f U B "UC-NRLF C E b33 '=i5'=l ■■^Hl- I / ~J EMPIRE SETTLEMENT COMMITTEE. REPORT TO THE SECKETARY OF STATE FOR THE COLONIES OF THE COMMITTEE APPOINTED TO CONSIDER THE MEASUEES TO BE TAKEN FOE SETTLING WITHIN THE EAIPIEE EX-SEEVICE MEN WHO MAY DESIEE TO EMIdEATE AETEE THE WAR. Prcscnkd to both Houses of PdrHamcnt bv ConHiinnd of His IDaicsH Aiu/usf, 1917. LONDON: PUBLISHED BY HIS MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE. To be puicliased tlivough any Bookseller or directly from H.M. STATIONERY OFFICE at the followins- addresses: Imperial House, Eingsway, Londox, ■\V.C.2, and 28. ABixGiKm Stheet, London, S.W.I; 3T, Peter Street, Manchester; 1, St. Andrew's Crescent, Cardiff; 28. Forth Street. Edinbuhgii ; / or from E. PONSOXBY. Ltd., 116. Grafton Street, Dublin; / or from the Ao'enr-ies in the British Colonies and Dependencies, / the United States of America and other Foreip'n Countries of T. FISHER UNVVIN, Ltd., Londo.v, W.C. 191T. [C(1. 8072.] Price S),l. Net. 11 CONTENTS. PRELIMINARY NOTE REPORT— I. INTRODUCTION II. LAND SETTLEMENT OF EX-SERVICE MEN Government Schemes Private Schemes III. OTHER OPPORTUNITIES FOR EX-SERVICE MEN IN DOMINIONS THE OVERSEA IV. THE QUESTION OF TRAINING V. THE QUESTION OF THE DISABLED VI. WIVES AND FAMILIES OF EX-SERVICE MEN ... VII. HOW INFORMATION SHOULD BE MADE ACCESSIBLE TO THE TROOPS VIII. THE QUESTION OF TRANSPORT IX. THE QUESTION OF FINANCE X. CONSTITUTION OF A CENTRAL AUTHORITY XI. CONCLUSION Summary op Conclusions and Recommendations Page, iii 2 3 11 13 13 14 15 18 19 20 23 27 2S APPENDICES— I. Memorandum by Mr. P. Lyttelton Cell on the Finance of Empire Land Settlement ?•■ II. List of Witnesses III. Answers of the Oversea Representatives to Questions Drawn Up ry THE Chairman IV. List of British Steamship Companies Carrying ['assencjers from Great Britain to the Oversea Dominions INDEX TO REPORT 33 36 37 GO 61 ^ Ill ■,,•.. PRELIMINARY NOTE. The following were the members of the Committee : — The Right Honble. Lord Tennyson, G.C.M.G. {Chairman). The Right Honble. F. D. Acland, M.P. (representina; the Board of Agricultm-e and Fisheries). Mr. W. Clive Bkidgeman, M.P., Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of Labour. LOKD BUBNHAM, K.C.V.O. Mr. H. H. Fawcett, Assistant Secretary, War Office. The Right Honble. Andrew Fisher, High Commissioner for the Commonwealth of Australia. Mr. p. Lyttelton Gell (representing the British S(Kath Africa Company). Sir H. Rider Haggard. Mr. John Howard, Agent-General for Nova Scotia. Commissioner D. C. Lamb, Salvation Army. The Honble. Sir Peter McBride, Agent-General for Victoria. The Honble. Sir Richard McBride, K.C.M.G., Agent-General for British Columbia. The Honble. Sir John McCall, M.D., Agent-General for Tasmania. The Honble. Sir Thomas Mackenzie, K.C.M.G. High Commissioner for New Zealand. Mr. T. C. Macnaghten, Colonial Office. Mb. J. L Macpherson, M.P., Under Secretary of State, War Office. Major-General The Honble. Sir Newton Moore, K.C.M.G., Agent-General for Western Australia. Mr. J. O'Grady, M.P. Sir S. Olivier, K.C.M.G., C.B., Secretary of the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries. Lt. Colonel P. Pelletier, Agent-General for Quebec. Sir Owen Philipps, K.C.M.G., M.P. Mr. J. A. Reid, Agent-General for Alberta. Lt. Colonel The Honble. R. Reid, Agent-General for Ontario. Mr. G. H. Roberts, M.P., Parliamentary Secretary, l)oard of Trade. Major Sir Thomas Robinson, K.C.M.G., Agent-General for Queensland. The Honble. Robert Rogers, Minister of Public Works, Dominion of Canada. The Right Honble. W. P. Schreiner, K.C, C.M.G., High Commissioner for the Union of South Africa. Sir a. D. Steel-Maitland, Bart., M.P., Under Secretary of State for the Colonies. The Honble. E. G. Strutt, C.B. («) Page 6, paragraph 29, line 4, should read "lots of 100 acres at $30 (£6) jjer 100 acres." [b] On Page 39, second column, last paragraph but two, fourth line, the first sentence should read " The price is §30 (£6) per 100 acres." J90010 \ EMPIRE SETTLEMENT COMMITTEE. REPORT TO THE RT. HON. W. H. LONG, M.r., SECRETARY OE STATE EOR THE COLONIES. L— INTRODUCTION. Sir, 1. We were apjiointed by you to be a Committee with the following terms of reference : — " To consider and report on the measures to be taken for settling within the Empire ex-soldiers who may desire to emigrate after the War. To collect and prepare for distribution to intending emigrants of this class infor- mation which shall show clearly the nature of any facilities afforded by the Governments of the Dominions and States. To advise as to the best methods of making this information accessible to the troops. To make recommendations as to the steps which should be taken by His Majesty's Government in concert with the Governments of the States and Dominions for the consti- tution of a Central Authority to supervise and assist such emigration." We commenced work in April, 1917, and have now the honour to present the following Report. Interpretation of Terms of Reference. 2. We may begin by stating shortly our interpretation of various points in the terms of reference set out above. • First of all we were informed that the term " ex-soldiers " meant ex-service men from both the Navy and Army, and included their wives and children. We also felt that vv'e were at liberty to consider the case of their widows and orphans and of women who had carried out war service, such as nurses and munition workers. Secondly, we understood that our main object was to find out what openings and facilities there were on the land and otherwise in the Oversea Dominions for ex-service men and women (including those partially disabled), and to put them in the way of taking advantage of these openings. Thirdly, we conceived that, though it was our business to collect the information required as to openings overseas, it was not desired that we should ourselves prepare posters, pamphlets, etc., for publication, that being rather the duty of the proposed Central Authority. Fourthly, we felt that, whilst we were at liberty to suggest methods of dissemina- tion of information, we should naturally be guided by the opinion of the Departments of the Home (government concerned as to the time at which this information should be made accessible to the troops. Lastly, we regarded our work as part of the general inquiry now proceeding as to the problems of reconstruction likely to arise on demobilisation, and in making our investigations have been careful to keep in touch with the Reconstruction Committee and other bodies engaged on this great task. Procedure. 3. As our numbers we're somewhat large for carrying out the normal procedui-e of a Government Committee, \\'e ajjjaointed two iSub-Committees at our first meeting. The first — a General Purposes Committee — undertook the main inquiry as to the opportunities for the settlement of ex-service men in the Oversea Dominions. The second was ap^winted to consider the inducements for ex-service men to remain in the 1H77 A 2 EMPIRE SETTLEMENT COMMITTEE : United Kingdom after the War in connection -with agricultural settlement and industrial opportunities, and their relation to the counter inducements held out by the Oversea Governments. Both these Committees have held meetings for the examination of witnesses ; a list of those who gave evidence, other than the rejiresentatives of the Oversea Dominions, will be found in A])pendix II. to this Report. Most of the Oversea representatives answered a series of questions drawn up by the Chairman on various matters affecting our enquiry. The questions and answers are printed as Appendix III. 4. We wish to take the opportunity of thanking these various witnesses for the time and troid)le spent in assisting us. We appreciate it the more because the work has often — in fact generally — been sirable, both as rco-ards themselves and their progeny, which may well be of priceless worth in the now unpeopled districts of the Empire overseas. 8. It has seemed to us, then, that a new departure in our emigration system is needed, if it is to be looked at, as it ought to be, from the standpoint of the Empire as a whole. Individual interests nmst be subordinated, and eo-openitive action is needed. We iiave tried throughout this Report to study how this co-operation can best be achieved. II.— LAND SETTLEMENT FOR EX-SERVICE MEN. 9. We proceed at once to consider tiie opporttuiities offering to ex-service for settlement on the land. We do not consider that it is correct to regard opportunities at home and in the Oversea Dominions as in anv wav antagonistic. They are really parts of the one great policy for settlement within tlie Empire, not two different and opposing schemes. nu^n ~ueh EEPORT. GOVERNMENT SCHEMES. United Kingdom. 10. We have been greatly impressed with the evidence given to us by all those acquainted with ovei'sea conditions as to the interest taken by the Self-governing Dominions and States in the development of agricultural settlement at home. It is true that, in times past, town-bred emigrants have shown a capacity and adaptability for agricultural life overseas which has proved of the highest value, and we see every reason to suppose that this happy state of alFairs will continue. The fact remains that the Dominions still look largely to the agricultural districts of the United Kingdom for the supply of emigrants of the type they require. They recognise that before the War the available resources were dwindling and they are anxious to see them replenished : they feel themselves, therefore, to have a direct interest in the new agri- cultural policy now being thought out by the Home Clovernment, and they would welcome well considered measures taken to increase the agricultural population of these Islands. It is in the interests of the Ovei'sea Domininns that the Empire should not be weakened at the heart, and that the Mother Country should continue to provide the stock from which their future citizens should be drawn. We feel it our duty to emphasise this point, as it is one perhaps not generally realized. 11. The plans for the employment and settlement of ex-service men on the land in England and Wales are, in brief, as follows : — So far as employment is concerned, the only proposals so far disclosed ai'e : («) The establishment of a minimum wage of 25s. per week for agricultural labourers. {b) The guarantee of a minimum price for wheat and oats from 1917 to 1922. These are embodied in the Corn Production Bill now before Parliament. It may be assumed, however, that if grass land to anything like the extent of the 3,000,000 acres desired is ploughed up, there ' will be a demand for agricultural labourers, both skilled and unskilled, largely in excess of the numbers employed before the War. 12. As regards settlement, legislation has been passed* enabling the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries to acquire land for a small number of experimental small- holding colonies in England and Wales up to a maximum of 6,000 acres in all. These colonies are intended primarily for ex-service men.f Up to the present land has been obtained for two such colonies, 1,600 acres at vSunk Island, near Patrington, in Yorkshire, and 1,000 acres near Holbeach, in Lincolnshire. The remaining sites have still to be selected. When the scheme is complete it is expected that provision will be made for 240 men or (including their wives and families) 1,200 persons. Preference will be given to those whose wives and daughters have, as the result of their employ- ment on the land either before or during the War, acquired proficiency in milking or other farming operations. 13. Selected applicants without previous experience will be given preliminary trainino- on a central farm under the supervision of the Director of the colony, receiving a fair living wage until they are considered capable of taking up land for themselves. The Government do not propose to make direct advances of capital to men desirous of taking up holdings, but endeavours will be made to establish a system of co-operative credit. Cottages will be built for the settlers, and the rent paid for the small holdings will be calculated accordingly. 14. The experimental scheme is on a very small scale, and it is not expected, under present conditions, that it will be self-supporting. We are informed, however, by the Board of Agriculture that they have in view proposals for obtaining land for the settlement of ex-service men on a large scale. 15. In Scotland the Board of Agriculture for Scotland are empowered under the Act already mentioned* to acquire an aggregate area of 2,000 acres of land suitable for * 6 and 7 Geo. V., Ch. 38. I We desire to make it clear that these colonies are not, as is often supposed, primarily intended for disabled men. 1U7T A'2 4 EMPIRE SETTLEMENT COMMITTEE : experimental small -holdings colonies, primai-ilv intended for ex-service men. Of this area, three-fourths are to consist of arable land. The Board are now making enquiries as to suitable land. The Board are also considering a suggestion for utilising rural villages where small areas of suitable land are available for intensive cultivation and satisfactory building accommodation already exists. The Duke of Sutherland has presented to the nation the farm of Borgie. in the County of Sutherland, with the buildings thereon. The disposition of the property will be under the Board of Agriculture for Scotland. A condition of the gift is that the farm should be used for the settlement of sailors and soldiers wlio have volunteered without compulsion and have a good record of foreign service.* One half of the holdings are to be allotted to sailors. The farm extends to about 12,200 acres, of which 200 acres are arable or can be reclaimed. It is proposed to form 20 holdings, each of an arable area of 6 acres, with an outrun and a common pasture. 8,000 acres are reserved for afforestation. Canada. 16. It is essential to make it clear at the outset, that there are several Government authorities dealing with Crown lands in Canada. The Dominion Government controls such land in the Provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta, and in a portion of British Columbia. Elsewhere Crown lands are under the control of the respective Provincial Govermneuts. The Dominion and most of the Provincial Govern- ments maintain immigration machiner}' of their own both locally and in the United Kingdom. 17. For the most part the schemes so far preparcl for the settlement of ex-service men are inde)>endent of one another. We are officially informed, however, that it is the intention of the Dominion Government to render the financial assistance described in ]\aragraph 19 below to approved ex service men located on other than Dominion lands in any Province in the Confederation. DOMINION LANDS. 18. It is well known that, for many years past, the Dominion Government has been opening up the land in the Prairie Provinces (Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta) by the system of " homesteading," i.e., by the grant, in the majority of cases, of 160 acres of land free of cost, subject to certain conditions as to occupation and improvement. In order to provide for ex-service men the Dominion Government proposes to reserve large areas of land in the three Provinces in question, for settlement on similar lines but under special conditions. 19. These conditions may be summarized thus : — The administration ot the reserved hinds will be in the hands of a Settlement P)oard consisting of three members possessing an intimate and [mictical knowledo-e of Western Canada and its farming conditions. It is intended to grant to suitable and approved ex-service men 160 acres of Crown lands each, free of charge. The classeis entitled to partiin])ate include hnnouraljly discharged ex-service men from the Forces of Canada, the United Kingdom, and any of the Self-governing British Dominions, and the widows of sailors and soldiers from those parts of the Empire whose iuisbands died while on active service. The Settlement Board will be empowered to graiif a loan of .$2,0(10 (.i!-100) to each approved ap])licant, to be spent in erecting a house, purchasino- implements anrl stock, and generally in preparing the land for settlement. This loan will be a first mortgage ui\ the homestead. It will be advanced at a low rate of interest (5 per cent.) and will have to be rej)aid within tiftcen years. The first repayment may be defended for two or three years alter the settler has entered upon (he land at the discretion of the Settlement Boai-d. 20. It should be clearly understood that applicants for land or loans nuist have previous farming experience before they can be consiclered iTigible. Intending settlers amono-st ex-service men who do not already ])ossess such experience can, however, be tilaced for training u])on the Demonstration Farms of the Dominion or IVovincial Governments or they can be placed with selected and approved farmc rs through the existing organisation of the Governments. In cither ease they would be employed at the current rate of wao-es. * Preference ia to be given to men in good physical condition ; but partially disabled men will not be altogether excluded from consideration. KEPORT. a It is auticipated that in two years they wouhi obtain sufficient practical knowledge of agricultural methods to enable them to apply with success to the Settleraent Board. 21. The Prairie Provinces are muinly noted for wheat cultivation. Mixed farming, however, is on the increase. NEW BRUNSWICK. 22. Legislation was passed by the New Brunswick Parliament in the session of 1916,* authorising the Provincial Government to take the necessary steps to develop a comprehensive system for settling upon suitable lands in New Brunswick residents of the Province who have served overseas, and also residents of the United Kingdom who have served the Empire in the present War. The scheme is to he carried out by the Farm Settlement Board of the Provincef working in conjunction witli an Advisory (Settlement Board appointed for the purpose. The present intention is to establish community settlements, for which purpose an area of ^0,000 acres has already been set aside near the National Transcontinental Railway ; further areas will be set aside if required. 23. In the centre of each of the settlements, which are intended to accommodate from 100 to 250 families, there will be a Demonstration Farm managed by the Provincial Government, where teams and implements will be available for hire, and where a church, public hall, school, etc., will be erected. Radiating from this centre will be farms varying in size from 10 to 100 acres accordino- to the distance from the centre. The cost of these farms will vary : if thev ai'e on Cro^m lands, the price will be governed l:)y the actual cost of improvements (i.e., clearing, boring a well and the erection of a small house, &c.) estimated at from $500 to $1,500 (iBKH) to £300) ; if they are on lands resumed by the Government, the cost of resumption must be added. 24. In both cases 10 per cent, of the cost must be paid on application, and the balance may be spread over twenty years. Settlers must reside on their farms for at least six months of each year, and cannot transfer their rights without the approval of the Advisory Settlement Board. Ex-service men intending to join one of these settlements must make application to the Secretary of the Farm Settlement Board, St. John, New Brunswick, stating inter alia what previous experience and what capital they possess. The possession of capital of .$500 to $1,500 (£100 to £300) is very desirable if the sertler is to succeed, though not essential. Until the scheme is developed, ex-service men desirous of participating can obtain employment in preparing the holdings. 25. Ex-service men possessing capital of their own who wish to settle in New Brunswick, but not to join in a community settlement, can purchase a farm in other parts of the Province from the Farm Settlement Board. A capital of $1,500 to $2,000 (£300 to £400) is desii-able. Employment could also be found for men without capital on farms in the Province. 26. Dairying, fruit-growing, and potato cultivation are the main branches of the agricultural industry in New Brunswick. Pastoral industries also are being developed. 27. NOVA SCOTIA. No special legislation has yet been passed by the Nova Scotia Parliament to deal with the settlement of ex-service men from Canada or other parts of the Empire. It is understood, however, that the Provincial (xovernment is prej^ared to give the matter further consideration when the policy of the Dominion Government has developed. A special pamphlet has been prepared entitled " What Nova Scotia Offers Returned Soldiers." From this it appears that, whilst most of Nova Scotia has long been settled, and there is comparatively little Crown land available, there are a large number of farms owned by private persons which are now being offered for sale. The prices of these farms vary from $600 to $15,000 (£120 to £3,000). A minimum capital of $1,500 (£300) is thought necessary to enable a returned soldier to succeed as a farmer in Nova Scotia, and agricultural experience is advisable. The Government will assist in the selection of a farm, and will also advancej to those possessing the necessary qualifications up to $2,500 (£500) on the appraised value secured by mortgage. The Government will also assist returned soldiers without agricultural experience to obtain employment on farms in the Province. • 6 Geo.' v., Ch. 9. t Appointed under 2 Geo. V., Oh. 28. X Under the Act for the Encouragement of Settlement on Farm Lands. 1147T A 3 6 EMPIRE SETTLEMENT COMMITTEE '. 28. Farming in Nova Scotia is of a mixed character, including fruit-growing, dairying, and stock raising; oats, hay, and roots are also largely grown. QUEBEC. 29. -In Quebec also no legislation has been passed for the settlement of ex-service men from Canada or other parts of the Empire, but the facilities available under the ordinary law would be open to them. In this Province, land is (jffered to the settler in lots of ] 00 acres at $30 (£6) per acre. Payment has to be made in five years, during which time the settler must reside on his holding, build a house (which must be completed in the first eighteen months), put up a barn, and clear 15 acres. The land in the Province most easily accessible for settlement is on, or near, the new National Transcontinental Line. Much of it, however, is heavily timbered, and, generally speaking, it is thought that its clearing and development are better entrusted to native-born Canadians than to emigrants. The Government would help new arrivals in obtiiining work on farms, so that they can get accustomed to the climate and acquire the necessary experience. ONTARIO. oO. The main part of Ontario now open for settlement is what is known as the " Clay Belt" in the northern jiart of the Province, lying near the line of the National Transcontinental and the Temiskaming and Northern Ontario Ptailways. Under the "Public Lands Act" a free grant of 160 acres can be obtained in this area, subject to certain conditions as to clearing, cultivation, and residence. Under an Act passed in 1916* bona fide settlers can obtain assistance up to $500 (.£100) by way of a loan from the Provincial Government. This bears interest at 6 per cent, and is repayable within ten years. Ex-service men from the Canadian Forces, as well as those from the United Kingdom and any of the Self-governing British Dominions, who possess the necessary agricultural experience, can obtain the benefit of those provisions. 31. For those who have not such experience it is proposed to provide training and community settlements on the following lines : — The men will be sent to an agricultural training depot established on the Government Experimental Farm at Monteith. There they will be provided with living accommodation and lioard whilst being instructed, and will also be paid a reasonable wage. When a sufficient number have been trained, a farm colony will be estal)lished along the line of one of the railways, to which the men will be moved. They will at first be housed in the Central Community, and their labours will be directed to clearing the land and preparing it for cultivation. Then each mim will be given, free of charge, an 80-acre farm (of which 10 acres will be cleared), and will be lent up to $500 (£100) for machinery, stock, &c., to be repaid in twenty years. The co-operative method will obtain in carrying out the work connected with the colony, and the social side of life will be jirovided for. Provision will be made at as early a date as possible for married men to have their families with them. The possession of some capital is desirable, though not absolutely essential. S2. A considerable portion of the Ontario Clav Belt is timbered, but in most cases the proceeds of the sale of the timber cover the cost of clearing. Ro(,t crops and hay are mainly grown. BRITISH COLUMBIA. 3."). Li British Cohnnbia an Act was passed in 191 ()f making s|)ecial |)rovision for the settlement of ex-service men who have lived in liritisli Columbia and have seiwed in the Canadian Forces, or the Forces of any other |)art ol' the Empire, iiiid return to a domicile in British Columbia, including the widows of men who, if tlicv had liveil, would have been entitled to the benefits of the Act. 3-4. On duly ord, 19 16, the then Prime Minister of British Columbia wrote to Sir Rider Haggard informing him that the Government was ])repared "to extend to all United Kingdom ex-service men and their families advantages as rcards hiiid settlement and otherwise simdar to those we give to our returned Canadian soldiers." He added that he would be prepared to introduce at the next session of the I.egislature such measures as might be necessary in this r(s|„ct.J Since the date of this letter a new • Act No. KM) of r.tlC. t G Geo. v., Ch. 5i). j See p. 28 of Sir R. Haggard's lii^Hni to iln. Koyal Colonial Institute. REPORT. i Government has come into office. We were informed, however, by the Acting Agent- General for British Columbia that he understood it was still the intention to introduce legislation on the lines indicated to Sir Rider Haggard, though he was not aware of any such legislation having been passed. 35. Under the Act to which we have referred, ex-service men can obtain on the payment of $10 (.