 14 w. 102-103 76.18 E. 66 7.50 w. 30-31 74-49 E. 64 4.2: E. 36-37 149.17 E. 118 42.10 E. 60 7.27 w. 34-35 171.45 E. 126-127 43-15 E. 60 106.20 E. 72-73 118.51 E. 74 121.21 E. 74 129.40 E. 72-73 98.0 W. 100-101 0.27 w. 36-37 25.20 E. 5051 75-44 w. 106107 87. 30 w. 92-93 6535 w. 94 79.45 w. 96 80.0 w. 96 1350 E. 75 78.24 E. 65 21.59 E. 50-51 58.40 E. 58 27.12 E. 60 3 33«'- 2425 79.52 E. 63 4.19 E. 38 3-30 E. 36-37 80.43 E. 66 78.0 E. 65 91.8 E. 63 138.29 E. 121 6.46 w. 32-33 14.38 E. 4849 05. w. 100-101 49.0 E. 78-79 19.7 E. 40-41 0.48 E. 36-37 330 E. 36-37 8.23 w. 34-35 2.10 E. 36-37 2.15 W. 36-37 6.17 E. 40-41 14.32 E. 48-49 49.57 E. 64-65 102.42 E. 68-69 124.30 E. 72-73 116.47 E. 122 142.57 E. 119 126.35 w. 98-99 141-53 E. U9 2.3 W. 16-17 3.20 E. 36-37 6.0 E. 62-63 7.11 E. 40-41 10.48 E. 40-41 27.50 E. 52-63 8.5 E. 4041 0.48 E. 14-15 7.45 w. 30-31 76. 23 w. 102-103 1.0 E. 20-21 94 Nor GENERAL INDEX Obi Lat. Norfolk IsXtiTid.... Pacific Ocean 29.1 s. Norham England 55-43 N". Noric Alps A ustria~H angary j^-j.-j N. Norraan River Queensland. 17.40 s. Norman by England 54- 13 N- Normanby New Zealand 39.27 s. Normanby Queensland 20. 40 s. Normanby Hiver, Queensland 15.0 s. Normandy France 49.0 n. Normanton England 53-42 N. Normanton Queensland 17.38 s. Normanville South Australia. '^^.2-j s. Norran River Queensland 29.0 s. Norristowii Pennsylvania 40.6 N. Norrkdpiii^' Sweden 58. 35 N. Norrland, prov. . . Sweden 63. 58 n. Norseman W. Australia 32.5 s. Norsewood Netv Zealand 40.5 s. North Adams Massachusetts 42.41 N. North ^QTwxcV ...Scotland 56.3 n. North Berwick Law Scotland 56.3 N. North, Cape Nova Scotia 47.2 n. North Cape Iceland 66.30 N. North Cape New Zealand ....34.27 s. North Cape Norway 71.10N. North Cape Prince Edward I .^j .^ N. North Q^XQ^xxi^... United States ....35.45 N. North Channel ...Ireland 5S-i6n. North Cornwall 1. North America ..76.40 n. North Devon I... M- IK Terrztrs..7S-o N. North Downs England 5t.i7N. North-East hand Spitsdergen 80.0 N. North-EastValleyA'fii' Zealand... ..^S-o s. North 'Foreland.. E?igland 51-23 N. North Island New Zealand. ...."^^.o, s. North Islands Japan 28.0 N. North Lincoln.... A'.- tr. Ter7-itrs..'](i.£,siA. North '^^s^ion... England.. 51.54N. North Pine Queensland 27.16 s. North Sea England 54.0 N. North Shields. . .« England 55.0 N. North Somerset. N.-W. Territrs.-i^.^p'^. North Sound Ireland 53. ion. North Uiat I Scotland 57-36 N. North Walsham. . England 52. 19 N. North-West Cape IK. A ustralia... .zi. so s. North-West Frontier Province India 34.0 n. North-West Ter- ritories Canada. 60.0 N. Northallerton .. . . . England 54. 21 n. Northam iV. Australia.. ..$1.40 3. Northampton Massachusetts 42.14N. Northampton \V. Australia....2S.22 3. Northampton and CO England 52.15 N. Northcote Queensla nd. 1 6. 54 s. Northcote Victoria 37-4^ S. Northdown Tasmania 41.10 S. Northern Territory of S. Australia. 17.0 s. Northfield Slinnesota 44.28 N. Nortbfleet England 51.26N. Northleach England 51.50N. Northo wram England 53- 44 N. Northumberland. £"w^/a«t^ 55- 3° N. Northumberland. AVzi/ Brunswick .47.8 N. Northumberland. 0«/i2W 44. ion. Northumberland, Cape South Australia. ^S-S S. Northumberland Islands Queensland, 21.23 S. Northumberland Strait New Brunswick .46.1^ N. Northwiuh England 53 16 n. Norton Queensland 24. 20 8. Norton Sound . . ..Alaska 64.0 N. Norton Summit. .5t7wM Australia. -^4. ^^ s. Nerval I'ictoria 37- 16 s. Norwalk Connecticut 41.6 n. Norway, Qoxmivy. Europe 62.0 N. Norwich Cofinecticut 41-32 N. Norwich England 52.38N. Noaob River Ger.S.'\V.Africa2$.is 3- Nosa Head Scotland 58.28 n. Nossi B6 Madagascar 13.0 8. Noto Sicily 36.54N. Note, Cape Japan 37-35 N. Long. Jlap 167.56 K. H4115 2.9 w. 16-17 13.20 E. 4243 141.30 E. 123 0. 52 w. 16-17 174.15 E. 126-127 I4S.9 1:. 123 144.20 E. 123 0.0 36-37 1.25 w. 16-17 141.23 K. 123 138.22 i:. 121 148.0 1;. 123 75 23 "•• 102-103 16.10 E. 62-63 16.0 E. 62-63 121.75 E. 122 175-47 n- 126-127 73.8 XV. 102-103 2.43 w. 28 29 2.42 «■. 28-29 60.25 "'■ 94 22.30 w. 8-9 173.0 E. 126-127 25.46 E. 52-53 64. 1 \V. 94 80. w. 104 6.0 w. 30-31 95.0 w. 9293 86.0 w. 92-93 0.0 14-16 23.0 E. 6 1770 K. 126-127 1.27 E. 14-15 176.0 B. 126-127 129.Q B. 75 82.0 W. 92-93 o-53™- 20-21 1530 K. 123 1.0 K. 14-15 1.26 w. 16-17 93.30 w. 92-93 9.40 w. 3031 7.20 w. 2425 1.23 E. 20-21 I14.O E. 116-117 72.0 E. 66 IIO.O w. 92-93 1.26 w. 16-17 116.40 E. 122 72.39 w. 102103 114.37 E. 122 0.54 w. 20-21 145-3 E. 123 145-3 K. 119 146.32 E. 120 134.0 E. 116117 93-9 w. 100-101 0.21 E. 20-21 1.50 W. 18-19 1-49 w. 16-17 2.0 w. 16-17 66.0 w. 94 7S.0 w. 96 140.37 E. 150.0 E. 121 123 64.0 w. 94 2.31 w. 1819 151.16 E. 123 162.0 w. 9091 138.44 E. 121 142.52 1-:. 119 73, 26 w. 102103 lO.O E. 52-63 72.6 \v. 102-103 1.15 E. 20-21 20.30 E. 86-87 3-4 w. 24 26 48.0 E . 7879 15.4 E. 4849 137.32 E. 75 Notre Dame Bay. Neufoundland ...^g.^c, n. Notre Dame Mts.Quedec 48.28 n. Nottawasaga Bay Ontario 44-40 N. Nottingham & co. England 52. 57 N. Notwani River ...Bechuanaland,...z4.o 3. Nou Island Nezv Caledonia ..22.16 s. Noumea New Caledonia ..22.17 S- Nova Scotia Canada 45.0 n. Novaya Zem\ytt...Pussia 71,0 N. Novara Italy 45-32 N. Novgorod Russia 58.36 n. Novi Bosnia 45.4 n. Novi Italy 44.45 N. Novibazar Bosn ia 43. 4 n. Novo Georgie vsk. Russia 52. 26 N. Novo Hedondo ...Angola 10.8 s. Novocherkask ....Russia 47.27 N. Novorossiisk Russia 44-43 N. Nowgong £. B'ga I &= A ssam26. 16 N. Nowra New S. IVales...^^.^! 3. Noyon France 49- 33 N. Nubeena Tasmania 43-5 S. Nubia, country... A^orM Africa ig.o n. Nubian Desert. ...A^t7rM Africa 21.0 n. Nudgee Tasmania 27.24 s. Nueces River Texas 28.10N. Nue vitas Cuba 21.31 N. Nuevo Leon, state .l/f.viV(? 25.30N. Niifenen S'untzerlafid 46.32 N. Nuka-Hiva I Marquesas Is 8.55 a. Nukha Russia 4 1 . 1 o N. Nullagine W. Australia.... 21. z^^ s. NuUarbor Plain.. IV, Australia. ...y^.ya^. Numeralla New S. Wales.... ■^fi.') 8. Numurkah Victoria 37.5 3. Nun, Cape Marocco 29.40 N. Nu-na-tak River .Alaska 68. 30 n. Nundle New S. li'ales ....21.30 a. Nuneaton England 52.32 N. Nunez, River French Guinea... 10.40 a, Nuoro Italy 40. 1 9 N. Nupe Nigeria 9.20N. Nuremberg Germany 49.27N. Nuriootpa South A ustralia . 34. 30 s. Niirnberg Germany 49. 27 N. Nurney Ireland 52.45N. Nusa-laut (I.) Moluccas 3-40 8. Nutrias Venezuela 7.33 N. Nuyt's Arch South Australia. 32.40^. Nyangwe Belgian Congo 4.5 s. N y asa, Lake Nyasa land 1 3. o 8. Nyaungdun Burma 17.2 n. Nyaungywe Burma 20.40N. Nyborg Denmark 55-19^. Nyika Plateau.... Gtv. E. Africa... 4.45 s. Ny iregyhaza Hungary 47- 58 N. Nykjobing Denmark 54-46 N. Nykoping Sweden 58.45 N. Nylstroom Transvaal 24.42 s. Nymagee New S. Wales.... 32.3 s. Nyngan New S. Wales 31.40 s. Nyon Switzerland. 46.23N. Nyong River Kamerun 3.40 N. Nystad Finland 6Q.50N. Oahu Island Sandwich Is 21.18N. Oaichtagani haV^Quebec 50.5 N. Oajaca Mexico 17.5 N. Oakbank South A ustralia. 34. s^S. Oakengates England 52.42 N. Oakham England 52.42 N. Oakland California 37- 5°^- Oaklands South A ustralia. $5. 5 s. Oakleigh J'ictoria 37-54S- Oakville Texas, 28.23 n. Oakworth England 53-51 N. Oamaru New Zealand. ....4^-^ S- Oatland-'i Tasmania 42.28 s. 0. B. Flat South A ustralia. 27-53 ^■ Oban Ne7v Zealand 46.52 s. Oban Scotland 56.24 N. Obdorsk Russia 66.30N. Ober-Aminergan. Gerfnany 47-35 N- Oberland S^vitzerland 46.30N. Oberon New S. Wales ....33.40 S. Obi, Gulf of Siberia 70.0 N. Obi River Siberia 62.0 N. Long. JUap 55-25 w. 94 67.45W. 95 80.30 w. 96 1.8 w. 20-21 26.30 E. 86-87 166.26 E. 114-116 166.27 E. 114-116 64.0 w. 94 S5-0 E. 64-55 8-35 E. 48-49 31-17 E. 54-55 16.25 E. 42-43 8.46 E. 4849 20.35 E. 4243 20.47 K. 54-65 13.45 E. 82-83 40.12 E. 5465 37.46 E. 64-65 92.48 E. 63 150.43 E. 118 2.56 E. 36-37 147.47 E. 120 30.0 E. 78-79 34.0 E. 78-79 153-4 E. 120 97-54 w- 100-101 77.20 -w. 106-107 99.40 w. 108 9.14 E. 44-45 140.5 w. 114-115 47.10 E. 54-65 120.53 K. 116-117 I2Q.O E. 116117 149-27 E. 118 145.26 E. 119 II.O W. 80 157.0 W. 90-91 151 5 E. 118 1.28 w. 20-21 14.38 w. 84 9.21 E. 43-49 5.0 E. 84 11.5 E. 40-41 139.0 E. 121 II.5 E. 40-41 6.54 W. 34-35 128.48 E. 7071 69.0 w. 110111 132.40 E. 121 26.25 E. 82-83 35-0 E. 82-83 95.43 E. 68-69 96-59 E. 68-69 10.47 E. 39 38.50 E. 82-83 21.40 E. 42-43 11.52 E. 39 17.1 E. 52-53 29.12 E. 8687 146.20 E. 118 147.20 E. 118 0.15 E. 4445 10.40 E. 8283 21.30 E. 54 65 157,51 W. 128 71.0 w. 9293 96.30W. 103 138.52 E. 121 2.28 w. 1819 0.44 w. 20-21 122.15 w. 105 137-35 E. 121 145-7 K. 119 98.0 w. 104 1.57 w. 16-17 171. 1 E. 126-127 147.22 E. 120 140.44 E. 121 168.5 K- 126-127 5.27 w. 2829 67.20 E, 5455 II.4 E. 40 41 7.42 E. 44 46 149.51 E. 118 74.0 E. 76-77 67.0 E. 7677 95 Obi GENERAL IXDEX One Lat. Obitlos Brazil 2.7 s. Obley A'eio S. Wales ...32 44 s. Obock Gulf of Adun 12.0 n. Obra River Germany 52.25 N. O'Briensbndge ...Ireland 52.45 N. Obshchy i-irt Russia 52.0 N. Obvinsk Russia 58.22 N. Ocana Spain 39- 56 N. Ocean Grovo A'e7V Jen-ey 40.15 N. Ocean Grove Victoria 38.15 3. Ocbil Hills Scotland 56.15 x. Ochiltree Scotland 55.28 X. OcUriiia and \jx\iQTitrkey 41. 11 N. Ock, River England 51.40N. Ocmulgee 'KKyQv,. Georgia 31.56N. Oconee River Georgia 33. 20 N. O'Connell Neiv S. U'rt/^^.. ..33.34 s. Oconto River Wisconsin 45. ion. Ocos Guatemala 14.30N. Ocotal Nicaragua 13-35 N. Ocreza River Portugal 39.40 n. Odde Nonvay 60.8 n. Odenburg Hungary 47-41 N- Od ense Den ma rk 55- 23 N. Odenwald Germany 49- 40 N. Odeondo N. Nigeria 7.3 n. Oder River Austria 49-40 N. Oder River Germany 53.0 n. Odessa Russia 46.28 n. Odiham... England 51.16N. Odoiov Russia 53S8n. Odoli Manchuria 43.45 N. Odyi River South Rhodesia..ic).io?i. Oeiras Brazil 7.5 s. Oeiras Portugal 38.41 X. Oel Dhakwa United Provinceszy.^i s. Oels Prussia 51.12N. Oeta, Mount Greece 38.48 N. Oetanata IX'wer... Dutch N Guinea 4.33 s. Oetzthaler A\ps.. Austria 46.47 N. Ofanto River Italy 41.15N. Ofen (Buda) Hungary 47.30N. Ofen, Mt Switzerland. 46.52 N. Ofifenbach Darmstadt 50.7 N. Offenburg Baden 48.27N. Ofoten Fjord A'or-way 68,3oN. Ogallala Nebraska 41.9 N. Ogasawara-jinia, See Benin Islands. Ogden Utah 41.13N. Ogdensburti: Nezu York 44-39 N- Ogeechee River ..Georgia 32.30N. Oglio River Italy 45.5 N. Ognon River France 47.20N. Ogowe River French Congo 4.0 N. O'Grad y, Lougli. . Ireland 52. 54 N. Ogulin Hungatj 45.ISN. Ogust River Bulgaria 43. 30 N. Qgiita S. Nigeria S.46N. O-Gyala Hungary 47.S2N. Ohaeawai New Zealand 35-20 s. Ohau New Zealand . ...40.40 s. Obaupo New Zealand..... -7,^.1^ S. Ohio, state United States 41.0 x. Ohio River Kentucky 37.16N. Ohiwa New Zealand..... 27. S^ S. Ohlau Prussia 50.56N. Ohrdruf Gotha 50.48 X. Oich, Loch Scotland 57.4 X. Oil City Pennsylvania 41.27K. Oil Islands See Chagos Islands. Oilgate Ireland 52.26X. Oise, dep France 49.20N. Oise River France 49'54N. Oitosz Pass Hungaiy 46.8 N. Oka River Russia 55-57N. Okaihau New Zealand 35 15 S. Okanagan Hivav.. British Columbia^g.o X. Okato New Zealand. ....29.1$ S. Okato AVif Zealand 39.12 s. Okavango River. G^r.5.- W.Africa\'].^Z s. Okayama Japan 34-36 X. Okeechobee L. ...Florida 26.50N. Okehanjpton England 50.45 X. Oker River Prussia 52.26 x. Oketinokee Swamp Georgia 30-58 X. Okhansk Russia 57.45^. Okhotsk Sea Russia in Asia ,.50.0 N. Long. M:ip S6.15W. 110111 148.31 E. lis 43-3° R- 78-79 15-50 E. 4041 8.30 w. 34-35 51.0 E. 54-56 551 E. 64-55 3.29 w. 46-47 74.0 w. 102103 140.30 E. 119 3.40 W. 24-25 4.22 W. 28-29 20.43 K- 6051 1.23 W 1415 83.16 W. 104 83.7 W. 104 149.43 E. 119 88.28 w. 100-101 92.27 w. 106-107 86.32 w. 106-107 7.50 w. 46-47 6.35 E. 52-53 16.36 E. 42-43 10.22 E. 39 8.48 E. 40-41 5-15 E. 84 18.0 t. 42-43 14.22 E. 40-41 30.43 E. 6455 0.57 w. 2021 36.39 E. 6t55 I28.I E. 72-73 321SE. 78-79 41.2 w. 110-111 9.I9W. 4647 80.47 E. 63 17.21 E. 40 41 22.14 E. 50-51 136.22 E. 70-71 10.50 E. 42-43 16.0 E. 48-49 19.2 E. 42-43 9.II E. 44-45 8.45 E. 40-41 7.56 E. 40-41 16.20 E. 52-53 101.39 W. 100-101 III. 59 w. 105 75.30 w. 102-103 81.26 w. 104 10.10 E. 4849 6.0 E. 36-37 10.0 E. 8283 8.35 w. 3031 15-13 E. 42-43 23.30 E. 50-61 7.0 E. 84 18.H E. 42-43 173-55 E. 126-127 175.16 E. 126-127 175-13 E. 126-127 82.0 w. 102-103 88.20 w. 100-101 177.10 E. 126-127 17.18 E. 40 41 11.44 E. 40-41 4.47 «•. 24 25 79.48 w. 102-103 6.21 \v. 34-35 2.25 E. 36-37 3-50 E. 36-37 26.22 E. 42-43 42.45 E. 64-65 I7I.15 E. 126-127 119.20 W. 98-99 173-55 E. 126-127 173-53 E. 126127 19.0 E. 78-79 133-59 E. 75 81.0 \v. 104 3-59 w. 1819 10.22 E. 40-41 81.0 w. 104 55-1 E. 54 55 147-0 E. 76-77 96 Lat. Okhrida & Lnke.. Turkey 41. 11 Okhvat, Lake Russia 56.8 Oki Islands Japan 36.16 Okinawa Island ..Liu Kin Is 26.30 Oklahoma United States. .... 35. 30 Okushiri (I.) Japan 42.9 Gland Island Sweden 56.40 Olathe Kansas 38.52 Olbernhaii Saxony 50. 39 Olbersdorf Saxony 50.52 Old Calabar R. ...Nigeria 5.30 Old Deer Scotland 57*3^ Old Head of Kinsale Ireland 5^-37 Old Man of Coni- ston England 54-23 Old Man of Hoy.. Scot land 58.53 Old Meldrum Scotland 57.21 OldPointConifort J7;;^r«/a 37.1 Old Providence I.Colombia 13.18 Oldbury England 5^^-38 Oldcastle Ireland 53.46 Oldenburg Germany 53. 8 Oldenburg Holstein 54-17 OldenburgjducliyG^'rOTa;;/ 53.5 Oldenzaal Netherlands 52.19 Oldesloe Holstein 53-48 Oldham England 53-32 Olekma River Siberia 58.0 Olekminsk ...Siberia 60.22 Oleleh Sumatra 5.40 Olenek, lUver Siberia 72. 30 Oleron, I. d' France 45-57 Olfus-a (R.).. Iceland 63.55: Olgopol Russia 48. 1 2 Olhao Portugal 36.58 Oiifants Vdycv ....Cape Colony 31.36 Olifants River Transvaal 24.0 Olinda Brazil 7.53 Olinda Entrance . Torres Strait 11. 10 Olite Spain 42.27 Oliven^a Brazil 4.7 Olivenza Spain 38.43 Olives, Mt. of Palestine 31.47 Olkhon Island ....Z,(2>f^ Baikal S3-20 Ollerton England 53-12 OUon Switzerland 46.18 Olmiitz Austria 49- 3^ Olney England 52.9 Olona River Italy 45-32 Olonetz Russia 60.58 Oloron France 43-^2 Clot Spain 42.9 Olpnd Bombay 21.21 Olsni tz Saxony 50. 25 Olten Switzerland 47-21 Oltenitza Rumania 44.8 01 vera Spain 36.56 Olviopol Russia 48.5 Oiympia Greece 37-38 Olyuipia Washington 47.3 Olynipo Paraguay 21.0 Olympus, Mount. Turkey 40.4 Olympus, Mount. Washington 47-43 Olympus, Mt Cyprus 34-55 Omagh Ireland 54-36 Omaha Nebraska 41-23 Oman, state Arabia 23.0 Omapere New Zealand. — 35.35 Omatako. Mt Ger.S.- W.A/ricazi.^o Ombay Ishuid East Indies 8.15 Ombrone River... //a/j- 42.40 Omdurman Egyptian Sudan. i^.'26 Omemee Ontario 44-17 Omeo Victoria 37.6 Onietepe Island ..Nicaragua ii-33 Omi, prov Japan 35.0 Omo River Abyssinia 7.28 Omoa Honduras, ^5-47 Omsk Siberia 54-58 Omura Japan 32.55 Ofiate Spain 42.56 Onda Spain 39-56 Onega Russia 63.53 Onega, Lake Russia 61.45 Onega Bay Russia 64. o Onega River Russia 63.30 Onega Canal Russia.. 60.50 Long. M.ip N. 20.43 E. 5051 N. 31.10 F. 64^55 N. 133.10 E. 75 K. 128.0 E. 72-73 N. 97.30 w. 104 K. 139.30 E. 75 N. 16.40 E. 52-53 N. 54.43 w. 100101 N. 13.20 E. 40-41 N. 14.46 E. 40-41 N. lO.O E. 78-79 N. 2.3 w. 26-27 K. 8.32 w. 3031 N. 3.8 -n-. 14-15 N. 3.26 w. 26-27 N. 2. 19 -vr. 26-27 N. 76. 16 w. 102-103 N. 81.18 v. 110-111 N. 2.34 w. 18-19 K. 7. 10 w. 32-33 N. 8.12 E. 40-41 N. 10.52 E. 40-41 N. 8.10 E. 40-41 N. 6.56 E. 38 N. 10.20 E. 40-41 N. 2.8 w. 16-17 N. 121-35 E. 76-77 N. 120.39 E. 76-77 N. 95-25 E. 70-71 N. 122.30 E. 76-77 N. lis ""■ 36-37 5J. 21. 10 \V. 8-9 N. 29.32 E. 54-65 N. 7.46 w. 4647 S. 18.13 E. 86-87 S. 31.50 E. 86-87 s. 34-54W. 110-111 s. 144-0 E. 116-117 N. 1-39 w. 4647 s. 69.23 w. 110-111 M. 6.56 w. 46-47 N. 35- "5 E. 60 N. 117.30 K. 76-77 y. 1.2 W. 20-21 .V. 6.59 E. 44-45 N. 17-17 E. 42-43 N. 0.42 W. 20-21 N. 9.0 E. 48-49 N. 33-5 E. 64-55 N. 0.35 w. 36-37 N. 2.2Q E. 46-47 X. 72.48 E. 64 N. 12.10 E. 40-41 N. 7-54 E. 44-45 N. 26.43 E. 50-51 N. 5.16 w. 46-47 N. 30 53 E. 64-55 N. 21.39 E. 50-51 N. 122.48 w. 105 S. 57-30 w. 112113 N. 22.20 E. 60-51 N. 123.12 w. 105 N. 32.50 E. 60 N. 7.19 w. 32-33 N. 96. 1 w. 100101 N. 37-0 E. 68 S. 173.25 E. 126-127 S. 17.20 E. 78-79 s. 124.42 E. 70-71 N. II.O E. 48-49 .v. 32.47 E. 78-79 ff. 78.41 w. 96 s. 147.40 E. 119 K. 85-33 ^'■■ 106107 N. 136.0 E. 75 N. 37-49 E. 82-83 N. 88.3 w. 106107 N. 73-24 E. 76-77 N. 130. 1 E. 75 N. 2.26 w. 4647 N. 0.17 w. 46-47 N. 38-4 E. 54-65 N. 35-30 E. 64-55 N. 37.20 E. 64-65 N. 3Q.O E. 54-65 N. 36.0 E. G4-55 One GENERAL INDEX Ost Lat. Long. Mip Oneglia //a/v 43-53N. 8.2 E. 48 49 Onehunga Nnv Zealand,. .,.-^b.^^. 174.48 E. 126-127 Oneida New York 43.7 N. 75.40W. 102103 Oneida Lake New York 43.12N. 76.0 w. 102-103 Oneiseli Arabia 25.59N. 43.10 E. 68 Onetapu l'iain....A'irw; Zra/dwif 38.10s. 170.30 E. 126-127 Ongole Madras 15.30N. 80.5 K. 65 Oni Transcaucasia. ..ii2. 21 n. 43.32 E. 64-66 Oni\a.hy River ....Madagascar. 23.34 s. 43.45 E. 78-79 Onin DutchN. Guinea 3.0 s. 133.0 E. 70-71 Onitsha Nigeria 6.8 N. 6.51 K. 84 Onnaing France 50.22N. 3.38 K. 36-37 Onslow W. Australia.... 21. i,Z s. 114.57 E. 116-117 Onslow Bay North Carolina. .^A-'^ov. 76.18 w. 104 Ontake (Mt.) fafan 31.3SN. 131.30 E. 75 Ontario, Lalco Canada andU. S. 4^ i\o'ii. 78.0 w. 90-91 Ontario, prov Canada 46.0 N. 80.0 w. 96 Onteniente Spain 38.53N. 0.39W. 46-47 Ontonagon Michigan .'. 46.52N. 89.14 w. 100-101 Ookiep Cape Colony 29.348. 17.53 E. 86-87 Oosterhout Netherlands 51.37N. 4.52 E. 38 Ootacamund See Utakamand. Opaki New Zealand 40.51 s. 175.29 K. 126-127 Opatow Russia 50.48 N. 21.24 E. 64-55 Opelousas Louisiana 30.30N. 92.2 w. 104 Open Bay New Zealand. 38.20 s. 179.24 E. 126-127 Opliir. New S. Wales. ..^^.q s. 149.20 E. 118 Opliir Nnv Zealand.. ...i,^.2 8. 169.26 E. 126-127 Ophir, Mount ..../oAorc 2. 30 N. 102.40 E. 68-69 Ophir, Mount ....5«mn;'''4ri2i;a, b'c 26.30N. Ornans France 47.7 N. Orne, dep ... France 48.40N. Orne River France 48.50N. Oro, province Ecuador 4.0 s. Oronsay Isi^nd ...Scotland 56.2 N. Orontes River Asiatic Turkey ..^$.0 N. Orotava Canary Islands . .28.27 N. Oroya Peru 11. 12 s. Orpington England 51-22 N. Orrell England 53.32N. Orroroo South Australia. 2"^. 4^8. Orsk Russia 51.10 N. Orsova, New Rumania 44-41 N. Orsova, Old Hungary 44.44 N. Orta, Lago d' Italy 45. son. Ortegal, Cape Spain 43.45 N. Ortoishurg Prussia 53-34 N. Orthez France 43.31 N. Ortler Spitze Austria 46.30N. Orton England 54.58N. Ortona Italy 42.21 N. Oruba Island I'enezuela 12.30N. Oruro Bolivia 17-55 s. Orvieto Italy 42.43N. Orville Victoria 36.4S S. Orwell Kiver England 52.0 N. Osage River Missouri 38.1SN. Osaka Japan 34.40 N. Osborne Isle of Wight 50.45 N. Oscar Frederiks- borg Stockholm S9.20N. Oscar Land Arctic Regions... 82. ^oij. Oscarsbamn Sweden 57. 14N. Osohatz Saxony 51.19N. Oscbersleben Prussia 52.3 N. Oscott England 52.33 N. Osc-1 (I.) Russia 58.20N. Osh Ferghana 4° 43 N. Oshima (I-) Liu Kiu Islands.28.20K. O-shkosh Wisconsin 44.9 N. Osimo Italy 43- 3° N. Oskaloosa Iowa 41.15N. Osman Bazar Bulgaria 43.8 N. Osmingtou England 50.39N. Osnabriick Germany 52.17N. Osorno Chile 40.3SS. Ossa, Mount Greece 39-45 N. Ossett England 53.41 N. Ost.asbkov Russia 57.8 N. Osta River Germany. 53-24 N. Ostonde Belgium Si-i4N. Ostcrd.alcn Norway 61.2 N. Ostorgotland Sweden 58.20 N. 0.-itero Faroe Islands 62. 15N. Osterode Hanover 5^-44 N- Osterode Prussia 53-41 N. Osterrisiir Norway 58.42N. 0.itersund Sweden 63.6 N. Ostia Italy 41.46N. Ostrau Austria 48.59N. Ostrog Russia 50.21 N. Ostrogoslsk Russia 5°-52N- OstroTO Turkey 40.48N. 97 Long. 74-50W. 0-57W. 79. 26 w. 96.45 E. 61.40 W. 66.0 w. 86.0 E. 8.36 E. 8.30 E. 97.8 w. 97.ISW. 3.0 w. 2.0 E. 1-55 E. 71.0 w. I.IQ E. 41.22 E. 64.0 E. 3-51 w. 177.57 E. 176.15 E. 2-53^- 56.27 E. 56.30 E. 6.11 E. 0.0 0.15 w. 80.0 w. 6 15 w. 36.50 K. 16.38 w. 75-2 w. 0.6 E. 2.42 w. 138.31 E. 59.0 E. 22.28 E. 22.18 E. 8.23 E. 7-53"'- 21.0 E. 0.47 w. 10.34 E. 2.36 \\. 14.26 E. 70.0 w. 67.24 w. 12.6 E. 143.46 E. 1.12 E. 92.30 w. 135-32 E. 1.15 w. 18.35 E. 50.0 E. 16.24 E. 13.7 E. 11.13 E. 1.52 w. 22.30 E. 72.3s E. 129.20 E. 88.26 w. 13.29 E. 92.39 W. 26.20 E. 2.23 W. 8.3 K. 73.12 W. 22.40 E. 1-35 "'• 33.12 E. 9.12 E. 2.56 E. II.O E. 15.40 E. 6-5SW. 10.14 li- 19.57 E. 9-iS E., 14.42 E. 12.19 E. 17.23 E. 26.31 K. 39-9 K. 21.54 E. Map 96 46-47 96 72-73 109 110111 63 48-49 48-49 108 108 24-25 36-37 36-37 95 80 64-55 62 14-15 126-127 126-127 16-17 68 68 36-37 36-37 36-37 110-111 24-25 60 78-79 IIOIU 20-21 16-17 121 54r55 50-81 42 43 4849 46-47 40-41 3637 42-43 16-17 48-49 110111 110-111 48-49 119 14-15 100-101 75 20-21 62-63 6 62-63 4041 40-41 18-19 54-55 76 77 72-73 100-101 48-49 100 101 50 51 18-19 40 41 112 113 50-61 16-17 64 65 40 41 38 62-53 52-53 89 4041 40-41 62-53 52-83 48 49 4243 5455 5486 60 51 Ost GENERAL INDEX Pal LaU Long. Ostrowo Prussia 51.48 N. 17.48 E. Ostuni /taly 40.46 n. 17.34 E. Csuna Spain 37.16N. 5.7 w. Oswego New York 42.8 N. 76.19 w. Oswestry England 52.52N. 3.4 w. Otn^xo ^n^HxiTix.Neiv Zealanii 45.15 s. i6g.o E. Otaheite {Ta.\\\ii). Society Isianiis ...rj.y^S. 149.30 w. Otahuhu New'/.ealand 36.56s. 174.55 K. Otaki Neiv 7.ealand .10.40 s. 175.6 E. Otakia Nciu Zealand ....45.59 8. 170.15 E. OUirununai Japan 43.0 N. 141.0 E. Otautau Kew Zealand ....^b.^ s. 167.57 E. Otcbakov Russia 46.33N. 31.33 E. Othry.s Mts Greece 39.0 N. 22.30 E. Otira Gorge New Zealand.. ,,.42.$^ 8. 171.35 E. Otley England 53-54 N* i-42 w. Otonabee Ontario 44.17N. 78.14 w. Otorohanga Netv Zealand ....2,^.1^^. 175.0 E. Otranto Italy 40.8 N. 18.30 E. Otranto, Str. of...//a/)' 40.0 N. 19.0 E. Ottawa Illinois 41.21 N. 88.45 w. Ottawa Kansas 38.33N. 95.17 w. Ottawa Ontario 4S.20N. 75.43 w. Ottawa River Ontario 46.15 N. 78.20 w. Ottensen Pntssia 53- 3^ N. 9.54 E. Otter River England 50-43 N. 3.17 w. Otterbourne England 51.1 N. 1.21 w. Otterburn England 55 15 N. 2.10W. Otterton England 50.39N. 3.18 \v. Ottery St. },la.Ty .England 50.45N. 3.16W. Ottilia River Ger. New Guinea 4.30 s. 144. 30 E. Ottumwa Iowa 41.2 N. 92.29 w. Otway, Cape I'ictoria 38.53 S. 143.37 r-- Otyikango Ger.S.'\V'.Africa22.(i s. 16.42 E. Otyimbingiia Ger.S.-W.Africazz.ii a. 16.6 E. Oudenarde Belgium 50.51 N. 3.36 e. Oudon Era nee 47.22 N. 1.16 w. Oudtshoorn Cape Colony 33-37 s. 22.14 e. Ouessant(Ushatit) Island France 48.28N. 5.5 w. Ongbter, Lough.. /;-^^aff(/ 54.0 N. 7.27 w. Oughterard Ireland 53-27 N. 9.20 w. Oulart Ireland 52.30N. 6.24 w, Oulton Suffolk 52.29N. 1.41 E. Oulton Yorkshii-e 53-45N. 1.26 w. Oimdle England 52.29 N. 0.2S w. Our River Germany 50.6 N. 6.6 E. Ourimbah Neiv S. I'Fa/«...33.35 s. 152.53 E. Ourique Portugal 37.40N. 8.6 \f, Ournie NewS. Wales ...■^^.'^o'S,. 147. 56 E. Ouro Preto Brazil 20.18 s. 43.18 w. Ourthe, 'Kwq-c ....Belgium 50.12N. 5.59 E. Ouse Tasmania 42.30 S. 146.45 E. Ouse River England 5^.43^. i.o w, Ouse River England 52.40N. 0.21 K. Ouse River England 51.0 N. 0.0 Out Skerries Shetland Is 60.26 N. 0.46 w. Outardes, K. ^n:i. Quebec 40. 1.3 N. 68.34 w. Outram New Zealand ....46-46 s. 170.16 E. Ouveze, River France 44.10N. 5.0 E. Ovaherero Ger.S.-W'.A/ricazo.yi^. 15.0 E. Ovalle Cliile 30-33 S. 72.15 w. Ovahl Island Fiji Islands 16.53 S- 178.49 E. 0-v&ra\io'L:ui'\....Ger.S.-lV.A/rical^.e^oS. 15.0 E. Ovar Portugal 40.51 N. 8.38 w. Ovens River Victoria 36.25 s. 146.30 E. Over England 53.12N. 2.53 w. Over Darwen England 53.45N. 2.28 w. Over Flakee I Holland 5144 N- 4-io E. Overijssel, ^xq-^. .Netherlands 52.25N. 6.30 E. Overland Corner. -St?y//i Australia. ^4. jo A. 140.25 E. Overton England 51.14 N- 1-16 w. Overton Wales 52.58N. 2.57 w. Overtown Scotland 55.45N. 3.55 w. Oviedo Spain 43.22N. 5-57 w. Ovoca, \ii\e of. ...Ireland 52.50K. 6.i2w. Owaka New Zealand 46.5 s. 169.5 E. O-Wassa See Clarence Peak. Owego Neau York 43.23N. 76.36 w. Owel, Lake Ireland 53-34K- 7.22V. Owen Sound Ontario 44.40N. 81.0 w. OwenStanloy Ra.AW// Guinea 9.12 s. 147.35 E. Owenkillew R Ireland 54.44^. 7.20 w. Owenmore River. /;r/n«rf 54.8 N. 9.46 w. Owenreagh R Ireland 54.42N. 7.8 w. Ow-ensborough....A>«/«r4^i' 37-47 >'. 87.2 w. Owosso Michigan 43.0 N. 84.12 K. Owston Ferry England 53.29N. 0.47 w. Map 40 41 48-49 4647 102-103 18-19 126-127 128 126-127 126-127 126127 75 126-127 B4-B5 50-51 126-127 16-17 96 126-127 48-49 4849 100-101 100101 96 96 4041 14-15 20-21 1617 18-19 18-19 114-115 100101 119 78-79 78-79 38 36-37 86-87 36-37 30-31 32-33 30-31 20-21 1617 20 21 40-41 118 46 47 118 110-111 38 120 14-16 14-15 14-15 24-25 95 126-127 36-37 78-79 112-113 128 7879 4647 119 18-19 16-17 38 38 121 2021 18-19 28-29 46-47 34-35 126-127 102-103 30 31 96 114-116 £0-31 30-31 30-31 102-103 102-103 20-21 98 Lat. Owthorn... England 53-44 N. Ow3'hee V\\' at ....Oregon 42.30N. Ox Mountains. ...//Wi7«rf 54.7 N. Osenhoiie Ejigland 53-49 N. Oxford Mississippi 34. 22 N. Oxford New Zealand 43.22 S. Oxford and co. ...England 51.46N. Oxley Queensland. 27.33 S. Oxiey Vicloria 36.28 s. Oxus River See Anui Darya. Oxwich k Ijay.... Wales 51-33 N- Oyapoc River Brazil 4.25 N. Oykel Itiver Scotland 57-58 N. Oyster Bay New York 40-53N. Oyster Bay Tastnania 42.10 s. Oyster Cove Tasmania 43.6 s. Oyster Haven Ireland 5i-4i N. Oystcrmouth Wales S^-SSN- Oystcrville Washinglon 46.15N. Ozark Mountains.il//jjo;/r: 37.0 N. Ozieri Sardinia 40.35 N. Paarl Cape Colony 33-39 S. Pabay Scotland 57-I7N. Pabbay \^\-;\\\<\.... Scotland 57.48 N. Pabna E.B'gal &f Assa7n2i\.o n. Pacarainia, ^inYvo-Drazil 4.0 N. Pacasniayu Peru 7.10 s. Pacaya Yo\cai\o.. Guatemala 14.22N. Pacb Padra Rajputana 26.0 N. Pacbacamac Peru 12.15 S- Pacbitea Vcvsqx ...Peru lo.o s. Pachora Bombay 20.3S n. Pachuca Mexico 20.5 N. Padang Sumatra 0.59 S. Padaran, Ca nc An nam 1 1. 1 1 N. Pa-daung Burfna 18.41 N. Paddington W. Australia. ...'^o.2.<^ s. Paderborn Prussia 51-43 N. Padra Baroda 22.15 n. Padre Island Texas 27.0 n. Padstow England SO.33N. Padua Italy 45. 24 n. Paducab Kentucky 37.7 N. Padula Italy 40.20N, Paekboi Mts Russia 69.30N. Piestiim Italy 40.24N. Pao;an Biirina 21. ion. Pago Island Austria 44.30N. Pai; o-pago Sa moa 14. 20 S- Pabang Malay Peninsula 3.35 N. Pabaua River New Zealand 41.24 s. Pabautanui New Zealand. ....^i.^ s. Pabi Neio Zealand..... -^y.o s. Pabiatua Ne^v Zealand. 40.25 s. Pabra Bundelkhand 25.23 N. Paijanne, hake. ..Fin land 61.30K. Paik-to-San Korea 41-58 N. Pailon '^JxxhowT ..Ecuador 1.18 s. Paimbceuf. France 47.17 N- Painswick England 51.47N. Painted Desert ...A rizona 36. 30 N. Paisley Ontario 44.18N. Paisley Scotland 55- S^ N. Paitban Hyderabad 19.28 N. Pa ja res Spa in 43 . o n. Pak en bam Onta rio 4 5. 1 7 N. Pakeiibam I'ictoria 38.6 s. Pakhoi China 21.32N. Pak-nara Slant 13-32 N. Pakokku Burma 21 . 42 N. Pakpattan Punjab 30.21 N. Palakoi Madras 16, 31 N. Palama u Benga I. 23. 52 N. Palanikotta Madras 8.42 N. Pa 1 am OS Spa in 4 1 • 5 3 N- Palampur Punjab 32.7 N. Palanpur Bombay 24. 12N. Palapy e Bechuanaland . , . 22. 38 S. Palar River Madras 12.52 N. Palatinate Germany 49-25 N. Palatine Ireland 52. 52 N. Palawan \s\ixx\<\...Pkilipt'ine Is lo.o N. Paldeo Bundelkhand 25.6 N. Palembang Sumatra 3.0 s. Paleiicia Spain 42. 26 n. Palenga, W Russia 64.10X. Long. M:ip 0.2 E. 16-17 117.40W, 105 8-55 w. 30-31 1.57 w. 16-17 89.32 w. 104 172.14 E. 126-127 1.16 w. 20-21 152-57 E. 123 146.27 E. 119 4.10 w. 18-19 5'-35 "■- 110-111 4.32 w. 24-26 73.30 w. 102-103 148.10 E. 120 147.15 E. 120 8.28 W. 34-35 4.0 w. 18-19 124.40 -w. 106 91.30 w. 100101 9.1 E. 4849 18.54 E. 86-87 5-53 "•■ 26-27 7. 