Kc 3 BERKELEY LIBRAR% UNIVERSITY Of CALIFORNIA y^ ^a..^diy\ Si. AojO^ f ^Wi. ^4^r^^Alc:-dJu^ A ^ 4 Sir Philip Sidney, Lord Burleigh, Henry Earl of Arundel, the two Herberts, Earls of Pembroke, Sir Henry Savile, Bifhop Andrewes, John Stowe, and William Cam- den. Its diflblution was owing to the fufpi- cious policy of James the Firft, who is faid at Spalding. 3 to have been afraid, at the time of his accef- fion, left thefe prying antiquaries ihould get an infight into the arcana of kingcraft. In 1 6 17, an unfuccefsful attempt was made for its revival, through the mediation of the fa- vourite, Buckingham. During the difturbed ftate of the country, in the civil wars, certain eminent fcholars purfued their refearches in private, frequently communicating with each other but not holding ftated meetings. Among thefe were Dugdale, Dodfworth, Somner, Spelman, Selden, D'Ewes, Ufher, and Afh- mole. Afhmole in his diary mentions fome kind of muftering which they had, about the time of the Reftoration, called the Antiqua- ries' feaft; and after this the learned body feem to have been dormant for nearly half a century. In the year 1707, we find fymptoms of ftirring among them. A few gentlemen, with the intention of profecuting inveftigations into the ancient hiftory of Great Britain, began to hold weekly meetings at the various Coffee- Origin of the houfes near the Temple. In 17 10, we find ^f^^^^ P^ ^ ' Antiquaries : the names of Browne Willis, the two Gales, Mauricejohn- Stukeley, Rymer, and Maurice Johnfon. A Librarian. 4 The Gentlemen s Society fketch of the different heads under which they propofed to carry on their refearches is ftill extant. In 17 17, they formed themfelves into a regular Society, eledling a prefident and other officers. Previoufly to this it feems to have been agreed, that as foon as their funds fhould prove fufficient to enable them to buy books, Maurice Johnfon fhould be appointed their librarian. Maurice Johnfon, hov^ever, was now re- moved from the congenial fociety of London, to his native town of Spalding. He had ex- changed the company of wits, at Button's Coffee-Houfe ; — and of antiquaries, at the Temple Change ; — the company of Addifon, Gay, and Steele, — of Willis, Stukeley and the Gales, — for the ordinary fociety of a country town. And fo great was his love of learning and fcience, that he at once entertained the bold defign of eftablifhing a Literary Society in the very heart of the fens of Lincoln. It was, as he faid very truly, "an endeavour new, and untried before/' The perfons to whom he looked for aid were "unaccuftomed to fuch a mode of fpending an evening." He was himfelf " only juft arrived at manhood : " — at Spalding. 5 and " all his advifers and encouragers were at a great diftance." Yet did he refolve well, and manfully perfevere. Taking care not to alarm the country gentlemen by any prema- ture mention of antiquities y he endeavoured at firft to allure them into the more flowery paths of literature. In 1709, a few of them were Spalding So- brought together every pofl-day, at the Coffee- fancv!^ houfe in the Abbey Yard ; and after one of the party had read aloud the laft-publiflied number of the " Tatler/' they proceeded to talk over the fubjedl among themfelves. Thus were " the men of fenfe and letters," he fays, '* drawn infenfibly into a fociable way of con- verfing.'' After a while the *' Spedtators'' were read in like manner ; and now and then a new poem, by Gay or Parnell, was brought forward, or an effay or letter upon fome fub- jedl of polite literature. Thefe papers were carefully preferved, and the attention of the gentlemen was turned to the formation of a library. In 1712, fo well fatisfied were they with the proceedings of the laft three years, that it was determined to place their meet- ings upon a footing of permanence. Propo- fals were iffued for the eftablifhing of ** a -6 The Gentlemen s Society Society of Gentlemen, for the fupporting of mutual benevolence, and their improvement in the liberal fciences and in polite learning." A prefident w^as elefted, and a fhort code of laws was iflued for the regulation of their meetings : their founder modeflly undertak- ing the fubordinate office of fecretary, and at Mauricejohn- oncc Commencing the Minutes of their tranf- tary.^^ ^^^^' acftions. The iirft recorded fubjed: of their examination was the fketch of an ancient mo- numental ftone and infcription, in Peterbo- rough Cathedral. At the next meeting, the fecretary communicated two poetical epiftles, the one in Latin, from a gentleman at Eton to his friend ; the other in Englifh, upon the departure of the Duke of Marlborough to take the command of the Allied Forces, in Germany. He alfo read a paper on the ** Choice of Colours and Materials for Mi- niature Painting," after the directions of Al- bert Durer and others. In thefe Minutes of the firft two meetings which have been recorded, we have a fair fpe- cimen of the range of fubjefts into which they purfued their inveftigations. Under the head of polite literature, befides ephemeral produc- at Spalding. f tions fuch as thofe above mentioned, fundry pieces by Swift, Prior, Arbuthnot, Eufden, Young, Gay, and Pope, were read as they came out. Several, indeed, of the poems of Communica- Gay and Pope were communicated by the au- ^nd Pope. ^^ thors themfelves, with whom Maurice John- fon had become acquainted at Button's Coffee- houfe during his refidence in London. In 175 1, we find it on the minutes, that a cer- tain ** Elegy in a Country Church-yard " was read, which had juft before come out anony- moufly. Under the head of Arts and Science, we may clafs the communications which were made, from time to time, upon painting, fculpture, and mufic ; upon anatomy and me- dicine ; upon mathematics and mechanics. The fens around them furnifhed curious fpe- cimens in ornithology ; and the fen-men lif- tened with peculiar intereft to the defcription of engines and machines for draining. For their botanical ftudies, they were fupplied with rare plants and flowers from the garden of their fecretary, and alfo from a phyfic-gar- den of their own. But the favourite and mofl fruitful fubjed: was that of Antiquities. Among the monaf- 8 The Gentlemen s Society tic Inflitutions of the diftria, proverbially rich and magnificent, a confpicuous place was oc- Chartularies cuoicd bv the mitred Priory of Spaldins:. Of of Spalding ,. r \ • i. i • i -r Priory in this foundation many chartularies and regil- fblTpoffef-''' ^^^^ ^^^^ ^''^ '" exiftence, fome of them in fion. public libraries, and fome in the poffeffion of the Secretary himfelf, to whom they had de- fcended from his great-grandfather. Sir Ri- chard Ogle, who was one of Queen Eliza- beth's commiffioners for inquiries refpedling Abbey lands. From thefe ancient records he communicated, from time to time, much va- luable information relating to the town and priory, amounting at laft to a continuous and complete hiftory. And when other fubjefts failed, — ^* on a pinch," as he fays, " and to enliven our chat," he brought out in chro- nological order his own ample collection of coins, exhibiting them "with fome difcourfe." By fuch communications, aided by thofe which he elicited from Stukeley, Gale, and others at a diftance, as well as from the more intel- ligent members on the fpot, he raifed the So- ciety to an eminence which has perhaps ne- ver been reached by any provincial fociety whatever, under fimilar circum (lances ; and at Spalding. g at which it remained for the long period of forty years. ** By the favour of Providence/' as he pioufly exprefles it, his exertions were crowned with fuccefs. He never loft an op- Encourage- portunity of afking for communications and ^^s^ir^ifa^c correfpondence, backing his requeft by the Newton. authority of Sir Ifaac Newton, who had rec- commended it as the fureft way to keep the Society in aftive operation. He adopted every form of foHcitation. To one perfon he fays : *' Your letters will more promote fcience among us fen-men, (who are thought to la- bour under a very ftupid air,) than the mif- fionaries of Rome have promoted religion, truly fo called, among the Chinefe." The interview with Sir Ifaac Newton, juft alluded to, took place in 1720. Having, at the fuggeftion of Dr. Jurin, addreffed a letter to him, Maurice Johnfon was requefted to call at Newton's houfe, in St. Martin's-ftreet, Interview of Leicefter-fquare. The reception he met with fon with Sir"" was extremely courteous. The venerable phi- l^aacNewton. lofopher kept him in converfation for fome time, ** highly commending " the Society at Spalding, and giving his confent to become a member of it ; " although he was now de- lo The Gentlemen s Society dining almofl everything, and did not go even to the Royal Society." Foreign mem. In 1/33, the Archi-mandrite or Abbot of Society. One of the convents on Mount Athos, who was travelling with his chaplain, probably for the purpofe of foliciting contributions for his convent, was prefent at a meeting of the So- ciety ; and in compliance with his own re- queft, written by him in Romaic or modern Greek in the Minutes, he was admitted as an honorary member. In faft, the Society had members in every part of the globe. At one time they receive a prefent of minerals and foffils from Norway ; and at another time a letter is read from one of their members re- fiding at Panama. They exhibited on all occafions a praife- worthy defire to admit as many as could at- tend, to a participation in their privileges and advantages. The mafter of the Grammar School at Spalding was allowed to bring one of his upper boys to each of the meetings : and as the ** auditores " were admitted for five years in the Academies of ancient Greece, fo were thefe youths encouraged to liften and to learn. Several of them became afterwards at Spalding. 1 1 intelligent and ufeful members of the So- ciety. We cannot be furprifed to find that there were times during the long period of forty-five years, when it was found difficult to carry on the proceedings ** with becoming dignity and fpirit." The profeflional men were *^ liable to conflant interruption" from profeflional duties; and the young were ** allured, and deterred, and drawn away, by parties of plea- fure," and by the more congenial amufements of ** dancing, cards, bowls, billiards, and the like." Befides which, the fubjeft of politics, ** upon which every man thinks himfelf wife," was carefully excluded by the rules. It mufl: have required, not only confiderable energy and perfeverance, but alfo much courtefy and tadt, to furmount thefe obfl;acles. In fhort, it was the work of no ordinary mind to plan, and efl:ablifli, and maintain for the period of nearly half a century, in that ifolated difl:rid:, a Society which ** earned the approbation of eminent philofophers, and of perfons held in reverence by the whole learned world ; " num- bering among its members the names of New- ton and Bentley, of Pope, Addifon, and Gay. 1 2 The Gentlemen s Society Other focleties were formed after its example and model, fome of which met with tolerable fuccefs ; but the reft, ** though in cities of greater frequency of men brought up and be- neficed for letters," proved abortive. In order to gratify as much as poffible the taftes of all the parties concerned, it was agreed that the anniverfary meeting of the Society fhould be celebrated by a dinner ; but the Secretary has recorded his complaint, that this dinner proved ^^ an idle and expenlive mode of helping the Society, feeding the body rather than the mind." A Concert was alfo given, " in order that the Society might have an opportunity of entertaining the ladies, and treating them with a glafs of wine." He po- litely acknowledges that this ** anfwered well, and did the Inftitution credit and fervice," In 1 74 1, a parody, written by Lord Bacon, upon a Greek epigram of Pofidippus on the vanity of human life, which was fometimes fung on grand days in the Middle Temple Hall ** to the original mufic," was fung at this meeting by Dr. Heighington, a muiician of fome eminence, accompanied by his fon. After difcharging the laborious duties of at Spalding. 13 Secretary for thirty years, Mr. Johnfon was the Prefident for the remainder of his life. Mauricejohn. As he advanced in years, it gave fatisfadiion '''^^^^ ^'^^'" to the good old man to prefent to the Society communications from four of his fons, whom he had " taken care to train up to a liking of it from their infancy." His fon Maurice^ Lieutenant-Colonel of the Duke of Cumber- land's Foot Guards, and Aide-de-camp to the Duke, fent, at one time an account of the Battle of Dettingen, — at other times, draw- ings and defcriptions of Roman remains, al- tars, coins, ftatues, and monumental infcrip- tions, which he had met with during the campaign in Germany. "John^ another fon, who was a member of St. John's College, Cambridge, fent down the poetical efFufions of the wits of his Univerfity. Martin, from on board his Majefty's fhip *' Experiment," fent accounts of the proceedings of the fleet under Admiral Vernon. And Walter, who relided on the fpot, gave his aid to the So- ciety, not only as an aftive member, but alfo by difcharging the office of Treafurer. In 1753 appears an entry in the Minutes, in the well-known hand-writing of the venerable 14 The Gentlemen s Society founder, but lefs firm and vigorous than in former days, complaining that age will not permit him to perform, in fo accurate a man- ner as he would wifh, the tafk of making an index to the Society's papers and records. He was afflidted with a diforder in the head, which in 1755 put an end to his life. Of thofe twelve gentlemen who fat, nearly half a century before, to hear the weekly reading of the " Tatler " and the " Spedlator,'' pro- bably Maurice Johnfon was the only one who furvived to hear the ** Rambler," which came out about this time, and was read as the others had been. To fay that the Society died when its founder died, would fcarcely be corredl : but it can excite little furprife to find that it foon fank to the condition of an ordinary country club ; tending perhaps, in fome de- gree, to promote *' mutual benevolence," but doing very little to improve its members ** in the liberal fciences, or in polite literature." It appears that Mr. Johnfon*s fons, to whom he chiefly trufted for the future main- tenance of the Society, fo fcldom refided at Ayfcough Fee Hall, the family feat there, that they were unable to devote the perfonal at Spalding. 15 attention and fupport effential to the prefer- vatlon of the Inftitution. As he himfelf ob- ferved in a letter to his friend Gale, '* realms and all communities have their periods." Ne- verthelefs, as Gale in return aflured him would be the cafe, — the "Supellex Literaria" of the Society flill remains, *^ a glorious monument of the public fpirit and learning of its foun- der, and the record of a noble attempt, which otherwife would fcarcely be credited by pofte- rity." W. M. A LIST OF MEMBERS OF THE GENTLEMEN'S SOCIETY OF SPALDING. If thou ha fi gathered nothing in thy youth ^ how canji thou find anything in thine age ? Ecclefiafticus xxv. 3. [Motto to the firft volume of the Society*s Adls and Obfervations.] The Original Members. HE Rev. Mr. Stephen Lyon, Nov. 3, 1712. In utraque Acad. A.M. — Spalding et Mere- worth Re6lor. — Soc. Librarius — Praefidens. [A French Proteftant refugee, being a native of Roanne.] Jofhua Ambler, Nov. 3, 17 12. Armiger. — Gulielmi filius, et haeres apparens. — Mufices peritus. Henry Everard, Jan. 4, 1720. Scholae Arithm. et Script. Pr. — CaHigraecus. [Mafter of Willefby*s School in Spalding.] The Rev. Walter Johnfon, LL.B. Nov. 3, 1712. IlluftriiT. Due. de Buccleugh Capell. — Scholae Spald. Gubern. — Mufices peritus. [Afterwards Re6lor of Redmarfhall, Durham.] John Johnfon, Nov. 3, 1712. Armiger. — Int. Templi J. C. — Rei Antiq. Studios. Soc. Thefaurarius. Clericus Curiae Sewerar. 