€2) a pre-emption claim to land, the area of which, and the provisions as to residence, will be fixed by regulation ; it will be free of all taxation except school taxes. Provision is also made for the establishment of a fund from the sale of Crown lands, which will be available for making loans to returned soldiers to be used in making improvements on their pre-emptions, etc. This fund will be administered by the Agricultural Credit Commission of Bi'itish Columbia. 36. A large part of the land in British Columbia is timbered. There is, however, an extensive fruit-growing industry, and, in certain parts, mixed farming on a considerable scale. Australia. 37. The Crown lands in Australia, with the exception of those in the Northern Territory and the Federal Capital site, are all under the control of the State Governments, which also maintain immigration machinery of their own, lioth locally and in the United Kingdom. On the other hand, the Commonwealth Government has an organisation in the United Kingdom for making Australia known as a field for immigration, and it has also certain specific powers with regard to immigrants generally. At successive Conferences between the Commonwealth and State Authorities, the first steps have been, taken towards the establishment of a comprehensive scheme to enable ex-service men to take advantage of the offers of land made by the States, and we are informed officially that the Commonwealth and State Governments have decided to give exactly the same facilities for British soldiers as for Australian soldiers desiring to settle on the land. 38. The scheme has not yet been fully matured, but the idea is, in a word, that the Commonwealth will find the funds (estimated at £22,0(30,000 in all\ and the States the necessary lauds, whilst a joint Board, consisting of a Mmister for each State and a Commonwealth Minister, will supervise operations. " The Board will recommend advances of money to soldier settlers ; decide upon the purposes for which such advances may be made ; fix the rate of interest and method of repayment ; and deal generally with matters concerning the scheme. The advances will be made at reasonable rates ; each settler will be allowed an ndvance up to the full value of his improvements. In this way the capital which each settler must possess of his own will be reduced to a comparatively small figure. 39. The facilities offered by each State must now be considered independently of, but subject to, the above proposals. NEW SOUTH WALES. 40. In New South Wales, legislation was passed in 1916* for the settlement of returned Australian soldiers on the land, and with this object in view certain areas of Crown land have been made available, and a number of privately-owned estates resumed. The State Government has promised to extend that legislation, under certain limitations, to discharged British soldiers, and has already undertaken to provide 1,000 farms in the Yanco Irrigation Area on the Murrurabidgee River for which British soldiers, who have been engaged in the War, will be given preference. 41. These 1,000 farms will vary in size from 2 to 250 acres, although the average size would be about 50 acres ; the land is suitable for fruit-growing, dairying, and mixed farming. The tenure is perpetual lease, the rent being 2,^ per cent, of the capital value, besides water rent, and carrying with it the hope of conversion to a freehokl. Advances may be made by the Government up to three-quarters of the holder's interest in the improvements for the purpose of (I) paying off debts due to the Crown, (2) paying off encumbrances upon the land, (3) building a house, or making other improvements on the holding. During the initial stages of settlement, before the land has become productive, the Government is empowered to suspend the payment of rent and other charges. The possession of capital, though very desirable, is not absolutely essential ; • Act No. 21 of 1916. 11*77 A 4 8 EMPIRE SETTLEMENT COMMITTEE : the possession of £50-100 shoul<1, with the assistance of a loan from the State, place a man in an assured position. But previous experience on the land, for a period of six months, at the least, is necessary ; ex-service men can obtain this either by going to private farms or by working at the (Tovernment farm at Griffith in the Yanco Irrigation Area, or otiier Government establishments. At Griffith they will receive pay whilst gaining experience ; at present, hoM'ever, the scheme is in its infancy, nnd oulv offers accommodation for a limited number of persons. VICTOKIA. 42. In Victoria the facilities which will be offered to ex-service men in connection with the land have not been finally decided upon ; but a Bill which indicates generally the policy of the Government has been introduced into the State Parliament, and action is already being taken on the lines which the measure lays down. All the advantages which the State gives to returned Australian soldiers as regards land settlement will be extended to ex-service men from the United Kingdom, provided they have been selected in England in an approved manner. 43. Under the proposed scheme, land, chiefly in irrigation areas, will be offered. For such land the settler must ordinarily pay a deposit of o per cent. on. the capital value, and make subsequent payments at the rate of 6 per cent, per annum for thirty-one and a-half years to cover interest and purchase money. In the case of ex-service men, however, no payment of deposit, rent, or fees will be required for the first three years. Advances on improvements, repayable over a long ])eriod on easy terms, will be made up to 70 per cent, of their value, with a maximum of jBoOO ; and in special cases a house may be built for a settler, the cost being included in the advance. 44. An experienced agriculturist desiring to obtain an irrigated flirm of 40 to 50 acres should possess at least £oOO. A limited number of ex-service men will be admitted to a course of training at the Dookie Agricultural College ; others must obtain employment on farms so as to acquire the requisite agricultural experience under local conditions before taking up land. QUEENSLAND. 45. In Queensland the "Discharged Soldiers Act of lit 17*" jirovides facilities as regards land settlement for " Discharged Soldiers " — that term including ex-naval and military men from the United Kingdom, and in certain cases their widows, mothers, sisters and children. Crown lands and lands resumed by the Government for the purpose will be ottered for selection by them on the " perpetual leasehold " system. No deposit will be paid, and no rent for the first three years ; after that the survey fees will be payable by ten annual instalments, and rent will be paid. In the case of Crown lands the rent will be 1 J per cent, of the capital value of the land (which ranges from 10,s. to nOs. per aci'e with an average of 25,9.) ; in the case of acquired land the value will depend on the amount paid by the Government for resumption. At the end of the fifteenth year, and of each subsequent fifteenth year, the rent will bo determined by the Land Court. The lease will contain provisions as to residence and the making of improvements. The size of the farms will depend on circumstances. For poultrv farms, 10 acres will be sufficient ; for fruit farms, 25 acres ; for general farming, 100 acres ; for dairy farms up to 1,280 acres. 46. For pn^pai'ing and stocking a farm and erecting buildings a sum not exceeding £500 will be necessary ; advances to that amount can l)(! obtained from the Government Savings Bank, repayable by instalments spread over ibrtv years. In the case of Crown lands the rate of interest for the first year is 8 per cent., during the second year 4 per cent., and increases ^ per cent, each succeeding vear until the limit of 5 per cent, is reached. Any money spent by the Government in eliecting permanent improvements will b(> inclndetl in that sum and treated as money borrowed by the settler. Previous experience will be necessary. This can be obtained cither at "the ti-aining farms which the Government intend to set up on the \arious .settlements, or by <>oiny to work on other farms for a year or two. 47. Upwards of 60,000 acres have already been set apart for group settlements of discharged soldiers. Further areas will be set a])art as required,' but much of this will necessitate the construction of railways to make it available, and this work cannot be undertaken until after the War. No. a-J of 1'.I17. REPORT. SOUTH AUSTRALIA. 48. In South Australia an Act was passed iu 1915,* making provision for returned Australian soldiers who wished to settle on the laud. Since then, the State has joined the joint Coninionwealth and State scheme referred to in paragraph 38, under which ex- service men from the United Kingdom and other parts of the Empire may equally benefit, and, to give effect to this, further legislation is proposed. 49. The Government has already set apart for ex-service men two large blocks of land situated north of Adelaide, the Mount Remarkable Estate near Melrose, and the Mount Crawford Estate near Gawler. These had been repurchased for closer settle- ment and are suitable for wheat and fruit-growing and for grazing. Some irrigation and swamp lands on the banks and flats of the River Murray are also ready for inunediate settlement by ex-service men ; other such lands in considerable areas can be made available if the State is able, on the conclusion of the War, to obtain at reasonable rates the loan money required for preparing these lands for settleuient. This remark also applies to con- siderable areas of rich lands in the south-eastern portion of the State, which only require to be drained to enable them to support a successful settlement. The Government has established farms on the repurchased land and the irrigation areas for the training of ex-service men who have not had previous experience. There are also very large areas of ordinary Crown lands, suitable for wheat-growing, which can be purchased on very easy terms both as regards purchase money and interest. For the successful occupation of these lands, it is very desirable for the would-be settler to gain suitable experience by working for some time on a farm comprising similar land. Some capital is desirable in all cases. 50. Liberal advances will be gi\'en in respect of improvements effected such as clearing, buildings, &c., and the repayment will be spread over a great number of years. The piu'chase money for the land will be payable on similarly easy terms. The settlers' h(jldiugs will vary from a few acres upwards, according to the purpose for which the laud is suitable. WESTERN AUSTRALIA. 51. In Western Australia, the Government are specially reserving land in the " Wheat Belt " (betweeu Geraldton and Albany, east of the Darling Ranges) and in the " South West'' (between Perth and Albany) for selection by all persons who have been on active service in His Majesty's Naval or Military Forces, and their dependants. 52. As to the land in the " Wheat Belt," an intending settler may select 160 acres, subject only to the payment of the survey fee, and any money the Government may have expended on prelimniary improvments (the rej^ayment of which may be spread over a period of thirty years,). He may also purchase 840 acres at 15s. per acre— -1,000 acres being considered the minimum size for a wheat farm. For such a farm a capital of £500 is advisable, but some of this can be borrowed from the Agricultural Bank. The settler must reside on his holding, and execute certain improvements each }ear. 53. As to the land in the " South West " (which has a low summer temperature and a good rainfall) here also an intending settler may select K'O acres, on the same terms, but much of the land is timbered, and a part of it will be cleared before allotment, so as to enable the settler to make a living whilst carrying on further improvements. The land is suitable for fruit-growing, grass, feed crops, and intensive culture. It is also proposed that settlements should be formed in this area of about 50 settlers, each having a tiolding of 40 acres. At each settlement a depot will be established where settlers can obtain a practical training in agriculture whilst improving the land which will be theirs. 54. Some capital is desii'uble in both cases, but the assistance to settlers legislation in this State has been so framed, and is so administered, as to provide every possible facility to those desirous of settling there. Men wishing to find employment on the land in Western Australia can usually obtain employment on tiirms the moment they arrive, and are thus able to support themselves whilst obtaining local experience. TASMANIA. 55. In Tasmania, facilities with regard to land settlement for ex-service men are provided under the "Returned Soldiers Settlement Act, 1916."-j- These are generally * No. 1226 of 1915. t 5 Geo. v., Chap. 20. 10 EMPIRE SETTLEMENT COMMITTEE^: available for all persons who have been in the Naval or Military Forces of the United Kingdom, or in the Australian Foi-ces, but no free grants of land are made to any but men previously resident in Tasmania.* 56. The land offered can be acquired either by purchase or on lease. First class land may be bought up to 200 acres at £l per acre ; of second class land a larger area can be obtained at lO.s. per acre ; and of third class land a still larger area at 5s. per acre. The payment may be distributed over a period of fourteen years. A sum of £300 may also be advanced for buildings, improvements, implements, etc., to be repaid by instalments. Residence is necessary according to the provisions of the Crown T>ands Acts, No rates or taxes will be payable for four years after the sale or commence- ment of the lease, and in the case of leased land no rent will be charged for the first year. 57. Seme previous experience will be necessary. An ex-sei*vice man intending to take up land must in his application state what previous experience and what capital he possesses. Experience can be acquired either at the State Farm at Deloraine (which has accommodation for a limited number) or, in some cases, by working with a farmer. 58. Much of the best land in Tasmania is still heavily timbered. There is a good deal of mixed farming, and fruit-growing is rapidly increasing ; the land suitable for the latter is not heavily timbered. New Zealand. 59. Tn New Zealand the Discharged Soldiers Settlement Act was passed in 19]5,f and an amending Act in 1916, J with a view to settling on the laud those returned soldiers who might desire to take up farming. Provision is made in the Acts for setting apart areas of land for selection by discharged soldiers, and facilities are given whereby the holdings may be acquired on easy terms. Advances may be made to selectors for clearing and improving the land, erecting buildings, and purchasing stock, etc. Preference is also given to discharged soldiers at the ordinary land sales and ballots. Arrangements are also being made for training on the State farms a limited number of men with no previous experience of agriculture. 60. These [)rovisions, however, apply only to officers and men belonging to the New Zealand Forces and I'esidents in the Dominion who have served during the present War in some other portion of His Majesty's Naval and ^Military Forces. They have not vet been extended to other ex-service officers and men, no doubt because the New Zealand (lovernment desires, in the first place, to be in a position to gauge the demands likely to be made by residents in the Dominion. 61. In this connexion it must, of course, be borne in mind that New Zealand has not by any means vast areas of land still awaiting cultivation, as is the case in Canada and Australia. Union of South Africa. 62. In the Union of South Africa the presence of native labour makes the immigration of unskilled labour for agincultural purposes almost im])racticable. Further, the vacant Crown lands are to a large extent situated in remote and waterless regions and require opening up in order to ])repare them for settlement. The IJiiion Government take the view that it will not be possible to absorb on the land any considerable number of ex-service men from other parts of the Empire ; in fact, it is anticijiated that making provision for the members of the South African contingent will considerably tax the resources of the (jovernnient. We understand, however, Ihal il is likely that the Government will shortly frame a scheme for the settlement of a limited number of ex-service men of special qualifications. 63. There are intleed openings already for settlers who wish to take up undeveloped irrigation holdings, or small fruit farms. But for such cases a capital of not less than £1,000 is essential, and also either jn-evious experience or ])reliminary training on the spot. * It is understood that thr i)n)iuisc iiuido to Sir Rider llatfirard ou April 7th, I'.tUi, that the Tasmaniau Government would be .fflad to i)rovide land, and orj,'anise the settlement of at least .'iOO ]5ritish soldiers in oreharding and a.ffricultnral areas, muist be read in the light of this legislation. (See P. 11 of Sir R. Ilagyard's Report to the Roval Colonial Institute.) t 6 Geo. V. No 15 i 7 Geo. V. No. 12. i REPORT. 11 Newfoundland. 64. We have not heard o£ any special scheme for the settlement on the land in Newfoundland of ex-service men from the Colony or from other parts of the Empire. It must be remembered, of coarse, that the main industries of the Island are other than agricultural ; they depend upon the fisheries, the forests, and the mines. There is, we" understand, a large amount of uncleared land which could be bought at a very low price by ex-service men desirous of settling in the Colony, but at present farming is generally cumbined with some other form of occupation, especially fishing. Rhodesia. 65. In Rhodesia, as in the Union of South Africa, the existence of native labour militates against the immigration of unskilled labour from the United Kingdom. The most ])romising o[)enings connected with the land are for the sons of substantial F)ritish farmers wJio seek a larger career than is open to them at home and for adaptable and intelligent men of the middle classes who have won commissions in the new armies, men Avho are accustomed not only to work hard themselves, but to direct the work of others. Each should connuand a capital of about .€1,000. Previous agricultural experience is desirable, but not essential, as prospective settlers should in any case study local conditions on farms in Rhodesia before taking up land for themselves. (if!. The British South Africa Company offer 500,000 acres, half in Northern and half in Southern Rhodesia, free of cost, except for the payment of a small annual quit-rent, for providing farms for ex-service men from the United Kingdom and other parts of the Empire, who have the x-equisite amount of capital, and have shown themselves during a course of local training likely to be successful farmers. Some knowledge of horses and livestock and also of the handicrafts required upon a farm is extremely valuable, especially for the dii'ection of native labour. 67. Rhodesia is largely a ranching country, but maize and citrus fruits thrive well. Dairy and pig industries are increasingly productive. Other Parts of the British Empire. 68. It will be seen from the foregoing account, that most of the opportunities available for the settlement of ex-service men on the land, are in parts of the Empire where the white man is the workman, not the overseer. The Union of South Africa and Rhodesia form exceptions to this general rule, and, on a limited scale, there are no doubt often openings, as for example in East and West Africa, in the West Indies, aad in the Eastern Colonies, for men of the educated class who will do the work of supervision, and thus assist in the development of the products of the more tropical parts of the Empire. We have not thought it necessary, however, to extend our investigations in order to ascertain what detailed openings there are of this kind. SCHEMES OF PRIVATE COMPANIES, ETC. 69. We come next to the facilities for land settlement in the Oversea Dominions available for ex-service men from the United Kingdom, other than those offered by the various Governments. As to these, we have not received much evidence. No doubt, before the period of demobilisation comes, many such offers will be made, some of which may be very valuable. But we suggest that ex-service men should not be encouraged to avail themselves of them uutil each offer has been carefully investigated, either by the Central Emigration Authority or by the (Tovernment of the place to which it refers. The following are the principal offers as to which we have received e\'idence :-- Canada. ?0. In the Prairie Provinces the Canadian Pacific Railway C'ompany offers land for selection as " Improved Fai'ms " or " Assisted Colonisation Farms," maijily in the Pi'ovince of Alberta (north of the Company's main line, and east of Calgary), but some also in Saskatchewan. The offer is ojaen to all those who have served in the Canadian Oversea Force, or the British Aroiy or Navy, provided they are of good moral character and physical fitness, married, and have had previous experience as farmers or farm labourers. 12 KMPIRE SETTLEMENT COMMITTEE : 71. At present, intending settlers have to be examined in Calgary, Alberta ; but the question of examining ex- service settlers from the TTnited Kingdom in England will be considered. 7_. Of ''Improved Farms" oidy a limited number will be available. Such farms will contain about 160 acres (if non-irrigable) or SO acres (if irrigable). The price will be about $45 (£9) per acre, which will include improvements to the value of $3,000 (£600). The improvements provided l)y the Compiinv are as follows : — the erection of a Iiouse, barn and shed, fencing, making a well or tank, breaking up 40 acres nur] ploughing a lireguard around the Iniildings. The ])rice of the improve- ments will be about So, 000 (£600). Livestock, implements, seed, etc., to the value of $1,000 (£200'l will, when rerpdred, be provided by the Company at a charge of 6 per cent, per anmun. The payment for laud and improvements will commence at the end of the third year, and may l)e extended over a period of tweury years. A settler should possess at the very least £oO. Central control farms, the superintendent of which will supervise the settlers' operations, will be established ; at tliese will be kept supplies of farm implements, etc., for the use of the colonists. 73. Of " Assisted Colonisation Farms " there are a very large number. Each farm will contain not more than 320 acres. The Comj)any will advance "money for buildmg, fencijig, providing li\'estock and equi[)ment. The land will be sold at list j^rice, on the basis of a twenty-year term, with interest on deferred payments at 6 per cent, per annum. No interest will be charged during the first year ; and the first payment will become (hie two years from date of contract. 74. In both kinds of farms, advances may, in certain circumstances, he made to settlers for living expenses during the first year. The interest payable to the Company will be 6 per cent. 75. We also made enquiries of the Grand Trunk and Canadian Northern Railwiiy Conq)anies. The former are not a landdiolding Company. The latter stated that they were not able to ofter any special inducements in respect of ilieir lands, as the lands were mortgaged and sales were subject to a nnniinum of $15 (£3) per acre. 76. In Xova Scotia certain private comj)anies are acting In conjunction with the Government in regard to the land settlement of ex-service men from Nova Scotia. Possibly some of their offers will be available also to men from the United Kingdom. 77. In Oiilniio there may be some facilities ottered, but no particulars are as yet available. Australia. 78. In Western Australia the principal otlers are as follows : — (1) Mr. Neil McNeil made an offer through Sir Rider Haggard in 1916 to hand over to the Government of Western Australia his estate of some 10,000 acres in the fruit- growing district of Mount Barker, in the South- West, for the sum it originally cost him (including, of course, the money spent by him in developing it). Sir Rider Haggard visited the property and reported that the existing orchards would probably in a year or two bring in a revenue of about £11,000 a year ; and that the whole property when fully cleared and planted would afford a good living for from 300 to 400 ex-soldier families, if settled in up-to-date* villages (-onnected with the State Railways by tramways. The Agent-General for Western Australia, was unable to inl'orm us whether the offer had yet been accepted. (2) The Mi) More detailed information on the subject should be available for those whose minds are turning in tlie direction of emigration. 109. The Emigrants' [iiformation Office have put to us the fijllowing suggestions on this subject, with which we agree : — • (1) Posters should be ]>re2)ared summarizing the s])ecial opportunities offering to ex-service men in the Oversea Dominions generally. These ])osters must contain clear, but greatly ej)itomized, information. They should include references to leaflets setting out fuller particulars, and should also contain a brief statement of the advantages ol' settlement in the Em])ire in ]irefereuce to foreign countries. 1'liey should be available for His Majesty's shi])s, all Military units, all Naval and Mililarv Dispersal Stations, JMnploynicnl Exchanges, Post Offices, V.M.C.A. and oilier Huts and Hostels, etc. (!') One Ol' more leallets should be prepared setting out, in considerable detail, jiarticulars of these special opporl unities. 'i'lie leaflcits aln^a^dy drawn up by the lioyal Colonial Institute on the subject would be valuable for this ])iirpose, and the inforn.ation set ont in Part 11 of this l{e])ort should Ix' kept ii]) to date, and utilized, 'i'he leaflets, when issued, might wvM nisemble the valuable jiamphlets ahxiadv issued by the Emigrants' Information (jffice.. They shoidd be circulated to those interested i)y the Authoritv publishing them, and also made available by the means dc!scribed in paragraph IIU (2) below. ' Sep. [Ca. 8-i8o.] RKPOBT. 19 Distribution of Information. 