RAILWAY LEGISLATION OF THE DOMINION OF CANADA 1867 - 1905 RAILWAY LEGISLATION OF THE DOMINION OF CANADA FROM 1867 TO 190S INCLUSIVE. PREPARED AND COMPILED BY J. E. W. CURRIER OF THE DEPARTMENT OF RAILWAYS AND CANALS SECOND EDITION OTTAWA 1905 Entered according to Act of Parliament of Canada, in the year one thousand nine hundred and six, by J. E. W. Currier, at the Department of Agriculture. TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE Railway Legislation, Public and Special Acts, 1867-1905 9 Telegraph, Telephone and Cable Companies, 1867-1905 136 Orders in Council respecting Railways, 1867-1905 140 Location of Railways in Canada, Tables showing 152 Subsidies to Railways 167 Land Grants towards Railways 168 Cash Subsidies granted and paid in aid of Railway Construction 169 Steam and Electric Railway Construction in Canada, progress of 176 Nominal Capital of Railways in Canada paid up to 30th June, 1904 177 Government and Municipal Loans, Bonuses, etc., promised to Railways completed and under Construction up to 30th of June, 1904 178 Canadian Steam Railways, Comparative Statement of business done in the years 1903 and 1904 181 Canadian Transcontinental Railwav Communication, Distance Tables " 183 Railway History of the World 185 Tables of Quantities of Materials required for One Mile of Track and per Ton of Rails 189 Grades and Curves on Railways, and Concrete Construction 191 Canals: Chart of Lengths and Dimensions of Locks 193 Canals; St. Lawrence River and Through Lake Navigation 194 River St. Lawrence and Lake Navigation, Table of Distances; also Tables of Distances to Liverpool and Glasgow 196 Lake Navigation, Duluth to Depot Harbour, Distance Tables 198 Form of Application for Assistance from Parliament towards the building of a Railway 220 Form of Application to enter into Contract under Subsidy Acts 221 Fair Wages Clauses in Contracts 222 Rules and Regulations of the Board of Railway Commissioners for Canada 200 Memorandum of Plans, Documents and Action required under various Sections of "The Railway Act," 1903, Chapter 58, and Amendments 212 Petitions for Private Bills, Form of 225 Model Railway Bill, Form of 227 Private Bills, Regulations respecting applications to Parliament for 229 M1GGG12 INTRODUCTORY AND EXPLANATORY. The accompanying Index, being a continuation and extension of the first edition, pubhshed in 1898, embraces all public and special Acts passed by the Parliament of the Dominion of Canada respecting railways, railway bridges and tunnels, and street and electric railways, to which "The Railway Act", 1903, and amendments, is applicable, in whole or in part, from the year 1867 (Confederation) down to and including the year 1905. The number of the chapter and the year in which each separate Act was passed is contained in the Index. The numbers that appear in brackets opposite to Acts referring to subsidies indicate the descrip- tion of each subsidy under a corresponding number in the Report of the Department of Railways and Canals for the year ended June 30th, 1904, Part III. The Roman numbers refer to land subsidies in the Reports of previous years. Part III. The division of the Statutes into two volumes applies to the years following 1874, and the Special Acts passed since that year will be found in the second volume. Subsidies have been granted to a number of railway companies that are incorporated under Acts of the different Provincial Legis- latures; the titles of all such railways that have earned the whole or any portion of the subsidies granted by the Dominion Parliament, or to which subsidies have been voted, or which have entered into subsidy contract, are included in the Index. In addition to which, the title of each company so subsidized is followed (in brackets) by the year of its incorporation and the number of the chapter, only; no reference is made to subsequent legislation, if any, by the Provinces relating thereto. Subsidies have also been voted towards the construction of rail- ways between certain points without specifically naming any chartered company in the Acts ; in such cases the subsidy may be granted to any company which, in the judgment of the Governor in Council, is com- petent to undertake and complete the work. Following the titular name of each railway company, the Acts amending the Act incorporating such company are placed in chrono- logical order, and these are followed by the subsidies, if any, granted to the company, also in sequence. By my system of grouping, after the Special Acts, the subsidies granted to each company, ready reference can be made to them m the Annual Reports of the Department of Railways and Canals, by means of the numbers in brackets in each case, as already explained; the full text of each of such Acts being contained in the Reports from year to year. In the reports of the Deputy Minister, published year by year, in the Annual Reports of the Department of Railways and Canals there are given detailed sketches, in alphabetical order, of the action taken in respect of the various railways actually stibsidized under contract, and a complete statement of the amounts paid each year on subsidy account from the beginning of the system of railway subsidy. The various statements relating to cash and other subsidies, loca- tion of railways, capitalization and statistics, are taken from the Railway Statistics of Canada for the year ended June 30th, 1904. Reference is made to a number of Acts that, while not technically Railway Acts, have a bearing on matters connected with the operation construction and sale of railways, namely: — The Manitoba Grain Act the Expropriation Act ; the Exchequer Court Act ; the Companies Act the Electric Telegraph Companies Act and others. Certain provisions of the two latter are frequently incorporated in and form part of Special Acts. Many of the Special Acts in the Statutes have expired, or have become effete by non-user or other cause; but, as these are not in any case repealed by statutory enactment, no accurate information can be given in regard to them. To find the names of the leased and allied lines of the various rail- way companies in Canada, (many of which have lost their identity) and the mileage of the railways in operation, see tables of "Location of Railways," taken from the Railway Statistics of Canada for the year ended June 30th, 1904. In addition to what I have enumerated above, I have included some information relative to transportation by water routes and by canals, which may be of interest in connection with railway questions, I have also given some tables of quantities of materials entering into railway construction, in a general way, but which may serve a useful purpose on occasions where such information may not be readily accessible, together with some condensed rules in respect of curvatures and grades and concrete construction. A supplementary index of public and special Acts respecting Telegraph, Telephone and Cable Companies that have been incorpor- ated in the years 1867 to 1905, inclusive, will be found on page 136. Synopses of Orders in Council having the Force of Law, which have been published in The Canada Gazette, affecting railways, from the year 1867 to 1905, inclusive, will be found on page 140. It will be obvious to any person having experience in this class of work that the greatest care must be exercised to produce accurate results. Although I have taken every precaution to guard against such a contingency, there may be errors, and I would esteem it a favour if patrons would call attention to any such that they may discover. Economy in the construction, maintenance and operation of railways is a consideration to which the energies of the executive officers of all railways are now directed, — in these days of keen com- petition, — more than ever; and very properly and wisely so. But while many roads are increasing the weight of their rolling stock enormously, they are not increasing the weight of rails and strength of fastenings and stabilitv of bridges in the same relative j)roportion. The session of Parliament just closed (1905) has been noted for the volume and importance of the railway legislation enacted. Amongst others, authority has been granted for the purchase of the Canada Atlantic System 'by the Grand Trunk Railway Company; the sale of the Esquimalt & Nanaimo Railway to the Canadian Pacific Railway Company has been ratified, also the purchase by the Domin- ion Atlantic Railway of the Midland Railway Company, Limited. The Canadian Northern Railway has obtained power to amalgamate a number of railways the control of which has been held by Mackenzie, Mann and Company, Limited. The era of railway construction in Canada will probably reach its chmax within the next few years, when the various links comprising the Canadian Northern Railway System will be connected, thus com- pleting a second through railway from the Atlantic to the Pacific coast, while the completion of the National Transcontinental Railway will soon follow. Immense areas of valuable timber, mineral and arable lands will, in consequence, become accessible for rapid develop- ment, all of which will add enormously to the wealth and prosperity of the Dominion as a whole. J. E. W. C. RAILWAY LEGISLATION OF THE DOMINION OF CANADA 1867-1905 REIGN. CHAP. A YEAR 48-49 88 ALBERTA AND ATHABASKA RAIL- WAY COMPANY, incor- porated 1885 50-51 78 " Authority to issue land grant bonds, to be first lien on lands 1887 52 65 " Name changed to THE NORTH- WESTERN RAILWAY COMPANY OF CANADA, and extension of line author- ized 1889 50-51 23 (No. X.) Subsidy Act, land 1887 1 Edw. VII 44 ALBERTA CENTRAL RAILWAY COM- PANY, incorporated 1901 3 Edw. VII 75 " Time for construction extended 1903 4-5 Edw. VII 51 " Time for construction extended 1905 47 86 ALBERTA RAILWAY AND COAL COM- PANY, incorporated 1884 52 50 " Company again incorporated 1889 53 85 " Change of gauge authorized; cer- tain Imperial Acts to apply if N.-W. Coal and Nav. Co.'s property purchased 1890 54-55 77 " Approvingissueof debentures, and . providing for issue of perpet- ual or redeemable stock 1891 55-56 30 " Providing for further extension of railwav, and construction of irrigating works 1892 56 38 " Authoritv to sell or lease to C. P. Railway • 1893 58-59 45 " Financial arrangements; issue of consolidated debenture stock and reduction of ordinary share capital 1895 10 RAILWAY LIOCIHLATIOX Alberta Railway and Coal Co.— Continued. REIGN. CHAP. YEAR 3 Edw. VII 76 " Power to amalgamate with St. Mary's River Railway Com- pany 1903 1 Edw. VII 45 " Power to enter into agreement with Canadian Pacific or Cal- gary and Edmonton Railway Companies 1901 3 Edw. VII 76 " Power to amalgamate with the St. Mary's River Railway Com- pany 1903 4 Edw. VII 43 " Providing for amalgamation with Alberta Railway and Irriga- tion Companv 1904 53 3 (No. XXV.) Subsidy Act,' land 1890 See NORTH-WESTERN COAL AND NAVIGATION COMPANY. Operated by CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. 4 Edw. VII 43 ALBERTA RAILWAY AND IRRIGA- TION COMPANY, incorpora- ^ ted, and providing for amalga- mation therewith of the Alberta Railway and Coal Company , the Canadian North- West Irrigation Company and the St. Mary's River Railway Company 1904 4-5 Edw. VII 52 " May enter into agreement for pur- chase of Western Alberta Railway 1905 ALBERT RAILWAY COMPANY (of New Brunswick, 1868, Ch. 57) 47 8 (No. 36) Subsidy Act 1884 49 10 (" 95) " " in form of loan 1886 51 3 (" 148) " rails, at valuation. 1888 52 3 ( " 157) " revote of unpaid balance 1889 Now SALISBURY AND HARVEY RAILWAY. 4 Edw. VII 43 ALBERTA RAILWAY AND IRRIGA- TION COMPANY, incorpora- ted 1904 57-58 61 ALBERTA SOUTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY, incorporated 1894 61 59 ALEXANDER GIBSON RAILWAY AND MANUFACTURING COM- PANY, Authorizing sale of CANADA EASTERN RAIL- WAY to 1898 l.\iW:X TO I^MI.W.WS, 11 Alexander Gibson Kmi.w.w an:i Mani iac iukini. Co. — Conlinued. KEIGX. CHAP. VIOAU 4 Edw. VII 4 " Act authorizing Government of Canada to purchase Canada Eastern Railway and to take possession of Fredericton and St. Mary's Railway Bridge 1904 Now part of CANADIAN GOVERNMENT RAILWAYS SYSTEM. 62-63 50 ALGOMA CENTRAL RAILWAY COM- PANY, incorporated 1899 63-64 49 " Location of Railway defined 1900 1 Edw. VII 46 " Power to enter into agreements with other railway companies ; and name changed to "The ALGOMA CENTRAL AND HUDSON BAY RAILWAY COMPANY" 1901 2 Edw. VII 38 " Bond issue increased from $20,000. to $30,000. per mile 1902 4-5 Edw. VII 53 " Time extended for completion. Agreement with Algoma Com- mercial Company confirmed. Authorizing issue of 1st mort- gage bonds, schedule B ; agree- ment in schedule C. confirmed. 1905 62-63 7 (No.437) Subsidy Act 1899 63-64 8 (" 479) " 'additional 1900 1 Edw. VII 7 ( " 535) " additional 1901 4-5 Edw. VII 54 ALGOMA COPPER RANGE RAILWAY COMPANY, incorporated 1905 AMHERSTBURG, LAKE SHORE AND BLENHEIM R A I L W A Y COMPANY, (Ont. 1889, Ch. 78) 52 3 (No. 184) Subsidy Act 1889, 51 73 ANNAPOLIS, ATLANTIC RAILWAY COMPANY, incorporated 1888 4-5 Edw. VII 56 ANTHRACITE COAL RAILWAY COM- PANY, incorporated 1905 1 Edw. VII 47 ARNPRIOR AND PONTIAC RAILWAY COMPANY, incorporated 1901 62-63 51 ARTHABASKA RAILWAY COMPANY, incorporated 1899 63-64 8 (No. 510) Subsidy Act 1900 12 RAILWAY li<:gislation. REIGN. CHAP. YEAR 52 53 ASSINIBOIA, EDMONTON AND UN- JIGA RAILWAY COMPANY incorporated 1889 51 92 ASSINIBOINE RIVER RAILWAY BRIDGES, Act to authorize construction of bridges by- Province of Manitoba 1888 4-5 Edw. VII 57 ATHABASKA NORTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY, incorporated 1905 4-5 Edw. VII 58 ATHABASKA RAILWAY COMPANY, incorporated 1905 54-55 61 ATIKOKAN IRON RANGE RAILWAY COMPANY, incorporated 1891 ■ 60-61 35 " Charter revived and time extend- ed for construction. 1897 56 39 ATLANTIC AND LAKE SUPERIOR RAILWAY COMPANY, in- corporated 1893 57-58 63 " Agreements with following railway- companies confirmed; provis- ions as to issue of debenture and preferred stock 1894 Baie des Chaleurs Railway Co. Great Eastern " Ottawa Valley " Montreal Bridge Company. 1 Edw. VII 48 " Trustees for bondholders may con- struct and operate railway 1901 62-63 7 (No. 429) Subsidy Act, additional 1899 62-63 7 (No. 462) " " 1899 1 Edw. VII 7 (" 524) " Caplin to Paspebiac 1901 42 65 ATLANTIC AND NORTH-WEST RAIL- WAY COMPANY, incorpor- ated 1879 46 63 " Powers as to mortgage bonds, and issue of bonds for bridge across St. Lawrence River 1883 50-51 69 " Confirming lease of, to C. P. Rail- way, and running powers over same 1887 52 71 " Time for completion extended ; and as to line from Harvey to Sal- isbury or Moncton 1889 •^57-58 62 " Time extended for construction; and authority to lease to C. P. Railway 1894 INDKX TO KAILWAYS. ''^ ATLANTIC AND NoRin-wi>T Raiiavav Co. -Continued. REIGX. CHAP. J 1 r 52-63 52 " Time for completion extended tor five years '^^'''''' 4 Edw VII 45 " Time for construction further ex- tended ^^[^'^^ 47 8 (No. 20) Subsidy Act ■••■.■ 1^^^^ 48-49 58 (" 63) " $80,000 per annum for 20years 18«5 Leased to CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. ATLANTIC, QUEBEC AND WESTERN RAILWAY COMPANY, (Que. 1901, Ch. 63) ;■■• 3 Edw. VII 81 " Confirming incorporation by Legis- lature of Quebec ^'^^^ A Fdw VII 46 " Amending sub-section 2 of section * 4 of Chapter 81 of 1903 1904 i-5 Edw VII 59 " Time for construction extended 1905 3 Edw. VII 57 (No. 595) Subsidy Act 1903 B 49 17 BAIE DES CHALEURS RAILWAY COMPANY, Act confirmmg agreements respecting subsid- ies granted, and fixing time for completion bS86 54.55 97 " Incorporated under laws of Dom- inion ; time extended for com- pletion to Paspebiac and Gaspe Basin l^^l 46 25 (No. 6) Subsidy Act ^882 47 8 ( " 42) " in addition to pre- vious 1884 52 3 ("158) " revote balance re- mammgunpd. IbbV See ATLANTIC AND LAKE SUPERIOR RAILWAY. 2 Edw VII 39 BATTLEFORD AND LAKE LENORE RAILWAY COMPANY, m- corporated 1^02 4-5 Edw. VII 60 " Lineof railway described; time for construction extended i ''(^^ 50-51 97 BAY OF QUINTE BRIDGE COMPANY, incorporated 1887 52 87 " Act authorizing Company to_ re- ceive municipal or other aid.... 188Q 14 RAILWAY LEGISLATION . REIGN. CHAP. YI':AR 59 15 BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY COM- PANY 1896 63-64 50 " Authority to use electric and other motive power and to acquire patents, etc. Time for com- pletion extended 1900 2 Edw. VII 40 " Confirming agreement with Rath- bun Co.; increase of capital; extensions of railway 1902 4-5 Edw. VII 61 " Branch line authorized; Time for construction extended 1905 62-63 7 (No. 434) Subsidy Act, in lieu of No. 273. 1899 62-63 7 ( " 459) " Additional 1899 3 Edw. VII 57 (" 581) " Additional 1903 See BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY AND NAVIGATION COMPANY. 44 46 BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY AND NAVIGATION COMPANY, incorporated 1881 59 15 " Act to provide for amalgamation with the KINGSTON, NAP- ANEE AND WESTERN RAILWAY COMPANYunder name of BAY OF OUINTE RAILWAY COMPANY 1896 BEAUHARNOIS JUNCTION RAILWAY COMPANY, (Oue..l873,Ch. 42) 50-51 24 (No. 102) Subsidy Act 1887 56 2 ( " 302) " revote balance re- maining unpaid. . 1893 Operated by ST. LAWRENCE AND ADIRONDACK RAILWAY and NEW YORK CENTRAL RAILROAD. 62-63 53 BEDLINGTON AND NELSON RAIL- WAY COMPANY., (B. C. 1897, Ch. 47). Confirming incorporation by Province of British Columbia; authority to enter into an agreement with other companies. Sched- ule) 1899 BEERSVILLE COAL AND RAILWAY COMPANY, (New Brunswick 1903, Ch. 94.) 3 Edw. VII 57 (No. 604) Subsidy Act 1903 51 68 BELLEVILLE AND LAKE NIPISSING RAILWAY COMPANY, in- corporated 1888 INDEX TO RAILWAYS. 15 Belleville and Lakk Nipissing Railway Co. -Continued. REIGN. CHAP. YEAR 53 65 " Time for construction extended; amount of bond issue increas- ed, and mav issue debenture stock '. 1890 55-56 31 " Time extended for construction 1892 53 2 (No. 200) Subsidy Act 1890 55-56 5 ( " 263) " in lieu of above 1892 BELLEVILLE AND NORTH HASTINGS RAILWAY COMPANY, (Ont. 1874, Ch. 38) 48-49 59 (No. 54) Subsidy Act 1885 49 10 (" 93) " in addition to above 1886 Operated by GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. 50-51 89 BERLIN AND CANADIAN PACIFIC JUNCTION RAILWAYCOM- PANY, incorporated 1887 52 75 " Time for construction extended, and authority granted to change route 1889 54-55 85 " Acts50-51 V. c. 89,and52 V. c. 75, revived and time for construc- tion extended 1891 3 Edw. VII 84 BERLIN, WATERLOO, WELLESLEY AND LAKE HURON RAIL- WAY COMPANY, incorpor- ated 1903 4Edw.VII 47 " Line of railway described; power to enter into agreements with other companies, and to build or acquire hotels, etc 1904 4 Edw. VII 48 BESSEMER AND BARRY'S BAY RAIL- WAY COMPANY, incorpora- ted 1904 BOSTON AND NOVA SCOTIA COAL AND RAILWAY COMPANY (1894, Ch. 4) . 57-58 4 (No. 356) Subsidy Act 1894 See INVERNESS AND RICHMOND RAILWAY. 4 Edw. VII 49 BOUNDARY, KAMLOOPS AND CARI- BOO CENTRAL RAILWAY COMPANY, incorporated 1004 49 87 BOW RIVER COAL MINE RAILWAY AND TRANSPORTATION COMPANY, incorporated 1886 16 RAILWAY LEGISLATION. REIGN. CHAP. YEAR 57-58 64 BOYNTON BICYCLE ELECTRIC RAIL- WAY COMPANY, incorpor- ated 1894 BRACEBRIDGE AND BAYSVILLE RAILWAY COMPANY, (Ont. 1892, Ch. 5.) 55-56 2 (No. 285) Subsidy Act 1892 57-58 4 ( " 315) " in lieu of above 1894 BRACEBRIDGE AND TRADING LAKE RAILWAY COMPANY, (Ont. /^9 1 'raro, Ch. ^^ ?s.) 63-64 8 (No. 482) Subsidy Act 1900 4 Edw. VII 34 ( " 62/) " in lieu of 482 1904 53 86 BRANDON AND SOUTH-WESTERN RAILWAY COMPANY, in- corporated 1890 57-58 65 " Charter revived and amended 1894 59 16 " Time for construction extended 1896 61 55 " Time for construction extended 1898 62-63 54 " Head office to be at Brandon; au- thority to extend railway to boundary of Manitoba 1899 63-64 51 " Line of railway to be extended; bond issue limited, and time for completion of railway ex- tended 1900 53 4 (No. XIX.) Subsidy Act, land 1890 57-58 6 (" XXXII.) " " 1894 3 Edw. VII 86 BRANDON, SASKATCHEWAN AND HUDSON'S BAY RAILWAY COMPANY, incorporated 1903 4-5 Edw. VII 62 " Time for construction extended, additional lines authorized... . 1905 4 Edw. VII 50 BRANTFORD AND HAMILTON RAIL- WAY COMPANY, incorpora- ted 1904 48-49 20 BRANTFORD,WATERLOO AND LAKE ERIE RAILWAY COM- PANY, incorporated 1885 50-51 64 " May receive municipal aid; author- ity to issue bonds and execute mortgages to secure; and authority to enter into an agreement with certain rail- ways 1887 INDKX TO IfAILWAYS. 17 Brantkord, Waterloo and Lakk Ekik Railway Co.- Continued. REIGN. CHAP. YEAH 51 62 " Continuing agreement with City of Brantford; authority to grant running powers to C. S. Rail- way ..^ 1888 53 50 " Bond issue limited; authority granted to change route 1890 50-51 24 (No. 104) vSubsidy Act 1887 57-58 4 ( " 318) " re vote balance re- maining unpaid... 1894 Now TORONTO, HAMILTON AND BUFFALO RAILWAY. 4-5 Edw. VII 63 BRANTFORD AND WOODSTOCK RAILWAY COMPANY, in- corporated 1905 54-55 64 BRIGHTON,WARKWORTH AND NOR- WOOD RAILWAY , COM- PANY, incorporated 1891 63-64 89 BRITISH AMERICAN PULP AND PAP- ER COMPANY, incorporated 1900 43 27 BRITISH COLUMBIA, management of /f railway lands in Province of .— r 1 880 49 15 .ESQUIMALT AND NANAIMO RAIL- ^ WAY 1886 60-61 36 BRITISH COLUMBIA SOUTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY, (1893 Ch. 36 and 47.) Act for extension of line ; limit- ing bond issue, and authoriz- ing lease to C. P. Railway 1897 61 56 " Lease to Canadian Pacific Railway confirmed 1898 62-63 55 " Time extended for completion of eastern section 1899 63-64 52 " Time extended for completion of western section U)00 1 Edw. VII 49 " Time for construction further ex- tended 1901 4 Edw. VII 52 " Time for construction of eastern and western sections extend- ed 1904 Leased to CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. 60-61 S9 BRITISH YUKON MINING, TRADING AND TRANSPORTATION COMPANY, incorporated 1897 18 RAILWAY LEGISLATION. British Yukon Mining, Trading and Transportation Co. — Continued. REIGN. CHAP. YEAR 63-64 53 " Name changed to "The British Yukon Railway Company"; Acts of Company confirmed, and authority given to convey or lease railway to British Col- umbia Railway Company 1900 1 Edw. VII 50 " Extension of railway authorized, and time for construction ex- tended 1901 63-64 53 BRITISH YUKON RAILWAY COM- PANY (The.) See BRITISH YUKON MINING, TRAD- ING, AND TRANSPORTA- TION COMPANY 1900 Owned by WHITE PASS AND YUKON ROUTE. Imperial Charter. 49 91 BROCKVILLE AND NEW YORK BRIDGE COMPANY, incor- porated 1886 55-56 64 " Act to revive charter, and time for building bridge extended 1892 57-58 89 " Act incorporating pgain revived and amended 1894 61 94 " Amalgamation with BROCK- VILLE AND ST. LAWR- ENCE BRIDGE COMPANY confirmed, and time for com- pletion extended 1898 37 69 BROCKVILLE AND OTTAWA RAIL- WAY COMPANY, (1853, Ch. 106.) Act respecting prefer- ential mortgage debentures .... 1874 41 36 " Act amended, amalgamation pro- vided for 1878 See CANADA CENTRAL RAILWAY COMPANY, AND CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY. 61 94 BROCKVILLE AND ST. LAWRENCE BRIDGE COMPANY 1898 See BROCKVILLE AND NEW YORK BRIDGE COMPANY. 3 Edw VII 88 BROCKVILLE, WESTPORT AND NORTH-WESTERN RAIL- WAY COMPANY, incorpor- ated 1903 4-5 Edw. VII 64 " Time for construction extended 1905 IXDEX TO RAILWAYS. 19 48-49 52 CHAI' 59 3 2 8 5 BROCKVILLE, STE COIV (No. 48) Subsi (" 181) (" 193) (" 240) (" 267) YEAH WESTPORT AND SAULT . MARIE RAILWAY IPANY, (1884, Ch. 63.) dy Act 1885 18X9 53 54-55 55-56 revote balance re- maining unpaid.... in lieu of Subsidy, 52 V. c. 3 "... revote balance re- 1890 1891 57-58 4 (" 316) " maining unpaid... revote balances re- maining unpaid.... 1892 1894 1 Edw. VII 7 3 Edw. VII 57 4 Edw. VII 34 BRUCE MINES AND ALGOMA RAIL- WAY COMPANY, (Ont. 1899 Ch. 93) (No. 539) Subsidy Act 1901 ( " 582) " extension north . 1903 (" 628) " in lieu of 582 1904 55-56 32 BUCKINGHAM AND LIEVRE RIVER RAILWAY COMPANY, in- corporated 1892 BUCTOUCHE AND MONCTON RAIL- WAY COMPANY, N.B. 1883, Ch. 78.) 49 10 fNo. 65) Subsidy Act 1885 50-51 24 (" 101) " 1887 55-56 5 ( " 248) " revote balance re- maining unpaid... 1892 51 101 BUFFALO,CHIPPAWA AND NIAGARA FALLS STEAMBOAT AND TRAMWAY COMPANY, in- corporated 1888 54-55 65 BUFFALO AND FORT ERIE BRIDGE COMPANY, incorporated 1891 56 64 " Power to tunnel under Niagara River, and time for construc- tion extended 1893 58-59 70 " Time for construction again ex- tended, and location of bridge changed 1895 62-63 97 " Time for construction further ex- tended : change of location ; name changed to"THE WE IN- LAND AND GRAND IS- LAND BRIDGE COMPANY" 1899 20 kaii.way legislation. kp:igx. chap. year 54-55 59 BUFFALO LAKE AND BATTLEFORD RAILWAY. COAL AND IRON COMPANY, incorpor- ated 1891 33 49 BUFFALO AND LAKE HURON RAIL- WAY and GRAND TRUNK COMPANY'S agreement of 1870 confirmed 1870 36 84 " Arrangement respecting debt 1S73 63-64 54 BUFFALO RAILWAY COMPANY, in- corporated. Power to ac- quire certain franchises in Canada 1900 2 Edw. VII 43 " Name of INTERNATIONAL RAILWAY substituted for above, and rights and powers saved 1902 54-55 57 BURRARD INLET AND WESTMINS- TER VALLEY RAILWAY COMPANY, incorporated 1891 55-56 65 BURRARD INLET TUNNEL AND BRIDGE COMPANY, incor- porated 1892 c 45 75 CALAIS AND ST. STEPHEN BRIDGE CO., incorporated 1882 52 51 CALGARY, ALBERTA AND MONTANA RAILWAY CO., incorporated 1S89 4-5 Edw. VII 65 CALGARY AND BATTLEFORD RAIL- WAY CO.. incorporated 1905 53 84 CALGARY AND EDMONTON RAIL- WAY CO., incorporated 1890 61 5 7 " Authority to construct Railway to connect with Crow's Nest Line 1S9S 4-5 Edw. VII 66 " Bond issue authorized, also con- struction of branch lines. May issue l)onds for branches and bridge, and time for com- pletion of lines extended 1905 53 5 (No. 230) Subsidv Act. S80.000 annually for 20 vears 1890 53 4 (" XXI.) •• ■ land 1890 Operated bv CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. IXDKX TO HAU.WAVS. 21 REIGN, CHAT. YEAR 4-5 Edw. VII 67 CALGARY. RED DEER AND BATTLE- FORD RAILWAY CO/, incor- porated 1905 56 40 CALGARY STREET RAILWAY CO., incorporated 1893 4 Edw. VII 54 CAMPBELLFORD, LAKE ONTARIO AND WESTERN RAILWAY CO., incorporated 1904 42 57 CANADA ATLANTIC RAILWAY CO., incorporation and amalgama- tion with Coteau and Prov- ince Line Railway and Bridge Co., and Montreal and City of Ottawa Junction Railway Co. 1879 49 72 " Amending incorporation; auth- orizing issue of bonds and time for completion extended. 1 886 50-51 67 " Division into sections; and run- ning powers over bridges 1887 55-56 33 " Authorizing establishment of telegraph and telephone lines, and time for completion of railway extended 1892 60-61 3 7 " Extension of line authorized and issue of bonds thereon; time extended for completion of railway and bridge across Richelieu River 1897 61 58 " Power to extend Railway to In- ternational boundary and to Montreal. Bond issue limited. 1898 62-63 81 " Authorizing amalgamation of Ottawa, Arnprior & Parry Sound Railway with, under name of Canada Atlantic Railwav, (Schedule) 1899 3 Edw. VII 90 " Power to' extend line to-Sault Ste. Marie, and to increase capital 1903 4-5 Edw. VII 50 " Authority to issue securities sub- ject to existing bonds; rights of bondholders preserved 1905 47 6 (No. 60) Subsidv Act 1884 49 10 (" 80) " 1886 50-51 24 (" 132) •' for bridge at Coteau. 1887 Now part of GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM. 22 RAILWAY LEGISLATION. REIGX. CHAP. YEAR 33 52 CANADA CENTRAL RAILWAY CO., (1855, c. 181), time for completion extended ; author- ity to amalgamate with a certain other company, and power to reduce gauge 1870 35 68 " Change of line authorized; and power to unite with other lines in constructing portions. 1872 38 67 " Time for completion extended, and power to issue preferen- tial bonds 1875 41 36 " Amalgamation with Brockville and Ottawa Railway 1878 43 52 " Extension of time; railway di- vided into sections; power to issue mortgage bonds and pre- ference stock 1880 43 16 " And Dominion Government agreement 1 880 Now CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. 2 Edw. VII 45 CANADA CENTRAL RAILWAY COM- PANY, incorporated 1902 3 Edw, VII 91 " Line of railway described 1903 4-5 Edw. VII 68 " Time for construction extended 1905 36 90 CANADA AND DETROIT RIVER BRIDGE CO., incorporated.. 1873 36 91 " Repealing section 33, respecting legislation by State of Michi- gan 1873 39 50 " Corporate existence of Company extended 1876 42 64 " Pr.wer to construct tunnel and time for construction and completion extended 1879 53 74 CANADA EASTERN RAILWAY CO., name changed from NOR- THERN AND WESTERN RAILWAY OF NEW BRUNSWICK 1890 61 59 " Authority to convev railwav to the ALEXANDER GIBSON RAILWAY AND MANU- FACTURING COMPANY. .. 1898 INDEX TO RAILWAYS. 23 REIGN. CHAP. • YEAR 2 Edw. VII 46 " Company incorporated 1902 4 Edw. VII 4 " Act authorizing Government of Canada to purchase Canada Eastern Railway and to take possession of Fredericton & St. Mary's Railway Bridge 1904 57-58 4 (No. 350) Subsidy ' Act, Chathans to Blackbrook 1894 57-58 4 (No. 370) Subsidy Act, extension to con- nect with C. P. R 1894 62-63 7 (No. 458) Subsidy Act, additional 1899 Now part of CANADIAN GOVERNMENT RAILWAYS SYSTEM. 51 93 CANADA AND MICHIGAN TUNNEL CO., incorporated 1888 54-55 103 " Time extended for commence- ment and completion 1891 57-58 101 " Time for commencement and completion again extended. 1894 58-59 71 " Name changed to CANADA AND MICHIGAN BRIDGE AND TUNNEL CO 1895 59 42 " Authorizing construction of bridge across Detroit River 1896 63-64 90 " Time for completion extended 1900 2 Edw. VII 44 " Time for commencement and completion extended 1902 4-5 Edw^ VII 69 " Time for commencement and completion again extended 1905 Amalgamated with DETROIT RIVER RAILWAY, BRIDGE AND TUNNEL CO. 1 Edw VII 51 CANADA NATIONAL RAILWAY AND TRANSPORT CO., incorpor- ated 1901 3 Edw. VII 92 " Powers of construction revived 1903 35 88 CANADA AND NEW YORK BRIDGE AND TUNNEL CO., incor- porated 1872 37 67 " Act extending time for con- struction 1874 35 73 CANADA PACIFIC RAILWAY, incor- porated 1872 See CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. 24 RAILWAY LEGISLATION, REIGN. CHAP. YEAR 37 68 CANADA SOUTHERN RAILWAY CO., confirming incorporation by- Legislature of Ontario, 31 V. c. 14 1874 38 66 " Power to acquire Erie and Niagara Railway; time for completion extended 1875 41 27 " Act to confirm scheme of ar- rangement and bonding pow- ers 1878 45 68 " As to construction of original and branch lines. Acts revived and confirmed; time for com- pletion extended, and agree- ment with Leamington and Si. Clair Railway authorized 1882 48-49 IS " And Erie and Niagara Railway, extending time for commen- cing and completing 1885 51 60 " Confirming agreement with Lon- don and South-Eastern Rail- way 1888 51 61 " Extending time for construction of Erie and Niagara Railway 1888 51 59 " Confirming agreement with Grand Trunk and London and Port Stanley Railways 1888 55-56 34 " Extending time for construction of Erie and Niagara Railway 18Q2 57-58 66 " Confirming agreement with Michigan Central Railroad for operation of railway 1894 58-59 46 " Time for construction again ex- tended, Erie and Niagara Railway; power to lease Leamington and St. Clair Railway granted 1895 60-61 3? " Agreement with Lake Erie and Detroit River Railway, the Michigan Central Railroad and the London and South- Eastern Railway confirmed; time for completion of branches extended 1897 62-63 56 " Time for construction of line and branches of railway and line and branches of Erie and Niagara Railway extended 1899 3 Edw. VII 47 " Time for completion of line and l)ranches extended 1902 Canada REIGN. CHAP. 4 Edw. VII 55 INDKX TO RAILWAYS. 25 Southern Railway Co.— Continued. YEAR Agreement with Pere Marquette R. R. Co., confirmed, (Sched- ules A. & B.) and amalga- mation with Leamington & St. Clair Railway and Sarnia, Chatham and Erie Railway 1904 4-5 Edw. VII 71 " Time for construction of rail- ways extended; power to guarantee securities and own stock of other companies 1905 Leased to iMICHIGAN CENTRAL RAILROAD. 40 63 CANADA SOUTHERN BRIDGE CO., incorporating The Detroit River Railway Bridge and Tunnel Company and The Detroit River Railroad and Bridge Company, under name of; and authorizing construc- tion of tunnel 1'Ile 1903 4 Edw. VII 34 ( " 631) " in lieu of 507 1904 4 Edw. VII 34 ( " 633) " in lieu of 585 1904 4 Edw. VII 34 ( " 638) " bridge. Bout de L'lle • V 1904 Leased to GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY. 34 RAILWAY LEGISLATION. REIGN. CHAP. 51 72 CHATHAM RAILWAY CO., incorporated 51 3 (No. 149) Subsidy Act, rails, Chatham Branch Railway See CANADA EASTERN RAILWAY. 3 Edw. VII 105 CHATHAM, WALLACEBURG AND LAKE ERIE RAILWAY CO. , incorporated 54-55 62 CHATSWORTH, GEORGIAN BAY AND LAKE HURON RAILWAY CO. , incorporated 4 Edw. VII 67 CHICOUTIMI AND NORTHEASTERN RAILWAY CO., incorporated CHIGNECTO MARINE TRANSPORT RAILWAY CO., incorporated Act granting annual subsidy to for 25 years Limiting capital stock; issue of mortgage bonds Act to amend Subsidy Act, 45 V. c. 55 Act respecting granting of sub- sidy Revote of special subsidy to.... Authorizing new issue of first mortgage bonds 56 43 CHILLIWHACK RAILWAY CO., (B. C. 1891, c. 55), declaring to be under jurisdiction of Canada; limiting issue of bonds, and power to lease to C. P. R 51 74 CHINOOK BELT AND PEACE RIVER RAILWAY CO., incorporated 56 44 CLEVELAND, PORT STANLEY AND LONDON TRANSPORTA- TION AND RAILWAY CO., incorporated 31 82 CLIFTON SUSPENSION BRIDGE CO., incorporated 32-33 66 " Power to increase capital 39 49 " Amending 4th section of Act incorporating • ■••• 57.58 97 " General powers ; agreement with Commissioners of Qut-m Vic- toria Niagara Falls Park; and location of bridge 58-59 72 " Time for construction of bridge extended 45 76 45 55 46 60 49 18 51 4 54-55 55-56 12 37 YEAR 1888 1888 1903 1891 1904 1882 1882 1883 1886 1888 1891 1892 1893 1893 1868 1869 1876 1894 1895 INDEX TO RAILWAYS. 35 REIGN. CHAP. YEAU COAST RAILWAY CO. OF NOVA SCOTIA. (1893, Ch. 154). 60-61 4 (No. 403) Subsidy Act 1897 3 Edw. VII 108 COAST YUKON RAILWAY COMPANY, incorporated 1903 50-51 87 COBOURG, BLAIRTON AND MAR- MORA RAILWAY CO., in- corporated 1887 Operated by GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. 52 62 COBOURG. NORTHUMBERLAND AND PACIFIC RAILWAY CO., incorporated 1889 54-55 90 " Charter revived and amended 1891 55-56 38 " Time for construction of extend- ed; and limiting amount of bond issue 1892 57-58 68 " Time for construction of again extended 1894 62-63 61 " Time for construction further extended; issue of stock and debentures confirmed 1899 53 2 (No. 201) Subsidy Act 1890 55-56 5 ( " 249) " in addition to No. 201 1892 55-56 5 (No. 275) Subsidy Act in lieu of No. 201 1892 60-61 4 ( " 378) " in lieu of No. 275 1897 51 70 COLLINGWOOD AND BAY OF QUIN- TE RAILWAY CO., incor- porated 1888 54.55 84 " Time for construction extended 1891 53 87 COLUMBIA AND KOOTENAY RAIL- WAY CO., (1889, c. 21 and 35), declaring subject to legislative authority of Can- ada; power to lease to C. P. R. 1890 56 45 " Extension of railway and branch lines authorized 1893 60-61 41 " Extension of railway and time limited for construction there- of 1897 1 Edw. VII 55 " Time for construction extended 1901 53 2 (No. 222) Subsidy Act 1890 55-56 5 ( " 243) " 1892 Leased to CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. 36 RAILWAY LEGISLATION. REIGN. CHAP. YEAR 60-61 66 COLUMBIA RIVER BRIDGE CO., in- corporated 1897 60 61 COLUMBIA AND WESTERN RAIL- WAY CO., (1896, Ch. 54), confirming incorporation by British Columbia Legisla- ture ; authority to lease or sell to Canadian Pacific Railway Co ^ 1898 62-63 63 " Limiting bond issue, and bonds to be first claim on Railway 1899 1 Edw. VII 56 " Power to issue bonds, and time for construction extended... 1901 4-5 Edw. VII 82 " Time for construction of rail- ways extended 1905 Owned by CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. 63-64 57 COMOX AND CAPE SCOTT RAILWAY CO., incorporated 1900 62-63 62 COMPAGNIE (La) DU CHEMIN DE PER DE COLONIZATION DU NORD, incorporated.... 1899 ^ Edw VII 5=^ " Act of 1899 reyiyed, and powers enlarged 1902 COMPANIES (The) ACT; Incorporation by Letters Patent, R.S.C., chaps. 118 and 119, (1886.) 62-63 40 " Amended as to issue of prefer- ence stock 1899 2 Edw. VII 15 " Respecting the incorporation of Joint Stock Companies by Letters Patent, and estab- lishing a tariflF of fees 1892 Vide Canada Gazette. Vol. XXXV, p. 2512, 1892. CONSOLIDATED RAILWAY ACT, 1903, and amendments. See RAIL- WAY ACTS. CORNWALLIS VALLEY RAILWAY CO. (N.S., 1887, Ch. 59). 50-51 24 (No. 128) Subsidy Act 1887 52 3 ( " 168) " 1889 See DOMINION ATLANTIC RAILWAY. IXDKX TO HAllAVAY^. '^' REIGN. ^^ CHAP. ^^^,^^y ^^ j^ PROVINCE LINE RAIL- WAY CO., incorporated 1872 40 61 " Authorizing change of terminus and extension of time for completion ; may construct ferry : 1877 42 57 " Amalgamated with Montreal and City of Ottawa Railway Co ' 1879 Now CANADA ATLANTIC RAILWAY. 61 62 COWICHAN VALLEY RAILWAY CO., incorporated 1898 53.54 58 " Time for construction extended 1900 4 Edw VII 70 CRAWFORD BAY AND ST. MARY'S RAILWAY CO., incorporated 1904 43 54 CREDIT VALLEY RAILWAY CO. , (Ont. 1870-1, Ch. 38.) authority to connect with line of Northern Railway, and general powers 1880 45 57 " Power to lease to C. P. R. and to amalgamate with Ontario and Quebec Railway; con- tinuation of running powers authorized; Leased to CAN- ADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY 1883 46 77 CUMBERLAND COAL AND RAILWAY CO., incorporated 1883 50-51 24 (No. 124; Subsidy Act 1887 3 Edw. VII 57 (" 621) " extension 1903 D 61 98 DAWSON CITY ELECTRIC CO., in- corporated 1898 61 99 DAWSON CITY ELECTRIC LIGHTING AND TRAMWAY CO., in- corporated 1898 58-59 73 DESCHENES BRIDGE CO., incorporated 1895 33 51 DETROIT RIVER TUNNEL CO., in- corporated 1870 35 85 " Authority to issue bonds up to $3,000,000 upon guarantees of other companies 1872 38 RAILWAY LEGISLATION. REIGN. CHAP. YEAR 35 91 DETROIT RIVER RAILWAY AND BRIDGE CO., incorporated 1872 See DETROIT RIVER RAILWAY, BRIDGE AND TUNNEL CO. 36 89 DETROIT RIVER RAILWAY, BRIDGE AND TUNNEL COMPANY, (1872, Ch. 91), power to con- struct bridge or tunnel; and time extended for construc- tion 1873 42 62 " Time for construction again ex- tended 1879 Amalgamated with CANADA AND MICHIGAN BRIDGE AND TUNNEL COMPANY. See CANADA SOUTHERN BRIDGE COMPANY. 51 91 DETROIT WINTER RAILWAY BRIDGE CO.. incorporated. 1888 DISTRIBUTION OF CARS. 3 Edw. VII 33 See MANITOBA GRAIN ACT, 1900 1903 57-58 69 DOMINION ATLANTIC RAILWAY CO. (1867, Ch. 36). Acttoauthor- ize the purchase of YAR- MOUTH AND ANNAPOLIS RAILWAY bv WINDSOR AND ANNAPOLIS RAIL- WAY, and to change name to 1894 58-59 47 " Act to incorporate 1895 61 8 " Confirming award of Exchequer Court in favour of, on account of drawback of customs and import duties granted to Windsor and Annapolis Rail- way 1898 63-64 59 " Issue of existing capital stock confirmed. Acquisition of Windsor & Annapolis Rail- way, the Yarmouth & Anna- polis Railway and the Corn- wallis Valley Railway con- * firmed; schedules A, B, and C confirmed. Other powers granted 1905 4-5 Edw. VII 85 " Authorizing purchase of Mid- land Railway Company, Limi- ted, and issue of securities thereon 1905 INDEX TO HATTAVAYS. 39 Dominion Atlantic Railway Co. — Continued. REIGN. CHAP. YEAR 47 8 (No. 39) Subsidy Act (constructed by Government 1884 See MIDLAND RAILWAY COMPANY, LIMITED. 4-5 Edw. VII 36 DOMINION (THE) CENTRAL RAIL- WAY CO., name of Kingston & Dominion Central Railway changed to 1 905 DOMINION COAL CO. (N.S. 1893, Ch. 145) 55-56 5 (No. 262) Subsidy Act 1892 Now SYDNEY & LOUISBURG RAILWAY. DOMINION EASTERN RAILWAY CO., (N.S. 1897, Ch. 81). 60-61 (No. 399) Subsidy Act 1897 38 75 DOMINION RAILWAY EQUIPMENT CO., incorporated 1875 DOMINION LIME CO. (Que. 1887, Ch. 63) 50-51 24 (No. 108) Subsidy Act 1887 Now part of HEREFORD RAILWAY. 56 46 DRUMMOND COUNTY RAILWAY CO. (1886, Ch. 81), rights under Quebec charter confirmed ; power to issue bonds, and to lease to C. P. R. or G. T. R., and time for construction ex- tended 1893 62-63 6 " Authorizing sale of to Govern- ment of Canada 1899 Subsidy Act 1887 '■ in addition to No. 99 1899 additional 1890 1892 1894 1897 See INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY. 57-58 70 DULUTH, NEPIGON AND JAMES' BAY RAILWAY CO., in- corporated 1894 50-51 24 (No. 99) 52 3 (" 175) 53 2 (" 214) 55-56 5 ( " 292) 57-58 4 ( " 339) 60-61 4 ( " 406) EAST RICHELIEU VALLEY RAILWAY CO. (Que. 1890, Ch. 88). 60-61 4 (No. 395) Subsidy Act 1897 Sold to QUEBEC SOUTHERN RAILWAY. 40 RAILWAY LEGISLATION. REIGX. (HAP. YKAR 59 17 EDMONTON DISTRICT RAILWAY CO. incorporated 1896 61 63 " As to issue of bonds; line of rail- way described, and time for construction limited 1898 62-63 64 " Time for construction extended ; name changed to EDMON- TON, YUKON AND PAC- IFIC RAILWAY 1899 62-63 65 EDMONTON AND SASKATCHEWAN RAILWAY CO., incorporated 1899 62-63 66 EDMONTON AND SLAVE LAKE RAIL- WAY CO., incorporated 1899 2 Edw. VII 61 " Time for construction extended,. 1902 3 Edw. VII 18 " Amending clerical error 1903 4 Edw. VII 75 " Time for construction extended.. 1904 62-63 64 EDMONTON, YUKON AND PACIFIC RAILWAY CO., name of EDMONTON DISTRICT RAILWAY changed to; time for construction extended 1899 2 Edw. VII 57 " Power to enter into agreement with Canadian Northern Rail- way Co 1901 3 Edw. VII 116 " Time for construction extended.. 1903 4-5 Edw. VII 88 " Time for construction of Rail- ways extended 1905 62-63 7 (No. 455) Subsidy Act 1899 3 Edw. VII 57 (" 572) " in Heu of No. 455.. 1903 57-58 71 EDMONTON STREET RAILWAY CO., incorporated 1894 4 Edw. VII 75 " Head office to be at Edmonton ; general powers enlarged 1904 57-58 72 ELGIN AND HAVELOCK RAILWAY CO., incorporated 1894 3 Edw. VII 117 " Describing line of railway au- thorized 1903 46 25 (No. 15) Subsidy Act 1883 51 3 ( " 144) " ' rails 1888 47 68 ERIE AND HURON RAILWAY CO., (1873, Ch. 70), declaring to be subject to legislatiye author- ity of Canada ; time for com- pletion of certain works ex- tended 1884 IXDEX TO RAILWAYS. 41 Erie and Huron Railway Co. — Continued. REIGN. CHAP. YEAR 53 59 As to line of Railway; issue of bonds; and power to lease to other companies 1890 57-58 73 " Time for construction extended.. 1894 62-63 67 Authorizing amalgamation with the Lake Erie and Detroit River Railway Co 1899 2 Edw. VII 69 Agreement with Lake Erie and Detroit River Railway Co. confirmed 1902 47 8 (No. 30 ) Subsidy Act 1884 53 2 ( " 192) " 1890 36 86 ERIE AND NIAGARA RAILWAY CO., (1873, Ch. 86), as to con- struction of branch lines and other privileges 1873 38 66 " Power to amalgamate wdth Canada Southern Railway 187 5 48-49 15 " Arrangements with Canada Southern Railway; and time for completion extended 1885 51 61 " Powers revived, and time for construction of works again extended 1888 See CANADA SOUTHERN RAILWAY. 