20 Members of the Maurice Johnfon, jun. Nov. 3, 1712. Armiger. — Int. Templi J. C. — Rei Antiq. Studios* — Scholae Spald. Gub. — Soc. Seer. [The FOUNDER of the Society.] Robert Mitchell, M. D. Jan. 21, 1720. M.D. Scoto-Britannus. — ProfefToris Med. Boer- haavii Alumnus. The Rev. Timothy Neve, A.M. Jan. i, 1718. Scholae Reg. Gramm. Spald. Pr. — Bibl. inibi Libr. — Capell. Wykham. — Soc. Thefaurarius. [Afterwards D.D. Archdeacon of Huntingdon, Canon of Lincoln, and Founder of the Peterbo- rough Society.] Captain Francis Pilliod, Dec. 21, 171 9. John Richards, Nov. 24, 1720. James Row^land, Gen. Jan. 21, 1720. IlluftrifT. Duciflae de Monemuta, Dominae Ma- nerii Spald. Procurator agrarius. George Stevens, Gen. Odl. 19. 1721. Extra-regular Members. William Ambler, Nov. 3. 171 2. Armiger. — Scholarum Reg. Gram. Spald. et Mul- ton Gubern. — ex Deputacione illuftriffimi Rob'ti Ancaftr. et. et Kefteviniae Ducis Com. Lincoln. Militiae locum tenens. Spalding Society. 21 William Atkinfon, Treafurer, Feb. 17, 1731. Dr. Francis Bellinger, Licenc. of Coll. of Phyf. Nov. 3, 1712. Peter Bold, Apothecary, Dec. 31, 171 9. The Rev. John Britain, Mafter of Holbeach School, and Perpetual Curate or Chaplain of Gedney Fenn, April 8, 17 14. William Clarke, M. A. Fellow of St. John's, Cambridge, Jan. i, 1718. [Afterwards Chancellor of the Church of Chi- chefter.] The Rev. Aaron Lawfon, Perpetual Curate or Chaplain of Cow^bitt, Nov. 3, 171 2. Maurice Johnfon, fen. Steward of the Courts of Spalding, Nov. 3, 171 2. [The Founder's father.] Walter Lynn, M. D. Nov. 3, 1712. George Lynn of Southwicke, Efq. Dec. 9, 1719. The Hon. Edward Molefworth, brother to Lord Molefworth, Captain of Grenadiers, Aide-de-camp in Minorca, Nov. 3, 171 2. The Rev. John Morton, Curate of Wefton, Jan. I, 1718. 2 2 Members of the The Rev. Francis Curtis, late School-mafter of Moulton, April 8, 17 14. The Rev. John Waring, Chaplain of Wyk- ham, and Mafter of Spalding Grammar School, Feb. 3, 171 3-4. [Father of Edward Waring, Lucafian ProfefTor at Cambridge.] Richard Lake, Efq. of Wifbeach Caftle, April 27, 1 72 1. Richard Middleton Maffey, M.D. of Wif- beach, April 2, 172 1. [F. R. S. and for fome time Secretary to the So- ciety of Antiquaries.] The Rev. — Kirk, Ufher of the Grammar- fchool at Spalding, and Curate of Leke, in North Holland, 1721. From this period the Members names are ar- ranged alphabetically. Edward Alexander, Efq. LL.B. Jofeph Ames, F.A.S. July 17, 1740. [The Hiftorian of Britifh Typography.] Claudius Amyand, Efq. Serjeant Surgeon to the King, F.R.S. June 5, 1729. Spalding Society. 23 John Anftis, fen. F.R.S. Garter principal King at Arms, Jan. 23, 1741. David Atkinfon, Efq. Robert Auften, Vineyard, Peterborough. Sir Jofeph AylofFe, Baronet, F.R.S. and F.A. S.March 8, 1738. Charles Balguy, M.D. of Peterborough. Jofeph Banks, jun. Efq. of Revelby Abbey, M.P. F.A.S. March 21, 1722. [Father of the Right Hon. Sir Jofeph Banks, P.R.S.] Harry Bayley, Surgeon, Spalding, June 3, 1725. Anfelm Beaumont, Druggift. Beaupre Bell, jun. Efq. of Beaupre Hall, Nor- folk, F.A.S. Oftober 20, 1726. Sir Edward Bellamy, Lord Mayor of London, 1735- Praefedlus iErarii Angliae in Banco, et Pater Urbis. John Spinkes Bennett. The Rev. James Benfon, Redlor of Croyland. The Rev. Richard BENTLEY, D.D. F.R.S. Reg. Prof, of Divinity. [The firft preferment obtained by this illuftrious fcholar was the Mafterfhip of the Grammar School 24 Members of the at Spalding, which he held for a fhort period after the refignation of Mr. Anthony Oldfield in 1682. He was alfo tutor to the fon of John Johnfon, Efq. of Pinchbeck, the founder's maternal grandfather, who married a daughter of Sir Richard Ogle j and in the written traditions of the family it is recorded that certain valuable chartularies of the Priory of Spalding which had defcended to them from Sir Richard Ogle, were difcovered to be miffing after Bentley's departure ; and it is fomewhat remark- able that one in particular, of great antiquity, con- taining notes in the handwriting of Sir Richard, and cited by Dodfworth and Dugdale in the Mo- nafticon as being at that time in Sir Richard's pof- feffion, was afcertained to have found its way into the pofTeffion of Bifhop Stillingfleet, into whofe fa- mily Bentley had entered, as tutor to his fon, im- mediately after he left Spalding. His fucceflbr as Mafter of the School was Mr. Walter Johnfon of Peter-houfe, Cambridge. The portrait of Dr. Bentley which hangs now in the room of the So- ciety was prefented by Mr. Commiflary Greaves, who adted as Bentley's counfel in all the compli- cated law proceedings in which he was involved. Mr. Greaves was the founder of the annual prize given in Trinity College for the beft EfTay on the charadter of King William HI.] Peregrine Bertie, of the Middle Temple, Efq. F.A.S. May 17, 1722. [Grandfon of the Royalift Earl of Lindfey. He fent to the Society an account of fome ancient weapons found at Amblefide, 1740.] Spalding Society. 25 Peregrine Bertie, jun. Efq. Jan. 28, 1741. Ernely Bertie, LL.D. Fellow of Magdalen College, Jan. 28, 1741. Thomas Bevill, of Oxney, near Peterborough, Jan. II, 1729. The Rev. Thomas Birch, St. John's Place, Clerkenwell. [The well-known author of many works in Hif- tory and Biography.] Anthony Birks, Mailer of Gofberton School, Surveyor and Accomptant, Feb. 8, 1753. Jofliua Blew, Inner Temple. [The Librarian and chief Butler of that Society.] William Bogdani, Efq. Clerk of the Ord- nance, F.A.S. Lord of Hitchin Manor, Dec. 24, 1724. [By extraction an Hungarian, and by marriage a connexion of the Founder.] William Maurice Bogdani, jun. King's Col- lege, Cambridge, Feb. 8, 1753. Peter Bold. James Bolton, jun. Efq. December 20, 1722. George Bolton, M.D. of Magdalen College, Cambridge, Phyfician at Bofton, Aug. 18, 1720. 26 Members of the Vaughan Bonner, of Alford, March 7, 1733. William Bowyer, [the well-known] Printer, London. The Rev. Arthur Brainlby, B.A. Reftor of Great Coates, Lincolnfhire, Dec. 10, 1730. [A relative of the Founder.] William Brand, Newmarket. James Brecknock, Apothecary at Holbeach, June 9, 1726. Robert Brifcoe, of Sleeford, April 25, 1723. Rev. Zachariah Brooke, of St. John's, Cam- bridge. [Lady Margaret's ProfefTor, and Chaplain to the King.] Thomas Brown, of Horbling, June 3, 1725. Heneage Brown, Apothecary, Auguft i, 1731. Francis, Duke of Buccleugh, PATRON. Nathaniel Buck, Inner Temple. Samuel Buck, Engraver, Dec. 25, 1729. [The Editors of Buck's Views.] Everard Buckworth, Spalding, March 8,1721. Everard Buckworth, Efq. Lincoln's Inn, Feb. 8, 1753- John Bullen, September 30, 1736. Spalding Society. 27 Thomas Burton, of Bofton, Town-clerk of Bofton. William Burwell, Mafter of Tyrrington School, Norfolk. [A felf-taught genius, who had once been a com- mon labourer in the fervice of Mr. Lynn of Spald- ing-] Thomas Bufy. Robert Butter, jun. Merchant, July 16, 1730. [Son-in-law of the Founder.] The Rev. Andrew Byng, Frederickfhall, Norway. William Callow, December 12, 1728. David Cafley, Deputy Keeper of the Cotton and Royal Libraries, Odl. 31, 1728. Mark Catefby, St. Luke's, London. [Author of the " Natural Hiftory of Carolina, Florida, and the Bahama Iflands, 1731."] The Rev. Edmund Caftle, Prebendary of Lincoln. [Afterwards Dean of Hereford, and Mafter of C. C. College, Cambridge.] Andreas Cellius, Profeflbr of Aftronomy at Upfal. Edmund Chapman, Surgeon, and Mafter of Mufic at Grymefthorpe, 1750. 2 8 Members of the The Rev. John Chapman, March 21, 1722. [Matter of Moulton School.] Jolly Clapham, July 16, 1730. William Claypon, of Spalding, April 4, 175 1 . The Hon. Sir John Clerk, Baron of the Ex- chequer of Scotland, F.R.S. and F.A.S. July 17, 1740. Jofhua Clegg, of Haxey, inventor of the Stuff- breaker. Adam Colclough, Efq. of Gray's Inn, May 30, 1728. Adam Colclough, of St. John Baptift, Weft- minfter, February 8, 1753. Benjamin Cook, Regiftrar, and Affiftant to the Secretaries, 1745. Dr. Dixon Coleby, St. Martin's, Stamford, Henry, Lord Colerane, Vice Prefident of the Society of Antiquaries, May 18, 1727. Richard Collins, Painter, Auguft 10, 1727. Dr. Panaoiti Condoiti, Phylician to the Em- prefs of Ruffia, Peterlburg. The Rev. Thomas Colebourne, Vicar of Wal- pole, Norfolk, May 18, 1727. Spalding Society. 29 Emanuel Mendes Da Cofta. [The celebrated Italian Naturalift, Foreign Se- cretary to the Royal Society.] Michael Cox, Surgeon, Feb. 11, 1747-8. Operator, Oft. 16, 1729. John Crawford, Efq. of Croyland, May 25, 1727. William Cofh, of Cowhurne, January 30, 1723. The Rev. Richard Cumberland, Archdeacon of Northampton, Prebendary of Peterbo- rough and of Lincoln, and Redtor of Pea- kirk, September 28, 1727. [The fon of Archdeacon Cumberland married Joanna, the favourite daughter of Dr. Bentley, and was the father of Cumberland the dramatift.] Robert Cunnyngham, Efq. Secretary to the Governor of Jamaica, March 9, 1726. Thomas Curling, Surgeon. Francis, Earl of Dalkeith, July 5, 1722. [Eldeft fon of Francis, fecond Duke of Buc- cleugh.] William Danvers, Efq. of Lincoln's Inn. Knightly Danvers, Efq. of the Middle Tem- ple, Recorder of Northampton. 30 Members of the [Compiler of the Abridgment of the Common Law.] Robert Darwyn, Efq. Elfton, near Newark. Peter Daval, F.R.S. February 8, 1753. Sir Jemyn Davers, of Rufhbrook, Bart. William Day, Ocftober 20, 1726. Symon Degg, M.D. Soc. Reg. et Antiq. Di- rector, February 25, 1724. Francis, Earl of Deloraine. [Grandfon of the Duke of Monmouth.] Henry, Earl of Deloraine. TheRev. JohnTheophilusDefaguliers,LL.D. F.R.S. Weftminfter. [An ingenious mathematician and natural philo- fopher.] John Dinham, M.D. of Spalding, March 7, 1722. Dr. Samuel Dinham, of Spalding, December 28, 1725. John Dinham, M.A. [Afterwards Perpetual Curate of Spalding.] William Dodd, B.A. Fellow of Clare-Hall, Cambridge. [Vicar of Bourne, and fether of the notorious Dr. Dodd.] Spalding Society. 31 Ven. Dolitheus, Archimandrite. [Abbot of the Monaflery of Pantocratoras on Mount Athos.] Seign. Nichole Dracon, Zante, Afia. Francis Drake, Surgeon, York. Nathan Drake, Painter at Lincoln and York. William Draper, Efq. F.A.S. Cecil-Street. A. C. Ducarel, LL.D. July, 1757. [Librarian of Lambeth Palace, and an eminent Antiquary.] The Hon. Lewis Dymock, Champion of England, January 6, 1725. Charles Dymock, M.D. Bofton. George Edwards, College of Phyiicians, London. Thomas Eldred, F.A.S. Peterborough, April 16, 1724. Sir Richard Ellis, Bart, of Nodlon, Lincoln- fhire, Burgefs for Bofton, March 12, 1729. The Rev. Jeremiah Ellis, Mafter of Gran- tham School, May 16, 1723. Adam Enos, Efq. of Sutton, September 28, 1728. George Enfor, Bofton, February 17, 1725. 3 2 Members of the Sir John Evelyn, Bart. F.A.S. 1725; V.P. 1735-6. Henry Everard, January 21, 1720. The Rev. George Fairfax, Reftor of Wafh- ingburgh, April 11, 1728. Lucius, Vifcount Falkland, March 8, 1738. Richard Falkner, June 20, 1734. [A pupil at the Grammar School, whofe Scholar- fhip was marked by the fpecial approbation of the Society. He went to Lincoln College, Oxford, and from thence fent to the Society Drawings of fundry infcriptions and monuments.] Francis Fane, Efq. September 8, 1737. The Rev. George Feme, Vicar of Wigtoft and Quadring. Martin Folkes, P. R.S. [Ele£led to fucceed Sir Hans Sloane as Prefi- dent of the Royal Society in 1740.] The Hon. Charles Frederick, Efq. F.R.S. F.A.S. Surveyor General of the Ordnance. [A Diredlor of the Society of Antiquaries.] The Rev. John Francis, Redtor of Billing- ford, Norfolk, March 12, 1740. Roger Gale, Efq. F.R.S. F.A S. Odlober 31, 1728. Spalding Society. 33 [Treafurer of the Royal Society, and a Vice Prefident of the Society of Antiquaries.] Samuel Gale, Efq. Comptroller of Cuftoms, London. [The above were the two learned fons of a learned father.] William Gafcolgne ; from Michaelmas, 1743, Houfekeeper, Gardener, and Coadjutor to the Operator of this Society. John GAY, Efq. — Lepidiffimus Poeta, — Oftober 31, 1728. [A perfonal friend and correfpondent of the Founder.] William Gery, Efq, of Buflimead, co. Hun- tingdon. The Rev. Dr. Gibfon, Provoft of Queen's College, Oxford, Auguft 21, 1729. Sampfon Gideon, Lord of this Manor, 1750. [The fon of Sampfon Gideon was created Lord Eardley in 1789.] William Gilby, Efq. of Gray's Inn, Recorder of Lincoln and Hull, Dec. 24, 1724. [He prefented to the Society an Aftrolabe which had once belonged to Sir Chriftopher Hatton.] The Rev. Burnaby Goche, M.A. Redor of D 34 Members of the Croyland and Chaplain of Cowbit, April 25, 1723. William Gonvile, of Alford, Clerk of the Sewers, Lincoln, May 4, 1727. William Goodall, Efq. of Holywell, Auguft 12, 1725. Alexander Gordon. Matthew Goflet, Efq. Statuary, March 6, 1728. John Graham, January 12, 1737-8. John Grano, Muf. Bacc. Auguft 6, 1724. Thomas Greaves, March 11, 1735. Edward Green, Surgeon, December 24, 1724. John Green, Student of St. John's College, Cambridge, fecond Secretary and Libra- rian, July 13, 1727. [This gentleman, afterwards an eminent phy- fician, married the Founder's eldeft daughter, and fucceeded him in the office of Secretary to the So- ciety.] William Green, Surgeon, April 11, 1728. William Grenville, Alford, Sub- Vic. Com. Jofeph Grifoni, Architedl and Painter, Flo- rence, Odtober 22, 1741. Spalding Society. 35 John Grundy, Land -Surveyor and Mathema- tician, June 10, 1 73 1. John Grundy, junior. Surveyor and Agent for Adventurers for Deeping Fens, December 27, 1739. [Son of the former, and like him an engineer of confiderable repute.] Robert Guy, Efq. Surgeon of St. Bartholo- mew's Hofpital, F. R.S. December 24, 1724. M.P. for Bath. Sir Chriftopher Hales, of Lincoln, Bart. The Rev. John Hardy of Nottingham, F.A.S. 1720, December 24, 1724. [Afterwards Vicar of Melton Mowbray.] The Rev. Richard Hardy, M.A. Auguft 24, 1738. Hov^fon Hargrave, Bofton, February 4, 1741-2. John Harries, Efq. of Lincoln's-inn and Ja- maica, May 8, 1729. John Harryfon, Botanift and Gardener in Cambridge, February 8, 1753. [Author of " A new Method of making the Banks in the Fens almoft impregnable, and prepar- ing the Lands there for the growth of Timber."] Ifaac Heath, Apothecary, Odlober 7, 1725. 3 6 Members of the Dr. Mufgrave Heighington, Organift of Yarmouth, Auguft 12, 1738. John Hepburn, Surgeon, Stamford, June 20, 1723. Henry Heron of Crefly Hall, Knight of the Shire, September 6, 1722. [The lafl male reprefentative of the ancient fa- mily of Heron, of Ford Caftle, Northumberland. His daughter married Sir Peter Frafer, Bart, and died at CrefTy Hall, 1769. Maurice Johnfon com- municated to the Society of Antiquaries in 1722 certain ancient portraits belonging to this family.] John Herring, Grofvenor Street, Auguft 14, 1729. Mark Hildefley, M.A. Vicar of Hitchln. [Afterwards the fuccefTor of Bifhop Wilfon in the See of Sodor and Man, and fecond only to that prelate in his career of a6live and ufeful piety. The tranflation of the Bible into Manx, which had been begun by his predeceflbr, was completed by him.] Jofeph Hinfon, February 4, 1 741-2. John Hill, Apothecary, Broad Way, Weft- minfter. [Afterwards Sir John Hill, one of the moft pro- lific writers of his day. As a dramatift he was thus fatirized by Garrick : For Phyfic and farces His rival there fcarce is. His farces are phyfic, His phyfic a farce is. Spalding Society. 