First Edition 1905 
 Reprinted 1908, 1909 
 All rights reserved 
 l c , * ' 
 This Reader is intended to serve as an introduction to the 
 language and literature of the period concisely called Middle 
 English, that is the centuries between noo and 1500. It consists 
 of a Grammatical Introduction based on lectures to students begin- 
 ning the study of Middle English ; selections arranged on the basis 
 of the great dialectal divisions of the language during the period, 
 and accompanied by explanatory Notes ; a Glossary which, in addi- 
 tion to the necessary general information of a lexicon, accounts for 
 the forms of words on the basis of dialectal differences in Old and 
 Middle English. 
 The arrangement of the book on the basis of a single dialect 
 has seemed to be justified by the writers experience with students 
 during the last ten years. Whatever book has been used, the 
 student has been first introduced to those selections best illustrating 
 the chronological development of a single dialect, as the Midland, 
 and only then to each of the others, with direct relation always to 
 the one already mastered. This has not failed to insure a fairly 
 accurate knowledge of the main features of each division of the 
 language, rather than a confused conception of linguistic forms 
 such as often results from reading selections without regard to 
 dialectal differences. This method, it will be seen, is but follow- 
 ing the best practice in reading Old English, or Anglo-Saxon. 
 Indeed, the great advance in the latter study may be dated from 
 the time when a grammar was prepared on the basis of texts repre- 
 senting a single dialect, West Saxon, in its purity, rather than 
 a mixture of dialectal forms such as much Old English literature 
 presents. The plan of Old English study, therefore, as well as 
 experience in teaching, seems to justify some such arrangement as 
 the present. The emphasis of the Midland dialect is owing to its 
 fundamental importance in linguistic and literary history. Since 
 Midland became the language of the most important literature as 
 early as the middle of the fourteenth century, and the foundation 
 of the standard language of modern times, it is that dialect which is 
 most important to the student of both language and literature for 
 at least six centuries. Besides, the apparent continuity of Southern 
 English in its relation to West Saxon is apparent rather than real 
 in any important sense. So thoroughly is the continuity broken by 
 important phonetic and orthographic changes, wide-spread leveling 
 of inflexions, and considerable differences in syntax, that it affords 
 no decided advantage over Midland, even to the student fresh from 
 Old English study. In any case the change to Midland must be 
 made not later than the middle of the fourteenth century, and the 
 student must then be led back to the beginnings of Midland Eng- 
 lish, in order fully to understand the language of Chaucer and those 
 who follow him. There seems, therefore, no special advantage in 
 emphasizing the Southern dialect as the descendant of West 
 Saxon, though this may be done even with the present book if 
 It is believed that a sufficient number of texts have been given, 
 to represent adequately for the beginner each great dialectal divi- 
 sion of the language. Kentish has been given least space, and is 
 not separated from the rest of Southern English. This is owing 
 partly to the limitations of an introductory book, partly to the 
 relatively unimportant place of that dialect in both Old and Middle 
 English. The Kentish selections chosen could be easily grouped 
 together, however, and special emphasis of Kentish peculiarities 
 will be found in the Notes upon them. On the other hand, the 
 dialect of London is especially represented in order to illustrate the 
 change from Southern to Midland, so important in relation not 
 only to the language of Chaucer but also to Modern English. 
 Owing, also, to necessary limitations of a single handbook texts from 
 writers of the fifteenth century have not been used. To that 
 century little introduction is necessary apart from such study of 
 the earlier period as this book will permit. 
 As to the selections themselves, the purpose has been to present 
 texts representing the dialects in their purity, together with as much 
 of interest as is compatible with the first and most important con- 
 sideration. Comparison with such lists as those by Morsbach, 
 ' Mittelenglische Grammatik,' pp. 7-1 1, will show how fully this 
 has been done. In fact, except for two or three selections from 
 poetical romances, chosen on the score of interest along with a fair 
 degree of purity, all texts may be relied upon as typical of the time 
 and region to which they belong. When possible, texts or selec- 
 tions not found in other books have been used, so as to furnish 
 a greater variety within the reach of student and teacher. In all 
 cases the selections are of sufficient length to afford a fairly com- 
 prehensive view of the author or period. Partly because they 
 would not be typical, partly owing to mixture of dialectal forms, 
 some short pieces which might have been included on the score of 
 interest have been omitted. 
 For each selection, the best manuscript from the standpoint of 
 linguistic purity has always been followed. This is now more 
 easily possible owing to the great number of well-edited texts acces- 
 sible in printed form, but the manuscripts themselves have been 
 examined when necessary to secure linguistic purity. It has not 
 been thought necessary, however, to burden the pages of an intro- 
 ductory book with readings from less important texts, though 
 references to these sometimes occur in the Notes. Finally, the 
 selections chosen have been reproduced in their integrity in all 
 essential particulars. Yet this does not mean that a mediaeval 
 punctuation has been preserved, or an irregular and meaningless 
 use of capitals. To retain these, as has sometimes been done in 
 beginners' books, is but to confuse the student without any 
 measurable advantage. The footnotes give references to abbre- 
 viations expanded with regard to the forms of the particular 
 dialect, and to manuscript readings not given in the text. These 
 are usually errors of a careless scribe, or readings in which emenda- 
 tion seemed necessary. Regularization of orthography has not 
 been attempted in general, but in the Midland selections, as those 
 which will usually be first read, some slight assistance of this tost 
 has been offered the beginner. All such forms, however, hi. 
 been indicated in footnotes, so that they cannot mislead if they dc 
 not assist. 
 The Notes on each selection give such information as is known 
 regarding the manuscript, its date, author, place of composition, 
 and some account of the work from which the extract is made. 
 This is followed by explanations of points in grammar, history, life 
 of the times, and similar subjects when necessary. In all cases, 
 use is made of critical articles in the various scholarly journals, and 
 references are given to assist the student in independent examination 
 when desirable. 
 The Glossary has been prepared on the basis of the Midland 
 dialect, from which the greater number of selections have been 
 made, but with inclusion in alphabetical order of all words not 
 found in the Midland selections, and cross-references when neces- 
 sary to the forms of other dialects. In the matter of cross-refer- 
 ences, as in arrangement within the alphabet, the needs of the 
 beginner have always been regarded as the most important in an 
 introductory book. Thus the strictest alphabetic arrangement has 
 been chosen in all cases. The ligature <z, though a simple sound 
 rather than a diphthong at any time, has been placed after ad 
 because the beginner will more easily find it there. He may then 
 easily learn its real value, as he must in most other cases in which 
 alphabetic arrangement gives no certain clue. 
 A word as to the Grammatical Introduction may not be out 
 of place. In the incomplete state of the exhaustive treatment 
 of Middle English grammar proposed by Morsbach, it would be 
 impossible to expect so accurate a summary as may in future be 
 written. The task was simpler, however, than it might seem. It 
 was to present in systematic order the main grammatical facts of 
 the Midland dialect, with such notes as would make possible an 
 intelligent reading of the literature in the remaining divisions of the 
 language. It need not be said that the writer is grateful, as all 
 must be, for the part of Morsbach's grammar which has appeared. 
 Pie has also made use of most special studies of the period, or of 
 particular works, so far as they were important for the book in 
 hand. But the arrangement of material is based upon the writer's 
 presentation of the subject to students for some years. 
 The book is intended for those who have had some introduction 
 to the study of Old English. This will be seen from the numerous 
 references to Old English grammar, and to grammatical forms of 
 the older period. It is needless to say that no minutely careful 
 study of Middle English is possible without a fundamental know- 
 ledge of the earlier period. On the other hand, a reading know- 
 ledge of Middle English literature is easily possible with even a 
 moderate attention to grammatical relationships, and it is hoped 
 that the book may be of use to those who have not begun with the 
 more fundamental study of earlier English. 
 It is impossible here to give credit to all books and monographs 
 used in the preparation of the Reader. Mention in Introduction 
 or Notes of articles and commentators is intended to imply grateful 
 acknowledgement of indebtedness. Failure to mention others does 
 not imply that the writer has not used them so far as seemed wise. 
 Certainly it has been his purpose to weigh and consider practically 
 all of the literature of the subject up to the time of going to press. 
 O. F. Ec 
 Cleveland, April 15, 1904. 
 The Language and the Dialects 
 Orthography and Pronunciation 
 A. Early East Midland 
 1 I. The Peterborough Chronicle 
 ^11. The Dedication to the ' Ormulum , . 
 B. Midland of the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Cen- 
 I. * The Bestiary . . . e 
 II. 'The Story of Joseph' . 
 III. I] is and Blauncheflur ' 
 IV. 'The Debate of the Body and the Soul 
 V. '.Adam and Eve' ...,...'. 
 ]/ VI. ' Havelok the Dane ' 
 J/ VII. kobert Manning's ' Handlynge Synne 
 Pers the Usurer 
 The West Midland Prose Psalter . 
 ' The Earl of Toulouse ' 
 v. Gild of the Holy Trinity and of Saint William of 
 I. John Myrc's 'Instructions for Parish Priests 
 -The Tale of 
 A. The Northern Dialect page 
 yl. Prologue to the ' Cursor Mundi ' ^126 
 II. 'The Death of Saint Andrew' 135 
 III. Treatises of Richard Rolle of Hampole . . 143 
 IV. A Metrical Homily The Signs of the Doom . . 148 
 V. The Songs of Lawrence Minot 157 
 VI. Barbour's * Bruce 'The Pursuit of King Robert . . 166 
 B. The Southern Dialect, Including Kentish 
 I. ' The Poema Morale, or Moral Ode' . . . .176 = 
 II. Layamon's 'Brut' Arthur's Last Battle . . .181 
 III. 'The Life of Saint Juliana' 191 
 IV. 'The Ancren Riwlr, or Rule of Nuns' .... 197 
 V. Robert of Gloucester's ' Chronicle' How the Normans 
 came to England . . . . ' . . . 203 
 VI. Old Kentish Sermons 210 
 V VIL ' The Ayenbite of Inwit, or Remorse of Conscience ' . 215 
 VIII. Trevisa's Translation of Higden's ' Polychronicon ' . 220 
 C. The Dialect of London 
 I. The English Proclamation of Henry III . . . 226 
 II. Adam Davy's 'Dreams about Edward II' . . . 227 
 III. The First Petition to Parliament in English . . 232 
 IV. Chaucer's ' Canterbury Tales 'The Tale of the P r- 
 dbner 237 
 NOTES 247 
 AF. Anglo-French. 
 AN. Anglo-Norman. 
 Ang. Anglian. 
 cogn. Cognate. 
 EETS. Early English Text 
 eME. Early Middle English. 
 EMI. East Midland. 
 eMl. Early Midland. 
 cStti. Early Southern. 
 Goth. Gothic. 
 Id. Icelandic. 
 infl. Influenced by. 
 Kt. Kentish. 
 Lat. Latin. 
 LG. Low German. 
 LL. Low Latin. 
 IME. Late Middle English. 
 INth. Late Northern. 
 IOE. Late Old English. 
 IWS. Late West Saxon. 
 MDu. Middle Dutch. 
 ME. Middle English. 
 Merc. Mercian. 
 MHG. Middle High German. 
 Ml. Midland. 
 MLat. Middle Lat. 
 MLG. Middle Low German. 
 MnE. Modern English. 
 N.E.D. New English Dictionary. 
 NEMl. Northeast Midland. 
 NF. Norman French. 
 Nth. Northern. 
 NWMl. Northwest Midland. 
 OAng? Old Anglian. 
 ODan. Old Danish. 
 OE. Old English (Anglo-Saxon). 
 OF. Old French. 
 OFris. Old Frisian. 
 Olr. Old Irish. 
 OKt. Old Kentish. 
 OM. Old Mercian. 
 ON. Old Norse. 
 ONth. Old Northern, Northum- 
 OSw. Old Swedish. 
 SEMI. Southeast Midland. 
 Sth. Southern. 
 Teut. Teutonic, General Teutonic. 
 WML West Midland. 
 TVS. West Saxon. 
 < From, or derived from. 
 1 The ordinary grammatical abbreviations are not included, since well- 
 known or easily understood. Special abbreviations used in the glossary, 
 together with a few diacritics, will be found in the note preceding that division 
 of the book. 
 2 Does not differ from Anglian, the dialect of the Anglian territory in Old 
 English times. So Mercian and Old Mercian are the same. 
 i. By Middle English is meant that form of the language used 
 in England between the years ijioo and 1500, that is English of 
 the twelfth, thirteenth, fourteenth, and fifteenth centuries. (At the 
 first date, the language shows such considerable differences from 
 Old English (Anglo-Saxon) as to warrant a new name. By the. ^ , 
 last date, all essential elements of Modern English had come into \ ^ 
 2. Middle English is not so homogeneous in form during the 
 whole period as the Old English of literature (mainly West Saxon) 
 on the one side, or as Modern English on the other. It is most 
 homogeneous for the Midland dialect, with which this introduction 
 especially deals, between 1200 and 1400^ or normal Middle English 
 as it will be considered. From 1 100 to j 2 00^ known as early 
 Middle Ejnglish, the language shows less of regularity, owing to 
 more rapid changes from Old English, and to the gradual absorp- 
 tion of new elements in the vocabulary, as of Danish and French 1 *" 
 words. Besides, the scribes of this period were largely influenced 
 by the traditional orthography and grammar of the language, so 
 that literature of this time was largely a copy, with slight variations, 
 of that properly belonging before 1100. From 1400 to i5oo,Jate- 
 JOddle_Eng[ish, the language was more rapidly approaching its 
 modern form. This introduction, therefore, deals with Middle 
 English proper, with notes on early and late forms, and on the 
 different dialects. 
 Note i. Scholars differ somewhat as to the divisions of the ME. period. 
 Sweet, History of English Sounds/ p. 154, makes the periods 1050 to 1150, 
 1150 to 1450, 1450 to 1500; Morsbach, ' Mittelenglische Grammatik,' p. it, 
 gives the dates noo to 1250, 1250 to 1400, 1400 to 1500. As changes in 
 language are always gradual, exclusive divisions are naturally impossible. 
 Besides, chronological divisions must differ somewhat when different dialects are 
 taken as the basis, the language of the South being much more conservative 
 than that of the Midland or the North. For the South, the date 1250 is^none 
 too late to close the first period, and early Southern, in notes on the dialects, 
 will include the years 1100 to 1250. For the other districts the date 1200 is 
 late enough for all practical purposes, so that early Midland and early Northern 
 will comprise the twelfth century, 1100 to 1200. 
 3. Some characteristics of Middle English, as compared with 
 Old English, may be briefly summarized. Middle English phono- 
 logy shows a reduction to simple sounds of all OE. diphthongs, 
 and the formation of new diphthongs ; wjdely-spread changes in 
 quantity of both long and short vowels; and the loss of the 
 consonant h in OE. initial combinations hi, hn, and hr. The 
 vocabulary shows large additions of foreign words, especially 
 ^Danish and Fr ench . The inflexions show a far-reaching leveling, 
 and later a loss of older inflexional endings. Finally, the syntax 
 is characterized by a marked tendency to a fixed order of words, 
 and by larger use of connective words to perform the functions 
 of the lost inflexions, as prepositions to join nouns and pronouns 
 to other elements, and of verbal auxiliaries to effect unions of 
 verbal elements. 
 4. Middle English embraces the great dialect divisions, Southern, 
 Midland, and Northern, corresponding in general to Southern, 
 Mercian, and Northumbrian of the OE. period. \ \ Northern, how- 
 ever, extended beyond the region of the older Northumbrian to 
 the Lowlands of Scotland on the north, to the north half of 
 Lancashire on the west, and probably to parts of Nottinghamshire 
 and Lincolnshire on the south. J Southern included, as in Old 
 English, Kent and the region south and west of the Thames, with 
 Gloucestershire and parts of Hereford and Worcestershire. Mid- 
 land embraces the region between Northern and Southern from 
 Wales to the North Sea. Southern and Midland are again divided 
 into east and west divisions. The eastern division of Southern 
 includes Kent and a small part of the old West Saxon district ; 
 the western division all the remainder of Southern as already 
 described. West Midland is bounded by Wales on the west, and 
 the Danelaw on the east, j East Midland includes the larger part 
 of the older Mercia, together with East Anglia, Essex, and Middle- 
 sex. As the East Midland district contained the city of London, 
 the center of national life from the middle of the twelfth century, 
 the language of this division assumed the greatest importance 
 in the history of English, and became the basis of the modern 
 language of standard speech and of literature. For this reason, 
 selections from East Midland are placed first in this book, and 
 upon it this introduction is based. Unless otherwise stated, there- 
 fore, Middle English, as used in this book, will mean the Midland 
 (mainly East Midland) dialect. 
 Note i. West Midland, in its purer examples, differs so slightly from East 
 Midland, and is so scantily represented by texts uninfluenced by Southern on 
 one side or Northern on the other, that it has been but sparingly represented. 
 Note 2. The language of London, the seat of government after the beginning 
 of Henry the Second's reign (1154), was largely Southern during the earlier 
 . part of the ME. period, as shown by the proclamation of Henry III in 1258 
 (see p. 226). It gradually lost its Southern character however, until, toward 
 the end of the fourteenth century, it was essentially Midland. The importance 
 of London English, in relation to the development of the literary language, 
 has suggested devoting to it several special selections. 
 5. The differences between the different dialects will be best 
 understood by a study of phonology and of inflexions in the 
 following pages. Some of the more characteristic differences may 
 be given here, especially of Midland with which we have most to 
 do. Midland English, like Northern, is based on Old Anglian, and 
 shows forms due to OAng. phonology and inflexion as compared 
 with West Saxon. See Sievers, ' Angelsachsische Grammatik' 1 
 (Sievers-Cook, 'Grammar of Old English'), 150-168, and notes 
 under inflexions, as well as notes under i6f. of this Introduction. 
 The most marked phonological differences between Old Anglian 
 1 All references are to the third edition, and translation of same. 
 and West Saxon are the lengthening of 0$. a before Id, the re- 
 tention of Teutonic e as a se sound (WS. cs) ; the monophthong- 
 ing of Teutonic au, eu (WS. ea, eo) to e before c, h, g ; and the 
 appearance of? for WS. le and e for WS. ie, the mutation of ea, ea. 
 Owing to these OAng. peculiarities, Midland English has g for 
 OAng. a before Id, as for OE. a in other situations, together with 
 a far greater number of close e sounds than Southern. Otherwise 
 the clearest idea of Midland English may be gained by a clear 
 separation from it of Northern and Southern dialects. Phono- 
 logically, Northern is distinguished by retention of OE. a (OAng. a 
 before Id also) as a ; by the guttural quality of k, g sounds; by the 
 use of quip) for OE. hw, when beginning a word or syllable ; and 
 by s for OE. sc in unstressed words and syllables, as sal ' shall/ 
 Inglis l English/ Southern is clearly marked by the retention of 
 the quality of OE.y sounds (< u, less commonly 1WS. u>y\ re- 
 presenting them by u (ui) under the influence of OF. orthography ; 
 and by the tendency of OE. initial^ s, hw, p, to become v, z, w, 
 voiced/, though the latter is not indicated in writing. The last 
 consonantal changes, especially of f, s to v, z, are more fully re- 
 presented in Kentish than in southwest Southern. Otherwise 
 Kentish is distinguished by the use of e for OE. y, as in Old 
 6. As to inflexion, by the last of the thirteenth century Northern 
 had reduced almost all nouns to a single inflexional form, based 
 on OE. strong masculines, and had completely leveled most in- 
 flexions of adjectives and adjective pronouns. The two preterit 
 stems of OE. strong verbs had commonly been reduced to one, 
 usually the singular. The OE. prefix^, whether of past participles 
 or other parts of verbs, had been wholly lost. Final unstressed e 
 was no longer pronounced after the middle of the fourteenth 
 century. On the other hand, Southern is distinguished by retaining 
 the weak en plurals of nouns, and even by extending that ending in 
 some cases ; also by the retention of a larger number of inflexional 
 forms of adjectives and adjective pronounsJjand of ie(n), ie, iecfm 
 infinitive and present tense of OE. weak verbs of the second 
 class ; by the preservation of final unstressed e, in general, through 
 the fourteenth century. In these particulars the Midland dialect 
 agrees more commonly with Northern than with Southern, though 
 southeast Midland agrees with Southern in many cases. The most 
 distinctive mark of inflexion in the three dialects is that of the 
 present indicative of verbs, the inflexional endings of which are as 
 follows : 
 Nth. Sg. i. (e) Qxes: 2. es : 3. es. PI. 1, 2, 3, es, or* 1 . 
 Ml. 1. e: 2j_jsU. 3. efi(th) : en, later e. 
 Sth. 1. e, (ie) 2 : 2. (e)s/: 3. (e)p(th) ej> t tyPf , dhijetJif . 
 In addition, Northern is also peculiar in the use of the ending 
 andie) in the present participle, the usual loss of personal endings 
 in the weak preterit, and the reduction of the two preterit stems in 
 strong verbs to one, generally the singular. Midland and Southern 
 agree in general in retaining the personal endings of weak preterits, 
 and both preterit stems of strong verbs, while in the present 
 participle Midland uses the ending end(e\ later inge, seldom and{e), 
 and Southern inde, later inge, seldom ende. 
 Note. For a fuller statement of dialectal differences, see Morsbach, 
 4 Mittelenglische Grammatik,' pp. 11-14; Kaluza, ' Historische Grammatik der 
 englischen Sprache,' 17, 204. Naturally not all works written in Middle 
 .English are equally valuable for the study of the language. Especially 
 popular works, which were frequently copied, show a mixture in orthography 
 as well as in dialect, owing to changes by different scribes. The purest texts 
 are of course necessary to an understanding of the language as it actually 
 existed, and from these most of the selections for this book have been made. 
 For fuller lists of pure texts representing the different dialects, see Morsbach, 
 as above, pp. 4-1 1, and Sweet, 'History of English Sounds,' pp. 154-6. 
 1 When immediately before a personal pronoun. 
 2 In verbs of OE. second weak conjugation. 
 7. Middle English orthography is based on older English spell- 
 ing, but shows marked influence of French orthography. The 
 union of the two systems produced many apparent irregularities, 
 some of the most important of which are as follows : 
 Vowels : The OE. digraph ce, when representing a long sound, was dis- 
 placed by e, as in hwte * wheat.' The short OE. ce had already become a, 
 pronounced as in artistic. 
 au interchanged with a before a nasal in closed syllables of French words, 
 sometimes in those of English origin, as aunswere beside answere. 
 ie (ye) was used for long close e in late Middle English, as in lief * dear,' 
 belief more naturally in French words as mischief. 
 took the place of short ti in proximity to n, m, ti (v), w, to prevent con- 
 fusion of manuscript forms, sometimes also in other places. Examples are 
 wonede 'dwelt,' icomen 'come,' wods 'wood'; also late ME. bote 'but,' 
 corage * courage,' where the use of u might have suggested the long sound. 
 ou (oza) for u, sometimes u, as in hous l house,' cb~uj>e f known,' cow for long 
 u, and sorouiw) * sorrow ' for short u. 
 v for u, especially in initial position, as vnder c under.' 
 y and i are used interchangeably for OE. i or y, long or short. Especially 
 before it, 1/t, u iv), w,y commonly takes the place of i in late Middle English, 
 to prevent confusion, as in the case of o for ti above. It also takes the place 
 of i in the diphthongs ai, ei, oi, ui, especially when final in syllable or word. 
 Consonants : There were even more variations from OE. usage in the case of 
 consonants. In the first place, the OE. forms off r, s, to, now seldom pre- 
 served in printing OE. texts, gave way to French forms of those letters which 
 are nearer to those used to-day. Besides, 
 c is used in early Middle English for ts, as in blecen for bletsen ' bless ' ; see 
 also tz, z, for the same. Later c (sc) and ce were used for voiceless s, ss, as 
 alee ' also,' lescun ' lesson,' face. 
 ch is used for OE. palatal c } as well as for ch in French words ; examples, 
 chirche 'church/ chase. When doubled, cch (chch) are written, as in wicche 
 {wychche) 'witch.' 
 ct, cht, are sometimes written for $t (hi), as in mycht ' might.' 
 ^"for capital/" occurs in late Middle English. 
 g (the French form, our modern g) took the place of the guttural stop, as in 
 gold, and gg (g) the place of OE. eg, as in brigge ' bridge.' g also occurred 
 sometimes for French soft^ - {J), as in j'ugen 'judge.' 
 ^ (the English form of g) was used for the palatal spirant g(gh), as in mi)t 
 ' might ' ; for OE. g ( =y) initially, as in }e J ye ' ; and sometimes in late 
 Middle English for voiced s, as side) ' sides, by confusion with z. 
 gh ()h) for spirant g (h) in later Middle English, as in might, wijjht ' might ' ; 
 the combination with / was also sometimes written gth, )th, as in knigth 
 ' knight.' 
 git occurs in late Middle English for the guttural stop of French words, as 
 guard, and sometimes in English words before a palatal vowel, as guest, guilty 
 to avoid confusion with^ - (=*/), as ingest 'jest.' 
 i (consonantal) was occasionally used for initial } (=\y)> as m l ' a f ' g ave ' > 
 also for/, as toy 'joy.' 
 / initially in French words, asjugen 'judge,' in later Middle English. 
 k came to be used for c before e, i, and n, sometimes before a, o, u, the 
 former because c before e, i, in French words was s in sound ; examples are 
 kepen ' keep,' king, kdre ' care,' knijt * knight.' 
 qu for OE. civ, as in quen 'queen,' as well as for French qu (=kw), as in 
 quite ; it was also occasionally used for hw, as in quilk ' which/ 
 sc/i, sh, ss for OE. sc, as in schal, shal, ssal ' shall.' 
 st for ht sometimes, as nist ' night.' 
 th displaces p, which had itself displaced 9' almost entirely in early Middle 
 English. But/ occasionally remained to modern times, especially in the forms 
 ye ( = the),yt ( = that), where y represents/ with an open top. 
 tz occasionally for ts, as in bletzen * bless.' 
 u (consonantal), later v, for voiced /, as in heuen, heven, OE. heofon 
 ' heaven.' 
 iv was used in later Middle English for u, in ou, especially when final in 
 word or syllable, as cow, earlier cu, cou ' cow.' w also rarely occurs for v. 
 y (consonantal) in later Middle English for earlier ) (=y) ; also for / {th), 
 through confusion with/ with open top, as already noted. 
 z occasionally for ts, as in vestimcnz ' vestments ' ; rarely also for voiced s, 
 as in wgzele ' weasel,' though common in Kentish. 
 Note i. In early Midland the older orthography prevails, as <2 beside 
 a and e, and the rune for w, as by Orm. A large number of the peculiarities 
 already noted are also found. The most important orthography of the period 
 is that of Orm, who indicated pronunciation with minute care, especially by the 
 doubling of consonants, the relations of which will be discussed under ' Changes 
 in Quantity.' Minuteness in other respects may be indicated from his use of 
 separate signs for the stop g, as in God, the spirant as in ME. $if * if,' and the 
 MnE. g as in singe. 
 Note 2. Nth. shows few distinctive peculiarities. Especially to be noted 
 are the indication of length in the vowels a, e, 0, by adding i(y) in late Nth. 
 Thus at (ay), ei (ey), oi (py) correspond to ME. a, e, o. Besides, cht and ght 
 are used for the palatal spirant, as in mycht * might ' ; gh for the palatal spirant 
 b 2 
 in other situations, as high, hight ' promised' ; qu regularly for OE. hw, as qua 
 'who,' quite 'white.' Sth. shows the following peculiarities: e, in early Sth., 
 for OE. ce ; ie (ye) for long close e, especially in Kentish ; oa (ad) for long open 
 P, in early Sth. ; u for OE y long and short, sometimes ui (uy) for OE. y ; 
 tie, U, oe (o) for OE. eo, less commonly for OE. e, and occasionally for OE. eo 
 (e) ; the same usage is also often found in West Midland ; sch, sh, and ss were 
 all used for sh, OE. sc. 
 8. Accents were sometimes used in early Middle English to 
 indicate long quantity, or occasionally for emphasis. In a later 
 time they were also sometimes employed to indicate that a final 
 e oxy was not silent, as in plente. The breve (J) was also sparingly 
 used to indicate short quantity. The common means of indicating 
 long quantity, however, whether of vowels or consonants, was by 
 doubling the letter, as good, OE. god ' good/ wicche ' witch.' The 
 doubling of vowels when long was increasingly common in later 
 Middle English, and accounts for double vowels in many modern 
 words. Cf. also the indication of long vowels by digraphs, as in 
 the table under 7. 
 9. Abbreviations are not uncommon in Middle English texts. 
 Some of the most frequent are a macron over a vowel for following 
 n or m, as co for com, hi for him, pig for ping ; a curl above a letter, 
 sometimes through the stem of it, for er, re, ur ; a small undotted 
 1 above the line for ri\ a roughly written a for ra. Certain common 
 words were often abbreviated, as 3, later < for and', fit, later yt, 
 p, d for that (thet) ; qd for quod ( quoth ' ; wt for wip, with ; % for 
 king', 3 for bishop', s' for sanct, sant, saint] ihc, ihu for Jesus, Jesu. 
 As such abbreviations admit of no misinterpretation, they are regu- 
 larly expanded in all the texts of this book with no further notice 
 than a single reference to the earliest. Even this has not been 
 thought necessary except in case of abbreviations for words, as 
 and, that, king, &c. 
 10. The following table shows the approximate pronunciation of 
 the vowels and diphthongs of Middle English. The order chosen 
 is that which represents essential relations of the sounds, as of pitch 
 and physiological formation, rather than the merely conventional 
 order of the alphabet. It will thus be possible to see at a glance 
 the sounds which are closely related in fundamental characteristics 
 and may therefore most easily interchange. 
 i, as in h*t. 
 i, as in machzne. 
 e, as in men. 
 e (close), as in th^y, but without 
 f (open), as in th^re, care. 
 a, as in artistic. 
 a, as in art, father. 
 o, as in not (not Italian a). 
 6 (open), as in lord. 
 6 (close), as in no, but without vanish. 
 u, as in fwll 1 . 
 u (ou), as in fool. 
 in (iw), as t + u, or ew in few. 
 ei (ey), as e + i sounded together. 
 eu (ew), as e + u, later as eiu in few. 
 ai (ay), as in aisle, more nearly as a of man + i. 
 au(aw), as ou in howse, ow in zow. 
 oi (oy), as in \oy. 
 ou (ow), as o in lord + u. 
 ou (ow), as o in no + u. 
 ui (uy), rare, as u + i. 
 1 The question of how far the quality of OF. u in plus was actually adopted 
 in the speech of the Midland and Northern districts, and how long it retained 
 its purity, cannot be positively settled. It is agreed, however, that toward the 
 end of the period this sound had fallen in with OE. short u or had become iu. 
 From the small number of words with this OF. sound, and from their 
 necessarily gradual adoption, it seems more than doubtful whether the pure 
 French pronunciation ever existed on Midland (Nth.) soil, except as spoken 
 by those who knew French. The exact quality of the vowel is naturally most 
 important in rime, and the lack of significance of it for our purposes may be 
 indicated by the fact that there is in this book but one rime, twice repeated, with 
 this vowel. This is the x\m.z,Jesu : vertu (97, 17-18; 99, 3-4). For practical 
 purposes, therefore, we shall disregard the French quality of this vowel and 
 consider that from the first it had fallen in with OE. u and the ME. diphthong 
 eu {iu). Cf. Behrens, ' Franz. Sprache in England,' p. 1 18 ; Luick, * Anglia,' xiv. 
 ii. Theoretically there are two sets of the diphthongs et, eu, gu 
 and ou, those with the first elements long or short, according as they 
 developed from long or short vowels or diphthongs in Old English. 
 Indeed, Orm distinguished them in his orthography (see 71, n.), 
 but otherwise they are not distinguished in written forms and can 
 be separated only by a knowledge of their development from older 
 English. As their later development also shows no separation, the 
 distinction of long and short diphthongs in Middle English may be 
 disregarded for all practical purposes. Besides, the distinction 
 between gu and ou, iu and eu, was not long preserved, and that 
 between et and at, which had begun to be confused in Chaucer's 
 English, as shown by his rimes, was lost in late Middle English. 
 A new ou before jt (ht, ght), as in oujt (ought), developed during 
 the period, but, as it often interchanges with and has had a separate 
 development from either of the ou diphthongs (compare English 
 ought, brought with know, grow, bow in rainbow), it need not be 
 pronounced diphthongic. The combination ui was never sufficiently 
 common to merit consideration beside the other diphthongs. By 
 a slight conventionalization for practical purposes, these nine 
 diphthongs may thus be reduced to five at most. Those who wish 
 to make more minute distinctions have but to refer to the historical 
 basis of the sounds. 
 Note i. Early Midland English shows some considerable retention of 
 OE. pronunciation, as of OE. orthography. Owing to many peculiarities of 
 orthography, however, most words must be analysed in relation to their earlier 
 and later forms in order to be sure of their pronunciation. See, for example, 
 the passages from the Chronicle and notes thereon. 
 Note 2. Nth. has no differences in pronunciation not sufficiently indicated 
 by the spelling, as the retention of OE. a as a. Sth. has, in addition to the 
 above, the sounds e, from OE. a, as a in man ; u, from OE. y, with the older 
 mutated sound, as in French plus-, and u (ui, uy), from OE. y, as in French 
 12. The consonants are in general pronounced like those of 
 Modern English, except as already explained under orthography. 
 In addition, doubled consonants are to be pronounced long, as in 
 sunne ' sun/ which differs from sune ' son ' ; ch was pronounced tsh, 
 as in church to-day, whether in English or French words ; h has the 
 sound of German ch in ich, auch, except initially. For other notes 
 see the Phonology under each consonant. 
 13. As to word-stress or accent, we must distinguish between 
 Teutonic words, that is those from Old English and Norse, with 
 a few from Low German, and the ever increasing number from 
 French. The former, which make the basis of the speech, were 
 in general accented as in Old English simple words on the first 
 syllable, compound words on the first syllable if nouns, adjectives, 
 or words derived from them, on the root syllable if verbs, or adverbs 
 formed from prepositional phrases. Even in Old English, however, 
 the prefixes ge, for, usually be, and sometimes un, al, and the 
 borrowed earce 'arch/ were unstressed in nouns and adjectives. 
 In addition, during Middle English times, the prefixes un, at, 
 and usually mi's, lost accent in nouns and adjectives, except in 
 almost, mishappe ' mishap/ which have retained prefix stress to the 
 present time. There was also a shifting of accent to the second 
 element of some nouns, as at present in man' kind 1 , Northumbrian, 
 a stress which was occasional in Old English, as shown by 
 Norp'hymbron, ' Battle of Maldon '266. A similar shifting of stress 
 affected adjectives when in predicate rather than attributive position, 
 as today in thirteen ; compare ' he's thirteen * with ' a 'thirteen year 
 old boy.' In all such cases the stress can be certainly known only 
 from verse, where the metre will sufficiently indicate the position of 
 the accent. 
 14. New compounds in Middle English also followed the general 
 law of stress, as in 'domesdai, 'sometime, whosg, to'fgre, wip'uten. 
 Sometimes the root, sometimes the prefix syllable was stressed in 
 new compound adverbs, 2&perfgre,perof, into, intil, upon. Secondary 
 stress, which was strong in Old English upon the second elements 
 of compounds, was still so in Middle English. It is especially 
 1 A turned period indicates stress on the syllable before which it is placed. 
 important for ME. metre, since this strong secondary stress was 
 often elevated to a principal position in the line of verse. This is 
 particularly true of certain syllables, wholly unstressed at present 
 when next the principal accent, as ande (ende) inge, gre, ?iesse, schipe, 
 like (ly, Bche), hood, ddm, uh,y. 
 15. Borrowed words of French origin vary in stress during the 
 period, as they at first retain their original stress on the final 
 syllable (except weak e) or tend to assume the Teutonic stress. 
 Thus rgsoun i reason ' is variously accented, rfsoun or 'rjsdun, in 
 Chaucer's verse. The following general principles may be set 
 down. Old French nouns and adjectives tend to assume the 
 Teutonic stress on the first syllable. Disyllables, or trisyllables 
 with final weak e, when acquiring stress on the first syllable retain 
 a strong secondary stress, corresponding to the original principal 
 accent. Examples are pitee, prisoun, mdnere. Trisyllables, or 
 polysyllables with weak e, which originally had secondary stress 
 on some antecedent syllable, shift principal and secondary stress 
 respectively. This brings principal stress on the first syllable, as 
 in chariie, emperour, pdradis, or sometimes on the second as poverte, 
 vicldne, religiun, condiciun. In the latter cases a second shift of 
 the principal stress may take place, as in victorie, poverte. On the 
 other hand, many nouns and adjectives, especially prefix compounds, 
 never acquired stress on the initial syllable, as account, off-air, 
 attempt, cowdicioun. This may have been due to the fact that 
 there was no secondary stress on the prefix in Old French, more 
 often to the influence of the corresponding verb. Disyllabic 
 OF. verbs, accented on the first syllable, fell in with uncompounded 
 English verbs and suffered no change of stress, as preie(n), suffre{n). 
 Polysyllabic verbs fell in with native compounds in retaining stress 
 on the last syllable (except weak e(n)), as escdpe(n), ass'atle{n), or 
 shift to a preceding secondary stress as punishe(n), dinvinishe{n), 
 condicione{n). A further shift to prefix, perhaps under the influence 
 of the corresponding noun, may take place, as in c6nforte(n). The 
 best guide to stress in Middle English is metre, but this, while 
 usually sufficient for itself, is no certain guide to the pronunciation 
 of every word in prose. 
 Note i. Following the principles above, and sometimes no doubt under 
 the influence of analogy, OF. verbs fall in with Sth. verbs ending in ze(n), as 
 carye(n), chastie{n). In Midland and Nth. such OF. verbs in ier usually 
 assume the common infinitive ending e(n). 
 The Vowels of Stressed Syllables 
 short vowels 
 16. Middle English a, pronounced like Italian short a or un- 
 stressed a in artistic, is one of the commonest sounds, and occurs 
 in English, Norse or Danish, and French words. It springs from : 
 i. OE. a, g before a nasal except when lengthened, and a when 
 shortened : OE. a as in asschen ' ashes ' ; OE. g as in man, 
 began (bigan) ; OE. a as in asken {axe?i) l ask/ alderman. 
 2. OE. ce (Merc. e=ce\ and a> from Teut. ai by /-mutation, 
 sometimes ce (Merc. <?, Gothic e) by shortening : OE. ce as 
 in cat (kat) ; OE. d? from Teut. ai as in agasien * terrify,' 
 ladder ; fat '; OE. a> (Merc, e) as in bladdre * bladder,' naddre 
 (addre) ' adder,' dradde 'dreaded' (cf. 33). 
 3. OE. ea (Merc, sometimes a) before r + consonant, and ea by 
 shortening : OE. ea as in harpe ' harp,' sharpe ' sharp ' ; 
 OE. ea as in chapman ' merchant/ chajfare ' merchandise/ 
 4. ON. a, g by w-mutation of a (ODan. a), and a when shortened : 
 1 In the following descriptive chapters on Middle English sounds the 
 borrowed elements are treated with the native, as their considerable importance 
 warrants. Attention is first given to the Teutonic element, Old English and 
 Old Norse or Danish, and then to that derived from Old French. Differences 
 between Mercian, on which the Midland dialect is based, and West Saxon are 
 also noted. The notes are intended to cover, in order, first, early Midland 
 English, next the principal variations of the dialects. 
 ON. a as in carl, want, stac ' stack ' ; ON. g as in adlen 
 ' addle/ bark (of a tree) ; ON. a as in laten ' let.' 
 5. OF. a as in barge, Anne, cas (later case) ' case/ 
 17. The principal sources of ME. a will be seen to be OE. a, ce, 
 ea, and p from # before a nasal, which all regularly become a in 
 Midland English, as well as long OE. a, a>, ea when shortened. 
 A large number of OF. words also belong here. Besides a from 
 regular OE. ce, ME. a sometimes springs from OE. ce instead of / 
 by /-mutation of a (cf. Sievers, Gr. 89). This usually appears in 
 ME. in closed syllables before nasals, ch (cch), and r, as in wanden 
 beside wenden 'wend/ panis (pans) beside pern's (pens) 'pence/ 
 lacche ' seize/ macche (less commonly mecche) ' match/ barly (barlic, 
 seldom berlic) 'barley/ As indicated, in most cases of this sort 
 forms with e also appear ; cf. 1 9. OE. q from a before a nasal, 
 which was regularly lengthened before certain consonant groups 
 (see 72), sometimes appears as a by earlier shortening, especially 
 in certain words as land, hand, s/anden ' stand,' gangen ' go/ hangen 
 ' hang/ answeren ' answer/ West Midland, however, sometimes 
 has for a before nasals not causing lengthening, as in mon * man/ 
 but this was not common enough to be a distinguishing feature of 
 the dialect. For OF. a before a nasal + cons., see 56. 
 18. Certain forms with a corresponding to OM. <?(Goth. e, WS. ce) 
 require special mention. They occur before r in unstressed words, 
 as par beside per (Sth. pgr), whar beside wher (Sth. whjr), war en 
 beside weren (Sth. wgren) ' were/ Corresponding forms with long 
 open (q), on the other hand, must have developed from eME. forms 
 with a existing beside the shortening here supposed. For these 
 see 43. Words with ME. a sometimes rime with e words, as 
 if pronounced with e, at least dialectally. There would thus seem 
 to be double forms of such words, as was-wes, fast-fest, gadren- 
 gedren ' gather/ Rarely also a becomes 0, as before v in gavel 
 'tribute/ hove 'have/ and in quop (quod) 'quoth/ where it is 
 probably due to lack of stress. Individual words which also show 
 interchange of a-e are masse-messe (Nth. always messe by influence 
 of OF. messe) 'mass/ gadeling-gedeling less commonly, togadre- 
 togedre (logi'dre). The word Chester (-Chester) < OE. ceaster 
 regularly has e in ML, though a in Nth. Doncaster, &c. Forms 
 with e are also common from shortening of OE. a and Merc, e, ce, 
 as under 8, 9 above. 
 Note i. In early Midland this sound was still represented by the older 
 Mercian ce or e, as in hcefden {hefden) ' had/ wees (wes) * was/ cefter (efter) 
 'after.' The digraph ea is not found in the 'Chronicle' after 1132, but the 
 Mercian variant eo once appears in weorJ> for wearp. Even before 1132, its 
 interchange with OE. ce probably indicates that it was not diphthongic much 
 after 1100. Orm never uses ea, and only exceptionally ce for short a. 
 Note 2. Nth. agrees with Midland in almost every particular. Before 
 a nasal, however, it has a for OE. p (a before consonant groups causing 
 lengthening), except in mony beside many l many/ which is characteristically 
 Northern. Sth., in the earliest period, generally shows a for OE. a, e (ce, ea) 
 for OE. ce, ea, as for ce, ea when shortened. Later all become a, as in Midland, 
 except that Kentish, which had e for WS. ce in Old English, retains it regularly 
 until late ME. times. For OE. ea Kentish uses, in the early period, ia (ya, yea). 
 Minor variations are not noted here. For OE. p from a before a nasal (except 
 before consonant groups causing lengthening) Sth. has a in western Sth. and 
 in Kentish, but often in middle and southeast Sth. Before consonant groups 
 causing lengthening, a or p are found in Kentish and southeast Sth. The 
 London dialect has a with great regularity except before consonant groups 
 causing lengthening, and even here in later ME. by shortening, as commonly 
 in land, England, hand, &c. 
 19. Middle English e, an open sound like that in men, has the 
 following origin. 
 1. OE. e, by z-mutation of a, eo, and e, eo by shortening: OE. 
 e as in west, helpen ' help ' : OE. as in men, bet, tellen ' tell ' ; 
 OE. eo as in self, heven 'heaven'; OE. e as in mette (OE. 
 mette) ' met ' ; OE. eo as in fell (OE. feol) ' fell/ derre 
 (OE. deorrd) ' dearer.' 
 2. OM. e (WS. u by /-mutation of eo), e after a palatal consonant 
 (WS. ie, later y), and when shortened e, a (Gothic e, WS. 
 a, ea after a palatal cons.), e (WS. ie by z-mutation of ea), 
 and sometimes ce by z-mutation of Teut. at: OM. e as in 
 wercen (WS. wiercan) ' work ' ; OM. e as in jelp (WS.j/elp) 
 1 y e lp/ 3 e ^ en (WS. jietan) ' get ' ; OM. e, ce as in slepte (WS. 
 slcepte) ' slept/ shepherde (WS. sciephierde) * shepherd ' ; OM. 
 e as in hersum (WS. hiersum) ' obedient ' ; OE. & as in evere 
 ' ever/ every {everich, everilk), eny beside any, clensen 
 * cleanse.' 
 3. ON. e, or / by /-mutation of a : ON. e as in pwert ' thwart ' ; 
 ON. as in 3^, eggen ' egg or urge on/ &7// ' bench/ 
 4. OF. e as in <&//? ' debt/ serven ' serve/ defenden ' defend/ 
 20. The principal sources of ME. e, in native words, are OE. e, 
 g, eo when remaining short, and OE. (Merc.) e, eo when shortened. 
 Sporadically, e is found for OE. i and^y, the former in open syllables 
 and in connexion with labials, nasals, and liquids; the latter be- 
 fore liquids and nasals. Examples of the first are smeten ' smitten/ 
 resen 'risen/ clembeti 'climb/ fenger 'finger/ wekked 'wicked.' 
 Such occasional rimes as helk-stille, wille-telle, denne-wipinne, also 
 point to the same fact. Sometimes this may be accounted for by 
 confusion of forms, as in the verbs springen and sprengen ' cause to 
 spring/ swingen and swengen 'cause to swing/ where the weak 
 verbs with e have influenced the corresponding strong verbs with i. 
 So perhaps welcome for wilcome by influence of wel; predde for 
 pridde ' third ' by influence of pree ' three.' Unstressed position 
 in the sentence may also account for some such e's, as in heder for 
 hider ' hither,' here for hire ' her.* Examples of e for i from OE.^> 
 are/ersf, cherche, dent, stent, beside first, chirche, dint, stint. In a 
 few OF. words, e springs from AN. e (<OF. ue) by shortening in 
 originally unstressed syllables, as keveren beside coveren 'cover/ 
 keverchef (kerchef) ' kerchief.' 
 21. ME. e sometimes becomes i before dentals and palatals. 
 Some cases which have been preserved to Modern English are 
 ridden 'rid/ rideles 'riddle' with loss of final s, hinge, lingren 
 ' linger/ singen ' singe/ grinnen ' grin/ minglen ' mingle/ In 
 pinhn ' think ' (OE. pgncean), found in Midland and Nth. from 
 the thirteenth century, there is no doubt confusion with pinken 
 1 seem ' (OE. pyncean). Sth. keeps penchen {penken), and Chaucer 
 separates the two except in preterit and past participle. Beside e 
 sometimes appear forms with o or u from OE. eo after w, as in 
 sword, worp, worpi * worthy/ ivorpen (wurpen) ' become/ So 
 swolwen (swolhen) is from a form with OE. e after w. This change 
 had no doubt begun in Old English as similar forms appear in that 
 period ; cf. 26. For e to i in unstressed prefixes cf. 83. 
 Note i. Early Midland show ce for e, less commonly ceo (of eo, as in ccten, 
 bigceten for eten, bigeten, and ceorl for eorl, in the ' Chronicle.' The ' Chronicle ' 
 and Orm also have eo for OE. eo sometimes, as in weorces 'works/ heom 
 1 them/ weorfienn * worth, be/ heoffne * heaven.' 
 Note 2. The dialects in general agree with Midland. Early Sth. usually 
 preserves eo, though sometimes it becomes or e, and occasionally u as in 
 dupe ' deep/ mulk l milk.' Sth. also sometimes has e or WS. ie (later y) from 
 e by influence of a preceding palatal consonant. In all cases Sth. e must be 
 separated from Sth. e = tr, derived from OE. ce, ea, as already noted in 18, n. 2. 
 Kentish has ie (ye) for OE. eo, as in ierj>e 'earth/ lyeme 'learn.' Kentish 
 also retains OE e for y, so characteristic of this dialect in OE. times, thus 
 increasing greatly the number of <?'s in literature of this district. 
 22. Middle English i, with a sound like that of i in hit, is 
 common in words from all sources. Its frequency is increased for 
 Midland English because it corresponds not only to i in English 
 and Danish words, but to older y by z'-mutation of u, the latter 
 having become 1 in sound. On this account also the vowel is 
 represented by /or y at the pleasure of the writer. ME. i springs 
 i. OE. i, y by 2-mutation of u, and when shortened i and y: 
 OE. i as in smip ' smith/ his, writen ' written' ; OH.y as in 
 king (fyng), synne ' sin/ kissen ' kiss ' ; OE. z as in fiftene 
 ' fifteen/ wisdom ; OE. y as in wisshen * wish/ hydde 
 2. OM. /(WS. io), and e (WS. eo) before hi: OM. z'as in rihten 
 ' make straight/ brihie ' bright/ wiht * wight/ milk ; OE., 
 OM. e as in riht * right/ kniht ' knight/ liht * light, easy/ 
 flihi ' flight.' 
 3. ON. i,y by /-mutation of u, and i or y when shortened : ON. 
 i as in skill, skin, twinne ' twin ' ; ON. y as in flitten ' flit,' 
 biggen 'build/ kindlen 'kindle ' ; ON. J> as in imis 'variously/ 
 4. OF.'?' as in simple, prince, delivren ' deliver,' cite ' city/ 
 23. For e instead of i, from OE. i,y, see 20. For forms with 
 u, beside those withj; by z'-mutation of u, see 28. One word, 
 OE. wifman, shows various forms, as wimman, wimmen by shorten- 
 ing, and by later change of t to u (written 0) under the influence of 
 preceding w, womman, wommen. Similar influence of w is seen in 
 woll(e) ' will/ By Caxton's time, however, the forms of Modern 
 English, with the sound of u in singular, 1 in plural, seem to have 
 become established. OF. ei, ui, sometimes appear as i in unstressed 
 syllables, as in ?nalisun, werrior for original ei, and angwys 
 1 anguish ' for ui ( 70). 
 Note i. The use of i for OE. y is found as early as 1121 in the 'Chronicle' 
 and regularly later and in Orm. There is also early use of y for OE. i, showing 
 conclusively the like character of the two sounds. Later, y is more generally 
 used for OE. i,y. 
 Note 2. Nth. agrees with Midland. Sth. shows ii, as in French plus, for 
 OE. y by z'-mutation of u, as already noted, 5. Examples are sunne 'sin,' 
 fiilde 'filled,' ktitt 'kin,' ciisse 'kiss.' Sth. ii also appears for a late WS. y 
 from z, ie, as in wiille, wiiten, Ml. wille, witen, $iit for Ml. )et (jet). Kentish, 
 on the other hand, which had levelled OE. y by z'-mutation of u under e, still 
 preserves the latter, except before palatal ///, ng, and in king. This accounts 
 for such forms as melle ' mill/ c here he ' church,' lest ' lust/ dent ' dint/ in 
 that dialect. The dialect of London probably agreed with Sth. in the earliest 
 time, but by the last quarter of the fourteenth century usually has i for OE. y, 
 though sometimes an e which is probably Kentish in origin. Chaucer fre- 
 quently uses this Kentish e beside Midland * in rimes, though mostly in closed 
 24. Middle English 0, with the sound of (not Italian a) in 
 Modern English, occurs in words from all sources. It corre- 
 sponds to : 
 1 . OE. 0, or when shortened : OE. as in folk, dodij {body) 
 1 body/ cok { cock/ on ; OE. as in softe ' soft,' oper 
 ' other/ 
 2. ON. o, o when shortened : ON. o as in lot ' bow of the head,' 
 loft ' upper room/ odde * odd ' ; ON. o as in poh ' though/ 
 3. OF. as in apostle, poldge, offis * office/ hostage. 
 25. Short occasionally interchanges with e by /-mutation of 0, 
 as in Wodnesday beside Wednesday, wolken beside welkin, sorwen 
 beside serwen * to sorrow.' It also becomes u sometimes, by in- 
 fluence of preceding b, m, or w, as in burd for bord ' board/ wurd 
 for word, mur}> * death ' (cf. MnE. murder, OE. moro'or). Probably 
 an OE. interchange of and u accounts for plocken * pluck/ OE. 
 pluccian : knocken ' knock/ OE. cnocian, cnucian ; prostel beside 
 prustel ' throstle/ OE. prostle. For beside e from OE. eo (e) see 
 Note. In general early Midland and the dialects all agree. Early Sth., as 
 in Layamon, occasionally uses eo for OE. o as in heors 'horse,' bcord {bcord) 
 \ board,' and individual writings, as those of Shoreham, show ou for 0, as in 
 sow~we * sorrow.' 
 26. Middle English //, with the sound of u in full, is common in 
 English, Danish, and French words. Its sources are : 
 1. OE. u, and u when shortened : OE. u as in imder, sunne 
 1 sun/ drunken l drunk ' ; OE. u as in us, buxom, buten, 
 (bule, but) * but/ OE. beiitan, bictan. 
 2. OM. u (WS. eo by preceding palatal g (1) and sometimes sc), as 
 in ping ' young,' schunen ' shun.' 
 3. ON. u, and u when shortened : ON. u as in bule ( bull/ ugli 
 ' ugly ' ; ON. u as in scum, busken ' prepare.' 
 4. OF. u, or # in closed syllables : OF. u as in purse, sujjren 
 1 suffer' ; OF. # as mjuggen 'judge/ humble. 
 27. Middle English a is often written (seldom ou), especially 
 in proximity to n, m, u (v), w, as already noted under orthography, 
 7. This use of for u accounts for such forms as wolf zvoll 
 I wool/ tw& * wood/ son, ton, come, love, and many others which 
 have remained to Modern English. Beside dure ' door/ as above, 
 there is also a ME. dgre (dggre) with lengthened vowel, probably 
 from OE. dor, or some such form with instead of u. OE. eo 
 becomes u after w sometimes, as in wurpen * become,' wurp, wurpi 
 'worthy'; cf. 21. So OF. #*' becomes u occasionally as in frut 
 1 fruit,' frulestgre ' fruiterer/ and in unstressed syllables u (beside 
 z" 23) as in biscut (cf. 61, 70). 
 28. Forms with u beside those with i, from OE. y, probably 
 depend upon OE. forms with u beside others with mutation. Ex- 
 amples are cluster, OE. cluster, clyster; brustel beside bristil, blusccn 
 ' blush,' clucchen * clutch,' dull {doll) beside dill ' dull,' rusche Reside 
 rische (rasche) 'rush,' mukel (Sth. muchel) beside mikel, shultel beside 
 schilel ' shuttle.' In other cases analogy accounts for a form with 
 u instead of y, as hungren influenced by the noun hunger, sundry 
 by the adjective sunder. 
 Note. Early Midland and the dialects agree in general. From this u (OE., 
 ON., OF. u) is to be separated of course Sth. u from OE. y, as already ex- 
 plained under ME. i, 23, n. 2. The writing of for u, as above, is not found 
 in early Midland, as the ' Chronicle ' and Orm, and not until the last half of the 
 twelfth century even in Sth. From the middle of the thirteenth century it 
 becomes common. 
 29. Middle English a, with the sound of a in art, is limited 
 in its occurrence, so far as Teutonic words are concerned, by the 
 change of OE., ON. a to g, 40. Long a results from the length- 
 ening of OE. and ON. short a under various conditions, and fre- 
 quently appears in French words under similar circumstances. 
 Its sources are as follows : 7 
 1. OE. a when lengthened, as in dale, gale, blade, name, gamen 
 1 game, sport.' 
 2. ON. a when lengthened, as in taken 'take,' ddsen ' daze/ 
 3. OF. a when lengthened, as in face, grace, place, age, pale 
 30. The lengthening of the older short a occurs in open syllables 
 (cf. 73), or in OE. monosyllables with final consonant, most of 
 which assumed in ME. an inorganic, final e. By reason of the 
 latter change the unstressed syllable became open, and the a vowel 
 subject to the lengthening which affected syllables originally open. 
 OE. a before certain consonant combinations which caused length- 
 ening in late OE., when remaining long, had of course become 
 ME. g, as in the case of original a. 
 Note. The dialects agree. In Nth. this newly lengthened a fell in with 
 a from OE. a ( 43, n. 2). In INth. a is often written at (ay), as noted under 
 7, n. 2, and still later (the early fifteenth century) ai from whatever source 
 sometimes shows monophthonging to a, as travdle from travaile. 
 31. Middle English e, written e, or later especially ee, represents 
 two different sounds, which are of different origin and are, in 
 general, kept distinct throughout the period. The first of these, 
 called open e and often designated at the present time by a tag 
 below (/), had the sound of the vowel in there, care, bear. The 
 second, called close e, had the sound of e in they, or of the first 
 element when they is pronounced with a diphthong. The dialectal 
 differences, which are especially important in the case of these 
 two <?'s, will be noted, as usual, under each of them. There are, 
 in addition, occasional interchanges of sounds naturally so much 
 alike, as shown by rimes, but these are probably due to dialectal 
 confusion or the same poetic licence that is sometimes found in 
 Modern English. 
 32. Middle English open e (/) develops from : 
 1. OE. a> (Merc, e sometimes) by z'-mutation of Teut. ai, ea 
 (except WS. ea before c, h,g), and when lengthened e and 
 / by z'-mutation of a, or ea: OE. & as in dgl ' deal/ htfen 
 1 heal/ hpe ' heat ' ; OE. ea as in d~d ' dead/ dgf ' deaf/ 
 Igd ' lead/ bgm * beam/ hped ' head ' ; OE. e as in broken 
 1 break/ bjren * bear ' ; OE. as in stgde ' stead/ swgren 
 1 swear ' ; OE. ea as in Jrd i dwelling-place/ /r ' eagle/ 
 2. ON. <e by z'-mutation of Teut. ai, and when lengthened e, or 
 / by z-mutation of a : ON. d? as in gpen ' guard/ hjpen 
 1 mock ' ; ON. / as in npe ' fist/ skjren (beside skerren) 
 1 scare/ 
 3. OF. f before /, AN. / by monophthonging of at) ei, and OF. e 
 when lengthened : OF. // as in natural ' natural,' conditional 
 1 conditional \ ; AN. f from at as in trpdn ' treason/ rpon 
 * reason/ pp * peace/ pe * e3.se,' /pts ' shapely ' ; AN. / from 
 ei as in dp 'dais/ encrp \ increase ' ; OF. e as in bpte ( beast/ 
 fpte 'feast/ 
 33. The principal sources of Ml. / are OE. e of whatever origin 
 when lengthened in open syllables ( 73), OM. ce, ea though far 
 less common than WS. cb, ea, and OF. or AN. /. In a few cases 
 OM. close e seems to have become open /, though the exact cir- 
 cumstances under which this occurs are not easily made out, 
 owing to the uncertainty as to certain rimes in long e. Thus, 
 while keeping apart ME. open and close e as a rule, a poet may 
 have allowed himself occasional impure rimes, as in every period 
 of English. Less careful poets no doubt did this more frequently, 
 so that it is impossible to formulate a principle except from a 
 considerable number of cases in more than a single poet. Except 
 in rime there is only Orm's significant use of ce ( = /) for certain 
 words with OM. e. From this and from rimes it seems likely that 
 OM. e gave / after w, I, and r, as in wp ' wet/ wgpen (later wepen) 
 1 weapon,' Iphen ' cure/ rgden ' read, advise.' But not all such 
 words, especially not all in which Orm uses ce, can have had 
 open / in all cases in ME. The practice of this book is to rest 
 the probable quality on the usual development of the OM. sounds, 
 especially when confirmed by later English, though recognizing 
 the possible variation in well established cases. Thus OE. <z> from 
 Teut. at seems to give ME. e (beside /) when final, as in se ' sea/ 
 Similarly the AN. / from at) ei before r becomes ME. e (beside f), 
 as in poer ' power,' dubonere ' debonair/ gramer ' grammar/ 
 34. The AN. monophthonging of at) ei took place especially 
 before s, /, d, v, s + cons., a palatal + liquid cons., and sometimes 
 before r. Even under such conditions diphthongic forms some- 
 times appear, as aise \ ease ' beside pe. 
 Note i. In early Midland the digraph ce was still used for open f, as in the 
 Chronicle' sa ' sea,' cer ' ere,' ccvre * ever.' Orm also regularly uses the digraph 
 for open f, as in see * sea,' hate ' heat,' from OE. ce, and in daf 1 deaf, './?#/ ' floated,' 
 &c., from OE. ea, as well as for OM. e sometimes ; see 33. 
 Note 2. All the dialects agree, in general, with the usage above indicated. 
 Early Sth. sometimes has ea, probably a digraph rather than a diphthong, and a 
 beside f. Sth., however, except Kentish and early Sth., has a much larger 
 proportion of open sounds from WS. a, ea. Thus Sth. open g springs from 
 the following sources, in addition to the above : 
 WS. ce, Gothic ?, as in bgren bore.' 
 WS. ea by influence of preceding palatal cons., as in g%r ' year,' glfen 
 * gave,' pi. 
 WS. ea before palatal c, g, h, as in hgh * high,' $ge * eye/ 
 WS. ea (ea) before / + cons., as in hgldein), Ml. ApIde(n)<.OM. haldan. 
 Kentish and eastern Sth., together with a small district in the extreme north of 
 middle Sth., agree with Midland and Nth. in the main. On the other hand, 
 Kentish has ea,ya,yea for OE. ea, the first element being a close e, sometimes 
 even f. Kentish also has sometimes Je beside e for WS. to, eo. 
 35. Middle English close e is the development of: 
 1. OE. e, e by /-mutation of 0, eo, and e or eo when lengthened in 
 late Old English : OE. e as in her * here ' ; OE. e from as 
 in grene * green/ seken ' seek,' beche ' beech,' fet * feet ' ; OE, 
 eo as in be 'bee/ sen 'see/ ire 'tree/ dere 'dear'; OE. 
 e, eo as in feld 'field/ scheld 'shield/ ende 'end/ erpe 
 ' earth/ 
 2. OM. e cognate with various WS. sounds : OM. e (WS. ce, 
 Goth, e) as in bere 'bier/ speche 'speech/ beren pt. pi. of 
 be~ren ' bear/ j<fr (ger) ' year/ j<?z/ra ' gave ' ; OM. e (WS. 
 eo, ea before OE. c,g, ti) as vn. fle$en-fleh ' fly-flew/ sec ' sick/ 
 //<?# ' high/ ffift ' nigh ' ; OM. e (WS. u by /-mutation of z), 
 eo, as in j^V^ ' hear, obey/ w/ ' need/ steren ' steer ' ; 
 OM. e from earlier (WS. ie, late z> by /-mutation of ea) as 
 in <?/</<? ' eld/ <?rz/ ' heritage/ derne ' secret/ 
 3. ON. e, f by /-mutation of 0, and 1*/ (j#) : ON. # as in j/r 
 ' several ' ; ON. f as in sleh ' sly/ /r<? ' power/ <F/te/z ' cry, 
 call ' (cogn. OE. wepan ' weep ') ; ON. iu (io) as in mek 
 * meek/ sket ' soon/ 
 4. OF. <F, and AN. e by monophthonging of OF. ie, ue, some- 
 times of ai, ei {feu) : OF. e as in degre * degree/ comper 
 ' compeer/ proceden * proceed ' ; AN. e from ie as in gref 
 ' grief/ pece t piece,' manere ' manner/ acheven ' achieve ' ; 
 AN. /from ue as in bef ' beef/ peple 'people/ meven 'move'; 
 AN. e from at, ei (ieu) sometimes, as in gramer ' grammar/ 
 pber ' power/ parde < OF. par dieu. 
 36. While the sources of close e seem so various, they resolve 
 themselves into a much smaller number if we consider the charac- 
 teristic phonology of the Mercian dialect, in which this sound was 
 especially frequent as compared with West Saxon. In fact the 
 sources of far the larger number of words may be summed up as 
 OM. e, eo, e in late lengthenings, corresponding, however, to various 
 WS. vowels, as e, eo, ai, ea, early and late ie (y). To these must 
 be added the important OF. sources, from which come many 
 words, and the less important ON. contingent. 
 37. The variation between ME. open and close ^"has been noted 
 in 33. A few words with OE. eo show instead of e in Middle 
 English by reason of a shifting of stress and absorption of the first 
 element of the diphthong. Examples are OE. heo 'she' which 
 gives }ho (jo, ho) beside he (Sth. he, ha), and OE. seo ' she ' which 
 gives scho (sho) beside sche (she). Similarly jode (INth. jude) from 
 OE. geeode, and {oxfower, trowen see 60. For words with ei from 
 AN. e <C ie see 53. To the AN. monophthongs of ai, 'may be 
 added verre (OF. verai), and mone (OF. moneie), beside the more 
 common forms. Monophthonging in originally stressed syllables 
 which have lost the stress are exemplified by suden (suden) 'sudden.' 
 Besides forms with e from AN. e (OF. ue) occur others with (cf. 
 49). In unstressed syllables this e becomes short, as in ceveren, 
 beside coveren, keverchef, ' kerchief/ Certain Romance words with 
 e (ee) beside (eie) forms (cf. 53) depend upon Central French 
 forms with e (ee) beside AN. eie. Examples which belong here 
 are cuntre (contre) 'country/ jorne 'journey.' In the case of ME. 
 dejen (deien) ' die ' the word may be from an OE. source, rather 
 than from the ON. word with fy reduced to e (cf. 52). For ME. <? 
 for AN. e ( < OF. ue), by shortening in originally unstressed syl- 
 lables, cf. 20. 
 Note i. In early Midland eo is occasionally used for OE. (Merc.) e or eo, as 
 in * Chronicle ' fortifeorde (OE .ferde) 'went forth, died,' deovles (OE. deojies) 
 1 devils,' preostes (OE. preostes} ' priests.' Orm also sometimes uses eo for OE. 
 eo, as in preost 'priest.' It is probable, however, that this was rather 
 traditional spelling in his time than the representation of a real diphthong. 
 Note 2. Nth. agrees with Midland except for ei (ey) written for e ( 7, 
 n. 2). Sth. differs in a number of important respects owing to a different 
 development from older West Saxon and Kentish. Middle and western Sth., 
 the old West Saxon district, shows the following peculiarities : 
 e \J\, seldom u, rarely t, for WS. ie by i-mutation of e or a before / or 
 r + cons., or oiea, eonot before a palatal cons. 
 e or ?, seldom u, for WS. u after a palatal cons. 
 Kentish and eastern Sth. differ from Midland and Sth. in having : 
 e from WS. y, for WS. a of whatever origin, and for WS. u after a 
 palatal cons. 
 ea, ya, yea (close e with obscure second element), for WS. ea before /or 
 r + cons. 
 te beside e for WS. 10, eo by u or 0-mutation. 
 The Katherine group, representing the northern part of middle Sth., agrees 
 with Midland in having e for WS. ce Gothic je, but e, ea for Ml. a before r in 
 unstressed words ; also e for WS. ie by ?-mutation of ea and eo. In addition it 
 a for WS. ea before /+ cons. 
 ea, se, e (open or close e) for WS. ie by /-mutation of ea before / or 
 i for WS. ie by i- mutation of the eo breaking. 
 38. Middle English I, with the sound of i in machine, corre- 
 sponds in Teutonic words to older I and to y by /-mutation of ii. 
 In addition to these two principal sources it occurs in many words 
 of French origin. Like short z, as already noted ( 22), it is 
 written i or y, with a growing tendency toward j> in late Middle 
 English. In detail the origin of ME. z is as follows : 
 1. OE. I, y by /-mutation of u, and i or y when lengthened; 
 OE. I as in wis 'wise/ lif 'life/ Jive 'five/ wriien 'write'; 
 OE. y as in brid ' bride/ hyde ' hide* fir 'fire' ; OE. i as in 
 7vild, child, finden ' find ' ; OE. y as in kind ' kind.' 
 2. ON. 1, y by z-mutation of u- } ON. I as in tipende 'tidings/ 
 priven 'thrive'; ON. y as in site (si/) 'pain/ -hi in Grimesbi 
 ' town/ 
 3. OF. f when lengthened, as in crien ' cry/ /rz/zz* ' prime/ <&/z7 
 < delight/ #<$/*' Bible/ 
 39. There seems to be no evidence of lengthening of ON. i\y 
 in Middle English, such words as skinden 'hasten/ kindlen 'kindle' 
 preserving their short vowels. This would perhaps indicate that 
 such words entered the language after the OE. lengthening before 
 nd had taken place, though the examples are too few to make this 
 certain. In a few cases OF. ei becomes / in a syllable which loses 
 principal stress, as werrien ' make war/ falling in with OF. verbs in 
 ier (ME. ten sometimes) as carryen * carry/ 
 Note i. Early Midland shows no special peculiarities. 
 Note 2. Nth. agrees with Midland. Sth., which preserves the older 
 mutated sound of y as already mentioned ( II , n. 2), used for it u (ill) under the 
 influence of French orthography. Examples are hfiren {hiiiren) ' hire,' fur 
 (ffiyr) ' hre,'Mj>en ' make known.* With this u from OE. y in Sth. also fell in, 
 in some cases, a French u, with the sound of u in French lune to-day. This 
 was easily possible owing to the similarity of the two sounds in Sth., but in 
 Midland, which had not preserved the older mutated sound of OE. y, this 
 French U finally associated itself with the diphthong eu (iu) ; see 6. As 
 already noted under close e ( 37, n. 2), Kentish has e for OE..y in accordance 
 with older Kentish. 
 40. Middle English 3, like ME. e, represents two different sounds 
 of different origin and development. The first, open designated 
 by g, had the sound of in lord. The second, close 0, was pro- 
 nounced like in no, or like the first element when no is pro- 
 nounced with a diphthong. These two sounds are usually kept 
 apart in Middle English rimes, and in general have maintained 
 a separate development to Modern English. 
 41. Middle English open (g) springs from : 
 1. OE. a, and when lengthened g from a before a nasal or in 
 open syllables : OE. a as in tg 'toe/ gfie 'oath/ sign 'stone'; 
 OE. g as in Igng 'long/ strgng, sgng; OE. in hgse * hose, 
 trousers//^ 'bag//r^ 'throat/ befgre (bifgre) 'before.' 
 2. OM. a (WS. ea, ea) from a before Id, as in gld, bgld, 
 3. ON. a, and when lengthened ^ from a + nasal or in open 
 syllables : ON. a as in /jpZ? ' countenance,' brgpe * violent/ 
 rgpen ' counsel, explain ' ; ON. a as in wrgng, wgnd ' rod ' ; 
 ON. as in bgle ' stem of a tree/ $r* ' score.' 
 4. OF. when lengthened in open syllables, and AN. o + rie (OF. 
 oire) : OF. as in rgse, ngble, restgren ' restore ' ; AN. one 
 as in glgrie (glgry), stgrie (s/gry), memgrie ' memory.' 
 42. The principal sources of ME. open g are OE. a, and when 
 lengthened in open syllables OE., OF. 0. Special note should be 
 taken of the small group of words with OM. a from a before Id, 
 since WS. forms could not possibly account for the MnE. words 
 old, bold, &c. In the few possible cases OE. a, preceded by a 
 cons. + w, early developed ( < g) under the influence of w, as in 
 two l two,' swopen \ swoop.' Preceding w alone did not affect the 
 change (cf. Hempl, 'Jour, of Germ. Phil.' I, 14). In the case of 
 sg which seems to have open g more commonly in Midland, we 
 may perhaps assume a late OE. sd with loss of w. 
 43. In 1 8 attention was called to certain words with ME. g, 
 eME. a (see the strong preterits like bgren 'bore'), where we expect 
 Ml. e (OM. <?, WS. ce). These may possibly represent an OM. a 
 beside e or from e, may be due to analogy or to Norse influence, 
 such forms having a in Old Norse. Norse influence certainly 
 seems probable, though see the discussion in Bjorkman, ' Scand. 
 Loan-words in Mid. Eng.,' p. 84. 
 Note i. In early Midland OE. a often remains as in ' Chronicle ' apes ' oaths,' 
 stdnes 'stones.' Orm, too, writing in northeast Midland not far from the 
 northern border, has a regularly as in Nth. From the beginning of the 
 thirteenth century g was the rule. 
 Note 2. In Nth., as already noticed ( 5), OE. a remained a through the 
 period and is thus a distinguishing feature of that dialect. In early Sth., a is still 
 written, though beside g, oa (ao). From the thirteenth century g (oa) are 
 regular, as in ' Ancren Riwle.' The change of gto o after cons. + w, noted above 
 for Midland, was very late in Sth., probably not taking place until 1400. 
 44. Middle English close springs from : 
 1. OE. 0, or from before certain consonant combinations: 
 OE. 3 as in dom f doom,' god ' good/ cok * cook ' ; OE. as 
 in gold, bord, word. 
 2. ON. 5 as in bone ' prayer, boon/ bope ' booth/ crdk crook/ 
 3. OF. (AN. it), rarely, AN. 5 from OF. ue sometimes : OF. 
 as in trgson ' treason/ baron, condition ; OF. as in povre 
 {pore) *poor/_/^/ 'fool'; AN. <?from ue as in moven 'move/ 
 proven 'prove/ dolen ' grieve/ pople * people/ 
 45. OF. words in 5, especially before n, beside AN. forms with 
 ft (cf. 46) are common in early Middle English. Forms with AN 
 from OF. ue, by monophthonging, occur beside those with e already 
 noted ( 35). In unstressed syllables this AN. becomes 0, as in 
 coveren 'cover/ 
 Note i. Early Midland and the dialects agree in general. In late Nth. 
 this sound is frequently written u, indicating a change in the direction of 
 French eu mpeu, the sound of Scotch u in gude * good.' 
 46. Middle English u, with the sound of the vowel in boot, is 
 found in words from all sources. Under the influence of French 
 spelling it is often written ou (ow), but this orthography never 
 indicates a diphthong in the case of this vowel. The sources of 
 ME. u are : 
 1. OE. u, and u when lengthened : OE. u as in ful ' foul/ hits 
 * house/ out, loud, how ; OE. u as in wunde ' wound/ 
 grund {ground) 'ground/ 
 2. ON. u, and u when lengthened : ON. u as in bun * ready, 
 prepared/ MnE. ' bound/ skiiien * project/ driipen * droop ' ; 
 ON. u as in lund ' nature, disposition/ 
 3. AN. u as in croune * crown/ doute i doubt/ avowen ' avow/ 
 mount, acount, flour 'flower/ precious. 
 Note i. Early Midland has no special peculiarity, except that is never 
 written with French ou, but regularly with the English symbol. 
 Note 2. There is general agreement in the dialects with regard to ME. u. 
 In the thirteenth century the French ou came to be used for ME. ii first in Sth., 
 where it was especially necessary to distinguish this sound from u (ii) for OE. 
 y. Later it spread to other dialects, and in late Middle English became the 
 rule. For Sth., in the earlier period especially, ME. u must be carefully 
 separated from u () for OE. y. For Sth. u from French u, with the sound in 
 French lune, see 10, footnote. 
 47. As has been shown ( 3), the OE. diphthongs became 
 monophthongs in Middle English. Their place was supplied by 
 certain new diphthongs formed from certain combinations of OE. 
 vowels and following consonants. The change probably began in 
 late Old English, and was certainly completed in the early Middle 
 English period. The formation of the new diphthongs follows the 
 accompanying scheme : 
 1. An OE. palatal vowel, <f, e, ea, eo + a, palatal h or g became 
 at, ei. 
 2. An OE. guttural vowel, a, + guttural h or g became au, ou. 
 3. An OE. palatal vowel, J, /, ea, to, z + w, an,d occasionally 
 medial/* (i. e. v) when developing into w, became eu. 
 4. An OE. guttural vowel, a, o + w, and occasionally/* as above, 
 became au, ou. 
 48. As the vowels of these formulae were long or short, two sets 
 of diphthongs resulted in the earliest period. This is proved by 
 the orthography of Orm, who doubles the second element of the 
 diphthong in all cases when the first is short. On the other hand, 
 long and short diphthongs were not otherwise distinguished in their 
 written form or in their later development, so that they need not in 
 general be separated. A more essential distinction, especially in 
 the ou diphthongs, is the quality of the first element, which was 
 either open or close according as it developed from OE. a and 0, 
 or from OE. 0. Even these can be distinguished only by knowing 
 their origin in Old English. The diphthongs naturally developed 
 most readily in the case of a following w, as in souk, OE. sawle 
 1 soul/ growen, OE. growan ( grow/ They next appear when g (h) 
 are final, medial between vowels, or between vowel and voiced con- 
 sonant, as in saide, OE. scegde ' said/ drawen, OE. dragan ' draw.' 
 Only occasionally do they appear from a vowel and a medial/* (v), 
 as in hawk, OE. hafoc ' hawk." Before OE. ht, sometimes before 
 final or medial h when still preserved, a parasitic i or u developed 
 in later ME., as in eighte ' eight,' draught ' draught/ nought, wrought, 
 and these diphthongs have usually had a somewhat different 
 development from others. Diphthongs are also occasionally formed 
 by the development of a parasitic vowel before other palatal con- 
 sonants than h and g, as in bleinte, OE. blencte ' blenched/ meinde, 
 OE. mengde ' mingled/ aische, OE. asce ' ashes/ fleisch, OE. flasc 
 ' flesh/ 
 49. To these diphthongs of OE. origin must be added some 
 from other languages, especially Danish and French. These 
 usually associated themselves with those of English origin, as will 
 be seen from the following sections, but in the case of OF. oi (ui) 
 a new diphthong was added to the language. 
 Note. When it is said above that the OE. diphthongs became monoph- 
 thongs in Middle English, it should be remembered that in Kentish the older 
 diphthongs were preserved to a late period. These have been noted already 
 under 37, n. 2. The consonants g and h do not immediately disappear on 
 the formation of the diphthong, which is probably due to the formation of 
 a parasitic vowel before the consonant. This accounts for such forms as deigen 
 * die,' in Gen. and Ex.' The consonant h appears especially when in conjunction 
 with t. For a late monophthonging of ei and ou sometimes, see 54, 69. 
 50. Middle English at, in the earliest times, had the sound of 
 the diphthong in high. As ai came to rime with ei in late ME., its 
 pronunciation probably assumed the sounds a (as in man) + i in 
 the course of its development. It springs from : 
 1. OE. (Eg, as in dai (day), mai (may) ' may/ sayde ' said/ 
 2. ON. ag (<j>g) rarely, as in gainen (ON. gagna), kairllc (Orm 
 hajjerrkjjc)if from Norse kjgur as Brate ' Nord.Lehnworter/ 
 p. 46. 
 3. OF. ai, as in payment, paien ' satisfy, pay/ bitraien 'betray.' 
 51. Attention has been called to the development before OE. ht, 
 no diphthong appearing as early as in other cases. In mijt, nip, 
 OE. (Merc.) mceht, naht, i resulted from the influence of the 
 following palatal. There could therefore be no diphthongization 
 in these cases. OF. ei appears as at' from the twelfth century, so 
 that the number of at' forms is considerably increased in this way. 
 Note i. In early Midland the first element of the diphthong is written a or 
 a, and the last element sometimes. Thus the ' Chronicle ' has dcei {dag) ' day.' 
 Orm writes da)) * day,' ma)) may,' in accordance with his usual spelling of 
 the diphthong. He also has mahht, nahht, ' might, night.' In * Genesis and 
 Exodus' migt, nigt appear beside magt, nagt. 
 Note 2. INth. a? becomes d ( 30, n. 1). Early Sth. has ei for Midland 
 and Nth. at, as in dei 'day,' mei' may,' in accordance with its usual use of e 
 for OE. ce. Sth. also developed the diphthong ei before ht, sometimes h, much 
 earlier than the other dialects, as in eihte ' eight.' 
 52. Middle English ei, with the sound of e+i, comes from: 
 1. OE. eg, or g from ag, ag from Teut. aig, and eg from 5g by 
 /-mutation: OE. eg as in wet (wey) 'way,' pleien 'play'; 
 OE. gg as in eije (eie) 'fear, awe ' ; OE. ag as in fete ' fay,' 
 clei ' clay/ kei ' key ' ; OE. eg as in feien ' join,' wreien 
 ' accuse.' 
 2. OM. eg corresponding to various WS. vowels : OM. eg (WS. 
 ag, Goth, eg) as in grei(y) ' gray' ; OM. eg (WS. eag, eog) 
 as in fieien * fly,' dreien * endure ' ; OM. eg (WS. teg by 
 /-mutation of eag) as in beien \ bend.' 
 3. ON. ei (at), and fy (ey) by /-mutation of Teut. au : ON. ei as 
 in reisen * raise,' beiten l bait,' pet ' they ' ; ON. j>y (ey) as in 
 ay ' aye,' caifen i go, return,' traisi ' strong, confident.' 
 4. AN. ei as in preien 'prey/ j/rtf// 'strait/ peinten 'paint/ 
 kweynie ' quaint/ aqueyntaunce. 
 53. While these sources seem to be various they are, in reality, 
 very few. Thus ME. ei springs from OE. (Merc.) eg (ag) from 
 whatever source. The principal foreign sources are ON. and OF. 
 ei diphthongs, which are responsible for a considerable number of ei 
 words. In a few native words ei develops from e under the in- 
 fluence of a following palatal consonant or consonant combination. 
 Here belong fleisch beside flesch (OE.Jlasc) 'flesh/ weisch (wet's) 
 beside wesch ' wash,' leincte beside lengfen (lent en) ' spring/ bleincie 
 (bleinte) < blencen ' blench,' dreincte (dreinte) < drencen ' drench.' 
 Some AN. words have a diphthong ei (e), (ai) where OF. forms 
 have e (ee) ; examples are contraie (contray) ' country/ jorneie 
 (jornay) 'journey/ Cf. 37. In the case of words with OE. 
 ceg by /-mutation of Teut. aig (see 1 above), we should expect ME. 
 ai by early shortening of a. Either this did not take place in the 
 few words belonging here, or more probably the open a quality 
 was changed to close e under the influence of the following g. In 
 a few cases ei (ey) springs from AN. e (OF. ie) as maynteynen 
 1 maintain/ susteynen ' sustain/ perhaps by analogy of words ending 
 in ei(ai)ne, for example atteinen ( attain/ Beside AN. forms in 
 ei (ai) occur cognates from Central French in oi; see 64. 
 54. For early confusion between OF. <?*'and ai words see 51. 
 ON. words with fy also usually appear in Middle English with ai, 
 perhaps indicating early change of quality from ei to ai. There is 
 a tendency in late ME. to confuse all ei's and ais as already noted 
 under ai ( 50). This is shown even as early as Chaucer, who 
 sometimes rimes ei and ai. Besides, ME. ei, more especially in the 
 southeast Midland as shown by Chaucer's usage, occasionally 
 becomes a monophthong z, by palatalization of the first element 
 and contraction. Examples are pen * fly/ drien ' endure/ dien 
 (ay en) ' die/ sye 'saw/ A similar change took place in late Middle 
 English in such words as heigh, neigh, sleight, by which they 
 acquired the long i which later became the Modern English 
 diphthong ai. 
 Note i. Early Midland has ei, as in Chronicle ' eie * awe,' OE. ege. Orm 
 writes e)) for ei, ej for ei in accordance with his usual orthography. 
 Note a. Nth. writes ai even in the earliest texts (last half of the thirteenth 
 century) for ei (except for ei from OE. eg(h)), as in J>ai * they,' ay ' aye,' raise, 
 pray * prey,' paint. Ei from OE. egiji) does not become i in Nth. ; cf. Scotch 
 dee, ee, 'die, eye.' In INth. ei became e. Sth. does not differ from Midland, 
 except that the palatalization of ei, from eg, to i does not seem to occur. 
 55. Middle English au, a diphthong with the pronunciation of 
 that in house, is of common occurrence in both native and foreign 
 words. In general it develops from OE. a + w or g when final or 
 medial in voiced company, while it also appears in many words 
 borrowed from Old French. In detail, its sources are : 
 i. OE. aw or eaw, aw or eaw when shortened, and rarely afo 
 (ea/o) by vocalization off(=v): OE. aw or eaw as in 
 clawe ' claw/ raw, straw, awel ' awl ' ; OE. aw or eaw as in 
 tawen (OE. idwian, perhaps tawiari) 'prepare/ aunen, 
 tauneti (OE. *eawm'an *ceteawnian) ' show ' ; OE. afo (ea/o) 
 as in hauk (OE. heafoc, hafoc) * hawk/ nauger (OE. nafogar) 
 ' auger/ and OE. afi as in craulen (OE. craflian) ' crawl/ 
 2. OE. ag, ahh, and aht, or when shortened aht (ceht) : OE. ag 
 as in drawen (earlier drdjen) 'draw/ gnawen 'gnaw'; or 
 ahh, as in laujhen 'laugh/ lauhte ' laughed ' ; OE. aht (ceht) 
 as in auhte (aupe) 'aught/ tauhte (taugte, taupe, taujhte) 
 ' taught.' 
 3. ON. ag as in lawe ' law/ awe,felawe ' fellow/ 
 4. OF. ##, as in cause, pause, applauden 'applaud/ assault. 
 56. As already noted the diphthongs which develop from ag (h) 
 appear later than those from aw (cf. 48). In Romance words, au 
 from OF. a before a nasal + cons, (except nk and n + the stop g) 
 appears in Middle English from the thirteenth century. The exact 
 quality of this sound is not clear, but it seems not to have been 
 a strict diphthong like OF. au, and was more probably an open 
 sound like that of OE. p from a before a nasal, varying with a as 
 the interchangeable orthography would indicate. Its development 
 during the period is different under different circumstances. It 
 falls in with ME. a as in sample, champion, chance, branch, and in 
 unstressed syllables as servant, countenance ; with ME. a as in 
 chamber, change, danger, grange, strange ; and with ME. au or ou 
 before ht as in daunt, vaunt, paunch, staunch, lawn with loss of final 
 d. A similar au appears from OF. ave before a nasal, as in aunter 
 beside aventure ' venture, adventure/ par aunter, probably launder e 
 ' laundress/ Cf. Behrens, ' Franz. Sprache in England/ p. 77, 
 Luick, ' Anglia/ XVI, 479 f. 
 Note i. In early Midland, as in the other dialects, the change of g to to 
 had not been carried out. Thus Orm writes dra)henn for OE. dragan draw,' 
 la$he law.' The change was not completed, perhaps, until the beginning of 
 the fourteenth century. 
 Note 2. In early Sth., OE. g, which became vocalized to w, was written h, 
 as in drahen ' draw,' but the diphthongic change was completed by the beginning 
 of the thirteenth century, as in ' Ancren Riwle' drawen 'draw.' In Kentish, 
 however, a) for OE. ag is found as late as the middle of the fourteenth century ; 
 cf. ' Ayenbite of Inwit.' The earliest Nth. texts, the last half of the thirteenth 
 century, also show the change complete. In Nth. before ht(Jih) no au diphthong 
 develops, but the au diphthong is otherwise increased by the addition of au 
 from OE. aw, dg, since in Nth. OE. a remained a ( 5, 43, n. 3). In Kentish 
 . also, OE. aw frequently remained aw, beside ou, and only later fully developed 
 ou in all cases. 
 57. Middle English eu (ew) represents two slightly different 
 sounds as the first element was open or close e. This gave a 
 slightly different pronunciation to the two through the period, but 
 they became one in early Modern English, when the first element 
 of each had assumed the sound of u 
 58. Middle English eu, with the sound of open e + u as m fool, 
 has its principal sources in OE. e (eo), or ce (ea) +w. In detail 
 these are as follows : 
 1. OE. ew (eow), gw (eow) from Teut. aw by /-mutation, aw, eatv, 
 are rarely ef (=ev): OE. ew (eow) as in sewen 'sew'; 
 OE. fw (gow) as in ewe ; OE. cew as in mew ' sea bird,' 
 lewed (lewd) l lay, lewd ' ; OE. eaw as in dew, hewen * hew,' 
 fewe * few ' ; OE. ^"as in ewte (OE. efete) ' newt.' 
 2. OE. eau in originally unstressed syllables as in beaute (beute) 
 1 beauty/ lewte ' loyalty/ 
 Note i. In early Midland OE. aiw (eaw) was written ceu(w), as in Chronicle' 
 feu * few,' Orm daw ' dew,' shczwen ' show.' The consistent use of a for OE. 
 a (ea) shows that the first element of the diphthong was still long. 
 Note 2. Nth. does not differ from Midland. Early Sth. has ea many 
 times, as sheau{w)en l show,' leawede ' lewd.' Kentish also has ea {yea) for 
 OE. ea; see 34, n. 2. 
 59. Middle English eu, with the sounds of close e+u (fool), has 
 its principal sources in OE. eow, OM. ew (eow), less commonly 
 OE. zw and OF. diphthongs of similar quality. It springs from : 
 i. OE. eow, sometimes iw: OE. eow, as in ew (yeiv) 'yew,' 
 hrewen ' rue/ chewen * chew/ brewen ' brew/ /fo<?z> ' knew/ 
 grew ' grew ' ; OE. Jz*/, as in steward beside earlier stiward, 
 Tewesdai beside Tiwesdai ' Tuesday/ 
 2. OM. ew (eow) corresponding to different WS. diphthongs: 
 OM. ew (WS. aw, Goth, ew), as in bilewen ' betray ' ; OM. 
 eow (WS. tew } iw by /-mutation of eow), as in hewe ' hue/ 
 7ZtfX> 'new'; OM. ^9Z# (WS. iw), as in spewen 'spew/ 
 <:to<? ' ball of thread, clue.' 
 3. OF. eu (ieu), and sometimes u, fir: OF. eu (ieu), as in y<?z> 
 * Jew/ Hebrew, sewen * sue/ curfew, rewle ' rule ' ; OF. ', 
 especially when final or before a vowel, as in virtew * virtue/ 
 crewel ' cruel ' ; OF. ui rarely, as in frewte * fruit/ seute 
 ' suit/ 
 60. Here belong many preterits of reduplication verbs with OE. 
 eow, as hew ' hewed/ &c. To these, in later English, a few were 
 added by analogy, as drew, slew, ME. droh (drou), sloh (slou). 
 Words with OE. iw were largely reduced in number for Mercian 
 by their appearance in that dialect with eow. Perhaps on this 
 account early ME. stiward becomes steward, and OF. words with 
 u {ill) sometimes show a like phonology. On the other hand, 
 words with ME. eu from OF. eu (ieu) sometimes have iu beside eu, 
 as in riwle 'rule/ /uus=/iues. Beside forms with eu (ew) OE. eow 
 gives ow sometimes, by absorption of the first element of the 
 1 diphthong, as in trowen * trust, believe/ irowd (trouthe) ' truth/ 
 fower 'four/ In ME. ou (dw,jou) 'you' OE. eow has become u, 
 perhaps earlier ou as a diphthong. 
 Note i. In early Midland, OE. eow is sometimes written beside the new- 
 diphthong. Thus Orm writes neowe * beside,' newe * new/ 
 Note 2. Early Sth. preserves eo, as in treowe 'true,' in accordance with 
 37, n. 1. Otherwise the dialects are in general agreement with Midland. 
 61. Middle English iu is rare in native words and later falls in 
 with eu (see above). That it developed in later ME. times from 
 OF. u (ui) when lengthened is certain (cf. Luick, ' Anglia/ XIV, 287). 
 How early this came about depends upon the question how far 
 OF. u was adopted in its purity in Middle English (cf. 10, foot- 
 note). We shall here assume that OF. u {iii) were diphthongal 
 from the first, or practically so. Middle English iu has therefore 
 the following origin : 
 i. OE. tw as in siiward, later steward, Tiwesntjht ' Tuesday 
 2. OF. ii and iii (AN. ii sometimes) : OF. ii as in rude, huge, 
 usen ' use/ accusen ' accuse,' pursuen * pursue/ nature, mpure 
 1 measure/ duk ' duke/ pur * pure/ vertu ' virtue ' ; OF. iii 
 (AN. u sometimes) as in frut {fruit), sute (suite), anui 
 * annoy,' nuisance, 
 62. Confusion with the ME. diphthong eu has been noted under 
 that combination. OF. ui also becomes oi as in the following 
 section. On the other hand some words with ew appear with iu (iw) 
 as riwle ' rule/ or, in unstressed syllables, u (=iu?) as in construe(n) 
 1 construe,' Sth. asunien ' excuse/ 
 Note. In Nth. and NWM1. OF. ii sometimes becomes , as in Louk 
 ' Luke/ regularly in the ending ure, as armour ' armor.' 
 63. Middle English oi, with the sound of the diphthong in coy 
 but with close as the first element, is almost exclusively of romance 
 origin. It springs from : 
 OF. oi (i.e. pi), oi (AN. ui, sometimes ei), and AN. oi+l, n 
 (OF. 0) : OF. oi, as in joie ' joy/ choice, cloister, noise ; OF. 
 oi (AN. ui), as in destroien ( destroy,' Troye ' Troy/ vois 
 i voice/ crois ' cross/ moiste ' moist ' ; OF. oi (AN. ei some- 
 times), as in quoynte (coint) ' happy, gay/ quointise ' skill/ 
 point, enointen (anointen) * anoint,' joint, coin ; AN. oi+ 1, n 
 (OF. 0), as in soile f soil/ spoilen * spoil/ despoilen * despoil/ 
 oil,joinen 'join/ Burgoine. 
 64. Attention has already been called to AN. ei {at) for OF. oi 
 in some words, accounting for such MnE. forms as acquaint, quaint. 
 Nth. aquynt ' acquainted ' shows monophthonging of AN. ei. Beside 
 forms with oi from ui may be mentioned the rare froit, beside_/rwz'/ 
 {/rut) ' fruit.' WE. jewel {juel, jouel) has perhaps been influenced 
 by OF. ju, jeu ' game.' ME. bote * boy ' is certainly of ultimate 
 Teutonic origin, and possibly from an unrecorded OF. word. In 
 brotden, pret. pi. and pp. of OE. bregdan, oi develops naturally 
 perhaps from OE. og before d ( 179). For ui beside oi see 
 61, 70. 
 65. Middle English ou, like eu, represents two different diph- 
 thongs which, however, came together in late Middle English, and 
 were not always distinct in the earlier ME. period. The two 
 sounds differ, as one had open, and the other close for its first 
 66. Middle English pu, with the sound of open p + u {fool), has 
 its principal sources in OE. ow, og and d + w or dg, while some 
 Norse words with au have ranged themselves with these. Its 
 sources, in detail, are : 
 1. OE. dw, dg{h), dht : OE. dw, as in sowen ' sow/ blowen * blow/ 
 crowen ' crow ' ; OE. dg{h), as in owen i owe/ dou {do/i, dogh) 
 1 dough ' ; OE. dht, as in oup * ought/ oupe ' ought ' (vb.). 
 2. OE. ow, og {h, hh), oht, and when shortened oh or dht: OE. 
 ow, as in tow ' coarse flax ' ; OE. og {h, hh), as in bowe ' bow 
 of the archer/ fiowen ' flown/ trouj {troh, trogh) ' trough/ 
 couj {cogh) * cough/ coujen (OE. cohhettan) ' cough ' ; OE. 
 oht, as in douper ' daughter/ boujt ' bought ' ; OE. oh as 
 in touj {toh, togh) ' tough ' ; OE. dht, as in soup l sought/ 
 foupen ' fought ' (pp.). 
 3. ON. og, oh when shortened, and ou {au) : ON. og, as in lowe 
 1 fire ' ; ON. oh, as in pou {poh, fiouf) ' though ' ; ON. ou {au), 
 as in nout ' cattle/ routen * roar/ rouste ' voice.' 
 67. In a few cases double forms appear, as OE. dht becomes 
 short (cf. 55) or remains long until OE. a had become ME. q as 
 in 1 above. 
 Note i. In early Midland the diphthongs had not yet developed in the case 
 of og, dg, oht, as already noted in 56, n. 1. Orm thus writes a}hen 'owe/ 
 OE. dgan. 
 Note 2. The dialects agree in general. In Nth., as OE. a remains, OE. 
 dw, dg become au, not ou. Nth. ah, aht also do not develop a diphthong. 
 The same is true in Kentish of OE. aw which remains au, though later 
 becoming ou ; see 56, n. 2. 
 68. Middle English ou, with the sound of o + u (fool), is of 
 infrequent occurrence. It is from 
 OE. dw, as mgrowen ' grow,' fowen 'flow,' siowen ' stow.' 
 69. This diphthong, which occurs in no large number of words, 
 assumed the quality of gu in the fourteenth century, as shown by 
 rimes of Chaucer, and has since had a similar development. For 
 ou from OE. oh, see 66. In a few words ME. ou (probably close 0) 
 springs from OE. eow by absorption of the first element of the 
 diphthong, as in foure (OE. feower) ' four,' irowen (OE. treowian) 
 1 believe/ This may also explain u (ou, jou) from OE. eow ' you,' 
 but if so the diphthong soon became u, as shown by rimes. 
 70. A Middle English ui, occurring in Romance words, may 
 represent OF. ui, which soon became ME. iu (cf. 61) or in un- 
 stressed syllables u(i) as noted in 23, 27. Otherwise ME. ui 
 represents OF. ui, which has a diphthongal sound approximating 
 ME. oi, with which it varies in early texts and by which it is finally 
 displaced ( 63). Examples are destruien ' destroy ,' fuisdn l abun- 
 dance/ Burguine ' Bourgogne/ After k (c) this OF. ui sometimes 
 became kwi, as in ME. quylte ' quilt,' Nth. aquynt ' acquainted.' 
 Perhaps a similar change also accounts for anguis ' anguish,' which 
 sometimes seems to have stress on the last syllable. In originally 
 unstressed syllables this OF. ui became u or z'as noted in 23, 27. 
 Note. A Sth. ui (ut) rarely springs from CE. y+g as in * Ancren Riwle* 
 druie (<OE. dryge) 'dry,' but the quality of the diphthong is uncertain. Cf. 
 Sweet, 'Hist, of Eng. Sounds,' 717. 
 71. As compared with Old English, Middle English shows 
 important variations of vowel quantity. Some of these are exten- 
 sions of changes which were operative in late OE. times : see 
 Sievers, ' Gr./ 120-125 and notes to 150-168; Bulbring, 
 \ Altenglisches Elementarbuch/ 284 f. Others belong to the 
 Middle English period, and affect not only a great number of 
 English words, but also those borrowed from Norse and French. 
 The best criteria for the variations in quantity of ME. vowels are, 
 (1) the orthography of Orm; (2) the doubling of vowels and 
 consonants, and the use of two symbols for a single sound, as ey 
 for z, ui(y) for u, ea for e\ (3) the occasional use of accents or 
 other signs for vowel length; (4) the rimes in Middle English 
 poetry, and other metrical evidences as of syncope, apocope, &c. ; 
 (5) the relation of ME. vowels to the course of their development 
 in the modern period. Reference may be made especially to 
 Morsbach, ' Mittelenglische Grammatik/ pp. 65-92 ; Sweet * History 
 of English Sounds/ 392, 616-640. 
 Note. Orm, to whom special reference is made above, undertook to indicate 
 pronunciation with minute exactness by doubling consonants and the second 
 elements of short diphthongs, as well as by the occasional use of the accent and 
 the breve. The most striking feature, the doubling of consonants, has led some 
 to believe that Orm intended to indicate consonant length, while others think 
 vowel length alone was intended. In any case, however, Orm's orthography is 
 of practical value mainly in determining vowel quantity. Thus, vowels followed 
 by doubled consonants are invariably short, as in staff, gladd, inn, allderrmann, 
 asskenn, clennsenn ; those followed by a single consonant in closed syllables 
 are long, as in bald * bold,' feld * field,' child, gold, griind ground.' The 
 quantity of vowels followed by a single medial consonant is indeterminate by 
 Orm's orthography, but in these cases, as in closed syllables, Orm uses accents 
 to show original length in many words, and the breve to show original short 
 quantity in something like a third of the examples. Those who believe that 
 Orm intended to indicate vowel length only, explain his failure to double the 
 consonant after a short medial vowel because such doubling would have pro- 
 duced confusion between such words as sune ' son ' (OE. sunu) and sunne 
 'sun' (OE. sunne), the difference between which was still important. In the 
 case of diphthongs, the first vowel is short when the second element is doubled, 
 as in dawwess ' claws,' knewwe ' knew,' trowwenn * trow ' ; otherwise long, as 
 in cnawen * know,' sdwle * soul,' sawen ' sow.' The two views above are sup- 
 ported by Trautmann (' Anglia,' 7, ' Anzeiger,' 94, 208), Ten Brink (* Chaucer 
 Or.,' 96-97), Effer ('Anglia,' 7, 'Anzeiger,' 167) for the first; Sweet (' Hist, 
 of Eng. Sounds,' 616 f.), Morsbach ('Mitteleng. Gr.,' 15, anm. 2-3) for the 
 second, with which most scholars agree. 
 72. It may be assumed, in accordance with the evidences of 
 lengthening in late Old English, that OE. long vowels and diphthongs 
 remained long in open syllables and before a single final consonant, 
 except as shown hereafter ; and that original OE. short vowels and 
 diphthongs had become long before certain consonant groups made 
 up of a liquid or nasal and a voiced consonant, as Id, rd, rl, rn, rp, 
 mb, nd, ng, ng (=ng as in strange), though probably not rm. 
 Original short vowels were also sometimes long in monosyllables, 
 especially when final. Some examples of original short vowels 
 with long quantity at the beginning of ME. times are hwd {hwo) 
 ' who/ he ' he/ bl * by/ nu ' now ' ; wel ' well/ Scotch ' weel 1 / hgl 
 ' hole ' ; gld {aid) ' old/ cgmb, ende ' end/ binden ' bind/ hord ' hoard/ 
 gold, sund ' sound as of body/ bunde ' bound.' 
 Note i. Lengthening had not taken place in Old English before consonant 
 groups made up of a liquid or nasal and a voiceless consonant. In French 
 words, however, u before nt, ns (nee), shows similar lengthening in ME., as in 
 count, niount, Ounce, flounce, &c. ; so also OF. e before st in some words, as 
 bgst ' beast, 'fist * feast.' Lengthened before // in cplt, bglt, mglten, and before 
 1st in bglster occurred in late Middle or early Modern English. 
 Note 2. Sporadic shortening occurs very early, as in Orm's tenn 'ten/ 
 annan 'anon/ while in late ME., the fifteenth century, it was more common, 
 especially before dental consonants, as red, dred * dread,' let * permit,' wet, hot 
 (OE. hat), brtth ' breath,' Mh ' death/ niSne. 
 73. During the Middle English period OE. short a, e, were 
 lengthened in open syllables, as in rake ' rake/ name, schame ' shame/ 
 wfen * weave/ mgle * meal/ hgpen ' hope/ hgse ' hose, trousers/ 
 Examples of Norse words showing similar lengthening are taken 
 ' take/ dasen ' daze/ scgren * scare ' ; French words, face, grace, cjsen 
 1 cease/ apglen ' appeal/ rgse, clgsen ' close/ Lengthening did not 
 take place, however, when the following syllable was weak, as l (y) 
 in peny ' penny/ hevy ' heavy/ body. When the following syllable 
 consists of a short vowel and /, r, n, or m, in French words le, &c, 
 1 Cf. Horstmann, 'Anglia, Beiblatt/ xiii, 16. 
 the lengthening sometimes occurred, sometimes not. It would be 
 resisted naturally by the strong tendency to syncopation of e, 
 especially in inflexional forms; but some cases of certain lengthen- 
 ing are wgsele ' weasel/ gven, navele * navel/ crddel ' cradle/ gver, 
 stolen. Borrowed words follow the same rule, lengthening some- 
 times taking place, sometimes not. Some French words with 
 certain lengthening are stable, table, ngble. 
 74. Lengthening of OE. short vowels in open syllables did not 
 affect OE. i, u, or for u, as in hipe l hip/ ji'ven ' given/ sune (sone) 
 j son/ numen ' taken/ comen * come/ But English words which had 
 developed forms with e for OE. z (id) show lengthening of e, as in 
 clpen ' cleave, adhere ' (OE. cliofian), Ipien lean ' (OE. hlionian), 
 wgke * week ' (OE. wiocu, weoczi). In all these cases the ME. forms 
 with e no doubt rest on OE. forms with e (eo), as often in Mercian. 
 On the other hand, z, u in French words are long in open syllables 
 in ME., as are a, e, 0. Examples are crien * cry/ bible * Bible/ 
 bribe, deslren l desire/ avow, prow, croune ' crown/ In these cases 
 perhaps OF. i, u, because of their close quality, associated them- 
 selves with English z, u, rather than with z, zi, and thus assumed 
 long quantity. 
 Note i. Lengthening of OE. short vowels in open syllables does not, in 
 general, belong to the twelfth century, though there are some evidences that it 
 may have begun in this period. It was clearly operative in the first half of the 
 thirteenth century, and by the middle of the century was complete. In 
 accordance with this principle OE. vowels in open syllables are not marked 
 long in early Midland or Southern selections, even though the phonology seems 
 to imply lengthening in some cases. Northern selections are all later than the 
 change indicated, and therefore show lengthening in all cases. 
 Note 2. Later shortening no doubt accounts for such forms as show short 
 vowels in Modern English, as rot, knock, crack, lap, ME. rgten, kngken, craken, 
 lapen. Sometimes also analogy accounts for the change, as in MnE. sweat, vb. 
 by analogy of the preterit with short vowel, ME. swette. 
 75. Compensatory lengthening also occurred in Middle English, 
 as in the case of the z, u vowels, by the vocalization of a following 
 consonant. Examples are / from z'c (z'k), size ' sty ' (OE. stigu, 
 early ME. stige), rie ' rye' (OE. ryge), stile (OE. sligel),fuel{fowel) 
 ' fowl : (QE.fugel), sow (OE. sugu) sow/ 
 76. At the close of the Old English period, OE. long vowels and 
 diphthongs, whether in simple or compound words, were usually 
 shortened before long, that is doubled, consonants and before 
 consonant groups, except those which had caused lengthening of 
 short vowels and therefore preserved the quantity of long vowels 
 ( 72). Examples under the various heads are as follows : 
 (a) Before long, that is doubled, consonants, Iedde * led/ spredde 
 ' spread/ hatte ' called//*//, hidde ' hid/ hatter ' hotter/ 
 (b) Before more than two consonants, hercnen ' hearken/ ernde 
 ' earned/ I ernde ' learned/ 
 (c) Before two consonants, not those groups which preserved 
 long quantity, /z^ ' filth/ helpe ' health/ kepte ' kept/ slepte ' slept/ 
 last, brest ' breast/ softe l soft/ sohte * sought/ idhte ' taught/ liht 
 ' light/ Ii/iten 'make light/ druhpe 'drought/ but dialectal 'droughth/ 
 titt/e, Wednesday, clensen 'cleanse/ bremmil (brembel) 'bramble/ 
 slum{e)ren (slumbren) ' slumber/ ever, every, 
 (d) Before two or more consonants in compounds, chapman 
 ' merchant/ Edward, shepherde, wisdom, fifty, goshawk, clenly 
 'cleanly/ husbonde ' husband/ huswif ' hussy, housewife/ 
 Note i. The short vowel is often replaced by the long under the influence 
 of analogy. Thus, in inflexional forms, the shortened vowel of the genitive 
 singular and the plural, as devles, is replaced by the long vowel of the nomina- 
 tive-accusative singular, devel, becoming devles. On the other hand, the short 
 vowel of the genitive and plural sometimes replaced the long in the nominative- 
 accusative, as in mfyer, br5)er, 8)er ' mother, brother, other.' For a similar 
 reason there is variation in quantity in compounds, as suj>dd/e ' south part/ 
 sopfast 'soothfast/ hgmward 'homeward/ meknesse 'meekness/ wisly l wisely/ 
 with long vowels by analogy of the uncompounded siij>, so/>, hpm, wis. 
 Note 2. Variations in quantity are also found before certain consonant 
 groups, as si, before which the long vowel often remains, as in gdst (gpst) 
 'ghost,' prest 'priest/ Crist ' Christ,' l$ste 'least.' But if a third consonant 
 follows st, the vowel is regularly short, as in wrdstlen 'wrestle,' cristnen 
 'christen/ thistle, fSstren 'foster/ bloslme 'blossom,' yet $stren 'easier.' Modern 
 English shows many cases of shortening, as hest, breast, fist, list, dust, rust. 
 Before OE. sc, ME. sh (sch), a long vowel is preserved by Orm in flgsh, though 
 not in wesh 'washed.' Short vowels are common before sh, as in Modern 
 English flesh, mesh, wish, rush. 
 77. Long vowels and diphthongs were sometimes shortened 
 when one or more syllables with strong secondary stress followed 
 the accent. Examples are hdliday holiday/ hering ' herring/ $ fir op 
 4 stirrup/ noping nothing,' felazve * fellow ' (ON./elagi). Before the 
 syllable I {y) there is variation, shortening occurring sometimes as 
 in redy ready/ sory ' sorry/ any (eny) ' any/ while in other cases the 
 long vowel is retained, as in Ivy, wgry ' weary/ greqy ' greedy/ hgly. 
 Note. Here also analogy may counteract the operation of the rule, as in 
 such words as fredom, rld$re * freedom, rider,' where the long vowel is due to 
 the influence of the uncompounded words J "re, riden free, ride.' 
 78. Before the consonant groups which usually preserved vowel 
 length (72), original short vowels remained short or were shortened, 
 when followed immediately by (a) another consonant, as in hundred, 
 children ; (d) a syllable having strong secondary stress, as in wurpi 
 \ worthy/ erply earthly ' ; (c) a syllable made up of a short vowel 
 and /, r, n (though not usually inflexional n), or m, as in girdel, 
 wunder, alderman, selden {seldom) ' seldom.' In cases under (c) 
 frequent syncope of the short vowel before the liquid or nasal is 
 presupposed, so that shortening would be due to the same influence 
 as in cases under (a). In some words two of the above influences 
 were operative at the same time, as in wilderness, alderman. Inflex- 
 ional en did not usually affect the preceding vowel, but the vowel 
 remained long when n was dropped. 
 79. The vowels /, u, before ng, though long in early ME. as 
 shown by the orthography of Orm, were short from the middle of 
 the thirteenth century, as in ping ' thing/ lunge ' tongue.' Many 
 cases of shortening before consonant groups also appear, especially . 
 in later Middle English. Shortening is most common before ng, 
 rn, rl, rp. Some examples of these are Orm's jerrne beside jerne 
 ' desire/ lurrnenn ' turn/ 
 Note. Analogy doubtless accounts for many forms, as frend ' friend,' by 
 influence oifrendly,frendship. 
 80. In syllables bearing strong secondary stress, Middle English 
 vowels usually retain the quality of their Old English originals, as 
 freddm, Godhjid, handsum. The same is usually true of prefixes, as 
 in arisen ' arise/ for Igr en 'forlorn/ upbgren 'upbear' (cf. to, 82). 
 On the other hand, in suffixes and prefixes and u before a nasal 
 sometimes suffer change in quality, the first becoming a or u, the 
 second 1* partly no doubt under the influence of analogy. Thus 
 the suffix ung (lung) of OE. nouns became ing {ling) in Middle 
 English, and the prefix on, except the privative prefix, became 
 an (a). The privative prefix on, as in OE. onlucan ' unlock/ became 
 un, perhaps under the influence of the negative un so commonly 
 used. The greatest change in vowel quality from Old to Middle 
 English, however, is in the case of inflexional endings. In these 
 every OE. unstressed a, 0, or u become e, a far reaching change which 
 affected all classes of words. 
 Note i. The change of OE. a, 0, u to e is often carried out in early 
 Midland, as in ' Chronicle ' and Ormulum,' but not so fully as later. 
 Note 2. Nth. shows complete change of ung {lung) to ing {ling), and of 
 the privative prefix on to un, but otherwise the prefix on usually remains on (0). 
 The change of vowel quality in inflexional endings has not affected the Nth. 
 present participle, which ends in and {e). In early Sth. the suffix ung {lung) 
 sometimes remains unchanged, but later regularly appears as ing {ling), as in 
 other dialects. The other changes in vowel quality already mentioned are 
 carried out, and in addition the ending of the present participle has become 
 inde in most cases before the further change to inge, 163. 
 81. Owing to the changes in stress many syllables in Romance 
 words which formerly bore principal stress retain a strong secondary 
 accent (cf. 15). These also usually retain their original quality. 
 In a few cases already mentioned in the preceding sections, certain 
 changes in quality do appear, ere instead of gre from OF. aire (33), 
 werrien beside werreien ( 39), eu instead of u in beule ' beauty ' 
 ( 58), but it is not certain that such changes may not be due to 
 some other influence, as the following r in the first case. Similarly 
 Romance nouns in -ion, which occasionally seem to show variation 
 between -on and gn, may have suffered by the same influence. The 
 OF. prefixes des, en, mes often appear as dis, in, mis, the latter no 
 doubt partly under the influence of OE. mis. Examples are 
 distroien, inclgsen, mischeef ' destroy, inclose (enclose), mischief.' 
 OF. initial e sometimes becomes a as in ascdpen ' escape,' anointen 
 1 anoint,' asunien ' excuse/ 
 82. The second elements of compounds, when containing a long 
 vowel or diphthong, usually retain original length under strong 
 secondary stress, as Alfrjd, barfot ' barefoot.' The same is often 
 true of suffixes bearing secondary stress, as hgd, hgd which are 
 regularly long, and dom, gre, l$s, like (liche) which are sometimes 
 short, however. The length is proved by doubling of vowels, as in 
 hood, heed, doom, lees, and the occasional shortening by such spellings 
 of the suffixes as dam, less. Prefixes with original long vowels show 
 shortening in Middle English, as arisen 'arise/ tqfgre 'before/ 
 from OE. prefixes a and to. In the case of Id- the spelling clearly 
 indicates occasional shortening, as well as variation in quality; 
 cf. tegadere (gidere), ieday 'together, today.' Yet these are on 
 the whole rare forms, and the probability is that the prefix to- was 
 associated with the preposition-adverb id and was usually regarded 
 as long. The same is true of vowels in words unstressed in the 
 sentence, as an (a), but (bot), any (eny), nat {not), poh (though), us, 
 sholde, wolde, wel beside wel, &c. 
 Note. In early Midland the long quantity is retained, as shown by Orm's 
 orthography in had, dom, Ices i less/ wis ' wise,' rede, Ilk {like) ' like,' often 
 Ire, though the latter is sometimes short. So also 1 (y), from OE. ig, as in 
 hall), bodl), and the second elements of compounds as <zd(d)modnesse, where 
 mod is long as indicated by the single d following the vowel. Shortening of 
 vowels in words unstressed in the sentence is also shown in Orm's butt, us, 
 J>ohh, ann{a), &c. 
 83. Other changes in unstressed syllables are those called syncope, 
 apocope, aphaeresis, elision, contraction, the occurrence of which 
 follows general laws that may be briefly summarized. To begin 
 with, every vowel or diphthong, whether medial or final, makes a 
 syllable except as noted hereafter. But unstressed syllables, that 
 is those without principal or secondary stress, often show syncope 
 of medial e. Thus, after an accented syllable, medial e, whatever its 
 origin, is syncopated, as in chirche ( church,' hevne ' heaven,' lernde 
 ' learned,' gpnen * open. ' In many such cases, however, the synco- 
 pated e is restored by analogy of unsyncopated forms, as chireche, 
 hevene, lernede, gpenen. The same is true of medial e between a 
 principal and secondary stress, as trewely, semly, Englgnd, beside 
 trewely, semely, Engelgnd. Syncope of any other vowel than e is 
 rare, though i in the suffixes tj, ish is sometimes lost. 
 Note. Early Midland shows the same syncope in many cases, as in Orm's 
 effne, errnde, gaddrenn, heffne, oppnenn, &c, while in other forms the loss has 
 not occurred. 
 84. Medial e is sometimes syncopated or partially lost in certain 
 endings. Syncopation frequently occurs before final r, /, n, as in 
 silv{e)r, hung{e)r, strw(e)n, lit(e)l. It is especially common between 
 a vowel or liquid and n, as in the past participles drawn, slayn, born, 
 torn. In past participles of weak verbs, the ending ed shows 
 similar syncopation sometimes, owing to such a change in Old 
 English (Sievers, ' Gr.,' 406), though unsyncopated forms also 
 occur. Syncopation seldom occurs in the endings est, ep (eth) of 
 the present indicative ; in es (is) Of the genitive singular, the 
 nominative plural, and the adverb ; in en of the infinitive, the plural 
 of verbs, and in other forms except the past participle of strong 
 verbs ; in ed of preterit singular and plural, and er, est of com- 
 parative and superlative in adjectives. Syncope often occurs in 
 words unstressed in the sentence, as arn for dren ' are,' wiln (woln) 
 for willen {wollen) ' will.' 
 Note i. In early Midland syncope is less common except in the verbal 
 endings est, e){etK), in which it is sometimes found. Compare Orm's setfst 
 ' sayest,' se))} ' sayeth.* 
 Note 2. In addition to general agreement with Midland, Nth. shows 
 syncope in es of nouns and verbs. Sth., while also showing general agreement 
 with Midland, differs in a much more frequent syncopation of e in the est, ep 
 {eth) verbal endings, as in Old English. 
 85. When medial e, of whatever origin, is followed by a syllable 
 with another unstressed e, syncope or apocope often takes place. 
 This gives rise to double forms, such as apel, ap{e)le ' noble ' ; adys, 
 ad(e)se ' adze ' ; ever, ev{e)re * ever ' ; many also in inflexion, as 
 loved, lov{e)de 'loved'; hevens, hev{e)nes 'heavens/ In the last 
 half of the fourteenth century, apocope Of e is preferred in preterits 
 of weak verbs, the latter thus agreeing with the past participle. 
 Upon this apocope and consequent agreement between preterit 
 and past participle, rests the regularity of Modern English forms. 
 Note i. In early Midland the same variation between syncope or apocope 
 also occurs, as in Orm's heffne l heaven,' a)ell ' noble,' but lufede l loved.' 
 Note 2. In Nth. the final e is usually silent or Has suffered apocope. Sth. 
 seems to prefer syncope of medial . Chaucer makes frequent use of both 
 forms for the same word, no doubt for metrical purposes. 
 86. Apocope of final e is common in Middle English, and 
 materially affects the spoken forms of words, whether indicated or 
 not by the orthography. It occurred earliest in polysyllables after 
 a strong secondary stress, as in almess, OE. czlmesse ' alms ' ; lafdij 
 (Ipdij), OE. hl&fdige ' lady ' ; and in inflected forms of such words 
 as drinking, wurpi} ' worthy,' twenty * twenty/ On the other hand, 
 some such words occasionally assumed an inorganic e in the 
 nominative by analogy of Other forms, instead of suffering apocope 
 in the latter, as tlpende ' tidings/ twifalde r twofold.' Similar apocope 
 often occurred in words not bearing principal stress in the sentence, 
 as in pronouns, unstressed adverbs and conjunctions, and auxiliary 
 verbs. Examples are mjn, hir, swich {such), whan, pan {than), 
 shul, myp, beside forms with e in which the spelling is often merely 
 traditional. Total or partial apocope, that is slurring, also occurs 
 in poetry when unstressed ne, pe {the), a precede words beginning 
 with a vowel, as proved by the metre. 
 Note i. In early Midland, syncope is already clear from such cases as 
 Orm's laffdi$, drinnkinng and others ; unstressed words as an, all, mm, J>m; 
 and such evidences of elision asj>arre i the ark.' 
 Note 2. In the earliest Nth. apocope has taken place even more commonly 
 than in other dialects ; compare 6. Sth. is far more conservative, with the 
 exception of Kentish, which does not differ from Midland. 
 87. After syllables bearing principal stress, final e, of whatever 
 origin, tends to disappear in Middle English, sometimes through 
 analogy, later especially through general weakening. At the 
 beginning of the period, the beginning of the thirteenth century, 
 final e is usually retained except as already noted. About 1300 it 
 remains or disappears at the pleasure of the writer, as shown by 
 poetry, and in late Middle English, that is about the middle of the 
 fifteenth century, it is wholly lost. Texts written in the northeast 
 Midland district show disappearance of final e before those of the 
 southeast Midland. 
 Note i. In early Midland final e was still preserved as a rule, though lost 
 in words not bearing sentence stress, and in some inflexional forms as the 
 dative of nouns. 
 Note 2. In Nth. final e was wholly lost by the middle of the fourteenth 
 century, a century before it disappeared entirely in Midland. It remained 
 longest in the adjective inflexion, less commonly in nouns and verbs. In Sth., 
 except Kentish, final e was kept somewhat longer than in Midland, though 
 sometimes silent in the fourteenth century. In Kentish it is generally kept as 
 late as the middle of the fourteenth century. In the dialect of London it is also 
 retained somewhat longer than usually in Midland, as shown by the writings of 
 Chaucer, in which, though often silent, it may still form a syllable for metrical 
 purposes at the pleasure of the writer. 
 88. Elision of weak final e occurs before a word beginning with 
 a vowel or weak h, that is h in unstressed words as he, him, or those 
 with French h. Examples are numerous in poetry, as indeed they 
 are rarely found in Old English verse. The commonest OE. elision, 
 that of e in the negative ne, remains to Middle English in such 
 forms as nas for ne was, &c. In Middle English also e of pe {the) 
 is often elided. This is shown by such early Midland forms as 
 pemperice ' the empress ' in the ' Chronicle,' and parrke ' the ark ' in 
 the ' Ormulum/ Common also is elision of in unstressed to, as 
 in toffrenn \ to offer/ tunnderrgan ' to undergo ' from the ' Ormulum.' 
 Rarely the e of the pronouns me, pe (thee) also suffers elision, as in 
 ihalighte ' thee alight/ do mendyte * do me endyte/ 
 89. Aphaeresis, that is loss of an initial vowel (or syllable), some- 
 times occurs in unstressed words or syllables. Examples in un- 
 stressed words are het for he it, wast for was it. So also the un- 
 stressed vowel has disappeared in risen from OE. arisan 'arise,' 
 taunen from OE. ceteawnian ' show/ twiten from OE. celwilan * twit. 7 
 Similarly i (y) from OE. ge usually suffers aphaeresis in Northern 
 and Midland, though often not in Southern. Old French e before 
 sc {sti), sp, st is often lost as in spy en ' espie, spy/ spouse, slat l state/ 
 stgrie (slgry), scapen ' escape/ Aphaeresis of a, e under other 
 circumstances also occurs sometimes, as prentys ' apprentice/ 
 semblee * assembly/ nuien (noien) ' annoy/ pistle ' epistle/ Aphaeresis 
 of an unstressed syllable in Romance words occurs in sample Ken- 
 sample, buschment<embuschment, fenden<defenden, sport < desport, 
 struien < destruien. 
 90. Contraction of vowels brought together by vocalization of a 
 medial consonant sometimes occurs. Examples are del for devel, 
 el for evel,yede (yode) from OE. ge-eode, wher for wheper, gr {or) for 
 oufier ( or/ er, ner for ever, never. 
 The Consonants 
 91. The Middle English consonant system may be best exhibited 
 by a table such as the following : 
 ( sh 
 To these must be added the breath consonant h, and the combina- 
 tions hw (MnE. wh as in what), ch (=/sh) as in churchy g, j 
 (=dzh) as in wage, Judge, x is but a sign for ks. 
 Note. The pronunciation of most of the consonants is the same as in 
 Modern English. The palatal stops k' ,g' are pronounced as in kid, get, com- 
 pared with the guttural stops in cot, got. The voiced^ (p, th) is sounded as in 
 the. Sh (sch) represents the simple consonant sound in she, no voiced variety 
 being found in Middle English. The palatal spirant ) (h) has the sound of ch 
 in Ger. ich, the voiced ) (medial and only in early Middle English) may be 
 pronounced as y in yet. The guttural spirants represent respectively the 
 Ger. ch in auch, and g in sagen. tj represents the sound of n before k or g. 
 92. The general relations to the Old English consonant system 
 may be briefly summarized ; compare also a table similar to the 
 above in Sievers, 'Gr./ 170. In the first place, most consonants 
 in Middle English correspond to similar ones in Old English on 
 the one side, and in Modern English on the other. Especially is 
 this true of the semi-vowels, liquids, and nasals, as well as of the 
 dental and labial stops and spirants. The most radical changes 
 that have taken place have affected the palatal and guttural stops 
 and spirants. In addition to this there are of course some minor 
 changes within the limits of each consonant, which will be noticed 
 as they occur. Owing to the general similarity between the Old, 
 Middle, and Modern English consonant systems, however, it 
 seems best here to presuppose knowledge of the Old English 
 system, and to consider mainly those changes that are necessary 
 for an understanding of Middle English proper. In considering 
 the consonants, the order will be that of the table above, the stops 
 first, and next the various classes of continuants, spirants, semi- 
 vowels, liquids, and nasals \ 
 1 This order is chosen as best exhibiting the essential character of the con- 
 sonants on the physical, rather than the physiological side. The physiological 
 terms, as guttural, palatal, &c, and the descriptive terms, as semi-vowels, 
 liquids, &c, are also freely employed because of their long acceptance and 
 their general value. 
 93. The Middle English voiceless and voiced stops of labial and 
 dental varieties, p-b, t-d, correspond so nearly with those of Old 
 and Modern English that little space need be given to them. Each 
 is a stable consonant in the main, and subject only to such changes 
 as may affect any consonant at different times ; see 1 1 2 f. 
 It is worthy of note that the voiceless labial p, which was rare 
 initially in Old English, became common owing to the great number 
 of French words introduced in Middle English. The geminated 
 labial 6, when medial as in a few OE. words, was replaced by v 
 under the influence of the numerous forms in which v (OE. medial/") 
 occurred in Old English. Examples are haven, OE. habban ' have,' 
 liven, OE. libban ' live/ hfven, OE. hebban ' heave/ For d under 
 grammatical change see 116. 
 Note. The dialects in general agree. In late Nth., final unstressed </was 
 often unvoiced to /, and this has remained to modern Scotch. In Sth. geminated 
 bb as above was not replaced by v. Early Sth. shows unvoicing of final un- 
 stressed d as in asket ' asked,' towart * toward/ inempnet * named/ but later d 
 was restored by analogy of other forms. 
 94. The ME. voiceless palatal stop k (as in kid) springs from 
 the OE. palatal stop c (k), from Norse k, and in a few words from 
 OF. c (=) It occurs initially before the OE. palatal mutated 
 vowels/, e < 0, sometimes a>, usually before the OE. guttural J> (from 
 u) which had become palatal ! by unrounding, before e, i in words 
 from Norse (rarely Old French), and sometimes by analogy of 
 guttural vowels in allied forms. Examples of native words are 
 ME. kemben 'comb/ Kent, kene 'keen/ kei (OE. cage) 'key/ 
 kichen (OE. cycene) 'kitchen/ kite (OE. cytd) 'kite/ A consider- 
 able number of Norse words also occur, as ketel ' kettle/ kevel ' bit, 
 clamp, gag/ kide ' kid/ kiiidlen ' kindle/ kirke ' church/ On the 
 other hand, OF. words with palatal k are limited by rare occur- 
 rence of OF. c (=k), except before gutturals, but compare AN. 
 forms with e <eby monophthonging of OF. ue ( 35, 20), which 
 account for ME. keveren beside coveren \ cover/ and keverchef 
 (kerchef). Here belong also ME. kenet 'hound,' kenel 'kennel/ 
 kiton ' kitten.' By analogy of guttural k in preterit and past parti- 
 ciple, the palatal stop k (c) took the place of ME. ch in the present 
 of kerven ' carve.' Medially the ME. palatal stop k appears as 
 above, as well as before OE. <z, o, u, which had become ME. e in 
 unstressed syllables ( 80). Examples are taken, maken, aker 
 'acre.' By analogy of the indicative present third singular of 
 certain verbs as sekej?, wirkep, palatal k often appears in the infini- 
 tive and other present forms, as seken, wirken. In chiken ' chicken/ 
 uikel ' icicle/ the k is doubtless due to the OE. inflected forms, as 
 cycnesy Isikles in which OE. c would remain k. The combination 
 ^ + palatal c (=&) always indicates borrowing, as in j&7 ' reason/ 
 skin, skere ' clear/ 
 Note. The examples of palatal c (k) are increased for the Nth. dialect by 
 the lack of palatalization of OE. c to ch ( no, n. 2). Examples are mikel 
 ' much,' swilk * such,' Ilk ' like,' sek ' seek/ wirk ' work/ and many others. For 
 Nth. s < OE. sc, cf. 102, n. 2. 
 95. The voiced palatal stop g springs from OE. guttural g 
 before y which had become palatal z by unrounding, from OF., 
 ON. g before palatal vowels, and is sometimes due to analogy of 
 allied forms with guttural g. Examples of initial g in native words 
 are gilden ' gild/ gilt, ' guilt/ girden * gird ' ; in those from Old 
 French, where g represents earlier gu, gile ' guile/ gimelot (gimbelet) 
 1 gimblet/ giterne ' guitar ' ; in Norse, ggre * gear/ ggren ' do, make/ 
 gil * gill of a fish/ gest ' guest/ the last supplanting the native Eng- 
 lish word. Analogy of g in preterit and past participle accounts 
 for geven {given) 'give' beside English jeven (jiven) and ginnen, 
 beginnen ' begin/ while geten beside jeten ' get ' is of Norse origin. 
 Medially, palatal g appears in the combination ng (=^+^ r/ ) before 
 palatal vowels, as singen (OE. singan) ' sing/ gengen (ON. genga) 
 ' go/ geng e (ON. gengi) ' company.' 
 96. The Middle English guttural stops c (k)-g correspond to 
 OE. (ON.) guttural stops c-g in Teutonic words, or to similar 
 sounds in Old French. Both guttural stops occur before conso- 
 nants and the guttural vowels a, g, o, u. For the stops c (k)-g 
 which occur before OE. e, y, sometimes ce when due to mutation, 
 see 94, and for OF. ch before a, au, see no. The guttural c 
 ik) also appears in the combination x (=hs), qu (=kw), nc (k) 
 =y + k, and the stop^ - in the combination ng (=y + g), occasionally 
 in gemination (gg). Guttural c (h) initially in Teutonic words 
 may be illustrated by clgfi ' cloth/ care (hare), cgld, cole ' coal/ cumen 
 (cbmen) ' come/ and in Romance words by cryen ' cry/ cas {case) 
 1 case/ colur ' colour/ curs (cours) ' course.' In Romance words the 
 stop c (/() before a, au indicates learned origin or Norman-Picard 
 dialect, in which vulgar Latin k did not become ch (as in Central 
 French). Examples are cas (case), cause, cage, carpenter, and the 
 doublets c atgl, cachen ' catch/ caUce, carite, beside OF. c/ia/el, chacen, 
 chalice, charite (cf. no). Medially the guttural stop c (k) appears 
 before a guttural vowel in syllables having principal or secondary 
 stress, and finally after a guttural vowel. Between a guttural and 
 palatal vowel, the stop must have varied between guttural and 
 palatal quality as it belonged to the syllable with one vowel or the 
 other. The combination s + guttural c(k) always indicates borrow- 
 ing, either from Norse as in scowl, scull, bask, or Old French as in 
 scorn, scuren ' scour/ scoute ' scout.' 
 Note. In Nth. the number of guttural k's is increased by the fact that OE. 
 c did not become ch in that dialect ( 94, n.). Examples are caf 'chaff,' 
 calk ' chalk.' For the combination sk < OE. sc in unstressed words, see 
 102, n. 2. 
 97. The guttural stop g initially may be exemplified by grene 
 1 green/ galle ' gall/ gold, god ' good/ gume ' man ' in Teutonic 
 words, and glgrle, governen ' govern/ gouie ' gout ' in Romance. In 
 Teutonic words borrowed by vulgar Latin initial w became gu 
 (z=gw), and this combination became guttural g in Old French, as 
 in ME. garde, garison, regard, while remaining w (except before i) 
 in Anglo-Norman, and therefore appearing in the doublets warde, 
 warisofi, reward ( 106). Before i, g < Teut. w appears in gi den 
 1 guide/ glse ; guise/ g'tle ' guile/ begilen * beguile.' Medially and 
 finally guttural g occurs under the same circumstances as guttural 
 k above. In a few cases ME. guttural g represents late OE. gemi- 
 nated, that is long g (gg), as in dogge l dog/ frogge * frog,' hogge 
 1 hog/ stagge * stag/ Usually, however, medial or final guttural g 
 implies borrowing, as in draggen ( drag/ dig, egg, /egg from Norse. 
 ME. sugre, beside sucre ' sugar/ shows voicing of OF. c to g. ME. 
 garden represents Picard garden, beside OF. jar din. 
 98. The spirantsy^fl (f) in Teutonic words occurred under the 
 same conditions as in Old English and to-day. The voiceless f 
 appears initially in a stressed syllable, as in fader ' father/ befgren 
 * before ' ; medially when preceding a voiceless consonant or in 
 gemination (ff), as in shaft, ojfren ' offer ' ; finally, as in wulf self 
 In Romance words/* was regularly voiceless and retained this quality 
 whether in stressed or unstressed syllables. Examples of Romance 
 words in which f appears contrary to the rule in Teutonic are 
 comfort, trufle. 
 99. The voiced spirant v (sometimes written/") in Teutonic 
 words springs from OE. (ON.) f in voiced company, zspver, given 
 (p'ven, yiven) 'give' ; occasionally also in inflected forms with final 
 /*in nominative singular, as staves from staf ( staff/ calves from calf 
 To these were added in Middle English many s/s, both initial and 
 medial, from Old French. As initial v did not occur in Teutonic 
 words, except rarely in those borrowed from the Sth. dialect, Mid- 
 land words with initial v or with v beginning a stressed syllable are 
 of Romance origin, as vine, devine. 
 Note i. In early Middle English f was still written for y, as in the OE. 
 period ; cf. id/en { = }averi), hafen 'have/ &c. 
 Note 2. Nth. agrees with Midland. In Sth. the number of initial z>'s was 
 largely increased by the voicing of initial/, as in vader 'father/ vihten ' fight.' 
 Cf. Kt. selections especially. 
 100. The spirants/ {d, th), voiceless and voiced without distinc- 
 tion of written sign, occurred in Teutonic words under exactly the 
 same circumstances as f-v, and need not be especially illustrated. 
 While in Modern English some borrowed words have the voiceless 
 thy the voiced and voiceless spirants usually indicate Teutonic origin. 
 In late Middle English ih came to be written for OF. / (th = t), 
 as in theatre, thgorie, theme, ihrgne, authour * author,' and these were 
 doubtless still pronounced with / until, in Modern English, they 
 acquired the spirant sound by influence of the spelling. There is 
 no evidence that initial p (th) had become voiced in pronominal 
 words, aspe,pat, pis, pu, &c, or final p in unstressed wip. Initial 
 unstressed/ in pronominal words often becomes /after d, t, some- 
 times s by back assimilation, as in and iat * and that/ at tat ' at 
 that,' is tat ' is that/ Occasionally ME. p interchanges with the 
 voiced stop d in medial position, as coude beside coupe * could/ 
 aforden afford/ and finally in the preterit quod \ quoth.' After 
 a voiceless spirant,/*, s, 3 (h), ME. p becomes /, as in pefte * theft,' 
 teste (OE. i&spe) 'lest/ heipe 'height.' 
 Note. Nth. agrees with Midland. The parallel voicing in Sth. of initial 
 /, s, sometimes wh (hw) to w, implies voicing of/ in similar position, but the 
 orthography gives no evidence of it. 
 101. The spirants s, voiced and voiceless, but usually without 
 distinction of written sign, are parallel to/*-z> in their occurrence in 
 Teutonic words. The voiced spirant is usually written s, z ordi- 
 narily indicating is in Middle English, z is found, especially when 
 final in unstressed syllables, as in WM1. forms like sidez * sides,' 
 indicating the voicing of s in this position. Both spirants were 
 largely increased from Old French sources. OF. voiceless s 
 (written s (sc) ss, or c before e, i) occurs in all positions and need 
 not be especially illustrated. Medial OF. iss usually became ME. 
 isch (issh) as in finischen (OF. finir, finiss-) ' finish/ perischen 
 i perish/ anguische ' anguish.' OF. voiced s is found in such words 
 as prisun " prison,' trgson ' treason/ In citesen ' citizen ' the voiced 
 spirant has been inserted, perhaps by analogy of similar sen (zen) 
 forms. For Picard ch in words with OF. c=s cf. no. 
 Note. In general Nth. agrees with Midland, but note Nth. s for Ml. Sth. 
 e 2 
 sch (sh), 1 02. For OF. sire Nth. has schir sometimes. Teutonic initial 
 s was voiced in Sth. , as shown especially by initial z in the Kentish ' Ayenbite 
 of Inwit.' 
 102. The Middle English spirant sch (sh) is a characteristic 
 ME. sound springing from OE. sc in all positions. Examples are 
 schaft {shaft) 'shaft/ schort {short), asche 'ash/ Englisch, fisch 
 {fish) From such strictly English words with ME. sch {sh) are to 
 be separated the Norse and OF. borrowed words with sc {sk) ; but 
 medial OF. its gave ME. isch {ish) as already noted. In the pro- 
 noun sche {scho, sho) ME. sch springs from OE. s +y ( < e) in un- 
 stressed seo (seo) from OE. seo. In asken l ask ' (OE. ascian, axian), 
 sk probably represents a late metathesis of x. Scotland, Scottisch, 
 scdl ' school/ are doubtless learned forms, the first two influenced 
 by the Nth. Scot, the last by OF. escole or mediaeval Latin scola. 
 There was no corresponding voiced spirant in Middle English. 
 Note i. In ' Chronicle/ sc is still written for ME. sch (s/i), but Orm writes 
 sh after long, ssh after short vowels. 
 Note 2. Nth. agrees with Ml. in the main, but OE. sc in unstressed words 
 and syllables became s, as m sulen, sal, suld, ' schulen, shall, should/ Inglis, 
 1 English,' Scots 'Scotch.' In Sth., sometimes Ml., ss (s) are written for the 
 spirant sound.- 
 103. The Middle English palatal spirants 3 {h)-j {jh), voiceless 
 and voiced without much distinction of signs, are exclusively of 
 Teutonic origin and of limited occurrence. They cannot occur 
 initially because the corresponding OE. palatals c, g had become 
 ME. c h, and the semivowel 3 (y) respectively. They are also 
 limited, in medial and final position, by their vocalization to form 
 diphthongs ( 47), or t, u ( 75). While this vocalization was 
 probably complete in early Middle English, as shown by the spell- 
 ing of Orm (71, n.), the signs were still sometimes written as heh 
 (heg, hej) ' high/ tejen {/ejhen) ' lay.' Otherwise the voiceless spirant 
 ^ {h) is found only medially in the OE. combinations ht, hp, which 
 both became jt, written also ht, gt, ct, $ht, ght, less commonly 3th, 
 gth, cth. Examples are rip {riht) ' right/ knip {kniht) c knight/ 
 driven {drihten) ' lord/ and hejte {hep, hijt) ' height/ stjte l sight/ 
 with change of / to / in accordance with ioo. ME. p is some- 
 times written st by confusion of these high-pitched palatal sounds. 
 The OE. combination rhp had become rp, as in mirpe ' mirth/ and 
 such forms as ME./e 'money, fee,' spring from OE. forms which 
 had lost the final h, as feo beside fe oh ; cf. also ME. pur beside 
 pur} (purh) 'through.' The voiced palatal spirant^ (j/i) is found 
 medially as above until fully vocalized after vowels to form diph- 
 thongs, after r or i to *, as mine (OE. myrge, myrige) ' merry,' birien 
 (OE. byrgan) ' bury,' sipe (OE. sigepe) ' scythe,' drie (OE. dryge) 
 \ dry.' Finally in stressed syllables the voiced spirant had probably 
 become unvoiced, but in unstressed tj (OE. ig) the voiced spirant 
 also became i, as in bodi {body), hgU (hgly). ME. beli (OE. belg, 
 belig) no doubt comes from the form with parasitic t\ compared 
 with that with^ which gave w after / as in ME. belwe (belou) ' bellows.' 
 Note i. In early Ml. the voiceless spirant is still spelt h as in Old 
 English, and the voiced spirant^, )h as in Orm. 
 Note 2. The dialects agree in general, though in Nth. OE. ht remained 
 guttural as in Northumbrian. Sth. has a larger number of palatal spirants, 
 owing to the larger number of palatal vowels in that dialect, as Ie)hen (iijhen) 
 from WS. hleihan, beside Ml. lahhen (lauhwen, lauwen) from OM. hlahhan 
 * laugh.' Sth. also retains 1 from OE. ig in the present tense of OE. weak 
 verbs of the second class ( 6). 
 104. The Middle English guttural spirants j (h, j/i)-J (3b), 
 voiceless and voiced without much distinction of signs, are also 
 exclusively of Teutonic origin and of as limited occurrence as the 
 spirants. They cannot occur initially because not so appearing in 
 Old English, OE. guttural spirant g having become a guttural stop 
 before ME. times. While occurring in medial and final position 
 they later became vocalized after vowels to form diphthongs ( 47), 
 or the voiced spirant became w after /, r, after u was absorbed 
 ( 75)- The voiceless j remained voiceless throughout the period 
 only in the OE. combination ht, as in tape (tauh/e) ' taught,' 
 doujter ' daughter,' foupen ' fought/ poujt 'thought.' When final 
 it remained voiceless until finally vocalized in the preceding diph- 
 thong which had been formed ( 66), Examples are poh (pouj) 
 ' though/ sloh (slouj) ' slew/ purh {pur}) ' through/ The OE. 
 medial voiceless guttural hh became voiced and developed as the 
 voiced guttural through jh to w, as in lau^en (lauwen) * laugh/ 
 coujen (couwen) ' cough.' The preterit singular saw has its w from 
 the plural saiven (OE. sdwon), and porw {porow) developed from 
 poruj beside pur}. The medial voiced spirant^ remained as 3 (jh) 
 until vocalized after vowels to form diphthongs, after u to strengthen 
 the preceding vowel, after /, r, to w. Examples are drajen {draweri) 
 ' draw/ pjen {gwen) ' owe/ fujel {fuel, foweT) < OE. fugel ' fowl/ 
 foljen {folweti) ' follow/ sorje (sorwe) < OE. sorh, f., ' sorrow/ 
 When final, the original voiced spirant had become voiceless and 
 fell in with that sound as above. Examples are dott} 'dough/ 
 plou$ * plow.' Such forms as ME. scho i shoe ' rest upon the forms 
 which had lost final h in Old English, as sco beside scbh (cf. 103). 
 Note i. In early Ml. h was still written for the voiceless guttural, and 
 g (gk, )h) for the voiced : cf., however, halechen for more regular hal^en 
 (Jialwen) 'saints', halechede for later hal$ede (halwede) ' hallowed ' of Chronicle.' 
 Note 2. The dialects agree. 
 105. The ME. breath consonant h, essentially a spirant of 
 palatal or guttural character, occurs in general as in Old and 
 Modern English, that is only in initial position, or initially in the 
 second element of compounds. It had been regularly lost, however, 
 from the OE. initial combinations hi, hr, hn, as in Igpen, 'leap/ 
 ring, nuie ' nut/ and sometimes also initially in unstressed words as 
 it for OE. hit. In unstressed syllables it regularly disappeared as 
 mfostrild < OE. *fostorhild 'nurse/ OF. h, in words of Teutonic 
 origin, falls in with OE., ON. h, as in hardi, harneis 'harness/ In 
 words of Latin origin h, though frequently written by scribes, was 
 not pronounced. This accounts for the double forms eremite- 
 hermit, abil-habit, onour-honour. The OE. combination hw was 
 retained in Middle English, though early written wh as by Orm, 
 sometimes with the characteristic Nth. qu as in ' Genesis and Exodus/ 
 Occasionally wh {hw) is reduced to h, as in ho for who ( 106). 
 In OE. heo initial h became jh, as in jhe,jho * she/ 
 Note. Nth. agrees with Ml. as to h, but uses qu (quh) for wh, showing 
 a strengthening of the original hw to kw. Sth. shows a more frequent loss of 
 initial h, as in a for OE. he, heo, and af& ' have.' In Kt. the orthography Ih, 
 nh for OE. ///, hn, perhaps indicates a retention of the original combinations. 
 106. The ME. semivowel w, which appears only in Teutonic 
 words, though a few are from Romance sources, springs from OE. w, 
 though limited by its vocalization to form diphthongs ( 47). To 
 words with OE., ON. w were added a few from Anglo-Norman 
 which had retained an original Teut. w instead of the usual OF. gu. 
 Examples of the latter are waiten ' wait/ wafre l wafer/ wage, 
 walop, werre ' war/ werreien (werrlen) ' make war/ Teut. w was 
 not retained before i and hence an OF. g appears in such words 
 as in 97. In Teut. words w disappears between an initial con- 
 sonant and a following (u), as in id beside two ' two,' J>gng beside 
 fiwgng * thong/ sole beside swole * sweet/ ho beside who (hwo) 
 ' who/ In sg, alsg, the disappearance of w was earlier than in the 
 other words, perhaps as early as late Old English (cf. 42). w 
 also disappears initially in a few unstressed words of common 
 breath groups, as nas for ne was, nere for ne were, mile for ne wille, 
 rigt for ne wgl, God gt (God wgl). OE. cw, ON. kv (=kw) were 
 generally written qu, under French influence, and with them fell in 
 OF. words with qu together with a few with OF. c (=k) + ue, ui as 
 quere 'choir/ squiere {squire), squirel. For AN. queint, aqueinten 
 see 53- Similarly gu ( = gw) springs from OF. g + ue, ui in 
 anguische ' anguish/ 
 Note. The dialects agree, but Nth. also has qu {quh) for OE. hw, and w 
 was preserved in twa, qua, &c. in which OE. a had not become p (<?). 
 107. The ME. semivowel ? (y) is exclusively of Teutonic origin, 
 and springs from the OE. semivowel^ as in^<?r 'year/ jgke 'yoke/ 
 ping (jdng) 'young/ or the OE. palatal spirant g as in jelden 
 1 yield/ jgrd (jard) ' yard.' Before t, OE. g is sometimes vocalized 
 as in icchen (OE. gyccean) f itch/ Ipswich (OE. GipeswJc), Ilchesier 
 (OE. Gifelceaster), and in unstressed zjz'M (OE. Isgicel) 'icicle.' 
 Similarly in the OE. unstressed prefix ge also became i (y), though 
 regularly preserved only in Sth. ME. j sometimes develops initially 
 before a palatal vowel as in jork (OE. Eoforivic), 30U {you) from 
 OE. eow, the latter perhaps by influence of je (ye) 'ye.' 
 108. The ME. liquids /, r, do not differ in general from their 
 Teutonic or OF. originals. In OE. words / disappears before and 
 after eh, as in swich, such (OE. swilc) ' such,' which (OE. hwilc), 
 Jch (OE. ale) ' each,' miiche beside miichel (OE. mycel), wenche 
 beside wenchel (OE. wencel). The combination rid sometimes 
 becomes rd in werde 'world/ The OE. metathesis of r remains 
 in Middle English, and some new examples of metathesis appear as 
 fresch, preschen thresh.' Double forms of some OF. words are 
 found, owing to OF. double forms as marbre-marble, purpre-purple. 
 Note. In Nth., /before k does not disappear as before the corresponding 
 ch in the other dialects ; cf. swilk, quilk ' such, which. ? 
 109. The ME. nasals m, n, y (=n before k org) do not differ 
 from their Teutonic and OF. originals, so far as preserved. OE. 
 final unstressed m in inflexional endings had become n in late Old 
 English. ME. final unstressed n in similar position or in un- 
 stressed words tends to disappear throughout the period. This 
 affects especially the en of verbal endings, and such unstressed 
 words as an (a), gn (p), ngn {ng), bilten (bute, but) ' but.' Some 
 stressed words show a similar loss at times, as morwe(n), gamety), 
 maide(n), gpe(n), seve{n). 
 Note. In Nth. infinitives no final n was received from OE. times. This 
 indicates the beginning of the tendency to lose inflexional n, a tendency that 
 was more pronounced and rapid than in Ml., far more than in Sth. 
 no. The ME. combination ch, as in church (tsh), occurs in native 
 and Romance words. In native words it springs from the OE. 
 palatal stop c (cc) before palatal vowels, as initially in chirche, child, 
 chesle, cherl, cherren 'turn/ chese 'cheese/ chaf 'chaff'; medially 
 in wrecche ' wretch/ speche ' speech/ After a palatal vowel OE. c 
 became ME. ch when final in unstressed words and syllables, as in 
 ich 'I,' which, swich 'such/ Ipeswich 1 Ipswich'; sometimes in stressed 
 words as Itch ' body,' pich ' pitch/ French, owing to inflected forms 
 with OE. c in medial position or possibly in some cases to analogy 
 of corresponding verbal roots. By analogy also ch appears in chgsen, 
 pp. for OE. coren. On the other hand ch is replaced by the palatal 
 stop k in the infinitive and other present forms of some verbs by 
 analogy of the pres. 3rd sg., which had no ch ; examples are seken 
 beside sechen ' seek/ wirken (wirchen) ' work.' In Romance words 
 ch appears before a, au in those from Central French, before e, i 
 in those from the Picard dialect, beside NF. c (k) for the former 
 and c (=s) for the latter. Examples are char me, charge, chaunge, 
 chaumbre,prj;chen 'preach/ aprgchen 'approach/ cherischen 'cherish/ 
 chisel, chimeneie 'chimney.' For doublets with NF. c (=&) beside 
 OF. ch, and OF. c (=s) beside Picard ch, see 96, 101. For 
 OE. s + palatal c, see 102. 
