T JV \t a1 0/6- 3 i; 5 I/* AU1 4 1930 ^Wisconsin Free Library Commission American Social Questions No. 2 The Immigration Problem A Bibliography By Mary KaYr^ine^ata Madison, Wisconsin January, 1 909 Wisconsin Fiee Library Commission Chairman James M. Pereles, Milwaukee Vice Cnairman- Reuben G. Thwaites, Superintendent of Wisconsin His- torical Library, Madison Mrs. Charles S. Morris, Berlin Charles R. VanHise, President of University of Wisconsin Charles P. Cary, State Superintendent of Public Instruction Secretary Henry E. Legler, Madison Wisconsin Free Library Commission American Social Questions No. 2 The Immigration Problem A Bibliography By Mary Katherine Ray Madison, Wisconsin January, 1909 vOiitli me The Immigration Problem General Bibliography .... 1 Extent and Character of Present Immigration 2 Present Regulation of Admission and Restriction a Laws and regulations b Ellis Island described PAGE 5 3 Causes of Immigration: Hardships in Europe, Attractions in America ....... I Present Distribution and Occupation of Immigrants . 5 Immigrants in Wisconsin ..... 6 American Assimilation of Immigration . Proposed Lines of Solution 1 Rejection and Closer Restriction . . . .18 2 Better Distribution . . . . . .19 3 Education and Americanization . . . . .20 4 Christianization . . . . . . .21 Introduction This bibliography is the second of a series upon American Social Questions prepared by the students of the Wisconsin Library School, Class of 1908, and submitted by them in fulfillment of the requirements for graduation. The aim in publishing- the bibli- ographies is to supply carefully chosen reading refer- ences to up-to-date books and recent magazines bear- ing on urgent questions which are before the people. These questions have all aroused general popular in- terest and are widely discussed. Among them are The Negro, Poverty, Excessive Wealth, Municipal Government, the Increase of Crime, and the Labor Problem. Although the mass of material which has accumulated on all of these questions is considerable the lists have been kept small and the references care- fully selected and annotated with the needs of the small library in view. It is hoped that the series will furnish guides to the best literature and be of use to those desiring to look up special points or to read in an orderly way. Popu- lar articles are given for those who would become familiar with the main issues only, as well as scientific material for those who would study more thoroughly. Interesting subjects for high school and literary society debates will be found in considering the 4 . American Social Questions efFeetiyeiiess of*, various methods of solving the prob- lems.' The series is also adaptable as an outline for study or discussions in civic organizations, betterment leagues, social settlement clubs, and men's clubs. The arrangement of references, by means of which each bibliography becomes a logically developed study, follows outlines supplied by Mr. Richard Henry Ed- wards of Madison, Wisconsin, and used in his Social Problems Group, an account of which will be found in Charities and the Commons for October 17, 1908. The accompanying references upon the Immigration Problem have been approved by specialists. M. E. H. The Immigration Problem General Bibliography 'References marked thus are suggested for a more scientific or detailed study of the problem. Books Bliss, W. D. P. New encyclopedia of social reform. Funk, 1908. $7.50. See article on immigration, p. 597-600. A clear and comprehensive account of immigration. Brandenburg, Broughton. Imported Americans. Stokes, 1904. $1.60. The experiences of a disguised American and his wife, studying the immigration Question in Italy, on board ship, and in the settle- ments of New York. . Commons, J. R. Races and immigrants in America. Macmil- lan, 1907. $1.50. "Professor Commons believes that the dominant factor in Amer- ican life, underlying all our political, legal, economic, ecclesiastical and moral problems, is the conflict and assimiliation of races. He has shown how the heterogeneous elements that go to make up the American people have influenced our institutions." N. Y. Times. Gordon, W. Evans- Alien immigrants. Scribner, 1903. $1.50. A description of the condition of Hebrews in European countries. The book is written from the British standpoint, but chapter 12 discusses the situation in the United States. Grose, H. B. Aliens or Americans. N. Y. Eaton, 1906. 