37 He was the fon of a Clergyman at Peterborough.] Charles Holland, Surfleet, Painter. George Holmes, Deputy Keeper of the Re- cords in the Tower, F.A.S. Odlober 31, 1728. [The learned editor of a re-publicatlon of Ry- mer's Foedera.] The Rev. Henry Howard, Auguft 22, 1723. Robert Hunter, General and Governor of Jamaica, F.R.S. March 9, 1726. The Rev. Thomas Hunter, Deputy Libra- rian, Curate of Spalding, September 5, 1728. Thomas Orby Hunter, Efq. Lord of the Ma- nor of Croyland, Oftober 10, 1734. John Hurthoufe, May 27, 1742. Giles Huffey, Efq. Pidtorum Princeps, Dor- chefter. [An ingenious and fanciful artift, whofe portrait is introduced by Barry among the diftinguifhed per- fonages depi6ted in the rooms of the Society of Arts.] The Rev. Samuel Hutchinfon, A.M. Redtor of Langton, Prebendary of Lincoln, Dec. 25, 1729. Dr. Samuel Hitchins, of Stamford, Fellow of St. John's, Cambridge. 3 8* Members of the William Hyde, Vicar of Long Sutton, Feb- ruary 1 6, 1726. Job Jiallo or Dgiallo, High Prieft of Bonda, in Africa. [This perfon had been brought over to England as a Have, but was redeemed from flavery by fub- fcription, and fent back loaded with prefents. He tranflated feveral Arabic manufcripts for Sir Hans Sloane, who got him introduced at Court.] John Jackfon, Merchant, December 12, 1728. William Jackfon, the Poet, at the Cuftom Houfe, Boflon. Charles Jennens, Efq. Gopfal, Leicefterfhire. [Known by the fobriquet of " Solyman the Mag- nificent " from his profufe hofpitality, efpecially to- wards men of letters. He is faid to have feledted the words for Handel's Mefliah.] Dale Ingram, Surgeon and Man-midwife, Tower-hill. John Ingram, Captain, Oftober 2, 1746. John Johnfon, Efq. of the Inner Temple, Treafurer, F.A.S. May 31, 1733. [Uncle of the Founder.] Maurice Johnfon, of the Inner Temple, May 31' ^733- Spalding Society. 39 [Eldeft Son of the Founder, and afterwards Lieu- tenant Colonel in the Duke of Cumberland's regi- ment of Foot Guards. When on fervlce in Flan- ders he communicated to the Society drawings of votive altars and other Roman antiquities difcovered at Nimeguen, as alfo of an ancient painting taken out of the temple of Mars near Grave.] Walter Johnfon, Efq. Student of the Inner Temple, Juftice of the Peace, Oft. 22, 1741. [Second Son of the Founder; afterwards F.A.S.] John Johnfon, of St. John's College, Cam- bridge. [Third Son of the Founder, F.A.S. Minifter of Spalding and Vicar of Moulton.] Henry Euftace Johnfon, Affiftant Secretary at Madras, November 22, 1753. [Fifth Son of the Founder. Afterwards F. A. S. He died at St. Helena.] George Johnfon, a Demy of Magdalen Col- lege, Oxford, Nov. 26, 1753. [Son of the Rev. Walter Johnfon, RecSlor of Redmarfhall, Durham. Afterwards Re6lor of Loft- houfe, Yorkfhire, Vicar or Norton, Durham, and Prebendary of Lincoln.] Henry Johnfon, F.A.S. December 24, 1724. John Johnfon, Gent, of Berguery Houfe. William Johnfon, LL. B. Regiftrar, Bedford. 40 Members of the Richard Jones, Mafter of Mufic. James Jurin, M.D. Soc. Reg. Seer. February 27, 1723. [Afterwards Prefident of the College of Phyfi- cians. In the early part of his life the Founder of this Society had been under Dr. Jurin*s tuition.] Calamy Ives, of Wragmarih. Thomas Ives, Merchant, — Capitalis Confta- bularius, — January 13, 1731. The Rev. White Kennett, July 31, 1729. [A Son of the Biftiop of Peterborough.] John King, M.D. Stanford, Auguft 12, 1724. Gerald de Courcy, Lord Kinfale, October 31, 1728. Richard Kirk, A.M. June 22, 1729. Samuel Knight, D.D. Archdeacon of Bucks, Prebend of Ely, and Redlor of Bluntfham. [Author of the Lives of Erafmus and Dr. Colet.] James Du Knyght, Painter, Amfterdam. Richard Lake, Wilbeach, April 27, 172 1. John Landen, Walton, near Peterborough, Mathematician and Surveyor. Edward Lawrence, Land Surveyor. Manwaring Lawton, M.A. Oftober 4, 1739. Spalding Society. 41 Carteret Leathes, Efquire. [Son of Paymafter Leathes, and M. P. fuccef- fively for Sudbury and Harwich.] Smart Lethieullier, Efq. Auguft 16, 1733. [A celebrated colle6tor of Antiquities, refident at Alder fbrook in EfTex.] John, Biihop of Lincoln. [Bifhop Thomas, afterwards of Salifbury. ] The Earl of Lincoln. The Rev. Roger Long, D.D. F.R.S. Maf- ter of Pembroke Hall, Cambridge. [The firft Lowndean ProfefTor of Aftronomy.] Francis Lockier, D.D. Dean of Peterborough and Prefident of Peterborough Society, July 21, 1726. The Rev. John Lodge, Stamford, B.A. of St. John's College, Cambridge. John LynWood, Civis Londinenfis, December 24, 1729. George Lynn, jun. Fellow-commoner of St. John's College, Cambridge, Ocflober 3, 1723. John Lynn, of St. John's, Cambridge, Vicar of Southv^icke, and Reftor of Munflow^, Shropfhire, Ocftober 12, 1727. 42 Members of the The Rev. Charles Lyttelton, D.D. of Uni- verfity College, Oxford, F.R.S. F.A.S. [Afterwards Dean of Exeter, and Bifhop of Car- lifle.] Lot Mael, of Spalding, January 2, 1724. Robert Mael, of Warwick Court, Newgate Street, Auguft 18, 1727. Charles Manningham, Efq. Member of Coun- cil at Bombay. Sir Richard Manningham, Knight, M.D. F.R.S. F.A.S. December 24, 1724. Dr. Thomas Manningham, London, March 12, 1740. Sir George Markham, Bart. F.R.S. Thomas Martin, Thetford, F.A.S. Jurifcon- fultus. Dr. Richard Mead, V.P.R.S. his Majefty's Phylician. Jonathan Mercer, Spalding, Odlober 7, 1725. Captain Chriftopher Middleton, F.R.S. Thomas Mills, Keeper of the prifon for the Wapentake of Elloe, January 18, 1727. The Rev. Thomas Mills, School-Mafter of Donington, Auguft 29, 1723. [Afterwards Chaplain of Cowbit.] Spalding Society. 43 Jofeph Mills, B.A. of Jefus College, Cam- bridge, November 29, 1753. [Afterwards Chaplain of Cowbit.] John Mitchell, M.D. London. Michael Mitchell, Surgeon, London, Decem- ber 28, 1727. Rene Mitchell, Surgeon, Spalding, April 25, 1723. Robert Mitchell, M.D. Epfom, Scoto-Bri- tannus, Jan. 21, 172 1. The Hon. Edward Molefworth. John Montague, D.D. Dean of Durefme, Auguft 22, 1723. [Prevloufly Mafter of Trinity College, Cam- bridge.] Captain Hugh Montgomery, North Cave, near Beverley, Yorkfhire, July 10, 1729. Cromwell Mortimer, M.D. F.R.S. F.A.S. July 28, 1737. [Dr. Mortimer undertook to write a hlftory of the Literary Societies of Great Britain, including the Gentleman's Society at Spalding ; but he never completed his defign.] The Rev. James Mufcatt, School-Mafter of Bofton. 44 Members of the Andrew Motte, F.A.S. 1724, Reader of Af- tronomy. Lecturer in Grefham College, Jan. 30, 1728. Charles La Motte, D.D. F.A.S. Chaplain to the Prince of Wales. John Muller of Lorraine. James Munday, Clerk of the Rules in the Court of King's Bench. The Hon. Thomas Murray, Captain in the Guards, April 25, 1723. The Rev. Timothy Neve, Fellow of Corpus Chrifti College, Oxford, 1746. [Son of Mr. Neve mentioned in p. 20, and after- wards Margaret ProfefTor of Divinity at Oxford.] Robert New, Efq. Middle Temple. [One of the Clerks of the Papers in the King's Bench.] The Rev. John Newcome, D.D. Dean of Rochefter and Margaret ProfefTor of Di- vinity at Cambridge, September 3, 1730. [Aftenvards Mafter of St. John's College, Cam- bridge.] Sir ISAAC NEWTON, Odober 22, 1724. [See above, page 9.] Spalding Society. 45 John Newftead, the Prefident's Clerk, No- vember 14, 175-. William Noel, Deputy Recorder and M.P. for Stamford, King sCounfel, Dec. 24, 1724. [Afterwards a Juftice in the Common Pleas.] Richard Norcliffe, Merchant, at Fredericks- hall. [The contributor of many foffils and minerals from Norway.] The Rev. George North, Vicar of Codicote, Herts, Curate of Wellwyn. Admiral Sir Chaloner Ogle. Anthony Oldfield, Northumberland Houfe, Stev^ard to the Duchefs of Somerfet. [Afterwards created a Baronet, He married a daughter of Sir Edward Greftiam of Limpsfidd.] The Rev. Edward Owen, Kimbolton, B.A. St John's College, Oxford. Edward Earl of Oxford, Feb. 25, 1728. Dr. James Parfon, Red Lion-Square. Tracey Pauncefort, Efq. Wytham on the Hill, May 14, 1730. Dr. Zachary Pearce, Redor of St. Martin's in the Fields, Augufl 21, 1729. [Afterwards Bifhop of Rochefter.] 46 Members of the The Rev. Samuel Pegge, M.A. St. John's College, Cambridge, July 23, 1730. [One of the moft erudite antiquaries of his time.] Captain John Perry, Engineer, Adventurer for Draining Deeping Fens, April 16,1730. [For fome time Comptroller of the marine works to the Czar Peter, and afterwards diftinguifhed by his fkill and fuccefs in flopping a breach made by the Thames at Dagenham.] Edward Pincke, Druggift. The Rev. Richard Pococke, LL.D. Arch- deacon of Dublin. [A celebrated divine, and Oriental traveller; af- terwards Bilhop of Meath.] Jofeph Pole, Berlin, Jeweller, Seal-cutter, and Engraver, February 8, 1753. ALEXANDER POPE, Efq. Author of Ef- fay on Criticifm, Windfor Foreft, &c. Oc- tober 31, 1728. The Rev. Morgan Powell, Kirton. Sir Andrew Michael Ramfay, Knt. of St. Lazarus, F. R.S. March 12, 1729. [Author of the Life of Cyrus, and other works.] The Rev. Brock Rand, Redtor of Levering- ton. [An induftrious antiquary.] Spalding Society. 47 John Ravenfcroft, Efq. LufFenham. George Ravenfcroft, Efq. Wykeham Hall, [Interred in Wykeham chapel.] The Rev. Benjamin Ray, Perpetual Curate of Cow^bit and Surfleet, Sept. 5, 1723. [A Scholar and Antiquary of fome repute, and a kinfman of the Founder.] John Michael Rylbrach, Statuary, London. [The celebrated Sculptor.] John Row^ning, M.A. Mailer of Spalding Grammar School. [Fellow of Magdalene College, Cambridge, and afterwards Re6tor of Anderby, Lincolnshire. He publifhed in 1738 " A Compendious Syftem of Na- tural Philofophy."] Richard Reynolds, Bifhop of Lincoln, Sep- tember 7, 1727. [Bifhop Reynolds received the firft rudiments of his education at Moulton School, under Mr. Dea- con Hayes.] Charles Reynolds, Son of the Bifhop of Lin- coln, Chancellor of Lincoln, Prodlor for the Clergy of the Diocefe in Convocation, September 28, 1727. The Rev. Richard Reynolds, M.A. St. John's College, Cambridge, Feb. 8, 1753. 48 Members of the John Reynolds, junior. Attorney, Spalding, December 28, 1752. John Richards, junior. Attorney, Spalding, 1752. Sigifmund Richardfon, Merchant, Spalding, Ocftober 9, 1746, 1747-8. The Rev. John Rigden, B.D. Subdean of St. John's, Cambridge, March 3, 1725. John Roberts, Surgeon, Canterbury. James Rowland, Gent. Capital Bailiff and Receiver of Spalding. John Rogerfon, Apothecary, March i , 1 732-3 . The Rev. Matthew Robinfon, B.A. Mafter of the Grammar School, Bofton, and Fel- low of Brafen-nofe College, Oxford. The Rev. John Romeley, Schoolmafter of Wroot, near Epworth. [At one time a lawyer's clerk in the fervice of the Founder, and afterwards Curate to the Rev. Samuel Wefley, at Epworth.] John Rowell, junior, March 21, 1723. Thomas Rutherforth, M.A. St. John's Col- lege, Cambridge, January 28, 1741-2. [Afterwards Regius Profeflbr of Divinity, and Archdeacon of Eflex.] Spalding Society. 49 Thomas Sadler, Deputy Clerk of the Pells. [Diftinguifhed no lefs for his tafte than for his love of antiquities.] William Sandes, Architedt, Carver in ftone. May 16, 1745. Lord Charles Scott, Chrift Church, Oxon. [Second fon of the Patron of the Society.] The Rev. Dr. Thomas Sharp, Redtor of Rothbury, Prebendary of Durham, and Archdeacon of Northumberland. [A younger fon of Archbifhop Sharp, and the author of a work upon the Rubric and Canons.] George Shelvocke, Efq. Secretary to the Port Office General. William Shaw, Efq. St. James's, Weftminfter, March 27, 1729. Sir HANS SLOANE, Bart. Prefident of the Royal Society, and of the College of Phy- ficians. [It is fcarcely needful to ftate, that in confequence of his teftamentary bequeft, upon Sir Hans Sloane devolves the honour of having been the founder of the Britifh Mufeum.] Abel Smith, Banker and Merchant, Notting- ham, Owner of Monks* Houfe near Spal- ding. E 50 Members of the [An anceftor of the prefent Lord Carrington, and of Lord Mahon, Prefident of the Society of Antiquaries.] Humphry Smith, Efq. Engineer for draining the Fens, July 13, 1738. The Rev. Robert Smyth, Redlor of Wodfton, near Peterborough, March 12, 1726. [An induftrious Antiquary, and a main contribu- tor to Carter's Hiftory of the Univerfity of Cam- bridge.] Matthew Snow, Middle Temple, Prothono- tary of the Court of Chancery, Dec. 24, 1724. The Rev. Richard Southgate, St. John's, Cambridge, Curate of Wefton, May 24, 1753- [This learned and exemplary Divine deferves more than a pafling notice. He was the fon of a farmer at Alwalton in Huntingdonfhire, his mother being the daughter of Robert Wright, a furveyor and engineer of fome repute for his fuccefs in the project- ing of canal navigation — at that time but little prac- tifed. Through the affiftance of Biftiop Thomas he was fent to St. John's College, Cambridge, where he diftinguifhed himfelf by his application and love of learning. Being difappointed, however, in his hope of obtaining a fellowfhip, he entered into holy orders in 1752 as Curate of Wefton, where he feems to have remained for two years. In 1763 Spalding Society. 5 1 he became fub-curate of St. James's, Weftminfter, and in 1765 he was appointed by Dr. Gaily to the Curacy of St. Giles. In 1790 John Gaily Knight, Efq. prefented him to the valuable living of Work- fop. He feems to have been a rare inftance of the union in one perfon of the fomewhat diffimilar cha- ra6terifl:ics of a deeply-read virtuofo and a pains-tak- ing parifh prieft. As a numifmatift he was unri- valled ; while as a labourer in the cellars and garrets of the moft abandoned and wretched of his parifh- ioners, he feems to have been always at his poft. He was a fellow of the Society of Antiquaries, and one of the fub-librarians of the Britifh Mufeum. His valuable colle» R *Ball, Ancell, L.R.C.P., M.RC.S., L.S.A., Spalding . . H *Anderson, Sir Charles, Bart., Lea, Gainsborough .. .. ,, H Trollope, Rev. Edward, D.D. Oxon., Vicar of Leasingham, Sleaford, now Bishop Suffragan of Nottingham .. .. ,, H *Moore, Maurice Peter, Solicitor, Sleaford . . . . . . ,, H *Smyth, Admiral WHliam Henry, F.R.S., K.S.F., D.C.L. . . 11th Sep., 1856. R *Specchley, James, Spalding . . . . . . . . ,, H *Hopkinson, William, Stamford .. .. .. 12th Mar., 1857. H *Cammack, Thomas A., M.B., Boston . . . . . . „ H *Toynbee, Joseph, F.R.S., F.R.C.S., Aural Surgeon to S. Mary's Hospital, London . . . . . . . . ,, R Stiles, Henry Tournay, M.D., M.R.C.S., L.M., L.S.A., Spalding „ H Pettigrew. T. J., F.R.S., F.S.A. .. .. .. 18th Nov., 1857. H Tyrwhitt, Robert Philip, 5, Eccleston Sq., London . . . . 1st Dec, 1857. R Hollis, Rev. Robert, Spalding, now Vicar of Whaplode Drove . . 7th Feb., 1859. H Moore, Major Charles Thomas John, C.B., F.S.A., J. P., Frampton Hall, Boston, now Colonel Royal South Lines. Militia, and Chairman of Quarter Sessions for North Holland 13th Oct., 1862. H •Montalembert, Count .. , .. .. .. 8th Dec, 1862. R »Cammack, William, Solicitor, Spalding . . . . . . „ H *Dunraven, Lord . . . . . . . . . . „ R »Maples, Ashley, Jun., Solicitor, Spalding .. .. .. 16th Feb., 1863. R Calthrop, Joe George, Solicitor, Spalding, now Coroner for Lincolnshire .. .. .. .. 17th Mar., 1864. H *Scott, Sir George Gilbert .. .. .. .. 23rd Dec, 1864. R •Cartwright, Aug. Frederick, Solicitor, Spalding .. .. 15th June, 1868. R Cammack, Edmund, Solicitor, Spalding . . . . . . ,, R *Vise, William Foster, M.R.C.S., L.S.A., Surgeon, Spalding H Quintard, Rt. Rev. Charles Todd, Lord Bishop of Tennessee . . ,, H *Wordsworth, Rt. Rev. Christopher, D.D., Lord Bishop of Lincoln. 30th Apr., 1869. R Perry, Marten, M.D., L.R.C.P., M.R.C.S., L.M., L.S.A., Mem. Numism. Soc, Spalding .. . .. 17th Sep., 1872. R Burg, Joseph Henry, Spalding . . . . . . . . „ R Oldman, Charles, M.D. Cantab., Spalding, now of Bletchingley, Redhill .. H ♦Bloxam, Matthew Holbeche, F.S.A., Solicitor, Rugby . . ,, H Green, Everard, K.S.S., F.S.A., Reform Club, Pall Mall, London H Foster, WilHam Edwards, F.S.A., Solicitor, Aldershot R Jackson, Rev. J. Russell, M.A. Cantab., J. P., Vicar of Moulton, now Chairman of Quarter Sessions for South Holland, and Rural Dean of West EUoe Deanery . . . . 