1 1 w. 24-25 89.17 E. 63 63. 30 Vf. 110-111 79-45 w. 110-111 90. 36 w. 106-107 71.0 E. 66 74.38 w. 110-111 75.5 w. 110111 75-18 E. 64 98.50 w. 103 100.18 E. 70-71 108.57 E. 6869 95.10 E. 68-69 121.20 E. 122 8-45 K. 40-41 737 E. 64 97.1SW. 100101 4.56 «-. 18-19 11-53 E. 48-49 88.41 w. 100-101 15-39 E- 48-49 63.0 E. 54-85 15.1 E. 48-49 95.0 E. 68-69 14.58 E. 42-43 170.43 w. 128 103.17 E. 6869 175.40 E. 126-127 175-15 E. 126-127 175.0 E. 126127 175-57 E. 126-127 80.18 E. 63 25.10 E. 64-56 128.0 E. 76 79.6 w. 110-111 2.2 W. 36-37 2.12 w. 1819 112.0 W. 105 81.24 v. 96 4.26 W. 28-29 75-26 E. 66 5-39 w. 4647 76.22 \v. 96 145-31 E. 119 109.17 E. 74 100.35 E. 68-69 95-7 E. 68-69 73-26 E. 66 81.46 E. 66 83-57 E. 63 77-46 E. 65 2-5 E. 46-47 76.35 E. 66 72.28 E. 64 27.20 E. 78-79 79.31 E. 66 7-55 «•■ 40-41 6.52 w. 34-35 119.0 E. 70-71 80.51 E. 63 104.39 E. 70-71 4.26 \v. 46-47 42.20 E. 54-55 Pal GENERAL INDEX Pas Lat. PalenquQ Mexico. 17.12 n. Palermo Italy. 38.7 n. Palermo Ontario 43.26N. Palestine Asiatic Turkey... -^^.o u. Palestine Texas 3 1. 46 n. Palestrina /tafy 41-47 N. Pal ghat Gap Madras 10. 45 N. Palp^hur. Bombay 19.45N. Pali Rajputana 25.46N. Palitana Bombay 20.31 n. Palk Strait Madras 10.5 n. Palkonda Madras 18.36N. Pallanza Italy 45-55N. Pallas Grean Ireland 52.33 N. Pallaskenry Ireland 52. 38 N. Palliser, Capo New Zealand ....41.353. Palliser Bay New Zealand ....41.25 s. Palma Brazil 12.403. Palma Spain 39- 35 N. Palma Island Canary Islands ..zZ.^'z'H, Palmares Brazil 8.45 a. Palmas, Cape Liberia 4.22 n. Palmas, Q^mM oi.. Italy 39.0 n. Palmella Portugal 38.34N. Palmer Queensland. 16.4 a. Palmer South Australia. 2,^. $-z s. Palmerston Ireland 53-21 n. Palmerston New Zealand 40.21 s. Palmerston Neiv Zealand.... .^^.^o 3. Palmer&ton N. Territory, S. Australia 12.28 3. Palmerston Ontario 43- SON. Palmerston, CapeQueensland. 21.33 ^^ Palmerstown Ireland. 54. 14N. Palmerville Queensland 16.0 s. Palmi Italy 38.22N. "Palmyra. \s\a.nd... Paci^c Ocean 6.0 N. Palmyra Point Ceylon 9-49 N. Palni Madras 10.27 n. Palos Spain 37- n N. Palos, Cape dc Spain 37-37N. Palpaigari Bengal. 26.34N. Palti, Lake Tibet. 2g.3QN. Palwal Punjab 28.9 N. Pambam Madras 9. 17 N. Pambula iVew S. Wales ...26. 4g s. Pamidi Madras I4-S7N. Pamiers France 43. 6 N. Pamir Plateau, . . . Central Asia 39.0 N. Pamlico Sound ...A't'rM Cari)// //<;.. 35. 13 N. Pampas, The Argentine Rep. ..36.303. Pamplona Colombia 7.13N. Pamplona Spain 42.50N. Pan Guajaibon ... Cuba 22. 50 N. Panama Central America 8.59 N. Fa.nama, Gulf of .Panama 8.0 N. Panama, Isthmus of Central America 9.10N. Panaria Island. ...Italy 38. 39 N. Panaro River Italy 44. 52 N. Panay Island Philippines 11. ion. Pancsova Hungary 44.57N. Pandemia Asiatic Turkey . . 40. 1 8 n. Pandharpur Bombay 17.39N. Pangani Ger. E. Africa... 5.173. Pangkar Islands. See Dindings. Panie, Mont New Caledonia ..20.->,6 ^. Panipat Punjab 29.23 N. Pan j ira India. See Goa. Panmure New Zealand 36.48 s. Panmuro Victoria 38.19 s. Panna Bundelkhand 24.44N. Pantar Island Dutch E. Indies. 8.233. Pantellaria I Italy 36.48 n. Panwel Bombay 18.59N. Paola Kansas 38.3SN. Papa Hungary 47.20 n. Papa, Monte Italy 40.5 N. Papa Stour Scotland 60. 20 N, Papa Westra Scotland 59-21 n. Paparoa Kange,..A'ifZi' Zealand. .....\2.o s. Papeete Society Islands ... 17. 32 s. Papenburg Prussia 53.4 N. Paposo Chile 25.1 s. Paps, The Ireland 52.1 N. Paps of Jura Scotland S5-S3N. PsLpua, Gnli of ...New Guinea 9.0 s. Par England 50.21 N. Long. M.ip 91.53 w. 108 13.22 E. 48-49 79.52 w. 96 35-0 E. 60 95.37 w. 104 12.54 E. 48-49 76.43 E. 66 72.48 E. 64 73-25 E. 66 71-53 K. 61 80.0 E. 65 83.48 E. 65 9-33 E. 48-49 8. 20 w. 34-35 8. 32 w. 34-35 175-15 E. 126-127 175-5 E. 126-127 47.50W. 110111 2.43 E. 46-47 17.52 w. 78-79 35-25 w. 110-111 7.44 w. 84 8.30 E. 48-49 8.57 w. 46-47 144.20 E. 123 139.11 E. 121 6. 27 W. 34-35 175.38 E. 126-127 171.0 E. 126-127 130.51 E. 116-117 80. 54 W. 96 149.30 E. 123 9-13 '"• 32-33 144.0 E. 123 15-51 E. 48-49 162,8 -w. 114-115 80.10 E. 65 77-33 E. 65 6.50 w. 46-47 0. 36 w. 46-47 81;. 50 E. 63 90.10 E. 72-73 77.22 E. 66 79-15 E. 66 149.57 E. 118 77.39 K. 66 1.36 E. 36-37 73-0 E. 76-77 76.0 W. 104 61.0 w. 112-113 72. 59 w. 110-111 1. 12 w. 46-47 82.30 w. 106107 79.32 w. 110-111 79. 20 w. 110111 79.0 w. 110-111 15-3 E. 48-49 11.18 E. 48-49 122.30 E. 70-71 20,40 E. 4243 27,57 E. 60 75,21 E. 64 38-52 E. 8283 165.50 E. 114115 77-1 K. 66 174.58 E. 126-127 142.41 E. 119 80,14 E. 63 124.6 E. 70-71 12.0 E. 48 49 73-9 E. 64 94-5+ w- 100101 17.28 E. 4243 15-54 E. 4849 1.42 w. 26-27 2.23 w. 26-27 171.40 E. 126-127 149.34 w. 128 7.26 E. 40-41 70,33 W. 112-113 9. 18 W. 30-31 6. 1 \v. 24-25 145.0 E. 114-115 4,22 w. 18-19 Lut. Para Brazil 1.28 s Para, Rio Brazil ..,,, i.o s Paracatu Brazil 17.8 s. Paracel Islands. ..5. China Sea ....16.0 n. Paragua Island. ..5^^ Palawan. Paragua 'River. ...Venezuela S.30N. Paraguana Penin. Venezuela 12.0 n. Paraguassu KiverBrazil 12. 40 s. Paraguay, rep ....South America...2$.o 3. Paraguay Kiver... Brazil 15.0 3, Parahyba Brazil 6.58 3. Parahyba, Rtate.. Brazil 7,0 3. Pa rabyba, Rio . . ..Brazil 21. 40 s. Paramaribo Dutch Guiana.... 6.44 N. Parana Argentine Rep.... 21.4$ ^■ Parana, state Brazil 25.0 s. Parana River Brazil 20.0 s. Paranagua Brazil 25.33 s. Paranahyba Brazil 2.58 s. Paranahyba R. ...Brazil 7.0 s. ParanapanemaR..5r(2c?7 22.35 s. Paranti j Bombay 23. 26 n. Parasnath Bengdl. 23.58 n. Parattah Tasmania 42.18N. Paratwara Berar 21.18N. Paravur Travancore 10. 9 N. Paray-le-I\Ionial . . France 46. 27 N. Parbaini Hyderabad 19.20N. Parchi m Germany 53. 26 n. Pardo River Brazil 29.58 s. Pardubitz Bohemia 50.3 n. Pare Mts Ger. E. Africa... 4.0 s. Parenzo A u stria 45, 14 n. Parga Turkey 39.16N. Parham England 52.12N. Paria, Gidf of Venezuela 10.2QN. Paria, Lake Bolivia 18.0 s. Parima River Brazil 3,40 N. Parina, Puntu Peru 4-45 S- Paris France 48.50N. Paris Kentucky 38.8 N. Paris 0?itario 43-ii N. Paris Texas 33- 35 ^f• Parit Jawa Johore 1.47 N. Parker's Range... W. Australia. ..."i^i.^g ^. Parkersburg West Virginia. ..^g.i^N. Parkes Ne7a S. Wales. ..23.9 s. Parkhill Ontario 43.8 x. Paria Kimedi Madras 18.47N. Parlakot Central Provincesig.^j N. Parma Italy 44-48 N. Parnagua Brazil 9.0 s. Parnassus, Isit. ...Greece 38.31 N. Parole Bombay 20. 56 N. Paros Island Greece 37.2 N. Parraniatta Neio S. Wales ...■32>-A9 s. Parret River Etigland 51.5 n. Parrsborough Nova Scotia 45.24^. Parru River Queensland. 29.0 3. Parry Islands N.-W. Terriirs..y$.o n. Parry Sound Ontario 45.20N. Parsonstown Ireland 53.7 N. Partabgarli United Provtnceszs.^i N. Partabgarh Rajputana 24.22 N. Partanna Sicily 37-43 N. Parthenay France...'. 46.39N. Partick Scotland 5S-53N. Partinico Italy 38.2 N. Parton England 54- 33 N. Partry Mts Ire/and 53.40 N. Parn River Brazil 0.0 Parua Bay .\'ew Zealand.. ...2S-45 S- Parvatipur Madras 18.47N. Parys Mt Wales 53-23 N. Pas de Calais, dep./'Vi/wrf 5C.30N. Pasadena Ca liforn ia 34. 3 N. Pasamayo, Pnnta.Peru ii-39 S* Pascagovda R Mississippi 30.40 N. Pasco Peru 10.38 S. Pase walk Prussia S3- 3^ N. Pasion, R. de \o... Guatemala 15.50N. Pasir Borneo 2.2 3. Pasman Island.... Az/zwrtZ/tz 43-57N. PasodelNorte,El..l/Er.t7Vtf 31.44N. Paspebiac Quebec 48.4 N. Pasrur Punjab 32.16N. P;issage Ireland 52. 14N. Passage West Ireland 51.S2N. Long. M.-lp . 48,24 w. 109 . 48.20 \v. 109 • 47-3 w. 110-111 . II2.0 E. 66-57 . 63.30 W. 109 . 70.0 w. 110111 . 40.40 w. 110111 . 56.0 v.: 112-113 ■ 57-0 w. 110-111 - 34-59'n'. 110111 ■ 37-0 w. 110111 . 40, 50 \v. 110-111 • 54-59 w. 109 . 60.38 w. 112-113 • S3-0 w. 112113 . 50.0 w. 110-111 . 43.24 w. 112113 . 41.38 w. 110-111 . 44.0 w. 110-111 . 52.0 w. 112-113 • 72.54 E. 64 . 86.11 E. 63 . 147.28 E. 120 ■ 77-33 E. 64 . 76, i6e. 65 4-9 E. 36-37 • 76.53 E. 65 11.41 E. 40-41 53.0 w. 112-113 15,46 E. 42-43 37-35 E. 82-83 13-37 E. 42-43 20,51 E. 50-61 1.21 E. 20-21 67.30W. 110111 67.13 w. 110-111 63.30 w. 110-111 81.25 w. 110111 2.20 E. 3637 84, 13 w. 102-103 80,29 "'- 96 95.32 w. 104 10^,42 E. 6869 119-33 E. 122 81.30 w. 102103 148.17 E. 118 81.40 W. 96 84.8 E. 65 80.43 E. 63 10.19 E. 48-49 44. 10 w. 110-111 28.37 E. 50-51 75-15 E. 64 25.11 E. 6051 151.1 E. 118 2-55 w. 14-15 64. 6 w. 94 143.50 E. 123 105.0 w. 92-93 80. 15 w. 96 7-54 «'. 34-36 81.59 E. 63 74.52 E. 66 12.53 E. 48-49 0.15 w. 36-37 4.19 w. 28-29 13.7 E. 48-49 3-35 »". 1617 9.30 w. 3031 54.0 w. 109 174.30 E. 126-127 83.28 E. 65 4. 22 W. 14-15 2.30 E. 3637 118.5 "■• 105 77. 14 w. 110-111 88.37 W. 104 75-47 «•• 110111 13- .';9 K. 40 41 90. 8 w. 106-107 116. 14 E. 70-71 15.20 E. 42-43 106,31 w. 108 65. 10 w. 9S 74-43 E. 66 6.59W. 3436 8.23W. 3435 99 Pas GEXERAL INDEX Pen Lat. Passaic A^ezu Jersey 40.50N. Passamaquoddy Bay New Brunswick. .n$.$ N. Passarge "RiyeT ...Prussia 54.8 N. Passau Bavaria 48.34N. Passero, Cape Italy 36.42 N. Pastassa Kivei" Ecuador 4.0 s. Pasterze Glacier. . A ustria 47. 4 N. Paste Colombia i.i6n. Patagonia Argentine Rep. ..44.30 s. Patan Bombay 22.4 N. Patani Malay Peninsula 6.56N. Patapediac li.\\erQuebec 47.55 N. Patar Wales 51.40N. Pataz Peru 7.32 S. Patea .AVw Zealand.. ...^1^.42 S- Pateley Bridge ...England 54.5 N. Paterno Sicily 37.32 N. Paterson New Jersey 40.56N. Paterson New S. Wales ...^'^.•^q s. Paterson \n\ei....New Zealand 46.56 s. Patersonia Tasmania 41.18 s. Pathhe.-id Scotland 55.52X. Patia River Colombia 2.0 N. Patiala Punjab 30.20N. Patillos Chile 20.45 S- Pathankot Punjab 32.17 N- Patkoi Mts Burma 26.0 N. Patmos ls\a,ni.... Asiatic Turkey ..2,7.20'S. Patna. Bengal 25.37 N. Patna Bengal. 20.42 N. Patna Scotland 55.21N. PatoSjLagoa dos. Brasil 31.0 s. Patras Greece 38.14N. Patras, Gulf of ...Greece 38.15 N. Patri Bombay 23. n N. Patricroft England 53.29 N. Patrington England 53-41 N. Patta Island British E. Aj'rica 2.17 s. Pattapattu Madras 8.43 N. Patterdale England 54.32N. Patutabi Ne7v Zealand ....38.39 s. PatzcuaroLake...:l/i«Vo 19.2 N. Pan France 43.18N. Paiiillao France 45.13N. Paulo Affonso Brazil 8.0 a. Paumotu X^^wA?.. Pacific Ocean 17.0 s. Paung-deh Burma 18.28 N. Paung-gyi Burma 17.20N. Pauni CentralPrffvincesQ.o..\Z'^. Pausa Peru 15.6 S. Pausa Saxony 50.35K. Paute River Ecuador 2.48 s. Pavia Italy 4S.ii N. Pavlograd Russia 48.31 N. Pavlovsk Russia 52.42 N. Pawtucket Rhode Island 41. 50 N. Paxo Island Greece 39. 12N. Payeme Switzerland. 46.48 N, Payneham South Australia. ■^^.si s. Pays de Caux France 49.50N. Paysandu Uruguay 32.27 s. Payta Peru 5.0 s. Paz, La Mexico 24.10N. Peabody Massachusetts ....\2.2i^ N. Peace River Alberta. 59.0 N. Peace River South Carolina.. 32.2019. Peak, The England 53-23 N. Peak Hill NeTo S. Wales. ..32.3^ a. Peak Hill W. Australia.. .. 2S.sS s. Peake, The South AustraHa.27.s5 S. Peak-burst .Vew S. Wales ...33.50 S. Pearl Island Panama 8.30 N. Pearl River Mississippi 30.46 N. Pe-cbi-li, Gulf ui. China 38.30N. Pe-cbi-li, \'roY.. ..China 38.30N. Pe-cbi-li, Str. 0!.. China 38.0 N. Pecbora Rixer ....Russia 65.0 N. Pecos River Texas 31.20N. Pedila Kimedi.... Madras 19.18N. Peddapur Madras 17.5 N. Pedee, Little, {[..North Carolina.. 33.50s. Pedernales Ecuador 0.12N. Pederneira Portugal 39.35 N. Pedras Brazil 9.20 s. Pedro ASonso.... Brazil 8.0 s. Pedro Bank Caribbean Sea. ...ly.o K. Pedrogao Portugal 39.57N. Long. 74-7 w. 67.0 w. 20.0 E. 13.28 E. 15.8 E. 76.45 W. 12.43 E. 77.20 W. 70.0 w. 71.26 E. 101.2 E. 67.32 w. 4-57 w. 77.38 «. 174.27 E. 1.45 w. 14.53 E. 74.7 w. 151.40 E. 168.0 E. 147.21 K. 2.59 W. 78.28 w. 76.25 E. 70.13 w. 75.4= E. 95.0 E. 26.33 K- 85.12 E. 83.10 E. 4.30 w. 51.15 w. 21.44 E. 21.37 E. 71.50 E. 2.21 W. O.I W. 40.51 E. 77.43 E. 2.55"'. 177.58 E. loi. 24 w. 0.20 w. 0.43 w. 39.0 w. 140.0 w. 95-34 E. 96.12 E. 79.40 E. 72. 58 w. I2.I E. 78.0 w. 9.9 E. 35.53 E. 47.8 E. 71.22 w. 20.10 E. 6.56 E. 138.39 E. I.O E. 58.6 W. 81.7 W. 110.20 w. 71.0 w. 115.0 w. 79.20 w. 1-53 «■• 148.49 E. I18.0 E. 135-50 E. 151. 2 E. 79.0 V. 89.44 W. II9.0 E. 115.0 K. 121. E. 57.0 E. 102. 50 W. 84.30 E. 82.11 E. 79.10 w. 79.S6W. 9.6 W. 35.40 W. 48.3OW. 78. 20 w. 7.58 w. Jlap 102-103 94 iO-U 40-41 48-49 110-111 42-43 110111 110-111 64 68-69 95 18-19 110-111 126-127 1617 48-49 102-103 118 126-127 120 28-29 110-111 66 110-111 66 68-69 60 63 63 28-29 112-113 50-51 50-51 64 16-17 16-17 82-83 65 16-17 126-127 108 36-37 36-37 110-111 114-115 6869 68-69 63 110-111 40-41 110111 48-49 54-65 54-55 102-103 50-51 44-45 121 36-37 112-113 110-111 108 102-103 98-99 104 14-15 118 122 121 118 110-111 104 74 74 74 54-55 100101 65 65 104 110-111 46-47 110-111 110-111 106-107 46-47 Lat. Pedrotallagalla, Mount Ceylon 7.5 N. Peebles and co. ...Scotland 55-38N. Peekskill A'ew York 41.17N. Peel Isle 0/ Man S4.13 N. Peel W. Australia. .. .32.28 B. Peel Fell England 55.17 N. Peel River A'eiv S. Wales 30.58 s. Peene River Prussia 53.58N. Pegasus Bay AVw Zealand 43.20 s. Pegasus, Port A^ew Zealand 47.15 S. Pegau Saxony 51.10N. Pegnitz River Bavaria 49.27N. Pegu Burma 17.20N. Pegu Yoma( Jits. l/?«r//;a 20.0 N. Pei-bo (R\\er).... China 38.58N. Peine Prussia 52. 19 N. Peint Bombay 20.17N. Peipus, Lake Russia S8.3SK. Pekan Pahang, Malay Peninsula 3.29 N. Pekin Illinois 40.43 N. Peking China 39.59 >'• Pelagonisi {!.) Greece 39.20N. Pelago.-^a Island ..Dalmatia 42.23 N. Pelee Island Ontario. 41.46N. Pelew Islands Pacific Ocean 7.0 N. Pelion, ^loMwt.... Greece 39.26N. Pella Cape Colony 29.6 s. Pelly River Yukon, Canada.. 62.0 a. Peloponnesus Greece 37.28N. Peloritanian Hts.Sicily 38.0 N. Pelorus Sound A'ezv Zealand.. ...41.0 s. Pelota.3 Brazil 31.38 s. Pelvoux, Mont ...France 44.53K. Pemba Island East Africa 5.0 s. Pemberton British Co/umbia^o. 20 N. Pembina North Dakota 48.59N. Pemhrey Wales 51.42 N. Pembridge England 52.13N. Pembroke Neiv Zealand 44.39 S. Pembroke Ontario 45.46N, Pembroke and co. Wales 51.40N. Peiia Golosa Spain 40.18N. Pena Javlambre..5/a/« 40.5 N. Penafiel Portugal 41. 14N. Pefialara Spain 40.53N. Penang \s\a.ni.... Malay Peninsula 5.25N. Penaro River Italy 44.52N. Penarth Wales 51.27 K. Pefuas, C. de Spain 43.42 N. Ponasde Europa.5;>(z;n 43.9 N. Penas, Gulf of....C/»V« 47.25 s. Peneader Wales 52.1 N. Pendennis Cast\e. England 50.8 N. Pendle Hill England 53.53N. Pendra CentralProvincesz2.46n. Penedo Brazil 10.2 s. Penelegyr Point.. Wales 51.57N. Penguin Tasmania 41.7 s. Peniche Portugal 39.21 N. Penicuik Scotland 55.50N. Penielheugh Scotland SS.32N. Penig Szxony 50.56N. Peiliscola Spain 40.24N. Penistone England 53-31 N. Penjdeh Asiatic Russia.. .35.^8'^. Penkridge England 52.44 N. Penmaenmawr.... Wales S3. I5N. Penmarcli,Pointe/>'(2nc^. 47. 50N. Penner River Madras 14.35N. Penner River Madras 12. loN. Pennine Chain. ...England 54.15N. Pennsylvania United States ....41.0 N. Penobscot River.. .A/ai«^ 45. loN. Penola South Australia. 37. 22 s. Penpont Scotland 55.14 K. Penrbyn Wales 53.14 N. Penrhyn 1s\s.m\... Pacific Ocean 8.58 s. Penrith England 544' N. Penrith New S. ll-'a/^... .33.45 s. Penryn England 50.10 N. Pensacola Florida 30.27N. Pensacola Bay .... Florida 30. 20 N. Pensburst England 51.12 ^'. Penshurst Victoria...^.. 37.51 s. Pentedactylon.Mts. Cr«« 37.0 N. Pentelikon, 'i.lt... Greece 38.0 N. Li.iig. Map 80.38 E. 65 3.I3W. 28-29 73-58n-. 102-103 4.42 w. 1617 115.48 E. 122 2.34 «■. 14-15 150.46 E. 118 13.20 E. 40-41 172.42 E. 126 127 167.44 E. 126-127 12.15 K. 40-41 11.10 E. 40-41 96.30 E. 6869 96.0 E. 68-69 117.42 E. 74 10.12 E. 40-41 73.30 E. 64 27.30 E. 54-55 103.20 E. 6869 89.34 w. 100-101 116.29 E. 74 24.5 E. 50-51 16.17 K. 42-43 82.45 '"■ 96 134.13 E. 70-71 23.3 E. 50-51 19.11 E. 8687 132.0 W. 9293 22.10 E. 50-51 15.0 E. 48-49 174.2 E. 126-127 52.24 w. 112-113 6.24 E. S6-37 39.40 E. 82-83 122.40 W. 9899 97-5 ^■ 100-101 4.17 w. 18-19 2.S4W. 18-19 169.15 E. 126127 77.4 ^v. 96 4.54 w. 18-19 0. 25 w. 46-47 0-55 ''• 46-47 8.11 w. 46-47 3 55". 46-47 100.14 E. 6869 11.15 E. 48 49 3. 10 W. 18-19 5.48 w. 4647 4.45 «■• 46-47 74.30 w. 110-111 4.14 w. 18-19 5-3 "■ 18-19 2.17 w. 14.16 82.0 E. 63 36.34 W. 110-111 5.12 w. 14-15 146.6 E. 120 9.24 w. 46-47 3.14W. 28-29 2.33 w. 2S-29 12.42 E. 40-41 0.25 E. 46-47 1.38 w. 1617 62.45 E. 76-77 2.7 w. 18-19 3-57W. 18-19 4.25W. 36-37 80.8 E. 65 78.30 E. 66 2.25 w. 1415 77.30W. 102-103 68.40 w. 102-103 140.47 E. 121 3.5°^- 2829 4.6 w. 18-19 158.10 w. 114-115 2.45 w. 16-17 150.44 E. 118 5.7 w. 18-19 87.23 w. 104 87.13 w. 104 0.12 E. 20 21 142.16 B. 119 22.21 E. 50-51 24.0 E. 50-51 Pen GEXERJL IXDEX Pil Lat. Long. Penticton British Coi»mdia<\g.z6ii. 119.30 w, Pentland Queenshiid. 20.33 s. 14.V25 E. Pentland Firth. ..6Vo//(2«t/ 58.42N. 3.0 w. Pentland WWX^^. ...ScotlQiid 55.50 N. 3.20W. Pentland Skerries5co//aK[/ 58.41 N. 2.55 \v. Penukonda Madras 14.5 N. 77.38 e. Penworthara South Australia. ^Z-S^ S. 138.40 E. P6n-y-ghent{Mt.).£'ff^/(2«(^ 54.10N. 2.15 w. Penza Russia 53. ion. 45.3 E. Penzance England 50.7 N. 5.33W, Peona Illinois 40.41 N. 89.36 w. Pei-a Ste Constantinople. Peradeniya Ceylon 7.16N. 80.35 E. Perak Malay Peninsula 4.45 N. 101.6 e. Perce Quebec 48.33N. 64.15 w. Perdido River ....Alairama 30.43 N. 87.30 w. Perdu, Mont Spain, ^y'c. 42.40N. 0.0 Perekop Russia 46.8 N. 33.40 E. Perekop, (j\x\i oi. Russia 45.50N. 32.40 E. Pereslavl Russia 56.43 N. 38.54 E. Pergamino Argentine Rep. ..34.48 s. 60.31 w. Pergamus See Bergama. Periaslav Russia 50.6 N. 31.31 E. Peribonea River. (P«;fe(r 49.5 n. 71.40 w. Perigueux France 45.11N. 0.44 E. Perim Island Red Sea 12.33N. 43.20 E. Periyakulam Madras 10.7 N. 77.35 E. Perleberg Prussia 53.4 N. 11. 51 E. Perm Russia 58.1 N. 56.32 E. Pernambuco Brazil 8.0 s. 35-53 w. Pernau Russia 58.22 N. 24.34 E. Peronne France 49.55N. 2.56 E. PerpendicularPt.Afct/ Z^land Nova Scotia 45.48N. Piedmont, div Italy 45.0 N. Picdra \j>\anii'i.... Argentine Rep ...z'&.io s. Pieman River Tasmania 41.40 s. Pierre South Dakota 44.21 N. PietermaritzburgAa/a/ 29.30 s. Pietrasanta Italy 43.57N. Pietro-su, '^\o\\l\t.. Hungary 47.40 N. Pietrosui, Blount. Hungary 47. loN. Pikes Peak Colorado 38.50N. Pilar Brazil 15.0 s. Pilat, M.iuiit France. 45.19 N. Pilatus, llunni ...Switzerland. 46.58 N. Pilbarra W. Australia... .21. i$a. Pi\couiixy oHWer.. Bolivia 22.0 8. Pilibhit United Provincesz^.^Zs. Pillar VioMxAxm... England 54.30 N. Pillau Prussia 54.40N. Pilliga New S. Wales ...30.15 s. Pilling England 53-56N. Pillnitz Saxony 51. i N. Pilltown Ireland. 52.22 N. Lcng. JI-Tp 13.43 R. 48-49 47.36 E. 64r56 45.16 E. 54-66 34-28 E. 54-66 107.30 E. 72-73 2. 50 W. 14-18 7.5OW. 32-33 176.52 E. 126-127 116.50 E. 72-73 0.37W. 20-21 0.22 E. 2021 1-45 w. 2021 3,27 w. 36-37 7.41 w. 46-47 9-30 E. 44-45 8.47 E. 44-45 7-55 K. 40 41 7.15 K. 40 41 8.41 B. 40-41 74-29 B. 64 22.27 B. 60-61 21.52 E. 6051 75. 10 W. 89 32.47 E. 81 126-0 E. U6117 2- S3 TV. 28-29 6.53 E- 80 122.0 E- 70-71 24.53 E. 5051 8.27 E. 40-41 75.1 w. 102 103 7.22 w. 34-35 75-50 B. 66 26.43 E. 60 22.30 E. 60-51 1 12.0 W. 105 170.40 w. 114-115 75-30 w. 102-103 22-30 E. 5051 108-5 E. 68-69 75-34 E. 65 82.8 E. 63 9.40 E. 48-49 175-30 E. 126-127 152.46 E. 123 I317E. 48-49 10-3 E. 48-49 432 E. £455 26.20 E. 60-51 43.0 w. 110-111 42.21 w. 110-111 12.0 E. 48 49 14.22 E. 48-49 0.10 E. 36-37 0.40 E. 36-37 3-0 E. 36-37 78.33 w. 110-111 82.30 w. 104 0.46 w. 1617 28.30 W. 88 150-44 E. 118 174-8 E. 126-127 77- low. 96 62.45 '^■ 94 62.35 w. 94 8.0 E. 4849 67.20 w. 112113 145.0 E. 120 100-I5 w. 100101 30.20 E. 8687 10.13 E. 48-49 2440E. 42-43 25.8 E. 42 43 iOvi4W. 100101 49.59 w. 110111 4-39 E. 3637 8.14 E. 4445 118.30 B. 116 117 61.1OW. 112-113 79.51 E. 63 3.18W. 14-15 10.56 E. 4041 148.59 K- 118 2.55 w. 16-17 13-53 E. 40-41 7- 20 w. 3436 Pil GEXERAL IXDEX Pon Lat. Pilot Knob Afissouri 37.40 Pilsen Aut/ria 49-45 Pinar del Rio Cuia 22.26 VmdDa.dan KhaaPufiJa^ 32.55 Pindighcb Punjab 33.^5 Pindus Mts Greece 39-15 Pine Bluff Arkansas 34.13 Pine Creek- N. Territory, S. Australia 14.0 Pine Hill Queensland, 23.39 Pinega Uiver Russia 64.14 Pinerolo Italy 44-53 Pinetown Natal 29.52 Pinjarrah II-'. Australia... .2,2. ^y Pinkie Scotland 55.54 Pines, I-sIa do Cuba 21.40 Pinsk Russia 52.10 Pinzgau Austria 47.18 Piombino Italy '12.55 PiotrkoT Russia 51.25 Piperno Italy 41.28 Piploda Central India.. ..1-^.yj Piqua Ohio 40.7 Pineus Greece 37. 5^ Piran Bay England 50.20 Piranhas B.\\->:r ...Brazil 5.30 Pirano Austria 45-32 Pirmasens Bavaria 49-12 Pirna Saxony 50.57 Pirot Servia 43- 10 Pisa Italy 43-43 Pisagua Chile 19-33 Piscataqua River, .il/ff/n^ 43- 10 Pisco Peru 13-45 Pisek Bohemia 49-i8 Pishin Brit.Baluchistan^o.zy Pisino Austria 45- 16 Pisticci Italy 40.22 Pistoja Italy 43.57 Pisuerga 'R\ver. ...Spain 42,10 Pit Hole City Pennsylvania 41.32 Pitcairn Island... /*a<-{/fc Ocean 25.3 Pitch Lake Trinidad 10.10 Pitea Sweden 65.23 Pitea Elf (River)..S. ..47.47 s. Port Dicksun A'egri-Sembilan.. 2.30N. Port Douglas Queens/and. 16.30 s. Port Dover Ontario 42.47 N. Port 'Darnfovd.. .. British £. Africa i.o s. Port Elgin Ontario 44.28N. Port Elizabeth.... C(2;>^ Colony 33-57S. Port Ellen Scotland 55.40 N. Port Elliot South Australia. 2S-35 S- Port Erin Isle 0/ Man 54.6 n. Port Esperance... Tasmania 43.20 S. Port Essington. ...^r;7. Columbia... $4. g N. Port Essington ...A^. Territory, S. A ustralia 1 1. 20 S. Port Eyre South A ustralia. "yi.o s. Port Fairy Victotia 38.23 s. Port Frederick... 7"(ZJwa«/a 41.12 3. Port Germein South A ustralia. ■^^.'2 s. Port Gibson Mississippi 3I-53N- Port Glasgow Scotland SS-S^N. Port Gordon Scotland 57.40 N. Port 'Ro.mWtow.... Korea 34.5 N. Port Hastings Xova Scotia 45.42N. Port Headland.... W. A ustralia.. ..20.10 S. Port Hood Xova Scotia 46.2 n. Port Hope Ontario 43.58N. ut. Lttn-^. 5-!N. 3-45 E. 55 N. 12.56 E. 25 K. 13.5 E. 5 N. 2.59 w. 3 N. 2.6 E. 23 N. 9.52 E. 29 N. 9-54 E. 42 N. 3-3 w. 36 N. 3-21 w. 50 N. 12.571=. 4SN. 1.58 w. 46 N. 5-36 w. 27 N. 6.44 w. 31 N. 73-55 E. 23 s. 142.38 E. 3SS. 67.0 w. 23 N. 75.35 w. 52 N. 2.43 E. N. 98.40 w. 26 N. 34-3 E. I N. 79-53 l!- 37 N. 69.48 E. 51 N. 1.7 w. 13 N. 3-37 w. 15 s. 176.46 E. 2SN. 7-4 E. 52 s. 138-35 E. 41 S. 146.45 E. 36 s. 26.54 E. 12 N. 76.27W. 33 N- 5.24 w. 48 N. 121.20 E. 30 N. 89. ^v. n S. 138.2 E. 10 S. 147.50 E. SI N. 6. 7 \v. 35 s. 137.40 E. 20 s. 115. 10 E. 51 N. 5-4 w. 253. 20.53 E. 41 N. 92.43 E. 30 s. 150.50 E. 47 s. 152.48 E. 38 s. 137-58 E. 39 N. 80.51 \v. 4 s. 144.12 E. 19 N. 88.43 E. 7 N. 4.42 vv. 56 N. 3-15 «•• SOS. i39-5i E. 47 s. 170.36 E. 35 N- 1. 12 W. 31 K. 82.54 \v. 54 N. 79.18 w. 5a s. 151.21 E. 13 N. 79.19W. 6 s. 146.46 E. SOS. 59.0 W. 130.51 E. 1460 E. 148.10 E. 65.48 vv. 101.55 E. 145.28 E. Eo.iSw. 42.0 E. 81.32 w. 25.37 E. 6. 10 \v. 138.43 E. 4. I2\V. 147.0 E. 129.57 W. 132.10 E. 132.22 E. 142.14 E. 146.25 E. 138.0 E. 90.56 w. 4.41 w. 3-1 "- 127.12 E. 61. 18 w. I1S.20 E. 61.33 w. 78.20 W. 36-37 48-49 48-49 36-37 36-37 48-49 44r45 1819 18-19 48-49 1819 26-27 24-25 64 118 110111 110-111 38 108 54-65 65 64 2021 14-15 126 127 44 45 121 119 86-87 106107 28-29 74 9293 121 120 28-29 121 122 28-29 86-87 68-69 123 114-115 121 96 119 63 18-19 16-17 121 126 127 16-17 102-103 96 123 96 120 110-111 116-117 120 123 110-111 68 69 123 96 82-83 96 85 28-29 121 1617 120 98-99 116-117 121 119 120 121 104 28-29 26-27 76 94 116-117 94 96 136.0 E. 80.30-^. 76.51 w. 32.18 E. 67.33 W. 68.15 w. Lat. Long. Port Hudson Lo?iisintia 30.43 N. 91. 13 w. Port Hunter Xew S. U'a/es...32.^$ s. 151.49 E. Port Huron Michigan 42.59N. 82.29W.- Port Isa-ac I iay England 50. 37 N. 4. 48 w. Port J.ick.son New S. Wales ...yi,. ^2. s. 151.11 E. Port Jervis Nezv York 41.22N. 74.46W. Port Kennedy Queensland 10.34S. 142.12 E. Port Klek Atistna 42.59 N. 17-30 E. Port Lavac.i Texas 28.40 n. 96.32W. Port Lazaref Korea 39.14N. 127.30 E. Port Lincoln Soulk Australia. t,^.^\&. 135.51 E. Port Louis Mauritius.... 20.18 s. 57.31 E. Port Macdonnell.5(>«/A yi«j//-(7//rf. 38.4 8. 140.41 E. Port Macquarie..,.-V<^zi' 5. n'rt/t-^...3i.27 s. 152.52 E. Port Mahon Minorca, Spain. .y).$^'iii. 4.19 E. Port Maria Jainaica 18.2SN. 76.52 w. Port Marzo Panama 7.0 N. 77.52 w. Port Mudway Nova Scotia 44.19N. 64.54 w. Port Molliourne.. Victoria 37-52 s. 144.58 E. Port Moody British Columbia^^.iS^. 122. 50W. Port More.sby New Guinea 9.25 s. 147.8 E. Port I\Iouton Nova Scotia 43-55 N. 64.50 w. Port Natal Natal. 29.50 s. 30.50 E. Port Nelson Hudson Bay 57.10 N. 92.30 w. Port Nicholson ...Neiu Zealand. ....41. 16 s. 174.47 E. Port NoUoth Cafie Colony 29.15 s. 16.52 E. Port of Spain Trinidad 10.38 N. 61.26 w. Port Orford Oregon 42.50N. 124.30 w. Port Paterson Sout/i Australia. $2. 40 s. 137.45 E. Port Perry Ontario 44.6 N. 79.0 w. Port Phillip I'ictoiia 38.10 s. 144.50 E. Port Pirie Soutit Australia. 23.10 s. 138.1 E. Port Koper A'. Territory, S. Australia 15.0 s. Port Rowan Ontario 42.40N, PortKoy.al Jamaica 17.56N. Port Said Egypt 31.15N. Port San iwWaw.. Argentine Rep. ..>,<). 15 S. Port Santa Cm?... Argentine J?ep. ..so.JO s. Port Simpson Brit. Columliia...s.i.2SV. 130.10 w. Port fiomichnn. ...Scotland 56.20 N. S.13W. Port Stanley Ontario 42.41 N. 81.18 \v. Port Stephens New S. Wales. ..32.42 a. 152.12 E. Port Sudan Sudan 19-35 N. 37-12 E. Port Talbot Wales 51.36N. 3.47 w. i*ortTa\xnsend. ..IVashington 48.8 N. 122.43 w. Port Vendres France 42.33N. 3.7 E. Port Victor South Australia. 35.33 s. 138.40 E. Port Victoria England 51.27N. 0.45 E. Port Victoria Seychelles 4-4S S. 55.30 E. Port Victoria South Australia.3i,.&o s. 137-iS E. Port Wakefield. ..A'oaM Ausiralia.34.12s. 138.24 E. Port Weld Perai 4-58N. 100.28 E. Port W'ilham... .,. Scotland 54-46N. 4-35^. Porta Vv^cslfaVicix. Prussia 52. i6n. Portacloy Bay .... Ireland 54. 20 N. Portadown Ireland 54-26 N. Portaferry Ireland 54.23 N. Portage Wisconsin 43-31 N. Portage d u Fort. . Quebec 45. 49 N. Portage la VraWicMan i toba 49-57 N. Portalegre Portugal 39. 14N. portarlington Ireland 53.9 N. Portarlington Victoria 38.6 s. Portas do Rodao. See Villa Velha do Rodao. Port-au- Basque.. .AVwyb««^//a«(^... 47.40 N. 59. 10 w Port-au-Prince. ...//(«V; 18.30N. Portossie Scotland 57.41 N. Portglenone Ireland 54- 52 N- Porth Nigel Wales 52,48 N. Porthcawl Wales S1.28N. Porthcwrnow England 50.3 N. Porthdinlleyn Wales 52.58 N. Porthleven England 50.5 N. Portici Italy 40.50N. Portisham England 50.40 N. Portishead England 51.28N. Portknockie Scotland 57.42 N, Portland Maine 43-4° N- Portland Oregon 45-3' ^' Portland Victoria 38.21 s. 141-32 E. Portland, h\\\vi.. England 50.31N. 2.27 w. Portland U\a.n<\ ..England 50.32N. Q.27>v. Portland Island. ..AV7t< Zealand 39.15 S. 177- 5^ E. Portlaw Ireland 5217N. 7-i8 w Portmadoc Wales 52.56 N. Portmagco Ireland 51.53K. Portmuhomack...5<.-o//d«i^ S7-S'N. 03 g.o E. 9.48 w. 6.27 w. 5-33 w- 89.22 \v. 76.33 w. 98.20 w. 7.26 w. 7.11 w. 144.42 E. 72. 18 w. 2.59 w. 6.28 w. 4-35 w- 3.42 w. 5.38 w. 4.30 w. 5.I9W. 14.20 E. 2.34 w. 2.47 w. 2. 