.:> ^ i'ifiiiiiiii' mm 5Q17 W& J^.S35 '1 r 1' ii Ai ■ = : 7 9 2 1 4 SCHNEIDER BIBLIOGRAPHY OF JEWISH LIE Ii\l THE FICTION OF AMERICA AND ENGLAND _ THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES ■fff -m^m BIBLIOGRAPHY OF JEWISH LIFE IN THE FICTIOILOF AMERICA AND ENGLAND BY REBECCA SCHNEIDER, B. A, B. L. S. PAGE General 7 Austria-Hungary 7 Biblical 8 Post-biblical 12 Byzantine empire 13 Christ, Life and times of.. 13 Crusades 14 England 14 France 21 Germany 21 Italy 22 PAGE Jerusalem 22 Mexico 23 Morocco 24 Netherlands 24 Palestine (modem) 24 Persia 24 Poland 24 Russia 25 Spain 27 United States 27 Index 2,i NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY SCHOOL ALBANY I916 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF JEWISH LIFE IN THE FICTION-^F AMERICA AND ENGLAND BY REBECCA SCHNEIDER, B. A., B. L. S. NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY SCHOOL ALBANY I916 PREFACE The following bibliograjjhy was suljmiltcd to the New York State Library School as one of its graduation requirements, by a member of the class of 1914. As indicated by the title, it attempts to include all fiction, in book form, touching upon Jewish life, that has been written in English in England and America. It is not a selected list but contains all material of which the compiler was able to get any trace. With few exceptions it is arranged by the country in which the scene of the story is laid and it is followed by an author and title index. Under some headings there are not more than one or two entries, but it has seemed desirable to make the headings as specific as possible. In the main entry under country, besides author, title, publisher and date, there are included paging and listed price wherever possible. Those entries marked with an e ha\e been personally examined. Annotations are given for nearly all entries and those quoted either wholly or in substance are followed by the source. The unsigned annotations are by the compiler. The sources consulted are : Library of Congress New York Public Library (where many valuable suggestions were received from Mr A. S. Ereidus) New York State Library Library of the Temple Beth Emeth, Albany, N. Y. Seattle Public Library University of Washington Library A. L. A. Booklist A. L. A. catalog, 1904, and 1904-11 Baker. Guide to the best fiction Guide to historical fiction Bloch Publishing Co. Catalogs Calisch. The Jew in English literature Mr Dobsevage's list in the .American Jewish Year Hook. Sf't^iJ, p. 130 Jewish Publication Society. Catalog T96S011 Two short lists by A. M. I'Viedenburo- in the Jewisli Comment, Dec. i8, 1903. p. 6-7. and J. Lebowich in the Menorah, 40:269 Rabbi Harry Levi's Jewish characters in fiction. EngHsh hterature. (Jewish Chautauqua Society) ABBREVIATIONS Baker's l)est fict : Baker. Guide to the I)est fiction Baker's hist, fict : Baker. Guide to historical ficticn Bloch : Bloch catalog Cal'.sch : The Jew in English literature Dobsevage: American Jewish Year Book list, 5667 Pittsburg: Carnegie Library. Classified catalogue P. W. : Publishers' Weekly' e: Personally examined ;.■ Juvenile BIBLIOGRAPHY GENERAL Bien, Herman M. JJen-JJeor: a story of the Anti-Messiah. 5289. r.altimore. I. Friedenwald, 1891, $1; also N. Y. Bloch, $1. e A story of the Anti-Messiah. Part i (The man in the moon) is a counter- part of Wallace's Ben-IIur. Part 2 (The wandering Gentile) is a com- panion romance to Sue's Wandering Jew. Dobscvage Lazarre, Jacob. Beating sea and changeless bar. 133P. Phil. Jewish Pub. See. 1905, 75c. e A collection of short stories, each portraying a different period in history but dealing with the same main theme, the love of a Jewess for one outside her faith but ending in the renunciation of her love for her religion. Stollnitz, Henry Sande. Glimpses of a strange world. 202p. Camb. Mass. printed for the author [Univ. Press] 1908, $1.50; also N. Y. Bloch, $1.50. Contains seven delightful sketches of Jewish life in the different Ghettos. Bloch Zangwill, Israel. Dreamers of the Ghetto. 523P. N. Y. Har- per, 1898, $1.50; also N. Y. Bloch, $1.50. e Conversations with, and imaginative memoirs of, historic representatives of the Jewish race — Uriel Acosta, Maimonides, Spinoza, Heine. Written with warmth of feeling. Baket-'s best fict. AUSTRIA HUNGARY Crawford, Francis Marion. Witch of Prat^uc- : a fantastic tale. 435p. illus. N. Y. Macmillan, 1891, $1'; also N. Y. Bloch, $1.50 n. e Contains a few short descriptions of the Jewish section of Prague. George, W. L. Until the day break. 356p. N. Y. Dodd, 1913, $1.30 n. Traces career of Israel Kalisch from Cracow through Hungary, to strive and fight in New York, to his death in Piccadilly. Bookman, 37 .g^. Gerard, Dorothea. An improbable idyl. 324P. Lond. Methuen, 1905, 6s. Scenes of Jewish life in Galicia. where the mean and degraded conditions of their existence are portrayed with rather a hard brush, though the book has a charm of style that atones for its unpleasant character. Calisch Recha. Lond. Blackwood, 1890, 6s. Shows the ugly side of Jewish life in a miserable Galician town, where Recha's father, a sternly orthodox Jew, employs his daughter as an instru- ment for fleecing foolish young .Austrians. Baker's best fict. McLaren, Amy. With the merry Austrians. 356p. N. Y. Put- nam, 1912, $1.25 n. Tale of a young English widow among some lighthearted .'Kustrian army people. The Tyrol is the setting and a Wasser Kur the immediate scene of action. An officious Jewess, one of the characters portrayed. P. f/'. 82:no.i4 8 JEWISH LIFE IX THE FICTION OF AMERICA AND ENGLAND Schnabel, Louis. Voegele's marriage, and other tales. 83p. Phil. Jewish Pub. Soc. 1892, paper 25c. (Special ser.) e Short stories of Jewish life, most of them set in Moravia, Austria. Trollope, Anthony. Nina Balatka : story of Prague. Bost. Littell & Gay, 1867. 38c. Scene of the story is in Prague and the hero a Jew around whose marriage to the Christian heroine the plot revolves. The atmosphere of the novel is not Hebraic at all. Critic, 39:80 Wolfenstein, Martha. Idyls of the Gass. 295P. Phil. Jewish Ptib. Soc. 1901, 75c; also N. Y. Bloch, 75c. e Short stories depicting the life of the Austrian Ghetto. A renegade, and other tales. 322p. Phil. Jewish Pub. Soc. 1905, 75c; also N. Y. Bloch. 75c. e Short stories descriptive of Jewish scenes and life in Galicia and Hungary. BIBLICAL Ackerman, A. W. The price of peace: a story of the times of Ahab, king of Israel. 390P. Chic. McClurg, 1894, $1.25; also N. Y. Bloch, 75c. e Story of the life and character of the prophet Micaiah. Ashton, Mark. Azalim : a romance of old Judea. 335p. illus. Bost. Page, 1904, $1.50. e Written to excite and revive an interest in the events and characters of old biblical histor\\ Also known under title, Jezebel's husband. Barrett, Wilson, & Hichens, Robert. The daughters of Baby- lon : a novel. 324P. Phil. Lippincott. 1899, $1.50. e Captivity of sons and daughters in Babjdon. Beddoes, Capt. Willoughby. A son of Ashur. 224p. Lond. Sonnenschein, 1905, 3s 6d. The times of Xebuchadnezzar. the marvels and splendours of Babylon at its zenith, also Persian and Egyptian scenes depicted with a pious pen. Baker's hist. fict. Bird, Robert. Joseph, the dreamer. N. Y. Scribner, 1895, $1.50. Author has tried to write the story of Joseph's life in its natural surround- ings. Boylan, Mrs Grace (Duffle). The kiss of glory. 298p. N. Y. Dillingham. 1902. $1.50; also N. Y. Bloch, 60c. A biblical romance in which Joseph, the son of Jacob, is the leading char- acter. Bloch Canfield, William Walker. The sign above the door. 325P. Phil. Jewish Pub. Soc. 1912. $1 ; also N. Y. Bloch. $1. e Story of the liberation of Israel from Egyptian bondage. Bloch j Church, Rev. Alfred John. A. young Macedonian in the army of Alexander the Great. 325P. illus. N. Y. Putnam, 1891, $1.25 ; also Lond. Seeley, 5s. e Firings in incidentally the Jewish life at the time of the conquest of Alex- ander the Great. BIULICAL 9 Clark, Alfred. Lemuel of the left hand: a bii)lical romance. 3i8p. Lond. Low, 1909, 6s. Times of Ahab, Jezebel, Naboth, Jehu, ObaiLUJi; the war of the kings of J-rusalem and of Samaria against the Syrians. Chief scenes Jezrcel and Jerusalem. Baker's hist. fid. Clarke, B. From tent to palace; or, The storv of Joseph, illus. N. Y. Nelson, n. d. $1.50. Crawford, Francis Marion. Zoroaster. 2O9P. N. Y. Macmil- lan, 1891. $1 ; also X. Y. Bloch, $1.50 n. e Persian romance of the times of Darius and the prophet Daniel, a detailed restoration of the life of the time. Opens with a rich tableau of Belshazzar's feast. J^akcr's best fict. Davenport, Arnold. By the ramparts of Jezreel. 388p. N. Y. Longmans, 1903, $1.50. Death of Elijah, career of Elisha, Ahab and Jezebel, and the invasion by the Syrians. Baker's best fict. Davis, William Stern. Belshazzar: a tale of the fall of Baby- lon. 427P. ilhis. \. ^'. Donbleday, 1902, $1.50. Dekoven. Mrs Reginald. By the waters of Babylon. 