DA 86.22 D7H3 1972 HASLOP A " ' c_ A = = 2 c MM — — » o - = X = = I 6^ 7 i =^= en _ ^ ^^^» 1 — / = - 1 I --. = - NEWES OUT OF THE COAST OF SPAINE o THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES HENRY HASLOP NEWES OVT OF THE COAST OF SPAINE LC NUMBER 466 THE ENGLISH EXPERIENCE ITS RECORD IN EARLY PRINTED BOOKS PUBLISHED IN FACSIMILE The publishers acknowledge their gratitude to the Trustees of the British Museum for their permission to reproduce the Library's copy, Shelfmark: G.6512(l) Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 78-38200 S.T.C. 12926 Collation: A-B 4 Published in 1972 by Theatrvm Orbis Terrarvm Ltd., O.Z.Voorburgwal 85, Amsterdam & Da Capo Press Inc. -a subsidiary of Plenum Publishing Corporation- 277 West 17th Street, New York N.Y. 1001 1 Printed in the Netherlands ISBN 90 221 0466 4 JNEWES OVTOF the QoaHofSpaine.s/ The true Report of the honourable fer nice for England, per four me d by Sir FRAVNCIS DRAKE in the moncths of A- priii anD May laft paft,i 587. fcpon Caies , anU aifo finer that in fye Cape S. Vincent anD Cape Saier : DtfcOUr* fee at large fottt) cuerte fcuerall exploit of tfjctr fortunate fiKcctFe,acco;Dtnjs to tbetr otone Jlettcns , totndj lifcefoife t's con fir* meo by tfjofc tfjat came front ifjence* Imprinted a£ London by W. How for Henry! Ha flop ,and are to be fold at the Signc of the Gunnc at the North clorc of Pnules,by Edtcard White. 1587. ^ ^ I * TO THE RIGHT HONO- rable Qbarles L. Howard, Baron of Effingham, I\?iight of the Honourable Order of the Garter? and high ^fdmirall of England, I rcland,and Wales, thedominions and Iilci ofthefamcofthcTowne ofC^ihcc.and the marches thereof of Normandy, Gafcoigne, and Guines, andCap- tainegenerdl of all her Maiejtie; Seas and 'Sa- ute \oy all Jncr cafe of honors, and hap- ptnejjc to his harts dcfire. 72- :^.j ■L _ -5?:r' f_, ..■i^ hgg T hath cucr ( Right Honorable) bene an obferuatioamone;il fchol- lers,when they intended to com- mit their exercifesto the iudge- ment of others , to ihroude them felues vnder the patronage of fomc honorable peifonage ; but I more honoring the noble mindcd,the a- ble to expreiTe my good will, fol- low his opinion, that if he wrot of the dignity of a Crowne, dedicated his labours to a Kino; : if of the eilatc, to a cxauc Counfelionif of religion,to a ludiciall Diuincrif cf tillage, to the experienced Husbandman : but if of the Seas ., to the learned Admiral!, So I, writing of high matters. con.- crnmg the good fortune of the Seas, hhrowdc my fclfc vnder the fades of the L.high Admiral!: whofe hcroical mind I know to be fuch j that you repute it fellonie to robh: a Souldier oi' his honour, andinhiricto hide what de(erucd- honour is wenne by a SubiecT: to his Soueraigne: fot vertuc iovned with nobiencsjis a mixture of true humanitie. And becaufe (as Dion faith) the world is a huge cai'.e of *aingl?d conceits, A 2 and 1870396 The Epiflk dedicatorle . and the multitude, as a many hedcied bead: , rumoring they knowe not what^and murmuring they know not whereas, fome forward & wilhing wel,otners iroward & difcora^ing the well minder!: which made me the bolder to publifh for the comfort of my