 Note i. In 'Chronicle/ c is still written for OE. c, but Orm uses ch which 
 continues to prevail. 
 Note 2. As Old Northumbrian suffered no palatalization of OE. c, Nth. 
 has c (k) in place of Ml. Sth. ch ; cf. caf * chaff,' calk ' chalk,' mikel, ik 
 'I,' quilk 'which/ swilk 'such,' sek 'seek,' wirk 'work' ( 94, n.). Sth., 
 on the other hand, shows a greater number of ch forms, owing to the greater 
 number of palatal spirants in West Saxon ; cf. Sth. chgld^chald) ' cold ' from WS. 
 ceald, with Ml. Nth. cgldixoxsx OAng. cald, and mivhe/ with ch after an original 
 guttural vowel. 
 in. The ME. voiced combination g (J), as in judge (dzh), 
 corresponding to the voiceless ch above, occurs also in native and 
 Romance words. In native words it springs only from the OE. 
 voiced palatal stop g in gemination (eg) or in the combination ng 
 (=n + dzh). Examples are brigge 'bridge/ egge 'edge/ hegge 
 f hedge/ sengen (singen) ' singe/ cringen ' cringe.' As the OE. 
 combinations eg, ng could not occur initially, most such words with^f, 
 j (-=.dzh) are of Romance origin. OE. eg (cge) in the present tense 
 of verbs was displaced by analogy of the 3rd sg. in which g (=dzh) 
 had not developed (cf. 165). Examples are seien (seyen) 'say/ 
 leien ' lay,' by en ' buy/ In Romance words ME. g,j represents OF. 
 g,j, as in gentil ' gentle/ general, geant (giant) l giant/ joie 'joy/ 
 jglous 'jealous/ engin 'engine/ chargen ' charge/ juggen 'judge/ 
 cage, plegge ' pledge.' In proper names with initial I (/) in the 
 MSS. it becomes difficult to determine accurately, especially in 
 Biblical names, whether they are from Old French or adopted 
 directly from Latin with initial IY. It seems safe to assume that 
 OF. Biblical names only gradually displaced the OE. and Latin, 
 such words as Jesus, Johan (Jphn), James, Jordan, Jerusalem being 
 adopted before the more unusual as Joseph ; cf. Orm's Joscep, and 
 Iosep {Joseph, Osep), Jacob (Acob) in ' Genesis and Exodus.' 
 Note. Nth. shows no palatalization of OE. eg, ng and the voiced guttural 
 stop therefore appears, as in brig ' bridge,' lig * lie,' big * buy/ meng ' mingle, 
 disturb.' Sth. retains the voiced affricative in verbs, as seggen ' say/ biiggen 
 1 buy.' 
 112. Certain general changes which affect consonants more or 
 less regularly may best be treated together. The most important 
 of these for Middle English, Vocalization, has already been ex- 
 plained as it affected the voiced spirants ^ (h), rarely v, and the 
 semivowel w in the formation of diphthongs ( 47). Similarly the 
 voiced spirant j after 1, u was completely vocalized, causing com- 
 pensatory lengthening when the preceding vowel was not long 
 ( 75) '> c f- a ] so tne vocalization of 3 in the suffix zj ( 103). 
 Attention has also been called to the vocalization of the initial 
 voiceless spirant ^ (=y) in 107. Other consonants are more 
 stable, but medial v is also vocalized in hast, hadde, and in OF. 
 povre (pore) ' poor.' The final voiceless/* suffers the same change 
 in the OF. ending if, as in baily beside bailif, joly beside jolif. 
 Medial k is completely vocalized in made from makede, and d in 
 dist for didest. The ME. ending we, from OE. we, ge, during the 
 period vocalizes to a syllable written ou (ow), as in sorow < earlier 
 sorje (sorwe). Virtual vocalization in breath groups accounts for 
 such forms as nille (ne wille), nas (ne was), ngl (ne wgi), 106. 
 The opposite tendency, Consonantizing, rarely occurs, and then 
 only initially, as prk (OE. Eoforwic) * York/^0z*>, 107. 
 Note. Nth. carries the vocalization of k, v still further, as in ta ' take/ 
 tan * taken,' ma ' make,' ha * have,' gis ' gives,' and allied forms. 
 113. Voicing and Unvoicing. The most noteworthy voicing of 
 consonants in Middle English is the regular shift of initial^/, s, 
 to v, voiced^, z in Sth. English. In Ml. the most common shifting 
 was that of s to z in unstressed inflexional syllables of late Middle 
 English, as indicated by the occasional spelling with z. OE. 
 medial hh must also have become voiced before developing into the 
 second element of the diphthongs, 104. Besides these, voicing is 
 rare, as perhaps of OE. c (k) to g in *5edgen, beggen if from OE. 
 bedician, and OF. c to g in sugre ' sugar,' graunien ' grant/ OF. 
 /became d mjupardy, diamaund * diamond,' waraund l warrant.' 
 Unvoicing of d to / occurs frequently in preterits of weak verbs 
 ! ending in Id, rd, nd, vd, as bilte i built,' girte ' girded, girt,' wente 
 1 went,' lefte ' left/ and sometimes in past participles, as nempnet 
 I named,' glifnit ' glanced,' 93 n. Unvoicing of initial OF. b to p 
 appears in putlen (OF. bouter), purse, pudding (OF. boudin). 
 114. Assimilation and Dissimilation. Assimilation is common, 
 as in all periods. Thus/* becomes m before m, as in wimman 
 (wumman) from OE. wifman, lemman from OE. leofman ; n becomes 
 /in die < elne 'ell/ mille < milne (OE. mylen, viyln). By partial 
 assimilation the dental nasal n becomes the labial nasal m before 
 a labial, as hemp, OE. henep, brinslgn < ON. brennisldn, noumplre 
 < OF. nonpere, comfort < OF. confort. Assimilation also accounts 
 for the disappearance of h in mirpe < OE. myrhpe * mirth/ and 
 c, g before p, t or d in lenten (letnlen) < lengten ' spring, lent/ 
 \slrenpe (slreinfie) < slrengpe, dreinle < drencte 'drenched,' meinde < 
 mengde ' mingled.' p in the combination rpf is assimilated and 
 disappears in Norfolk, and p is assimilated to/" in Suffolk, to s in 
 Sussex, OE. Nordfolc, Sudfolc, SuZ Seaxan. The stops are more 
 stable, but / is assimilated to s in blessen < OE. bletsian, best < 
 betst, last < *lalst, Essex < East Seaxan ; d becomes s in gossip, 
 gospel < Godsib, Godspel, and n by back assimilation in winnow 
 < windwian. Back assimilation after d, t (s) also accounts for 
 atie < at pe, and tat < and pat, is tat < is pat, wgsl u < wgst pu 
 ( ioo). It is virtual assimilation also, when such a form as such 
 results from switch through switch. Dissimilation has often been 
 limited to such substitution of / for r as in OF. purple < purpre. 
 So ME. pilgrim for peter in. But a spirant has also been dissimilated 
 to the corresponding stop, as p to / in the combination/", s, f (h) 
 +p. Examples are pefte < OM. pefpe (WS.pie/pe), teste < OE. 
 py Ices pe, nostrils < nosepirles, sijle < OE. gesihp, heijte, OM. 
 hehpu (WS. hiehpu), sleijle .< ON. slcegp, ' sleight/ (cf. ioo). A 
 voiced spirant/ after the continuant r, especially before r, n (en), 
 has become the voiced stop d as in murdre < OE. morpor, aforde?i 
 < OE. afordian, burdene beside burpene < OE. byrpen. 
 Note. In the dialects such examples as Nth. s from OE. sc in unstressed 
 words and syllables must be set down to assimilation ; cf. 102, n. 2. 
 115. Metathesis is occasional in Middle English. Thus sk in the 
 verb asken (OE. acsian, axian) probably springs from a late 
 metathesis of ks, since OE. sc would have given sch (sh). Meta- 
 thesis of r appears m/resch l fresh/ preschen ' thresh/ but probably 
 depends on OE. forms in gras, rinnen (rennen) ' run/ 
 116. Substitution. One consonant seems to be substituted for 
 another, though the cause is not clearly apparent, in coude < coupe 
 1 could/ quod < quop (OE. cwGefi). In the latter d must first have 
 become voiced in the breath group between vowels, and the substi- 
 tution in both cases may be due to the preference for a stop 
 between continuants. By analogy of forms without grammatical 
 change (Sievers, ' Gr./ 233), consonants due to this influence are 
 regularly replaced by their originals, but a few forms remain, as the 
 verb sepen-soden (pt. and pp.), or the past participles used as adjec- 
 tives, Igren {lorn), for Igr en {forlorn), cgren (ycgren) ' chosen.' 
 117. Ecthlipsis. The loss of a consonant through assimilation 
 has been illustrated. The most common case of loss under other 
 circumstances is that of final unstressed inflexional n, mentioned in 
 109. Under a similar influence final n, which is not inflexional, 
 is also lost in some cases. Examples are a(n), g(n), morwe{n), 
 seve(?i), gpe[n), lg(n) ' toe/ OF. final / also disappears in plai(t) 
 ' plea/ peti{t) ' petty/ 
 118. Addition. A stop consonant is frequently added finally in 
 word or syllable after a continuant, the kind of stop depending upon 
 the preceding, and its voiceless or voiced character on the following 
 sound. Thus the labial/ intrudes after m at the close of the syllable 
 in nempnen ' name/ empty, dampnen ' condemn/ solempne * solemn/ 
 temp ten ' tempt/ the first two from native, the last from Romance 
 sources. Similarly before a vowel or voiced consonant b is intrusive 
 after m mpumbe (0..piima), crumbe (OE. cruma), schambles (OE. 
 sceamol-sceamles) * shambles/ brembel ' bramble/ pimbel ' thimble/ 
 slumbren * slumber/ The voiceless dental / is added at the close 
 of the syllable after the dental s in listnen * listen/ glistnen ' glisten/ 
 behest (OE. behces), anjenst ' against/ biiwixte, and finally after the 
 dental nasal n in the French derived fir aunt, fjsaunt 'pheasant/ 
 parchment, pageant. The voiced d is added after n, I in voiced 
 company, zsj>under, kindrjd, expounden, jaundice, alder (OE. alra) 
 'of all/ and after final n in sound, riband, no doubt because of 
 more frequent use before a vowel or voiced consonant. Less 
 commonly a liquid /, r is added after a stop or spirant, as in 
 principle (OY . principe), manciple, syllable, chronikle, philosgphre (OF. 
 philosophe), provendre (OF. provende). N (g) has also been added 
 in mjtingdle, messenger, passenger. By incorrect breaking of the 
 breath group an initial / has been added in lg < pat g(n), toper < 
 pat oper, an n in newt < an ewt, ngnes (ngnce) < pen gnes. 

 119. As compared with Old English, most changes in the inflexion 
 of Middle English words may be summed up under the one head 
 of simplification of forms. This simplification, too, far from being 
 exceptional in the history of language, has taken place naturally 
 and gradually under the influence of phonetic change and analogy. 
 How far it had gone during the period may be briefly shown. The 
 noun, in general, had come to have but a single form for all plural 
 cases, and usually but two forms for the singular; the strong 
 \adjective and adjective pronoun but one form in the singular, 
 [and one in the plural; the verb also shows a reduction in the 
 ' number of personal endings and in the number of tense and mode 
 forms. The former influence, phonetic change, had made dis- 
 similar inflexional endings indistinguishable; the latter influence, 
 analogy, had caused the substitution of more common forms for 
 the less common, until they had wholly displaced the latter. Both 
 influences were strong in late Old English, and their strength was 
 no doubt increased by the unusual linguistic conditions after the 
 Conquest. From this time, for a considerable period, English was 
 less frequently the language of government and of a national 
 literature, while to a less extent it was influenced by the use of 
 Anglo-Norman on English soil and by the gradual introduction of 
 new words from foreign sources. 
 Note. This is not intended to imply that there was any considerable 
 influence of the foreign language on English inflexions. Not a single inflex- 
 ional form in the English of common people to-day cannot be accounted for 
 by influences within English itself, and foreign influence should be assumed 
 only beside the native, or when the latter fails to explain the phenomenon. 
 While inflected tense and mode forms were reduced in number as mentioned 
 above, it must be remembered that the compound forms with auxiliaries were 
 120. Specifically the most general phonetic change affecting 
 inflexions from Old to Middle English was the weakening of a, o, u 
 in unstressed inflexional endings to e, as in most other unstressed 
 syllables ( 80), and their consequent union with e already common 
 in inflexion. This had followed upon the late OE. weakening of 
 unstressed inflexional m to n, as in the dative plural of nouns, 
 adjectives and disyllabic pronominal forms. Except in the earliest 
 period also, all words show syncopation of final e before words 
 beginning with a vowel or h, and frequent loss of final unstressed 
 n. These were followed during the period by the total loss of final 
 unstressed n in inflexional endings, and in late Middle English by 
 final unstressed e y whether belonging to the inflexion or the stem. 
 Owing to these phonetic changes, which obliterated many of the 
 differences between the different genders for example the only 
 difference between weak masculines and feminines in nouns and 
 adjectives the distinctions of grammatical gender in nouns, 
 adjectives, and adjective pronouns was quickly lost. The most 
 general analogical change was the substitution of the more common 
 for the less common form. Specifically it may be pointed out that 
 in the noun the accusative is probably the case-form of greatest 
 frequency and therefore of greatest influence, and in the adjective 
 and adjective pronoun, owing to the loss of grammatical gender, 
 the neuter prevailed over masculine or feminine. In the personal 
 pronouns, the more frequent use of the dative had almost obliterated 
 the accusative before the close of Old English. In verbs, the third 
 person of the indicative was more common than the other present 
 forms and prevailed in its root over the others ( 165). In the 
 strong verbs the four stems tended to become three, either the 
 preterit singular prevailing over the plural, or the preterit plural 
 and past participle, when alike, prevailing over the singular preterit. 
 Note. It is significant of the influence of accusative and oblique case forms 
 that nouns adopted from Norse appear in the stem form found in the accusa- 
 tive singular, and nouns and adjectives from Old French almost invariably have 
 the form of the OF. oblique case singular rather than the nominative singular. 
 Cf. 136. 
 121. That grammatical gender had disappeared in early Middle 
 English is clear from the entire loss of feminine forms for the 
 adjective and the pronoun (except the personal), and the almost 
 entire loss of inflexional forms based on feminine and neuter 
 originals in Old English. Even when inflexional forms which 
 belong to older feminines or neuters are preserved, as an occasional 
 genitive singular and a plural in e, and some neuter plurals without 
 ending, there is little reason to suppose that they were regarded as 
 connected with grammatical gender. They are more probably 
 forms which had not yet fully assumed the common inflexion, based 
 on that of masculine nouns. As an added evidence of the loss of 
 grammatical gender, it may be noted that no foreign-derived noun 
 assumed grammatical gender in English. When grammatical 
 gender disappeared, natural gender took its place, as in Modern 
 English. One of the earliest evidences of this is the assumption of 
 natural gender by such words as wife, maiden, which were neuter 
 in Old English, and woman, lefman 'leman' which were masculine. 
 Note. As usual, what is said above applies to the Midland dialect. In 
 Nth., the loss of inflexional final n had taken place even in OE. (Sievers, ' Gr.,' 
 276, anm. 5; 354, 2, 363, 1, 365, 2), as indeed the inflexions had 
 been simplified in other respects. The result is that Nth. shows greater 
 simplification than Midland even in the earliest period. Sth., on the other 
 hand, was somewhat more conservative than Ml. It retains a greater number 
 of inflexional forms, especially in the earliest period, as also some distinctions 
 of grammatical gender. Even in Sth., however, natural gender begins to 
 prevail over grammatical, as shown by feminine pronouns referring {p such 
 words as wumman, leofman ' woman, leman.' Further details of dialectal 
 usage will be given under inflexions of nouns, pronouns, &c. 
 122. Most Middle English nouns are inflected in one of two 
 ways, according as they do or do not end in a vowel in the 
 nominative singular. Both these declensions are based on the 
 forms of OE. masculine strong (a)-stems, as shown by the plural 
 in es (OE. as). These OE. masculines were assisted in their 
 influence, as in genitive singular, by similar neuter stems, which 
 did not differ in inflexion except in the nominative-accusative plural. 
 The normal endings of these two declensions are as follows : 
 I. II. 
 Singular, N. A. V. e 
 G. es (s) es 
 D. - (,) 
 Plural, N.A.G.D. es (s) e 
 123. Instead of es, is (ys) also occurs occasionally, especially in 
 Northern. Forms in parentheses are less common. In addition, 
 there are occasional forms, based on the retention of older inflexional 
 endings, which are so uncommon as not to be considered normal 
 in any sense. Such are plurals without ending, based on the OE. 
 neuter plural of long stems, and those in en (e), based on the 
 OE. weak declension. The first usually belong to declension I, 
 the second to declension II, and will be treated under those heads 
 ( 127, 132). 
 Note i. Early Midland, as represented in the ' Chronicle 7 and Orm, differs 
 mainly in the somewhat more common retention of older forms, as of dative 
 singular in e, and of plural forms without ending or with en (<?). In the 
 selection from the ' Chronicle,' out of the first twenty-one plurals of different 
 words, sixteen have es (s), three have no ending, one has en, and one e. This 
 does not include two umlaut plurals, which of course belong under 133. 
 Note 2. In Nth. of the earliest times from which a literature is preserved, 
 these two declensions have largely become one, owing to the loss of final e, the 
 change being completed by the middle of the fourteenth century. Nth. also 
 commonly shows syncopation of e in the plural, less commonly in the genitive 
 li singular. A Nth. genitive without ending, especially in proper names, some- 
 times occurs. Sth., on the other hand, preserves many plurals in en, based on 
 the OE. an of weak nouns, while there are some other peculiarities, as follows. 
 The dative singular of declension I more commonly preserves e, and the 
 genitive plural sometimes has forms in e or ene. Nouns of declension II, 
 besides having en in N. A. D., have en {ene) in the genitive plural. Texts 
 differ considerably in these respects, and plurals in en are gradually replaced 
 by es (s) forms. For instance, out of thirteen different plurals in the selection 
 from the ' Poema Morale, ' ten end in es, two in en, one in e. In the ' Juliana 
 selection, out of the first twenty different plurals, eleven have es (s), eight en r 
 - f 
 one no ending. In the selection from ' Robert of Gloucester,' out of the first 
 twenty-four plurals, nineteen have es (e), three en, and one no ending. 
 124. The First declension includes nouns ending in a consonant 
 or in any vowel except unstressed e. It may be illustrated by dom 
 * doom/ dai * day/ ire (irew) * tree/ tgken, as follows : 
 N. A. V. dom da}, dai ire (irew) tgken 
 G. domes dajes, dazes trees, trewes tgknes 
 D. dom\_e] daj\_e], dai\e\ ire, trewe tgken (tgkne) 
 N. A. G. D. domes dates (dawes) trees, trewes tgknes (tgkenes) 
 125. To this declension belong most OE. (tf)-stems and long 
 wo-stems ; long masculine and neuter i- and long masculine #-stems, 
 which had in Old English assumed the inflexion of 0-stems in the 
 main ; some OE. J-stems which had not assumed, from the accusa- 
 tive and other oblique cases, inorganic e in the nominative; and 
 some anomalous nouns, as those having mutation, which had 
 become regular by the loss of their anomalous inflexion. The few 
 OE. 5-stems which did not assume inorganic e may have become 
 masculine or neuter in Old English, as ME. rerd (reord) ' speech/ 
 beside rerde (reorde). Special mention should be made of OE. 
 feminine long z- and long -stems, which had no inflexional final e in 
 the accusative singular and show some variation between declensions 
 I and II in Middle English. Their appearance without final e may 
 be due to the influence of the accusative singular, possibly to change 
 of gender and resulting change of inflexion, as in wip ' creature/ 
 flor 'floor/ werld, hand (hgnd). Those with final e may have 
 assumed it in Old English (cf. Sievers, 'Gr./ 269, anm. 1), as 
 nede. Here belong OE. feminine long stems ending in a vowel, as 
 sj ' sea/ tg ' toe/ be { bee/ slg \ sloe/ whether originally strong or 
 weak. Such words, as all others ending in a long vowel, assume 
 s only in gen. sing, and the plural. 
 126. It is impossible in a single table, except a very complex 
 one, to represent all variations due to ME. orthography or other 
 causes. The most prominent may be briefly mentioned. The 
 ending of the genitive singular, as of the plural, is sometimes is (ys). 
 Loss of e in the dative singular, common even in early ME., is 
 increasingly frequent until that case becomes like the nominative- 
 accusative, as in Modern English. In certain expressions, however, 
 an OE. dative singular in e still survives. Examples are on live 
 ( < Rf) ' alive,' to bedde, to wedde * for a pledge/ for fere ' for fear.' 
 Disyllabic stems in el, en, er often show syncopation of the root e 
 when assuming an inflexional ending, as in tgken above l . Even 
 when the spelling shows retention of the stem vowel, syncopation 
 is usually to be assumed for the spoken form. Syncopation, often 
 loss of inflexional e, occurs in polysyllables accented on the first 
 syllable, as pilgrimes, riveres (pronounced as if spelled pilgrims, 
 rivers) beside humours, pilours (peler) ' robbers.' The orthographic 
 variations of words with new diphthongs, as da) (dai), are numerous, 
 but will be clear by reference to the phonology. Thus ' Genesis 
 and Exodus ' has dai {dei), dages (daiges, dais) day, day's, dayes/ 
 and a plural dawes is also found, based on the development of OE. 
 ag to aw ( 55). The latter has usually been displaced by a plural 
 based on the singular, where OE. ag became ME. a) (ai). Occasion- 
 ally, however, a new singular daw develops from the plural dawes. 
 Stems ending in f p, s show voicing of these consonants before 
 a vocalic ending, as in genitive (sometimes dative) singular and the 
 plural. Only in case of f to v, however, is the voicing indicated 
 127. Beyond those noted above, there are but few exceptions to 
 the regularity of the common plural form. The most important is 
 a plural without ending in the case of certain OE. neuters, or in 
 words that have associated themselves with them. Examples are 
 folk, ping ' thing,' ger l years,' swin ' swine/ hors * horses/ ship 
 1 Cf. Sievers, ' Gr.,' 244. 
 'sheep/ der ' deer/ njt 'neat cattle,' wgpen 'weapons/ Most of 
 these gradually adopted the usual es (s) ending, though a few 
 remain uninflected in the plural to modern times. Occasionally 
 words which were not OE. neuters, as fugel, fish ' fowl, fish/ are 
 uninflected in the plural when used in a collective sense, as in 
 Modern English. Variation in the plural of the root finals f,J>,s 
 has been noticed in the preceding paragraph. 
 128. Foreign derived words were adopted in the stem form or 
 that of the accusative singular or oblique case when that differs 
 from the stem. Thus ON. words do not appear with the nomina- 
 tive inflexional r, but with the accusative singular as od ' point/ 
 bol (bple) ' tree-trunk/ bark, garp ' yard/ Orm, ON. oddr, bolr, 
 b/firkr, garfir, Ormr. Similarly, where the OF. oblique case 
 singular differs from the nominative, the former is regularly adopted, 
 as in OF. degre, castel (chastel), dot (del) 'grief < OF. degrez, 
 castels (chastels), duelz. The apparent exceptions, so far as OF. 
 words are concerned, probably represent differences in OF. usage 
 as tempest, poverte, beside tempeste, poverte. Only in amies ' arms ' 
 was an OF. plural directly borrowed, and this the more easily 
 because it agreed exactly with ME. plurals in es. Borrowed words 
 generally assume the native inflexion in its entirety. Thus ON., 
 OF. words regularly assume native endings, as the gen. and pi. 
 es (s), though OF. nouns ending in s often remain uninflected as 
 cas ' case/ pas ' pace, pass/ and proper names as Eneas, Priamus, 
 Pers 'Pierce.' Occasionally other borrowed words, especially 
 Biblical names, remain uninflected in the genitive singular, as 
 Adam soule, David 1 grid, following mediaeval Latin usage. 
 Note i. In early Midland some further traces of inflexion are found, as in the 
 nom.-acc. pi. in as in the ' Chronicle ' occasionally, and a gen. pi. in e, a dat. in e 
 (on) rarely ; cf. wintre, OE. wintra 'winters.' So Orm has a similar genitive in 
 <5 ch expressions as allre klnge king ' king of all kings/ deqfle folic * folk of 
 Note 2. As already indicated ( 123, n. 2), Sth. is much more conservative 
 in inflexions than Midland or Nth., and retains many older forms, as e, in the 
 dat. sg., e, ene (en) in gen. pi., en in dat. pi. Many nouns, also, which belong 
 to declension I in Ml., have assumed en in the plural in Sth., and hence belong 
 to declension II. This is especially true of OE. short stem neuters and d- 
 129. The Second declension includes all nouns with final un- 
 stressed e in the nominative-accusative singular, and may be 
 illustrated by ende (ende) 'end/ helpe 'help,' soule 'soul/ pewe 'habit, 
 custom,' as follows : 
 Singular, N.A.V. 
 pewe (peuwe) 
 Plural, N.A.G.D. 
 130. Here belong most OE./0 and short zw-stems ; the majority 
 of a (Ja, z#<z)-stems ; short and many long feminine z-stems ; short 
 a-stems ; the great body of weak nouns, which had early lost final 
 n ; and such others as had assumed inorganic e in the nominative 
 singular. OE. feminines (sometimes masculines) ending in g (h), 
 by influence of the oblique cases, assume je, later we, as sorje 
 (sorwe) ' sorrow,' furje (furwe) ' furrow/ arwe ' arrow/ while side 
 by side a form with final 3 (h) may exist, zs/urj (furh). OE. 
 nouns ending in/" assumed ve of the oblique cases, as Ipe 'per- 
 mission/ glove 'glove/ OE. neuter wo-stems had no w in the 
 nom.-acc. sg. or pi. and so do not assume it in Middle English, as 
 mfe ' meal/ sm^re ' ointment/ tgre ' tar.' OE. short feminine ea- 
 sterns assume we from the oblique cases, as schadwe 'shadow/ 
 sinwe ' sinew/ and long stems show double forms sometimes, as 
 mde, mgdwe ' mead, meadow/ corresponding to forms with or with- 
 out w in Old English. ME. schdde is possibly from OE. scead 
 neut., and not sceadu the wa-stem. OE. short neuters with e from 
 u in nom.-acc. pi. sometimes assumed e in the singular, as blade 
 ' blade/ dale, bpe ' prayer,' hjjle ' hole/ dgre ' door/ fike ' yoke,' 
 and a few masculines which may have become feminines, as sfle 
 (OE. seolJi) ' seal.' ME. mgre {mare) ' mare ' is from OM. mere 
 (WS. miere), not OE. mearh, masc. OE. masculines ending in eg 
 acquired inorganic e, perhaps under the influence of the greater 
 number of such words which were feminine. Some original weak 
 nouns have a plural in en, but, for the Midland dialect, are not 
 sufficiently numerous to warrant treatment in a separate declension. 
 Even when they have en plurals, es plurals are often found side by 
 side with them. 
 131. A so-called genitive singular in e rarely occurs, but such forms 
 may be better explained as essentially compounds. Examples 
 are helle pine ' hell punishment,' chirche dure * church door/ rode 
 cross ' rood-cross/ All such words have originally, or have assumed, 
 inorganic e in the nominative, so that the form is merely the un- 
 inflected one which so commonly enters into compounds, whether 
 marked by a sign of union or not. In the dative singular, n is 
 rarely added, more especially in rimes with forms regularly ending 
 in n. As these occur mainly in south-east Midland texts of the 
 earliest time, they may be due to the influence of the Sth. dialect, 
 in which this peculiarity is more common (see Note 2 below), or 
 they may be connected with the influence of the plural en forms. " 
 132. The most important peculiarity of the plural is the retention 
 of en (n) forms from the OE. weak declension, and the extension 
 of this occasionally to nouns not originally weak. The whole 
 number of such nouns is relatively small, and they decrease 
 throughout the ME. period, until the only relics left in MnE: are 
 oxen, rarely eyen in poetry, and brethren, children, kine, to which 
 this ending has been extended. Examples in ' Gen. and Ex.' are 
 wunnen 'customs,'/m7z 'companions'; in 'Bestiary,' willen 'wishes,' 
 egen ' eyes.' ' Gen. and Ex.' also shows the extension of this en to 
 OE. strong nouns, as cglen ' coals,' treen (tren) beside trees ' trees,' 
 mjjlen ( meats/ stgden ' places,' sunen beside sunes ' sons.' Owing 
 to its early date and its south-east Midland dialect, the number of 
 such forms in this poem is greater than in others, especially in 
 rime, where the usage can hardly be relied on as showing the forms 
 of ordinary speech. More rarely still, plurals in e are found, as in 
 Gen. and Ex.' elne ' ells,' senwe ' sinew/^r* ' companions.' 
 Note i. In early Midland a gen. sg. in e is occasional, as in Orm's satvle 
 * souYSf'frofre * comfort's/ asse ' ass's,' wicche l witch's.' Probably in all these 
 cases the intrusion of s was resisted by the close connexion with the following 
 noun. Rarely also, gen. plurals in e are also found, as Orm's sawle * souls',' 
 shaffte 'creatures"; compare the retention of en in true compounds, as Sunenn- 
 da)) * Sunday,' uhhtennsang * early morning song.' Plurals in en are also 
 somewhat more common in this period, as halechen ' saints ' in the ' Chronicle,' 
 wawenn 'walls,' hallghenn saints,' e)hne (ehne, ehhne) ' eyes ' in ' Ormulum.' 
 Orm also has occasional e plurals, as hallfe ' halves,' shaffte ' creatures.' 
 Note 2. Nth. is even more radical than Midland in giving up the old weak 
 plurals in en, but a few still appear in ' Cursor Mundi,' as oxen, eien * eyes,' $ren 
 beside (res 'ears.* Occasionally no inflexion occurs, as vciheven blis, heven 
 king, which are essentially compounds. In other respects Nth. does not differ 
 markedly from Ml. except as noted in 123, n. 2. Sth. retains many more 
 relics of the OE. declension, as a gen. sg. in e, and a dat. in en in case of many 
 OE. weak nouns. Indeed en sometimes intrudes itself into the singular nomina- 
 tive-accusative forms. In the plural, forms in en, e, rarely a, are especially 
 common in the earliest period, as also genitives in ene {en), e, and datives in 
 en. All such forms gradually grow less frequent, and are almost entirely re- 
 placed in late Sth. by regular forms. 
 133. A few nouns belonging to minor declensions in Old English 
 show some peculiarities of inflexion. They include nouns with 
 mutation as the distinctive feature, nouns of relationship, and those 
 with original stems in nd, os (es). Those of the first subclass are 
 declined as follows : 
 Singular, N. A. 
 man, manne 
 Plural, N.A.D. 
 fetes (fote) 
 mennes {manne) 
 134. Few examples of these mutation nouns are found in Middle 
 English, since most of them had already lost all traces of mutation 
 and had ranged themselves with the regular classes. It is difficult 
 therefore to be certain of all forms, but there is a clear corre- 
 spondence in the singular with the nouns of declension I. In the 
 plural, the distinguishing feature is a nominative-accusative-dative 
 with mutation but no ending. For the genitive plural, Orm has 
 menness once, beside manne. An old genitive plural fote occurs 
 after a numeral, as twel fote ' twelve feet ' (dialectally to-day ' twelve 
 foot '), c Havelok/ 1054. Other nouns having mutation plurals are 
 gos ' goose/ mus * mouse/ lus * louse/ kit [cow) the plural of which, 
 kyn ' kine/ has assumed n by analogy of en forms. A few nouns 
 have uninflected plurals without mutation, as monep (OE. pi. moneti) 
 in twelve monthe ' twelvemonth/ niht in such expressions as seven 
 niht 'seven nights, sennight/ ME. brech, 'breech, breeches/ 
 preserves the mutation plural of OE. brbc, and becomes singular. 
 Note i. Early Midland has a few other mutation nouns, as Orm's gat 
 ' goat/ gcet ' goats/ an old feminine. 
 Note 2. Nth. does not differ from Midland, except in greater regularity of 
 forms. Thus kit (kou) ' cow/ has the regular mutation plural ki (ky) without 
 the n of Ml. and Sth. usage. Sth. has a greater variety of forms, as gen. pi. 
 monne, monnene (en), dat. monnen. So also fit en as gen. pi., and brechen 
 {breches) a pi. of brech * trousers.' 
 135. The nouns of relationship are declined as follows : 
 Singular, N. A. V. fader * father ' broker ' brother ' 
 G. fader, fadres broker, bropres 
 D. fader broker 
 Plural, N. A. G. D. fadres brepren, brepere 
 The genitive singular without ending persists through the ME. 
 period, though the form in es also occurs from the earliest time. 
 The older mutated dative has entirely disappeared. Like these 
 nouns are declined moder, dohter (dorter, doubter) * daughter/ sister, 
 the last from Norse syster and the regular Midland form. 
 Note i. Early Midland, as Orm, has uninflected forms more commonly, 
 with the mutated form of bre~J>re in plural nom., ace, and gen. Orm also uses 
 susstress ' sisters/ from the OE. rather than the Norse form of the word. 
 Note 2. Nth. prefers the uninflected form of the gen. sg., and the plural in 
 es (s) except for bro)er which has pi. bre}er for all cases. The mutated 
 dehteres occurs sometimes, beside the more common dohteres * daughters.' Sth. 
 has both inflected and uninflected gen. sg., but prefers en plurals in the earlier 
 period, as brd)eren {brfyereri), dohtren, sustren. The native English suster 
 from OE. sweoster (swuster), rather than the Norse form of the word, is common 
 in Sth. as in Chaucer. 
 136. Here may be mentioned the remnants of the OE. os, es 
 stems, child, lamb, the only words that show peculiar forms. The 
 natural developments of the OE. plurals, childru, lambru, were 
 childre, lambre, and these are often found in Midland. Later they 
 both assumed the en ending, first in Sth., later in Midland, though 
 at the same time lamb acquired a regular plural lambes. In the 
 North childre (childer) remained the plural form, and lambre gave 
 place entirely to lambes (Iambi's). In Sth. another word of this class, 
 calf, followed child in adding en(n) to the older plural in re, as 
 calveren ' calves/ 
 137. Of stems in nd, only /rend, fend ' friend, fiend ' preserve 
 peculiarities, and these only in the earlier part of the period. In 
 that period uninfected plural forms are found, as /rend, /end 
 'friends, fiends/ These were soon displaced by the regular 
 frendes,/endes. For the quantity of/rend, see 79, n. 
 138. The adjective has lost all trace of its OE. inflexion except 
 for an ending e, which is added to those not originally ending in 
 a vowel, in order to indicate the plural and the old weak form 
 after a demonstrative or possessive pronoun. So far as this trace 
 of the older inflexion is found, adjectives in Middle English are 
 declined in one of two ways, as they do or do not end in un- 
 stressed e. The weak form of the adjective is used after a pos- 
 sessive or demonstrative pronoun, including the definite article, and 
 in the vocative. In either case, if the adjective follows the noun 
 without the repetition of the demonstrative (definite article), it 
 remains uninflected. 
 I. Strong 
 Singular wis mam litel /re 
 Plural wise mani (manije, manie) litel {Title) /re 
 Weak, Sg. and PI. 
 wise mam (manze) litel fre 
 II. Strong and Weak 
 Singular grene 
 Plural grene 
 139. To declension I belong (<z)-stems, including polysyllables 
 and short /0-stems, except a few which have assumed inorganic e ; 
 long zw-stems with vowel preceding w ; and long -stems which 
 had gone over to the 0-stems in OE. times. It will be seen from 
 the table that monosyllables ending in a vowel, and usually poly- 
 syllables, are uninflected. The participle is also regularly un- 
 inflected, as often in Old English. One relic of the older inflexion 
 appears throughout the period in aller (aldre), OM. alra (WS. 
 ealra) 'of all/ both alone and in compounds as alder best (alperbesf). 
 In the latter part of the period the adjective tends to lose all trace 
 of inflexion, as shown by poetry, especially when far removed from 
 the noun. This is but preliminary to the total loss of final e in 
 adjectives as in other words. Adjectives belonging to declension II 
 are virtually inflexionless. Here belong OE. long/0-stems ; short 
 zw-stems ; i and -stems, except such as had taken the inflexion of 
 OE. 0-stems. Short wo-stems, ending in u with w in oblique case 
 forms, usually end in we in Middle English, as calwe ' callow, ' falwe 
 1 fallow,' salwe * sallow/ je/we ' yellow/ but sometimes forms ending 
 in e alone are also found, as jare beside jarwe ' ready ' ( Shake- 
 speare's yare), nare beside narwe ' narrow/ OE. adjectives ending 
 in palatal h (g) lose the final consonant as a rule, those with 
 guttural h (g) develop forms in je (we) from the oblique cases, as 
 noh-nowe ' enough,' wok (wouj/i)-wowe ' bad/ sorful-soruful ' sor- 
 rowful/ walwe (OM. wa/g, WS. wealg) 'sickly/ arh(j)-arwe 
 ' cowardly.' OE. adjectives ending in f regularly change f 'to v 
 before e. 
 140. Most borrowed words fall into the same classes as the 
 corresponding native adjectives and are similarly inflected. Thus 
 OF. adjectives not ending in a vowel assume the plural and 
 weak e, as do native words, but OF. polysyllables which have 
 acquired the Teutonic accent on the first syllable remain uninflected. 
 The OF. seint often appears as seinie, but not exclusively before 
 feminines. It is probable that both forms were adopted without 
 regard to the OF. distinction of gender, though seinie would more 
 naturally occur with certain feminines, as Seinie Marie (116, 15); 
 but cf. Seint Marie (118, 2), Sein/e Powel (200, 19). A few OF. 
 adjectives with OF. s plurals are found, as in places deleciables 
 1 delectable places,' goodes temporelles * temporal goods,' but these 
 are mainly in prose translated pieces, rarely poetry and that of the 
 more learned poets, so that they can hardly have been living forms 
 among the people. 
 Note i. Early Midland shows a somewhat fuller retention of older forms, 
 though in the ' Chronicle' from the year 1132 there is no variation from what is 
 given above. 
 Note. 2. In Nth. the two declensions tend to become one by the loss of 
 final unstressed e, as in nouns. The plural e of declension I has generally 
 disappeared, and many adjectives ending in unstressed e have lost this ending, and 
 have fallen in with those without e. Even the ending e of weak forms is not 
 regularly preserved after a demonstrative. Iri early Sth. some further traces of 
 OE. inflexions are still found, as a genitive singular in es, especially when the 
 adjective stands without a substantive, but also in some other Cases as snmmes 
 weies ' some ways ' in the 'Juliana ' selection. So bg)>en ' both,' with en, but such 
 forms are rare. The distinction between strong and weak forms of adjectives 
 not ending in unstressed e is generally preserved, as in declension I above. 
 141. The adjective is compared by the addition of the endings re 
 (later er) for comparative, est for superlative, from the OE. endings 
 ra, ost (est) by regular vowel changes. At the same time com- 
 parison by use of the adverbs mgre, mgst begins to be used, especi- 
 ally with polysyllables. Long root syllables show shortening in 
 comparative and superlative, in accordance with 76, as gret- 
 gretter, swete-sweiter, but analogy of the positive often restores the 
 long vowel. Adjectives from Old French are compared like 
 native words, with a tendency to use the adverbial comparison 
 with polysyllables. As to inflexion, comparatives could not 
 assume e after re, and did not usually after the later er; super- 
 latives like best, mgst, first were regularly inflected, as well as those 
 with secondary stress upon the superlative ending, for example 
 semUest, but most superlatives remain uninflected. 
 142. As in Old English, a few adjectives are irregular in com- 
 parison. Thus gld, Igng, strgng still retain mutated comparatives, 
 as elder eldest, lenger-lengest * longer-longest/ sirenger-strengest 
 1 strong-strongest.' Some adjectives have forms of comparison 
 with different roots from the positive, as god ' good,' betlre (betre)- 
 besl; ivil (gvil), werse (worse, wurse)-werst (worst, wurst) ; the 
 corresponding Norse forms are also found, as ille-werre, the 
 former of which has remained to Modern English ; michel (mikel, 
 muchel, much), mgre (mg)-mgst (msi) ; litel (lite), lesse (lasse)-lgst 
 1 least/ Forms of comparison based on adverbs, sometimes pre- 
 positions, are fer ' ia.x,'-ferre (ferrer) ' farther,' dialectal farer- 
 f err est ' farthest' ; fgre, first', gver, gveresl; utter, utter est \ upper, 
 uppest. In nerre ' nearer,' furpest ' furthest,' new forms of com- 
 parison have been based on older comparatives. The OE. super- 
 lative suffix moist appears as mjst, mast and mgst, the latter finally 
 143. Most numerals are adjectives in function, though often 
 uninflected. The older use as nouns with a following genitive 
 disappeared entirely, except in sporadic cases, as twelfdte ' twelve 
 feet' (' Havelok,' 1054), where the expression is a mere survival 
 without syntactical significance for Middle English. Tne cardinal 
 numerals are as follows, though no attempt is made to give every 
 variant even of Midland : gn (g) ' one ' ; two (tweyne, tiveye) ' two, 
 twain ' ; pre (thre) ' three ' ; foure (fowre) ' four ' ; fif(fyve) * five ' I 
 sex (sexe, sixe) ' six ' ; seven (sevene, seve) ' seven ' ; ejte (eghte, 
 eighte) ' eight ' ; m'jen {nine) ' nine ' ; tin ; enleven (elevene, eleve) 
 ' eleven ' ; twelf (twelve) j preilene (pritline) ' thirteen ' ; fourtine ; 
 jiftene (fyflene); sextene (sixline); sevenlene; ejte'ne (eghtene, 
 eightene) ; mjentene (mneline) ; twenli (twenty) ; pritti ; fourti ; 
 hundred '; pousen (pousende) ' thousand.' The ON. form hundrep is 
 found beside the English hundred, and from OF. the new numeral 
 miliun (mtttioun) 'million' was adopted. Counting by the score 
 (ON. skor ME. skgre) is of Norse origin, as the word itself implies 
 by its form. 
 144. The numeral gn * one ' sometimes has the old genitive gnes 
 in early texts, and a plural of the same form in the expressionyfrr 
 pi ngnes ' for the nonce/ Plurals of the adjective form, one, ngne, 
 algne, ng gnes, also occur rarely. Such forms as five, sixe, 
 twelve usually occur when standing alone or after a substantive, 
 as well as in the plural. Two or three Old French numerals are 
 rarely found, as cinq, sis ' five, six ' in Chaucer. In early Midland 
 the weakened forms of the first numeral, an (a), are common as an 
 indefinite article, and these are found throughout the period as in 
 Modern English. Owing to the tendency to drop inflexional n 
 in unstressed syllables such forms as seve ' seven,' eleve ' eleven ' 
 Note i. Early Midland has other inflexional forms of the first and second 
 numerals, as Orm's dness i one's,' anne, ace. masc. 
 Note 2. Nth. forms naturally differ in phonology, asa (a), iwd, aht (aght) 
 1 eigb,t,' but these differences will be easily understood. Nth. has lost all forms 
 of inflexion for the numerals, except as in other adjectives; see 138. Nth. 
 also has some Norse forms which are less common in Midland, as twin, J>rin, 
 hundre} ' two, three, hundred.' Sth., especially early Sth., preserves the gen. 
 masc. and fem. gnes, anre (are), the latter also as dat. fem. ; the ace. masc. and 
 fern, as anne, ane. Sth. also has a gen. and dat. pi. of OE. twegen, * two,' as 
 tweire, twam. These, however, soon give place to regular forms. 
 145. The ordinal numerals are firsle (forme, firme), oper and 
 later secounde, pridde (pirde), ferpe (fourpe), fifte, sexte (sixte), 
 sevepe (sevende, sevenpe), epepe (epende, eighlepe), nijepe (mjende, 
 nlnpe), tejpe (tigpe, tende, tenpe), endlefie (ellefte, ellevend, elevenpe), 
 twelfte, pretepe (pretende, pretenpe), &c. Ordinals with ende, as 
 sevende, are sometimes Mercian in origin, sometimes perhaps Norse. 
 Old English oper is finally displaced by secounde from Old French, 
 though remaining pronominal as always. The ordinals regularly 
 end in e, owing to their position as weak adjectives after pe ' the.' 
 Note. In Nth. the forms with ende (end, and, ind) prevail, while in Sth. 
 these are rare except in Kentish. 
 146. Multiplicatives are formed with the suffix fgld, OMerc. 
 /did (WS. feald), as gnfgld ' onefold/ The multiplicative idea, 
 however, is expressed in various other ways, as by words meaning 
 ' times ' and by various adverbs. Distributives are gn and gn ' one 
 and (by) one/ two and two, &c. Adverbs also, as betwen, frequently 
 express a distributive idea. 
 147. As to function, pronouns are either substantive, adjective, 
 or both, and this distinction is important in understanding their 
 inflexions in Middle English. Those that are wholly or mainly 
 adjective in function, as possessives, demonstratives, and most 
 indefinites, followed adjectives in their simplification to two forms, 
 one for the singular and one for the plural. Those pronouns that 
 are wholly or mainly substantive in function, as the personal, inter- 
 rogative, and inflected relative, preserve, as their peculiar feature, 
 an accusative-dative, generally based on an original dative and 
 differing in form from the nominative. But the genitives of the 
 personal pronouns have largely lost any substantive function, as 
 of a substantive in oblique case, and their adjective functions are 
 supplied by the possessives based upon them, together with new- 
 third personal possessives from the genitives of the so-called pre 
 noun of the third person. The latter, therefore, though given ii 
 the inflexion, are enclosed in parentheses to indicate their more 
 restricted use. 
 148. The Personal Pronouns proper are inflected as follows : 
 First Second 
 Sing. Plur. Sing. Plur. 
 N. 1c {Ik, Ich) I we /A {Pou, thou) $ {yf) 
 G. (myn) {ure, dure) {pin) \ {jure, jour e, your e) 
 D. A. me us {oils) pe {thee) juw {jou,you) 
 149. It is scarcely necessary to give all orthographic variations 
 of these and the other personal pronouns. Ic {Ik), I, though 
 without capitalization in the manuscripts, are the normal Midland 
 forms, as also jure, juw {youre,you) with initial j {y) by analogy 
 of je {ye), and a vowel due to shifting of accent from the first 
 element of the diphthong in OE. eower, eow, owing to constant 
 use in unstressed position in the sentence. The form pu, owing to 
 similar unstressed position and to assimilation, often becomes tu {u, 
 oil) when immediately following a verb ending in /, as shalt tit {u, 
 ou) for 'shalt thou/ For te ixompe, see 100, 114. Dual forms 
 are rarely found in the earliest texts, as wit-unc, gunker-gunc ' we 
 two/ you two/ in ' Genesis and Exodus ' ; but these so soon dis- 
 appear as to be quite irregular, and not deserving of a place in 
 Note i. Early Midland does not differ materially. For )ure t juw, the 
 earliest ' Chronicle ' has iure, suggesting the older Northumbrian form iurrc 
 (Sievers, * Gr./ 332, anm. 4). Orm also has jure, juw, showing the early 
 addition of initial y. 
 Note 2. Nth. does not differ from Midland. In Sth. Ich is the normal 
 form for the first person. This is sometimes united with a following wulle 
 (wol/e) 'will/ as ichulle (Jcholle) 'I will/ though each word is preserved 
 separate in this book. Sth. also preserves genitive and accusative forms of the 
 second personal pronoun without initial y, as eower (ower) * your,' eow (ow, ou) 
 'you.' Besides, dual forms, which are almost unknown in Midland, are 
 occasionally found. 
 150. The so-called third personal pronoun has the following 
 forms : 
 Masc. Neut. Fern. 
 N. he hit, it sche, she (sho), heo (he, ho) 
 G. (his) (hire, hir, here, her) 
 D. him hire (hir), here (her) 
 A. him [hin] . hit, it hire (hir) 
 N. hi (hy, he), pei (pey, pai, pay) 
 G. (here, hire, peire, peir, pair) 
 D.A. hem, pern (peim,paim) 
 151. The genitives of the third personal pronoun, under the 
 influence of possessives formed from the same case of the first and 
 second personal pronouns, became possessives also, as shown by 
 their inflexion in Middle English. The old masculine accusative 
 singular, hine (hin), occurs rarely in early texts, as ' Genesis and 
 Exodus' ; but with this exception the masculine and neuter forms 
 are quite regular. Those of the feminine singular nominative, on 
 the other hand, are numerous, as they are based on OE. heo or on 
 the OE. demonstrative seo, from which the prevailing form develops. 
 The former appear as ge (ghe) in 'Gen. and "Ex.,' ge in 'Best.,' 
 heo (he) in ' Flor. and Blanch./ hye(he) in ' Adam and Eve.' Forms 
 based on the latter appear first in the ' Chronicle ' as sea, sge 
 (z=sye), sche in ' Gen. and Ex./ sche (she, scheo, sho) in other Mid- 
 land texts until, about 1300, they prevail over the others. The 
 earliest plurals are based on the OE. plurals hi-here-hem. The 
 prototype of the Modern English they, based on the Norse demon- 
 strative which is first found in Orm, occurs once as pei in ' Gen. 
 and Ex/ In general, however, it is not until the beginning of 
 the fourteenth century that the nominative pei (pai, they) becomes 
 common, and not until late ME. that all forms with initial th (p) 
 prevail. Chaucer, as representative of London English, has thei 
 {they), but here-hem. In some early texts, as ' Gen. and Ex. ' hit (it) 
 is plural as well as singular, and another plural his (is, es), perhaps 
 based on the singular masculine or from Sth., is also found. 
 152. As in Old English, the third personal pronoun is used re- 
 flexively, both alone and in combination with self. But such forms 
 as mlself, Myself, based on weak forms of the dative-accusative, or 
 possibly combinations of the possessives and self used substantively, 
 occur as early as the fourteenth century, and in Sth. a century earlier. 
 Note i. In early Midland the early use of sea 'she,' in the ' Chronicle,' and 
 pe)) (pe^re), petfm ' they-their-them,' in Orm are the most important 
 Note 2. Nth. regularly has the fern, scho (scd), ace. hir, as also the plural 
 forms with J>, }ai (J>ei), pair {J>eir), )aim (Jaime, }am, }>ame), but with an 
 occasional ham l them.' Sth. has preserved the masc. ace. hine beside the dat. 
 him, and the fem. heo (ha, he, ht, hue). Variants for masc. he are also ha (a). 
 The plural forms are based on those of OE., as nom. ace. hi (hit, hue, heo), 
 here (hire, heore, hueore, hor), heom (ham, huem, hem, horn). Sth. also has 
 a plural hise (is) ' them,' beside hi, &c. As reflexives, Nth. has occasional 
 forms with the genitive instead of the dative-accusative, as yourself, }airself 
 which seem to be unknown in Sth. 
 153. The Possessive Pronouns are mln (ml, my), pin (J>i, thy), 
 his, hire (hir), ure (fir, our), jure ( j fir, y our e, your), here (her, hire, 
 hir) with their (peir) in late ME. These are declined like adjec- 
 tives, with plurals in e when the singular does not end in that vowel. 
 The weakened forms ml, fl, occur only before words with initial 
 consonants. The predicate and absolute forms are mln, fin, his, 
 here, ure, jure, here, with plurals in e. Late forms in s are fires, 
 pires, heres, but these do not appear in the earlier part of the 
 period. Some texts also show forms with n, as ouren,juren, herefi 
 occasionally. The dual possessives uncer, incer appear only in 
 the earliest period. 
 Note i. Early Midland (Orm) shows petfrs, the earliest absolute form in*, 
 though perhaps due to Nth. influence. 
 Note 2. Nth. works frequently show absolute forms in s, as hers, firs, 
 yours, pairs, while they are unknown in Sth. 
 154. The Demonstrative Pronouns, like adjectives with which 
 they agree in use, retain at most only singular and plural forms 
 without distinction of gender. They are three in number, two 
 from OE. masculine and neuter se (late OE. pe) and poet ' the/ 
 ' that,' and one from the OE. neuter pis ' this.' The first, {pe) 
 {the), is invariable and is used as a definite article ; the others are 
 declined as follows : 
 Sing, pat {pet, that) pis (pys, this, thys) 
 Plur. pQ {pa, thg) pise {pis, thise, lhis),pese {pes, these, thes). 
 155. A relic of the OE. dative plural tarn remains in the expres- 
 sion for pe nones for then gnes ' for the nonce/ with final n from 
 m transferred to the beginning of the next word. In a similar 
 way final / of pat is sometimes transferred to a word beginning 
 with a vowel, as pe to, pe toper (earlier pet g, pet oper) ' the one, the 
 other ' ; ' tother ' is still dialectal English. For te, tat, tg from pe, 
 pat, pg after words ending in d, t, sometimes s, see 100, 114. In 
 the later period only atte = atpe ' at the ' remains. A relic of the 
 OE. instrumental py appears in forpi, and as pe, in pe mgre and 
 similar expressions. Occasionally $on, $gnd {yon, ygnd) < OM. 
 gon (WS. geon) are also found as demonstratives. The plural thggs 
 * those ' instead of thg does not occur until late ME. 
 Note. i. Early Midland shows }a for J>p, in accordance with 43, n. 1. 
 Note 2. Nth. has faas (J>ds) beside the more common J>a (J>aa) as plural 
 of )at, and pits {J>es) as well as Norse }Tr {J>eir, }er) for the plural of J>is. 
 Sth., especially early Sth., shows a much fuller retention of OE. forms. Masc. 
 are N. }e, G. }es (J>e), T>.j>en ()e), AJene (}e) ; Neut. N. A. }et {J>e), G. }es 
 Qe), D. )en (Je) ; Fern. N. }eo (j>e), G. D. Jter {}e). Plural N. A. }eo (J>e), 
 G.J>eo, J>e (J>er), D. J>eo, )e (J>e7i). Also Masc. N. J>es, G. fiisses, T). fosse, A. 
 J>isne ; Neut. N. A.)is, G. D. as masc. ; Fern. N. A. J>eos, G. D. fosse. Plural 
 N. A. G.foos, T>.foos,fossen. 
 156. The pronoun of identity, ilc {ilk, ilche, iche, eche), is declined 
 like an adjective. The demonstrative pe and ilk {ilke) often unite 
 by elision of e, as pilke {pilche). The intensive self 2X^0 appears as 
 selve, selven. 
 Note i. Nth. has ilk, ilke invariably; Sth. tick, ilche, later uh. 
 157. The Relative Pronoun of Middle English, which is used 
 universally and in all periods, is pat ' that/ Beside it OE. pe is 
 found for a time, but soon disappears altogether. These are both 
 indeclinable. In the fourteenth century others appear, as which, 
 pi. whiche (which), and the genitive whos [whose) dative whom come 
 to be used ; also compound relatives as pat he, pat his, &c, pe 
 which, which pat, pe which pat. 
 Note i. In early Midland />e is common beside pat. 
 Note 2. Nth. has Pat alone in the earliest texts. Sth. uses Pe,pet, later 
 Pat, and retains Pe much longer than in Midland. In the early fourteenth 
 century Sth. also has whan {wan, wanne, wane) 'whom, what,' evidently from 
 OE. hwam by weakening of m. 
 158. The Interrogative-Indefinite Pronouns are who (ho), while 
 (hwile, which), wheper (hweper, whether) ' who, which, whether.' 
 The first is declined as follows, without distinction of number : 
 Masc.-Fem. Neut. 
 N. hwo (wo, who, ho) hwat (wat, what) 
 G. hwos (wos, whos, whose) 
 D. hwom (worn, whom)^ 
 A. hwom (worn, whom) v hwat (wat, what) 
 159. The others are declined like adjectives, though whether is 
 usually uninflected. Compound forms are also found, as hwo sg, 
 hwose 'whoso/ &c. Some Midland texts, as ' Genesis and Exodus/ 
 have the spelling with qu for hw (wh) which is especially charac- 
 teristic of Nth. Thus quo, quom (quam), quat, queper, &c. 
 Note i. Early Midland shows the earliest use of wh for OE. hw, as regu- 
 larly in Orm, a spelling which is not established until the last half of the 
 fourteenth century. 
 Note 2. In Nth. the spelling with qu for hw prevails with few exceptions. 
 Nth. uses sum as well as swd in compound forms, as quasum, quat sum. Sth. 
 variants are hwoa beside hzvo, and occasional forms with a, as hwas, hwam 
 {hwaii), hwase, 'whoso.' Sth. also has hwuch, hwuper, for hwich, hweper, 
 by influence of the preceding consonant on the vowel. 
 160. Other indefinites are al * all ' ; am (any, gny, eny) ' any ' ; 
 ajt (aujt, ought) ' aught ' ; nap (naught, nought) ' naught ' ; bgthe 
 g 2 
 ' both ' ; elch (ech, gche) ' each * ; aiper (eiper, ouper) ' either ' ; 
 naiper (neiper, nouper) ' neither ' ; everilc (everich, evert) ' every ' ; 
 everlwher {where) ' everywhere ' ; mam ' many ' ; man, (men, me) 
 ' man, one, they ' ; gn ' one ' ; ngn l none ' ; oper * other ' ; sum 
 (so??i) ' some ' ; swilc (swich, such) l such ' ; wiht (wight) ' wight.' 
 Compound forms are also common, as everilcgn (everichgti) 
 1 everyone/ mam an(a) ' many a,' sumdgl ' somedeal/ sumkin some- 
 kind,' sumwat ' somewhat/ &c. 
 161. The indefinites are in general declined as adjectives, but 
 a few special forms must be mentioned. An old genitive plural of 
 al, aller (alder, alper) is found occasionally, and in one or two 
 compounds as a stereotyped form, as youre aller cost ' cost of you 
 all,' and alder best ' best of all,' alder first ' first of all ' ; bgthe ' both ' 
 sometimes has a plural bgthen in imitation of nouns in en; a 
 genitive of oper, opres ' other's ' also occurs. 
 Note. Nth. has allirs, bafiir {bdj)irs) * of all, of both,' instead of aller, 
 bg)e (bpfien) above; also same 'same,' slike {site, sit) 'such,' both Norse forms 
 peculiar to Nth. texts or those influenced by Nth. Nth. also retains quon ' few,' 
 from OE. hwon. Sth. retains many inflexional forms from OE. times, such as 
 have been mentioned already under 140, n. 2. In addition, Sth. has some 
 plurals formed under the influence of the en nouns, as bgpen I both,' o}eren 
 ' others.' Other forms of special peculiarity are Sth. em, ei ' any ; nenne, ace. 
 sg. of ngn ' none ' ; summes, pi. of sum ' some.' 
 162. With the exception of the few anomalous forms, verbs 
 belong to two classes as in Old English, the weak distinguished by 
 a preterit tense with dental suffix, the strong by one with change of 
 root vowel \ As in Old English, also, the verb has both inflected 
 and compound forms, the latter made up by the use of verbs 
 originally independent but weakened to the force of auxiliaries, as 
 1 The distinction between gradation and original reduplication verbs need 
 not be here regarded, since the distinguishing feature remaining to Middle 
 English is a change of root vowel, though sometimes owing to contraction of 
 original reduplication. , 
 in Modern English. The inflected forms, all belonging to the 
 active voice, are two tenses, a present and preterit; two modes, 
 an indicative and subjunctive, or subjunctive-optative since it has 
 the uses of both ; an infinitive, and two participles, a present and 
 a past. The compound forms are four indicative tenses, a future 
 and three perfects, present, past and future; a present and past 
 optative, or potential, with auxiliaries may, can, &c; a present 
 perfect infinitive and participle ; Jand a passive with all the modes 
 and tenses of the active, both inflected and compound. ) 
 163. The normal inflexional endings of the verb may be seen in 
 the following scheme : 
 Inflexional Endings of the Verb 
 Weak Strong Weak Strong 
 Indicative Preterit 
 Sing. 1. e 
 2. est 
 3. e}> {eth) 
 PI. 1, 2, 3. e(?i) 1 
 ede, de (te) 
 edest, dest (test) e (- 
 ede, de (te) 
 ede(n), (ed), de(n), te(n) e(n) 
 Sing. 1, 2, 3. e 
 PI. 1, 2, 3. e(n) 
 ede, de (te) e 
 ede(n), de(n), te(n) e(n) 
 Sing. 2. e 
 PI. 2. ep {eth), e ej> (th), e, - 
 ende (a?ide), 
 ed (d, i) e(n), (e 
 1 Loss of final n in all en forms grows increasingly common through the 
 a Loss of final e is most common in this inflexional form. 
 164. So far as inflexional endings are concerned, a single class 
 of weak verbs resulted from the three weak classes of Old English. 
 In the present tense the endings of the weak and strong verbs are 
 the same, but for slight differences in the imperative. Syncope 
 and apocope of e are sometimes found, more commonly in the 
 latter part of the period. Loss of final n also grows more common 
 through the period, thus reducing the number of forms, while final 
 e is regularly silent in late Middle English. The second and third 
 person singular of the present indicative, occasionally the plural 
 imperative, sometimes have es (s), the characteristic Nth. forms. 
 Assimilation and simplification in the consonants of the third 
 singular are occasional, 2& fint beside findep, sit beside sittep. 
 Verbs ending in a vowel naturally show contraction with the 
 vowel of the ending, as see, sesf, se]> ' see, seest, seeth/ The 
 imperative plural ending is reduced to e, or lost altogether when 
 immediately followed by its pronoun. The prefix i (y), OE. ge, in 
 the past participle is rarely found. 
 165. Analogy played an important part in the development of 
 inflexional endings. Thus OE. verbal stems in r which retained i 
 from the Teutonic jan ending, whether weak or strong, and verbs 
 of the second weak class in Ian (igean) regularly lost 2 (I) in all 
 forms in which it occurred. Their infinitives came to end in en as 
 in the case of other OE. verbs in an, and e in the 1 st sg. pres., en 
 in the plural and eft in the imp. pi. Examples are hgren (OE. 
 herian) ' praise ' for the OE. first weak class, swgren (OE. swerian) 
 ' swear ' the only strong verb, and wunen (OE. wunian) ' dwell ' 
 for the second weak class. But OE. verbal stems in rgan (rgtan) 
 retain l from palatal g (zg), as birien ' bury/ Similarly OE. verbal 
 stems in eg, bb, whether weak or strong, lost those combinations in 
 the present and assumed those of the third sg., as seien for seggen 
 (OE. secgajt) ' say/ Ifyen, Uen (OE. h'egan) ' lie, recline,' haven (OE. 
 habban) ' have,' hpen (OE. hebban) ' heave, raise/ OE. libban 
 1 live/ however, gave way before OE. Hflan of the second weak 
 class in preterit and past participle, the present of both verbs falling 
 together by reason of both the above changes. For grammatical 
 change in strong verbs see 17 2. 
 166. The verb haven 'have/ the only relic of the third weak 
 conjugation which has not become regularized, has the following 
 peculiarities: present have, hast (has), hap (hath); pi. haven (have); 
 preterit, hafde (haved, hadde, had). Maken ' make ' shows a similar 
 loss of medial k, and clgpen ' clothe ' of medial/, as maked (make), 
 cladde ' clad/ 
 Note i. Early Midland differs mainly in a somewhat fuller preservation of 
 OE. forms. Analogical changes, also, had not been fully carried out, Orm 
 having habben, libben, seggen, leggen from OE. forms with bb, eg. 
 Note 2. Nth. agrees with Midland in the main, but the endings of the 
 present indicative are characteristic, as 1 e (-, es) ; 2, 3 es ; pi. 1, 2, 3 es (e 
 when followed immediately by the personal pronoun). The infinitive has no 
 final 11 and often no e remaining, as bind * bind,' for Ml. btnde(n). Syncopated 
 forms of the present are exceedingly rare ; the preterit of the weak verb has, in 
 general, lost its personal endings; the present participle ends in and {e), and the 
 prefix of the past participle, * (y), OE. ge, is wholly lost. Sth. retains OE. 
 weak verbs of the second class with infinitives in ie{n) and the following 
 endings in the indicative present ; Sg. 1 te {J, ye,y) ; PI. 1, 2 , 3 TeJ> {letli). OF. 
 verbs in ier and sometimes those in eier or er fall in with this characteristic Sth. 
 class. Sth. also often has infinitives in ten from OE. ion after r, and present stems 
 with gg< OE. eg, bb < OE. bb. In the second and third persons es (s) for s is 
 unknown ; syncopated forms are very common, as also those with assimilation 
 and simplification of consonants ; the present participle ends in inde (seldom 
 ende), later inge ; the prefix i (y) of the past participle is often retained. All 
 other verbs have ej> {eth) in the plural. The London dialect seldom retains the 
 prefix i (y), OE. ge, of the past participle, as in Midland, but Chaucer makes 
 extensive use of it in poetry, no doubt for metrical reasons ; see any glossary of 
 Chaucer under y (f). 
 167. The weak verb in Middle English may be divided into two 
 classes, distinguished by a preterit tense ending of ed (e) or de (te). 
 1 Weak verbs are placed first because they are the most numerous class in all 
 periods of English, and hence represent regularity in forms as compared with 
 all other classes. Besides, this arrangement brings together all minor divisions, 
 as strong, preterit-present, and the four anomalous verbs. 
 The first, with preterit in ede, includes verbs of the OE. first weak 
 class with original short stems, except those ending in d or /; most 
 verbs of the OE. second weak class by weakening of OE. ode to 
 ede; strong verbs with short stems, when becoming weak by analogy; 
 and such borrowed verbs as have ranged themselves with them 
 because of similar formation. 
 168. Verbs of the second class in Middle English are dis- 
 tinguished by a preterit tense-ending de, or te after stems ending in 
 a voiceless consonant. To this class belong polysyllabic verbs of 
 the OE. first weak class, together with those having original long 
 stems, or short stems ending in d or /, and those with mutation 
 only in the present (Sievers, 'Gr.' 407); the small number be- 
 longing to the OE. third weak class ; some verbs of the OE. second 
 weak class which have lost the connecting vowel of the preterit 
 ending ; strong verbs with long stems, when becoming weak by 
 analogy ; and such borrowed verbs as have ranged themselves 
 with them because of similar formation, especially long stems. 
 169. The past participles of both classes usually end in ed. 
 Certain verbs of class II, however, have d ox t without connecting 
 vowel, as those with mutation only in the present, and the few 
 originally belonging to OE. class III. Besides, some verbs ending 
 in d, t, have past participles without ending, by reason of earlier 
 syncopation of e and simplification of the resulting consonant 
 group, as fed, set. A few others, as those ending in a vowel or 
 liquid, also have past participles in d; for example, flen 'Qee'-JIed, 
 heren ' hear '-herd. 
 170. Some irregularities naturally occur. In addition to the 
 cases in which te regularly belongs to the preterit and / to the 
 past participle, those endings are sometimes found after consonants 
 voiced in the present but becoming voiceless in the other forms 
 after syncopation of the connecting vowel e; examples are losen- 
 loste-lost ' lose-lost/ cl^v en-clef te-cleft ' cleave-cleft.' Some verbs 
 ending in a liquid + d change d to / in preterit and participle, as 
 wenden-wente-wenl, bilden-bilte-bilt i build-built,' girden-girte-girt\ 
 ' gird-girt/ This last change is far less common in Nth. Some 
 verbs differ in present and preterit by reason of special phonetic 
 changes, as blenchen ' blench, blanch '-bkinte-bkint, mengen ' mingle '- 
 meynte-meynt, 48. In 167 attention was called to the develop- 
 ment of OE. palatal g after r as in birten ' bury ' ; when OE. 
 guttural g followed /, r it regularly became ^ later w, as in /o/jen 
 (folweti) ' follow/ borjen (borwen) * borrow.' 
 171. Borrowed verbs, with few exceptions, assumed the inflexion 
 of the weak verb, following one of the two classes above, according 
 as they agreed with one or other in phonetic peculiarities. ON. 
 weak verbs were easily received without much change, yet such 
 verbs ending in Ja, va (=wa) follow their presents without those 
 endings in English. Examples are eggen < ON. egg/a, geren < 
 gjrva. Verbs from OF. sources almost invariably became weak in 
 Middle English. In general their forms depend upon the form of 
 the OF. present stem, as ME. chanten < chanter, ptainen, responden 
 < plaindre, respondre, but rendren, battren ' render, batter ' < rendre, 
 batre; moven < ??zovot'r; aisen (pen), chdsen (cachen) < aisier, 
 chaster (Picard cachier) ' ease, chace, catch ' ; but marten ' marry/ 
 carten * carry/ tarten ' tarry/ studien ' study/ denim ' deny.' The 
 present stem is especially important as accounting for ME. verbs 
 in -ischen (issen) from OF. presents in tss-, infinitives in ir t as 
 finischen < fint'r ' finish/ florischen, nurischen, punt'schen, rejoissen 
 1 rejoice/ traissen (befratssen) beside traien {betraien) ' betray,' 
 obeischen (obeissen) beside obeien ' obey.' Double forms in OF. 
 account for certain peculiarities in ME. verbs, as the two forms 
 clamen, claimen ' claim.' A few verbs are formed from OF. past 
 participles used as adjectives, as clgsen, peinten ' paint/ fainten 'faint, 
 feint ' beside feinen ' feign/ enointen {anointen) ' anoint ' ; cf. OF. 
 clore-clos, peindre-peint, feindre-feint, enoindre-enoint. In late 
 Middle English other verbs were similarly formed from OF. or Lat. 
 perfect participles first adopted as adjectives; cf. credt 'created/ 
 desolate 'desolated' and the verbs from them. The greater number 
 of borrowed verbs assumed the forms of class I, but some, especially 
 those ending in a vowel, took the preterit de of class II ; examples 
 are crien * cry '-cryde, pay en i pay '-payde. By analogy of lacchen- 
 laiqte-laup * seize/ and others of its class, OF. cacchen ' seize, 
 catch ' formed its preterit and participle as caughte-c aught. 
 Note. Nth. agrees with Ml. Sth. retains infinitives in ten from OF. verbs 
 in wr, the latter falling in with OE. weak verbs of the second class in that 
 172. This class, as in Old English, includes gradation verbs, and 
 those with original reduplication, the former including several minor 
 divisions. The most noticeable change in strong verbs during 
 ME. times is that many of them have become weak by analogy of 
 the great weak class. On the other hand, a very few new ones 
 appear, owing to borrowings from Norse and to rare analogical 
 formations. Strong verbs also show a tendency toward the reduc- 
 tion of the two preterit stems of most OE. strong verbs to one, 
 but this tendency was not fully carried out until modern times. 
 It results naturally from the fact that even in Old English the 
 preterits of reduplication verbs, of those of class VI, and some of 
 class V had the same stem vowel in both singular and plural. 
 The reduction of the four OE. stems to three was further influenced 
 by the similar vowel in preterit plural and past participle of verbs 
 belonging to class I and most of class III, and by the regularizing 
 of consonants in verbs originally having grammatical change. 
 Note. In this reduction of preterit stems the dialects differ markedly. Nth. 
 has lost one stem, usually the plural, almost entirely. Sth. retains both forms 
 as a rule. Midland stands between the two in this respect, though agreeing 
 more nearly with Sth. through most of the period. With this general state- 
 ment, dialectal differences in the various classes need not be noted, except in 
 special cases. Differences due to -the different phonologies of the dialects have 
 been sufficiently exemplified in the part on Phonology. 
 173. The inflexional endings of strong verbs have been shown 
 in 163. The preterit second singular is often without ending. 
 There are also few peculiarities of strong stems not already noted. 
 Attention has already been called to the change in present stems 
 ending in eg, and those which retained i after r in Old English, 
 165. Variations originally due to mutation in second and third 
 singular present indicative have also disappeared by the influence 
 of the unmutated forms, though mutation was never so common in 
 the Anglian dialects as in West Saxon (Sievers, 'Gr/ 371, 
 anm. 5 f ). 
 Note. Nth. seldom preserves the e of the second person preterit indicative, 
 while in Sth. it is not uncommon. Sth. also preserves OE. eg of verb stems as 
 g( = dzh) more commonly than Midland. 
 174. Gradation verbs belong to six sub-classes, as in Old 
 English, with the following vowels in their various stems ; the 
 present, preterit singular, preterit plural, and past participle re- 
 spectively s : 
 1. t-g-i($)-i 4. /-tf-fi/tf)-2(*) 
 2. e{ii)-^-g{j)-g ^ 5. /(*) - a (<?,/) - e, i~e(i) 
 3. 1 (e) - a (g) - // (ou, g) - g, u (oil) 6. J (/, 0) 0- a (a, /, 6) 
 175. Verbs of class I are exemplified by driven ' drive '-drgf- 
 driven (drgf)-driven ; writen i write * -wrgt-writen (wrg/)-wri/en ; 
 riden ' ride '-rgd-riden (rgd)-riden. The introduction of the preterit 
 singular vowel in the plural is especially to be noticed as suggesting 
 the Modern English form. The verb s/ijen (s/ien) ' ascend ' has a 
 pret. sfcij as if from OE. *steah of the second class or possibly from 
 Norse. To verbs which regularly belong here from OE. times 
 must be added two borrowed verbs, riven ' rive ' from Norse, and 
 striven ' strive ' from French, the latter with strong forms by analogy. 
 The weak verb chiden ' chide ' also shows strong forms as early as 
 the thirteenth century ; compare chidden, a past participle, in ' Gen. 
 and Ex.' 1927. 
 1 The order of these sub-classes is unimportant, except that sub-classes T-5 
 develop from the Teutonic e-a, and 6 from a-o gradation series. In England 
 the reduplication verbs are sometimes called class I, and the above are then 
 given in the order 6, 4, 5, 3, 1, 2. Streitberg, followed by Kaluza, adopts the 
 new order 5, 4, 3, 1, 2, 6. 
 176. Of the contract verbs belonging to this class, only pen 
 {thee) ' thrive, prosper,' and wren (wrlen) ' cover, conceal ' seem to 
 be preserved. Even in Old English, too, these had been influenced 
 by verbs of class II, so that some of their forms still correspond 
 with those of that class. The first has preterit sing, peg, pret. plur. 
 and past part, pggen, later powen ; the second, pret. sing, wrej 
 (wreigh), pret. plur. and past part, wrijen (wrejen). 
 Note. Early Ml. and Nth. retain a in pt. sg. in accordance with 5, 43. 
 177. Class II early adopted a preterit plural with the stem vowel 
 g, by analogy of the past participle, though occasionally the vowel 
 of the preterit singular was introduced into the plural. Examples 
 of verbs which are fairly regular are she ten ' shoot '-shp-shgten {shft)- 
 shgten ; chesen ' choose ' chgs-chgsen (chgs)-chgsen, the latter with s 
 instead of r in preterit plural and past participle by analogy of the 
 remaining stems (OE. curon-coren). A form with u in the present 
 is shuven ( shove '-shgf (shg/)-shgven-shgven ; with change of 
 consonant due to Verner's law, sepen l seethe ' -sgp-sgden-sgden ; 
 lesen ' lose'-/j\r (las)-lj:sen, (lgst)-Igren) flegen (flyen) 'Ry'-flgg (flei)- 
 flggen (flowen)-flggen {flowen). Beden shows influence of bidden 
 (class V) in forms and meaning. 
 178. Weak forms are found beside the strong in some cases, as 
 crepen ' creep '-crepte-crept, beside crgp (crop)-crgpen-crgpen, and 
 lesen * lose '-Igste-lgst beside the strong forms above. The contract 
 verb flen (OE. jleon) 'flee' has the same preterit 2& flegen {flyen) 
 ' fly/ and there is in other respects much confusion between the 
 two. The other contract verb, ten l draw/ has preterit (h {tei) and 
 past part, tggen {towen). 
 Note. Grammatical change disappears during the period except in sepen 
 1 seethe,' though past participles sometimes preserve the original consonant 
 when used mainly as adjectives. 
 179. Class III consists of two subdivisions as the present stem 
 has e or i, the latter before a nasal as in Old English. Both 
 classes show occasional intrusion of the vowel of the singular 
 preterit into the plural. Verbs with e in the present stem are 
 exemplified by helpen ' help' -hatp (holp)-holpen-holpen) swellen 
 1 swell 'swal-swollen-swollen. A few show peculiarities due to 
 lengthening in accordance with 72, a.sjelden (yelden) ' yield '-jgld 
 {jdld)-jglden (yglden)-jglden (yglden). The verb jipen 'fight' has 
 /from original e in the present stem, according to 22, 2 ; its 
 remaining principal parts zxefap (faught)-fojten (foughten)-fojten 
 (fonghten). The verb meaning < to become' (OE. weorfian, North. 
 Ivorpan) early appears as wurpen (worpen)-wurp (worp, warp)- 
 wurpen (worperi)-wurpen (worpen) without change of p to d in the 
 last two forms, and with u (0) in all stems, by influence of pre- 
 ceding w ( 2 5). Similarly OE. swelgen appears as swellen (swelwen, 
 swolwen) ' swallow/ and develops a weak past participle swoljed 
 {swolwed). Here also may be mentioned bresten ' burst ' with 
 preterit singular brast and brost (compare 76, n. 2). OE. bregdan 
 becomes breiden (breden)-breid-broiden-broiden. 
 180. The more numerous subdivision, with i in the present stem 
 before an original nasal + consonant, is exemplified by winne?i 
 \ strive, win ' -wan-wunnen-(wdnnen)-wonnen ; drinken ' drink '-drank 
 -drdnken-drdnken) springen l spring' -sprang (sprgng)-sprongen- 
 sprongen, the latter with g in preterit singular, beside a, according 
 to 17. The of preterit plural and past participle is of course 
 orthographic for u ( 27). A few verbs have lengthened vowels in 
 all forms, zsfwden * find '-fgnd {fand)-fgnden (/ounden)-founden, 
 the only others of this sort being binden, grinden, wznden 'bind, 
 grind, wind/ The verb rinnen ' run ' has a present, in e, as rennen, 
 with the remaining forms regular. Similarly brennen ' burn ' has e 
 in the present, though like several others belonging to this class it 
 has become weak. The preterit oi ginnen 'begin' is frequently 
 used as a preterit auxiliary in such expressions as gan gg ' went, 
 did go.' 
 Note. In late Nth. begin developed a weak pret. begou))e by analogy of 
 coupe. The pret. gan also appears as can, as sometimes in Ml. 
 181. Class IV is a small class, as in Old English, and it early 
 shows a tendency to the introduction of the vowel of the past 
 participle into the preterit plural, occasionally the preterit singular. 
 Verbs which are most nearly regular are stolen ' steal 'stalsielen- 
 sl{>len ; shaven ' shear ' s harsher ens hgr en. With o forms as above, 
 bren * bear 'bar (bgr, ber)-beren (b{>ren)-bjjren ; broken * break '- 
 brak-breken (brpken)-br{)ken. Quite irregular, as in Old English, 
 are nimen {nemen, perhaps Norse) ' take '-nam (nom)-nomen (namen, 
 nam)-numen, and cumefi (comen) ' come '-cam (com)-c5men (camen)- 
 cumen {comen). 
 182. To this class, which originally contained brgkan ' break' 
 irregularly, several others of class V began to attach themselves by 
 assuming past participles with the vowel beside e. Examples are 
 given under the class to which they originally belonged. 
 Note. For g (eMl. Nth. a) instead of e (Sth. f) in the pret. pi. of this and 
 the following class, see 18, 43. 
 183. Class V, also a small class in Old English, is made smaller 
 during Middle English by the tendency of verbs originally belong- 
 ing here to assume forms of class IV, and thus range themselves 
 with that class by analogy. Examples of those that still belong 
 here in all their forms are vigten 'mete/ mat-meten-meten\ pen 
 ' eat *et {af)-eten-eten. Verbs with original i in the present stem 
 (Sievers, 'Gr/ 391-3) are exemplified by sitten c sit* satsefen- 
 seten. The verb pven (jeven), with i from original e, has preterits 
 jaf-jeven, past participle pven like the infinitive; besides, its 
 initial j gradually gives way to g, under the influence of Norse 
 geve ' give/ as also in ME. feten J get ' by influence of Norse geie. 
 Irregular, by reason of the final consonants of the stem, is liggen, 
 later lien ' lie, recline/ lay-ley en-ley en, with analogical present 
 ( 165). Bidden shows influence of beden (class II) in forms and 
 meaning. The preterit quop {quoth, quod), alone remaining from 
 OE. cwedan ' say/ perhaps has its vowel by lack of stress in the 
 sentence ( 18). The only contract verb retained, sen 'see/ has 
 also various forms for its remaining principal parts, as sey (saw, 
 saugh)-seyen {sdwen, sgwen, sayen)-seyen {sen, sogen, soweii). Verbs 
 which have been influenced by class IV are as follows : 
 wrgken * avenge,'- wrak-wreken-wre ken (wrgken). 
 spoken ' speak/- spak-speken (spaken, spgken)-spgken (speken). 
 wgven * we2Lve,'-wqf-we/en-wgven (weven). 
 drgpen l kill '-drap (drgp)-drepen (drdpen)-drgpen. 
 jeten ' get '-jat (ygl)-jelen-jelen (joten). p 
 Note. Contrary to the rule, change of s to r by Verner's Law remains in 
 was-weren, originally belonging here but defective and associated with ben * be.' 
 184. Class VI seems to present greater irregularities than in Old 
 English, owing to various phonetic causes. Most verbs have 
 lengthened vowels in present and past participle, as fdre-for-foren 
 -fdren, forsaken * forsake y -forsok-forsoken-forsaken. To these 
 have been added taken f take '-tok-token-tdken from Norse. Verbs 
 with mutated presents suffer various changes. A new form with 
 unmutated a appears in shdpen ' shape ' -shdp-shbpen-shdpen, some- 
 times in siappen beside the prevailing steppen, which soon acquires 
 weak forms as well. The infinitive of la^hen (laujen, lauhwen) 
 f laugh '-loh {lough)-lowen-loghen (lowen)-laujhen (laughen) must 
 also have been influenced by the past participle (cf. Orm's lahh^h- 
 enn. OE. sceddan ' injure ' gave place to skdpen ' scathe ' < ON. 
 skada, a weak verb. On the other hand, swgren ' swear ' and 
 hfven ' heave/ have retained present stems in e (/), but have been 
 influenced by verbs of class IV. Their principal parts are swgren 
 swgr {swar)-swgren (sweren)-swgren (swgrn) ; hpven-hgf(haf)- 
 hgfen-hgven. Verbs with stem in OE. g have forms like drajen 
 (drawen)-droj (drouj)-drojen (drowen)-drajen (drawen). As in 
 Old English standen ' stand ' has n in the present and past participle 
 only. ME. waxen ' grow/ originally belonging here, has fallen in 
 with the reduplication verbs, and waschen ' wash ' has both pre- 
 terits, wosch {wesch, weisch). By analogy of verbs of this class, 
 qudken * quake/ a weak verb, has acquired a strong preterit quok. 
 185. Contract verbs, sign (sign) ' slay ' and Jlgn (flgn) ' flay ' have 
 the following principal parts : sldn (slgn)-sldg {slug, slough, slow)- 
 slogen {slowen, slugen, slagan)-slawen (slayen) ; flon {flpi)-flogh 
 {flow)-flowen-flawen {flain). 
 186. Verbs with original reduplication are regular in having in the 
 preterit e, from OE. e, eo, or ew from OE. eow, while the vowels of 
 the present and past participle differ considerably owing to various 
 phonetic changes of OE. originals. Examples of these with 
 preterits in e are fallen ' fall '-/el {fil)-f alien ; leten ' let, allow '-lei 
 {lat)-leten (lalen) ; hglden c hold '-held-hglden. Those with preterits 
 in ew are exemplified by blowen ' blow as the wind ' -blew-blowen ; 
 growen ' grow '-grew-growen ; hewen ' hew '-hew-hewen. The last 
 example shows how the distinctive forms of Old English became 
 one in Middle English, after which the verb frequently became 
 weak. The verb hglen ' call, promise ' (OE. Mian) has two preterits 
 depending on the two OE. forms heht and het, as hiht {highly 
 highte) and hel. At the same time hihte became present as well 
 as past, and the OE. passive hatte 'am called' became a past. 
 The OE. contracts fin ' seize,' hon ' hang,' soon gave way before 
 new infinitives fangen, hangen under the influence of the past 
 participles, while a weak fangen was adopted from ON. fanga and 
 OE. hangian became Ml. hangen. Many of the reduplication 
 verbs also have weak forms, as sleple, weple, walkede, dradde, 
 * dreaded/ 
 187. The preterit-present verbs show no exceptional changes 
 from OE. times beyond the loss of some of their number, and of 
 certain forms, as the infinitive. The more important forms in the 
 several classes of strong verbs to which they originally belonged 
 are as follows : 
 I. Two verbs gjen (owen) * owe, have ' and wilen ' know ' ; inf. 
 gjen {owen) ; pres. indie, owe, owesl, owep {owelh)-owen ; pres. subj. 
 owe-owen ; pret. ajte {gjle, aughle, oughte) ; inf. wilen ; pres. indie. 
 wgl } wgsl, wgt-witen {wgl); pres. subj. wile; imp. wile; pres. part. 
 witende (witinge) ; pret. wist {wiste) ; past part. wist. 
 Note. Early Ml. has wat, djen ; Nth. agh (awe) in inf. and pres. indie, 
 aght in pret., in accordance with their phonologies. Negative forms of witen 
 are niten-ngt (Nth. ndt) -niste, &c. Sth. has wiiten, niiten, &c, from 1WS. 
 wytan, nytan. 
 III. Three verbs, cunnen ' be able, can ' and durren ' dare,' 
 purven ' need ' ; inf. cunnen (connen); pres. indie, can (con), canst, 
 can (con)~cunen {cunnen) ; pres. subj. cunne (conne)-cunnen (connen)] 
 pret. cupe (couth, couthe, coude). 
 Inf. durren (duren) ; pres. indie, dar, darst, dar-dor (dar) ; pres. 
 subj. durre (dore)- -durren ; pret. durste (dorste, dt'rste). 
 Inf. purven \ pres. indie, par/, par/(t), parf-purven ; pres. 
 subj . purve-purven ; pret. purfte ( porfte, porte)-purften. 
 Note. Nth. has no such forms as con, cbnne. 
 IV. Pres. indie, shal, shalt, shal-shullen (shut, shot, shal) ; pres. 
 subj. schule-schulen ; pret. sholde (schulde, schold, scholde). 
 Note. Nth. has sal-suld in accordance with its phonology. It also retains 
 pres. indie, mon ' remember, have in mind, must,' -mune ; pres. subj. mune ; 
 pret. mond (jnunde). 
 V. Inf. mujen (mowen); pres. indie, mat, miht (mai, mayest), 
 mat-mow en (mow, may); pres. subj. mowe-mowen; pret. mtjte 
 (mihte, mighte, moughte). 
 Note. Nth. has only pres. mat, pret. might (mogkt). 
 VI. Pres. indie, mot, most, mot-moten (most) ; pres. subj. mote- 
 moten ; pret. moste (muste). 
 188. In the earlier part of the period relics of several other 
 preterit-presents are also found, as dugen ' avail ' (class II), unnen 
 j grant ' (class III) ; munen ' be mindful ' (class IV), but these soon 
 disappear, though a pres. and pret. of munen occur in Nth. (see 
 above). Relics of the old strong past participles of these verbs are 
 found in the adj.-adv. wis (iwis) ' certain, certainly/ and the adj. 
 owen (eMl. Nth. djen, agen) ' own/ 
 189. Four verbs are quite anomalous in the number and 
 character of their forms. They are ben (be) ' be/ willen ' will/ don 
 1 do/ ggn ' go/ These have the following forms : 
 1. Ben (be) 'be/ Pres. indie, am, art (ert), is (es), and be, best, 
 bep; plur. am (are), ben (be); pres. subj. be, plur. ben (be); pret. 
 was, were (wgre, was), was ; plur. weren (waren, wgren) ; pret. 
 subj. were-weren (wgren); imp. be-bep (beth); past part, ben 
 j Note i. In early Midland, as Orm, sometimes a little later also, the 
 present forms best, beo), pi. sinden, are found, and si as pres. subj. 
 Note 2. Nth. has for present indie, sg. am, ert {art, es), is (es) ; pi. er (ar, 
 cm, es) ; also third sg. bes, pi. b&t (bes) ; pret. sg. was (wes), pi. wer {were, 
 warn, wern t was). Sth. has pres. indie, second sg. ert, pi. bo) {be), bilj>) ; 
 subj. beo, pi. beon ; pret. was, wire, was, pi. wren ; imp. beo-beo) ; inf. &w* ; 
 past part, ibeon {iben, yben). Early Sth. also has the gerund, or inflected 
 infinitive beonne. 
 2. Willen 'will.' Pres. indie, wil (wot), wilt (wolt), wil (wol)\ 
 plur. wiln (wil, woln, wot) ; pres. subj. wile (wole) ; pret. wolde 
 (wilde), woldest (wosl, wilde), wolde (wilde, walde, welde); plur. 
 wolden (wold, welde). A negative form, nillen 'will not' also 
 Note. Nth. has pres. indie, sg. and pi. wil {will, wille, wel); pret. wald 
 (wild, weld). Sth. uses pres. indie, wiile (wiille, ich iille, ich olle = ich zvulle), 
 wiilt, wiile ; pi. wiille) ; pres. subj. wule-wiillen ; pret. ivolde. 
 3. Don (do) ' do/ Pres. indie, do, dost, dop (doth) ; plur. don ; 
 subj. do-don ; imp. do-doj? (doth) ; pres. part, doende (doinge) ; pret. 
 dide (dede) ; past part, don (do). 
 Note. Nth. has pres. indie, do, dos (dose, duse) ; pi. do (dose, don) ; pres. 
 subj. sg. and pi. do ; imp. do-do (dos) ; pret. did (ded)-did (dide) ; pres. part. 
 doand; past part, don (dune). Sth. has pres. indie, do, dest, de); pi. do) 
 (doth) ; pret. dude ; pres. part, donde ; past part. idon. 
 4. Ggn (gg) ' go/ Pres. indie, gg, ggst, ggp (ggth) ; plur. ggn 
 pies. subj. gg-ggp {ggth); pres. part, ggend {gging). The preterit 
 is supplied by a different root, in the earlier period by jede { lode, 
 yede), OE, geeode, later by wente-wenten from wenden ' wend, go/ 
 Note. Nth. has inf. gdn(gd) ; pres. indie, ga, gas (gdse, gats), gas (gasc, 
 gais); pi. gas; pres. subj. gd-gd (gdn) ; imp. gd-gd (gdn) ; gd (gas, goes, gats) ; 
 past part, gdn (gdne, gain) ; pret. supplied by went. Sth. has inf. ggn ; 
 pres. indie, gg, gest, gej> (geth) ; pi. ggp (ggth) ; pres. subj. gg-ggn ; pret. eodc 
 (jede, }ode). 
 190. Many adverbs in Middle English do not differ from their 
 Old English forms, except for phonetic changes common to them 
 with other words. They are based on adjective, substantive, and 
 pronominal roots, and are both simple and compound. Simple 
 adverbs, based on adjectives, end in e, like {fi, ly), inge (linge). 
 Those of the first class include adverbs which retain OE. e, or have 
 e from a by weakening, as softe ' softly/ sope l in truth/ sone (OE. 
 sond) ' soon ' ; those of the second, adverbs which ended in lice in 
 OE., and many which assumed this ending in Middle English, as 
 hardlike (kdrdlz) ' hardly,' soptike (sopfi) ' soothly ' ; to the third, 
 those ending in t'nga, enga, unga (h'nga, lenga, lungd) in Old Eng- 
 lish, as allnnge ' wholly/ During the period those of the first class 
 gradually lost final e, and thus had the same form as the corre- 
 sponding adjectives. With them came to be associated many 
 adverbs from Old French which had the same form as the corre- 
 sponding adjectives, as just, very, quite. The second adverbial 
 ending, like, was gradually weakened until it became confused with 
 the adjective ending ft {ly), OE. lig, which henceforth came to be 
 the distinctive adverbial ending and was greatly extended in its use 
 with both native and foreign words. The third ending above is 
 least frequent of all, and was not extended in the ME. period. 
 191. Adverbs, formed from the oblique cases of adjectives or 
 substantives in Old English, also remain in Middle English. These 
 are most commonly genitives in es, the masculine-neuter ending, 
 as elles ' else/ unwdres * unawares,' dates ' by day/ nihies ' by night/ 
 neaes ' needs.' This ending was considerably extended in its use 
 in Middle English, as to adjectives otherwise ending in e, inge 
 (linge), and to nouns without regard to original gender. Old 
 accusatives are Utel, lit ' little/ firn ' formerly/ ful ' fully/ fenoh 
 (enough, anough). Old datives are sgre, seldom, whilom, relics of 
 OE. dative-instrumental singulars or plurals. Neither of these 
 last two case-forms was frequently used in forming ME. adverbs, 
 and many formed in OE. gradually disappeared. 
 192. Pure pronominal adverbs 2jepg l when//j ' thus/ hu (hou) 
 ' how/ why ' why/ pan (peri), whan (when). Adverbs of place, 
 based on adjective or pronominal roots, commonly have the ending 
 en, from OE. an, as in case of those signifying ' where ' or ' whence.' 
 Examples of adverbs signifying ' place where ' are innen (inne) ' in, 
 within/ uten (ute) ' out,' fgren (fgrn,fgre) ' before ' ; of those signi- 
 fying ' place from which ' hennen (henne) ' hence/ hwennen (hwenne, 
 whenne) ' whence/ gsten (pte) 'from the east.' To this class was 
 added also some Norse forms, as hepen ' hence/ pepen ' thence.' 
 On the other hand, some of these adverbs have es instead of en in 
 late Midland by extension of the es ending, as already mentioned 
 above. A few adverbs denoting ' place whither ' end in der, origin- 
 ally comparative, as fader 'hither/ bider 'thither/ and perhaps by 
 influence of these ponder. 
 193. Compound adverbs are frequent, some being of OE. origin, 
 some of Middle English formation. As belonging to the former, 
 those ending in like might be counted, although this had become 
 a well-established adverbial ending in OE. Better examples are 
 those ending in ward, OE. weard, as upward, supward ' southward/ 
 and mele, OM. melum, as dropmele 'drop by drop.' To these 
 were added in Middle English many ending in ful, dgl, ' part/ lime, 
 while, way, wise, and others. Still other compound adverbs are 
 made up of a prefix, the relic of an older preposition, and a noun 
 or pronoun, as beside, away, adune ' adown/ forpi ' because/ perm 
 'therein,' per of ' thereof/ Such adverbs as alway (always), sum-\ x 
 time, sumwhile, are made up of an indefinite pronoun and a noun, 
 and such as within, withouten (withoute) of two adverbs. 
 Note i . In early Midland adverbs differ little from the later time except as 
 they conform somewhat more nearly to OE. forms. 
 Note 2. The principal variations of the dialects are as follows. Nth. 
 shows the loss of final e in most adverbs, so that adjectives and corresponding 
 adverbs are invariable as a rule. The ending like was early weakened to It 
 (/)/), and in its place Norse -leiki is sometimes found, as hardlaike ' hardly.' 
 The ending inge (linge) frequently becomes inges (tinges), and the es ending is 
 otherwise extended, as to numeral adverbs dnes 'once,' &c. The Norse 
 adverbs of place are much more common, as he]>en 'hence,' quejjen 'whence.' 
 Among compound adverbs, Nth. uses the Norse suffix gate ' way, manner,' as 
 in algdte * always, y pusgdte ' in this manner,' while forms like uiwith ' without,' 
 forwith 'before,' are more common. The preposition on, when becoming 
 a prefix, remains on (0), as in obove * above,' onan ' anon,' onlive {olive) ' alive.' 
 Sth. retains the e ending, even where wholly lost in other dialects, as in the 
 numeral adverbs $ne ' once,' &c. The Sth. form of OE. lice is liche, which is 
 not weakened to it (ly), and inge (linge) does not become inges (tinges). The 
 ending en (e) is more extended in its use. Norse forms are not found, and OE. 
 on, when becoming a prefix, is weakened to an (a) as in alive, about, anpn. 
 194. The comparative and superlative of the adjective may be 
 used as an adverb without change. In addition, a few adverbs not 
 derived from adjectives have comparative endings. A few mono- 
 syllabic adverbs with mutation remain from OE. times, as bet 
 1 better,' fr Qre) * ere,' leng ' longer ' ; compare Sievers, ' Gr.' 
 3 2 3- 
 195. Little need be said of Middle English prepositions, since 
 they present no serious difficulties, and show few changes not 
 easily understood from the ordinary changes in phonology. Most 
 OE. prepositions were preserved in Middle English, and some few 
 were added from other sources, as Norse. Thus frg l from ' is 
 derived from Norse fra, as is probably umb {urn), cognate with 
 O'E.ymbe ' around/ Some few prepositions altered their meaning, 
 as wip ' with/ which more commonly meant \ against ' in Old Eng- 
 lish. In Middle English it ordinarily came to mean * with/ doubt- 
 less through use in such expressions as fight with, in which it 
 could have either signification. When this came to be true, mid 
 in the latter meaning gradually disappeared. Simple prepositions 
 from OF. were adopted in certain phrases, as par amur, par fai, 
 paravefiture (paraunter), and certain OF. words came to be used 
 as prepositions ; examples are rund ' round/ except, maugre ' in 
 spite of,' save, acor daunt, later acording. Compound prepositions 
 and prepositional phrases became common in Middle English, as 
 ajein (again), ajeines, amgng, algng, beside, nejhgnd (nerhgnd) ' near 
 at hand, near,' toward, uttaken 'except/ OF. words were also 
 united in these phrases as bi cause of, be rgson of, in regard of, 
 around, according to. 
 Note. It is naturally impossible to separate dialects on the basis of prepo- 
 sitions only, but some prepositions seem almost peculiar to certain dialectal 
 divisions. Thus Nth. uses at and til (intil, until) for to and unto, amel {pmel, 
 erne/, i?nel) for betwen, and wij> more commonly instead of mid. Sth. has an 
 (a) for on, to, unto, and mediox wi}. 
 196. Old English conjunctions in general remain in Middle 
 English, subject to such changes as were natural to their phonetic 
 forms. Among those deserving special mention are eiper (eijper) 
 1 either/ ouper (gper, or) ' or/ sipen (sipenes, sipe, sith, sepe, &c.) ' 
 1 since/ Nth. sin, sen. Among correlative conjunctions, pe . . .pe 
 remain from OE. py : . .py with different vowel by analogy of pe; 
 but OE. swa . . . swa gave place to alswg . . . ase, or as . . . as. 
 From OE. correlatives and preceding indefinite pronouns also arose 
 the new correlatives of Middle English, as eiper {jgper) . . . or, 
 neiper (ngper) . . . nor, in which or, nor are weakened forms of the 
 indefinite gper, OE. ahwceder, awder. The common negative of 
 Middle English is ne, which often suffers apocope of e and unites 
 with the following word as in Old English. The OE. na, from 
 ne + a, remained sometimes in ng, as to-day in no better, no more of 
 it, but at the same time a new negative nat (not), based on OE. | 
 nawiht * naught/ came into use and gradually supplanted both of 
 the others in most situations. Sometimes both ne and nat (no/) 
 were used in the same sentence. In Middle English also, the 
 Norse negative net (nay) was adopted, as was also the affirmative ei 
 (ay) beside the OE. affirmative jes (jt's, yes). 
 197. Middle English interjections come from Old English, as Ig, 
 g (gh), wg, with the weak forms la, a (later perhaps la, a, ah), wa 
 (walawa). From Norse came wet (wat) ' woe,' weilawei(wailawai), 
 and ho; from Old French alas, fy. The adoption of foreign 
 interjections is probably mainly of literary origin. 
 The numbers refer to paragraphs. 
 a, 16. 
 a, 29. 
 Accent, 13. 
 Addition (consonant), 
 Adjectives, 138. 
 Adverbs, 190. 
 ai, 50. 
 Aphseresis, 89. 
 Apocope, 86. 
 Assimilation, 114. 
 au, 55. 
 ck, no. 
 Comparison, 141. 
 Conjunctions, 196. 
 Consonants, 91. 
 general changes, 112. 
 voicing of, 113. 
 Consonantizing, 112. 
 d, 93- 
 Dialects of ME., 1. 
 Diphthongs, 47. 
 Dissimilation, 114. 
 c_, 19. 
 e (close), 31, 35. 
 i (open), 31, 32. 
 Ecthlipsis, 117. 
 ei, 52. 
 Elision, 88. 
 / l9 8. 
 g (stop), 95. 
 g,j(dzk), in. 
 $ (spirant), 103. 
 Gender, 120. 
 h, 105. 
 t, 12. 
 h 3 8 - 
 Inflexions, 119. 
 Interjections, 197. 
 iu, 61. 
 /(afe/z), in. 
 .6 (stop), 94. 
 /, 108. 
 Lengthening, 72. 
 Liquids, 108. 
 M } IO9. 
 Metathesis, 115. 
 n, 109. 
 Nasals, 109. 
 ng(n), 109. 
 Nouns, 122. 
 anomalous, 133. 
 Numerals, 143. 
 0, 24. 
 (close), 40, 44. 
 p (open), 40, 41. 
 Orthography, 7. 
 oi, 63. 
 0, pu, 65. 
 A 93- , 
 Phonology, 16. 
 Prepositions, 195. 
 Pronouns, 147. 
 possessives, 153. 
 demonstratives, 154. 
 relatives, 157. 
 ites, 158. 
 Pronunciation, 10. 
 Quantity, variations in, 
 r, 108. 
 s, 101. 
 sch (sh), 102. 
 Semivowels, 106. 
 Shortening, vowel, 76. 
 Spirants, 98. 
 Stops, 93. 
 Stress, word, 13. 
 Substitution, consonant, 
 Syllables, unstressed, 80. 
 Syncope, 83. 
 /, &, 100. 
 u, 46. 
 tiz, 70. 
 v, 93, 99- 
 Verbs, 162. 
 weak, 167. 
 strong, 172. 
 preterit-present, 187. 
 anomalous, 189. 
 Vocalization of conso- 
 nants, 112. 
 Voicing of consonants, 
 Vowels, long, 29. 
 short, 16. 
 w, 106. 
f c 
 1 1 3 2 . Dis gear com Henri King to f is land, pa com Henri abbot 
 and \ wreide f e munece's of Burch to f e king forf I Sat 2 he wolde 
 ,underf edeiTftat mynstre to Clunle, swa Sat te king was wel nen 
 bepaht and sende efter f e muneces. And f urh Godes milce and 
 f urh be Biscop 3 of Seresberi and te Biscop of Lincol and te of re 5 
 rice men f e f er waefbn, fa, wiste f e king (Sat he feorde mid swic- 
 dom. pa he nan' mgr ne mihte, fa wolde he "Sat his nefe sculde 
 ben abbot 4 in Burch, oc Crist 5 it ne wolde. Was it noht swithe 
 lang f erefter fat te king sende efter him and dide him gyven up "Sat 
 abbotrice 6 of Burch and faren lit of lande ; and te king iaf Sat i< 
 abbotrlce an prior of Sanct 7 Neod, Martin was gehaten. He com 
 on Sanct Petres messedei mid micel wurscipe into the minstre. 
 1 1 35. On fis gsere for se King Henri over see set te Lammasse. 
 And (Sat of er dei fa he lai an slep in scip, fa f estrede f e daei over 
 al landes and ward fe sunne swilc als it ware thre niht aid mone, 1. 
 and 8 sterres abuten him at middaei. Wurben men swioe ofwundred 
 and ofdred, and saeden Sat micel flng sculde cumen herefter, swa 
 dide ; for fat ilc gaer warth f e king dfd, Sat of er daei efter Sanct 
 Andreas massedaei on Normandi. pa. wes trf son a 9 fas landes, for 
 1 t as often. 2 $ only, as usually. 3 biscop. 4 abb. 5 Xpist, 
 as usually. 6 abbrice. 7 S\ as always. b an. 9 westre sona. 
 ^vricmian^one'raivede ober fe mihte. pa namen his sune and 
 his freh^Kind brohten his lie to Engleland 1 and bebirleden 2 in Rfd- 
 inge. God man he wes and mice! seie wes of him. Durste nan 
 man misdon wio ocSer on his time. Pais he makede men and der 3 . 
 Wuaswa bare his byrthen, gold and sylvre, durste nan man sei to 
 him naht bute god. 
 Enmang f is was his nefe, cumen to Engleland, Stephne de Blais, 
 and com to Lundene : and te Lundenisce folc him underfeng and 
 senden sefter f e sercebiscop, Willelm * Curbuil, and halechede him 
 to kinge on midewintre dsei. On f is kinges time wes al unfri<5 : 
 and yfel and rseflac, for, agenes him risen sona fa rice men f e 
 wairon swikes, alrefyrst Baldwin de Redvers, and held Execestre 
 agenes him ; and te king it besset, and sio15an Baldwin acorclede. 
 pa tocan fa ocSre and helden her castles agenes him, and David 
 King of Scotland toe to wemen him. pa, foWdJiere fat, here : 
 sandes feorden betwyx heom, and hi togaedere corrlen and wuroe 
 saehte, bob it lltel forstode. V'A' 
 1 137. Dis gaere for f e Klng r 6 Stephne 7 ofer sse to Normandl and 
 ther wes underfangen, forfi Sat hfwenden "Sat he sculde ben alswic 
 alse the fom wes, and for he hadde 'get his tresor; ac he todfld it N : 
 and scatered sotlice. Micel hadde Henri King gadered gold and^ 
 sylver, and na god ne dide me for his saule tharof. 
 pa f e King Stephne to Englaland c5m, fa makod he his gader- 
 ing set Oxeneford and far he nam f e biscop Roger of Sereberi 
 Alexander Biscop of Lincol and te Canceler Roger, hi^neves, and : 
 dide selle in prisun til hi iafen up here castles, pa the swikes under-^ 
 ^ceton <5at he milde man was and softe and god, and na tfusticje ne 
 dide, fa diden hi alle wunder. HI hadden him manred maea and . 
 athes sworen,'"oc hi nan treuthe ne heolden; alle hi 7 wseron for- 
 sworen and here treoth/es forloren, for aivric rice man his castles 3 
 makede and agcenes him heolden, and fylden f e land ful of castles. 
 Hi swencten swyo"e fe'wrecce men of f e land mid castelweorces. 
 1 Englel, as usual. I 2 bebiriend. 3 da?r. 4 Willm, as usual. , 
 S 5 k, as oftffn. 6 Steph., as usual. 7 he. 
 castles warten maked, fa fyldeji^iil mid deovles and yvele 
 meW^pa, namen pi J?a men J?e ^ijwenden Sat^Kgod Jiefden, 
 bathe Be nihtes_^i\d^ be (addiep, carlmen and( wimmeri.) and diden 
 heom in prisun efter golaand sylver, and pined lieom untellendlice 
 pining. For ne warren naivre nan martyrs swa pined alse hi wieron ; g- 4w<^ 
 me henged up bi the fet and smoked heom mid ftH-'Smoke; me *Z 
 henged bi the Jmmbes ther bi the hefed, and hengen bryniges on Jg*** 
 her fet; me dide cnotted strenges abuton here Halved and wrythen 
 to .Sat it gaede to pe hcernes.s^ Hi diden heom in quarterne far 
 nadres and snakes and pades waeron inne, and.drapen heom swa. 10 
 Suine hi diden in crucethus, Sat is in an caeste fat was scort and 
 mareu^and undep, and dide scserpe stilnes f erinne and f rengde f e 
 men f oerinne Sat him braecon alle f e limes. In manl of f e castles 
 waeron ioJlajid-gxin^Sat waeron rachenteges Sat twa gfer thre men 
 hadden dnoh'to baeron gnne ; fat was swa, maced, Sat is faestned 15 
 to an bfom, and diden an scaerp iren abuton fe 1 mannes throte/u^ *< 
 and his hals, Sat he ne myhte ngwiderwardes, ne sitten ne lien ne 
 slepen, oc baeron al Sat iren. , Mani fusend 2 hi drapen mid 
 hunger 3 . k u ^ H' " " ^^ <^^* l*A. M** 
 I ne can ne I ne mai tellen alle f e wunder, ne alle f e pines Sat 20 
 hi diden wrecce men on f is land ; and Sat lastede pa. nigentene 4 
 wintre wile Stephne was king, and aevre it was werse and Averse. 
 Hi laeiden gaeldes 5 on the tunes aevre urn wile and clepeden -it 
 tgnserie. pa, f e Greece men ne hadden nan mpreto gyven, fa 
 ngyeden hi and brendon alle the tunes Sat, wel f ifmyhtes faren all 25 
 iNdaeis farej>sculdest thu nfvre finden man in tune sittende ne land 
 tilecb Pa was corn daere and flf sc 6 and caese and butere, for nan 
 ne was o p e land. Wrecce men sturven of hunger ; sume ieden 
 on aelmds pe waren sum wile rice men; sume flugen fit of llncle. ^\ 4**^ 
 Wes naivre gaet mare wreccehfd on land, ne naevre hfthen men 30 w 
 werse rje diden fan hi diden ; for wer sithon ne forbaren hi 
 noutherj circe ne cvrceialrd, oc namen al p e god Sat f arinne was 
 and brdnden sythen fe c^rcQ and al tegaedere. Ne hi ne forbaren 
 1 J>a. / 2 Jmsen. 3 hungser, as olfei^^^ * xix. 5 gseildes. 6 flee 
 biscopes 1 land, ne abbotes 2 , ne preostes, ac raeveden munekes and 
 clerkes and asvrii man other J>e gwer myhte. Gif twa men gper 
 o>e 3 coman rl^end to an tun, al pe tunscipe flugen 4 for heom ; 
 wenden Sat hi waeron rsevfres. pe biscopes and lfred men heom 
 cursede sevre, oc was heom naht f arof for hi weron al forcursed 5 j 
 and forsworen and forloren. Warsaw me tilede, he erthe ne bar nan 
 , I corn, for be. land was al fordon mid swilce dsedes and hi isaeden 
 ^^ ^bpenlice oat Crist sjjp and, his halechen. Swilc anomare fanne 
 we cunnen saMn we fofe'cfen' 6 nigentene 7 wintre for ure sinnes. 
 On al fis yvele time heold Martin abbot his abbotrice tfwentl, 8 j 
 wintre and half gser and ehte 9 dseis mid micel swine, and f|ruife' 
 munekes and te gestes al fat heom behoved ; and heold! mycel 
 carited in the hus, and f of wethere wrohte on pe circe ar/d sette 
 f arto landes and rentes, and goded it swythe and Icet it rejen, and 
 brohte heom into f e newae mynstre on Sanct Petres msessedaii mid i 
 micel wurtscipe. Dat was anno ab incarnatione Domini mcxl, a 
 , combustione loci xxiii. And he for to Rome and fair wses waM 
 l~* \i underfangen fram be Pape Eugenie, and begset thare privilegies, an 
 tfa" iff* t. %A -*d ^ 
 '1^7 'Of alle fe landes of fe abbotiice 10 and anofer of fe landes fe Hen 
 to fe circewican ; and, gif he leng moste liven, alse he mint to don of 2 
 pe horderwycan. And he begaet in landes fat rice men hafden mid 
 strengthe : of Willelm Malduit pe heold Rogingham pe n castel, he 
 wan Cotingham andfstun; and of Hugo of Waltevile he wai^Hyrt- 
 M lingberl 12 and Stanwig and sixtl.^soliai 1 * of Aldewingle selc gair. 
 i^^JT- And he makede manie munekes and plantede winiserd and makede 2 
 manl weorkes, and wende p e tun betere fan it ser wses, and wses ] 
 god munec and god man and forf I him luveden God and gode men. 
 Nu we willen saegen sum dfl wat belamp on Stephnes Kinges 
 time. On his time be Iudeufs of Norwic bohton an Cristen 15 cild I 
 beforen fstren and pineden him alle pe ilee pining <5at ure Drihten 3 
 was pined; and on lang Frldaei-him on rode hengen for ure 
 Drihtines luve, and sithen byrleden him. Wenden oat it sculde 
 1 tiiscopes. 
 2 atft. 
 3 iii. 4 flugaen. 5 forciirssecL' 
 6 J)olenden. 
 7 xix. 8 xx. 
 9 viii. 10 ))abbotrice. u f>se.\ 
 12 Hyrtlingb. 
 13 lx. " sot. 
 15 Xpisten. '1 
 ben forholen, oc Ore Dryhtin atywede oat he was hah rrfartyr ; y^ 
 and tg munekei him namen and bebyried him heglice in pe minstre, 
 and he maket J?W ure Drihtin wunderlice and manifaeldlice miracles, ^ 
 and hatte he Sanct Willelm. , / L 
 cl-v-vI^ 8 - O n J^is gaer com David, King of Scotland 2 , mid ormete \ 
 fserd to J?is land ; wolde winnan }>is land, and him com toggle's 
 Willelm Eorl of Albamar, \>e f>e king hadde ' betf ht Evorwj and 
 ty other devest 4 men mid faetf men and fuhten wid heom, and 
 flemden ]x- king set te Standard and sloghen swithe micel of his 
 genged ^^U^^Ua io 
 i i 40. On J>isgaer wctidepe King Stephne taecen RodhertEorl of " 
 Gloucestre, J?e kinj[ej^sjW-HnTTes, ac he ne myhte for he'wart W , ^ " 
 war. perefter in J?e lengten J^estrede J?e sunne and te daei abuton 
 non-tid daeies pa men eten, Sat me lihtede candles to aten bi ; and 
 J?at was ftreteneiaiendlls Apri'/es 5 . Waeron men swythe ofwundred. 15 
 perefter for dfeorde Willelm ^Ercebiscop of Cantwarberi 6 , and te^JT^| 
 king makede Teodbald aercebiscop pe was abbot in the Bee. 
 perefter waix swathe micel werre betwyx pe king and Randolf 
 Eorl of Caestre, noht forJ?i 'Sat he ne iaf him al Sat he cuthe axen 
 him, alse he dide alle othre, oc aefre pe mare he iaf heom, pe waerse 20 
 hi waeron him. pe eorl heold Lincol agaenes .pe king and benam 
 him al (Sat he ahte to haven ; and te king for }?ider and besaette him 
 and his brother Willelm de R[om]are 7 in pe castel. And te aeorl 
 stael ut and ferde efter Rodbert Eorl of Gloucestre and brohte him 
 Jrider mid micel ferd; and fuhten swythe on Candelmasse daei 25 
 agenes heore laverd and namen him for his men him swyken and yjvuk- 
 flugen 8 and laid him to Bristowe, and diden Jar in prisun and />t^ - 
 [fejteres. pa was al Engleland styred mar )?an air waes, and aW t^ 
 yvel wses inlande. J3j <*** *** 
 perefter com pe kinges dohter Henries pe hefde ben emperice in 30 
 Alamanie and nu waes cuntesse in Angou, and com to Lundene 
 and te Lundenissce folc hire wolde taecen and scae fleh and forlfs 
 1 mr. 2 Scotl. 3 adde. * sevez. 5 xiii . April. 6 Cantwart). 
 7 R. . . are ; bracketed letters or words are conjectural. 8 ilugsen. 

 6 7. r///i MIDLAND DIALECT 
 far micel. perefter f e biscop of Wincestre, Henri fe kinges 
 brother Stephnes, spac wid Rodbert Eorl and wid f e emperice l , 
 and swor heom athas "Sat he nf vre ma" mid te king his brother 
 wolde halden, and cursede alle f e men f e mid him heolden, and 
 ssede heom "Sat he wolde iiven heom up Wincestre, and dide heom 5 
 eumen fider. pa hi fserinne warren, fa com fe kinges cwen 
 mid al hire strengthe and besaet heom, Sat f er waes inne micel 
 hunger, pa hi ne leng ne muhten f olen, fa stall hi ut and flugen ; 
 and hi wurthen war widuten and folecheclen heom and namen 
 Rodbert Eorl of Gloucestre, and ledden him -to Rovecestre and i< 
 diden him fare in prisun ; and te emperice fleh into an minstre. 
 pa feorden f e wise men betwyx f e kinges freond and te eorles 
 freond, and sahtlede swa (Sat me sculde leten ut f e king of prisun 
 for Ipe eorl, and te eorl for Ipe king ; and swa diden. 
 Sithen f erefter sahtleden f e king and Randolf Eorl at Stanford, ij 
 and athes sworen and treuthes faesten Sat her noufer sculde 
 beswiken other. And it ne forstod naht, for Ipe king him sithen 
 nam in Hamtun furh 2 wicci ned, and dide him in prisun; and 
 efsones he let him ut furh wserse red, to Sat forewarde Sat he 
 swor on halidom and gysles fand fat he alle his castles sculde iiven 2c 
 up. Sume he iaf up and sume ne iaf he noht, and dide f anne 
 wserse f anne he her 3 sculde. : 
 pa was Engleland swythe todfled. Sume helden mid te king 
 and sume mid f e emperice ; for fa f e king was in prisun fa ! 
 wenden f e eorles and te rice men fat he nf vre mare sculde cumen 2* 
 ut, and ssehtleden wyd f je emperice * and brohten hire into Oxen- 
 ford and iaven hire f e burch. pa f e king was ute, fa herde Sat 
 saegeh and toe his feord and besset hire in f e tur ; and me Iset hire j 
 dun on niht of f e tur mid rapes, and stal ut and fleh and isede on 
 fote to Walingford. perefter sc'se ferde over sai and hi of Normandl S c 
 wenden alle fra f e king to f e Eorl of Angseu, sume here_fankes, ; 
 ^ and sume here u n^ankes ; for he besaet heom til hi a-iaven up here 
 < castles, and hi nan helpe ne haefden of f e king. 
 *"Hj i< l ^emperice, as usually. 2 Jmrhc, as in next clause also. 8 hser. 
 4. c-a J? r Q cxJ*^ t flh t _^ 
 f 5 ferde Eustace pe klnges sune to France and nam pe kinges 
 suster of France to wife; wende to begaeton Normandl paerpurh. 
 oc he sj-edde Htel, and be gode rihte for he was an yvel man, for 
 warese he [com he] dide mare yvel Jeanne god. He rfvede pe 
 landes and laeide mic[ele geldejs on ; he brohte his wif to Engleland 5 
 and dide hire in pe catefl on Canjteberl x ; god wimman scae W33S 
 oc scse hedde litel (blis.se> mid him. And Crist ne wolde 'Sat he 
 sculde lange'r|xan, arra waerd dd and his moder beien. 
 And te Eorl of Angaeu waerd df d and his sune Henri toe to pe 
 rice. And te cwen of France todaelde fra pe king and scse com to i 
 pe iunge Eorl Henri, and he toe hire tojvlye and al Peitou mid j^U^- 
 hire, pa ferde he mid micel faerd into Engleland and wan castles ; 
 and te king ferde agenes him mid micel mare ferd. And 
 popwaethere fuhten 2 hi noht, oc ferden pe aercebiscop and te wise 
 men betwux heom and makede "Sat sahte "Sat te king sculde ben 15 
 laverd and king wile he livede, and sefter his daei ware Henri king ; y ^jL^ 
 and he helde him for fader and he him for sune, and sib and saehte "'v** 1 
 sculde ben betwyx heom and on al Engleland. pis and te othre 
 forwardes pet hi makeden^woren to halden pe king and te eorl 
 and te bis,cop and te eorles ; and rice men alle. pa was pe eorl 20 
 underfangen aet Wincestre and aet Lundene mid micel wurtscipe, 
 and alle diden him manfed and sworen pe pais to halden ; and hit ^*> 
 ward sone swythe god pais, swa cSat nfvre was f re 3 . pa was pe -<,' \ 
 king strengere panne he aevert f r 4 was ; and te eorl ferde over sad ^G^ 
 and al folc him luvede, for he dide god justlse and makede pais. ^5 . 
 1 154. On pis gaer waerd pe King Stephne dfd and bebyrled per j^j 
 his wif and his sftne waeron bebyrled aet Favresfeld ; paet minster hi <v ^*<* 
 makeden. pa pe king was df d pa was pe eorl beionde sae, and ne 
 durste nan man don oper bute god for pe micel eie of him. pa 
 he to Engleland com pa was he underfangen mid micel wurtscipe, 30 
 and to king bletced 5 in Lundene on pe Sunnendaei beforen mid- 
 winter daei, and j held pair micel curt, pat ilee daei pat Martin, 
 abbot 6 of Burch, sculde bider faren, ba, saeclede he and ward ded, , . 
 1 teb. 2 fuMten. 3 here. * her. ' 5 bletcsecT 6 atfc.. *%< JU~*-( 
 A.& ^V *'** r &s*k- C**** ** "~ ^^ 
 fowre nonas Januarias \ and te munekes innen dasis cusen of>er ol 
 heom saelf, Willelm de Waltevile is gehaten, god clerc and god 
 man, and wail luved of pe king and of alle gode men. And o[n 
 circ]en 2 byrieden pe abbot 3 hehlice, and sone ]>e cosan abbot 4 
 ferde and te muneces [mid him to] Oxenforde to ]>e king, [and he] 
 iaf him J>at abbotrice. And he ferde him son[e to Linc]ol and 
 wass J?[aer bletced to] abbot ser he ham come, and [sithen] was 
 underfangen [mid mic]el [wurtscipe at] Burch, mid [mice]l proces- 
 sion. And swa he was alswa at Ramesseie, and at Torneie 5 , and 
 at . . . , and Spallding 6 , and at S . 1 . bares, and . . . , and [nu is] 
 abbot, and fa[ire] haved begunnon. Cristus 7 him un[ne god 
 Nu, broferr Wallterr, brof>err min affterr J>e fl^shess klnde, 
 Annd 8 broJ>err min iCrisstenndom f>urrh fulluhht and furrh trowwfe, 
 Annd bro^err min I Godess hus jet 9 o J?e fridde 10 wise, 
 purrh J>att witt hafenn takenn n ba ^n re^hellboc to folljhenn, 
 Unnderr fenuhnkess had annd Hf swa summ Sannt Awwstin sette ; 
 Ice hafe don swa summ pu. badd annd for^edd te J?in wille, 
 Ice hafe wennd inntill Ennglissh goddspelless halLjhe ljare 12 , 
 Affterr J>att little witt J>att me min Drihhtm hafebb lened. 
 pu ]x>hhtesst tatt itt mihhte wel till mikell frame turrnenn, 
 ^iff Ennglissh folic, forr lufe off Crist, itt wollde jgrne lernenn 
 Annd fol^henn itt and fillenn itt wilpp pohht, wib]? word, wij^b dede ; 
 Annd forrbi jerrndesst tu batt ice blss werrc pe shollde wirrkenn, 
 Annd ice itt hafe forJ>edd te, ace all J?urrh Cristess hellpe, 
 Annd unhc birr]? baj?e bannkenn Crist batt itt iss brohht till ende. 
 1 iiii N. IaK. 2 All bracketed words are conjectural. 3 pabb. 
 4 ab. 5 Torn'. 6 Spall'. 7 Xpus. 8 -), as usually. 
 * Set, with double accent. 10 )>ride. u The breve, as usual when 
 in MS. lire. 
 Ice hafe sammnedd o J>iss boc J?a goddspelless neh alle 
 patt sinnSenn o be messeboc inn all J>e jer att messe ; 
 Annd^f affterr }>e goddspell stannt att tatt te goddspell mfineb]^ 
 patt mann birrb spellenn to J>e folic off J^e^re sawle nede ; _ 
 ; Annd 3et * tair tekenn mare inoh }?u shallt toeronne findenn, - _ 5 
 Off fatt tatt Cristess hal^ne J>ed birr]? trowwenn wel annd fol^henn. 
 Ice hafe sett her o J>iss boc amang goddspelless wordess, 
 All burrh mesellfenn, manij word ]>e rinie 2 swa to fillenn ; 
 Ace bQ shallt findenn }>att min word, e^whaer peer itt iss ekedd, 9 
 Ma hellpenn ba f att redenn itt to sen annd t' unnderrstanndenn 3 
 All f ess te bettre, hu pe^m birr]? be goddspell unnderrstanndenn. 
 Annd forrbi trowwe ice patt te bin)) wel bolenn mine wordess, 
 E^whser bser fu shallt findenn hemm amang goddspelless wordess ; 
 For whase mot 4 to l^wedd folic larspell off goddspell tellenn, 
 He mot 4 wel eken'n manlj word amang goddspelless wordess. 15 
 Annd ice ne mihhte nohht min ferrs a$ wibb goddspelless wordess 
 Wel fillenn all, annd all forrJT shollde ice well offte nede 
 Amang goddspelless wordess don min word, min ferrs to fillenn. 
 Annd te bit^che ice off ]?iss boc, heh wikenn alls itt seme})]?, 
 All to J?urrhs^kenn illc In 'ferrs, annd to burrhlokenn offte, 
 patt upponn all ]?iss boc ne be nan word 3am Cristess lare, 
 Nan word tatt swlbe wl ne be to trowwenn annd to foi^henn. 
 Witt shulenn tredenn unnderr fot 4 annd all ]?werrtut 4 forrwerrpenn 
 pe (Torn off all J?att lafe flocc }>att iss J?urrh m} forrblendedd, 
 patt taMebb batt to lofenn iss Jmrrh nlffull modi^nesse. 25 
 pe^^ shulenn I^tenn 5 hse^ellj off unnkerr swinnc, lef broberr, 
 Annd all J?e^ shulenn takenn itt onn unnitt annd onn idell, 
 Ace nohht }>urrh skill, ace all >urrh nip, annd all Ipuvvh )>e#re 
 Annd unnc birr)? biddenn Godd tatt he forrjife hemm here sinne ; 
 Annd unnc birrb babe lofenn Godd off batt ittfwas|/bigunnenn, 30 
 Annd }>annkenn Godd tatt itt iss brohht till ende J^urrh hiss hellpe; 
 1 3et, with double accent. 2 rime. s tunnderrstanndenn. 
 4 vowel with double accent. 5 ketenn. 
 Forr itt m.2^ hellpenn alle J?a f>att bli)?ellke itt herenn, 
 Annd lufenn itt annd folhjhenn itt wiJ?J> fohht, wif>]3 word, wij>] 
 dede. ^fi*** 
 Annd whase wilenn shall }>iss boc etTt operr sij?e writenn, 
 Himm bidde ice J^att he't write 2 rihht, swa summ fiss boc himn 
 All J?werrtut ' affterr }?att itt iss uppo j?iss firrste bisne, 
 Wif?]? all swillc rime 3 alls her iss. sett, wi]?J> all pe fele wordess; 
 Annd tatt he loke wel J>att he an bocstaff write ^ twi^ess 
 l^^whser J^ser itt uppo )?iss boc iss writenn o ]?att wise. 
 Loke he wel jmtt he't write swa, forr he ne ma3; nohht elless 
 Onn Ennglissh writenn 4 rihht te word, fatt wite he wel to sofe.'H 
 Annd ^iff mann wile wftenn whi ice hafe don J?iss dede, 
 Whi ice till Ennglissh hafe wennd goddspelless halljhe lare, 
 Ice hafe itt don for'rfi'fatt all Crisstene follkess berrhless 
 Iss ffiiiff uppo }>att an, J?att teg, goddspelless halhjhe lare 
 WiJjJ? fulle mahhte folljhe rihht purrh fohht, Jmrrh word, furrl 
 dede. f{ \ jw 
 Forr all J?att sefre onn erf>e iss ned Crisstene folic to foll^henn *" 
 I trowwfe, I de9, all taeche)?f> hemm goddspelless halljhe lare; J? 
 Annd forrj^i whase lerneJ'J? itt annd folljhe]?^ itt wi]}f> dede, 
 He shall onn ende wurr|?i ben furrh Godd to wurrj^enn borrjhenn." 
 Annd taerfore hafe ice turrnedd itt inntill Ennglisshe spaeche, 2c 
 Forr J?att I wollde blifeli3 f att all Ennglisshe lede 
 Wi]?]? aire shollde lisstenn itt, wij^f) herrte shollde itt trowwenn, 
 Wi}>J> tunge shollde spellenn itt, wiff> dede shollde itt folhjhenn, 
 To winnenn unnderr Crisstenndom att Godd so]} sawle berrhless. 
 Annd 3iff Ipe^ wilenn herenn itt, annd fol^henn itt wiJ>J> dede, | 
 Ice hafe hemm hollperfri unnderr Crist to winnenn pe^re berrhless. 
 Annd I shall hafenn forr min swinnc god lain att Godd onn ende, 
 giff patt I, forr "pe lufe off Godd annd forr J>e mede off heffne, 
 Hemm hafe itt inntill Ennglissh wennd forr "pe^re sawle nede. 
 Annd jiff \>e# all forrwerrpenn itt, itt turrne)?]? hemm till sinne, 30 
 1 het, vowel with double accent. 2 write. 3 rime. * written. 
DEDICAllUlM 10 1HL OkMULUM^ 1 1 
 Annd I shall hnfenn addl edd me pe i^aierrd Cristess are, 
 purrh patt ice hafe hemm wrphht tiss boc to pe^re sawle nede, 
 pohh patt te33 all forrwerrpenn itt purrh pe^re modl^nesse. 
 Goddspell onn Ennglissh nemmnedd iss god word, and god 
 tipennde, 1 ^ ** G * 
 God errnde, forrjn J>att itt wass ]?urrh hall^he goddspellwrihljtess 
 All wrohht annd writenn uppo boc off Cristess firste 1 comers*. 
 Off ml soj? Godd wass wurrpenn mann forr all m annfrinn e ne 
 Annd off patt mannkinn purrh hiss daep wass lesedd lit 2 off helle 
 Annd off patt he wisslike ras pe pridde da33 off dsepe, 
 Annd off p>att he wisslike stah pa sij?fenn upp till heffne, 10 
 Annd off patt he shalL-cumenn efft to demenn alle bede, 
 ,Annd forr to jeldenn iwhillc mann affterr hiss a^henn dede. 
 Off all >iss god uss brinngefp word annd errnde annd god tij^ennde 
 ^Goddspell, annd forrpi ma^j itt wel god errnde ben ijehatenn. 
 Forr mann ma^ uppo goddspellboc godnessess findenn seffrie 15 
 patt ure Laferrd Jesu Crist uss hafepjj don onn erpe, 
 purrh J>att he comm to manne annd purrh patt he warrp mann 
 onn erpe. , 
 Forr an godnesse uss hafef>p don pe Laierrd Crist onli Wpe 
 purrh J?att he comm to wurrpenn mann forr all mannkinne nede"! 
 Ofjerr godnesse uss hafepp don j?e Laferrd Crist onn erpe 2c 
 purrh\patt he wass i flummjorrdan fullhtnedd forr Ore nede ; 
 Forr patt he wollde uss waterrkinn till ure fulluhht hall^henn, 
 purrh patt he wollde ben himmsellf onn erj>e 1 waterr fullhtnedd. 
 pe J>ridde god uss hafepp don pe Laferrd Crist onn erpe 
 purrh J>att he ;aff hiss aahenn lif wipp all hiss fulle wille 25 
 To f'olenn daipp 6 rodctre sacclfes wippiitenn wrihhte, 
 To lesenn mannkinn purrh hiss 3 deep ut 2 off pe defless Wahfe ' 
 pe ferpe god uss hafepp don pe Laferrd Crist onn erpe 
 purrh patt hiss hal^he sawle stah fra rode dun till helle, 
 To takenn ut 4 off hellewa pa gode sawless alle "30 
 1 fisste. 2 vowel with double accent. 3 his. i vowel with double accent. 
 patt haffdenn cwemmd himm I J^iss lif purrh sop unnshajrijnesse. 
 pe fifte god uss hafep]? don pe Laferrd Crlstonn erpe 
 purrh lp3.it he ras fqrr ure god pe p ridde da^ off daepe, 
 . Annd let 1 te rjosstl$s sen himm wel inn hiss mennisske kinde ; 
 Forr patt he wollde fesstenn swa sop trowwpe I pe33re brestess s 
 Off patt he, wiss to fulle sop, wass risenn upp off dsebe, , 
 Annd I patt illke fisesh patt wass forr uss o rode na^leda; 
 Forr patt he wollde fesstnenn wel piss trowwpe I pe3$re brestess, 
 He let l te posstless sen himm wel, well offte sipe onn erpe, 
 Wippinnenn da^ess fow'werrtij fra patt he ras off dajpe. ic 
 pe sexte god uss hafepp don pe Laferrd Crist onn erpe 
 purrh patt he stah forr Ore god upp inntill heffness blisse, 
 Annd sennde sibbenn Halia Gast till hise lerninngcninhtess, * \ 
 To frofrenn 2 annd to beldenn'hemm to stanndenn 3aen pe defell, 
 To gifenn hemm god witt inoh off all hiss hal^he lare, , . , 15 
 To gifenn hemm god lusst, god matiht, to polenn alle wawemv 
 All forr pe lufe off Godd, and nohht forr erpll^ loff to winnenn. 
 pe seffnde god uss shall },et 1 don pe Laferrd Crist onn ende 
 purrh patt he shall 6 domesYcfa^ uss gifenn heffness blisse,* 
 ^iff patt we shulenn wurrpi ben to findenn Godess are. 
 puss hafepp ure Laferrd Crist uss don godnessess seffne, 
 purrh J>att 1.att he to manne comm to wurrpenn mann onn erpe. 
 Annd 6. patt hall^he boc patt iss apokalypsis nemmnedd 
 Uss wrat x te posstell Sannt Johan, purrh Hali} Gastess lare, r 24 
 patt he sahh upp inn heffne an boc bisett wipp seffne innse^less, 
 Annd sperrd swa swipe wel patt itt ne mihhte nan wihht oppnenn 3 
 Wippiitenn Godess halLjhe Lamb patt he sahh ec inn heffne. 
 Annd purrh pa seffne innse33less wass rihht swipe wel bitacnedd 
 patt sefennfald godle^c patt Crist uss dide purrh hiss come ; 29 
 Annd tatt nan wihht ne mihhte nohht oppnenn pa. seffne innse^less 
 Wippiitenn Godess Lamb, patt comm forr patt itt shollde tacnenn 
 patt nan wihht, nan enngell, nan mann, ne naness kinness shaffte, 
 1 vowel with double accent. a frofren. 3 opnenn, but oppnenn 
 Ne mihhte J?urrh himmsellfenn )?a seffne godnessess shsewenn 
 mannkinn, swa J>att it mannkinn off helle mihhte lesenn, 
 Ne gifenn mannkinn lusst, ne mahht, to winnenn heffness blisse. 
 Annd all all swa se Godess Lamb, all jxirrh hiss ajhenn mahhte, 
 Lihhtlike mihhte annd wel inoh J?e seffne innfe^less oppnenn, 5 
 All swa. J>e Laferrd Jesu Crist all )?urrh hiss a^henn mahhte, 
 Wiff Faderr ann,dwi)?J> Hall} Gast, an Godd annd all an kinde, 
 All swa rihht he lihhtlike inoh annd wel wi})J> alle mihhte 
 mannkinn J)urrh himmsellfenn Ja seffne godnessess shsewenn, 
 Swa J?att he mannkinn wel inoh off helle mihhte lesenn, 10 
 Annd gifenn mannkinn lufe annd lusst, annd mahht annd witt annd 
 wille, *\^** 
 To stanndenn inn to cwemenn Godd to winenn heffness blisse. 
 Annd forr )?att hali3 goddspellboc all fiss godnesse uss shaewef]?, 
 Piss se^ennfald godle^c }>att Crist uss dide furrh hiss are, 
 ForrJ>i birrj> all Crisstene folic goddspelles lare folljhenn. 15 
 Annd tserfore hafe ice turrnedd itt inntill Ennglisshe spaiche, 
 Forr }>att I wollde blifeHj }>att all Ennglisshe lede 
 WiJ>}> sere shollde lisstenn itt, wi})J? herrte sholde itt trowwenn, 
 Wif>]? tiinge shollde spellenn itt, wij>f> dede shollde itt fol^henn, 
 To winnenn unnderr crisstenndom att Crist soJ> sawle berrhless." 20 
 Annd Godd allmahhtl} ^ife uss mahht annd lusst and witt annd wille 
 To foll^henn f>iss Ennglisshe boc fatt. 1 all iss harrj lare, 
 Swa J?att we motenn wurrjri ben to brukenn heffness blisse. 
 Am[sen]. Am[sen], Am [sen]. 
 Ice >att tiss Ennglissh hafe sett, Ennglisshe mpnn tr> iarp *g 
 Ice wass bser bser I crisstnedd wass Orrmin bi name nemmnedd ; 
 Annd ice, Orrmin, full innwarrdli3 wi)?]? miij> annd ec wipf> herrte 
 Her bidde f>a Crisstene menn ]^att herenn g^err redenn 2 
 piss boc, hemm bidde ice her J>att te^forr me J>iss bede biddenn, 
 patt bro^err J?att tiss Ennglissh writt allre 3efesst s wrat 4 annd wrohhte, 
 patt broken- forr hiss swinnc to lsen so]? blisse mote 6 flndenn. 31 
 1 J>at. 2 reden. 3 allrseresst. 4 vowel with double accent. 5 m6te. 
 The Lion's Nature a 
 vDEJleun stant on hille ; and a ,he man hunten here, 
 QSer Surg his nfse smel ^mam Sat he Qegge^ 
 j Bi wile weie sq he wile to 'dle niSer )wenden, ' 
 AUe hise fetsteppes , after him hefrii^S; ^X^C/)^ 
 DrageS dust wiS his stert Ser he dun' 2 stepped, |^/^W 5 
 QSer dust gSer deu, Sat he ne cunne is flnden; 
 DrlveS dun to his den Sar he him bergen wille. 
 An oSer kinde he haveS. Wanne he is ikindled 
 Stille US Se leun, ne stireS he nout of slepe, 
 Til Se sunne haveS sinen Sries him abuten; 10 
 Danne reiseS. his fader him mit te rm Sat he makeS. 
 De (Jridde la'ge haveS Se leun; Sanne he HeS to slepen 
 Sal he nevre luken Se lides of hise egen. 
 Welle, heg is tat hil Sat is hevenrlche ; 
 Ure Lgverd is te leun Se liveS Ser abuven; 15 
 Hu 3 S9 him Hkede to ngten her on erSe, 
 Migte nevre divel witen, v ' 09 he be derne hunte, 
 Hu he dun come, ne hu 3 he dennede him 
 In Sat defte ^eiden^ Marie bi name, 
 v De -him naTto manne frame. 20 
 1 -j, as usually. 2 he stepped. 3 wu. 
 ($S* krvd 
 Dq_ fire Drigten ded was, and dolven also h^s wille was, 
 In a sign stille he lai til it kam Se Sridde i rclaij> 
 His fader him filstnede swg Sat he r9s ftp dfde S9, 
 us to Hf hglden. , 
 WakeS sg his wille is, (so) hirde for his folde ; 5 
 He is hirde, we ben sep ; silden he us wille 
 If we iierenjto his word Sat we ne ggn ngwor wille. 
 The Eagle's Nature 
 KiSen I wille Se ernes kinde 
 Alsg ic it o boke rfde; 
 Hu he newe* his guShfde, 
 Hu he cumeS ut of elde; 
 SiSen hise limes am unwelde, 
 SiSen his bfc is al tcwrgng, 
 SiSen his fligt is al unstrgng, - 
 And his egen dimme. 15 
 HereS hu 2 he neweS him : 
 A, welle he sekeS Sat springeS ai, 
 BpSe bi nigt and bi dai ; 
 ^ Dergver he fiegeS and up he teS '.,:.' JjL- 
 Til Sat he Se hevene seS, 
 Durg skies sexe and sevene,i/ 
 Til he cumeS to hevene. 
 Sg rigt sg he cunne 
 He hgvetS in tSe sunne ; 
 De sunne swiSeS 3 al his fligt, 
 And oc it makeS his egen brigt, 
 His feSres fallen for Se hfte, 
 And he dun jnide. to Se wfte 
 FalleS in Sat wellegrund, 
 Der he wurSeS 4 heil and sund, 
 dridde. 2 wu. 8 swideS. 4 wurdeS. 
 And cumeS ut al newe, 
 Me were his bee untrewe. 
 Jffis bfc is get biforn wrgng, 
 '(noW^82S> ^ise nmes sinden 1 strgng, \ ( 
 Ne "maig he tilen him ngn fode 5 
 "Himself to ngne gode. 
 Danne ggS he to a stgn, 
 And he billeS Seron, 
 BilletS til his bc bifgren 2 'y AWn^VU^' 
 HaveS Se'wreiigSe forlgren ; 10 
 SiSen wiS his rigte bile fa [ . 
 TakeS mfte Sat he wile. 
 Al is man so is tte rn, wulde ge nu listen 8 
 Qld in hise sinnes dern gr he bicumeS cristen. 14 
 And tus he neweS him, Sis man, Sanne he nimeS to kirke; 
 Qr he it biSenken can hiseS^eh weren mirke; 
 ForsakeS 4 Sore Satanas and ilk sinful dede, 
 TakeS him to Tesu 5 Crist for he sal ben his mede, 
 LeveS on ure Loverd Crist andJfreS prestes lgre; 
 Of hise egen wgreS Se mist wiles he dreccheS Sgre, . . 20 
 His hgpe is al totjode ward, and of his hive he letet5 e , 
 Dat is te sunne sikerlike, Sus his sigte he beteS; 
 Naked falleS in Se funtfat, and curneS ut al newe, 
 Buten a litel ; wat is tat ? his miiS is get untrewe ; 
 His muS is get wel unkuS wiS paternoster and crede. 25 
 Fare he norS or 7 fare he suS, If ren he sal his nede ; 
 Bidden bone to Gode and tus his muS rigten, 
 Tilen him sg Se sowles fode Surg grace off ure Drigten. 
 1 senden. 2 biforn. 3 listlen. * forsaket. 5 ihu. 
 6 lereft. 7 er. 
 It i 
 The Serpent's Nature 
 An wirm is o werlde wel man it knowetS, 
 Ncddre is te name ; - tSus he him newelS 
 Danne he is fdrbrgken ,r and in his eide al forbroiden". 
 Fasted til his fel him slaked ten daies fulle, 
 Dat he is lfne and maimgs and ivele* mai gangen ; 
 He crepetS cripelande fortS, his craft he bus kitSeo 1 , 
 SeketS a stem tSat a oirl is on, nar'we bilten he nedetS him, 
 NimetS mrnt!>es^urg, for his fel he tSer leteoV 
 His flf s fortS crepetS, walked to oe water ward, 
 Wile tSarme drinken. Oc he spewetS^r al tSe venim 
 Dat in his brest is bred ftp his blrde time ; 
 DrinketS sicken inog, and tus he him newetS. 
 Danne Se neddre is of his hid naked 
 And bare of his brestatter, ;r^*x*rv* 
 .If he naked man se ne wile he him nogt neggen, 15 
 Oc he netS fro him als he frg_ fir sulde. 
 If he closed man se cgf he waxetS, 
 For upn? rigtetS him rfdi to df ren, 
 To deren or to ded maken, if he it muge fortSen. 
 Wat it oe man war wuroe and weren him cunne, 20 
 FigtetS witS cSis wirm and fare (5 s on him figtande ? 
 Dis neddre sitSen he nede sal 
 MaketS seld of his bodi and sildetS his hfved ; 
 Litel him is of his limes, buten he lif hglde. 
 JCnow Cristene man wat tu Crist higtest, V 
 (Atte^kirkedure . <5ar ou cristned were. 
 jDu higtes to leven on him, and his lages luvlen, 
 To helden wit herte 'Se bgdes of I19I1 kirke \ 
 1 forbroken and forbroiden. 2 forwurden. 3 freS. i krke. 
 If Su havest is brgken, al Su forbredes 1 , 
 ForwurSes and forgelwes eche lif to wglden ; 
 Elde^artjTro eche blis sg Sis wirm o werld is. 
 Newe Se forol 2 sg t5e neddre doS, 
 and ful of Sewes, 
 Se gangen aftuten. 
 Sat tu dure loken 
 oc .\yalke wiS Se erfre,' J. 
 Ne mod Su" 
 ne cune, 
 It is te ned. .... c*-^< 
 Fest Se of stf defastnesse, 
 And help Se povre men 
 Ne deme Se nogt wurSi s 
 Up to Se hevene ward ; 
 Mildelike among men. 
 Mod ne rhannes uncost; oc swic of sineginge, - - 
 And bote bid til Se ai, bpSe bi nigt and bi dai, - 
 Dat tu milce mote haven of Sin misdedes. 
 Dis lif bitpkneS Se sti Sat te neddre gangeS bi, 
 And tis is Se Sirl of Se stgn Sat tu salt Surg ggn : 
 Let Slif Sloe frg ^e sq Se wirm his' fef doS ; 
 G9 Su San t5 Godes hus Se godspel to heren, 
 Dat i^sdne^tirink, sinnes quenching. 
 Oc or sei Su in scrifte to Se prest sinnes tine, 
 Feg Se Sus of Si brestfilSe \ . and feste ^Se forSward 
 Fast at tin herte Sat tu firmest higtes. _ 
 Dus art tu ging and newe, forSward be Su trewe. 
 NedeS Se Se devel nogt, for he ne mai Se dfren nog 
 Oc he fleS frg Se sg neddre frg Se nakede. ^ < ^ AASiV 
 On Se clgSede Se neddre is cgf, and te devel cliver on 
 Ai Se.sirimle bisetten he wile, ^\ 
 And wio al mankin he haveS niS and win. 
 Wat if he If ve have of ure Hevenlpverd 
 For to dfren us sg he Ore eldere j^r dede ? 
 Do we Se tyodi in Se bale and bergen Se soule, 
 Dat is ure fif ved gevelic, helde we it wurSlic. 
 sinnes; 2 
 1 forbreSes. 
 8 wurdi. 
 The Whale's Nature 
 Cethegrande is a fis 
 De mgste tSat in- water is ; 1 , ^ . 
 Dat tu wuldes seien get, ryM3f ^^ 
 Gef "Su it sg&-\van it net, 
 ^ -V Dat it were an ejlgnd 1 5 
 Dat sete on 2 Se sf ggjid/' . j&^X 
 Dis fis Sat is unride, 
 Danne him hungreS he gapeS wide; 
 Ut of his Srpte it sunt an gnde, 
 De swetteste Sing Sat is 6 lpnde. 10 
 Derfgre oSre,fisses to him dragen, 
 Wan he it @ei he aren fagen ; 
 He cumen and hgven in his muS, 
 Of his swike he am uncuS. 
 Dis cete Sanne hise chaveles lukeS, 15 
 Dise fisses alle in sukeS; 
 De smale he wile Sus biswiken, 
 De grfte maigjie nogt bigripen. 
 Dis fis wuneS wiS Se sfgrund, ** 
 And liveS Ser evre^hell and sund, 20 
 Til it cumeS Se time 
 Dat storm stireS al Se sf , -^\ 
 Danne sumer and winter winnen. 
 Ne mai it wunen Serinne, 
 Sq drovi is te sjes griind," ^Js 25 
 Ne mai he^ wunen S^r Sat stiind, 
 Oc stireS up and hgveS stilie. 
 ^ Wiles Sat 3 weder is sg ille, .JjUjjfy/) 0L\\ 
 ; D sipes Sat am on s fordriven, 't^jf 
 L9S hem is dfS 4 , and lef to liven, 30 
 h y 
 1 a neilond. 2 one. 8 oar. * ded. 
 Biloken hem and sen tSis fis, 
 ^*x" An ejlgnd he wenen it is. 
 Derof he .aren swi$e fagen, \ 
 And mid here migt Sarto he dragen 
 Sipes on festgn, JrfiJUJLtYi 5 
 And alle up gangen. -r^i. 
 Of stjm mid stel in Se tunder 
 Wei to brennen on 1 ols wunder, 
 Warmen hem wel and ften 2 and drinken. 
 De fir he fele<5 and docS hem sinken, 10 
 For sone he divet5 dun to grunde ; 
 He drgpe?) hem alle wi'Suten wunde. 