50c. (Young people's missionary movement). An illustrated presentation of immigration and its problems from a religious and patriotic point of view. Incoming millions. Revell, 1906. 50c. Deals with the immigrant population, and contains valuable information culled from various sources. Hall, P. F. Immigration and its effects upon the United States. Holt, 1906. $1.50. One of the comprehensive books on the subject. It discusses practically all questions which have arisen and the suggestions made for avoiding the dangers. American Social Questions Hunter, Robert. The immigrant (in his Poverty. 1905. p. 261- 317. Macmillan, 25c). The effect of unrestricted immigration upon the people of the United States. Munsterburg, Hugo. Problems of population (in his The Ameri- cans. 1904. p. 155-84. McClure, $2.50). Treats of the political, economic, intellectual and social aspects of American life. New international encyclopedia. Dodd, 1903. See article on immigration v. 9, p. 830-40. Riis, J. A. Making of an American. Macmillan, 1904. $1.50. A history of his own life and experiences as a foreigner. *Ripley, W. Z. The races of Europe. Appleton, 1899. $6. 2 v. A standard scientific work which gives the ethnological relations of European peoples. Smith, R. M. Emigration and immigration. Scribner, 1890. $1.50. Most important investigation up to its time of the effects of immi- gration Oil the United States, political, economic, and social. Steiner, E. A. On the trail of the immigrant. Revell, 1906. $1.50. The immigrant's side of the question. A sympathetic appeal to the heart of the free to confer freedom on the oppressed. Sumner, H. L. Immigration (in Adams, T. S. and Sumner, H. L. Labor Problems. 1905. p. 68-111. Macmillan, $1.60). United States Immigration and Naturalization Bureau. An- nual report of the Commissioner-general. Washington, Gov- ernment Printing Office, 1907. Reeent reports can usually be obtained free of charge by addressing the Immigration Bureau, Washington, D. C. United States Industrial Commission on Immigration. Re- ports. Washington, Government Printing Office. The most complete discussion of the subject will be found in v. 15, p. 1-840 and v. 19, p. 957-1030. ^United States Statistics Bureau (Commerce and Labor Depart- ment). Special Consular reports, v. 30, Emigration to the United States. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1904. Walker, F. A. Immigration and degradation (in his Discussions in economics and statistics. 1899. v. 2, p. 417-51. Holt, $6. 2v.). The degrading influence of immigration. Wells, H. G. The immigrant (in his Future in America. 1906. p. 133-51. Harper, $2.). The opinions of an Englishman who sees in the immense immigra- tion from southern and eastern Europe a danger to the United States. The Immigration Problem *WheIpley, J.. D. Problem of the immigrant. Dutton, 1905. $3. A digest of international legislation on immigration. Williams, William. New immigration (in National Conference of Charities and Corrections, Philadelphia, 1906. p. 285-99). Some unfavorable features and possible remedies. Woods, R. A. Americans in process. Houghton, 1902. $1.50. A settlement study of the different nationalities in Boston. Periodicals Balch, E. G. Our Slavic fellow-citizens. Charities and the Commons, April 6-Dec. 7, 1907, v. 18-19. See index for paging. A series of articles giving results of investigation into Slavic- American conditions. Especially valuable as treating various phases of the general problem. Lowry, Edward. Americans in the raw. World's Work, Oct.. 1902, v. 4, p. 2044-55. Their strange possessions, meager wealth, and what becomes of them. McLaughlin, Allan. Immigration. Popular Science Monthly t . June 1904, v. 05, p. 104-69. The causes of immigration and how they indicate in most cases the. relative desirability of immigrants. Ogg, F. A. What an immigrant inspector found in Europe World To-day, Aug. 1906, v. 11, p. 803-07. A striking account of the manner in which the governments of" southern Europe aid the emigrants. Progress of the world. Editorial. Review of Reviews, April 1908, v. 37, p. 387-89. Ebb and flow in the labor markets. Sherwood, H. F. New aspects of American immigration. In- dependent, Nov. 28, 1907, v. 68, p. 1290-97. Conditions and feelings in other countries regarding emigration. Watchorn, Robert. Gateway of the nations. Outlook, Dec 28, 1907, v. 87, p. 897-911. As told by the Commissioner of immigration at the port of New York. American Social Questions Extent and character of present immigration Book Grose, H. B. Alien advance (in his Aliens or Americans. 