L3 i z SSI "^mX^ GIFT OF LIST OF BOOKS AND PRICES ISSUED BY THE Superintendent of Public Instruction IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE LAW REGULATING THE SALE^OF SCHOOL TEXTBOOKS IN MICHIGAN LANSING, MICHIQAN WYNKOOP HALLKNBKCK CRAWFORD CO., STATE PRINTERS 1913 LIST OF BOOKS AND PRICES ISSUED BY THE Superintendent of Public Instruction IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE LAW REGULATING THE SALE OF SCHOOL TEXTBOOKS IN MICHIGAN LANSING, MICHIGAN WYNKOOP HALLENBECK CRAWFORD CO., STATE PRINTERS 1913 o TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Certificate of Superintendent 5 Copy of Textboolc Law 7 Ainsworth & Co 11 Allyn & Bacon , 13 American Book Co 16 D. Appleton & Co 36 Atkinson, Mentzer & Co 40 A. S. Barnes Co 41 B. D. Berry & Co 42 Bobbs-Merrill Co .- 42 The Orville Brewer Publishing Co 43 The Century Co 44 P. R. Cleary Co 45 C. H. Congdon 45 Oliver Ditson Co 46 E. P. Dutton & Co 47 Educational Publishing Co 50 Ellis Publishing Co 61 A. Flanagan Co 62 Ginn & Co 66 Goody ear-Marshall Publishing Co 78 Gregg Publishing Co s 79 Hall & McCreary 80 Hammond Publishing Co 85 D. C. Heath & Co 86 Hinds, Noble & Eldredge 95 Historical Publishing Co 97 Henry Holt & Co 98 Houghton, MUHin Co 103 Lakeside Book Co Ill Laurel Book Co Ill J. B. Lippincott Co 112 Little, Brown & Co . 113 Longmans, Green & Co 116 Lyons & Carnahan 119 The Macmillan Co 121 D. C. Mcintosh 128 Charles E. MerriU Co 129 Newson & Co 136 The A. N. Pahner Co 138 The F. H. Palmer Co. 139 H. R. Pattengill 140 The Prang Co 141 Public-School Publishing Co 143 Rand, McNally & Co 144 Jonathan Rigdon 146 Row, Peterson & Co 147 H. M. Rowe Co 148 Benjamin H. Sanborn & Co 149 School of English 162 Schwartz, Kirwin & Fauss .• 163 Scott, Foresman & Co 164 Charles Scribner'a Sons 167 Silver, Burdett & Co 160 Sloan Publishing Co 168 South-Western Publishing Co 168 George Wahr 169 J. D. Williams & Co 169 World Book Co 170 293035 STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Lansing, August 15, 1913. I hereby certify that the publishers and sellers of school textbooks, as given in this bulletin, have complied with the provisions of Act No. 315 of the Public Acts of 1913 of the State of Michigan, by filing in the office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction prices and sample copies of textbooks, also a written statement and affidavit as required in said law, and by executing and filing the required bond which has been approved by the Attorney General. The said publishers are authorized and licensed to offer for sale and to make contracts with school boards and boards of education in Michi- gan for the sale of their textbooks, and to sell the same, all in ac- cordance with the prices and agreements filed in this office, and under the provisions of said Act No. 315 of the Public Acts of 1913. Given under my hand this fifteenth day of August, 1913. L. L. WRIGHT, Superintendent of Public Instruction. COPY OF TEXTBOOK LAW The following is a copy of the law which was passed by the l^islatnre of 1913 regulating the sale of school textbooks in the state. This law goes into effect August 14, 1913, and new textbooks purchased after that date must be purchased in accordance with the provisions of the law. AOT NO. 315 OF THE PUBLIC ACTS OF 1913 To regulate the sale of school textbooks. The People of the State of Michigan enact: Section 1. No person shall offer any school textbook for adoption, sale or exchange in the state of Michigan until he shall have complied with the follo\\'1ng conditions: 1. He shall file copies of all textbooks sold by the company manufac- turing such book, in the office of the state superintendent of public instruction with a sworn statement of the usual list price, the lowest wholesale price, and the lowest exchange price at which said book is sold or exchanged for an old book on the same subject of like grade and kind but of a different series. 2. He shall file with the state superintendent of public instruction a bond running to the people of the state of Michigan, with a responsible surety company authorized to do business in the state of Michigan as surety thereon, in a penal sum to be determined by the state superin- tendent of public instruction, not less than two thousand dollars nor more than ten thousand dollars, conditioned as follows: (a) That he will furnish any of the books listed in said statement and in any other statement subsequently filed by him within five years, to any school district and any school corporation in the state of Michi- gan at the lowest price contained in said statement and that he will maintain said price uniformly throughout the state; (b) That he will reduce such prices automatically in Michigan whenever reductions are made elsewhere in the United States, so that at no time shall any book so filed and listed by him be sold in the state of Michigan at a higher net price than is received for such book elsewhere in the United States; (c) That all textbooks offered for sale, adoption, or exchange in the state of Michigan, shall be equal in quality to those deposited in the office of the state superintendent of public instruction as regards paper, binding, print, illustrations, subject matter, and all other par- ticulars that may affect the value of such textbooks; (d) In case he shall prepare an abridged or special edition of any 8 /.'^5□tBpiL■BTMfiNt/flB''' PUBLIC INSTRUCTION of the books so listed by him, and shall sell such special edition else- where at a lower wholesale price than the wholesale price scheduled with the state superintendent, he shall file a copy of such special edi- tion together with the price therefor, as above stated, with the state superintendent of public instruction; (e) He shall not enter into any understanding, agreement or combi- nation to control the prices or to restrict competition in the sale of school textbooks. Sec. 2. Such bond shall be approved by the attorney general and shall continue in force for the period of five years after its filing, at or before the expiration of which period a new bond shall be given, or the right to continue business within the state shall be forfeited. Sec. 3. The state superintendent of public instruction shall, within thirty days after the filing of any list and bond, send a copy of the list to the school authorities in each district in the state, and he shall annually publish and send to each school district in the state, a copy of all such lists then in force in his office. Sec, 4. It shall be the duty of all superintendents and principals of schools in the several districts of this state, to notify the county com- missioner of schools of the county in which they respectively reside, of any violation of any of the conditions contained in said bond that shall come to their knowledge: Provided, That in school districts included in whole or in part within the limits of incorporated cities such re- ports shall be made to the board of education of the district, and it shall thereupon be the duty of such county school commissioners, and of such boards of education to investigate the alleged violation, and if they, shall determine that there is good ground for believing that said con- ditions have actually been violated, they shall forthwith report the matter to the state superintendent of public instruction, and he shall thereupon notify the person guilty of such violation to comply with the conditions of his said bond and to make good any loss or injury that may have been occasioned by such violation within a reasonable time to be inserted in said notice. If the person so notified shall fail to comply with the requirements of the notice, the said superintendent of public instruction may thereupon suspend his right to sell school text- books within the state of Michigan until he shall so comply. In case any person who has given the bond aforesaid shall refuse to comply with the provisions thereof, or shall persistently violate the same the said superintendent of public instruction shall declare his bond forfeited and the attorney general shall bring suit thereon in any court having juris- diction thereof. In case judgment shall be rendered in favor of the state on such bond, judgment shall be entered and damages assessed for the penal amount thereof, and when paid, it shall be placed, to the credit of the primary school interest fund. In case judgment is rendered against the principal in such bond, he shall be barred from further con- tinuance of his business within the state of Michigan for a period of five years. Sec. 5. No person shall secure or attempt to secure the sale of any school textbooks in any school district in this state by rewarding or promising to reward any teacher in any school in the state or by securing for him any position in any other school. No person shall offer or give any emolument, money or other valuable thing, promise of LIST OF BOOKS AND PRICES 9 work or any other inducement to any teacher or school oflBcer in any school district for any vote or promise of vote or for the use of his in- fluence for any school textbook to be used in this state: Provided, That nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent any person from giving, or any school officer or teacher from receiving, a reasonable number of sample copies of school textbooks for examination with a view to obtaining information as to the book or series of books for which such officer shall give his vote. Sec. 6. It shall be unlawful for any retail dealer in textbooks to sell any books listed with the state superintendent of public instruction as hereinbefore provided at a. price to exceed fifteen per cent advance on the net wholesale price as so listed. Sec. 7. School districts are hereby authorized to purchase textbooks from the publishers at the prices listed with the state superintendent of public instruction as hereinbefore provided and to sell said books to the pupils at said listed prices or at such prices as will include the cost of transportation and the cost of handling. Sec. 8. School districts are hereby authorized to purchase textbooks from the publishers at the prices listed with the state superintendent of public instruction as hereinbefore provided and to designate a retail dealer or dealers to act as the agent of the district in selling textbooks to pupils. The said dealer or dealers shall at stated times make settle- ment with the district for such books as have been sold up to the stated time. Said dealer or dealers shall not sell textbooks at a price which shall exceed a ten per cent advance on the net wholesale price as listed with the state superintendent of public instruction. Sec. 9. The word ''pei*son" as used in this act shall include firms, asso- ciations and corporations. Sec. 10. When a family removes from one school district to another within the state, the treasurer of the district shall purchase, out of the contingent fund, the textbooks in actual use by the children of the family at a fair price, based on the condition of the books ; the said books to be resold, when necessary, to other pupils moving into the said district. Sec. 11. Any person violating any of the provisions of this act shall, on conviction thereof, be punished by fine not exceeding five hundred dollars, or by imprisonment not exceeding three months, or by both such fine and imprisonment at the discretion of the court. Sec. 12. All acts or parts of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. 2 LIST OF BOOKS AND PRICES 11 LIST OF AINSWORTH & COMPANY 623-633 South Wabash Avenue, Chicago, 111. To be furnished f. o. b. at Chicago, 111., upon order of any school board or board of education in Michigan, or upon the order of duly authorized and responsible purchasing agents of such board upon terms and prices listed below. Usual Lowest Lowest Title of Book List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price LAKESIDE CLASSICS Selections from Washington, Lincoln, Bryant and McKinley — Nightin- gale. 78 pages, illustrated $0 . 1 ,5 Selections from Burn's Poems and Songs — Enameled covers, 90 pages.. .l.'j Carlyle's Essay on Burns — Edited by Walter Slocum .15 Carlyle's Essay on Burns, and Selections from Burns' Poems and Songs — Full cloth bound 30 The Vision of Sir Launfal, The Holy Grail — Enameled covers .15 The Vision of Sir Launfal, Sir Galahad — Cloth bound 20 Milton's Minor Poems — Doolittle. 75 pages, enameled covers .15 Macaulay's Essay on Milton — Enameled covers, .15 Macaulay's Essay on Addison — Enameled covers. Doolittle .15 Lays of Ancient Rome, by Macaulay — 21 illustrations .15 Selections from Hawthorne and Browning — 6th and 7th Grades.' Ha- vana .15 Selections from Lincoln, Hawthorne, Webster, Goldsmith and Tenny- son — Enameled covers .15 The Merchant of Venice — Enameled covers, cloth back .15 Seven Selections from the Sketch Book — Enameled covers .1.5 Milton and Addison, essays by Macaulay — Full cloth bound, side stamp .30 Macaulay's Essay and Milton's Poems — Same as 18 and 20, full cloth bound. Fielden .30 The Deserted Village, Goldsmith — 24 pages. With a study by Miss Havana .05 Enoch Arden, Tennyson — 42 pages. With a study by Miss Kavana .05 The Great Stone Face, Hawthorne — With illustrative questions by Skinner .05 The Snow Image, Hawthorne — 48 pages. With a series of questions . . .05 The King of the Golden River — Ruskin .05 Pied Piper of Hamelin, and other Poems by Browning — 48 pages .05 The Great Carbuncle — 38 pages. With a study by Mi.ss Kavana .05 Evangeline, by Longfellow — 64 pages, portrait, introduction, sketch of American literature, biographical sketch of Longfellow, with chrono- logical list of leading poems, historical introduction upon Acadia. The poem is followed by several pages of questions and suggestions for the study of the poem, with subjects for composition work. . .10 Selections from Hawthorne — The Snow Image, The Great Stone Face, The Great Carbuncle, enameled covers, 110 pages .15 Bunker Hill Oration, Webster — Paragraphs numbered. With a series of questions .05 Sir Roger de Coverley Papers, Dracass — Illustrated, with portrait; full cloth bound .25 Selections from English Poets — Edited by J. J. Burns .35 Coleridge — The Ancient Mariner, Christabel, Kubla Khan, France, An Ode Shelley — Adonais, The Cloud, To a Skylark Wordsworth — Ode to Immortality, To a Skylark, Elegiac Stanzas, A Picture of Peel Castle in a Storm. Sonnets: 1. "Tne world is too much with us." 2. "Earth has not anything to show more fair." 3. To the Planet Venus. 4. To Sleep Keats (with portrait) — Ode on a Grecian Urn, Ode to a Nightingale, Ode on Melancholy, To Autumn. Sonnets: 1. On First Looking into Chapman's Homer. 2. On the Grasshopper and Cricket. . . . Byron — Childe Harold, III. and IV. Cantos (abridged.) Wordsworth, Browning, Keats Selections — With portraits .15 Rip Van Winkle — Grades 6-8, text only .05 The Ugly Duckling — From Andersen's Fairy Tales. Grades 3-4 .05 The Story of the Pilgrims. Grades 2-4 .05 Adventures of a Brownie — Part I. Grades 2-4 ' .05 An Elegy in a Country Churchyard — Grades 6-8 .04 The Cotter's Saturday Night — Grades 6-8 04 Stories from Hiawatha — Grades 2-4 .05 Robinson Crusoe — Adapted by G. Harlow. Grades 3-5 .05 Peril in Leafland — Youngs. Grades 3-5 .05 Thanatopsis: A Forest Hymn, Bryant — Grades 6-8 .04 Story of Lafayette — Grades 3-5 05 ).12 .12 .12 .24 .12 .16 .12 .12 .12 .12 .12 .12 .12 .12 .24 .24 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .08 .12 .04 .20 .28 .12 .04 .04 .04 .04 .03 2-10 .03 2-10 .04 .04 .04 .03^2-10 .04 12 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Title of Book Story of Abraham Lincoln — Grades 3-5 Story of Washington — Grades 3-5 Story of Longfellow — Grades 3-5 Evangeline, by H. W. Longfellow Vision of Sir Launf al and Other Poems, by James Russell Lowell Julius Caesar, by Shakespeare Rime of the Ancient Mariner, by Coleridge Elegy in a Country Churchyard, by Gray The Great Stone Face, Snow Image, and Other Twice-Told Tales, by Nathaniel Hawthorne Living American Authors, by Mary Niver Van Vliet — A series of bright sketches with portraits of fifteen foremost present day authors. 96 pages Legend of Sleepy Hollow, and Rip Van Winkle, by Washington Irving. A Christmas Carol, by Charles Dickens A Deserted Village, The Traveler, by Goldsmith Enoch Arden and Other Poems, by Alfred Tennyson Selections from Edgar Allan Poe. — The Gold Bug, The Raven, The Bells, and selected Poems. 112 pages, 3 illustrations, and portrait Oliver Wendell Holmes — The Chambered Nautilus. Old Ironsides. 11 pages, with portrait, an illustration, notes, and introduction William Cullen Bryant — To a Waterfowl. The Fringed Gentian, 8 pages, with portrait, notes, and introduction John Greenleaf Whittier — The Corn Song. The Huskers. 11 pages, with portrait, an illustration, notes, and introduction Henry Wadsworth Longfellow — The Reaper and the Flowers. The Builders. 11 pages, with portrait, notes, an illustration and intro- duction James Russell Lowell — The First Snow-Fail. A Day in June. 1 1 pages, with portrait, notes, an illustration, and introduction Selections From American Poets — Helmes, Bryant, Whittier, Longfellow, Lowell. Illustrated. Containing the poems in Nos. 94, 95, 96, 97, 98. 50 pages Lady of the Lake. Scott. Full cloth bound, 256 pages 1 (- Perry & Price's American History. First Book .60 Kcudder's Short History of the United States .60 Swan's History and Civics, Grade 5A .50 White's Pupils' Oultine Studies in U. S. History .30 White's Beginners History of United States .50 Ancient History Barnes's Brief History of Ancient Peoples 1 .00 Lewis's Pupil's Notebook and Study Outline in Oriental and Greek History .25 Morey's Outlines of Ancient History 1 . 50 Thalheimer's Manual of Ancient History 1 .60 Wolfson's Essentials in Ancient History 1 .50 English History Green's Short History of the English People 1 .20 Lancaster's Manual of English History 1 . 00 Newton & Treat's Outline for Review in English History.. . . .25 Niver's School History of England .90 Smith's Pupil's Notebook and Study Outline in English History ; . . .25 Walker's Essentials in English History 1 .50 General History Barnes's Brief General History of the World 1 .60 Colby's Outlines of General History 1 . 50 Swinton's Outlines of the World's History 1 .44 Thalheimer's General History. New Edition 1 . 20 Greek History Barnes's Brief History of Greece .75 Fyffe's History of Greece .35 Lewis's Pupil's Notebook and Study Outline in Oriental and Greek History .25 Morey's Outlines of Greek History 1 .00 Outlines of Greek and Roman History ^ 1 . 50 Newton «fe Treat's Outline for Review in Greek History 25 Mediaeval and Modern History Barnes's Brief History of Modern Peoples 1 . 00 Harding's Essentials in Mediaeval and Modern History 1 .50 Ogg's Source Book of Mediaeval History 1 . 50 Roman History Barnes's Brief History of Rome .' 1 . 00 Crighton's History of Rome .35 McKinley's Pupil^s Notebook and Study Outline iii Roman History .25 Morey's Outlines of Roman History 1 . 00 Newton & Treat's Outline for Review in Roman History 25 -— Lowest Exch. Price—. Lowest Free Non-free Wholesale Textbook Textbook Price Districts Districts Col. Col. Col. II. III. IV. .45 .75 .75 .45 .22 .75 .45 1.12 .75 .45 .75 .18 .45 .45 .37 .22 .38 .75 .42 .70 .70 .42 .35 .70 .36 .60 .60 .36 .70 .60 .42 .36 1.05 .68 .70 .60 .42 .36 .70 .60 ' ' 'A2 ■■;36 .42 .36 .35 .30 .20 .60 .18 1.12 1.20 1.12 1.05 1.12 1.05 .66 .96 .90 .90 .75 .18 .67 .84 .70 "';63 .72 .60 ■■;.54 .18 1.12 ' i ! 6.5 ■ iee 1.20 1.12 1.08 .90 1.12 1.05 1.01 .84 .96 .90 .87 .72 .56 .26 .52 .25 .45 .21 .18 .75 1.12 .18 "'.7d 1.05 " .60 .90 .75 1.12 1.12 .70 1.05 .60 .90 .75 .26 .70 . .25 .60 .21 .18 .75 .18 ■■;76 ' ^eo LATIN Latin Language Abbott's First Latin Writer (Morris & Morgan's Latin Series) Brittain's Introduction to Caesar Hamer's Easy Steps in Latin .60 .45 .42 .36 .75 .56 .53 .46 .75 .56 .53 .45 LIST OF BOOKS AND PRICES 27 Title of Book Usual List Price Col. I. Harkness's Complete Latin Grammar 1 .25 Short Latin Grammar .80 Easy Method for Beginners in Latin 1 . 20 Jordan's Elementarj' Latin Writing 1 .00 Mather & Wheeler's Latin Prose Writing (Morris & Morgan's Latin Series) 1 . 00 Mellick's Latin Prose Composition .40 Nutting's Latin Primer .50 Pearson's Essentials of Latin for Beginners (Morris & Mor- gan's Latin Series) .90 Latin Prose Composition — Complete 1 . 00 Latin Prose Composition Based on Caesar .50 Latin Prose Composition Based on Cicero .50 Reiley's Practical Exercises on the Latin Verb .50 Smiley & Storke's Beginner's Latin Book 1 .00 Caesar Harkness & Forbes's Caesar's Gallic War. Seven Books 1 . 25 Four Books 1 .00 Harper & Tolman's Caesar's Gallic War. Eight Books 1 .20 Four Books 1 . 00 Mather's Caesar. Episodes from the Gallic and Civil Wars. Morria & Morgan's Latin Series 1 .25 Cicero Bishop, King & Helm's Cicero. Ten Orations and Selected Letters. (Morris & Morgan Latin Series) 1 .25 Harkn&ss, Kirtland & William's Cicero. Nine Orations 1.25 Six Orations 1 . 00 Harper & Gallup's Cicero's Orations with Selections from the Letters 1 . 30 Kirtland's Correspondence of Cicero .50 Ilockwood's Cicero's Cato Maior de Senectute With Vocabulary .75 Latin Readings Barss's Third Year Latin for Sight Reading 40 Franklin & Greene's Latin Prose Authors for Sight Reading (Morris & Morgan's Latin Series) * .40 Janes's Second Year Latin for Sight Reading .40 Latin Sight Reading. Second Year .30 Nutting's First Latin Reader 60 Ovid Gleason's A Term of Ovid .75 Miller's Ovid 1 . 40 Virgil Frieze's Virgil's Aeneid. First Six Books. Revised (Denni- son) 1 . 30 Virgil's Aeneid. Complete. Revised (Dennison) 1 .50 Harper & MUler'a Virgil's Aeneid. Six Books 1 .25 Viri Romae Arrowsmith & Knapp's Selections from Viri Romae 75 MANUAL TRAINING Golden's Laboratory Course in Wood-Turning .80 Ham's Mind and Hand 1.25 Ilgen's Forge Work •. .80 King's Elements of Woodwork •. .60 Elements of Construction .70 Elements of Woodwork & Construction .90 Constructive Carpentry .70 Inside Finishing .80 Ritchey's Man'l Training Course Woodwork 1 . 45 Sickels's Exercises in Wood-Working 1 . 00 MUSIC Aiken's Music Course. In One Book .50 Part Songs for Mixed Voices .65 Birge's Choruses and Part Songs for High Schools 65 '-Lowest Exch. Price^ Lowest Free Non-free Wholesale Textbook Textbook Price Districts Districts Col. Col. Col. II. III. IV. .93 .88 .75 60 . .56 .48 .90 .84 .72 .75 .70 .60 ,75 .70 .60 30 .28 .24 37 .35 .30 67 .63 .41 75 .70 .45 37 .35 .30 37 .35 .30 37 75 .70 .60 93 .88 .75 .75 .70 .60 .*9G .84 .72 .75 .70 .60 .93 .93 .93 .75 .98 .37 .56 .30 .56 .88 .88 .88 .70 .91 .35 .53 .28 .53 .75 .75 .60 .78 .30 .45 .24 .30 .30 .22 .45 .28 .28 .21 .42 .24 .24 .18 .36 .56 1.05 .53 .98 .45 .84 .97 1.12 .93 .91 1.05 .88 .78 .90 .75 .45 .60 .56 .48 .93 .60 .56 .48 .45 .42 .36 .52 * .49 .42 .67 .63 .54 .52 .49 .42 .60 .56 .48 1.08 1.02 .87 .75 .70 .60 .37 .35 .30 .48 .46 .39 .48 .46 .39 28 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Usual Title of Book List Price Col. I. Dann's Christmas Carols and Hymns , .45 Musical Dictation. Boole One .SO Music Writing Book. No. 1 , .10 School Hymnal .50 Earhart's Art Songs for High Schools .80 Johnson's Songs Every One Should Know .50 MacConnell's Standard Songs and Choruses for High Schools. .75 Mathews's Songs of All Lands .50 McCaskey's Favorite Songs and Hymns .80 Natural Music Course: (Ripley «& Tapper). Rote Song Book (First Steps in Music) .40 Charts A, B. C, D, E. F, and G. Each With Stand 4 . 00 Harmonic Primer ., . . .30 Harmonic First Reader .30 Harmonic Second Reader .35 Harmonic Third Reader .40 Harmonic Fourth Reader .40 Harmonic Fifth Reader. For unchanged Voices .50 The same. With bass .50 Melodic First Reader .25 Melodic Second Reader .30 Melodic Third Reader .40 Melodic Fourth Reader .- . ,50 Short Course in Music. Book I .35 Short Course in Music. Book II .40 NeCollins's Glee and Chorus Book .65 Rix's The Mastersinger .65 Shirley's Part Songs for Girls' Voices .75 Part Songs for Mixed Voices .75 School and Festival Songs .25 Two-Part Songs for Intermediate Grades .25 Siefert's Choice Songs. Book I .50 The same. Book II. Revised Edition .50 Smith (Eleanor) Music Course: Primer .25 Book One .25 Book Two 30 Alternate Book Two 30 Book Three 40 Book Four 50 Standard Musical Library: Aiken's First Studies in Two-Part Singing .10 Melody Studies for Primary Grades .15 Barri's Flower Queen (Aiken) .20 Bryant's Christmas Carols .10 Dann's Commencement Trios .20 Mitchell's Ten Familiar Songs .15 Myers's Part Songs for Male Voices .20 NeCollins's Institute Songs .15 Romberg's Lay of the Bell (Aiken) .20 Storer's Music Writing Book .10 MYTHOLOGY Guerber's Myths of Greece and Rome, Illustrated 1 .50 Myths of Northern Lands 1 . 50 Legends of the Middle Ages 1 . 50 Seemann's Mythology of Greece and Rome .60 NATURE STUDY Carter's Nature Study with Common Things .60 Cummings's Nature Study for Primary Grades .90 Nature Study for Lower Grammar Grades .60 Nature Study for Higher Grammar Grades .75 Overton & Hill's Nature Study 40 PEDAGOGY Hewett's Pedagogy for Young Teachers .85 Hinsdale's Art of Study 1 .00 Studies in Education 1 . 00 Roark's Psychology in Education 1 . 00 Method m Education 1 . 00 Economy in Education 1 .00 Seeley's History of Education 1 .25 White's Elements of Pedagogy 1 .00 School Management 1 . 00 Art of Teachmg 1 .00 —Lowest Exch. Prices Lowest Free Non-free Wholesale Textbook Textbook Price Districts Districts Col. Col. Col. II. III. IV. .33 .32 .27 .37 .35 .30 .07 .37 .35 .30 .60 .56 .48 .37 .35 .30 .56 .53 .45 .37 .35 ..30 .60 .56 .36 .30 .28 . .24 3.00 / . .22 .21 .12 .22 .21 .12 .26 .25 .14 .30 .28 .17 .30 .28 .17 .37 .35 .21 .37 .35 .30 .18 .18 .15 .22 .21 .18 .30 .28 .24 .37 .35 .30 .26 .25 .21 .30 .28 .24 .48 .46 .39 .48 .46 .39 .56 .53 .45 ..56 .53 .45 .18 .18 .15 .18 .18 .15 .37 .35 .30 .37 .35 .30 .18 .18 .15 .18 .18 .15 .22 .21 .18 .22 .21 .18 .30 .28 .24 .37 .35 .30 .07 .11 .15 .07 .15 .11 .15 .11 .15 .07 .07 .06 1.12 1.05 .90 1.12 1.05 .90 1.12 1.05 .90 .45 .42 .36 .45 .42 .36 .67 .63 .54 .45 .42 .36 '.56 ..53 . .45 .30 .28 .24 .63 .60 .51 .76 .70 .60 .75 .70 .60 .75 .70 .60 .75 .70 .60 .75 .70 .60 .93 .88 .75 .75 .70 .60 .75 .70 .60 .76 .70 .60 LIST OF BOOKS AND PRICES 29 Title of Book ^Lowest Exch. Price^ Usual Lowest Free Non-free I List Wholesale Textbook Textbook Price Price Districts Districts Col. Col. Col. Col. I. II. III. IV. PENMANSHIP Barnes's Natural Slant Penmanship, Per dozen .75 .56 Practice Book, For Nos. 1 to 6, Per dozen 50 .37 Pen and Pencil Series. Books A, B, and C, Per dozen. .. . .60 .45 Cliancellor's Standard Short Course for Evening Schools. .. . .50 .37 Healey's Free Arm Movement Writing: Books and Pads (9 of each) for Grades 1, 2, 3A, 3B, 4A,4B, 5A, 5B, and for Movement Exercises, each .10 .07 Complete Manual, Each .20 .15 Manual. Parts I, II. and III, Each, Per Doz 1 . 50 1.12 Copies for First and Second Years, Complete set .05 .04 Mills's Modern Business Penmanship, Each .30 .22 Spencerian Copy Books — Revised: Tracing Course, Nos. 1 to 4, Per dozen 72 .54 Shorter Course, Nos. 1 to 4, Per dozen .72 .54 Common School Course, Nos. 1 to 7, Per dozen .96 .72 The same. Business Series, Nos. 8 to 11, Per dozen .96 .72 Spencers' Practical Writing, Nos. 1 to 8, Per dozen .60 .45 Steadman's Graded Lessons in Writing, Eight Pads, Nos. 1 to 8, Each 15 .11 PHYSICS Adam's Physics for Secondary Schools 1 . 20 .90 New Physical Laboratory Manual .60 .45 Avery's Elementary Physics 1 .00 .75 School Physics 1 .25 .93 First Principles of Natural Philosophy .96 .72 Elements of Natural Philosophy 1.15 .86 Avery & Sinnott's First Lessons in Physical Science .60 .45 Cheston, Dean & Timmerman's Laboratory Manual of Physics 50 .37 C^oleman's New Laboratory Manual of Physics .60 ,45 Cooley's Student's Manual of Physics 1 .00 .75 Hammel's Observation Blanks in Physics .30 .22 Harrington's Grammar School Physics >. . .50 .37 Hoadley's Elements of Physics 1 .20 .90 Laboratory Handbook of Physics .50 .37 Brief Course in General Physics 1 . 20 .90 Practical Measurements in Magnetism and Electricity. .. . .75 .56 Mumper's Textbook in Physics _ 1 .20 .90 Reeve's Physical Laboratory Guide .60 .45 Steele's Popular Physics •. . . 1 .00 .75 WoodhuU's Elementary Physical Science .40 .30 .84 .42 .70 .88 .68 .81 .42 .35 .42 .70 .35 .84 .35 .84 .72 .36 .60 .75 ..58 .69 .36 .30 .36 .60 !36 .72 .30 .72 .84 .42 .70 .28 .72 .36 .60 .24 PHYSIOLOGY Davison's Human Body and Health: Elementary .40 Intermediate .50 Advanced .80 Davison's Health Lessons, Book I .35 Health Lessons, Book II .60 Eddy's Text-book in General Phy.siology and Anatomy 1 .20 Experimental Physiology and Anatomy, Revised .60 Kellogg's First Book in Physiology and Hygiene .40 Kellogg's Second Book in Physiology and Hygiene .80 Macy & Norris's General Physiology for High Schools 1.10 Overton's Applied Physiology — Primary .30 Applied Physiology — Intermediate .50 Applied Physiology — Advanced .80 Tolman's Hygiene for the Worker (Crampton's Hygiene Series) .50 Tracy's Essentials of Anatomy, Physiology and Hygiene. ... 1 .00 Willis's Essentials of Health .40 Elementary P hysiology .80 30 .28 .24 37 .35 .30 60 .56 .48 26 .25 .16 45 .42 .27 ,90 .84 .72 .45 .42 .36 .30 .28 .24 .60 .56 .48 ,82 .77 .66 .22 .21 .18 .37 .35 .30 .60 .56 .36 .37 .35 .30 .75 .70 .60 .30 .28 .24 .60 .56 .48 TEMPERANCE PHYSIOLOGIES New Century Physiology Series: Primer of Hygiene .30 Intermediate Physiology and Hygiene .40 Elementary Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene .75 Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene for High Schools 1 .00 Pathfinder Physiologies: No. 1. Child's Health Primer 30 No. 2. Young People's Physiology .50 No. 3. Hygienic Physiology (Steele) 1 .00 .22 .21 .18 .30 .28 .24 ..56 .53 .45 .75 .70 .60 .22 .21 .18 .37 .35 .30 .75 ,70 .60 30 DEPARTMENT OP PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Title of Book Usual List Price Col. I. POLITICAL SCIENCE Jevon's Political Economy .35 Laughlin's Elements of Political Economy 1 . 20 PSYCHOLOGY Dewey's Psychology 1.25 Halleck's Psychology and Psychic Culture 1 .25 Putnam's Textbook of Psychology 1 .00 READERS— GRADED SERIES Alderman's Classics, Old and New: First Reader .2.5 Second Reader .30 Third Reader 35 Fourth Reader .40 Fifth Reader .40 Baldwin's School Readers: Five Book Series: First Year 25 Second Year .35 Third Year 40 Combined Fourth and Fifth Years .60 Combined Sixth and Seventh Years .65 Baldwin's School Readers: Eight Book Series: First Year .25 Second Year .35 Third Year 40 Fourth Year .40 Fifth Year 40 Sixth Year 45 Seventh Year ■ .45 Eighth Year 45 Baldwin & Bender's Expressive Readers: Five Book Series: First Reader 30 Second Reader .35 Third Reader , 45 Reader for Fourth and Fifth Years .55 Reader for Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Years .65 Baldwin & Benders' Expressive Readers: Eight Book Series: First Reader .30 Second Reader .35 Third Reader 45 Fourth Reader .45 Fifth Reader 45 Sixth Reader .45 Seventh Reader .45 Eighth Reader. .45 Brooks's Readers: Five Book Series: First Year 25 Second Year .35 Third Year 40 Combined Fourth and Fifth Years .50 Combined Sixtii, Seventh, and Eighth Years .60 Brooks's Readers: Eight Book Series: First Year .25 Second Year .35 Third Year 40 Fourth Year .40 Fifth Year 40 Sixth Year 40 Seventh Year .40 Eighth Year .40 Chancellor's Reading and Language Lessons for Evening Schools .30 Standard Short Course for Evening Schools 50 Golden Treasury Readers (Stebbins & Coolidge) : Primer .32 First Reader .32 Second Reader .42 Third Reader 48 Fourth Reader .60 New Education Readers: Book 1 35 Book II 35 Book III 40 Book IV 45 Perception Cards to accompany Book I, Per set 2 . 00 The same for Book II, Per set .75 The same for Book III, Per set 50 —Lowest Exch. Price^ Lowest Free Non-free Wholesale Textbook Textbook Price Districts Districts CoL Col. Col. II. III. IV. .26 .90 .93 .93 .75 .25 .84 .88 .88 .70 .21 .72 .75 .75 .60 .18 .18 .15 .22 .21 .18 .26 .25 .21 .30 .28 .24 .30 .28 .24 .18 .18 .11 .26 .25 .16 .30 .28 .18 .45 .42 .36 .48 .46 .39 .18 .18 .11 .26 .25 .16 .30 .28 .18 .30 .28 .24 .30 .28 .24 .33 32 .27 ..33 .32 .27 .33 .32 .27 .22 .21 .18 .26 .25 .21 .33 .32 .27 .41 .39 .33 .48 .46 .39 .22 .21 .18 .26 .25 .21 .33 .32 .27 .33 .32 .27 .33 .32 .27 .33 .32 .27 .33 .32 .27 .33 .32 .27 .18 .18 .13 .26 .25 .18 .30 .28 .20 .37 .35 .30 .45 .42 .36 .18 .18 .13 .26 .25 .18 .30 .28 .20 .30 .28 .20 .30 .28 .20 .30 .28 .20 .30 .28 .20 .30 .28 .20 .22 .37 .24 .23 .20 .24 .23 .20 .31 .30 .26 .36 .34 .29 .45 .42 .36 .26 .25 .15 .26 .25 .15 .30 .28 .24 .33 .32 .27 .50 ..56 ..37 LIST OF BOOKS AND PRICES 31 Title of Book Usual List Price Col. I. —Lowest Exch. Price-- Lowest Free Non-free Wholesale Textbook Textbook Price Districts Districts Col. Col. Col. II. III. IV. Progressive Course in Reading, (Aldricli «fc Forbes) : First Book 20 Second Book 30 Third Book 40 Fourth Book : 50 The same, Part I .' 35 The same. Part II 35 Fifth Book 60 The same. Part 1 40 The same, Part II 40 Sight Reader (Supplementary to First Book) .15 Sharp's First Reader for Foreigners .40 Standard Catholic Readers: Five Book Series (Doyle): First Reader •. 20 Second Reader .30 Third Reader 40 Fourth Reader .50 Fifth Reader 60 Standard Catholic Readers by Grades: Eight Book Series: First Year 20 Second Year 30 Third Year 35 Fourth Year 35 Fifth Year 35 Sixth Year 35 Seventh Year 35 Eighth Year 35 Story Hour Readers (Coe & Christie) : First Year, First Half 30 First Year, Second Half 30 Perception Cards. First Year. First Half: Outline Pictures .15 Sight Words 60 Phonic Words 60 Word Groups 30 Complete set •. 1 . 65 Perception Cards. First Year. Second Half: Outline Pictures .15 Sight Words 85 Phonic Words 85 Word Groups .40 Complete set 2 . 25 PRIMERS Bailey & Germann's Number Primer .30 Baker's Action Primer .25 Baldwin Primer .30 Beebe's Picture Primer .25 Black's Practical Primer .20 Brown & Bailey's Jingle Primer. . .30 Crosby's Our Little Book for Little Folks 30 Gibbs 3 Natural Number Primer .25 Hyde's Primer ; .25 Rose Primer .30 Stewart & Coe's First Days in School .25 .15 14 .12 .22 21 , .18 .30 28 .24 .37 35 .30 .26 25 .21 .26 25 .21 .45 42 .36 .30 28 .24 .30 28 .24 .11 .30 .15 14 .12 .22 21 .18 .30 28 .24 .37 35 ..30 .45 42 .36 .15 14 .12 .22 21 .18 .26 25 .21 .26 25 .21 .26 25 .21 .26 25 .21 .26 25 .21 .26 25 .21 .22 21 .18 .22 21 .18 .11 .45 .45 .22 1.23 .11 .63 .63 ..