 Dis devel is mikel wio 1 wil and magt, |'K\A\vl 
 Sq wicches haven in here craft ; 
 He dotS men hungren and haven orist, 15 
 And man! d(5er sinful list, \ 1 1$ 
 Tone's men to him wiS his gnde, 
 Wosg him folegeo 1 he findeS sgnde.-* - ' 1 
 , . *i>2 arn o"e little in leve lage, 
 De mikle ne maig he to him dragen; 20 
 De mik^rTjmfne o]e stfdefast 
 In rigte'lfve mui flfs and gast. 
 \V0s9 listnetS develes lgre, 
 On lengoe it sal him rewen sgre ; 
 Wosq festetS h$pe on him, 25 
 He sajjaimfolgen to helle dim. 
 Putifar trewitS hise ( wives * tale, 
 And have(5 2 dempf Iosep to bale ; 
 He bad ben spc-rcf faste b dun, 
 And hglden harde in prisun. 
 An Htel stund mule he was o^r, a ^ y^*~r g 
 Sg gan him luven (5e prisuner, 
 And <5e 4 'chartre have bitagt 
 Wi(5 (5e prisunes to liven in agt 5 . 
 Or for misdede, or for onsagen^***" *^-v 
 Dgr wgren to tSat prisun dragen 10 
 On "Sat oe kingos kuppe bfd, 
 And gn tSe ma4e)<5e kinges brfd. 
 Hem dremptearfmes bgcSen 6 nigt, 
 And he wuroen swi<5e sgre ofrigt. 
 Ioseph hem servede v cSgr on sei 15 
 At here drink and at here mel;. v t 
 He herde hem murnen, he 6 freinde forquat ; 
 Harde/ dromes ogen awyld oat. 
 Dg seide he to (5e buteler 7 , 
 'Tel me (5in drfm, mijprdoer der 8 ; 20 
 Que<5ersg it wuroe softe or strgng, 
 De reching wu'nS on God bilgng/ 
 'Me drempte ic stod at a wintre 
 . , Dat hadde 9 waxen buges (5re ; 
 ijjj - Qrest it blomede, and sio'en" bar 25 
 De berjes ripe, wurS ic war. * 
 De kinges kuppe ic 10 hadde on hgnd ; 
 De beries <5grinne me tSugte ic wrgng, 
 2 haved. 3 fast. * de. 5 hagt 6 he hem 
 butuler. 8 her. 9 adde. 10 kinges ic. 
 And bar it drinken to Pharaon, 
 Me drempte, als ic was wune to don/ 
 4 Good is,' qua<5 Ioseph, ' to dremen of win, 
 Heilnesse and blisse is 'Serin; 
 Dre daies ben get for to cumen, 5 
 Du salt ben ut of prisun numen,' 
 And on "Sin offis 1 set agen. *!r^ 
 Of me Su "Senke 2 San it sal ben; ^ 
 Bed min 'erncfe* to Pharaon, 
 Dat 4 ic ut of prisun wurSe don; io 
 For ic am stolen of klnde lond, 
 And wrrgtel^sPike 5 holden in bgnd/ 
 QuaS Sis brjjdwrigte, ' LiSeS nu ( me : 
 Me drempte ic bars^r|adlgpes Sre, 
 . And (Jprin brfad^anK)Ser mf ten 1 5 
 Cjuilke ben wune Se king 6 to ften; 
 And r 4ugeie? haven Spron lagt, 
 Dgrfgre ic am in sorge and agtV 
 For ic ne migte me nogt wfreh, 
 Ne Sat mgte fig hem bfren.' 20 
 'Me were levere/ quad Ioseph, 
 ' Of f ddi drf mes rechen swep ; ^~ * 
 Du salt, after Se Sridde dei, 
 Ben ,do ^pn rode, weilawei !<&^ ^ p**^. 
 And^fugeles sulen Si fleis totfren, ,-^jl 25 
 Dat sal ngn agte mugen Se wfren/ 
 c SoS wurS sq Ioseph seide Sat. 
 Dis'buteler Ioseph sone forgat; 
 Two "|er siSen was Ioseph sperd 
 Dgr in prisun wiSuten frd.* '-v 30 
 Dg drempte Pharaon king a drfm 
 Dat he stod bi Se flodes strfm, 
 1 offiz. s Shenke. 3 herdne. 4 Sa. 5 her wrigteleslike. 
 6 kinges. 7 hagt. 
 And SeSen * utcomen sevene 2 nt, 
 Everilc Wei swioe ff t and grf t ; 
 And sevene lfne after ISg, 
 De deden jje sevene fette wo. 
 De lfne haven Se fette freten; 5 
 Dis drfm ne mai <5e king forgeten. 
 An ooer drfm cam him bifgren : 
 Sevene, f res 3 wexen fette of corn 4 , 
 On an busk ranc" and wel tidi, *?' 
 And sevene lfne rigt tSgrbL .^ffi" J * - " 10 
 Welkede and smale and drugte numen, 
 De Vance 5 haven <5g gvercumen ; 
 nPbsamen(jV smiten and on a stund 
 De fette Sristen to oe 6 grund. ^U 
 De king abraid and woe in Sogt 7 , 15 
 Des drfmes swep ne wgt he nogt; 
 Ne was ngn sg wise 8 in al his lgnd 
 De kude undon Sis drfmes bgnd. 
 Dg him bicSogte 9 Sat buteler 
 Of "Sat him drempte in prisun oer, 20 
 And of Ioseph in Se prisun, 
 And he it tglde oe king Pharaun. - 
 Ioseph was sone in prisun (5g sogt 10 , 
 And shaven and (6la^ and to him brogt. 
 De king him bad ben hard! and bgld, 25 
 If he can recnen Sis drfmes wgld; 
 He tgld him quat him drempte nigt, 
 And Iosep rechecfe his drfm wel rigt. 
 'Dis two drfmes bgSen ben gn, 
 God wile oe tawneri, King Pharaon. 30 
 Dg sevene. 11 ger ben get to cumen, 
 In al fiilsumhfd sulen it ben numen, 
 1 oeden. 2 vii, as throughout this passage. 3 eares. * coren. 
 5 ranche. 6 Srist hem to So. 7 Shogt. 8 so wise man. 9 bifthogte. 
 10 hogt. 
 And sevene otSere sulen after ben, 
 Sgri and ned ful m en sulen is sen. 
 Al (Sat Sise firste ! sevene jnaken 
 X Suleji_^is_oSere sevene rqspen and ral 
 Icrecle* fee, King, nu herbifgren, 
 To maken lac5es and gaderen corn 2 , 
 Dat "Sin folc ne wurtS undernumen***- ^o^USsa^ 
 Quan "09 hungri gere ben forScumen.' 
 King Pharaon listnede hise redp^c^ 
 Dat wurS him sicken self sped. 
 He bitagte Iosep his ring, i 
 X ^ n d his bege of gold for wurt Sing, 
 And bad him al his lgnd bisenf*"'***-** 1 
 And under him hegest for to ben; 
 And bad him welcien in his hgnd 
 His fokrpand agte, and" al his lgnd. 
 Dp was under him (Sanne Putifar, 
 And his wlf oat hem so tobar. 
 Ioseph to wive his dowter nam, 
 Ooer is nu San 3 f r 4 bicam ; 
 And ^he <5er him two childer bar, 
 Qr men wur<5 of Sat hunger war, 
 First Manassen and EfFraym ; 
 He luveden God, he gfld it hem. - 
 De sevene fulsum geres faren, 25 
 Iosep cutSe him bifgren waren; 
 Dan corn 2 wantede in ooer lgnd, 
 D9 was ynug 5 under his hpnd. 
 Hunger wex in lgnd Chanaan, 
 And his lene 6 sunes Iacob fortSan 30 
 Sente into Egipt to bringen corn 2 ; 
 He bilgf at hgm <5e was gungest bpren. 
 1 first. 2 coren. 3 quan. 4 ear. 5 So ynug. 6 x. 
 De tene 1 comen, for nede sogt, 
 To Iosep, and he ne knewen him nogt. 
 And Sg 2 he lutten him frigtilike, 
 And seiden to him mildellke^-^ 
 1 We ben sondes, for nedof driven 5 
 To bigen corn Sgrbi to liverTf"^ 
 Iosep hem knew al in his 'Sogt 3 , 
 Als he let he knew hem nogt. 
 ' It semetS 4 wel "Sat ge spies ben, 
 And "into Sis Ignd cumen to sen ; 10 
 And cume ge for nft, v o<5er Sing 
 But for to spien u/lgnptSe king.' 
 1 Nai/ he seiden everilc gn, 
 1 Spies were we never ngn, 
 Oc alle we ben gn faderes sunen ; 15 
 For hunger doS us 6 hider cumen.' 
 ' Oc nu ic wgt ge spies ben, 
 For bl gure bering men mai it sen. 
 Hu sulde ani man 6 povre forgeten, 
 Swilke and sg manige sunes bigeten? 20 
 For seldum bitid self ani king 
 Swilc men to sen of hise ofspring.' 
 'A, Igverd, mercl, get is Sgr gn, 
 Migt he nogt frg his fader ggn. 
 He is gungest, hgten Beniamin, 25 
 For we ben alle of Ebrisse kin/ 
 'Nu, bi Se feiS ic gg to King Pharaon, 
 Sule ge nogt alle hfSen 7 ggn 
 Til ge me bringen Beniamin, 
 Be 8 gungeste broSer of giire 9 kin.' 30 
 For <5g was Iosep sgre fordred 
 Dat he wgre oc (Surg 10 hem forred. 
 $og. 3 Shogt * semet. 5 doSes. 6 husuld suld oninan. 
 7 e$en. 8 Sa. 9 pore. I0 Shuig. 
 He dede hem binden, and lfden dun 
 And spfren faste in his prisun ; 
 De Sridde daj he let hem ggn, 
 Al but (5e tgn brocer Symeon; 
 Dis Symeon bilf f (Sgr in bgnd 
 Tfi wedde under Iosepes hgnd. 
 Des ooere bretSere sone ongn 
 Token lfve and wenten hgm. 
 And sone he weren (SftSen * went, 
 Wei sgre he haven hem biment, : 
 And seiden hem (San (Sgr bitwen, 
 1 Wrigtful we in sorwe ben, 
 For we sinigeden qullum gr 
 On ure 2 broker michil mgr 
 For we werneden him merci, 
 Nii drege we sorge al foroV 
 Wende here ngn it on his mod, 
 Oc Iosep al it understod. 
 Iosepes men tSgr quiles deden 
 Al sg Iosep hem hadde 3 beden ; s 
 Dg breoere seckes haven he filt, 
 And in everilc tSe silver pilt 
 Dat (Sor was pajed 4 for oe corn 5 , 
 And bunden (Se mutSes Sgr bifgren. 
 Oc o"e bretSere ne wisten it nogt, 2 
 Hii Sis dede wurtSe wrogt ; 
 Oc alle he weren gverSogt, 
 And haven it sg to Iacob brogt, 
 And tglden him sg of here sped; 
 And al he it listnede in frigtlhfd. 2 
 Quan men 8 Sg seckes Sgr unbgnd, 
 And in Se cgrn 5 Sg agtes fgnd, 
 tteden. 2 hure. 3 adde. 4 paid. 5 coren. 
 6 and quan. 
 Alle he wgren ftanne sgre 1 ofrigt. 
 Iacob Sus him bimfneo" origt, 
 1 Wei michel sorge is me bicumen, 
 Dat mm two childre aren me fornumen. 
 Of Iosep wgt ic ending ngn, 5 
 And bgndes ben leid on Symeon; 
 If ge Beniamin frg me don, 
 DfaS 2 and sorge me sfgeS on. 
 Ai sal Beniamin wi(S me bilfven 3 
 Dgr guiles ic sal on werlde liven/ 10 
 f)g quaS Iudas, ' Us sal ben hard, 
 If we ne hglden him ngn forward.' 
 Wex dercfe, tSis corn 4 is ggn, 
 Iacob eft bit hem faren aggn ; 
 Oc he ne duren Se weie cumen in, 15 
 1 But ge wiS us senden Beniamin.' 
 Bg quacS he, 'Quan it is ned, 
 And ic 5 ne can ng bettre red; 
 Bf re"S "Sat 6 silver hgl aggn 
 Dat hem Sgrof ne wante ngn, 20 
 And doer silver Sgr bifgren 
 For to bigen wi(5 oSer corn 4 ; 
 Fryji and spices of dere pris 
 BfreS "Sat man 'Sat is sg wis. 
 God unne 7 him ftSemoded 8 ben, 25 
 And sende me mm childre agen/ 
 Dg namen he forffw eie- rig-t. 
 Til he ben into 9 Egypte ligt. 
 And quanne Iosep hem alle sag 
 Kinde oogt in his herte lag 10 . 30 
 He bad his stiward gerken his 11 mften, 
 He seide he sulden wi<5 him ften 12 . 
 1 anno sori. 2 dead. 3 bilewen. 4 derke Sis coren. 5 no ic 
 in MS. 6 dat. 7 hunne. 8 eSimodes. 9 ben cumen into. 10 was. 
 11 is. 12 alle eten. 
 t Jl^~ 
 He ledde hem alle to Josepes bin, 
 Her ngn hadden Sg lgten miri. 
 1 Lgverd,' he se^den Sg everilc gn, 
 ' Gur silver is gu brogt aggn ; 
 It was in ure seckes don, 
 Ne wiste urgi ngn gilt Sgron/ 
 'BeS nil stille/ quad $6 stiward, 2 
 1 For ic nu have mm forward.' 
 Dgr cam Sat broker Symeon 
 And kiste his breSere gn and gn; 
 Wei fagen he was of here come, 
 For he was numen Sgr to ngme. \V 
 It was undren time or mgre, 
 Hgm cam Sat riche lgverd Sgre ; 
 And al Sg breSere 3 of frigti mod, 
 Fellen biforn Sat lgverdes 4 fot, 
 And bedden him riche present 
 Dat here fader him hadde 6 sent. -~_ tf^ j 
 And he levellke it undejsiod, 
 ' LiveS,' quad he, ' Sat fader get 
 Dat Sus manlge sunes bigat ? ' 
 1 Lgverd,' he se^den, ' get he HveS/ 
 Wgt ic Sgr ngn Sat he ne biveS^ 
 * And Sis is gunge Beniamin 
 Hider brogt after bgdeword Sin.' 
 Dg Iosep sag him Sgr bifgren, 
 Bi fader and mSder broSer bgren, 
 Him gverwente his^er!^ ongn ; 
 Kinde luve gan him gverggn. 
 Sone he gede lit. and stille he gret, [\ 
 Dat al his wlite wurS tfres wet. '' * 
 t A*eA^ 
 ur. 2 quad stiward. 3 briSere. 4 louerdis. 
 hi adde. 
 After Sat grgt he weis his 1 wliten. 
 And cam San in and bad hem ften. 
 He dede hem wassen, and him bifgren 
 Sette 2 hem as he weren bgren ; 
 Get he Sogte 3 of his faderes wunes, 1; 
 Hii he sette at Se mfte hise simes. 
 Of everilc sgnde, of everilc win, 
 Mgst and best he gaf Beniamin. 
 In fulsumhfd he wurSen glape^, y r *-*j*f /hyft U^P*- f{ ^ 
 Iosep ne Soht Sgrof ng scaSe, no 
 Oc it him llkede switSe wel. 
 And hem lfrede and tagte wel, 
 And hii he sulden hem best lfden 1. 
 Quane he comen in unkinde Seldeh J 
 'And al (5e bettre sule ge speden, 25 
 If ge wilen gu wiS trewSe 4 If den.' 
 Eft on morwen quan it was dai, ^ 
 Qr ^ r_Se breSere ferden awai, **&* &x ** ** 
 ^7 Here^seci?&s^ a^ren alle filt wiS corn 5 , 
 And Se silver Sgrin bifgren; 20 
 And Se seek oat agte Beniamin 
 Iosepes cuppe hid was Sgrin. 
 And quan he weren ut tune went, 
 Iosep haveS hem after sent. 
 Dis sgnde hem gvertakeS raSe, 25 
 And. bicalleS of harme and scaSe ; I ' 
 1 Unseli men, quat have ge don ? 
 Grft unselhSe 6 is gu cumen on, ; . 
 For is it nogt mm lgrd forhglen 
 Dat 7 gure gn haveS his * cuppe stolen/ 30 
 Dg 8 seiden Se breSere sikerlike, 
 1 Up quam Su it findes witterlike,y 
 1 is. 3 and Sette. 3 Shogte. 4 treweiffe. 5 coren. 6 unselSehe. 
 t cc-vt 
 He be slagen \ and we agen driven 
 Into Sraldom, evermgr to liven/ 
 He gan hem ransaken ogr gn and gn, 
 And fgnd it ogr sone angn; 
 And nam 09 breSere fverilk gn 5 
 And ledde hem sorful aggn, 
 And brogte hem bifgr Iosep 
 WiS reweli lgte, and sorwe and wep. 
 Dg quaS Iosep, ' Ne wiste ge nogt 
 Dat ic am o wel 2 witter <5ogt? 10 
 Mai nogt lgnge me ben forhglen 
 Quatsgevere on Ignde wur<5 stolen. ' 
 ' Lgverd,' quad Iudas, ' do wiS me 
 Quatsg Si wille on werlde be, 
 WiSSan Sat Sii friSe Beniamin. 15 
 Ic ledde him ut 3 on trewthe mm 
 Dat he sulde eft 4 cumen agen 
 To hise fader, and wiS him ben/ 
 Dg cam I5sep swilc rewSe upon, 
 He dede alle 5 ut Se toSere ggn; 20 
 And spac unfSes, sg he 6 gret, 
 Dat alle hise wlite wurS tfres wet. 
 'Ic am Iosep, dredeS gu nogt, 
 For gure helSe gr hider brogt. 
 Two 7 ger ben nu Sat derSe 8 is cumen, 25 
 Get sulen five 9 mile ben numen, 
 Dat men ne sulen sowen ne shgren, 
 Sg gal drugte Se feldes dfren. 
 RapeS gu to mm fader agen, 
 And seiS him quilke mln blisses ben; 30 
 And dotS him to me cumen hider, 
 /x And ge and gure orf al togider. 
 1 he slagen. a wol. 3 ledde ut. * ef. 5 halle. 6 to. 
 7 to. 8 derke. 9 v. 
 Of lewse god in lgnd Gersen 
 Sulen ge sundri riche ben.' 
 Everilc he kiste, on ilc he gret, 
 v Ilc here was of his 1 tfres wet. 
 <k Sone it was King Pharaon kid 5 
 Hu tSis newe tiding were bitid; 
 And he was blioe, in herte fagen, 
 Dat Iosep wulde him Sider dragen, 
 For luve of Iosep migte he timen. 
 He bad cartes and waines nimen, 10 
 And fechen wives and childre and men, 
 And gaf hem ogr al lgnd Gersen, 
 And het hem oat he sulden haven 
 /v Mgre and bet San he kude craven. 
 I Iosep gaf ilc here twinne^srud, 15 
 Beniamin mpst he made prud; 
 Flf weden best bar Beniamin, 
 Dre hundred plates of silver fin. 
 AIsq ffle 6<5re oprtil 
 He bad ben in his faderes will; 20 
 And tene 2 asses wi5 sfmes fest, 
 Of alle Egyptes weloe 3 best, 
 Gaf he his 4 breoere wiS herte blioe, 
 And bad hem rapen hem hgmward switSe ; 
 And he sq deden wi<5 herte fagen; 25 
 Toward here fader he gunen dragen, 
 And quane he comen him bifgren 
 Ne wiste he nogt quat he wgren. 
 'Lgverd/ he seiden, 'Israel, 
 Iosep olin sune gretec5 oe wel, 30 
 And sendecS t5e bgde "Sat he liveth; 
 Al Egipte in his wille 5 cliveo? 
 1 is. a x. 3 welfthe. * is. s wil. 
 Iacob abraid, and treweS 1 it nogt 
 Til he sag al 8at weloe brogt. 
 1 Wei me,' quacS he, c wel is me wel 
 Dat ic have 2 abiden o\is swilc 3 s_el. 
 And ic sal to min sune fare, 5 
 And sen gr ic of werlde chare/ 
 Iacob 4 wente ut of lgnd Chanaan, 
 And of his kinde wel manie a man. 
 Iosep wel faire him understod, 
 And Pharaon <5ogte it ful good; io 
 For <5at he weren hirdemen 
 He bad hem ben in lgnd Gersen. 
 Iacob was brogt bifgren oe king 
 For to geven him his blissing 5 . 
 'Fader dere 6 / quao 1 Pharaon, 15 
 ' Hfl f|le ger be (5e on ? ' 
 ' An hundred ger and ontti 7 mg 
 Have ic her drogen in werlde wg ; 
 Dog ftinkeo 1 me Sgroffen fg 
 Dg 8 ic is have drogen in wg, 20 
 Sioen ic gan on werlde ben. 
 Her uten rd, mankin bitwen.' . 
 Sg omkecS 9 everilc wise 10 man 
 De wgt qugrof mankin bigan, 
 And (5e oTAdames gilte muneo 1 , 25 
 'Dat he her uten frdes n wunecS. 
 Pharaon bad him wuroen wel 
 In softe reste and sell mel; 
 Him and hise sunes in reste dede 
 In lgnd Gersen on sundri stde. 3 
 SitSen ogr was mad gn site 12 
 De was ihgten 13 Ramese 
 1 trewed. 2 ave. 3 swil. 4 acob. 5 bliscing. 6 derer. 
 7 xxx. 8 ftog. 9 linked. 10 wis. u herdes. 12 scite. I3 yeten. 
 Iacob on live wunede (Ser l 
 In reste fulle fowrtene 2 ger; 
 And God him let bifgren sen 
 Quilc time hise ending sulde ben. 
 He bad Iosep his leve sune 5 
 Qn "Sing 3 Sat off he 4 wel mune, 
 Dat quan it wurSe 5 mid him don, 
 He sulde him birlen in Ebron; 
 And witterlike he it haveS 6 him seid 
 De stfde ogr Abraham was leid. 10 
 Sg was him lef 7 to wurSen leid 
 Qugr Hall 8 Gast stille hadde seid 
 Him and hise eldere fer fr 9 bifgren, 
 Qugr Jesu Crist wulde ben bgren, 
 And qugr ben dfad, and qugr ben graven ; 15 
 He Sogt witS hem reste to haven. 
 Iosep swor him al sg he bad, 
 And he Sgrof wurS bliSe and glad. 
 Qr San he wiste off werlde faren, 
 He bad hise kinde to him charen, 20 
 And seide quat of hem sulde ben; 
 Hali^Gast dede it him seen. 
 In /elf n^ ending and hall 8 lif, 
 SgS*c forlet Sis werldes strif. 
 Iosep 10 dede hise Hch faire gfren, 25 
 Wassen, and richelike smfren, 
 And spicelike swete smaken; 
 And Egipte folc him biwaken 
 FowertI 11 nigtes and fowerti 11 daiges; 
 Swilce 12 wgren Egipte laiges 13 . 30 
 First nigen 14 nigt "be liches beSen, 
 2 xiiij. 3 fthing. * offe. 5 wurS. 6 ave$. 
 ali. 9 ear. 10 osep. n xl. 12 swilc. ,3 lages. 
 And smfren, and winden and biqufSen, 
 And waken is sioen fowerti 1 nigt; 
 De men sg olden Se hadden 2 migt. 
 And Ebrisse folc hadden 2 an kire, 
 Nogt sone delven it wi(5 yre, 
 Oc wassen it and kepen it rigt, 
 Wiouten smerles sevene nigt, 
 And si<5en 3 smfred <5ritti 4 daiges. 
 Cristene folc havecS oSer laiges; 
 He ben smfred <5gr guiles he liven, 
 Wi5 crisme and olie, in trewtSe given B ; 
 For trewcSe and gode dedes mide 
 Don 6 ben San al (5at wechdede. 
 Sum 5n, sum oVe, sum sevene 7 nigt, 
 Sum oritti 4 , sum twelve 8 mane's rigt, 
 AnjLsUHL^yerJLlc .wurSen ger, 
 Dgr quiles "Sat he wunen her, 
 Don for Se dede chircheggng, 
 Elmessegifte, and messesgng, 
 And (Sat is on fte weches stfde; 20 
 Wei him mai ben tSat 9 wel it dede. 
 Egipte folc havetS 10 him waked 
 Fowerti 1 nigt and ffste maked, 
 And hise sunes ontti daiges, 
 In clfne lif and hali 11 laiges. 25 
 Sg wgren forS ten 12 wukes gon, ^^, 
 Get hadde 13 Iacob birigele s ngn. *^\^ 
 And Pharaon King cam bgde bifgren, ^* 
 Dat Iosep haveS his fader swgren. 
 And he it him gatte Sgr he wel dede, 
 And bad him nimen him feres mide, 
 1 xl. 2 adden. 3 siden. 4 xxx. 5 geven. 
 6 Son. 7 vii. 8 xii. 9 dat. 10 aveS. ali. 
 12 x. 13 adde. 
 Wei wgpnede men and wis of hfre, 
 Dat 1 ng man hem bi weie dfre 2 . 
 Dat bere is led, Sis folc is rad, 
 He foren abuten bi Adad. 
 Ful sevene nigt he oer abiden, 5 
 And bim^ning for Iacob deden. 
 S9 \gng he haven SeSen numen, 
 To flum Jurdan Sat he ben cumen, 
 And' Qver rnsrra-n til Ebron; (""" 
 D(3r is Sat liche in birlele don. 10 
 And Iosep into Egipte went 
 WiS al his folc Qt wiS him sent 3 . 
 pE porter j^o^te what to rede; 
 He let flures gadere on J>e mede, 
 Cupen he let fille 4 of flures l^^ 15 
 To strawen in oe maidenes bures. 
 pat was his red to helpe him, sg, 
 He let Flgris 5 on J>at 911 cupe gg. 
 Tweie 6 gfegges pe cupe bere, 
 And for hfoie wroj/ hi were; 20 
 Hi beden God 5ive him yvel 7 fin 
 pat sg manie flures dide 8 J>erin. 
 To pe chaumbre per hi ^ ch olde gg 
 Ne 3den hi ari^t rig ; 
 To anofer chaumbre hi ben 9 aggn, 25 
 To Blauncheflures chaumbre ngn. 
 pe cupe hi sette to pe grunde, 
 And gn 10 for}) and lete 11 hire stunde 12 / 
 1 dat. 2 deren. 3 wid al . . . snt. ( fulle. 5 Floriz, as often, 
 twei. 7 uvel. 8 dude, as often. 9 beo]>. 10 go]), as often. 
 1 letes. M stonde. 
 D 2 
 Q maiden com and wolde 
 be flures handlen and bihplde; 
 FlQris wende hit were his swete wijt, 
 Ut of pe cupe he lep ari3t, 
 And J?at maide for J>e drede 5 
 Bigan to crie and to grede. '( 
 p9 nisie" 1 } Flgris what to rfde 
 For j?e ferlich J>at he hadde; 
 Into J?e Qupe he sterte aje 2 
 And wib J?e flures hidde he 3 . 10 
 pis maide J?03te anpn ri^t 
 pat hit was Flpris, fat swete wijt, 
 For here chaumbres nije 4 were, 
 Selde was J?at hi togadere nere, 
 And ofte Blauncheflur hire hadde itgld 15 
 Hu heo was fram him isgld, 
 Nu maidens comen in to hire lfpe, j- 
 Wei fiftene in gn hfpe, 
 And axede hire what hire were, - 
 And whi hjo makede suche bere. 20 
 Wei heo was bij?03t and whare 
 To flnden hem answare : * 
 ' To J?e cupe/ heo sf de, ' ich 5 com and wolde 
 pis flures handlen and bihglde; 
 per fi^te 6 ut a buterfl^e, 25 
 Are ich wiste on mln 13c, 
 So sore ich was offerd of ban 
 pat ich lude? crie bigan.' #a^ 
 pis oj^ere lo^en and hadde gleop - - 
 And ggn a3cn and let en 8 beo. * 30 
 Clarice "Kattegat maide hende ; 
 To Blauncheflur heo 9 gan wende 
 1 nuste. 2 a3e, from MS. A. 3 he hudde him. * niz. s ihc, and 
 always. 6 fliste. 7 hide, not in MS. 8 lete>. 9 blauncheflures chaumbre heo. 
 And sfde, ' Swete Blaunchefliir, 
 Wilt u se a wel fair flur? ^ -^j^ 
 Hit ne* grew no^t on f>is lgnde, 
 pat flur fat ich bringe fe tohgnde/"" 2 - 
 1 Away, Claris 1 / quaj> Blauncheflur, 5 
 'Ho J^at luvej> paramur, 
 And haj> ferof joye mai luve fluresj 
 Ac ich li,bbe in 'soreje in J>is tures, 
 For ich wene, wifmte 2 gabbe, 1 ' 
 pat )?e Ad miral me wile 3 habbe. 
 Ac J>ilke~ day ne schal ne^vere be, 
 Ne schal me nevere a twite me 
 pat ich beo of luve untrewe, 
 Ne chaunge luve for ng newe, 
 Ne lete J?e glde for ng newe be, 15 
 S9 dobFlgris on his contre ; 
 Ac pej Flgris forjete 4 me, 
 Ne schal ich nevere forjete J>e7 
 Claris iherde es ille reufe 
 Of trewnesse and of trewj>e^ 20 
 pe tfres 5 glide of hire lere V "** 
 ' Blauncheflur,' he sfde, ' gode ifere, 
 Leve swete Blauncheflur, 
 Cum and se a wel fair flur/ 
 Togedere hi ggn nu imk^^JL 25 
 And Flgris ha]? iherd al J?is; 
 Ut of J^e cupe he lep^angn, 
 And to Blauncheflur he gan ggn. 
 EiJ^er ober sone ikneu, ^^v 
 Bgfe nupe hi chaungen 6 heu; NN *A fc 30 
 Togadere wifute word hi lepen, 
 Clepte and kiste 7 , and eke wepen 8 ; 
 1 Clariz, occasionally. 2 bijuite, as often. 3 wule, as occasionally. 
 4 forje. 5 tieres. 6 chaunge^. 7 keste. 8 weopen. 
 Here kissinge * ilf ste a mile, 
 And >at hem J^ujte litel while. 
 P9 2 Clarice biheld 3 al J>is, 
 Here cuntenaunce and here blis ; 
 Seide Clarice to Blauncheflur, 
 ' Knowest u 03t jete o 4 J>is fiur ? 
 A litel fr ])u noldest hit se, 
 Nu ne mi5le hit lete fram J>e. 
 He moste kunne michel 5 of art 
 pat f>u woldest 3eve pevof part/ 
 ' Certes/ qua]? Blauncheflur to Claris^ 
 1 pis is min gjene swete FlQrIs.' 
 Nu bglpe two ]?es swete J>inge 6 
 Ciie 7 hire merci al wepinge, * -^ 
 To \>q Admiral J>at hem ne wreie^ ! 
 For J>enne were here sore3e neie 8 / N **n 
 Clarice hadde of hem pite: 
 ' Ngfjing/ heo sf de, ' ne dute ^e, 
 Ne dute 35 namgre 9 wij>alle 
 pat hit were to me bifalle. . ^ 
 Heje ich wille and ngj>ing' wreie :) 
 <^a^ Ower fieire cumpaignie.' 
 Clarice hem ha}? to bedde ibro^t 
 pat. was of pal and selc i\vro3t ; 
 In bedde heo bro3te hem adun, 
 And hire 10 self wende hem fram. 
 pg Fl^rfs first spgke bigan : 
 1 Ure Lgverd/ he sede, ' fat makedest man, 
 pe ich J?onke n v Jliodes sune, 4|^f((C\ 
 pat ich am to /mi Jfeof icume. 30 
 1 kessinge. 2 ]>, not in MS. 3 biheold. * o, not in MS. 
 5 muchel, as occasionally. 6 fringes. 7 criep. 8 niwe. 
 nammore. 10 hure, as occasionally. n J>onki. 
 Mi lef, nu ich habbe fe funde 1 , 
 Of al mi care ich am unbundle/ 
 Nu aifer haj? of>er itgld 
 Of here sore^e and care cgld, 
 pat hi hadde ifunde bg 
 Si}?fe hi were ia|laatwg. 
 Nu hi cleppen 2 and kisse *, 
 And maken togadere michel blisse ; 
 If fer was a^t bute kift4 
 Swete Blaunchefliir hit wiste. 
 Ngn 6f>er hevene hi ne bfde 
 Bute evre swiche 5 lif to lfde. 
 Ac lgnge ne mijte hi hem wite 
 pat hi neren underlie, 'oJt>cf 
 For 6 \>q Admiral hadde such a wune, 
 ch 7 moretid fer moste cume 
 Two maidens wij> michel honur 
 Up 8 into fe hejeste tur, 
 pat were feire and swi{?e 9 hende ; 
 pat gn his hfved for to kembe, 
 pat oJ?er bringe towaille and bacin 
 For to wasse his hgnden in. 
 Swiche him serven 10 a day sg faire, 
 A more^e moste anof>er peire. 
 Ac rnfst were wuned 11 into J?e tur 
 Maide Claris and Blaunchefliir. 
 Clarice, joie hire mot bitide, 
 Args up in /pe more3entide, 
 And haf> cleped 12 Blaunchefliir 
 To gg wif> hire into \>z tur. 
 Qua]? Blaunchefliir, ' Ich am cominge/ 
 Ac heo hit sfde al slepinge. 
 ifunde. 2 cleppej). 
 up, not in MS. 
 * custe. 
 10 serve J). 
 5 swich. 
 11 iwuned. 
 12 icluped. 
 Claris com into pe tur; 
 pe Admiral axede Blauncheflur. 
 ' Sire, al ni^t at hire ' boke 
 Heo haf> 2 J?eron irad and loke, 
 And ]?eron bfde 3 hire oresun V^***^ 
 pat God )^at pole3e^passiurr <x; ^ v ii-> ys 
 J>e hglde, Sire, lpnge alive ; 
 And nil hep is asleped swij^e 
 pat heo ne mai come to J>e7 
 ' Is )?at s6J>e 4 ?' sfde he. 
 Heo sfde, ' ^e, Sire, withute If sing/ 
 1 Heo is,' he sfde, 'a swete J>ing, 
 Wei aste ich willen hire to wif 
 J>at so ^erne bidde mi lif.' 
 A more3e pg Claris arist 
 Blauncheflur heo atwist *^-& k 
 pat he makede sq lgnge demere 5 . "j 
 ' Aris,' heo sfde, ' and gg we ifere.' 
 QuaJ> Blauncheflur, ' Ich come, angn.' 
 Ac Flgris cleppen hire bigon, 
 And heo 6 him alsg unwise^" VN -*^ c 
 And felle 7 aslepe oh Jris wise. 
 p9 Clarice to J>e piler com,. 
 And pe bacin of golde n5m 
 To bfre wif> hire into J>e tur, 
 Heo lokede after Blauncheflur. 
 p9 Clarice com into J>e tur, 
 He axede after Blauncheflur: 
 'Sire, ich wende hire finde here, 
 Heo 8 was arise' are ich were; 
 Nis heo no^t icume 3ete ? ' 
 Quahe, ' Heo dute me to lite.' 
 "Hieo set at hire. 2 and haj>. 3 ibede. * soj). 
 6 he. 7 feolle. 8 he. , 
 He clepede 1 to him his chaumberlaynj 
 And het him gg wif> alle mayn 
 For to wite whLheo ne come 2 
 To his'Efste swife 3 sone. 
 For]? he wende sone angn, 5 
 To hire chaumbre fat he com. 
 In hire bedde he fgnd twg, 
 Wei faste iclept 4 , aslepe bg 
 Neb to neb, and milf to miif>; 
 Sone were here sorejen 5 cujn 10 
 To J>e Admiral sone he te$ 
 And tglde him what he isej. 
 pe Admiral het his swerd bringe ; 
 *^**imte he wolde of fis 6 finge. 
 Forjp he wende wif al his mayn, 15 
 He and his chaumberlayn ; 
 In J?e bed he 7 fgnd tweie, 
 git was J>e slep in here eie. 
 He let adun J?e clgfes caste 
 Binffen here breste; 20 
 Bi here breste he knew angn ^ 
 pat 6n was maide and fat ofer mon 8 . 
 pe* children awgke ]>g angn, 
 And se^e J>e Admiral bifgre 9 hem ggn 
 Wif> his swerd al adra^e;^ ' 25 
 Sgre hi ben offerd, and wel maje. ^. 
 Seie,' qua J>e Admiral, < belamy, 
 Ho makede \> e sg hardy ;v ' 
 For to come into mi tur, 
 And to ligge bi Blauncheflur ? ' 3 
 Hi crien 10 him mere! bgpe swife 
 pat he ^ive hem first of live. 
 clupede. * cume. 3 suthe, as occasionally. * iclupt. s sore3'ef 
 6 J)us. * 7 heo. 8 a mon. 9 bevore. 10 cries. 
 After his barnage he haj> isent 1 
 To awrfke him wif jugement, 
 And let hem fe while binde faste 
 And into prison ben icaste. 
 His palais fat was sg faire ibild 2 5 
 Of erles and barons it was ifild \ 
 Up he stod amgng hem alle, 
 Bi semblaunt wel wrgj> wifalle : 
 1 Lgrdinges/ he sfde, wij> michel honur 
 ^e habbe iherd of Blatmcheflur, 10 
 Hu ich hire bo^te apli^t ** ^ f*^\ 
 For seve sVpe of ggld hire wijt; >^r*^\y 
 To hire was mi mf ste wene "^jK. 
 For to habbe to mi quene. x*"~M **^^ 
 Nis no3t ^Qre fat in 4 ich com, 15 
 And fgnd hire wij> horedom 5 , 
 me to schame and deshonur 
 In hire bedde on mi tur. 
 Ich habbe 30U tgld hu hit is went; 
 \d Awrfkeb me wif> jugement/ 20 
 panne spak a freo burgeis V - 
 pat was hende and curteis: 
 1 Sire, are hi beo to dffe 6 awreke, 
 We mote ihere \ e children spfke ; 
 Hit nere nojt elles rijt jugement 25 
 Wifmten answare t5 acupement/ 
 pe king of Nuble sfde Ipg, 
 'ForsoJ?, ne schal hit no5t g sg; 
 Hit is rigej alle>n % ^^; 
 Felons inome? hondhabbing 3 
 For to suffre jugement 
 Wifute answare gfer acupement/ 
 1 isend. 2 ibuld. 3 ifuld. i ine. 5 hordom. 
 6 dij?e. 
 After pe children nu me senden * ; 
 Hem to berne fir me tenden 2 . 
 Seide 'Ftgrrs to Blauncheflur, 
 1 Of Ore lif nis rig sucur, ^^ 
 Ac min is pe gilt 3 , and pe unmJ> 5 
 pat J?u for me schalt pg\ie dff>; 
 Ac if kinde 4 hit f>glie "mijte 
 Ich Qjte deie twye wif> ri3te, 
 Q df J> for J?e, gn 6J>er for me, 
 For J?is )?u j^glest nu for me. 10 
 For if I nere into J?is tur icume, ^ 
 v WiJ> mire^e pu mi3test herinne wune.' 
 He droj forf> a riche ring 
 His moder 3af him at his parting: 
 'Have J>is ring, lemman min, 15 
 pu mijt 5 ng;t deie while he is ]>m' 
 pe ring he havej^ for]} arajt 
 And to Blauncheflur bitajt. ^O- 
 1 pe ring ne schal nevre aredde me, 
 For dfj? ne mai ich se on pe. y 20 
 pe ring hep wolde a3e rfche 
 And to Flgris him bitfchej^Wt-j 
 Ac for al pat heo mi3te do, 
 He him nolde a3en ifo^A* L^T 
 And pe ring bi gne stunde 25 
 Fel adun to pe grunde. 
 A due stupede and him upnom, 
 And was ferof wel bli]?e/mon) 
 Nu pes childre forf> meTBringe 
 To here dom al wepinge, 30 
 Ac per nas ngn sg stirne 7 m^n 
 pat hem lokede upon, 
 2 tendej). 3 gult. * kunde. 5 ne miat. 
 * \>e while. 7 sturne. 

 pat nolde pg swtye fa^e * 
 pat jugement were wifxira^e; 
 For Flgris was sg fair 3ongling, 
 And Blauncheflur sg swete J^ing, 
 Of men and wimmen }?at ben 2 nuf>e, 
 pat gg and se 3 and spfke 4 wif> muje, 
 Ne ben sg faire in here gladnesse 
 Sg hi were in here sorinesse. 
 Ac \>q Admiral was sg wrgf> and wod 
 He quakede for grame fer he stod, 
 And het hem binde wel faste 
 And into pe fire caste. 
 pe due ]?at pe ring funde 
 v Com to pe Admiral and rjinde, 
 ,And al togadere he gan him schewe 
 Of fat pe children were biknewe.^UA,/ 
 pe Admiral let hem ajen clfpey^ 
 For he wolde wij? Flgris spfke. 
 ' Sire,' quaf Flgris, ' forsof) ich telle 
 pu no^test no;t J>at maide quelle; 
 Of al f>is gilt ich am to wite, 
 Ich 03te deie and heo gg quite/ 
 QuaJ> Blauncheflur, 'Aquel Jm me, 
 And let Flgris alive be; 
 ^if 5 hit nere for mi luve 
 He nere nojt fram his lgnde icome. 
 QuaJ> pe Admiral, ' Sg ich mote gg, 
 ^e schulle deie togadere bg ; 
 Miself ich wille me awrfke, 
 Ne schulle ;e nevre gg ne sp^ke/ 
 Flgris for]? his nekke bf d, tjU^ 
 And Blauncheflur wifdra^e him jet ; 
 Blauncheflur bid for J) hire swire' - ', 
 And FlgrTs ajen hire gan tire. ^ ,'. t0 
 suj?e sage. 2 biij), as occasionally. 3 seoj). * spekej). 5 5ef. 
 Nei)?er ne rrn^te J^ere J^gle''***^ 
 pat of>er deide bifgre. 
 w^. pg be Admiral, pe} he wrgf> were, 
 per he chaungede his chere ; m^ 
 For eyber 1 wolde for ofer deie, 5 
 And he 2 sej man! wepinge 3 eie, 
 And for he luvede sq muche f>at mai, 
 Al wepinge he turned away. 
 His swerd fel of his hgnd to grunde, 
 Ne mijte he hit hglde bilke 4 stunde. 10 
 pe due J>at here ring hadde, 
 For hem to spfke wille he hadde : 
 1 Sire Admiral/ he sf de, ' iwis 
 Hit is Ipe wel Htel pris v.W^ 
 pis feire children for to quelle; 15 
 Ac betere hit is J?at hi Ipe telle 
 Hu he com into J>e tur 
 To ligge Iper bi Blaunchefliir. 
 His engin whan ]?u hit wite 
 pe betere wij> 6J>er ]>u mi^t Ipe wite/ 20 
 Alle J?at herde wordes his 
 Bisechen })at he graunte 5 {>is. 
 He het him telle his engin, 
 Hu he to Blaunchefhlr com in, 
 And ho him radde and help j?arto. 25 
 1 pat/ qua he, ' nelle ich nevre do 
 For J>ing J^at me mai mf do, 
 Bute hit hem be forjive also.' ihfi'Y^ 
 Alle Ipe olpere bisechen 6 bis, "" 
 And of J>e Admiral igranted is. 3 
 Nu ord and ende he haj> hem tgld 7 ; 
 Hu Blaunchefliir 8 was fram him sgld 9 , 
 1 he se3 pat ey>er. 2 for he. 3 wepinde. 4 Jmlke. 5 graunti. 
 6 bisechep. 7 itold. 8 blacheflur. 9 isold. 
 Hu 1 he was of Spaygne a kinges sone 
 For hire luve J?ider 2 icume, 
 To fgnden wif> sume ginne 
 Hu he mi3te hire awinne ; 
 And hu, purq J>e ciipe and J>e 3 gersume, 5 
 pe porter was his man bicume, 
 , And hu he was in a cupe ibgre. 
 i Alle pes opere lowe perfgre 4 . 
 pe Admiral pg, wel him bitlde, 
 pat child he sette 5 bi his side; 10 
 And haf> foqive his wrappe bg, 
 Flgris and Blauncheflur alsg, 
 And sfde wip him hi scholde be 
 pe beste of al his maine. 
 And Flgris he makeb stgnde uprijt, 15 
 And per he dubbed him to kni3t. 
 Nii bgpe togadere pes childre for blisse 
 Falle 6 to his fet, hem to kisse; 
 He let hem to gne chirche bringe, 
 And spiisen hem wip gne gold ringe. 20 
 purq p e red of Blauncheflur 
 Me fette Claris adun pe 7 tur. 
 pe Admiral hire nam to quene; 
 pilke f|ste was wel.,breme 3 
 For per was alle kinnes 8 gleo 25 
 pat mi^te at eni bridale 9 beo. 
 Hit nas perafter ngping lgnge 
 pat per com to Flgris writ and sgnde, v**^ 
 pat pe king his fader was dfd 
 And pat he scholde nimen his rfd. 30 
 panne seide pe Admirail, 
 'If pu dost bi mi consail, 
 1 and hu. 2 Jmder. 3 Jrores Jjc 4 }>ervore. 5 set. 
 6 falle>. 7 of ]>e. 8 kunnes. 9 briddale. 
 Bilf f wij? me, and wende na3t hgm ; 
 Ich wille 5eve }>e a kinedom 
 Al sg Igng and al sg brgd, 
 Alsg evre 3et ]ri fader bgdV 
 Ac Flgris nolde for ng winne, 5 
 Levere him were wif> his kinne. 
 pe Admiral he bid godday, 
 And }>onkede Claris bat faire may, 
 And to hire he haj? i^olde 
 Twenti pund of rf de 2 golde ; 10 
 And to Dans fat him sg ta^te 
 TwentT pund he ara3te, 
 And alle J>at for him diden ei dfl 
 He 3flde here while swibe wel. 
 )^^} He bitajte hem alle God Almi3te, 15 
 And com hgm when he mi3te. 
 He was king wi]? michel honur, 
 And hep his quene Blauncheflur. . < 
 Nu 3 haven 3 iherd bane ende ^m** *^ .^ 
 Of Flgris andhis lemman heride, 20 
 Hu after bale come}) bote. 
 God leve bat us sg mote, 
 pat we him mote lovle sg 
 pat we mote to hevene gg. Amen. 
 Als I lay in a winteris ny3t 4 25 
 In a droupening 5 bifgr be day, 
 Forsobe 6 I sau3 a seliy sy3t 7 , 
 A body on a bere lay, 
 1 ibod. 2 pond of ride. s habbej). 4 nyt. 5 droukening. 
 6 vorso|>e. 1 syt. 
 pat havede ben a mody kny;jt 
 And lltel x served God to pay 2 ; i 
 Lgren he haved pe lives lyjt, 
 pe ggst was oute and sdiolde away. 
 Wan pe ggst it scholde gg y 
 ' It 3 biwente and withstod, 
 Biheld 4 the body fere it cam frg 
 Sq serfulli with dredli mod ; 
 It seide, .' Weile and walawg ! 
 Wg wo \>e fi fleys, pi foule blod. 
 Wreche bodi w^y list ou 6 sg, 
 pat ^wilene were sg wilde and wod? 
 ' pou fat were woned to ride 
 Hey5e on horse in and out, 
 Sg kweynte 6 knijt ikutS 7 sg wide, 15 
 As a lyon fers and proud, 
 qwere is al fi michele pride, 
 And f I* lede fat was sg loud ? 
 !jwi list ou fere sg bare o side 8 
 Ipricked in fat pore schroud? 20 
 * ^were ben f 1 wurtSli 9 wedes, 
 pi somers with f 1 riche beddes, 
 pi proude palfreys and fi stedes? 
 pat f ou about 10 in .dgster leddes ? 
 pi faucbuns fat were wont 11 to grede, a~^: 25 
 And fine houndes fat fdu fedde" 12 ? 
 Me f inkeb God is pe to ^nede, 
 pat alle fine frend beon frg pe fledde. 
 lutel. 2 pay3. 3 yt, as often. * biheold. 5 listou3. 
 6 koweynte. 7 ikud. 8 bareside. 9 murdli. 10 haddest. 
 11 noujt 13 ledde. 
 '^were beon pi castles and \>\ toures, 
 pi chambres and pi rlche halles 
 Ipeynted with sg rlche floures, 
 And pi rlche rgbes alle? 
 pine cowlte s and pi covertcTures, 5 
 r*J> pi cendels and pi rlche palles ? 
 Wreche, ful derk 1 is noil 2 pi bour; 
 Tomoruwe pou 3 schalt perinne falle. 
 1 ^were ben pine cokes snelle, 
 pat scholden ggn to 4 greipe pi mte 10 
 With spfces swete for to smelle, 
 pat pou nevere were ' fol of frfte , 
 To do pat foule fleys to swelle 
 pat foule wormes scjiplden fte? 
 And pou havest pe pine of helle 15 
 With glotonye me bigfte. . . / 
 'For God pe schop 6 aftir his schalt J, 
 And gaf pe b9fe wyt and skii; 
 In J?i loking was 1 laft 
 To wisse aftir pin oune wil. 20 
 Ne toe I nevere wychecraft, 
 Ne wist I 3wat was god 8 ngr U, . 
 \ Bote as a wretche dumb and daft^ 
 Bote as tou taugtest me 10 pertil. ' 
 1 Set to serven pe to queme 25 
 >QpQ at even and at morn 11 , 
 Sipin 1 was pe bitau^t to }eme, 
 F19 pe time pat pou was born, 
 pou pat dedes coupest deme 
 Scholdest habbe be war biforn 30 
 1 wrechede it is. 2 nou3, as often. 3 >ou3, as often, but always 
 printed Jjou. 4 to, from Auch. MS. 5 werere. 6 schop J>e. 7 schap. 
 8 guod, as often. 9 mad. 10 me, not in MS. n morwen. 
 Of ml folye, as it seme 1 ; 
 Nou wip J>iselve thou art forlorn.' 
 pe gast it seyde, ' Bodi be stille ! 
 3\vo ha]? lfred pe al pis wite 
 pat give^t me pese wordes grille, 5 
 pat list per bollen as a bite? 
 Wenest ou, wretche, po:j thou fille 
 Wip J>I foule fleisch 2 a pite, 
 Of alle dedes thou didest ille 
 pat pou sg lijtli 3 . schalt be quite. 10 
 Wenest ou nou to 4 gete pe grip 
 per pou list rgten in pe clay? 
 pey pou be rQtin pile and pip, 
 And blowen wip pe wind away, 
 get 8 schalt ou come wip lime and lyp 15 
 Agein to me on domesday, 
 And come to court and 1 pe wip 
 For to kepen oure harde_pa^ 
 1 To tf che were pou me bitau^t ; 
 Ac ^wan pou poujtest of pe qufd,-^-^- 20 
 \ Wip pi tep pe brldel pou laujt, 
 pou dlst al pat I pe forbad. 
 T5 sinne 6 and schame it was pi drau^t, 
 Til untid and til wikkedehf d ; 
 Inou^ I stod ageyn and fau3t, 25 
 Bot ai pou nome pin oune rfd. 
 'Wan 1 pe wolde teme and tfche 
 ^wat was yvel and 3\vat was god, 
 Of Crist ne kirke was ng speche, 
 Bote renne aboute and breyde 7 wod; 30 
 semet. 2 fleichs, as often. 3 litli. 4 to, from Auch. MS. 
 5 3eot. 6 sunne, as usually. 7 breyd. 
 I110U3 I mijte preye and prfche, 
 Ne mijte 1 nevere wende \>\ mod 
 jf\ pat f 6u woldest God knoulfche, 
 But don al fat fin herte to 1 stod. 
 'I bad fe fenke on soulenedes 2 , 5 
 Matines, masse, and evespng; 
 Thou mostist first don of ere dedes 3 , 
 pou seidist al was idel ggng. ' 
 To wode and water and feld thou ede^t . 
 Or to court 4 to do men wrpng ; 
 Bote for pride or grettore medes 5 
 Lltel 6 fou dlst 7 god among. 
 J, 'Ho may m^re trayson do, y 
 Or his 8 Igverd betere engine, 
 pan he fat al his trist is to, 15 
 In and out 9 as oune hyn? 
 Ay sef f e fou was f riven and f 19, a fr ^ 
 ^ I Mijtis did 10 I alle mine, 
 (^ ^-^> To por.veie M f e rest and ro^" 
 And fou to bringe me in pine. 20 
 'Nou mauwe fe wilde bfstes renne 
 And lien under linde and Iff, , 
 And foules file bi feld an& fenne, 
 Sif>in fl false herte/clff.'J^Cjf- 
 pine eijene are bllndW-awa connen noujt kenne, 25 
 pi mouth is dumb, fin fie is dff; 
 And nou sg 1qJ1i 12 fou list grenne, vU - ^ Uaaj>j ^ /k/1 ^ 
 Frg f e comef a wikke wf f. 
 1 to, not in MS. 2 soulenede. 3 dede. * cour. 5 mede. 
 e lutel. 7 dust. 8 is, as in next line. 9 ou$t. 10 mitlis ded. 
 11 porveje. u lodli. 
 E 2 
 ' Ne nis ng If vedi bri3t on ble, 
 pat wel were woned 1 of pe t5 lete, ifi 
 pat wolde lye a nht 2 bl pe ; . 
 For nou5t 3 pat men mi3te hem bihete. 
 pou art unsemly for to se, 5 
 Uncomll for to kissen swete 4 ; 
 pou ne havest frend pat ne wolde fie, 
 Come )?ou stertlinde in pe strete.' 
 j pe bodi it seide, ' Ic seyje, 
 *Gast, pou. hast wrgng iwys :J - ~A\ 10 
 Al pe gilt 5 on me t5 leyje, 
 pat pou hast lorn pi mikil blis. 
 Were was I bl wode or weyje, 
 Sat or stod or dide ou3t mys, 
 pat I ne was ay under pin ey^e ? 15 
 Wel pou wgst pat soth it is 6 . 
 ' Wedir I ede up or doun, 
 pat I ne bar pe on my bac, 
 Als pin as' frg toun to toun, 
 Alse pou 7 me lete have rap and rac? ^t 20 
 pat tou ne were and rede 8 roun 
 Nevere. did I ping ne spac; 
 Here pe sope Jg^men mowen 
 On me pat ligge S9 9 big and blac. 
 'For al pe wile pou were mi fere 25 
 I hadde al pat me was ned, 
 I mijte spfke, se and he re: ~\ 
 I ede and rgd and (cfranl/ and et. 
 Lgpli chaunged 10 is my^cnere 
 Sin pe tyme pat pou me let; 30 
 iwoned. 2 nijth. 3 noujth. * cussen suwete. 5 wyt. v ys. 
 7 als se )>ou3. 8 red. 9 here so. l0 lodli chauched. 
 Dff and dumb I ligge on bere, 
 pat I ne may sterin hand ne fet. 
 s~ Q 'I scholde have ben dumb as a schep, 
 ' Or as an ouwe or as a swyn 
 pat et and drank and lai and slep, 5 
 Slayn, and passid al his pin ; 
 Nevere of' : cat|I nome 1 kep,^4v 
 Ne wyste wat was water ne wyn, 
 sr ne w 
 Ne leyn in helle fat is SQ^depV^ 
 Ne were fe wit fat al w&&-pin. 2 
 pe gast it 3 seide, ' Is ng doute ; 
 Abouten, bodi, fdu me bar; 
 pou mostist nede, I was wifoute 
 Hand and fot, 1 was wel war. 
 Bote as tou bere me aboute. . , L J 5 
 Ne mijt 1 do f e If ste char; * ^ 
 p9rfgre most 1 nede loute, fyu 
 Stj^ S9 doth fat ngn ofer dar. 
 1 Of 9 wymman bom and bredde, 
 Body, were we bofe tw9; 20 
 Togidre fostrid fayre and fedde 
 Til fou coufist spfke and gg. 
 Softe fe for love 1 ledde, 
 Ne dorst I nevere do fe \xq; 
 \y To lese f e sg S9re I dredde, 25 
 And wel I wiste to gete 4 na m9. 
 U "2^ ^l ' For me f ou woldest sumwat .&q . 
 \V3ile fou were 3ong a litil first, 
 For frendes ey5e fat f e stod to, 
 pe wile fou were bftin and ,birst; 30 
 he ne. 2 nevere ne wist i of al }>at was tin. 3 yt, as often. 4 getin. 
 Oc wan fou were friven and frg, 
 And knewe hunger, cgld and first.*. 
 And 3hwilk was eyse, rest and ro,' 
 Al fin oune wil fou dist. 
 1 saw f e fair on fleysch and blod 
 And al m! love on f e I kesT; 
 pat fou f rive me f ou*ie god, 
 And let fe haven ro and rest, 
 pat made fe sg stirne 2 of mo(L* 
 And of werkes sg unwrest ; 2E f, 
 To fijte with fe ne was ng b6V~^>*A.cW 
 Me fat fou bar in f I brest. 
 /'Gloterie and lecherie, 
 . ; Pride 3 and wicke coveytise, 
 Nlfe_and_.gnde_and envie 15 
 To God of hevene and alle hise, 
 And in y^nhst for to lye, 
 Was ti wone in alle wise 4 ; mmmmmmmmmm* 
 That I schal nou ful dere abye, B<w- ^ 
 A, weyle ! sgre may me grisej cvn' 20 
 { pou was warned her bifgre, 
 ^wat we 5 bgf e scholden have ; 
 Idel tale held tou fat f gre 
 pou sau3 ffle dun 6 in grave, 
 pbu dist al fat fe werld fe bad, 25 
 And- fat f 1 fleys f e wolde crave ; 
 I fglede fe and dide 7 as mad 
 To be maister and I f I cnave.' 
 Jp / 1 ' Iwenest 8 fou, ggst, f e geyned ou^t 9 
 For to quite fe wifal, 30 
 1 virst. 2 sturne. 3 prude. 4 waste wane non of J)ise. 
 5 we, not in MS. 6 bi dun. 7 dide, not in MS. 8 iweneste. 9 out. 
 pou fat was sg worfli 1 \v10u3t, 
 To seye 1 made fe my fral? 
 Did 2 I neyere on live noujt, 
 I ne raitu,ne I ne stal 
 pat first 3 of fe.ne cam fe fou^t; 5 
 Aby it fat aby^e schal ! 
 ^wat wist I wat was wrgng or riht 4 , 
 Wat to take or 5wat to schone, 
 Bote fat fou pottest in ml sisht 5 
 pat al be wisdom scholdest cone? ^.v. 10 
 rjwanne fou me tau^tist on untijht , 
 And me gan f eroffe mone, 
 panne did 2 I al my mi^ht 7 . 
 Anof er time to have my woneT 
 'Oc haddist ]x>u, fat Crist it oufe/- 15 
 Given me honger, first 8 and cQld, 
 And fou witest me fat ng god coufe, 
 j^J^ In bismere 3wan I was sg bgld, 
 pat I hadde undernomen in ^oufe 
 1 havede h^lden ;wan I was gld 9 ; 20 
 pou let me rekyn north and south 
 And haven al my wille on wgld. 
 &1, * pou scholdist for 119 lif ne lgnd, 
 Ne for ngn ofer worldes winne, 
 Have soffrid me to lein 911 hgnd, 25 
 pat havecS tornd to schame or sinne ; 
 Oc for I fe S9 eise fgnd, 
 And fi vretche wit S9 finne 10 , 
 pat ay was wrifinde as a wgnd,' 
 perfgre n coufe I nevere blinne. 30 
 1 wordli. 
 2 dud. 
 3 furst. i rith. 
 5 si3th. 6 unti3th, 
 1 mi3th. 
 8 vurst. 
 9 I havede h olden old. 
 10 with so Jmnne, 
 11 }>efore. 
 1 To sinne J>6u wistist was my kinde, 
 As mankinne it is al sg, 
 And 15 pe wretche world sg minde, 
 And to IpQ fend fat is iire l fg. , 
 pou scholdest fr have late me binde ^ 5 
 Wan I misdede, and don me wg ; 
 Ac 5wanne fe blinde lat fe blinde, 
 In dike he fallen bgfe twg.' 
 ^ ^ Thg bigan J?e ggst to wepe, 
 And seide, 'Bodi, alias, alias, io 
 pat I fe lovede evere jete, 
 For al mi love on J>e 1 las. <&>ih*J) 
 pat tou lovedest me foil lete, c^musi - 
 AAM**~On*o And madest me an houve of glas ; 
 I dide al fat f e was sete, - i 15 
 And f ou my traytor evere was. 
 1 pe fend of helle fat havef envle 2 
 To mankinne 3 , and evere haf had, 
 Was in us as is a 4 sple 
 To do sum god 3 wan I fe bad. 20 
 The werld he toe to cumpaynie 5 , 
 pat mam a soule haved forrad*'*' 
 pey f re listen J?I folye, 
 And maden 6 , wretche, fe al mad. 
 '^wan I bad fe reste take, 25 
 Forsake sinne ay and 90, 
 Do penaunce, faste and wake, 
 pe fend 7 seide, ' pou schalt nou^t sg>, 
 pus 8 sone al f 1 blisse forsake, 
 To liven ay in pine and wq! 30 
 1 ore, as often. 2 envije. s mankune. 4 as a. 5 cum- 
 pani3e. c madin. 7 fe. 8 )>os. 
 Joye l and blisse I rede pou make, 
 And penke to live seres my' 
 < ' 3wan I bad te Jeye pride, 
 pi mame mes,~pi nche schroud, 
 pe false world pat stad bislde, 5 
 Bad pe be ful quoJft[t|" , (knd proud; 
 pi. fleysch with riche rgbes schride, 
 Nou^t als a beggare in a clout V x *> 
 And on heije horse to ride 
 Wip mikel meyne in and out 3 / 10 
 ZU *3 wan I Da ^ J>e frliche to rise, 
 Nim of 4 me pi soule kep, 
 pou seidest thou mijtest a ngne wise 
 Forggn pe mine 5 morweslep. 
 \V3a11 3e hadden set/yoTur gis e. 15 
 3 6 pre traytours/ v s^fe^T~wep ; 
 Ye ladde me wip 36lire 7 enprise, 
 As pe bochere 8 dop his schep. 
 1 !}wan 36 9 pre traitours at 9 tale 
 Togidere weren^agein me sworn, 20 
 Al 3 maden trcffevlue 
 pat I haved seid biforn. 
 ^e ledde me bi doune and dale 
 As an oxe bi pe horn, <\ 
 Til per as him is browen bale \ 
 per his prgte schal be schorn. 
 'For love pi wille I folgwede al, 
 And to mm oune/a^tW I drou3, 
 To foluwe pe pat waVini pral, # . P. 
 pat evere were false and frou3 -B 1 30 
 1 ioyje. 2 clou3t. 3 ou3t. 4 on. 5 murie. 6 ]?e. 
 7 wid oure. 8 bo]>elere ; Auch. MS. bucher. se, not in MS. 
 pou it dist and 1 forhal, 
 We wisFen * wel it was woua ;v 
 perfgre mote we kepe ure fal, *^ 
 Pine and schame and sorewe inou3. 
 1 peia alle J?e men nou under mone 5 
 To demen weren sete on benche, 
 pe schames }>at us schullen be done ,^^J^ 
 Ne schulden 2 halven dfl bipenche 3 / 
 Ne helpej) us ng bfde ne bone, ^ J osfc^ 
 Ne may us nou np wyl towrenche; io 
 Hellehoundes comen 4 nou sone, 
 > ' ForJ>I ne mouwe we noyfer blenche.\w J^ 
 A(J() 3 wan l^at bodi say J?at gast 5 
 pat mgne and al J>at soruwe make, . 
 It seide, ' Alias, >at mi Hf hath last, 15 
 pat I have lived for sinne sake, 
 pat mln herte 6 ne hadde tobrast 7 , 
 ^wan I was fram mi moder take; 
 1 mijte have ben in er}>e kast 8 , 
 And leijen and rgted 9 in a lake. 20 
 ' panne haved 1 nevere lerned 
 ^wat was yvil 10 , ne ^wat was g5d, 
 Ne ng ]>'mg with wrgnge 11 ^ernd, * ^ 
 Ne pine J>gled as I mot; 
 gwere ng seint lrn^te bfren lire 12 ernde 25 
 To him f>at boujte us with his blod, 
 In helle ^wanne we ben bernd 13 
 Of sum mere! to don us bot.' 
 1^ * Nay, bodi, nay H , nou is to late 
 For to preien 15 and to prfche, 3 
 1 wistin. * schuldin. 3 bi>enke. 4 cometh. 5 gost. 
 herte anon. 7 toborste. 8 kest. 9 ilei3en and iroted. 10 uvilne. 
 1 wrong. 12 is. 13 brend. " nay, from Auch. MS. ir ' preije. 
 Nou f>e wayn is atte l sate, 
 And bl tonge haf> leid )?e spfche. /^ 
 Q poynt of ure pine to bate, 
 In J>e world ne is ng If che ; - ' y/Vfcn ' - *y 
 Al tegidere we ggn 9 gate, " 5 
 Swilk is Godes harde wrfche. ***y~ s<^ 
 J-I Li 3 '" Ac haddest f>ou a Htel f r, 
 3 wile us was llf togidnT lent, 
 p9 f>at was S9 sek and sfr, a*J*?* ! 
 Us schriven and Ipe devel schent, 10 
 And laten renne a reuly tfr, 
 And bihi^t amendement, 
 Ne forte us have frijt ne ffr, 
 pat God ne wolde us blisse have sent 2 . 
 fJU *P ev a ^ e J>e men J?at ben 5 lyve 3 15 
 Weren prestes, messes for 4 to singe, 
 And alle pe maidenes and be wyve 5 
 Wydewes, hgndene for to wringe, 
 And mi3te sweche 6 fyve 
 Als is in werld of alle J>inge, 20 
 Sibin we ne mouwen us selven 7 schrlve, 
 Ne schulde us into blisse bringe. 
 jJ(U*j *Bodi, 1 may ng mgre dwelle, 
 Ne st^nde for to spfke with be; 
 Hellehoundes here I ^elle, 25 
 And fendes m9 ban men mowe se, 
 pat comen to fette me to helle, 
 Ne may 1 n^wer! from hem fie; 
 \, And bou. schalt comen with fleys and felle 
 A domesday to wone 9 with me.' 30 
 2 his blisse us sent. 3 lyves. 4 for, not in MS. 
 6 suweche. 7 sulven. 8 noweder. 9 wonie. 
 Ne havede it nou fr \q w5rd iseyd, 
 It ne wiste jwider it scholde gg ; 
 In abreken at a breid 
 A Jio^send develene and }et mg. 
 ^wan/theiJhadden x on him leyd 5 
 HerV"scharpe cloches alle pg, 
 It was in a sgrl pleyt, 
 Reullche toyled to and frg. 
 For thei weren ragged, roue and tayled, 
 With brgde bulches on here bac; 10 
 Scharpe clauwes, lgnge nayled, 
 Ne was ng lime withoute lac. 
 On alle halve it was asayled 
 With man! a devel foul and blac; 
 Mercl criende litel 2 availede 15 
 ^wan Crist it wolde sg harde wrac. 
 ^ tjl 
 Some Ipe chaules it towraste 8 
 And 5Qten in J>e lfd al hgt, 
 And bedin him to drinke faste, 
 And shenke abouten him abrgt 4 . 20 
 A devil kam }?er atte 5 laste 
 pat was maister, wel I wgt ; 
 A colter glowende in him he f>raste 
 pat it f>oru3 be herte smgt 6 . 
 Gleyves glowende some setten 25 
 To bac and brest and bglpe sides, 
 pat in his herte \>e poyntes mettin, 
 And maden him ]>g woundes wide, 
 And seiden him fol wel he lette 
 pe herte fat was sg fol of pride ; 30 
 1 haddin. 2 lutel. 3 towrasten. 4 senke abouten him 
 a brod. 5 ate. 6 herte it smot. 
 Wei he it hadde fat men him hette ', 
 For mgre scholde it bitlde. 
 ' Worfli 2 wedes for to wfre 
 pei seiden fat he lovede best ; 
 A develes cppe for to bfre, 5 
 Al brennynde on him was kest, 
 With hgte haspes imad to spfre 
 pat streite sat to bac and brest; 
 An helm fat was lltel 3 to hf re 
 Kam him, and 4 an hors al prest. * 10 
 Forth was broi^t ferewith a bridel, 
 A corsed devel als a CQte, 
 Xr M- : pat grisliche grennede and 3nede wide, 
 ww: pe ley3e it lemede of his f rpte ; 
 With a sadel to the midside 15 
 Fol of scharpe pikes schgte, 
 Alse an hechele on B to ride ; 
 Al was glowende, ilke a grgte. 
 Upon 6 fat sadil he was sloungen, 
 As he scholde to J?e tornement; 20 
 An hundred devel on him dongen 
 Her and fer fan he was hent ; 
 With hgte spfres f oruj was stongen, 
 And wif oules al torent ; 
 At ilke dint fe sparkles sprongen 25 
 As of a brgnd fat were forbrent 7 . 
 ^wan he hadde riden 8 fat rgde 
 Upon f e sadil fer he was set, 
 He was kast doun as a tgde, 
 And hellehoundes to him were let 9 30 
 2 wordli. 3 lutel. 4 anon him kam. 5 onne. 
 Opon. 7 ibrbrend. 8 rcden. 9 led. 
 pat broiden out pg peces brgde, 
 Als he to helle wa$d was fet; 
 Ther alle fe fendes fet it trpde, 
 Men mi3te of blod foluwe fe tred. 
 He beden him honten 1 and blowen, 5 
 Crien on Bauston and Bewis, 
 pe ratches fat him were woned to 2 knowen 
 He scholden sone blowe fe pris; 
 An hundred develes, on 3 a rowe, 
 With stringes him drowen, unfanc his, 10 
 Til he kome to fat lgfli 4 loweo,,^*^ 
 per helle was, I wgt to wis. 
 ^vvan it kam to fat wikke won, 
 pe fendes kasten swilk 5 a 3d ; 
 pe erfe it gpenede up angn, 15 
 Smgke and smofer up it wel 6 ; 
 Bgfe of 7 pich and of 7 brimstgn 8 , 
 Men myjte fif mile have f e smel. 
 Lgverd, \xg schal him be biggn 
 pat haf feroffe fe tenfe dfl! 20 
 <f w J^wan fe ggst pe sgpe isey, 
 \V3ider 9 it scholde, it kaste a cri, 
 And seide, ' Jpsu :o that sittest on hey, 
 On me, f I'' i s^rfap J nou have mere!. 
 Ne schope f ou me fat art S9 slyj ? 25 
 pi erf ature al_s^ was I 
 Als man fat sittes pe sg ny, 
 pat p ou havest sg wel don by. 
 n I 'pou fat wistest al biforn 11 , 
 W31 schope f ou me to wrgp er hfle, 30 
 1 hontin. 2 te. 3 ratches on. 4 lodli. 5 suwilk. 
 6 wal. 7 of, from Audi. MS. 8 brumston. 9 wjide. 10 Ihu, 
 as usual ; Crist added, but incorrectly for metre. ll bifor. J 
 To be J>us togged and totorn \ 
 And of>ere to haven al mi wfle ? 
 pg J?at scholden be forlpm, 
 Wretches J>at tou mutest sp^le, <*-rt- 
 A, weile, W31 lest ou hem be born, 5 
 To ^eve J>e fdule fend sg ffle?' 
 J Agein him pe fendes gonnen crie 2 , 
 c r^ 'Caitif, helpe)? pe na mgre 
 To calle on Jesus ne Marie, 
 Ne to crie Cristes pre. 10 
 Lpren J>ou havest the cumpainye, 
 pou havest served us sg $gre ; ley 
 parfpre noii J>6u schalt abye 
 As ofere fat leven on Ore lyre/ 
 ^Ci pe foule fendes J?at weren fayn, 25 
 Bi top and tail he slongen hit, 
 And kesten it with my3t and mayn 
 Doun into the develes pit, 
 per sonne ne schal nevere be seyn; 
 Hemself he sonken in permit; 
 pe eipQ himself 3 it lek ajeyn, 
 Angn pe donge it was fordit. 
 \V5an it was forth, J>at foule \gd ^n 
 To hellewel gr it were day, 
 On ilk a her a digpe stod ^5 
 For fri^t and fer J>er as I lay; 
 To Jesu Crist with milde mod 
 Zjerne 1 kalde and lokede ay, 
 ^wan pg fendes hgt and wod 4 
 Come to fette me away. 30 
 1 totoren. 2 cri3e. 3 hem sulf. * hot fot. 
 '\ I fonke him p>at fglede dfth, 
 His michele ! merci and his gre, 
 pat schilde me fram man! a qufd, *,"*" 
 A sinful 2 man as I lai f>9re. 
 p9 alle sinful 1 3 rede hem rf d 
 To schriven hem and rewen sgre ; 
 Nevere was sinne idon sg grft 
 pat Cristes merci ne is wel mgre.?"Ltk 
 Eve haj> SeJ? yladde 
 To Paradys as Adam badde. 10 
 And 4 Eve drou3 hir fram pe ^ate, 
 \Sche\ne 5 durst nou^t loke in Jerate, 
 Sc"tie durst nou3t shewe God hir face, 
 Bot lete Sef> abide grace. 
 And Sef> in Jrilke stfde, 15 
 Sgre wepeand, in hgly bfde, 
 He abgd per alle stille 
 Godes merci and Godes wille. 
 purch 6 ]?e vertu of Godes mi3t 
 per com adoun an angel bri^t, 20 
 And seyd to Sef> in fis manere 7 , 
 pat he mi^t wif> f ren here : 
 1 God j?at al j?e warld haf> wroujt 
 Sent J>e word, Jou biddest for noujt, 
 Sr J>e terme 8 be yggn 25 
 Of five fousende winter and gn, 
 And five and twenti winter and mg. 
 1 muchele. 2 sunfol, as also in next line. 3 ]>o J;at sunful ben. 
 1 T, as often 5 no, as always. 6 Jmrth. 7 maner. 8 term. 
 Jr f>at terme l be agg, 
 And God J>at is ful of mijt 
 Be into erf>e yli^t, 
 And have ynomen kind of man, 
 And ba]?ed in J>e flom Jordan; 5 
 pan schal Adam and Eve his wiif 
 Be anoint wif> oyle of liif, 
 And alle Ipg fiat after hem comen 
 pat have cristendom 2 ynomen. 
 Gq tel Adam J>I fader J>is, 10 
 pat ngn oJ>er grace J?er nis ; 
 And to grayj>e him bid him hj^e 3 , 
 His terme neijef f>at he schal dye. 
 And when }>e bodi J>at ha}> don sinne, 
 And Ipe soule schal parten atwinne, 15 
 Ri:jt whan J?at time schal be, 
 Miche mervayl 3S schullen yse. 
 S9 sey]? 4 mi Lgrd J?at alle ha)) wroujt, 
 And biddej) J>at 5c ne drede noujt, 
 For nou3t fat }e schul here ne se ; 20 
 S9 he sent jou word bi me.' 
 Eve and Sep her waye nome, 
 And went a3ain 5 as J?ai come, 
 And tgld Adam j?e tiding 
 pat him sent Je Hevenking ; 25 
 And Adam held up bgj>e his hgnd, 
 And J>onked God of alle his sgnd. 
 Adam his eijen unfeld, 
 And seffen his sone he biheld 
 And seyd, ' Merci, swete Jesus 6 , 30 
 Who haf> wounded mi sone Jus?' 
 'Bi God, Adam/ quaf> Eve, 
 'He J>at is aboute to greve 
 ciristendom. 3 heyje. 4 seyt. 5 03am. 6 Ihus, as usual. 
 Oure soules bgf>e ni}t and day, 
 As michel as ever he may; 
 pat is ]?e fende, J>at is our fg, 
 pat haf> ous brou3t into Jis wg. 
 He com and mette 1 wif> ous tway 5 
 As we 5eden in J?e way, 
 And went toward Paradys ; 
 pus he bpt him in j?e viis.' 
 'Q wf, Eve/ quaf> Adam J?g, 
 'pou hast ywroujt michel wg ! 10 
 Alle fat after ous be bgre, 
 Alle schal curssen ous ferfgre ; 
 And alle J>at after ous liven, 
 Bgf>e a morwe and eke an even, 
 Schul be bisy to bfre f e wg 15 
 pat is ywakened of ous two. 
 perfgre, Eve, telle alle June childer 
 Bglpe Ipe jonger and J?e elder, 
 pat J>ai be filed of our sinne, 
 And bid hem fch gn 2 biginne 20 
 Nijt and day mere! to crie* 
 Mi time is comen, I 3 schal dye/ 
 pus Adam bad Eve his wiif M . * - 
 Tf chen his childer after his liif, - .^ ., U 
 Hou fai schuld angiTbeginne 25 
 To crlen merci for her sinne. 
 And J?Q he hadde ytaujt hem fus, 
 As J?e boke tellej? ous, 
 He kneled adoun in his bfde, 
 And dyed angn in J?at stfde. 30 
 And as "pe angel hadde yseyd, 
 Alle J?e lijtnisse was yleyd; 
 1 mett. 3 ichon. 3 y. 
 Sonne and mone lorn her \\# 
 Sexe l days and sexe * nijt. 
 Eve bigan to wepe and crie, 
 pg sche 2 seyje Adam dye ; 
 And Sep made reweli mgn, 5 
 And fel doun on his fader anpn, 
 And as it telle)? in pe bok 3 
 In his armes his fader he tok, t 
 And ful bitterliche he wepe. // ****> ~fcZ! If 
 And God Almi 3 tl perof toke kepe, I' o-^ H ~* i?\ ^' 
 And sent adoun an angel bri3t a>.. |-cnA~ - 9^ ^ 
 pat seyd to Sep angn ri 5 t, J^ l^Jr^iA *****- 
 'Arise and lete pi sorwe be, ji^i-** jl v^'S- \^rif- 
 And wip pine eyjen pou schalt se u^b< -&*t. f **^* - t - 
 God, pat al pe warld schal glade, 6 ^A+tu& ^^-^ ^ 
 What he wil tio wip pat he made.' / > wut,t ^ "** 
 God pat sit in heven heyje 
 Tok Adam soule, pat Sep it sei3e, 
 And bitok it Seynt 4 Michel, 
 And seyd: 'Have, loke pis soule wel, 20 
 And put it in sorwe and pesternisse, 
 Out of joie 5 and alle li3tnisse, 
 Til five pousend winter ben agp, 
 Two hundred and eijte and twentl mo, 
 Frg pe time pat he ete 25 
 Of pat appel him poujt sg swete. 
 Sq lgnge 6 for his gilt, 
 In his ward he schal be pilt, 
 pat maked him mm hste 7 brfke; 
 S9 lpnge ich wil ben awrfke 30 
 On him and alle his blod eke, 
 Ml comandment for he breke. 
 2 he. 3 boke. * seyn. 5 ioie, as always. 
 6 long, as often. T hest. 
 F 2 
 And whan fat terme is agp, 
 To joie schal turn al his wg; 
 And afterward fan schal he 
 Sitten in J>ilke selve se 
 pat Li^tbern sat, mm angel bri^t, 5 
 %x pride was in his hert ah^t.' 
 pus seyd Jesus fat sitt an hey^e, 
 And seff en into heven he stei3e. 
 Fram f e time fat cas fel 
 pat cursed Kaim slou^ Abel, io 
 Til Adam dyed upon mold, ii im5w* Jjv~> - (^dk* 
 As swete Jesus Crist it 1 wold,)' -**>< \*K>- />XW('tK 
 qete lay Abel above erf e ; w~k- 
 Til Jesus Crist, herd mot he werfe /' 
 Bad his angels fat f ai scholde j/_^--^ l 5 
 Biry fe bodis under molde. v 
 pe angels al wif outen chfst * 
 Dede angn Godes hfst. 
 Into 2 clgf es f e bod! f ai feld ; 
 Eve and hir children stode and biheld 20 
 Ri3t in f iike selve stfde, 
 And hadde wonder what fai dede, 
 For fai ne hadde ar fan 
 Never sen biry ng man. 
 pan seyd an angel fer he stode, 25 
 To Eve and to al hir brode: 
 ' Take 3me how we do, 
 And her afterward do so. 
 Birief alle sg fat dyen 
 As 3e se wif joure yjen 3 ; 30 
 pat we don f is bodis here, 
 Dof ;e in fe selve manere/ 
 it, not in MS. 2 ito. 
 pg pe angels had seyd J>us 
 pai wenten ajain to swete Jesus, 
 To heven per J>ai formast were, 
 And lfved Eve and hir children J>re. 
 Sex days after Adam was dfde, 5 
 God Almi3ti an angel bfde 
 Gq tellen Eve, Adames wiif, 
 pe terme was comen of hir liif. 
 p9 Eve wist sche schulde 1 dfe, 
 Sche clfped forf> hir progenle, 10 
 BgJ?e pe 3onger and pe eldre, 
 Hir childer and hir childer childre, 
 And sayd )?at alle mitten here : 
 * p9 ich and Adam, mi fere, 
 Breken Godes comandement 2 , ij 
 Angn his wrf )>e 3 was ysent 
 On ous and on our progenle ; 
 And J^erfgre merci je schul crle, 
 And bgpe bi day and eke bi ni^t 
 Dof> penance bi al jour mijt. 20 
 And J>ou, Se}>, for ani J>ing 
 Ich comand pe on mi blisceing 
 pat 1 fader liif be write, 
 And mm alsg, everl smite, 
 F19 pe bigining of bis liif 25 
 pat he was maked, and "ich his wiif, 
 And hou we were filed wij? sinne, 
 And what sorwe Ave 4 han lived inne, 
 And in whiche maner J>at J?ou seye 
 Rfdiliche wif> fine ey3e 30 
 pi fader soule to pine sent, 
 For he brak Godes comandement 2 . 
 schuld. 2 comandment. 3 wretbe. * whe. 
 Alle f>is loke J>at J?ou write 
 As wele as J?ou kanst it dite, 
 pat pg J?at be now jong childre 
 Mai it se, and her elder, 
 And ofer )?at hereafter be bgre, 5 
 Hou we han wrou3t here bifgre, 
 pat J?ai mowe taken ensaumple of ous, 
 And amenden 35am 1 Jesus.' 
 p9 Eve hadde J?us yseyd, 
 And hir erand on Sef> yleyd, jo 
 Sche kneled adoun and bad hir bfde; 
 And ri3t in Mke selve stfde, 
 pat alle hir fcn^stoden and sey3e 
 Where, sche dyed biforn her ey3e. 
 Angn ri3t as Eve was dfde, 15 
 Hir children token hem to rede, 
 And beren hir )?ilke selve day 
 Unto J>e stfde \ er Adam lay, 
 And biried hir in J>ilke stfde, 
 Rijt as J?e angels bede 20 
 pat biried Adam and Abel ; 
 perof J>ai token hede ful wel. 
 And pg sche was in evlpe ybroujt, 
 pai were sgri in her foirjt, 
 And wopen and made miche \\g. 25 
 p9 Adam and Eve was agg, 
 Bgf>e an even and a morwe 
 pai wopen and made miche sorwe. 
 And at J>e foure 2 dayes ende, 
 Jesu 3 made an angel wende, 30 
 And seyd J>er J>ai wepen sgre: 
 1 Dole]? sex days and na mgre ; 
 1 03ain. 2 four. 3 Ihtu 
 pe seven day rest of joure * sorwe, 
 BgJ^e an even, and a morwe. 
 For God }>at alle pe warld ha}> wrou^t, 
 And alle pe warld made of nou3t, 
 As him J>ou3t it wold 2 be best, 5 
 pe seven day he toke rest. 
 And anof>er ping witterly. 
 It bitgknej) pe day of mere! ; 
 pe seven day was Sonenday 3 , 
 And }>at day schal be domesday, 10 
 And alle pe soules J?at wele have wrou^t 
 pat day schul to rest be brou3t/ 
 P9 4 pe angel hadde his erand seyd 
 pat God Almi3ti 5 hadde on him leyd, 
 Into heven pe way he nam, 15 
 pai wist never whar he bicam. 
 Sep angn rijt bigan 
 Of Adam j?at was pe forme man, 
 Al togider he wrpt his liif, 
 As Eve hade beden, Adames wiif, 20 
 As telle}) pe boke J?at wele wgt, 
 In stgn alle pe letters he wrgt, 
 For fir ne water upon mold 
 Never greven it ne schold. 
 p9 Sep hadde writen Adames liif, 25 
 And Eves fat was Adames wiif, 
 Ri3t in J?ilke selve stfde 
 per Adam was wone to bide his bfde, 
 In pilke stfde pe bok he leyd, 
 As wise men fr J?is han seyd 6 , 30 
 per Adam was wone to biden his bfde, 
 And If ved it in Jnlke stfde ; 
 3 wald. 3 sononday. * to. 5 almijten. 
 6 yseid. 
 And per it lay alle Noes flode, 
 And ne hadde noi^t bot gode. 
 Lgng after Noes 1 flod was g, 
 Salamon pe king com pQ 
 pat was heir 2 of David Ignd ; g 
 And Adames liif per he fgnd, 
 And al in stgn writen it was, 
 And damaged 3 ngn letter per nas. 
 For alle pat Salamon coupe 
 (yinkjin hert or spfke wip moupe, 10 
 Qnword he ne coupe wite. 
 Of alle fat ever was per write, 
 He ne coupe 9 word understand 
 pat Sep hadde writen wip his hgnd. 
 And Salamon pat was wiis 15 
 Bisou3t pe King of Paradys, 
 pat he schulde 4 for his mi^t 
 Sende him grace fram heven h^t, 
 pat he mi}t have grace to wite 
 What ping weren fere ywrite. 20 
 God yblisced mot he werpe 
 He sent an angel into erpe 
 pat taujt Salamon ever! smite, 
 Alle Adames liif ywrite, 
 And seyd to Salamon ywis: 25 
 'Here, per pis writeing is, 
 Ri^t in pis selve stfde, 
 Adam was wont to bid his bfde. 
 And here pou schalt a temple wirche 
 pat schal be clfped hgli chirche, 30 
 per men schal bid hgly bfde 
 As Adam dede in pis stfde.' 
 1 nes. 3 eir. 3 damaghed. 4 schuld. 
 And Salamon f e king ann 
 Lete rfren a temple of lime and stgn, 
 pe firste 1 chirche under sonne 
 pat ever in warlde* was bigonne. 
 Now have je herd of Adames liif, 5 
 And of Eve fat was his wiif, 
 Whiche liif fai ladden here on mold, 
 And seffen diden as God wold. 
 And f 9 Adam in erf e was dfd, 
 For sinne fat com of her sed, 10 
 God sent Noes flod 
 And adrenched al fe brod 3 ; 
 Swiche 4 wreche God ynam 5 
 Of alle fat of Adam cam, 
 Save Noe 6 and his wiif 1 5 
 pat God hadde graunted liif, 
 And his children fat he hadde 
 To schip wif him fat he ladde. 
 Of Noe seffen and of his childer 
 We bef comen al togider. 20 
 And seffen fai lived 7 in swiche sinne 
 pat for f e liif fai liveden inne 
 Sodom and Gomore, fat wer pg 
 Swife ngble cites twg, 
 Bgfe sonken into helle, 25 
 As we here clerkes telle. 
 And anof er ngble cite, 
 pat was yhgten Ninive, 
 Was in filke selve cas; 
 Bot as f e prophete Jgnas 30 
 Bad for hem bi 8 day and nijt, 
 To swete Jesus ful of mijt, 
 first. 3 warld. 3 blod. 4 swich. 5 nam. 
 6 noee, as in 1. 19. 7 leved. 8 bi, not in MS. 
 And made bgj>e king and quene, 
 And alle bat ober pople bidene, 
 In her bedes he made hem wake, 
 And hard penaunce he dede hem take. 
 And J>9 J?ai were to penaunce pilt 
 God forjaf hem here gilt ; 
 pus Ninive saved was 
 purch bisekeing of Jpnas. 
 gete after Noes flod, 
 Al }?at com of Noes 2 blod, 
 Were 3 he never sq hply man, 
 For Ipe sinne fat Adam bigan, 
 per most ngn in heven com, 
 r God had his conseyl nome 
 To listen in Ipe virgine Marie, 
 And on J?e rode wolde 4 dye, 
 For t5 biggen ous alle fre, 
 Yherd and heyed mot he be. 
 Now have $e herd of swete Jesus, 
 As J>e boke 5 telle)? ous; 
 Of be warld hou it bigan, 
 And hou he made of molde 6 man. 
 Jesu bat was nomen mp wrgng, 
 And J>gled man! paines string 
 Among ]?e Jewes }?at were felle, 
 To bring Adam out of helle, 
 gif ous grace for to winne 
 pe joie J?at Adam now is inne. 
 1 her. 2 noees. 3 weren. * wald. 5 bok. 6 mold. 
 In fat time, sg it bifelle, 
 Was in fe lgnd 1 of Denemark 
 A riche king, and svvyfe stark; 
 pe 2 name of him was Birkabeyn. 
 (He havede man! knict and swey'n ; g 
 He was fayer 3 man, and wicht 4 , 
 Of bod; he was fe beste knicht 5 , 
 pat eyere micte If den ut 6 hfre, n/ 
 V~ I Or stede on 7 ride, or handlen spfre. 
 pre children he havede bi his wif, 20 
 He (hem lovede sg his Hf ; L~ 
 He havede a sone and 8 douhtres twg, 
 Swife fayre, as fel it sg. 
 He fat wil^-ngn forbfre, 
 T^J^ Riche ne povre, king ne kaysfre, 15 
 Dfth him tok fan he best wilde 9 
 Liven; but hyse dayes were filde 10 , 
 pat he ne moucte ng mgre live 
 For gold 11 ne silver, ne for ng gyve. 
 vHwan he fat wiste, rafe he sende 20 
 After prestes fer and 12 hende, ,Jik^ 
 Chanounes gode and monkes bgf e, 
 Him for to itfisse 'and to rg<5e 13 ; 
 Him for to ftosleh, and to M shrive, 
 Hwil his bodi were on live. 25 
 Hwan he was hosled and shriven, 
 His quiste maked and for him gyven, 
 2 p. ' fayr. * wicth. 5 knicth, as often, 
 onne. 8 and, not in MS. 9 bes wolde. 10 fulde. 
 2 an, as occasionally. 13 rede. 14 forto. 
n sftltfj 
 His knictes dede he alle site, 
 For poru hem he wolde wite / 
 Hwo micte yeme hise children yunge, 
 Til pat he koupien spf ken wip * tunge ; 
 vwJL Spfken and gangen, on horse riden, 5 
 Knictes and 2 sweynes bi here siden. 
 He spgken peroffe, and chgsen sone 
 A riche man pat 3 under mone, 
 Was pe trewest pat he wende, 
 Godard, pe kinges oune frende; j^ 1 10 
 And seyden he mouchte 4 hem best loke, 
 Yif pat he hem undertoke, 
 Til hise sone mouhte 6 bfre 
 Helm on hfved, and lfden lit hfre, 
 In his hand a spf re stark, 15 
 And king ben maked of Denemarjs. 
 He wel trowede pat he" seyde, . j 
 And on Godard handes leyde, 
 And seyde, 'Here bitfche I p 
 Mine children alle pre, /( * ^Jt 20 
 Al Denemark and al mi fe,^^' 
 Til pat mi sone of elde 6 be". 
 But pat ich wille, pat pou T swfre 
 On auter and on messegfre, 
 On pe belles pat men ringes^^ 25 
 On messebok pe prest on (singes', 
 pat pou mine children shalt wei 8 yeme, 
 pat here 9 kin be ful wel queme, 
 Til mi sone mowe ben knicht 10 , 
 panne bitfche him p9 his richt 11 , 30 
 Denemark and pat pertil lpnges, 
 Casteles and tunes, wodes and wpnges.' 
 1 wit. a an, as occasionally. * was. * moucthe. 5 mouthe, as often. 
 helde. 7 ]>o. 8 we. 9 hire. 10 knicth. n ricth. 
 Godard stirt up, and 1 sw5r al }>at 
 pe king him bad, and sij? en sat 
 Bi the knictes J>at J?er ware, 
 pat wepen alle swibe sare 
 fl tr' For be king bat deide sone. 5 
 Jesu 2 Crist that maked mone 
 On f>e mirke niht 3 to shine, 
 Wile his soule frg hellepine, 
 And lgve J>at it mote wone <v^^ 
 /In heveneriche with Godes sone. 10 
 Hwan Birkabeyn was leyd in grave, 
 pe erl dede sone take J>e knave, 
 Havelok, J>at was J?e heir 4 , 
 Swanborow his sister, Helfled f>e tofer, 
 And in be castel dede he hem do, 15 
 per ngn ne micte hem eomen to 
 Of here kyn, ber }>ei sperd wgre 5 . 
 per he greten ofte sgre, 
 Bg]?e for hunger and for kgld, 
 Qr he weren bre winter gld 6 . 20 
 Feblelike he gaf hem clgfes, 
 He ne yaf a note of hise gpes ; ftl/i" 
 He hem clgbede riht 7 , ne fedde, 
 Ne hem ne dede richelike bedde 8 . 
 panne Godard was sikerlike 25 
 Under God be mgste swike f ' 
 pat evre in erj>e shaped was, 
 Withuten gn, J>e wike Judas. 
 Have he Je malisun today 
 Of alle fat evre spf ken may ! 3 
 Of patriark, and of pgpe, ,, 
 And of prest with loken cgpe 
 2 Ihu, as always. 3 nith. * eir. 5 were. 6 hold. 
 7 rith, as often. 8 bebedde. 
 i Of monkes and hermites bgfe, 
 And of fe leve hgli rode $*SJ v 
 pat God himselve ran on blode ! 
 Crist wane him with his mouth ; 
 Waned worfe 1 he of norJ> and suth, g 
 Offe alle men fat spfken kunne, CASa 
 Of Crist fat maked 2 mone and sunne ! 
 panne he havede of al f e \gnd 
 Al f e folk tilled intil his hgnd, lr^Wt\ 
 And alle haveden sworn 3 him 9th, 10 
 Riche and povre, lef and lgth, / 
 pat he sholden hise wille frfme,- ' pTsvAvff, 
 And fat he shulden him nouht 4 grfme, 
 He fouhte 6 a ful strgng trfchery, 
 A trayson and a felony, 15 
 Of f e children for to make, 
 pe devel of helle him sone take! 
 Hwan fat was fount 6 , ongn he ferde 
 To f e tour f er he wgren sperde, 
 per he greten for hunger and cgld. 20 
 pe knave, fat was sumdfl bgld, 
 Kam him ageyn, on knes him sette, 
 And Godard ful feyre he fer grette. JUJ 
 And Godard seyde, ' Wat is yu ? 
 Hwl grete ye and goulen nou?' 25 
 'For us hungreth swlfe SQre/ 
 Seyden he wifuten 7 mgre; 
 1 We ne have to fte 8 , we ne have 
 Herinne neyther kniht 9 ne knave 
 pat yeveth us drinken, ne n<? mfte 30 
 Halven dfl fat we moun fte. ' Aft/^f 
 W9 is us~J>at we weren born! F 
 \vrj>e. 2 maude. 3 sworen. * nouth, as often. 5 Jjouthe. 
 6 Jjouth. 7 wolden. 8 bete. 9 knith. 
 Weilawei, nis it ng corn 
 pat men micte maken of brfd ? 
 Us 1 hungreth, we aren ney dfd.' 
 Godard herde here \va, 
 Theroffe yaf he noiifrt 2 a stra, 5 
 But tok fe maydens bgthe samen, 
 Al sg it were upon his 3 gamen, 
 (Ul$t tfd<^l s 9 n ^ wolde with hem leyke,x^> 
 pat weren for hunger grene and bleike. 
 Of bgben he karf on two here frgtes, :o 
 And sifen karf 4 hem al to grgtes. 
 per was sorwe, wosg it sawe, 
 Hwan be children bl fe 5 wawe ^^ 
 Leyen and sprauleden in J?e blod. 
 Havelok it saw, and ber 6 bi stod: 15 
 Ful son was fat sell knave, 
 Mikel dred he mouhte 7 have, 
 For at hise herte he saw a knif 
 For to rfven him hise lyf. 
 But fe knave 8 fat litel was, 20 
 He knelede bifgr fat Judas. 
 And seyde, 'Lgverd, mere! nou! 
 Manrede, lgverd, bidde 1 9 you ; 
 Al Denemark 1 wile you yive 10 , 
 To fat forward fu. late me live. ; ^x^ju- 25 
 Here I 11 wile on boke swfre 
 pat nevre mgre ne shal I bfre 
 Ay en fe, lgverd, sheld 12 ne spfre, 
 Ne ofer wepne 13 that may you dfre. o*t* 
 Lgverd, have mere! of me ; 30 
 Today I wile frg Denemark fie, 
 Ne nevere mgre comen ageyn. 
 J>s. 2 nouth. 3 hi is. * karf, not in MS. 5 \>. c >e. 7 mouthe. 
 kave. 9 biddi. 10 yeve. u hi. 13 shel. 13 wepne bere. 
 Swfren I wole fat Birkabeyn 1 
 Nevere yete me ne gat.' ^-^ 
 Hwan f e devel herde that, ., 
 Sumdfl bigan him for to rewe, '" 
 Withdrow fe knif fat was lewe 
 Of f e sell children blod. 
 per was miracle fair and god, 
 pat he f e knave nouht 2 ne slou, . ~ \> 
 But for rewnesse him windrow *N *" 
 Of Havelok 4 rewede him ful sgre, 
 And fouctejhe wolde fat he dfd wgre, 
 Buten 5 fat he nouht wif 6 his hend 
 Ne drfpe him 7 , fat fule fend; 
 poucte he, als he him bi stod 
 Starinde alsp 8 he were wod, 15 
 ' Yif 1 9 late him lives gg 
 He micte me wirchen micjjel w; ou^A< 
 Grith ne get I 9 nevere mg, 
 He may me 10 waiten for to slg. 
 And if 11 he were brouct of live, 'JL^ 20 
 And mine children wolden thrive, 
 Lgverdinges after me 
 Of al Denemark micten he be. 
 God it wite, he shal ben dfd, \j> 
 Wile I taken ngn ofer rf d ; 25 
 I shal do casten him in fe se 12 , 
 per I wile fat he drenched 13 be; 
 Abouten his hals an anker god, 
 pat he ne flete in f e flgd/ 
 per angn he dede sende 3 
 After a fish f re fat he wende 
 pat wolde al his wille do, 
 1 bircabein. 
 2 nouth. 
 3 witdrow. * avelok. 
 5 but on. 
 6 wit. 
 7 him nouth. 
 8 als. 
 9 y. 10 me, not in MS. 
 11 yf. 
 12 she. 
 13 drench. 
 And sone angn he seyde him t5, 
 1 Grim, J>6u wgst pu. art mi pia\ ; ^^ 
 Wilt u 1 don mi wille al 
 pat I wile bidden pe, 
 Tomorwen I 2 shal maken pe fre, 5 
 And aucte J>e yeven and riche make. 
 With f>an ]>u wilt J?is child take, 
 And lfden him with pe tonicht, 
 pan )?ou sest pe moneliht 3 , 
 Into pe sf and don him frinne 4 , 10 
 Al wile I taken 5 on me pe sinne.' 
 Grim tok pe child and bgnd him faste 
 Hwil pe bgndes micte laste, 
 ' pat weren of ful strgnge 6 line. 
 p9 was Havelok in ful strgng pine ; 15 
 Wiste he nevere r 7 wat was wq. 
 Jesu Crist, J>at makede to gg 
 pe halte, and pe doumbe spfke 8 , 
 Havelok, pe of Godard wrf ke 9 . 
 Hwan Grim him havede faste bounden, 20 
 And styen in an old clgth wounden 10 , 
 .\A A kevel of clutes, ful unwraste, 
 pat he mouhte 11 spfke ne fnaste 
 Hwere he wolde him bfre or lfde, 
 Hwan he havede don fat dede, 25 
 Hwan pe swike him havede bede 12 
 pat he shulde him forth lfde 13 
 And him drenchen 14 in pe se, 
 pat forwarde makeden he, 
 In a pgke, ful and blac, 30 
 Sone he caste him on his bac, 
 1 wilte. 2 I, not in MS. s se mone lith. 4 Jjerinne. 8 wile 
 taken. 6 strong. 7 her. 8 speken. 9 wreken. 10 wnden. 
 11 mouthe. 12 he J>ede. 13 lede, not in MS. ll drinchen. 
 And bar him hgm to hise elf ve ; 
 And bitaucte him Dame Lfve, 
 And seyde, 'Wite J>ou }?is knave, 
 Al sg thou with me 1 lif have. 
 I shal dreinchen him in f?e se; 
 For him shole we ben maked fre, 
 Gold haven ynou and 5]?er fe ; \^ ^" 
 pat havef> 2 ml lgverd bihgten me.' 
 Hwan Dame Lfve 3 herde J>at, 
 Up she stirte and nouht 4 ne sat, 
 And caste J>e knave so harde adoun 5 
 pat he per crakede hise croune 6 
 Ageyn a grft stgn, per it lay; 
 p9 Havelok micte sei, ' Weilawei,. 
 pat evere was I kinges bfrn!^' V. 
 pat him ne havede grip or rn, 
 Leoun or wulf, wulvine 7 or bfre, 
 Or o}?er bfst )?at wolde him dfre.^iT^ 
 S9 lay J>at child to middelnicht 8 , 
 pat Grim bad Lfve bringen lict, K\D 
 For to don on hise 9 clg^es : 
 * Ne thenkest 10 u nowt of mine gpes 
 pat ich have mi lgverd swpren ? 
 Ne wile 1 nouht be forlgren; 
 I shal bfren him to pe se, 
 pou wgst f>at it bihoves " me, 
 And I shal drenchen him p>erinne; 
 Ris up swife and gg )?u binne^-^ 
 And blou pe fir and liht 12 a kandel.' 
 Als she shulde hise cl9jes handel 
 On for to don, and blawe pe 13 fir, 
 1 mi. 2 havet. 3 Lfve, not in MS. 4 nouth. 5 adoun 
 so harde. 6 hise croune he ]>er crakede. 7 wlf wlvine. 8 nicth. 
 9 his. 10 thenkiste. " >at hoves. 12 lith, as often. J3 >er. 
 She saw perinne a liht ful shir, 
 Al sg briht x sg it were day 
 Aboute pe knave per he lay. 
 Of hise mouth it stod a stfm, 
 Als it were a sunnebfm; &jLe v 5 
 Al sg liht was it perinne, ^ *.* e 
 Sg per brenden cerges inne. 
 ' Jesu Crist ! ' quat 2 Dame Lf ve, 
 { Hwat is pat liht in Ore clfve.^ * v 
 Ris 3 up Grim and loke wat it mfnes, 10 
 Hwat is pe liht * as pou wenes ? ' yj / 
 He stirten bgpe up to the knave, 
 For man shal god wille have, 
 *-^ ouL^Unkeveleden him and swipe" unbounden, 
 And sone angn upon 5 him funden, 15 
 Als he tirneden of his serk, 
 (, << On his riht" 6 shuldre a kynemerk, - .--<vAK. 
 A swipe briht 1 , a swipe fair. 
 Godd Qty quath Grim, ' pis is 7 ure eir 
 pat shal ben 8 lgverd of Denemark ; 20 
 He shal ben king strgng and stark, 
 He shal haven in his hand 
 Al 9 Denemark and Engeland. 
 He shal do Godard ful wg, 
 He shal him hangen or quik fig ; 25 
 Or he shal him al quic grave, vry 
 Of him shal he ng merci have.' 
 pus seide Grim and sgre gret, 
 ^And sone fel him to pe fet, 
 And seide, 'Lgverd, have merci 30 
 Of me, and Lfve pat is me bi! 
 Lgverd we aren bgpe pine, 
 pine cherles, pine hine. i^*" 
 brith. 2 wat. 3 sir. 4 lith. 5 upon, not in MS. * rith. 
 7 is, not in MS. 8 ben, not in MS. 9 a. 
 G 2 
 Lgverd, we sholen \e wel fede, 
 Til J?at }?u cone riden on stede, 
 Til ]?at fu cone ful wel bfre 
 Helm on hfved, sheld and spfre; 
 Ne * shal neyere wite sikerlike, cxrJ(**J. 5 
 Godard, }?at fule swike. ' 
 poru of>er man, lgverd, than J?oru pe 
 Shal 2 I nevere freman be. 
 pou shalt me, lgverd, fre maken, 
 For I shal yemen Ipe and waken; ^j-^&oL jo 
 poru Ipe wile I fredom have.' 
 Pq was Havelok a bli}?e knave; 
 He sat him up and cravede brfd, 
 And seide, ' Ich am neye 3 df d, 
 Hwat for hunger, wat for bgndes 15 
 pat pou leidest on min hgndes, 
 And for fe 4 kevel at J>e laste, 
 pat in mi mouth was Jmste 5 faste ; 
 I 6 was Jperwith 7 sg harde prangled 
 pat I was J>erwith neye 3 strangled.' 20 
 ' Wel is me J>at Jm mayht 8 f te ; 
 **- -Godd Qt 9 / quath Lfve, 'I 6 shal Ipe f|te.|<s*fct^ 
 Brfd and chese, butere and^mEp 
 Pastees and : flaunes, al with swilk *> t * s - 
 Shole we sone Ipe wel fede, 25 
 Lgverd, in }?is rriikei nede; 
 Soth it is fat men seyth 10 and swfreth, 
 per God wile helpen, nOuht " ne df reth. - 1*^ 
 panne she 12 havede brouht 13 Ipe mfte, 
 Havelok angn bigan to fte 30 
 Grundlike, and was ful blife; *" 
 Couf>e he nouht n his hunger mtye. 
 1 he ne. * sal. 3 ney. 4 J>e, not in MS. 5 Jurist. 6 y 
 7 J>ewith, as in next line. 8 mayth hete. 9 goddoth. l0 seyt 
 11 nouth. 12 sho. 13 brouth. 
 A lgf he et \ I wgt 2 , and mgre, 
 For him hungrede swife sgre. 
 pre dayes ber biforn, 1 wene, 
 Et he ng mfte, J>at was wel sene. *pp 
 Hwan he havede ften and was fed, 5 
 Grim dede maken a ful fayr bed; 
 Unclgbede him and dede him Jperinne, 
 And seyde, ' Slep, sone, with michel winne, joy 
 Slep wel faste and dred fe nouht 3 , 
 Frg sorwe to joye art bu brouht 4 / 10 
 Sone sg it was liht 5 of day, 
 Grim it undertok be wey 
 To pQ wicke traitour Godard, 
 pat was Denemarkes 6 stiward, 
 And seyde, 'Lgverd, don ich have 15 
 pat )?ou me bfde of \>e knave; 
 He is drenched in J>e flod, 
 Abouten his hals an anker god. 
 He is witerlike dfd, 
 fteth he nevre mgre brfd ; 20 
 He lib drenched in be se : 
 Yif me gold and 7 ober fe, 
 pat I 8 mowe riche be, 
 And with J>I chartre make me 9 fre, 
 For J>u ful wel bihet it 10 me 25 
 panne 1 laste 11 spak with J?e/ 
 Godard stod, and lokede on him 
 i,ro^ h 1 porutlike 12 with eyne grim, 
 And seyde, ' Wilt u nou 13 ben erl ? 
 Gg hgm swlbe, fule dritcherl ; >0&f ^ 30 
 Gg hej>en and be everemgre 
 ^ft." pral and cherl, as J?ou f r wgre ; 
 1 het. 2 y woth. 3 nouth. 4 brouth. 5 lith. 6 denemark a. 
 7 and, not in MS. 8 y. 9 me, not in MS. 10 bihetet. u last. 
 12 J-oruthlike. 13 nou, not in MS. 
 Shalt u have 1 ngn dper mede. 
 For litel I shal 2 do J?e If de 
 T5 J>e galwes, sp God me rede/ /y ' 
 For Ipou haves don a wicke dede, 
 pou maiht 3 stgnden her to lgnge, 5 
 "^vU-^ Bute Jou swij^e hJ>eri 4 ggnge.' 
 Grim thoucte to late Jat he ran 
 Frp J>at traytour, fat wicke man, 
 And .foucte, ' Wat shal me to rpfe r ? 
 Wite him 6 bntive, he wile us bg^e 7 10 
 Heye hangen on galwetre.^<xUfr^,~Cu^ 
 Betere us is of lgnde to fie, 
 o*^<_ And berwen bQpen Ore lives, 
 Mine 8 children and mine wives/ 
 Grim sglde sone al his corn, 15 
 Shep wi]) 9 wolle/nft 10 wi)? 9 horn, 
 Hors and swin, and ggt 11 wij? bfrd, 
 pe gees, j?e hennes of Ipe yfrd, 
 Al he sglde Jat ouht douhte 12 ,^*-> **>-3i>. <^, 
 pat he evre selle moucte, 20 
 And al he to Ipe penl drou.<W*jo 
 Hise ship he greyfede wel mow; ^X* r^x ,f 
 He dede it tfre and 13 ful wel pike c o~^u*& u 
 pat it ne doutede sgnd ne krike; c 
 perinne dide a ful god mast, 25 
 Strgnge cables and ful fast, 
 Qres god,, and ful god seyl; 
 perinne wantede nouht 14 a nayl 
 pat evere he sholde perinne do. 
 Hwan he haved it 15 greyj?ed so, 30 
 Havelok Ipe yunge he dide ferinne, 
 ej)en. 5 rede, 
 wit, as in next line. 
 13 an. u nouth. 
 1 shal have. 
 2 shal, not in 
 8 mait. 
 he him. 
 wile belpe. 
 and mine. 
 1 neth. H 
 got, not in MS. 
 12 outh douthe. 
 Him and his wif, hlse sones frinne, ' 
 And hise two doutres fat faire wgre ; 
 And sone dede he leyn in an gre, 
 And drou him to fe heye se, 
 pere he miht alferbeste 1 fie. U^ ^ix 5 
 Frg lgnde wgren he bote a mile, 
 Ne were nevere but ane hwile, 
 pat it ne gan 2 a wind to rise 
 Out of f e north men calleth blse, 
 And drgf hem intil Engelgnd, 10 
 pat al was sifen in his hgnd, 
 His, fat Havelok was fe name; 
 But fr he havede michel shame, 1 Jp-j 
 Michel sorwe and michel tene ; 
 And sife 3 he gat it al bidene, 15 
 Als ye shulen nou forthwar If re 4 , 
 If 5 that ye wilen ferto here. 
 In Humber Grim bigan to lende, ' ^w* 
 In Lindeseye riht 6 at fe north ende; 
 per sat his 7 ship upon fe sgnd, 20 
 But Grim it drou up to f e lgnd. 
 And fere he made a litel cgte c * 
 To him and to al 8 hise flgte ; c**f *** 
 Bigan he fere for to frde 9 , ^ vp*^ 
 A litel hus to maken of erf e, 25 
 S9 fat he wel fgr$ were y \ 
 ^*-{&rJb, Of nere herboru herborwed fere: \ 
 And for fat Grim fat place auhte 10 , 
 (^^jl pe stfde of Grim fe name lauhte 11 ;^ 
 S9 fat Grimesbl it 12 calle n 30 
 pat ferorTe spfken alle, 
 And sg shulen men callen it ay 
 Bitwene fis and domesday. 
 1 mith alj>erbest. 2 bigan. 3 }>rie. * here. 5 yf. 6 rith. 7 is. 
 8 al, not in MS. 9 erfe. 10 aute. " laute. 12 it, not in MS. ,3 calleth alle. 
 He rtv^c 
 Okerers and kauersyns, 
 As wykked bey are as Sarasyns. 
 Whoso myjt preve whych pey wore, v 
 Were pey lewecf or were Ipey Igre^ 
 ])ey shuld nat come in 1 Crystys herde, 
 Ne come in cherche ne chyrche3rde. 
 Ngfelfs, ]?urghe pys skylle 
 pey mowe be saved, jyf pey wylle 
 Lfve j?at synne and do ng mgre, 
 And do at hgly cherches Ipre ; 
 And 5yve a$eyn J>at yche J>yng 
 pat J>ey have take in okeryng ; 
 5yf pey mow nat a3en hyt 3yve, 
 Helpe pQ pore men ferwy]? to lyve 
 Largely and wyb gode wylle, \ \ 
 pey mowe peyse here dedys ylle. 
 A gode ensaumple now ^e here^ . 
 Of Pers pat was a tollere ; 
 And 1 2 shal telle 30W as quyk 
 How he was bpfe gode and wyk. 
 Seynt ]gne 3 pe aumenere 
 Sey]? Pers was an okerere, 
 And was swyj>e coveytous, 
 And a'nygun and avarous, 
 And gadred penes 4 unto stgre 
 As okereres 6 done aywhgre. 
 1 yn, as always. 2 y, as always. 3 lone. 4 pens. 
in fall. 
 Befyl hyt sg upon a day 
 pat pore men sate in^ f e way, 
 And spred here halfen*on here barme 
 A3ens fe sonne fat was warme, 
 And rekened f e custome houses fch gne 5 
 At whych fey had goclej' and at whyche ngne; 
 pere fey hadde gode fey preysed weyl, 
 And fere fey hadde noght, never a deyl. 
 As fey spak of manywhat, ~^~~- 
 Come Pers forf in fat gat; 10 
 pan seyd fch gne fat sate and stode, 
 ' Here comf Pers fat never dyd gode.' 
 5ch gne seyd to ofer jangland, 
 pey toke never gode at Pers hand; 
 Ne ngne pore men never shal have, 15 
 Coude he never sg weyl crave. 
 Qne of hem began to sey, 
 1 A wajour * dar I wyf jow ley 
 pat I shal have sum gode at hym, 
 Be he never sg gvy\ ne grym/ 20 
 To fat wajour fey graunted alle, 
 To jyve him a 3yft, $yf sg my^t befalle. 
 pys man upsterte and tok fe gate \*X 
 Tyl he com at Pers jate. 
 As he stode stylle and bgde fe qufde, 25 
 Qne c5m wyf 2 an asse charged wyf brf de ; 
 pat yche brfde Pers had boght, 
 And to hys hous shuld hyt be broght. 
 pg he sagh Pers come fer wyfal, 
 pe pore foght, now aske I shal: 30 
 'I aske fe sum gode pur charyte, 
 Pers, 3yf f y wylle 3 be.' 
 waiour, as also in 1. 21. 2 wt, as usually ; expanded, as when written 
 ill. So also in compounds. 3 wyl. 
 Pers stode and loked on hym 
 ju^-^-v Felunlyche wyj? y^en grym. 
 He stouped down to seke a stgne, 
 But, as hap was, J?an fgnde he ngne. i 
 For Ipe stgne he toke a lgfe, 
 And at J?e pore man hyt drgfe.^J^ 
 pe pore man hente hyt up b^Jyve, 
 And was Jjgrof ml ferly blypS^ L-^h^f 
 To hys felawes 1 faste he ran 
 Wif> pe lgfe, J>ys pore man. 
 1 Lg,' he seyde 2 , ' what I have 
 Of Pers 5yft, sg God me save.' 
 1 Nay,' Ipey swore by here f>ryft, 
 'Pers jave never swych a 5yft.' 
 He seyd, ' 3e shul weyl undyrstgnde 
 pat I hyt had at Pers hgnde ; jl 
 pat dar I swfre on pe halydom 
 Here befgre 50W fch gn 3 / 
 Grfte merveyle had pey alle 
 pat swych a chaunce myjjt hym befalle. 
 pe Jridde day, J?us wryte hyt is 4 , 
 Pers fyl in a grfte syknes ; 
 And as he laye 5 in hys bedde, 
 Hym }>oghte weyl J>at he was ledde 
 Wyp gne >at aftyr hym was sent 
 To come unto hys jugement 6 . 
 Befgre pe Juge 7 was he broght 
 To ^elde acounte how he hadde w r roght. 
 Pers stode ful sgre adrad, 
 And was abashed as amad 8 : . \ a 
 He sagh a fende on pe tg party 
 Bewreyyng hym ful feluply. 
 1 felaws. 2 seyd. 3 echone. * ys, as always. 
 6 iugement 7 iuge. 8 a, not in MS. 
 Alle hyt was shewed hym before 
 Huw he had lyved syn he was bgre, - 
 And namely every wykked dede 
 Syn fyrst he coude , hymselve * lfde: ^ e 
 Why he hem dyd and for what chfsun, 5 
 Of alle behovef> hym 5elde 2 a rfsoun. 
 On Ipe toJ>er 3 party stode men ful bry3t 
 pat wulde have saved hym at here myjt, 
 But Jey myghte ng gode fynde 
 pat my^t hym save or unbynde. 10 
 pe feyre men seyd, ' What is to rede ? 4^^ 
 Of hym fynde we ng gode dede 
 pat God is payd of, but of a lgfe * ^^-^ 
 pe whych Pers at 4 ]>e pore man drgfe. 
 3yt ;ave he hyt wyf> ng gode wylle, 15 
 But kast hyt after hym wyf> ylle; 
 For Goddys love 5ave he hyt no3t, 
 Ne for almesdede he hyt had poght. 
 Ngf>els, J?e pore man 
 Had be lgfe of Pers ban/ 20 
 pe fende had leyed 5 in balaunce 
 Hys wykked dedes and hys myschaunce; 
 pey leyd fe lgfe a3ens hys dedys, 
 pey had no3t elles, pey mote nedys, ^v* 
 pe hgly man tellej> us, and sejs 25 
 pat pe lofe made fven peys: ' 
 pan seyd J>ese feyre men t5 Pers, 
 * 3yf J>6u be wys, now J^ou If res 
 How pys lgfe p e helpe]? at nede >Ua\ 
 J ^ N> T ty^ e W sou ^ e w > r ] 5 almesdede/ 30 
 Pers of hys slepe gan blynke, ~*j-*iu^ 
 And grftly on hys drfme gan ]?ynke, 
 1 hymself. 2 to selde. 3 tou>er. * a. 5 leyd. 
 Syghyng wy}? mornyng chere 
 As man )?at was in grf te wf ie,ch*^Sj$ 
 How bat he acoupea was 
 Wyj> fendes f|le for hys trespas, 
 And how >ey wulde have dampned hym J?ere, 
 ^yf mercy of Jesu Cryst ne were. 
 Alle J>ys in hys herte he kast,pv*d 
 And to hymself he spak at J>e laste, 
 pat 'For a lgfe in fvyl 1 wylle 
 Halpe me in sg grfte perel, 
 Moche wulde 2 hyt helpe at nede 
 Wyf> gode wyl do almesdede/ 
 Fig {?at tyme fan wax Pers 
 A man of sg feyre maners, 
 pat ng man my3te 3 in hym fynde 
 But to pQ pore bgf>e meke and kynde; 
 A mylder man ne my^t nat be, 
 Ne to )?e pore mgre of almes fre, 
 And reuful of herte also he was 
 pat mayst J?ou here lgre in ]>ys pas. 
 Pers mette, upon a day, 
 A pore man by j?e way 
 As naked as he was bgre \ 
 pat in IpQ s had alle lgre. 
 He come to Pers j?ere he stode, 
 And asked hym sum of hys gode, 
 Sumwhat of hys cluing, 
 For pe love of Hevenekyng. 
 Pers was of reuful herte, 
 He toke hys kyrtil of as smert,*^^hAA 
 And ded hyt on )?e man above, 
 And bad hym wfre hyt for hys love. 
 1 eveyl. 2 wide. 3 my3t. 
 pe man hyt toke and was ful blybe ; 
 He jede and sglde hyt as swybe. 
 Pers stode and dyd behglde 
 How j?e man J>e kyrtyl sglde, 
 And was perwyb ferly wrgj>e ^a^^.Im^> 5 
 pat he sglde so sone hys clgf>e. 
 He my3t 119 lenger for sorow stand 1 , 
 But 3ede hgme ful sgre gretand, 
 And seyd hyt was an fvyl sygne, 
 And J?at hymselve 2 was nat dygne / 10 
 For to be in hys preyere; 
 perfor nolde he J>e kyrtyl wfre. 
 Whan he hadde ful Igng grete, 
 And a party beroi" gan 3 lete, ~ ' 
 For comurilych after wepe 15 
 Fal men sone on slepe, 
 As Pers lay in hys slepyng, 
 Hym J?oght a feyre swevenyng. 
 Hym foght he was in hevene ly^t, 
 And of God he had a syght - q u>X~* ., 2 
 Syttyng in hys kyrtyl clad, 
 pat be pore man of hym had ; 
 w a ^9 And spak to hym ful myldely, 
 'Why wepest f>6u and art sgry ? 
 Lg Pers/ he seyd, *f>ys is by clgth ; 25 
 For he sglde hyt, were bou wrgth. 
 Know hyt weyl, 3yf J>at bou can, 
 For me bou 3ave hyt J>e pore man; 
 pat bou ^ave hym in charyte, 
 Every deyl J^ou ^ave hyt me/ 30 
 Pers of slepe oute breyde, 
 And boght grfte wunder and sef>en seyd, 
 1 stande. 2 hymself. s began. 
 1 Blessyd be alle pore men 
 For God Almy^ty love]? hem; 
 And weyl is hem J?at pore are here, 
 pey are wyj> God bgfe lefe and dere, 
 And I shal ignde oy ny3t and day 5 
 To be pore, 3yf J^at I- may/ 
 Hastly he toke hys kateyl 
 And 3ave hyt to pore men fche deyl. 
 Pers kalled to hym hys clerk 
 pat was hys ngtarye, and bad hym herk : 10 
 'I shal ]?e shewe a pryvyte, 
 A J>yng J>at J)ou shalt do to me, 
 I wyl J?at J>6u n<? man hyt telle; 
 My body I take J>e here to selle 
 To sum man as in bondage, 15 
 To lyve in povert and in servage; 
 v~Jvjl^ But J>6u do j?us I wyl be wrgth, 
 And J50U and J>yne shal be me lgth. 
 3yf fou d5 hyt, I shal pe ^yve 
 Ten pound ! of gold wel wij? to lyve ; 20 
 pg ten pound I take ]>e here, 
 And me to selle on bgnde manere,^<vvru6-*\ <x 
 I ne reccne unto whom, 
 But gnlych he have J^e crystendom. 
 j>u^ pe raunsun J>at J>6u shalt for me take, 25 
 parfgre ]>ou shalt sykernes make *w* 
 For to 3yve hyt blyj^ely 2 and weyl 
 To pore men every deyl, 
 And wyfhglde \ erof ng J>yng 
 pe mouritouns of a ferf>yng/ 3 
 Hys clerk was wq to do f>at dede, 
 But gnly for manas and for drede. 
 1 pownd, as in next line. 3 ble)>ely. 
 For drede Pers made hym hyt do 1 , 
 And dede hym plyghte hys trouthe J>erto * <^e^ 
 Whan hys clerk had made hys Qthe, 
 Pers dede, on hym a foule clothe; 
 Unto a cherche bgpe hey ;ede 5 
 For to fulfylle hys wyl in dede. 
 Whan fat J>ey to ]>e cherche com, 
 ' Lgrde/ J>oght Ipe clerk, ' now whom 
 Myjt I fynde, J?ys ycne sele, 
 To whom I my3te 2 selle Pers weleP'w^ 10 
 pe clerk loked everywhere, 
 And at Ipe last he knew where 
 A ryche man was 3 J?at fr had be 
 Specyal knowlych ever betwe, ^^ 
 But J?urgh myschaunce at a^c&s*"" 15 
 Alle hys gode ylgre was; 
 ^ole, J>us J?at man hyghte, 
 And knew Ipe clerk wel be syghte. 
 pey spak of Qlde aqueyntaunce, 
 And 3ole tQlde hym of hys chaunce. 20 
 ' ^e,' seyde Ipe clerk, ' 1 rede j?6u bye 
 A man t5 do ]>y marchaundye, - a.oXv^ 
 pat J>ou mayst hglde in servage 
 To restore weyl J>yn dammage/^ e 
 pan seyd ^ole, ' On swych cnaffare 25 
 Wulde 2 feyn my sylver ware.' --a-fxw,\ 
 pe clerke seyd, * Lg, gne here, 
 A trew man and 4 a dubonf re 5 , '^^^ 
 Pat wyl serve fe to pay 
 PevheWe, al bat he mav. 
 Peyhebie, al )?at he may. 30 
 Pers shalt J>ou calle hys name, .', JA 
 For hym shalt fou have moche frame. 
 11. 1-6, not in Harleian MS., but supplied from Bodl. MS. 415. 2 my3t. 
 3 was, not in MS. 4 an. 5 dubonure. 
 He is a man ful gracyous 
 Gode to wynne unto j?yn hous, 
 And God shal 5yve J?e hys blessyng, 
 And foysyn in alle J?yng.' 
 pe clerk 3ave alle hys raunsiin 5 
 Tp be pore men of )?e toun, 
 Plenerly alle J>at he toke 
 WyJ>helde he nat a ferf>yng noke. 
 pe emperoure sent hys messageres 
 Alle aboute for to seke Pers, 10 
 But f>ey ne myjte 1 never here 
 Of ryche Pers, pe tollere, 
 In what stede he was nome, 
 Ne 2 \vnyoyfward he was become ; 
 Ne J?e clerk wuld telle to ngne 15 
 Whydyrward J^at Pers was ggne- f 
 Nou is Pers bycome brycne,- 
 pat'^r'^was bgpe stoute and ryche. 
 Alle J>at ever any man hym bad 3 , 
 Pers dyd hyt wyj? herte 4 glad. 20 
 He wax sg mylde and sq meke, ,***** 
 A mylder man furt np man seke : 
 For he meked hymself gverskyle 
 Pottes and dysshes for to swyle 5 . 
 To grfte penaunce he gan hym take, 25 
 And moche for to fast and wake, 
 And moche he loved j^lmodnesse 
 To ryche, to pore, to mgre, to lesse. 
 Of alle men he wuld have doute, 
 And to here byddyng mekly loute;--W^ 30 
 Wulde pey bydde hym sytte or stande, 
 Ever he wulde be bowande. &-Vv.Jv KJLv Hk 
 1 ray3t. 2 no, as in next line. s do bad. * hert. 5 swele. 
 And for he bare hym sy meke and softe, 
 Shrewes mysdede hym ful ofte, 
 And helde hym folted or wode 
 For he was sg mylde of mode. 
 And J>ey fat were hys felawes 1 5 
 Mysseyd hym mgst in here sawes ; 
 And alle he suffred here upbreyd, * ^ 
 And never naght a^ens hem seyd. 
 ^ole, hys lgrde, wel undyrstode 
 pat al hys grace and hys gode 10 
 Com hym 2 for J>e love of Pers, 
 pat was of sq hg\y maners. 
 And whan he wyst of hys bounte, 
 He kalled Pers in pryvyte : 
 * Pers/ he seyd, 'Ipou. were wurf>y 15 
 For to be wurscheped mgre J>an I, 
 For ]?ou art weyl wyf> Jesu, 
 He shewef) for J?e grfte vertu; 
 parfgre I shal make J?e fre, 
 I wyl >at my felaw f>ou be.' 20 
 parto Pers graunted noght 
 To be freman as he besoght; 
 He wulde be as he was gre 
 In J>at servage for evermore. 
 He Ranked Ipe lgrde myldely 25 
 For hys grfte curteysy. 
 Syppen Jesu, furgh hys myjt, 
 Shewed hym^ to Pers sy^t, 
 For to be stalworpe in hys fgndyng,~Wrjp 
 And to hym have lovelgngyng. 30 
 1 Be nat sorowful to do penaunce, 
 I am wi}> J>e in every chaunce; 
 1 felaus. 2 hym, not in MS. 
 Pers, I have mynde of pe, 
 L9 here pe kyrtyl J>ou ' 3ave for me, 
 perfgr grace I shal pe sende 
 In alle godenesse .wevl to ende/ 
 Byfyl fat serjauntes 2 ' and squyers 5 
 pat were wont to serve Pers 
 Went in pylgrymage, as in kas, 
 To J>at cuntre >ere Pers was. 
 ^ole ful feyre gan hem kalle, 
 And preyd hem hgme to hys halle* 10 
 Pers was J>ere J>at yche sele, *~* 
 And everych gne he knew hem wele. 
 Alle he served hem as a knave 
 pat was wunt here servyse to have. 
 But Pers nat ;yt pey knew, 15 
 For penaunce chaunged was hys hew ; 
 Nat forpy pey behelde hym fast, 
 And oftyn to hym here y^en J>ey kast, 
 And seyde 8 , ' He J>at stonte here 
 Is lyche to Pers pe 4 tollere/ 20 
 He hydde hys vysege al J?at he myjt 
 Oute of knowlych of here syjt ; 
 Ngpelfs pey behelde hym mgre 
 And knew hym weyl, al J>at were pgre, 
 And seyd, ' rjole, is 3one py page? 25 
 A ryche man is in py servage ; 
 pe emperoure bgf>e fer and nere 
 HaJ> do hym seche J>at we fynde here.S 
 Pers lestned, and herd hem spfkyng, 
 And J>at pey had of hym knowyng ; 30 
 And pryvyly awey he nam 
 Tyl he to pe porter cam. 
 kyrtyl }>at ]>ou. 2 seriauntes. 3 seyd. * J>e, not in MS. 
 pe porter had hys speche lgre^ 
 And heryng alsg, syn he was bgre ; 
 But J?urgh J>e grace of swete Jesu 
 Was shewed for Pers feyre vertu. 
 Pers seyd, ' Late me fur]?e 1 gg.' 5 
 pe porter spak and seyde 2 ' 39/ 
 He )?at was dff, and doumbe also, 
 Spak whan Pers spak hym to. 
 Pers oute at pe 5ate wente, 
 And pedyr 3ede fere God hym sente. 10 
 pe porter jede up to Ipe halle, 
 And J>ys merveyle tglde hem alle, 
 r -+*50Jutr^ How fe squyler of be kechyn, 
 Pers, J>at haj> worfed hereyn, 
 He asked lfve ryjt now late, 15 
 And went furf> out at ]>e ijate. 
 ' I rede 50W alle, 3eveJ> gode tent,&*0>, 
 Whederward pat Pers is went ; 
 WyJ> Jesu Cryst he is pry ve,. f-- > v* , 
 And pat is shewed weyl on me, 20 
 For what tyme he to me spak, 
 Out of hys moup me poghte 3 brak 
 A flamme of fyre bryght and clere ; 
 pe flaumme made me bgpe spfke and here, 
 Spfke and here now bppe I may, 25 
 Blessed be God and Pers today.' 
 pe lprde and pe gestes alle, 
 Qne and oper pat were in hallc, 
 Had merveyle pat hyt was so, 
 pat he my^te swych myracle do. 30 
 pan as swype Pers pey soght, 
 But al here seking was for no}t. 
 1 furjj. 2 seyd. 3 )>oght. 
 H 2 
 Never Pers pey ne founde, 
 Ny3t ne day, in ng stounde, ~%*^s 
 For he J>at toke Ennok and Ely 
 He toke Pers J>urgh hys mercy, 
 To reste wyfoutyn ende to lfde, 
 For hys meknes and hys gode dede: 
 Take ensample here of Pers, 
 And pa$ef> wyf> pe pore, 3 okerers, 
 For 30W shal never come joye 1 wyf>ynne, 
 But 3 lfve fyrst J)at synne, 
 And ;yve to almes J>at yche j?yng 
 pat 3 have wune wyj? okeryng. 
 Now wyj> God lfve we Pers; 
 God 3yve us grace to do hys maners. 
 Psalm I. 
 Blesced be pe man )>at 3ede nou3t in pe counseil of wicked, ne 
 stode nou3t in pe waie^of sin3f res, ne sat nau3t in fals jugement. 
 2. Ac his 2 wylle was 111 pe wylle of oure Lprd, and he schal J>enche 
 in his 2 lawe bgpe daye and ny3t. 3. And he schal be as pe tre 
 f>at is 2 sett by pe ernynges of waters, J?at schal 3eve his frut in his 2 
 tyme. 4. And his 2 Iff schal nou3t fall wen, and alle fynges f>at pe 
 ry3tful dof> schal multiplier 5. Nou3t sg ben pe wicked, nou3t sg ; 
 as a poudre J>at pe wynde castef> fram pe face of pe erj?e 3 . 6. 
 Forjn ne schal nou3t pe wicked arise in jugement, ne pe sinnif rs in 
 pe conseyl of pe ry3tful. 7. For oure Lgrd knew pe waie of pe 
 ryjtful, and pe waye of synnf rs schal perissen. 
 1 ioye. 2 hiis. 3 J)erJ>e. 
 Psalm XXIII. 
 Our Lgrd governed me, and ngf>yng shal defailen 15 me ; in pe 
 stf de of pasture he sett me j?er. 2. He nourissed me up water of 
 >fyllyng ; he turned my soule fram pe fende. 3. He lad me up pe 
 bis^es of ri3tfulnes for his name. .4. For jff -fat ich have ggn 
 amiddes of pe shadowe of df f>, I x shal nou5t douten ivels, for ]?ou 5 
 art wyp me. 5. py discipline and J>yn amendyng conforted me. 
 6. pou madest radi grace in my si3t 03ayns hem Jmt trublen me. 
 7. pou makest fatt myn hfved -\vy]> mercy ; and my drynk, makand 
 drunken, is 2 ful clere. 8. And py mere! shal folwen me alle daies 
 of ml Hf. 9. And J>at ich wo.nne in Je hous of our Lgrd in lengpe 10 
 of daies. 
 Psalm XXIV. 
 1. pe erpe is our Lgrdes and his plente ; pe world and ich gn 
 fat wone]? J^erinne. 2. For he bigged it up pe se^s, and made it 
 rfdi up Ipe flodes. 3. Who shal climben into Ipe mountein of our 
 Lgrd, glper who shal stgnde in his hgly stfde? 4. pe innocent in 15 
 hgnde and of clfne N hert, J>at ne toke nou^t his soule in idelnesse 
 and ne swore no3t in gilerl to his nejbur. 5. He shal take bliscyng 
 of our Lgrd, and mercy of God his helpe. 6. pis is Ipe bijetyng of 
 pe sechand hym, sechand pe face of God of Jacob 3 . 7. Qpene}) 
 35ur ^ates, %e princes of helle, and hep $e lifted, ^e everlastand 3ates, 20 
 and pe kynge of glgrie shal entre. 8. Which is he, }?at kyng of 
 glgrie ? pe Lgrd strgnge arid netful, pe Lgrd netful in batail. 
 9. Qpenep 36ur 3ates, $e princes of hevene, and bej> $e lifted, $e 
 3ates everlastand, and pe kynge of glgrie shall entren. 10. Which 
 is he, Jpat kynge of glgrie? pe Lgrd of vertu, he is 4 kynge of 25 
 Psalm LI. 
 1. Ha mercy on me, God, efter py mychel mercy. 2. And 
 efter pe mychelnes of py pites, do way my wickednes. 3. Wasshe 5 
 1 y, and always. 2 ys, and occasionally. 3 God Iacob. * his. 
 5 whasshe. 
 me mgre of my wickednes, and dense me of myn synne. 4. For 
 ich knowe l my wickednes, and my synne is evermgre o^ains me. 
 5. Ich have synned to j?e algn, and ich have don ivel tofgre Ipe, 
 J>at ou be made ry3tful in Jy wordes, and J>at ou gvercum whan 
 J>ou art juged. 6. Se, for ich am conceived in wickednesses, 
 and m^ moder conceived me in synnes. 7. Se, for J>ou loved 
 s6J>enes ; J>e uncerteyn J>ynges and pryve of wisdom J?ou made to 
 me apert. 8. pou sprengest me, Lgrd, wyf> f>y mercy, and I shal 
 be made elf ne ; )?ou shalt purifle me, and I shal be made whyte 2 
 up snowe. 9. pou shalt 3eve joie and gladnes to myn neryng 3 , 
 and J>e mylde dedes of my hert shul gladen. 10. Turne J?y face 
 fram myn synnes 4 , and d5 oway al myn wickednes. n. Ha, God, 
 make in me clfne hert, and newe J>6u a ry^t ggst in myn hert. 
 12. Ne putt me nou5t fram J>y face, and ne do nau^t oway fram me 
 Ipyn hgly ggst. 13. ^elde to me gladnes of )?yn helpe, and conferme 
 me wyj> pyn hgly ggst. 14. 1 shal tfchen J?e wicked ]}yn wayes, 
 and J^e wicked shul ben converted to J?e. 15. Ha, f>ou God, God 
 of myn helj^e, deliver me of sinnes 5 , and my tunge shal gladen by 
 ryjtfulnes. 16. Lgrd, }?6u shalt gpen myn lippes, and my mouJ>e 
 shal tellen J>yn heryng. 17. For 3yf'f>6u hade wolde, ich hade 
 ^even sacrifice ; forsof>e J^ou ne shalt nou3t deliten in sacrifices. 
 18. Trubled ggst 6 is sacrifice to God; J?ou, God, ne shal noujt 
 despisen J?e hert sorowful and meke. 19. Do blisfullich, Lgrd, to 
 \y chgsen in \>y gode wille, )?at J?e gode be confermed in hevens. 
 20. pan shalt ou take sacrifice of ryjt service, and honours ; hii : 
 shul J>an setten godenesses tofgre \>y thrgne. 
 Psalm XC. 
 1. Lgrd, f>6u art made socour to ous fram kynde t5 kinde. 2. 
 Tofgre J>at J>e mounteins were made, gj^er J?e erj>e 7 were fourmed 
 and f>e werld f>ou art God, fram J>e world unto J>e world wypouten 
 ende. 3. Ne turne J>ou noujt into mlldnes ; and )?ou seidest, $e 1 
 1 knewe. 2 \vhy3te. 3 beryng. 4 synmes. 5 sines. 6 god. 7 J>er])e. V 
 childer of men, turnej? 30U. 4. For a J^ousand ^eres ben tofgre 
 J>yn e^en as jisterdai J?at is passed. 5. And pe kepyng o nyjt, 
 f>at for noujt ben had, shul be her 3eres. 6. Passe he as gresse in 
 pe mornyng ; flori sche he in pe mornyng and passe ; falle he at 
 f ven \ and harden and wax he drie. 7. For we failed in J>yn ire, and 5 
 we ben disturbed in pyn vengeaunce. 8. pou laidest our wicked- 
 nesse in py si^t ; our world is in li^tyng of py chere. 9. For alle 
 our daies faileden, and we failed in pyn yre. 10. Our jeres shal 
 J>enchen as J^e^loH, f>e daies of our jeres in pe seventl jere. 11. 
 Forsof>e $yf e3ti 3ere ben in myjtes, pe mgre gver hem shal be 10 
 travail and sorowe. 12. For mildnes comej) 2 }>eron, and we shul be 
 wijmmnen. 13. Who knew pe my^t of pyn Ire, and to tellen py 
 wraj>e for py drede? 14. Make sg pyn helpe knowen, and pe lgred 
 of hert in wisdome. 15. Lgrd, be J?ou turned unto nou, and be 
 J?ou^bidlTch up py servantes. 16. We ben fulfild frlich of py 15 
 mercy, we shul gladen and dellten in alle our daies. 17. We 
 gladed in Ipe daies in which J>ou lowed us, for Ipe ^eres in which we 
 seijen ivels. 18. Loke to py servauntes and to Ipyn werkes, and 
 "dresce her sones. 19. And Ipe shynyng of our Lgrd God be up us, 
 and dresce up us Ipe werkes of our hgndes, and dresce Ipe werkes of 2C 
 ourhgndes 3 . &>* ,^\pS) t L^ ^^ 
 Psalm XCI. 
 1 . He Ipat woneJ> 4 in Ipe helpe of Ipe hejest, he shal dwelle in pe 
 defens of God of heven. 2. He shal saie to our Lgrd, pou art 
 my taker and my refut ; my God, I shal hopen in hym. 3. For 
 he deliverd me fram pe trappes of pe fendes, and fram^asper word 25 
 of men. 4. And he shal shadow pe wyj? hys shulderis, and ]?ou 
 shalt hgpe under hys fevers. 5. pe sopenes of hym shal cumpas 
 pe wyf> shelde, and }>ou ne shalt nou3t doute of pe drede of ny^t ; 
 6. Of temptacioun waxand in daie, fram nede ggand in derknes, 
 fram pe curs of pe fende bry3t shynyng. 7. A J^ousand tempta- 3 
 ciouns shul fallen fram 1 5 syde, and ten p ousandes fram py ry$t 
 1 heven. 2 com. 3 last clause from Dublin MS. * whone)>. 5 J?e. 
 half; pe devel, forsope, ne shal no3t comen to pe. 8. pou shalt 
 se, forsope, wyp pyn ejen, pou shalt se pe ^eldyng of syn^frs. 
 9. For pou, Lgrd, art myn hgpe, and pou setted py refut alder- 
 he3est. 10. Yvel ne shal nou3t com to pe, and turment ne shal 
 noujt com nere py tabernacle. 11. For he sent to his aungels of 
 pe, pat hii kepe pe in alle pyn waies. 12. Hii shul bre pe in 
 hgndes pat ou ne hirt noujt, peraventure, py ggst : vryp vices. 
 13. pou shalt ggn up queintls l and godenes, and pou shalt defoule 
 pe fende and helle. 14. For he hgped in me, and I shal deliver 
 hym; I shal defenden hym, for he knew my name. 15. He cried 
 to me and I shal here him; ich am wyp hym in tribulacibun, 
 I shal defend him and glgrifien hym. 16. I shal fulfillen hym 
 wyp lengpe of daies, and I shal she we hym mln helpe. 
 Psalm CIII. 
 1. Ha, pou my soule, blisce our Lgrd; and alle pynges pat ben 
 wypinnen me, blisce hys hgli name. 2. Ha, pou my soule, blisce 
 our Lgrd ; and ne wille pou noujt for3ete alle his 3eldeinges. 
 3. pe which is merciful to alle pin wickednesses; pe which hflep 2 
 alle py sekenisses. 4. pe which ransounnep py Hf fram dfp ; pe 
 which crounep pe wyp mercy and pites. 5. pe which fulfillep py 3 
 desire in godes*; py 3engpe shal be made new as of an frne. 
 6. Our Lprd is doand mercies andjugement to alle pe suffrand 
 wrgnge. 7. He made hys waies knowen to Moyses; he did to pe 
 childer of Israel her willes. 8. Our Lgrd is ry3tful and merciable, 
 and of lgnge wille and michel merciable. 9. He ne shal nou3t 
 wrappe him wypouten ende, ne he ne shal nou3t menacen wypouten 
 ende 5 . 10. He ne did noujt to us efter our syn3es, ne he ne 3eldep 
 nou3t to us efter our wickednes. 11. For efter pe he3t of heven 
 fram erpe he streinped 6 hys mercy up hem pat dreden hym. 12. He 
 made fer fram us our wickednes, as pe f ste departep fram pe west. 
 1 quenitis. 2 helj>e. 3 )>e. * goddes. 5 last clause from Dublin MS. 
 6 MS. possibly streinped ; Dublin MS. streng])id. 
 13. As f e fader has mercy on his childer, our Lgrd is merciable 
 of hem fat dreden hym; for he knowef our 1 faintes. 14. He 
 recorded fat we ben pouder 2 . Man is as hai ; hys daies ben as 
 floure of fe feld; sg he shal florissen. 15. For ggst shal passen 
 in hym, and he ne shal noujt dwelle, and he shal ng mgre knowen 5 
 his stfde. 16. pe mercy of our Lgrd is forsofe fram wyfouten 
 ende unto wyfouten ende 3 up hem fat dreden hym. 17. And 
 his rijtfulnes is unto 4 child of childer to hem fat 5 kepen his 
 testament. 18. And hii ben remembraunt of his comaundements 6 
 to don hem. 19. Our Lgrd shal di}ten his sfte in heven, and his 10 
 kyngdome shal lgrdship alle. 20. Ha, alle his angeles, mijtful of 
 vertu, doand his worde, to here f e voice of hys wordes, bliscef 
 our Lgrd. 2 1 . Ha, alle his vertu, bliscef our Lgrd ; %e his ministris, 
 fat don hys wille, bliscef 7 our Lgrd. 23. ^e alle werke of our 
 Lgrd, bliscef our Lgrd in alle stfdes of his lgrdship; ha, fou my 15 
 soule, blisce 8 our Lgrd. 
 Ai,l (they) assentyd to the sawe, 
 (The;^ thoght he spake rfson and lawe. 
 Then answeryd fe kyng wyth crowne, 
 ' Fayre falle the for thyn avyse/ 20 
 He callyd knyghtvs of ngbyll pryce, 
 And badd/mem be rfdy bowne ^X 
 For to crye thsrow all fe lgnde, 
 Bgthe be sge. and be sgnde, 
 If 9 they fynde mowne 2 . 
 A man fat is 10 sg moche of myght, 
 That for fat lady dar take fe fyght; 
 He schall have hys waresoun n . 1 **^>^v- 
 knowe and erasure in MS. ; our, from Dublin MS. 2 prude. 3 unto 
 wyfouten ende, from Dublin MS. 4 into. 5 >a. 6 comaundement3. 
 7 blisced. 8 blische. 9 yf, as always. 10 ys, as always. " wareson. 
 Messangerys, I 1 undurstpnde, 
 Cryed thorow all J>e lpnde 
 In many a ryche cyte, 
 If any man durste prove hys myijt 
 In trewe quarell for to fyght, 5 
 Wele avaunsed schulde he bee. 
 The Erie of Tolous 2 herde 3 j?ys telle, 
 What anger the lady befelle, 
 Thereof he thoghte 4 grf te pyte. 
 If he wyste that sche had ryght, 10 
 He wolde aventure hys lyfe to fyght 
 For that lady free.^o^V, 
 For hur he morned nyjt and day, 
 And to hymselfe can he say 
 He wolde aventure hys lyfe : 15 
 1 If I may wytt Jat sche be trewe, 
 They J>at have hur accused schull rewe, 
 But they stynte of ther stryfe.' 
 The erle seyde, 'Bl 5 Seynte Jghn, 
 Into 6 Almayn wyll 1 gQQn 20 
 Where I have fQmen ryfe;' 
 I prey t5 God full of myght, 
 That I have trew quarell to fyjt, 
 Out of WQ to wynne )?at wyfe.' 
 He rgde on huntyng on a day, 25 
 A marchand mett he bi )?e way, 
 And asked hym of whens he was. 
 ' Lgrde/ he seyde, ' of Almayn.' 
 Angn the erle can hym frayneoux4^_ 
 Of that ilke 7 case. 30 
 y regularly. 2 Tullous, sometimes Tollous. 3 harde. 4 thoght. 
 8 be, as always. 6 ynto. 7 ylke. 
 1 Wherefgre is youre l emperes 
 Put in sg grfte dystress, 
 Telle me for Goddys grace; 
 Is sche gylty 2 , sg mote thou the ? ' 
 1 Nay, bl hym ]?at dyed on tree, 5 
 That schope man aftur hys face.' 
 Then seyde the erle wythoute 3 lett, *~~ < ^ wx "^<- 
 ' When is the day sett, 
 Brente that sche schulde bee ? ' 
 The marchande seyde, 'Sikerlyke 4 , 10 
 ven thys day thre wyke, 
 And the rf pre \\g is mee/ 
 The erle seyde, ' I schall the telle, 
 Gode horsys I have to selle, 
 And stedys two or thre. 15 
 Certys! myght I selle J?em y are, r W^Ai 
 Thidur 5 wyth the wolde I fare 
 That syghte 6 for to see/ 
 The marchand seyd wyth 7 wordys hende, 
 'Into the lgnde if ye wyll wende, 20 
 Hyt wolde be for youre provve; i^ 
 There may ye selle J>em at your wylle.' 
 Angn the erle seyde hymJylle,7T,-^w, 
 'Syr, herkyn to me 8 nowe; 
 Thys jurney 9 wylt jxni wyth me dwelle 25 
 Twenty pounde 10 I schall the telle 
 To mede, I make a vowe.' 
 The marchand grauntyd hyt 11 angn. 
 The erle seyde, 'Bl Seynt jQhn, 
 Thy wylle I alowe.' 30 
 1 yowre, as often. 2 gylte. 3 wythowte, as often. * sekerlike. 
 thedur. 6 syght. 7 wyth, not in MS. 8 herkyn me. 9 yurney. 
 pownde. ll hyt, not in MS. 
 The erle tplde hym in J>at tyde,^^ 
 Where he schulde hym abyde, 
 And homeward wente hee. 
 ^^Jj^ He busked hym j?at ng man wyste 
 iVlv ] 
 For mikyll \ on hym was hys tryste. ; 
 He seyde, 'Syr, gg wyth mee.' 
 Wyth them they toke stedys sevyn, 
 There were uq fayrer 2 undyr hevyn 
 That any man myght see. 
 Into Almayn J>ey can ryde ; 10 
 ^ucrWs v^ K(T\a.c- As a corsur of mikyll 3 pryde 
 He semyd for to bee. 