110. We pass on to the machinery needed to ensure that the men are adequately advised. It is understood that, accordino- to jn'esent ideas, (a) each man will receive, before demol)ilisation, a form on which inter alia he will state his wishes as to future employment. {h) Local demobilisation committees will be appointed in connexion with the Employment Exchanges to advise the men on the various kinds of employment available. On the assumption that these ideas will still hold good at the end of the War, we make the following suggestions intended to secure that the men shall have adequate means of ascertaining the opportunities for settlement overseas : — (1) The form which each man receives should be drawn up in such a way as to enable those men who so desire to indicate their preference for employment in the Oversea Dominions of the Empire. The names of those who expi'ess this preference, together with all other relevant particulars concerning them, should be sent for record to the Central Emigration Authority. (2) OflScers of the Employment Exchanges will, it is understood, be the secretaries of the local Demobilisation Committees to which reference is made above. For the special duty of conveying advice to men as to the various opportunities overseas they should be in direct correspondence with the Central Emigration Authority, which would issue the necessary literature and full instructions. Representatives from the Central Authority should also visit, and attend meetings of, the local Demobili- sation Committees in as many important centres as possible. We think it would also be of advantage if, wherever possible, men well acquainted with oversea affairs could be nominated by the Central Authority as permanent members of the local Committees. In several cases, gentlemen who would be willing to give their services for work of this kind have already comnuinicated with us. VIII.— THE QUESTION OF TRANSPORT. 111. The (|uestion of transport after the war to the Oversea Dominions is necessarily very obscure. It is quite uncertain how many ships will be available ; and those which are normally engaged in the passenger service to Canada, Australia, Xew Zealand, and die Union of South Africa will almost certainly be taxed for many months to their utmost capacity in taking back the Oversea Contingents to their homes. In fact, all the availal)le indications point to the probability that, for a considerable time after the cessation of hostilities, the British shipping available will be quite insufficient to acconunodate any large nuiiiln'r of ex-service men who may esides men in these three categories there will, doulitless, be a considerable number who will be attracted by the account given them ])y their comrades in arms from overseas of the advantages and freedom of life in the Dominions, 117. The(piestion before us is, — What financial aid is necessary to help these men to attain their desire ? Several aspects of the matter need consideration ; first, the cost of transporting the ex-service man, with possibly his wife and family, to some place in the Oversea Dominions where work awaits him ; secondly, the cost of settling upon the land men who desire to take up farming life ; thirdly, the creation of employment of ex-service men overseas by public ex])cnditure upon industries of local and national im|)ortance. Financial Position of such Men. lis. It is often assumed that ex-service men wishing to emigrate will have practically no money of their own, but ligures which \\e have collected show that this is by no means the case. 119. Thus Officers of the New Armies will, as a rule, on cessation of enijilovment, receive a gratuity amounting to 121 days' pay for the first year and 62 days' pay for every subserpu'Ut year of service. f Again, those Officers who have been specially promoted from the ranks of the Old Kegular Army since the beginning of the War will also recei\(', if tliey retire, a s])ecial gratuity varying from ,l.'20() to .ill, 000. | 120. The men also will receive on discharge a not inconsiderabk; sum, in addition to any credit li.alaiices in their accounts (which may vary from nothing to .tl,') or more) lijr pav unissued during service abroad. The sum jiayable to a, soldier on demobilisation comprises pay and ration allowance and, if he is entitled, separation allowance for a furlough of 2S days ; a service gratuit\- (if he is not entitled to pension) of U" 1 for each year or part of a year, with a mininnun of oO.v. ; and a special war gratuity at a rate not yet fixed, if he has served in a s])here * The number in this class is, however, purely a matter of conjeclure, and the conjectures which have heuril are strangely variant. t Pay Warrant, Article 4'.I7. i Pay Warrant. Article .072 A. REPORT. 'J. I o£ active operations. Thus the miuiiuuin sum to be received at the end of the War will be about £10, in addition to any credit balance in the soldier's account.* In a good many cases also, sailors and soldiers will be entitled to long service pensions of a considerable amount. Assistance by the Home Government. 121. It has been su^o-ested that the Home Gt)vennnent miiiht assist ex-service men who wish to settle in the Oversea Dominions in two ways : — • («) By the payment of passage money. (b) By the advance of capital by way of loan or gift, for schemes of settlement overseas. We take these in order. PAYMENT OF PASSAGE MONEY. 122. As regards the payment of passage money we found opinion divided. Some of the Emigration Societies have advanced money on loan for passages, and have been successful in recovering the whole or a large part of the amount ; which shows how often men who were at the time unable even to pay their own passages have proved valuable settlers. On the other hand, many of our witnesses expressed the opinion that, in ordinary times, the best emigrant was the one who paid his own passage, and several applied this argument to the case of ex-service men. 123. We do not think that this latter contention is really applicable to the case of ex-service men. The conditions are entirely exceptional. We should be glad, indeed, to see the principle accepted that a soldier or sailor who has served in the present war might, within a reasonable time, claim free transport to any part of the Empire where he wishes to settle. We are bound to recognise that administrative and economic considerations may make this course difficult, but the following stiggestions occur to tts : — (a) If ships are found to be available for men whilst they are waiting for demobilisation in France or the United Kingdom, the Home Clovernment might well pay their passages in lieu of maintenance, provided that the Oversea Governments are ready to receive the men. (A) Under Indian regulations, a man is entitled, on discharge, to conveyance at Government expense either to the United Kingdom or to the nearest port in anv ihitish Colony in steam commimication with India. We think it would be of advantage if a similar practice could be adopted in the case of officers and men who, when peace is declared, are on extra- European stations, and wish to settle in the Oversea Dominions. At some of these stations the retention of the existing garrisons may be necessary for a time until it is possible to find reliefs. It seems jH-obable that any such arrangement would be of limited application, and would not interfere with the arrangements ot the Oversea Governments for the demobilisation of their own contingents. (c) We suggest that the ([uestion should be considered by the Depiirtments concerned of retaining, in approved cases, the amount due to a sailor or soldier on his going on leave prior to discharge and, with his consent, keepina' it for him for payment of passage to one of the Oversea Dommions. (d) We also suggest that every facility should be given, in the case of men with long-service pensions, for an advance on the pension for payment of transport to one of the Oversea Dominions. This practice was, in fact, in force before the War. 124. It is probable, however, that a great many men will want to remain in the United Kingdom for a time, and will not make up their minds till later whether they desire to find a new home overseas. For the majority of such men, the suggestions which we have already made will not provide. 12."). Whether the Home Government (or indeed, the Oversea Governments), should then contribute towards the passages of men of this class, must, we think, entirely '* It is also likely that, in many cases, the men may have money invested in War Loan. Exchequer Bonds, etc. Special facilities have been given them for such investments. 11477 B :i •^M EMl'lRE SETTLEMENT COMMITTEE depend upon the exi<(encies of:' tlie time, und, in particular, upon the capacity of the United Kinudoni, after demobiHsation, to absorb her own ex-service men. 12G. We can only suggest that the Home Governmeut should regard the emigration of ex-ser^'ice men as one of many ways of benefiting them, and should not hesitate to meet tlic necessary expenditure if occasion should so recjuire, and if openhigs were available for such men in the Oversea Dounmons. ADVANCE OF CAPITAL. 127. AVe pass on to the question of expenditure of large sums of money by the Home Go\ernment, by way of advances of capital, or otherwise, for the settlement of ex- service men overseas. 128. No doubt land settlement is a very expensive process. Some of the Oversea Governments, however, as appears from the schemes already descril)ed, are willing to face this expenditure for the settlement of their own ex-service men, and also of men from the United Kingdom and other parts of the Empire. Others, however, point out that the cost involved is such that, whilst they are willing and anxious to help, they cannot do more, in the near future, than. provide for their own ex-service men unless they have further facilities for I'aising loans on the I'ritish market, and, in some cases, have the co-operation and enlist the credit of the imperial Government. With this view we have much sympathy. At the same time, it would be idle not to recognise that the calls upon the Home GoA-ernment after the War on account ot capital and other expenditure are likely to be very heavy, and that its first attention will naturally be devoted to absorbing men in agTiculture and industry in the United Kingdom. The ((uestion before us is, whether any solution of the diffirulty is })racticable which will not impose an undue financial burden on any ]>artof the Empire. 129. It will be remembered that at the recent Imperial War Conference the following resolution was carried at the instance of Sir K. Borden* : " Having regard to the experience obtained in the present War, this Conference recor<1s its opinion that the safety of the Empire and the necessary develop- ment of its component parts, require prompt and attentive consideration, as well as concerted action, with regard to the following matters : — (^1) The production of an adequate food supply and arrangements for its trans] lortation when and where required, luider any conditions that may reasonably be anticipated. (2) The control of natural resources a\ailable within the Emjiire, especially those that are of an essential character for necessary national [)urposes, whether in peace or war. (3) The economical utilization of such natural resources through [)rocesses uf manufacture carried on within the Empire. The Conference commends to the consideration of the Governments summoned thereto the enactment of such legislation as may assist this purpose.'' 130. We believe that it should be possible to further the development of the Empire in certain directions by the enqjloyment of ex-.service men, and we venture to make the lollowing suggestions as a means ol' gi^'ing ett'ect to the Resolution in i] uestion. 131. Any of the Oversea Governments which is prepared to draw u|) a specific srhenie (a) For the development of its natural resources, ;nid {b) coucui-rently for the I'lnploynient and settlement of its own ex-service men and those from ihe United l\iiig(lom and other ])a.rts of tlie !']uq)ire, but is hampered by laek of fumls, might ;irrangc for sucli a scheme to be jirepared and submitted for the consideration of the Home ( >o\eriunent. l-">2. It is not dillirult to suggest, in piMnci|)le, schemes directed towards both lliese ohjeets. Leaving aside schemes ol actual land settlement, one instaiiee would be tiie construction of a railway through an undeveloped area. Another would be the extensiun uf existing, or the initiation of new, irrigation schemes. Many other directions for (levelo])nient ari' indicated in the recently issued Final licimrt of tln' Dominions Royal Connnission.')' • .SV-e p. fi (,f [C(l. S.'-iC.fi]. t [Ctl. «-16;i.] REi'Okt. 23 l;!;:). The sclieiues prepared loctilly uoukl, of eourne, need to set out fully details of the work proposed, including — (1) The estimated cost. (2) The number of ex-service men from the United Kingdom and othei parts of the Empire for \vhf)m it is contemplated to provide. These details would he essential from the point of view of the Home Government. Then- local preparation and discussion would also ensure that the existing labour mai'ket was adequately guarded, and other similar considerations taken into sufficient account. 134. The Home Government would not necessarily be bound to advance capital to the Oversea Government for schemes of the kind ^vhich we have indicated. This ctiuld hardly be expected unless financial and labour conditions at home rendered such a policy acceptable. If, however, it were jiroved that circumstances were favourable to a loan, the credit of the Home Government, under suitable conditions and safeguards, might well be used for the purpose. 135. At the same time we do not disguise the fact that difficulties may be encountered in carrying out the above proposals. The provision of British credit for schemes of development must remain under the control of the British Parliament so long as the constitution of the Empire remains what it is at present. Such control involves criticisms of individual schemes, and estimates of their soundness financially and otherwise, and such criticism may lead to friction. In this connection the analogy of such cases as that of the Uganda Railway is instructive. In that instance the administra- tion of the territory affected and the |)rovision of credit lay with the same Government. In the schemes now contemplated, however, the initiation and management of the scheme will be with one autonomous part of the Empire and provision of credit for that scheme with another. This being so, the Parliament of the United Kingdom not only might require schemes to be scrutinised to which its credit was to be given but would be right in so doing. On the other hand an Oversea Dominion or State might resent a severe criticism of its plans for internal development, particularly if such criticism involved a comparison with, or preference over, those of others. The root of the whole difficulty lies, of course, in the fact that the ideal here contemplated is development by the Empire as a whole of those parts of it which possess the greatest possibilities, and yet that at present the only constitutional authority available for the purpose is a Parliament in which only the United Kingdom is represented. Unless and until, however, some con- stitutional rearrangement is effected, the above arrangement alone is jJossible. Moreover, in most cases possibilities of trouble do not in fact materialise. In view, therefore, of the very real need for Empire development, we are of opinion that the risk should be taken. 136. We do not propose to elaborate the idea further.* It would have to be submitted to the Governments concerned and their approval obtained to the princi})le involved. We put it forward because the experience of the present War has shown how man-power can be diverted to that part of the British Empire where it is most urgently needed at the time. If this is so, is it not possible, in times of peace, to make a start with the scientific application of the capital and population available within the Empire ? X.- CONSTITUTION OF A CENTRAL AUTHORITY. 137. We now come to the last ])art of our terms of reference — viz., our views as to the constitution of a Central Authority to supervise and assist the emigration of ex-service men. In previous parts of this Report we have had occasion to refer to various duties * We call special attention, however, to a Memorandum prepared by Mr. Lyttelton Gell, printed as Appendix 1., in which he has sketched out a plan for financing Empire Land Settlement on a large scale. 11477 . B 1 ^4 E.MriRE SETTLKMENT UU.M.MITTEE : whieli Tliis Antliority should perform. We now dci^ire to plit I'orward tlie following projMjsitioiis concerning it : — (1) It is undesirable to set up an Authority to deal with the emigration and settlement of ex-service men which would be independent of any existing or pr()8pecti^•e Authority concerned with emigration generally. (2) The Oversea Governments should be closely connected with any new Authtjrity. (3) Such Authority should be in working order before the War is over. (4) It should be so constituted as to be capable of carrying out any policy as regards emigration which may be decided upon by the Home Government in consultation with the Oversea Governments. We may explain these propositions in somewhat greater detail. (1).— Unification of Emigration Machinery in the United. Kingdom ];)H. We do not think that the emigration of ex-service men after the War should be in any way divoi-ced from the general (juestion of emigration. In our opinion, the sooner ex-service men, after the War, are absorbed into the general life of the various ])arts of the Empire, the better it will be. Except, therefore, in so fai- as machinei-y is necessary to enable ex-service men to obtain information as to, and to take ad\anrage of, the special facilities offered to them in the Oversea Dominions, they should be treated in the same way as other members of the connnunity desiring to en li "'rate. 139. As to the necessity for the creation of a new Authority in the United Kingdom to deal with emigration matters generally, we need only say thar we are in entire agreement with the recommendations made in the Final lleport of the Dominions Royal Commission* that an Authority should be set up which would absorb the present Emigrants' Information Office and concern itself with the following matters : — (d) The licensing of passage brokers and passage brokers' agents ; (/)) The licensing of emigration societies ; ((■) The general dissemination of information as to the openings in the Oversea Dominions ; (c/) The task of reporting annually upon (piestions connected with Imperial migration. "j" (f) Such duties in regard to the snpcr\ision of ihc eniigriition i<\' Poor Law children and cliihhxMi from Industrial and lieforniatoi'v scliools as may be assigned to it. We also agree with the lloyal ("ommission that it will U; necossary for the new yVutliority (o advist; upon :i,ll matters coiuiected vvith the acconunodation for emigrants on board sliip, and other (|ueslions affecting their lieallh dm'ing the N'oyage. 11(1. In our opinion ilie |)ro|(osed new Anlhoril \' should also he I'uipowered to deal with the eiuigiMl ion oi' ex >er\ic(; men, their wives, families, and relalives. (2).— Constitution of Central Authority, and Relation of Oversea Governments to it. 111. file |)onlinion^ liu\al t'oninhssion reeoinmeiided ihat ihere should he a Cenl,ral Authorilysel up. whieh would he a I )eparlment. or Sub- l)e|iarlnienl, ol the Home ■ *» .S'rc Chapter VliLdf [(Jil. S K;2]. t 111 this cuiuu'.Kiun it wouUl be necessary Cor th(! Ilonii' OlTice. tlio Hoard of Trade, and the Authority to arrange jointly as to tlie form ol return upon which statistics of emigration and inuiiiLi'ralidii are based. liEFORt- 25 Goveriimeni:, tmd that a Consultative Board should be appoiuted, on which the Oversea Dominions and others should be represented, to advise the new Authority, and secure the necessary co-operation between the Home and Oversea Governments with regard to matters of mi2:ration. 142. We agree entirely as to the necessity for such co-operatiou, but we ourselves go further than the Royal Commission. In our opinion representatives of the Oversea Domininwealth of Australia. The Government of the Dominion of New Zealand. The Government of the Union of South Africa. One of the Agents-General for the Australian States. One of the Agents-General for the Canadian Provinces. Five unofficial members, of whom two should be women. 144. It would be understood that the two Agents-General were appointed as re- pi'esenting their colleagues on all matters other than those where State or Provincial interests were specially inNolved. Care should be taken to ensure that, wherever the interests of any Australian State or Canadian Province was involved, the Agent- General concerned should be consulted formally by the Chairman, and, where he considered it necessary, sununoned to attend a meeting of the Central Authority and to vote in respect of those interests. Representatives of other parts of the Empire, such as Newfoundland and Rhudesla, and of other Departments of the Home Government, such as the Board of Agriculture, should be similarly consulted and invited to attend with similar voting powers whenever their interests were involved. 14.5. It will be essential for women experienced in emigration matters to be associated with the practical task of dealing with the wives and families of ex-service men, and generally with problems connected with the emigration of women and girls. 14G. We do not contemplate any alteration in the various organisations which the Dominion and State Governments maintain. These would go on as before, and would, of course, have the final voice in the selection of ex-service men to participate in their own special settlement schemes. But we feel confident that representation of the Oversea Dominions and others interested in emigration on the Central Authority would add to the smoothness oi its working, whilst such representation would also tend to obviate overlapping of effort. 26 EMl'lRE SETTT-EMENT COMMITTEE : (3).— Necessity for creation of the New Authority before the Conclusion of the War. 1 17. So fill- :is tlie geiienil control of iMuiijTation from the United Kingdom is con'jerned, it is obvious that the present is an une(jaalle(l opportunity for effecting a chansre. Emij-Tatioii is at a standstill. Such vested interests as ijreviously existed have practically vanished. Now is the time to take action m the way or carrying out a muL-h needed reform of methods. So far as the emigration of ex-service men is concerned, it is obvious that unless the machinery for distributing information is i-eady before the War is over, and made (•;i])iil)le of adaptation to tlie pace of demobilisation, the (Tovernments concerned will be o|)en to the charge of having neglected an important side of reconstruction work, and there will be grave danger of men drifting away outside the Em])ire. We would, tiierefore, lay stress upon the necessity for the ])rompt creation of a new Authorily. In our opinion the matter will brook no delay. (4).— Nature of "Work Needed and Provision for Expansion. 1 IN. W hat the i)usitiou will be at the end of tlie VVar few would care to jn-ophesy. It is certain that the United Kingdom will be faced with a National Debt at least five <:r six times as large as that before the War. It is equally certain that its working po])ulation at the ages most impcjrtant for industry will be seriously dejjleted througli the havoc caused by death and disablement. Without taking into account the diminished industrial efficiency caused by disablement, the reduction in the malc^ population owing to deaths due to mihtary and naval casualties will be serious. It is officially estimated that, by April 1918, if the War lasts so long, not only will the whole of the natural increase of the male po]nilation of England and Wales between the ages 20 and o5 since lull have disappeared but there will actually be a considerable tlecrease of the male population between those ages.* Other factors in the position which are still undecided at present are :— {(t) The size of the Army which will be needed after the War. (b) The nature of the obligations which will be required by the Home (jovernmiat from men of military age, and (<■) The reciprocal obligations between the .Mother (Viuntry and the Dominions with regard to an Imperial .Vrmy. I 111. On llic other hand there is at least the possibility that there will he di tfi(ailiies and distress in the United Kingdom after the War caused by the dislocatii)!! of industry, the dis|)lacement of labour, etc., which properlv directed emigration might, under certain (Conditions, relieve. It has also to be remendiered that thert; has been ])racticallv no emigration from tlie I'nited Kingdom during the War, so that the Domin.ions will liavi' b(!en de])ri\ed ol theii- normal How of inuuigrants. So far as women and children are concerned, the jiopidation oi' the United Kingdom a\ailable for emigration has pn: tantu increased. Note. — It Hliould he n()(c'J]. i It should also b(^ noted that in l!)i;') it was estimated that tlie net eungration of males rnmi Ilie United Kingdom between tlio ages lS-:',() was greater than the normal increase by growth of pdinilation. in the ease of Scotland and Ireland, the net emigration between these ages was more than double the natural iucreaee. ([Cd. 8402] loc. cit.) REPORT. 27 150. We ineutioii tliese considerations and counter-coiisiderations aa showing how impossible it is, in the present circunistances, to offer any decided opinion as to the extent of the activities of any new Authority set up to deal with emigration from the United Kingdom. We can only say that the arrangements must be extremely elastic. The Authority should be ready to deal at once with essential matters. Thus it must be in a position to supply trustworthy information to ex-service men ; to record the names and careers of those who desire to emigrate ; and to transfer their cases, after preliminaries have been completed, to the office of the Dominion or State of their choice. It must also be prepared to deal immediately with various matters affecting emigration generally, such as the control of passage brokers, passage brokers' agents, and Emigration Societies. It should further be capable of quick expansion so as to be able to encourage and aid emigration more actively if experience proves such a course desirable, in order to relieve congestion in the ITnited Kingdom and should opportunities in the Oversea Dominions be proved concurrently tt) exist. 