26th Apr., 1875. R Moore, Rev. Augustus William George, M.A. Cantab., Vicar of S. John Baptist, Spalding .. .. .. ,, R Lane-Claypon, W. W., B.A. Cantab., Spalding, now of Tytton Hall, Boston, .. ., .. .. .. „ R Hobson, Alfred, Spalding . . . . . , . . ,, Members elected since July 15th 1889. R Maples, Augustus, Spalding .. .. . 30th Sep., 1889. R Stoodley, Rev. Thomasin Albert, M.A., B.C.L., late Scholar of S. Mary Hall, Oxon., Head Master of Grammar School, Spalding ,, R Hobson, William James Eland, J. P., late Captain F. Company Lincolnshire Volunteers, Spalding, and Heene, Worthing „ R Cartwright, Reginald, Spalding . . . . . . „ R Maples, Harold Stanley, Solicitor, Spalding . . . . „ R Moore, George Peter, Major 4th Batt. Lines. Regt. and late 3rd Hussars, Blundeston, Suffolk . . . . . . ,, R Marsden, William, M.A., Lieut. Col., late D.A. Adj. General, Grey Friars, Colchester .. .. .. .. 30th Sep., 1889. R Howard, Very Rev. W. W., M.A. Cantab., Dean of Stamford, and Rector of Market Deeping . . . . „ H White, Robert Aslack, Solicitor, District Auditor, Grantham. „ R Marsden, Rev. Maurice Howard, M.A., Cantab., Vicar of Spalding 21st Jan., 1890. R Bonner, Charles Edward, B.A. Cantab., Captain F. Company, Volunteer Battalion, Lincolnshire Regiment, Solicitor, Spalding 2lst Jan., 1890. R Macdonald, Rev. Grant William, M. A. Oxon., Vicar of Holbeach S. Mark and S. Matthew . . . . . „ R Howard, Fitzalan, J.P., Holyrood House, Spalding . . . . ,, R Caswell, Clement H., Horncastle . .» R Welby. Edward Montague Earle, M.A. Oxon, F.G.S., Police Magistrate for Sheffield, Norton House, Norton, Sheffield 29th Apr., 1890. R Hudson, Rev. John Clare, M.A. Cantab., Vicar of Thornton, Horncastle, Joint Editor of Lincolnshire Notes and Queries „ R Walter, Rev. James Conway, B.A. Cantab., Rector of Langton, and Vicar of Woodhall .. .. 10th July, 1890. R Mossop, Richard Peelc, Solicitor, Holbeach . . . . ,, R Caulton, William, Pinchbeck . . . . . . . . „ R Abbott, George E., Spalding . .. . .. ,, R Butler, Very Rev. William John, D.D. Oxon., Dean of Lincoln 27th Jan., 1891. R Peet, Henry, F.S.A., 97 Mount Pleasant, Liverpool .. „ R Hatt, Rev. F., M.A. Cantab., Head Master of Grammar School, Moulton . . . . . . . „ R Hilliam, Thomas, late Captain R.S. Line. Militia, and F. Comp. Rifle „ Volunteers, Spalding H Walker, Thomas James, M.D., Lond., M.RC.S., L.S.A., J.P., 33 Westgate, Peterborough .. .. .. 21st Apr., 1891. H Scott, Charles H. Montague Douglas, Boughton House, Kettering ,, H *Tennyson, Baron Alfred, Poet Laureate, Aldworth, Haslemere and Farringford, Isle of Wight . . . . . . „ H Tennyson, Hon. Hallam, J.P., now Lord Tennyson, Aldworth and Farringford . , . . . . . ,, R fGreen, Everard, F.S.A., K.S.S., Rouge Dragon, Herald's College, London, E.C., . . . . . . . . ,, H Wilson, Thomas John, Architect, Lincoln .. .. 10th July, 1891. H Read, Charles Hercules, F.S.A., Vice-Principal Anthropological Institute, British Museum .. .. .. 4th Nov., 1891. H Scharf, George, C.B., F.S.A., Keeper of National Portrait Gallery ,, H Oxenbridge, Viscount, Burton Hall, Lincoln . . . . „ H Dillon, Hon. Harold, now Lord Dillon of Ditchley . . . . „ H Gasquet, Dom Aidan F., Downside Minster, Bath . . „ H Franks, Augustus Wollaston, C.B., F.R.S., President of Society of Antiquaries, London, British Museum . . . . „ H Cauham, A. S., Croyland . . . . . . . . „ H Smith, Rev. Kenelm H., late Scho. S. John's Coll. Cambridge, Ely ,, R Kingston, Samuel, Spalding . . . . . . ,, R Byham, William L., L.R.C.P., and L.R.C.S. Edin., L.F.P.S. Glas., Surgeon, Spalding .. .. .. ,, R Brogden, Thomas J. H., Solicitor, Spalding . . . . 19th Apr., 1892. H Harrison, Alfred, Spalding .. .. .. ,, H Lewis, Frank B., Solicitor, 7, Old Jewry Chambers, London . . „ R Watkinson, Henry, Founder (1847) and Proprietor of ''..Free Press," Spalding . . . . . . . . 6th Feb., 1893. R Spokes, Rev. J. H., M.A. Cantab., Vicar of Weston St. Mary . . „ R Perry, John James, Solicitor, Spalding . . . . . , „ R Perry, S. Herbert, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., House Surgeon, King's College Hospital, London . . . . „ R Fisher, Thomas Ellis, Spalding .. .. .. ,, R Cotton, Thomas, M.D., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., L.S.A., F.G.S. and F.R.G.S., 214 Seven Sisters Road, London . . „ R Benner, John, Surfleet . - . . . . . . „ H King, Rt. Rev. Edward, D.D. Oxon., Lord Bishop of Lincoln . , ,, H Peckover, Alexander, F.S.A., F.L.S., F.R.G.S., M.N.S., Wisbech „ R Hooson. Rev. W., M.A. Oxon.. Vicar of Pinchbeck West .. 2nd May, 1893. R Speak, John, F.R.G.S., The Grange, Kirton, Boston. . . . ,, H Gibbons, Alfred, F.S.A., 4 Minster Yard, Lincoln .. .. „ H Scorer, William, F.R.I. B.A., Bank Street Chambers, Lincoln „ il/aj, 1893. MARTEN PERRY, M.D. ^aiatogne OF THE 00^^, ^tXanujscripf^i, IN THE ^xbxax^} OF THE ^patbinq ^cnffcmcn'B ^ociefp. COMPILED BY E. W. MAPLES, B.A., AND GEORGE GOODWIN. AND REVISED BY A COMMITTEE CONSISTING OF MARTEN PERRY, M.D., president. REV. ROBERT HOLLIS. REV. T. A. STOODLEY, M.A.. B.C.L., librarian. SPALDING : Printed and Published by Robt. Appleby's Exors., Market Place. 1893. PREFACE. In Part I. of this Catalogue the letter prefixed to each Book and Manuscript refers to the Book-case, and the numbers to its position in the Book-case. Each Book has been as far as possible entered twice, once under the name of the A UTHOR and again under the catchword of its TITLE ; particulars concerning the work being given under the latter entry only. Part II. comprises the Pamphlets and Tracts. They are marked D.a. and will be found at the bottom of Book-case D. These have been entered under the Subject matter only. CORRIGENDA. Page 30. C. 183. Mare Clausum. instead of C. 182. „ 37. D. 188. Philosophy. „ D. 158. „ 43. D. 72. Schurman. „ D. 73. „ 45. D. 127. Stukeley. „ C. 127. ., 49. C. 149. Yorke. „ C. I49. Part I. Books. A. D. 69. ABBEY EXJINS, The Minsters and of the TTnited Kingdom. By Mackenzie "Walcott. 12mo. cloth. London, 1860. C. 216. ABEL, CLARKE. Narrative of a Journey in the Interior of China. 1816-7. A. 36. [ACHERLEY, E.] The Britannic Constitution. C. 217. ACTS of PARLIAMENT, Local. Imp. 8vo. cloth. B. 8. ADAMS, GEORGE. Essays on the Microscope. D. 107.) ADAMS, GEORGE. Lectures on Natural and Experimental 111.) Philosophy. 5 vols. C. 208. ADDINGTON, HENRY. Some Account of the Ahbey Church at Dorchester. C. 180. [AEGYPTIORUM, Symbolica Sapientia]. By N. Caussinus. Sm. 4to. calf. Parisiis, 1647. A. 50. AGRICULTURE, A system of. By Rev. J. Laurence. Fol. calf. London, 1726. B. 23.) AINSWORTH, ROBERT. [A Latin Dictionary.] 2 vols. 24.) D. 102. ALBIN, JOHN. A History of the Isle of Wight. C. 190. ALBINUS, BERNARDUS S. Historia Musculorum Hominis. C. 151. ALPHABETS and DEVICES, The Handbook of Medi^vaL By Henry Shaw. Imp. 8vo. cloth. London, 1853. D. 113. ALPINA, Itinera Tria. By J. J. Scheuchzerus. Lg. Sq., calf. London, 1708. D. 70. AMAZONIBUS, Dissertatio De. By Peter Petitus. 12mo. calf. Amstelodami, 1687. A. E. 19. D. 88. 89. D. 47. AMBIANUS, J. FERNELIUS. Therapeutice Universalis. B. 85. AMES, JOSEPH. Typographical Antiquities. An His- torical Account of Printing in England. D. 183. AMPHITHEATRES, A compleat History of the Ancient. By Alexander Gordon. Cr. 8vo. calf. London, 1730. C. 170. ANALYTICA Miscellanea de Seriebus. By A. De Moivre. 4to. calf. Londini, 1730. A. 69. ) ANATOME PLANTAEUM. By Marcellus Malpighius. 70. J 2 vols. Fol. calf. Londini, 1 67 5-9. D. 155. ANATOMIA. By Thomas Bartholinus. Cr. Svo. calf. Lugd. Bat. 1651. D. 42. ANATOMICA Opuscula Nova. By J. Riolanus. Cr. Svo. vellum. Londini, 1649. D. 161. ANATOMY of the Human Body, An Abstract of the. By Dale Ingram. Cr. 8vo. calf. London^ 1753. ANDERSON, Dr. JAMES. Royal Gonealogie*. ANDREW, W. The History of Winterton and of the Adjoining Villages. ANDREWS, WILLIAM. (Compiler.) Bygone Lincolnshire. Two vols. B. 131. ANIMALIUM, Exercitationes de Generatione. By Dr. William Harvey. Sm. 4to. calf. Londini, 1651. B. 6. ANN ALES Augustorum et aliorum Germanorum. See Germanorum. C. 1-40. ANNUAL REGISTER, The. See Register. A. 91. ANTIQUA ILLUSTRATA, BRITANNIA. By Aulett Sammes. Fol. calf. London, 1676. D. 91.) ANTIQUARIES OF LONDON, Proceedings of the Society 93.( of. 3 vols. Vol. I. 1843-1849. Vol. II. 1849-1853, and Vol. III. 1853-1856. 8vo. cloth. London, C. 192. ANTIQUITe', Recherches Curieuses D'. By Dr. Spon. 4to. calf. Lyon, 1683. C. 198. ANTIQUITATES RUTUPINAE et S. Edmundi Burgi. By John Battely. Sm. 4to. calf. Oxoniae, 1745. B. 100. ANTIQUITIES in Britain, Discourses on. By Rev. Dr. William Stukeley. 4to. calf. London^ 1743. D. 59.) ANTIQUITIES, EGYPTIAN. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth. 60.) London, m2. A. 56. ANTIQUITIES OF BRITAIN, Roman. By John Horsley. Fol. calf. London^ 1732. A. 6. ANTIQUITIES OF RUTLAND. See Rutland. B. 105. APHORISMATA. [By Boerhaave. R. Falknor's MS.] Sm. 4to. Boards. 1727. D. 100. B. 70. D. 84. B. 128. D. 82. D. 203. 204 205 206 207 208 209, 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 77 D. D. A. A. 78 101. 49. 42. :1 APTHORP, Rev. Canon G. F. Catalogue of the Library at Lincoln Cathedral. ARBUTHNOT, Dr. A Table of Ancient Coins. ARCHEOLOGY of Yorkshire, &c. Papers on. By Rev. John Kenrick. 8vo. cloth. London, 1864. ARCHIMEDES. Opera, ed. Isaac Barrow. Sm. 4to. calf. Londini, 1675. ARCHITECTURAL NOTES on German Churches. By W. Whewell. 8vo. cloth. Cambridge, 1830. ARCHITECTURAL SOCIETIES of Bedfordshire, Hert- fordshire, Leicestershire, Lincolnshire, Northamptonshire, Nottinghamshire, Rutlandshire, Worcestershire, and Yorkshire, Reports and Papers of the. Two years in each vol. Svo. half buff basil. 1850—1851. 1852--1853. 1854—1856. 1857—1858. 1859—1860. 1861—1862. 1863—1864. 1865—1866. 1867—1868. 1869—1870. 1871—1872. 1873—1874. 1875—1876. 1877—1878. 1879—1880. 1881—1882. 1888—1884. 1885—1886. 1887—1888. 1889—1890. ARCHITECTURE, A Glossary of Terms in. 2 vols. By J. H. Parker. 8vo. cloth. Oxford, 1845. ARCHITECTURE in England, An Attempt to Discriminate the Styles of. By Thomas Rickman. 8vo. Diced. London, 1828. ARCHITECTURE, Freart's Parallel of the Antient with the Modern, ed. John Evelyn. Fol. calf. London, 1707. ARCHITECTURE, Palladio's. ed. Edward Hoppus. Imp. Svo. calf. London, 1735. 8 C. 169. ARCHITECTURE of Greece and Italy, Pictorial. By Rev. H. H. Bishop. Oblong 4to. cloth. London, 1887. A. 20. ARCHITECTURE and SCULPTURE of the Cathedral Church of Lincoln, The. By Charles Wild. Imp. 4to. half-bound. London, 1819. A. 21. ARMSTRONG, COL., JOHN. A History of the Navigation of the Ports of King's Lyn and Cambridge. C. 155. ART, Illustrations of Ancient in Pompeii. By Rev. Edward Trollope. Roy. 4to. cloth. London, 1854. A. 47. ARTIS, E. T. The Durobrivae of Antoninus. (Showing by plates the excavated remains of that Roman Station.) A. 22. ) ARTS and SCIENCES, A Universal History of. 23. ) See History. B. 68. ASHTON, CAPT. Observations on Astronomy and Sailing during his Visit to and from Minorca. MS. Imp. 8vo. vellum. 1679. B. 3.) ASTRONOMY. By Roger Long. 2 vols. Roy. 4to. and 4.) Demy 4to. calf. CamJiridge, 1742-4. A. 2. ATLAS, Universal. By J. Cary. Imp. fol. half-calf. London, 1811. B. B. 15. BACON, JOHN. Liber Regis. B. 91. BALLARD, GEORGE. Memoirs of several learned Ladies of Great Britain. B. 134. BAPTISTA, JOHANNES. Flora. ed. Bernhardus Rottendorffius. Sm. 4to. calf. dmstelodami, 1646. A. 18. BARBADOS, The Natural History of. See History. B. 128. BARROW, ISAAC. Opera Archimedis. D. 155. BARTHOLINUS, THOMAS. Anatomia. C. 198. BATTELY, JOHN. Antiquitates Rutupinae et S. Edmundi Burgi. C. 164.) BEDFORD LEVEL, A History of the. By Samuel Wells. 165.) 2 vols. Roy. 8vo. half-calf. London, ISSO, B. 79. BEHAVIOUR, The Rudiments of Genteel. By F. Nivelon. Roy 4to. calf. 1737. C. 140. BENTHAM, JAMES. The History and Antiquities of the Cathedral of Ely, from A.D. 673—1771. 9 D. 76. BERTIE, LADY GEORGtNA. Five Generations of a Loyal House. Lg. Sq. half-morocco. London, 1845. D. 15. EEYEROVICIUS, J. Epistolicae Quaestiones cum Doctorum Responsis. 18mo. calf. Roterodami, 1644. C. 157. BEZA. Codex Cantabrigiensis. ed. F. H. Scrivener. 4to. cloth. Cambridge, 1864. D. 32. BIBLE of the Year 1653, A. 48mo. calf. SAFE. BIBLIA SACRA, very old. (Illuminated on Yellum). MS. 16mo. calf. [1462]. B. 72. BIE, DE. The Portraits of the Most Eminent Painters. D. 179.) BIRCH, THOMAS. Miscellaneous Works of Professor 180.) John Greaves. 2 vols. B. 87.) BIRCH, THOMAS. The History of the Royal Society of 90. ) London. 4 vols. D. 138. BIRCH, THOMAS. The Life of the Honourable Robert Boyle. A. 81. BIRDS, British. By G. Peter Moore. Imp. 4to. cloth. London, 1879. B. 11.) BIRDS, A Natural History of Uncommon. By George 14.) Edwards. 4 vols. Roy. 4to. Calf. London, 11 A^-M. C. 169. BISHOP, Rev. H. H. Pictorial Architecture of Greece and Italy. D. 184. BLADDER, A Description of the Human. By Dr. James Parsons. Cr. 8vo. calf. London, 1742. D. 119. BLANCARDUS, STEPHENUS. Lexicon Medicum. A. 6. BLORE, THOMAS. The History and Antiquities of the County of Rutland. Vol. I. Part II. only, containing the East Hundred and the Hundred of Casterton Parva. B. 92. BOERHAAYE. A New Method of Chemistry. edd. Dr. P. Shaw and E. Chambers. BOERHAAYE. Aphorismata. R. Falkner's MS. BOERHAAYE. De Yiribus Medicamentorum. MS. BOLINGBROKE, The Philosophical Works of the late Henry St. John, Lord Yiscount. By David Mallet. 5 vols. Cr. 8vo. calf. London, 1754. BOLTON, EDMUND. Nero Caesar, or Monarchic Depraved. BOOKS BORROWED, Lists of. Soc. Gen. Spal. 1759—70. BORLASE, WILLIAM. The Natural History of Cornwall. BOSTON, A Descriptive and Historical Account of St. Botolph's Church. Roy. 8vo. cloth. Boston, 1842. A. 82. BOSTON, The History and Antiquities of. By Pishey Thompson. Ist Ed. Imp. 8vo. cloth. Boston, 1856. B. 105. B. 104. D. 142. 146. B. 74. A. 104. A. 35. C. 212. 10 C. 186. BOSTON, The History and Antiquities of. By Pishey Thompson. 1st. Ed. Soy. 8vo. cloth. Boston, 1866. C. 154. BOS WELL, JAMES. The Life of Samuel Johnson. Vol. II. only. D. 138. BOYLE, The Life of the Honourable Eobert. By Thomas Birch. Cr. 8vo. London, 1744. D. 168.1 BRADLEY, RICHARD. A General Treatise of Husbandry 170.) and Gardening. 3 vols. D. 139. BRADLEY, RICHARD. Improvements of Planting and Gardening. A. 88. BRASILIAE, Naturalis Historia. See History. A. 33.) BREYAL, J. Remarks on Parts of Europe. 2 vols. 34.) A. 91. BRITANNIA Antiqua Illustrata. See Antiqua. A. 93.) BRITANNIA, A Chorographical Description of Great 94. ) Britain and Ireland. By Wm. Camden. 2 vols. 2nd Ed. cd. Dr. Edmund Gibson, Bishop of Lincoln. Fol. calf. London, 1722. C. 145. BRITANNIARUM, Iter. That part of the Itinerary of Antoninus that relates to Britain. By Rev. Thomas Reynolds. 4to. half-oalf. Camhridge, 1799. A. 36. BRITANNIC CONSTITUTION, The. See Constitution. D. 140. BROWN, Bishop. Procedure of the Understanding. D. 83. BROWN, JOHN. Lincolnshire Poems. E. BROWNE, Sir THOMAS. Some of the Posthumous Works of. 8to. calf. London, 1723. D. 19. BROWNE, THOMAS. Religio Medici. D. 175. BROWNE, Dr. WILLIAM. Gregory^s Elements of Catoptrics and Dioptrics. A. 80. BURCHETT, JOSIAH. A complete History of the most remarkable Transactions at Sea. A. 97. BURGESS, W. & H. 12 Views of Churches of Lincolnshire. Oblong Imp. Fol. Boards. 1800-5. D. 141. BTJTLER, SAMUEL. Hudibras. D. 88.) BYGONE LINCOLNSHIRE. Compiled by William 89.) Andrews. Two vols. Bvo. quarter-roan. .fTw//, 1891-2. 11 D. 9. CABELIAYTJS, Johannes. Centuria Secunda Epistolarum. 