349p. Chic. H. S. Stone, 1901, $1.50. e A story of the time when Nehemiah was cup bearer to King Artaxerxes of Babylon, and telling of the love story of his young Jewish assistant Arrion, and Miriam. Dick, Conzae, & Cresswell, James. David and Bathsheba : a royal romance l)ased on rabbinical tradition, with particulars concerning- the weekly celebration of the supper of King David. 22ip. N. Y. Koutledge, 1887, $1. Fuller, Robert Higginson. The golden hope: a story of the time of King Alexander the Great. 402p. N. Y. Macmillan. 1905, $1.50, (Standard lib.) ; also N. Y. Grosset, 1906, 75c. e From the death of Philip of Macedon to the fall of Darius at the battle of Gaugamela. Connected with Hebrew historv- through the revolt of the Israelites. Baker's Jiist. fict. Haggard, Sir Henry Rider, & Lang, Andrew. The w.»rld's desire: a novel. 274P. N. Y. Longmans, n. d. $1.25. A sensational romance of ancient Egypt, that brings in both the exodus of the Israelites and the death of Ulysses. Baker's best fict. Harding, John William. The gate of the kiss : a romance in the days of Ilezekiah. king of Judah. 403 p. ilhis. Bnst. Lothr.ip. 1902, $1.50; also N. Y. Bloch, 60c. y Henty, George Alfred. The cat of Bubastcs : a tale of ancient I-'.gvpt. 352p. ilhis. Lond. Rlackie. t888, 5s: also X. Y. Scribner, $1.50. and XF. Y. Donohue. 75c. e Thothmes carries an expedition to the shores of the Caspian and comiucrs a people called the Rebu. Henty assumes that the Israelites were still in Egypt, and introduces AIoscs. implying that the exodus took place 40 years later. Baker's hist. fict. lO JEWISH LIFE IN THE FICTION OF AMERICA AND ENGLAND Ingraham, Joseph Holt. The pillar of fire ; or, Israel in bond- age. 6oop. illus. Bost. Roberts, 1896, $2; also Bost. TJttle, $1 n. The throne of David ; from the consecration of the shep- herd of Bethlehem to the rebellion of Prince Absalom ; in a series of letters addressed by an Assyrian ambassador to his king on the throne of Nineveh. 6o3p. illus. Bost. Roberts, 1896, $2; also Bost. Little, $1 n. Jackson, Rev. George Anson. The son of a prophet. Bost. Houghton, 1894, $1.25. The son of a prophet is Eleazer ben Shammah, and the story traces his experiences of prosperity and adversity until he arrived at the sublime con- ception that God was not the God of the Hebrews only but of the whole earth. Will appeal to a large class of readers who find everything with a biblical background of especial interest. Bookbiiyer, 10:123 Jenkins, Richard Wade. " O, King, live forever ! " ; or, The last days of Babylon. 336P. Lond. Watts, 191 1, 5s n. Kelly, William Patrick. The Assyrian bride. N. Y. Button, 1905, $1.50. A tale of ancient Xineveh and Jerusalem. The heroine, a young Assyrian, becomes the wife of a Hebrew officer sent to request Assyrian aid for King Ahaz of Judah. The story turns on the consequences of this marriage and the struggle between orthodoxy and idolatry at Jerusalem. Baker's hist. fid. i Kingsley, Mrs Florence (Morse). The star of love. 38ip. N. Y. Appleton, 1909. $2; also N. Y. Bloch, $2. An intensely interesting stor>- told in modern language, of Esther, Morde- cai, Xerxes and all the well-known characters in the Persia-Hebrew drama which Purim commemorates. Bloch Laurie-Walker, Agnes. Hadassah, queen of Persia. I29p. N. Y. Blocli, n. (\. $1 n ; also Lond. R. Scott, 1912, 2s 6d. Story of Esther and Mordecai in romantic form. Ludlow, James Meeker. A king of Tyre: a tale of the times of Ezra and Xehemiah. 298p. N. Y. Harper, 1891, $1 ; also N. Y. Bloch, $1. Adventures of King Hiram and his search for a religion. McLaws, Emily Lafayette. Jezebel: romance in days when Ahab was king of Israel. 490P. Bost. Lothrop, 1902, $1.50; also N. Y. Bloch, $1.50. Mendes, Rev. Henry Pereira. In old Egypt: a story about the Bible but not in the Bible, illus. N. Y. Stokes, 1903, $1. Book concerns itself with the coming of the prophet Moses into the world, beginning with the deeds of his father Amram and carrying the tale as supplementary to the scriptural narrative, on through numerous interesting episodes of the life of the Hebrews in the days of Pharaonic captivity. Dial, 35 :476 BIBLICAL I I Miller, Elizabeth Jane. 'Ihe yoke: a romance of the days when the I.onl redeemed the children of Israel from the bondage of Eg>i)t. 6i6p. Indianapolis. Robbs-X^€-rrill, 1904. $1.50; also N. Y. Bloch, 60c. More, E. Anson. Captain of men. 364P. Host. I'age, 1905, $1.50; also Lond. Rivers, 1905, 6s. Meradoch, the Assyrian, is the hero of this story of Tyre in the days when David was outlawed. The action is involved, there arc many characters and there is much cruelty. Book Reviezv Digest, 1905 Morris, James Walter. The old trail: a story of Rebekah. loop. Host. Badger. "^1913, $1 n. Retells the Bible storj' of Kebekah, who is almost won by a young military officer, but yet dreams of higher things, which are realized when Eleazer appears in search of a wife for Isaac. P. IV. 85 :no. 5 Osborne, Duffield. Spell of Ashtaroth. 234P. Lond. Low, 1888, 5s; also N. Y. Scribner, $1. Story of the time of Joshua and the conquest of Palestine. An attempt to give an air of essentially modern reality to a particular portion of the biblical narrative. Academy, S4 -4^5 Pendleton, Louis. Lost Prince Almon. 2i8p. Phil. Jewish Pub. Soc. 1898, 50c; also N. Y. Bloch, 50c. A story of little Prince Jehoah, son of Ahaziah, whom the Prince Jehoiada had rescued from the clutches of Athaliah. Jezi'ish I 'nice Potter. Margaret Norton, Istar of Babylon : a phantasy. 494p. N. Y. Harper, 1902, $1.50. Against a background of Bible narrative and mytholot'y the author has set a vivid love story and has done it with a force and skill that make her book notable. Bookbityer, 25 -.441 Roe, Edward Reynolds. Belteshazzar : a romance of Babylon. 26yp. Chic. Donohuc, 1890, $1. Sephora: a Hebrew tale descriptive of Palestine and of the man- ners and customs of the ancient Israelites; abridged and cor- rected from the London ed. by L M. Harris. 254P. Worcester. Mass. C. Harris. 1835. y Solis-Cohen, Emily, jr. David, the giant killer, and other tales of Grandma Lopez. 25op. illus. Phil. Jewi'^h Pub. Soc. 1908, 75c. e Stories from the Bible, told in a simple and entertaining manner. Tradi- tional ceremonies and forms that make up a part of the Jewish life of the household are touch.ed upon. Some of these tales have appeared in the Jezi'ish Comment and the Jezi'i.<:Ii E.rponcnt. Stephenson, Cora Bennet. The hand of God. 3i7p. Bost. Ball Pub. Co. 1909. $1.50; also N. Y. Bloch. $1.50. A novel of the days of the Judges, with Samson and Delilah as the leading figures. Blocli 12 JEWISH LIFE IX THE FICTION OF AMERICA AND ENGLAND y Wade, Mrs Mary Hazelton (Blanchard). Our little Jewish cousins. 9ip. illus. Best. Page, 1904, 60c, (Little cousin ser.) ; also N. Y. Bloch, 60c. Interesting account of. child life in Palestine, in which Bible stones are introduced. Written in simple and attractive style. Blocli Ward, Mrs Elizabeth Stuart (Phelps) & Ward, H. D. Master of the magicians. Host. Houghton, 1890, $1.25; also N. Y. Bloch, $1.25. A novel in which the prophet Daniel is the central figure. Bloch Ward, Josiah Mason. Come with me unto Babylon: a story of the fall of Nineveh. 439p. illus. N. Y. Stokes, 1902, $1.50. Beginning of Babylonian greatness. His hero is Nebuchadnezzar, who bears a foremost part in bringing Nineveh to the ground, with the assistance o- the Medes, Persians and other allies. Dial, 33-33^ Yonge, Charlotte Mary. Pilgrimage of the Ben Beriah. 321 p. illus. N. Y. Macmillan, 1897, $1.25. Exodus of Israel from Egj^pt, the wanderings in the desert and the death of Moses. Baker's best fict. Post-biblical Brooks, Elbridge Streeter. A son of Issachar : romance of the days of Messias. N. Y. Putnam, 1890, $1.25. A melodramatic romance of the time of Herod. Dobsevage Buchanan, Thompson. Judith triumphant. 254p. N. Y. Har- per, 1905, $1.50; also N. Y. Bloch, $1.50. A romance based on the tale of the Hebrew maiden who saved her city from Holofernes and the Assyrians. Bloch j Church, Rev. Alfred John. The crown of pine : a story of Corinth and the Isthmian games. 309p. illus. ' N. Y. Scrib- ner, IQ06, $1.50; also Lond. Seeley, 5s. Rome and Corinth in the reign of Claudius. The banishment of the Jews, St Paul's Preaching. Baker's hist. fict. j & Seeley, Richmond. The Hammer: story of the Maccabean tiines. 