 The marchand was a trewe gyde; 
 The erle and he togedur can ryde 
 Tyll they came to that place. 15 
 A myle besyde the cast ell, 
 There the emperour can dwell, 
 A ryche abbey ther was; 
 Of the abbot Ifve they gatt 
 To sgjorne 4 and make per horsys fatt.; 20 
 That was a npbyll cas. 
 The abbot was the ^kdyes^f me, ^ *-*^. 
 For hur he was in gr^tewandrfme, 
 And moche mornyng he mas 6 , ^^ju 
 - W 
 S9 hytt befelle upon a day 25 
 To churche the erle toke J>e way, 
 A masse for to here. 
 He was a feyre man and an hye; 
 When the abbot hym sye, 
 He seyde, ' Syr, come nere.. 30 
 1 mekyll. 2 fayre. 3 coresur of mekyll. * soyorne. 5 m 
 Syr, when the masse is done, 
 1 pray you fte wyth me at noone, 
 If youre wylle were.' 
 The erle grauntyd all wyth game; 
 Afgre mfte they wysche all same, 5 
 And to mfte they wente in fere. \ j^JL^ 
 Aftur mfte, as I you say, 
 Into an orchard Jey toke J>e way, 
 The abbot and the knyght. 
 The abbot seyde and syghed sare, 10 
 'Certys, syr, I lyve } in care 
 For a lady bryght; 
 Sche is accusyd, my herte is wqq, 
 Therfgre sche schall to df the ggg 
 All agayne the ryght; 15 
 But sche have helpe, verrament,^^ 
 In a 2 fyre sche schall be brente 
 Thys day sevenyght.' 
 The erle seyde, ' Sg have I blysse, 
 Of hyr mefynkyj? grfte rewthe hyt is, 20 
 Trewe if that sche bee.' 
 The abbot seyde, 'Bl Seynt Poule, 
 For hur I durre 3 ley my soule 
 That nevyr gylty 4 was sche. 
 Soche werkys nevyr sche wroght, 25 
 Neythyr in dede nor in thoght, 
 Save a rynge sg free 
 To J>e Erie of Tolous sche gafe wyth wynne, 
 In fse of hym and for ng synne; 
 In schryfte thus tglde sche me.' 30 
 leve. 2 a, not in MS. 3 dar. 4 gylte. 
 The erle seyde, ' Syth hyt is sgo, 
 Cryst wrf ke hur of hure l W99, 
 That boght hur wyth hys bloode. 
 Wolde ye sikyr me, wythout fayle, 
 For to h^lde trewe counsayle, 5 
 Hyt myght be for youre gode.' 
 The abbot seyde bi bokes ffle **r*~^ 
 And hys 2 professyon, fat he wolde hfle, c^^^^ 
 And ellys he were wode.^^^v 
 ' I am he fat sche gafe the ryng 10 
 For to be owre tgkenynge, 
 Now hfle 3 hyt for the rode 
 I am comyn, lefe syr, 
 To take the batayle for hyr, 
 And 4 thereto stgnde wyth ryght; 15 
 But fyrste myselfe I wole hur schryve, 
 And if I fynde hur clfne of lyve, 
 Then wyll my herte be lyght. 
 r> ^ Let dyght me in monkys wede ^~S> 
 To fat place men 5 schulde hyr If de, 20 
 To dfthe to be dyght; --<*%*>- 
 When I have schryvyn 6 hyr, wythout fayle 
 For hur I wyll take f e 7 batayle, 
 As I am trewe knyght/ 
 The abbot was nevyr sg gladd, 25 
 Nere for joie 8 he wax madd, 
 The erle can he kysse; 
 They made mery 9 and slewe care 
 All that sevenyght he dwellyd fare, 
 In myrthe, withoute 10 mysse. 30 
 1 hur. 2 and be hys. 3 heyle. 4 and, not in MS. 5 ]>at men. 6 schrevyn.\ 
 7 J?ey not in MS. 8 yoye. y mere. 10 wythout. 
 That day fe 1 lady schulde be brent 
 The erle wyth the abbot wente 
 ck<^~~ * In monkys wede, ywys; 
 To the emperour he knelyd blyveju*^^ 
 That he myght fat lady schryve; 5 
 Angn receyved 2 he is. 
 He examyned hur wyttyrly,o*>* x d^. 
 As hyt seythe in the stgry; 
 Sche was wythoute gylte. 
 Sche seyde, 'Bl hym ]?at dyed on tree, 10 
 Trespas was nevyr ngne in me 
 Wherefore I schulde be spylte, iiafewj 
 Save ggnys, wythoute lfsynge, Vrf ^. 
 To the Erie of Tolous I gafe a ryng; 
 aX^<rW. Assoyle me if thou wylte. 15 
 But J?us my destanye is come 3 to ende, 
 That in J>ys fyre I muste be brende ; 
 There Goddys wylle be fulfyllt 4 .' 
 The erle ass oyled hur wyth hys hgnde, 
 juu-c^ And syf>en ^ertely/he can upstgnde, 20 
 And seyde^^Egrdyngys, pf se ! 
 Ye that have accused J?ys lady gente, 
 Ye be worthy to be brente/ 
 That;, ggn knyght made a r^s:|*^*^ ^<>->*., 
 1 Thou carle monke, wyth all J>y gynne,^,^^ 25 
 Thowe youre abbot be of hur kynne, 
 Hur sorowe schalt thou not ces ; 
 Ryght sg thou woldyst sayne 
 &*<.>. j, Thowe all youre covent had be hyr layn, 
 Sg are ye lythyr and 1s/ 30 
 1 ]>at fe. 2 resceyved. 3 comyn. 4 fulfyllyt. 
 The erle answeryd wyth wordys free, -^ *^ol 
 ' Syr, that gon I trowe thou be 
 Thys lady accused has. 
 Thowe we be men of relygyon, 
 Thou schalt do us but rfson 5 
 For all the fare thou mas; . 
 I prove on hur thou sayst not ryght, 
 L9, here my glove wyth >e to fyght, 
 1 undyrtake thys case ; 
 As 1 false men, I schall you kenne 10 
 In redd fyre for to brenne, 
 Therto God gife me grace/ 
 All j>at stoden in that place, 
 Thankyd God of hys grace, 
 Wythoute any fayle. 15 
 The two knyghtys were full wrgthe ; 
 He schulde be dedd, ey swfre grfte gthe, 
 But hyt myght not avayle. 
 The erle wente there besyde, 
 And armyd hym wyth mekyll pryde, 20 
 Hys enemyes to assayle. 
 Manly, when they togedur mett, 
 They he we thorow helme and basenet, ^*o<**^ 
 And marryd 2 many a mayle. 
 They ridyn 3 togedur wythout lakk, \~Xk~ 25 
 That hys oon spfre on hym brakk, 
 That othyr faylyd thgg. 
 The erle smgte hym wyth hys spfre, 
 Thorow the body he can hym bfre, 
 To grounde can he ggg. 30 
 1 os. a martyred. 3 redyn. 
 That sawe that oj^er 1 , and faste can flee; 
 The erle gvyrtoke hym undur a tre, 
 And wroght hym mikyll 2 wgg; 
 There Ipys traytour can hym ;jelde 3 
 cUi^^ As 4 recrfaunt in the felde 5 , 5 
 He myght not fie hym frog. 
 Befgre the emperour they wente, 
 And ther he made hym, verrament, -^ 
 To telle for the noonys. *f^c 
 He seyde, 'We thoghte 6 hur to spyile <XJCm*w 10 
 For sche wolde not do owre wylle, 
 That worthy is in wgnys.' 
 The erle answeryd hym then, 
 1 Therfgre, traytours, ye schall brenne 
 In thys fyre bgthe at gnys.' 15 
 The erle angn them 7 hente, 
 And in the fyre he J>em brente, 
 Flfsche, felle, and bggnys. 
 When J>ey were brent bgthe twgg, 
 The erle prevely can gQQ 22 
 To that ryche abbaye. 
 Wyth joye 8 and processyoun 
 They fett the lady into the town, 
 Wyth myrthe as 4 I telle may. 
 The emperoure was full gladd; 25 
 1 Fette me the monke,' angn he badd, 
 Why wente he sg awaye? 
 A byshoperyke 1 wyll hym gyve 9 , 
 My helpe, my love, whyll I lyve 10 , 
 Bi God that owyth thys day.' 30 
 odyr. 3 mekyll. 3 jylde. 4 os. 5 fylde. * thoght. T hym. 
 3 jylde. 
 4 OS. 
 5 fylde. 
 9 geve. 
 10 leve. 
 The abbot knelyd on hys knee, 
 And seyde, 'Lgrde, gpne is hee 
 To hys owne Ipnde; 
 He dwellyth wyth the Pppe of Rome, 
 He wyll be glad of hys come, cuwU^jl 5 
 I do you t5 undurstgnde.' 
 * Syr abbot V quod the emperour, 
 1 To me hyt were a dyshonoure, 
 W^ $^f Soche wordes I rede thou wgnde ; 
 Angne, in haste, that I hym see, to 
 Or thou schalt nevyr have gode of me, 
 And therto here myn hgnde.' 
 'Lgrd,' he seyde, 'sythe hyt is sog 
 Aftur hym J?at I must goo, 
 Ye muste make me seurte; c -^ i^ 
 In case he have byn youre fgo, 
 Ye schall not do hym ng woq ; 
 And then, al sg mote I thee^Lv- -, y i ci ^rt 
 Aftur hym 1 wyll wend 2 , 
 Sg that ye wyll be hys frend, 20 
 If youre wylle bee/ 
 * 3ys/ seyde the emperoure full fayne, 
 * All my kynne bogh he had slayne, 
 He is welcome t5 mee.' 
 Then spake the abbot wordy s free, 25 
 * Lgrde, I tryste now on thee, 
 Ye wyll do as 3 ye say 4 ; 
 Hyt is Syr Barnard of Tolous, 
 A ngbyll knyght and a chyvalrous, 
 That has done thys jurnay 5 / 30 
 1 abbot, not in MS. 2 wynde. 3 os. * sey. 5 jurney. 
 'Now certys,' seyde the emperoure, 
 i To me hyt is grf t dyshonoure ; 
 Angn, Syr, 1 the pray, 
 Aftur hym f>at thou wend \ 
 We schall kysse and be gode frend-W l^j 5 
 Bl God that owyth thys day.' ^' *^J/ 
 The abbot seyde, ' I assente.' 
 Aftur the erle angn he wente, 
 1 And seyde, Syr, gg wyth mee. 
 My lgrde and ye, bi Seynt Jghn, 10 
 Schull be made bgthe at gon, 
 Goode frendys for to bee.' 
 Therof J>e erle was full fayne. 
 The emperoure came hym agayne 
 And sayde, * My frende sg free, 15 
 My wrathe 3 here I the forgyve; 
 My helpe, my love, whyll I lyve, 
 Bl hym that dyed on tree.' 
 Togedur lovely can they kysse; 
 Thereof all men had grfte blysse, 20 
 The rgmaunse tellyth soo, 
 He made hym steward of hys Ignde, 
 ^^^ And sfsyd agayne into hys hgnde 
 That he had rafte hym frog. 
 The emperoure livyd 4 but yerys thre; 25 
 Be elexion 5 of the lgrdys free 
 The erle toke they thgg, 
 And 6 made hym ther emperoure, 
 For he was styfFe in stoure u^^- ^ Wttd*. 
 To fyght agayne hys foo. 30 
 1 wende. 2 frende. 3 wrath. 4 levyd. 5 alexion. 
 6 they. 
 I 2 
 He weddyd )?at lady to hys wyfe ; 
 With joye 1 and myrthe J>ey ladd ]>er lyfe 
 Twenty yere and three. 
 Betwene fern had J>ey chyldyr fyftene 2 , 
 Doghty knyghtys all bedene, 
 And semely on to see. 
 In Rome thys geste cronyclyd is 3 , 
 A lay of Bretayne callyd ywys 4 , 
 And evyr mgre schall bee. 
 Jesu 5 Cryste to hevyn us brynge, 
 There to have owre wonnyng ; 
 Amen, amen, for charyte. 
 In J?e 6 name of J>e Fader and Sone and Hgly Ggsr, thre 
 persones, q God in Trinite, and in J?e worschipe 7 of oure Lavedy, 
 Seynte Marie his dere moder, and of Seynt William J>e hg\y 
 innocent and digne marter, and alle halewyn : in pe yer of oure 
 Lgrd Jesu 8 Cryst a thousande thre hundred seventy and sexe, 
 peltyers and 5}?ere g5d men begunne )?is gylde and ]^is bretherhgd 
 of Seynt Willyam, f>e hly innocent and marter in Norwyche ; and 
 alle J?is ordenaunces undirwriten 9 , al pe bretheren and systeren 
 schulyn helden and kepen upen here power. 
 At J>e fyrste alle f>e bretheren and systeren thus han behgten, 
 )?at J?ey every yer, on J>e Sunday next 10 aftyr J>e ff st of Seynt Peter 
 1 yoye! 2 xv. 3 geste ys cronycgled ywis. i called hyt ys. 
 5 Jeu. 6 J> appears as y except where printed th. 7 worchepe, and always. 
 8 jhesu. 9 undirwreten. ao nexst 
 and Powel, in worschipe of f e Trinite and of oure Lfvedy and 
 Seynt William and alle halvven, schullen offeren to floured candelys 
 afgrn Seynt Willyams toumbe in fe mynstre of f e Trinite, and 
 ever! of hem offeren an halpeny at fe messe and heren al fe 
 messe. And qwosg be absent, fanne he schal payen to Seynt 5 
 Williams lyhte x thre pound of wax ; and it schal ben reysed and 
 gadered bi f e alderman and his felas. Alsg a knave chyld inno- 
 cent, schal 2 bfren a candel fat day, f e wyghte of to pound, led 
 betwyxen to gode men, tgkenynge of fe glpryous marter. 
 AIsq it is ordeyned fat ng man schal ben excusyd of absence 10 
 at fat messe, but it be for fe kynges 3 servise, or 4 for strgnge 
 sekenesse, or 4 twenty myle dwellynge fi 9 f is cyte 5 , fat he ne schal 
 payen J>e peyne of thre pound of wax. And qwosg schal ben 
 excused for any 6f>er schyl, it schal ben at J>e aldermannes wyl 
 and at fe cumpany. 15 
 Alsg alle f e bretheryn and systeryn han ordeyned 6 and graunted 
 for any ordenaunce fat is mad or schal ben mad amgnges hem, 
 fat fey schal save fe kynge hys ryhte 7 , and ngn prejudys don 
 ageyn his lawe in f es ordenaunce. 
 Alsg it is ordeyned, fat everyche brof er and syster of f is gylde, 20 
 f rly on morwe aftyr f e gyldeday, schal heryn a messe of if quiem 
 for alle f e brethere soules and systeren soules of f is gylde, and 
 for alle crystene soules, at Seynt Williams auter in f e mynstre of 
 fe Trynyte in Norwyche, and offeren a ferthynge. And qwosg be 
 wane, schal paye a pound of wax. And qwan f e messe is don; 25 
 bi 8 her aldermannes asent fey schal alle togedere ggn to an in, 
 and every man fat haf any 9 catelle of f e gilde leyn it doun ; and 
 ordeynen fer of here lykynge bi 8 comoun assent, and chesen 
 offyceres for fe nexte yer. And qwo fayle schal payen three 
 pound of wax. And eyghte 10 men of f e aldermannes chesynge, 30 
 on fe gyldeday, schulen chesen an alderman and to felas, and 
 a somonor for f e nexte yer. 
 1 lythe. 2 schal, not in MS. 3 kyngges. * er, as always. 5 syte. 
 6 hordeyned. 7 rythe. 8 be, as always. 9 ony. 10 viii. 
 Alsg it is ordeyned, in pe worschipe of pe Trinite and of oure 
 L^vedy Seynt Marie, and of Seynt William and of alle halwyn, 
 >at qwat brother or syster bi Goddis sgnde falle in mischefe or 
 mysf se, and have nout to helpen hemselfe, he schal han almesse 
 of ever! broker and syster every woke, Iestende his myschefe, a fer- 
 thynge; of qwyche ferthynges he schal han fourtene pens 1 , and 
 pe remenaunt ggn to catelle* But if it be his foly, he schal nout 
 han of pe almes 2 . 
 Alsg it is ordeyned bi comoun assent, qwosg be chosen in 
 offys and refuse it, he schal paye to Seynt Wylliams lyhte 3 thre 
 pound of wax, and up peyne of his gthe. 
 Alsg if any 4 brother or syster deye, he schal han of pe gylde 
 foure torches, and foure pore men cladde, abouten his cors ; ande 
 every brother and syster schul 5 offeren at his messe, and heryn al 
 pe messe and byden his enterynge, and at messe offeryn a fer- 
 thynge, and an halpeny ^even to almes for pe 6 soule ; and }even 
 to a messe a peny, pe qwyche schal 7 be gaderyd bi pe alderman 
 and hise felas to don for }>e soule and for alle crystene. AIsq if 
 any broker or syster deye sevene myle frg pe cite, pe alderman and 
 6J>er sevene bretheryn at his exequlses schul 8 wende in fere to pe 
 core, and ordeynen and don for pe soule as for gn of pe bretheren. 
 Als9 it is ordeyned bi comoun assent, J>at }?ese bretheren, in 
 worschipe of pe Holy Trinyte and Seynt William, schul ftyn 
 togedere on J>at day at here comoun cost. And qwosg be 
 somouned to don semble or to eongregacioun beforn pe alder- 
 man and pe bretheryn and come nout, he schal paye a pound of I 
 wax to pe lyht 9 . Alsg it is ordeyned bi eomoun assent J>at np 
 broker ne syster in J?is gilde schal be reseyvet but bi pe alderman 
 and twelve bretheryn. 
 Alsg it is ordeyned bi comoun assent j:at pe comoun belleman \ 
 schal ggn thurghe pe cite on pe gildeday after none, and re- 
 comandyn al pe brethere soules and systeres of pe gilde bi name, 
 1 xiiij d. 2 elmes. * lythe. 4 ony. 5 schul, not in MS. t c 3e. 
 7 schal, not in Mb. 8 exequises schul, not in MS. 9 lyt 
 and alle crystene soules ; and seyn fat a messe of rf quiem schal 
 ben seyd rly on f e morwen, bi prime day, in memorie of f e soules 
 and alle crystene, and somounyn alle fe bretheryn and systeryn 
 fat fey ben at f e messe at f e auter of Seynt William at fat tyme, 
 up f e peyne of thre pound of wax. 
 __ < 
 God seyth hymself, as wryten we fynde, 
 That whenne fe blynde lfdeth f e blynde 
 Into fe dyche fey fallen boo, u-^ 
 For fey ne sen whareby to gg. 
 Sg faren prestes now by dawe; 
 They beth blynde in Goddes lawe, 
 That whenne fey scholde fe pepul rede, 
 Into synne fey do hem lfde. 
 Thus fey have do now fulle 3gre, - 
 And alle is 2 for defawte of lgre ; 
 Wharefgre, fou preste curatoure, 
 gef fou plse thy Savyoure, - 
 ^ef thow be not grfte clerk, 
 - Loke thow moste on thys werk ; 
 For here thow myjte fynde and 3 rede 
 That fe behoveth to conne nede, 
 How thow schalt thy paresche prfche, 
 And what f e nedeth hem to tfche ; 
 And why che fou moste fyself be, 
 Here alsg thow my}te hyt se, 
 1 Latin title reads, ' Propter presbiterum parochialem instruendum.' 2 ys, 
 as often. 3 &, as often. 
 For luytel is worthy py prfchynge 
 ^ef thow be of fvuyle lyvynge. 
 Preste, Myself thow moste be chast, 
 And say py serves wyf>owten hast, 
 That mowthe and herte acorden I fere, 5 
 ^ef thow wole that God pe here. 
 Of hgnde and mowthe J^ou moste be trewe, 
 And grfte gpes thow moste eschewe 1 ; 
 In worde and dede foil moste be mylde, 
 Bgthe to mon and to chylde. ic 
 Dronkelfc 2 and glotonye, 
 Pruyde and sloujje and envye, 
 Alle fow moste putten away 
 ^ef pow wolt serve God to pay. 
 That pe nedeth, fte and drynke, 15 
 But slf py lust for any thynge. 
 Tavernes alsp thow moste forsake, 
 And marchaundyse J?ow schalt not make; 
 Wrastelynge and schotynge and suche game* 
 Thow myjte not use wythowte blame; 20 
 Hawkynge, huntynge, and dawnsynge, 
 Thow moste i9rgQ for any thynge. 
 Cuttede clothes and pyked schone, 
 Thy gode fame J>ey wole fordone. 
 Marketes and feyres I the forbede, 25 
 But hyt be for the mre nede. 
 In honeste clgthes thow moste ggn, 
 Baselard ne 4 bawdryke wfre J^ow ngn; 
 Bfrde and crowne thow moste be schave, 
 ^ef thow wole thy ordere save. ^-f^ ?,o 
 Of mfte and drynke J)ow moste be fre, 
 To pore and ryche by thy degre. 
 1 enchewe. 3 dronkelewe. 3 maner game. * ny. 
 ^erne thow moste thy sawtere rede, 
 And of the day of dome have drede ; 
 And evere do gode a^eynes ele 1 , 
 Or elles thow my3te not lyve wele. 
 Wymmones serves thow moste forsake, 5 
 Of evele fame leste they the make ; 
 For wymmenes speche that ben schrewes, 
 Turne ofte away gode thewes. 
 From nyse japes and rybawdye, 
 Thow moste turne away J>yn ye; 10 
 > ^.Tuynde J>yn ye )?at thow ne se 
 The cursede worldes vanyte. 
 Thus thys worlde J>ow moste despyse, 
 And hgly vertues have in vyse ; 
 ^ef thow do Ipus, thow schalt be dere 15 
 To alle men that sen and here. 
 Thus thow moste alsQ prfche 2 , 
 And thy paresche ^erne tf che ; 
 Whenne gn hath done a synne, 
 Loke he lye not lgnge thereynne, 20 
 But angn that he hym schryve, 
 Be hyt husbande, be hyt wyve, 
 Leste he forget by lentenes day, 
 And oute of mynde hyt gg away. 
 Also thow moste thy God pay, -"" af 
 Tf che thy paresch J>us and say. t * / rf ,y 
 Alle that ben of warde and elde,^ r^ 
 pat cunnen hemself kepe and welde, 
 They schulen alle to chyrche come, 
 And ben ischryve alle and some, >~^ 3 
 And ben ihoseled wythowte bere' 
 On asterday allej fere ; fc-tf^ 
 Subtitle, Quid et quomodo predicare debet parochianos suos.' 
 In fat day by costome, 
 ^e schule be hoselet alle and some. 
 Tfche hem fenne, wyth gode entente 
 To beleve on that sacrament ; 
 That fey receyve in forme of brf d, 
 Hyt is Goddes body J>at soffred dfd 
 Upon the hply rodetre, c > <^ L 
 To bye owre synnes and make us fre. 
 Tfche hem fenne, never J?e later, 
 pat in f>e chalys is but wyn and water 
 That pey receyveth for to drynke, 
 After that hgly hoselynge. 
 Therfgre warne hem }?ow schal 
 That J>ey ne chewe fat host 1 to smal, 
 Leste to smale pey done hyt brfke, 
 And in here teth hyt do stfke; 
 Therefore pey schule wyth water and wyn 
 Clanse here mowf that no^t lfve ferin; j^r 
 But tfche hem alle to leve sade 2 , - f r 
 pat hyt fat is in fe awter made, 
 Hyt is verre Goddes blode 
 That he schedde on f e rode. 
 3t f ow moste tfche hem mare, 
 pat whenne fey doth to chyrche fare, 
 penne bydde hem lfve here mony wordes, 
 Here ydel speche and nyce bordes, 
 And put away alle vanyte, 
 And say here paternoster and ave 3 . 
 Ne ngn in chyrche stgnde schal, 
 Ne If ne to pyler, ne to wal, 30 
 But fayre on kneus fey schule hem sette, 
 Knelynge doun upon the flette,^ llU^ 
 1 ost. 2 sadde. 3 here ave. 
 And pray to God wyth herte meke /J^*^ 
 To 3eve hem grace and mercy eke.' 
 Soffere hem to make no bere, ., 1**" 
 But ay to be in here prayere; 
 And whenne J>e gospelle ired be schalle, ^ 5 yo^ 
 Tfche hem J>enne to stgnde up alle, 
 rAnd blesse hem feyre, as J>ey conne, 
 Whenne gloria Hbi is bygonne. 
 And whenne f>e gospel is idone, 
 Tfche hem eft to knele downe sone; 10 
 And whenne they here the belle rynge 
 To that hgly sakerynge, 
 Tfche hem knele downe, bgf>e 5onge and glde, 
 And bgf>e her hpndes up to hplde, 
 And say fenne in Ipys manere, 15 
 Feyre and softely, wythowte bere; 
 ' Jesu, Lgrd, welcome }?ow be, 
 In form of brfd as I J>e se ; 
 Jesu 1 , for thy hgly name, 
 Schelde me today frg synne and schame ; 20 
 Schryfte and howsele, Lgrd, graunte 2 me bg 
 Jr that 1 schale hennes gg, 
 And verre contrycyone of my synne, 
 That I, Lprd, never dye thereinne. 
 And as J>ow were of a may ibgre, 25 
 Sofere me never to be forlpre, 
 But whenne J?at I schale hennes wende, 
 Grawnte me f>e blysse wythowten ende. Amen.' 
 Tfche hem J?us, gper sum 6f>ere J>ynge, 
 To say at the hgly sakerynge. 
 Tfche hem alsg, I the pray, 
 That whenne >ey walken in Ipe way 
 1 Ihu. 2 ]>ou graunte. 
 - <S 
 And sene f e preste agayn hem comynge, 
 Goddes body wyth hym bgrynge, 
 Thenne wyth grfte devgcyone, 
 Tfche hem fere to knele adowne. 
 v tf ^ Fayre ne fowle, spare fey noghte 
 To worschype hym fat alle hath wroghte. 
 For ry^t 1 glad may fat mon be 
 pat gnes in f e day hym 2 se ; 
 For sg mykyle gode do)? fat syjt, 
 As Seynt Austyn tfcheth aryjt, 
 pat day fat f ow syst Goddes body 
 pese benefyces schalt fou have sycurly: 
 Mfte and drynke, at thy nede, jSy'" 
 Ngn schal f e fat day be gnede ; ' 1 
 Idele Qthes and wordes alsQ, 
 God fo^evef the bg ; 
 Soden dfth that ilke 3 day 
 The dar not drede wyf owte nay ; 
 Alsg fat day, I the ply3te, 
 pow schalt not lese fyn yesyjte, -~ *~ j 
 And every fote fat fou ggst f enne, 
 pat hgly syjt for to sene, 
 pey schule be tglde to stgnde in stfde 
 Whenne thow hast to hem nede. 
 Alsp, wythynne chyrche and seyntwary, 
 Do ry3t thus, as I the say; 
 Sgnge and cry and suche fare, 
 For to stynte fow schalt not spare; 
 Castynge of axtre and eke of stgn, 
 Sofere hem fere to use ngn; 
 Bal and bares and suche play, 
 Oute of chyrthejorde put away. 
 1 ry3t, not in MS. 2 may hym. 3 ylke. 
 Courte hgldynge, and suche maner chpst, J>^ 
 Out of seyntwary put fow most; 
 For Cryst hymself tfchelh us 
 pat hgly chyrche is hys hows, 
 pat is made for 119 J^ynge elles 5 
 But for to pray in, as J>e boke idles; 
 pere J?e pepulle schale geder withinne, 
 To prayen and wepen 1 for here synne. nJ ,^^ 
 Tfche hem alsp welle and greythe, ** 
 How pey schule paye here teythe. 10 
 Of alle f>ynge that doth hem newe, 
 They schule teythe welle and trewe ; 
 After j?e costome of J?at cuntraye, 
 Every mon hys teythynge schale paye, 
 Bgthe of smale and of grfte, 15 
 Of shep and swyn and olpev nfte.^ 
 I ' ., Teyf>e of huyre and of hgnde 
 Ggth by costome of f>e lpnde. l^ . 
 I hglde hyt but an ydul J>ynge 
 To spfke myche~of teythynge, 20 
 For J>a3 a preste be but a fonne,-- 
 Aske hys teyf>ynge welle he conne. 
 Wychecrafte and telynge, 
 Forbede pou hem for any J>ynge; 
 For whosg beleveth in J?e fay 25 
 Mote beleve thus by any way, 
 , That hyt is a sleghf>e of J?e del 
 pat makef) a body to cache el ; 
 penne syche belfve he gart hem have, 
 pat wychecrafte schale hem save, 30 
 Sg wyth charmes a and wyth tele 
 He is ibro3te ajeyn to hele. 
 pus wyth fe fende he is iblende, . i Vf' 
 And hys belfve is ischende.' X^f^ 
 1 to wepen. 2 chames. 
 Man yernes ! rimes for to here, 
 And rgmans red on maneres sere : 
 Of Alisaundur Ipe conquerour, 
 Of July Cesar J>e emparour, 
 O Grece and Troy the strange 2 striif e, 
 \. pe firste 3 conquerour of Ingland ; 
 ^xO^ing Arthour )?at ^as\sg rlke, 
 Quam ngn in hys tim Vas like j 10 
 O ferlys J>at hys kiwhtes 4 fell 
 pat aunters sere I fe^ of tell, ? ^ 
 cl,Als Wawan, Cai, ancl o}>er stabell 
 For to wfre pe ronde tabell; 
 How Charles King and Rauland-rfaght, 
 With 5 Sarazins wald(Jai ha saght ; 
 Of Tristrem and hys leif Ysote, 
 How he for here becom a sote; 
 1 yhernes. 2 Strang. 3 first. * knythes. 5 wit (wyt), as usual. 
 O Jgneck and of Ysambrase, 
 O Ydoine and of Amadase, 
 Stgris als o sere kin thinges 
 O princes, prelates, and o kynges, 
 Sanges sere of selcuth rime, 5 
 }Frankys, and Latlne ; 
 rede and here ilk gn is prest 
 pe thynges J?at C^amNlIkes best. 
 pe wis man wil o wisdom here, 
 pe foul hym draws 1 to foly nere; 10 
 pe wrang t5 here, o right, is ljith, 
 And pride wyth buxsumnes is wrath ; 
 O chastite has lichur lfth, \y\-fiu 
 <JU^V On charite ai werrais wrf th u>A* 
 j -^Bpt be the' fruit may scilwis se 15 
 ^^^O^uat\ertu is ilk a tre. 
 Of al kyn fruit fat man schal fynd 
 e Jfittes frg J?e rote his kynd; 
 gode pfrtre corns g5de 2 pfres, 
 Wers tre, wers fruit it bfres. 20 
 pat I spfke o >is ilke tre 
 Bytakens, man, bpth me and J?e ; 
 Q^A^ pis fruit buakeris "alle oure dedis, 
 Bgth gode and ille .qua rightly redis. 
 Ur dedis frg ur hert tas rote, 25 
 }$ , tQuedur 3 fai be worth! bale or botfi^ l\&lp 
 For be J>e J?yng man drawes till 
 Men schal him knaw 4 for god or ill. 
 A saumpul her be fam 5 I say ^ 
 pat rages in pare; not ay ; 30 
 In riot and in rigolage 
 Of all f>ere liif spend J?ai J>e stage, 
 1 draghus. 2 god. 8 dur. * kaw. 5 J>aem. 
 For now is halden non in curs 
 l ^0r 
 Bot qua J>at luve can paramurs. <*%M 
 pat foly luve, J?at vanite, 
 pam likes now nan ober gle; 
 liit neys bot fantum for to say 
 Today it is, tomoru away. 
 Wyth chaunce of dfd or chaunge 1 of hert, 
 pat soft began has endyng smart; 
 For wen J?ow traistest 2 wenis at be, 
 Frg hir schalt )>ou, or scho frg J>e. 
 He J?at stithest 3 wenis at stand, 
 Warre hym, his fall is nexst his hand ; 
 Ar he swa brathly don be broght 
 Wydur to wende ne wat he noght, 
 Bytwixand his luf haf hym ledd 
 To sli mede als he forwith bedd 4 ; 
 For f>an al mede withouten mere 
 Be mette for dede or bettur or were. 
 Forf>T blisce I 5 f>at paramour 
 Quen I have nede me dos socure; 
 pat saves me first in erth 6 fra syn 
 And hevenblys me helps to wyn. 
 For }>of I quilum haf ben untrew, 
 Hyr luve is ay ilike 7 new; 
 Hir luve scho 8 haldes If le ilike, 
 pat s wetter ~es }>an hony o bike. 
 Swilk in erth 6 es fundun nan, 
 For scho es modur and maiden; 
 Moder and maiden never J>e lesse 
 For]?! of hir tok Crist his flesse. 
 Qua truly loves ]?is lemman, 
 pis es pe love bes never gan; 
 1 chaunce. 3 traistes. 8 titthest* 4 bedd, not in MS. 
 in MS. 6 herth. 7 ilik. 8 sco. 
 For in pis' love scho failes never, 
 And in J>at t5f er scho lastes ever. 
 Of swilk an suld 3^ mater l take, 
 Crafty fat can rimes make, 
 Of hir to mak bath rim and sang 5 
 And luve hir swete sun amang. 
 Quat bote is to sette traveil 
 On f>yng fat may not avail, 
 pat es bot fantum o fis werd 2 
 Als 3c have sene inogh and herd? 10 
 Mater fynd 35 large and brade, 
 pof rimes ffle of hir be made ; 
 Quasa will of hyr fayrnes 3 spell, 
 Find he sal inogh to tell. 
 Of hir godnes and hir treuthede, 15 
 Men may fynd evermar to rede ; 
 O reuth, o love, and charite, 
 Was never hir mak, ne never sal be. 
 Laved! scho es o lfvedls all, 
 Mild and mek withouten gall, 20 
 To nedi neghest on to call, 
 And raises synful quen J?ai fall. 
 Til al oure bale ai for to bete 
 Oure Lauerd has made fat maiden swete 4 ; 
 parbi man mai hir helping kenn, 25 
 Scho praies 5 ai for sinful menn; 
 Qua menskes hir, J>ai mai be ba 
 Scho sal J?am 3eld a hundrethfald. 
 In hir wirschip wald I bigyn 
 A lastand ware apon t5 myn, 30 
 For to . do man knaw hir kyn 
 pat us 6 sell wirschip cum to wyn. 
 mater, not in MS. 2 warld. 3 hy fames. * swette. 5 prais. 6 hus. 
 Sumkins jestes for to scaw, 
 pat done were in J?e aide * law, 
 Bitwix J>e aid law and >e new 
 How Cristes brith bigan to brew, 
 1 sal yow schew with myn entent 
 Brefli 2 of aifere testament. 
 Al }>is werld, gr J?is bok blin, 
 With Cristes help I sal gverrin, 
 And tell sum gestes principle, 
 For alle may na man have in tale 3 . 
 Bot forf>i fat na were may stand 
 Withouten grundwall to be lastand, 
 parfgr J?is were sal 1 fund 
 Apon a selcuth stedfast gmnd, 
 pat es J>e haly trinite 
 pat all has wroght with his beute. 
 At him self first 1 sette mi mere, 
 And sithen to tel his handewerc 4 ; 
 O J?e angels first fat fell, 
 And sithen I will of Adam tell, 
 Of hys oxspring, and of Noe, 
 And sumquat of his sunes thre; 
 Of Abraham and of Ysaac 
 pat haly ware withouten make. 
 Sithen sal I telle 5 yow 
 Of Jacob and of Esau; 
 par neist sal be sythen tald 
 How j?at Joseph was boght and said; 
 O J>e Juus and Moyses 
 pat Goddis folk to lfde him chfs, 
 How God bigan J>e law hym gyfe, 
 pe quilk the Juus in suld life; 
 1 halde. 2 brei. 3 talle. 4 hand were. 5 tell. 
 O Saul f e kyng and o Davl, 
 How fat he faght again Goli ; 
 Sifen o Salamon f e wis, 
 How craftilik he did justis ; 
 How Crist com thoro prophecl, 5 
 How he com his folk to bii. 
 And hit sal be redd yuu Jeanne 
 O Jgachim and of Sant Anne 1 , 
 O Mare als, hir doghter mild, 
 How scho 2 was born and bare a child; 10 
 How he was born and quen and ware, 
 How scho him to fe temple bar; 
 O f e kynges fat him soght, 
 pat thre presandes til him broght; 
 How J?at Herode kyng, with wogh, 15 
 For Crlstes 3 sak fe childer slogh; 
 How f e child to Egypte fled 
 And how fat he was thefen ledd. 
 par sal je find sumkyn dedis 
 pat Jesus did in hys barnhedis 5 20 
 Sithen o J?e Baptist Jghan 
 pat Jesu 4 baptist in flum Jordan; 
 How Jesus, quen he lang had fast, 
 Was fgndid with pe wikke gast; 
 Si)?en o Jgnes 5 baptlsyng, 25 
 And how him hefdid Herod Kyng; 
 How fat Jesu Crist him selve 
 Chfs til him apostels twelve, 
 And Qpenllk bigan to preche 
 And alle fat seke ware to leche, 30 
 And did f e meracles sua riif 
 pat fe Juus him hild in striif; 
 sant tanne. a sco. 3 crist. 4 Iu. 5 Ions. 
 K 2 
 SyJ?en how Jat haly Drightin 
 Turned watur into wyn 1 , 
 O five thossand men J>at he 
 Fedd wyth five laves and fisses thre. 
 Of a man sal ^e sithen find 
 pat he gave sight, and born was blind; 
 O fe 2 spousebrfk womman 
 pat J>e Iuus dempt to stan ; 
 How he hfled gn al unfere 
 pat seke was thritte and aht yeir; 
 How J>e Magdalen with grete 
 Com for to was our Lgrde fete, 
 Of hir and Martha )?at was fus 
 Abote pe nedes of J?are hus; 
 O Lazar dfd, laid under lam, 
 How Jesus raised his llcam; 
 How Juus Jesu oft umsette 
 And for his sermon thrall thrette; 
 How J>ai sched his blisced blode 
 And pined him opon f>e rode. 
 With Cristes 3 will ]?an sal I telle 
 How he sij>en hared helle ; 
 How Juus with J>er grft unschill 
 Wend his uprisyng to dill; 
 How he uprais, how he upstey, 
 Many man onstad and sey; 
 How he J>at o myght es mast 
 Send intill erth his haly gast ; 
 O twelve apostlis sumkyn gest, 
 Bot how )?ai endid at )>e lest. 
 How our Lfvedl endid and yald 
 Hir sely saul, hit sal be tald: 
 1 vyn. 2 ]>e, not in Cotton, but in all other MSS. 3 crist. 
 O }>e hall croice, how it was kyd 
 Lang efterward fat it was hid; 
 Of Antecrist com, fat sal be kene, 
 And o fe dreri days fiveten 
 pat sal cum forwith domesday. 5 
 Sythen of f e dome yow sal I say, 
 pan of oure Lfvedi murnand mode 
 For hir sune scho sagh on rode. 
 pe last rf sun of alle J>is ron 
 Sal be of hir conception. 10 
 pis are the maters redde on raw 
 pat I thynk in fis bok to draw, 
 Schortly rimand on J>e dede 
 For man! er }>ai herof to spede. 
 Notful me thine it ware to man 15 
 To knaw himself how he began ; 
 How he 1 began in werld to brfde, 
 How his oxspring began to sprfde ; 
 Bath fe first and o fe last 
 In quatkin curs fis world es past. 20 
 Efter haly kyrces 2 state 
 pis ilke boke es 3 translate, 
 Into Inglis tong to rede 
 For the love of Inglis lede, 
 Inglis lede of Ingeland 4 , 25 
 For the commun at understand. 
 Frankis rim.es here I redd 
 Comunlik in ilk a sted 5 ; 
 Mast es it wroght for Frankis man, 
 Quat is for him na Frankis can? 30 
 Of Ingeland 4 the nacion, 
 Es Inglis man far in commun; 
 he, not in MS. 2 kyrc. 3 ilk bok is es. i Ingland. 5 ilk sted. 
 pe speche fat man with mast may spede, 
 Mast farwith to spfke war nede. 
 Selden was for anl chance 
 Praised Inglis tong in France; 
 Give we ilk an fare langage, 
 Me think we do fam ngn outrage. 
 To lauid Inglis 1 man I spell 
 pat understandes fat I tell, 
 And to foo spke 1 alf ermast 
 pat won in unwarces to wast 
 pair liif in trofel and truandls, 
 To be ware with fat self and wis 
 Sumquat unto fat thing to tent, 
 pat al far mode might with amend. 
 Ful il ha fai fat spending spend, 
 pat findes na frute 2 p arof at end. 
 Sli word and were sum we til heild, 
 Traistll acountes 3 sal we yeild; 
 parfgr do draw f am hiderward 
 pat o fe pardon will ha part; 
 To here and hald sal ha pardon 
 O plight with Cristes 4 benisun. 
 Now o fis prgloug wil we blin 5 , 
 In Cristes 4 nam our bok begin; 
 Cursor o Werld man aght it call, 
 For almast it 9verrennes all. 
 Tak we our biginning fan 
 Of him fat al f is werld bigan. 
 1 laud and Inglis. 2 fro. s armites, but meaningless. 
 4 crist. e b. 
 Saint Andrew, Cristis apostil dere, 
 Whils he went in J>is werld here, 
 Ful mekill folk in sere cuntre 
 To cristen trouth convertid he ; 
 And at J>e last, sg it byfell, 5 
 In a cete whgre he gun dwell. 
 A domesman in >at cete was, 
 And his name was cald Egeas; 
 A man f>at lifed in maumetry 
 And in fals goddes, ful of envy. 10 
 He gederd togedir bgth bgnd and 1 fre, 
 Riche and pover of ilk cuntre, 
 And bad J?ai suld mak sacraflse 
 Unto his goddes of mekil prise; 
 And whosg wold noght ofrand make, 15 
 Grfte vengeance wold he on fam take. 
 pe folk ful fast J?an >eder soght 
 And to pg warlaus wirschip wroght. 
 And sone when Saint Andrew herd tell 
 Of J>at foul fare how it bifell, 20 
 pedir ful playnl! gun he pas, 
 And jms sayd 2 unto Egeas: 
 1 Sen f>ou covaytes J?at folk \>e ken 
 Als domesman gver al oj>er men, 
 pan suld J>6u knaw in dede and stevyn 25 
 pi domesman, fat es God in hevyn, 
 pat sal Ipe deme efter ]>i dede. 
 Him for to knaw now war it nede ; 
 1 &, as often. 2 he sayd. 
 He es J>I God and gver all might!, 
 And all bper er fals maumetrl; 
 Him for to honure evermore pe awe 
 And verraily for pi God him knawe, 
 And draw \>i hert frg devils oway, 
 pat lfdis to pine >at lastes ay/ 
 Egeas f>an answerd ogayne : 
 'plr wurdes/ he sayd, 'er all in vayne, 
 And nothing suth J?ou tels me till 
 pat may I prove by propir skill; 
 For, whils 3owre God pat ye on call 
 Prfchid pe pople in erth gverall, 
 And tfchid his men j?at with him dweld 
 To prfche pe same ]?at J^ou here teld, 
 Omang pe Jews 1 here tane was he 
 And nayled and hanged high on tre; 
 And had he bene God, als f>6u says, 
 It had noght bene S9, by 119 ways, 
 parfgre I say, j^ir wurdes er vayne.' 
 Saint Andrew j?an answerd ogayne: 
 'And pou kouth klerely knaw and se 
 pe vertu of pat ilk haly tre 
 pat named es pe cros in land, 
 pan wald J>ou wit and understand 
 How Jesu 2 Crist, my maystir fre, 
 Bi rfsonable caus of charite, 
 And for pete J>at he had in mynde 
 Of fat grfte meschevys of mankynde, 
 Payn of pe cros he put 3 him till, 
 Noght mawgre his, bot with his will.' 
 Egeas >an unto J?is thing 
 Answerd als in grfte hf thing; 
 1 lews. a Ihu, as usual. 3 putted. 
 He sayd, 'How may f>ou say J?ir sawes, 
 Sen J>at J>Iself f>e suth wele knawes ? 
 At f>e first time bitrayd was he, 
 And thurgh ane of his awin mgn^e, 
 And sethin takin with Jewes 1 kene, 5 
 And bunden and led furth fam bitwene 
 To Cayfas hall ]>e graythest gate, 
 And ftp J>eJ>in unto Sir Pilate ; 
 pore was he demid on cros to hang, 
 Als >e Jews ordaned 2 f>am omang. 10 
 Maugre his j?ai gun him spill, 
 How proves f>ou J>an it was his will?' 
 Saynt Andrew says, 'His will it was, 
 pat may 1 prove wele gr I pas; 
 Of his mf^e miself was ane 3 15 
 In J>e same time when he was tane 4 , 
 And bifpr J>e time he was bitrayd 
 Unto us all samyn J>us he sayd, 
 How he suld for mans syns be said 5 , 
 And suffer paynes ful manyfalde 6 20 
 And dy on pe cros right als J>ou tels, 
 For hfle of mans sauls and for noght 7 els, 
 And on J>e thrid day ful right uprise. 
 plr wurdes he tplde us on fis wise; 
 parfgre I tell pe in J>is stfde, 25 
 pat with his will he sufferd dfde.' 
 Egeas J?an thoght grfte dispite, 
 And to Saint Andrew said he tite : 
 'pou haves If rd 8 of a symple skole, 
 pi prfching proves ]?iself a fole; 30 
 For, whethir it war his will or npne, 
 pou grauntes f>at he on cros was done, 
 lews. 2 ordand 3 one. 4 tone. 5 sold. 6 manyfolde. 
 7 nght. 8 lerid. 
 And hangid he was als I said are; 
 And farfpre lfve ]?at lurdans lare 
 And unto my goddes ofFrand make, 
 Or els I sail for J>I God sake 
 Ger hang J>e right on swilk a tre 5 
 Als fou sais suld sg honorde be. 
 For fouler dede may ng man have, 
 parfpre on J>e I vouche it save.' 
 Saint Andrew J>an, withouten Ire, 
 Said, ' Sertis J>at es my mgste desire. 10 
 I wold be wurthl for his sake 
 Opon a cros my dfde to take; 
 parto ever sal I rfdl be 
 For any payn J?ou may do me.' 
 Egeas fan, with grfte envy, 15 
 Sent efter al his turmentry, 
 And bad ]mm smertly J?am omang 
 Ordan a cros him for to hang, 
 And fest >arto bgth hend and fete 
 pat ngne of J?am with o)>er mete. 20 
 'Festes him with ngne nayles, I rede, 
 To ger him hastill be sg dede, 
 Bot bindes him to with rapes Strang 
 S9 f>at he may be pyned lang.' 
 To do his biding war >ai bayne; 25 
 A cros J>ai made with al Jmire maine, 
 And handes on him jmn fast j?ai fest, 
 To do him payne J?ai war ful prest. 
 pai led him thurgh J>at cete 
 To Je stfde whare he suld 1 hanget be. 30 
 And al ]?e folk f>at dweld obout 2 
 Gedird togyder in ful grfte rout, 
 1 he, not in MS. 3 bare obout. 

 And al J>us said J?ai )>am omang : 
 'Alias, fis wirking es al wrang; 
 What has J>is rightwis man done ill 
 pat je en }>is wise will him spill? 
 pis ngbill man J>at never did mis 5 
 Ful saklfs suffers he all J>is; 
 Ful saklfs bese he done on rode, 
 And saklfs sail men spill his blode, 
 For he has ever bene blith and glad 
 To mend al men J>at mister had/ 10 
 Saint Andrew ]?an pe puple praid, 
 And al Jms unto f>am he sayd: 
 1 Wendis ogayn, all I 30W pray, 
 And lettes me noght of joy l J>is day ; 
 Desturbes noght now mi passioun, 15 
 For unto blis it makes me boun.' 
 And sone when Saint Andrew bihelde 
 pe cros bifgr him in pe felde, - 
 Unto God made he his prayere, 
 And unto \>e cros on fis manere 20 
 He cried and sayd with ful high voice: 
 'Hayl be f>ou, haly and blisced croyce, 
 pat haloud es and glgrifide 2 
 With Cristes membris on ilk a side ; 
 And honourd es J>ou with his banes 25 
 Wele better J?an with precius stanes. 
 With joyful 3 hert 1 cum to )^e, 
 S9 J^at J}6~u gladli resayve me, 
 Disciple of him withouten pere 
 pat hanged on J>e, mi mayster dere. 30 
 Now es pou. rfdi me on to hang, 
 pat 1 in hert have covayt lang; 
 1 ioy. 2 ever glorifide. 8 ioyful. 
 I have J>e lufde with hert and will, 
 And covayted ever to cum pe till/ 
 Bifgr J>e cros pan knelid he doune, 
 And Jms he made his orisoune : 
 'A, ngbil cros of grfte bounte, 5 
 Frg erthli men resayve now me, 
 And jelde me to my maister gode 1 
 Sg pat he may, with milde mode, 
 By pe resayve me, pat he wroght, 
 Als he thurgh pe frg bale me boght; 10 
 No better bfde I have to byd/ 
 His Qvermast clothes fan of he did ; 
 To pe turmentours he gun pam bede, 
 And bad pai suld do furth paire dede. 
 pe turmentours, when pis was sayde, 15 
 Toke his bodl with bitter brayde; 
 Unto pe cros pai gun it bend, 
 And festid ful fast bgthe fete and hend; 
 And all his bodl ful fast pai band 
 Als Egeas had pam comand. 20 
 When he was bunden sp on brede, 
 pai lete him hing and hpme pai 3ede. 
 Folk gederd ful faste 2 him obout, 
 Of al pat cuntre in grf te rout ; 
 He held his eghen up unto hevin, 25 
 And pus he sayd with joyful stevin: 
 'I se ml Lgrd God Alweldand 3 , 
 And in his sight now here I stand/ 
 Opon pe cros pare quik he hang 
 Two days, prfchand pe puple omang; 30 
 pat was ful lang swilk payn t5 fele, 
 Bot with Crist was he confort wele. 
 1 gude. 2 fast. 3 god end alweldand. 

 TwentI thousand folk war fare 1 
 To here him prfche, with hertes sare 2 . 
 When f?e first day till end was went, 
 Al fat puple by gne assent 
 Til Egeas hous 3 fast J?ai ryn, 5 
 And said al quik J?ai suld him brin, 
 Bot if he tite gert tak him doune 
 pat hanged was ogayns rfsoune. 
 'He is a right wis man,' J?ai say, 
 'And wele has done bgth night and day; 10 
 A ^Sde\fcher ever has he bene, 
 AnoNirfgre suthfast was never sene, 
 And swilk a man, sir, for sertayne 
 Suld noght suffer sg hard payne; 
 parfgre, bot he be tane doun sone, 15 
 In fvil tyme J?at dede was done/ 
 Egeas dred pe puple wrake, 
 And doun he hight him for to take ; 
 And furth he went with J)am in hi, 
 Bgth he and al hys turmentri. 20 
 pi folk thrang efter al on a thrum; 
 And when Saint Andrew saw }?am cum, 
 Of Jaire cumyng he was noght paid, 
 And unto Egeas Jms he sayd: 
 1 Wharto cums f>ou unto me, 25 
 Bot }>ou wald trow in Jesu fre, 
 And lfve f>I maumetes mgre and les 
 And pray to Jesu of forgifnes ? 
 If fou will noght on J>is wise do, 
 Ryn fast gr vengeance cum \>q to. 30 
 pou gettes ng force ne ng fuysoune 
 To negh my bodi ne tak it doune ; 
 1 }>ore. 2 sore. 3 hows. 
 Ml Lgrd will len to me f>at lane 
 pat quik sail I noght doun be tane.' 
 pan turmenturs, with fgir mode 
 Went to him, als pai war wode. 
 pai rugget at him with ful grfte bir, 
 Bot nothing might pai of him stir 1 ; 
 paire armes and handes sone in hi 
 Als pai war herdes, wex pai dri ; 
 Als pai kest up paire armes him till, 
 Als dry stykkes pan stode pai still. 
 Saint Andrew pan made his prayere 
 To mighty God on pis manere. 
 He said, ' Lprd, if it be pi will, 
 In pis stfde let me hing still, 
 pat ngne have power me to fell 
 Doun of pis cros pat I on dwell, 
 Unto pe tyme piself vouche save 
 To pe blis of hevin me for to have ; 
 Bot lat me hing still als I do, 
 Til tyme pou tak ml saul pe to/ 
 When pis was said, par come a light 
 Doun frg pe hevyn with bfmis bright, 
 And umbilappid his bodi about. 
 pe folk parf^re had mekil dout; 
 pai might noght luke for mekil light 
 Unto his bodi, sq was it bright. 
 And als pe light was alpirmaste, 
 To God in hevyn he gaf pe gaste. 
 Egeas was ful dredand pan, 
 And for ferde fast he ran; 
 Bot in pe way, qt he come hame, 
 He sufferd dfd with mekel 2 schame. 
 1 of stir. 3 mykel. 
 Sg sudan sorous war to him sent, 
 Als wurthi was, to wg he went. 
 Saint Andrew saul with angell stevyn, 
 And with f>at light was lift 1 to hevyn 
 Whpre he lendes in ay lastand blis; 5 
 Alweldand God feder us wis. 
 Egeas had a wurthll wife 
 pat lufed Saint Andrew in his life; 
 For him scho ordand a monument, 
 And berid his bodl with trew entent. 10 
 And of his grave, als men might se, 
 Sprang up oyle ful fayre plente 
 pat medcyn was t5 mgre and les, 
 pat }?eder soght for sere sekenes. 
 And by J>at oyl, als says J?e boke 2 , 15 
 Al J?e cuntre ensaumple toke; 
 For, when it sprang on sides sere, 
 pan hgpid J>ai for to have gude jjere 
 Of corn and fruyt and opev thing ; 
 And when J>ai saw it skarsli spring, 20 
 pan hgpid f ai to have skant of corn, 
 And of fruyt, als I sayd biforn. 
 I. On the Nature of the Bee. 
 The bee has thre kyndis. Ane es J>at 3 scho es never ydill, and 
 scho es noghte with thaym Jat will noghte wyrke, bot castys 
 thaym owte and puttes thaym awaye. Anothire es J>at, when scho 25 
 flyes, scho takes erthe in hyr fete 4 fat scho be noghte lyghtly 
 gverheghede in the ayere of wynde. The thyrde es that scho 
 . i lifted. 2 buke. 3 p, as often. * fette. 
 kepes clfn and bryghte hire winges. Thus, ryghtwyse men fat 
 lufes God are never in ydillnes : for * owthire fay ere in travayle, 
 prayand or thynkande or redande or othere gude doande, or 
 withtakand 2 ydill mene, and schewand thaym worthy to be put 
 fra f e ryste of hevene for thay will noghte travayle. Here fay i 
 take erthe, fat es fay halde f amselfe vile and erthely that thay be 
 noghte blawene with f e wynde of vanyte and of pryde. Thay 
 kepe thaire wynges clfne; that es, fe twa commandementes of 
 charyte fay fulfill in gud concyens, and thay hafe othyr vertus 
 unblendide with f e fylthe of syne and undone luste. Aristotill sais I 
 fat f e bees are feghtande agaynes hym fat will drawe f aire hony 
 fra thaym ; swa sulde we do agaynes devells fat afforces t5 rf ve 
 fra us f e hony of povre lyfe and of grace. For many are fat never 
 kane halde in 3 f e ordyre of lufe ynesche f aire frendys, sybbe or frem- 
 ede, bot outhire fay lufe f aym gvermekill or thay lufe f am gverlyttill, 3 
 settand thaire thoghte unryghtwysely on thaym, or fay lufe thaym 
 9verlyttill yf fay doo noghte all as fey wolde till fame. JSwylke 
 kane noghte fyghte for thaire hony, forthy f e develle turnes it to 
 wormes, and makes f eire saules oftesythes full bitter in angwys 
 and tene, and besynes of vayne thoghtes and of er wrechidnes ; 
 for thay are sg hevy in erthely frenchype fat fay may noghte flee 
 into fe lufe of Jesu 4 Criste, in fe wylke fay moghte well forgaa 
 f e lufe of all erf aturs lyfande in erthe. Wharefgre, accordandly, 
 Arystotill sais fat some fowheles are of gude flyghyng, fat passes 
 fra a land to anothire. Some are of ill flyghynge for hevynes of : 
 body and for f aire neste es noghte ferre fra f e erthe. Thus es it 
 of thaym fat turnes fam to Godes servys. Some are of gude 
 flyghynge for thay flye fra erthe to hevene, and rystes thaym thare 
 in thoghte, and are fedde in delite of Goddes lufe and has thoghte 
 of na lufe of f e worlde. Some are fat kan noghte flye fra f is 
 lande, bot in f e waye late theyre herte ryste, and delytes 5 f aym in 
 sere lufes of mene and womene, als fay come and gaa, nowe ane 
 1 ff for cap f, as occasionally. 2 wttakand ; wt, as often for with. 
 3 in, not in MS. 4 Ihu, as always. 5 dalyttes. 
 and nowe anothire. And in Jesu Crlste fay kan fynde na swettnes ; 
 or if fay any tyme fele oghte it es swa lyttill and swa schorte, for 
 othire thoghtes fat are in thaym, fat it brynges thaym till na 
 stabylnes. Or fay are lyke till a fowle fat es callede strucyo, or 
 storke, fat has wenges arid it may noghte flye for charge of body. 5 
 Swa fay hafe undirstandynge, and fastes and wakes and semes 
 haly to mens syghte, bot thay may noghte flye to lufe and con- 
 templacyone of God, fay are sg chargede wyth othyre affeccyons 
 and othire vanytes. 
 ii. a notabill tretys off the ten comandementys 
 Drawene by Richerde the Hermyte off Hampull. 
 The fyrste comandement es, ' Thy Lgrde God f ou \ sail loute 10 
 and til hym anely f ou sail serve.' In this comandement es for- 
 bgden all mawmetryse, all wychecrafte and charemynge, the wylke 
 may do na remedy till any seknes of mane, woman, or bf ste, for 
 fay erre f e snarrys of f e develle by f e whilke he afforces hym to 
 dyssayve manekynde. Alswa in f is comandement es forbgdyn to 15 
 gyffe trouthe till sorcerye or till dyvynynges 2 by sternys, or by 
 drfmys, or by any swylke thynges. Astronomyenes byhaldes f e 
 daye and f e houre and f e poynte fat man es borne in, and undir 
 whylke sygne 3 he es borne, and f e poynte fat he begynnes to be 
 in, and by fire sygnes 4 and of er fay saye fat that 5 sail befall f e 20 
 man aftyrwarde ; bot theyre errowre es reproffede of haly doctours. 
 Haly crosses man sail lowte for thay are in sygne 3 of Cryste 
 crucyf lede. To ymages es f e lovynge fat es till thaym of whaym 
 f ai 6 are f e ymages ; for fat entent anely f ai 6 are for t5 lowte. 
 The tothire comandement es, ' pou sail noghte take f e name 2 5 
 of God in vayne/ Here es forbgdene athe withowttene chfson. 
 He fat nevenes God and swfris fals, dispyses 7 God. In thre 
 maners mane may syne in swf rynge ; that es, if he swf re agayne 
 1 \. 2 dyvynynges 3 syngne. 4 syngnes. s Jjay say that ; 
 repetition of preceding. 6 J>aire. 7 despyse. 
 his concyence, or if he swf re be Cryste wondes or blude, that es 
 evermare grft syne f ofe it be sothe that he swfris, for it sounes in 
 irreverence 1 of Jesu Cryste. Alsp, if he com agaynes his athe, 
 noght fulfilland fat he has sworne. The nam of God es takyn in 
 vayne one many maners, with herte, with mouthe, with werke. 
 With herte takes false crystyn mene it in vayne, fat rescheyves f e 
 sacrement withowttene grace in sawle. With mouthe es it tane 
 in vayne with all athes brfkynge ; of new prfchynge fat es vanyte 
 and undevpcyone ; prayere when we honour God with oure lippes 
 and oure hertys erre ferre fra hym. With werke ypocrittes takes 
 Goddes nam in vayne, for they feyne gud dede withowttene, and 
 fey erre withowtten charyte and vertue and force of sawle to 
 stand agayne all ill styrrynges. The thirde comandement es, 'Um- 
 bethynke the fat thou halo we f 1 halydaye.' This comandement 
 may be takyn in thre maneres : firste 2 , generally, J>at we sesse of 
 all vyces ; sithen, special!, J>at we sesse of alle bodill werkis 3 fat 
 lettys devQcyone to God in prayenge and thynkynge ; the thyrde 
 es specyall, als in contemplaytyfe men fat departis faym fra all 
 werdly thynges swa fat fey haly 4 gyfe f aym till God. The fyrste 
 manere es nedfull us to do, the tothire we awe to do, the thirde 
 es perfeccyone ; forth!, one f e halydaye men awe, als God byddys, 
 to If fe all syne and do na werke fat lettis thaym to gyfte f aire 
 herte to Godd, thatt fay halowe f e daye in ryst and devgcyone 
 and dedys of charyte. 
 The ferthe comandement es, ' Honoure thy fadyre and f ! modyre/ 
 That es, in twa thynges, fat es bodyly and gastely: bodyly, in 
 sustenance, fat fay be helpede and sustaynede in f aire elde, and 
 when fay are unmyghtty of f aymeselfe ; gastely, in reverence and 
 bouxomnes fat fay say to f am na wordes of myssawe, ne un- 
 honeste, ne of displfsance unavysedly, bot serve fame mekely 
 and gladly and lawlyly fat fay may wyne fat Godde hyghte to 
 swylke barnes, fat es, lande of lyghte. And if fay be df de, f aym 
 1 irrevence. 2 ffirste. 3 ' sithen . . . werkis,' from Arundel MS. 
 507. * hally. 
 awe to helpe faire sawles with almousdedes and prayers. The 
 fifte comandement es, fat ' Thou slaa na man, nowthire with 
 assente, ne with worde or favour.' And alsg here es forbgden 
 unryghtwyse hurtynge of any persone. Thay are slafrs gastely 
 fat will noghte feede fe pover in nede, and fat defames men, 5 
 and fat confoundes innocentys. The sexte commandement es, 
 * Thou sail be na lichoure.' pat es, thou sail have na man or 
 womane bot fat f ou has taken in fourme of haly kyrke. Alswa 
 here es forbgdene all maner of wilfull pollusyone, procurede one 
 any maner agaynes kyndly oys or of er gates. 10 
 The sevende comandement es, ' Thou sail noghte do na thyfte.' 
 In f e whylke es forbgden all manere of withdraweynge of of er 
 men thynges wrangwysely agaynes faire wyll fat aghte it, bot 
 if it were in tyme of maste nede when all thynges erre comone. 
 Alsg here es forbgdene gillery of weghte or of tale, or of mett 15 
 or of mfsure, or thorow okyre or violence or drede, als bf dells 
 and foresters duse, and mynystyrs of fe kynge, or thurghe ex- 
 torcyone as lgrdes duse. The aughtene commandement es, that 
 ' Thou sail noghte bf re false wyttnes agaynes thl neghteboure,' 
 als in assys or cause of matremoyne. And alsg lyenges ere for- 20 
 bgden in fis commandement, and forswfreynge. Bot all lyenges 
 are noght dfdly syn, bot if fay noye till som man bodyly or 
 gastely. The nynde commandement es, * Thou sail noghte covayte 
 fe hous or of er thynge, mgbill or immgbill, of f 1 neghtbour with 
 wrange/ Ne fou sail noghte hald ofer mens gude if fou may 25 
 3elde thaym, ellis f 1 penance saves f noghte. The tend comande- 
 ment es, * Thou sail noghte covayte f 1 neghtebours wyefe, ne his 
 servande, ne his mayden, ne mgbylls of his/ He lufes God fat 
 kepis thire commandements for lufe. His neghtebour hym awe 
 to lufe als hymselfe, fat es, till f e same gude fat he lufes hym- 30 
 selfe to, na thynge till ill; and fat he lufe his neghtbour saule 
 mare fan his body, or any gudes of f e worlde. 
 l 2 
 Today Sain Louk telles us, 
 In our godspel, fat Jesus 
 Spac of Iping }>at es to com, 
 And namellc of pe dai of dom. 
 Takning he saide 1 sal be don 5 
 Bathe in }>e son and in ]>e mon, 
 And in ]>e sternes al biden; 
 And folc sal ]>q\ wandrff) and ten, 
 For folc sal dwin 2 for din of se 
 And for baret J>at J>an sal be. 10 
 Qver al ]^is werd bes rfdnes, 
 Wandrff> and uglines, 
 For mihti gastes of pe hevin 
 Sal be afrayed of J>at stevin; 
 pan sal Crist cum J>at men may se 15 
 In maistri and in grft pouste. 
 Quen f>is bigines for to be, 
 Lokes up and ye may se 
 pat your bling and your pris 
 Ful ner cumen tilward you es. 20 
 Himself our bring he es 3 calde, 
 For he boht us quen he was salde. 
 Quen Crist havid said J>is grimli sau, 
 An ensampel gan he schau, 
 And said, 'Quen ye se lffes spring, 25 
 And J>ir tres froit forj^e bring, 
 said. 2 duin. 3 es, not in MS. 
 pan wat $e ! wel J?at somer es ner ; 
 Als may ye wit on J>at maner, 
 Quen ye se Jir takeninges in land, 
 pat Crist es ful ner cumand. 
 For hevin and erf>e sal passe 2 far, 5 
 Bot my word passes never mar'; 
 Als qua sai, fing fat I you telle 
 Ne mai na miht fordo ne felle. 
 Quen f is werld fat I mad of noht 
 Sal be gane and til end broht, 10 
 pan sal ml word be sofefast, 
 For mi kinric sal ever last/ 
 pis es J?e strengj^e of our gospel, 
 Als man wij) 3 Inglis tung may tel. 
 pe maister on )?is godspel prgches, 15 
 And sais fat Crist J?arin us tfches 
 For to forsak J>is werdes winne, 
 Ful of wrechedhf d and sinne ; 
 For Crist sais us hou it sal end, 
 And warnes us ful fair als frend. 20 
 He telles us takeninges snelle, 
 par hp biginnes his godspelle, 
 And sais, ' Kinric sal rohly rise, 
 Igain kinric and ger men grise, 
 For bale sal ger Ipir bernes blede, 25 
 And mak in land hunger and nede; 
 pis bale sal bald baret breu, 
 And fel irfflceKof J?is werdes gleu/ 
 Slic wora^s-aid Crist of J>Tr wers 
 pat folc in werd ful derfe ders 4 ; 30 
 For quatkin wer sal fal in land, 
 Til pover folk es it sarest schouand. 
 2 pas. 3 wit, as usual. * derf deres. 
 pat felis wel nou hall kirk 
 pat bers 1 of baret be ful irk; 
 For it and pover men havis bape 
 Of wer and wandrfp 2 al pe schape. 
 pis baret pinnes pover pride, 
 Als pai wel wat pat walkes wide, 
 Bot werdes aht 3 and hey tures 
 Gf tes plr cite men fra stures ; 
 ForpI riche men havis ay iwis, 
 Inohe of mft and drinc and blis, 
 Bot pover pgles pe baret, 
 pat havis defaut of clape and mft. 
 And forpl warnes Jesus bape, 
 Riche and pover, of paire 4 schape, 
 par he schaues in our godspelle 
 Takeninges pat bird our pride felle. 
 He sais takeninges sal be don 
 Bape in pe sone and in pe mon; 
 pe sun sal turn intil mirknes, 
 As sais Joel, pat bfrs witnes 
 Of Crist pat plr takeninges us schaues 
 In our godspelle wip grisli sawes. 
 For mon, he sais, sal turned be 
 Intil blod pat folk sal se ; 
 Quen sun and mon sal pusgat turn, 
 pan sal pe sinful sare 5 scum, 
 For pan may pai wit witerly 
 pat Crist sal com to dem in hi. 
 Bot gode 6 men sal naming dred, 
 For pan sal pai be seker of med, 
 In pat blisful land pat pai 
 Sal ever lif in gamen and play. 
 1 Camb. MS. reads aght. 2 wandreht. s haht. 4 >air. 
 5 sar. 6 god. 
 And Crist in our godspel forJ>y 
 Confortes us ful mildell, 
 And bides us lok til grouand tres; 
 For quen men lfves on J>aim sees, 
 Men wat J>at ful ner es somer comand, 5 
 And riht sua mai we understand, 
 Quen we se J>Ir takenis cume, 
 pat nerhand es J>e dai of dom. 
 Bot for Crist spfkes of takeninge, 
 pat ttyand of f>is dom sal bringe, 10 
 Forf>i es god J>at I you telle 
 Sum ping of jnr takeninges snelle. 
 Sain Jerom telles j?at fiften 
 Ferll takeninges sal be sen 
 Bifgr ]>e day of dom, and sal 15 
 Ilk an of J>aim on ser dai fal. 
 pe firste 1 dai sal al j?e se 
 Boln and ris, and heyer be 
 pan am fel of al J>e land, 
 And als a felle up sal it stand; 20 
 pe heyt }>arof sal passe f>e felles 
 Bi sexti fot, als Jerom telles; 
 And als mikel ]?e tof>er day 
 Sal it sattel and wit away, 
 And be lauer fan it nou esse 25 
 For water sal it haf wel lesse. 
 pe J>ride dai, mersuine and qualle, 
 And of>er grf te 2 rises alle, 
 Sal yel and mak sa reuful ber 
 pat soru sal it be to her. 30 
 pe ferfe day, freis water and se 
 Sal bren als fir and glouand be. 
 pe fifte 1 day, sal grese 2 and tres 
 Suft blodi deu f>at grisli bes. 
 pe sexte day, sal doun falle 
 Werdes werks, ba]?e tours and halle. 
 pe sevend day, sal stanes grft 
 Togider smit and bremly bgte. 
 And all J>e erthe, )?e achtande day, 
 Sal stir and quae and al folc slay 3 . 
 pe neynde 4 day, J>e felles 5 alle 
 Be mad al fvin wif> erj>e salle. 
 pe tende 6 day, sal folc up crep, 
 Als wode 7 men, of pittes dep. 
 pe elleft day, sal banes rise 
 And stand on graves ]?ar men nou lies. 
 pe tuelfte 8 day, sal sternes falle. 
 pe pretend day, sal men 9 dey alle, 
 Wib ober df de 10 men to rise, 
 And com wib bairn to grft aslse. 
 pe faurtend day, at a schift, 
 Sal babe brin, babe erbe and lift. 
 pe fifetende day, bai babe 
 Sal be mad newe and fair ful raje; 
 And alle dfde 11 men sal rise, 
 And cum bifgr Crist our justise. 
 pan sal Crist dem als king ful wis, 
 And ger be sinful sare grise ; 
 Sa grisli sal he to bairn be, 
 pat bairn war lever bat bai moht fie 
 Fra bat dom fat he sal dem 
 pan al bis werd; sa bes he brem 
 1 fift. 2 greses. 3 flay ; Camb. MS. slay. 4 neynd. 
 6 tend. 7 wod. 8 tuelft. quek men. 
 11 al ded. 
 Till faim fat sinful cumes far; 
 And for]?! sal fai grete 1 sar, 
 And say 'Alias, fat we war born, 
 Schamlic haf we us self forlorn/ 
 pan salle fair wike dedes alle 5 
 Stand and faim igaines 2 kalle, 
 And wif fair takening bfr witnes 
 Of fair sin and fair wiknes. 
 Of mikel soru sal fai telle, 
 For Satenas wif feres felle, 10 
 To bind faim he sal be ful snelle, 
 And bremli drawe 3 faim till helle; 
 par J>ai sal evermare duelle, 
 And wafullic in pines welle, 
 And endelfs of soru telle. 15 
 pis bes fair dom fat her in sin 
 Ligges, and wil fair sin noht blin ; 
 Bot wald f ai fink on domesdai, 
 paim birde 4 Iff fair plihtful play. 
 Alias, alias, quat sal f ai say 20 
 BifQre 5 him, fat mihtful may, 
 Quen al f e men fat was and esse 
 Sal se fair sines mare and lesse, 
 And all f e angeles of f e hevin, 
 And ma fendes fan man mai nefen? 25 
 Igainsawe may far nan be, 
 Of f ing fat alle men may se. 
 Of f is Qpenllc schauing 
 Havis Godd schawed many takning ; 
 Of a takning 7 I haf herd telle, 30 
 pat falles wel til our godspelle. 
 gret. a igaines ]>aim. 3 draw. 4 bird. 5 befor. 
 6 taking. 7 taking that. 
 A blak munk of an abbaye 
 Was enfermer, als I herd say l ; 
 He was halden an hall man 
 Imange his felaus everilk an. 
 An cloyster monk loved him ful wel, 5 
 And was til him ful special, 
 For rlvelic togider drawes 
 Faibful frendes and god felawes 2 . 
 Fel auntour J>at bis enfermer 
 Was sek, and he J>at was him 3 der 10 
 Com to mak him glad and blibe, 
 And his lufredene til him to kibe; 
 He asked him hou he him felid, 
 And he his stat alle til him telld, 
 And said, 'Ful harde 4 fel I me, 15 
 To dfde I drawe als ye mai se7 
 His felau was for him sary, 
 And praied him ful gem forJ?Ie, 
 pat yef Godd did of him his wille 
 pat he suld scheu his stat him tille. 20 
 pis seke monk hiht to com him to, 
 Yef he moht gete Iff ]?arto; 
 1 1 sal/ he said, ' yef I may, 
 Com to pe, my stat to say.' 
 Quen J?is was sayd he deyed son, 25 
 And his felau asked his bon, 
 And prayed Godd, for his mercye, 
 pat he suld schew him Qpenly, 
 Qper wakand or slepand, 
 Of his felawe 5 sum tif>and ; 30 
 And als he lay apon a niht, 
 1 of all i herd say ; Camb. MS. als i herd say. 2 faithe lufreden god 
 felawes ; Camb. MS. faithefulle frendes & felaus. s til him. 4 hard. 
 5 felaw state : Camb. MS. omits state. 
 His felaw com wib lemes liht, 
 And tald him baf>e of hevin and helle. 
 And he prayed he suld him telle 
 His state; and he said, 'Wei far I, 
 pom be help of our Lffdi; 5 
 War scho nafd 1 ben, I hand gan, 
 To won in helle wib Satan/ 
 His felau boht herof ferly, 
 And asked him quarfpr and qui, 
 And sayd, 'We wend alle wel f>at J>6u 10 
 Haved ben an hall man til nou ; 
 Hou sal it far of us kaytefes 
 pat in sin and foil lyfes 2 , 
 Quen bou J>at led sa hall life 
 Was demed till helle 3 for to drife?' 15 
 Quen ]?is was said, pe dfd ansuerd 
 And tald his felaw hou he ferd ; 
 And said, ' Son, quen I gaf J?e gaste, 
 Till my dom was I led in haste, 
 And als I st5d my dom to her 20 
 Bifgr Jesus, wif> drerl cher, 
 Of fendes herd ic man! upbrayd, 
 And a boc was bifgr me layd 
 pat was ]?e reuel of Sain Benet, 
 pat ic hiht to hald and get. 25 
 pis reul f>ai gert me rapli rede; 
 And als I red, sar gan 1 drede, 
 For gverlop 4 moht I mac nan, 
 Bot of J?e clauses everilk an 
 Yald ic account, hou 1 J>aim held, 30 
 And my consciens gan me meld. 
 It schawed J?ar ful gpenlye 
 pat I led mi lif wrangwlslie ; 
 ne hafd. 2 lyes. 3 tille hell. 4 Camb. MS. overlepe. 
 For in fe reul es man! pas 
 pat f>an igain me casten was, 
 QuarJ?oru almast haved I fare 
 Ben demid til helle for to fare. 
 Bot for 1 lufed wel our Lffdye 
 Quil I lifd, ic hafd forfle 
 Ful god help J>ar, foru hir mercy. 
 For scho bisoht Crist inwardlle 
 pat I moht in purgatorle 
 Clens ml sin and mi folye. 
 Forf>i hgp I to far ful wele 1 , 
 For mi soru sal son kele; 
 Forfri, my fiend, I praie 2 f>e, 
 pat f>ou ger felaus prai for me.' 
 Quen J?is was said, awai he went, 
 And his felawe ful mikel him ment, 
 And efter J>is siht man! a dai 
 Gert he for his sawell prai. 
 pis tale 3 haf I tald you 
 To schaw on quat maner and hou 
 We sal be demed, and yeld acount 
 Quat our sinnes mai amount; 
 For al sal com to rounge iwis, 
 par f>at her mistakin isse 
 Bl J?e lfste 4 idel f>oht, 
 For )?ar forgifnes bes riht noht. 
 pan sal we bye ]>e sines dere 
 Of quilke we er noht schriven here; 
 Yef we be her of sines schriven, 
 par havis Godd us faim forgiven, 
 For}?! birdd us our sin her bete 
 Wif> schrift of moufe and wgnges wete. 
 1 welle. 2 prai. 3 tal. * lest. 
 For schrift of mouf>e es medeclne 
 pat schildes man fra hellepln, 
 For if we schrlf us (elf n \>( sinne 
 WiJ> penans l , df d werrf haf winne, 
 And mai be siker on domesdai 5 
 To wind intil ]?at blisful plai, 
 par Crist sal ever mar be king; 
 For his mercl he Jrider us bring. Amen. 
 LfTHEs and I sail tell 30W tyll 
 pe bataile of Halidon Hyll. 10 
 Trew king J>at sittes in trgne, 
 Unto pe 1 tell my tale, 
 And unto pe I s bid'a bone, f^#*-\ 
 For J>6u ert bute of all my bale.^cw-w- 
 Als J>ou made midelfrd and pe mone, 15 
 And bestes and fowles grfte and smale, 
 Unto me send pi socore sone 
 ^^ And dresce my dedes in J?is dale. 
 In J>is dale I droupe and dare 
 For derne 2 dedes )?at done me dfre ; ^a- - ^ 20 
 Of Ingland had my hert grfte care 
 When Edward founded first to wfre. $-4JL> 
 pe Frenche men war frek to fare 
 Ogaines him with scheld and spfre ; 
 pai turned ogayn with sides sare, \ 25 
 And al }?aire pomp noght worth a pf re. j c ^/^ 
 1 penanz. - dern. 
 A p^re of prise es more sumtyde 
 pan all pe bpste of NormandyeJ^^ J^^^ 
 pai sent J^aire schippes on illTasIde **+ <ot ^ 
 With flesch and wine and whfte and rye; 
 With hert and hand, es noght Cat. hide, 5 
 For to help Scotland gan )mi hye ; ' kw** K*tf afc^ 
 pai fled and durst ng dede abide 2 , 
 And all J>aire fare noght wurth a flye. 
 For 3 all J>aire fare J?ai durst noght fight, 
 For dfdes dint had J>ai slike dout ; 10 
 Of Scotland had J?ai never sight 
 Ay whils J>ai war of wordes stout, 
 pai wald have mfnd fam at Jmire might ca^^^njjj 
 And besy war pai J>are obout; 
 Now God help Edward in his right, 15 
 Amen, and all his rfdy rowt. Tjv ^ 
 His rfdy rout mot Jesu 4 spede. 
 And save J?am bpth by night and day; 
 pat Lgrd of hevyn mot Edward lfde, 
 And maintfne him als he wele may. 
 pe Scottes now all wide will sprf de ; 
 For f>ai have failed of jmire pray ; 
 Now er f>ai (Jareand all for drede,W*iO*U** 
 pat war bifgre S9 stout and gay. 
 Gai J>ai war, and wele J>ai thoght 
 On pe Erie Morre and 6f>er ma; 
 pai said it suld ful dere be boght ^kJL 
 pe land fat J>ai war flemid fra. 
 Philip Valays wordes wroght, 
 And said he suld J?aire enmys sla; 
 Bot all Jmire wordes was for noght, 
 pai mun be met^f fai war ma. 
 Normondye. 2 habide. 3 ffor. * Ihu, as usual. 
 Ma manasinges jit have )?ai maked, 
 Mawgre mot j?ai have to mede; 
 And many nightes als have >ai waked ^^ 
 To dfre all Ingland with J>aire dede. 
 Bot, loved be God, J?e pride es slaked . 5 
 Of J>am ]?at war sp stout on stede ; 
 And sum of J>am es lfvid all naked 
 Noght fer frg Berwik opon Twede. 
 A Htell frg )?at forsaid toune, 
 Halydon Hill J>at es J^e name, 10 
 pare was crakked many a crowne 
 Of wllde 1 Scottes and als 2 of tame, 
 pare was J?aire baner born all doune, 
 To mak slike bgste j?ai war to blame ; 
 Bot neverj>elfs ay er J>ai boune **W 15 
 To wait Ingland with sorow and schame. 
 Shame J>ai have als I here say; 
 At Donde now es done J^aire daunce, 
 And wend }?ai most anof>er way 
 vyn thurgh Flandres into France. 20 
 On Filip Valays 3 fast crl J>ai, 
 pare for to dwell and him avaunce; 
 And ngthing list |?am ]mn of play 
 Sen J?am es tide J>is sary chance. 
 pis sary chaunce Jam es bitid, 25 
 For J>ai war fals and wonder fell ; crw^J^ 
 For cursed caitefes er J?ai kid n . y^ ^ ^^^^ 
 And ful of trf son, suth to tell. 
 Sir Jpn Ipe Comyn had J>ai hid, 
 In haly kirk J?ai did him qwell ; 30 
 And f>arfQre many a Scottys brid 
 With dole er dight jrar 4 f>ai most dwell. 
 1 wild. 2 alls. 3 Valas. * pat. 
 pare dwelled oure king, pe suth to saine, 
 t-JXo***.' ..With his mfn^e a Htell while ; 
 He gaf gude confort on J>at plaine 
 To all his men obout a myle. 
 All if his men war mekill of maine, 5 
 Ever J>ai douted p>am of gile; 
 J^v-ur^ pe Scottes gaudes might nothing gain, 
 For all j?ai stumbilde at J>at stile. 
 pus in fat stowre J>ai left Jmire live 
 pat war bifpre sq proud in prfse ; 10 
 Jesu, for Jri woundes five, 
 In Ingland help us to have pfse. 
 Now for to tell 50W will I turn 
 Of pe * batayl of Banocburn. 
 Skottes out of Berwlk and of Aberdene, 15 
 At pe Bannok burn war %e to kene; 
 pare slogh 5e many saklfs, als it was sene, nn-*-v^^ 
 And now has King Edward wrpken it, I wene. 
 It es wrpken, I wene, wele wurth pe while; 
 k^~War jit with pe Skottes, for J>ai er ful of gile. 20 
 Whare er je, Skottes of Saint Jghnes toun ? 
 pe bpste of jowre baner es btin all doune ; 
 ^*W When je bgsting will bede, Sir Edward es boune , '-%W> 
 w u%-. * .. For to kindel ^ow care and crak 3<5wre crowne. 
 He has crakked jowre croune, wele worth pe while ; 25 
 Shame bityde pe Skottes, for )?ai er full of gile. 
 Skottes of Striflin war stern 2 and stout, 
 Of God ne of gude men had J>ai ng dout;^*n 
 1 Ao j>e in MS. a steren. 
 Now have pai, pe pelers, priked obout, 
 Bot at pe last Sir Edward rifild paire rout; [ 
 He has rifild baire rout, wele , wurth be while, 
 . Bot ever er pai under bot gaudes and gile.twv 
 Rughmte riv eling, now kindels pi care, 5 
 XBfrebag with pi bgste, pi biging es bare ; ^^->' w ^ 
 Fals wretche and forsworn, whider wilt ou fare ? 
 jv Busk pe unto Brughes l and abide fare; 
 pare, wretche, salt ou won and wery pe while, 
 pi dwelling in Dunde es done for pi gile. 10 
 pe Skotte 2 gase in Burghes and bftes pe stretes,_ 7bUL - 1 
 All pise Inglis men harmes he hetes; ; ^uu~> 
 Fast makes he his mgne to men pat he metes, 
 Bot^igne frendes he findes pat his bale betes :-**~v*1m- 
 f"> Fune betes his bale, wele wurth pe while, 15 
 He uses all thrfting with gaudes and gile. 
 Bot many man thrftes and spfkes ful ill 
 pat sumtyme war better to be stanestill; 
 pe Skot in his wordes has wind for to spill, 
 For at pe last Edward sail have at his will : 20 
 He had his will at Berwik, wele wurth pe while ; 
 Skottes broght him pe kayes, bot gft for paire gile. 
 How Edward pe King come to Braband 
 And tok homage of all pe land. 
 God pat schope bgth sf and sand, 25 
 Save Edward, King of Ingeland 3 , 
 Bpthe 4 body, saul and life, 
 And grante him joy withowten strif; 
 1 Brig. 2 skottes. 3 Ingland. 4 both. 
 For man! men to him er wrath 1 
 In Fraunce and in Flandres bath 2 ; 
 For he defendes fast his right, 
 And J>arto Jesu grante him might, 
 And sq to do bpth night and day, 5 
 pat yt may be to Goddes pay. 
 Oure King was cumen, trewly 3 to tell, 
 Into Brabant for to dwell. 
 pe kayser Lowis of Bavere, 
 pat in Jat land J>an had no pere, 10 
 He, and als his sones 4 twa 5 
 And oJ>er princes many ma 6 ; 
 Bisschoppes and prelates war J>are ffle 
 pat had ful mekill werldly wfle, 
 Princes and pople, aid and 3ung 7 , 15 
 Al J>at spac with Duche tung, 
 All f>ai come with grfte honowre 
 Sir Edward to save and socoure, 
 And proferd him, with all J>ayre rfde, 
 For to hald J?e Kinges stfde. 20 
 pe duke of Braband first of all 
 Swore, for thing J?at might bifall, 
 pat he suld, bgth day and night, 
 Help Sir Edward in his right, 
 In toun, in feld, in frith and fen ; 25 
 pis swore f>e duke and all his men, 
 And al pe lgrdes J>at with him lend,oJU^ 
 And farto held J^ai up J?aire hend. 
 pan King Edward toke his rest 
 At Andwerp, whare him liked best; 30 
 And J>are he made his mone playne 
 pat ng man suld say p>are ogayne; 
 1 wroth. 2 both. 3 trely. * sons. 5 two. 
 6 mo. 7 jong. 
 His mgne fat was gude and lele x**^ 
 Left in Braband ful mekill dele ; 
 And all fat land untill f is day 
 Fars f e better, for fat jornay. 
 When Philip fie Valays 1 herd of fis, 5 
 parat he was ful wrgth iwis; 
 He^gert assemble his barounes, 
 Princes and Jgrdes of many tounes. 
 At Pariss toke f ai f aire counsaile, 
 Whilk pointes might Jam mgste availe ; 10 
 And in all wise f ai f am bithoght 
 To stroy Ingland and bring to noght. 
 Schipmen sone war efter sent 
 To here fe Kinges cumandment, 
 And fe galaies men alsa 2 15 
 pat wiste 3 bgth of wfle and wa 4 . 
 He cumand fan fat men suld fare 
 Till Ingland, and for nothing spare 
 Bot brin and sla bgth man and wife 
 And rfulde^at npne suld pas with life; 20 
 pe galaymen held up f aire handes 
 And thanked God of fir tlf andesrtis^, ^ 
 At Hamton, als I understand, 
 Come fe galayes 5 unto land, 
 And ful fast fai slogh and brend, 25 
 Bot noght S9 mekill als sum men wend ; 
 For, gr fai wened war fai mett 
 With men fat sone faire laykes lett.JL.^^ 
 Sum was knokked on f e hfvyd 
 pat fe body fare bilfvid ; ^^^w^ 30 
 Sum lay stareand on f e sternes, <v^v? 
 And sum lay kngked out faire hemes; '>**. 
 Valas. 2 also. s wist. 4 wo. 
 5 gaylayes. 
 M 2 
 pan with fam was npne 6f>er gle, 
 Bot ful fain war fai fat might fie. 
 pe galay men, J?e suth to say, 
 Most nedes turn anofer way; 
 pai soght f e strfmis fer and wide 5 
 v^ In Flandres and in Sf land side. 
 pan saw f ai whare Cristofer stode 
 At Aremouth 1 , opon J?e flode 2 ; 
 pan went 3 J>ai feder all bidene, c^ e^ .TToyxJ^ 
 pe galayes men with hertes kene, ^*^^ ^ 10 
 Aght and fourti 4 galays and ma 5 , 
 And with fam als war tarettes twa 6 ,^^f 
 And of er many of galigtes, o JJ f<y\^o 
 With grfte noumber of smale bgtes ; 
 All fai hgved on fe flode 15 
 To stf le Sir Edward mennes 7 gode. 
 Edward oure King fan was noght fere, 
 Bot sone when it come to his fre-**^ 
 He sembled all his men full still, 
 And said to fam what was his will. 20 
 Ilk man made him rfdy fen; 
 S9 went f e King and all his men 
 Unto faire schippes ful. hastily, 
 Als men fat war in dede doghty. 
 pai fand f e galay men grf te wane 8 ,*^-~vW^ 25 
 A hundereth ever ogaynes ane 9 ; 
 pe Inglis men put fam to wf re ^^^^~~-*v^> 
 Ful baldely 10 with bow and spf re ; 
 pai slogh fare of f e galaies men 
 Ever sexty ogaynes ten, 30 
 pat sum ligges 3U in fat mire, 
 All hfvidlfs withowten hire. , 
 1 armouth. 2 flude.' 3 wen. * viii and xl. 6 mo. 6 two. 
 7 mens. 8 wone. 9 one. 10 baldly. 
 pe Inglis men war armed wele 
 Bgth in yren and in stele ; 
 ])ai faght ful fast, bgth day and night, 
 Als lange 1 als fam lasted might; 
 Bot galay men war sg many 5 
 pat Inglis men wex all wery; 
 Help fai soght bot fare come nane 2 , 
 pan unto God fai made faire mane^ 
 Bot sen pe time fat God was born, 
 Ne a hundreth ^ere biforn, 10 
 War never men better in fight 
 pan Inglis men, whils J>ai had myght. 
 Bot sone all maistri gan fai mis; 
 God bring f aire saules untill his blis, 
 And God assoyl fam of faire sin 15 
 For f e gude will fat }>ai war in. Amen. 
 Listens now, and leves me, WkLu^ 
 \Vh0s9 lifes fai sail se' 
 pat it ^mun be ful dere boght 
 pat fir galay men have wroght. 20 
 pai hoved still opon f e, fiode, 
 y-kji^y. ^nd r | ve( j pover men faire gode 4 ; 
 pai robbed and did mekill schame, 
 And ay bare Inglis men f e blame. 
 Now Jesus 5 save all Ingeland 6 , 25 
 And blis it with his haly hand.. Amen. 
 1 lang. 2 none. 3 mone. * gude. 6 Ihc. 6 Ingland. 
 How Jghn of Lome soucht ]?e gud Kyng Robert Bruce wyth 
 pe sleuth hund. ^v^MjT^ 
 pi kyng toward pe wod 1 is gane, 
 Wery, forswat, and will of wayri ; 
 Iritill J>e wod soyn enterit he, 
 And held him 2 doun toward a vale 
 Quhar throu pe wod a wattir ran. 5 
 piddir in grft hy went 3 he J?an 
 And begouth to 4 rest hym J>air, 
 And said he mycht 5 ng forjrirmar. 
 His man said, ' Schir G , ]?at may nocht 7 be ; 
 Abyde 3he heir, $e sal soyn se <A " K *\ 10 
 Fiffe 8 hundreth aar nan d 30U to sla, 
 And ]mi ar jgle. aganis us twa ; fplA^AV' 
 qu/J^ And sen we may nocht deill wyth mycht,;j 
 Help us all J>at we may wyth slycht.' 
 pe kyng said, 'Sen J>at J>ou will swa, 15 
 Ga furth and I sail with J>e ga. .-/*j 
 Bot I haf herd oftsljys 9 say, jrju^ 
 pat quha endlang a wattir ay 
 Wald wayd a bowdraucht, he suld ger 1 ' 
 Bath J>e sleuthhund and his lfdar 20 
 Tyne Je sleuth men gert him ta; 
 1 vod ; v for w is common, and occasionally vv for v. 2 him, not in MS. 
 8 wend. 4 for to. 5 my*, as often. 6 s, and an abbreviation, written 
 Schir in other places. 7 no*, as often. 8 v, us o f ten. 8 oftsiss. 
 Pruf we gif it will d5 now swa, 
 For war 5011 devillis hund away 
 p^pt roucht nocht of J>e layff, perfay/ 
 \- f py t As he devisit J>ai haf done, 
 And enterit in be wattir sone 5 
 And held on ehdlang it |>|ryway; 
 G^rAww--^And syne to e land 3eid J>ai 
 And heldQ>air/way as fai had fre. 
 And Jphn ofLorne, with grft efffre, 
 Com with his rout richt to ]?e place 10 
 Quhar J>at his fife men slan was. 
 "' He mfnyt J>ame quhen he f>aim saw, 
 And said, eftir a Htill thraw, i ~~--<- 
 pat he suld venge in hy ;.J>ar blude ; 
 Bot ofir wayis J>e gammyn 3ude. 15 
 pair wald he mak ng mair duelling, 
 Bot furth in hy followit J>e king. 
 Richt to J?e burn f>ai l passit ar ; 
 Bot J>e sleuthhiind maid stynting J>ar, 
 And waveryt lang tyme to and fra 20 
 pat he na certane gat couth ga. 
 Till at pe last ]mn 2 Johne of Lorn 
 Persavit he hiind be sleuth had lorn, 
 And said, j We haf tynt J>is travale 3 , 'oSr* \ 
 To pas forf'ir may nocht avale, 25 
 For j?e wode is bath braid and wyde 
 And he is weill fer be J>is tyde.t -v< 
 parfgre 1 rede we turn agane, 
 And wast 119 mair travale in vayn.V<Jt*K 
 With J>at relyit he his mfn3he, J\fijou^ 30 
 And his way to J?e hgst tuk he. 
 pus eschapit J>e ngbill kyng; 
 Bot sum men sais f>is eschaping 4 
 1 J>ame. 2 pat. 3 travell, but cf. 1. 29. 4 enchaping. 
 Apon ane ofir maner it fell 
 pan throu fe wading; for fai tell 
 pat f e kyng a gud archer had, 
 And quhen he saw his lprd swa stad, Ka4 pst-jj 
 pat he wes left swa anerly,*-^*^*^ 5 
 He ran on fut alwayis hym by 
 Till he intill fe wod wes gane; 
 pan said he till hymself allane, 
 pat he aresVrycht fair wald ma 
 To luk gif he fe hund mycht sla. 10 
 For gif f e hiind mycht lfst on lif Y^*~>--**^ q^J^ 
 He wist rycht weile fat fai wald drif 2 
 pe kyngis trass till fai hym ta. ; 
 pan wist he weill J>ai wald him sla. 
 And for he wald his lgrd succour, 15 
 He put his lif in aventur, 
 And stud intill a busk lurkand 
 Quhill fat fe hund com at his hand, 
 And with ane arrow syne hym slew &>***4 
 And throu fe w5d soyn hym withdrew. 20 
 Bot quhefir his eschaping 3 fell 
 As I tald first, or now I tell, 
 1 wat it weill without If syng, 
 <*+*** At fat burn eschapit fe king. 
 pe king furth has his way is tane, 25 
 And Jghne of Lome agane is gane 
 ^u OU^uy^ To Schir Amer, fat fra f e chass 
 With his men fan reparit wass, 
 pat sped lytill in fair chassing; 
 For thow 4 fat fai maid following 30 
 Full fgirly, fai wan bot small; . 
 pair fayis neir eschapit all. 
 1 lyve. 2 rif. 3 enchaping. i how. 
 Men sais Schir Thomas Randale fan, 
 Chassand, f e kyngis baner wan, 
 Quharthrou in Yngland wyth f e kyng 
 He had rycht grft price and lovyng. 
 Quhen fe chaseris relyit war, 5 
 And Jghne of Lome had met f aim far, 
 He 1 tald Schir Amer all fe cass, 
 How fat fe king eschapit was, 
 And how fat he his fiff men slew 
 And syne he to fe wode hym drew. 10 
 Quhen Schir Amer herd f is, in hy ^*a-1fc 
 jp^^syWceUjjg S anyt hym for f e ferly, ; > - >- ~&*~* 
 And said, ' He is grf tly to priss, 
 For I knaw nane fat liffand is 
 J*^ pat at myscheif can help hym swa; 15 
 I trow he suld be hard to sla, 
 And he war bpdyn all fvynly/. 
 On fis wiss spak Schir Amery. 
 And fe gud kyrig held furth his way, 
 He and his man, ay quhill fat f ai ,J - 20 
 Passit throu f e forest war. 
 Syne in a mure f ai enterit ar, 
 pat wes bath hee and 2 lang and 3 braid; 
 L And qt fai half it passit had, j v ^ 
 pai saw on syde thre men cumand 25 
 Lik to lichtmen and waverand. 
 Swerdis fai had and axis als,o 
 And ane of fame apon his hals 
 LilWnw^ -^ me kill bundyn weddir bare. wa^J^ 
 pai met f e kyng and halsit far ;> 30 
 And fe kyng fame far halsing jald 
 And askit fame quehefir fai wald. 
 1 and ; he, in MS. E. 2 no { and' in MS. ; E has &. 3 &, as 
 pai said, 'Robert fe Bruce fai socht, 
 To meit with hym grf fat fai mocht; 
 pair duelling with hym wald f>ai ma.' 
 pe kyng said, ' Gif fat ^he will swa, 
 Haldis furth !$our way with me 5 
 And I sail ger' 50W soyn hym se/ 
 pai persavit be his spfkyng, 
 And his efffr, he wes f e kyng, 
 And changit contenanss and late, 'vrvcwv^ut- 
 And held nocht in fe first estat 1 ; (vfofcf /} (Ui i<\ 
 For fai war feyis to f e kyng, 
 And tjioucht to cum into scowkyng, rJrujJh^ 
 And duell with hym quhill fat fai saw 
 -par tym, and bryng hym fan of daw. o-*dt $ A cu< 
 pai grantit till his spek forth!; tt < ^^ J 15 
 Bot f e kyng, fat wes witty, 
 Persavit weill be fair havyng ^UUo^^un^ 
 pat faiuufitliym in na thing. 
 J He said, ^Fallowis, $he man all thre, 
 Forthir aquynt quhill j. at we be, ... TUi ' 20 
 All be yourself forrouth us 3 ga, 
 B^d-^, And on f e sammyn wiss we twa 
 Sail fallow 30W behynd weill neir/ 
 Quod f ai, \ Schir, it is na mysteir 
 U<Xa^ To trow intill us any ill/ 
 1 Nane do 1/ said he, ' bot I will 
 pat ^he ga forrowth us 4 , quhill we - N 
 Bettir with ofir knawyn be/*--i- H-W, 
 ' We grant/ f ai said, 'sen 55 will swa/ 
 And furth apon fair gat gan 5 ga. 30 
 pus 3eid fai till the nycht wes neir, 
 And fan fe formast cumin weir 
 stat. 2 awyng. 3 ns, not in MS. 4 fourth }ms. 5 can. 
 Till a wast husbandis houss, and far 
 pai slew the weddir , at fai bar, ^<^ki^ 
 oXUwU. And slew fyre for to rgst far mft, 
 And askit f e kyng gif he wald ft 
 And rest hym till fe mft war dicht. p'^***! 5 
 pe kyng, fat hungry wes I hicht, 
 Assentit to fair speke in hy; 
 Bot he said, he wald anerly *Wjs n 
 Betuyx hym and his fallow be 
 At a fyre, and fai all thre 10 
 In fe end of f e houss suld ma 
 Ane of ir fyre ; and fai did swa. 
 pai drew fame in fe housis end, 
 And half f e weddir till hym send ; 
 And fai rgstit in hy fair mft, 15 
 And fell rycht frfkly 1 for till ft. 
 pe kyng weill lang fastyt 2 had, 
 And had rycht mekill travale made; 
 parfgr he fte richt fgyrly. 
 And quhen he hau ftyn hastely, 20 
 He had to slepe sa mekill will 
 pat he mycht set na let fartill; 
 For quhen fe vanys fillit ar, ****a 
 pe body worf is hfvy evirmar, W^u, 
 And to slepe drawis hfvynes. 25 
 pe kyng fat all fortravalit wes 3 , '^^ o^.. 
 Saw fat hym worthit slep neidwais; 
 Till his fostir brof ir he sais, 
 'May I trast fe me to wakk 4 , 
 Till I a Htill slepyng tak ? ' 30 
 'gha, Schir/ he said, 'till I may drey/ooav^ 
 pe kyng fan wynkit a Htill wey 5 , \ 
 1 frakly. 2 fastyn. 3 was. 4 walk; lk-kk, 5 we. 
 And slepit nocht, bot ynkurly 
 Gliffnit 1 oft up suddanly 2 ; 
 For he had drede of J>a 3 thre men, 
 pat at Je toJ>ir fyre war J>en; 
 pat pai his fayis war he wyst, 5 
 parfgr he slepit as foul on twist. *^ 
 pe kyng slepit bot litill 4 J>an, 
 Quhen sic a slepe fell on his man 
 pat he mycht not hald up his e, 
 Bot fell on slepe and routit he. - a<^^ io 
 Now is }>e kyng in grft perill 5 , 
 For slepe he swa a litill quhile, 
 He sail be dfd forouten dred ; cvO^<o( Wj^ 
 For J>e thre tratouris tuk gud hede 
 pat he ' on slep wes, and his man. 1 5 
 In full grft hy f>ai raiss up J?an, 
 And drew fair swerdis hastely, 
 And went toward f>e kyng in hy 
 Quhen J>at J?ai saw he slepit swa, 
 And slepand thoucht J>ai wald hym sla. 20 
 Till hym J>ai 3eid a full grft pass, 
 Bot in J>at tym, throu Goddis grace, 
 pe kyng blenkit up hastely, 
 And saw his man slepand him by, 
 And saw cumand J>e tratouris thre. 25 
 Delyverly on fut gat he, 
 And drew his swerd out and f>ame met; 
 And as he 3eid, his fut he set 
 Apon his man weill hf valy. 
 He waknyt 6 , and raiss all desaly; 30 
 For ])q sleip masterit hym swa 
 pat, gr he gat up, ane of ba 
 1 gluffnyt. 2 suddandly. r J>ai, as also in 1. 32. ' 4 a litill. 
 5 perell. 6 walknyt. 
 pat com for to sla f e kyng 
 Gaf hym a strake in his rysyng, 
 Swa fat he mycht help hym ng mair. 
 ts^^X^ Pe kyng sg stratly stad wes fair, 
 pat he wes never $eit swa stad; 5 
 Na war f e armyng fat he had, 
 - He had beyn df d foroutyn weyr. ^^XWJb \ jC ^j^ 
 jfjfi" Bot nocht forf 1 on sic maneir 
 He helpit hym swa in f>at bargane, 
 pat fa * thre tratouris he has slane, 10 
 Throu Goddis grace and his manheid. 
 His fostir brofir fair wes ded; 
 pan wes he wounder will of wayn, 
 Quhen he saw he wes left allane. 
 His fostir brofir mfnyt he, 15 
 c*w^ And waryit all f e tof ir thre, 
 iy un^ t And syne his way tuk hym allane 
 And rycht toward his trist is gane. 
 pe kyng went furth, wrath and angry, 
 *' nN *' , ^(J*oMnand his man full tendirly, 20 
 And held his way all hym allane, 
 And richt toward fe houss is gane 
 Quhar he set trist to mete his men. 
 It wes weill lat of nycht be fen; 
 He com soyn in fe houss, and fand 25 
 pe gud wif on f e bynk sy tand. 
 Scho askit hym soyn quhat he wes, 
 And quhene 2 he com, and quhar he gais. 
 'A travalland man, dame/ said he, 
 'fat travalys heir throu fe cuntre/ 30 
 Scho said, 'All fat travaland ere, 
 For saik of ane, ar welcom here/ 
I St 
 pe kyng said, ' Gud dame, quhat is he 
 o-roJkt^ P at garris 30W have sic specialte p o^s^JLdt 
 Till men J^at travalis ? - ' Schir, perfay, 
 Quod pe gud wlf, 'I sail 50W say; 
 Gud Kyng Robert pe Bruce is he, 
 pat is rycht lprd of J^is cuntre. 
 His fayis now haldis him in thrang, ^ J^^ 
 Bot I thynk to se, gr oucht lang, 
 Hym lprd and kyng gvr al pe land, 
 pat na fayis sail hym withstand/ 10 
 'Dame, lufis f>ou hym sa weill?' said he. 
 '^ha, Schir/ scho said, 'sa God me se.' 
 ' Dame/ said he, ' I9, hym fiera)J?e by, J 
 For I am he.' ' Sa 3he suthly?' 
 ' ^ha, certis, dame.' 'And quhar ar gane 15 
 gour men, quhen je ar J?us allane?' 
 'At pis tyme, dame, I have na ma/ .wj 
 Scho said, 'It may ng wiss be swa; 
 I have twa sonnys wicht and hardy, 
 pai sail becum 3 our men in hy/ 20 
 As scho devisit, J?ai have done; 
 His sworn men becom J>ai sone. 
 **^Aji The wif gart soyn hym syt 1 and ft ; 
 Bot he had schort quhil at pe mft 
 Sittyn, quhen he herd grft stampyng 25 
 About pe hous; J>an, but lettyng, 
 pai stert up pe hous to defend. 
 Bot soyn eftir pe kyng has kend 
 James of Douglas ; j?an wes he blith, 
 And bad oppyn pe dures swith, ^>*^jJjL 30 
 And f>ai com in, all at J>ai ware. 
 Schir Edward pe Bruce wes J>are, 
 And James alsua 1 of Douglas, 
 pat wes eschapit fra fe chas 
 And with fe kyngis brofir met. 
 Syne to fe trist fat fame wes set 
 pai sped fame with fair cumpany, 5 
 pat war ane hundreth and fyfty, 
 And quhen at f ai has seyn f e kyng, 
 pai war joyfull of fair metyng, 
 And askit how he eschapit was ; 
 And he faim 2 tald all haill fe cass, 10 
 How f e fiff men hym presit fast, 
 And how he 3 throu fe wattir past, 
 And how he met be thevis thre, 
 And how 4 he slepand slayn suld be, 
 Quhen he waknyt 5 throu Goddis grace; 15 
 And how his fostyr brofir was 6 
 Slayne, he tald fame all haley. 
 pan lovyt f ai God all comonly, 
 pat fair Igrd wes eschapit swa. 
 1 als. 2 hym ; J)aim, MS. E. 3 ye. 4 how, not in MS. 
 * valknyt. 6 dec! wes ; next line then reads, ' bus all he tald fame 
 lalely/ MS. E reads ' was slayne.' 
l^w^r . IjCU^ ^Tv** (?L ^ y ^t*"' h"*?- 
 fao*< - &A "*4 4^* v^k- 
 Ich aem elder J?en ich wes a wintre and a, lgre ; o < \ " 
 Ic wailde mgre ]?anne ic dude, mi wit ah to ben mpre. e^u^^ * 
 Wei lange ic habbe child ibeon a weor de and * fch a dfde 'A^ n ' 
 pf h ic beo a. wintre eald, to 2 3yng 1 eom a rf de. r 
 Unniit lyf ic habb ilaed, and jyet me f>incf> ic If de ; 5 
 ,"^4>r panne ic me bif>enche, wel SQre ic me adrfde. 
 tjTttU*, ^JiSis a ^ J 58 ^ * c ^ a ^^> e y^ 5n y s idelnesse and chilche ; 
 /I, Wel late ic habbe me bi]?oht, bute me God do milce. 
 Fele ydele word ic habbe iqueden, syolSen ic speke cuf>e, 
 And fale 3unge dfde ido J>et me off>inchet nu)?e. 10 
 Al to lome ic habbe agiilt, a weorche and f c a worde ; 
 Al to miichel ic habbe ispend, to litel yleid an horde. 
 M|st al }?et me Hcede ser, nu hit me mislicheo 1 3 ; 
 pe mychel fo^e]? his ywil, him siilfne he biswlkeo 1 . 
 Ich mihte habbe bet idon, hadde ic pg yseff>e ; 
 Nu ic wolde ac ic ne mei, for elde ne for unhelfe ; 
 Ylde me is bistolen on ser ic hit awyste ; 
 Ne mihte ic iseon before me for smeche ne for miste. 
 iErwe we beof> to done god, and to yfele al to )?riste ; 
 Mgre seie stent man of manne, Jeanne him do of CrTste. 
 pe wel ne dej> J>e hwile he mei, wel oft hit hym scael ruwen ; . 
 paenne hy mowen sculen and ripen ffr hi ser s eowe n. d* /J/uJ-/ 
 Don f c to Gode wet je muje, J>e 4 hwile $e bfij>_a_llfe ;-> 
 Ne hople ng man to miichel t o childe ne t o wyf e ; j ^e^, -4 
 01 %~ * 
 &, as often. 2 tu. 3 mislichet. 
 pe him selve for^ut for wife, gSer for chllde, 
 He sceal cume an iivele stede, bute hym God beo milde. 
 Sende sech sum god biforen hym, pe hwile he mei to heovene 1 ; 
 Betere is an elmesse bifore penne beon aefter seovene. 
 Ne beo pe leovre pene pe siilf, pi mei ne pi maje, 5 
 Sot is <5e is 6(5res mannes freond betre pene his aje. 
 Ne hopie wif to hire were, ne wer to his wife ; 
 Beo for him siilve 2evrich man, pe hwyle he beo alive. 
 Wis is pe him siilfne bipenccS, pe hwile he mote libbe, 
 For sone wtillecS him foqite pe fremde and pe sibbe. 10 
 pe wel ne dep pe hwile he mei, ne sceal he hwenne he wolde ; 
 ManTes mannes sare iswinch habbecS oft unholde. 
 Ne scolde nan man don a fiirst, ne sclawen wel to done ; 
 For mam man bihatetS wel, pe hit fo^iteo 1 sone. 
 pe man oe siker wiile beon to habbe Godes blisse, ^^ rg 
 Do wel him siilfne hwile he mei, oen haveo 1 he mi<Vrwissep 
 pes riche men wenecS beo siker, purh walle end puTfiaiche ; 
 He decS his a sikere stede, pe sent to heveneriche ; 
 For (5gr ne tSierf beon ofdrfd of ffire ne of peove ; 
 Pr ne mei hi binime <Se lac5e ne c5e leove ; 20 
 par ne paerf he habbe kare of wyfe ne of chllde. 
 pider we sendet and siilf berecS to lite and to selde ; 
 pider we scolden drajen and don wel oft and wel jelome, 
 For pfr ne sceal me us naht binime, mid wrancwise dome, 
 pider we scolde jeorne dra3en, wolde $e me ileve, 25 
 For $f re ne mei hit binime eow pe king ne se ireye. 
 pet betste pet we hedde, piider we scolde sende, 
 For pgr we hit mihte finde eft, and habbe bute ende. 
 He pe her decS eni god, for habbe Godes are, 
 Eal he it sceal finde t5f r, and hundredff aide mare. 30 
 pe <Se ehte wile hf alden wel, pe hwile he mei is 2 wfalden, 
 ^ive is for Godes luve, penne decS he is wel ihfalden. 
 hevene. 2 his, as twice in next line. 
 Ure iswinch and tire tilSe is oft iwuned to swinden ; 
 Ac Set we doS for Godes luve, eft we it sculen afinden. 
 Uvel we dotS eal to michel, and god lesse J?enne we scolde. 
 pe <5e mf st deS nu to Gode, and Se ]>e If st to laSe, 
 ^Ei]>er to lltel and to michel sceal Sinche eft hym baoe. 
 pfr me sceal ure weorkes we$en beforen Hevekinge, 
 And jieven us ure swinches lien, aefter ure f arninge. 
 fvre flc man mid J>an Se haveS mei biggen heveriche, 
 pe Se mare hevS and Se J?e lesse, baj?e mei iliche ; 
 Eal sf mid his penle sf Se oSer mid his punde ; 
 pat is a tSe 2 wunderlukeste ware Se 2 sen! man sevre funde. 
 And Ipe Se mare ne mei don mid his god ijmnke, 
 Eal sf wel sf Se haveS goldes feale manke 3 ; 
 And oft God kan mare J>anc San Se him 5ivet lesse ; 
 Eal his weorkes and his weies is milce and rihtwlsnesse. 
 Lite \qc is Gode leof, Se cumeS of gode iwille, 
 And fSlf te muchel jive Senne tSe heorte is ille. 
 Hevene and eorSe he oversihS 4 , his f jen beoS sw<? brihte ; 
 Sunne, mone, dei, and fur biS J>tistre to$ fanes his lihte. 
 Nis him naht forhole ni htid, swa michel biS his mihte ; 
 Nis hit na swa dtirne idon, ne a swa J>Qstre nihte. 
 He wat hwet deft and Senchet ealle quike wihte, 
 Nis na hlaverd swilc sf is Crist, na king swilch ure Drihte. 
 Heovene and eorSe and eal pet is biloken is in his hande, 
 He delS eal pet his wille is, a wetere and a lande. 
 He makede fisces in Se sf , and fbjeles in Se liifte ; 
 He wit and wfaldeS ealle Sing and he scop ealle jesceafte. 
 He is ord abuten orde, and ende abuten ende ; 
 He ane is asvre en f lche stede, wende pf r pu wende ; 
 He is buven us and bineoSen, biforen and bihinde ; 
 pe Se Godes wille deS, eiSer he mei him finde. 
 Jlche rune he ihGrS and he wat ealle df de ; 
 1 his. 2 8. 3 marke. * ove sifrS. 
 He ourhsiho' f alches mannes "Sane whet sceal us to rf de. 
 We f e brekecS Godes hf se, and giiltet swa ilome, 
 Hwet scule we seggen gfter don at tSe miichele dome ? 
 pa (5a luveden unriht, and iivel lif ledde, 
 Hwet scule hi segge pSer don (5f r engles beoS ofdredde ? 5 
 Hwet scule we beren biforen us 1 , mid hwan scule we cwemen, 
 We J>e nsevre god ne diiden pe hevenllche demen ? 
 pf r scule ben deofles swa vele oe wiilleo 1 us forwrejen ; 
 NabbeS hi naming for^yte of eal pat hi isf 3en. 
 Eal pet we misdiide her, hit wiilleo 1 cuSe poere, 10 
 Buten we habbe hit ibet Se hwlle we her wfre. 
 Eal hi habbet an heore iwrite pet we misdiide here ; 
 pfh we hi niiste ne isfjen 2 hi wf ren iire ivere. 
 Hwet sculen horlinges do, pe swikene, pe forsworene? 
 Wi swa fele beoo 1 icliiped, swa fewe beoS icorene ? 15 
 Wi, hwi wf re hi bi^ite, to hwan wf re hi iborene, 
 pe scule beon to diepe idemd and f vre ma forlorene ? 
 5lch man sceal him pfr bicliipien and f ch sceal him demen ; 
 His aje weorc and his ioanc to witnesse he sceal temen ; 
 Ne mei him na man eal swa wel demen ne swa rthte, 20 
 For nan ni cnawatS him swa wel bute ane Drihte. 
 f lc man wat him siilf betst, his weorch and his iwille*; 
 pe tSe If st wat he sei(5 ofte mf st, oe <Se hit wat eal is stille. 
 Nis nan witnesse eal sf miichel sf mannes a;e heorte ; 
 Hwasf segge pet he beo hal, him self wat betst his smeorte. 25 
 %\c man sceal him siilf demen to diepe gcSer to live ; 
 pe witnesse of his weorc to ooer, (5is him sceal drive. 
 Eal pet fvre flc man haftS ido siicSoe he com to manne, 
 Swilc hit si a boc iwriten he seal icSenche ftenne ; 
 Ac Drihte ne demcS nanne man sefter his biginning, 30 
 Ac al his lif sceal beo swich sf butS his endinge ; 
 Ac 3if pe ende is iivel eal it is iivel, and god ;if god is penne. 
 God 3yve pet ure end beo god and wit f>et he us lenne. 
 1 us, not in MS. - ni sejen. 
 N 2 
 pe man pe nele do na god, ne nf vre god Hf lseden, 
 jEr dietS and dom cume set his dure he mei sare adrfden 
 pet he ne mu^e (Senne bidde are. for it itit ilome ; 
 ForJ?I * he is wis ?Se beot and bf at, and bit beforen dome, 
 penne df aft is set his dure, wel late he biddec5 are ; 
 Wei late he If teo 1 iivel weorc pe hit ne mei don na mare. 
 Siinne 1ft ]>e and f>u naht hi, Jeanne J?u is 2 ne miht don na mare ; 
 Forjri, he is sot pe swa abit to habbe Godes are. 
 pf hwheSer we hit ileve<5 wel, for Drihte siilf hit sf de, 
 A whilche time sf f vre oe man ofomchet his misdf de, i 
 Q(5er later gcSer racSe, milce he sceal imeten ; 
 Ac oe pe navo* naht ibet, wel miichel he sceal beten. 
 Man! man seiS, ' Hwa rec<5e of pine (Se sceal habbe ende ? 
 Ne bidde na bet beo ilSsd a domesdei of bende ? ' 
 Lfitel wat he hwet is pine, and litel he icnawecS, i 
 Hwilc hf te is tSf r saule wuneo 1 , hu biter winde ff r blawet ; 
 Hedde he ibeon "Sf r anne dei, goer twa bare tide, 
 Nolde he for sel middenf ard tSe oYidde ff re abide, 
 pet habbet isf d pe come oanne, pe it 3 wiste mid iwisse, 
 Uvel is pinie seovfc jf r for seove nihtes blisse, 2 
 End ure blisse pe ende hafcS for endellese pme. 
 Betre is wgrl weter idrunke J>ene atter imeng mid wine ; 
 Swiines brf de is swtiSe swete, swa is of wllde deore, 
 Ac al to dQre he hi bi^cS <5e 3if <5 f>f rfore his sweore. 
 Ful wambe mei lihtliche speken of hunger and of festen 4 ; 2 
 Swa mei of pine pe naht nat hu pine sceal alf sten. 
 Hedde he is 5 afanded sume stiinde, he wolde eal segge 6(5er; 
 Jc51f te him wf re wif and child, suster, and feder and broker ; 
 vre he wolde inne wa her and inne wawe wunlen 
 Wi<5 San pe mihte hellejrine bifleon and biscunien. ; 
 Jolfte him wfre eal woruldwele and eal eorftllche 6 blisse.' 
 For to tSe miichele murcSe cume "Sis murkSe mid iwisse. 
 1 J>i ; cf. 1. 8. 2 }ms. 3 J?et. 4 and festen. 
 5 his. 6 eordliche. 
 Pa com f r in are tlden an oht mon riden, 
 And brohte tidinge Arthure fan klnge 
 From Modrfde 1 his suster sune ; ArSure he wes wilcume 
 For he wende fat he brohte boden swl<5e gode. 
 Arcalr lai alle lg>nge niht and spac wi<5 fene 3eonge cniht; 5 
 Swa naver nulde he him sugge # . socS hu hit ferde. 
 pa hit wes dsei a ma^en and du^efte gon sturien, 
 Areair fa up aras and strehte his serines ; 
 I He aras up and adiin sat swulc he wf ore swioe seoc. 
 pa axede hine an vaeir cniht, ' Laverd, hu havest f u ivaren 
 toniht?' ^^ 10 
 ArSur fa andswarede a mode him wes unfoe 
 * Toniht a mine slf pe, f r ich laei on biire, 
 Me imaette a sweven ; bf rvore ich ful sari aem. 
 Me imf tte fat mon me hof uppen are halle ; 
 pa halle ich gon bestriden swulc ich wolde riden ; 15 
 Alle fa lgnd fa ich ah, alle ich f fr oversah, 
 And Walwain sat bivoren me, mi sweord he bar an hgnde. 
 pa com Modrf d 2 faren f f re mid unimf te volke ; 
 He bar an his h^nde ane wTax strange ; 
 He bigon to hewene hardliche swuSe ; 20 
 And fa pastes forheou alle fa heolden up fa halle. 
 pf r ich is ehJW enhever fke, wimmonen leofvest me ; 
 Al f f re much? hallerof mid hire hgnden heo todroh. 
 pa halle gon to hselden, and ich hseld to grunden, 
 1 Moddrede, as often, but less commonly than the form with one d. 
 2 Moddred. 
 pat ml riht serm tobrac ; fa seide Modrfd ' Have fat.' 
 Adun veol fa halle and * Walwain gon to valle, 
 And feol a f re eor^e ; his sermes brfken 2 beine. /V^ 
 And ich igrap.ml sweord leofe mid mire leoft hgnde, 
 And.smset of Modr^dis hafd fat hit wpnd a fene veld ; 5 
 And fa quene ich al tosnaSde mid deore mine sweorde 3 , 
 And seocSoen 4 ich heo adun 5 sette in ane swarte piitte ; 
 And al mi vole riche sette to flfme, 
 pat ntiste ich under Criste whar heo bicumen wforen.j/*^ 
 Buten mi seolf ich gon 6 atstgnden uppen ane wplderC 10 
 And ich f r wgindrien agon wide ;eond fan moren, 
 pf r ich isah gripes and grisliche fujeles. 
 pa com an giildene leo lrSen over dune, 
 Deoren swuSe hende fa ure Drihten makede 7 . 
 pa leo me orn foren to and iveng me bi fan midle, 15 
 And fort5 hire gun 3eongen and to f f re sse wende ; 
 And ich isseh fa 8 tiSen 1 f f re saj driven, 
 And be leo 1 fan vlode iwende wide mid me 9 seolve. 
 pa wit I sse comen, fa iicSen me hire binomen ; 
 Com f f r an fisc Hoe and fereden me to lgnde ; 20 
 pa wes ich al wft and wen of so^en and seoc. 
 pa gon ich iwakien, swioe ich gon to quakien ; 
 pa gon ich to bivien swiilc ich al fur burne. 
 And swa ich habbe al niht of mine swevene 10 swlc5e ifoht, 
 For ich wat n to iwisse agan is al mi blisse ; 25 
 For a to mine live sor^en ich mot dr^e. 
 Wale, fat ich nabbe here Wenhaver mine quene ! ' 
 pa andswarede f e cniht, ' Laverd f u havest unriht ; 
 Ne sculde me navere sweven mid so^en arecchen. 
 pu sert f e riccheste mon fa rixleocS on lgnden, 30 
 And f e aire wiseste f e wuneo 1 under weolcne. 
 1 &, as occasionally. 2 brekeen. 3 sweorede. 4 seodoen. 
 5 adum. 6 gond. 7 make. 8 \>x. 9 me, not in MS. 
 10 sweuenene. n what. 
 ^if hit wf ore ilimpe, swa niille hit ure Drihte, 
 pat Modrf d fire suster sune hafde fine quene inume, 
 And al f I kinellche Ignd isset an his a^ere hgnd 
 pe f u him bitahtest fa f u to Rome f ohtest, 
 And he hafde al f us ido mid his swikedome, 5 
 pen 1 $et f u mihtest f e awreken wun51Iche mid wf pnen, 
 And seft fl lgnd halden and walden fine leoden, 
 And fine feond fallen f e f e tifel unnen, 
 And slsen heom alle clane f et f r no bilaven nane/ 
 Ar<5iir fa andswarede, afcelest aire klnge, 10 
 1 Lgnge bi(S severe fat no wene ich nsevere, 
 pat severe Modrf d mi msei, fat mon is me leofvest 2 , 
 Wolde me biswiken for alle mine rlchen, 
 No Wenhaver mi quene waklen on f onke ; 
 Niillef hit biginne for nane weorldmonne.' 15 
 ^fne fan worde fortmht fa andswarede f e cniht : 
 { I siigge f e socS, leofe king, for ich sem fin underling, 
 pus hafe<5 Modrf d idon; fine quene he hafecS ifon, 
 And f 1 wiinllche Ignd isaet an his a^ere hpnd. 
 He is king and heo is quen 3 ; of fine kiime nis na wene, 20 
 For no wenecS heo navere to s5(5e fat f u cumen a^ain from Rome. 
 Ich sem fin a^en mon, and iseh f isne swikedom ; 
 And ich sem icumen to f seolven socS f e to siiggen. 
 Min hafved beo to wedde fat isseid ich f e habbe 
 SocS buten lfse of leofen fire quene, 25 
 And of Modrfde fire suster sune, hu he hafvet5 Brutlpnd f e 
 pa sset hit al stille in ArSures halle ; 
 pa wes f f r sserlnesse 4 mid ffle fan klnge ; 
 pa wf oren Briittisce men swlSe unbalde vor f sen. 
 pa iimbe stunde stefne f f r stiirede ; 30 
 Wide me mihte iheren Briitten ibfren, A 
 1 ]>e. 2 half line supplied from text B, but with the forms of A. 
 3 que ; probably intended for que = quen. * sserinoesse. 
 And gunne to tellen a feole ciinne spellen 
 Hu heo wolden fordeme t Modrfd and J>a quene, ,^d 
 And al fat * monciin fordon f e mid Modrfd heolden. 
 Arthur fa cleopede, hendest aire Briitte, 
 ' SittecS adun stille, cnihtes inne halle, 5 
 And ich eou telle wiille spelles uncu^e. 
 Nii tomae^e f enne hit daei bi(5, and Drihten hine sende, 
 ForS ich wiille bii^e in toward Briittaine ; 
 And Modrfd 2 ich wiille slan 3 and fa quen forberne, 
 And alle ich wiille fordon fa biluveden fen swikedom. 10 
 And her ich bilf ofven wiille me lepfvest monne, 
 Howel minne leofve mcei hexst oT mine ciinne, 
 And half mine verde ich bilaefven a f issen 3ec.de -*-*V 
 To halden al f is kinelpnd fa ich habbe a mire hgnd. 
 And fenne fas fing beo(S alle idone, a5an ich wiille to Rome, 15 
 And mi wiinllche l9nd bitadche 4 Walwaine mine maeie, 
 And! ivorf e ml beot seocSoe 5 bi ,mine bare, life ; 
 Scullen alle mine feond vaeisi<!S 6 makeje.' q ^ 
 pa stod him up Walwain fat wes Aroures maei, 
 And fas word saide ; f e eorl wes abo^e : 20 
 ' ^Eldrihten God, domes waldend, faA*^' 
 Al middelaerdes mund, whi is hit iwuroen 
 pat mi broker Modrfd J?is mor& hafveo 1 itimbred ? 
 Ah todaei ich atsake hine here bivoren f issere dujeee, 
 And ich hine fordemen wiille mid Drihtenes wille ; 25 
 Mi seolf ich wiille hine anhon haxte aire warien ; 
 pa quene ich wiille mid Godes la3e al mid horsen todra^e. 
 For ne beo ich navere bll(5e fa wile ha 7 beoS alive, 
 And fat ich habbe mine aim awraeke mid fan beste V 
 Briittes fa answarede mid baldere stefne, #j^a^ 3 
 ' Al ure wfpnen sQnden jarewe ; nu toma^en we scullen varen.' 
 A marjen fat hit daei wes, and Drihten hine sende, 
 1 J), as occasionally. 2 moddred. 8 scaln. 4 bitatseche. 
 5 seodSe. 6 wseisid 1 . 7 a. 8 berste. 
 ArSur * vorcS him wende mid aSelen his folke ; 
 Half he hit bilsefde, and half hit for$ ladde. : 
 FonS he wende furh fat lgnd fat he com to \Vh1ts9nd; 
 Scipen he haefde sone, monie and wel idone; 
 Ah feowertene niht fulle f f r kei fa verde aJ f) 5 
 peos wederes abiden, windes bidflde. ;' 
 Nu was sum forcuS kempe in Ar<5ures ferde ; <* / t^*Y 
 Ansen swa he demen iherde of Modrf des df (Se, 
 He nom his swein a heouste and sende to pissen londe, 
 And sende word Wenhaveren heou hit was iwunSen, to 
 And hu Ar&ur wes on vore . mid muclere ferde, 
 And hu he wolde taken on, and al hu he wolde don. 
 pa quene com to Modrf d fat was hire leofvest monnes 
 And talde him tidende of ArSure fan kinge, 
 Hu he wolde taken an, and al hu he wolde don. 15 
 Modrf d 2 nom his sgnde and sende to Sexlgnd 
 After Childriche f e king wes swiSe riche I 
 And bsed hine cume to Briitaine ; f f rof he bruke sculde. 
 Modrf d 2 bad Childriche, f ene strgnge and f ene riche, 
 Wide J senden spnde a feouwer half Sexlgnde, 20 
 And beoden fa cnihtes alle fat heo bi^eten mihte, 
 pat heo comen sone to f issen kinedome 4 , 
 And he wolde Childriche 3eoven of his riche v^^f'' 
 Al bi3eonde pf re 5 Humbre, for he him scolde helpe 
 To fihten wi(5 his ime, ArSure fan 6 kinge. 25 
 Childriche bf h sone into Brutlgnde. 
 pa Modrf d hafde his ferde " isomned of monnen, 
 pa wforen f fre italde sixti f usende 
 Herekempen harde of hf oene volke, 
 pa heo wforen icumen hidere for ArcSures 7 hserme, 30 
 Modrf d to helpen, forcucSest monnen. 
 pa f e verde wes isome of seiche monciinne 
 1 arSu. 2 modraed. 3 weide. 4 kinedome. 5 Jjerere. 
 6 arSuren, but cf. 1. 14 and often. 7 ardures. 
 pa heo wf oren fer on hfpe an hundred 1 f iisende, 
 Hf tSene and Cristene, mid Modrf de kinge. 
 ArtSur lai at Whitsgnd ; feouwertene niht him f uhte to lpng. 
 And al Modrf d wiiste wat An5iir fjer wolde ; j& 
 JElche dai him comen sgnde from fas kinges hirede. 5 
 pa ilomp hit an gne time muchel rein him gon rlne, 
 And Tpe 2 wind him gon wende and stod of fan aestende ; 
 And AnSur him to scipe fusae ' mid alle his verde, a,- 
 And hehte fat his scipmen brohten hine to Romenel 3 , 
 pfr he f ohte up wende into f issen Ignde. ^M^^Jf IO 
 pa 2 he to f f re havene com, Modrf d him wes avorn on * ; 
 Ase f e daei gon lihten 5 heo bigunnen to fihten 
 Alle f ene lgnge daei ; moni mon f f r df d laei. 
 Summe hi fuhten a lgnde, summe bi fan strgnde ; 
 Summe heo letten ut of scipen scerpe garen serif en. 15 
 Walwain biforen wende and f ene waei rumde, 
 And sloh f f r a neuste f eines elleovene ; 
 He sloh Childriches sune, he was f f r mid his fader icume. 
 To rest eode fa sunne ; wse wes fa monnen. 
 pfr wes Walwain afslaege, and idon of Hfedage, 20 
 purh an eorle Sexisne sseri wur<5e his saule. < u v A 
 pa wes Arour saeri and sorhful an heorte forf 1 ; 
 And fas word bodede, ricchest aire Briitte : 
 ' Nu ich ileosed habbe mine sweines leofe. 
 Ich wuste bi mine swevene whset sor^en me wforen jeve^e. 25 
 Islagen is Angel f e king f e wes mln a$en deorling, 
 And Walwaine ml suster sune wa is me fat ich was mon 
 iboren. n^ttA^**** 
 Up nu of scipen bilive, mine beornes ohte.' 
 JEfne fan worde wenden to fihte 
 Sixti f usend angn selere kempen, 30 
 And brf ken Modrf des trume, and wel nf h him seolve was inome. 
 Modrf d bigon to fleon and his folc after teon ; 
 1 hunddred. 2 J>oe. 3 romerel. 4 avornon. 5 lihte. 
 Flu^en veondllche, feldes beoveden f ke ; 
 gurren fa stanes mid fan blodstrfmes. ^^uh^i 
 pf r wf ore al f atTflht idon, ah fat niht to rafte com ; 
 gif fa niht nf ore, islajen hi wf oren alle. 
 pe niht heom todf lde 3eond slades and jeond 1 dunen ; 5 
 And Modrf d swa vortS com fat he wes at Lundene. 
 Iherden fa ^urhweren hu hit was al ifaren, 
 And warnden him in^eong and alle his folke. 
 Modrf d f eone wende toward Winchestre 2 , 
 And heo hine undervengen mid alle his monnen. 10 
 And ArSur after wende mid alle his mahte, 
 pat he com to Winchestre mid muchelre verde, 
 And fa burh al birred ; and Modred ferinne abeod. 
 pa Modrf d isseh fat ArtSur him wes swa nf h, 
 Ofte he hine bif ohte wset he don mahte. 15 
 pa a f fre ilke niht he hehte his cnihtes alle, 
 Mid alle heore iwf pnen ut of burh^e wenden, 
 And sseide fat he weolde mid fihte f f r atst9nden. 
 He bihehte f f re bu^ewere aver mare freo la3e, 
 WitS fan fa heo him heolpen at h3ere neoden. 20 
 pa hit wes dseiliht 3am fa wes heore fiht. 
 Ar<5iir fat bihedde, f e king was aboljje ; 
 He lette bemen blawen and beonnen men to fihten 
 He hehte alle his f eines, and aSele his cnihte 
 Son somed to fihten, and his veond 3 avallen, 25 
 And fe burh alle fordon, and fat burhfolc ahon. -.> - -' 
 Heo togadere stopen and stiirnllche fuhten. 
 Modrf d fa f ohte what he don mihte ; 
 And he diide f fre, alse he diide elleswhare, 
 Swikedom mid fan mseste; for avere he diide unwraste; 30 
 He 'biswac his iveren bivoren Winchestren, 
 And lette him to cleoplen his leofeste cnihtes anan, 
 And his leoveste freond alle of alien his folke, 
 1 3eon. 2 winchastre. 3 veod. 
 And bistal from fan fihte f e feond hine a^e 
 And fat folc gode lette al f f r forwurcSe. ^^J ; 
 Fuhten alle dsei ; wenden fat heore lauerd f f r laei, 
 And wf ore heom a neouste at miichelere neode. 
 pa heold he f ene wai fat touward Hamtone lai, * 
 And heolde touward havene, forcuSest hselecSe ; 
 And nom alle fa scipen fa f f r oht weore, 
 And fa steormen alle to fan scipen neode l , 
 And ferden into Cornwalen, forcucSest kingen a fan dajen. 
 And AnSur Winchestre, fa burh,bilai wel faste; 10 
 And al fat monciin ofsloh f fr wes sorjen inoh 
 pa jeonge and fa aide, alle he aqualde. ^ 
 pa fat folc wes al dfd, fa burh al forswelde, /i 
 pa lette he mid alle tobreken fa walles alle. 
 pa wes hit itimed f fre fat Merlin seide while : 15 
 ' JErm wunSest f u Winchestre, fa eoroe f e seal forswahje/ 
 Swa Merlin saeide, f e witeje wes mere. &****?% 
 pa quen 2 laei inne Eouwerwic, nses heo neevere swa sarlic ; 
 pat wes Wenhaver fa quene, fewest wimmonne. 
 Heo iherde siiggen so (Sere 3 worden, a X/m--' 2 
 Hu ofte Modrf d flah, and hu ArcSur hine bibah ; 
 Wa wes hire f f re while fat heo wes on life. 
 Ut of Eouerwike bi nihte heo iwende, 
 And touward Karliun tiihte swa switSe swa heo mahte. 
 pider heo brohten bi nijhte of hire cnihten tweije ; 25 
 And me hire hafd biwf fde mid ane hall rifte, V/<A 
 And heo wes f f r miinechene, karefullest wife. 
 pa ntisten men of f fre quene war heo bicumen weore, 
 No feole jf re seocScSe niiste hit mon to sotSe, 
 ^ Whaler heo wf ore on df (Se, and hu Iiqo henne wende 4 , 30 
 pa heo hire seolf wf ore isunken in f q watere. 
 Modrf d wes 1 Cornwale and somnede cnihtes feole ; 
 To IrlQnde he sende a neoste his spnde ; 
 neodde. - qne. s softflere. 4 half line from B. 
 To Sexlgnde he sende a neouste his sgnde ; 
 To Scotlgnde he sende a neouste his sgnde ; 
 He hehten heom to cume alle anan pat wolde lgnd habben, 
 Q$er seolver gfter gold, pSer * ahte gfter 1 lpnd ; 
 On ailchere wisen he warnede hine seolven, 5 
 Swa, de(5 selc witer mon pa neode cumeo 1 wenan. 
 ArcSur pat iherde, wraoest kinge, 
 pat Modrfd waes 1 Cornwale mid muchele monweorede, 
 And pf r wolde abiden f>at ArSur come riden. 
 ArSur sende SQnde seond al his kinelgnde, 10 
 And to cumen alle hehte pat quic wes on lgnde, 
 pa to vih.te oht wfpren. wf pnen to beren ; 
 And whaswa hit fbrsf te pat pe king hete, 
 pe king hine wolde a. folden quic 2 al forbernen. 
 Hit laec toward hlrede folc unimf te, 1 5 
 Rldinde and ganninde swa, pe rein failed 3 adune. 
 Arc5ur for to Cornwale mid unimf te 4 ferde. 
 Modrfd pat iherde, and him tojeines heolde 
 Mid unimfte folke, pf r wf ore monie vseie. cX-&m^> 
 Uppen pfre Tampre heo tiihten togadere ; 20 
 pa^stude hatte Camelford, evermare ilast pat ilke weorde ; 
 And at Camelforde wes isomned sixtl pusend, 
 And ma pusend pfrto; Modrfd wes heore selder. vMy 
 pa piderward gon ride Arour pe riche, 
 Mid unimf te folke, vaeie pah hit wfore. 25 
 Uppe pfre Tambre heo tuhte tosomne ; 
 Heven heremarken, halden togadere ; ^J.*^*- 
 Luken sweord lQnge, leiden o pe helmen ; 
 Ftir ut sprengen ; speren brastlien ; /v**^ 
 Sceldes gonnen scanen ; scaftes tobrf ken ; 30 
 pf r faht al tosomne folc unimf te. 
 Tambre wes on flode mid unimf te blode ; 
 Mon 1 pan fihte npn pf r ne mihte ikennen nenne kempe, 
 1 oder. 2 quid. 3 rim failed; B. ren failed. ' unite. 
 N9 hwa diide wiirse ng hwa, bet, swa" pat wioe wes imenged ; 
 For aMc sloh adun riht, wfore he swein, wfore he cniht. 
 pr wes Modrfd ofslage and idon of lifda^e, 
 And alle his cnihtes isla^e 1 in pan fifctte. 
 pfr weoren ofslage alle pa, snelle, 'fr**^* 5 
 Arc5ures hiredmen 2 , hf^e and lowe 3 , .. 
 And pa. Briittes alle of AnSures borde, , 
 And alle his fosterlinges of feole kineriches, yv/y-f 
 And Arour forwunded mid walspf re brade ; 
 Fiftene he hafde feondlTche wunden ; 10 
 Mon mihte 1 pare lasten twa gloven ipraste. 
 pa nas pfr na. mare 1 pan fihte to Iave,~ /VM "' V|J ***'* 
 Of twa hundred piisend monnen pa J?f r leien tShauwen, 
 Buten AnSur pe king ane, and of his cnihtes tweien. 
 ArtSur wes forwunded wunder ane swTbe. 15 
 pfr t5 him com a cnave pe wes of his ciinne ; 
 He wes Cadores sune, pe eorles of Cornwaile 4 ; 
 ConstantTn hehte pe cnave, he wes pan kinge deore. 
 AnSur him lokede on J?fr he lai on folden, 
 And pas word seide mid sorhfulle heorte : 20 
 ' ConstantTn 5 pu art wilcume, pii weore Cadores sone ; 
 Ich pe bitache here mine kineriche, 
 And wite mine Briittes a to pmes Hfes 6 ende, 
 And hald heom alle pa lajen pa habbeoo" istgnden a mine da3en, 
 And alle pa lajen gode pa bi Uteres dajen stode. 25 
 And ich wtille varen to Avalun, to vairest aire maidene, 
 To Argante pf re quene, alven swicSe sceone, 
 And heo seal 7 mine wunden maklen alle isunde, 
 Al hal me maklen mid halewei^e drenchen ; 
 And seoSoe 8 ich cumen wiille to mine kineriche, 
 And wunien mid Briitten mid miichelere wiinne.' 
 1 Gap in text A ; first part of line supplied from B. 2 Ardures heredmen. 
 3 and lowe supplied from B. 4 Corwaile. 5 Costaltin. 6 Jnnes lifes. 
 7 slal. 8 seooe. 
 JEfne pan worden J>fr com of sf wenden 
 pat wes an sceort bat licSen, sceoven mid {TSen, 
 And twa wimmen pf rinne wunderliche idihte ; 
 And heo nomen Ar(5ur anan, and a neouste hine vereden, ^Ar***, 
 And softe hine adun leiden, and forcS gunnen llSen 1 . 
 pa wes hit iwurften pat Merlin seide whUefi, 
 pat wf ore unimf te care of AroTires fortSfare ; * 
 Briittes ilevec5 $ete pat he beo 2 on live, 
 And wunnle 3 in Avalun mid fairest aire alven ; 
 And lokieo* evere Briittes ^ete whan Arour cume 4 lichen. i 
 Nis naver pe mon iboren, of naver nane biirde icoren, 
 pe cunne of pan so(5e of ArSur siiggen 5 mare ; 
 But while wes an witeje, Merlin^ ihate ; 
 He bodede mid worde his quides 7 wf oren s6(5c 
 pat an ArSur sculde jete cum Anglen to fiilste. 1 
 In fire Laverdes luve pe is Feader of frumschaft, ant on his 
 deorewurcSe sunes norae, ant o pes hall gastes pet 8 glided of ham 
 baSen, alle lewede men pet understpnden ne mahen Latlnes If dene 
 luSen and liistnin ane meidenes liflade, pet is of Latin iturned into 
 Englisch pet te llfhali Lf fdi in heovene luvie us pe mare, ant of pis 20 
 llhinde Hf lf ade us, wiS hire erndunge pe is icoren of Crist, into pe 
 eche of heovene. 
 peos meiden ant tis martir wes Juliane inempnet in Nichomedes 
 burh, ant 9 of hfoene ciin icumen, ant hire fleschliche feder wes 
 Affrican ihaten, of pe hfoene mfst. peo pet Cristene weren 25 
 derfllche he droh ham to df aoe ; ah heo, as peo pet te heovenllch 
 feder luvede, lfafde al hire aldrene lahen ant bigon to luvlen pene 
 1 hine liden. a bon. 3 wunnien. 4 cume = cumen. 8 sugen. 
 6 Mrerlin. 7 quiSes. 8 J>, as usual ; expanded pet in accordance with 
 forms in text. 9 -j, as often; expanded ant as the only form in the piece. 
 livlende Laverd, pe lufsum Godd J>at wisseS ant welded al J>et is on 
 worlde ant al J?et iwraht is. 
 pa wes bi J>on time, as redunge 1 tellecS, Maximian, pe modi 
 keiser ine Rome, heinde ant heriende hfoene mawmeta wi(S unmec5 
 miichel hird and unduhti duheSe, ant fordemde alle J>eo pe on 
 Drihten bilefden. pes Maximian luvede an heh mon of cunne ant 
 eke riche of rente, Elewsius wes ihaten, ant weren as feolahes ])urh 
 miiche freontschipe. pis meidenes feder ant he weren swioe wel 
 togederes. As he sum chere iseh hire utnume feir ant freoliche 
 ijuhe'Se 2 , he felde him iwundet ]?et, wiSiiten lechnunge of hire, 
 libben he ne mahte. AfFrican wiste wel pet he wes freoboren, ant 
 Ipet him walde bicumen a freoboren biirde, ant jettede him his 
 dohter; and heo 2 wes sone ihpndsald al hire unwilles. Ah heo 
 triiste on him J^et ne trukenetS na mon Ipet triistetS treowliche on 
 him, ant euch deis dei eode to chirche to leornen Godes lare, 
 3eornlTche to witen hu ha mahte best witen hire unweommet and 
 hire meuShad witSuten man of monne. Elewsius, pe luvede hire, 
 \gnge hit him Jmhte J>et tis dede nere idon J>et heo ibroht were 
 J>urh wedlac to bedde. Ah, as ha wende hire summes weis t5 
 witene, sende him to siiggen pet nalde ha lihten swa lahe, ne 
 nehlechen him for nan livlende mon, fr J>en he were under 
 Maximian hehest in Rome, pet is hehreve. Sone sg he iherde f>is, 
 he bi^et et te keiser J>et he 3ettede him reve to beonne as fet he 
 i3irnd hefde ; and he, as me J?a luvede, lette If aden him into cure 
 f>et 8 te riche riden in, ant tuhen him 3ont te tun from strete to 
 strete. And al pe cur was bitild >et he wes in wicS purpre, wi(5 pal, 
 and wicS ciclatun ant deorewurSe claSes, as pe fet heh ping hefde 
 to heden. And pa. he hefde j?is idon, he sende hire to seggen J?et 
 he hefde hire wil iwraht, ant heo schulde his wiirchen. 
 Juliane pe die, Jesu Cristes leovemon, of his blisfule luve balde 
 hire seolven, sende him to onswere bi an of hire sgnden : ' Elewsius, 
 wite f>u hit wel irfadi, wraSSi sg J?u wratSSi, 119 lengre niil ich hit 
 heolen pe ; $ef )>u wiilt Igaven pe lahen J?et tu list in, ant leven in 
 1 redegunge. 2 Supplied from Bodl. MS. 3 "j. 
 Godd Feder ant in his deorewurSe Sune ant 1 pe Hall Gast, ich 
 iille wel neomen pe ; :jef pu. niilt 119, pu art wiindl of me, ant ocSer 
 luve sech pe.' pa pe reve iherde J>is he wrecSSede him swloe, ant 
 hire feder cleopede ant feng on to tellen him hu his dohter droh 
 him from deie to deie, ant efter pet he wende to habben his iwil sg 5 
 ha him pis word siilllche sende. ' Bi pet ilke Godd,' quocS hire 
 feder, ' pet me is lao* to gremlen, beo hit sotS pat pu seist, to wraSer 
 hfale seide ha hit, ant nu ich iille 6 grfat grome al bitfachen hire 
 pe to wiirchen pi wil ant al pet te wel UkecS as mit tin ahne/ Ant 
 me cleopede hire forS bivoren hire feder, ant he feng feire to fgndin 10 
 his dohter : ' Ml deorewuroe dohter, hwerfore vorsakest u pi sy ant 
 tl selhtSe, pe weolen ant te wiinnen pet walden awakenin ant waxen 
 of pi wedlac pet ich pe toreade ? For he is inoh laverd, Elewsius, 
 ine Rome, ant tu maht beon lfafdl, dohter, 3ef pu wel wiilt/ 
 Juliane pe fadle onswerede him ant seide as peo pet ine Godd hire 15 
 hope hefde, ' ^ef he wule leven an God Almihtl, penne mei he 
 speoken perof ant inoh raoe speden ; ant ;ef he niile nawt, ne schal 
 wlven on me, wive per his wil is.' pa hire feder iherde pis, pa feng 
 he to swerien : 'Bi mi kinewurtSe laverd Apollo, ant bi mi deore 
 lfafdi Diane, pet ich miiche luvie, jef pu haldest heron ich iille 20 
 leoten deor toteoren ant toluken pe, ant jeoven pi flsch to 1 
 fuheles of pe liifte.' Juliane him onswerede ant softllche seide, 
 j Ne wen pu nawiht, leove feder, pet tu affeare me swa, for Jesu 
 Crist Godes sune, pet ich on leve ant luvie as Laverd lufsumest on 
 live, pah ich beo forbernd ant toloken limel, nul ich her onont 25 
 buhen pe nawiht/ pa feng eft hire feder 2 on wi<S olhnunge to 
 fgndin 3ef he mahte eis weis wenden hire heorte, ant seide hire 
 lufsumliche pet ne schulde ha nane wiinne lihtliche wilnin pet he 
 ne schulde welden, wicS pet ha walde hire pone wenden. ' Nai/ 
 quocS pet meiden, ' schuld ich don me to him pat is alle deovlen 30 
 bitaht ant to eche dS idemet, to furwunSen wi(5 him world abiiten 
 ende, for his wedlakes weole goer for enl wiinne ? ForsocS, ich hit 
 segge, unwurtS is hit me. Ich iille pet he hit wite wel, ant tu eke 
 x to supplied from Bodl. MS. 2 feder not in MS. 
 mid him, Ipet ich am iweddet to an pet ich iille treowliche to halden, 
 ant wicSuten If s luvien, pe is unlich him ant alle worldlich men ; ne 
 null ich him nowSer lgaven ne lihen for weole ne for wiinne, for wa 
 ne for wiinne f>et $e mahen don me.' 
 pa feng hire feder to wre(5<5en swlo'e ferlich, and swiSe hoker- 
 liche freinede, ' Me hwet is he, J>es were )>et tu art to iweddet, f>et 
 tu havest wiSuten me June luve ilenet \ for hwam }?u letest Ititel of 
 )?et tu schuldest luvien ? Ne ich never )?et ich wite nes wio 1 him 
 icnawen/ * For Gode/ quotS J>et meiden, ' pm harm is pe mare ; 
 nawt for]?! J>et tu navest ofte iherd of him ^are, )?et is Jesu, Godes 
 sune J>e, for to lesen monciin pet forloren schulden beon, lette his 
 deorwurSe lif on rode. Ne ich ne seh him never, J>et me sare for- 
 f)unchecS; ah ich him 2 luvie ant leve as on laverde, ne schal me 
 firsin him from nowfter deovel ne mon/ ' For mi lif/ quoo 1 hire 
 feder, ' pe schal laSin his luve, for )m schalt beon ibf aten mid 
 besmes swa bittre J?et tu wummon were schal to wraoer hfale 
 iwurcSen.' ' Swa muche/ qvocS ha, ' ich iwurcSe him pe leovere, sg 
 ich dervre fing for his luve drehe. pet ti wil is, wiirch nii.' Ant 
 he het hatterliche strupen hire steortnaket, ant bften hire swa 
 liiftere J>et hire leofliche Hch litSeri al o blSde. Ant swa ha diiden 
 sg ltioVe fet te blod 3ft adun of pe }f rden. Ant heo bigon to 
 3eien, ' Bfaten sg %e bfaten, $e Beliales biideles, ne mahe 3 nowSer 
 ml luve ne mm bilfave lOtlen toward him, ml lufsum leof, ml 
 leovinde 3 Laverd ; ne null ich leaven ower read )?et forreadecS ow 
 seolven, ne ower mix mawmets 4 }>et beoc5 J>es feondes fetles heien 
 ne herien, for teone ne for tintreow ]?et %e mahen timbrin.' ' Na,' 
 quoc5 he, ' is it swa ? Hit schal sutelin sone, for ich Qlle bitf achen 
 misllch J>i bodi to Elewsium, pe riche reve I Rome, ant he schal 
 forswelten ant forreden pe efter his 5 wille, wicS alles ciinnes pinen.' 