49 15 ESQUIMALT AND NANAIMO RAIL- WAY CO., (1875, Ch. 13) Act respecting curves on railway... 1 886 51 89 " Ferry privileges on Straits of Fuca - 1888 4-5 Edw. VII 90 " Declared to be a work for the general advantage of Canada. Authority to amalgamate with Canadian Pacific Railway ; agreement in schedule con- firmed . - 1905 47 6 (No. 44) Subsidy Act, special 1884 Sold to CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. 2 Edw. VII 62 ESSEX TERMINAL RAILWAY CO. incorporated 1902 4 Edw. VII 76 " Time for construction extended.. 1904 38 71 EUROPEAN AND NORTH AMERICAN RAILWAY CO., (1869, Ch. 54), confirming agreement with European and North 4t2, RAILWAY LEGISLATION. European and North American Railway Co. — Continued. REIGN. CHAP. YEAR American Company of Maine for extension from St. John westward, and for other pur- poses .., - 1875 52 38 EXCHEQUER COURT ACT, R.S.C., Ch. 135, (1886). Amending above act as respects rules and orders; as to altera- tions or additions to works, and interest on moneys under judgment 1889 3 Edw. VII 21 " Jurisdiction of respecting debts of railway companies 1903 3 Edw. VII 22 " Sec. 3 of Chap. 38, of 1889, re- pealed .... -.- 1903 52 13 EXPROPRIATION (the) ACT; power to take land and provisions res- pecting - --- 1889' 62-63 39 " As to diversions of rivers, etc., and substitutes therefor; this section to apply to St. John Bridge and Railway Exten- sion Co. 1899 3Edw.VII 22 " Authority to take land for Hmi- ted time, and as to abandon- ment 1905 1 Edw. VII 58 FORT QU'APPELLE RAILWAY CO., incorporated 1901 1 Edw. VII 59 " Section 8 of above Act amended by omitting the word "elec- 1901 trie" 34 51 FREDERICTON AND ST MARY'S BRIDGE CO., incorporated..-. 1871 48-49 26 " Charter revived and amended.... 1885 4 Edw. VII 4 " In default of payment of ad- vances and interest on mort- gage, property forfeited to Crown. 1904 52 3 (Subsidy Act 1889 Now part ot INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY INDEX TO RAILWAYS. 43 YEAR 35 62 GALT. TOWN OF, and GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY, agreement legal- ized 1872 47 83 GANANOQUE, PERTH AND JAMES' BAY RAILWAY CO., incor- porated - 1884 49 10 (No. 85) Subsidy Act 1886 GATINEAU RAILWAY CO., (Que.) 47 8 (No. 26) Subsidy Act..... 1884 See OTTAWA AND GATINEAU RAILWAY CO., (1905.) 4-5 Edw. VII 95 GEORGIAN BAY AND SEABOARD RAILWAY CO. , incorporated 1905 57-58 74 GLEICHEN, BEAVER LAKE AND VICTORIA RAILWAY CO., incorporated 1894 50-51 91 GODERICH AND CANADIAN PACIFIC JUNCTION RAILWAY CO., incorporated 1887 53 51 " Name changed to GODERICH and WINGHAM RAILWAY 1890 53 51 GODERICH AND WINGHAM RAIL- WAY CO., (1887, Ch. 91), name of GODERICH AND CANADIAN PACIFIC JUNC- TION RAILWAY, changed to 1890 55-56 5 (No. 283) Subsidy Act..... 1892 GOVERNMENT RAILWAYS, CANADIAN, See INTERCOLONIAL and PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND RAILWAYS. 33 53 GRAND JUNCTION RAILWAY CO.. charter revived 1870 ACTS OF THE PROVINCE OF CANADA. 16 37 GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY CO., in- corporated .. 1852-53 16 75 " Providing for construction of bridge across the St. Laurence River at Montreal, — Victoria ^Bridge 1852-53 44 RAILWAY LEGISLATIOX. Grand Trunk Railway Co. — Continued. REIGX. CHAP. YEAR 16 76 " Extending provisions of Railway Companies Union Act to Com- panies whose railways intersect the Main Trunk Line, under name of Grand Trunk Railway Company of Canada 1853 18 33 " Amending 16 Vic, Ch. 37;amal- gamation with Trois-Pistoles and other Railways and alter- ing conditions of loan for Pro- vincial Guarantee 1854 18 174 " Further aid to 1855 18 175 " Change of location in Toronto 1855 19-20 111 " Additional aid to 1856 20 11 " Additional aid to; Government Directors dispensed with and to facilitate completion of Com- pany's works from Riviere du Loup to Sarnia 1857 22 S?) " Authorizing Company to con- struct a bridge on the St. Clair River at Sarnia 1858 23 73 AutJiorizing the Corporation of the City of Montreal to acquire a site upon which to erect a Terminus 1860 25 56 " Act to re-organize Company bond- ing powers and ' ' A RRA N CE- MENTS ACT'-. 1862 27 53 Act to correct errors in '\ARRANGE- MENTS ACT, 1862".. 1863 27 54 " Repealing 23 Vic, Ch. 73; and authorizing City of Montreal to aid Company in establishing a terminus in said City.. 1863 27-28 85 " Enlarging powers of Montreal and Champlain Railroad Company; and to confirm agreement en- tered into to secure a permanent Railway City Station in Mon- l treal (Schedule).. 1865 29-30 92 " Confirming agreement between Company and Buffalo and Lake Huron Railway, (Sche- dule) 1866 INDEX TO KAllAVAYS. 45 REIGN CH\P ^ KAU 31 19 GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY CO. OF CANADA, Arrangements Act of 1862 amended 1867 ^7, 49 '• Agreement of 1870 with Buffalo and Lake Huron Railway Co. confirmed .- - ---• 1870 35 62 " Agreement with Town of Gait legalized 1872 35 63 " Agreement with International Bridge Co. legalized 1872 35 64 " Consolidation of charges upon Montreal and Champlain Rail- way, and power to create mortgage and issue bonds thereon 1872 36 18 " Arrangements Act, 1862, pro- visions extended., 1873 37 65 " Consohdation of mortgages; to raise further capital and es- tabUsh superannuation 1874 41 2 5 " Accident insurance for employ- ees, etc 1878 Purchase by Government of Riviere du Loup Section... .-.. 1879 Agreement for purchase of Rivi- ere du Loup Section ratified.... 1 880 44 37 " Fixing time for holding annual meetings, and explaining sec- tions of Arrangements Act 1873 -- - 1881 46 54 " Arrangement with North Shore Railway 1883 47 52 " Power to double track portions of railway; to issue con- solidated ' debenture stock ; conversion of Great Western Raihvav preference stock, and amalgamation of Company.. . 1884 47 53 " Authorizing transfer of Welland Railway to.. 1884 ).51 57 " Issue and rank of consohdated debenture stock; power to acquire lands in Lambton Co.. 1887 51 58 " Power to issue consolidated debenture stock and applica- tion thereof ^ 1888 51 59 " Agreement with Canada South- ern and London and Port Stanlev Railways 1888 42 11 43 8 46 RAILWAY LEGISLATION. Grand Trunk Railway Co. of Canada — Continued. REIGN. CHAP. YEAR 53 48 " Further issue of consolidated debenture stock to be applied to St. Clair Tunnel and other works named 1890 53 49 " Authority to construct branch Hne at Hamilton 1890 54-55 69 " As to construction of railway in Lambton Co 1891 55-56 39 " Northern and Pacific Junction Railway to form part of; further issue of consolidated debenture stock ; and power to acquire Nipissing and James' Bay Railway 1892 56 47 " Confirming agreements with cer- tain railway companies ; power as to issue of consolidated debenture stock... 1893 56 48 " Agreement with Canadian Paci- fic Railway and City of Toron- to 1893 59 18 " Confirming lease of portion of, to St. Lawrence and Adiron- dack Railway Company 1 S96 60 6 " Confirming agreement with Canadian Pacific Railway, re Hamilton Junction' 1896 60-61 42 " Advances to Chicago and Grand Trunk Railway ; further as to issue of consolidated deben- ture stock 1897 61 12 " As to payments on subsidy ac- count towards reconstruction of Victoria Bridge 1898 62-63 5 " Confirming agreement with Her Majesty to secure extension of Intercolonial Railway system to City of Montreal 1 899 1 Edw. VII 60 " Confirming agreement with Grand Trunk Western Rail- way Co. for interest guaranty 1901 1 Edw. VII 61 " Confirming agreement between Cincinnati, Saginaw and Mack- inaw R. R. Co. and G. T. R. and allied lines 1901 3 Edw. VII 121 " Power to issue 4 per cent. guaranteed stock 1903 INDEX TO RAILWAYS. 47 Grand Trunk Railway Co. of Canada — Continued. REIGN. CHAP. YEAR 4 Edw. VII 16 " Respecting an arbitration be- tween His Majesty and the Grand Trunk Railway Co. of Canada 1904 4-5 Edw. VII 75 " Authority to acquire shares and securities of Canada Atlantic Railway Company and Can- ada Atlantic Transit Co., and may guarantee securities 1905 4-5 Edw. VII 15 " Amending Act respecting arbi- tration between His Majesty and Co. ; as to claims to be ad- judicated upon, and compe- tence of arbitrator after ap- pointment as Railway Com- missioner 1905 60-61 4 (No. 410) Subsidy Act, Victoria Bridge 1897 63-64 8 ( " 491) " " 1900 63-64 8 ( " 515) " Farnham to Fre- lighsburg 1900 3 Edw. VII 122 GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY CO., incorporated 1903 3 Edw^ VII 71 " Confirming agreement with Dominion Government for construction of National Trans-continental Railway. ..-. 1903 4 Edw. V;I 80 " Confirmation of two agreements in respect of National Trans- continental Railway.... 1904 4-5 Edw. VII 98 " Mortgages in schedules A, B. & C, confirmed, also as to limita- tion of bond issue 1905 50-51 66 GRAND TRUNK.GEORGIAN BAY AND LAKE ERIE RAILWAY CO. (1885, Ch. 184), extending time for construction fixed by Act of Ontario Legislature, and authority to construct branch hues 1887 53 63 " As to construction of branch lines 1890 56 49 ' Time for construction of branch lines extended ; and as to issue of mortgage bonds 1893 52 3 (No. 178) Subsidy Act 1889 56 2 (" 306) " inlieuof No. 178 .. 1893 Operated by GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. 48 RAILWAY LEGISLATION, REIGN. CHAP. YEAR 2 Edw. VII 91 GRAND (The) VALLEY RAILWAY CO.. name of PORT DOVER, BRANTFORD, BERLIN & GODERICH RAILWAY CO. changed to 1902 45 73 GREAT AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN SHORT LINE RAILWAY CO., incorporated 1882 47 55 " Name changed to Montreal and European Short Line Railway Company. 1884 46 25 (No. 9) Subsidy Act 1883 45 71 GREAT EASTERN RAILWAY CO., in- corporated ---- 1882 46 61 " Increasing capital stock to $6, 000,000; and limitation of time for construction 1883 54-55 98 " Division into sections, power to lease to certain companies, and limiting time for complet- tion - 1891 60-61 43 " Time for completion again ex- tended ; power to lease to cer- tain other companies, etc 1897 Subsidy Act 1886 additional 1887 1889 bridges, Nicolet and St.Francis 1890 revote, unpaid bal- ance of No. 144 1891 in lieu of No. 174.. 1893 47 64 GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY CO. OF CANADA, (1882, Ch. 23), declaring svibject to legislative authority of Canada ; issue of bonds and power to amalga- mate with other railway com- panies — 1884 55-56 40 ■ Incorporation; general powers; and authority to bridge Ottawa River ' . 1892 50-61 44 Time extended for completion; and confirming agreement with Quebec and James' Bay Railway . 1897 49 50-51 52 53 10 24 3 2 (No. ( " ( " ( " 88) 114) 174) 213) 54-55 8 ( " 235) 56 2 ( " 296) IXDKX TO RAILWAYS. 49 Great Northkrn Rail\vav i" f)F Canada — Continued. RIOIGN. CHAI 62-63 35 62-63 68 1 Edw. VII 62 4-5 Edw. VII 99 52 53 54-55 56 60-61 62-63 62-63 62-63 62-63 63-64 8 8 10 ( 47 47 49 49 10 ( 3 ( (No ( 2 ( 8 ( 56 2 ( 57-58 4 ( 57-58 4 ( 60-61 4 ( 60-61 4 ( 60-61 4 ( 4 ( 7 ( 7 ( 7 ( 3 Edw. VII 57 ( 4 Edw. VII 34 ( 5i) 37) 72) 79) 154) 215) 231) 308) 309) 346) 371) 380) 405) 407) 413) 416) 473) 474) 475) 511) 618) 632) Confirming agreement with Que- bec Harbour Commissioners for guarantee of interest on Company's bonds. (Schedule) Time for construction extended ; and name changed to GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY OF CANADA Bonds on railway and bridge over Ottawa River to rank equally Line of railway authorized ; issue of securities; time for con- struction limited. Authority to enter into agreement with other companies named. Mortgage in schedule con- firmed Subsidv Act in lieu of No. 79. revote, unpaid bal- ance of No. 72 revote, unpaid bal- ance of No. 231 in lieu of No. 215,. in addition to No. 308 in lieu of No. 308.. additional revote unpaid bal- ances l)ridge across Ot- tawa River additional and re- vote bridges bridges bridges : additional branch line Garneau Junction to Quebec Bri- dge in lieu of 618 1899 1899 1901 1905 1884 1884 1886 1886 1889 1890 1891 1893 1893 1894 1894 1897 1897 1897 1897 1899 1899 1899 1899 1900 1903 1904 50 RAILWAY LEGISLATIOX, REIGN. CHAP. YEAR 37 73 GREAT NORTH-WEST RAILWAY CO., incorporated 1874 See GREAT NORTH-WEST CENTRAL RAILWAY. 51 85 GREAT NORTH-WEST CENTRAL RAILWAY CO., charter au- thorized by 49 V. c. 11, con- firmed ; land subsidy -.... 1888 52 67 " RepeaHng 26th section of char- ter 1889 53 81 " As to number of directors 1890 54-55 80 " Correction of error in 53 V. c. 81 1891 58-59 48 " Time for completion extended.... 1895 60-61 45 " Time for completion again ex- tended; and mav extend to Brandon '....... 1897 61 64 " As to issue and rank of preferen- tial bonds, and settlement of claims and disputes, power to convey or lease to certain other Railway Companies 1898 62-63 69 " Time for construction extended conditionally 1899 1 Edw VII 63 " Time for construction further ex- tended -- 1901 3 Edw. VII 124 " Powers of construction revived.. 1903 See SOURIS AND ROCKY MOUNTAIN and NORTH-WEST CENTRAL RAILWAYS, Owned by CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. 4-5 Edw. VII 100 GREAT (THE) WEST RAILWAY CO., name of the NORTH-WEST COAL AND COKE RAIL- WAY CO., changed to 1905 32-33 61 GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY CO., (4 Wm. IV, Ch. 29), agreement with Dominion Government respecting financial affairs of, confirmed 1869 32-33 62 " Conversion of preference shares, etc 1869 ii 50 " Amending incorporation as to general powers; and as to change of gauge 1870 34 44 " Consolidating financial affairs of Company 1871 35 65 " Power to extend and improve connections 1872 38 72 38 64 39 46 43 49 45 66 INDEX TO FUILWAYS. 51 Great Wf.stern Railway Co. — Continued. REIGN. CHAl'. YEAK 36 83 " May enter into agreements with other companies, and issue bonds thereunder 1873 37 66 " To extend connections, and con- firm issue of debentures 1874 Agreement with Bridge Co.'s 187 5 Defining powers of Directors 1875 Respecting capital, charges and Habihties 1876 Estabhshment of various funds 1880 Borrowing powers enlarged ; pay- ment of bonds; bonds of Wel- lington, Grey and Bruce Rail- way; establishment of super- annuation fund, etc 1882 47 52 " Amalgamated with GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY 1884 36 88 GREAT WESTERN AND LAKE ONT- ARIO SHORE JUNCTION RAILWAY CO., incorpor- ated - - 1873 39 48 " Time for construction extended 1876 43 50 " Time for commencement and completion again extended. 1880 46 65 " Time for commencement and completion again extended 1 883 48-49 18 " Time for completion again ex- tended 1885 51 56 " Time for completion further ex- tended 1888 51 90 GRENVILLE INTERNATIONAL BRIDGE CO., incorporated.... 1888 3 Edw. VII 125 GUELPH AND GEORGIAN BAY RAIL- WAY CO., incorporated . 1903 4-5 Edw. VII 101 " Time for construction extended 1905 4 Edw. VII 81 GUELPH AND GODERICH RAILWAY CO., incorporated 1904 47 79 GUELPH JUNCTION RAILWAY CO., incorporated 1884 49 69 " Reducing capital stock; time for completion extended.. 1886 50-51 59 " Authority to extend line 1887 54-55 73 " Agreement with Canadian Paci- fic Railway 1891 57-58 75 " Time for construction extended 1894 59 19 " Time for construction further ex- tended 1896 52 RAILWAY I-EC.ISLATION. GuKLPH JuxCTiox Railway Co. — Continued. BEIGN. CHAP. YEAR 1 Edw. VII 64 " Time for construction further extended _ 1901 4 Edw. VII 82 " Extension authorized, and bond issue Hmited. --. 1904 50-51 24 (No. 105) Subsidy Act 1887 Leased to CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. GULF SHORE RAILWAY CO. (N.B. 1894, Ch. 73). 57-58 4 (No. 374) Subsidy Act - . 1894 60-61 4 ( " 383) " ' additional . 1897 H 42 10 HALIFAX CITY RAILROAD CO., con- hrming rights of Company under Acts of Legislature of Nova Scotia. ...^ 1879 HALIFAX COTTON CO. (N.S. 1870. Ch. 58). 51 3 (No. 146) Subsidy Act. rails _.-_ _ - 1888 HALIFAX AND SOUTH - WESTERN RAILWAY CO. (N.S. 1902, Ch. 1). 3 Edw. VII 57 (No. 567) Subsidy Act 1903 3 Edw. VII 57 ( " 619) " 1903 HALIFAX AND YARMOUTH RAIL- WAY CO. (N.S. 1886. Ch. 1). 1 Edw. VII 7 (No. 520) Subsidy Act . 1901 See COAST RAILWAY OF NOVA SCOTIA. HAMILTON BRIDGE CO. 1 Edw. VII 7 (No. 524) Subsidy Act. towards bridge... 1901 50-51 63 HAMILTON CENTRAL RAILWAY CO.. name of Hamilton, Guelph and Buffalo Railway changed to.... 1887 52 76 " Time for construction extended.. 1889 3 Edw. VII 126 HAMILTON. GALT AND BERLIN RAIL- WAY CO., incorporated 1903 4-5 Edw. VII 102 " Line of Railway authorized, and time for construction ex- tended. Name changed to "The Hamilton, Gait and Guelph Railway Co 1905 INDF.X TO KAII.WAVS. 53 REIGN. CHAP. YKAR 4-5 Edw. VII 102 HAMILTON, (THE)GALT AND GUELPH RAILWAY CO., see Hamil- ton, Gait and Berlin Railway Co '. 1905 48-49 22 HAMILTON, GUELPH AND BUFFALO RAILWAY CO., incorporated 1885 50-51 63 " Charter amended and name changed to Hamilton Central Railway Co .. .. 1887 47 63 HAMILTON AND NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY CO. (1869, Ch. 36) authority to enter into agree- ment with Northern and Paci- fic Junction Railway: also with Northern Railway ; and as to issue of debenture stock 1884 See NORTHERN RAILWAY OF CANADA, 1881. HAMPTON AND ST. MARTINS RAILWAY. See CENTRAL RAILWAY CO. of NEW BRUNSWICK. HARVEY BRANCH RAILWAY CO. (N.B. 1878, Ch. 98). 50-51 24 (No. 103) Subsidy Act 1887 57-58 4 (" 332) "' revote, unpaid bal- ance of No. 103 1894 50-51 93 HEREFORD BRANCH RAILWAY CO., incorporated 1887 51 81 " Authority to increase capital stock; to extend line, and name changed to HERE- FORD RAILWAY 1888 51 81 HEREFORD RAILWAY CO., name of Hereford Branch Railway changed to !.. 1888 53 72 " Authority to construct branch line, and issue of stock and bonds thereon limited 1890 53 73 " Authority to enter into agree- ment for lease of, to Maine Central Railway 1890 63-64 60 " Head office to be at City of Sherbrooke, Que.. 1900 49 10 (No. 73) Subsidy Act 1886 52 3 ( " 179) " ' additional 1889 Operated by MAINE CENTRAL RAILWAY. 54 RAILWAY LEGISLATION. REIGN. CHAP. YEAR 62-63 70 HUDSON'S (THE) BAY AND NORTH- WEST RAILWAYS CO., name of Hudson's Bay and Yukon Railways and Naviga- tion Co., changed to ...._ 1899 2 Edw. VII 63 " Time for construction limited.... 1902 4 Edw. VII 84 " Power to enter into agreement with Trans-Canada ; Quebec and Lake St. John, and Manitoba Railway Co.'s, and time for construction ex- tended 1904 See HUDSON'S BAY AND YUKON RAILWAYS AND NAVIGATION CO. 3 Edw. VII 128 HUDSON'S BAY AND OCCIDENTAL RAILWAY CO. , incorporated 1 903 60 7 HUDSON'S BAY AND PACIFIC RAIL- WAY CO., incorporated 1896 61 65 " Time for construction extended 1898 1 Edw. VII 65 " Time for construction further extended 1901 3 Edw. VII 129 " Time for construction further extended 1903 4-5 Edw. VII 104 " Time for construction extended 1905 60-61 46 HUDSON'S BAY AND YUKON RAIL- WAYS AND NAVIGATION CO., incorporated.... 1897 62-63 70 " General corporate powers grant- ed; name changed to "THE HUDSON'S BAY AND NORTH-WEST RAILWAYS COMPANY... 1899 60-61 39 HULL ELECTRIC CO., agreement with CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY for lease of Ayl- mer Branch.... 1897 62-63 59 " Confirming agreement with Can- adian Pacific Railway Co., re Aylmer Branch. (Schedule). 1899 Owned by CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO. 44 49 HULL MINES RAILWAY CO., incor- porated 1881 3 Edw. VII 131 HURON, ERIE AND BUFFALO RAIL- WAY CO., mcorpora ted 1903 indp:x to railways. 55 reign. chap. year 59 20 HURON AND ONTARIO RAILWAY CO.. incorporated 1896 3 Edw. VII 130 " Time for construction extended, authority to construct branch line ^ - 1903 4 Edw. VII 85 " To amend section 11 of chapter 20 of 59 Vic, re-issue of securities 1904 I 2 Edw. VII 64 INDIAN RIVER RAILWAY CO., in- corporated - — -- 1902 3 Edw. VII 57 (No. 622) Subsidy Act 1903 3 Edw. VII 21 INSOLVENT RAILWAY COMPANIES. jurisdiction of Exchequer Court respecting 1903 c'o^orv/AL- 31 3 INTERI^^^^SL RAILWAY, provis- ions in Union Act, sec. 145 1867 31 16 " Imperial Act, respecting loan for 1867 31 13 " Providing for construction of 1867 o. 31 68 " Application of Railway Act to X^tt- "^ 36 45 " Authority to change gauge and lay third rail 1873 37 15 " Transfer of construction of to Department of Public Works; sec. 3, 31 V. c. 13, repealed 1874 38 22 " Describing lines which shall constitute the Intercolonial Railway .-. 1875 39 16 " As to line from Richmond Sta- tion to Halifax.... 1876 40 46 " The Truro and Pictou Railway Transfer Act....... 1877 42 10 " Confirming rights of Halifax City Railroad Company under Acts of Nova Scotia 1879 42 11 " Authorizing purchase of Riviere du Loup Section from Grand Trunk Railway.. 1879 42 12 " Amending the Truro and Pictou Railway Transfer Act, 1877 1879 43 8 " Confirming agreement with Grand Trunk Railway for purchase of Riviere du Loup Section. 1880 56 RAILWAY LKGISLATIOX. Colonial IxTERPHtsros^Ft Railway — Continued. REIGN. CHAP. YEAR 44 25 " Consolidation of Acts respecting Government Railways 1881 45 16 " Transfer of Windsor Branch to Nova Scotia 1882 49 13 " Respecting extension from Stel- larton to Pictou 1886 54-55 50 " Describing works which con- stitute Intercolonial Railway 1891 62-63 5 " Confirming agreement with Grand Trunk Railway Co., of Canada, to secure extension of system to City of Montreal 1899 62-63 6 " Authorizing purchase of Drum- mond County Railway by Government of Canada 1899 3 Edw. YII 55 " Section 7 of Railway Labour Disputes Act, providing for settlement of differences with employees 1903 4 Edw. VII 4 " Act authorizing Government of Canada to purchase Canada Eastern Railway and to take possession of Fredericton & St. Mary's Railway Bridge 1904 4-5 Edw. VII 36 " Government railways to have running powers over Grand Trunk Railway between Mon- treal and Coteau and over Canada Atlantic Railway System. Tarififs and con- ditions to be determined by Board of Railway Commis- sioners 1905 45 14 (No. 4) Subsidy Act, Oxford to New Glasgow 1882 47 8 (No. 21) Subsidy Act, Oxford Station to Sydney or Louisburg, to provide for construction of. .. 1884 47 8 (No. 43) Subsidy Act, Derby Station to Indiantown 1884 3 Edw. VII 57 (No. 597) Subsidy Act, Amount in Esti- mates 1904 52 38 INTEREST, Allowance of under judg- ments of the Exchequer Court 1889 IXDKX TO irMLWAYS. 57 REIGN. CHAP. YEAR 32-33 65 INTERNATIONAL BRIDGE CO., (1857, Ch. 227), reviving powers granted by Provincial Char- ter; extending time for com- pletion; authority to amalga- mate with other companies 1869 35 63 " Agreement with Grand Trunk Railway .. 1872 42 63 " Authority to increase capital 1879 4-5 Edw. VII 108 INTERNATIONAL BRIDGE & TER- MINAL CO., incorporated. 1905 2 Edw. VII 43 INTERNATIONAL RAILWAY COM- PANY, Name of Buffalo Railway changed to 1902 40 59 INTERNATIONAL RAILWAY CO., name of St. Francis and Megantic International Rail- way changed to. ..._ 1877 44 40 " May acquire, amalgamate or sell or lease to other railways ; and as to stock, bonds, etc 1881 47 56 " Powers as to issue of bonds and security therefor 1884 46 25 (No. 10) Subsidy Act 1883 53 2 ( " 209) " revote unpaid bal- ance of No. 10 ...._ 1890 Leased to CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. INTERNATIONAL RAILWAY CO. OF NEW BRUNSWICK. (Let- ters Patent). 3 Edw. VII 57 (No. 558) Subsidy Act, in lieu of 384, 527 and 542 1903 3 Edw. VII 57 (No. 603) Subsidv Act, additional 1903 See RESTIGOUCHE & WESTERN RAILWAY. 58-59 49 INTERNATIONAL RADIAL RAIL- WAY CO., incorporated 1895 59 21 " Power to extend lines, and limi- tation of time for construction 1 896 61 66 " Time extended for commence- ment of railway 1898 35 72 INTER-OCEANIC RAILWAY CO., in- corporated. 1872 ^7 • . 4 Edw. VII 87 INTER-PROVINCIAL a BRIDGE CO. / OF NEW BRUNSWICK, in- corporated 1904 58 RAILWAY LEGISLATION. REIGN. CHAP. YEAR 53 92 INTER-PROVINCIAL BRIDGE CO., incorporated 1890 60-61 4 (No. 414) Subsidy Act, bridge from Hull to Ottawa 1897 63-64 8 (No. 492) Subsidy Act, Additional to- wards bridge 1900 See PONTIAC PACIFIC JUNCTION RAILWAY. See OTTAWA INTER-PROVINCIAL BRIDGE COMPANY. Owned by CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. 1 Edw. VII 66 INTERPROVINCIAL AND JAMES BAY RAILWAY COMPANY, in- corporated 1901 4-5 Edw. VII 109 " Time for construction and com- pletion extended 1905 3 Edw. VII 57 (No. 586) Subsidy Act... 1903 INTOXICATING LIQUOR, respecting sale of in the vicinit}' of pub- lic works, R. S. C^Sec. 13, Chap. 151, 1886. INVERNESS AND RICHMOND RAIL- WAY CO. (N.S..1887,Ch. 60) 53 2 (No 208) Subsid 55-56 5 251) 57-58 4 357) 60-61 4 400) 63-64 8 502) Edw. VII 7 523) in lieu of No. 208 1892 1894 in lieu of No. 357 1897 additional. 1900 in lieu of Nos. 400 and 502 1901 568) Subsidy Act, in lieu of No. 400 1903 See INVERNESS & RICHMOND RY. & COAL CO., LTD. See BOSTON AND NOVA SCOTIA COAL AND RAILWAY CO. See MABOU & GULF RAILWAY CO., LIMITED. 3 Edw. VII 57 ( 47 52 56 60-61 Edw. VII IRONDALE, BANCROFT AND OTTA- WA RAILWAY CO. (Ont.. 1880, Ch. 67). (No. 24 ) Subsidy Act 1884 ( " 159) " revote, unpaid bal- ance of No. 24 1889 ( " 301) Subsidy Act revote, unpaid bal- ance' of No. 159 1893 ( " 412) Subsidy Act in lieu of No. 301 1897 ( " 576) " extension to Ren- frew 1903 INDEX TO KAILWAYS. 59 REIGN. CMAI'. YEAR J JACQUES CARTIER UNION RAIL- WAY CO., (Que., 1880. Ch. 50). 47 8 (No. 34) Subsidy Act 1884 50-51 24 ( " 110) " 1887 56 2 ( " 313) " in lieu of No. 110 1893 Operated by GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. 58-59 50 JAMES' BAY RAILWAY CO., incor- porated...... 1895 60-61 47 " Power to extend line; general powers, and time limited for construction of railway 1897 62-63 71 " Time for construction extended 1899 2 Edw. VII 65 " Time for construction extended and limited 1902 4 Edw. VII 88 " Power to amalgamate with the Great Northern Railway of Canada; the Chateauguay and Northern; and the Irondale, Bancroft and Ottawa Rail- way Companies ; and time for construction extended..... 1904 4-5 Edw. VII 110 " Power to change name. Lines of railway authorized; issue of securities ; agreements with other companies authorized, and time for construction extended 1905 62-63 7 (No. 438) Subsidy Act 1899 2 Edw. VII 8 ( " 483) ' 1900 3 Edw. VII 57 ( " 583) " m lieu of 483 1903 JOGGINS RAILWAY CO. (N.S., 1883, Ch. 76). 49 10 (No. 76) Subsidy Act 1886 50-51 24 ( " 100) '' additional 1887 52 3 ( " 161) " 1889 57-58 4 ( " 334) " in lieu of No. 161 1894 3 Edw. VII 57 (• " 565) " in lieu of No. 334 1903 Now CANADA COALS AND RAILWAY CO. JOINT STOCK COMPANIES ACT, R. S.C.O., chap. 118, 1886. Incorporation by Letters Patent R.S.C., chap.' 119, 1886. 62-63 40 " Amended as to issue of prefer- ence stock 1889 2 Edw. VII 15 " Provisions for incorporation by Letters Patent ' 1902 60 RAILWAY LEGISJ>ATIOX. Joint Stock Companies Act — Continued. REIGN. CHAP. YEAR 4 Edw. VII 5 " Amending Act as respects con- tractors for railways, etc.. and as to borrowing on prom- issory notes _. 1904 3 Edw. VII 135 yOLIETTE AND LAKE MANUAN COLONIZATIOx\ R A I L- WAY COMPANY, incorpora- ted . 1903 4-5 Edw. VII 111 " Time for construction extended 1905 3 Edw. VII 57 (No. 552) Subsidy Act, revote _ 1903 TOLIETTE AND ST. JEAN DE MATHA RAILWAY CO., (Que., 1888, Ch. 91 and 102). 55-56 2 (No. 284) Subsidy Act . 1892 57-58 4 ( " 323) " in lieu of No. 284 1894 57-58 4 ( " 345) " additional 1894 See ST. GABRIEL DE BRANDON ET STE. EMELIE DE L'ENERGIE RAILWAY COMPANY. K 1 Edw. VII 67 KAMLOOPS AND ATLIN RAILWAY CO., incorporated 1901 60-61 48 KASLO AND LARDO-DUNCAN RAIL- WAY CO., incorporated 1897 63-64 61 " Time for construction extended 1900 4-5 Edw. VII 113 " Time for completion extended 1905 63-64 8 (No. 496) Subsidy Act 1900 1 Edw. VII 7 ( " 543) '' in lieu of 496 1901 See KOOTENAY & ARROWHEAD RAILWAY, Leased to CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. KENT NORTHERN RAILWAY CO.. (N.B.) 51 3 (No. 145) Subsidy Act, rail 1888 1 Edw. VII 68 KETTLE RIVER VALLEY RAILWAY CO., incorporated... 1901 3 Edw. VII 138 " May enter into agreement for sale or lease to other com- panies . 1903 4 Edw. VII 89 " Authority to construct addi- tional lines of railway; time for construction extended.. . 1904 3 Edw. VII 57 (No. 611) Subsidy Act.. 1903 INDEX TO ItAll.WAVS. 61 HKIGN. CHAl'. YEAR 50-51 83 KINCARDINE AND TEESWATER RAILWAY CO., incorporated 1 887 50-51 84 " Amended as to incorporators; description of line of railway 1887 51 7 7 " Extension of line authorized, and time for construction extended ; fixing capital stock 1888 4 Edw. VII 90 KINGSTON AND DOMINION CEN- TRAL RAILWAY CO. n- corporated 1904 4-5 Edw. VII 86 " Branch lines authorized, time for construction limited ; name changed to "The Dominion Central Railway Company" 1905 53 62 KINGSTON. NAPANEE AND WEST- ERN RAILWAY CO., name changed from NAPANEE, TAMWORTH AND QUE- BEC RAILWAY 1890 59 15 " Amalgamation with Bay of Quinte Railway and Naviga- tion Company 1896 55-56 5 (No. 256) Subsidy Act 1892 55-56 5 ( " 273) '' for extensions 1892 See BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY AND NAVIGATION CO. 34 49 KINGSTON AND PEMBROKE RAIL- WAY CO., incorporated 1871 42 61 " Authority to construct branch lines; and as to issue of first preference bonds 1879 46 64 " Capital may be increased, and certain branch lines built 1883 47 59 " Increase of power as to issue of bonds, and as to bonci issue in respect of branch lines 1884 52 77 " Agreement with Napanee, Tam- worth and Quebec Railway and the City of Kingston. . 1889 52 78 " Time for completion extended powers of expropriation not revived 1889 58-59 51 " Time for completion of railway and branches again extended 1895 61 67 " Time for completion extended; as to redemption of first preference bonds, and issue of new debentures. (Schedules A. & B. 1898 62 RAILWAY LEGISLATION Kingston and Pembroke Railway Co. — Continued. REIGN. CHAP. YEAR 2 Edw. VII 66 " Time for construction limited; bond issue 1902 3 Edw. VII 139 " Time for completion extended 1903 47 8 (No. 32) vSubsidy Act, .._^. ...._ 1884 62-63 7 ( " 464) '' additional _ 1899 63-64 8 ( " 485) " branch line 1900 1 Edw. VII 7 ( " 532) " additional 1901 Owned by CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. 54-55 66 KINGSTON AND PONTIAC RAILWAY CO., incorporated _ 1891 50-51 88 KINGSTON, SMITH'S FALLS AND OTTAWA RAILWAY CO., incorporated 1887 52 79 " As to issue of first and second preference bonds; limitation of time for construction.. 1889 54-55 95 " Time for construction extended ; power to increase issue of bonds 1891 59 22 " Time for construction again extended 1896 4-5 Edw. VII 114 " Powers of company continued: time for completion limited 1905 52 3 (No. 171) Subsidy Act 1889 53 2 ( " 198) " additional 1890 54-55 8 (" 239) " in lieu of 171 and 198 (annual) 1891 55-56 5 ( " 264) Subsidy Act, in lieu of above 1892 60-61 4 ( " 376) "■ in lieu of No. 264 1897 62-63 72 KLONDIKE MINES RAILWAY CO., incorporated 1899 TEdw. VII 69 " Time for construction extended 1901 3 Edw. VII 140 " , Time for commencement and 1^' ^ completion Imited 1903 3 Edw. VII 57 (No. 6l\j) Subsidy Act 1903 ] Edw. VII 70 KOOTENAY AND ARROWHEAD RAILWAY CO., incorporated 1901 1 Edw. VII 7 (No. 543) Subsidy Act 1901 4 Edw. VII 34 (" 636)) ^" in lieu of 543 1904 Leased to CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. 49 83 KOOTENAY AND ATHABASKA RAILWAY CO., incorporated 1886 52 49 " Repeal of 49 V. c. 83, and Com- pany again incorporated 1889 INDKX TO KAILWAYS. 63 REIGN. CHAP. YEAR 3 Edw VII 141 KOOTENAY, CARIBOO AND PACI- FIC RAILWAY CO., incor- porated -. 1903 4-5 Edw. VII 115 " Time for construction of railway extended. - - 1905 1 Edw. VII 71 KOOTENAY CENTRAL RAILWAY CO., incorporated 1901 3 Edw. VII 142 " Time for construction extended 1903 4 Edw. V I 91 Time for construction further extended. 1904 3 Edw. VII 57 (No. 610) Subsidy Act 1903 L 4-5 Edw VII 167 LA COMPAGNIE DU CHEMIN DE PER ELECTRIOUE DE TROIS-RIVIERES. ST. MAURICE, MASKINONGE ET CHAMPLAIN, incor- porated.... .- - 1905 52 55 LAC SEUL RAILWAY CO., incorporated 1889 53 4 (No. XX.) Subsidy Act, land 1890 45 83 LAKE ATHABASKA AND HUDSON BAY RAILWAY CO., in- corporated - 1882 61 68 LAKE BENNETT AND KLONDIKE RAILWAY AND TRAM- WAY CO., incorporated 1898 54-55 88 LAKE ERIE AND DETROIT RIVER RAILWAY CO., name changed from LAKE ERIE. ESSEX AND DETROIT RIVER RAILWAY. 1891 56 50 " Confirming agreement with Pro- vincial Company of same title 1893 57-58 76 " Confirming agreement with Lon- don and Port Stanley Rail- way and the City of London 1894 59 23 " Authorizing extension to Fort Erie; and limiting time for construction 1896 61 69 " Time extended for construction of Railway - 1898 62-63 67 " Authorizing' amalgamation of Erie and Huron Railway Company with 1899 63-64 62 " Time for construction extended 1900 64 RAILWAY LF.GISLATION. Lake Erie and Detroit River Railway Co. — Continued'. EEIGN. CHAP. TEAR 2 Edw. VII 69 " Agreements A. & B. with Erie and Huron Railway confirmed. Time for construction further extended .. 1902 3 Edw. VII 143 " Lines of railway authorized. . 1903 4 Edw. VII 92 " Time for construction extended 1904 53 2 (No. 196) Subsidy Act _.._ 1890 55-56 5 ( " 241 " in lieu of 196 1892 62-63 7 ( " 463) " additional 1899 48-49 21 LAKE ERIE, ESSEX AND DETROIT RIVER RAILWAY CO., incorporated 1885 49 10 (No. 69) Subsidy Act 1886 50-51 24 ( " 133) '' m lieu of No. 69 1887 See LAKE ERIE AND DETROIT RIVER RAILWAY. 52 57 LAKE MANITOBA RAILWAY AND CANAL CO., incorporated.. 1889 53 79 " Authorizing extension of line... 1890 55-56 41 " Re-incorporation of Company; general powers 1892 58-59 52 " Authorizing agreement with Manitoba and Northwestern Railway, and location and extension of railway _ 1895 58-59 8 " Authority to transfer half of annual subsidy of Winnipeg and Hudson Bay Railway Company to Company con- structing line described 1895 60-61 49 " Confirming agreement with Manitoba and Northwestern Railway Company. 1897' 61 70 " Authority to enter into an agreement to amalgamate with Manitoba and North- western, Winnipeg Great Northern, or Manitoba South-Eastern Railway Companies ' 1898 52 4 (No. XVI.) Suksidy Act, land 1889 53 4 ( " XXIII.) "" " 1890 Now CANADIAN NORTHERN RAILWAY. 57-58 77 LAKE MEGANTIC RAILWAY CO., incorporated 1894 49 77 " Division into sections; and time for construction extended.. . 1886 IXDKX TO ItAlLWAYS. ^5 Lake Mkgantic Railway Co.— Continued. REIGN. CHAP. . ^'^^^'^ 51 80 " Time for construction again extended .-.- 1888 52 81 " Conditions as to when construc- tion may begin ; name changed to Nipi'ssing and James' Bay Railway Company - 1889 63-64 63 LAKE SUPERIOR AND HUDSON'S BAY RAILWAY CO., in- corporated - 1900 45 84 LAKE SUPERIOR AND JAMES' BAY RAILWAY CO., incorporated 1882 LAKE SUPERIOR. LONG LAKE & ALBANY RAILWAY CO.. (Ont., 1902, Ch. 80). 32Edw. VII 57 (No. 620) Subsidy Act 1903. 35 76 LAKE SUPERIOR AND MANITOBA RAILWAY CO., incorpora- ted -- -.- -.-■ 1872 49 81 LAKE SUPERIOR MINERAL RAIL- WAY CO., incorporated 1886 35 79 LAKE SUPERIOR AND WINNIPEG RAILWAY CO., incorporated 1872 54-55 94 LAKE TEMISCAMINGUE COLONIZA- TION RAILWAY CO., authority to extend railway, and limiting time for com- pletion; power to enter into agreement with Canadian Pacific Railway 1891 48-49 59 (No. 55) Subsidy Act - - 1885 49 10 ( " 84) " for wharves, etc. 1886 50-51 24 ( " 119) " in lieu of Nos. 55 and 84 1887 50-51 24 (" 122) Subsidy Act, additional 1887 52 3 ( " 169) '' " . 1889 53 2 ( " 216) •' " ..- 1890 55-56 5 ( " 278) " in lieu of Nos. 169 and 216 1892 55-56 5 ( " 282) Subsidy Act, additional, and for bridge 1892 57-58 4 ( " 324) Subsidy Act, in lieu of Nos. 122 and 278.. 1894 Operated by CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. 66 RAIIAVAY LEGISLATION. REIGN. CHAP. YEAR 58-59 53 LANGENBURG AND SOUTHERN RAILWAY CO., incorporated 1895 60-61 50 " Time for construction extended ; power to enter into agreement with Lake Manitoba Railway and Canal Company 1897 L'ASSOMPTION RAILWAY CO. (Que.) 49 10 (No. 77) Subsidy Act 1886 LEAMINGTON AND ST. CLAIR RAILWAY CO. (Ont 1877, c. 72 and 88). 48-49 59 (No. 56) Subsidv Act . _ 1885 50-51 24 ( " 123) '' additional 1887 Amalgamated with CANADA SOUTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY. 4-5 Edw. VII 177 LEBONK AND THUNDER BAY RAILWAY CO., incorporated 1905 53 55 LINDSAY, BOBCAYGEON AND PON- TYPOOL RAILWAY CO., incorporated 1890 55-56 42 ' Charter revived and amended 1892 57-58 78 " Charter again revived and amended 1894 59 24 " Time for completion extended 1896 62-63 73 " Time for construction limited 1899 1 Edw. VII 72 " Extension of line authorized; power to enter into agreement for sale or lease of line.. .. 1901 53 2 (No. 197) Subsidv Act 1890 55-56 5 ( " 271) '' additional.... . 1892 57-58 4 ( " 372) " in lieu of Nos. 197 and 271.... 1894 62-63 7 ( " 425) Subsidy Act. in lieu of above.... 1899 3 Edw. VII 57 ( " 545) " in lieu of No. 425 1903 Leased to CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. 58-59 54 LINDSAY, HALIBURTON AND MAT- TAWA RAILWAY CO., incorporated... 1895 60-61 51 " Time for construction extended 1897 62-63 74 " Time for construction extended 1899 37 78 LOCHIEL, HAWKESBURY AND L'ORIGNAL JUNCTION RAILWAY CO., incorporated 1874 INDEX TO RAILWAYS. 67 REIGN. CHAr. ^'^'-^^ 61 71 LONDON AND LAKE HURON RAIL- WAY CO., incorporated 1898 51 72 " Power to erect telegraph and telephone lines - 1898 51 59 LONDON AND PORT STANLEY RAILWAY CO., confirming agreement with Grand Trunk Railway and Canada South- ern Railway... ...-- - 1888 55-56 43 " Defining rights of mortgage and bond holders ; representatives of London and St. Thomas eligible as directors; confirm- ing lease to Great Western Railway - - - 1892 56 51 " Agreement for lease of , to Cleve- land, Port Stanley and Lon- don Transportation and Rail- way Companv, confirmed bv 56 V. C. 44....' 1893 57-58 76 " Confirming agreement for lease to LAKE ERIE AND DE- TROIT RIVER RAILWAY CO - .- - 1894 3 Edw. VII 145 " Authorizing issue of bonds to City of London - 1903 4-5 Edw. VII 118 LONDON AND SAINT CLAIR RAIL- WAY CO., incorporated.. 1905 51 60 LONDON AND SOUTH-EASTERN RAILWAY CO., confirming agreement with CANADA SOUTHERN RAILWAY 1888 LOTBINIERE AND MEGANTIC RAIL- WAY CO. (Que. 1889, Ch. 89). 55-56 5 (No. 253) Subsidy Act..... 1892 57-58 5 ( " 338) " additional. 1894 M MABOU AND GULF RAILWAY CO. (N.S. 1902, Ch. 134). 3 Edw. VII 57 (No. 562) Subsidy Act.. 1903 3 Edw. VII 57 ( " 60S) " additional 1903 See INVERNESSfAND RICHMOND RAILWAY. 68 llAIl-WAY LK(il8LAT10N. REIGN. CHAP. YEAR 3 Edw. VII 147 MACLEOD, CARDSTON AND MON- TANA RAILWAY CO., in- corporated 1903 4-5 Edw. VII 119 " Time for construction extended 1905 MAGANETEWAN RIVER RAILWAY CO. (Ont. 1901. Ch. 83). 63-64 8 (No. 537) Subsidy Act 1901 MAINE CENTRAL RAILWAY, HEREFORD RAIL- WAY, operated by 1 Edw. VII 73 MANITOBA RAILWAY CO., Amalgama- tion of Northern Pacific and Manitoba Railway Co., the Winnipeg Transfer Railway Co.. (Limited), the Portage and North- Western Railway Co. and the Washada and North-Eastern Railway Co. under above name --. 1901 54-55 60 MANITOBA AND ASSINIBOIA GRAND JUNCTION RAILWAY CO.. incorporated 1891 55-56 44 " Power to extend line, and issue debenture stock 1892 3 Edw. VII 33 MANITOBA GRAIN ACT. 1900, Section 2 1 , respecting distribution of cars 1903 35 75 MANITOBA JUNCTION RAILWAY CO. incorporated 1872 2 Edw. VII 70 MANITOBA AND KEEWATIN RAIL- WAY CO., incorporated. _.. 1902 4 Edw. VII 93 " Time for construction extended 1904 46 68 MANITOBA AND NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY CO.. (N. W. T. 1892. No. 8), amending acts of Portage. Westbourne and North- Western Railway and name of changed 1883 47 69 " General powers; time for con- struction extended 1884 48-49 86 " As to issue of first and second mortgage bonds . 1885 49 7 5 " Power to issue mortgage bonds or debenture stock, denomin- ation and rank thereof 1886 50-51 79 " Power to construct branch line: issue of bonds ratified — . . 1887 iNDiox TO i;aii>\vavs. 69 Manitoba and North-Wks[i: kn Railway Co. ^Continued. REIGN. CHAP. YEAR 51 86 " Time for construction limited; as to issue of paid up stock 1888 53 78 " Limit of time for construction; power to issue debenture stock 1890 55-56 45 " Extending time for completion . 1892 56 52 " Consolidation and amendment of Acts. 1893 57-58 79 " Time for completion further extended 1894 60-61 49 " Confirming agreement with Lake Manitoba Railway and Canal Co. ' .— . 1897 2 Edw. VII 71 " Time for construction extended 1902 4 Edw. VII 94 " Power to construct or acquire branch lines; bond issue limi- ted, time for construction limited - 1904 48-49 60 (No. IV.) Subsidy Act, land 1885 49 11 ( " VI.) " " 1886 57-58 4 ( " 358) " in lieu of land grant 1894 Leased to CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. 60-61 52 MANITOBA AND PACIFIC RAILWAY CO., incorporated 1897 52 60 MANITOBA AND SOUTH-EASTERN RAILWAY CO. , incorporated 1 889 53 77 " Line of Railway described, and certain powers conferred as to water lots, elevators, etc 1890 55-56 46 " Time for construction of , limited 1892 56 53 " Time for construction extended 1893 58-59 55 " Time for construction further extended 1895 60-61 53 " Time limited for construction of ; may enter into agreement with another Company 1897 62-63 75 " Authorizing agreement with Canadian Northern or Ontario and Rainy River Railway Co's ;'amalgamation or pooling contract with Canadian Paci- fic Railwav p r o h i bi t e d . (Schedule)' 1899 53 4 (No. XXIV.) Subsidy Act, land 1890 See CANADIAN NORTHERN RAILWAY. , 70 RAILWAY LP:GISLATI0N. REIGN. CHAP. YEAR 42 66 MANITOBA SOUTH-WESTERN COL- ONIZATION RAILWAY CO., incorporated 1879 43 53 " Extension of railway authorized power to acquire lands and amalgamate with another Company 1880 50-51 80 " Time for completion extended.... 1887 48-49 60 (No. III.) Subsidy Act, land 1885 54-55 10 ( " XXVII.) " " 1891 54-55 10 ( " XXVIII.) " " 1891 Leased to CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. 63-64 64 MANITOULIN AND NORTH SHORE RAILWAY CO. (Ont.) in- corporated 1900 1 Edw. VII 74 Power to extend railway, and time for construction limited; may enter into agreement with other railways for sale or lease 1901 2 Edw. VII 72 Authorizing increase of bond issue 1902 3 Edw. VII 148 " Line of Railway described; time Edw. VII 120 for construction limited. 1903 4-5 Time for construction of certain lines extended; issue of bonds and mortgage in schedule con- firmed 1905 53 2 'No. 194) Subsidy Act 1890 55-56 57-58 5 4 " 270) ' " 343) in lieu of 194 1892 additional 1894 63-64 Edw. VII Edw. VII 8 7 57 ' " 481) " 529) ' " 578) " " 1900 1 .. 1901 3 Little Current to Sudbury 1903 49 79 MASKINONGE AND NIPISSING RAIL- WAY CO., incorporated.... 1886 51 82 " Time for construction extended 1888 52 3 (No. 170) Subsidy Act 1889 53 2 (" 217) " additional... 1890 56 2 ( " 311) " in lieu of Nos. 170 and 217 1893 50-51 94 MASSAWIPPI JUNCTION RAILWAY CO., incorporated 1887 52 84 " Extension authorized and time for construction extended 1889 INDEX TO RAILWAYS. 