151. The actual arrangements for setting up the new Authority are, of course, matters of administrative detail into which we need not enter, Ijut we may offer the following observations on this aspect of the question : — (a) The Central Emigration Authority should be housed in a buildino- in a central and easily accessible locality. , We do not think that the present quarters of the Emigrants' Information Office are suitable for the new Authority. {b) During the time when the Authority is dealing with in(juiries from ex- service men in large numbers it will obviously need a staff with special qualifications. The existing staff of the Emigrants' Information Office will, no doubt, be transferred to the service of the AutlKirity, but we should like to see added to them men who (1) have themselves served in tho Forces and (2) have had actual experience of life in the Dominions. These qualifications would enable them to give far better practical advice than others. XI. CONCLUSION. 152. A considerable advance has already been made in the subject to which our main attention has been ilevoted — namely, the plans for settling ex-service men on the land in the various parts of the Enq)ire. We think that much credit is due to those who have spent their time and energy in maturing schemes. In particular, we feel that a deep debt of gratitude is due to the Royal Colonial Institute for their foresight in taking up the inqjortant subject of the Enquire settlement of ex-service men after the War ; to Sir Uider Haggard for travelling round the world in an honornry ca[)acity and asking the aid of the various (governments in carrying it out ; and still more to the Oversea Governments throughout the Enq)ire for their liberal offers — which are valuable not only for their generosity, but also for the way in which they have been made. L'he action of the Dominions in sending their men to fight shoulder to shoulder with the men from home has done much to consolidate the Empire ; their action now in placing the men from home on the same footing as their own men in land settlement will tend still further to that consolidation. 28 EJiriKE SETTLEMENT COMMITTEE : Summary of Conclusions and Recommendations. \.')?). We, now set out the various couclusious at which w(! liave arriveil on the (juestions referred to us, and the reconnnendatious which we wish to make. (1.) FACILITIES FOK LAND SETTLEMENT PRUVIDEU AND CONTEMPLATED. 154. These are set out in Part II. of this Report (paras. 11-81). It is quite impossible to form an estimate of how many ex-service men might be accommodated under all the schemes taken together, beyond saying that the numbers will amount to tens of thousands. For instance, in the Prairie Provinces of Canada, a large number of men who have previous experience can take uj) land at once ; and besides tliese, o\' men without agricultural experience who should go to work on other farms until they are competent to take up land, Mr. Bruce Walker estimates that in the first three years after the War the country could absorb !:)U,000. In Queensland, the preliminary scheme for soldier settlements provides for nearly 20,000 men. The witness for A\'estern Australia estimates that in three years that State could absorb more than 14,000 in agricultural pursuits. In New South Wales the Yanco scheme will provide 1,000 farms and besides that, there are large areas, both in that State and elsewhere, which at present are without railway comnuinication and are not ready for productive settlement. If increased facilities can be obtained for the securing of loan moneys for development pur|>oses in the near future, the area available for settlement would be very greatly increased in the course of a few years. 15.5. In some cases the schemes to which we have referred are incom])lete, as they have not yet been thought out in detail. In other cases we are informed that the Governments concerned intend to formulate further plans for which legislation will be necessary. We trust that these m;itters will have so far advanced before the cessation of hostilities that when the time comes the Central Emigration Authority may be able to explain each scheme with etpial clearness to intending settlers. (2.) MAinUED MKN, THEIR WIVES AND FAMILIES, AND OTHER WOMKN EMIGRANTS. l.')G. We are of o))inion that in all arrani-ements for the settlement ot ex-service III en in the Oversea I)omini(jns a preference should be given to miirried men (para. 89). 157. Owing to the need of preliminary training and other reasons, the practice hitherto has been for a man who wishes to settle on the land to go first and for his wife and family to join him after an interval. In the case of ex-service men transportation difiiculties [)rovide an additional reason for this course. We lay great stress, however, on the need for facilitating the emigration of the women relatives of ex-service men and of the fiancees of those engaged to be married, and suggest various means to this end (paras. 8y-!)3 and 99-100). 15,S. We also make jiroposals as to the steps to be taken to facilitate the emigration to ihe Oversea Dominions of the widows and orphans of ex-service men. We further refer to the case of other women who may be displaced at the end of the War for wlmm openings might be iound. We have dwelt on this at some length as we consider female emigration to be the essential foundation of all ertective Empire settlement. We are strongly in favour of the utilisation for this pur[iose of the assistance offered by the societies which have specialised in the emigration of women (])aras. 94-98 and 101-104). (o.) NEED FOR CATITAL AND EXl'lORIIONCE. 159. The cjipital stated to be required varies from a very small sum in the Prairie Provinces of Canada, Ontario, and New lirunswick, to ,i:i,000 or .£1,500 in the Union of South Africa and Rhodesia. It is true that in some cases the land is a free grant, iiik! that in most cases the piiyment for liie kind is distriliiitcd over ;i number of vears. further. REPORT. 29 the Governments or the Agricultural Credit Banks are ready to advance money for imiH-ovements at a moderate rate of interest ; hence the amount of capital required is smaller than at first sight appears. This remark particularly applies in the case of Canada and Australia, where, in addition to the assistance offered by the Provincial and State Governments, fiu'ther financial help may be provided b}^ the Central Governments. 160. Again, the evidence as to the necessity of pi-evious agricultural expei'ience is unanimous. All the witnesses agreed also in saying that it should, in general, be ac(juired locally. In a limited number of cases, training farms and similar institutions have been established in the Dominions at which such experience can be obtained ; those who do not wish, or are unable, to go to sucli institutions are strongly advised to obtain situations on other farms. 161. TJie net result of the evidence, accordingly, is that all intending settlers, wliether ex-service men or others, should, on arrival, rather take up farming employment for a time than seek to obtain holdings of their own at once. It is essential that this should be clearly understood, and that ex-service men should realise that they ought to make their arrangements accordingly. (4.) GROUP SETTLEMENTS. 162. In many cases, as large numbers of contiguous holdings will be offered for selec- tion by ex-service men, it will be possible for a party of friends to arrange to be near together. In a few, such as New Brunswick and Ontario, "community" or "group" settlements will be formed. We believe that this is an idea which will meet the views of many ex-service men who will wish to be amongst friends from the same naval or military unit in their new homes. We suggest that arrangements should be made whereby men, before leaving the United Kingdom, should be able to form themselves into groups, who would go through their training together with the object of forming special settlements. 163 In this connection we may remark that, although previous experience of special colonies has not been happy (as was pointed out in the Report of the Departmental Committee on Agricultural Settlements in the British Colonies in 1906)* the Regulations for ''community " or "group" settlements made by the Governments concerned, which are before us, seem to have been so framed that there is ever^- reason to hope that the causes which led to the failure of earlier attempts will be avoided. (5.) TRAINING IN THE UNITED KINGDOM. 164. We do not think it expedient to establish Government farms in the United Kingdom for training ex-service men who desire to settle on the land in the Oversea Dominions. The requisite training, as explained above, is best obtained in the Dominions themselves, on either Government or private farms. On the other hand, work on a farm in the United Kingdom is often a good means of testing a man's aptitude for oversea life. If, therefore, ex-service men who intend to emigrate are delayed in doing so by the lack of accommodation on ships we think that it would be well to call their attention to such facilities for elementary training as have been provided b}' existinu- institutioDS, &c. (paras. 84-S6). (6.) THE QUESTION OF THE DISABLED. 165. There are few opportunities in the Oversea Dominitms for even partially disabled ex-service men from the United King-dom. ft" We recommend consultation with the Central Emigration Authority which we propose in cases where opportunities offer. If the diflficulties which arise in any pai'ticular cases can be overcome, we consider that every facility should be given in the way of advance of pensions, &c. (para. 87). [Cd. 2978.] no EMPIRE SETTLEMENT COMMITTEE : (7.) llnw INFORMATION SHOTLD BE MADE ACCESSIBLE. 1()(). The pro])er perioil lor making officiiil infonniitioii as to openings overseas accessible to tlie troops is that between the cessation of hostilities and the time wlien men are granted furlough ])revious to being discharged. We outline a scheme for the purpose of distributing such information by means of ])osters and leaflets, and by utilising the local c; )nimiltees which, it is understood, will be set uj) on demobilisation (paras.' 107 110). (8.) MEIMCAL EXAMINATION. 167. We think tliat, in all cases of oversea settlement, arrangements should be made wdiereby ex-service men who wish to participate in the schemes of the Oversea Governments may be officially assured, before they leave the United Kingdom, that they will not be rejected, on arrival, on medical or other grounds. ('.).) TTIK (QUESTION OF TRANSPOUT. ' IGS. The question of facilities for transport is extremely obscure ; lint all the available indications point to the ])robability that, tor a considerable time after the cessation of hostilities, the l>ritisli shipping available will be (juite insufficient to accommodate any large number of ex-service men desirous of emigrating from the United Kingdom (para. 11 f). • (10.) THE QUESTION OF FINANCE, 169. We make various suggestions for facilitating the passage to the Dominions of ex-service men who may have an opjiortunity of settling there tluring the period immediately following the termination of hostilities. Whether the Home or Oversea (xovernments should afterwards contribute towards the passage of ex-service men who wish to emigrate must, we think, entirely depend upon the exigencies of the time and, in particular, upon the capacity of the United Kingdom, after demobilisation, to absorb her own ex-service men (jiaras. 122-6), 170. We think, however, that the conclusion of th(> War will afford an unequalled o])])ortunity for attempting to apply scientiticaJly the cajiital and man power a-.ailahle wirhin the Empire for the develojmient of its component i)arts. We have drawn up the outlines of a scheme directed towards this object and particularly for encouraging the settlement of ex-service men in those jiarts of the Empire wliciv' tlic extent of the development possible is depemlent upon greater facilities lui- olitaininii' ctiiiital 1j\- loan (paras. 127 l.SG). (11.) CONSTITUTION OF A CENTRAL Alllloi; I IV. 171. We make detailed i'ecoinmenresentatives of both the Home and ()\(!rsea ( Jos'ennniMits, and also ;i liniiled uuinher ut' un(j|lieial members. Tn our opinion it is inqierati\"(' that this AuthoritA' should lie set up without delav (paras. 1 '.'>7 I .") 1 ). 172. We desire to express our appreciation of the zeal and a1)ilit\' with which Mr. Hardini;' and Dr. Ueiniefather lia\'e fullille(| tluir duties as seei'e'taiies. Their REPORT. 31 knowledge of the Dominions and the attention which they have paid for many years to the ([uestion of emigration have been invahiable. We have the honour to be, Sir, Your obedient servants. TENNYSON {Chairman), F. D. ACLAND, WILLIAM C. P.RIDGLMAN, BUliNHAM, H. H. FAWCETT, ANDREW FISHER. P. LYTTELTON (rELL. H. RIDER HA(rGARD, .]. HOWARD, DAVID C. LAMB, PETER McBRIDE, JOHN McCALL, THOS. MACKENZIE, T. C. MACNAGHTEN, IAN MACPHERSON, NEWTON J. MOORE, P. PELLETIER, OWEN PHILIPPS, JOHN A. REID, R. REID, GEO. H. ROBERTS. T. B. ROBINSON, ROBERT ROGERS,* W. P. SCH REINER, ARTHUR STEEL-MAI'lLAND, EDWARD G. STRIITT, A. V. SYMONDS, J. H. TURNER, C. G. WADE, J. BRUCE WALKER,* FIJED. W. YOUNG E. J. Hardino, Sfcrefar;/. V. W. Pennefather, Assista nt See reh i ri/ . London, 2Sih July, !'.>; As authorised by telegram. — TENNYSON, Ai'I'KNDlX I. 33 APPENDIX I. Memorandum by Mr. P. Lyttelton Gell. {See parag-raph 136.) THE FINANCE OF EMPIRE LAND SETTLEMENT. In view of ilie ;uliii)ti(iii ul Sir 1{. Jjdideii's lU-solutioii liy llie liuiioriiil (.'oui'erciice. followiug- Tipoi) tlie conchisiu)i.s of the Doniiiiioiis Koyal Commission, we may assume as the basis of future Imijeiial policy that the prosperity and increase of the white popuhition throu<>liout the Empire is to he recognised as the common interest alike of Great Britain and of all other Dominions of the Crown. The acceptance of this policy involves (anunigst other factors which are beyond our reference) the regulated migration of British subjects for whom no oiieuings are available in one territory to other territories in which they are not only needed but can thrive. The settlement of ex-soldiers as cultivating landowners can only be regarded as a stage in this policy. The Committee has recognised that there may be employment foi- ex-soldiers on still wider |)i()jects of imlustrial develojiment which await the attention of His Majesty's (jovernnients throughout the J'lmpire; but in dealing with finance, this Committee can only consider the limited, though not inconsiderable, pr(d)lem involved in the settlement of ex-soldiers with little or no capital, upon the lands olfered to them by the Dominions. The information submitted shows that most of the Oversea Dominions seeiv to give imme- diate effect to the policy of Empire Settlement, and have prepared liberal and well-considered schemes based upon agricultural training and the use of State credit, which will offer to industrious and competent men and their children every prospect of eventual prosperity, and thus augment the productive power and population of the whole Empire. All these schemes, however, are dependent upon the provision of large sums — First, to prepare land for settlers by roads, houses, fencing, irrigation, &c. Secondly, to assist the settler temporarily at the outset with the guidance and the capital required to accelerate his production and ensure his early success. It is, on the other hand, an important factor in the finance of these schemes that, in return for the support given by the State's assistance, each settler is under obligation to jiroceed with the improvement and the development of his holding and may be displaced if he i)roves unsatisfactory ; further, in due course he must repay with interest by easy instal- ments the capital sunk in establishing him; his land remains the State's security for its advances xintil this is accomplished. Doubtless there will always be a certain proportion of loss, which must fall upon the general revenue of the. particular State, but experience jjroves that if the orijimal ncJwme is sound this wastage is not serious. Thus, the protection and guarantee of ultimate rejiayment afforded to the capital advanced for land settlement distinguishes the financial risks from those involved in general enterprises of Imperial development. There is in the improved land specific security for any public loan raised for settlement, and early redemption is assured by the settler's repayments. The capital required for the most careful schemes of settlement is large. Apart from the actual cost of migration — a comparatively small factor, which the Committee has already considered — £300 to £700 a man (i.e., per family) must be provided by the State or the indi- vidual before a properly equipped farm and homestead can be established in a new country. Assuming that we aim at the eventual establishment of only 100,000 ex-s(ddiers unprovided with capital, an expenditure of £50,000,000 must be contemplated. On the other hand, this expenditure, large as it appears, is amply justified in a new country by the accelerated increase of population and production which it creates, and the augmented revenue from taxation and railways. In short, each established settler with his family may be regarded as a source of substantial strength and income to the State in perpetuity. Thus, on a productive and healthy soil, and under experienced guidance, the temporary advance of capital to establish capable settlers on the land is a thoroughly profitable and secure investment for both the Old Country and the New — assuming, as all parties do, that the unity of the Emjjire is as indissoluble a^i that of England and Scotland. • It is also in evidence that, whilst in most cases the Dominion Governments desire to con- tribute without stint or distinction to the settlement of all ex-soldiers by the free offer of well-chosen land, together with experienced guidance and supervision, their efforts, even for their own returned men (who obviously must have the first claim) will be largely dependent upon loans which must be raised hereaftei' in London. But the resources and borrowing powers of the Dominions are not unlimited, an(l in offering the same advantages to ex-soldiers of the Old Country it is assumed that the cajiital temporarily recjuired to establish the latter must be provided by Imperial credit. 11477 C 34 EJiriKE SETTLEMENT COJLMITTEE : Thus, unless land settli'uieiit tijKiiue is xiuitwl and CMjusdlidated from the outset, the capital which is immediately leciuiied is liliely to he raised under expensive and inconvenient con- ditions; each State will compete with the others and with Great Britain lor new loans on the London ilarket, or Great Britain will he called upon to laise the capital required and to je-lend it lo tiie Dominions. In cither case the funds borrowed would not he specifically ear- marked for Empire Settlement; and therefore would not have the advantag-e of the sjjecific swurity which is available to provide for the early repayment of capital. Again, reliance upon the Home Government will leave the local Governments dependent upon appeals to the British Treasury, and u])ou the incalculable alternations of British party jjoliticiaus — (some adverse to the whole Imjjerial policy) — at a time when there will be an immense and not unreasonable pressure iijion the House of Commons to reduce War Debt and taxation. In view of such ditticulties it is su-ested that the Finance of Empire Settlement should be sei)arated from the " ^'ational Debts " of (ireat Britain and the Dominions, and be based upon the principle assumed at the outset — i.e., that rcfiulated migTution within the Emjjire is the common interest of all Dominions of the Crown. I'his implies that the capital required siiall be jirovided by a single and separate " Empire Settlement Loan," I'aised ujion the joint credit and cum-intee of (ireat Britain and of each Dominion wliich desires to jjarticipate in the general scheme. There would be a jjrivate covenant between the guarantors under wliicli ca(di State would be responsible to Great Britain oidy for the repayment at due dates of the ca])ital actually assigned to it and the interest thereon, the British Treasury accepting respon- sd)ility for the default ui any State, shcjuld the contingency arise. Ea(di State would guarantee that all payments made by settlers shall be remitted to the Baulv of England to provide for the interest and redemi)tion of the Loan and that it would make good their arrears oi; deficiencies out of its general revenues. Since no interest is usually ])aid l)y the settler for the first three or four years (though it is accumulated to his debit), it would be legitimate that interest on the Honds should be paid out of capital for the same period. The nominal interest would depend upon the future vahie ut money, but su(di a loan slumld be issued in Bonds with cou|ioiis and would be, in fact, a guaranteed mortgage, repay- ment being made by annual diawiugs, which would commence at an early date (say in seven yeai's) and carry a ])remiuni on I'edemption. This would ensure a market value at or above ]iar, and facilitate the issue of a later series of Bonds as recjuired at a lower interest. The expendituie would be gradual, and the amount issued at the outset need not exceed the require- ments then in sight. Such an issue would not hamper any lai-ge operations of the Treasury for the reduction or conversion of War Debt. It would establish the imity and solidarity of lnn)erial resources in matters of Imperial concern, while the short currency (say 25 years) and the steady rediudion of these "Empire Settlement Bonds" would protect the British Treasury from any appreciable risk in respect of its guaiantee. There is a further reason for treating- separately Empire Settlement Finance. While the Committee endorses the policy of employing ex-soldiers in the judicious develoiiment of Imperial ' resources, this i)olicy implies the provision of large funds, not immediately remunerative, by loans running for at least 50 years. Interest on these will necessarily impose a charge upon taxjiayers for many years, and the financial ariangements for this will require far more serious considerati(jn than is necessary in a land settlement scheme which provides for the interest and the early redemption of the Ijonds. The latter, in fact, is a pioneer ex])erinient in Imperial Finance which is devoid of serious risk, whilst the former involves the creation of a joint Imjjerial Treasury, a proposition far outside the scope of tin's Committee. It may, however, be desirable to note that the British Treasury cannot now prudently accept responsil)ility single-handed for raising long-term loans required for general Imperial develo])ments outside (jreat Britain, nor impose ujjon British taxpayers alone the sole liability for such id)ligatious. It must not be forgotten that whilst our financial relations with Ireland are uncertain, the tax-jjroducing population of (jireat ]3ritaiu can scarcely be reckoned higher tlian 4'!, 0(1(1, ()()(), with little room for a prosperous increase, while the War is estimat(>d io extinguish at least £^1, 000. 000, 000 of accumulated savings which have been hitherto available lor investment. In addition, the annual income'hitherto brought into the country from abroad liy interest on investments and the expendituie of foreigners residing in (Jieat Britain will lie greatly reduced (say by £150,000.(100). Thus (unless Germany ('ontributes to our War Debt) wc shall find oui-elves with reduced resources and hampered l)y high taxation, which will diminish savings and re])el foreign ca]>ltal, foreign business, and tdieign residents, and lca\c as to meet gigantii- obligations out of a greatly reduced national income. Fnder sucli cimililions it is obvious that Great Britain's cunimand of caiiital must be seriously restricted. On the other hand, the population and wealth of the Dominicms will increase rapidly. It seems inevitable that children now alive will live to see the popnlations of the Dominicnis \':w more numerous, i)i(d)ably more lightly taxed, with a greater revenue, and j)ossibly com- manding better credit, than the Uld Country. In view of these considerations it is evident that Great Britain can only incur p<'rmaiiont liabilities foi' geneial scdiemes of Empire development provided (he>- ;nc shared by the Dominions, whose rccjurces must hereafter exceed her own. Fimilly. as regards the allociition of Empire Settlement Funds. The meihods of the I-ocal lioaiis Comniissioners offer a. ns(dul precedent. A special fund, distinct from the Nati(Hial Dtdit, is raised for local expenditure on jniblic works by tlie issue, as required, of " TA)cal Loans Stock." Public bodies re(|uiring' c;i|iital submit their ])i'o.jects. |)laiis, ^mil csiinnites. with ilctails as Id the sources of revenue which would be assigned for the interest and redemii- (iiin III the loans. 