eountrimen,the honorable feruice of that fortunate English fouldicr Sir Frauncis Dralg , according to fuch coppies'as I haue compared of the fame, which I haue confeid with dmers that were eye witnelles in that expedr- tiontin which I carry this coniideration, that fuch as prouc a po (lata tes from the field, backfliding from their feruice, might be preferd to be field bilhops , and fuch as haue not yet feene the honor and daungcr,may be fpurred forward to rcape in this harucft of renownerFor when Darius king of Tcrcia clapt 'Kjasar^anes on the back faying,now T>{abarz4~ ncs for thy country, he made way as a fier through the throng of the Macedonians f\\;\t before fludied what hee were belt to do:and the applaufe of the people to the fuccelTe of that Conquering ,sfjfrican,put a double edge to his fword , and added a triple courage to his minde to dye immoi tall , for honor is like fpice which as the mote it is punned in the morter,the fweeter it fmcls;fo honor,the more it is tolled in the mindes and mouthes of men truely,the higher it climes: In this refpccl am I animated to this enterprise , and this I humbly befecch your honor tocountenance,that as fomedo* fo all true Englifli heartes maye reioyce,and praye for his profperous fuccelTe,which the Almightic God direct and defend in all their proceedings* Your honors humble in all feruice H* H> The mod fortunate and honourable Jeruice for England \ perfourmed by Sir FRAVNCIS DRAKE inC ALES the 19 of Apnll,i>^7- with his latcft: exploits in Cape S, Vincent and CapcSaker. t done the 21. of Alav : written by a Gentleman of Ins companie to on" of his freends , ds the ~vcrie truth of this expedition andfucccjfc. 5Sj^y^ ^ctt toe recount foe incomparable commc* &\^&^jf : / ! - ****** mx ^ fioilim S info tijts Kealme,efpe* W^Cr' c ' rtl ^ from *^ c filft f° unDat * on hereof; boiu I\^j\/''f f<11t toc fioc * cffc ^ cn ^P^ 130 *° ^ e * cm F Ie c ^ yi^^j£^ tf;c 3io;d to fpcalie tije p;atfes of tjis name? ^s ^&> ^ t£l[)en toe obferue ffje infinifenes of our finnes , ano compare fficm tariff) tlje mercies of fijc Eo;Oe, rfjen lutfj) contrition ofbearf , anD tjumilttic of fptrtt may toe fat? ; &>urc t\)c ilo;o Ijaff) Done great tiring* fo; tist, tee Ijatb baroeneo tlje Ijeart of Pharao,buf Djotoneo Ijic mtxltu tubes in fire £>ea : fjecutoff Achitophell in bis puoc, ana pieferueo Dauid in bis piofperitie : Ije IjaHj toito our ene< mtes laioc out a puntfljment , by tfje frowning of f!jc ijca* tiens,bp t\)t barrenneffe of the cartb, ano emptines of t^c fea : but t»:ito fcs batlj be raignco plenfie, ano Manna,euen in t\)t toiloernes of our toiefeeonrs: C-ueric toinoe biGtoes ijomc info our Ijotife&tljc gaio ano fo;funafe fuceeffe of our frcnDC3,eucrte funne u)inctfj fo our comfo:ts,enerie riucr flctoct!) Uiitlj incrcafe, ano eucrie cap biings neto fiot'ngs Of Fnglands fjappittes, which God in mercie long and eucr con- tinue , But if toe compare of bcr H:a!mes Imfl) t&rs, mm l»ttt»all fearc!) tbe memorable bifto:icst|}at regifcrB lije lines of our fo:cfatbers , toe f&en man in agonic orher.it burttotlf f far : Our ynthan!