^0 1.68 .22 21 .18 .18 18 .15 .22 21 .18 .18 18 .15 .15 14 .12 .22 21 .18 .22 21 .18 .18 18 .15 .18 18 .15 .22 21 .18 .18 18 .15 SUPPLEMENTARY READING General Coe's School Readers: Third Grade Fourth Grade Pathways in Nature and Literature: First Reader Second Reader ( Standard Supplementary Readers: Ea.sy Steps for Little Feet Golden Book of Choice Reading -. Book of Tales Seven American Classics Seven British Classics Fairy Tales and Stories Bakewell's True Fairy Stories Baldwin's Fairy Reader Fairy Stories and Fables Second Fairy Reader Another Fairy Reader .40 .30 .50 .37 .25 .18 .30 .22 .25 .18 .30 .22 ..50 .37 .50 .37 .50 .37 .35 .26 .35 .26 .35 .26 .35 .26 .35 .26 32 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Title of Book Davis & Chow-Leumg's Chinese Fables and Folk Stories. Eldridge's Child's Reader in Verse Farmer's Nature Myths of Many Lands P'ox's Indian Primer Holbrook's Round the Year in Myth and Soijg Lakeside Literature Series: Book I. Fables and Rhymes Book II. Folk Story and Verse Book III. Myths of Old Greece Lane's Stories for Children Logic & Uecke's Story Reader Lucia's Peter and Polly in Summer McCuUough's Little Stories for Little People Nixon- Roulet's Indian Folk Tales Japanese Folk Stories and Fairy Tales ; . . . . Pitre's Swallow Book (Camehl) Pratt's Legends of the Red Children Pyle's Prose and Verse for Children Rolfe's Fairy Tales Simm's Child Literature Smythe's Old Time Stories Retold Stafford's Animal Fables Wood's Children's First Story Book Usual List Price Col. I. .40 .25 .4.5 .25 .60 .30 .40 ..50 .25 .30 .35 .25 .40 .40 .35 .30 .40 ..50 .30 .35 ..30 .25 Famous Stories and Literature Baldwin's Don Quixote for Young People .50 Fifty Famous Stories Retold .35 Fifty Famous People .35 Golden Fleece .50 Nine Choice Poems .25 Old Greek Stories 45 Old Stories of the East .45 Stories of the King . .50 Thirty More Famous Stories Retold .50 Bradish's Old Norse Stories .45 Clarke's Arabian Nights .60 Story of Troy 60 Story of Ulysses 60 Story of Aeneas .45 Cooper's Adventures of Deerslayer. (Haight) .35 Last of the Mohicans (Haight) .35 Adventures of Pathfinder (Haight) .35 Defoe's Robinson Crusoe (Stephens) .50 Robinson Crusoe Retold (Baldwin) .35 Dickens's Child's Oliver Twist and David Copperfield (Sever- ance) .40 Story of Little Nell (Gordon) 50 Tale of Two Cities (Kirk) .50 Twelve Christmas Stories (Gordon) .50 Hall's Homeric Stories .40 Kupfer's Lives and Stories Worth Remembering .45 Lamb's Tales from Shakespeare (Rolfe) Comedies .50 Tragedies .50 Comedies and Tragedies, One volume .60 Scott's Kenilworth (Norris) .50 Quentin Durward (Norris) .50 Talisman (Dewey) .50 Smythe's Reynard the Fox .30 Swift's Gulliver's Travels Retold 35 Thomas's Words of Abraham Lincoln .65 Williams's Choice Literature. New Ed.: Book One 22 Book Two 25 Book Three 28 Book Four .35 Book Five 40 Book Six 45 Book Seven , .50 —Lowest Exch. Price-^ Lowest Free Non-free Wholesale Textbook Textbook Price Districts Districts Col. Col. Col. II. III. IV. .30 .18 .33 .18 .45 .22 .30 .37 .18 .22 .26 .18 .30 .30 .26 .22 .30 .37 .22 .26 .22 .18 .37 .26 .26 .37 .18 .33 .33 .37 .37 .33 .45 .45 .45 .33 .26 .26 .26 .37 .26 .30 .37 .37 .37 .30 .33 .37 .37 .45 .37 .37 .37 .22 .26 .48 .16 .18 .21 .26 .30 .33 .37 Dramatic Readers Johnston & Barnum's Book of Plays for Little Actors Holbrook's Dramatic Reader for Lower Grades Knight's Dramatic Reader for Grammar Grades .30 .40 .50 Geographical and Commercial Readers Carpenter's Geographical Readers: North America South America .60 .60 .22 .30 .37 .45 .45 List O^ BOOKS AND PRICED 3^ Title of Book --Lowest Exch. Price-- Usual Lowest Free Non-free List Wholesale Textbook Textbook Price Price Districts Districts Col. Col. Col. Col. I. IL III. IV. Europe 70 .52 Asia 60 .45 Australia, our Colonies, and Other Islands of the Sea .60 .45 Africa 60 .45 Carpenter's Readers on Commerce and Industry: How the Worid is Fed 60 .•45 How the Worid is Clothed 60 .45 How the World is Housed .60 .45 Dut ton's World at Work Series: Fishing and Hunting .30 .22 In Field and Pasture 35 .26 Trading and Exploring .40 .30 Krout's Alice's Visit to the Hawaiian Islands .45 .33 Two Girls in China 45 .33 Long's Home Geography .25 .18 MacClintock's The Philippines .40 .30 Payne's Geographical Nature Studies .25 .18 Schwartz's Five Little Strangers .40 .30 Shaw's Big People and Little People Of Other Lands 30 .22 Historical and Biographical Readers Arnold's Stories of Ancient Peoples .50 .37 Baldwin's Discovery of the Old Northwest .60 .45 Conquest of the Old Northwest .60 .45 Abraham Lincoln .60 .45 American Book of Golden Deeds .50 .37 Fifty Famous People 35 .26 Four Great Americans .50 .37 Beebe's Four American Naval Heroes .50 .37 Brittain & Harris's Historical Reader .75 .56 Burton's Four American Patriots .50 .37 Story of Lafayette 35 .26 Clarke's Story of Caasar .45 .33 Cody's Four American Poets .50 .37 Four American Writers .50 .37 Coe's Founders of Our Country .50 .37 Cooke's Stories of the Old Dominion .60 .45 Dutton's Little Stories of England 40 .30 Little Stories of France 40 .30 Little Stories of Germany .40 .30 Eggleston's Stories of Great Americans for Little Americans . .40 .30 Stories of American Life and Adventure .50 .37 Foote & Skinner's Explorers and Founders of America .60 .45 Makers and Defenders of America .60 .45 Guerber's Story of the Chosen People .60 .45 Story of the Greeks 60 .45 Story of the Romans .60 .45 Story of the English 65 .48 Story of the Thirteen Colonies 65 .48 Story of the Great Republic 65 .48 Story of Old France 65 .48^ Story of Modern France .65 .48" Haaren & Poland's Famous Men of Rome .50 .37 Famous Men of Greece .50 .37 Famous Men of the Middle Ages .50 .37 Famous Men of Modem Times .50 .37 Home & Scobey's Stories of Great Artists .40 .30 Johonnot's Grandfather's Stories .27 .20 Stories of Heroic Deeds 30 .22 Stories of Our Country 40 .30 Stories of Other Lands 40 .30 Stories of Olden Time 54 .40 Ten Great Events in History . .54 .40 Kingslev's Four American Explorers .50 .37 Story of Lewis and Clark 25 .18 Lucia's Stories of American Discoverers for Little Americans. .40 .30 Otis's Colonial Series: Calvert of Maryland 35 .26 Mary of Plymouth 35 .26 Peter of New Amsterdam .35 .26 Richard of Jamestown .35 .26 Ruth of Boston 35 .26 Stephen of Philadelphia 35 .26 Otis's Pioneer Series: Antoine of Oregon .35 .26 Benjamin of Ohio 35 .26 Hannah of Kentucky 35 .26 Martha of California 35 .26 Philip of Texas 35 .26 Seth of Colorado 35 .26 34 DEPARTMENT OP PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Title of Book ^Lowest Exch. Price—. Usual Lowest Free Non-free List Wholesale Textbook Textbook Price Price Districts Districts Col. Col. Col. Col. I. II. III. IV. Perry's Four American Inventors .50 Perry & Beebe's Four American Pioneers .50 Pitman's Stories of Old France .60 Schwartz's Famous Pictures of Children .40 Scobey & Home's Stories of Great Musicians .40 Shaw's Discoverers and Explorers .35 Van Bergen's Story of China .60 Story of Japan .65 Story of Russia , .65 Wallach's Historical and Biographical Narratives .35 Whitehead's Two Great Southerners .50 Whitney & Perry's Four American Indians .50 Winterburn's Spanish in the Southwest .55 Nature Readers Beebe & Kingsley's First Year Nature Header .35 Abbott's Boy on a Farm (Johnson) .45 Bartlett's Animals at Home .45 Bradish's Stories of Country Life .40 Dana's Plants and Their Children .65 Gilmore's Birds Through the Year .50 Hawkes's Trail to the Woods .40 Holder's Half Hours with the Lower Animals .60 Half Hours with Fishes, Reptiles, and Birds .60 Half Hours with Mammals .60 Stories of Animal Life .60 Johonnot's Book of Cats and Dogs .17 Friends in Feathers and Fur .30 Neighbors with Wings and Fins .40 Some Curious Flyers, Creepers, and Swimmers .40 Some Neighbors with Claws and Hoofs .54 Keffer's Nature Studies on the Farm .40 Kelly's Short Stories of Our Shy Neighbors .50 Mix's Mighty Animals .40 Monteith's Some Useful Animals .50 Needham's Outdoor Studies ; .40 Patri's White Patch 40 Pitre's Swallow Book (Camehl) 35 Pyle's Stories of Humble Friends .50 Riggs's Stories from Lands of Sunshine .40 Stokes's Ten Common Trees .40 Turner's Our Common Friends and Foes .30 Walker's Our Birds and Their Nestlings .60 Patriotic and Ethical Readers Johnson's Story of Two Boys .35 Waste Not, Want Not Stories 50 Marden's Stories from Life .45 Markwick & Smith's The True Citizen .' . . . .60 Persons's Our Country in Poem and Prose : .50 Richman & Wallach's Good Citizenship .45 Bible Reading Schaeffer's Bible Readings for Schools .35 Wight's Selections from the Bible .40 SCIENCE— GENERAL Clark's General Science .80 Laboratory Manual in General Science .40 SOCIOLOGY EUwood's Sociology and Modern Social Problems 1 . 00 Small & Vincent's Introduction to the Study of Society 1 .80 .37 .37 .45 .30 .30 .26 .45 .48 .48 .26 .37 .37 .41 .26 .33 .33 .30 .48 .37 .30 .45 .45 .45 .45 .12 •22 .30 .30 .40 .30 .37 .30 .37 .30 .30 .26 .37 .30 .30 .22 .45 .26 .37 .33 .45 .37 .33 .26 .30 .60 .30 .75 1 . 35 .56 .28 .70 .26 .48 .24 .60 1.08 SPANISH Spanish Language Garner's Essentials of Spanish Grammar 1 .00 Spanish Grammar 1 . 25 Monsanto & Languellier's Practical Spanish Course, Revised 1 .25 Umphrey's Spanish Prose Composition .75 Worman's First Spanish Book. Revised .40 Second Spanish Book. Revised .40 .75 .70 .60 .93 .88 .75 .93 .88 .75 ..56 .53 .45 .30 .28 .24 .30 .28 .24 List OB* BOOKS AND PRICES 35 Title of Book ^Lowest Exch. Price-^ Usual Lowest Free Non-free List Wholesale Textbook Textbook Price Price Districts Districts Col. Col. Col. Col. I. II. III. IV. SPANISH LITERATURE Alarcon. El Capitan Veneno (Brownell) 50 El Nino de la Bola (Schevill) .90 Avellaneda. Baltasar (Bransby) .65 Breton. Quien es Ella? (Garner) .70 Calderon. La Vida es Sueno (Comfort) .70 Conant. Primer of Spanish Literature .30 Fontaine. Floras de Espana .45 Galdos. Dona Perfecta (Lewis) 1 . 00 Electra (Bunnell) 70 Marianela (Gray) .90 Johnson. Cuentos Modernos .60 Larra. Partir a Tiempo (Nichols) .40 Moratin. El Si de las Ninas (Geddes & Josselyn) ; . . .50 Turrell. Spani.sh Reader 80 Valera. El Conendador Mendoza (Schevill) 85 Pepita Jimenez (Cusachs) .90 SPELLING Cronson's Graded Dictation and Spelling Lessons: First Year and First Half of Second Year, Per dozen 60 Second Year, Second Half, and Third Year, each half, Per dozen .60 Fourth and Fifth Years, each half. Per dozen 75 Sixth to Eighth Years, each half. Per dozen 90 Harrington's Spelling Book, Complete 20 Hick's Champion Spelling Book .25 The same. Parts I and IT, each 18 Hunt's Progressive Course in Spelling .20 The same. Parts I and II, each .15 Primary Word Lessons .15 Modem Spelling Book, Vertical Script Edition 20 Osborn & King's Seventy Lessons in Spelling .20 Patterson's American Word Book .25 Rice's Rational Spelling Book: Part 1. Boards 15 The same. Cloth 17 Part II. Boards 20 The same. Cloth 22 Sheldon's Word Studies, Vertical Script Edition 25 The same. Slant Script Edition 25 Swinton's Word Book of English Spelling 18 — SPELLING BLANKS Barnes's Natural Slant Writing Speller, Per dozen 48 Spencerian Practical Writing Speller, Per dozen 48 TRIGONOMETRY Conant's Plane & Spherical Trigonometry With Tables 1 .20 The same without Tables 85 Plane Trigometry with Tables .90 The same without Tables 60 Logarithmetic & Trigonometric Tables 50 Crockett's Plane & Spherical Trigonometry With Tables. ... 1 .25 Plane Trigonometry with Tables 1 . 00 The same without Tables .' 1 . 00 Logarithmetic & Trigonometric Tables 1 . 00 Loomis's Plane & Spherical Trigonometry With Tables .... 1 . 50 Tables of Logarithms 1 . 00 Phillips & Strong's Elements of Plane & Spherical Trigono- metry with Tables 1.40 The same. Without Tables 90 Logarithmetic & Trigonometry Tables 1 . 00 Bobbin's Plane Trigonometry -. CO ZOOLOGY Burnet's School Zoology .75 Laboratory Manual of Zoology .50 Davison's Practical Zoology 1 . 00 Herrick's Laboratory Exercises in General Zoology .60 Textbook in General Zoology " 1 .20 Needham's Elementary Lessons in Zoology .90 Orton's Comparative Zoology (Dodge) 1 .80 Steele's Popular Zoology (Steele In Mythland— Vol. 2 (Grades 3-4) Bds Bell — Mythology in Marble (Grades 8-12) Bergold — Abranam Lincoln (Grades 6-8) Booker — Hiawatha the Indian (Grades 4-5) Campbell — Our Naval Heroes (Grades 6-8) Campbell — Stories of American Pioneers — (Grades 3-5) Cloth Stories of American Pioneers — (Grades 3-5) Boards Campbell — Life of Lincoln (Grades (6-8) Campbell — Wah Sing, Our Little Chinese Cousin — (Grades 3-4) Story of Konrad, The Swiss Boy — (Grades 4-5) Wewa, The Child of the Pueblos— (Grades 4-6) Little Jan, the Dutch Boy (Grades 4-6) Metzu, the Japanese Boy (Grades 4-6) Carroll — Through the Looking Glass and What AUce Found There (Grades 3-4) Clo Through the Looking Glass and What Alice Found There (Grades 3-4) Bds Alice Adventures in Wonderland — (Grades 3-4) Cloth Alice in Wonderland (Grades 3-4) bds Carver & Pratt — Our Fatherland (Grades 4-6) Chandler — Habits of California Plants (Grades 5-10) Chapman — Gulliver among the Giants (Grades 5-10) Chapman — Arabian Nights, Revised for Young Readers (Grades 5-8).. Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale ] Exchanj Price Price Price .26 .18 .15 .30 .22 .18 .30 .22 .18 .40 .30 .24 .50 .37 .30 .25 .18 .15 .25 .18 .15 .35 .26 .21 .50 .37 .30 .25 .18 .16 .35 .26 .21 .40 .30 .24 .45 .33 .27 .45 .33 .27 .45 .33 .27 .45 .33 .27 .30 .22 .18 .30 .22 .18 .40 .30 .24 .40 .30 .24 .30 .22 .18 .35 .26 .21 .35 .26 .21 .35 .26 .21 .35 .26 .21 .40 .30 .24 .40 .30 .24 .60 .45 .36 .70 .52 .42 .40 .30 .24 .45 .33 .27 .30 .22 .30 .22 .25 .18 .15 .11 .15 .11 .40 .30 .40 .30 .30 .22 .40 .30 .40 .30 1.50 1.12 .50 .37 1.00 .75 .40 .30 .40 .30 .30 .22 .30 .22 1.50 1.12 .40 .30 .40 .30 .40 .30 .40 .30 .30 .22 .25 .18 .25 .18 .25 .18 • .25 .18 . . . . < .25 .18 .25 .18 .50 .37 .40 .30 .50 .37 .40 .30 .50 .37 .60 .45 .25 .18 .60 .45 LIST OF BOOKS AND PRICES 63 Title of Book Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price Chad wick — World History in Myth and Legend — (Grades 3-4) 40 .30 Chase — Stories from Animal Land (Grades 4-5) Clo .75 .66 Stories from Animal Land (Grades 4-5) Bds .50 .37 Chase— Plant Babies and Their Cradles— (Grades 1-2) Cloth 40 .30 Buds, Stems and Roots (Grades 2-3) Clo 40 .30 Buds, Stems and Roots (Grades 2-3) Bds 30 .22 Children of the Wigwam (Grades 2-3) .40 .30 Some of Our Flower Friends (Grades 1-2) Cloth 40 .30 Chase — Some of our Flower Friends (Grades 1-2) Bds .30 .22 Friends of the Fields (Grades 2-3) Clo 40 .30 Friends of the Fields (Grades 2-3) Bds 30 .22 Stories from Birdland— Vol 1 (Grades 2-3) 40 .30 Stories from Birdland— Vol. 2 (Grades 3-5) 40 .30 Stories from Birdland— Vol. 1 (Grades 2-3) 30 .22 Stories from Birdland— Vol. 2 (Grades 3-5) 30 .22 Chase & Clow— Stories of Industry— Vol. 1 (Grades 5-6) Cloth 60 .45 Stories of Industry — Vol. 2 (Grades 6-7) Cloth 60 .45 Stories of Industry — Vol. 1 (Grades 5-6) Boards 40 .30 Stories of Industry— Vol. 2 (Grades 6-7) Boards 40 .30 Clinkscales — How Zach Came to College (Grades 6-8) .75 .56 Cone — Gilder Pen Portraits of Literary Women (Grades 11-12) 1 . 50 1 . 12 D'Anvers — Science Ladders — Vol. 1 (Grades 4-5) .40 .30 Science Ladders— Vol. 2 (Grades 6-7) 40 .30 Science Ladders— Vol. 3 (Grades 7-8) 40 .30 Davis — Young America's Manual — Child's Guide to Patriotism (Grades 5-8).... 25 .18 Four New York Boys (Grades 4-6) 60 .45 Nature Stories for Youngest Readers — (Grades 1-2) Cloth 40 .30 Nature Stories for Youngest Readers — (Grades 1-2) Boards 30 .22 Defoe's— Robinson Crusoe (Grades 6-8) Cloth. . .' 50 .37 Robinson Crusoe (Grades 6-8) Boards .40 .30 Dewey — Ethics, Stories for Home and School (Grades 4-5) Cloth 60 .45 Ethics, Stories for Home and School (Grades 4-5) Boards .40 .30 Dickens— Little Nell (From Old Curiosity Shop) Grades 4-5 Cloth 50 .37 Little Nell (From Old Curiosity Shop) Grades 4-5 Boards 40 .30 Paul Dombey (From Dombey and Son) Grades 4-5 Cloth 50 .37 Paul Dombey (From Dombey and Son) Grades 4-5 Boards .40 .30 Elton— Career of Columbus (Grades 8-12) 1 . 50 1.12 Endicott— Stories of the Bible— Vol. 1 (Grades 3-4) Cloth 60 .45 Stories of the Bible— Vol. 2 (Grades 5-6) Cloth 60 .45 Stories of the Bible— Vol 3 (Grades 5-6) Cloth 60 .45 Stories of the Bible— Vol. 1 (Grades 3^) Boards 40 .30 Stories of the Bible— Vol. 2 {Grades 5-6) Boards 40 .30 Stories of the Bible— Vol. 3 (Grades 5-6) Boards 40 .30 Fairbanks — Stories of Our Mother Earth (Grades 5-7) .50 .37 Stories of Rocks and Minerals (Grades 8-9) .60 .45 Fallows — Story of the American Flag (Grades 6-10) 50 .37 Flagg— A Year with the Birds (Grades 7-8) 1 .00 .75 A Year with the Trees (Grades 8-12) 1 .00 .76 Forster — Stories of Minnesota (Grades 6-7) .50 .37 Gilberne — Ocean of Air (Grades 8-9) 1 .25 .93 Godolphin — Swiss Family Robinson (Grades 3-4) Cloth 50 .37 Swiss Family Robinson (Grades 3-4) Boards .40 .30 Godolphin — Robinson Crusoe for Young Folks — (Grades 4-5) Cloth. . . .50 .37 Robinson Crusoe for Young Folks — (Grades 4-5) Boards .40 .30 Goldman & Schottenfels^In Mother Goose Land .30 .22 Gordon — Patriotism in Prose and Verse — (Grades 5-8) Cloth .60 .45 Patriotism in Prose and Verse — (Grades 5-8) Boards .40 .30 Greenleaf — Stories and Tales from the Animal World (Grades 4-5) .... .50 .37 Hamlin — Pictures from English Literature (Grades 8-9) .60 .45 Handy Book of Quotations — Selected (Grades 6-9) 75 .56 Hawkes — Nature^s Children (Grades 3-5) 50 .37 Hawthorne— Wonder Book (Grades 4-5) Cloth 40 .30 Wonder Book (Grades 4-5) Boards 30 .22 Twice Told Tales (Grades 8-9) Clo 40 .30 Twice Told Tales (Grades 8-9) Bds 30 .22 Tanglewood Tales (Grades 4-5) Clo 40 .30 Tanglewood Tales (Grades 4-5) Bds 30 .22 Grandfathers Chair (Grades 5-8) Clo 40 .30 Grandfathers Chair (Grades 5-8 )Bds .30 .22 House of Seven Gables (Grades 7-9) Cloth 40 .30 House of Seven Gables (Grades 7-9) Boards. 30 .22 Hehn— Five Little Foxes and Other Folks— (Grades 2-4) 40 .30 Henty — Tales from Henty (Grades 5-6) 50 .37 Hix — A Book of Lullabies (Grades 1-5) 40 .30 Hopkins — OutUnes of Art History — Volume I, Architecture (Grades 8-12) 1 .00 .75 Hoyt — Robinson Crusoe for Youngest Readers — (Grades 2-3) Cloth. . . .40 .30 Robinson Crusoe for Youngest Readers — (Grades 2-3) Boards .30 .22 Legends of the Springtime (Grades 3-4) .40 .30 Legends of the Springtime (Grades 3-4) Bds 30 .22 Howard — Four Great Pathfinders (Grades 7-10) 50 .37 Howe — Around the Year With the Little Bennetts (Grades 2-3) 40 .30 Hughtts — Tom Brown's School Days (Grades 7-8) 76 .56 54 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Title of Book Jewett— Hopi, The Cliff Dweller (Grade 2) Jenkins — Prose Lady of the Lake (Grades 6-7) Prose Marmion (Grades 7-8) f Story of Enid the Good Jollie — Stories from the Land of Never Never — (Grades 3-4) Kelly — Introduction to Leaves from Nature's Story Book (Grades 1-2) Cloth Leaves from Nature's Story Book — Vol. I Cloth (Grades 3-4) Leaves from Nature's Story Book — Vol. 2 Cloth (Grades 4-5) Leaves from Nature's Story Book- Vol. 3 Cloth (Grades 5-6) Introduction to Leaves from Nature's Story Book (Grades 1-2) Bds.. Leaves from Nature's Story Book — Vol. 1 Boards (Grades 3-4) Leaves from Nature's Story Book — Vol. 2 Boards (Grades 4-5) Leaves from Nature's Story Book — Vol. 3 Boards (Grades 5-6) Keysor — Sketches of American Writers — Vol. 1 Cloth (Grades 7-8). . . . Sketches of American Writers — Vol. 2 Cloth (Grades 7-9) ; Sketches of American Writers — Vol I Boards (Grades 7-8) Sketches of American Writers — ^Vol. II Boards (Grades 7-9) Stories of Great Artists — Vol. I (Grades 6-10) Stories of Great Artists— Vol. II (Grades 6-10) Stories of Great Artists— Vol. Ill (Grades 6-10) Stories of Great Artists— Vol. IV (Grades 6-10) Stories of Great Artists — Vol. V (Grades 6-10) Kingsley — Water Babies (Grades 4-6) Cloth WatQr Babies (Grades 4-6) Boards Kirby — Aunt Martha's Corner Cupboard (Grades 4-6) Cloth Aunt Martha's Corner Cupboard (Grades 4-6) Boards Lamb — Tales from Shakespeare (Grades 7-8) Lange — How to Know the Wild Birds of Indiana — Grades 7-12) How to Know the Wild Birds of Illinois — (Grades 7-12) How to Know the Wild Birds of Ohio— (Grades 7-12) Lovering — Stories of New York (Grades 6-7) Clo Stories of New York (Grades 6-7) Bds Stories of Ohio (Grades 5-6) Cloth Stories of Ohio (Grades 5-6) Boards Macomber — Stories of Great Men (Grades 3-4) Clo Stories of Great Men (Grades 3-4) Bds Stories of Our Authors (Grades 3-4) Clo Stories of Our Authors (Grades 3-4) Bds Stories of Great Inventors (Grades 3-5) Cloth ■ Stories of Great Inventors (Grades 3-5) Boards Marshall — The Cat School (Grades 1-2) The Nixie Well (Grades 1-2) ,. Merkley — History of English and American Literature — Vol. I (Grades 10-12) History of English and American Literature — Vol. 2 (Grades 10-12) . History of Enghsh and American Literature — Vol. 3 (Grades 10-12) . Milton — Paradise Lost. Introduction by Bishop Warren. (Grades 11-12) Moore — What the Pictures Say (Grades 2-3) Mulock — Adventures of a Brownie (Grades 2-3) Clo Adventures of a Brownie (Grades 2-3) Bds Little Lame Prince (Grades 3-4) Newton — Our Little Folks Primer (Grades 1-2) Clo Our Little Folks Primer (Grades 1-2) Bds Norris — Story of Hiawatha (Grades 2-3) Clo Story of Hiawatha (Grades 2-3* Bds Story of Ulysses (Grades 2-3) Cloth Story of Ulysses (Grades 2-3) Boards Northend— Choice Selections — Lessons in Recitations, Morals and Literature. (Grades 1-8) Ouida — Moufflon, Dog of Florence. Edited by Jenkins. (Grades 3-5) Child of Urbino, Story of Raphael — (Grades 3-6) Dog of Flanders (Grades 3-4) Clo Dog of Flanders (Grades 3-4) Bds Story of Nurnberg Stove (Grades 4-5) Powers — Stories of Indian Days (Grades 4-7) Stories of Famous Pictures — Vol. I (Grades 2-4) Stories of Famous Pictures — Vol. II (Grades 2-4) Poyntz — Aunt May's Bird Talks (Grades 4-6) Pratt — Aesop Fables— Vol. I (Grades 1-2) Cloth Aesop Fables— Vol. II (Grades 2-3) Cloth Aesop Fables — Vol. I (Grades 1-2) Boards Aesop Fables — Vol. II (Grades 2-3) Boards Cortez and Montezuma (Grades 6-7) Cloth Cortez and Montezuma (Grades 6-7) Boards DeSoto, Marquette & LaSalle, (Grades 5-6) Cloth DeSoto, Marquette & LaSalle, (Grades 5-6) Boards Great West (Grades 6-7) Cloth Great West (Grades 6-7) Boards Grimm's Fairy Tales (Grades 2-3) Cloth Grimm's Fairy Tales (Grades 2-3) Boards Legends of Norseland (Grades 4-5) Cloth Legends of Norseland (Grades 4-5) Boards Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price .30 .22 .40 .30 .40 .30 .25 .18 .40 .30 .40 .30 .60 .45 .60 .45 .60 .45 .30 .22 .40 .30 .40 .30 .40 .30 .60 .45 .60 .45 .40 .30 .40 .30 .50 .37 .50 .37 .50 .37 .50 .37 .50 .37 .60 .45 .40 .30 .40 .30 .30 .22 .50 .37 .50 .37 .50 .37 .50 ..37 .60 .45 .40 .30 ..... .50 .37 .40 .30 .40 .30 .30 .22 .40 .30 .30 .22 .40 .30 .30 .22 .30 .22 .30 .22 .50 .37 . 50 .37 .50 .37 .60 .45 .40 .30 .40 • .30 .30 .22 .25 .18 .30 .22 .25 .18 .40 .30 .30 .22 .40 .30 .30 .22 .60 .45 .25 .18 .30 .22 .40 .30 .30 .22 .25 .18 .40 .30 .40 .30 .40 .30 . .50 .37 .,... .40 .30 .40 .30 .30 .22 .30 .22 .50 .37 .30 .22 .50 .37 .30 .22 .50 .37 .30 .22 .50 .37 .40 .30 .60 .46 .40 .30 LIST OP BOOKS AND PRICES 55 Title of Book Little Flower Folks — Vol. 1 (Grades 4-6) Little Flower Folks— Vol. 2 (Grades 4-6) Clo Little Flower Folks— Vol. 1 (Grades 4-6) Bds Little Flower Folks— Vol. 2 (Grades 4-6) Bds Myths of Old Greece— Vol. 1 (Grades .5-6) Clo Myths of Old Greece— Vol. 2 (Grades 5-6) Clo Myths of Old Greece— Vol. 3 (Grades 5-6) Clo Myths of Old Greece— Vol. 1 (Grades .5-6) Bds Myths of Old Greece— Vol. 2 (Grades 5-6) Bds Myths of Old Greece— Vol. 3 (Grades .5-6) Bds People and Places Here and There — Vol. I — Australasia. (Grades .5-6) Cloth : . . . Volume II — India (Grades 5-6) Cloth Volume III— China (Grades 5-6) Cloth Volume IV — Northern Europe (Grades 7-8) Volume V— England (Grades 8-9) Cloth People and Places Here and There — Volumes I, II, III, IV, V. Bound in Boards, each Story of Columbus (Grades 4-5) Cloth Story of Columbus — Butterfly's Home. Second Grade No. 7— Little Red Riding Hood. 8 — Jack and the Bean Stalk. 7.5 — Roots and Stems. 76— Bird Friends. 78— Flower Friends— Part II. 79— Flower Friends— Part III. 87 — Legend of the Springtime — Part I.. 185 — RoDinson Crusoe — Part I. 186— Robinson Crusoe — Part II. 187 — Robinson Crusoe — Part III. 188 — Robinson Crusoe — Part IV. 189— Children of History— Part I. 190— Children of History— Part II. 196 — Legend of the Springtime — Part II. 198— Flower World. No. 1 — Grimm's Fairy Tales — Part I. 4 — Grimm's Fairy Tales— Part II. 9 — Story of Bryant. 13 — Selections from Grimm — Part I. 14 — Selections from Grimm — Part II. Third Grade 20 — Stories from Garden and Field — Part I. 21 — Stories from Garden and Field — Part II. 25 — Story of Columbus. 26 — Story of Israel Putnam. 27— Story of William Penn. 28 — Story of Washington. LIST OF BOOKS AND PRICES 59 29 — Story of Franklin. HO — Story of Webster. 31 — Story of Lincoln. 35— Story of Lowell. 36— Story of Tennyson. 42 — Story of Whittier. 43 — Story of Cooper. 44 — Story of Fulton. 4.5 — Story of the Pilgrims. 46 — Story of the Boston Tea Party. 48 — Story of Eli Whitney. 60 — Story of Edison. 61— Story of Hawthorne. 62— Story of S. F. B. Morse. 63— Story of Louisa M. Alcott. 64— Storv of James Watt. 68 — Story of the Norseman. 69 — Puss in Boots. 70 — Story of Stephenson. 71 — Story of Irving. 72 — Story of Pocahontas. 81 — Story of Cyrus W. Field. . 95_Story of Revolution— Part I. (Lexmgton& Concord). 96— Story of Revolution— Part II. (British Driven from Boston). 101— Story of Revolution— Part III. (Battle of Long Island). 120 — Liberty Bell. ^ 139 — Lucy's Wonderful Globe. — Part I. 140— Lucy's Wonderful Globe — Part II. 141 — Lucy's Wonderful Globe — Part III. Fourth Grade 22 — Hawthorne's Golden Touch. 82 — Story of Holmes. 83— Story of La Salle. 89 — Story of Longfellow. 90 — De Soto. 91 — Marquette. 98 — Story of Boone. 99 — Pioneers of the West. lOO^Fremont and Carson. ^ t^ . t 103— Stories and Rhymes of Woodland— Part I. 104 — Stories and Rhymes of Woodland — Part II. 105— Stories and Rhymes of Birdland— Part I. 106 — Stories and Rhymes of Birdland— Part II. 107 — Stories and Rhymes of Flowerland — Part 1. 108— Stories and Rhymes of Flowerland — Part II. 125 — Selections from Longfellow. 193— Joan of Arc. Fifth Grade 23 — Hawthorne's Three Golden Apples. 24 — Hawthorne's Miraculous Pitcher. 33 — The Chimaera. 34 — Paradise of Children. 92 — Audubon. 97 — Jefferson. 102 — Nathan Hale. 130 — LaFayette. 131 — Farragut. 147 — Dickens. Sixth Grade 1.5 — Legend of Sleepy Hollow. 16 — Rip Van Winkle, etc. (Irving). 32 — King of the Golden River. 39 — We are Seven, etc. (Wordsworth). 47 — Rab and His Friends. .50 — Christmas Eve, etc. (Irving) . 54 — Pied Piper of Hamelin. 5.5 — John Gilpin, etc. (Cowper). 57 — Lady of the Lake — Canto I. 67 — Thanatopsis. 84 — The Minotaur (Hawthorne). 8.5 — The Pygmies (Hawthorne) . 86 — The Dragon's Teeth (Hawthorne). 93 — The Great Stone Face. 94 — Snow Image. 126 — Selections irom Longfellow. 129— Great Carbuncle (Hawthorne). 60 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Seventh Grade 17 — Philip of Pokanoket (Irving). -6 — Lays of Ancient Rome. 10 — Enoch jArden. 18 — The Voyage, etc. (Irving). 40 — Ancient Mariner. 41 — Evangeline. 66 — Declaration of Independence and Washington's Address. 145 — Life of Grant. 146— Life of Washington. 148— Culprit Fay. 175 — Paul Jones. 176 — Life of Lincoln. 177 — Life of Hancock. 195 — George Dewey. 197 — Oliver Hazard Perry. 203 — Life of Madison. 205 — Peter the Great. 219 — Peter Stuyvesant. 220 — Henry Hudson. 221 — Patrick Henry. Eighth Grade 19 — Deserted Village. 37 — Othello, etc. (Lamb). 38— The Tempest, etc. (Lamb). 51— As You Like It. 52 — Merchant of Venice. 56— The Elegy, etc. (Gray). 80 — Cotter's Saturday Night (Burns). 1 1 1 — Prisoner of Chillon. 142 — Speeches of Lincoln. 178 — The Minister's Black Veil, Sights from a Steeple. (Hawthorne). 179 — Julius Caesar. 180 — Richard the II. 184 — Thomas Jefferson. 191 — Prophetic Pictures, David Swan. (Hawthorne). 192 — John and Samuel Adams. 194 — Life of Hamilton. 199 — Mr. Higginbotham's Catastrophe (Hawthorne). 204 — Selections for Reading in Teachers' Institutes. 210 — Howe's Masquerade (Hawthorne). 211 — Lady Eleanore's Mantle, Old Esther Dudley (Hawthorne). High School 49 — L' Allegro. 53— Henry VIII. 58 — Lady of the' Lake — Canto 2. 69 — Lady of the Lake — Canto 3. 65 — Sir Roger de Coverley. 88 — Vision of Sir Launfal. 112 — Lady of the Lake — Canto 4. 113 — Lady of the Lake — Canto 5. 114 — Lady of the Lake — Canto 6. 181 — Southey's Shorter Poems. 182 — The Lay of Virginia. 183 — The Prophecy of Capys. 207 — Frederick Douglass. 208 — Mutabihty of Literature — Art of Book-Making, Christmas, Stage Coach. (Irving). 209 — Readings from Irving's Sketch Book. 218 — Laodamia (Wordsworth). 228 — Snowbound. LIST Oy BOOKS AND PRICES 61 LIST OF ELLIS PUBLISHING COMPANY Battle Creek. Mich. To be furnished f. o. b. at Battle Creek, Mich., upon order of any school board or board of educa- tion in Michigan, or upon the order of duly authorized and responsible purchasing agents of such board upon terms and prices listed below. Usual Lowest Lowest Title of Book List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price ARITHMETIC Model Arithmetic $0 . 69 Model Mental Arithmetic .20 BOOKKEEPING Cabinet-Card System, Outfit 5 . 42 Ellis Industrial System, Outfit 6.25 Journalizing Exercises .10 Office Practise & Actual Bus. Course, Outfit 1.75 Principles of Bookkeeping, Outfit .50 Practical Course in Bankmg, Outfit 1 . 12} Tablet Method of Teaching Bookkeeping: Complete Tablet Course, Outfit 3 .75 Intermediate Tablet Course, Outfit 2 . 25 Elementary Tablet Course, Outfit 1 . 56 Complete less Elementary Tablet Course, Outfit 2 . 50 Complete less Intermediate Tablet Course, Outfit 1 . 85 Primary Tablet Course, Outfit 1 . 52 Corporation Tablet Course, Outfit 1.15 BUSINESS CORRESPONDENCE Ellis Business Correspondence, Outfit .65 Beck's Letter Writing Made Easy, Outfit 28 BUSINESS ENGLISH Effective English and Letter Writing 70 Essentials of English .60 COMMERCIAL LAW Practical Law .65 Essentials of Commercial Law 62 PENMANSHIP Bayley-Greenwood System of Penmanship .18 Tablet Method of Actual Bus. Writing, Outfit 40 SPELLERS Ellis Rational Speller .30 Practical Word Book 20 50 .52 $0.35 .15 .10 4 .07 2.75 4 .69 3.15 .07} .05 1 .31 .90 .37} .25 .85 .60 2 .81 1.90 .69 1.15 .17 .80 .88 1.25 .39 .95 .14 .80 .86 .60 .49 .33 .21 .14 .53 . .35 .45 .30 .49 .33 .47 .31 .14 .09 .30 .20 .22} .15 .15 .10 62 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION LIST OF A. FLANAGAN COMPANY 52 1 South Wabash Ave., Chicago To be furnished f. o. b. at Chicago, 111., upon order of any school board or board of education in Michigan, or upon the order of duly authorized and responsible purchasing agents of such board upon terms and prices listed below. Title of Book AGRICULTURE Nida — Elementary Agriculture $0 . 60 COMPOSITION AND LITERATURE McFee — Studies in English and American Literature Peterson — First Steps in English Composition , DRAWING Graded Drawing and Construction Books: Books 1, 2, 3 and 4 Books 5, 6, 7, and 8 HISTORY Hollands — Wlien Michigan Was New .60 ORTHOGRAPHY Winchell — Orthography, Etymology and Punctuation .60 Usual List Price Lowest Lowest Wholesale Exchange Price Price $0.60 $0.48 1.00 .40 .75 .30 $0 . 50 .18 .15 .20 .11 .15 .45 .45 .24 .24 SUPPLEMENTARY READERS Nature and Science Boyle — Outdoor Secrets Cooke — Nature Myths and Stories Hicks— Nature and History Stories Howliston — Cat Tails and Other Tales Livingstone— Glimpses of Pioneer Life Bird and Animal Tales Craik — Bow-Wow and Mew-Mew Parker — Our Friends, The Birds Sewell — Bonny Prince , Simmerman — Story of Two Kittens , Smith — Bunny Boy and Grizzly Bear Bunny Bright Eyes Circus Book (The) Little Bear Seventeen Little Bears Tale of Bunny Cotton-Tail Three Little Cotton-Tails Readers and Story Books Banta & Benson — Brownie Primer (The) Second Brownie Book Jacobs — Art and Life Primer Maguire — Two Little Indians Nida — Ab, the Cave Man Smith — Hawk-Eye: An Indian Story Reader Geography, Travel and Industry Codd— With Evans to the Pacific Library of Travel Series George — Nineteen Volumes, each Alaska and Canada (George & Kern). China and .Japan. Cuba and Porto Rico. England and Wales. France and Switzerland. Germany. .35 .26 .35 .26 .25 .19 .40 .30 .40 .30 25 .19 .50 .38 ,35 .26 .30 .22 ,25 .19 ,25 .19 35 .26 30 .23 30 .23 25 .19 25 .19 35 .26 35 .26 30 .23 30 ,23 50 ..38 30 .23 60 .45 50 .38 LIST OF BOOKS AND PRICES 63 Title of Book Hawaii and the Philippines. Holland, Belgium & Denmarlc (George and Dean). Italj^, Spain and Portugal (George & Wbitcomb). Mexico and Central Americi. Northern Wilds (Felix J. Koch). Norway and Sweden. Russia and Austria (George & Koch). Scotland and Ireland (George & Whitcomb). South Africa and Up the East Coast (White & Smith). Turkey, The Balkans and Greece (George & Koch). Our Western Wonderland — California (Koch). Through the Great Southwest (Koch). Some Strange Places and Peoples in our Southwestern Land (New Mexico and Arizona — James. Kirby — Aunt Martha's Corner Cupboard Muller — Little People of Japan Little People of the Snow Story of Akimakoo Story of Wretched Flea: a Chinese Boy Great American Industries Rocheleau — Minerals Products of the Soil Manufactures Transportation Simpson — Old Mother Earth Starr — Mustafa, the Egyptian Boy Famous Stories, and Literature Conover — Evangeline Cowles — Robinson Crusoe Reader De La Rame — Dog of Flanders Nurnberg Stove Hale— Man Without a Country Stevenson — Child's Garden of Verses History and Biography Ellis — Lives of the Presidents McFee — -American Heroes from History Mythology and Fable Allison — Sixteen Stories Bones — Fairy Tales from Andersen Boyle — Calender Stories Gardner — Work That is Play (Dramatic Reader) Klingensmith — Household Stories Patriotism and Ethics South — Story of Our Country in Poetry and Song Bible Stories Herbst — Tales and Customs of the Ancient Hebrews Usual List Price Lowest Lowest Wholesale Exchange Price Price .40 .40 .35 .35 .35 .50 .50 .50 .60 .30 .40 .25 .30 .25 .25 .25 .40 .50 .75 .25 .40 .30 .35 .35 .50 .35 .30 ..30 .26 .26 .26 .38 .38 .38 .45 .23 .30 .19 .23 .19 .19 .19 .30 .38 .56 .19 .30 .22 .26 .26 .38 .26 CLASSICS Little Classics Five Cent Editions: Jack and The Beanstalk Hiawatha and Its Author Our Little Sisters and Hiawatha AVhittier and His Snow-Bound Fairy Tales, No. 2 Stories From Andersen The Little Fir Tree and Other Stories From Andersen . . Arthur The Hero King Stories of Sir Launcelot The Rebellion in Toyland The Story of Daniel Boone The Story of Lincoln The Story of Wa.shington The Story of Franklin A Longfellow Booklet The Story of the Revolution The Norse Seamen and Christopher Columbus How Canada Was Discovered and Settled A Christmas Carol Miss Alcott's Boys The Blackbird Family 05 .04 05 .04 05 .04 05 .04 05 .04 05 .04 05 .04 05 .04 05 .04 05 .04 05 .04 05 .04 05 .04 05 .04 05 .04 05 .04 05 .04 05 .04 05 .04 05 .04 05 .04 64 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Title of Book The Crow, The Ravea and The Kingfisher The Story of Grace Darling ; The Three Golden Apples The Miraculous Pitcher William McKinley ^ The Discovery of America The Shepherd Psalm, or The Psalm of the Crook Heroes of Industry Farther Marquette The Story of Jeanne (Joan) D'Arc The King of the Golden River Rab and His Friends The Great Stone Face The Snow-Image The Legend of Sleepy Hollow , . . The Pied Tipei of Hamelin and Other Poems The Courtship of Miles Standish Evangeline Thanatopsis and Other Poems Selected Poems From Thomas Moore Snow-Bound and The Corn Song The Song of Hiawatha Enoch Arden The Cotter's Saturday Night and Other Poems The Deserted Village Twelve Cent Editions: Bow- Wow And Mew-Mew Stories of Famous Musicians A Dog of Flanders A Christmas Carol The Courtship of Miles Standish and the Building of the Ship The Song of Hiawatha The Man Without a Country The Story of King Arthur The Lady of The Lake The Lay of the Last Minstrel Julius Caesar • The Merchant of "Venice Hamlet Macbeth The Tempest The Gold-Bug and Other Selections From The Works of Edgar Allen Poe Lays of Ancient Rome Selections From The Sketch Book The Princess Tales of A Wayside Inn — Part I Tales of A Wayside Inn — Part II Tales of A Wayside Inn — Part III The Vision of Sir Launf al And Other Poems . . . .' Three Selections From Washington Irving Sohrab and Rustum Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 . . .12 .10 .12 .10 .12 .10 .12 .10 .12 .10 .12 .10 .12 .10 .12 .10 .12 .10 .12 .10 .12 .10 .12 .10 .12 .10 .12 .10 .12 .10 .12 .10 .12 .10 .12 .10 .12 .10 .12 .10 .12 .10 .12 .10 .12 .10 .12 .10 .12 .10 LIST OF BOOKS AND PRICES 65 LIST OF GINN AND COMPANY Chicago, 111. To be furnished f. o. b. at Chicago, 111., upon order of any school board or board of education In Michigan, or upon the order of duly authorized and responsible purchasing agents ot such board upon terms and prices listed below. (Note: In Column 3 is given the net exchange price if the books be purchased by the board and not sold to pupils. If pupils purchase the books an additional 10 per cent of the list price will be deducted from the exchange price given in Column 3. On books listed for supplementary use only, no exchange price is made.) Usual Lowest Lowest Title of Book List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price BOOKS FOR COMMON SCHOOLS Agriculture Burkett, Stevens & Hill — Agriculture for Beginners $0.75 Arithmetic Prince — Arithmetic by Grades, Books I-VIII ea .20 Smith — Primary Arithmetic .35 Smith — Intermediate Arithmetic .40 Smith — Advanced Arithmetic .45 Smith — Practical Arithmetic .65 Smith — Grammar School Arithmetic .60 Speer — Primary Arithmetic .35 Speer — Elementary Arithmetic .45 Speer — Advanced Arithmetic .50 Wentworth — Elementary Arithmetic .30 Wentworth — Practical Arithmetic .65 Wentworth — Mental Arithmetic .30 Wentworth-Smith — Elementary Aritiimetic (New) .35 Wentworth-Smith — Complete Arithmetic, Part I .40 Wentworth-Smith — Complete Arithemtic, Part II ,40 Wentworth-Smith — Complete Arithmetic, Parts I and II in one volume .60 Wentworth-Smith — Oral Arithmetic .35 Wentworth-Smith — Work and Play With Numbers .35 Cobb's Busy Builders' Book 30 Civics Dawes — How We are Governed 1 . 