71 Massawippi Junction Railway Co. — Continued. REIGN. CHAP. YEAR 50-51 24 (No. 106) Subsidy Act 1887 51 3 (" 137) " inlieuof No. 106... 1888 52 3 ( " 180) " additional 1889 62-63 7 ( " 442) " " 1899 MATANE AND GASPE RAILWAY CO. (Que. 1902, Ch. 60). 3 Edw. VII 57 (No. 598) Subsidy Act 1903 49 86 MEDICINE HAT RAILWAY AND COAL CO., incorporated 1886 54-55 79 " Charter revived and amended.... 1891 57-58 80 " Time for construction extended 1894 60-61 54 " Time for construction further extended 1897 2 Edw. VII 75 " Time for completion extended.... 1902 50-51 22 (No. XII.) Subsidy Act, land... 1887 2 Edw. VII 74 MEDICINE HAT AND NORTHERN ALBERTA RAILWAY CO., incorporated 1902 3 Edw. VII 152 " Extensions avithorized and time extended 1903 4-5 Edw. VII 122 " Time for construction extended 1905 METABETCHOUAN PULP CO. (Que. 1903, Ch. 78). 3 Edw. VII 57 (No. 591) Subsidy Act 1903 57-58 81 METIS. MATANE AND GASPE RAIL- WAY CO., incorporated 1894 MICHIGAN CENTRAL RAILROAD. See CANADA SOUTHERN RAILWAY. " TORONTO. HAMILTON AND BUF- FALO RAILWAY. MIDDLETON AND VICTORIA BEACH RAILWAY CO. (N.S.) 63-64 8 (No. 503) SuKsidv Act 1900 3 Edw. VII 57 ( " 566) " ' 1903 50-51 65 MIDLAND RAILWAY COMPANY OF CANADA. (Ont. 1882, c. 67), time for construction of, extended 1887 55-56 47 " Time for construction further extended . 1892 Leased to GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. 72 KAILWAY LEGI3LATIOX. REIGN. CHAP. YEAR MIDLAND RAILWAY CO., Ltd. (N.S. 1896, Ch. 85). 62-63 7 (No. 421) Subsidy Act, in lieu of No. 336 1899 62-63 7 ( " 472) " bridge .._ 1899 3 Edw. VII 57 ( " 608) " Truro to Brule...... 1903 See STEWIACKE AND LANSDOWNE RAILWAY. Sold to DOMINION ATLANTIC RAILWAY. 3 Edw. VII 154 MIDWAY AND VERNON RAILWAY CO., (B. C. 1901, 3. 81), con- firming and extending corpo- n rate powers granted by British ^ Columbia Legislature 1903 3 Edw. VII 57 (No. 612) Subsidy Act 1903 61 73 MILES CANON AND LEWES RIVER TRAMWAY CO., incorpor- ated 1898 61 74 MILES CANON AND WHITE HORSE TRAMWAY CO., incorpor- ated. 1898 60-61 55 MINDEN AND MUSKOKA RAILWAY CO., incorporated 1897 MINUDIE BRANCH RAILWAY CO. (N.S.) 50-51 24 (No. 121) Subsidy Act 1887 MINUDIE COAL CO., Limited, (N.S. 1902 Ch. 140). 52 3 (No. 161) Subsidy Act 1899 57-58 4 (" 334) "' in lieu of 161 1894 3 Edw. VII 57 ( " 565) " " 334.... 1903 MONCTON AND BUCTOUCHE RAIL- WAY CO. (N.B.) 50-51 24 (No. 101) Subsidy Act 1887 53 75 MONCTON AND PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND RAILWAY AND FERRY CO., incorporated 1890 56 54 " Charter revived and amended.... 1893 57-58 82 " Time for commencement and completion extended 1894 4-5 Edw. VII 126 MONTEREY RAILWAY, LIGHT AND POWER CO., name changed from Monterey Electric and Gas Co., Limited. Powers of Company in Republic of Mexico 1905 INDKX TO KA1L^VA^S. 73 REIGN. CHAP. VEAR MONTFORT COLONIZATlOxN RAIL- WAY (Que. 1890. Ch. 107). 61 75 " Confirming incorporation by Province of Quebec ; limiting issue of bonds; name changed to MONTFORT AND GAT- INEAU COLONIZATION RAILWAY CO.. - 1898 63-64 65 " Extension of railway authorized ; bond issue limited 1900 55-56 5 (No. 245) Subsidy Act., _ 1892 56 2 (" 310) " inlieuof No. 245... 1893 57-58 4 ( " 373) " additional... 1894 60-61 4 (" 411) " additional 1897 63-64 8 ( " 506) " additional 1900 3 Edw. VII 57 (" 549) " in lieu of No. 506... 1903 3 Edw. VII 57 (" 585) " additional 1903 Sold to GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY. 54-55 68 MONTREAL AND ATLANTIC RAIL- *^' ' WAY CO., incorporated.... 1891 56 55 " As to liabilities of South-Eastern Railway 1893 57-58 4 (No. 355) Subsidy Act, bridge over Yam- aska River 1894 3 Edw. VII 57 (" 599) " to South Shore Ry. 1903 Formerly SOUTH-EASTERN RAILWAY and now part of CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. 53 93 MONTREAL BRIDGE CO., incorporated 1890 54-55 106 " As to height of bridge across St. Lawrence River; and limiting issue of bonds 1891 60-61 67 " Time for completion of bridge extended; and as to issue of bonds on property in Montreal 1 89 7 4-5^Edw. VII 127 " Agreement with Montreal, Lon- gueuil Bridge Co. confirmed. Name changed to " The Mon- trea Bridge and Terminal Co."..... 1905 4-5 Edw. VII 127 MONTREAL (THE)BRIDGE AND TER- MINAL RAILWAY CO., name of Montreal Bridge Co.. changed to... 1905 See ATLANTIC AND LAKE SUPERIOR RAILWAY CO. 45 72 MONTREAL AND CENTRAL CANADA RAILWAY CO.. incorporated 1882 RAILWAY LEGISLATION. CHAP. YEAR 36 87 MONTREAL, CHAMBLY AND SOREL RAILWAY CO., power to make agreements with other railway companies. 1873 38 70 ' Name changed to Montreal, Portland and Boston Railway Co 1875 NoM- MONTREAL AND PROVINCE LINE RAILWAY. 33 55 MONTREAL AND CHAMPLAIN JUNC- TION RAILWAY CO., in- corporated 1870 41 29 " Charter revived; time for con- struction limited 1878 42 59 Reviving powers under incorporation 1879 47 6 (No. 51) Subsidv Act 1885 50-51 24 ( " 125) " ' 1887 51 3 ( " 136) " 1888 55-56 5 (" 247) " in lieu of Nos. 125 and 136.... 1892 Operated by GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. 35 64 MONTREAL AND CHAMPLAIN RAIL- WAY CO., (2 Wm. IV., 58), Grand Trunk Railway may create mortgage and issue bonds thereon 1872 36 17 " Respecting sa e of, to Grand Trunk Railway, and redemp- tion of securities thereon. 1873 Owned by GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. 34 47 MONTREAL AND CITY OF OTTAWA JUNCTION RAILWAY CO. incorporated 1871 .41 28 " Time for completion extended; and may create preference shares 1878 42 57 " Amalgamation with COTEAU AND PROVINCE LINE RAILWAY AND BRIDGE CO 1879 Now CANADA ATLANTIC RAILWAY. 47 55 MONTREAL AND EUROPEAN SHORT LINE RAILWAY CO., name changed from GREAT AMERICAN AND EURO- PEAN SHORT LINE RAIL- WAY CO. 1884 INDEX TO RAILWAYS. 75 YEAR ■R'PTr'N CHAP. 51 63 MONTREAL ISLAND RAILWAY, in- corporated i«»»'* 57-58 83 MONTREAL ISLAND BELT LINE ^' RAILWAYCO. (1893,Ch. 70, Electric), confirming incor- poration by Legislature of the Province of Quebec. 1894 59 27 " Confirming agreement for sale of to Chateauguay and Northern Railway Co.; time for con- struction limited - 1896 51 79 " Confirming sale of to Chateau- guav and Northern Railway Co.; time extended for con- struction and completion .- 1898 AOA^ 76 " General powers granted; name ^^ changed to MONTREAL TERMINAL RAILWAY CO. 61 76 MONTREAL AND JAMES- BAY RAIL- WAY CO., incorporated — - 1896 55-56 48 MONTREAL AND LAKE MASKIN- ONGE RAILWAY CO. (1887, Ch. 68), declaring subject to legislative authority of Can- ada ; power to lease or sell to C.P.R -- 1S92 49 10 (No. 74) Subsidy Act ^.--.. 1886 53 2 ( " 212) " additional lo^^ Leased to CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. 3 Edw VII 156 MONTREAL-LONGUEUIL BRIDGE CO., incorporated 4 Edw VL 97 MONTREAL, NIPISSING AND GEOR- * ^^ GIAN BAY RAILWAY CO., incorporated - ^^^^ 36 82 MONTREAL NORTHERN COLONIZA- TION RAILWAY CO., power to extend line to connection with Canadian Pacific Rail- way, and to Sault Ste. Marie; also mav bridge Riviere des Prairies'. -. ^873 37 71 " Power to bridge Ottawa River, and as to issue of bonds there- for .. 1874 1903 76 RAILWAY LEGISLATION. Montreal Northern- Colonizatiox Railway Co. — ConHnued. REIGN. CHAP. YEAR 38 68 " First mortgage debentures may be issued; name changed to Montreal, Ottawa and West- ern Railway Co 1875 3 Edw. VII 57 (No. 602) Subsidy Act.__ 1903 Leased to CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. 53 58 MONTREAL AND OTTAWA RAIL- WAY CO., name of VAUD- REUIL AND PRESCOTT RAILWAY changed to 1890 54-55 96 " Time for completion limited 1891 57-58 85 " Time for construction extended 1894 59 25 " Time for construction again ex- tended 1896 63-64 66 " Time for construction further extended 1900 50-51 24 (No. 97) Subsidy Act 1887 53 2 ( " 186) " " additional 1890 54-55 8 ( " 237) " reyote, unpaid bal- ance of No. 97 1891 57-58 4 ( " 320) " reyote, unpaid bal- ance of 97 and 186 1894 Leased to CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. 38 68 MONTREAL, OTTAWA AND WEST- ERN RAILWAY CO., name of Montreal Northern Colon- ization Railway Co. changed to ^... 1875 46 62 " Extension of line authorized; name changed to MON- TREAL AND WESTERN RAILWAY 1883 57-58 84 MONTREAL PARK AND ISLAND RAILWAY CO., (Que 1893, Ch. 65), declaring subject to legislatiye authority of Can- ada ; as to capital stock and general corporate powers 1894 59 28 " Power to issue preference stock and bonds 1896 38 70 MONTREAL, PORTLAND AND BOS- TON RAILWAY CO., name of MONTREAL, CHAMBLY AND SOREL RAILWAY CO. changed to „ 1875 INDKX TO HA11.\\AVS. 77 MoNTRKAL. Portland and Bosiox Railway Co.— Continued. REKiN. CHAP YEAH 40 58 " Time for completion extended; application of Railway Act to 187 7 44 43 •' Power to construct branch Rail- way 1881 59 26 " Power to enter into agreement with another company ; au- thorizing issue of bonds; and confirming sale of, to MON- TREAL AND PROVINCE LINE RAILWAY CO 1896 59 26 MONTREAL AND PROVINCE LINE RAILWAY CO., incorporated 1896 61 77 •' Time extended for completion 1898 63-64 8 (No. 512) Subsidy Act. - 1900 1 Edw. VII 7 (" 518) " inlieuof5l2. 1901 Operated by CENTRAL VERMONT RAILWAY. 4-5 Edw VII 128 MONTREAL. QUEBEC AND SOUTH- ERN RAILWAY CO. in- corporated -.- - - 1905 MONTREAL AND SOREL RAILWAY CO. (Que, 1881, Ch. 35). 48-49 59 (No. 47 ) Subsidy Act 1885 53 2 ( " 210) " ' - - -- 1890 Now SOUTH SHORE RAILWAY of Quebec. 60-61 56 MONTREAL AND SOUTHERN COUN- TEIES RAILWAY CO., in- corporated - 1897 61 78 " Time for construction of exten- sion limited ; apportionment of bonds, and general powers 1898 2 Edw. VII 78 " Authorizing connection with other railways; time for coa- struction limited 1902 4-5 Edw. VII 129 " • Power to acquire another com- pany; capital increased; time for construction extended. 1905 2 Edw. VII 80 MONTREAL SUBWAY CO., incorpor- ated . . -- - — - 1902 62-63 76 MONTREAL TERMINAL RAILWAY CO., name of MONTREAL ISLAND BELT LINE chang- ed to -. 1899 4 Edw. VII 99 ■' Branch lines authorized 1904 78 RAILWAY LEGISLATION. 46 62 MONTREAL AND WESTERN RAIL- WAY CO., name changed from MONTREAL. OTTAWA AND WESTERN RAIL- WAY 1883 S3 67 " Confirming agreement with Canadian Pacific Railway for lease of 1890 55-56 49 " Time for construction extended 1892 46 25 (No. 12) Subsidy Act 1883 47 8 ( " 28) " additional 1884 49 10 ( " 78) " in lieu of No. 28.... 1886 53 2 (" 206) " inlieuof No. 78.... 1890 Leased to CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY 52 54 MOOSE JAW AND EDMONTON RAIL- WAY CO., incorporated 1889 4-5 Edw. VII 130 MOOSE JAW AND EDMONTON RAIL- WAY CO., incorporated 1905 63 64 67 MORRIS AND PORTAGE RAILWAY CO., incorporated... 1900 53 60 MOUNT FOREST, MARKDALE AND MEAFORD RAILWAY CO., incorporated 1890 • N 56 56 NAKUSP AND SLOCAN RAILWAY CO. incorporated 1893 61 80 " Authority to construct a line or railway from Three Forks to Whitewater, and to erect telegraph lines 1898 1 Edw. VII 75 " Time for construction extended 1901 57-58 4 (No. 362) Subsidy Act 1894 Leased to CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. 42 67 NAPANEE, TAMWORTH AND OUE- BEC RAILWAY CO. 7 in- corporated 1879 47 62 " Authorizing construction of branch lines, and issue of bonds 1884 49 68 " Time extended for completion.... 1886 52 77 " Confirming agreement with Kingston and Pembroke Rail- way Co 1889 46 25 (No. 13) 47 8 27) 48-49 59 57) 49 10 94) 50-51 24 107) 52 3 166) INDEX TO RAILWAYS. 79 Napanee, Tamworth an'd Qukbkc Railway Co. — Continued. REIGN. CHAP. \F..\R 53 62 " Name of, changed to Kingston, Napanee and Western Rail- way Co 1890 Subsidy Act 1883 1884 inlieuof No. 27-.-. 1885 m lieu of No. 57.... 1886 additional 1887 " . " 1889 See KINGSTON, NAPANEE AND WESTERN RAILWAY. 44 48 NAPIERVILLE JUNCTION RAILWAY AND QUARRY CO., in- corporated 1881 55-56 5 (No. 250) Subsidy Act - 1892 57-58 4 ( " 328) " in lieu of No. 250... 1894 3 Edw. VII 71 NATIONAL TRANSCONTINENTAL RAILWAY, respecting con- struction of. 1903 4 Edw. VII 24 " Amending 3 Edw. VII, Ch. 71, and confirming agreements with Grand Trunk Railway and Grand Trunk Pacific Rail- way -- - See GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY. 1904 62-63 39 NAVIGABLE WATERS, amending Ex- propriation Act of 1889, as to diversions of streams and highways 1899 37 75 NEPIGON AND MANITOBA RAIL- W^AY CO., incorporated 1874 56 57 NELSON AND FORT SHEPPARD RAILWAY CO., incorporated 1893 59 29 " Power to erect telegraph and telephone lines.. 1896 Operated by SPOKANE FALLS AND NORTH- ERN RAILWAY. 43 57 NELSON VALLEY RAILWAY AND TRANSPORTATION CO.. incorporated 1880 46 69 " Confirming amalgamation with WINNIPEG AND HUD- SON'S BAY RAILWAY CO. 1883 80 RAILWAY LEGISLATION. REIGN. CHAP. YEAR 2 Edw. VII 82 NEPIGON RAILWAY CO., incorporated 1902 3 Edw. VII 57 (No. 577) Subsidy Act ^ 1905 4 Edw. VII 34 (" 629) " in lieu of 577. 1904 37 76 NEUTRAL LINK RAILWAY CO., in- corporated 1874 44 42 NEW BRUNSWICK RAILWAY CO., (1870, Ch. 49), extension of line authorized ; may construct bridges over St. John River; general powers 1881 46 59 " Authorizing increase of capital ■ stock; confirming agreement with Canada Railroad Co . 1883 47 75 " Confirming lease of St. John and Maine Railway.--- 1884 50-51 76 " Further issue of bonds author- ized . 1887 53 71 '■ Authority to issue consolidated debenture stock, and provis- ions respecting obligations 1890 54-55 99 " Further as to issue of consoli- dated debenture stock 1891 54-55 74 " Confirming lease of , to Canadian Pacific Railway Co 1891 55-56 59 " Confirming modification of lease of St. John and Maine Rail- way, 47 V. c. 75 - -.- 1892 • Leased to CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. NEW BRUNSWICK COAL AND RAIL- WAY CO. (1901, Ch. 77). 1 Edw. VII 7 (No. 522) Subsidy Act 1901 See CENTRAL RAILWAY CO. of N.B. 52 85 NEW BRUNSWICK AND PRINCE ED- WARD ISLAND RAILWAY CO. (1874, Ch. 65), financial arrangement; issue of bonds; application af Railway Act to 1889 48-49 59 (No. 46) Subsidy Act -'- ---. 1885 NEW GLASGOW IRON, COAL AND RAILWAY CO. (N.S. 1888, Ch. 126). 55-56 5 (No. 268) Subsidy Act -- 1892 57-58 4 ( " 364) " . -.. -- 1894 Now NOVA SCOTIA STEEL CO. INDEX TO HAII.WAVS. 81 REIGN. CHAl'. YEAR 51 67 NEW YORK. ST. LAWRENCE AND OTTAWA RAILWAY CO., incorporated 1888 NEW YORK CENTRAL RAILROAD. See OTTAWA AND NEW YORK RAILWAY. ST. LAWRENCE AND ADIRONDACK RAILWAY. 50-51 96 NIAGARA FALLS BRIDGE CO.. in- corporated - 1887 38 72 NIAGARA FALLS INTERNATIONAL BRIDGE CO., confirming agreementwith the NIAGARA FALLS SUSPENSION BRIDGE CO. and the GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY CO.. 1875 38 72 NIAGARA FALLS SUSPENSION BRIDGE CO., confirming agreement with the NIAGARA FALLS INTERNATIONAL BRIDGE CO. and the GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY 1875 57-58 98 " Confirming agreement with Com- missioners of Queen Victoria Niagara Falls park and Nia- gara Falls Park and River Railway Co.; as to bonding and general powers _ . 1894 47 81 NIAGARA FRONTIER BRIDGE CO., incorporated 1884 49 89 " Time for construction extended 1886 37 77 NIAGARA GRAND ISLAND BRIDGE CO., incorporated. 1874 40 64 " Time for commencement and completion extended 1877 43 60 " Time for completion again ex- tended 1880 45 86 " Time for completion further ex- tended 1882 49 88 " Time for completion further ex- tended 1886 52 86 " Time for completion further ex- tended 1889 54-54 105 " Time for completion further ex- tended 1891 57-58 99 " Time for completion further ex- tended 1894 60-61 68 " Time for completion fxirther ex- tended 1897 63-64 108 " Time for completion extended. ... 1900 3 Edw. VII 161 " Time for construction extended 1903 82 RAILWAY I>EGISLATION. REIGN. CHAP. YEAR 58-59 61 NIAGARA, HAMILTON AND PACIFIC RAILWAY CO., name of ST. CATHARINES AND NIA- GARA CENTRAL RAIL- WAY CO. changed to... 1895 Now NIAGARA, ST. CATHARINES AND TORONTO RAILWAY. 45 88 NIAGARA PENINSULA BRIDGE CO., incorporated 1882 3 Edw. VII 162 NIAGARA, QUEENSTON AND ST. CATHARINES RAILWAY CO., incorporated 1903 62-63 77 NIAGARA, ST. CATHARINES AND TORONTO RAILWAY CO., incorporated 1899 1 Edw. VII 76 " Power to acquire other railways by agreement of lease or pur- chase 1901 2 Edw. VII 83 Power to acquire and guarantee securities of another company ; time for construction limited 1902 4-5 Edw. VII 132 " Time for construction of railway extended 1905 See NIAGARA, HAMILTON AND PACIFIC RAILWAY. 3 Edw. VII 164 NICOLA, KAMLOOPS AND SIMAL- KAMEEN COALAND RAIL- WAY CO. (1891, Ch. 47), con- firming incorporation by British Columbia Legislature 1903 4 Edw. VII 103 " Bond issue limited; power to enter into agreement with Canadian Pacific Railway, Kettle River Valley Railway, Vancouver,Victoria and East- ern Railway and Navigation Co. and Coast-Kootenav Rail- way Co... .- .' .. 1904 4-5 Edw. VII 134 " Declaring subject to legislative authority of Canada; describ- ing line of railway authorized, and limit of time for construc- tion ' 1905 3 Edw. VII 57 (No. 570) Subsidy Act 1903 Leased to CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. INDEX TO RAILWAYS. ^3 VKAR ''^'''''■55-56 'Tr NICOLA VALLEY RAILWAY CO., (1891 Ch. 59), confirming incorpora- tion by Legislature of British Columbia ; bond issue limited ; power to extend line of rail- way -- - - - 1892 55-56 5 (No. 252) Subsidy Act. ^ - 1892 57-58 4 (" 361) " additional.... 1894 57 81 NIPISSING AND JAMES' BAY RAIL- WAY CO., name of LAKE NIPISSING AND JAMES' BAY RAILWAY changed to 1889 err CA CI " Time limited for completion of 00-ju Ji IRQ? railway - ^"^"^ 59 30 " Consolidation of Acts; issue of bonds; power to enter into agreement with another com- pany - - 1896 .^ 53 78 " Time for construction limited... 1899 63-64 68 " Time for construction further extended - y^ om 3 Edw VII 165 " Time for construction extended 903 55-56 5 (No. 286) Subsidy Act. . _ -_ «^- 57-58 4 (" 337) ' m lieu of 286 -. 894 63-64 8 ( " 489) renewal l^uu Charter owned bv GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY CO. OF CANADA. 2 Edw. VII 84 NIPISSING AND OTTAWA RAILWAY ^^^^ 3 Edw. VII 166 NIPISSING AND PONTIAC RAILWAY CO., incorporated - iyw^' 53 70 NORTH CANADIAN ATLANTIC RAIL- ^^ ^^ WAY AND STEAMSHIP CO. incorporated — - 1890 55 58 " Charter revived and amended, and name changed to QLE- BEC AND LABRADOR RAILWAY AND STEAM- SHIP CO...... - 1893 34 45 NORTH GREY RAILWAY CO. (1870,-71 Ch. 3o), confirming agree- ments for lease to NORTH- ERN RAILWAY CO 187 1 33 52 NORTHERN COLONIZATION RAIL- W\Y CO., amalgamation with CANADA CENTRAL RAILWAY CO 1870 84 RAILWAY LKGISLATION. Rf^lGX. CHAP. - YEAR 35 66 NORTHERN EXTENSION RAILWAYS CO., lease of lines to Northern Railway Co 1872 38 65 " Amalgamation with NORTH- ERN RAILWAY CO. OF CANADA 1875 See GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY CO. 47 67 NORTHERN AND NORTH-WESTERN JUNCTION RAILWAY CO., line of railway described; ap- plication of Railway Act to, and power to issue additional bonds 1884 See GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY CO. 44 45 NORTHERN, NORTH-WESTERN AND ; SAULT STE. MARIE RAIL- WAY CO., incorporated. 1881 46 67 ■' Charter amended; time for con- struction extended; and name changed to NORTHERN AND PACIFIC JUNCTION RAILWAY CO 1883 See GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY CO. 46 67 NORTHERN AND PACIFIC JUNC- TION RAILWAY CO., name of Northern, North- Western and Sault Ste. Marie Railway Co. changed to..... 1883 49 76 " Provisions as to bond issue; agreement for lease of North- ern Railway and the Hamil- ton and North- Western Rail- way ; also agreement with Her Majesty - 1886 45 14 (No. 1) Subsidy Act." 1882 46 25 ( " 16) " additional 1883 52 3 ( " 160) " revote, unpaid bal- ances Nos. 1 and 16 1889 53 2 ( " 188) " revote, unpaid bal- ances Nos. 1 and 16 1890 Now part of GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM. iNDKX TO i;ailwavs. 86 ii:iGN. CHAP. YEAR 52 58 NORTHERN PACIFIC AND MANI- TOBA RAILWAY CO. (1889, Ch. 58), confirming Provin- cial incorporation; and as to issue of bonds 1889 62-63 79 " Time for construction extended ; authority to build branch lines 1899 I Edw. VII 53 " Power to lease railway to Canad- ian Northern Railway; Sche- dules A and B confirmed 1901 1 Edw. VII 73 " Authorizing amalgamation with Manitoba Railway Co., and powers defined 1901 1 Edw. VII 52 " Amalgamation with Canadian Northern Railway confirmed 1901 Now CANADIAN NORTHERN RAILWAY. 31 86 NORTHERN RAILWAY CO. OF CAN- ADA, (1859, Ch. 89), confirm- ing legislation of Province of Ontario respecting ; as to issue of bonds, and general powers 1868 34 45 " Power to make agreements to lease 1871 35 66 " Agreement with Northern Ex- tensions Railwa}' legalized and confirmed .-- 1872 38 23 " Lien of Dominion upon. 1875 38 65 " Capital re-arranged; and agree- ment with Northern Exten- sions Railway Co. confirmed.. 1875 39 6 " Amending 38 V. c. 23, lien of Dominion 1876 40 47 " Claim of Dominion upon, and application of moneys recei- ved - — - 1877 40 57 " Financial arrangement; and as to discharge of lien of Domin- ion upon -.-- 1877 41 26 " Confirming agreement with North Simcoe Railway Co; as to payment of interest to holders of debentures 1878 44 38 " Power to issue bonds, and pro- visions relating to same; agree- ments with Hamilton and North- Western Railway Co. (schedules) 1881 44 39 " As to construction of sec. 12, 40 V.c. 57 1881 8(5 P.AILWAY LEGISLATION. Northern Railway Co. of Canada — Continued. REIGN. CHAP. YEAR 46 56 " Power to issue perpetual deben- ture stock; and as to rank of stock or bonds - 1883 47 65 " As to agreement with Hamilton and North-Western Railway respecting payment of interest on bonds ; provision as to sub- sidy to Northern and Pacific Junction Railway --.- 1884 Now part of GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM. 53 74 NORTHERN AND WESTERN' RAIL- WAY CO. OF NEW BRUNS- WICK, (1872, Ch. 33), con- firming incorporation by Leg- islature of New Brunswick; authority to purchase Chat- ham Branch; as to issue of bonds, and name changed to "The Canada Eastern Rail- way Co 1890 46 25 (No. 11) Subsidy Act 1883 47 8 ( " 29) " in lieu of No. 11.... 1884 48-49 59 ( " 50) " additional 1885 48-49 59 ( " 61) " .- - 1885 49 10 ( " 67) " additional 1886 See CANADA EASTERN RAILWAY CO. 2 Edw. VII 85 NORTH SHORE POWER, RAILWAY AND NAVIGATION CO., in- corporated -- 1902 47 72 NORTH-WEST CENTRAL RAILWAY CO., name of Souris and Rocky Mountain Railway changed to ; time for completion extended ; and as to bond issue --.. 1884 49 74 " Time for construction again ex- tended ; liability for debts and claims - - - 1886 49 11 " Governor in Council authorized to grant land subsidy 1886 See GREAT NORTH-WEST CENTRAL RAILWAY. 3 Edw. VII 167 NORTH-WEST COAL AND COKE RAILWAY CO., incorporated 1903 4-5 Edw. VII 100 " Time for construction extended, and name changed to "The Great West Railway Co." 1905 INDEX TO RAILWAYS. 87 YEAR nmon. ™^''-^o,^tH-WESTERN RAILWAY CO OF MANITOBA, incorporated. . 1872 52 65 NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY CO. OF CANADA, name of ALBER- TA & ATHABASKA RAIL- WAY changed to; extension of line authorized 1 889 47 74 NORTH-WESTERN COAL AND NAVI- GATION CO., confirming in- corporation under Imperial Act ; general corporate powers granted ^884 5 3 89 " Extension of time for construc- tion authorized; and fixing time for completion 1890 48-49 60 (No. IL) Subsidy Act, land 1885 50-51 22 ( " IX.) '; ;; - - [f' 52 4 ( " XIII.) ,, \lll 53 4 ( " XXII.) - 1^9" See ALBERTA RAILWAY AND COAL CO. Operated by CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. 52 59 NORTH-WE^STERN^JUNmO>^^AJJ^D RAILWAY CO., incorporated 1889 31 87 NORTH-WEST NAVIGATION AND RAILWAY CO., time for completion of works extended 1 858 4g 90 XORTHUMBERLAND STRAITS TUN- NEL RAILWAY CO., m- corporated .-- - — - ^886 NORWOOD AND APSLEY RAILWAY CO. (Ont. 1901, Ch. 88). 1 Edw. VII 7 (No. 533) Subsidy Act - 1901 NOVA SCOTIA CENTRAL RAILW^AY CO. (1886, Ch. 17). 50-51 24 (No. 129) Subsidy Act - !»»' 51 3 ( " 135) .,, , 55 2 ( " 307) " revote, unpaid bal- ances 1893 1 Edw VII 77 NOVA SCOTIA EASTERN RAILWAY ^ ^^ CO., Limited; (1901, Ch. 130), declaring railway to be for the general advantage of Canada 1901 88 RAILWAY LFXUSLATIOX. Nova Scotia Eastern Railway Co. — Continued. REIGN. CHAP. YEAR 1 Edw. VII 7 (xNo. 516) Subsidy Act 1901 1 Edw. VII 7 ( " 519) " _ 1901 3 Edw. VII 57 ( " 563) " 1903 3 Edw. VII 57 (" 607) " 1903 NOVA SCOTIA SOUTHERN RAILWAY CO. (1894, Ch. 76). 53 2 (No. 207) Subsidy Act _..... 1890 55-56 5 (" 272) "' in lieu of No. 207... 1892 62-63 7 ( " 431) " 1899 62-63 7 ( " 432) " ,._... 1899 O ONTARIO, BELMONT AND NORTH- ERN RAILWAY CO. (1891, Ch. 9). 55-56 5 (No. 246) Subsidy Act._.-_ 1892 56 2 (" 298) '• ' in lieu of no. 246 1893 62-63 7 ( " 460) " additional 1899 Operated by CENTRAL ONTARIO RAILWAY CO. 1 Edw. VII 78 ONTARIO. HUDSON'S BAY AND WESTERN RAILWAYS CO. (1899, Ch. 101), confirming incorporation by Legislature of Ontario, and defining powers 1901 4-5 Edw. VII 138 " Time for construction extended 1905 52 61 ONTARIO, MANITOBA AND WEST- ERN RAILWAY CO., incor- porated 1889 54-55 67 ONTARIO AND NEW YORK BRIDGE CO.. incorporated 1891 4-5 Edw VII 161 ONTARIO (THE) NORTHERN AND TIMAGIMI RAILWAY CO., name of Timagimi Railway Co. changed to 1905 45 78 ONTARIO PACIFIC RAILWAY CO., in- corporated 1882 46 66 " Powers of Navigation granted; bridges may be built over Rideau Canal... 1883 47 57 " Railway bridge over St. Law- rence River may be con- structed for general traffic 1884 IXDKX TO RAIIAVAYS. »« OxTARK) PaciI'IC RAILWAY Co. — Continued. REIGN. CHAP. ''■r^'^^^ 48-49 19 " Time for construction extended ; authority to sell branch lines 1885 50-51 58 " Time for construction again ex- tended 1887 53 57 " Authority to convert bond issue ; and as' to time for completion 1890 55-56 52 " Time for construction again ex- tended - 1892 60-61 57 " May cancel trust deed; time for construction again extended; name changed to Ottawa and New York Railway.. - 1897 47 8 (No. 31) Subsidy Act... '...... 1884 50-51 24 (" 115) " additional 1887 52 3 ( " 150) " - 1889 55-56 5 ( " 288) " m lieu of No. 150 1892 Now OTTAWA AND NEW YORK RAILWAY CO. 37 74 ONTARIO AND PACIFIC JUNCTION RAILWAY CO., incorporated 1874 42 58 " Limiting time for commence- ment and completion 1879 43 51 " Provision for sinking fund; and as to issue of preferential stock 1880 44 41 " As to running powers over other railways, and interchange of traffic with. - 1881 34 48 ONTARIO AND QUEBEC RAILWAY CO., incorporated 1871 44 44 " Incorporated and re-organized.- 1881 46 58 " Junction with Credit Valley Railway authorized: traffic arrangements and running powers; may issue debenture stock instead of bonds .-.. 1883 47 54 " Confirming lease of, to Canadian Pacific Railway 1884 47 61 " As to issue of debenture stock; time for completion extended ; confirming agreements with Toronto, Grey and Bruce, Atlantic and North- West, Canadian Pacific, and Credit Valley Railway Companies.... 1884 50-51 62 " Authority to lease part of West Ontario Pacific Railway 1887 90 RAILWAY LEGISLATION. Ontario and Quebec Railway Co. — Continued. REIGN. CHAP. YEAR 51 53 " Authority to build Don Branch, and time for construction extended 1888 52 74 " Exchange of Land with Land Security Company ratified 1889 53 2 (No. 189) Subsidy Act (West Ontario Pacific Railway) 1890 Leased to CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. 54-55 82 ONTARIO AND RAINY RIVER RAILWAY CO., (Ont. 1886, Ch. 7 5), declaringCJegis^^^^^^c^ ^ lative authority of Cana- "^^ f da ; may issue debentures ; and confirming agreements with Port Arthur, Duluth and Western Railway... 1891 61 81 " Time for completion exended and limited; and line of rail- way described 1898 62-63 80 " Power to acquire Port Arthur, Duluth & Western Railway, and to enter into agreement for amalgamation with Can- adian Northern, but prohibit- ing amalgamation with C. P. Railway 1899 63-64 69 " Time for completion of portion of line extended 1900 60-61 4 (No. 390) Subsidy Act 1897 62-63 7 ( " 433) " in lieu of No. 390 1899 62-63 7 ( " 444) " additional 1899 62-63 7 ( " 466) " " 1899 See PORT ARTHUR, DULUTH AND WESTERN RAILWAY. Now part of the CANADIAN NORTHERN RAILWAY CO. 50-51 61 ONTARIO AND SAULT STE. MARIE RAILWAY CO., (1881, Ch. 68), confirming agreement with Canadian Pacific Rail- way as to right of way; limiting time for completion; and as to bridge over Ste. Marie River.. 1887 INDEX TO RAILWAYS. 91- , YEAR TeL VII %9 ORFORD MOUNTAIN RAILWAY CO., (1888, Ch. 98), confirm- ing incorporation by Legis- lature of Quebec, and defin- ing powers as to bond issue or lease or sale to another rail- way company 1901 9 Edw VII 87 " Time for construction extended 1902 53 2 (No. 228) Subsidy Act -^. -, -- }^^J 62-63 7 ( " 428) " additional 189^ 3 Edw. VII 57 ( " 594) 1903 S4-55 91 OSHAWA RAILWAY CO., name of ^ OSHAWA RAILWAY AND NAVIGATION CO changed to... - 1891 58-59 56 " Authority to issue bonds and classification thereof; By-law of Twp. of East Whitby confirmed; time for con- struction limited - 1895 63.64 70 " Powers enlarged, and time for completion extended i^JU 54-55 8 (No. 233) Subsidy Act --.^ ^__ 1891 56 8 ( " 314) " inheuofNo. 233 1893 50-51 92 OSHAWA RAILWAY AND NAVIGA- , TION CO., incorporated 188/ 50-51 24 (No. 112) Subsidy Act 1887 See OSHAWA RAILWAY CO. S4-55 93 OTTAWA, ARNPRIOR AND PARRY ^^'^ 9. uii Qou^Y) RAILWAY CO., (1888, Ch. 71), amalgamation with Ottawa and Parry Sound Railway, and Ottawa, Arn- prior and Renfrew Railway under above name 1891 58_59 57 " Time for completion extended 1895 60 8 " Amalgamation with Parry Sound Colonization Railway, and agreement with, con- firmed; general powers con- ferred 1896 62-63 81 " Amalgamation with Canada Atlantic Railway authorized and confirmed, (Schedule) ... 1899 92 K A I L WA^' L EG ISLATIOX . Ottawa, Arxprior axd Parry Sound Railway Co. — Continued. REIGN. 49 51 52 53 55-56 55-56 55-56 60-61 CHAP 10 3 3 2 5 5 5 4 No. 71) Subsidy Act 1886 134) 153) 199) 242) 276) 277) 388) in lieu of No. additional 71 i: ..... l; in lieu of No. 199 in lieu of No. 153 Now CANADA ATLANTIC RAILWAY. 1890 1892 1892 1892 additional 1897 45 74 OTTAWA AND ARNPRIOR JUNC- TION RAILWAY CO., incorporated 1882 58-59 58 OTTAWA AND AYLMER RAILWAY BRIDGE CO., incorporated 1895 63-64 71 OTTAWA, BROCKVILLE AND ST. LAWRENCE RAILWAY CO., incorporated. 1900 Time for construction extended 1902 Time for construction further extended. 1904 2 Edw. VII 88 4 Edw. VII 109 55-56 53 OTTAWA CITY PASSENGER RAIL- WAY CO., authority to ex- tend railway into Province of Quebec, to use Union Bridge; and to convey or lease to other companies 1892 57-58 86 OTTAWA ELECTRIC RAILWAY CO., confirming agreement with Ottawa City Passenger Rail- way Company and Citv of Ottawa ..^. ' 1894 Extension of railway authorized and authority to run cars on Sundays ...'. 1899 Authority to borrow money and issue bonds ' 1903 62-63 82 3 Edw. VII 171 57-58 87 OTTAWA AND GATINEAU RAIL- WAY CO., name of Ottawa and Gatineau Valley Railway changed to 1 1 1894 60-61 58 " Time for completion of railway extended .'. 1897 62-63 83 " Time for construction extended 1899 INDKX TO UAll.WAYS. 93 Ottawa and GA'uxEAr Railway Co.— Continued. KKIGN. CHAP. ^'■•^'^ 1 Edw VII 80 ■' Name changed to Ottawa. .Nor- thern and Western Railway Co., and authorizing sale of line of railway 1901 60-61 4 (No. 379) Subsidy Act. in lieu of No. 349 1897 60-61 4 ( " 409) ■' unpaid balance of ^ No. 305 1897 62-63 7 ( •' 453) " additional - 1899 1 Edw VII 7 ( " 526)Subsidy Act. in lieu of No. 379 1901 1 Edw. VII 7 (Sec. 3) " bal. Hull to Desert 1901 See OTTAWA, NORTHERN & WESTERN RAILWAY CO. 50-Sl 74 OTTAWA AND GATINEAU VALLEY RAILWAY CO., (1871, Ch. 26), confirming incorporation by Quebec Legislature; limit of time for construction 1887 57.58 87 " Consolidation of Acts; name changed to Ottawa and Gat- ineau Railway ; agreement with Pontiac. Pacific Railway as to construction of bridge from Hull to Ottawa con- firmed --- -- 1894 46 25 (No. 8) Subsidy Act 1883 47 8 ( " 26) " additional 1884 48-49 59 ( " 58) " in lieu of Nos. 8 and 26 1885 52 3 (" 151) Subsidy Act ..... - 1889 56 1 ( " 305) " reyote, unpaid balance of No. 151 ... . 1893 57-58 4 ( " 349) Subsidy Act 1894 See OTTAWA AND GATINEAU RAILWAY. 61 11^ O T T A W A INTER-PROVINCIAL BRIDGE CO.. incorporated 1898 60-61 4 (No. 414) Subsidy Act. bridge Hull to Ottawa - 189/ 63-64 8 ( " 492) Subsidy Act, additional to bridge 1900 Sec INTER-PROVINCIAL BRIDGE CO. 53 66 OTTAWA. MORRISBL'R(i AND NEW YORK RAILWAY CO.. incorporated 1890 53 2 (No. 191) Subsidy Act 1890 94 RAILWAY LEGISLATION. REIGN. CHAP. yp^j^ 60-61 57 OTTAWA AND NEW YORK RAIL- WAY CO., name of ONT- ARIO PACIFIC RAILWAY CO. changed to 1897 61 82 " Head office to be in Ottawa; annual meetings 1898 4-5 Edw. VII 141 " As to qualification of directors 1905 60-61 4 (No. 375) Subsidy Act, in lieu of 288 1897 63-64 8 ( " 490) " towards bridge. .. 1900 Sold to NEW YORK CENTRAL RAILROAD. 1 Edw. VII 81 OTTAWA, NORTHERN AND WEST- ERN RAILWAY CO., name of Ottawa and Gatineau Rail- way Co. changed to 1901 2 Edw. VII 89 " Powers as to purchase of secur- ities; authority to sell or lease to other companies 1902 3 Edw. VII 173 " Time for construction extended 1903 4 Edw. VII 111 " Time for construction and com- pletion of branches extended 1904 4-5 Edw. VII 142 " Time for construction of Rail- way extended 1905 62-63 7 (No. 426) Subsidy Act, Aylmer to Hull 1899 1 Edw. VII 7 ( " 526) " 1901 1 Edw. VII 7 (Sec. 3) " unearned balance 1901 3 Edw. VII 57 (No. 557) " in lieu of 426 and 453 1903 Sold to CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. 51 65 OTTAWA AND PARRY SOUND RAILWAY CO. , incorporated 1888 54-55 93 " Name changed to OTTAWA ARNPRIOR AND PARRY SOUND RAILWAY CO. 1891 42 56 OTTAWA RIVER, railway bridge Hull to Ottawa. 1879 3 Edw. VII 172 OTTAWA RIVER RAILWAY CO., incorporated... 1903 4 Edw. VII 112 " Authorizing extension of rail- way and agreements with other companies, and increase of bond issue... 1904 INDEX TO RAILWAYS. 95 Ottawa River Railway Co. — Continued. REIGN. CHAP. YEAR 4-5 Edw. VII 79 " Lines of railway described ; time for construction of railways of companies acquired or amalgamated with extended; deposit of security for con- struction. Authority to change name to "The Cen- tral Railway Company of Canada" .' ' 1905 3 '.Edw. VII 57 (No. 553) Subsidy Act 1903 4 Edw. VII 34 (" 634) " in lieu of 602 1904 4_Edw. VII 34 ( " 635) " in lieu of 553 1904 55-56 54 OTTAWA VALLEY RAILWAY CO., incorporated 1892 49 10 (No. 79) Subsidy Act 1886 See ATLANTIC AND LAKE SUPERIOR. 34 46 OTTAWA, VAUDREUIL AND MON- TREAL RAILWAY CO., defining and confirming rights granted by Provincial Legis- lature; time for construction extended, and name changed from VAUDREUIL RAIL- WAY CO 1871 45 77 OTTAWA, WADDINGTON AND NEW YORK RAILWAY AND BRIDGE CO., incorporated 1882 47 58 " Power to issue bonds and pre- ference stock; time for com- mencement and completion limited 1884 55-56 55 " Charter revived, and time for construction extended 1892 48-49 59 (No. 45) Subsidy Act 1885 53 61 OWEN SOUND AND LAKE HURON RAILWAY CO., incorporated 1890 4-5lEdw. VII 144 OWEN SOUND & MEAFORD RAIL- WAY CO., incorporated 1905 P 35 89 PACIFIC JUNCTION BRIDGE CO., incorporated 1872 2 Edw .VII 90 PACIFIC NORTHERN AND OMINECA RAILWAY CO., incorporated 1902 4 Edw. VII 114 " Time for construction extended 1904 96 T^AILWAY LEGISLATION. KEIGN. CHAP. YEAR 46 73 PACIFIC AND PEACE RIVER RAIL- WAY CO., incorporated 1883 3 7 2 PACIFIC RAILWAY AND CANAL LOAN ACT 1874 35 71 PACIFIC RAILWAY, THE CANA- DIAN (Repealed Act) 1872 PARRY SOUND COLONIZATION RAILWAY CO. (1885, Ch. 78). 49 10 (No. 7 1 ) Subsidy Act 1886 52 3 ( " 153) '■' additional.. 1889 56 2 ( " 312) " revote, balance of No. 153... 1893 57-58 4 ( " 342) Subsidy Act 1894 See OTTAWA, ARNPRIOR AND PARRY SOUND RAILWAY. PASSENGER TICKETS, See RAILWAY PASSENGER TICKETS. PEMBROKE SOUTHERN RAILWAY CO. (Ont., 1893, Ch. 96) 60-61 4 (No. 389) Subsidy Act 1897 3 Edw. VII 175 PERE MAROUETTE INTERNATION- AL BRIDGE CO., incor- porated 1903 54-55 63 PETERBOROUGH, SUDBURY AND SAULT STE. MARIE RAIL- WAY CO., incorporated 1891 54-55 63 PHILLIPSBURG JUNCTION RAIL- WAY AND QUARRY CO., (Que., 1888, Ch. 107). 55-56 5 (No. 255) Subsidy Act 1892 57-58 4 ( " 322) " revote, unpaid balance of No. 255 1894 60-61 4 ( " 392) Subsidy Act, in lieu of No. 392 1899 4 Edw. VII 116 PONTIAC AND INTER-PROVINCIAL RAILWAY CO., incorporated 1904 PONTIAC AND KINGSTON RAIL- WAY CO. (Que. and Ont.) 57-58 4 (No. 363) Subsidy Act 1894 57-58 88 PONTIAC AND OTTAWA RAILWAY CO., incorporated 1894 57-58 4 (No. 348) Subsidy Act. ,- 1894 IJAII.WAVS. 97 iiEiriN. 43 CUAV 55 45 69 50-51 73 47 51 53 55-56 57-58 57-58 57-58 60-61 60-61 82 68 53 69 55-56 56 59 31 62-63 84 63-64 72 PONTIAC PACIFIC JUNCTlOiN RAIL- WAY CO., incorporated " Authority to construct bridge over Ottawa River and pro- visions respecting; time for construction of railway ex- tended,... Powers as to construction of bridge across Ottawa River; may mortgage to secure bonds; may agree with Can- adian Pacific Railway for purchase of Aylmer Branch Time for completion extended Extending time for construction of bridge over Ottawa River: as to issue of bonds; and division of railway into sec- tions Authority to purchase Aylmer Branch confirmed Extending time for construction of bridge over Ottawa River and railway line Time extended for construction of bridges across Ottawa Riv- er; as to issue of bonds, and agreement with other companies Authorizing extensions of rail- wa}-, and time for construc- tion limited; time for con- structing bridges extended Lineof railway described. Bond issue ; and time for completion extended (No. 25) Subsidy Act 138) 211) 294) towards bridges.... additional revote, unpaid bal- ance of No. 25.... 329) Subsidy Act, in lieu of No. 138 330) '• in lieu of No. 211 331) " revote, unpaid bal- ance of No. 25 385) " in lieu of No. 211.. 408) " re v.ote. unpaid bal- ance of No. 331 Yf:AR 1880 1882 1887 1889 1890 1890 1892 1896 1899 1900 1884 1888 1890 1892 1894 1894 1894 1897 1897 98 RAILWAY LEGISLATION. PoNTiAC Pacific Junction Railway Co. — Continued. REIGN. CHAP. YEAR 62-63 7 ( " 426) Subsidy Act, in lieu of No. 385 1899 63-64 8 (" 492) " ' Bridge Hull to Ot- tawa 1900 1 Edw. VII 7 ( " 528) " in lieu of No. 385 1901 Sold to CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. 51 66 PONTIAC AND RENFREW RAIL- WAY CO., incorporated 1888 52 3 (No. 163) Subsidy Act .- ...- 1889 PORTAGE DU FORT AND BRISTOL BRANCH RAILWAY CO. (Que., 1888, Ch. 101). 60-61 4 (No. 396) Subsidy Act .-- 1897 62-63 7 ( " 427) " in lieu of No. 396 1899 1 Edw. VII 53 PORTAGE AND NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY CO., (1899, Chs. 51 and 52), agreement with Canadian Northern Railway Company confirmed 1901 1 Edw. VII 73 " Authorizing amalgamation with Manitoba Railwa}' Company 1901 Leased to CANADIAN NORTHERN RAILWAY. 45 80 PORTAGE, WESTBOURNE AND NORTH-WESTERN RAIL- WAY CO.. confirming incor- poration by Manitoba Act; extension of railway author- ized; may issue bonds and preference stock 1882 46 68 " Amending corporate powers, and change of name to Mani- toba and North-Western Rail- way Company of Canada 1883 See MANITOBA AND NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY. 51 84 PORT ARTHUR, DULUTH AND WESTERN RAILWAY CO., (Ont. 1883, Ch. 56), incorpora- tion and powers of Company.. 1888 53 76 " Time for completion extended; authority to construct branch lines ...; 1890 56 59 " Power to enter into arrange- ments with other companies in Canada or United States 1893 INDEX TO RAILWAYS. 99 Port Arthur, Duluth amd Wkstkrx Railway Co. — Continued. REIGN. t'HAP. YEAR 1 Edw. Vll 52 " An amalgamation with Canadian Northern Railway confirmed 1901 48-49 59 (No. 52) Subsidy Act ..- 1885 49 10 ( " 70) '' additional 1886 51 3 ( " 139) " in lieu of Nos. 52 and 70 1888 53 2 (" 195) Subsidy Act, additional 1890 55-56 5 ( " 291) '' revote, unpaid balance of No. 139.... 1892 Formerly THUNDER BAY COLONIZATION RAILWAY. See ONTARIO AND RAINY RIVER RAILWAY CO. Now part of CANADIAN NORTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM. 63-64 73 PORT DOVER, BRANTFORD, BER- LIN AND GODERICH RAILWAY CO. , incorporated 1 900 2 Edw. VII 91 " Name changed to "THE GRAND VALLEY RAIL- WAY CO., and time for con- struction extended 1902 50-51 82 PRESCOTT COUNTY RAILWAY CO., incorporated 1887 52 80 " Power to construct bridge across Ottawa River; as to bond is- sue; name changed to THE CENTRAL COUNTIES RAILWAY CO . 1889 Operated by CANADA ATLANTIC RAILWAY. PRESERVATION OF PEACE, Act respecting, in the vicinity of public works, R. S. C. Chap. 151, 1886... 41 3 PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND RAIL- WAY, Act 1869 (Railway Act) and amendments extended to. 1878 63-64 7 " Agreement with P.E.I. Govern- ment for construction of Branch Railway from Char- lottetown to Murray Harbour 1900 3 Edw. VII 55 " Section 7 of Railway Labour Disputes Act, providing for settlement of differences with employees 1903 100 KAILWAY ].K(USLATION. KEIGN. CHAP. ■ YEAR Q 46 72 OU 'APPELLE, LONG LAKE AND SAS- KATCHEWAN RAILWAY AND STEAMBOAT CO., incorporated 1883 53 82 " Confirming lease of, to Canadian Pacific Railway, with Sched- ules A and B..' 1890 55-56 57 " Time for completion of work extended 1892 48-49 60 (No. V.) Subsidy Act, land 1885 50-51 23 ( " XL) '' " - 1887 52 5 ( " 185) " $80,000 annually for 20 years 1889 Leased to CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. 50-51 98 QUEBEC BRIDGE CO., incorporated 1887 54-55 107 " Charter reviyed and amended... 1891 60-61 69 " Charter again revived and amended 1897 63-64all5 " Arrangements with other com- panies authorized, and time for completion extended 1900 5 Edw. VII 54 " Name of changed to "THE QUEBEC BRIDGE AND RAILWAY CO.; confirming or^^, V/f /yy "^^ agreement respecting ad- ' ditional aid to complete. . . 190,'3 62-63 7 (No. 467) Subsidy Act, bridge... 1899 QUEBEC CENTRAL RAILWAY CO., (1896, Ch. 57). 47 8 (No. 22) Subsidy Act 1884 51 3 ( " 142) '' in lieu of No. 22 1888 53 2 ( •' 219) " in lieu of No. 142 1890 57-58 4 ( " 321) " in lieu of No. 219 1894 3 Edw. VII 57 ( " 590) " extensions. 1903 35 81 QUEBEC FRONTIER RAILWAY CO., incorporated .... 1872 3 7 70 " Qualification of directors; au- thority to issue bonds. 1874 QUEBEC GOVERNMENT, subsidies to. 47 8 " Subsidy for railway from Que- bec to Ottawa ' 1884 54-55 11 " As to agreement with Canadian Pacific Railway for comple- tion of North vShore Railway 1891 57-58 5 " Subsidies granted by 47 V. c. 8. may 1)C paid to Quebec Gov- crnmcnt. 1894 INDEX Id KAIl.WAVS. 101 REIGN. CHAl'. YEAR 62-63 35 QUP:BEC HARBOUR COMMISSION- ERS, confirming agree- ment with Great Northern Railway Co. for guarantee of interest on Company's bonds 1899 63-64 116 " Modification of agreement with Great Northern Railway ratified and confirmed 1900 46 70 QUEBEC AND JAMES' BAY RAIL- WAY* CO., incorporated 1883 50-51 70 " Charter revived and amended 1887 56 58 QUEBEC AND LABRADOR RAIL- WAY AND STEAMSHIP CO., name of North-Cana- dian Atlantic Railway and Steamship Companv changed to :.