>f nines doth threaten punifment, And there is no way to toithfiand the Wrath 0/ the tuft God. *■; un oucr tfjc liutB of a feto Romanies, ano obferue then rare of tbfir common toealt!;, (ano as tbou reaoeff, let no* tye life cf tyi* d&nglifyman be forgotten : to!;icJ) oaafionet 1 ; mv sin- # 3 C0i2lfv%) News out of the coafl ofSpaine. courfc,) Cams Marius, toben bee fjau conquerco i)t'0 court* tries cnimics,* b,:ougI)t Rome to ber fcetgbt , triumpbmg as a gtfcscjg oucr tbc tD02to>tn conclufton of cuery erploif, scsicatro bis farrificcs to ffic <5oDS,as tbe autfjojs of cue* ncgooDftmt^atibcfojnmctJljimjaltljoug^tn fjts face l;rie rarrtco ti;e eonnfenaunee of mateftic, ann bp Iris fpecclj fjee fc:cs fcrrour to Ijis emmte.Scipio tfjat Afifrican conquerour tna!ln!Sbtctc2ic3,oioncucr afrribe bis fucccfle to btm* relfe,butgaue t&e&onour to ti)eC?ocs,facrinangbis toljolc ijonom* to fnem,ana otfpoftngbimfelfe foj tys eountric.^et cico net Scipio,uut!jont Hjc flaunser of oltj Catojnoj u)oulo tumour Itue in ante , tottbout tbe enuie of mante* ' Ulben Iulius Ctfar bao oucrrun ttec U)o:lo(almoff)imtfj r cAn W* mnltttnoai fubiectmg f&c Gales , Icaotng Bclgick : tap* Cawcs; ttur, trrrifptne Spame by bis repo:t, ano carding Affnck // « at ins gtrole(tn a mmntv.)Ptt fait) be,not Cefar batb oonc tf)ts,but the aoosigimng tbe alo.jv to tlje beauens, ano lea* utna t!;C benour to Ijis namc.&o t!;e beatben fet bs ootcne a riile,tfjat ts to sifpofe our liues foj our cotmtn>,roafcrtbc cur fjonours to ©oiMo begin in ijts fcare , to continue in fn's trntfc,am> to cno to bis p:aifc: fo batb tfjts memorable man &>tr Fraunces Drake tone : bee batb (hiEics to tuitb* ftuna'ijfc countries cnimics, tabojcD to enrtcrj bs by tljetr *mpoaertf(jmcnt,at» maoe bs Crong bj? tfjetr tucafcening: bis firft attempt teas concluoeo Uuffj agoltcn pnrebafe, bis fcconD cnoeD tottb no kite honour, ano lus laie fcruiee Is no's anofome to be no Icffe fortunate tijsen t!je p20U>t>eft Roiminc b)!jOfC IjO'.lOur Plutarch reports to tlje fuU. $0)0 SJaCboj of tijatmirro; of SDragebtcs touching Brittifli p:iu* rc-g/amongff others b;ingetl; in Ninius, complaining tljat bts fconeurc lucre fosaottcn, anti U f t bnti^tttcn , anti Dtf* conrfmn: his life Te^ soton botti Ijis ncatlj toas only br cifr * DtncsCcfar sp.3 Defen&ingljiis ccuntric , rtaatng Ijts Cata- ftrophc migljtilv to pcrfteace otbcvto tlje line I-cnoj.Eljcit let nottbisfcruantcfonr Cafsibilanc rctl iuitljoutljisrc* lparD,bt:t redder bis taocSjlDjitcljis Ijcnonrs in gc!o?, aropaarefui bt's ftictclfc:!* [5nt[? net mccuntreb Ct-iar, t'Ct Mirror of Magi- one Js(m>es out of the coafi ofSf nine. ?et fane atoap [jts ffoo^Dtljc fjatlj not fraa Ijis count ric,rct l)C ocfcnbcrb it,bt? toounoing tljc cnimicanD breaking i)is fpearc:ano in al \)is actions obfcruc but Ins o:ocr,ano tljeu ran pou not but confeffc it is full of bonour.