52 W. 70.20 w. 122.31 w. 4.3 10.21 w. 3-49 w- 104 118 102 103 18-19 118 102 103 123 42-43 104 75 121 46 121 118 46-47 106 107 110 111 94 119 98-99 114-115 94 86-87 92-93 126-127 86 87 106107 105 121 96 119 121 116-117 96 106-107 81 110-111 110111 98-99 28-29 96 113 78-79 18-19 105 36-37 121 20-21 4-5 121 121 68-69 28-29 40-41 30-31 32-33 32 33 100-101 96 97 46-47 34-35 119 94 106 107 26-27 3233 18-19 18-19 1819 18-19 18-19 4849 18-19 1819 26-27 102 103 106 119 1415 1415 126-127 34-36 18-19 34^36 26 27 Por GENERAL INDEX Pue Lat. Long. -^'"P Portmarnock IrcUrnd. 53.26 N. 6.7 \r. 32-33 Portnah.iveii Scolland 5S.41N. 6.30 w. 28-29 Portaeuf Quebec 46.43N. 71.52 w. 95 Portneuf River. ..p;/f/'« 49.0 N. 70.0 w. 95 Porto Alegre Brazil 30.1 s. 50.4 w. 112-113 Porto d'Anzio Italy 41.25N. 12.37 E. 48-49 Porto EmpedocIe.SjVi/c 37.17N. 13.22 E. 48-49 Porto Feliz Brazil 23.0 s. 47.23 w. 112-113 Porto Feriajo /laly 42.48N. 10.18 E. 48-49 Porto Grande Cape Verd Is 16.53N. 25.0 w. 4-5 Porto Imperial. .../>rar// lo.o s. 48.4OW, 110-111 Porto Imperial ...Brazil lo.ig s. 47.21 w. 110-111 Porto MaiiriEio....//(z/K 43-S3N. 8.1 E. 48-49 Porto Montt Chile 41.30S. 72.58W. 110-111 Porto Novo Dahomey 6.20 N. 2.51 E. 84 Porto Novo Madras 11.30N. 79.48 E. 65 Porto Palo Italy 36.40N. 15.6 E. 48 49 Porto Rico I West Indies 18.1SN. 66.25 w. 106-107 Porto Santo I Madeira 33.8 N. 16.24 w. 78-79 Porto Seguro Brazil 16.22 s. 38.58 w. 110-111 Porto Seguro Togoland 6.13N. 1.32 E. 84 Porto Vecchio Corsica 41.35N. 9.16 E. 36-37 Portobello Scotland 5SS7N. 37 w. 28-29 Poitpatrick Scotland 54.51 N. 5.6 w. 28-29 Portreath England 50.16 N. 5.12 w. 18-19 Portree Scotland 57.25 N. 6.12 w. 26-27 Portrinard Ireland 52.24N. 9.18W. 34-35 Portroe Ireland 52-53N. 8.21 w. 34-35 Portrush Ireland 55-I3N. 6.40W. 32-33 Portsallagh Ireland S5.14N. 737 w. 3233 Portsea Island. ...£«jf/a«i/ 50.47N. 1.4 w. 14-15 Portsea Victoria 38.20 s. 144.40 E. 119 Portslado England 50.50N. 0.13 w. 20-21 Portsmouth Dominica 15.37N. 61.36 w. 106-107 Portsmouth England 50.48 N. 1.5 w. 20-21 Portsmouth Nc^v Hampshire. i.'^.-z N. 70.49 w. 102-103 Portsmouth Ohio 38.41 N. 82.53 w. 102-103 Portsmouth Ontario 44.14N. 78.38 w. 96 Portsmouth Virginia 36.46 N. 76.26 w. 102-103 Portsoy Scotland 5741 N. 2.42 w. 26-27 Portstewart Ireland 55.12N. 6.43 w. 32-33 Portugal, country £«ri7/^ 40.0 N. 8.0 w. 46-47 Portugalete Spain 43.21N. 3.4 w. 46-47 Portuguesa River. FfKf:;/c/a 8.30N. 68.20 w. 110-111 Portumna Ireland 53.6 N. 8.13 w. 34-35 Posen Prussia 52.24N. 16.51 E. 40-41 Posen, prov Prussia 52.30N. 17.0 E. 40-41 Posharevatz Servia 44.39N. 21.10 E. 60-51 Posilipo, Cape....//<(» Gwz'ntffl 8.0 s. Prince of Wales I. /?/77/i// Columbia$6.o N. Prince of Wales I.Queensland. 10.40 S. Prince of Wales Land N.-W. Territrs.. -jyios. Prince of Wales Strait N.-W. Territrs. .-jz-^ss. Prince Rupert British Columbia^^.ii N. Prince Rupert V:, Dominica 15.37N. Princes Island.... n«/^y>7'c<2 2.0 N. Princes Islands ...Anatolia 40.52 N. PrincesRisborough England 51-43 N. Princess Char- lotte Bay Queensland 14.20 s. Princess Royal Harbour li'. Australia 35.7 S. Princeton British Columbia^<^.-^o N. Princeton Indiana 38.21 N. Princeton Nerw Jersey 40.18N. Princetown England 50.33 N. Princetown Prince Edward I .ifii.-^-^'^. Principe Island. ..5ff Princes Island. Pripet River Russia 51.30N. Prishtina Turkey 42.30N. Prisrend Turkey 42.8 N. Pristina Turkey 42.30N. Privas France 44-44 N. Procida Island. ...//a/j' 40.56N. Progreso Mexico 21.17N. Pronie Burma 18.43N. Promise, V\avasoiQueensland 17-57 s. Propontis See Jlarmara, Sea of. Prossnitz Austria 49.29N. Provence France 43.50N. Providence Rhode Island 41.47N. Providence, CupeA'cut Zealand — 46.0 s. ProvinceWellesleyJAz/cy Penin .... 5.20 N. Provincetown Massachusetts 42.3 N. Provins France 48.33 N. Prove City Utah 40.10 N. Prussia, East Germany 54.0 N. Prussia, West Germany 53.40N. Pruth River Austria 48.30 N. Przemysl Austria 49.47N. Przibram Bohemia 49-42 N. Psiloriti, Mount.. C«/ir 35-I3N- Pskov Russia 57-5' N. Ptolemais (Ruins) Tripoli 32-44 N. Puckaun Ireland 52.56N. Puddletcwn England 50.44 N. Pudsey England 53-47 N. Pudukattai Madras 10.23N. Puebla Mexico 18.59N. Pueblo Colorado 38.18 N. Puento Nacional.Co/o«i:o 6-o N. Puerco I Honduras 16.0 N. 04 Lon;.'. Map 93.25 E. 68-69 2.47 w. 1617 112.13 w. 105 77-37 w. 96 4-45 "■• 18-19 166.30 E. 126-127 104.30 w. 108 5. 18 w. 80 17.6 E. 42-43 3-24 w. 18-19 3.0 w. 18-19 2.42 w. 16-17 145-2 E. 119 2.59W. 28-29 2. 17 w. 16-17 4-37 w. 28-29 29.6 E. 8687 20.42 E. 60-51 I4.I E. 4243 170.0 \v. 6 4. 14 \v. 46-47 32.27 E. 54-55 63.20 w. 112-113 136.17 E. 121 105. 30 W. 98-99 115.0 w. 92-93 I16.0 w. 9293 II. E. 6 77.20 w. 96 63. 30 w. 94 139.0 E. U4-115 132.30 w. 98-99 142.14 E.. 123 lOO.O w. 92-93 iiq.o w. 92-93 130. 17 w. 98-99 61.26 \v. 106-107 7.30 E. 78-79 29.5 E. 60 0.49 w. 2021 144.0 E. 123 118.0 E. 122 120.24W. ■ 9899 8739-w. 102-103 74.42 w. 102-103 3-59-n'- 18-19 63-45 w. 94 29.40 E. 54-55 21.18 E. 6051 21.0 E. 50-51 21. 18 E. 60-51 4-37 E- 36-37 14.2 E. 4849 89.40 W. 108 95-15 E- 6869 140.0 E. 123 17.7 E. 42-43 6.0 E. 3637 71.27 w. 102-103 166.30 E. 126127 100.30 E. 68-69 70.13 W. 102-103 3.17 E. 36-37 111.49 w. 105 21.0 E. 40-41 18.20 E. 40 41 24.30 E. 4243 22.47 E. 42-43 14.0 E. 42-43 24.47 E. 50-51 28.26 E. 5455 20.54 E. 7879 8. 13 w. 3435 2. 21 w. 18-19 1.39 w. 16-17 78.52 E. 65 98.2 w. 108 104.40 \v. 109-101 77.0 w. 110-111 88.35 w. 106-107 Pue GENERAL INDEX Rai Lat. Puerto 'Qi\XT\os. ..,GuatemaIa 15.44N. Puerto Cabello ... Venezuela 10.23 N. Puerto Cortez Honduras 1 5- 49 N. Puerto Libertad. . Salvador. 13. 29 N. Puerto Limon Costa Rica lo.o N. Puerto I^Iontt Chile 4i-30 S. Puerto Plata Santo Doini?i^o ..ZQ.^gn. Puerto Prado Peru 9.56 s. Puerto Princesa. ./'d/dWfl?/, Philip- pines 8.45N. Puerto Principe. . Cuba 21. 23 n. Puerto Real de CaboRojo Porto Rico 17.58N. Puerto Santa Maria Spain 36. 37 n. Puerto Vil!aniizarC(j/(;;«^/a 7-44 N. Puffin Island Ireland 5 1 . 50 n. Puget Sound Washiti^^ton 47.40N. Pukeuri IVeiu Zealand 45.0 a. Pul borough England 50. 57 N. Pulicat Madras 13-25 N. Pulkova Russia 59.46 N. Pulo de Lobo Portugal 37.46N. Pultusk Russia 52.43 N. Puna Island Ecuador 2.45 s. Punakha Bh utan 27. 35 n. Punganur Madras 13-22 N. Pungwe River Port. E. Africa. .ig.^^ s. Punjab, pruv India 30.0 n. Puno Peru 15-55 ^^ Punta Arenas Chile 53.8 s. Punta Arenas Costa Rica 9-59N. Purace Volcano. .C(?/(7M^/a 2.24 N. Pnrari River Brit.Nezv Guinea 7.50 s. Purbeck, I. of England SO-39N. Purfleet England 51.29N. Puri Bengal 19.48 n, Purley England 51.20N. Purmerend Holland 52.31 N. Purniah Bengal 25.46 N. Purulia Bengal. 23.19 N. Purus River Brazil 9.0 s. Pusa Bengal. 26. ion. Puster Thai Austria 46.44 N. Pustosersk Russia 67. 30 N. Putbus Prussia S4-23N. Puteaux Prance 48.50N. Putnam Connecticut. 4i-55 N. Putrid Sea Russia 45.30N. Puturaayo lliver, Colombia i.o 3. Puy de Donie Prance 45.46N. Puy de 'May tn^c. Prance 45-33N. Pyramid Hill Victoria 36.2 3. Pwllheli Wales 52.53N. Pyinmana Burma 19.58N. Pyle Wales 5r-32 N. Pylos Greece 3^-S4N. Pyramus River. ..5*:^ Jihun. Pyrenees Mts Prance 42.40 N. Pyrenees Mts Victoria 37-I7S. Pyrenees-Orien- tales, dep France 42,351^. Pyrgos Greece. 37- 40 N. Pyritz Prussia 53.10N. Pyrmont Germany 5.0 N. Pytchley England S2.22N. Quang-tri Annam 16.47N. QuantOL-k Hills... England 51. 8 N. Qu'Appelle R Saskatcheivan ....50.32 N. t^uarken Strait... Gw^(3/^.5t^M«(a.. 63.30 N. Quarndon England 52.58N. Quarnero, G. ot..Hu?igary 45.0 n. Quarneroio, G. of Austria 44.30N. Quatre Bras Belgium 50.34N. Queanbeyau A'ew S, H'a/^J...35.20 3. Quebec Quebec 46.48 N. Quebec, prov Canada 48.0 N. Que braba(;o Rapid sZa»i^«/ River..is.4$ 3. Quedlinburg Prussia 51-47 N. QueenAdelaide I.Chile 52.20 8. Queen Charlotte Islands British Columbias^. 50 N. Queen Charlotte Sound British Columbiasi.o N. Queen Charlotte Sound New Zealand.. ...41.14 a. Long. Map 88. 36 \v. 106-107 67.52 w. 110111 90.18 w. 106-107 8g. 20 w. 106107 83-iSw. 106107 72. 58 w. 110111 70.43 w. 106107 7S-4SW. 110-111 119.10 E. 70-71 77.s6w. 106-107 67.12 w. 106-107 6.20 w. 46-47 7313W. 110-111 10.24 w. 30-31 122.40 \v. 105 171.5 E. 126-127 0. 29 W. 20-21 80.21 E. 65 30.20 E. 54-55 7.3SW. 46-47 21.12 E. 54-55 80. 10 w. 110-111 89.42 E. 63 78.36 E. 65 34.50 E. 78-79 74.0 E. 66 70.55 w. 110111 70. 56 w. 110111 83.46 w. 106107 76. 24 w. 110111 145.18 E. 114-115 2.8 W. 14-15 0.14 E. 20-21 85.31 E. 63 0.6 W. 20-21 4-57 E. 38 87.30 E. 63 86.24 K. 63 71.0 W. 110-111 85.43 E. 63 12.10 E. 42-43 52.30 E. 54-55 13.27 E. 40-41 2.:8 E. 36-37 71.55 w. 102 103 35.5 K. 54-65 74.0 w. 110111 2.56 E. 3637 2.9 E. 36-37 144.2 E. 119 4.26 w. 18-19 96.24 E. 68-69 3-43 "•• 18-19 21.43 E. 5051 0.0 3637 143.20 E. 119 2.30 E. 36-37 21.26 E. 50-51 1453 E. 40-41 9.12 E. 40-41 0.44 W. 20-21 107.10 E. 6869 3.12 w. 14-15 103.0 W. 9899 21.20 E. 54-55 1.30 w. 20-21 14.14 E. 42-43 14.45 E. 42-43 4.27 E. 38 49.15 E. 118 71.13 W. 95 74.0 W. 96 33.10 E. 78-79 11.7 E. 40-41 74.30 W. 110-111 132. 10 w. 98-99 128.0 w. 98-99 174.12 E. 126-127 I Lat. Queen Victoria Desert 11'. Australia ...zg.o S. Queenborough ...England 51.25 N, Queen's Channel. M Territ<>ry, S. Australia 14.28 P. Queen's Co Ireland 52.58N. Queensberry Hill. Scotland 55.16N. Queensbury England 53-46N. Queenscliff Victoria 38. 16 3. Queensclitfe South Australia. ^5.40 3. Queensferry, N... Scotland 56.1 n. Qiieensferry, S.... Scotland 55-59 N. Queensland Australia 22.0 s. Qucensto wn Cape Colony 31.53 s. Queenstown Ireland 5^-51 N. Queenstown AViu Zealand. ....4^.2 S. Queguay 'River ...Uruguay 32.173. Quel part Island ..Korea 33.20N. Queretaro Mexico 20.36N. Quetta Brit. Baluchistan2p. 10 n. Quezahenango Guatemala 14-S1 N. Quezaltepeque....5a/frt(/t7r 13-44 N. Quiberon France 47.30N. Quiliinaiie Port. E, Africa..T.j.$oQ, Quillota Chile 32.58 3. Quiloa Ger. E. Africa... 9.0 s. Quilon Madras 8. 53 N. Quimper France. 48.0 N. Quimperle. Fratice. 47'S3N' Quin Ireland 52.4a x. Quinag, Mt Scotland 58.12 N. Quincy Illinois 39-51 N- Quincy Massachusetts 42.15 N. Quindiu Pass Colombia 4.38 N. Quinte, Bay of ...Ontario 44-5 N. Quinto, Rio Argentine Rep.... 2,^.20 3. Quirang ( Mt. ) Scotland 57- 38 N. Quirindi New S. U a/t'j-....3i.23 a. Quito Ecuador 0.13 N. Quoich, Loch Scotland 57.4 N. Quorn South Australia. '^'2. 2.2 3. Quorndon Englaiid 52.46 N. Quorra River See Niger. Raab Hungary 47.41 N. Raab River Hungaty 47.25N. Raal te Netherlands 52. 23 N. Raasay I^^land Scotland 57-25N. Riiasay Sound ....Scotland 57-27 N. Rabat Marocco 34.0 N. Rabba N. Nigeria 9.19 N. Rabbath Ammon.Palestine 31. 56 N. Rabbath Moab ...Palestine 31.50.V. Rabcza, River ....Hungary 47-41 N. Rabkob Central'Provinces-zz.i^'S. R;iby Castle England 54-36N. Racalmuto Sicily 37-24 N. Racconigi Italy 44--17N. Race, Cape Newfoundland ...46.40N. Racine Wisconsin 42.48 n. Radak Chain Marshall Is lo.o N, Radautz Austria 47.50N. Radcliffo England 53-33N. Radhanpur Bombay 23.49 N. Radley England 51.42N. Radnor, co Wales 52. 15N. Radnor, New I Vales 52. 14 N. R,adoIszell Baden 47-14 N. Radom Russia 51.23 N. Radstock England 51.18N. R;if;d French Congo 5.0 N. Raffles Bay N. Territory, 5. Australia 12.0 3. Ragatz Switzerland. 47.1 N. Ragged Island ...Bahamas 22.13N. Raglan England 51-46 N. Ri\y;lan A^eio Zealand 37-46 3. Ragusa Austria 42.37 N. Ragusa Italy 36-56N. Rahcng Siam 17.0 N. Rahova Bulgaria 43-44 N. Rah way Nc^v Jersey 40-36.N. Rai Baroli United Provinces 26.1 4 N. Raichur Hyderabad i6.t2N. liaigarh CentralProvinces2i.$4'S. Rdnford England 53.31 n. Rainbam Essex 51.32N. 05 Long. Mnp 124.0 E. 116-117 0.44 E. 18-19 129.25 E. 116117 7.25 w. 34-35 3. 35 w. 24 25 1.51 w. 1617 144.40 E. 119 137.40 E. 121 3.23 «•. 28-29 3.23 w. 28-29 145.0 E. 123 26.52 E. 86-87 8.17 w. 34-35 168.39 E. 126-127 57.30 w. 112-113 126.30 E. 75 100. 10 w. IDS 67.0 E. 66 91.35 W. 106-107 89. 13 W. 106-107 3.7 W. 36-37 36.44 E. 78-79 72.51 W. 112-113 39.29 E. 82-83 76.37 E. 65 4.4 "'• 36-37 3.32 w. 36-37 8.52 \v. 3435 5.2 w. 2425 91.20 w. 100-101 71.0 w. 102-103 75-50W. 110-111 77.35 w. 96 64.45 w- 112-113 6.17 w. 24-25 150.48 B. 118 78.23 w. 110-111 5.18 w. 24-25 138.2 E. 121 l.H w. 20-21 17.40 E. 42-43 17.5 E. 42-43 6.16 E. 38 6. 3 w. 24-25 6.7 w. 24 25 6.20 B. 80 SO B. 84 35.59 B. 60 ,35.45 E. 60 17.40 E. 42-43 83.15 E. 63 1.50 w. 1617 13-45 E. 48-49 7.39 E. 48-49 53-5 w. 94 87.48 w. 102-103 170.0 E. 114-115 25.54 E. 42-43 2. 19 w. 16-17 71.39 E. 64 1. 15 w. 20-21 3.20 w. 1819 3. 10 w. 18-19 8.59 E. 4041 21.13 E. 6455 2.27 w. 18-19 24.0 E. 82-83 132.30 E. 116117 9.30 E. 4445 75-43 '"• 106107 2. 52 w. 1819 174.53E. 126-127 18.7 E. 4243 14.45 E. 4849 99.20 K. 68-69 23-.58E. 50-51 74-15"'. 102-103 81.16 E. 63 77.24 E. 65 83.25 K. 63 2.47 w. 16-17 0.12 E. 2021 Rai GENERAL INDEX Red Lat. Rninham Kent 51-22 n. Rainliam Ontario 42.53 N. RainlKini, 'E^?,t ...Norfolk 52.48 N. Rainier, Mount... Waskin^gton 46.50N. "Rainy Lake Ontario 4S.30N. Rainy River Ontario 48.30N. Raipur CentralProvinces2 1 . 1 5 N. Rajamahendri ....Madras 17.0 N. Rajkot Bombay 22.18N. Rajmahal Bengal 25.3 n. Rajputana India 27.0 N. Rakaia and R New Zealand ....43.42 s. R;ikow Poland. 50.40N. Raleigh and Bay.A^cJr/A Carolina.. ■i^'^.A,^'^. Ralik Clmia. ....'.. jl/(2r.5Aa// /j 8.0 N. Ralum Bismarck Arch... 4.18 s. Ramah Palestine 33.6 n. Rameswaram I. ..Ceylon 9.15N. Ramillie.s Belgium 50.40N. Ranileh Palestine 3T-54 N. Raranad Madras g.22N. Raninagar United Provinces2^. 16 a. Raninagar Punjab 32. 19N. Raaior, hou^^h.... freland. 53-49 N. Kamoth Gilead , ..Palestine 32.12 n. Rampur Bengal. 21 . 46 jf. Rarapur &; state..- United Provinces28.48 N. Rampur-Beauleali£'./>'^''a/£r'.,-ij-jaOT24.22N. Ramri Island Burma 18.51 N. Rarasbottom England 53- 39 f*'- Ramsey England 52. 27 N. Ramsey Isle of Man 54.19 N. Ramsey Island ... Wales 51.52N. Ramsgate England 51.20N. Ranau Lake Sumatra 4.59 s. Ranchi Bengal 23. 22 n. Raadalstown Ireland 54-45 >'■ Randazzo Sicily 37.50N- Randers Denmark 56.27 n. Random Y^Xxw^X ...Newfoundland ,..^8.<:^ N. Randwick New S. H a/t'^...33.55 s. Rangamati Bengal 26.7 s. Rangiora New Zealand ....43.20 s. Ri^ngiriri.. New Zealand ..,.37.21 s. Rangitata River.. *V(?w Zealand 44.0 S. Rangitiki 'BAvqt ..A^e^v Zealand ....40.0 s. Rangitoto, Mt N^ew Zealand ....38.30 n. Rangoon Burma 1 6. 46 >'. Rangpur E.B'gal 5^ Assam 25.45 N. Ranibennur Bombay 14.37N. Ranigan j Bengal 23. 36 N. Ranikbet United Provinces2g. 40 n. Rankine River. ....v. Territory, S. A ustralia 20. o S. Rann of Cutcb Bombay 24.0 N. Ranuocb, Loch . . . Scotland 56. 42 N. Rannoch, Moor of Scotland 56. 37 N. Ranpur and stateBerigal 20.4 N. Rapa Nui ls\a.ud. Pacijfc Ocean ....27.0 s. Rapa or Opart \.. Pacific Ocean 27.36 s. Rapallo Italy 44.22N. Raphoe Ireland. 54.52N. R.apid City South Dakota 44.6 N. Rappahannock R. Virginia 37.50N. Rapperschwyl Switzerland. 47.13 N. Rappolts weiler 4 Isace 48. 1 2 n. Rarotonga I Cook Islands 21.14 3- Ras Haf un Somaliland 10. 26 n. Ras Kasar Red Sea 18.2 n. Ras '^\o\v<\Tn\\\eA,.Red Sea 27.40 N. Ras-el-Hadd Oman^ A rabia,..2Q.. 28 N. Rastatt Baden 48.52N. Rastrick England 53. 42 n. Rat Portage Ontario 49.58N. Ratangarh Rajputana 28.5 n. Ratanpur CentralProvincesn'z, 16 n. Rathangan Ireland 53-14N* Rathconratli Ireland 53- 3° N* Rathcoole Ireland 53.18N. Rathcormack Ireland 52.4 N. Ratbdown Ireland 53.14N. Rat hdo wney Ireland 52. 51 N. Rathdrum Dublin, Ireland.s3.17S. Ratbdrum Ire/and 52.57N. Ratbenow Prussia 52.37N. Ratbfryland Ireland 54.14N. Rathkeale Ireland 52.32N. Rathkenny Ireland 53-45 N. Loug. Map 0.37 E. 2021 79.50 w. 96 0.37 E. 20 21 IZI.34W. 105 93.0 w. 92-93 94.30 w. 92-93 81.41 E. 63 81.48 E. 65 70.56 E. 64 87.53 E- 63 74-0 E. 66 172s B. 126-127 21.3 E. 54 65 78. 29 w. 104 165.0 E. 114-115 152.13 E. 114-115 35.18 E. 60 79.20 E. 65 4-55 E. 38 34-54 E. 60 78.52 E. 65 83.4 E. 63 73.50 E. 66 7-5 w. 30-31 35-48 E. 60 83.59 E. 63 79-5 E. 63 8G.39 E. 63 93.28 E. 68-69 2.19 w. 16-17 0.7 w. 20-21 4-23 n-. 16-17 5-21 w. 14-15 1.2-^ E. 20-21 103.58 E. 70-71 85.22 E. 63 6. 50 w. 32-33 14.57 E. 48-49 10.0 E. 39 53-5°'"'. ' 94 151. 14 E. 118 89-55 E. 63 172.45 E. 126-127 175.12 E. 126-127 171-34 E. 126-127 175.40 E. 126-127 175.40 E. 126-127 96.13 E. 68-69 89.17 E. 63 75-41 E. 64 87.8 E. 63 79-33 E. 63 137-0 E. 116-117 70.0 E. 64 4.18 W. 24r25 4.32 W. 24-25 65.23 E. 63 109.30 w. 114-115 148.57 w. 114-115 9-13 E. 48-49 7-35 «•• 3233 103.10 w. 100-101 76.50W. 102103 8.48 E. 4445 7.19 E. 40-41 159-45 w. 114-115 51-42 E. 78-79 38-37 s. 78-79 34.20 E. 81 59.48 E. 68 8.12 E. 40-41 1.47 w. 16-17 94.30 w. 92-93 74-39 E. 66 82.11 E. 63 6.59 W. 34 35 7.301V. 32-33 6.28W. 34-35 8. 16 w. 34-35 6.10 w. 34-35 7-35 w. 3435 6. 16 w. 34-36 6.13W. 34-35 12.20 K. 40-41 6.9 w. 32-33 8.56 w. 34-35 6.39 w. 32-33 Lat. Rathlin Island.... /;Wt2«i^. S5-i8 N. RathlinO'BirueIs.//Wanif 54.40N. Raihlucken Ireland. 54- ^7 N. Rathmelton Ireland. 55.2 N. Ratbmines See Dublin. Ratbmolylon Ireland 53-29 N. Ratbmullan Ireland. 55.6 n. Ratbnew Ireland. 53.0 N. Ratho Scotland SS-S^K. Rathowcn Ireland 53- 39 N- Rathvilly Ireland. S2-53N. Rathwire Ireland. 53-3^^ N. Ratibor Prussia 50.6 n. RatisboD Bavaria 49.1 N. Ratlam Central India . ..."zyzx n. R^itnagiri Bombay 16.59 n. Ratoatb Ireland. 53- 3° N. Rattray Scotland S6.36N. Rattray Head Scotland. 57-37N. Ratzeburg Cermany 53- 42 N. Raven Point Ireland 52.21 K Ravenglass England 54. 22 N. Ravenna Italy 44. 25 N. Ravensburg Wurteinberg 47.46 N. Rave nstone England 52. 44 N. Ravenstonetlale..£«^/a«f/ 54-22 jj. R Lvenswood Queensland. 20.5 S. Ravenswood Victoria 36.50 s. Ravi River Punjab 32.0 N. Rawal Pindi Punjab 33.36N. Rawa-ruska Austria 50.17N. Rawdon. England 53- 5^ N* Rawdon Quebec 46.3 n. Rawene New Zealand..,.. 3^. 32 s. Rawi tsch Prussia 5i- 37 N. Rawliuson Mts....Gfr. N. Guinea.. 6.35 s. Rawmarsh Etigland 53-27 N. Rawson Argentine Rep 43.20 s. Rawtenstall England 53-42 N. Ray, Cape A'e^ifoundland ...47.37 >, Ra}- le i g h England 5 1 - 3 5 N. Raymond TerraceAVw S. Wales... 32. 46 s. Ray wood Victoria 36.30 s. Razorback Mts.... South Australia, 33.32 s. R^, I. de Prance. 46.11 x. Rea River England 52.30N. Reading England 51.27N. Reading Massachitsetts 42.30N. Reading Pennsylvania 40.20N. Reay Scotland 58.33 N. Recanati Italy, 43.24N. Recherche Arch.. W. Australia 34.308. Recife Brazil 8.0 S. Reculvers, 'i'\iQ.... England 51-23 N. Red Bay Irelan d 55. 4 N. Red Bluff CaliJ'ornia 40. ion. Red Cloud Nebraska 40.2 n. Red Head Scotland 56.37N. Red Fork Oklahoma 36. ion. Red Indian \j^q. Newfoundland ...^%.S21S.. Red Lake Minnesota 48.0 N. Red River Louisiana 31 . 20 N. Red River Tongking. See Sougka. Red River, \Mt\Q. Arkansas 35.30N. Red River of the North ATinnesota 49.0 N. Red Sea Africa.. 6fc 20.0 n. Redbank J'ictoria 36.55 S. Redcar England 54- 37 N. Redcastle Ireland. 55. 9 N. Redcross and "R.. Ireland 52.53N. Redding California 40.35 N. Redditch England 52.18 N. Rede River England 55.18 n. Redhill Ireland 54.6 N. Redhill South A ustralia. 33.0 S. Redhill Victoria 38.20 s. 'Redjun^ 'River.... Sarawak, Borneo 2.15 N. Redlaud Bay Queensland 27-37 S. Rednitz River Bavaria 49.25 N. Redon France 47-39N. Redonda \^\2,Vid.. . Leeward Islands.'id.^Z'S.. Redout Kale Transcaucasia ,..42.16 N. Redruth England 50.13 N. Redruth South A ustralia. 33. 4,3 s. Redwharf Bay.... Wales 53.18N. Redwing Minnesota 44. 34 N. Redwood California 37.25 N. 06 Long. Map 6.13 w. 32-33 8.50 w. 3031 9.15 w. 32-33 7.38 w. 32-33 6.48 w. 32-33 7.32 w. 32-33 6.2 w. 34 35 3.24 w. 28-29 7-3' w. 34-35 6.41 w. 34-35 7.9 w. 3233 18.13 E. 40 41 12.6 E. 40 41 75-7 E. 64 73.20 E. 64 6.28 w. 3233 3.I9W. 28-29 1.49 w. 2425 10.45 E. 40-41 6.22 W. 30-31 3-24W. 1617 12.12 E. 48-49 9-37 E. 40-41 1.25 w. 2021 2.26 w. 16 17 146.54 E. 123 144.1 E. 119 74.50 E. 66 73-3 E- 66 23.40 E. 42-43 1.40 w. 16-17 73-44 w. 95 173-31 E. 126127 16.50 E. 40-41 147.0 E. 114115 1.21 w. 16-17 64.20 w. 110-111 2.18 w. 16-17 59-24 w. 94 0.36 E. 20-21 151.42 E. lis 144.20 E. 119 139-2 E. 121 1.25 w. 36-37 2-33 w. 1415 0.59W. 2021 71.6 w. 102-103 75-58 w. 102103 3 47W. 26-27 13-3' E- 48 49 123.0 E. 116117 35-53 w. 110111 1.13 E. 20-21 6.2 w. 3031 122.8 W. 105 98-35 w. 100-101 2.29 w. 24-25 96.15 w. 104 t;6.40 w. 94 96.0 w. 100-101 92.30 w. 104 92.13 w. 104 97.0 w. 100-101 39.0 E. 78-79 143.30 E. 119 1.4 w. 1617 7.7 ^y. 32-33 6.8 w. 3436 122. 20 w. 105 1.56 w. 18-19 2.25 w. 14-16 7.19 w. 32 33 137.0 E. 121 144.50 E. 119 112.0 E. 70-71 153-15 E. 123 11.0 E. 40 41 2.4 W. 36-37 62. 26 w. 106107 41.39 E. 64-65 5-I3W. 1819 138.56 E. 121 4. I 2 W. 14-15 92.31 W. 100-101 122.10 W. 106 Ree GENERAL INDEX Rio Ree, Lough Ireland. 53.40 N. Reedy Croek Victoria 37-17 S- Reef Point New Zealand ....34.31 s. Reefton New Zealand 42.10 s. Reepham England 52.46 n. Reeth England 54-23N. Regalbuto Sicily 37-38 N. Regen River Bavaria 49.3 n. Regensburg (Ratisbon) Bavaria 49.1 n. Reggio Italy 38.8 N. Reggio Italy 44.42N. Regina Saskatchewan ... ,50. 25 N. Regnitz River Germany 49.40N. Reicii e nbach Saxony 5°- 3^ N- Reichenberg Bohemia 50.47 n. Reicbenbali Bavaria 47.42N. Raid River Queensland i9-45 S. Reid's Creek Queensland 25.40 s. Reidsville Queensland. i9-43 S. Reigate England 51.14N. Reikjavik Iceland 64.8 N. Rein Deer \^VQ..Saskatcheioan — 58.0 N. Reinga, Cape New Zealand 34-27 s. Reinosa Spain 43. 2 n. Reka River Austria 45-19 N. Reloncavi Bay ....Chile 41-43 S. Rembang Java 6.33 s. Remiremont France 48.0 n. Remscheid Prussia 5r.i2N. Renaix Belgium 50.45N. Rendelsbam South Australia 37.30 S. Rendaburg Holstein 54.18N. Renfrew Ontario 45.29N. Renfrew and 1:0 ..Scotland 55-53^. Reni Russia 45.28N. Renmark South Australia. ;^^.i^ s. Rennell Island Solomon Islands. 11. i^ s. Rennes France. 48.6 N. Reno Nevada 3g.40N. Reno River Italy 44.44N. Renowes Newfoundland ...46.55 i^- Ren ton Scotland 55-58 N. Repton England 52. 50 N. Republican Fork. Nebraska 40.6 n. Requeua Spain 39-31 N- Reschen Tyrol, A ustria... 46. 50 "S. Reshd Persia 37-I5N. Resina Italy 40.48 n. Resolution I N.-W. TerHtrs.. 6i.$oj<. Resolution I New Zealand... .. 45.40 s. Restigoucbe 'R..,.New Brunswick. 47. 40 U. Retford, East England 53.20N. Retbel France 49.32N. Rethyninon Crete 35-22 n. Re tiezat, Mount. . Hunga/y 45. 24 N. Retime See Rethy ni non. Reunion Island... Indian Ocean 21.0 s. Reus Spain 41. ion. Reuss, prin Germany SO- 35 N. Reuss, River Switzerland. 47.26 N. Reutlingen Wiirtembeig 48.30N. Reval Russia 59- 27 N. Revilla-Gigedo \s. Pacific 19-25 N. Rewa Central India.... •24.^1 N. Kewari Punjab 28.12N. Rey, Rio del West Africa 4.40 N. Reyes Bolivia. 13.10 s. Rhat Central Sahara . . 24. 57 n. Rhayader Wales 52. i8n. Rhee{orCam) li.England 52.7 n. Rheidol River Wales 52.24N. Rh eims Frame 49. 1 5 N. Rhein, Hinter Switzerland. 46 34N. Rhein, Vorder Switzerland. 46.47N. Rheingau Germany 50.4 N. Rhenish Prussia, pro V Germany 50. 36 N. Rheola Victoria 36.37 S. Rbeydt Prussia 5i-ii N'- Rbin River Germany 53.0 N. Rhine River Germany 51.36N. Rhinns of Gal- loway Scotland 54- SON. Rhinns of KgWs.. .Scotland 55. ion. Rhinns Point Scotland S5-4i N. Rhinn.s, The Scotland 54.40N. Rbio Island Sumatra 0.59N. Lonu'. Map 7.58 w. 30-31 145-4 K. 119 1733 E- 126-127 171.50 E. 126-127 1.7 K. 20-21 I.57W. 16-17 14.40 E. 48-49 13.0 E. 40-41 12.6 E. 40-41 15.39 E. 48-49 10.38 E. 48-49 104. 38 w. 98-99 II. E. 40-41 12.17 E. 4041 153 E. 42-43 12.51 E. 40-41 146.56 E. 123 151.40 E. 123 146.56 E. 123 0.12 W. 20-21 21.59 W. 8-9 102,0 w. 98-99 172.36 E. 126-127 4.4 W. 46-47 14.27 B. 42-43 72.50 W. 110111 III. 4 E. 70-71 6.36 E. 36-37 7.12 E. 40-41 3.45 E. 38 140.10 E. 121 9.40 E. 40 41 76.46 w. 96 4.24 w. 28-29 28.16 E. 6465 140.35 E. 121 160.30 K. 114-116 1.40 w. 3637 119.55 w. 105 11.30 E. 48-49 52.56 w. 94 4-35 w. 28-29 1.32 w. 20-21 100.0 w. 100-101 l.io w. 46-47 10.31 E. 42-43 49.25 E. 60 14.20 K. 48 49 65.0 w. 9293 166.25 E. 126127 67.30 w. 94 0.57 w. 20-21 4.21 E. 36-37 24.28 E. 60-61 22.52 E. 42 43 55.30 E. 45 I.o E. 46-47 12.0 E. 40-41 8.15 E. 4445 9.13 E. 40-41 24.49 E. 5i-56 110.30 w. 9091 81.20 E. 63 70,40 E. 66 8.38 E. 78-79 67.55 W. 110-111 10.7 E. 80 3. 28 w. 18-19 0.5 W. 14-16 4.0 w. 14-16 4.2 K. 36-37 9.20 E. 44 45 9.10 E. 44-45 8.0 E. 40-41 7.0 E. 40 41 143.56 E. 119 6.28 E, 40-41 130 E. 40 41 6,36 E, 4041 S-S w. 24-25 4.22 W. 24-25 6,33 w. 24-25 SO w. 2425 104.26 K. 70-71 Long. 9,0 E. 71-35 w- 28.14 K. 30.0 i:. 10.0 E. E. E. Lat. Rho Italy.. 45,30N. Rhode Island United States 4i,4on. Rhodes and I Turkey 36.23 N. Rhodesia, N Brif.Cent.A/ricai^.o s. Rhodesia, S S. Central A/ricaiZ.o s. ^-,_ Khodope Mts Turkey 4i,58n. 24,0 Rhon Gebirge Gennajiv 50,30N. 10,0 Rhondda Wales 51.42N. 3.30 \v, Rh6ne and Rhine Canal Germany 47, 45 N, Rh6ne, dep France. 4S,40N. Rhflne, Mouths of the River France 43-20 N, Rhone River France 45,4511, Rhu Stoir Scotland 58.16 N, Rhuddlan Wales 53.18 n. Rhyl Wales S3.19N. Rbymney Wales 5I.45N. Rhynie South Australia. -^^.z^s. 138.45 e Riara-Kina River /?i;rK« 3.30 s. 114.28 e Riazan Russia 54.38N. 39.49 E Ribeauville See Rappolt^woiler. Ribble River England 53.43 N. Ribchester F.jigland 53.49 N. Ribe Denmark 55. 19N. Ribstone Hali England SS-S^N. Ricearton Xew Zealand 43,30 s. 172,38 K Riccarton Scotland 55, i6n. 2.40 w. Rice Lake Ontario 44,10 N. Rich Hill Ireland 54.22 N. Richborotiph England 51.18 N. Richelieu River. , . Quebec 45. 40 N. Richibucto Neio Brunswick .46.43 n. Richmond England 51.28N. Richmond England 54,24 N. Richmond Indiana 39,49 N, Richmond Kentucky 37.43 N. Richmond \>k/ 5. 'lIa/«...,33,36 s, 150.46 e Richmond New Zealand. ....41.165. 173.19 E. Richmond Quebec 45,40N. 72.11 w. Richmond Tas7nania ....^....4-2.465. 147.37 e. Richmond Virginia 37,32N. 77.26 «-. Rickmansworth ..England 51.38N. 0.28 w. Riddingg England 53.4 n. Riddon, Loch Scotland. 55.58N. Rideau Canal Ontario 44.30N. Rideau Lake Ontario 41.22 N. Riding, Ea.st Yorkshire 54,0 n. Riding, North .,,, Yorkshire. 54,2oN. Riding, West Yorkshire 54,0 n, Ried Austria 48, 12N. Riesen Gebirge. ,,^wj/Wa, i2rV 50.48 N. Riesi Sicily 37.17N. Riet Fontein Cafe Colony 26.38 s. Rieti Italy 42,25 N, Rievaulx Abbey. .England 54.16N. Riff Coast Marocco 35.0 N. Riga Russia 56.57N. Ri^'a, Gulf of Russia 57.20N. Rigaud Ontario 45.29 N. Rigi, Mount Switzerland 47,3 N. Rijswijk Holland 52.3 n. Rikuchu, jiruv. .../a/a« 39.30N. 141.0 E. Rikuzen, pmv, ...Japan 38,25n. 140. 50 e. Rikwa Lake Gcr. E. Africa... 8.0 s. 32.0 e. Rilo Dagh Bulgaria 42,6 N. 23.20 E. Rimini Italy 44.3 N. 12.33 E. Rimouski Quebec 48.26 N. 68,34 w. Rincon New Mexico 33,7 N. 106. 52 w. Ringabella V,;iy ...Ireland 51.47N. 8.18 w. Ringarooma Tasmania 40.54 s. 147. 55 E. Ringarooma Bay. Tasmania 40.503. 147.53 E. Ringkjobing Denmark 56,5 N. 8,148. Ringwood England 50,51 N. 1.47 w. Ringwooil Victoria 37-48 S. 145.20 E. Rinj.ani, Mt Lombok, E.Indies 8.12 s. 116.30 E. Rio Chico Venezuela 10.11 N, 66,24 w*. Rio Cuarto Argentine Rep... '34.0 s. 64,39*. Rio de Janeiro and state Brazil 22,57s. 43.7 w. Rio de la Plata. .,,-f/^tfn//;;^ AV/, ..36,0 s. 55.0 w. Rio do Oro Spanish Sahara .^-^.y)"^. 16.0 w. Rio Grande del Norte New Mexico 35.0 N. 106.40 \v. Rio Gratide do Norte, state — Brazil. 6.0 9. 37.0 w. Rio Grande do SuJ Brazil 32.6 3. 52.18 w. 7.0 E. 4.35 E. 4.41 E. 5.10 v.. 5.23 w. 3.28 w. 3.29 w, 3. i6w. 2.55 «-. 