m v-'eare The Traveller . . . . . O. Goldsmith . The World at a Distance . IV. Coiuper Highways ..... W. \Vords2uorth Written at an Inn at Henley . . W. Sheiistotie . Places r. G. Appleton Travels by the Fireside . . . //. IV. Longfelloiu Aldborough. The Fens ...... George Crabbe . The River ..... ,, The Heath To the Sea ..... Capel Lofft Aldershot. Invalid Soldiers at Aldershot . . Lord Houghton Alnwick. Alnwick Castle .... Fitz-G. Halleck Alum B.w. Lines written at the Needles Hotel T. N. Tal/ourd X CONTENTS. Amesbuky. page Guinevere Alfred Tennyson . 25 Ampton. Written at Ampton, Suffolk . . H. Alford . . 27 Written at Ampton .... ,, . . 27 Andredsweld, the Forest. Andredsweld Michael Drayton . 28 Ankor, the River. The River Anlcor .... „ -29 Anneslev. Annesley Hall Lord Byron . . 30 Ansley Hall. Inscription in a Hermitage at Ansley Hall, Warwickshire . . . Thomas IVarion . 31 Arun, the River. To the River Arun . . . . C. Smith . . -33 To the River Arun .... ,, • • • 33 Written on the Banks of the Arun . ,, . . .34 Athelstone. Castle Athelstone . . . . C. Mackay . . 34 Avon, the River (Uppek). To the Avon ..... Anony/noiis . . 35 The Avon ,, . . 36 Avon, the River (Lower). The Ebb-Tide A'. Sonthey . . 36 For a Cavern that overlooks the River Avon ..... ,, ■ ■ 37 Axe, the River. The River Axe .... Joh?!. Mcrivale . 38 Axminster. The Golden Land . . . . F. T. Palgrave . 42 Bala-Sala. At Bala-Sala, Isle of Man . . IF. IVords^vorth . 43 Bamhorougii. Bamborough Castle . . . IV. L. Bowles . . 43 Banwell Hill. Banwell Hill „ . . 44 Barnard Castle. Barnard Castle .... IV. Scoti . . -45 CONTENTS. xi Barnham Water. page Barnham Water .... Robert Bloomjield . 48 , Bath. The Baths Michael Drayton . 50 Written near Bath .... Richard Gj-aves . 51 Deachy Head. Beachy Head C. Smith . . -53 Beccles. Beccles G. Crahbe . Bedfont. The Two Peacocks of Bedfont . T. Hood . Belvoir Castle. Belvoir Castle ..... C Crahhe Belvoir (Bever), the Vale. Bever Ulichael Drayton Benallay Annot of Benallay . . . . R.S. Haioker Benhall. Benhall D. Barton Berkeley Castle. Death of Edward the Second . C. Marlowe Berkhamstead. Berkhamstead .... IV. Co2v/>er Beverley. Beverley Minster .... Anonymous Binstead. Written in the Porch of Binstead Church, Isle of Wight . . . //. Smith . Bishopstone. Roman Antiquities at Bishopstone . /F. Wordsivorth The Favourite Village . . ■ y. Hurdis Bl.\ck CoMIi. View from the Top of Black Comb . W. IVordsiuorth Bodiham. On beholding Bodiham Castle . Lord Thm-low . 69 ' Bodmin. The Ungracious Return . . . H. S. Stokes . . 70 Bodrigan Castle. Bodrigan's Leap .... „ . . 71 xii CONTENTS. Bolton Abbey. page Bolton Priory W. Wordsivorth . 73 Bolton Abbey A^. Hall ... 78 The Force of Prayer . . . W. Wordsworth . 78 Bolton Abbey E. Elliott . . 80 BORRODAILE. Borrodaile B. IV. Procter. . 81 Boston. St. Botolph's Town .... Anonyiyious . . 82 Boston in Lincolnshire . . . N. L. Frothinghain . 82 BOTTRE.^U. The Silent Tower of Bottreau . R. S. Hnivker . . 84 BOWDEN. Sketch from Bowden Hill after Sickness IV. L. Bowles . . 86 Bramble-Riss. Bramble-Rise Frederick Locker . 88 Bray. The Vicar of Bray .... Anopijymons . ■ 90 Bremhill. Sun-dial in the Churchyard of Bremhill IV. L. Bowles . . 91 Brereton. The Vassal's Lament for the Fallen Tree Felicia Hemans . 93 Bridlington. A Sea Piece James Montgomery 95 Brigham. Nun's Well, Brigham . . W. Wordsworth . 