&ljc oitfauncc of bts being Ijatfj not bjcoanic fo?gctftilncs of Ijis frcnDs: fjis letters are at large of bis fucceffc, ana Ijis crploits cr* jttcCTeD rather bp of bers f ben bimfelfc(fauing fobat in Due* tie be mutt of fo£cefct&otone.))15uttbe frettoly lines full w/j / 0A of louc tfjat Ije tozif to ttjat reuereno fafber $p,Fox u^oujcs yn[0 A1 \ f)is beuofion,ano confirmes f)is reltgiotT,ttujcrcin antongft FoxCt ottjer matters toas tljefe too^Des in effect : bartie t&an&es fo; fjis paines,t)is loue, ant) pzapers , Imtb an earned re- quett fljaf fje tooulo continually p:a\? fo; \)im , in tljat Ijee refolueD tbat Ije fpeb fbe better fo2 Ins gooa p:apers,but all f © fcone fo; bs foas tfjc gcoo oloe fafber of tbc Cfjurcljoc* partes befoze tjis letters came ,to tbc fo;rotu of tije fenoer, b>inger,ano fearers. l$is feruice ana fucceffe is fcene fcourclp amongft fcs, foljicb becaufe tfjc coppies are common,ano tljc publifljing map be offenftue fo fome,3! foill trip ouer tbem fujiftlr (as tyt bogs of Nilus t>;infces)lcaff 31 fall info Daunger. I^cljauing bifcouereo (bpaDuifeof2fl)ips of Middle- borough ttjat came from Cales, U)itl) fobotn toe met in 40 . Degrees tt)e 16. of 8p;ill) ana bp tbem bnt>erffant>ing tbat tbere toas great p;ouiScn in Cales 1 tljcrc about, appoint feD fo come fo; Dili bourne, Ije toitij all fpccoc poUiblc OiD beno \)is fo:cc rbitljcr to cut of f bcir potocr $ p;ouifion, £>o as tl)C 19 of 3p;ill an bourc before ^un felting , lj& tntrebtljc ^arbour of Cales,anbl)is jflcstc : trjcrecbcc^co ftjitl) bs at tbc entring tljfoarf fyc SDctonc 6 ©allies, but ttyv in fljo:t time rcft>:ct) bnber fbeir fo:f refifes. SDbere toere in fbe Koabe 60 Hjippes, ano Diners ofljcr fmall pipping bnber tbc fo;treflcs. Xbere fleo fome 20 jfFrencf) u)i^s fo Port Royal!, % fomc ^pantaros Ir-bicb coulo not bee tjinoerco of fl;e fligfct bp reafonofffjcflnclDcs. 2£fjereU>ercfun&ebt>bsatour comming in toitfj u)ot one Z\(ewes out of the coa/l ofSpainc. otte#rgofteofrooo. funnc, funuffjeDtoitl) rrr.pctecs of U^ctfTr, ana rublv lanett. £D!jerctt>creijfrom po:£ rot?al!,ano tj.otfjcr from &>. Mane pojt , but all tit bamc frjerpence cf poluocr auDfyoUjje grcafett gaincfo tljem* fciues. SDbere focrc fo Renumber of 58. unps bn&ertafeen be* foie n'tgitf, ana tiicto:s of t?jc Modc , t&e ©allies retting tmaer t\)t fojtrrs. 2Dtocnf tc butties Hollanders tonfifcafei) fo flic lung, anD tbeir gorts fo!a to tl;c lungs fcfe, rritif. of tl^cm tocre fireD, t\)t ctljcr fire incrc at pojt ropall laocn Uutfj toines , ana b.:rat;,at!D fo be p;efcntlp full laD?n fo; Lifhbornc, £>ne Garricft of 14°°* iunncs appertaining fo t&e barques of &>.Crufe, fires. * jftucgreat Bi&ets fireo,foure of frjem, latring $ facing tn of tactual fo: tlje lungs p;ouifion fo; Liftiborne, trje Qfttj n fl)tp ofiooo.itunnc bouno fo: Lifhborne, baiting in Ijer great iTo.:c of ]i)ipes,mucl) ^;ou,natles fpikes,r;on [japes, ana fucr) ltl?e,fiiXD. £Dne flatter lacen tmtb toines,of 2oo.ana?o,funnes foj t\)t kings p:omfion,\i)l)icl) foe b;ougrjt fo fea toitrj bs , and tjtfcbargco at fea part of ijcr Uiincs fo? tlje piouiuon of trje itet'eana tben fireD !;cr. 2^*):^ fite botes of about 4oo < funnclat)cn fottft bifhef, tebrreoftfje one being of 2co,ttmnc ana fcp&arDcs, toee fcalfe Imlaaca in tlje rjarbo; ana area rjer,ti)e otljcr ttoo are yet totti) t)s in companie* ^oine ten iBarhes mo:c laaett foitl) toines, reafons, ftggcs,o\?Ie,fol)eafe,ans furb like fireo. $5e fuppofitton rrrbiij.tljips ana barfces fireo, funfcc ana b:ougoi avuai? Unties, amounting in iuogement 