00 Hill — Lessons for Junior Citizens .50 Macy — First Lessons in Civil Government .60 Geography Frye — First Steps in Geography .65 Frye — First Steps in Geography, Parts I and II, each .45 Frye — Grammar School Geography 1 . 25 Frye — Grammar School Geography, Parts I and II, each .80 Frye — Elements of Geography .65 Frye — First Book in Geography .50 Frye — Home Geography and Type Studies .36 Frye — Primary Geography .60 Frye — Leading Facts of Geography (Complete Edition) 1 . 10 Frye — Leading Facts of Geography, Book I .60 Frye — Leading Facts of Geography, Book II 1 .00 Frye— Complete Geography 1.25 History Kemp — History for Graded and Districts Schools 1 . 00 Lawler — Primary History of the United States .60 Lawler — Essentials of American History 1 »00 Montgomery — Beginners' American History .60 Montgomery — Elementary American History ."75 Montgomery — Leading Facts of American History, Revised 1 . 00 Language and Grammar Arnold — With Pencil and Pen .35 Kittredge and Arnold — Tne Mother Tongue (Language and Grammar) : Book I, Revised .45 Book II, Revised .60 Book II, Revised with Composition .70 $0.56 .26 $0.53 15 .14 26 .25 30 .28 33 .32 48 .46 45 .42 26 .25 33 .32 37 .35 22 .21 48 .46 22 .21 26 .25 30 .28 30 .28 45 .42 26 .25 26 .25 22 .21 75 .70 37 .35 45 .42 48 .46 33 .32 93 .88 60 .56 48 .46 37 .35 27 .25 45 .42 82 .77 45 .42 75 .70 93 .88 75 .70 45 .42 75 .70 45 .42 56 ..53 75 .70 .25 33 .32 45 .42 52 .49 DEPARTMENT OP PUBLIC INSTRUCTION ^ Usual Title of Book List Price Prince — Practical English Grammar .60 Tarbell — Lessons in Language and Grammar: Book 1 35 Book II 60 Whitney and Lockwood — English Grammar .70 Manual Training, Supplementary Foster — Elementary Woodworking .60 Music McLaughlin — Elements and Notation of Music .50 New Educational Music Course: Primary Melodies .25 First Reader .30 Second Reader .30 Third Reader 35 Fourth Reader .40 Fifth Reader 50 Song Reader .45 Introductory Chart 6 . 00 Easel for Music Charts 1 .00, Chart Manual .25 Scale Drill Chart 40 Teachers' Edition for Elementary Grades 1.25 Physiology Blaisdell— Child's Book of Health, Revised 30 Blaisdell — How to Keep Well, Revised .45 Blaisdell — Our Bodies and How We Live, Revised .65 The Gulick Hygiene Series: Book I. Good Health 40 Book II. Emergencies .40 Book III. Town and City 50 Book IV. The Body at Work 50 Book V. Control of Body and Mind 50 The Body and its Defenses .65 Reading (See also supplementary list below). Ball — Natural Reading Primer .25 Ball — Natural Reading Manual of Instruction .30 Blodgett — Primer (Black and White Edition) 25 Blodgett — First Reader 30 Blodgett — Second Reader .35 Blodgett— Third Reader 45 Blodgett — Fourth Reader .65 Blodgett— Fifth Reader 75 Blodgett — Readers by Grades: Primer (Black and White Edition) 25 Book 1 30 Book II 35 Book III, IV, and V, each 40 Books VI and VII, each 50 Burt — Markham Primer .30 Cyr — New Primer .30 C.yr — Primer .24 Cyr — First Reader 28 Cyr — Second Reader .36 Cyr— Third Reader 50 Cyr — Fourth Reader 60 Cyr— Fifth Reader 70 Cyr — Dramatic First Reader .30 Cyr — Graded Art Readers: Book 1 30 Book II 35 Book III 50 Cyr — Readers by Grades: Book I 25 Book II 30 Books III, IV, V, each 40 Books, VI, VII, and VIII, each 45 Fassett — Beacon Primer .35 Fassett — The Beacon Phonetic and Reading Charts, complete with Holder 4 . 50 Finch — Primer 30 Finch — First Reader 30 Hill — Readers: Book 1 25 Book II 30 Book III 40 Book IV . . . , .50 Book V 60 Lowest Lowest Wholesale Exchange Price Price .45 .26 .45 .52 .45 .37 .42 .25 .42 .49 .35 .18 .18 .22 .21 .22 .21 .26 .25 .30 .28 .37 .35 .33 .32 4.50 4.20 .75 .18 .30 .93 .22 .21 .33 .32 .48 .46 .30 .28 .30 .28 .37 .35 .37 .35 .37 .35 .48 .46 .18 .18 .22 .18 .18 .22 .21 .26 .25 .33 .32 .48 .46 .56 ..53 .18 .18 .22 .21 .26 .25 .30 .28 .37 .35 .22 .21 .22 .21 .18 .17 .21 .20 .27 .25 .37 .35 .45 .42 ..52 .49 .22 .21 .22 .21 .26 .25 .37 .35 .18' .18 .22 .21 .30 .28 .33 .32 .26 .25 ' ' [22 ■ ".2i .22 .21 .18 .18 .22 .21 .30 .28 .37 .35 .45 .42 LIST OF BOOKS AND PRICES 67 Title of Book Jones — First Reader • Jones — Second Reader Jones — Third Reader Jones — Fourth Reader Jones — Fifth Reader Jones — Readers by Grades: Book I Book II Books III, IV, V, VI, VII, each Book VIII Lanslng^Chlld's Word Garden (A Primer) McCloskey — Primer Noyes & Guild — Sunshine Primer Peabody — Step by Step (A Primer) Rlchrnond — Second Reader Stlckney— First Reader Stickney — Second Reader Stickney^Thlrd Reader Stlckney — Fourth Reader Stickney — Alternate Fourth Reader Stlckney — Fifth Reader Talbert — -Expression Primer Wade & Sylvester Primer Wade & Sylvester First Reader Wade & Sylvester Second Reader . . . . , ^ Wade & Sylvester Third Reader Wade & Sylvester Fourth Reader Wade & Sylvester Fifth Reader Reading — Supplementary Aanrud — Llsbeth Longfrock Allen — Industrial Studies, U. S Andrews — Jane Andrews Books: The Seven Little Sisters Each and All Ten Boys Who Lived on the Road from Long Ago to Now The Stories Mother Nature Told Her Children Stories of My Four Friends Geographical Plays Ariel— Those Dreadful Mouse Boys Arnold — Bonney & Southworth — See and Say, Book I Atkinson — European Beginnings of American History Atkinson — First Studies of Plant Life Ball — Star-Land (Revised Edition) Ballou — Footprints of Travel Beal— Seed Dispersal Bellamy & Goodwin — Open Sesame: Parts I, II, III, each Bergen — Glimpses of Plant World Blaisdell — History Readers: Short Stories from American History Hero Stories from American History The Story of American History Stories from English History Burt — Little Nature Studies for Little People, Vols. 1 and II, each. . . Candeze — Adventures of Grlllo Catherwood — Heroes of Middle West Chance — ^Little Folks of Many Lands Chandler — In the Reign of Coyote Coe — Heroes of Everyday Life Comstock — A Dickens Dramatic Reader Comstock — Dramatic Version of Greek Myths Classics for Children Aesop — Fables Andersen — Fairy Tales: First and Second Series, each Arabian Nights Bunyan — Pilgrim's Progress Burt — Stories from Plato and Other Classic Writers Cervantes — Don Quixote of La Manche Chamisso — Peter Schlemihl, the Man Who Lost His Shadow Chesterfield — Letters Church— Stories of the Old World Defoe — Robinson Crusoe Epictetus — Selections from Fiske-Irving — Washington and His Country Fouque — Undine FranclUon — Gods and Heroes Franklin — Autobiography Grimm — Fairy Tales: Parts I and II, each Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price .30 .22 .21 .35 .26 .25 .4.5 .33 ..32 .65 .48 .46 .75 .56 .53 .30 .22 .21 .35 .26 .25 .45 .33 .32 .50 .37 .35 .30 .22 .21 .30 .22 .21 .40 .30 .28 .30 .22 .21 .40 .30 .28 .24 .18 .17 .32 .24 .22 .40 .30 .28 .50 .37 .35 ..50 .37 .35 .60 .45 .42 .30 .22 .21 .30 .22 .21 .35 .26 .25 .40 .30 .28 .45 .33 .32 .60 .45 .42 .65 .48 .46 .40 .30 .65 .48 ..50 .37 ..50 .37 .60 .37 .50 .37 .40 .30 ..50 .37 .80 .60 .35 .26 1.00 .75 .60 .45 1.00 .75 .60 .45 .35 .26 .75 ..56 .40 .30 .40 .30 ..50 .37 .60 .45 .40 .30 .25 .18 .45 ..33 ..50 .37 .45 .33 .40 .30 .40 .30 .60 .45 .45 .33 .35 .26 .40 ..30 .45 .33 . .30 .22 .40 ..30 ..50 ..37 ..30 .22 ..30 .22 .50 .37 .35 .26 .50 .37 .60 .45 .30 .22 .40 .30 .40 .30 .35 .26 68 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Title of Book Grote & Segur — Two Great Retreats of History Gulliver — I'riendship of Nations Hale — The Man Without a Country Hughes — Tom Brown at Rugby Hugo — ^Jean Valjean Hyde — School Speaker and Reader Irving — Alhambra Irving — Selections from the Sketch Book Jeflfenes — Sir Bevis Johnson — Rasselas, Prince of Abyssinia '. Kingsley — Greek Heroes Kingsley — Water-Babies Lamb — Adventures of Ulysses Lamb — Tales from Shakespeare Lawrence — Old Time Hawaiians Litchfield — Nine Worlds Marcus Aurelius Antonius — The Thoughts of Martineau — The Peasant and the Prince Montgomery — Heroic Ballads Plutarch — Lives Ramee — Bimbi Ruskin — King of the Golden River Ruskin — Selections from Saintine — Picciola Scott — Guy Mannering Ivanhoe Lady of the Lake Lay of the Last Minstrel Marmion Old Mortality Quentin Durward Rob Roy Tales of a Grandfather The Talisman Shakespeare — Merchant of Venice Southey — Life of Nelson Spyri — Heidi Swift — Gulliver's Travels White — Natural History of Selborne Williams & Foster — Selections for Memorizing Wyss — Swiss Family Robinson Claude— Twilight Thoughts Collins — History of Vermont Collodi — Pinocchio, The Adventures of a Marionette Comstock — Ways of the Six-Footed Cooper — The Deerslayer Davis — Under Six Flags Dickerson — Moths and Butterflies • DiUingham & Emerson — Tell It Again Stories Eddy — Friends and Helpers Fassett — Colonial Life in New Hampshire Fiske — How the United States Became a Nation Frye — Brooks and Brook Basins Frye — Child and Nature Gayley & Flaherty — Poetry of the People Gould — Mother Nature's Children Greene — Legends of King Arthur and His Court Greenwood— Merrie England Hale — Little Flower People Hall— Our World Reader, No. I Hardy — Sea Stories for Wonder Eyes Hitchcock — Louisiana Purchase Hodge — Nature Study and Life Hodskins — Little People's Reader Holden — The Sciences Judd — Wigwam Stories Kastman and Kohler — Swedish Song Games Keller & Bishop — Commercial and Industrial Geography 1 Laboulaye — The Quest of the Four-Leaved Clover Lambert — Memory Gems in Prose and Verse Lane — Oriole Stories Lane and Hill — American History in Literature Lansing — Barbarian and Noble Lansing — Patriots and Tyrants Lansing — The Open Road Library: Rhymes and Stories Fairy Tales, Vols. I and II, each Tales of Old England Life in the Greenwood Page, Esquire and Knight Quaint Old Stories Lawler — Columbus and Magellan Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price .50 .37 .60 .45 .25 .18 .50 .37 .90 .67 .80 .60 .45 .33 .25 .18 .30 .22 .35 .26 .30 .22 .35 .26 .30 .22 .40 .30 .60 .45 .50 .37 .50 .37 .40 .30 .60 .37 .45 .33 .40 .30 .25 .18 .35 .26 .35 .26 .60 .45 .60 .45 .35 .26 .30 .22 .40 .30 .60 .45 .50 .37 .60 .45 .40 .30 .60 .37 .30 .22 .45 .33 .40 .30 .35 .26 .50 .37 .40 .30 .45 .33 .40 .30 .75 .56 .40 .30 .40 .30 .60 .37 .50 .37 1.25 .93 .50 .37 .60 .45 .60 .45 .60 .37 .50 .37 .80 .60 .60 .37 .60 .45 .60 .37 .40 .30 .40 .30 .50 .37 .40 .30 .60 .45 1.50 1.12 .24 .18 .50 .37 .75 .56 .75 .56 1.00 .75 .40 .30 .30 .22 .28 .21 .50 .37 .40 .30 .40 .30 .35 .26 .35 .26 .35 .26 .35 .26 .35 .26 .36 .26 .40 .30 LIST OF BOOKS AND PRICES 69 Title of Book Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price Long— -Wood-Folk Series: A Xittle Brother to the Bear .50 .37 Northern Trails, Books I and II, each .46 .33 Secrets of the Woods .50 .37 Ways of Wood-Folk 50 .37 Wilderness Ways 45 .33 Wood-Folk at School 50 .37 Matthews — The Seven Champions of Christendom 45 .33 Meier — School and Home Gardens .80 .60 Moore — Tiffany — From Colony to Commonwealth .60 .45 Moore — Tiffany — Pilgrims and Puritans .60 .45 Morley — Nature Studies Series: Insect Folk, Vol. 1 45 .33 Butterflies and Bees: Insect Folk, Vol. II 60 .45 Little Wanderers .30 .22 Seed-Babies .25 .18 A Few Familiar Flowers .60 .45 Flowers and Their Friends .50 .37 Newell — Outlines of Lessons in Botany: Part I, From Seed to Leaf 50 .37 Part II, Flower and Fruit 80 .60 Newell — Reader in Botany: Part I, From Seed to Leaf 60 .45 Part II, Flower and Fruit 60 .45 Noyes>nd Ray — Little Plays for Little People .35 .26 Patri — Pinocchio in Africa .40 .30 Porter — Stars in Song and Legend .50 .37 Richmond — America and England .45 .33 Richmond — Egypt, Greece and Rome .45 .33 Roth — First Book of Forestry 75 .56 Shaler — Story of Our Continent .75 .56 Shaw — Stories of the Ancient Greeks .60 .45 Smith — Four-Footed Friends .50 .37 Spyri — Moni the Goat Boy 40 .30 Spyri — Heimatlos .40 .30 Stickney — Earth and Sky Series: Earth and Sky, No. I, Revised Edition 30 .22 Earth and Sky, No. II, Revised Edition 30 .22 Earth and Sky, No. Ill 35 .26 Stickney — Bird World 60 .45 Stickney — Pets and Companions .30 .22 Stone & Fickett — Trees in Prose and Poetry .45 .33 Strong — All the Year Round Series: Part I, Autmnn 30 .22 Part II, Winter 30 .22 Part III, Spring 30 .22 Part IV, Summer 30 .22 Thompson — Fables and Rhymes for Beginners .24 .18 Turner — Easy Stories .30 .22 Turner — Short Stories 25 .18 Weed— Seed Travelers 25 .18 Weed — Stories of Insect Life, First Series .25 .18 Weed — Stories of Insect Life, Second Series .30 .22 Williams — Some Successful Americans .50 .37 Wilson— Myths of the Red Children 45 .33 Wiltse— A Brave Baby 50 .37 Wiltse — Folklore Stories and Proverbs .30 • .22 Wiltse — Hero Folk of Ancient Britain 45 .33 Wiltse — Kindergarten Stories and Morning Talks .75 .56 Wiltse — Stories for Kindergartens and Primary Schools .35 .26 Woods — Animals: Their Relation and Use to Man .60 .45 The Youth's Companion Series: Geographical Readers: Northern Europe .25 .18 Strange Lands Near Home .25 .18 The Wide World _ 25 .18 Towards the Rising Sun . . . 7 25 .18 Under Sunny Skies .25 .18 The World's Progress Readers: Industries of To-day .25 .18 Triumphs of Science .30 .22 Historical Readers; Ship of State 40 .30 Zitkala-Sa — Old Indian Legends 50 .37 SPELLING Alton — Descriptive Speller .22 .16 Gove — Spelling Lessons .18 .13 Graves — New Graded Spelling Book .25 . 18 Hazen — Complete Spelhng Book .25 .18 Hazen — Grade Spellers, Book I .15 ' .11 Hazen — Grade Spellers. Book II 30 .22 Peirce Speller, Book 1 18 .13 .15 .13 .18 .18 .11 .21 .13 70 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Usual Title of Book List Price Peirce Speller, Book II . . , .20 Peirce Speller, Complete : .25 Spaulding & Miller — Graded Spellers: Books, I, II, III, IV, each 15 Books V, VI and VII, each 18 Stickney — Word by Word Spellers: Primary .15 Advanced .20 Spelling Blanks Ginn and Company — Spelling Blanks: No. I, (Slant System), per dozen .50 No. II, (Slant System), per dozen .42 Shaylor — Spelling Blanks, (Vertical System), Nos. I, II, III, per dozen. . .42 Shaylor & Shattuck — Medial Spelling Blanks, Nos. I, II, III, per dozen .42 Writing Books Clark — Public School Penmanship .75 Ginn and Company — Writing Books (Slant System) : Grammar Course, Nos. 1-7, per dozen .75 Tracing Course, Nos. 1-4, per dozen .60 Shaylor — Book of Alphabets, per dozen 1 . 00 Shaylor — Vertical Round-Hand Writing Books: Large Size, Nos. 1-7, per dozen .75 Small Size, Nos. 1-4, per dozen .60 Shaylor & Shattuck — Medial Writing Books: Regular Course, Books 1-9, per dozen .60 Shorter Course, Books A, B, C, per dozen .50 Lowest Lowest Wholesale Exchange Price Price .15 .18 .11 .13 .11 .15 .14 .18 ,11 .13 .11 .14 .37 .31 .31 .31 .56 .56 .45 .75 .56 .45 .45 .37 BOOKS FOR HIGH SCHOOL Agriculture Carver — Principles of Rural Economics 1 .30 Clute — Agronomy 1 . 00 Davenport — Domesticated Animals and Plants 1.25 Algebra (See also supplementary list below). Beman and Smith — Elements of Algebra 1.12 Beman and Smith — Academic Algebra 1.12 Hawkes, Luby and Touton — First Course in Algebra 1 . 00 Hawkes, Luby and Touton — Second Course in Algebra .75 Hawkes, Luby and Touton — Complete School Algebra 1.25 Smith — Algebra for Beginners .50 Wentworth — New School Algebra .- 1.12 Wentworth — First Steps in Algebra .60 Wentworth — Elementary Algebra 1.12 Wentworth-Smith — Academic Algebra 1 . 20 Wentworth-Smith — School Algebra, Book I .90 Wentworth-Smith — Vocational Algebra .50 Algebra — Supplementary Wentworth & Hill^Exercises in Algebra: Part I, Exercise Manual .35 Part II, Examination Manual .35 Wentworth & Hill — Exercises in Algebra (Complete) .70 Arithmetic (See also supplementary list below) . Beman and Smith — Higher Arithmetic .80 Wentworth — Advanced Arithmetic 1 . 00 Wentworth & Hill — Exercises in Arithmetic W. .80 Pt. I, Exercise Manual .50 Pt. II, Examination Manual .35 Astronomy Young — Elements of Astronomy 1 . 60 Young — Lessons in Astronomy, Revised 1 . 25 Young — Uranography .30 Botany Bergen — Elements of Botany (Revised) 1 . 30 Bergen — Elements of Botany (Revised), (Without Key and Flora) .... 1 .00 Bergen — Key & Flora for Northern and Central States .40 Bergen — Essentials of Botany 1 . 50 Bergen — Essentials of Botany (without Key and Flora) 1.20 Bergen — Foundations of Botany 1 . 60 .97 .91 .75 .70 .93 .88 .84 .78 .84 .78 .75 .70 .56 .53 .93 .88 .37 .35 .84 .78 .45 .42 .84 .78 .90 .84 .67 .63 .37 .35 .26 .26 .52 .60 ..56 .75 .70 .60 .37 .26 1.20 1.12 .93 .88 .22 .21 .97 .91 .75 .70 .30 1.12 1.0.5 .90 .84 1.12 1.05 LIST OF BOOKS AND PRICES 71 Title of Book Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price Bergen — Foundations of Botany (without Key and Flora) 1 . 20 Bergen & Caldwell — Practical Botany 1 . 30 Bergen — Botany Notebook (Cloth Edition) .45 Bergen — Botany Notebook (Biflex Binder Edition) .75 Clute — Laboratory Botany .75 Frye & Riggs — Laboratory Exercises in Elementary Botany .60 Meier — Plant Study, Revised .75 Meier — Herbarium and Plant Description (Biflex Edition) .65 Meier — Herbarium and Plant Description (Cloth Edition) .60 Pepoon — Representative Plants .60 Chemistry Allyn — Elementary Applied Chemistry .60 McPherson & Henderson — An Elementary Study of Chemistry 1.25 McPherson & Henderson — Exercises in Chemistry (Cloth Edition) .... .40 McPherson & Henderson — Exercises in Chemistry (Biflex Binder Edi- tion) 60 Ostwald & Morse — Elementary Modern Chemistry 1 .00 Unger — Review Questions and Problems in Chemistry .50 Williams — Elements of Chemistry 1 . 10 Williams — Essentials of Chemistry 1 .25 Williams — Laboratory Manual of Inorganic Chemistry .30 Civics Boynton — School Civics 1 . 00 Macy — Our Government .75 .90 .97 .33 .56 .56 .45 .56 .48 .45 .45 .45 .93 .30 .45 .75 .37 .82 .93 .22 .75 .56 .84 .91 .42 .88 .70 .77 .88 .70 .53 Commercial Branches (See also supplementary list below). Anderson — American Phonography 1 . 20 .90 Anderson — Graded Exercises in Phonography, Revised .50 .37 Atwood — Practical Commercial Speller .40 .30 Brigham — Commercial Geography 1 .30 .97 Huncut — Elements of Business Law 1 . 00 .75 Miner — Bookkeeping — Introductory Course .90 .67 Miner — Bookkeeping — Introductory and Intermediate Course 1 .20 .90 Miner — Bookkeeping — Complete Course 1 .40 1 .05 Miner — Bookkeeping — Intermediate and Advanced Course, .c- 1 .20 .90 Miner — Bookkeeping — Banking Course .60 .45 Miner — Bookkeeping Blanks — -Introductory Course .20 .15 Blanks for Set V 25 .18 Blanks for Set VI 25 .18 Blanks for Set VII 25 .18 Blanks for Set VIII 25 .18 Blanks — Appendix A .15 .11 Business Forms — Box 1 • .50 .37 Business Forms — Box 2 .60 .45 Business Forms — Box 3 .65 .48 Business Forms — Box 4 .65 .48 Incoming Forms — Tablet 1 .15 .11 Incoming Forms — Tablet 2 ^ 20 .15 Incoming Forms — Tablet 3 : 25 .18 Incoming Forms — -Tablet 4 .20 . 15 Blanks for Banking Set .60 .45 Moore and Miner— Accounting & Business Practice (Shorter Course) . . 1 . 10 .82 Moore and Miner — Accounting & Business Practice (Complete Course) 1 .40 1 .05 Moore and Miner — Corporation Accounting and Banking .80 .60 Moore and Miner — Blanks to Accompany Accounting & Business Prac- tice: Part I. Introductory Blanks • .20 Part II. Intermediate Blanks: For Set V 25 For Set VI 25 For Set VII 25 Part III. Advanced Blanks: For Set VIII 15 For Set IX 25 For Set X 60 Moore & Miner — Blank Business Forms: No. 1, for Sets III and IV 45 No. 2, for Set V 50 No. 3, for Set VI 55 No. 4, for Set VII 60 Moore & Miner — School Currency: Bills (per package) •j-^-'^'^^'^Tt l-r20 Fractional currency (per package) yt^. . .Vt^V'^'^-VSp^- Moore & Miner — Incoming Business Forms: / '^■~ T:;t, *' Tablet 1 (, . . \J.. . . . .15 Tablet 2 :- ^T~V Tablet 3 ;'..„... .25 ^ Tablet 4 ^-, T. . . . .20 72 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Title of Book Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price Moore and Miner — Practical Business Arithmetic 1 . 00 Webster — General History of Commerce 1 . 40 Commercial Branches — Supplementary Breckenridge, Mersereau & Moore — Shop Problems in Mathematics. . . 1 .00 Jefferson — Commercial Values .25 Domestic Science — Supplementary Conn — Bacteria, Yeasts and Molds in the Home, Revised 1 .00 Olsen— Pure Foods .80 English (See also supplementary list below). Briggs & McKinney — First Book of Composition •. .90 Fulton & Trueblood — Elements of Elocution 1 . 30 Fulton & Trueblood — Essentials of Public SpeaTcing 1 . 00 Gardiner, Kittredge & Arnold — Elements of English Composition 1 .00 Gardiner, Kittredge & Arnold — Manual of Composition & Rhetoric. . . 1 .00 Genung — Outlines of Rhetoric 1 . 00 Hanson — English Composition .80 Hanson — Two Years' Course in English Composition .90 Kittredge and Farley — Advanced English Grammar .80 Lockwood — Lessons in English 1.12 Lockwood and Emerson — ^Composition and Rhetoric 1 . 00 Long — English Literature 1 . 35 Prince — Practical English Grammar .60 Whitney — Essentials of English Grammar .75 English — Supplementary Ashmore — Manual of Pronunciation .30 Baker and Huntington — Principles of Argumentation 1 . 25 Frink — New Century Speaker 1 . 00 Fulton and Trueblood — Choice Readings from Popular & Standard Authors 1 . 60 Fulton and Trueblood — Standard Selections ... 1.25 Fulton and Trueblood — British and American Eloquence 1 .25 Gardiner — The Making of Arguments 1 . 00 Gayley — Classic Myths in English Literature and in Art, Revised 1 .50 Gayley and Flaherty — Poetry of the People .50 Litchfield — Selections from Five English Poets : .20 Painter — Elementary Guide to Literary Criticism .90 Scott and Denney — Rhetoric Tablet I .15 Scott and Denney — Rhetoric Tablet II .15 Shakespeare (New Hudson) — As You Like It; Julius Caesar; Henry the Fifth; Macbeth; Merchant of Venice; The Tempest; Twelfth Night; Midsummer Night's Dream; King Lear, each .50 Shakespeare (Hudson School Shakespeare), ''23 volumes, cloth): A Midsummer Night's Dream; Merchant of Venice; Much Ado About Nothing; As You Like It; King John; Richard the Second; Richard the Third; Henry the Fourth, Part I; Henry the'Fourth, Part II; Henry the Fifth; Henry the Eighth; Romeo and Juliet; Julius Caesar; Hamlet; King Lear; Macbeth; Antony and Cleopatra; Othello; Cymbeline; Coriolanus; Twelfth Night; The Winter's Tale, each .45 Standard English Classics: Addison & Steele — Sir Roger de Coverley Papers .30 Arnold's Sohrab and Rustum .25 Blackmore — Lorna Doone .65 Browning — Elizabeth Barrett — Selections , .30 Browning — Robert — Selections from Poems .30 Bunyan — Grace Abounding .35 Bunyan — Pilgrim's Progress .25 Burke — Letter to a Noble Lord .30 Burke — Speech on American Taxation .25 Burke — Speech on Conciliation with America .30 Burns — Representative Poems with Carlyle's Essays .30 Byron — Selections .30 Carlyle — Essay on Burns .25 Coleridge — Ancient Mariner .20 Cooper — The Last of the Mohicans .50 DeQuincey — Revolt of the Tarters .25 DeQuincey — English Mail Coach & Joan of Arc .25 Dickens — Tale of Two Cities .50 Dickens — David Copperfleld .70 Dryden — Palamon and Arcite .25 Eliot — (George) Silas Marner .30 Franklin — Autobiography .40 Gaskell — Cranford .30 Goldsmith — Deserted Village .20 Goldsmith — Deserted Village and Gray's Elegy .25 Goldsmith— Vicar of Wakefield , ,.',,,. .30 .76 .70 1.05 .98 .76 .18 .75 .60 .67 .63 .97 .91 .75 .70 .75 .70 .75 .70 .75 .70 .60 .56 .67 .63 .60 .56 .84 .78 .75 .70 1.01 .95 .45 .42 .66 .53 .22 .93 .75 1.12 .93 .93 .75 1.12 .37 .16 .67 .11 .11 .37 .33 .22 .18 .48 .22 .22 .26 .18 .22 .18 .22 .22. .22 .18 .15 .37 .18 .18 .37 .52 .18 .22 .30 .22 .15 .18 .22 LIST OF BOOKS AND PRICES 73 Title of Book Huxley — Selections Irving — Oliver Goldsmith Irving — Sketch Book Lamb — Essays of Elia Lamb — Selected Essays Lincoln^-Selections Lodge — Rosalynde, or Euphues' Golden Legacy Macauley — England in 1685 Macau lay —Essay on Addison Macaulay — Eassy on Addison and Milton Macaulay — Essay on Milton Macaulay — Essays on Lord Clive and Warren Hastings Macaulay — Lays of Ancient Rome Macaulay — Life of Samuel Johnson Milton — L' Allegro, II Pensaroso, Comus and Lycidas Milton — Paradise Lost, Books I and II and Lycidas Palgrave — The Golden Treasury Parkman — The Oregon Trail Poe — Select Poems and Tales Pope — Rape of the Lock and Other Poems Pope — Translation of the lUad Ruskin — Selected Essays and Letters Ruskin — Sesame and Lilies Scott — Ivanhoe Scott — Lady of the Lake Scott — Quentin Durward Shakespeare — As You Like It Shakespeare — Hamlet Shakespeare — Henry the Fifth Shakespeare — ^Julius Caesar Shakespeare — Macbeth Shakespeare — Merchant of Venice Shakespeare — Midsummer Night's Dream Shakespeare — Twelfth Night Snyder — Selections from the Old Testament Spenser — Faerie Queene Stevenson — An Inland Voyage and Travels with a Donkey Stevenson — Treasure Island Tennyson — Gareth and Lynette, Idylls of the King, Lancelot and Elaine, and the Passing of Arthur Tennyson — The Princess Thackeray — Henry Esmond Thackeray — English Humorists Washington — Farewell Address, and Webster First Bunker Hill Ora- tion Fine Arts — Supplementary Hoyt — World's Painters and their Pictures French (See also supplementary list below). Aldrich and Foster — Elementary French Aldrich and Foster — Foundations of French French — Supplementary Harmanson — P'rench Verb Forms .35 International Modern Language Series: About — La Mere de la Marquise et La Fille du Chanoine .50 Aldrich and Foster — French Reader .50 Colin — Contes et Sayn6tes .40 Corneille — Le Cid 40 Daudet — La Belle Nivernaise .25 Daudet — Morceaux Choisis .50 Erkmann — Chatrian — Madame Th6r6se .50 F#val — La Fee des Graves 60 Guerlac — Selections from Standard French Authors .50 Herdler — Scientific French Reader .60 Hugo— The Poetry of 90 Jacques — Intermediate French .40 Josselyn & Talbot — Elementary Reader of French History .30 Labiche — La Grammaire and Le Baron de Fourchevif .35 Labiche & Martin — Le Voyage de M. Perrichon .30 La Fontaine — One Hundred Fables .40 Lazare — Lectures Faciles pur les Commencants .30 Lazare — Premieres Lectures en Prose et en Vers .35 Lazare — Contes et Nouvelles des Meilleurs Auteurs Contemporains (First Series) .35 Lazare — Contes et Nouvelles des Mellieurs Auteurs Contemporains (Second Series) .35 Lazare — Les Plus Jolis Contes de F^es .35 Lazare — Elementary French Composition .35 DeMaistre — Les Prisonniers du Caucase .30 10 Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price .25 .18 .40 .30 .50 .37 .40 .30 .50 .37 .30 .22 .35 .26 .30 .22 .25 .18 .30 .22 .20 .15 .35 .26 .30 .22 .25 .18 .25 .18 .30 .22 .50 .37 .45 .33 .30 .22 .30 .22 .25 .18 .60 .45 .25 .18 .50 .37 .35 .26 .50 .37 .30 .22 .30 .22 .30 .22 .30 .22 .30 .22 .30 .22 .30 .22 .30 .22 .30 .22 .40 .30 .35 .26 .45 .33 .25 .18 .30 .22 .60 .45 .35 .26 .25 .18 1.25 .93 1.00 .75 .70 .90 .67 .63 .26 .37 .37 .30 .30 .18 .37 .37 .45 .37 .45 .67 .30 .22 .26 .22 .30 .22 .26 .26 .26 .26 .26 .22 74 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Title of Book Usual List Price De Maistre — La Jeune Slb6rienne .35 Marique & Gilson — Exercises in French Composition .40 Maupassant — Ten Short Stories .40 Meilhac & Hal6vy — Three French Comedies .35 M6rim6e — Carmen and Other Stories .60 M6rim6e — Colomba .40 Moli6re — L'Avare .40 Moli6re — Le Malade Imaginaire .50 Moli6re — Les Pr6cieuses Ridicules .50 Pailleron — Le Monde ou Ton s'ennuie .40 Renard — Trois Contes de Noel .15 Rostand — Les Romanesques .35 Sainte Beuve — Selected Essays .35 Sand — La Mare au Diable .35 Van Daell — Introduction to the French Language 1 . 00 Van Daell — Introduction to French Authors .50 Vreeland & Michaud — Anthology of French Prose and Poetry 1 .40 Spiers — Manual of Elementary French .50 Spiers — Exercises on Manual of Elementary French .50 Geology Norton — Elements of Geology 1 . 40 Geometry (See also supplementary list below). Beman & Smith — New Plane and Solid Geometry 1.25 Beman & Smith — New Plane Geometry .75 Beman & Smith — Solid Geometry .75 Betz and Webb — Plane Geometry 1 . 00 Wentworth — Plane and Solid Geometry 1 .25 Wentworth— Plane Geometry .75 Wentworth — Solid Geometry .75 Wentworth — Plane and Solid Geometry and Plane Trigonometry 1 . 40 Wentworth & Hill — First Steps in Geometry .60 Wentworth-Smith — Plane and Solid Geometry 1 .30 Wentworth-Smith — Plane Geometry .80 Wentworth-Smith — Solid Geometry .75 Geometry — Supplementary Beman and Smith — Geometry Tablet for Written Exercises .15 Wentworth & Hill — Examination Manual in Geometry .50 Wentworth & Hill — Exercise Manual in Geometry .70 German (See also supplementary list below) . Bernhardt — Course in German Composition .90 Bernstorff — Handbook of German Grammar .75 Collar — First Year German 1 . 00 Duerr — Essentials of German Grammar .80 Gronow — Jung Deutschland .00 Ham and Leonard — Brief Berman Grammar .90 Steins-German Exercises, Book I . . 40 Stein — German Exercises, Book II .40 Stein — German Exercises, Book II, with Commercial Exercises .50 German — Supplementary Allen — Hints on the Teaching of German Conversation .10 Dippold — Scientific German Reader .75 Oerman Exercise Book .30 Hampl — Ea.siest German Reading for Beginners .40 International Modern Language Series: Auerbach — Bri^itta .40 Bernhardt — Krieg und Frieden .35 Baumbach — Der Schwiegersohn .40 Baumbach — Marchen und Gedichte .45 Carruth — German Reader .50 Collmann — Easy German Poetry for Beginners .40 Eckstein — Der Besuch im Karzer and Wildenbuch's Das Edle Blut . . .50 Ernst — Flachsmann als Erzieher .40 Ford — Elementary German for Sight Translation • .25 Fossler — Practical German Conversation .60 Frenssen — Gravelotte .25 Freytag — Die Journalisten .45 Freytag — Soil und Haben .50 Fulda — Das verlorene Paradles .45 Fulda — Der Talisman .45 Gerstacker — Germelshausen .30 Goethe — Gotz von Berlichingen .80 Goethe — Hermann und Dorothea .60 Goethe — Iphigenie auf Taurls .60 Lowest Lowest Wholesale Exchange Price Price .26 .30 .30 .26 .45 .30 .30 .37 .37 .30 .11 .26 .26 .26 .75 .37 1.05 .37 .37 1.05 .98 .93 .88 .56 .53 .56 .53 .75 .70 .93 .88 .56 .53 .56 .53 1.05 .98 .45 .42 .97 .91 .60 .56 .56 .53 .11 .37 .52 .67 .63 .56 .53 .75 .70 .60 .56 .67 .63 .67 .63 .30 .28 .30 .28 .37 .35 .07 .56 .22 .30 .30 .26 .30 .33 .37. ,30 .37 .30 .18 .45 .18 .33 .37 .33 .33 .22 .60 .45 .45 LIST OF BOOKS AND PRICES 76 Title of Book Goethe — Torquato Tasso Hauff— Tales Heine — Die Harzreise Heyse — L' Arrabbiata Heyse — Anfang und Ende Hillem — Hoher als die Kirche Kleist — Prinz Friderick von Hamburg Lessing — Emilia Galotti Leasing — Minna von Barnhelm Manley & Allen — Four German Comedies Meyer — Der Schuss von der Kanzel Minckwitz & Unwerth — Edelsteine Mueller — Deutsche Gedichte Mailer — Deutsche Liebe Niese — Aus danischer Zeit Riehl — Burg Neideck Riehl — Die vierzehn Nothelfer Riehl — Der Fluch der Schonheit Rosegger — Waldheimat (with vocabulary) Rosegger — Waldheimat (without vocabulary) Scheffel — Der Trompeter von Siikkigen Schiller — Die Jungfrau von Orleans Schiller — Maria Stuart Schiller — Wilhelm Tell (with vocabulary) Schiller — Wilhelm Tell (without vocabulary) Schucking— Die drei Freier Seeligmann — Altes und Neues Seume — Mein I^eben Stonn — Geschichten aus der Tonne Storm — Immensee Storm — In St. Jurgen Storm — Der Schimmelreiter Super — Elementary German Reader Thiereen — Am deutschen Herde Van Daell — Preparatory German Reader Volkmann-Leander — Die Trnumereien Zschokke — Der zerbroohene Krug KeUogg — German verb Blank Muller & Wenckebach — Gliick Auf Greek (See also supplementary book below). White— First Greek Book 1 .25 Greek — Supplementary D'Ooge — Greek Composition Tablet ' .20 History (See also supplementary list below). Cheyney — Short History of England 1 . 40 Leadbetter — Ancient History Outlines and Studies .40 Leadbetter — General History Outlines and Studies .40 Leadbetter — Mediaeval & Modern Outlines and Studies .40 Montgomery — Student's American History 1 ,40 Montgomery — English History 1.12 Montgomery — English History, Revised 1 . 20 Montgomery — French History 1.12 Muzzey — American History 1 . 50 Myers — Ancient History, Revised 1 . 50 Meyers — Eastern Nations & Greece, Revised 1 .00 Myers — History of Rome, Revised 1 . 00 Myers — History of Greece 1 . 25 Myers— Rome: Its Rise and Fall 1 . 25 Myers — General History, Revised 1 . 50 Myers — Short History of Ancient Times 1.10 Myers — Short History of Mediaeval & Modern Times' 1.10 Myers — Mediaeval and Modern History, Revised 1 .50 Myers — Outlines of Nineteenth Century History .75 Myers — The Middle Ages 1.10 Myers — The Modern Age 1 . 25 Robinson — An Introduction to the History of Western Europe, Com- plete 1 .60 In two volumes: Volume 1 1 . 00 Volume II 1.00 Robinson & Beard — Outhnes of European History, Part II 1 .60 Trenholme — Syllabus for the History of Western Europe, Complete ... .60 Trenholme — An Outline of English History .50 History — Supplementary Cheyney — Readings in English History 1 . 80 Hitchcock — Louisiana Purchase .60 Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price .80 .60 .50 .37 .40 .30 .35 .26 .35 .26 .30 .22 .50 .37 .50 .37 .45 .33 .45 .33 .35 .26 .35 .26 .40 .30 .45 .33 .35 .26 .25 .18 .25 .18 .40 .30 .45 .33 ....'. .35 .26 .90 .67 .70 .52 .75 .56 .70 .52 .60 .45 .30 .22 .35 .26 .40 .30 .35 .26 .30 .22 .35 .26 .70 .52 .40 .30 .50 .37 .40 .30 .40 .30 .25 .18 .35 .26 .60 .45 .93 .15 1.05 .98 .30 .30 30 1.05 .98 .84 .78 .90 .84 .84 .78 1.12 1.05 1.12 1.05 .75 .70 .75 .70 .93 .88 .93 .88 1.12 1.05 .82 .77 .82 .77 1.12 1.05 .56 .53 .82 .77 .93 .88 1.20 1.12 .75 .70 .75 .70 1.20 1.12 .45 .37 1.35 .45 76 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Title of Book Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price Hodder — Outline Maps .' .40 Robinson — Readings m European History: Volume 1 1 .50 Volunae II 1 .50 Abridged Edition 1 . 