 ' ge/ quocS fis meiden, ' J>et mei Crist welden, for ne mahe je nawt 
 don me biite hwet he wiile J>eavien ow, to miichelen mi mede ant 
 te murtSe J>et IT'S to mei<5hades menske ; for ever sg %e mare merriS 
 me her, sg mi crime bi(5 brihtre ant fehere. For ich iille bliocliche 
 1 ilene. 2 ichim. 3 leowinde. 4 mawmex. 5 fes. 
 drehen evereuch derf for mi deore Laverdes luve, ant softe me 
 biS euch derf hwen ich him servl, J>ah J>u me to Elewsium willes 
 bitfache. Ne 5eve ich for inc nowSer, pet je me mahen harmen ; 
 for S9 3 mare me her harmej?, sq mare ;e me helpecS seovevald to 
 heovene. Ant }ef 3S me docS to df acSe, hit bitS me deorewunSe, ant 5 
 ich schal J>er}?urh blitSe bicumen into endelfse blissen, ant ^e schulen, 
 wrecches, awei, ower wurSes }?et je iboren weren sinken to 
 wracer hfale ow to pe bale bitter deope into helle.' 
 Hire feder Affrican, J?urh f>is bittre teone bitahte hire to Elewsium, 
 pe liiSere reve, ant he lette bringen hire bivoren him to his hen 10 
 seotel as he set in dome as reve of pe burhe. . . . Ant set f>et bale- 
 fule bfast as an burst bar >et grunde his tuskes, ant feng on to 
 fgmin ant te grispatien 6 J?is meoke meiden, ant )?ohte on hwiiche 
 wise he mahte hire awelden. Ant lette fecchen a feat and wi(5 pich 
 hit fullen ant hfaten hit walm hat, ant het warpen hire J^erin 1 hwen 1? 
 hit wodelukest weolle. As me dude hire ferin 1 , ha cleopede to 
 Drihtin ant hit colede anan, ant warS hire as wiinsum as ever eni 
 wlech weter )?et were iwlaht te baolen, ant leop wallinde hat up 
 a3ein J>eo ilke )>et hit hefden i^arket ant forscaldede of ham seolven 
 fiftl ant tene, ant fordiide fifti al italde. pa pe reve iseh J>is, he 20 
 rende his claSes ant toe him seolven bi pe top, ant feng to fiten his 
 mawmets 2 ant lasten his laverd. ' Swioe/ quotS he, ' ut of min 
 ehsihoe, pet ich ne seo hire na mare r ]>e bodl wi<5 pe buc beo 
 isundret from hire h^avet/ 
 Sone as ha J>is iherde, ha herede Godd in heovene ant warS 25 
 swl<5e gled, for J?et heo iwilnet hefde. Me ledde hire ant s leac 4 
 for<5, ant heo wes fSluke. As ha stutte 6 pe stiide per ha schulde 
 df cS drehen, pa. com pe ilke Belial of helle J>et ha hefde ibfaten 
 hire bihinden, ant gon to 3eien, ' A, stalewurcSe men, ne sparie %e 
 nawiht, ha have'S us alle scheome idon ; schendeo 1 hire nuoen ant 30 
 jeldeS hire :jarew borh, ne studgl $e nf aver/ Juliane pe f die 
 openede hire ehnen ant lokede toward him, ant te bali blenchte apt 
 braid him a^einward as an ischoten arewe. ' Wumme J>et ich libbe,' 
 1 J>rin. 2 mawmez. 3 Supplied from Bodl. MS. * hleac. 
 O 2 
 quo<5 he, ' pa ich beo nu nan ilaht, ant 3ef ha kecchecS me nu ne find I 
 nf aver leche ; igripe ha me f nes, ne ga I nf aver eft mare/ Ant 
 lfac him a^einward as a beore, pet unwiht, ne mahte him nawt letten. 
 As ha schulde stupen ant strecchen forcS pe swire, ha bed first ant 
 feng on pus to If aren peo pet per weren, ant pus seide : ' LiistetS 
 me, leove men, ant HdecS ane hwile. BiwepeS ant bireowseS ower 
 siinnen, ant lassetS witS so<5 schrift ant wi(5 dedbote ; If avecS ower 
 unlahen ant biildeo 1 ower boldes uppon treowe stac5ele pet ne dredecS 
 na wind ne na weder nowoer. LokecS pet te heovenlich Laverd beo 
 grundwal of al pet %e wiirchecS, for pet stgnt studelfast, falle J>et i 
 falle l . CleopeS jeorne to Godd in hall chirche pet he ^eove ow 
 wit wel for te donne, ant strenge ow wiS his strencc5e a3ein pen 
 strgnge unwiht pet sekecS 2 ever ant aa ow for te swolhen. Liiste<5 
 writen lare ant luviec5 perefter ; wel is him pet wakecS wel in -pis 
 liitle hwile, ant witecS wel him seolven ant heorteliche slkecS ofte 1 
 for his siinnes. pis world weint awei as weter pet eornecS, ant as 
 imet sweven aswindecS hire murSen ; ant al nis buten a If s wind 
 pat we livieo\ Lf aveS pe If ase ant luviecS pe sooe, for we schulen 
 leten pis lif niite we nfaver hwenne, ant reope we of J?et ripe sed 
 pat we seowen. Swlfte ich biseche ow pet }e bidden for me, j 
 bretSren ant sustren/ Ant ciiste ham a cos of pf s, alle as ha stoden, 
 ant biheold uppard ant hehede hire stefne : ' Laverd Godd Almihti, 
 pu luvest treowe bileave ; ne Iff pu to pin ifan pin illcnesse, ah 1 
 underfeng me to pe, ant do me in pin englene hird wiS meidenes 
 imfane. Ich a^eove to pe mi gast, Drihtin.' Ant wi(S J>et ilke, 
 beide ant df f dUvelunge dun to per eonSe, sone bihf fdet ; ant pe j 
 f die engles, wicS hire sawle, singinde sihen toward heovene. 
 Socmen sone perefter com a sell wummon, Sophie inempnet, bi l 
 Nicomedes burh o rade toward Rome, of heh ciin akennet, ant 1 
 nom pis meidenes bodl ant ber hit in a bat, biwunden deorllche i 
 in deorewurSe clacSes. As ha weren in wettre, com a steorm ant u 
 draf ham to lgnde into Campaine; ant per lette Sophie, from pe | 
 sfa a mile, setten a chirche ant don hire bodi perin 3 in stanene j 
 1 J>et falle, from Bodl. MS. a seletJ. 3 ]>rin. 
 \ 1 
 J>ruh hehliche as hit deh halhen l to donne. pe reve, fa he herde 
 J?is, bigon te rowen efier for te rfaven hit ham, ant 1 pe sfa 
 senchte; for J?er<^risen^stormes starcke ant strgnge, ant breken 
 pe schipes bord, adrenchten on hare J>rittuoe sum ant Jerto eke 
 fowre, ant warp ham adriven to pe \gnde, J>eras wilde deor limel 
 toluken ham, ant te unseli sawlen suncken to helle. 
 pus J>et f die meiden wende J?urh pinen to heovenliche wiinnen, 
 in pe nomecQoe burh Nicomede hatte, o pe sixtenSe dei of 
 Feovereles mone(5, pe fortende kalende of Mearch J>et cumecS efter. 
 Heo us erndi to Godd pe grace of him seolven, J>et rixlecS in 
 )>reohad, ant pah is an untwfamet. Iheret ant iheiet wuroe he 
 him ane as he is wurSe, ant ever ah te beonne, world abuten ende. 
 Of Speech - a ^ J*fe^ ^ JU^ 
 Spellunge and 2 smecchunge beoc5 ine mu&b^e, ase sihoe is I 
 Sen eien ; auh we schullen If ten smecchunge vort tet we spfken of 15' 
 ower mfte, and spfken nu of spellunge and tfrefter of herrunge, of 
 bg imf ne sume cherre ase ggc5 togederes. 
 . On aire frest hwon ^e schulen to oure parlures fiirle, iwiteS et W**** 
 ower meiden hwp hit beo fet 3 is icumen, vor s\yiich hit mei beon ]?et 
 se schulen asunlen ou ; and hwon 3e alles moten vovlS, creoisecS ful 20 
 jeorne* our muo\ f aren, and eien, and te breoste f ke, and ggo 1 foro 1 
 mid Godes drfde to preoste. On frest siggetS 'confiteor' and 
 *** > 
 1 deh alhen. 2 1, as usual. 3 )?, as often. 
 \.^-^-, Ilk/ V) 
 ffrefter ' benedicite ' ; pet he ouh to siggeh, hercnecS his wordes and 
 sitteS al stille fet, hwon he parted vrom x ou, fet he ne cunfre ower 
 god ne ower iivel nouoer, ne he ne cunne ou nouoer blamen ne 
 preisen. Sum is sg wel ilf red goer sf wis iworded fet heo wolde 
 fet he wiiste hit pe sit and spfkeo" Jouward him and jelt him word 
 asein word, and bicumecS meister "be schulde beon ancre. and 
 IgarecS him pet is icumen to lgren hire ; wolde bi hire tale sone 
 beon mit te wise icQd and icnowen. Icnowen heo is wel, vor J>urh 
 fet ilke J>et heo wenetS to beon wis ihglden he .understont fet heo 
 is sot, vor heo hunteo 1 efter prls and keccheo 1 lastunge. Vor et te 
 laste hwon he is ivvend awei, ' peos ancre/ he wiile siggen, ' is of 
 miichele spfche/ Eve heold ine Parais lgnge tale mid te neddre 
 J>et tglde hire al f et lescun bet God hire hefde ilf red and Adam of 
 fen epple; .and sq pe v$ond furh hire word understod angn riht 
 hire wgcnesse and ivond wei touward hire of hire vorlgrenesse. 
 Ure Lf fdl, Seinte Marie, dude al anocSer wise, ne tplde heo J>en 
 engle ngne tale, auh askede him f>ing scheortllche J>et heo.ne ku(5e. 
 ^e, mine leove siistren, volewetS ure Lf fdl and nout pe kakele Eve. 
 Vorjn, ancre, hwatsg heo beo, alsf miichel ase heo ever con and 
 mei, hglde hire stille. Nabbe heo nout henhe ktinde. pe hen 
 hwon heo have (5 ileid ne con buten kakelen. And hwat bi3it heo 
 ffrof ? Kume(S pe cove angn riht and rfve'S hire hire eiren, and 
 frf t al fet of hwat heo schulde vonS bringen hire cwike briddes. 
 And riht alsp pe iiiSere cgve deovel ber<S awei vrom pe kakelinde 
 ancren and vorswoluwecS al pe god fet heo istreoned habbeo 1 , and 
 schulden ase briddes bfren ham up touward heovene :jif hit nre 
 icakeled. pe wreche peoddare mgre noise he makecS to jeien 
 his sgpe, fen a riche mercer al his deorewuroe ware. To sume 
 ggstliche monne J?et 36 beoo* trust! 2 uppen, ase 3 muwen beon of 
 lOt 3 , god is J>et }e asken rf d, and salve . pet he tf che ou t63eines , 
 fpndunges, and ine schrifte schf awe<S him gif he wiile iheren ower 
 grfste and ower lgdlukeste siinnen, vorfi J>et him areowe ou and 
 burh be bireounesse crie Crist inwardliche mercl vor ou, and habbe 
 1 vrorm. 2 strusti. 3 bit. 
 ou ine miinde and in his borien. ' Sed multi venhint ad vos in 
 vesiimeniis ovium, inlrinsecus autem sunt lupi rapaces'; 'Auh witeS q<ua 
 ou and beoS iwarre,' he sei(5, ure Lgverd, ' vor monie cume<S to ou 
 ischriid mid lgmbes fleose and beocS wode/tfulvesj/ Worldliche 
 pen ilevetS Hit 1 , religiuse 5etlesse; ne wilnie $e nout to miichel 
 hore kuftlfchunge. Eve witfate drfde spec mit te neddre; ure 
 Lffdi was ofdrf d of Gabrieles spfche. * &U 
 Wi<5ute witnesse of wfopmon goer of wummon J>et ou muwe 
 iheren, ne spfke ^e mid ngne monne ofte ne lgnge ; and J>auh hit 
 beo of schrifte 1 >en ilke hiise gc5er J?fr he muwe iseon touward ou, 10 
 sitte Ipe fridde, bute $if )>e ilke Jmdde doer stunde 2 trukie. pis nis 
 nout vor ou, l^ove sustren, iseid, ne vor 5c5er swtiche ; nowt, forfi 
 ]?e treowe is misleved, and te sakelfase ofte bilowen vor wone 
 of witnesse. Me ilevecS j?et iivel sone, and te unwreste bliSeliche 
 HeS on ]?e gode. Sum unisfll, hwon heo seide )?et heo schrgf hire, 15 
 haueS ischriven hire al to wundre. VorJi owen J>e gode ever to 
 habben witnesse vor twg ancheisuns ; nomeliche, fet gn is >et te 
 ontfule ne muwen Hen on heom sg fet ]>e witnesse ne preove 
 heom valse, J?et ooer is vor te 5iven ]>e ooYe vorblsne, and binime 
 )>e iivele ancre J>et ilke unisfll gile J>et ich of seide. * 20 
 Ut of chirchejmrle ne hglde 36 ngne tale mid ngne monne, auh 
 bfre(5 wurSschipe J>frto vor fet hgli sacrament J>et $e iseoS 
 J>f rj?urh ; and nime<5 ooerhwtiles ower wummen to }?e huses J?iirle, 
 ]>eo 6(5re men and wummen to fe parlurs J?iirle spfken buten vor 
 neode, ne ouwe 3 buten et J>eos twg juries. 25 
 Silence evere et te mf te, vor ^if ooYe religiuse d6(5 hit ase ^e wel 
 wute<S 3 owen bivgren alle ; and ^if en! haveo* deore gist, do hire 
 meiden ase in hire stiide te gledien hire vere, and heo schal 
 habben lfave to gpenen hire j?iirl fnes goer twies and makien 
 signes touward hire of gne glede chere. Summes kurteisie is 30 
 ngftelfas iturnd hire to iivele; under semblaunt of god is ofte 
 ihfled siinne. Ancre and huses lffdi ouh miiche to beon bi- 
 tweonen. Everiche Vrldeie of f e 5fr hgldeS silence, bute ^if hit beo 
 1 hit. 3 stude. 
 duble ff ste, and teonne hgldecS hit sum oSer dai I t$e wike ; 1 (5en 
 Advent and I (5e Umbridawes, Wodnesdawes and Fridawes ; I Se 
 Leinten preo ^awes\ind al pe swlwike l vort non of Jstre fven. 
 To owr meiden 5eTnuwen pauh siggen mid hit wordes hwatsf $e 2 
 \viillec5; and jif en! god mon is feorrene ikumen, hercnecS his 
 spf che and onsweriecS mid l(it wordes to his askunge. 
 Miiche fol he wfre pe muhte to his owene bihove, hwedersf he 
 wolde grinden greot gcSer hwf te, }if he grunde pet greot and lefde 
 pene hwf te. Hwf te is hgll spf che, ase Seint Anselme sei(5. Heo 
 grint greot pe chf ofled. pe twg cheoken beocS pe twg grinstgnes ; 
 pe tunge is pe cleppe. LokecS, leove siistren, pet ouwer cheoken 
 ne grinden never bute soulevode, ne our faren ne hercnen never 
 bute soulehf ale ; and nout gne our faren auh ower eiepiirle's 
 tone's ajein Idel spf che, pet to ou ne cume ng tale, ne tnSinge of pe 
 ^e ne schulen vor ngne pinge ne warien, ne swf rien bute jif $e 
 siggen witterllche gc5er sikerliche, gc5er summe swiiche wise ; ne ne 
 prf che 3 to ngne mon, ne 3 ng mon ne aski ou rf ad ne counsail, 
 ne ne telle ou. RfadeS wummen gne. Seinte Povvel vorbfad 
 wummen to prf chen ' Mulieres non permitto docere! Nenne 
 wfopmon ne chastl 3e, ne ne'etwitetS him of his unSfau, bute }if he 
 beo pe gverkuSre. Hglle glde ancren muwen d5n hit summes 
 weis, auh hit nis nout siker ping, ne ne limpecS nout to pe 3unge. 
 Hit is hore meister pet beocS gver ooVe iset and habbetS ham t5 
 witene ; ancre navecS to witene buten hire and hire meidenes. 
 Hglde everlch his owene mester and nout ne rf avie d(5res. Moni 
 mon wenecS to don wel pet he decS al to cwf ade ; vor, ase ich f r 
 seide, under semblaunt of gode is ofte ihfled siinne, and purh 
 swiich chastiement havetS sum ancre arfred bitweonen hire and 
 hire preost gc5er a valsinde luve g<5er a miiche weorre. 
 Seneca seide, 'Ad summam volo vos* rariloquos, tuncque pauci- 
 loquos ' ; pet is, ' pe ende of pe tale/ sei(5 Seneke the wise, ' ich iille 
 pet 3e spfken seide, and peonne buten lutel/ Auh mom punt hire 
 1 swiSwike. 2 No se in MS. 3 ne ne. * summam vos'. 
 word vor te l$ten mo ut, as me dec5 water et tfr miilne cluse ; and 
 sg diiden Jdbes freond f>et wfren icumen to vrovren him, sften 
 stille alle seoveniht, aul/peo yheo hefden \ alles bigunne vor to 
 spfkene J?eone kuoen heosnatfere astunten hore cleppe. Gregory 2 : 
 ' Centura silencii nutritura est verbid Sg hit is ine 3 monle, ase 5 
 Seint Gregory sei<S, ' silence is wordes fostrild and bringecS forf> 
 chfafle.' An ooer half ase he ?>z\% l Juge silencium cogit celestia 
 meditari,' ' Lgng silence and wel iwiist nedeS pe J^ouhtes up 
 touward pfr heovene.' Al sg ase $e muwen iseon Je water hwon . 
 me punt hit, and stopped bivgren wel sg pet hit ne muwe adune- 10 
 ward, J?eonne is hit ined a;$ein vor to cllmben upward ; and ;je al 
 pisses weis ptindecS ower wordes and forstoppetS ouwer Jxmhtes, 
 ase ^e wullecS J>et heo cllmben and hlen touward heovene and nout 
 ne vallen , aduneward, and tovleoten ^eond te world ase de5 
 muchel chfafle. Auh hwon ^e nede moten spfken, a lute wiht 15 
 lesecS up ouwer mutSes flodjeten, ase me detS et tfr miilne, and 
 If ted adun sone. 
 Of Domestic Matters 
 Hit ne limpetS nout to ancre of 6(5er monne elmesse vor to 
 maklen hire large. Nolde me lauhwen ane beggare hide' to bise- 
 mare J?et bede men to ff ste ? Marie and Marthe bgtSe heo wfren 20 
 sustren, auh hore llf sundrede. ^e ancren habbetS inumen ou to 
 Marie ,'tlgle, }>et ure Lgverd sfllf herede. ' Maria optimam partem 
 elegit! * Marthe, Marthe/ cwecS he, ' J?u ert ine muchele baret ; 
 Marie havecS ichgsen betere, and ne schal hire ngtSing binimen hire 
 dgle.' Huswlfschipe is Marthe dgle, and Marie dgle is stilnesse and 25 
 reste of alle worldes noise, pet ngolng ne lette hire vor to iheren 
 Godes stefne. And IdkecS hwat God sei(5, J>et ngcSing ne schal 
 binimen ou feos dgle. Marthe havecS hire mester ; lftecS hire 
 iwurcSen, and sitte 5 mid Marie stgnstille et 4 Godes fet and 
 hercneo" him gne. Marthe mester is vor to veden and schriiden 30 
 1 \>eo hefden. 2 Greg. 3 Ine. 4 ed. 
 povre men, ase huself fdi : Marie ne ouh nout vor to entremf ten 
 hire J?f rof, and }if ei blameS hire God siilf gveral w recS hire J> rof, 
 ase hgli writ witneo\ An ScSer half, ngn ancre ne ouh for to nimen 
 bute gnedeliche J>et hire to neodeo\ Hwarof f>eonne mei heo 
 makien hire large ? Heo schal libben bl elmesse ase neruhllche 
 ase heo ever mei, and nout gederen vor to ^iven hit eft. Heo nis 
 nout husewif, auh is a chirche ancre. gif heo mei sparien eni 
 povre schrf aden, sende ham al derneliche ut of hire woanes ; under 
 semblaunt of gode is ofte ihf led siinne. And hwu schulen J>eos 
 rlche ancren ]?et beo(5 eoroetilien, goer habbetS rentes isette, don to i 
 povre neiheboures dernellche hore elmesse ? Ne wilnen nout for 
 to habben word of gne large ancre, ne vor to 3iven muchel, ne beo 
 ngn pe grfdiure vor t5 habben mgre. Beo 1 grfdinesse rote of 
 hire bitternesse ; alle beotS pe bowes bittre J>et of hire springeo\ 
 Bidden hit vor to jiven hit nis nout ancre rihte. Of ancre i 
 kurteisle, and of ancre largesse, is ikumen ofte siinne and schf ome 
 on ende. 
 Wummen and children J>et habbe'S iswunken vor ou, hwatsf $e 
 spariecS on ou makiecS ham to f tene ; nenne mon bivgren ou bute 
 3if he habbe neode, ne laoe ^e to drinken nout. Ne 3irne ich Jet 2 
 me telle ou hendi ancren. Et gode vreond nime(5 al pet }e habbetS 
 neode hwon heo beodeo 1 hit ou ; auh for ngn bgde ne nime } nout 
 wiouten neode, leste 3e kecchen pene ngme of gederinde 2 ancren. 
 Of mon pet %e misleveo 1 ne nime $e nouSer lesse ne mgre, nout sg 
 miiche J?et beo a rote gingivre. Miiche neode schal driven ou vor 2 
 te bidden out ; >auh f dmodliche schf awet5 to ower leoveste 
 vreond ower miseise. 
 ge, mine leove sustren, ne schulen habben ng bfst bute kat gne. 
 Ancre Jet havetS eihte Jnincheo 1 bet husewif, ase Marthe was, f>en 
 ancre ; ne ngne wise ne mei heo beon Marie mid gruSfulnesse of 31 
 heorte. Vor J?eonne mot heo j?enchen of pe kues foddre, and of 
 heordemonne htiire, oliihnen J?ene heiward, warien hwon me ptint 
 hire, and 3elden J>auh pe hermes. Wat Crist J>is is lgdlich J>ing 
 1 J>eo. 2 gederindde. 
 hwon me 1 maketS mgne in tune of ancre eihte. pauh 3if eni mot 
 nede habben ku, loke J?et heo ngne monne ne eille, ne ne hermle, 
 ne J>et hire J>ouht ne beo nout ffron ivestned. Ancre ne ouh 
 nout to habben ng f>ing J>et drawe utward hire heorte. Ngne 
 cheffare ne drive 3 ; ancre }>et is chf apild, heo chf apecS hire soule 5 
 >e chepmon of helle. Ne wite }e" nout in oure huse of ooer monnes 
 f inges, ne eihte, ne clgoes ; ne nout ne undervo $e pe chirche vesti- 
 ments 2 , ne f>ene calls 3 , bute 3if strencoe hit makie, goer miichel eie, 
 vor of swuche witunge is ikumen miichel iivel pftesitSen. WicSinnen 
 ower woanes ne If ten $e nenne mon slfpen. ^if miichel neode mid 10 
 alle maketS brf ken ower hus, J)e 4 hwule J>et hit ever is ibrgken loke 
 f et 3e habben J?f rinne mid ou gne wummon of elf ne live, deies and 
 Muche ha{? 6 Je sorwe ibe ofte in Engelgnde, 
 As 3 mowe her and r jhure and 6 understgnde, H 
 Of moni bataile pat hap 5 ibe, and pat men fat lgnd nome. 
 Verst, as ^e habbej) ' ihiird, pe emperours of Rome, 
 Siippe Saxons and Englisse mid batayles strgnge, 
 And siippe hii of Denemarch pat hulde it al sg lgnge ; 
 Atte laste hii of Normandl, pat maisters bep 3^ here, 20 
 Wonne hit and hgldep %tit, ich olle 8 telle in wiich manere. 
 pg Willam bastard hiirde telle of Haraldes swikelhf de, x ^^ujp^y\ 
 Hou he hadde 9 ymad him king and mid such falshf de, 
 Vor fat lgnd him was bitake, as he wel wiiste, 
 To wite hit to him Wel and he wel to him truste ; 3 5 
 1 me me. 2 vestimenz. 3 caliz. * J?eo. 5 aj). 
 6 &, as often. 7 abbe>. 8 icholle = ich wulle. 9 adde. 
 As pe heude he diide verst, and messagers him sende, 
 pat he understode him bet his x dfde vor to amende, 
 And Jx^te on pe grf te gp fat he him hadde 2 f r ydo 
 To wite'him wel Engelgnd and to spousi his 1 do}ter alsg, 
 And hulde him ff rof vorewarde, as he bfhet fk fe kinge; 
 And bote he diide bitlme he wolde sende him ofer tidinge, 
 And seche him out ar twelfmonf e, and his 1 rijtes winne, 
 pat he ne ssolde habbe s in al Engelgnd an heme to wite him inne. 
 Harald him sende word fat folle it was to triiste 
 To such gp as was ido mid strengf e^ as he wel wiiste ; 
 Vor }if a maide treufe ipli3t to do an fole dfde 
 Al gne priveliche, wif oute hire frendes rf de, i^id}^ J 
 pulke vorwarde wf re vor nojt ; and watloker it ajjte her, 
 pat ich swor an gp fat was al in fi poer, /v\^.S^J^JL 
 Wif owte conseil of al f e lgnd, of f ing fat mm nojt nas ; 1 5 
 pfrfgre nede gf iswgre, nede ibrgke was. v ( W^j) rflrfMfijjr 
 And ;if f ou me wolt seche in Engelgnd ne be f ou no;$t sg sttirne , l 
 Siker foil be f 6u ne ssalt me flnde in ngne Jnlrnej. ^CcVyyju. 
 p9 Willam hiirde fat he wolde susteini his * tricherle ; 
 He let ofsende his ! kni3tes of al NormandTe 20 
 To conseili him in f is cas, and to helpe him in such nede ; 
 And he gan of hor purchas largellche horn bede. 
 As hii founde suf f e in Engelgnd, f g it iwonne was ; 
 pe betere was toward him hor herte yor p is cas. 
 pe Due Willam his 1 wille amgng horn alle sfde, 25 
 pat four f inges him made mf st biginne f iilke dfde : 
 pat Godwine, Haraldes fader, to df pe 1ft ido .* 
 Sg villlche Alfrf d his l cosin, and his - 1 felawes alsg ; t w 
 And vor Harald hadde 2 his * gp ibrgke fat he swor mid his 1 ri^t 
 pat he wolde to his * bihoff e 5 witie Engelgnd ; 30 
 And vor Seint Edward him ;ef Engelgnd alsg ; 
 And vor he was next of his 1 blod and best wurf e p f rto, 
 1 is. 2 adde. 3 abbe. * do. 5 biof>e. 
 And vor Harald nadde ng rijt bote in falshfde ; 
 pes fringes him made mf st biginne f iilke dfde. 
 And vor he wolde fat alle men iseye his * trewehf de, 
 To f e Pgpe Alisandre he sende in such cas him to rfde. 
 Haraldes falshfde f g f e Pgpe ysey f f re, 5 
 And parauntre me him tglde mgre fan sof e wfre, 
 pe Pgpe asoilede and blessede Willam and alle his 
 pat into f is bataile mid him ssolde iwis, 
 And halwede his * baner fat me atvgre him bf re. 
 p9 was he and alle his gladdore fan hii fr wfre. 10 
 Sq fat f is due hadde 2 ajen hervest al ^are 
 His barons and knifes mid him vor to fare. 
 To f e havene of Sein Walri f e due wende f g, 
 Mid f e men fat he hadde 2 and abide mg. 
 After hervest fg hor ssipes and hii al preste wfre, 15 
 And wynd 3 horn com after wille hor seiles hii gonne arf re. 
 And hiderward in f e sf wel glad fen wei nome, 
 Sg fat bislde Hastinge to Engelgnd hii come ; 
 Horn f o^te f g hii come a lgnd fat al was in hor hgnd. 
 As sone as f e Due Willam his s fot sette a lgnd, ao 
 Qn of his x kni3tes gradde, ' Hgld vaste, Willam, nou 
 Engelgnd, vor f f r nis ng king bote f ou ; 
 Vor siker f ou be Engelgnd is nou fin iwis/ 
 pe Due Willam angn vorbfd alle his 
 pat ngn nfre sg wod to robby, ne ng maner harm do ffre 25 
 Upe f e lgnd fat his 4 was, bote horn fat a^en him wfre. 
 Al an fourtene ni^t hii bilfvede f f r aboute, 
 And conseilede of batayle and ordeinede hor route. 
 King Harald sat glad ynou at Euerwik at te mf te, 
 Sg fat f f r com a messager ar he hadde 2 i} te, 30 
 And sfde fat Due Willam to Hastinges was icome, 
 And his 1 baner hadde 2 arf rd, and f e contreie al inome. 
 is. 3 adde. 3 wynd, not in MS. ; supplied from MS. B and 
 ers. 4 it. 

 Harald angn mid grfte herte(corageus)ynou, 
 As he of 119 mon ne tplde fiiderward vaste he drou. 
 He ne 1ft no^t cliipie al his folc, S9 willesfol he was, 
 And al for in f e of er bataile him vel sq vair cas. 
 pg Due Willam wiiste fat he was icome sg nei 
 A monek he sende him in message and dude as f sley : 
 pat Ignd fat him was ijive fat he ssolde him up ^elde, 
 Qf er come and dereyni f e ri3te mid swerd in f e velde. 
 ^if he sf de fat he nadde ngne ri3te f f rto, 
 pat, upe f e Pgpes lokinge of Rome, he ssolde it do, 10 
 And he wolde f f rto stpnde al wif oute fi^te, 
 Wf r Seint Edward hit him 3af, and wf r he hadde 2 f f rto rijte. 
 Harald sende him word a3en fat he nolde him take ng \gnd, 
 Ne ng lokinge of Rome, bote swerd and ri3t hgnd. 
 pg hit of er ne mi3te be, eif er in his side 1 5 
 Conseilede and 3arkede horn bataile vor to abide. 
 pe Englisse al f e ni3t bevpre vaste bigonne to singe, 
 And spende al f e ni^t in glotonie and in drinkinge. 
 pe Normans ne dude no3t sq, ac criede on God vaste, 
 And ssrive horn, fch after of er, pe wtile pe ni3t ylaste, 20 
 And a morwe horn 1ft hoseli mid milde herte ynou. 
 And stifle pe due wif his * hgst toward pe bataile drou, 
 An stounde he gan abide, and his 1 kni3tes rf de : 
 * ^e kni^tes/ he sf de, ' fat bef of sg ngble df de, 
 pat nfre nevere Overcome, ne 35ure elderne nafemp, 25 
 Understgndef of pe kynge 3 of France fat 30ure elderne diide 
 Hou ml fader in Paris amidde his * kinedom, 
 Mid prowesse of 35ure faderes mid strengf e him gvercome. 
 Understpndef hou 35ure elderne pe king nome alsg, 
 And held him vorte he hadde 2 amended fat he hadde 2 misdo ; 30 
 And Richard fat was f 9 a child i^glde Normandie, 
 pat was due her bivgre, and fat to siich maistrie 
 1 is. 2 adde. 3 kunde ; other MSS. kynge. 
 pat at f che Parlement fat he in France wfre, 
 pat he was igiird wif swerd f e wflle he wf re f re, 
 Ne fat f e King of France ne his sg hardl nf re, 
 Ne ngn atte Parlement fat knif ne swerd bf re. 
 Understgndef f k f e dfdes fat f iilke Richard dude alsg, 5 
 pat he ne overcome no3t kinges algne, ac wel mgre f frto, 
 Ac he overcom f e devel and adoun him caste, 
 Togadere as hii wrastlede, and bgnd his ' hgnden vaste 
 Bihinde at his 1 riigge ; of such prowesse 3 f enche, 
 Ne same $e no^t fat Harald, fat evere was of liifer wrenche, 10 
 And bivgre 50U was vorswgre, fat he wolde mid his ' taile 
 Turne his 1 wgmbe toward us and his l face in bataile. 
 Understgndef f e swikedom fat his ' fader and he wro^te, 
 And hii fat mid him here bef , f 9 hii to dff e bro5te 
 Sg villiche Alfrfd mi cosin, and my kiinesmen alsg. 15 
 Hou mi^te in any wise mgre ssame be ido ? 
 Monle fat diide f iilke df de je raowe her ise ; 
 Hou lgnge ssolle hor liif er hf ved above hor ssoldren be ? 
 Adrawef joure swerdes, and loke wg may do best, 
 pat me ise 36~ure prowesse fram fst to fe west, 20 
 Vor to awrfke f atrgentihblod fat sg villiche was inome 
 Of iir kiinesmen, vor "we mowe wel, ur time is nou icome/ 
 pe due nadde no^t al isf d, fat mid f rnest grft 
 His folc quicliche to f e bataile sscf t. 
 A swein fat het Taylefer smgt vorf bivgre ffr, 25 
 And slou angn an Engliss mon fat a baner bf r, 
 And eftsone 2 anof er baneiir, and f e f ridde almf st alsg, 
 Ac himsiilf 3 he was aslawe ar f e dfde wfre ydo. 
 pe verst ende of his ' hgst bivgre Harald mid such ginne 
 Sg f ikke 4 sette fat ng mon ne mi3te come wif inne, 30 
 Wif strgnge targes horn bivgre fat archers ne diide horn no3t, 
 Sg fat Normans wfre nei to grounde ibroht. 
 2 ef sone ; other MSS, eft sone. 2 hom suit'. 4 >ilke. 
 Willam bijx^te an quointise, and bigan to fie vaste, 
 And his ! J blc vorf mid him as hii wfre aghaste, 
 Andmow^ gver an lgnge dale and sg up an hey. 
 pe Engtiss h9st was prout ynou f 9 he f is isey, 
 And bigonne him to sprfde, and after fen wey nome. 
 pe Normans wfre above f e hiil, f e of er upward come, 
 And biturnde horn above al f sellche, as it wolde be donward, 
 And f e of ere binff e ne mijte no3t sg quicllche upward, 
 And hii wfre bivgre al tosprad fat me> s mi3te bitwene horn wende. 
 pe Normans wfre \>g wel porveid aboute in fche fnde, 10 
 And stones adonward slonge upe horn ynowe, 
 And mid spf res and mid flpn vaste of horn slowe, 
 And mid swerd and mid ax vor hii fat upward nome. 
 Ne mi3te ng wille habbe 2 of dunt as hii fat donward come, 14 
 And hor vantwarde was tobrgke fat me mi^te wif inne horn wende ; 
 S9 fat f e Normans vaste slowe in fch ende 
 Of f e Englisse al vor no3t, fat f e valeie was nei 
 As hei ifiild mid df de men as f e doune an hei. 
 pe ssetare donward al vor no3t vaste slowe to groiinde, 
 Sg fat Harald f oru fen eie issote was dff es wounde ; 20 
 And a kni3t fat isei fat he was to df f e ibro^t, 
 And smgt him as he lay binff e, and slou him as vor no3t. 
 Fram fat it was a morwe f e bataile ilaste string, 
 Vorte it was hei mid gvernon, and fat was somdfl lgng. 
 Mom was f e gode diint fat Due Willam 3ef a day; 
 Vor f re stedes he slou under him as me say, 
 Vorpriked and vorarned aboute, and vorwounded alsg, 
 And debrused ajen df de men ar f e bataile wfre ido ; 
 And 3tit was Willames grace f iilke day sg god 
 pat he nadde ng wounde warf oru he ssedde 3 an drgpe blod. 3c 
 pus, I9, f e Englisse folc vor no^t to grounde com, 
 Vor a fals king fat nadde ng rijt to f e kinedom, 
 1 is. a abbe. 3 ssede. 
 And come to a nywe Igverd pat mgre in ri^te was ; 
 Ac hor ngper, as me may ise, in pur ri^te nas. 
 And pus was in Normannes hgnd pat lgnd ibrojt iwis, 
 pat an aunter ^if evermg keveringe pf rof is. 
 Of pe Normans bep heye men fat bep of Engelgnde 5 
 And pe lowe men of Saxons, as ich understgnde, 
 S9 pat 3 sep in eiper side wat ri^te ^e habbep l pf rto ; 
 Ac ich understgnde pat it was poru Godes wille ydo. 
 Vor pe wille pe men of pis lgnd pur hf pene wf re, 
 Ng lgnd ne ng folc a3en horn in armes nf re ; 10 
 Ac nou siippe pat pet folc avenge cristendom, 
 And wel lflte wtile htilde pe biheste pat he nom, 
 And turnde to sleupe and to prtite, and tg lecherle, 
 To glotonle, and heye men miiche to robberie, 
 As pe ggstes in a vision to Seint Edward sfde, 15 
 Wu pf r ssolde in Engelgnd come siich wrecchf de 
 Vor robberie of heie men, vor clerken hordom, 
 Hou God wolde sorwe sende in pis kinedom. 
 Bitwene Michelmasse 2 and Seint Luc a Seint Calixtes day, 
 As vel in piilke 3fre in a Saterday, 20 
 In pe 3f r of grace as it vel alsg 
 A pousend and sixe and sixtl pis bataile was ido. 
 Due Willam was pg gld nyne and prittl 3f r, 
 And gn and pritti 3! r he was of Normandle due f r. 
 pg pis bataile was ydo Due Willam let bringe 25 
 Vaire his folc pat was aslawe an erpe poru alle pinge. 
 Alle J>at wolde If ve he 3ef fat his 3 fgn an erpe bro3te ; 
 Haraldes moder vor hire sone wel 3rne him biso3te 
 Bl messagers, and largeliche him bf d of hire 4 pinge 
 To grant! hire hire sones bodi an erpe vor to bringe. 30 
 Willam hit sende hire vaire inou wipoute eny ping warevgre, 
 Sg fat it was J>oru hire, wip grf t honour ybgre, 
 abbe]). 2 misselmasse. 
 To lp e hous of Waltham, and ibro3t an erje J>f re 
 In fe hgli rode chirche fat he let himsiilf rf re, 
 An hous of religion, of canons .ywis. 
 Hit was f fr vaire an erf e ibro}t, as it ^Cit is. 
 Willam, f is ngble due, f 9 he hadde l ido al f is, 5 
 pen wey he nom to Londone, he and alle his, 
 As king and prince of Ipnde wif ngbleye ynou. 
 A3en him wif vair procession fat folc of toune drou, 
 And underveng him vaire inou as king of f is lgnd. 
 pus com, lg>, Engelgnd into Normandies hgnd ; 10 
 And f e Normans ne couf e spfke f 9 bote hor owe spfche, 
 And spfke French as hii dude at hgm 2 , and hor children dude alsg 
 Sg fat heie men of f is lgnd fat of hor blod come 
 Hgldef alle f iilke spfche fat hii of horn nome ; 
 Vor bote a man conne French 3 me tellef 4 of him lflte. 15 
 Ac lowe men hgldef to Engliss, and to hor owe spfche 3tite. 
 Ich wene f fr ne bef in al f e world contreyes ngne 
 pat ne hgldef to hor owe spfche, bote Engelgnd gne. 
 Ac wel me wgt vor to conne bgf e wel it is, 
 Vor f e mgre fat a mon can f e mgre wurf e he is. 20 
 On the Calming of the Sea. 
 1 Ascendente Ihesu in naviculam, secuti sunt eum discipuli eius. 
 Et ecce motus factus est magnus in mari ita, ut operiretur fluctibus. 
 Erat autem illis ventus contrarius/ 
 We redeth 1 f e hgll godspelle of todai fat ure Lgrd Jesu 8 Crist 
 yede gne time into ane ssipe and hise 6 deciples mid him into f e 
 1 adde. 3 om. 3 Fress. * telj>. 5 ihn. * ise. 
 see. And sg hi were in pg ssipe, sg args a great tempeste of 
 winde ; and ure Lgrd was ileid him don to slepe ine pg ssipe f r 
 pane pis tempeste arpos. Hise deciples hedde gret drede of pise 
 tempeste, sg awakede hine and seiden to him, ' Lgrd, save us ; for 
 we perisset/ And ha wiste wel pet hi ne hadde nocht gode 5 
 Deleave ine him, pg seide to hem, l Wat dret yu, folk of litle be- 
 liave ? ' pg args up ure Lgrd and tok pane wynd and tg see, and 
 al sg rape hit was stille. And alse pg men pet weren in pg ssipe 
 hedde iseghe pg miracle, sg awondrede hem michel. 
 pis is si vaire miracle pet pet godspel of teday us telp j perefgre 10 
 sal ure behave bie pe betere astrengped ine swiche Lgrde pet 
 siche miracle mai do, and dop wanne he wile. Ac hit is us nyede 
 pet se pet sucurede hem ine pa peril, pet us sucuri ine ure niedes, 
 pet we clfpie to him pet ha us helpe. And he hit wille do 
 blepeliche, yef we him bisecheth mere! mid good i wille, al sq 15 
 himselven seith bi pe H9II Writes, ' Salus populi ego sum, et cetera ;' 
 I Ic x am/ ha seip, ' helere of pe folke ; wanne hi to me elf pieth 2 ine 
 hire sorghen and ine hire niedes, ic hi sucuri, and beneme hem al 
 here evel withute ende.' Grede we to him mere! sikerllche, yef se 
 devel us wille acumbri purch senne, purch prede, gper purch anvie, 20 
 9per purch wrepe, gper purch oper manere of diadliche senne ; 
 grede we to him mere!, and sigge we him, ' Lprd, sauve us, pet we 
 ne perissi,' and pet he us delivrl of alle eveles, and pet ha yef us 
 swiche werkes to done in pise wordle, pet pp saulea of us mote 
 bien isauved a domesdai, and ggn to pg blisce of heyene. Quod 25 
 ipse pre stare dignetur, etc. 
 On the Parable of the Vineyard. 
 1 Simile est regnum celorum homini patrifamilias qui exiit, primo 
 mane, conducere operarios in vineam suam.' 
 Ure 3 Lgrd God Almichti to us spf kep ine pg hgli godespelle of 
 teday, and us seaweth one forbisne pet, yef we willeth don his 
 1 hie ; so in next line also. 2 clepiedh. 8 Hure. 
 P 2 
 servise, pet we sollen habbe pg mede wel gnat ine hevene. For 
 sg seyth ure Lgrd ine pg godspelle of todai, pet 911 goodman was 
 pat ferst utyede * bi pe moreghen for to here werkmen into his 
 winyarde, for ane peny of forewerde; and al sg he hedde imad 
 pise forewerde, sg ha sente hi into his wynyarde. Sg ha dede at 
 undren, and at midday alsg. pg, pat hit was ayen pan even sg ha 
 kam into pe marcatte, sg he fgnd werkmen pet were Idel. pg 
 seyde he to hem, ' Wee ble ye Idel ? ' And hie answerden and 
 seyde, ' Lgrd, for we ne fgnden tedai pat us herde/ ' Ggp nu/ ha 
 seide, se godeman, ' into mine wynyarde, and ic 2 J>at richt is yu 
 sal yeve/ pgs yede into ]?ise wynyarde mid pg 6]^re. pg fet hit 
 was wel even 3 , pg seide pe Lgrd to his sergant, 'Clfpe pg 
 werkmen, and yeld hem here travail, and agyn to hem J)at comen 
 last, and gg al to pg ferste ; yef everiche of hem ane peny.' Se 
 sergant dede J>es Lgrdes commandement, sg paide pg werkmen 
 and yaf everich ane peny. And so hi seghen, pg f et bi pe 
 morghen waren icomen, J>et hi pet waren last icume hedden everich 
 ane peny, fig wenden hi mgre habbe. pg gruchchede hi amenges 
 hem, and seyden : ' pgs laste gn iire habbe]? itravailed, and J?u his 
 makest velaghes to us J>et habbeth al deai ibye ine pine wynyarde, 
 and habbeth 4 ipgled pe berdene of pg pine, and of pg hete of al pg 
 daie.' pg answerede se gode man to gn of hem : ' Frend/ ha 
 seide, ( I ne do pe nggn unricht. Wat forpingketh pat ic B do mm 
 iwil/ And alsg ure Lgrd hedde itgld pise forbisne, sg he seide 
 efterward, ' Sg sulle pg verste bie last, and pg laste ferst ; ff le biep 
 iclfpede ac feawe biep icornee.' 
 Nu iherep pe signefiance. pes godeman betgcknep God 
 Almichti, ure Lgrd. Se winyard betgcknep pe servise of ure Lgrd. 
 pe werkmen betgcknep alle pg pet dop Crlstes servise. ])g tides 
 of pe daie betgcknep pe time of pis world. Bie pe morghen 
 iherde Ore Lgrd werkmen into his winyarde pg ha sente pe 
 patriarches at e begininge of pis wordle 6 ine his 7 servise, pet 
 1 uutyede. a hie. 3 hi wel even. * habbe]?. 5 hie. 
 6 wordl. 7 is. 
 Jmrch gode beleavee him servede and seden his techinge to alle pg 
 J>et hi hedden hit to siggen. AIsq, at undren and at midday, 
 iherede he werkmen into his winyarde p 9 ha sente be p 9 time J>et 
 Moyses was and Aaron ; and 1 pe time of his prophetes dede he 
 man! god man into his servlse J?et, )?urch griate luve to him, helden 5 
 and deden his servlse. Toyenes J>an even, God Almichti ihlerde 
 werkmen into his winyarde pg >at he a last of pvs> wordle naam fles 
 and blod ine pe maidene Seinte Marie, and seawede ine Jis world. 
 p9 fgind he men fet al day hedden ibe idel ; werei9re he fnd pet 
 hejen folk, J>et be pg time }?et was ig9, hedden ibe fit of Godes 10 
 bellave and of his luve, and of his servlse. Hi ne hedden nocht ibe 
 Idel for to done pg develes werkes; ac J>eref9re seith J?et godspel 
 pet hedden hi ibe Idel, pg fet hi nedden bileved ane God Almichti, 
 ne him lovle, ne him servl. For al J>at is ine J?is wordle J>et man is, 
 bote yef ha luvle God Almichti and him servl, al hit him may 15 
 {jenche forl^re and Idelnesse. pg arfsunede Ore L9rd pe paens be 
 hise apostles, werefjjre x hi hedden ibe S9 l9nge Idel, pg J?et hi ne 
 hedden ibe in his servlse. pg answereden pe paens, J>et ngn ne 
 hedden iherd hii ; J>et is to sigge, >et hi ne hedden never te iheed 
 prophete, ne apostle, ne prfchur, J>et hem seawde, ne hem tachte, 20 
 hu hi 2 solden ine Gode beleve, ne him servl. * Ggp,' a seide, ure 
 L9rd, ' into mine winyarde, >et is into 3 mine beleave, and ic yu 
 sal yve yfire penl, j?et is heverlche blisce.' pg hepen men yeden 
 be J>a daghen into Crlstes servlse. And we, Jet of hem blej> icume 
 and habbe)) cristendom underf^nge, blej? ientred into Crlstes ser- 25 
 vise ; pereigie we sollen habbe ure penl, J>et is pe blisce of hevene, 
 al S9 wel ase pg )?et comen bl pe morghen. For al S9 we h9ple]? 
 for te habbe heverlche blisce, ase 9 patriarches and pg prophetes 
 and pg apostles and pg gode men J>et hwllem ine J>is world God 
 Almichti serveden. 30 
 S9 as we habe]? iseid of divers wordles, f>et God Almichti dede 
 werkmen into his winyarde, S9 we mowe sigge of pg elde of 
 everlche men. For God Almichti def> werkmen into his winyarde 
 1 vrefore. 3 i. 3 inte. 
 bl pe morghen wanne ha elf pep of swiche J?er bief> into his servise 
 ine here chlldhf de, wanne hi of }?is world wende)? beswg f>et hi ne 
 be ine ng diadllch senne. At undren ha sent men into his win- 
 yarde, f>et a turnep into his servise of age of man. At middai, 
 wanne pe dai is al per hgtest, betgkned pg men of fryttl 1 wyntre, 
 9j?er of furti, for pe nature of man is of .greater strengj^e and of 
 greater hete ine pg age. Sg even bitgekne)? elde of man, fet is se 
 ende of pe live. Ure Lgrd def> werkmen into his winyarde agenes 
 pg even, wanne f|le ine here elde wendej? ut of here senne into 
 Cristes servise. Al 2 sg solle hi habbe pg blisce of hevene ase pg 
 J?et ferst comen into pe winyarde 3 . Nocht for}?an for J?ise grjate 
 bunte ]?et iire Lgrd yef)? ne solde ng man targl for to wende to 
 God Almichti, ne him to servi ; for alsg seid ]?et Hgli Writ )?et ngn 
 man wgt pane dai of his dia]?e, for man mai Ignge lives wene, and 
 ofte him leghe)? se wrench. . 
 Nu, gode men, ye habbe}? iherd J?et godspel and pe forbisne. Nu 
 loke]? yef ye ble]? withinne pg winyarde, f>et is yef 4 ye ble)? ine 
 Godes servise, yef ye\ biej? withifte cfiadliche senne, yef ye hatie)? 5 
 j?at he 6 hatef), -yef y-lufie]r]?ete" luveb, and do}? }?et he hgt; and 
 bute ye do, ye file}? ut 7 of his winyarde, }?et is ut of his servise. 
 And ye do]? J?et ure Lgrd hggt, sg ye ofservej? J?ane pen!, fet is 
 heveriche blisce, ye ofserve}> }?et good }?et nggn herte ne may 
 i]?enche, ne nggn y'are ihere, ne tunge telle pg blisce J?et God halt 
 alle pg J?et hine luvle)?. pider, Lgrd, grant! us to cumene. Quod 
 ipse prestare dignelur per, etc. 
 1 xxx. a as. 3 winyyarde. * ]>et yef. 5 hatied. 
 6 he he. 7 hut. 
 Vor to Lyerny Sterve. 
 Onneabe sterfy l Ipet ylyerned ne help. Lyerne to sterve, Jeanne 
 sselt 2 fou conne libbe ; vor ngn wel libbe, ne ssel conne, pet to 
 sterve ylyerned ne hej>, and pe ilke ary3t is yclfped wrechche J>et 
 ne can libbe, ne ne dar sterve. Yef ]>6u wylt libbe vnllche, lyerne 
 to sterve gledliche. Yef Ipou. me zayst, hou me hit ssel lyerny, ich 5 
 hit wyle pe zigge an haste, pou sselt ywyte pet J>is lyf ne is bote 
 dyaf>, vor dyaj) is a wendinge and Jet ech wgt ; and J^erevgre me 
 zayf> of ane manne hwanne he sterf p, l He went/ and hwanne he 
 is dyad, 'He is ywent.' pis lyf alswg ne is bote a wendynge 
 vorzofe, vorzoJ>e a wendinge wel ssort ; vor al J?et lyf of ane 10 
 manne, pa% he levede a fousond year, J>et ne ssolde by bote gnlepy 
 prildEe to pe zy^pe of p e ofre lyve J>et evre wyJ>oute ende ssel 
 yleste, Q)?er ine zorje. 9j>er ine blisse wyfoute endynge. pis oils 
 wytnesset wel pe kyng, pe erl, pe prince, pe emperour, J>et pe 
 blysse of pe wordle hedden zomtyme/ac 3 nou ine helle wepef? and 15 
 gredef), yellej? and zorjej* : ' A, alias 4 , hwet is ous worf> oure pouer, 
 worssippe, ngblesse, richesse, blisse, and bgst? Al hit ys ywent 
 wel raj^re fanne ssed, Q^er vo3el vlyinde, gpev quarel of arblaste. 
 And Jous gep al oure lyf. Nou we were ybgre, and an haste dyad ; 
 ne al oure lyf nes na3t bote a lyte prikke, nou we byep ine zo^e 20 
 wyf>oute ende. Oure blisse is ywent into wop, oure karoles into 
 zor^e ; gerlpndes, rpbes, playinges, messinges, and alle guodes byej> 
 ous yfayled.' Zuyche byep pQ zgnges of helle ase pe wrltinge ous 
 1 sterf. 2 Margin, Note wel }>erne capitele. 3 ac, not in MS. 
 4 Margin, ]>e zang of helle. 

 telp, ous vor to ssewy pet pis lyf ne is bote a wendynge wel ssort ; 
 and J?is wordle ne is bote a wendynge, and libbe ne is bote a 
 wendynge. panne ne is libbe bote sterve, and pet is zop ase pater- 
 noster ; vor hwanne pou begonne libbe, an haste pou begonne to 
 sterve ; and al pin elde, and al pine time pet ys yguo, pe dyap pe 
 hep y wonne and halt, pou zayst pet pou hest zixti year ; pe dyap 
 hise hep, and neveremg his nele pe yelde. pervpre is pet wyt of 
 pe wordle folye, and pe clerk, zyinde, ne yz)3p na^t ; day and nijt 
 makep 9 ping, and pe mgre pet hit makep pe lesse zug knawep ; 
 alneway stervep, and hi ne conne sterve, vor day and ny3t pou 1 
 sterfst, as ich pe habbe yzed. \^, Ci . 
 Yet eft ine opre manere ich pe teche pise clergie, pet pou conne 
 wel libbe and wel sterve. Nou yhyer and onderstand. pe dyap 
 ne is bot a todelinge of pe zaule and of pe bodye, and pet ech wel 
 wgt. Nou ous tekp pe wyse Catoun : l Lyerne we,' zayp he, ' to 1 
 sterve ; todele we pane ggst of pe bodie ofte,' pet deden pe meste 
 wyse of pise philosgphes pet pis lif zug moche hateden, and pe 
 wordle zuq moche onworpede, and zu^ moche wylnede lyf najt 
 dyeadlich pet hi westen be hare wy lie ; ac hit nes ham najt worp, 
 vor hi ne hedden nn grace ne pe beleave of Jesu Crist. Ac pe 2 
 hg\y men pet loviep God and ylevep pet, of pri dyeapes habbep pe 
 tway ypased. Vor per is dyap to zenne \ and dyap to pe wordle ; 
 nou abydep pane pridde dyeap, pet is pe t5dij tinge of pe zaule and 
 of pe bodie. Betwene ham and Paradys ne is bote a lyte W93 pet 
 hy agcitep be penchinge and be wylnynge. And yef pet bodi is of 2 
 pis half, pe herte and pe g9st is of oper half, per hy habbep hyre 
 blevinge, as zayp Saynte Paul, hire sglas, hire blisse, and hire 
 confort, and alle hire lostes. And pervgre hy hatyep pis lyf, pet ne 
 is bote dyap, and wylnep pane dyap bodylich ; vor pet is damezele 
 Bfreblisse, pet is pe dyap pet alle pe halghen corounep and dop 
 into blisse. Dyap 2 is to guode men ende of alle queade, and gate 
 and inguoynge of alle guode. Dyap is pe stream pet todelp dyap 
 and lyf. Dyap is of pis half, lif of opre half. Ac pe wyse of pise 
 1 Margin, Note wel ]>ri dyajjes. 2 Margin, Hwet is dyajj. \ 
 wordle, pet of pis half pe streme yzyep zug bi^te, of oper half h! 
 na^t ne yzep, and pervgre his clfpep pe wrltinge foles and yblent ; 
 vor perne dyap hi clplep lyf, and pane dyap, pet is to pe guoden 
 beginnynge of live, hi hit clfplep pan ende. And pervgre hy 
 hatyep zug moche pane dyap, vor hi nytep hwet hit is, ne of 5 
 oper half pe streame ne habbep na3t ybleved and na3t ne wgt pet 
 out ne gep. 
 panne, yef pou wylt ywyte hwet is guod and hwet is kwead, guo 
 out of pi zelve, guo out of pe wordle, Heme to sterve, Todel fine 
 zaule vram pe bodye be p03te ; zend pine herte into pe opre wordle, 10 
 J>et is to hevene, into helle, into purgatorle, per pou sselt 1 yzy hwet 
 is guod and hwet is kwead. Ine helle pou sselt 2 yzl mg zorjes 
 panne me mo3e devlsy, ine purgatorle mg tormens panne me mo^e 
 poiye, ine Paradys mgre blisse panne me mo^e wylny. Helle pe 
 ssel teche hou God awrfkp dyadlych zenne; purgatorle pe ssel 15 
 seawy hou God clenzep vgnial zenne ; ine hevene pou sselt yzy 
 gpenllche hou virtues and guode dedes byep he^llche yolde. Ine 
 pis prl pinges is al pet is nyed, wel to wytene hou me ssel conne 
 libbe and wel sterve. Nou loke eftzone a lyte and ne tyene pe 
 ha3t to pise prl pinges, vor pet pou lyernest to hatye zenne. 20 
 Voryet pi body gnes a day ; guo into helle ine pine libbinde, pet 
 pou ne guo ine pine stervinge. pis dep ofte pe hgll man and pe 
 wyse. per 3 pou sselt yzy al pet herte hatep and bevly3p, and ' 
 defaute of alle guode, yno3 of alle kweade, ver bernynde, brenstgn 
 stinkinde, tempeste brayinde, voule dyevlen, honger and porst pet 25 
 me ne may na3t stgncijl, dyverse pines and wepinges and zor3es mg 
 panne herte mo3e penche, ne tonge telle, and evre ssel yleste 
 wypoute ende. And pervgre is pe like zor3e wel yclfped dyap 
 wypoute ende. And hwanne pou yzijt pet hit behovep zug dyere 
 abegge gnlepy dyadllch zenne, pe woldest pe rapre lete be vla3e 30 
 quik panne pou dorstest to gnelepl dyadllche zenne consent!. 
 Efterward * guo into purgatorle per pou sselt yzl pe pines of pe 
 1 sselelt. 2 ssel. 3 Margin, J>e pines of helle. 
 "^ / * Margin, Of Purgatorie. 
 j (^~*i 
 zaules pet hyer hedden vorpenchinge, ak nere na3t volliche yclenzed. 
 Nou hi dop per pe levinge of hare penonce alhwet pet hi byep 
 brijte and clene ase hi weren at e poynt and at e time hwanne hi 
 yeden out * of pe welle of cristninge. Ac pe ilke penonce ys wel 
 grislich and hard ; vor al pet evre pgleden pe hgly martires, oper 
 wyfmen pet travaylep of childe, of zor^e ne ys bote a bep ine chald 
 weter to pe reward of pe fornayse hwerinne bernep pe zaules alhwet 
 hi byep yclenzed, ase gold al yclenzed 2 ine pe vere. Me ne vlnt 
 lesse panne yclenzed, vor pet ver is of zuyche kende, al pet hit 
 vint ine pe zaule of gelte, of dede, of speche, of po^te pet ^ernep 
 to zenne gper lite Qper moche, al vorberne)? and clenzep. And 
 per byep ypunissed and awrfke alle vfnyal zennes, pet we elf piep 
 litle zennes, pet we dop ofte, and smale fole pontes, wordes ydele, 
 trufles, scornes, and alle opre ydelnesses, alhwet hi by worpe to 
 guo into hevene hwer ne gep in na3t bote hit by ity brijt.. pet 
 ilke ver dredep ]>g pet by hare my3te ham lokep vram dyadlich 
 zenne, and lokep hglyliche hare herten and hare bodyes and hare 
 moupes and pe vlf wyttes vram alle zenne, and zug libbep ase hi 
 ssolden eche daye wypoute zenne ; vor, ase zayp Salomon, ' Zeve 
 zlpe a day valp pe guode man.' And pervgre, be hgly ssrifte and 
 be tyeares and be benes, hi dop hare mi3te ham zelve to arere and ] 
 to amendl; and ham zelve ZU9 deme pet hi onderstgnde to voljl' 
 pane laste dom, vor hwg hier him demp zopliche him ne worp ngn 
 hede to by vorlgre at e daye of dome. And pus me lyernep kwead 
 t5 knawe and to bevly, and alle zennes to hatye, grat 3 and smal, 
 and onderstgnde pe holy drede of God pet is beginnynge of guod 
 llf and of alle guode. 
 Ac hit ne is na3t yn03 to lete pe kweades bote me lyerny pet" 
 guod to done, and bote yef me zeche pe virtues, vor wypoute ham 
 ngn ari3t wel ne levep. panne yef pou wylt lyerny wel to libbe be 
 virtue, lyerne zug, ase ich pe habbe yzed, to sterve. Todel pine 
 ggst vram pine bodye be p03te and be wylninge ; guo out of pise 
 wordle stervinde ; guo into pe lgnde of pe libbynde per ngn ne 
 1 ouot. a ychenzed. 3 and grat. v****- 
 a~ A h 
 sterf]? l , ne yealde)?, pet is ine Paradys. per me \yemep wel to libbe 
 an 2 wyt and corteysye, vor Iper ne may guo in ng vyleynye ; per is 
 blisfolle 3 ve^rede of God and of angles and of ha^en; per opwexej? 
 alle guodes, vayrhede, richesse, worj^ssippe, blisse, virtue, love, wyt, 
 joye, wyfoute ende ; j?er ne is ngn ypocrisye, ne baret, ne blgndinge, 5 
 ne discord, ne envye, ne honger, ne borst, ne hete, ne chfle, ne 
 kwead, ne zorje, ne drede of vyendes, ac alneway ff stes and kinges 
 bredales, zgnges and blisse wyfoute ende. pe ilke blisse is zug grat.,, ... 
 J?et hwg pet hedde ytake J^erof ennelepl drgpe of pe leste pinge pet 
 per ys. he ssolde by of pe love of God zug dronke J>et al pe blisse 10 
 of j?ise wordle him ssolde by drede and wg; rychesses, dong; 
 worj^ssipes, voulhede, and pe ilke. To.greate love J>et he ssolde 
 habbe to come J>er, him ssolde, by an hondred J>6uzen z\pe, pe 
 mgre hardiliche hatye zenne and lovie virtues J?et is al pe drede of 
 helle hwerof ich habbe bevgre ispeke; vor love is mgre stranger 15 
 jmnne drede. And Jmnne is j?et lyf vayr and oneste, Jeanne me 
 bev1y3t^et^wead and me de]? pet guod, na3t vor drede vor to by 
 yspild, ac vor pe wylnynge of hevene and vor pe love of God and 
 vor pe great e clennesse J?et virtue hep and guod lyf. And pe^ilke'^ 
 j?et love Xe&ep, he zekf> rajre, and lesse him costne]?,' fanne him 20 
 >et serve)? God be drede. pe hare yemp, pe gryhond hym vo^e]?, 
 pe gn be drede, pe of>er be wylnynge ; pe gn vly3f>, pe 6}?or hyne 
 dryf)?. pe holy man yemp ase grihond J>et habbej) al day hare 
 eje to hevene, hwer hi yzyep pe praye fet hi drive)?; and fervgre 
 *.Jry voryete)? alle 6J>re guodes, ase de]? pe gentyl hond hwanne 25 
 ha zyp his praye tovgre his ejen. 
 pis is J>et lyf of pe wel loviynde of gentil herte and affayted, fet 
 zug moche lovyep virtue and hatye p zenne j?et, yef hi weren zykere 
 f>et me ne ssolde his conne ne God ne ssolde his awrfke, ham ne 
 daynede najt to do zenne; ac al hare )?enchinges and al hare 30 
 wyllis hire herten clenliche loki and agrayj?! j?et hi by wor)?I to 
 habbe pe blisse of Paradys, hwer ng cherl ne ssel come in, ne 
 vals, ne pyei, ne proud, vor pe worse ssolde by pe velajrede. 
 1 sterf. 2 and. 3 Margin, Of J>e blisses of paradis. 
 Book 1 I, Chapter LVIII. The Inhabitants of Britain. 
 Bretouns wonede fiirst in J?is ylgnd be 3fre of Hely J?e preost 
 ei3tetene ; of Silvius Posthumus, Kyng of Latyns, enlevene ; after 
 pe takyng of Troye, >re and fourty 3f re ; tofpre pe btildynge of 
 Rome, foure hundred and twg and thryty. Hy 1 come hyder and 2 
 tok here cours fram Armorlc, j?at now ys pe 6per s Brytayn ; hy 
 htild lgng tyme pe souJ> contrays of pe ylgnd. Hyt byffil after- 
 ward in Vaspasian hys tyme, Duk of Rome, J>att pe Pictes out of 
 Scitia schipede into occean, and wfre ydryve aboute wib pe wynde 
 and entrede into pe norf> cQstes of Irlgnd, and fgnd J?f re Scottes 
 and prayede for to have a place to wony ynne, and my3te ngn gete ; I 
 for Irlgnd, as Scottes seyde, myjt noujt susteyne bgpe peple. 1 
 Scottes sende pe Pictes to pe nor]? sydes of Bretayne, and byheet hani I 
 help ajenes J>e Britons pet wfre enemyes 3if hy wolde aryse and tok 
 ham to wyves of here dou3tres apon stiche condition : 3if douteful I 
 whp scholde have ry^t for to be kyng, a scholde Taper cheose ham 11 
 a" kyng of pe moder syde J>an of pe fader side, of pe wymmen kyn 
 Taper ban of pe men kyn. Yn 4 Vaspasian pe emperor 6 hys tyme, 
 when Marius Arviragus his sone was kyng of Britons, gn Rodric, 
 Kyng of Pictes, com out of Scitia and gan to destruye Scotland, 
 panne Marius pe kyng slowe J?is Rodric and 3af pe norf> party of 2c 
 Scotland, j?at hatte Cathenesia, to pe men J?at wf r ycome wib 
 Roderik and wfre gvercome wi)? hym, for to wone ynne. Bote 
 1 Beda, libro primo, placed before this sentence as authority for statement; 
 so in other cases of authorities. 
 2 &, as often. 3 J)oJ>r. * Gaufridus. V 
 5 J>empor, with r above line showing abbreviation. 
 j?ese men hadde ng wyves, ne ngn my^te have ' of ]>e nation of 
 Britons ; J>f rfgre hy seylede into Yrlgnd, and tok ham to wyves 
 Yryschmen dorters, at J?at covenaunt J?at f>e moder blod scholde 
 be put tofgre yn succession of heritage. N^elfs 2 Servius super 
 Vergilium seij> J?at Pictes b^L Agatirsis j?at hadde som wonynge 5 
 places aboute J>e wateres of Scitia, and a biij> yclepud Pictes 
 bycause of peyntynge and smyttyng of woundes j?at buj> ysene on 
 Cher bodies ; for hy hadde moche flem, and wfr ofte boistouslych 
 ylete blod and hadde meny wondes ysene on here body, sg J>at 
 hy semede as it wfre men ypeynt wif> wondes, ffrfgre J?ey wfre 10 
 yclfpud Pictus, as hitt wfre peynted men. peose men and the 
 Ggtes bGf> al gn peple; for whanne Maximus pe tiraunt was awent - 
 out of Britayne into Fraunce for to occupie J>e empere 3 , Jeanne 
 Gratianus and Valentinianus, J>at wfre brej>ren and felowes of fe 
 emperor 4 , bro}te J>eose Gptes out of Scitia wif> grft ^eftes, wij> 15 
 flatrynge and fair byhestes, into J>e north contrays of Britayne, 
 for a wfr stalwor]? and strgng men of armes, and sende ham by 
 schipes to werre apon J>e Britons J>at wfr \>g naked and baar, 
 wij?6ute kny3tes and men of armes. And sg f>eoves and bribors 
 wfr ymad men of lpnd and of contray, and wonede in ]>e northe 20 
 contrayes and bulde ff re cites and tounes. Carausius 5 J?e tiraunt 
 SI0U3 Bassianus by help and trfson of J?e Pictes fat come in help 
 and socour of Bassianus, and :jaf pe Pictes a wonynge place in 
 Albania, J>at is Scotland, pfr a wonede lgng tyme afterward, 
 imelled wif> Britons, panne seplpe 6 J>at Pictes occupied rafer J>e 25 
 nor]? syde of Scotland, it semej? J?at )?e wonyng place J>at fis 
 Carausius 3af ham is Je souf> syde of Scotlgnde J?at strecchef> from 
 Ipe J?wartgver wal of Romayn werk to f>e Scottysch sf, and con- 
 teynef) Galway and Lodovia, Lodway. pfrof Bfda, libro tertio, 
 capitulo secundo, spfkej> in J)is manere: Nynyan, J?e hg\y man, 30 
 converted j:e souf> Pictes; afterward ]?e Saxons come and made 
 f>at contray Ignge to Brenicia, ]?e norf> partye of Northumberland, 
 1 hawe. 2 Giraldus, capitulo septimodecimo. 3 J>emperor. 
 I* J>empero. 5 Gaufridus. u se]>the. 
 forto fat Kynadius, AlpTnus hys sone, kyng of Scotland, put out 
 f e Pictes and made pat contrey fat is bytwene Twede and f e Scot- 
 tysch sf Ignge to hys kyngdom. Afterward lpnge tyme the Scottes 
 wf re ylad by Duke Reuda and com out of Irlgnd, fat ys f e propre 
 contray of Scottes, and wif love gfer with strengfe made ham 
 a place faste by f e Pictes, in f e norf side of fat arme of f e sf fat 
 brf kef into the lgnd in f e west side, fat departed in glde tyme 
 bytwene Britons and Pictes. Of f is Duke Reuda f e Scottes hadde 
 f e name, and wf r iclf ped Dalreudines, as hyt wf re Reuda his 
 part, for in here speche a part is yclf ped dal. pe 1 Pictes myste 
 have ng wyves of Britons, bote a tok ham wyves of Yrisch Scottes 
 and by^eode ham fair for t5 wony wif ham, and graunted ham 
 a Ignd by f e sf syde f f re f e s^e. is narow ; fat lg>nd now hatte 
 Galewey. Irisch 2 Scottes lgndede at Argail, fat is Se.0t.tene clyf, 
 for Scottes lgndede f fre for to harmye fe Britons pfer for fat 
 place is next to Irlgnd for to come alpnd in Britayne. Ape ! sp 
 the Scottes, after Britons and Pictes, made fe fridde manere of 
 peple wonynge in jBr^tayncr~Tfcv' y " 
 panne after fat come f e Saxons, at f e prayng of f e Britons, to 
 helpe ham a3enes f e Scottes and f e Pictes. And f e Britouns were 
 yput out angn to Wales, and Saxons occupied f e lpnd lytel an<?l 
 lytel, and eft mpre and mgre, strai^t anpn to f e Scottische sf ; and 
 sq Saxons made f e furf e manere of men in f e Ilgnde of Bretayne. 
 For 3 Saxons and Anglis come out of Germania ; ;et som Britons fat 
 wonef nygh elf pef ham schortly Germans. Npf elf s 4 , aboute fe 5fre 
 of oure Lgrd ey3te hondred, Egbertus, kyng of West Saxon, com- 
 mandede and het clfpe alle manere men of fe lgnde Englische 
 men. panne 5 after fat f e Danes pursued f e lgnd aboute an twp 
 hondred 3f re, fat is to mfnynge fram f e forseide Egbert hys tyme 
 anpn to Seint Edward hys tyme, and made f e fyfte manere peple in 
 f e llgnd, bot hy failede afterward. At te laste come Normans under 
 Duk William and suduwjede Englysche men, and ^it hgldef fe 
 1 Giraldus, distinctione prinia. 2 Marianus. s Beda. 
 4 Beda, libro quinto, capitulo quinto. 5 Alfridus. \ 
 Ignde; and pey made pe sixte peple in pe ylgnde. Bote in pe 
 fiirste Kyng Henry hys tyme, come many Flemmynges and' fen ge 
 a wonyng place for a tyme bysides Mailrgs, in pe west syde of 
 England, and made pe sevenpe peple in pe Ilpnd. Nppelfs, by 
 hfste of pe same kyng, a wf r yhgve pennes and yput to Haver- 5 
 forde hys syde, in pe west syde of Wales. And sg now in Brytayn 
 Danes and Pictes faille}) al out, and fyf nations wonep pf rynne : 
 pat bfij> Scottes in Albania, pat is Scotland ; Britons in Cambria, 
 pat ys Wales, but pat Flemynges wonep yn West Wales; and. - 
 Normans and Englischemen ymelled yn al pe ylpnd. For hyt is ng 10 
 doute in stgries how and in what manere pe Danes wf r yputte away 
 and destroyed out of Bretayne ; now it is to declarynge how pe 
 'Pictes wfre destruyd and faylede. 
 Britayn * was somtyme occupied with Saxons, and pf s was ymad 
 and ystaled wip pe Pictes. panne pe Scottes pat come wip the 15 
 Pictes sye pat pe Pictes pey wf re 2 l?f s pan pe Scottes, and wfre 
 ngbler of df des and better men of armes panne wfre pe Scottes ; 
 panne pe Scottes turnede to here kfinde trf sons pat pey usep ofte, 
 for in trf son pey passep oper men and blip traitors as hyt wf r by 
 JkjincJ. For pay prayde to a f|ste al pe grf te of pe Pictes, and 20 
 weytede here tyme whanne pe Pictes wf r at f se and mery, and hadde 
 wel ydronke 3 , and drou3 out nayles pat htilde up pe holouj benches 
 under pe Pictes, and pe Pictes sodenlych and onwar fel gver pe 
 hammes into a wonder putfalle. panne pe Scottes fill on pe Pictes 
 and slou3.ham, and lefte npn aly ve ; and sq of pe twey peple, pe 25 
 better werrior was hglych destruyd. Bote pe opere, pat btlp pe 
 Scottes wfre wel unlych to pe Pictes, tok profyt by pat fals trf son ; 
 for a tok al pat lpnd and hpldeth hyt jit hederto, and elf pep hyt 
 Scotland after here oune name, pat tyme, pat was in Kyng Edgar 
 hys tyme, Kynadyus, Alpynus hise sone, was If dar of Scottes, and 30 
 werrede in Picte lgnde and destruyde pe Pictes ; he werred sixe 
 1 Giraldns, distinctione prima, capitulo septimo decimo. 2 awere. 
 3 ydronghe. 
 sifes in Saxon, and tok al J>e lgnd fat is bytwene Twede and f e 
 Scottysch sf wif wrgng and wif strengf e. 
 Chapter LIX. On the Languages of the Inhabitants. 
 As hyt ys yknowe I10U3 meny maner people btif in f is ylgnd, f r 
 btif alsQ of sq meny people longages and tonges ; ngf elfs Walsch- 
 men and Scottes, fat buf nojt ymelled wif of er nacions, hgldef 
 wel ny3 here fiirste lgngage and spfche, bote jef Scottes fat wf re 
 som tyme confederat and wonede wif f e Pictes drawe somwhat 
 after here spche. Bote f e Flemmynges, fat wonef in f e west syde 
 of Wales, habbef yleft here strange spfche and spfkef Saxonlych 
 ynow. AIsq Englysch men, f ey3 hy hadde fram f e bygynnyng f re : 
 maner spfche, souferon, norferon, and myddel spfche, in fe 
 myddel of f e lgnd, as hy come of f re maner people of Germania, 
 ngf elfs, by commyxstion and mellyng fiirst wif Danes and afterward 
 wif Normans, in menye f e contray lgngage ys apeyred, and som 
 usef strange wlaffyng, chyteryng, harryng and garryng, grisbittyng. 
 pis apeyryng of f e biirf tonge ys bycause of twey f inges. Qn y s > 
 for chyldern in scole, a^enes f e usage and manere of al ofer 
 nacions, btif compelled for to lfve here oune lgngage and for to 
 construe here lessons and here finges a Freynsch, and habbef 
 siif the fe Normans come fiirst into Engelgnd. Alsg gentilmen s 
 children biif ytai^te for to spfke Freynsch fram tyme fat a btif 
 yrokked in here cradel, and connef spfke and playe wif a child 
 hys brouch ; and uplgndysch ' men wol lykne hamsylf to gentil- 
 men, and fgndef wif grft bysynes for to spfke Freynsch for to be 
 mgre ytgld of. 2 
 pys 2 manere was moche yused tofgre f e fiirste moreyn, and ys 
 seethe somdfl ychaunged. For Jghan 3 Cornwal, a mayster of 
 gramere, chayngede fe lgre in gramerscole and construction of 
 Freynsch into Englysch ; and Richard Pencrych lurnede fat manere 
 tf chyng of hym, and ofer men of Pencrych, sg fat now, f e 3r of I 
 1 oplondysch. 2 Trevisa, indicating addition by translator. 3 Iohan. \ 
 dure Lgrd a f ousond f re hondred foure scgre and fyve, of f e 
 secunde Kyng Richard after f e conquest nyne, in al f e gramer- 
 scoles of Engelgnd childern lfvef Frensch and construe]? and 
 lurnef an Englysch, and habbef f erby avauntage in gn syde and 
 desavauntage yn anof er. Here avauntage ys, fat a lurnef here 5 
 gramer yn lasse tyme fan childern wf r ywoned to do ; disavauntage 
 ys, fat now childern of gramerscole connef ng mgre Frensch fan 
 can here lift heele, and fat ys harm for ham and a scholle passe f e sf 
 and travayle in strange lgndes, and in meny caas alsg. Alsg gentilmen 
 habbef now moche yleft for to tfche here childern Frensch. 10 
 Hyt semef a grft wonder hou 1 Englysch, fatys fe burftonge of 
 Englysch men and here oune lgngage, ys sg dyvers of soun 2 in f is 
 ylgnd ; and f e lgngage of Normandy ys comlyng of anof er lgnd, 
 and haf gn maner soun 2 among al men fat spf kef hyt ary3t in 
 Engelgnd. Ngf elf s 3 , f f r ys as meny dyvers maner Frensch yn f e 1 5 
 rfm of Fraunce as ys dyvers manere Englysch in fe rfm of 
 Engelgnd. Alsg, of f e forseyde Saxon tonge, fat ys dfled a f re 
 and ys abyde . scarslych wif feaw uplgndysch men, and ys grft 
 wondur ; for men of f e fst wif men of f e west, as hyt wf re undur 
 f e same party of hevene, acordef mgre in sounyng of spfche fan 20 
 men of f e norf wif men of f e souf . pfrfgre hyt ys fat Mercii, 
 fat btif men of myddel Engelgnd, as hyt wf re parteners of f e endes, 
 understgndef betre f e syde lgngages, norf eron and souf eron, fan 
 norf eron and souf eron understgndef eyf er of er. Al * f e lgngage 
 of f e Norf humbres, and specialych at gork, ys sg scharp, slyttyng 25 
 and frgtyng and unschape, fat we souf eron men may fat lgngage 
 unnf f e understgnde. Y trowe fat fat ys bycause fat a biif ny3 to 
 strange men and aliens fat spfkef strangelych, and alsg bycause 
 fat f e kynges of Engelgnd wonef alwey fer fram fat contray ; for 
 a btif mgre yturned to f e souf contray, and jef a ggf to f e norf 30 
 contray a ggf wif grft help and strengthe. pe cause why a btif 
 mgre in f e souf contray fan in f e norf may be betre cornlgnd, 
 mgre people, mgre ngble cytes, and mgre profytable havenes. 
 1 hou3. 2 soon. 3 Trevisa. * Willelmus de Pontificalibus, libro tertio. 
 / . THIRD 
 Henri 1 , f ur3 Godes fultume King on Engleneloande, Lhoaverd 
 on Yrloande, Duk on NormandT, on Aquitaine, and Eorl on An jo w, 
 send igretinge to alle hise holde, ilserde and ilfawede, on Htmten- 
 doneschire : fset witen :$e wel alle faet we willen and airmen faet 
 J?set ure rasdesmen alle, gper f e irioare dail of heom f set beof 
 ichgsen Jur3 us and J>ur3 fset loandes folk on ure k uneriche , 
 habbe<5 idon and shullen don in f e worf nesse of Gode and on ure 
 treowfe, for fe frf me of J?e loande ))\ir% fe besi^te of fan tofgren- 
 iseide rfdesmen, beo stfdefsest and ilfstinde in alle f inge abuten 
 sende. And we hoaten alle ure treowe in f e treowfe J?aet heo us 
 95en, faet heo stfdefaestllche hf alden and swf rien to hfalden and to 
 w rien f 9 isetnesses J?set beon imakede and beon t5 makien, ]>ur^ 
 fan tofgreniseide rasdesmen, glper J?ur3 fe moare dael of heom 
 alswg alse hit is bif gren iseid ; and faet sech 2 ofer helpe J?aet for to 
 done bi fan ilche 9f e a^fnes alle men rijt for to done and to 
 foangen. And noan ne nime of loande ne of ejte whf rf ur:$ f is 
 besijte muge beon ilft glper iwersed on gnie wise. And jif 9111 
 gper griie cumen her onjfnes, we willen and hoaten f set alle lire 
 treowe heom hf alden df adliche ifoan. And for f aet we willen f aet 
 f is beo stf defaest and If stinde, we senden jew f is writ 9pen, iseined 
 wif ure se,l, to halden amanges 3ew ine hord. Witnesse us selven 
 set Lundene fane ejtetenf e day on f e monf e of Octgbre, in f e 
 twg and fowerti^fe jfare of ure cruninge. And fis wes idon 
 setfgren ure iswgrene rfdesmen, Boneface Archebischop on Kante- 
 Henr'. 2 cehc. 
 biiri ! , Walter 2 of Cantelow, Bischop on Wirechestre, Simon of 
 Muntfort, Eorl on Leirchestre, Richard 4 of Clare, Eorl on Glow- 
 chestre and on Hurtford, Roger 5 le Bigod, Eorl on Northfolke 
 and Marescal on Engleneloande, Perres of Savveye, Willelm 6 of 
 Fort, Eorl on Aubemarle, Jghan 7 of Plesseiz, Eorl on Warewlk, 
 Jghan 7 Geffrees sune, Perres of Muntfort, Richard 4 of Grey, 
 Roger 5 of Mortemer, James of Aldithele, and setfgren obre inoje. 
 And al on J>q ilche worden is isend into sevrlche 8 obre schlre 
 gver al f>aere kiineriche on Engleneloande, and fk intel Irelgnde. 
 To oure Lgrde Jesu Crist in hevene 10 
 Ich today shewe myne swevene, 
 pat ich mette in gne ni^ht 
 Of a knight 9 of mychel rr^ht ; 
 His name is ihgte Sir Edward }?e K y n &>/vife|(^J^ 
 Prince of Wales, Engelgnde J>e faire J?ing. 15 
 Me mette J>at he was armed wel 
 Bg]>e m)> yrne and 10 wi}> stel, 
 And on his helme )?at was of stel 
 A coroune of gold bicom hym wel. 
 Bifgre }?e shryne of Seint Edward he stood, 20 
 Myd glad chere and mylde of mood, 
 Mid twg kni^ttes armed on eif>er side 
 pat he ne ir^ht lp ennes goo ne ride. 
 Hetillch hii leiden hym upon 
 Als hii mitten myd swerde n don. 25 
 1 Kant' bur.' 2 Walt/ 3 Sim.' 4 Ric' 5 Rog.' 
 6 Will.' 7 Ioh.' 8 oevrihce. 9 kni3th ; so 3th to sht in all 
 words. 10 &, as often. n swerd. 
 Q 2 
 He stood f fre wel swif e stille, 
 And f gled al togedres her wille ; 
 Ne strogk ne ysS he ajeinward 
 To f ilk fat hym wfren wif erward. 
 Wounde ne was f f re blody ngn, 
 Of al fat hym f f re was don. 
 After fat me fought ongn, 
 As f e tweie knijttes wfren ggn, 
 In eif er fre of oure king, 
 pf re sprgnge out a wel fare f ing. 
 Hii wexen out sg bright sg glfm 
 pat shynetS of fe sonnebfm. 
 Of divers coloures hii wfren 
 pat comen out of bgf e his f ren ; 
 Foure l bendes alle by rewe on eif er f re 
 Of divers colours, rf d and white als hii wf re ; 
 Als fer as me f oujht 2 ich mijht see 
 Hii spredden fer and wyde in f e cuntre. 
 Forsof e me mette f is ilke 3 swevene 
 Ich take to witnesse God of hevene 
 pe Wedenysday bifgre f e decollacioun of Seint Jgn, 
 It is mgre fan twelve monef ggn. 
 God me graunte sg heveneblis, 
 As me mette f is swevene as it is. 
 Now God fat is Hevenekyng, 
 To mychel joye tourne f is mf tyng. 
 Anof er swevene me mette on a Tiwesnijht, 
 Bifgre f e ff st of alle halewen, of fat ilk kni3ht, 
 His name is nempned here bifgre ; 
 Blissed be f e tyme fat he was bgre ; 
 For we shullen f e day see, 
 Emperour ychgsen he worf e of cristiente. 
 God us graunte fat ilke 3 bone, 
 1 ffoure; ff = F, as occasionally. 2 J)ou. 3 ilk. 

 pat J)ilke * tydyng here we sone 
 Of Sir Edward dure derworf kyng. 
 Ich mette of hym anoJ>ere fair mftyng : 
 To oure Lgrde of hevene ich telle fis, 
 pat my swevene tourne to mychel blis. 5 
 Me J>ou3ht he rood upon an asse, 
 And J>at ich take God to witnesse ; 
 Ywonden he was in a mantel gray ; 
 Toward Rome he nom his way. 
 Upon his hevede sat an gray hure, 10 
 It semed hym wel amfsure. 
 He rood wif>iiten hgse and sho, 
 His wone was nought sq for to do ; 
 His shankes semeden al bloodrf de ; 
 Myne herte wop for grfte drfde. 15 
 Als a pilgryme he rood to Rome, 
 And J>ider he com wel swif>e sone. 
 pe fride 2 swevene me mette a m^nt 
 Rijht of J?at derworf>e knijht ; 
 pe Wedenysday a nijht it was 20 
 Next ]>e day of Seint Lucie bifgre Cristenmesse. 
 Ich shewe J?is, God of hevene, 
 To mychel joye he tourne my swevene. 
 Me foujht )?at ich was at Rome, 
 And Jrider ich com swtye sone; 25 
 pe Pgpe and Sir Edward, oure kyng, 
 BgJ^e hii hadden a newe dubbyng. 
 Hure gray was her c\q J>ing ; 
 Of of>ere clgj^es sei3 ich ngj>ing. 
 pe Pgpe 3ede bifgre, mytred wel faire iwis, 30 
 pe Kyng Edward com corouned myd grf t blis ; 
 pat bitgkne]? he shal be 
 Emperour in cristianete. 
 1 Jrilk. 3 Jnrid. 
 Jesus Crist, ml of grace, 
 Graunte oure kyng in every place 
 Maistrie of his wi)?erwynes, 
 And of alle wicked Sarasynes. 
 Me met a swevene on worJ>ingni5ht, 5 
 Of J?at ilche derworfe knijht ; 
 God ich it shewe, and to witnesse take, 
 And sg shilde me frg synne and sake. 
 Into an chapel ich com of our Lf fdy ; 
 Jesus Crist, hire leve son, stood by; 10 
 On rode he was, an lovellch man 
 As f>ilke 1 fat on rode was don. 
 He unneiled his hpnden twg, 
 And seide wij? ]?e knijht he wolde gQ : 
 ' Maiden and moder and mylde quene, 15 
 Ich mote my kni5ht today sene. 
 Leve moder, 5ive me l$ve, 
 For ich ne may ng lenger bilfve ; 
 Ich mote conveye >at ilke knijht 
 pat us haf> served day and nijht ; 20 
 In pilerinage he wif ggn, 
 To ben 2 awrfke of oure fgn.' 
 1 Leve son, ^oure wille sg mote it be, 
 For be knight bgbe day and nijht haj? served me ; 
 Bgbe at oure wille wel faire iwis, 25 
 pf rfgre he haf> served heveneriche blis.' 
 God bat is in hevene sg bright, 
 Be wib oure kyng bgbe day and ni3ht. 
 Amen, amen, sg mote it be ; 
 pf rto bidde}> a paternoster and an ave. 30 
 Adam be marchal of Stretford-atte-Bowe, 
 Wel swibe wide his name is yknowe, 
 He hymself mette bis mftyng, 
 1 J>ilk. * bien. 
 To witnesse he take)? Jesu, hevenekyng ; 
 On Wedenysday in elf ne leinte, 
 A voice me bf de 1 ne shulde not^ht feinte ; 
 Of f e swevenes fat her ben write, 
 I shulde swipe don my lgrde kyng t5 wite. 
 Ich answerde fat I ne im^ht for derk ggn. 
 pe vois me bad goo, for lisht ne shuld ich faile nn, 
 And fat I ne shulde lette for npfing, 
 pat ich shulde shewe f e kyng my mftyng. 
 Forf ich went swif e onpn, 10 
 Jstward as me foujht ich mi^ht ggn ; 
 pe lijht of hevene me com to, 
 As ich in my waye shulde gg. 
 Lgrd, my body ich jelde fee to, 
 What 30ure wille is wif me to do. 15 
 Ich take to witnesse God of hevene, 
 pat sof llch ich mette f is ilche swevene ; 
 I ne reiche what 3ee myd my body, 
 Als wisselich Jesus of hevene my soule undergo. 
 pe pursday next f e bf ryng of our Lf fdy, 20 
 Me J>ou3ht an aungel com Sir Edward by ; 
 pe aungel bitook Sir Edward^ottJignde, 
 Al bledyng f e foure former 6awes)s9 w f re of f e Lgmbe. 
 At Caunterbiry, bifgre f e heije^autere, f e kyng stood, 
 Yclpf ed al in rf de murre *; he was of fat blee rf d as blood. 25 
 God, fat was on gode Friday don on f e rode, 
 So turne my swevene ni3ht and day to mychel gode. 
 Tweye poynts 2 f f re ben fat ben unshewed 
 For me ne worf e to clerk ne lewed ; 
 Bot to Sir Edward oure kyng, 30 
 Hym wil ich shewe f ilk mftyng. 
 Ich telle 30U, forsof e wif outen lf s, 
 Als God of hevene maide Marie to moder chf s, 
 1 mwrre. 3 poyntz. 
 J)e aungel com to me, Adam Davy, and sfde, 
 1 Bot J>6u, Adam, she we ]?is, pee worlpe wel yvel mede.' 
 T shewe 3011 J?is ilk mftyng, 
 As f>e aungel it shewed me in a visioun ; 
 Bot J?is tgkenyng bifalle, sg dooj? me into prisoun. 
 Lgrde, my body is to joure wille ; 
 pei3 pee willef me ffrfgre spille, 
 I :h it wil take in fglemodenesse, 
 Als God graunte us heveneblisse ; 
 And If te us nevere J?f rof mysse, 
 pat we ne moten J>ider wende in clennesse. 
 Amen. Amen, sg mote it be, 
 And 1 "te us nevere to ofere waye tee. 
 Whgsr, wil spfke myd me, Adam J>e marchal, 
 In Stivtfor}>e-Bowe he is yknowe and gvere al ; 
 Ich ne shewe nou3ht J?is for to have mede, 
 Bot for God Almi$ttles drede, 
 For it is sooJ. 
 To the mggst ngble and worthiest lgrdes, mggst ryghtful and 
 wysest Conseille to owre lige Lgrde the Kyng, compleynen, if it lyke 
 to yow, the folk of the Mercerve of London as a membre of the 
 same citee, of many wrgnges subtiles and alsg gpen oppressions ydo 
 to hem by lgnge tyme here bifgre passed. Of which ogn was, whfre 
 the election of mairaltee is to be to the fremen of the citee bl gode 
 and paisible avys of the wysest and trewest, at () day in the yf re 
 frelich, thfre, noughtwithstgndyng the same fredam or fraunchise, 
 Nicholus l Brembre wyth his upbfrf rs proposed hym, the yf re 
 next after Jghn * Northampton mair of the same citee with strgnge 
 hgnde as it is ful knowen, and thourgh debate and strenger partye 
 ayeins the pegs bifgre purveyde was chgsen mair, in destruction .(* UU 
 /of many ryght. For in the same yf re the forsaid Nicholus, withouten 5 
 nede, ayein the ps made dyverse enarmynges bi day and eke bl 
 nyght, and destruyd the Kynges trewe lyges, som with gpen 
 slaughtre, somme 3 bi false emprisonementz ; and some fledde the 
 citee for fre, as it is gpenlich knowen. 
 And sg ferthermgre for to susteyne thise wrgnges and many 10 
 othere, the next yfre after the same Nicholus, ayeins the forsaide 
 fredam and trewe communes 4 , did crye gpenlich that ng man 
 sholde come to chese her mair but such as wfre sompned, and 
 tho that were sompned wfre of his ordynaunce and after his avys. 
 And in the nyght next after folwynge he did carye grfte quantitee 15 
 of armure to the guyldehalle, with which as wel straungers of the 
 contree as othere of withinne wfre armed on the morwe ayeins 
 his owne proclamation, that was such that ng man shulde be 
 armed j and certein busshmentz wfre laide that, when freemen of 
 the citee come to chese her mair, brf ken up armed cryinge with 20 
 loude voice ' Slf , slf / folwyng hem ; whf rthourgh the peple for ffre 
 fledde to houses and other hidynges 5 , as in lgnde of werre adradde 
 to be df d in commune 6 . 
 And thus yet hiderward hath the mairaltee ben hglden as it 
 wfre of conquest or maistrye, and many othere offices als, sg that 25 
 what man, pryve or apert in special that he myghte wyte grocchyng, 
 pleyned or helde ayeins any of his wrgnges or bi puttyng forth of 
 whgmsg it wfre, wfre it never sg unprenable, wfre apfched and it 
 wfre displf syng to hym Nicholus, angn was emprisoned and, though 
 it wfre ayeins falshfde of the lst officer that hym lust meyn- 30 
 teigne, was hglden untrewe ligeman to owre Kyng ; for whg 
 1 Nichol, generally with a curl indicating us. 2 John, with crossed h. 
 5 some, with macron over m. * coes, with curve over o. 5 nges. 
 6 coe, with curve over o. 
 reproved such an officer, maynteigned by hym, of wrgnge or elles, 
 he forfaited ayeins hym Nicholus and he, unworthy as he saide, 
 represented the Kynges estat. Alsg if any man bicause of servyce 
 or other lfveful comaundement apprgched a lgrde, to which 
 lgrde he, Nicholus l , dradde his falshf de to be knowe to, angn was 
 apf ched that he was false to the conseille of the citee and sg to 
 the Kyng. 
 And yif in general his falsenesse were ayeinsaide, as of us 
 / togydre of the Mercerye or othere craftes, or gny conseille wolde 
 have taken to ayeinstande it, or, as tyme 2 out of mynde hath i 
 be used, wolden companye togydre, how lawful sg it wfre for 
 owre nede or profite, we 3 wfre angn apf ched for arrysf rs ayeins 
 the ps, and falsly many of us of 4 that yet stgnden endlted. 
 And we ben gpenlich disclaundred, hglden untrewe and traitours 
 to owre Kyng ; for the same Nicholus sayd bifgr mair, aldermen, i 
 and owre craft bifgr hem gadred in place of recorde, that twenty 
 or thirty 5 of us wfre worthy to beYdrawert and hanged, the which 
 thyng lyke to yowre worthy iQrdsrrrpr^y an fven juge to be 
 proved or disproved the whether that trowthe may shewe ; for 
 , trouthe amgnges us of fewe or elles ng man many day dorst be 2 
 shewed ; and nought ggnllch unshewed or hidde it hath be by man 
 now, but alsg of bifgre tyme the mggst profitable poyntes of trewe 
 governaunce of the citee, compiled togidre bl Ignge labour of 
 discrete and wyse men, wythout conseille of trewe men, for thei 
 sholde nought be knowen ne contynued, in the tyme of Nicholus 2 
 Exton, mair, outerliche wfre brent. 
 And sg fer forth falsehfde hath be used that oft tyme he, 
 Nicholus Brembre, saide, in sustenaunce of his falshfde, owre llge 
 lgrdes wille was such that never was such, as we suppgse. He 
 saide alsg, whan he hadde disclaundred us, which of us wolde 3 
 yelde hym false t5 his Kyng, the Kyng sholde do hym grace, 
 cherise hym, and be good Lgrde to hym : and if any of us alle, 
 1 Nich, with curl indicating abbreviation. 2 tyme, not in MS. 3 we, 
 not in MS. * of, not in MS. 5 xx or xxx. 
 that wyth Goddes help have and shulle be folinden trewe, was sg I 
 hardy to profre provyng of hymself trewe, angn was comaunded 
 t5 prisone as wel bl the mair that now is, as of hym, Nicholus 
 Brembre, bifgre. 
 Alsg, we have be comaunded ofttyme, up owre ligeaunce, to 5 
 unnedeful and unlf veful diverse doynges, and alsg to wythdrawe us 
 bl the same comaundement frg thynges nfdeful and If fFul, as was 
 shewed whan a companye of gode women, thf re men dorst nought, 
 travailleden barfote to owre lige Lgrde to seche grace of hym for 
 trewe men as they supposed ; for thanne wfre such proclamaciouns 10 
 made that ng man ne woman sholde apprgche owre lige Lgrde 
 for sechyng of grace, and gvermany othere comaundementz alsg, 
 bifgre and 1 sithen, bl suggestion and information of suche that 
 wolde nought her falsnesse had be knowen to owre lige Lgrde. 
 And, lgrdes, by yowre lfve, owre lyge Lgrdes comaundement to 15 
 symple and unkonning men is a grf t thyng to ben used sg fami- 
 lerlich withouten nede ; for they, unwyse to save it, mowe lyghtly 
 thf r ayeins forfait. 
 Forthy, graciouse lgrdes, lyke it to yow to take hede in what 
 manere and whfre owre lige Lgrdes power hath ben mysused by 20 
 the forsaid Nicholus and his upbfrfrs, for sithen. thise wrgnges 
 bifgresaide han ben used as accidental^ or comune 2 braunches . 
 outward, it sheweth wel the rote of hem is a ragged subject or 
 stok inward, that is the forsaid brere or Brembre, the whiche 
 comune 2 wrgnge uses, and many other if it lyke to yow, mowe be 25 
 shewed and wel knowen bl an indifferent juge and mair of owre 
 citee; the which wyth yowre ryghtful Lgrdeship ygraunted for- 
 mggst pryncipal remedye, as Goddes lawe and al rf sounV wole, 
 that ng domesman stgnde togidre juge and partye, wrgnges sholle 
 mgre gpenlich be knowe and trouth dor apfre. And ellis as 30 
 amgnge us, we konne nought wyte in what manere without a 
 moch gretter disf se, sith the governaunce of this citee standeth, as 
 1 &, as occasionally. 3 coe, with curve over o. 
 it is bifgr saide, and wele stande, whil vittaillers bi suffraunce 
 presumen thilke states upon hem ; the which governaunce, of bifgr 
 this tyme to moche folke yhidde, sheweth hymself now gpen, 
 whether it hath be a cause or bygynnyng of dyvysion in the citee 
 and after in the rewme, or ng. 
 Whfrfgre for grettest nede, as to yow mgost worthy, mggst 
 ryghtful, and wysest lgrdes and Conseille to owre Hge Lgrde the 
 Kyng, we biseche mekelich of yowre .gracious 1 coreccion of alle 
 the wrgnges bifgresayde, and that it lyke to yowre lgrdeship to 
 be gracious mfnes to owre lyge Lgrde the Kyng, that suche 
 wrgnges be knowen to him, and that we mowe shewe us and sith ben 
 hglden suche trewe to him as we ben and owe to ben. Alsg we 
 biseche unto yowre gracious lgrdeship that if any of us, in special 
 or general, be apgched to owre Hge Lgrde or to his worthy Con- 
 seille bi comiinyng with othere, or apprgchyng to owre Kyng, as 
 wyth Brembre or his abettours with any wrgnge wytnessebfryng, 
 as that it stode otherwyse amgnges us here than as it is now 
 proved it hath ystgnde, or any other wrgnge suggestion by which 
 owre Hge Lgrde hath yb5 unle^ffullich enfourmed, that thanne 
 yowre worshipful lgrdship be such that we mowe come in answer 
 to excuse us ; for we knowe wel, as forby moche the mgre partye 
 of us and as we hgpe for alle, alle suche wrgnges han ben unwytyng 
 to us or elles enterlich ayeins owre M r ills. 
 And, ryghtful lgrdes, for gori the grettest remedye with othere i 
 for to ayeinstgnde many of thilke disf ses afgresaide amgnges us, 
 we prayen wyth mekenesse this specialich, that the statut ordeigned 
 and made bi parlement, hglden at Westmynstre 2 in the sexte yf re 
 of owre Kyng now regnynge, mowe stgnde in strengthe and be 
 execut as wel here in London as elleswhfre in the rewme, the 
 which is this : 
 Item, ordinatum est et statutum, quod nee in civitate Londonie 
 nee in aliis civitatibus, burgis, villis, vel portubus maris, per totum 
 regnum predictum, aliquis vitallarius officium judicale de cetero 
 1 graci, and space for two or three letters. - westmystre. 
 habeat, exerceat, neque occupet quovis modo, nisi in villis ubi alia 
 persona sufficiens ad hujus statum habendus repperiri non poterit, 
 dumtamen idem judex pro tempore quo in officio illo steterit ab 
 exercicio vitallarii, sub pena forisfacture victualium suorum sic 
 venditorum, penitus cesset et se abstineat, per se et suos omnino 
 ab eodem, et cet. 
 The Tale of the Pardoner 
 In Flaundres whilom was a compaignye 
 Of yonge folk that haunteden folye, 
 As riot, hasard, stywes and tavernes, 
 Whfreas with harpes, lutes arid gyternes 10 
 They dauncg and pleyen at dees bgthe day and nyght, 
 And ften alsp, and drynken gver hir myght; 
 Thurgh which they doon the devel sacriftse 
 Withinne that develes temple in cursed wise 
 By superfluytee abhomynable. 15 
 Hir gthes been sq grfte and sq dampnable 
 That it is grisly for to heere hem swfre; 
 Oure blissed Lgrdes body they totf re ; 
 Hem thoughte fat Jewes rente hym noght ynough, 
 And fch of hem at otheres synne lough. 20 
 And right angn thanne comen tombestfres 
 Fftys 1 and smale, and yonge frutestfres, 
 Syngfres with harpes, baudes, wafereres, 
 Whiche been the verray develes office res, 
 To kyndle and blowe the fyr of lecherye, 25 
 That is annexed unto glotonye. 
 1 ffetys; ffforF, as often. 
 The hggly writ take 1 to my witnesse, 
 That luxurle is in wyn and dronkenesse. 
 L9, how J?at dronken Looth unkyndely 
 Lay by hise doghtres twQ unwityngly. 
 S9 dronke he was he nyste what lie wroghte. 5 
 Herodes, whg sq wel the stgries soghte, 
 Whan he of wyn was repleet at hise fste, 
 Right at his owene table he yaf his hste 
 To slen the Baptist Jghn, ful giltels. 
 Senek seith ek* a good word, d outers; 10 
 He seith he kan ng difference fynde 
 Bitwix a man that is out of his mynde 
 And a man which that is dronkelewe, 
 Bot that woodnesse, fallen in a shrewe, 
 Persevereth lenger than dooth dronkenesse. 15 
 Q glotonye, ful of cursednesse; 
 Q cause first of oure confusion, 
 Q original of oure dampnacion, 
 Til Crist hadde boght us with his blood agayn ! 
 L9, how deere, shortly for to sayn, 20 
 Aboght was thilke cursed vileynye; 
 Corrupt was al this world for glotonye. 
 Adam oure fader, and his wyf alsg, 
 Fig Paradys to labour and to w 
 Wfre dryven for that vice, it is ng drfde ; 25 
 For whll pat Adam fasted, as I rfde, 
 He was in Paradys, and whan J?at he 
 5t of the fruyt deffended on the tree, 
 Angn he was outcast to wg and peyne. 
 Q glotonye, on thee wel oghte us pleyne! 30 
 Thise riotoures 2 thre, of which I telle, 
 Lgnge frst fr prime rgng of any belle, 
 1 eek, not in MS. ; Corp. MS. eek good wordes. 2 riotours. 
 Wfre set hem in a taverne to drynke ; 
 And as they sat they herde a belle clynke 
 Biforn a cors was carled to his grave, 
 That Qpn of hem gan callen to his knave, 
 1 G9 bet/ jjuod he, ' and axe rf dily 5 
 What cors is this f>at passeth heer forby, 
 And looke J?at thou report his name weel/ 
 ' Sire/ quod this boy, ' it nedeth never a dl, 
 It was me tggld f r ye cam heer twg houres ; 
 He was, pardee, an gld felawe of youres, 10 
 And sodeynly he was yslayn tonyght, 
 Fordronke, as he sat on his bench upryght. 
 Thfr cam a privee theef men clfpeth dth, 
 That in this contree al the peple sleuth, 
 And with his spfre he smggt his herte atwg 15 
 And wente his wey withouten wordes mg. 
 He hath a thousand slayn this pestilence, 
 And maister, fr ye come in his presence, 
 Me thynketh that it wfre necessarie 
 For to be war of swich an adversarle ; 20 
 Beth rfdy for to meete hym everemoore, 
 Thus taughte me my dame, I sey namogre.' 
 1 By Seinte Marie/ seyde this taverner, 
 The child seith sooth, for he hath slayn this yej, 
 Henne gver a mile withinne a gret village, 25 
 Bgthe man and womman, child and hyne and page; 
 I trowe his habitacion be thfre. 
 To been avysed gre^t wysdom it wfre, 
 Jr that he dide a man a dishonour.' 
 'Y, Goddes armes/ quod this notour, 30 
 ' Is it swich peril with hym for to meete ? 
 I shal hym seke by wey and ek by strete, 
 I make avow to Goddes digne bgnes ! 
 Herkneth, felawes, we thre been al gnes, 
 Lat fch of us hplde up his hande til oother 
 And fch of us bicomen otheres brother, 
 And we wol slen this false traytour de^th. 
 He shal be slayn which J?at sg manye sleuth, 
 By Goddes dignitee, fr it be nyght.' 5 
 'Togidres han thise thre hir trouthes plight 
 To lyve and dyen fch of hem for oother, 
 As though he wf re his owene ybgren brother. 
 And up they stirte, al 2 dronken in this rage, 
 And forth they gggn towardes that village 10 
 Of which the tavernf r hadde sppke biforn ; 
 And many a grisly 99th thanne han they sworn7 
 And Cristes blessed body they torente,. J&aT 
 Dth shal be dd, if that they may hym hente. 
 Whan they han gggn nat fully half a mile, 15 
 Right as they wolde han troden pver a stile, 
 An gold man and a povre with hem mette. 
 This glde man ful mekely hem grette 
 And seyde thus, ' Now, lgrdes, God yow see.' 
 The proudeste of thise riotoures 3 three 20 
 Answerde agayn, ' What, carl, with sory grace 
 Why art ow al forwrapped save thy face? 
 Why lyvest ow sp Ignge in sg grgt age ? ' 
 This glde man gan looke in his visage 
 And seyde thus: 'For I ne kan nat fynde 25 
 A man, though J?at I walked into Ynde, 
 Neither in citee nor in ng village, 
 That wolde chaunge his youthe for myn age; 
 And thfrfgre moot I han myn age stille 
 ^-^As.lQiige tyme as it is Goddes wille. 30 
 Ne dth, alias, ne wol nat han my lyf; 
 Thus walke I lyk a restelggs kaityf, 
 And on the ground, which is my moodres gate, 
 1 yborn. 2 and. 3 riotours. 
 I knokke with my staf bgthe frly and late, 
 And seye, "Leeve mooder, \%$t me in! 
 Lg, how I vanysshe, flessh and blood and^skynJ; 
 Alias, whan shul my bgnes been at reste? 
 Mooder, with vow wolde I chaunge my cheste 5 
 That in my chambre lgnge tyme hath be, > 
 Yf, for an heyre clowt to wrappe me." 
 But yet to me she wol nat do that grace ; 
 For which ful pale and welked is my face. 
 But, sires, to yow it is ng curteisye 10 
 To spfken to an gld man vileynye, 
 But he trespasse in word or elles in dfde. 
 In hggly writ ye may yourself wel rfde, 
 Agayns an cold man, hggr upon his hd, 
 Ye sholde arise; wherfgre I yeve yow red, 15 
 Ne dooth unto an gold man nggn harm now, 
 Namggre than }>at ye wolde men did to yow 
 In age, if that ye sg lgnge abyde ; 
 And God be with yow whfre ye gg or ryde, 
 I moote gg thider as I have to gg/ 20 
 ' Nay, glde cherl, by God thou shalt nat sg/ 
 Seyde this oother hasardour angn; 
 1 Thou partest nat sg lightly, by Seint Jghn ! 
 Thou spak right now of thilke tray tour de^th, 
 That in this contree alle oure freendes sleuth ; 25 
 Have heer my trouthe, as thou art his espye, 
 Telle whfre he is or thou shalt it abye, r 
 By God and by the hggly sacrement.-^ 
 For soothly thou art ggn of his assent 
 Tg sln us yonge folk, thou false theef.' ?f ,^ 30 
 ' Now, sires,' quod he, ' if f>at ye be sg leef 
 To fynde d^th, turne up this croked wey, 
 For in that grgve I lafte hym, by my fey, 
 Under a tree and thf re he wole abyde ; 
 Noght for youre boost he wole him ngthyng hyde. 
 Se ye that ggk ? Right thf re ye shal hym fynde ; 
 God save yow, fat boghte agayn mankynde, 
 And yow amende/ Thus seyde this glde man; 
 And everich of thise riotoures 1 ran 5 
 Til he cam to that tree, and thfr they founde 
 Of flgryns fyne of gold, ycoyned rounde, 
 Wei ny an eighte 2 busshels, as hem thoughte. 
 Nq lenger thanne after dth they soughte, 
 But fch of hem sg glad was of that sighte, 10 
 For fat the flgryns been sg faire and brighte, 
 That doun they sette hem by this precious hoord. - 
 The worste of hem he spak the firste word. 
 1 Bretheren/ quod he, ' taak kepe what I seye, 
 My wit is grt though fat I bourde and pleye. 15 
 This trfsor hath fortune unt5 us yeven 
 In myrthe and joliftee oure lyf to lyven, 
 And lightly as it comth sg wol we spende. \^ 
 Ey, Goddes precious dignitee, whg wende 
 Today that we sholde han S9 fair a grace? 20 
 But myghte this g5ld be carled fvg this place 
 Hoom to myn hous, or elles unto youres, 
 For wel ye wggt Jat al this gold is oures, 
 Thanne wfre we in heigh felicitee. 
 But trewely by daye it may nat bee ; 25 
 Men wolde seyn J>at we wfre theves strgnge, 
 And for oure owene trfsor doon us hgnge. 
 This trfsor moste ycaried be by nyghte 
 As wisely and as slyly as it myghte. 
 Whfrfgre I rfde fat cut among us alle 30 
 Be drawe, and lat se whfr the cut wol falle; 
 And he fat hath the cut with herte blithe 
 Shal renne to the 3 towne, and that ful swithe, 
 1 riotours. a viij. 3 the, not in MS. 
 And brynge us brd and wyn ful prively. 
 And twg of us shul kepen subtilly 
 This trfsor wel, and if he wol nat tarie, 
 Whan it is nyght we wol this trfsor carle 
 By ggn assent, whfreas us thynketh best/ 5 
 That gon of hem the cut broghte in his fest, 
 And bad hem drawe and looke whfre it wol falle; 
 And it fil on the yongeste of hem alle, 
 And forth toward the toun he wente angn. 
 And al sg soone as that he was ggn, 10 
 That ggn of hem ' spak thus unto that oother : 
 ' Thow knowest wel thou art my sworne 2 brother ; 
 Thy- profit wol I telle thee angn. 
 Thou wggst wel that oure felawe is aggn, 
 And heere is gold and that ful grft plentee, 15 
 That shal departed been amgng us thre ; 
 But nathels, if I kan shape it sg 
 That it departed wfre amgng us twg, 
 Hadde I nat doon a freendes torn to thee ? ' 
 That oother answerde, ' I nggt hou that may be ; 20 
 He wggt how that the -gold is with us tweye ; 
 What shal 3 we doon, what shal we to hym seye ? ' 
 ' Shal it be conseil ? ' seyde the firste shrewe, 
 1 And I shal tellen in a Ayordesy fewe 
 What we shal doon and bryngen it wel aboute.' 25 
 'I graunte/ quod that oother, 'oute of doute, 
 That by my trouthe I shal thee nat biwreye/ 
 * Now/ quod the firste, * thou wgost wel we be tweye, 
 And twg of us shul strenger be than gon. 
 Looke, whan fat he is set, thou* right anggn 30 
 Arys as though thou woldest with hym pleye, 
 And 1 shal ryve him thurgh the sydes tweye 
 1 of hem, not in E. MS. ; all others have the words. 2 sworn. 9 wha 1. 
 * that; Harl. MS.thou. 
 R 2 
 Whil that thou strogelest with hym as in game, 
 And with thy daggere looke thou d5 the same ; 
 And thanne shal al this gold departed be, 
 My deere freend, bitwixen me and thee. 
 Thanne may we bgthe oure lustes all fulfille, 
 And pleye at dees right at oure owene wille.' 
 And thus acorded been thise shrewes tweye 
 JJ6 sln the thridde, as ye han herd me seye. 
 This yongeste, which J>at wente unto the toun, 
 Ful ofte in herte he rolleth up and doun 
 The beautee of thise flgryns newe and brighte. 
 ' Lprd,' quod he, ' if sg wf re J>at I myghte 
 Have al this trfsor to myself allpne, 
 Thfr is ng man }>at lyveth under the trgne 
 ^Of God that sholde lyve sg miirye as 1/ 
 And atte laste the feend, oure enemy, 
 Putte in his thought >at he sholde poyson beye, 
 With which he myghte sln hise felawes tweye ; 
 Forwhy the feend fggnd hym in swich lyvynge, 
 That he hadde Ifve hym 1 to sorwe brynge, 
 For this was outrely his fulle entente 
 JTo sln hem bgthe and nevere to repente. 
 And forth he gooth, ng lenger wolde he tarle, 
 Into the toun unt5 a pothecarie, 
 And preyde hym }>at he hym wolde selle 
 Som poyson f>at he myghte hise rattes quelle; 
 And e;ek thfr was a polcat in his hawe 
 That, as he seyde, hise capons hadde yslawe; 
 And fayn he wolde wrfke hym, if he myghte, 
 On vermyn >at destroyed hym by nyghte. 
 The pothecarie answerde, 'And thou shalt have 
 A thyng that, al sg God my soule save, 
 In al this world thfr is ng erf ature, 
 1 hem ; all others hym or him. 
 That ften or dronken hath of this confiture 
 Noght but the montance of a corn of whfte, 
 That he ne shal his llf angn forlf te ; 
 Yf, sterve he shal, and that in lasse while 
 Than thou wolt gQQn apaas nat but a mile, 5 
 This poyson is sg strgng and violent/ 
 This cursed man hath in his hond yhent 0*- 
 This poyson in a box, and sith he ran 
 Into the nexte strete unto a man, 
 And borwed of 1 hym large hotels thre, 10 
 And in the twg his poyson poured he ; 
 The thridde he kepte clfne for his drynke 2 , 
 For al the nyght he shoope hym for to swynke, 
 In cariynge of the gold out of that place. 
 And whan this notour with sory grace 15 
 Hadde filled with wyn hise grfte hotels thre, 
 To hise felawes agayn repaireth he. 
 What nedeth it to sermone of it mgore ? 
 For right as 3 they hadde cast his dgth bifgore, 
 Right sq they han hym slayn, and that angn. 20 
 And whan f>at this was doon, thus spak that ogn : 
 ' Now lat us sitte and drynke and make us merle, 
 And afterward we wol his body bene/ 
 And with that word it happed hym, par cas, 
 To take the botel thfr the poyson was, 25 
 And drank and yaf his felawe drynke alsg ; 
 For which angn they storven bgthe twg. 
 But certes I suppose that Avycen 
 Wrgot nevere in ng canon, ne in ng fen, 
 M9 wonder signes of empoisonyng 30 
 Than hadde thise wrecches twg fr hir endyn^. 
 Thus ended been thise homycides twg, 
 1 of, from Harl. MS. 2 owene drynke ; all other MSS. drynke. 
 3 so as : all others as. 
 And ek the false empoysonere alsg. 
 Q cursed synne of alle cursednesse ! 
 Q traytours homyclde, 9 wikkednesse ! 
 glotonye, luxurie, and hasardrye ! 
 Thou blasphemour of Crist, with vileynye 5 
 And gthes grfte of usage and of pride, 
 Alias mankynde, how may it bitide 
 That to thy Crfatour, which jmt the wroghte 
 And with his precious herteblood thee boghte,^^ 
 Thou art sg fals and sq unkynde, alias! jo 
 Now, goode men, God foryeve yow youre trespas, 
 And ware yow frg the synne of avarice. 
 This part contains specimens of the several varieties of this dialectal 
 division, but especially of East Midland, as that upon which later English is 
 especially based. Only two selections represent West Midland, the ' Prose 
 Psalter ' (p. ioo) and the ' Instructions to Parish Priests ' (p. 119), as that dialect 
 in its purity does not materially differ from East Midland. More important is 
 the distinction of Early East Midland from that of the thirteenth and fourteenth 
 centuries, which may be regarded as normal Middle English in this dialect. 
 Early East Midland, represented by the first two selections, shows the language 
 in a transition state. For example, OE. a still remains a, the characteristic 
 lengthening of OE. e, a, in open syllables had not taken place, and other less 
 significant changes already mentioned in the Grammatical Introduction. 
 The last part of the ' Chronicle,' from 1080 to its close, occurs only in Laud 
 MS. 636 of the Bodleian Library, Oxford. The whole has been frequently 
 edited, as by Thorpe and Earle, before the latter's edition was re-edited by 
 Plummer, 'Two of the Saxon Chronicles Parallel' (1892-9). Selections are 
 found in Morris ('Specimens,' 1, 9) and Zupitza ('Ubungsbuch,' p. 57,Schipper 75). 
 1 These Notes are intended to give, in methodical manner, some account of 
 MSS. and editions ; time and place of composition, as well as author if known ; 
 character of the work, relation of the extract to the whole, and metrical 
 relations, if poetry; source of derived material, when known; bibliography 
 of more important monographs ; explanations of words, phrases, allusions, 
 and other difficulties. General works of reference are not mentioned in con- 
 nexion with each selection, for teachers will naturally refer to Ten Brink's 
 P History of English Literature,' Morley's ' English Writers,' Brandl's ' Mittel- 
 englische Litteratur ' in Paul's ' Grundriss der Germanischen Philologie,' and 
 Korting's * Grundriss der Geschichte der Englischen Litteratur.' Cross-references 
 to the texts are by page and line, the Notes to each page of text being arranged 
 in a single paragraph. 
 Written at Peterborough, Northampton, the part chosen includes all that is 
 written in the hand of the last continuator, who gives a summary of Stephen's 
 reign immediately after his death in n 54. The selection therefore represents 
 Northeast Midland (NEM1.) of the middle of the twelfth century. See 
 Behm, 'The Language of the Latter Part of the Peterborough Chronicle' (1884) ; 
 H. Meyer, ' Zur Sprache der jiingeren Teile der Chronik von Peterborough' 
 The I Chronicle/ as the most important source for the history of the period, 
 cannot be too highly regarded. Especially valuable is this contemporaneous 
 account of Stephen's reign, since it is more detailed than most of the other 
 entries and more vividly narrated. On the other hand the order of events is 
 not chronological, as shown by Plummer (as above), II, 307. 
 As to language, the orthography of this selection is less regular than most 
 others of the book. It shows the unstable condition of the written form when 
 English was less commonly used in literature, as well as some orthographic 
 influences of older works. Special peculiarities of orthography are ie for 
 OM. a, ea, rarely eo; e for OM. e (ce), especially in unstressed syllables; ea 
 for OM. e, as in gear ; eo for OM. e, eo, rarely ea ; eo {ceo) for OM. eo, rarely ea. 
 Among consonants the most important peculiarities are ch for the OE. medial 
 spirant g in a few words ; g(z) for the OE. initial palatal spirant g ; / initially 
 for OE. J> (p) in pronominal words when immediately following a final d or /; 
 w for OE. hw, as in warsce. The vocabulary shows a larger French element 
 than the selections immediately following, partly owing to the number of terms 
 connected with government and the church. The inflexions, which have 
 been thought quite irregular, will fall into fairly definite schemes. Noun 
 plurals in es(s) prevail, though a few OE. neuters with long stems still remain 
 without ending. Adjectives have almost wholly lost oblique case forms. 
 Verbs show somewhat more irregularities, but are fast tending to the simplicity 
 of normal Middle English. The syntax of the period is also comparatively 
 simple. On the other hand, the inverted order of subject and predicate is 
 common, and the construction according to sense with collective nouns 
 occasional. The title king (1. 1) is still an appositive and follows the personal 
 name, or the personal name is in apposition with king (1. 13). The most - 
 striking single construction, from the standpoint of Modern English, is the 
 double genitive, as Stephnes Kinges (4, 28), ^e kinges sune Henries (5, 12) ; 
 yet these are quite in accord with OE. usage and the appositive noted above. 
 Subjunctive forms of the verb are naturally much more frequent than in English 
 of to-day. 
 Page 1, 1. 1. Henri King. Henry I, who had come to the throne in 1100. 
 Henri abbot. Henry of Poitou, abbot of St. Jean d'Angely, from which 
 he was expelled in 1131, to the great rejoicing of the monks who had been 
 under him. He was related to Henry I and the Count of Poitiers, and had 
 been a monk at Cluny or Clugni (1, 3) in Burgundy. This monastery was at 
 the height of its prosperity in the twelfth century, some 2 ,000 religious houses 
 throughout Europe acknowledging allegiance to it. 2. Burch. That is 
 Borough of St. Peter, Peterborough, a name which supplanted the earlier 
 Medeshamstede. A Benedictine abbey of St. Peter had been founded in 655 by 
 Oswy, King of Northumbria, and Peada, the first Christian King of Mercia. 
 Plundered by the Danes in 870, it was re-established in 966 by Athelwold, 
 Bishop of Winchester, who also changed its name. 3. te. For }e, after \ 
 a word ending in / or d. 5. Biscop of Seresberi. Roger of Salisbury and 
 Alexander of Lincoln, his nephew. 6. pe. Note the retention of the OE. 
 relative particle in early Middle English, though soon to be replaced by pat. 
 he. The abbot Henry. As in Old English, pronouns are often lacking in 
 explicit reference. So he ... he '. . . his of the next line refer to the same Henry. 
 10. iaf. This form, among others, shows how completely OE. palatal 
 spirant g had assumed the quality of MnE.^/. Cf. id/en (2, 26), ieden (3, 28). 
 11. Sanct Wood. St. Neot's in Huntingdonshire. The MS. abbreviation for 
 St. gives us no hint as to whether the OE. noun form, sanct, or sant (cf. Orm's 
 sannt) was actually used. It is doubtless too early for the OF. form saint 
 with a diphthong. 12. Sanct Petres messedai. June 29, the feast of 
 St. Peter and St. Paul in commemoration of their martyrdom ; really the date 
 of reburial of their supposed remains in 358 a. d. 14. pa pestrede. Henry I 
 left England, never to return, on Aug. 1 (Lammas), 1133. The eclipse 
 occurred on the next day, but Henry did not die until Dec. 1, 1135 (1, 18). 
 Perhaps the traditional bringing together of these two dates accounts for the 
 wrong dating of Henry's departure from England. 15. ware. ' Might be ' ; 
 subjunctive preterit singular. For other forms with a in pret. pi. cf. namen 
 (2, 1), drdpen (3, 18), waren (3, 29), forbdren (3, 31), stall (6, 8). 
 16. sterres abuten. The copulative verb omitted as often. 18. "Sat oper 
 dsei. ' The second, or next day,' ej>er being used with ordinal force as in Old 
 English. St. Andrew's day is Nov. 30, and Henry died on Dec. 1. Andreas, 
 a borrowed word ending in s, takes no ending in the genitive. 19. pa wes 
 trfson. The MS. reading was long a puzzle, and various emendations were 
 suggested before the present editor pointed out the true reading in ' Mod. Lang. 
 Notes,' VII, 254. This was adopted by Plummer in a note to this passage 
 (II, 307). Incidentally this is the first example so far discovered of the French 
 word treason in English. 
 Page 2, 1. 2. Kf dinge. Henry I had founded an abbey at this place, no 
 doubt the reason for his burial there. 10. midewintre dsei. That is 
 Christmas day, but authorities give the date variously, as Dec. 22, 24, 25, 26, 
 the latter being St. Stephen's day. The name midwinter day is Teutonic, 
 and antedates the Christianization of Britain. With the Conquest, Christmas 
 {Cristes masse) came to be used. 12. Baldwin de Bedvers. The 
 rebellion really belongs to the year 1136, as also the compact with David, 
 King of Scotland. This Baldwin, first Earl Redvers (Rivers), died in 1155. 
 18. for ... to Normandi. The journey was in March, the return (1, 23) in 
 December. 20. get. Plummer says past participle of a weak verb geten 
 'get,' but this is not likely on several accounts. The word is the adverb get 
 (OM. get, WS. giet) ' yet,' as given in the glossary to Morris's ' Specimens,' I ; 
 cf. for the same word 16, 3 ; 29, 5. The treasure which Stephen yet had, and 
 for which they received him so gladly, was about .100,000. 23. gadering 
 set Oxeneford. This was in June, 1139. Bishop Roger was justiciar, or chief 
 justice, and regent in the king's absence. Roger, the chancellor, was nephew 
 only by courtesy. 25. bise neves. The plural form of the pronoun shows 
 that the OE. genitive his, from he, had developed a possessive pronoun, with 
 inflexion, as mm and pm had done in the older period. 
 Page 3, 1. 3. be nihtes ... be dseies. The force of the OE. adverbial 
 genitive is apparently not felt, and the adverbial relation is more clearly 
 indicated by a prepositional phrase. carlmen and wimmen. ' Men and 
 women.' The word man was general in its meaning, and probably on this 
 account the more distinctive carlmen was employed. 6. me henged. ' They 
 hanged (them) up by the feet,' &c. The indefinite nie, an old singular, implies 
 a plural, as indicated by the verbs hengen (1. 7) and wrythen (1. 8). 11. cru- 
 cethus. The context sufficiently explains the meaning of this term. The 
 first part is apparently Lat. cruciahis; for the quantity of u cf. critc in 
 Pogatscher, 'Die griechischen, lateinischen und romanischen Lehnworte im 
 Altenglischen.* 14. lof and grin. This must be regarded as still a crux. 
 The MS. reads lof-)grT, which suggested to Thorpe Ip) and grim, 'loathsome 
 and grim,' as the names of the instruments, Ipp being for OE. lad. The use of the 
 two names then accounted for the plural verb. On the other hand, the use of 
 two adjectives in this way for an instrument would presuppose a singular verb, 
 besides being unsatisfactory in other ways. rachenteges. Really a com- 
 pound of OE. racente 'chain* and OM. tek(g), WS. teah(g) 'fetter/ but the 
 relation of the parts of the compound had probably been lost. J>er. To 
 be carefully distinguished from oj/er, OE. oper. Qper, OE. dghwceher, soon 
 became ME. pr, or, and MnE. or. 15. beeron. This form for the infinitive 
 beren is paralleled by ceten = eten (5, 14), begceten = beget en (7, 2). While not 
 marked long here they probably represent sporadic cases of lengthening of e in 
 an open syllable, a change which was not regularly carried out until the 
 thirteenth century. 21. flat lastede. This proves conclusively that the 
 account was not written until the close of Stephen's reign. Cf. also the reference 
 to Martin's abbacy (4, 10 f.) lasting to Jan., H55. 23. eevre um wile. 
 ' Ever from time to time,' OE. a/re ymbe hwlle. The form ttm is Old Norse, 
 cognate with OE.ymbe; cf. umstund in 'Cursor Mundi.' 24. tenserie. 
 First explained by Mr. Round and Mr. Toynbee in the ' Academy,' July II, 
 1892. It is a NF. form based on LL. tensarium, 'a generic term for certain 
 irregular taxations'; the latter is from tensare, 'to protect, exact tribute for 
 protection.' 31. wer sithon. 'Everywhere thereafter, or afterwards.' 
 The first word is OM. dhwer, WS. ahwcer. 
 Page 4, 1. 3. tunscipe flugen. Notice the construction according to 
 sense ; tunscipe is a grammatical singular, a logical plural, and the verb agrees 
 with the latter, as often. 6. warsee, perhaps -see. OM. hwer (hwarT), 
 WS. hwar, and see from older swcS. 8. Crist slep. In interpreting Christ's 
 sleeping in the ship during the storm (Matt. viii. 24), the ME. ' Metrical 
 Homilies' (ed. by Small, p. 135) explain that the ship is the church : 
 'And Crist J>arin gasteli slepes, 
 Quen he J>oles god men and lele 
 Wit wic(ce) men and fals(e) dele, 
 f>at betes J>aim wit dede and word 
 Als se bare betes on schipbord.' 
 11. fand. ' Provided for.' Still used in dialectal English in which a country 
 labourer is engaged for ' so much and found,' that is, so much pay in addition to 
 board and lodging. 14. lset it refen. ' Let roof it, caused it to be roofed.' 
 17. for to Rome. This event, though placed under the year 1137, could not 
 have taken place until 1145, since Eugenius did not become pope until that 
 year. Cf. note to 3, 21. 18. privilegies. The OF. form is privilege, 
 so that ie is here not long, unless it shows influence of OF. words in ie. 
 20-21. circewican . . . horderwycan. That OE. wice had acquired final 
 n in the nominative is clear from Orm's use, so that these examples can hardly 
 be assumed to be weak datives. 22. Kogingham pe castel. ' The castle 
 of Rockingham.' 24. solidi. The MS. abbreviation is expanded as a Lat. 
 plural, since the word was hardly English. The words eelc gr, inserted above 
 the line by the writer of the MS., were bracketed by Morris as if not in the 
 MS. ('Specimens,' I), and this led to the proposal of solidatas, ' a measure of 
 land,' as the true reading (' Mod. Lang. Notes/ VII, 134). The correct reading 
 of the MS. shows that a sum of money is intended. 25. winiserd. Plummer 
 notes, on Bede (' Hist. Eccles.,' Bk. I, ch. i), that vine-growing was formerly 
 common in England, especially in some of the monasteries. 28. Stephnes 
 Kinges. Each word is made genitive in form as in Old English. The MnE. 
 group genitive has not yet developed; cf. J>e kinges sune Henries (5, 12), J>e 
 kinges dohter Henries (5, 30). 29. On his time. The death of William 
 of Norwich, afterwards St. William, is placed in 1144 and 1146 by different 
 chroniclers. Plummer says, * The charge against the jews of using the blood 
 of murdered gentiles, especially Christian children, for ritual purposes is as old 
 as the time of Josephus'; see his ' Contra Apionem,' II, 8. Cf. the similar 
 story in Chaucer's ' Prioress's Tale.' 31. lang Fridsei. The term occurs 
 occasionally in OE. langa Frigadceg (Frigedceg), and is common in Old Norse 
 as langifrjadagr. 
 Page 5, 1. 2. and t munekes. 'And those monks.' Editors have 
 seemed to think to an unusual form, but it is a natural development of OE.J>d 
 after a final d; cf. 5, 8. 8. sevest, MS. sevez. The MS. z is an OF. 
 spelling, usually of ts, but here of st. 9. eet te Standard. The battle was 
 fought at Northallerton, Yorkshire. Its name comes from the fact that banners 
 of St. Cuthbert of Durham, St. Peter of York, St. John of Beverley, and 
 St. Wilfred of Ripon were fixed upon a pole in a four-wheeled cart and placed 
 in the centre of the English army. 12. wart it war. 'Became aware of 
 it.' 13. pestrede pe sunne. This date of March 20, 1140 (1. 15), is shown 
 to be correct by the table of eclipses. 16. Willelm^ JErcebiscop. The 
 Willelm Curbuil mentioned at 2, 9. 24. Kodbert Eorl of Gloucestre. 
 Robert was a natural son of Henry I and hence half-brother of Matilda, whose 
 claims to the throne he vigorously espoused. 26. heore laverd. That is, 
 King Stephen; so him of 1. 27. Stephen was taken prisoner Feb. 2, 1141. 
 30. kinges dohter Henries. This was ./Ethellc (Adelaide) of earlier 
 references, the daughter of Henry I, who was given in marriage to Henry V 
 of Germany. On her coronation, July 25, 11 10,. her name was changed to 
 Matilda. At her husband's death, 11 26, she returned to England, and her 
 father caused homage to be done to her as his successor. This was reason 
 enough for her enmity toward Stephen. Soon after she was given in marriage 
 to Geoffrey of Anjou. She reached England in 11 39 and was chosen Lady 
 (the name Queen was not used for her) in 1141. In June of the same year 
 she fled from London. 32. scse. This is especially noteworthy as the 
 earliest use of the form which became MnE. she. 
 Page 6, 1. 1. biscop ofWincestre. Henry of Blois, formerly abbot of 
 Glastonbury. 8. stali hi. Preterit plural with loss of final when 
 immediately followed by a subject pronoun. In Old English this occurred 
 only in the case of the first and second persons, but it seems to have been 
 extended to the third person in ME. times. Cf. 25, 11, 14. 14. swa diden. 
 The exchange was made in 1 141. The next year came the reconciliation with 
 Randolph, earl of Chester. 26. brohten hire into Oxenford. This was 
 in March or May, 1141, the chronicler doubling back in his narrative to tell of 
 the divided state of England. Matilda was besieged in Oxford during 
 October or November, 1142, and she escaped to Wallingford in December. 
 She did not go over sea (1. 30) until the early part of 1147. 27. pa herde 
 "Bat seegen. 'Then heard he that saying'; sagen is OE. segen (sagen), 
 'saying, assertion,' and not an infinitive (OE. secgari) as usually interpreted. 
 Confusion has resulted from the form of the infinitive in 4, 28. 30. hi of 
 Normandi. This happened between 1141 and 1144. 
 Page 7, 1. 1. ferde Eustace. Stephen's son Eustace married Constance, 
 sister of the French king, in February, 1140. He died (1. 8) in August, n 53, 
 his mother May 3, n 52. 2. to wife. The OE. dative remains longest in 
 such expressions as this, though finally displaced by the invariable nom. 
 dat. ace. form; cf. to wive (24, 19), to wlf (40, 13). 9. his sune Henri. 
 Henry succeeded to the dukedom of Anjou on the death of his father, Sept. 7, 
 1 151. In March, 1152, Eleanor was divorced from Louis VII, and she 
 married Henry (1. 11) in May of the same year. toe to pe rice. 
 ' Succeeded to the kingdom.' The OE. idiom was fon to, and fan had now 
 been displaced by taken, from ON. taka. 12. pa ferde he. This was in 
 January, 11 53, and in November peace was made (1. T5). 16. ware. 
 Pret. subj., ' should be.' Cf. 1, 15. 27. pset minster. Stephen and his 
 queen had founded the religious house at Feversham, Kent, and the minster 
 had been completed in 11 48. 
 Page 8, 1. 1. innen dseis. Some number is perhaps omitted before dais. 
 cusen. The OE. curon had already given way to a form with s, by analogy of 
 the present and preterit singular. So with the past participle cosan cosen 
 in 1. 4. 9. Eameseeie . . . Torneie . . . Spallding. These are Ramsey 
 (Huntingdonshire), Thorney (Cambridgeshire), and Spalding (Lincolnshire \ 
 all in the neighbourhood of Peterborough. The other places named cannot be 
 made out with certainty. 
 The ' Ormulum ' is preserved in Junius MS. 1 of the Bodleian Library, not 
 improbably the MS. of Orm himself. It has been edited by White (1852), and 
 this revised by Holt ( 1878), though a more scholarly edition is still much needed. 
 Selections occur in Morris (' Specimens,' I, 39), Matzner (' Sprachproben,' 
 I, 3), Sweet ('First Middle English Primer,' 43), Zupitza (' Ubungsbuch,' 7, 
 Schipper, 99). An indispensable collation of the MS. was printed by K 61 bring 
 in ' Englische Studien,' I, 1. Of the author nothing is known beyond what is 
 given in this Introduction (see various notes). The ' Ormulum ' was composed 
 in the neighbourhood of Lincoln about 1200, and the language therefore 
 represents the Northeast Midland of that period. Orm's language, in relation 
 to orthography and vowel quantity, is discussed in the Grammatical Intro- 
 duction ( 71, note). Besides may be noted Callenberg, 'Layamon u. Orm 
 nach ihren Lautverhaltnissen verglichen' (1876); Sachse, ' Das unorganische 
 e im Ormulum' (188 1) ; Brate, ' Nordische Lehnworter im Ormulum' in Paul 
 u. Braune's ' Beitriige,' X, 1 ; Kluge, 'Englische Studien,' XXII, 179. 
 The name of the work is given by the author (Preface, 1. 1) : piss boc is 
 1 nemmnedd Orrmulum, forrjn Jjatt Orrm itt wrohhte. Ormulum is clearly a 
 \ diminutive, after the Latin, of the author's name. The book consists of an 
 , introduction, called dedication and preface, paraphrases intended to cover the 
 ; gospels read in the church during the year, and homilies upon them. Of 
 these paraphrases and homilies only about one-eighth were completed, or at 
 least remain in MS., but these extend to nearly ten thousand long lines. The 
 work has little literary value, as it is prosaic in the extreme, but is especially 
 valuable for the light which it throws on the language of the time. The 
 metrical form is that of the long line of fifteen syllables with ciesura after the 
 eighth, but without rime or regular alliteration. The metrical flow is 
 iambic, and the metre is clearly based on the Latin septenarius. With the 
 addition of rime this metre became the MnE. quatrain of alternate eight and 
 seven syllables, the long line being broken at the csesural pause. On the other 
 hand, Menthel, following Trautmann, tries to connect Orm's verse with that 
 of Otfried, ' Zur Geschichte des Otfriedischen Verses in England ' (Anglia, VIII, 
 Anzeiger, 49). The sources of the 'Ormulum' have been shown to be prin- 
 cipally Bede and Gregory the Great ; cf. Sarrazin, ' Uber die Quellen des 
 Ormulum' (' Englische Studien,' VI, 1). 
 As to language, the peculiarities of Orm's orthography have been discussed 
 in the Grammatical Introduction. Here may be added Orm's a for OE. a, 
 sometimes OM. e, the exact limits of the use not having been accurately 
 made out ; the use of $ or w for the second element of a true diphthong (cf. 
 J>etf ' they,' Awwstln for OF. Austin), as well as for OE. ^ or w ; / for OE. 
 medial/= v ; g in god * good ' distinguished from g in strange, though no example 
 occurs in our selection ; sh{ssJi) for OE. sc, beside sk for ON., OF. sk (sc=sk). 
 The poetical form naturally gives special assistance in regard to language, as 
 in accent of words, and elision of final e (occasionally other vowels) before 
 a vowel or weak //. Orm's vocabulary is characterized by a large Norse 
 element and a smaller OF. element than in the ' Chronicle.' His inflexions 
 are exceedingly simple, and the syntax, at least of this selection, requires no 
 special explanation other than an occasional note. 
 Page 8, 1. 13. broperr mm. Probably not blood -relationship in the 
 restricted sense, but rather that in which Philemon is desired to receive 
 Onesimus as ' a brother in the flesh,' Philem. 16. Cf. Henrici, ' Otfrid's 
 Mutter und Orm's Bruder' (' Zeitschrift f. Deutsches Alterthum,' XXII, 231). 
 14. Annd. The MS. sign ( -j ) is thus expanded in accordance with occa- 
 sional forms of the word in the ' Ormulum.' Of course there can be no question 
 of the shortness of the vowel in this unstressed word. 15. 1 Godess bus. 
 In the religious house of which they were both canons, it would seem from 
 1. 17. 16. witt. The dual forms of the pronouns are rare except in the 
 earliest period. 17. Unnderr. While the rhythm of Orm's lines is pre- 
 vailingly iambic, a trochee instead of an iamb often occurs at the beginning 
 of the line, or immediately after the ccesura; cf. Affterr (1. 20), etfwhcer 
 (9, 13), and following the caesura affterr (1. 13), goddspdless (1. 19). Those 
 who suppose that these words are given iambic stress assume that Orm did 
 violence to the natural accent of words, instead of following a frequent custom 
 in all English iambic rhythm. swa summ Sannt Awwstin sette. 
 That is, St. Augustine, the great patron of the monastic life. The more 
 explicit ride actually followed by Augustine monks was that of St. Benedict 
 (Benet), based on the brief directions and the writings of Augustine. 
 19. Ennglissh. The substantive English seems already to have become 
 established, since it never occurs with final e in Orm, while the adjective 
 appears with or without e, as in 1. 22, where Ennglissh ffolc is practically 
 a compound, and at 10, 20. hal^he lare. The adjective is in the weak 
 form after a genitive, as shown by Sachse (mentioned above). 20. Drihhtin. 
 According to Orm's manner of indicating vowel quantity the i of the last 
 syllable is long, though the word represents OE. drihten; cf. Morsbach, 67, 
 Anm. 4. 21. pohhtesst tatt. The rule that initial/ of pronominal words 
 becomes t after / or d is followed absolutely in Orm, as shown by Blackburn 
 (< Amer. Journal of Philology,' III, 46). See also note on 9, II. 22. lufe 
 off. Elision of weak e occurs regularly before a vowel or weak h ; see Gram. 
 Introd. 26. unnc birrp. ' It becomes (behooves) us both.' 
 Page 9, 1. 1. pa goddspelless neh. alle. The Latin texts given by Orm 
 after the ' Dedication ' show that he followed, in general, some gospel 
 harmony of his time. 2. sinndenn. This form is less common in Mid- 
 land, except in the early period. It is displaced by are(n), found in the 
 Anglian district in OE. times; cf. ' Vespasian Psalter' earon, Nth. aron {tin), 
 and Sievers, ' Angelsachsische Grammatik,' 427. 4. sawle nede. This 
 might almost be written as a compound. Such examples scarcely prove 
 retention of the OE. feminine genitive, with gender signification, at least for 
 Midland and Northern. 7. amang. Orm's orthography gives no clue to 
 the length of the first a, but the constant appearance of a instead of o ( = p) 
 in later texts seems conclusive proof of shortness ; cf. amgng, 18, 10. 
 10. t'unnderrstanndenn. Occasional elision of other vowels than weak e 
 occurs in the Ormulum ' ; cf. het, 10, 4. 11. pess te bettre. The change 
 of initial J> to / in pronominal words occurs after s in only a few such ex- 
 pressions as the above. pe^m. This form, with the nominative /<# (1. 26) 
 and genitive fietfre (1. 4), shows that Orm's dialect had already begun to use 
 the ON. forms of the pronoun, a change which had not been fully accomplished 
 in Southeast Midland in Chaucer's time. 16. ferrs. OE. fers, from 
 Lat. versus, soon to give way to OF. vers. 17. wel . . . well. Both forms 
 occur in Orm. Holthausen has shown (' Anglia Beiblatt,' XIII, 16) that wel is 
 the prevailing form in both stressed and unstressed positions, and is used in 
 independent positions, while well is employed when modifying an adjective or 
 adverb. There are some exceptions even to this rule. annd all forrpi. 
 ' And therefore (all forrfii) I was compelled, full often of necessity, to put 
 (don) my word among the words of the gospel, to fill my verse.' Nede is an 
 adverb, and shollde has the old sense of ' was obliged, had to.' 19. wlkenn. 
 This OE. -stem has acquired final n in the nominative singular, contrary to 
 the usual rule. Cf. the compounds circewTkan, horderwycan (4, 21-22). 
 26. ljiterm. 'Think, judge/ less common meanings of OM. lelan, "WS. 
 la tan. 
 Page 10, 1. 6. fele wordess. Note the early use of fele (OE. sh.feoia) 
 as an adjective, and cf. German viel. 24. att Godd. ' From God ' ; cf. 
 * at the hands of,' a relic of this use in modern English. 30. 3ifF pe}} all 
 forrwerrpenn itt. The same thought is to be found in ^Elfric's ' Homilies,' 
 11, 528 : Gif we for synfullum mannum gebiddaft, and he "Saere Sin gunge un- 
 wurSe synd, ne beo we swaSeah bedcelede edleanes J>aes godan willan, Seah 
 ]>e we 0am forscyldegodan geSingian ne magon. ' If we pray for synfull men 
 and they are unworthy of the intercession, yet we shall not be deprived of 
 the reward of good intention, though we may not be able to mediate for 
 the guilty.' 
 Page 11, 1. 7. all mannkinne node. Mannkinne is an OE. genitive 
 plural, which has not yet taken the invariable plural ending es, perhaps 
 because it was felt to be part of a compound. The form mannkinness is also 
 found in such expressions. 21. flumm Jorrdan. Owing to the regular 
 appearance of the two words in this order Kluge assumes that both are of 
 OF. origin. While I have followed Kluge here, the whole subject of Scripture 
 proper names in English needs fuller investigation. In Middle English the 
 lack of certainty with regard to Latin or French origin of such names par- 
 ticularly affects names beginning with MnE. J, since they are written with 
 I ox J indiscriminately. 26. deepp. The doubling of/ would indicate 
 shortness of the vowel, but the latter is marked long in accordance with the 
 more common writing da) ; cf. 1. 8. wipputenn wrihhte. Without 
 merit or desert,' so ' undeservedly.' 
 Page 12, 1. 6. wiss to fulle sope. * Certainly, in full truth.' Wiss is 
 OE. gewiss, strengthened by to fulle soJ>e. 18. seffnde. The OE. seofede 
 has already been displaced by the analogical form on the basis of the cardinal, 
 as in MnE. seventh. 25. patt he sahh. Cf. Rev. v. 1 f. 32. naness 
 kiness shaffte. Note the genitive inflexion of both adjective and noun. 
 The uninfected adjective is more common, but the inflected form remains in 
 certain expressions. 
 Page 13, 1. 4. all all swa se. The doubling of all for emphasis is not 
 uncommon in Orm. 26. Orrmin. Matzner regarded the name as formed 
 on the Latin model, but Zupitza ( 4 Guy of Warwick,' note to 1. 9529, EETS., 
 Extra Series, 25-26) makes it a diminutive of Orm on the French model ; cf. 
 Awwstin, 8, 17. Orm's name is believed to be from ON. ormr, cognate with 
 OE. wyrm ' worm, serpent.' 30. allre seresst. The MS. gives clear evi- 
 dence, as in some other cases, of elision. 