1906. p. 17-29). Hall, P. F. Statistical tables (in his Immigration. 1907. p. 339-47). ^Immigration Restriction League. Immigration figures for 1907. (Bulletin no. 49). These leaflets may be obtained free of charge by addressing the secretary, Fiske Build- ing, Boston, Mass. *United States Immigration and Naturalization Bureau. An- nual report of the Commissioner-general. 1907. *United States Statistics Bureau. (Commerce and Labor De- partment). Special consular reports, v. 30, Emigration to the United States. 1904. World almanac and encyclopedia. 190S. New York Press Pub- lishing Co. p. 441. Periodical* Are we benefiting from Hungarian immigration? Review of Reviews, March 1906, v. 33, p. 354-56. Reasons why it should be stopped. Austin, O. P. Is the new immigration dangerous to the coun- try? North American Review, March 1904. v. 178, p. 558-70. Author uses statistics to show that the immigrant class is an im- portant factor in the development of the country and that their com- ing-, subject to proper restrictions, will prove a benefit. Immigration facts and figures. Editorial. Charities and the Commons, April 1907, v. 17, p. 727-28. Immigration numbers and quality. Chautauquan. Feb. 1905, v. 40, p. 507-08. JOgg, F. A. American immigration at high tide. World's Work, May 1907, v. 14, p. 8879-86. The horde of aliens, whence they come and whither they go. Tables and maps. The Immigration Problem 9 2. Present regulation of admission and restriction a. The laws and regulations Books Brandenburg, Broughton. How shall we make our immigra- tion laws more effective? (in Proceedings of National Con- ference of Charities and Corrections, Philadelphia, 1906. p. 299-303). Reasons why they should he made more effective. *Hall, P. F. United States immigration laws, Act of Feb. 26, 1885, and amendments (in his Immigration. 1906. p. 351- 68). *Unitcd States Immigration and Naturalization Bureau. Im- migration laws and regulations, July 1, 1907. Document 78, 1908. These may be had free of charge by addressing Im- migration Bureau, Washington, D. C. *Whelpley, J. D. United States immigration laws and regulations (in his Problem of the immigrant. 1905. p. 82-142). Periodicals Hall, P. F. Present status of immigration restriction. Gunton, April 1900, v. 18, p. 305-10. The need of an educational test, Hunt, Galliard. New citizenship law. North American Review, July 1907, v. 185, p. 530-39. A comprehensive article on the new law which went into effect July 1. 1907. Rossiter, W. S. Immigration laws of 1907. Review of Reviews, April 1907, v. 35, p. 469-71. Principal value in codifying laws relating to immigration, and in strengthening previously existing conditions. Sherwood, H. F. Silent keeper of the gate. Outlook, June 6,. 1908, v. 89, p. 289-96. The immigration laws of the United States and how they influence the whole world. *Trenor, J. J. D. Proposals affecting immigration. Annals of the American Academy, July 1904, v. 24, p. 223-36. The proposed tests to regulate ini in igrat ion. Ward, R. D. New immigration act, North American Review,. July 1907, v. 185, p. 587-93. 10 American Social Questions b. Ellis Island described Books Brandenburg, Broughton. Through Ellis Island] (in his Im- ported American* . 1904. p. 215-27). Grose, H. B. Alien admission and restriction (in his Alien* or Americans. 1906. p. 53-84). Letting in and shutting out (in his Incoming Millions. 1906. p. 33-55). Steiner, E. A. Ellis Island (in his On the trail of the immigrant. 1906. p. 64-93). Periodical* Abbott, E. H. America's welcome to the immigrant. Outlook, Oct. 4, 1902, v. 72, p. 256-64. A very good description of the different types one sees at Ellis Island. Brandenburg, Broughton. Underground immigration. Chari- ties, July 1, 1905, v. 14, p. 896-99. How the immigrants are smuggled and coached through Ellis is- land. Ellis Island. Spectator. Outlook, March 25, 1905, v. 79. p. 730-32. The first requirement, a salute to the flag. From an immigrant's logbook. Home Missionary, Jan. -Mar. 1908, v. 81. See index for paging. Graphic description of steerage conditions. A record of personal experience. Gleason, A. H. The new Ellis Island. Charities and the Com- mons, Oct. 5, 1907, v. 19, p. 910-12. The new buildings and improvements. Henry, Arthur. Among the immigrants. Scribner, March 1901, v. 