-- -— 1893 38 69 QUEBEC AND LAKE HURON DIR- ECT RAILWAY CO., in- corporated ----- 1875 63-64 74 QUEBEC AND LAKE HURON RAIL- WAY CO., incorporated 1900 2 Edw. VII 93 " Time for construction extended 1902 4 Edw. VIT 117 " Time for construction further extended 1904 QUEBEC AND LAKE ST. JOHN RAILWAY CO.. (1869, Chs. 52 and 53). 45 14 (No. 2) Subsidv Act - 1882 46 25 ( " 14) '■ -- 1883 48-49 59 ( " 49) " 1885 49 10 ( " 82) " additional - 1886 50-51 24 ( " 113) " Chicoutimi exten- sion 1887 50-51 24 (" 126) Subsidv Act, additional 1887 51 3 (" 140) '' tran.sferof No. 113 1888 52 3 (" 177) " additional 1889 53 2 ( " 220) " bridge across St. Charles River - 1890 54-55 8 ( " 232) Subsidv Act, revote, portion of No. 220 - 1891 55-56 5 ( " 295) Subsidv Act, revote, unpaid balances 126 and 177 - 1892 56 2 (" 300) Subsidy Act, revote, unpaid bal- ance of No. 140 1893 57-58 4 (" 347) Subsidv Act, Chicoutimi exten- sion ;... -— 1894 102 RAILWAY LEGISLATION. Quebec and {KIOX. 62-63 3 Edw. VII CHAP. 7 ( 57 ( 3 Edw. VII 57 ( 3 Edw. VII 57 ( 3 Edw. VII 57 ( EBEc .\ND Lakk St. Johx Railway Co. — Co.nHnued. YEAR 435) Subsidy Act in lieu of No. 347 1899 550) " Jonquieres to Ha- Ha-Bay_.._ 1903 584) Subsidy Act, from Roberval west' 1903 591) Subsidy Act, Bouchette to St. Andre 1903 601) vSubsidy Act, La Tuque to River Jeannotte 1903 58-59 59 QUEBEC, MONTMORENCY A N D CHARLEVOIX RAILWAY CO., (1881, Ch. 44), declared to be under legislative jurisdic- tion of Canada ; general cor- porate powers 1895 60-61 59 " Authority to issue bonds; divis- ion into sections.. 1897 62-63 85 " Power to extend railway to Levis County ; acquisition of Quebec District Railway and Mont- morency Electric Power Co. confirmed, (Schedules A. & B.) and name changed to "THE QUEBEC RAILWAY, LIGHT AND POWER COMPANY ".. 1899 52 3 (No. 164) Subsidy Act 1889 56 2 ( " 304) " re vote, unpaid balance of No. 164 1893 42 56 OUEBEC, MONTREAL. OTTAWA AND OCCIDENTAL RAILWAY BRIDGE, Hull to Ottawa...... 1879 45 67 " Confirming conveyance of Mon- treal, Ottawa and Western Railway, with all the subsidies etc., to Quebec Government. .-. 1882 3 Edw. VII 178 OUEBEC, NEW BRUNSWICK & NOVA SCOTIA RAILWAY COM- PANY, incorporated 1903 33 56 QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK RAILWAY CO., incorporated 63-64 75 " New charter 3 Edw. VII 176 " Time for construction extended.. 1 Edw. VII 7 (No. 517) Subsidy Act 35 74 QUEBEC PACIFIC RAILWAY CO. corporated 1870 1900 1903 1901 1872 INDEX TO RAILWAYS. 103 YEAR REIGN. CHAP. 47 78 QUEBEC RAILWAY BRIDGE CO., in- jrporated... - 1884 coi 62-63 85 QUEBEC (THE) RAILWAY, LIGHT AND POWER CO... 1899 See QUEBEC, MONTMORENCY AND CHAR- LEVOIX RAILWAY CO. 3 Edw VII 179 OUEBEC, SAGUENAY AND GULF OF ^ ^ ST. LAWRENCE RAILWAY CO., incorporated - 1903 63-64 76 QUEBEC SOUTHERN RAILWAY CO.. incorporated - ■ - 1900 2 Edw VII 94 " As to election and remuneration of Directors 1902 4-5 Edw. VII 158 " Authorizing sale of railway and its accessories by order of Ex- chequer Court, also South Shore Railway 1905 See EAST RICHELIEU VALLEY RAILWAY. 1 Edw. VII 81 QUEBEC TERMINAL RAILWAY CO., incorporated 1901 59 43 QUEENSTON HEIGHTS BRIDGE CO., incorporated 1896 51 114 " Time for construction extended . 1898 35 84 OUEENSTON SUSPENSION BRIDGE CO., (1849, Ch. 199), authority to increase capital stock; and to convert into a railway bridge.. - ^872 35 93 " As to conversion of stock and issue of bonds 1873 R. RAILWAY ACTS OF PARLIAMENT OF CANADA, Government Railways; see Intercolonial and Pnnce Edward Island Railways. 3g 23 " Lien of Dominion on Northern Railwav of Canada 1875 39 6 " Amending38 Vic, chap. 23, lien on Northern Railwav of Can- ada ' 1876 40 46 " Authorizing transfer of Truro and Pictou Branch of I.C.R. to a Company 1877 104 RAILWAY LECnSLATlON. Railway Acts of Parliament of Caxada — Continued, y KEIGN. CHAP. ^^^ YEAR 41 3 " Act 1868 (supersedecj,^' Conso- lidated Act, 188^'' to'apply to Prince Edward Island Rail- way 1878 42 9 " "The Consolidated Railway Act" 1879, superseded bv 51 Vic, chap. 29, 1888 ' 1879 42 11 " Power to acquire portion of Grand Trunk Railway be- tween Riviere du Loup and Hadlow 1879 42 12 " Authorizing transfer of Truro and Pictou Branch to Govern- ment of Nova Scotia upon cer- tain conditions 1879 42 13 " Agreement of C.P.R. with St. Paul Pacific Railway ; con- struction of branch line to con- nect with 1879 42 14 " Authorizing expenditure of $1, 000,000, for branch line of Canadian Pacific Railwav to Winnipeg _' 1879 43 8 " Confirming agreement for pur- chase of portion of Grand Trunk Railwav, authorized by42 Vic. chap.'U.. ..,., 1880 43 27 " Lands in British Columbia, man- agement of 1880 43 16 " CCanada Central) and Dominion Government agreement 1880 44 1 " Charter granted and agreement for construction of Railw^av to Pacific coast ____.'._.... 1881 44 12 " Act to provide for allowance of drawback on C. P. Railway 1881 44 25 " Consolidated Act respecting Government Railways .._ 1881 45 7 " Act to provide for allowance of drawback on C. P. Railway.. _.. 1882 45 53 " Authorizing Canadian Pacific to dispense with using Yellow Head Pass 1882 45 15 " As to branches from Intercolon- ial and Prince Edward Island Railways.. _ 1882 45 41 " Passenger tickets, regulations as to sale of 1882 45 14 " Subsidies to certain railwavs 1882 INDKX TO KMI.WAYS. 105 Railway Acts of REIGN. 45 46 46 CHAP. 55 25 26 46 32 46 60 47 48-49 48-49 48-49 Parliami.nt of Canada — Continued. 47 25 48-49 57 58 59 60 49 10 49 11 49 12 49 13 49 14 49 15 Subsidy to Chignecto Marine Transport Railway - 1882 Subsidies to certain railways 1883 Advance to St. John Bridge Ex- tension Company. - . 1883 Contracts, prevention of fraud in . 1883 Chignecto Marine Transport Railway, limiting capital stock ; issue of mortgage bonds 1883 Advancing loan of $7,500,000, to Canadian Pacific Railway, and conversion and hypothe- cation of securities 1884 Subsidies to certain railways 1884 Special subsidy to Esquimalt and Nanaimo Railway Com- pany. . - 1884 Subsidv in land to a railway from the Canadian Pacific Railwav to Hudson's Bav. . 1884 Authorizing issue of $35,000,000 of bonds of Canadian Pacific Railway, and to provide for completion and operation of railway — - 1885 Subsidies to certain railwavs 1885 " " ..... 1885 in land to certain rail- wavs .— - 1885 Subsidies to certain railways 1886 Authorizing granting subsidies in land to the Manitoba and North-Western Railway, the North-West Central Railway and the Wood Mountain and Qu'Appelle Railway..... .- 1886 Amending "Dominion Lands Act, 1883," as respects land subsidy grants 1886 Providing for extension of In- tercolonial Railway from Stel- larton to Pictou 1886 Authorizing the construction of a railway from Straits of Canso to Sydney or Louisburg 1886 Authority to alter cur^'es on the Esquimalt and Nanaimo Rail- wav 1886 106 RAILWAY LEOISLATIOX. REIGN. Railway Acts of Parliamkn" CHAP. OF Caxada — Continued. 49 16 49 17 49 18 50-51 22 50-51 23 50-51 50-51 52 50-51 26 50-51 27 51 29 51 32 Confirming purchase of Carlton, City of St. John Branch Railroad by Government Application of certain subsidies to a railway from Metapediac to Paspebiac ; and agreements with Baie des Chaleurs Rail- way compan}^ confirmed.... Duration of yearly subsidy to Chignecto Marine Transport Railway and manner of pay- ment thereof Subsides in land to certain rail- ways Subsidies in land to certain rail- ways .1 to certain railways Confirming agreement with Western Counties Railway — Providing for advances to be made by Government to the Fredericton and St. Mary's Railway Bridge Company Providing for construction of railway from Oxford Junction to New Glasgow Subsidies to certain railwa^^s Further extending time for con- struction "of Chignecto Marine Transport Railwav CONSOLIDATION' OF ACTS, Railway Committee of Privy Council constituted (repealed) Agreement with C. P. Railway respecting bonds, etc Subsidies to certain railways in land to certain rail- ways Confirming contract for payment of subsidy to Qu'Appelle, Long Lake and Saskatchewan Railroad and Steamboat Com- pany, for transport of mails, supplies, etc - Providing for transfer of certain lands in Canadian Pacific Rail- way belt to Province of British Columbia 1886 1886 1887 1887 1887 1887 1887 1887 1888 1888 1889 1889 1889 INDIOX TO RAILWAYS. 107 Railway Acts of Paki.iament of Canada — Continued. REIGN. CHAl'. '^I'-^I'^ 52 8 " Authorizing Department to com- plete Western Counties Rail- way between Annapolis and Digby - 1889 52 13 " " The Expropriation Act "; pow- er to take land and provisions respecting ..— - 1889 53 2 " Subsidies to certain railways 1890 53 3 " " in land to certain rail- ways 1890 5 3 4 " Subsidies in land to certain rail- ways 1890 53 5 " Confirming contract for pay- ment of subsidy to the Calgary and Edmonton Railway for transport of mails, supplies, etc. ; and authorizing Company to enter into agreement with C. P. R 1890 53 28 " Act of 1888, extended to Cana- dian railways operating in the United States ; powers w-ith re- spect to lands, and penalties for neglect to make fences (repealed) - . ^ 1890 54-55 8 " Subsidies to certain railways...-- 1891 54-55 11 " Act to amend 52 V. c. 4, sub- sidies in lands.... 1891 54-55 11 " Act respecting North Shore sec- tion of the Canadian Pacific Railway 1891 54-55 12 " Amending Acts respecting the Chignecto Marine Transport Railway.... - — - 1891 54-55 15 " Authorizing sale of Carleton. City of St. John Branch Rail- road...... - 1891 54-55 51 " As to evidence before arbitrators and proceedings thereunder (repealed) -- 1891 55-56 5 " Subsidies to certain railways 1892 55-56 27 " Act of 1888, amended as respects execution of trusts; powers with respect to lands; cross- ings of one railway over an- other, and regulation of speed in cities (repealed).. 1892 56 2 " Subsidies to certain railways 1893 108 JiAJLWAY LKCISI.ATIOX. Railway Acts of Parliament of Canada — Continued. REIGN. CHAP. YEAR 56 4 " " in land to certain rail- ways 1893 56 6 " Act to confirm sale of Carleton, City of St. John Branch Rail- road 1893 56 27 " Act of 1888. amended as respects crossings of street railways, to be subject to approval of Rail- way Committee of P. C, and regulations to govern (re- pealed) 1893 57-58 4 " Subsidies to certain railways 1894 57-58 5 " Act respecting subsidies to Pro- vince of Quebec by 47 V. c. 8.. 1894 57-58 6 " Subsidies in land to certain rail- ways 1894 57-58 7 " Act respecting land subsidy of Canadian Pacific Railway... 1894 57-58 53 " Act of 1888 amended, requiring shel- ter to be provided for motor- men on electric and other rail- way cars (repealed) 1894 58-59 8 " Special subsidy, and authority to transfer portion of to Lake Manitoba Railway and Canal Company 1895 59 9 " Act of 1888 amended, authoriz- ing by-laws for certain pur- poses ; and notice as to expro- priation of lands (repealed, ex- cept Sec. 2) 1896 60-61 4 " Subsidies to certain railways..... 1897 60-61 5 " Subsidv to Crow's Nest 'Pass Railway. C.P.R 1897 61 12 " Act respecting payment of grants in aid of the Victoria Bridge, G.T.R.. and Crow's Nest Pass Railwav. C.P.R 1898 61 22 " Act of 1888 amended, to include other carriers besides vehicles ; also determination of discrim- inatory tolls (repealed) 1898 62-63 . 5 " Confirming agreement with Grand Trunk Railwav Co., of Canada, to secure extension of Intercolonial Railway sys- tem to City of Montreal.." 1899 62-63 6 " Authorizing purchase of Drum- mond County Railway.. 1899 INDKX TO UAIl.WAVS. 109 R.Mi.WAV Acts ok Parliamhnt ok ('as \\).\— CoiUiuitcd. EIGN. CHAP. VKAU 62-63 4 " To authorize construction of a branch railway from Murray Harbour, P.E.I.. as a pubHc work - 1899 62-63 3 7 " Act of 1888 amended, regula- tions as to telegraph and tele- phone lines, and bridging and fencing of railways (repealed) 1899 62-63 38 " Amending Act of 1882 respect- ing sale of Railway Passenger tickets .-.' 1899 62-63 39 " Amending Expropriation Act of 1889, as to diversions of streams and highways 1899 62-63 7 " Subsidies to certain railways 1899 62-63 44 " Respecting jurisdiction of the Exchequer Court as to Rail- way debts - 1899 62-63 45 " vSuspensionof operation of above Act, 62-6 3 Vic., Chap. 44.... 1899 63-64 7 " Respecting construction of branch railway from Char- lotte town to Murray Harbour 1900 63-64 8 " Subsidies to certain railways 1900 63-64 23 " Act of 1888 amended, as to street and electric railways; drainage; alterations in loca- tion of b^'-laws, and erection of stations (repealed) . l^OO 1 Edw. VII 31 " Directors of insolvent railway may file scheme in Exchequer Court; assent of bondholders required (repealed)... .. 1901 1 Edw. VII 32 " Definition of traffic facilities to be afforded under Sec. 240 Railway Act, 1888 (repealed) 1901 1 Edw. VII 7 " Subsidies'to certain railways. .... 1901 2 Edw. VII 26 " Act respecting the remission of penalties imposed under The Railway Act, 1888 ... .... 1902 2 Edw. VII 29 " Section I'U of Railway Act re- pealed by this Act. as to access to ballast pits and water sup- ply, and substitute Section provided.. 1902 3 Edw. VTI 7 " Granting certain aid for the ex- tension of the Canadian Nor- thern Railway. 1903 110 RAILWAY LEGISLATION. Railway Acts of Parliament of Caxada — Continued. REIGX. CHAP. YHVR 3 Edw. VII 54 " Authorizing aid to Quebec Bridge and Railway Co., and confirming agreement respect- ing 1903 3 Edw. VII 55 " Act to aid in settlement of Rail- wa}^ Labour Disputes 1903 3 Edw. VII 56 " Amending error in Chap. 8, 1900, respecting Railway Subsidies. 1903 3 Edw. VII 58 " "THE RAILWAY ACT," 1903, constituting Board of Railway Commissioners 1903 3 Edw. VII 59 " Authorizing advances to be made by Dept. of Railways and Canals for Railway Stores account 1903 3 Edw. VII 71 " National Transcontinental Rail- way; respecting the construc- tion of, and agreement with Grand Trunk Pacific Railway 1903 4 Edw. VII 4 " Act authorizing Government to purchase Canada Eastern Rail- way and to take possession of Fredericton and St. Mary's Railway Bridge '.... 1904 4 Edw. VII 16 " Arbitrationbetween His Majesty and the Grand Trunk Railway re traffic agreements 1904 4 Edw VII 24 " Amending 3 Edw. VII., cap. 71, re National Transcontinental Railway, and confirming agree- ments with Grand Trunk Rail- way and Grand Trunk Pacific Railway... 1904 4 Edw. VII 31 " Amending the Railway Act, 1903, as to liability of railway for personal injury to em- ployees 1904 4 Edw. VII 32 " Amending the Railway Act, 1903, as to Provincial Sunday observance laws, and as to net earnings on Eastern Division of Grand Trunk Pacific Rail- way and apportionment of rates on said railway 1904 4 Edw. VII Z?) " Manner of payment of certain railway subsidies 1904 4 Edw. VII 34 " Sub.sidies to certain railways 1904 4 Edw. VII 34 " Sub.sides to certain railwavs 1904 INDKX TO I{.\n-\VAVW. Ill Railway Acts of Parliament oi- Canada — Continued. RIGIGN. CHAP. ""'-^'^ 4 Edw. VII 40 " Act to amend 4 Edw. VII, cap., 129, respecting Temiscouata Railway. 1904 4-5 Edw. VII 35 " Pension of Chief Commissioner of Board of Railway Commis- sioners established, if ex-judge 1905 4-5 Edw. VII 36 " Government railways to have running powers over Grand Trunk Railway between Mont- treal and Coteau and over Canada Atlantic Railway Sys- tem. Tariffs and conditions to be determined by Board of Railway Commissioners 1905 4-5 Edw. VII 7 " Tenders to be invited for public . works by advertisement, and contracts to be awarded under direction of Governor in Coun- cil -- 1905 Note — No Government legislation respecting railways in the year, 1895. RAILWAYS AND CANALS DEPARTMENT, constitution of; 42 Vic, chap. 7, and chap. 37, R.S.C., 1886, see also 31 Vic, chap. 12 and 35 Vic, chap. 24... 3 Edw. VII 59 " Authorizing advances in con- nection with Government Railways and railway stores.. 1903 4-5 Edw. VII 3 7 " Tenders to be invited for works estimated to cost $5,000 and upwards, subject to award tmder direction of Governor in Council • - 1905 3 Edw. VII 21 RAILWAY COMPANIES, INSOLVENT See Exchequer Court 1903 3 Edw. VII 55 RAILWAY LABOUR DISPUTES. Act for the settlement of differ- 1903 112 RAILWAY T>i:(:iSLAT10N. REIGN. CHAP 62-63 38 RAILWAY PASSENGER TICKETS, Badges to be worn by em- ployees selling tickets, Sec. 216, The Railway Act, 1903.... Appointment of agents for sale of tickets, R.S.C., Ch. 110, Sec. 1, (1886) Issuance of certificate of ap- pointment, R.S.C., Ch. 110, Sec. 2 As to agents of foreign railway companies, R.S.C., Ch. 110, Sec. 3 Name and date to be stamped on every ticket, R.S.C., Ch. 110, Sec' 4 Penalty for unauthorized sale of tickets, R.S.C., Ch. 110, Sec. 8 Redemption of unused tickets, and limit of time. R.S.C., Ch. 110, Sec. Right of stop-oyer may be de- manded, R.S.C., Ch. 110, S. 10. Amending sections 1 and 7 of Ch. 110, R.S.C., (1886) ^899 46 75 RAILWAY TRUST AND CONSTRUC- TION CO., incorporated 1883 46 76 " Provisions of "The Canada Joint Stock Companies' Clauses Act, 1869," to apply to '. 1883 56 45 54-55 57-58 62-63 63-64 52 52 76 90 60-61 60 86 77 RAILWAY WORKS, City of Toronto 1893 RAPID CITY CENTRAL RAILWAY CO. incorporated 1882 RED DEER VALLEY RAILWAY AND COAL CO., incorporated 1889 Charter revived and amended... 1891 again revived and a- mended.. 1894 Time for commencement and completion extended; alterna- tive route authorized 1897 Time for construction of rail- way extended 1899 Time for completion extended and limited.. 1900 IN'DKX 'I'd HAII.WAYS. 113 Ri-i> Di-i;r Vali.ky R. REIGN. CHAP 3 Edw. VII 181 i.WAV AND Coal Co. — Continued. YPLVR Powers of construction revived for limited time 1903 4-5 Edw. VII 152 " Time for construction extended 1905 52 4(No. XIV.) vSubsidv Act, land 1889 54-55 9 " XXVI.) '" " 1891 58-59 60 RED MOUNTAIN RAILWAY CO., (1893, Ch.6l), confirming B.C. Charter, and incorporating under Dominion laws.. 1895 Operated by SPOKANE FALLS AND NORTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY. »i.U 3 Edw. VII 182 REGINA AND HUDSON'S BAY RAIL- WAY CO., incorporated 1905 4-5 Edw. VII 153 " Time for construction of railway extended ". 1905 RESTIGOUCHE AND VICTORIA RAILWAY CO. (N.B.) 55-56 5 (No. 259) Subsidv Act .... 1892 57-58 4 ( " 352) " " additional 1894 63-64 78 RESTIGOUCHE AND WESTERN RAIL- WAY COMPANY, (N,B.. 1897, Ch. 82). Authority to build railway bridge across the St. John River; bond issue limited". 1900 Subsidv Act 1894 " ' inlieuof No. 352 1897 additional 1899 additional 1900 in lieu of No. 384 1901 " additional 1901 Now INTERNATIONAL RAILWAY OF NEW BRUNSWICK. 60-61 61 RICHELIEU AND LAKE MEMPHRE- MAGOG RAILWAY CO. (Que.), (1892, Ch. 70). declar- ing within legislative author- ity of Canada; and general corporate powers 1897 RICHMOND HILL JUNCTION RAILWAY CO. (Ont.), (1886, Ch. 77). 50-51 24 (No. 98) Subsidy Act 1887 53 90 RIVER DETROIT RAILWAY BRIDGE CO., name of River Detroit Winter Railway Bridge Com- pany changed to 1890 57-58 (No. 352) 60-61 4 384) 62-63 7 456) 63-64 8 492) 1 Edw. VII / 527) 1 Edw. VII 7 542) 114 RAILWAY LEGISLATION. REIGN. CHAP. YEAR 51 91 RIVER DETROIT WINTER RAILWAY BRIDGE CO., incorporated... 1888 53 90 " Name changed to River Detroit Railway Bridge Co 1890 35 87 RIVER ST. CLAIR RAILWAY BRIDGE AND TUNNEL CO., incor- porated 1872 36 92 " Time extended for construction ; power to increase capital 1873 45 70 " Charter revived and time for construction extended..... 1882 48-49 25 " Time for construction extended 1885 51 94 " " " " 1888 54-55 102 " " " again extended 1891 57-58 100 " " " again extended 1894 2 Edw. VII 95 " Time for construction limited. . 1902 See ST. CLAIR RAILWAY, BRIDGE AND TUNNEL CO. 54-55 58 ROCKY MOUNTAIN RAILWAY AND COAL CO., incorporated 1891 57-58 91 " Charter revived and amended.... 1894 57-58 6 (No. XXX.) Subsidy Act, land 1894 48-49 90 RUSH LAKE AND SASKATCHEWAN RAILWAY AND NAVIGA- TION CO., incorporated.. 1885 62-63 87 RUSSELL, DUNDAS AND GRENVILLE COUNTIES RAILWAY CO., incorporated 1899 62-63 88 RUTLAND AND NOYAN RAILWAY CO., incorporated . 1899 Operated bv RUTLAND RAILROAD CO., U.S. S SAGUENAY AND LAKE ST. JOHN RAILWAY CO. (Oue. 1883, Ch. 94). 50-51 24 (No. 113) Subsidv Act 1887 Now QUEBEC AND LAKE ST. JOHN RAILWAY. 54-55 100 SALISBURY AND HARVEY RAIL- WAY CO., confirming letters patent of New Brunswick; also corporate powers; may issue bonds 1891 INDEX TO RAILWAY^i. 115 Salisbury and Harvey Railway Co.— Continued. REIGN. CHAP. , ., , , ^^^'^'^ 63-64 80 " Line of railway described, and authority to acquire other railways - 1900 Formerly ALBERT RAILWAY CO. 4-5 Edw. VII 157 SASKATCHEWAN BRIDGE CO., in- corporated 1905 46 71 SASKATCHEWAN AND NORTH- WESTERN RAILWAY CO., incorporated .-. 1883 45 81 SASKATCHEWAN AND PEACE RIVER RAILWAY CO., incorporated 1882 52 56 SASKATCHEWAN RAILWAY AND MINING CO., incorporated-. . 1889 53 88 " Time for commencement ex- tended.... - 1890 54_55 78 " Time for completion extended...- 1891 51 85 " Time for commencement and completion extended 1898 62-63 89 " Changes of route authorized, and division into sections; time for construction limited 1899 1 Edw VII 83 SASKATCHEWAN AND WESTERN RAILWAY CO. (1886, Ch. 59), Confirming incorporation by Legislature of Manitoba, and time for construction ex- tended .-- - 1901 57-58 6 (No. XXXIII.) Subsidy Act, land 1894 47 85 SASKATOON AND NORTHERN RAIL- WAY CO., incorporated 1884 45 89 SAULT STE. MARIE BRIDGE CO., in- corporated -- 1882 48-49 24 " Time for construction extended 1885 53 64 SAULT STE. MARIE AND HUDSON'S BAY RAILWAY CO., in- corporated 1890 34 50 SAULT ST. MARIE RAILWAY AND BRIDGE CO., incorporated. . 1871 35 86 " Power to unite or accept assist- ance from other companies 1872 116 KAILWAY IJXilSl.ATlOX. REIGN. CHAP. YEAR 59 34 SCHOMBURG AND AURORA RAIL- WAY CO., incorporated 1896 63-64 81 " Extension to railway author- ized; power to enter into an agreement with another com- pany 1900 60-61 4 (No. 386) Subsidy Act 1897 63-64 8 ( " 488) " ' additional 1900 1 Edw. VII 7 (" 525) " in lieu of 386 1901 Sold to TORONTO RAILWAY CO. SHEDIAC AND COAST RAILWAY CO. (N.B. 1899, Ch. 90). 3 Edw. VII 57 (No. 561) Subsidy Act.. __ 1903 53 94 SHORE LINE RAILWAY BRIDGE CO., incorporated 1890 58-59 63 SHORE LINE RAILWAY CO. (1889, Ch. 26), declaring to be with- in legislative authority of Canada; general corporate powers; time for construction hmited 1895 49 82 SHUSWAP AND OKANAGAN RAIL- WAY CO., incorporated 1886 51 88 " Povv-er to issue bonds; time for construction extended 1888 54-55 72 " Agreement with Canadian Paci- fic Railway confirmed 1891 52 3 (No. 167) Subsidy Act 1889 Leased to CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. 1 Edw. VII 84 SIMALKAMEEN AND KEREMEOS RAILWAY CO., incorporated 1901 4 Edw. VTI 124 " Powders of construction reviyed and time extended ..- 1904 SOUTH EASTERN RAILWAY CO, (OUE.) See MONTREAL AND ATLANTIC RAILWAY. 43 58 SOURIS AND ROCKY MOUNTAIN RAILWAY CO., incorporated 1880 44 47 " Powers as to issue of bonds and preferential stock, and as to conveyance of lands 1881 45 79 " Describing lines of railway to be constructed; power to bridge navigable waters.. 1882 47 72 " Name changed to North- West Central Railway 1884 Sec GREAT NORTH-WEST CENTRAL RAILWAY. HKIGN. CHAP 3 Edw . VII 191 50-51 86 51 57 IN'DKX TO KAII.WAYS. 11' YEAR SOUTHERN CENTRAL PACIFIC RAIL- WAY CO., incorporated 1903 SOUTH NORFOLK RAILWAY CO., in- corporated . 1887 " Authorizing sale of railway to Grand Trunk, Georgian Bay and Lake Erie Railway Co....'. 1888 50-51 24 (No. 109) Subsidy Act. 1887 Operated by GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. 50-51 85 SOUTH ONTARIO PACIFIC RAILWAY CO., incorporated 1887 52 70 " Time for completion extended... 1889 54-55 92 " Authority to extend lines, and time for completion further extended 1891 59 35 " Time for construction further extended 1896 1 Edw. VII 85 " Time for construction extended 1901 172) Subsidy Act. 1889 236) " " in lieu of No. 172 1891 rn SASKATCHEWAN VALLEY RAILWAY^ CO., incorporated 1880 Power to bridge navigable waters; time for commence- ment extended... 1882 ' Time for commencing again ex- tended ... .'; 1884 Time for commencing again extended 1885 63-64 82 SOUTH SHORE LINE RAILWAY CO., incorporated 1900 58-59 64 SOUTH SHORE RAILWAY CO., declar- ing to be under legislative authority of Canada; general corporate powers granted 1895 57-58 4 (No. 365) Subsidy Act. 1894 oO 10 SOUTH SHORE RAILWAY CO. (Que. 1894, Ch. 7 2), declaring to be under legislative authority of Canada ; issue of bonds limit- ed line of railway described... 1896 2 Edw. VII 101 " Time for completion extended.... 1902 4-5 Edw. VII 158 " Authorizing sale of railway and its accessories by order of Ex- chequer Court, also Quebec Southern Railway 1905 ■. VII 52 54-55 85 3 8 (No. ( " 43 56 SOI 45 82 47 71 54-55 17 lis RAILWAY LEGISLATION. South Shore Railway Co. — Continued.. REIGN. CHAP. YEAR 62-63 7 (No. 441) Subsidy Act - 1899 62-63 7 ( " 468) "' bridge.. 1899 62-63 7 ( " 469) " " 1899 62-63 7 ( " 470) " " 1899 62-63 7 ( " 471) " " 1899 63-64 8 ( " 513) " 1900 63-64 8 ( " 514) " " 1900 3 Edw. VII 57 ( " 623) " Nicolet River bridge 1903 3 Edw. VII 57 (" 624) " St. Francis River bridge 1903 3 Edw. VII 57 (" 625) " St. Francis River bridge 1903 See MONTREAL AND SOREL RAILWAY. 59 36 SOUTH SHORE SUBURBAN RAIL- WAY CO.. incorporated 1896 51 52 SOUTH-WESTERN RAILWAY CO. (Que.), incorporated 1888 54-55 83 " Time for completion extended. __ 1891 59 3 7 " Confirming agreement for leas- ing to the ST. LAWRENCE AND ADIRONDACK RAIL- WAY - 1896 SPOKANE FALLS AND NORTHERN RAILWAY, operating COL- UMBIA AND RED MOUNT- AIN RAILWAY. NELSON AND FORT SHEPPARD RAILWAY and RED MOUNTAIN RAILWAY. 40 86 SPRINGHILL AND PARRSBORO COAL AND RAILWAY CO. (1872, Ch. 70). declaring to be with- in legislative jurisdiction of Canada 1877 47 77 " Confirming winding up and sale of, to the CUMBERLAND COAL AND RAILWAY CO. 1884 51 54 STANSTEAD, SHEFFORD AND CHAMBLY RAILWAY CO. (1853, Ch. 107), general cor- porate powers granted, and authorit}^ to sell or lease to another company 1888 51 55 " Section 12 of above Act amended 1888 Operated by CENTRAL VERMONT RAILROAD. INDEX TO HAlLWAYy. il^ KEIGN. CHAP. ^^'-''^'' 50-51 60 ST. CATHARINES AND NIAGARA CENTRAL RAILWAY CO. (1881, Ch. 73), authority to build branch Hue to Port Credit - - 1«87 51 78 " Declaring to be subject to legis- lative authority of Canada; time extended for construc- tion of line..... 1888 51 79 " Section 8 of above Act amended 1888 53 54 " Time for construction extended 1890 54.55 87 " Limit of bond issue extended; authority to enter into agree- ment with another company 1891 55_55 58 " Time for construction extended 1892 57.58 92 " Time for construction extended 1894 58.59 61 " Time for construction extended, name changed to Niagara, Hamilton and Pacific Railway Co --- 1895 50 9 " Authority to issue preference bonds; time for completion extended . - ^^^^ 50-51 24 (No. 96) Subsidy Act... ..-..- 1887 52 3 ( " 176) " additional 1889 53 2 ( " 190) " " 1890 55.5, 5 (.. 255) ■■ -^-°;o^-':^ ,3,2 57-58 4 ( " 319) " additional 1894 See NIAGARA, HAMILTON AND PACIFIC RAILWAY. Now NIAGARA, ST. CATHARINES AND TORONTO RAILWAY 3 Edw. VII 186 ST. CHRYSOSTOME RAILWAY CO., incorporated 1903 47 S2 ST. CLAIR FRONTIER TUNNEL CO., incorporated 1884 52 3 (No. 162) Subsidy Act... 1889 Controlled by GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. 51 94 ST. CLAIR RAILWAY. BRIDGE AND TUNNEL CO., time for con- struction extended .- 1888 60-61 70 " Time for construction extended 1897 63.64 117 " Power to construct bridge, and time for completion extended 1900 See CANADA SOUTHERN RAILWAY. 120 RAILWAY LEGISLATION. REIGN. CHAP. - YEAR STEEL CO. OF CANADA (N.S. 1875, Ch. 111). 51 3 "(No. 147) Subsidy Act, rails... 1888 STEWIACKE AND LANSDOWNE RAILWAY CO. (N.S. 1874, Ch. 12). 49 10 (No. 8 7) Subsidy Act 1886 155) "' 1889 223) " in lieu of No. 87.. 1890 254) " " of No. 223 1892 258) " " of No. 223 1892 336) " " of No. 258 1894 52 3 ( 53 2 ( 55-56 5 ( 55-56 5 ( 57-58 4 ( See MIDLAND RAILWAY CO. (N.S.) 33 54 vST. FRANCIS AND MEGANTIC INTER- NATIONAL RAILWAY CO., (1870, Ch. 21), incorporated... 1870 35 71 " Authorizing increase of capital. 1872 36 85 " Power to connect with other railways or to lease road ; also to issue bonds; certain con- tracts with other railways ratified 1873 37 72 " Action with respect to bonds confirmed 1874 40 59 " Name changed; issue of bonds limited 1877 See INTERNATIONAL RAILWAY. ST. GABRIEL DE BRANDON AND STE. EMELIE DE L'ENER- GIE RAILWAY CO. (Que. 1880, Ch. 36). 60-61 4 (No. 381) Subsidy Act 1897 See JOLIETTE AND ST. JEAN DE HATHA RAILWAY. 49 85 ST. GABRIEL LEVEE AND RAILWAY CO., incorporated 1886 50-51 72 " Charter revived and amended.... 1887 52 83 " Charter again revived and amended 1889 ST. JOHN BRIDGE AND RAILWAY EXTENSION CO. (N.B. 1881 Ch. 44). 61 9 " Extending time for repayment of advances to, and empower- ing Government to take over bridge 1898 INDKX TO RAII.WAVS. 121 St. Tohk Brioof. and Railway Extknsion (.'o.- Continued. REIGN. CHA1>. ^'^^^^ 51 83 " Issue of bonds authorized, and as to disposition of same 1898 46 26 (No. 17) Subsidy Act -- 1883 Leased to CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. 55-56 59 ST. JOHN AND MAINE RAILWAY CO. (1878, Ch. 92). modification of lease to New Brunswick Railway Co. confirmed by 47 Vic. 'chap. 75 - 1892 Leased to CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. 58-59 74 ST. JOHN RIVER BRIDGE CO., in- corporated - 1895 ST JOHN VALLEY RAILWAY CO. (N.B. 1901, Ch. 85). 3 Edw. VII 57 (No. 560) Subsidy Act 1903 ST JOHN VALLEY AND RIVIERE DU LOUP RAILWAY CO. (1889, Ch. 59). 50-51 24 (No. 118) Stibsidy Act 1887 53 2 (" 225) " in lieu of No. 118 1890 55-56 5 ( " 274). " additional 1892 62-63 7 ( " 419) " 1899 3 Edw. VII 57 (" 573) " in lieu of No. 419 1903 51 64 ST. LAWRENCE AND ADIRONDACK RAILWAY CO., incorporated 1888 52 72 " Time for construction extended 1889 56 60 " May enter into agreement with another company.— 1893 57.58 93 " Authority to enter into agree- ments' with certain other companies ... •■ 1894 58-59 62 " Power to issue bonds, and limit thereof 1895 .; 59 18 " Confirming agreement with Grand Trunk Railwav for lease of line between Beau- harnois and Vallevfield (sche- dule) ■- -,-- 1896 59 32 " Confirming agreements with Malone and St. Lawrence Railway (schedule) and with the Grand Trunk Railway. .... 1898 59 3 7 " Confirming agreement and amalgamation with South- western Railway Co. (sche- dule) 1896 122 !?AILAVAY LEGISLATION. St. Lawrenxe and Adirondack Railway Co.—Contir.tted. REIGN. CHAP. YEAR 60-61 62 " Issue of bonds confirmed 1897 1 Edw. VII 82 " Issue of unsecured bonds author- ized, and registration thereof 1901 53 2 (No. 218) Subsidy Act. , 1890 55-56 5 ( " 293) •' additional 1892 60-61 4 ( " 394) " ■' 1897 Operated by NEW YORK CENTRAL RAILROAD. 49 78 ST. LAWRENCE AND ATLANTIC JUNCTION RAILWAY CO., incorporated 1886 52 72 " Time for construction extended 1889 35 90 ST. LAWRENCE AND INTERNATION- AL BRIDGE CO., incor- porated 1872 ST. LAWRENCE AND LOWER LAU- RENTIAN AND SAGUE- NAY RAILWAY CO., (1878, Ch. 48). 47 8 (No. 38) Subsidy Act. 1884 48-49 59 ( " 59) "' in Heu of No. 38 1885 50-51 24 (" 117) " in lieu of No. 59 1887 54-55 8 ( " 234) " reyote, unpaid balance of No. 117 1891 See QUEBEC AND LAKE ST. JOHN RAILWAY. 2 Edw. VII 99 ST. LAWRENCE AND NORTHERN RAILWAY CO. , incorporated 1 902 31 20 ST. LAWRENCE AND OTTAWA RAIL- WAY CO., incorporated 1867 35 67 " Extending corporate powers and authorizing construction of branch lines 1872 39 47 " Amending corporate powers; authorizing issue of mortgage bonds, and creation of deben- ture stock.. ._ 1876 47 76 " As to rights of bondholders 1884 59 33 " Application of proceeds of sales of lands 1896 Leased to CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. 40 62 ST. LAWRENCE AND PACIFIC RAIL- WAY FERRY CO., incor- porated --. 1877 ST. LOUIS, RICHIBUCTO AND BUC- TOUCHE RAILWAY CO. (N.B. 1882. Ch. 47). 47 8 (No. 35) Subsidy Act 1884 IXDKX 'I'O KAII.NVAYS. '^O ""''''''■ 50-51 Ts' St. MARTINS AND UPHAM RAILWAY CO. (1871, Ch. 49), author- izing sale of railway; certain rights reserved ''8H7 See CENTRAL RAILWAY CO. OF N.B. 1 Edw. VTI 112 ST. MARY'S RIVER BRIDGE CO., m- corporated ._ l^^l 63-64 79 ST. MARY'S RIVER RAILWAY CO., incorporated - - \':)vv 3 Edw VII 187 " Extensions of railway author- ized; time for construction limited — - 1903 4 Edw VII 43 " Providing for amalgamation with Alberta Railway and Irrigation Co - 63-64 8 (No. 495) Subsidy Act... --- -- - 1900 3 Edw VII 57 ( " 614) " additional ly^-^ See ALBERTA RAILWAY AND COAL CO. 4-S Edw VII 155 ST. MARY'S AND WESTERN ON- ^ TARIO RAILWAY CO., in- corporated 4 Edw. VII 123 ST. MAURICE VALLEY RAILWAY CO. incorporated ---- 4-5 Edw. VII 156 " Line of railway described; may enter into agreement with other companies 2 Edw. VII 112 STRAIT OF CANSO BRIDGE CO., in- corporated 1902 4 Edw. VII 127 " Time for construction extended 1904 STRATHROY AND WESTERN COUN- TIES RAILWAY CO. (Ont. 1893, Ch. 99) (No. 341) Subsidv Act. . ( " 391) 1904 1905 1904 1905 57-58 4 60-61 4 62-63 7 63-64 8 Edw. VII 57 1894 1897 / " 418) " inlieuof No. 341 1899 ■• 477 " --- 1900 (" 548) " -- 1903 ST STEPHEN AND MILLTOWN RAIL- WAY CO. (N.B. 1886, Ch. 17). 51 84 " Agreement for lease of to Can- adian Pacific Railway con firmed 53 2 (No. 202) Subsidy Act 1898 1890 56 2 ( " 303) m lieu of No. 202 1893 60-61 ( " 398) " additional 189/ Leased to CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. SUBSIDIES, See RAILWAY ACTS. 124 KAII.WAY l.FxaSLATION. REIGN. CHAP. - YEAR 62-63 90 SUDBURY AND WAHNAPITAE RAIL- WAY CO., incorporated 1896 SYDNEY AND LOUISBURG RAIL- WAY, (N.S.) See DOMINION COAL CO. 50-51 90 50-51 71 56 61 58-59 65 60-61 63 62-63 91 4 Edw. VII 129 4 Edw. VII 40 45 14 48-49 58 50-51 24 51 3 53 2 55-56 5 62-63 7 4 Edw. VII 131 4 Edw. VII 132 TEESWATER AND INVERHURON RAILWAY CO., incorporated TEMISCOUATA RAILWAY CO. (1893, Ch. 46). charter confirmed as set out in schedule to this Act Authorizing issue of bonds, arrangements with other companies ; and time extended for construction Authorizing extension from Ed- mundston to the I. C. R. ; time for construction hmited; issue of bonds to apply to extension Time for construction of exten- sion extended; may lease or acquire running powers over the Central Railway Time for construction of railway extended As to prior lien and consolidated mortgage bonds, transfer of registered debenture stock, etc. Amending Act of present session Ch. 129 3) Subsidy Act 62 ) " additional 127) 141) 226) 279) No. 457) in lieu of No. 127 additional revote of portion of No. 226 additional 1887 1887 1893 1895 1897 1899 1904 1904 1882 1885 1887 1888 1890 1892 1899 THOROLD AND LAKE ERIE RAIL- WAY CO., incorporated. 1904 Amending Sections 1 and 10 of above Act 1904 IXDKX TO UAH. WAYS. 125 tElGN. CHAT. YKAIl 51 75 THOUSAND ISLANDS RAILWAY CO. (1870-71, Ch. 46). declaring to be under legislative authority of Canada; general corporate powers ; amalgamation with Gananoque, Perth and James' Bay Railway - - 1888 Sg 38 " Time for construction extended 1896 63-64 83 " Powers enlarged; and time for completion extended 1900 52 3 (No. 182) Subsidy Act - 1889 55-56 5 ( " 269) " revote, unpaid balance of No. 182 - 1892 63-64 8 (" 486) " additional...^ 1900 61 86 THREE RIVERS AND NORTH SHORE ELECTRIC RAILWAY CO., incorporated 1898 52 64 THREE RIVERS AND WESTERN RAILWAY CO., incorporated 1889 35 81 THUNDER BAY SILVER MINES RAIL- WAY CO., incorporated . 1872 THUNDER BAY COLONIZATION RAILW^AY CO. (Ont. 1883, Ch. 51). 48-49 59 (No. 52) Subsidy Act 1885 49 10 ( " 70) " additional 1886 Now PORT ARTHUR, DULUTH AND WESTERN RAILWAY. THUNDER BAY, NEPIGON AND ST. JOE RAILWAY CO. (Ont. 1899, Ch. 104). 3 Edw. VII 57 (No. 570) Subsidy Act 1903 TICKETS, See RAILWAY PASSENGER TICKETS. 53 56 TILSONBURG. LAKE ERIE AND PACIFIC RAILWAY CO., in- corporated 1890 2 Edw. VII 105 " Time for construction extended ; bond issue to apply also to ex- tension ' 1902 2 Edw. VII 105 " Time for construction extended ; liond issue to apply also to extension 1902 4 Edw. \'II 133 " Time for construction extended and limited 1904 55-56 5 (No 57-58 4 60-61 4 62-63 7 3 Edw. VII 57 3 Edw. VII 57 126 KAILWAY LEGISLATION. TiLsoNBURG, Lake Erie and Pacific Railway Co. ^Continued. REIGN. CHAP. YEAR 280) Subsidy Act _.. _.. 1892 317) "' in lieu of 280 1894 387) " additional.... 1897 440) " " 1899 544) " " 1903 575) " " 1903 Leased to CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. 61 87 TIMAGAMI RAILWAY CO., mcorpor- ated 1898 63-64 84 " Time for construction extended 1900 2 Edw. VII 106 " Time for construction further extended .... 1902 4 Edw. VII 134 " Time for construction further extended . 1904 t-5 Edw. VII 161 " Name changed to " The Ontario Northern andTimagami Rail- way Co., Line of railway described; bond issue limited 1905 3 Edw. VII 57 (No. 580) Subsidy Act.._. 1903 51 71 TOBIQUE VALLEY RAILWAY CO., incorporated 1888 55-56 60 " Confirming lease of , to Canadian Pacific Railway (schedule) ... 1892 Subsidy Act ..... 1887 ' ' additional 1890 in lieu of No. 130 1891 additional...... 1892 1894 50-51 24 (No 130) 53 2 227) 54-55 8 238) 55-56 5 244) 57-58 4 354) Leased to CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. 55-56 61 TORONTO, CITY OF, and Grand Trunk and Canadian Pacific Rail- ways, agreement between (schedule) 1892 56 48 " Confirming agreement in 55-56 Vic. cap. 61... 1893 47 66 TORONTO, GREY AND BRUCE RAILWAY CO., (1868, Ch. 40), powers as to issue of bonds and first mortgage bonds ; declaring subject to authority of Canada 1884 49 10 (No. 75) Subsidy Act 1886 See CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. INDKX TO irVlLWAYS. 127 HICK^tN. CHAI". Y,.;^,{ 54-55 86 TORONTO, HAMILTON AND BUF- FALO RAILWAY CO., (1884, Ch. 75), deckirin^r sub- ject to legislative authority of Canada ; general corporate powers . 1891 56 62 " Confirming by-laws of Brant- ford and Hamilton respecting, — schedules "A" and "B"; amalgamation with Brantford, Waterloo and Lake Erie Rail- way 1893 58-59 66 " By-law 755 of City of Hamilton ratified ; time for construction extended; and as to security for debts incurred (schedule) 1895 59 39 " As to application of money deposited in trust for debts; and disposal of debentures 1896 3 Edw. VII 197 " Power to increase bond issue to be subject to lien of first mortgage bonds 1903 4-5 Edw. VII 165 " Power to increase number of directors 1905 3 Edw. VII 196 TORONTO AND HAMILTON RAIL- WAY CO., incorporated 1903 4 Edw. VII 135 " Extensionof railway authorized, and time for construction extended... 1904 4-5 Edw. VII 164 " Authorizing construction of rail- way on Burlington Beach, subject to approval of Board of Railway Commissioners.... 1905 4-5 Edw. VII 165 " May issue preference stock on certain conditions 1905 61 88 TORONTO AND HUDSON BAY RAIL- WAY COMPANY, incorpora- ted 1898 TORONTO, LINDSAY AND PEM- BROKE RAILWAY COM- PANY, (Ont., 1899, Ch. 105), 1 Edw. VII 7 (No. 521) Subsidy Act 1901 3 Edw. VII 57 ( " 546) " revote 1903 34 45 TORONTO, SIMCOE AND MUSKOKA JUNCTION RAILWAY CO., (1869, Ch. 30), confirming agreement for lease of, to Northern Railway Companv (schedule) ' '. 1871 128 UAILWAY LKGI8LATIOX. REIGN. CHAP. - YEAR See NORTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY OF CANADA. 58-59 67 TRAIL CREEK AND COLUMBIA RAILWAY CO., incorporated 1895 60-61 64 " As to issue of bonds; time for construction limited 1897 58-59 68 TRANS-CANADIAN RAILWAY CO., incorporated 1895 60-61 65 " Time extended for completion ; name changed to " Trans - Canada Railway Company." 1897 60-61 65 TRANS-CANADA RAILWAY CO., name of Trans-Canadian Rail- way Company changed to 1897 2 Edw. VII 108 " Time for completion extended 1902 4 Edw. VII 136 " Time for construction further extended 1904 1 Edw. VII 7 (No. 540) Subsidy Act .._ 1901 3 Edw. VII 57 ( " 554) '' revote...., -.-.. 1903 3 Edw. VII 57 ( " 596) " additional _..... 1903 40 46 TRURO AND PICTOU RAILWAY CO., transfer of, to a Com- pany — 1877 42 12 " Transfer Act amended 1879 U 36 16 UNION FORWARDING AND RAIL- WAY CO., authority to in- crease capital 1873 40 66 " Authorizing reduction of capital 1877 52 63 UNION RAILWAY CO. incorporated 1889 UNITED COUNTIES RAILWAY CO. (Que., 1883, Ch. 90). 55-56 5 (No. 260) Subsidy Act _- - 1892 56 2 ( " 297) " in lieu of No. 260 1893 7-58 4 ( " 344) " additional .- 1894 c)0-61 4 ( " 393) " " 1897 62-63 7 ( " 430) " in lieu of Nos. 344 and 393. 1899 Sold to QUEBEC SOUTHERN RAILWAY. 50-51 95 UPPER COLUMBIA RAILWAY CO., incorporated 1887 129 3 Edw. VII 199 VANCOUVER AND COAST— KOOT- ENAY RAILWAY CO., incorporated 1903 4-5 Edw. VII 171 " Time for construction extended 1905 1 Edw. VII 86 VANCOUVER AND LULU ISLAND RAILWAY CO., (1891. Ch. 60), confirming incorporation bv Legislature of British Columbia 1901 Leased to CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. 61 89 VANCOUVER. VICTORIA AND EAST- ERN RAILWAY AND NAVIGATION CO.. (1897. Ch. 75), confirming incorpora- tion by British Columbia Legislature, and authorizing sale or lease to Canadian Pacific Railway. 1898 2 Edw. VII 111 " Time for construction extended 1902 4 Edw. VII 139 " Time for construction further extended 1904 4-5 Edw. VII 172 " Line of railway authorized. also power to connect with railways in State of Washing- ton, and to enter into agree- ments with other companies. Time for c-onstruction of rail- ways extended .... 1905 Owned by GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY, U.S. 1 Edw. VII 87 VANCOUVER. WESTMINSTER AND YUKON RAILWAY CO., incorporated. 1901 4-5 Edw. VIP 173 " Increase of capital authorized; time for construction extend- ed, and authority to enter into agreement with the Vancou- ver, Victoria & Eastern Rail- way and Navigation Co 1905 34 46 VAUDREUIL RAILWAY CO., confirm- ing incorporation by 16 Vic. cap. 134; as to issue of bonds; name changed to Ottawa, Vaudreuil and Montreal Rail- way Company 1871 130 RAILWAY LEGISLATION. REIGN. CHAP. YEAR 47 84 VAUDREUIL AND PRESCOTT RAIL- WAY CO., incorporated 1884 53 58 ' Name changed to Montreal and Ottawa Railway - - 1890 50-51 24 (No. 97) Subsidy Act '.. 1887 See MONTREAL AND OTTAWA RAILWAY. 2 Edw. VII 112 VELVET (ROSSLAND) MINE RAIL- WAY CO., incorporated... 1902 54-55 101 VICTORIA AND NORTH-AMERICAN RAILWAY CO., (1891, Ch. 64), authority to estabhsh ferry across Straits of Fuca 1891 52 48 VICTORIA, SAANICH AND NEW WESTMINSTER RAILWAY CO., incorporated 1889 54-55 75 " Corporate powers revived 1891 49 80 VICTORIA AND SAULT STE. MARIE JUNCTION RAILWAY CO. incorporated 1886 53 53 " Time for construction extended 1890 VICTORIA AND SYDNEY RAILWAY CO., (B.C., 1899, Chs. 39 and 66). W 4 Edw. VII 138 WALKERTON AND LUCKNOW RAILWAY CO., incorporated 1904 4-5 Edw. VII 175 " Lines of railway authorized, and time for construction Hmited 1905 1 Edw. VII 53 WASKADA AND NORTH-EASTERN RAILWAY CO., (1899, Ch. 55), agreement with Canadian Northern Railway confirmed 1901 1 Edw. VII 73 " Authorizing amalgamation with Manitoba Railway Co 1901 WATERLOO JUNCTION RAILWAY CO. (Ont. 1889, Ch. 84). 