13000. turnieofffjtpptng. %\)zxz rtD in ftglit of bs at pojfe royall bp effimatton a> lone 40 fatles befiorc tbofc that flcsatfrom dies roae. SDfjer g'tte t) s 't'ttl? eafe During our abcac fijerr t luity fpetr sJ)ot rrom tbv 0altos,ns alfy ft cm tlje fo k :f reflfes ana from ZS£(W>es out of the coajl o/Spaine. from rlie uH!e,toberc continuall)? f bep plant co netoe o :ou nance at all places conuement to oifeno, noftoitbttanoing t^cir flups toe continually fireo as tbe fluo came tbcreby, to be flcarco of t^cm,tDljulj| terrible ficrs toere plcafaunt tmto bs to bebolo,ano mittigafeo flje eonf tnuall burtben of trauell tobicb lap tjpon tts oap ano uigbt in oifebargtng,nV ring, ano bnlaoing fuel) p:ouifions,toitb obferuations fo;, 0030 ano garoable ocfenccfoj tlje enimie. 3It pleafeo (ftoo bp ttje (Senerall l)is great care ano paincsoap ano ntgfjt to frnifl^ tbis fcapppc action in fjer Spaieffiesferuiee in one oap ana i too mgljtes, ano came fojtfj agatne ffje frpoa^ in tbe moaning, toity fcci^c little Jofle f banfees be to Coo. £)f r if .(©allies ano tjjofe f fjat came from port rorall ano ^♦Marie po:t,fen of tljem came fo:fb after tos as it lucre to mahefome paffime tuitb tfjeir great o.:oinance,at lengtb tlje toino feanting,toe caff about againe ano (tcooc in fo: tl;e Cboje,ano came to an anhoj \sitt)in a league of Cales, fobere rbeir tallies fuffcreo tos fo rioe quictip. Cbere toere alfo tbjee j? licbotcs mo;c at Mallegoe la* ten toitfy ^Biflxct botmoe fo: Cales , ano foe foj Li/li- bornetoetnoerllanoefgreafp:ouiljan3ano fours p:out* Oeo toitl>irt t^e ffraigbts,toe ooubt not but as CDoo batb be* gumtc tyis too:fce in great bappincs,fo fbe taunting of tbe enpmpe^fodSootmllblcfTe tljis Brmpc in tuttina, cavlpc fbcirfiwes ffjo:fer,fo tbe great annoyance of tbe emmyr, ano fo tyz bonour of our prince ano countrie, WLc noto Ijaue Ijao tbe erperience of (Sailer 6gbfs,tobcr* in 3 ran affure pou,tbat tbcfe oncly foure of ber a3aicCics flnppes,toill make no account of rr.gallies,fo as fjjcr toere alone ano not o;iuen f o garo offers. Were toere neucr gallics bao place fitter foj tfjeir aoua* (age in figbt tjpon u)of,tbci? bao pjefent fuccour to grcunoe tnoer tbe fotone,tobtcl)tbe£ funo;^ times oio,toc rioing in a narrotoe gutte tlje place t?eeloing no better , in tbat tore toere D;iue to maintaine ttje fame bntil toe ijao otfcbawco 315 ano J\(e)ves out of the coajl ofSpaine* airt f^eo fbe (rjips, iobicb eoulo not conucnienflp be Done LuttjpontfjcflouMberbB t^at C|>es mic^t D^tue cleare of OTe red nolo bittualeo toitb bjeao ano D2infce fo: fire moneys in our U)ippcs,ano bjeao beftocs in u. ^liebotes to matntatne a goso armie tb.:*e monettjes. 3t mat? feme ftraungc 02 rather miraculous fbaf fo great an erploit,f??oulo be pcrfomtco imtfj fo ftnall loffe, confiocrtng tlje place fo ronuenienf,anotbeir fo^ce fo great as \udl appearco,from Inborn toeretbot at tbe leaft at bs i j.G.Culucring ana Cannon (bot,but in tbis , as in all oe fljer our adions ljeretofo:e(altt)ougb oangerouOp attempt tco,vet moll fo:tunatelp pcrfo;meo)our <£oo foil,ano bat& nltoaies maoe bis infinite potoer to all papilla apparent, ano bis name bp bs tjis feruants bnber