18mo. Vellum. Sagae-Comitum, 1631. A. 96. CALEPINUS, AMBKOSIUS. Dictiocarium Latinum- Hebraeum-Graeeum-Gallicum-Germanicum-Hispanicum- Anglicum. C. 206. CALLIS, EGBERT. His Beading of the Statute of Sewers. C. 161. CAMBHIA DEPICTA. A Tour through North Wales. By Edward Pugh. 4to. half-calf. London, \S16. A. 21. CAMBRIDGE, A History of the Navigation of the Ports of King's Lyn, and. By Col. John Armstrong. Fol. calf. London, 1725. D. 87. CAMDEN MISCELLANY, The. Vol I. Lg. Sq. cloth. London, 1847. A. 93.) CAMDEN, WILLIAM. Britannia. A Chorographical 94.) Description of Britain. B. 127. CAMDENUS GULIELMUS. Vita. Epistolae. Jacohi I Annales. ed. Thomas Smith. Sm. 4to. calf. Londini, 1691. D. 1. CAMERARIUS, J. Ciceronis Epistolae ad Familiares. . D. 200. CAMP OF REFTiaE, The. ed. Samuel H. Miller. Cr. Svo. cloth. Wisbech, 1880. E. CAMP OF REFUGE, The. 1st Edition. 12 mo. half- calf. London, 1844. C. 213. CAPGRAVE, JOHN. The Book of the Illustrious Henries. B. 99. CARAUSIUS, The Medallic History of. By Rev. Dr. William Stukeley. 4to. calf. London, 1757. D. 33.) CARDS, BUBBLE. By Hogarth. 4 vols. 64mo. calf. 36.1 [1720.] D. 118. CARTHAGENA, A Journal of the Expedition to and an Account of the Siege. Partly MS. 8vo. calf. London, 1744. D. 73. CARRE OF SLEAFORD, The Family of. By Maurice P. Moore. 8vo. quarter roan. Sleaford [1863.] CARRE, THOMAS. Pietas Parisiensis. CARY, J. Universal Atlas. CASLEY, DAVID. A Catalogue of the MSS. of the King's Library, and Appendix ditto of Cottonian Library. CASTELL, ROBERT. Villas of the Ancients. CATALOGUE of the Library at Lincoln Cathedral. See Lincoln. D. 20. A. 2. B. 86. A. 5. D. 100. 12 A. 30. CATALOGUE of the Library of the Spalding Gentlemen's Society, MS. Fol. 1712. E. CATALOGUE of the Library of the Spalding Gentlemen's Society. By T. Albin. 12mo. Spalding, I SOS. E. CATALOGUE of the Library of the Spalding Gentlemen's Society, MS. Bv E. W. Maples and Geo. Goodwin. Fol. half basil. " 1892. D. 68. CATHEDRALS of the United Kingdom, The. By Mackenzie Walcott 12mo. cloth. London, 1860. C. 160. CAULFIELD, J. The Court of Queen Elizabeth. C. 180. CAUSSINUS, N. [Symbolica Aegyptiorum Sapientia]. C. 201. CAXTON, The Life of Mayster Wyllyam. By Rev. John Lewis. 8vo. calf. London, 1737. C. 163. CHAFFERS, WILLIAM. Marks and Monograms on Pottery and Porcelain. CHA.MBEBS, E. Cyclopaedia or A Universal Dictionary of Arts and Sciences. 2 vols. CHANCES, The Doctrine of. By A. DeMoivre. 4to. calf. ^ London, 1718. CHARRIERE, J. DE LA. See La Charriere. A. 31. 32. B. 94. D. 30. B. 92. D. 43. C. 216. CHEMISTRY, Boerhaave's Kew Method of. edd. Dr. P. Shaw and E. Chambers. 4to. calf. London, 1727. CHESNEAU NICOLAUS. Observationes. Cr. 8vo. Yellum. Parisiis, 1672. CHINA, Narrative of a Journey in the Interior of. By Clarke Abel, 1816-7. Roy. 4to. Boards. London, 1S19. D. 57. CHINA, The History of the Conquest of by the Tartars. By Palafox. 12mo. calf. London, 1671. A. 37. CHISHULL, EDMUND. Travels in Turkey and back to England, ed. Mead. B. 65. CHRONICLE and CHRONOLOGY By Sir Isaac Newton. Sm. 4to. calf. 1728. A. 97. CHURCHES of LINCOLNSHIRE, 12 Yiews of. By W. & H. Burgess. Oblong Imp. Fol. Boards. 1800-5. D. 82. CHURCHES, Architectural Notes on German. See Architectural. D. 1. CICERONIS Epistolae ad Familiares. ed. J. Camerarius. 12mo. calf. 1610. CLARK, HUGH. An Introduction to Heraldry. CLARKIUS, SAMUEL. Synopsis Libri De Dei Existentia et Attributis. 8vo. Morocco. Cantabrigiae, 1751. CLERC, DANIEL LE. See Le Clerc. COETLOGON, DENNIS DE. An Universal History of Arts and Sciences. 2 vols. D. 49. D. 128. D. 134. A. 22. 23. 13 A. 26. COACAS, InHippocratis. .... Commentarii. ByLudovinus Duretus. Fol. half-bound. Oenevae, 1665. COINS. NUMISMATA. B. 70. COINS, A Table of Ancient Weights and Measures. [By Dr. Charles Arbuthnot.] 4to. calf. London, 1727. B. 125. NUMISMATE, Dissertationes de Alexandri Magni. By Sigebertus Havercamp. Sm. 4to. calf. Lugd. JB at., 1722. C. 146. COINS, A Descriptive Catalogue of Roman . belonging to the Duke of Northumberland. By Admiral W. H. Smyth. 4to. cloth. 1856. C. 148. COINS, Twenty-three plates of the of the Ancient British Kings. By Rev. Dr. William Stukeley. 4to. half-Morocco. London. C. 171. NUMISMATA Selectiora in Aere Maximi Moduli e Museo Francisci de Camps. By D. Vaillant. 4to. calf. Parisiis, 1694. NUMISMATA Selectiora Constantii Landi. 4to. vellum. Lugd. Bat., 1695. NUMISMATUM Antiquorum Thesaurus. By J. Oiselius. 4to. calf. Amstelodami, 1577. COINS, Catalogue of Roman belonging to the Rev. Thomas Kerrick. Cr. 8vo. London, 1852. COLET, The Life of Dr. John. By Rev. Dr. Samuel Knight. 8vo. calf. London, 1724. J.) COLLINS, ARTHUR. The Peerage of England. 6 vols. 152.) B. 118. COLLINS, JOHN. The Sector on a Quadrant, & The Description and Uses of a General Quadrant. B. 77. COLSON, JOHN. A Translation of Sir Isaac Newton's Method of Fluxions. COLSON, NATHANIEL. The Mariner's New Kalendar. COMES, NATALIS. Opera. See Mythologia. COMMINES, The History of Philip de. [By Thomas Danett]. 4th Ed. Imp. 8vo. calf. London, 1674. A. 36. CONSTITUTION, The Britannic. [By Roger Acherley.1 Fol. calf. A. 35. CORNWALL, The Natural History of. See Natural History. D. 9. COSMOGRAPHICA Rudimenta. By Joannes Honterus. 18mo. vellum. Tiguri, 1552. A. 27. COSMOGRAPHY, Dr. Peter Heylyn's. ed. Edmund Bohun Fol. calf. London, 1703. c. 172. C. 174. E. D. 131. D. 147. B. 108. D. 4. B. 71. B. 6. D. 45. C. 150. 14 COSMOGRAPHIA, Universalis. By Sebastiamis Munsterus. Imp. 8vo. calf. Basiliae, 1559. COULEITJS, ABRAHAMUS. Poemata Latina. COURT HAND Restored. By Andrew Wright. 9th Ed. ed. Charles T. Martin. 4to. cloth. London, 1879. A. 11. COWPER, WILLIAM. Myotomia Reformata. An Anatomical Treatise on the Muscles of the Human Body. C. 156. CROYLAND ABBEY, The History and Antiquities of. By R. Gough. 4to. half-calf. London, 1783. E. CROYLAND, The Abbey Bridge and St. Guthlac. By Rev. Canon Moore. 8vo. Spalding. A. 31.) CYCLOPCEDIA, or An Universal Dictionary of Arts and 32.) Sciences. By E. Chambers. 2 vols. Fol. calf. London, 1728. B. 109. CYPHERS, A complete Alphabet of Reversed and Inverted. By James Pigot. Oblong. 4to. calf. 1730. D. DAGGENHAM BREACH, An Account of the Stopping of. By Captain John Perry. 8vo. calf. London, 1721. [DANETT, THOMAS.] The History of Philip do Commines. DARWIN, Erasmus. His Poetical Works. 3 vols. 8vo. Paper boards. London, 1806. DAWKINS. The Ruins of Palmyra. DECKER, J. de. Baptistes de Dooper. 84. DEE RING, CHARLES. Nottinghamia Vetus et Nova. 29. DEFENSIO pro Populo Anglicano. By Joannes Miltonus. 32 mo. calf. Londini, 1651. D. 79.1 DERBY, EDWARD, Earl of. The Iliad of Homer. 80.) 2 vols. DERHAM, Rev. W. Astro-Theology. DERHAM, Rev. W. Phj sico-Theology. DESAGULIERS, Dr. J. T. Gravesande's Mathematical Elements of Natural Philosophy. 2 vols. C. 203. DESCARTES, Lettres de. Sm. 4to. vollum. Paris, 1657. D. 193. B. 71. D. 97. 99. A. 1. B. 123. B. 84. D. 29. D. 172. D. 154. D. 173. 174. 15 A. 61. DESIDERATA. CURIOSA. A Collection of scarce and curious Pieces relating to matters of English History. By Francis Peck. 2 vols. Fol. calf. London, 1732. D. 103. DIBDIN, Rev. F. T. The Library Companion. B. 23.) DICTIONARY, Latin. See Latin. 24.) A. 95. DICTIONARITJM Latinum-Hebraeum-Graecum-Gallicum- Germanicum-Italicum-Hispanicum-Anglicum. By Ambrosius Calepinus. Fol. vellum. Lugduniy 1647. D. 105. DIMOCK, Rev. J. F. The Life of St. Hugh, Bishop of Lincoln. C. 205. DISCOURSES, A Collection of curious written by eminent Antiquaries. By Thomas Hearne. 8vo. calf. Oxford, 1720. D. 164. DISPENSATORY, A compleat English. By Dr. John Quincy, 2nd Ed. Cr. 8vo. calf. London, 1719. D. 135. DISTILLIJ^G, The compleat Body of. By G. Smith. 12mo. calf. London, 1725. B. 133. DOLCE, LIJDOVICO. Imperadori Romani. A. 41. DOMESDAY BOOK of Lincolnshire. Facsimile. Lg. 4to. cloth. Southampton, 1862. C. 166. DOMESDAY BOOK Relating to Lincolnshire and Rutland- shire. Translated by Charles G. Smith. Roy. 8vo. cloth. London, 1870. C. 202. DONATUS, ALEXANDER. Roma Vetus ac Recens. B. 123. DOOPER, Baptistes de. By J. de Decker. Sm. 4 to. vellum. Amstelredam, 1656. C. 208. DORCHESTER, Some Account of the Abbey Church at. By Henry Addington. 8vo. cloth. Oxford, 1845. C. 144. DUGDALE, Sir WILLIAM. An Epitome of his Monasticon Anglicanum by J. W. A. 38. DUGDALE, WILLIAM. Origines Juridiciales. B. 93. DU MONCEAU, DUHAMEL. A Practical Treatise of Husbandry. A. 26. DURETUS, LUDOVICUS. In Hippocratis Coacas Commentarii. A. 47. DUROBRIVAE of Antoninus, The. Showing by Plates the Excavated Remains of that Roman Station. By E. T. Artis. Fol. quarter-cloth. London^ 1828. DUTCH. See Dooper & India. D. 62.1 67.; B. 11. 14. B. 124. D. 59.) 60.1 A. 28. A. 1:1 16 E. D. 127. EARTHQUAKES, The Pliilosophy of. . By Rev. Dr. William Stukeley. 2nd Ed. 8to. calf. London, 1150, EDINBURGH, Medical Essays and Obervations, Published by a Society in. See Medical. EDWARDS, GEORGE. A Natural History of Uncommon Birds. 4 vols. EGEDE, HANS. A Description of Old and New Greenland. EGYBTIAN Antiquities. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth. London, 1832. [EGYPTIAN Monuments, Engravings of.] By Alexander Gordon. Eol. calf. 1722. EGYPT AND NUBIA, Travels in. By Captain Frederick L. Norden. ed. Dr. Peter Templeman. Lg. Paper. Eol. calf. London, 1757. C. 162. ELECTRICITY, The History and Present State ot. By Dr. Joseph Priestley. 4to. calf. London, 1767. C. 160. ELIZABETH, The Court of Queen. By J. Caulfield. Imp. 8vo. half-calf. London, 1814. B. 65. ELOGIUM, An of Sir Isaac Newton. By Eontenelle. Sm. 4to. calf. London, 1728. C. 140. ELY, The History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of from A.D. 673—1771. By Rev. James Bentham. Roy. 4to. calf. Norwich, 1812. C. 141. ELY. A Supplement to the above. By William Stevenson. Roy. 4to. calf. Norwich, 1817. B. 96. EMBALMING, The Art of. By Thomas Greenhill. 4to. calf. London, 1705. B. 95. EMERSON, WILLIAM, The Principles of Mechanics. E. ENGLAND, The Picture of. By William Green. 2 vols. 8vo. calf. London, 1804. D. 132. ERASMUS, The Life of. By Rev. Dr. Samuel Knight. 8vo. calf. Cambridge, 1724. SAFE. ESSAYS, Various and Letters from about 1710—1755. MS. C. 142. ETCHINGS made with the Camera Lucida in North America. By Capt. Basil Hall. Roy. 4to. half-calf. London, 1829. D. 116.) ETONENSES Musae Sive Poematia. By J. Prinsep. 2 vols. 117.) 8vo. calf. Londini, 1755. A. 67. ETYMOLOGICUM Anglicanum Francisci Junii. ed. Rev. Edwardus Lye. Fol. calf. Oxonii, 1743. A. 33. ) EUROPE, Remarks on Parts of. By J. Breval. 2 vols. 34. ( FoLcalf. London, 11 2Q. A. 49. EVELYN, JOHN. Freart's Parallel of the Antient Architecture with the Modern. A. 65. D. 171. B. 77. 17 B. 116. FASCICULUS Morum. By Nicholas de Furno. MS. Sm. 4to. calf. D. 58. FENLAND Past and Present. By Samuel H. Miller. 12mo. cloth. London, 1891. C. 187. FENLAND Past and Present. By S. H. Miller and S. B. J. Skertchly. Boy. 8vo. cloth. Wisbech, 1878. D. 197. FENS, A History of the of South Lincolnshire. By W. H. Wheeler. Cr. 8vo. cloth. Boston, 1868. D. 22. FEEEAEIUS, OCTAVIUS. De re Yestiaria. 32mo. calf. Patavii, 1542. D. 50. FEBRAR, Two Lives of Nicholas, By John Ferrar and Dr. Jebb. ed. J. E. B. Mayor. 12mo. cloth. Cambridge, 1855. D. 61. FEYER, The Nature and Cure of the Febricula or Little. By Sir Richard Manningham. 12mo. calf. London, 1746. FEYRABENDT, SIGISMUNDUS. Turcica Chronica. FLOYER, Sir JOHN. The Physician's Pulse Watch. FLUXIONS, The Method of. By Sir Isaac Newton. Translated by John Colson. 4to. calf. London, 1736. A. 107. FOETUS Extra Uterum Historia. The Latin with a Translation. By Henry Krohn. Fol. London, 1791. FONTENELLE. An Elogium of Sir Isaac Newton. FORTIFICATION, A Treatise on. By John Muller. 8vo. quarter-calf. London, 1746. FOSSILS of England, The Natural History of the. By Dr. J. Woodward. 2 vols. Cr. 8vo. calf. London, 1728-9. FOSTER, W. E. All Saints' Parish Church, Moulton. FOSTER, W. E. The Parish Church of St. Mary, Whaplode. FRANCOIS, Le Mercure ou La Suitte de I'Histoire de la Paix. By Jean Richer. 12mo. calf. Paris, 1611. FREART, ROLAND. Parallel of the Antient Architecture with the Modern. Ed. J. Evelyn. FREIND, Dr. J. Tho History of Physick from the time of Galen to the xvi^'} Century. 2 vols. FRENCH, Dr. JOHN. A Translation of Glauber's Descrip- tion of New Philosophical Furnaces. FRIDERICUS Primus Aenobarbus. By Otto, Episcopus Phrisingensis. FRIDERICUS Primus. By Eadevicus, Canonicus Phrisingensis. Fol. calf. Argentoratij 1515. FURNO, NICHOLAS de. Fasciculus Morum. B. 65. C. 204. D. 159. 160 D. 106. D, 194. D. 13. A. 49. D. 181. 182. B. 119. B. 5. B. 5. B. 116. 18 G. GAGE, THOMAS. A iN^ew Survey of the West India's. GALATETJS de Moribus. See Mores. GARDENER, The Practical Fruit. By Stephen Switzer. 12mo. calf. London, 1124. GARDENING, A General Treatise of Husbandry, and. By Richard Bradley. 3 vols. Cr. 8vo. calf, London, 1724. GARDENING, Improvements of Planting and. By Richard Bradley. 4th Ed. Cr. 8vo. calf. London, 1724. GASQUET, PRANCIS AIDAN. Henry viii. and the English Monasteries. 2 vols. GAULE, Les Trois Livres des Illustrations de et de Troye. 18mo. calf. Paris, 1531. GENEALOGIES, Royal. By Dr. James Anderson. 2nd Ed. Eol. half-bound. London, 1736. GENEBRIER, Dr. Dissertation sur Magnia IJrbica. GENOVA, Palazzi di. By Pietro Paulo Rubens. Eol. vellum. Anuersae, 1622. GENTLEMAN'S Magazine, The. See Magazine. GE:NTLEMEN'S Society, Spalding, The. See Spalding. GEOGRAPHIA. Aegidius Jembelin. MS. calf. 1689. GEOGRAPHIAM, Introductio Philippi Cluverii in Veterem ac Novam. By J. Reiskeius. Sm. 4to. calf. Wolffenhuttelae, 1694. D. 195. GEOLOGY of Peterborough, The. By Dr. Henry Porter. Cr. 8vo. cloth. Peterborough, 1861. D. 44. GEOMETRICA Elementa. Cr. Svo. calf. 1703. D. 82. GERMAN CHURCHES, Architectural Notes on. See Architectural. B. 5. GERMANORUM, Annales Augustorum et Aliorum. By Regino, Monachus Prumiensis. Imp. 8vo. calf. Moguntiae, 1621. GIBSON, Dr. EDMUND. Bishop of Lincoln. Camden's Britannia. GLAUBER, J. R. A Degcription of New Philosophical Furnaces. Translator, Dr. John French. GNOMAE. By Dominicus Baudeus. ISmo. vellum. Lugd. Bat., 1607. GOLTZIUS, HUBERTUS. Fasti Romani. GORDON, ALEXANDER. Itinerarium Septentrionale, or a Journey through most of the Counties of Scotland. 28. GORDON, ALEXANDER. [Engravings of Egyptian Monuments.] B. 73. D. 13. D. 136. D. 168.) 170.J D. 139. D. 85.) 86. J D. 17. A. 19. D. 14. A. 10. C. 41.) 127.( B. 120. B. 132. A. 93. 94. B. 119. D. 9. B. 2. A. 39. 19 D. 183. GORDON, ALEXANDER. A compleat History of the Ancient Amphitheatres. C. 156. GOUGH, R. The History and Antiquities of Croyland Abbey. C. 158.) GOUGH, R. British Topography. 2 vols. 159.) A. 72. GRAECIA. By Pausanias. Fol. calf. Lipsiae, 1696. C. 200. GRANGE, ERNEST L. Civil War Tracts relating to Lincolnshire. D. 81. GRANGE, ERNEST L. Lincolnshire Notes and Queries. Yol I. 1888-9. A. 40. GRANTHAM, Collections for the History of the Town and Soke of. By Edmund Turner. Lg. 4to. Russia. London, 1806. D. 11. GRATITJS, M. ORTUINUS. Epistolae. 18mo. calf. London, 1710. GRAYESANDE. Mathematical Elements of Natural Philosophy. Translator, Dr. J. T. Desaguliers GREAYES, Miscellaneous Works of Professor John. By Thomas Birch. 2 vols. Cr. 8vo. calf. London, 1737. GREEN, WILLIAM. The Picture of England. 2 vols. GREENHILL, THOMAS. The Art of Embalming. GREENLAND, A Description of Old and New. By Hans Egede. Sm. 4to. half-vellum. Riohenhavn, 1741. D. 175. GREGORY, Dr. His Elements of Catoptrics and Dioptrics. By Dr. William Browne. 2nd Ed. Cr. 8vo. calf. London, 1735. A. 66. GREW, Dr. NEHEMIAH. Musaeum Regalis Societatis, and a Comparative Anatomy of Stomachs and Guts. D. 128. GROTIUS, HDGO. Synopsis Libri De Jure Belli et Pacis. 