11, upon eNaminati(Mi , the ))roject is found to be well considered and the security olfered is sat isfactoiy . the loan is authoi'ised and chea]) capital is thus pidvided withoul increasing the Naticnial Debt, ami wiihont the exjiensc and incon\ cniciicc ol issuing small local loans ujion the niaikcl. F(dh)wing such lines, it might be arranged that a small expert Financial Committee (say five)_ .should he attached lo tin- pnqiosed Emigraliini .Vutlnn-ily. One member should be nominated liy the Treasury, ancidiei- a linaiicial exjieit — by the |{aiik of I'higland : amdher APPENDIX I. OO by the Hi<>h Commissioners; anotlier by tlie Agents-General; and one, at least, should have experiejice in Colonial Land Settlement. To such a Committee applications for funds would be submitted by the representative in London of any Dominion,' State, or Province, with all ijecessary details, valuations, and estimates; the dates at which instalments of cajiital would be required, and when repayments would accrue. Unless the experts on the Committee should find cause for believing that the scheme required reconsideration the loan would be granted. The borrowing State would contract to pay interest and instalments of capital at agreed dates; the rate of interest would be fixed to cover the nett cost (including premixim) at which the loan has been raised, and a trifling percentage would l)e added for necessai'y exjjenses of management. The local Govern- ment would bear the whole responsibility for the soundness of thf\ scheme su])mitted, for the administration of the money advanced, and for the reiiayment of the agreed sum at due dates, whatever its own arrangements with the settlers. To sum up, it is urged that a separate " Empire Settlement Loan," guaranteed by Great Britain and the Dominions which participate in it, is expedient upon the following grounds: — (1) Land settlement is the common interest of all British Dominions, and therefore all Dominions participating in a united scheme should accept a proportional liability for the temi)()rary expenditure involved. Such an anangenient will oifer an experiment in joint Imperial Finance which is limited in duration and free from serious risk. (2) The immediate settlement of ex-soldiers being regarded as only a special stage in a ]iernianenT movement, the financial arrangements should provide for continuous develoiiment in the future. (3) It is imdesirable that the provision of capital should depend upon competing issues of various States, or upon their applications to Great Britain for advances which will hamjier the reduction of War Debt. (4) Loans for Lai\d Settlement being based upon specific im]noving security which l^rovides for early redemption, should not be merged in the general public debts of various States, or in a general long-dated Empire Loan for Imjierial develop- ments — if such should be contemplated. (5) Funds required specifically for Empire Settlement can "ba raised, as and wheiij needed, by the issue of giuiianteed " Empire Settlement Bonds," redeemable after the first few years by annual drawings at a premium, and there would be every prospect that the rate of interest could be reduced as the scheme develops. (G) The Fund would be managed by a small Committee in Lon. "j Mr. G. Fiennes ... ... ... ... ■ Repiesenting the Naval and Military Emiaration League. Mr. E. T. Scammell j Mr. F. R. Jones Acting Secretary of the Overseas Club. Lieut.-Colonel G. Maclaren P>rown ... Representing the Canadian Pacific Railway Company. The Hon. W. A. Holman ... ... Premier of New South Wales. In addition, most of the Oversea rei^rosentatives on the Empire Settlement Committee gave evidence in reply to a list of questions drawn up by the Cliairman. Their answers are printed as Appendix III. (I).) SUB-COMMITTEE. Mr. C. F. Rey ... ... ... ... Director of Employment Exchanges, Ministry of Labour. Mr. D. C. Barnard ... ... ... Small Holdings Commissioner, ]k)anl of Agriculture and Fisheries. Mr. Vaughan Nash, C.B., C.V.O. ... Secretary of the Reconstructtnn Committee. APPENDIX 111. .">( APPENDIX III. Answers by the Representatives of the Oversea Dominions to questions drawn up hy the Chairman {see paragraph 3). QUESTION I. Are the facilities mentioned in the last edition of the Emigrants' Information Office Hand- book— (a) as regards settlement on the land; and (6) as regards other openings for emigrants, still in force, as regards your State? Are there any other handbooks of general in- formation which you recommend for ex-service men intending to emigrate to your State? ANSWERS. Canada. Mr. J. Bruce Walker, Commissioner of Immi- gration, Winnipeg. — Yes; they are still in force. it.Tnv excellent handbooks dealing with agriculture have been issued both by the Dominion and Provin- cial Governments. I recognise the good work which is being done by the Emigrants' Information Office ; but I think it should be in a more prominent place, and should receive more encouragement from the Colonial Office. Also, it should issue small handbooks referring to separate >States and Provinces. Mr. W. R. Bowder, of the New Brunswick Government Office. — Yes. AVe have several hand- books, but they will of course have to be revised after the war. Mr. J. Howard, Agent-General for Nova Scotia.— (a) and (h). Yes; and tiiey have lately been extended. The handbook I six^cially recommend is " WTiat Nova Scotia offers Returned Soldiers." Many other books and Government publications may also be recommended. Lt.-Col. P. Pelletier, Agent-General for Quebec— Yes. There are also at my office for distribution several kinds of handbooks for general information. Lt.-Col. R. Reid, Agent-General for Ontario.— (a) Yes. (6) Yes. More detailed information is contained in the Ontario Handbook and "Hint.s to Settlers in Northern Ontario." Australia. Major-General Sir Newton Moore, K.C.M.G., Agent-General for Western Australia.— (a) and (b) As far as I know, all the provisions and facilities i-eferred to are still in force, with the exception that certain amendments of the Land Act have been made with a view to offering special facilities for the settle, ment of ex-soldiers. Hojuibooks. —New copies of the latest edition of the Selector's Guide are coming to hand and will be available for general information. Mr. F. W. Young, Agent-General for South Australia. — Yes: they are stiU in force, but owing to the prevailing war conditions are at present inopera- tive. Sir John McCall, M.D., Agent-General for Tasmania.— Yes ; they are still in force. Other hand- books of general infoi'mation can be obtained by ex- service men from the Tasnianian Government Office. Sir Peter McBride, Ageut-General for Victoria.— Yes; they are still in force, but owing to the prevail- ing war conditions are at present inoperative. Several bulletins dealing with land settlement in Victoria can be obtained at the Office of the Agent- General. Mr. C. G. Wade, Agent-General for New South Wales. — Yes, they are still in force, but immigration on a large scale has been completely suspended since the commencement of the war There is a handbook giving general information with regard to the Murrumbidgoe Area. Major Sir T. B. Robinson, K.C.M.G., Agent- General for Queensland. — All the facilities referred to are still in force. Other publications dealing in detail with various industries can be obtained from the office of the Agent-General. South Africa. The Right Honble. W. P. Schreiner, C.M.G., High Commissioner for the Union of South Africa. — Yes ; the position is substantially the same. A pamphlet entitled " Land Settlement in South Africa," prepared by the South African Settlers' Information Committee, can be specially recom- mended . QUESTION II. What special facilities are being offered by your Government to ex-service men from your own State — (a) as regards settlement on the land; and (h) as regards other openings? How far are these facilities available for ex- service men from the United Kingdom and other parts of the Empire? What special qualifications, if any, are thought necessary or desirable as regards— (a) capital, and (6) previous experience? ANSWERS. Canada. Mr. J. Bruce Walker, Commissioner of Immi- gration, Winnipeg. — In order to promote emigration and thus develop the natural resources of Canada by increasing vastly her productive power, the Dominion Government proposes to continue its active propa- ganda for general emigration, while at the same (11477) time offering special and exceptionally favourable inducements for ex-.service men of the King's Military or Naval Forces, of good physique and character. The Canadian Minister of the Interior will reserve' large areas of suitable Dominion lands in the Prairie Pi'ovinces for the settlement of ex-service men. The administration of these reserved lands, so far as they relate to the settlement of ex-service men. will be in the hands of a Settlement Board consisting of three members posse.ssing an intim.ate and practical know- ledge of Western Canada and its farming conditions. It is proposed to grant to suitable and approved ex-service men 160 acres each of Crown Lands. The following persons will be entitled to participate in this free gift of land : — (a) Honourably discharged soldiers or sailors who enlisted for active service in the Military or Naval Forces of Canada in the present war.- [h) Honourably discharged .soldiers or sailors who were domiciled in Canada at the outbTeak of the said war or subsequent thereto and who were afterwards engaged in active ser- vice in the Military or Naval Forces of Great Britain or of one of her Allies in' said war. D 2 38 K.MPIUE SETTLEMENT COMMITTEE (f) Honourably discharged soldiers or sailors who were not domiciled in t^aiiada at the out- break of the said war and who were en- gaged ill active service in the Military or Naval Forces of Great Britain or of any of the Self-governing British Dominions in said war. ((/) Widows of the three above-mentioned classes whose husbands died while on active service. In addition to the 160 acres referred to above, the Settlement Board will be empowered to grant a loan of $2,0U0 to each suitahle and ajiproved person entering for a grant of land, such sum to be expended as the Settlement Board may see fit to direct. It is intended that this advance shall cover the cost ot erecting a house and barn, purchasing the necessary implements and stock (which .shall be obtained under favourable conditions) and otherwise preparing the allotment of land for successful settlement and cul- tivation. It is intended that the above loan of !f2,000 shall constitute a first charge on the homestead. The amount will be advanced at a low rate of interest, and the repayment is not to exceed fifteen years, though first payment may be deferred for two or three years after entering upon the land, as may appear expedient to the Settlement Board. There is much available land to the east, west and north of Edmonton, right up to the Peace River, some of which would require a certain amount of clearing. For the purpose of growing grain, a railway within from 12 to 15 miles makes it profitable. There is also land in the Hudson's Bay Railway District; but that requires clearing; and it is un- necessary to enter into that question as there is plenty of prairie land available for which clearing is not required. Persons applying for the land or loan above men- tioned must receive the approval of the Homestead Settlement Board. It is imperative that all appli- cants for land or loans shall have sufficient farming experience or training before being considered eligible for such laud or loan. Canada already possesses a consideralile orgaiiisaticui in Western Canada for training inexperienced agricultural workers by plac- ing' them upon the available demcmstratiou farms of the Dominion or Provincial (ioveruments or by placing them with .selected and approved farmers where they can receive a practical initiation into and thorough experience of the methods of Western cultivation, while working as farm employes at the current rate of wages. It is inteufled to extend these facilities as may be found requisite. In ordinary years the C^anadian Government Kmployment Bureau at Win- nipeg can place between 3(),(HH) and 10,0(10 men, with little or no practical experience in farmwork, with progressive farmers. In two years they can obtain practical knowledge of successful agricultural methods that would enable tlielii to apjiear before the Settle- ment Board as ai)]ilicants for the grant above referred to, with every chance of succeeding in their under- taking. Experience has taught us that training by means of employment at the curivnt late of wages is the most effe<-tive way of bringing inexperienced settlers to a knowledge of our conditions and methods. At the demonstration farms above mentioned, which are .•scattered over the West, practical work will be pro- vided for large numbers, and as in the course of time those trained during the first two years will pass out of the training (piarters into farming on their own account, it may ue assumed that there is ])ractically no limit within reason to the opiiortunities for train- ing inexperiencinl men who are physically fit and who desire to learn farniing in Western Canada. It is intended that the reservation of Crown Lands ■ " lapse after three years, but it is also intended I should add that the financial assistance referred to above will be rendered to ex-service men located on other than Dominion lands in any Province in the confederaticui. nildll illM.-,f llllt^i lIliT-T- y,-. «!.-,, I»H^ i I. i.T nin,/ 111,-, liviv,, to encourage the |iros|iective Cana;ew Brunswick Parliament in the se.ssion of 1916 authorizing the Provincial (loverninent to take the necessary steps to develop a comprehensive .system for settling upiui suitable lands in New Brunswick resi- dents of the Province who have served overseas, and also residents of the United Kingdom who have served the Empire in the present war. The scheme is to be carried out by the Farm Settle- ment Board of the Province working in conjunction with an Advisory Settlement Board ap[.oiiited for the purpose. The present intention is to establish community settlements, f<.r which purpose an area of 20,000 acies has already been set aside near the National Trans- c(mtinentai Railway; further areas will be set aside if required. Each of the settlements is intended to accom- modate from 100 to 250 families. The following are the Regulations- governing the .settlements as approved by the Advisory Settlement Board:— . , , ^ , That a suitable village or town site be selected, with due consideration to future water and sewerage requirements, either on the railway or as convenient to same as possible, and that 160 acres be reserved in the centre for this purpose, to be used in the first instance as a demonstration farm run by the Govern- ment, where t«ains and implements will be available U) hire for the use of the settlers not able to buy for themselves, and where employment would be given to the settlers. At the cross roads in the centre of this lot would be located the .school, church, store, creamery, &c. Seed grain and fertilizer will be pro- vided at cost for cash laid out on each side of the four roads radiating from this centre and abutting on a line running diagonally from the four corners of the central site, as per plan attached. The first farms adjoining the village would be one-eighth (|) of a mile long, containing about 10 acres, gradually increasing to the maximum length of Ij miles and containing 100 acres, but not more than 50 acres will be sold to any applicant the first year, but he may have the option of purchasing the remaining acres of his farm at a price per acre to be deter- mined bv the Farm Settleiiient Board and approved by the "Advisory Board. In this way al)Out 100 families can ]>e accommodated in a radius of two miles. 7>,;,.,.._Tliese farms t x 16, 3 rooms, barn IS X 20, clearing and ploughing of land, fencing, boring well, &e., &c.. estimated to cost from $500 to ^hrm. Trrm.s.— All initial payment of 10 per cent, to be paid by the applicant ' in cash when accepted or before 'taking possession, the balance to be paid in twenty years .semi-annually with interest, but. the settler lias the privilege of paying for this liand in full at the end of ten years, but in no case will deed be given before that time. A i)ulilic hall and school will be proviiled on the Central Farm. The whole community will l>e connected with tin; Central Farm bv telephone. A public square near the hall will be free f(U- all village sports, and social amenities will be encouraged to the utmost. Women's institutes will be organised fiu- the benefit of the settlers' wives. Co-operative system of maiketing and Imying will be encouraged tiinuigh the Resident Superintendent. •Settlers must reside licy of granting land free was found to be a mistake. Most of the Government land is timbered laud, and men receiving a free grant used to fell and sell the timber and then clear off, leaving the land u.seless. The Government accord- intdy fixed a small price for land with conditions as to occupation, cle- meiits. 14. An ample supply of these will be kept at head- quarters for the use of the settlers upon generous terms. 15. The cxi-operative luctlind will oblain in the carrying out of the work in connect inn with the colony. nild enable the farm superintendent to form a very good (ijiinion as to whether or not tlie man would succeed. Australia. Major-General Sir Newton Moore, K.C.M.G., Agent-General for Western Australia.- In the recent Land Aot Amendement Bill introduced by the Minister for Lands, it was stated that the (jovernment intended to spend £500,000 on improving Crown land that was being specially reserved for leturned soldiers. The Bill provided that the Govern- ment might declare any C'rowii Land open for selec- tion by persons who had been on active service in His Majesty's Naval or Military Forces, or by their dependents. Full 0(1, and apparently will not necessarily require ex-soldiers to j)rove the posses- sion of any capital. This advance, of course, would have to be repaid, but under very easy conditions: that is, repayment spread over a great number of years, and, of course, any land purchased would also have to bo paid off under easy conditions. I am not at all sure whether the Australian Governments pro- ]iose tn extend advances out of their proposed Re- patriation Fund to ex-Imperial soldiers. Although mainly raised on taxation, the fund is somewhat in the nature of a reward to soldiers for their great ser- vices to the country, and I inuigine that, under the extraordinarily ea.sy terms, it is quite expected that a fair lu'oportion will be lost. This cars fi'om the date of sale. Where land is leaseil to a discharged soldier, no rent shall be payable by him therefor for at least the first year granted by the terms of the lease, and no rates or taxes will be jiayable for the first four years from the comniencement of the lease. A soldier taking land cm lease may obtain the same advances as on(> purchasing land. A soldier intending to lake up laiiil cither by |iui- eliase oi' on lease must, in his applic.itioii, state what previous experieuci' and what capital he |)osse.sses. Romp previous experience is essential, (li) T do not know of any special facilities olFered by the GoveriiBient oilier than tho.se regarding settle- ment on the land, wliiili would be available for ex- servico men from the I'niteil Kingdom. Sir Peter McBride, Agent-General for 'Victoria.— A Bill to make provision for the settlement of ex- service men was before the State Parliament last session, but time did not admit of its being finally dealt with. The measure, which provides, inter alia, for the establishment of training farms and for rents or instalments being jiostponed for the first three years of occupation will, in all probability, be re- introduced shortly. In the meantime settlement is ])roceeding under existing legislation. The foDowing report, which has recently been received from Victoria, shows the present condition of affairs: — Land Skttlilmkni Fon Dischahged Soldiers. The following are the cimditions under which dis- diarged soldiers are being de.ilt with in Victoria, in ies])ect to land settlement- — Mcmfirrs of the Aiistrulian Imperial Force. 1. The Discharged Soldiers' Settlement Bill was in- troduced in the Legislative Assembly by the Minister of Lands during last session of Parliament, and will, it is anticipated, be dealt with early in the ensuing session. This Bill indicates generally the polfcy proposed by the Government, and action is already being taken, broadly speaking, on the lines which the measure lays down, in anticipation of legislative sanction. Over 100 discharged soldiers have already been settled on the land. 2. The Qualifications Committee, provided for by Clause 7 of this Bill, has been ajipointed, and is now regularly dealing with applicants. 3. In dealing with lands available, the State Govern- ment is extending to qualified soldiers preference over other applicants having no military service. 4. Free railway tickets are granted to enable them to inspect lands offering. 5. For irrigable and other lands available under !)rovisions of the Closer Settlement Acts, ordinary I'onditions required a deposit of 3 per cent, of the capital value of the land with subsequent payments at the rate of 6 per cent, per annum to cover interest and purchase money. In the cases of soldiers, how- ever, no payment of deposit or rent or fees on the laud is required for the first three (3) years. 6. Advances on improvements (at present up to 70 per cent, of their value) are being made, up to a maximum of £500, and the Board, in .special cases, is prepared to erect houses for settlers, on their blocks, the cost being charged against this maximum advance of ,1;.500. The terms generally provide that repay- ment of these advances may extend over a period of twenty (20) years with interest at 3^ per cent, for the first year and increasing by i per cent, in each succes- sive year until the current rate of interest then operating is reached. 7. The Qualifications Committee may recommend apjilicants for purpose of training in agricultural pur- suits, &c., prior to settlement, and trainees have already been received at Dookie Agricultural College and elsewhere. Ex-Serviie Men fnmi Ike i'nited Kimjiloin . 8. The foregoing conditions Inn e licen adopted and are being applied with reference to members of the A.I.F. The State (iovernment has, however, under- taken to extend to all United King loni ex-service men and then families the same advantages as regards land settlement as are given to leturned .Australian •soldiei's, provided that the men to be .settled upon land shall be selected in Kuglanil in an apprcjved manner, and also subject to the condili(Ui that patiiotic funds subscribed in Australia for Australians will not be av:iilable. 9. 'I'bc wbdli' subject u.is, however, further con- sidered at the Premiers' Conference held in Mel- bourne in .Liniiary last, when consultations also took jilace between the Premiers and the Prime Miuistei- of the Commonwt'alth and the Trustees of the Austra- lian Repatriation Fund. A resoluticui was adopted by the Conference that lirilish rlischarged soldiers should, ill regard to land settlements, be i)laced in all respects on the same fooling and receive the same facilities and jirivilegos as Australian soldiers. To give effect to this agreement, however, legislation by the States will be required. APPENDIX in. 43 The amount of capital necessary depends on the area taken up and the ability and experience of the settler. For instance, e.xperienced agriculturists who desire to obtain 40 or 50 acre irrigated farms should have at least £300 capital, whilst applicants without agricul- tural knowledge desiring to acquire irrigation farms should possess at least £400. Mr. C. G. Wade, Agent-General for New South Wales.— By the New South Wales Act No. 21 of 191G provision is made for the settlement of returned Australian soldiers on Crown lands or on private lands which have been resumed by the Crown. The areas to be set apart provide for agriculture, mixed farm- ing, and irrigation farms. The State Government is also providing cash for immediate requirements of Australian soldiers, and is making such liberal provisions in other ways for them that no man, whether incapacitated or not, unless he wilfully negloits opixirtunities, need be reduced to begging for subsistence. A promise has been made by the State Government to extend the machinery of Act No. 21 of 1916, under the following limitations, to discharged ex-British soldiers : — In consequence of Sir Rider Haggard's appeal, the State Government agreed to make every effort to further develop the Yanco Irrigation Area on the Murrumbidgee River. By that means, provision will be made for 1,000 farms, and for these, British sub- jects who have been engaged in the war will, if other- wise suitable, be given preference. The possession of capital, although desirable, will not be essential ; the possession of £200 would, with the loan policy of the State, place a man in an assured position. But previous experience on the land is a condition precedent ; and this should be gained in that part of the Dominions in which he decides to settle. English training is of little value, because — (1) The conditions of ploughing, sowing and harvesting are quite different ; (2) Climatic conditions have no similarity ; (3) A period of at least four months will be neces- sary to acquire English experience, yet another period of equal length will be re- quired for training after arrival in Australia ; (4) In 1908, during my term as Premier of the State, I stipulated that emigrants to New South ^\'ales must possess pi'evious experi- ence of farming life before landing. Objec- tion was then taken that owing to the expense and other reasons this work could not be carried out satisfactorily in Great Britain. In extreme cases, no doubt, where there is delay in transportation, an intend- ing emigrant might be usefully employed in some form of rural training; but generally speaking, after reaching New- South Wales, every emigrant should under- go a term of working experience on a farm before taking up land. In January, 1917, the Prime Minister of the Com- monwealth and the Premiers of the various States drew up an extensive scheme with regaid tIldier in the event of his death before he hxs received his disoharge, or within 12 months after it. The word "dependant" means the widow, mother, sister or child of such soldier if such person was at any time during the 12 montlis prior to his enlistment wholly or in part dependant upon his earnings. I5y tliis Act the Government are empowered to acquire by agreement or compulsioai any land, whether country, town or suburban, which may be required. No free grants of land will be made ; but the Government may from time to time set apart any Crown Land, or land so acquired as aforesaid, for seleotion as Perpetual Leasehold Selections by dis- charged soldiers. The soldier applying for such land neebably be about 25.S. per acre. On resumed areas the value will depend on the amount of compensiation paid to the original owner. Only land of first-class quality with a good rainfall will be offered for .selection; and care will be taken to ascertain beforehand the kinds of crops for which it is best suited. The lease will be subject to the condition of personal residence, and will contain restrictions as to mtortgag- ing or transferring during the finst ten years. The Land Court has power to suspend the condition as to pensonal residence for a period of six monthE in any year for good reason. If the seleotor so desires, lie need not commence to personallly reside on the land for a period of two years from the conimencemeat of the term. Within five years he must enclose the land with a good fenci'. or make improvements equal in value. He must commence to make the improve- ments noit later than 12 montlis fromi beginning of term. It is estimated that for clearing and fencing the land, and providing water, buildings, plant, .stock, &<-., a sum not exceeding £.500 will be ]ieces,sarv in the case of each settler. Advances up to that amount can ibe obtained from the Government Savings Bank. Moneys expended by the State for clearing the land 4i KMl'IKK SKTTLKMENT C(_).