372p. illus. N. Y. Putnam, 1904, $1.25, (Knickerbocker ser. j ; also N. Y. Bloch, $1.25. Tale of Palestine in the time of the Maccabeans. Johnson, Gillard. Raphael of the olive. N. Y. Century, 1903, $1.50. A love" romance of the days of Judas Maccabaeus. The author obviously knows his period in thorough detail, descriptions of scenes like the Olympic games and the Bacchanalian orgies are brought in very artistically. Baker's hist. fict. Ludlow, James Meeker. Deborah : a tale of the times of Judas Maccal;acus. 4or)p. N. Y. Revell. ^1901, $1 ; also N. Y. Bloch, 60c. Portrays contemporary Judaism, especially in relation to Greek thought and its conflict with the power of Syria under Antiochus Epiphanes. Baker's best fict. POST-BIBLTCAL 1 3 Marks, Mrs Mary A. M. (Hoppus). Masters of the world. 3v. Lend. Bentlcy. 1888. 31s ()d. The story of Domitian's reiKn. Jews and Christians appear among the characters and the trial of Apollonius of Tyanatk an episode. Baker's hist. fict. — Pendleton, Louis. In Assyrian tents: the story of the strange adventures of Uriel. 248p. illus. I'hil. Jewish Pub. Soc. 1904, 50c ; also N. Y. Bloch, 50c. e Deals with the attempted attack of the Assyrians upon Jerusalem and their mysterious defeat. Ware, William, [nlian ; or. Scenes in Judea. X. Y. Warne, 1884. $1.25. e ' Gives events in Judea after Herod I, and the effect of Roman rule on the Jews. Also the contemporary views regarding Christ. Historical events not authentic. Dobscfagc Wise, Rev. Isaac Mayer. The combat of the people; or, Hillel and Herod: a historic romance. I5ip. Cincinnati, Bloch, 1859, 50c. Historic romance of tlie time of Herod the Great. Dobsevage The first of the Maccabees: a historical novel. i8op. Cincinnati. Bloch. n. d. 15c n. / Yonge, Charlotte Mary. The patriots of Palestine : a story of the Maccabees. N. Y. Whittaker, 1898, $1.25. The rising of the Maccabees. Bakei-'s hist. fict. BYZANTINE EMPIRE Wallace, Lewis. Prince of India; or, Why Constantinople fell. 2v. N. Y. Harper, 1893, $2.50. Picture of the Bj'zantine empire in the 15th centur\'. the hero taking the character of the Wandering Jew. CHRIST, LIFE AND TIMES OF Corelli, Marie. P)arabbas. 48op. Phil. Lippincott. 1901. $1. Melodramatic novel founded on the crucifixion of Jesus. Dobsevage Croly, George. Tarry thou till I come; or. Salathiel. the Wan- dering Jew. N. Y. Funk, 1901, $1.40. Probably one of the best stories dealing with the imaginary ligure of the Wandering Jew. Treats also of the early struggle between Judaism and Christianitj^ The American edition has addenda in which modern prominent Jews give their views of Jesus. Dobsevage Hobbs, Roe Raymond. The court of Pilate: a story of Jeru- salem in the davs of Christ. 332p. illus. N. Y. Fenno. 1006. $1.50. Illustrates the hatred of the conquered Jews and the Romans, and the turbulent life of Jerusalem, flero. one of Pilate's centurions, the object of two women's love, a Roman and a Jewess. Baker's hist. fict. 14 JEWISH LIFE IX THE FICTION OF AMERICA AND ENGLAND Ingraham, Joseph Holt. The Prince of the house of David ; or, riiree 3ears in the Holy City. 2v. X. Y. Rand, '^1900, $2; also Bost. Little, $1 n. A series of letters of Adina, a Jewess of Alexandria, supposed to be sojourning in the days of Herod, relating all the wonderful incidents in the life of Jesus of Xazareth. Title page Jacobs, Joseph. As others saw him : a retrospect. A. D. 54. 230P. N. Y. Funk, 1903, $1.25. Life of Christ as seen through contemporary Jewish eyes. Dohsevage Kingsley, Charles. Hypatia. 2v. N. Y\ Century, 1901, $1.25 n each, (Century classics) ; also N. Y. Dutton, 1906, 60c n, (Everyman's lib.) ; and others. Deals with the early struggles of newly born Christianity and the old Greek world. Dobsevage Kingsley, Mrs Florence (Morse). The cross triumphant. 364P. Phil. Altemus, 1899, $1 ; also N. Y. Grosset, 75c. Hero an actor in the fall of Jerusalem. Dawn of Christianity studied from the Hebraic point of view, showing influences and relations of the old and new faiths. Dobsevage Ludlow, James Meeker. Jesse ben David, a shepherd of Beth- lehem. N. Y. Revell, 1907, $1 n. Relates the story of the birth of Christ as eyewitnesses — shepherds, seers, soldiers, Jews and Romans — saw it and talkeci about it. Dial, 43 :432 j Stoddard, William Osborn. The swordmaker's son : a story of the year 30 A. D. X. Y. Century, 1896, $1.50. Boy life in the Hoh- Land in the time of Christ. The hero is the son of a Jewish swordmaker who takes part in a rebellion against the Roman author- ities. Pittsburg Wallace, Lewis. Ben-Hur : a tale of the Christ. 56op. illus. X. Y. Harper, 1901, $1.50. e Romance of oriental life in the first century. Baker's best fict. Ware, William. Julian ; or. Scenes in Judea. X. Y. Warne, 1884, $1.25. e Gives events in Judea after Herod I, and the effect of Roman rule on the Jews. Also the contemporary^ views regarding Christ. Historical events not authentic. Dobsevage CRUSADES Miller, Sara. Under the eagle's wing. 229p. Phil. Jewish Pub. Soc. 1899, 50c; also N. Y. Bloch, 50c. Story of Jewish life in the East during the Crusades. Pittsburg ENGLAND Aguilar, Grace. Heme scenes and heart studies. 399p. X. Y. Appleton, 1892, $1 ; also X. Y. Bloch, 75c. e Short stories, some of which depict Jewish life in England and in Spain. Baring-Gould, Kci'. Sabine, Count Royal : a story of cross-cur- rents. I'hil. Lii)pincott, 1886. 75c. (Ser. of select novels) Attention concentrated on the career of a pasp^irl, pawned to the Jew who holds the chief mortgages and uses them as instruments of revenge for a personal outrage. By her natural abilities she inherits the Jew's wealth, marries a rich parvenu and ends as mistress of the duke's late mansion Baker's best fict. Beaconsfield, Benjamin Disraeli, Tst earl of. Coningsby ; or, The new generation. Bost. Page, 1904, $1.50, (Cabinet ed.); also N. Y. Bloch. 60c; N. Y. Button, 60c n, (Everyman's lib.) ; and others. A novel dealing- with the political condition of England, 1832-34, in which the most impressive character, Sidonia, a great Jewish financier, is an ideal- ized portraiture of Lord Lionel de Rothschild. Dobsevage Tancred; or. The new crusade. Bost. Page, 1904, $1.50, (Cabinet ed.) ; also N. Y. Bloch, 60c. A fantastic stor>' relating how the heir to a dukedom goes in quest of light to the Holy Land. There in a trance it is revealed to him that the regenera- tion of Christendom must come from a new Anglican Christianity retined by Judaism. The end fantastic and abrupt, and the meaning vague. Baker's best fict. Besant, Sir Walter. The rebel queen. 389P. illus. N. Y. Har- per, 1893, $1.50; also N. Y. Bloch, $1.50. e Deals with woman's rights and Hebrew society from the outside. The queen is a rich and lovely Jew-ess, a rebel against her husband and a champion of her sex. Baker's best fict. Cleeve, Lucas. As the twig is bent. 3o8p. Lond. Digby, Long & Co. 1901, 6s. How a young man of good impulse grew up through the influence of sur- roundings and associations to be an accomplished swindler, and how after all he w-as reformed through love. Cooper, Samuel William. Think and thank : a tale for the young, narrating in romantic form the boyhood of Sir Moses Montefiore. i2op. illus. Phil. Jewish Pub. Soc. 1S90, 35c; also N. Y. Bloch, 35c. e Corelli, Marie. Temporal power : a study in supremacy. ■559p. N. Y. Dodd, 1902, $1.50; also N. Y. Grosset, 75c. e David Jost, sole proprietor of the most influential newspaper in the king- dom, exerts influence of political nature, which he uses for his own ends. Very incidental to general plot of story. Costello, Pierro. Sinner in Israel : a romance of modern Jewish life. 407p. N. Y. Lane, 191 1, $1.50. An intensely emotional tale, dealing largely with the life and customs and habits of thought of the orthodox English Jew, but with ramifications extend- ing far out into the Christian world. .V. )". Times. .\p. 2^, 191 1. 16:254 Craigie, Mrs Pearl Mary Teresa (Richards). School for saints; h\ John Oliver IJobl^es | pseud. | 4o;p. X. Y. Stokes, '■"1S97, $1.50. Sequel: Robert Orange, N. Y. Stokes, 1900, $1.50. Has much discussion of a religious flavor and Disraeli is introduced as a character. Calisch l6 JEWISH LIFE IX THE FICTION OF AMERICA AND ENGLAND Dickens, Charles. Adventures of Oliver Twist. N. Y. Scribner, 1910. $1 n, (Centenary ed.) ; also N. Y. Scribner, 1901, $1.50, (Gadshill ed.) ; N. Y. Harper, $1 ; N. Y. Dutton, 60c, (Every- man's lib.) ; and others, e Fagin, one of the most prejudiced pictures of the Jew in fiction and one of the most repulsive. Our mutual friend. 2v. N. Y. Scribner, 191 1, $1 n each, (Centenary ed.) ; also N. Y. Harper, $1.50; N. Y. Dutton, 60c, (Everyman's lib.) ; and others, e Riah. the Jewish character of the tale, is in marked contrast to Fagin, in Oliver Tzi'ist. The character is too beautiful, too unreal, and as little Jewish as Fagin. Edgeworth, Maria. Harrington. Lond. Dent, 1893, 2s 6d n. Task work, written as an apology for the Jews, in response to a Jewish lady who reproached her with having made so many Jews ridiculous. Baker's best fiat. Eliot, George, pseud. Daniel Deronda. 2v. Bost. Little, 1903, $1 n each; also N. Y. Crowell, $1.25; N. Y. Bloch. 