96 Brignall. Brignall Banks .... Sir W. Scott . . 97 Brimham. Brimham Rocks . . . . E. Elliott . . 98 Trees at Brimham .... ,, . . 99 Rock Idol at Brimham ... „ . . 99 Bristol. Bristol W. L. Bowles . . 100 Epitaph on Mrs. Mason in the Cathedral of Bristol . . . William Mason . 101 CONTENTS. xiii Brixham. page The Wives of Brixham . . . M. B. S. . . . loi Brockley Coomb. Lines composed at Brockley Coomb 5". T. Coleridge . 104 Brothers' Water. On the Bridge l^- IVordsivorth . 105 Brough. Brough Bells ..... Robert Souihey . 106 Bude Haven. A Croon on Hennacliflf . . . R. S. Hawker . . 109 BURNHAM. Burnham Beeches .... He/try Luttrell . no Burton Pynsent. Sunset at Burton Pynsent, Somerset Heiiry Alford . . 112 Butleigh. Epitaph in Butleigh Church . . Robert Soicthey . 112 Buxton. Written at Buxton in a Rainy Season Anna Seward . . 114 Buxton ...... Michael Drayton . 114 Cadland. Cadland, Southampton River . . W. L. Bowles . .115 Caistor. Boadicea ...... William Cowper . 117 Boadicea ...... Alfred TeuHyson . iiS Cambridge. Cambridge W. Wordsworth . 120 Inside of King's College Chapel, Cambridge ..... „ .122 Trinity College .... Alfy-ed Tennyson . 123 On revisiting Trinity College, Cam- bridge ...... Lord Houghton . 12^ The Backs y. Payn . . 125 Camelot. The Lady of Shalott . . . Alfred Teiinysou . 127 King Ryence's Challenge . Perc/s Reliqjtes . 132 Camelot Michael Drayton . 133 Carisbrooke. Carisbrooke Chimes . . . B. R. Parkcs . . 134 CONTENTS. Carlisle. Lines written on a Window- Pane . David Hntne . The Sun shines fair on Carlisle Wall Anonymous Love shall be Lord of All . . Walter Scott . Carlisle Yetts Anonymous Carlisle Castle L. H. Sigourney Castle Clare. Castle Clare ..... Walter Thornbiiry Chalgrove. Chalgrove M. R. Mitford Channel, the English. The Arethusa Prmce Hoare . Channel Islands. Channel Islands .... Michael Drayton Charnwood. Cham wood ..... ,, Chatsworth. Chatsworth W. Wordsxvorih Chepstow. The Norman Horseshoe . . . Sir W. Scott . Chertsey. Epitaph on the living Author . . Abraham Cotuley Cherwell, the River. To the River Cherwell, 0.\ford . W. L. Bowles . Cherwell, from the Terrace . . J. B. Norton , Cheshire. Cheshire Michael Drayton Chester. Chester ...... Anonymous Chichester. Epitaph on William Collins . . William Hayley Chillington. Inscription for a Stone . . . William Cowper Cinque Ports. The Warden of the Cinque Ports . //. W. Lotigfello^v ClaI'HAM. Ode on Clapham Academy . . Thomas Hood . Clevedon. Hallam's Grave .... Alfred Tennyson page I3S 13s 136 CONTENTS. XV Clifton. I'Age Clifton ly. S. Landor . . 159 The Bridge between Clifton and Leigh Woods .... ]V. L. Bowles . .160 Clovelly. Clovelly Jy. S. //au'kcr . .160 COCKERMOUTH. In Sight of the Town of Cocker- mouth ...... IV. lVords7vori/i . 162 Address from the .Spirit of Cocker- mouth Castle .... ,, . 162 CORBV. Monument of Mrs. Howard . . „ . 163 COKSTON. Corston • ^- Southey . . 163 The Retrospect .... „ . . 164 Coventry. Godlva Alfred Tennyson . 166 Croglin, the River. Nunnery Dell W. U'ordsmorth . 168 Croyland. King Witlaf's Drinking-Hom . . //. IV. Longfellow . 169 CULBONE (CuI.BORNe). Culbone, or Kitnore, Somerset . H. Alford . . 170 CuMNOR Hall. Cumnor Hall IV. y. Mickle . .171 Dale Abbey. Dale Abbey J. Montgomery . 175 Darley Dale. A Tradition of Oker Hill . . ]V. Wordsworth . 176 Dart, the River. The River Dart . . . . .S". Hodges . .177 Dartmoor. Dartmoor F. Hemans . . 