\l MITKE or effecting penrianent improvements wilL be included in that sum and treated as having been borrowed liy the seittler. Money so borrowed will be repayable by iin.stly most of the men who liave joined the Fst of South Africa, but epidemics are now understood and controlled by the strong Veterinary Department whi<'h has grown up, as.si,sted by the steady extension of fenriug and the inoculation and quarantine of all imported stock. " Horse sickness" is i:he only formidable disease wihich still eludes veterinary .science. Tlje company will enquire into the qualifications (if candidates for the fa^-ilities offered before they bave England, just as it now selex'ts men for posts as Assist.ant Native Coiiimis.sioners. B.S.A. Police, &c. As regards other ojienings, a local Committee has licen formed to assist Rhodesian ex-soldiers to find suitable employment. QUESTION special facilities III. What special facilities are being offered by private companies or individuals in your State to ex-service men from your own State— • - (") as regards land settlement; and ■ (b) as regards other openings? How far are these facilities available for ex- service men from the United Kingdom and other parts of the Empire? -. : ANSWERS. Canada. Mr. J. Bruce Walker, Commissioner of Immi- gration, Winnipeg.— riieie are facilities oifeied by tile C.P.K. lit which ex-service men niiglit avail tiiemsclvcs. .\ , regards land, (hey are mainly iif two kinds : (1) The Assisted Colonisation Scheme, for supplying " ready-made" farms--tliat is, tlie railway erect the houses, dig wells, cfec. ; and (2) Coloiiisatiou Farms, where the Kailway Company [uovide the land and advance up to $100 worth of stock. As to other openings, the answer is more diflicuK. The (Jovei-nment offer facilities for the introduction of unskilled farm labourers, for whom there are a large number ol (ipeiiiugs; for instance, last year 50,000 men were br-ouglit into the Pi'airie Provinces. We have in some cases placed men in railway offices, ware- houses, &c., but that is not our work; we desire to place men in the iMuutry and to ayoiil as far as possible the drift iulo towns, ll is not tbe Jiolicy of the Government to offer inducements for- skiller' labour; that can take care of itself. And as t<,' openings offered by private companies or individuals 1 do not wish to express an oiiinion. Mr. W. R. Bowder, of the New Brunswick Government Office.— None that 1 know of. Mr. J. Howard, Agent-General for Nova Scotia. y s|)ent by him in develo])ing itl. It is now a V(M'v valuable property, [irodncing iiiagnificent fruit. Al'l'ENDlX 111. 45 The Midland Railway, which was coustriuted on the land grant system,- is selling its land for ready- made farms. The farms range from 400 to 600 acres and the scheme provides for the erection of a house, sheds, and outhuildings on each farm, the clearing and getting ready for the plough one-third of the land and the fencing of the whole and the provision of a water supply before purchase. The coat of the farms runs to about t;2,000 each and they are offered on the following terms; — 10 per cent, cash deposit and the balance in equal annual instal- ments extending over 20 years, balances carrying in- terest at 5-\ per cent, per annum. The Company's representative in London (Win- chester House, Old Broad Street, E.C.), could give further evidence if required. (b) As regards other openings, I do not know of any special facilities which private companies or indi- viduals are offering to ex-service men as such. Mr. Frederick Young, Agent-General for South Australia. — I am not aware of any special facilities. Sir John McCall, M.D., Agent-General for Tasmania. — I do not know of any facilities offered by private companies or individuals in Tasmania. Sir Peter McBride, Agent-General for Victoria.— So far no advice of any special facilities being offered by companies or individuals has been received. Mr. C. G. Wade, Agent-General for New South Wales. — No particulars are available, but estates will probably in the future be privately subdivided and made available on satisfactory terms. Major Sir T. B. Robinson, K.C.M.G., Agent General for Queensland.— No information is avail- able. South Africa. The Right Honble. W. P. Schreiner, C.M.G., High Commissioner for the Union of South Africa. — Onlv one private settlement scheme (Sun- days Kiver) " is ready. The other opportunities are barely sufficient for South African soldiers. But if \acancies and opportunities occur, employers would take other returned soldiers. Although 'i-3,000 men from the Union are now serving, there is )io shortage of labour — owing to poor whites having taken up manual work in industrial centres, and to native labourers who can take up artizan work. Mr. P. Lyttelton Gell, British South Africa Company. — A number of companies owning land in Uliodesia are prepared to interest themselves in any scheme for the settlement of ex-service men to the following extent : (1) offers 217 farms, aggregating 12,450 acres of land, free of purchase price, situated near railway, and suitable for mixed farming. (2) 65,000 acres of land, ranging in value from 4s. tid. to 10s. per acre, is offered at 20 per cent, below valuation; payment to extend over five years. (3) 20,000 acres of land, within 20 miles of rail- way, at -50 per cent, below pre-war prices, which would average 3s. an acre. (4) 20/22,000 acres of land within reasonable dis- tance of tlie railway, ofpered at a reduction on valuation, and would work out at 3s. to 6s. per acre. (5) 14,000 ivcres of land, near railway and township, is offered at 50 per cent, below pre-war prices, and would )ie 16s. to 16s. 6d. per acre. (6) Three other companies offer good land on most liberal terms as regards price and extended terms of payment. QUESTION IV. Does your Government contemplate any special settlements for ex-service men from the United Kingdom and other parts of the Empire ; or settle- ments for which such men will be eligible;' If so, can ex-service men who are friends arrange to be near together; or could arrangements be made for officers and men from the same com- pany, battalion, or battery to be together? ANSWERS. Canada. Mr. J. Bruce Walker, Commissioner of Immi- gration, Winnipeg. —The Dominion Governnient does nut propose to establish any " special settlements " for ex-service men; what it proposes to do is to offer certain areas of land to them which are not thrown open for settlement to others. In these areas, ex- service men can arrange to be near together in the sense that they can select adjoining homesteads, and can build their houses close to one another. Mr W. R. Bowder, of the New Brunswick Government Office.— 'I'he cmditions in the special ^settlements which the New Brunswick Governnient proposes will be the same to all ex-service men. Yes. Mr. J. Howard, Agent-General for Nova Scotia.— Sn- my answer to Question 2. Arrangements no doubt could be made for friends who wished to be near one another to purchase farms in the same neighbour- hood. Lt.-Col. P. Pelletier, Agent-General for Quebec- Ex-service men who are friends may arrange with the Government to take up land so as to be near togethei . Lt.-Col. R. Reid, Agent-General for Ontario.- ^ Yes the idea is a very good one. Ample facilities will be a aiUible for friends or officers and men from the same company, battalion, or battery to be to- ;> ether. '=' Australia. A^j^asiof^snuSs.^'^^^' i^^^^^^^Lients.. roitedKingom^erv^ mran:;:rt' Qi::Xr2, E what are practically '■ special settlements " are to be formed in the south- west, for which all ex-service men would be eligible; and if a number of friends wished it, no doubt they could arrange to be near together in one of these. All the men, their wives and families would have to be examined and approved by an official of the West Au.stralian Government. This could be done before they leave England; both the Federal and the State Government have medical officers here. Mr. Frederick Young, Agent-General for South Australia. — I do not know of any special settlements for ex-service men from the United Kingdom and other parts of the Empire; but see my answer to Question 2. Sir John McCall, M.D., Agent-General for Tasmania. — The Government of Tasmania does not contemplate the formation of any " special settle- ments ' ' ; but when land is taken up by ex-service men according to the system 1 explained in my answer to Question 2, friends could arrange to be near together. Sir Peter McBride, Agent-General for Victoria.— In the measure to be known as the " Discharged Soldiers' Settlement Act " (sec answer to Question 2} power is taken to acquire land lor purposes of the Act. It should, therefore, be possible for the Govern- ment to set aside certain areas for the settlement of ex-service men from the United Kingdom, but this will be determined, to a great extent by the number of ex-memliers of the Australian Imperial Force requiring land. Mr. C. G. Wade, Agent-General for New South Wales.— Yes, on the Mnrrumbidgee areas. Srr answer to Question 2. The 1,000 farms mentioned will probably be ready in about 2 years. No difficulty should be experienced in placing friends in the same district. Maior Sir T. B. Robinson, K.C.M.G., Agent- General for Queensland.-Only as explained in answers to Questions 2 and 5. There is no doubt that arrangements can be made lor group settlements by officers and men from -the same company, battalion, or battery. South Africa. The Right Honble. W. P. Schreiner, C.M.G., High Commissioner for the Union of South Africa >'" answer tu Question 2. Mr. P. Lyttelton Gell, British South Africa Company.— ''>cc answer to Question 2. 46 EMPIRE SETTLEMENT COMMITTEE QUESTION V. As regards Government schemes for land settle- ment in your State, how much land is available— (o) without development work ; and (b) with such work;-' Is such land near a railway or a town:-" Has it a water supply? ANSWERS. Canada. Mr. J. Bruce Walker, Commissioner of Immi- gration, Winnipeg.- -All the land leffTrr,! t(i ill my answer t(i Qiiesticm 2 is iirairie land, wliicli entails very little clearing or the like; when fenced it can be cultivated at once; hut the Government has no cuUi- vated land to offer. Mr. W. R. Bowder, of the New Brunswick Government Office.— 20, 0(IM acies are now .set ajKirt for the special scheme proposed ; more, it needed, could be jjrovided. Yes. The first settlement is proposed to be near Moncton on the National Transcontinental Railway. Mr. J. Howard, Agent-General for Nova Scotia.— Sec my answer to Question 2. Lt.-Col. P. Pelletier, Agent-General for Quebec— On the 30th June, 1910, there were 7,236,097 acres of land sub-divided into available lots for settlers, and those more especially accessible are in the " Clay Belt " through which the Natioiml Tiauscontinenlal Railway runs. Good water supply. This land is likely to be settled mainly by French Canadians because it is right at their doors. Men from the United Kingdom are not trained for the hard work of clearing, &c., involved There are, however, a good many Biitish settlers, and they will receive exactly the same advantages as the French Canadians. The lands now offered for settlement in the Province are as f oUow s : — Gatineau Valley, County of Ottawa. Soil : Clay loam, adapted for cultivation of all cereals and vegetables. Conditions for development of dairy industry very good. Ahitihi Be^00 to 1,000 acres; coa.stal dairying farms, of 40 acres each; and irrigation settle- ments, of from 15 to 100 acres. Major Sir T. B. Robinson, K.C.M.G., Agent- General for Queensland. The amount ol good land a\ailablc tov scttlcimn t in Queensland is enormous, and 95 per cent, of it IjcUings to the Crown. The preliminary sclicme for soldier settliMucnt shows an area of 4,031,107 acres, capable of settling 19,288 men and their families. The Bcerburnim area (00,(H)0 acres), I'ikedalo (4,308 .acres), and Innisfail (!57,:!50 acres) have alieady In'en set apart for group sttf ItMiient of soldiers. For these three areas — 231, 71H acies in .all — it is estimated that a sum of £147,740 will be required for railway communication, APPENDIX Iir. 47 the construction of roads, aivl compensation for lesnmption. For the total area to which tlie scheme applies (4,031,107 acres) a sum of £2,093,017 will be required. This does not include the £500 per settler necessarj' for preparing and equipping the farms, to which reference was made in the answer to Question 2. Of course, much of this land will not lie ready until railways have been constructed. This cannot be done during the war, and probably not for .some little time after it is over. Srr answer to Question 6. A settler need not possess any considerable amount of money, as capital can l>e borrowed. It is not well, however, for a man with no ca]iital, unless he is of remarkable capacity and energy, to take up land immediately on his arrival; it may safely l)e said that the more he possesses the better ; a man without experience or without capital should avail himself of the training offered or obtain employment on a farm at first. There is a very efficient system of I/alxnir Bureaux. See answer to Question 10. Besides the area referred to, nearly the whole of the ea.stern coast of Queensland is suitable for close settlement ; it is estimated that some 8,000,000 acres are adai)ted for agricultural pursuits, and will be capable of supporting at lea.st 50,000 farmers and their families. The greater part of this area will be given communication liy the North Coast Railway now in construction; and a large proportion will have water communication. South Africa. The Right Honble. W. P. Schreiner, C.M.G., High Commissioner for the Union of South Africa. — There are large areas of vacant Crown lands, but mostly situated in remote and waterless regions, and requiring opening up to prepare them for settlement. The construction of irrigation works is usually undertaken under a system of State financial assistance and professional control by co- operative associations of farmers or by individual farmers. Some State irrigation schemes are in pro- gress, but none will l)e ready for a considerable time. For competent agi-icultural immigrants with small capital there would be good openings on the larger co-operative irrigation schemes in the Province of the Cape of Good Hope. An endeavour will be made by the Government to formulate a plan, in collabora- tion with the owners of the schemes, whereby land within such areas could l>e sold in holdings of a suitable size and on reasonable terms to ex-service men experienced in such farming. Mr. P. Lyttelton Gell, British South Africa Company. — The whole of the 250,000 acres in Southern Rhodesia Ijeing ottered free by the British South Africa Company and the land which is being offered by private companies for settlement to ex- service men is undeveloped virgin land. The land offered by the British South Africa Com- pany is of " fair average quality " such as is now being sold. It has been selected as promising ■i-ood results to ex-soldiers. Broadly speaking, it is the fact that much of the best land has already been alienated and is now in the hands of private owners or big development companies. Only 14,000 acres of land offered by a private com- pany is in close proximity to a township (Gwelo). The rest ot the land is situated within accessible but varying distance from the railway, the maximum distance being approximately 25 miles. This distance, however, is not excessive for successful farming, especially as regards cattle, which thrive well. Maize is often grown at a profit 2-5 miles from a railway, and milk is lirougbt in for long distances to the creamery at Gwelo. Most of the land has a surface supply of water. Where no surface .supply exists, ample s\ipplies can nsuallv be secured at comparatively shallow depth by sinking bore-holes or wells. No ex-soldier wou'd be placed on waterless land. QUESTION VI. Apart from land settlement proper ('.'.. farming) what openings are there for ex-service men from the United Kingdom and other parts of the Empire in your State - ;/.. for fruit-growing, the fisheries, irrigation, afforestation, railway woris, mining, or other employment suitable to artisans.-' How, in your estimation, would the immigration of ex-service m.en for such purposes be regarded by Labour opinion in your State i" ANSWERS. Canada. Mr. J. Bruce Walker, Commissioner of Immi- gration, Winnipeg.— In answering this I mu.st refer to niv answer to Question 3. It must be remembered that'fruit-growing requires special knowledge; much the same might be said as to fisheries ; it is true that sailors might become fishermen, but probably they would find other occ\ipations which wovdd suit them bettei-. Afforestation comes under the head of agri- culture. Railway work necessarily varies in amount. Mining again is a scientific trade— in fact it is rather an " artisan's work." The Government would not encourage the immigration of miners as such. I do not say that skilled mechanics who wish to come to Canada would be rejected; such men may come if they wish; but the Government does not otter any special facilities for them. As to the " labour opinion," I do not think the party would object to the immigration of agricul- turists, nor to miners in the sense of men coming to search for gold ; but they would oliject to the intro- duction of coal miners. Mr W. R. Bowder, of the New Brunswick Government Office.-There are gocKl oi>en,ngs tor ,-,uit-gro«iug, .shipbuildings. &c., in New Brunswick, but the Provincial Government only encourages the immigration of agriculturists, unless it is specially asked to assist other classes. So far as agriculture is concerned, there would be no objection on the part of labour organisations. As regards other occupations, I cannot say. Mr. J. Howard, Agent-General for Nova Scotia.— I inilude fruit-giow iiig under farming. The fisheries at present employ upwards of 30,000 men and yield about 25 per cent, of the total value of the Dominion fisheries. Most of the men employed in fishing .are men bcnn in Nova Scotia, as it is not an occupation which ne.vcoiners often take to. But the fishing industry is capable of much development, and if any ex-service men possess experience either in coastal or in deep-sea fishing or fish-curing, I think they would find occupation without difficulty, and 1 should be glad to know if there are any of such men who wish to go to Nova Scotia. Railway work is a matter which rests practically with the Dominion Government, the Canadian Pacific, and the Canadian Northern Railways, who between them own the principal railways in the Province. With increase'>.its will be iiiv.'ii free iiistiu(- tion at the public institutions of the Province There are no opportunities in irrigation, and labour for afforestation is already available. Until further railway construction is underlaken in Ontario, the opportunities in this work are not many. If the immigration of ex-.service men had the effect of lowering wages or reducing employment, it would not be favourably regarded by laboui- opinion. The emigration of ex-soldiers, who are also ex-miners, would need to be regulated according to the demand. Australia. Major-General Sir Newton Moore, K.C.M.G., Agent-General for Western Australia.— At this stage, with 3UU,Ul)U Australians out of ,\ustralia, this is a very difficult question to answer; but it niu.st follow that a country of so many and varied resources as Western Australia should afford employment for a very large number of men. more particularly in the timber and mining industries I have always found the L.abour Government in Western Australia reasonable to any proposed scheme which did not involve the creation of an " unem- ployed " difficnltv; and notwithstanding the fact th.at during the thre4 years 1910, 1911, and 191'2, .'W.OOO people were sent out from Great Britain to Western Australia, no labour difficulty of any kind was created. Mr. Frederick Young, Agent-General for South Australia. — Ajiart from land settlers, opeiiiiigs in South Australia are not important. Political feeling is strong against immigration of general labour. A considerable number of skilled labourers was brought in during the three years prior to the war, and these met the then rather acut-e shortage. As regards thi^ future, any farther immigration in this direction will depend upon developments. We are mainly a country of primary production, but, of course, with further land developments, development in other occupations ensues. The development of zinc and lead smelting at Port Pirie under the scheme of handling all Broken Hill oies in the British Dominions should undoubtedly mean a great extension of the industrial activity of that port, and .should call for a considerable increase of labourers. \ further increase of the smelting industry no doubt would affect the manu- facture of artifit'ial manures, but I may say that we .already manufacture a great proportion of our needs, and T' am not able, off-band, to say to what extent tbeiv wt;ul(l be .in oiiening at Po-.t Piiie to provide f(]r tlic manure rec|uirenients of Australia generally. It is a very inteiesting and practical (jiiestiiui. Sir John McCall, M.D., Agent-General for Tasmania,, Ap-nt fnun land settlement iirojiev (that is, farming, including fiuit-growing) at the present time employment coubl b.' fonnd for a nuiiibiM- of ex- service men; bLit, of course, I cannot say what the conditions wili be after the war. As to fishing, it must be remembered that capital and experience are required. 1 cannot say th.at there are likely to be openings for artisans. I do not anticipate that there would be any objec tion on the part of labour organisations in the State. Sir Peter McBride, Agent-General for Victoria. In most callings the Icjcal supply of artisans meets all requirements. Ex-service men. however, who are competent to take up fruit-growing or irrigated farln- ing W(juld be welcome. The fishing industry is i:ap able of expansion, and afforestation will, as time goes by, receive more attention. Mr. C. G. Wade, Agent-General for New South Wales. — There are openings for ex-service men cap- able of engaging in fruit-growing and gardening, iiiigation, afforestation, ifcc, but, as a general rule, artisans are not advised t<3 emigrate. The Labour Government, which came into power in 1910, carried on an active immigration policy until the outbreak of the war. There is, however, always an undercurrent of opposition to immigration on the part of the labour organisations, caused partly by the uncontrolled operations of passage brokers and passage brokers' agents in the past, partly by the tendency of certain private emigration societies to se'nd unsuitable people, and partly by an unfounde.l fear that it will cause a surplus of labour and a consequent reduction in the rate of wages. Immigration of persons who would compete in the skilled trades or in mining would be opposed by the lalxiur organisations. Major Sir T. B. Robinson, K.O.M.G., Agent- General for Queensland.— Apart from farming, there will probablv lie some openings for ex-service men in fisheries, irrigation, &c.,'but I am at present not in a position to state the policy of the Queensland Government as regards the immigration of ex-soldiers for purjioses other than land settlement. I may add, however, that after the War, when matters' have returned to their normal condition, and rails and other materials are obtainable, Queensland will probablv resume the construction of railways on a large scale. That would offer opportunities for Government as regards to immigration of ex-soldiers accustomed to such work. Labour opinion in Queensland is not hostile t) during the second year, (r) during the third year, after the termination of the War? ANSWERS. Canada. Mr. J. Bruce Walker, Commissioner of Immi- gration, Winnipeg. — Limiting my aiisuer to unskilled larni labour — that is, men who would go to work with fanners, I should say that we could absorb — 20,000 men in the first year, 30,000 men in the second year, ami 40.000 men in the third year. That is, besides women and children. It is also in addition to men with pj-evious experience who could take up land at once. There are many farmers now who would cultivate more land if they could get more labourers. Besides, it must be remembered that immi- gration creates more work; railways, waterworks, &c., have to be constructed as population increases. Mr. W. R. Bowder, of the New Brunswick Government Office. — I cannot say definitely until our own men are settled, but the demand from farmers has hitherto always exceeded the su]iply. 1 think it would be a low estimate to suggest that New Bruns- wick could absorb about 3,000 immigrants after the war per annum, including a proportion of ex-service men. Mr. J. Howard, Agent-General for Nova Scotia.