60c; and others, e Gives full expression of her visions concerning the race and of the mighty moulding influence of heredity. Contrasts Gwendolen, w-eak and indifferent to tradition, with Deronda. strong and cherishing the traditions of his race. Jewish Ledger, Aug. 7, 1903 Farjeon, Benjamin Leopold. Aaron the Jew : a novel. 228p. Lond. Hutchinson, 1906, 6d. Roseate delineation of the English Jew. whose hero may be described as a Hebrew Aristides of the most pronounced type. Picture of Jewish domestic life often touched with a charming sentiment. Athenaeum. 1894. 2:125 Miriam Rozella. 388p. Lond. F. V. White, 1898, 6s. Jewish characters sympathetically treated. Pride of race. Phil. Jacobs, 1901. $1. Story of an illiterate Jew, w^ho becomes a millionaire and marries his son to one of the nobilitJ^ Filled with melodramatic incidents. Frankau, Mrs Julia. Dr Phillips: a Maida Vale idyl. Lond. Vizetelly, 1887, 3s 6d. Gives some wonderfully vivid pictures of the life of the orthodox Jews of the well to do middle class. Suppressed in England and America on account of its realistic treatment. Bookman, 17:442 Pigs in clover. 396p. Phil. Lippincott. 1903. $1.50. Zangwill calls this the most uncompromising, honest presentation of Jew- ish life in England. .Analyzes the English Jew with a frankness that verges upon malice. Problem the eligil)ility of the modern Jew to be received on a footing of social equality. Bookman, 17 :5og Frederic, Harold. Gloria mundi. N. Y. Duffield, 1898, $1.50. A posthumous novel, unfinished. Deals critically with English society, the feminist movement, Jewish character, etc. Baker's best fict. George, W. L. Until the day break. 356p. N. Y. Dodd, 191 3, $1.30 n. Traces career of Israel Kalisch from Cracow through Hungary, to strive and fight in New York, to his death in Piccadilly. Bookman, 37 .93 ENGLAND 17 I lul. Jeuish Pub. Soc. ^1900, $1 ; also N. V. V.loch, Gordon, Samuel. 50()|). illus. F $1; e _ optimistic book which doS^nTshirJ^lilnHS 'S:?"^!/^^; '^-^'^- ^" -^^^Unto each man his own. s^Sp. Lond. Heinemann, The main theme is intermarriage and its faihn-e. Dohsevagc ' .ess,„« ,„e Ho,- La„d%fovllI=Sf.a.Si^l^r"sS".tt; j?/ ''^°'- """mfe^- '"°'"- ^'°'"" ^-™'''- 3-'8p. Lond. Greening. On the .Mien bill ~^p. w ci:L:x9cSt^^ ' ^"^^- °^ ^^-^'^ --' '^^^• a wS'^m? SeiS" ^'d the^^tuSTe^"^'"^ "^^^^ ^'^^ ^''P---" o^ without them. Calisch ''^'^'''"'^ England could not prosper Hales, A. G. Watcher of the tower. 316,. Lond. Unwin, 1,04. wais!titl' a^stl^nJ'liusJiLrandT^^' '^-1 ^^^^ ^^^^ "^ ^^e Xapoleonic jeg^din, the Jews ?f l^irSoriS^rir^^d'tRLigh^-^l^^^i— -- Hawthorne, Julian. Sebastian Strome : a storv of wron- d.,inc. WS:) ^^^'^- ^•^•Appleton.:88o:;?l;Sar;'of tyS^plSl^^^Sl^tS'^^i/^^^l,^^- -^i r- -""- '-accepted as Semitic dislike too stron-K fn hf ^;. m %^h°=^e^vho are committed to anti- ficfion in Living C^^f- 9^^ judgment. Jczvs /„ /T,,,;//./; Hewlett, Maurice. New Canterbtirv tale... ^,iSp X y m.c millan, 1901. $1.50 ' ^^ ' i . ^Mac- :l?Hlfif-"'-".- -^;sr::} -.-"s- ^^ss Hichens, Robert. Bella Donna. .„7l.. I'hil. Lip,.M,c„„. ,909, Jt^Lr'' '"'■■'""■= *"""''" '■' "'■ '-""■"-■ '"■' 'he .«.oo- i,sel£ ,. dis- l8 JEWISH LIFE IN THE FICTION OF AMERICA AND ENGLAND House of deceit. 342p. N. Y. Holt, 1914, $1.35. • The anonymous- author is at his worst when he essays to become humorous. His most ambitious flight in this direction is the creation of Mr Girshel, the radical manager, who is endowed with all the follies and vices and sordidness of the traditional stage Jew of former j'ears. American Hebrew, Dec. 4, 1914 Howard, W. S. Rosie's trust, and other tales. Cincinnati, Bloch, 1887, 25c. A Purim story based on London life. Dobsevage Isaacs, Abram S. The young champion : one year in Grace Aguilar's girlhcod. I96p. Phil. Jewish Pub. Soc. 75c. e A sketch of Grace Aguilar's girlhood life in her home, and its influence upon her character and work. Told for young people in an attractive style. Keary, Charles Francis. Broken playthings. 1906. The Jewish element minor, but book touches the question of intermarriage and the forces that go to make it foredoomed to misery. Calisch L., X. The limb : an episode of adventure. 474p. ' Lond. Innes, 1896, 6s. Plot based upon a Christian being brought up as a Jew, who discovers in the end that he is really a Christian. The novel is rather a striking one and there is in it some exceptional handling. Calisch Lever, Charles James. That boy o' Norcott's. N. Y. Munro, 1878, paper 25c; also Host. Little, $1.50 n, in set. A lively and romantic story full of striking characters of a very various and very theatrical type. The hero enters the business house of a Jew and loves his master's daughter; is sent by her on a mission to Hungary. Bakei-'s best fict. Levy, Amy. Reuben Sachs : a sketch. 267P. Lond. Macmillan, 1889, 3s 6d. A sad and not verj- sympathetic portrayal of Jewish people in London, their character, domestic life, religious feelings and peculiarities of thought, presented in a realistic way. Baker's best fict. Lytton, Sir Edward George Earle Lytton Bulwer-Lytton, ist baron. My novel ; or, Varieties in English life, by Pisistratus Caxton [pseud.] 2v. in i. Lond. Lovell ; also Bost. Little, 3v. $1 n each. Baron Levy, a money lender, is one of the characters in this novel, which is one of a series depicting English life, customs and manners. Mallock, William Hurrell. Tristram Lacy; or. The individual- ist. N. Y. Macmillan, 1899, $1.50. Mr Helbeckstein equally out of place in polite society and in clean linen, but his circle is not squeamish and its members delight to honor him and his lady. Have their origin in South Africa. Critic, 39:79 Mason, Alfred Edward Woodley. The turnstile. 47Tp. IN. Y. Scribner, 1912, $1.50. e A story of English politics, in which Isaac Tjcnoliel exerts an unostentatious but great influence. ENGLAND '9 Monugu. LMy H. Xa,.„,i-s ex,..,,,. ..„,, ,.,„„|, Unu i„. „p,, co„ge„,ni sphere ctsidc „o,- ow,,"'?™;'f;.'''''/i;:;v7;!s;';;r' ' /?a/..r'.i.^//./ "" '""■"''' '"'^' '•""^'''" "^^ture and a domineering win. bilingual city, garrisoned b Ge m.n I n^" conquest London has become a Jews have li'come Se"ln^^inSrrL"e.^^°^T:.^.?r.!rr';aV" ''"'"''''' '^'' Neuman Berman Paul. Simon Brandin. .oin \ y Dor.n 1913. it>i.2o n; also N.Y.Bloch, $1.20 n '" -^•^•^°'^^"' AmS[i:L^ive""i;rEn1la;'d"'S"°'ake "" '''T' '"'^ •--^-^ -^ in men in Russia pledge thfrnsdvesfo h^t. "' ""ferstand why humanitarian sto. traces the^on^lict S:^^^;^^-/^^ -[-^1 i^^iJ^^^ J'^^ Phinpotts,Eden. The human boy. _.42p. X. Y. Harper, 1900, of'Sid^or °' '■'' " '" ^"^''-^'^ ^°-^'^' -'-«'' '-'"^ incidentally of the trials Reade, Charles. It is never too late to mend: a matter-of-fact romance 699P. N. Y. Century. 1902, subscription e ( E^ i90i,7;:5o" """"' ^''' ''"' " '°^' '^'^° ^- Y K^iglft, Isaac Levi drawn with a vigor and consistency. I.irhu; Aiic. _M4:, ^'>^"'f'Vs,o^ll'"'-I I™:'!«'^^, ?,,™m='n«. 545P. 0,ic. Rand, 2p JEWISH LIFE IX THE FICTION OF AMERICA AND ENGLAND Shiel, Matthew Phipps. The lord of the sea. 474p. N. Y. Stokes, 1901, $1.50. The hero is a Jewish Napoleon who undertakes to subjugate the sea, as the land is subjugated under the present regime. The events by which he makes himself a mighty ruler are related with vigorous if often crude reahsm. Baker's best fief. Sidgwick, Mrs Cecily (Ullmann). Isaac EUer's money. Lond. Unwin, 1889, 2s. Intimate portraiture of the community of Frankfort Jews settled in Lon- don, a squalid race of money-grubbers, contemptuous of anything better m Hfe,' with their less repellent women-folk. A love story runs through. Baker's best fict. Lesser's daughter ; by ]\Irs Andrew Dean [pseud.] 2o6p. N. Y. Putnam, 1894. 50c. (Incognito lib. no. 3) Deals with the London Jews of the better class. Scenes from Jewish hfe. 302p. N. Y. Longmans, 1904, $1.50; also N. Y. Bloch, 75c. Stories dealing with the middle classes of England and Germany. Bloch Thackeray, William Makepeace. Codlingsby. (In his Bur- lesques. X. Y. :\Iacniillan. 1911. (Harry Furniss centenary ed.) p. 159-73) ; also N. Y. Macmillan. $1. e Holds up to ridicule the Jews in England. Thurston, Mrs Katherine Cecil. The circle. 340p. illus. N. Y. Dodd, 1903, $1.50. e Follows the life of the daughter of an exile in London and carries her around the " circle " of solitude, ambition, activity under trying conditions, and a voluntarj- return for a time at least to the shadow of obscurit}-. A love motive runs through and governs the ston.-. Outlook, 73 1499 Trollope, Anthony. The way we live now. 626p. Lond, Chatto, 1907, 3s 6d. e Ston,- of English social life, in which the Jewish characters play an unim- portant part but show the general attitude of society toward the Jews in the early 19th century. Ward, Mrs Mary Augusta (Arnold). Sir George Tressady. 