2.32 w. 8.46 E. 1.24 w. 78. 15 w. 6.33 w. 1.20 E. 73, 10 w. 64,55 "■• 0,1 3 «-. 1,45 w, 84.52 w. 84.16 w. 1,27 w. 5,I2W, 76, ::o w. 76.22 w. 0.35 w. 1.30 w. 1.30 w. 13.29 E. 15.35 E. 14.7 E. 20.1 E. 12.53 E. 1.0 w. 4.0 W. 24.3 E. 23.40 E. 74.23 w. 8.28 E. 4.21 E. Map 44-45 102-103 50-51 82-83 78-79 60-61 40 41 18-19 40-41 36-37 36-37 36-37 26-27 1819 18-19 18-19 121 7071 64-65 14-15 16-17 39 16-17 126-127 28-29 96 32-33 20-21 96 94 20-21 16-17 102-103 102-103 118 126-127 96 120 102-103 2021 20-21 24-26 96 96 14-15 14-15 14-16 42-43 42-43 48-49 86-87 48-49 16-17 80 64-66 64-55 96 44-45 38 76 75 8283 60-51 48-49 95 100-101 34.35 120 120 39 20-21 119 70-71 110 111 112113 112-113 112-113 7879 100-101 110111 112113 107 Rio GENERAL IXDEX Ros Lat. Long. Slap Rio Grande do Sul. state Brazil 30.0 s. 530 w. 112-113 Rio Pardo Brazil 15.253. 41.33W. 110-111 Rio Tinto, Minas do Spain 37.46 N. 6.38 w. 46-47 Riobamba Ecuador. 1.38 s. 78.40 w. 110-111 Rioja, dist Spain 42.25N. 2.40W. 46-47 Riom France. 45.54N. 3.8 E. 36-37 Rion, River Russia 42.13N. 41.57 E. 54-55 Rionegro Colombia 6.1 N. 75-39W. 110-111 Rionero Ilaly 40.53 N. 15.42 E. 48-49 Riow Islands See Rliio. Ripley Derbyshire 53.3 N. 1.25 w. 20-21 Ripley Yorkshire 54.2 N. 1.33 w. 16-17 Ripon England 548 N. 1.31W. 16-17 Risca England 51.39N. 3.9 w. 18-19 Risdoa Tasmania 42.50s. 147. S3 E. 120 Riva Tyrol, Austria. ..^^.^^'S. 10.50 E. 42-43 Rivas Nicaragua 11.28N. 85.56 w. 106-107 Rive-de-Gier France 45.33N. 4.41 E. 36-37 Rivera, dep Uruguay 32.0 s. 56.0 w. 112-113 Riverina. dist A^eiv S. Wales. ..-^-^.o 3.145.0 E. 118 Riversdale Cape Colony 34.0 s. 20.10 E. 86-87 Riveisdale A'ew Zealand ....45.56 s. 168.42 E. 126-127 Riverstown, King's Co Ireland 53.5 N. 7-55^. 32-33 Riverstown Sligo, Ireland ....^^.% N. 8.23W. 32-33 Riverstown Tipperary.Irelandyi.x^'z N. 8.10 w. 34-35 Riverton A'ew Zealand 46.24 s. 168.10 E. 126-127 Riverton South Australia. 3.\.ios. 138.40 e. 121 Riviera Italy 44.0 N. 8.0 E. 48-49 Riviere du Loup. ^w^^fc 47.52N. 69.35 w. 95 Rivieres du Sud, now French Guinea, g.v. Rivoli Italy 45.4 N. 7.30 E. 48-49 Rixhoft Prussia 54.49N. 18. 19 E. 40-41 Rizeh Asia Minor. 41.2 N. 40.32 E. 60 Rizzuto, Cape Italy 38.57N. 17.7 E. 48-49 Road Town Tortola, Leeivard Islands 18.27N. 64.40 w. 106-107 Roag, Loch Scotland 58.12N. 6.45 w. 24-25 Roanne France 46.2 N. 4.4 E. 36-37 Roanoke Virginia 37.1SN. 80.0 w. 102-103 Roanoke River. ..Av/-M Ca?'£J//«a.. 36.10 N. 77.15 w. 104 Roaringwater B..//-c/rt«i/ 51.32N. 9.26W. 30-31 Eoatan Island ....//t7«f/w;'rtj 16.25N. 86.25W. 106-107 Robado Colombia 7-36N. 76.50W. 110-111 Robben Island. ...Cff/« Co/o«j/ 33.47 s. 18. 23 E. 86 87 Robbins Island ... 7rtj;Kfl«/rt 40.40 s. 145.0 E. 120 Robe South Australia. yj.6 s. 139.48 E. 121 Roberton Scotla?id 55.32N. 3.40 w. 28-29 Roberts Hd Ireland. 51.44N. 8.19W. 30-31 Robertson jVf7jAXi^Q A static Pussia ...4q.C;0'N. Baima. Lake Pussia 61.15 N. St. Abb's "EgslA... Scotland 55-55N. St. Affriqiie France 43-57N. St. Agnes England 50.19N. St. Agnes Island. ^i'zV/)' Islands 49.53N. St. Aignan Fra nee 47. 16 N. St. Albans England 51.46N. St. Albans New S. Wales ...36.15 S. St. Albans Vermont 44-47 N. St. Albans Head. England 50.34N. St. Amand Cher, France 46.43N. St. Amand Nord^ France 50.27 N. St. Andrew, C Madagascar 16.7 s. St. Andrews New Brunswick .4^.4 n. St. Andrews Scotland 56.20 N. St. Andrews Bay Scotland 56.22 N. Ste. Anne and B.Quedec 49.6 N. Ste. Anne and 'R.Quedec 47.2 n. St. An n's Ja maica 1 8. 27 N. St.' Ann's Head... Wales 51.41N. St, Anselm e Quebec 46. 37 N. St. Anthony Falls. See Minneapolis. St. Antonin France 44.10N. St. Arnaud Victoria 36.37 s. St. Asaph Wales 53.16N. St. Atbanase Quebec 45.19N. St. Aubin Jersey 49.12N. St. Augustine Florida 29.51 N. St. Austell England 50.21 N. St. Austell Bay. ..England 50.18N. St. Barbe Island. A^ewfoundland ...^o.i^H. Long. M.ip 43-38 w. 110-111 17.20 E. 4243 35.0 E. 78-79 93-55 w- 104 12.55 E. 48-49 95.0 w. 104 0.20 w. 36-37 81.9 w. 104 65-37 w. 94 to.o w. 94 81.52 TV. 96 1.47 W. 36 37 6. 52 w. 46-47 120.0 E, 7 72.59 E. 64 76.15 w. 102-103 7.57 E. 40-41 64. 1 1 w. 94 70.34 w. 102-103 121.26 w. 105 122.0 w. 105 3. 2 W. 14-15 138.47 E. 121 77-16 E. 66 95.41 E. 63 138.30 E. 75 8.48 w. 4647 15.40 E. 42-43 35-37 E. 60 64.0 E. 68 8. 50 w. 80 0.15 E. 20-21 50.13 E. 60 131. E. 75 96.2 E. 68-69 15.19 E. 40-41 78.48 E. 63 6. 26 \v. 34-35 143.0 E. 76-77 83. i;5 w. 102-103 83.40 w. 102-103 8.57-n-. 46-47 80. 24 w. 106-107 74.0 w. 92-93 68. 56 \v. 110-111 8.0 E. 78-79 77.35 E. 63 87.40 E. 63 84.3 E. 63 74-20 E. 65 80.15 E. 65 87.38 E. 63 106.48 E. 6869 51-27 E. 58 88.30 H. 76-77 28.30 E. 6465 2.8 w. 24-25 2.53 E. 3637 5.12 W. 18-19 6.21 w. 14-15 1.22 E. 36-37 0.21 W. 20-21 I5I.0 E. 118 73-5 w. 102-103 2.3 w. 14-15 2.31 E. 36-37 3.24 E. 36-37 44.28 E. 78-79 67.6 \v. 94 2.48 w. 28-29 2.45 v. 24-25 66.30 w. 95 70-58 w. 95 77.12 w. 106-107 5-30 w. 14-15 71. 1 w. 95 1.43 E. 3637 143.16 E. 119 3. 26 w. 1819 73.16 w. 95 2. 1 1 W. 1415 81.30 W. 104 4.48 W. 1819 4-45 ^v. 14-15 55.46 w. 94 Lat. St. Bartholomew Island West Indies 17.50 N. St. Bathans AVw Zealand.. ...^.^S S. St. Beat France. 42.55N. St. Bees England 54.29N. St. Bees Head ...England S4-3i N. St. Bernard, Gt. Pass S7vitzerland 45-51 N. St. Bernard, lAt.. Switzerland. 45.40N. St. Bertrand France 43.1 n. St, Blazey England 50.22 n. St. Boniface Manitoba 49-59N. St. Bonnet France 45.24N. St. Boswells Scotland 55-35N. St. Bride's Bay,.. Wales 5r.48N. St. Brieuc France 48-33 N. St. Calais France 50.5 N. St. Catherine, ilt.Grenada 12.8 N. St. Catherine's ...Ontario 43-ix N. St. Catherine's ...Scotland 56.13 N. St. Catherine's Point Isle of Wight 50.34N. St. C^r^ France 44.52N. St. Chamond France 45,30^. St. Charles Missouri 38.50N. St. Christopher Island West Indies 17.18 n. St, Clair Pennsylvania 40.45 N. St. Clair, X^aVc ,,. Ontario 42.28 N. St. Clair, hake ...Tasmania 42.5 s. St. Clair 'R\\GT ...Ontario 42.5 N. St. Claud France 45-54N. St. Claude Jura, France 46.25 n. St. Clears Wales 51.49N. St. Cloud Minnesota 45.35N. St. Cloud See Pnris. St. Columb England 50.26 N. St. Croix Danish W. Indies. See Ste. Croi x. Switzerland, 46. 50 N. St. Cto\\Vv\vk::v ...Wisconsin 46.0 N. St. Cyr See Versailles. St, Cyrus Scotland 56.47 N. St. David IslandsCaroline Islands. 1,0 N. St. David's Wales 5^-53 N. St. David's Head Wales 5i-54N- St. Denis France 48.56 n. St. Denis Rhinioji Island. . o-o.^y 9>. St. Die France 48.17N. St. Dizier France 48.38 n. St. Dogmells Wales 52,4 N. St. Donat France 45.7 N. St. Donats Wales 51.24N, St. ¥A\a^, t\lonnt. Alaska "60.17N. St. Etienne France 45.26N. St. Kustatius I West Indies 17.29N. St. Fergus Scotland 57-33 N. St. Fillan's Scotland 56.26 N. St. Finans \iay ...Irelafid 51.48N. St. Flour France. 45.2 N. St. Francis Bny ..Cope Colony 34.0 S. St. Francis, C. ...A'ewfoundland ...^j.^g'^. St. Francis, L Quebec 45.10N. St. Francis, L Quebec 45-53N. St. Francis R Arkansas 35.0 N. St, Francis R Qitebec 47.18N. St. Fran9ois du Lac Quebec 46.4 N. St. Frani^ois ViX's,.^Iissouri. See Iron Mt. St. Gall & canionS7vitzerland 47.25 N. St. Galmier France 45.36N. St. G.iudens France 43.6 N. St. Genevieve Missouri 38.1 N. St. George Quebec 46.4 ^^ St. George Queensland. 28.4 S. St. George i'tah 37.20 N. St. George, {.'ape A'eitfoundland ...48.28 n. St. George, G. of Argentine Pep. ..46.15 s. St. George V>ay. ..A'eiv/bundland ...48. y^y. St. George 'MouthPumania 4J.58N. St. George River yP^/wfln/a 45.0 N. St. George's Grenada 12.1 n. St. George's Basin W. Australia. ...J5.-20 S. St. George's Cliannel England .52.30 N. St. Germain France .48.54 N- St, Germans England 50.24 N. St. Germe France 43-40N. 10 Long. M;ip 62.45 ^* 106107 170.0 E. 126127 0.43 E. 3637 3-35 w- 16-17 3.38 "■• 14-15 7.11 E. 44-45 6.51 E. 44-45 0.34 E. 36-37 4.43 w. 18-19 96.59W. 97 4.3 E. 36-37 2. 38 w. 28-29 5. 10 W. 14-15 2.45 W. 3637 5-38 W. 36-37 61.40 w. 106-107 79.I7W. 96 5.2 w. 2829 1.20 w. 14-15 0.52 E. 36-37 4-33 E. 3637 90.40 w. 100-101 62.40 w. 106-107 76.12 w. 102-103 82.50 w. 96 146.14 E. 120 82.37 w. 96 0.27 E. 36-37 5.52 E. 36-37 4.30 w. 18-19 94.20 w. 102-103 4-56 w. 1819 Santa Cm i. 6.50 E. 44 45 92.30 w. 102-103 2. 24 w. 2627 134.23 E. 114 115 5. 16 w. 1819 S.19W. 14-15 2.21 K. 36-37 55-28 E. 45 6.57 E. 36-37 4.58 E. 36 37 4.36 tv. 1819 4-59 E. 36-37 3.30 w. 18-19 140.52 w. 9091 4.23 E. 36 37 62.55 w. 106-107 1.50 w. 26-27 4.6 w. 28-29 10.12 w. 30-31 3.6 E. 36-37 =5-3 E. 86 87 52.49 w. 94 74.20 w. 95 71. low. 95 90.40 w. 104 69.4 w. 95 72.48 w. 95 9.23 E. 44 45 4.20 E. 36-37 0.43 E. 36-37 90.10 w. 100101 70.42 w. 95 148.33 E. 123 113-45 w. 105 59-15 «•• 94 66. 30 w. 110111 58.31; w. 94 29-55 E. 5051 29.0 E. 60-51 61.50 w. 106-107 125.10 E. 116-117 5-30 w. 1415 2.4 E. 3637 4.19W. 1819 0. 10 W. 36-37 Sai GENERAL INDEX Sal U St. Gervais France 45. St. Gilles France 40. St. Giroiis France 42. St. Gobain France 49. St. Gotthard Hungary 46. St. Gotthard Switzerland 46. St. Gowan's Hd.. Wales 51. St. Helen Tasinania 41. St. Helena Nebraska 42, St. Helena Bay...Ca/f Colony 32. St. Helena 1 Queensland 27. St. Helena I S. Atlantic Oceani^. St. Helens England 53. St. Helens Isle of Wight 50. St. Helens, ^It. ...Washington 46. St. Helier Jersey 49. St. Hilaire Quebec 45. St. Hippoly te France. .13. St. Hubert Belgium 50. St. Hyacinthe Quebec 45. St. Ives England 50. St. Ives England 52. St. James Victoria 36. St. Jean France 45. St. Jean-d'Angely/v-an«. 45. St. Jean-de-Luz . . France. 43. St. Jerome Quebec 48. St. John Antigua 17. St. John New Brunswick .a,S- St. John, Bay oi. Newfoundland ...zp. St. John, Qa.\)G... Newfoundland ...^o. St. John, 'Lo.V.Q... Quebec 48. St. John IsVaxid,.. Virgin Islands. ..18. St. John River ...New Brunswick .45. St. John River ...Quebec 50. St. John's Newfoundland ...4y. St. John's Quebec 45. St. John's ChapelE ngland 54. St, John's Point .Donegal, Ireland^\. St. John's Vo'mi .Down, I re land... ^i,. St. John's River.. Ct?/tf Colony 31. St. John's River.. /'7(;r;V/a 30. St. Joseph. Florida 29. St. Joseph Missouri 39. St. Joseph I Ontario 46. St. Joseph \j^\^Q.. Ontario 51. St. Joseph 'K\y^v. Michigan 42.1 St. Josse-ten-Noode. See Brussels. St. Junien. France. 45. St. Just England so- St. Keverne England 50. St. Keyne England 50. St. Kilda South Australia. ^A- St. Kilda \s\\xnd... Scotland 57. St. Kitts \s[.xi\d.,. Leeward Islands. ij. St. Lawrence Queensland 22. St. Lawrence, Q..Nova Scotia 47. St. Lawrence, Gulf of Canada 48. St. Lawrence, R..^«(?^^r, ^c 48.1 St. Leonards Tasmania 41. St. Leonards Victoria 38. St. Leonards-on- Sea England 50. St. Lizier France. 43. St. L6 France. 49. St, Louis Missouri 38. St. Louis Quebec 47. St. Louis Senegal 16. St. Lucia Bay Zululand 28. St. Lucia Island.. Windward Is.... 12,. St. Lucio Florida 27. St. Magnus 3a-y.. Scotland 60. St. Maixont France. 46 St. Malo France 48. St. Margaret's KQuebec 50. St. Margaret's Hope Orkney 58. St, Margaret's Hope Scotland 56. Ste. Marie I Madagascar. 17. St. Martin I West Indies 18. St. Martin's I Scilly Islands 49. St. Mary Ontario. 43. St. Mary Bay Newfoundland ...^6. St. Mary, Cape... Madagascar 25. St. Mary, Qix\>Q... Newfoundland ...^6. St. Mary, dist Newfoundland ...^6. it. Lon;::. M.ap S4N. 6.42 E. 36-37 4iN. 1.56 w. 36-37 .S9N. 1.9 E. 36-37 .34 N. 3.22 E. 36-37 58 N. 16.10 E. 42-43 ,SSN. 8.35 E. 41-45 .30 N. 4.56 w. 14-15 21 S. 148.15 E. 120 .48 N. 97.ISW. 100101 46 s. 18.5 E. 86-87 25 S. 153-15 E. 123 -.SSS. 5-44 w- 45 27 N. 2.44 w. 16-17 .32 N. 1.6 w. 2021 .2^N. 122.10 w. 105 11 N. 2.6 w. 1415 ?4N. 73. 10 w. 95 ,S9N. 3.51 E. 3637 I N. 5-3 E. 38 ■,17N. 72.58 w. 95 12 N. 5-3° w. 18-19 19 N. 0.5 w. 20 21 ISS. 145.50 E. 119 18 N. 6.25 E. 36-37 S7N. 0. 29 w. 36-37 23 N. 1.39 w. 36-37 ■;iN. 67-34 w. 95 7 N. 61.51 w. 106-107 17 N. 66. 2 w. 94 55 N. 57-3 w. 94 N. 55-32 w. 94 40 N. 71-55 w- 95 22 N. 64.43 >"• 106 107 20 N. 66. ID w. 94 30 N. 64.0 w. 92-93 36 N. 5254 w. 94 19 N. 73.19 w. 95 40 N. 2.I2W. 16-17 24 N. 8.38 W. 30-31 14 N. 5-39 w- 3031 34 s. 29.28 E. 86-87 23N. 81.40 w. 104 47 N. 85.17W. 104 49 N. 94-52 w. 100-101 13 N. 84.10 w. 92-93 N. 90.0 w. 92-93 N. 86.23 w. 102-103 54 N. 0.54 E. 36-37 8 N. 5.42 w. 18-19 3 N. 5-5 w. 18-19 26 N. 4.28 w. 18-19 ,38 s. 138-33 E. 121 49 N. 8.34W. 24-25 18 N. 62.43 w. 106-107 20 s. 149-32 E. 123 3 N. 60.36 \v. 94 N. 62.0 w. 92-93 N. 70.0 w. 92-93 30 s. 147.12 E. 120 II S. 144.43 E. 119 S2N. 0-33 E. 20-21 I N. 1.9 E. 36-37 6 N. 1.5 w. 36-37 38 N. 90.12 w. 89 23 N. 70.26 w. 96 N. 16.30 w. 84 S. 32.20 E. 86-87 SON. 60.55 ^v* 106-107 45 N. 80.15 w. 104 2SN. 1.40 w. 24-25 23 N. 0. 1 1 w. 36-37 i9 N. 2.1 W. 36-37 N. 66.42 W. 92-93 49 N. 2.55 w. 24-25 2 N. 3.25 w. 28-29 8. 50.0 E. 7879 N. 63.0 w. 106-107 58 N. 6.18 w. 1416 14 N. 81.14 w. 96 55 N. 53-45 w. 94 38 s. 45-7 E. 78 79 50 N. 54. 14 w. 94 55 N. 53-39 w. 94 Lat. St. Mary \s\ixn^s. Quebec 50.20 N. S t. Mary 's Georgia 30. 4 1^ n. St. Mary's N'ew S. \Vales....2,^.-2()^. St. Mary's Tasmania 41-35 s. St. Mary's B^-y ...Nova Scotia 44.20N. St. Mary's I Scilly Islands 49.56N. St. Mary's Loch.. Scotland 55- 29 N. St. Mary's Kiver. Georgia 30-45N. St. Mary's River. Nova Scotia 45.10N. St. Mathieu, C... France 48.21 n. Ste. Maure France 47.7 n. St. Maurice Switzerland 46.13N. St. Maurice Quebec 46.28 n. St. Maurice R Quebec. 46.49 N. St. Mawes England 50.10N. St. Michael's Mt...£'w^/tz«(f 50.8 n. St. Michel Quebec 46.51 n. St. Michel, Mt.,.. France 48.40 N. St. Monance Scotland 56. 1 2 N. St. Moritz Stvitzerland. 46.30N. St. Mullins Ireland S2.30N. St. Nazaire France 47.16N. St. Neot's England 52.14 N. St. Nicolas Belgium 51.10N. St. Ninians Scotland 56.6 n. St. Omer France. 50-45 N. St, Paul Minnesota 44-55 N' St. PauldeLoando.-f«f^f/a 8.48 s. St. Paul \s\a.n(\... Indian Ocean ..,.38.42 s. St. Paul Island... Aoz/iz Scotia 47.12N. St. Paul River Liberia 6.48 N. St. Paulien France 45.8 N. St. Paul's Bay Quebec 47.27N. St. Peter, 'Lake... Quebec 46.12N. St. Peter Port Guernsey. 49-32 N. St. Petersburg. . . . Russia 59. 56 N. St. Pierre Ma rtin ique 1 4 . 46 n. St. Pierre Riunion 21. 19 3. St. Pierre Island. AVwybaw^/a?:^... 46. 46 n. St. Pol France 50.21 N. St. Pol-de-Leon. ../"rawf:^. 48.41 n. St. Polten Austria 48. 13N. St, Pons France 43-30N. St. Pour^ain France. 46.18 n. St. Quentin France, 49.50N. St, Raphael France 43-25 N. St. Rocb Quebec. 47. 19N. St. Roque, Cape..j5/-£;::;'/ 5-30S. St. ^Q\io\2i.si\Q^Q.. Quebec 45-38 N. St. Servan France. 48.38N. St. Ther^se Quebec 45-4i N. St. Thomas Ontario. 42.49 N. St. Thomas Quebec 46.59 N. St. Thomas I West Africa 0.20N. St. Thomas I West Indies 18.20N. St. Thomas's Mount Madras 13.0 N. St, Tropez France 43-17 N. St. Tiidwall's Is. . IVales 52.48 N. St. Ubes ^ffi Setubal. St. ValiSry France 40.52N. St. Val^ry France, 50.11 N. St. Veit Austria 46.47 n. St. Vincent, C... Portugal 37.4 N. St. Vincent Gulf.. S'tJwM Australia .24.40 a. St. Vincent I Cape Verd Is 16.37 N. St. Vincent I West Indies 13.25N. St. Yrieux France 45-31 N. Saintes France. 45-44 N. Saintfield Ireland 54.28N. Saintonge, \)Toy,.. France, 45-30N. Sais, ruins Egypt 30. 57 N. Saisi River Ger. E. Africa... 8.303. Sajama Peak Bolivia 18.0 s. Sajo River. Hungary. 48,3 N. Sakai Japan 34-33 N- Sakaria River Asiatic Turkey ..41. s N. Sakkar, Bombay. See Sukkur. Sakkara ^^v// 29.50N. Sakrand Bombay 26:9 N. Sal Island Cape Verd Is 16.30N. Sala Siceden S9-54N. Salado, Rio Argentine Rep...2g.io s. Salado, Rio Argentine Rep...sS 5^ S. Salaga Gold Coast 8.32 N. Salama Guatemala I5- u N. Salamanca Spain 40.58N. Salamis Greece 37-S7N'' Lon-. 3I.-IP 5936 w. 9293 81.45 w. 104 150.48 E. 118 148.15 E. 120 66.5 w. 94 6.18 w. 1415 3.12 w. 24-26 81.50 w. 104 62.2 w. 94 4 43W. 36-37 0.37 E. 36-37 7.0 E. 44-45 72.27 w. 96 72.50 w. 96 5.0 w. 1819 5.29 w. 14-15 70. 52 w. 96 1.30 w. ^6-37 2.46 -VT. 2829 9-30 E. 44-45 6-55 w. 3435 2.12 w. 36-37 0. 16 w. 20 21 4.7 E. 38 3.56 W. 2829 2.15 E. 3637 93.0 w. 100 101 13.1 E. 82-83 77.34 E- 46 60. 10 w. 94 lo.o w. 84 3.50 E- 3637 70.31 W. 96 72.45 w. 96 2.38 w. 36-37 30.18 E. 54-66 61.7 w. 106-107 55-32 E- 46 56. 14 w. 94 2.20 E, 36-37 3-59W. 3637 15-37 E. 42 43 2-45 E. 36-37 3.17 E. 36-37 3.17 E. 36-37 6.47 E. 36-37 70. 10 w. 96 35-16 w. 110-111 74-9 w. 96 2.0 w. 36-37 73-58 w. 96 81.16 w. 96 70-33 w. 95 6.40 E. 78-79 65.0 w. 106107 80.14 E. 66 6.39 E. 3637 4.28 w. 14-16 0.42 E. 36-37 1.36 E. 3637 14.22 E. 42-43 9.0 w. 46-47 138.10 E. 121 25.2 w. 4-5 61.11 w. 106107 I. 12 E. 3637 0.38 W. 36-37 S-5OW. 32 33 0.35 W- 3637 30.47 E. 81 32.20 E. 8283 69.0 W. 110-111 20.53 E. 42-43 135.22 E. 75 30.43 E. 60 31.17 E. 81 68.20 E. 64 22.54W. 46 16.57 E. 62-53 61.0 w. 112113 66.40 w. 112-113 0.40 w. 84 90.12 w. 106107 5-39 w. 46 47 23.30 E. 50-61 III Sal GENERAL INDEX San Lat. Salamvria T\\\ Central Americai^AS N- Salvatierra Mexico 20. 17N. Salwin River Burma 20.0 N. Salza River Austria 47.40 N. Salzach River Austria 48.0 N. Salzbrunn Prussia 50. 50N. Salzburg & duchy^wj/r/a 47.48 N. SaIzkammergut,..yiK5/r;a 47.40N. Salzwedel Prussia 52.51 N. Samaden Sivilzerland. 46.32 N. Samakov Bulgaria 42.18 N. Samana Haiti 19. 14N. Samar Island Philippine Is 12.0 N. Long. Map 22.41 E. 50-51 79.0 w. 110-111 131. E. 70-71 69.40 E. 61 120.31 E. 70-71 55-32 K. 4-5 3.46 W. 18 19 17-33 E. 8687 2.18 w. 1617 147-5 K. 119 78.12 E. 65 70. 59 w. 102103 75.27 w. 102103 122.47 ^^- 106 12.44 E. 48-49 5-56 w. 28-29 82.20 E. 63 14.47 E. 48 49 14.40 E. 4849 S-58 E. 36-37 2. 16 W. 16-17 34.20 E. 1B4-55 97.40 w. 100-101 95.15 w. 108 85.40 w. 106-107 3-5 E. 46-47 120.35 ^^'- 105 3-34 »•• 28-29 5-53 E. 36-37 24.26 E. 64-55 1.48 \v. 20-21 80.20 w. 104 31.20 E. 78-79 138.40 E. 121 1-55 w. 14-15 6-37 E. 36-37 11.26 w. 80 8.27 -w. 34-35 "4-55 w. 105 65.0 w. 94 10.29 E. 48-49 3-38 w. 46-47 16.29 E. 4243 22.56 E. 50-51 22.50 E. 60-61 2.40 W. 1819 72.49 E. 64 14.3 E. 48-49 1 12. 5 W. 105 112.30 W. 105 112.55 W. 105 65. Q W. 112-113 71.0 E. 66 92. 10 W. 100101 66.14 w. 112-113 1.48 w. 16-17 4.13 w. 18-19 0.58 w. 16-17 4.47 w. 28-29 6.36 w. 3031 6.39 \v. 3031 0. II E. 16-17 81.50 w. 104 I0I.2 W, 108 6.50 w. 34 35 2.56 w. 18-19 57.27"-. 112113 75.50W. 110-111 2. 50 w. 2829 63-45 w. 112113 81.1c; w. 104 83.15 E. 65 7.28 E. 48-49 57. low. 112-113 8g. 10 w. 106-107 100. 40 w. 108 98.0 E. 68-69 15-3 E. 4243 12.45 E. 4243 i6.i6 E. 40-41 13-3 E. 42-43 13.40 E. 42-43 11.9 E. 40-41 9.52 E. 44-45 23-35 E. 60-61 69.17 w. 106-107 . 125.0 E. 70-71 Lut. Lung. Samara Russia 53.10N. 50.9 E. Samara River Russia 52.30N. 52.30 E. Samarai Brit.NewGuineaio.zj s. 150.26 E. Samarang /ava 6.578. 110.57 E. Samaria Palestine. 32.1SN. 35.15 E. Samarinda Borneo 0.25 s. 117.6 E. Samarkand Asiatic Russia. ..y).j,o'S. 66.59 E. Sanihalpur Bengal.. ZI.27N. 84.1 E. Sambar, Cape Borneo 3.0 s. 110.6 E. Samhhal United ProvinceszS.^SH. 78.57 E. Sambbar Lake Rajputana 26.52N. 74.57 E. Sambok Islands.. /a/tzw 28.0 N. 129.0 E. Sambor Austna 49.31 N. 23.9 E. Sambor Cambodia 12.50N. 106.0 E. Sambro River Belgium 50.0 N. 4.20 E. Sambro, Cape Noz'a Scotia 44.27N. 63.35W. Samland, dist Prussia 54.53N. 20.20 E. Samoa Islands Pacijic Ocean ....14.0 s. 171. o w. Samos Island Turkey in Asia. .^j. 45 N. 26.50 E. Samotbrace I Turkey 40.27 N. 25.35 E. Samsat Asiatic Turkey ..27. 3^^. 38.37 E. Sams(3 (Island) Denmark 55. SON. 10.35 E. Samsun Asiatic Turkey ..41.18 N. 36.21 E. Samtbar Bundelkhand 25.20N. 78.57 E. San River Austria 50.34N. 22.0 E. San Ambrose I. ..Chile 26.23 s. 79.52 w. San Antonio Texas 29.28N. 98.28 w. San Antonio, C. . Argentine Rep. ..36. iZ^. 56.37 w. San Antonio, C.Cw^iZ 21.50N. 85.0 \v, San ^&Tna.T^\no... California 34.9 N. ii6.so-w. San Bernardo ....Argentine Rep. ..24.59 s. 60.25 "'- San Bias Mexico 21.38 N. 105.6 w. San Bias, Cape. ..Florida 29.38N. 85.23 \v. San Bias Mts Panama 9.30N. 79.0 w. San Carlos Venezuela 9.38N. 68.31W. San Cataldo Sicily 37.27N. 14.2 E. San Christoval I.Solomon Islands. io.'2'^ s. 161.35 E. San Clemente I...Crt///£77'«i..Cape Colony 33. San Sebastian, C. Port. E. Africa. . 22. San Severo Italy 41. San Stefano Turkey 40. San Valentin, Mt.OiVi? 46. San Vicente Salvador. 13. San Vito, Cape. ..Italy 38. San Xavier Bolivia 16. Sana Arabia 15. Sana River Bosnia 44. Sanaig Point Scotland 55. Sanand Bombay 22. Sanari Chau'.ax Bombay 28. Sanccrre France 47, Sanchi Bhopal 23. Sanda Island Scotland 55. Sandakan Borneo 5, Sandal Magna .... England 53, Sandalwood I East Indie: 10, Sanday Island . . ..Scotland 59 Sandbach England 53. Sandbank .Scotland 55, Sandec Galicia 49, Sandef jord Norway 59, Sandeid Xonvay 59, Sanderson's HopeCreenland 72. Sandford Victoria 37, Sandgate England 51 Sandgate Queensland. 27. Sandhammar Sweden ..55, Sandhurst England 51. Sandhurst. I ictoria 36. Sandomir Russia 50. Sandoway Burma 18. Sandown Isle of Wight. ....^o. Sandringham England 52. Sandringliam Victoria 38. Sandusky Ohio 41 Sandusky River., 0/n'» 41. Sandwich England 51. Sandwich Ontario 42. Sandwich Is Pacific Ocean 21, Sandwich Is., H... Antarctic Sea. ..,57. Sandwick Shetland Islandi.^g. Sandy Cape Queensland 24. Sandy Creek Victoria 31. Sandy Hook New York 40. Sandy River Kentucky 37. Sangai Xoli^Sino... Ecuador 2. Singamner Bombay 19. Sangar Strait Japan 41. Sangarius River. .Sfi? Sakaria. Sangerhausen Prussia 51. Sanghir Islands... /)a/i:A £. Indies.. 3, Sangli Bombay 16. Sangonera Yi\v&T. Spain 37. Sangro River Italy 42. SankaranainarkoiM/rtrfraj 9. Sankullu River. ..Belgian Conga.... 4. Sannaga River. ...A'a/na.y .Zululand 28.30 a. Santa Lucia RXverUrugttay ..34.15 a. Santa Liizia I Cape Verd Is 16.33N. Santa Maria Argentine Rep ...26.22 a. Santa Maria Brazil 7.20 a. Santa Maria, G... Portugal 36.55 N. Santa Maria di Leuca, Cape Italy 39.47N. Santa Maria I Azores 37.0 N. Santa Marta Colombia 11.12N. SantaMarthaMt.s.i?rii5!7 17.50 s. Santa Maura I. ...Greece 38.50N. Santa River Peru 8.58 a. Santa Rosa California 38.29 N. S.anta Rosa Chile 32-55 3. Santa Rosa Colombia 5-55 N. SantaRosa Colombia 6.40 N. Santa Ro.'^a Peru 14.40 3. Santander .Spain 43.27N. Santander, dep... Colombia 7.0 N. Santareni Brazil 2.43 a. Santareni Portugal 31. 14 N. Santee River South Carolina ..■^^.^zji. Santiago Bolivia 18.20 3. Santiago Chile 33-30 3. Santiago Cuba 20.0 3. Santiago Spain 42.52N. Santiago de Com- po.^tela Spain 42. 52 N. Santiago del Es- tero Argentine Rep ...27.43 S- Santiago Island. ..Ca/« Verd Is 15.0 N. Santiago River. ...^trz/fli/t;;-. 4.30 s. Santiago River. , . . Mexico. See Lerraa. Santipur Bengal 23. 14N. Santo Antao Cape Verd Is 17.5 N. .Santona Spain 43-^8 N. Santorin Island... Greece 36.22 N. Santos Brazil 24.0 3. S,anyati River.... Rhodesia. 5?.; Umniati. Sao Antonio FallsZ>Vi!s// 9.0 a. Sao Francisco Brazil 26.0 3. Sao Francisco li.. Brazil lo.o a. SSoJoao Brazil 5.0 3. Sao Joao Brazil 21.5 s. SSo Joao, Island . Brazil o. 48 s. SaoJoaquim Brazil 0.2 N. Sao Joaquim Brazil 3-0 N. Sao Lorenzo B,.... Brazil I7-30S- Sao Luiz de Ma- r.mhao Brazil 2.30 s. Sao Manuel Para- tinga River Brazil lo.o 3. Sao Marcos Bay. .Brazil 2.30 S. Sao Mathe03...!...5ra:// 19.0 3. SaoNicolao I Cape Verd Is 16.26 N. Sao Paulo de Loanda Angola 8.48 3. Sao Paulo Brazil 23.30 3. sao Paulo, state.. i?'a:;V 22.0 3. Sao Pedro Brazil 32.6 3. sao Roquo, Co.po.BrJzil 5-27 3- SaoS.alvador Angola 6.32 a. sao Salvador Brazil 12.56 a. Sao Sobastiao Brazil 24.49 a. sao Thi.ago Lsland. See Santiago. Sao Thome. C Brazil 22.3 3. Long. 89. 36 w. 1 19. 50 w. 118 57W. 143 E. 51.0 w. 80.2 w. 113.40 w. 69.0 w. 62.23 ^■ 48. 20 w. 16. 14 w. 64.41 w. 167.0 E. 70. w. 16.0 E. 60.38 w. 106. 2 W. 80. 50 W. 73.0 W. 8.45 E. 32.16 E. 56. 20 W. 24. 40 W. 67. 23 W. 49.40 W. 7-49 w- 18.21 E. 25.0 w. 74. 16 w. 50. 20 w. 20.42 E. 78.44 w. 122.42 w. 70. 38 w. 73.30 w. 75 43W. 70. 40 w. 3.48 w. 73.30 w. 55-33 w. 8.40 w. 79.40 w. 59.10 w. 70. 30 w. 75.I5W. 8-33 »•• Slap 106-107 105 103 48-49 112-113 106-107 105 110111 110-111 110-111 78-79 106-107 114115 110111 4849 112 113 100-101 110111 110-111 82-83 86-87 1121H 4-5 110111 110111 4647 48 49 88 110-111 110111 60-fl 110-111 105 112 113 110111 110111 110-111 46-47 110111 110 111 4647 104 110111 112-113 106107 46-47 8.23W. 46 47 64.23 w. 23.30 w. 77-33 «'• 88.29 E. 25. 10 w. 1.29 w. 25.28 E. 46.21 w. 64,0 w. 48.28 w. 42.0 w. 49. 10 w. 44-3 w- 44.20 w. 67.40 w. 60. 10 w. 56-45 w. 112113 45 110111 63 4-6 4647 6051 112113 110111 112 113 IIOIU 110111 112-113 110111 110111 110111 110111 44. 10 w. 110-111 56.0 w. 44.10 w. 39.50 w. 24.8 w. 13.1 E. 46.33 w. 50.0 w. 52.18 w. 35.20 w. 13-56 E. 38.27 w. 45.20 w. 40.52 w. p 110111 110 111 110111 45 82 83 112-113 112-113 112 113 110111 82-83 110111 112113 110-111 Sao GENERAL INDEX Sci Lat. Sao Thome Island. See St. Thomas Island. S5o Vicente 1 5« St. Vincent. Sa6ne River France 46.2 N. Sadne-et-Loire. ...y->'a^r? 46.40 N. Saparoea \^\Vi.Kiii,. Moluccas 3.308. Saporo Japan 43.0 N. Sararaacca Vkvjqx. Dutch Guiana 5.0 N. Saragossa Spain 41.3SN. Saraikala Bengal 22.42 N. Sarakhs Persia 36.22 N. Saranj^arh Central Prcruinccsii.-^^'^. Saransk Russia 54-12 N. Saraswati Kiwcr. .Punjalr 29.51 N. Saratoga Spring..^. AVti; i'ori 43.4 N. Saratov Russia 5I-3I N- Sarawak Borneo Z.30N. Sardinia Island ...Italy 40.0 N. Sarepta Russia 48.38 N. Sargasso Sea Atlantic 25.0 N. Sari Persia 36.33N. Sarjektjokko (Mt. )Sweclen 67.25 N. Sark Island Channel /slaniis..4g.2$v. Sark Iliver Scotland 55.3 N. Sarlat France. 44-53 N. Barnen Switzerland 46.49 N. Sarnia Ontario 42.59 N. Sarno Italy 40.48 N, Saros, Gulf of Turkey 40.35 N. Sarp Foss Nonvay 5g.i8N. Sars6eld Victoria 37-44 S- Sarstoon River ...Z?nV. Honduras .16.6 N. Sartene France 41-37 N. Sarthe, dep France 48.0 N. Sarthe River France 47.50N. Sarus River See Sihfin. Sarwar Rajputana 26.4 N. Sarzana Italy 44.6 N. Saskatchewan Canada 54. o N. Saskatchewan, North 'KwQv. ...Saskatchewan ....if^.o N. Saskatchewan \\..SaskatcIi£wajt . ...54.0 N. Saskatchewan, South River ...Saskatchewan ....ix.o N. Sassafras Tasmania 4^-14 S. Sassandra Y\K\qt.. Ivory Coast 5.0 N. Sassari Italy 40.43 N. Sassnitz RUgenI.,Prussia^a,.'iOTi. Saswad Bombay 18.20 N. Satara Bombay 17.41 N. Satersdalen Norway 59.0 N. Satoralya Hungary 48. 24 N- Satpura Mts Bombay 21.50N. Satrikh United Provinces 26. 52 N. Satyamangalam . . ^/(zrf ?-(2 J 11.30N. Sauchie Scotland 56.5 N- Sauer River Prussia 49.53N. Sauerland Westphalia 51.17N. Saugeen River. ...O«/<2r70 44.15 N. Sault au Cochon River Quebec 49.0 N. Sault Ste. iXa-yxa .Ontario 46-25>f- Saumarez Reef ...Queensland. 21.42 s. Saumur France 47-15 N. Saunders, Cape..A'« N- 79-57 E. 63 Shahpur Punjab .32.16N. 72.31 E. 66 ShaikhBuJdin....M- IK /•". Prov.,'^2.iZ'i-i. 70.51 e. 66 Shalbourn England 51.22 N. 1.33 w. 20-21 Shamli United Prcvinces^g.^jT^. 77.21 E. 63 S h am o Desert Mongolia 44.0 N, 106.0 E. 72-73 Shamokin Pennsylvania 40.50N. 76.36 w. 102-103 Shan States Burma and Siam2.o.o N. 98.0 E. 68-6) Shanagolden Ireland 52.34X. 9.6 w. 34-35 Shanballymore ...Ireland 52.18 x. 8.28 w. 34-35 Shandon Scotland 56.3 n. 4.48 w. 28-29 Shanghai China 3i-i3 N, 121.27 E. 74 Shanhaikwan China,... 