- Judging from statistics I estimate tliat after the war Nova Scotia could probably absorb — (a) In the first year, 5,000 souls (inris .'i and 7, above. Mr. P. Lyttelton Gell, British South Africa Company. — So far as cimcerns the men who can be settled on the land which is being granted free, the numbers must necessarily be small — say 500. They are limited by the numbers for whom training facilities can be provided. We could take, say, 25 at once if occasion arose. Rhodesia is a very young and small community. The total white population is only 32.0t)0. and the number of established farmers who could liel]i is limited. In any case, we prefer " i|uality " to " quantity." QUESTION IX. Has your Government established, or does it contemplate establishing, training farms or similar institutions — CO for ex-service men from your own State ; or ('') for ex-service men from the United King- dom and other parts of the Empire-^ If so, how large are the training farms likely to be>^ How many ex-service men would they accom- modate' How long otight ex-service men to stop at themr" What arrangements is it proposed to make with reference to the finance and control of such train- ing farms;-' ANSWERS. Canada. Mr. J. Bruce Walker, Commissioner of Immi- gration, Winnipeg. — Strictly speaking, there are no tiiiiiiiiiii jiiiiiis: l)ut there are crprrlmrntal farms belonging to bd, and staffed by competent men, and affords full instruction in all branches of agriculture and horticulture. Special classes will be given to ex-,ser- vico men who wish to avail them.selvcs of this oppor- tunity. Tlie instruction is free, the only cost to the student being his board and lodging. As the College is non-residential, this can be obtained at a re.ason- able rate in the town of Truro. Government experi- mental farms have also been established at \appam and Kentville, where practical instruction can be oli- tained liy the newcomer. There is also a Technical College at Halifax, where up-to-date instruction in Metallurgy, Mining, Chemical and Klwti-ical Engi- neering is provided. Tecbnical schools have been establishtvl in industrial districts. APPENDIX in. 51 ^Lt.-Col. P. Pelletier, Agent-General for Quebec. ihls ((iiestiOTi liMN not vet I.eeii dehnted. At J)ieseiit we iKive ill Queliee ciiilv agiKultiii al Cdlleges and ux- pei-inii'iital farms, not traipiiig farms. Lt.-Col. R. Reid, Agent-General for Ontario.— Tlie traiiiiii- farm at .Monteitli is .some (i(l() acres 111 extent, but only part of this is at present under cultivation. If the necessity arises further trainimr farms will be established and are likely to be between 300 and 500 acres in extent. The ijeriod of trainiiur will vary: the men without experience will probably require at least three months. The finance and control of the Government trainini' farm are provided by the Ontario Government, and this will be the case should an\ farms lie established in the future. The Agricultural C.llege at Cuelph is one of the best known in the Empire, liut tlii> demand for admis- .sion there isgreater than the accoiiimodatinii available. Australia. Major-General Sir Nev;ton Moore, K.C M G Agent-General for Western Au.'-tralia. A srheme for the training of men in poultr\-farmiim is alreadv in existence ,ind is controlled by tlie local War Councii Schemes are also under consideration for the estab- lishment of experimental farms which will give oppor- tunities to farmers of obtaining good stock, but nothing has as yet been decided. Mr. Frederick Young, Agent-General for South Australia. — Sir particulars given in aiis»er to Ques- tion 2 as to the training farm on the iMouiit Beniark- able Estate. Sir John McCall, M.D., Agent-General for Tasmania. — The Government have a State farm at Beloraiiie, where practical training in farming is given. I believe that it would accommodate about 50 men I have no doubt that it will be made pos- sible for ex-service men from the T'nited Kingdom to go there. Sir Peter McBride, Agent-General for Victoria.— The Discharged Scildiers' Settlement Bill (s. « answer to Question 2) provides for the estalilishnient and maintenance of training farms, which would also be open to ex-.service men from the United Kingdom. Already some returned soldiers are undergoing train- ing at the Dookie Agricultural College, which has an area of 5,91.3 acres. Mr. C. G. Wade, Agent-'General for New South Wales. — The Training Centres available at are as follows : — (2) present ■inricuUural F„rmi, for dairying, wheat-grow- uig and mixed farming. On the.se— about 7 in all— practical farming is conducted, and there would be room f(u- a limited number of immigrants. (3j Erpriiinciitiil F(7M„.s.— These are numerous, but would not accommodate a very large number of men. '^ (4) Stctr 2'Vr»is— that is. wheat farms conducted on a large scale under the control of the Stats^-have been started, but so far with (uily partial success. If they are extended, a number of immigrants might obtain em- [iloyment on them. (5) I'ltt Town /''firm —This has been utilised in giving preliminary experience to youths brought out under the •■ Dreadnought System." After from three to six months on this faim. they find emplovment with farmers. This farm might be extended. (6) An area has been reserved at Griffith on the Murrumbidgee Irrigation Area, and bar- racks erected capable of holding about GO men. It is intended to employ .soldiers on probation for six months on initial woi k preparing what will afterwards be then- farms. They will receive 5.v. a dav and will be kept by the Irrigation Commission. Instruction will be given there, and will be continued after the soldiers have been placed on their blocks. Similar centre.s might be established. Friends may thus .settle together, obtain preliminary experi- ence, and work on the land which is to be their home.^, whilst receiving wages from the commencement. Major Sir T. B. Robinson, K.C.M.G., Agent- General for Queensland.— The Queensland Govern, ment is setting up training farms on the various settlements for the benefit of those requiring instruc- tion. In the fruit-growing areas canning" factories are being arranged for to prevent a glut of green fruit, and with a view to preparing the producrs for export, thus securing for the men the full return for their labour. There are also training farms for vouths, which might be available. (1) The Hairlceslnif!/ .irjiirultural CnUcijc, both scholastic and practical, chiefly availalile for voiing students. South Africa. The Right Honble. W. P. Schreiner, C.M.G., High Commissioner for the Union of South Africa. — There are small training farms, being part of tile Land Settlement Scheme referred to in answer to question 2 above, Mr. P. Lyttelton Gell, British South Africa Company.- -Xo: but .srr above under 2 and 4, and below, under 10. QUESTION X. Can arrangements be made whereby ex-service men from the United Kingdom and other parts of the Empire who do not go to Government farms in your State, or for whom such farms are not avail- able, can be sure of obtaining situations on other farms where, while supporting themselves on their earnings, they can acquire Colonial experience? For how many ex-service men from the United Kingdom and other parts of the Empire could accommodation of this kind be fotmd in each year- ANSWEKS. Canada. Mr. J. Bruce Walker, Commissioner of Immi- gration, Winnipeg. -VcN. Ni < my answer to Ques- tion 0. Mr. W. R. Bowder. of the New Brunswick Government Office. There is plenty of farm em- I ioyineiit. S< •■ answer to Question 3. Mr. J. Howard, Agent-General for Nova Scotia.— Yes, through the De),artmeiit of Industries and Immi- gration at Halifax, who wuukl be prepared to place 1U7T men on farms in the Province. There are many excellent openings for farm workers. Lt.-Col. P. Pelletier, Agent-General for Quebec- Farmers' hel])iiig hands can get employment and good wages and acquire experience for themselves. See answer to Question 8. Lt.-Col. R. Reid, Agent-General for Ontario.— Yes, but these situations are only a\ailalile in the older and more settled parts of Ontario. 5,000. Australia. Major-General Sir Newton Moore, K.C.M.G., Agent-General for Western Australia.— I do not think that there would be any difficulty in agricul- tural labourers obtaining employment ijirectly they arrive ; and I consider that the best way for tiiem t\> acquire local experience. The system hitherto — I mean, of course, before the war — has been that the Government advertise that a .sliip with immigrants i^ coming. P'armers come and interview the men who wish to work on farms; and ladies c(uue and intervievv the women who are going into dome.stic service; the demand always exceed.s the sujiply. E 62 K.MPIRE SETTLEMENT COMMITTEE Mr. Frederick Young, Agent-General for South Australia. — Vcn, tor a carefully coiitnilled iiiimbei-. Sir John McCall, M.D., Agent-General for Tasmania. A limited inunljer ciiuld olitaiii Muli posi- tiiins witli fanners; and I think that i.s the best way for a man to acquire the necessary experience. But I must warn you that Tasmanian farmers are not very keen about taking inexperienced men wlio have lately arrived in the State; they say that a i;ood man at £1 a week and all found is cheaper to them than a newly arrived immigrant crfirial. But with regard to ex-service men wlio wish to lx>come agriculturists in the Dominions, if it is nece.ssaiy to letain them in England for a year or so after deiuobilisation, perhaps the Iiest place for them would be a training farm where they could learn how to manage horses and cattle and to milk; and could accustom themselves to the use of farm implements .such as are used in Canada. But there are two things to bear in mind: (1) Even if a man has gone through a course of training in England he has still much to learn when he arrives in Canada, as the climate, soil, manner of cultivation, and social conditiims are all different. Putting a man on the land in Canada without ]iievious colonial experience I regard as in most castjs madne.ss. Of course, if a man has experience acquired elsewhere, and capital of his own — at the very least, £300 — he can take U)i land for him.self at once if he wishes to do .so, and in certain circumstances he may succeed ; but T do not say more than that. (2) A training farm in England must be regarded as a dead expense to the Govern- ment, as the men must leave the country as soon as they are trained ; in Canada the Government is train- ing men to supply an exi.sting local want. Mr. W. R. Bowder, of the New Brunswick Government Office.— Not much use. Conditions are so different in the ('Tiited Kingdom fi-om what they are in Canada. Mr. J. Howard, Agent-General for Nova Scotia.— Yes. Pcrha|>s I .im led to s)ieak move stTdiigly in favour of this than the representatives of otlier parts of the Oversea Dominions do, as the sy.stpm of agri- I'ldture in Xo\ a Scotia more nearly r&semble,s that of the Old Country than that of other parts of the Empire does. The Hon. R. Guinness established a training farm in England, the manager of which was a graduate of the Agricultural College at Guelph in Ontario, and the men trained there have done well in Nova Scotia. Lt.-Col. P. Pelletier, Agent-General for Quebec- Yes. I should welcome the establishment of a train- ing farm in the T'nited Kingdom if, on account of tianspoit dithculties, men who wanted to come to Canada had to wait about befcue there w.as an oppoi- I unity to start. A Dominion ;nanager would be better, I should think, because agricidtnial ccniditions m Canada differ on certain ]ioints from those in the I nitcd Kingdom Lt.-Col. R. Reid, Agent-General for Ontario.— Only if there is likely to be ronsiderable delay in ol>t.iiiiing transport. If such training farms are estab- lished in the riiited Kingdom, the training should lu'oceed along Canadian lines, and the farms shoiilt'. be managed by Canadian farming experts. Australia. Major-General Sir Newton Moore, K.C.M.G.. Agent-General for Western Australia. I thmk that the estabiisbment of training f.irnis in the Vnited Kingdom, managed by men with ]ire\ ions ex|)erience not only in England but ]M-eferably in the Dominions, would be of very considerable value. 1 may mention that there is at present a scheme under consideration for finding employment ■ for Australian soldiers m England whilst waiting to return to Australia; per- haps there are .some of them who could be utilised as instructors. The men could receive instruction in such matters as rough carpentering, which would be useful to them in Australia. But J only recommend this in case the men are delayed in starting; otherwi.se 1 think that they had better go to Au.stralia and acquire their experience there. Mr. Frederick Young, Agent-General for South Australia. — The establishment of training institnti(jiis in the United Kingdom is not a proposition which of it.self particularly appeals to me. I prefer the lu- 1 ending settlers to olitrin their exjjerience under the new conditions, and always advise them to spend some time as farm labourers. However, it will take a con- siderable time for the Australian soldiers to return to Australia after peace, and Imperial emigrants will very probably be held up in this country for that reason, and also during the time of gradual de- mobilisation. During tlii.s enforced period it seems to me that the ex-lmpeiral soldier can most profit- ably u.se the time on suitable training f.arms, where he would become familiar with the handling of stock, and, of course gain a considerable amount of valuable information, useful on land the whole wcirld over. Sir John McCall, M.D., Agent-General for Tasmania. — I do not think that traiiiing farms in the tinited Kingdom would serve the purpose of the proper training of men for agricnUure or horticulture in the State. Sir Peter McBride, Agent-General for Victoria. — With a view to ascertaining snit;ibility, a shcnt course of training in the I"nited Kingdom would a]ipear to be desirable. The selected men could then be drafted to other farms to await sailing. Whilst it wcnild lie Al'i'KNDlX III. 53 adrantageuus if such fainis were managed by peisuus who have alsu had some oveisea farming experience, it must be borne in mind that conditions vary con- siderably thronehoiit tlie Dominions. Mr. C. G. Wade, Agent-General for New South Wales. — In extreme eases, where there is a delay in transportatiini, intending emigrants might lie nsefnlly employed in some form of rural training in England. But English training is of little value to men intend- ing to go to Australia ; the climate and conditions of work are too different. Australian wheat farms are about 1,000 acres in extent; ploughing and harvestintj are done by machinery. No man should start farming in .-Vustralia without at least six months' local experience. Major Sir T. B. Robinson, K.C.M.G., Agent- General for Queensland.- Yes. We have had some experience in (Queensland (jf the advantage of such a system. A nuinber of lads have been sent out by the Church Army who have had a three months' course of preliminary training on the Church Army farm in Essex : and that training, elementary as it has been, has been of great value to them. J may here remark that the system of sending out these lads has been a thorough success: they do well on farms: I have known cases in which even in 12 or 18 months' work a lad has saved enough monev to lu'ino: his parents out. Of course, as regards ex-soldiers, the question some- what depends on the amount of time demobilisation takes. If the men have to remain soldiers for a con- siderable period, but have nothing to do, they might be well employed in learning farming: or, if it is necessary for them to remain in barracks, they might be taught trades, such as blacksmithing, which would be useful to them when on the land. But if training farms for soldiers desirous of emigrating are estab- lished in England, they should be managed by men from the Dominions with agricultural experience. South Africa. The Right Honble. W. P. Schreiner, C.M.G., High Commissioner for the Union of South Africa. — It would uudoul)tedly lie very useful. Mr. P. Lyttelton Gell, British South Africa Company. — Yes. Men from the Dominions with fanning experience should be associated with the management. As regards not only Rhodesia, but other countries, I trust that the Committee will emphasise the importance to settlers of acquiring in advance some handiness in the use of tonts. itc. — however rough their work. QUESTION XII. Do you think that if any special facilities are available in your State for ex-service men from the United Kingdom and other parts of the Empire preference should be given to those who are married? ANSWEKS. Canada. Mr. J. Bruce Walker, Commissioner of Immi- gration, Winnipeg.- IViMHuilly, I vhuuld favour giving preference to siniitc men. ] admit that you may call that selfish: and I admit also that in view of the desirability of an increase of population the necessity may overweigh the inconvenience. But what I mean is that whilst a wife in good health with not more than two young children is an advantage, a delicate wife or mine than two young children is an inconvenience to the farmer with whom the man IS working; accommodation is limited, and the wife has no spare time to assist in the work of the house. fn the Eastern Provinces there are sometimes old farmhouses which are .-ivaihilile for marripil hibouiers. Mr. W. R. Bowder, of the New Brunswick Government Office. — Yes. Married men would be preferred. Mr. J. Howard, Agent-General for Nova Scotia. — Yes. Lt.-Col. P. Pelletier, Agent-General for Quebec— Yes, if thev have uinney to su[i])ipit themselves the first years. It is impo.vsible for a man who has a wife and family to support to get a living from the laud straight off, and there is a difficulty in getting farmers to take families in. Lt.-Col. R. Reid, Agent-General for Ontario.— Preference should be given to married men in the older sections of Ontario. Tliere is greater difficulty in arranging for the accommodation of married couples, particularly those with large families, than in the case of single men, as many Ontario farmers do not possess houses other than the farmhouse, and it is not alwavs convenient to allot living accommodation for married people there. Moreover,' women with more than two young children to look after have not much time to .attend to other duties. On the other hand, the married man is likely to remain in his posi- tion longer th.in the single .nan, and, when farmeis have accommodation tliey in many cases prefer mar- ried men for this reason and also because the wives are able to assist in house work, milking, &c and the children are very useful in doing light work as, for instance, picking the small finits. It will te seen, therefore, that married couj^les with families are_ wel- come when housing accommodati.m is available, but t do not think their numbers should exceed 20 per cent. • if the total emigr-ation of ex-service men. Australia. Major-Generai Sir Newton Moore, E.C.M.G., Agent-General for Western Australia.— As to this I cannot speak with authority: but my personal opinion IS that preference should be given to married men, and I think that the Government would take the same view. Of c'. answer to Question 12. Mr. Frederick Young, Agent-General for South Australia.—,^'' ansuer til Qucstiim 12. Sir John McCall, M.D., Agent-General for Tasmania. — 1 do not think that men with small families would be more welcome than those with large. Sir Peter McBride, Agent-General for Victoria.— Scr answer tn Question 12. Mr. C. G. WadBj Agent-General for New South. Wales.— Once a man is established in his holding, the larger his family is the more help it is to himself. Major Sir T. B. Robinson, K.C.M.G., Agent- General for Queensland. It all (le])eiids on circum- stances. A large family of small children is an encumbrance; but in a large family there are usually several of working age. for whom there is always a demand in Queensland South Africa. The Right Honble. W. P. Schreiner, C.M.O., High Commissioner for the Union of South Africa. ~Si) answer to Question 12. abnve. Mr. P. Lyttelton Gell, British South Africa Company.— No, QUESTION XIV. Can arrangements be made for the support of the wives and children of ex-service men whilst the men are being trained at Government training farms or working on other farms' ANSWERS, Canada. Mr. J. Bruce Walker, Commissioner of Immi- gration, Winnipeg. — Ve^. ll am speaking now of supporting the wive-, a lid children of ex-service men who are wtion 12. Sir John McCall, M.D., Agent-General for Tasmania. — 1 do not think that the Government of Tasmania would undertake any iiecuniary liability as to this, or that it ought to be asked to do so, I con- sider that it performs its duty by taking care of its own soldiers, and that all the cost as to men belonging to the Imperial Forces should be borne by the Imperial Government, If the Imperial Government cannot find employment for them at home, it should pay the cost of sending them to, and starting them in, some nther ]iart of the Kmiiire. Sir Peter McBride, Agent-General for Victoria.— No. (N( r answer to Question 12.) Mr. C. G. Wade, Agent-General for New South Wales. — I do not think so. In fact, my opinion ;s tliat, except in s|:iecial cases where husband and wife are suitable and u illing to take a '■ married couple's " position on a farm, it is not advisable for women to accom]>aiiv their husbands, unless they have sufficient capital to cover the cost of maintenance for a reason- able period. Wives should, as a rule, remain behind until their husbands have made a satisfactory settle- ment (that is, for six months at the very least) and then be nominated by them. ' M'liere there are children. that is ]>art icularly desirable. When nominations are made by the agriculturists, the jiassage money rates are very low ; prior to the war thev were for wives, £6; and foi- children under 12, i'.t. The nomination system li.is been lariiely availed of and been very successhil Major Sir T. B. Robinson, K.C.M.G., Agent- General for Queensland. Tliat Is a diffimlt ipicsihm to answer generally. So mncli would depend upon tlu' age and composition of the families, Kach case would Inne to lie considered on its merits. South Africa. The Right Honble. W. P. Schreiner, C.M.G., High Commissioner for the Union of South Africa. >'■ an-.wfi to Question 12. alio\c Mr. P. Lyttelton Gell, British South Africa Company. .\i i.ingciueiits could lu' made, but only al i-onsiderable cost. It wmild be better that the wives and cliihlren should remain at home during thi> trainini,: period. APPENDIX III. 00 QUESTION XV. Is there in your State any demand for— (a) the widows, and (h) the orphans, of ex-service men from the United Kingdom and other parts of the Empire — e.g., boys and girls between the ages of 5 and 15? If so, how would they be dealt with on arrival and afterwards r' ANSWERS. Canada. Mr. J. Bruce Walker, Commissioner of Immi- gration, Winnipeg.— (a) There is an unlimited demand for widows and spinsters up to the age of 40 or 45 years for domestic service; wages are high, and situations can be found either in towns or m ihe country. But special schemes for the immigration of soldiers' widows are not regarded with favour in certain parts of the Dominion. (6) As to children — whether boys or girls — I am authorized to say that Canada has made excellent arrangements for their supervision. After the war, Canada can absorb about 10.000 in the fir.st year, and the same number in llie second. Although the care of girls involves more difficulty than the care of boys, it would be immaterial wliich sex predominated. Dr. B.irnardo's agenc}-, the Waifs and Strays, the Quarrier's Homes, and other organisations of the same sort have emigrated very many boys and girls with great success. Of course there have been some failures, bnt I doubt whether they have been more than 1 per cent; whenever one goes w-rnng, a fuss is made, but nothing is said about the large number who go straight. But though many have come, the demand has alw.ays exceeded the supply. We want young children, who can be placed with foster parents who will take care of them in childhood, and then be obliged to pay them wages when they come to a wage- earning age." No objection is made on the ground that such adolescent labour leads to sw^eating. Mr. W. R. Bowder, of the New Brunswick Government Office. — Only for women and children suited for domestic service. Mr. J. Howard, Agent-General for Nova Scotia.— (o) Widows, if capable and prepared to undertake domestic work and assist on a farm, could be placed in suitable positions. (h) A limited number of orphans of ex-service men could no doubt be accommodated at the Middlemore Home, Fairview, Halifax County, in Nova Scotia, which takes charge of the children on arrival, and finds homes for them, where they are under careful supervision of the officials of the institution. Lt.-Col. P. Pelletier, Ageut-General for Quebec— Not that I know of. Before the war tliere was no great difference between the numbers of males and females in the Province of Quebec. There is in the city of Sherbruoke a Home which takes charge of orphan boys coming from England. Lt.-Col. R. Reid, Agent-General for Ontario.- (a) Yes, but only if they are prepared to take up domestic work. (/)) The Children's Emigration Societies, such as Dr. Barnardo's Homes, have, for many years, been en-^aged in sending children to Ontario, with good results. The orphans of e.K -service men could be pro- vided for in a similar way. There is a f ein-and for them on the farms of Ontario. They could be dealt with through the Children's Aid Societies. There aie 11 Distribution Homes in Ontario for juvenile emigra- tion and in 1914 the number of children receive.! m five 'of these Homes was 348, and 2,416 applications were received from farmers and others for children. It will be seen, therefore, that there is a good demand. It will probably be found desirable to establish separate homes for the reception of the orphans of soldiers. As instancing the care taken by the Govern- ment in connection with juvenile emigration, these children are visited by officials during the year, and every precaution is taken to see they are properly treated. Australia. Major-General Sir Newton Moore, K.C.M.G., Agent-General for Western Australia.