8vo. Morocco. Cantabrigiae, 1751. D. 173.) 174. J D. 179.| 180. E. B. 96. B. 124. H. D. 178. HALES, Rev. STEPHEN. Yegetable Staticks. C. 142. HALL, Capt. BASIL. Etchings made with the Camera Lucida in North America. C. 167. HAMILTON, Outlines from the Roman Yases belonging to the late Sir William. By Kirk. 2nd Ed. Roy. 8vo. Boards. London, 1814. B. 75. HARRIS, B. A Translation of J. ParivaPs History of the Iron Age. A. 45. ) HARRIS, JOHN. A Collection of Yoyages and Travels. 46. ] 2 vols. D. 176. 177. D. 48. D. 16. B. 131. B. 125. C. 205. D. 16. C. 185. D. 5. A. 72. A. 48. C. 213. D. 85. 86. D. 49. B. 66. 67. D. 185. A. 27. D. 81. B. 1. A. 53. 55. D. 153. A. 24. A. 35. A. 26. A. 71. 20 HARTLEY D.iYID. Observations on Man, his Frame, Duty and Expectations. 2 vols. HARVEY, Dr. GIDEON. The Vanities of Philosophy and Physick. HARVEY, Dr. WILLIAM. Anatomical Exercises on the Heart, and the Circulation of the Blood. HARVEUS, Dr. OrLIELMUS. Exercitationes de Genera- tione Animalium. HAVERCAMP, SIGEBERTUS. Dissertationes de Alexandri Magni Numismate. HEARNE, THOMAS. A Collection of Curious Discourses, written by Eminent Antiquaries. HEART, Two Discourses on the. By Drs. Harvey and Back. 18mo. calf. ' London, 1653. HEBRAEORUM, De Sacra Poesi. By Robertus Lowth. 4to. calf. Oxoniij 1753. HEENSIUS, DANIELIS. Orationes. 12mo. vellum. Lugd. Bat, 1520. HELLAS. See Graecia. HENNINIUS, HENRICUS C. Historia Augusta Impera- torum Romanorum a C Julio Caesare usque ad Josephum. HENRIES, The Book of the Illustrious. By John Capgrave. Roy. 8vo. quarter-roan. London, 1858. HENRY VIII and the English Monasteries. By Francis Aidan Gasquet. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. London, 1889-90. HERALDRY, An Introduction to. By Hugh Clark, nth Ed. 12mo. Boards. London, IS29. HERBAL, The Compleat. By Tournefort. 2 vols. Sm. 4to. calf. London, 1719-30. HERMAPHRODITES, An Enquiry into the Nature of. By Dr. James Parsons. Or. 8vo. calf. Londan, 1741. HEYLYN'S Cosmography, ed. Edmund Bohun. Fol. calf. London, 1703. HILARIA Pia. 82mo. calf. Antverpiae, 1629. HILDANUS, G. FABRICIITS. Opera Quae Extant Omnia. Imp. 8vo, vellum. Francofurti ad Moenum, 1646. HILL, Dr. JOHN. General Natural History. 3 vols. HILL, Dr. JOHN. Essays in Natural History and Philosophy. HIPPOC RATES. Medicina. HI PPOCR AT ES. Oeconiraa. HIPPOCRATES. See Coacas. [HISPANAE RES.] By Aelius Antonius. Fol. Granatae, 1546. D. 83. A. 22. 23. D. 57. 21 126. HISTORIA. Animalium Angliae. By Martinus Lister. Sm. 4to. calf. Londini, 1678. HISTORY, Papers on Archaeology and. See Archaeology. HISTORY of Arts and Sciences, An Universal. By Dr. Dennis de Coetlogon. 2 vols. Fol. calf. London, 1745. HISTORY of the Conquest of China by the Tartars, The. See China. C. 182. HISTORIAEBritannicae. ByMatthaeusWestmonasteriensis. Imp. 8vo. calf. 1569. A. 98. HISTORY of Great Britain under the Conquests of the Romans, Saxons, Danes and Normans, The. By John Speed. 3rd Ed. Imp. 8vo. calf. London^ 1632. B. 19. 1 HISTORY of Great Britain from James I. to James II., A. 20.] By David Hume. 2 vols. Demy 4to. calf. London, 1754-7. B. 17. 1 HISTORY of England under the Tudors, A. By David 18.) Hume. 2 vols. Demy 4to. calf. London, 11 bQ. A. 99. HISTORY of England from the first Settlement of Brutus in this Island to the Year 1795, A. By G. William Spencer. Fol. calf. London, 1794. B. 75. HISTORY of the Iron Age, The. By J. Parival. Translated by B. Harris. Imp. 8vo. calf. London, 1656. B. 71. HISTORY of Philip de Commines, The. Traaslated by Thomas Danett. 4th Ed. Imp. 8vo. calf. London, 1674. HISTORY of Ireland, The. See Ireland. HISTORY of the County of Lincoln. See Lincoln. HISTORY of Man, A General. By Rev. Nathaniel Wanley. 4to. calf. Ljondon, 1788. HISTORIA Musculorum Hominis. By Bernardus S. Albinus. 4to. calf. Leidae Bat., 1743. HISTORIA Plantarum. By Joannes Raius. Fol. calf. Londini, 1686-1704. HISTORY of the most remarkable Transactions at Sea, A. By Josiah Burchett. Imp. 8vo. calf. London, 1720. A. 48. HISTORIA Augusta Imperatorum Romanorum a C. Julio Caesare usque ad Josephum. By Henricus C. Henninius. Fol. calf. Amstlelodami, 1710. B. 87. ) HISTORY of the Royal Society, London. See London. 90.) A. 96. HISTORIE of the World, The. By Sir Walter Raleigh. Imp. 8vo. half-calf. London, 1666. HISTORY. See also Natural History. D. 33.1 HOGARTH. Bubble Cards. 4 vols. 36. A. 51. C. 214. C. 184. C. 190. A. 74. 76. A. 80. ;! :;1 D. 79. 80. D. 9. A. 42. A. 56. 22 C. 193.) HOGAHTH Illustrated. By John Ireland. 3 vols. 2nd Ed. 195. f 8vo. half-Morocco. London, 1793-^. D. 192. HOLBEACH, Historical Notices of the Parish of. By Rev. Grant W.Macdonald. 8 vo. cloth. King\s Lynn, I SdO. C. 191. HOLLAR, A Description of the Works of Wenceslaus. ed. G. Yertue. 4to. London, 1745. D. 40. HOLLO WAT, BENJAMIN. A Translation of Woodward's Natural History of the Earth. A. 44. HOMER. Iliads. By John Ogilby. Fol. paper boards. London, 1669. HOMER. Iliad. By Edward Earl of Derby. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. London, 1864. HONTERUS, JOANNES. Cosmographica Rudimenta. HOPPUS, EDWARD. Palladio's Architecture. HORSLEY, JOHN. Britannia Romana, or The Roman Antiquities of Britain. A. 105. HOWLETT, BARTHOLOMEW. A Selection of Views in the County of Lincoln. D. 141. HUDIBRAS. By Samuel Butler. Cr. 8vo. calf. London, 1704. D. 81. HUDSON, Rev. J. Clare. Lincolnshire Notes and Queries Vol. I. 1888-9. D. 105. HUGH, Life of St , Bishop of Lincoln. ed. Rev. J. F. Dimock. 8vo. cloth. Lincoln, 1860. HUGHES. GRIFFITH. The Natural History of Barbados. HUME, DAVID. A History of England under the House of Tudor. 2 vols. HUME, DAVID. A History of Great Britain from James I. to James II. HUSBANDRY, A Practical Treatise on. By Duhamel Du Monceau. 2nd Ed. 4to. calf. London, 1762. HUSBANDRY, A General Treatise of .... and Gardening. By Richard Bradley. 3 vols. Cr. 8vo. calf. London, 1724. B. 80. HUTTON, JAMES. Dissertations on different subjects in Natural Philosophy. XL. B. 17. 18. B. 19. 20. B. 93. D. 168. 170. 23 I. ILIADS of Homer. See Homer. D. 12. INDICIS, Commentarius et Epistolae de Eebus. 18mo. calf. [Romae'], 1570. B. 73. INDIA'S, A New Survey of the West. By Thomas Gage. Imp. 8vo. calf. London, 1648. B. 129. 1 INDIES, Yoyages in the East and West. In Dutch. 2 vols. 130.) Oblong. 4to. vellum. 1646. D. 161. INGRAM, DALE. A Translation of Yerdier's Abstract of the Anatomy of the Human Body. D. 130. INGRAM, DALE. Practical Cases and Observations in Surgery. A. 73. INSCRIPTIONIFM, Syntagma Antiquarum. By Thomas Reinesius. Fol. calf. Lipsiae, 1682. B. 7. [INSECTA.] By Thomas Moujffetus. Imp. 8vo. calf. Londini, 1634. D. 120. INSECTORUM, Historia. By Joannes Raius. Lg. Sq. calf. Londini, 1710. C. 193.) IRELAND, JOHN. Hogarth Illustrated. 3 vols. 195. j A. 51. IRELAND, Keating's General History of. ed. Dermod O'Connor. Eol. calf. London, 1723. D. 191. ITALIA, Delia Origine ct de Fatti delle Famiglie d'. By M Francesco Sansovino. Sm. Sq. Vinegiay 1682. B. 133. ITALIAN. See Romani. B. 106. ITALIAN, A Catalogue of Princes and their Palaces, and of Painters and their Celebrated Performances. By Rev. Benjamin Ray. MS. 4to. calf. 1735. A. 103. ITINERARIUM Curiosum, Centuria Prima. By Rev. Dr. William Stukeley. 2nd Ed. Fol. quarter-bound. London, 1776. A. 39. ITINERARIUM Septentrionale. See Scotland. J. A. 52. JACOB, GILES. A Law Dictionary. D. 12. JAPONICARUM, Specimen quoddamLitterarumVocumque. l8mo. calf. 1571. D. 12. JAPONICIS, Epistolae De Rebus. 18mo. calf. 1571. D. 50. JEBB, Dr. A Life of Nicholas Ferrar. 24 B. 120. JEMBELIN, AEGIDIUS. Annus. MS. Sm. Sq. 1637. B. 120. JEMBELIN, AEGIDITJS. Geographia. MS. Sm. Sq. 1639. B. 122. JEMBELIN, JOANNES. Ehetorice. MS. Sm. Sq. 1682. D. 31. JESUITS. See Hilaria, & Koma Yetus. A. 30. JOHNSON, MAURITIUS. A. MS. Catalogue of the Library of the Spalding Gentlemen's Society. C. 154. JOHNSON, The Life of Samuel. By James Boswell. vol. ii, only. 4to. Boards. London, 1791. B. 63.) JONES, HENRY. Philosophical Transactions from 1700-20 64. ] Abridged. 2vols. A. 68. JONSTONUS, Dr. JOHANNES. Historia Naturalis de Piscibus et Cetis. A. 38. JURIDICIALES, Origines. Historical Memoirs. By William Dugdale. Fol. calf. London^ 1666. K. B. 108. KALENDAR, The Mariner's New. By Nathaniel Colson. Sm. 4to. calf. Dublin, 1733. D. 51.) KALENDAR, The Royal and Court and City 54.) Record. 4 vols. 12mo. calf. London^ 1814-7. A. 51. KEATING, JEOFFREY. General History of Ireland. ed Dermod O'Connor. D. 156. KEMPIANA, MonumentaVetustatis. Duae Partes Johannis Kempii Cemelii. 8vo. calf. Londini, 1720. D. 84. KENRICK, Rev. JOHN. Papers on Archaeology and History. B. 86. KING'S LIBRARY, A Catalogue of the MSS of the. By David Casley. 4to. calf. Londony 1734. KING'S LYNN. See Lynn. C. 167. KIRK. Outlines from the Roman Yases of the late Sir William Hamilton. KNIGHT, Rev. Dr. SAMUEL. The Life of Dr. John Colet. KNIGHT, Rev. Dr. SAMUEL. The Life of Erasmus. KNOWLES, GEORGE. Materia Medica Botanica. KROHN, Dr. HENRY. Foetus Extra Uterum Historia. D. 131. D. 132. C. 181. A. 107. 25 L. B. 91. LADIES, Memoirs of several Learned of Great Britain. By George Ballard. 4to. calf. Oxford, 1752, LAET, JOANNES de. Liebstad's & Piso's Naturalis Historia et Medecina Brasiliae. LAMBETH PALACE, A Concise Account of. 4to. calf. London, 1806. LA EOCHE, MICHAEL de. Memoirs of Literature for the year 1717. LATINA POEMATA. See Poemata. A. 88. C. 147. B. 103. D. 45. B. 23. 24. A. 50. D. 133. A. 52. D. 134. D. 196. SAFE. C. 203. D. 6.^ 8-: A. 60. B. 21.1 [LATIN DICTIONARY.] By Robert Ainsworth. 2 vols. Demy4to. calf. 1745-6. LAURENCE, Rev. JOHN. A System of Agriculture. LAWRENCE, EDWARD. The Duty and Office of a Land Steward. LAW DICTIONARY. By Giles Jacob. 8th Ed. Fol. calf. London, 1762. LE CLERC, DANIEL. The History of Physick. Translated by Drs. Drake and Baden. LENTHl^RIC, CHARLES. La Provence Maritime. LETTERS, Various Autograph from 1710-1755. MS. LETTRES de Descartes. Sm. 4to. vellum. Paris, 1657. LETI, GREGORIO. Yita di Sisto Y. 3 vols. LEYANT, A Yiew of the. Dy Dr. Charles Perry. Fol. calf. London, 1743. 21.) LEYANT, A Yoyage into the. By M. Tournefort. 2 vols. 22. J Demy 4to. calf. London, 1718. A. 64. LEYANT, Travels and Observations relating to several parts of Barbary and the. By Dr. Thomas Shaw. Fol. calf. Oxford, 1738. C. 201. LEWIS, Rev. JOHN. The Life of Mayster Wyllyam Caxton. B. 15. LIBER REGIS. By John Bacon. Demy 4to. quarter- bound. London, 1786. D. 103. LIBRARY Companion, The. By Rev. F. T. Dibdin. 8vo. half-calf. London, 1825. B. 86. LIBRARY. See King's Library. A. 88. LIEBSTAD, GEORGIUS de. Naturalis Historia Brasiliae. ed. Joannes de Laet. A. 61. LIGHTFOOT, A Life of John. Fol. calf. London, 1732. c. D. 214.) 215.) 104. A. 105. E. E. D. A. 88.) 89. j 97. 26 A. 20. LINCOLN, The Architecture and Sculpture of the Cathedral Church of. By Charles Wild. Imp. 4to. half-bound. London, 1819. D. 100. LINCOLN Cathedral, the Catalogue of the Library at. By Kev. Canon G. F. Apthorp. Cr. 8vo cloth. Lincoln, 1869. LINCOLN, A History of the County of. Collected by J. Saunders. 2 vols. 4to. cloth. Lincoln, 1834. LINCOLN, A Selection of Papers Eelating to the County of. Lg. Sq. cloth. Lincoln, 1843. LINCOLN, A Selection of Views in the County of.. By Bartholomew Hewlett. Fol. cloth. London, 1805. LINCOLN, The History of. 8vo. Boards. Lincoln, 1810. LINCOLNSHIRE. Roy. 4to. cloth. Lincoln, 1819. LINCOLNSHIRE, Bygone. Compiled by William Andrews. 2 vols. 8vo. quarter-roan. Hull, 1891. LINCOLNSHIRE, 12 Views of the Churches of. By W. & H. Burgess. Oblong Imp. Fol. Boards. 1800-5. 0. 200. LINCOLNSHIRE, Civil War Tracts. By Ernest L. Grange. Lg. Sq. half-Morocco. Morncastle, 1889. C. 207. LINCOLNSHIRE, Selection of Papers Relative to the County of. Sm. Sq. cloth. Lincoln, 1843. C. 166. LINCOLNSHIRE, Translations of the Domesday Book relating to and Rutlandshire. By Charles G. Smith. Roy. 8vo. cloth. London, 1870. A. 41. LINCOLNSHIRE, Domesday Book of. Facsimile. Lg. 4to. cloth. Southampton, 1862. A. 106. LINCOLNSHIRE, Selections from the Antient Monastic Ecclesiastical and Domestic Edifices of. By James S. Padley. Fol. Boards. Lincoln, 1851. D. 81. LINCOLNSHIRE Notes and Queries. Vol. I. 1888-9. By Ernest L. Grange & Rev. J. Clare Hudson. 8vo. quarter-basil. Horncastle, 1889. D. 83. LINCOLNSHIRE Poems. By John Brown, ed. J. Conway Walter. 8vo. half-Morocco. Horncastle, 1890. D. 197. LINCOLNSHIRE, A History of the Fens of South. By W. H. Wheeler. Cr. 8vo. cloth. Boston^ 1868. LINCOLNSHIRE. See Fen. LINOCERIUS, GEOFREDUS. Mythologia Musarum. LIPSIUS, JUSTUS. Epistolae. 12mo. calf. Geneuae,l6S9. LISTER, MARTIN US. Historia Animalium Angliae. LITERARY REPOSITOHY, The Provincial. 2 vols, for 1801 & 1802. 8vo. half-calf. Spalding. B. 103. LITERATURE, Memoirs of for the year 1717. By Michael De La Roche. Sm. 4to. calf. Loridon, 1118, D. 4. D. 2. B. 126. E. 27 D. 128. LOCKE, JOANNES. Synopsis Libri de Intellectu Humano. 8vo. Morocco. Cantahrigiae, 1751. D. 91.) LONDON, Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of. 93. ) See Antiquaries. A. 3. ) LONDON, Plan of. By John Pine & John Tinney. 2 vols. 4.) Long 4to. & Sm. 4to. half-bound. London^ 1746-7. A. 66. [LONDINENSIS]. Societatis Eegalis Musaeum. By Dr. Nehemiah Grew. Imp. 8vo. calf. London, 1686. B. 87. ) LONDON, A History of the Eoyal Society of. By Dr. 90.) Thomas Birch. 4 vols. 4to. calf. London,, 17 56-7 . B. 107. LONDON, A History of the Eoyal Society of. By Thomas Sprat. Sm. 4to. calf. London, 1667. B. 110.) LONDON, Memoirs of the Eoyal Society of. By Eev. Dr. 114.) "William Stukeley. 5 vols. MS. Sm. 4to. vellum. 1749-56. A. 65. LONICEEUS, D PHILIPPUS. Feyrabendt's Chronica Turcica. 3. ) LONG, Dr. EOGEE. Astronomy, 2 vols. t} c. 185. B. 60. 62. A. 67. C. 210. 211. B. 118. LOWTH, EOBEETUS. De Sacra Poesi Hebraeorum. LOWTHOEP, JOHN. Philosophical Transactions to 1700 Abridged. 3 vols. LYE, Eev.^ EDWAEDUS. Etymologicum Anglicanum Francisci Junii. 21. LYN, A History of the Ports of King's , and Cambridge. By Col. John Armstrong. Fol. calf. London, 1725. LYNN, The History of. By William Richards. 2 vols. 8vo. Boards. L7/nn, 1812. LYON, JOHN. Eeflective Dialling. M. D. 21. MACAULAY, AULAY. Polygraphy or Shorthand made Easy. D. 192. MACDONALD, Eev. GEANT W. Historical Notices of the Parish of Holbeach. A. 57.) MACKENZIE, Dr. GEOEGE. The Lives and Characters 59 f of the most Eminent Writers of the Scots Nation. 3 vols. 28 c. 41. >> 42. >> 43. n 44. If 45. V 46. >> 47. >> 48. >» 49. f} 50. a 51. >i 52. tt 53. It 54. >> 55. }f 56. ft 57. >y 58. 7f 59. if 60. if 61. if 62. >i 63. 9) 64. yy 65. » 66. >> 67. 1) 68. 71 69. It 70. >y 71. yy 72. >> 73. yy 74. 75.| 76. yy 77. 78.) 79. yy 80.) 81. f MAGAZINE, The Gentleman's For the Year 1731. , , 1732. 1733. • • 1734. 1735. • • 1736. 1737. • • 1738. 1739. • • 1740. 1741. . , 1742. 1743. , , 1744. , , 1745. , , 1746. 1747. , , 1748. , , 1752. • • 1753. , , 1754. , , 1756. , , 1757. , , 1758. , , 1759. • • 1760. , , 1762. , , 1763. , , 1765. , , 1766. , , 1767. • • 1770. , , 1771. • • 1793 (2). .. 1797. •• 1800(1). 1802. 1805. 29 C. 82.) MAGAZINE, The Gentleman's. For the Year 1806. >i :} 83 84.) .. .. .. ., 1808. 85.) 86.) .. .. .. ,. .. 1810. 87.) 88.) .. .. .. ,, 1811. 89.) 90.) .. .. .. .. ,. 1812. 91.f 92.) .. .. .. .. 1813. 93.) 94.) .. ,. ,. ,, .. 1814. 95.) 96.) .. .. .. ,, 1815. 97.) 98.1 •• •• «• •• «« 1816. 99.1 100.| .. ,, ., ., 1817. 101. 1 »> >» 102.) ,, ,, ,, a, «• 1818. 103.) 104.) ., .. ,. ,. 1819. 105., 1820. 1:1 106.) .. 107.) 108. .. ., .. ,. 1821(2). 109. .. .. ., .. 1822(2). 1823. ft AAV. I. • • • • • • f) 110.) 111.1 112.) 113.) 114.) 115.) i:l 118,) 119.) ■:1 122.) .. 123.) 1 1824. 1825. 116.) .. .. .. .. 1826. 117., 1827. 120.) «a •• •• •• 182o. 121., 1829. 