53 2 (No. 187) Subsidy Act 1890 Operated by GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. 50-51 68 WATERLOO AND MAGOG RAILWAY CO., (1871, Ch. 28), change of location authorized 1887 Owned by CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. INDEX TO RAILWAYS. 131 REIGN. CHAP. "^'E^^^ 62-63 97 WELLAND (THE) AND GRAND IS- LAND BRIDGE CO., name of BUFFALO AND FORT ERIE BRIDGE CO. changed to -- 1899 4 Edw. VII 139 " Time for construction extended 1904 42 60 WELLAND RAILWAY CO., (1853, Ch. 136), authority to convert bonds into stock, and pro- visions governing 1879 47 53 " Authorizing transfer to Grand Trunk Railway - 1884 See GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. 61 90 WESTERN ALBERTA RAILWAY CO., incorporated - - ■ 1898 63-64 85 " Time for completion extended 1900 3 Edw. VII 200 " Powers of construction revived, and time for completion ex- tended -- 1903 4-5 Edw. VII 176 " Time for construction extended ; agreement with Alberta Rail- way & Irrigation Company authorized -- 1905 62-63 7 (No. 454) Subsidv Act 1899 4 Edw. VII 34 (" 637) " in lieu of 454. 1904 50-51 77 WESTERN COUNTIES RAILWAY CO., (1870, Ch. 81), declaring subject to legislative authority of Canada; power to issue debenture stock or preference shares 1887 56 63 " Name changed to Yarmouth and Annapohs Railway Com- pany; confirming agreement for " sale of to Svndicate (schedule) ' - - 1893 See DOMINION ATLANTIC RAILWAY. 51 69 WESTERN ONTARIO RAILWAY CO.. incorporated 1888 3 Edw. VII WESTMINSTER BRIDGE CO., n- corporated 1903 48-49 87 WEST ONTARIO PACIFIC RAILWAY CO., incorporated 1885 49 70 " Authority to construct branch line; powers as to mortgage bonds 1886 132 KAll.WAY LKCISLATION. West Ontario Pacific Railway Co.- Continued. REIGN. CHAP. YEAR 49 10 (No. 66) Subsidy Act .._ 1886 53 2 ( " 189) '• in lieu of above 1890 See ONTARIO AND QUEBEC RAILWAY. 4 Edw. VII 142 WHITE HORSE AND ALSEK RAIL- WAY CO., incorporated.. 1904 WHITE PASS AND YUKON ROUTE, owning and operating "The BRITISH YUKON RAIL- WAY" and the "BRITISH COLUMBIA RAILWAY. 57-85 69 WINDSOR AND ANNAPOLIS RAIL- WAY CO., (1867, Chs. 36 and 40), name changed to Dom- inion Atlantic Railway . . 1894 58-59 69 " Sale of railway authorized 1895 Now DOMINION ATLANTIC RAILWAY. 45 16 WINDSOR BRANCH OF INTERCOL- ONIAL RAILWAY, respect- ing transfer of, to Western Counties Raihvax- and to Windsor and Annapolis Rail- way (schedules) 1882 37 16 WINDSOR . BRANCH OF NOVA SCOTIA, transfer to Western- Counties Railway (schedule) 1874 61 120 WINDSOR AND DETROIT UNION BRIDGE CO., incorporated 1898 2 Edw. VII 114 " Time for construction hmited 1902 55-56 62 WINNIPEG AND ATLANTIC RAIL- WAY CO., incorporated 1892 57-58 94 WINNIPEG GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY CO., name of Winnipeg and Hudson Bay Railway changed to 1894 58-59 8 " Special subsidy, and authority to transfer portion of to Lake Manitoba Railway and Canal Company. . _ 1895 59 40 " Time for construction extended 1896 61 10 " Change in location of railway, and disposition of contract and land subsidy.. 1898 See LAKE MANITOBA RAILWAY AND CANAL COMPANY. IXDKX TO KM I. WAYS. 133 HKKiN. CHAP. YKAK 50-51 81 WINNIPEG AND HUDSON BAY RAILWAY CO., (1890, Ch. 2), name of Winnipeg and Hudson's Bay Railway and Steamship Company changed to; incorporation continued 1887 53 80 " Time for completion extended 1890 54-55 81 " Special subsidy granted of $80,- 000 per annum for twenty years .' 1891 57-58 94 " Time for construction extended ; name changed to Winnipeg Great Northern Railway . 1894 43 59 WINNIPEG AND HUDSON'S BAY RAILWAY AND STEAM- SHIP CO., incorporated 1880 46 69 " Amalgamation of Nelson Valley Railway and Transportation Company with, and corporate powers confirmed 1883 47 70 " Charter continued ; time for con- struction extended ; power to issue bonds, etc. . 1884 49 73 " Charter continued in force, and time limited for construction 1886 50-51 81 " Corporate powers continued, and name changed to Winnipeg and Hudson Bay Railway. . 1887 47 25 " Dominion Lands Act, subsidy in land. Section 7 1884 See WINNIPEG AND HUDSON BAY RAILWAY. 48-49 89 WINNIPEG AND PRINCE ALBERT RAILWAY CO., incorporated 1885 49 84 WINNIPEG AND NORTH PACIFIC RAILWAY CO., incorporated 1886 52 68 " Time for construction extended 1889 1 Edw. VII 53 WINNIPEG TRANSFER RAILWAY CO., LIMITED: agreement with Canadian Northern Rail- way confirmed 1901 1 Edw. VII 73 " Authorizing amalgamation with Manitoba Railway Co.. .. . 1901 57-58 95 WOLSELEY AND FORT OU'APPELLE RAILWAY CO., incorporated 1894 134 RAILWAY LEGISLATION. CHAP. YEAR 46 74 WOOD MOUNTAIN AND QU'AP- PELLE RAILWAY CO., in- corporated 1883 48-49 16 " New line of railway approved; as to lands required and bond issue; time for construction extended 1885 49 11 " Special land subsidy to 1886 51 87 " Time for construction extended 1888 52 66 " New line of railway approved; time for completion limited 1889 53 83 " Time for completion again ex- tended 1890 55-56 63 " Time for construction extended ; may enter into agreement with another Company 1892 57-58 96 " Time for construction again ex- tended 1894 49 11 (No. VIII.) Subsidy Act. land 1886 WOODSTOCK AND CENTREVILLE RAILWAY CO. (N.B., 1887, Ch. 43). (No. 131) Subsidy Act , 1887 ( " 203) ''' additional 1890 ( " 266) " in lieu of No. 131 1892 ( '■ 281) " m lieu of No. 203 1892 ( " 335) " in lieu of Nos. 131 and 203...._ 1894 Y 56 63 YARMOUTH AND ANNAPOLIS RAIL- WAY CO., (1893, Chs. 46 and 141), name of Western Coun- ties Railway Company changed to 1893 See DOMINION ATLANTIC RAILWAY CO. 45 53 YELLOW HEAD PASS. Government may dispense Canadian Paci- fic Railway Company from using ' 1882 YORK AND CARLETON RAILWAY COMPANY, (N.B., 1887, c. 44.) 57-58 4 (No. 351) Subsidy Act 1894 62-63 7 ( " 423) " revote 1899 3 Edw. VII 57 ( " 605) " additional 1903 50-51 24 53 2 55-56 5 55-56 5 57-58 4 INDEX TO KAIUVAYS. 135 REIGN. CHAP. YEAR 60-61 91 YUKON MINING AND TRANSPOR- TATION CO., (B.C., 1897, Ch. 38 and 77), confirming incorporation by British Col- umbia Legislature, and gen- eral corporate powers confer- red... 1897 2 Edw. VII 115 YUKON PACIFIC RAILWAY COM- PANY, incorporated 1902 62-63 92 ZENITH MINING AND RAILWAY COMPANY, incorporated 1899 NOTE: — To find Leased and Allied lines of the various rail- way companies, see Location of Railways. ^^^ ^^^J 136 liAILWAY LEG18LATIOX. TELEGRAPH, TELEPHONE AND CABLE COMPANIES. REIGN. CHAP. YEAR 46 78 AMERICAN, BRITISH AND CON- TINENTAL CABLE COM- PANY, LIMITED, (The). Name of EUROPEAN AMERICAN, CANADIAN AND ASIATIC CABLE CO. LIMITED, changed to 1883 42 5 ANTICOSTI AND MAGDALEN IS- LANDS, subsidy for tele- graphic communication 1879 56 73 AUTOMATIC TELEPHONE AND ELECTRIC COMPANY OF CANADA, incorporated 1839 44 33 ASIA, Marine Telegraph to, providing for incorporation of a Company 1881 45 54 " Authority to issue Letters Pat- ent to a Company extended 1882 43 67 BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA, incorporated , 1880 45 95 " Power to manufacture instru- ments; to issue bonds and to extend Hues _ _. 1882 47 88 " Authority to increase capital stock 1884 55-56 67 " As to increase of capital stock, and hmit of bond issue 1892 57-58 108 " Limitation of bond issue 1894 2 Edw. VII 41 Increase of capital, and regula- tion of rates 1902 44 33 CANADA AND ASIA, telegraphic com- munication.. 1881 36 96 CANADA ATLANTIC CABLE CO., in- corporated 1873 40 69 " Corporate powers amended, and time for completion of works extended 1877 53 98 CANADA CABLE CO., incorporated 1890 45 94 CANADA MUMUAL TELEGRAH CO., incorporated 1882 TKLECiRAI'H. TF.LKl'HOXF. AXI) CAHF.K CO.'S. 137 REIGN. CHAP. VKAR 32-33 63 CANADIAN AND EUROPEAN TELE- GRAPH CO., incorporated 1869 35 96 " Time for commencement and completion extended 1872 37 83 CANADIAN AND GREAT NORTHERN TELEGRAPH CO., incor- porated 1874 2 Edw. VII 51 CANADIAN NORTHERN TELE- GRAPH COMPANY, m- corporated - 1902 46 79 CANADIAN RAPID TELEGRAPH CO., incorporated- 1883 3 Edw. VII 100 CANADIAN TELEPHONE AND TELE- GRAPH CO., incorporated 1903 37 84 CENTRAL CANADA TELEGRAPH CO., incorporated 1874 60 14 COLUMBIA TELEPHONE AND TELE- GRAPH CO.. incorporated 1896 47 87 COMMERCIAL CABLE CO., incorporated 1884 43 65 COMPAGNIE (LA) FRANCAISE DU TELEGRAPHE DE PARIS A NEW YORK, certain pow- ers granted to 1880 61 100 DAWSON CITY AND VICTORIA TELE- GRAPH CO., incorporated 1898 34 52 DOMINION TELEGRAPH CO., incor- porated 1871 37 83 " Time for commencing and completing extended 1874 42 68 " Powers extended to all parts of the Dominion - . 1879 See GREAT NORTH-WESTERN TELEGRAPH CO. ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH COMPANIES ACT, (THE), R.S.C. (1886). C. 132. 32-33 14 ELECTRIC TELEGRAPHS, as to under what circumstances a com- pany may diverge from its original line 1869 38 26 ELECTRIC TELEGRAPHS, Marine 187 5 138 RAILWAY LEGISLATION. REIGX. CHAP. YEAR 44 50 EUROPEAN, AMERICAN, CANADIAN AND ASIATIC CABLE CO. (Limited), incorporated 1881 46 78 " Rights and liabilities continued ; section 3 amended, and name changed to "The American, British and Continental Cable Co. (Limited) 1883 4-5 Edw. VII 93 FESSENDEN WIRELESS TELE- GRAPH COMPANY OF CANADA, incorporated 1905 48-49 92 FORT MACLEOD RANCH TELE- GRAPH COMPANY, incorpo- rated 1885 43 666 GREAT NORTH-WESTERN TELE- GRAPH CO. OF CANADA, incorporated 1880 3 Edw. VII 149 MARCONI WIRELESS TELEGRAPH CO., incorporated 1903 35 95 MONTREAL TELEGRAPH CO., cor- porate powers extended to whole Dominion ; capital stock increased 1872 36 95 " Powers extended as in above Act 1873 43 64 " Power to enter into arrange- ments with other companies; and as to wires underground and telephone wires 1880 45 93 " Acts consolidated and powers enlarged.... 1882 See GREAT NORTH-WESTERN TELEGRAPH CO. NORTH AMERICAN TELEGRAPH CO. (THE), incorporated... 1886 Increase of capital authorized; head oflfice to be at Winnipeg 1904 NORTHERN COMMERCIAL TELE- GRAPH CO., incorporated 1898 Authority to construct branches and to increase capital 1899 Authority to increase capital 1900 NORTHWEST TELEPHONE & TELE- GRAPH CO.. incorporated 1905 49 94 4 Edw. VII 104 61 111 62-63 120 63-64 110 4-5 Edw. VII 136 TEl.KGRAPH, TELEI'lIONK AND CABLE CO.'S. 139 REIGN. CHAP. YEAH 51 100 NOVA SCOTIA TELEPHONE CO., corporate powers in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick confirmed 1888 62-63 3 PACIFIC (THE) CABLE ACT, 1899, To provide for the establish- ment of direct sub-Marine telegraphic communication between Canada and Aus- traha 1899 1 Edw. VII 5 " Repealing section 3 of the above Act, and guaranteeing pay- ment of Canada's share 1901 32-33 14 TELEGRAPH COMPANIES (ELEC- TRIC), as to under what circumstances a company may diverge from its original line.. - 1869 38 26 TELEGRAPHS, MARINE ELECTRIC 1875 44 33 TELEGRAPH, Marine, between Canada and Asia 1882 46 45 TELEGRAPH, Marine, Pacific Coast to Asia 1883 44 46 TELEGRAPH OPERATORS ON GOV- ERNMENT LINES, declara- tion as to secrecy 1881 3 Edw. VII 70 TELEGRAPH SERVICE, To assist in establishing and maintaining telegraphic service for Can- adian newspai)ers 1903 35 97 THUNDER BAY SILVER MINES TELEGRAPH CO., incor- porated.... -....- .-.- 1872 42 16 UNION ATLANTIC CABLE CO., in- corporated ; 1877 4-5 Edw. VII 49 WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY IN CAN- ADA, Act to provide for the regulation of 1905 62-63 131 YALE - KOOTENAY TELEGRAPH COMPANY, (LIMITED), incorporated .— 1899 Note. — No legislation respecting Telegraph Companies in the years 1887, 1889, or 1891. 140 RAILWAY LKCISLATIOX. ORDERS OF THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL IN COUNCIL HAVING FORCE OF LAW. Note. — The Roman figures in the margin indicate the pages of the 1st volume of the Statutes of Canada in which Orders in Council appear, and the Arabic figures refer to the year of the reign of the Sovereign. VICTORIA YEAR 38 O. C, November 6th, 1874, INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY, regulations respecting freight, and general classification oer (LXXXVII.) car load for specified articles 1- 1875 40 - O. C, October 7th, 1876. INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY, freight tariff from Hah- fax and St. John to Stations as far (OKXIII.) north as Campbellton. Vide Canada Gazette, Vol. 10, p. 488 1877 40 O. C, CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY, land (LXVI.) reserve, Battle River to Jasper House. Vide Canada Gazette, Vol. 9, p. 1538 1877 42 O. C, CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY, pre- (LXI.) servation of peace on. Vide Canada Gazette, Vol. 12, p. 704 1879 42 O. C, BROCKVILLE and OTTAWA and CAN- ADA CENTRAL RAILWAYS, am- (CX.) algamation of. Vide Canada Gazette, May 18th, 1879. 42 O. C. February 11th, 1879, INTERNATIONAL (XCVII.) RAILWAY, local passenger tariff...,. 1879 42 O. C, COTEAU AND PROVINCE LINE RAIL- WAY and MONTREAL AND CITY OF OTTAWA JUNCTION RAIL- (CX.) WAY COMPANY, amalgamation of. Vide Canada Gazette, June 28th, 1879.-.. 1879 43 O. C, ONTARIO AND PACIFIC JUNCTION RAILWAY COMPANY, power to acquire lands to connect with railway (CXLIV.) svstem of Canada. Vide Canada Gazette, Vol. 13, p. 806 1880 43 O. C, CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY, regula- tions for disposal of lands for, and (LXXVIII.) issue of scrip. Vide Canada Gazette, Vol. 13. p. 781 1880 )K THF. COVKHXOIt-CKXKHAI, IN (•(•rXCII.. 44 CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY, capital $25,000,000; incorporated (m (XXXVII.) the 16th (lay of Februarv, 1881 1881 44 O. C, June 19th, 1880, repealing 7th section of O. C, of 24th October, 1 879, CANAD- IAN PACIFIC RAILWAY, respect- (XVIII.) ing lands, regulations as to scrip. Vide Canada Cazelte, Vol. XIV., p. 38 . 1881 45 O.C, July 26th, 1881 , INTERCOLONIAL RAI L- WA'S', certain works on, exempted (CXXI.) under 44 Vic. cap. 2 5. Vide Canada G azette, \ o\. \S,\). \')9 . 1882 45 CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO., O.C, April 27th, 1881, allowance for iron (XXX.) bridges .... 1882 (CXXIII.) " Certain works on, exempted under 44 Vic. cap. 24 1882 (CXIX.) " Tariff or tolls on, O. C. April 29th, 1871 1882 (XXXVII.) " Allowance of bounty on fish plates, etc., made in Canada 1882 (CXIII.) " Act for preservation of peace Vide Canada (Jazette, Vol. 15, pp. 1314 and 1181 ,..- 1882 45 O. C, WINNIPEG SOUTH EASTERN RAIL- WAY CO., Act of Manitoba incorpor- (XXII.) ating disallowed. 1 'ide Canada Gazette, Vol . 1 5 . j ) . 9 7 S 1 882 45 O. C, April 29th, 1881, CANADIAN PACII-IC RAILWAY, approving tariff of tolls (CXIX.) for freight and passengers . 1882 O. C, Clifton Sus])ension Bridge Company (43). 46 O. C, Mav 28th, 1883, CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO.. approving By-law No. 56, establishing freight toU^ on division west of Prince Arthur's Land- (CXXI.) ing . - 1883 46 Proclamation for the preservation of peace in the vicinity of the CANADIAN PACIFIC (LXV.) RAILWAY. \'ide Canada (;azeite. Vol. X\'l.. p. 744 . 1883 46 Proclamation declaring in force "An Act respect- ing the PORTAGE, WESTBOURNE AND NORTH-WESTERN RAIL- (XXXIX.) WAY CO." Vide Canada Gazette. Vo]. 16, p. 438 1883 142 RAILWAY LEGISLATION. VICTORIA 46 (XLV.) 47 (68) 47 (117) 47 (115) 48-49 (CVII.) (CVII.) (CVIII.) (CIX.) (CIX.) (CX.) 48-49 (CXLC.) 48-49 (CXLV.) 48-49 (CXLIV.) YEAR Regulations respecting transporting, manifesting and reporting dutiable goods by RAILWAY in or through Canada, to take effect May 1st, 1883 1883 Proclamation respecting rescinding of O. C. of July 5th. 1882, by O. C. of Novem.ber 29th, 1883, and declaring certain lands in CANADIAN PACIFIC RAIL- WAY belt re-opened for homestead and pre-emption entries. Vide Canada Gazette, Vol. XVII., p. 860.. O. C, April 12th, 1884, declaring incorporation of "THE ESQUIMALT AND NAN- AIMO RAILWAY CO." Vide Canada Gazette, Yo\. XVII., p. 1648 O. C, December 19th, 1883, approving passenger and freight tariffs of MANITOBA AND NORTH-WESTERN RAIL- WAY CO." Vide Canada Gazette, Vol. XVII., p. 1000 CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY preservation of peace on certain sections. Vide Canada Gazette, Vol. XVII., p. 1804 " Preservation of peace, etc. Vide Canada Gazette, Vol. XVII., p. 1953 188 Preservation of peace, etc. Vide Canada Gazette, Vol. XVII., p. 1918 Preservation of peace, etc. Vide Canada Gazette, Vo. XVIII.. p. 424 Preservation of peace, etc. Vide Canada Gazette, Vol. XVIIl.. p. 484 Preservation of peace, etc. Vide Canada Gazette, Vol., XVIII.p.l532 By-law No. 50, estabhshing passenger and freight tariffs, was approved. Vide Canada Gazette, Vol. XVIIL, p. 239 1885 O. C, Mav 21st, 1885, By-law No. 31 of ON- 'TARIO AND QUEBEC RAILWAY CO. was approved-. 1885 By O. C, Mav 5th, 1884, Rule 45 of GOVERN- MENT RAILWAYS OF CANADA, approved by O. C. of August 15th, 1876, was rescinded and new rule adopted; and also Rule 58^, governing rules 48 to 58, was adopted. Vide Canada Gazette, Vol. XVII., p. 1959 1885 1884 1884 1884 1885 1885 1885 1885 1885 1885 ORDERS OF THK GOVKRXOlt-GKNKUAL IN ('OUNCIL 143 VICTORIA 49 O. C, Julv 23rd, 1885, CANADIAN PACIFIC 'RAILWAY. By-law No. 50 amended to authorize charge of ten cents for each ticket purchased on Company's (LXXXI.) trains. Vide Canada Gazette, Vol. XIX., p. 436 .886 49 48-49 (CXLIV.) 48-49 (CXLV.) 48-49 (CXLV.) 50-51 (CLXXXV.) 50-51 (CXCIII.) O. C, October 6th, 1885, TEMISCOUATA RAILWAY, authorizing construction of, by Company. Vide Canada Gazette, Vol. XIX., p. 501 1886 0. C, Mav 5th, 1884, rule 45 of the Rules and ' Regulations of GOVERNMENT RAILWAYS, approved by O. C. of August 15th, 1876, was rescinded and rule substituted requiring payment of ten cents each additional on tickets purchased on trains, and adding Rule No. 582 imposing penalties for in- fractions of Rules 45 to 58, inclusive. Vide Canada Gazette, Vol. XVII., p. 1959 1886 O. C, January 10th, 1885, CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY, approving By-law No. 50 — Passenger Tariff. Vide Canada Gazette, Yo\. XVIII., p. 1239 1886 O. C, May 21st, 1885, ONTARIO AND QUEBEC RAILWAY (leased to Canadian Paci- fic Railway), approving By-law No. 31 establishing maximum rate for car- riage of passengers, and authorizing charge of ten cents per mile on tickets purchased on trains; also maximum mileage tariff of freight rates and tolls on lines and extensions. Vide Canada Gazette, Vol. XVIII., p. 1893 O. C, August 3rd, 1883, approving local passenger tariff of NEW BRUNSWICK RAIL- WAY (leased to Canadian Pacific Railway), in effect January 1st, 1884 Vide Canada Gazette, Vol. XX., p. 242.... O. C, Julv 20th, 1886, granting charter to LAKE ^ TEMISCAMINGUE COLONIZA- TION RAILWAY CO. for the construc- tion of wharves and landing stages. Vide Canada Gazette, Vol. XX., p. 894.... 1886 1887 1887 VICTORIA 50-51 (CC.) 50-51 (CCX.) 44 RAILWAY LKOISLATIOX. O C Julv 22nd, 1886, land grants on certain con- ' ditions to the GREAT NORTH- WEST CENTRAL RAILWAY CO. Vide Canada Gazette Vol. XX., d. 897__ . 1887 O C August 3rd, 1886, authorizing the GREAT NORTH-WEST CENTRAL RAIL- WAY CO. to issue bonds to amount of S25.000 per mile. Vide Canada Gazette. Vol. XX., p. 897.... 1887 50-51 OC Mav 21st, 1887, approving rates of PRINCE ■ EDWARD ISLAND RAILWAY per 100 lbs. for goods under general classi- fication, and per car load for special (CCXI ) articles. ^ '^ . Vide Canada Gazette. Yo\. XX., p. 2U^^ 1887 51 Proclamation, Julv 5th, 1888, confirming Act passed bv Legislature of Quebec to amend Charter of the QUEBEC ^CCTV^ CENTRAL RAILWAY COMPANY. ^ '^ Vide Canada Gazette. Vol. XXII., p. 102 1888 52 O C O.C. Februarv 25th, 1889, INTERCOLO- NIAL RAILWAY, estabhshing tolls for carriage of freight in accordance with maximum freight tariff based on CANADIAN JOINT CLASSIFICA- TION, dated March 1st, 1888, and November 1st, 1888; also for storage and side and top wharfage in connec- (Clll ) tion with said Railwav. Vide Canada Gazette. Vol. XXII.. p. 167 1 1889 52 Proclamation, December 5th, 1888, declaring that Governor-General in Council was satisfied that no objection exists to constructing low level bridge across St. Lawrence River at point men- tioned m 3 5 Vic. cap. 83, bv CANADA (QUI ) ATLANTIC RAILWAY COMPANY. ^ "^ Vide Canada Gazette. Vol. XXII.. p. 928 1889 October 26th, 1889, General Regulations for GOV- ERNMENT RAILWAYS, O. C, Au- gust 16tli, 1876. ()i;i>i:ns OF 'riiK (;()\i:i(\(»u-(;i;\i;i;ai. in <'oi\( ii.. I4o virro'iUA VKAU 52 CANADIAN JOINT FREIGHT CLASSIFICA- TION, No. 6, takin.jr effect April 1 5th. 1889 ' 1889 ADOPTED in- Canadian Pac-itic Railway. Michigan Central Railnjad (Can- Canada Atlantic Railway. ada Division). Central Ontario Railway. : Niagara Central Railway Central Vermont Railroad (in Canada). Cumberland Railway and Coal Co. Erie and Huron Railway. Grand Trunk Railway. \ way Pontiac Pacific Junction Rail- way. Quebec Central Railway. Quebec and Lake St. John Rail- Intercolonial Railway (Through Canadian Traffic). Kingston and Pembroke Railway. Lake Erie, Essex and Detroit River Ry. Manitoba and North-Western Rv. Bay of Quinte Railway and Nav. CoT ' ^ i Napq.nee, Tamworth nnd Oue- bec Ry. Thousand Islands Ry. Temiscouata Railway. 53 October 15th, 1889, Tariff of tolls for carriage of freight on PRINCE EDWARD IS- LAND RAILWAY, with maximum (CXXXIII.) general freight tariff. Vide Canada Gazette, Vol. XXIII., p. 638 1 889 52 CANADA ATLANTIC RAILWAY bridge over (CIII.) River St. Lawrence approved. Vide Canada Gazette, Vol. XXII., ]>. 998 1889 52 O. C, June 15th, 1889, regulations governing drawbridge of ATLANTIC AND NORTH - W^EST RAILWAY over (CXVI.) Lachine Canal. Vide Can adaCazette, Vo]. XXU., p. 2^87 1889 53 CANADIAN JOINT FREIGHT CLASSIFICA- TION, Supplement No. 1 to Classifica- tion No. 6, of April 15th. 1889, to take (CXXXIV.) effect August 12th, 1889. Vide Canada Gazette, \'ol.XX III., j). 1020 1 890 53 O. C, October 15th, 1889, PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND RAILWAY, maximum freight tariff, governed by Canadian Joint Freight Classification of March 1st, 1888; also tariffs for side and top wharfage at railway wharves and for (CXXIV.) storage w^ere established. Vide Canada Gazette yo\. XX 1 1 1 .. |).1020 1890 146 RAILWAY LEGISLATION. VICTORIA 53 (CXXXVIII.) YEAR O.C, November 29th, 1889, NORTH-WESTERN COAL AND NAVIGATION CO., tariff of tolls and rates based on Can- adian Joint Freight Classification, No. 5, of March 1st, 1888, were approved. Vide nanada Gazette, Vol. XXIII., p. 1499 1890 53 O. C, April 24th, 1890, INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY, amending freight tariff estabHshed February 25th, 1889, on agricultural products; stoves at O. R. reduced; cattle, horses and mules; furniture, certain articles of; molasses, small lots, reduced; lumber, confirm- (CXI.) ing tariff of, February 23rd, 1880. Vide Canada Gazette, Yo\. XXIII. , p. 2171 1890 54-55 O. C, December 31st, 1890, QU'APPELLE, LONG LAKE AND SASKATCHE- WAN RAILWAY and STEAMBOAT COMPANY, By-laws of, passed July 20th, 1889, tariff of tolls No. 6, and on December 9th, 1890, No. 7 amending (CXLV.) No. 6, were approved. Vide Canada Gazette, Vol. XXIV., p. 1208 1891 55-56 O. C, June 2nd, 1892, MANITOBA and NORTH- WESTERN RAILWAY CO., approv- ing tariff of tolls under Canadian Joint (C.) Freight Classification. Vide Canada Gazette, Vol. XXVI., p. 2.... 1892 55-56 Proclamation, October 1st, 1891, CANADIAN JOINT FREIGHT CLASSIFICA- TION No. 8, authorized on above date to apply to railway freight traffic to and from all points within the Dom- (LXXIII.) inion of Canada. Vide Canada Gazette, Vol. XXV., p. 580 1892 ORDIOltS OF THE GOVERXOR-CJENERAL IN COUNCIL. 147 CANADIAN JOINT FREIGHT CLASSIFICATION No. 8. 1st OCTOBER, 1891. and North-Western ADOPTED BY Brantford, Waterloo and Lake! Manitoba Erie Railway. i Railway. Boston and Maine Railway (in! Michigan Central Railroad (Can Canada). ' j ada Division). Brockville, Westport and Sault New Brunswick Ste. Marie Railway. Buctotiche and Moncton Railway . Canada Atlantic Railway. Central Ontario Railway. Central Vermont Railroad (in Canada). Cumberland Railway and Coal Co. Erie and Huron Railway. Grand Trunk Railway. Intercolonial Railway. Kingston and Pembroke Railway. Kingston Napanee, and Western Railway. Lake Erie, Essex and River Railway. and Prince Edward Island Railway. Niagara Central Railway. Nova Scotia Central Railway. Northern Pacific and Manitoba Railway. Pontiac Pacific Junction Railway. Prince Edward Island Railway. Quebec Central Railway. Quebec and Lake St. John Rail- way. Bay of Quinte Railway and Navi- gation Com.pany. Thousand Islands Railway. Detroit! Temiscouata Railway. Western Counties Railway. Maine Central ada.) Railway (in Can- Windsor and Annapolis Railway. VICTORIA 57-58 (CLXII.) 57-58 (CLXII.) 60-61 (XCIII.) Proclamation, July 5th, 1893, under clause 226 of "The Railway Act," 51 Vic. cap. 29 an amended classification of freight. No. 9, approved, to be substituted for CANADIAN JOINT FREIGHT CLASSIFICATION No. 8, to be ap- plicable to railway freight to and from all points within the Dominion of Canada. Vide Canada Gazette, Vol. XXVII. .p. 198 TOBIQUE VALLEY RAILWAY CO., confirm- ing Acts of Legislature of New Bruns- wick, 48 Vic. cap. 51, and SO Vic. cap. 16, Proclamation May 19th, 1893. Vide Canada Gazette, XXVI., p. 2122 O. C, July 8th, 1896, approving By-laws adopted ^ by the CANADA ATLANTIC RAIL- WAY CO., and the OTTAWA, ARN- PRIOR AND PARRY SOUND RAILWAY CO., and O. C. dated October 24th, 1894, approving of cer- tain By-laws of the said companies, was cancelled. Vide Canada Gazette, Vol. XXX.. p. 296 1894 1894 1897 148 KAIL WAY LEGISLATION. VUTORLV 60-61 O.C. (XCIII.) 60-61 O. C, (XCIII.) 61 O.C, (LXXXVIII) 61 0. C. (LXXXIX) 61 O.C, (LXXXIX.) 61 O. C (LXXXVIII).) 61 O. C (LXXXVIII.) A])ril ]7tli, 1897 .under section 223, of "The Railway Act," a Bv-law of the CUM- BERLAND RAILWAY AND COAL CO., adopted February 10th, 1898, authorizing directors to fix tolls, and a resolution of the directors dated March 29th, 1897. fixing the tolls to be collected by the said railway for the transport of passengers and goods, were approved. Vide Canada Gazette, Vol. XXX., p. 2220 May 7th, 1895, under the provisions of the "Railway Act," By Law No. 5, a freight tarifT of the'TEMISCOUATA RAILWAY CO.. adopted by the said Company' at their annual meeting held on Dec'eml)er 3rd, 1889. was approved. Vide Can ada Gazette ,Vo1.XXX.,ij. 2286 1897 1897 May 17th. 1897, approving Freight Tariff of the IRONDALE, BANCROFT AND OTTAWA RAILWAY COMPANY, By-law No. 1 1898 Vide Canada Gazette, Vol. XXXI., p. 1258 July 29th, 1897, approving CANADIAN JOINT FREIGHT CLASSIFICA- TION No. 10. 1898 r/c/f Canadui Gazette, Vol. XXXI., p. 2234 February 28th, 1898, approving substitu- tion of Supplement No. 2 for Supple- ment No. 1, and amendment of CAN- ADIAN JOINT FREIGHT CLAS- SIFICATION No. 10 1898 \'ide Canada Gazette, Vol. XXXI., p. 2258 , July 1st, 1896, approving a schedule of maximum fares and freight rates adopted bv a bv-law of the CANADA SOUTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY Dec. 19th, 1895, and amended June 17th. 1896. \'ide Canada Gazette, Vol. XXXI., p. 2171. 1898 , Se])t. 7th, 1896, a])pio\-ing lariff of tolls adopted 1,v NIAGARA RIVER BRIDr.E C()Mi>AN\' on April Ihth. 1881. Vide Canada Gazette, Vol. XXXI., t. 2172. 1898 DKDMits OK riiK <;()\i;i{\()K-(;i:\i;k.\l i.v coixcil. 149 VICTORIA VKAIt 61 O. C, Nov. 27th, 1896, approving rates to be char<,^ed bv ST. LAWRENCE & ADIRONDACK RAILWAY COM- PANY for freight transport, and (LXXXVIII.) maximum rates for passenger traffic. Vide Canada Gazette, Vol. XXXI . , p. 2 1 H . 1 898 61 O. C, June 28th, 1897, freight tariff of CUMBER- LAND RAILWAY AND COAL COM- PANY amended by striking out "lumber," and by striking out all words after "Canadian Joint Freight (LXXXVIII.) Classification." Vide Canada Gazette, Vol. XXXI., p. 2 1 10. 1898 61 O. C, Oct. 26th, 1897, approving tariff of max- imum tolls and rates of TORONTO, HAMILTON AND BUFFALO RAIL- WAY COMPANY: and authorizing (LXXXLX.) Directors to fix tolls. Vide Canada Gazette, Vol. XXXI., ]). 2 1 H . 1 898 61 O. C, January 22nd, 1898, cancelling O. C. Nov. 19th, 1897, authorizing mileage tariff of freight rates for INTERCOLON- IAL RAILWAY, and adopting min- imum weight for car loads as laid down in Canadian Joint Freight (LXXXIX.) Classification. Vide Canada Gazette, Vol. XXXI., p. 22 58. 1898 62-63 Proclamation, dated Dec. 10th, 1898, repealing . Acts of Province of Nova Scotia and Parliament of Canada granting to WINDSOR AND ANNAPOLIS or to DOMINION ATLANTIC RAILWAY certain privileges or rights respecting drawback of ciistoms or import duties. (LXXXI.) See 58-59 Vic, Chap. 47. Vide Canada Gazette, Vol. XXXII.. p. 1224 1899 63-64 Proclamation, dated Sept. 21st, 1899, the Act 62-63 Vic, Chap. 5, and intituled "An Act to confirm an agreement entered into bv HER MAJESTY with the GRAND TRUNK RAIL- WAY COMPANY for the purpose of securing an extension of the INTER- COLONIAL RAILWAY SYSTEM to the City of MONTREAL," was brought into force, from and after LVI.) Sept. 26th, 1899. 1900 Vide Canada Gazette, Vol. XXXIII, p. 617. 150 RAILWAY LEGISLATION. VICTORIA YEAR 63-64 O. C, Oct. 24th, 1899, by-law No. 14, passed at a meetino of the shareholders of the OTTAWA AND NEW YORK RAILWAY CO. held on Sept. 19th, 1899, fixing the passenger and freight rates to be charged on that railway, (LVI.) was approved. Vide Canada Gazette, Vol. XXXIII, p. 863. 1900 63-64 O. C, dated June 9th, 1900, By-law No. 21, dated April 27th, 1900, enacted by GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY OF CANADA, fixing maximum freight rates, and the maximum rates for passenger traffic on the Company's hnes in Canada was approved subject to certain modifica- (LVI.) tions mentioned therein. Vide Canada Gazette, Vol. XXXIII, p. 2602 1900 63-64 Proclamation, dated June 23rd, 1900, under the provisions of the Act 62-63 Vic, Chap. 68, and intituled "An Act respecting the GREAT NORTHERN RAIL- WAY COMPANY, and to change its name to "GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY OF CANADA," the said Act was brought into force on the day of the publication of said (LVI.) Proclamation. Vide Canada Gazette, Vol. XXXIII, p. 2707 1900 1 Edw. VII O. C, July 24th, 1900, certain by-laws fixing tolls for passengers and freight on the DOMINION ATLANTIC RAIL- (LXXIX.) WAY were approved. Vide Canada Gazette, Vol. XXXIV., p. 196 1901 2 Edw. VII O. C, Februarv 18th, 1902, by-laws Nos. 3, 4 and 5 of the BRITISH YUKON RAIL- WAY fixing rates for conversance of passengers and freight were approved, subject to revision by the Governor (LXXVIII) in Council under certain conditions. Vide Canada Gazette, Vol. XXXV., p. 1694. 1902 3 Edw. VII O. C, Oct. 31st, 1902, by-laws Nos. 6 as set forth adopted at a special general meeting of the BRITISH YUKON RAILWAY CO., fixing the passenger and freight tariffs and enacting regu- lations to govern on that road, were (LIV.) sanctioned. Vide Canada Gazette, Vol. XXXVI., p. 998. 1902 ORDERS OF THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL IN COUNCIE. 151 YEAR VICTORIA . . , 3 Edw VII O. C, Feb. 4th, 1903, certain provisions as set forth for "general conditions of car- riage" for freight over the CANA- DIAN GOVERNMENT RAIL- n TV ^ WAYS were adopted. ^^^^•^ ' W,CanaJa6-a^.«c, Vol. XXXVI., p.1618 1903 3 Edw VII O C, March 31st, 1903, amending O. C. of Feb. 4th, 1903, respecting "general con- ditions of carriage" for freight over the CANADIAN GOVERNMENT a IV ^ RAILWAYS. ^^^^•^ ra^ Canada (;a../te. Vol. XXXVI., p.2034 1903 3 Edw VII O. C, March 31st, 1903, approving amendments to certain bv-laws indicated by the letters "B", "C" and "D" adopted by the ALGOMA CENTRAL AND HUD- SON BAY RAILWAY COMPANY, fixing tolls for transportation of pas- sengers and goods, also fixing wharf- age tolls to be in force at certain n "V ^ points named. ^^ '' Vide Canada Gazette, Vol. XXXVl.,v.2086 1903 C October 31st, 1902, as amended by O. C. of 5th of November, 1903, approving Fair Wages Clauses to be incorporated in contracts between H.M. the King and the Department of Railways and Qanals - - ^ O. C. November 28th, 1903, approving form of agreement and specification for rail- ways entering into contract under Subsidy Acts ^ 1903 3 Edw VII O. C, January 18th, 1904. By Proclamation of this date, the provisions of the Act 3 Edw. VII, chap. 58, entitled "An Act to amend and consolidate the Law respecting Railways" came into force and effect on the 1st of February, ^^^^^■^ VideCanadaGazetieyol XXXVII., p.l336 1904 NOTE.-Under the provisions of "The Railway Act," 1903 and amendments, all railway companies are required to submit tarittsot tolls freight classification, and by-laws, rules and regulations to the BoaM of Railwav Commissioners for Canada for approval, before publication in The Canada Gazette, in the manner specified m sections 255, 261 to 267, and 273 and 274 of the Act. No references to these subjects, consequently, will appear m the Statutes of the Dominion of Canada, as heretofore with the exception of those relating to Government Railways, which are exempt from the operation of the Act. 152 li.VlLWAY T.i;(nsLATl().\. TABLE SHOWING LOCATION OF THE RAILWAYS OF THE DOMINION OF CANADA, 30th JUNE, 1904. XoTE. — Railways indicated by an asterisk (*) have been incorporated by Provincial Governments, and are subject to the jurisdiction of 'The Raihvaj' Act," 1903, as provided for in Sections 6 and 7 of that Act, only. Name of Railway. Description. Distance. Miles. Total. Alberta Ry- and Coal Co.. From Lethbridge in District of Alberta, N.W. T., to Coutts, on International boundary. 66 19 91 100 93 15 90 32 45 16 Also third rail for 20 miles, making a gauge of 3'0" The portion from Dunmore to Lethbridge, 107 miles, was changed to 4 ft. 8i in. gauge and sold to Can. Pac. Ry., 29th Nov., 1893 16-00 3-00 Harvey Branch Albert to Harvey Bank, N.B. Sault Ste. Marie to mile 641 — Main line Branch — Michipicoten to Helen Mines Josephine Jet. to Josephine Mine Trout Lake to Aweres Mile 20 to Maple Camp ' Lake Wilde to Breiting Mine 00 Algoma Central and Hud- son Bav . 64-25 12-00 10-50 2-00 1-00 2-00 Metapedia Station on C.P.R. to Paspebiac, 100 miles S7 Bale des Chaleurs in At- lantic and Lake Super- no Bay of Ouinte Railway.... Deseronto to Bannockburn " west of Deseronto 76 00 4-00 4-00 11-37 " Deseronto Junction. Bedlington and Nelson Yarker to Sydenham International Boundary at Port Hill to Jet. Can. Pac. Rv. at Creston, and from Junct. with C.P.R. at Sirdar to Kuscomok 37 30 British Yukon White Pass to White Horse Spur, B.C. and Branch to White Horse 3? ♦Buctouche and Moncton Moncton, on Intercolonial Railway, to Buc- touche N.B. no * Brock ville, Westport and North Western Brockville to Westport Ont on Bruce Mines and Algoma,. Town of Bruce Mines to Rock Lake Mine and 6? Calgary and Edmonton .... 190-97 104-96 MacLeod. District of Alberta T/^rATIOX OF THK iJMI.WAY 153 Location of Railways, &c. — Continued. Name of Railway- Description. Distance. Miles. I Total. Canada Atlantic, includ- ing Ottawa, Arnprior and Parry Sound Ry Central Counties ( Leased to Can. Atlantic i Canadian Northern. Canada Coals and Ry^Co. formerly Joggins Canada vSouthern Canada Southern Canadian Pacific: Owned City of Ottawa to Junction with (irand Trunk at LacoUe and U.S. boundary. Crosses the St. Lawrence at Coteau by bridge. Con- nects with Grand Trunk Railway at Coteau and Lacolle, and Ottawa to Depot Harbour, Lake Huron near Parry Sound, From Glen Robertson, on Canada Atlantic to Hawkesbury , Ont South Indian, on Can. Atlantic, to Rockland Port Arthur to Winnipeg Beaver to Grand View Branches-Stanlej' Junct. to Gunflint Lake.... Carman Junct. to Learys Neepawa Junct. to McCreary Junct. Gilbert Plains Junct. to Erwood.... Sifton Junct. to Winnipegosis Emerson to Ridgeville Winnipeg Transfer Track 438 131 66 63 32 190 21 11 4 Leased m ^ lada Easter: §•" Maccan Station, LC.R., to Joggins Coal Mine Main Line — Windsor, Ont., to Suspension Bridge Amherstburg Branch — Essex Centre to Am- h erstburg St. Clair Branch — St. Clair Jet. to Courtright Fort Erie Branch— Fort Erie to Welland Jet. Erie and Niagara Branch — Old Fort Erie to Niagara Oil Springs Branch—Oil Springs to Oil City Sarnia, Chatham and Erie-Oil City to Petrol ea Leamington and vSt. Clair-Comber to Leam- ington Late Northern and Western of New Brunswick; Gibson, opposite City of Fredericton to Chatham Junction, LC.R _....' Chatham junction to Chatham and Logie- ville via Nelson Blackville to Indiantown Main Line-Quebec to St. Martin's Junction I " Montreal to Ottawa j " Ottawa to Bonfield Bonfield to Vancouver. Branches-Dunmore to Crows Nest Piles Junction to Grand Piles Berthier Junction to Berthier Joliette Junction to St. Felix " Ste. Therese Junction to St. Jerome " " to vSt. Eustache 226 18 16 83 62 63 17 50 30 60 ^ 50 7 00 15 95 107 00 20 00 9 00 159 80 120 30 223 60 2,565 80 213 60 26 90 2 10 16 60 13 30 6 00 400-30 37-40 998-65 12-00 382-19 136-00 3.064-80 295-93 154 RAILWAY LEGISLATION. Location of Railways, &c. — Continued. Name of Railway. Description. Distance. Miles. ! Total Montreal and Western. Branches-St. Jerome to Labelle Labelle to Nominingue St. Lin Junction to St. Lin Buckingham Stn. to Buckingham Village Brockville and Railway Ottawa Lake Temiscamingue Col- onization Branches-Carleton Jvmction to Brockville Sudbury to Sault Ste. Marie " Sudbury to Copper Mines Dyment to Ottamine Molson to Lac du Bonnet McGregor to Brookdale Winnipeg Junction to Emerson Les Riviere Junction to Manitou.... Winnipeg to Winnipeg Beach " Rosenfeldt to Gretna Beach Junction to Teulon {Kenmay to Estevan Glenboro' to Souris Deloraine to Napinka Branches-Monteith Junction to Areola North Portal to Pasqua " New Westminster Junction to New Westminster Esquimalt & Nanaimo. Leased Lines. Canadian Pacific- Leased lines.. Branches-Mattawa to Kippewa Mission Junction to Huntington. " Revelstoke to Arrow Head " Vancouver to Coal Harbour Three Forks to Sandon ! " Wood Bay to Mowbray .-....; " North Star Junction to Kimberly..{ " Deloraine to Lyleton j Fernie to Fernie Mines | " Kickella to Esterhazy " Marysville Junction to Maryvi]le....j Victoria to Wellington, Island of Vancouver Total Mileage owned. Atlantic and North-west (in Canada) — South end Lachine Bridge to Maine boundary, Que 181*90 Renfrew Jet. to Eganville, Ont 18-10 St. Lawrence and Ottawa Ottawa to Prescott, Ont 51-70 Chaudiere Junction to Sussex St., Ottawa 6-60 66-90 23-50 15-10 178 5 6 22 36 63 99 50 13 37 156 45 18 94 160 201-00 58-30 1,664-20 4.820-40 LOCATION OF TIIK RAILWAYS. 155 Location of Railways; &c. — Continued. Name of Railway. Description. Distance. Miles. Total. Canadian Pacific-Coni. Leased lines Ontario and Quebec — Montreal (Windsor Sta.,) to Tor- onto Junction 338'90 Mile End to Adirondack Jet 9-90 St. Luc Jet. to Western Jet 1 • 70 Torontojct. to Toronto (Union vSta) 4-70 Leasidejct. " " 5-30 London to Windsor 122-60 Credit Valley- Toronto Jet. to St. Thomas Streetsville Jet. to Melville Jet. Cataract to Elora 116-80 31-60 27-30 West Ontario Pacific-Woodstock to London iToronto, Grey and Bruce — Toronto Jet. to Owen Sound 116-80 Orangeville Jet. to Teeswater... 69-80 Glenannan to Wingham 4*50 Guelph Junction — Guelph Jet. on Credit Valley Ry. to Guelph '.. 15-00 Montreal and Lake Maskinonge — St. Felix to St. Gabriel de Brandon Montreal and Ottaw^a- - Vaudreuil to Jet. with the Canada Atlantic 86 -701 Rigaud to Pt. Fortune 6-80! Toronto, Hamilton and Buffalo — Hamilton Junction to Hamilton Cap de la Madeleine — From Main Line C.P.R., at Junct. with Piles branch to Cap de la Madeleine New Brunswick — Woodstock to Maine boundary... Newburg Junction to Fredericton Aroostook Junct. to Edmondston St. John and Maine — I Vanceboro to McAdam Junction McAdam Jianction to Fairville I Fairville to Carleton ;St. John Bridge and Rv. Extension — I Fairville to St. John I Fredericton — i Fredericton Junct. to PVedericton. [New Brunswick and Canada — McAdam Junction to St. Stephen Watt Jvmction to St. Andrews.... McAdam Junction to Woodstock Debec Junction to Maine boundary 59-30! 58 -501 57-00 6-00! 81-80 4-oo: 1 33 901 27 50 : 50 80 5 00 471-40 175-70 26-60 19110 1100 93-50 2-20 2-30 174-80 91-80 2-00 22-10 117-20 156 RAllAVA'^' LKfilSLATlOX. Location of Railways. &c. — Continued. Name of Railway. Canadian Pacific-Coni. Leased lines Description. St. Ste]ihen and Milltown Ry. — vSt. Stephen to Milltown Tobique N'alley — Perth Centre to Plaster Rock JManitoba and Northwestern — j Portage la Prairie to Yorkton 222-90; i Binscarth to Russell ir30' Yorktown to Sheko 42^02 Saskatchewan and Western-Min- nedosa to Rapid City 18-20 Distance. Miles. Total. Manitoba South-western Colonization — • Manitou to Deloraine 100-30 LA Riviere to Glenboro' 103-30 Elm Creek to Carman 12-10 -Great Nort1i-west Central, ! to Miniota 'Forest to Lenore Charter 71-00 40-70 British Columbia Southern — Crows-Nest to Kootenav Landing 180-00 Nelson to Proctor '. 20-40 Shuswap and Okanagan — From Jet. with C.P.R. at Sicamous to Lake Okanagan Nakusp and Slocan — Nakusp on Arrow Lake to Three Forks of Carpenter's Creek, B.C Columbia and Western — Rob.son to Midway 99-60 Castlegar Jet. to Rossland 30-70 Trail to Smelter Junction 2-00 Mining Spurs, including Rossland to LeRoi .' 24-80 Kootenay and Arrowhead — Lardo to Gerrard Columbia & Kootenay — Nelson to Robson 27-40 Spur to mouth of Kootenay River '80 Slocan Junction to Slocan 31 '30 Vancouver and Lulu Island, Van- couver, to Steveston Calgary and Edmonton — Calgary ]unct. to Strathcona 190-60| '' ' to MacLeod Jet 105-60! 4-60 28 00 294-60 215-70 111-70 200-40 36-30 157-101 33-40 59-50 16-90, 296-20! T.ocwrioN 157 Location of Railways, «&c. — Continued. Canadian Pacific-C"ow/. Leased lines Canadian Government Railways Ottawa Xorlliorn .iml Western Ottawa to \\'althani (including Interprovincial Bridge) 78 20 Hull I unction to Maniwaki 80-50 otal mileage leased owned in C. P. System Intercolonial — Halifax to Pt. Levis (via Harlaka) 674 Dartmovith to Windsor Junction . 12 Truro to Sydney 214 Mulgrave to Point Tupper Ferry North Sydney Jc. to North Sydney 4 New Glasgow to Pictou Landing 7 Stellarton to Oxford Junction "'' Brown's Point to Pictou 1 Pugwash Jet. to Pugwash Station 4 Painsec Jet. to Pt. du Chene U Moncton to St. John 89 Derby Junction to Indiantown ... 13 Dalhousie Branch 5 River Ouelle to St. Denis Wharf... 6 St. Charles Jet. to Chaudiere Jet. (via St. Henri) .' 16 Hadlow to Chaudiere Curve .