29, p. 301-11. A picturesque description of the Court of Inquiry at Ellis Island. Hoyt, Eleanor. Romances of the new Americans. Every- body's. May 1903, v. 8, p. 387-99. Poole, Ernest. The men who are to vote. Everybodvs', Oct. 1906, v. 15, p. 435-44. Riis, J. A. In the gatewav of nations. Century, March 1903, v. 65, p. 674-82. A good description of the many nationalities who enter there. Sayles, M. B. Keepers of the gate. Outlook, Dec. 28, 1907, v. 87, p. 913-23. The officers, treatment of passengers, and buildings. The Immigration Problem 11 3. Causes of immigration: hardships in Europe, attractions in America Book* Braun, Marcus. Immigration abuses. New York, Pearson Ad- vertising Co. 190(5. 50c. Report on the investigations of induced immigration made for the United States government. Same material will be found in the re- port of the United States Commissioner-general of immigration for 1903. p. 86-96. Commons, J. R. Nineteenth century additions (in his Races and immigrants in America, p. 63-106). Same material will be found in Chautauquan, Jan. 1904, v. 38, p. 433-43. Grose, H. B. Alien advance (in his Aliens or American*. 1906. p. 17-47). Invading army (in his Incoming millions. 1900. p. 21-32). Holt, Hamilton. Life stories of undistinguished Americans. New York, Pott, 1906. $1.50. Biographical testimony. Extremely interesting. United States Statistics Bureau. (Commerce and Labor De- partment) Special consular report, v. 30, Emigration to the United States. 1904. Periodicals Connolly, J. B. In the paths of immigration. Scribner, Nov. 1902, v. 32, p. 513-27. Describes a party of Russian peasants going from their homes to Hamburg, the examinations there, the sorrows of those who are turned back, and the joys of those who are allowed to come. Duncan, Norman. A people from the East. Harper's Monthly, March 1903, v. 106, p. 553-62. Little anecdotes told by Syrians in New York City. Gordon, W. E. Whence they come. World's Work, April 1903, v. 5, p. 3276-81. An investigation of that part of Russia from which a large number of Jews come to the United States. Hard, William. A song of the tower of Babel. World To-day, July 1907, v. 13, p. 720-23. A little story of South Chicago. Italian immigration to the United States. Charities and the Commons, May 7, 1907, v. 12, p. 443-56. The conditions under which they live at home and here. 12 American Social Questions Jarlson, Axel. Swedish emigrant's story. Independent, Jan. 8, 1903, v. 55, p. 88-93. The reasons why he came. Lipman, M. C. Equality. World To-day, Jan. 1908, v. 14, p. 52-53. A story of a Lithuanian. Mangano, Antonio. Effect of emigration upon Italy. Charities and the Commons, Feb. 1, 1908, v. 19, p. 1475-86. The hard lives of the peasants and the reason. Masbraync, L. E. Promised land. McClure, Nov. 1902, v. 20, p. 66-74. The imaginary story of a Congressman travelling from London to New York and how his opinions changed. Ogg, F. A. How immigration is stimulated. World To-day, April 1906, v. 10, p. 418-24. An article on the influence of the agents of the steamship com- panies. Secret solicitation of immigration. Current Literature, Sept. 1903, v. 35, p. 349-50. Ward, R. D. Immigration problem. Charities, Feb. 6, 1904, v. 12, p. 138-51. How the church and racial oppression stimulates immigration. 4. Present distribution and occupation of immigrants Books Bernheimer. C. S. Russian Jew in the United States. Phila- delphia, Winston. 1905. $2. Studies of social conditions in New York, Philadelphia, and Chi- cago. *Claghorn, K. H. Agricultural distribution of immigrants (in United States Industrial Commission. Reports. 1901, v. 15, p. 492-646). ^Commons, J. R. Immigration and its economic effects (in United States Industrial Commission. Reports. 1901, v. 15, p. 293-743). Nineteenth century additions (in his Races and immi- grants in America. 1907. p. 63-159). Trade unionism and labor problems. Ginn, 1905. $2. See chapters on Labor conditions in slaughtering and meatpack- ing, p. 222-49; Sweating system in the clothing trade, p. 316-35: Slavs in coal mining, p. 336-48. The Immigration Problem 13 De Forest, R. W. Tenement house problem. Macmillan, 1903. 25c. The conditions under which immigrants and their descendants are living in the great cities. Grose, H. B. Problem of distribution (in his Aliens or Amer- icans. 1900. p. 102-17). Immigrant distribution (in his Incorniny millions. 