17S Dartmoor N. T. Carriugton . i8i Dartside. Dartside. 1849 . . . . C. Kingsley . . 182 • Dawlish. A Devonshire Lane .... 7. Marriot . .183 CONTENTS. Dean-Bourn. Dean-Bourn, a rude River in Devon R. Herrick Dean Priory. Discontents in Devon ... ,, Dee, the River. The Sands of Dee . . . . C. Kingsley Derbyshire, the Peak. An Ode written in the Peak . . Michael Drayton The Peak Mountains . . -J- Montgomery Dereham, East. Cowper's Grave . . . . E. B. Browning St. Edmund's Chapel . . . IV, Hayley Derwent, the River. The River Derwent .... W. IVordsiuorih The Hermitage on St. Herbert's Island ,, To the River Derwent ... ,, Derwent Water. Derwent Water and Skiddaw . . B. IV. Procter . Ditchling. Stanzas on the Cemetery at Ditchling G. A. Mantell . Donnerdale. The Plain of Donnerdale . . . IV. Words^vorth Donnington. On visiting Donnington Castle M. R. Mitford Dorchester. Dorchester Hills . -J- Kenyan Doulting. Lines written upon Doulting Shecp-slatc J. E. Rende Doveuai.e. The Springs of Dove . W. Words^vorth In Dovedale H.G. Bell The Retirement . . C. Cotton . Dover. The Cliffs W. Shakespeare The Cliffs of Dover . . . . E. Hetnans Lines composed in the Valley near Dover W. Wordsworth Near Dover ..... Dover Hotel Lord Byron 187 192 193 194 IQ9 '99 203 204 205 207 208 209 210 210 CONTENTS. xvii Dover. page Dover Cliffs W. L. Bowles . . 210 Dover Beach M. Arnold . .211 Churchill's Grave .... Lord Byron . .212 DUDDON, THE RiVER. To the River Duddon . . . IV. Wordszuorih . 213 The Stepping-Stones " O Mountain Stream " . " From this deep Chasm " "Whence that low Voice 214 214 214 215 To Wordsworth on visiting the Duddon A. de Vere . . 215 DuPATH Well. Dupath Well K. S. Hawker . . 216 Durham. Durham Atiglo-Saxon Poem . 217 The Aisle of Tombs .... Anonymous . . 219 Eden, the River. The River Eden, Cumberland . . IV. Wordsworth . 220 The Monument .... ,, . 221 Edenhall. The Luck of Edenhall . . . J. L. Uhland . . 221 Edmonton. The Diverting History of John Gilpin W. Co^ffcr . 223 Ely. Ely Abbey Anglo-Saxon Rhyme 231 Canute IV. JVordsivorth . 232 The Cathedral Tombs . . Author of 'John Halifax' 232 Ely ....... Michael Drayt07i . 234 Emont (Eamont), the River. Monastic Ruins .... IF. VVordswortli ESKDALE. Eskdale ...... Ajiottymoxts Esthwaite. Lines left upon a Seat in a Yew-Tree W. IVordsworih Eton. On a Distant Prospect of Eton College T. Gray . Exeter. On Ide Hill, overlooking Exeter . IV. Retv . Falmouih. 1 Falmouth Haven . Michael Drayton xviii CONTENTS. Farrington. page A Lancashire Doxology . . AntJior of Jolui Halifax^ li,^, Farringford. To the Rev. F. D. Maurice . . A If red Teutiysoji . 244 Fletching. The Bells of Fletching . . . Anonymous . . 245 Flodden. Flodden Field Ritson's Ancient Songs 246 The Battle of Flodden . . . Sir Waiter Scott . 247 Flodden Field D. M. Moir . . 249 ! FoNTHiLL Abbey. Fonthill Abbey . . . . W. L. Bo^vles . . 251 • Forest Hill. Forest Hill M. Ji . Mitford . 252 Forest Hill John Miiton . . 254 . Fountain's Abbey. Fountain's Abbey .... Anonymous . . 255 Fountain's Abbey . . . . E. Elliott . . 256 ■ Furness Abbey. To Furness Abbey . . . . A. de Vere . , 256 Furness Abbey . . . .6'. Longfellow . . 257 Glastonbury. Glastonbury ..... Micliacl Drayton . 258 The Ballad of Glastonbury . . H. Alford . . 259 Glastonbury ..... ,, . . 264 At the Tomb of King Arthur . . A. de Vere . . 265 Glastonbury Abbey and Wells Cathedral IV. L. Bo7(