 The ' Bestiary,' from which these selections are taken, is found in Arundel 
 MS. 292 of the British Museum. It has been edited by Wright (' Altdeutsche 
 Blatter,' II), by Wright and Halliwell (' Reliquiae Antiquae,' I, 208), by 
 Morris (' An Old English Miscellany,' EETS. 49, 1), by Matzner (< Sprach- 
 proben,' I, 55), and a selection by Morris (' Specimens,' I, 133). The language 
 of the ' Bestiary' is that of the Southeast Midland (SEMI.) during the first half 
 of the thirteenth century. 
 The poem consists of more or less fanciful descriptions of thirteen animals, 
 with allegorical interpretations of their supposed characteristics. The first 
 twelve sections are based on the Latin ' Physiologus ' of Theobaldus, an Italian 
 monk of the eleventh century, the thirteenth upon Alexander Neckam's ' De 
 Naturis Rerum.' The ' Physiologus ' of Theobaldus is printed by Morris as an 
 appendix to ' An Old English Miscellany.' Fragments of an older ' Physio- 
 logus ' occur in Old English poetry. The metrical forms of the ' Bestiary ' are 
 various. The first and third selections are in long unrimed lines with some 
 attempt at alliteration. The second, with exception of the first line, breaks up 
 into rimed couplets of four (occasionally three) stresses. The ' Signification ' 
 of the Eagle, however, shows long rimed lines with the first half-lines frequently 
 riming together also. If the latter feature were perfectly carried out we should 
 have a four-line stanza riming abab. The metre of the fourth is similar to the 
 first part of the second, but all show many irregularities in detail. These 
 metrical forms are especially interesting in relation not only to the alliterative 
 line of Old English, but also to the rimed couplet of four stresses which was 
 soon to be so common in England. 
 As to language, all Old English diphthongs have become simple vowels, and 
 the new diphthongs are appearing ; OE. ie is no longer used; the change of OE. 
 a to p, and the lengthening of vowels in open syllables, have taken place ; in 
 other words typical East Midland is before us. Special peculiarities in ortho- 
 graphy are OF. c = s initially ; g for g in god, ' good,' and for $ in ligt, ' light,' 
 or ) = y in ge, ' ye ' ; s (ss) = sh ; & always for OE. tf or J>. 
 Page 14, 1. 1. leun stant. Both leun and Uun occur in Middle English 
 as in Old French, the latter finally prevailing. Contractions like stant = standep 
 are more common in SEMI, than in NEM1., and still more common in Southern. 
 hille. No doubt dative of hil (1. 14), though possibly from the OE. hylle f., 
 beside hyll m. and. ' If ' ; it translates Lat. si of Theobaldus, introducing 
 the subjunctive here. The Latin also shows that the first half-line is a separate 
 sentence, not immediately connected with the next as usually punctuated. 4. 
 fetsteppes. Note that the plural in MnE. compounds of mutation nouns, 
 except man, loses all trace of mutation. 5. dun. The addition of this word, 
 though not corresponding exactly to anything in the Latin, seems justified by 
 the context and especially by 1. 18. It was first added by Morris. 6. he. 
 Refers to' hunter,' implied in hunten (1. 1). 9. IIS. With this contracted 
 form compare lied in 1. 12. 16. Hu. Both hu and wu are found in the selec- 
 tions, and represent OE. hu and hwu respectively, the latter commonly becom- 
 ing wu in Sth. English. For convenience they have been regularized throughout 
 the selection on the basis of the first form, the more common Midland variety. 
 17. divel. This form shows conclusively that shortening of OE. deofol had 
 taken place, since only devel could have become divel. The latter is still 
 common in dialectal English. 18. dennede him. ' Made a resting-place 
 for himself.' The Latin is : 
 ' Viscera Marie tibi, Christe, fuisse cubile,' 
 and OE. denn is glossed ' cubile.' 19. defte.. ' Mild, gentle, meek.' OE. 
 gedaft, whence MnE. daft by a change of meaning similar to that of ' simple/ 
 ' innocent.' MnE. deft, from the same root if not the same word, has acquired 
 the sense ' skilful ' through ' easy,' a natural development from ' mild.' 20. 
 to manne frame. ' To the profit of men.' Mamie is a relic of the OE. gen. 
 pi. manna. Such a genitive plural is preserved only in certain expressions, 
 and probably the folk-mind regarded combinations like manne frame as essen- 
 tially compounds. 
 Page 15, 1. 3. dfde = df}>e, with d from voiced/. Ded for death still 
 exists in English dialects. Cf. 122,6 for the word in rime. 5. hlrde. The 
 strict Ml. form is herde, MnE. (shep)herd. Hirde doubtless comes from WS. 
 hierde ; cf. sllden = shllden (1. 6) for Ml. shelden, MnE. shield. 15-16. 
 dimme . . . him. The rimes of the ' Bestiary ' are sufficiently irregular so that 
 the extra syllable of the first line does not seem remarkable. As dimmc is pi. 
 we assume the word was disyllabic, though compare 20, 26. 21. skies 
 sexe and sevene. Referring to the traditional view of the heavens, based on 
 the Ptolemaic system. 25. Be surme swrSeft. The Lat. reads Tunc sibi 
 sol ambas accendit fervidus alas. 
 Page 16, 1. 2. Ne were. ' If his beak were not ' ; were pt. subj. 15 
 kirke. A distinctly Nth. or NEM1. form, perhaps used for rime. 16. Or. 
 Distinguish from or, ' or' ; this is ON. dr cognate with OE.rZr, ' ere.' 21. to 
 Gode ward. This is a not uncommon order of words in OE., though toweard 
 {toward) also occurs. Cf. to 6e water ward (17, 9). leteft. ' Thinks' ; 
 this makes a perfect rime with beted and gives a good meaning. The MS. 
 reading lereS = l(red is an imperfect rime in both vowel and consonant. 22. 
 te surme sikerllke. The allegory here may be illustrated by an OE. 
 'Treatise on Astronomy' attributed to yElfric (' Popular Treatises on Science,' 
 Wright, p. 3), in which this passage occurs: ' Seo sunne getacnetS urne Hselend 
 Crist, se fte ys rihtwisnesse sunne, swa swa se witega cwseS, Timentibus autem 
 women Domini orietur sol iustitiae, et sanitas in pennis eius : Sam mannum 
 j>e him ondraedaS Godes naman ]>am arist rihtwisnysse sunne, and hselfie is on 
 hyre fi<5erum.' The sun betokens our Saviour Christ, who is the sun of righteous- 
 ness, as the prophet said : ' Upon the men who fear God's name shall arise the 
 sun of righteousness, and health is in his wings.' The prophecy is in Mai. iv. 2. 
 Page 17, 1.3. forbrken. Note the MS. reading in footnote. Some emen- 
 dation is clearly necessary, and I suggest that in the text as better preserving the 
 alliteration. 7. narwe buten. The Latin original makes the passage clear : 
 ' Querit angustum lapidis foramen ; 
 Vix movens sese veniensque tandem 
 Inde pertransit spoliatque carnem 
 Pelle vetusta.' 
 Thus narwe refers to Sirl. * He seeks a stone in which (fiat . .-. on) is a hole, 
 narrow, but he forces himself (moves through with difficulty) for,' &c. 24. 
 Htel him is. ' Little (advantage) will be to him from his limbs '; 'he shall 
 have little advantage,' &c. 25. higtest. Note the shorter form higtes in 
 the next line. 
 Page 18, 1. 5. It is te ned. A half-line is lost as shown by the allitera- 
 tion. 6. ful of ftewes. It seems best to regard fnl as imperative of OE. 
 fullian, * become full.' Otherwise, we must supply the imperative of the verb 
 to be, or take ful as an adjective and omit and at beginning of the next line. 
 The Latin gives no assistance. 31. Dat is ure hfved gevelic. * That is like 
 our head.' The full sense is shown by the Latin, where our head refers to Christ : 
 ' Vis novus vitam sine fine dignam, 
 Semper illesum caput est habendum, 
 Hoc caput, dico, quod habes in ipso 
 Principe Christo.' 
 helde we. * Incline we to,' ' if we incline to.' But helde might be a Sth. form 
 for Ml. hplden, WS. healdan (Jiealdan), OM. haldan (hdldan). 
 Page 19, 1. 3. seien. Note the early development of a Midland infinitive 
 based on the present indicative 3rd singular. Sth. seggen, OE. secgan, still remains 
 for some time. 4. sge. Pret. subj. 3rd sing., early ME. sage ; cf. note on 1, 
 15, and Siev. 391, anm. 7. 9. it smit. ' It thrusts out.' Smit = smited. 
 23. sumer and winter winnen. 'Fair weather and storm strive together.' 
 The Lat. has Si sit tempest as cum vadit, vel venit estas. 28. "Sat, MS. "Bar. 
 The emendation was suggested by Matzner (' Sprachproben,' I, 69). 
 Page 20, 1. 10. doB hem sinken. Maketh them to sink.' 13. Bis 
 devel. The whale was so commonly used as a figure for the devil that the 
 English writer begins at once with ' This devil,' not following the Latin asser- 
 tion of similarity : Viribus est zabulus quasi cetus corpore magnus. This was 
 common interpretation of such Scripture passages as Ezek. xxxiii. 2 ; Isa. xxvii. 
 1 ; Job xli. 1. 18. wosg him folege'5. Note how the indefinite wosg 
 approaches relative force by the repetition of the subject (at first the clause) in 
 he. The next step was to place he before wosg or who, when wosg becomes 
 wholly relative to he as an antecedent. 22. gast. A short secondary form 
 of OE. gast occasionally occurring. 
 The ' Genesis and Exodus,' from which this selection is taken, is found in 
 MS. 444 of the Library of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. It was edited 
 by Morris in EETS. 7 (1865) and reprinted with corrections in 1874. 
 Specimens are found in Matzner ('Sprachproben,' I, 75), Morris ('Specimens/ I, 
 63), Zupitza (' Ubungsbuch,' 81), Wulker ('Lesebuch,' I, 1). As in the case 
 of the preceding selection, with which this has much in common, the language 
 of the ' Genesis and Exodus ' is of the southern portion of the East Midland, 
 and the poem was composed in the first half of the thirteenth century. 
 A single author, otherwise unknown, is believed to have composed the whole 
 poem ; cf. Fritzsche, ' 1st das altenglische Story of Genesis and Exodus das 
 Werk eines Verfassers,' ' Anglia,' VI, 43. Notes are to be found in ' Anglia,' VI, 
 Anz. 1; XV, 191; XXII, 141; 'Englische Studien/ II, 120; III, 273; XVI, 
 429; XXII, 292; 'Archiv fur neuere Sprachen,' XC, 143; 'Mod. Lang. 
 Notes,' I, 65. 
 The poem consists of a paraphrase of the Scripture story, mainly based on 
 the ' Historia Scholastica,' composed by Petrus Comestor between 1169 and 
 1 1 75. As usual in such cases the treatment is free, many parts of the Bible 
 story being omitted and many additions of mediaeval legend and interpretation 
 being added. The metre is the rimed couplet of four stresses with iambic 
 movement, but with the syllabic irregularity so common in the period. Thus 
 the line often ends with an unstressed syllable after the principal stress, and as 
 often lacks an unstressed syllable at the beginning. In the latter case the first 
 stressed syllable forms a monosyllabic foot. Alliteration of the stressed syllables 
 is sometimes found, though without the regularity of alliterative verse. Our 
 selection includes lines 2037-2490, covering Genesis xxxix. 19 to 1. 14, though 
 with large omissions. Another version of the story of Joseph may be read in 
 ' Cursor Mundi ' (EETS. 57, 59), beginning at 1. 4037, and the part corre- 
 sponding to our selection at 1. 4417. The latter is much fuller and more 
 dramatic, while also showing some interesting variations upon the story. 
 The language of the poem is similar to that of the ' Bestiary,' with which its 
 orthography agrees so thoroughly that in general no further remarks are 
 necessary. A few cases of OE. diphthongs occur, as at 22, 14-15, but similar 
 words are so frequently written with simple vowels as to prove that the older 
 forms did not represent true diphthongs. Otherwise the most noticeable 
 orthographic peculiarity is qu for OE. hw, as in quik (21, 5), perhaps through 
 Nth. influence. The language of the poem is treated by Morris in the 
 Preface to his edition, by Hilmer in 'Die Sprache von Genesis und Exodus' 
 (1876), and by Fritsche as above. 
 Page 21, 1. 1. Putifar trewifl. The form of Potiphar's name is that of 
 the Latin original, as are most of the other Scripture names in Genesis. 
 2. Id ep. The form here and the rimes at 22, 21-22 and 30, 7-8 prove 
 conclusively that the Latin, not OF. form of the word is meant. 3. sperd. 
 Orm's sperrd (12, 26) shows the shortness of the vowel. Metrically the word 
 is disyllabic, and might be written sperred\ though compare 22, 29-30. 
 6. prisuner. Note that this is not the MnE. word 'prisoner.' 13. hem 
 drempte. Impersonal uses of the verb were still common, as in OE., 
 though soon to disappear; see Kellner, ' Hist. Outlines of Eng. Syntax,' 151. 
 15. on sel. Lines 15-16 paraphrase Ioseph . . . ministrabat eis of the Vulgate 
 and Petrus Comestor, but the above words were added to imply regularity of 
 the service. 17. he freinde, MS. he hem freinde. The MS. reading is 
 impossible metrically, unless he hem are to be read as he'm. The text follows 
 Kolbing, ' Eng. St,' III, 305. 18. Harde drfmes. ' Unpleasant (harde) 
 dreams have that power,' that is, to make people mourn. 27-28. hgnd . . . 
 wrong. Note the assonance instead of rime. 28. meflugte. Morris says 
 Sugte = dogte, corrected by Egge in 'Mod. Lang. Notes,' I, 66. ME. 6u}te, 
 ' seemed,' and dojte, ' thought,' later fell together under )ou$te, MnE. thought. 
 Page 22, 11. 3-4. win . . . Verin. Many imperfect rimes in the poem 
 show differences in vowel quantity. With rimes of long and short i cf. those 
 at 28, 25-26; 29, 7-8; 30, 15-16; 31, 17-18; 34,4-5; see also 35, 21-22. 
 10. Dat, MS. "Sa. Morris suggested the emendation. 21. quad 
 quafl, 'quoth.' For the change cf. Gram. Introd., 100, 116. 25. fleis, 
 fleisb. For the diphthong see Gram. Introd. Cf. wet's (29, 1). 26. agte. 
 ' Possessions, wealth,' not ' care ' as Morris. The line means ' that no wealth 
 may protect thee.' Cf. dp agtes (26, 32). This addition to the Scripture 
 narrative is not found in Petrus Comestor, but occurs in 'Cursor Mundi,' 
 I 4493- 
 Page 23, 11. 7-8. bifgren . . . corn, MS. coren. The MS. reading makes 
 a good eye-rime, but it is doubtful whether corn was disyllabic in pronuncia- 
 tion. Better assume biforti (bifdrri) for biforen. 12. De ranee, MS. "5e ranc 
 he. The emendation makes ranee the correct plural, and leaves sevene l$ne as 
 the more direct subject of haven pvercumen. 13. it smiten. ' They smote.' 
 Morris regards it as a neuter plural form, but perhaps this use is derived 
 from that of it as introducing plural verbs in OE. 14. "Sristen to "Be, 
 MS. Crist hem to "So. The emendation seems justified by the syntax. The 
 plural drlsten is required and 3e feite must be object of it. Cf. the Latin : 
 Septem spicae plenae pullidabant in culmo two, aliaeque totidem iuxta orie- 
 bantur tenues, et percussae uredine, et devorabant priores. 29-30. gn . . . 
 Pharaon. The NF. form of Pharaoh should rime with long close o, as it 
 does at 22, 1-2, 9-10. Cf. 32, 15-16, and the OF. Pharaun at 23, 21-22. 
 30. tawnen. See the explanation of the form in the Glossary, and cf. MnE. 
 twit for a similar initial / from OE. at in a compound word. 
 Page 24, 1. 8. gere. The noun ger = $er, ' year,' appears with the plural 
 ger at 23, 31, gere here, and geres in 1. 25. So most OE. neuters gradually 
 assumed the es ending of masculines. 17. "Sarnie Putifar. Confusion in 
 the names Potiphar and Potiphera of our Bible is easy from the Lat. forms 
 Putiphar and Putiphara. It was then easy to make Asenath the daughter of 
 Joseph's old master, as here. Hebrew tradition explained Joseph's marriage 
 of a foreign woman by saying that Job's second wife was Dinah, daughter of 
 Jacob (Gen. xxxiv), from whom a daughter was born and became the mother 
 of Asenath (Petrus Comestor). Moslem tradition gave a romantic turn to the 
 story by making Joseph marry Zuleekha, wife of Potiphar, after the latter's 
 death (Weil's ' Biblical Legends/ 97 f.). 20. Ofter is nu. ' Another 
 (condition) is now than had happened before.' 24. He luveden God. 
 ' They (the sons of Joseph) loved God, he (God) repaid it to them.' 
 29. Hunger wex. The ' Cursor Mundi ' shows an interesting addition, 
 probably from Hebrew tradition. Joseph, after threshing, casts the chaff 
 upon the Nile, where Jacob, who casually walked by that river (geography did 
 not trouble many mediaeval writers), found it, and sent his sons along the Nile 
 to Egypt to buy corn. 29-30. Chanaan . . . for'Ban. Another qualitative 
 rime, as Chanaan seems to be disyllabic in c Genesis,' though trisyllabic in 
 ' Cursor Mundi,' as in Latin. Cf. 32, 7-8. 
 Page 25, 1. 1. for nede sogt. Morris defined sogt as ' reconciled,' asso- 
 ciating it with OE. sceht, but it is the past participle of seken in the less 
 common sense of ' attacked, driven.' 8. als. A connective of knew (1. 7) 
 and let (1. 8), als must mean ' yet ' or ' though/ not ' also ' as Morris. Cf. Egge, 
 ' Mod. Lang. Notes/ I, 66, and Koch, * Anglia/ XXV, 321. 11. cume ge. 
 Note the form without ending before ge, as in OE. Cf. 1. 28, and with 
 we in similar position, 1. 14. Morris and Matzner change cume to came, 
 but this is surely unnecessary, since the action is regarded as present in time. 
 16. dot5 us, MS. doftes. Matzner suggested doQ us, though retaining the MS. 
 reading. The change is simple and satisfactory. Koch (' Anglia/ XXV) inter- 
 prets do'fies as equivalent to dad V 's = ddd he (Jacob) us, but Matzner' s suggestion 
 seems better. 19. Hu sulde. This addition to the Scripture is in Petrus 
 Comestor : Impossibile est enim viro idiotae tales Jilios esse, cum etiam regibus 
 talis filiorum copia valde est difficilis. The first part of the line is as emended 
 by Morris. Possibly MS. ojiinan = g~n man, ' one man.' 32. Bat he wgre. 
 Kolbing shows (' Eng. St./ Ill, 305) that he refers to Joseph, not to Benjamin 
 as Morris had assumed. He compares Petrus Comestor : Timebat enii?i ne 
 forte et in ilium aliquid deliquissent. This is added to explain Joseph's 
 imprisonment of his brothers. 
 Page 26, 1. 4. "fte tn. The t, originally a part of det (Sat), seems to have 
 become an integral part of the following word, and is so printed. Cf. to}ere 
 (30, 20), which still remains in dialectal English. 6. To wedde. ' For 
 security/ 'as a pledge.' The frequent occurrence of OE. wedn. in this dative 
 phrase no doubt accounts for the retention of the OE. dative form. Cf. to 
 wive (1. 19). 12. Wrigtful we. 'Deservedly we are/ translating Merito 
 haec patimur, quia peccavimus infrati-em nostrum. 19. deden . . . beden. \ 
 The rime assumes that both deden and deden must have occurred in speech. 
 This seems better than assuming deden . . . deden. 24. Vqt bifpren. Cf. 
 Egge (' Mod. Lang. Notes,' I, 66) : 'I take in a local sense, "there before, at 
 the top," referring to the mouth of the sacks.' 27. gverttogt. Morris 
 suggests ' over-anxious,' but the word corresponds to obstupefacti turbatique of 
 the Vulgate : Et obstupefacti turbatique muttco (Gen. xlii. 28). ' Amazed, 
 stupefied' are better. 31. Quan men, MS. and quan men. And is 
 omitted, as it seems to have been copied from the preceding line by mistake. 
 Page 27, 1. 5. Of Josep. ' Of Joseph I do not know the end/ para- 
 phrasing the Vulgate, Joseph non est super. 7-8. don . . . on. Cf. rimes 
 of long and short i in note to 22, 3-4. Perhaps the adverb on had long g\ see 
 rimes at 28, 5-6; 29, 27-28. 8. sfgefl. Note the plural subject with 
 singular verb; probably dgad predominated in the mind of the writer. 
 16. But ge. Note the abrupt transition from indirect to direct discourse ; also 
 the use of the plural pronoun in addressing one person, the earliest instance in 
 English. 17. Quan it is ned. Kolbing points out (' Eng. St.,' Ill, 306) 
 that quan = ' if here, the clause translating Si sic necesse est. 18. And ic ne. 
 Matzner adds ic here as rightly. 25. ftJemoded. Matzner's emendation of 
 MS. edimodes, making the word agree with its form in 1. 1584 of the poem. 
 28. ben into Egypte ligt. Matzner's reading of the line. He suggests that 
 cumen of the MS. was originally q gloss of ben ligt. 30. lag, MS. was, 
 making no rime. Morris's dag = OE. da is impossible, and Matzner suggests 
 assonance. Koch's late suggestion of stag = OE. stag is equally impossible, as 
 OE. a has regularly become p in ' Genesis.'" 
 Page 28, 1. 2. Her n^n. ' None of them/ The objective use of the 
 genitive plural ; cf. ilre npn (1. 6) and gilre gn (29, 30). 7. $e stiward. 
 Matzner's suggestion for stiward of the MS. Otherwise the pause after stifle 
 must do duty for the omitted unstressed syllable. 8. For ic. This part 
 of the steward's answer does not very well agree with the Latin of the Vulgate, 
 though the probable meaning is ' I have my instructions.' 11-12. come . . . 
 nome. Such seems to be the rime. The first word is Orm's come, ' coming,' 
 and the second OE. nam f. There may have been, however, an OM. nom 
 showing the root of the pret, pi. of niman. 24. Wt ic. ' I think none 
 there did not tremble.' The line corresponds to the Vulgate, Et incurvati 
 adoraverunt eum (Gen. xliii. 28). Inctirvati was apparently understood in 
 its metaphorical sense ' disturbed in mind, trembling,' rather than the literal 
 I bowing.' 32. wur$ tfres wet. ' Was wet with tears.' The expression 
 occurs with and without a preposition; cf. 30, 22, and 31, 4. 
 Page 29, 1. 4. Sette hem, MS. and sette hem. The reading of the 
 text seems simpler than retaining and at the beginning of this line and omit- 
 ting it before him in the preceding. 12. And hem. There is nothing 
 in the Scripture or Petrus Comestor for these lines, as Kolbing pointed out. 
 In ' Cursor Mundi ' the same 'sarmun ' occurs, and the brothers are especially 
 warned against theft. 18. 9r cr. ' Before.' The doubling of the particle 
 is not uncommon. 20. For is^it nogt. All reference to divination (Gen. 
 xliv. 5, 15) is omitted by the English writer here and at 30, 10. Petrus 
 Comestor adds, after paraphrasing Joseph's words about divining, Forte ioco 
 dictum est, nee est imputandum. 30. Bat, MS. fla. Morris's emendation, 
 which seems necessary. 32. Up quam. A very early use of quam, ' whom,' 
 as a relative pronoun. Such use appears first in the oblique cases, but is not 
 established until Late Middle and Early Modern English. 
 Page 30, 1. 1. He be slagen. Matzner's emendation from MS. reading 
 he slagen. agen. ' Back,' not 'again,' as Morris. 'There is no reference 
 to an earlier state of slavery ' (Egge). , - 
 Page 31, 1. 1. lewse. This seems to be the only form of the MS., 
 occurring also at 1. 1576. No doubt the form should be leswe, OM. les 
 (ace. leswe), WS lies, connected with OE. lesan-lces, ' to glean.' Gersen. 
 The Lat. form is Gessen, which a copyist seems to have transformed by 
 mistaking s for r. With this rime with long e cf. 31, 12-13; 32, 12-13, 
 where the vowel is clearly short. 9. For luve of Iosep migte lie 
 tlmen. The him of 1. 8 and the he here seem to refer to the father (30, 31), 
 and the line means 'For (on account of) love of Joseph might he prosper.' 
 The rime of tlmen here and in other places may indicate shortening. 
 19. Als ffle. Kolbing suggested connecting with following rather than 
 preceding line. It translates Petrus Comestor, Et totidem (referring to Ben- 
 jamin's gift) misit patri. 
 Page 32, 1. 3. Wei me. No verb is necessary in the exclamation. Cf. 
 wumme (195, 33). 6. And sen. Matzner adds him, but it is unnecessary 
 and adds an extra syllable to the line. 8. manie a man. Note the early 
 introduction of a to make the singular number clear, indefinites tending to lose 
 their singular uses and forms. 15. Fader dere, MS. derer. Matzner's change. 
 20. ^, MS. flog. The copyist was influenced by the preceding dog just 
 above ; cf. Gen. xlvii. 9. 23. S "SinkeE. Kolbing ('Eng. St.,' Ill, 307) 
 pointed out that the speech of Jacob ends with the preceding line, these words 
 paraphrasing a comment of Petrus Comestor: Peregrinationis dixit, quia 
 sancti vitam hanc pro incolatu habent. 29. Him and hise, MS. he. 
 The change is Matzner's. 
 Page 33, 1. 2. fowrtene ger, MS. xiiij . The writer is in error, as the Vulgate 
 reads decern et septem annos. That the error is not a copyist's is clear from 
 the fact that ME. seventene would be too long to Tepla.ee/owrlene. _ 6. off 
 he, MS. offe. Matzner added he after offe, and Schumann (' Anglia,' VI, Anz. 1) 
 proposed the reading adopted. 7. Bat quan it wurfie. Literally, ' that 
 when it should be done with him/ an idiom easily understood to-day though 
 not a literary form. 16. hem. Kolbing (' Eng. St.,' Ill, 307) would change 
 hem to him, referring to Crist (1. 14) only. He quotes the comment of 
 Petrus Comestor : Cura fuit Sanctis sepeliri in terra, qua sciebant Christum 
 resurrecturum, ut cum eo reszirgcrent. But surely the wish of Jacob twice 
 repeated (Gen. xlvii. 30; xlix. 29) was to be buried with his fathers, and it is 
 more likely that hem is correct. It would include Christ with hise eldere 
 {1. 13). 27. smaken. Matzner alters to mdken, but the sense of smdken 
 is clear ; cf. 14, 2. 28. biwaken. The whole passage upon the burial customs 
 occurs in Petrus, though with several slight differences. 29-30. daiges . . . 
 laiges. For forms see Gram. Introd. 
 Page 34, 1. 5. delven it witS yre. 'Bury it with iron (instrument).' The 
 last two words add nothing of value, but no doubt the whole was a common 
 expression in rime. 12-13. mide . . . wechdede. Perhaps for mide we should 
 read mede {mdel) with the vowel of ON. met}, Dan. med. Cf. 34, 30-31. 
 21., wel him. ' Well may it be with him (to hint) that has done well.' 
 30-31. dede . . . mide. Another rime which shows the short form of ME. dede, 
 if not indeed that which Orm regularly uses, dide. 
 The story of f Floris and Blauncheflur,' of which this selection forms a part, 
 is found in four MSS. : Gg. 4, 27, 2 of Cambridge University Library; Cotton 
 Vetellius D. Ill of the British Museum ; Auchinleck MS. of the Advocates' 
 Library, Edinburgh; Trentham MS. of the Duke of Sutherland's Library. 
 Of these the first and best, so far as complete, was edited by Lumby, EETS. 
 14 (1866), and re-edited f by Dr. G. McKnight in 1901. Other editions of 
 the poem are those by Hartshorne ('Ancient Metrical Tales' (1829)), Laing 
 (Abbotsford Club Publ. (1857)). A critical edition, with valuable introduc- 
 tion from a comparative standpoint, was made by Emil Hausknecht for the 
 j Sammlung englischer Denkmaler' of Zupitza in 1885. The Cambridge 
 MS. belongs to the middle, possibly the second quarter, of the thirteenth 
 century. The language is that of the Southeast Midland, with a considerable 
 number of strictly Southern forms, as shown by the footnotes. This direct 
 Southern influence points to a district farther south than that of the ' Bestiary ' 
 or ' Genesis and Exodus.' Owing to the mixture of Southern with Midland 
 forms this selection does not represent the East Midland in its purity, but 
 is added largely because of its greater literary interest. The metre of the 
 poem is the rimed couplet of four, sometimes three, stresses. 
 'Floris and Blauncheflur' is a romantic tale, probably of Eastern origin, 
 and brought to the West in the twelfth century, perhaps by crusaders. The 
 English poem was freely translated and condensed from a French version, 
 and is one of the earliest of a long scries of French romances in Middle 
 English literature. The main current of the story to the beginning of our 
 selection (1. 433 of Camb. MS., 847 of the Hausknecht text) is as follows. 
 Floris and Blauncheflur had become passionately attached as children. The 
 father of Floris, the king of Spain, disapproves of the union, and suggests 
 killing the maiden. In the original French version Blauncheflur is the 
 daughter of a Christian captive, and the father of Floris a Saracen. The 
 queen, mother of Floris, proposes sending him away, and this was done. 
 Blauncheflur is then sold to the ' Admiral ' of Babylon for a marvellous cup, 
 a tomb is erected, and Floris, on his return, is told that she is dead. He is 
 so heart-broken that he attempts his life, and the king and queen reveal to 
 him the truth. Floris proposes to seek Blauncheflur, and the king gives him 
 the marvellous cup, the queen a magic ring. He has various adventures in his 
 search, and finally reaches Babylon. Here, by giving him the marvellous cup 
 and promising great wealth, Floris at last persuades the porter of the tower in 
 which Blauncheflur is confined to assist him. Then follows our selection. 
 The Southern forms in the original text have been largely replaced by those 
 of the Midland. This applies especially to those with u, OE. y, and in- 
 flexional forms, while some with eo (heo, 36, 16), which would probably not 
 be found as late as this text but for Southern influence, have been retained. 
 Besides these peculiarities, among vowels may be mentioned the rare use of 
 o for u (jongling, 44, 3), a usage to become much more common in the follow- 
 ing selections. Among consonants, the regular use of ^ for y initially and for a 
 palatal and guttural spirant medially separates these sounds from the stop g (as 
 in go), though the latter character is still used for g = dg (as in Jugement, 42, 2). 
 For the latter sound initially, OF. j also appears. OF. c s is found as in 
 certes (38, 11), Clarice (38, 3), and sch for sh. Contrary to the practice of the 
 last two texts wh represents OE. hw, as in Orm. Among inflexional forms, 
 a few with the prefix z' = OE. ge have been left, as perhaps properly belonging 
 to SEMI., at least longer than to Ml. and Nth. English. A special treatment 
 of the language occurs in Hausknecht's edition, with which cf. ' Eng. St.,' 
 IX, 92, ' Anglia,' Anz., VIII, 150. For notes see ' Anglia,' I, 473 ; ' Eng. St.,' 
 Ill, 99, 272, IX, 389. 
 Page 35, 1. 15. cupen. Hausknecht takes this as OF. cupe, not Sth. 
 ciipe = OE. cype, because of the form in the Auchinleck MS., coupe {couppe) 
 = cupe. The meaning is the same in either case. 19. gegges. The 
 Trenth. MS. has may dens. 20. for hfvie. A substantive use of the 
 adjective, as in the colloquial 'for cold,' 'for hot.' 28. lete hire stunde. 
 Hire refers to the basket {ciipe'), the SEMI, apparently agreeing with Sth. in 
 preserving grammatical gender later than in Ml. and Nth. ; cf. he referring to 
 ring (43, 16). The adverb stunde, MS. stonde, completes the rime and sense : 
 ' and go forth and leave it {hire) at once.' It is easy to see how stunde was 
 misunderstood for stpnde. 
 Page 36, 11. 1-2. wolde . . . bihplde. Long o in wolde is proved by 
 occasional rimes like these, though the short form is equally clear from Orm's 
 wollde ; cf. 23-24. Otherwise we must assume qualitative rimes only, in such 
 cases. 7-8. rde . . . hadde. These two lines, with imperfect rime, are 
 found only in Camb. MS. and are rejected by Hausknecht from his critical text. 
 Perhaps we are to read hgde (OE. hade < hcefde). 9. age, MS. agen. The 
 MS. rime agen . . . him is of course impossible. Age, from Auch. MS., and 
 a slight change in the following line, makes all right. Trenth. MS. reads : 
 f When he sawj it was not shee, 
 Into J>e lepe asen stert he.' 
 15-16. itld . . . ispld. The retention of the OE. prefix ge- as ?'-, occasion- 
 ally found in Ml., is characteristic of Sth. English ; cf. if ere (37, 22). 16. heo. 
 Note the Sth. feminine of the pronoun, as well as the OE. diphthong eo. 
 17. lfpe. An infinitive dependent upon comen, as Zupitza pointed out in 
 'Anglia,' I, 473 : Now maidens came running (leaping) in to her.' 19. what 
 hire were. ' What might be to her,' that is, ' what was the matter with her?' 
 a common idiom. 21. "Wei heo was bipo3t. ' She was very (well) con- 
 siderate and (considered) where to find them answer ' ; or could whare be for 
 ware, * wary ' ? Trenth. MS. has : 
 'Clarys byJ>ou5t hur anoon ry3t 
 pat hit was Blauncheflur )>e white, 
 And gave J>e maydens answere anoon/ 
 23. ich, MS. ihc always. This can hardly indicate the true Sth. form ich = 
 it/ {ch in chui'ch), but rather a SEMI, ic in which c {k) is shading out into 
 a spirant like German ch in ich. 
 Page 37, 1. 2. Wilt u. Usually printed as one word, but in this book the 
 identity of each word has been consistently preserved by separating even the 
 reduced forms, as here. 8. libbe. Another form at least more common in 
 the South. In Ml. and Nth. bb of the OE. infin. and ind. pres. 1st sing, has 
 been replaced by v, by analogy of the 3rd sing, and the other forms of the verb. 
 Cf. MnE. have, tive, and for a similar loss of gg, lie (' recline '), buy, say, lay. 
 Page 38, 1. 3. pg. This addition to the MS. line seems to be required by 
 the metre, though not added by Hausknecht. 6. o = of. Theoretically we 
 must assume a long as in from on, but partly to differentiate the two words 
 I have used short in this word, even in these early instances. 22. Ower 
 beire. An objective genitive, ' of you two.' 25-26. adun . . . fram. An 
 impossible rime. All other MSS. read aroum {aroom, rozvii), i. e. arum, 
 OE. on{ari), gerum, * apart,' and no doubt this is the correct form, though 
 giving assonance only with adun. 
 Page 39, 11. 13-14. wite . . . undelete. Correct rime form here requires 
 undergite, not uncommon in Sth., or possible wet.e < wite. 'But they might 
 not long guard them, that they should not be perceived,' or as we should say, 
 1 They could not long prevent them from being perceived.' 
 Page 40, 1. 4. loke. So MSS., but syntax requires loked, in which final d 
 is rarely dropped. 15-16. arist . . . atwist. Matzner explains the first as 
 a contracted form of arised (Siev. ' Angelsachsische Gram.,' 359, 8), and the 
 second as an analogical preterit like OE. wiste. We should expect preterits 
 in both cases from the form of .the narrative, but no such preterit as arist seems 
 to be known. 23. piler. The pillar in which the water-pipes were con- 
 cealed. 28. He axede. The pronoun refers to Admiral, which the other 
 MSS. repeat here as in 40, 2. 
 Page 41, 11. 9-10. mup . . . cup. Perhaps we should read mufie ds., 
 cilj>e pi. of the adjective. 11. te:j. The short form belongs here, or the rime 
 is qualitative only, as in 11. 21-22. 19-20. caste . . . breste. With kesteiox 
 caste, a not uncommon ME. form, the rime would be correct ; cf. 42, 3-4. Breste 
 is an OE. neuter which has not yet acquired the es plural. 30. ligge. A 
 characteristic Sth. form, the prevailing Ml. being lie{ti). Cf. note on 27, 8. 
 Page 42, 1. 30. hondhabbing. A legal expression handed down from 
 OE. times, the original word being a participle hand/uzbbende ; cf. ' Anc. Laws 
 and Inst, of England,' I, Index, habbendce handa. 
 Page 44, 1. 32. ^et. This word has not been satisfactorily explained, but 
 the best assumption seems to be that it is for $id(e), with wifidraje as an infini- 
 tive depending upon it : ' And Blauncheflur went (endeavoured) to withdraw 
 Page 45, 1. 2. pat oper. The line is too short metrically, and probably 
 we should read pat eiper 5j>er deide bifgre ; cf. 37, 29 and 45, 5. 
 Page 46, 1. 1. of Spaygne. It looks as if this were originally a gloss 
 which had been thrust into the line, perhaps because the beginning of the story 
 is incomplete in all the English texts, and the connexion of Floris's father with 
 the Saracens was lost sight of. 
 The < Debate of the Body and the Soul' is found in six MSS. : Auch. MS., 
 Edinburgh ; Laud MS. 108, and Vernon MS., both of the Bodleian ; Digby 
 MS. 102, Royal MS. 18 AX, and Additional MS. 22, 283 of the British 
 Museum. Our text is from Laud MS. 108, which was edited by Th. Wright in 
 'Latin Poems commonly attributed to Walter Mapes,' by Matzner ('Sprach- 
 proben,' I, 92), and by Linow in ' Erlanger Beitriige zur englischen Philologie,' 
 in which the Laud MS. is accompanied by three others and an important intro- 
 duction, together with appendices. The ' Debate ' was written in the second 
 half of the thirteenth century, and the Laud MS. represents East Midland in' 
 the main, of northern rather than southern variety, but with a considerable 
 number of Sth. forms. The interest of the poem rather than the purity of the 
 text has led to its inclusion here. 
 The ' Debate ' is based on a motive common in Western Europe in the 
 middle ages. It finds expression in Old and Early Middle English in. an 
 ' Address of the Soul to the Body.' The ' Debate ' or ' Dialogue ' between the 
 two belongs to Middle English only; cf. Bruce, ' A Contribution to the Study 
 of the Body and the Soul Poems in English' ('Mod. Lang. Notes,' V, 197). 
 To the ' Debate ' two poems bear close relation, the Latin ' Visio Fulberti 
 (Philberti) ' printed by Wright in the above-mentioned work, as by Meril in 
 ' Poesies populaires latines anterieures au douzieme siecle,' and an OF. poem 
 ' Un Samedi par Nuit,' Anhang I, to Linow above. A modern version of 
 the ' Debate ' was made by Sir Theodore Martin in the ' Monk's Dream,' 
 and one was printed by Prof. F. J. Child of Harvard for private circulation. 
 The metre of the poem is an eight-line stanza made up of lines with four 
 stresses and iambic movement, riming abababab, with the b rimes more exact 
 than the others. The poem has been treated in relation to sources, language, 
 metre, by Kleinert, 'Uber den Streit zwischen Leib u. Seele ' (1880), Heesch, 
 ' Uber Sprache u. Versbau' (1884), Linow as above, Kunze, ' f>e Disputisoun 
 bitwen )>e Bodi and pe Soule ' (1892), Bruce as above. 
 Special peculiarities of language which appear for the first time are the new 
 diphthongs ei {ey) and au (ou) before palatal and guttural ) (g) respectively, as 
 ei}ene (51, 25), sau) (47, 27). The former occur rarely in ' Genesis and Exodus/ 
 as already noted. Here also = u commonly, and ou = u almost invariably. 
 Among consonants fw represents OE. hw, as in fwllene (48, 12), and $th of the 
 MS. = jt {jht). Owing to lateness of the MS. copy, rather than the poem, 
 final ) is often omitted, or added to words to which it does not belong. These 
 peculiarities, as scribal, have been placed in the footnotes. Strictly Sth. forms 
 have also been placed in the footnotes, and attention will be called to some of 
 Nth. origin. The much more frequent loss of final n in inflexional forms 
 should be noted in this and the following selection. 
 Page 47, 1. 26. droupening. The MS. reading droukening can hardly 
 be correct, as it must be connected with ON. droukna, ' to drown,' an inappro- 
 priate meaning. Auch. and Vera. MSS. have droupening (droupnynge) , while 
 Digby MS. has derkyng, as if the scribe had not understood the form before 
 Page 48, 1. 2. to pay. * For pleasure, satisfaction/ The MS. pay) 
 seems to indicate that, at the time of the copy, $ had already shaded out into i, \ 
 since it is here added to an OF. word to which it could not have belonged. 
 Cf. similar forms in the footnotes. 5. gst it. Such repetition of the sub- 
 ject in pronoun form, originally used for emphasis, came to be employed by the 
 metrist to complete his line. Cf. Kellner, ' Hist. Eng. Syntax,' 284, 286. 
 6. It, MS. yt. Initial y for i has usually been replaced by the latter in these 
 early selections, to reduce the number of variants, especially in initials. 
 18. lede. The changes of meaning and use in this word are especially 
 interesting. First, 'Latin (tongue),' a borrowed adjective; next, 'dis- 
 course, speech, in Latin ' ; then, ' any tongue, language, speech ' ; here, 
 ' speech in sense of voice,' perhaps ' boasting speech ' ; the word may also 
 mean ' song of a bird.' 21. 3were ben. In Laud MS. this and the next 
 stanza change places, all other MSS. giving the order of the text. The Auch. 
 MS. also has another stanza between the two 26. fedde, MS. ledde. 
 The other MSS. nave fed (feddes). Feddes would agree in use with leddes, but 
 would not rime with Jledde (1. 28). 
 Page 49, 1. 10. gn to greipe. So Auch. MS., which seems better metri- 
 cally than gpn greipe, though the latter is the older syntax. Two forms have 
 developed, that of Auch. MS., and gp and greij>e of Digby, a well-known 
 form in colloquial and dialectal English. 16. me bigfte. At this point 
 the Laud MS. lacks seventeen stanzas as compared with the Auch. text. Eleven 
 of these continue the speech of the ' Soul ' (see Linow, or a modernization), after 
 which the ' Body ' (Auch. MS.), 
 'Lift up his heved opon J>e swere; 
 As it were sike it gan to gron, 
 And seyd, " WheJ>er Jjou art mi fere, 
 Mi gost J^at is fro me gon?"' 
 The ' Body ' admits that it must decay, and then turns upon the ' Soul ' with 
 a countercharge : 
 1 Soule, 5if J)ou it me wilt atwite, 
 p>at we schul be boJ>e yspilt, 
 3if J)ou hast schame and gret despite, 
 Al it is fine owhen gilt. 
 Y \>e say at wordes lite, 
 WiJ> ri3t resoun $if J>at ow wilt, 
 J>ou berst \>e blame and y go quite; 
 J?ou scholdest fram schame ous have yschilt.' 
 Then follow the stanzas at 49, 17. 14. swelle. Note the new vowel which 
 has developed in the MS. suwelle, and cf. koweynte (48, 15). 17. Pe schop, 
 MS. schop pe. The text is the reading of all the MSS. except Laud. If the 
 poet intended to mark the contrast between J>e (the 'Soul') and the 'Body,' 
 the Laud MS. is correct. 22. god, MS. guod. The MS. form is of Nth. 
 origin, unless perhaps Kentish can be assumed to have influenced the Laud MS. 
 23. dumb and daft. An example of the alliterative phrases, once so common, 
 and still often preserved in poetry. Cf. lime and lyp (50, 15), teme and tche 
 (50, 27), linde and l%f (51, 22), f eld and fenne (51, 23). Under the influence 
 of these phrases of OE. origin new ones have often been made, as pile and 
 pip (50, 13), where the first is OF., and preye and prgche (51, 1), where both 
 words are of OF. origin. In rest and ro (51, 19) the second is ON., and in 
 }riven and Prp (51, 17) both are of Norse origin. 24. me pertil. Me, 
 omitted in Laud, occurs in all other MSS. and is necessary to the metre. 
 Page 50, 1. 3. gast. Both ggst and gast occur in the poem, the latter 
 riming with short a, as at 58, 13, so that it probably represents not Nth. gast, 
 but a secondary form from OE. gast. Cf. . Morsbach, ' Mitteleng. Gram.,' 
 62, anm. 22. dist. A somewhat unusual shortening of didesi. Cf. the 
 form in rime at 54, 4. 28. 3 wa t was yvel. Linow has the impossible 
 leading }wat was wel from a misunderstanding of Sth. iivel of the MS. fwat 
 at the beginning of the line was suggested by Matzner; cf. 58, 22. 
 Page 51, 1. 9. edest. The shorter and earlier edes would make the rime 
 perfect. Cf. leddes (48, 24). 13. Ho may. This stanza, found at this place 
 in Auch. and Digby MSS., occurs in Laud after 56, 16. As to sense it fits 
 either place. 18. Mi^tis did, MS. mittis ded. Matzner proposed the 
 reading of the text. Pluralizing an abstract noun for emphasis was common in 
 OE., and remained in the ME. period sometimes ; cf. Kellner, ' Hist. Eng. 
 Syntax,' 21. 19. ro. Though from ON. ro(r), and so having close 0, it 
 is possible the has become open under the influence of preceding r. 20. me 
 in pine. Matzner added me, which occurs in all the other MSS. 
 Page 52, 1. 3. ni5t, ni^th. This is the beginning in our texts of the spell- 
 ing^ = $t{$ht). Cf. he c/iin' Florisand Blauncheflur.' 8. Come pou. 
 1 If thou shouldst come.' Subjunctive in transposed clause, as in MnE. ' had I.' 
 14. Sat or stod. That is, ' (Where) sat (I) or stod,' in ellipsis with the pre- 
 ceding line. 21. pat tou ne were. * That thou were not (present) and 
 advised course (counsel), 'that is, ' Unless thou wert present,' &c, ' I never did, 1 
 &c. 23. mowen. The shortened form mown is necessary for the rime ; 
 cf. 78, 31. 29. chaunged, MS. chaunched. Matzner suggested the] 
 change, which is obviously necessary. 
 Page 53, 1. 7. Kevere of catfl. 'I should have ' from the first line is to 
 be supplied. Then nome ( = nume) is a past participle depending upon ' should 
 have.' 10. Ne were pe wit. ' Were it not for the wit that was wholly 
 thine.' 18. S doth. ' As doth that (one) who dares no other (thing).' 
 26. gete, MS. getin. The change seems necessary for metre, and is proper 
 owing to the many infinitives which have lost final n. 30. bftin and 
 birst. Matzner connects the last word with bersten, ' burst, broken,' but the pp. 
 in Ml. would be bersted regularly, while both form and meaning point to OE. 
 gebrysed with syncopation of e and shortening of the vowel after metathesis. 
 Page 54, 1. 4. dist. So MS., although breaking the rime sequence. 
 Perhaps dirst, ' durst,' connected with OE. dy{f)ste, found once in the Rush- 
 worth ' Matthew,' a Mercian text. 13. gloterie. Altered by Linow and 
 Matzner to glotome, but a substantive of this form, with the same meaning as 
 glotonle, occurs in OF. works. 22. we. Matzner added to the text as 
 necessary. So also dide in 1. 27, though Matzner uses the Sth. form dude. 
 24. pou sau}. It has been customary to add J>o}, f though/ at the beginning 
 of this line, and Vern. and Digby MSS. so read. Auch. MS. reads : 
 1 Litel hede tok J>ou of Jpat 
 When J>ou seise ded men in grave.' 
 This seems to indicate that the third line of the stanza refers to the fourth and 
 not to the second, and I therefore keep the MS. reading. The 'Body* took 
 no heed of the many dead seen in the grave, and thought no such fate could 
 come to it. \ 
 Page 55, 1. 6. Aby . . . aby5e. Note the double forms of the same 
 verb, one without the spirant ). 11. 9 n untight. Matzner says, 'only 
 orthographically different from an untiht of Vern. MS.,' but gn implies greater 
 emphasis on the word than would be implied by the article. 25. lein 
 911 hond. Matzner interpreted lein as ' conceal, hide,' and Linow regards 
 gn as an adverb modifying lein, taking hgnd as a direct object. I assume 
 that MS. on is 'one,' and that the expression means 'lay a (one) hand,' 
 i. e. ' initiate one hand that hath turned to shame and sin.' 
 Page 56, 1. 7. ;wanne pe bllnde. Cf. Matt. xv. 14. 12. las. Matzner 
 assumes this is pret. of lesen = lgs (OE. leosan = leas), 'lose,' when it must be 
 accounted a shortened form, certainly not common. I propose the pret. of 
 Igsen = las (OE. lesan = lces), 'gather, collect'; 'for all my love on thee 
 I collected or centered.' The usual, but special sense of ' glean,' is not the 
 only one, as shown by 'Elene' 1238, where ic las is used intransitively. 
 23. pey. Note the double forms of the pronoun J>ey, he (1. 8) in this poem. 
 29. pus sone. The Auch. MS. reads so jong, ' so young,' and Vern. and Digby 
 J>us jong. There seems no sufficient reason for departing from the Laud reading. 
 Page 57, 1. 4. mes. Note the plural without ending in an OF. word 
 ending in s. With its meaning of ' messes, courses at table,' cf. OE. sand 
 (sgnd), ME. sande (sgnde) from send. 12. N"im of me. Laud MS. reads 
 on, all others of. J>i soule is appositive, of course. 18. bochere. Both 
 Laud and Vern. MSS. read bofielere, Auch. bucher, Digby, bell-wether. The 
 Auch. reading is to be preferred. 21. trotevale. The origin of the word is 
 obscure. Perhaps from OF. *trotevale, with some such meaning as ' a trifling 
 thing.' Halliwell quotes : 
 'Yn games and festys and at the ale 
 Love men to lestene trotevale.' 
 Page 58, 1. 20. in a lake. In a lake.' The MSS. vary greatly, as if 
 the passage were misunderstood. Auch. reads : 
 'And seJ)J>en into a pit yeast 
 Unto a nadder and a snake.' 
 Page 59, 1. 1. pe wayn. Matzner thinks the reference is to the wagon 
 used for carrying the dead body, and cites Turner's ' Hist, of the Anglo- 
 Saxons,' III, 84. 2. leid pe spfche. ' Laid (aside) the speech.' Auch. 
 MS. reads : 
 And )>e tong ha]> lorn his speche,' 
 giving the sense clearly. The other MSS. agree with Laud. 9. p. 
 Matzner would change to Jioli, ' thou.' The Auch. MS. gives the sense : 
 ' "When Jjou feldest )>e sike and sere.' 
 Our line may be read, * When that (the life) was so sick and sere.' 19. And 
 mi^te. ' And might five (times) such as there are in the world of all things,' 
 that is ' five times as many things as there are in the world.' 
 Page 60, 1. 4. A pousand develene. The plural develene = Ml. devcls 
 is another indication of Sth. influence in this poem. 10. "With brode 
 bulches. In the middle ages devils were often pictured as having the most 
 hideous deformities. 20. shenke abouten. Matzner proposed the emenda- 
 Page 61, 1. 12. a cpte. Matzner alters to colte, ' colt,' on the ground that 
 the devil was often represented as a horse. I have preserved the MS. reading, 
 assuming that if the word is for colte the / has already been lost, thus preserving 
 the rime. 18. ilke a grte. Note the addition of a after ilke, to make the 
 singular clear. Cf. note on 32, 8. 30. to him were let, MS. led. Surely 
 led is impossible in both rime and meaning; let, 'permitted,' fits both exactly. 
 Page 62, 1. 6. Bauston (MS. Hauston) and Bewis. All but Laud MS. 
 agree in using alliterative names : Auch. Bausan and Beweviis, Vern. Bauson 
 and Benfys, Digby Bausan and Beaufitz. Can the original names in Laud 
 be connected with those in the OF. romance ' Beuves d'Hanstone ' ? 30. to 
 wrpper hfle. Wrg)er seems to be an old fern. dat. sing, which has become 
 fossilized in this stereotyped expression. 
 Page 64, 1. 5. pg alle sinful. The Laud line is too long metrically, and 
 Vern., Digby agree in alle synful. 
 The metrical Adam and Eve,' or ' Canticum de Creatione ' as it has been 
 called, occurs in Auchinleck MS. at Edinburgh, and Trinity College MS. 57 at 
 Oxford. The former, from which our selection is taken, was edited by Laing 
 for the Abbotsford Club (1857), and by Horstmann, ' Altenglische Legenden ' 
 (1878), p. 139. Prose versions of the story are found in Vern. MS. (Horst- 
 mann's 'Legenden,' 1878, p. 120), Egerton MS. 876, Harl. MS. 4775, Bodl. 
 MS. 596, both the latter having been edited by Horstmann for the ' Archiv fiir 
 neuere Sprachen,' LXXIV, 345. The language of the poem is that of the 
 SEMI, dialect, as shown by Bachmann in his excellent monograph ' Die 
 beiden Versionen des ME. Canticum de Creatione,' and the time of writing 
 about 1300. 
 The poem contains an apocryphal story of the fall of man, the repentance 
 and penance of Adam and Eve, and their death. It is based on the ' Vitae 
 Adae et Evae' (see edition of W. Meyer, 1878). Just before the beginning of 
 the selection Adam, in his last illness, has commanded Eve to go with Seth to 
 Paradise, where they are to receive a message from God. They are met in the 
 way by the devil, who bites Seth in the face before the latter commands him to 
 be gone. Then they proceed on their journey as in the passage chosen. To 
 the latter version, represented by the Trinity MS., was added the story of the 
 cross tree, said to have grown from the seeds brought by Seth from Paradise 
 and placed under Adam's tongue on his deathbed. Both stories also appear 
 in ' Cursor Mundi,' 1. 1237 * The metre is the rimed couplet of four stresses, 
 with occasional lines of three stresses and other irregularities. 
 The language shows fewer peculiarities than any selection so far. The MS. 
 omits final nn a number of forms to which it must be restored on metrical 
 grounds, probably indicating that the copyist's speech had lost this sound, 
 though perhaps owing only to scribal carelessness. On the other hand, the metre 
 proves that final e was beginning to disappear in many classes of words, as 
 pronouns and other unstressed words. Bachmann also thinks that final e 
 at the end of the line was wholly lost, but his position seems not to be 
 demonstrated by the examples cited. See his monograph for a fuller treatment 
 of language. \ 
 Page 64, 1. 12. ne, MS. no. The MS. form can hardly be regarded as the 
 emphatic negative np~, OE. na, and must be an orthographic variant of un- 
 stressed ne\ cf. ojain of MS. at 65, 23. 13. Sche ne durst nou3t. Earlier 
 in the poem Adam had told Eve to take Seth : 
 1 For he haj> nouBt trespast so miche 
 As have we, sikerliche, 
 perfore he may J>e balder be 
 To speke wij) Jhesu Crist pan we/ 
 20. an angel bri}t. According to the Trinity version this is Michel, 
 1 Michael.' 21. manere, MS. maner. The MS. shows lack of final e in 
 a number of places in which it must have been originally written or pro- 
 nounced; cf. term (1. 25 and 65, 1), mett (66, 5), &c. 26. Of five 
 pousande. That is, as is not very clearly told, until Christ's death and the 
 'harrowing of hell' during his three days in the grave. Cf. the various 
 versions of the harrowing of hell ' story in Old and Middle English, and 
 67, 23. 
 Page 65, 1. 12. hy^e, MS. hey}e._ The change is fully justified by the 
 rimes crie . . . dye (67, 3-4), dyen . . . y$en (68, 29-30), dye . . . progenie (69, 
 9-10). Such rimes as heyje . . .sei)e (67, 17-18), heyje . . .stei)e (68, 7-8) 
 probably represent older forms still preserved by the scribe. 23. a;ain, 
 MS. 03am. The MS. form may mean o}ain, but probably is merely the 
 weak vowel in unstressed syllable, and it is altered to reduce the number of 
 variants, especially of initials. 
 Page 66, 1. 9. 9. This is the strong form of the OE. interjection a, and 
 accounts for MnE. (oh). The weak form A, from which MnE. ah comes, 
 occurs at 25, 23 and commonly. 11. cms. The regular spelling with on 
 indicates the preservation of long u in this dialect, beside the short form, for 
 which we_have the authority of Orm's uss. On the other hand, rimes like 
 )ns . . . ous (11. 27-28), ous . . .Jesus (70, 7-8 and 74, 19-20) indicate the 
 short form, though the written form is the same and has been retained. 
 13-14. liven . . . even. Such a rime cannot be wholly reconciled in its 
 stressed vowels, but rime of unstressed syllables were often regarded as 
 sufficient; cf. childer . . . elder (11. 17-18). 32. alle pe li3tnisse. In the 
 'Revelation of Moses' (above) the sun and moon fell down and prayed for 
 Adam, and were ' black-looking, because they could not shine in the presence 
 of the Light of the Universe, and for this reason their light was hidden ' ; 
 Ante-Nicene Fathers, VIII, 565, 569. 
 Page 67, 1. 7. bok, MS. boke. Both forms appear in the poem, though 
 the word is usually disyllabic. Here, however, a disyllable is impossible in 
 perfect rime. 17. sit. The contract form for sittej), as occasionally. 
 18. Adam soule. A genitive without ending in proper names, especially 
 Biblical names, is not uncommon, no doubt through the influence of the Latin 
 Scriptures in which it so occurs; cf. David lond (72, 5). 
 Page 68, 11. 11-12. mold . . . wold. Perhaps molde . . . wolde, the final 
 e in each case being organic; but cf. mold . . . schold (71, 23-24). Such rimes 
 seem to indicate long forms of wold{e), sc/iold(e), beside the usual short ones; 
 cf. note on 36, 1-2. 13. 3ete lay Abel. There is no reference to this in 
 the Trinity MS. version, but it occurs in the apocryphal 'Revelation of 
 Moses,' Ante-Nicene Fathers, VIII, 570. 
 Page 69, 1. 23. fader liif be write. Petrus Comestor, following another 
 tradition, says that Enoch invented letters and wrote certain books from 
 which the death of Adam is known. 
 Page 71, 1. 22. In stpn. In the Trinity version Eve is represented as 
 having been more explicit in her directions. Seth was to make ' tables tweye ' : 
 'Tweye of erthe and tweye of ston, 
 For long er domesday falle, 
 f>is worlde shal ben fordon alle 
 By water or by fere (fire).' 
 The stone pillars would thus resist water, and the earth the fire. This Hebrew 
 tradition appears commonly. Petrus Comestor, following Josephus (ch. ii), 
 says two such pillars of marble and tile were made by Tubalcain to preserve 
 the knowledge of his arts ; ' Hist. Schol.,' Gen. xxviii, also ' Genesis and 
 Exodus,' 461, 'Cursor Mundi,' 1533. 
 Page 74, 1. 13. com. So the MS., as if final e were not preserved in the 
 infinitive. Probably, however, we should read come = cume, to rime with 
 nome nume, since final e must certainly be added within the line as shown 
 by the metre. 
 The poetic romance from which this selection is taken is found in Laud 
 MS. 108 of the Bodleian, Oxford. It was edited by Madden for the Roxburghe 
 Club (1828) ; by Skeat for the Early English Text Society, Ex. Ser. 4 (1868), 
 and re-edited for the Clarendon Press (1902) ; and by Holthausen in the 
 Morsbach-Holthausen series of Old and Middle English texts (1901 ). A selection 
 appears in Wiilker (' Lesebuch,' I, 80), and Morris ('Specimens,' I, 222). The 
 date of the poem is about 1300 (see Skeat's introduction for full discussion), 
 and the dialect is probably that of Lincolnshire of that time, that is, NEM1. 
 This original dialect, however, has been somewhat modified by different 
 scribes, as so often in the case of popular poems. The metre is the rimed 
 couplet, regularly of four stresses. 
 The complete poem consists of 3001 lines, and the story is as follows. 
 An English king Athelwold had a daughter Goldborough, whom he entrusted 
 at his death to the care of Earl Godrich of Cornwall, charging him to marry 
 her to the fairest and strongest man he could find, and place the government 
 of England in her hands. The Earl, resolving to seize England for his son, 
 imprisoned Goldborough in the castle of Dover. Then our selection takes up 
 the hero Havelok. To finish the tale, Havelok assisted Grim in his trade as 
 a fisherman at Grimsby. When a famine came he left his foster-father, 
 walked to Lincoln, and took service as a scullion to the Earl of Cornwall's 
 cook. One day, at some games, Havelok showed his great strength, and 
 Godrich determined to fulfil his oath by marrying Goldborough to the sup- 
 posed menial. Havelok at first rebelled, but finally took Goldborough to 
 wife and departed for Grimsby. At night, as Grim's wife had done before, 
 Goldborough perceives the light from Havelok's mouth, and the royal cross 
 on his shoulder. An angel also tells her of good fortune to come. At the 
 same time Havelok has a dream that he possessed all Denmark and England. 
 They go to Denmark and, with many adventures, Havelok becomes king 
 after Godard is defeated and hanged. He invades England, Godrich is made 
 prisoner and burnt, and Havelok and Goldborough are crowned at London, 
 reigning happily for sixty years. The source of the tale, though clearly 
 Teutonic and English in characters and localities, is probably an OF. poem 
 now lost, but the ancestor also of the OF. ' Lai d'Havelok,' as of the stories 
 in Gaimar's ' Estorie des Angleis,' and in Manning's translation of Peter 
 Langtoft's ' Chronicle.' For further particulars see the bibliography in Skeat's 
 edition of 1902. 
 Peculiarities of orthography, it is believed, will no longer trouble the 
 student. Some Nth. and some Sth. forms occur, as indicated in notes and foot- 
 notes. For the first time y is used for initial ) (OE. g, as usually printed), while 
 cht, hi (MS. cth, th) are employed for OE. hi, ME. )t. That this th does 
 not mean OE./ would be clear from the scribe's using it for t in such words 
 as uth = ut, ' out.' 
 Page 75, 1. 1. In pat time. The time of the earlier part of the story 
 when Goldborough was placed in charge of Godrich. The line preceding 
 'Sa(y) we nou forth in ure (hure) spelle.' 
 2. lnd, MS. Ion. Note omission of final d here, in gold (I. 19), and in and 
 (1. 21). 6. fayer, MS. fayr. The word is disyllabic for metre. Morris and 
 Skeat both add something to the line, but unnecessarily. 16-17. wilde . . . 
 fllde, MS. wolde . . . fulde. If the first MS. form is correct, fulde as a Ml. 
 form must represent fulkde (OE. fullode). It seems more probable that fulde 
 Sth.. fiilde, Ml. fide, in which case the true Ml. rime must be wilde. This 
 would either be for willede (OE. willode), or better a new form on the basis 
 oiwillein), such as occurs in ' Cursor Mundi.' The latter seems to settle all 
 difficulties. 23. rgpe, MS. rede. The MS. form makes no rime, but the 
 ON. form of Ml. redein) is rdda, ME. rpSe, and makes perfect rime. Cf. 86, 
 9-10. 26. hosled. Besides ME. husle(n), hou>sle(n), a shortened form 
 occurs with o = u. 27. and for him gyven. For explanation cf. the 
 statement at the death of Athelwold (12 18) : 
 * He made his quiste swij>e wel, 
 And sone gaf it were ilk del.' 
 He not only made his bequest but gave over his property as well. 
 Page 76, 1. 9. "Was pe trewest. Zupitza, 'Anglia,' I, 468, proposes, 
 quite unnecessarily, the change of )at to as. Wende here takes the accusative 
 directly, as sometimes in OE. usage. 22. elde, MS. helde. The addition 
 of h initially is common in words beginning with a vowel ; cf. hgld for gld 
 (77, 20). 25-26. ringes ... singes. Both Nth. present indie. 3rd sing. 
 Men is the weak indefinite form olman ; cf. 84, 27. 
 Page 77, 11. 3-4. ware . . . sare. An example of Nth. forms which have 
 been allowed to remain. The Ml. forms appear in 1718, as one of them 
 exists in the MS. were . . . sore. 6. Jesu Crist. Holthausen says a mistake 
 for God, and he even proposes a new line, in spite of 78, 7 and frequent other 
 references of the same sort, as at 149, 9. All these are based on John i. 3, 
 and the usual interpretation of 'word' as Christ. Cf. the use of that passage 
 in Tatian's ' Diatessaron,' and Milton's ' Paradise Lost,' VII, 139. Godes sone 
 (1. 10) does not interfere with this interpretation, since the two lines express 
 the ordinary prayer for the dead, and the inconsistency is only apparent. 
 13-14. heir . . . toper. Such a rime is certainly suspicious, and Holthausen 
 assumes an omission of two lines. On the other hand, the sense is complete, 
 and a form her from heir (cf. Behrens, ' Franzosische Sprache in England,' 
 p. 141, for similar forms) may be assumed, though still riming with an un- 
 stressed syllable. 13. Havelok. The name has been traced to OE. Anlaf 
 (ON. Ola/) through Irish Amlaib, Welsh Abloc, AN. Avelok {Havelok). 
 This Anlaf was Olaf Sitricson, called Cuaran ' of the sandal.' 14. Swan- 
 borow . . . Helrled. These names seem thoroughly English. The first may 
 be OE. Swan, * swan,' or swan, 'herdsman,' by shortening in the compound, 
 and OE. burh, also found in Goldborongh (1. 284). Helfled is doubtless 
 El/led, WS. A^lfled. 22. yaf a note. Cf. the expression at 79, 5. 
 25-26. sikerlike. . . swike. With the short form of the ending -like cf. the 
 same rime at 84, 5-6. 
 Page 78, 1. 3. pat God himselve. ' On which (>at ... on) God himself 
 ran (with) blood.' For the use of blode without a preposition cf. the similar 
 expression t$res wet, 'wet with tears,' at 28, 32. 23. grette. Note the 
 clear indication in the rime of the shortening of OE. grette. 24. Wat is 
 yu. Cf. the indirect form of the same question at 36, 19. 
 Page 79, 1. 1. nis it n corn. ' Is there no corn ? ' Note use of the 
 expletive 'it,' as in OE. syntax. 29. wepne, MS. "wepne bere. The 
 latter is no doubt repeated from 1. 27 above, but quite unnecessarily. 
 Page 80, 1. 6. Of pe sell. Note the plural children ' without distinctive 
 genitive ending. 11. And poucte. Napier proposed to read }onh, 'never- 
 theless,' instead of ]>oiicte, and Holthausen accepts. It may be easily read as 
 it stands, except that nouht (1. 13) must be assumed to have intruded from 
 the preceding line: 'And thought, he would that he [Havelok] were dead, 
 except that he would not kill him with his [own] hand, the foul fiend.' 
 The MS. but on here and at 1. 962 of the poem Skeat has properly explained 
 as OE. biiton. 
 Page 81, 1. 10. prinne, MS. perinne. The shorter form is required for 
 the rime here and perhaps at 85, 7. 21. And sipen. Holthausen assumes 
 the loss of two lines to say that Grim put the gag in Havelok's mouth. This 
 is not necessary, as in . . . wounden with the next two lines are quite explicit 
 enough as to what was done. If any emendation is to be made I suggest that 
 muth might be added after sij>en in. 26. Hwan pe swike. Most editors 
 have assumed that hwan was incorrect, perhaps repeated from the line above, 
 and have altered it to )>an (Morris) or as (Holthausen and Skeat). It is 
 possible, however, to consider this as a second subordinate clause to Sone he 
 caste (1. 31). L. 25 merely emphasizes the action begun in 1. 20, before taking 
 up the next one. The last word of the line is also an emendation of the 
 MS. hefiede. Morris reads him gan bede, omitting havede entirely. Holthausen 
 and Skeat change the line to As }e swike him bad he yede, but this seems to 
 anticipate the action in 11. 30-32. Zupitza's explanation of hefede as gfiede, 
 based on OE. ad, is highly improbable if not quite impossible. The punctua- 
 tion will make the passage clear. 
 Page 82, 1. 2. Lfve. The word rimes with open f words, but this does 
 not especially assist in its etymology. 4. Al s thou. Holthausen, fol- 
 lowed by Skeat, alters to 
 'Also thou wilt mi lif save (nou save),' 
 but it seems to me the slight emendation of mi to me is sufficient. Grim 
 commands his wife to watch Havelok as she values her own life, and then 
 explains the rewards to follow. 11. so harde adoun . . . crakede hise 
 croune. The change, suggested by Morris, is unquestionably right, final 
 e in croune not being pronounced. 16. pat him. Prof. Browne ('Mod. 
 Lang. Notes,' VII, 134) makes the lament end with 1. 18, at the same time 
 suggesting the change of d{re, ' injure,' to ngre, ' save, deliver.' No emenda- 
 tion is necessary, however, as Havelok laments not only that he is a king's 
 son, but that wild beasts do not have him rather than such inhuman people. 
 Holthausen makes him refer to Grim, but surely this is impossible. The 
 peculiarity seems to be that the last part is quoted indirectly rather than in 
 the first person. 31. blawe. Another Nth. form, equivalent to Ml. blowe. 
 Page 83, 1. 10. Bis up, MS. sir up. Morris's change is obviously right 
 and generally accepted. 17. kynemark. As Goldborough sees it, this is 
 later described (1. 1262) as follows : 
 'On his shuldre, of gold red 
 She saw a swi)>e noble croiz. 
 Page 85, 1. 14. Denemarkes stiward, MS. donemark a stiward. It 
 seems clear that Godard is not a stiward, but the stiward, appointed by the 
 king above all others. Instead of inserting ^/"before Denemark (Holthausen), 
 I prefer to think the genitive s has been lost in the initial of stiward. 
 Page 86, 1. 9. "Wat shal me. ' What shall (be) to me for counsel.' So in 
 1. 118 of the poem. 16. shep. . . nf t. The MS. shep, net, hors,swin, might 
 all be plurals without ending, as they are all OE. neuters. But they are more 
 likely general singulars, as are the descriptive words wolle, horn, b^rd. For 
 this reason the omitted word ggt, not g$t (gggt), the mutated plural' (Skeat, 
 Holthausen), is adopted. 21. And al he. ' And he drew all to the 
 penny,' i. e. obtained money instead of barter for his possessions. 
 Page 87, 1. 4. se. This word, with open f in OE. dialects, invariably 
 rimes close in Havelok ; cf. Ten Brink, ' Chaucers Sprache/ 24 a. 
 15. sipe, MS. prie. The MS. reading is meaningless, and some change 
 must be made. I repeat sipe from sipen (1. n) ; Holthausen and Skeat read 
 yete, ' yet.' 24-25. frde . . . erpe. The MS. eipt in both lines is impossible, 
 and the change of the first to rde is probably the best that can be made. 
 30. Grimesbi it calle, MS. calleth alle. The change is Zupitza's and is 
 generally accepted. 
 The ' Handlynge Synne,' or ' Manual of Sins,' is found in Harleian MS. 1701 
 of the British Museum, and Bodleian MS. 415. It was edited by Furnivall for 
 the Roxburghe Club (1802) and is appearing in a new edition for the Early 
 English Text Society. A selection occurs in Morris ('Specimens,' II, 50). 
 Our selection is from the Harleian MS. as edited by Furnivall, and includes 
 T 2 
 lines 5555 to 5946. The author, Robert Manning, was born at Brunne or 
 Bourn near Market Deeping in Lincolnshire about 1260, and died about 1340. 
 In 1303, while living at Brimwake in the hundred of Kesteven, he translated 
 this work, as he tells us in the prologue. The language therefore represents 
 NEM1. of the early fourteenth century. 
 Manning's work is translated from the French * Manuel des Pechiez ' of 
 William of Waddington. It treats the seven deadly sins and seven sacraments, 
 the twelve requisites of a good confession, and the twelve graces resulting 
 therefrom. In illustration of various points such tales as this of Pers are intro- 
 duced. In this case, as usually, the translation follows the OF. tale with 
 slight variations. The metre, as so commonly at this time, is the rimed 
 couplet of four stresses. 
 Like the last selection, the language of this contains some Nth. forms. The 
 use of y, long and short, for i is exceedingly common. An occasional Nth. ei 
 (ey) represent Ml. Nth. e, an orthographic peculiarity which also grows more 
 frequent. Final e is more generally lost in pronunciation than in previous 
 selections, but is often written where it must have been silent, and even added 
 where it never belonged historically. It is probably silent at the end of the 
 line in most cases. A medial e which is necessary for the metre has often been 
 omitted. Among consonants gh appears for $ before t, as in MnE. spelling. 
 Some of these are no doubt connected with the fact that the MS. is later -than 
 the time of Manning, that is about 1360. 
 Page 88, 1. 1. kauersyns. Though used as a general name, as in OF., 
 the word was originally more specific, since it is derived from the Provence 
 town of Cahors, early noted for its usurers. Dante (* Inferno,' XI, 50) con- 
 nects Cahors with Sodom, and Matthew of Paris has a chapter near the begin- 
 ning of his ' History ' on the extortions of these usurers. The word kauersin 
 has been generally missed by the dictionaries, or wrongly glossed as ' hypo- 
 crite.' 2. wykked. Note how early ME. wikke has assumed excrescent 
 Rafter the analogy of adjectives and participles ending in ed. 5. nat. This 
 is probably a retention of OE. naht, rather than an early unrounding of in 
 noht. 18. Pers. Here, and often elsewhere, to be read as a disyllabic 
 Perhaps we should print Peres (cf. pens, okerers = penes, okereres, 11. 25, 26), 
 but I have preferred to leave the MS. forms with this note. 21. Seynt 
 Jgne. This St. John, the Almoner, was patriarch of Alexandria in the seventh 
 Page 89, 1. 2. sate. Evidently a Nth. form if the vowel is long, or 
 possibly a new formation on the basis of the singular. 7-8. weyl . . . deyl. 
 Examples of the Nth. use of ei (ey) for e. 25. bode pe qufde. 'Awaited 
 the evil (man).' 
 Page 90, 1. 1. Pers stode. Cf. 85, 27-28, thought by Skeat to have j 
 suggested this passage. It was probably a rather common expression in one 
 form or another at the time. 5-6. lgfe . . . drgfe. A good example of the j 
 addition of final e where it could not have been pronounced, a practice 
 increasingly common in later Middle English. 22. fyl. A shortened pre- 
 terit of fallen j "el, with e become i (y). 24. Hym poghte. Note the 
 confusion which has already taken place between ME. pu^te and pojte. 
 30. abashed as amad, MS. as mad. Morris suggested a mad, 'a maid,' but 
 the correct form is the shortened pp. of amczden, OE. gemcedan. 
 Page 91, 1. 28. now pou If res. ' Now thou shalt learn how this loaf 
 shall help you at need, (and how) to improve thy soul with alms-deeds.' Note 
 the present 3rd sing, in -es and -ej> side by side. 
 Page 92, 11. 29-30. herte . . . smert. Another indication of the loss of 
 final e from the spoken language of this region ; cf. also breyde . . . seyd (93, 
 Page 93, 1. 14. And a party. ' And began in part, or in some measure, 
 to leave off.' 
 Page 94, 1. 31. Hys clerk was w. In OE. syntax clerk would require 
 a dat. after was, but the loss of distinctive ending for that case made a noun 
 in such position seem the subject, and this syntax has prevailed in MnE. 
 Page 95, 1. 10. To whom. Note the clear use of whom as a relative. 
 17. 3l e - The etymology is uncertain, but I have assumed its connexion with 
 ON. jol, OE. geol, < yule,' still found in MnE. Yule. 
 Page 96, 1. 7. Plenerly alle pat. Cf. Havelok, 11. 819-20 : 
 1 Al ]?at he J>erfore tok 
 Withheld he nouht (nouth) a ferjjinges nok.' 
 From some such resemblances between the two poems it is believed that Man- 
 ning may have known the Havelok, another Lancashire work. 
 Page 98, 1. 19. stonte = stgndep. The contracted form is less common 
 in Ml. and Nth. than in Sth. English. 25. 5one. The OM. demonstrative gon, 
 WS. geon, which is only dialectal in MnE., though the root occurs in yonder, 
 OM. *gonre. 
 Page 99, 1. 13. squyler. Though OF. in immediate relation to English, 
 it is based on a Teutonic root which appears in MnE. swill, OE. swilian, * to 
 wash,' as at 96, 24. 23. A flamme of iyre. A frequent attendant of super- 
 natural manifestations, and probably connected in the mediaeval mind with the 
 pentecostal fire, Acts ii. 3. Havelok is known to be of royal birth by a similar 
 token (83, 1-7). 
 The translation of the Psalms from which our selection is taken is found in 
 Additional MS. 17,376 of the British Museum and in MS. A 4, 4 of Trinity 
 College, Dublin. On the basis of the former it has been edited from both 
 MSS. by Karl Bulbring (Part I, EETS., 97), and Bulbring has been followed 
 here. The language is almost pure West Midland, and belongs to the first 
 half of the fourteenth century. This ' Psalter ' was formerly attributed to 
 William of Shoreham, with whose poems it occurs in the MS., but such 
 authorship is impossible, as Shoreham's poems are Kentish and there is no trace 
 of Kentish in this version ; cf. Konrath, Beitrage zur Erklarung u. Textkritik 
 des William von Shoreham' (1878). A WM1. selection is added to show how 
 closely that dialect agreed with EMI. in most particulars. 
 This ' Psalter' is a close, though sometimes mistaken rendering of the Latin 
 text, presumably the Italic version of the Scriptures. Some interesting 
 examples of mediaeval rendering and interpretation are given in the notes. 
 For these and other peculiarities it may be compared with Hampole's earlier 
 Nth. version (ed. by Bramley, 1884), and with the Wiclifite version (ed. by 
 Forshall and Madden). It will be seen that the verse division is not quite the 
 same as in our modern Bible, but the original numbering of the Psalms has 
 been made to correspond with our own. 
 As already stated in the Grammatical Introduction the West Midland does 
 not differ materially from East Midland, and this is especially true of the 
 present selection, in its phonology. As to orthography, we may note c ice) for 
 s in OF. words ; ck = kk {wicked, 100, 23), sc for ss {blesced, 100, 15). The 
 one striking peculiarity of inflexion is the use of -and{e) in the present 
 participle. Rarely, too, is = es appears in the plural of nouns. 
 Page 100 j 1. 16. sin^fres. The word is based on the root of OE. 
 syngian, not the sb. synne; but note the variants, sinnigrs (1. 23), synngrs 
 (1. 25). 19. frut. The OF. diphthong ui is usually preserved in stressed 
 syllables, but other cases of its appearance as simple u (= iu) are well known. 
 20. fallwen, MS. fallen with w in later hand. As the Lat. is deflnit it is 
 not impossible that the translator XhougnX fallen, ( fall, fail, pass away/ a good 
 rendering. 22. as a poudre. The connective has been omitted ; cf. the 
 Lat. sed tamquam. 24. dure Lord. knew. The translator has taken Lat. 
 novit for a preterit, as in other places (103, 12 ; 104, 10). On the other hand, 
 cognovit is translated knowe} at 105, 2. 
 Page 101, 1. 2. water of fyllyng. Lat. aquani refedionis, and Dub. 
 MS. water of fulfillyng ; MnE. Bible, still waters. No doubt fyllyng is used 
 in the sense of ' fulfilling, restoring,' and is thus a good rendering of refectio. 
 3. he turned . . . fram p fende.- The Lat. is anirnam meant convertit, and 
 the addition is probably due to some commentator. 4. For !$if pat ich 
 have ggn. Lat. nam etsi ambulavero, and the translator has mistaken the fut. 
 perf. for the perf., or had a different text before him. 8. J)ou makest fatt. 
 A literal rendering of the Vulg. Impinguasti in oleo captit metun. 15. innocent 
 in hnde. Lat. innocens manibus ; Dub. MS. dene of hondes and dene of 
 hert. 19. pe sechand hym. The translator uses the English participle 
 exactly as the Latin : Haec est generatio quacrentium eum, quaerentium faciem 
 Dei lacob. 20. princes of helle. Of helle here and ofhevene in verse 9 are 
 additions to the original in accordance with mediaeval interpretation, as referring 
 to Christ when 'harrowing hell,' and later ascending to heaven. This is based 
 on the apocryphal 'Gospel of Nicodemus,' which was closely followed in 
 English versions of the 'harrowing of hell ' story. 
 Page 102, 1. 9. whyte up snowe. The Lat. reads super nivem aeal- 
 babor, and the translator has not perceived that super means ' beyond more 
 than,' not 'up.' 29. fram pe world. A good example of the OE., ME. 
 use of wo7'ld in sense of time, as in world without end. 
 Page 103, 1. 2. pe kepyng 6 ny^t. ' And the watching (Jzepyng) at 
 night that avails not {for nou^t ben had) shall be their years ' ; Lat. Custodia 
 in node, quae pro nihilo habentur, eorutn anni ertint. Our modern version is 
 based on a different text. 9. penchen as pe lob. Lat. anni nostri sicut 
 aranea meditabuntur, and the verb has been translated Jienchen, 'think/ not 
 Pine hen, 'seem.' This is natural since meditor properly meant 'to think,' and 
 only in mediaeval times acquired the passive sense to seem.' in pe 
 seventi ^ere. The Lat. dies annorum nostrorum in ipsis, septuaginta anni 
 evidently puzzled the translator. He has left in ipsis untranslated and the 
 syntax of the phrase is not clear. 10. pe more ver hem. ' The more 
 (years) beyond, or in addition to them/ another slavish rendering ; cf. Lat. 
 amplius eorum. 14. be pou turned. Unto nou perhaps translates usque 
 of the Vulgate with possibly some other word. ' Be thou turned until now/ 
 though not clear, seems to be the meaning. 19. dresce her sones. ' Direct 
 their sons/ translating literally Lat. dirigefilios eorum. So the first part of the 
 verse translates Respice in servos tuos et in opera iua, where the modern version 
 has a different reading. 25. trappes of pe fendes. Lat. de laqueo venan- 
 tium, the latter being interpreted as 'devils,' according to the commentary 
 attributed to Jerome, * Breviarium in Psalmos ' (Migne's ' Jerome/ VII). See 
 my article on ' Some of Chaucer's Lines on the Monk/ ' Modern Philology/ I, 
 105. asper word. Lat. verbo aspero, where our version has 'noisome 
 pestilence/ a different reading. 29. temptacioun waxand. Lat. a sagitta 
 volante, familiar in our ' arrow that flieth.' With the application of the whole 
 passage to man's contest with the devil, sagitta has been understood in the 
 figurative sense of * temptation.' 30. fiam pe curs. There are various 
 readings of the Original, as often. The Vulgate has ab incurstc et daemonio 
 meridiano, the last words being regarded as a reference to Lucifer. pousand 
 temptaciduns. Lat. merely cadent . . . mille, and the translator assumes a 
 connexion with the preceding and adds temptdciouns implied in Pe eiirs. 
 Page 104, 1. 1. pe devel. The translator refers the subject of the verb, 
 unexpressed in Latin, back tofende in verse 6. 17. pe which. The earliest 
 use in our selections of this compound relative ; cf. ' Chaucers Sprache/ 254. 
 21. is doand. A translation of" Lat. faciens. 28. streinped. The MS. is 
 not clear, but seems to have been corrected to read as in the text. 
 Page 105,1. 2. faintes. The Vulgate reads figmentum. 3. pat we. 
 The OE. Vespasian text reads quod pulvis sumus, not quoniam as the Vulgate, 
 and the former was probably before our translator. 
 This poetic romance is found in four MSS., Cambridge Ff II, 38; 
 Ashmole 45 and 61 of the Bodleian Library ; and Thornton MS. A 5 of Lincoln 
 Cathedral Library. The first of these, represented in our selection also, was 
 edited by Ritson, 'Ancient English Metrical Romances/ III, 93 (1802, revised 
 by Goldsmid, 1885), and a so-called critical edition from all the MSS. was 
 made by Liidtke for Zupitza's ' Sammlung englischer Denkmaler ' in 1881. The 
 poem was composed in the NEM1. district about the middle of the fourteenth 
 century, although the MS. belongs to the fifteenth century, and therefore shows 
 a later orthography than the time of composition. 
 The poem consists of 1,224 verses arranged in twelve-line stanzas, riming 
 aabccbddbeeb. The first two verses of each triplet have four stresses, the last 
 three stresses. Our selection begins with 1. 895 and continues to the end. The 
 earlier part tells how Earl Barnard made war upon the Emperor Diocletian, 
 because the latter had deprived him of territory. Earl Barnard was successful, 
 and, among other captives, takes Sir Trylabas of Turkey, whom he agrees to 
 free if he will obtain for the earl a sight of the beautiful Empress Beulybon 
 (Beaulyoun, Beaulilion). Trylabas arranges the meeting in the presence of 
 others, Barnard appears as a hermit, and, on leaving, is given by the empress 
 some coin and a ring. About the same time two knights are enamoured of the 
 empress and, on her refusal to comply with their base wishes, contrive to make 
 her appear guilty of adultery, of which they accuse her to the emperor. He 
 condemns her to be burned alive, unless, as suggested in ' parliament ' just before 
 the opening of our selection, some one shall be found to support her innocence 
 in combat with her accusers. The favour which this proposition meets is shown 
 by the first line of the passage chosen. The story is believed to have historical 
 foundation in the life of the Empress Judith, wife of Louis I (778-840). A 
 romance based on this historical foundation became widely reproduced in Spain, 
 Italy, France and other countries ; see Liidtke's excellent Introduction, 61 f. The 
 immediate source of the English poem, the 'Lay of Bretayne,' mentioned in 
 the last stanza, is unknown. ""~~ ,s ' 
 As already noted the orthography is late. For example, ou (low) is always 
 used for long u, th for earlier^, ght often for ft, and wh for OE. hw. On -the 
 other hand, sch for sh still prevails. Besides, y is used with great frequency for 
 i, both alone and in the diphthongs at, ei, and occasionally for e in unstressed 
 syllables. The doubling of long vowels is also common. 
 Page 105, 1. 18. lie spake. The 'olde knyght'who had proposed the 
 trial by combat to decide the guilt of the empress. 24. be see and be 
 sgnde. An alliterative expression for the whole world, quite common in 
 Middle English; cf. 161, 25. 
 Page 106, 1. 14. can = gan. This weak form with voiceless initial is 
 more common in Nth. English. 
 Page 107, 1. 4. S mote thou the. * So may thou prosper,' that is, * as 
 you hope to prosper.' 27. make a vowe. The last two words represent 
 OF. avou, * vow,' but they became separated so as to suggest 'a vow ' as here. 
 We still say make avowal, and an avowal. 
 Page 108, 1. 24. mas. Another form which suggests the Nth. dialect or 
 a district near it. 29. "When the abbot. The shortness of the verse suggests 
 an omission, as of did after abbot ; cf. Ashmole MS. 45. 
 Page 109, 1. 23. durre, MS. dar. Liidtke reads dare as a disyllable, 
 but surely that is not a likely form. One MS. reads durste, but I assume 
 a subjunctive form as more probable. 
 Page 112, 1. 22. Manly. One MS. reads manfully, which shows the 
 content of the word. 
 Page 114, 1. 9. Soche wordes. 'I advise [that] thou shouldest alter 
 such words.' Wgnde is subjunctive preterit of winde(n), the old u vowel 
 having been replaced by analogy of other singular forms. 10. Anone in 
 haste. Note the absence of the verb in the clause as representing the "abrupt 
 manner of address. 
 Page 116, 1. 4. ehyldyr fyftene. So Havelok and Goldborough have 
 fifteen children, all kings and queens. 7-8. geste cronyclyd is ; . . . callyd 
 ywis. Some change is necessary, as shown by footnote readings, and I have 
 adopted that of Ludtke. 
 This selection is from a MS. in the Public Record Office, London, Bundle 
 CCCX 1 16, as edited by Lucy Toulmin Smith in English Gilds ' (EETS., 40), 
 p. 29. The 'Return' was made in January 1389, and the language is the 
 East Midland of Norfolk, the descendant of East Anglian of Old English times. 
 These 'Returns' concerning the gilds had been ordered by a Parliament 
 held at Canterbury in 1388. The extract is an account of the formation of the 
 gild and the statutes under which the brotherhood was constituted. It is 
 preceded in the MS. by a recital, in Latin, of the king's writ to the sheriff of 
 Norfolk, and followed by two Latin sentences saying that no other statute had 
 been established, and that the property of the gild consisted of four pounds, 
 four shillings, 'et non plus nee minus.' The whole is endorsed 'Fraternitas 
 Sancte Trinitatis ac beati W T illelmi Innocentis et martiris in Norwico.' 1^ is 
 similar to other Returns,' and is chosen as a prose piece of sufficient length to 
 represent one part of the EMI. dialect. 
 Few peculiarities of language need be mentioned. Th now interchanges 
 with J>, written with open top and resembling y. Qw = OE. hw occurs as in 
 Ml. occasionally (cf. ' Genesis and Exodus '), in Nth. commonly. For a special 
 treatment of the language see Schultz, 'Die Sprache der English Gilds' (1891). 
 Page 116, 1. 13. In pe name. This is immediately preceded by the 
 Latin word Constitutiones. 15. Seynt William. For the account of his 
 martyrdom see the passage in the 'Chronicle' at 4, 28. Note the modern 
 form of the name as compared with Willelm of the 'Chronicle.' 18. gylde. 
 The form of this word with initial guttural stop is not English, since OM. geld, 
 WS. gield, became Ml. jeld, Sth. $ild or )ild respectively, and the Ml. form 
 would have become MnE. yield', cf. the corresponding verb, the sb. yield 
 applied to crops, and Chaucer's yeldhalle (MSS. yeldehalle, yeldhalle, )eldehall, 
 }ildehalle). The ME. form with guttural stop must therefore show external 
 influence, probably that of ON. gildi; cf. MDu. ghilde. 20. systeren. 
 Note the extension of the OE. weak plural ending under the influence of 
 constant association with bretheren. 21. upen here power. ' According 
 to their power, or ability.' This meaning does not seem to belong to OE. ttppan, 
 but is easily derived from it. 23. pe ffst of Seynt Peter and Powel. 
 That is June 29. The Sunday after is then the gyldeday of 117, 21 f. 
 Page 117, 1. 2. to. This form of OE. twa, ME. two, but with loss of w, 
 is exactly parallel to sp from OE. swd, though I have assumed close in to 
 owing to a later disappearance of w. 14. pe aldermannes wyl. The 
 alderman, a master or president of the gild, was regularly chosen each year on 
 the gildday, as indicated at 1. 30. Other 'Returns' speak of wardens who 
 have charge of the property. 15. at pe cumpany. Note the genitive 
 without ending, no doubt as the last word of the clause. 18. save pe 
 kynge hys ryhte. ' Preserve (save) to the king his right,' probably not 
 'Preserve the king's right.' 27. any. The MS. ony may indicate pny, but 
 the prevailing short a seems to show that this is short also. leyn it 
 doun. Dependent upon schal above, which would be repeated in MnE. usage. 
 Page 118, 1. 7. But if it be. The gild laid great stress upon character, 
 and every member was in some sense responsible for every other. 24. at 
 here comoun cost. ' At the cost of them all, or in common'; cf. Chaucer's 
 well-known at our aller cost, Prol. to ' Cant. Tales,' I, 799. 
 These 'Instructions' are preserved in three MSS., Cotton Claudius A 11 in 
 the British Museum, and Douce MSS. 60, 103 in the Bodleian. The first 
 and best was edited by Peacock for the Early English Text Society, 31 
 (1868), and from this have been selected 11. 1-76 and 234-371. The writer 
 was a canon of Lilleshall, Shropshire, and is supposed to have written the 
 work about 1400. The extract therefore represents WM1. of that time, though 
 the MS. is of the early fifteenth century. 
 The title gives a good idea of the general character of the work. A note 
 at the end tells us that it was translated from Latin, but its source is not 
 definitely known. It is similar to many other mediaeval treatises, the prior 
 of Mire's own house having written a more complete ' Manuale Sacerdotis.' 
 The language will present few difficulties after the previous selections have 
 been read. We meet for the first time uy for OE. y, Ml. J> (J), Sth. fi. 
 Page 119, 1. 10. dawe. Really a new singular based on the plural 
 dawes, OE. dagas, and preserved in only a few phrases. 11. befch. Note 
 the Sth. plural of the verb, as occasionally ; cf. the Ml. plurals fallen (1. 8), 
 sen (1. 9), fdren (1. 10). 
 Page 120, L 14. serve God to pay. 'Serve God to his pleasure.' 
 23. Cuttede clgthes and pyked schone. For the first we should say 
 ' slashed,' that is, with long narrow openings to show the rich lining beneath. 
 The shoes called pyked were long and pointed ones, used first in the reign 
 of William Rufus, and often prohibited to the clergy by local councils. 
 27- honest clothes. Note the old meaning of honest, ' honourable, suitable, 
 according to law and custom.' 28. Baselard. A short sword much worn 
 in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, but not allowed to priests. They 
 often failed to obey the prohibition, as shown by the following lines quoted 
 by Peacock from the ' Plowman's Tale ' : 
 ' Bucklers brode and swerdes long 
 Baudrike with baselardes kene, 
 Such toles about her necke they hong: 
 With Antichrist soche priestes been.' 
 Cf. also * Piers Plowman,' HI B, 303. 30. thy ordere. Mire's order was 
 a branch of the canons regular of St. Austin, taking its name from the city of 
 Arras, where they were first established. The branch had been transplanted 
 to England by Richard de Belmeis about 1145. 
 Page 121, 1. 25. Als thow. The passage omitted relates to shriving of 
 women, marriage and childbirth, and is of less general interest than that which 
 follows. 30. ischryve. The retention of the OE. prefix ge as i is dis- 
 tinctly Sth., and is probably here indicative of Sth. influence, though it 
 occasionally occurs in Ml., when it cannot certainly be attributed to Sth. 
 influence. 32. asterday. A natural shortening of OE. easterdceg, but 
 usually resisted by the influence of the uncompounded easier, * Easter,' so that 
 the two agree in MnE. 
 Page 122, 1. 10. but wyn and water. Peacock says : ' After commu- 
 nion it was the custom for the laity to drink unconsecrated wine, to assist 
 them in swallowing the eucharistic wafer.' At this time it was not customary 
 to give the cup to the laity. 32. Knelynge doun. Peacock notes this 
 as evidence that there were no pews or benches in the churches. 
 Page 123, 1. 11. the belle. The so-called sanctus bell {sance-, sauce- 
 bell) hung in mediaeval churches, says Peacock, on the east gable of the nave 
 outside the church. It was rung to permit those not present to join in the 
 devotion. A hand-bell was also sometimes used, as to-day in Catholic 
 churches. All these were ordered to ' be utterly defaced, rent and abolished ' 
 in 1576. 
 Page 124, 1. 10. As Seynt Austyn. Peacock says not in St. Augustine's 
 writings, though possibly in some work once attributed to him. 25. seynt- 
 wary. The reading of Douce MSS. chirchhay , * churchyard,' restores the 
 rime, and is no doubt correct. In explanation of the MS. reading Peacock 
 says : ' In mediaeval documents belonging to this country (England) sanctua- 
 riutn and its equivalents in English almost always mean churchyard.' As 
 bearing this out cf. seyntwary' (125, 2), where the Douce MSS. have chyrch- 
 yerd, very likely the correct sense here also. 27. Spnge and cry. Peacock 
 mentions that the Douce MS. 103 has a note in a somewhat later hand, which 
 reads : ' danseynge, cotteyng, bollyng, tenessyng, handball, football, stoilball, 
 and all manner other games out cherchyerd.' 29. Castynge of axtre. The 
 axletree was sometimes used instead of the bar or the stone; cf. Strutt's 
 ' Sports and Pastimes of the Middle Ages,' p; 140. 31. Bal and bares. 
 The former may be one of several games of ball. The latter is Base or Bars, 
 or Prisoner's bars, the name being due to the practice of staking out the ' base.' 
 Cf. for both Strutt, as above. 
 Page 125, 1. 1. Courte hldynge. Peatcock notes that the use of 
 churches and churchyards for secular purposes was not uncommon, citing local 
 histories for particular instances. 14. Every mon. No doubt $che, occur- 
 ring in one of the Douce MSS., is the correct reading. 23. Wychecrafte. 
 In the service of excommunication, given in Douce MS. 60, reference is 
 especially made to witchcraft; telynge. Cf. ' Ancren Riwle ' (ed. 
 Morton), p. 208 : ' Sigaldren and false teolunges, levunge on ore and of 
 swefnes, and alle wicchecreftes . . . nis hit }>e spece of prude pet ich cleopede 
 presumciun?' Telynge is connected with OE. Mian, ' to strive, labour,' and 
 may be equivalent to ME. experiment, * sorcery,' as in a passage in Douce 
 MS. 60 : ' All J>at maken experimentes or wichecrafte or charmes.' Cf. also 
 145, 11. 
 This Part is designed to illustrate the Northern and Southern dialects, and 
 London English as it gradually changed from Southern to Midland. Northern 
 is placed first, as most closely allied to Midland, and examples are here given 
 of Northern English in the more distinctive sense, as well as of Middle Scotch 
 which is based upon it. As there are few available selections until the end 
 of the thirteenth century, no division of ' Early' Northern need be made. 
 The 'Cursor Mundi* is preserved in various MSS., of which Hupe (EETS., 
 99, p. 62*; 101, p. 113*) describes no less than ten. Four of these, Cotton 
 Vesp. A III of the British Museum, Fairfax 14 of the Bodleian, Gottingen 
 MS. Theol. 107 r at the University of Gottingen, and Trinity College MS. 
 R3, 8 at Cambridge, were edited by Morris for the ' Early English Text 
 Society* (57, 59, 62, 66, 68, 99, 101). The purest of these completer texts is 
 the Cotton above, of which our selection includes lines 1 to 270. The poem 
 was written about 1300 (Hupe thinks as early as the last half of the thirteenth 
 century) in a region placed by Murray as near Durham, and by Hupe in 
 North Lancashire, owing to forms that suggest Ml. influence, as the words 
 with g instead of Nth. a, OE. a. These indicate that the MS., if not the 
 author, belongs to a region affected by the Ml. change. No author is known, 
 but Hupe argues for a certain John of Lindberghe, whose name appears in the 
 Gottingen MS., though usually assumed to be that of a scribe. 
 The ' Cursor Mundi ' is a poetical history of the Hebrew and Christian 
 world based on various sources, the Scriptures, the ' Historia Scholastica ' of 
 Petrus Comestor, the apocryphal books of the New Testament, and others ; 
 see Hsensch's 'Inquiry into the Sources,' EETS., 99, p. 1*. Some notes to 
 our selection from the ME. ' Genesis and Exodus* show the common basis of 
 the two, but the ' Cursor Mundi ' is much fuller in all respects. Especially 
 are the legendary portions interesting, as reflecting the credulous character of 
 the mediaeval mind. The metre, as will be seen, is the common rimed couplet 
 of four stresses. 
 As to language, the mixture of Ml. g with Nth. a fr(5m OE. a has been 
 mentioned. Otherwise the vowel phonology is simple. Among the pecu- 
 liarities of consonants are the use of s in unstressed syllables for OE. sc, as 
 Inglis, Ml. Englisch (127, 6) ; suld, Ml. schuld, schold (129, 3) ; j^ = j/&, as 
 in scaw (130, 1) ; qu for OE. ^w, as sometimes in Ml. ; th beside/; ght for 
 )t regularly. 
 Page 126, 1. 3. Alisaundur. The widespread romances relating to most 
 of these heroes are well known, as those of Alexander, Brutus, Arthur, Charle- 
 magne (Charles King, 1. 15), Tristrem (1. 17), Amadas (127, 2). 6. lesis. 
 The form is clearly pres. pi., but perhaps we should read /fj, preterit with thou- 
 sand as a collective sing. On the other hand, the only pret. form recorded by 
 Kellner in his excellent glossary is lest, ' lost.' The pres. pi. could be explained 
 as used in vivid narration. 9. sg. Note this among many examples of 
 strict Ml. forms, beside those of the North. 13. Wawan, Cai. More 
 commonly Gawain, Kay, as in Malory's ' Morte D'Arthur.' oper 
 stabell. 'Other brave ones.' 17. Ysote. Hupe, in his critical text, 
 changes to Ysoud, spoiling the rime in both vowel and consonant. With so 
 many final d's becoming ^'s it is not strange that this name should have 
 suffered the same alteration. 
 Page 127, 1. 1. Joneck . . . Ysambrase. The first may be a corruption 
 oijonet, which appears in one of the other MSS. The second is the subject of 
 a. romance in ' Thornton Romances,' p. 88. 2. Amadase. The romance of 
 Sir Amadace is found in Robson's ' Three Metrical Romances/ Camden Society 
 (1842), based on the OF. romance of ' Idoine and Amadas.' 6. Inglis. 
 The regular Nth. form of the adjective and substantive. Note change of e to i 
 before the nasal as in the MnE. form, though we still write E. 10. draws. 
 The MS. form draghus is common in the Lancashire dialect (cf. drajej in ' Sir 
 Gawain and the Green Knight,' 1. 1,031), but a monosyllabic form is necessary 
 for the metre. 15. scilwls se. Hupe adopts ilk wiis for scilwis, considering 
 the latter a mistake for slhvis, but the change is wholly unnecessary. ScilwTs 
 is used substantively, and the line means ' but by the fruit may wise (men) see.' 
 25. tas. Both tds and mas for takes and makes are common in Nth. 
 Page 128, 1. 7. chaunge of hert. The reading of Gott. and Trin. 
 MSS., while Fairfax has a different expression, or elles of hert. 9. at 
 be. Note the Nth. use of at with the infinitive for Ml. and Sth. to. Modern 
 English has a contraction of the Nth. form in ado - to do. 10. Fr hir 
 schalt pou. The reference is to foly, vanite of 1. 3. 16. lie forwith 
 bedd. The MS. has he hym foi'wit ( = fortvith), but no rime word. The 
 other MSS. vary greatly. I take bedd as a shortened form of bgd, ' offered, 
 announced, threatened,' and the meaning of the passage to be, beginning with 
 1. 13: 'Ere he shall be brought down so violently he knows not whither to 
 turn, until his love has led him to such reward as he before announced.' 
 17-18. mere . . . were. The other texts have let (lett), ' hindrance,' and 
 this, together with the rime, suggests a noun not recorded for OE. but connected 
 with OAng. merran, WS. mierran, ' hinder, mar.' Mere would thus represent 
 OAng. merre, which occurs in Trin. MS. 24,802. The rime with were = 
 werre, 'worse,' would then be perfect. Kaluza, in his glossary, translates 
 ' harm, trouble' without explanation. 23. pof. The OE. guttural spirant 
 h (g) has become the labio-dental spirant/ as in MnE. laugh, cough, tough, 
 and a few others. '32. pe love bes never gan. ' The love (that shall) be 
 never gone,' that is, ' shall never perish.' 
 Page 129, 1. 3. mater take. Mater added by Morris from the other 
 MSS. 7. Q,uat bote is. Morris would insert hit, ' it,' after is, as in Trin. 
 MS., but bote may be disyllabic and the line complete. 9. werd, MS. 
 war Id. The MS. reading must be a scribal alteration, as shown by the rime 
 and the reading of the other MSS. 19. lavedl . . . lfvedis. Double forms 
 of the word appear in two of the four MSS. 
 Page 130, 1. 1. scaw. Such a form beside schew (1. 5) indicates scribal 
 alteration or that both forms were found in the dialect of the poet. 10. have 
 in tale. 'Have in tale,' that is, * relate, be able to tell.' 21. Oxspring. 
 The other MSS. have ospringe (hospring), indicating that x in the word prob- 
 ably represents s. 26. Esau. The word is regularly trisyllabic in the 
 poem, as in Lat. and OF. 29-30. Moyses . . . chfs. The same rime 
 occurs once in ' Genesis and Exodus,' though Moyses usually rimes with close e. 
 Page 131, 1. 7. redd yuu. Reddynn of Morris is impossible, and the MS. 
 must have been misunderstood. 20. pat Jesus did. The account is based 
 upon the apocryphal ' Childhood of Jesus,' so literally accepted in the middle 
 Page 132, 1. 6. pat. ' To whom.' Without change oiiorox)>at is nom. 
 dat. or accus. , though when dat. or accus. a preposition-adverb often follows the 
 verb. 12. L6rd9 fete. All the other MSS. have a genitive in es (is). On 
 the other hand, the genitive without ending is common in Nth. English. Cf. 
 Igvedi (133, 7). 23. unschill. Morris notes as equivalent to unscill, that 
 is, sch = sc. 26. onstad and sey. Hupe reads onstand and sey. But 
 a preterit stad appears in rime with badd, 'bade,' at 1. 5,541, as well as a past 
 participle stad (stadd) in several places. These indicate that onstad is prob- 
 ably correct, based on ON. sted/a-staddi. The line means ' many a man was 
 present and saw.' 31. How our Lgvedi endid. The ' assumption ' of 
 the Virgin, believed to have occurred on August 15, and still celebrated in 
 some countries. 
 Page 133, 1. 4. pe dreri days fiveten. A full account of these days 
 occurs in the selection from ' Metrical Homilies/ beginning on p. 148. 
 7. dure Lfvedi murnand mode. This theme was often treated by mediaeval 
 poets, and frequently in English with such titles as ' Compassio Mariae,' 
 'Lament of Mary,' &c. In the 'Cursor Mundi' it is found at 1. 23,945. 
 14. er. Cf. note on 9, 2. The form preserves the original vowel of the root, 
 which has become a in later English under the influence of r. 23. Intd 
 Inglis tong. The passage is interesting as showing the national spirit which 
 produced a literature for Englishmen, notwithstanding the period of French 
 influence following the Conquest, and the dominance of Latin as the language 
 of learning. 
 Page 134, 11. 13-14. tent . . . amend. The rime was probably perfect 
 with t in both words, as final d so often became / in Nth. Cf. the past partici- 
 ples in et (it) for cd (id) in Burns. 15. Ful il ha pai. Morris reads il- 
 /ia[yi~], ' ill luck/ and Hupe follows him. But surely our text is complete and 
 makes admirable sense, while with the reading of Morris another verb must be 
 supplied. 17. sum we til heild. ' As we incline to.' 18. acountes, 
 MS. armites. The MS. reading seems impossible if the word means ' hermits.' 
 Acountes is from Fairfax MS. 
 The story of Saint Andrew, of which this selection forms a part, belongs to 
 the Northern collection of legends found in various MSS. ; see Horstmann, 
 ' Altenglische Legenden,' Neue Folge, p. lx. That from which this is taken 
 is Harl. 4,196 of the British Museum. Horstmann believed the collection was 
 made in the diocese of Durham in the last quarter of the thirteenth century, 
 though the MS. is of the fourteenth. The prevalence of Midland forms, how- 
 ever, indicates a region nearer the border of the Midland district ; cf. Retzlaff, 
 ' Untersuchungen iiber den nordenglischen Legendencyclus ' (1888). The 
 collection bears the marks of having been written by a single author, but 
 nothing is known of him. 
 The legend of St. Andrew first appears in Old English times in the poem 
 ' Andreas ' of the eighth century, and in a prose version of the tenth century. 
 Both these relate the story of Andrew's rescue of Matthew, but give no account 
 of his death. The latter is told in the ' Acts and Martyrdom of Andrew ' ; see 
 the translation in ' Ante-Nicene Fathers,' VIII, 511. 
 Page 135, 1. 1. Saint Andrew. The story of Andrew, the first in the 
 collection, is preceded by four introductory couplets, one of which tells us : 
 'Out of Latyn Jms er ]>ai draune, 
 Omang laud men for to be knaune/ 
 3. in sere cuntre. Tradition assigns Andrew's labours to Scythia, Greece, 
 and Thrace, his martyrdom as here related to Petrae in Achaia. 5. so. 
 Note the Ml. form as frequently. _Only in rimes have these been replaced by 
 those of strict Nth. English. 8. Egeas. Called proconsul of Achaia in ' Acts 
 and Martyrdom of Andrew.' His wife (143, 7) is called Maximilla. 18. war- 
 laus. Applied to the ' fals goddes ' of 1. 10, who were regarded as devils and 
 often so called. 
 Page 136, 1. 8. pir. An ON. form of the plural demonstrative pronoun. 
 9. suth. OE. 5 shows change to u = ii (iu) as in Scotch gude, ' good.' In 
 this text the change is only partially indicated, and perhaps is due wholly to 
 the scribe of the later MS. 23. cros. Kluge (< Eng. Etymol.,' 1898) explains 
 this form beside crois, OF. crois, as borrowed from Olr. cross. 29. put, MS. 
 putted. The dissyllabic form makes the line too long, and I assume the 
 unchanged preterit, occurring in Tib. MS. E VII and often in ' Cursor Mundi.' 
 Page 137, 11. 15-16. ane . . . tane. That a is correct in both words is 
 shown by the fact that tane = taken by contraction, and so has a vowel which 
 never became ME. p. The MS. forms with p must therefore be purely scribal 
 in origin. 28. tite. This adverb, of ON. origin, is still preserved in MnE. 
 tight, with incorrect^, which has been wrongly supposed to have come from 
 Page 138, 1. 8. vouche it save. From this phrase, with object after the 
 adjective, has sprung our anomalous compound vouchsafe. 19. hen d. Note 
 this ON. plural, used beside the English plural handes. Probably hend was 
 associated in the folk mind with mutation plurals like men. 30. he suld 
 hanget. The pronoun necessary to the sense is from Tib. MS. E VII. 
 Hanqet is the first in our selections of the common Nth. past participle in et 
 (it) for Ml. Sth. ed (id). 
 Page 139, 1. 23. and glfriflde, MS. and ever glorifi.de. The reading 
 in the text is from Tib. MS. E VII. 
 Page 140, 1. 13. To pe turmentours. Evidently in imitation of the 
 taking of Christ's clothes at the crucifixion. 29. hang. This preterit form 
 is common in Nth., as in ' Cursor Mundi ' for example. It is probably a modi- 
 fication, by analogy of the present, of the old reduplicated preterit heng. 
 Beside this preterit, only the weak past participle hanged (hanget) seems to 
 Page 141, 1. 17. puple. The u of this word is one of the numerous 
 forms of OF. ue. The AN. monophthong e has become the standard modern 
 form, but pople, puple and other forms occur in ME. Note also the genitive 
 without ending. 
 The selections from the writings of Richard Rolle are from Thornton MS. 
 A I, 17, preserved in the Library of Lincoln Cathedral. They have been edited 
 by Perry (EETS., 20), by Matzner ('Sprachproben,' II, 120), and by Horstmann 
 (' Richard Rolle and his Followers,' I, 184). Hampole, where Rolle lived as 
 a hermit, and from which he takes his name, is near Doncaster in South York- 
 shire. As the Thornton MS. was written about 1330-40 (Rolle died in 1349), 
 these treatises represent the Northern dialect of the first half of the fourteenth 
 Rolle was a prolific writer of both prose and verse, Latin and English. Some 
 of his most important works in English are the ' Prick of Conscience ' and the 
 1 Mirror of Life' in verse, and a translation and exposition of the Psalms in 
 prose. The extracts give a good example of the religious character of all his 
 writings, most of which are tinctured by the asceticism he exemplified in his 
 As to language Rolle's Treatises are pure Northern, for example, in the 
 appearance of a for OE. a with no mixture of Ml. p. 
 Page 143, 1. 23. thre kyndis. Cf. Pliny's ' Natural Hist.,' XI, 10, on 
 which this is based. 26. fete, MS. fette. The MS. form perhaps indicates 
 shortening of the vowel ; cf.fotte=fot beside fette =fet in ' Cursor Mundi.' 
 Page 144, 1. 10. Aristotill sais. The reference is to the so-called 
 ' Historia Animalium,' IX, 40. 14. kane halde in pe ordyre of lufe 
 ynesche. The MS. lacks in and Matzner supplies of instead, placing it after 
 ynesche, but without improving the sense of the passage. Perry in his edition 
 solved the difficulty by translating ynesche as l towards,' a wholly impossible 
 rendering. The meaning seems to be, ' For there are many that can never hold 
 in the condition {ordyre) of tender love their friends/ &c. For lufe ynesche 
 cf. hnesce lufu in the Alfredian ' Past. Care,' 17, IX. 19. wormes. Horst- 
 mann alters to wormed = wermod, ' wormwood,' but the change is too violent 
 and quite unnecessary. ' Worms ' was often used figuratively for that corruption 
 characteristic of the devil's working. Besides, though this is not conclusive, 
 the alteration of OE. wermod toward wormwood does not appear until the 
 fifteenth century. 24. Arystotill sais. Cf. ' Hist. Anim.,' IX, 7 and 8. 
 Page 145, 1. 4. strucyo or stork. As Matzner points out, Rolle has 
 confused the ostrich and the stork, the Latin name being the same for both. 
 12. mawmetryse. Matzner assumes this as a second form of maumetrte, but 
 the latter was used for 'idol' as well as 'idolatry,' and this seems merely a 
 plural in the latter sense. Perhaps Rolle had in mind the deos alienos of 
 the Vulgate. the wylke. Note the voiced initial w> instead of the 
 unvoiced hw {qu) of Nth. ; d.J>e whilke (1. 14). 27. dispyses, MS. dis- 
 pyse. Matzner's alteration is adopted on account of the syntax. Horst- 
 mann retains the MS. reading without explanation. 
 Page 146, 1. 1. wondes. For for u (older u) in such words cf. Mors- 
 bach, ' Mittelenglische Gram.,' 125 b, and Heuser, ' Eng. St./ XXVII, 353. 
 6. rescheyves. The writing with sch must be assumed to represent s, as in 
 some other Nth. forms. 8. athes brf kynge ; of new prf chynge. The 
 punctuation of this passage has met with curious treatment by different editors. 
 Without illustrating these at length, I understand there are three ways of taking 
 the name of God in vain, false swearing, vain preaching, and prayer without the 
 spirit. The difficulty is that Rolle, forgetting the exact connexion, has introduced 
 the three clauses in three different ways. 13. ill styrringes. ' Evil passions/ 
 Even in Old English the word had acquired this metaphorical sense as applied to 
 the mind, and it is so used several times by Rolle, as well as by other writers. 
 14. pi halydaye. Matzner suggests that/z" should bej>e, * the.' But the text 
 of John Gaytryge's sermon, which quotes Rolle, shows that the commandment 
 is given a direct and personal application, and the MS. is therefore correct. 
 15. sesse. This is OF. cesser in its exact form, while beside it is found ME. 
 cgse(n), MnE. cease. 16. sithen, special!. This second ' manner ' is omitted 
 in Thornton MS., but is supplied from Arundel MS. of John Gaytryge's sermon, 
 quoting Rolle. 31. may wyne. Perry wholly misunderstood the passage, 
 and altered it. It is complete as it stands : ' That they may win that (which) 
 God promised to such children, that is land of light.' 
 Page 147, 1. 2. slaa = sla. The usual Anglian form of original slahan, 
 WS. slean. 10. oys. A form peculiar to the Nth. dialect ; cf. Jameson's 
 ' Scottish Diet.' 24. neghtbour. The common occurrence of this form 
 with excrescent / proves that it is a natural development in Nth. ; it is still 
 found in Scotch. 
 The ' Metrical Homily ' here chosen is from a MS. preserved in the Library 
 of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons at Edinburgh, though also 
 found in at least five different MSS. in Cambridge, Oxford, and London. 
 A portion of this MS. was edited by John Small in 1862, and short extracts are 
 given by Matzner (' Sprachproben,' I, 278) and Morris ('Specimens/ II, 83). 
 The collection was made about 1330 where is not known and thus represents 
 the Northern dialect of the first half of the fourteenth century. 
 The Homilies, of which this is one, became an important feature of litera- 
 ture, especially in the North. They consist of a paraphrase of the Scripture for 
 the day, a homily interpreting it, and a legend or tale illustrating the subject. 
 Gradually there grew up a series of these poetical homilies connected with the 
 gospel story, as in the ' Ormnlum,' or with the Scripture lessons assigned by the 
 church, as in the collection from which our extract is taken. These followed 
 the ecclesiastical year, beginning with Advent, our selection being that for the 
 second Sunday in Advent. The metre, is the common rimed couplet of four 
 Page 148, 1. 1. Today. The second Sunday in Advent, the gospel for 
 which is Luke xxi. 25. The writing of Louk for Luk indicates a true long u, 
 as sometimes in Nth.; cf. Behrens, 'Franz. Sprache in England,' p. ti8, 
 11. bes rf dries. Based on Matt. xxiv. 29, probably associated with Joel ii. 10, 
 31 ; iii. 15, the second of which mentions that the sun shall be turned into blood. 
 Cf. 150, 20-24. 13. For mihti gastes. The Vulgate has nam virtutes 
 coelorum movebantur, translated in our version ' the powers of the heaven shall 
 be shaken.' The mediseval poet has taken virtutes to refer to one of the orders 
 of angels, the 'virtues' of Milton's 'Par. Lost,' V, 772. 26. froit. An 
 occasional form of OF. fruit ; cf. Behrens, ' Franz. Sprache in England,' 
 p. 159. 
 Page 149, 1. 7. Als qua sai. ' As any one may say.' The two lines are 
 the poet's explanation, Christ's words ending with 1. 6. The next lines seem 
 to be put in direct form, though not based on any words of Christ. 9. Quen 
 pis werld. Cf. note on 77, 6. 12. For ml kinrlc. No doubt based on 
 Luke i. 33. 15. pe maister. The reference is not clear, unless intended for 
 Jerome, mentioned at 151, 13. 23. Kinrlc sal. See Luke xxi. 10; Matt. 
 xxiv. 8. 27. sal bald baret. Probably the true reading should be bdlde, 
 the adv., ' quickly.' 
 Page 150, 11. 11-12. baret . . . mft. Perhaps met is short here, as indicated 
 by such spellings as mett in other Nth. texts. 20. As sais Joel. In three 
 passages Joel mentions such signs, ch. ii. 10, 31 and iii. 15. 
 Page 151, 1. 13. Sain Jerom telles. These 'signs of the doom,' attri- 
 buted to Jerome, are not found in his works as printed, and probably belong to 
 some work now lost. Jerome is said to have found them in a Hebrew MS., as 
 in 'Cursor Mundi,' I, 22, 441 : 
 'Als Jeromme that well man trowes 
 Telles he fand in the bok of Juwis.' 
 Page 152, 1. 24. And cum. This line is followed by thirty-three Latin 
 verses on the signs, with the rubric : Isti versus omittantur a lectore quando 
 legit Anglicum coram lay c is. 
 Page 154, 1. 1. A blak munk. That is, one who wore a black habit, as 
 a Benedictine; cf. reference to 'Rule of Saint Benet' (155, 24). A similar tale 
 is told by Roger Wendover in his 'Chronicle ' under the year 1072. 8. Fai]?- 
 ful frendes. The MS. clearly needs emendation, and the Camb. MS. seems to 
 suggest the proper correction. 13-14. felid . . . telld. The rime is no doubt 
 monosyllabic, with shortening of the vowel off eld ((feldd), as in weak preterits 
 of the first class. 
 Page 155, 1. 28. verlop. The strict English form would be pverlep 
 (Camb. MS. overlepe"), and this one is probably due to analogy, or possibly to 
 borrowing from some of the cognate languages. Cf. English lope, elope. 
 The 'Songs of Minot,' preserved in a single MS., Cotton Galba E IX of 
 the British Museum, have been frequently edited. They are found in Ritson's 
 'Poems on Interesting Events in the Reign of Edward III' (1795, 1825), 
 Wright's < Political Poems' (1859), ' Quellen un( i Forschungen,' 52 (Scholle, 
 1884), and in Hall's 'Poems of Lawrence Minot' (1887). Extracts occur in ' 
 Matzner (' Sprachproben,' I, 320), Morris ('Specimens,' II, 126), Wulker 
 ('Lesebuch,' I, 77). Nothing is known of the author but his name, and his 
 probable connexion with the Minots of Yorkshire or Norfolk in the fourteenth 
 century. The poems were clearly written at the time of the events they 
 celebrate, so that they represent the Nth. dialect of about 1333 to 1352, some- 
 what modified by a Midland copyist ; or possibly Minot lived on the border of 
 the two districts and used a mixed dialect. Cf. Scholle, p. vii ; Hall, p. xvii. 
 The ' Songs of Minot ' represent the native political lyric which had been 
 first written in England in the second half of the thirteenth century, beside 
 Latin and Anglo-Norman poems of the same sort. The poet takes a religious- 
 patriotic view of Edward's victories, with special emphasis of the attitude of 
 Englishmen toward Scotchmen at this time. The poems chosen are the first 
 three of the eleven preserved as a monument to Minot's genius. The metres of 
 the poems are various, as indicated by the selections, and in this respect suggest 
 the new metrical influences of the fourteenth century. 
 The language of Minot's poems, as already indicated, is a mixture of 
 Northern and Midland, very likely due to a scribe. It has been especially 
 investigated by Scholle and Hall, as by Bierbaum, ' tjber Lawrence Minot und 
 seine Lieder' (1876), and Dangel, ' Lawrence Minot's Gedichte' (1! 
 Page 157, 1. 9. LIthes. All but two of the poems are introduced by 
 short couplets giving the general subject of the poem. A few of the main 
 points of history leading up to the battle of Halidon Hill may be briefly given. 
 Robert Bruce had gained the independence of Scotland by the treaty of 
 Northampton (1328), but died the year after, leaving the throne to a son eight 
 years old. Civil dissensions arising, Edward Balliol, claimant of the Scottish 
 throne, headed an invading force of English barons who claimed estates in 
 Scotland (1332). Edward III, who had opposed the expedition until its 
 success in the crowning of Balliol at Scone, now obtained an acknowledgement 
 of England's suzerainty and supported Balliol when driven from the realm. He 
 personally appeared before Berwick, which had been garrisoned by Balliol's 
 opponents, after Easter, 1333, and the battle chronicled resulted (July 19) from 
 one of several unsuccessful attempts of the Scots to raise the siege. 11. trone. 
 The correct form of the word from OF. trone. Later, written throne in imita- 
 tion of Lat. thronum, the th came to be pronounced like th from OE. J>. Cf. 
 author, authority, apothecary. 18. dresce my dedes. Perhaps in allusion 
 to Ps. xc. 19; cf. 103, 19. 19. In pis dale. As in other of the 'Songs,' 
 the first line of each stanza after the first repeats an emphatic word, sometimes 
 a phrase, from the last line preceding. In the only departure from this (159, 9) 
 Pat forsaid toune takes the place of Berwick in 1. 8. For such linking of 
 stanzas cf. ' Pearl,' ' Aunters of Arthur,' and other poems of Northern or North- 
 west Midland. 20. derne, MS. dern. Hall thinks MS. reading a mistake 
 for derv (derve\, ' terrible, injurious.' But OAng. derne, WS. dierne, means 
 U 2 
 ' deceitful, evil ' as well as ' secret,' and I see no reason to change the word, 
 except to add e for metrical reasons. 23. pe Frenchemen. This refers to 
 a fleet often ships, armed and victualled by Philip VI of France {Philip Valays 
 of 158, 29), which had been sent in aid of the Scotch besieged in Berwick, 
 according to the French chronicler Nangis. These were defeated and the 
 vessels destroyed by the English fleet at Dundee (1333). 26. noght worth 
 a pfre. A great number of such expressions are common in Middle and 
 Modern English; cf. Matzner's ' Grammar,' II, 2, 128, and the expression at 
 158, 8. 
 Page 158, 1. 2. )>e bpste of Normandye. The French ships were armed 
 with Norman sailors, between whom and those of the Cinque Ports there was long 
 rivalry. This probably, rather than any traditional hatred of the Norman con- 
 querors, accounts for the exultation over their defeat. 8. And all paire 
 fare. Note development in meaning of fare, 'journey, going/ into 'behavior, 
 boasting,' and cf. the same change in the word gait. 26. On pe Erie 
 Morre. A rising at Annan (Dec. 13, 1332), under John Randolph, Earl of 
 Moray, and Archibald Douglas, Earl of Dunbar, had expelled Edward Balliol 
 from the kingdom. - 27. pai said. The Scotch who had been expelled from 
 the kingdom by Balliol and his English followers. 29. Philip Valays. 
 Note the form at 159, 21 and the MS. reading. See note to 157, 23. 
 Page 159, 1. 7. all naked. The stripping of the dead is illustrated by 
 Barbour's ' Bruce,' XIII, 459 f, in describing the battle of Bannockburn : 
 ' And quen ]>ai nakit spul3eit war 
 J?at war slayne in J)e battale ]>ar, 
 It wes, forsuth, a gret ferly 
 Till se sammyn so feill dede ly.' 
 18. At Donde. See note to 157, 23. 29. Sir Jgn pe Comyn. John 
 Comyn of Badenoch, killed by Robert Bruce in the church of the Minorites at 
 Dumfries, Feb. 10, 1306. Comyn was Balliol' s nephew and heir, and at his 
 death Bruce definitely began the struggle for independence which ended at 
 Bannockburn. For the Scotch use of the before a surname see note in Boswell's 
 ' Tour of the Hebrides,' Sept. 6. 
 Page 160, 1. 1. pare dwelled. That is, before Berwick. 3. He gaf 
 gude confort. He encouraged them in a speech that lasted as long as it 
 would take to go a mile. Examples in Matzner (' Worterbuch ') show this to 
 have been a common expression. On fiat plaine, as Hall points out, is not 
 appropriate to the hilly ground of the battle field, but as Minot was probably 
 not present at the battle he uses the expression in a general sense. 13. Now 
 for to tell. Evidently this is not a title in the strict sense, since Minot gives 
 no account of Bannockburn. He regarded Halidon Hill as avenging the 
 former defeat of the English, and in this sense is to treat fiebatayl of Banocburn. 
 17. many saklf s. Hall quotes Barbour's ' Bruce,' XX, 1 73 f, where Bruce says ; 
 ' For J>rou me and my warraying 
 Of blud j>ar has beyne gret spilling 
 Quhar many sakles men wes slayne.' 
 21. Saint Jphnes toun. This is Perth, occupied and fortified by the English 
 after defeating the Scotch at Gaskmoor, or Dupplin Moor. A church in Perth 
 is dedicated to St. John, and this accounts for the name ; cf. Froissart's use of 
 St. Jehanstone. 27. Striflin. That is, Stirling, the Strevillyne of Barbour's 
 ' Bruce.' Perhaps the allusion is to Wallace's most famous victory over the 
 English, Sept. 11, 1297. The implication then is that Halidon Hill had wiped 
 out the memory of that defeat also. 
 Page 161, 1. 1. pe pilers. Matzner, Wulker, and Kolbing take this as 
 meaning 'pillars,' either of state or boundaries of the country, but Hall is 
 doubtless right in assuming connexion with OF. pilleur (AN. *piler1), * robber, 
 raider.' 6. Rughfute riveling. The riveting is a rough shoe made of 
 raw hide tied round the ankle, and regarded as characteristic of the Scotch, 
 who were thus called ' rough-footed.' So Skelton's 'Of the out yles the roughe 
 foted Scottes,' I, 187. Bfrebag. So called because the Scotch soldier 
 carried his own baggage and was thus enabled to move more rapidly. 
 8. Brughes. The MS. brig represents one pronunciation of the name ; but 
 Minot uses Bruge {Brughes, Burghes), all with it, and the last no doubt 
 a scribal error for Brughes. The place was well known to Scotchmen in the 
 fourteenth century. 11. bf tes pe stretes. Hall thinks imitated from OF. 
 batre les chemins, ' to riot or revel in the streets,' but the idea of revelling seems 
 hardly appropriate, and the words may mean no more than ' go about the 
 streets persistently.' 23. How Edward. Out of the war with Scotland 
 came the great Hundred Years' War with France, Scotland's ally. At the 
 beginning of 1338 Philip attacked Agen in Gascony, still claimed by England, 
 and Edward was forced to declare war. Pie crossed to Antwerp (162, 30) in 
 July, in order to negotiate with his allies the princes of the Low Countries, and 
 Lewis of Bavaria (162, 9), the German emperor. 
 Page 162, 1. 3. his right. The claim to France, more or less fully 
 acknowledged by the French king himself. The war on the part of France 
 was virtually a struggle to free all French territory from English rule, an end 
 accomplished at the close of the Hundred Years' War in 145 1. 9. J)e 
 Kayser Lowis of Bavere. Louis IV, German king and Roman emperor 
 from 1314 to 1347. Though he had been excommunicated by the pope, the 
 electors, in the very month of Edward's departure for the continent, declared 
 his power was derived from them and not from the church. The reception of 
 Edward was by no means as flattering as Minot makes out. 31. made 
 his mone playne. Louis had made Edward vicar-general of the empire, 
 and he was empowered to coin money to pay his German auxiliaries. Jehan 
 le Bel says he ' coined money in great abundance at Antwerp.' 
 Page 163, 1. 23. at Hamton. On Oct. 4, 1338, the French from fifty 
 galleys landed at Southampton, plundered the country, and burned the town 
 on hearing that the English were gathering to oppose them. So rapidly did 
 the country rise that some three hundred of the French were cut off from 
 their ships. 
 Page 164, 1. 7. pan saw pai. The poet has reversed the order of events, 
 for the Christopher was taken by the French before the attack on Southampton 
 (Froissart's 'Chronicle,' ch. 44). It was later recovered by Edward after the 
 battle of the Swyn. 8. Aremouth. The word has gained an initial y in 
 modern English, as also the river Yar, on which it is situated. 11. galays. 
 These were long narrow boats used by the Genoese and sailors of the 
 Mediterranean. In 1337 Philip had engaged twenty such galleys of two 
 hundred oars from Ayton Doria of Genoa, who was present at the attack on 
 Southampton. 12. tarettes. A large vessel like a galley, but commonly 
 used for transport. 13. galites. These were similar to the galleys, but 
 about half the size, each carrying a crew of one hundred men. 17. Edward 
 dure King. Hall notes that no chronicler mentions the presence of Edward 
 at the fight, and perhaps the poet has confused the ship Edward with the 
 king, a suggestion of Sir Harris Nicholas in his ' History of the Navy,' II, 37. 
 27. put pam to wre. Surely Hall is wrong in suggesting that this may 
 mean ' put the enemy in distress.' It is, as Skeat explains, ' prepared them- 
 selves for battle,' ' put themselves (in readiness) to war/ 32. withowten 
 hire. Literally, ' without hire or recompense,' but idiomatically for a con- 
 quered and ignominious condition. Similarly in Minot's ' Poems,' VII, 65-66 : 
 1 Inglis men with site J)am soght 
 And hastily quit Jam })aire hire ' ; 
 that is, vanquished them. 
 Page 165, 1. 9. sen pe time pat God was born. Often used to empha- 
 size a situation by referring to a long time in general. 26. with his haly 
 hand. The expression depends ultimately, doubtless, on the biblical use of 
 the hand as a symbol of power and goodness. 
 The ' Bruce ' occurs in two MSS., of which the better, so far as it is 
 complete, is MS. G 23 in the Library of St. John's College, Cambridge. 
 This was made the basis for the edition of Prof. Skeat for the Early English 
 Text Society (Extra Series 12, 21, 29, 55), though the Edinburgh MS. had 
 to be used for the first four books. The Bruce ' has been frequently printed, 
 as by Hart (16 16), Pinkerton (1790), Jamieson (1820) ; see also a list of 
 editions in Skeat's ' Introduction,' p. lxvi. Selections are found in Matzner 
 (' Sprachproben,' I, 371) and Morris (' Specimens,' II, 203). The poem was 
 completed in 1378, and therefore represents Northern of the last half of the 
 fourteenth century, except for such differences as come from a later copyist, 
 the MS. being a little more than a century younger than the original. As 
 Barbour was Archdeacon of Aberdeen from 1357 to his death in 1395, the 
 Northern dialect here represented is that of the extreme North or Scottish 
 English. Of Barbour little is certainly known. Pie first appears in 1357 as 
 Archdeacon of Aberdeen, when he was granted a safeguard to study at 
 Oxford. From the responsible position he held at the time it is inferred that 
 he was born about 1320. He again visited England for study in 1364, and 
 passed through it to France in 1365 and 1368. He attained further honor 
 in his own country, held a position in the king of Scotland's household, and 
 was granted several sums of money by the king at different times. According 
 to Wyntoun's 'Chronicle' (about 1420), on the authority of which rests 
 the ascription of the 'Bruce' to Barbour, he also wrote the 'Brut' and 
 a genealogical poem called the ' Original of the Stuarts.' Two other works 
 formerly attributed to Barbour, the ' Siege of Troy ' and a collection of ' Lives 
 of Saints,' have been shown not to belong to him. 
 The ' Bruce ' is a national epic, valuable alike for history and literature. 
 It consists of some 13,500 lines, and covers the years 1286 to 1335. The 
 passage chosen is a good example of the poet's power in vivid narration. 
 Just before the selection begins, John of Lorn had sought to track the king 
 with a hound, and five of his men had been slain by the king and his foster- 
 brother. The latter then retreat before Lorn's approaching company to a wood 
 near at hand. 
 As already noticed the MS. is younger than the work itself by a century, 
 and this no doubt accounts for some differences in language, or at least in 
 orthography. For example, the Northern use of i (y) after a long vowel to 
 indicate length becomes more common. Compare such rimes as gdne, wayn ; 
 fair, mar; agane, vayn; and such forms as soyn, ' soon,' heir, ' here,' deill, 
 ' deal,' in the early lines. Perfect participles ending in / instead of d are also 
 Page 166, 1. 7. begouth. Note this interesting example of analogy, 
 formed on the model of couth, preterit, of can. This was perhaps assisted by 
 the constant confusion, especially in Nth., of can and gan. 9. His man. 
 Really his foster-brother, as shown by 173, 15, and by references in Book VI 
 of the poem. 10. Abyde 3he heir. ' If you abide here ' ; the subjunctive 
 in condition. 
 Page 167, 1. 9. Jghn of Lome. John MacDougal of Lorn in Argyle- 
 shire, son of Allaster of Lorn, and descendant of Somerled, Thane of Argyle 
 and Lord of the Isles, who fell at Renfrew in 1164. See Scott's ' Lord of the 
 Isles' and notes thereon. 
 _ Page 168, 1. 11. If st on lif. c Last, or remain, alive.' 27. Schir 
 Amer. Sir Aymer de Valence, Earl of Pembroke and leader of the English 
 forces. He was a son of the half-brother of Henry III. 
 Page 169, 1. 1. Schir Thomas Randale. Sir Thomas Randolph, Bruce's 
 nephew, first fought with the latter until made prisoner at the battle of 
 Methven. Then, submitting to the English, he even took part against Bruce 
 as indicated here. Later, captured by Douglas, he was reconciled to his 
 uncle and made Earl of Moray (Murray). He now distinguished himself by 
 many exploits, especially the capture of Edinburgh. See note to ' Lord of the 
 Isles,' VI, 1, and reference to his descendant John Randolph in Minot 
 (158, 26). 9. And how. An adventure narrated in Book VI, 589 f. 
 Five of Lorn's men had overtaken Bruce and his brother, but were all slain by 
 the two, Bruce himself killing four. 17. And he war bgdyn all fvynly. 
 'If he were bidden or challenged (to fight) on even terms.' 19. And pe 
 gud kyng. This adventure is told with some alterations by Scott in ' Lord 
 of the Isles,' III, 18 f. 26. Lik to lichtmen. Skeat explains as light- 
 armed men ; cf. light-horse. 
 Page 170, 1. 14. bryng hym pan of daw. ' Bring him then out of day,' 
 that is, ' kill him,' a common ME. idiom. 
 Page 171, 1. 3. slew fyre. Skeat replaces slew of both MSS. by strake, 
 ' struck,' on the ground that slew must have been repeated from the preceding 
 line. On the other hand, slew fire is not uncommon (cf. the ' Bruce,' XIII, 26\ 
 and I prefer to keep the MS. reading. 10. At a fyre. ' At a fire,' with 
 stress on a ' one.' The line might still be improved by an extra syllable, 
 though the csesural pause may account for its absence. 
 Page 172, 1. 1. And slepit nocht. Skeat reads And slepit nocht \JuW[ 
 ynkerly, [Bot gliffnyt up oft~\ suddanly, supplying the bracketed words from 
 Edin. MS. With the different punctuation I have given the line, no syntactical 
 alteration is necessary. 6. as foul on twist. Supposed to be indicative 
 of readiness for any emergency ; cf. MnE. ' with one eye open ' in similar 
 Page 173, 1. 18. his trist. Bruce had divided his men into small bands 
 when hard pressed, and had appointed a rendezvous for such as should not be 
 taken. His party alone had been followed by the hound. 
 Page 174, 1. 29. James of Douglas. This Douglas, son of William 
 who supported W T allace, had been the first to take up the cause of Bruce, and 
 one of the most faithful. 31. at. At for Pat is especially common in Nth., 
 though no doubt found in all dialects as a reduced form of the spoken lan- 
 guage. 32. Edward pe Bruce. The brother of Robert, fiery and head- 
 strong. As Barbour says, thinking Scotland too small for him and -his 
 brother he tried to make himself king of Ireland, but lost his life in the 
 attempt ; cf. Book XVIII. 
 Southern English represents several somewhat different varieties. In our 
 selections the first three pieces are of Early Southern, in which, as in Early- 
 Midland, certain changes of Old English forms had not yet taken place. 
 The third of these pieces belongs to Southern of the so-called Katherine 
 group (Morsbach, ' ME. Gram./ 3, anm. 2), that is, shows a Southern 
 English with Midland peculiarities. This is due to the fact that the works of 
 this group were written in a northern part of the Southern region near to 
 Midland. Selections VI and VII represent Kentish English, the remaining 
 pieces Southern of the normal type. a / l , A _ jV * 
 This characteristic bit of mediaeval moralizing exists in six MSS., Digby 
 A 4, Egerton 613 (two versions), and Jesus Coll. I Arch. I 29 at Oxford, 
 Lambeth MS. 487 in London, Trinity Coll. MS. B 14, 52 at Cambridge. 
 Not all of the MSS. are complete, and of the two groups into which they fall, 
 the versions in Digby and Trinity Coll. MSS. are Kentish rather than Southern 
 in the more restricted sense. Of the Sth. texts those of the Egerton MSS. are, 
 on the whole, the best, and a selection from Egerton e is here taken. The 
 poem has been edited at various times, as by Furnivall in ' Early English 
 Poems and Lives of Saints,' p. 22; by Morris ('Old English Homilies,' I, 
 159,288,11, 220); ('Specimens,'!, 194); ('An Old English Miscellany,' p. 58); 
 by Zupitza (' Anglia,' I, 6) ; ('Ubungsbuch/ p. 58); by Lewin in a critical 
 edition (1881). The poem was written about 1170 in South Hampshire or 
 Dorsetshire, and thus represents Southern of the middle district. 
 The ' Moral Ode ' consists of 396 long lines of seven stresses, riming in 
 couplets. As in the ' Ormulum/ wiih the metre of which it has close rela- 
 tions, the long line is divided into two parts by a csesural pause after the 
 fourth stress, so that each couplet might be printed in alternate lines of four 
 and three stresses, riming abcb. Indeed this is the original of such a stanza 
 in MnE. poetry, and this is the second stage in the development from the 
 ynn'tppd iWs T> f Qrm, The lines are often irregular in number of syllables, 
 /though many irregularities may be easily explained as due to lost inflexional 
 ' or other elements, or to metrical peculiarities of Middle English. In content 
 the poem begins with a penitential portion of eighteen lines in the first person, 
 after which the moralizing becomes more general in character, and approaches 
 that of a sermon in verse. The selection gives a good idea of the whole. 
 The language of the Ode ' shows a mixture of early and late forms to some 
 tent; cf. g for OE. a in the rimes of the first couplet, but a usually. 
 n^ ty<w~~w a irx~ \^ y . /? /_ 
 Besides, ce (e) appear for WS. 02, ea ; ce, ea for WS. ce, ea, beside e = ; rarely 
 eo (eo) are found for WS. eo (eo), and the former sometimes for WS. o, as in 
 weorde, * word.' These are in addition to the typical Sth. u, u for WS. y, 
 though occasionally^, &s in ylde, yfele. As to inflexion, Southern is more 
 conservative than Midland or Northern, and therefore longer retains Old 
 English forms ; there are also typical Southern peculiarities which have been 
 already sufficiently mentioned in the Grammatical Introduction. 
 Page 176, 1. 1. Ich. This is the characteristic Sth. form of the pronoun with 
 ch as in church from OE. c after a palatal vowel. Note that both other forms 
 also occur in the selection, ic (1. 2), / (1. 4). 1-2. lgre . . . mre. A later 
 Sth. rime modifying the earlier idre . . . mare; cf. md)e . . . d$e (177, 5-6) and 
 are . . . mare (177, 29-30). 3. habbe. The Sth. dialect, with characteristic 
 conservatism, retains such forms in case of verbs with different consonants in 
 infinitive and 1st pers. pres. indie, from those in the remaining forms. Thus 
 inf. habbe(n), libbe(n), segge(n), and 1st pers. pres. indie, habbe, libbe (177, 9), 
 segge. In the Anglian districts, on the other hand, under the influence of 
 analogy, these have adopted the consonant of the other pres. forms, as have(n), 
 live(n), seie(n), * have, live, say/ Cf. Gram. Introd., 165. ibeon. Note 
 the characteristic Sth. prefix, a retention of OE. ge in reduced form. In'this 
 particular instance no OE. gebeon is known to literature, but it must have 
 existed in speech at some time. 7. chilche. This difficult word, known 
 only here, seems to have been formed from child (OE. *chilts for childs f.), as 
 OE. milts, ME. milce (mile he 1), is formed from mild. At least the meaning, 
 ' childishness, puerility,' seems to fit the connexion fairly well. 21. pe wel 
 ne dep. The OE. relative particle fe was retained in Sth. much longer than 
 in the other dialects. 
 Page 177, 1. 6. 68res. Note retention in early Sth. of the OE. inflexion 
 of the adjective. 12. Manies marines. The line has met somewhat 
 different interpretations, based especially on different conceptions of the words 
 iswinch and unholde. Morris ('Specimens,' I, 350) translates: ' Many a man's 
 sore trouble often hath ungracious ones, i.e. a man often receives no return for 
 his hard work.' In ' OE. Homilies' he translates quite freely : ' many kinds of 
 sore trouble have often the infirm/ Lewin, opposing this quite rightly, finally 
 proposes manches Mannes sauer errungenen Gewinn haben oft die Wider- 
 sacher. The sense is ' Ungracious (or hostile) ones often obtain (have) the 
 sore labor (or gain) of many a man,' and is probably based on Ps. xxxix. 6 
 and Luke xii. 20. 13. don a fiirst. Literally, ' put in time or respite,' 
 and so ' put off, or delay/ The phrase occurs in several forms, do in Jirste 
 (' OE. Homilies,' I, 71) ; do . . . on/rest (' Havelok,' 1. 1,337), printed by Skeat 
 and Holthausen on/rest. 21. of wyfe ne of childe. The imperfect rime 
 childe . . . selde is at once suspicious, and it is not strange to find other MSS. 
 with a different reading. The Lambeth reading of jefe ne of ' jelde, ' of gift nor 
 of reward,' is probably the older form of the line. 23. wel oft and wel 
 5elome. A common phrase with two words for the same idea, in order to give 
 it emphasis. 26. se ireve. The prevalence of J>e for OE. se throws some 
 suspicion on this expression. Digby MS. reads ne his scrreve, ' nor his sheriff,' 
 and Trin. MS. ne ne scirreve. Lewin reads ne )e scirreve. 
 Page 178, 1. 12. And Je tJe mare. ' And the one who may do no more 
 (may do) with his good intention as well as he that has many pieces (manke) 
 of gold.' 14. kan mare pane. The phrase is OE. cunnan }onc, beside 
 ivitan )onc, and it has survived in Scotch con thanks. Literally, ' to know- 
 thanks,' it is equivalent to ' feel (or express) gratitude, show favor.' ' And 
 often God feels more gratitude to those who give less to him.' 19. bro\ 
 The plural subjects are thought of as one and so take singular verb; cf. ded . . . 
 fSenchet (178, 22), where the verbs agree with hwet, not with ivihte, the real 
 Page 179, 1. 3. scule we. Based on the OE. form when the verb was 
 immediately followed by we or ge. In Middle English it was extended to the 
 third personal pronoun also ; cf. scule he (1. 6), but Nabbet hi (1. 9). 8. vele. 
 Note this first case in our Sth. selections of initial v for older /. 28. com 
 to manne. ' Came to man's estate.' 
 Page 180, 1. 4. "Be beot and bf at, and bit. All texts give two verbs 
 with initial b, indicating intentional alliteration, and Lambeth agrees with our 
 text in its three forms Met and bit and bet. Three verbs that are possible in the 
 place are OE. betan, 'to amend,' bedan, ME. bgde(ii), 'to pray,' biddan, 'to 
 pray, beseech.' The line then means : ' therefore he is wise who repents and 
 prays and beseeches before the judgement.' Lewin bases his text on the Trin. 
 MS. reading, ])e bit and bi$et and bet, though I cannot think with a better 
 result in sense. The former are all contracts of the third singular present 
 indicative. 7. Siinne 1ft pe. ' Sin leaves thee and thou not it (or them), 
 when thou art not able to do them any more.' Hi may be either sing, or pi., 
 but is of the following clause seems to indicate that it was considered plural. 
 Lewin alters is to hi, in order to agree with the former word. This line and 
 the next, owing to omission and erasure, cannot be easily made out in the MS. 
 8. pe swa abit. ' Who so awaits,' that is as implied in the preceding line. 
 14. Ne bidde na bet. ' Should (I) not better pray to be loosed from bonds 
 on doomesday ? ' Several MSS. have ich {ic) after bidde, and it has probably 
 disappeared from our text. 20. tivel is. ' Evil is it to suffer seven years 
 for seven nights' bliss.' Ovel is must be understood with the next line also. 
 32. For to "Be muchele murctfe. ' For to come to the great bliss (of heaven) 
 is happiness with certainty.' 
 Layamon's 'Brut' is preserved in two MSS. of the British Museum, Cotton 
 Calig. A IX and Otho C XIII, from the former of which, the older, our 
 selection is taken. Both texts were edited in 1847 by Sir Frederic Madden, 
 and extracts are given in Matzner (' Sprachproben/ 1, 2 1), Morris ('Specimens,' I, 
 64), Zupitza-Schipper (' Ubungsbuch,' p. 92). The poem is the work of a 
 priest La3amon (later text Lawemon), but more commonly written Layamon, 
 son of Leovenath, of Arnley in North Worcestershire, and was composed about 
 1200. The language therefore represents Southern of the Western division 
 during the last of the twelfth and beginning of the thirteenth century. 
 The 'Brut' consists of some 16,000 long lines (a little less than 15,000 in 
 the later MS.), or double the number of short lines as printed by Madden. 
 These long lines are based on the older alliterative line and show frequent 
 alliteration, though rime and assonance are also common in binding together 
 the two half-lines. The metrical form is thus a combination of the old 
 alliterative line and a rimed couplet of irregular character. Compare the 
 similar lines of the * Bestiary.' In content the poem is a legendary history of 
 Britain from the destruction of Troy to the year 689 A. D. It is based on the ' 
 Norman Wace's ' Roman de Brut/ which in turn has its source in Geoffrey 
 of Monmouth's ' Historia Regum Britanniae.' Our selection begins with 
 1. 13,996 (Madden, 1. 27,992). Arthur, the world conqueror, resting after the 
 great feast on the overthrow of the emperor of Rome, is summoned home 
 by bad news as told in the passage chosen. 
 The language of the poem does not greatly differ from that of the ' Moral 
 Ode.' It shows a similar mixture of older and later forms. OE. a still 
 appears as a, long and short ce are not infrequent, and eo, eo are still preserved. 
 The latter, eo, sometimes appears for Sth. OE. ce, as in wgore, unless indeed 
 this is for Ml. were with close e. Assuming the open quality of the first 
 element, as indicating Sth. f, the e is marked open (). Some Ml. forms 
 certainly occur, as hdlden (183, 7), beside halden (1. 1416). Among con- 
 sonants the Sth. initial v for OE./is more common than in the ' Moral Ode.' 
 Inflexions show the usual Sth. conservatism. A special peculiarity of Layamon 
 is the more frequent final n of inflexional forms, either retained from an ol.der 
 inflexion or often added where not original; cf. Stratmann, 'Anglia,' III, 552. 
 Examples are tiden, dsg. (181, 1) ; deoren, nsg. (182, 13) ; cumen, pr. subj. sg. 
 (183, 21); warlen, gpl. (184, 26), perhaps from OE. gpl. in ena. In many 
 cases inflexional en is a retention of OE. dpi. um. The vocabulary of Layamon 
 is fiiU of epic phrases from OE. poetry, so full as to imply some considerable 
 acquaintance with OE. literature. For convenience of reference the line- 
 numbering of Madden is always given in the notes, except of course when 
 referring to our selection. 