40.0 x. 119.50 E. 74 Shanklin Isle of Wight 50.37 N. i.ii w. 20 21 Shannon Canal ...Ireland., 54.2 n. 7.58W. 30-31 Shannon Havo. ...Ireland 53.13N. 7.51 w. 34-35 Shannon River. .../;v/a«rf 53.6 N. 8.6 w. 30-31 ShannonbridL;e.../;f/<2«(^ 53-I7N. 8.3 w. 34-35 Shan-si, prov China 37-30N. 112. o E. 74 Shan-tung, prow. China 36.30N. 118.30 E. 74 Shan-tung Vrom.. China 37.40N. 123.0 e. 74 Shan-yan-alin Mountains ^fanchuria 42.0 N. 127.30 E. 72-73 Shao-bing China 30.0 n. 120.40 e. 74 Shap England 54-32N. 2.41 w. 16-17 Shapinshay [\.)... Orkney Islands.. .^g.j N. 2.52 w. 24-25 Shar Dagli Turkey 42.6 N. 21.0 E. 50 51 Shari River Bagirmi, Africa. ii.o N. 16.0 E. 78-79 Shark Bay IV. Australia. ...2^.10 a. 113.30 E. 122 Sharon Plain Palestine 32.10 N. 34.51 E. 60 Shashi River South Rhodesia. ..21. so s. 27.30 e. 78-79 Shasi China 30. 17X. 112.17 e. "^^ Shasta, Monnt. . ..California 41.23N. 122. 2ow. 105 Shat-el-Arab {R.]Arabia 30.0 N. 48.30 E. 60 Shaw River IV. Australia. ...21.0 s. 119.45 E. 116-117 Shea Oak Log South Australia. ^5.0 s. 140.0 E. 121 Sheaf River England 53.22N. 1.29 w. 14 15 I Lat. Sheboyg.in Wisconsin 43-43 N. Shechem Palestine 32.11 n. Shediac New Brunswick.. ^6.i^n. Sheelin, Lough. .../rtf/(2«rf 53.48N. Sheep Haven Ireland 55. 12N. Sheep River Ireland 52.13N. Sheepliills Victoria 36.23 s. Sheep's Head Ireland 51-33 N. Sheerness England 51.27N. Sheet Harbour. ...A'fTZ'a Scotia 44.54N. Sheffield England 53.28 N. Sheffield \ew Zealand 43.24 s. Sheffield Tasmania 41.20 s. Shetford England 52.2 N. Shegaon Berar 20.48 N. Shelagskoi, C Siberia 70.0 N. Shelbourne I'ictoria 36.52 s. Shelburne A'ova Scotia 43-47 N. Shelburne Hay.... Queensland 11.50 S. Shelburne 'iliivh..A'oz'a Scotia 43.40N. Shelf ord England 52. 9 N. S h el ford / 'ictoria 38.1 s. Shelif Pliver Algeria 36.0 x. Shellharbour New S. Wales....^.\.2j s. Shelon River Russia 56.40 x. Shemakha Russia 40.35N. Shenandoah Pennsylvania 41.50X. Shenandoah R.... Virginia 38.50N. Shendi Sudan i6.4ox. Shengking Manchuria 41.0 N. Sheng-king, pruv China 4r.30X. Shenick's \s\i.\XM\..Ireland 53-34 N^- Shenkotta Travancoie 8.59 x. Shenkursk Russia 62.3 x. Shen-si, juuv .China 36.0 x. Sliepley England 53-35 N* Sheppartun i'ictoria 36.22 S. She{'perton England 51.23N. Sheppey lA-AWiX... England 51.24 N. Shepton ViwW^t... En gland S1.12N. Sherarat Arabia 29.0 N. Sherborne England.. 50.57 N. Sherbro \Amu\.... Sierra Leone 7.30N. Sherbrooke Nova Scotia 45.8 N. Sherbrooke Quebec 45-25 N. Sherburn England 53.48 N. Shercock Ireland 54.0 n. Shergui, Lake Algeria 34.20 X. Sheriff muir Scotland 56.11 x. Sberkot United Provinces 2g.ig X. Sherman Texas 33-34 N'- Sherpur United Provinces 25.34 x. Siierringliatii England 52.56X. Slierwood Queetislaud 27.30 8. Sherwood VovG&t. England 53-9 N. Shetland Islands. .6'ri7//awi/ 60.30X. Shettleston See Glasgow. Slievaroy Hids Madras ii-55 N- Sheyenne River. ..AW'M Dakota ..,.47.20N. Sliiant iAixn^\^. ...Scotland 57-53 ^'• Shihani Hadramaut 14.58 x. Shickshock '^W.^.., Quebec , 48.45 X. Shidle Somaliland 3,0 X'. Sliiel.Loch Scotland 56.47 X. Shieldaig Scotland 57-32 N. Sbields, 'North.. ..England 55.0 x. Siiields, South England 54-59N. Shieldsboro Mississippi 31.16N. Shien ..A'onvay 59-15 N- Shiffnai England 52.41X. SKigatse Tibet 29. 17 x. Shikarpnr Bombay 27.57X. ShikoliabaH United Provinces2j.6 X. Shikoku(Sikuk)I./(7/(2« 33-45 K- Shildon England 54-38 N- Shilka River Siberia 5^-45 N. Shillelagh Ireland. 52.46 X. Shillong E.B'gal &'Assam2$.23 N. Siiiloh Palestine 32.3 X. Shimoda Japan 34.50X. Shimoga Mysore 13-55 N. Shinionoseki Japan 33-58 x. Shin, Riv. & hot^iScotland 57-59 N- Shinano, prov Japan 36.0 X. Shinano River Japan 37- 5° N- ' Shinnngh Ireland 52.5 x. ' Shinrone Ireland. 52.59N. Sbiuzan Jafan 40.0 X. 16 Long. 57.41 w. 35.17 E. 64.37 w. 7.20 w. 7- 53 »•• 8.30 w. 142.32 E. 9.52 w. 0.45 E. 62. 26 w. 1.28 w. 172.2 E. 146.18 E. 0.21 w. 76.46 E. 170.0 E. 144.0 E. 65, 19 w. 1430 E. 65.19 w. 0.12 E. 143.59 E. 0.6 E. 150.57 E. 30.30 E. 48.38 E. 76.11 w. 78.13 w. 33.26 E. 123.0 E. 123.30 E. 6.4 W. 77.18 E. 42.58 E. 109.0 E. 1.43 w. 145.24 E. 0.28 W. 0.50 E. 2.32 \v. 37.30 E. 2.31 W. 12.45 w. 61.59 \v* 71.57 w. 1.16 w. 6.5s w. 0.15 E. 3-55 »•• 78.38 E. 96.23 w. 83.50 E. 1.11 E. 152.59 E. 1.7 w. 1.30 w. 78.30 E. 97.40 w. 6. 22 W. 46.50 E. 67.8 w. 45-30 E. 5-35 «•• 5-38 w. 1.27 \v. 1.26 w. 89.17 w. 9.36 E. 2.23 w. 88.42 E. 68.40 E. 78.38 E. 133.30 E. 1.39 w. 115.0 K. 6.32 w. 91-55 E. 35.18 E. 139.0 E. 75.36 E. 131. II K. 4.25 w. 138.0 K. 139.0 E. 9.12 W. 7.55 ^• 139-0 E. 102-103 CO 94 30-31 3233 3031 119 34-35 2021 94 1617 126 127 120 20-21 64 76-77 119 94 123 94 20-21 119 80 US 54-B5 64-e5 102-103 102-103 78-79 7273 72-73 30-31 65 64-55 74 16-17 119 2021 1415 18-19 60 1819 84 94 95 1617 32-33 80 28-29 6J 104 63 20 21 123 20-21 2425 65 100 101 24-25 58 95 78-79 24-25 26-27 16-17 1617 104 52-53 1819 72-73 64 63 75 1617 76-77 34-35 63 60 75 65 •i5 24 25 75 75 3t35 3436 76 Shi GENERAL INDEX Sin luL. Ship Harbour Nova Scofia 44.47N. Sbipka Pass E. Rumelia 42.40 N. Shiplake England 51.30X, Shipley England 53-50 N. Shippigan Island. AVzf; Brunswick. .^j,^-^ N. Sbipstoa-on-Stour£n^Az«£/. 52.4 n. Shiptoii Ejigland 5^ • 52 N. Shipwright l-'oiiit. Tas?naniti 43.8 s. Sliiraz Persia 29.30N. Shire River Xyasaland 16.5 s. Shirwa Lake Nyasaland 15.0 s. Sliisdra Russia 53-47 N. Shiyali Madras 11.14 ^■ Shoa, state Abyssinia 9.30 N. Shoal Bay New S. Wales ...zcj.Q.t^ s. Shoalhaven R New S. U'rt/ej...34.46 s. Shoal water li.iy ..Queensland 22.20 s. Slioeburyness England 51-31 N- .Sholapur Bombay i7-39 N. Shoreham England 50. 50 N. ShornclifFe England 51.4 n. Shortland (Grahamstown)AVa; Zealand 37.6 s. Shoshone Idaho 43-13 N. Sboshong Bechuanaland 23.0 3. Sliotts Scotland 55-51 N. Shotts, Plateau of the A Igeria 34. o N. Shreveport Louisiana 32.28 n. Slirew-sbury England 52.43 N. iSliringeri Mysore 13-25 N. Shrop^^hire England 52.45 N. ShruU Ireland 53-32 x. Sliurala Bulgaria 43. 17N. Shuna Island Scotland 56.13 N. Shunem Palestine 32.36N. Shuii-kiiig-fu China 30.52 N. Shuniior Fell England 54-53 ^'■ Sliuri Liukiu Islands. .,26.1^ X. Shuslia Transcaucasia ...39. 38 x. Shuster Persia 32.8 x. Shuswap, "LixXiQ... British Columbia^i.o x. Shwedaung Burma 18.42X. Shwe-^yin Burma 17-55 ^^• Shyl River Rumania 44-30 N. Shyok River Kashmir 39. o x. Siah Koh \^\\.ii.). . Afghanistan 34.0 n. Siak Sumatra 0.40 N. Sialkot Pu7ijab 32.31 X. Siam, country Earthcr India. ...16.0 N. Siam, Gulf of Sia7n 11.30 X. Siang-kiang {R.). China 27.47 n. Siang- tan China 27.50 X. Siao-ho (R. ) China 36.30N. Siauw Islands East Indies 2.40 x. Siberia Asiatic Russia. ..61.0 N. ■Siberut Island Sumatra 1.30 s. Sibi Brit. Baluchistan^^. 30 X. Sibillini, '^lonla... Italy 42. 50 X. Siboga Sumatra 1.46 N. Sibsagar E. B'ga I ^r* A ssa/n 26. sgu. Sicily Island Italy 37-30N- Sidaro, Cape Crete 35.20X. Siddan Ireland 53- 48 X. Siddhpur Bombay 23 56 x. Sidi-Bel-Abbes 4 Igeria 35.9 X. Sidlaw Hills Scotland 55.30X. Sidmouth England 50.41 X. Sidmouth Tasmania ...41.12 s. Sidney Island Phasnix Islands., 4.38 x. Sidon Palestine 33-33 N* Sidra, Gulf of ....Tripoli 31.30N. Siebenbiirgen 6Vtf Transylvania. Siebengebirge Prussia 50.43 N. Siodlce Russia 32. 10 x. Sieg River Prussia 50.48 x. Sicgburg Prussia 50.48 x. Siegen Prussia ...50.53X. Siena Italy !.. 43.20 X. Sienitz Turkey 43^1 N- Sierra Acarai Brazil 1.43 N. Sierra de Aeon- quija Argentine Rc/>. ..26.0 S. Sierra de Amani- bay Paraguay 23. 30 S. Sierra de Bej.ir...5/airt 40.17X. Sierra de Culobra5/a/« 42.0 X. fiiena de Ga.i\x,. ...Spain 40.20X. Lung. Blaii 62.50 w. 91 25.15 E. 60-Bl 0.54 w. £0-21 1.46 w. 1617 64.38 w. 94 1-33 w. 20-21 1.57 w. 18-39 1^7.3 E. 120 52-40 E. 60 35-5 E. 78 79 36.0 E. 78-79 34-45 E. 54-66 79.48 E. 65 39-40 E. 7879 153.20 E. 118 150.20 X. 118 150.20 E. 123 0.46 E. 2021 75-54 E. 64 0.16 w. 20-21 1.8 E. 20-21 175. 38 E. 126127 1 14. 10 w. 106 26.30 E. 78-79 3-52 W. 28-29 O.I w. 80 93-47 w. 104 2.46 w. 1819 75.19 E. 65 2-45 w. 14-15 9-5 w. 3233 26.58 E. 60-61 5-37W. 24-25 35.22 E. 60 106.8 E. 72-73 2. 14 W, 14-15 127.46 E. 72-73 46.44 E. 54-55 48.45 K. 60 119.0 W. 98-99 95.18 E. 68-69 96.57 E. 68-69 23-30 E. 60-51 78.0 E. 66 0^.30 E. 68 102.4 E. 70-71 74-36 E. 66 103.0 E. 68-69 101. E. 68-69 112.12 E. 74 112.43 E. 74 104.45 E. 7273 125.32 E. 7071 1100 E. 76-77 99.0 E. 70-71 67.59 E. 62 13-15 E- 48 49 98.42 H. 70-71 94.38 E. 63 14.0 E. 48-49 26.16 K. 50-51 6.39 w. 3233 72.26 E. 64 0-35 w. 80 3.10 w. 24-£5 3. 14 H . 18-19 146.55 E. 120 171.10 W. 114115 35-22 E. 60 18.0 E. 7879 7.13 E. 40 41 22.19 E. 64 66 7-45 E- 40 41 7.11 E. 4041 8. 1 E. 40 41 1 1. 19 E. 48 49 20.5 E. 50 51 5;. 20 W. 109 65.0 W. 112113 56.0 w. 112113 5-35 w. 4647 6. 10 w. 45 47 6.25 w. 46 47 Sierra de Gredos.5/>a;n 40.20N. Sierra de Guadar- rauia Spain 41.0 n. Sierra de Guade- ,.39.25 N. ..40.30 N. .42.20 N. ,.38.0 s. ,. 15.20 N. .41.43 X lupo Spai}i Sierr.a de Gtnlar...S^rt/;i Sierra de Mbara- cay(i Paraguay. 24.0 s. Sierra de Perija.. Venezuela 9.30N. Sierra de Toleio. Spain 39-30N. Sierra de la De- nianda Spain Sierr.i de la Vent- ana Argentine Eep. SierradelasMinas and del Mico ...Guatemala Sierra del Mon- cayo Spain Sierra de los Or- gano.s Cuia 22.35N. Sierra Leone West Africa 8.0 N. Sierra Luijuillo.../'o/-/o liico 18.20N. Sierra Madre Mexico 25.0 N. Sierra Maestra ...Cuba 19.55 N. Sierra Muraguaca K«AA E. Indies. 2.40 x. Simancas Spain 41.37N. Simbirsk Russia 54. 17N. Siincoe Ontario. 42.52N. Sinicoo, L:ike Ontario. 44.25N. Simferopol Russia 44.56N. Simla Punjab 31.6 N*. Simmentltal Switzerland. 46.30N. Simon's Town Cape Colony 34.11 s. Siniplon Pass Switzerland. 46. 16 N*. Sinai, Moniit Arabia 28.40N. Sinai Peninsula... AW Sea 29. lON. Sinaloa Mexico 26.0 N. Sinclair Ray Scotland 58.30N. Siticora Brazil 13.0 S. Sind, tliv Bombay 26.0 N. Sind River Central India. ...2^.0 N. Long. 5.50 w. 5-25 w. 0.35 w. 55.20 w. 73. 12 w. 4.15W. 3-0 w. 62. 10 \v. 83.40 w. 12.0 w. 65.40 w. 106.0 w. 76.0 w. 65.40 w. 103.12 w. 4. 30 w. 120.0 w. 3.0 w. 72.5 w. 71.0 w. 74.0 w. 63.0 w. 64.0 w. 9.12 K. 17-43 E. 8.32 E. 72.2 E. 35-0 E. 78.33 E. 77-45 K. 75.13 K. 5- "6 w. 134-30 E. IIO.O E. 83.4 K- 7.46 w. 16.30 E. 92.51 E. 1.5 W. 140.30 E. 18.0 E. 17.0 E. 27.14 K. 14.40 E. 1.34 w. 67. 2 W. 6.57 W. 42 E. 3-23 w. 9-45 E. 1.58W. 116.42 w. 107.50 w. 119.40 w. 8.15 w. 141-5 E. 10.6 E. 96.0 E. 4.51 W. 48.26 E. 80. 23 w. 79.22 w. 34-5 B. 77. 11 K. 7.25 K. 18.26 K. 8.3 E. 335! E. 34.0 K. 108.25 \v. 3-5 w- 41.0 w. 68.0 h. 77.42 K. 3Iap 46-47 46-47 46-47 46-47 112-113 110-111 46-47 46-47 112-113 106-107 46-47 106-107 84 106-107 108 106-107 110-111 108 46-47 105 46-47 110111 110-111 110-111 109 109 40-41 5253 44-45 64 60 66 63 66 84 76-77 74 63 46-47 48-49 63 20-21 70-71 42-43 40-41 50-51 62 53 16 17 110-111 3031 3637 16-17 44-46 16-17 105 100101 105 30-31 118 44 45 70-71 4647 5455 96 96 64 45 66 44 45 8687 44-46 60 81 108 2425 110111 64 64 i'7 Sin GENERAL IXDEX Sna lat. Sines.. Portugal. 37-58N. Sing Sing Ntw York 41.11 N. Singalang, Mt Sumatra 0.18 s. : Si-ngan China 34-12 N. : Singanallur Madras 11. o N. Singapore Atalay Peninsula 1.24N. Singareni Hydcralad 17.29 X. Singbhum, A\f,i... Bengal 22.40N. Singkel Sumatra 2.15 N. Singkep \iC[&\\A... Sumatra 0.36 s. Singleton Nrtu S. 11 n/«... .32.24 s. Singora Malay Peninsula 7.6 N. Singpur United Proz'incesz^.^ N. Sinigaglia Italy 43-43 N. Sinkat Nubis 18.48 N. Sinkiang Chin. Turhistan. 40.0 N. Sinnamarie French Guiana.. 5.17N. Sinnar Bombay 19.50N- Sinni River Italy 40-ioN- Sinope Asiatic Turkey. ..42. 2 N. Sintsiang See Sinkiang. Sion (Sitten) Switzerland 46.14N. Sion Mills heland 54-47N. Sioux City lo-um 42.35 N. Sioux Falls South Dakota 43 35 N'- Sioux, Little K. ../owa 42.24N. Sipan Dagh Asiatic Turkey ..38. sin. Siphnos Islam!.,.. G?-«« 36.S8N. Sir Daria }{iver... Asiatic Russia... ^.o N. Sir Edward Pelew.V. Territojy, S. Islands Australia 15.40 S. Sirajganj F.B'gal&'Assam^^.Qjy. Sirhind Punjab 31.20N. Sirikol Plateau ...E. Turkistcn ... .37.40 N. Sir-i-pnl Afghanistan 36.2 N. Sirmur, state Punjab 30.2SN. Sirohi Rajputana 24.53N. Sironeha CentralProz'incesiS.si K. Sironj Rajputana 24.6 N. Sirpur Hyderabad 20.10N. Sirsa Punjab 29.32N. Sirsi Bombay 14.36N. Sis Asia Minor. 37.24N. Sisal Mexico 21.10N. Sissek Hungary 45.3ON. Sisteron France 44-" N. Sistova Bulgaria 43.37 N. Sitapur United Provinces^T.^^Jf. Sitka Island Alaska 56.50N. Sit-taung Burma 17.26 n. Sitten (Sion) Sivitzerland 46.14N. Sittingbourne ....England 51.21 N. Siut Egypt 27.5 N. Sivas Asiatic Turkty..jg.37S. Sivash ..See Putrid Sea. Siverma Jits Siberia 66.30N. Siwa Ezyp' 29.5 N. Siwalik Hills United Provinces^o.ioH. Six Mile Cross.... Ireland 54- 33". Six Towns Ireland 54.4SN. Sixmilebridge Ireland 52.44N. Skagen Denmark S7-45N. Skager Rak Vonvay 57.50N. Skagestoltind Nonony 61. 10 N. Skalat Austria 49.26 N. Skanderborg Denmark 56.2 N. Skapt.ar Jokull.../«/. Scotland 56. 19 N. Skibbereen Ireland 51-33 N- Skiddaw, Mount. England 54.39N. Skien Worway S9-I3N. Skiemiewice Russia 5^-55 N- Skipness Scotland 55-46 x. Bkipton England 53-58N- Long. Map 8.53 w. 4fi-47 73.40 w. 102-103 100.6 E. 70-71 108.51 E. 74 77-3 K- 65 103.51 E. 68-69 80.18 E. 66 85.40 E. 63 98.3 E. 70-71 104.24 E. 70-71 151.7 E. 118 100.30 E. 68-69 82.49 E. 63 13.13 E. 48-49 36.48 E. 78-79 8;.o E. 72-73 52.52 w. 109 743 E. 64 16.0 E. 48 49 35.20 E. 60 7.21 E. 4445 7.29 w. 32-33 g6. 30 w. 100-101 96. 28 w. 100101 96. w. 100-101 42.40 E. 60 24.45 E. 6051 65.0 E. 76-77 137.0 E. 116-117 89.47 E. 63 76,25 E. 66 76,0 E. 76-77 65.58 E. 68 77-10 E. 66 72.54 E. 66 80.1 E. 63 77-43 E. 66 77-1 E. 65 75-7 E. 66 74-54 E. 64 35-30 E. 60 90.3 w. 108 16.23 E. 42-43 5- 54 E. 36-37 25.21 E. 50-51 80.43 E. 63 135.0 w. 90-91 96.57 E. 68-69 7.21 E. 44-45 0.44 E. 20-21 31.0 E. 81 37-3 E. 60 95.0 E. 6657 25.30 E. 7879 77.50 E. 63 7.8 W. 32-33 6.46 w. 32-33 8.46 w. 34-35 10.38 E. 39 9-30 E. 62-53 7.58 E. 62-53 26.0 E. 42-43 9-54 E. 39 17-45 w. 89 13.29 E. 6253 10.38 E. 39 128. 30 w. 98-99 0.21 E. 20-21 . 20.56 E. 52-53 . 19.30 E. 52-53 10.31 w. 34-35 1.39 w. 1617 2.48 w. 16-17 4-53W. 28-29 0.59W. 16-17 3. 20 W. 24 25 6.6 w. 32-33 4-37 w. 1819 7.6 w. 24-25 . 9-15 «•■ 34-35 • 3-9 ^■- 1416 9.38 E. 62-53 20.15 E. 54-55 5,21 W. 28-29 2,1 W. 16 17 Lat. Long. Map Skipton Victoria 3742 s. 143.33 E. ^1' Skokham Island.. lF<2/« 51.42X. 5, low. 1415 Skomer Island ... IFa/« 51.44X. S,i8w. 14-15 Skopelos Island ..Gr«« 39.8 x. 23.42 E. 50-51 Skopin Russia 53-53 >'• 39-27 E. 64-65 Skoplie (Uskub)..7"Kr&y 42.1 X. 21.25 E. 50-61 Skowhegan Maine 44.46X. 69.50W. 102-103 Skroe Dutch N. Guinea -^.o s. 132.10 E. 70-71 Skudesnffishavn ..A'orwiy 50.8 X. 5.18 E. 62-63 Skull Ireland 51.32X. 9.32W. 34 35 Skunk River Iowa 41.11 N. 91.50 w. 100-101 Skutari Asiatic Turkey ..41.1 N. 29.2 E. 60 Skye, Isle of Scotland S7-20X. 6.15W. 24-25 Skyros Island Greece 38.52X. 24.35 E. ^O-^l Slaithwaite England 53-37N- •-53"'- 16-17 Slamannan Scotland 55-57N- 3-5- w. 28-29 Slane Ireland 53-42N. 6.32 w. 32-33 Slaney Kiver Ireland 52.40 X. 6,34 w. 30-31 Slapin, Locli Scotland 57.12N. 6.2 w. 24-25 Slateford Scotland 55-56N. 3,16 w. 28-29 Slatina Hungary 4S.40N. 17.40 E. 42-43 Slatina Rumania 44.26 x. 24,23 K. 60-61 Slatoust Russia 55-30X. 59.40 E. 54-55 Slave Coast West Africa 6.0 x. 3,0 E. 84 Slave L., Lesiier..Alberta 55.30 X. 115.0 w. 98-99 Slaviansk Russia 48.52X. 37.45 E. 64-66 Slavonia Amiria-Hungary.4S.\$i;. 18.30 E. 42-43 Slea Head Ireland 52.6 N. 10.27 w. 30-31 Sleaford England 53.0 N. 0,24 w. 20-21 Sleat, Sound of... iVoWanif 57.5 X. 5.47W. 24-25 Sleepers Islands. .//arfion i?<2y 58.0 X. 81.0 w. 92-93 Sleswick See Schleswig. Slieve Anghty ..../«/ani/ .". 53.12X. 8,30W. 30-31 Slieve Beagh Ireland S4.20X. 7.12 w. 30-31 Slieve Bernagh.,./rf/a«^ 52.52X. 8.33 w. 30-31 Slieve Bingian....//-«/(2nif 54.7 N. 5-56w. 30-31 Slieve Bloom Mts./r«/an(i' 53.4 K. 7.37 w. 30-31 Slieve Callan Ireland 52.50X. 9.15 w. 30-31 Slieve Carran Ireland 53.6 N. 8,55 w. 30-31 Slieve Croob Ireland 54,2ix. 6,0 w, 30-31 Slieve Donard ..../rc/<2«rf 54.12X. 5-55 w. 30-31 Slieve Elva Ireland 53.2 N. 9.10W. 30-31 Slieve Felini Mts./r^/uKrf 52.40X. 8.18 w. 30-31 Slieve Gampli Ireland 54.2 X. 9.2 w. 30-31 Slieve Gullion Ireland 54,8 X. 6.27W. 30-31 Slieve League Ireland 54.40X. 8.42 w. 30-31 Slieve Mi.-;h Ireland 52.13X. 9-45 w. 30-31 Slieve Miski>h..,,/«/aHrf 51.41 X. 9-54 w. 30-31 Slieve Sn.aght Ireland 55.12X. 7.20W. 30-31 Slievenakilla Ireland 54.11N. 7.57 w. 30-31 Slievenaman Ireland 52.27X. 7.33W. 30-31 Slig.achan Scotland 57.17X. 6.10 w. 24-25 Sligo and CO Ireland 54.16 X. 8.28 w. 32-33 Sligo Bay Ireland 54.18X. 8.37W. 30-31 Slivno E. Rumelia 42.40 X. 26.38 E. 50-51 Slonini Russia 53.4 N. 25.23 E. 64-55 Slough England 51.31X. 0.35W. 20-21 Sluin Hungary 45.7 X. 15.33 E. 42-43 Slutsk Russia 53.7 X. 27.38 E. 64-65 Sluys Holland 51.23X. 323 E. 38 Slyne Head Ireland 53.24X. 10. 11 w. 30-31 Sniailholm Scotland 5S-38X. 2.34 w. 28-29 Sm.all Isles B:iy...5«//a«i/ 55-51 N- 5-55 w. 24-25 Smeaton Victoria 37.20s. 144.3 E. 119 Sraeru, Mt See Semeru. Smerwick llarli. ./;-i/a«rf 52.12X. 10.23W. 34-35 Smethwick See Birmingham . Smith Sound Arctic America.. y&.o x. 76,0 w. 92-93 fimithhoTowgh.... Ireland 54,i3X. 7,5 w. 32-33 Smitbfield AVm 5. IlaiW , ,..33 49 s. 150.59 E. 118 Smithfield OrangeRiverCol.io.t s. 26.33 E. 86-87 Smithfield South Australia. 33.40 s. 138.43 E. 121 Smithfield Virginia 36.53K. 76 42 w. 102-103 Smithtown A'ew S. IValcs . ...31.6 s, 152.56 E. 118 Smitsdorp Transvaal 23.12 s. 28.36 E. 78-79 Smoky Hill Fort. A'anjoj 38.50X. Q9.30W. 100-101 Smolen Island ..,,A'i)rr('a)' 63,22N. 8.0 E. 52-63 Smolensk Russia 54,49X. 32.3 E. 54-55 Smolika. Mt Turkey 40.12X. 20.42 E. 50-61 Smyge Hiik Sweden S5.25X. 12,20 E. 82-63 Smyrna Asiatic Turkey ..-^.A-^. 27.13 E. 60 Smyrna Delaware 39.18 X. 75,35 w. 102-103 Smythesdale Victoria 37.39 S. 143.41 E. 119 Snaasen S^orwav 64. 14X. 12.10 E. 52-53 Snacfoll, Mt Isleof'Man 54.16X. 4,28 w. 14-15 Snaith England 53-41 X. 1,1 w. 16 17 Snake River Idaho 43.0 X. 115.0 w. 105 Snake Ri\er .Vebraska 42.50X. 101.0 w. 100-101 18 Sna GENERAL INDEX Sor Lut. Lous. Snake Valley Victoria ?7-36 s. 143.30 E. Sneek Netherlands 53.2 N. 5-39 E. Sneem Ireland 51.50X. 9.54W. Sneeuwber^en....Ca/ff Ctf/owj-- 32,0 s. 24 40 E. Snehnetten (}i\i.). Norway 62.20 N. 9.15 E. Snejlijerg Denmark 56.8 N. 8.52 E. Snettisham England SZ-SSN. 0.31 E. Sniatyn Austria 48.27 N. 25.32 E. Snizort, Loch Scotland 57.37 N. 6.30 w. SnodbnJ England 51.20N. 0.27 E. Snov River Russia 52.7 N. 32.20 E. Snowdon, Mt Wales 53.5 N. 4.4 w. Snowtown Soutlt Australia, j^.c,! s. 138. 11 E. Snowy River l^ictoria 37.20 s. 138.27 E. Soar River England 52.37N. 1.9 w. Soata Colombia 6-35N. 72.50W. Soave Italy 4S.24N. 11. 13 E. Sony I. tmiS^i. ..Scotland 57.8 N. 6.izw. Sobat River Egyptian Sudan. 8.36 N. 33.35 E. Soberton England 50.57N. 1.7 w. Sobhapur CentralProvinces22.^6'i^. 78.22 E. Sobral Brazil 3.29s. 40.50W. Sobraon Punjab 31.7 N. 74.54 E. Sobrarbe Valley. .S/a!>; 42.23N. 0.15 w. Society ls\s.nis... Paci/ic Ocean 17.39 s. 149.30 w. Soconusco Vol Mexico 15.12N. 93.6 w. Socorro Brazil 10.42 s. 37.8 w. Socorro Colombia 5.I2N. 73.44 w. Socorro 'Vew Mexico ...... ■i^.\oii. 107. low. Socotra Island. ...GH^o/'v4(f(;« 12.30 N. 54.0 B. Sodankyla Finland 67.24 N. 26.36 E. Soderhamn Sweden 61.17N. 17.5 e. Soderkopinj Sweden 58.25 N. 16.20 E. Sodertelge Sweden 59.14 N. 17.42 E. Soerabaya Java 7-14S. 112 44 E. Soest Prussia S'-SSN. 8.7 E. Sofala News. Wales ...^.Z-S s. 149.47 E. Sofala Port. E. Africa .20.^ s. 34.29 E. Sofia Bulgaria 42.32 N. 23.23 E. Sogamoso, ^\o. ...Colombia 6.40N. 73.20W. Sogne Fjord Norway 61.6 N. 6.0 E. Soliagpur Central hidia ....z'i.zov. 81.24 E, Sohagpur CentralProvinces22.^2t^. 78.17 E. Soham England 52.21 N. 0.20 E. Soliar Oman, Arabia. ..2^. 121^. 56.50 E. Sohawal Ba^helkhand 24.35N. 80.50 E. Sohna Punjab 28.14N. 77.7 K. Soigniea Belgium 50.34N. 4.3 E. Soissons France 49.23N. 3.20 E. Sojat Jodhpur 25.56N. 73.42 E. Sokal Austria 50.30N. 24.21 E. Sokhondo Mt Transbaikalia ...49.58 N. 112.0 K. Sokna Tripoli 29.4 N. 15.48 E. Sokolka Russia 53.26N. 23.33 K. Sokolov Russia 52.22 N. 22.26 E. Sokota Abyssinia 12.37N. 39.8 E. Sokoto, country. .A^r^tfWa lo.o N. 8.0 K. Solan Punjab 30.55N. 77.9 E. Solander Island. .AVa/ Zealand ....46.32 s. 166.39 E. Soldau River Prussia 53-I3N. 20.10 E. Soldin Prussia 52.56 N. 14.50 E. Solent, The England 50.45 N. 1.25 w. Solesmes Nord, France ....^o. 10 a. 3.30 E. Solesmea Sarthe, France... aj.tptti. 0.20W. Soleure Switzerland. 47.12N. 7.32 e. Solforino Italy 45-22N. 10.33 E. Soligalich Russia^. 59.4 N. 41.17 E. Solihull England 52.25 N. 1.47 w. Solikamsk Russia 59-37N. 56.29 E. Solingen Prussia si.iiN. 7.4 E. SoUer. Majorca Island. .yj.^jti. 2.43 E. Sollies-Pont France 43.11 N. 6.0 E. Soiling, 'Hionnt ...Prussia 51.43N. 9-38 E. Solmona Italy 42.3 N. 13.55 E. Solnhofen Bavaria 48 c7N. H-S E- Solo River Java 7-'SS. 111.45 E. Solofra Italy 40.49N. 14.51 E. Sologne, dist France. 47.30N. 2.0 E. Solola Guatemala I4-59N. 90.59W. Solomon Islands.. Paayfc 0«aH 8.0 s. 158.0 E. Solomon River.. ..A'(inj-ja 49.18N. 8.26 e. 40-41 Spitalof Glensliee5Vo//awrf 56.48 N. 3.28 w. 26-27 Spithead England ^o.44N. 1.4 w, 14-15 ypiti, River Punjab 31.42 N. 78.39 E. 66 Spitsbergen Arctic Ocean 77.0 X. 15.0 E. 6 Spittal Austria 46.48 N. 13.29 E. 42-43 Spittal England 55.46 N. 2.0 w. 16-17 Spizza Austria 42.11 N. 19.3 e. 42 43 '&^\wx^nV^>%..... .Switzerland 46.30N. 9.20 E. 44-45 SpofForth England 53-57N. 1.27 w. 16-17 Spokane River and Falls.. Washington 47.45 N. 117.25 w. 105 Spoleto Italy 42.44N. 12.44 E. 48-49 Sporades Islancl.s..,4;^'- 20 21 3-43 w- 24-25 4-35 •^■ 24-25 3.50 w. 24-26 4-39W. 24-26 3-55 «■- 24-25 4-8 w. 24-25 4.14 w. 24-25 138-55 E. 121 4-3 w. 28-29 4.19 w. 28-29 2.45 \v. 26-27 113.30 «. 98-99 3.12 w. 26-27 3.40 w. 24-25 4.52 w. 24-25 151.7 E. 118 145-0 E. 119 3.16 W. 2829 3-5 «•• 24-25 4.30 w. 26-27 81.46 w. 96 3.20 w. 24r25 4.1 w. 24-25 4.19 w. 2829 4.30 w. 1819 12.34 E. 4041 13.50 E. 4041 134-0 E. 121 ID- 1 W. 32-33 7-34 w. 32-33 0.8 w. 20-21 143. 1 E. 119 88.57 W. 100-101 7. 29 w. 32-33 17.3 E. 40-41 119. 12 E. 116-117 17.1 E. 62-53 2.19W. 16-17 0.13 E. 2021 2.5 vr. 26-27 16.22 E. 40-41 I17.41 E. 76-77 21.0 E. 60-51 141.0 E. 75 8.7 w. 32-33 51.0 w. 90-91 3-8 w. 24-25 15.13 E. 48-49 5-33 w. 26-27 3-17W. 26-27 7-4 w. 8-9 16.18 E. 62-53 II. 10 E. 62-63 4 54 «'. 28-2i 2.32 w. 24-25 5-33 «'■ 28-29 0.29 E. 20-21 2.13 w. 18-19 151-58 E- 118 9.46 E. 39 7.20 w. 30-31 23.20 E. 60-51 5-5 ^■ 14-16 23.50 E. 42-43 23.20 E. 42-43 140.17 K. 121 143.15 E. 119 135.0 E. 121 149-7 E. 118 12.1 E. 39 13.39 E. 40-41 Lat. Long. Studholme A'ew Zealand. ....4S.20S. 171.10 E. Studley England 52.17 N. 1.53 w. Stubl\veissenburg/(^««^arj/ 47.10 N. 18.24 E. Sturgeon Kwer... Ontario 46.35 N. 80. low. Sturminster England 50.56N. 2.16 w. Sturt Creek W. Australia. ...ig.o s. 128.0 E. Stuttsrart Wiirtemterg 48.46 N. 9.10 E. Styr River Russia 51.30N. 25.30 E. Styria, prov Austria 47.0 N. 15.20 E. Suakin Sudan 19.6 N. 37.23 E. Subarnarekha....i?^;^a/. 21.35N. 87.22 E. Subathu Punjab 30.58K. 77.2 K. Subelia United ProvinceszS.-^Z n. 81.34 E. Subiaco Tlaly 41.56N. 13.6 E. Succoth Palestine 32.22N. 35.36 E. Su-chau China 31.26N. 120.31 E. Suck Kiver Ireland 53.25 N. 8.15 w. Sucre Bolivia 19.3 s. 64.25 w. Suczawa Austria 47.40 N. 26. 14 E. Sud, R. au Quebec 46.44 x. 70.35 w. Suda Bay Crete 35-30N. 24.10 E. Sudan, The Africa lo.o N. 10.0 K. Sudbury England 52.2 N. 0.43 E. Sudbury Ontario 46.30 N. 80.50 w. Sudetic Mts Austria 50.0 N. 17.0 E. Suez, Isthmus of. .f^g)*// 30.0 N. 33.0 E. Suez and Qa.\\a\... Egypt 29.56N. 32.35 E. Suf, Wady Algeriart Saharayi.jp'S. 7.0 E. Suffolk, CO England 52.12N. i.o E. Sugar Loaf ^\i. ...Colombia. See Azucar, Pan de. Sugar Loaf Point 7\Va< 5. IPafc ...32.27 s. 152. 33 E. Sugar River Indiana 40.0 N. 86.0 w. Subl Prussia 50-37N. 10.41 E. Suir River. Ireland 52.21N. 7.30 \v. Suisun Bay California 38.10N. 122.0 w. Sujungarh Rajpuiana 27.42 N. 7431 E. Sujanpur Punjab 32. 19N. 75.40 E. Suk Ahras Algeria 35.25N. 7.57 E. Sukhona River ..../?«i«a 60.0 N. 43.0 E. Sukhumkale Russia 42.59N. 41.0 E. Sukkur Bombay 27.42N. 63. 54 E. Sulaiman Mts Brit. Baluchistany.o N. 700 E. Sulden Tyrol, Austria... .^6. ;^iti. 10.35 E. Suleimaniyeh Asiatic 7'urkey...3S-35J^- 45.26 E. Sulina Rumania 45.12N. 29.41 E. Sulina Mouth Rumania 45.12 N. 29.40 E. Sulitelma, Mt Norway 67.2SN. 16.20 K, SuUy-sur-Loire ...France 47-55 N. 2.22 K. Sultanabad Persia 34.6 N. 49.46 e. Sultanganj Bengal. 25.15N. 86.57 E. Sultanpur United Provinces26.i6 v. 82.7 E. Sulu Islands East Indies 6.0 N. 121.30 E. Sulu Sea East Indies 8.0 N. 120.0 E. Sulzbach Bavaria 49.3 N. 12.14 E. Sulzer Belchen ....^/lafT^ 47.54N. 7.6 E. Sumao Yunnan, China ..22.18 li. loi.o E. Sumatra Island. ..£<2j/ /;/(//fj 0.0 102.0 E. Suniba Island East Indies lo.o s. 120.0 E. Sumbawa I.^laud ..£'fzj^ y«jVw 8.30 s. 118.0 E. Sumburgh 'Re^iti. Scotland 59.51 N. 1.17W. Sumegh Hungary 46.49 N. 17.19 E. Suniida-gawa Japan 35.40N. 139.20 E. Sumiswald Switzerland. 47.2 N. 7.45 E. Summer Islands.. 5i:o^/a7/(^ 58.2 N. 5.25 w. Sunimerhill Ireland 53.29 N. 6.44 w. Summerton South Australia. ^4.58 s. 138.40 E. Sumner A'ew Zealand. ....^^.^6 s. 172.44 E. Sumy Russia 50.53N. 34.59 E. Sunart, Loch Scotland 56.40 N. 6.0 vv. Sunbury England 51.25^. 0.24 w. Sun bury Pennsylvania 40.50N. 76.53 w. Sunbury Victoria 37-36 s. 144.46 E. Sunda Islands ....£flj/ /rti/:>j 8.0 s. 115.0 E. Sunda Strait East Indies 6.0 s. 105.45 E. Sundals Elf A'orway 62.35N. 8.50 E. Sundarbans... Bengal. 22.0 N. 89.0 E Sunday River Cape Colony 33.0 s. 25.0 E. Sunderland England S4.54N. 1.23 w. Sundsvall Sweden 62.20N. 17.11 E. Sungarl River Manchuria 46.0 N. 127.0 E. Sungei-Ujong Malay Penin 2.40 K. 102.0 E. Sunk Isle England 53.42 N. 0.6 w. Sunk Light Ves. . /t«^/aH-;Va22.40 s. 14.30 E. 78-79 Swalcliffe England 52.2 N. 1.27W. 20-21 Swale River England 54.9 N. 1.22W. 14-15 Swale River K'ent, England. ..$1.22^. 0.55 E. 14-15 Swallowfield England 51.22N. 0.55W. 20-21 Swan Hill I'ictoria 35-20S. 143.35 E. 119 Swan River \V. Australia. ...^t.^os. 116 30 e. 122 Swan.ago England 50.37N. 1.58 w. 18-19 Swaidinbar Ireland S4.12N. 7-3Sw. 32-33 Swansea Tasmania 42.7 s. 148.6 e. 120 Swansea Wales 5I-37N- 3-57w. 18-19 Swansea l.'.ay Wales 5'-36n. 3.5s w. 14-15 Swat Northern India. .-^^.o N. 72.30 E. 66 Swatow China 23.30N. 116.40 E. 74 Swavescy England 52.18N. o 2 w. 20-21 Sw.azilan'd Transvaal 27.0 s. 31.0 E. 86-87 Sweetheart Abl)ey.';zf/ Zealand. 42.0 Taquary \\\\qt.... Brazil 18.40 Tar River North Carolina. .33.40 Tara Ireland 53-34 Tara River Turkey 43-i6 Taradale New Zealand 39-31 Taradale I'ictoria 37.9 Tarakeshwar Bengal 22.53 Taralga New S. Wales ...34.17 TaranaUi New Zealand. 39.3 Taransay (Ua,ui)Scotland 57-53 Tar.into Italy 40.28 Tarauto, Gulf ot .Italy 40.0 'J'arapaca Chile 20.3 Tarapur Bombay. 19-50 Tarare France 45-53 Tarascou France 43-49 Taraj-p Switzerland. 46.47 Tarata Chile 17-46 Tarawa XAsiW^S.. ...Gilbert Islands ... 