2v. X. Y. Macmillan, 1896, $2; also N. Y. Macmillan, 1905, $1.50. e In description of " workshop cause " gives sketches of Jewish conditions in East End of London. Webster, J. Provand. Children of wrath : being the memoirs of one Judah Elvero, a prince of the tribe of Benjamin, written in 1697" by his friend Jeremy Whitfield, a native of Norwich. Lond. Routledge, 1899, 6s. Whitfield and Elvero are transported to Virginia. Baker's hist. fict. j Whistler, 7?^^/. Charles Watts. For King or Empress? 4T6p. N. Y. Nelson, 1903, $1.25. Stor>^ of the pre-expulsion period, of the time of Stephen and Matilda. Treatment just and fair. Two Jewish characters truly and naturally drawn. Calisch Excellent description of the anti-Jewish outljreak at Norwich. Baker's hist. fict. ENGLAND ^j Zangwill, Israel. Children of the Ghetto: study of a necul.ar a«?S;.r:ss S:y^;:s[:Si^ Zl'^.':is^ of^r^:;Ln;^ towards ,ts own contemporary problems. A. L. A catalog WOM, ^ 7o^.. n"v l\ the schnorrers: grotesques and fantasies. 40op. N. Y. Macmillan. 1894, $1.50; also N. Y. Bloch $1 ;o n Presents merely one phase of Jewish life hnt .vith .i^c ' '^ ,' abundance of detail, the schnorrerso beggar; The tone, stb-^Jo;''', ""'' aganza, tragic as well as comic. Baker's hist fie) '''^'''"' ~17^ 'm''v ^^""^ '•if'' '"darkness": Ghetto tra^edie.s. 333P- iN. \. AJacm.llan. 1899, $i-5o; also N. Y. Bloch »pi.50 n. e ' Pictures of the Ghetto, somI)er in tone. FRANCE ^o?^"^M^^' ?''';• ^^^^"^- -^'°^'"^'- -^to^y «f rock-dueller. 263P. N. Y. Appleton. 1895. $r ; also N. y! Burt, 1905. v^c e rr?,-n?- 'Il^'^'l' ^^''■''^'' ^^ ' '"^^ t^^^ '^'"^^ °f the long struggle with England C^.i4:,o). the herome, an Amazonian Jewess. Local features s ch as the DuMaurier, George. The Martian, ^yyp. N. Y. Harper. 189; Leah Gibson, the hcromc. ma}- I,e an attempt to make amends for Sven- g.ah her admirable quaht.es and beauty are Hebraic. The book did not rival Trilby and the attempt failed in its effect. Critic, 39 79 — • Trilby: a novel. 464P. iHus. N. Y. Harper, 189^ Svengali, a Jewish character, unwashed and unkempt. GERMANY Drachman, Bernard. From the heart of Israel : Jewish tales and types. 294p. illus. N. Y. Pott, 1905, $1.^0; also N. Y. Bloch Stones of pious Jewi.sh life, the longest of which has its background in a Bavarian village^ the others are laid in New York. Written whh a religious motive. Dohsevage »*iiuen wiin a 22 JKWISH LIFE IN THE FICTION OF AMERICA AND ENGLAND Isaacs, Abram Samuel. Step by step : a story of the early days of. Moses Mendelssohn. i62p. Phil. Jewish Pub. Soc. 1910, 75c. ' e Under the guise of fiction the chief scenes and persons of his childhood and youth are introduced, and his Hfe and experiences in Dessau and Berhn portrajed. Preface Lichtenberg, I. N. The widow's son : a story of Jewish life of the past. 342p. N. Y. Maccabean Pub. Co. ^^1884, 75c; also N. Y. Bloch, 50c. e A thrilhng juvenile story of the varied adventures of a ij^h century Jewish youth of the Rhine province. Dobsevage Lust, Ad'elina Cohnfelt. Tent of grace. 398p. Bost. Hough- ton, 1899, $1.50; also N. Y. Bloch, $1.50. e The story of Jette, a Jewish vagabond, who is taken into the home of a pastor. The main theme centers around the problem of intermarriage. Scott, Mrs. Joseph the Jew: a tale founded on fact. Edin. Hamilton, 1857, 2s 6d. Joseph, a Jewish orphan, who is befriended by a Christian burgomaster, marries a Jewess luit is converted to Christianity at her death. Athenaeum, 1857, p. -^78 Sidgwick, Mrs Cecily (Ullman). Scenes from Jew-ish life. 302p. N. Y. Longmans, 1904, $1.50; also N. Y. Bloch, 75c. Stories dealing with the middle classes of England and Germany. ITALY White, William Hale. Clara Hapgood. 265P. N. Y. Dodd, 1896, $1.25. On religious problems : Baruch Cohen, who has leanings toward lesser socialism that borders on anarchy, is on the whole an admirable character. Calisch JERUSALEM Carling, John R. The doomed city. 376p. illus. N. Y. E. J. Clode. 19 10, $1.50; also N. Y. Bloch. 50c n. Historical novel of ihe period ending with the siege of Jerusalem and the burning of the Temple. / Cowper, Frank. The forgotten door: a tale of the siege of Jerusalem. Lond. S. P. C. K. 1909, is 6d. Defeat of legions under Sestius Callus, sent to relief of Roman garrison in Jerusalem. Baker's hist. fict. Croly, George. Tarry thou till I come ; or. Salathiel, the ^^'an- dering Jew. N. Y. Funk, 1901, $1.40. Probably one of the best stories dealing with the imaginary figure of the Wandering Jew. Treats also of the early struggle between Judaism and Christianity. The .^merican edition has addenda in which modern prom- inent Jews give their views of Jesus. Dobsevage JKRUSALKM 23 Haggard, Sir Henry Rider. Pearl maiden : a tale of the fall of Jerusalem. 463P. illus. N. Y. Longmans. 1903, $i.co A tale of the fall of Jerusalem. Spectaciilac^^ujd crudely exciting (.uite untouched by the historical spirit. na/ccrS hcsf fut. ' y Henty, George Alfred. l\). X. Y. Revel!. Kjoj, $1.^0 n; also X. Y. Bloch, $1.50. ^^ Story of a yoiinj; Polish Jew, his chiUJhood in Russian Poland and his emigration to America. Pittsburg RUSSIA Bernstein, Herman. Contrite hearts. 2i7p. N. Y. Wessels, ^^1905, $1.25. e Story of Israel Lampert and his family in Russia and after their arrival in America. Plot centers around the theme of " schatchen " marria.i^es. Brudno, Ezra Selig. Little conscript: a tale of the rei,<,ni of Xicholas I. 325P. N. Y. Doubleday, 1905, $1.50. Deals witli the horrors of Russian military conscription. Dohsevagc Cahan, Abraham. The white terror and the red : a novel of - revolutionary Russia. 430p. N. Y. Barnes. 1905, $1.50. e A formless novel, giving views of contemporary history in Russia and incidently the treatment of the Jews. Traces the mental progress of a great noble from the championship of autocracy to liberalism. Baker's best fict. Cumberland. Stuart C. The Ralibi's spell: a Russo- Jewish ro- mance. 8ip. N. Y. I.ovell, 1889, IOC. (Lovell's 'lib.) ; also N. Y. Appleton, 25c. Frederic, Harold. The new exodus : a study of Israel in Russia. 30op. illus. N. Y. Putnam, 1892, $2.50. e Deals with Russian persecutions. Goldsmith, Milton. Rabbi ?i\\(\ priest. 314P. Phil. Jewish Pub. Soc. 1891, 60c; also N. Y. Bloch. 60c. e A graphic story of the life and suffering of the Russian Jew. Bloch Gordon, Samuel. Daut^hters of Shem. and other stories. 3i2p. Lond. Greenbcrg, 1898, 6s. Collection of 74 stories, nearly all are tales of Jewish life, mostly in the western provinces of Russia, and tell the story of oppression and suffering from various points of view. The delineation of Jewish domestic life is remarkable. Athenaeum, 1898, 2:828 .Ferry of fate: a tale of Russian Jewry. 269P. X\ Y. Dufifield, 1907, $1.50; also N. Y. Bloch, $1.50. ' Story of Russian persecution, opening with the expulsion of Jews from the University of Odessa. Baruch makes his way into the higher bureau- cracy at the expense of denying his religion. Baker's best firf. Handful of exotics: scenes and incidents, chiefly of Russo-Jewish life. 3o8p. Lond. Methuen. 1897, .^-"^ ''^d. Strangers at the gate : tales of Russian Jewry. 458p. Phil. Jewish Pub. Soc. 1902, $r ; also N. Y. Bloch. Si' 50. e 26 j i:\VISIl LIFE IX THE FICTION OF AMERICA AND ENGLAND Gratacup, Louis Pope. Benjamin, the Jew. 492p. illus. \V. New Brighton, X. Y. pub. by the author, '=1913, $1.25. Relates the history of Benjamin Nassi, a Russian Jew. The opening scenes are laid in Russia and describe a pogrom. He escapes to New York, where he becomes an influential citizen. After his death his son Benjamin heads a group who wish to re-establish their nation in Jerusalem. A^ Y. Times, Book Review, Feb. 22, 1914, p. gi Hatton, Joseph. By order of the Czar : the tragic story of Anna Klopstock, queen of the Ghetto. 392p. N. Y. Lovell, 1890, 50c. (International ser.) A sensational novel, prohiliited in Russia for its bold handling of the persecution of the Jews. Bakers best fict. Homer, A. N. Hernani, the jew: story of Russian oppression. Chic. Rand, 1898, $1.25. Iliowizi, Henry. The archierey of Samara: an historic ro- mance of Russian Hfe. 337P. Phil. Coates, 1903, $1, (Griffin ser. ) ; also N. Y. Bloch, 75c. A powerful, thrilling and vivid novel of Jewish life in Russia. Bloch In the Pale: stories and legends of the Russian Jews. 367P. Phil. Jewish Pub. Soc. 1897, $i-25; also N. Y. Bloch, 75c. e Pathetic and humorous stories. Muddock, J. E. For God and the Czar. Lond. Newnes, 1892, 3s 6d. An attempt, under the guise of fiction, to lay bare the rottenness of Russia and m particular to protest against the senseless crueltv exercised toward the Jews in that country. From beginning to end, however, appears to be written in ignorance of facts upon which author's indictment against Russia is based. Academy, 42:48 Neuman, Berman Paul. Simon Brandin. 