our bleffeo prince (to&ofe life tlje iojo p2olong)to be continually glo.ufieo* Your louins Co&ml'homat Fcnner, Sino l&us bailing fct oofonc our full action bet&ermtfo pcrfcmneo as a beginning 0? entrance into greater mat* t crs,aif bouglj tbts being ujapeo.conftoert'ng tlje quantitie of tjtrtuall p;ouioco, ttjc fcifapoinfment of tbe fame,tbc in* finite loffe in gross (bcuocs bis dippings) I can w> no meanes rate it at IcfTc rben one buno;eo tboufano pounos in fpotle,tbis 31 far conuoereo,tnai? be tijougbt an Ijonoja* fclc prccc of feruice,t{je bonour tobereof toe attribute to tbe gtuer of all tiicto;ies,tobofe name be pjapfeo, ano tlje ere* tit to our gcncrall,tobofe trauel ano paines being fo great cannot be retoaroeo Vaify tm mucb p>aife ; bte &ue 3 ^ify i)tm,nam operatius mercedem meruit. This was the firfl: exploit of his laft voiagc : the fecond was thus as followeth in this Letter dated May 21. \A aifter w. pou fljal bnocrffano fyat finee tfje Departure * ofCaptameCroilc* toe bane continueo about Cape Sakcr J\£eV>es out of the coajl o/Spaine. Sakcr, tuyere toe lanoeo,ano tbe better to banc t^e benefice of tbe toater, ag alfo to rice in barbozougb at our plcafure, toe aflaulteo t\\t fameCnftle ano tyw otber ffrong Soloes, to^tcb toe t©ke,fome bp fojee,ano fome bp fubimflTton. mt baue fatten at feuerall time0 of tf)ippmg,15arkC0, ano Caruel0 aboue an buno>ctb, laoen totty fjopes, gall^ oares,ptpe ffaue0,timber,ano otber pjomffona of tbe fting of Spames,fo;> tbe furniujing of fjts fo:ces infenoco agatnff Eno;1and,to!)teb toe burnco, anobaueconfumcDalltlje JFt.< fyerboatesano ncttes tbcrcauout0, to tbctr great binoe* ranee. SDjcnee too f^we before tlje ^auen of LiHibon, anrou." rtna rare tonto Cart Cales,tobere tbe barques of S. Cmfe toai toitt) bis us fo; toanf of time 3 leauc tbe Difcourfc of eueric parftrular cueut bnto Capfaine Parker,tobo batb bectte an eic toif nclfc , ano an arte: in all our ferutees pafr. j? rom Cape Sakcr abouro Ijtr £pai'clltC0 g©D ft)ippe tbe Elizabeth Bonauentuie,ttje 2i,of ^a? 1587. Your louing fiend F,Dra!^ t 0no fbt'0 1'0 tbe !aff ano all fljc ferm're yet none toberof tictoe0t0 tome to_ Eng,1and % boring full of balour,oaunger, ano bonour: a matmc to tbe entmtc, ano an armc to be, in rbat by tbeir teaming toe toarc ttrongerjt batb been euer a euff omc amengfr tbe aunetent Romaines, to furnnmc fueb rcnotonco fouloierg , a0 Scipio toa0 rallco fljc Aflfri- can of l)i3 conqueft : Haniball t\)t feourge of Rome : Licur- gus tbe p^oppe Of Athens : Alexander t!jc fire of Pcrfia.0iiD to eome necrer (foj cur otonc Cb^ontcleg toanf0 no eopptc of fueb bonois) Edmund toa0 furnameo Ironfide of bis jba* lour : William tljc Norman,ecnquerour: Edward the tbtvo, tbe (ring to Frauncc: Henry t\}t fi%t\\c furrotocr of Gallia: 25 2 Henry 3\(j}ves out of the coaflafSpaine. Henry foe 8. fbc terror of bt> emmies.0nD to come ret na* rcniuc Ijatie noU) fome lining luijo fo: ttjeir bono;able fer* tare agatnfi tjje cnimie,a:e calleD rail} $ foUuuatc : oflje rs fo^tuarDjbut tmluckierofljcrs JiotanD terrible: anD infinite fcono:s arc afmtco to tlji ,D2aton fo:nb!ic bp tbeir tialours out oftsjc motit!) off aDutrfarte.aniongft al mbt cumber c* tn(fo; a fufcictf;is tf?i^5 Scigio infertcur to Hanibaltetotjo is ?v'o/c this feareD fo: [its fortunes, &■ bono:cD in f)ts fsruicr. 