— So far we have never encouraged widows or very young settlers, 18 being our minimum age unless they are members of a family. Three parties of boys have been sent out and have been placed satisfactorily ; but the ques- tion of sending out young girls presents some diffi- culties. Mr. Frederick Young, Agent-General for South Australia. — (a) For some time there is likely to be a fair demand for women emigrants as domestic ser- vants, and also for school teachers. The general servant is the one mostly required. (6) I think that satisfactory emigration of boy orphans of ex-service men can be arranged, and there is in existence a statute, which I had the pleasure of introducing into Parliament, wdiicli places immi- grant boys under the care and guardianship of the State, and under conditions which offer the fullest protection to the boy, and aim to secure thriftiness on his part, so that bo may save money and be able to take up a block of land quite early in his life. Apart from the small amount of pocket money, his wages are paid to the Government, who keep a .s(U-t of banking account for the boy whose deposits earn interest. The Act covers boy emigrants between the ages of 14 and 18 and, under the scheme, it is f|nito possible for any reasonable boy at the age of 21 to have a banking account amounting to about £150. Experience under the Act was cut short by the war, but, so far as it went, proved very satisfactory. Sir John McCall, M.D., Agent-General for Tasmania. — fo) The widows of soldiers, if suitable, could find employment in domestic service like other women. (h) There is a demand for boys and girls over school .age; but there is no custom in Tasmania of providing for juvenile immigration as there is in Canada. Sir Peter McBride, Agent-General for 'Victoria.- (o) Up to the present there has been no deniand, but it is anticipated that a limited number of widows with one child, if domesticated and willing to accept country positions, would be welcome. (b) Whilst it is probable that a number of children over 12 could bo satisfactorily placed, it will be neces- sary to obtain a special report from the Government before making any pronouncement on the subject. Mr. C. G. Wade, Agent-General for New South Wales. — Yes, if willing to undertake domestic service, for which there is a great demand. Before the war many widows, each with one child, were satisfactorily placed by the New South Wales Immigration Depart- ment. As to orphans, I cannot speak definitely ; but perhaps some children over 12 could be placed with advantage. I think there might be objection made to a large number coming. Major Sir T. B. Robinson, K.C.M.G., Agent- General for Queensland.— (a) There will be openings for widows, without children, m domestic service. Also, as stated in answer to Question 2, some of the widows of ex-service men will be eligible to select land. (?)) There is no deniand for children under 15. The lads to whom reference was made in the answer to Question 11 are all above that age. South Africa. The Right Honble. W. P. Schreiner, C.M.G., High Commissioner for the Union of South Africa. ^Vc answer to Question 12, above. Mr. P. Lyttelton Gell, British South Africa Company.— No. 1H77 5G EMPIRE SETTLEMENT COMMITTEE QUESTION XVI. Do you think that openings can be found in your State for women immigrants other than the wives and daughters of ex-service jnen; '.;/., for those who have been working during the war as nurses, or at munitions, or have been filling tem- porary vacancies on farms in the United Kingdom ; or for qualified teachers who have taken up war work ? ANSWERS. Canada. Mr. J. Bruce Walker, Commissioner of Immi- gration, Winnipeg. — Then' miv I ]i<'niiigs for any except tor domestic servants. As to tlieni, .s-cp answer to Question 15. Mr. W. R. Bowder, of the Nev/ Brunswick Government Office. — Tlic only jj:o(id openings foj- women are foi- lioiisewnrk. Mr. J. Howard, Agent-General for Nova Scotia.-— Women immigrants, if domesticated and willing to take positions as general servants, or assist on a farm, could be satisfactorily settled in situations, there being a good demand for this class of vporker. By an arrangement with prospective employers the ocean fares can be advanced tor approved domestic appli- (^ants, such advance to be repaid by instalments frouj their wages. And in our well-settled country domestic service is not so arduous as in the newer [larts of the world. I could not say for how many such women vacancies could be found at once, but I think \\i: could commence with TiO. But with regard to openings for women other than domestic farm service I could not speak with any confidence. Before any .steps are taken, even in the way of advising such women to come out, I think it would be well to ask the opinicui of the Nova Scotia Oovernment. Lt.-Col. P. Pelletier, Agent-General for Quebec- There are very few openings e>a'e|it for domestic .ser- vants. A few nurses and teachers may bo wanted in the townships. There would be no vacancies for ex- munition workers. Lt.-Col. R. Reid, Agent-General for Ontario.— Nurses : Very few ofjenings ; and it is estimated that the large number of Ontario women who have become trained nurses during the war will be adequate. Munition workers: Could be found positions in fac- tories, but in limited numbers. Women farm workers: Genevnllv speaking fe^ openings, but scope for competent dairy workers. Teachers: The local supplj' is .•idequate. Australia. Major-General Sir Newton Moore, K.C.M.G., Agent-General for Western Australia. Our policy in the past h.as been to encourage the immigration of domestic servants only. As to any further answer to the question, T can only say that it is a matter to which con.sideration might be given by the Govern- ment when matters have more or less resumed their normal condition, but not until then. Mr. Frederick Young, Agent-General for South Australia. N''' :niswei' to (,)uestioii 1.5 (resent (jnly e.\perienecd_ domestic ser- vants are required in New South Wales." Many women now engaged in clerical work will be displaced at the end of the war. They would scarcely welcome any ivho would increase the competition. Major Sir T. B. Robinson, K.C.M.G., Agent- General for Queensland.— So far as I can state at present the only women, other tlian the wives and daughters of ex-service men, that could he absorbed are tho.se suitable far domestic service. South Africa. The Right Honble. W. P. Schreiner, C.M.G., High Commissioner for the Union of South Africa. — N''*' answer to Question 1'2. above. Mr. P. Lyttelton Gell, British South Africa Company. — There is a steady demand f(U- women, not only for domestic service, but for educated women to work as clerks, teachers, governesses, lady-helps, itc. But women should not be sent out without secured positions to go to. The trained nurses sent out to the hospitals in Rhodesia have formed a most valuable addition to the white population of the terri- tory. Thev make admirable settlers' wives. The V.A.D. workers, and the women war-workers in uardens and farms should supply most useful settlers ill Rhodesia and elsewhere after the War. QUESTION XVII. What do you estimate would be the cost per head of the transport of ex-service men, their v;ives and families, from the United Kingdom to your Stale- By whom, in your opinion, should such cost be paid? ANSWERS. Canada. Mr. J. Bruce Walker, Commissioner of Immi- gration, Winnipeg.— To \Viinii|)eg, .f'.O second class; and less than that steerage. Of course the Imj^erial Government may pay the passages if it desires to do so, but my expei'ience is that the cost had better be liorne by the man himself. A man who will do so thereliy gives evidence that he is a thrifty man who will suecoed as a settler. T have not heard of any iirojiosal for the transport of ex-service men being ])aid f(U' by the Pomiiuiui (lovernnieiit, citlier wholly or in ]i;ivt . Mr. W. R. Bowder. of the New Brunswick Government Office. — To St. .John (tbii-d class) 1:7 \0s. per adult. The immigrant, as a rule, slmuld pay the cost. Mr. J. Howard, Agent-General for Nova Scotia.— The cost of the transport of adults from England to Nova Scotia would, at the present third-class rate of ocean fares (£7 5s.), be about i9. This cost should, in my opinion, l)e borne by the Imperial Government. Lt.-Col. P. Pelletier, Agent-General for Quebec— About £1L) was the average cost per adult before tlie war. In my opinion the cost should be paid by ths emigrant or some society. The Quebec Government found it, as a matter of policy, disadvantageous to p.av passages. The persons assisted too often went off at MMITTEK Lt.-Col. P. Pelletier, Agent-General for Quebec— 'I'lio liini]ii;r;iti()ii OHiceis at (Jiiehec or Montreal will receive them. Lt.-Col. R. Keid, Agent-General for Ontario.— Yes, aiK>C|uate ariiuiiieiiieiits; will be made. The Ontario Gove? niiieiit has sju'cial arrangements for linding employment for farm labourei's and domestic servants. Help is also to be expected from private si.'cietics. Australia. Major-General Sir Nev/ton Moore, K.C.M.G., Agent-General for Western Australia.— In former times we had Immiy;rants' Homes, where those newly arrived were maintained for 3 days free of cost. With reference to the women, the matron of the Home befriended them, assisted the-n to get situations, and, when possible, kejit in touch with them afterwards. Of course all this is now in abeyance, but the system will probably be revived after the wai-. Mr. Frederick Young, Agent-General for South Australia. — Satisfactory arrangements could easily be made. Sir John McCall, M.D., Agent-General for Tasmania. — There are no special arrangements in existence at present; as for some time previous to (he war immigration was on the nominated system, and immigrants had their own friends to go to. And, of course, during the war immigration lias l)een in abeyance. But the building, which was used as an immigrants' home in former years, is still available , and I hope that arrangements will be made in due time for the recejition of ex-service men with their wives and families on their arrival in the State. 1 am writing to my Gorvernment on the subject. Sir Peter McBride, Agent-General for Victoria.— All ex-service men approved in the United Kingdom will be met on arrival in Victoria and placed in employment. Mr. C. G. Wade, Agent-General for New South Wales. — All ex-service men who have been ai)proved in the United Kingdom could be met on arrival in New South Wales and placed in employment. Major Sir T. B. Robinson, K.C.M.G., Agent- General for Queensland.- At each of the principal ports of Queensland immigration depots were estab- lished under tJie control of an Immigration Agent, where immigrants were received and maintained for a reasonable time until settled. Immigration being in abeyance during the war, the depots are now closed ; l)ut they can, and no doubt will, be re opened when the war is over. South Africa. The Right Honble. W. P. Schreiner, C.M.G., High Commissioner for the Union of South Africa. — The Governor-General's Fund will, it is Ijelieved, arrange for the reception of v^turned South the reception of settlers by the Company's representa- ing answers, there is not likely to be much scope fiox' others. Mr. P. Lyttelton Gell, British South Africa Company. — Airangements could easily be made for the reception of settlers by the t'ompauy's representa- tives at Cape Toavu. and liy its officers at Bulawayo or Salisbury in Rhodesia. QUESTION XIX. What, in your opinion, should be the relation of the Central Executive Committee on which the Empire Settlement Committee is asked to advise— (a) to a Central Emigration Authority, if con- stituted as proposed in Chap. VIII. of the Final Report of the Dominions Royal Commission ; (b) to the general machinery in the United Kingdom for finding employment for ex- service men on demobilisation; (<■) to the immigration machinery of the over- sea Governments and their existing agencies for dealing with discharged soldiers. ANSWERS. Canada. Mr. J. Bruce Walker, Commissioner of Immi- gration, Winnipeg.— (aj I have read the recom- mendations on tliis point given in Chap. Vlll. of the Final Report of the Dominions Royal Commission, and I agree with them all — on the understanding that they do not mean that dilBculties should ever be put in the way of British subjects who wish to go from one part of the Empire to another, and with the reservation that I doubt whether restrictions as to men going to foreign countries would be of prac- tical use, as they could not be enforced. I consider that the right way to prevent men from doing so is to offer them better inducements A\'ithin the Empire. I think that the Central Organisation in England should have theory subordinated to practical know- ledge ; that it should be an extension of the Emi- grants' Information Office, with representation of the Colonial Office, the Board of Trade, and the Ministry of Labour, who would represent the Home Govern- ment; ako a large representation of the Oversea Governments. I am stronglj in favour of the idea that all passage brokers and passage brokers' agents should be under the direct control of the Govern- ment by a form of licensing or otherwise. I think that the present Committee might be absorbed by such a body as I have just described. (/)) Speaking as a Canadian representative, it would be hardly fair for me to offer an oi)inion on this point at the present time. (c) I think that the immigration machinery of the Over.sca Goveriimc^its should go on as at present. Mr. W. R. Bowder, of the New Brunswick Government Oi£ce. — The cpiestion is one of policy and 1 would rather nut express an opinion. Mr. J. Howard, Agent-General for Nova Scotia. — As the matter is one of policy I should prefer to give no decided opinion on the proiiosals in Chap. VIII. of the Final Report of the Dominions Royal Commis- sion. I' am of opinion that passage brokers' agents should be made responsible to the Government, just as passage brokers now are, but I should not be in favour of restricting their operations too much, as the Government looks to them largely for its supply of immigrants. Lt.-Col. P. Pelletier, Agent-General for Quebec— I am not prepared to express an opinion on the recommendations in Chap. VIII. of the Final Report of the Dominions Royal Commission. Any Central Authority should communicate with the Ministry of Colonization, Province of Quebec, Quebec. Lt.-Col. R. Reid, Agent-General for Ontario.— 1 agree in the opinions expressed by Mr. Bruce Walker. There shoidd be a large representation of the Dominions on any Central Emigration Authority. Australia. Major-General Sir Newton Moore, E.C.M.G., Agent-General for Western Australia.— (The witness did not answer this question.) Mr. Frederick Young, Agent-General for South Australia. — Theie are, no doubt, many useful func- tions which the Central Executive Committee can fulfil, but I venture to say that the emigrants will have to filter through the hands of those who manage the emigration affairs of the Australian Governments in London. They have the specific information, are able to give suitable advice, and are best able to deter- mine whether the particular individual is such a one as can be absorbed into a new community to its, and his, advantage. Sir John McCall, M.D., Agent-General for Tasmania. — With reference to this question I should like to say that ] have no objection to a Central Imperial Authority being established for all the pur- poses intended in the Dominions Royal Commis- .vioners' Report, but at the same time I am satisfied that the names of all proposed emigrants to the States of Australia should be submitted to the representa- tives of the States for approval. Probably the Cana- dian and New Zealand representatives would take the APPENDIX III. 59 .s;iiiie view whioli I hold is held bv the Australian representatives. Sir Peter McBride, Agent-General for Victoria.— («). Cj), (c) The relation of the Central Execntive Committee should be that of a Consultative Board, whilst that of the proposed Central Emigration Autho- rity should be that of a clearing house. Mr. C. G. Wade, Agent-General for New South Wales.— I believe ui one central body for the purpose (1) Controlling, or, in appropriate cases, absorbing private emigration societies. (2) Regulating and licensing all passage brokers and passage brokers' agents. (These two causes have been productive of much friction in the past in New South Wales.) (3) To improve generally shipping facilities. (4) Establishing a uniform system of publicity. The function of this Committee would be pre- liminary to the practical work of selecting emigrants. It would serve the purpose of popularising emigration and co-ordinating the machinery. I refer to " popu- larising " emigration because I assume that the basis on which we are working is that there will be a number of men after the war who will wish to go abroad from the Tnited Kingdom, and that our busi- ness is to direct them elsewhere within the Empire. Constitvtion of the Committee. 1. Generally an expansion of the Central Emigra- tion Authority. 2. Representation on the Committee of: — (a) Private emigration societies. (6) Board of Trade, (c) Representatives of those portions of the Dominions that are interested in immi- gration. Tile work of practical immigration should be kept distinct. Canada and Australia arc in ci>inpetition. Several of the Australian States are in competition amongst themselves. Four States offer wheat-growing, two or three apple culture, all want domestic servants. Accordiug to urgency of position, each State offers .special inducements in respect of capital, iinance, passage money, or land. At one time it was thought the Commonwealth could and should control the whole of immigration. It was found to be impracticable, each State claiming a free hand and declining to be bound by the decision of an outside body as to methods of fulfilling a matter of State policy. Nowadays the Commonwealth opera- tions are confined chiefly to the general work of pub- licity. Each State is uncontrolled in the matter of securing emigrants. Major Sir T. B. Robinson, K.C.M.G., Agent- General for Queensland.— I think that the establish- ment of such a body would be beneficial. I siiggeSit that it should contain a certain number of Imperial members, but that the majority of the Board should be composed of representatives of the Dominions. The Imperial members would deal with the l)road principles of policy, as to which no doubt the others would be led by them ; but it is so important that such a body should be in close touch with Colonial opinion that it would be necessary to have a large number of members connected with the Oversea Dominions. South Africa. The Eight Honble. W. P. Schreiner, C.M.G., High Commissioner for the Union of South Africa. — My opinion is that the Dominions should certainly be represented on the Committee. Mr. P. Lyttelton Gell, British South Africa Company. — My own opinion is that the Oversea Doniiuious as well as the Mother Country must be strongly represented on any Committee. 60 APPENDIX IV. APPENDIX IV. List of British Steamship Companies carrying- Passeng-ers from Great Britain to the Oversea Dominions (sre paragraph 112). Dominion. Canada Australia (via Suez) Australia (via Cape) New Zealand (via Suez) ... New Zealand (via Cape) ... New Zealand (via Panama) Union of South Africa Newfoundland Line. Head Office. Canadian Pacific and Allan Lines. Cunard Line White Star-Dominion . Peninsular & Oriental S.N. Co. Orient Line Blue Funnel Line White Star Line Shaw, Savill & Albion Co., Ltd. Aberdeen Line Peninsular & Oriental P)ranch Service Peninsular & Oriental S.N. Co. Shaw, Savill & Albion Co., Ltd. Federal & Shire Lines... New Zealand Shipping Co. ... Union-Castle Line Natal Direct Line ... Harrison-Rennle Line Ellerman & Bucknall S.S. Lines Allan Line Canadian Pacific Ocean Services, Ltd., 8, Waterloo Place, Pall Mall, Lon- don, S.W. Water Street, Liverpool. 30, James Street, Liverpool. 122, Leadenhall Street, London, K.C. Anderson, Andenson & Co., 5, Fen- church Avenue, London, "E.C. A. Holt & Co., India Buildings, Liver- pool. 30, .James Street, Liverpool. 34, Leadenhall Street, London, E.C. Geo. Thom])son & Co., 7, Billiter Street, London, E.C. 32, Lime Street, London, E.C. 122, Leadenhall Street, London, E.C. 34, Leadenhall Street, London, E.C. 2, Fenchurch Avenue, London, E.C. 138, Leadenhall Street, London, E.C. 3, Fenchurch Street, London, EC. Bullard, King & Co., 14, St. Mary Axe, London, E.C. T. & J. Harrison, Billiter Street, Lon- don, E.C. f) & 6, Billiter A venue, London, E.C. Canadian Pacific Ocean Services, Ltd., 8, Waterloo Place, Pall Mall, Lon- don, S.W. INDEX TO REPORT. 61 INDEX TO REPORT. Agents-General, 143, 144. Agricultural Experience, 1(50, Ifil. And see Land Settlement. Agricultural Settlements Committee, Report of I6;s. Agriculture, Board of, 12, 14, 15. Alberta, 16, 18, 70. Australia, 37-58, 78, 111, UX 141. And see Land Settlement. Board of Agriculture and Fisheries, 12, 14, 15, 144 Board of Trade, 139, 143. Borden, Sir R., 129. Borgie, 15. British Columbia, 33-36. British South Africa CompanA-. See Rhodesia. British Women's Emigration Association, 96. Canada, 16-36, 70-77. 83, 111, 14.3, 144. And see Land Settlement. Canadian Northern Railway, 75. Canadian Pacific Railway, 70-74, 83. Cape Sundays Ri\er Settlements, 79. Capital, Government advance of, 127-136. Capi'al required for settlers, 159. And see Land Settlement. Central Emigration Authority, 1, 2, 69, 82, 87, 92, 95, 97, 106, 110, 137-15], 165 171. Children, emigration of, 139. Children of e.K-service men, 2, 45, 88-^'8, 140, 157. Church Armj-, 85. Classes of men who wish to emigrate, 87, 116. Colonial Intelligence League, 96. Colonial Office, 143. Committee, Reconstruction, 2. Committees, Demobilisation, 110; 166. Commonwealth of Australia, 37, 'M. Aitd see Axistralia. " Community " Settlements, 22-24, 162. Corn Production Bill, H. Deloraine, 57. Demobilisation Committees, 110, 166. Disabled Men, 87, 165. Distribution of Information, 110. Dominions Royal Commission, 132, 139, 141, 142, 148. Dookie, 44. East Africa, 68. Eastern Colonies, 68. Economic conditions after the War, 115, 134, 148-150. Emigrants' Information Office, 109, 139, 151. Emigration, change of view as to, 5. Emigration, figures as to, 148. Emigration Authority. See Central Emigration Authority. Emigration Societies, 96, 103, 104, 122, 139, 150, 158. Employment Exchanges, 109, 110. England, Land Settlement in, 10-15, 114. Experience, Agricultural, 160, KJl. And see Land Settlement. Ex-soldiers, Meaning of term, 3. Female Emigration. See Women, Emigration of. Finance, 114-136, 169, 170. Financial Aid. See Government Assistance. Financial position of ex-service men, 118-120. Fisheries, 83. Foreign Countries, Emigration to, 5, 113. Gel], Mr. Lyttelton, Memorandum, 136. Girls' Friendly Society, 100. Government Assistance — To emigration of men, 117, 121-126, 169. To emigration of women, 105. Grand Trunk Railway, 75. Griffith, 41. Group Settlements, 22-24, 162. Haggard, Sir IL Rider, 34, 78, 87, 152. Holbeach, 12. Home Office, 139. Imperial War Conference, 129. India. Soldiers Discharged in, 123. Industrial Schools, 139. Invalids, 87. Information : how to be made accessible, 107-110, 166. .Joint Council of Women's Emigration Societies, 96. Labour, Ministry of, 107, 143. Land Settlement : — Advance of Capital for, 127-136. General considerations as to, 154-163. Government schemes, 10-67. Australia, 37-58. New South Wales, 40, 41, 154. Queensland, 45-47. South Australia, 48-50. Tasmania, 55-58. Victoria, 42-44. Western Australia, 51-54, 154. Canada, 16-36. British Columbia, 33-36. New Brunswick, 22-26, 159, 162. Nova Scotia, 27, 28. Ontario, 30-32, 159, 162. Prairie Provinces, 18-21, 154, 159. Quebec, 29, 154. Newfoundland, 64. New Zealand, 59-61. Other parts of the Empire, 68. Rhodesia, 64-67, 159. Union of South Africa, 62, 63, 1:)9. United Kingdom, 10-15. Private Companies, &c., schemes of, b.i-81 Canadian Pacific Railway, 70-74. Cape Sundays River Settlements, 79. McNeil, Mr. N., 78. Nova Scotia, 76. Ontario, 77. Western Australia, Midland Railway, 78. Loans, Imperial and Colonial, 128-131., 170. Local Government Board, 143. 62 INDEX TO REPORT. McNeil, Mr. R., 78. Manitoba, 16, 18. Married Men, Preference to, 1.56. Medical Examination of Emigi'ants, 167. Mining, 83. Ministry of Labour, 107, 143. Monteith, 31. Mount Barker, 78. Mount Crawford, 40. Mount Remarkable, 49. Munition Workers, 2, 101. New Brunswick, 22-26, 159. Newfoundland, 64, 144. New South Wales, 40, 41, 83, l.'')4. New Zealand, .59,-61, 111, 143. Nominated Immigrants, 90. Northern Territory of Australia, 37. Nova Scotia, 27, 28, 76, 83. Nurses, 2, 103. Opportunities other than T.aiid Settlement, 82, 83. Ontario, 30-32, 77, 159. Orphans of ex-service men, 88, 94-98, 106, 158. Other parts of the Empire, Land Settlement in, 68. Passage Brokers, 139, 150. Passage money, 122, 169. .Ind see Government Assistance. Patrington, 12. Pensions, 106, 120, 123, 165. Pensions, Ministrv of, 106. Perth, 51. Poor Law Children, 139. Population of England and Wales, 148. Prairie Provinces, 16, LS-21, 70, 154, 159. Prince of Wales' Fund, 97. Private Companies, Land schemes of, (V,t-81. Quebec, 29. Queensland, 45-47, 154. Reconstruction Committee, 2 Reference, Terms of, 1, 2. Reformatories, 139. Rhodesia, 65-68, 81, 103,, 144, 159. Royal Colonial Institute, 109, 152. St. John, New Brunswick, 24. Salvation Army, 85, ',t7. Saskatchewan, 16, 18, 70. Scotland, Land Settlement in, 15. Ship-building, 83. Shipi)ing Companies, 112. South Africa. See Union of South Africa. South African Colonisation Society, 96. South African Settlers' Information Committee 80. South Australia, 48-50. Sub-Committees, 3. Tasmania, 5.5-58. Terms of Reference, 1, 2. Training of Ex-service Men, 84-86, 164. Transport, 111-113, 168. And see Government Assistance. Tropical Colonies, 68. Uganda Railway, 135. Union of Soutli Africa, 62, 63, 68, 79, 80, 87, 103, 111,143, 1.59. United Kingdom, Land Settlement in, 10-15, 114. Victoria, 42-44. Vocational Training, 86. Wales, Land Settlement in, 11, 12. War Conference, Imperial, 129. War Office, 107, 143. West Africa, 68. Western Australia, 51-54, 78, 154. West Indies, 68. Widows of ex-service men, 2, 19, 45, 88, 94-97, 106, 158. Wives of ex-service men, 2, 88-9.3, 140, 145, 157, Women, emigration of, 2, 88-106, 157, 158. Women on Emigration Board, 143, 145. Yanco, 40, 41, 1.54. Young Men's Cliristian Association, 85, 109. Young Women's Christian Association, 100. Printed under tlie nuthoiity of His Majesty's Stationery Office By DARLING and SON, Limited, Bacon Stkeet, E.2. uayiora Bros. Makers Syracuse. N Y. PAT. 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