1.39 Tarawera Neiv Zealand. 38. 13 Tarazona Spain 41-54 Tarhagatai {'^1is.)Asiaiic Russia. ..47.0 Tarbat Ness Scotland 57-52 Tarbela Punjab 34.7 Tarbert Ireland 52.33 Tarbert & l^ocU... Scotland 57-55 larbert L hoch... Scotland 55-52 Tarbes France. 43-14 Tarbet Scotland 56.12 Tarbolton Scotland -5.31 Tarcutta A'e-iV S. IFales... 33.14 Taree A'ew S. Wales ...31. S4 Tarentaise, dint. .France 45-4° Tarento Italy 46- 13 Tarhuna Plateau. 7';7'/f// 32.34 Tarifa Spain 56.1 Tarija Bolivia 21.50 Tarim De-ert E. Turkestan 39.0 Tarim River E. Turkestan 40.25 Tarkastad Cape Colony 31-59 Tarl.and Scotland 57.8 Tarlee South Australia. 34.13 Tarma Peru 11.30 Tarn, dep France. 43-5° Tarn, River France. 43-55 Tarn-et-Garoi;ne France 44-0 Tarnagulia Victoria 36-40 Tarnopol Austria 49-34 Tarnow Austria 50.3 Tarnowitz Prussia 50.27 Tarn-Taran Punjab 31.28 Tare River Italy 44-55 Tarodant Marocco 30.29 Taroom Queensland. 25.38 'i'arporley England 53-1° Tairagoiia Spain 41-8 Tarr.angole British E. Africa 4.30 Tair.asa Spain 4i-35 Tarraville Victoria 38.40 TarrawiugLC Victoria 36.24 Long. s. 74.50W s. 39.0 E s. 30.0 E s. 116.58 E. N. 76-35 E. N. 5-55 "■■ N. 92.0 E. N. 8a 6 K. N. 79.10 E. N. 70.25 E N. 72-43 E. S. 169.20 E. N. 2-55 w. N. 730 E. N. 31.1 E. S. 140.29 E. S. 138.58 E. N. 73-56 E. N. 15-17 E. B. 58.0 W. N. 107.30 E. 5. 169.20 E. S. 65-33 »•• N. 0.41 w. H. 77-7 E. N. 72.42 E. S. 175-30 E S. 173-50 E. s. 56.12 w. N. 77-23 w. N. 6.37 w N. IQ.3 E. S. 176.53 E. S. 144.22 E. N. 88.4 E. S. 150.51 E. S. 174-S E. N. 7.0 w N. 17.15 E N. 17.25 E S. 69.58 vv. N. 72-43 E. N. 4.16 E. N. 4-39 K- N. 10.15 E. S. 70. 1 w. X. 173-13 E. s. 176.22 E. N". 1.42 W N. 83.0 E N. 3-47 «■ N. 72.50 E. N. 9.22 w N. 6.42 w N. 5.25 w N. 0.6 E. N. 4.42 w N. 4.29 w. S. 147.47 E s. 152-33 E N. 6.40 E N. 13-13 E N. 12.56 E N. 5-37W S. 64.40 \v N. 84.0 E N. £3.0 E S. 26.20 E N. 2. 52 W S. 138.45 E s. 75-3° w N. 2.10 E N. 1-5; E N. l.IO E S. 143-50 E N. 25-37 E N. 21.1 E N. 18.51 E N. 74-58 E N. 10.13 E N. 8-55 "• S. 149-45 E N. 2.40 w N. 1.12 E X. 34-25 E X. 1-59 E s. 146.45 E s. 146.30 E Jlap 110 111 82-83 82 83 70 71 46 80 72-73 66 65 66 64 114115 24-26 64 81 121 121 65 48-49 110111 7273 125-127 112113 20 21 63 64 126127 126-127 110111 104 3233 60 51 126-127 119 63 126-127 126-127 24 25 48-49 18-49 110-111 64 36-37 36-37 44 45 110-111 114-115 126-127 46-47 76-77 24-25 66 34-36 26-27 28-29 S6-37 28-29 28-29 118 118 36-37 48-49 80 4647 112-113 76-77 76-77 86-87 26-27 121 110-111 36-37 06 37 36-37 119 4243 42-43 40-41 66 48 49 80 123 18-19 46 47 82-83 46-47 119 119 124 Tar GENERAL IXDEX Ter Lat. Lon-. I^I='P Tarrega Spain 41.40N. 1.6 e. 46-47 Tarrytown AVaJ York 41.4 n. 73.27 w. 102-103 Tarsus Asiatic Turkey ,.2,6.^^ n. 34.55 E. 60 Tartar/, ijyiM oi .J^ussia in Asia ..^o.o N. 142.0 e. 76-77 Tarvis Austria 46.31 N. 13. 34 e. 42-43 Tasgaon Bombay 17.2 n. 74.39 K. 64 Tashkent Turkestan 41.12 N. 68.52 e. 76-77 Tasmaii Bay New Zealand 40.30 s. 173.20 E. 126-127 Tasnian Glacier ..AVzf/ Zealand 43.38 s. 170.10 E. 126-127 Tasman Penin.... 7"fZJwaw/(Z 43.8 s. 147.50 k. 120 Tasraan Range ...New Zealand... ..i\2.o s. 171.50 K. 126-127 Tasmania Island, ^M.r^/-a/dj/a 42.0 S. 146.30 E. 120 Tassisudon Bhutan, Jndia ...27.29N. 89.16 e. 63 Tatar ^^■xl^vy^V.... Eastern Rumelia^'z.b N. 24.26 K. 50-61 Tateyania {^X.l.).. Japan 36.40 N. 137.28 E. 75 Tati Bechuanaland. ...•2.\.'2.\ s. 27.30 E. 78-79 TatraMountains.-^w.j/rid-//«//far)'49.i2N. 19.40 E. 42-43 Ta-tsien-lu China 30.0 N. 102.3 E- 72-73 Tatta Bombay 24.44 n. 68.0 E. 64 Tattamani;aIam..C£7c^/«, Madras ,\o.^\'^. 76.46 e. 65 Tattenliall England 53.7 N. 2.47 w. 18-19 Tattershall England 53.7 n. o.ii w. 20-21 Ta-tung. China 40.5 n. 113.17 E. 74 Tatura Victoria 36.25 s. 145- 19 E. 119 Tauber lliver Baden 49-41 N. 9.35 E. 40 41 Taudeni Sahara 22.0 n. 3.36 w. 78-79 Taung-ngu Burma 18.55N. 96.31 e. 68-69 Taungs Bechuan aland.... I'j.'^o s. 24.48 E. 86-87 Taunton England 51.2 N. 3.7 w. 18-19 Taunton Massachusetts ....^\.^-2 N. 71.10 w. 102-103 Taunus, Vi'Omw'i... Germany 50.12N. 8.20 E. 40-41 Taupo, h Lake...AVw Zealand ...,38.46 s. 176.10 e. 126-127 Tauranga New Zealand. ....yj.'^d^. 176.10 E. 126-127 Taurida, gov. Russia 46.0 N. 34.0 E. 54-55 Taurogen Russia 55'i7 N. 22.17 E. 64-55 Taurus Mts Asia Minor 37.0 n. 33.0 E. 60 Taus Austria 49.27N. 12.54 e. 42-43 Tauste Spain 41-57 N. ^ i.n \v. 46-47 Tavastehus Finland 60.55 N. * 24.0 E. 54 55 Tavda lUver Siberia 59-30N. 63.0 e. 76-77 Taveta British E. Africa 3.24 s. 37.36 e. 82 83 Tavira Portugal 37.7 N. 7.32 \v. 46-47 Tavistock England 50-33N. 4.8 w. 18-19 Taviuni Island Fiji Islands 16.50s. 180.0 E. 128 Tavolara ls\ai.xid.. Sardinia 40.55N. 9.44 E. 48 49 Tavoy Burma 14.7 N. 98.18 E. 68-69 Tavy River England 50.27N. 4.8 \v. 14-15 Taw River England 50.27 N. 4.8 w. 14-15 Tawa River CentralProvinces'Z2.j,^'S. 77.49 E. 63 Tawarek. tribe ....5'tzArtra 21.0 N. 5.0 E. 78-79 Tawe River Wales 51-43N. 3.52 w. 14-15 Tay, Firth of Scotland 56.26 N. 3.0 w. 24-25 Tay, L. and R. ...Scotland 56.30N. 4.10 w. 24-26 Taygetos, 'iA.ls. ...Greece 37.0 N. 22.21 e. 50-51 Tay-ninh Cochin China 11.17N. 106.5 '■'• 68-69 Tayport Scotland 56.27N. 2.52 w. 28-29 Taytao PeninsulatV^//? 46.15 s. 74.35 w. 110 111 Te Anau, hakQ ...New Zealand 45.15 s. 167.46 e. 126-127 Te Aroha Neiv Zealand. 37.30s. 175.45 E. 126-127 Te Ante AVw Zealand ....39.50 s. 176.14 e. 126-127 Te Awamutu New Zealand ....-^.o.^^. 175.14 E. 126-127 Te Kopuru New Zealand ...,36.10 s. 173.90 e. 123-127 Te Puke Neiu Zealand ....1,7. j,S^. 176.20 e. 126-127 To Wbaiti RangeA^ifji; Zealand ....38.30 s. 117.0 e. 126-127 Teano Italy 41.15N. 14.6 e. 48-49 Tearaght l%\:i\\d.. Ireland 52.3 N. 10.36W. 30-31 Teatree Gully South Australia.i,j,.a,Z^. 138.44 K. 121 Teb, el- E. Sudan. 18.40 N. 37.40 e. 78-79 Teba Spain 37.0 N. 4.55 w. 46-47 Tobay England 54-27 N. 2.37 w. 16-17 Tebbes Persia 33-33 l^- 57-17 i'-- 68 Tebessa Algeria 35-^5 N. 8.5 e. 80 Tebicuari liiver ..Paraguay 26.30 s. 55.40 w. 112-113 Tebuk ...Arabia 27.54N. 37.18 e. 60 Tebursuk Tunis 36 30 N. 9.15 K. 80 Teck IVurtembero 48.36N. 9.28 K, 40-41 Tecklenbtirg Westphalia. 52.13N. 7.49 K. 40-41 Tccuciu Rumania 45-53?J- 27.25 e. 60-51 Teddington England 51-24N. 0.20 w. 20-21 Tees Bay England 54-38 N. 1.10 w. 14-16 Tees River England 54-37N. 1.12 w. 14-15 Toesdalo Victoria 38.8 s. 144.6 k. 119 Teetulpa South Australia. ^i.xi "A. 140.7 K. 121 TelTe Brazil 3.22 s. 65.40 w. no-lll Tcgel Prussia 52.37N- 13- U K- 40 41 Tegern.sce (L.).... Bavaria 47.42 N. 11.44 E- 40 41 Tegucigalpa Honduras 14.8 N. 87.7 w. 106-107 Tehama, The Arabia 18.0 N. 42.0 E. 68 Lat. Teheran Persia.. 35.42 N. Tehri Bundelkhand 24.44N. Teluiacan Mexico 18. 11 n. Tehuantei)ec,G. oiMexico 15-30N. Teifi River Wales 52.3 n. Teign Rivur England 50.32N. Teignmouth England 5°- 33 N. Teima Arabia 27.31 n. Teith River Scotland 56.12N. Tejend Turkestan 37-45 N. Tekapo, L. and ^.New Zealand ....44.0 s. Tekkalkota Madras ^SV- N. Tekna Sahara 26.50N. Tel River Bengal.. 20.30N. Tel-el-Kebir E^'pt 30. 27 n. Teletskoye, hak^Siberia 51-48 N. TelHcherry Madras. ii-4S N. Telokbetong Suinatra 5.25 s. Telokh Berau Dutch N. Guinea 2.35 s. Teltow Prussia 52.25 N. Teluk-An.son Perak 4.1 n. Tenibuland Cape Colony 31.40 s. Tenie River England 52.11 n. Tenies River Hungary 45.40N. Temesvar Hungary 45.47N. Teiuiscouata, L. . . Quebec 47-45 N. Teniora New S. Wales.... 2^. rz s. Tenipe, Valo oi... Greece 39. SON. Temjielburg Prussia 53- 34 N- Tenipleniore Ireland 52.47 N. Teraplestowe Victoria 37.46 S. Templeton New Zealand 43.36 s. Tein]»!etouliy Ireland 52.47 N. Teinplin Prussia 53.8 N. Tempo Irelafid 54-23 N. Temriuk Russia 45.17 N. Teninka A^ew Zealand 44-30 s. Ten Degree Cban^-/«£/a;«rt« Is 10.0 n, Tenas-serini Burma 13-30 N. Tenbury England 52.18 N. Tenby Wales 51.41 N. Tenduf Sahara 27.12 N. Teuedos Island Asia Minor 39-50N. Teneriffe \s\i\.i\d.. Canary Islands ..^Q.o a. Ten ez A Igeria 36. 29 n. Teng-chau China 37. 43 n, Tengri Nor {L. ).. I'ibet 30.40 N. Tenimber JaXsLwdnEast Indies 8.20 S. Tenkasi ^ladras 8.58 N. Tennessee River,. Tennessee 35-o N'. Tennessee, state . United States 36.0 N. Tenryu-gawa {R.}/apan 34.42 N. Tenterden England 51.4 n. Tenterfield N'ew S. Wales 29.0 s. Tents Muir Scotland 56.24 n. Temii AVw^ Zealand... ..40.4^ s. Tepic Mexico 21.22N. Teplitz Bohemia 50-39 N. Tetjuexe llivt^r.... Bolivia 13.0 s. Ter River Spain 43,3 n. Terai, The North India 27.0 N. Terani o Italy 42. 40 N. Terang Victoria 38. 14 s, Terawera, Ijake..AVw; Zealand. ....^S.^ s. Terceira Jii\and...A£ores Islands ...38.38 x. Torcero, Rio Argentine Rep 32.30 s. Teregova Hungary 45.8 N. Terek River Russia 43.48K. Terek-davan Vix^^Asiatic Russia. ..40.0 n. Terekti-tau Asiatic Russia. ..41.^0 it. Tcigovist Rumania 44.56N. Terlizzi Italy 41.8 n. Termination I Antarctica 64.0 s. Termini Italy 37-58N. Terminos, Lag. dc. Mexico 18.40N. Ternioli.,... Italy 42.0 N. Torn River England 52.43N. Ternate \Aa.n(X ...Moluccas 1.15N. Tcrneuzcn Netherlands 5i.20N*. Terni Italy 42.34 N. Tero wie South Australia . 33. 7 B. Terracina Italy 41.17N. Terraiiova Sicily 37.3 N. Terre Ilan to Indiana 39, 24 N. Terrebonne Quebec 45.43N. Terringtnn England 52,47 N, Terror, }>[o\\i\t,. ..Victoria Land ...'jB.o s. Ter rygUiss Irela nd 53. 3 N, Long. Map 51.24 E. 60 78.53 E. 63 07-21 w. IDS 950 w. lOS 4.27 w. 1415 3-15 w. 14-15 3.29W. 1819 38.58 E. 60 4.7 w. 24-26 60.3s E. 76-77 170.30 E. 126-127 76.56 E. 66 9.51 W. 80 83.20 E. 63 31.46 E. 81 88.35 E. 76-77 75.32 E. 65 105.20 E. 70-71 153.0 E. 70-71 13.15 E. 4041 loi.o E. 68-69 28.20 E. 86-87 2.19 w. 14-15 21.10 E, 42-43 21.14 E- 42-43 69.0 W. 96 T47.20 E. 118 22.35 E. BO-61 16.13 E. 4041 7.50 «•• 34 35 145.12 E. 119 172.32 E. 126127 7-43 w. 34-36 13.30 E. 40-41 7.27 w. 3233 37.22 E. B4B5 171.24 E. 126127 93.0 E. 68-69 98.30 E. 6869 2.36 w. 1819 4.42 w. 1819 8.30 w. 80 26.5 E. 60 16.20 w. 78-79 1.17 E. 80 120.58 E. 74 90.30 E. 72-73 130.43 E. 7071 77-21 E. 65 88.0 w. 104 87.0 w. 104 137-44 E. 75 0.42 E. 20-21 152-3 E. 118 2.50 w. 28 29 175.8 E. 126-127 104.52 W. 108 13-43 E. 42 43 69.0 w. 110111 3-3 E. 4647 84.0 E. 63 13-43 E. 4849 142.54 E. 119 176.30 E. 126127 27. 20 VV. 88 63.50 w. 112-113 22.17 E. 42-43 47-ioE. 5455 73.56 E. 7677 77.30 K. 76-77 25.28 K. 5061 16.32 K. 4849 96.0 K. 7 13.41 E. 48-49 91.22 \v. 108 15.2 K. 48-49 2.38 w. 1415 127.45 E. 70-71 3- 50 K. 38 12.40 K. 4849 138.48 K. 121 13.17 E. 4849 14.16 E. 48 49 87.27 w. 1021C3 73.42 w. 96 0.17 K. 2021 170.0 E. 7 8.11 W. 34-:& Ter GENERAL INDEX Ti& Lat. Long. JI^ip Terscheliing I. ...//tf/AiWi/ 53-25N. 5.20 E. 38 Teruel Spain 40.22 H. 1.5 w. 46-47 Terwara Bombay 24.4 N. 71.44 E. 64 Teschen Austria 49.45N. 18.38 k. 42-43 Teslin, Lake Yukon, Canada ..^fi.o N. 132.0 \\. 92-93 Test River England 51. ion, 1.25W. 14-15 Teste de Biich France 44.41N. 1.9 w. 36-37 Testifies Islands.. West Indies 11.23N. 63.12W. 106-107 Tet River France 42.44N. 2.36 E, 36-37 Tetbury England S1.38N. 2.10 w. 18-19 Tete Port. E. Africa. .\(>.ii&. 33.26 E. 78-79 Teton Mts Wyoming. 43.40N. iio.55\v. 105 Tetschen Bohemia 50.46N. 14.14 E. 42-43 Tetuan Afarocco 3S-32N. 5.22W. 80 Teuchern Prussia 51.7 N. 12.3 E. 40-41 Teuco River Argentine Rep. ..2-:..q s. 61.0 w. 112-113 Teulada, C'ape..../('. 92.53 E. 63 Thabanchu Orange RiverCol.2g.& s. 26.52 E. 86-87 Thai-an Korea 36.48 N. 126.10 E. 75 Thalheim Saxony 50.42N. 12.51 E. 40-41 Thame England 51.45N. 0.59W. 20-21 Thame River England 51.46N. i.o w. 14-15 Thames New Zealand 57.5 s. 175.32 E. 126-127 Th.ames, Firth of. AVz» Zra/iiHf/ 36.45 s. 175.20 E. 126-127 Thames, Mouth of the England 51.30N. i.o E. 14-15 Thames River England 51.29N. 1.0 w. 14-15 Thames River A'ezu Zealand.. ...37.20 s. 175.40 E. 126-127 Thames River Ontario 42.20N. 82.34 w. 96 Thana Bombay 21.34N. 71.50 E. 64 Ihana.-'Bho.vian. .. [/nited Pro-c'inceszg. 3^11. 77.28 E. 63 Thaneshwar Punj'ai 29.59N. 76.52 E. 66 Thanet, Isle of ...^«_^/(777// 51.22N. 1.22 E. 14-15 Than-hoa(R.) Annam 19.49N. 105.31 E. 68-69 Thann Alsace 47.47N. 7.7 E. 40-41 Thar Desert Rajputana 27.0 N. 71.0 E. 66 Tharad Bombay 24.23N. 71.37 E. 64 Tharawadi Burma 17.40N. 95.51 E. 68-69 Thargomindah. ...(?;/«« j/anrf 27.58N. 143.43 E. 123 Tharod Gwalior 24.11 N. 75.2 E. 64 Tharsis Spain 37-3SN. 7.1SW. 46-47 Thasos Island T7irkey 40.42N. 24.38 E. 60-51 Thattha i^a.\X.:\).. Bombay 24.44 N. 68-° E. 64 Thatun Burma 16.53 N. 97'23 E. 68-69 Thaxted England 51.57N. 0.21 E. 20-21 Thaya River. Austria 48.50N. 16.45 E. 42-43 Thayet-myo Burma 19.18N. 95. 15 E. 68-69 Theale England S1.26N. 1.5 w. 20-21 Thebes Greece 38.19 N. 23. 19 E. 60-51 Thebes (ruinsj ....^f^v// 25.45N. 32.40 E. 81 Theiss River Hungary 47.58N. 21.0 E. 42-43 Thelemarken Xot7toro\l%\\ . ...Queensland 16.58 s. Thornbury England 51.37N. Thornbury New Zealand ....46.17 s. Thorncombe England 50. son. Thome England S3■37^'. Thorney England 52.37N. Thornhill England 53.40 N. Thornhill Ontario 43.47 N. Thornhill Scotland SS-'SN. Thornleigh New S. 11 ato... 33.47 s. Thornliebank Scotland 55.48 N. Thornton England 53.48 N. Thorpdale Victoria 38.17 s. Thorpeness England 52.12 N. Thorsa (R. ) Iceland 64. ion. Thorshavn Faroe Islands 62.0 N. Thourout Belgium 51.3 N. Thousand Isles, Lake of the Ontario 44-18 N. Thousand Lakes, Lake of the ....Ontario 49.0 N. Thrace, dist Turkey 41.2SN. Thrapston England 52.24N. Three Castle Hi. Ireland 51.29N. Three Hummock Island Tasmania 4O-25 S. Three Hut Point. Tasmania 43.173. Three Kings Is. ..New Zealand 32.5 s. Three Point."!, CArgentine Rep. ...47.7 s. Three Rivers Quebec 46.21 N. Three^isters, Mts. Orf^ow 44.7 N. Thuiu Belgium 50.22N. Thuir France 42.37N. Thul Bombay 28.15N. Thum Saxony 50.41 N- Thun and 'LAike... Switzerland 46.46 N. Thunder Bay Ontario 48.30N. Thur River Switzerland. 47.36N. Thurgau, Ci\nton. Switzerland. 47.35N. Thuringer Wald..Gt';7;:a?7)' 50-45 N. Thuringia Germany 50.50N. Thurles Ireland 52.41 N. Thurlstone England 53-32 N. Thursday l^iand. Queensland 10.33 s. Thurso Scotland 58.36N. Thurso River Scotland 58.30N. Tiahuanaco(ruins}Z?t?/iV:f2 16.33 s. Tiaret Algeria 3S.20N. Tiaro Queensland 25.44 s. Tiber River Italy 41.44N. Tiberias See Galilee. Tiberias, Lake ... Tasmania 42.28 s. Tibesti Sahara 19.0 N. Tibet, country Chinese Empire. .34.0 N. IMbneh Palestine 32. ion. Tibooburra A'ew S. Wales. ..2g.z,o s. Tiburon, Cape ....Haiti 18. 19N. Tichborne England 51.4 N. Ticino, canion.... Switzerland 46.20N. Ticino River Italy 45.14N. Tickhill England S3.26N. Ticonderoga A'fZ(; York 43.50N. Tidaholm Sweden 58.7 N. Tidenham England 5I.39N. Tideswell England S317N- Tidikelt Oasis Sahara 26.20 N. Tidor Island Moluccas 0.45N. Tiel Netherlands 5I.53N- Tien-tsin China 39.8 N. Tierra de Canipos5/a/n 42.20N. Tierra del Yms^o. South America...S40 s. Tietar River Spain 40.0 K. Tiete, Rio Brazil 21.0 S. Tiffin Ohio 41.7 N. Tiflis Russia 41.42 N. Tigari.a Orissa, Bengal. ..20.28 N. Tiggi French Congo 17.30N. Long. Map 69. 10 w. 102-lOS 7.8 w. 34-36- 84.0 w. 104 71.50 w. 102-103 120.0 w. 98-99 143-23 E- 12s 95-9 E. 68-69' 6.28 E. 36-37 23.43 E. 42-43 18.36 E. 40-41 1. 19 w. 16-17 144-57 K. 123 2.31 w. 18-19 168.13 E. 126-127 2.54W. 18-19 0.58 w. 18-19 0.7 w. 20-21 1.37 w. 16-17 79- =9 w. 96 346 w. 28-29 i5'-4 E. lis 4.21 w. 28-29 1. 51 w. 16-lT 146.10 E. 119 1.38 E. 20-21 19. 30 w. 8-9 6.45 w. 8-9 3-4 K. 38 76.5 w. 9S 91.0 w. 92-93 26.30 E. 50-51 0. 32 w. 20-21 9.51 w. 30-31 144.52 E. 120 147.15 E. 120 172.0 B. 126-127 65.48 W. 110-111 72. 29 w. 9& 121.30 w. 105 4.16 E. 3S 2.43 E. 36-37 68.49 E. 64 12.57 E. 40-41 7.38 E. 44-45 87.30 W. 92-93 8.46 E. 44-4& 9.8 E. 44-45 10.40 E. 40-41 11.10 E. 40-41 7.48 w. 34-35 1-39 w. 1617 142.10 E. 123 3-31 «•■ 26-2T 3.30 w. 24-25 68.21 w. 110-111 1.18 E. 80 152.37 E. 123 12.14 E. 48-49 147.20 E. 120 18.0 E. 78-79 90.0 E. 72-73 35-42 E. 60 142.0 E. 118 74-34 w. 106-lOT I.Il w. 20-21 8.50 E. 44-45 9.0 E. 48-49 1.6 w. 16-17 73.30 w. 102-103 13-55 w. 52-53 2.39 w. 18-19 1.47 w. 20-21 1.0 E. 80 127.26 E. 70-71 5.27 E. 38 117.16 E. 74 4.25 w. 46-47 71.0 W. 110-111 S-50W. 46-47 51.0 w. 110-111 83.8 w. 102-103 44-43 E. 6465 85.34 E. 63 17.30 K. 78-73 Tig GENERAL INDEX Too Let. TigUnabruaich ...Scotland 55. 55 N. Tigre River Ecuador 3.28 s. Tigre, state Abyssifiia 14.0 N. Tigris River Asiatic Turkey. ..-^-^.o n. Tib, Desert of ihQSyria 30.0 N. Tibany ...Hungary 46-55 N. Tijara Rajputana 27.56 N. Tikari Bengal 24.57N. Tikhvin Russia 59-39N. Tikote Bombay 16. i6n. Tikri United Provinceszg.nm. Tilburg Netherlands 51.33N. Tilbury England S1.29N. Tilbar United Provinceszj.'fi n. Till River England 55-41 N. Tillicoultry Scotland 56- ion. Tilsit Prussia 55.4 n. Tilsonburg Ontario 42.53N- Tilt, Glen Scotland 56-52N. Timan Mts Russia 65.0 N. Timaru New Zealand 44.23 3, Timbo Senegambia lo. 22 N. Timbuktu French Sudan 18.0 N. Tiraeri Madras. 12.50N. Timok River Servia 44.0 N. Timoleague Ireland 51.48N. Timolin... Ireland. 52-59 N. Timor Victoria 36-59 S- Timor Island Dutch E. Indies.\o.o s. Timor Laut Is. ...Dutch E. Indies 8.0 s. Timor Sea Australia 12.0 s. Timsah, Lake Egypt 30.20 N. Tinahely Ireland 52.48 N. Tinaroo Queensland 17-30 S- Tincbebrai France 48.47N. Tingha New S. (I'li/fi. .. 28.48 s. Tinnahinch Ireland 52-37 N- Tinaevelli Madras 8-43 N- Tinogasta Argentine Rep. ..27.40 s. Tinos Island Greece 37-35 N. Tinpabar Bengal. 25.0 N. Tintagel Ctistle... England 50-39N. Tintaldra Victoria 35-58 s. Tintern Abbey. ...£«;f/aKif 51.42N. Tintem Abbey ...Ireland 52. 14N. Tinto Hill Scotland 55-36N- Tioge (Tonke) R.British S. A/ricaij.o s. Tippecanoe R Indiana 40.50N. Tipperary and co. Ireland 52. 28 N. Tipperrauir. Scotland 56.23N. Tipton England 52-33 N. Tiptree England 51.47N. Tiptur Mysore 13. 15N. Tiquina, Strait olBolivia 16.15 s. Tirana Turkey 41.21 n. Tirano Italy 46.13 N. Tiraspol Russia 46.52N. Tiree Island Scotland 56.30N. Tirlemont Belgium 50.48N. Tirnova Bulgaria 43.7 N. Tirso River... Italy 40.2 N. Tirucbengod Madras 11-23 N. Timkovilur Madras 11.58N. Tirumangalaiii Madras 9.49N. Tirunageswaraiii.;l/(Zi/riZ.r 10.58 N. Tirupati Madras 13.38N. Tirupatur Madras 12.30N. Tirupur Madras 11.37N. Tirur Madras 10.56N. Tirutani Madras 13. ion. Tiruvadi Madras 10.53N. Tiruvallam Madras. 12.59N. Tiruvallur Madras 13.9 N. Tiruvankod Travancore 8. 13N. Tiruvannaraalai..^/arfr(2j 12. 15N. Tiruvattur Madras 12.39N. Tiryns Greece 37.36N. Tirzah. Palestine 32. i8n. Tisbury Eng'atid 51.4 n. Tishit Sahara'. 19. 12N. Tissington England 53.5 n. Tisza River Hungary 48. 17N. Titcbfield England 50.21 N. Titicaca, Lake Bolivia 15-30 3. Titlis, Mt Switzerland. 46.46 n. Titterstone Cleo Hill England S2.24N. Titusville Pennsylvania 41.40N. Loiii,'. 5.14W. 74-25 w. 39.0 K. 47.0 E. 34.0 E. 17-53 E- 76.51 E. 84S3K. 33-3° E. 75-34 E. 77-23 E. 5-5 K. 0.24 E. 79.47 E. 2.10 w. 3 44 w. 21.53 E. 80.34 w. 3.46 w. 50.0 E. 171. 17 E. 9-S7W. 3.0 w. 79.21 E. 22.30 E. 8.I5W. 6.48 w. 143.49 E. 125.0 E. 131. E. 120.0 E. 32.25 E. 6.28 w. 145.29 E. 0.44 w. 151. 18 E. 6. 56 w. 77-44 B. 68.40 w. 25.14 E. 87.48 E. 4-44 w. 147-54 E- 2.41 W- 6,44 w. 3 40 w- 21.0 E. 86.42 w. 8.9 w. 3-33 w- 2-3 ^''■ 0.43 E. 76.31 E. 68.45 W. 19.49 E. 10.9 E. 29.36 E. 6.56 w. 4-55 E. 25.28 E. 8.53 E. 77.56 E. 79.15 E. 78.1 E. 79.28 E. 79.28 E. 78.37 E. 77-41 E. 75-59 E. 79-39 E. 79.8 E. 79.18 E. 79-57 E. 77-21 E. 79-7 E. 79.36 E. 22.47 E. 35-24E. 2.4 w. 8. 30 w. 1.44 w. 21.56 E. 1. 14 w. 69.30 w. 8.26 E 2-37 w. 79.42 w. M.ip 28-29 110 111 78-79 60 60 42-43 66 63 54-65 64 63 38 2021 63 1617 28-29 40-41 96 24 25 61-65 126 84 84 66 50-51 34-35 34-36 119 70-71 70-71 116-117 81 3436 123 36-37 118 34-35 66 112-113 60-51 63 18-19 119 18-19 34-35 24-26 78-79 102-103 34-35 28-29 18-19 20-21 65 110-111 60-51 48-49 64-65 24-25 38 50-61 48-49 66 65 66 66 66 65 66 66 66 65 65 66 65 66 66 50-61 60 18-19 84 20-21 42-43 2021 110-111 44 45 14^16 102-103 Lat, Long. Tnimen Siberia 56.55N. 60.0 E. Tiverton England 50.54N. 3.29 w. Tivoli Italy 41.58N. 12.48 E. Tixtla Mexico 17.27N. 19.29 w, Tjilatjap Jaiui 7.45 s. 109.6 E. Tjdiwong Moutb./<2W 5- 56 s. 105.50 E. Tl.alpan Mexico 19.12N. Tlaxcala Mexico 19.18N. Tlemcen Algeria 34.52N. Toba, Lake Sumatra 2.25 N. Tobago Island.... West Indies 11.16N.' Tobercurry Ireland 54.3 n. Tobermoro Ireland 54.48 N. Tobermory Scotland 56.37N. TobolRh-er Siberia 53.0 N. Tobolsk Siberia 58.12N. Toboso, El Spain 39.30N. Tocaima Colombia 4-27 N. Tocantins \Xwex\. Brazil 14.0 3. Toce River Switzerland. 46.14N. Tocopilla Chile 22.6 s. Tocuyo Venezuela 9.24 N. Toda-Bbim Jaipur 26.52N. Todd River N. Territory, S. Australia 24.0 s. 135.0 Toddington Beds, England. ..^x.^-jii. Todi, Mount Switzerland. 46.49 n. TodmordL'U England 53-43N'- Toe Head Ireland 51.29N. Toggenburg Switzerland 47. 15N. Togo Land Slave Coast 6.30N. ToguzDabanllts. T'/fe; 36.0 N. 85.0 E. Tokaido See Nippon. Tokar Sudan i8.i:}N. 3734 E. Tokat Asiatic Turkey. ..^o.-s^-i^. 36.37 E. Tok.ay Hungary 48.7 N. 21.24 E. Tokelau See Union Islands. Tokio Japan 3S.40N. 139.48 E. Tokomarua New Zealand. ....2,^.7 s. 178.25 E. Tokusbima Japan 34.3 n. 134.40 e. Toledo Ohio 4i-39 N. 83.33 ^*'- Toledo Spain 39-51 N. Toledo, Sierra deSpain 39.30N. Tolentino Italy 43.13N. Tolima 'Vo]ci\no.. Colombia 4.50X. Toll-pos-is {Mt.).. Russia 63.43 N. Tolmein Austria 46.11 N. Tolmezzo Italy 46. 24N. Tolna Hungary 46.24N. Tolosa Spain 43.8 N. Toluca Mexico 19. 11 N. Tolz Bavaria 47. i6n. Tombigbee Jxivci'. Alabama 32. 10 N, 99-24 w. 98.2 w. 1. 18 w. 99-5 E. 60.42 w, 8.44 \v. 6.47 w. 6. 5 w. 63-35 E. 68.20 e. 2.59 w. 74-43 ■w- 48. 20 w. 8.20 E. 70. 12 U-. 69.37 W. 76.48 E. E. 0.37 W. 8-55 E. 2. 6 w. 9-'3«'- 9.5 E. 1.30 E. 127 4.0 w. 4-15 w. 13.17 E. 75-35 *''• 59.12 E. 13-45 E. 13.1 E. 18.42 E. 2.0 w, 99.25 w. 11-34 E- 88.10 w. Tombstone Arizona 31-40N. 109.56 \v. Tomini, Gu\l ot ..Celebes Island 0.0 123.0 e. Tomintoul Scotland 57. 15N. 3.22 w. TomoserPass Hungary 45.26 N. 25.28 E. Tomsk Siberia 56.0 N. 85.0 E. Tonale Pa.ss Austria 45.17N. 10.33 E. Tonawanda New York 42.58 n. 78.54 w. Tonbridge England 51.12N. 0.17 E. Tondi Madras. 9-45 N- 79-4 E. TondufF. Ireland 55.12N. 7.31 w. Tone River England 51.2 N. 2.58W. Tonegawa [R.]. ...Japan 35.42 N. 140.50 E. Tcng England 52.40N. 2.17 \v. Tonga I.slands Pacijic Ocean 19.50 s. 174.20 w. Tongariro, Mt New Zealand 39.10s. 175-44 E. Tongatabu I Friendly Island s. 21. Z S- 175.16 w. Tongking Fr. Indo-China ..11.0 N. 105.0 K. Tongking, Gulf of7o«.».{-iH.f 20.0 x. 108.0 E. Tongres Belgium 50.47N. 5.27 E. Tongue Scotland 58.28N. 4.25 w. Tongue River Montana 45.25N. 106.28 w. Tongyi Burma 17.8 N. 96.30 E. Tonk Rajputana 26.11 N. 75.50 E. Tonle-Sap (L.)....CaOTJtfi;<■• 3-55 E. Tonning Nonoav 61-59N. 6.2 E. Tonning Schleswig 54-I9N- 8.55 K. Tonquin See Tongking. Tiinsberg Norway 59-^5 ^'- 10-28 E. Toodyay W. Australia. ...^j.^^s. 116.32 e. Toolamba Victoria 36.35 s. 145.23 E. Toomyvara Ireland 52-5' N- 8.2 w. Toong.abl.ie Victoria 38.2 s. 146.50 E. Tooradin Victoria 38-13 »■ i4S-'9 E. Toowoomba Queensland 27.34 s. 152.0 E. M-ip 76-77 18-19 48-49 108 70 71 70-71 108 103 80 70-71 106107 32-33 32-33 28-29 76-77 76-77 4647 110-111 110111 44 46 112-113 110-111 66 116-117 2021 44 46 16-17 3031 44 46 84 72-73 78 79 60 42 43 75 126-127 76 102 103 46 47 45-47 48-49 110111 64-65 42-43 4849 42 43 46-47 103 40 41 104 106 70 71 26-27 42 43 76-77 42 43 1C2103 20 21 66 32-33 1416 76 1819 114116 126-127 114115 6869 68 69 38 26 27 100 101 68 69 66 68 69 3637 62 63 40 41 62 63 122 119 3436 119 119 123 Top GENERAL INDEX Tri Lat. I^og, Topeka Kansas 39.5 N. 93.45 w. Topla River Hungary 49.0 N. 21.50 E. Tciplftz Austria 50-39N. 13.43 E. Topo Lake Russia 67.0 N. 34.0 E. Topolias Lake Greece 38.2SN. 23.5 E. Topsham England 50.40N. 3.28 w. Tor Bay England 50.26 N. 3.31 w. Tor Bay Kova Hcolia 45.12N. 61.15W. TorhesjR I'enezuila 7-30N. 72.23 w. Tonia Hungary 46.32 N. 23.43 E. Tor.lesillas Spain 4'-3iN. 5.1 w. Torgan Prussia 51.36N. 13.0 E. 'Yori-¥!Li(Aiy>uT....Bundelkliand 25.28N. 79.2 E. Torinana, C Spain 43.4 N. 9.17W. Torino (Turin). ...//' 45.4 N. 7.45 E. Tormes Spain 4t.24N. 6.27 w. Tornea Finland 68.20 N. 29.20 E. Tornea Elf (R.).. ..??('?*« 66.0 N. 24,0 E. Tore Spain 4I-32N. 5.26 w. Toronto Ne-ui S. Wales. ...yi.\ N. 151.38 K. Toronto Ontario 43-40N. 79.28 w. Torphiclien Scotland 5S-57N. 3.47 w. Torquay England 50.28 N. 3.31 w. Torre Ae CerreioSpain 4312N. 4.43 «'• Torre dell' An- minziata /talv 40.46 K. 14.28 E. Torre rellice Italy 4550N. 7-I5E. Torrens, Lake South Australia. ^i.o s. 137.50 E. Torren.s R South Australia. i.^.^^ s. 138.38 E. Torres Strait Queensland. lo.o s. 143.0 E. Torres-Vedra3..../^i)W;',f''- 5-45^. Torrington England SO.57N. 4-8 w. Torry Scotland 57.8 x. 3.4 \v. Torryburn Scotland 56.4 N. 3.34 w. Tortola Island.... rirgiti /stands... 18. 2.iS. 64.30 w. Tortona /taly 44-53J>'- 8.52 E. Torto.sa Spain 40.50 N. 0.30 E. Tortuga Island ... Venezuela 10.55 N. 65.26 w. Tortiigas(I,sIands)/7(7n'(fa 24-33N'- 82.50 w. Tory Island Ireland 55.16N. 8.14W. Torzburg Hungary 4S-27N. 25.11 E. Torzhok Russia 576 N. 35.0 E. Totapella, Mt Ceylon 6.40K. S0.48 E. Totnes England 50.26 N. 3.41 w. Totonicapan Guatemala 15.9 N. 91.22W. Totoral Argentine Rep.... yi.^d s. 64.20W. Tottenh.iTi England 5I.37N. 0.4 w. Toul France 48.40N. 5.53 E. Toulon France 43.7 N. 5.56 E. Toulouse France 43.36N. 1.27 E. Touraine France 47.1SN. 1.20 E. Tourane Annam 16.7 N. 10S.12E. Toureoing France 50.43 N. 3.10 E. Tournay Belgium S0.37N. 3.25 E. Touros Brazil S.i6s. 35.27 w. Tours France 47.24 N. 0.42 E. Tore River England 52.9 N. 1.0 w. Toward Point Scotland 5S.51N. 4.58 w. Towcester England 52.8 K. 1.0 vf. Towio Scotland 57.12 >'. 2.57 w. Towik Plateau.... A'tv Nejd. Townsend Ridges H'. Australia 26.0 s. 127.0 E. Townsville Queensland 19.10 .s. 146.58 E. Towy River Wales 51.48N. 4.20 w. Towyn Wales 52.35N. 4.5 w. Tracadie New Brunswick. .a,-j.i<)^. 64.58 w. Tracadie Aot'A Scotia 45.38N. 61.41 w. Tracton Ireland 51.46N. 8.23 w. Trafalgar, Cape..5/a/« 36.10N. 6.1 w. Trahuaca River ..5/a;;7 8.0 s. 71.0 w. Trajan's Wall Rumania 44.13N. 28.20 E. Tralee and Ba.y ...Ireland 52.17 N. 9.43 w. Tralle.5 &^ Aidin. Traniore and Bay/;-f/a?;rf 52.10N. 7.9 w. Tranent Scotland S5-S7N- 2-57 w. Tringsund Finland 60.30N. 28.20 E. Tranh-Ninh, dist.Z-aoi 20.0 N. 102.30 E. Trani Italy 41.18K. 16.25 E. Tranmei c See Birkenhead. Tranquebar Madras 11. i N. 79.54 E. Trans-Alai Mts...7"ar,j!>/a« 39.40 N. 73.0 E. Transbaikalia Asiatic Russia ...^2.0 N. 114. o E. Transcaspia Asiatic Russia. ..^0.0 N. 58.0 E. Transcaucasia Russia 41.0 N. 45.0 E. Transkei Cape Colony. 32.15 s. 28.20 E. 31.1 p 100-101 42-43 42-43 54-55 60-51 18-19 14-15 94 110-111 42-43 46-47 40 41 63 46-47 48-49 46-47 54-55 62-63 46-47 118 96 28-29 18-19 46-47 48-49 48-49 121 121 123 46-47 46-47 14-15 24-25 18-19 26-27 28 29 106-107 48-49 4647 110111 104 3031 42-43 64-55 66 1819 106-107 112-113 2021 36-37 36-37 36-37 36-37 68-69 36-37 38 110-111 36-37 14-16 24-25 20-21 26-27 116-117 123 14-15 1819 94 94 34-36 46-47 110-111 50-51 34-36 34-36 28-29 54-55 68-69 48-49 66 76-77 76-77 76-77 54-55 86-87 I Lat. Tran.'itrand Sweden 61,5 N. Transvaal, col South Africa 25.0 s. Transylvania Hungary 46.40 N. Transylvanian Alps Rumania, &^c 45.35 N. Trapani'. Italy 38.3 N. Trapezus See Trebizond. Trappo, La France 48.36K. Tra([uair Scotland 55-35 N. Tr.aralgon I'ictoria 38.11 s. Trasinieno, Lake.