124.) .. ,. .. ,, 1830. 125. 126.) .« •• •• tt •• 1831. 127. II A.6U.) .« 0« «« t» •• 30 D. 142. ) MALLET, DAVID. The Philosophical Works of the Late 146.) Eight Honourable Henry St. John, Lord Viscount Bolingbroke. 5 vols. A. 69.) MALPIGHIIJS, MAKCELLUS. Anatome Plantarum. 70. 1 2 vols. C. 184. MAN, A General History of. By Nathaniel Wanley. 4to. calf. London, 1788. D. 176.) MAN, Observations on His Frame, Duty and 177.) Expectations. By David Hartley. 2 vols. Or. Svo. calf". London, 1749. D. 61. MANNINGHAM, Sir RICHARD. The Nature and Cure of the Febricula, or the Little Fever. MARE Clausum. By Joannes Selden. Imp. Svo. calf. Londini, 1635. MARGGRAVIUS, Dr. CHRISTIANUS. Prodomus Medicinae Practicae. MARINER'S New Kalendar, The. By Nathaniel Colson. Sm. 4to. calf. Dublin, 1733. MARS, The Field of. 2 vols. Roy. 4to. half-basil. London, 1781. MARSHALL, BENJAMIN. Tabulae Chronologicae a Creatione Mundi usque ad Christi Nativitatem. MATERIA MEDICA Botanica. By G. Knowles. Imp. 4to. boards. Londini, 1723. MATHEMATICAL Treatise, A. By John Muller. 4to. calf. London, 1736. MATTHAEUS Westmonasteriensis. Historiae Britannicae. MAYOR, J. E. B. Two Lives of Nicholas Ferrar. By John Ferrar & Dr. Jebb. MEAD. ChishuU's Travels in Turkey and back to England. MEDALLIC HISTORY of Marcus Aurelius Valerius Carausius, Emperor in Britain. By Rev. Dr. William Stukeley. 4to. calf. London, llbl. MECHANICS, The Principles of. By William Emerson. 2nd. Ed. 4to. calf. London, 1758. MEDICA. By Archibaldus Pitcarnius, Scotus. Sm. 4to. calf. Edinlurgi, 1763. MEDICAL Essays and Observations by a Society in Edinburgh. 2 vols. 4th Ed. 12mo. calf. Edinburgh, 1752. MEDICAL Observations and Enquiries. Vol. I. Svo. London^ 1757. MEDICAL Works. Opera Omnia Anatomico-Medico- Chirurgica. By Frederick Ruyscliius, 4 vols. 4to. calf. Amstelodami, 1721-5. C. 182. D. 129. B. 108. B. 81.) 82.) A. 9. C. 181. B. 76. C. 182. D. 50. A. 37. B. 99. B. 95. C. 199. D. 62.) 67.1 D. 122. C. 175.) 178. J 31 B. 104. MEDICAMENTORUM, De Ylribus. By Boerhaave. MS. Sm. 4to. half-calf. A. 78. MEDICAE Institutiones. By Dr. Lazerus Eiverius. Fol. boards. [1662.] A. 88. MEDICINA Brasiliae. By Gulielmus Piso. ed. Joannes de Laet. Fol. calf. Amstelodami, 1648. A. 24.] MEDICINA. By Hippocrates. 2 vols. Fol. half-bound. 25.) Genevae, 1657. D. 124. MEDICINAE Elementa. By Archibaldus Pitcarnius. Sq. calf. Hagae Comitum, 1718. D. 15. MEDICINAE Encomium. By Johannes Beverovicius. 18mo. calf. Rotter odami 1644. D. 15. MEDICINAE Encomia. By Erasmus, Cardanus, et Melancthonus. 18mo. calf. Rotterodami, 1644. D. 129. MEDICINAE Practicae, Prodomus. By Dr. Christianus Marggravius. Sm. Sq. calf. Ludg. Bat., 1674. MEDICTJM Lexicon. By Stephen Blancardus. 8vo. boards. Ludg. Bat., 1674. MEDICTJS Hortus et Alia Opera. By Antonius Mizaldus. 12mo. quarter-calf. 1564. MEDICTJS Medicatus. By Alexander Boss. 32mo. calf. 1645. MICROSCOPE, Essays on the. By George Adams. Boy. 4to. boards. London, 1787. MICEOSCOPICAL Discoveries, New. By F. Needham. 8vo. calf. London, 1145. MIDDLETON, CHBISTOPHEB. A Vindication of the Conduct of Capt. Christopher Middleton when attempting the North West Passage, & How to Attack and Defend Fortified Places. 8vo. calf. London, 1743. MILLER, SAMUEL H. ed. The Camp of Refuge. MILLER, SAMUEL H. Handbook to the Fenland. MILLER, SAMUEL H. Fenland Past and Present. MILTONUS, JOANNES. Defensio pro Populo Anglicano. MINSTER and Abbey Ruins of the United Kingdom, The. By Mackenzie Walcott. 12mo. cloth. London, 1860. MINUTES, 6 vols, of the of the Spalding Gentlemen's Society, 1710-1889. Fol. vellum. MINUTES, Index to the of the Spalding Gentlemen's Society, or Farrago Libelli. Sq. calf. MINUTES, The Vol. of the of the Spalding Gentlemen's Society, at Present in use. 1889. Fol. calf. D. 119. D. 55. D. 19. B. 8. D. 37. D. 126. D. 200. D. 58. C. 187. D. 29. D. 69. S\FE. SAFE. E. 32 SAFE. MISSAL, A formerly Belonging to the Priory of Spalding. Illuminated. MS. on Vellum. Imperfect. Fol. calf. [1380.] D. 55. MIZALDIJS, ANTONITJS. Hortus Medicus et Alia Opera. B. 94. MOIYRE, A. de. The Doctrine of Chances. C. 170. MOIYRE, A. de. Miscellanea Analytica de Seriebus. B. 74. MONARCHIE Deprayed, or Nero Caesar. [By Edmund Bolton.] Imp. 8vo. calf. London, 1624. D. 85.) MONASTERIES, Henry viii. and the English. By Francis 86.) Aidan Gasquet. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. London, \8S9-90. A. 63. MONASTICA Notitia. An Account of Abbies and Priories founded before 1540. By Dr. Thomas Tanner, Bishop of St. Asaph. Fol. calf. London, 1744. C. 144. MONASTICON Anglicanum, An Epitome of Sir William Dugdale's. By J. W. Fcap. Fol. calf. London, 1693. D. 74.) MONKS of the West, The. By Count de Montalembert. 75.) 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. London, l^Ql. D. 74.) MONTALEMBERT, COUNT de. The Monks of the West. 75.) 2 vols. E. MOORE, Rev. Canon EDWARD. Croyland, The Abbey, Bridge and St Guthlac. B. 9. ) MOORE, Rev. CHARLES. An Enquiry into the Subject 10.) of Suicide. 2 vols. A. 81. MOORE, G. PETER. British Birds. D. 73. MOORE, MAURICE P. The Family of Carre of Sleaford. D. 90. MORE, Notes on the Latin Poems of Sir Thomas. Philomorus. [Rev. Professor J. H. Marsden.] D. 10. MORIBUS, Galateus de. By Joannes de Casa. 18mo. vellum. Vpsaliae, 1712. C. 168. MORGAN, THOMAS. Romano-British Mosaic Pavements. D. 38. MORTIMER, CROMWELL. An Address upon certain Chemical Remedies. Svo. calf. London, 1745. C. 168. MOSAIC Pavements, Romano-British. By Thomas Morgan. Roy. 8vo. cloth. London, 1886. B. 7. MODFFETUS, THOMAS. Insecta. D. 106. MOULTON, All Saints' Parish Church. By W. E. Foster. 8vo. cloth. London, 1891. B. 76. MULLER, JOHN. A Mathematical Treatise on Conic Sections. C. 204. MULLER, JOHN. A Treatise on Fortification. B. 6. MUNSTERUS, SEBASTIANUS. Universalis Cosmographia. 33 C. 190. MUSCULORUM Hominis Historia. By Bernardus S. Albinus. 4to. calf. Leid. Bat., 1734. A. 11. MYOTOMIA Eeformata. By William Cowper. Imp Fol. Russia. London, 1724. D. 4. MYTHOLOGI AE, Libri decem. By Natalis Comes. 1 2mo. vellum. Genevae, 1641. N. D. 4. NATALIS COMES. See Mythologiae. A. 79. NATURALI Esperienze. By Saggi. FoL calf. Firenze, 1667, A. 18. NATURAL HISTORY of Barbados. The. By Griffith Hughes. Fol. quarter-bound. London, 1750. A. 35. NATURAL HISTORY of Cornwall, The. By Rev. William Borlase. Fol. calf. Oxford, 1758. A. 53.) NATURAL HISTORY, General. By Dr. John Hill. 55. J 3 vols. i. Fossils, ii. Animals and iii. Plants. Fol. calf. London, 1748-52. B. 126. [NATURALIS] HISTORIA Animalium Angliae. See Historia. A. 68. NATURALIS HISTORIA De Piscibus et Cetis. By Dr. Johannes Jonstonus. Fol. vellum. Francofurti ad Moenum, 1734. A. 88. NATURALIS HISTORIA. By Georgius de Liebstad. ed. Joannes de Laet. Fol. calf. Lugd. Bat,, 1648. B. 11.) NATURAL HISTORY of Uncommon Birds, A. By George 14.) Edwards. 4 vols. Roy. 4to. calf. London, 1743-64. D. 39.) NATURAL HISTORY, An Essay towards a of the 40.) Earth. By Dr. John Woodward. Translated by Benjamin Holloway. 2 vols. 3rd Ed. Cr. &vo. calf. London, 1723-6. NATURAL HISTORY. See also History. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. See Philosophy. D. 37. NEEDHAM, F. New Microscopical Discoveries. A. 102. NEWSPAPER Cutting Book. B. 65. NEWTON, Sir ISAAC. Chronicle and Chronology. B. 77. B. 78. C. 173. D. 198. B. 79. A. 7. 8. D. 126. B. 84. A. 7.' 8. 34 NEWTOIS", Sir ISAAC. The Method of Fluxions. Translated by John Colson. NEWTON, Sir ISAAC. His Philosophy. ed. Henry Pemberton. NEWTON, Sir ISAAC. Optica. NINEVEH and Persepolis. An Historical Sketch of Ancient Assyria and Persia. By W. S. W. Vaux. Cr. 8vo. cloth. London, 1850. NIVELON, F. The Rudiments of Genteel Behaviour. NORDEN'S Travels in Egypt and Nubia, ed. Dr. Peter Templeman. 2 vols. NORTH-WEST Passage, The. See Middleton. NOTTINGHAMIA Vetus et Nova. By Dr. Charles Deering. Roy. 4to. calf. Nottingham, 1751. NUBIA, Travels in Egypt and. By Capt. Frederick L. Norden. ed. Dr. Peter Templeman. 2 vols. Lg. paper Fol. calf. London^ 1757. NHMISMATA. See Coins. O. D. 11. OBSCURORUM, Epistolae. See Passavantius. A. 51. O'CONNOR, DERMOD. Keating's General History of Ireland. A. 25. OECONOMIA. By Hippocrates. Fol. half-bound. Genevae, 1662. A. 44. OGILBY, JOHN. The Iliads of Homer. C. 174. OISELIUS. J. Thesaurus Selectorum Numismatum Antiquorum. E. OLIVER, Rev. Dr. GEORGE. An Account of the Religious Houses formerly on the Eastern Side of the River Welland. E. OLIVER, Rev. Dr. GEORGE. The History of the Holy Trinity Guild at Sleaford. C. 173. OPTICE. By Sir Isaac Newton. 4to. calf. B. 16. OPTICKS, A compleat System of. By Dr. Robert Smith. Demy -1 to. calf. Camhruhje, 1738. A. 16. ORBIS TERHARUM Theatrura. By Abrahamus Oitelius. Fol. quarter-bound. Antverpiae, 1570. 85 A. 43. ORIENTAL MSS in a Morocco Case. A. 16. ORTELIUS, ABRAHAMUS. Theatrum Orbis Terrariim. B. 5. OTTO, Episcopus Phrisingensis. Chronica. B. 5. OTTO, Episcopus Phrisingensis. Fridericus Primus Aenobarbus. D. 121. OWEiST, EDVARDUS. Vida's Christias. P. A. 106. PADLEY, JAMES S. Selections from the Antiant Monastic Ecclesiastical and Domestic Edifices of Lincolnshire. B. 72. PAINTERS, Portraits of the most Eminent. By Bie. 4to. calf London, 1729. B. 106. PAINTERS. See Italian. D. 57. PALAFOX. The History of the Conquest of China by the Tartars. A. 42. PALLADIO'S Architecture, ed. Edward Hoppus. B. 101. PALMER, S. A General History of Printing. A. 1. PALMYRA, The Ruins of. By Robert Wood & Mr. Dawkins. Imp. Fol. quarter-bound. London, 1753. D. 20. PARISIENSIS Pietas. By Thomas Carre. 32rao. calf. Pari% 1666. B. 75. PARIVAL, J. The History of the Iron Age. Translated by B. Harris. B. 77.) PARKER, J. H. A Glossary of Terms in Architecture. 78. J 2 vols. C. 217. PARLIAMENT, Local Acts of. Imp. 8vo. cloth. D. 162. PARLIAMENTARIA Notitia. By Dr. Browne Willis. Cr. Svo. calf. London, 1750. D. 112. PARSONS, Dr. JAMES. The Microscopical Theatre of Seeds. D. 184. PARSONS, Dr. JAMES. A Description of the Human Bladder. D. 185. PARSONS, Dr. JAMES. An Enquiry into the Nature of Hermaphrodites. D. 11. PASSAVANTIUS, BENEDICTUS. Epistolae Obscurorum. 18mo. calf. Londiniy 1710. 36 A. A. A. 72. 83. 61. D. 147.) 152.) B. 78. A. 60. D. 193. D. 195. D. 70. D. 123. D. 90. B. 119. X). MU 26 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 85. 36 37, 38 39 40 41 42. PAUSANIAS. Graecia. PECK, FRANCIS. Academia Tertia Anglicana. The Antiquarian Annals of Stanford. PECK, FRANCIS. Desiderata Curiosa. A Collection of scarce and curious pieces relating to matters of English History. PEERAGE of England, The. By Arthur Collins. 6 vols. 3rd Ed. Cr. 8vo. calf. London^ 1756. PEMBERTON, HENRY. A View of Sir Isaac Newton's Philosophy. PERRY, Dr. CHARLES. A Yiew of the Levant. PERRY, Captain JOHN. An Account of the Stopping of Daggenham Breach. PETERBOROUGH, The Geology of. By Dr. Henry Porter. Cr. 8vo. cloth. Peterborough^ 1861. PETITUS, PETER. Dissertatio de Amazonibus. PHARMACEUTICE Rationalis. By Dr. Thomas Willis. Sq. calf. Oxonii, 1725. PHILOMORUS. Notes on the Latin Poems of Sir Thomas More. [Rev. Professor J. H. Marsden.] 2nd Ed. 8vo. cloth. London, 1878. PHILOSOPHICAL Furnaces, A Description of the New. By J. R. Glauber. Translated by Dr. John French. Sm. 4to. calf. London^ 1651. PHILOSOPHICAL Transactions. For the Tears 1720-3. 1724-5. 1726-7. 1728-30. 1731-2. 1733-4. 1735-6. 1737-8. 1739-40. 1740-1. 1742-3. 1744-5. 1746. 1747. 1748. 1751-2. 1753. 1754. •* •• »• at •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •# •• •• •• •• *• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• 3V B. 43. n 44. }) 45. j> 46. n 47. }f 48. if 49. J> 50. j> 51. M 52. > 53. y 54. , 55. 1 56. , 57. t 58. f) 59. B. 60.) 62. J ^- 63.) 64. J J). 142.) 146.) B. 78. D. 153. D. 107.1 111. D. 173.) 174. { B. 80. B. 97.) 98. ■ D. 158. D. 48. PHILOSOPHICAL Transactions. For the Year 1755. 1756. 1757. 1758. 1759. 1760. 1761. 1762. 1763. 1764. 1765. 1766. 1767. 1768. 1769. 1770. 1771. PHILOSOPHICAL Transactions to 1700 Abridged. Collected by John Lowthorp. 3 yoIs. 3rd Ed. Sm. 4to. calf. London, 1722. PHILOSOPHICAL Transactions from 1700-20 Abridged. Collected by Henry Jones. 2 vols. Sm. 4to. calf. London, 1721. PHILOSOPHICAL Works of the late Right Honourable Henry St. John, Lord Viscount Bolingbroke. By David Mallet. 5 vols. Cr. 8vo. calf. London, 1754. PHILOSOPHY, A Yiew of Sir Isaac Newton's. By Henry Pemberton. 4tb. calf. London, 1728. PHILOSOPHY, Essays in T^atural History and. By Dr. John Hill. Cr. 8vo. calf. London, 1752. PHILOSOPHY, Lectures on Natural and Experimental. By George Adams. 5 vols. 8vo. boards. London, 1794. PHILOSOPHY, Mathematical Elements of Natural. By Dr. William Gravesande. Translated by Dr. J. T. Desaguliers. 2 vols. Cr. 8vo. calf. London, 1720-1. PHILOSOPHY, Dissertations on different Subjects in Natural. By James Hutton. Eoy. 4to. calf. Edinburgh, 1792. PHILOSOPHY, A System of Natural. By Bev. Dr. T. Kutherforth. 2 vols. 4to. calf. Cambridge, 1748. PHILOSOPHY, A Compendious System of Natural. By J. Rowning. 2nd Ed. Cr. 8vo. calf. Cambridge, 1735. PHILOSOPHY, The Vanities of and Physick. By Dr. Gideon Harvey. 3rd Ed. Cr. 8vo. calf. London, 1702. D. 165. C. 179. D. 134. D. 181. 182. 38 PHYSICAL Dictionary, A New. By Dr. John Quincy. Cr. 8vo. calf. London, 1719. PHYSICARUM, Ordo Institutionum. By Dr. T. Butherforth. 4to. calf. Cantabrigiae, 1742. PHYSICK, The History of. By Daniel Le Clerc, Translated by Drs. Drake & Baden. Cr. 8vo. calf. London^ 1699. PHYSICK, The History of from the time of Galen to the XVI^h Century. By Dr. J. Freind. 2 vols. 3rd. Ed. Cr. 8vo. calf. London, 1726. D. 41. PHYSICK, The State of and of Diseases, & an Enquiry into Small-pox. By Dr. John Woodward. Cr. 8vo. calf. London, 1718. PHYSICK, The Vanities of Philosophy and. See Philosophy. PICARD, BERNARD. Ceremonies et Coutumes Religieuses de tous les Peuples du Monde. 4 vols. PIGOT, JAMES. A complete Alphabet of Cyphers Reversed and Inverted. PINE, JOHN. A Plan of London. 2 vols. PISO, GULIELMUS. Medicina Brasiliae. ed. Joannes de Laet. PITCARNIUS, ARCHIBALDUS, Scotus. Medica. PITCARNIUS, ARCHIBALDUS. Elementa Medicinae. PLANTARUM, Anatome. See Anatome. 2 vols. PLANTARUM, Historia. By J. Raius. 3 vols. Fol. calf. Londini, 1686-1704. POEMATA Latina. By Abrahamus Couleius. Cr. 8vo. calf. Londini, 1668. POEMS, Lincolnshire. See Lincolnshire. 115. POETICA, Libri tres de Arte. By Marcus H. Yida. 8vo. calf. Oxford, 1722. POETICAL Works of Erasmus Darwin. 3 vols. Svo. Boards. London, 1806. POLITIANUS, ANGELTJS. Epistolac. 12mo. Basiliae, 1552. POLITY, The Principles of. By Thomas Pownall. 4to. calf. London, 1752. PORTER, Dr. HENRY. The Geology of Peterborough. 12.) PORTFOLIOS, containing Prints. 4 vols. i. Statues and 15.) Portraits, ii. Architecture and Sculpture, iii. Plans, Charts and Designs, iv. Miscellaneous. Roy. Fol. half-hoiind. D. 48. A. 84.) 87. ( B. ;o9. A. y A. 88. C. 199. D. 124. A. A. 69.) 70. 1 74.) 76. D. 45. D. 83. D. 115. D. 97.) 99. J D. 71. B. 102. D. 195. A. 12.1 r B. 102. A. 92. C. 162. B. 85. B. 101. A. 12. 15. 0. 46. D. 196. B. 121. C. 161. D. 171. 39 163. POTTERY, :Mark8 and Monograms on and Porcelain. By William Chaffers. 3rd Ed. Eoy. 8vo. cloth. London, 1870. POWNALL, THOMAS, The Principles of Polity. PRAYER, A rational Illustration of the Book of Common. By Charles Wheatley. 3rd Ed. Fol. calf. London, 1720. PRIESTLEY, Dr. JOSEPH. The History and present State of Electricity. PRINTING, An Historical Account of in England. *By Joseph Ames. Roy. 4to. calf. London, 1749. PRINTING, A General History of. By S. Palmer. 4to. calf. London, 1732. PRINTS, Portfolios containing. See Portfolios. 4 vols. PROPERCE, Les Oeuvres de. Cr. Svo. vellum. 