50 Latin (See also supplementary list below). Allen & Greenough— Cicero — De Senectute .60 Allen & Greenough — New Latin Grammar 1 .20 Allen & Greenough — Shorter Latin Grammar .95 Allen & Greenough — Caesar's Gallic War, Books I-VII 1 .25 Allen & Greenough — Caesar Gallic War, Books I-I V 1 . 00 Allen & Greenough — Cicero: Select Orations 1 .40 Allen & Greenough — Cicero: Select Orations and Letters 1 .30 Allen & Greenough — Cicero: Six Orations 1 .00 Allen & Greenough — Ovid 1 . 50 Collar & Daniell — First Year Latin 1 . 00 Collar & Daniell — First Latin Book 1 .00 D'Ooge — Latin for Beginners 1 .00 D'Ooge — Latin Composition, Complete 1 . 00 D'Ooge — Latin Composition, Part I .50 D'Ooge — Latin Composition, Parts II and III .60 D'Ooge — Latin Composition to Accompany Second Year Latin .50 Greenough, D'Ooge and Daniell — Second Year Latin 1 .25 Greenough & Kittredge — Virgil's Aeneid, Books I-VI 1 .50 Lothman — Latin Lessons .90 Latin — Supplementary Browne — Memory-Test Latin Word-List : .75 Browne — Memory-Test Notebook .15 Collar — Gate to Caesar .40 Collar — New Gradatim .50 Collar — Via Latina .75 D'Ooge — Easy Latin for Sight Reading .40 D'Ooge — Latm Composition Tablet .15 Ginn & Company — Classical Atlas: Boards 1.25 Cloth 2.00 Gleason — Gate to Virgil .45 Paxson — Two Latin Plays .45 Manual Training — Supplementary Goss — Bench Work in Wood, Revised .70 Ross — Wood Turning 1 .00 Music Chapman & Whiting — The Apollo Song Book 80 Hoff— Corono Song Book 1 . 00 Levermore — Abridged Academy Song Book .75 Levermore — Academy Song Book .94 Levermore — The Students' Hymnal .50 Physical Geography Davis — Elementary Physical Geography 1 .25 Davis — Physical Geography 1 . 25 Da \ns — Practical Exercises in Physical Geography .45 Davis — Atlas in Phy?iial Geograph.y .... .30 Trafton — Laboratory and Field Exercise.^^ in Physical Geot^raphy .40 Wright — Field. Laboratory and Library Manual in Physical Geography .75 Wright — Field, Laboratory and Library Manual in Physical Geography, with Notebook " 1 . 00 Physics Cavanagh, Westcott & Twining — Physics Laboratory Manual .70 Higgins — First Science Book .65 Higgins — Lessons in Physics .90 Higgins — Simple Experiments in Physics .35 Hill — Essentials of Physics 1.10 Millikan & Gale — First Course in Physics 1 .25 Millikan & Gale — First Course in Physics, Revised 1 .25 Millikan & Gale — Laboratory Course in Physics .40 Smith, Tower on terms and prices listed below. Usual Lowest Lowest Title of Book List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price ARITHMETIC Goodyear-Marshall Inductive Commercial Arithmetic $0 . 90 $0 . 67 $0 . 54 BOOKKEEPING & BUSINESS PRACTICE Goodyear's Advanced Accounting Text 75 .56 .45 Goodyear's Bank Accounting Text 60 .45 .36 Goodyear's Community Busmess Practice Text .50 .37 .30 Goodyear's Farm Accounting Text and Outfit 1 .00 - .75 .60 Goodyear's Higher Accounting Text 1 . 00 .75 .60 Goodyear's Intercommunication Business Practice Text .30 .22 .18 Goodyear's Progressive Business Accounting Complete Text 1 . 00 .75 .60 Goodyear's Progressive Business Accounting Short Course Text and Outfit ].40 1.05 .84 Goodyear's Sixty Lessons in Business Text .60 .45 .36 Goodyear's Standard Accounting Complete Text 1 . 20 .90 .72 Goodyear's Standard Accounting Part I Text 75 .56 .45 Goodyear's Standard Accounting Part II Text .75 .56 .45 Goodyear-Marshall New Inductive Bookkeeping Complete Text 1 .20 .90 .72 Goodyear-Marshall New Inductive Bookkeeping Part I Text 75 .56 .45 Goodyear-Marshall New Inductive Bookkeeping Part II Text 75 .56 .45 Marshall's Bookkeeping & Business Training Text 70 .52 .42 Marshall's Corporation & Voucher Accounting Text .60 .45 .36 Marshall's Double Entry Drills Text 30 .22 .18 Blanks and Special Equipment for the above bookkeeping and business practice courses, supplied at our regular lowest list prices, less twenty-five percent. ENGLISH Marshall's Business English Complete .85 .64 .51 Marshall's Business English Part 1 60 .45 .36 Marshall's Letter Writing 60 .45 .36 PENMANSHIP Goodyear-Marshall Business Forms for the Writing Class Text and Blanks 25 .19 .15 SPELLING Marshall's Business Speller 60 .45 .36 Marshall's Technical Word Lists 25 .19 .15 LIST OF BOOKS AND PRICES 79 LIST OF THE GREGG PUBLISHING COMPANY 32 So. Wabash Ave., Chicago To be furnished f. o. b. at Chicago upon order of any school board or board of education in Mich- igan, or upon the order of duly authorized and responsible purchasing agents of such board upon terms and prices listed below. Usual Lowest Lowest Title of Book List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price ARITHMETIC Will's Commercial Arithmetic $1 . 00 $0 . 67 $0 . 55 BOOKKEEPING Lockyear'a Bookkeeping ; .60 .40 .34 ENGLISH Hagar's Applied Business English 1 . 00 .67 .54 Hagar's Applied Business English (high school edition) .75 .50 .40 Hagar's Exercises In Applied Business English .25 .17 .15 COMMERCIAL LAW Whigham's Essentials of Commercial Law 1 .00 .67 .55 OFFICE TRAINING SoRelle's Oflfice Training for Stenographers 1.25 .84 .67 SoRelle's Office Training for Stenographers Exercises .75 .50 .40 PUNCTUATION AND BUSINESS CORRESPONDENCE Hagar's Applied Business Punctuation .40 .27 .23 Keimedy's Punctuation Simplified .15 .10 .08 SHORTHAND Brown's, David Wolfe, Factors of Shorthand Speed .75 .50 Gregg Shorthand Manual 1 . 50 1 . 00 .79 -Speed Practice 1 .00 .67 .54 Progressive Exercises .50 .33 .27 Reporter 1.50 1.00 .79 Taquigrafia Fonetica 1 .50 1 .00 .79 Shorthand Dictionary 1 . 00 .67 .52 Shorthand Phrase Book 75 .50 .39 Hints and Helps for the Shorthand Student 50 .33 .27 Reading and Writing Exercises .50 .33 .27 Shorthand Reader 25 .17 .15 Advanced Practice .50 .33 .27 Lessons in Shorthand Penmanship .10 .07 .05 Hawthorne's Great Stone Face (written in Gregg Shorthand) .15 .10 .08 Henry's Beginners' Letter Drills (written in Gregg Shorthand) .10 .07 .06 Irving's Legend of Sleepy Hollow (written in Gregg Shorthand) .25 .17 .15 Lorimer's Letters from a Self-Made Merchant to His Son (written in Gregg Shorthand) .50 .33 .27 McClure's Practical Drills in Shorthand Peimianahip .15 .10 .06 Rasmussen's Graded Dictation 1 .00 .67 .54 Rutherford's Practical Pointers for Shorthand Students .50 .33 .27 SoRelle's Expert Shorthand Speed Course 1 .00 .67 .F,4: Whitford's Factors of Success (written in Gregg Shorthand) .15 .10 .08 SPELLING SoRelle and Kitt's Words 25 .17 .15 SoRelle and Kitt's Words Exercise Book 10 .07 .06 TYPEWRITING Cutler and SoRelle's Rational Typewriting, Remington edition (un- abridged) 1 .00 .67 .54 Cutler and SoRelle's Rational Typewriting, Underwood edition (un- abridged) 1 . 00 .67 .54 Cutler and SoRelle's Rational Typewriting, Smith-Premier edition (un- abridged) 1 . 00 .67 .54 Cutler and SoRelle's Rational Typewriting, Oliver edition (un- abridged) 1 . 00 .67 .54 Cutler and SoRelle's Rational Typewriting, single keyboard edition (un- abridged) 1 .00 .67 .54 Cutler and SoRelle's Rational Typewriting, single keyboard edition (abridged) 50 .33 .27 Cutler and SoRelle's Rational Typewriting, double keyboard edition (abridged) 50 .33 .27 80 DEPARTMENT OP PUBLIC INSTRUCTION LIST OF HALL & MC CREARY To be furnished f. o. b. at Chicago, 111., upon order of any school board or board of education in Michigan, or upon the order of duly authorized and responsible purchasing agents of such board upon terms and prices listed below. Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price THE INSTRUCTOR LITERATURE SERIES Title of Book Biography No. 166 — Andrew's Louise on the Rhine and in Her New Home 79 — Baker's A Little New England Viking 88— Bush's American Naval Heroes. (Jones, Perry, Farragut) . . . 44 — Bush's Famous Early Americans. (Smith, Standish, Penn).. 74 — Bush's Four Great Musicians 73 — Bush's Four Great Musicians 116 — Bush's Old English Heroes. (Alfred, Richard the Lion- Hearted, The Black Prince) 117 — Bush's Later English Heroes. (Cromwell, Wellington, Glad- stone) 197 — Bu.sh's Story of Lafayette 67 — Bush's Story of Louisa M. Alcott 188 — Bush's Story of Napoleon 107 — Bush's Story of Robert Louis Stevenson 167 — Cranton's Famous Artists I — (Landseer and Bonheur) 207 — Cranton's Famous Artists II— (Reynolds and Murillo) 243 — Cranton's Famous Artists III — (Millet) 86 — Faris's American Inventors I (Whitney and Fulton) 87 — Faris's American Inventors II — (Morse and Edison) 132 — Faris's Story of Frankhn 165 — Gemila, the Child of the Desert, and some of her sisters 232 — Grames' Story of Shakespeare 224— Hallock's Story of William Tell 81 — Hatfield's Story of DeSoto 112 — Hawthorne's Biographical Stories 89 — Judd's Fremont and Kit Carson 198 — Leighton's Story of Roger Williams 85 — Littlefleld's Story of Patrick Henry 190 — McBride's Story of Father Hennepin 191 — McBride's Story of LaSalle 145 — McBride's Story of McKinley 54 — McCabe'a Story of Columbus 91 — McCabe's Story of Eugene Field 98— McCabe's Story of Nathan Hale 99 — McCabe's Story of Jefferson 7 — McCabe's Story of Longfellow 55 — McCabe's Story of Whittier 100 — McFee's Story of Bryant 218 — McFee's Story of Peter Cooper 217 — McFee's Story of Florence Nightingale 110 — McFee's Story of Hawthorne 182 — McFee's Story of Joan of Arc 141 — McKane's Story of Grant 101 — McKane's Story of Robert E. Lee 204 — Reiter's Boyhood of Lincoln 45— Reiter's Boyhood of Washington 82 — Reiter's Story of Daniel Boone 84 — -Reiter's Story of David Crockett 85 — Reiter's Story of Lincoln 4 — Reiter's Story of Washington 157 — Smith's Story of Dickens 164 — The Little Brown Baby and Other Babies 187 — Tristram's Lives of Webster and Clay Fables and Myths 50 — Best's Reynard the Fox 29 — Bush's Indian Myths 27 — Eleven Fables of Aesop 6 — Fairy Stories of the Moon 47 — Klingensmith's Greek Myths 288— Maguire's Primer in Fableland 177 — McCabe's Legends of the Rhineland 282 — McCabe's Siegfried, The Lorelei, and Other Rhine Legends. . 48 — Metcalf 's Nature Myths 28 — More Fables from Aesop .05 $.04 $.... .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .- .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 ,05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 ,05 .05 ,05 .04 ,05 .04 05 .04 05 .04 05 .04 05 .04 05 .04 05 .04 05 .04 05 .04 05 .04 05 .04 05 .04 LIST OF BOOKS AND PRICES 81 Title of Book 46 — Puss in Boots and Cinderella 38 — Reiter's Adventures of a Brownie 37 — Reiter's Jack and the Beanstalk 36 — Reiter's Little Red Riding Hood 175 — Reiter's Norse Legends — -I 176 — Reiter's Norse Legends — II 174 — Reiters' Sun Myths 102 — Reiter's Thumbelina and Dream Stories 146 — Sleeping Beauty and Other Stories 140 — Taylor's Nursery Tales 33 — Taylor's Stories from Andersen 34 — Taylor's Stories from Grimm Geography 114 — Bush's Great European Cities — I — (London and Paris) 115 — Bush's Great European Cities — II — (Rome and Berlin) 168 — Bush's Great European Cities — III — (St. Petersburg and Con- stantinople) 285 — Nida's Story of Panama and the Canal 247 — Paulson's The Chinese and Their Country History 64 — Baker's Child Life in the Colonies — I — (New Amsterdam) . . . 65 — Baker's Child Life in the Colonies — II — (Pennsylvania) 66 — Bakers' Child Life in the Colonies — III — (Virginia) 178 — Baker's Story of Lexington and Bunker Hill 60 — Bush's Children of the Northland (Eskimo) 56— Bush's Indian Children Tales 163 — Bush's Stories of Courage 179— Bush's Story of the Flag 508 — Buskett's Story of Florida 189 — Bush's Stories of Heroism 512 — Clem's Story of Indiana 509 — Derry's Story of Georgia 105 — Douglas's Story of Canada 515 — Eubank's Story of Kentucky 16 — Explorations of the Northwest 533 — Galbreath's Story of Ohio 246 — Griffls' What I Saw in Japan 97 — Hanson's Story of the Norsemen 209 — Herndon's Lewis and Clark Expedition 536 — Marsh's Story of Pennsylvania 80 — McBride's Story of the Cabots 43 — McCabe's Story of the Mayflower 106 — McCabe's Story of Mexico 83 — McCabe's Story of Printing 68 — McCabe's Stories of the Revolution — I — (Ethan Allen and the Green Mountain Boys) 69 — McCabe's Stories of the Revolution — II — (Around Philadel- phia) 70 — McCabe's Stories of the Revolution — III — (Marion, the Swamp Fox) 144 — McCabe's Story of Steam 62 — McFee's Children of the South Lands — I — (Florida, Cuba, Porto Rico) 63 — McFee's Children of the South Lands — II — (Africa, Hawaii, The Philippines) 513 — McFee's Story of Iowa 185— Mead's Story of the First Crusade 32 — Patriotic Stories. (Story of the Flag, Story of Washington, etc.) .21 — Power's Story of the Pilgrims 78 — Reiter's Stones of the Backwoods 520 — Skinner's Story of Michigan 521 — Skinner's Story of Minnesota 547 — Skinner's Story of Wisconsin 511 — Smith's Story of Illinois 59 — Story of the Boston Tea Party 287 — Tillinghast's Life in Colonial Days 160 — Tristram's Heroes of the Revolution 286 — Washington's Story of Slavery 248 — White's Makers of European History 542 — Young's Story of Utah Industry 133 — Aunt Martha's Corner Cupboard — Part I — Story of Tea and the Teacup 137 — Aunt Martha's Corner Cupboard — Part III — Story of Rice, Currents and Honey 177 — Aunt Martha's Corner Cupboard — Part II — Story of Sugar, Coffee and Salt Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 82 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Title of Book Usual Lowest Lowest 1 List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price 77 — Browif s Story of Cotton 93 — Brown's Story of Silk 96 — Brown's What We Drink (Tea, Coffee and Cocoa) 76 — Halifax's Story of Wheat 52 — Hanson's Story of Glass 39 — Mayne's Little Wood Friends 51 — Mayne's Story of Flax 41 — Mayne's Story of Wool 109 — McFee's Gifts of the Forests (Rubber, Cinchona, Resins, etc.)-- 74 — McKane's Story of Coal 94 — Reiter's Story of Sugar Literature 221 — Addison' Sir Roger De Coverley Papers 22 — Brown's Rab and His Friends 122 — Browning's The Pied Piper of Hamelin 110 — Bryant's Thanatopsis, and Other Poems ' 19 — Burn's Cotter's Saturday Night 112 — Bush's Story of Robin Hood 67 — Bush's The Story of Robinson Crusoe 153 — Byron's Prisoner of Chillon and Other Poems 201 — Carroll's Alice's First Adventure in Wonderland 202 — Carroll's Alice's Further Adventure in Wonderland 13 — Courtship of Miles Standish 72 — Craik's Bow-Wow and Mew-Mew 206 — Cranston's Picture Study Stories for Little Children 199 — Ewing's Jackanapes 233 — Faxon's Poems Worth Knowing, Book I 234 — Faxon's Poems Worth Knowing, Book II 235 — Faxon's Poems Worth Knowing, Book III 236 — Faxon's Poems Worth Knowing, Book IV, Advanced 90 — Fifteen Selections from Longfellow (Village Blacksmith, Chil- dren's Hour and others) 23 — Foldsmith's The Deserted Village 35 — Goody Two Shoes 231 — Grames' The Oregon Trail (Condensed from Parkman) 192 — Grames' Story of Jean Valjean 127 — Gray's Elegy and Other Poems 172 — Grimes' Labu the Little Lake Dweller 171 — Grimes' Tolmi of the Treetops 149 — Hale's Man Without a Country 147 — Hallock's Story of King Arthur as told by Tennyson 118 — Hawthorne's A Tale of the White Hills and other stories 113 — Hawthorne's Little Daffydowndilly and other stories 9 — Hawthorne's The Golden Touch 211— Hawthorne's The Golden Fleece 196 — Hawthorne's The Gray Champion 161 — Hawthorne's The Great Carbuncle, Mr. Higginbotham's Catastrophe, Snowflakes 20 — Hawthorne's The Great Stone Face, Rill from the Town Pump 26 — Hawthorne's The Minotaur 25 — Hawthorne's The Miraculous Pitcher 162 — Hawthorne's The Pygmies 10 — Hawthorne's The Snow Image 24 — Hawthorne's Three Golden Apples 186 — Heroes from King Arthur 108 — History in Verse. (Sheridan's Ride, Independence Bell, The Blue and the Gray, etc . ) 220 — Hushower's Story of the Christ Child 12 — Irving's Legend of Sleepy Hollow 11 — Irving's Rip Van Winkle 193 — Irving's Selections from the Sketch Book 208 — Keary's Heroes of Asgard, Selections 222 — Kingsley's Greek Heroes, Part I ; The Story of Perseus 223 — Kingsley's Greek Heroes, Part II, The Story of Theseus Ill — Kingsley's Water Babies 238 — Lamb's Adventures of Ulysses Part I 239 — Lamb's Adventures of Ulysses Part II 216 — Lamb's Tales from Shakespeare, selected 183 — LaRamee's A Dog of Flanders 200 — LaRamee's The Child of Urbino 184— LaRamee's The Nurnberg Stove 180 — Lewis's Story of Aladdin and All Baba 170 — Link's Biography and selected poems of Paul H. Hayne 156 — Link's Biography and selected poems of Edgar Allan Poe. . . . 143 — Longfellow's Building of the Ship and other poems 14 — Longfellow's Evangeline 15.5 — Lowell's Rhoecus and Other Poems 18 — Lowell's Vision of Sir Launfal 148 — Macaulay's Horatius, Ivry, The Armada 216 — Macaulay's Life of Samuel Johnson 95 — McFee's Japanese Myths and Legends .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .50 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 ,05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .06 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 ,05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 ,05 ,05 .05 .05 ,05 ,05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 ,05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 ,05 ,05 .05 ,05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .04 .04 .04 ,04 .04 .04 .04 .04 ,04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 ,04 ,04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 ,04- .04 .04 ,04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 LIST OF BOOKS AND PRICES 83 Title of Book Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price No 103 — McFee's Stories from the Old Testament 228 — Maguire's First Term Primer 290 — Maguire's Fuzz in Japan, A Child-Life Reader 214 — More Selections from Irving's Sketch Book 104 — Mother Goose Reader 195 — Night before Christmas and Other Christmas Poems and Stories. (Any Grade) 227 — Our Animal Friends and How to Treat Them 213 — Poems of Thomas Moore, Selected 151 — Poe's The Gold Bug 230 — Rhyme and Jingle Reader for Beginners 126 — Rime of the Ancient Mariner 8 — Ruskin's King of the Golden River 142 — Scott's Lady of the Lake Canto I 154 — Scott's Lady of the Lake Canto II 237 — Scott's Lay of the Last Minstrel Introduction and Canto I 58 — Selections from Alice and Phoebe Cary 129 — Selections from Julius Caesar 130 — Selections from Henry the VIII 71 — Selections from Hiawatha (For 3rd, 4th and 5th Grades) .... Ill — Selections from Holmes (The Wonderful One Hoss Shay, Old Ironsides, and other Poems) 131 — Selections from Macbeth 125 — Selections from The Merchant of Venice 124 — Selections from Shelley and Keats 123 — Selections from Wordsworth (Ode on Immortality, We are Seven, To the Cuckoo, and other poems) 169 — Smith's Biography and selected poems of Abram Joseph Ryan . 284 — Smith's Story of Little Nell (from Dickens) 128 — Speeches of Lincoln 152 — Stevenson's Child's Garden of Verses 242 — Story of the Aeneid 241— Story of the Iliad 61 — Story of Sinbad the Sailor 120 — Ten Selections from Longfellow (Paul Revere's Ride, The Slteleton in Armor, and other poems) , 17 — Tennyson's Enoch Arden 225 — Tennyson's Poems — Selected (For Various Grades) 158 — Washington's Farewell Address and Other Papers 150 — Webster's Bunker Hill Address, Selections from Adams and Jefferson Oration 194 — Whittler's Selected Poems 15 — Whittler's Snowbound 229 — Zeller's Responsive Bible Readings Nature 42 — Bird Stories from the Poets 283 — Bush's Stories of Time 134 — Chase's Conquests of Little Plant People 31 — Chase's Kitty Mittens and Her Friends 1 — Chase's Little Plant People Part I 2 — Chase's Little Plant People Part II 203 — Chase's Little Plant People of the Waterways 135 — Chase's Little People of the Hills (Dry Air and Dry Soil Plants) 3 — Chase's Little Workers (Animal Stories) 205 — Eyes and No Eyes and The Three Giants 40 — Halifax's Wings and Stings 281 — Herndon's Buuders of the World 280 — Herndon's Making of the World 210 — Mann's Snowdrops and Crocuses 53 — Mayne's Adventures of a Little Water Drop 49 — Mayne's Buds, Stems and Fruits 92 — McFee's Animal Life in the Sea 136 — McFee's Peeps into Bird Nooks I 139 — McFee's Peeps into Bird Nooks II 181 — McFee's Stories of the Stars 30 — Miller's Story of a Sunbeam THE EXCELSIOR LITERATURE SERIES 15 — Arnold's Sohrab and Rustum 11 — Browning's Poems 19 — Dickens' Christmas Carol 21 — Dickens' Cricket on the Hearth 33 — Eliot's Silas Marner — Paper binding 34 — Eliot's Silas Marner — Cloth binding 17 — Paris' The Children's Poet 9 — Hawthorne's The Great Stone Face 31— Idylls of the King , 3 — Longfellow's Courtship of Miles Standlsh 1 — Longfellow's Evangeline .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .06 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .10 .10 .10 .10 .20 .30 .10 .10 .15 .10 .10 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .08 .08 .08 .08 .16 .24 .08 .08 .12 .08 .08 84 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Title of Book 27 — Longfellow's Hiawatha 6 — Lowell's Vision of Sir Launfal. 23 — McFee's Familiar Legends . . . . 25 — McFee's Some Water Birds. . . 29 — Milton's Minor Poems 7 — Tennyson's Enoch Arden 13 — Wordsworth's Poems Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price .15 .12 .10 .08 .10 .08 .10 .08 .15 .12 .10 .08 .10 .08 TEXT-BOOKS Civil Government Sander's Outlines in Civil Government 25 Geography McFee's Outlines in U. 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Course in Algebra New Geometry: Plane and Solid Plane Essentials of Geometry: Plane and Solid Plane GERMAN Deutschtea Liederbuch (Hohlfeld) Fraser and Van der Smissen: German Grammar Geschichten und Marchen (Foster) Gore: German Science Reader Harris: German Lessons Harris: Selections for German Composition Hastings: Studies in German Words Hatfield: Materials for German Composition — Each (Based on Immensee and Hoher als die Kirche, Each, 32 pages). Heath: German-English and English-German Dictionary Hodges: Course in Scientific German Huss: German Reader Joynes-Meissner: German Grammar Alternative Exercises (Lewis) Joynes: Shorter German Reader Joynes and Wesselhoeft: German Grammar Kruger and Smith: German Conversation Book Marchen und Erzahlungen I (Guerber) Marchen und Erzahlungen II (Guerber) Meissner: German Conversation Mosher and Jenney: Lem und I^esebuch Nix : Erstes deutsches Schulbuch Pattou: An American in Germany Schmidhofer: Erstes Lesebuch Lowest Exchange Usual Lowest Price List Wholesale in free Price Price textbook districts Col. I Cfol. II Col III .35 .27 25 .65 .49 46 .35 .27 25 .60 .45 42 1.25 .94 88 2.00 1.50 1 40 1.00 .75 70 1.00 .75 70 .50 .38 35 .50 .38 35 .50 .38 35 .30 .23 21 .65 .49 46 .40 .30 28 .45 .34 32 1.25 .94 .30 .23 21 .35 .27 25 .65 .49 46 .30 .23 21 .65 .49 46 .30 .23 21 .46 .34 32 .35 .27 25 .60 .45 42 .35 .27 25 .45 .34 32 .60 .45 42 1.00 .75 70 .90 .68 63 .90 .68 63 .50 .38 35 1.08 .81 76 1.32 .99 93 1.20 .90 84 1.00 .75 70 1.00 .75 70 1.20 .90 84 1.40 1.05 98 1.10 .83 77 1.32 .99 93 1.50 1.13 1 05 1.25 .94 88 .75 .57 53 1.25 .94 88 .75 .57 53 .75 .57 53 1.10 .83 77 .25 .19 .75 .57 53 .60 .45 42 .50 .38 35 1.00 .75 70 .12 .09 09 1.50 1.13 .75 .57 53 .70 .53 49 1.15 .87 81 .15 .12 11 .60 .45 42 1.15 .87 81 .25 .19 18 .60 .45 .65 .49 .65 .49 1.25 .94 88 .35 .27 25 .70 .53 .40 .30 28 88 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Title of book Schmidhofer: Zweites Lesebuch (in press). Spanlioofd : Leiirbucii der deutschen Sprache Spanhoofd: Erstes deutches Lesebuchi Stuven: Pralitische Anfangsgrunde Wesselhoef t : Elementary German Grammar Wesselhoef t : Conversation and Composition Wesselhoef t : German Composition Alltagliches (Lambert) Andersen: Marchen (Super) — Vocabulary Arndt: Deutsche Patrioten (Colwell) — Vocabulary Arnold: Aprilwetter (Fossler) — Vocabulary Arnold : Fritz auf P'erien (Spanhoofd) — ^Vocabulary Auf der Sonnenseite (Bernhardt) — Vocabulary Aus Herz und Welt (Bernhardt) Baumbach: Die Nonna (Bernhardt) — Vocabulary Baumbach: Habuchtsfraulein (Bernhardt) — Vocabulary Baumbach: Nicotiana (Bernhardt) — Vocabulary Baumbach: Waldnovellen (Bernhardt) — Vocabulary Benedix: Die Hochzeitsreise (Schiefferdecker) — Vocabulary Benedix: Nein (Spanhoofd) — Vocabulary Benedix: Plautus und Terenz; Sonntagsjager (Wells) Benedix: Der Prozess (Wells) — -Vocabulary Bluthgen: Peterle von Nurnberg (Bernhardt) — Vocabulary Bohlau: Ratsmadelgeschichten (Haevernick) — Vocabulary Campe: Robinson der Jungere (JbershofT) — Vocabulary Carmen Sylva: Aus meinem Konlgreich (Bernhardt) — Vocabulary. . . Chamisso: Peter Schlemihl (Primer) Dahn: Ein Kampf um Rom (Wenckebach) Dahn: Sigwalt und Sigridh (Schmidt) Der Weg zum Gluck (Bernhardt) — Vocabulary Deutscher Humor (Betz) — Vocabulary Die Schildburger (Betz) — Vocabulary Drei kleine Lutspiele (Wells) Ebner-Eschenbach: Freiherren von Gemperlein (Hohlfeld) Eichendorff: Aus dem Leben eines Taugenichts (Osthaus) — Vocab.. . . Elz : Er ist nicht eifersuchtig (Wells) — Vocabulary Freytag: Aus dem Jahrt. d. grossen Krieges (Rhoades) Freytag: Aus dem Staat Fried richs dea Grossen (Hager) Freytag: Nest der Zaunkonige (Roedder and Handschin) Freytag: Die Journalisten (Toy) Freytag: Die Journalisten (Toy) — Vocabulary Freytag: Soil und Haben (Files) Frommel: Eingeschneit (Bernhardt) — Vocabulary Frommel: Mit Ranzel und Wanderstab (Bernhardt) Fulda: Der Talisman (Prettyman) German Lyrics and Ballads (Hatfield) German Selections for Sight Translation (Mondan) Gerstacker: Germelshausen (Lewis) — Vocabulary Gerstacker: Irrfahrten (Sturm) — Vocabulary ^ . . Goethe: Das Marchen (Eggert) — Vocabulary Goethe: Faust (Thomas) — Part I Goethe: Faust (Thomas)— Part II Goethe: Torquato Tasso (Thomas) Goethe: Meisterwerke (Bernhardt) Goethe: Herman und Dorothea (Adams) — Vocabulary Goethe: Egmont (Hatfield) Goethe: Iphigenie (Rhoades) Goethe: Sesenhelm (Huss) — Vocabulary Goethe: Dichtungi und Wahrheit, Books I-IV (Buchheim) Grillparzer: Der arme Spielmann (Howard) — Vocabulary Grillparzer: Der Traum, ein Leben (Meyer) Grimm: Marchen; Schiller's Der Taucher (Van der Smissen) — Vocab. Hauff: Das kalte Herz (Van der Smissen) — Vocabulary. . Hauff: Litchtenstein (Vogel) Hauff : Der Zwerg Nase (Grandgent) Hebbel: Agnea Bernauer (Evans) Heine: Die Harzreise (Vos) — Vocabulary Heine: Poems (White) Heyse: Madchen von Treppi (Joynes) — Vocabulary Heyse: Hochzeit auf Capri (Bernhardt) — Vocabulary Heyse: L'Arrabbiata (Bernhardt) — Vocabulary Heyse: Niels mit der offenen Hand (Joynes) — Vocabulary Hillern: Hoher als die Kirche (Clary) — Vocabulary Hoffmann: Gymnasium zu Stolpenburg (Buehner) Jensen: Die braune Erica (Joynes) — Vocabulary Keller: Fahnlein der Sieben Aufrechten (Howard) Keller: Kleider machen Leute (Lambert) — Vocabulary Keller: Romeo und Julia auf dem Dorfe (Adams) Korner: Zriny (Holzwarth) Leander: Traumereien (Van der Smissen) — Vocabulary Lessing: Emilia Galotti (Winkler) Lowest Exchange Usual Lowest Price List Wholesale in free Price Price textbook districts Col. I Col. II Col. Ill 1.00 .75 .70 .70 .53 .49 .70 .53 .90 .68 .63 .50 .38 .35 .45 .34 .32 .75 .57 .50 .38 .30 .23 .35 .27 .25 .19 .35 .27 ....*. .25 .19 .30 .23 .40 .30 .30 .23 .35 .27 .25 .19 .25 .19 .25 .19 .20 .15 .35 .27 .40 .30 .40 .30 .35 .27 .35 .27 55 .42 .25 .19 .40 .30 .40 .30 .35 .27 .30 .23 .30 .23 .45 .34 .20 .15 .35 .27 .25 .19 .65 .49 .30 .23 .40 .30 . 55 .42 .30 .23 .35 .27 .35 .27 .75 .57 .15 .12 .30 .23 .45 .34 .30 .23 1.15 .87 1.50 1.13 .75 .57 • 1.25 .94 .65 .49 .60 .45 .60 .45 .30 .23 .90 .68 .35 .27 .40 .30 .45 .34 .40 .30 .75 .57 .15 .12 .50 .38 .45 .34' .75 .57 .30 .23 .30 .23 .25 .19 .30 .23 .30 .23 .35 .27 .35 .27 .40 .30 .35 .27 .30 .23 .35 .27 .40 .30 .60 .45 LIST OF BOOKS AND PRICES 89 Title of book Lessinp: Minna von Bamhelm (Primer) Lessing: Minna von Barnhelm (Primer) — Vocabulary Lessing: Nathan der Weise (Primer) Liliencron: Anno 1870 (Bernliardt)— Vocabulary Lohmeyer: Geissbub von Engelberg (Bernliardt) — Vocabulary Ludwig: Zwischen Himmel und Erde (Meyer) Meisterwerke des Mittelalters (Wenckebach) Meyer: Gustav Adolfs Page (Heller) : Meyer: Jurg Jenatsch (Kenngott) Moricke: Mozart auf der Reise nach Prag (Howard) Moser: Der Bibliothekar (Wells) — Vocabulary Mosher: Wilkommen in Deutschland Munchausen: Reisen (Schmidt)— Vocabulary Xovelletten— Bibliothek, I, II, (Bernhardt) — Each Raabe: Eulenpfingsten (Lambert) — Vocabulary Riehl: Burg Neideck (Jonas) — Vocabulary Riehl: Der Fluch der Schonhett (Thomas) — Vocabulary Riehl: Das Spielmannskind (Eaton) — Vocabulary Rosegger: Der Lex von Gutenhag (Morg:an) — Vocabulary Salomon: Geschichte einer Geige (Tom bo) — Vocabularj' Scheffel: Ekkehard (Wenckebach) Scheffel : Trompeter von Sakkingen (Wenckebach) Schiller: Lied von der Glocke (ChamberUn) — Vocabulary Schiller: Der Geisterseher (Joynes) — Vocabulary Schiller: Neffe als Onkel (Beresford-Webb) — Vocabulary Schiller: Wallenstein's Tod (Eggert) Schiller: Wilhelm Tell (Deering) Schiller: Wilhelm Tell (Deering) — Vocabulary Schiller: Maria Stuart (Rhoad&s) — Vocabulary Schiller: Jungfrau von Orleans (Wells) Schiller: Jungfrau von Orleans (Wells) — Vocabulary Schiller: Ballads (Johnson) Seidel : Aus goldenen Tagen (Bernhardt) — Vocabulary Seidel: Leberecht Huhnchen (Spanhoofd) — Vocabulary Spyri: Moni der Geissbub (Guerber) — Vocabulary Spyri : Rosenresli (Boll) — Special Vocabulary Spyri : Was der Grossmutter Lehre bewirkt (Barrows) — Vocabulary . , Stille Wasser (Bernhardt) — Vocabulary Stokl: Alle Funf (Bernhardt) — Vocabulary Storm: Geschichten aus der Tonne (Vogel) — Vocabulary Storm: Immensee (Bernhardt) — Vocabulary Storm: In St. Jurgen (Wright) — Vocabulary Storm: Pole Poppenspaler (Bernhardt) — Vocabulary Sudermann: Der Katzensteg (Welis) Sudermann: Frau Sorge (Leser & Osthaus) — Vocabulary Sudermann: Heimat (Schmidt) Sudermann: Johannes (Schmidt) Sudermann: Teja (Ford) — Vocabulary Till Eulenspiegel (Betz) — Vocabulary I'nter dem Christbaum (Bernhardt) Volkmann: Kleine Geschichten (Bernhardt) Wichert: Als verlobte empfehlen sich (Flom) — Vocabulary Wildenbruch: Das e<]le Blut (Schmidt 1 — Vocabulary Wildenbruch: Der Letzte (Schmidt) — Vocabulary Wildenbruch: Die Rabensteinerin (Ford) Wildenbruch : Harold Wildenbruch: Neid (Prettyman) — Vocabulary Zschokke: Abenteuer der Xeujahrsnacht (Hands .55 .41 .35 .26 .35 .26 .80 .60 .80 .60 .45 .33 .35 .26 .45 .33 .90 .67 1.00 .75 .35 .26 .70 .52 .40 .30 .35 .26 .60 .45 .35 -^ .26 .25 .18 .35 .26 .35 .26 .35 .26 .35 .26 1.00 .75 .80 .60 .30 .22 .40 .30 .35 .26 .55 .41 .55 .41 .45 .33 .40 .30 .25 .18 .55 .41 .80 .60 .45 .33 .45 .33 1.25 .93 1.00 .75 .25 .18 .35 .26 .35 .26 .40 .30 .45 .33 .50 .37 .40 .30 1.00 .75 .25 .18 .35 .26 .50 .37 .35 .26 .50 .37 .35 .26 .25 .18 .35 .26 .35 .26 .25 .18 .35 .26 .20 .15 .40 .30 .35 .26 .40 .30 100 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Title of Book Sand : La Petite Fadette Sandeau: Mademoiselle de la Seigliere Scribe et Legoiive: La Bataille de Dames . ^ Scribe et Legouve: Les Doights de Fee Segur: Le Retraite de Moscou Theuriet : L' Abbe Daniel Thiers: Expedition de Bonaparte en I'Egypte Topflfer: La Bibliotheque de Mon Oncle Verne: Une Ville Flottante Zola: Selections , . , GERMAN Allen: Daheim Allen: Herein Allen: First German Composition Bierworth : Words of Frequent Occurrence in Ordinary German Bierworth: Beginning German Bierworth: New Exercises for Beginning German Bierworth: Beginning German Bierworth: New Exercises for Beginning German Bierworth: Abstract of German Grammar Boezinger: Mundliche und schriftliche Ubungen Bronson: Colloquial German Bronson: German Prose and Poetry Fischer: Practical Lessons in German Fischer: Elementary Progressive German Reader Gohdes & Buschek: Sprach — und Lesebuch Harris: German Reader Howe: First German Book Howe: German Prose Composition (Based on Storm's Immensee) . . . . Jagemann: Elements of German Syntax Jagemann: Materials for German Prose Composition Lambert: Handbook of German Idioms Loenig & Arndt: Deutsche Wirtschaft Nichols: Easy German Reader Otis: Elementary German Grammar Otto: German Conversation Grammar Otto: Elementary Grammar of the German Language Poll: Materials for German Prose Composition Pope: German Composition Pope: Writing and Speaking German Prokosch: German for Beginners Prokosch: Introduction to German Rhoades & Schneider: Erstes Sprach-und Lesebuch Schneider: Zweites Sprach-und Lesebuch Schrakamp: Erzahlungen aud der deutschen Geschichte Schrakamp: German Grammatical Drill Schrakamp : Das deutsche Buch fur Anf anger Schrakamp: Exercises in Conversational German Schrakamp : Beruhmte Deutsche Spanhoofd: Das Wesentliche der deutschen Grammatik Stern: First Lessons in German Stern: Studien und Plaudereien — 1st series Stern: Studien und Plaudereien — 2nd series Thomas: Practical German Grammar Thomas & Hervey: German Reader & Themebook Tuckermann: Am Anfang Vos: Materials for German Conversation Vos: Essentials of German Vos: Essentials of German (Ind. Ed.) Wenckebach: Deutsche Sprachlehre Wenckebach: Deutsches Lesebuch Wenckebach: German Composition Based on Humorous Stories Wenckebach & Schrakamp: Deutsche Grammatik fur Amerikaner . . . . Whitney & Stroebe: Easy German Composition Whitney: Compendious German Grammar Whitney: Brief German Grammar Whitney: Introductory German Reader German Reading Texts Anderson: Bilderbuch ohne Bilder Anderson: Stories by Grimm, Anderson & Hauflf Arnold : Einst im Mai Baumbach: Sommermarchen Baumbach: Der Schwiegersohn Baumbach : Das Habichtsfraulein Baumbach: Frau Holde Benedix: Eigensinn, bound with Wilhelmi: Einer muss heiraten Benedix: Der Dritte Benedix: Der Prozess, bound with Fulda: Unter vier Augen Chamisso: Peter Schlemihl Ebner-Eschenbach: Lotti die Uhrmacherin Usual Lowest Lowes List Wholesale '. Cxchan Price Price Price .55 .41 .25 .18 .25 .18 .25 .18 .35 .26 .40 .30 .35 .26 .50 .37 .40 .30 .80 .60 .70 .52 .42 .70 .52 .42 .90 .67 .54 .25 .18 .90 .67 .54 .25 .18 .90 .67 .54 .25 .18 .40 .30 .24 .75 .56 .45 .75 .56 .45 1.25 .93 .75 .75 .56 .45 .70 .52 .42 1.00 .75 .60 1.00 .75 .60 .90 .67 .54 .20 .15 .90 .67 .54 .90 .67 .54 .40 .30 .35 .26 .40 .30 .24 .90 .67 .54 1.30 .97 .78 .80 .60 .48 .90 .67 .54 .90 .67 .54 .90 .67 .54 1.00 .75 .60 1.15 .86 .69 .36 .27 .21 .40 .30 .24 .90 .67 .65 .48 .39 .75 .56 .45 .55 .41 .33 .85 .63 .51 .75 .56 .45 1.00 .75 .60 1.10 .82 .66 1.20 .90 .72 1.25 .93 .75 1.00 .75 .60 .50 .37 .30 .75 .56 .45 .90 .67 .54 .80 .68 .54 1.25 .93 .75 .90 .67 .54 1.00 .75 .60 1.12 .84 .67 .90 .67 .54 1.30 .97 .78 .75 .56 .45 1.00 .75 .60 .30 .22 1.00 .75 .35 .26 .35 .26 .40 .30 .40 .30 .30 .22 .35 .26 .20 .15 .35 .26 .25 .18 .35 .26 LIST OF BOOKS AND :ejll(5i^^, > J' 101 Title of Book Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price Eichendorff: Aus dem Leben eines Taugenichts 40 .30 Ernst: Uberwunden .30 .22 Fontane: Grete Minde 60 .45 Fouque: Undine .50 .37 Freytag: Die Journalisten .35 .26 Freytag: Karl der Grosse with vocabulary 75 .56 Fulda: Unter view Augen, bound with Benedix: Der Prozess .35 .26 Fulda: Der Dummkopf 35 .26 German Poems for Memorizing .35 .26 Gerstacker: Irrfahrten .40 .30 Gerstacker: Germelshausen .35 .26 Goethe: Hermann und Dorothea .40 .30 Goethe: Iphigenie auf Tauris (Winkler) 70 .52 Goethe: Vicar of Sesenheim .35 .26 Grillparzer; Die Ahnfrau 80 .60 Grillparzer: Konig Ottokar's Gluck und Ende 60 .45 Grimm: Kinder und Hausmarchen .50 .37 Hauff: Das Kalte Herz 35 .26 Hauff: Die Karawane 75 ..56 Hauff: Lichtenstein 80 .60 Heine: Die Harzreise .50 .37 Heine: Die Harzreise and Das Buch Le Grand .60 .45 Heyse: Anfang und Ende .40 .30 Heyse: Das Madchen von Treppi 35 .26 Heyse: Vetter Gabriel 35 .26 Heyse: L'Arrabbiata .35 .26 Heyse: Die Blinden 40 .30 Hillern: Hoher als die Kirche (Whittlesey) 35 .26 Hillern : Fischer's Hoher als die Kirche .60 .45 Hoffmann: Meister Martin der Kufner .40 .30 Hoffmann : Das Fraulein von Scuderi .35 .26 Keller: Legenden 35 .26 Leander: Traumereien .40 .30 Lessing: Minna von Barnhelm (Whitney) .60 . .45 Lessing: Minna von Barnhelm (Nichols) without voc .60 .45 Lessing: The same with vocabulary .75 .56 Meissner: Aus meiner Welt .40 .30 Meissner: Aus deutschen Landen .45 .33 Meissner: Das Marchen von Heute .35 .26 Meyer: Der Heilige 80 .60 Mogk: Deutsche Sitten und Brauche .35 .26 Moltke: Die beiden Freunde 35 .26 Moser: Der Schimmel .25 .18 Moser: Der Bibliotheker 40 .30 Moser: Ultimo 35 .26 Nichols: Two German Tales 40 .30 Regents: German and French Poems for Memorizing .20 .15 Riehl: Der Fluch der Schonheit 35 .26 Riehl: Burg Neideck 35 .26 Rosegger: Die Schriften des Waldschulmeisters .40 .30 Rosen: Ein Knopf .25 .18 Saar: Die Steinklopfer 35 .26 Scheffel: Der Trompeter von Sakkingen .80 .60 Schiller: Wilhelm Tell (Whitney) 50 .37 Schiller: William Tell (Palmer) without vocabulary .60 .45 Schiller: The same with vocabulary .75 .56 Schiller: Maria Stuart without vocabulary .60 .45 Schiller: The same with vocabulary .75 .56 Schiller: Die Jungfrau von Orleans without vocabulary .60 .45 Schiller: The same with vocabulary .75 .56 Schiller: Der Neffe als Onkel 35 .26 Schiller: Geschichte des dreissigjahrigen Kriegs Drittes Buch .45 .33 Schiller: Das Lied von der Glocke .20 .15 Sealfleld : Die Prarie am Jacinto .35 .26 Stern: Aus Deutschen Meisterwerken 1 .20 .90 Storm: Immensee .25 .18 Storm : Auf der Universitat .35 .26 Sudermann : Frau Sorge with vocabulary .90 .67 Sudermann: Teja .35 .26 Three German Comedies 30 .22 Werner: Heimatklang .40 .30 Wichert: Die verlorme Tochter 35 .26 Weidemann: Biblische Geschichten. .35 .26 Wilbrandt: Jugendliebe 35 .26 Wildenbruch: Das Edle Blut 35 .26 Wildenbruch: Kindertranen 35 .26 Wilhelmi: Einer muss heiraten, bound with Benedix: Eigensinn. . . . .35 .26 Z.schokke: Das Abenteuer der Neujahrsnacht, and Der zerbrochene Krug 30 .22 102 li^PA^"^MS3NT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Title of Book HISTORY AND ECONOMICS Usual List Price Lowest Lowest Wholesale Exchange Price Price Dow: Atlas of European History 1 . 