//(z/j' 43.8 K. Traun See Austria 47-52 N. Travancore South India 10.0 N. Trave River Germany 53-57 N. Travemijndo Mecklenbtirg 53-57 N. Travers, Val dQ... Switzerland 46.57N. Traverse, Lix\iQ... South Dakota 45.50N. Tr.nvnik Bosnia 44. ion. Trawbre.aga Vt-x\. Ireland 55.20N. Traz-os-Montes.../'tJr/K^(7/ 41-35 N. Trebbia River Italy 44-55 N. Trebinje Herzegovina 42.43 N. Trebizond 4siatic Turkey , .0,1.1 N. Trebnitz Prussia 51.18N. Tredegar England 51.46 N. Tregaron Wales 52.13 N. Tregony England 50. 16N. Tre<^ier France 48.49 N. Treig, Loch Scotland 56.48 N. Tremtn-y-'^ves. ...Uruguay 33.0 s. Trelleborg Siueden 55-21 N. Trelleck England 51.45N. Tremadoc Bay.... Wales 52.56N. Trembling Mt. ...Quebec 46.20 N. Tremiti Islands. -,//(7/i' 42.8 N. Tremone Bay Ireland 55. 17N. Trent Austria 46.4 N. Trent J unction... -/i'«^/«wi N. Ulubaria Bengal. 22.28 N. Ulundi Zululand 28.30 s. Ulva Island Scotland S6.30N. Ulverston England 54.12N. Ulverstone Tasmania 41.12 s. Ulvik Norway 60.37 N. Ulyungur River.. 5f« Irtish. Uman Russia 48.43N. Umanak Fjord ...Greenland 71.0 N. Umarkher Berar 19.36N. Umarkot Bombay 25.21 N. Umarpur Bengal 25.2 N. Umballa {AmbA]n)PunJab 30.21 n. Lons. 5In]i 1.26 vr. 14-16 2.42 w. 2425 2.30 w. 1416 2.44 w. 14-16 1.26 w. 16-17 4.38 w. 1415 33-17 E. 60 17-36 E. 42 43 11. E. 42-43 7-15 ^v- 32 33 7.20 w. 32-33 12.0 E. 48-49 69.0 vr. 110111 63.0 w. 109 58.40 w. 109 19.0 E. 8283 44-48 W. 112-113 60.30 E. 66 3.27 w. 4647 47-45 w. 110-111 02. 30 E. 72-73 75.0 W. 110111 71.9 E. 66 76.0 W. 110111 0.6 E. 20-21 9Q.0 E. 76-77 73-43 E. 66 79.20 E. 65 77-17 E. 65 79- IQ E. 65 11.59 E. 5253 4-5 w. 28-29 12.50 E. 43-49 99.18 E. 76-77 107.52 E. 76-77 74 47 E. 65 2.13 w. 26-27 104.42 E. 68-69 9.12 E. 40-41 10.31 E. 40 41 568 E. 64-55 56.30 E. 64-56 3.19 w. 18-19 32.30 E. 8283 161.30 E. 114116 2.5 W. 2426 38.23 E. 54-55 34-30 E. 82-83 6.21 w. 26-27 110.20 w. 105 7. 20 w. 24-25 7.20 TV. 24-25 25.27 E. 86-87 7Q.2 E. 63 30.0 E. 82 83 75-52 S. 64 38.0 E. 8283 38.0 E. 8283 34.0 E. 8283 30.20 E. 6455 36.45 E. 8283 3.10 W. 26-27 25-42 K. 64-56 96.44 E. 72-73 8.25 W. 46-47 150.30 E. lis 5-8 w. 26-27 2. 52 w. 1617 9-59 E. 40 41 153-2 E. 118 7.20 w. 3233 7.20 w. 3233 03.0 E. 76-77 88.9 E. 63 31.30 E. 86-87 6. 17 w. 2426 3-5 w. 16-17 146.8 E. 120 6.55 E. 62-63 30.20 E. 64-66 52.0 w. 90-91 77.45 E. 64 69.46 E. 64 86.57 E. 63 76.52 E. 66 Lat. Urnbargaon Bornbay 20.14N. Umbria, div Italy 42. son. Umea Sweden 63.49N'. UmeaElf {R,)....5wrf^« 64.20N. Umea \viXXj\Qt....Siveden 66.2 v. Umkomanzi R. ...Natal 30.0 s. Umm Delpha (Ks Shayib) Egypt 27.0 N. Umm Keis Palestine 32.37 N. Umni.iti 'Kx^qw... South Rhodesia ..18.40 s. Umrawutty (Am- raoti) Berar 20.56N. Unirer Centra I Provinces20.\^-s. Umreth Boiiibay 24.41 N. Uni ri Gwa Uor 24. 4 5 N. Umritsar (Am- ritsar) Punjab 3^-37 N- Umtali South Rhodesia ..18.54 s. Umvolosi River.. .ZK/;f/(7«rtf 28.26 s. Una Punja b 3 r . 3 2 N. Una-Del wara Bombay 20. 49 n, Una River Bosnia 44.58 N. Unnla.'ihka lAandAleutian Is 53-30N. Unanderra New S. Wales ....^A-'^J ^. Unao Un iied Provinces 26. 32 N. Unare River Venezuela 9.30N. Unatz River Bosnia 44.20N. Undercliff Isle of Wight 50.36 n. Ung River Hungary 48.36 N. Ungava Bay. Labrador Penin.,c^<^.y3ii. Ungvar Hungary 48.34N. Union Islands ..../'ac;^;: Oc^rtw 8.0 S. United Provinces/wtfic 28.0 N. Unkofsky '^^y.... Korea 35. ion. Unna Prussia 51.32N. Unst Island Scotland 60.45 n. Unstrut "RivGV.... Prussia 51.6 n. Unter See Lake Constance. ..^j. 42'^- Unterseen Switzerland. 46,42 n. Unterwalden Switzerland. 46.50N. Unyamwezi Ger. E. Africa.., 4.0 s. Unyanyembe Ger. E. Africa... 5.0 s. Unyoro Brit. E. Africa.. 1.0 N. Uomatako River. G^r.5.- ir.,^/r/V(720.o s. Upernivik Greenland 72.46N. Uphall Scotland 55■57^'• Upholland En^layid 53-32N. Upington Bechuanaland ...28.24 S. Upl eta Bombay 2 1 . 44 N. Upminster Erigland 5^^-33 N- Upolu Island Samoa i3-So s. U ppi ngham England 52. 36 N. Upsala Sweden S9-5i N. Upstart, Capo ....Queensland. 19-44 S. Upton-on-Severn.£';7^/rt?/i/ 52.3 K. Urabii, Gulf oi....See Darien. Urai United Provinces 25. 59 N. Uraidla South Australia. 24. 50 s. Ural Mountains... ./??/jj:fl 60.0 N. Ural River Russia 47.0 n. Uralla A^ew S. Wales...;^o.4o s. Uralsk Russia 5 1 . 1 2 N. Uran Bombay 18.53N. Urnna iWzi' S. Wales...;^c^.20 s. Urandangie Queensland 21.35 ^• Uravakonda Madras '^4-5^ N. Urbana Ohio 40. 5 n. Urbino Italy 43.43N. Urchha Bundelkhand 25.21 n. Ure River England 54.8 n. Ures Mexico 29.48N. Urfa Asiatic Turkey ..yj.w n. Urga Mongolia 47-58 N. Urge] Spain 42. 19N. Uri, canton Switzerlatid. 46.45N. Urlingford Ireland 52.43 n. Urmia See Urumiy ah. Urr Water Scotland 55.0 N. Urua Belgian Congo,... 7.30 s. Urubamba River. /'^rw 13.0 s. Urubu Brazil 12, 59 s. Uruguay, V>.cri... .South America...'}2>o ^• Uruguay River, . . Brazil 27. 40 s. Uruguayana Brazil 29.38 s, Uruniiyah JjuVq.. Persia 37.40 K Urum tsi Ch ina 43. 27 n. Urun Bombay 17.2 N. Urunchai Siberia 49.35N. 30 Long. 72.48 B. 12.30 E. 20.9 E. 19.10 E. 15.0 E. 30.12 E. 33-43 E. 35-43 E. 30.0 E. 77-47 E. 79.2 IE. 73-11 E. 77.21 E. 74-55 E. 32.36 E. 32.26 E. 76.18 E. 71.5 E. 16.0 E. 166. 55 w. 150.59 E. 80.32 E. 65. 20 W. 16.30 E. I.15W. 22.14 E. 67.30 W. 22.30 E. 170.0 w. 80.0 E. 129.20 E. 7.41 E. 0-53 w. 11.40 E. 9.1 E. 7.-I E. 8.16 E. 32.30 E. 33-0 E. 31.0 E. 18.15 E. 56.2 W. 3-31 »'. 2.44 w. 21.17 E. 70.20 E. 0-15 E. 171.35 W. 0.43 -n-. 17-38 E. 147.48 E. 2.14 w. 79.29 E. 138.30 E. 57.0 E. 52.0 E. 151. 31 E. 51.24 E. 72.59 E. 146.18 E. 138.24 E. 77.18 E. 83.42 W. 12.38 E. 78.42 E. 1.30 w. JIO. 12 W. 38.55 E. 106.40 E. 1.30 E. 8.35 E. 7-34 w. 3.56W. 26.0 E. 72.0 ■«-. 43-55^- 55.0 w. 53.28 w. 56-59W. 45.30 E. S8.28 E. 74-25 E. 82.30 E. ]^Iai> 64 43-49 62 53 52-63 52 53 86 87 81 60 78-79 64 63 64 64 66 78-79 86-87 66 64 42 43 2-3 118 63 110-111 42-43 20 21 42-43 9293 42-43 114115 63 75 40 41 24 25 40 41 44 45 44-45 44-45 82-83 82-83 82-83 78-79 90 91 2829 1617 86-87 64 20-21 128 20-21 52-53 123 18-19 63 121 64-55 54-55 118 54-55 64 118 116117 65 102103 48-49 63 14-15 108 60 72-73 46-47 44-4S 34 35 24-25 8283 110-111 110-111 112-113 112-113 112113 60 7273 64 76-77 Uru GENERAL INDEX Ven Lat. Urundi Ger. E. Africa.,. 3.20 s. Unintru River See Irtish. Urup Island Japan 45.20N. Ury Water Scotland 57- 24 N. Usa River. Russia 66.10N. Usagara Ger. E. Africa... 7,0 s. Usambara Ger. E. Africa... 5.0 8. Usaramo Ger. E. Africa... 7.30 s. Usedom X-^dJvA ...Prussia 54.0 n. Usen, River Russia 50.0 N. Ushant Island Erance 48.28 s, Ushaw England 54. 48 N. Ushi tze Servia 43- 47 N. Usk England 51.42N. Usk River Wales 51.39 N- TJska United Provinces 27. 14 N, Uskub Turkey 42.1 n. XJsoga Uganda 0.40 n. Uspallata Pass Chile 32.40 s. Ussel France 45- 37 N. Ussuri River. Afanchuria, t5:'^..46.30 n. Ust Urt V\i\tevtM.. Asiatic Russia. ..^^.o n. Us te r Switzerland. 47. 2 1 n. Ustica Island Italy 38.44 n. Usukuma Ger. E. Africa... 3.0 s. Usumacinta R Mexico 18.0 n. Usu r Madras 1 2. 44 n. Utah Lake Utah 40. ion. Utah, state United States 39.0 n. Utakamand Madras 11.24N. Utica New York 43. 5 n. Utila Island Honduras 16,8 N. Utraula United Provinces 27. 19 n. Utrecht Holland 52. 5 n. Utrecht Tra?isvaal 27. 30 s. Utrera Spain 37. ion. Uttarpara Bengal. 22. 41 n. Uttoxeter Englatid 52.54N. Uvea Island Loyalty Islands ..2.o.'z-2 s. Uxbridge England 51.34N. Uxmal, ruins Mexico 20. 12 N. Uz-belPas3 Pamir. 38-37 N. Long. Map 30.0 B. 82-83 150.0 E. 72-73 2.40 \v. 24-26 60.0 E. 64-65 37.35 E- 82-83 38.30 E. 8283 39.0 E. 82-83 14.0 E. 40 41 49.0 E. 6456 5-3 w. 36-37 1.40 w. 16-17 19.46 E. 60-51 2-55 w. 28 29 2.54 w. 14-15 8:5 12 E. 63 2I.4SE. 60-51 33-45 E. E283 7C.O w. 112-113 2.1"^ E. 3637 134.30 E. 7273 56.0 E. 76-77 8.42 E. 44-45 13.12 E. 48 49 34-0 E. 82-83 92.0 w. 108 77.52 E. 65 112. W. 105 II2.0 W. 106 76.44 E. 65 7S.i6 \v. 102103 86. c;3 w. 106-107 82.28 E. 63 5.7 E. 38 30.26 E. 86-87 5.49 w. 46-47 88. 23 E. 63 I.S2W. 18-19 166.40 E. 114115 0.26 w. 2021 90. 2 W. 108 73.58 E. 68 Vaal River Transvaal, 6^:... 26. 30 3. Vacz See Waitzen. Vadso Xonvay 70.4 N. Vaduz LiechteJistein 47.8 N. Vaero Norway 67.42 N. Vaga River Russia 62.0 N. Vaigai River Madras 10.8 N. Vaigatz Island.. ..A'«i.r;a 70.0 N. Vaisatz, Str. oi... Russia 6g.45N. Val Sufrana Austria 46.1 N. Val Tellina Switzerland. 46.12 N. Valaam Island Finland 61.14 N. Valaip, ca.nion... .Switzerland. 46.15 N. Valdai Hills Russia 57.30 N. Valdepehas S/'ain 38.50 N. Valders River ....Norway 60.50N. Valdes Peninsula^/;'.^''5«//;7«AV;;>. ...42.30 s. Valdezia Transvaal. 23.12 s. Valdivia Chile 39.46 s. Valen9adoMinho/-'tf/-/;/fa/ 41.8 N. Valence France 44.56 N. Valencia Spain 39.29N. Valencia Spain 42.17 N. Valencia Venezuela 10.9 N. Valencia, Gulf oi. Spain 39.30N. Valencia, Lake... Venezuela 10.10 N. Valencia, prow. ..Spain 39.20 N. Valenciennes France 50.22N. Valentia U^Th. ...Ireland 51.56N. Valentia \s\a.nd.. Ireland Si-S-l N. Valentine Nebraska 42.54N. Valenza Italy 45.1 N. Valera Venezuela 9.4 N. Valetta Malta 35-54 N. Valguarnera Sicily 37-28 N. Valira River Andorra, ifc 42.20N. Valladolid Afexico 20.37N. Valladolid Spain 41.36 N- Vallejo California 38.20N. Valley City North Dakota... 46.53 N. Valleyfield Quebec 45- 3° N. Vallorabro.-ia Italy 43.44N- Vails Spain 41.16N. Vallur Madras 16.21 N. 24. 30 E. 86-87 29.47 E. 52-63 9.32 K. 42-43 12.45 E. 5253 43.0 E. 6455 77.50 E. 65 60.0 E. 5456 61.6 E. 54-56 11.35 E. 42 43 lO.O E. 44-45 31.40 E. 64-55 7.40 E. 4445 32.50 E. 64 56 3.27 w. 4647 9.20 E. 62 63 64.0 w. 110-111 30.30 E. 78-79 73.12 w. 112-113 8. 24 w. 4647 4-53 E. 3637 0.24 w. 46-47 S-36W. 46 47 68.12 w. 110-111 1.0 E. 4647 67.50 w. 110111 I.O w. 46-47 3..30 E. 36-37 10. 24 w. 32 33 10.25 w. 32 33 00.30 w. 100101 8.38 E. 4849 70.28 w. 110111 14.31 E. 48-49 14.25 E. 48-49 1.30 B. 4647 88.18 W. 108 4-43 w. 46-47 22 20 vr. 105 97.50W. 100101 74 20W. 96 11-33 E. 48 49 1.8 E. 46-47 80.49 E. 65 1 '3 Lat. Valmy France 49.6 N. Valona Turkey 40.29 n. Valparaiso Chile 33.6 s. Valparaiso Indiana 41.26N. Val tellina Switzerland. 46.12N. Valtos Skye 57.38N. Van Buren Arkansas 35.29N. Van Diemen, C. .A'. Territory, S. Australia 11.18 s. Van Diemen G...A'. Territoij, S. Australia I2.0 S. Van Diemen 'R.. .Queensland. 17.0 s. Van Diemen Sir. Japan 30.50N. Van, Lake Asiatic Turkey ..^8. .^o^ Van (Mt.) IVales 51.50 N. Van Reenen P-.iss.Vatal 28.30 s. ya.nReesMts.. ..Dutch N.Guinea 2.5 s. Van Wert Ohio 40.52N. Vanarast Mysore 13.15 N. Vancouver British Columbia .^q. 30 N. Vancouver Washington 45.39N. Vancouver I British Columbia^o.o N. Vandalia Illinois 38.57 N. Vanikoro Island .5(2«/a Cruz /s....\i.4o s. Vaniyaniliadi Madras 12.41 N. Vannes France 47.41 N. Vanua Levu I. ...Fiji Islands 16.30s. Var, dep France 43.25 N. Varallo Italy 45-49 N. Varanger 'W]otA..Nonvay 70.0 N. Varasdin Hungary. 46. 18N. Varlierg .Sweden 57.5 N. Vardar River Turkey 41.0 N. Vardo Notway 70.22 N. Varel Germany 53.24N. Varela, Cape Annam 12.39N. Varennes France. 49. 13N'. Vares, Cape Spain 43.47N. Varese Italy 45.49N. Varinas Venezuela 8.6 N. Varna Bulgaria 43.13N. Vasa Finland. 63, ion. Vasarhely, Hod- mezii Hungary 46.24N. Vassilkov Russia 50. 13N. Vassy France 48.30N. Vasto Italy 42.7 n. Vaternish Vomt.. Scotland 57-37N. Vatersay "i^yand.. Scotland 56.56N. Vatomanilry Madagascar 19.17 S. Vatna Joknl Iceland 64.15 N. Vaucluse, dep France 44.0 N. Vaud, canton Switzerland 46.35 N. Vaudreuil Quebec 45.26N. Vauglian Victoria 37.9 s. : Vnxliolm S-weden 59.26N. Vechta Germany 52.44 N. Vecl) te Ri ver Netherlands 52.30 N. Vedaranvain Madras 10.23 N. Vefsen Elf (B..)... Norway 65.55N. Vega, La Granada, Spain. 37.$ N. Vega Real Haiti'. ig.i3N. Vegen Island Norway 65.42 N. Veglia Island .4ustria 45.5 N. Veile Denmaik 55.42 N. Veldes -iustria 46.37N. Velebit Mts Croatia 44.30N. Veloz-Malaga Spain 36.46 N. Velikaia \iWcv.... Russia 57.38 N. Voliki Ustyug Russia 60.58 N. Velikiye-Luki Russia 56.20N. Velletri Italy. 41.41 N. Vellore Madras. 12.55 N. Volsk Russia 61.0 N. Velukhi, tAonnt.. Greece 38.58N. Vein we, dist Netherlands. S2.18N. Vendee, dep France. 46.40N. VcndAme France. 47.47X. Verier, I/iko Sweden 59.0 N. Vcnersltorg Sweden S8.20N. Venetia, div Italy 45.50 N. Venezuela, O. oU Venezuela 11.30N. Venezuela, Rep. .South .-Unerica... 7.0 N. Vengurla Bombay 15.51 N. Venice Italy 45.26N. Venice, Gulf of. ..Italy 45.15N. Venlo Netherlands, 51.23N. Vennachar. hoch. Scotland 56.12 N. long. Map ■ 4 45E. 36-37 . 19.20 E. 5051 . 7I.40W. 112U3 . 86. 59 w. 102103 . 10.0 E. 44-45 6. low. 2627 94.21 w. 104 130.12 E. 116-117 132.0 E. 116117 I4I-6 E. 123 130.30 E. 75 • 43-0 E. 60 3.48 w. 1415 29.25 E. 86-87 137.30 E. 70 71 84.38 w. 102-103 78.12 E. 65 123.0 w. 9899 122.31 w. 105 126.0 w. 9899 89.6 w. 100-101 166.57 E. 114115 78.39 E. 66 2.45 w. 3637 179.15 E. 123 6,20 E. 36-37 8.17 E. 48-49 30.0 B. 6263 16.20 E. 4243 12.14 B. 6253 22.33 E. 50-61 31.7 E. 62-63 8.9 E. 40-41 109.19 E. 6869 51 E. 3637 7-43 w. 46-47 8.50 E. 48-49 70.0 w. 110111 27.54 E. 50-51 =1.45 E. 54-65 20.24 E. 42-43 30.22 E. 64-65 4.57 E. 36-37 14-45 E. 48-49 6.9 w. 24-26 7 34W. 24-25 S8..59E. 7879 17.0 w. 8-9 5- 10 E. 36-37 6.30 E. 44-45 74.7 W. 95 144 18 E. 119 18.22 K. 5253 8.16 E. 4041 6.30 E. 38 79-54 E. 65 13.10 E. 5253 3- SOW. 46-47 70.21 w. 106107 11.55 E. 6253 14.35 E. 4243 9.31 E. 39 14.3 E. 4243 1.5-35 E. 42-43 4.10W. 4647 28.8 E. 54 65 46.0 E. 64-55 30.40 E. 6155 12.47 E. 48-49 79.10 E. 66 4>-57 E. 64-E6 21.50 E. 6061 5-40 E. 38 1.20 w. 3637 I.I E. 36 37 130 E. 6253 12.19 E. 52 53 12.0 K. 4849 71.20 w. llOlll 65.0 w. 110 111 73.40 E. 64 12.18 E. 4849 13.0 E. 48 49 6. 1 1 E. 38 4. 1 8 w. 24-26 Ven GENERAL INDEX Vir Lat, Long. Venosa Italy, ^o.sSn. 15.49 E. Ventimiglia Italy. 43.48 N. 7.34 E. Ventnor Isle of Wight S0.36N. i.iow. Ventoux, Wonx\'i. France. 44.15N. 5.20 E. Ventry & H:irl).../r:. 5/3^n'a 64.0 N. 136.0 E. Verraandois.dist./^nzffctf 49.51N. 3.8 E, Vermejo, Rio Argentine Rep ...■i^.o s. Vermillion \j^q . Minnesota 47.55N. Vermont, siaiQ... United States 44.0 N. Verner's 'Briiige.. Ireland 54.30N. Vernon Connecticut 41.49N. Vernon France. 49.6 n. Verona Italy 45.26N. Versailles France. 4S.47 N. Versecz Hungary 45.8 N. Verte, Isle Quebec 48.0 N. Verulam Natal 29.37 S* Verviers Belgium 50.37 N. Vervins France. 49.49N. Veryan and 'Ba.y.. England 50.13 N. Vesoul France. 47.37N. Vestenfjeldske ...AVwav 61.0 N. Vesteraalen, N. part of Lufoden Island.s, q.v. Vesteras Sweden 59-36N. 16.3; Vestervik Sweden 57.45 N. Vestfjord Norway 67.0 N. Vesuvius, Mount. Italy 40. 47 N. Veszprim Hungary 47.6 N. Vetluga Russia 57.46 N. Vetluga 'K\x&T ....Russia 57.0 N. Vetter, L Sweden 58.20N. Vettore, Monte. .//a^ 42.51 N. Vevey Switzerland. 46.28 N. Vexio Sweden 56. son. V&elay France 47.28 N. Vez&re River France. 44.S7N. Via Mala Sioitserland. 46.40 N. Viana Brazil 2.57 s. Vianna Portugal 4i-4i N. Viaregg-io Italy 43.52N. Viasma Russia 55.I0N. Viatka Russia 58.17N. Viatka Ruer Russia 57.0 N. Viaur River Fiance 44.9 N. Viborg Denmark 56.27 N. Viborg Finland £0.47 N. Vicenza Italy 4S.32N. Vioh Spain 41.S5N. Vichada River Colombia 4.52 N. VichegdaRiver...A'«.rj/a 61.30N. Vichy France 46.7 N. Vicksburg Mississippi 32.22 N. Victoria Brazil 20.158. Victoria British Columbia^ig. 301;. 123.0 w. Victoria Hong Kong 22.16N. 114.9 ^' Victoria Kamerun 4.1 N. 9. 14 E. Victoria Mexico 23.S7N. 99.25 w. Victoria South Rhodesia. ..■20.\ a. 30.52 E. Victoria Texas 28.50N. 96.59 w. Victoria W. Australia. ...■^Z.o s. 116.0 E. Victoria Bridge... /r^/drwi^ 54.45 N. 7.27 w. Victoria Falls Zambezi River ...ij.^<^&. 25.51 E. Victoria Lake .Newfoundland ...^0.2$}^. 63.30 w. Victoria, link^.... Pamir 37.28N. 73.45 E. Victoria Land -intarctica 75.0 s. 160.0 E. Victoria Land.... N.-W. Terriirs.. (ig.^^N. 107.0 w. Victoria, Mount.. Sr(7. N. Guinea. 9.5 3. 148.0 K. 96.8 w. 82.0 w. 72.26 E. 17.15 E. 8.26 E. 73.I9W. 17.32 W. 58. 12 W. 9.12 E. 6.0 E. 5.22 E. 341 E. 23.20 E. 61.0 w. 92. 30 w. 72.30 w. 6.42 w. 72.29 w. 1.27 E. II O E. 2.7 E. 21.17 E, 69. 30 W. 31.20 E. 5-5= E. 3-54 E- 4-55 w. 6.9 E. 6.0 E. E. 16.39 E. 13.30 E. 14.26 E. 17-5.5 E. 45-50 E. 45.0 E. 15-3° E. 13-15 E. 6.51 E. 14.52 E. 3-43 E. 1.4 E. 9.27 E, 44.30 w. 8.43 w. 10.14 E. 34-3° E. 49-57 E. 50.0 E. 2.30 E. 9.25 E. 28.43 E. 11.32 E. 2.11 E. 70.0 w. 48.0 E. 3.25 E. 90.47 w. 40.15 w. Map 48-49 48-49 20-21 3637 34-35 UOlll 128 46-47 108 UOlll 64 42-43 48-49 95 84 112-113 40-41 36-37 86-37 38 42-43 123 64-55 76-77 76-77 36-37 112-113 100-101 102103 32-33 102-103 3637 48-49 3637 42 43 96 86-87 38 36-37 18-19 3637 62-63 62-63 62-53 52-53 4849 42-43 54-55 54-66 62-63 48-49 44-45 62-53 36-37 36-37 44-45 110-111 46-47 48-49 64r65 54-55 64-55 36-37 39 64-65 48-49 46-47 110-111 54-55 36-37 104 110111 98-99 74 82-83 108 78-79 104 122 32-33 78-79 94 76-77 7 92-93 114-115 Lat. Victoria, Mount.. Texas 31.50N. Victori.i, iilonnt. Tasmania 41.21 s. yicioria.'Nya.nza. Central Africa... i.o s. Victoria Plains... W. Australia ...30.45 s. Victoria Point. ...i?«r»ia 9-59N. Victoria Range... I'ictoria 37.20 s. Victoria Range... W. Australia. ...■ii.o s. Victoria River. ...A''. Territory, S. Australia 15.30 S. Victoria River.. ..Queensland 25.0 s. Victoria Strait. ..A'.- IK. Territrs. . 6g.o N. Victoria West.... Ca/« Colony 31.25 S. Vidago Portugal 41.40N. Vid, River Bulgaria 43.34N. Vidden Norway 60.9 N. Viddin Bulgaria 43-59N. Viedma, \a\V&. ...Argentine Rep... .i^c^.o s. Vienna Austria 48.12N. Vienne France 45-31 N. Vienne, dep France 46.30N. Vienne, River France. 46.10N. Vieque(Cral))I.../'aijr/(iy?;Vo 18. ion. Viersen Prussia 51.17N. Vierzon France 47.13N. Vigan, Le France 43. 50 N. Vigevano Italy 45- 18 N. Vigo Spain 42.12N. Vigo Bay Spain 42.14N. Vigten Island Norway 64.SSN. Vijayanagar Madras 15.20N. Vilagos Hungary 46.17N. Vilaine River France 47.40N. "S'ilcaniayu Valley /"^rw 14.4S s. Vilcarioto Peak.,./'f:r« 14. 15N. ^'ilkomir Russia 55- 16 N. Villa Bella Brazil 15.6 s. Villa Bella Brazil 2.58 8. Villa Boa, former name of Goyaz, q.v. Villa Clara Cuba 22.24 N. Villa del Vi\s.v . ...Paraguay. 26.44 s. Villa Maria Argentine Rep ...22.12 s. Villa Maria Brazil 16.10 s. Villa '^letcedea... Argentine j^e/... 33.40 s. Villa Nioac Brazil 21.10 s. Villa Nova de Gaia Portugal ' 41.5 N. Villa Nova de PortimSo Portugal 37- n N. Villa Real Portugal 41.23N. Villa P.eal Spain 39-55N. Villa Real do Santo Autonio .Portugal 37.9 N. Villa Rica Paraguay 25.48 8. Villa Velba do Rodao Portugal 39.38N. Villaeb Austria 46.37N. Villafranca Italy 45.22 N. Villanueva del Grao Spain 39.30N. Villarica Vol Chile 39-i6 8. Villaviciosa Spain 43.34N. Viilefranclie Aveyron, France. ^^.21 N. ViUefranche France 45-S9N. Villena Spain 38.36N. Villeneuve France 44.26N. Villeneuve Switzerland 46.23 N. Vilna Russia 54-41 N. Vilyui River Siberia 63.50N. Vimiero Portugal 39. lON. Vinaroz Spain 40.29N. Vincennes France 48.49 N. Vincennes Indiana 38-41 N. VinchiaturoPass./Za/y 41.30N. Vindava See Windau. Vindel Elf Sweden 64.58N. Vindhya Mt.s Central India. ...22,.o N. Vinegar Hill Ireland 52.29 N. Vinh Annam 18.44 N. Vinh-Iong Cochin China 10. 12N. Vinnitsa Russia 49.12N. Vintschgau R\\'GTAustria 46.37N. Violet Town Victoria 36.40 s. : Viramgani Bombay 23.8 N. Viravanalur Madras 8.41 N. Vire France. 43.51 N. Virgin Gorda \...Vir^n Islands. ..1^.27^. Virgin Islands,,.. West Indies 18.30N. Virginia Ireland 53. son. Long. Map . 106.0 w 100-101 . 147.52 E 120 . 34-0 E 82-83 116.30 E. 122 . 98.32 E 6869 142.18 E 119 115.0 E. 122 130.0 E. 116-117 144.0 E. 123 lOI.O W. 92-93 23-33 E. 8687 7-35 w- 4647 24.37 E. 6061 8.20 E. 6263 22.52 K. 60-61 73.0 w. 110111 16.23 E. 42-43 4- ';2 E. 36-37 0.30 E. 3637 0.40 E. 36-37 65.25 w. 106-107 6.24 B. 40-41 2.3 B. 36-37 3-37 E. 3637 8.52 E. 4849 8.43 w. 46-47 8.44 w. 4647 11. E. 5263 76.30 E. 65 21.35 E. 42-43 1.56 IV. 36-37 71-45 w. IIOIU 70. 50 w. 110111 24.48 E. 54-55 60.0 w. 110-111 56.50 w. 110 111 80.2 w. 105107 58.I5W. 112-113 63. 10 w. 112113 57-=3w. 110-111 65. 2 Vf. 112113 55.40 w. 112113 8.34 w. 46-47 8.29W. 46-47 7.39 w. 46-47 0.7 w. 46-47 7.19 w. 46 47 56-33 w. U2-113 7.42 w. 4647 13.50 E. 42-43 10.50 K. 48-49 0.18 K. 46-47 71-55 w. 112113 5.24 w. 46-47 2.2 E. 3637 4-43 E- 36-37 0.4S w. 4647 0.42 E. 3637 6-55 E. 44-4S 25.17 E. 54-65 IIO.O B. 76-77 9.20 w. 46-47 0.28 E. 46-47 2.25 E. 36 37 87.34 w. 102103 I2.ISE. 48 49 19.0 E. 62-63 76.0 E. 64 6.30 w. 3031 105.42 E. 6869 106.0 K. 68-69 28.31 E. 54-56 10.45 E. 42 43 145.48 E. 119 72.7 B. 64 77-35 E. 66 0.51; w. 36 37 64.25 w. 108107 64.40 w. 106107 7-5 w. 32 33 [32 Vir GENERAL INDEX Wal Lat. Virginia South Australia. 34.^1 a. Virginia City Montana 44.55N. Virginia City Nevada 39.30N. Virginia, state. ...United States 38.0 N. Virginia, West ... United States 39.0 N. Virgins, Cape Argentine A'l;/ ...52. 16 s. Virz-Yarvi (L.) ...Russia 58.18N. Visalia California 36. 17N. Visby Sweden 57-39 N. Vishegrad Bosnia 43.38N. Vislinii Volochok.j?K.tiM 57.38N. Visnagar Baroda 23.15 N. Viao, Monte Italy 44.40N. Visp River Switzerland 46.S N. yi?so River Hungary 47.38N. Viatritza, River... Turkey 40.30N. Vistula River Austria 50.0 N. Vitebsk Russia S5.14N. Vitegra River Russia 61.0 N. Viterbo Italy 42.26N. Viti Levu 'iAani..Fiji Islands 17.50 s. Vitim Y[dA,axn. ...Siberia 53.0 N. Vitoria Spain 42. 50N. Vitosb, Mount Bulgaria 42.34N. Vitr^ France 48.7 n. Vitry France 48.45 N. Vitry-le-Frani;oi3./7-<:a« 48.45N. Vitu Brit. E. Africa.. 2.0 s. Vivero Spain 43.37N. Vivi Belgian Congo.... 0.55 s. Vizagapatam Madras 17.42 N. Vizella, Caldas iePjrtugal 41. 20 N. Vizeu Portugal 40.44 N. Vizianagram Madras 18.7 N. Vlaardingen Holland 51.54N. Vladikavkaz Russia 43.3 N. Vladimir Russia 56.7 N. Vladivostok Russia in Asia. .^3 10 N. Vlakke Bay Japan 44.30N. Vlieland Island... Holland 53.17N. Vlissingen Holland 51.26N. Vodena Turkey 4o-47 N. Vogels Berg Germany 5o-3i N. Voghera Italy 44.59N. Voil, Loch Scotland 56.20 N. Voiron France. 45.23N. Volcano Bay Japan 42.18 N. Volden Norway 62,8 N. Volga, Muuths of the River Russia 46.0 N. Volgo Lake Russia 56.S2N. Volhynia Russia 50.40 N. Volkov River Russia 59.0 N. Volksrust Transvaal 27.23 s. Volo Greece 39.24N. Volo, Gulf of Greece 39-15 N. Vologda Russia 59.12 N. Volsk Russia 52.1 n. Vol ta River Gold Coast 7.0 N. Volterra Italy 43-33 N. Voltri Italy 44.26N. Volturino, i\anieltaly. 40.20 N. Volturno River. ..//a^ 41.2 N. Voorne Island ....Holland. S'-SSN. Vorarlberg Austria 47-iS N. Voronezh Russia S1.46N. Vosges, dep France. 48.10 \. Voisges Mts France. 48.0 N. Voss Norway 60.40 N. Vostitaa Greece 38.15M. Vouga River Portugal 40.40 N. Vouziers France 49.23^. Voyutza liner.. ..Turkey 44.33N. Voznesensk Russia 47 36 N. Vranya Servia 42.27N. Vratza Bulgaria 43-12 N. Vrb.a3 River Bosnia 44-58 N. Vrezprim Hungary 47-7 N. Vryburg BecAuanaland. . ..26.^0 s. Vryheid Transvaal 27.49 s. Vuelta de Aha,]o.Cuia 22.0 N. Vuelta de Arriba. O/^fl 22.30N. Vukovar Hungary 45.21 N. Vuloano lahmd... Italy 38-23 N. Vulkaa Pass Hungary 45-18N. Vulture, M-onta.. Italy 40.57N. Vuoxen River Finland 60. loH. Vuria Asia Minor. 38.18N. Long. Map 138.35 E. 121 112.50 w. 105 119. 10 w. 105 79-0 w. 102-103 82.0 w. 102103 68.12 w. 110-111 26.0 K. 64-65 119. 15 w. 105 18.6 K. 62-53 19-15 B- 42 43 34-37 E. 6465 72.30 E. 64 7.3 E. 48-49 7.46 E. 44-45 24.9 E. 42-43 22.18 E. 5051 ig.o E. 4243 30.12 E. 64-55 36-34 E. 64 56 12.7 E. 48-49 178.0 B. 128 115.0 E. 76 77 2.40 w. 4647 23.15 B. 60-51 I- 12 W. 36 37 4-33 E. 3637 4.43 E. 36-37 40.30 E. 82-83 7-31 w. 4647 14.0 E. 8283 83.20 E. 65 8.40 w. 46-47 7.48 w. 46-47 83.27 E. 66 4-21 E. 38 44.47 E. 64-65 40.28 E. 64-56 132.0 E. 76-77 144.0 E. 76 5.0 E. 38 3-34 E. 38 22.3 E. 60-61 9.ISE. 40-41 9.1 E. 48-49 4.25 W. 24-25 5-34 E. 36-37 140.30 E. 76 6.15 E. 52-53 48.10 E. 64-65 33-13 E. 64-56 27.0 E. 54-56 31-50 E. 54-56 29.56 E. 86-87 22.58 E. 50-51 23.0 E. 50-51 39-56 E. 6456 47.18 K. 54-56 0.0 84 10.51 E. 48-49 8.45 E. 48-49 15.45 E. 48-49 14.0 E. 48-49 4.7 E. 38 9-50 K. 42-43 39-13 E. 64-65 6-30 E. 36-37 7-0 E. 3637 6.24 E. 5253 22.5 E. 60-61 8.30 w. 4647 4.42 E. 36-37 «9-35 E. 50 51 31.26 E. 6466 22.7 E. 60 51 23,36 E. 6051 17-20 K. 42 43 17-51 E. 4243 24-46 K. 8687 30.44 E. 86 87 79.0 w. 106107 83-30W. 106-107 18-59 E. 42-43 14-57 E. 48-49 23.18 E. 42-43 15-38 E. 48-49 30.0 E. 64-55 26.47 E. 60 Lat. Vyernoye Siberia 43.16N. Vyg Lake Russia 67.0 N. Vyrnwy River.... Wales 52.47K. Vytegra Russia 61.0 N. Waag River Hungary 49.2 jj. Waal River Netherlands. 51.S4N. Wabash Indiana 40.47 N. Wabash &\ier ....Illinois 38.5 N. Waco Texas 31.30N. Wad Gheris Marocco 31.40N. Wad Ghir Marocco 32.0 N. Wad hlessaowA... Sahara 28.0 N. Wad Ziz Marocco 31.0 N. Wadai, country.. West Africa 15.0 N. W.adan W. Sahara 21.6 N. Wadebridge England 50.31 N. Wadelai Central Africa... 2.40 N. Wadgaon Bombay 18.44 n. Wadhwan Bombay. 22.42 N. Wadnagar Baroda 23.43 N. Wady Arahsh.... Egypt 29.0 N. Wady Feiran Sinai Renin 28.37N. Wady Haifa Egypt 21.5311. Wady Hams Arabia 25.45N. Wady Kin.a Egypt 27.0 N. Wady Hefah E.O'pl 31.17N. Wagadugu French Sudan.... 12.20 s. Wager River N.-W. Territo>y66.o N. Wagga-Wagga . . . A'ew S. Wales ....35.10s. Wagin IK. Australia 33.50 s. Wagonga New S. Wales.... -^^.i:^ s. Wagram Austria 48.22N. Wahgunyah Victoria 36.1 s. Wahring I'ictoria 36.2 s. Wabsatch Mts....6'/fl/( 40.0 N. Wai Bombay 17.57N. Waiau New Zealand. 42.34 s. Waiau River New Zealand..... ^6.0 3. Waigeu Island. ...Z?tt/£:A .£. Indies. 0.20 s. Waiheki Island. ..iVfw Zealand.. . ..-^(y. a,j ^. AVaiho River New Zealand.. ...yj.^os. Waikare, Lake...A>7^ Zealand ....38.40 3. Waikari New Zealand. ....^-^.o s. Waikato River ...New Zealand..... yj. 2a, s. Waikolo, hake ...Buru, E. Indies. 3.20 s. Waikouaiti A^ew Zealand 45-37 s. Waimakariri New Zealand. 43.30 S. Waimangaroa New Zealand 41-45 S. Waimate New Zealand 44.46 3. Wainfleet England 53.7 N. Wainganga R CentralProvinces22.a N. Wainwright Alberta 52.53 N. Waipawa New Zealand. ....y).S7 S. Waipu New Zealand.. . ..■i^.yi s. Waipukurau New Zealand 39-58 s. Wairagarh CentralProvinccs 20.2^^. Wairarapa New Zealand. ....41.0 s. Wairoa A'ew Zealand 38.59 8. Wairoa River N'ew Zealand.. ...38.^0 a. Waitabuna, or Havelock New Zealand 46.0 8. Waitaki K\ver....New Zealand ....44.50 S. Waitangi River ..New Zealand.. ...44.55 s. Waitara River. ...New Zealand.. ...2f).o 3. Waitati(Blueskin).Vrai Zealand.. ..45.42 S. Waitemata Neiu Zealand. ....-^6.47 s. Waitotara New Zealand.. ...39.50 s. Waitzea Hungary 47.47 N. Waiuku A'ew Zealand. ....2,7.20a. Waiwera New Zealand.. ...36.36 s. Wakatipu, Lako .A'ew Zealand ... 45.0 s. Wak.ayama Japan 34-25 N. Wakoliold England 53-42 N. Wakefield Mas.rachusetts ....42.3019. Wakefield New Zealand.. ...41.24 s. Wakhan Pamir 37.0 N. Wakhijrui Vans. ..Afghanistan 37.0 N. Wakkerstroom ...Transvaal 27.19s. Waksa Bay Japan 36.0 N. Wala Bombay 21.53 N. Walaj.abad Madras 12.47 N. Walajapot .Madras 12.56 N. Walbundrio New S. Wales. ...35.43 a. Walcba New S. Wales. ...31. 