3 remem* sombtrifon ber til tlctllUC of Edward t'ae 3.fcmg Of England, anD in t|jJ French erpcaittcH,fIjat Edward tl;c blacltc p:ince(fo furna* mcD fo: t\)t blaritc uaffatls Sic fougbt in Frauncc) feeing i;is tjono;ablc fubictf 1 frieno tbc iio;D Audley UtounocD to t\)t Deatti in t(je forefront of flje fcruiee.of bis bounfic gauc to \)im ano bis fjcires ycareii? fo; tutv 4000. croisnes, lobe* f Jjcr be cucr o; neucr reeouercD ♦ SDijc langmfljing noble man accepting ft}c gift, ano learning of bts Ilo:D $ general (as tncil as taugtjt bp nature) to bee bonojable, in tJjc p;e* fence of tjic p;incc,gauc ti;c fame annual fummc fo: cuer to fus fourc Gfquicrs tbaf attcnDcD on Ijis boDie : thereof beeing rcp?oncD bp tbe giucr,be aunftoereD-,tbat in tjje fer* Mice b^ bab (r)ol»n, ttjofc fourc lucre no lefTe fo:toaro fo DC* fcnD bim,anD off cud fbc focmen, tben binrfclfe : anDbeeing note robD bp t^e cnimic of a mai(rcr,be fcnetec it toas bis honour fo leauc ffjem maintenance : anD tuifyeD tmtfjall, tljat be lucre as able to cnricl; [)ts mbolc company offolfo* iuers feucrallp,as be did f befe totlltngl^erctMtjKtljougf) lamenting f)is Dcat^tfje p;tnce confcnteD to U& gift* * fo toill toe burie bim teitt) our Difcourfc of bim.^et Ijkxt out 31 obferue fbis,tbat Generals in aaions of crpcDition, are bounD by Ijono; f rctoarD t[jc loci Dcferning, ?et is it not in tf)e poloer of anie fubicct fo crcreDc t\)t limits of Ijis abb !ifie,but to retoaro tobcrc be is IcD by bonour,? to content fbc reft asset's commanDcDojallotocDoftbofctbaterceeo |)im in autbo;ific.3f foe Do but Imfcc marilp into j> foo:!DS jtrafctoc mav fyen coneluoe linty our SDiuines : Mifchiefe hathflieathed deceit,®- hipocrtjie draws /V.SltD toifcl^ l»aS tbe sftztz of Fraunce compareD to a fet at Primero \$ pjoperlie to Reives out of the coajl of Spa hie. fco tbofc ofBclgia figure fbetr counfriebp a tooman atrau?* tcD on ttjcfoicfiDc bp a Frenchman , f cntrapt Inttlj pa'.mc en tljc ottjcr Hoe br a Spaniaid. <3nD in another imp:eafa, tbci? figure fjcr rent bp tbe baire of fl;c beao by fyc French, mfrobeo bp the Italian,boUielIcD by tbe Spam in, f fuceojeo by tbe Englifh : in iurjicfj anatomising tf?ctr fcoiDotue run? trtctoljomc Do fbep rommeno f fnbmit fcnfo but tljctr fuc* cojcrs^tobome Doe tfjet? rcfoarDc tottb Ijono;* f rtcljes but tljcir foulDiersf toljom Do tlm rcucrcnrc,p;a£ fo:, f cleatrc fonfo,but tbeir Captained , inborn tljc Athenians calico tuallcs of tljctr runtrtes,tnl)omc tl)c latnlcfteSathians fcU lolu as ffarrcs,tbe gluttonous Pcrfians aDo:e as <5gds, tbe ruDe Boctians run after as [)CaDS,f toljom tfjc IjarOte Lace- demonians reckon as comets, tbat blajc cucr againit gccD fc:tune.3In Rome,tt»baf troupes of £>cnato:s,fiocfcs of Qui blcs,$ bearos of Commons, tuoulo burft as a fea fa^tp tbe gates, to reucrcncc t(je toclcome couqucrour , f bat either bjougbf [jome bono.: o: rtcbesranD that tuas tbe caufe fijat tnrouragcD f be better fo?t to clime fo berf tie by bono;, ana *nragcD t\}t too:fer fo;t fo bunt after