30ip. N. Y. Doran, 1913, $1.20 n; also N. Y. Bloch, $1.20 n. Story of a Russian exile, survivor of a pogrom, who becomes rich in America and lives in England. He makes us understand whv humanitarian men m Russia pledge themselves to hasten social reform by'violcnce. The storv traces the conflict between revenge and love to its final issue. Bloch O'Meara, Kathleen. Narke. the nihilist: a story of Russian life X. Y. I-Tarper, 1887, $1. Prelooker, Jaakoff. The new Israelite ; or. Rabbi Shalom on the -shores of the Black Sea. i8op. Lond. Simpkin, 1902, 4s. .\ record of the " Xew Lsraehtes " of Odessa. h propagandist book. Dobsevage Steiner, Edward Alfred. The cup of Elijah. 39p. N. Y. Revell, ^^1910, 25c. Depicts the persecution of the Hebrews in a Russian village and the intervention in their behalf of the Slavic pastor. N. Y. Times Parable of the cherries. 64p. N. Y. Revell, 1913, 50c n ; also N. Y. Bloch, 50c n. Plea for a larger brotherhood. A Russian Jewish lad finds Jews berat- ing Christians, Christians berating Jews, and seeks to know which is right. RUSSIA 27 His mother tcaclics him in a p.'irahlc of cherries and lie sees that there arc but two kinds, pood clierries and bad cherries. F. II'. 84:no. 19 Willard, Mrs Caroline McCoy (Whit£.)L, A son of Israel : an orii^inal story by Rachel i'enn [p>ciul.| .?o6p. Phil. Lippincott, 1898. $1.25.' Story of an Odessa sih-ersmith. A Russian novel of the time of the serfs, when the power of ownership made the Jew- the victim of personal spite and the object of revenge. The situations are dramatic and the storj' holds the attention in spite of the unnatural development of characters. Outlook, 58^^82 Wittigschlagen, Wilhelmina. Minna, wife of the young rabbi-: a novel. 345p. illns. X. Y. Consolidated Retail Booksellers, 1905, $1.50. A remarkabl}' vivid and most unflattering picture of the Russian Jew. Melodramatic and sensational, absurdly crude and preposterous. SPAIN Aguilar, Grace. Home scenes and heart studies. 399p. N. Y. Applcton, 1892, $1 ; also N. Y. Bloch, 75c. e Short stories, some of which depict Jewish life in England and in Spain. Vale of cedars; or, The martyr. 256p. N. Y. Apple- ton, 185 1, $1 ; also N. Y. Bloch, 75c. e A tale of Spain in the 15th century; gives a faithful picture of Jewish suffering and martyrdom. Isaac, The young champion Haggard, Sir Henry Rider. Fair Margaret. 354p. illus. N. Y. Longmans, 1907, $1.50; also N. Y. Bloch, $1.50. Margaret is the daughter of a converted Jew in Henry VH's reign, and with her lover meets with terrifying adventures in Ferdinand and Isabella's Spain, when the Inquisition was persecuting the Jews, 1491-1501. Baker's best fict. Lytton, Sir Edward George Earle Lytton Bulwer-Lytton, Tst baron. Leila. i64p. N. Y. Lovell, 1882, (Lovell's lib.) ; also N. Y. Button, $1.50. e A Spanish and Moorish romance laid amid the stormy scenes of the conquest of Granada, in which a Moorish Jewess figures prominently. Dobsevage UNITED STATES Berman, Henry. Worshippers : a novel. 272P. N. Y. Grafton Press. 1906, $1.50; also N. Y. Bloch, 50c. e Realistic treatment of "intellectual" types of Russian Jewry in America. Author delineates the Bohemian existence led by people who are constantly confronting the larger problems of life in an idealistic manner. Dobscvage Bernstein, Herman. Contrite hearts. 2i7p. N. Y. Wessels, C1905, $1.25. e Story of Israel Lampert and his family in Russia and after their arrival in America. Plot centers around the theme of " schatchen " marriages. In the gates of Lsracl : .stories of the Jews. 3if>p. N- Y. Taylor, 1902, $1.50. e Stories of Jewish life in the New York Ghetto. 28 JKWISH LIFE IN THE FICTION OF AMERICA AND ENGLAND Brown, Hypkin, Farmer Bibbins. 3i9p. Best. Badger, 1914, $1.25 n. The dream of Farmer Bibbins and his wife was to establish a butter factory. Story shows how eventually the dream is realized, largely as the result of Bibbins's kind treatment of a supposed Jewish peddler found injured in his barn. P. IV. 86, no. 11 Brudno, Ezra Selig. The fugitive ; being the memoirs of a wan- derer in search of a home. 392p. N. Y. Doubleda}-, 1904, $1.50. e A romance dealingr with the relation of Jew to Gentile. The action begins in Lithuania and ends in New^ York. Dobsevage One of us. 359p. Phil. Lippincott, 1912, $1.25. Vividly portrays the secret trials and desires of a hunchback, Raphael, a born artist and musician, who has a supersensitiveness that is almost bej'^ond behef. Bookman, so '735 The tether. 334p. Phil. Lippincott, 1908, $1.50; also N. Y. Bloch, $1.50. The life of a Jewish poet, a waif from the slums of Boston, who is sent to school and college bj' a benevolent lady, and earns his living with -his pen. Illustrates the obstacles put in the way of a Jew by both Christians and his own people. Baker's best fief. Bullard, Arthur. Comrade Yetta. 448p. N. Y. Alacmillan, 1913, $1.35 n ; also N. Y. Bloch, $1.35 n. e Story of a Jewish girl's evohition from a worker in a sweatshop to a leader in the unions and later a writer on industrial and political topics. Vivid drama of a big city's underworld. BlocJi Cahan, Abraham. The imported bridegroom, and other stories of the New York Ghetto. 256P. Bost. Houghton, 1898, $1. Deals with New York Ghetto topics, but wdth a broader outlook than in Yekl.- Dobsevage Yekl: a tale of the New York Ghetto. 190P. N. Y. Appleton, 1896, $1. Graphic stor}^ of a Russo-Jewish immigrant. Pages are permeated with a wretched sordidness. and unlike Zangwill's and Gordon's novels, breathe pessimism. X'ot "Overdrawn, however, for this pessimism springs from a poverty-stricken and plague-infected environment. Dobsevage Chambers, Robert William. Cardigan. 513P. illus. N. Y. Harper, '^1901, $1.50.. e Story of the American Revolution, in -which Saul Shemuel. a Jewish peddler, greatly aids the hero in many perilous adventures. Drachman, Bernard. From the heart of Israel : Jewish tales and types. 294p. illus. N. Y. Pott, 1905. $1.50; also N. Y. Bloch, $1.50. Stories of pious Jewish life, the longest of which has its background in a Bavarian village, the others are laid in Xew "N'ork. Written with a religious motive. Dobsevage Egan, Maurice Francis. The ivy hedge. 331 p. N. Y. Ben- ziger, 1914, $1.35. A picture of the very much tangled social and political conditions in a New Jersey town. Book written frankly from the Catholic standpoint, but UNITED STATES 29 a'uthor endeavored lo treat the reliKMuus factors of Catholicism, Protestant- ism and Judaism, all of which enter into the story, with fairness and truth. N. Y. Tillies, Jan. 3, 1915 Friedman, Isaac Kahn. The lucky number. 21 jp. Chic. Way & Williams, 1896, $1.25. A collection of stories of the Chicago Ghetto. Strong and vivid, and a few repulsive. George, W. L. Until the day l)reak. 356p. N. Y. Dodd. [913, $1.30 n. Traces career of Israel Kalisch from Cracow through Hungary, to strive and fight in Xew York, to his death in Piccadilly. Bookman, 37:0.3 ;■ Gerson, Mrs Emily (Goldsmith). A modern Esther, and other stories for Jewish children. 2i2p. illus. Phil. Green- stone. 1906, $1. Gillman, Nathaniel Isaiah. Circuinstantial affection : a romance of the New York Ghetto. ii9p. illtis. N. Y. Neely. 1901. $i. Glass, Montague. Abe and Mawruss ; being further adventures of Potash and Perlmutter. 379P. illus. Garden City, N. Y. Doubleday, 191 1, $1.20. Presents certain types of Jewish business men, who appeal to us as real human beings and not as caricatures. N. Y. Times, 17:7 Elkaii Lubliner, Ainerican. 323P. Garden City. N. Y. Doubleday, 1912. $1.20 n; also N. Y. Bloch. $1.20 n. e Amusing tales of the commercial fortunes which befall the youthful and irrepressible Elkan, wbo, after arriving from Russia, becomes quickly Americanized and wins deserved success and admiration among his new Jewish friends. ./. L. A. Booklist. 9:no. 4 Object: matrimony. 74p. N. Y. Doubleday. 1912. 50c. In this little romantic comedy of the marrying of the Greenhlatt sisters, Mr Glass has done one of his most enjoyable stories. Pithlislicr's note Potash and Perlmutter. their copartnership ventures and adventures. 419P. illus. Garden City. N. Y. Doubleday. 191 1. $[.20 n; also N. Y. Bloch, 60c. Photographic .sketches of Hebrew types found on the East Side of Xew York. Bookman. 31 1630 Goldsmith, Milton. A victim of conscience: a novel. 3i8p. illus. Phil. G atcs, 1903, $1 ; also N. Y. Bloch. 75c. An interesting American-Jewish novel depicting the psychological effects of a crime upon the murderer. Dwells incidentally upon the distinction between various creeds. Dobsevage Gratacup, Louis Pope. Benjamin, the Jew. 492p. illus. W . Xew r.rit,dUon, X. Y. pub. by the author. '=1913. $1.25. Relates the historv of Benjamin Xassi, a Russian Jew. The opening scenes are laid in Russia and describe a pogrom. He escapes to Xew York, v.here he becomes an influential citizen. After his death his son Benjamin heads a group who wish to reestablish their nation in Jerusalem. N. Y. Times, Book Revieu\ Feb. 22, 1914. P- 91 30 JEWISH LIFE IX THE FICTION OF AMERICA AND ENGLAND Harland, Henry, As it was written : a Jewish musician's story by Sidney Luska [pseud.] 