5 a. Walcheren I Holland 51-30 N. W.aldeck. Yi'm.... Germany 51. iBn. 33 Long. Map 76.33 E. 76-77 34.20 K. 64-65 3.4 w. 14-15 38.0 E. 64-55 19.58 E. 42-43 5-35 E. 38 85.46 w. 102-103 88.13 w. 100101 96.55 w. 104 4.30 w. 80 3.30W. 80 0.12 E. 80 4-3 w- 80 20.0 E. 78-79 11-6 w- 7879 4-49 w. 1819 31.20 E. 82-83 73.42 E. 64 71-44 E- 64 72-40 E. 64 32-30 E. 81 33-15 E. 81 31.20 H. 81 37.20 E. 6S 32.45 E. 81 34-15 E. 81 1.29 w. 84 90.0 w. 92-93 147-18 E. 118 117.10 E. 122 150.6 E. 118 16.24 E. 4243 146.25 E. 119 146.26 E. 119 111. low. 106 73-56 E. 64 172.46 E. 126127 167.40 E. 126127 131.0 E. 7071 174-53 E. 126127 175-45 E. 126-127 177.10 E. 126127 172.42 E. 126-127 174.43 E. 126 127 126.22 E. 70-71 170.43 E. 126127 172.42 E. 126127 171.36 E. 126127 171.8 E. 126-127 0.14 E. 20-21 80.0 E. 63 III.O W. 98-99 176.38 E. 126-127 174.3= E. 126-127 176.43 E. 126127 80.7 E. 63 176.0 E. 126-127 177.23 E. 126127 177.35 E- 126-127 169.55 B- 126-127 170.40 E. 126127 171.6 E. 126-127 174.15 E. 126127 170.34 E. 126127 174.42 E. 126127 174.40 K. 126-127 19.7 K- 42-43 174-40 E. 126-127 174.38 E. 126127 168.30 K. 126-127 1353 E. 75 1.30 W. 1617 71.4 W. 102103 173-3 E. 126127 73.0 E. 58 74.20 K. 68 30.11 E. 8687 136.0 E. 76 71-55 E. 64 79-52 K. 65 79.24 E. 66 146.44 E. 118 151.30 E. 118 -3-35 E. 38 8.50 E. 40 41 Wal GENERAL INDEX Wei Lat. Waldenburj;. Prussia 50.47N'. Waldshut Baden 47-37 N. Wales, prin England 52.30N. Walfish Baj- S.-W. Africa ....zz.jps. Walgett Ne7tj S, Wales 30.1 s. Wallialla Victoria 37-58 s. Walker See Newcast!e-on-Tyne. Walkerburn Scotland 55'38n. Walkerston Queensland. 21.14 s. Walkerton Ontario 44-loN. Walla Walla Washington 46.8 N. Wallab.adah AVii/ S. Wales ...31.30 s. Wallacbia, div Ku mania 44.30N. Wallan Wallan... Victoria 37.25 s. Wallangarra Queensland 28.54 s. Wallaroo South Australia. ^^.S7 s. Walla.sey England 53.25N. Wallenstadt, Lake of Switzerland. f..,. .47. 7 N. WallerawaiiLT A'e70 S. Wales. ..33.20 s. Wallingford Connecticut. 40.29 N. Wallingford England 51.35N. Wallingford A'etti Zealand. ....40.13 s. Wallis German name of Valais, 1 Wallis Island Tonga /stands. ...13.8 s. Walloway South Australia. 32.3^ s. Walls Shetland 60.12 N. Wallsend AVw 5. 11 a/« ...32.57 s. Wallsend See Newcastle-on-Tyne. Walmer England 51.12N. Walney {Island}. .England 54.5 N. Walsall England 52.36N. Walsingham England 52.24 X. Walsoken England 52.42 N. Waltham Massachusetts 42.21 N. Waltbara Xhhcy .England 51.41 N. AValton England 51-51 N. AValton-on-Thames.£'/7cr/ s. Warboys England 52.24N. Warburton Victoria 37.48 s. Warburton Iliver5o;;/A Australia.z-j.^i s. Warden New S. Wales. ...zS.so s. Wardha River.. ..i?f/-ar 20.6 N. Ware England 51.49N. Ware Massachusetts 42.15N. Warebam England 50.41 N. Wargla Algeria 31.58 N. Warialda jVew S. Ha/«... .29.32 s. Wark England 55.5 N. Warkwortli England 55-21 N. Warkwortb A'ew S. Wales. ...32.32 s. Warkworth A"«c Zealand.. ...36.23 s. Warmhad Ger.S.- W.AfricazS.ib s. Warminster England 51.13N. Warnemiinde Germany 54.11 N. Warnow ¥d\er.... Germany 53-47 N- Warracknabeal... Victoria 36.14 S. Warragid Victoria 38.10 s. Warrandyto Victoria 37-44 s. Warratah Tasmania 41.28 s. Warrego River ...Queensland 27.46 s. \yarren Ireland. 55- '3 N. Warren A'e-w S. Wales.. ..31. 43 S. Warren Ohio 41.14N. Warren Pennsylvania 41.51 N. Warrenheip Victoria 37.3 s. Warrenpoint Ireland 54.6 N. Warrenton Griqualand II'., .28.3 s. Warrington England 53-23 N- Long. M:ip 16.17 K. 4041 8.12 K. 40 41 4.0 w. 14-15 14.0 E. 78-79 148.9 K. 118 146.26 E. 119 3-3 w. 2829 148.33 K. 123 81.17 w. 96 1 18. 50 w. 105 151-30 E- lis 26.0 E. 60-51 145.0 E. 119 151.59 E. 123 137-56 E- 121 3-5 w. 16-17 9.12 E. 44.45 150.7 E. 118 72. 50 w. 102103 1.8 w. 20-21 176.40 E. 126-127 176.6 w. 114115 138.40 E. 121 1.42 w. 2425 151.42 E. 118 1-23 E. 20-21 3-15 »•. 14-15 1.5 MV. 1819 0-53E. 20-21 0. 10 ]:. 20-21 71.12 w. 102-103 0.0 2021 1. 16 E. 20-21 0.2; W. 20-21 38.30 E. 82-83 169.10 E. 126-127 79.30 E. 65 39.12 E. 82-83 175-6 E. 126-127 172.30 E. 126-127 175-1 E. 126-127 146.19 E. 119 7.52 E. 40-41 70.59 E. 64 84.30 w. 106-107 3-47 w. 28-29 89.32 w. 100-101 2.0 w. 1415 0.2 E. 2021 1.20 W. 20-21 79.40 E. 65 7S-S6 E. 64 151.45 E. 118 0.6 w. 2021 145-41 E. 119 137.42 E. 121 153.24 E. 118 79.10 E. 64 0.3 W. 20-21 72-I5W. 102103 2.7 w. 18-19 5.11 E. 80 150.36 E. 118 2. 14 W. 16-17 1.37 W. 16-17 151. 2 E. 118 174-45 E. 126127 18.40 E. 8687 2. 1 1 W. 1819 12.5 E. 40 41 11.53 E. 4041 142.20 E. 119 145.56 E. 119 145-13 E. 119 145-31 E. 120 145-40 E. 123 6-57 w. 32-33 147-52 E- 118 80-51 w. 102103 79-19 w. 102-103 144.0 E. 119 6.15 W 32-33 24.58 E. 86-87 2.36 W. 1617 Lat. Warrnambool.....f7<:/on'i! 38.24 s. Warsaw.. Russia 52.14 N. Warshekh Somaliland 2.29 N. Warsop England 53.13N. Wartburg Germany 50. 52 N. Warthe Kiver Prussia 52.40N. Warwick Queensland. 28.12 s. Warwick Rhode Island 41.42N. Warwick-and co. England 52. 17N. Wash, The England 53.0 N. Washbnrne, Jit.. Wyoming. 20.46 N. Washdyke New Zealand. ....44.23 s. Washington Disl. of Columbia3%. 53 N. Washington Indiana 38.40 N. Washington Iouhj 41.19N. Washington Ohio 39.30N. Washington Pennsylvania 40.8 N. Washington I Polynesia 5.0 N. Washington Ld . . . Greenland 80 o N. Washington, tit.. Maine 44. i8n. Washington, statef>/!Vfi/ Stala 47. 20 N. Washita River. ...Louisiana 32.10 N. Washita River.. ..Oila/ioma 34.19N. Waso Baroda 22.40N. Wassulu French Sudan. ...10.0 N. Wast Water England 54.27N. Watana Siam 13.40 N. Watchem Victoria 36.7 s. Watchet England 51.11 N. Wateibury ...'..... Connecticut. 41. 33 N. Waterforii Queensland. 27.46 s. Waterford & co... Ireland 52. 15N. Waterford Harb. Ireland 52. lox. Watergate BtiV... England 50.27 >'. Watergrasshill Ireland. 52. 1 N. Waterloo Belgiujn 50-44 ^'• Waterloo loiva 42.29 JJ. Waterside Scotland 55-21 N. W.atertown New York 43.57N. AVatertown Wisconsin 43. 12N. Watervale South Australia .33.57 S. Watervillo Ireland. 51.48N. Watford England 51.39N. Wath-upon- Dearne England 53-29 N. Watling Island. ..i?a/;<2m(i Islands. 24.^ N. Watlington England 51.38N. Watsonville Queensland. 17.33 s. Watten, & L Scotland 58.29 N. Watte 'n England 52.34X. Watzmann, 'Mt... Bavaria 47-34 N. Waiibra Victoria 37.40 s. Wauchope A'e^v S. Wales ....3^.34 s. Waukegan Illinois 42.23H. Waukesha Wisconsin 43.0 N. Waveney River.. .England 52.28N. Waverley AVzf Zealand 39.45 s. Wavre Belgium 50.43 N. Wazan Marocco 35 20 N. Wazirabad Punjab 32.27N. Waziristan N.-W. India 32.30N. Weald, The England 51.5 N- Wear River England 54-55N. Weaver River. England 53. 18N. Webb City Missouri 37 5 N. Webi River Somaliland 6.30N. Wedderburn Victoria 36.25 S. Wed-el-Kebir Algeria 36.53N. AVedmore England 51.14 N. Wednesbury England 52.33 N. Wednesfield See Wolverhampton. Weedon England 52.14 N. Weenen Natal. 28.54N. Wee Waa New S. Wales ....30.^4 s. Wei-hai Harbour. 0//«£Z 36.0 N. Wei-hai-wei China 37-35^'• Wei-ho (R.) China 34-i8N. Weimar Germany 50.59N. Weissenburg Bavaria 45.2 N. Weissenfels Prussia 51.12 N. WeissensteinMts.5t(';7c£V-/rt7/(/. 47. 14 N, Weisses Gebirge .Austria 49. loN. Weisshorn \)s\t.') .Switzerland 46.6 N. Weisskirchen Hungary 44-54 ^'• Welbock Abbey.. England 53.15N. Weld Spring ..!... 11'. Australia.. ..2^.0 s. Welland River. . ..England 52. 52 N. Welle Hanover 53-20X. Long. Map . 142,28 E. 119 . 21.2 E. 54-55 • 45-59 E. 78-79 1.9 w. 2021 10.17 E- 40 41 16.30 E. 40 41 152-4 E. 123 71.22 w. 102103 1.30 \v. 20 21 0.20 E. 1415 110.23 w. 105 171.17 E. 126127 77-3 w. 102103 87.11 w. 102-103 91.43 w. 100-101 83.19 w. 102103 80.19 w. 102-103 160.0 w. 114115 60.0 w. 6 71.18 w. 102-103 120.0 w. 105 92.6 w. 104 96.35 w. 104 72.48 E. 64 6.0 -n. 84 3.17 w. 14-15 102.19 E. 68-69 142.9 E. 119 3. 20 w. 18-19 730 w. 102103 153-4 E. 123 7.6 w. 34-35 6. 1^7 w. 34 35 5-3 "'. 1415 8. 20 w. 34 35 4-23 E. 38 92.23 w. 100-101 4.29 w. 28-29 75-59 w- 102-103 88.40 w. 100101 138.41 E. 121 10.4 w. 34-35 0.24 w. 2021 1.22 W. 16-17 74-35 w. 106107 I.I w. 20-21 145.11 E. 123 3.22 w. 26-27 0.20 E. 2021 12.55 E. 40 41 146.5 E. 119 152-45 E. 118 87.50 w. 102-1C3 88.11 w. 100101 1.37 E. 14-15 174-40 E. 126-127 4-36 E- 38 5-36 w. 80 74.10 E. 66 70-0 E. 66 0.10 E. 14-15 1.22 W. 14-15 2.35 w. 14-15 94-3OW. 100101 42.30 E. 78-79 143-37 E. 119 6-5 E. 80 2-49 w. 1819 2.1 w. 18-19 1.5 w. 20-21 30.6 E. 86-87 140.26 E. 118 121.0 E. 74 122.13 E. 74 107.0 B. 72-73 II. 10 E. 40-41 9.58 E. 40 41 I 1.58 E. 40-41 7.25 E. 44-45 18.0 E. 4243 7.42 E. 44 45 21.24 E. 42 43 I. low. 20-21 121.25 E. 122 0. 5 w. 14-15 9.40 E. 40 41 134 Wei GENERAL INDEX Wil Lat. Velh-Makua R..i5;4''n'' Congo.... 3.S5N. Wellesley Is Queensland. 16.30 s. V^&Win^horough.. England 52.19 N. WelHngrove A^ew S. U a/tf.^... 29.38 s. Wellingfton Madras 11.22 N. Wellington Xeio S. U'a/^J. .. 32.35 s. Wellington .Xew Zealand 41.16 N. Weill n.Cton Shropshire 52.43 N. Wellington Somerset 50-58 N. WeIlingtonColle;^eZ?fr.ijA;>^ 51-23 N. Wellington I Chile 4^.0 s. Wellington, hak&l'ictoria 38.6 s. Wellington, Mt.. Tasmania 42.57 S. Wellington, \>ro^. New Zealand 41.16 9. Wells England 51.13N. Wells-next-the- 8ea England 52.58N. Wellsville Ohio 4o-4i N. W'els Austria 48.9 N. Wel.shpocl Wales 52.40N. Welwyn England 51- 51 N. Wem England 52-42 N. Weraberre ii\it...Ger. E. Africa... 4.45 s. Weoiyss Scotland 56.9 N. Wemyss Bay Scotland 55-53N. Wen-chau and h. China 28.0 N. Wenden /Russia 57.19N. Wendover England 51.46N. Wenham Massachusetts 42.33N. Wensleydale See Ure River. Wensleydale Victoria 38.25 s. Wensum Kiver ...England 52.45 N. Wontwood England 51.38N. Wentworth A'eiv S. IVales ...3^.8 s. Weobly England 52.9 N. Wepener Orange R. Colony^q.^y s. Werdau Saxony 50.44N. Werden Prussia 51.22N. Werder Prussia 54. 12N. Wernigerode Prussia 51.50N. Werra, River Prussia 5I-24 N. Weriibee Victoria 37-54 »• Werris Creek A'ew S. \V'ales...y.is^- Wertach, 'Riv&v... Bavaria 48.23N. Werwicq Belgium 50.47 N. Wesel Prussia SI-39N- Weser. River Germany 53.42K. Wessel Island N. Territory, S. Australia 11. o s. We\t.)...S7vitserlniiii 46.22N. 7.24 E. 44-45 Wildspitzo Austria 46.54K. 10.51 E. 42-43 Wiley River. England 51.6 N. 2.3 w. 14-15 Wilhelmina S-.ceden 64.48N. 16.32 E. 62-63 Wilhelmshaven...(;«7«a«>' 53.32N. 8.9 B. 40-41 Wilhelmsliuh6....G<^r»;a/y' 51.18N. 9.25 E. 40-41 Wilkes Land Antarctica 67.0 s. 30.0 E. 7 Wilkesbarre Pennsylvania 41.12N. 75.59 w. 102 103 WillametteR Oregon 45.0 N. 123.0 w. 105 Willenistad Curacao 12.15N. 5g.o w. 106-107 WiUenhall England 52.36 N. 2.4 w. 18-19 Willesden See London. William, 'Monni.. Victoria 37.17 s. 142.40 E. 119 Williamsburg Virginia 37.13N. 74.36 w. 102 103 Williamsburt,' \V. Australia.. ..-^Z-^ 8. 116.47 E. 122 Williamsport Pennsylvania 41.I3N. 77.8 w. 102-103 Williamston North Carolina. .j,^.{^rjS. 77.0 w. 104 Williamstown Massachusetts 42.43N. 73.13 w. 102103 Williamstowii Victoria 37.528. 144.55 E. 119 Willimantio Connecticut 4r.46N. 71.58W. 102-103 Willington Qu:iy.£n^/anrf 55.0 N. 1.30W. 16-17 Willis Islands Pacific Ocean E. 116-117 Williton England 51.10N. 3.19W. 18-19 Willmar Minnesota 45.20 N. 95.0 w. 100-101 Willochra South Australia. yi.-s.t,Z. 138. 11 E. 121 Willougbby England 5313N. 0.12 E. 20-21 Willowmore Cape Colony 33.6 8. 23.30 E. 86-87 Willunga South Australia.j,i.x(s&. 138.27 E. 121 Wilmington California 33.42N. 118.18 w. 105 Wilmington Delaware 39.4SN. 75-35 w. 102-103 Wilmington North Carolina. .■^^.ijn. 77.59W. 104 Wilmington South Australia. 32. :}g s, 13S. 4 E. 121 Wilmslow England 53.20N. 2.9 w. 18-19 Wilson South Australia.22.0 s. 138.11 E. 121 Wilson's Prom. ...FiVtona 38.8 8. 146.23 E. 119 Wilsontown Scotland. 55.48N. 3.42W. 28 29 Wilton England 51.4 N. 1.52 w. 18-19 Wiltshire, CO England 51.20N. 2.0 w. 18-19 Wimbledon England 51.26N. 0.14W. 20-21 Wimblington England 52.31 N. 0.4 E. 20-21 Wimborne Min- ster England 50.48 N. i.sg'w- 18-19 Wimmera, dist... FiV/oWa 35.40s. 142.20 K. 119 Winburg OrangeEiverCol.^&.^qa. 27.2 E. 86-87 Wincanton England 51.3 N. 2.24W. 18 19 Winehburph Scotland 5S.58N. 3.28 w. 28-29 Winobcomb England 51.58N. 1.58 w. 18-19 Winchelsea England 50.55N. 0.43 E. 20-21 Winchester England 51.3 N. 1.18 w. 20 21 Winchester Tennessee 35.7 N. 86.14W. 104 Winchester Virginia 39.8 N. 78.8 w. 102-103 Winchfield England 51.17N. 0.53W. 20-21 Windau Russia 57.23N. 21.33 E. 64-55 Windermere, lake.£«^/a«rf 54.20N. 2.56W. 14-15 Windeyer New S. II'(i/« ...32.45 s. 149.32 E. 118 Windhoek Ger.S.-\V.Africa22.y>s. 17.15 E. 78-79 Windleshani England 51.22N. 0.39W. 20-21 Windmill Hills... Ta.imaK/a 41. 30s. 147.12 B. 120 Windom Minrusota 43.S3N. 95.1 w. 100-101 Windorah Queensland. 25.26 s. 142.36 E. 123 Windrush River.. £K.j'/a«i/ 51.54N. 1.49 w. 14-15 Winds, Valley of the Tibet 37.ioN. Windsor England 51.28N. Windsor New S. Wales ...2,'i.Z'i s. Windsor Nova Scotia 44.58 N. Windsor Ontario 42.20N. Windward Is West Indies 14.0 N. Windward Pa-ssageCi^^tz, b^c 20.0 N. Wines tead England 53.42N. Winfield Kansas 47. ion. Wingen. New S. Wales. ..^I.SS s. Wingfield England 52.21 N. Wingham New S. Wales ...-^i. S3 8. Winnebago Lake. Wisconsin 44.0 N. Winnepego-sis h..Afanitoda 52.20N. \Vinnipeg, h^Ve.. Manitoba 53.0 N. Winnipeg and ^.Manitoba 50.0 N. Winona Minnesota 44.6 N. Winsford England 51.7 N. Winslow England 51.57N. Winson Green. ...See Birniinyhani. Winster England 53.9 N. Winston North Carolina. .-^.^ N. Winterberg, Gtt.„Cape Colony 32.20 s. Winterslow England 51.5 N. Wintertbur Switzerland 47.29N. 87.0 E, 7273 0.37 w. 20-21 150-53 B. 118 63.57W. 94 83.9 w. 96 63.0 w. 106107 73.30 w. 106-107 0.2 w. 16-17 97.0 w. 100101 150.54 E. 118 1.17 E. 20-21 152.22 E. 118 88.20 w. 100-101 100.30 w. 92-93 98.0 w. 9293 97.0 w. 97 91.38 w. 100101 3-34 w. 18-39 0.57 w. 20-21 1.39 w. 20-21 80.8 w. 104 26.15 K. 86-87 1.40 w. 20-21 8.44 E. 44-45 Wintertoii England 53- 39 N. WintoQ New Zealand 46.10 s. Winton Queensland 22.33 s. Wipper River Germany 54.10N. Wirksworth England 53.5 N. Wirral Peninsula. £«^/a//./ 53.20N. Wisbech England 52.40 N. Wisconsin, state.. United Stales ,...4^.0 N. Wisconsin Kiver.. Wisconsin 43.5 N. Wisbaw Scotland S5'47 N. Wiske River England 54.17N, Wislok Ilivcr Austria 50.8 N. Wismar Germany 53-52 n. Wiston Wales 51.50N. Witham England 51.48N. Witbam llivev.... England 53.0 N. Withernsca England 53.48N. Witherslieiil Queens/and. 23.30 s. Witkowitz Austria 49.48 N. Witney England 51.47N. Witten Westphalia 51.27N. Wittenberi; Prussia 51.52N. \yittenberge Prussia 53.0 N. Wittstock Prussia 53-" N. Witu British E. Africa 2.10S. Witwatersraiid... T'raKJT'fza/. 26.0 s. Wiveliscombe England 51.3 N. Wivenhoe England S1.52N. Wobum England 5I-S9N. Woburn Massachusetts ....^^.t^^"^. Wodonga Victoria 36.22 s. Woking England 51.18N. Wokingham England 51.25N. Wolds, The England 54.0 N. Wolfenbiittel Germany 52.9 n. Wolgasfc Prussia 54.3 N. WoUaston 'LoM.Q...Saskaic}u-'<.van ....58.0 N. WoUin Island Germany S3- 52 N. WoUongong A^ew S. Wales ...34.22 s. Wolseley South Australia. ^6.2^ s. Wolaingham England 54-43 N. Wolstan ton England 53.2 N. \Yolstenho\me, CLc^rador Penin .62.^o'S. Wolverhampton. . England 52. 37 N. Wolverton England 52. 3 N. Woodbridge England 52.7 n. Woodend Victoria 37>i9 S. Woodford England 5I-36n. Woodford Ireland 53. 3 n. WoodhallSpa England 53.12N. Woods, L. of theOntario 49.30N. Wood's Point Victoria 37-36 s. Woodside Scotland 57. n N. Woodaide South Australia. $4. sg s. Woodstock England 51.52N. Woodstot k New Brunswick .46.S N. Woodstock Ontario 43.8 N. Woodvihe Mississippi 31.6 N. Woodville New Zealand. ....^0.20 S. Wooler. England 55*32N. Woolwich England 5 1 . 29 N. Woonsocket Rhode Island. ....^2.0 N. Wooster Ohio 40. 50 N. Wootton basset.. England 5^-32 N. Worcester Cape Colony 32.50S. Worcester. England 52.12N. Worcester Massachusetts ....42.12^. Workington England 54- 3^ N. Worksop England S3-i8 N. Worms Germany 49. 38 N. Worms Head Wales 5I-33N- Worsborough Englan d 53- 3 1 N- Worsted England 52.47 n. Worth Germany 48.56N. Worth Texas 32.40 n. Worthing England 50.49N. Woshin, dist Arabia 25.0 n. Wotton Quebec 45.44N. Wotton-under- Edge England 51-39 N. Wragby £\ .j.nd 53-17N. Wrangel Island... .^rc^iV Ocean 71.0 N. Wrath, Cape Scotland 58.37 N. Wreak River England 52. 46 N. Wreck Port Ireland 54.6 N. Wrekin, The England 52.41 N. Wrexham Wales 53.2 N. Writhhngton England 51.17N. 36 L...,g. Jlap 0.36 w. 16-17 16S.23 E. 126-127 143-3 B. 123 16.57 E. 40-41 '•35W. 20-21 3.0 w. 18-19 0.7 E. 20-21 90.0 w. 100-101 90. 58 w. 100-101 3-55 w. 28-29 1. 20 W. 14-15 22.10 E. 42-43 11.28 E. 40-41 4.52 w. 18-19 0.38 E. 20-21 0.7 w. 14-15 0.2 E. 16-17 147-30 E. 123 18.17 E. 42-43 l.2g w. 20-21 7. 20 E . 40-41 12.39 E. 40-41 11.59 E. 40-41 12.27 E. 40-41 41.0 E. 8283 28.0 E. 86-87 3.I9W. 18-19 0.58 E. 20-21 O.37W. 2021 71.12 W, 102-103 148.20 E. 119 0.33 W. 2021 0.49 W. 2021 0.30 w. 14-15 10.31 E. 40-41 13-14 E. 40-41 104.0 w. 98-99 14-33 E. 40-41 150.52 E. 118 140.54 E. 121 1.52 w. 16-17 2.13 w. 18-19 77.50W. 92-93 2.8 w. 18-19 0. 50 w. 20-21 I.15 E. 20-21 144.34 E. 119 O.I E. 20-21 8.25 W. 34-36 0. 10 w. 20-21 94.50W. 92-93 146.15 E. 119 2.8 w. 26-27 138.52 E. 121 1.22 W. 20-21 67.39W. 94 80.49 W. 96 91.15 w. 104 176.0 E. 126-127 2.0 W. 16-17 0.3 E. 20-21 71.31 W. 102-103 81.58 W. 102103 1. 53 W. 18-19 20.50 E. 86-87 2.14 w. 18-19 71.51 w. 102-103 3-33 w. 16-17 1.8 w. 20-21 8.21 E. 40-41 4 I9W. 14-15 1.28 w. 16-17 1.25 E. 20-21 7-38 E. 40-41 97.14W. 104 0. 22 W. 20-21 45.0 E. 68 71.47 w. 95 2.21 W. 18-19 0.18 W. 20-21 180.0 E, 6 4-59 w. 24-25 0.59W. 14-16 5-55 w. 32-33 2.34 w. 14-15 3.0 w. 18-19 2.21 w. 18-19 Wro GENERAL INDEX Yes Lat. Long. Map Wrotham England 51.19N. o.iyK. 20-21 Wroxeter England 52.41 N. 2.39 w. 18 19 Wu-chang China 30.27N. 114.46 E. 74 Wu-chau China 23.30N. T11.5 e. 74 Wu-bu China 31.20N. 11S.30E. 74 Wulur Lake Kashmir ^4.20 N. 74.37 E. 66 Wnn Berar 20.3 N. 79.0 e. 64 Wuntho Burma 23.56N. 95.45 E. 68-69 Wupper River. ,..y-*r?/i5?a 51.13N. 'j.'j E. 40-41 Wiirm See Gerjnany 47.52N. 11.17E. 40-41 Wnrno Nigeria 12.59N. 5.10 E. 84 Wurrenup \V. Australia 34.13S. 117.26 E. 122 Wurtemberjj Germany 48.30N. 9.20 K. 40-41 Wurzburg Gerjnany 49.47N. 9.56 e. 40-41 Wlirz.en Saxony 51.22 N. 12.44 E. 40-41 Wxi-sung: China 31.23 N. 121.26 E. 74 Wyandotte Kansas 39.9 N. 94.44W. 100 101 Wyeheproof Victoria 36.0 s. 143.0 E. 119 Wycombe, High. .^7?^/aw(/ 51.38 N. 0.45 w. 20-21 Wye England 51.12N. 0.57 E. 20-21 Wye, River Derbyshire 53.12N. 1.42 w. 14-15 Wye River England 51.571^. 2.37W. 14-15 Wyke Regis England 50.36N. 2.29 w. 18-19 Wylam England 54.58N. 1.49 w. 16-17 Wylye {or Wiley)£«^/awrf 51.9 N. 1.59 w. 18-19 Wymondbam England .-..52.34N. 1.7 e. 20-21 Wynberg Cape Colony 34.1 s. 18.30 E. 86-87 Wyniiham Neiu Zealand. ....n6.20!> 168.48 E. 126 127 Wyndham W. Australia. ...i$.2y s. 128.5 e. 116-117 Wynyard Tasmania 41.0 8. 145.45 E. 120 y^yommg, sia.t&.. United States ....^2-° N. 107.0 w. 100-101 WyraU:ih New S. PFa/«i. ..28 48 .s. 153.20 E. 118 Wyre Forest England 52.23N. 2.23 w. 18-19 Wyre River England SS-S^N. 2.55 w. 14-15 Xalapa (Ja]apa)...l/i?:rzV£7 19.30N. 96.54W. 108 Xarayes Marsh ...ijrcszV 18.0 s. 57.0 w. 110-111 Xenia Ohio 39.40 N. 83.52 w. 102-103 Xeres Spain 36.40N. 6.7 w. 46-47 Xerez de los Ca- balleros Spain 38.15N. 6.14W. 46-47 Xingu River Brazil 3.0 s. 53.0 w. 110-111 Xuan-dai Anjiam 13.20N. 109.10 E. 68-69 Xucar (Jucur) R..6"/a/« .39.10N. 0.13W. 46-47 Y (Ij) River. Holland S2.25N. 4.45 E. Yaamba Queensland. ..23.5 s. 151.25 E. Yablonoi Mt3 Siberia 53.0 K. 115.0 E. Yacarana River. ..5r(zr?7 4.20S. 72.0 w. Yachou China 29.58 N. 102.55 E. Yacka South Australia. yi.2,6 s. 138.27 e. Yackandandah ... K?V/(?r/(Z 36.18 s. 146.52 E. Yadagiri Hyderabad 16.46N. 77.11 E. Y.adiki Madras 15.3 N. 77.55 E. Yadkin River South Carolina ..-^^.^da. 80.0 w. Yahl South Australia. y;. ^2 s. 140.46 e. YailaDagh Criinea 44.50N. 34.40 E. Yairamaiur Travancore 10.4 N. 76.39 E. Yakoba West Africa 10.10 N. 9.36 E. Yaku Shima Japan 30.20 N. 130.30 E. Yakutsk Siberia 61.58N. 129.44 E. Yalafa Belgian Congo.... 0.20 N. 24.18 E. Yale British Columbia^(^.2'zti. 121. 2 w. Yalgoo IK Australia. ...2i.22S. 116,43 E. Yalmal PeninsulaiV/jer/a 70.0 N, 70.0 E. Yalomitza River.. i?7v;«a«za 44.37N. 27.10 E. Yalta Russia 44.28N. 34.7 K. Yalu River Korea 41.0 N. 126.0 E. Y-alwul New S. H'a/«...34.48 s. 150.20 E. Yaman-Tau, Gt...ffaj«a 54.0 N. 57.40 E. Yamb.^ New S. Wales ...zg.27 s. 153.26 E. Yamboli E. Rumelia 42.29N. 26.33 E. Yambuk Victoria 38.17 S. 142.3 E. Yambiiya Belgian Con^o.... l.^oii. 25.0 E. YHiudeiia Island./;'. Sunda Islands 7.30 S. 131.25 E. Y.amdok-Cho (L.)r;>/ 29.0 N. 90.30 E. Yaniethin Burma 20.27N. 96.9 E. Yamknnmardi....5oOTiay. 16.8 N. 74.32 E. Yana, River Siberia 69.0 N. 135.30 E. Yanaoii Madras 16.44 N. 82. 15 E. Yaiibo (Yenilio)..^ra^/rt 24.2 N. 38.12 E. Yandilla Queensland 27.50 s. 151.22 E. Yandoit Victoria 37 '4 S- i44-6 E- Tandun Burma 17.3 N. 95-43 ". Yang-chau China 32-2SN- 119-22 «• Yang-tsze-kiang.CA2«a 3i.iSN- I2t-4S ^■ 38 123 76-77 110111 72-73 121 119 65 65 104 121 64-66 66 78-79 75 7677 82-83 98-99 122 76-77 50-61 54 65 75 118 54-56 118 60-51 119 82-83 70 71 72-73 68-69 64 76-77 65 68 123 119 68-69 74 74 Lat. Yanfj-yang Korea 38.0 n. Yanina Turkey 39.47 N. YankaliUa. South Australia. -^^.^j s. Yankton South Dakota 42.57N. Y.antra River Bulgaria 43.25 n. Yap Island Caroline Islands. 9.25N. Yapura River Brazil 2.0 s. Yaracui River Venezuela S.30N. Y.-ire River England S2.37N. Yariba (Yoruba). West Africa 8.0' N. Yarigatake (Mt.)./a/a« 36.25 N. Y.arkand E. Turkestan 38.24 n. Yiirm England 54.30N. Yarmouth Isle of Wight 50.42 n. Yarmouth Nova Scotia 43.49 x. Yarmouth, (.it.... England 52.36N. Y.armuk Vd-ver.... Palestine. 32.42 N. Yaro.slav Russia 57.36N. Yarra Yarra, R.. Victoria .....37.41 s. Yarr.igon Victoria 38.10 s. Yarram Yarram.. Victoria 38.34 8. Yarrawonga Victoria 36.1 s. Yarrow & Water. Scotland 5S.33N. Yasin Chitral. 36.21 N. Yass New S. Wales. ...3$.o s. Y,a.ssy Rumania 47.5 N. Yathkyed Lake .. N.- W. 7>rr!//-i.. 63.25 N. Yatina South Australia. -^z.^^ s. Yatung Tibet hs.o N. Yaunde Kamerun 4.0 N. Yautepec. Mexico 19.0 n. Yawal Bombay 21.11 N. Yazoo City Mississippi 32.53N. Yea Peru. Seelcu. Yea Victoria 37.12 s. Yeaclon England 53.52N. Yecla Spain 38.26N. Yedatore Mysore 12.28N. Yedo Japan 35.40 N. Yefremov Russia 53.7 N. Yefren Tripoli 32.3 N. Yeisk Russia 46.38K. Yekaterinburg. ../?;«.r;a 56.52N. Yekaterininsk .... Russ. Lapland ... 69. 8 N. Yekaterinodar Russia 45. 3 N- Yekaterinodar ...Russia 48. 28 N. YekaterinogradskyPw.Jj/a 43.40N. YekaterinosIav....^wjj;(2 48.28N. Yelandur Mysore. 12.4 N. Yelburga Hyderabad 15.37N. Yelets Russia 52.40N. Yelgandnl Hyderabad 18.26N. Yelisavetgrad ....Russia 47.15 N. Yeli.'^avetpol Mussia 40.42 N. Yell Island Scotland. 60.32N. Yell.ala Fall.'i Belgian Congo.... 5.43 s. Yellapur Bombay 14.58N. Yellow River .SV^ Hoang Ho. Yellow Sea China 35.0 N. Yellowhead Pa^s. Alberta 52.53N. Yellowstone L. ... Wyoming, 44.30N. Yellowstone N.ition.al Park . Wyotning. ...45.0 N. Yellowstone Ji. ...Montana 46.36N. Yemaraa, dist Arabia 23.0 K. Yerabo {Yauho).. Arabia 24.2 N. Yemen, El, pvov. Arabia 15.22 N. Yemiganur Madras. 15.46N. Yench.au China 35-58N- Yenden China 4 1.50 .v. Yendi West Africa 9-30N- Yengarie Queensland. 25.32 S. Yeni-Bazar Bulgaria 43.23N. Ycnikale, Str. oi.Russia 45.15 N. Yenisei River... ..AV^^na 67.0 N. Yeniseisk Siberia 58.27N. Yeu-ngan China 36.46 N. Yen-ping China 26.44 N. Yeo River England 50' 54 •"*• Yeola Bombay 20.4 N. Yeotmal Berar 20.23N. Ye«u(orYobe)R.AVm I3.32N- Yeovil England 50.S7N- Yerinio, Cape lapan 42.0 N. Yernagudom Madras 16.59 >*. Yer.shov Russia 50-55''- Yes Tor, hill England 50.42 N. Yoshil Irmak 'R.... Asiatic Turkey ..a,o.t,o-&. Long. Sinp . 129.0 E. 76 20.55 E. 60.51 138.18 E. 121 97. 20 w. 100101 25- 35 K. 60-61 139-0 E. 114-116 67.0 w. 110111 68.15 \v. 110-111 1-3 E. 14-16 4.0 E. 84 138.0 E. 76 77-22 E. 76-77 1.21 W. 1617 1.29 w. 20-21 66.6 w. 94 1-43 E. 2021 35-30 E. 60 40.12 E. 64 65 145-30 E. 119 146.1 E. 119 146.40 E. 119 146.0 E. 119 3-3 "■• 24-26 73.19 E. 66 149.0 E. lis 27.45 E. 6061 97.3OW. 92-93 138.38 E. 121 88.40 E. 7273 12.0 E. 8283 99.2 w. 108 7S-45 E. 64 90.23 w. 104 145-26 E. 119 1. 41 w. 16-17 1.6 w. 4647 75-25 E. 66 139-48 E. 75 8.7 E. 6465 12.30 E. 80 38.18 E. 54-55 60.42 E. 54-66 33-30 E. 64-66 38-33 K. 64-66 35-7 E. 54-66 44.10 E. 64-55 35-7 K. 54-55 77.5 =• 66 76.5 E. 66 38.38 E. 64 56 79-5 E. 66 32.0 E. 64-66 46.17 E. 64-65 1.5 w. 2426 13.45 E. 82-83 74-45 E. 64 123.0 E. 74 118.30 w. 9899 IIO.O w. 106 110.0 w. 106 106.30 w. 100101 48.0 E. 68 38.12 E. 68 44-32 E. 68 77-3» B- 60 117-30 E. 74 125.0 E. 72-73 0.18 w. 84 152-34 E. 123 27.13 E. 6051 36.45 E. 64-66 87.0 E. 76-77 02.16 K. 76-77 JO0.23 E. 74 118.28 E. 74 2.38 w. 1416 74-3' E. 64 78.11 K. 64 13.23 K. 78-79 2.37 w. 18-19 142.40 E. 76 81.33 E. 66 4730 E. 64 66 4.0 W. 14-16 36.20 B. 60 137 Yes GENERAL IXDEX Zug Lat. Long. Yesso Island Japan 43.30N. 143.0 E. Yeto^yo ...Burma 2i.40N. 95.12 E. Yetholm Scotland 55-33 N. 2.i6w. Yetmau iXeiv S. Ila/w. .. .28.43 s. 150-52 E. Yeu Burma 22.44N. 95.30 E. Yeu, I. d' France 46.43N. 2.2on-. Y'eulba Queensland. 26.43 s. 149-21 E. Y'ezd Persia 3I-48N. 54.30 E. Yguazu 'River.. ...Brazil 25.30s. 53.30W. Yi Uruguay 33-2^3. 56.5 w. Y'ilgarn Goldfiekl tK Auslralia....j,i.ne.. 119.19 E. Yin-hoa China 40.56N. 122.5 E. Ymea Fjeld Norway 61.42N. 8.48 E. Ymuiden See Ijmuit-len. Ynirida River Colovibia 2.35 N. Yobe Biver See Yeou. Yodo-gawa(R.)../a/a« 34-42N. 135.40 E. Y'okobania Japan , 35-3° N- 139-35 E- Yola West Africa 9.10N. 12.11 E. Yongala South Auslralia.-^^.^ s. 138.38 E. Yong-hai Korea 36.SON. 129.0 E. Yonkers Kew York 40-59N. 73-54 "'- Yonne, dep France 47-50N. 3-30 E. Y^onna Eiver France 48.20N. 3.10 E. York N.-\V. Territrs..^T.o K. 93.0 w. Y'ork Pennsylvania 39.54N. 76.49 w. Y'ork 11'. ^M/)-a/7a.,..3i.53 s. 116.47 E. Y'ork and CO England 53-57N. 1.5 w. York, Cape Queensland 10.40 s. 142.32 E. Y'ork River I'irginia 37.30N. 76.51 \v. York Sound IF. ^;«/;-a/;a.. .. 14.40 s. 125.0 E. Yorke Peninsiila.Sa;^//; Australia. -^.^ios. 137.50 E. Yorketown South Australia.zS-S S. 137.55 E. Yorktown Virginia 37.8 N. 76.37 w. Yoruba Niger Coast 8.0 N. 4.0 E. Yosemite \a.\\cy. California 37.30N. iig.30\v. Youghal Ireland 51.57N. 7.51 w. Youghal Bay and 'Ba.rhonr... Ireland. 5I-55N. 7-5i'«'- Young New S. Il'n/fi ...34.17 S. 148.18 E. Youngstown Ohio 41.7 N. 80.42 «•. Ypres Belgium 50-50N. 2.53 E. Y'psilanti Michigan 42.15 N. 83.40 w. Yquitos Peru 3-42 S. 73.6 w. YrfonRiver Wales S2.12N. 3-4' ■<>■- Yser River Belgium 51.8 N. 2.47 E. Ystad Sweden 55-25 K- 13-44 E. Ystradyfodwg.... ]\'ales 51.38N. 3.30W. Ystwith River.... Wales 52.23 N. 3.55 ^v. Y'tban River Scotland 57.25^. 2.20W. Y'ueatan, state.. ...il/wiVc 20.0 N. 89.0 w. Yu-chau China 29.28 N. 113.0 E. Yu-chou Island...