50 Gardiner: English History for Schools .80 Johnston: High School History of the United States 1 .40 Johnston: History of the United States for Schools 1 .00 Johnston: History of American Politics .90 Oman: History of England 1 .50 Seienobos: History of the Roman People 1 .25 Walker: First Lessons in Political Economy 1 . 00 MATHEMATICS AND ENGINEERING Babbitt : Working Drawings 1 . 00 Evans: Algebra for Schools 1 . 12 Hall & Frink: Trigonometry — Plane with Tables 1 .25 Hall & Frink. Plane and Spherical Trigonometry 1 .00 Hall & Frink: Five-place Tables 75 Keigwin: Elements of Geometry 1 .00 Smith: Four-place Logarithmic Tables .50 SCIENCE Atkinson: Botany for High Schools 1 .25 Atkinson: Practice Key & Flora .40 Be.«sey : The Essentials of Botany 1 . 12 Fitz: Physiology and Hygiene 1.12 Hall: Elements of Physics 1 .25 Hall & Bergen: Textbook of Physics 1 .25 Hunter & Valentine: Laboratory Manual of Biology .60 Kellogg: Elementary Zoology 1 . 35 Kellogg: First Lessons in Zoology 1 . 12 Kellogg: The Animals and Man 1 .25 Martin: The Human Body, Briefer Course 1 .25 Martin: The Human Body, Elementan^ Course .80 Martin: The Human Body and the Effects of Narcotics 1 .25 Moore: Physiology of Man and Other Animals .80 Packard : Zoology, Briefer Course 1.12 Packard : Zoology, Elementary Course .80 Pea body: Laboratory Exercises in Anatomy and Physiology .60 Remsen: Introduction to the Study of Chemistry 1 .25 Remsen : Elements of Chemistry .80 Remsen: Laboratory Manual .50 Remsen: Chemical Experiments .50 Russell & Kelly: Laboratory Manual of First Year Science .60 Salisbury: Physiography for High Schools, Briefer Course 1 . 50 Salisbury : Elementary Physiography 1 . 30 Salisbury, Barrows & Tower: Elements of Geography 1 .50 Sahsbury, Barrows & Tower: Modern Geography. . .• 1 .25 Sargent: Plants and their Uses 1 .25 SPANISH Crawford : Spanish Composition .75 Harrison: Spanish Correspondence 1 . 00 Olnistead & Gordon: Spanish Grammar for Schools and Colleges 1 .40 Ramsey: Spanish Grammar 1 . 50 Ramsey : Elementary Spanish Reader 1 . 00 Ramsey & Lewis: Spanish Prose Composition .90 Schilling: Spanish Grammar 1.10 Schilling: Don Basilic 1 .00 Spanish Reading Texts Caballero: La Familia de Alvareda .75 Hartszenbusch : La Coja y el Encogido .60 Hills: Spanish Tales for Beginners 1 .00 Ibanez: La Barraca .90 Selgas: La Mariposa Blanca .60 Valiles: La Hermana San Sulplco .50 .60 .48 1.05 .84 .75 .60 .67 .54 1.12 .90 .93 .75 .75 .60 .75 .60 .84 .67 .93 .75 .75 .60 .56 .45 .75 .60 .37 .30 .93 .75 .30 .84 .67 .84 .67 .93 .75 .93 .75 .45 .36 1.01 .81 .84 .67 .93 .75 .93 .75 .60 .48 .93 .75 .60 .48 .84 .67 .60 .48 .45 .36 .93 .75 .60 .48 .37 .30 .37 .30 .45 .36 1.12 .90 .97 .78 1.12 .90 .93 .75 .93 .75 .56 .45 .75 .60 1.05 .84 1.12 .90 .76 .60 .67 .54 .82 .66 .75 .60 .56' .45 .75 .67 .45 .37 LIST OF BOOKS AND PRICES 103 LIST OF HOUGHTON MIFFLIN COMPANY 623-633 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago, HI. To be furnished f. o. b. at Chicago, Illinois, upon order of any school board or board of education in Afichigan, or upon the order of duly authorized and responsible purchasing agents of such board upon terms and prices listed below. Usual Lowest Lowest Title of Book . List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price ARITHMETIC Hoyt & Peet. First Year in Number $0 . 35 CIVIL GOVERNMENT Fiske. Civil Goverimient in the U.S 1.00 Guitteau. Preparing for Citizenship .75 Guitteau. Government and PoUtics in the U. S 1 .00 Strong and Schaf er. Government of the American People .85 $0.26i $0.21 .75 .60 .56i .45 .75 .60 .631 .51 CLASSICS— FOR GRADES AND HIGH SCHOOL The Riverside Literature Series Addison-Steele. The Sir Roger de Coverley Papers from the Spectator, Part 1, Paper 15 Addison-Steele. The Sir Roger de Coverley Papers from the Spectator, Part 2, Paper 15 Addison-Steele. The Sir Roger de Coverley Papers from the Spectator, in one volume. Cloth .40 Aldrich. The Cruise of the Dolphin, Baby Bell, and other Prose and Verse, Paper .15 Aldrich. The Story of a Bad Boy, Cloth 50 Andersen. Stories from Hans Christian Andersen, Part 1, Paper .15 Andersen. Stories from Hans Christian Andersen, Part 2, Paper .15 Andersen. Stories from Hans Christian Andersen, in one volume. Cloth .40 . Stories from the Arabian Nights, Part 1, Paper .15 . Stories from the Arabian Nights, Part 2, Paper .15 . Stories from the Arabian Nights, in one volume, Cloth .40 Arnold. Sohrab and Rustum, and Other Poems, Paper .15 Arnold. Sohrab and Rustum, and Other Poems, Cloth .25 . Le Morte Arthur (Hemingway, Editor) Paper .30 . Le Morte Arthur (Hemingway, Editor) Cloth .40 Bacon. Essays of Francis Bacon, Paper .30 Bacon. Essays of Francis Bacon, Cloth .40 . Representative English and Scottish Popular Ballads, Paper. .30 . Representative English and Scottish Popular Ballads, Cloth. . .40 . Beowulf, Translated and Edited by C. G. Child, Paper 15 . Beowulf, Translated and Edited by C. G. Child, Cloth 25 Brown. In the Days of Giants, Cloth .50 Browning. The Pied Piper of Hamelin, Cavalier Tunes and Other Poems, Paper .15 Browning. The Pied Piper of Hamelin, Cavalier Tunes and Other Poems, Cloth 25 Bryant. Thanatopsis and Other Poems, Pai)er .15 Bryant. Thanatopsis and Other Poems, Cloth .25 Bunyan. The Pilgrim's Progress, Paper , . . . . .30 Bunyan. The Pilgrim's Progress, Cloth .40 Burke. Speech on Conciliation with the Colonies, Paper .15 Burke. Speech on Conciliation with the Colonies. Cloth .25 Burns. The Cotter's Saturday Night and Other Poems, Paper .15 Bums. The Cotter's Saturday Night and Other Poems, Cloth .25 Burroughs. Afoot and Afloat, Paper • .15 Burroughs. Afoot and Afloat, Cloth .25 Burroughs. Birds and Bees, JPaper . . '. .15 Burroughs. Sharp Eyes and Other Papers, Paper .15 Burroughs. Sharp Eyes and Other Papers, Cloth .25 Burroughs. Birds and Bees and Sharp Eyes, in one volume. Cloth .40 Burroughs. A Bunch of Herbs, and Other Papers, Paper .15 Byron. Childe Harold Canto IV, The Prisoner of Chillon, and Ma- zeppa. Paper .15 Byron. Childe Harold Canto IV, The Prisoner of Chillon, and Ma- zeppa. Cloth .25 Byron. The Prisoner of Chillon, and Other Poems, Paper .15 Byron. The Prisoner of Chillon, and Other Poems, Cloth .25 Campbell-Coleridge. Campbell's Lochiel's Warning and Other Poems. Coleridge's Rime of the Ancient Mariner and Other Poems, Paper. . .15 • lU -Hi .30 .lU .37^ • Hi .llj .30 llj -lU .30 .Hi .181 .22^ .30 .22^ .30 .22^ .30 .lU .181 • Hi .181 • Hi .18} .22^ .30 • Hi .181 .Hi .18? lU ,18 3- lli ■ Hi .18 J .30 .11} .Hi .18} .Hi .18} • Hi 104 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Usual Title of Book List Price Campbell-Coleridge. Campbell's Lochiel's Warning, and Other Poems. Coleridge's Rime of tlie Ancient Mariner, and Other Poems, Cloth . . .25 Carlyle. Essay on Burns, Paper .1,5 Carlyle. Essay on Burns, Cloth .25 Carlyle. Heroes, Hero-Worship, and the Heroic in History, Paper. ... .45 Carlyle. Heroes, Hero-Worship, and the Heroic in History, Cloth .... .50 Chaucer. The Prologue, from the Canterbury Tales, Paper .15 Chaucer. The Prologue, from the Canterbury Tales, Cloth .25 Chaucer. The Knight's Tale and the Nun's Priest Tale, Paper .15 Chaucer. The Prologue, Knight's Tale and the Nun's Priest's Tale, in one volume. Cloth .40 Cooper. The Last of the Mohicans, Cloth .60 Cooper. The Spy, Paper .45 Cooper. The Spy, Cloth .60 Cowper-Gray. Cowper's John Gilpin, and Other Poems. Gray's Elegy, and Other Poems, Paper .35 Dana. Two Years Before the Mast, Cloth .60 Defoe. Robinson Crusoe, Cloth .60 De Quincey. The Flight of a Tartar Tribe, Paper .15 De Quincey. Joan of Arc, and The English Mail-Coach, Paper .15 De Quincey. Joan of Arc, and The English Mail-Coach, Cloth .25 Dickens. A Dickens Reader, Paper .30 Dickens. A Dickens Reader, Cloth .40 Dickens. A Christmas Carol, Paper .15 Dickens. A Christmas Carol, Cloth .25 Dickens. The Cricket on the Hearth, Paper .15 Dickens. A Christmas Carol and The Cricket on the Hearth, in one volume, Cloth .40 Dickens. A Tale of Two Cities, Paper .45 Dickens. A Tale of Two Cities, Cloth .50 Dryden. Palamon and Arcite, and Other Poems, Paper .15 Dryden. Palamon and Arcite, and Other Poems, Cloth . .25 Dryden-Collins-Gray-Cowper-Burns. Selected Lyrics from, Paper. ... .15 Dryden-Collin.s-Gray-Cowper-Burns. Selected Lyrics from, Cloth. ... .25 . Everyman, The Second Shepherd's Play, and Other Early Plays, Paper .30 . Everyman, The Second Shepherd's Play, and Other Earlv Plays, Cloth 40 Edgeworth. Waste Not, Want Not, and the Barring out, Paper .15 Eliot. Silas Marner, Paper .30 Eliot. Silas Marner, Cloth .40 Emerson. Self-Reliance, and Other Essays, Paper .15 Emerson. Friendship, and Other Essays, Paper .15 Emerson. Self-Reliance, Friendship and Other Essays, in one volume. Cloth 40 Emerson. The Fortune of the Republic, and Other American Ad- dresses, Paper .15 Emerson. Selected Poems on Nature, Life and Character, and Patriotic Themes, Paper .15 Emerson. The Fortune of the Republic, and Other American Ad- dresses and Selected Poems on Nature, Life and Character, and Patriotic Themes, in one volume. Cloth .40 Emerson. Nature and Compensation, Paper .15 Emerson. The Superlative, and Other Essays, Paper .15 Ewing. Jackanapes, and The Brownies, Paper .15 Ewing. Jackanapes, and The Brownies, Cloth .25 Fiske. The War of Independence, Paper .30 Fiske. The War of Independence, Cloth .40 Franklin. Autobiography, Part 1, Paper .15 Franklin. Autobiography, Part 2, Paper .15 Franklin. Autobiography, Parts 1 and 2, in one volume. Cloth .40 Franklin. Poor Richard's Almanac, Paper .15 Gaskell. Cranford, Paper .30 Gaskell. Cranford, Cloth .40 Goethe. Faust: The First Part, Cloth 75 Goldsmith. The Deserted Village, Paper .15 Goldsmith. The Deserted Village, Cloth 25 Goldsmith. The Good-Natured Man, Paper .15 Goldsmith. She Stoops to Conquer, Paper .15 Goldsmith. The Good-Natured Man, and She Stoops to Conquer, in one volume. Cloth .40 Goldsmith. The Vicar of Wakefield, Paper 30 Goldsmith. The Vicar of Wakefield, Cloth 40 Grimm. German Household Tales, Part 1, Paper .15 Grimm. German Household Tales, Part 2, Paper .15 Grimm. German Household Tales, Parts 1 and 2 in one volume. Cloth. . .40 Harris. Little Mr. Thimbleflnger, Stories, Paper .30 Harris. Little Mr. Thimbleflnger Stories, Cloth 40 Harte. Tennessee's Partner, John Burns of Gettysburg, and Other Stories and Poems, Paper .15 Harte. Tennessee's Partner, John Burns of Gettysburg, and Other Stories and Poems, Cloth .25 Hawthorne. Biographical Stories, Paper .15 Hawthorne. Little Daffydowndilly, and Other Stories, Paper, ,,,.... 15 Lowest Lowest Wholesale Exchange Price Price .181 .Hi .18f .33J .37i .111 . 18f • lU .30 .45 .331 .374 Hi .45 .45 • lli .11 J .18 J .224 .30 ■ Hi .181 Hi .30 .331 .374 • Hi .18i Hi .181 .224 .30 ■ Hi .224 .30 .Hi .Hi .30 • Hi • Hi .30 .Hi ■ Hi .Hi .181 .224 .30 Hi ■ Hi .30 ■ Hi .224 .30 .56i .Hi .181 .Hi .Hi .30 .224 .30 .Hi Hi .30 .224 .30 ■ Hi .18? • Hi Hi LIST OF BOOKS AND PRICES 105 Title of Book Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price Hawthorne. Little Daffydowndilly, and Other Stories, Cloth 25 . 18i Hawthorne. Little Daffydowndilly and Biographical Stories, in one volume, Cloth 40 .30 Hawthorne. The Custom House and Main Street, Paper .15 .Hi Hawthorne. The Gentle Boy and Other Tales, Paper 15 .Hi Hawthorne. The Gentle Boy and Other Tales, Cloth 25 . 18| Hawthorne. True Stories from New PDngland History, Part 1, Paper. . .15 .lli Hawthorne. True Stories from New England History, Part 2, Paper. . .15 .Hi Hawthorne. True Stories from New England History, Part 3, Paper. . .15 .Hi Hawthorne. True Stories from New England History, Parts 1, 2, 3, in one volume. Cloth'. .50 .371 Hawthorne. The House of the Seven Gables, Paper 50 .37i Hawthorne. The House of the Seven Gables, Cloth .60 .45 Hawthorne. The Marble Faun, Cloth 60 .45 Hawthorne. The Old Manse, and a Few Mos.ses, Paper .15 .Hi Hawthorne. The Great Stone Face, and Other Tales of the White Hills, Paper 15 .Hi Hawthorne. The Great Stone Face, and Other Tales of the White Hills, Cloth 25 .18f Hawthorne. The Old Manse and a Few Mosses, and The Great Stone Face, and Other Tales of the White Hills, in one volume, Cloth. ... .40 .30 Hawthorne. Tanglewood Tales, Part 1, Paper 15 .Hi Hawthorne. Tanglewood Tales, Part 2, Paper .15 .Hi Hawthorne. Tanglewood Tales, Parts 1 and 2 in one volume. Cloth.. . .40 .30 Hawthorne. Twice-Told Tales, Paper 50 .37J Hawthorne. Twice-Told Tales, Cloth 60 .45 Hawthorne. Selected Twice-Told Tales, Paper 20 .15 Hawthorne. Selected Twice-Told Tales, Cloth 30 .22^ Hawthorne. A Wonder-Book, Part 1, Paper .15 .Hi Hawthorne. A Wonder-Book, Part 2, Paper .15 .Hi Hawthorne. A Wonder-Book, Parts 1 and 2 in one volume. Cloth 40 .30 Higginson. Three Outdoor Papers, Paper .15 .Hi Holbrook. The Hiawatha Primer, Cloth 40 .30 Holbrook. The Book of Nature Myths, Cloth 45 .33i Holbrook. Northland Heroes, Cloth 35 .26i Holbrook. A Dramatization of Longfellow's Hiawatha, Paper .15 .Hi Holmes. The Autocrat of the Breakfast Table, Paper 45 .33f Holmes. The Autocrat of the Breakfast Table, Cloth 50 .37 J Holmes. Grandmother's Story of Bunker Hill Battle and Other Poems, Paper 15 .Hi Holmes. Grandmother's Story of Bunker Hill Battle, and Other Poems, Cloth 25 .18? Holmes. My Hunt After the Captain, and Other Papers, Paper .15 .Hi Holmes. Grandmother's Story of Bunker Hill Battle, and My Hunt After the Captain, and Other Poems and Papers, in one volume, Cloth 40 .30 Holmes. Leaflets, Selected Poems and Prose, Paper 30 .22 J Holmes. Leaflets, Selected Poems and Prose, Cloth .40 .30 Homer. The Odyssey, Translated by Prof. George H. Palmer, Cloth. . .75 .56i Homer. Ulysses Among the Phaeacians, Books VI, VII, VIII and Portions of Books V and XIII from the Odyssey, Bryant's Transla- tion, Paper .15 .Hi Homer. Ulysses Among the Phaeacians, Books VI, VII, VIII and Portions of Books V and XIII from the Odyssey, Bryant's Transla- tion, Cloth 25 .181 Homer. The Iliad, Books I, VI, XXII, XXIV, Bryant's Translation, Paper 15 .Hi Homer. The Iliad, Books I, VI, XXII, XXIV, Bryant's Translation, Cloth 25 .181 Homer. The Iliad, Books I, VI, XXII, XXIV, Pope's Translation, Paper 15 .Hi Homer. The Iliad, Books I, VI, XXII, XXIV, Pope's Translation, Cloth 25 .18i Howells. Doorstep Acquaintance, and Other Sketches, Paper .15 .Hi Howells. The Rise of Silas Lapham, Paper -50 .37| Howells. The Rise of Silas Lapham, Cloth 60 .45 Hughes. Tom Brown's School Days, Paper .45 .33i Hughes. Tom Brown's School Days, Cloth 50 .37 J Huxley. Autobiography, and Selections from Lay Sermons, Paper. .. . .15 .Hi Huxley. Essays on Science and Education, Paper .15 .Hi Huxley. Autobiography, Selections from Lay Sermons, and Essays on Science and Education, in one volume. Cloth .40 .30 Irving. Bracebridge Hall, Paper IS .11, Irving. Bracebridge Hall, Cloth .25 .18| Irving. Life of Goldsmith, Paper .45 .33J Irving. Life of Goldsmith, Cloth 50 .37* Irving. Essays from the Sketch Book, Part 1, Paper .15 .Hi Irving. Essays from the Sketch Book, Part 1 , Cloth 25 . 18f Irving. Essays from the Sketch Book, Part 2, Paper .15 . 11 j Irving. Essays from the Sketch Book, Parts 1 and 2 in one volume. Cloth... 40 .30 Irving. Selected Essays from the Sketch Book, Paper .30 , . 22 , Irving. Selected Essays from the Sketch Book, Cloth 40 .30 14 106 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Title of Book Jewett. The Night Bfcfore Thanksgiving, A White Heron and Selected Stories, Paper Jewett. The Night Before Thanksgiving, A White Heron and Selected Stories, Cloth Keats. Ode on a Grecian Urn, and Other Poems, Paper Lamb. Selected Essays of Elia, Paper Lamb. Selected Essays of Elia, Cloth Lamb. Old China and Other Essays of Elia, Paper Lamb, Charles & Mary. Tales from Shakespeare, Part 1, Paper. . . . Lamb. Charles & Mary. Tales from Shakespeare, Part 2, Paper. . . . Lamb. Charles & Mary. Tales from Shakespeare, Part 3, Paper. . . . Lamb. Charles & Mary. Tales from Shakespeare, Parts 1, 2, 3, in one volume. Cloth Lincoln. The Gettysburg Speech, and Other Papers, Paper Lincoln. The Gettysburg Speech, and Other Papers, with Schurz's Essay on Lincoln, in one volume. Cloth Longfellow. A Sketch of Longfellow's Life, with Autobiographical Poems, Paper Longfellow. A Sketch of Longfellow's Life, with Autobiographical Poems, Cloth Longfellow. The Building of the Ship, and Other Poems, Paper Longfellow. The Children's Hour, and Other Poems, Paper Longfellow. Paul Revere's Ride and Other Poems, Paper Longfellow. The Children's Hour, Paul Revere's Ride and Other Poems, in one volume. Cloth Longfellow. The Courtship of Miles Standish; Elizabeth, Paper Longfellow. The Courtship of Miles Standish; Ehzabeth, Cloth Longfellow. The Courtship of Miles Standish, Dramatized, Paper. . . . Longfellow. Evangehne, Paper Longfellow. Evangeline, Cloth Longfellow. Giles Cory of the Salem Farms, Paper Longfellow. The Golden Legend, Cloth Longfellow. Leaflets, Selected Poems and Prose, Paper Longfellow. Leaflets, Selected Poems and Prose, Cloth Longfellow. The Song of Hiawatha, Part 1, Paper Longfellow. The Song of Hiawatha, Part 2, Paper Longfellow. The Song of Hiawatha, Parts 1 and 2, in one volume. Cloth Longfellow. Tales of a Wayside Inn, Part 1, Paper Longfellow. Tales of a Wayside Inn, Part 2, Paper Longfellow. Tales of a Wayside Inn, Part 3, Paper Longfellow. Tales of a Wayside Inn, Parts 1, 2, and 3, in one volume. Cloth Lowell. Books and Libraries, and Other Papers, Paper Lowell. Democracy, and Other Papers, Paper Lowell. A Fable for Critics, Paper Lowell. Leaflets, Selected Poems and Prose, Paper Lowell. Leaflets, Selected Poems and Prose, Cloth Lowell. My Garden Acquaintance, A Moosehead Journal, and A Good Word for Winter, Paper Lowell. Under the Old Elm, and Other Poems, Paper Lowell. The Vision of Sir Launf al, and Other Poems, Paper Lowell. The Vision of Sir Launfal, and Other Poems, Cloth Macaulay. Life and Writings of Addison, Paper Macaulay. Essay on Johnson and Goldsmith, Paper Macaulay. Essay on Johnson and Goldsmith, Cloth Macaulay. Essay on Lord Clive, Paper Macaulay. Essay on Warren Hastings, Paper Macaulay. Essays on Lord Clive and Warren Hastings, in one vol- ume, Cloth Macaulay. Essay on Milton, Paper Macaulay. Essay on Milton, Cloth Macaulay. Lays of Ancient Rome, Paper Macaulay. Lays of Ancient Rome, Cloth Macaulay and Lincoln. Macaulay's Two Speeches on Copyright. Lincoln's Address at Cooper Union, Paper Macaulay and Lincoln. Macaulay's Two Speeches on Copyright. Lincoln's Address at Cooper Union, Cloth Malory. The Book of Merlin, and The Book of Sir Balin, Paper Malory. The Book of Merlin, and The Book of Sir Balin, Cloth Malory. King Arthur Stories, Paper Malory. King Arthur Stories, Cloth Martineau. The Peasant and The Prince, Paper Martineau. The Peasant and The Prince, Cloth Milton. Of Education, Areopagitica, The Commonwealth, Paper Milton. Of Education, Areopagitica, The Commonwealth, Cloth Milton. Minor Poems, Paper Milton. Minor Poems, Cloth Milton. Paradise Lost, Books I-III, Paper Milton. Minor Poems and Paradise Lost, Books I-III, in one volume. Cloth Moores. Life of Abraham Lincoln for Boys and Girls, Paper Moores. Life of Abraham Lincoln for Boys and Girls, Cloth Moores. Life of Christopher Columbus, Paper Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price .15 .25 .15 .30 .40 .15 .15 .15 .15 .50 .15 .40 .15 .25 .15 .15 .15 .40 .15 .25 .15 .15 .25 .15 .40 .30 .40 .15 .15 .40 .15 .15 .15 .50 .15 .15 .15 .30 .40 .15 .15 .15 .25 .15 .15 .25 .15 .15 .40 .15 .25 .15 .25 .15 .25 .15 .25 .30 .40 .30 .40 .45 .50 .15 .25 .15 .40 .15 .25 .15 .Hi .18J .Hi .22^ .30 • Hi .Hi • Hi .Hi .37^ .lU .30 • Hi .18} .Hi .Hi .Hi ..30 .Hi .181 • Hi • Hi .18J .Hi .30 .22i .30 .lU • Hi .30 .Hi .lU .Hi .37^ .Hi .Hi • Hi .22^ .30 .Hi • Hi .Hi .18J .Hi .111 .18! • Hi • Hi .30 • Hi .18} .Hi .18} .Hi .18} • Hi .18} .22i .30 .22h .30 .33} .37 J .11} .18} .Hi .30 .Hi .18} .Hi LIST OF BOOKS AND PRICES 107 Titie of Book Moores. Life of Christopher Columbus, Cloth Newman. Selections from the Prose and Poetry of Cardinal Newman, Paper Newman. Selections from the Prose and Poetry of Cardinal Newman, Cloth . The Nibelungenlied, Translated by Shumway, Cloth . Old Testament Narrative (Sheffield), Cloth . Old Testament Stories in Scripture Language, Paper Ouida. A Dog of Flanders and The Nurnberg Stove, Paper Ouida. A Dog of Flanders and The Nurnberg Stove, Cloth Parton. Captains of Industry, Paper Parton. Captains of Industry, Cloth Peabody. Old Greek Folk Stories, Paper Peabody. Old Greek Folk Stories, Cloth Plato. The Judgment of Socrates, Paper Plutarch. Life of Alexander the Great, Paper Foe. The Raven, The Fall of the House of Usher, and Other Poems and Poe. The Raven, The Fall of the House of Usher, and Other Poems and Tales, Cloth Poe. The Goli-3ug, and Other Tales, Paper Poe. The IC . ^n. The Fall of the House of Usher, The Gold-Bug, and Other Poems and Tales, in one volume. Cloth Pope. The Rape of the Lock, An Essay on Man, and Epistle to Dr. Arbuthnot, Paper Pope. The Rape of the Lock, An Essay on Man and Epistle to Dr. Arbuthnot, Cloth . Ralph Roister Doister, P^er . Song of Roland' (Butler, Editor) Paper . Song of Roland (Butler, Editor) Cloth Ruskin. Selections from the Works of John Ruskin, Paper Ruskin. Selections from the Works of John Ruskin, Cloth Ruskin. Sesame and Lilies, Paper Ruskin. Sesame and Lilies, Cloth Ruskin-Bjornson-Andersen-Grimm-Scudder. King of the Golden River and Other Wonder Stories, Paper Ruskin-Bjomson-Andersen-Grimm-Scudder. King of The Golden River and Other Wonder Stories, Cloth Schurz. Essay on Abraham Lincoln, Paper Schurz. Essay on Lincoln, and Lincoln's Gettysburg Speech and Other Papers, in one volume. Cloth Scott. Ivanhoe, Paper Scott. Ivanhoe, Cloth Scott. Lady of the Lake, Paper Scott. Lay of the Last Minstrel, Paper Scott. Quentin Durward, Paper Scott. Quentin Durward, Cloth Scudder. The Book of Legends, Paper Scudder. The Book of Legends, Cloth Scudder. Fables and Folk Stories, Part 1 , Paper Scudder. Fables and Folk Stories, Part 2, Paper Scudder. Fables and Folk Stories, Parts 1 and 2, in one volume, Cloth. Scudder. George Washington, Paper Scudder. George Washington, Cloth Scudder. Literature in School, Paper Scudder. Verse and Prose for Beginners in Reading, Paper Scudder. Verse and Prose for Beginners in Reading, Cloth Shakespeare. As You Like It, Paper , Shakespeare. As You Like It, Cloth Shakespeare. Hamlet, Paper Shakespeare. Hamlet, Cloth Shakespeare. Henry V, Paper Shakespeare. Henry V, Cloth Shakespeare. Julius Caesar, Paper Shakespeare. Julius Caesar, Cloth Shakespeare. King Lear, Paper Shakespeare. King Lear, Cloth Shakespeare. Macbeth, Paper Shakespeare. Macbeth, Cloth Shakespeare. Merchant of Venice, Paper Shakespeare. Merchant of Venice, Cloth Shakespeare. A Midsummer Night's Dream, Paper Shakespeare. A Midsummer Night's Dream, Cloth Shakespeare. Romeo and Juliet, Paper Shakespeare. Romeo and Juliet, Cloth Shakespeare. The Tempest, Paper Shakespeare. The Tempest, Cloth Shakespeare. Twelfth Night, Paper Shakespeare. Twelfth Night, Cloth Shelley. Sleeted Poems, Paper Shellev. Selected Poems, Cloth Sheriaan. The Rivals, Paper Sheridan. The Rivals, Cloth . Southern Poems, (Kent, Editor), Paper Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Excbauge Price Price Price .25 .30 .40 .7.5 .75 .15 .15 .25 .15 .25 .15 .25 .15 .15 .15 .25 .15 .40 .25 .30 .30 .40 .45 .50 .15 .25 .15 .25 .15 .40 .50 .60 .30 .30 .50 .60 .15 .25 .15 .15 .40 .30 .40 .15 .15 .25 .15 .25 .15 .25 .15 .25 .15 .25 .15 .25 .15 .25 .15 .25 .15 .25 .15 .25 .15 .25 .15 .25 .45 .50 .15 .25 .16 .18i .22} .30 .56i .561 • Hi .Hi .18i .Hi .I8i .Hi .18} .Hi .Hi .Hi .181 .Hi .30 .11} .18} .22J .22i .30 .33} .374 .11} .18} .11} .18} .11} .30 .37} .45 .22} .22} .37} .45 .Hi .18} .11} • Hi .30 .22} .30 .Hi • Hi .18} .11} .18} .11} .18} .11} .18} .Hi .18} .11} .18} .11} .18} .11} .18} .11} .18} .11} .18} .11} .18} .11} .18} .33} .37} .11} .18} .11} 108 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Title of Book . Southern Poems, (Kent, Editor), Cloth Spenser. The Faerie Queene, Book I, Paper Spenser. The Faerie Queene, Book I, Cloth Stowe. Uncle Tom's Cabin, Cloth Swift. Gulliver's Voyage to Lilliput, Paper Swift. Gulliver's Vdyage to Brobdingnag, Paper Swift. GuUiver's Voyage to Lilliput and to Brobdingnag, in one volume. Cloth Taylor. Lars, and Other Poems, Paper Taylor. Lars, and Other Poems, Cloth Tennyson. The Coming of Arthur, and Other Idylls of the King, Paper . Tennyson. The Coming of Arthur, and Other Idylls of the King, Cloth . Tennyson. Enoch Arden, and Other Poems, Paper Tennyson. Enoch Arden, and Other Poems, Cloth Tennyson. Gareth and Lynette, Lancelot and Elaine, and The Passing of Arthur, Paper Tennyson. Gareth and Lynette, Lancelot and Elaine, and The Passing of Arthur, Cloth Tennyson. The Princess, Paper Thackeray. Henry Esmond, Cloth Thomas. How to Teach English Classics, Paper Thoreau. Camping in the Maine Woods, Paper Thoreau. Camping in the Maine Woods, Cloth Thoreau. The Succession of Forest Trees, Wild Apples and Sounds, Paper Thoreau. Walden, Paper Thoreau. Walden, Cloth Virgil. The Aeneid, Williams' Translation, Cloth Virgil. The Aeneid, Books I-III, Cranch's Translation, Paper Warner. A-Hunting of the Deer, and Other Essays, Paper Warner. A-Hunting of the Deer, and Other Essays, Cloth Warner. In the Wilderness, Paper Warner. In the Wilderness, Cloth Warner. Being a Boy, Cloth Warriner. The Teaching of English Classics in the Grammar Grades, Paper Washington. Rules of Conduct, Diary of Adventure, Farewell Ad- dresses, and Letters, Paper Washington. Rules of Conduct, Diary of Adventure, Farewell Ad- dresses and Letters, Cloth Washington-Webster. Washington's Farewell Address, and Webster's First Bunker Hill Oration, Paper Washington-Webster. Washington's Farewell Address, and Webster's First Bunker Hill Oration, Cloth Webster. The Bunker Hill Monument; Adams and Jefferson, Paper. . . Webster. The Bunker Hill Monument; Adams and Jefferson Cloth. . . Webster-Hayne. The Great Debate, Part 1, Hayne's Speech, Paper.. . Webster-Hayne. The Great Debate, Part 2, Webster's Reply, Paper. . Webster-Hayne. The Great Debate, Parts 1 and 2, Hayne's Speech and Webster's Reply, in one volume. Cloth Whittier. A Sketch of Whittier's Life, with Autobiographical Poems, Paper Whittier. A Sketch of Whittier's Life, with Autobiographical Poems, Cloth Whittier. A Selection from Child Life in Poetry, Paper Whittier. A Selection from Child Life in Prose, Paper Whittier. A Selection from Child Life in Prose and Poetry, in one volume. Cloth Whittier. Leaflets. Selected Prose and Poetry, Paper. Whittier. Leaflets. Selected Prose and Poetry, Cloth Whittier. Mabel Martin, and Other Poems, Paper Whittier. Snow-Bound, Among the Hills, Songs of Labor and Other Poems, Paper Whittier. Snow-Bound, Among the Hills, Songs of Labor and Other Poems, Cloth Whittier. Mabel Martin, Snow-Bound, Among the Hills, etc., in one volume. Cloth Whittier. Tent on the Beach and Associated Poems, Paper Wiggin. Finding a Home, Paper Wiggin. Finding a Home, Cloth Wiggin. The Flag-Raising, Paper Wiggin. The Flag-Raising, Cloth Wiggin. Polly Oliver's Problem, Cloth Wordsworth. Ode on the Intimations of Immortality, and Other Poems, Paper Wordsworth. Ode on the Intimations of Immortaliry and Other Poems, Cloth Wordsworth-Keats-Shelley. Selected Lyrics from each. Paper Woi'dsworth-Keats-Shelley. Selected Lyrics from each. Cloth Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price .25 .30 .40 .60 .15 .15 .40 .15 .25 .15 .25 .15 .25 .15 .25 .30 .75 .15 .15 .25 .15 .45 ..50 .75 .15 .15 .25 .20 .30 .40 .15 .25 .15 .25 .15 .15 .15 .40 .25 .15 .15 .40 .30 .40 .15 .25 .40 .15 .15 .25 .15 .25 .40 .15 .25 .15 .25 .181 .22J .30 .45 • lU .Hi .30 • Hi .18! AH .i8i • Hi .18i • Hi .18i .22i ..56i • Hi • lU .18} .331 .37i .56i .Hi • Hi .181 .15 .221 .30 ■ Hi • Hi .18} .Hi .18} ■ Hi .18} .Hi Hi .30 ■ Hi .181 .Hi • Hi .30 .22i .30 .Hi .Hi .18} .30 .Hi .Hi .18} .Hi .18} .30 • Hi .18} .Hi .18} LIST OF BOOKS AND PRICES 109 Title of Book Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS AND COMBINATIONS — . American Authors and Their Birthdays, Paper — . Burroughs's Birds and Bees; Warner's A-Hunting of the Deer; Thoreau's Succession of Forest Trees, etc., in one volume. Cloth. . — . Longfellow's Courtship of Miles Standish; Whittier's Snow- Bound; Poe's The Raven, Paper — . Longfellow's Evangeline; Whittier's Snow-Bound; Lowell's Vision of Sir Launfal, etc., in one volume. Cloth — . Literature for the Study of Language, Paper — . Literature for the Study of Language, Cloth — . Nine Selected Poems, Paper — . Outlines and Topics for the Study of Writings by Longfellow, Whittier, Holmes, and Lowell, Paper . Poems for the Study of Language, Paper . Poems for the Study of Language, Cloth — . Poems for the Study of Language, Part 1 , Paper . Poems for the Study of Language, Part 2, Paper . Poems for the Study of Language, Part 3, Paper — . Portraits and Biographical Sketches of Twenty American Authors, Paper Selections from the Writings of Eleven American Authors, Pa- per. Selections from the Writings of Eleven English Authors, Pa- Selections for Study and Memorizing, Paper Selections for Study and Memorizing, Cloth Vision of Sir Launfal, and Rime of the Ancient Mariner, Pa- Rolfe's Students' Series Scott. Lady of the Lake Scott. Marmion Scott. Lay of the Last Minstrel Tennyson. Princess Select Poems In Memoriam Enoch Arden, and Other Poems Coming of Arthur, and Other Idylls of the King. . Lancelot and Elaine, and Other Idylls of the Kmg . Childe Harold « Atalanta's Race. Tennyson. Tennyson. Tennyson. Tennyson. Tennyson^ Byron. Morris. .15 .Hi .50 .37 J .15 .Hi .50 .30 .40 .15 .37J .22i .30 .Hi .15 .30 .40 .15 .15 .15 .Hi .22i .30 .Hi .Hi • Hi .15 • Hi .15 Hi .15 .15 .25 .Hi Hi .181 .15 .Hi Tennyson. Idylls of the King (Complete in one volume) . .75 .45 .75 .45 .75 .45 .75 .45 .75 .45 .75 .45 .75 .45 .75 .45 .75 .45 .75 .45 .75 .45 .00 .67 COMPOSITION High School Ashmun. Prose Literature for Secondary Schools .80 Webster. English for Secondary Schools .90 Webster. Elementary Composition .65 Webster. English: Composition and Literature .90 DEBATING Foster. Essentials of Exposition and Argument .90 GEOGRAPHY Tomlinson. The British Isles .60 GRAMMAR Webster. Elements of English Grammar .50 GRAMMAR AND COMPOSITION Webster. Elements of EnglLsh Grammar and Composition .55 Webster. Essentials of English Grammar and Composition .55 HISTORY Fiske. History of the United States 1 .00 Lamed. History of the United States 1 .40 Larned. History of England 1 . 25 Mabie. Heroes Every Child Should Know .40 Tappan. American Hero Stories .55 Tappan. Elementary History of Our Country 65 Tappan. England's Storj' .85 Tappan. Old World Hero Stories • 70 Tappan. European Hero Stories .65 Tappan. Story of the Greek People .65 Tappan. Story of the Roman People .65 Thwaites and Kendall. History of the United States 1 .00 60 .48 67 1 48! .54 .39 671 .54 .67^ .45 .37 J .54 .30 .41 i .33 .41 i .33 .75 .60 1.05 .84 .98 J .75 .30 .41i .33 .48 .39 .63} .51 .52* .48! .42 ..39 .48! .39 .48} ..39 .75 .60 110 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Title of Book LANGUAGE Usual List Price Webster-Cooley. New Course in English by Grades. Part One (For Fourtli Grade) 30 Part Two (For Fifth Grade) 30 Part Three (For Sixth Grade) 30 Webster-Cooley. Language Lessons from Literature: Boole I (For Fourth Grade) 45 Book II— Part 1 (For Fifth Grade) 45 Book II — Part 2 (For Sixth Grade) 45 Book II — Complete (For Fifth and Sixth Grades) 65 LANGUAGE AND GRAMMAR Webster-Cooley. New Course ii;i English: First Book (For Fourth and Fifth Grades) .40 Second Book (For Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Grades) .60 Webster-Cooley. Two Book Course in Language, Grammar and Com- position: Book I — Language Lessons from Literature. . . .45 Book II — Language, Grammar and Composition .60 LITERATURE Ashmun. Prose Literature for Secondary Schools .80 Richardson. Primer of American Literature .35 Simonds. History of American Literature 1.10 Simonds. History of English Literature 1.25 Tappan. History of America's Literature, with Selections from Colon- ial Writers .80 Tappan. History of England's Literature .85 "Tappan. History of England's and America's Literature 1 .20 . College Requirements for Careful Study 1 . 