253P. N. Y. Cassell, =^1885, $1. e Deals with the love of Veronika and Ernest and the mysterious death of the former. Mrs Peixada. 317P. N. Y. Cassell, 1886, $1. A story of Jewish life in New York City. My uncle Florimond. I98p. illus. Bost. Lothrop, I88«, $1. Gregor}-, the hero, is introduced as an orphan, living with his uncle and grandmother in Norwich, Conn. After his grandmother's death he comes to New York where he meets with the kindest friends and protectors among Jews. Annual American Catalogite, 18S8 Yoke of the thorah ; by Sidney Luska [pseud.] 320p. N. Y. Street & Smith, 1900, 50c. (Romance ser.) A strongly realistic study of Jewish life in New York, particularlv of German Jews. The young hero loves a Yankee girl, but his religion' and radical feelings are so worked upon by his uncle, a rabbi, that he jilts her. His marriage to a commonplace Jewess is followed by his intensely pathetic death. Bakei-'s best fief. Hurst, Fannie. Just around the corner : romance en casserole. 360P. illus. N. Y. Harper. 1914. $1.35 n. e Collection of short stories, most of them "reprinted from the Saturday Evening Post. Many of them are sympathetic pictures of Jewish life in New York City. Kelly, Myra. Little aliens. 291P. illus. N. Y. Scribner. 1910, $1.50; also N. Y. Bloch. $1.50. e Nine stories depicting the humor and tragedy of life out of school, of children of the East Side. A. L. A. catalog, 1904-11 Little citizens: the humours of school hfe. 3S3P- iHus. N. Y. Doubleday, 1904. $1.50; also N. Y. Bloch. 6ocy e New York schoolteacher's stories of her East Side Jewish charges. Human nature and American Yiddish dialect are alike faithfully rendered. A. L. A. catalog. 1904-11 \\'ards of liberty. 3rop. illus. N. Y. Doubledav. 1909, $1.50. e East Side stories containing more pathos and depth of revolt at some of the hard conditions among the poor than her other stories. Book Review Digest King, Edward. Joseph Zalmonah. Bost. Lee. 1893. $1.25. CGood company ser.) No\el dealing with Jewish toilers in New York. Dobscvage Leiser, Joseph. Canaway and the Lustigs. T34p. illus. Cin- cinnati. Young: Lsrael. <=i909. $1 ; also N. Y. Bloch. $1. A clever story of Jewish .-Xmerican life in a small town. Block Leasing, Bruno, pseud. Children of men. 31 ip. N. Y. Mc- Clure. 1903. $1. Stories of Jewish life in New York City, told with minute realism, full of the struggle for bread. v;ith sordid surroundings, the touch of romance UNITED STATES 3 I and iIk' i)cr])(.tiial ])resL'nce of tlie hif-h religions idea in the i)iesencc of tlic worst and most dubious poverty. Bookneivs, 22:367 \\\{\\ the best intentions. 348p. illus. N. Y. Hearst's Internat'l Lib. Co. 1914, $1.25 n. e r*^ A schnorrcr is an amiable individual (jf Jewish extraction, who lives by his wits and never works if he can help it. Lapidowitz finds the calling an easy and pleasant one in America. This "complete story" is fdled with his amusing e.\-perienccs in the i)ursuit of wealth without work. P. II'. 85 :no.T9 McCarter, Margaret Hill. Winning of the wilderness. 404p. illus. Chic. McClurg, 1914, $1.35 n. e Tells of the pioneer life in Kansas, toward the success of which John Jacobs, an incidental character in the story, greatly aids by his foresight and uprightness. / Mannheimer, Louise. How Joe learned to darn stockings. Cincinnati, Ki'chbiel, 1897, 35c. Mayer, Nathan. Differences. Cincinnati, Bloch, 1867, 25c. A novel of the t"i\il War. The scene is laid in the South. Dobsevage Oppenheim, James. Doctor Rast. 321 p. illus. X. Y. Sturgis. 1909, $1.50; also N. Y. Bloch, $1.50. e E.xperiences of a young Jewish doctor, who rejects prosperity to minister to the bodily ills and spiritual crises of his people on the East .Side. A. L. A. catalog. 1904-11 Page, Thomas Nelson. John Marvel, assistant. 273P. illus. N. Y. Scri])ner, 1909. $1.50; also N. Y. Bloch, r)Oc. e Three friends, students in a southern college, — a crude mountaineer, a brilliant Jew and an aristocratic planter's son — represent respectively hard work, vision and the spirit of play. In later years they foregather in a northern citv and become invohcd in a municipal reform movement. A. L. A. Booklist, 6:no.4 y Ray, Anna Chapin. Shc])a. N. Y. Crowell. 1903. 75c; also N. Y. Bloch, 75c. Story of a poor crippled Jewish girl. Block Rice, Mrs Aurelia. True nobility; also Fortune hunting: two novelettes. Cincinnati, Bloch, 1886, 25c. Jewish life in .\merica. Dobse:agc Richards, Bernard Gershon. Discourses of Keidansky. 228p. N. Y. Scott-Thaw, 1903, $1.25 ; also N. Y. Brentano, $1.25. Work belongs in a large measure to the literature of the modern Ghetto, with its revolt and radicalism. In picturesque, even violent language. Keidansky passes in review social and religious questions. Critic, 43 :283 Riis, Jacob August. Children of the tenements. 387P. illus. N. Y. Macmillan. 1905, $1.50. e Pathetic stories of East Side New York, many of which give glimpses of the Jewish Ghetto life. Neighbors: life stories of the other half. 209p. illus. N. Y. Macmillan. 1914, $1.25 n. e Stories descriptive of New York's East Side life, a few of which picture conditions in the Jewish homes. 32 TEWISII LIFE IX THE FICTION OF AMERICA AND ENGLAND Smith, Francis Hopkinson. Peter : a novel of which he is not the hero. 48ip. illus. N. Y. Scribner, 1909, $1.50; also N. Y. Bloch, 60c. e The tailor, Isaac Cohen, a minor character, is brought in to ilhistrate a still existing prejudice which his delightful personality dispels. Steiner, Edward Alfred. Broken walls : stories of the mingling folk. 2i9p. illus. N. Y. Revell, ^^1911, $1 n. e Contains a few sketches touching upon Jewish life in Europe, Xew York and western United States. The mediator: a tale of the Old World and the New. 356p. N. Y. Revell, 1907, $1.50 n ; also N. Y. Bloch. $1.50. Stor>' of a young Polish Jew, his childhood in Russian Poland and his emigration to America. Pittsburg Tilton, Dwight, pseud. Aleyer and son : a novel based upon the three act plav of the same'name by T. Addison. 323P. Bost. C. M. Clarke Pub. Co. 1908, $1.50; also N. Y. Bloch. 35c. An American novel dealing with the problem of intermarriage. Anti- semitism also plays a conspicuous part. Bloch Ward, Mrs Mary Augusta (Arnold). Marriage a la mode. 324P. illus. N. Y. Doubleday, 1909, $1.20; also N. Y. Bloch, $1.20 n. e Deals with the intermarriage problem. Warfield, David, & Hamm, Mrs M. A. Ghetto silhouettes. i89p. N. Y. Pott, 1902, $1.25 ; also N. Y. Bloch, 50c n. Sketches of daily life of the East Side of New York. Bloch Webster, J. Provand. Children of wrath : being the memoirs of one Ttidah Elvero, a prince of the tribe of Benjamin, written in - 1697 by his friend Jeremy Whitfield, a native of Norwich. Lond. Routledge, 1899, 6s. Whitfield and Elvero are transported to Virginia. Baker's liisf. fict. Wharton, Mrs Edith Newbold (Jones). The house of mirth. 2v. in I. illus. N. Y. Scribner, 1906. $1.50. e A picture of social life in New York. Simon Rosedale. having made his fortime, attempts to break into society. The Jewish interest not strong. Wolf, Emma. Heirs of yesterday. 287P. Chic. McClurg, 1900, $1. An interesting novel, in which the forces of tradition upon the Jew and the prejudiced attitude of the Christians are the imderlying motive. Dobsevage Other things being equal. 275p. Chic. McClurg, 1892, $1- Present day social life of the American Jew, the lesson_ derived being that other things being equal, a Jewish girl may marry a Christian. .Affirms the pure morality and peace of Jewish homes. Dobsevage NDEX Aaron the Jew. I'arjeon, i6 Abe and Mawruss. Glass, 29 Ackerman, A. W. The price of peace, 8 Adventures of Oliver Twist. Dickens, 16 Agony column. Dawson, 19 Aguilar, Grace. Home scenes and heart studies, 14 Vale of cedars, 27 Archierey of Samara. Iliowizi, 26 As it was written. Harland, 30 As others saw him. Jacobs, 14 As the twig is bent. Cleeve, 15 Ashton, Mark. Azalim, 8 Assyrian bride. Kelly, 10 Azalim. Ashton, 8 Barabbas. Corelli, 13 Baring-Gould, Rev. Sabine. Count Royal, 15 Noemi, 21 Barrett, Wilson & Hichens, Robert. The daughters of Baby- Ion, 8 Beaconsfield. Coningsby, 15 Tancred, 15 Wondrous talc of Alroy, 24 Beating sea and changeless bar. Lazarre, 7 Beddoes, Capt. Willoughby. A son of Ashur, 8 Bella Dona. Ilichens, 17 Belshazzar. Davis, 9 Bclteshazzar. Roe, 11 Ben-Boer. Bien, 7 Ben Ilur. Wallace, 14 Benjamin, the Jew. Gratacup, 26, 29 Berman, Henry. Worshippers, 27 Bernstein, Herman. Contrite hearts, 25, 27 In the gates of Israel, 2~ Bcsant, Sj^- Waller. llie rel)cl queen, T5 Bien, H. M. Ben-Bcor, 7 Bird, Robert. Joseph, the dreamer, 8 Block, R. Iv, sec Lessing, Brudno, pseud. Boylan, Mrs Grace. The kiss of glory, 8 Broken playthings. Keary, 18 Broken walls. Steiner, 32 Brooks, E. S. A son of Issachar, 12 Brown, Hypkin. Farmer Bibbins, 28 Brudno, E. S. The fugitive, 24. 