^ Freight Branches 27 Ys at various places 3 70 3,319-60 4,820-40 8.140-00 Windsor Brancli (32 miles) of I.C. R3\ is operated hv Dominion ' Atlantic Ry. Drummond County — Chaudiere to Ste. Rosalie Jet, with Grand Trunk St. Leonard to Nicolet and Balls Wharf on St. Lawrence Canada Eastern — Fredericton to Chatham and l>ranchcs 1,179-65 115-93 14-68 136-00 Prince Edward Island — Main Line — Albert on to Charlotte- town l()4-3() Royalty Junction to Georgetown 41-00; Branch- Mount Stewart to" Souris 38-40; .Mberton to Tignish 13-301 Ivmerald to Cape Traverse 12-00, 1.446-26 158 R A I L W A Y T > lOG I S L ATIO xN . Location of Railways, &c. — Continued. Name of Railway i'Cape Breton Railway. ♦Caraquet. * Carillon and Grenville. Central Ontario ''Central Railway of New Brunswick, now ^New Brunswick Coal and Railway Co Chateauguay and|North- ern Coast Line, Nova'^Scotia, now Halifax and Yar- mouth Cobourg, Northumber- land and Pacific, now Campbellford, Lake On- tario and Western Cumberland Railway and Coal Company (former- ly Spring Hill and Parrsboro') *Crows Nest Southern. Description. Point Tupper to St. Peters. Terminal at St. Peters Distance. Miles. I Total. 30 00 1-00 From Gloucester Junction, Intercolonial Rail- way, ,S miles south of Bathurst Station, easterly along the south shore of Bale des Chaleurs to Shippigan Harbour, N.B Carillon to Grenville, Que., connecting at both termini with Ottav.-a River Navigation Company's steamers (Gauge, S ft. 6 in.).... From Picton, in Prince Edward County, to Bancroft Branch, Ormsby Jet, to Coe-Hill Iron Mines, Wallaston, County of Hastings; connects with Grand Trunk at Trenton, Midland Railway, 2 iniles west of Stirling, and with Ontario and Quebec, in Township of RaAvdon From Norton Station, on the Intercolonial 117 00 31- 00 68 00 13 00 12500 Railway, to Chipman 44. 661 Extension, Chipman to Newcastle, 15 miles under construction. I Montreal to L'Epiphanie, 3 7 miles under con- struction. V^armouth to Barrington Passage. From Cobourg, Ont., to Junction with Central Ontario Railwa}', 49 miles under construc- tion Spring Hill Junction, Intercolonial Railway, to Spring Ilill Coal Mines, N.S., and Parrs- boro', on tlie Bay of Fundy Spring Hill and Oxford Branch, 14 miles from Spring Hill Mines to Oxford Village on the Oxford and New Glasgow Branch, I.C.R., not in operation. International boundary to Swinton, B.C 43-38 50-20 32-00 43-38 LOCATION OF THK RAILWAYS. 159 Location of Railways, &c. — Continued. Name of Railway. Description. Distance. Miles. I Total. Dominion Atlantic, com-| prising Windsor and An- 1 napolis, Yarmouth and Annapolis and Corn- wallis Valley and lease of Windsor Branch of Intercolonial [Windsor to Annapolis, N.S. i Annapolis to Yarmouth Branches — Midland Division. Edmonton, Yukon Pacific and Elgin and Havelock Esquimau and Nanaimo ■*^ < ^ ?| f?^.^ «g %= a^ n Fredericton and St. Mary 'i Railway Bridge Grand Trunk (owned)- Main Line Branches, Eastern Divis- ion Wilmot to P'orbrook From Kentville to Kingsport, on Basin of Minas (formerly Cornwallis Vallej'- Rail- way) Windsor Branch of I. C. R. — Windsor to Windsor Junction, Intercolonial Railway 14 miles from Halifax, leased Windsor to Truro Strathcona to Edmonton, N.W.T From Elgin, County of Albert, X.B., to Petit codiac Junction with Intercolonial Railway; thence to Havelock in Countv of King's, N.B Havelock to Keith's Mills ". Victoria to Wellington, Island of Vancouver. Over St. John River, connecting the Frederic- ton Railway, at Fredericton. with the New Brunswick Railway, and Canada Eastern Railway, at St. Marv's Point Edward to Point Levis and Boundary Line, Vermont ^. York to Sarnia Tunnel Suspension Bridge, Niagara Falls to Windsor... 544-40 175-70 229-811 Arthabasca Bra n ch St. Lambert to Ft. Covington (Boundary)... Brosseaus to Rouse's Point (Boundary) St. Isidore to Province Line St. Martine to Valleyfield Bonaventure to Dor'val Jacques Cartier Union Ry St. Paul Branch } St. Henri curve ] Wharf Branch, Montreal I Wharf Branch, Lachine ] Kingston Branch j Canada Atlantic System Leased to Canada Atlantic 278-37 1-33 949-91 641-83 160 PvA 1 1.WA Y LEGISLATION, Location of Railways, &c. — Continu.ed. Name of Railway. Northern Division Description. Belleville Harbour to Midland Madoc Junction to Eldorado Port Hope to Peterboro' Perteboro' to Lakefield Millbrook Junction to Omemee Junction. Blackwater to Coboconk Medonte Tramwaj' Scarboro Junction to Haliburton Whitby Harbour to Manilla Junction Stouffville to Jackson's Point Xortli Parkdale to Xipissing Junction Muskoka Wharf Branch Burlington Junction to Allandale Allandale to Meaford Colwell to Penetang Beeton Junction to Lake Junction Hillsdale Tramwav Middle Division. Distance. Miles. Total. 163 21 30 9 15 36 114 33 26 218 1 84 53 33 40 Blackwdl to Point Edward Gait to Elmira iSt. Marv's to London iToronto Belt Line JBathurst St.. Toronto to Hamilton jPort Dover to Hamilton iBurlington Beach Line iStoney Creek and Gages connections Komoka to Sarnia iSarnia to Point Edward Petrolia B.ranch iFort Erie to Glencoe 'Glencoe to Kingscourt ;Port Colborne to Port Dalhousie I ;Clifton to Port Robinson jWelland Junction !Goderich to Goderich Harbour Harrisburg to Tilsonburg Junction j Port Dover to Tavistock iSimcoe to Port Rowan : Harrisburg to Southampton : Palmerston to Durham iHarriston to Wiarton Stratford to Palmerston Listowell to Kincardine Hyde Park to Wingham Cobourg to H^rwood (not in operation") Leased & partly owned. Buffalo and Lake Huron Railway. I Fort Erie to Goderich Owen Sound Branch I Park Head to Owen Sound 5-21 2502 21-13 12-79 37 95 40-25 11-33 2-56 50-85 2-67 4-71 145-55 21-01 25-14 9-75 0-20 1-00 42-54 55-681 17-00' 128-441 26-73; 63-97. 36-60' 57-661 68-88| 15 -00 892-66 929-62 3,418-14 162-00| '"'12-42! 174-42 LOCATION OK TH K RAII-WAYS 161 Name of Railway. Location of Railways, &c. — Continued. l)escrii)tion. Leased or rented. St. Clair Tunnel and ap- proaches Great Eastern in Atlantic and Lake Superior sys- tem Great Northern, including Lower Laurentian and Montfort and Gatineau Railways *Gulf vShore ♦Halifax and South-west- ern, formerly Nova Sco- tia Southern, including Central Nova Scotia ♦Hampton and St. Martin, formerly St. Martin and Upham Hereford Indian River. Wharf r^ranch, Montreal. Under the St. Clair River, between Sarnia and Port Huron connecting the Grand Trunk Railway with railroads in State of Mich igan (Length of tunnel between portals 6,000 ft cylindrical in section with clear inside dia- meter of 19 ft. 10 inches). From junction with South Eastern Railway at Yamaska to River vSt. Francis From Nicolet to Junction with Grand Trunk Railwaj' at St. Gregoire Yamaska to Sorel I Pierreville to Nicolet, 15 miles under construc-j tion. I St. Gregoire to Chaudiere Junction, 67 miles| under construction. Distance. Miles. Total 7 00 10-00 From Riv. a Pierre Jet. with Quebec and Lake St. John Railway to Hawkesbury I From Shawenegan Junct. to Shawenegan Falls[ From St. Jerome Junction to St. Jerome j From Junction with Montreal and Western,! near St. Sauveur, to Arundel ' Junction with Caraquet Railway at Pokem-' ouche to Tracadie, operated by Caraquet Ry Lunenburg to Middleton Junction. NewGermany to Caledonia 3-44 3,596-00 2-25 23 00 169-38 3-98 1-74 33-001 74-OO1 22-00 From Hampton on Intercolonial Ry. to St.: Martin County of St. John, N.B., on Bay of; Fundy ' From international Boundary to Dudswell, County Wolfe, connects with Canadian Pacific Railway at Cookshire. Maine Central at International boundary, and with Quebec Central at Dud.swell i -18-50 Dudswell to Lime Quarries (Dominion Lime^ Company) i 4-80 Megantic to Boundarv, under construction, IS- lOmiles ; I 208-10 16-78 96-00 29-00 53 - 30 162 RAILWAY LEGISLATION. Location of Railways, &c. — Continued. Name of Railway. Description. Distance. Miles. Total. Interprovincial Railway- Bridge and approaches, now included in Ottawa Northern & Western 1 Across the Ottawa River at City of Ottawa 1.40 1 Irondale, Bancroft and Ottawa From Junction with Grand Trunk Railway, near Kinmount Station, tn Ranrrnft. Statmn 48-00 Inverness and Richmond, now Inverness Ry. and Coal Co Inverness to Pnmt Tunn^r T.inof,V^r> James Bay *ICaslo and Slocan From junction with Canada Atlantic Railway to Parry Sound, under construction, 3 - 90 miles. From Kaslo to Sandon B.C . 28-80 3-00 From Junction to Cody Richibucto, N.B., to Kent Jet. Intercolonial Railway 31-80 St. Louis and Richibucto.. Kettle River Valley 2 7.00 7-00 3-86 Kingston and Pembroke.. Main Line Kingston to Renfrew 103-10 4-00 1-00 4-75 Glendower Branch-Bedford to Zanesville Mine . . Robertsville Branch-To Robertsville Mines.... Branches-To Doran's Mills Charcoal Works, McLaren's Mills, Bethlehem Iron Mines, Lavant Mills, Clyde Forks Mills, M^ilson's Mine, Carswell's Mills, William's Mine, (Connects with Grand Trunk at Kingston, Canadian Pacific at Sharbot Lake and at Renfrew) . Klondike City to Stewart River, 82 miles under 112-85 2-00 Klondike Mines Railway.. ♦Lenora Mount Sicker ♦Lotbinifire and Megantic Lenora Mines to Crofton B.C 11-50 Lyster Station, Grand Trunk, to St. Jean des Chaillons 30-34 L'Epiphanie Station, C.P.R. to L'Assomption Walkerville, Ont., to St. Thomas 3-50 Lake Erie & Detroit River 126-78 72-63 Erie and Huron Rondeau to Sarnia London to Port Stanlev on Lake Erie 199-41 24-00 London &'Port Stanley.... Lindsay, Bobcaygeon and From Bobcaygeon to 10 miles west of Ponty- pool on Canadian Pacific Railway, 39-50 miles under construction PVom Liverpool, N.S., to Milton ♦Liverpool and Milton 5-00 *Manitoulin and North Shore Sudbury to Gertrude Mines 13-50 1-50 1-00 1600 LOCATION OF THE RAILWAYS. 163 Location of Railways, &c. — Continued. Name of Railway. Description. Distance. Miles, i Total. ♦Maganetawan River *MiddIeton Beach The Manitoba Ry., form- erly The Northern Paci- fic and Manitoba, the Winnipeg Transfer Ry.,] the Portage and North- western, the Waskada and North-eastern lea- sed to Govt, of Mani-i toba and operated byj the Canadian Northern Burks Falls, on Grand Trunk Ry., to Mag- anetawan River iS: Victoria Middleton to Victoria Beach, 41 miles under construction - ♦Midland of Nova Scotia (formerly Stewiacke Vy.) Massawippi Valley International Boundary to Winnipeg... Morris to Brandon Departure to Hartney Portage Junction to Portage la Prairie. Portage la Prairie to Beaver Portage la Prairie to Delta Hope Farm Branch Fairground Branch Winnipeg Transfer Ry Montreal and Vermont Junction Montreal, Portland and Boston, now Montreal and Province Line Montreal and Atlantic (formerly South-eastern) From Windsor to Truro, N.S From Lennoxville to Vermont boundary, there connecting with Connecticut and Pas- sumpsic Rivers Railway; also connects with Grand Trunk and C.P.R., at Lennox- ville Branch-Stanstead Junction to Stanstead 65 94 145 24' 50 94 52 52 20 02 15 05 2 86 84 1-24 354-65 57-87 31-95 3-51 From Junction with Stanstead, Shefford and Chambly Railway, 2i miles east of St. Johns, P.O., to Junction with Vermont and Canada Railway, at Vermont boundary: also con- nects at Stanbridge with Lake Champlain and St . Lawrence junction Railway Junction with Grand Trunk at St. Lambert to Farnham Marievilleto St. Cesaire Farnham to Freligsburg ' Main Line-Farnham to Richford on Interna-! tional boundary Sutton to Drummondville 32001 8 -60! 1800 43-70 59-20 Leased-Lake Cbamnlain and St. Lawrence Junction-Stanbridge to St. Guillaume (Connects with Connecticut and Passumpsic, Grand Trunk and Stanstead. ShefTord and, ( 'ham 1 il y Railways) 102-90 60-50 35-46 23-60 58-60 163-40 164 ILUl.W.W LKf.lSi.ATluX. Location of Railways, &c. — Continued. Name of Railway- Description. Distance. Miles. Total. 'Morrisse}^ Fernie and Michel Nelson & Fort Sheppard.. *New Glasgow Iron, Coal and Railway Co., now Nova Scotia Steel and Coal Co • New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island.. *Ne\v Westminster South- ern Nipissing and James Bay *Nosbonsing tt Nipissing. *Ontario, Belmont and Northern, now Mar- mora Ry Leased 'to Central (3n- tario Rv Orford Mountain. Ottawa Valley in Atlantic and Lake Superior Sy- stem From Swinton to Carbonado, B.C. From Five Mile Point to Fort Sheppard on International boundary , B . C From Ferrona Junction, I.C.R., to Sunny Brae. From Sackville Station, Intercolonial Railway to Cape Tormentine Douglas to South Westminster Junction of Pacific Junction Railway and Canadian Pacific to Moose Factory' 3-90 miles under construction. From Lake Nosbonsing to Lake Nipissing... Ottawa and New York .... ♦Pembroke Southern lea- sed to Canada Atlantic. * Philipsburg Pontiac and Renfrew. Qu'Appelle. Long Lakes and Sa.skatchewan QueVjec Bridge and ap- proaches to connect ad- iacent Railways ♦Quebec &• Lake vSt. John From Junction with Central Ontario Ry. to Iron Mines in Township of Belmont Eastman on C.P.R. to Lawrenceville and Kingsbury , Que Eastman to Bonallie Lake .1 30 miles under Bolton Springs., j- construction Kingsln;ry in Windsor Mills., j Lachute on C.P.R., to St. Andrew's on Ottawa River From Ottawa lo International Boundary near Cornwall ' . From Pembroke to Golden Lake Stanbridge Station of Canadian Pacific and Central Vermont Railwa3^s, to Philipsburg, Missisq uoi Co From Wyman's Station, on Pontiac Pacific Junction Railway, to Bristol Iron Mines, County Pontiac. Que From Canadian Pacific Railway at Regina, North-westerly to Long Lake and Prince Albert ' 26 • .=^0 (Across St. Lawrence River at Quebec, under construction 10 miles). j Quebec to Robcrval 189-OOJ Chambord Junction to Chicoutimi 51"00| ^^-^ 42 12 50 36 00 24 10 50 0-60 26-50 7-00 56-79 20-00 7-50 LOCATION OK TIIK li.\ 1 1.WA VS. 165 Location of Railways, Sec— Continued. Name of Railway. ^Quebec Central. Description. Distance. Miles. Total Quebec & New Brunswick Quebec, Montmorenc)'' and Charlevoix Quebec Southern, coni- ^ prising East Richelieu Valley Railway and United Counties- And South Shore Rv.. Main Line-Sherbrooke to Harlaka Junction,' Intercolonial Railway, 5 miles from Levis, Que Chaudiere Branch-Beauce Junction to St. Francis Angus Branch-East Angus to Angus Mills |Tring ?i[egantic-Tring Junction to Megantic... (Connects with Grand Trunk, Canadian Pacific and Boston and Maine Raihvays at Sher- brooke) |" From Chaudiere Junction to Connors, N.B., 1,1 5 miles, ,3 miles under construction. Hedleyville, Parish of St. Roch, Quebec, to^ Cap Tourmente • 137-50 1500 100 Red Mountain ♦Restigouche and West- ern, now International of New Brunswick... Rutland and Noyan Stanstead, Shefiford and Chamblv Shore Line, now New Brunswich Southern ♦St. John Bridge and Ry. Extension, now leased by Canadian Pacific Railway Noyan Junction to St. Robert Junction 82.00 From St. Francis du Lac to Junction with Grand Trunk at St. Lambert 61-50 From International boundary Line, B.C., to Rossland Campbellton, N.B., to St. Leonard's, 99 miles (20 miles under construction) , LS miles from Campbellton westward completed International Boundary to Noyan Jet From Junction with Montreal and Vermont Junction Railway, near St. John, Que., easterlv to Waterloo *St. John Valley and Riv- iere du Loup St. John to St. Stephen, N.B. From St. John to Fairville, crosses St. John River at the Falls by a cantilever steel| bridge, and connects Intercolonial Railway j with New Brunswick Railway, C.P.R., in- cluded in Canadian Pacific System, 2.00 miles. From Fredericton, N.B., to Woodstock, N.B., 66 miles, of which 6 miles are under con- struction Salisbury and Harvey (formerly Albert Ry).. Schomberg and Aurora . . 60-00 213-50 30-00 43 50 9 59 18 3 00 39 43 -00 82 -50 I Salisbury to Albert, N.B I 45-00 Bond Lake, Ont., to Schomberg, 15 miles; under construction. I 166 RAILAVAY LEGISLATION. Location of Railways, &c. — Continued. Name of Railway. Description. Distance. Miles. Total St. Lawrence and Adiron- dack From Junction with Canada Atlantic near Valleyfield to International Boundary i 19-92 Beauharnois to Junction with Canadian: Pacific at Adirondack Junction 12-90 ♦Sydney and Louisburg (Dominion Coal Co.).... St. Mary's River. Sydney Harbour to Louisburg Harbour. Branches to coal mines 39-15 9-52 vStirling to Cardston (District of Alberta). *Temiscamingue & North- ern Ontario Thousand Islands... Temiscouata North Bay to Temiscamingue, 200 miles under construction. Gananoque on St. Lawrence River to Ganan- oque Station, G.T.R Riviere du Loup, Que., on Intercolonial, to Edmundston, N.B., on the New Brunswick Railway 81 00 Branch-Edmundston to Connors, on St. John' River 32-00 Tilsonburg, Lake Erie and Pacific Toronto, Hamilton and Buffalo, including Brantford, Waterloo & Lake Erie Port Burwell to Ingersoll Trans-Canada. ♦Victoria and Sidney ♦Victoria Terminal Rail way and Ferry Waterford Jet. with Canada Southern to Wel-i land Junction with Canada Southern — I passing through the city of Hamilton i 79 '88 Hamilton to Grand Trunk Junction ! 1*77 Belt Line, Hamilton...., I 3-52 Chautler's Junction to Conboro road : 2-61 From Roberval to Port Simpson across the' continent, .60 mile from Roberval, west-j ward under construction. Victoria to Sidney, B.C. Vancouver, Victoria and Eastern Cloverdale to Port Guichon and 1-14 miles in City of Victoria Vancouver, Westminster and Yukon ♦Wellington Colliery.... ♦York and Carleton Laurier to Grand Forks Grand Forks Junction to Danville. 3.81 miles under construction Union Bay to Cumberland Junction with Canada Eastern Ry. at Cross Creek Station to Stanley, N.B 14-40 2-10 5-75 SUBSIDIES TO RAILWAYS. SUBSIDIES TO RAILWAYS. 167 The Dominion Government in 1882 adopted the poHcy of granting subsidies to railway enterprises, and, since the inauguration of that system, the following sums have been paid:- — For the fiscal year 1883-84, ended on June 30, 1884 $ 208,000 00 1884-85 " 1885 403,245 00 1885-86 " 1886 2,171,249 00 1886-87 " 1887 1,406,533 00 1887-88 " 1888 1,027,041 92 1888-89 " 1889 846.721 83 1889-90 " 1890 1,678,195 72* 1890-91 " 1891 1,265,705 87* 1891-92 " 1892 1,248,215 93* 1892-93 " 1893 811,394 07* 1893-94 " 1894 1,229,885 10* 1894-95 " 1895 1,310,549 10* 1895-96 " 1896 834,745 49* 1896-97 " 1897 416,955 30* 1897-98 * " 1898 1,414,934 78* 1898-99 " 1899 3,201,220 05* 1899-1900 " 1900 725,720 35* 1900-01 •• 1901 2,512,328 86* 1901-02 " 1902 2,093,939 00* 1902-03 " 1903 1,463,222 34* 1903-04 " 1904 2,046,878 45* $28,316,681 16t To the above there have to be added the following exceptional subsidies — The Canada Central Railway, paid between 1878-83.. $1,525,250 00 The Canadian Pacific Railway extension from St. ^^^ „^„ _„ Martin's Junction to Quebec, paid in 1885 1,500,000 00 Total subsidies paid from "Consolidated Fund" "P ,, ^-2, i/;+ to June 30, 1902 $31.3,41,931 16t The main line subsidy to the Canadian Pacific Rail- way was paid from "Capital," amounting to 25, 000,000 OU Total paid as subsidies 56,341,931 16t The above does not include the amount $2,394,000, due to the Province of Quebec for the railway between Ottawa and Quebec, which amount has been ^^^^f^^^.]^^ ^^°}^^ public debt, and on which interest at 5 per cent, is paid amountmg to $119,700 a year. (See note on page 48 of the accountant's statement. Part U.) *In these amounts the subsidy of $186,600 a year payable to the Atlantic and North- west Railway Company, for 20 y^rs from July 1, 1889. is mcluded. Payment is made by the Finance Department. vr-ir-^. rcrrrt vhich is row tThere was an error in the corresponding figures m last >c.ir ^ icprrt, vmcn rectified. 168 RAILWAY LEGISLATION. Subsidies to Railways. — Statement showing Railways subsidized bv Grants of Dominion Lands. Mile- age Acres Act Authorizing Name of Railway Company subsi- granted Area Subsidy dized per mile granted / 1 48-49 Vic, c. 60 Alberta Railway & Coal Co. — Dunmore to Lethbrid^e 50-51 Vic., c. 22 109-50 6 400 700 800 52 Vic, c 2 { 52 Vice 4 Alberta Railway & Coal Co.— 52 Vic. c 3 from Lehtbridge to Interna- tional Boundary 64-62 6,400 413,568 bo Vic, c 4 C. P. R. — Calgary and Edmon- ton Railway 1294-07 6,400 1,888,448 44 Vic. c 1 Canadian Pacific Railway — Vic, c. 4 Main Line 25,000 000 53 C. P. R.— Deloraine and Napin-I ka Branch i 18-01 6,400 115,264 53 Vice 4 C. P. R. — Glenboro' and Souris; Branch ; 45-24 6,400 289,536 1 53 Vic, c 4 C. P. R. — Kemnay and Esteyan 1 54 Vic. c 10 Branch ;i56-86 6,400 1,003,904 b'J -58 Vic.,c. 57 C. P. R.—Pipe.stone Branch I 31-30 6,400 fA. 6.400) 200,320 62 -63 Vic, c 57 Canadian Northern Railway '818-61 \ B. 12,800 [ IC. 6,400 8.580.928 49 Vic, ell C. P. R.— Great Northwest Cen-j -49 Vic, c 60 tral Railway 50-00 6.400 320 000 48 C. P. R.— Manitoba and North- 40 Vic c 1 1 western Railway — Main Line|223 -00 Russel Branch 11-50 6,400 1 6,400 i 6.400 2,918,400 57- -58 Vic, c 6 Saskatchewan and Western Ry.| 15-45 98,880 .3 Vice. 4 C. N. R. — Manitoba and South- Eastern Railway i 98-00 6 400 627 200 { 54-55 Vic, c 10 C. P. R.— Manitoba and South-j ' 48-49 Vic, c 10 western Colonization Rail'y... 218-25 6,400 1,396,800 I 48-49 Vic, c 60 C.P.R.— Qu'Appelle, Long Lake 50-51 Vice 23 and Saskatchewan Railway.... 253-96 6,400 1,625,344 Note.— By 62-63 Vic, caps. 57, 7 5 and 80, the Lake Manitoba Railway and Canal Co., the Winnipeg Great Northern Railway, tlie Manitoba and South-eastern Railway and the Ontario and Rainy River Railway were amalgamated with the Canadian Northern Railway, all the rights of these companies being vested in the new company. SUBSIDIES TO R.\ILWAYS. 169 Subsidies to Railways— Table of per mile Cash Subsidies paid in aid of Railway Construction showing amount of Subsidy granted for some Railways. 1 Name of Railway. No. of miles built up to ! June 30, i 1904. No. of miles paid and pro- vided for. i i Subsidv ])aid Subsidy paid and to available at June 30, 1904 June 30. 1904 Subsidy paid to September 30 1904. i 1 Albert Southern 10 30 77 70 15 19-50 6-84 18 44-50 9 31-75 54-05 120 107 1,905 676 30 67 45-66 14 27-75 490 3604 2-32 50 21 14 4-80 27-44 133-00 21-86 12 30 71 1-33 16 30 91 70 35 19-50 6-84 18 44-50 9 31-75 54-05 120 107 1,905 695-83 30 67 89-50 14 27-75 490 58 2-32 61 21 14 4-80 27-44 135-60 21-86 12 30 71 1-33 $ cts.| 50,460 00 165,734 00 748,800 OO: 620,000 00 112,000 00 62,400 00 21,888 00 57,600 00 105,200 00 28,800 00 101,600 00 282,355 20 1,525,250 00 350,400 00 25,000 000 00 5,815,696 00 191,595 00 224,000 00 238,400 00 44,800 00 88,800 00 2,048,000 00 265,744 00 7,424 00 160,000 00 67,200 00 39,850 00 15.360 00 87,808 00 423,936 00 69.952 00 38,400 00 96,000 00 750.000 00 30,000 00 $ cts. 50,460 00 104,153 98 583,536 00 620,000 00 69,120 00 62,400 00 22,888 00 57,600 00 105,200 00 28,800 00 101.600 00 282,3 55 20 1,525,250 00 350,400 00 25,000,000 00 5 753,403 85 182,400 00 224,000 00 142,400 00 44.800 00 88,800 00 1,909,132 00 191 5') 5 00 7^424 00 160,000 00 67 200 00 39^850 00 15.360 00 87,808 00 423,936 00 69,952 00 38.400 00 96 000 on 750^000 00 30,000 00 S cts. 50,460 00 2 i 3 : t Atlantic and Lake Su- perior fAlgoma Central and Hudson Bay.. 104.153 98 583,536 00 4 6 7 Baie des Chaleurs Baie of Quinte Beauharnois Junction.... Belleville and North Hastiness 620,000 00 69 120 00 62.400 00 21,888 00 8 Brant ford, Waterloo and Lake Erie 57,600 00 9 10 11 12 Brock ville.Westport and Sault Ste. Marie Bruce .Mines and Algoma Buctouclie and Moncton Canada ^.Vtlantic 105,200 00 28,800 00 101,600 00 282,355 20 13 Canada Central 1.525,250,00 14 350,400 00 15 25,000,000 00 16 17 18 (extension)* tCape Breton extension. 5.753,493 85 182,400 00 224.000 00 19 Central (of New Bruns- wick) 142,400 00 20 Cornwallis Valley 44,800 00 21 22 23 Columbia and Kootenay fCanadian Northern Chateauguay and Nor- thern. 88,800 00 1,009,132 00 191 595 00 26 25 Cap de la Madeleine tCoast of Nova Scotia (Now Halifax and Yarmouth) 7.424 00 160,000 00 26 67.200 00 27 39,850 00 28 Dominion Lime Co. 15,360 00 20 30 31 32 Dominion Coal Co fDrummond Counties... itEast Richelieu Valley.. I Elgin, Petitcodiac and Havel ock 87,808 00 423,936 00 69.052 00 38,400 00 33 34 35 Erie and Huron Esquimau and Nanaimo Fredericton and St Mary's Bridge Co Carried forward 1 96,000 00 750.000 00 30,000 00 170 RAILWAY LEGISLATIOX. Subsidies to Railways — Table of per mile Cash Subsidies paid in aid of Railway Construction, &c. — Continued. Brought forward. No. of miles built up to June 30, 1904. Grand Trunk, Georgian Bay and Lake Erie Grand Trunk Great Eastern fGreat Northern Guelph Junction fGull Shore Hah tax and South Western Harvey Branch Heretord Irondale, Bancroft & Ottawa International (Quebec).. International (N. B.), formerly Restigouche and Western t Inverness Ry. &Coal Co. Joggms Kmgstonand Pembroke Kingston, Napanee and Western L'Assomption fLake Erie and Detroit River I Lake Temiscamingue 1 Colonization ; Leainington and Lakei St. Clair ! Lindsay, Bobcaygeon and Pontypool Lotbiniere and Megantic Manitoulin and North' Shore ! Montreal & Sorel (now South Shore) Montreal and Lake Champlain Montreal and Western.... Montreal and Lake Maskinonge Montreal and Ottawa .... Montreal and Province Line Carried forward No. ! of miles Subsidy paid Subsidy paid Subsidy paid paid andj and to I to pro- I available at June 30, 1904 September 30 vided ijune 30, 1904 1904. for. 12-42 12-42 Bridge, j Bridge. 12-50; 12-50' 140-42! 143-591 15-25| 15-251 16-78 16-78 50 3 48-50 45 49 15 60-97 12 15 61-35 3-50 126 90 45-84 16 38-70 30 12-60 61-50 12-90 60 231 I 3 I 48 -50' I 45 ! 49 20 : 98 ' 12 15 61-35, 3 - 50 128-05| 45-84 16 38-70 30 ! 12-60 126-67 12-90 60 18-3 39,744 00 500,000 00 40,345 00 557,788 3l! 46,000 00 53,699 20 739,200 00 5,553 57 155,200 00 144,000 00 156,800 00 100,180 00 390,208 00 37,500 00 48,000 00 208,732 80 11,200 00 475,851 00 310,335 95 51,200 00 123,840 00 96,000 00 204,800 00 517,541 92 103.600 00 361,270 00 41,280 00 192,000 00 58.560 00 39,744 00 500,000 00 40,345 00 557,788 31 46,000 00 53,699 20 185,422 00 5,553 57 155,200 00 144,000 00 156,800 00 77,138 OOj 368,545 97 3 7,500 00 48,000 00 208,732 80 11,200 00 475,851 00 310,335 95 51,200 00 96,000 00 32,000 00 293,541 92 103,600 00 361.270 00 41,280 00 192,000 00 58,560 00, 39,744 00 500,000 00 40,345 00 557,788 31 46,000 00 53,699 20 185,422 00 5.553 57 155,200 00 144,000 00 156.800 00 77,138 00 368,545 97 37,500 00 48,000 00 208.732 80 11.200 00 475,851 00 310,335 95 51,200 00 123,840 00 96.000 00 32.000 00 293,541" 92 103 600 00 361.270 00 41.280 00 192 000 00 58.560 00 SUBSIDIES TO RAILWAY! 17J Subsidies to Railways — Table of per mile Cash Subsidies paid in aid of Railway Construction, &c. — Continued. No. No. of miles of miles Subsidy paid Subsidy paid Subsidy paid Name of Railway. built paid and and to to up to pro- available at June 30, 1904 September 30 June 30, vided June 30, 1904 1904. 1904. for. $ cts. $ cts. $ cts. Brought forward 65 Montfort Colonization.... 32-20 32-20 167,440 00 167,440 00 167,440 00 66 Maganetawan River 1-11 l-ll 3,552 00 3,552 00 3,552 00 67 fMassawippi Valley 1-68 1-68 5,376 00 5,376 00 5,376 00 68 -[•Midland (Nova Scotia) 57-18 58 365,418 00 362,200 00 362,200 30 69 Nakusp and Slocan 36-80 36-80 117,760 00 117,760 00 117,760 00 70 New Brunswick and P. E. Island 35-45 35-45 113,440 00 113,440 00 113,440 00 71 New Brunswick Coal and Ry 15 45 144,000 00 48,000 00 48,000 00 72 New Glasgow Iron and Coal Co 12-45 12-45 39,840 00 39,840 00 39,840 00 73 Northern Colonization.... 20-90 22 80,000 00 58,384 00 58,384 00 74 I\ orthern Pacific Junct . . . 110 110 1,320,000 00 1,320,000 00 1,320,000 00 75 Nova Scotia Central 73-50 73-50 23 5,200 00 235,200 00 235,200 00 76 Ontario, Belmont and Northern 9-60 61-25 9-60 61-25 30,720 00 196,000 00 30,720 00 196,000 00 30,720 00 77 Ontario and Quebec 196,000 00 78 Orford Movintain 26-50 26-50 84,800 00 84,800 00 84,800 00 79 Oshawa Railway and Navigation Co 7 7 22,400 00 22,400 00 22,400 00 80 fOttawa, Northern and Western (formerly Ot- tawa & Gatineau Val- ley) 82-28 86 410.688 00 410,688 00 410,688 00 81 fOttawa and New York.. 53-87 53-87 262,384 00 262,384 00 262,384 00 82 fOttawa, Arnprior and Parry Sound 159-58 159-58 779,712 00 779,712 00 779,712 00 83 Parry Sound Coloniza- tion 47-75 47-75 152,800 00 152,800 00 152,800 00 84 Pontiac and Pacific Junction 70 70 193,578 00 193,578 00 193,578 00 85 fPhillipsburg Junction... 7-41 7-41 23,712 00 23,712 00 23,712 GO 86 Pontiac and Renfrew 4-25 4-25 13,600 00 13,600 00 13,600 00 87 Pontiac and Pacific and h r- ■ Ottawa and Gatineau. Bridge. Bridge. 212,500 00 212,500 00 212,500 00 88 tPembroke Southern 20 20 64,000 00 64,000 00 64,000 00 89 Port Arthur, Duluth and Renfrew 84-75 84-75 271,200 00 271,200 00 271,200 00 90 Quebec Central 74-86 74-86 348,342 00 348,342 00 348.342 00 91 Quebec Bridge Co Bridge. Bridge. 374,353 33 374,353 33 374,353 00 92 Quebec and Lake St. John 245-85 245-85 1,006,743 50 1,006,743 00 1,006,743 50 93 Quebec, Montmorency & Charlevoix 30 30 96,000 00 96,000 00 96,000 00 Carried forward 172 RAILWAY LEGISLATION. Subsidies to Railways— Table of per mile Cash Subsidies paid in aid of Railway Construction. &c. — Concluded. 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 Name of Railway. Brought forward Shuswap and Okanagan. South Norfolk St. Catharines and Ni- agara Central No. of miles built up to June 30, 1904. St. Clair Frontier Tunnel St. Lawrence and Lower Laurentian St. Louis, Richibucto & Buctouche fSt. Lawrence and Adirondack tSt. Mary River St. Stephen and Mill- town Schomberg and Aurora... Temiscouata fThousand Islands fTilsonburg, Lake Erie and Pacific Tobique Valley Toronto, Grey and, Bruce " tUnited Counties Waterloo Junction.. Western Counties West Ontario Pacific fYork and Carleton.. 51 17 12 2-23 38-85 33- 44 4 14 112 5 33 27 4 59 10 20 18 No. of miles paid and pro- vided for. Subsidy paid and available at June 30, 1904 Subsidy paid ' Subsidy paid to to June 30, 1904 September 30 i 1904. 51 17 12 I 2-23 38-85 64 4 42| 14 95i 112 19 96 cts.l 163,200 00 54,400 00 38,400 00 j 3 75,000 00 1 I 217,600 00 I 22,400 00' 149,481 60| 126,200 00 14,848 00! 46,144 00 645,950 OO; 29,840 OOj I 117,431 48| 134,016 00 14,656 OOl 188,816 OO! 32,800 OOl 500,000 oo! 60,000 OOJ 18,336 00 163,200 00 54,400 00 38,400 00 3 75,000 00 217,600 00 22,400 00 149,481 60 115,960 00 14,848 OOJ 46,144 00| 645,950 00 29,840 00 117,431 48! 134,016 00 14,656 00 188,816 00 32,800 00 500,000 00 60,000 00 18,336 00 Total ; 7.339. .43 7.816..36 55,790,959 86153,890,625 96 54,014,465 96 163,200 00 54,400 00 38,400 00 3 75,000 00 217,600 00 22,400 00 149,481 60 115,960 00 14,848 00 46,144 00 645,950 00 29,840 00 117,431 48 134,016 00 14,656 00 188,816 00 32,800 00 500,000 00 60,000 00 18,336 00 JAdd subsidy of used rails as per statement, part iii., page 7, $152,305.20, and Atlantic and North-Western, $2,799,000, less subsidy Canadian Pacific Railway main line $25 000 - 000, and Western Counties Railway, $500,000, which will then agree 'with statement of sub- sidies m part ii, page 48 viz., $31,341,931.16. ♦Includes the mileage ©f the North Shore Railway, 160 miles. tBy 60-61 Vic, cap. 4, 62-63 Vic, cap. 7, 63-64 Vic, cap. 8, 1 Edward VII., cap. 7 3 Edward VII., cap. 57, and 4 Edward VII., cap. 34, a subsidy was authorized on certain mileage of this railway, specified in the Act of Parliament, of $3,200 per mile and a further subsidy beyond the sum of $3,200 per mile, of 50 per cent on so much of the average cost of the said specified mileage subsidized as is in excess of $1 5,000 per mile such subsidv not ex- ceeding in the whole the sum of $6,400 per mile. The amount of certain of the subsidies authorized by Parliament, given in this state- ment, includes the determined portion of the subsidies under 60-61 Vic. cap. 4 62-63 Vic cap 7, 63-64 Vic, cap. 8, and I Edward VII., cap. 7, 3 Edward VII., cap. 57. and 4 Edward VII., cap. 34, VIZ.: The amount produced by the $3,200 per mile, but the other portion is now an undetermined amount, and therefore cannot be shown here. SUH.S11)1K8 TO I{AII.\V.\Y Statement .showin^i;- Railways receivinj^ Cash Sul)sidies of fixed amounts, payable Annually or Semi-Annually for fixed ])eriods of years. No. Name of Railway. Miles Subsidized. Amount of Inst; 1 Iment . Amount paid up to June 30, 1904. 1 2 Internalional (Atlantic North-west Railway Co.) Kingston. Smith '.s Falls and and 252 56 308 $93,300 ])cr i year $ 3,136 ■or 20 yrs. 21 " $ cts. 2,799.000 Nil. Total 2,799,000. Additional Subsidy Payments from July 1, 1904, to December 31. 1904. Algoma Central and Hudson Bay Railway 8331,378 76 Atlanticand Lake Superior Railway 43,131 85 Atlantic and North-west Railway 93,300 00 Canadian Pacific Railway (Kootenay and Arrowhead Branch) 4,176 15 Lindsay. Bobcaygeon and Pontypnol Railway 123,840 00 $595,826 76 Railway aid has consisted; (1) of money grants (o) by the Federal I'arliament, (b) by the Provincial Legislatures, U) by the municipalities; (2) loans; (3) Government guaranties of interest; (4) Government issue of debentures by way of loan to railway companies; (5) Government guaranty of railway bonds; (6) direct issue of Government bonds to raihvays with a first mortgage on the companies' properties; (7) Imperial Government guaranty of capital; (S) sliare cai)ital locally distributed; (9) land grants; (10) release of Government loans by ])lacing them behind other loans; (11) composition of Government claims; (12) assumption by Government of liabilities; (13) direct construction by Government; (14) combined land and money grants. Railways aided by grant of Loans Name of Railway Company. .\lbert Railway Co Fredericton and St. Marv's Bridge Co St. John Bridge and Railway Extension Co Authorized. Loaned. S 15.000 300,000 500,000 $ 14.726 300,000 433.900 815 ,000 748,626 174 Statement showing RAILWAY LEGISLATION. Railways subsidized by the Grant of used Iron Rails^ valued at the amount set forth. Name of Railway. Tons of used Rails Subsidy on value' of Rails. Subsidy on used Rails paid. 4,052 2,201 958 83,612 44,253 24,440 83,612 44 253 El?in, Petitcodiac and Havelock Ry. Co 24,44 Total 7,211 152,305 152.305 Statement showing Railways aided by the Loan of used Iron Rails valued at the amount set forth. No. Name of Railway. Tons of used Rails. Value of used Rails loaned. Remarks. 1 ? Kent Northern Railway Co.... Halifax Cotton Co 2,549 233 597 726 $ Cts. 58,334 27 4,335 00 11,964 66 14,665 45 By 51 Victoria, chapter 3, 3 4 Steel Companv of Canada Albert Railway Co. granted as a subsidy, (the Total laid with new steel rails weighing not less than 50 lbs. per lin. yard and after an O.C. had been passed authorizing trans- fer). 4,105 89,299 38 Note A. — With regard to certain subsidies granted by Dominion Parliament. By 60-61 Vic, cap. 4, 1897. 62-63, Vic, cap. 7, 63-64 Vic, cap. 8, 1900, and 1 Edward VII., cap. 7. — A subsidy was authorized on certain mileage of these railways specified in the said Acts of Parliament, of $3,200 per mile, and a further subsidy beyond the sum of $3,200 per mile, of fifty per cent on so much of the' average cost of the said specified mileage sub- sidized as is in excess of $15,000 per mile, such subsidy not exceeding in the whole the sum of $6,400 per mile. The amounts of certain of the subsidies authorized by Parliament which are given in this statement, include the determined portion of the subsidies, viz., the ainounts produced by the $3,200 per mile, but the other portion, being an undermentioned amount, cannot be shown here. Of the railways shown in this statement, the following is the mileage which may be entitled to the additional subsidies under these said Acts' — Algoma Central 225 miles. Bruce Mines and Algoma 9 Canadian Pacific — Extension of Pipestone Branch 50 Extension of Waskada Branch 20 Extension of Stonewall Branch 35 " Cape Breton Railway 30 Central Railway of New Brunswick 45 CortSt Railway of Nova Scotia, now Halifax and Yarmouth 61 Drummond County, new Intercolonial 42^ " SUHSIDIKS TO RAILWAYS. 176 East Richelieu Valley, now in Quebec Southern 24 miles. Great Northern 44 '| Gulf Shore Ji .. Ontario and Rainy River, now in Can. Northern 80 Ottawa, Arnpriorand Parry Sound 5(> j| Ottawa and Gatineau, now Ottawa, Northern and Western.. 86 " Ottawa and New York 87 || Pembroke Southern 24 Philipsburg Railway and Quarry Co '^nU '] Pontiac Pacific Junction 21^ '| Restigouche and Western 20 ^^ St. Lawrence and Adirondack ^"^^14 .. St. Stephen and Milltown ^xoTi _^ Tilsonburg, Lake Erie and Pacific 28 United Counties, now in Quebec Southern 1 Inverness and Richmond 53 Montreal and Province Line 19 Nova Scotia Southern 97 York and Carltone ^ Atlantic and Lake Superior — Baie des Chaleurs 30 Central Ontario 20 ^^ Midland of Nova Scotia • 58 Kingstonand Pembroke 41 Manitoulin and North Shore 16 Middleton and Victoria Beach 5 Note B.— Memorandum of adjustment with Statement No. 3, Part II, being Accountant of Department of Railways and Canals Statement of Railway Subsidies to June 30,.1904. Total Dominion Government aid paid — Statement I Add Atlantic and North-west Raihvay (portion in United Slates.'. ...I St. Catharines and Niagara Railway (Electric Railway) m Electnci Railway Statistics ;■ j Oshawa Railway and Navigation Co. (Electric Railway) m ElectriCj Railwav Statistics i Less — Intercolonial Railway, including Windsor Branch Railway (cost) S '2-742,163 Prince Edward Island Railway (cost). Canadian Pacific Railway, construction of lines, built by Dominion (not including surveys) and transferred to Canadian Pacific Rail- way Co Fredericton and St. Mary's Bridge Co. (loan) Grand Trunk Railway Company (loan) Kent Northern Railway (rails loan) Salisbury and Harvey Railway (}oan, mcludmg rails) St. John Bridge and Railway Extension (loan). Windsor and Annapolis Railway Canadian Pacific Railway subsidy Western Counties Railway subsidy 6,128,116 80 31,145.738 54 300,000 00 15,142,633 33 58,334 27 29,391 01 433.000 00 1,193.369 00 25,000,000 00 500.000 00 Agreeing with subsidy No. 3, Part II, Accountant of Department of Rail ways and Canals Statement to June 30th, 1904 $ Cts. 182,222,277 86 1,732,500 00 38,400 00 22,400 00 184,015,377 86 152,673,646 70 S 31.341,931 16 176 RAILWAY LFXUSLATION. STEAM AND ELECTRIC RAILWAY STATISTICS OF THE DOMINION OF CANADA. Table showing the growth of the railways from year to year, since the opening of the first hne in 1836. Total jf railways sending returns 46 miles of track, single 475 ■ 75 double 201-64 motor cars 2,129 trailers 255 snow-sweepers and ploughs 131 miles run | 40,964,845 ])assengers carried i 191,755,066 employees ' 6,984 ^f capital paid up ! $30,314,730 bonded debts i 19.641,777 gross earnings. i 8,978,378^ gross expen ses . . 6.528,142i 46 44 454-75! 421-39 192-541 188-09 2,053 1,895 298 326 109 97 39,721,153 167,703,958 7,439 36,711,130 145,609,993 5,427 ,'!l;20,83S,326i 25 961,254 17,013,758! 7,777,324 5,018.7791 15,794.408 6,865,907 4,140.490 STP:AM and KLECTllIC HAll-WAY STATISTICS. 177 ELECTRIC RAILWAY STATISTICS. MiLEAGK IN Provinces for the Year ending June 30, 1904. Miles. Ontario ^'^ Qtiebec 253 New Brunswick 1^ Nova vScotia '^'^ Manitoba ^" British I'oUimbia ^^ Total. 766 50 CAPITAL OF RAILWAYS. Nominal capital paid up to June 30, 1904. Miles cons- tructed. Amount . Per mile. Remarks. Ordinary share capital Preference " Bonded Debt ! Aid from Dominion Govt j Ontario " i Quebec " " New Brunswick Govt.. Nova Scotia " Prince Edw. Is. Govt .. Manitoba Govt , British Columbia Govt.. " North-west Territories Municipalities in On- tario " Municipalities in Que- bec " Municipalities in New Brunswick Municipalities in Novai Scotia 1 " Municipalities in Prince! Edward Island j " Municipalities in Mani-! toba Municipalities in British! Columbia | " Municipalities in North-j west Territories j Capital from other sources | I 19,611 19,611 19,611 19,611 7,220; 3,510 1,460 1,104: 209 2,364! 1.544; S cts. 347,158,117 42 145,594,412 28} 449,114,035 34| 182,222,277 861 8,512,578 04| 16,613,242 16: 4,569,937 71; 2,846.707 18| 2,200 $ cts. 17,702 21 7,422 33 22,901 13 9,291 84 1,179 02 4,733 11 3,130 09 2,578 S3 1,916,952 75 37,500 OOl 7,220 3,510 1,460 1,104 209 2,364| 490,600 00 1 5441 37,500 00 810 89 24 28 12,862,197 801 1,781 46 3,125,727 nl 890 52 336,500 00 230 48 283,023 93 256 36 207 11 24 28 2,200! 22,261 29i 10 12 19,611i 10,838,347 36 552 66 Total capital paid I 19,61111.186.546,918 29' Equal to an aver- age of $1,759.06 per mile on the total mileage. Equal to an ave- rage of $874.90 per mile on the total mileage. 178 RAILWAY LEGISLATION. Government and Municipal Loans, Bonuses, &c., premised to Railways Completed and under Construction up to June 30, 1904. $ cts. Dominion Government 188,397,314 39 8,922,378 04 17,569,089 08 4,863,012 71 3,965,087 45 1,916,952 75 37,500 00 12,947,197 80 4,875,074 00 341,500 00 333,023 93 595 600 00 Ontario " Quebec " New Brunswick Government Nova Scotia " Manitoba " British Columbia " Municipalities in Ontario " Quebec " New Brunswick " Nova Scotia " Manitoba. . British Columbia 37 500 00 North-west Territories 25 000 00 Total 243,926,230 IS GOVERNMENT RAILWAYS. 179 GOVERNMENT RAILWAYS. The railways belonging to the Government of Canada are known as the Canadian Government Railway System. They include, 1st, the Intercolonial and its branches; 2nd, the Prince Edward Island Railway; 3rd, the Canada Eastern Railway. The total mileage of the Intercolonial system on June 30, 1905, was 1,469 miles of operated road, including the Windsor Branch (32 miles), the Drummond County Railway (170 miles) and the Canada Eastern Railway (136 miles). The Intercolonial touches six Atlantic points, viz: Point du Chene, Pictou, St. John, Halifax, Sydney and North Sydney. Miles. L6vis (opposite Quebec) via St. Joseph and St. Charles Junction (14 miles) to Halifax 675 Levis to St. John 578 Levis via Truro to Sydney 827 North Sydney 820 The following statement shows the financial position of each road on June 30, 1904:— Capital paid up. Earnings. Expenses. Profits. Loss. 72,735,935.80 6,339,231 53,634 234,390 7,239,982 24,281 335,695 900,7 50 29,352 P F T<;land 6,128,116 101,305 Total 78,864,051.80 6,627,255 7,599,958 29.352 1.002,055 ♦Including vSl 40,000 rental of leased lines. INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY. The Intercolonial Railwav touches six Atlantic Ocean ports, namely, Point du Chene, Pictou, Halifax, St. John, Sydney and North Sydney, as well as the ports of Quebec and Montreal on the River St. Lawrence. The total length of the road operated during the year ended June 30, 1904, was 1,320.92 miles. The following are the through distances. Miles. Halifax to Montreal, via Levis 837 St. John to Montreal, via Levis 740 Sydney to Montreal, Via Levis 990 North Sydney to Montreal, via Levis 983 Freight is carried direct via St. Henri to Montreal, which would reduce each of the above distances bv 6 miles. ISO RAILWAY LEGISLATION. GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURE ON RAILWAYS. The following statement shows the amount of Government expenditure on construction, staff and maintenance of railways in Canada for the last six years: — Year ended June 30. 