00 MUSIC Lawrence. The Riverside Song Book, Paper .30 Lawrence. The Riverside Song Book, Boards .40 Lawrence. The Riverside Graded Song Book, Part 1 .40 Lawrence. The Riverside Graded Song Book, Part 2 .40 PHYSIOLOGY Woods Hutchinson Health Series: « Book I— The Child's Day 40 Book II— The Handbook of Health 65 READING The Riverside Readers: The Riverside Primer .30 The Riverside First Reader .35 The Riverside Second Reader .40 The Riverside Third Reader , . . .50 The Riverside Fourth Reader .55 The Riverside Fifth Reader 55 The Riverside Sixth Reader .55 The Riverside Seventh Reader ; .55 The Riverside Eighth Reader .60 Akin. WordiMastery .25 Beginners Primary Readers: The Beginners Primer .30 The Beginners First Reader .30 Stevenson. Dramatic Readers: Children's Classics in Dramatic Form, Book I 30 Children's Classics in Dramatic Form, Book II .35 Children's Classics in Dramatic Form, Book III .40 Children's Classics in Dramatic Form, Book IV .50 Children's Classics in Dramatic Form, Book V .60 Swem and Sherwood. Primer of Nursery Rhymes 30 . Selections from the Riverside Literature Series, for Fifth Grade 40 . Selections from the Riverside Literature Series, for Sixth Grade 40 . Selections from the Riverside Literature Series, for Seventh Grade 40 . Selections from the Riverside Literature Series, for Eighth Grade. 40 . American Classics for Seventh and Eighth Grade Reading 75 . American and English Classics, for Grammar Grades .55 . Literary Masterpieces .80 . Masterpieces of American Literature 1 .00 . Masterpieces of British Literature 1-00 . Masterpieces of Greek Literature 1 . 50 . Masterpieces of Latin Literature 1-50 O'Brien. English for Foreigners, Book I .50 O'Brien. English for Foreigners, Book II .70 Lowest Lowest Wholesale Exchange Price Price .22i .22i .22i .331 .27 .33f .27 .33i .27 .48i .39 .30 .24 .45 .36 .33! .27 .45 .36 .60 .48 .26i .21 .82i .66 .931 .75 .60 .48 .631 .51 .90 .72 .75 .22i .30 .30 .30 .30 .24 .48 -J .39 .221 .18 .26 .21 .30 .24 .37- .30 .41; .33 .41i .33 .41 : .33 .41 .33 .45 .36 .18! .22J .18 .22i .18 .22i .26i .30 .37J .45 .22J .18 .30. .24 .30 .24 .30 .24 .30 .24 .56 .41i .33 .60 .75 .75 1.12J 1.12i .371 . .52J List OF BOOKS AiSib PRICES 111 Title of Book READING Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price Supplementary Austin. The Basket Woman Brown. Book of Saints and Friendly Beasts Burroughs. Bird Stories Burroughs. Squirrels and Other Fur Bearers Eliot. Stories from Arabian Nights Grover. Kittens and Cats Hazard. Three Years with the Poets Miller. First Book of Birds Miller. True Bird Stories Perkins. The Dutch Twins Perkins. The Japanese Twins Scudder. Fables and Folk Stories Sharp. The Fall of the Year Sharp. Winter Sharp. Spring Sherman. Little Folk Lyrics Tappan. Letters from Colonial Children Tappan. Old Ballads in Prose RHETORIC Webster. English for Secondarj"^ Schools Webster. English: Composition and Literature SPELLING Bailey-Manly. Two-Book Course in Spelling: Book I (For Grades 2-4) Book II (For Grades 5-8) Bailey-Manly. One Book Course in Spelling 60 .45 50 .37i 60 .45 60 .45 50 .37J 40 .30 50 .37i 60 .45 60 .45 50 .37i 50 .374 .331 45 60 .45 60 .45 60 .45 60 .45 65 .48i 40 .30 90 .67i .54 SO .67i .54 16 .12 .091 20 .15 .12 25 .18} .15 LIST OF LAKESIDE BOOK COMPANY Cleveland, Ohio To be furnished f. o. b. at Cleveland, O., upon order of any school board or board of education in Michigan, or upon the order of duly authorized and responsible purchasing agents of such board upon terms and pricas listed below. Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price $0.67 $0.50 Title of Book Hiawatha Reader. LIST OF THE LAUREL BOOK COMPANY Chicago, 111., or Des Moines, la. To be furnished f. o. b. at Chicago, 111., or Des Moines, Iowa, upon order of any school board or board of education in Michigan, or upon the order of duly authorized and responsible purchasing agents of such board upon terms and prices listed below. Usual Lowest Lowest Title of Book List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price Economy System of Penmanship — Plan A, per dozen $1 .20 $0.96 Economy System of Penmanship — Plan BB, per dozen ■ 1 .68 1 .36 Laurel Primer, by F. S. Hyer — each .30 .24 Plan A above referred to means the Economy tablet, or copies, without paper. Plan BB, means the tablet with 50 sheets of paper enclosed. $0.18 112 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION $0 . 64 .82 $0.50 .45 .30 .50 .35 .24 .16 .30 .21 .43 .30 .30 .21 .30 .21 .65 .45 .64 .50 .32 .22 .44 .30 .87 .60 .95 .66 LIST OF J. B. LIPPINCOTT COMPANY Philadelphia, Pa. To be furnished f. o. b. at Chicago, 111., upon order of any school board or board of education in Michigan, or upon the order of duly authorized and respon.sible purchasing agents of such board upon terms and prices listed below. Usual Lowest Lowest Title of Book List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price AGRICULTURE Davis's Productive Farming $0 . 80 ALGEBRA Perrin's Drill Book in Algebra .60 Lippincott's Elementary Algebra .80 ARITHMETIC Lippincott's Mental Arithmetic .35 Lippincott's Elementary Arithmetic .40 Lippincott's Practical Arithmetic .65 Lippincott's Practical Arithmetic, Part I .40 Lippincott's Practical Arithmetic, Part II ' ,40 CIVIL GOVERNMENT Schwinn & Stevenson's Civil Govornment . 1 .00 Haskin's American Government .80 DICTIONARIES Worcester's New Primary Dictionary (1902) .50 Worcester's New School Dictionary (1911) .80 Worcester's Comprehensive Dictionary (1912) 1 .40 Worcester's Academic Dictionary (1911) 1 . 50 GEOGRAPHY Morris's Industrial & Commercial Geography 1.10 HISTORY Morris's Primary History of United States .60 Morris's Elementary History of United States .60 Morris's School History of L^nited States .90 Morris's History of the United States (Advanced) 1 . 00 Morris's History of the World 1 . 50 LANGUAGE AND GRAMMAR Patrick's Principles of English Grammar (for High Schools and Insti- tutes) 60 Sewell's Practical English (compl«te) .65 Sewell's Practical English, Book I .35 Sewell's Practical English, Book II .35 Patrick's Lessons in Language (4th, 5th and 6th) .40 Patrick's Lessons in Grammar (7th Lowest Non-free Free Wholesale Textbook Textbook Price Districts Districts Col. Col. Col. II. III. IV. EUROPEAN HISTORY Bourne's Mediaeval and Modern Europe 1 .60 Howe's Essentials in Early European History 1 .50 MATHEMATICS Gore's Plane and Solid Geometry 1 .00 Kent's First Course in Algebra .■ 1 .00 Murray's Essentials of Trigonometry and Mensuration .80 Murray's Plane Trigonometry .80 Murray's Elements of Plane Trigonometry .75 « Murray's Elements of Plane Trigonometry and Tables 1 .00 Supplementary Mathematics Estell's Numerical Problems in Plane Geometry .90 Nichol's Elementary and Constructional Geometry .75 BOTANY MacDougal's Elementary Plant Physiology 1.20 CHEMISTRY Godfrey's Elementary Chemistry 1.10 Godfrey's Laboratory Manual .36 Segerblom's Laboratory Manual of Qualitative Analysis 1.25 GEOGRAPHY AND ATLASES Leete's Exorcises in Geography .60 Teachers' Edition .70 Leete's Exercise Outline Maps: United States. Net price per hundred .90 North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa. Net price per hundred .60 Longmans School Geography 1 . 50 PHYSICS Hawkin's Applied Physics 1 . 00 ZOOLOGY French's Animal Activities 1 . 20 1.13 1.20 .75 .80 .60 .60 .57 .80 .90 .83 .27 .94 .45 .53 1.13 .75 .90 .90 .90 .60 .60 .48 .48 .45 .60 .72 .66 .22 .75 .36 .60 .70 1.05 1.05 .70 .70 .56 .56 .53 .70 .84 .77 .26 .88 .42 .90 1.05 .70 .84 LIST OF BOOKS AND PRICES 119 LIST OF LYONS & CARNAHAN 378 Wabash Ave., Chicago, III. To be furnished f. o. b. at Chicago, 111., upon order of any school board or board of education in Michigan, or upon the order of duly authorized and responsible purchasing agents of such board upon terms and prices listed below. The exchange prices quoted are for free text book territory; in non-free text book territory we quote an exchange price of 60 per cent of our list prices. The 60 per cent exchange price applies to texts only, as in the case of the 70 per cent in the free text book territory, blanks, outhts, etc., not being subject to exchange prices. Title of Book Williams' First Course in Algebra . ALGEBRA ARITHMETIC Birch's Rapid Calculation Modern Commercial Arithmetic. New Business Arithmetic (1912) . New Business Arithmetic Usual List Price $1.00 .35 .85 1.00 1.00 BOOKKEEPING AND ACCOUNTING Lyons' Bookkeeping Complete Text (1910) Lyons' Bookkeeping Part I Taxt (1910) Lyons' Bookkeeping Complete Text (1913) Lyons' Bookkeeping Part I Text (1913) Lyons' Bookkeeping Part II Text Lyons' Bookkeeping Part I Outfit Lyons's Bookkeeping Part II Outfit Lyons' Bookkeeping Single Entry Outfit Mercantile Accounting (text and outfit) Modern Accountant Revised Text Modern Accountant Revised Blanks Complete. . . Modern Corporation Accounting Text and Outfit . New Complete Accountant Text . . '. New Complete Accountant Blanks Complete .... Office Methods Part I Office Methods Part II Wholesale Accounting Text and Outfit 1.00 .80 1.00 .80 .45 1.20 .80 .20 1.60 1.00 .75 1.25 1.00 .85 2.10 2.75 2.00 COMMERCIAL LAW, HISTORY AND GEOGRAPHY Lyons' Commercial Law Outlines in Commercial Geography. . . Outlines of the History of Commerce . ENGLISH Modem Business English. Dictation Studies: Munson. Gregg. Graham Isaac Pitman. Benn Pitman. Dement. Dictionary — Shorthand : Munson Benn Pitman. Lessons in Munson Phonography. Exercise Book First Reader Manual of Munson Shorthand Exercise Book First Reader Second Reader Choice Selections No. I Choice Selections No. II Choice Selections No. Ill Good Business Letters Stenographer's Business Practice. PHONOGRAPHY .00 .80 .80 .80 1.00 1.00 Lowest Lowest Wholesale Exchange Price Price $0.75 .26 .61 .75 .72 .72 .57} .75 .60 .321 .861 .571 .141 1.15 .72 .501 .90 .72 .571 1.51 1.98 1.44 .70 .60 .60 .58 .68 .67 J 1.50 1.01 .30 .20i .30 .20i 1.50 1.01 .25 .161 .25 .16} .75 .50} .25 .18 .25 .18 .25 .18 .25 .18 .85 .571 $0.70 .42 .70 .70 35* 70 35* 70 70* 70* 35* .60 .56 .56 .56 .50 .90 .90 .24* *N. B. — This exchange price is quoted on text alone. The outfit is not subject to exchange price 120 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION .88 Usual Lowest Lowest Title of Book List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price % PHYSICS Reed & Henderson's High School Physics 1 .25 REFERENCE BOOKS Commerce & Finance 1 . 50 How Business is Done 1 . 00 SALESMANSHIP Read's Lessons in Salesmanship .85 SPELLING Modern Business Speller .25 Practical Speller , .20 Spelling Blanks per 100 5 . 00 TYPEWRITING AND WRITING Complete Touch Typewriting Instructor: Remington. Underwood 1 . 00 Oliver. , , Smith Premier. Modern Typewriting: Remington. Underwood. Oliver 1 . 00 Smith-Premier. L. C. Smith. Modern Business Writing .30 .93 1.08 .75 .6U .18 .15 3.37i .67! .67i .21 .17 .14 .50 .50 .21 BOOKS FOR GRADES Calculation Lessons Lyons' Calculation Lessons Pads I, II, III, "each Number Book Primary Number Book Readers Nature & Life Readers (5-Book Series) : Primer First Reader Second Reader Third Reader Fourth Reader (4th and 5th Grades) Fifth Reader (6th, 7th and 8th Grades) Nature & Life Readers (8-book Series) : Primer First Reader Second Reader Third Reader Fourth Reader Fifth Reader Sixth Reader ; , Higher Reader (7th and 8th Grades) Spelling Mayne's Sight Speller Complete Mayne's Sight Speller Primary Mayne's Sight Speller Advanced Powers' Speller Complete Powers' Speller Primary Powers' Speller Advanced .20 .35 .26 28 .201 .19 32 .23 .22 36 .26 .25 45 .321 .31 ,65 .48 .45 .75 .56 .52 ,28 .201 .19 32 .23 .22 36 .26 .25 45 .321 .31 50 .37 .35 45 .33 .31 45 .33 .31 75 .56 .52 25 .18 .17 15 .11 .10 20 .14 .14 25 .18 .17 15 .11 .10 20 .15- .14 LIST OF BOOKS AND PRICES 121 LIST OF THE MACMILLAN CO. To be furnished f. o. b. at Chicago, 111., upon order of any school board or board of education in Michigan, or upon the order of duly authorized and responsible purchasing agents of such board upon terms and prices listed below. Note: — The exchange prices are estimated at 60 per cent of list. These prices are given to towns in which pupils buy the texts. In free text-book towns the exchange prices are 70 per cent of list. Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price FOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS Title of Book Agriculture Bailey — First Lessons with Plants .• $0 . 40 Duggar — Agriculture for Sotithern Schools .75 Hilgard & Osterhout — Agriculture for Schools on the Pacific Slope ..... 1 . 00 Mann — Beginnings in Agriculture .75 Algebra Hall & Knight — Algebra for Beginners .60 Hopkins & Underwood — Elementary Algebra .75 Arithmetic Bigelow and Arnold — Elements of Business Arithmetic .70 Byrnes, Richman, Roberts — Pupils' Arithmetic: Primary, Part I .26 Primary, Part II 30 Book III. .• 35 Book IV 35 Gilbert & Gleason — ^Arithmetic: Book 1 36 Book II 40 Book III .45 Gilbert & Gleason — Arithmetic — Two Book Series: Book I 36 Book II 60 Hopkins & Underwood — New Arithmetic: Book 1 30 Book II 50 Mental 25 Preston & Stevens — Arithmetics: Book I — Elementary .35 Book II — Standard 50 Civics Ashley — Government & the Citizen .70 Willard — City Government for Young People .50 Composition Huntington — Elementary English Composition .50 Domestic Science Wilson — Domestic Science in Grammar Grades — A Reader .60 Wilson — Handbook of Domestic Science and Household Arts 1 . 00 Geography Tarr & McMurry — New Geographies: First Book 65 First Book. Part 1 40 First Book, Part II 50 Second Book 1.10 Second Book, Part 1 65 Second Book, Part II 65 Tarr & McMurry — World Geography 1 .25 Tarr & McMurry — Two Book: Introductory .60 Complete 1 .00 Tarr & McMurry — Three Book Series: Book I — Home Geography and Earth as Whole .60 Book II — North America .75 Book III — Europe and Other Continents .75 Tarr & McMurry — Five Part Series: Part I — -Home Geography .40 Part II— Earth as a Whole 40 16 $0.30 .56 .75 .56 .45 .56 .37 SO. 24 .45 .60 .45 .36 .45 .42 19 22 26 26 .16 .18 .21 .21 27 30 33 .22 .24 .27 27 45 .22 .36 22 37 18 .18 .30 .15 26 37 .21 .30 52 37 .42 .30 .30 45 .36 75 .60 48 .39 30 .2i 37 .30 82 .66 48 .39 48 .39 93 .75 45 .36 75 .60 45 .36 56 .45 56 .45 30 .24 30 .24 122 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION . « , Usual Title of Book List 5, Price Part III — North America .75 Part IV — Europe, South America, etc .50 Part V — Asia and Africa — Review of North America 40 History Channing — Elements of the United States History .90 Channing — First Lessons in United States History .60 Channing— Short History of the United States 1 .00 Coman — Short History of England .90 Diclison — American History for Grammar Schools 1 .00 Dickson — From the Old World to the New .50 Dickson — A Hundred Years of Warfare .50 Meany — United States History for Schools 1 . 00 Nida — Dawn of American History in Europe .80 Language and Grammar Baker & Thorndike — Everyday English: Book I .40 Book II 60 Emerson & Bender — Modern English: Book 1 40 Book II 60 Emerson & Bender — English Spoken and Written: Primer .35 Book 1 60 Book II 60 Kinard — English Grammar for Beginners .50 Kinard & Withers — The English Language: Book I — Language and Literature : .40 Book II — English Grammar .55 Woodley — Foundation Lessons in English: Book 1 40 Book II 40 Woodley & Carpenter — Foundation Lessons in Language and Grammar . 65 Woodley — Foundation Lessons in English Grammar .40 Manual Training Oilman & Williams — Seat Work and Industrial Occupations .50 Parks — Educational Woodworking for Home and School 1 .00 Music Farnsworth — Songs for Schools .60 Farnsworth — Songs for Schools — Public School Edition 38 Rix — Manual of School Music 1 . 00 Rix — Songs of School and Flag .75 Zuchtmann — American Music System: New American Music Readers — Book I .38 Book II 45 Book III 50 Introductory IV .32 Book IV 50 Nature Study Holden — Real Things in Nature .65 Jackman — Nature Study for Grammar Grades 1 . 00 Penmanship Smith — New Intermedial Copy Books Number I to VIII — per dozen, each .60 Physiology Coleman — Physiology for Beginners .40 Coleman — Elements of Physiology .90 Coleman — Lessons in Hygienic Physiology .60 Coleman — The People's Health .70 Millard — Building and Care of the Body ; .40 Millard — Wonderful House that Jack Has .50 Reading Baker and Carpenter — Language Readers: Primer .25 First Reader 25 Second Reader .30 Third Reader 40 Fourth Reader .40 Fourth Reader, Part I .25 Fourth Reader, Part II 25 Fifth Reader 45 Lowest Lowest Wholesale Exchange Price Price .56 .45 .37 .30 .30 .24 .67 .54 .45 .36 .75 .60 .67 .54 .75 .60 .37 .30 .37 .30 .75 .60 .60 .48 .30 .24 .45 .36 .30 .24 .45 .36 .26 .21 .37 .30 .46 .36 .37 .30 .30 .24 .41 .33 .30 .24 .30 .24 .48 .39 .30 .24 .37 .30 .75 .60 .45 *.36 .28 .23 75 .60 .66 .45 .28 .23 .33 .27 37 .30 24 .19 37 .30 48 .39 75 .60 .45 30 .24 67. .54 45 .36 62 .42 30 .24 37 .30 18 .15 18 .16 22 .18 30 .24 30 .24 18 .16 18 .15 33 .27 LIST OF BOOKS AND PRICES 123 Title of Book Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price Fifth Reader, Part 1 30 Fifth Reader, Part; II 30 Sixth Reader 50 Sixth Reader, Part; 1 35 Sixth Reader, Part II 35 Blaisdell— Child Life Readers: Primer .25 First Reader 25 Second Reader .35 Third Reader 36 Fourth Reader .40 Fifth Reader 45 Mintz — First Reader for New American Citizens .50 Mintz — The New American Citizen .50 Oswell and Gilbert — American School Readers: Primer .30 First Reader 30 Second Reader .35 Third Reader 40 Fourth Reader .45 Fifth Reader 50 Literary Reader .70 Prior and Ryan — How to Learn English .55 Sloan — Primary Reader, First Book .25 Second Book 30 Sneath, Hodges, and Stevens — Golden Rule Series: Golden Ladder Book .40 Golden Path Book 45 Golden Door Book 50 Golden Key Book .55 Golden Word Book .55 Golden Deed Book .55 Spelling and Dictation Blaisdell— Speller— Book 1 16 Book II 20 Blaisdell — Speller — Complete 25 Chancellor — Graded City Spellers — Cloth: Year by Year Edition: Second Year Grade .15 Third Year Grade 15 Fourth Year Grade .15 Fifth Year Grade 18 Sixth Year Grade 18 Seventh Year Grade 18 Eighth Year Grade 20 Chancellor — Spellers — Two Book Edition: Book I (Second, Third, Fourth Grades) 25 Book II (Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth Grades) 30 Chancellor — Spellers — Paper Covered Edition: Second Year Grade, Part 1 06 Second Year Grade, Part II 06 Third Year Grade. Part 1 06 Third Year Grade, Part II 06 Fourth Year Grade, PaYt 1 08 Fourth Year Grade, Part II 08 Fifth Year Grade 12 SLxth Year Grade 12 Seventh Year Grade .12 Eighth Year Grade 12 Chancellor — Washington Word List, Cloth .25 Chancellor — Washington Word List, Paper -20 Mintz — Practical Speller for Evening Schools .25 VanWagenen — Dictation Day by Day: Second Year .18 Third Year 18 Fourth Year 20 Fifth Year 20 Sixth Year 20 .22 .18 .22 .18 .37 .30 .26 . .21 .26 .21 .18 .15 .18 .15 .26 .21 .27 .22 .30 .24 .33 .27 .37 .30 .37 .30 .22 .18 .22 .18 .26 .21 .30 .24 .33 .27 .37 .30 .52 .42 .41 .33 .18 .15 .22 .18 .30 .24 .33 .27 .37 .30 .41 .33 .41 .33 .41 .33 .12 .10 .15 .12 .18 .15 .11 .09 .11 .09 .11 .09 .13 .11 .13 .11 .13 .11 .15 .12 .18 .15 .22 .18 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .06 .05 .06 .05 .09 .07 .09 .07 .09 .07 .09 .07 .18 .15 .15 .12 .18 .15 .13 .11 .13 .11 .15 .12 .15 .12 .15 .12 FOR raOH SCHOOLS Agriculture Bailey — Principles of Agriculture 1 . 25 Call & Shafer — Laboratory Manual of Agriculture 90 Harper — Animal Husbandry 1 -40 Warren — Elements of Agriculture 110 Algebra Clay — ^Examples In Algebra .90 Dupuis — Principles of Elementary Algebra 1.10 Fi-sner & Schwatt — Elements of Algebra 1.10 .93 .67 1.05 .82 .67 .82 .82 .75 .64 .84 .66 .54 .66 .66 124 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Title of Book Fisher & Schwatt — School Algebra Fisher & Schwatt — Rudiments of Algebra Fisher & Schwatt — Secondary Algebra Gilbert & Sullivan — Practical Lessons in Algebra, Elementary Gilbert & "Sullivan — Complete Algebra Hall & Knight — Algebra for Colleges and Schools Hall & Knight — Elements of Algebra Schultze — Elementary Algebra Schultze— Elements of Algebra Schultze — Advanced Algebra Smith & Stringham — Elementary Algebra, Complete Ed Arithmetic Bigelow & Arnold — Elements of Business Arithmetic. .....: Hall — Common Sense of Commercial Arithmetic. Kelso — Arithmetic for High Schools Thurston — Business Arithmetic for Secondary Schools Biology and Botany Bailey & Coleman — First Course in Biology Bailey & Coleman — Human and Animal Biology Bailey— Beginner's Botany Bailey — Botany: An Elementary Text for Schools Bailey — Botany for Secondary Schools Bailey — Lessons with Plants McDougall— Nature and Work of Plants Osterhout — Experiments with Plants Peabody & Hunt — Elementary Plant Biology Peabody & Hunt — Animal and Human Biology Peabody & Hunt — Elementary Biology — Plant, Animal-and Human. . . Setchell — Laboratory Practice for Beginners in Botany Davenport — Elements of Zoology Chemistry Arey — Elementary Chemistry Kahlenberg & Hart — Chemistry and Its Relations to Daily Life Morgan & Lyman — Chemistry Morgan & Lyman — Laboratory Manual Morgan & Lyman — Chemistry and Manual Richardson — Laboratory Manual and Principles of Chemistry for Be- ginners Roscoe — Lessons in Elementary Chemistry Roscoe — Inorganic Chemistry for Beginners Waddell — School Chemistry ' Civics Ashley — American Government Clark— Outlines of Civics Cook — Michigan: Its History and Government Handbooks of American Government: Greene — Government of Illinois MacDonald — Government of Maine McVey — Government of Minnesota Morey — Government of New York Siebert — Government of Ohio An Outline Study of American Goverrmnent, Teachers' Edition Pupils' Edition '. Sherman — Civics: Studies in American Citizenship Hendricks — History and Government of Indiana Commercial Texts Atmaier — Commercial Correspondence Postal Information Bogle — Bookkeeping Bogle— Blanks (4 numbers) r Bogle — Teachers' Manual Trotter — Geography of Commerce Economics Burch & Nearing — Elements of Economics Blackmar— Economics for High Schools Davenport — Outlines of Elementary Economics Ely & Wicker — Elementary Principles of Economics Domestic Economy Kinne and Cooley — Shelter and Clothing Williams & Fisher — Theory and Practice of Cookery Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale : Sxchanj Price Price Price 1.00 .75 .60 .60 .45 .36 1.08 .81 .65 .60 .45 .36 1.00 .75 .60 1.10 .82 .66 .90 .67 .54 1.10 .82 .66 .85 .63 .51 1.25 .93 .75 1.20 .90 .72 .70 .62 .42 .60 .45 .36 .90 .67 .54 1.00 .75 .60 1.25 .93 .75 .75 .56 .45 .60 .45 .36 1.10 .82 .66 1.25 .93 .75 1.10 .82 .66 .80 .60 .48 1.25 .93 .75 .65 .48 .39 1.00 .75 .60 1 .25 .93 .75 .90 .67 .54 1 .25 .93 .75 .90 .67 .54 1.25 .93 .75 1.25 .93 .75 .40 .30 .24 1.40 1.05 .84 1.10 .82 .66 1.25 .93 .75 .75 .56 .45 .90 .67 .54 1.00 .75 .60 .75 .56 .45 .90 .67 .54 .75 .56 .45 .75 .56 .45 .90 .67 .54 .75 .56 .45 .75 .56 .45 .60 .45 .36 .50 .37 .30 .90 .67 .54 .40 .30 .24 .60 .45 .36 .90 .67- .54 .75 .56 .45 1.00 .75 .60 1.10 .82 .66 1.00 .75 .60 1.20 .90 .72 .80 .60 .48 1.00 .75 .60 1.10 .82 .66 1.00 .75 .60 LIST OF BOOKS AND PRICES 125 , Usual Title of Book List Price English Bates— American Literature 1 . 00 Brooke-Carpenter — Englisli Literature 1 .00 Canby & Opdycke — Elements of Englisii Composition 1 . 00 Carpenter — Elements of Riietoric and English Composition: First High School Course .60 Second High School Course 50 First and Second Course 1 . 00 Carpenter — English Grammar 75 Carpenter — Model English Prose .90 Carpenter — Principles of English Grammar for Use of Schools .75 Carpenter— Rhetoric and English Composition 1 . 00 Davenport & Emerson— Principles of Grammar .65 Gayley & Young — English Poetry 1 . 10 Huntington — Elements of English Composition .60 Laycock & Spofford — Manual of Argumentation .50 Lewis — Introduction to the Study of Literature 1 . 00 Lewis — A Manual of Composition — First .60 Lewis — A Manual of Composition — Second .90 Mitchell & Carpenter — Exposition in Classroom Practice .70 Noble— Studies in American Literature 1.10 Palmer & Sammis — Oral English 60 Pocket Series of American and English Classics (150 titles) each .25 Robins and Perkins — Introduction to the Study of Rhetoric 90 Tisdel— Studies in Literature .90 Woodley — English Studies in Interpretation and Comp .60 French Kroeh — French Course — First Year .60 Kroeh — Teachers' Edition for First Year .65 Kroeh — French Course — Second Year .80 Kroeh — French Course — Third Year 1 .00 Thieme & Efflnger— French Grammar 1.25 Macmillan's New Series of French Texts: Each .35 Baiart — Monsieur Pinson. Bourget — Un Saint. Coppee — Contes Choisis. Corneille — Nicomede. Daudet — Jack, Part I. Daudet — Lettres de mon Moulin. Daudet — La Tour des Maures. DeBernard — L'Anneau d' Argent. LaBruyere — Les Caracteres ou les Moeurs de ce Siecle. Lamy — Voyage du Novice Jean — Paul. Laurie — Une Annee de College a Paris. Marivaux — Le Jeu de I'Amour et du Hasard. Pascal — La Rochefoucauld, Vauvenargues: Pensees, Maximes, Reflexions. Sandeau — Sacs et Parchemins. About — Le Roi des Montagnes. Daudet — Jack, Part II. Daudet — Tartarin de Tarascon. DeLaBrete — Mon Oncle et mon Cure. Moliere's — L'Avare. Montesquieu — Lettres Persanes. Patrice — Au Pole en Ballon. Verne — Le Tour du Monde. Geology Tarr — Elementary Geology 1.40 Geometry and Trigonometry Holgate — Elementary Geometry, Plane and Solid 1.10 Kenyon & Ingold — Plane & Spherical Trigonometry with Brief Tables. 1 .00 Henyon & Ingold — Plane & Spherical Trigonometry with Complete Tables 1.35 Kenyon & Ingold — Logarithmic & Trigonometric Tables .60 Lock & Miller — Trigonometry for Beginners .90 Nicholson — Elements of Plane & Spherical Trigonometry .90 Schultze & Sevenoak — Plane & Solid Geometry 1.10 Schultze & Sevenoak — Plane Geometry .80 German Bagster-Collins — First Book in German 1.10 Hewett — German Reader 1 . 00 Macmillan's New Series of German Texts: Each .35 Elster — Zwischen den Schlachten. Ebner — Herr Kalther von der Vogelweide. Goebel — Rubezahl. Goebel — Hermann der Cherusker. Goethe — Iphigenie auf Tauris. Kurz — Die Humanisten. Schrader — Freidrich der Grosse. Wachenhusen — Vom Ersten bis zum Letzten Schuss. Wildenbruch— Das Edle Blut. Zastrow — Wilhelm de Siegreiche. Lowest Lowest Wholesale Exchange Price Price .75 .60 .75 .60 . .75 .60 .45 .36 .37 .30 .75 .60 .56 .45 .67 .54 .56 .45 .75 .60 .48 .39 .82 .66 .45 .36 .37 .30 .75 .60 .45 .36 .67 .54 .52 .42 .82 • .66 .45 .36 .18 .67 .54 .67 ..54 .45 .36 .45 .36 .48 .39 .60 .48 .75 .60 .93 .75 .26 .21 1.05 .84 .82 .66 .75 .60 .01 .81 .45 .36 .67 .54 .67 .54 .82 .66 .60 .48 .82 .66 .75 .60 .26 .21 126 DEPARTMENT OP PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Usual Title of Book List Price a History Adams — European History 1 . 40 Adams — Mediaeval & Modern History 1.10 Ashley — American History 1 . 40 Ashley — American Colonial History .55 Bates & Coman — English History Told by English Poets .60 Botsford — History of Rome 1.10 Botsford — History of Greece 1 . 10 Botsford — Story of Rome as Greeks & Romans Tell It .90 Botsford — History of the Orient and Greece 1 .20 Botsford — History of the Orient, Greece and Rome 1 .80 Botsford — Ancient History for Begirmers 1 . 50 Botsford — History of the Ancient world 1 . 50 Botsford — Source Book of Ancient History 1 . 30 Bury — Student's History of Greece 1.10 Channing — Student's History of the United States ■. 1 .40 Coman — Industrial History of the United States. 1 .60 Coman & Kendall — History of England 1.25 Elson — History of the United States 1.75 Guest & Underwood — Handbook of English History .75 Hart — Source Book of American History .60 Kendall — Source Book of English History .80 Moore — Industrial History of the American People 1 . 25 Renouf — Outlines of General History 1 . 30 Robinson — Short History of Greece 1 . 00 Latin and Greek Baker & Inglis — High School Course in Latin Composition Complete . . 1 . 00 Baker & Inglis — High School Course in Latin Composition, Parts I & II . .60 Baker & Inglis — High School Course in Latin Composition, Part III. . . .55 Ball — Elements of Greek 1 . 00 Inglis & Prettyman — First Book in Latin .90 Macmillan's Latin Series: Hodges— Caesar's Gallic War 1 .25 Von Minckwitz — Cicero — Orations 1 . 25 Barss — Nepos — Twenty Lives .90 Bain — Ovid 1.10 Tunstall — The Latin Ladder 90 Music Joannes — Song Garland 1.10 Zeiner — High School Song Book .85 Physics Andrews & Rowland — Elements of Physics 1.10 Black & Davis — Practical Physics 1 .25 Crew & Jones — Elements of Physics 1.10 Crew & Tatnall — Laboratory Manual of Physics .90 Jones & Tatnall — Laboratory Problems in Physics .50 Nichols — Outlines of Physics 1 . 40 Slate — Physics: A Text-Book for Secondary Schools 1.10 Physical Geography Tarr — Elementary Physical Geography 1 . 40 Tarr — First Book of Physical Geography 1 . 10 Tarr — New Physical Geography 1 . 00 Tarr & VonEngeln — Laboratory Manual of Commercial and Physical Geography .80 Physiology Foster & Shore — Physiology for Beginners .75 Jegi — Practical Lessons in Human Physiology 1 .00 Peabody — Studies in Physiology, Anatomy and Hygiene 1.10 Psychology Colvin & Bagley — Human Behavior 1 . 00 Science (General) Rowell — General Science .75 Lowest Lowest Wholesale Exchange Price Price 1.05 .84 .82 .66 1.05 .84 .41 .33 .45 .36 .82 .66 .82 .66 .67 .54 .90 .72 1.35 1.08 1.12 .90 1.12 .90 .97 .78 .82 .66 1.05 .84 1.20 .96 .93 .75 1.31 1.05 .56 .45 .45 .36 .60 .48 .93 .75 .97 .78 .75 .60 .76 .60 .45 .36 .41 .33 . .75 .60 .67 .54 .93 .75 .93 .75 .67 .54 .82 .66 .67 .54 .82 .66 .63 .51 .82 .66 .93 .75 .82 .66 .67 .54 .37 .30 1.05 .84 .82 .66 1.05 .84 .82 .66 .75 .60 .60 .48 .66 .75 .82 .45 .60 .66 .75 .60 .56 .45 ELEMENTARY TEXT-BOOKS— SPECIAL EDITIONS Baker & Carpenter — Language Readers: Fourth Year — North Carolina Edition Fifth Year — North Carolina Edition Fifth Year— Virginia Edition Emerson & Bender — Modern English, Introductory: New York State Edition 45 40 .288 .16 45 .324 .18 45 .351 .27 .36 .27 LIST OF BOOKS AND PRICES 127 Title of Book Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price Emerson & Bender — Modern English, Booli I: Alabama Edition .40 Southern Edition .40 • New York State Edition 40 New York State Edition, Revised .50 Virginia Edition .40 West Vir^nla Edition .40 Emerson & Bender — Modern English, Book II: New York State Edition 60 Alabama Edition .60 Virginia Edition .60 West Virginia Edition .60 Kinard & Withers: English Language, Book I: South Carolina Edition .40 Kinard & Withers: English Language, Book II: South Carolina Edition .55 Hopkins & Underwood: Mental Arithmetic: Texas Edition .25 Virginia Edition .25 Hopkms & Underwood — Elementary Algebra: Texas Edition .75 Tarr & McMurry — New Geographies — First Book: New York State Edition 65 Washington Edition .65 Baltimore Edition .53 Tarr & McMurry — New Geographies, First Book, Part I: Washington Edition .40 Tarr & McMurry — New Geographies, First Book, Part II: Washington Edition .50 Tarr & McMurry — New Geographies, Second Book: Arizona Edition 1.10 New England Edition 1.10 Illinois Edition 1.10 Iowa Edition 1.10 Arkansas Edition 1 . 10 Minnesota Edition 1.10 Missouri Edition 1.10 Nevada Edition 1 . 10 Ohio Edition 1.10 Washington Edition 1.10 Wisconsin Edition 1.10 Tarr A McMurry — New Geographies, Second Book, Part I : New England Edition .65 Washington Edition .65 New Jersey Edition .65 Tarr & McMurry — New Geographies, Second Book, Fait II: New England Edition .65 Tarr & McMurry — World Geography, Part II: Kansas Edition .83 Tarr & McMurry — World Geographies, First Book: Texas Edition .65 Tarr & McMurry — World Geographies, Second Book; Texas Edition 1 .10 Tarr & McMurrv — World Geography (Oregon Edition) 1 . 00 Duggar — Agriculture for Southern Schools: Alabama Edition .75 Florida Edition 75 Louisiana Edition .75 South Carolina Edition .75 Virginia Edition 75 324 .18 32 .24 32 .24 40 .30 27 .18 324 .18 48 .36 432 .24 432 .24 432 .24 288 .16 396 .22 198 .11 198 .11 63 .35 52 .39 52 .39 424 .31 .32 .40 .24 .30 96 .66 88 .66 88 .66 83 .66 825 .66 82 .66 83 .66 88 .66 82 .66 88 .66 88 .66 52 .39 52 .39 52 .39 52 .39 75 .45 432 .24 792 .44 80 .60 54 .30 54 .30 54 .30 54 .30 54 .30 HIGH SCHOOL TEXT-BOOKS— SPECIAL EDITIONS Huntington — Elements of English Composition: Virginia Edition -. 60 Botsford — Ancient History for Beginners: Louisiana Edition 1 . 50 . South Carolina Edition 1 . 50 Ashley — American History: West Virginia Edition 1 . 40 Ely & Wicker — Elementary Principles of Economics: Virginia Edition 1 .00 Warren — Elements of Agriculture: Texas Edition 1.10 Virginia Edition 1.10 Bailey — Beginner's Botany: Virginia Edition 60 Bailey — Botany : South' Carolina Edition 1.10 Davenport — Elements of Zoology: West Virginia Edition 1 .25 .486 .32 1.08 1.08 .60 .60 1.134 .63 .81 .54 .81 .891 .45 .59 .486 .32 .891 .60 1.008 .56 128 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Title of Book Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price Tarr — New Physical Geography: South Carolina Edition 1 .00 Texas Edition 1 . 00 Virginia Edition 1 . 00 West Virginia Edition 1 .00 Fortier — L'Histoire de France: Louisiana Edition .90 Altmaier — Commercial Correspondence : Virginia Edition .60 792 .44 792 .44 792 .52 792 .44 .675 .486 .37 .32 LIST OF D. c. Mcintosh Dover, N. H. To be furnished f. o. b. at Dover, N. H., upon order of any school board or board of education in Michigan, or upon the order of duly authorized and responsible purchasing agents of such board upon terms and prices listed below. Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price Title of Book ARITHMETIC Mcintosh Drill Book Mcintosh Rapid Calculation Pad . ).10 .35 $0.08 .25 $0.08 .25 List of books and prices 129 LIST OF CHARLES E. MERRILL CO. New York and Chicago To be supplied upon order of any school board or board of education in Michigan or upon the order of duly authorized and responsible purchasing agents of such board upon terms and at the prices given below, in accordance with the schools laws of the State of Michigan. Column I. Usual List Prices: These are the prices at which we will sell the books named, trans- portation charges prepaid, upon receipt of order and remittance. Column II. Lowest Wholesale Prices: These are the prices at which we will sell the books f. o. b. New York or Chicago to school boards or boards of education, or to their authorized and re- sponsible purchasing agents, when adoption is made in accordance with the provisions of the Mich- igan textbook law. Column III. Lowest Exchange Prices — Free Textbook Districts: These are the prices at which we will sell the books to school districts when adoption is made in accordance with the provi- sions of the Michigan textbook law, and which purchase books with public funds, provided in addi- tion to such exchange price, the old book actually owned by the board and in use in the schools, of like kind and grade but of a different series, is surrendered at the time of paying the exchange price. Column IV. Ix)west Exchange Prices — N'on-Free Textbook Districts: These are the prices at which we sell the book to school districts when adoption is made in accordance with the provisions of the Michigan textbook law, and where the pupils purchase their own books, provided in addition to such exchange price the old book actually owned bv the pupil and in use in the schools, of like kind and grade but of a different series, is surrendered at the time of paying the exchange price. The old books so displaced under the above exchange conditions shaU not exceed in number the quantity of such new books purchased and shall be forwarded to Charles E. Merrill Co. of Chicago, at the company's expense. ^Lowest Exch. Price-- Usual Lowest Free Non-free Title of Book List Wholesale Textbook Textbook Price Price Districts Districts Col. Col. Col. Col. I. II. III. IV. ENGLISH Reed — Introductory Language Work, Larpe Type Ed $0.45 Reed & Kellogg — Graded Lessons in English Lte .45 Reed .80 Bookkeeping & Business Practice 1 .00 Bookkeeping blanks per set .60 Macvane — Political Economy 1 .05 Wenzlaff — The Mental Man 1.10 Baker — Elementary Psychology 1 .05 Sprenkel — Primary Ideal Music Book .35 Advanced Ideal Music Book .60 Berens — Handbook of Mythologj', Illustrated 1 .00 Anderson — Light Gymnastics 1 .50 .21 .18 .18 .17 .15 .30 .28 .24 .33 .31 .27 .37 .35 .30 ■■;22 ■■!2i ' " '. is .22 .21 .18 .27 .25 .21 .24 .22 .30 .30 .30 .30 .45 .37 .30 .37 .37 .15 .15 .18 .22 .22 .22 .22 .18 .15 .15 .15 .18 .15 .14 .12 .18 .17 .15 .09 .11 .21 .19 .16 .15 .14 .12 .15 .14 .12 .11 .10 .09 .18 .17 .15 .15 .14 .12 .18 .17 .15 .13 .12 .10 .45 .78 .73 .63 .37 .35 .30 .78 .73 .63 .75 .93 .93 .78 .73 .63 .82 .77 .66 .45 .37 .35 .30 .60 ..56 .48 .75 .70 .60 .45 .78 .73 .6."