28 Little conscript, 25 One of us, 28 The tether, 28 Buchanan, Thompson. Judith triumphant, 12 Bullard, Arthur. Comrade -Yetta, 28 Bulwer, Edward Lytton, see Lytton, Sir E. G. By order of the Czar. Hatton, 26 By the ramperts of Jezreel. Daven- port, 9 By the waters of Babylon. Deko- ven, 9 Cahan, Abraham. The imported bridegroom, 28 The white terror and the red, 25 Yekl, 28 Caine, Hall. The scapegoat, 24 Canaway and the Lustigs. Leiser, 30 Canfield, W. W. The sign ii...\.- the door, 8 Captain of men. More, ii Carabajal, the Jew. Landis, 23 Cardigan. Chambers, 28 Carling, J. R. The doomed city, 22 34 JEWISH LIFE IN THE FICTION OF AMERICA AND ENGLAND Cat of Bubastes. Plenty, 9 Chambers, R. W. Cardigan, 28 Children of men. Lessing, 30 Children of fate. Danziger, 24 Children of the Ghetto. Zangwill, 21 Children of the tenements. Riis, 31 Children of wrath. Webster, 20, 32 Church, Rev. A. J. The crown of Pine, 12 A young Macedonian in the army of Alexander the Great, 8 & Seelej', Richmond. The hammer, 12 Circle, The. Thurston, 20 Circumstantial affection. Gillman, 29 City of delight. ^Tiller, 23 Clara Hapgood. White, 21. 22 Clark, Alfred. Lemuel of the left hand, 9 Clarke, B. From tent to palace, 9 Cleeve, Lucas. As the twig is bent, 15 Codlingsbj'. Thackeray, 20 Cohen, Emily .Solis-, see Solis- Cohen, Emily, jr. Combat of the people. Wise, 13 Come with me unto Babylon. Ward, 12 Comrade Yetta. Bullard, 28 Coningsby. Beaconsfield, 15 Contrite hearts. Bernstein, 25, 27 Cooper, S. W. Think and thank, 15 Corelli, Marie. Barabbas, 13 Temporal power, 15 Cory, Mrs Winifred (Graham) see Graham, Winifred Costello, Pierro. Sinner in Israel, 15 Count Royal. Baring-Gould, 15 Court of Pilate. Hobbs, 13 Cowper, Frank. The forgotten door, 22 Craigie, Mrs P. M. T. (Richards). The school for saints, 15 Robert Orange, sequel, 15 Crawford, F. M. Witch of Prague, Zoroaster, 9 Croly, George. Tarry thou till I come, 13, 22 Cross triumphant. Kingsley, 14, 23 Crown of Pine. Church, 12 Crowned queen. Grier, 17 Cumberland, S. C. The Rabbi's spell, 25 Cup of Elijah. Steiner, 26 Danby, Frank, pseud, sec Frankau, Mrs Julian Daniel Deronda. Eliot, 16 Danziger, Adolph. Children of fate, 24 Daughters of Bablj-on. Barret & Hichens, 8 Daughters of Shem. Gordon, 25 Davenport, Arnold. By the ram- parts of Jezreel, 9 David and Bathsheba. Dick & Cresswell, 9 David, the giant killer. Solis- Cohen, II Davis, W. S. Belshazzar, 9 Dean, Mrs Andrew, see Sidgwick, Mrs Cecily (Ullman) Deborah. Ludlow, 12 Dekoven, Mrs Reginald. By the waters of Bablyon, 9 Dick, Conzae & Cresswell, James. David and Bathsheba, 9 Dickens, Charles. Adventures of Oliver Twist, 16 Our mutual friend, 16 Differences. Mayer, 31 Discourses of Keidansky. Richards, 31 Disraeli, Benjamin, see Beacons- field Dr Phillips. Frankau, 16 Doctor Rast. Oppenheim, 31 INDEX 35 Doomed city. Carliiig, 22 Drachman, Bernard. From the heart of Israel, 21, 28 Dreamers of the Ghetto, Zang- will, 7 Du Maurier, George. The Martian, 21 Trilby, 21 Edgeworth, ]\Iaria. Harrington, 16 Edwards, Albert, pseud, see Bul- lard, Arthur Egan, M. F. The ivy hedge, 28 Eliot, George, pseud., Daniel Deronda, 16 Elkan Lubliner. Glass, 29 Fair Margaret. Haggard, 27 Farjeon, B. L. Aaron the Jew, 16 Miriam Rozella, 16 • , Pride of race, 16 Farmer Bibbins. Brown, 28 Ferry of fate. Gordon, 25 First of the Maccabees. Wise, 13 For God and the Czar. Muddock, 26 For king or empress? Whistler, 20 For the Temple. Henty, 23 Forgotten door. Cowper, 22 Fortune hunting. Rice, 31 Frankau, Mrs Julia. Dr Phillips, 16 Pigs in clover, 16 Frederic, Harold. Gloria mundi, 16 The new exodus, 25 Friedman, I. K. The lucky mim- ber, 29 From tent to palace. Clarke, 9 From ,the heart of Israel. Drach- man, 21, 28 Fugitive, The. Brudno, 24, 28 Fuller, R. H. The golden hope, 9 Gate of the kiss. Harding, 9 George, W. L. Until the day break, 7, 16, 29 Gerard, Dorothea. An improbable idyl, 7 ^Orthodox, 24 ^echa, 7 Sawdust, 24 Gcrson, Mrs Emily (Goldsmith). A modern Esther, 29 Ghetto comedies. Zangwill, 21 Ghetto silhouettes. Warfield & Hanim, 32 Ghetto tragedies, see They that walk in darkness Gillman, Nathan Isaiah. Cicum- stantial aft'ection, 29 Gladiators. Whyte-Melville, 23 Glass, Montague. Abe and Maw- russ, 29 Elkan Lubliner, 29 Object: matrimony, 29 Potash and Perlmutter, 29 Glimpses of a strange world. Stoll- nitz, 7 Gloria mundi. Frederic, 16 Golden hope. Fuller, 9 Goldsmith, Milton. Rabbi and priest, 25 A victim of conscience, 29 Gordon, Samuel. Daughters of Shem, 25 Ferry of fate, 25 Handful of exotics, 25 Sons of the covenant, 17 Strangers at the gate, 25 • Unto each man his own, 17 Gould, Rev. Sabine Baring, sec Baring-Gould. Rev. Sabine Graham, Winifred. The Zionist, 24 Gratacup, L. P. Benjamin, the Jew, 26, 29 Gregg, Hilda, see Grier, S. C. Grier, Sydney Carlyon, pseud., A crowned queen, 17 The kings o\ the East, 17 An uncrowned king, 17 Guttenburg. Violet. Modern exo- dus, 17 Neither Jew nor Grci-k. 17 36 JEWISH LIFE IN THE FICTION OF AMERICA AND ENGLAND Hack, Mrs E. J. (Miller), see Miller, E. J. Hadassah, Queen of Persia. Laurie-Walker, 10 Haggard, Sir H. R. Fair Mar- garet, 27 Pearl maiden, 23 and Lang, Andrew. The world's desire, 9 Hales, A. G. Watcher of the tower, 17 Hammer, The. Church & Seeley, 12 Hand of God. Stephenson, 11 Handful of exotics. Gordon, 25 Harding, J. W. The gate of the kiss, 9 Harland, Henry. As it was written, 30 My uncle Florimond, 30 Mrs Peixada, 30 Yoke of the thorah, 30 Harrington. Edgeworth, 16 Hatton, Joseph. By order of the Czar, 26 Hawthorne, Julian. Sebastian Strome, *7 Heirs of yesterday. Wolf, 32 Henty, G. A. For the Temple, 23 The cat of Bubastes, 9 Hernani, the Jew. Homer, 26 Hewlett, Maurice. New Canter- bury tales, 17 Hichens, Robert. Bella Donna, 17 Hobbes, John Oliver, pseud, see Craigie, Mrs P. M. T. (Richards) Hobbs, R. R. The court of Pilate, 13 Home scenes and heart studies. . Aguilar, 14, 27 Homer, A. X. Hernani, the Jew, 26 Hoppus, Mary A. M., sec ]\iarks, Mrs M. A. M. (Hoppus) House of deceit, 18 House of mirth. Wharton, 32 How Joe learned to darn stockings. Alannheimer, 31 Howard, Sidney, pseud, see Ray, A. C. Howard, W^ S. Rosie's trust, 18 Human boy. Philpotts, 19 Hurst, P'annie. Just around the corner, 30 Hypatia. Kingslej', 14 Idyls of the Gass. Wolfenstein, 8 Hiowizi, Henry. The archierey of Samara, 26 — ■ In the Pale, 26 Imported bridegroom. Cahan, 28 Improbable idyl. Gerard, 7 In Assyrian tents. Pendleton, 13 In old Egypt. Mendes, 10 In the gates of Israel. Bernstein, 27 In the Pale. Hiowizi, 26 Ingraham, J. H. The pillar of fire, 10 • The Prince oif the house of David, 14 The throne of David, 10 Into the highway's and hedges. Montresor, 19 Isaac Filer's money. Sidgwick, 20 Isaacs, A. S. Step by step, 22 The )'oung champion, 18 Lstar of Babylon. Potter, 11 It is never too late to mend. Reade, ig Ivanhoe, Scott, 19 Ivy hedge. Egan, 28 Jackson, Rev. G. A. The son of a prophet, 10 Jacobs, Joseph. As others saw him, 14 Jenkins, R. W. " O King, live forever!", 10 Jesse ben David. Ludlow, 14 Jezebel. McLaws, 10 Jezebel's husband, same as, Aza- lim. INDEX n John Marvel, assistant. Page, 37 Johnson, Gillard. Raphael of the olive, 12 Joseph, tiie dreamer. Bird, 8 Joseph, the Jew. Scott, 22 Joseph Zalmonah. King, 30 Joshua and Achan, sec Spell of Ashtaroth Judith triumphant. Buchanan, 12 Julian. Ware, 13, H Just around the corner. Hurst, 30 Keary, C". V. Broken playthings, 18 Kelly. Myra. Little aliens, 30 Little citizens, 30 Wards of liberty, 30 Kelly, W. P. The Assyrian bride, 10 King, Edward. Joseph Zalmonah, 30 King of the schnorrers. Zangwill, 21 King of Tyre. Ludlow, 10 Kings of the East. Grier, 17 Kingsley, Charles. Hypatia, 14 Kingsley, Mrs Florence (Morse). The cross triumphant, 14, 23 The star of love, 10 Kiss of glory. Boylan, 8 L. X. The limb, 18 Landis, C. K. Carabajal. the Jew, 23 Laurie-\\'alker. .Agnes. Hadas- sah, queen of Persia, 10 Lazarre, Jacob. Beating sea and changeless bar, 7 Leigh, Emma, see Solis-Cohen, Emily, jr. Leila. Lytton, 27 Leiser, Joseph-. Canaway and the Lustigs, 30 Lemuel of the left hand. Clark, 9 Lesser's daughter. Sidgwick, 20 Lessing, Bruno. Children of men, 30 Willi the best nit c , Yontre C M l-il • '"!'• '^^ Dreamers of the (ihetto. 7 Ben Beriah , > I ,^'° comed.es, 21 The patriots of Palestine t J T,'"'' 1"'' ^^';"°''''"''' " Youn, champion. Isaacs ,8 ' ' ~~ //"" ^''-^^ "^"^' '" ^'-•^- Yonns: Macedonian in the army of Zillah.' Smith ^^ Alexander the Great. Chnrch. 8 Zionist. Graham. 24 I Zoroaster. 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