1899. Pacific j vSurveys and inspec-| tions j Statistic?; ' Intercolonial Windsor Branch Prince Edward Is... Svibsidies, general... Annapolis & Digby Crow's Nest Pass. .. Drummond County Governor General's car 'Victoria' I'^xploratory Sur- vey, StikineRiver & Ocean , Port, C.B Miscellaneous Reporting evidence liefore Railway Cominittee, Privy Council International Rail- way Congress, Brussels National Transcon- tinental Railway. Railway Commiss- ion 8,419 63,487 114 4,757,616 12,873 240,053 3,014,620 1902. 1903. 1904. 236 6,922! 351 6,227,753 12,892 274,478 725.720 8,979 6,020 591 9,094,259 16,863 541,940 2,512,329 8.382 2.23; 1,459,000 2,500 4491. 13,038, 7321 10,240,1541 16,376! 746,158! 2.093.939 9,103! 232 8,450,920: 17,843 1,089,052 1,463.223 $ 33,076 13 2 9,119 24 1,034 2,046 .671 S33 548 281 5 72 878 5,000 1,145 24,457 12,227 488 Total. 8,102,821 8,733,576 343 12,203,029 1,451 1=283,323 6,241 500 13,407,152 t4,996i J5,335 484i ! 97! 500 97 6,249 44,080 11,036,608 12,332,271 * Yukon Territory works (Stikine-Teslin). f Cattle guard commission. J Cost of litigation, $4,770. STKAM l{AI!,\VAY TIIAKKK 181 2 2 to H W < STEAM RAILWAY TRAFFIC. ,_^ ", ro a- o- o c ■^ 0 (N 00 VO c" On" ro* -* -t c" "T oo" irT .•^OO'OOCN>O00O'-O>O-t-OvO(N'-v00000r^u-5O\r^\OOOr0r0i-^OTtJ "^ in (N fN ro 00 C^ 00 t-^" ^o' oT <>" "+" fO '•O ■ (NONO-*vONOOO.'^rO-*'-<'-iCNJ^"+CNO>OCNro -f'^ON-H—'O— "OCNj'rtCOrO'-iCNrOOOO. --ifN • ^ « CO -H O _ ^ lo ^ ^5 -t" «-■ -hoomvO'^rOVOi'^rOONMO— i»-HvOO<^'-iCO _fNlv-iOrcO0CI^'+-+O<^-^OC:-t-t«Nt^ OON-^i-OfNON-H^OOOvOt^OI-- r^t^rOrO'^<-OO^rOTf(N00-^'<-; On^ t-~^ O0_ nO^ \0 l^ CO o t^ ro rO "^ C CO CN r^ ro O CnI O •^ ^' O IT) ro ^ O -* -^<" O' o' -t" '-<" trT rC(N 00 •.-^(^Lo\0ON00005N(NNO"-/t^O-:f O ■* 00 ro O ro "-J O ' O 0_ CO CO I o'oN cn'on'i VO CO t^ t^ < OJ lO I^ 0^ ■ rr) \0 -f '^ ' — , CO O CnJ NO t^ "~1 °~- ■^. "-+"— Ton" 1/-, -^ IT) -H CM O ONro-— iONro--ii/->T-(0'-i ■^ON-^lO-rHlOOONOO -H 0_NO_UT^u-)_0 00 Tjt^ir) Tt -^ -rt Lo'o'-t'cN On""-! ro"ro" roOCONOt-^NO'^NO.^C^j O^i'-^O^CO -f O r^ uo CN O CNJ "* tN^iz-rNo'i^^'r-Tro •^"oT On) ro O lO • O CO O NO O NO Cn r'2 •* NO ^ NO ■ CN PO i -H lO NO m o tn CO On ro On_ NO lO 1 CNl O NO CO ' »-H 00 CN CO NO oo q_'-<_o>_ I 00 >0 CN lO CO 00 T^ -rt ro CSfOlO(NOOO-*COPOir>Tf-^'*i OpO'-i cm --ICN-HCN r-i CNCNCNi-H iOONOCNNOOxNOLOCMOOOO-OOroCNir5'*'^I^-*OfOPO lOrooOOrOrorOrOCSt^rnO'HCNjrONOCNiOiOTf'-HTt' '*-^rorNa3 C " ^ C g cj « CO a! C C "-' c3 >..5.2 o c3c3aao o c 5 •3 O u) ui oQaO rt r; 0) ^ go (U C CS w c - ra owt;^^ o x: 4) t; c o CLl oiO y g- O O D <^^ 1> - OJ 4) 3 3 3 30) +j c -a .2 3-0 -d ex, ^ o I-. o o « ^ 23 >» i ^ • aid ni S b o o ci •a « o 3 tn Z •S -is ^ CO 182 RAILWAY LEGISLATION. GROSS AND NET INCOME OF THE RAILWAYS OF CANADA. O '-I ,rO 00 00 00 vO 00 VO CO VO O 00 ro CN vO 00 O lO 00 00 ro ^ (N ro O ro CN lO ro VO vO ro ro y-l 00 V0_^0 ■^'CN O Ov 00 00 •r-^ 00 Ov VO ro O 00 >JO ^ ro Cv ro VO O •"^'oo" 1^ -5^ •—I Cv] Ov VO ro ro IT) rJH o o vo'vo' &■ CN -H ^.'^- S O ro ■^ ro ^ -H CN O ^ ro rot- vOr:*^ 00 00 -H VO a oo CN •* 00 O TtH VO O TjH ^ o o cx r-- O ^ O lo ro ro lO O O g o a o o Til m r" bi fl C W) C rn CO "^ o J5 0} o S cs^v^ C ^ « O CIS c3 OJ 0) cti O 4) Ov VO r^ Of r- '^ *-00 S VO ro C ro vc vc 00 00 ■ O Tt VO O. Ovur r<- CN 00 y Ov 00 ^^JS VO OC ■* OC vC 3' t-' lo" P- OVC J r- CN j^ OOCN ^ ■rt Tj^ t^ OC ITi »- ■^ Oco VO y- 00 c«- i/^ 1 ,_, ^^ ro CO CN 1 r- O ■* CO ro 1 VO t^ Ov Cv u- VOOC C V CO • ! ON 00 VO vc CO CN c ) .000 <->\ ^^I^ VO ^^Ov « Tj VO CN ^ O"co' P-l CN r-- lO CN r< ' S§ ^ CN O ^ OC f r^ CO VO ^ '^ ^ CO CO CN VO * CO CO . cd : tn ^ C ^ ;■ (U tti : a C X « p. • ■^ tr 0) "rt 2 ; SH-S O : 1 k c P 1 % t 11 2-^ 2!r H*^ ^f^ 82 128!n{! , 57 8y', -;;|;; 70 110 85 60 'H.:;!;; 71 111',?:;; 88 1,18.':}',; 61 95^^;;; 72 113, ^ji; 90 141,-;^ 63 99 73 114',';';;; i 92 I44ii^f; 65 i02.ij];; 75 nTiu^ 95 149 3!; Ill 66 io3.^«?[; 78 .122 IIS 98 154 67 105., g III 80 125^118 100 1S7.MI; Number of Fastenings Required to the Ton of Rails. Weight of Rail 24-foot 2 5-foot 26-foot 2 7 -foot 28-foot 30- foot 33-foot per Yd. Rail. Rail. Rail. Rail. Rail. Rail. Rail. Pounds Joints. Joints. Joints. Joints. Joints. Joints. Joints. 56 5.00 4.79 4.61 4.44 4.28 4 . 00 3.63 60 4.66 4.47 4.30 4.14 4.00 3.73 3.39 62 4.51 4.3,^ 4.16 4.01 3 , 86 3.6] 3.28 64 4.37 4.19 4 . 03 3.88 3 . 50 3.17 65 4.30 4.13 3.07 3.82 3 . 69 3.44 3.13 67 4.17 4.00 3.85 3.71 3.58 3.34 3.03 70 3 . 20 2.90 75 2.0s 2.71 80 2.80 2.54 85 2 . 63 2.^0 00 2.48 2.26 95 2.3 s 2.14 100 2.24 2.03 Splice Bars and Bolts for One Mile of Track. Length of Rail, Feet. Number of Splice Bars Required. Number of Bolts Required. Number of Rails or Com- plete Joints. 4-Hole Splice. 6-Hole Splice. 24 880 1,760 2.640 440 25 844 1 ,688 2,532 422 26 812 1.624 2,436 406 27 782 1,564 2,346 391 28 754 1,508 2,262 377 30 704 1,408 2,112 352 33 640 1,280 1,920 320 190 RAILWAY LEC4ISLATI0N. Cross Ties Per Mile. Centre to Centre. Ties. 18 inches. 21 " 24 " 27 " 30 " Railway Spikes. 3,520 3,017 2,640 2,347 2.112 Size Measured Under Head. Average Number Per Keg of 220 lbs. Ties Two Feet Be- tween Centre and Four Spikes per Tie, Makes per Mile. RAIL USED Weight per Yard. Inches. 5^x9-16 5x9-16 375 400 Pounds. [ Kegs. 5,632 28-16 5,280 26-4 45 to 100 . 40 to 56 Table of Cubic Yards of Ballast per Mile of Road; Side Slope of Ballast 1 to 1 Width in Clear between Tracks of Double Track Road, 6 Feet. Depth Top Width, Single Track. Top Width, Double Track. 10 ft. 1 11 ft. 12 ft. 21 foot. 1 22 ft. 23 ft. Cubic 1 Cubic Cubic Cubic Cubic Cubic i Yards. 1 Yards. Yards. Yards. Yards. Yards. 12 1 2,152 1 2,347 2,543 4.303 4,499 4,695 18 3,374 1 3,667 3,960 6,600 6,894 7,188 24 4,694 1 5,085 5,474 8,996 9,388 9,780 30 6,111 j 6,600 7,087 11,490 11,980 12,470 EXPANSION OF RAILS. A steel rail 30 feet long expands J of an inch for a change of 100 degrees in temperature. Some roads, upon laying rails, allow the following expansion: — At zero, expansion should be 1-4 inch; at 25 above, should be 3-16; at 50 above, should be 1-8 inch; af75 above, should be 1-16 inch. Note. — Expansion should always be uniform. By observing this and using care in placing plates and in spiking, much can be done to stop "creeping track." To find the gross tons of steel rails per mile, multiply the weight of one yard by 11 and divide by 7. The number of tons of rails of 2,000 lbs. required per mile is verv nearly 1 } times the weight per vard. QUANTITIES OF MATKKIALS UEQUIRKD. 191 LIFE OF TIES. Chestnut 7 years Cedar 12 to 16 years. White Oak 7 years Hemlock.. 3 to 6 years. Spruce Pine 5 years Mountain Pine.. 2 to 4 years. TREATED TIES. Wellhouse process, about 15 years. Burnettized, rusts spikes rapidly. Creosoting prevents rust. GRADE AND CURVATURE. A grade of one per cent, is that fraction of 5,280 feet, or 52.80 feet per mile. CURVES ON RAILWAYS. To find the radius of any curve, divide 5,730 feet by the degree of the curve. DEGREE OF CURVE. 1. — To find the degree of any curve: Find the Middle Ordinate of a chord 61 feet 4 inches. The number of inches in this M. O. is the degree of the curve. 2. — To find the Middle Ordinate of a 30 foot rail: divide the degree of the curve by 4. This is good up to 10 degrees. RESISTANCE OF CURVES. W — weight of vehicle. R — radius of curve. D — distance apart from tread to tread. L — length of right wheel base. F — coefficient of friction of wheels on rail, varying from .1 to .27 according to weather. WF (D + L) Resistance due to curve — 2 R The tractive resistance on railways is stated by Max Schiemann to be 9 to 18 pounds per ton, on tramways 26 to 33 pounds, on good stone pavement from 44 to 55 pounds, on bad stone pavement from 66 to 78 pounds, on good Macadam from 44 to 67 pounds, on bad Macadam from 77 to 100 pounds, and on sand roads from 130 to 220 pounds. CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION. CEMENT. Weight per Barrel. Portland. 375 lbs., net. Natural. 265 lbs., net. 192 RAILWAY LEGISLATION. PROPORTIONS FOR CONCRETE IN RAILWAY CONSTRUCTION. Bridge Piers. (Submarine.) Culverts. Cement . Sand Stone.... Cement 1 Sand 3 J Stone 5 One barrel of cement will make, mixed with water, about 3f cubic feet of thick mortar. Proportions of materials, according to strength reqtiired, that may be used in concrete work: — Cement. Sand. 1 Broken Stone. 3 4 6 2 3 ! 7 9 1 11 Rosedalt' 1 5 7 For concrete, with clean stone, the largest of which should pass through a 2-inch ring, the percentage of mortar should be, — maximum, .55; Minimum, .50. QUANTITIES OF MATERIALS BY CUBIC MEASUREMENT. Broken stone'. 1 cubic yard. Sand i " Cement according to strength required. ■ TESTS OF CEMENT REQUIRED UNDER SPECIFICATIONS]' OF DEPARTMENT OF RAILWAYS AND CANALS. In standard tests the tensile strength, in briquettes of neat cement, shall be: — One day air and 6 days water 450 lbs. per sq. in. One day air and 27 days water 600 " " The tensile strength shall, in briquettes of one part cement to three parts sandjby weight, be:— One day air and 6 days water 150 lbs. per sq. in. One day air and 27 days water 250 " " INFORMATION liKKATlN(! TO CANALS OF TlliC DOMINION. 193 INFORMATION RELATING TO CANALS OF THE DOMINION OF CANADA. CN •a c lU > 2 Name of Canal. Locks. Total c No. Length. Width. Depth of Water on Sills. Total lockage. Length Stat, miles. < o o 5 5 6 1 2 3 26 1 ft. 270 280 270 800 270 270 270 900 ft. 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 60 ft. 14 15 14 14 14 14 14 20-3 ft. 45 85 48 3-50 11-50 15-50 326-75 18- 8-25 S S o o o < 2 Soulanges 3 Cornwall 4 Farran's Point 5 RapidePlat.... 6 Galops 14 00 11-00 1-00 3-66 7-33 02 o 6- 7 Welland 8 SaultSteMarie 26-75 1-13 w ■Ji 00 > 1 O c« 1 St. Anne's 4 Carillon 1 200 2 200 5 100 Asc. \35 134 Desc j 14| 45 45 45 32 9 3 9 16- 9 i 43-75 5-6 [Rise \ 282-25 iFall r 164-00 0-13 0-75 5-75 u. 4 Rideau . 126-26 33 00 o 1 St Ours 1 200 9 118 ! 45 22-5 7 7 5- 74- 0-13 J 2 Chamblv. 12-00 ' 00 1 Beauharnois...! 9 200 45 9 ' 82-5 11-25 194 IIAILAVAY LICCISLATION. CANAL AND LAKE NAVIGATION. The Canal systems of the Dominion, under government control in con- nection with lakes and navigable rivers, are as follows: — {The through route betiueeii Montreal and the head of Lake Superior, 14 feet minim mil depth of water.) Miles 1 . La c h i n e C a n a 1 8 A Lake St. Louis and River St. Lawrence 16 2. Soulanges Canal 14 Lake St. Francis and River St. Lawrence 3.^ ,3 . Cornwall Canal 11 River St. Lawrence.. '. 5 4. Farran's Point Canal 1 River St. Lawrence 10 5. Rapide Plat Canal 3^ River St." Lawrence 4 6. Galops Canal 7 A River St. Lawrence and Lake Ontario 236 7. Welland Canal 26^ Lake Eire, Detroit River, Lake St. Clair, Lake Hnron, &c. SSO 8. Sault Ste. Marie Canal l\ Lake Superior to Port Arthur 266 Total l,223i To Duluth 1,3 5 7 Cliicago 1,2S6 SAULT STE. MARIE CANAL. '\ Length of Canal, hetween the extreme ends of tlic entrance piers 5,^)67 feet N u mhcr o f Lock s 1 Dimensions of lock <>()() feci by 60 feet. Depth of water on sills (at lowest known water level) 20 feet 3 inches. Total rise or lockage IS feet. Breadth of canal at bottom 141 feel « inches. Breadth at surface of water 150 feet. CANAL AN'I) LAKE NAVIGATION. 195 WELLAND CANAL. Main Line from Port Dalhousie, Lake Ontario, to Port Colbourne, Lake Erie. Old Line. Enlarged or New Line. Length of Canal Pairs of guard-gates (formerly 3). Number of Locks ( lift 1 guard 27^ miles Dimensions. Total rise or lockage Depth of water on sills. 26 1 1 lock 200 X 45 1 •' 200 X 45 1 (tidal) 230 x 45 24 locks 150 X 45 326f feet. lOi feet. 26 J miles. 2 Lift 25 Guard 1 I 270 feet X 45 feet. 326^ feet. 14 " It is important to note that the enlargement of the canals on the main route between Montreal and Lake Erie comprises locks of the following minimum dimensions: — Length 270 feet, width 45 feet, depth of water on sills 14 feet. The length of the vessels to be accommodated is limited to 255 feet. At Farran's Point, in the canal of that name, the lock is 800 feet long. A similar lock is being built at Iroquois on the Galops Canal, the object being to pass a full tow at one lockage. 196 RAILWAY LKGISLATIOX. 1^.^ i C 3J 't<-*'*<-+OOtNO00O-Of^i/^\0r^t^00000-C-OOOvC vCa-H CN^vOO^OI^OOO^O^OOOOOOCOCCOOO — — r^. Lr, vC rt 'o — < c -3 ^^&.^ S CO- C ^ «» ^ O c« '^' OgK cS rt o -"^ O • T J J C^ -! O 2i t^ .C rt ■-. o 5 ni ■- J:. Qi C^ p^ &H >:1.0 a; a3 « o Hi 1^ J! 6^: m ■ o S"S CO ■— ' -^ •T' i6HS J 6 '• OQ: : Qi a 13 d a ft^<^i (73 "c 'E o CANAL AND LAKE NAVIGATION. 197 en rt n! ^°! o « id CQ V S^.2 -t; "O ^S 1,985 1,986 1,993 2,259 LT. (N lO O c . a! (U - o ** o o (U -^ op O CS O'O d ^ £ < o ^ t: -s K °^ C QQ V s o a S a 3 B Q n C/3 o F rj* U c ^ 4; 01 be J 3 O o > 13 O ^ ir*, ^ s ?^ O ■B f -a 72 H H H g 198 RAILWAY LEGISLATION. TABLE OF DISTANCES. Quebec, (via Straits) Quebec, (South of Nfd.) North Sydney Halifax St. John Portland Boston New York Philadelphia Baltimore TO LIVERPOOL. MILES. 2,633 2,826 2,282 2,450 2,700 2,765 2,807 3,105 3,147 3,378 TO GLASGOW. MILES. 2,513 2,706 2,162 2,330 2,580 2,645 2,687 2,985 3,027 3,258 LAKE NAVIGATION. Port Arthur to Depot Harbour Miles 510 Duluth to Depot Harbour on Georgian Bay. Depot Harbour to Montreal, by rail... Duluth to Buffalo, via lakes. Buffalo to New York, via rail. 644 379 1,023 997 440 1,437 Difference in favor of Montreal ._ 414 The distance from Port Arthur to Depot Harbour or Midland is 510 miles, — that is, 130 miles shorter than from Duluth, and adding this to the 414 we have a difference of 544 miles in favour of Montreal as against New York, while there is a further advantage of 284 miles in the ocean passage to Liverpool, making a total of 828 miles shorter haul between Port Arthur and Liverpool than from Duluth to Liverpool. TONNAGE THROUGH SAULT STE. MARIE CANALS: YEAR. 1865 PASSAGES 997 2,083 5,380 17,956 19,452 20,041 22,659 18,596 16,120 TOTAL TONS FREIGHT. 181 638 1875 835,465 3 256 628 1885 1895 15,062,580 25,643,073 28,403,065 35 961 146 1900 1901.. . 1902 1903 34i674;437 31,546,106 1904 OTTAWA AND GEORGIAN BAY CANAL. The total distance from Georgian Bay to Montreal by the proposed route is 425 miles, of which four miles would be taken up with locks; forty miles of canal section, 22 feet deep, with a bottom width of 100 feet; 74 miles of improved river channel with a bottom width of 100 feet; and 307 miles of open lake and river suitable for twenty foot navigation without further improvement. THE BOARD RAILWAY COMMISSIONERS FOR CANADA HON. A. C. KIULAM, Chief Commissioner. HON. M. E. BERNIER, Deputy Chief Commissioner. JAMES MILLS, Esq., M.A., LL.D. A. D. CARTWRIGHT, Secretary. RULES -^^ REGULATIONS OCTOBER 18th^_I904 OTT A W A : THE ROLL A L. CRAIX CO. Limited. 1 <)0 6 200 RAILWAY LEGISLATION. :g| | --^ { , ^ INDEX TO RULES AND REGULATIONS. (Page 202). NUMBER. Adjournment 24 Admit, Notice to 1 5 Alteration or Rescinding of Orders 19 Amendment 25 Answer 4 Appeal 20 Application _ 3 Complaint 3 Computation of Time ". 23 Consent Cases... 8 Costs 28 Documents; Production and Inspection of 13 Examination, Preliminary.... 1 2 Exchequer Court, Practice of 27 Formal Objections 26 Hearing, (The) 17 Inspection of Documents 13 Interim ex parte Orders.... 2 1 Interpretation 2 Judgment of the Board 18 Jurisdiction 20 Meeting, Preliminary 11 Notice _ 7 Notice to Admit. 1 5 Notice to Produce 14 Objections, Formal..... 26 Orders, Interim ex parte 2 1 Orders, rescinding of 19 Power to Direct and Settle Issues 9 Practice of Exchequer Court, when Applicable 27 Preliminary Examination with the Parties 12 Preliminary Meeting.. 11 Preliminary Questions of Law 10 Proceedings, Suspension of 6 Public Sessions of Board 1 Questions of Law, Preliminary 10 Reply 5 Rescinding or Alteration of Orders 19 Suspension of Proceedings 6 Witnesses, Attendance and Examination of 16 RUI.KS AND RECULATIONS. 201 SCHEDULES. PAGE Answer, Form of - 209 Appeal, Notice of, Form of t ^11 Application, Form of - 209 Affidavit of Service, Form of - 211 Endorsements on Application, Form of.. 209 Endorsements on Answer, Form of - 210 Witnesses, Fees and Allowances to.. - 210 REQUIREMENTS ON APPLICATION HAVING REFERENCE TO PLANS. (Page 212). schedule NUMBER. Additional Lands for Stations, etc - - -— 4 Alteration of Location. — - 2 Branch Lines - ^ Bridges, Tunnels, Viaducts, Trestles 10 Completed Lines, Alteration of.— - 2 Completed Railway, Plans of -— -— ^ Crossings, Highway _. ' Crossings or Junctions, Railway.. - - - o Crossings and Works on Navigable Waters, Beaches, etc 9 Crossings with Wires for Telegraphs, Telephones and Powers 8 General Location of Railway, (Dept. of Railways). 1 Highway Crossings ' Junctions or Crossings, Railway ° Location of Railway, Alteration of 2 Location of Railway, General, (Dept. of Railways) Power Transmission Lines crossing Railways 8 Railway Crossings or Junctions... - - ^ Snow Protection, Additional Lands 4 Stations - - ^| Stations, Additional Lands for -• ^ Telegraph, Crossings of Railway.. 8 Telephone, Crossings of Railway - ^ Trestles.... - \^ Tunnels ^ Viaducts - - '" GENERAL NOTES. Plans, Profiles, Books of Reference PAGE 215 GENERAL' REQUIREMENTS. Applicable to Steam Railways for Interlocking, Derailing and Signals System at Crossings at Rail Level and at Junctions 216 Interlocking at Drawbridges - 2 17 Interlocking Svstcm, Rules for Signals and Sj^ccd of Trains. 2 1 6 202 RAILWAY LECiLSLATION. THE BOARD OF RAILWAY COMMISSIONERS FOR CANADA. ( Meeting at Ottawa.) Tuesday, the 18th day of October, A.D. 1904. The Board, in virtue of the provisions of The Railway Act, 1903, hereby makes the following Rules and Regulations: — . Public Sessions. 1. The general sessions of the Board for hearing contested cases will be held at its Court Room in Ottawa, Ontario, on such dates and at such hour as the Board may designate. When special sessions are held at other places, such announce- ments as may be necessary wall be made by the Board. Interpretation. 2. In the construction of these rules, and the forms herein referred to, words importing the singular number shall include the plural, and words importing the plural number shall include the singular number; and the following terms shall (if not inconsistent with the context or subject) have the respective meanings herein- after assigned to them; that is to say, "Application" shall include complaint under this Act; "Respondent" shall mean the person or company who is called upon to answer to any application or complaint ; "Affidavit" shall include affirmation; and "Costs" shall include fees, counsel fees, and expenses. Application or Complaint. 3. Every proceeding before the Board under this Act shall be commenced by an application made to it, which shall be in writing and signed by the applicant or his solicitor; or in the case of a corporate body or company being the applicants, shall be signed by their man- ager, secretary, or solicitor. It shall contain a clear and concise state- ment of the facts, the grounds of application, the section of the Act under which the same is made, and the nature of the order applied for, or the relief or remedy to which the applicant claims to be entitled. It shall be divided into paragraphs, each of which, as nearly as pos- sible, shall be confined to a distinct portion of the subject, and every paragraph shall be numbered consecutively. It shall be endorsed with the name and address of the applicant, or if there be a solicitor acting for him in the matter, with the name and address of such solicitor. The application shall be according to the forms in schedule No. 1. The application, so written and signed as aforesaid, shall be left with or mailed to the Secretary of the Board, together with a copy of any document, or copies of any maps, plans, profiles, and books RAILWAY COMMISSION. 203 of reference, as required under the provisions of the Act, (a) referred to therein, or which may be useful in explaining or si>pporting the same. The Secretary shall number such applications according to the order in which they are received by him and make a list thereof. From the said list there shall be made up a docket of cases for hearing which, as well as their order of entry on the docket, shall be settled by the Board. Said docket list when completed to be put upon a notice board provided for that purpose, which shall be open for inspection at the offices of the Secretary during office hours. Answer. 4. Within ten days from the service of the application, the respondent or respondents shall mail or deliver to the applicant, or his solicitor, a written statement containing in a clear and concise form their answer to the application, and shall also leave or mail a copy thereof with or to the Secretary of the Board at its office, together with any documents that may be useful in explaining or supporting it. The answer mav admit the whole or any part of the facts in the application. It shall be divided into paragraphs, which shall be numbered consecutively, and it shall be signed by a person making the same, or his solicitor. It shall be endorsed with the name and address of the respondents, or if there be a solicitor acting for them in the matter, with the name and address of such solicitor. It shall be according to the form in Schedule No. 2, Reply. 5. Within four days from the delivery of the answer to the application, the applicant shall mail or deliver a reply thereto to the respondents, and a copy thereof to the Secretary of the Board, and may object to the said answer as being insufficient, stating the grounds of such objection, or deny the facts stated therein, or may admit the whole or any part of said facts. The reply shall be signed by the ap- plicant or his soHcitor, and may be according to form No. 3 in the said schedule. The Board may, at any time, require the whole or any part of the application, answer or reply, to be verified by affidavit, upon giving a notice to that effect to the party from whom the affidavit is required; and if such notice be not complied with, the application, answer, or reply may be set aside, or such part of it as is not verified according to the notice may be struck out. Suspension of Proceedings. 6. The Board may require further information, or particulars, or documents from the parties, and may suspend all formal proceed- ings until satisfied in this respect. If the Board, at any stage of the proceedings, think fit to direct inquiries to be made under any of the provisions of this Act, it shall give notice thereof to the parties interested, and may stay proceed- ings or any part of the proceedings thereon accordingly. (a) For further particulars of plans, etc., see regulations in Appendix. 204 ' . RAILWAY LEGISLATION. Notice. 7. In all proceedings under this Act, where notice is required, a copy or copies of said proceeding, or proceedings, for the purpose of service, shall be endorsed with notice to the parties in the forms of endorsement set forth in schedules Nos. 1 and 2 ; and in default of appearance the Board may hear and determine the application ex parte. Endorsements shall be signed in accordance with the provisions of Section 28. The Board may enlarge or abridge the periods for putting in the answer or reply, and for hearing the application, and in that case the period shall be endorsed in the notice accordingly. Except in any case where it is otherwise provided, ten days' notice of any application to the Board, or of any hearing by the Board, shall be sufificient ; unless, in any case, the Board directs longer notice. The Board may, in any case, allow notice for any period less than ten days, which shall be sufificient notice as if given for ten davs or longer. (Section 31). Notice may be given or served as provided by Section 28 of the Act. When the board is authorized to hear an application or make an order, upon notice to the parties interested, it may, upon the ground of urgency, or for other reason appearing to the Board to be sufificient, notwithstanding any want of or insufficiency in such notice, make the like order or decision in the matter as if due notice had been given to all parties; and such order or decision shall be as valid and take efifect in all respects as if made on due notice; but any person entitled to notice, and not sufficiently notified may, at any tirne within ten days after becoming aware of such order or decision, or within such further time as the Board may allow, apply to the Board to vary, amend, or rescind such order or decision; and the Board shall thereupon, on such notice to all parties interested as it may in its discretion think desirable, hear such application, and either amend, alter, or rescind such order or decision, or dismiss the application, as may seem to it just and right. (Section 32.) Consent Cases. 8. In all cases the parties may, by consent in writing, with the approval of the Board, dispense with the form of proceedings herein mentioned, or some portion thereof. Power to direct and settle issues. 9. If it appears to the Board at any time that the statements in the application, or answer, or reply do not sufficiently raise or dis- close the issues of fact in dispute between the parties, it may direct them to prepare issues, and such issues shall, if the parties differ, be settled by the Board. Preliminary questions of Law. 10. If it appear to the Board at any time that there is a question of law which it would be convenient to have decided before further RAILWAY COMMISSION. 205 proceeding with the case, it may direct such question to l)e raised for its information, either by special case or in such gther manner as it may deem expedient, and the Board may, pending sucli decision, order the whole or any portion of the ])rotecding before the Board in such matter, to be sta\-c(L P K i: L I M I x A R Y M I-: !•: T 1 X ( ; . 11. If it appear to the Board at any time before the liearing of the application that it would be advantageous to hold a ])reliminary meeting for the purpose of fixing or altering the place of hearing, determining the mode of conducting the inquiry, the admitting of certain facts or the proof of them by affidavit, or for any other purpose, the Board may hold such meeting upon such notice to the parties as it deems sufficient, and may thereupon make such order as it may deem expedient. Preli.mixarv Examixatiox with the Parties. 12. The Board may, if it thinks tit, instead of holding the preliminary meeting, provided for in Rule 1 1 , communicate with the parties direct, and may require answers to such inquiries as it may consider necessary. Production and Inspection of Documents. 13. Either party .shall be entitled, at any time, before or at hearing of the case, to give notice in writing to the other party in whose application, or answer, or reply reference was made to any document, to produce it for the inspection of the party giving such notice, or his sohcitor. and to permit him to take copies thereof; and any party not complying w4th such notice shall not afterwards be at liberty to put in such documents in evidence on his behalf in said proceedings, unless he satisfy the Board that he had sufficient cause for not complying with such notice. Notice to Produce. 14. Either party may give to the other a notice in writing to produce such documents as relate to any matter in difference, (specify- ing the said documents) and which are in the possession or control of such other party ; and if such notice be not complied with, secondary evidence of the contents of the said documents may be given by or on behalf of the {)arty who gave such notice. Notice to Admit. 15. Either jnirty may give to the other party a notice in writing to admit any documents,' saving all just exceptions, and in case of neglect to admit, after such notice, the cost of proving such documents shall be paid by the party so neglecting or refusing, whatever the result of the ajiplication may be; unless, on the hearing, the Board certifies that the refusal to 'admit was reasonable; and no costs of proving any document shall be allowed, unless such notice be given, except where the omission to give the notice is, in the opinion of the Board, a saving of expense. 206 IIAILWAY LEGISLATION. Witnesses. 16. The attendance and examination of witnesses, the produc- tion and inspection of documents, shall be enforced in the same manner as is now enforced in a Superior Court of law; and the proceed- ings for that purpose shall be in the same form, mutatis mutandis, and they shall be sealed by the Secretary of the Board with the seal and may be served in any part of Canada. (Sec. 23). Witnesses shall be entitled, in the discretion of the Board, to be paid the fees and allowances prescribed by schedule No. 4, annexed hereto. The Hearing. 17. The witnesses at the hearing shall be examined viva voce; but the Board may, at any time, for sufficient reason, order that any particular facts may be proved by affidavit, or that the affidavit of any witnesses may be read at the hearing on such conditions as it may think reasonable; or that any witnesses whose attendance ought, for some sufficient reason, to be dispensed with, be examined before a Commissioner appointed by it for that purpose, who shall have author- ity to administer oaths, and before whom all parties shall attend. The evidence taken before such Commissioner shall be confined to the subject matter in question, and any objection to the admission of such evidence shall be noted by the Commissioner and dealt with by the Board at the hearing. Such notice of the time and place of examination as is prescribed in the order shall be given to the adverse party. All examinations taken in pursuance of any of the provisions of this Act, or of these rules, shall be returned to the Court; and the depositions certified under the hands of the person or persons taking the same may, without further proof, be used in evidence, saving all just exceptions. The Board may require further evidence to be given either viva voce or by affidavit, or by deposition, taken before a Commissioner or other person appointed by it for that purpose. The Board may, in any case when deemed advisable, require writteft briefs to be submitted by the parties. The hearing of the case, w^hen once commenced, shall proceed, so far as in the judgment of the Board may be practicable, from day to day. Judgment of the Board. 18. After hearing the case the Board may dismiss the applica- tion, or make an order thereon in favour of the respondents, or reserve its decision, or (subject to the right of appeal in the Act mentioned) make such other order upon the a]:>plication as may be warranted by the evidence and may seem to it just. The Board may give verbally or in writing the reasons for its decisions. A copy of the order made thereon shall be mailed or delivered to the respective parties. It shall not be necessarv to hold a court merely for the purpose of giving decisions. Any decision or order made by the Board under this Act may be made an order of the Exchequer Court, or a rule, order, or decree of any Superior Court of any Province of Canada, and shall be enforced KAlIvWAV CO.M.MISSIOX. 207 in like manner as any rule, order, or decree of such court. To make such decision or order a rule, order or decree of such court, the usual practice and procedure of the court in such matters may be followed, or in lieu thereof the form prescribed in sub-section 2, section 35 of the Act. The Board shall with respect to all matters necessary or proper for the due exercise of its jurisdiction under this Act, or otherwise for carrying this Act into effect, have all such powers, rights, and privileges as are vested in a Superior Court. (Sec. 23). Altkratiox or Rescinding of Orders. 19. Anv application to the Board to review, rescind or vary any decision' or order made by it shall be made within thirty days after the said decision or order shall have been communicated to the parties, unless the Board think fit to enlarge the time for making such application, or otherwise orders. Appeal: 20. If either partv desire to appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada from the decision or order of the Board upon any question which, in the opinion of the Board, is a question of law, he shall give notice (c) thereof to the other party and to the Secretary, within fourteen days from the time when the decision or order appealed from was made, unless the Board allows further time, and shall in such notice state the grounds of the appeal. The granting of such leave shall be in the discretion of the Board. For procedure upon such leave being obtained sec section 44, sub-section 4 et seq. of the Act. An appeal shall lie from the Board to the Supreme Court of Canada upon a question of jurisdiction; but such appeal shall not lie unless the same is allowed by a judge of the said Court upon apjilication and hearing the parties and the Board. The costs of such application shall be m the discretion of the judge. Interim ex Parte Orders. 21. Whenever the special circumstances of any case seem to so require, the Board may make an Interim ex parte Order requiring or forbidding anything^ to be done which the Board would be em- powered uj)on application, notice and hearing to authorize, require or forl)id. No such Interim Order shall, however, be made for a longer time than the Board may deem necessary to enable the matter to be heard and determined. (Sec. 38). Affidavits. 22. Affidavits of service according to the form No. 6 shall forth- with, after service, be filed with the Board in resj^ect of all documents or notices required to be served under these rules: except when notice is given or served by the Secretary of the Board, in which case no affidavit of service shall be necessary. (c) For form of nr.ticc see form No. 5 in the schciUilc hereto. 208 RAILWAY LEGISLATION. All persons authorized to administer oaths to be used in any of the Superior Courts of any Province, may take affidavits to be used on any application to the Board. Affidavits used before the Board, or in any proceeding under this Act, shall be filed with the Secretary of the Board at its office. Where affidavits are made as to belief, the grounds upon which the same are based must be set forth. Computation of time. 23. In all cases in which any particular number of days, not expressed to be clear days, is prescribed by this Act, or by these rules, the same shall be reckoned exclusively of the first day and inclusively of the last day, unless the last day shall happen to fall on a Sunday, Christmas Day, or Good Friday, or a day appointed for a public fast or thanksgiving in the Dominion or any of the Provinces, in which case the time shall be reckoned exclusively of that day also. Adjournment. 24. The Board may, from time to time, adjourn any proceedings before it. Amendment. 25. The Board may at any time allow any of the proceedings to be amended, or may order to be amended or struck out any matters which, in the opinion of the Board, may tend to prejudice, embarrass, or delav a fair hearing of the case upon its merits ; and all such amend- ments shall be made as may, in the opinion of the Board, be necessary for the purpose of hearing and determining the real question in issue between the parties. Formal objections. 26. No proceedings under this Act shall be defeated or affected bv any technical objections or any objections based upon defects in form merely. Practice of Exchequer Court, when Applicable. 27. In any case not expressly provided for by this Act, or these rules, the general principles of practice in the Exchequer Court may be adopted and applied, at the discretion of the Board, to proceedings before it. Costs. 28. The costs of and incidental to any proceedings before the Board shall be in the discretion of the Board, and may be fixed in any case at a certain sum, or may be taxed. The Board may order by whom and to whom the same are to be paid, and by whom the same are to be taxed and allowed. RAILWAY COMMISSION. 209 SCHEDULE No. 1. (Forms of Application.) The Board of Railway Commissioners for Canada. Application No. (This No. is to be filled in by the Secretary on receipt.) A.B. of CD. hereby applies to the Board for an order under section 1 98 of The Railway Act., 1 903 , directing the Railway Company to provide and construct a suitable farm crossing where the Company's Railway intersects his farm in Lot Con. Tp. County of Ontario, and states — 1 . That he is the owner of the land, &c. 2. That by reason of the construction of the said railway he is deprived, &c. 3. That it is necessary for the proper enjoyment of his said land, &c. Dated this day of A.D. 19 . (Signed (A.B.) Endorsements. The within application is made by A.B. of (state address and occupation) or by CD. of his solicitor. Take notice that the within named Railway Company is required to file with the Board of Railway Commissioners within ten days from the service hereof, its answer to the within application. Form of Application. (Where no Notice Required) . The Board of Railway Commissioners for Canada. Application No. The Railway Companv hereby applies to the Board for an Order under section 130 of The Railway Act, 1903, sanction- ing the plans, profiles and books of reference submitted in triplicate herewith, showing a proposed deviation of its line of railway as alreadv constructed between and .mileage ' to Dated this day of A.D. 19 (Signed (A.B.) SCHEDULE No. 2. (Form of Answer.) The Board of Railway Commissioners for Canada. In the matter of the AppHcation, No. , of A.B. for an order under section 198 of The Railway Act, 1903, directing Railway Company to provide a farm crossing. 210 RAILWAY LEGISLATION. The said Company in answer to the said application states: — 1. That the said A. B. is not the owner but merely, etc. 2. That upon the acquisition of the right , of way, of the said Railway, A.B. was duly paid for and released, etc. 3. That the said A, B. has other safe and convenient means, etc. ^ _.^, • 4. That, etc. Dated, etc. Endorsements. The within answer is made by A. B. of (state address and occupation), or bv CD. of his solicitor. Take notice that the within named Applicant is required to file with the Board of Railway Commissioners within four days from the service hereof, his reply to the within answer. SCHEDULE No. 3. (Reply.) The Board of Railway Commissioners for Caxada. In the matter of the application of A. B. against the Company. The said A. B., in reply to the answer of the said Company states that :— 1. 2. And the said A.B. admits that Dated this day of A.D. 19._.. Signed (Q). SCHEDULE No.4. (Fees and allowances to witnesses.) The Board of Railway Commissioners for Canada. To witnesses residing within three miles of the Court-room, per diem, (not including ferry and meals) $1 00 Barristers, attorneys and physicians, when called upon to give evidence in consequence of any professional services ren- dered by them, or to give professional opinion, per diem ... 5 00 Engineers, surveyors and architects, when called upon to give evidence of any professional services rendered bv them, and to give evidence depending upon their skill and judg- ment, per diem ^ 5 00 If the witnesses attend in one case only, they will be entitled to the full allowance. If they attend in more than one case, they will be entitled to a proportionate part in each case only. When witnesses travel over three miles they shall l:)e allowed expenses according to the sum reasonably and actually ])aid, which in no case shall exceed twenty Vents per mile one way. RAILWAY COMMISSION. 211 SCHEDULE No. 5. (Notice of Appeal.) The Board of Railway Commissioners for Canada. In the matter of the appHcation No. , of A. B. for an Order under section 198 of The Railway Act, 1903, authoriz- ing the Railwa.y, etc., etc. To the Board of Railway Commissioners, and To The above named Apphcant (or Respondent, as the case may he.) Take notice that the Company will apply to the Board on the day of , (not exceeding 14 days from the date thereof) for leave to appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada fronj the Order of the Board, dated the day of , in the ihatter of the above application authorizing the expropriation of certain lands referred to in said Order, and direct- ing that compensation or damages to be avvarded to the owners of said lands, or persons interested therein, shall be ascertained, as and from the date of the application, (or such other time as may be named in the Order.) The grounds of appeal are that as a matter of law, the awarding of such compensation or damages should be ascertained and deter- mined from the date of the deposit of plan, profile, etc., as provided under section 153 of the Act, and not from the time stated in the Order. Dated this day of Signed, Sohcitor, etc. SCHEDULE No. 6. (Form of Affidavit of Service.) The Board of Railway Commissioners for Canada. In the matter of the application, No. , of A.B. for an Order under section 198 of The Railway Act, 1903, directing Railway Company to provide a farm crossing. I, of the City of Ottawa, etc., make oath and say: — 1. That I am a member, etc. 2. That I did on 19 , serve the (C.P.) Railway Company above named, with a true copy of the (application) of the said (A.B.) in this matter by delivering the same to (CD.) the Secre- tary) of the said Company (or to E.F. the (Ass't to the Gen. Mgr.) of the Company, being an adult person in the employ of the Company at the head office of the Company in (Montreal), see section 28 (a), which said copy wa^ endorsed with the following notice, viz: — (Copy exactly) Sworn, etc. 212 RAILWAY LEGISLATIOX. REQUIREMENTS ON APPLICATION HAVING REFERENCE TO PLANS. No. 1 — General location of Railway — Sections 122-124. (a) Send to Secretan^ of the Department of Railways and Canals ; 3 copies of map showing the general location of the proposed line of railway, the termini and the principal towns and. places through which the railwa}^ is to pass, giving the names thereof, the railways, navigable streams and tide-water, if any, to be crossed by the railway, and such as may be within a radius of thirty miles of the proposed railway, and generally the physical features of the countrs^ through which the railway is to be con- structed. 1st copy to be examined and approved by tht Minister and filed in the Department of Railways and Canals. 2nd copy to be approved by Minister for filing by the Company with the Board. 3rd copy to be approved by Minister for the Company. Scale of Map — not less than 6 miles to the inch. (b) Upon approved general location map being filed by the Company with the Board, send to the Secretary of the Board three set's of plan prepared exactly in accordance with the general "notes" hereunder, as follows: — !1 plan. j To be examined, sanc- 1 profile. - tioned and deposited 1 book of reference. I with the Board. 