^ .82 .77 .66 .78 .73 .63 .26 .24 .21 .45 .42 .36 .75 1.12 136 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION LIST OF NEWSON & COMPANY Chicago, 111. To be furnished f. o. b. at Chicago, Illinois, upon order of any school board or board of education in Michigan, or upon the order of duly authorized and responsible purchasing agents of such board, upon terms and price listed below. Note. — If pupils purchase their own books and offer displaced books in exchange, an additional ten per-cent (10%) of list shall be allowed. Usual Lowest Lowest Title of Book List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price ARITHMETIC Schuyler & Van Sickle — Haworth Series of Arithmetics: Number Foundations $0.40 Number Relations .56 Number Applications .40 ENGLISH Spaulding & Bryce: Aldine First Language Book '. " .48 Aldine Language Method •. . . . .60 Buehler & Hotchkiss: Modern English Lessons .4.5 Modern Engli.sh Lessons, Part One . .32 Modern English Lessons, Part Two .32 Buehler: Modern English Grammar .60 Modern English Grammar with Composition .65 Teachers' Companion to Modern English Grammar .60 McKeon — Graded Composition Lessons: Part One 40 Part Two 40 Part Three 40 Merkley — Modern Rhetoric 1 . 00 Merkley & Ferguson — Composition-Rhetoric 1 . 20 Tinker— Beowulf 1 . 00 FRENCH Alge, Rippmann & Buell: Newson's First French Book .50 Newson's Second French Book .HO Kron— French Daily Life .75 GERMAN Alge, Hamburger, Rippmann & Buell: Newson's First German Book .60 Newson's German Reader .75 Kron: German Daily Life .75 German Daily Life, with vocabulary .90 Meyer-Forster — Karl Heinrich .80 READING Spaulding & Bryce: Aldine Primer .32 Aldine First Reader .36 Aldine Second Reader .42 Aldine Third Reader 48 Aldine Fourth Reader .65 Aldine Fifth Reader .75 Aldine Fourth Grade Reader .48 Aldine Fifth Grade Reader , .48 Aldine Sixth Grade Reader .48 Aldine Seventh Grade Reader ■ .48 The Aldine Method : Learning to Read — A Manual 60 Phonic Cards (23 in set) Per set .25 Sight Word Cards (95 in set) per set .65 Rhyme Charts (16 in ,set) Per set 60 Rhyme Cards. Per 100 60 Seat Work Cards, No. 1 & No. 2, Per 100 2 . 00 Reading and Phonic Chart, combined, with Stand 8.00 Phonic Chart, separate, with Stand , , . 5-. 60 $0.30 .42 .30 .30 .30 .30 .75 .90 .75 .38 .38 .56 .45 .56 ..56 .68 .60 .24 .27 .32 .36- .49 ..56 .36 ..36 .36 ..36 .45 .19 .49 .45 .45 1 .,50 6.00 4.20 $0.28 ..39 .28 .34 34 .32 24 .22 24 .22 45 .42 49 .46 45 .28 .28 .28 .70 .84 .70 LIST OF BOOKS AND PRICES 137 Usual Title of Book List Price SUPPLEMENTARY READING Bryce: Short Stories for Little Folks .35 That's Why Stories 45 Fables from Afar .45 Davidson & Bryce — Busy Brownies at Work .35 Gibson — Blossom Hosts and Insect Guests .80 Haaren — Golden Rod Books: Rhymes and Fables 12 Songs and Stories .15 Fairy Life 20 Ballads and Tales 25 Hall Usual Lowest Non-free Free List Wholesale Textbook Textbook Price Price Districts Districts Book Seven Book Eight Lights to Literature Readers, Five Book Series: Book Three Book Four Book Five Little Kingdom, First Reader New Century Readers: Book One Book Two Book Three Book Four Book Five Book Six Book Seven Book Eight Curry, Literary Readings READING, SUPPLEMENTARY A Child's Garden of Verses Achilles and Hector Andersen's Best Fairy Tales Autobiography of a Butterfly Bird Life Stories Child Stories from the Masters Classic Myths Eskimo Stories Folk Tales from the Russian Four Old Greeks Holland Stories Japanese Fairy Tales, (first series) Japanese Fairy Tales, (second series) King Arthur and His Knights Little Rhymes for Little Readers Lucita Norse Stories Old Fashioned Fairy Tales Overall Boys Pilgrim Stories Southern Literary Readings Stories of Mother Goose Village Story of Chicago Story of Cotton Viking Tales Wings and Stings The Canterbury Classics: Adventures of a Brownie Alice's Adventures in Wonderland The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin. . . Black Beauty Canterbury Pilgrims A Christmas Carol Cricket on the Hearth A Dog of Flanders Gold Bug Gold Bug (paper) The Heart of a Boy King of the Golden River Lady of the Lake Rab and His Friends, and other Dog Stories. Rab and His Friends, (alone) paper Story of a Short Life Treasure Island The Water Babies Industrial and Social History Series: Early Cave Men Early Sea People Later Cave Men Tree Dwellers Little Lives of Great Men: Cromwell: England's Uncrowned King Lincoln, The Man of the People Napoleon: The Little Corsican SPELLERS Century Spelling Book: Part I Part II Complete An Ear and Eye Spelling Book Hewitt — Speller and Word Study Book .50 .37 .30 .36 .50 .37 .30 .35 .48 .36 .29 .34 .60 .45 .36 .42 .75 .66 .45 .63 .32 .24 .19 .22 .17 .12 .10 .12 .25 .18 .15 .18 .25 .18 .15 > .18 .25 .18 .15 .18 .35 .26 .21 .25 .35 .26 .21 .25 .35 .26 .21 .25 .35 .26 .21 .25 .75 .56 .45 .53 lY .50 .37 .45 .33 .45 .33 .40 .30 .60 .45 .30 .22 .35 .26 .40 .30 .40 .30 .35 .26 .50 .37 .50 .37 .50 .37 .50 .37 .50 .37 .50 .37 .40 .30 .45 .33 .45 .33 .45 .33 .75 .56 .45 .33 .50 .37 .75 .56 .35 .26 .40 .30 .35 .26 .30 .22 .45 .33 .40 .30 .40 .30 .35 .26 .30 .22 .25 .18 .25 .18 .15 .11 .45 .33 .25 .18 .45 .33 .25 .18 .10 .07 .30 .22 .40 .30 .45 .33 .45 .33 .50 .37 .45 .33 .45 .33 .35 .26 .35 .26 .35 .26 .18 .13 .11 .13 .18 .13 .11 .13 .25 .18 .15 .18 .20 .15 .12 .14 .25 .18 .15 .18 146 DEPARTMENT* OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Title of Book Ideal Combination Writing Speller . Phonic Drills WRITING '-Lowest Exch. Price—. Usual Lowest Non-free Free List Wholesale Textbook Textbook Price Price Districts Districts .10 .15 72 Round Rapid Writing Books, seven numbers, per dozen Round Rapid Social and Business Forrr,s, two numbers, per dozen .72 .07 .11 .54 .64 , HIGH SCHOOL BOOKS Chemistry Llnebarger Elementary Chemistry 1 . 00 Linebarger Chemistry Laboratory Manual 50 Commercial Geography Robinson, Commercial Geography 1.25 Exercises and References for Commercial Geography .16 Composition and Rhetoric Kavana & Beatty, Composition and Rhetoric 1 . 00 .76 .37 .93 .11 .75 .60 .30 .75 .60 .70 .35 .70 LIST OF JONATHAN RIGDON To be furnished f . o. b. at Winona Lake, Ind., upon order of any school board or board of educa- tion in Michigan, or upon the order of duly authorized and responsible purchasing agents of such board upon terms and prices listed below. Usual Lowest Lowest Title of Book List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price (1) — Grammar Essentials for the High School $0.75 $0.60 $0.40 (2) — Grammar for the Commoa Schools .60 .48 .30 (3) — Grammar for Beginners 40 .32 .20 LIST OF BOOKS AND PRICES 147 LIST OF ROW, PETERSON & COMPANY Chicago, 111. To be furnished f. o. b. at Chicago, HI., upon order of any school board or board of education in Michigan, or upon the order of duly authorized and responsible purchasing agents of such board upon terms and prices listed below. —Lowest Exch. Price^ Usual Lowest Free Non-free Title of Book List Wholesale Textbook Textbook Price Price Districts Districts AGRICULTURE A Unit In Agriculture, EUiff $0.50 Elementary Agriculture, Hatch and Haselwood .50 One Hundred Lessons in Agriculture, Nolan .65 EDUCATION Enghsh in the Country School, Barnes 1 . 25 Reading in Public Schools, Briggs and Coffman 1 .25 Country Life and the Country School,. Carney 1 .25 Methods of Teaching, Charters 1 . 25 Principles of Teaching, Harvey ." 1.25 The Personality of the Teacher, McKenny 1 . 00 The Educational Meaning of Manual Arts and Industrifs, Row 1 .25 School Management, Salisbury 1 . 00 The Theory of Teaching, Salisbury 1 . 25 ENGLISH Types of Prose Narratives, Fansler 1 . 50 Exercises in English Form and Diction (Cloth Edition), Fansler .60 Exercises in English Form and Diction (Paper Edition), Fansler .45 Manual of English Form and Diction, Fansler .10 Essential Studies in English, Book I, Language, Robbins and Row 45 Essential Studies in Enghsh, Book II, Grammar and Com- position, Robbins and Row 60 Book I, in Parts — Part 1 25 Book I, in Parts— Part II 25 Book I, in Parts— Part III 30 Phonology and Orthoepy, Salisbury .50 Index to Short Stories, Salisbury and Beckwith .50 Practical English, Scott 45 READING Reading — Literature Primer, Free and Tread >vell .32 Reading — Literature First Reader, Free and Tread well .36 Reading — Literature Second Reader, Free and Treadwell. .. . ' .40 Reading — Literature Third Reader, Free and Treadwell .45 Reading — Literature Fourth Reader, Free and Treadwell. ... .50 First Year Reading, A Manual for Teachers, Morse .10 SPELLING The National Speller, Frazler 20 A Practical Spelling Book 20 SUPPLEMENTARY READING Balonglong, The Igorot Boy, Jenks .45 East O' the Suu and West O' the Moon, Thomsen 60 $0.37 $0.35 $0.30 .37 .35 .30 .48 .45 .39 .93 .87 .75 .93 .87 .75 .93 .93 .87 .75 .93 .87 .75 .75 .93 .75 .70 .60 .93 ,87 .75 1.12 1.05 .90 .45 .42 .36 .33 .31 .27 .07 .33 .31 .27 .45 .42 .36 .18 .17 .15 .18 .17 .15 .22 .21 .18 .37 .35 .30 .37 .33 .31 .27 .24 .22 .19 .27 .25 .22 .30 .28 .24 .33 .31 .27 .37 .35 .30 .07 .15 .14 .12 .15 .14 .12 .33 .45 148 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION ■ h LIST OF THE H. M. ROWE CO. Baltimore, Md. To be furnished f. o. b. at Baltimore, Md., upon order of any school board or board of educa- tion in Michigan, or upon the order of duly authorized and responsible purchasing agents of such board upon terms and prices listed below. Title of Book Commercial Arithmetic New Essentials of Business Arithmetic. ARITHMETIC BANKING Reference Book, American National Banking . Budget C, American National Banking BOOKKEEPING Rowe's Bookkeeping and Accountancy, Complete Text (No. 120) Rowe'a Bookkeeping and Accountancy, Introductory Text (No. 120a) . . Rowe's Bookkeej)ing and Accountancy, Test for Cost Accountancy for Manufacturing Set (No. 120b) Budget 121, Elementary Set Budget 12.5, Wholesale Set [ Budget 128, Manufacturing Set Budget 131, Merchants' Corporation Set Rowe's Commercial and Industrial Bookkeeping, Reference Book (No. 100) . Budget 101, Inductive Set Budget 102, Wholesale and Retail Set Budget 103, .Jobbing and Commission Set Rowe's Business Bookkeeping and Practice, Text (No. 1) Budget A , Bookkeepers and OflEice Practice Budget B, Part 1, Bookkeepers and Office Practice Budget B, Part 2, Bookkeepers and Office Practice Budget B, Part 2, Special, Bookkeepers and Office Practice Business and Office Practice ENGLISH Baker's Correct English Earnest's English — Correspondence GEOGRAPHY MacFarlane's Commercial & Industrial Geography LAW Richardson's Commercial Law .90 .70 .67^ .62J Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale ; Exchani Price Price Price $0.80 $0.60 $0.52 .70 .52i .46 .20 .15 .90 .07i 1 . .50 1.121 1.00 1.30 .97i .85 .60 .45 .60 .45 .60 .45 .80 .60 .50 .3Th .60 .45 .39 .60 .45 .60 .45 .60 .45 .95 .71i .62 .80 .60 .80 .60 .80 .60 .45 ..33f .20 .15 .65 .481 .42 .35 .26i .23 .58 .46 LIST OF BOOKS AND PRICES 149 LIST OF BENJ. H. SANBORN & COMPANY 623 S. Wabash Ave, Chicago, 111. To be furnished f. o. b. at Chicago, 111., upon order of any school board or board of education in Michigan, or upon the order of duly authorized and responsible purchasing agents of such board, upon terms and prices listed below. EXPLANATION 1. The prices given in Column II are conditioned upon and in accordance with the provisions of the general school laws of Michigan governing the adoption and supply of school books. 2. The Exchange Price given in Column III is given only when a pupil purchases a book newly introduced and turns in for exchange a used copy of the book displayed, such used copy to be whole and of like kind and grade as the book introduced. 3. Where Boards of Education purchase books to be loaned to pupils, the Exchange Price in Column III does not apply. In such cases, however, an extra allowance, from the Net Price, equiva- lent to five per cent of the List Price of the book introduced, is made for each old book sent in to us. Such old books, to be accepted, must be complete books actually in use at the time of the introduc- tion of our books and of like kind and grade, — incomplete books will not be accepted. 4. Where books are for supplemental use only the Net Price will hold, without the exchange privilege. Usual Lowest Lowest Title of Book List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price CIVICS— FOR GRADES Reinsch's Civil Government $0 . 60 Reinsch's Young Citizens' Reader .60 ENGLISH— FOR GRADES The Scott-South ivorth Lessons in English: Book One .' 42 Book Two 6.5 Southworth's New Language Lessons .42 Southworth's English Grammar and Composition .65 HISTORY— FOR GRADES Ev£^s' First Lessons in American History .70 Evans' Essential Facts of American History 1 .00 MATHEMATICS— FOR GRADES The Southworth-Stone Arithmetics: Two-Book Series — Book One Book Two Three-Book Series — Book One Book Two Book Three Elementary — Advanced Edition — Elementary Advanced The Southworth-Stone Exercise Book in Arithmetic The Stone-Millis Arithmetics: Two-Book Series — Primary Complete Three-Book Series — Primary Intermediate Advanced READING— FOR GRADES The Edison-Laing Readers: Book One Book Two Book Three Book Four Finley's Blackboard Work in Reading Finley's Little Home Workers Jones' Circus Reader Layton's Realistic Reader Rafter's City and Town Reinsch's Civil Government Reinsch's Young Citizens' Reader .?0.4,5 .45 $0 .36 .36 .32 .49 .32 .49 .25 .39 .25 .39 ..53 .75 .42 .60 50 .38 .30 60 .45 .36 42 .32 .25 45 .34 .27 50 .38 .30 40 .30 .24 65 .49 .39 45 .34 35 .26 .21 60 .45 .36 35 .26 .21 40 .30 .24 45 .34 .27 35 .26 .21 40 .30 .24 45 .34 .27 50 .38 .30 50 .38 35 .26 35 .26 30 .23 45 .34 60 .45 60 .45 150 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Usual Title of Book List Price SPELLING— FOR GRADES The Sanborn Speller, Complete .25 Part I, grades one, two, three .18 Part II, grades four, five, six .18 Part III, grades seven and eight .18 ENGLISH— FOR HIGH SCHOOL MacDonald's Foundation English: Expression of Ideas .00 The Shackford-Judson Composition: Rhetoric— Literature 1.12 The Cambridge Literature Series: Addison-Steele Sir Roger de Coverley Papers .25 Burke's Speech on Conciliation .25 Carlyle's Essay on Burns .25 Coleridge's Ancient Mariner .25 Longfellow's Evangeline .25 Lowell's Vision of Sir Launf al .25 Macaulay's Essays on Milton and Addison .25 Milton's Minor Poems .25 Pope's Iliad (four books) 25 Shakespeare's Julius Caesar .25 Tennyson's The Princess .25 Daly's Advanced Rational Speller .25 FRENCH— FOR HIGH SCHOOL The Colin-Serafou Practical Lessons in French Grammar 1.15 Talbot's Le Francais et sa Patrie 1 . OO LATIN— FOR HIGH SCHOOL Potter's Elementary Latin Course 1 . 12 Potter's New Method for Caesar .50 The Daniell-Brown Latin Composition 1 . 00 Part 1 , bound alone • .50 Parts 2 and 3, bound together .65 Part 3, bound alone .55 Part I, with the Johnston-Sanf ord Caesar 1.25 The Johnston-Sanford Caesar 1 .00 The Johnston-Sanford Caesar with Part I of Daniell-Brown Latin Com- position 1 .25 D'Ooge's Cicero, Orations and Letters 1 .25 The Fairclough-Brown Virgil 1 .40 The Faircloueh-Richardson "Simplified" Phormio of "Terence .50 The Tuell & Fowler First Book in Latin 1 .00 Daniels' Sight Book in Latin .50 Whicher's Viri Romae .50 MATHEMATICS— FOR HIGH SCHOOL The Stone-Millis Elementary Algebra: Complete Course 1 .25 First Course 1 . 00 Second Course .75 The Rtone-Millis Essentials of Algebra, Complete Course 1.15 The Stone-Millis Plane & Solid Geometry 1 . 30 The Stone-Millis Plane Geometry .85 The Stone-Millis Solid Geometry 85 The Stone-Millis Secondary Arithmetic .75 Clark's High School Arithmetic .50 SCIENCE— FOR HIGH SCHOOL The Hessler-Smith Chemistry, Revised (1912) Edition: Without Laboratory Manual 1.25 With Laboratory Manual 1.45 The Hessler-Smith Laboratory Manual Revised (1912) book .65 Hopkins' Physical Geography: Without Laboratory Manual 1.35 With Laboratory Manual 1 . 50 Hopkins & Clark Laboratory Manual in Physical Geography .50 Merrill's Field and Laboratory Notebook in Physical Geography .50 Lowest Lowest Wholesale Exchanga Price Price .19 .14 .14 .14 .84 .19 .19 .19 .19 .19 .19 .19 .19 .19 .19 .19 .19 .86 .75 .84 .38 .75 .38 .49 .41 .94 .75 .94 .04 1.05 .38 .75 .38 .38 .94 .75 .56 .86 .98 .64 .64 .56 .38 .94 1.09 .49 l.Ol 1.13 .38 .38 .15 .11 .11 .11 .54 .67 .69 .60 .67 ieo .75 .60 .75 .75 .84 ^eo .75 .60 .45 .69 .78 .51 .51 .45 .30 .75 .87 .81 .90 PUBLICATION OF SIBLEY & COMPANY, Boston, Massachusetts Benj. H. Sanborn and Company, Western Agents ENGLISH Jainter's Introduction to English Literature 1 .25 ainter's Introduction to American Literature 1 .25 Stebbins' Progressive Course in English: One Book Course — Two-Book Course — Book One, First and Second Years 1 . 00 Book Two, Third and Fourth Years 00 .94 .94 .75 .68 .75 .75 .60 .54 LIST OF BOOKS AND PRICES 151 Title of Book Three-Book Course — Book One, First \ ear Book Two,. Second Year Book Three, Third and Fourth Years Stebbins' Literature-Composition Eighth Grade Book Stebbins' Sentence Improvement Eighth or Ninth Grade. Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price THE STUDENTS' SERIES OF ENGLISH CLASSICS— LIBRARY EDITION Bates' Ballad Book , Burke's Speech on Conciliation Carlyle's Diamond Necklace Carlyle's Essay on Burns Coleridge's Ancient Mariner Cooper's Last of the Mohicans Dryden, Burns, Wordsworth, and Browning, Selections Drvden's Palamon and Arcite Goldsmith's Vicar of Wakefleld Irving — Isaac Thomas' Selections Johnson's Rasselas Lamb's Essays of Elia Longfellow's Evangeline Lowell's Vision of Sir Launfal, etc Macaulay's Essays on Milton and Addison Milton's Paradise Lost, Books I and II Ruskin — ^Introduction to, Scudder Scott's Marmion Shakespeare's Macbeth Shakespeare's As You Like It Tennyson's Elaine Teimyson's The Princess The Students' Series of English Classics — Handy Edition: Addison's Sir Roger de Coverley Papers Burke's Speech on Conciliation, Webster's Bunker Hill Oration, Washington's Farewell Address Byron's Prisoner of Chillon, etc Coleridge's Ancient Mariner, Lowell's Vision of Sir Launfal, Burns' Cotter's Saturday Night De Quincey's Joan of Arc, etc Eliot's Silas Marner Goldsmith's The Traveler, The Deserted Village, Gray's Elegy Goldsmith's Vicar of Wakefield Irving — Isaac Thomas' Selections Macaulay's Essays on Milton and AddLson Macaulay's Life of Johnson Milton's Minor Poems and Arnold's Sohrab and Rustum Pope's Iliad (four books) Ruskin's Sesame and Lilies Scott's Lady of the Lake Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice Shakespeare's Macbeth Shakespeare's As You Like It Shakespeare's Midsummer Nigiht's Dream Shakespeare's Julius Caesar Tennyson's Gareth and Lynette, etc ETHICS Painter's Introduction to Bible Study. Steele's Outlines of Bible Study .90 .68 .54 .90 .68 .54 .90 .68 .64 .75 .56 .75 .56 RAR\ >■ EDITION .50 .38 .25 .19 .35 .26 .25 .19 .25 .19 .50 .38 .35 .26 ..... .35 .26 .35 .26 .50 .38 .35 .26 .35 .26 .35 .26 .25 .19 .35 .26 .35 .26 .50 :i ::::: .35 .35 .26 .35 .26 .25 .19 .35 .26 .25 .19 .25 .19 .25 .19 .25 .19 .25 .19 .25 .19 .25 .19 .25 .19 .25 .19 .25 .19 .25 .19 .25 .19 .25 .19 .25 .19 .25 .19 .25 .19 .25 .19 .25 .19 .25 .19 .25 .19 .25 .19 .00 .75 .75 .56 GREEK Woodruff's New Greek Prose Composition . .90 .68 .54 152 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION LIST OF SCHOOL OF^ENGLISH 1411 Security Bldg., Chicago, 111. To be furnished f. o. b. at Chicago, 111., upon order of any school board or board of education in Michigan, or upon the order of duly authorized and responsible purchasing agents of such board upon terms and prices listed below. Usual Lowest Lowest Title of Book List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price ADVERTISING How to Do Business by Letter and Advertising, Cody Advertising and Salesmanship edition, with Specimen sheet of advertisements, Samples of Paper, type rule, and electrotype scale $1 ..50 $1 .20 $1 .00 Short Course in Advertising, Cody Including Specimen Sheet of Ad- vertisements, Samples of Paper, Type rule, electrotype scale .50 .40 ..S.'j BUSINESS TECHNIC How to Be a Private Secretary, Cody, with Exercise pad .85 .68 .60 CORRESPONDENCE How to Do Business by Letter, Cody, with Exercises in Letter Writing .65 .52 .45 Exerciser in Letter Writing alone .30-' .24 .20 ENGLISH Problems and Principles of Correct English, Cody: Cloth bound edition • .50 .40 . .35 Paper bound edition .35 .28 .25 Additional for Dictionary of Errors, Cody, with either edition, not sold alone 15 .12 .10 Literary Composition, Cody .75 .60 .50 SPELLING Word-Study for Schools, Cody 25 .20 .17 TYPEWRITING Touch Typewriting, Dougherty, including looseleaf cloth cover or copyholder 75 .60 .50 Typewriter Shield 50 .40 ,35 LIST OP BOOKS AND PRICES 153 LIST OF SCHWARTZ, KIRWIN & FAUSS 42 Barclay St., New York City To be furnished f. o. b. at New York upon order of any school board or board of education in Michigan, or upon the order of duly authorized and responsible purchasing agents of such board upon terms and prices listed below. Usual Lowest Lowest Title of Book List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price CATECHISMS Deharbe's Complete Catechism or No. 1 $0.45 $0.36 $0.22 Deharbe's Short Catechism or No. 2 22 .18- .11 Deharbe's Shorter Catechism or No. 3 .15 .12 .07 Edward's Catechism of Hygiene .30 .24 .15 ENGLISH Coppehs: Art of Oratorical Composition 1 .00 .75 .45 A Practical Introduction to English Rhetoric 1 .00 .75 .45 Garraghan : Lecture on Literature by Cardinal Newman .50 .40 .24 McNichols: Fundamental English .80 .67 .48 Rvan: Studies in Irving, Part 1 .20 .16 .12 Studies in Irving, Part 2 20 .16 .12 Vlymen: The Sketch Book, Irving 30 .24 .14 Davidson & Alcock: Intermediate English Grammar & Analysis .18 .15 .09 HISTORY Gazeau: Ancient History .40 .30 .18 Middle Ages History 75 .60 .36 Modern History 75 .60 .36 Roman History 40 .30 .18 McCarthy: History of the World 1 .20 .90 .54 Sisters of Notre Dame: Brief History of Catholic Church in U. S 36 .30 .18 Compendium of Church History .60 .50 .30 Spalding: Bible History 37 .30 .18 Church History 75 .60 .36 LATIN Kleist : Aides to Latin Prose Composition .60 .48 .30 Hints on Latin Style 30 .24 .12 O'Brien: Virgil s Aeneid Books I-VI, with Introduction Notes and Vocabulary 1.25 1.00 .60 PHILOSOPHY Coppens: A Brief Text Book of Logic and Mental Philosophy 1.00 .75 .45 A Brief Text Book of Moral Philosophy 75 .60 .36 A Brief History of Philosophy 1 .00 .75 .45 READERS Spalding: Young Catholic Illustrated: Primer .10 .08 .05 First Reader 13 .11 .07 Second Reader 18 .15 .09 Third Reader 30 .24 ,15 Fourth Reader 37 .30 .18 Fifth Reader 45 .36 .22 Vlymen: The Columbus: First Reader 18 .15 .05 Second Reader 30 .24 .08 Third Reader 45 .36 .12 Fourth Reader 54 .45 .15 Fifth Reader 75 .60 .20 SPELLERS Grammar School Speller and Deflner .45 .36 ,22 Young Catholic Illustrated Speller 12 .10 ,06 The Illustrated Table Book 15 .12 .07 154 DEPARTMENT OP PUBLIC INSTRUCTION LIST OF SCOTT, FORESMAN AND COMPANY 623 So. Wabash Ave., Chicago, 111. To be furnished f. o. b. at Chicago, 111., upon order of any school board or board of education in Michigan, or upon the order of duly authorized and responsible purchasing agents of such board upon terms and prices listed below. Exchange price No. 1 is the exchange price in towns where the books are purchased by the Board of Education and supplied free to the pupils. Exchange Price No. 2 is the exchange price where the pupils purchase the books through the local bookseller. Title Of Book Usual List Price ENGLISH Denney's American Public Addresses $1 .00 Herrick and Damon's New Composition and Rhetoric 1 . 00 Newcomer's American Literature 1 .00 Newcomer's English Literature 1 . 25 Newcomer-Andrews' Twelve Centuries of English Poetry and Prose 1.75 Scott and Buck's Brief English Grammar .60 Lake English Classics Addison and Steele's Sir Roger de Coverley Papers .30 Browning's Selected Poems .40 Bunyan's The Pilgrim's Progress .30 Burke's Speech on Conciliation with America .25 Carlyle's Essay on Burns .25 Chaucer's Selections .40 Coleridge's Ancient Mariner, and Lowell's Vision of Sir Laun- fal 25 Cooper's Last of the Mohicans .40 Defoe's Robinson Crusoe .40 De Quincey's Flight of a Tartar Tribe .25 De Quincey's Joan of Arc and Selections .25 Dickens' A Christmas Carol .30 Dickens' A Tale of two Cities .40 Dickens' David Copperfield .50 Dryden's Palamon and Arcite .25 Emerson's Essays and Addresses .35 Franklin's Autobiography .30 Gaskell (Mrs.) Cranford 35 George Eliot's Silas Marner .30 Gold.smith's Vicar of Wakefield 30 Hawthorne's House of the Seven Gables .35 Hawthorne's Twice-Told Tales 40 Irving's Life of Goldsmith .40 Irving's The Sketch Book 40 Irving's Tales of A Traveller .40 Lamb's Essays of Ella .35 Longfellow's Narrative Poems .40 Macaulay's Essays on Addison and Johnson .30 Macaulay's Essays on Clive and Hastings .36 Macaulay's Essays on Goldsmith, Frederic the Great, and Madam D'Arblay .30 Macaulay's Ess^s on Milton and Addison .30 Milton's Minor Poems .25 Milton's Paradise Lost, Books 1 and II .25 Palgrave's The Golden Treasury .40 Parkman's The Oregon Trail .40 Poe's Poems and Tales, Selected .30 Pope's Homer's Iliad .25 Ruskin's Sesame and Lilies .25 Scott's The Lady of the Lake 30 Scott's The Lay of the Last Minstrel 25 Scott's Marmion .30 Scott's Ivanhoe .45 Scott's Quentin Durward .45 Shakespeare's As You Like It .25 Shakespeare's Hamlet .25 Shakespeare's Henry The Fifth .25 Shakespeare's Julius Caesar 25 Shakespeare's Macbeth .25 Shakespeare's A Midsummer-Night's Dream .25 —Lowest Exch. Prlce-^ Lowest Free Non-free Wholesale Textbook Textbook Price Districts Districts No. 1. No. 2. «0.75 .75 .75 .94 $0.70 .70 1.31 .45 .42 .23 .30 .23 .19 .19 .30 .19 .30 .30 .19 .19 .23 .30 .38 .19 .26 .23 .26 .23 .23 .26 .30 .30 .30 .30 .26 .30 .23 .26 .23 .23 .19 .19 .30 .30 .23 .19 .19 .23 .19 .23 .34 .34 .19 .19 .19 .19 .19 .19 $0.60 .60 .75 .36 LIST OP BOOKS AND PRICES 155 Title of Book —Lowest Exch. Price— Usual Lowest Free Non-free List Wholesale Textbook Textbook Price Price Districts Districts No. 1. No. 2. Shakesoeare's Twelfth Night .25 Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice .25 Shorter English Poems .35 Stevenson's Treasure Island .25 Stevenson's An Inland Voyage and Travels With a Donkey . . .35 Tennyson's Selected Poems .35 Tennyson's The Princess .25 Three American Poems .25 Thackeray's English Humorists .30 Thackeray's Henry Esmond .50 Washington, Webster and Lincoln .25 FRENCH Baillot and Twight-Brugnot's French Prose Composition .... .50 De Bordes Elements of French 1 . 00 The Lake French Readings Bentons' Easy French Plays .50 Sicard's Easy French History .50 Williamson and Papot's Easy French Stories .50 The Lake French Classics Beaumarchais' Lebarbier de Seville and Lettres .50 Chateaubriand's Atala and Rene .50 Hugo's Preface de Cromwell and Hernani .50 Moliere's Le Misanthrope and L'Avare .50 Voltaire's Zaire and Epitres .50 GERMAN Becker -Rhoades Elements of German 1 .00 Manloy's Ein Sommer in Deutschland, (A Beginning German Reader) 90 NoUen's German Chronology and Bibliography 1 .00 The Lake German Classics Allen and Batt's Easy German Stories .50 Allen and Batt's German Stories, Vol. II .50 Baumbacb's Der Schwiegersohn and other Stories .50 Freytag's Die Journalisten .50 Immensee, Germelshausen and der Linden-Baum, one vol ... .50 Lessing's Minna von Barnhelm .50 Mama Kommt and Die Alte .50 Schiller's Maria Stuart .50 GREEK Bonner's Greek Composition for Schools 1 . 00 Burgess and Bonner's Elementary Greek 1.25 Jones' Exercises in Greek Prose Composition 1 . 00 HISTORY AND CIVIL GOVERNMENT Abbott's A Short History of Rome .*. 1 .00 Handbook for the Study of Roman History (paper) .25 Davidson's History of the United States .80 Handbook for the Study of Davidson's History of the United States (paper) .30 Terry's History of England for Schools 1 . 25 - Thurston's Economics and Industrial History 1 .00 LATIN Churchill and Sanford'a Viri Romae Illustres (with separate text) 75 Janes and Jenks Bellum Helveticum 1 . 00 Johnston and Kingery's Cicero's Orations and Lfetters, (with separate text): Ten Orations, Letters and Sallust 1 .25 Six Orations, Letters and Sallust 1 .00 Jones' First Lessons in Latin 1 .00 Jones' Latin Prose Composition 1 .00 Knapp's Vergil's Aeneid, (with separate text) 1 .40 Miller and Beeson's Second Latin Book, (with separate text) . . 1 .25 Riggs-Scott's in Latinum (Caesar) .60 Riggs-Scott's in Latinum (Cicero) .50 Scott and Van Tuyl's Caesar Composition (paper) .30 Scott and Van Tuyl's Cicero Composition (paper) .30 Scott and Van Tuyl's Caesar Composition (cloth) .50 Scott and Van Tuyl's Cicero Composition (cloth) . . . , .50 21 .19 .19 .26 .19 .26 .26 .19 .19 .23 .38 .19 \ .38 .35 .30 .75 .70 .60 .38 .38 .38 .38 .38 . . . . ^ .38 .38 .38 .75 .70 .60 .68 .63 .54 .75 • .38 .38 .38 .38 .38 • .38 .38 .38 .75 .70 .60 .94 .88 .75 .75 .70 .60 .75 .70 .60 .19 .60 .56 .48 .23 .94 .88 .75 .75 .70 .60 .56 .53 .45 .75 .70 .60 .94 .88 .75 .75 .70 .60 .75 .70 .60 .75 .70 .60 1.05 .98 .84 .94 .88 .75 .38 .35 .30 .38 .35 .30 .23 .21 .18 .23 .21 .18 .38 .35 .30 .38 .35 .30 156 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Title of Book Walker's Caesar's Gallic War, (with separate text): Seven book edition Four book edition —Lowest Exch. Price^ Usual Lowest Free Non-free List Wholesale Textbook Textbook Price Price Districts Districts No. 1. No. 2. 1.25 1.00 .94 .75 .88 .70 .75 .60 MANUAL ARTS" AND DRAWING The Use of the Plant in Decorative Design Maude Lawrence and Caroline Sheldon: Students' Edition: For the Grades, (paper) .35 For High Schools, (paper) 50 Teachers' Edition: For the Grades, (half cloth) 1 . 25 For High Schools (half cloth) : 1.25 Colby's Talks on Drawing, Painting, Making, Decorating for Primary Teachers 1 . 50 MATHEMATICS Harris-Waldo's First Journeys in Numberland ..35 Myers' Arithmetics: Book 1 30 Book II .40 Book III .40 MUSIC Johnstone and Loomis's Lyric Music Series: Primer, (cloth) .25 First Reader (cloth) .30 Second Reader, (cloth) .40 PHYSIOLOGY Blount's PhysiologJ^ Note Book 40 READING Elson's Fourth Grade Reader .45 Elson's Primary School Readers: Book I .32 Book II 40 Book? Ill 45 Book IV 45 Elson's Grammar School Readers: Book I .50 Book II 60 Book III .60 Book IV .00 Lake History Stories: Harding's Stories of Greek Gods, Heroes, and Men .50 Harding's The City of the Seven Hills .50 Harding's The Story of the Middle Ages 50 Harding's The Story of England ... .60 Harding's The Story of Europe • . . . .60 Sparks' The Expansion of the American People 60 SCIENCE Mann and Twiss's Physics, Part I .80 Mann and Twiss's Physics 1.25 Twiss's Laboratory Exercises in Physics .80 Wauchope's Laboratory Manual in'Phy.sics. . . . '. .60 .26 .38 .94 .94 1.13 .26 .34 .24 .31 .21 .23 .30 .30 .21 .28 .28 .18 .24 .24 .19 .23 .30 .17 .21 .28 .15 .18 .24 .30 .27 .24 .22 .20 .30 .28 .24 34 .31 .27 34 .31 .27 .38 .35 .30 38 .35 .30 45 .42 .36 45 .42 .36 38 38 38 45 45 45 60 .56 .48 04 .88 .75 60 .56 .48 45 .42 .36 LIST OF BOOKS AND PRICES 167 LIST OF CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS. 608 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. To be supplied to any school board or board of education in Michigan or upon the order of duly authorized and responsible purchasing agents of such board upon terms and prices listed below under the statutes of Michigan, governing the adoption and supply of school text-books: (1) The list price shown in the first column is the catalogue list price and books will be sent post- paid upon receipt of price. i2) The price given in the second column is the price at which books are to be supplied, f. o. b. Chicago, 111., to any school board or board of education in Michigan or to any duly authorized and responsible agents of such board under the statutes of Michigan, governing the adoption and supply of school text-books. (3) The exchange price given in Column 3 shall apply only during the period of introduction. An old, but usable book in the same subject, of like grade and kind, but of different series and the indicated exchange price will be accepted in payment for a new book. If the book taken in exchange is the property of an individual pupil, then an additional allowance of ten per cent (10%) based on the list price will be allowed. Exchange prices do not apply to books used for supplementary pur- poses, library books, classics, or books used as reference books. Title of Book AGRICULTURE List Price Fisher and Cotton's Agriculture for Common Schools $1 .00 Kyle and Ellis' Fundamentals of Farming and Farm Life 1 . 2.5 ALGEBRA Marsh's Elementary Algebra ARITHMETIC Morey's Elementary Arithmetic Morey's Advanced Arithmetic Morey's Primary Arithmetic , Morey's Intermediate Arithmetic Morey's Higher Arithmetic Morey's Elementary Arithmetic, part I -. . Morey's Elementary Arithmetic, part II Morey's Elementary Arithmetic, part III Morey's Advanced Arithmetic, part I Morey's Advanced Arithmetic, part II Morey's Advanced Arithmetic, part III Noble and Stevens' Practical Primary Arithmetic Stevens and Butler's Practical Arithmetic CIVIL GOVERNMENT James and Sanford's "Our Government, Local, State and National". James and Sanford's "Government in State and Nation" COMPOSITION AND RHETORIC Lament's English Composition Schuyler and Buck's Art of Composition Sykes' Elementary English Composition Sykes' Elementary English Composition with supplement . Sykes' English Composition for Grammar Schools DRAWING AND HISTORY OF ART Collins' Drawing and Constructive Work for Elementary Schools, (a Manual) Collins' First Series: Typical Examples of Freehand Drawing for All Grades — 50 plates 1 to 43G Collins' Second Series: Typical Examples of Construction Drawing and Constructive Work For Grades 1-4, (16 platen 44-59) Collins' Third Series: Typical Examples of Construction Drawing and Constructive Work for Grades 5-8 (28 plates, 60-87) Reinach's Apollo, A History of Art GEOGRAPHY King's Elementary Geography King's Advanced Geography King's Elementary Geography, Part I King's Elementary Geography, Part II King's Advanced Geography, Part I King's Advanced Geography, Part II : King's Suggestive Lessons in Geography Redway's Commercial Geography Redway's Elementary Physical Geography 1.00 Net Exchange Price Price $0.75 .94 .75 SO. 70 .87i .70 .45 .34 .31* .45| .65 .49 .35 .26 .24i .45 .34 .31i .50 .37 .35 .25 .19 .17i .25 .19 .17i .25 .19 .17i .25 .19 .17* .25 .19 .17i .25 .19 .17i .35 .26 .24i .65 .49 .45J .75 .56 .52} 1.00 .75 .70 1.00 .75 .70 1.00 .75 .70 .80 .60 .56 .90 .67i .63 .65 .49 .46* 1.20 .90 .90 .67J .35 .26 .60 .45 1.50 1.13 .65 .49 .454 1.25 .94 .874 .45 .34 .314 .45 .34 .314 .75 .56 .524 .75 .56 .524 .10 .07i 1.25 .94 .87 .87 r 1.25 .94 158 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Title of Book HISTORY— (OTHER THAN UNITED STATES) Adams' Civilization During ttie Middle Ages Goodspeed's History of the Ancient World Schevill's Political History of Modern Europe Seignobos' History of Ancient Civilization Seignobos' History of Mediaeval and Modern Civilization Seignobos' History of Contemporary Civilization Thatcher and McNeal's Source Book of Mediaeval History Thatcher and Schevill's Europe in the Middle Age Thatcher and Schevill's General History of Europe HISTORY, UNITED STATES American History Series, 7 volumes: Fisher's The Colonial Era , Sloane's French War and Revolution Walker's Making of the Nation Burgess' Middle Period Burgess' Civil War and the Constitution, Two Volumes Burgess' Reconstruction and the Constitution Gordy's "American Beginnings in Europe" Gordy's "American Leaders and Heroes" Gordy's Colonial Days Gordy's "Elementary History of the United States" Gordy's History of the United States Gordy's Stories of American Explorers James and Sanford's "American History" Morses' Causes and Effects in American History Report of the Committee of Eight on the Teaching of History in Ele- mentary Schools .50 INDUSTRIAL SUBJECTS Allen and Cotton's Manual Training for Common Schools 1 .00 Sage and Cooley's Occupations for Little Fingers 1 . 