1654. PROVENCE Maritime, La. By Charles Lenth^ric. Svo. Pam, 1880. PSALTERITJM Davidis. In Shorthand. MS. 12mo. calf. 1509. PUGH, EDWARD. Cambria Depicta. A Tour through North Wales. PULSE WATCH, The Physician's. By Sir John Eloyer. Cr. Svo. calf. London, 1707. A. 17. PUNICK WAR, Silius Italicus' Second. Translated by Thomas Ross. Fol. calf. London, 1672. Q. B. 118. QUADRANT, The Sector on a ....,& the Description and Uses of a general Quadrant. By John Collins. Sm. 4to. calf. London, 1658. D. 164. QUINCY, Dr. JOHN. A compleat English Dispensatory. D. 165. QUINCY, Dr. JOHN. A new Physical Dictionary. 40 B. 5. A. 74. 76. D. 120. D. 157. 158. D. 189. D. ]90. A. 96. B. 83. B. 106. D. B. C. 24. 26. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. R. EADEVICUS, Canonicus Phrisingensis. Fridericus Primus. RAIUS, JOANNES. Historia Plantarum. 3 vols. EAIUS, JOANNES. Historia Insectorum. RAIUS, JOANNES. Synopsis methodica Stirpium Britannicarum. 2 vols. 3rd Ed. Cr. 8vo. calf. Londini, 1724. KAICS, JOANNES. Synopsis methodica Avium et Piscium. Cr. 8vo. calf. Londini, 1713. RAIUS, JOANNES. Synopsis methodica Animalium Quadrupedum et Serpentini Generis. Cr. 8vo. calf. London, 1693. RALEGH, Sir WALTER. The Historic of the World. RATHBORNE, AARON. The Surveyor. RAY, Rev. BENJAMIN. A Catalogue of the Italian Princes and their Palaces, & of the Italian Painters and their celebrated Performances. MS. RAY, JOHN. See Raius. REDUS, FRANCISCUS. Opuscula. 3 vols. 32mo. calf. Amstelaedami, 1685-1708. REGINO, Monachus Prumiensis. Annales Augustorum et aliorum Germanorum. REGISTER, The Annual. For the Year 1758. 1759. 1761. 1762. 1763. 1764. 1765. 1766. 1767. 1768. 1769. 1770. 1771. 1772. 1773. 1774. 1775. 41 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 73. 132. 19. EEGISTER, The Annual. ;1 jB. 117. C. 145. E. 122. A. 77. REINESIUS, Antiquarum EEISKEITJS, J novam. RELIGIO MEDICI. THOMAS. For the Year 1776. . 1777 • • 1778 , 1779 , , 1780 , 1781 , , 1782 , 1783 , , 1784-85 , 1786 , , 1787 , 1788 • • 1789 , 1790 , . 1791 • < 1792 , , 1802 , 1803 • • 1804 , 1805 , , 1806 • 1807 J TT 1808 Syntagma Inscriptionum Introductio in Geographiam veterem ac 32mo. calf. By Thomas Browne. RELIGIETJSES, Ceremonies et Contumes de tons les Peuples du Monde. By Bernard Picard. 4 vols. Eol. calf. Amsterdam, 1723-8. RELIGIOUS, An Account of the . . . . Houses on the Eastern Side of the River Welland. By Rev. Dr. George Oliver. 8vo. cloth. London, 1846. RELIGIOSORUM de Yirtutibus et Qualitatibus. By "Walterus Capett. MS. Sm. 4to. calf. REYNOLDS, Rev. THOMAS. Iter Britanniarum. That part of the Itinerary of Antoninus that relates to Britain. RHETORICE. By Joannes Jembelin. MS. Sm. sq. 1682. RHODIGINUS, LHDOYICrS C. Libri iii. Lectionum Antiquarum. Eol. calf. 1599. c. 210. 211. D. 13. A. 89. 42 ' RICHAUDS, WILLIAM. The History of Lynn. 2 vols. RICHER, JEAN. Le Mercure Francois, ou La Suitte de I'Histoire de la Paix. RICHMOND, Registrum Honoris de ex libro Domesday in Thesauria Domini Regis, cum Appendice. Fol. calf. Londmi, 1722. D. 101. RICKMAN, THOMAS. An Attempt to discriminate the Styles of Architecture in England. D. 42. RIOLANUS, JOANNES. Opuscula Anatomica Nova. A. 78. RIVERITJS, Dr. LAZARUS, Institutiones Medicae. B. 103. ROCHE, MICHAEL de LA. See La Roche. C. 202. ROMA Vetus ac Recens. By Alexander Donatus. Sm. 4to. half-bound. Momae, 1639. C. 167. ROMAN, Outlines from the Vases belonging to the late Sir William Hamilton. By Kirk. 2nd Ed. Roy. 8vo. Boards. London, 1814. D. 196. ROMAN. See La Provence Maritime. B. 2. ROMANI Fasti. By Hubertus Goltzius. Imp. 8vo. vellum. Brugis, 1566. B. 133. ROMANI Imperadori. By Ludovico Dolce. 4to. vellum. Venetia, 1610. A. 48. ROMANORUM, Historia Augusta Imperatorum. See Historia. B. 69. ROOK, J A MS. Translation from the Latin of Marcus Vida's Poem. " A Silkworm." D. 19. ROSS, ALEXANDER. Medicus Medicatus. A. 17. ROSS, THOMAS. Silius Italicus' Second Punic War. B. 134. ROTTENDORFFIUS, BERNHARDUS. Flora Johannis Baptistae. D. 188. ROWJSING, J. A compendious System of Natural Philosophy. ROYAL Society, London. See London & Philosophical. D. 61.) ROYAL Kalendar and Court and City Register. 4 vols. 54. J 12mo. calf. 1814-17. A. 10. RUBENS, PIETRO PAULO. Palazzi di Geneva. Fol. vellum. Anuersa, 1622. B. 115. RUSSIAN Chant Book. MS. calf. B. 97.) RUTHERFORTH, Rev. Dr. THOMAS. A System of 98.} Natural Philosophy. 2 vols. C. 179. RUTHERFORTH^ Rev. Dr. THOMAS. Ordo Institutionum Physicarum. 43 A. 6. RUTLAND, The History and Antiquities of the County of. By Thomas Blore. Vol. I. Part ii. The East Hundred and the Hundred of Casterton Parva. Imp. Fol. paper boards. Stamfo7'd, 1811. 175.) EUYSCHIUS, FREDERICK. Opera Omnia Anatomico- 178.) Medico-Chirurgica. 4 vols. A. 79. SAGGI. Natural! Esperienze. A. 62. SALMON. A critical Review of the State Trials. A. 91. SAMMES, ADLETT. Britannia Antiqua Illustrata. D. 166.1 SANNAZARIUS on the Birth of our Saviour. A Poem. 167.) By a Member of the Spalding Gentlemen's Society. Two copies. Cr. 8vo. calf. London, 1736. D. 191. SANSOYINO, M. FRANCESCO. Delia Origine et deFatti delle Famiglie d'ltalia. C. 214. 1 SAUNDERS, J. AHistory of the County of Lincoln. 2 vols. 215.) D. 10. SCHEFFERUS, JOANNES. Disquisitio Antiquaria do Orbibus Tribus Aureis. 18mo. vellum. Holmiae, 1675. D. 113. SCHEUCHZERUS, J. JACOBUS. Itinera Alpina Tria. D. 73. SCHURMAN, ANNA MARIA A'. Opuscula. 12mo. calf. Lugd. Bat., 1650. A. 57. ) SCOTCH Nation, The Lives and Characters of the most 59.) Eminent Writers of the. By Dr. George Mackenzie. 3 vols. Fol. calf. Edinburgh, 1708-1722. A. 39. SCOTLAND, A Journey through most of the Counties of. Itinerarium Septentrionale. By Alexander Gordon. Fol. calf. London, 1726. C. 157. SCRIVENER, FREDERICK H. Bezae Codex Canta- brigiensis. A. 20. SCULPTURE, The Architecture and of the Cathedral Church of Lincoln. By Charles Wild. Imp. 4to. half- bound. London, 1819. A. 80. SEA, A complete History of the most remarkable Transactions at. See History. D. 112. SEEDS, The Microscopical Theatre of. By James Parsons. Vol. i- only. Lg. sq. calf. London, 1745. C. 183. SELDEN, JOHN. Mare Clausum. D. C. 6. 8. 187. C. 209. 44 D. 3. SENECA, L. ANNAEUS. Opera. 12mo. calf. C. 206. SEWERS, Statute of. The Reading of Robert Callis. Sm. Sq. half-calf. London, 1647. C. 156. SHAW, HENRY. The Handbook of Mediaeval Alphabets and Devices. A. 64. SHAW, Dr. THOMAS. Travels or Observations relating to parts of Barbary and the Levant. D. 21. SHORTHAND made Easy or Polygraphy. By Aulay Macaulay. 32mo. calf. London^ 1747. B. 121. SHORTHAND. Psalterium Davidis. MS. 12ino. calf. 1509. B. 69. SILKWORM, The. A Poem. MS. The Latin of Marcus Vida. Translated by John Rook. 4to. roan. 1729. SISTO v., Vitadi. By Gregorio Leti. 3 vols. 12mo. vellum. Amsterdamo, 1693. SKERTCHLY, S. B. J. Fenland Past and Present. SLEAFORD, Sketches illustrative of the Topography and History of New and Old. 8vo. half-calf. SLeaford, 1825. E. SLEAFORD, The History of the Holy Trinity Guild at. By Rev. Dr. George Oliver. Cr. 8vo. cloth. Lincoln, 1837. D. 41. SMALL-POX, An Enquiry into. By Dr. John Woodward. Cr. 8vo. calf. London, 1718. C. 166, SMITH, CHARLES G. A Translation of the Domesday Book relating to Lincolnshire and Rutlandshire. SMITH, Rev. H. COTTON. The History of Spilsby. SMITH, G. The compleat Body of Distilling. SMITH, Dr. ROBERT. A complete System of Opticks. SMITH, THOMAS. Epistolae Gulielmi Camdeni. SMYTH. Admiral W. H. A Descriptive Catalogue of the Northumberland Cabinet of Roman Coins. SOCIETY. See London & Spalding. SPAIN. See Hispanae. SPALDING, Gentlemen's Society. Alphabets of Arts and Sciences. A Collection of MSS. Roy. Fol. calf. 1710. SPALDING Gentlemen's Society. Catalogues of the Library of the. See Catalogue. A. 108. ) SPALDING Gentlemen's Society, The Account Books of the. llO.j 3 vols. FoL vellum.. 1749. SAFE. SPALDIXG Gentlemen's Society, The Minute Books of the. See Minutes. A. 98. SPEED, JOHN. The History of Great Britain under the Conquests of the Romans, Saxons, Danes and Normans. D. 199. D. 135. B. 16. B. 127. C. 146. A. 71. A. 29. c. 192. c. 152. 153. c. 143. B. 107. A. 83. 45 99. SPENCER, G. WILLIAM. A History of England from the first Settlement of Brutus in this Island to the Year 1795. D. 199. SPILSBY, The History of. By Rev. H. Cotton Smith. Cr. 8vo. cloth. Sjnlsbi/, 1892. SPON", Dr. Recherches Curieuses d'Antiquite. SPORTS, Oriental Field. By Capt. Thomas Williamson. 2 vols. Imp. 8vo. Boards. London, 1.808. SPORTS and Pastimes of the People of England. By Joseph Strutt. 2nd Ed. Roy. 4to. London, 1810. SPRAT, THOMAS. A History of the Royal Society of London. STANFORD, The Antiquarian Annals of. Academia Tertia Anglicana. By Francis Peck. Sm. Fol. calf. London, 1727. D. 18. STATUTES, Abridgment of all the of England until the 3Uth Yere of Kynge Henry VIII. 18mo. calf. [1500.] C. 141. STEVENSON. WILLIAM. A Supplement to Bentham's History of Ely, & a Life of Bentham. D. 133. STEWARD, The Duty and Office of a Land. By Edward Lawrence. 2nd Ed. 12mo. calf. London, 1731. C. 143. STRUTT, JOSEPH. The Sports and Pastimes of the People of England. A. 103. STUKELEY, Rev. Dr. WILLIAM. Itinerarium Curiosum, Centuria Prima. B. 99. STUKELEY, Rev. Dr WILLIAM. The Medallic History of Marcus Aurelius Valerius Carausius, Emperor in Britain. B. 100. STUKELEY, Rev. Dr. WILLIAM. PalaeographiaBritannica, or Discourses on Antiquities in Britain. B. 110.] STUKELEY, Rev. Dr. WILLIAM. Memoirs of the Royal 114.) Society of London. MS. 5 vols. C. 148. STUKELEY, Rev. Dr. WILLIAM. 23 Plates of the Coins of the ancient British Kings. C. 127. STUKELEY, Rev. Dr. WILLIAM. The Philosophy of Earthquakes. B. 9.1 SUICIDE, An Enquiry into the Subject of. By Eev. Charles 10.) Moore. 2 vols. Roy. 4to. Paper boards. London, 1790. D. 130. SURGERY, Practical Cases and Observations in. By Dale Ingram. 8vo. calf. London, 1751. D. 30. SURGERY, Operations of. By J. de La Charriere. 32mo. calf. D. 94.) SURTEES SOCIETY, The Publications of the 96. ) containing the Family Memoirs of the Rev. Dr. William Stukcley. 3 vols. 8vo. cloth. London, 1882-7.. 46 B. 83. SUEVEYOR, The. By Aaron Rathborne. Roy. 8vo. London, 1616. D. 137. SWIFT'S Miscellanies in Prose and Terse. 12rao. calf. London, 1711. D. 136. SWITZER, STEPHEN. The practical Fruit Gardener. A. 9. TABULAE Chronologicae a Creatione Mundi usque ad Christi Nativitatem. By Benjamin Marshall. Imp. Fol. Oxonii, 1713. A. 63. TANNER, Dr. THOMAS, Bishop of St. Asaph. Notitia Monastica. An account of Abbies and Priories founded before 1540. E. TATTERSHALL, A topographical Account of in the County of Lincoln. 12mo. calf. Horncastle, 1811. A. 7. ) TEMPLEMAN, Dr. PETER. Norden's Travels in Egypt 8. ) and Nubia. D. 172. THEOLOGY, ASTRO. By Rev. W. Derham. 2nd Ed. Cr. 8vo. calf. London, 1715. D. 154. THEOLOGY. PHYSICO. By Rev. W. Derham. 3rd Ed. Cr. 8vo. calf. London, 1714. D. 47. THERAPEUTICE Universalis. By J. Fernelius Ambianus. Cr. 8vo. calf. Francofurti, 1593. A. 82.) THOMPSON, PISHEY. The History and Antiquities of C. 186.) Boston. Two copieH. D. 46. TIBULLE, Les Elegies de. Cr. 8vo. vellum. Paris, 1653. A. 3.) TINNEY, JOHN. A Plan of London. 2 vols. C. 158.) TOPOGRAPHY, British. Bv R. Gough. 2 vols. 4to. 159.1 calf. ' London, 1780. B. 21.) TOURNEFORT, M. A Voyage into the Levant. 2 vols. 22. ( B. 66. ) TOURNEFORT, M. The complete Herbal. 2 vols. 67. ( A. 45.) TRAVELS, Collections of Voyages and. Navigantium atque 46. ( Itinerantium Bibliotheca. By John Harris. 2 vols. Fol. calf. London, 1705. A. 64. TRAVELS or Observations relating to several parts of Barbarv and the Levant. By Dr. Thomas Shaw. Fol. calf. ' Oxford, 1738. 47 C. 188.) TRAVELS, Observations on through France and 189.) Italy. By Edward Wright. 2 vols. 4to. calf. London^ 1730. TRAVELS. See also Turkey, Egypt and Nubia. A. 62. TRIALS, A Critical Review of the State. "By Salmon. Eol. calf. London, 1735. C. 155. TROLLOPE, Rev. EDWARD. Illustrations of ancient Art in Pompeii. A. 65. TURCICA Chronica. By Sigismundus Feyrabendt. ed. Philippus Lonicerus. Tom iii. ed. M. Barletius. Imp. 8vo. calf. Francofurii-ad-Moenum, 1578. A. 40. TURGOR, EDMUND. Collections for the History of the Town and Soke of Grantham. U. D. 140. UNDERSTANDING, Procedure of the. By Bishop Brown. Cr. 8vo. calf. 1729. C. 149. UNION of Honour, The. By James Yorke. Imp. 8vo. calf. London, 1640. D. 10. UPSALENSI, Chronicon primorum Archiepiscoporum in Ecclesia. ISmo. vellum. Vpsaliad, 1705. D. 14. URBICA, Dissertation Sur Magnia. By Dr. Geuebrier. 18mo. calf. Paris, 1704. C. 171. VAILLANT, D. Selectiora Numismata in Aere Maximi Moduli e Museo Francisci de Camps. D. 198. VAUX, W.S.W. Nineveh and Persepolis. An historical Sketch of ancient Assyria and Persia. D. 176. VEGETABLE Staticks. By Rev. Stephen Hales. Cr. Svo. calf. London, 1727. D. 161. VERDIER. An Abstract of the Anatomy of the Human Body. Translated by Dale Ingram. C. 191. VERTUE, G. A Description of the Works of Wenceslaus Hollar. 48 D. 114. VIDA, MARCUS. H. Hymni de Rebus Divinis. 8vo. calf. Oxonii, 1733. D. 115. YIDA, MARCUS. H. Libri iii. de Arte Poetica. D. 121. VIDA, MARCUS. H. Christias. ed. Edvardus Owen. Svo. calf. Oxonii, 1725. A. 105. VIEWS, A Selection of in the County of Lincoln. By Bartholomew Hewlett. Fol. cloth. London, 1805. A. 6. VILLAS of the Ancients, The. By Robert CastelL Imp. Eol. calf. London, 1728. B. 129.) VOYAGES in the East and West Indies. 2 vols. Oblong 130.) 4to. vellum. 1646. A. 45.) VOYAGES. See Travels. 46. w. D. 68. "WALCOTT, MACKENZIE. The Cathedrals of the United Kingdom. D. 69. WALCOTT, MACKENZIE. The Minsters and Abbey Ruins of the United Kingdom. WALES. See Cambria. • A. 90. WALLICAE Leges ecclesiasticae et civiles Hoeliboni et aliorum Walliae Principum. By Gulielmus Wottonus. EoL calf. * Londini, 1730. WALTER, J. CONWAY. Brown's Lincolnshire Poems. WANLEY, NATHANIEL. A general History of Man. WELLS, SAMUEL. The History of the Bedford Level. 2 vols. WESTMONASTERIENSIS, MATTHAEUS. Historiae Britannicae. WHAPLODE, The Parish Church of St. Mary. By W. E. Foster. Cr. 8vo. cloth. London, 1889. WHEATLEY, CHARLES. A rational Illustration of the Book of Common Prayer. WHEELER, W. H. The History of the Fens of South Lincolnshire. WHEWELL, W. Architectural Notes on German Churches. WIGHT, A History of the Isle of. By John Albin. 8vo. diced. Newport, 1795. D. 83. C. 184. C. 164. 165. C. 182. D. 194. A. 92. D. 197. D. 82. D. 102. 20. c. 152.] 153. D. 162. D. 123. E. A. 1. D. 41. D. 39. 1 40.) D. 159. 160. A. 90. C. 150. C. 188.) 189.) WILD, CHARLES. An Illustration of the Architecture and Sculpture of the Cathedral Church of Lincoln. WILLIAMSOiS", Captain THOMAS. Oriental Field Sports. 2 vols, WILLIS, BROWNE. Notitia Parliamentaria. WILLIS, Dr. THOMAS. Pharmaceutioe Rationalis. WINTERTON^, The History of , and of the adjoining Villages. By W. Andrew. Sm. 8vo. cloth. Hull, 1836. WOOD, ROBERT. The Ruins of Palmyra. WOODWARD, Dr. JOHN. The State of Physick and Disease, & an Enquiry into Small Pox. WOODWARD, Dr. JOHN. An Essay towards a Natural History of the Earth. 2 vols. Translated by Benjamin Holloway. WOODWARD, Dr. JOHN. A Natural History of the Fossils of England. 2 vols. WORLD. See History. WOTTONUS, GULIELMUS. Leges Wallicae ecclesiasticae et civiles Hoelboni et aliorum Walliae Principum. WRIGHT, ANDREW. Court Hand Restored, ed. Charles T. Martin. WRIGHT, EDWARD. Observations made in travelling through France and Italy. 2 vols. X. Y. & Z. C. 149. YORKE, JAMES. The Union of Honour. 50 The Pamphlets, Tracts, &c., are arranged under the following headings. 1. ANTIQUITIES. 2. ARCHITECTURE. 3. COINS. 4. ENGINEERING. 6. GEOGRAPHY. 6. LAW. 7. MEDICINE. 8. MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. 9. PEDIGREES. 10. POETRY. 11. SCIENCE. 12. THEOLOGY. ^ll^^g^' ^i&^^^mM f^j>