 Page 181, 1. 1. pa com pfr. Arthur is represented as being inne Burguine, 
 'in Burgundy,' when the news reaches him. are. Note retention of inflexional 
 forms in the pronoun, as are OE. dure; Pan (1. 2) =J>dm ; hine (1. 20) ; due 
 (1. 29) f. asg. ; p^re (1. 23) =J>cere. 3. Modrfde. In setting out from 
 England Arthur had left his kingdom in charge of Modred and Wenhavere 
 (Guenevere), as told at 1. 25,465 (Madden). 6. Swa naver. 'Yet never 
 would he,' the young knight. Only in a supernatural manner, through the 
 vision, does Arthur find out the truth. 17. Walwain, B text Waweyn. 
 Better known as Gawain, nephew of Arthur and brother of Modred. 22. Wen- 
 hever, B text Gwenayfer. The Welsh Gwenhwyvar, Eng. Guenevere. In 
 Layamon she is simply an extremely fair woman, whose mother was of Roman 
 birth and relative of Cador, Earl of Cornwall. 24. to hselden. The 
 MnE. form has lost final d and appears as heel, ' to incline.' Layamon 's word 
 seems to be Midland helden, a form which also appears in his text. 
 Page 182, 1. 6. deore mine sweorde. This order of adjective and 
 possessive is especially common in Layamon. Cf. the Elizabethan dear my 
 Page 183, 1. 20. quen. The MS. que is probably for que quen, though 
 the commoner form in Layamon is queue. 21. cumen. The form is pres. 
 subj. with excrescent n so common in Layamon. Cf. pat Arthur pider com en, 
 1 that Arthur thither should come,' 11. 27,078 and 19,110 (Madden). 27. pa 
 seet hit. ' Then it remained all still.' 
 Page 184, 1. 18. vseisiB, MS. weeisitf. Madden suggested the change, 
 required by the context and alliteration. Cf. feieside makede (1. 304) and 
 fceieside (1. 26,040), in both cases alliterating with /. Here, of course, we 
 must assume an earlier f-f alliteration, now become f-v or v-v by the regular 
 Sth. change of initial / to v. 28. ha, MS. a. The third_ personal 
 pronoun, both masc. and fern., sometimes appears as a, ha. 32. A marten 
 pat hit. So MS., but the correct reading is probably )>d, 'when.' The B text 
 has J>o, 'when.' and Drihten. 'And the Lord had sent it (the day),' 
 perhaps referring to its favorable, character for an expedition. 
 .Page 185, 1. 3. Whitsgnd. Wissant, Pas-de-Calais, called Hwitsand in 
 the 'Chronicle' under the year 1095. 17. Childrlche. Childric was in 
 those days an emperor of great authority in Alemaine, as we are told at 1. 20,198. 
 Arthur had already vanquished him when he came to Britain to assist Colgrim 
 and Baldulf, as told in the lines following that quoted above. 
 Page 186, 1. 9. Romenel, MS. Romerel. Romney in Kent without 
 doubt. 11. avorn on, MS. avornon. The phrase is an interesting example 
 of the replacing of a worn-out form. Avorn is OE. onforan, the first part of 
 which was no longer recognized in the reduced prefix a, and on was again 
 added at the end. 26. Angel. A king of Scotland whom Arthur had 
 assisted to regain his kingdom. He had last led the foremost troop in the 
 fight against ' Luces,' emperor of Rome. The name appears as Aguisel in 
 Wace, Augusel {AnguselT) in Geoffrey of Monmouth, and is possibly Scotch 
 Page 187, 1. 2. ^urren pa stanes. ' The stones babbled with streams of 
 blood.' ' Roar, resound ' are too strong for jtirren, which applied to the 
 chattering of people, the whirring or singing of ropes when the ship met 
 a storm; cf. garring, from the same root, at 224, 15. Such exaggerated 
 descriptions of battle are common in Layamon, as in all early poetry. 
 Cf. 189, 32. 
 Page 188, 1. 1. J>e feond bine a}e. * May the devil take him.' 
 30. and hu. The B text really reads and ou $eo hinne ende, with place for 
 an initial in the last word. I have assumed the lost letter to be w, and have 
 otherwise used the forms of the A text. 31. pa heo hire seolf. No doubt 
 this is one of the alternatives beginning with whatSer, and we are to supply 
 ' or whether ' at the beginning of this line. The loss of the preceding half-line 
 makes the connexion uncertain. 
 Page 189, 1. 16. swa ]>e rein falletS, MS. rim failed. The change of 
 rim to rein was suggested by Madden. Either this is a scribal error or 
 perhaps the noun was influenced by the verb, which appears as rine rinde in 
 the ' Brut.' 20. Tambre. The river Tamar between Devon and Cornwall. 
 In Malory's 'Morte D'Arthur' the great fight is by the sea near Salisbury. 
 21. Camelfdrd. A Camelford, ford of the Camel, still exists in the north of 
 Cornwall, but is naturally not connected with the Tamar river. Geoffrey 
 of Monmouth says the battle took place near the ' river Cambula,' while Wace 
 has Camblan . . . a V entree de Cornuaille, Tambre . . . en la terre de Corno- 
 aille, Tamble, &c. in different MSS. ('Brut,' 1. 13,659). Confusion was easy 
 because of the likeness between the MS. c and /, as well as by reason of the 
 frequent interchange of l-r. Once in the ' Chronicle ' Camermuba is found for 
 Tamarmuda. The reference to the sea (191, i) would imply a situation like 
 that of Camelford in North Cornwall, and probably Cambre for Tambre is the 
 correct reading of the preceding line. 
 Page 190, 1. 11. I pare lasten. 'In the least (of the wounds)/ as 
 mentioned in the line preceding. 26. Avalun. Geoffrey of Monmouth 
 twice speaks of the 'island of Avalon (Avallon),' and Wace follows with 
 en Vile d? Avalon ('Brut,' 1. 9,516). In the passage corresponding to this Wace 
 does not say an island, and Layamon also makes no specific reference to the 
 situation of the place, except that Arthur reaches it by sea (191, 1). See 
 discussions of the place in 'Romania,' Oct. 1898, and 'Mod. Lang. Notes,' 
 XIV, 47. 27. Argante. Wace and Geoffrey of Monmouth make no 
 mention of this personage. Malory names four, three queens and the Lady of 
 the Lake. 30. And seottSe. Wace makes mention of the tradition that 
 Arthur should come again, and Layamon, whose more dramatic treatment 
 is seen in several places, puts it into the mouth of Arthur himself. 
 Page 191, 1. 7. pat wfore. 'That immeasurable trouble should come (be) 
 after (of) Arthur's death.' 
 The Middle English prose 'Life of St. Juliana 'is preserved in two MSS., 
 Royal 17 A 27 of the British Museum, and Bodleian MS. 34 at Oxford. Of 
 these the first is the purest text, and from it our selection is taken. Both MSS. 
 were edited for the Early English Text Society by Cockayne in 1872 
 (EETS., 51), and extracts from both are found in Morris ('Specimens,' I, 96). 
 The work was written about 12 00, the MSS. themselves being of the first half 
 of the thirteenth century. It* "Belongs to the northern part of the southern 
 district, and has certain Midland peculiarities. The language is therefore Sth. 
 with Ml. coloring, as explained below. 
 The story of St. Juliana has already been told by Cynewulf in an Old English 
 poem (cf. Garnett, ' The Latin and Anglo-Saxon Juliana,' Publ. of Mod. Lang. 
 Ass., XIV, 279). It also appears, later than our prose version, in a poem of 
 long rimed couplets (EETS., 51, 81) similar to those of the 'Moral Ode,' as 
 also in an unpublished version; cf. Horstmann, ' Altenglische Legenden,' 
 p. xlvi f. As to the form of the present ' Life,' at once noticeable for its 
 alliterative and rhythmical character, there is difference of opinion among 
 scholars. Ten Brink speaks of the long alliterative line or the rhythmical 
 alliterative prose (' Eng. Lit.,' p. 199). Einenkel undertook to prove that this 
 work, together with the similar 'Lives' of St. Margaret (EETS., 80) and 
 St. Katherine (EETS., 13), are in long alliterative lines. From this view 
 Schipper dissents (' Grundriss der englischen Metrik,' p. 75), and I see no reason 
 to print otherwise than as prose, though the alliterative and rhythmical elements 
 will be clear to any reader. The source of the story is that found in the ' Acta 
 Sanctorum' for Feb. 16. 
 The language of the ' Juliana,' like that of the prose ' Lives ' of St. Katherine 
 and St. Margaret, is a mixture of Sth. and Ml. ; cf. Morsbach, ' Mittelenglische 
 Grammatik,' 3, anm. 2 ; 9, r. The chief Ml. peculiarities are the close 
 instead of open e = Goth, e, WT. a, as in Mercian and the non-Wessex dialects, 
 and the preservation of the u and mutations in many cases. In other respects 
 the dialect is Southern, as shown especially by e for OE. ce, Ml. a, and u, u for 
 OE. y, y. Besides may be noted the preservation of OE. a, as in the preceding 
 early Sth. selections, and the diphthongs eo, eo, ea (ea). The long diphthong 
 ea, used for OE. ea or <z and certainly a mere graphic representation of ME. f, 
 has been marked a. No voicing of initial f,J>, and s is indicated by the ortho- 
 graphy, but unvoicing of final d is common. 
 Page 191, 1. 16. In ure. This paragraph is preceded by the rubric : Her 
 cuvised J>e vie of seinle iuliane and telleS of liflade hire, ' Here commenceth 
 the life of Saint Juliana, and (it) telleth of her manner of life.' Feader. 
 The usual form is the Sth. feder = Ml. fader. ant. The usual form in 
 this ' Life,' as in the others of the group, so that the sign for and is regularly 
 expanded ant. 23. Nichomedes burn. Nichomedia in Asia Minor, founded 
 by Nichomedes I. In the OE. ' Juliana ' it appears as Commedia. 25. of 
 pe hf pene mf st. Greatest of the heathen.' Not in the Latin, and Bodl. MS. 
 has a different reading : ' Affrican hehte, J>e heande ~} heascede mest men ]>e 
 weren cristene.' Egge (' Mod. Lang. Notes,' 1, 138) connects with following clause, 
 but I think not rightly. 26. derfllche he droh, MS. dernicbe droh. The 
 he, subject of droh, was probably lost by scribal confusion with he of the pre- 
 ceding word. 
 Page 192, 1. 3. Maximian. Really Galerius Valerius Maximinus, made 
 emperor in 308, and one of six to claim the title at that time. He renewed the 
 persecution of the Christians after Galerius had published an edict of toleration, 
 but was soon overthrown by Licinius and died in 314. Here he seems to have 
 been confused with Maximian, contemporary emperor of the West, as in the 
 OE. poem. Perhaps this is due to the frequent confusion of the Eastern and 
 Western Roman empires, as shown also in the next note. 4. Rome. Of 
 course Constantinople,' or New Rome, in this place. mawmets, MS. 
 maumez. The final z is unquestionably equivalent to ts, and I have not 
 hesitated to expand it as if it were an abbreviation; cf. 195, 22 and note on 
 194, 25. 13. ihgndsald. 'Betrothed wholly against her will.' 24. as 
 me pa luvede. ' As they (me) then loved,' that is, as was the custom of the 
 time. into cure pet, MS. -]. 'Into a chariot that the powerful rode in, 
 or in which,' &c. Cockayne and Morris retain the MS. and, reading 'and ride 
 into the kingdom.' I have assumed a phrase descriptive of the chariot, as riche 
 'kingdom' seems inappropriate to a reve. The Bodl. MS. has another descrip- 
 tive phrase, i cure up of fowr hweo/es, 'up into a chariot of four wheels.' 
 3^ . balde hire seolven. As it stands, bdlde must be a past participle 
 modifying Juliane. The Bodl. MS. has a sign for and before sende, making 
 bdlde and sende correlative, and this may be the correct readiug. 32. wrattBi 
 so. ' Be angry as thou wilt.' Cf. a similar construction in the third pers. at 
 196, 10. 
 Page 193, 1. 20. Ich iille, MS. ichulle. The MS. form indicates that the 
 two words were spoken in close association, as in the MnE. Sth. dialectal chull, 
 ' I will.' 27. eis weis. ' In any way (ways),' one of the few examples of 
 the inflected adjective in this selection. 
 Page 194, 1. 6. Me hwet. ' But what.' The Conjunction me, * but,' is 
 found especially in Sth. texts, but apparently not in Old English or the Anglian 
 territory. This would argue for the Low German origin suggested for it. 
 16. wummon. Note the influence of the preceding w upon the original i from 
 1 in this word, causing it to become U as still preserved in the singular. 
 25. mix mawmets, MS. mawmex. Final x in the latter may be due to 
 scribal influence of the preceding word. 28. Elewsium. Foreign derived 
 names retain their original inflexion as here, remain uninflected, or assume the 
 inflexion of English nouns, depending on the frequency of their usage. 
 Page 195, 1. 8. ow. A dative which seems redundant to-day, but no doubt 
 added force to the expression. It may be translated as a possessive, for your 
 evil fortune.' 11. as reve of pe burhe. Since the ' Life ' was too long to 
 use as a whole, the trial before Eleusius has been omitted and the account 
 resumed at the close of the tortures. The intervening part tells how Eleusius 
 is again struck with Juliana's beauty, and how she again repels his advances. 
 She is then beaten a second time, hanged by the hair, has boiling brass poured 
 over her, and is finally cast into prison. Here a supernatural visitor tempts her, 
 but she seizes him and makes him confess he is the devil. She binds him with 
 chains and drags him to the judgement seat of the prefect. She is torn to pieces 
 on a wheel of spikes, but is made whole by an angel, thus converting the 
 executioners. She is thrust into a great fire, but an angel quenches it. This 
 angers the prefect still more, and at this point the narrative is resumed. 
 31. ^eldeft hire ;jarew borh. The speech differs here from that in the * Acta 
 Sanctorum,' in which the devil speaks to Eleusius. )arew borh seems to be used 
 ironically, or for punishment in general, the Bodl. text reading 'jeldeS hire3arow 
 borh efter ]>at ha wurde is.' 
 Page 196, 1. 3. unwiht. Not found in OE. literature, but there is the 
 similar untydre, * monster,' literally ' no child or offspring.' 8. uppon treowe 
 staftele. Referring to Matt. vii. 24-27. 24. underfeng. Cf. with this im- 
 perative onderfang of Layamon (' Brut/ II, 168) and undervong of ' Anc. Riw./ 
 p. 114. wi5 meidenes imfane. No doubt alluding to Rev. xiv. 3-4. 
 Cf. 'Pearl,' 1. 1,096 f. 26. pe fdie engles. See, for an early instance of the 
 same, the account of the death of Chad in Bede, Eccl. Hist.,' Bk. IV, ch. iii. 
 28. Com a sell wummon. This incident, given in the Greek and Latin lives, 
 is omitted by Cynewulf. The name of the woman is variously given as Sophonia 
 (Sophronia) and Sophia, the latter by Symeon Metaphrastes the Greek martyro- ' 
 logist. 32. from pe sfa a mile. In the territory of Puteoli, as stated by 
 the first life in the ' Acta Sanctorum.' Later (the late sixth century) her remains 
 were transferred to Cumae for greater safety. Thence, in 1207, they were said 
 to have been taken to Naples, and various cities now claim them, as Brussels 
 for example. 
 Page 197, 1. 1. J)e reve. In the \ Acta Sanctorum ' no mention is made of 
 the reeve's pursuing Sophie, and twenty-four, not thirty-four, are destroyed by 
 the storm. 4. prittufle. Both MSS. have the form, though surely for firittt, 
 ' thirty,' it would seem. 5. warp ham adriven. ' Cast them, driven about, 
 on (to) the land.' The change from plural to singular in the verbs is also found 
 in the Bodl. MS. No doubt the general idea of storm was in the writer's mind. 
 8. pe sixtexrtJe dei. This is the day on which the Romish church celebrates 
 her martyrdom, while the Greek church prefers Dec. 21. 
 There are five MSS. of the 'Ancren Riwle,' Cotton Nero A XIV, Titus D 
 XVIII, Cleopatra C VI in the British Museum, Corpus Christi Coll. MS. and 
 Caius Coll. MS. 234 at Cambridge. Besides, a fragment of another MS. was 
 recently discovered by Napier ('Jour, of Germ. Philology,' II, 199). The first 
 of these, with collation of the second and third, was edited in 1853 for the 
 Camden Society by Morton, and selections are found in Morris ('Specimens,' I, 
 no) and Matzner ('Sprachproben,' II, 5)" Our selection follows Morton's 
 . edition with such changes as are necessary by reason of Kolbing's collation 
 with the MS. ('Jahrbuch fur rom. und engl. Philologie,' XV, 180). The 
 work was written about the beginning of the thirteenth century, in the middle 
 part of the Southern district, since it mentions Tarente (Tarent-Kaimes or 
 Kingston) near the Stour, in southwest 1, Dorset. Morton suggested (Preface, 
 p. xii) that its author may have been Ralph Poor, who was born at Tarente 
 and died there in 1237. ^ e was m turn bishop of Chichester, Salisbury, and 
 Durham, and may have been a benefactor of the house since he was sometimes 
 called its founder. 
 The ' Rule cf Nuns ' is a free and not uninteresting treatment of monastic 
 duties, prepared for three sisters of good family who had become nuns. It 
 consists of a brief introduction and eight parts : of religious service ; keeping 
 the heart ; of monastic life ; of temptation ; confession ; penitence ; love ; of 
 domestic matters. Of plain and simple style, it contains numerous quotations 
 from the Bible and the Church Fathers, with allusions to saintly lives but 
 practically no legendary or moral tales. The first extract is from Part II 
 (Morton, p. 64), dealing with each of the senses in turn ; the second from part 
 VIII (Morton, p. 414). 
 The language of the ' Rule of Nuns ' is a pure Southern, and in most respects 
 represents the normal form of that dialect, as distinct from the Early Southern 
 of the preceding selections. OE. a has now regularly become p, the new diph- 
 thongs have developed, and the voicing of initial/ to v is the rule. On the other 
 hand, OE. eo (eo), ea (fa) still appear as in preceding texts. Occasionally eo 
 of this text is equivalent to open f, so that it has in such cases been marked 0. 
 Consonant peculiarities are not numerous. The most important is / for initial 
 J> after a word ending in t or d, as vort tet (1. 15) for vort }ct\ and terefter 
 (1. 16) for J>erefter. Further see Wiilker in Paul and Braune's ' Beitrage,' 
 I, 209. 
 Page 197, 1. 14. Spellunge and smecchunge. Note the retention of the 
 tinge ending of OE. nouns. 
 Page 198, 1. 1. pet he ouh to siggen. Morton connects with preceding 
 clause, but it belongs, as Matzner shows, to the following. ' (To) that (which) 
 he has to say, hearken to his words.' The peculiarity is in the repetition of 
 f his words.' 12. Parals. Both this and Paradis occur in OF. and ME. 
 22. pe cve, MS. coue. The word here and in 1. 24 has been somewhat 
 variously read, as the MS. u may be u or v. Morton connects with OE. ceo{]i), 
 'chough,' but this should appear with ME. ch initially, to say nothing of the 
 diphthong. Matzner assumes a Netherland kaicwe (kauw), which ought, it 
 would seem, to give cane ; cf. MnE. caw. Icl. kofa, ' young pigeon,' is also not 
 easily connected with the word. To account for the form, and preserve the 
 play upon the word, I assume OE. cdf, ME. cgve, used in the first case as a sub- 
 stantive adj., 'the swift, the deceitful,' perhaps, 'the thief.' dimes te jeape, 
 1 comes the cunning (one),' of Titus MS. shows the understanding of another 
 scribe, and that he had no idea of the chough or any other bird. 
 Page 199, 1. 1. Sed multi veniunt. Matt. vii. 15, the Vulgate for 
 which is Attendite a falsis propheiis, qui veniunt. 7. Gabrieles spgche. 
 The annunciation, Luke i. 29. 11. otter stunde, MS. stude. Morton's 
 emendation is proved correct by the Latin text (Magd. Coll., Oxford), which 
 conveys the same idea in positive form : si tertius haberi possit. 32. Ancre 
 and huses lffdi. ' There ought to be much (difference) between an anchoress 
 and a housewife.' 
 Page 200, 1. 3. swrwike, MS. swiSwike. Matzner suggested retaining 
 the MS. reading as OE. equivalent for MLat. hebdomeda maior, though no such 
 OE. word is known. On the other hand, we know that OE. swigdag, 'day of 
 silence,' was used for the three days of Holy Week between Thursday evening 
 and Sunday morning ; cf. ^Elfric's ' Homilies,' I, 218, 31 ; II, 268, 16. Besides, 
 Titus MS. reads swihende wie, and Cleopatra MS. swiwike. The emendation 
 therefore seems fully justified. The nuns are advised to make the whole week 
 one of silence, rather than the customary three days. 9. Ase Seont An- 
 selme. I have not found the original. 10. chf ofled = chf oflefl. Here, 
 as occasionally in most texts, <J is replaced by dby scribal error ; cf. 201, 17. 
 20. Mulieres. 1 Tim. ii. 1 2 and 1 Cor. xiv. 34. Neither passage is followed 
 verbatim, the former more nearly. 22. pe gverkutfre. Morton's omission 
 of fie led Matzner to a wrong understanding of the words. He rightly pointed 
 out Morton's error in connecting this with the following sentence. 27. ase 
 ich fr seide. See 199, 31. 31. Ad summam volo. Morton has made 
 the strange mistake of including^/ is in the quotation as he translates it, and 
 omitting ich ulle, &c. J?e hide of J>e tale is of course a free rendering of ad 
 Page 201, 1. 5. Censura. I do not find the exact words here or in 1. 7, 
 but a discussion of silence with the figure of the water (201, 8) occurs in 
 Gregory's ' Regulae Pastoralis Liber,' ch. 38 (Migne, 77, 53). 22. Maria 
 optimam. Luke x. 42. The translation begins with the preceding verse. 
 Page 202, 1. 15. Bidden hit. ' To ask (or beg) it^ in order to give it 
 away, is not the part (rihte) of an anchoress.' 19. on ou. ' On yourselves/ 
 that is, 'from your own wants.' nenne mon. That is, 'Let no man eat 
 before you,' mdkted of the preceding clause being understood with this also. 
 25. Muche neode. That is, 'only much need.' 32. heiward. The hay- 
 ward was the keeper of the cattle in the common field or pasture, and it was his 
 duty to prevent trespass on cultivated ground. There was a similar officer of 
 the manor or religious house. As the hayward could assess damages against 
 the owner of_cattle, a little flattery was evidently considered a good investment. 
 hwon me punt hire. ' When men impound hire (the cow).' 
 Page 203, 1. 1. hwon me maketS mne. ' When they (me) make com- 
 plaint in town of anchoresses' cattle.' Probably refers to formal complaint as 
 before the town reeve. 
 This metrical ' Chronicle ' is found in an earlier and later form. To the earlier 
 belong the following MSS. : Cotton Caligula A XI, Harleian 201, Additional 
 19,677 and 18,631 of the British Museum, and Hunterian MS. at Glasgow; 
 tolhe latter, Trinity Coll. MS. R 4, 26 at Cambridge, Digby 205 of the Bod- 
 leian, Univ. Library Ee 4, 31 at Cambridge, Lord Mostyn's Library 259, 
 Pepysian Library, Magdalen Coll., Cambridge, 2,014, Sloane 2,027 of the 
 British Museum, and Herald's Coll. MS., London. There are editions by 
 Hearne (1724) based on the Harleian MS., and by Wright in the Rolls 
 Series (1887) based on the Cotton MS. above. Extracts are found in Miitzner 
 (' Sprachproben,' I, 155), Morris ('Specimens,' II, 1), Wlilker ('Lesebuch,' I, 
 55). The name of the author is based on 1. 11,748, which tells us that 
 * Robert ])at verst J>is boc made' saw the battle of Evesham (1265), but other- 
 wise we know nothing of him. Stow first connected him with Gloucester, and 
 this is at least probable. More recently Strohmeyer ('Das Verhaltnis der Hds. 
 der Reimchronik,' Robert of Gloucester's ' Archiv fiir neuere Sprachen,' 
 LXXXVII, 217) shows that the 'Chronicle' is the work of three different 
 authors, the first writing about the end of the thirteenth century lines 1-9, 137, 
 the second (Robert of 1. 11,748) lines 9,138-12,049, and a third writing and 
 somewhat extending the later version. As the work mentions the canonization 
 of St. Louis in 1297, it could not have been written before that event, and was 
 probably composed about 1300 in Gloucester. The language is therefore 
 Southern of that district about the last of the thirteenth century. Our selection 
 is from Cotton Caligula A XI, the purest text, and consists of 11. 7,395-7,513 
 as printed by Wright above. 
 The ' Gloucester Chronicle ' relates the history of England from the legendary 
 Brutus to 1 271. It contains about 12,000 long lines (12,600 in the later 
 version), riming in couplets. As to the number of stresses the lines are suffi- 
 ciently irregular to occasion considerable difference of opinion. They seem to 
 be based on the line of seven stresses with csesura after the fourth, but many 
 lines occur with only six stresses. The sources of the poem are Geoffrey 
 of Monmouth, Henry of Huntingdon, William of Malmesbury, and other 
 The language of the ' Chronicle ' is some three-quarters of a century later 
 than that of the ' Ancren Riwle.' The OE. diphthongs have entirely disappeared 
 even from the orthography, and the language is therefore typical Southern in 
 most respects. Among vowels there is a largely increased use of for u. 
 Among consonants the selection often shows loss of initial h, and a frequent 
 voicing of hw to iv which is parallel to some extent with that of initial f to v. 
 Besides ss (s) regularly represents sh. 
 Page 203, 1. 14. hap. Note the unusually frequent omission of initial h in 
 this text. 15. her and r. Other MSS., as Harleian 201, read her and Per, 
 \ here and there,' perhaps a better reading. On the other hand, her is constantly 
 used, especially in the Chronicles, for ' now, at this time,' and/fr may be due 
 to a scribal misunderstanding of her in this sense. 17. Verst. Strict Sth. 
 would require viirst, but e for it is found in a few words in this writer. See 
 heme {heme) 204, 8 for Sth. hiirne, but the latter in rime (204, 18), and 
 cf. Morsbach, Mittelengl. Gram.,' 133, anm. 2. 
 X 2 
 Page 204, 1. 1. As pe hende. 'As the courteous one,' so 'politely, 
 courteously.' 3. pe grfte p. See Freeman's 'Norman Conquest,' 
 III, 91. 14. pat was al. The Harleian MS. reads po after pat, ' that 
 then was,' &c, but it seems no material improvement. 27. Godwine. 
 The crime was attributed to Godwine, though committed by followers 
 of Harold I. William now gives this as a reason for making war on God- 
 wine's son Harold. 28. Alfrfd. The brother of Edward the Confessor, 
 son of ^Ethelred II and Emma of Normandy, the latter sister of William the 
 Conqueror's grandfather. Cos in is therefore very freely used, as often in earlier 
 English and sometimes to-day. On Alfred's return to England from Normandy 
 in 1036 he was seized, his followers killed or enslaved, and his eyes torn out at 
 Ely. 31. Seint Edward. Edward the Confessor, who had promised the 
 throne to William, so the latter said. That he was ' next of his bl5d ' (1. 32) 
 was of course true. 
 Page 205, 1. 13. Sein Walri. This is St. Valery at the mouth of the 
 Somme, with w for OF. v, as in Wace's Waleri. 14. and abide m. We 
 should expect a sing. pret. to agree with tuende, hadde, but the construction 
 certainly changes in the following clauses, and there is no reason to suppose it 
 may not here. Otherwise we must assume an infin., with an omitted to or -for 
 id expressing purpose. 21. 911 of his kni5tes. The well-known story of 
 William's stumbling as he set foot on the land is here omitted entirely. The 
 words of the knight therefore lose point. 
 Page 206, 1. 2. As he of no mon. ' As if he took account of no man.' 
 4. pe oper bataile. The battle of Stamford Bridge, Yorkshire, September 25, 
 1066, in which Harold had defeated and killed King Harold of Norway. 
 10. pat upe pe Popes. ' That he should rest (do) it upon the judgement 
 (Idkinge) of the Pope.' 13. him take no lond. ' Give or deliver him no 
 land,' For this sense of takeiii) see the use of bitdke(n). 12. Wr Seint 
 Edward. Morris suggests ' whether,' and Matzner ' if for wer. But the 
 meaning is rather ' notwithstanding, although.' 27. mi fader. Really his 
 ancestor Rollo, first Duke of Normandy, in the early tenth century, or a hundred 
 and fifty years before. 31. Hichard. This was Richard the Fearless, who 
 reigned from 943 to 996. The French king who was taken prisoner was Lewis 
 (Louis) IV. 
 Page 207, 1. 7. he overcom. There are numerous references to this 
 story in the chroniclers. See also Uhland's poems on the subject. 31. Wip 
 strange targes. OE. poems often refer to making a ' war-hedge,' or close 
 protection of overlapping shields before the men. No doubt this custom is 
 intended here. 
 Page 208, 1. 14. n wille habbe. ' Have no chance (wille) of striking 
 (diint)? 17. al vor no}t. A phrase of varying import, ' all in vain, all for 
 nothing.' Here it seems to imply lack of resistance, and so ' easily.' 
 Page 209, 1. 15. gstes. See Freeman's 'Norman Conquest,' III, ir. 
 19. Seint Calixtes day. October 14, when Pope Calixtus is supposed to have 
 been martyred in 222. 31. Willam hit sende hire. This is a mistake. 
 Harold's mother offered a large sum for the body, but William would not give 
 it up and had it privately buried by the sea-shore, so that the grave could not 
 be identified ; cf. Ramsey, ' Foundations of England,' II, 35 f. 
 Page 210, 1. 20. Vor pe mgre. This line shows that the writer had no 
 strong feeling either for or against the conditions he mentions. The antipathy 
 of the races had long passed away. 
 These ' Sermons' are found in Laud MS. 471 of the Bodleian Library, Oxford, 
 and were printed by Morris in ' An Old English Miscellany ' (EETS., 49), p. 26. 
 They represent Kentish of about 1250, so that they really precede in time the 
 previous selection, but are placed here to bring together the two specimens of 
 Kentish in the book. 
 But five of these sermons are preserved, all brief and simple in plan. They 
 are translations from the French of Maurice de Sully (d. 1196), the earliest 
 French sermon writer to give up Latin for the vernacular. They all follow the 
 same general plan of text, narrative, exposition, application, as exemplified in 
 the fourth and fifth, here printed. 
 An outline of Kentish grammar is given by Morris in the Introduction to the 
 volume quoted above, and more completely in the Introduction to ' Ayenbite of 
 Inwit.' The characteristic mark of* Middle Kentish is the retention of Old 
 Kentish e, e for non-Kentish y, y\ cf. prede (211, 20), gveles (211, 23). 
 Besides, Kentish agrees with the non-Wessex dialects of Old English in having 
 e for T. e, WT. a, WS. ce, and e, te for limitation of OE. ea, eo, while it is 
 itself peculiar in having/ for non-Kentish ce by /-mutation of a. It has also 
 the diphthongs ya (id) beside ea, for WS. ea or lengthened ea, and au from OE. 
 div. The special treatise on Kentish of the Middle English period is by 
 Danker, 'Die Laut- und Flexionslehre der mittelkentischen Denkmaler' 
 Page 210, 1. 24. godspelle of todai. This is indicated by the Latin rubric, 
 Dominica quart a post ociavam Epiphanie } and the gospel is Matt. viii. 23 f. 
 Apart from slight lack of verbal agreement with the Vulgate, the last clause is 
 from Mark vi. 48, and no doubt suggests a gospel harmony as the basis. 
 Page 211, 1. 15. blepeliche. This form of the word also appears regu- 
 larly in ' Ayenbite of Inwit.' As the OE. word is blipelice not bljpelice, the 
 first e may be short or lengthened from a short e which took the place of 
 shortened i. 16. Salus populi. Hardly a quotation from any one passage 
 of Scripture, certainly not from Christ's words. It may have come from one 
 or more Psalms which were regarded as messianic ; cf. Ps. xxxv. 3 ; and for 
 the last part xviii. 6; 1. 15; lxxxvi. 7 ; cxviii. 5. 24. wordle. The pre- 
 vailing form in Kt., as shown by the next selection. 25. Quod ipse pre- 
 stare. An expression used as a benediction and closing, qui vivit et regnat 
 Deus per omnia secula seculorum. But it has various forms. 29. gode- 
 spelle. Lat. rubric, Dominica in sexagesima ; gospel, Matt. xiii. 24. 
 Page 214, 1. 13. nn man wgit. The preacher quotes very freely as 
 before. Reference seems to be to the interpretation of such passages as Matt. 
 xxiv. 36, 42 ; Luke xii. 19-20. 14. for man. A common proverb, cf. 
 'Ancren Riwle,' p. 338 ; ' Ayenbite of Inwit' (Morris), p. 129. A poem on 
 long life (' Old Eng. Misc.,' p. 156) begins : 
 ' Mon mai longe lives wene, 
 Ac ofte him lieS J>e wrench.' 
 This work, in the handwriting of the author, is contained in Arundel MS. 57 
 of the British Museum. It was edited by Stevenson in 1855 and by Morris for 
 the Early English Text Society (No. 23) in 1866. Extracts appear in 
 Matzner (' Sprachproben/ I, 60), Morris (' Specimens,' II, 98), Wiilker (' Lese-. 
 buch,' I, 112). The author gives his name as Dan Michel (Michael) of North- 
 gate (Kent), tells us that he was an Augustine monk of Canterbury, and that 
 he finished the 'Remorse of Conscience' in 1340. His language therefore 
 represents Kentish of the first half of the fourteenth century, about three-quarters 
 of a century later than the preceding selection, and a quarter of a century later 
 than the Gloucester Chronicle.' 
 The work is a translation of ' La Somme des Vices et des Vertus ' by Lorens, 
 a Benedictine monk of the later thirteenth century. It treats of the ten command- 
 ments, the twelve articles of faith, the seven deadly sins, &c, with occasional illus- 
 trative tales, anecdotes, or lives of saints. It is strongly allegorical throughout, 
 but the style is not as pleasing as that of the ' Ancren Riwle,' or as simple as 
 that of the ' Kentish Sermons.' Our selection, ' How to learn to die,' is based 
 on the text of Morris above (p. 70 f .) , where it begins the more constructive 
 teaching of the book. Special monographs on the work are by Varnhagen, 
 ' Beitrage zur Erklarung und Textkritik' ('Eng. Stud.,' I, 379; II, 27) ; by 
 Evers, dissertation with same title (1888) ; by Konrath, ' Die lateinische 
 Quelle zu Ayenbite' ('Eng. Stud.,' XII, 259). 
 In Notes to ' Old Kentish Sermons ' reference was made to the principal 
 treatises on the Kentish dialect, and to important peculiarities. In the present 
 selection are to be noticed ea (ya,yea) for WS. ea or lengthened ea, and no for 
 OE. ME. o (p) sometimes ; cf. gnodes == godes (215, 22) ; guo = gp (218, 32). 
 Among consonants z is regularly written for voiced s, clearly indicating the 
 voicing of the latter when initial as well as when medial. 
 Page 215, 1. 18. rapre panne ssed. The figure is a common one in 
 Scripture; cf. 2 Chron. xxix. 15 ; Job viii. 9; xiv. 2 ; Ps. cii. 11 ; cix. 23. 
 Page 216, 1. 15. pe wyse Catoun. Presumably Dionysius Cato, whose 
 ' Disticha ' were so highly regarded in the middle ages. Nothing exactly like 
 this occurs, but for contempt of death see ' Disticha ' at I, 22, IV, 22. 21. pri 
 dyeapes. Another interpretation of the three deaths occurs in ' Old Eng. 
 Homilies,' II, 169. 29. damezele Bfreblisse. Explained in the following 
 clause, ' death that crowns and places (dop) in bliss all the saints.' For a name 
 made in the same way cf. 161, 6. 
 Page 218, 1. 7. to pe reward of. ' In respect of or to.' Reward has 
 the sense of ' regard/ the cognate word. 19. ase zayp Salomon. Prow 
 xxiv. 16, which reads in the Vulgate, Septies enim cadet iustas, et restirget. 
 Page 219, 1. 2. per ne may guo in. Referring to Rev. xxi. 27 ; cf. 1. 32. 
 15. m^re stranger. The double comparative appears thus early. 
 The English ' Polychronicon ' of Trevisa is preserved in at least four MSS., 
 St. John's Coll. H I at Cambridge, and Cotton Tiberius D VII, Harleian 
 1,900, Additional 24,194 of the British Museum. Of these the first was printed 
 by Caxton in 1482. A later version than those above was edited by Babbington 
 for the Rolls Series, and extracts from Trevisa are found in Matzner ('Sprach- 
 proben,' II, 343), Morris ('Specimens,' II, 335), and Wiilker (' Lesebuch,' II, 
 205). Our selection is from Cotton Tiberius D VII, a contemporary MS. in 
 pure Southern. The translator, John Trevisa, was vicar at Berkt. >y, then 
 canon at Westbury, Gloucestershire. He finished his translation in April 1387, 
 as he tells us. The language is therefore Southern of Gloucestershire in the last 
 half of the fourteenth century. 
 The 'Polychronicon' was originally written in Latin by Radulphus or 
 Ranulphus Higden of Chester. As the name implies, the work is a sort of 
 history of the world, brought down to the year 1342. This Trevisa translated 
 freely, adding here and there, and extending to 1357. Besides this he is 
 supposed to have translated other works, though these cannot be proved to be 
 his with certainty. 
 As to language, Trevisa' s Southern shows no voicing of initial^/, and s, so 
 far as orthography is concerned, but otherwise well represents the dialect. The 
 selection shows a for ha (ha), beside hi \hy), in the plural of the third personal 
 pronoun; cf. 'Juliana,' p. 191. 
 Page 220, 1. 1. pe 3re of Hely. The mediaeval historians were fond of 
 such union of sacred and secular history, and it was natural to their annalistic 
 form of historical writing. 7. Vespasian hys tyme. That is 69-79 A - D< 
 Pictes out of Scitia. This tradition appears in numerous chroniclers back 
 to Bede. That the Picts entered Britain later than the Britons is probably true 
 enough. Cf. 221, 6. 17. In Vespasian. Based on Geoffrey of Monmouth, 
 as the footnote shows. This accounts for many statements of which authentic 
 history gives no confirmation. 18. Marius. Geoffrey of Monmouth, ' Hist. 
 Brit.,' IV, ch. xvii. Arviragus, his father, is mentioned in ch. xiii f, but neither 
 is known to be historical, though Geoffrey connects them with the Roman 
 emperors, as here. The same may be said of Rodric in the same line. 
 21. Cathenesia. The present Caithness doubtless. 
 Page 221, 1. 4. Servius. The commentator on Virgil, who lived in the 
 last of the fourth and beginning of the fifth century, the time of Jerome and 
 Augustine. 5. Agatirsis. Cf. Aeneid,' IV, 146, where occurs picti Aga- 
 thyrsi, giving rise to the comment of Servius. 12. Maximus. The chronicler 
 has here confused Magnus Clemens Maximus (383-388) with Maximus Tyrannus 
 (408-411), as shown by the references to Gratianus and Valentinianus in 1. 14. 
 He has also mistaken the name Tyrannus for a descriptive title. Marius is 
 mentioned, not by Geoffrey but by Gildas. 21. Carausius. Mentioned by 
 Geoffrey, ' Hist. Brit.,' V, ch. iii. 22. Bassianus. Better known as Caracalla. 
 Geoffrey recounts the death of Geta as in battle between the brothers for 
 supremacy in the empire. 28. pwartgver wal. The wall of Hadrian from 
 Newcastle to Carlisle and the Solway Firth, here called the Scottysch, that is, 
 the Irish sea. So also at 222, 2 and 22. 30. Nynyan. Bede gives the 
 tradition regarding Ninias or Nynian ( { Eccl. Hist.,' Ill, iv), but his date cannot 
 be definitely fixed. He is said to have died in 432. 32. Brenicia. Berenicia, 
 founded according to Bede in 547 A. D. 
 Page 222, 1. 4. Duke Reuda. In his edition of Bede, Plummer says the 
 northern portion of County Antrim, Ireland, was called Dal Riada, after an 
 ancient leader who is supposed to have died in 165 a.d. Thence the name 
 was transferred to Britain with an Irish colony. 
 Page 223, 1. 2. Flemmynges. In 11 11 Henry I established a colony of 
 this people in Pembrokeshire, Southwest Wales. 11. pe Danes. Reference 
 is doubtless to the massacre on St. Brice's day, 1002; cf. Freeman, 'Norm. 
 Conquest,' I, 182, 312 f, 634 f. 
 Page 224, 1. 7. drawe somwhat. An early recognition, perhaps, of words 
 borrowed from the Celts. 26. pys manere. This whole paragraph is an 
 addition to his original by Trevisa himself, and is naturally of greatest interest 
 as a contemporary account. pe fiirste moreyn. The great plague of 
 1348-9. A second occurred in 1361-2, a third in 1369, and some reckon a 
 fourth in 1375-6. 27. Jhan Cornwal . . . Richard Pencrych. Both 
 Comishmen, as it would seem from their names. It is not improbable that they 
 were both at Oxford, as was Trevisa, for the name Master John Cornwall appears 
 in the records of Merton College, and the names Pencrych (Penkrissh) and 
 Pencrych Hall are also found. The latter was about opposite Nunne Hall, 
 where Cornwall taught. See Stevenson's article on the ' Introduction of English 
 in English Schools' in ' An English Miscellany,' p. 421. 
 Page 225, 1. 1. of pe secunde Kyng Richard . . . nyne. The ninth 
 year of Richard II began June 22, 1385, so that this part must have been written 
 in the last half of that year. 6. disavauntage. This shows that Trevisa 
 was not in the least prejudiced against French, when properly added to a know- 
 ledge of the mother tongue. Cf. Robert of Gloucester at 210, 19, 20. 
 11. grf t wonder. Trevisa was scarcely more in the dark than many a later 
 historian of our language. Of course the changes in spoken English were due 
 to an unconscious variation in different districts, while ^^ Igngage of Nownandy 
 that is French in general was taught and learned, with some idea of a 
 normal or standard form. Had Trevisa been more widely acquainted with the 
 French as was Chaucer, he would have known that there was some variation as 
 spoken in England and on the continent ; cf. what Chaucer says of the Prioress, 
 Prologue to 'Cant. Tales,' 124 f. 28. bycause pat pe kynges. Just what 
 influence Trevisa supposed the kings to have had is not clear, but the relation 
 of the capital city and the center of government to the development of a standard 
 language is well known. 
 The importance of the language of the capital city to the development of 
 standard English has led to the placing of four selections from London 
 English in this place. A comparison of these will show how the language 
 gradually changed, in most particulars, from Southern to Midland. 
 This proclamation occurs in two MSS., one in the Public Record Office, 
 London, and the other in the Bodleian Library, Oxford. The first of these 
 was published by Rymer (1816), by Ellis in 'Transactions of the Philological 
 Society' (1868), and by Matzner (' Sprachproben,' II, 54). The second was 
 printed in 'Memorials of Oxford' by J. Ingram (1837), an( l by Skeat in 
 'Transactions of the Philological Society' (1 880-1). Our text follows the 
 first. As indicated, the * Proclamation' was issued Oct. 18, 1258, so that we 
 have here the English of some London scribe in the middle of the thirteenth 
 This ' Proclamation ' is the earliest in English, after the disuse of the latter 
 in public documents following the Norman Conquest ; cf. the author's 
 ' History of the English Language,' ch. v. It was issued to confirm to the 
 people the ' Provisions of Oxford,' a charter of rights which had been wrested 
 from the king. As indicated at the end, a copy was sent to every shire in 
 England and to Ireland. The copy we print indicates Huntingdonshire as 
 its destination, as that of the Bodleian indicates Oxfordshire. The writ was 
 issued in both French and English; cf. the French version in Ellis's edition. 
 For the ' Provisions ' themselves, which accompanied this Proclamation, see 
 Stubbs's ' Select Charters ' ; Adams and Stevens's ' Select Documents of Eng- 
 lish Constitutional History,' I, 56. 
 The language of this selection shows the use of the OE. diphthongs eo, eo, 
 ea, and the ligatures ce, ce, as in Southern texts of the same period ; cf. the 
 ' Ancren Riwle ' with the Midland ' Genesis and Exodus.' To these are 
 added the digraph oa, probably an early writing of ME. p from OE. a. In 
 other respects the language shows a mixture of Southern and Midland, prob- 
 ably characteristic of London English of the time. True Southern forms are 
 those with ii, tl = OE. j/, those with the prefix i (OE. ge), and such verbal 
 forms as beo}, habbed, mdkien; besides these the older inflexional forms, as 
 J>an (OE.J>am), Gode, loande, and the noun plurals in en, as worden. For 
 a fuller consideration of the language of this ' Proclamation ' cf. Morsbach, 
 ' Schriftsprache,' p. 161. 
 Page 226, 1. 1. Jmr; Godes fultume. For the OF. par le grace Deu, 
 Lat. dei gratia. 3. send = sendetJ. 4. witen 50. The subjunctive 
 of mild command. willen and unnen. Note the present plurals in 
 en, Ml. forms, and compare the Sth. beop (1. 5), /tabbed (1. 7). 5. ure 
 rsedesmen. Reference is made no doubt to the Committee of Twenty-four, 
 twelve elected by the barons and twelve by the king, who had drawn up the 
 'Provisions' in the Oxford session. 24. Boneface. No special note is 
 necessary on these prominent men of the time. Thirteen sign here, sixteen 
 the corresponding French translation. The same thirteen in the Oxford 
 copy, in the same order, probably indicates, as Skeat emphasized from another 
 circumstance, that all the copies were alike in this respect. 
 Page 227,1. 8. And al on. This part does not occur in the Oxford copy. 
 It suggests that we may have before us the original, on which this note was 
 made for general reference. 9. psere kuneriche. Note the peculiar use 
 of the feminine form of the pronoun with a noun originally neuter. 
 This text is found in Laud MS. 622 at the Bodleian Library, Oxford, and 
 was edited by Fumivall for the Early English Text Society (69) in 1878. 
 The 'Dreams' were written between 1307 and 1327, probably soon after the 
 accession of the king. Of Adam Davy, the author, little is certainly known 
 beyond what he tells us in his verses ; cf. the ' Diet, of Nat. Biography.' 
 The ' Dreams ' have no special literary value, but are important as exhibiting 
 the language of the capital city. Their purpose was doubtless to obtain 
 favor of the king. Certainly, that Edward II should be l emperor in Cristen- 
 dom' (229, 33) could hardly have been expected long after his troublous 
 reign began. 
 The change of the language of London from a mixture of Southern and 
 Midland toward pure Midland is very evident in this selection. The notable 
 Sth. characteristics are wanting, as ', ii for OE. y, y, though the Sth. open 
 (WS. a, Merc. f) still prevails. Similarly the indicative present plural of 
 verbs ends in the Midland en, not Sth. ep (eth). Forms with the Sth. prefix i 
 (y), OE. ge, are not numerous. Even at the beginning of the fourteenth 
 century, therefore, the language of London was closely approximating the 
 Midland dialect of Chaucer. 
 Page 227, 1. 15. Prince of "Wales. This title, coupled with that of 
 king in the preceding line, shows that the ' Dreams ' relate to Edward II, the 
 first to possess the former title and the only one of the Edwards of the 
 fourteenth century to be both prince and king. 20. Seint Edward. 
 Edward the Confessor, commemorated on Jan. 5, though the title might apply 
 to the second Saxon king of that name. 
 Page 228, 1. 21. pe decollacioun of Seint Jgn. The beheading of John 
 is commemorated on Aug. 29. 28. pe ffst of alle halewen. All Saints' 
 day, Nov. 1. 
 Page 229, 1. 21. pe day of Seint Lucie. That is, Dec. 13. 
 Page 230, 1. 5. worpingni3ht. This has not been identified, but would 1 
 seem, from the chronological order followed, to fall between All Saints and 
 Lent. The only analogous compound in OE. is d&gweor}ing, * celebration, 
 festival,' but this does not assist us unless worpingnitfit could be some very 
 important festival as Christmas. 
 Page 231, 1. 2. in clfne leinte. Already the old word for spring 
 (OE. lengten) has been specialized to the clerical use, as in modern English. 
 20. pe bf ryng of our Lf fdy. The birth of the Virgin Mary, commemorated 
 on Sept. 8. 29. For me ne worpe. * On account of me/ ' nor shall be 
 (shewed) to learned or unlearned.' 
 This ' Petition ' is preserved in a MS. of the Public Record Office, London. 
 It was printed, quite imperfectly, in ' Rolls of Parliament,' III, 225, and later 
 by Morsbach in ' Neuenglische Schriftsprache,' p. 171. As it bears the date 
 1386, the language is London English of the last quarter of the fourteenth 
 century. Apart from its linguistic value the ' Petition ' is highly interesting as 
 giving us a most vivid conception of municipal politics in early London. 
 The language presents few peculiarities, and these will be readily understood 
 from the previous readings. The sentence structure hardly suggests one 
 accustomed to the pen, and the document may easily have been composed by 
 some clerk of the Mercery. 
 Page 232, 1. 21. as a membre. One of the twelve great Livery Com- 
 panies of the city, and having an important place in the government. 
 22. wrnges subtiles. Note the OF. adjective following the noun and 
 taking the plural form, no doubt a documentary usage rather than one 
 colloquially common at the time. 24. is to be to. 'Is to be by' or 
 'belongs to,' as we should say. 25. at 9 day. The Anglo-French text 
 reads : chescun an le jotir de Seint Edward le Roy, that is, Jan. 5 ; cf. note on 
 227, 20. 
 Page 233, 1. 1. Nicholus Brembre. A member of the Grocers' Company 
 and chief supporter among the people of Richard II, Brembre became mayor 
 in 1383-4 by forcible means as narrated. In 1386 he secured the election of 
 his accomplice Nicholas Exton (234, 25), and he himself became a councillor 
 of the king. In the next year he was charged with treason and fled to Wales. 
 He was brought back and hanged in London in 1388. 2. Jphn Northamp- 
 ton. Also called Comberton. He was leader of the faction supporting 
 Wyclif and itself supported by John of Gaunt. Elected mayor in 1381, for 
 two years he was imprisoned in 1384 by Brembre, but was released in 1387 and 
 fully restored to London citizenship in 1390. 13. her mair. While the 
 preceding ng man is sing., it implies the pi. and accounts for the plural 
 pronoun. 14. of his ordynaunce. The Anglo-French text reads : par son 
 assent, * of his assent or party,' explaining the passage. 15. grfte quantitee 
 of armure. This passage is a wonderful revelation of the political methods 
 sometimes employed at this time in the freest and most powerful city of 
 England. 17. ofwithinne. Those of the city, besides the ' straungers 
 of the contre.' 27. of whgmsg it wf re. ' Of whatsoever it might be.' 
 The whgm is dat.-acc, the older dat. of the neuter zvhat. 28. and it 
 wfre. ' If it were/ Morsbach adds {if) after and, but this seems unnecessary 
 as shown by the punctuation. 
 Page 234, 1. 10. tyme out of mynde. That tyme was omitted by 
 mistake is clear from the Anglo-French text, del temps dount nulle memoirs 
 ne court. 11. wolden. A subject we, which may have been omitted by 
 the scribe, is implied in ' the Mercerye or othere craftes ' above. Or perhaps 
 the writer intended another construction connected with the clause beginning 
 as (1. 8). 17. the which thyng lyke to yowre. * Which {the which thyng) 
 may it please your worthy lordship to be proved or disproved, that truth may 
 show which of the two {the whether) (is correct).' Here and several times the 
 word lordship is an abstract, used instead of the plural but implying all the 
 lords in council. 24. for thei. ' So that (for) they should not be known 
 or continued,' equivalent to ' lest they should be known and continued.' 
 25. Nicholus Exton. Made mayor in 1386 by Brembre and his party. As 
 here accused, he is said to have publicly burnt a book of good customs called 
 the 'Jubilee.' This event marks the revival of the party of Northampton 
 in the city. 30. which of us . . . the Kyng sholde do hym. Note the 
 anacoluthon. Brembre made a charge of being false to the king, and then 
 offered immunity to any who would admit the charge, hoping thus to gain 
 a good witness for his case. 32. and if any. Note the indicative in the 
 condition, perhaps in emphasis of the reality of the case. 
 Page 235, 1. 3. the mair that now is. That is, Exton, mentioned above. 
 8. thfre men. ' Where men,' implying also because.' 13. bi suggestion. 
 This seems to imply that the offer by Brembre (234, 30) had been accepted by 
 some, who had thus shielded themselves from punishment in other particulars. 
 16. to ben used. The sense is: i your lord's command is too great a thing to 
 be used familiarly among or toward simple men, lest they, because of their 
 ignorance in obeying it {unwyse to save it), &c. 24. brere or Brembre. 
 To understand the play upon the name it must be remembered that our word 
 bramble had, in both Old and Middle English, a form brember. For this 
 period cf. brember'flour (Harl. MS. of Chaucer) for brembel-flour of the 
 received text. 27. the which. ' Which being granted by your lordship ' ; 
 that is, what is implied in that clause (1. 29). 30. as amgng us. ' Among 
 Page 236, 1. 2. vittailers. Brembre's party 'had its strength among 
 the . . . grocers, then dominant, and the fishmongers, whose monopoly it 
 upheld against the claims of the populace.' ' Diet, of Nat. Biog.,' Brembre. 
 28. in the sexto yfre. That is, in 1384. 
 It is needless to give details regarding the Chaucer MSS., or the numerous 
 editions of his works. The extract is from the Ellesmere MS. as reprinted by 
 the Chaucer Society, except for the few changes indicated in the footnotes. 
 Nor is it necessary to say much of place and language, since every detail of this 
 sort is so easily accessible. It will be generally admitted that the ' Pardoner's 
 Tale ' represents London English, in the last decade of the fourteenth century, 
 that is, somewhat later than the time of the last selection. 
 For the originals of the story, so far as known, see the account in Skeat's 
 ' Chaucer,' III, 439 f. For Chaucer's language it is scarcely necessary to 
 give special references, as to Ten Brink's ' Chaucer's Sprache und Verskunst ' 
 (trans, as the ' Language and Metre of Chaucer '), and the numerous introductory 
 treatises giving two or three Tales with grammar, &c. 
 Page 237, 1. 7. In Flaundres. The place was perhaps so indicated in 
 the original form of the story which Chaucer used. 18. they totf re. One 
 of the best illustrative passages is from the 'Parson's Tale': ' For Cristes sake 
 ne swereth nat so sinfully, in dismembringe of Crist by soule, herte, bones, and 
 body. For certes it seemeth that ye thinke that the cursede Jewes ne dis- 
 membred nat ynough the preciouse persone of Crist, but ye dismembre him 
 Page 238, 1. 2. luxurle is = luxurl s. The Scriptural passage (Eph. v. 
 18) reads in the Vulgate Nolite inebriari vino, in quo est luxuria. As the 
 passage is quoted by Innocent III in ' De Contemptu Mundi,' which Chaucer 
 translated, he may have taken it from that source. 6. the stories. Reference 
 is to the ' Historia Scholastica' of Petrus Comestor, called ' clerke of the stories ' 
 in ' Piers Plowman,' B VII, 73, and maister of storyies ' by Lydgate. The 
 plural is used because each of several parts of the work is called ' Historia.' 
 The clause then means 'whoso has well perused the stories.' 10. Senek 
 seith e k. Tyrwhitt suggested Seneca's Epistles lxxxiit : Extende in plures 
 dies ilium ebrii habitum ; numquid furore dubitabis ? nunc quoque non est 
 minor, sed brevior ? 14. fallen in a shrewe. ' Fallen on a shrew or evil 
 person.' 18. Q original. The line is metrically complete without 0, which 
 may have intruded from the preceding lines. 22. Corrupt was. Cf. the 
 ' Parson's Tale,' 70 : ' This sinne (glottony) corrumped al this world, as is wel 
 shewed in the sinne of Adam and Eve.' 30. 9 glotonye. The original of 
 this (Ecclus. xxxvii. 32) was quoted by Innocent III in ' De Contemptu Mundi.' 
 Page 239, 1. 2. a belle. The custom of the time as shown by the 
 direction of Myrc, ' Instructions for Parish Priests,' 1. 1,964 : 
 'Make ]>y clerk before ]>e 3ynge, 
 To bere ly3t and belle rynge.' 
 4. That 9911 of hem. MnE. ' one of them ' rather than ' the one ' ; that is 
 the old demonstrative with t retained before a vowel. Cf. the tpn, the tother. 
 17. this pestilence. This shows that the story is placed in the time of one 
 of the great plagues which swept western Europe, perhaps that of 1348-9, the 
 worst of all. 34. al nes. The usual expression is at pnes, or al at pnes. 
 Page 240, 1. 19. God yow see. Cf. 'Cant. Talcs' 13 156, D 2,169; 
 ' Troilus,' II, 85, God you save and see. While the corresponding OE. word 
 seems not to have the meaning of ' protect,' that is found in the case of the 
 corresponding ON. form. 26. Ynde. Taken as an example of the far 
 distant land. Sometimes Greece is used in the same way. 31. Ne dth. 
 As Prof. Kittredge pointed out, the next seven lines are imitated from the first 
 elegy of Maximian ; cf. Skeat's ' Chaucer/ v, 287. 
 Page 241, 1. 5. my cheste. That in which his worldly belongings were 
 kept ; usually found in old times at the foot of the bed in the bed-chamber. 
 13. In h.99ly writ. Lev. xix. 32 ; in the Vulgate, Coram cano capite 
 consurge. 17. did. ' Should do ' ; subj. mode. 
 Page 242, 1. 31. the cut. The shortest, as in a fuller account of a drawing 
 of cuts in the Prologue, 835-845. 
 Page 244, 1. 6. at oure owene wille. { According to our own pleasure,' 
 a common idiom. 19. Forwhy the feend. Cf. ' OE. Homilies,' II, 39 
 ( EETS., 53) : ' SwagiveSure Drihten leve ]>e devle to ben on j?e swinisshe men 
 )>e ihc er of spec, and on hem to wuniende and hem to drenchende, and of here 
 wit to bringinde and to driven fram unrihtw to ofter, fram efteliche laste to 
 michele, fram synne to synne, fram ivele to ivele, and et tan ande hem drenched 
 on shameliche defte and mid hem to helle ledeoV 
 Page 245, 1. 5. goon apaas. The first part of the last word is not the 
 article, as sometimes explained, but a = on. The expression means go on foot, 
 and is thus indicative of the time required for such travel. 29. canon . . . fen. 
 The work of Avicenna (Ibn-Sina) is called ' Book of the Canon in Medicine,' 
 and one part in the Latin version is namedjfe^, from Arabic^a/m. 
 Page 246, 1. 11. goode men. The metre requires that these two words 
 should be read as a compound of two syllables. 
 The Glossary is arranged on a strictly alphabetical basis, except as follows : 
 initially, } (9) occur after /, and J just before y , with which it belongs in its 
 modern development ; but medially/ (ff) are placed after tg, and } with g after 
 h, since these positions are most natural to the modern reader. Each word is 
 given in its normal form, rather than in the form in which it happens to occur 
 the first time, as usually done in the so-called glossarial index. But words 
 tending to lose a final element (usually final e), even in normal Middle English, 
 are sometimes given in the shorter form. The great diversity of ME. spelling 
 makes frequent cross-reference necessary, and only in case of Orm's forms with 
 extra doubling of consonants has normalizing occasionally been practised ; for 
 example, Orm's atind, affter will be found under and, after. Orm's forms, owing 
 to their importance, are designated by (O) after them. 
 The etymology is given so far as the immediate form and language from 
 which the word is derived. To attempt more would have been to increase 
 unwisely the size of the book. Yet when some considerable change in the form 
 of the word has occurred a hint of this is given. Thus OE. nouns (mainly 
 feminines) which have assumed inorganic e in the nominative-accusative, under 
 the influence of the oblique cases, are indicated by adding the OE. gender, as 
 /. m., neut. So the stem-forms of OE., OF. verbs, when differing from the 
 infinitive, are added to explain ME. forms. In case of all irregular verbs, 
 weak, strong, and minor classes, the OE. present and preterit-singular are 
 given. With strong verbs a number in parentheses indicates the class, according 
 to the numbering of the Grammatical Introduction. An (R) denotes reduplica- 
 tion verbs. See list of irregular verbs at end of Glossary. 
 Common abbreviations need no explanation, as sb., substantive, vb., verb, 
 inf., infinitive, &c. The following may be explained : n., g., d., a., nominative, 
 genitive, dative, accusative; ns.,ds., etc., nom. sg., dative sg.; wk., weak; zvkv., 
 stv.,ptprv., anv., weak, strong, preterit-present, anomalous verbs, as in the 
 Grammatical Introduction. For other abbreviations, see list at the beginning 
 of the book. All references to the text are to page and line. 
 The manner of marking quantity has been explained in the Grammatical 
 Introduction. In addition some few diacritics have been added in the Glossary 
 to assist in differentiating certain sounds. Thus c = ch is marked c\ g=j in 
 judge (d3), ( ; g=y initially in stressed syllables,,^; o = older u,o ; OF. u = ii, 
 short and long, it. Medial or final e, when certainly silent, is sometimes 
 marked e. 
 aa = a, adv., OE. a; ever, 196, 13. 
 Aaron, sb., Lat. Aaron; Aaron, 213, 
 abashed, pp. as adj., abassen < OF. 
 esba'ir, 3 sg. esbaiss- ; abashed, 90, 
 a, see am, prep. adv. 
 a, see an. 
 a, a, interj., OF. a, Lat. ah ; 0^25. 
 23; a, 140,5- 
 abbeye, abbaye, sb., OF. abbeie; 
 abbey; abbey, 108, 18; abbaye, 113, 
 abbot, sb., OE. abbod, infl. by OF. 
 abbat(?) ; abbot, 1,1. 
 abbotrice, sb., OE. abbodrlce; office 
 of abbot, 1, 10. 
 abegge(n), wkv., Kt. = M1. abi33en 
 (ablen) ; OE. abycgan-bShte ; buy, 
 'pay for, atone for ; inf. abegge, 217, 
 Abel, sb., Lat. Abel; Abel, 68, 10. 
 abel^e(n), stv., OE. abelgan-bealg 
 (3) J grow angry, make angry ; pp. 
 abol3e, 184, 20. 
 abeod, see abide (n). 
 Aberdene, sb., Aberdeen, 160, 15. 
 abettour, sb., OF. abettour ; abettor; 
 pi. abettours, 236, 17. 
 abhomynable, adj., OF. abominable; 
 abominable, 237, 15. 
 abide(n), abyde(n), stv., OE. abidan 
 -bad(i); abide, wait for; inf. abyde, 
 108, 2 ; pr. 3 sg. abydej), 216, 23 ; 
 pt. sg. abd, 64, 17 ; //.//. abiden, 
 35, 5 5 abide, 205, 14 ; pp. abiden, 
 32, 4. Sth. 3 sg. abit, 180, 8; pt. 
 sg. abeod, 187, 13. 
 abote, abouten, see abuten. 
 Abraham, sb., Lat. Abraham ; Abra- 
 ham, 33, 10. 
 abreide(n),.r/z/., OE. abregdan-brsegd 
 (3) ; draw out, spring up, awake ; 
 pt. sg. abraid, 23, 15. 
 abrfke(n), stv., OE. gebrecan-brsec 
 (4) ; break ; pt. pi. abreken, 60, 3. 
 abrgt (MS. a brod), adv., OE. on 
 brad ; widely, profusely, abroad, 
 60, 20. 
 absence, sb., OF. absence; absence, 
 117, 10. 
 absent, adj., OF. absent ; absent, 117, 
 * _ 
 abuten (abuton), abouten, obout, 
 abote, prep, adv., OE. abuton < 
 onbuton ; about, 1, 16 ; 3, 8 ; a- 
 bouten, 53, 12 ; obout, 138, 31 ; 
 abote, 132, 14. 
 abuven, buven, adv. prep., OE. 
 abufan < onbufan ; above, 14, 15; 
 buven, 178, 30. 
 abyde(n), see ablde(n). 
 abye(n), aby;e(n), wk., OE. abycgan 
 -bohte ; pay for, atone for, MnE. 
 abide by confusion with ME. abiden ; 
 inf. abye,j4, 19, abyje, 55, 6; pr. 
 sbj. sg. aby, 55, 6 ; pp. aboght, 238, 
 ac, oc, conj., OE. ac, oc ; but, 2, 20 ; 
 ace (O) 8, 25. Sth. ah, 184, 24; 
 auh, 197, 15. 
 accidental, adj., OF. accidentel (al ?) ; 
 accidental, 235, 22. 
 accordandly, adv., Nth. pr. ppl. of 
 accorden (OF. accorder) + ly ; ac- 
 cordingly, 144, 23. 
 account, see acounte. 
 accuse (n), wkv., OF. acuser ; accuse ; 
 pp. accused, 106, 17 ; accusyd, 109, 
 achtande, see aughtene. 
 acorde(n), wkv., OF. accorder; 
 accord, agree, reconcile ; pr. pi. 
 acorden, 120,5;/^. sg. acordede, 
 2 > 1 d>> PP' acorded, 244, 7. Sth. 
 pr. pi. acordej), 225, 20. 
 acounte, acount (account), sb., 
 OF.cunte (conte),infLby vb. acunter; 
 account, 90, 28; acount, 156, 21; 
 account, 155, 30. 
 acdupe(n), wkv., OF. encuper < 
 enculper ; accuse, inculpate ; //. 
 acouped, 92, 3. 
 acumbrl(n), wkv., OF. encombrer; 
 encumber; Sth. inf. acumbri, 211, 
 acupement, sb., OF. acoupement ; 
 _ accusation, 42, 26. 
 Adad, sb., Lat. Atad ; Atad, 35, 4. 
 Adam, sb., OE. Adam, Lat. Adamus ; 
 Adam ; gs. Adames, 32, 25 ; Adam, 
 67, 18. 
 adle(n), wkv., cf. dialectal Eng. ad- 
 dle; cf. ON. dSlask; gain; pp. 
 addledd (O), 11, 1. 
 admiral, admirail, sb., OF. amiral, 
 admiral, admirail ; amir, Saracen 
 ruler, 37, 10; admirail, 46, 31. 
 adonward, see adunward. 
 adoun, see adun. 
 adrad, see adrede(n). 
 adra5e(n), adrawe(n), stv., OE. 
 *adragan-drog (6) ; draw out ; imp. 
 pi. adrawej>, 207, 19; pp. adra3e, 
 41, 25. 
 adrede(n), Sth. adrfde(n), stv., 
 OM. dredan(WS. drcedan)-dred 
 (R) ; dread, fear ; pp. adrad, 90, 
 29. Sth. inf. adrgden, 180, 2 ; pr. 
 1 sg. adrgde, 176, 6. 
 adrenche(n), wkv., OE. adrencan ; 
 drown, drench ; pt. sg. adrenched, 
 73, 12 ; pt. pi. adrenchten, 197, 4. 
 adrive(n), stv., OE. adrifan-draf (1); 
 drive, drive away ; pp. adriven, 
 197,5- _ 
 adun, adoun, adv. prep., OE. of 
 dune; down, 38, 25; adoun, 82, 
 aduneward, adonward, adv., OE. 
 on dun,/., + ME. ward ; downward, 
 201, 10; adonward, 208, 11. 
 advent, sb., OF. avent, advent; ad- 
 vent ; ecclesiastically, the period 
 including the four Sundays before 
 Christmas, 200, 2. 
 adversarie, sb., OF. adversarie ; ad- 
 versary, 239, 20. 
 sech, sefne, eefre, see fch, fven, 
 seft, eefter, see eft, after. 
 eeh, seie, see ac, eie. 
 seiper, ellc, see eiper, fch. 
 relder, sb., Sth. = Ml. alder; WS. 
 ealdor; chief , prince, 189, 23. 
 aeldrihten, sb. as adj., OE. eal + 
 drihten ; almighty, 184, 21. 
 self, sb., OE. self; elf; pi. alven, 
 190, 27. 
 eelle, eelmes, see al, almes. 
 sem, sem, eende, see be(n), |m, ende. 
 eeni, eni, indef. prn., OE. senig; 
 any ; seni, 178, 11 ; eni, 46, 26. 
 Sth. ei, 47, 13 ; gs. eis in /Ar., eis 
 weis, in any way, by any means, 
 193, 27 ; cf. ani. 
 eeorl, see erl. 
 eer, seresst, tf fr. 
 rcebiscop, see archebischop. 
 sere, see f re. 
 eert, eerwe, see be(n), ar;;. 
 rostende, sb., eME. for gst- ; OE. 
 eastende (ende) ; east end, 186, 7. 
 set, eeten, Tee at, f te(n.) 
 eetfjpren, prep, adv., OE. setforan; 
 before, 226, 24. 
 eevest, adj., OE. sefaest; loyal, trusty, 
 originally pious, 5, 8. 
 eevre, revert, see fver. 
 eevrich, sevric, see everilc. 
 afande(n), wkv., OE. afandian ; try, 
 tempt', pp. afanded, 180, 27. 
 affaytle(n), wkv., OF. affaitier; af- 
 fect; fashion, prepare) adorn; tame, 
 subdue; pp. affayted, 219, 27. 
 affeare(n) = offere(n), wkv., OM. 
 offeran, WS. offairan ; frighten, 
 frighten off; Sth. pr. sbj. sg. affeare, 
 193, 23. 
 affeccyon, sb., OF. affeccion; affec- 
 tion ; pi. affeccyons, 145, 8. 
 afforce(n), wkv., OF. aforcer ; force, 
 try, attempt ; Nth. pr. pi. afforces, 
 144, 12. 
 Affrican, sb., Lat. Africanus, OF. 
 * African (?) ; Africanus, 191, 25. 
 afinde(n), stv., OE. gefindan (findan) 
 -fand (fond) (3) ; find, obtain ; inf. 
 afinden, 178, 2. 
 afpre(n), afprn, prep, adv., OE. on 
 foran ; before, archaic and dial. 
 afore, 109, 5 ; afgrn, 117, 3. 
 afraye(n), wkv., OF. effraier ; 
 frighten, startle ; pp. afrayed, 148, 
 afslen, stv., Sth. = Ml. ofslgn (sign) 
 WS. slean-sloh (6) ; slay, strike 
 down ; Sth. pp. afslaege(n), 1 86, 20. 
 after, aftir (aftyr), efter, prep, adv., 
 OE. sefter ; after, afterward ; sefter, 
 2, 9; affterr (O), 8, 13; aftir, 49, 
 17 ; aftyr, 90, 25 ; efter, 1, 4; after, 
 afterward, 236, 6. 
 afterward, aftyrwarde, adv., OE. 
 sefterweard ; afterward, afterwards, 
 68, 3 ; aftyrwarde, 145, 21. 
 ageenes, see agenes. 
 aga(n), anv., eSth. = M1. ggn (aggn) ; 
 OE. agan-eode; go; pp. agan, 
 182, 25. 
 agane, aganis, see agein, agaynes. 
 Agatirsis, sb., Lat. Agatirsis ; Aga- 
 tirsis, 221, 5. 
 agayne, see agein. 
 agaynes, a3ayns, aganis, igaines, 
 adv. prep., OM. on(an)gegn infl. by 
 ON. Igegn ; again, 144, 11 ; aganis, 
 166, 12; igaines, 153, 6; agayns, 
 241, 14; chains (o3ayns), 101, 7. 
 Sth. ayeins, 233, 4. 
 8,36, a^ere, see 3en. 
 agein, ageyn, agayne,a3ein(a3eyn), 
 prep, adv., OM. on(an)gegn (WS. 
 ongen, gean) infl. by ON. igegn; 
 again, 50, 16; ageyn, 50, 25; 
 agayne, 109, 15 ; ajeyn, 63, 21 ; 
 asain, 183, 21. Nth. ogayn, 139, 
 13; ogayne, 136, 7; igain, 149, 
 24; agane, 167, 28. Sth. a3an, 
 a^einward, adv., OE. ongegnward, 
 WS. ongeanweard ; backwards , 195, 
 agelte(n), wkv., Kt. =M1. agilte(n) ; 
 OE. agyltan ; be at fault ; pr. pi. 
 agelte)), 216, 25. 
 a3e(n\ age(n), see 3e(n). 
 age(n), ag(agh), ptprv., eME., 
 Nth. = Ml. ge(n), owe(n) ; OE. 
 agan-ahte ; have, owe, ought ; eME. 
 f r - h 3 S S' an > J 7^y 2 > P r - s fy' s - 
 a.3e, 188, 1 ; pt. sg. ahte, 5, 22 ; 
 agte, 29, 21 ; auhte, 87, 28. Nth. 
 pr. 1, 3 sg. awe, 136, 3 ; pr. pi. 
 awe, 146, 20; pt. sg. aght, 134, 25 ; 
 pt.pl. aghte, 147, 13. 
 a3e(n), agen, ayen, adv., OE. on 
 gen<gegn; back', again, 88, 13; 
 a3e, 36, 9; agen, 22, 7; ayen, 79, 
 agenes (agsenes), a3nes, adv. prep., 
 OE. on gen <gegn; WS. on gean; 
 against; agenes, 2, 11 ; agienes, 2, 
 31. Nth. ogayns, 141, 8. Sth. 
 a3nes, 226, 15 ; on3|nes, 226, 18. 
 a3eve(n), a3eove(n), stv., OM. age- 
 fan-ggef ( WS. giefan-geaf) (5) ; give 
 up, surrender; pt. pi. aiaven, 6, 
 32. Sth./r. 1 sg. a?eove, 196, 25. 
 ageyn, a3eyn, see agein. 
 a}}, see ai. 
 aghast, pp. as a^'., OE. *agsestan, cf. 
 gaestan ; terrified, aghast ;pl. aghaste, 
 208, 2. 
 a^henn, see 93011, adj. 
 aginne(n), agynne(n), stv., OE. 
 aginnan-gan (3) ; begin ;pt. sg. agon, 
 182, 11; imp.sg.agyn, 212, 13. 
 agg(n), pp. as adj., OE. agan ; agone, 
 gone; agg, 65, 1. 
 agon, adv., OE. *ongan <ongagn; 
 again, 27, 19. 
 agraypi(n), -en, wkv., ME. a + ON. 
 greij>a ; prepare ; Sth. //-. j^/. //. 
 agrayjn, 219, 31. 
 a}t, o^t, indef. prn., OE. awiht, 
 awht, aht ; aught, anything, 39, 9 ; 
 o3t, 38, 6. Cf. o;t. 
 agt = aht, sb., OM. seht, WS. eaht, 
 /.; council, care, 21, 8 ; 22, 18. 
 agte, ahte (ehte), aucte, sb., OE. 
 Eeht,/! ; possessions, property, power, 
 22, 26; ahte, 189, 4; aucte, 81, 6. 
 Sth. ehte, 177, 31; ejte, 226,-16; 
 eihte, 202, 29. 
 agte, ahte, see gge(n). 
 agulte(n), wkv., Sth. = Ml. agilte(n) ; 
 OE. agyltan; be in fault; pp. 
 agiilt, 176, 11. 
 agynne(n), see aginne(n). 
 ah, ahne, see g3e(n). 
 aht, adj., Nth. = Ml. ehte, ei3te, 
 ONth. sehta; eight, 132, 10. 
 ahte, see agte. 
 ai ? ay, &#, adv., ON. ei, cognate 
 OE - 5 '>l r > J 5> 17 J a 33 (O), 9, 3 ; 
 ay, 87, y~ 
 aiaven, see a3eve(n). 
 aij>er, see eiper. 
 akenne(n), wkv., OE. acennan ; 
 beget; pp. akennet, 196, 29. 
 al, adj., OM. al, WS. eal ; utt, 2, 10 ; 
 //. al (for alle?) I, 15 ':; 35lle, 2, 26 ; 
 alle, 2, 28 ; gpl. allre (O), 13, 30.' 
 Sth. eal (eSth.), 177, 30; gs. alles, 
 194, 29; ds. alien, 187, 33; fas. 
 alle, 181, 5; gpl. aire, 182, 31; 
 alles ciinnes, of every kind, 194, 
 al, all, adv., OAng. al, WS. eal; 
 wholly, 3, 25 ; all if, although, 
 160, 5. 
 Alamanie, sb., OF. *Alamanie; 
 Germany, Almaigne, 5, 31. 
 Albamar, sb., OF. Albemar, Albe- 
 marle, Fr. Aumale ; Albemarle, 5, 7. 
 Albania, si/., Lat. Albania; Albania, 
 22i, 24. 
 aid, adj., eME., Nth. for Ml. gld ; 
 OAng. aid, WS. eald ; old, 1, 15 ; 
 130, 2. eSth. eald, 176, 4; ^/. 
 aldrene, 191, 27 ; cf. ld. 
 alderheijest, adv., OM. alra (WS. 
 ealra) + j/^r/. of OM. heh (WS. 
 heah); highest of all, 104,3. 
 alderman, sb., OM. alderman, WS. 
 ealderman ; alderman, chief of a 
 guild, 117,7. 
 Aldewingle, sb., Aldwinkle (North- 
 ampton), 4, 24. 
 Aldithele, sb., Aldithley ; James of, 
 aleste(n), wkv., OE. alastan ; endure, 
 last, 180, 26. 
 Alexander, sb., OF. Alexandre ; 
 Alexander, Bishop of Lincoln, 2, 
 25 (1, 5)- 
 Alfrfd, sb. t OE. iElfrfd; Alfred, 
 204, 28. 
 alhwet, <wz/., Sth. = Ml. alwhat; 
 OE. eal + hwset ; until, 218, 2. 
 alien, sb., OF. alien, adj.; alien, 
 foreigner', pi. aliens, 225, 28. 
 Alisandre, Alisaundur, sb., OF. 
 Alisandre ; Alexander ; Alisaundur, 
 126, 3 ; Alisandre, 205, 4. 
 alive, adv., OE. on live ; alive, 
 40, 7. 
 allane, see aln. 
 alias, interj., OF. alas, halas; /#.?, 
 56, 10. 
 alles, adv., based on OE. eall; 
 wholly, altogether, 197, 20. 
 allgne, see alpn. 
 allre, alls, see al, als. 
 almahti;, adj., OM. alnuehtig, WS. 
 ealmihtig ; almighty ; allmahh- 
 ti 5 (0), 13,21. 
 almast, adv., Nth. = Ml. almost ; 
 OAng. almsest-mast ; almost, 1 34, 
 Almayn, sb., OF. Allemaigne, Ale- 
 maine ; Almaigne, Germany, 106, 
 almes, sb., OE. selmesse, /. ; alms, 
 100, 11 ; eME. selmes, 3, 29. Sth. 
 elmesse, 177, 4. 
 almesdede, almousdede, sb., OE. 
 selmesse + OM. ded, WS. daed, /. ; 
 almsdeed, almsgiving, 91, 18 ; 
 pi. almousdedes, 147, 1. 
 almost, adv., OE. ealmsest; almost, 
 207, 27. 
 almichti, see almihti. 
 almi^t, adj., OM. almseht (almiht) ; 
 almighty, almihte, 47, 15. 
 almihti, almihti (almichti), adj., 
 OM. almsehtig (almichtig) ; al- 
 mighty, 67, 10; almihti, 193, 16; 
 almichti, 211, 27. 
 almousdede, see almesdede. 
 alneway, alwey, sb., OE. ealne + 
 weg; always, 216, 10; alwey, 225, 
 aln (allane), adj., OM. all, WS. 
 eal + an ; alone, 102, 3 ; allgne, 
 244, 13. Nth. allane, 168, 8. 
 algnd, adv., OE. an (on) + land, 
 lgnd; aland, on land, 222, 16. 
 albwe(n), wkv., OF. allouer ; allow ; 
 pr. 1 sg. alowe, 107, 30. 
 Alplnus, Alpynus, sb., Lat. Alpi- 
 nus ; Alpinus, 222, 1. 
 alrefyrst, adj., OM. alra, WS. 
 ealra + fyrst; first of all, 2, 12. 
 als, alse, conj., OM. al swa; as, 1, 
 *"~I5; 2,20; alse, 52, 20; alls (O), 
 9, 19;^/, 25, 8; also, 127, 3. 
 also_(so), alswg, Nth. alsa, alswa, 
 adv., QM. all swa(*sa);_WS. eall 
 swa; {also, 15, 1; alswa (eME.), 
 8, 9. Nth. alsa, 163, 15. Sth. 
 alswg, 215, 9. 
 alswic, adj. adv., OM. al (WS. eal) 
 + swylc; such, wholly such, 2, 19. 
 alperbeste, adv., OM. alra, WS. 
 ealra + beste; best of all, 87, 5. 
 alpermast, alpirmaste,a<3%\, Nth.= 
 Ml. alfermgst ; OAng. alra (WS. 
 ealra) + mast ; most of all, 1 34, 9 ; 
 aljurmaste, 142, 27. 
 alwayis, adv., OAng. al(ne)weg + 
 es; ahvays, 168, 6. 
 alweldand, pr. ppl. as adj., OAng. 
 alweldan ; almighty, 140, 27. 
 alwey, am, see alneway, be(n). 
 amad, pp. as adj., OE. gemsedan ; 
 driven mad, insane, 90, 30. 
 Amadase, sb., OF. Amadace ; Ama- 
 dace, 127, 2. 
 amin, see amen, 
 amang, imange, adv. prep., eME., 
 Nth. = Ml. amgng ; OE. on ge- 
 mang; among, 9, 7 ; 129, 6. Nth. 
 omang, 137, 10 ; imange, 154, 4. 
 amanges, adv., OE. on gemong; 
 among, amongst, 226, 21. 
 amen, ameen, aafo., Lat. amen ; 
 amen, so be it\ ameen (O), 13, 24. 
 amendement, sb., OF. amendement; 
 amendment, 59, 12. 
 amende(n), Sth. amendie(n), wkv., 
 OF. amender ; amend, 70, 8 ; 
 pp. amended, 206, 30. Sth. inf. 
 amendl, 218, 22. 
 amendyng, sb. pr. ppl., ME. 
 amenden ; amending, correction, 
 101, 6. 
 amenges, adv., OE. on gemong infl. 
 _ by gemengan?; among, 212, 18. 
 Amer, Amery, sb., OF. Aylmer; 
 Aymer ; Sir Amer de Valence, Earl 
 of Pembroke, 168, 27; Amer^, 169, 
 amf sure, adj., OF. a mesure ; fitting, 
 suitable, 229, 11. 
 amidde, amiddes, adv. prep., OE. 
 on + midde ; amid, amidst, 206, 
 27 ; amiddes, 101, 5. 
 amgng, adv. prep., OE. on gemang 
 (-mgng) ; among, 18, 10. - 
 amgnges, adv., OE. on gemgng ; 
 among, amongst, 117, 17. 
 amounte(n), wkv., OF. amunter 
 (amonter) ; amount, rise to ; Nth. 
 inf. amount, 156, 22. 
 an (a), adj., eME., Nth. = Ml. n ; 
 OE. an; one, alone, 1, 11 ; 129, 3; 
 a, 144, 25 ; ds. ane, 87, 7. Sth. 
 as. anne, 180, 17 ; fds. are < anre, 
 181, 1 ; fas. ane, 191, 19; ds. ane, 
 210, 22 ; wkns. ane, alone, 178, 29. 
 an (a), indef. art., OE. an 'one' in 
 weak form; an, 17, 1, 7 : a f 3, 26.^ , 
 an(a), ane, tfafo. prep., OE: an, on ; 
 2> #> x > x 4 5 a, 1, 19; ane, 213, 
 ansen, anan, ^<? an 9m 
 ancheisun, 5/^., AN. encheisoun ; 
 cause, reason \ pi. ancheisuns, 199, 
 ancre, sb., OE. ancra ; anchorite, 
 nun, 198, 6; S. without ending, 
 202, 15; 203, 1. Sth.pl. ancren, 
 198, 25. 
 and, ande, conj., OE. and, gnd; and, 
 1, 2; annd (O), 8, 14; ande, 118, 
 13; if, 14, 1. eSth. ant, 191, 16; 
 end, 177, 17. 
 Andreas, sb., OE. Andreas, Lat. 
 Andreas, later displaced by OF. 
 Andreu ; Andrew, 1, 19. 
 Andrew, sb., OF. Andreu; Andrew, 
 135, ' 
 andswarie(n), wkv., Sth. Ml. 
 answere(n), (-sware(n)) : OE. and 
 (9nd)-swarian (swerian) ; answer; 
 pt. sg. andswarede, 181, 11 ; pf. pi. 
 answarede, 184, 30. 
 Andwerp, sb., OF. Andwerp, Ant- 
 werp ; Antwerp, 162, 30. 
 ane, anne, see an. 
 anerly, adv., based on an, or ON. 
 einarftr? ; alone, 168, 5. 
 Angel (angel), sb., OE. Angel, Qngel ; 
 Angel, name of one of Arthurs 
 followers, 186, 26. 
 angel(l), aungel, sb., OF. angel; 
 angel, 64, 20; pi. aungels, 104, 5; 
 angeles, 105, 11 ; angles, 219, 3. 
 Nth. gs. without ending, angell 
 stevyn angeVs voice or music, 143, 3. 
 anger, sb., ON. angr ; anger, grief, 
 distress, 106, 8. 
 Angle (angle), sb., OE. Angle; 
 Angle, English; pi. Anglis, 222, 
 24; Sth. dpi. anglen, 191, 15. 
 Angou (Anjou), Angseu, sb., OF. 
 Anjou; Anjou, 5, 31; Angseu, 7, 
 9 ; Anjow, 226, 2. 
 angwys, sb. , Nth. = Ml. anguische 
 (anguisse) ; OF. anguisse; anguish, 
 144, 19. 
 anho(n), stv., OE. onhon-heng (R) ; 
 hang, crttcify ; inf. anhon, 184, 26. 
 ani, any, ni, indef prn., OE. senig 
 infl. by an ; any, 3, 2. Nth. any, 
 147, 10. Sth. 9m, 226, 17; ds. 
 9nle, 226, 17; pi. 9nie, 226, 18; 
 cf. eeni, eni. 
 Anjow, see Angou. 
 anker, sb., OE. ancor ; anchor, 80, 28. 
 Anne, sb., OF. Anne; Anne, 131, 8. 
 annexe (n), wkv., OF. annexer ; 
 annex, add', pp. annexed, 237, 26. 
 anoint, adj., OF. //. enoint < 
 enoindre; anointed, 65, 7. 
 ann, adv., OE. an, an ; at once., 
 quickly, anon, 36, 1 1 ; angn riht, 
 right at once, immediately, 198, 14. 
 eSth. ansen, 185, 8 ; anan, 187, 32. 
 anoper (eME. anojjer), anothire, 
 adj.,prn., OE. an + 6$er, another; 
 anojjer, 4, 19; an5thire, 143, 25. 
 Anselme, sd., OF. Anselme ; An- 
 selm, 200, 9. 
 answare, answer, onswere, ^., OE. 
 andswaru ; answer, 36, 22 ; answer, 
 236, 21 ; onswere, 192, 31. 
 answere(n), wkv., OE. andswerian 
 (swarian) ; answer ; pt. sg. answeryd, 
 io 5> l 9 1 answerd (ansuerd), 136, 7 ; 
 pt. pi. answerden, 212, 8. Sth. 
 onswerle(n); imp. pi. onswerieS, 
 200, 6 ; pt. sg. onswerede, 193, 15. 
 ant, see and. 
 Antecrist, sb., Lat. antichristus, mod. 
 by OE. crist; Antichrist, 133, 3; 
 gs. without ending, Antecrist com, 
 J 33> 3- 
 anvie, see envle. 
 apaas, sb., OE. on (an, a) + OF. pas ; 
 in pace, on foot, apace, 245, 5. 
 apf che(n), wkv., OF. empecher ; 
 _ hinder, impeach ; pp. apfched, 233, 
 ap re(n), wkv., OF. aper- < aparoir ; 
 appear; inf. apf re, 235, 30. 
 apert, adj., OF. apert ; open, mani- 
 fest, 102, 8. 
 apeyre(n), wkv., OF. enpeirer; im- 
 pair; pp. apeyred, 224, 14. 
 apeyryng, sb., based on apeyre(n) ; 
 impairing, 224, 16. 
 apli^t, adv., OE. on pliht ; on my 
 faith, 42, 11. 
 apokalypsis, sb., Lat. apocalypses ; 
 apocalypse, 12, 23. 
 Apollo, sb., Lat. Apollo ; Apollo, 
 J93, 19- 
 apon, sec upon. 
 apostel, apostil, apostle, sb., OE. 
 apostol ; OF. apostle ; apostle, 131, 
 28; apostil, 135, 1; apostle, 213, 
 20 ; pi. apostlis, 132, 29. 
 appel, sb., OE. seppel ; apple, 67, 26. 
 eSth. ds. epple, 198, 14. 
 apprche(n), wkv., OF. aprocher ; 
 approach ; pr. ppl. apprgchyng, 
 236, 16; //. sg. apprgched, 234, 
 aquelle(n), wkv., OE. acwellan-OM. 
 cwalde (WS. cwealde) ; kill, quell ; 
 imp. sg. aquel, 44, 23. Nth. pt. sg. 
 aqualde, 188, 12. 
 aqueyntaunce,^., NF. aqueintance, 
 OF. acointance; acquaintance, 95, 
 Aquitaine, sb., OF. Aquitaine ; 
 Aquitaine, 226, 2. 
 aquynt, adj., Nth. = Ml. aqueint 
 (aquaint) ; NF. pp. aqueint, OF. 
 acoint ; acquainted, 170, 20. 
 ar, are, adv., Nth. = Ml., Sth. r; 
 ON. ar, cogn. with OE. air ; ere, 
 I28i3; are, 138, I. 
 ar, are, adv. prep. OE. ser, by shorten- 
 ing; ere, before, 68, 23; 204, 7; 
 are, 36, 26 ; cf. f r. 
 ara}t, ara}te, see arf chen. 
 arblaste, sb., OF. arbaleste ; arbalist, 
 cross-bow, 215, 18. 
 arehebischop, sb., OE. arcebiscop; 
 archbishop, 226, 24; eME. serce- 
 biscop, 2, 9. 
 archer, sb., OF. archier ; archer, 
 168, 3. 
 are, see an. 
 are, are, see ar, ar. 
 are, sb.', eME., Nth. = Ml. re ; OE. 
 ar , f. ; favor, grace, 1 1 , 1 . 
 arecche(n), wkv.,OE. areccan-reahte ; 
 expound, explain, 182, 29. 
 arfche(n), wkv., OE. araican-raihte 
 (rahte) ; reach; pt. sg., ara3te, 47, 
 12; //. ara3t, 43, 17. 
 aredde(n), wkv., OE. ahreddan; 
 deliver, save; inf. aredde, 43, 19. 
 Aremouth, sb., earlier EremouJ>; 
 Yarmouth on the Isle of Wight, 
 164, 8. 
 are(n), am, see be(n). 
 areowe(n), stv., eSth. = Ml. (a)re- 
 we(n) ; OE. *ahreowan-hreaw (2) ; 
 commiserate, repent; pr. sbj. sg. 
 areowe, 198, 32. 
 arfre(n), Kt. arere(n), wkv., OE. 
 aneran ; raise, rear; inf. arfre, 
 205, 16; pp. argred, 200, 29; argrd, 
 205, 32. Kt. inf. arere, 218, 21. 
 arest, sb., OF. arest; arrest, stoppage, 
 168, 9. 
 arfsune(n), wkv., AN.araisuner; call 
 to account ; pt. sg. argsunede, 213, 16. 
 are we, arrow, sb. , OE. ea.rh,f. ; arrow ; 
 arewe, 195, 33; arrow, 168, 19. 
 ar^, adj., OE. earh, //. earge; 
 cowardly; pi. serwe, 176, 19. 
 Argail, sb., Argyle (?), 222, 14. 
 Argante, sb., OF. Argante ?; Argante, 
 190, 27. 
 ari^t, ary^t, adv., OE. on(an) + riht; 
 ari3t, 35, 24; ary3t, 215, 3. 
 arise (n), stv., OE. arisan-ras (l) ; 
 arise ; pr. 3 sg. arist = arise]), 40, 15 ; 
 imp. sg. aris, 40, 18; arise, 67, 13 ; 
 pi. sg. (eME. aras, 181, 8); ars, 
 39, 28; aroos, 211, 3; pt.pl. arisen, 
 i$>7> ilfP- arise(n), 40, 30. 
 ArislotHi; Arystotill, sb., OF. Ari- 
 stotle ; Aristotle, 144, 10, 24. 
 arm, sb., OE. arm, earm ; arm, 67, 8. 
 eSth. serm, 181, 8. 
 arrn, serm, adj., OE. earm ; poor. 
 eSth. serm, 188, 16. 
 arme(n), wkv., OF. armer; arw ; 
 //. sg. armyd, 112, 20; pp. armed, 
 227, 16. 
 armes, sb.pl., OF. armes ; arms, 209, 
 Armoric, sb., OF. Armorique; Ar- 
 morica, 220, 5. 
 armure, sb., OF. armure ; ar?nor i 
 233, 17- 
 arrow, see arewe. 
 art, sb., OF. art ; art, 38, 9. 
 Ar8ur, Arthour, sb., OF. Arthour; 
 Arthur, _i^8i, 5; afr. Arthure, 181, 
 2 ; Arthour, 126, 9. 
 Arviragus, sb., Lat. Arviragus ; 
 Arviragus, mythical king of 
 Britain, 220, 18. 
 ary5t, see ari^t. 
 as, ase, adv., OM. all swa, WS. eall 
 swa; as, 29, 4; ase, 186, 12. 
 asayle(n), j^ assayle(n). 
 ase, asent, see as, assent, 
 asise, assys, sb., OF. assise; assize, 
 152, 18 ; assys, 147, 20. 
 aske(n), Sth. askie(n), wkv., OE. 
 acsian by late metathesis of cs (ks) ; 
 ask; inf. aske, 89, 30; pr. 1 sg. 
 aske, 89, 31 ; pr. sbj. pi. asken, 
 *98> 3o; pt. sg. askede, 198, 17. 
 Nth. pp. askit, 171, 4. Sth. pr. 
 sbj. aski, 200, 18. 
 askunge, sb., OE. acsung, /. by late 
 metathesis ; asking, request, 200, 6. 
 aslawe, see asl(n). 
 aslf (n), stv., Sth. = Ml. aslg^n), 
 aslf (n) ; WS. aslean-sl5h(g), (6) ; 
 kill, slay; pp. aslawe, 207, 28. 
 aslepe, adv., OE. on slepe; asleep, 
 40, 22. 
 aslepe(n), st. wkv., OM. *aslepan 
 -slep (WS. slsepan), (R) ; possibly 
 OAng. geslepa, wkv. ; fall asleep, 
 be overcome of sleep; pp. asleped, 
 40, 8. 
 asoile(n), see assoyle(n). 
 asper, adj., OF. aspre ; harsh, cruel, 
 103, 25. 
 assayle(n), wkv., OF. assailer; assail, 
 attack; inf. assayle, 112, 21; //. 
 asayled, 60, 13. 
 asse, sb., OE. assa; ass, 31, 21 ; asse, 
 89, 26 ; as, 52, 19. 
 assent, assente, asent, sb., OF. 
 assent, asent; assent, 141, 4; 
 assente, 147, 3 ; asent, 117, 26. 
 assente(n), wkv., OF. assentir; 
 assent; pr. I sg. assente, 115, 7; 
 pt.pl. assentyd, 105, 17. Nth.//. 
 sg. assentit, 171, 7. 
 assoyle(n), asoile(n), wkv., OF. 
 assoldre ; pr. st. assoil- ; absolve ; 
 imp. sg. assoyle, in, 15; pr. sbj. 
 assoyl, 165, 15; pt. sg. assoyled, 
 in, 19 : asoilede, 205, 7. 
 assys, see asise. 
 aster day, sb., OE. easterdseg by 
 shortening; easterday, 121, 32. 
 astrengpe(n), w^.,OE.*astrengSian, 
 or based on ME. strengbe ; 
 strengthen; pp. astrengbed, 211, 11. 
 astronomy en, sb., OF. astronomien ; 
 astronomer, astrologer, 145, 17. 
 astunte(n), wkv., Sth. = Ml. astinten ; 
 OE. astyntan ; cease ; inf. astiinten, 
 201, 4. 
 asunie(n), wkv., OF. essonnier, 
 essoigner ; excuse ; inf. asunien, 
 197, 20. 
 aswinde(n), stv., OE. aswindan 
 (swindan) - swand (swgnd), (3) ; 
 vanish, pass away, pr. 3 sg. 
 aswlndeft, 196, 17. 
 at, prep, adv., OE. set ; to, at, from ; 
 set, 2, 24 ; at, 8, 9 ; att (O), 9, 2 ; 
 at n, at one, friendly, 115, 11 ; 
 att Godd (O),from God, 10, 27; at 
 hym, from him, 89, 19. Nth. at 
 (used for to), 128, 9. Sth. et, 192, 
 23. See also atte. 
 at, see bat. 
 ath, athe, ^.,eME., Nth. = Ml. g>; 
 OE. aS; oath, 2, 29; athe, 145, 26 ; 
 pi. athas, 6, 3. 
 aftele, adj., OE. seoel; noble, generous; 
 Sth. ds. aftelen, 185, 1 ; superl. 
 aoelest, 183, 10. 
 atsake(n), stv., OE. setsacan-soc (6); 
 deny, disown ; eME. pr. 1 sg. 
 atsake, 184, 24. 
 atstgnde(n), stv., OE. setstandan 
 (stgndan)-stod (6); stand, stand 
 by; inf. atstpnden, 182, 10. 
 atte = at pe, prep. + dem. prn., OE. 
 set se, 10E. 
 be; at the, at, 17, 
 atter, sb., OE. ator, attor ; poison, 
 pus, 180, 22. 
 atvre, adv., Sth. = Ml. atfgre ; OE. 
 setforan ; before, 205, 9. 
 atwinne, adv., OE. on(an) + ON. 
 twinnr; in two, asunder, 65, 15. 
 at wist, see atwite(n). 
 atwite(n), stv., OE. setwitan-wat 
 (1) ; blame, twit ; pr. 3 sg. atwlst^ 
 atwiteb, 40, 16 ; pr. pi. at wit e, 37, 
 12 ; imp. pi. etwlteft, 200, 21. 
 atwo, Sth. atw, adv., OE. an + twa ; 
 in two, in twain, 38, 6. Sth. 
 atwg, 239, 15. 
 atywen, wkv., OM. setewan (-Iwan?), 
 WS. setiewan (-ywan) ; show, 
 appear; pt. sg. atywede, 5, 1. 
 Aubemarle, sb., OF. Albemarle, 
 Aubemarle ; Albemarle, 227, 5. 
 aucte, see agte. 
 aughtene = aughtende, achtande, 
 adj., Nth. = Ml. ehtebe ; OAng. 
 sehtooe; eighth, 147, 18; achtande, 
 152, 7- 
 auh, see ac. 
 auhte, see gen. 
 aumenere, sb., OF. almonier, au- 
 monier ; almoner, dispenser of alms, 
 88, 21. 
 aungel, see angel. 
 aunter, auntour, see aventure. 
 Austin, Austyn, sb., OE. Austlnus, 
 Lat. Augustlnus; Augustine, Austin; 
 Awwstin (O), 8, 17; Austyn, 124, 
 auter (awter), sb., OF. auter, alter ; 
 altar, 76, 24; awter, 122, 20; ds. 
 autere, 231, 24. 
 availe(n), avail(en), wkv., OF. vaile 
 < valoir ; avail, profit ; pt. sg.' 
 availede, 60, 15. Nth. inf. avail, 
 129, 8 ; avale, 167, 25. 
 avallen, wkv., Sth. = Ml. afallen ; 
 OM. a fellan (WS. a fiellan) by 
 confusion with fallan (WS. feallan) ? 
 fell, cut down, destroy, 187, 25. 
 Avalun, sb., AN. Avalun ; Avalun, 
 Avalon, 190, 26. 
 avarice, sb., OF. avarice; avarice, 
 246, 12. 
 avarous, adj., OF. averous; avari- 
 cious, 88, 24. 
 avaunce(n), wkv., OF. avancer; ad- 
 vance ; inf. avaunce, pp. avaunsed, 
 106, 6. 
 avauntage, sb., OF. avantage; ad- 
 vantage, 225, 4. 
 ave, sb., Lat. ave ; ave, hail, 122, 28. 
 avenge, see avon. 
 aventure (aunter), Nth. aventur 
 (-our, -er), si., OF. aventure; 
 adventure; Nth. aventur, 168, 16; 
 auntour, 154, 9; pi. aunters, 126, 
 12 ; an aunter, [it is~] a venture, 
 209, 4. 
 aventure(n), wkv., OF. aventurer ; 
 adventure ; inf. a venture, 106, 
 aver, see ever, 
 avon, sto,, Sth. = Ml. af5n ; OE. 
 afon-feng (R) ; receive, take ; pt. 
 pi. avenge, 209, II. 
 avorn, adv. prep. , eSth. = Ml. afpren 
 (forn) ; OE. on foran ; before ; avorn 
 on, opposite, 186, 11. 
 avow, sb., OF. *avou, cf. avouer, vb. ; 
 avow, vow, 239, 33 ; cf. vow. 
 Avycen, sb., OF. Avycen; Avicen, 
 Avicenna, 245, 28. 
 avys, avyse, sb., OF. avis; advice, 
 232, 25 ; avyse, 105, 20. 
 avyse(n), wkv., OF. aviser ; advise ; 
 pp. avysed, 239, 28. 
 awai, away, awey, awaye, adv., 
 OE. on weg ; away, 29, 18 ; awey, 
 98, 31; oway, 102, 12; awaye, 
 143, 25 ; awei, 195, 7. Nth. oway, 
 awake(n), stv., OE. *awacan-woc 
 (6); awake; pt.pl. awgke, 41, 23. 
 awakene(n), wkv., OE. awacnian ; 
 awaken, arise ; eME. inf. awakenin, 
 193, 12. 
 awakie(n), wkv., Sth. = Ml. a- 
 wake(n) ; OE. awacian ; awake ; 
 pt.pl. awakede, 211, 4. 
 awe, awei(y), see age(n), awai. 
 awelde(n), wkv., OM. geweldan 
 (weldan), WS. wieldan ; rule, re- 
 strain; inf. awelden, 195, 14. 
 awende(n), wkv., OE. awendan 
 (wendan) ; turn away ; pp. awent, 
 221, 12. 
 awin, adj. < pp. , Nth. = Ml. gwen ; 
 OE. agen ; own, 137, 4. 
 awirme(n), stv., OE. gewinnan-wann 
 (wgnn) (3) ; -win, 46, 4. 
 a,wite(xL),ptprv., OE. gewitan-wiste ; 
 know ; pt. sg. awyste, 176, 17. 
 awld, sb., OM. gewald (gewald), 
 WS. geweald; power, 21, 18. 
 awondrle(n), wkv., Sth. = Ml. 
 awundre(n) ; OE. awundrian ; 
 amaze, surprise ; pt. sg. awondrede, 
 211, 9. 
 awrfke(n), awrseke(n), stv., OE. 
 awrecan-wrcec (5) ; avenge ; inf. 
 awrfke, 42, 2 (eME. awreken, 183, 
 6)5 P r - 3 sg. awr|kj>, 217, 15; 
 imp. pi. awr|ke]>, 42, 20 ; pp. 
 awrgke, 67, 30 (eME. awrseke, 
 184, 29). 
 awter, Awwstin, see auter, Austin, 
 awyste, see awite(n). 
 ax, sb., OE. eax, f.; ax; pi. axis, 
 169, 27. 
 axe(n), eME. axen, Sth. axie(n), 
 wkv., OE. acsian (ascian) ; ask ; 
 eME. inf. axen, 5, 19; pt. sg. 
 axede, 181, 10 ; pt. pi. axede, 36, 
 axtre, sb., OE. eax + treo, perk. 
 *eaxtreo ; axcltree, 124, 29. 
 ay, ayeins, see ai, agaynes. 
 ayeinsaie(n), wkv., OE. ongegn + 
 ME. saie(n), seie(n) ; gainsay, 
 deny ; pp. ayeinsaide, 234, 8. 
 ayeinstande(n), stnde(n), stv., 
 OE. ongegn + standan-st5d (6) ; 
 stand against, withstand; inf. 
 ayeinstande, 234, 10; ayeinstgnde, 
 236, 26. 
 ay en, see a^en. 
 ayere, sb., OF. air; air, 143, 27. 
 aywhre, adv., ON. ei + hvar, cogn. 
 with OE. ahwer, awer, everywhere, 
 88, 26. 
 ba, adj., eME., Nth. = Ml. bg; OE. 
 ba,/! to begen ; both, 8, 16. 
 baar, see bar, adj. 
 bae, sb., OE. bsec; back, 52, 18. 
 bacin, sb., OF. bacin ; basin, 39, 21. 
 bal, sb., OE. *bal ; ball, ball playing; 
 124, 31: 
 balaunce, sb., OF. balance ; balance, 
 91, 21. 
 bald, adj., eME., Nth. = Ml. bgld ; 
 OAng. bald, bald; bald, 126, 7. 
 eSth.fds. baldere, 184, 30. 
 baldie(n), wkv., eME., Nth. = M1. 
 bglde(n) ; OM. baldian, baldian, 
 WS. bealdian ; embolden, bear one- 
 3 2 9 
 self bravely ; Sth. pp. balde, 192, 
 bale, sb., OE. bealu; bale, harm, 
 calamity, 15, 30. 
 baleful, adj., OE. bealuful ; baleful, 
 195, 11. 
 bali = bale, sb.<adj., OE. *bealo, 
 adj. ; baleful, evil one, 195, 32. 
 ban, see bn. 
 baner,.f(5.,OF.banere; banner, 159,13. 
 baneur, i - ^., OF. baneur; standard- 
 bearer, 207, 27. 
 bannan, .y/z'., OE. bannan (bonnan) 
 -beon (R) ; summon, command', 
 pt.pl. beonnen, 187, 23. 
 Banocburn, Bannok burn, sb., 
 Bannockburn, 160, 14; be Bannok 
 burn, 160, 16. 
 baptis, wkv., Nth. = Ml. baptlse(n) ; 
 OF. baptiser ; baptize ; pt. sg. 
 baptist, 131, 22. 
 baptist, sb., OF. baptiste ; baptist; 
 ])e Baptist Jhan, 131, 21. 
 baptisyng, pr. ppl. as sb., baptizing ; 
 Jgnes baptisyng, John's baptizing, 
 131, 25. 
 bar,_sd., eME., Nth.=Ml. bgr ; OE. 
 bar ; boar, 195, 12. 
 bar, bare, adj., OE. bser; bare, 17, 
 14; baar, 221, 18. 
 bare, sb., OF. barre; bar ; pi. bares, 
 baret, sb., OF. barat ; debate, trouble, 
 148, 10. 
 barfot, adj., OE. bserfot; barefoot; 
 pl> 235> 9- 
 bargane, sb., lNth. = Ml. bargaine ; 
 OF. bargaine; bargain, 173, 9. 
 barm, barme, sb. , OE. bearm ; 
 bosom, lap ; barme, 89, 3. 
 barn, sb., OE. beam; child, 146, 32. 
 barnage, sb., OF. baronage, barnage; 
 baronage, 42, I. 
 Barnard, sb., OF. Barnard; Barnard 
 of Toulouse, 114, 28. 
 barnhf d, -hed, sb., ONth. *barnha!d ; 
 childhood, 131, 20. 
 baron, sb., OF. baron, AN. barun; 
 baron ; pi. barons, 42, 6. 
 baselard, sb. , OF. baselarde ; dagger, 
 120, 28. 
 basenet, sb., OF. basinet; helmet, 
 bascinet, 112, 23. 
 Bassianus, sb., Lat. Bassianus ; Bas- 
 sianus, 221, 22. 
 bastard, sb., OF. bastard; bastard, 
 203, 22. 
 bataile (batayle), batail (batayl), 
 sb., OF. bataille ; battle; batail, 
 101, 22 ; batayle, no, 14; bataile, 
 157, 10 ; batayl, 160, 14. 
 bate(n), for abate (n), wkv., OF. 
 abatre ; abate, bate ; cast down, 
 abolish ; inf. bate, 59, 3. 
 bathe (bath), adj.prn., eME., Nth. 
 for Ml. bJ)e; ON. ba>ir; both, 
 also, 3, 3 ; bath, 129, 5. Sth. dpi. 
 baften, 191, 18. 
 bape(n), Sth. ba"Sie(n), wkv., OE. 
 baSian ; bathe ; //. baj>ed, 65, 5. 
 Sth. inf. bamen, 195, 18. 
 baude, sb., NF. *baude ; bawd, 237, 
 Bauston,MS. Hauston,^., Bauston, 
 62, 6 [see note]. 
 Bavere, sb., Bavaria, 162, 9. 
 bawdryke, sb., OF. baldret, *baldrik ; 
 baldrick, belt, 120, 28. 
 bayn, bayne, adj., ON. beinn ; 
 straight, prompt, 138, 25. 
 be, be, see be(n), bi. 
 bf ast, see bf st. 
 bfat, bfate(n), see bfde(n), bfte(n). 
 beautee, beute, sb., OF. beaute ; 
 beauty, 244, n ; beute, 130, 16. 
 bebirie(n), wkv., OE. bebyrgan 
 (byrigan) ; bury ; pt.pl. bebirieden, 
 2,2; bebyrled, 5, 2 ; pp. bebyried, 
 7, 26. 
 Bee, sb., OF. Bee ; Bee (Normandy), 
 5, 17- 
 bc, sb., OF. bee lengthened; beak, 
 i5> 13. 
 becume(n), see bicume(n). 
 bed = bad, see bidde(n). 
 bed (bedde), sb., OE. bedd ; bed, 41, 
 17; ds. bedde, 38, 23. 
 Bfda, sb., Lat. Beda ; Beda, Bede, 
 221, 29. 
 bf de, eME. bede, sb., OE. gebed ; 
 prayer, petition, MnE. bead, 13, 
 bfdell, sb., OF. bedel; beadle, 147, 
 bfde(n), wkv OE. bedan ; pray; pr. 
 3 sg. b|at = b|t, ML btej>, 180, 4. 
 bede(n), stv., OE. beodan-bead (2); 
 offer, bid, announce, proclaim, com- 
 mand; early confused with bidde(n), 
 pray, command; inf. bede, 140, 
 J 3 J P r * s kJ- s g- bede, 201, 20; 
 imp. sg. bed, 22, 9 ; pt. sg. b|d, 21, 
 n ; bfde, 69, 6 ; bedd, 128, 16 ;pt. 
 pi. bedden, 28, 17, clearly from 
 bidden inform ; pp. bdyn, 169, 17. 
 eSth. beoden, 185, 21 ; pr. 3 sg. 
 beodeft, 202, 22. 
 befalle(n), beforen, begeet, see bi- 
 falle(n), bifpren, bi^ete(n). 
 be5e(n), wkv., OM. began, WS. bie- 
 gan, bygan ; bend; pt. sg. beide, 
 196, 26. 
 bege, s'b. y OM. beh(g) (WS. beah), 
 m. ; ring, collar, bracelet, 24, 12. 
 begete(n), see bi:jete(n). 
 beggare, sb., based on begge(n) ; 
 beggar, 57, 8. 
 beginne(n), behgtefc), see bigin- 
 ne(n), bihgte(n). 
 behove(n), wkv., OE. behofian ; be- 
 hoove, profit ; pr. 3 sg. behove]?, 91, 
 6; behoveth, 119, 21; pt. sg. be- 
 hoved, 4, 12. Nth./r. 3 sg. bih5ves, 
 82, 36. 
 beien, adj.pl., OE. begen ; both, also, 
 7> 8 ; gpl> beire, 38, 22; beine, 
 beionde, beire, see beyond, beien. 
 belamy, sb., OF. bel ami; fair friend, 
 belde(n), wkv., OM. beldan, beldan, 
 WS. bieldan ; embolden, encourage ; 
 inf. beldenn, 12, 14. 
 beleave, bellave, sb., Kt. = Ml. be- 
 lgve ; OE. *beleafe, geleafe ; belief, 
 211, 6; beleavee, 213,1; biliave, 
 213, 11. 
 Belial, sb., Lat. Belial ; Belial, 194, 
 bellave, see beleave. 
 belimpe(n), stv., OE. belimpan-lamp 
 (lgmp) (3) ; happen ; pt. sg. belamp, 
 belle, sb., OE. belle ; bell, 76, 25. 
 belleman, sb., OE. belle + man ; 
 bellman, 118, 30. 
 belle (n), stv., OM. bellan-ball (WS. 
 beall) (3) ; roar, bellow, swell with 
 rage ; pp. bollen, 50, 6. 
 belyve, bilive, adv., OE. be + life; 
 quickly, 90, 7 ; bilive, 186, 28. 
 b|m, sb., OE. beam ; beam ; eME. 
 b|om, 3, 16 ; pi. bgmis, 142, 22. 
 beme, sb., OM. beme (WS. bieme), 
 /. ; trumpet ; pi. bemen, 187, 23. 
 be(n), anv., OE. beon-wses ; b>, inf. 
 ben, 1,8; beo, 36, 30 ; bee, 106, 6 ; 
 pr. 1 sg. am, 22, 11 ; 2 sg. art, 18, 
 22 > 3 s - i s > 8, 10 ; ys, 176, 7 ; iss, 
 9> 9 5 ne g- 3 sg. nis, 65, 1 1 ; (eME. 
 pr. pi. sinndenn, 9, 2; sinden,-i6, 
 4) > P r - pl- aren, 19, 12 ; are, III, 
 30; am, 15, 12; pr. pi. beon, 48, 
 28 ; ben, 105, 3 ; pr. sbj. sg. be 9, 
 21 ; pr. sbj.pl. be, 32, 16 ; imp. sg. 
 18, 22 ; imp. pi. beft, 28, 7 ; pt. sg. 
 was, 1, 3 ; wass, 9, 30; wes, 1, 19 ; 
 neg. pt. sg. nas, 43, 31 ; pt. pi. 
 (eME. wseron, 1, 6; weron, 4, 
 5) ; weren, 16, 16 ; were we, 25, 
 14; wer, 73, 23 (eME. waren, 3, 
 1; ware, 77, 3); wren, 21, 10; 
 wre, 77, 17 ; neg.pt.pl. neren, 39, 
 14; nere, 36, 14 ; //. sbj. sg. were, 
 16, 2 (eME. ware, 1, 15) ; wre, 
 2 5, 3 2 \PP- byn, 114, 1 6; been, 243, 
 16. Nth. inf. be, 128, g;Pr. 1 sg. 
 am, 174, 14; pr. 2 sg. ert, 157, 14; 
 pr. 3 sg. es, 128, 27; esse, T51, 25 ; 
 is, 127, 7 ; isse, 156, 24 ; neg. pr._ 3 
 sg. neys = ne ys, 128,5; P r - 3 S S- bes, 
 128, 32; bese, 139^ 7; pr.pl. er, 
 136, 2 ; ere, 144, 2 ; ar, 173, 32 ; pr. 
 sbj.pl. be, 127, 26 ; pt. sg. was, 126, 
 9; pt.pl.wa.re, 130,24; war, 138, 28; 
 was, 158, 31 (late Nth. weir = wer, 
 I7> 3 2 ); pt- sbj. sg. war, 134, 2; 
 ware, 246, 12; pt.sbj.pl. ware, 133, 
 15; //. bene, 136, 18. Sth. inf. 
 beon, 198, 6; ben, 176, 2 (eME. 
 gerund beonne, 192, .23) ; pr. 1 jg. 
 (eSth. eom, 176, 4; sem, 176, 1) 
 am, 194, 1 ; pr. 2 sg. (eSth. sert, 
 182, 30) art, 201, 23 ; pr. 3 sg. is 
 (ys), 176, 7 ; pr. pi. (eSth. sunden, 
 184, 31) ;pr. 1 sg. beo, 176, 4 ; pr. 
 3 sg. biS, 178, 20; pr. 3 Jg-. bi$, 
 j^fl// be, 183, 11 j /r. //. (eSth. 
 beo>, 176, 19) ; bej), 203, 20 ; beth, 
 119,11; bub, 176, 23; bi$, 178, 
 19; pr. sbj. (eSth. si, 179, 29; 
 beo, 177, 8) ; pr. sbj. pi. (eSth. 
 beon, 177, 4) ; imp. sg. (eSth. beo, 
 *77, 5) ;/' *<- wes = was, 176, 1 ; 
 neg.pt. sg. nes, 194, 8; nas, 204, 
 15 \ pt.pl. wfre, 179, 11 ; wfr, 223, 
 5 ; pt. sbj. sg. (eSth. wf ore, 181, 
 9); wfre, 243, 18; pt.sbj.pl. (eSth. 
 wforen, 182, 9) ; wfre, 242, 24 ; 
 neg. pt. sbj. sg. (eSth. neore, 187, 
 4) ; pp. (eSth. ibeon, 176, 3) ; ibe, 
 203, 14; ybe, 236, 20. Kt. inf. 
 bie, 211, 11; pr.pl. ble]>, 212, 25 ; 
 ble ye, 212, 8; //. ibye, 212, 20; 
 pt.pl. waren, 212, 17. 
 benche, sb., OE. bene, f. ; bench, 
 58, 6. 
 bend, sb., OE. bend, bend; tie, 
 ribbon, bend (in heraldry), 228, 
 15- , 
 bende(n), wkv., OE. bendan (ben- 
 dan) ; bend, bind, fetter ; Nth. inf. 
 bend, 140, 17. 
 bende, sb., OE. bend, bend,/". ; bond, 
 fetter, 180, 14. 
 bene, sb., OE. ben, f. ; prayer, en- 
 treaty; pi. benes, 218, 21. 
 benefyce, sb., OF. benefice ; favor, 
 gift, benefit, 124, 12. 
 beneme, see benime(n). 
 Benet, sb., NF. Beneit, OF. Benoit ; 
 Benet, Benedict, 155, 24. 
 Beniamin, sb., Lat. Beniamin ; Ben- 
 jamin, 25, 25. 
 benime(n), binime(n), slv., OE. 
 beniman-nom (4) ; take away ; 
 inf. binime, 177, 20; pr. 1 sg. 
 beneme, 211, 18; pt. sg. benam, 
 5, 21 ; pt. pi. binomen, 182, 19; pp. 
 binume, 183, 26. 
 benisun, sb., OF. beneisun; blessing, 
 benison, 134, 22. 
 bf om, beode(n), beo(n), beore, see 
 bf m, bede(n), be(n), bfre. 
 beorn, sb., eSth. = Ml. bern, bern; 
 OE. beorn, beorn; man, hero, 
 warrior, 186, 28. 
 beot, sb., eME. = Ml. bet; OE. beot; 
 threat, boast, promise, 184, 17. 
 beot, see bete(n). 
 beovie(n), wkv., eSth. Ml. bive(n) ; 
 OE. bifian, beofian ; tremble; pt.pl. 
 beoveden, 187, 1. 
 bepeche(n), wkv., OM. bepecan 
 (WS. -psecan)-pehte ; deceive ; pp. 
 bepaht, 1 , 4. 
 ber, sb., Nth. = Ml. bere ; OM. bere, 
 WS. bsere ; noise, uproar, 150, 2. 
 bf rd, sb., OE. beard, beard ; beard, 
 86, 17; bfrde, 120, 29. 
 berdene, sb., Kt. ** Ml. birj^ene, bir- 
 dene; OE. byroen,/. ; burden, 212, 
 bfre, sb., OE. bera ; bear {the animal), 
 82, 17. eSth. beore, 196, 3. 
 bere, sb., OE. bser, /. ; bier, litter, 
 35, 3- 
 here, sb., OM. geberu, WS. gebseru,/!; 
 bearing, deportment, noise, uproar, 
 36, 20. 
 berebag, sb., based on OE. beran + 
 ON. baggi; bag-bearer (nickname 
 of Scots), 161, 6. 
 bfre-blisse, sb., OE. beran + blisse ; 
 bear-blisse ; as name, 216, 30. 
 bfre(n), stv., OE. beran-baer (4) ; 
 bear; inf. bfren, 22, 20 (eME. 
 boeron, 3, 15); imp.pl. bfreft, 27, 
 19 ; pt. sg. bar, 4, 6 ; pt. pi. beren, 
 70, 17; be"re, 35, 19; pt. sbj. sg. 
 bere, 53, 15 ; bare, 2, 5 ;pp. bfren, 
 33, 14; bfre, 66, 11 ; born, 49, 28. 
 Nth. pr. 3 sg. bfres, 127, 19 ; bfrs, 
 150, 20; pt. sg. bare, 131, 10; //. 
 pi. bare, 165, 24 ; pp. born, 132, 6. 
 3th. pr. 3 sg, ber, 198, 24; pr.pl. 
 (eSth.) bereft, 177, 22 ; imp. pi. 
 bfreft, 199, 22 ; pt. sg. bar, 181, 17 ; 
 pt. pi. bfre(n), 205, 9 ; pp. (eSth. 
 iboren, 179, 16); ibfre, 46, 7; 
 ybfre, 209, 32 ; ybfren, 240, 8. 
 berge(n) = ber^en, berwe(h), slv., 
 OM. bergan-barg (WS. beorgan- 
 bearg) (3) ; protect, save; inf. ber- 
 gen, 14, 7; berwen, 86, 13; pp. 
 bon^henn, 10, 19. 
33 2 
 berie(n), see birle(n). 
 berie, sb., OE. berige, bene, f. ; 
 berry, 21, 26. 
 bering, sb., based on OM. ber, WS. 
 bser ; bearing, behaviour, 25, 18. 
 bern, sb., OE. beorn, beorn; hero, 
 _I26, 7; 149, 25. 
 bern, .y., OE. beam ; child, Scotch 
 beam, 82, 15. 
 berne(n), stv., OE. beornan-b^rn (3) ; 
 burn; pt. sbj. sg. burne, 182, 23. 
 berne(n), wkv., OM. *bernan, WS. 
 bsernan ; bum ; inf. berne, 43, 2 ; //. 
 bernd, 58, 27. Sth./r. ^/. bernej), 
 218, 7; pr.ppl. bernynde, 217, 24. 
 berrhless, sb., OE. *beorhels,berhels; 
 salvation, 10, 13. 
 berwe(n), see berge(n). 
 Berwik, sb., Berwick, 159, 8. 
 bfrynge, bfryng, sb., OE. *berung, 
 f. ; bearing ; nativity, 124, 2 ; 
 bfryng, 231, 20. 
 beseet, beseette, see besitte(n), be- 
 besetten, wkv., OE. besettan ; sur- 
 round, beset ; eME. pt. sg. bessette 
 ^*=besette, 5, 22. 
 besi^te, sb., OE. ^esih^, *besiht,/ ; 
 provision, 226, 8. 
 besitte(n), stv., OE. besittan-sset (5) ; 
 sit upon, oppress, besiege ; eME.pt. 
 sg. besset, 2, 13. 
 besme, .$., OE. besma; besom, bundle 
 of rods, 194, 16. 
 best, see god. 
 bfst, sb., OF. beste; beast, 82, 18; 
 pi. bfstes, 51, 21. eSth. bgast, 195, 
 bestride(n), stv., OE. bestridan 
 -strad(i) ; bestride', inf. bestrlden, 
 181, 15. 
 beswike(n), see biswike(n). 
 besw, adv., Sth. = M1. beswo; OE. 
 be + swa ; by so, so that, 214, 2. 
 besynes, see bisines. 
 bet, adv. {adj.) comp., OE. bet; 
 better, 31, 14; quickly, 239, 5. 
 betfche(n), see bitfehe(n). 
 bete(n), wkv., OE. betan ; mend, 
 remedy, better; inf. bete, 129, 23 ; 
 pr. 3 sg. beteS, 16, 22. eSth. pr. 
 3 sg. beot = bet = bereft, 180,4 ; /A 
 ibet, 179, 11. 
 bfte(n), stv., OE. beatan-beot (2) ; 
 beat; inf. bfte, 152, 6; //. bftin, 
 53, 30. eSth. imp. pi. bfaten, 
 194, 22 ; pp. ibeaten, 194, 15. 
 betere, bettre, bettur, see god. 
 bep, sb., Sth.=Ml. ba>; OE. bx]>; 
 bath, 218, 6. 
 bfoe(ri), wkv., OE. beSian ; wash, 
 foment; inf. bgoen, 33, 31. 
 betwe, see bitwen. 
 betwix, bitwix, bitwixen, adv. 
 prep., OM. betwex (betwix), WS. 
 betweox(betwux) ; betwixt, between; 
 betwyx, 2, 16; betwux, 7, 15; 
 betwyxen, 117, 9; bitwix, 130, 3; 
 bitwixen, 244, 4. Nth. bytwixand, 
 128, 15. 
 beute, see beautee. 
 bevlye(n), stv., Sth. = Ml. befle(n) ; 
 WS. befleon-fleah (2); infl. by 
 fie3en (flien) ; flee from, -avoid; 
 inf. bevly, 218, 25 ; pr. 3 sg. 
 bevly^}), 217, 23 ; bevlyst, 219, 17. 
 bevgre, adv., Sth. = Ml. before(n) ; 
 OE. beforan; before, 206, 17. 
 Bewis, sb., Bewis (Bevis? see note), 
 bewreyynge, bewreyyng, sb., OE. 
 *bewreging, /. ; bewraying, accus- 
 * n g> 9> 3 2 - 
 beye(n), see bige(n). 
 bl (by), be, prep, adv., OE. bi ; by, 
 bi, 3, 6; be, 3, 3. Kt. bie, 212, 
 bibu5e(n), stv., OE. bebugan-beah 
 (2) ; avoid, surround, reach, at- 
 tain; pt. sg. bibah, 188, 21. 
 bicalle(n), wkv., ME. bi + ON. kalla 
 (OE. ceallan) ; accuse ; pr. 3 sg. 
 bicalle'S, 29, 26. 
 biclupie(n), wkv., Sth. = Ml. bi- 
 clipe(n) ; OE. beclypian ; summon, 
 accuse, 179, 18. 
 bicume(n), stv., OE. becuman-com 
 (4) ; become ; pr. 3 sg. bicumeo 1 , 
 16, 14; pt. sg. bicam, 24, 20 ; be- 
 c5m, 126, 18 ; bicom, 227, 19 ; pp. 
 bicume, 46, 6. 
 bidde(n), bydde(n), bide(n), bid, 
 stv., OE. biddan-bsed (5) ; pray, 
 beg, command, offer, invite, by con- 
 clusion with bede(n) ; inf. bidden, 16, 
 27; biddenn (O), 9, 29; biden, 71, 
 31 ; bide, 71, 28 ; bid, 72, 28 ; pr. 
 1 sg. bidde, 10, 4; pr. $sg. bidde>, 
 40, 14; bit, 27, 14; pr. sbj. pi. 
 bidden, 196, 20; imp. sg. bid, 18, 
 12 ; imp. pi. bidde]), 230, 30 ;pt.sg. 
 badd (O), 8, 18 ; bad, 21, 3 ; badde, 
 64, 10 ;pt. sg. offer, bid, 44, 33 ; bid 
 godday, bid good day, 47, 7 ; pt. pi. 
 beden, 35, 21 ; bedin, 60, 19 ; bede, 
 39, 11 ; pp. beden, 26, 20; bede, 40, 
 5. Nth. inf. byd, 140, II. Sth. 
 pr. 3 sg. bit, 180, 4; pt. sg. (eSth. 
 baed, 185, 18); bed, 196, 4. 
 bidle(n), wkv. , OE. bedselan ; de- 
 prive of; pp. bidflde, 185, 6. 
 bide(n), byde(n), stv., OE. bidan 
 -bad (1) ; abide, await, expect; inf. 
 bydin, 118, 15 ; pt. sg. bpd, 47, 4 ; 
 bde, 89, 25. 
 bidene, biden, adv., origin uncertain ; 
 by that, thereby, together, also, at 
 once; bidene, 74, 2 ; biden, 148, 7. 
 biding, see byddynge. 
 bidlich, adj., based on OE. biddan, 
 ' to pray ' ; that may be implored, 
 gracious, 103, 15. 
 bifalle(n), stv., OM. befallan (WS. 
 befeallan)-feol (R); befall; inf. 
 bifalle, 38, 20 ; pr. sbj. sg. bifalfe, 
 2 32, 5 \pt- sg. bifelle, 75, 1 ; befelle, 
 106, 8 ; byfyl, 89, 1 ; byfell, 135, 5. 
 Sth.pt. sg. byfiil, 220, 6. 
 bifleo(n), stv., e_ME. = Ml. bifle(n) ; 
 OE. befleon -fleah (2) ; flee, escape ; 
 inf. bifleon, 180, 30. 
 hifgren, biforn, bifgr, prep, adv., 
 OE. beforen ; before ; eME. be- 
 foren, 4, 30 ; bifgren, 16, 9 ; biforn, 
 16, 3 : bifgr, 47, 26 ; bifoore, 245, 
 biforesaide, pp. or adj., OE. beforen, 
 adv. + ME. saide ; foresaid, 235, 
 biforn, see bifren. 
 bige(n) = bi5e(n),bie(n), wkv., OE. 
 bycgan-bohte ; buy, atone for ; inf. 
 bigen, 25, 6; bye, 95, 21 5 pt. sg. 
 bou^te, 58, 26; boght, no, 3; pt. 
 pi. bohton, 4, 29 ; pp. boght, 89, 
 27. Nth. inf. bii, 131, 6 ; by, 156, 
 27. Cf. Sth. bigge(n). Kt. inf. 
 beye(n), 244, 7. 
 bi^eonde, adv. prep., OE. begeondan; 
 beyond, 185, 24. 
 bi}ete(n), bigete(n), begfte(n), 
 stv., OE. begetan-gcet (5) ; receive, 
 obtain; inf. bi3eten, 185, 21 ; begse- 
 ton, 7, 2; begeten, 25, 20; pt. sg. 
 begset, 4, 18 ; bigat, 28, 23 ; bigfte, 
 49, 16. 
 bi^etyng, sb.<ipr. ppl., OM. begetan, 
 WS. begietan; begetting, genera- 
 tion, 101, 18. 
 bigge(n), wkv., Sth. = Ml. biggen, 
 bie(n) ; OE. bycgan-bohte ; buy, 
 purchase, atone for; inf. biggen, 
 74, 17 (SEMI.), 178, 8;pr. 3 sg. 
 hv$, 180, 24. 
 bigge(n), wkv., ON. byggja ; build; 
 pt.sg. bigged, 1 01, 13. 
 biging, sb., ON. bygging; habitation, 
 dwelling, 161, 6. 
 biginne(n), stv., OE. beginnan-gann 
 (3); begin; inf. biginne, 66, *o- 
 pt. sg. bigon, 181, 20; pt. pi. 
 begunne, 116, 18; pt. sbj. sg. be- 
 ginne, 216, 4 ; pp. begunnon, 8, n ; 
 bigunnenn (O), 9, 30. Nth. pr. 3 
 sg. bigines, 148, 17 ; pt. sg. begouth, 
 166, 7. 
 biginninge, biginning, sb., OE. 
 *beginnung,y. ; beginning, 134, 27. 
 bi5ite(n), stv., Sth. = Ml. bi3ete(n) ; 
 WS. begietan- geat (5) ; receive, 
 obtain ; pr. 3 sg. bi3it, 198, 21 ; pt. 
 sg. biget, 192, 23; pp. bi3ite, 179, 
 Bigod, sb., Bigod; Roger le, Earl of 
 Norfolk, 227, 3. 
 big(n), anv., OE. began-beeode ; go 
 around, occupy, possess ; pp. biggn, 
 62, 19. eSth. pt. pi. by3eode, 
 222, 12. 
 bigripe(n), stv., OE. begrlpan-grap 
 (1) ; gripe, chasten, chide; inf. 
 bigrlpe(n), 19, 18. 
 bihald, stv., Nth. - Ml. Sth. be- 
 hlde(n); ON. behaldan (haldan) 
 -heold (R); behold-, pr. pi. by- 
 haldes, 145, 17; pt. sg. bihelde, 
 139, iy- 
 bihate(n), stv., eME., Nth. = Ml. 
 bihgte(n) ; OE. behatan-het (R) ; 
 promise ; /r. 3 sg. bihateft, 177, 14. 
 bihede(n), wkv., OE. behedan; 
 watch, observe, guard; pt. sg. 
 bihedde, 187, 22. 
 bihf fdle(n) (hf vde(n)),wkv., Sth. = 
 Ml. behgvde(n) ; OE. beheafdian ; 
 behead; pp. bihgfdet, 196, 26. 
 biheste, sb., OE. behses, / ; behest, 
 promise, 209, 12 ; pi. byhestes, 221, 
 bihete(n), stv., based on pt. het?; 
 promise; in/, bihete, 52, 4. Cf. 
 bihinde, adv. prep., OE. behindan 
 -hindan ; behind, 178, 30. 
 bihof, sb., OE. *behof, cf. behSfian ; 
 behoof, profit, use. Sth. ds. bihove, 
 200, 7. 
 bihofpe, sb., OE. *bihof$, /, cf. 
 OFris. blhofte ; behoof, use, 204, 30. 
 bihlde(n), stv., OM. bihaldan (WS. 
 healdan) -heold (R) ; behold; inf. 
 bihgilde, 36, 2 ; pt. sg. biheld, 38, 
 3 ; pt.pl. biheld, 68, 20. Nth. see 
 bihald. eSth. pt. sg. biheold, 
 196, 22. 
 bihgte(n), stv., OE. behatan-het (R); 
 protnise ; pt. sg. bihet, 85, 25 ; 
 biheet, 220, 12 ; //. bih^ten, 82, 8 ; 
 behgten, 116, 22 ; pp. bihi3t, 59, 12. 
 bihove, see bihof. 
 bihove(n), see behove(n). 
 bii (by), see bige(n). 
 biing, sb., OE. bycging infl. by vb.; 
 buying, atonement, salvation, 148, 
 bike, sb., origin uncertain ; nest, as 
 of bees, 128, 26. 
 biknowe(n), stv., OE. becnawan 
 -cneow (R) ; acknowledge, know ; 
 pp. biknewe, 44, 16. 
 bilSven, bilaven, see bilfve(n). 
 bilde(n), wkv., OE. byldan, byldan ; 
 build; pp. ibild, 42, 5. 
 bile, sb., OE. bile; bill, beak, 16, 
 bil5e(n), bilewe(n), stv., OE. bi- 
 leogan-leag ( 2) ; belie, calumniate; 
 pp. bilowen, 199, 13. 
 bilf ove(n), see bilf ve(n). 
 bileve(n), wkv., OM. belefan (WS. 
 beliefan) ; believe ; pp. bileved, 
 213, 13- 
 bilgve(n), tvkv., OE. belcefan ; re- 
 linquish, have, remain ; inf. be- 
 lgven, 27, 9 ; pr. 1 sg. bilseve, 184, 
 13^ imp. sg. bilgf, 41, 1 ; //. sg. 
 bilsefde, 185, 2 ; pt. pi. bilgvede, 
 205, 27. eSth. inf. bilgoven, 184, 
 11 ; bilaven, I S3, 9. 
 biligge(n), stv., Sth. = Ml. bille(n) ; 
 OE. bilicgan-laeg (5); lie by, beset; 
 pt. sg. bilai, 188, 10. 
 bilive, see bely ve. 
 bilive(n), stv., OE. belifan-laf (later 
 lsef, leaf) (1) ; remain, leave ;pt. sg. 
 bilgf, 24, 32. 
 bille(n), wkv., OE. *billan ; bill, 
 peck with beak;pr. 3 sg. billed, 16, 8. 
 biloke(n), wkv., OE. belocian ; look 
 at, look around; pr. pi. bil5ken, 
 20. 1. 
 bilging, adj., cf. OE. gelong; de- 
 pending, belonging, 21, 22. 
 biluke(n), stv., OE. bilucan-leac (2) ; 
 shut in, close around; pp. biloken, 
 178, 24. 
 biluvie(n), wkv., Sth. = Ml. bi- 
 luve(n) ; OE. belufian ; delighted 
 in, loved; pt. pi. biluveden, 184, 10. 
 bimfne(n), wkv., OE. bemsenan ; 
 bemoan, lament ; pr. 3 sg. bimgneft, 
 27, 2 ; pp. biment, 26, 10. 
 bimf ning, sb. < pr. ppl., OE. be- 
 masnan ; bemoaning, lamentation, 
 35, 6. 
 binde(n), stv., OE. bindan (blndan) 
 -band, bgnd (3) ; bind, fetter ; inf. 
 binden, 26, 1 ; pt. sg. bgnd, 207, 8; 
 pt. pi. bunden, 26, 24 ; pp. bunden, 
 J 37, 6; bounden, 81, 20. Nth. 
 imp.pl. bindes, 138, 23; pt.pl. 
 band, 140, 19. 
 binfpe(n), adv. prep., OE. beneoftan; 
 beneath, 41, 20; bingj>e, 208, 8. 
 eSth. bineoSen, 178, 20. 
 binime(n), see benime(n). 
 binne, adv. prep., OE. binnan ; 
 within, in, 82, 28. 
 biqufoe(n), wkv., OE. *becwseoan 
 < cwroan ; lament, bewail ; inf. 
 biqufffen, 34, 1. 
 bir, sb., ON. byrr, ' strong wind ' ; 
 force, speed, 142, 5. 
 birSd, bird (birrd), see biride(n), 
 birde, sb., OE. gebyrd, f ; birth ; 
 birde time, birth time, 17, 11. 
 bire(n), wkv., OE. (ge)byrian ; 
 belong to, behoove-, pr. 3 sg. birr)) 
 (O), 8, 26; bird, 150, 16; birrd, 
 156, I. 
 bireounesse, sb., eME. = Ml. bi- 
 rewnesse ; OE. *behreowness, /. ; 
 commiseration, pity , 198, 33. 
 bireowse(n), wkv., eME. = Ml. bi- 
 rewse(n); OE. behreowsian ; repent', 
 imp.pl. bireowseft, 196, 6. 
 biri, sb., OE. byrig, ds. of burh ; 
 castle, city, 28, 1. 
 biride(n), stv., OE. beridan-rad (1); 
 ride around, surround, besiege ; pt. 
 sg. biraid for bir ad, 187, 13. 
 birlele, see birigeles. 
 birle(n) (berlen), wkv., OE. byrgan 
 (byrigean) ; bury ; inf. birien, 33, 
 8; biry, 68, 16; berle, 245, 23; 
 imp. pi. birie]?, 68, 29 ; pt. pi. 
 byrieden, 4, 32 ; birled, 70, 19. 
 Nth.//, sg. berid, 143, 10. 
 birigeles, birlele, sb., OE. birigels ; 
 burial, 34, 27 ; 35, 10. 
 Birkabeyn, sb., ON. Birkibeinn (a 
 nickname) ; Birkabein, 75, 4. 
 birrp, see bire(n). 
 birst, pp. or adj., OE. gebrysed < 
 OE. brysan ; bruised; bftin and 
 birst, beaten and bruised, 53, 
 biscop, sb. , eME. = Ml. bischop ; 
 OE. biscop ; bishop, I, 5. 
 biscunle(n), wkv., Sth. = Ml. bi- 
 schune(n) ; OE. bescunian ; shun, 
 flee from, 180, 30. 
 bise, sb. , OF. bise ; name of north 
 wind, 87, 9. 
 biseche(n), ze//z/.,OE. besecean-s5hte 
 (sohte) ; beseech \ pr. 1 sg. biseche, 
 196, 20; pr. pi. bisechen, 45, 22. 
 Nth. pt. sg. bisoht, 156, 8. Sth. 
 pr. pi. bisecheth ,211,15. 
 bisekeing, sb. < pr. ppl., OE. be- 
 secan ; beseeching, imploring, 74, 8. 
 bisemare, see bismere. 
 bise(n), stv., ON. beseon-sseh (WS. 
 seah) (5); oversee, look after*, inf. 
 bisen, 24, 13. 
 bislde, bislde(es), adv. prep., OE. 
 bi side; beside, besides, 57,5; by- 
 sldes, 223, 3. 
 bisines, besynes, sb., OE. *bysignes, 
 f. ; business, care, trouble ; besynes, 
 144, 20 ; bysynes, 224, 24. 
 bismere, bismare, sb., OE. bismer, 
 neut. m.\ insult, evil, 55, 18; 
 bismare, 201, 19. 
 bisne, sb., OE. bisen,/".; example, 
 10, 5. 
 bistfle(n), stv., OE. bestelan-stael 
 (4) ; steal, steal away, pt. sg. bistal, 
 188, 1; pp. bistolen, 176, 17. 
 bisti5e, sb., OE. *bestig, f. or new 
 cpd. ; path, way, ascent, 101, 4. 
 biswike(n), stv., OE. beswican - 
 swac (1) ; deceive ; inf. beswiken, 
 6, 17; biswiken, 19, 17; pt. sg. 
 (eME.) biswac, 187, 31. 
 bisy, adj., OE. bysig ; anxious, 
 sorrowful, busy, 66, 15. 
 bit, see bidde(n). 
 bitache, bitsechen, see bitfche(n). 
 bitacnen, wkv., eME. for bitgkne(n) ; 
 OE. *bitacnian ; betoken ; pp. bi- 
 tacnedd (O), 12,28. Nth^r. 3 sg. 
 bytakens, 127, 22. * **^~ - 
 bitake(n), stv., OE. bi (be) + ON. 
 taka-tok (6) ; commit, betake ; pt. 
 sg. bitok, 67, 19 ; bitook, 231, 22 ; 
 pp. bitake, 203,24. 
 bite, sb., OE. bytt,/. ; bottle, flagon 
 {originally leather) ; bollen as a 
 bite, swollen as a bottle, 50, 6. 
 bitfche(n), bitfache(n), wkv., OE. 
 betsecean-tsehte (tsehte) ; assign, 
 deliver, commit', inf. bitseche, 9, 
 19; bitfche, 43, 22 ; pt. sg. bitagte, 
 24, 11; pp. betfht, 5, 7; bitagt, 
 21, 7; bitajt, 43, 18; bitau3t, 49, 
 27. eSth. inf. bitfachen, 193,8; 
33 6 
 pr. i sg. bitache, 190, 22 ; pp. 
 bitaht, 193, 31. 
 bite(h), slv., OE. bitan-bat (1) ; bite ; 
 pt. sg. bgt, 66, 8. 
 bij>enche(n), bi$erike(ri), wkv., OE. 
 bitfencan-Sdhte (Some) ; think, 
 bethink; inf. bioenken, 16, 16; 
 //. sg. bioogte, 23, 19 ; bij)03te, 
 208, 1 ; pp. bi])03t as adj., thought- 
 ful, discreet, 36, 21 ; bi])otit, 176, 8. 
 Sth. bi>enche, 176, 6 ; pr. 3 sg. 
 bi]>enc$, 177, 9. 
 bitlde(n), wkv., OE. betidan ; happen, 
 betide ; inf. bitlde, 39, 27 ; pr. 3 sg. 
 bitid, 25, 21 ; //. bitid, 31, 6. 
 bitilde(n), w>to., OE. beteldan (?) ; 
 cover, surround; pp. bitild, 192, 
 bitime, adv., OE. *betima?; betimes, 
 promptly, 204, 6. 
 bitgkne(ii), bitckne(n), wkv., OE. 
 *bitacnian ; betoken ; pr. 3 sg. 
 bitgkne)), 71, 8; bitckne]>, 212, 
 bitray, wkv., Nth.. = Ml. bitraischen 
 (bitraissen, betraien) ; OE. be (bi) + 
 OF. trair; betray; pp. bitrayd, 
 137, 3- 
 bitter, bittre, adj. , OE. biter ; bitter, 
 140, 16 ; bittre, 194, 16. 
 bitterliche, adv., OE. biterllce; 
 bitterly, 67, 9. 
 bittre, see bitter, 
 bittrenesse, sb., OE. biterness, /. ; 
 bitterness, 202, 14. 
 biturnie(n), wkv., Sth. = Ml. bi- 
 turne(n) ; OE. *beturnian ; turn 
 about; pt.pl. biturnede, 208, 7. 
 bitwen, betwe(n), adv. prep., OE. 
 betweonan; between, 26, II j betwe, 
 95, 14- 
 bitwix, bitwixen, see betwix. 
 bive(n), wkv., OE. bifian ; tremble ; 
 pr. 3 sg. biveS, 28, 24. Sth. inf. 
 bivle, 182, 23. Cf. beovien. 
 bivie(n), see bive(n). 
 bivoren, adv. prep., eSth. = M1. bi- 
 fgre(n); OE. beforan; before, 181, 
 biwake(n), wkv., OE. *bewacian ; 
 watch over; inf. biwaken, 33, 28. 
 biwf fe(n), wkv. , OE. bewaifan ; 
 clothe; pt. sg. biwffde, 188, 26. 
 biwende(n), wkv., OE. bewendan 
 (wendan) ; turn away ; pt. sg. bi- 
 wente, 48, 6. 
 biwepe(n), wkv., OE. bewepan ; 
 weep for; imp.pl. biwepeS, 196, 6. 
 biwlnde(n), slv., OE. bewindan 
 (wlndan)-wand (wgnd) (3) ; wind 
 about, surround; pp. biwunden, 
 196, 30. 
 biwreye(n), wkv., OE. *biwregan, 
 cf. wregan ; bewray, accuse ; inf. 
 biwreye, 243, 27. 
 blac, adj., OE. bloec; black, 52, 24. 
 blame, sb., OF. blame < blasme ; 
 blame, 120, 20. 
 blame(n), wkv., OF. blasmer, 
 blamer; blame; inf. blame, 159, 
 14 ; pr. 3 sg. blame j?, 202, 2. 
 blasphemour, sb., OF. blasphemeur 
 (or) ; blasphemer, 246, 5. 