00 Weed and Emerson's The School Garden Book 1 .25 LANGUAGE AND GRAMMAR Gordy and Mead's Language Lessons .40 Gordy and Mead's Grammar Lessons .65 Krapp's Elements of English Grammar .80 LATIN Roberts and Rolfe's Caesar's Gallic War 1 .25 Roberts and Rolfe's Essential Latin Lessons 1 . 00 LITERATURE Moody and Lovett's First View of English Literature 1 .00 Moody, Lovett and Boynton's First View of English and American Literature 1 . 25 MODERN LANGUAGES Ballard's Oral French 75 Walter-Krause Beginners' German 1 . 00 Walter-Krause First German Reader .90 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE Eadie's Physiology and Hygiene for Children .45 Eadie's Physiology and Hygiene for Young People .65 READERS The Howe Primer .20 The Howe First Reader 20 The Howe Second Reader .25 The Howe Third Reader 35 The Howe Fourth Reader 40 The Howe Fifth Reader 50 Howe Readers by Grades, Book VI .55 Howe Readers by Grades, Book VII .60 Howe Readers by Grades, Book VIII .60 SPELLING Greenwood's English Word Book .25 Kelly and Morse's Natural Speller .25 Kelly and Morse's Natural Speller, Lower Grades .15 Kelly and Morse's Natural Speller, Higher Grades .20 Niver's Classified Speller, Book 1 25 Niver's Classified Speller, Book II 25 Niver's Classified Speller, Book I In 6 parts .08 List Net Ej cct lanp Price Price Price 2.50 1.87i 1.13 1.50 1.05 1.50 1.20 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.48 1.60 1.13 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.85 2.00 1.50 1.05 1.00 .80 1.00 .80 1.00 .80 1.00 .80 2.00 1.60 1.00 .80 .75 .56 52!^ .60 .45 42 .50 .37i 35 .65 .49 45 J^ 1.00 .75 70 .50 .37i 35 1.40 1.05 9S 1.25 1.00 .50 75 75 94 30 .28 49 .45J 60 .56 94 .87i 75 .70 75 .70 94 .87J 56 75 .70 67 i .63 34 .31i 49 .45J 15 .14 15 .14 19 .17- 26 ■ .24. 30 .28 38 .35 41 .38i 45 .42 45 .42 19 .17i 19 .17 11 .10 15 .14 19 .17i 19 .17i 06 LIST OF BOOKS AND PRICES 159 Title of Book SUPPLEMENTARY READING Andrew's Perfect Tribute — Linen binding Andrew's Perfect Tribute — Board binding Ballard's "The Aeneid of Virgil" Bryce's Child Lore, Dramatic Reader Burt and Howells A Literary Primer Gilson's Wealth of the World's Waste Places Harris and Cooley's Eugene Field Reader Harris and Gilbert's Poems by Grades, Vol. I Harris and Gilbert's Poems by Grades, Vol II Mott and Chubb's Indoors and Out Redway's All Around Asia Rice and Ketchum's Our Story Reader Scott's Ivanhoe — edited by W. L. Cross Scribner English Classics, per volume Burke's Speech for Conciliation Carlyle's Essay on Burns Coleridge's Ancient Mariner and Select Poems Washington's Farewell Address. Webster's First Bunker Hill Oration, one volume Macaulay's Life and Writings of Addison and Essay on Johnson. . . . Shakespeare's Julius Caesar Shakespeare's Macbeth Browning's Shorter Poems Scott's Lady of the Lake Milton's Shorter Poems Mrs. Gaskell's Cranford Eliot's Silas Marner Selections from "The Spectator" Byron's Select Poems Macaulay's Lays of Ancient Rome Scribner English Texts: Stevenson's Treasure Island Stevenson's Travels with a Donkey Stevenson's An Inland Voyage Stevenson's An Inland Voyage and Travels with a Donkej', one volume Scribner Series of School Reading, Uniform binding: Baldwin's Hero Tales Told in School Burt's Herakles, The Hero of Thebes Burt's Odysseus, The Hero of Ithaca Cable Story Book Cervante's Don Quixote de la Mancha Custer's Boy General Dodge's Hans Brinker .- Eggleston's Hoosier School Boy Field's The Eugene Field Book Harranden's Things WilHTake a Turn Howell's The Howell's Story Book Lanier's The Lanier Book Matthew's Poems of American Patriotism Page: Page Story Book Pyle's Some Merry Adventures of Robin Hood Roosevelt: The Roosevelt Book Seawell's Twelve Naval Captains Seton's Krag and Johnny Bear Seton's Lobo, Rag and Vixen Slocum's Around the World in Sloop Spray Stevenson's A Child's Garden of Verses Stockton's Fanciful Tales Van Dyke: The Van Dyke Book Wright's Children Stories in American History Wright's Children's Stories in American Literature, Vol. I Wright's Children's Stroies in American Literature, Vol. II Wright's Children's Stories of American Progress Vamey's The Robin Reader Wright's Ben the Black Bear TEACHERS' BOOKS Bett's Social Principles of Education Colgrove's "The Teacher and the School"^ Dutton's School Management Seerley's The Country School Johnson's High School Education Holtz'3 Nature Study TRIGONOMETRY Ashton and Marsh's Plane and Spherical Trigonometry Ashton and Marsh's Logarithmic Tables (.5 place) Ashton and Marsh's Plane and Spherical Trigonometry with Tables . . . List Net Exchange Price Price Price $0.25 fO.19 .50 .38 .75 .56 .30 .22J .25 .19 .60 .45 .40 .30 .60 .45 .60 .45 .30 .22J .60 .45 .35 .26 .80 .60 .25 .19 .25 .19 .25 .19 .25 .19 .25 .19 .25 .19 .25 .19 .25 .19 .25 .19 .25 .19 .25 .19 .25 .19 .25 .19 .25 .19 .25 .19 .25 .19 .25 .19 .25 .19 .25 .19 .40 .30 .50 .38 .50 .38 .50 .38 .50 .38 .50 .38 .50 .38 .50 .38 .50 .38 .50 .38 .50 .38 .50 .38 .50 .38 .50 .38 .50 .38 .50 .38 .50 .38 .50 .38 .50 .38 .50 .38 .50 .38 .50 .38 .50 .38 .50 .38 .50 .38 .50 .38 .50 .38 .50 .38 .35 .26 .60 .45 1.25 .94 1.25 .94 1.00 .75 1.00 .75 1.50 1 . 20 1.50 1 20 .85 .64 .59i .60 .45 .42 1.20 .90 .84 160 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION LIST OF SILVER, BURDETT & COMPANY 623-33 Wabash Ave., Chicago, 111. In accordance with the provi.sions of Act No. 315 of the Public Acts of Michigan for the year 191.3, Silver, Burdett & Company, agree to furnish the following list of text books f. o. b. cars, Chi- cago, Illinois, upon the order of any school board or board of education in Michigan, or upon the order of their duly authorized and responsible purchasing agents, at the terms and prices and under the conditions as follows : (1) Column I denotes the list price. (2) Column II denotes the wholesale price at which books will be furnished to boards of edu- cation, or responsible dealers in the State of Michigan; Wherever any board of education and Silver, Burdett & Company enter into written contract, providing for the adoption and supply of any publi- cations as provided' for under the Statutes of Michigan, governing the adoption and supply of text books for use in the public schools of the state; or shall furnish to Silver, Burdett & Company in lieu of such contract a certificate of introduction of such books, as provided for under the general school laws of Michigan governing the adoption and .supply of text books, the contract price to Boards of Education or to their duly authorized and designated agents, appointed in accordance with provi- sion of statute, and for who.se purchases the said Board assumes all responsibility in accordance with provisions of statute, shall be three-fourths of the prices given in Column I. (3) Wherever books for first introduction in any subject displace those of a different series in the same subject and a complete and usable copy of the displaced book of corresponding grade is offered in exchange as a part settlement for a new book. Silver, Burdett & Company, durmg an in- troductory period not to exceed three months, will, upon surrender of such displaced book to them, lender a credit on the account of original purchaser equivalent to the difference between the whole- sale price at which the new book was billed and the price shown in Column III, which is called the exchange price. (4) In cases where provision is not made for free text books and where pupils are required to purchase their own text books, the condition of supplying books for exchange will be the same as de- .scribed in Section III above, except that the exchange prices, which serve as a basis for rendering credit for a displaced book will be, respectively, six-sevenths of the exchange prices shown in Column III. (5) Exchange prices do not apply to books used for supplementary purposes; to library books, copy books, or to books used as reference books. Wholesale Exchange List Price Price Price f. o. b. f. o. b. Chicago Chicago I. II. III. READING Title of book and Author. Arnold — The Arnold Primer $0 Arnold & Gilbert — Stepping Stones to Literature: A First Reader A Second Reader A Third Reader A Fourth Reader A Reader for Fifth Grades A Reader for Sixth Grades A Reader for Seventh Grades A Reader for Higher Grades A New Fourth Reader A New Fifth Reader Arnold — Learning to Read Baum — The Little Helper: Book One Book Two Burchell, Ettinger & Shimer — Progressive Road to Reading: Book One Book Two Introductory Book Three Book Three Book Four Plan of Work Perception Cards — First Serie.s Perception Cards — Second Series , Perception Cards — Third Series Perception Cards — Fourth Series Deane — The Phonetic Reader Eginton — A First Practice Reader Faber — The New Script Primer Harvey — The American Normal Readers: First Book Second Book Third Book Powers & Balliet — The Silver-Burdett Readers: First Book Second Book 1 bird Book 30 $0.24 $0.21 30 .24 .21 40 32 .28 50 .40 .35 60 .48 .42 60 .48 .42 60 .48 .42 60 .48 .42 60 .48 .42 60 .48 .42 60 .48 .42 36 .29 28 .23 .20 32 .26 .23 32 .26 .23 40 ..32 .28 42 .34 .30 48 .39 .34 50 .40 .35 25 .20 50 .40 60 .48 35 .28 45 .36 36 .29 .26 30 .24 .21 24 .20 .17 30 .24 .21 40 .32 .28 50 .40 .35 25 .20 .18 35 .28 .25 40 .32 .28 LIST OF BOOKS AND PRICES 161 Title of book and Author. Fourth Book Fifth Book Thompson — The New Century Readers: First Year Second Year Third Year Todd & Powell — The Normal Course in Reading: Primer Primer First Reader Alternate First Reader Second Reader Alternate Second Reader Third Reader Alternate Third Reader Fourth Reader Fifth Reader Wallach-English for Foreigners: A First Book A Second Book Ward — Rational Method in Reading: Primer First Reader Introductory Second Reader Second Reader Third Reader Fourth Reader ' Fifth Reader Manual of Instruction Phonetic Drill Cards: First Set Second Set Third Set Sight Word DriU Cards: First Set Second Set Ward & Barnum — Rational Method in Reading: Additional I*rimer Additional First Reader Evans-Duncan — Farm Life Readers: Book IV. . Book V Field & Coveney — English for New Americans. . . Serl & Evans — Primer Wholesale Exchange List Price Price Price f. o. b. f. o. b. Chicago Chicago I. II. III. .45 .36 .32 .55 .44 .39 .25 .20 .36 .29 .48 .39 .18 .15 .13 .24 .20 .17 .24 .20 .17 .24 .20 .17 .36 .29 .26 .36 .29 .26 .48 .39 .34 .48 .39 .34 .60 .48 .42 .84 .68 .59 .42 .34 .30 .50 .40 .35 .36 .29 .26 .36 .29 .26 .40 .32 .28 .44 .36 .31 .48 .39 .34 .54 .44 .38 .58 .47 .41 .36 .29 .36 .29 .48 .39 .36 .29 .72 .58 .60 .48 .36 .29 .26 .36 .29 .26 .45 .36 .32 .50 .40 .35 .60 .48 .30 .24 .21 MATHEMATICS Arithmetic Cook & Cropsey — The New Elementary Arithmetic .45 The New Advanced Arithmetic .60 Mills — Easy Problems in Principles of Arithmetic 1 .00 Pierce — First Steps in Arithmetic , .36 The Elements of Arithmetic .36 An Intermediate Arithmetic .48 Sensenig & Anderson — An Introductory Arithmetic .40 Essentials of Arithmetic .60 Van Amburgh — First Days in Number .36 Sharpe — A Practice Book in .Arithmetic .15 Phillips «fe Anderson — Silver Burdett Arithmetics: Three Book Series; Elementary Book .40 Book II 40 Book III 45 Two Book Series: Elementary Book .40 Complete Book .60 Algebra Atwood — Grammar School Algebra .54 Boyden — A First Book in Algebra .60 Geography Deane & Davis — Elementary Inductive Geography .72 Advanced Inductive Geography 1 . 00 36 .32 48 .42 80 .70 29 .26 29 .26 39 .34 32 .28 48 .42 29 .26 12 32 .28 32 .28 36 .32 32 .28 48 .42 44 .38 48 .42 58 .51 80 .70 ENGLISH Bartlett — Silver Series of Language Books: First Steps in English Elements of English Grammar Essentals of Language & Grammar 38 .31 .27 60 .48 .42 62 .50 .44 162 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Title of book and Author. List Price. Brautigam-Harper-Kidd — Progressive Composition Lessons: Book 1 40 -Book II 45 Book I — Part 1 25 Book I — Part II 25 Book II — Part 1 25 Book II— Part II 25 Gilbert & Harris — Guide Books to English: Book One 45 Book Two 60 Gilbert & Harris — English Lessons: Book 1 45 Book II 60 Greenwood — Elements of Language & Grammar .48 Studies in English Grammar .60 Milne — An English Grammar .75 HISTORY Chancellor — A Text Book of American History 1 . 00 Davis — Practical Questions in U. S. History .25 Answers to Practical Questions in U. S. History .25 Hazen — Elementary History of the U. S .60 MacCoun — An Historical Geography .90 Mowry — First Steps in the History of our Country .60 Essentials of U. S. History .90 A History of the U. S 1 .00 Redway — The Making of the American Nation 1 . 00 Smith — Tropical Manual of the American History .60 Mowry — First Steps in History of England .70 SPELLING Dunton & Clark — Normal Course in Spelling: Primary Book Advanced Book Complete Course Normal Spelling Blank (Vertical Script) per dozen Normal Spelling Blank (Intermediate Slant) per dozen Longfellow — Longfellow Spelling Blanks, per dozen McCallum & Horn — New Century Spelling Blank Parlin — The Quincy Word List Ward & Johnston — The Rational Method in Spelling: Rational Method in Spelling Mnl. for Teachers PhiUips-Chandler: Silver Burdett Speller PHYSIOLOGY Conn — The Conn Physiologies: Introductory Physiology & Hygiene ., Elementary Physiology & Hygiene Stowell — New Health Series of Physiologies: Primer of Health A Healthy Body The Essentials of Health Handbook of Simple Experiments in Physiology Wholesale Exchange Price Price f. o. b. f . o . h. Chicago Chicago II III .32 28 .36 32 .20 18 .20 18 .20 18 .20 18 .36 32 .48 42 .36 32 .48 42 .39 34 .48 42 .60 53 .80 70 .20 .20 .48 42 .72 .48 42 .72 63 .80 70 .80 70 .48 .56 49 18 .15 .13 20 .16 .14 24 .20 .17 48 .39 60 .48 50 .40 24 .20 .17 24 .20 .17 30 .24 30 .24 25 .20 .18 36 .29 .26 60 .48 .42 30 .24 .21 45 .36 .32 70 .56 .49 36 .29 WRITING Farley & Gunnison — Normal Review System of Writing: Intermediate Slant Copy Books: Standard Course, per dozen .60 .48 Standard Course Movement Book, per doz .96 .77 Short Course, per dozen .48 .39 Short Course Movement Book, per dozen .72 .58 Business Forma, per dozen 1 , 08 .87 Social Forms, per dozen 1 .08 .87 Slanting Copy Books: Regular Course, per dozen , .84 .68 Short Course, per dozen .72 .58 Tracing Course, per dozen .72 .58 Movement Course, per dozen 1 . 08 .87 Business Forms, per dozen 1 . 08 .87 Vertical Copy Books: Standard Course, per dozen .75 .60 Short Course, per dozen .60 .48 Tracing Course, per dozen .84 .68 Movement Course, per dozen .96 .77 Business and Social Forma, per dozen 1 .08 .87 Whltehouse — Whltehouse Educational System, per dozen 72 .58 LIST OF BOOKS AND PRICES 163 Title of book and Author. Wholesale Exchanga List Price Price Price. f. o. b. f. o. b. Chicago Chicago I II III CIVICS Hoxie — How the People Rule 40 .32 Lansing & Jones — Government : Its Origin, Growth and Form in the US 72 Mowrv — Elements of Civil Government 72 With State Supplement 90 DRAWING Sliaylor — Normal Course in Drawing: Normal Course in Drawing, 1-3, per dozen 96 Normal Course in Drawing, 4-9, per dozen 1.80 Blanlc Brawing Book, per dozen .72 Teachers' Handbook .48 GERMAN Kuttner — German Conversation Course .48 MuUer — Deutsches Leso -und Sprachbuch : Erste Stufe 36 Zwelte Stufe 42 Loesberg — Sprache und Gesprach 72 MUSIC Alexander — Songs We Like to Sing .35 Birge — Supplementary Song Series, No. 4 .15 Birge — Supplementary Song Series, No. 5 .15 Foresman — Manuscript Series Vocal Music: Book 1 10 Book II 10 Book III 10 Griggs-Beacoii Song Collection : Number One .72 Number Two 72 Smith — Modern Music Series: A Primer of Vocal Music .25 A First Book in Vocal Music .30 A Second Book in Vocal Music .40 A Third Book in Vocal Music .50 Alternate Third Book of Vocal Music 50 A Fourth Book of Vocal Music .75 Common School Book of Vocal Music .40 Classical Songs: High School Song Collection .15 Songs of Life and Nature .75 Tufts — Cecilian Series of Study and Song: Book One 36 Book Two 48 Book Three 60 Book Four 64 Tufts & Holt — The New Normal Music Course: Book 1 32 Book II 40 Book III 50 Music Copy Books for Primary and Grammar Grades, per dozen .60 Music Copy Books for High Schools and Classes, per dozen 1 .20 Johnson— Songs of America and Homeland .60 .48 Songs of the Nation .60 .48 Marshall — The Halcyon Song Book .75 .60 Miessner — Fox- Art Song Cycles: Book One 25 .20 Book Two 25 .20 Miessner — Fox Art Song Cycles — Students Edition 15 .12 Miessner Motif Cards (Set of Six with Plan of Work Complete) : Series 1-2-3 per series -60 -48 Series 4-5-6 per series -40 .32 Plan of Work 25 .20 Smith— School Songs by Grades 15 -12 Songs for the Year: Book 1 15 .12 Book II 15 .12 Graves — The School Hymnary 48 .39 .34 The Silver Song Series: Number 1 12 .10 Number 2 15 .12 Number 3 12 , .10 Number 4 12 .10 Number 5 12 .10 Number 6 12 .10 Number 7 12 .10 Number 8 12 .10 Number 10 12 .10 Number 12 24 .20 Number 13 12 .10 .58 .51 .58 .51 .72 .63 .77 1.44 .58 .39 .39 .29 .26 .34 .30 .68 .51 .28 .12 .12 .08 .08 .08 .58 .51 .58 .51 .20 .18 .24 .21 .32 .28 .40 .35 .40 .35 .60 .53 .32 .28 .12 .60 .29 .26 .39 .34 .48 .42 .52 .45 .26 .23 .32 .28 .40 .35 .48 .96 .42 .42 .53 164 DEPARTMENT OP PUBLIC INSTRUCTION List Title of book and Author. Price I. Number 24. ... , .12 Number 25 '.],] 1 25 Number 26 25 Sacred Songs for School Use . . . 12 Songs of Devotion & Patriotism 12 Morgan & Glezen — The Student's Hymnal '.60 White — Harmony and Ear Training 1 . 50 Harmonic Part — Writing 1 . 50 Wholesale Exchange Price Price f. o. b. f. o. b. Chicago Chicago II. iii: .10 .20 .20 .10 .10 .48 .42 1.20 1.20 HIGH SCHOOL LIST Civics Lansing & Jones — Government: Its Origin, Growth and Form in the U. S 72 Mowry — Studies in Civil Government .90 Larzelere — The Government of Michigan .40 Bound with Lansing & Jones 1 . 00 Economics & Commerce Bullock — Elements of Economics 1 . 00 Introduction to the Study of Economics 1 . 28 Clow — Introduction to the Study of Economics 1.25 English Copeland & Rideout — Freshman English and Theme — Correcting 1 . 00 Simons — First Year English for High Schools 60 Clippinger — Composition & Rhetoric ] . 00 Elocution & Oratory Espeashade — Forensic Declamations .50 Grammar Mead — The English Language and Its Grammar .68 Milne — An English Grammar .75 Literature Pattee — Foundations of English Literature 1 . 50 History of American Literature 1 . 20 The Silver Series of Classics: Sir Roger de Coverly Papers .25 Sohrab and Rustum .25 The Book of Elegies 50 Choice English Lyrics .50 The Famous Allegories .50 Six Centuries English Poetry .50 Speech on Conciliation with the American Colonies .25 Burns' Sleeted Poems .25 Essay on Burns .25 Chesterfleld's Letters .25 Rime of the Ancient Mariner , .25 The Last of the Mohicans .45 Revolt of the Tartars .25 Palamon and Arcite .25 Silas Marner .30 The Traveler and the Deserted Village .25 The Vicar of Wakefield 30 The Sketch Book 45 The Eve of St. Agnes 25 Old English Ballads 25 Lamb— Selected Essays .25 Macaulay — Essay on Addison .25 Essay on Milton .25 Lays of Ancient Rome .25 Paradise Lost .25 Milton — Select Minor Poems .25 Poe — Select Minor Poems .30 Essay on Man and Essay on Criticism .25 Translation of Homer's Iliad .25 The Rape of the Lock .25 Sesame and Lilies .25 Ballads of American Bravery .40 Ivanhoe .50 The Lady of the Lake .30 As You Like It 25 Hamlet 30 Julius Caesar .25 .58 .77 .32 .80 .80 1.03 1.00 .80 .48 .80 .40 .55 .60 1.20 .96 .51 .68 .28 .70 .70 .90 .88 .70 .42 .70 .48 .53 1.05 .84 .20 .20 .40 .40 .40 .40 .20 .20 .20 .20 .20 .36 .20 .20 .24 .20 .24 .36 .20 .20 .20 .20. .20 .20 .20 .20 .24 .20 .20 .20 .20 .32 .40 .24 .20 .24 .20 LIST OP BOOKS AND PRICES 165 Title of book and Author. Wholesale Exchange List Price Price Price. f. o. b. f . o. b. Chicago Chicago I II III .24 .20 .20 .20 .20 .32 .20 .24 .24 .20 .20 .20 .20 .24 Macbeth (Sprague) .30 Merchant oi Venice .25 Midsummer Night's Dream .25 The Tempest 25 Adonnis and Alastor .25 Life of Nelson 40 The Holy Grail 25 Idylls of the King 30 In Memoriam .30 The Princess 25 First Oration at Bunker Hill .25 Wordsworth — Selected Poems .25 Macbeth (Pattee) 25 King Henry the Fifth— Morris -. .30 Latin Gunnison & Harley— The First Year of Latin 1 .00 .80 .70 Caesar's GaUic War 1 .25 1 .00 .88 Cicero's Orations 1 .25 1 .00 .88 Burton — A Latin Grammar .90 .72 .63 French Corneille — Le Menteur .40 .32 Dike — A Scientific French Reader 1 .00 .80 Douay — Elementary French Reader 1 . 00 .80 .70 France — Monsieur Bergeret 1 . 00 .80 Cameron — Selections from Hoan Richepin 1.25 1 . 00 Sanderson — Through France and French Syntax > .65 .52 Thiers — La Campagne de Waterloo .40 .32 German Dippold — A German Grammar 1.10 .88 .77 Fischer — Germany and the Germans .60 .48 Heyse— Unter Brudern .30 .24 Jacobsen & Kraner — Two German Tales .40 .32 Lutz — An Elementary German Reader 1 .00 .80 .70 Schiller — Die Braut von Messina .60 .48 Von Wildenbruch— Kinderthranen .40 .32 Loesberg — Gems of German Literature .36 .29 Law White— Business Law 1.25 1.00 .88 Wilson & Tucker— International Law 2 .50 2 .00 1 .75 MATHEMATICS Arithmetic Sensenig & Anderson — The New Complete Arithmetic .90 Sisk — Foundations of Higher Arithmetic .65 Thurston — Practical Tests in Commercial and Higher Arithmetic .42 Algebra Atwood — Standard School Algebra 1 . 08 Higher Algebra -72 Exercises m Algebra .72 Geometry Bush & Clarke — Elements of Geometry: Plane and Solid 125 Plane . 7,> Astronomy Howe — Elementary Descriptive Astronomy 1 .25 Peck — The Constellations 1 25 Biology Pillsbury — Laboratory Guide for an Elementary Course in Biology 60 Conn— Biology 1-50 Chemistry Appleton — The Young Chemist .75 A Course in Qualitative Chemical Analysis .75 Short Course in Quantitative Chemical Analysis 1.25 Ekeley — An Elementary Experimental Chemistry .90 .72 .52 .34 .63 .46 .30 .87 .58 .58 .76 .51 .51 1.00 .60 .88 .53 1.00 1 .00 .88 .48 1 .20 .42 1.05 .60 .60 1.00 .72 .53 .53 .88 .63 166 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Title of book and Author. List Price I. Physiology Conn & Budington — Advanced Physiology & Hygiene 1 . 10 Bookkeeping Hall — The Art of Accounts 80 Bookkeeping Blanks, per set of 5 .50 Agriculture Voorhees — First Principles of Agriculture .72 Supplementary Reading Ferris — Our First School Book 30 Harvey — A Supplementary Primer .25 Maxwell — The New Script Primer .20 Biblical Heennans — Stories from the Hebrew 42 Rutland — Old Testament Stories .45 Biography Hart — Seven Great American Poets .90 Holtzclaw- Wake-Robin Series: Book 1 36 Book II .42 Book III .54 Thayer — Ethics of Success: Book I .45 Book II 50 Book III .60 Mowry — American Heroes and Heroism .60 Wiley — Mewanee .30 Description & Travel Carroll — Around the World: Book I .36 Book II 42 Book III 48 Book IV ,54 Book V 60 Dunton — The World and Its People: Book 1 36 Book II 36 Book III 50 Book IV. . .' 60 Book V 60 Book VI 60 Book VII 65 Book VIII 68 Book IX 68 Book X 60 Book XI 60 Book XII 50 Scanlin — Hans the Eskimo .42 History Chandler — The Bird-Woman 36 Dawes — Colonial Massachusetts .54 Hazard & Dutton — Indians and Pioneers .60 Smith — The Colonies 72 Ellis — Historical Readings .60 Burton — S-tory of the Indians of N. E .60 Draper — The Rescue of Cuba 1 . 00 Price & Gilbert — Heroes of Myth 50 Price — Wandering Heroes .50 Maitland — Heroes of Chivalry .50 Mowry — American Pioneers .65 Price — Lads and Lassies of Other Days .54 Tomlinson — The War for Independence .54 The War of 1812 .54 Newell — Indian Stories .45 Hoisf ord — Stories of Our Holidays .30 Folklore Foster & Cummings — Asgard Stories .36 Mickens & Robinson — A Mother Goose Reader .36 Pratt — Far East and Far West Red Children .25 Serl— In Fableland 45 Wholesale Exchange Price Price f. o. b. f. o. b. Chicago Chicago II. Ill .88 .64 .40 .58 .24 .20 .16 .34 .36 .77 .56 .51 .72 .29 .34 .44 .36 .40 .48 .48 .24 .29 .34 .39 .44 .48 .29 .29 .40 .48 .48 .48 .52 .55 .55 .48 .48 .40 .34 .29 .44 .48 .58 .48 .48 .80 , .40 .40 .40 .52 .44 .44 .44 .36 .24 .29 .29 .20 .36 LIST OF BOOKS AND PRICES 167 Title of book and Author. List Price. Nature Study Badlam — Stories of Child Life: Book I .24 Book II 30 Book III 36 Book IV 42 Brown — The Plant Baby and Its Friends 48 Clyde & Wallace — Through the Year: Book 1 36 Book II 36 Ford — Nature's Byways .36 Foulke — Braided Straws 40 Twilight Stories 36 Hall & Lennox — Red Letter Days .50 Kahn — Hours with Nature: Book I .20 Book II 25 Norcross — Springtime Flowers .36 Serl — In the Animal World 50 Robinson — At the Open Door 40 Poetry Atwater — Stories from the Poets .25 Lovejoy — Nature in Verse .60 Poetry of the Seasons 60 Schiller— William TeU 40 Shute & Dunton — The Land of Song: Book 1 36 Book II 48 Book III 54 Skinner — Selections for Memorizing: Book I . 25 Book II 30 Book III 35 Complete Book .70 Science Heilprin — The Earth and Its Story 1 .00 Mowry — American Inventions and Inventars .65 Proctor — Stories of Starland 50 Giant Sun and Its Family 50 Manual & Physical Training Barnard — Tools and Machines 60 Enebuske — Progressive Gymnastic Day's Orders .75 Larsson — Elementary Sloyd & Whitling 75 Salomon — The Teacher's Handbook of Sloyd 1 . 50 The Theory of Educational Sloyd 1.25 Wakeman & Heller — Scientific Sewing & Garment Cutting 50 Nature Study Babcock — Bird Day .50 Engell — Outlines in Nature Study 48 Pedagogy Arnold — Plans for Busy Work 50 Skirmer & Burgert — Lessons in English .50 Whiteford — Complete Register and Record Book .50 Magnusson — Psychology as Applied to Education 1 . 50 GUbert— What the Children Study and Why 1 . 50 Gilbert— The School and Its Life 1 .25 Welch--f-Literature in the School 1.25 Hoyt — Studies in the History of Modern Education 1 . 60 Bryan — The Basis of Practical Teaching 1.25 Bryan — Fundamental Facts for the Teacher 1 . 00 Wholesale Exchange Price Price f. o. b. f. o. b. Chicago Chicago II III .20 .24 .29 .34 .39 .29 .29 .29 .32 .29 .40 .16 .20 .29 .40 .32 .20 .48 .48 .32 .29 .39 .44 .20 .24 .2H .56 .80 .52 .40 .40 .48 .60 .60 1.20 1.00 .40 .40 .39 .40 .40 .40 1.20 1.20 1.00 1.00 1.20 1.00 .80 168 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION LIST OF SLOAN PUBLISHING COMPANY 6819 Jefferson Ave., Chicago., lU. To be furnished f. o. b. at Chicago, III., upon order of any school board or board of education in Michigan, or upon the order of duly authorized and responsible purchasing agents of such board upon terms and prices listed below. Title of Book Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price Whittier'a "Snow-Bound," A study and Interpretation, By Lucy Adella Sloan SO. 25 $0.15 Lowell's "The Vision of Sir Launfal," A Study and Interpretation, By Lucy Adella Sloan .20 .15 LIST OF SOUTH-WESTERN PUBLISHING CO, Cincinnati, Ohio To be furnished f. o. b. at Cincinnati, Ohio, upon order of any school board or board of educa- tion in Michigan, or upon the order of duly authorized and responsible purchasing agents of such board, upon terms and prices listed below. Usual Lowest Lowest Title of Book List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price 20TH CENTURY BOOKKEEPING & ACCOUNTING SERIES Complete Text $1 Introductory Text. Intermediate Text. Advanced Text Blanks & Vouchers, Introductory . . . . Blanks & Vouchers, Intermediate . . . . Blanks & Vouchers, Advanced Blanks & Vouchers, Cost Accounting. Peters' Business Speller 1.00 $0.75 .60 .45 .75 .56 .60 .38 1.10 .83 1.60 1.20 1.75 1.32 1..50 1.13 .24 .18 $0.55 .35 50 30 14 LIST OF BOOKS AND PRICES 169 LIST OF GEORGE WAHR Ann Arbor, Michigan To be furnished f . o. b. at Aim Arbor, Michigan, upon order of ansr school board or board of edu- cation in JUichigan, or upon the order of duly authorized and responsible purchasing agents of such board upon terms and prices listed below. Usual Title of Book List Price Price CHEMISTRY Peet, Laboratory in Chemistry $0 . 60 $0 . 48 GERMAN Hildner-Diekhoff, Storms' Immensee Hildner-Diekhoff, Leitfragen Zu, Storms' Immensee Hildner-Diekhoff, Freytag die Joumalisten Lowest Lowest Wholesale Exchange Price .35 .28 .15 .12 .75 .60 MYTHOLOGY D'Ooge. Helps to the Study of Classical Mythology PHYSICS Reed-Guthe. Manual of Physical Measurements SPANISH Kenyon, Spanish Commercial Correspondence, with Exercises, Notes and Vocabulary Wagner. Spanish Grammar 4 A Book of Praise — For School Use .60 1.60 .48 1.28 75 .60 25 1.00 50 .40 LIST OF J. D. WILLIAMS & CO., 606 S. MICHIGAN AVE., CHICAGO, ILL. To be suppUed upon order of any school board of education in Michigan, or upon the order of duly authorized and responsible purchasing agents of such board upon terms and prices listed below, under the statutes of Michigan governing the adoption and supply of school textbooks. List Price (Column I) : These are the prices at which we will sell the books named, transporta- tion charges prepaid, upon receipt of order and remittance. Lowest Wholesale Price (Column II) : These are the prices at which we will sell the books, f . o. b. Chicago, 111., to school boards or boards of education, or to their authorized and respoasible purchas- ing agents, under the statutes of Michigan governing the adoption and supply of school textbooks. Lowest Exchange Price (Column III) : Thsee are the prices at which we will sell the books to school districts under the statutes of Michigan governing the adoption and supply of school textbooks, and which purchase books with public funds, provided, in addition to such exchange price, the old book actually owned by the board and in use in the schools, of like kind and grade but of a different series, is surrendered at the time of paying the exchange price. Lowest Exchange Price (Column IV) : These are the prices at which we sell the books to school districts under the statutes of Michigan governing the adoption and supply of school textbooks, and where the pupils purchase their own nooks, provided, in addition to such exchange price the old book actually owned by the pupil and in use in the schools, of like kind and grade, but of a different series, is surrendered at the time of paying the exchange price. The old books so displaced under the above exchange conditions, not to exceed in number the quantity of such new books purchased, must be forwarded to J. D. Williams & Co., Chicago, at the Company's expense. —Lowest Exch. Price-> Usual Lowest Free Non-free List Wholesale Textbook Testbook Title of Book. Price. Price Districts Districts I. II. III. IV. A Language Book by J. D. WQliams $0.40 Practical Studies in Grammar by J. D. Williams & Alvah A. A. Weaver .60 Common School Spelling Book, by Frances Squire Potter — .25 $0.30 $0.28 $0.24 .45 .20 .42 .15 .36 .12 170 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION LIST OF WORLD BOOK COMPANY, 104 SOUTH MICHIGAN AVENUE, CHICAGO In accordance with the statutes and laws of Michigan governing text-books we herewith sub- mit a list of our textbooks and prices and terms upon which we will sell them to any school district or any school corporation in the State of Michigan, or to any duly authorized and responsible pur- chasing agent of such school district or school corporation. ' The first column gives the usual list price which is the price at which books will be sent postpaid to any address when cash accompanies the order. The second column gives the net wholesale price which is the price at which we will sell books, f. o. b. Chicago or New York, to school boards, or their authorized and responsible purchasing agents, under the laws of Michigan governing the adoption and supply of school textbooks for basal use. The third column gives the exchange price at which we will sell books to free textbook districts or school corporations when old books of like kind and grade are offered in exchange. When pupils buy their own books an additional allowance of 10% from the list price is made. Usual Lowest Lowest Title of Book List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price FOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS Arithmetics Chancellor. Primary Arithmetics $0.35 Intermediate Arithmetics .40 Grammar School Arithmetics .60 Cole. Graded Arithmetic: Book Three 30 Book Four 30 Book Five 35 Book Six. . . * 35 Book Seven .40 Cole. Metric System and Foreign Money< .20 Cole-Smith. 100% Number Tests per pad: Addition: The 45 Combinations .15 Addition: Two Orders and One Order .15 Addition: Two Orders and Two Orders .15 Subtraction: The 45 Combinations .15 Subtraction: One Order From Two Orders .15 Multiplication: The Multiplication Tables .15 Multiplication: Two Orders by One Order .15 Multiplication: Three Orders by One Order and Two Orders .15 Division: How to Divide .15 Division: The Division Tables .15 Division: Two Orders by One Order .15 Division: Three Orders by One Order .15 Fractions: Addition of, with Small Denominators .15 Fractions: Subtraction of, with Small Denominators .15 Fractions: Multiplication of, with Small Denominators .15 Fractions: Division of, with Small Denominators .15 Greenwood. An Elementary Arithmetic .40 A Common School Arithmetic .60 $0.26i .30 45 22 i 22 i 26 i 26i 30 15 Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi 30 45 24 i 28 42 21 21 24 i 24 i 28 Drawing Thompson-Cooper. Making Faces with Pencil and Brush: Book 1 15 Book II 15 English Carson. Handbook of English Composition .60 History Banows. A History of the Philippines 1 .25 .Hi • Hi .45 .93i .42 Hygiene, Sanitation, and Physiology Ritchie-Caldwell, New World Health Series: Primer of Hygiene Primer of Samtation Primer of Pliysiology Primer of Hygiene and Sanitation Primer of Sanitation and Physiology ^ Himaan Physiology Tuttle. Principles of Public Health 40 .30 .28 60 .37 J .35 60 .45 .42 70 .52§ .49 80 .60 .56 80 .60 .56 50 .37i .35 LIST OF BOOKS AND PRICES 171 Usual Title of Book List Price Reading Bowen: A Story Reader for the Second Year .40 Brown. Nature and Industry Readers: Stories of Woods and Fields .40 Stories of Childiiood and Nature .40 When the World Was Young 40 Burks. Barbara's Philippine Journey .60