2nd set — Same as 1st. ( To be examined, certified and returned ( for registration. 3rd set — Same as 1st. f To be certified and returned to ( Company. Scale — Plans — 400 feet to the inch. (N.B. — In prairie country, scale may be 1,000 ft. to the inch.) Ti £, I Horizontal, 400 feet. Profiles. I Vertical, 20 feet. No. 2 — To Alter Location of Line Previously Sanctioned or Completed. — Section 130. Send to the Secretary of the Board three sets of plans, profiles and books of reference as required in No. 1 (b). (N.B. — The plans and profiles so submitted will be required to show the original location, grades and curves, and- the changes desired or necessitated.) Scale — Same as No. 1 (b). RAILWAY COMMISSION. 213 No. 3 — Plans of Completed Railway. — Section 128. Send to the Secretary of the Board within six months after com- pletion three sets of plans and profiles of the completed road. 1st set to be filed with the Board. 2nd set to be certified and returned to the Company. 3rd set for registration purposes. Scale— Same as No. 1 (b). No. 4 — To TAKE Additional Lands for Stations, Snow Protec- tion, ETC. — Section 139. Send to the Secretary of the Board three sets of plans and documents as follows: — f 1 application sworn to by officers I required to sign and certify i To be examined 1st set— ^ plans. See "General Notes." ^-and certified and [ 1 plan, 1 profile. | deposited with the ' 1 book of reference. - Board. f For certificate and return for reg- 2nd set —Same as 1st | istration, with duphcate authority. I For certificate and return to com- 3rd set— Same as 1st | p^^^^.^ ^.^^-^ copy of authority. Scale — Same as No. 1 (b). N.B. — Ten days' notice of apphcation must be given by the appli- cant Company to the owner or possessor of the property, and copies of such notice with affidavits of service thereof, must be furnished to the Board on the application. No. 5 — Branch Lines, not exceeding six miles — Section 175. (a) 1 plan, profile and book of reference same as No. 1 (b) to be deposited in Registry Office. Upon such registration 4 weeks public notice of application to the Board to be given. Send to the Secretary of the Board an application with copies of the plan, profile and iDOok of reference certified by the Registrar as a duplicate of those so deposited in the Registry Office. A certified copy of the Order authorizing the construction of the Branch lines to be registered together w4th any papers and plans showing changes directed by the Board. A map showing the adjacent country, neighbouring lines, etc., must be sent to the Secretary of the Board with the application. Proof of registration and of public notice having been duly given will be required upon the application. Scale — Same as No. 1 (b). 214 RAILWAY LEGISLATION. No. 6 — Railway Crossings or Junctions. — Section 177. Send to the Secretary of the Board with an appHcation three sets of plan of both roads at point of crossing. Scale— Plan — 100 feet to the inch. Also three sets of plan and profile of both roads on either side of the proposed crossing for a distance of two miles. Scale — Plan — 400 feet to the inch. ^ J 20 feet to inch vertical. Frohie < 4QQ fgg^ ^^ -^^j^ horizontal 1st set for a])proval by and filing -with the Board; 2nd and 3rd sets to be certified and furnished to the respective companies concerned, with certified copy of order. The applicant Company must give ten days' notice of application to the Company whose lines are to be crossed or joined, and shall serve with such notice a copy of all plans and profiles and a copy of the application. Upon completion of work application must be made to the Board for leave to operate. No. 7 — Highway Crossings. — Sections 184 to 191. Send to the Secretary of the Board with an application three sets of plans and profiles of the crossings. Scale — Plan — 100 feet to inch. jy n, (20 feet to inch vertical. Profile j 100 feet to inch horizontal. 1st set for approval by and filing with the Board; 2nd and 3rd sets to be furnished to the respective parties concerned, with a certified copy of the order approving the same. The plan and profile shall show at least h a mile of the railway and 200 feet of the highway on each side of the crossing. The applicant must give ten days' notice of apphcation to the opposite party and with such notice shall serve a copy of the plan and profile and of the application. No. 8 — Crossings with wires for Telegraph, Telephones and Powers. — Section 194. Send to the Secretar}^ of the Board with the application a plan and profile in duplicate. Profile must show the distance between the different lines of wire. A copy of plan and profile to be sent to the Railway Company with notice of application. No. 9 — Crossings and Works upon Navigable Waters, Beaches, &c.— Section 182. Upon site and general plans being approved by the Governor in Council, send to the Secretary of the Board: — Certified copy of Order in Council with the plans and description approved thereby — 1 application and 2 sets of detail, plans, profiles, drawings and specifications. 1st set for filing with Board. RAILWAY COMMISSION. 215 2nd set to be certified and returned to Company witli certified copy of order. Upon completion of work application must be made to the Board for leave to operate. No. 10 — Bridgks, TrxxELs, Viaducts, Trestles, &c., over 18 ft. span. — Section 203. (a) Must be ])uilt in accordance with standard specifications and plans, approved of V)v the Board. (b) Or detail plans, profiles, drawings, and specifications, which mav be blue, white or photographic prints, must be sent to the Secre- tary of the Board for approval, &c., as in No. 8. No. 11 — Stations — Section 204. Send to the Secretary of the Board: — 2 sets of detail plans, profiles, drawings and specifications, with an application for approval. 1st set for filing with the Board. 2nd set to be certified and returned to Company with certified copy of order of approval. General Notes. Plans (for Nos. 1 (b) to 5) must show the right of way, with lengths of sections in miles, the names of the terminal points, the station grounds, the property lines, owners' names, the areas and length and width of lands proposed to be taken, in figures (every change of width being given) the curves and the bearings, also all open drains, watercourses, highways, and railwavs propo.sed to be crossed or aifected. Profiles shall show the grades, curves, highway and railway crossings, open drains and water courses, and may be endorsed on the plan itself. Books of reference shall describe the portion of land proposed to be taken in each lot to be traversed, giving numbers of the lots, and the area, length, and width of the portion thereof proposed to be taken and names of owners and occupiers so far as thev can be ascertained. All plans, profiles and books of reference must be dated and must be certified and signed by the President or Vice-President or General Manager, and also by the Engineer of the Company. The plan and profile to be retained by the Board must be on linen, the copies to be returned may be either white, blue, or photo- graphic prints. All profiles shall be based, where possible, upon sea level datum. All books of reference must be made on good thick paper and in the form of a book with a suitable paper cover. The size of such books when closed shall be as near as possible to 7h inches bv 7 inches. Book of reference may be endorsed on the plan. 216 RAILWAY LEGISLATION. Form of hook of reference required. Railway Company. Division or Province Branch. Book of Reference to accompany Location Plan showing Lands required for railway purposes. INTERLOCKING SYSTEM. Rules for Signals and Speed of Trains where one Steam Rail- way Crosses Another at Rail Level. When the signal on distant semaphore post indicates catttion, a train passing it must be under full control and come to a full stop before reaching the home post. When the signal on the home post indicates danger, it must not be passed. When the signals on the distant and home posts indicate safety, the train can proceed. When clear signals are shown the speed cf pas^cn^cr trains must be reduced to twenty miles and freight trains to ten miles per hour, until the entire train has passed the crossing. General Requirements. Applicable to Steam Railways for Interlocking, Derailing and Signals System at Crossings at Rail Level and at Junctions. The plan and construction of interlocking, signahng and derailing svstem to be used at rail level crossings and junctions of one railway bv another must be arranged to conform to the following general rules: — 1. The normal position of all signals must indicate danger, derail points open and the interlocking so arranged that it will be impossible for the operator to give conflicting signals. 2. The derail points must be placed not 'less than 500 feet from point of intersection of the crossing of junction tracks, unless in special cases in which the Board authorizes in writing a less distance. 3. On side tracks the position of derail points may be located so as to best accommodate the traffic, and provide the same measure of safety indicated in foregoing rules. 4. On single track railways, derail points, when practicable, should be on inside of curve and on double track railways the derail points should be in outside rail of both tracks. 5. On double track railways back-up derails will be necessary. 6. Home signal posts must be 50 feet beyond point of derail, and the distance between home and distant signals must be not less than 1,200 feet. Signal post should be placed on engineman's side of track it governs. 7. Guard-rails should be laid on outside of rail in which the derail is placed and and commence at least 6 feet toward home signa RAILWAY COMMISSION. 217 from point of derail, extending from thence toward crossing, parallel with and 9 inches distant from track rail, for 400 feet. 8. In case there are crossovers, turnouts, or other connecting tracks involved in the general system, the movements of cars and trains upon which present an element of danger, which danger will be enhanced by the passage of trains on main tracks over crossings without stopping, and consequently at higher speed than would be the case without the permit sought, then, and in all such cases, whether such enhanced danger be of coUison between cars and trains of the same railway, or between cars or trains of different railways, it will be necessary, in addition to the protection of the main crossing, to provide by proper appliances against any such increased collateral dangers in the same complete manner as is required in the case of the main crossing. 9. The arms and back hghts of all signals should be visible to the signal-man in the tower. If from any cause the arm or light can- not be placed so as to be seen by the signal man, a repeater or indicator should be provided in the tower. 10. Application for inspection of interlocking plant must be made to the Board accompanied by a plain diagram showing location of crossing and position of all main tracks, sidings, switches, turnouts, etc. The several tracks must be indicated bv letters or figures, and reference made to each, explaining the manner of its use, The rate of grade on each main track must be shown, together with numbers of signals, derails, locks, etc.. corresponding to levers in tower. It is intended herein to state general rules, which will govern the construction of any proposed system of interlocking. The traffic to be done, relative position and operation of intersecting lines, may require safeguards not mentioned herein. The system of derailing, signaling, and interlocking must be connected and worked and be complete in each particular before the Board will grant an order authorizing the operation of such interlocking, derailing, and signal system or the crossing by the rail- way ordered to put on the system. General Kequirements for Interlocking at Drawbridges. Interlocking, signaling, and derailing systems to be used at draw- bridges must be arranged to conform to the following general rules: — 1. The normal position of ail signals must indicate danger, derail points open and the interlocking so arranged that it will be impossible for the operator to open the draw until signals and derails are set against the approaching train movement. 2. Where the grade is practically level the derailing points shall be located not less than 500 feet from the ends of the bridge, but. in case of a descending grade towards the bridge, the derailing point must be located at such distance from the bridge as to give the same measure of protection that is required for a level approach. 218 RAILWAY LEGISLATION. 3. On single track railways, derail points, when practicable, should be on the inside of curve, and on double track railways, the derail points should be in outside rails of both tracks. 4. On double track railways back-up derails will be necessary. 5. Home signal posts must, when practicable, be located on the engineman's side of the track they govern, and should be not less than fifty (50) feet nor more than two hundred (200) feet in advance of the point they govern, the distant signals should be located not less than twelve hundred (1200) feet in advance of the home signal, with which it operates and on the same side of the track. The distance signal should be distinguished by a notch cut in the end of the sema- phore arm. 6. The arms and backhghts of all signals should be visible to the signal man in the tower. If from any cause, the arm or light of any signal cannot be placed so as to be seen by the signal man, a repeater or indicator should be provided in the tower. 7. Guard-rails should be laid on outside of rail in which the derail is placed, and, commencing at least 6 feet in advance of derail, should extend thence toward the end of bridge, parallel with and 9 inches from track rail, for not less than 400 feet. 8. AppHcation for inspection must be made same as for railwav crossings. TARIFF REGULATIONS. BOARD OF RAILWAY COMMISSIONERS FOR CANADA. Ottawa, March 3rd, 1904. Sir, I have to inform you that, by an order of the'^Board passed this 3rd March, 1904, the tariflfs to be filed with the Board under the Rail- way Act, sections 256, 261 and 262, shall be printed on sheets uniform in size, eight inches by eleven inches (8 x 11), and be specially number- ed by each Railway Company, beginning with No. 1 (as per annexed form), and subsequent tariffs to be numbered consecutively and leaving a prefix stamped (C. R. C. No. ), such number to be filled in by Railway Company for filing reference b}- the Board. All special rate notices to be uniform in size with tariffs sheets and to be numbered and bear the stamped prefix as the tariffs. Mail matter intended for the Board should be stamped O. H. M. S. and directed to the Board or member thereof, or the Secretary. to insure its free carriage. Competitive tarift" which is bond fide and urgently required to be brought into immediate effect without previous notice to the Board, owing to the exigencies of competition, may be acted upon before filing with the Board, but the Company shall forthwith, upon acting on such tariff, forward the same to the Board with a brief statement of the nature of the exigency and ground for so acting, for the approval RAILWAY COMMISSION. 219 of the Board. The Board may disallow the said tariff, and when said tariff is disallowed it shall cease to be operative, and the Com- pany shall forthwith withdraw the same. That all freight classifications and amendments, or changes therein, before going into effect shall be first approved by the Board; and two consecutive weekly publications of notice of application for approval by Board of any freight classification or addition thereto, amendments or changes thereto, or any removal of any goods from a lower to a higher class, or from a higher to a lower class, shall be inserted in the Canada Gazette before an}^ application for such approval shall be entertained by the Board. All plans, profiles, etc., sent by Express to the Secretary of the Board must be prepaid. By Order of the Board. A. D. CARTWRIGHT, Secretary. (Insert name of railway here). Traffic Department. 190. (Place and date) Advice No ._ The Secretary Railway Commission for Canada. Ottazva, Canada. Dear Sir: In compliance with the requirements or Section 256 of "The Railway Act," 1903, I transmit herewith, for approval and filing with the Commission, copies of tariffs as follows: — C. R. C. Date Taking Number Effect DESCRIPTION 220 RAILWAY LEGISLATION. DEPARTMENT OF RAILWAYS AND CANALS. Ottawa 190.— (circular.) To Railway Companies and others making application for assistance from Parliament towards the building of a railway. Before any application can be taken into consideration it is es- sential that information be furnished upon the points following: — The charter of the Company, together with reference to any Acts by which it may have been amended. The means definitely in hand and those promised or contem- plated, whether by wa}^ of Provincial or Municipal bonuses or other- wise, on which the Company are relying for the satisfactory comple- tion of the undertaking. The number of miles the construction of w^hich is proposed, whether to the final terminus of the road, or to the terminus of the portion as to which a subsidy is being sought from Parliament. The estimated cost, per mile, of the railway as a whole, or that of the portion for which a subsidy is asked, together with informa- tion as to the data upon which such estimate has been formed. The important streams, if any, to be crossed, and the estimated cost of bridging them; together with the length and character of the bridge structure proposed. The character of the country to be traversed; the nature of the soil; the extent of existing settlement and of indication or develop- ment of mineral wealth, or of other features contributory to traffic and to public advantage. In addition to the foregoing it is requisite that the company furnish maps indicating the general location of the road, or the general direction of the line contemplated; and also, if at the time practicable, the curves and gradients which it is proposed to adopt. It is to be observed that the furnishing of information of this character in as full, yet concise, form as possible will greatly expediate the arriving at a conclusion as to the advisability, or the reverse, of aiding the enterprise. By order. Secretary, Dept. of Railways and Canals. CONTRACT UNDER SUBSIDY ACT. 221 CONTRACT UNDER SUBSIDY ACT. Memorandum of action necessary in connection with making an appli- cation to enter into a contract under the subsidy Act. 1. Address an application to the Secretary of the Department of Railways and Canals, quoting the Act or Acts incorporating the Company f also the Act or Acts granting them the subsidy applied for, and describing the line proposed to be contracted for. 2. Submit plan and profile of the proposed location, with full information thereon (in triplicate). 3. Estimate of quantities for each description of work on each 10-mile section. 4. State bond fides of the Company, showing the resources avail- able with which to construct and equip the Railway or section of Railway under subsidy, and whether any Provincial, Municipal or other aid is granted them. 5. Give, duly certified by the Secretary of the Company, a list of the names of the Directors, stating names in full of its Presi- dent and of its Secretary, with place of business or address of the Company. 6. Give a list of the Stockholders, with the amount subscribed for by each, also the amount paid up, with a certificate from a char- tered bank that the amount is deposited. 7. Apply for one of the Departmental printed Forms of Speci- fication and return same, with blanks, as to maximum grade and minimum radius of curve proposed, properly filled in. 8. State in your appHcation to enter into a contract, that you are prepared to proceed with the work without delay, and when you propose to commence and to complete the same. 9. If the Minister is satisfied with the information given, and as to ability of the Company to construct the line subsidized, he causes an agreement to be prepared and sent to the Governor in Council for approval. 10. When approved by Council the draft of agreement is sent to the Company for execution. 222 RAILWAY LEGISLATION. FAIR WAGES CLAUSES. In Contracts of Department of Railways and Canals. Approved by 0. C. i\st October, 1902, as amended by O. C. 5th November, 1903. The following conditions are incorporated in and shall form part of the annexed contract between His Majesty the King repre- sented by the Minister of Railways and Canals, and (therein and hereinafter called the Company), dated the da}- of 190 , and distinguished by the number 1. The Company shall not make any assignment of this contract, and in the event of its entering into sub-contract with other parties for the execution of the whole or any portion of the work subsidized, it shall not thereby be relieved from compliance with, and direct liability under the conditions following, but shall, nevertheless, continue to be bound thereby. 2. No labourers shall be employed on or about the works hereby contracted for who are not citizens or residents of Canada, but the Minister may in writing waive the provisions of this clause, either in general or to a limited extent, should he deem it expedient so to do. 3. The minimum rate of wages to be paid by the Company for the labour of any employee, or the minimum rate of hire for any team, employed in or about the works, shall be the rate specified in the Fair Wages Schedule for the same or similar class of labour as that in which such employee is engaged, or for the hire of teams respectively. 4. The number of working hours for employees in the day or week shall be in accordance with the custom of the same or similar trades or classes of labour in the district where the work is being carried on, — to be determined in case of dispute by the Minister; and no employee shall be required to work for longer hours except for the protection of life or property, or, in case of other emergencies. when the necessity therefor is confirmed by the Engineer. 5. In case any labour is required in or about the works for which, in the opinion of the Engineer, no rate is fixed in the said Schedule, the Engineer, or other officer authorized by him, mav fix the minimum rate of wages pa3-able in respect thereof, which shall not be less than the rate of wages generally accepted as current for competent work- men in the same or similar trades or class of labour in the district where the work is being carried on. 6. The Company shall not be entitled to any payments under this contract in respect of work and labour performed until it has filed in the office of the Engineer a statement, in duplicate, showing the rate of wages by it paid for the various classes of labour, and the hire of teams, employed in or about the work, and, if any amounts should then be due and unpaid in respect of such wages or hire, showing FAIR VVAORS CLAUSES. 223 in detail the names of the unpaid employees, the class of employ- ment, rate of wages, and the amounts due to each; nor shall the Company be entitled to any payments under this contract in respect of materials or other things supplied, for use in or upon the works, until it has filed in the office of the Engineer a statement in duplicate showing the prices and quantities of all such materials or things, and if any amounts should then be due and unpaid in respect thereof, showing in detail the names of the unpaid vendors, the quantities, prices, and the amounts due to each, such statements shall be attested, in duplicate, by the statutory declaration of the Company, or of such officer of the Company as the Minister may approve. 7. The Minister, or the Engineer, may, as a further condition to such payment at any time require the Company to furnish such further or other detailed' information as may be necessary to establish to their satisfaction the compliance by the Company with the con- ditions of this contract. 8. Should the Company fail to adhere in every particular to the fair wages schedule hereto annexed, or permit any wages or amounts payable for the hire of teams to become or remain in arrear and un- paid, or fail to pay any accounts for materials or other things supplied for the works, the Engineer may give notice in writing requiring the Company to adhere to such schedule, or to pay such wages, or for such hire of teams, or for such materials or other things, as the case may be. Should the Company fail for the period of forty-eight hours after the giving of such notice to comply to the terms thereof, the Minister mav make such pa^-ments as shall be sufficient to effect an adherence with such schedule, or the settlement or discharge of such arrears, or indebtedness for hire or materials or things supplied, and the Com- pany in the 'event of any such payments being made after notice and' default as aforesaid shall be stopped from setting up, as against His Majesty, the accuracy of any amounts so paid, or the existence or extent of any such indebtedness, and. all amounts so paid shall be repaid, at once, by the Company or may be deducted from any amounts then or thereafter due by His Majesty to the Company. 9. The Minister or the Engineer may, in their discretion, at any time require proof, with such formalities or to such extent as they may deem requisite, of any claim under the said fair wages schedule, or for wages or hire of teams in arrears, or of accounts for materials, or other things unpaid. 10. The word "Engineer," when used herein, shall mean the Chief Engineer of Railways and Canals, or such other Officer as the Minister mav appoint to perform his duties in respect thereof. FAIR WAGES SCHEDULE. The following is the minimum rate of wages to be paid respect- ively for the several classes of labour mentioned, or for the hire of teams, in accordance with the provisions of Section ^ of the fair wages clauses: — 224 RAILWAY LEGISLATION. CLASS OF LABOUR MINIMUM RATE PER I'RIVATE BILLS. 225 FORM OF PETITION FOR PRIVATE BILLS. DOMINION PARLIAMENT. Petitions to the three Branches of Parliament for Private Bills are to be prepared after the following form, viz.: (L) To His Excellency the Right Honourable Sir Albert Henry George, Earl Grey, Viscount Howick, Baron Grey of Howick, in the County of Northumberland, in the Peerage of the United Kingdom, and a Baronet; Knight Grand Cross of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, &c., &c., Governor-General of Canada. IN COUNCIL: THE PETITION of the undersigned of the City of humbly sheweth: THAT (here state the objects sought by the petitioner). WHEREFORE your petition humbly prays that Your Excellency may be pleased to sanction the passing of an Act for the purposes above mentioned. AND as in duty bound your petitioner will ever pray. Date. Signature. This petition to be sent by mail to the Office of the Secretary of State any time during the Session. (2.) TO THE HONOURABLE THE SENATE OF CANADA, IN PARLIAMENT ASSEMBLED. THE PETITION of the undersigned of the City of humbly sheweth: THAT (here state the objects sought by the petitioner). WHEREFORE your petitioner humbly prays that your Hon- ourable House may be pleased to pass an Act for the purposes above mentioned. AND as in duty bound your petitioner will ever prav. Date. Signature. This petition to be presented by a member of the Senate, from his place in the Senate, ivithin the first three weeks of the Session. 226 RAILWAY LEGISLATION. (3.) TO THE HONOURABLE THE HOUSE OF COMMONS OF CANADA, IN PARLIAMENT ASSEMBLED. THE PETITION of the undersigned of the City of humbly sheweth: THAT (here state the objects sought by the petitioner). WHEREFORE your petitioner humbly prays that your Hon- ourable House may be pleased to pass an Act for the pur- poses above mentioned. AND as in duty bound your petitioner will ever pray. Date. Signature. This petition to be presented by a member, from Iiis place in the House, within the first three weeks of the Session. N.B. — All Petitions must be signed by the Petitioner, signature by Attorney or Agent not being admissible. Petitions of existing corporations shall have the seal of the corporation affixed thereto. MODKl. RILL. 227 MODEL RAILWAY BILL. [Alterations or iuiditions arc to be placed between brackets.] No. .] BILL. [1904 An Act to incorporate the Railway Conipan\-. WHEREAS a petition has been presented praying Preamble that it be enacted as hereinafter set forth, and it is exped- ient to grant the praver of the said petition: Therefore His Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as fol- lows: — 1. [Insert names of those applying for incorporation] incorporation together with such persons as become shareholders in the company, are incorporated under the name of [insert name of company] Corporate name hereinafter called "the Company." 2. The persons named in section 1 of this Act are Provincial constituted provisional directors of the Company. 3. The capital stock of the Company shall be Capital stock dollars. No one call thereon shall exceed ten per cent on Caiis thereon, the shares subscribed. 4. The head office of the Company shall be in the Head office 5. The annual meeting of the shareholders shall be Annual held on the first ^ m """"^'"^ 6. The number of directors shall be or more of whom mav be paid directors. 7. The Companv mav lay out, construct and operate Lineotraii- a railway of the gauge of four feet eight and one-half ''^^ '^^^'^" inches from [insert and define clearly the route of the pro- posed railway, and specify the principal points along the route]. 8. The securities issued by the Company shall not issue of exceed " thousand dollars per ^^'^""^'^^• mile of the railway, and may be issued only in proportion to the length of railway constructed or under contract to be constructed. 9. Any agreement provided for in section 281 of Agreements The Railway Act, 1903, may be entered into between the compank-s. Company and [name the company or companies it is pro- posed to make agreements zvith.] Note. — The following is Section 281 of "The Rail- wav Act," 1903, referred to in Section 9, Model Rill: — 228 R A ILAVA Y LEGISLATION . Agreements for sale, lease, or amalgama- tion of rail- way. Approval of shareholders. Sanction ot Governor in Council on re- commenda- tion of Board. Notice of application to Board Duplicate original to be filed in office of Secretary of State. .4 malgamation A greements. 281. Where the company is authorized by any Special Act of the Parhament of Canada, to enter into an agree- ment with any other company for selKng, conveying or leasing to such company the railway and undertak- ing of the company, in whole or in part, or for pur- chasing or leasing from such company, the railway and undertaking of such company, in whole or in part, or for amalgamation, such agreemient shall be first approved by two-thirds of the votes of the shareholders of each corn- pan}", parties therejo, at an annual general meeting, or at a special general meeting of each company called for the purpose of considering such agreement, at each of which meetings shareholders representing at least two-thirds in value of the capital stock of each company are present or represented by proxy ; and upon such agreemient being so approved, and dul}' executed it shall be submitted to the Board with an application for a recommendation to the Governor in Council for the sanction thereof. 2. Notice of the proposed appMcation therefor shall be published in TJte Canada Gazette for at least one month prior to the time, to be stated therein, for the making of such application, and also, unless the Board otherwise orders, for a like period in one newspaper in each of the counties or electoral districts through which the railway, to be sold, leased or amalgamated, runs, in which a newspaper is published. 3. Upon such notice being given the Board shall grant or refuse such application, and upon granting the same shall make a recommendation to the Governor in Council for the sanction of such agreement. 4. Upon such agreement being sanctioned by the Governor in Council, a duplicate original of such agreement shall be filed in the office of the Secretary of State for Cuiiu- da, and thereupon such agreemient shall come into force and effect, and notice thereof sliall be forthwith given in The Canada Gazette, and the production of The Canada Gazette containing such notice shall be prima facie evidence of the requirements of this section being compHed with. Al'l'LICATlONH TO I'ARLIA.M lON'l'. 229 PRIVATE HILLS. APPLICATIONS TO PARLIAMENT. RULES RELATIVE TO NOTICES FOR PRIVATE BILLS. All applications to Parliament for Private Bills of any nature whatsoever, shall be advertised by a Notice published in the Canada Gazette; such Notice shall clearly and distinctly state the nature and objects of the application, and shall be signed by or on behalf of the applicants, with the address of the party signing the same ; and when the application is for an Act of incorporation, the name of the pro- posed company shall be stated in the Notice. And if the works of any company (incorporated, or to be incorporated) are to Ije declared to be for the general advantage of Canada, such intention shall be specifically mentioned in the Notice ; and the applicants shall cause a copy of such Notice to be sent by registered letter to the Clerk of each municipality which may be specially affected by the construction or operation of such works, and also to the Secretary of the Province in which such works are, or may be located ; and proof of compliance with this requirement by the applicants shall be established by statu- tory declaration. In addition to the Notice in the Canada Gazette aforesaid, a similar Notice shall also be published in some leading newspaper, as follows: — A. When the application is for an Act to incorporate: 1. .4 Raihvay or Canal Company. — In the principal city, town or village in each county through which the proposed railway or canal is to be constructed. 2. ^4 Telegraph or Telephone Company. — In the principal city or town in each Province or Territory in which the company proposes to operate. 3. A company for the constrtiction of any works which in their construction or operation might specially affect a particular locality ; or for obtaining any exclusive rights or privileges; or for doing any matter or thing which in its operation would affect the rights or property of others: — In the particular locality or localities which may be affected by the proposed Act. 4. A- Banking Company; An Insurance Company; A Trust Company ; A Loan Company ; or an Industrial Company without any exclusive powers: — In the Canada Gazette only. B. When the* application is for the purpose of amending an existing Act: L For an extension of any line of railway, or of any canal, or for the construction of branches thereto: — In the principal city, town or village in each county or district through which such extension or branch is to be constructed. 230 RAILWAY LEGISLATION. 2. For an extension of the time for the construction or com- pletion of any hne of railway, or of any canal, or of any telegraph or telephone line, or of any other works already authorized: — In the place where the head office of the company is, or is authorized to be. 3. For an extension of the powers of a company (when not in- volving the granting of any exclusive rights) ; or for the increase or reduction of the capital stock of any company; or for increasing or altering its bonding or other borrowing powers, or for any amend- ment which would in any way affect the rights or interests of the shareholders or bondholders or creditors of the company: — In the place where the head office of company is situated. All such Notices whether inserted in the Canada Gazette or in a newspaper, shall be published at least once a week, for a period of five consecutive weeks; and when published in the Provinces of Quebec and Manitoba, shall be in both the English and French languages ; and marked copies of each issue of all newspapers contain- ing such Notice shall be sent to the Clerks of the Senate and House of Commons, endorsed "Private Bill Notice"; or a statutory declara- tion as to due publication may be sent in lieu thereof. RULES RELATING TO PETITIONS FOR PRIVATE BILLS. Any person seeking to obtain a Private Bill shall, at least eight days before the meeting of Parliament, deposit with the clerk of the House, in which the Bill is to originate, a copy of such Bill in the English or French language, with a sum sufficient to pay for translating and printing the same. The applicant shall also, after the second reading, and before the consideration of the Bill by any Committee, pay the Clerk of the Senate, or the Accountant of the House of Com- mons (as the case may be) a fee of $200, and a sum sufficient to pay the cost of printing the Act in the Statutes. The fee of S200 is paid only in the House in which a Bill originates; but charges for re- printing and translation are paid in the House in which such charges are incurred. No petition for a Private Bill is received by the Senate or by the House of Commons after the first three weeks of the Session. No Private Bill may be presented to the Senate or to the House of Commons after the first four weeks of the Session. No Petition praying for the incorporation of a railway company, or of a canal company, or for an extension of the line of any existing or authorized railway or canal, shall be considered by the Standing Orders Committees, until there has been filed with the Committee a map or plan, showing the proposed location of the works, and each countv or district through which the proposed railway or canal, or any branch or extension thereof, is to be constructed. SAME. E. ST. O. CHAPLEAU, Clerk of the Senate. THOMAS B. FLINT, Clerk of the Commons. APPLICATIONS TO PARLIAMENT. 231 SPECIAL RULES OF THE SENATE. When anv Bill, confirming a deed, lease, agreement or other instrument, is brought up or presented to the Senate, such deed, lease, agreement or other instrument shall be set forth in the Bill Vjy wav of Schedule or otherwise. SAML. K. ST. O. CHAPLEAU. Clerk of the Senate. ADDITIONAL RULES OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS RESPECTING PRIVATE BILLS. All Private Bills for Acts of Incorporation shall be so framed as to incorporate by reference the clauses of the General Acts relating to the details to be' provided for by such Bills; — Bills not framed in accordance with this Rule, shall be recast by the promoters, and reprinted at their expense, before any Committee passes upon the Clauses. 52. All Private Bills for Acts of Incorporation of, or in amend- ment of Acts incorporating Railway Companies, shall be drawn in accordance with the Model Bill, copies of which may be obtained from the Clerk of the House. (a.) The provisions contained in any Bill which are not in accord with the Model Bill, shall be inserted between brackets, and when revised by the proper officer shall be so printed, and Bills which are not in accordance with this Rule shall be returned to the promoters to be recast before being revised and printed. (b.) Any sections of existing Acts which are proposed to be amended shall be reprinted in full v.-ith the amendments inserted in their proper places and between brackets. (c.) Any exceptional provisions that it may be proposed to insert in any Bill shall be clearly specified in the Notice of Application for the same. 53. No Bill for the incorporation of a Railway Company, or for changing the route of the railway of any company already incorpora- ted, shah be considered by the Railway Committee until there has been filed with the Committee, at least one week before the consideration of the Bill. :— (a) A Map or Plan drawn upon a scale of not less than half an inch to the mile, showing the location upon which it is intended to construct the proposed work, and showing also the lines of existing or authorized works of a similar character within, or in any way affecting the district, or any part thereof, which the proposed' work is intended to serve, and such map or plan shall be signed by the Engineer or other person making the same ; (b.) An exhibit showing the total amount of capital proposed to be raised for the purposes of the undertaking, and the manner in which it is proposed to raise the same, whether by ordinary shares, bonds, debentures, or other securities, and the amount of each, res- pectivelv. THOMAS B. FLINT, Clerk of the Commons. 232 RAILWAY LEGISLATION. TO ADVERTISERS IN THE GAZETTE. Parties sending advertisements to be inserted in the Canada Gazette will please observe the following rules: 1st. Address "The Canada Gazette, Ottawa, Canada." 2nd. Indicate the number of insertions required. 3rd. Invariably remit the fees for such advertisements, together with the price of one Gazette, as below, otherwise they will not be inserted. The rates are 10 cents for the first insertion, and five cents for each subsequent insertion per line of nine words, each figure counting as one word. By settled or understood practice as prescribed by law, the rules of Parliament or decisions of the Department of Justice, notices re- ceive the following insertions: — Notices of applications for divorce — 2 7 insertions. Notices of the withdrawal of deposits of Insurance Companies — 13 insertions. Notices of ordinary applications to Parliament — 5 insertions. Notices of applications for Letters Patent under Loan Com- panies Act (per O. in C. pubHshed in Gazette of 15th June, 1901) — 2 insertions. Notices of dividends and meetings of Banks and Insurance Companies — 1 calendar month, or 5 insertions. Interim Copyrights — 1 insertion. No advertisement is inserted for a less charge than one dollar. Subscribers will also notice that the subscription, $4 per annum, is invariably payable in advance, and that the "Gazette" will be stopped at the end of the period paid for. Single numbers will be charged ten cents each, and when more than one are required by ad- vertisers, must be remitted for likewise. S. E. DAWSON, King's Printer and Controller of Stationery. Department of Public Printing and Stationery, Ottawa, October, 1903. FREIGHT CLASSIFICATION. A carter was shipping some packed furniture at Glasgow quay the other day, and he stood eyeing curiously the next package to leave his lorry. "What is this, now?" asked the stevedore. "I'm hanged if I ken whether it's live stock or a bed mattress" was the reply, "for I've counted six mice leaving it since I left the warehouse, and it depends on how many mair there's left to say what ye'll book it as."