bonour iuitb a fbirlt of bertucXbe? tbat fparc tbe p:aifc,are tonfoojtljic y p:o# fit:a DeferueD tommenoation is a fpurre fo tbe mtnD, i be tbat obfeures the bonour of a foulour o: a fcboUcr,txjounDs Mars,f flayes Mercury. Apelles Drafting tbe countcrfeife Horors v ^ of Honor,po;tratcfb bcr,bolDingaftarre iutbc one banD,$ traitu J! in tbe ofber a (roneimcaning by tbis emblemed altljougb y t } t noble minDcs entttlcD iuttb Dignities (boulo reacb as bt&b e \™. '? ' bs tbe ffcics, yet y inferior migljt bp fcertue cafeb at liars. ne , , ' ? . SnD as a #oble man tmtbout bcrtue is like a fun bcame no ems * couereD luttf) clouDes: fo is a meaner man Uritbout fcalour AV,lxtUY * tifee tbe btrD Fawrus,^ jjatb a great boice,f almotf no boDp. °' trtie . span in all ages is maintatneD tljus : 35n his eraDlc \nitt) m * nnie ' miifce, tn biscbilDbaiD foitb roDDcs, in grane roufb u>tti) m fljame f goo Difcipline, tnmans efface tutrb armes, in el* a & a * aer age toity counfaile, i faff of all toitb a ftaffe till be goe feneeleffc fo ifis graue : tben if fljou be a cbilD,obey fbr pa* rentsj if a man/eruc tl)y }p;ince,anD Die foj tbr cuntrie-,if » 3 OlDCj Js^ewes cut of- the coajl ofSpaine. dIdc, counfaile otbers to bononr foulDtcrs toben tfjep (true not,anD to fcrue foj honour tofjcn tljcp enter armes. JOjis tnaoe tijc foolucs jliurfen? Romulus become bott) tfje flrff fcincr, ano builder of Rome : SC&te made the abicct Cirus lucarc ttjc firft Crotime in Pcrfia , Iuftinus tfje ftomeljearu CSmperour in Confhntinople,Valentinustt)e bufbanomati Cmpcrour in Rome , Telephancs ffjefouloierfcingofLi- dia : ano tyis maneTarqumms Prifcus a If ranger bo;ne tn Corinth, tbe fonne of One Dcmaratus a baniOjeD marcbant from bis Country, become a feing in Rome. §^a, ano bg tbis in \)i& life be became fo famous , ttjat be enlarge!) tyz confines of Italie,amplifieD ttje toealtb anD (fate of tbe c un* frie 5 augmenteD tbe number of £>enato:s,incrcafeD tbe o;* ocrs of ftnigljtijtDD , ano left Rome fo bappic at fyis Deaf!), that ttjc Citizens thereof tooulo baue trauaileD fo farre as Connth tofpeeDe of fo noble a pjince . SCtjcn mult encric ntanp;cafcin feruice fo; preferment fo bonourjtDbicf) fpjings of Deferf, anD fucb as are not fo; funaf cmutt learn to folloto anD bope fo 6nDe,mu(r leaue fo cnute anD grime to OaunDer, etier earring the tp:igf)t minD cfa religious fubtceUbat in bearing cuill fpoUcn of the geoD,fo enter in* to confiDeration ffraigbt of tyc man anD tbe mattcr,anD fo tyall be Cft turn out , either an enimic f o tbe Glfaf e o; ttjs 3Ueli5ion,tl;M.^jimo^-UutJip?aU) tbe toilu'nganDabu'e tfje belf, to b:ing tfjem in tjatrcD of tbe tr>o;ft , becaufe bee fcnotocs tbe common multituDc is Itfte a manic fjeaccD beau\15ut fhiDic cucric man ratber fo (coke into tbe raun.< ger of fucb fcruircsfj ineane in rrfpect of their bodies tlmt ncrfo;mcs it) anD to tfjanfc OoD fo; tbc tottojics, fo p lay fo; tbeir pjofperirie in ttjeir cntcrp;ifcs, anD to incourage ottjers to tfjctr fupplies,lo fljal (Sod be glo;ifieD, ^cbiltfic be bcnoureD anD animateD, ftje peace of tbe Jlano maintain neD ; anD all mm plcafcD. 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