1906. p. 50-81). Lord, Eliot, and other*. Italians in America. New York, Buck, 1905. $1.50. Thoi-ough discussion of Italian immigrants, giving- their history, career, and their value as citizens. Riis, J. A. Battle with the slum. Macmillan, 1902. $2. A book of human interest giving a clear statement of slum condi- tions and efforts to better them. How the other half lives. Scribner, 1890. $1.25. The conditions under which the foreign population struggles for existence. Warne, F. J. Slav invasion and the mine workers. Lippincott, 1904. $1. A study of the coal miners in Pennsylvania. Woods, R. A. Livelihood (in his Americans in %)rocess, 1902. p. 104-4(5). Periodicals Balch, E. G. Our Slavic fellow-citizens' present distribution. Charities and the Commons, June 1, 1907, v. 18, p. 259-67. Reliable estimates with maps and tables. Benjamin, E. S. The Baron de Hirsch fund. Charities and the Commons, May 26, 1906, v. 16, p. 270-72. Used in aiding Jewish immigrants. Brandenburg, Broughton. Stranger within the gates. Har- per's Weekly, June 17, Aug. 5, 1905, v. 49, p. 868-70, 1114-16. The reasons why they live in cities with a map showing the distri- bution. Claghorn, K. H. Immigration in its relation to pauperism. Annals of the American Academv, July 1904, v. 24, p. 185-205. Showing that pauperism usually ends with the first generation. Dinwiddie, E. W. Some aspects of Italian housing and social conditions in Philadelphia. Charities, May 1904, v. 12, p. 490-03. Immigrant congestion in cities and its effects on moral and phys- ical life. Fleming. W. L. Immigration to the southern states. Political Science Quarterly, June 1905, v. 20. p. 276-97. The need for the immigrant, and the relations between him and the Negro. 14 American Social Questions Hewes, F. W. Where our immigrants settle. World's Work, Oct. 1903, v. 6, p. 4021-24. Diagrams showing- the distribution of foreigners. Immigration to the South. World's Work, June 1907, v. 14, p. 8959-60. The pressing demand for more white labor on the farms and in the mills. Krauskopff, Joseph. Agriculture as preventive charity. Char- ities and the Commons, May 16, 1906, v. 16, p. 277-79. Urges that the funds used in supporting paupers in the cities be taken to send them into the rural districts. Kellor, F. A. Immigrant woman. Atlantic, Sept. 1907, v. 100, p. 401-7. Their employment, means of obtaining work, conditions of work, and effect upon industry. Leucht, I. L. Opportunities in the South for the immigrant. Charities and the Commons, May 16, 1906, v. 16, p. 275-77. The distribution throughout the South. Matson, C. H. Immigration problem: a new view. Outlook, June 25, 1904, v. 77, p. 461-64. Why they should be sent to the country, and not allowed to con- gest the cities. Miller, C. H. Menace of crowded cities. World's Work, May 1908, v. 14, p. 10268-72. The evils that have grown out of herding immigrants in con- gested tenements. Moorhead, F. G. Foreign invasion of the northwest. World's Work, March 1908, v. 15, p. 9992-97. The foreign laborer and his problems. Stella, Antonio. Tuberculosis and the Italians in the United States. Charities, May 7, 1904, v. 12, p. 486-89. How the indoor work of an outdoor people effects them. Ward, R. D. Agriculture distribution of immigrants. Popular Science Monthly, Dec. 1904, v. 66, p. 166-75. The difficulties in distribution, the relief in the cities and the un- encouraging results of the experiment. Immigration and the South. Atlantic, Nov. 1905, v. 96, p. 611-17. The need of labor In the South should not be a cause for bringing contract labor to this country. Where the immigrants are wanted. Nation, Jan. 5, 1905, v. 80, p. 6. The plans to attract them to the South and West. *Willcox, W. F. Distribution of immigrants. Quarterly Jour- nal of Economics, Aug. 1906, v. 20, p. 523-46. A technical and statistical account of the foreigners living in the The Immigration Problem 15 5. Immigrants in Wisconsin Periodicals Curtis, W. A. Light fantastic in the central West. Century, Feb. 1907, v. 73, p. 570-79. Country dances of many nationalities in Wisconsin. Jensen, W. H. Wisconsin's Deutch-Amerikaner. Nation, March 14, 1901, v. 72, p. 222. Mashek, Nan. Bohemian farmers of Wisconsin. Charities. Dec. 3, 1904, v. 13, p. 211-14. Their settlement in Kewaunee county. Rich, A. W. Agriculture settlement of the Jews in Wisconsin. Charities and the Commons, May 10, 1900, v. 16, p. 272- 74. A description of their settlement at Aroin. Wisconsin Historical Society Publications C=Wiiscoru