 Blauncherlur, sb., OF. Blancheflur; 
 Blanchefleur, 35, 26. 
 blawe(n), slv., eME., Nth. = Ml. 
 blowe(n) ; OE. blawan-bleow (R) ; 
 blow; inf., blawe, 82, 31; pp. 
 blawene, 144, 7. eSth. pr. 3 sg. 
 blawet, 180, 16. 
 ble, blee, sb., OE. bleo; color, com- 
 plexion, 52, 1 ; blee, 231, 25. 
 bleike, adj., ON. bleikr ; pale, 79, 9. 
 blenche(n), wkv., OE. blencan ; 
 blench, flinch ; inf. blenche, 58, 12; 
 pt.sg. blenchte, 195, 32. 
 blende(n), wkv., OE. blendan, blen- 
 dan; make blind; Sth. pp. iblende, 
 125, 33 5 yblent, 217, 2. 
 blenke(n), see blynke(n). 
 blesse (n) (earlier bletcen), blisce(n) , 
 wkv., OE. bledsian, bletsian ; bless, 
 cross oneself, blesse hem, cross them- 
 selves ; inf. blesse, 123, 7 ; pr. 1 sg. 
 blisce, 128, 19; imp. sg. blisce, 
 104, 14; imp.pl. blisce)), 105, 12; 
 pt. sg. blessed e, 205, 7 ; pp. (eME. 
 bletced, 7, 31) blesced, 100, 15 ; 
 blisced, 132, 19; blessyd, 94, 1; 
 blissed, 228, 30. Sth.pp. yblisced, v 
 72, 21. 
 blessyng, sb., OE. bletsung,/. ; bless- 
 ing, 96, 3 ; blisceing, 69, 22 ; blis- 
 cyng, 1 01, 17; blissing, 32, 14. 
 bletcen, see blesse(n). 
 blepeliche, sec bllj>elike. 
 blfve(n), wkv., OE. bilsevan, Kt. 
 bilevan ; remain ; Kt. pp. ybleved, 
 blevinge, sb., Kt. = Ml. blfvinge ; 
 OE. *belevung, /. ; abiding, exis- 
 I fence, 216, 27. 
 blin, see blinne(n). 
 blind, adj., OE. blind, blind; blind, 
 51, 25; blynde, 119, 7. 
 blinne(n), bline(n), stv., OE. blin- 
 nan-blann (blonn) (3) ; cease ; inf. 
 blinne, 55, 30. Nth. inf. blin, 
 '30, 7- 
 blis, blisce (bliscep), blisceing 
 (bliscyng), see blisse, blesse(n), 
 blisfol, adj., OE. *blisful; blissful, 
 happy, 219, 3. 
 blisfulllch, adj., OE. *blisfullice ; 
 blissfully, 102, 23. 
 blisse, blis, sb., OE. bliss, /<bli]>s 
 [bli5] ; bliss, happiness, 7, 7 ; blis, 
 38, 4; blisce, 211, 25. eSth. ds. 
 blissen, 195, 6. 
 blissing, see blessyng. 
 bliSe, blype, adj., OE. blifte ; glad, 
 blithe, 31, 7. 
 blij)ellke, blipell;, adv., OE. bliSe- 
 lice ; gladly, blithely, 10, 1 ; blif>eli3 
 (O), 10, 21. Kt. blejjeliche, 211, 
 big, a$., ON. blar, cogn. with OE. 
 blaw; W, blue-black, 52, 24. 
 blod, blood, *., OE. bl5d; blood, 
 28, 21 ; blood, 238, 19. eSth. */.$. 
 blode, 189, 32. INth. blude, 
 146, 1. 
 blodi, blody, adj., OE. blodig ; 
 bloody, 152, 2; blody, 228, 5. 
 blodstrm, sb., OE. *blodstream; 
 stream of blood, 187, 2. 
 blody, s<? blodi. 
 blome(n), wkv., ON. *bl5ma?, cog- 
 nate with OE. blostmian ; bloom ; 
 pt. sg. blomede, 21, 25. 
 blgndinge, sb., based on OF. blandir; 
 blandishing, flattery, 219, 5. 
 bloodrf d, adj., OE. blodread ; blood- 
 red, 229, 14. 
 blowe(n), stv., OE. blawan-bleow 
 (R) ; blow ; ?'/". blowen, 62, 5 ; 
 imp. sg. blou, 82, 29; pp. blowen, 
 50, 14. _ 
 blude, blynde, see blod, blind. 
 blynke(n), wkv., ON. blinka, Dan. 
 blinke ; look, wink, blink, wake 
 from sleep; inf. blinke, 91, 31. 
 lNth.pt. sg. blenkit, 172, 23. 
 blype, see blipe. 
 blyve, adv., OE. be + life; quickly, 
 bo, adj., OE. ba (begen) ; both, 38, 
 boc, see boke. 
 bochere, sb,, OF. bochier ; butcher, 
 57, 18. 
 bocstaf, sb., OE. bdcstsef ; letter of 
 alphabet', b5cstaff (O), 10, 7. 
 bgde, sb., OE. gebod, neut. ; com- 
 mand, request, message, 17, 28. 
 eSth.//. boden, 18 1, 4. 
 bgdeword, sb., OE. *bodword or new 
 cpd. ; message, 28, 27. 
 bodi, body, sb., OE. bodig ; body, 
 x 7> 23 ; //. bodis, 68, 16. Sth. 
 ds. bodye, 216, 14. 
 bdie(n), zvkv., Sth. =M1. bgde(n) ; 
 OE. bodian ; announce, proclaim, 
 speak', pt. sg. bodede, 186, 23. 
 bodili, bodylich, adj., OE. *bodig- 
 lice ; bodily, 146, 16. Sth. body- 
 lich, 216, 29. 
 boa,, sb., OE. b5g(h) ; bough ; pi. 
 bowes, 202. 14.. 
 "boistouslych, adv., origin uncertain ; 
 boisterously, 221, 8. 
 boke, boc (bok), sb., OE. boc, /. ; 
 book; b5c, 9, 1; boke, 15,9; 40, 
 3 ; 66, 28 ; bok, 67, 7. 
 bold, sb., OE. bold, b5ld ; house, 
 building; pi. boldes, 196, 8. 
 bld, adj., OM. bald, bald, WS. 
 beald; bold, 23, 25. 
 bole(n), wkv., ON. bolgna; swell, 
 Nth. inf. boln, 151, 18. 
 bn, boon, sb., OE. ban; bone; pi. 
 b 92 n ys> **& 18. v Nth. ban, 139, 
 bnd, sb., ON. band, 10E. bgnd ; 
 bond, durance, 22, 12. 
 bpndage, sb., OF. *bondage, ML. 
 bondaginnus; bondage, 94, 15. 
 bgnde, bond, sb., OE. bonda < ON. 
 b5ndi ; service ; bgnde manere, 
 manner of a bondman, 94, 2 2 . Nth. 
 bond, as in phr. fo;z<a? // /ra?, 
 bone, ^., ON. bon, /!, cogn. with 
 OE. ben ; prayer, boon, 16, 27. 
 8th..fll. bonen, 199, I. 
 Boneface, sb., OF. Boniface ; Boni- 
 face of Savoy, 226, 24. 
 bord, sb., OE. bord, b5rd, neut. ; 
 board, plank, table, side of ship ; 
 ds. b5rde, 190, 7. 
 bdrde, sb., NF. borde, OF. bourde; 
 jest, 122, 26. 
 borh, sb., OE. borh, m.\ bail, security, 
 I95> 3 1 - i 
 borwe(n), mz\, OE. borgian ; receive 
 on pledge, borrow ; pt. sg. borwed, 
 _245> 10. 
 bgst, boste, sb., based on root of OE. 
 bogan, ' boast ' ? ; boast, 1 58, 2 ; boost, 
 242, 1. 
 bosting, sb. <pr.ppl.\ boasting, 160, 
 bot, bote, see bote, bute. 
 bote (bot), sb., OE. b5t, / ; help,_ 
 remedy, salvation, 18, 12; bot, 54, 
 11. INth. bute, 157, 14. 
 botel, sb., OF. bouteille; bottle, 245, 
 hgpe (b^Se), bgthe, adj.,prn., ON. 
 ba])ir ; both, also, 37, 30; pi. (Sth.) 
 bgSen, 21,13. Cf. bape. 
 boun, adj., ON. pp. biiinn; ready, 
 prepared, 139, 16. 
 bounte, bunte, sb., AN. bunt, OF. 
 bonte' ; bounty, goodness ; 97, 13 ; 
 bunte, 214, 12. 
 bour, see bur. 
 bourde(n), wkv., OF. bourder ; jest, 
 242, 15. 
 bouxomnes, see buxsumnes. 
 bowdraucht, ^.,OE. boga + *draht ? ; 
 bow-draft, distance a bow will carry, 
 166, 19. 
 bowe(n), stv., OM. bugan-beg (WS. 
 beag) (2) ; bow, bend, turn aside, 
 be obedient ; pr. ppl. bowande, 96, 
 bowes, bown, see bo;, boun. 
 box, sb., OE. box ; box, 245, 8. 
 Braband, Brabant, j.,OF.Braband, 
 Brabant; Brabant, 161, 23; Bra- 
 bant, 162, 8. 
 brad (brade), braid, adj., eME. 
 Nth. = Ml/brgd ; OE. brad ; broad \ 
 eME. brad, 190, 9 ; brade, 129, 11. 
 INth. braid, 167, 26. 
 brtecon, braid, see brfke(n), brad, 
 braie(n), wkv., OF. braire ; bray, 
 resound harshly ; pr. ppl. brayinde, 
 217, 25. 
 brastlle(n), wkv., Sth. = Ml. brast- 
 le(n); OE. brastlian ; rustle, crackle, 
 make a noise', pr.pl. brastlien, 189, 
 brathly, adv., Nth. = Ml. brgthly; 
 ON. braftligr; violently, 128, 13. 
 braunche, sb., OF. branche ; branch ; 
 pi. braunches, 235, 22. 
 brayde, see breid. 
 brfad, see brf d. 
 brfadlfp = brfdlfp, sb., OE. bread 
 + leap, ' basket ' ; bread basket, 22, 
 bred (bredde), bredale, see bre- 
 de(n), brldale. 
 brfd, sb., OE. bread; bread, 21, 12 ; 
 brfad, 22,15; br|de, 89, 26; brggd, 
 243, I- 
 brfde, sb., Sth. = Ml. brede; WS. 
 brade, OM. brede; roast meat, 180, 
 brede, Nth. brede sometimes; sb., 
 OE. braidu ; breadth ; on bred, in 
 breadth, stretched out , 140, 21. 
 brf de(n), wfe.,OE. brsedan ; broaden, 
 expand; inf. brfde, 133, 17. 
 brede(n), wkv., OE. bredan; breed; 
 pp. bred, 17, 11 ; bredde, 53, 19. 
 brfdwrigte, sb., OE. bread + wyrhta 
 (wryhta); baker, bread-wright , 22, 
 bregd, see brgd. 
 brefli, adv., OF. brief + ME. -li ; 
 briefly, 130, 6. 
 breid, brayde, sb., OE. brsegd ; rapid 
 movement, cunning, throw, strata- 
 gem ; at a breid, rapidly, at a bound, 
 60, 3. Nth. brayde, 140, 16. 
 brfken, stv., OE. brecan-brsec (4) ; 
 break; pr. 3 sg. brfke]), 222, 7; 
 pt. sg. brak, 69, 32 ; brakk, 112, 26; 
 breke, with vowel of pi., 67, 32; 
 //. //. (eME. bnecon, 3, 13); 
 breken, 69, 15 ; pp. broken, 18, 1. 
 Sfh.pr.pl. brekeS, 179, 2; pt.pl. 
 brfken, 186, 31 ; pp. ibrgken, 203, 
 11 ; Ibrgke, 204, 16. 
 brfkynge, sb., OE. brecung, f. ; 
 breaking, 146, 8. 
 Brembre, sb., OM. Bremel, Brember? 
 (WS. Braimel) ; Brember; Nicholus, 
 233. I- 
 breme, adj., OE. breme ; famous', 
 excellent, Afi, 24. Nth.brem, 152,30. 
 bremli, bremly, adv., OE. *breme- 
 lice ; fiercely, 152,6. 
 Brenicia, sb., Lat. Bernicia, OE. 
 Beornica, -rice; Bernicia, 221, 32. 
 brenne(n), wkv., ON. brenna; burn ; 
 pr. ppl. brennynde, 61, 6; pt. pi. 
 brendon, 3, 25, -en, 83, 7 ; pp. brent, 
 in, 1 ; brente, 107, 9. Nth. inf. 
 bren, 151, 7,2','pt.pl. brend, 163,25. 
 brenstpn, brimstn, sb., OE. *bren- 
 stan, cf. ON. brennistein ; brimstone, 
 sulphur, 217, 24; brimstgn, 62, 17. 
 breoste, see brest. 
 brere, sb., OE. brer; briar, 235, 24. 
 brest (brest), sb., OE. breost; breast, 
 I2 > 5 > pl- breste, 41, 20; brest, 54, 
 12. eSth.//. breoste, 197, 21. 
 brestatter, sb., OE. breost + ator, 
 atter ; breast poison, 17, 14. 
 brestm-Be, sb., OE. breost + fylS,/ ; 
 breastfilth, sick in the heart, 18, 20. 
 Bretayne, sb., OF. Britaine, Bretaine ; 
 Brittany, 116, 8 ; Britain, 220, 12. 
 bretherhod, sb., OE. broSor + had ; 
 brotherhood, 116, 18. 
 Bretbuu, sb., AN. Bretun, OF. 
 Breton; Briton, 220, 1. 
 brewe(n), brew, breu, stv., OE. 
 breowan -breaw (2) ; brew ; pp. 
 browen, 57, 25. Nth. inf. brew, 
 130,4; breu, 149, 27. 
 breyde(n), stv., OE. bregdan-brxgd 
 (3) ; move, turn, act ; inf. breyde, 
 50, 30 ; pt. sg. breyde, 93, 31 ; braid, 
 J 95> 33 J pt.pl. broiden, 62, 1. 
 bribor, sb., OF. bribeur, NF. bribeor; 
 thief, rascal, 221, 19. 
 brid, sb., OE. bridd; bird; pl. 
 briddes, 198, 23. 
 brid, sb.. Nth. = Ml. bride ; OE. bryd, 
 /.; bride, 159, 31. 
 bridale (MS. briddale), sb., OE. 
 brydealo; bridal, bride-feast, 46, 
 26. Kt. bredale, 219, 8. 
 bridel, sb., OE. bridel; bridle, 50, 
 bri}t, brigt, briht, adj., OE. briht; 
 bright, 52, I ; brigt, 15, 26; briht, 
 178, 18; bryght, 144, 1; comp. 
 brihtre, 194, 33. 
 brimst2n, see brenston. 
 brin, stv., Nth. = Ml. brinne(n) ; 
 ON. brinna -brann (3) ; burn ; inf. 
 brin, 141, 6. 
 bringe(n), wkv. , OE. bringan-brohte 
 (brbhte) ; bring ; inf. bringen, 24, 
 31 ; bringe, 41, iy, pr. 1 sg. bringe, 
 37> 4 5^-3 S S- brinnge])]) (O), 11, 
 13 ; pt> sg. brohte, 4,15; brogte, 38, 
 2 55 pt- pl- brohten, 2, 1 ; pt. sbj. 
 pl. brohten, 186, 9 ; pp. brohht (O), 
 8, 26; broght, 89, 28. Nth. sbj. 
 sg. bring, 157, 8. Sth. pp. ibroht, 
 207, 32 ; ibro3t, 38, 23 ; ybrou3t, 70, 
 Bristowe, sb., OE. Brycgstow, /. ; 
 Bristol, 5, 27. 
 brith, sb., Nth. = Ml. bir])e; *gebryj), 
 cogn. with OE. gebyrd,/. or ON. 
 byrS; birth, 130, 4. 
 Briton, sb., OF. Breton, Briton; 
 Briton; pl. Britons, 220, 13. 
 brod, adj., OE. brad; broad, 47, 3. 
 brode, sb., OE. brod, f. ; offspring, 
 brood, 68, 26. 
 broiden, see breyde(n). 
 brond, sb., OE. brand, brgnd [bren- 
 nan] ; brand, 61, 26. 
 brother, sb., OE. broobr ; brother, 5, 
 2 3 5 P?* (eME. brethere, 26, 7; 
 breSren, 196, 21); brethere, 117, 
 22 ; bretheren, 116, 20. 
 Z 2 
 brouch, sb., OF. broche; broach, 
 224, 23. 
 Bruce, sb., Bruce', Robert pe Bruce, 
 170, 1. 
 Brughes (MS. Brug, Brughes), sb., 
 OF. Bruges; Bruges, 161, 8. 
 bruke(n), stv., OE. brucan-breac(2) ; 
 enjoy, brook ; inf. brukenn (O), 1 3, 
 23; bruke, 185, 18. 
 Brut, sb., OF. Brut; Brutus, 126, 7. 
 Brut, sb., Sth. = Ml. Brit ; OE. Bryt ; 
 Briton-, gpl. Briitten, 183, 31; 
 Briitte, 184, 4; //. Briittes, 184, 
 Bnitlfnd, sb., OE. Brytenlond (Bryt- 
 lond) ; land of Britain, England, 
 183, 26. 
 Briittaine, Brutaine, sb., Sth. = Ml. 
 Bretaine; OF. Bretaine, mod. by 
 OE. Bryt, Bryten ; Britain, 184, 8. 
 Bruttisc, adj., Sth. = Ml. Brittish ; 
 OE. Brytisc; British, 183, 29. 
 bryche, adj., OE. bryche; useful, 96, 
 bryght, see bri}t. 
 brynige, sb., OjSL brynja, OE. byrne; 
 coat of mail; pi. brynlges, 3, 7. 
 Brytayn, see Bretayne. 
 buc, sb., OE. buc; belly, paunch, 
 abdomen, 195, 23. 
 budel, sb., Sth. = Ml. bidel, bfdel; 
 OE. bydel; beadle, 194, 22. 
 bug = bu3, sb., OE. boh(g) ; bough, 
 21, 24. 
 bu3e(n), buhe(n), stv., OE. bugan 
 -beah (2) ; bow, turn, go; inf. bu3e, 
 184, 8; buhen, 193, 26; Sth.jv. 
 sg. b|h, 185, 26. 
 bulche, sb., OE. *bulce, cogn. with 
 ON. bulki, MnE. bulk ; hump, heap, 
 bunch, 60, 10. 
 bulde(n), wkv., Sth. -Ml. bilde(n) ; 
 OE. byldan ; build; imp. pi. 
 buldeo*, 196, 8; pt.pl. biilde, 221, 
 buldynge, sb., Sth. = Ml. bildinge, 
 based on biilde(n); building, 220, 3. 
 bundyn, adj. < pp. ME. bunde(n); 
 bound, 169, 29. 
 buntd, see bounte. 
 bur, bour, sb., OE. bur ; bower, ori- 
 ginally the woman , s part of the 
 house, 35,16; bour, 49, 7. eSth. 
 ds. bure, 181, 12. 
 burch, see burn, 
 burde, sb., Sth. = Ml. birde ; OE. 
 *byrdu?; woman, 191, 11. 
 bur^ewere, see burhwere. 
 burgeis, sb., OF. burgeis ; burgess, 
 citizen, 42, 21. 
 burh, burch, sb., OE. burh(g) , /! ; 
 town, borough, 6, 27; specifically 
 Bur ch = Peterborough ,1,2. e S th . 
 ds. burli3e, 187, 17. 
 burhfolc, sb., OE. *burhfolc ; people 
 of the town, citizens, 187, 26. 
 burh^e, see burh. 
 burhwere, sb. OE. burhwaru; dweller 
 in a city, citizen ; pi. burhweren, 
 187, 7; bur3ewere, 187, 19. 
 burn, sb., OE. burna, burne ; brook, 
 little stream, 168, 24. 
 burne, see berne(n). 
 burst, adj., Sth. = Ml. brist ; allied 
 to OE. byrst, sb., 'bristle'; bristly, 
 clothed with bristles, 195, 12. 
 biirptonge, sb. , Sth. = Ml. bir])tunge ; 
 OE. (ge)byrd + tunge; birth tongue, 
 mother tongue , 224, 16. 
 busk, sb., OE. *busc ?, cf. Dan. busk, 
 LL. *buxicum ; bush, 23, 9. 
 buske(n), wkv., ON. buask, 'get 
 oneself ready ' ; prepare, adorn, 
 disguise; imp. sg. busk, 161, 8; 
 //. sg. busked, 108, 4. 
 busshel, sb., OF. buissel ; bushel; 
 pi. busshels, 242, 8. 
 busshement, sb., OF. buschement ; 
 ambush; pi. busshmentz, 233, 19. 
 but, bute, see bute(n), bote. 
 bute(n), later but, bot(e), prep. 
 "* conj., OE. butan ; but, except, 2, 6 ; 
 buten, 16, 24; but, 26, 4; but if, 
 except, 118, 7. eSth. bute 3if, 
 199, 33- 
 buteler, sb., OF. bouteillier ; butler, 
 21, 19. 
 butere, sb., OE. butere, Lat. buty- 
 rum; butter, 3, 27. 
 butirfll3e, sb., OM. buttorflege(fllge), 
 \VS. -fleoge ; butterfly, 36, 25. 
 blip, buven, see be(n), abuven. 
 buxsumnes, bouxomnes, sb., OE. 
 buhsomnes^/ ; obedience, humility, 
 127, 12 ; bouxomnes, 146, 29. 
 bycause, adv. prep., OE. bi + OF. 
 cause; because \ 221, 7. 
 byd, see bidde(n). 
 byddynge, byddyng, biding, sb., 
 OE. *biddung,/! ; praying, bidding, 
 command', byddyng, 96, 30 ; biding, 
 138, 5. 
 byden, bye(n),j^<? bide(n), bige(n). 
 byfalle(n), byful, bygeoden, see 
 bifalle(n), bigg(n). 
 bynalden, byheste, byn, see bir 
 halde(n), biheste, be(n). 
 bynk, sb., Nth. = Ml. benk ; ON. 
 bennk ; bench, 173, 26. 
 byrie(n), see birle(n). 
 byrtben, sb., OE. byroen; burden, 
 byshopryke, sb., OE. biscoprice ; 
 bishopric, 113, 28. 
 bysides, bysynes, bytwixand, see 
 biside, bisines, bitwix. 
 bytaken, see bitacne(n). 
 caas, see cas. 
 cable, sb., OF. cable; cable, 86, 26. 
 cache(n), wkv., OF. cachier ; catch', 
 inf. cache, 125, 28. 
 Cador, sb., OF. Cador ; Cador, 190, 
 SiBse, sb., eME. = M1. chese ; OM. 
 cese, WS. ciese; cheese, 3, 27. 
 ceeste, see cheste. 
 Csestre, sb., eME. = Ml. Chestre, 
 Chester ; OE. Ceaster, Lat. castra ; 
 Chester, 5, 19. 
 Cai, sb., Kay, 126, 13. 
 Caim (Kaim), [Kaim], sb., OE. 
 Cain with change of final consonant, 
 or OF. *Caim ; Cain, 68, 10. 
 caitif, sb., OF. caitif ; caitive, wretch, 
 63. 8 ; kaityf, 240, 32 ; pi. kaytefes, 
 155. 12. 
 cakel, adj., ON. *kakel, cf. Svved. 
 kackla?; cackling', kakel, 198, 18. 
 cakele(n), wkv., ON., cf. Swed. 
 kackla ? ; cackle ; inf. kakelen, 198, 
 21; pr, ppl. kakelinde, 198, 24; 
 pp. icakeled, 198, 27. 
 calende, sb., OE. calend ; first of the 
 month ; \>e fortende kalende of 
 Mearch, the fourteenth day fro?n the 
 first of March, 197, 9. 
 calls, sb., OF. (Picard) calice ; 
 chalice, 203, 8. 
 Calixtes, sb. , Lat. Calixtus ; Calix- 
 tus, Pope and Saint, 209, 19. 
 calle(n), wkv., ON. kalla; call', inf. 
 calle, 87, 30 ; pt. sg. kalde, 63, 28 ; 
 kalled, 94, 9; callyd, 105, 21 ; pp. 
 cald, 135, 8. 
 Cambria, sb., Lat. Cambria; Cam- 
 bria, 223, 8. 
 Camelford, sb., Camelford, 109, 21 ; 
 ds. Camelforde, 189, 22. 
 Campaine, sb., OF. Campaine ; 
 Campania, 196, 32. 
 can = gan, see ginne(n). 
 canceler, sb., OE. canceler, Lat., later 
 displaced by NF. chancelere ; 
 chancellor, 2, 25. 
 candel, candel, sb., OE. candel 
 (candel), cndel ; candle, kandcl, 
 ' 82, 29 ; pi. candles, 5, 14, candelys, 
 117, 2. 
 candelmasse, candelmasse, sb., OE. 
 Candelmsesse (candel-) ; Candelmas, 
 5 25. 
 canon, sb., OF. (Picard) canon; 
 canon, rule, 245, 29 ; pi. canons, 
 Cantelow, sb., Cantelupe, Walter of, 
 Bishop of Worcester, 227, 1. 
 Cantwarberi, ^.,OE. Cantwaraburh 
 (-byrig, Kt. -berig) ; Canterbury, 
 5, 16. Sth. Kantebiiri, 226, 24. 
 canunk, sb., ON. kanunkr; canon, 
 prebendary ; gs. kanunnkess (O), 8, 
 J 7- 
 capon, sb., OF. capon, AN. capun ; 
 capon ; pi. capons, 244, 28. 
 Carausius, sb., Lat. Carausius ; 
 Carausius, 221, 21. 
 care, sb., OM. caru, WS. cearu ; care, 
 sorrow, 39, 2; eME. kare, 177, 
 careful, adj. , OE. cearful ; careful ; 
 eME. kareful, 188, 27. 
 carie(n), wkv., OF. carier ; carry, 
 inf. carye, 233, 15 ; pr.ppl. cariynge, 
 245, 14 ; pp. caried, 239, 3. Sth. 
 pp. ycaried, 242, 28. 
 carited = caritej>, sb., NF. cariteth, 
 OF. carite, charite, Lat. caritatem; 
 charity, almsgiving, 4, 13. 
 carl, sb. as adj., ON. karl; man, male. 
 contemptuously, low, common man; 
 carl, 240, 21 ; carle, in, 25. 
 Carliun, sb. , AN. Carliun ; Caerleon ; 
 Karliun, 188, 24. 
 carlman, sb., ON. karl, OE. man ; 
 male person, man ; //. carlmen, 
 3, 3- 
 carole, sb., OF. carole; carol, song-, 
 karole, 215, 21. 
 cart, sb., ON. kartr, perh. OE. crset ; 
 cart; pi. cartes, 31, 10. 
 carye(n), see carle(n). 
 cas, cas, sb., OF. cas; case, circum- 
 stance, 68, 9 ; kas, 98, 7 ; case, to6, 
 30; pi. caas, 225, 9; par cas, by 
 chance, 245, 24. 
 castelweorc, sb., OF. castel + OE. 
 weorc ; ivork of building castles, 
 castle work ; pi. castelweorces, 2", 
 caste(n), wkv., ON. kasta ; cast ; 
 inf. caste, 41, 19 ; pr. 3 sg. caste]), 
 100, 22; pi. sg. caste, 207, 7 ; pp. 
 kast, 58, 19 ; cast, 245, 19. Nth. 
 pr. 3 sg. castys, 143, 24 ; pp. casten, 
 156, 2. Sth! pp. icaste, 42, 4. Cf. 
 castle, castel, sb., OF. castel; castle; 
 castell, 108, 16 ; pi. castles, 2, 14; 
 casteles, 76, 32. 
 castynge, sb.<.pr. ppl., ME. casten ; 
 casting, hurling, 124, 29. 
 cat, sb., OE. catt; cat ; kat, 202, 28. 
 catfl, catelle, cateyl, sb., OF. catel, 
 NF. chatel ; cattle, property, 53, 7 ; 
 catelle, 117, 27 ; kateyl, 94, 7. 
 Cathenesia, j., Lat. Cathenesia ; 
 Caithness, 220, 21. 
 Catoun, .?., AN. Catun ; Cato, 216, 
 cauersyn, kauersyn, sb., OF. *cauer- 
 sin; money-lender, 88, 1. 
 Caunterbiry, .ras? Cantwarberl. 
 cause, .<., OF. cause; <rtf5v?. Nth. 
 caus, 136, 26. 
 caye, sb. f OE. deg, /, caege ; &?j, 
 161, 22. 
 Cay f as, sb., Lat. Caifas; Caiaphas; 
 ^._Cayfas, 137.7- . 
 caysere, j-3. , ON. keisari ; emperor ; 
 kaysere, 75, 15; kayser, 162, 9; 
 keiser, 192, 4. 
 ces, ^<? efse(u). 
 cendel, j., OF. cendal, sendal; rich 
 cloth, 49, 6. 
 cerge, sb., OF. cirge ; wax candle, 
 certain, sertayne, certane, adj., 
 adv., OF. certein; certain; sertayne, 
 141, 13; lNth. certane, 167, 21..' 
 certane, see certain. 
 certes, certys, adv., OF. certes; cer- 
 tainly, 38, 11; certys, 107, 16; 
 sertis, 138, 10. 
 Cesar, sb., OF. Cesar; Ccesar ; July 
 Cesar, 126, 4. 
 cfse(n), wkv., OF. cesser ; cease, 
 cause to cease; inf. cfes, in, 27. 
 cete, see cite. 
 cete, sb., OF. cete; whale, 19, 15. 
 cethegrande, sb., OF. cetegrande; 
 NF. cethegrande; whale, 19, 1. 
 chaffare, chaffare, sb., OM. *ceap 
 fare ; chaffer, trade, 95, 25. Sth. 
 cheffare, 203, 5. 
 chald, see C9M. 
 chalys, sb., NF. chalice ; chalice, 
 communion cup, 122, 10. Cf. calis. 
 chambre, see chaumbre. 
 Chanaan,^., Lat. (Vulgate) Chanaan; 
 Canaan, 24, 29. 
 chanoun, sb., AN. chanoun> OF. 
 canon; canon, 75, 22. 
 change(n), wkv., OF. changer ; 
 change ; Nth. pt. changit, 1 70, 9. 
 chapel, sb., OF. chapele ; chapel. 
 char, see cher. 
 charemynge, sb., based on charmen, 
 OF. charmer; enchantment, 145, 12. 
 chare (n), wkv., OE. cerran ; turn, 
 go ; inf. charen, 33, 20 ; pr. 1 sg. 
 chare, 32, 6. 
 charge, ^., OF. charge; charge, 145, 
 charge (n), wkv., NF. chargier ; 
 charge, load, zveigh down ; pp. 
 charged, 89, 26. 
 Charles, sb., OF. Charles; OF. 
 Charles ; Charles the Great, Charle- 
 magne, 126, 15. 
 chartre, sb., NF. chartre; charter, 
 85, 24. 
 chartre, sb., NF. chartre ; prison, 
 charyte, charite, sb., NF. charite, 
 OF. carite ; charite, 89, 31; charite, 
 127, 14. Cf. carited. 
 chaser, sb., based on chasse(n) ; 
 chaser, pursuer', pi. chaseris, 169, 5. 
 chass, sb., OF. chace; chase, 168, 27. 
 chasse(n), wkv., OF. chacier ; chase; 
 pr. ppl. chassand, 169, 2. 
 chassing, sb., based on OF. chacier; 
 chasing, chase, 168, 29. 
 chaste, adj., NF. chaste ; chaste, 
 120, 3. 
 chastie(n),w^.,Sth. = Ml.chaste(n); 
 OF. chastier ; chastise, chasten ; 
 imp.pl. chastl je, 200, 21. 
 chastlement, sb., OF. chastiement; 
 chastisement, 200, 29. 
 chastite, *., OF. chastete ; chastity, 
 chaul, see chavel. 
 chaumberlayn, sb. , OF. chamberlene, 
 -lain ; chamberlain, 41, 1. 
 chaumbre, chambre, sb., OF. 
 chambre; chamber, 35,23; chambre, 
 49, 2; 241, 6. 
 chaunce, sb., NF. cheance; chance, 
 90, 20. 
 chaunge, j<5., OF. change; change, 
 128, 7. 
 chaunge(n), /&>., OF. changier; 
 change; pr. 1 sg. chaunge, 37, 14; 
 pr. pi. chaungen, 37, 30; pt. sg. 
 chaungede, 45, 4; chayngede = 
 changede, 224,28; pp. chaunged, 52, 
 29. Sth.//. ychaunged, 224, 27. 
 chavel, chaul, sb., OM. can", WS. 
 ceafl ; jaw, beak ; talk, chatter ; 
 chavel, 19, 15; chaul, 60, 17. 
 eSth. cheafle, 201, 7. 
 chayngede, see chaunge (n). 
 cheafle, see chavel. 
 chfapie(n),//z/.,Sth. =Ml.ch|pe(n); 
 OE. cheapian ; buy, sell; pr. 3 sg. 
 chfapeS, 203, 5. 
 chgapild, sb., based on OE. ceap + 
 hyld ; fond of bargaining, a bar- 
 gainer, 203, 5. 
 cheffare, see chaff are. 
 chfle, sb., OM. cele, WS. ciele; chill, 
 cold, 219, 6. 
 chfofle(n), wkv., eME. = M1. chf- 
 vle(n) ; OE. *ceaflian, cf. LG. 
 kavilen ; chatter, converse aimlessly ; 
 P r - 3 s g* chgofled = chgofleS, 200, 10. 
 cheoke, sb., eME. = Ml. cheke; OE. 
 ceoce ; cheek. Sth. pi. cheoken, 
 200, 10. 
 cheose(n), see chese(n). 
 chepmon, sb., Sth. = Ml. chapman ; 
 OE. ceapman ; merchant, chapman, 
 203, 6. 
 cher, char, sb., OM. cerr, WS. cierr ; 
 turn, time, piece of work, char, 53, 
 16. Sth. ds. chere, 192, 9 ; cherre, 
 197, 17. 
 cherche, see chirche. 
 chere, sb., OF. chere, chiere; counten- 
 ance, cheer {with change of meaning), 
 45, 4. Nth. cher, 155, 21. 
 cherise(n), wkv., OF. cherir, pr. st. 
 cheriss-; cherish; inf. cherise, 234, 
 cherl, cherl, sb., OE. ceorl; husband- 
 man, rzistic, churl, 83, 33. 
 cherre, see cher. 
 chese(n), stv., OE. ceosan -ceas (2) ; 
 choose ; inf. chese, 233, 13 ; pt. sg. 
 chfs, 130, 30 ; pt. pi. (eME. cusen, 
 8, 1); chsen, 76, 7; pp. (eME. 
 cosan, 8, 4) ; chgsen, 102, 24. Sth. 
 (eSth. inf. cheose, 220, 15); pp. 
 icoren, 179, 15; icornee, 212, 26. 
 cheste, sb., OE. cist, cest,/; chest, 
 box, 241, 5; eME. caeste, 3, 11. 
 chfste, chfst, sb., OE. ceast, /. ?; 
 strife, contention; chgst, 68, 17. 
 chfsun, chfson, sb., AN. acheisun, 
 OF. (on) ; occasion, motive, 91, 5 ; 
 chfson, 145, 26. 
 chesynge, sb., OE. *ceosung, f. ; 
 choosing, 117, 30. 
 chewe(n), stv., OE. ceowan -ceaw 
 (2) ; chew ; pr. sbj. chewe, 122, 14. 
 chilche, sb., OE. *cildse ; childish- 
 ness, puerility, 176, 7. 
 child (chyld),//. childer (childre), 
 children; OE. cild; child, 4, 29; 
 childe, 163, 20; gpl. without ending, 
 childer, 69, 12; children, 80, 6. 
 Sth. ds. childe, 1 76, 24 ; pi. children, 
 202, 18 ; childern, 225, 6 ; chyldren, 
 224, 17. 
 childh^de, sb., OE. cild, cild + *hajde ; 
 cf. OE. cildhad ; childhood, 214, 2. 
 Childriche, sb., OE. *Cildric; Child- 
 rich, 185, 17. 
 chirche, sb., OE. cirice ; church, 72, 
 30; eME. circe, 3, 32; cherche, 
 chircheggng, sb., OE. cyrice + gang; 
 church-going, 34, 18. 
 chirchepiirl, jA, Sth. = Ml. chirche- 
 J)irl; OE. cyrice + hyrl ; church 
 window, ds. chirche]?urle, 199, 21. 
 chirch-hay, sb., OE. cirice + hege, 
 'hedge, enclosure'; churchyard, 
 124, 25. 
 chost, j3., OE. ceast becoming ceast?; 
 dispute, strife, 125, I. 
 chyrche^frd, -3rde, -3orde, sb., OE. 
 *ciricegeard (geard) ; churchyard, 
 88, 6 ; eME. cyrceiserd, 3, 32 ; 
 chyrche3orde, 124, 32. 
 chytering, sb., based on chitere(n) ; 
 chattering, 224, 15. 
 chyvalrous, adj., OF. chevalereus ; 
 chivalrous, 114, 29. 
 ciclatun, ^.,AN. ciclatun ; ciclatoun, 
 sort of rich cloth, 192, 27. 
 cild, circs, see child, chirche. 
 circe wlcan, eME. for chirchewiken, 
 OE. cirice + wice, wkf, office of the 
 churchwarden; circewican, 4, 20. 
 Cf. wiken. 
 cite (cyte), site, sb., OF. cite ; city, 
 73, 24; cyte, 106, 3; site, 32, 31. 
 Nth. cete, 135, 6. 
 clad, cladde, see cl9pe(n). 
 clane, adv., OE. clsene (clane) ; 
 wholly, clean (in dial. English), 
 183, 9- 
 clanse(n), wkv., OE. clSnsian by 
 shortening ; cleanse ; inf. clanse, 
 122, 18. Cf. clense(n). 
 Clare, sb., OF. Clare ; Clare, Richard 
 of, 227, 2. 
 Clarice, Claris, sb., OF. Claris ; 
 Clarice, 36, 31. 
 clap, clape, sb., eME., Nth. = Ml. 
 clg]> ; OE. cla$ ; cloth, garment, pi. 
 clothes, 150, 12; pi. claftes, 192, 
 clause, sb., OF. clause; clause , sen- 
 tence, 155, 29. 
 clauwe, clawe, sb., OE. clawu; claw, 
 60, 11; clawe,_23i, 23. 
 clay, sb., OE. claeg; clay, 50, 12. 
 clff, see cleve(n). 
 clfne, clfn, adj., OE. clasne ; clean, 
 pure, chaste, 33, 23. INth. clfn, 
 i57> 3- 
 clenliche, adv., Sth. = Ml. clenll; 
 OE. cleenllce ; cleanly, 219, 31. 
 clennesse, sb., OE. cleenness, f.; 
 cleanness, chastity, 232, 11. 
 clense(n), wkv., OE. clainsian ; 
 cleanse-, inf. dense, 102, 1. Nth. 
 inf. clens, 156, 10. Kt. pr. 3 sg. 
 clenzej), 217, 16; //. yclenzed, 
 218, 11. 
 clfpe(n), cleppe(n), wkv., OE. 
 cleopian (clipian) ; call ; inf. clep- 
 pen, 39) 7l t f - S S- clepede, 41, 1 ; 
 //. pi. clepeden, 3, 23 ; clepte, 37. 
 32 ; pp. clfped, 39, 29. Sth. inf. 
 (eSth. cleopien, 187, 32) ; pr. pi. 
 clfpieth, 211,17; P r - $ fy' pl- cleple, 
 211, 14; imp. sg. clfpe, 212, 12; 
 imp. pi. (eSth. cleopeS, 196, 11^; 
 pt. sg. (eSth. cleopede, 184, 4) ; 
 pp. yclepud, 221, 6; iclept, 41, 8. 
 Cf. Sth. cluple(n). 
 cleppe, sb., Sth. = Ml. clappe ; OE. 
 *clseppe ; cf. MDu. klappe, kleppe ; 
 clapper, 200, II. 
 cleppen, see clepe(n). 
 clergie, sb., OF. clergie; learning, 
 216, 12. 
 clerk, sb., OE. cleric, infl. by OF. 
 clerc ; clergyman, scholar, clerk, 8, 
 2. 8th.pl. clerken, 209, 17. 
 clfve, sb.j OE. cleofa ; chamber, den, 
 house, 82, 1. 
 cleve(n), slv., OE. cleofan-cleaf (2) ; 
 cleave, split ; //. sg. clgf, 51, 24. 
 climbe(n) ,x/r.,OE.climbatk (climban) 
 -clamb (clgmb) (3) ; climb ; inf. 
 cllmben, 101, 14; pr. sbj. pi. 
 climben, 201, 13. 
 clive(n), wkv., OE. clifian ; adhere, 
 cleave, belong; pr. 3 sg. cliveft, 31, 
 cliver, adj., OE. clibbor?; tenacious, 
 18, 25. 
 cloche = cluche, sb., origin uncertain ; 
 clutch, 60, 6. 
 clJ>, j^., OE. claS ; garment, pi. 
 clothes ; clJ)e, 93, 6 ; clgfes ; &?</ 
 clothes, 41, 19. 
 clJ)e(n), mz>., OE. claSian ; clothe; 
 pp. sg. cipjjede, 77, 23 ; //. clgfted, 
 17, 17; clad, 23, 24. Sth. pp. 
 yclSed, 231, 25. 
 clgping, j(5., based on OE. cla ; 
 clothing, 92, 27. 
 clout, clowt, see clut. 
 cloyster, sb. or <//., OF. cloistre; 
 cloister, 154, 5. 
 Clunie, j3., OF. Clunie; Cluny, dep. 
 Saone-et-Loire, I, 3. 
 clupie(n), wkv., Sth. = Ml. clipen 
 (clepen) ; OE. clypian ; cry out, 
 call ; inf. cliipie, 206, 3 ; pp. 
 icliiped, 179, 15. 
 cluse, sb., OE. clus, /.; enclosure, 
 dam {of a mill), 201, I. 
 clut, clout, clowt, sb., OE. clut; 
 clout, rag; //.clutes, 81, 22 ; clout, 
 57, 8 ; clowt, 241, 7. 
 clyf, sb., OE. clif (cleof); cliff, 222, 14. 
 clynke(n), wkv., cf. MDu. clinken ; 
 clink, ring as a bell; inf. clynke, 
 239, 2. 
 cnave, sb., OE. cnafa ; knave, servant, 
 54, 28; knave, 82, 11. 
 cnawe(n), see knawe(n). 
 cniht, sb., OE. cniht; knight, 181, 5. 
 cnotted, pp. as adj., OE. cnottod < 
 cnottian ; knotted, 3, 8. 
 cgf ? adj., OE. caf; swift, eager, 17, 
 17; J>e cgve, the swift one, the 
 thief*., 198, 22. 
 coine(n), wkv., OF. coigner; coin; 
 Sth. pp. ycoyned, 242, 7. 
 cok, sb., OE. coc; rtW; //. cokes, 
 _49> 9- 
 cgld, a^'., OM. cald, cald, WS. ceald ; 
 cold, 39, 4 ; kgld, 77, 19. eKt. 
 chald, 218, 6. 
 colie(n), wkv., Sth. = Ml. cole(n) ; 
 OE. colian ; become cool, cool ; pt. sg. 
 colede, 195, 17. 
 colter, sb., OE. culter, Lat. culter ; 
 colter, 60, 23. 
 com, com, see cume(n), come. 
 comande(n), wkv., OF. commander ; 
 command; pr. 1 sg. comand, 69, 
 22; pt. sg. commandede, 222, 26; 
 pp. comaunded, 235, 2. Nth. pp. 
 comand, 140, 20. 
 comandement, comandment, sb., 
 OF. comandement ; commandment, 
 engagement; comandement, 69, 15; 
 comandment, 67, 32 ; comaunde- 
 ment, 234, 4. 
 comaunde(n), comaundement, see 
 comande(n), comandement. 
 come, sb., OE. *come; cf. ON. kvama, 
 f. ; coming, arrival, 11, 6. Nth. 
 com, 133, 3. 
 comlyng, sb., OE. *cumelung?j cf. 
 OHG. chomeling; new comer, 
 stranger, 225, 13. 
 commun, comone, adj., AN. cumun, 
 OF. comon ; common, 133, 26; co- 
 mone, 147, 14; in commune, together, 
 all together, 233, 23 ;//. as sb. com- 
 munes, commons, 233, 12. 
 commyxstion, sb., OF. commistion, 
 AN. commistiun, infl. by Lat. com- 
 mixtio; commingling, 224, 13. 
 comone, see commun. 
 compaignye, sb., OF. compaignie ; 
 company, 237, 7. 
 companye(n), wkv., OF. com- 
 paignier ; accompany, meet together ; 
 inf. companye(n), 234, 11. 
 compelle(n), wkv., OF. compeller; 
 compel; pp. compelled, 224, 18. 
 compile(n), wkv., OF. compiler; 
 compile; pp. compiled, 234, 23. 
 compleyne(n), wkv., OF. com- 
 pleindre ; complain ; pr. pi. com- 
 pleynen, 232, 20. 
 comune(n), wkv., AN. communier; 
 commune, converse ; pr.ppl. comun- 
 yng, 236, 16. 
 comunlych, comunlik, adv., AN. 
 comun + ME. llche ; commonly, 93, 
 15. Nth. comunlik, 133^ 28. 
 Comyn,^., Coi?iyn ; Jn pe, 159, 29. 
 con, conne, see cunne(n). 
 conceive(n), wkv., NF. conceivre, 
 OF. concoivre ; conceive, beget ; pt. 
 sg. conceived, 102,6; pp. conceived, 
 concepcion, sb., OF. conception; 
 conception, 133, 10. 
 coney ence, coney ens, conscience, 
 sb., OF. conscience; conscience, 144, 
 9 ; concyence, 146, 1 ; consciens, 
 condicion, sb., OF. condicion ; condi- 
 tion, 220, 14, 
 confederat, adj., Lat. confederatus ; 
 confederate, associated with, 2 24, 7. 
 conferme(n), wkv., OF. confermer; 
 confirm ; imp. sg. conferme, 102, 15. 
 confiture, sb., OF. confiture '/preserve, 
 confection, 245, 1. 
 contort, sb., OF. confort; comfort, 
 160, 3. 
 conforte(n), wkv., OF. conforter ; 
 comfort; pt. pi. conforted, 101, 6. 
 Nth. pr. 3 sg. confortes, 151, 2; 
 pp. confort, 140, 32. 
 confounde(n), wkv., OF. confundre ; 
 confound, injure, destroy ; Nth. pr. 
 pi. confoundes, 147, 6. 
 confusion, sb., OF. confusion ; con- 
 fusion, 239, 17. 
 congregacioun(en), wkv., based on 
 AN. congregatiun ; assembly, 118, 
 conne, ^cunne(n). 
 conquerour, sb. , OF. conquereur ; 
 conqueror, 126, 3. 
 conquest, sb., OF. conqueste; con- 
 quest, 225, 2. 
 consail (conseil), consciens, see 
 conseyl, concyence. 
 conseilie(n), wkv., Sth. = M1. con- 
 seile(n) ; AN. cunseilier, OF. con- 
 seilier ; counsel ; inf. conseilT, 204, 
 21 ; pt. sg. c5nseilede, 206, 16; pt. 
 pi. conseilede, 205, 28. 
 consenti(n), wkv., Sth. = Ml. con- 
 sented) ; OF. consentir ; consent ; 
 inf. consent!, 217, 31. 
 conseyl (cOunseil), consail (coun- 
 sayl), sb., OF. conseil, AN. cunseil ; 
 counsel', c5nseyl, 100, 24; c5nseil, 
 204, 15 ; consayl, 46, 32. 
 Constantin, sb., OE. Constantin ; 
 Constantine, 190, 18. 
 construccion, sb., OF. construction ; 
 construction, 224, 28. 
 construe(n), wkv., OF. construire; 
 construe, explain, translate ; inf. 
 construe, 224, 19; pr.pl. construe]), 
 225, 3- 
 contemplacyone, sb., OF. contem- 
 placion ; contemplation, 145, 8. 
 contemplaytyfe, adj., OF. contem- 
 platif ; contemplative, 146, 18. 
 contenanss, see cuntenaunce. 
 contre, contray (contrei), sb., OF. 
 cuntree ; country, 37, 16; contree, 
 239, 4; //. contrays, 220, 6; con- 
 treis, 205, 32 ; cuntre, 98, 8. 
 contrycyon, sb., OF. contricion, AN. 
 contriciun ; contrition ; contricione, 
 123, 23. 
 contynue(n), wkv., OF. continuer; 
 continue ; pp. contynued, 234, 25. 
 converte(n), wkv., OF. converter; 
 convert; pt. sg. convertid, 135, 4; 
 converted, 221, 31 ; pp. converted, 
 102, 17. 
 conveye(n), wkv., OF. conveier; 
 convey, 230, 19. 
 cgpe, sb., ON. kapa, LL. capa; cope, 
 corageus, adj., OF. corageus; courage- 
 ous, 206, 1. 
 coreccion, sb., OF. correction; cor- 
 rection, 236, 9. 
 corn (corn), sb., OE. corn ; corn, 
 3, 2_7. 
 cornlond, sb., OE. corn + lpnd ; corn 
 land, 225, 32. 
 Cornwal, Cornwaile, sb., OE. Corn- 
 weal ; Cornwall; ds. Corn wale, 
 188, 32; Cornwalen, //.?, 188, 9; 
 Cornwaile, 190, 17; Jghan, 224, 27. 
 coroune, sb., AN. corune; crown, 
 227, 19. Cf. croune (crime). 
 cordune(n), 7wfc>., OF. coruner; 
 crown ; /r. 3 sg. coroune}), 216, 30 ; 
 pp. coroimed, 229, 31. 
 corrupt, adj., OF. corrupt ; corrupt, 
 238, 22. 
 cors, sb., OF. cors; corpse, corse, 
 body, 118, 13. 
 corsed, see curse(n). 
 corsur, sb., origin uncertain, cf. corser, 
 N.E.D. ; dealer in horses, 108, 11. 
 cos, sb., OE. coss ; kiss, 196, 21. 
 cosan, see chfse(n). 
 cosin, sb., OF. cosin ; cousin, relative, 
 204, 28. 
 cost, sb^ OF. coste ; expense, at here 
 comoun cost, at their expense in 
 common, 118, 24. 
 cgste, sb., OF. coste; coast, 220, 9. 
 costnie(n), wkv., ON. kosta ex- 
 tended?; cost, expend; pr. 3 sg. 
 costnej), 219, 20. 
 cte, sb., OE. cote; cote, cot, 87, 
 cte, MS. colte, sb. , OE. colt ; colt, 
 61, 12. 
 Cotingham, *., Cottingham (North- 
 ampton), 4,23. 
 counseil, counsayle, sb., AN. 
 cunseil; counsel, 100,15; counsayle, 
 no, 5 ; counsail, 200, 18. 
 court, sb., OF._curt; court, 50, 17; 
 curt, 7, 32; courte, 125, 1. 
 covayte(n), wkv., OF. cuveiter; 
 covet; Nth. inf. covayte, 147, 27; 
 pr. 3 sg. covaytes, 135, 23; pp. 
 _covayt, 139, 32. 
 cove, see cof. 
 covenaunt, sb., OF. covenant ; cove- 
 nant, agreement ; at the covenaunt, 
 with the agreement, 221, 3. 
 covent, sb., OF. couvent, covent; 
 convent, monastery, order of monks, 
 in, 29. 
 covertoure, sb., OF. coverture ; 
 covering, bedclothes, 49, 5. 
 coveytise, sb., OF. coveitise; cove- 
 tousness, 54, 14. 
 coveytous, adj., OF. coveitous ; 
 covetous, 88, 23. 
 cowlte, sb., OF. coulte, cuilte ; quilt, 
 cradel, sb., OE. cradol; cradle, 224, 
 craft, sb. , OE. crseft ; power, skill, 
 craft, 17, 6. 
 craftllik, adfc/., OE. crgeftiglice ; 
 powerfully, wonderfully, craftily, 
 I3i| 4- 
 crafty, a<^., OE. cneftig ; crafty, 
 crake(n), crakke(n), wkv., OE. 
 cracian; crack; pt. sg. crakede, 82, 
 12. Nth. inf. crak, 160, 24; //. 
 crakked, 159, ti. 
 crave(n), wkv., OE. crafian ; crave; 
 inf. craven, 31, 14; crave, 54, 26.; 
 pt. sg. cravede, 84, 13. 
 crfatour, sb., OF. creatour; creator, 
 246, 8. 
 erf ature, .$., OF. creature ; creature, 
 creation, 62, 26. Nth. pi. crfatfirs, 
 M4, 23. 
 crede, sb., OE. creda, Lat. credo ; 
 creed, 16, 25. 
 creoissen (croissen), w>z>., OF. 
 croiser : cross, sign with the cross ; 
 imp. pi. creoiseft, 197, 20. 
 crepe(n), stv., OE. creopan-creap 
 (2) ; creep ; pr. 3 sg. crepe, 17, 6. 
 Nth. inf. crep, 152, n. 
 cri, sb., OF. cri ; cry, 62, 22. 
 crie(n), wkv., OF. crier; cry ; inf. 
 crie, 36, 6 ; crye, 105, 23 ; pr. pi. 
 crien, 41, 31 ; pr. sbj. crie, 198, 33 ; 
 pr. ppl. criende, 60, 1 5 ; pt. sg. 
 cried, 104, 10 ; pt.pl. criede, 206, 19. 
 cripele(n), wkv., based on OE. 
 cryppel ? ; go as a cripple ; pr. ppl. 
 cripelande, 17, 6. 
 crisme, sb., OF. cresme; Chrism, 
 sacred oil, 34, II. 
 Crissten, crisstendom, crisstned, 
 see Cristen, cristendom, crist- 
 Crist, sb., OE. Crist, Lat. Christus, 
 through Olr. Crist ; Christ, 1,8; gs. 
 Crystys, 88, 5. Nth. gs. Cristis, 
 335, 1 ; Sth. ds. Criste, 176, 20. 
 Cristen, crystyn, adj., sd., OE. 
 cristen; Christian, 4, 29; pi. 
 Crisstene (O), 10, 13; crystyn, 
 146, 6. 
 cristendom, sd., OE. cristendom; 
 Christendom ; CrisstenndSm (O), 
 8, 14 ; crystenddm, Christianity, 
 salvation, 65, 9 ; 94, 24. 
 Cristenmesse, sd., OE. cristen + OF. 
 messe; Christmas, 229,21. 
 cristiente, sd., OF. chrestianite, 
 cristianite ; cristendom, 228, 32. 
 cristne(n), wz/., OE. cristnian ; 
 christen ; pp. crisstnedd (O), 13, 26. 
 cristninge, sd., based on cristne(n) ; 
 christening, 218, 4. 
 Gristofer, .$., OF. Cristopher ; 
 Christopher, 164, 7. 
 Cristus, .57$., Lat. Christus ; Christ, 8, 
 croice, croyce, sd., OF. crois; rnw.r, 
 133. 1 J croyce, I39> 22. 
 croked, pp. as adj., ME. croke(n) ; 
 crooked, 241, 32. 
 cronycle(n), wkv., OF. croniquer, 
 *cronikler; chronicle, recorded; pp. 
 cronyclyd, 116, 7. 
 cros, sd., Olr. cross, through ON. 
 kross; cross, 136, 23. 
 croune, crime, sd., AN. corune ; 
 crown, 82, 12; crowne, 105, 19; 
 crime, 194, 33. Cf. corune. 
 croune(n), wkv.,OY. coruner; crown ; 
 P r - 3 ^* croune]), 104, 19. 
 crowne, croyce, see croune, croice. 
 crucethus, sd., origin of first part 
 unknown ; torture house, 3, 11. 
 crucyfle(n), wkv., OF. crucifier; 
 crtccify; pp. crucyfiede, 145, 23. 
 cruninge, sd., based on criine(n) ; 
 crowning, reign, 226, 23. 
 crye(n), see crie(n). 
 crystenddm, crystyn, see cristen- 
 dom, cristen. 
 cu, ku, sd., OE. cu; cow, 202, 31. 
 cume(n), stv., OE. cuman-c5m 
 (cwom) (4) ; come ; inf. cumen, 1 , 
 17; cume, 39, 16; com, 74, 13; 
 prr. 3 sg. cumeft, 15, 11 ; com]), 89, 
 12; pr.pl. cumen, 19, 13; cume 
 ge, 25, 11 ; comen, 58, 11 ; pr. sdj. 
 sg. come, 52, 8 ; pr. sdj.pl. cumen, 
 226, 18; cume, 180, 2; imp. sg. 
 cum, 37, 24 ; pr.ppl. cominge, 39, 
 31 ; pt. sg. com, 1,1; comm (O), 
 11, 17; cam, 23, 7; kam, 15, 2; 
 pt. pi. (eME. comon, 2, 16); comen, 
 29, 14; come, 63, 30 ; pt. sdj. sg. 
 c5me, 8, 7 ; pt. sdj. pi. (eME, 
 coman, 4, 3) ; comen, 185, 22 ; pp. 
 cumen, 2, 7; comyn, no, 13. 
 Nth. pr. 2 sg. cums, 141, 25 ; pr. 
 3 sg. corns, 127, 19; pr. sdj. sg. 
 cum, 141, 30; pp. cumin, 170, 32. 
 Sth. ger. cumene, 214, 24; pp. 
 icumen, 183, 23; icume, 40, 31; 
 icome, 44, 26. 
 cumpaignie, cumpaynie, sd., AN. 
 cumpaignie; company, companion- 
 ship, 38, 22; cumpaynie, 56, .21; 
 cumpany, 117, 15. 
 cumpany, see cumpaignie. 
 cumpasse(n), wkv., AN. cumpasser; 
 compas, surround, protect; late ME. 
 inf. compas, 103, 27. 
 cumyng, sd., OAng. *cumung ; coming, 
 141, 23. 
 ciin, sd., Sth. = Ml. kin; OE. cynn ; 
 kin, kind; ds. ciinne, 184, 12 ; gpl. 
 ciinne, 184, 1. 
 cunne(n), ptprv., OE. cunnen-cuoe; 
 know, de able, can ; inf. kunne, 38, 
 9 ; cone, 55, 10 ; pr. 1, 3 sg. can, 
 3, 20 (WM1. conne, 125, 22) ; con, 
 198, 19; kan, 243, 17; pr. 2 sg. 
 kanst, 70, 2 ; pr. pi. cunnen, 4, 9 ; 
 connen, 51, 25; kunne, .78, 6; 
 konne, 235, 31 ; pr. sdj. sg. cunne, 
 14, 6; cune, 18, 10; cone, 84, 2; 
 conne, 210, 15 ; pt. 1, 3 sg. ciithe, 
 5, 19; kiioe, 198, 17; kude, 23, 
 i8j^. 2 sg. coujjest, 49, 29 ; pt.pl. 
 kou];en, 76, 4; kiioen, 201, 4; pt. 
 sdj. sg. coude, 89, i6\_ Nth. pt. sg. 
 couth, 167, 21; kouth, 136, 21. 
 Sth./r. //. conne}), 225, 7. 
 cuntenaunce, sd., AN. cuntenance; 
 countenance, 38, 4. Nth. con- 
 tenanss, 170, 9. 
 cuntesse, sd., AN. cuntesse, OF. con- 
 tesse; countess, 5,31. 
 cuntraye, cuntre, see contre. 
 cupe, sb., OF. coupe ; measure for 
 grain, basket, 35, 18. Sth. pi. 
 cupen, 35, 15. 
 cuppe, sb., OR cuppa; cup, 29, 23 ; 
 kuppe, 21, 11. 
 cur, j/;., OF. curre, cure ; chariot, 192, 
 26 ; aft. cure, 192, 24. 
 curatoure, jA , OF. curateur ; curator, 
 119, 16. 
 Curbuil, sb.,OY. Corbnil, Corbeil ; 
 Curbeuil {Curbuil, Corbeil) ; Wil- 
 liam of, Archbishop of Canterbury, 
 curs, sb., OF. curs, cours; course, 
 attack, assault, regard; 103, 30. 
 Nth. halden in curs, hold in regard, 
 128, 1. 
 cursednesse, sb., based on curse(n) ; 
 cursedness, 246, 2. 
 curse(n), wkv., OE. cursian; curse', 
 inf. curssen, 66, 12 ; pt. sg. cursede, 
 6, 4 ; pt. pi. cursede, 4,5; pp. 
 cursed, 121, 12 ; corsed, 61, 12. 
 cursor, sb., Lat. cursor, infl. by OF. 
 coursier; courser, runner, 134, 25. 
 curt, court, sb.,OF. curt ; court, 7, 32. 
 curteis, ^'.,NF.curteis,OF. curtois; 
 courteous, 42, 22. 
 curteisye, curteysye, curteysy, sb., 
 NF. curteisie ; OF. curtoisie ; 
 courtesy, 97, 26; corteysye, 219, 2 ; 
 curteisye, 241, 10; kurteisie, 199, 30. 
 cusen, see chese(n). 
 cusse(n), wkv., Sth. = Ml. kisse(n) : 
 OE. cyssan ; kiss ; pt. sg. ciiste, 
 196, 21. 
 custome, sb., OF. custume ; custom, 
 cut, sb., Celtic origin, cf. Cymr. cwta 
 ' short'; cut, lot, 242, 30. 
 cup, adj., OE. cu$ ; known, 41, 10. 
 cupe(n), wkv., Sth. = Ml. kiSe(n) ; 
 OE. cySan ; make known ; pp. iciid, 
 cuftlfchunge, ktrolechunge, sb., 
 Sth. = Ml. cumechinge; OE. *cu- 
 ' lScung,/".; cf. cuSlaecan; acquaint- 
 ance, 199, 6. 
 cutted(e) , pp. as adj., slashed, 120, 23. 
 cwfad, see quf d. 
 cweme(n), wkv., OE. cweman ; please ; 
 inf. cwemen, 179, 6 ; //. cwemmd, 
 (O), 12, 1. 
 cwen, cweA, see quene, cwepe(n). 
 cyrceiSrd, see chirehe3rd. 
 cyte, see cite. 
 dSde, deei, see dede, dai. 
 dseiliht, sb., OE. *dsegleoht (liht); 
 daylight, 187, 21. 
 dgal, deere, deep, see dl, dere, dfp. 
 daft, adj., OE. (ge)datft; mild, stupid, 
 49, 23. See deft, 
 daggere, sb., ON. daggarSr; dagger, 
 244, 2. 
 daghen, dawen, sb., OE. da$ung?, 
 *da5en ; dawn, 213, 24. 
 da5, da^ess, da3en, see dai. 
 dai, sb., OE. dseg-dagas ; day ; 
 (eME. dsei, 1, 14; dei, 1, 14); 
 da33(0),'n,9; dai, 15,2 ; day, 37, 
 11 ; gs. (eME. dseies, 3, 3 ; daeis, 3, 
 26) ; ds. (WMl.dawe, 119, 10) ; //. 
 da33ess (O), 12, 10; daiges, 33, 
 29. Nth. ds. in expression bryng 
 of daw ; kill, 170, 14. eSth. dei, 
 178, 19; ds. deie, 193, 5; dpi. 
 da3en, 188, 9; pi. dawes, 200, 3. 
 Kt. deai, 212, 20. 
 dai, sb., Nth. = Ml. dgle; OE. dai, 
 neut., division, part, 222, 10. 
 dale, sb., OE. dael, neut., Dan. dai, 
 m.f. ; dale, 57,^3. Sth. (SEMI.) 
 dfle, 14, 3. \ 
 Dalreudine, sb , jQalreudine ; pi. 
 222, 9. 
 damage(n), wkv., OF. sb. damage ; 
 damage; pp. damaged, 72, 8. 
 dame, sb., OF. dame ; dame, 81,2. 
 damezele, sb., ON. damisele ; damsel, 
 216, 29. 
 dammage, sb., OF. damage ; damage, 
 95, 24. 
 dampnable, adj., OF. damnable ; 
 damnable, condemnable, 237, 16. 
 dampnacion, sb., OF. damnation ; 
 damnation, condemnation, 238, 18. 
 dampne(n), wkv., OF. damner; con- 
 demn, damn; pp. dampned, 92, 5. 
 Dane, sb., OF. Dane; Dane; pi. 
 Danes, 222, 28. 
 dare, wkv., OAng. *daran ?, cf, Du. 
 Fris. (be)daren ; lurk, lie concealed, 
 be disconsolate ; inf. dare, 157, 19; 
 pr. ppl. dareand, 158, 23. 
 Daris, sb., OF. Daris ; Daris, \>j, II. 
 daunce(n), wkv., OF. dancer, danser ; 
 dance; pr.pl. daunce, 237, 11. 
 David, Davi, eME. David, sb., OF. 
 David ; David, King of Scotland, 
 2, 14 ; David, the Psalmist, gs. 
 without ending, 72, 5. Nth. Davi, 
 1 3 1 1. 
 Davy, sb., OF. David ; Davy ; Adam, 
 232, 1. 
 daw, dawes, see dai. 
 dawnsynge, pr. ppl. as ^.,daunce(n) ; 
 dancing, 120, 21. 
 day, see dai. 
 dayne(n), wkv.,0. deigner; deign ; 
 pt.pl. daynede, 219, 30. 
 df ad, deai, dfap, .$&? df d, dai, df p. 
 debate, j3., OF. debat ; strife, debate, 
 233, 3- 
 debruse(n), wkv., OF. debruisier ; 
 bruise, break in pieces ; pp. debrused, 
 208, 28. 
 deciple, see disciple. 
 declare(n), wkv., OF. declarer; de- 
 clare', pr. ppl. declaryng, 223, 12. 
 decollacioun, sb., AN. decolaciun; 
 beheading, 228, 21. 
 dfd, adj., OE. dead; <&</, 1, 18; 
 dfad, 33, 15; dedd, 112, 17; dged, 
 240, 14. . Nth. dede, 138, 22. 
 dfd, df de, see df p. 
 dedbote, sb., OM. dedbot, WS. dsed- 
 bot,/; atonement, 196, 7. 
 dfde = df]je, .5^ dfp. 
 dede, ^.,_OM. ded, WS. daed, /. ; 
 ^deed*- da;de, 4, 7 ; dede, 8, 23. 
 Nth. //. dedis, 127, 23; dedys, 
 146, 24. 
 dgd, dgl, deere, see dgd, dl, 
 dees, sb. pi., OF. de, 'die for play'; 
 dice, 237, 11. 
 dth, see df p. 
 dff, adj., OE. deaf; afe<2/j 51, 26. 
 defaile(n), //z/., OF. defaillir ; 
 grow feeble, enfeeble, weaken; inf. 
 defailen, 101, I. 
 defame(n), wkv., OF. defamer ; de- 
 fame; Nth. pr. 3 .<-. defames, 
 i47 ? 5- 
 defawte, defaute, sb., OF., defaute; 
 default, lack, 119, 15. Nth. defaut, 
 150, 12, 
 defel, see devel. 
 defend (en), wkv., OF. defendre ; 
 defend; inf. defenden, 104, 10; 
 defend, 104, 12; pp. deffended, 
 238, 28. 
 defens, sb., OF. defense ; defence, 
 protection, 103, 23. 
 deffended, see defend(en). 
 defoule(n), wkv., OF. defouler ; 
 tread under foot, defoul; inf. de- 
 ioule, 104, 8. 
 deft, adj., OE. (geMsefte (defte?); 
 mild, gentle, later skilful, deft, 14,19. 
 degre, sb., OF. degre ; degree, rank, 
 condition ; by thy degre, according 
 to thy condition, 120, 32. 
 dei, see dai. 
 deie(n), wkv., ON. deyja; die; inf. 
 deie, 43, 8 ; deye, 118, 12 ; dye, 65, 
 13; pr.pl. dyen, 68, 29; pt. sg. 
 deide, 77, 5; dyed,' 66, 30. Nth. 
 inf. dey, 152, 16; dy, 137, 21; 
 pt. sg. deyed, 154, 25. 
 deies, adv., Sth. = Ml. daies ; by day, 
 203, 12. 
 deill, del, see dle(n), devel. 
 dji, sb., OE. dgel ; deal, part, 47, 13 ; 
 (eME. dsel, 226, 5); never a dggl, 
 not at all, 239, 8 ; deyl, 89, 8. 
 jif le f i dale. 
 dfle(n), wkv., OE. daelan; divide, 
 shared deal; pp. dfled. INth. inf. 
 deill, 166, 13. Sth. pp. idgld, 38, 6. 
 delite, sb., OF. delit ; delight, 144, 29. 
 delite(n), wkv., OF. deliter ; delight ; 
 inf. dellten, 102, 21. Nth. pr. pi. 
 delytes, 144, 31. 
 delivere(n), Sth. delivrie(n), wkv., 
 OF. delivrer; deliver; inf. deliver, 
 104, 9; imp. sg. deliver, 102, 18; 
 pt. sg. deliverd, 103, 25. Kt. inf. 
 delivrl, 211, 23. 
 delve(n), stv., OE. delfan-dealf (3); 
 delve, dig, bury, inf. delven, 34, 5 ; 
 pp. dolven, 15, 1. 
 delyverly, adv., OF. delivre + ME. 
 ly; promptly, 172, 26. 
 deme, sb., OE. dema ; judge ; eSth. 
 ds. demen, 179, 7. 
 deme(n), wkv., OE. deman; judge, 
 deem; inf. demenn (O), 11, II j 
 demen, 58, 6; deme, 49, 29; pr. 
 3 sg. dem$, 179, 30; pp. dempt, 
 21, 2. Nth. 2/'. dem, 150, 28; 
 pt. pi. dempt, 132, 8 ; //. demid, 
 137, 9. Sth. pp. idemd, 179, 17; 
 idemet, 193, 31. 
 demere, sb., NF. demere, OF. de- 
 moere, demeure ; delay, 40, 1 7. 
 dempt, dempt, .?&? deme(n). 
 den, sb., OE. denn ; den, 14, 7. 
 Denemark, Sth. Denemarch, sb., 
 OE. Denemarc, -mearc, f. modified 
 by ON. -mark; Denmark, 75, 2. 
 Sth. Denemarch, 203, 19. 
 denhe(n), wkv., OE. *dennian ; be 
 sheltered as in a den, lodge ; pt. sg. 
 dennede, 14, 18. 
 deofel (deovel), deor (deore(n)), 
 deorewurfte, see devel, der, der- 
 deorling, sb., OE. deorling ; darling, 
 beloved, 186, 26. 
 deovlen, see devel. 
 dep s , adj., OE. deop ; deep, 53, 9. 
 departe(n), wkv., OF. despartir, de- 
 partir ; depart ; pr. 3 sg. departed, 
 104, 29; pt. sg. departed, 222, 7. 
 Nth. pr.pl. departis, 146, 18. 
 der, sb., OE. deor, neut. ; animal, 
 deer; pi. der, 2, 4. eSth. ds. 
 deore, 180, 23; pi. deor, 193, 21; 
 deoren, 182, 14. 
 dere, der, adj., OE. deore ; dear, 
 beloved, costly, 27, 23 ; (eME. dsere, 
 3, 27) ; der, 21, 20. 
 dere, adz/., OE. deore; hardly, 
 severely^ 54, 19; deere, 238, 20. 
 Sth. dure, q.v. Kt. dyere, 217, 
 dre, sb., OM. *dere; cf. OE. daru; 
 injury, harm, 157, 20. 
 dfre(n), wkv., OE. derian; injure, 
 harm; inf. dfren, 17, 18; d|re, 
 82, 18; pr. sbj. sg. dfre, 35, 2. 
 Nth./. 3 jr#, ders, 149, 30. 
 dereynie(n), dereyni, xvkv., Sth. 
 a Ml. dereine(n) ; OF. derainier ; 
 defend one's cause, vindicate one's 
 claim ; inf. dereyni, 206, 8. 
 derf, OE. gedeorf ; trouble, affliction, 
 195. 2. 
 derf, adj., OM. *deorf?, cf. gedeorf- 
 nes ; perh. ON. diarfr ; painful, 
 grievous; comp. dervre, 194, 18. 
 derfe, adv., OE. *deorf, adj., cf. 
 gedeorfnys; hardly, severely, 149, 
 derfliche, adv., OE. *deorfl!ce {see 
 derf); harshly, cruelly, 191, 26. 
 derk, adj., OE. deore ; afor/, gloomy, 
 49, 7- 
 derknes, j<5., based on OE. deore, 
 adj. ; darkness, 103, 29. 
 derne^adj., OM. deme, deme, WS. 
 '" "dierne ; secret /f^ij ; dern, 16, 14. 
 derneliche, adv., OM. derne (deme), 
 WS. dierne + ME. llche ; secretly, 
 202, 8. 
 dero*e, sb., OM. *derfl, ON. dyrS, / 
 [deore]; dearth, scarcity, 27, 13. 
 dervre, .sw derf. 
 derworpe, derworp, adv., OE. deor- 
 wurfte; precious, dear, 229, 19; 
 derworj), 229, 2. eSth. deor- 
 wurSe, 191, 17. 
 desaly, aafr., OE. dysig+ME. ly; 
 dizzily, 172, 30. 
 desavauntage, sb., OF. desavantage; 
 disadvantage, 225, 5. 
 deshonure(n), mz\, OF. deshonurer; 
 dishonor; inf. deshonur, 42, 17. 
 desire, sb., OF. desier, infl. by 
 desirier, vb. ; desire, 104, 20. 
 despise(n), despyse(n), wkv., OF. 
 despiser; despise; inf. despisen, 
 102, 23; despyse, 121, 13. Nth. 
 pr. zsg. dispyses, 1.45, 27. 
 destanye, sb., OF. destinee ; destiny, 
 in, 16. 
 dester, sb., OF. destre ; right hand, 
 48, 24. 
 destruccion, sb., OF. destrucion ; 
 destruction, 233, 4. 
 destruye(n), wkv., OF. destruire; 
35 2 
 destroy, disturb', inf. destruye, 220, 
 19 ; pt> S S- destruyde, 223, 31 ; //. 
 destruyd, 223, 13; destroyed, 223, 
 desturbes, see disturbe(n). 
 dJ?, sb., OE. deaS ; death, 19, 30; 
 -"(eME. dsej), 11,8; dse (O), 11, 
 26); dfa, 27, 8; dgth, 57, 28; 
 degth, 239, 13; ds. dae>e, 11, 9; 
 de>, 42, 23; dfde, 15, 3. Nth. 
 dgd, 128, 7; dfde, 137, 26; g*. 
 dfdes, 158, 10. Sth. <&. dfde, 185, 
 8 (eSth. dfaSe, ^91, 26). Kt. 
 aft. dla]?e, 214, 14; dlejje, 179, 17; 
 . dya]), 215, 7 ; //. dyeajjes, 216, 21. 
 deu, sb., OE. deaw; </<?;, 14, 6. 
 devel, devel, divel, j3.,OE. deofol; 
 devil; (eME. defell (O), 12, 14) ; 
 devel, 20, 13; divel, 14, 17; del, 
 125, 27; //. (eME. deovles, 3, I, 
 defless (O), 11, 27); develene, 60, 
 4. Nth. devil, 136, 5 ; gs. devellis, 
 167, 2 ; pi. devells, 144, 12. eSth. 
 //. deofles, 179, 8; dpi. deovlen, 
 I93 L 30. ~Kt.pl. dyevlen, 217, 25. 
 devisye(n), wkv., OF. devisier; con- 
 trive, devise; inf. devlsy, 217, 13. 
 devgcyone, sb., OF. devotion, AN. 
 devociun; devotion, 124, 3. 
 deye(n), deyl, see deie(n), dfl. 
 diadliche, adj. , Kt. = Ml. dfdell ; 
 OE. deadlic; deadly, 111, 21. 
 Diane, sb., Lat. Diana; Diana, 193, 
 diap, see df p. 
 diche, sb., OE. die, f. ; ditch ; as. 
 diche, 177, 17. 
 dietJ, see df p. 
 di5te(n), wkv., OE. dihtan ; prepare, 
 set in order; inf. di$ten, 105, 10; 
 dyght, 110, 19 ; pp. dight, 159, 32 ; 
 dyght, 1 to, 21. Sth. pp. idihte, 
 digne, adj., OF. digne; worthy, 116, 
 16 ; dygne, 93, 10. 
 dignitee, sb., OF. dignite ; dignity, 
 240, 5. 
 dike, sb.,. ON. diki, cogn. with OE. 
 die; dike, 56, 8. 
 dille(n), zvkv., OE. *dyllen; render 
 useless. Nth. ?'/". dill, 132, 24. 
 dim, adj., OE. dimm; dim, 20, 26; 
 //. dimme, 15, 15. 
 din, sb., OE. dyne, dyn ; din, noise, 
 148, 9. 
 dinge(n), j/z>., OE. *dingan-dang 
 (3) ; beat, strike, ding ; pt. pi. 
 dongen, 61, 21. 
 dint, sb., OE. dynt; dint, stroke, 61, 
 disciple, deeiple, sb., OF. disciple; 
 disciple, 139, 29; deeiple, 210, 22. 
 discipline, sb., OF. discipline; disci- 
 pline, correction, 101, 6. 
 disclaundre(n), wkv., based on OF. 
 disclaunder, sb.; slander, disgrace; 
 pp. disclaundred, 234, 14. 
 discord, sb., OF. discorde ; discord, 
 quarrelling, 219, 6. 
 discret, adj., OF. discret; discreet, 
 234, 24. 
 disuse, sb., OF. disaise ; disease, 
 236, 26. 
 dispite, $., OF. despit; scorn, de- 
 spite, 137, 27. 
 displgsance, sb., OF. desplesance; 
 displeasure, 146, 30. 
 displfse(n), w-fo., OF. displaisir; 
 displease; pr. ppl. displgsyng, 233, 
 disprove (n), wkv., OF. desprover; 
 disprove; pp. disproved, 234, 19. 
 dispyse(n), destroye(n), see de- 
 spise (n), destruye (n). 
 disturbe(n), wkv., OF. destourber ; 
 disturb ; pp. disturbed, 103, 6. 
 Nth. imp.pl. desturbes, 139, 15. 
 dlte(n), wkv., OF. diter, dieter; in- 
 dite ; inf. dite, 70, 2. 
 divel, see devel. 
 dive(n), wkv., OE. dyven; dive; pr. 
 . 3 sg. dlveS, 20, 11. 
 divers, dy vers, adj. , OF. divers ; 
 divers, different, 213, 31; dyvers, 
 225, 12. 
 doctdur, sb., OF. doctour; doctor, 
 I45> 2I - 
 doghty, adj., OE. dyhtig ; infl. by un- 
 mutated forms; doughty, 116, 5. 
 dohter, sb., OE. dohtor; daughter, 
 5, 30; dowter, 24, 19; doghter, 
 131, 9; pi. douhtres, 75, 12; dou- 
 tres, 87, 2 ; doghtres, 238, 4; douj- 
 tres, 220, 4. 
 dle, sb., OE. dal; portion, dole, 201, 
 dole, sb., OF. doel (duel); grief, 
 mourning, 159, 32. 
 dole(n), wkv., OF. doler, duiller ; 
 grieve ; /r. 3 5^. dole)), 70, 32. 
 dom, sb., OE. dom ; judgement, 
 decree, authority, doom, death, 9, 
 24; 43, 30; d5me, 121, 2. Sth. 
 ds. d5me, 177, 24. 
 domesday, Sth. domesdei, .r., OE. 
 ddm + dseg; doomsday, 50, 16. Sth. 
 domesdei, 180, 14. 
 domesman, sb., OE. dom + man ; 
 judge, 135, 7. 
 do(n), a:/zz;., OE. don-dyde (dsede) ; 
 ^V^ inf. don, 8, 18; do, 43, 23; 
 "done, 226, 15 ; pr.v sg. d5st, 46, 32 ; 
 pr. 3 5^. d5tf, j.8, 4; d5th, 53, 18; 
 dooth, 238, 15 ; pr. pi. doon, 237, 
 13; imp. sg. do, 30, 13; imp. pi. 
 do]), 68, 32 ; dooj), 232, 5 ; pr. ppl. 
 ' doand, 104, 21 ; pi. sg. dide, 1, 9; 
 did, 51, 18; dede, 18, 29; pt. 2 sg. 
 didest, 50, 9; dlst, 50, 22; pt.pl. 
 diden, 2, 28; deden, 23, 4; deden, 
 26, 19; dede, 68, 18; pp. don, 8, 
 18; done, 109, 1. Nth. pr. 3 sg. 
 d5s, 128, 20; duse, 147, \*i\pr.ppl. 
 doande, 144, 3. Sth. ger. donne, 
 196, 12 ; pr. 3 sg. de)), 176,21 ; pr. 
 pi. do)), 178, 2; ?>/. //. don, 176, 
 23 ; pr. sbj. sg. d5, 177, 16 ; pt. sg. 
 diide, 176, 2 ; pt.pl. diiden, 179, 7 ; 
 //. id5n, 64, 7 ; idone, 123,9; yddn, 
 176, 7 ; ido, 179, 28 ; yd5, 204, 3. 
 Donde, see Dundee, 
 dong, sb., cf. MDu. dunge ; dung, 
 219, 11. 
 donga = dungon, sb., OF. dongon 
 -jon; dungeon, 63, 22. 
 donward, dor, see dunward, dur- 
 Douglas, sb., Douglas, James of, 174, 
 29. _ 
 doubter (douhter), doumb, doun 
 (down), see dohter, dumb, 
 doune, earlier dune, sb., OE. dun,/.; 
 hill, 57, 23; dune, 182, 13. Sth. 
 //. dun en, 187, 5. 
 doute, dout, sb., OF. doute ; doubt, 
 fear, 53, 11. Nth. dout, 160, 28. 
 doutefui, adj., OF. doute + ME. ful; 
 doubtful, 220, 14. 
 douteles, adj., OF. doute + ME. lfs; 
 doubtless, 238, 10. 
 doute(n), wkv., OF. douter; doubt, 
 fear-, inf. douten, 101, 5; pt. sg. 
 doutede, 86, 24; pt. pi. douted, 
 160, 6. 
 doutres (dowter), down, see dohter, 
 doynge, sb., based on do(n) ; doing, 
 act, 235, 6. 
 drage(n), drawe(n), stv., OE. 
 dra^an-drog (6); drag, draw; inf. 
 dragen, 31, 26; fr.~ 3 sg. drageft, 
 14, 5 ; pr. pi. dragen, 20, 4 ; drawe, 
 224, 7 ; pr. sbj. sg. drawe, 203, 4; 
 pt. sg. dr53, 43, 13; drou3, 57, 28 ; 
 drou, 86, 21 ; droh, 193, 4; pt.pl. 
 drowen, 62, 10 ; pp. drogen, 32, 18 ; 
 drawen, 234, 17. Nth. pr. 3 sg. 
 draws, 1977- 10 7-flrawes, 127, 27; 
 drawis, 171, 25. 
 drau}t, sb., OE. *draht?; draught, 
 pull, tendency, 50, 23. 
 drecche(n) j wkv., OE. dreccan ; vex, 
 torture, delay, pr. 3 sg. dreccheS, 
 16, 20. 
 drede, drfde, sb., OM. *dred, /! ?, 
 WS. *drsed; dread, 36, 5. Sth. 
 drgde, 197, 22 ; it is n drfde, there 
 is no doubt, without doubt, 2 38, 25. 
 drede(n), stv., OM. dredan (WS. 
 drsedan)-dred (R) ; dread, fear ; 
 pr. pi. dreden, 104, 28 ; imp. pi. 
 dredeS, 30, 23 ; pt. sg. dredde, 53, 
 25 ; dradde, 234, 5. Nth. inf. 
 dred, 150, 29; pr. ppl. dredand, 
 142, 29 ; pt. sg. dred, 141, 17. Sth. 
 pr. 3 sg. dret, 211, 6. 
 dredll, adj.; cf. OM. dredan, WS. 
 drsedan ; dreadful, fearful, 48, 8. 
 drege(n), dre5e(n), drehe(n), dri- 
 5e(n), dreye(n), stv., ON. dregan 
 -dreg, WS. dreogan-dreag (2) ; 
 endure, carry through, accomplish ; 
 inf. drijen, 182, 26;pr.pl. drege we, 
 A a 
 26, 16. Nth. inf. drey, 171, 31. 
 Sth. inf. drehe, 194, 18. 
 dreinche(n), see drenclie(n). 
 drfm, sb., OE. dream, infl. in meaning 
 by ON. draumr?; dream, 21, 13; 
 drfme, 91, 32 ; gpl. drfmes, 23, 16. 
 Nth. JV. dremys, 145, 17. 
 dreme(n), W/fe., OM. dreman (WS. 
 drieman), infl. in meaning by ON. 
 dreyma?; dream', inf. dremen, 22, 
 3 ; pt. sg. drempte, 21, 13. 
 drench, sb., OE. drenc; drink, potion ; 
 pi. drenchen, 190, 29. 
 drenche(n), dreinche(n), wkv., OE. 
 drencan ; drench, drown ; inf. 
 dreinchen, 82, 5 ; pp. drenched, 
 80, 27. 
 drpe(n), eME. drepe(n), stv., OE. 
 drepan-draep (5) ; kill, destroy; pr. 
 3 sg. drfpeS, 20, 12; pr. sbj. g.; 
 drfpe, 80, 13 ; pt.pl. drapen, 3, 10. 
 drerl, adj., OE. dreorig; dreary, 
 133, 4- 
 dresce(n), wkv., OF. dresser; make 
 straight, direct, prepare, dress ; imp. 
 sg. dresce, 103, 19. 
 drey, see drege(n). 
 drle, dri, adj., OE. dryge ; dry, 103, 
 5. Nth. dri, 142, 8. 
 drl3e(n), see drege(n). 
 Drihten, Dryhtin, sb., OE. Drihtin ; 
 Lezdf 4, 30 ; Drihhtln (O), 8, 20 ; 
 Jirigteri^_i5, 1. Nth. Drightin, 
 132, 1. Sth. Drihte, 178, 23. 
 drink, drynk, sb., OE. drinc ; drink- 
 ing, 21, 16; drynk, 101, 8. 
 drinke(n), stv., OE. drincan-dranc 
 (3); drink', inf. drinken, 17, 10; 
 drinke, 60, 19 ; pr. 3 sg. drinkeS, 
 17, 12 ; //. sg. dnmk^52^_28 ; pp. 
 drunken, 10 1, 9. ~S~tn. pp. idrunke, 
 180, 22 ; ydronke, 223, 22. 
 dritcherl, sb., ON. dritr+OE. ceorl ; 
 dirty churl (term of contempt), 
 85, 3- 
 drive (n), stv., OE. drifan-draf (1) ; 
 drive ; pr. 3 sg. drive, 14, 7 ; imp. 
 pi. drive 3e, 203, 5 ; pt. sg. (eME. 
 draf, 196, 32) drof, 87, 10; drfe, 
 90, 6 ; pp. ^driven, as, gj ^dryven, 
 238, 25. Nth. m/. driie, 155, 15 ; 
 drif, 168, 12. Sth. pr. 3 sg. dryf>, 
 219, 23; pr.pl. drive)?, 219, 24; 
 pp. ydryve, 220, S. 
 dronke, pp. as adj., OE. druncen; 
 drunk, 219, 10. 
 dronkelfc, sb., OE. drunken + ME. 
 lfc, possibly OE. *lec < lac ; 
 drunkenness, 120, 11. 
 dronkelewe, adj., OE. druncen + 
 ME. lewe<ON. legr?; drunken, 
 238, 13. 
 dronkenesse, sb., OE. drunceness, /. ; 
 drunkenness, 238, 2. 
 drppe, sb., OE. dropa; drop, 63, 25. 
 droupe(n), wkv., ON. driipa ; droop ; 
 pr. 1 sg. droupe, 157, 19. 
 droupening, pp. as sb., ME. driipnen 
 <ON. driipna; drooping, dejection, 
 47, 26. 
 drovi, adj., extended from OF. drof; 
 turbid, troubled, 19, 25. 
 drugte, sb., OE. drugaS,/; drought, 
 23, 11. 
 dryve(n), see drive (n). 
 dubbe(n), wkv., OE. dubbian < OF. 
 aduber ; dub, adorn ; pt. sg. dubbed, 
 46, 16. 
 dubbyng, sb., based on dubbe(n) ; 
 dubbing, that is creating of a knight, 
 229, 27. 
 dubonfre, adj., OF. de bon aire ; 
 gentle, meek, 95, 28. 
 due, sb., OF. due; duke, 43, 27. 
 Sth. ds. duke, 222, 4. 
 Duche, adj., OF. Duche < MDu. 
 Dutsch ; Dutch, 162, 16. 
 duelle, .r^ dwelle. 
 duge(n), du^e (p.), ptprv., OE. dugan 
 -dohte ; avail ; /r. sg. deh, 197, 1 ; 
 /A sg, douhte, 86, 19. 
 du^efle, duhe$e, sb., OE. duguft, /. ; 
 nobility, body of attendants, people, 
 dignity, honor, 181, 7 ; duheoe, 
 192, 5- 
 duke, see due. 
 dumb (doumb), adj., OE. dumb; 
 dumb, 49, 23 ; doumb, 81, 18. 
 dun, doun (down), don, adv., OE. 
 "dun < Olr. dun, 'hill ' ; down^, 29; 
 doun, 52, 17 ; down, 90, 3 ; downe, 
 123, 10 ; don, 128, 13. 
 Dunde, sb., Celtic, dun, < hill ' + dee, 
 'name of river'; Dundee, 161, 10 ; 
 Donde, 159, 18. 
 dune, dunen, see doune. 
 diint, s6. t Sth. = M1. dint (dent) ; OE. 
 dynt ; blow, stroke, dint, 208, 14. 
 dunward, donward, adv., OE. 
 adiinweard; downward', donward, 
 308, 7. 
 dure, sb., OE. duru; door, 180, 2. 
 dure, adv., Sth. = Ml. dere; 1WS. 
 dyre, OM. dere ; dearly, with great 
 price, 180, 24. 
 durne, adv , Sth. = Ml. derne; WS. 
 dierne, dyrne (dyrne) ; secretly, 
 178, 21. 
 durre(n), ptprv., OE. durran-dorste ; 
 dare ; pr. sg. dar, 53, 18; pr. pi. 
 duren, 27, 15 ; pr. sb/. sg. dure, 18, 
 8; dune, 109, 23; dor, 235, 30; 
 //. sg. durste, 2, 3 ; dorst, 53, 24 ; 
 pt. 2 sg. dorstest, 217, 31. 
 duse, see do(n). 
 dust, dust, sb., OE. dust, dust; dusst 
 (O), 14, 5- 
 dute(n),' wkv., OF. dutir, douter; 
 doubt\ pr. 3 5^. dutej), 40, 32 ; imp. 
 pi. dute 3e, 38, 18. 
 diivelunge, adv., Sth. = Ml. de- 
 velunge; based on WS. dievan, OM. 
 devan; headlong, with a plunge^ 
 196, 26. 
 duve(n), .tfz>., OE. dufan-dfaf (2) ; 
 dive, sink ; pt. sg. dff, 196, 26. 
 dwelle(n), wkv., OE. dwellan ; 
 hinder, delay, dwell; inf. dwelle, 
 59, 23; duelle, 153, 13; pr. ppl. 
 dwellynge, 1 1 7, 1 2 ; pt. sg. dwellyd, 
 no, 29. Nth. pt. sg. dweld, 138, 
 dwelling, sb., based on dwelle (n) ; 
 dwelling, 161, 10. 
 dwine(n), slv., OE. dwinan-dwan 
 (1) ; vanish, perish ; Nth. inf. 
 dwln, 148, 9. 
 dyaj?, dyeaj), see dfp. 
 dyche, sb., OE. die,/. ; ditch, 119, 8. 
 dye(n), dyere, dyevlen, see deie(n), 
 dere, devel. 
 dyght(en), see di}te(n). 
 dygne, see digne. 
 dyshonour, sb., OF. deshonur; dis- 
 honor; dyshonoure, 114, 8. 
 dyssayve(n), wkv., OF. decevoir; 
 deceive; inf. dyssayve, 145, 15. 
 dyssh, sb., OE. disc ; dish, 96, 24. 
 dystress, sb., OF. destrece, destresse; 
 distress, 107, 2. 
 dyvers, see divers. 
 dyvynynge, sb., based on devine(n) ; 
 divining, divination ; pi. dyvyn- 
 ynges, 145, 16. 
 dy vysion, sb., OF. division ; division, 
 236, 5- 
 e, see e^e, be. 
 falches, fald, faren, see fch, aid, 
 farninge, sb., OE. earnung, f. ; 
 _ merit, earning, 1 78, 7. 
 Bbrisse, adj., OE. Ebreisc, Lat. 
 Hebrseus + OE. -isc; Hebrew, 25, 
 _ 26. 
 Ebron, sb., Lat. Hebron; Hebron, 
 ec, eke, Sth. ec, ch, aafr., OM. ec, 
 WS. eac; a/.ra, eke, 12, 27; eke, 
 193, 33- Sth. fc, 176, 11; fch, 
 17^3; ke, 197, 21. 
 fch, eech, indef. pron., OE. selc < 
 seghwyle ; each ; ielc, 4, 24 ; fch, 
 39, 16; ich, 101, 12; ech, 226, 
 14; euch, 192, 15. Sth. (eSth. 
 |lc, 178, 8; flch, 179, 18 ; ds. fiche, 
 178, 29, f. nom.sg. fiche, 178, 32); 
 ds. fche, 208, 10 ; fds. jelchere, 189, 
 5; gs. falches, 179, 1. Kt. ech, 
 2I 5, 7- 
 eche, adj., OE. ece ; eternal, 18, 2. 
 fddl, di, adj., OE. eadig ; happy, 
 favorable, good, 22, 22; wk. fdle, 
 192, 30. 
 ede (edest), die, ^<? go(n), eddi. 
 fdmodliche, #<&>., Sth. = Ml. fd- 
 m5dli ; OE. eadmodlice ; humbly, 
 graciously, 202, 26. 
 Edward, j&, OE. Eadward; Edward; 
 Seint, the Confessor, 204, 31. 
 efffr, eff%re,sb., OF. afair ; business, 
 haste; behavior, 170, 8; effgre, 
 167, 9. 
 a a 2 
 Effraym,.y.,Lat.Ephraim ; Ephraim, 
 H> 23- 
 efft, see eft. 
 efsones, adv., OE. eft + sona; after- 
 wards, eftsoons, 6, 19. 
 eft (reft), adv., OE. eft; afterwards, 
 again; efft (O), 10, 3; seft, 183, 7. 
 efter, see after, 
 eftsone, Kt. eftzSne, adv., OE. eft + 
 sona; aftenvards, eft soon, 207, 27. 
 _ Kt. eftzone, 217, 19. 
 Egeas, so., Lat. Egeas; Egeas, 135, 
 Egbert, Egbertus, sb., OE. Ecg- 
 berht; Lat. Egbertus ; Egbert, 222, 
 29; Egbertus, 222, 26. 
 eghen, j^ e;e. 
 e^e, ege, ei^e, eie,l!$e, sb., OM. ege, 
 WS. eage; eye; ege, 14, 13; ei3e, 
 51, 25; eie, 41, 18; pi. egen, 14, 
 13; ei3en, 65, 28; ei3ene, 51, 25; 
 eysen, 67, 14; eyse, 69, 30; eyne, 
 85, 28; y3en, 68, 30; l3e, 36, 26. 
 M"th. e, 172, 9 ; //. eghen, 140, 25. 
 Sth. 3e, 178, 18; eie, 208, 20 ; pi. 
 |3en, 178, 18; eien, 197, 15; fhnen, 
 J 95,_32. 
 e55whrer, a</z>., OM. eghwer (hwser), 
 WS. seghwser ; everywhere, 9, 9. 
 e^te, see agte. 
 ejti, a^'., OM. sehtig, WS. eahtig; 
 _ eighty, 103, 10. _ 
 Egipte, j., OE. Egipte, later OF. 
 Egipte; Egypt, 27, 28; 131, 17. 
 f gir, adj., OF. aigre, egre ; eager, 
 I4 2 _> 3- 
 egirly, adv., OF. aigre, egre + ME. 
 ly; eagerly, 168, 31. 
 ehsihtfe, sb., OM. ege + sihS, /. ; WS. 
 eage; eyesight, 195, 23. 
 ehte, see agte. 
 ehte, ei5te, adj., OM. aehta, WS. 
 eahta ; eight, 4, 1 1 ; ei3te, 67, 24. 
 ei, sb., OE. g ; pir&gnrr'tgp ; pi. 
 eiren, 198, 22. 
 ei, eie (ei}9, ey^e), see eni, 36. 
 eie, j., OE. ege; awe, fear, 7, 29; 
 seie (eME.), 2, 3; ey3e, 53, 29. 
 eiepiirl, si. , Sth. = ML. eijnrl ; OE. 
 eagftyrl ; ivindow, 200, 14. 
 ei!$e, ei3te, see eye, ehte. 
 ei^tetene, adj., OM. sehtatene (WS. 
 eahtatlene) ; eighteen, 202, 2. 
 eihte, see agte. 
 eilie(n), wz\, OE. eglian ; trouble, 
 ail, annoy; pr. sbj. sg. eille, 203, 2. 
 eilgnd, sb., OM. egland-lond, WS. 
 igland ; island, 19, 5. 
 eir, eiren, eis, see heir, ei, reni. 
 eise, eyse, adj., OF. aise; easy, 55, 
 27; eyse, 54, 3. 
 eiper (eyper), aiper, aipere, adj., 
 OM. egSer, WS. seghwseSer, segSer; 
 V^r, 37, 29; eyjjer, 45, 5 ; aij>er, 
 39, 3 ; ai>ere, 130, 6. Sth. sei>er, 
 178, 5; eiSer, 178, 31. 
 eke, eke, see ec. 
 eke(n), wkv., OM. ecan, WS. lecan ; 
 add, increase; inf. ekenn (O), 9, 
 15; pp. ekedd (O), 9, 9. 
 el, eie, s& evel. 
 flc, lch, lche, see fch. 
 elde, j., OM. eldo, eldo, WS. ieldo; 
 age, eld, 15, n. Sth.ylde, 176, Vj. 
 elde(n), wkv., OM. eldan, eldan, 
 WS. ieldan ; grow old, enfeeble : 
 pp. elded, 18, 3. 
 eldere, see old. 
 eleccion, sb., OF. eleccion, AN. 
 elecciun; election, 232, 24; elexion, 
 115, 26. 
 Elewsius, sb., Lat. Eleusius; Eleu- 
 sius, 192, 7 ; Lat. as. Elewsium, 
 195, 2. 
 elexion, see elleccion. 
 elleft, adj., OE. endleofta, ellefta; 
 eleventh, 152, 13. 
 elleovene, see enlevene. 
 elles, ellis, ellys, adv., OE. elles ; 
 else; clless (O), 10, 9; elles, 42, 
 25; ellis, 235/30; ellys, no, 9; 
 els, 137, 22. 
 elleswhfre, elleswhare, adv., OE. 
 elles + hwer; elsewhere, 236, 30; 
 elleswhare, 187, 29. 
 elmesse, see almes. 
 elmessegifte, sb., OE. selmesse + ME. 
 gifte ; almsgiving, 34, 19. 
 els, see elles. 
 Ely, sb., OE. Eli ; Ely, 100, 3. Cf. 
 em, eme, sb., OE. earn ; uncle, archaic 
 erne ; (eME. fom, 2, 20), fme, 108, 
 22. eSth. sem, 184, 29; ds. seme, 
 185, 25. 
 empere, sb., OF. empire; empire, 
 221, 13. 
 emperics, emperes, sb., OF. em- 
 pereris, emperice; empress, 5,30; 
 emperes, 107, 1. 
 emperour, sb., OF. empereur, em- 
 pereor ; emperor, 96, 9 ; emparour, 
 126, 4; emperor, 220, 17. 
 empoisonyng, sb., based on OF. em- 
 poisoner ; poisoning, 245, 30. 
 empoysonere, sb. } OF. empoisoneur; 
 poisoner, 246, I. 
 emprisonement,^., OF. emprisonne- 
 ment ; imprisonment; pi. emprisone- 
 mentz, 233, 8. 
 emprisone(n), wkv., OF. emprisoner; 
 imprison ; pp. emprisoned, 233, 29. 
 en, see in. 
 enarmynge, fr. ppl. as sb., OF. en- 
 armer ; arming, 233, 6. 
 end, j^ and. 
 ende, sb., OE. ende, ende ; end; ende 
 (O), 8, 26 ; sende, 226, 10. 
 ende If s, endelies, adj., OE. ende- 
 leas ; endless, 153, 15. Kt. ds. 
 endeliese, 180, 91. 
 ende(n), wkv., OE. endian ; end; 
 Nth. inf. end, 149, 19; pt.pl. endid, 
 132, 31; PP> ended, 245, 32. 
 endinge, ending, sb., OE. endung,/! ; 
 ending, 8, 12 ; ending, 27, 5. 
 endite(n), wz/., OF. enditer; indict, 
 indite ; //. endlted, 234, 13. 
 f nes, adv., OE. aene extended ; once, 
 196, 2. 
 enfermer, j3., OF. enfermier; super- 
 intendent of 'infirmary , 154, 2. 
 enfourme(n), wkv., OF. enformer; 
 inform ; pp. enfourmed, 236, 20. 
 engel, sb., OE. engel (L. angelus), 
 later displaced by OF. angel, see 
 angel; angel; enngell (O), 12, 
 32; //. engles, 179, 5. Sth. ds. 
 ,engle, 198, 17; gpl. englene, 196, 
 Engeland (-lnde), sb., OE. Engla- 
 land (lgnd) ; England; Engeland, 
 83, 23; Engelgnd, 227, 15. 
 engin, sb., OF. engin ; skill, engine, 
 45, 19- 
 englne(n), wkv., OF. engignier ; con- 
 trive, torture, displease; inf. engine, 
 5i, H- 
 Engleland, Engleneloande, sb., 
 eME. = Ml. Engeland (lond) ; OE. 
 Engl aland ; England, 2, 2; ds. 
 Engleneloande, 226, 1. Cf. Enge- 
 English, Englishe, Englische,En- 
 gliss, adj. and sb., OE. Englisc ; 
 English; Ennglissh (O), 8, 19 ; wk. 
 Ennglisshe, 10,20; Englisch, 222, 
 27. Sth. Engliss = English, 207, 
 eni, see aeni. 
 enlevene, ellevene, adj., OE. end- 
 leofan, elleofan ; eleven ; enlevene, 
 220, 2; (eME. elleovene, 186, 17). 
 enmang,^. adv., OE. ongemang; 
 among; enmang Jris, meanwhile, 
 enmy, enemy, sb., OF. enemis ; 
 enemy ; pi. enmys, 158, 30. 
 ennelepi, adj., Kt. =M1. enlipi; OE. 
 ainlypig ; single, 219, 9. 
 Ennglissh, see English. 
 Ennok, sb., OF. Enoch?; Enoch, 
 100, 3. 
 enprise, sb., OF. emprise ; enterprise, 
 57, 17. 
 ensaumple, ensample, sb., OF\ en- 
 sample ; example, 70, 7 ; ensample, 
 100, 7 ; ensampel, 148, 24. 
 entente, entent, sb., OF. entente ; 
 intent, design, purpose, 244, 21. 
 Nth. entent, 130, 5. 
 enter, see entre(n). 
 enterllch, adv., Sth. = Ml. enterli ; 
 OF. entier + ME. lich; entirely, 236, 
 enterynge, pr. ppl. as sb., OF. en- 
 terrer; interring, 118, 15. 
 entremfte(n), wkv., OF. entremetre; 
 meddle with, disturb; inf. entre- 
 mgten, 202, I. 
 entre(n), wkv., OF. entrer; enter; 
 inf. entre, 101, 21 ; pt. pi. entrede, 
 220, 9. Nth. pt. sg. enterit, 166, 3. 
 Sth. pp. ientred, 213, 25. 
 en vie, envy, sb., OF. en vie ; envy, 
 54, 15 ; anvle, 211, 20; envy, 135, 
 eode, fom, eorl, see g(n), fm, erl. 
 eorne(n), stv., OM. iornan, WS. 
 iernan (yrnan)-orn (3) ; run ; pr. 
 3 sg. eorneft, 196, 16; pt. sg. orn, 
 182, 15. 
 eorfte, see erthe. 
 eorftetilie, sb., OE. eorfttilia; tiller of 
 the earth, husbandman ; Sth. pi. 
 eorfrtilien, 202, 10. 
 eou (eow), Eowerwik (Eouwer- 
 wic), epple, see pu, Evorwic, 
 f r, sb., OE. ear ; ear (of com), 23, 8. 
 fr ($re),adv., OE. air; before, ere; 
 (eME. air, 4, 26) ; fr, 7, 24; fre, 7, 
 23 ; super l. (eME. eeresst, 13, 30) ; 
 frest, 197, 18; erst, 238, 32. 
 er (ere, ert), erand, see be(n), 
 frd,^., OE. eard, eard; land, country, 
 dwelling, home, 22, 30; eME. gerd, 
 _ 184, 13. 
 erde(n), wkv., OE. eardian, fardian ; 
 dwell, inhabit-, inf. frde, 87, 24. 
 fre, see f r. 
 fre, sb., OE. eare ; ear, 51, 26 ; sere, 
 10, 22 ; pi. fren, 64, 22. eSth.//. 
 faren, 197, 21. Kt. yare, 214, 
 erl, sb., OE. eorl ; earl, 42,6; eorl, 
 5, 7; seorl, 5, 23. eSth. ds. eorle, 
 186, 21. 
 frliche, frlich, adv., OE. serlice ; 
 early, 57, 11 ; frlich, 103, 15. 
 em, erne, .$., OE. earn, earn ; eagle, 
 15, 8 ; frne, 104, 20. 
 ernde, erand, sb., OM. erende, WS. 
 serende ; message, errand, petition ; 
 22, 9; errnde (O), II, 5 j erand, 
 70, 10. 
 erndie(n), wkv., Sth. = Ml.ernde(n); 
 OE. serendian ; intercede ; pr. sbj. 
 sg. erndi, 197, 10. 
 erndunge, sb., OE. serendung, f. ; 
 intercession, 191, 21. 
 frnest, sb., OE. earnest,/". ; earnest- 
 ness, 207, 23. 
 ernynge, sb., based on OM. eornan, 
 eornan; course, running, stream, 
 100, 19. 
 errowre, sb., OF. errour; error, 145, 
 erst, see fr. 
 erthe, er)>e, j., OM. erSe, WS. 
 eartSe ; earth, 4, 6; er]>e (O), 10, 
 16; (eME. eorfte, 178, 18); an 
 erj>e, in earth, to burial, 209, 27. 
 Nth. erth, 132, 28. 
 erpli}, adj., OE. eorSlic, eorolic ; 
 earthly, erjli3, 12, 17. 
 es, esse, see be(n). 
 Esau, sb., OE. Esau (trisyllabic) ; 
 Esau, 130, 26. 
 eschape(n), wkv., NF. eschaper, 
 OF. escaper; escape, ETth. //. jg; 
 eschapit, 167, 32. 
 eschaping, sb., based on eschape(n) ; 
 escaping, escape, 167, 33. 
 eschewe(n), wkv., OF. eschever, pr. 
 st. eschew; eschew, shun; inf. 
 eschewe; 120, 8. 
 fseliche, adv., OF. aise (eise) + ME. 
 llche ; easily, 208, 7. 
 espye, sb., OF. espie; spy, 241, 26. 
 fst, fste, sb., OE. east; a.tf; fste, 
 104, 29. 
 estat, sb., OF. estat; estate, state, 
 _ 2 34, 3- m 
 Estren, Ipstre, pi. as sg., _OE. 
 Eastran(on) ; Easter, 4, 30 ; Estre, 
 _ 200, 3- 
 Estun,j.,OE.2ia.s-&7z (Northampton), 
 4, 2 3- 
 fstward, adv., OE. eastweard; east- 
 %vard, 231, 11. 
 et, see at. 
 fte(n), eME. eten, stv., OM. etan 
 -et (WS. ait) (5) ; eat; inf. seten, 5, 
 14; fte, 109, 2; pr. pi. ften, 237, 
 12 ; //. sg. et, 52, 28 ; ete, 67, 25. 
 Sth.^r. ftene, 202, 19; //. sg. ggt, 
 238, 28. 
 etwite(n), see atwite(n). 
 fSemoded, adj., OE. eaSmod ex- 
 tended ; per A. OM. *eSe (WS. 
 Ieoe)-m6ded ; humble, gracious, 
 _ 27, 25. 
 ettlfte, 0^., OE. *eaSlsete, cf. ear- 
 foolxte; lightly esteemed, 178, 17. 
 ftSluke, adj., OE. eao* + lucan, to 
 pull ' ? ; easily pulled (?) , 195, 27. 
 euch, see ch. 
 Eugenie, sb., OF. Eugenie ; Pope 
 Eugenius III, 4, 18. 
 Eustace, sb., eME. Eustace, OF. 
 _ Eustace ; Eustace, 7, 1. 
 Eve, sb., L. Eva, OE. Efe; ,w, 64, 
 9; ^5. Eves, 71, 26. 
 fvel (fvyl), fvuyl, el, sb., Kt. = M1. 
 ivel (fvel?); OE. yfel, Kt. efel; 
 evil; fvel, 211, 19; vyl, 92, 9; 
 fvil, 141, 16; fvuyle (WM1.), 120, 
 2; el, 125, 28; ele, 121, 3. Cf. 
 fven, adj., OE. efen; even, just, 234, 
 _ l8 ' 
 even, evne (eefne), adv. prep., OE. 
 efen, efne ; evenly, equally, accord- 
 ing to; eSth. sefne, 183, 16. 
 fver (sevre), ever, evere, adv., OE. 
 sefre ; ever; eME. sevre, 3, 22; 
 severe, 183, 11; sefre, 10, 16; 
 ever, evere, 121, 3; aver, 187, 19; 
 invert = fver te (t5), ever to this time, 
 ever yet, 7, 24. 
 everilc, eevric, ever! (every), ever- 
 euch, adj. prn., OE. sefre, selc; 
 every, every one, 23, 2 ; sevric, 2, 1 ; 
 every, 69, 24. eSth. sevrich, 177, 
 8; evereuch, 195, 1. 
 everlastand, pr. ppl. as adj., OE. 
 sefre + lsestan ; everlasting, 101, 20. 
 evermare (-mar), adv., Nth. = Ml. 
 evermgre ; OE. sefre mara ; ever- 
 more, 146, 2; evermar, 129, 16. 
 evermggre, Everwik, every, see 
 evermgre, Evorwlc, everilc. 
 evermgre, evermgr, adv., OIL. sefre + 
 mara ; evermore ; evermgre, 97, 24 ; 
 evermgr, 30, 2 ; evermggre, 239, 21. 
 every wher, everywhere, adv., OE. 
 sefre + hwser, everywhere, 95, 11. 
 evesgng, sb., OM. efensang-sgng, 
 WS. sefensang; evensong, vespers, 
 Evorwlc, 3 ork > s &-} OE. Eoferwlc; 
 York, 5, 7; Euerwlk, 205, 29; 
 (eSth. ds. Eouwerwike, 188, 23); 
 _ 3ork, 225, 25. 
 evuyle, evyl, see gvel. 
 fvynly, adv., OE. efenllce; evenly, 
 equally, at once, 169, 17. 
 examine (n), wkv., OF. examiner; 
 examine; pt. sg. examined, III, 7. 
 excuse(n), wkv., OF. escuser, exciiser; 
 excuse; inf. excuse, 236, 22; pp. 
 excusyd, 117, 10. 
 Execester, sb., OE. Exanceaster ; 
 Exeter, 2, 12. 
 execute(n), wkv., OF. executer; 
 execute, perform ; pp. execut, 236, 
 exequis, sb., OF. exequis; funeral, 
 118, 20. 
 Exton, sb., Exton, Nicholus, 234, 26. 
 extorcyone, sb., OF. extorcion, AN. 
 -un; extortion, 147,17. 
 ey^e, eyse, eyper, see ejje, eise, 
 fa, sb., Nth. = Ml. fg; OE. fah, fa; 
 foe; INth. fayis, 168, 32. 
 face, sb., OF. face; face, 64, 13. 
 fader, sb., OE. fseder; father, 7, 17 ; 
 faderr (O), 13, 7 ; gs. fader, 69, 
 23; faderes, 31, 20; fadyre, 146, 
 25. Sth. feder, 180, 28*(eSth. 
 feader, 191, 16). 
 fierd, see ferd. 
 f eeste (n) , wkv. , OE. fsestan ; make fast, 
 fasten; eME. pt. pi. fsesten, 6, 16. 
 fsestne(n), wkv., OE. fsestnian : 
 fasten; pp. fsestned, 3, 15. 
 feeu, faght, see few, feght. 
 fa;e(n), fagen, feyn, adj., OE. 
 fsegen, fsegn ; fain, glad; fagen = 
 fajen, 19, 12; fa3e, 44, I ; fayn, 63, 
 15; feyn, 95, 26. 
 faile(n), wkv., OF. faillir ; fail; pt. 
 sg. faylyd, 112, 27; pt. pi. faileden, 
 103, 8 ; failed, 103, 5 ; failede, 222, 
 31. Nth. pr. 3 sg. fades, 129, 1. 
 Sth. pr. pi. faille]), 223, 7; //. 
 yfayled, 215, 23. 
 faintes, sb., OF. feintise ; languor, 
 weakness, cowardice, 105, 2. 
 fair, feir, fayer, fare, adj., OE. 
 fseger; fair; fayer, 75, 6; fare, 
3 6 
 228, 10; wk. faire, 47, 8 ; pi. feire, 
 39, 19; feyre, 91, II. Sth. feir, 
 192, 9; vseir (eSth.), 181, 10; 
 vair, 206, 4; comp. fehere, 194, 33; 
 superl. vairest, 190, 26. 
 faire, adv. fsegere ; fairly, well, 8, 11. 
 Sth. feire, 193, 10; vaire, 209, 26. 
 faipful, adj., NF. feiS (OF. fei) + 
 ME. ful ; faithful, 154, 8. 
 fal, sb., OM. *fall, WS. *feall or ON. 
 fall ; fall, ruin, 58,3. 
 fale, see ffle. 
 falle(n), rf., OM. fallan (WS. feallan) 
 -feol (R) ; fall ; happen ; pr. 3 sg. 
 falleS, 15, 29; pr. pi. fallen, 15, 
 27; falle, 46, 18; /r. jt^'. sg. falle, 
 103, 4 ; pt. sg. fel, 43, 26 ; felle, 40, 
 22; fil, 243, 8; pt. pi. fellen, 28, 
 17. Nth. inf. fal, 149, 31; pr. 
 3 j#-. falles, 153, 31; pt. pi. fell, 
 126, n. Sth. inf. valle, 182, 2; 
 /^- 3 S S' valj), 218, 20; //. jg. veol 
 (eSth.), 182, 2; feol (eSth.J, 182, 
 3 : vel, 206, 4. 
 falle(n), wz>., OM. fellan, WS. 
 fiellan (fyllan) by confusion with 
 fallen < OE. feallen ; fell, destroy, 
 kill; inf. fallen, 183, 8. 
 fallow = follow, see fol3e(n). 
 fall we (n), wkv., OE. fealwian; grow 
 yellozu,fade ; inf. fallwen, 100, 20. 
 fals, adj., OF. fals ; false ; wk. false, 
 51, 24. Sth.//. valse, 199, 19. 
 falsehf de, sb., OF. fals + ME. hfde ; 
 falsehood, 203, 23. 
 falsenesse, sb., OF. fals + ME. nesse ; 
 falsness, 234, 8. 
 falsly, adv., OF. fals + ME. ly ; 
 falsely, 234, 13. 
 familerlich, adv., OF. familier + 
 ME. Hch ; familiarly , 235, 16. 
 fantum, sb., OF. fantosme, fantome; 
 phantom, fancy, 128, 5. 
 fare, sb., OE. faru,/! ; journey ; eME. 
 fare, 3, 26; behavior, haughtiness, 
 boasting, 135, 20. 
 fare, see fair. 
 fare(n), eME. faren, stv., OE. faran, 
 for (6) ; fare, go ; inf. (eME. faren, 
 1, 10) fare, 32,5; pr. 3 sing. fareS, 
 17, 21; pr. sbj. sg. fare, 16, 26; 
 pt. sg. for, 1, 13; pt. pi. foren, 35, 
 4. Nth. pr. 1 sg. idiX, 155, 4. 
 eSth. inf. varen, 184, 31 ; pp. 
 ivaren, 181, 10; ifaren, 187, 7. 
 faste, adv., OE. fceste; fast, firmly, 
 21, 3; fast, 18, 21. Sth. vaste, 
 205, 21. 
 faste (n), wkv., OE. fsestan ; fast, 
 abstain from food; inf. faste, 56, 
 27; pr. 3 sg. fasteft, 17, 4; pt. sg. 
 fasted, 238, 26. Nth. pr. 3 sg. 
 fastes, 145, 6; pp. fastyt, 171, 17; 
 fast, 131, 23. 
 fatt, adj., OE. fcett ; fat, 101, 8. 
 faucoun, sb., AN. faucon; falcon; 
 pi. faucouns, 48, 25. 
 faurtend, adj., Nth. = Ml. fourtene; 
 OE. feowertene ; fourteen, 152, 19. 
 favour, sb., OF. favur ; favor, 147,' 3. 
 Favresfeld, sb., Faversham (Kent), 
 fay, sb., OF. faye ; fay, fairy, 125, 25. 
 fayer, fayis, see fair, fa. 
 fayle, sb., OF. faille; fail, failure, 
 no, 4. 
 fayn, ra? fa^en. 
 fayrnes, sb., OE. fsegernes, /. ; fair- 
 ness, 129, 13. 
 fe, sb., OE. feo < feoh; property, 
 money, fee, 76, 21. 
 feader, feale, see fader, ffle. 
 feat (ffat ?), sb., OE. foet ; vat, vessel, 
 195, 14. 
 feblelike, adv., OF. feble + OE. 
 lice; feebly, scarcely, 77, 21. 
 feche(n), fecche(n), wkv., OE. 
 fetian, feccan (fettan) ; fetch, bring; 
 inf. fechen, 31, n ; fecchen, 195, 
 14 ; fette, 59, 27 ; pr. pi. fette, 46, 
 22; pt. pi. fett, 113, 23; pp. fet, 
 6y: Nth^^^fettes^n^iS 
 fede(n), w^z^O-E- fedan ; feed; inf. 
 fede, 84, 1 ; pt. 2 sg. fedde, 48, 26 ; 
 pp.pl. fedde, 53, 21. Nth.//, j^. 
 fedd, 132, 4. Sth. inf. veden, 
 201, 30. 
 feder, feend, feer, see fader, fend, 
 fege(n), wkv., ON. faegja; cleanse, 
 polish; imp. sg. feg, 18, 20. 
 fegfltE(n), fehere, see fi3te(n), fair. 
 feinte(n), wkv., OF. pp. feint < 
 feindre ; faint ; inf. feinte, 231, 3. 
 feir, feire, see fair, faire. 
 feiS, sb., NF. feio\ feid, OF. fei; 
 faith, 25, 27. Cf. fey. 
 fel, ^., OE. fell; skin, fell, 17, 4; 
 afr. felle, 59, 29. 
 fel, felle, sb., ON. fell; mountain, 
 hill, fell, 151, 19. 
 fel, fell, tf^\, OE. iti; fierce, cruel; 
 pi. felle, 74, 25. 
 felawe, felaw, felau (fela), sb., ON. 
 felagi ; fellow ; felaw, 97, 20 ; pi. 
 felawes, 90, 9 ; felas, 117, 7. Nth. 
 //. felaus, 154,4. eSth.//.feolahes, 
 192, 7. Kt.pl. velaghes, 212, 20. 
 feld, felde, sb., OE. feld, feld ; field \ 
 pi. feldes, 30, 28 ; ds. felde, 113, 5. 
 Sth. veld, 182, 5 ; ds. velde, 206, 8. 
 ffle, eME. fele, adj., OE. fela, feola, 
 sb., adj. ; many; eME. fele, 10, 6 ; 
 ffle, 31, 1 9. eSth. feale, 178, 13 ; 
 fale, 176, 10; feole, 184, 1 ; vele, 
 ffle, adj., OE. fele; true, dear, good, 
 183, 28. 
 fele(n), wkv., OE. felan ; feelr, pr.pl. 
 felen, 19, 12 ; pt. sg. felde, 192, 10. 
 Nth. //. felid < felid, 154, 13. 
 felicitee, sb., OF. felicite; felicity, 
 242, 24. 
 felle (n), fele(n), wkv., OAng. fellan, 
 WS. fiellan ; fell, cut down, take 
 down\ Nth. inf. fell, 142, 15 fel, 
 149, 28. 
 felon, sb., OF. felon, AN. -un, felon, 
 evil-doer; pi. fel5ns, 42, 30. 
 felony, sb., OF. felonie ; felony, 78, 
 15- _ 
 felunlyche, adv., AN. felun + ME. 
 lyche; feloniously, evilly, 90, 2. 
 ffme(n), (in), wkv., OE. fseman ; 
 foam; inf. ffmin, 195, 13. 
 fen, sb., Arabic, fan ; fen, section cf 
 Arabic canon, 245, 29. 
 fend, feend, fende, sb., OE. feond; 
 fiend, devil, 56, 4; fende, 66, 3; 
 feend, 244, 16 ; //. fendes, 59, 26. 
 Sth. pi. feond (eSth.), 183, 8; 
 veond (eSth.), 198, 14. Kt. vyend, 
 219, 7. 
 fenn (fen), sb., OE. fenn ;fen, marsh ; 
 ds. fenne, 51, 23. 
 feolahe, feole, feord, feorde, see 
 felawe, ffle, ferd, feran. 
 feorrene, adv., Sth. = Ml. ferre(n) ; 
 OE. feorrene ; afar, from far, 200, 5. 
 feouwer, see fower. 
 Feoverel (Feoverer), sb., OF. 
 Fevrier ; February, 197, 9. 
 feowertene, see fowrtene. 
 fer, adv., OE. feor ; far, 33, 13. 
 fer (ffr), sb., OM. fer, WS. far; fear, 
 59, 13. Sth. ds. f<gere, 233, 9. 
 ferd, ferde, sb., OM. ferd, WS. 
 flerd,/". ; army, 5, 25 ; (eME. fserd, 
 5, 6; feord, 6, 28). Sth. ds. ferde, 
 185, 7; verde, 185, 5. 
 ferde, **., OAng. *ferde?, cf. MHG. 
 gevserde ; terror, fear, 142, 30. 
 fere, sb., OE. gefera ; companion ; pi. 
 feres, 34, 31. Sth. vere, 199, 28. 
 fere, sb., OE. gefer, n. ; company; 
 in fere, together, 109, 6 ; i fere, 121, 
 fere(n), wkv., OE. feran ; go, follow ; 
 pt. sg. ferde, 5, 24 ; pt. pi. (eME. 
 feorden, 2, 16) ferden, 29, 18. Nth. 
 pt. sg. ferd, 155, 17. Sth.. pt. pi. 
 vereden, 191, 4. 
 ferie(n), wkv., OE. ferian < ON. 
 ferja ; ferry, carry; pt. sg. ferede(n), 
 182, 20. 
 ferli, adj., OM. ferllc, WS. fserlic ; 
 fearfiil, wonderful, 151, 14. 
 ferlich, ferly, sb., OM. ferlic, WS. 
 fserlic ; terror, fear, wonder, 
 miracle, 36, 8; pi. ferlys, 126, 
 ferly, ferlich, adv., OM. ferlice, WS. 
 fgerlice ; fearfully, 90, 8 ; ferlich, 
 !94, 5- 
 ferre, adj., OE. feorren ; far, 144, 26. 
 fers, sb., OE. fers, later displaced by 
 OF. vers; verse; ferrs (O), 9, 16. 
 fers, adj., OF. fiers ; fierce, 48, 16. 
 ferst, see first. 
 ferj?e, adj., OE. feorSa ; fourth, 11, 
 ferthermfre, adv., ME. ferther (< 
 OE. kov) + vci<2re, furthermore, 233, 
 ferpynge, ferbyng, sb;, OE. feoromg, 
 /. ; farthing, 94, 30 ; ferthynge, 
 117, 24. 
 fest, adj., OE. faest ; fajt+31, 21. 
 fest, sb. , Kt.=Ml. fist; OE. fyst ; 
 /jrfj 243, 6. 
 feste, ffst, ^., OF. feste; feast, 34, 
 23 ; %ste, 238, 7 ; ffst, 116, 23. 
 festen, sb., Sth. = Ml. faste(n) ; OE. 
 faesten ; fast, abstaining from food, 
 180, 25. 
 festeXn^a/to., ON. festa, OE. faestan ; 
 fasten, strengthen; infiesstexm (O), 
 12,5; pr. pi. festen, 20, 5 ; imp. sg. 
 feste, 18, 20; fest, 18, 6. Nth. 
 imp. pi. festes, 138, 21 ; //. //. 
 festid, 140, 18 ; fest J>ai, 138, 27. 
 festne(n), ivkv., OE. faestnian?; 
 fasten; inf. fesstnenn (O), 12, 8. 
 Sth. pp. ivestned, 203, 3. Cf. 
 fat, fette, see feche(n). 
 fft, adj., OE. fait; fat, 23, 2 ; pi. 
 fette, 23, 5. Cf. fatt. 
 fete, fetsteppe, see fot, fotsteppe. 
 ffte(n), wkv., OE. faettian or OM. 
 *faetan ; fatten, make fat ; inf. fgte, 
 84, 22. 
 feter, sb., OE. fetor, feotor ; fetter, 
 fettere, sb., OE. feSer,/ ; feather ; pi. 
 feSres, 15, 27 ; //. fevers, 103, 27. 
 fetles, sb., OE. faetels ; vessel, 194, 25. 
 fette, fette(n), see fft, feche(n). 
 fftys, adj., OF. fetis, faitis; shapely, 
 neat, skilful, 237, 22. 
 few, *., OE. feaw; few; (eME. 
 faeu, 5, 8 s i. eSth. feaw, 212, 26. 
 fey, sb., OF. fei, NF. feiS; faith, 
 belief; by my fey, 241, 33. Cf. 
 feyn, feyr, see fa^en, fayer. 
 feyre, sb., OF. feire; fair, market; 
 pi. feyres, 120, 25. 
 fif, five, fife, fiffe, adj., OE. fif; 
 five, 31, 17; five, 64, 26. Nth. 
 fife = five, 167, 11; fiffe, 166, 11. 
 Sth. vif, 218, 18. 
 fifetende, adj., OAng. fiftegSa; fif- 
 teenth, 152, 21. 
 fiffe, see fif. 
 fifte, fyfte, adj., OE. flfta; fifth, 12, 
 2 ; fyfte, 222, 30. 
 fiftene, fiften, adj., OM. fiftene, 
 WS. fiftiene ; fifteen ; fyftene, 116, 
 4; fiften, 151, 13. Nth. fiveten, 
 133, 4- 
 fi5te(n), flgte(n), j/z>., OM. fehtan 
 -faeht, WS. feohtan-feaht (3) ; fight; 
 inf. fihten, 185, 25; fi3te, 54, 11; 
 pr. 3 sg. figteS, 17, 21 ; /r. ppl. 
 figtande, 17, 21 ; //. sg. faht, 189, 
 31 ; fau 3 t, 50, 25; //.//. fuhten, 5, 
 8. ~Ntli.pr.ppl. fegtande, 144, 11 ; 
 //. sg. faght, 131, 2; pt. pi. faght, 
 126, 15. Sth. inf. vihte, 189, 12. 
 fiht, sb., OE. feoht, /. ; fight, battle, 
 187, 3; <fr. fihte, 187, 18. 
 flhte(n), see fi;te(n). 
 file(n), W/z>., OE. fylan ; make foul, 
 defile ; pp. filed, 66, 19. 
 Filip, see Philip. 
 fllle(n), wkv., OE. fyllan ; fill, fulfil; 
 inf. fillenn (O), 8, 23; />-. 3 sg.. 
 fille,, 14; 4 ; //.//. fylden, 2, 31 ; 
 pp. pi. filde, 75, 17; filled, 245, 
 16; filt, 26, 21; ifild (SEMI.), 42, 
 6. Nth. pp. fillit, 171, 23. Sth. 
 inf. fiillen, 195, 15; pp. ifuld, 208, 
 filstne(n), wkv., OE. *fylstnian or 
 extension of fylstan ; support, help ; 
 pt. s?. filstnede, 15, 3. 
 filSe, fylthe, sb., OE. fyl8,/; filth, 
 18, 16; fylthe, 144, 10. 
 fin, adj., OF. fin ; fine, 31, iS. 
 fin, sb., OF. fin ; end, 35, 21. 
 finde(n), fynde(n), s/z'., OE. findan 
 (findan)-fand (fnd) (3) ; find, 
 provide for ; inf. find en, 3, 26 ; 
 findenn (O), 9, 5; fynde, 91, 9; 
 pr. 2 j^-. findes, 29, 32 ; pr. 3 sg. 
 findeS, 20, 18; //. sg. (eME. fand, 
 4, 11) ; fnd, 26, 32 ; fpnde, 90, 4; 
 funde, 44, 13 ; pt. pi. funden, 83, 
 15 ; founde, 100, 1 ; pp. funde, 39, 1. 
 Nth. pr. pi. findes, 134, 16 ; pp. 
 fundun, 128, 27. "KX.pr. ^sg. vint 
 = Ml. findej), 218, 8; pt.pl. fgnden, 
 fir, sb., OE. fyr; fire, 17, 16; ds. 
 fire, 44, 12. Sth. fiir, 178, 19; ds. 
 fure, 177, 19 ; //. fur, 189, 29. Kt. 
 ver, 217, 24. 
 firmest, adv., OE. fyrmest; at first, 
 best, iS, 21. 
 firse(n), firsi(n), wfo;., OE. feorsian, 
 fiersian (fyrsian) ; remove', inf. firsin, 
 194, 14. 
 first, sd., OE. first, fyrst; space of 
 time, time, 53, 28. Sth. d5n a 
 Rust, place in respite, put off, delay, 
 J 77, 13. 
 first, adj., OE. fyrest, fyrst ; first ; wk. 
 firrste (O), 10, 5. Sth. fiirst, 220, 
 1. Kt. ferst, 212, 3; verst, 203, 17. 
 fish, fis, fiss, sd., OE. fisc ; fish, fis = 
 fish, 19, 1. Nth. fiss, 132, 4; pi. 
 rises, 151, 28. eSth. fisc, 182, 20 ; 
 pi. fisces, 178, 26. 
 fishfre, sd., OE. fiscere; fis her, $0,2,1. 
 fite(n), wkv., OE. fettian, *fittian ; 
 contend tvith, abuse, 195, 21. 
 five, fiveten, fliesh, see fif, fiftene, 
 flamme, flaumme, sb., OF. flamme; 
 flame, 99, 23 ; flaumme, 99, 24. 
 Flandres, Flaundres, sb., OF. 
 Flandres; Flanders, 159, 20; 
 Flaundres, 237, 7. 
 flatrynge, sb., based on MDu. flat- 
 teren? ; flattering, 221, 16. 
 flaun, sb., OF. flaon; pancake, 84, 
 Flaundres, fedde(n), ^<? Flanders, 
 flege(n) = fl3e(n), flige(n), stv., 
 OM. flegan-fleh, WS. fleogan-fleah 
 (2) ; _/?y ax a fo>a? ; pr. 3 ^. flegeS, 
 J 5> I0 - J ^- /' flI e, 5 1 , 23. Nth. 
 /r. isg. flyes, 143, 26. Sth./r. 3 
 sg. vlys}), 219, 22 ; pr. ppl. vlyinde, 
 215, 18. 
 fleis, fleisch, see flesh, 
 flf m, .$., OE. fleam ; flight ; Sth. ds. 
 flfme, 182, 8. 
 flem, sb., OF. flegme; j-/?>/y matter 
 in throat, sluggishness of tempera- 
 ment, 221, 8. 
 fleme(n), wkv., OM. fleman, WS. 
 flieman ; put to flight; pt. pi. 
 flemden, 5, 9. Nth. //. flemid, 
 158, 28. 
 Flemmyng, Flemyng, sb., OE. 
 Fleming; Fleming, 223, 2. 
 fle(n), stv., OM. fleon-fleh (WS. 
 fleah) (2) ; flee ; inf. fle, 79, 31 ; 
 pr. 3 sg. fled\ 17, 16; pt. sg. fleh, 
 5, 32 ; //. pi. flugen, 3, 29 ; flowe, 
 2 08, 3 ; wk.pt.pl. fledde, 233, 8; 
 wk~~$pl. fledde, 48, 28. Sth. pt. 
 sg. flah, 188, 21. 
 fleos, sb., eSth. = Ml. fles; OE. 
 fleos ; fleece ; ds. fleose, 199, 4. 
 fles, flfs, flesehe, see flfsh. 
 fleschllch, adj., OE. flsesclic ; fleshly, 
 carnal, 191, 24. 
 flfsh, flesh, fleisch, fles, flesse, 
 flessh, sb., OE. fleesc ; flesh, animal 
 food\ (eME. flfsc, 3, 27 ; flsish (O), 
 12, 7); flfs, 17, 9; fleis, 22, 25; 
 fleys, 49, 13 ; fleisch, 50, 8 ; flfsche, 
 113, 18; flessh, 241, 3. Nth. 
 flesse, 128, 30. Kt. fles, 213, 7. 
 flete(n), stv., OE. fleotan-fleat (2) ; 
 float, swim ; pr. 3 sg. flet = fleteS, 
 19, 4; pr. sbj. sg. flete, 80, 29. 
 flett, sb., OE. flett ; floor ; ds. flette, 
 122, 32.' 
 fleys, fllen, see flfsh, flege(n). 
 fll:je(n), wkv., OM. flegan, WS. flie- 
 gan ; fly, escape ; pt. sg. fli3te, 36, 
 2 5- 
 fligt, sb., OE. flyht;^4^, 15, 14. 
 floe, sb., OE. flocc ; flock, troop ; flocc 
 (O), 9, 24. 
 flod, .$., OE. flod; river, flood, 22, 
 32 ; ds. flode, 72, 1. Sth. ds. vlode, 
 182, 18. 
 flod^et, sb., Sth. = Ml. flddjat ; OE. 
 *flodgeat ; floodgate ; pi. flodjeten, 
 201, 16. 
 flom, see flum. 
 flf(n), sb., OE. flan ; arrow ; pi. flfn, 
 208, 12. 
 flo(n), stv., OM. flan (WS. flean) 
 -floh (6); flay, skin; inf. flf, 83, 
 Floris, j-3., OF. Floris ; Floris, 35, 
 florische(n), florrisse(n), wkv., OF. 
 florir, floriss- ; flourish ; inf. floris- 
 sen, 105, 4; /n sbj. sg. florische, 
 103, 4- 
3 6 4 
 floryn, sb.,OY. florin; florin, 242, 7. 
 flte, s6., OF. flote ; flock, company, 
 flour, floure, ^ flur. 
 floured, pp. as a^'. ; OF. flurir ; 
 flowered, ornamented, 117, 2. 
 flowe, ^ fle\n). 
 flum, sb., OF. flum ; river, 35, 8 ; 
 flumm (0), 11, 21 ; flom, 65, 5. 
 flur, flour, sb., OF. flur, flour ; flower, 
 _35> H* flo " r > 49 > 3 ; flour?, 105, 4. 
 flye, sb., OAng. flege, WS. fleoge;^, 
 flye(n), see flege(n), flige(n). 
 flyghyng, sb., based on flle(n) ; flying, 
 flight, 144, 2.| . 
 fnaste(n), wkv., OE.*fnaestian<fnsest 
 ' breath ' ; breathe ; inf. fnaste, 81,23. 
 fo, sb., OE. fa(h), adj. ; foe, enemy, 56, 
 " 4. Sth.//. fpn, 230, 22. 
 fo, adj., ON. far, cogn. with OE. feaw ; 
 few, 32, 19; pi. fgne, 161, 14; 
 INth. fune, 161, 15. 
 foangen = fgnge(n), stv., ON. fanga, 
 replacing in pres. OE. fon-feng (R) ; 
 seize, catch ; inf. foangen, 226, 16. 
 fode, sb., OE. foda \food, 16, 5. 
 fodder, sb., OE. fddor, fodduv, fodder ; 
 ds. foddre, 202, 31. 
 fol, see ful. 
 fol, adj., OF. fol ; foolish ; fole, 204, 
 fol, fole, sb.<adj., OF. fol; fool, 200, 
 7; fdle, 137, 30; INth. foul, 127, 
 fole, see folk. 
 flde, sb., OM. fald,fald (WS. feald?), 
 f ; enclosure for sheep or other 
 animals, then the sheep, 15, 5. 
 folde, sb., OE. folde; ground, land', 
 a folden (eSth. adv. phr.) to the 
 ground, wholly, 189, 14. 
 folde(n), stv. OM. faldan (faldan), 
 W. fealdan-feold (R) ; fold, en- 
 wrap; pt.pl. feld, 68, 19. 
 fol^eCn), folge(n), foleche(n), fol- 
 we(n), wkv., OE. folgian ; follow ; 
 inf. (eME. foll 3 hen (O), 8, 16); 
 folgen, 20, 26; folwen, 101, 9; 
 foluwe, 57, 29; pr. 3 sg. (eME. 
 foll3he)>]> (O), 10, 18) ; foljej), 176, 
 14; folegeo', 20, 18; //. //. (eME. 
 folecheden, 6, 9) ; pt. sg. folewede, 
 57, 27 ; pr. sbj. pi. (eME. fol^he 
 (O), 10, 15). Nth. inf. fallow, 170, 
 23; imp.pl. fallowis, 170, 19; pt. 
 sg. followit, 167, 17. Sth. inf. 
 V0I31, 218, 22 ; pr. 3. sg. volse]), 219, 
 21 ; pr.pl. voleweo 1 , 198, 18. 
 foil, folle, see folye. 
 folk, folic, sb., OE. fole ;folk, people ; 
 eME. fole, 5, 32 ; folic (O), 8, 22 ; 
 gs. follkess (O), 10, 13. Sth. ds. 
 volke, 181, 18. 
 fol^henn, see fol$e(n). 
 folte(n), wkv., based on OF. folet 
 (folt) 'fool'; act like a fool; pp. 
 folted as adj. foolish, 97, 3. 
 foluwe (n), folwe(n), see fol}e(n). 
 folye, foli (foly), sb., OF. folie -Jolly, 
 50, 1 ; fob, 127, 10; foly, 118, 7. 
 fgman, sb., OE. fah + man ; foeman, 
 106, 21. 
 fn, see fo. 
 fo(n), stv., OE. fon-feng (R) ; seize, 
 take ; Sth. pp. ifon, 183, 18. 
 fnden, see finde(n). 
 fonde(n), fndi(n), wkv., OE. fan- 
 dian, fgndian ; try, test, prove ; inf. 
 fgnden, 46, 3 ; fondin, 193, 10 ; //. 
 funded, 131, 24. 
 fgndynge, fondunge, sb., OE. fan- 
 dung, fgndung, /. ; temptation ; fgn- 
 d yng> 97, 29; fgndunge, 198, 31. 
 forme, sb. < adj., perh. related to 
 Dan. fonnik, 'clumsy, stupid per- 
 son ' ; fool, 125, 21. 
 for, adv., prep, coiij., OE. for; be- 
 cause, on account of, for, 1, 18; 
 forr (O), 8, 22. Sth. vor j>sen; 
 therefor, 183, 29. 
 forbede(n), stv., OE. for beodan 
 -bead (2) \ forbid, prohibit; pr. 1 sg. 
 forbede, 120, 25 ; imp. sg. forbede, 
 125, 24 ; pt. sg. forbfd, 50, 22 ; pp. 
 forbgden, 145, 11. Sth. pt. sg. 
 vorbfad (eSth.), 200, 19 ; vorbgd, 
 205, 24. 
 forbere(n), eME. forberen, stv., OE. 
 forberan-baer (4) ; spare, forbear ; 
 inf. forbfre, 75, i\;pt. pi. forbaren, 
 forberne(n), wkv., OM. forbaernan, 
 WS. biernan ; burn, consume ; inf. 
 forbernen, 189, 14; forberne, 184, 
 9 ; pp. forbernd, 193, 25. 
 forblende(n), wkv., OE. for4-blen- 
 dan, blendan ; blind ; pp. forrblen- 
 dedd (O), 9, 24. 
 forbreide(n), forbrede(n), wkv., 
 OE. forbregdan-brsegd (3) ; per- 
 vert, corrupt', pr. 2 sg. forbredes, 
 18, 1 ; pp. forbroiden, 17, 3. 
 forbrfke(n), stv., OE. forbrecan 
 -brsec (4) ; break in pieces ; pp. fez^ 
 iifken, 17, 3. 
 forbrenne(n), wkv., OE. forbernan ; 
 burn up ; pp. forbrent, 61, 26. 
 forbroiden, see forbreide(n). 
 forby, prep., OE. for + bl; beside, in 
 respect to, 236, 22. 
 forcursed, pp. as adj., OE. for + cur- 
 sian ; accursed, 4, 5. 
 forcuft, adj., OE. forcuS; cowardly, 
 knavish, 185, 7; superl. forciioest, 
 185, 3*. 
 fordeme(n), wkv., OE. fordeman; 
 condemn, destroy ; inf. fordeme, 
 184, 2 ; //. sg. fordemde, 192, 
 fordfeorde, see forhfere(n). 
 forditte(n), wkv., OE. fordyttan; 
 shut tip ; pp. fordit, 63, 22. 
 fordo(n), anv., OM. fordon-daide 
 (WS. dyde) ; ruin, destroy ; inf. 
 fordon, 184, 3; fordo, 149, 8; pp. 
 forddn, 4, 7 ; fordone, 120, 24. Sth. 
 pt. sg. fordiide, 195, 20. 
 fordrede(n), stv., OM. fordredan 
 -dred, WS. fordraedan-dred (R) ; 
 dread, fear; pp. fordred, 25,31. 
 fordrive(n), stv., OE. fordrivan-draf 
 """""XT) '> arive away-, pp. fordriven, 19, 
 29. <r 
 fordronke, adj., OE. fordruncen ; very 
 drunk, drunken, 239, 12. 
 forester, sb., OF. forestier ; forester, 
 H7> 17- 
 forewarde, forward(e), forewerde, 
 sb., OM. foreward, WS. foreweard, 
 f. ; precaution, agreement, bargain, 
 6, 19 ; forwarde, 7, 19 ; forward, 27, 
 12; instruction, 28, 8. Sth. for- 
 werde, 212,4; vgrewarde, 204, 5; 
 vorwarde, 204, 13. 
 forfaite(n), wkv., based on OF. //. 
 or sb. forfait ; forfeit ; inf. for- 
 fait, 235, 18; pt. sg. forfaited, 
 234, 2. 
 forgaa, anv., Nth. = Ml. forgg(n); 
 OE. forgan ; forgo, pass by, dispense 
 with, abstain from ; inf. forgaa, 
 144, 22. 
 forgelwe(n), wkv., OE. *forgelwian; 
 become yellow, fade ; pr. 2 sg. for- 
 gelwes, 18, 2. 
 forgifnes, sb., OE. forgifenes,/. ', for- 
 giveness, 141, 28. 
 for5ete(n), stv., OM. forgetan-gset, 
 WS. gietan-geat (5) ; forget ; inf. 
 for3ete, 37, 18 ; pr. sbj. sg. for3ete, 
 37, 17; pt. sg. forgat, 22, 28 ; pp. 
 forgeten, 23, 6. Sth. inf. for3ite, 
 177, 10; for 3 yte, 179, 9; pr. 3 sg. 
 forjiteS, 177, 14; forgiit, 177, 1; 
 pr.pl. voryete]?, 219, 25; imp. sg. 
 voryet, 217, 21. 
 for;ife(n), for5eve(n), foryeve(n), 
 stv., OM. forgefan-gsef, WS. giefan 
 -geaf (5); forgive; pr. %sg. for3eveJ>, 
 124, 16 ; pr. sbj. sg. forr3ife (O), 9, 
 29 ; foryeve, 246, 11 ; //. sg. for3af, 
 74,6; pp. forgive, 45, 28. 
 for5ite(n), see for5ete(n). 
 forggi(n), anv., OE. forgan ; forgo, 
 give up; inf. forggn, 57, 14. 
 forhfle(n), stv., OE. fbrhelan-hsel 
 (5) ; conceal; pt. sg. forhal, 58, 1 ; 
 pp. (eME. forholen, 5, 1); forhglen, 
 29, 29. 
 forhewe(n), stv., OE. forheawan 
 -heow (2) ; hew down, cut to pieces ; 
 eSth. pt. sg. forheou, 181, 21. 
 forlese(n), stv., OE. forleosan-leas 
 (2) ; lose ; pt. sg. forlfs, 5,32; pp. 
 (eME. forloren, 2, 30), forlgren, 16, 
 forlete(n), stv., OM. forletan, WS. 
 forlaetan-let (R) ; leave, forsake ; 
 pt. sg. forlet, 33, 24. 
 formast, adj., OE. formest, modified 
 by mast<OE. meest, mast, ' most '; 
 foremost, first, 69, 3. 
 forme, adj., OE. forma ; first, 71 , 18. 
3 66 
 forme, fourme, sb., OF. forme ; 
 form, 147, 8. 
 fornayse, so., OF. fornaise ; furnace, 
 218, 7. 
 fornime(n), stv., OE. forniman-nom 
 (4) ; lake away, remove ; pp. for- 
 numen, 27, 4. 
 forquat = forwhat, oafo., OE. for 
 hwset; wherefore, 21, 17. 
 forr, see for. 
 forrede(n), mz>., OM. forredan, WS, 
 forrsedan ; deceive, seduce, wrong ; 
 //. forred, 25, 32; forrad, 56, 22. 
 eSth. pr. 3 Jf. forreadeft, 194, 
 forrouth, forrowth, prep.-adv., cf. 
 Dan. forud ; before, forward, 1 70, 
 21 ; forrowth, 170, 27. 
 forrpi, see forpl. 
 forsaid, forseid, adj. < pp., OE. 
 foresecgan ; foresaid, 1 59, 9. Sth. 
 forseid, 222, 29. 
 forsake (n), stv., OE. forsacan-soc 
 (6) ; forsake ; inf. forsake, 56, 26 ; 
 pr. 3 jjf. forsakeS, 16, 18. eSth. 
 /r. 3 jjg"'. vorsakest, 193, II. 
 forscalde(n), wkv., OE. for + OF. 
 escalder ; scald completely ; pt. sg. 
 forscaldede, 195, 19. 
 forseid, see forsaid. 
 forsitte(n), stv., OE. forsittan-sset 
 (5) J neglect, delay ; Sth. //. sbj. 
 sg. forsfte, 189, 13. 
 forsop, forsope, adv., OE. forsoj) ; 
 forsooth, 42, 28; forsoJ>e, 47, 27. 
 Sth. vorzojje, 215, 10. 
 forstande(n), stv., OE. forstandan 
 -stod (6) ; avail, profit ; pt. sg. 
 forstSd, 6, 17; //. sbj. sg. forstode, 
 2, 17. 
 forstoppe(n), wkv., ON. stoppa, 
 forstoppa ? ; stop up, obstruct ; 
 Sth.pr.pl. forstoppeS, 201, 12. 
 forswal;$e(n), stv., OE. forswelgan 
 -swealh (3) ; swallow up, destroy ; 
 inf. forswa^e, 188, 16. 
 forswat, see for3wfte(n). 
 forswele(n), wkv., OM. forswelan, 
 WS. swselan ; burn up ; pp. for- 
 swelde, 188, 13. 
 forswelte(n), wkv., OE. *forsweltan : 
 kill, destroy, inf. forswelten, 194, 
 forswre(n), stv., OE. forswerian 
 -sw5r(6) ; forswear, commit perjury, 
 pp. (eME.) forsworen, 2, 29. Sth. 
 pp. vorswpre, 207, 11. 
 forswfreynge, sb., cf. forswfren; 
 perjury, 147, 21. 
 forswete(n), wkv., OE. *forswaetan ; 
 weary with labor, spoil with sweat- 
 ing; Nth.//, forswat, 166, 2. 
 Fort, sb., De Fors or de Fortibus; 
 Willelm of, Earl of Albemarle, 
 227, 4- 
 fortende, adj., OE. feowerteoSa ; 
 fourteenth, 197, 9. 
 for*, furp (furpe), adv., OE. forS; 
 forth, 17, 6 ; fur)>, 99, 16 ; fur)>e, 99, 
 5; furth, 137, 6. Sth.vorS, 185-, 1. 
 fortSan, adv., OE. for Son; therefore, 
 thereupon, 24, 30. 
 for'o'cu.me(n), stv., OE. forScuman 
 -c5m (cwom) (4) ; come forth, 
 appear; pp. forfrcumen, 24, 8. 
 for*e(n), wkv., OE. forSian ; pro- 
 mote, effect, further; inf. forSen, 
 17, 19; pp. fdrpedd (O), 8, 18. 
 former, adv., OE. furSor; further, 
 231, 23. 
 forflfare, sb., eME. = Ml. forSfare ; 
 OE. foroYaru ; departtire, death, 
 191, 7. 
 forpfere(n), wkv., OE. forSferan ; go 
 forth; die; eME.pl. sg. fordfeorde, 
 5, 16. 
 forpi, forpie, adv. con/., OE. for )>y ; 
 because, 1, 2; forrjji (O), 8, 24; 
 for]ne, 154, 18. Sth. vorjri, 198, 19. 
 forpinke(n), wkv., OE. forftencean 
 -$5hte (Sohte) ; misthink, dislike, 
 repent; pr. 3 sg. forjringketh, 212, 
 23. Sth. forpiincheft, 194, 12. 
 forpirmar, adv., Nth. = Ml. furper- 
 mgr ; OE. furSer + mar ; further- 
 more, 166, 8. 
 fortfriht, adv., OE. forftriht; right 
 forth, straightway, 183, 16. 
 forpunche(n), see forpinke(n). 
 for* ward, for* war, adv., OM. for- 
 ward, WS. -weard; continually, 
 always, 18, 20; forSwar, 87, 16. 
 fortSweie, sb., OE. forSweg ; de- 
 parture, jmrney, 27, 27. 
 fortravale^n), wkv., OE. for + OF. 
 travailer ; tire out ; Nth. pp. for- 
 travalit, 171, 26. 
 forwarde, see forewarde. 
 forwerJ>e(n), stv., OE. forweor]>an 
 -wear]? (3) ; reject, cast away ; inf. 
 forrwerr}>enn (O), 9, 23. 
 forwhy, aafo., OE. for + hwy ; because, 
 244, 19. 
 forwith, adv., ONth. *forwiS ; before, 
 128, 16. 
 forwrappe(n), wkv., origin un- 
 certain; wrap up; pp. forwrapped, 
 240, 22. 
 forwre}e(n) ; wkv., OE. forwregan; 
 accuse; inf. forwrejen, 179, 8. 
 forwundie(n), wkv., Sth. = Ml. for- 
 wunde(n) ; OE. forvvundian (wun- 
 dian) ; wound', pp. forwunded, 
 190, 9. 
 forwurtSe(n), stv., OE. forweorSan 
 -wear's (3) ; perish, go wrong-, inf. 
 furwuro'en, 193, 31 ; pr. 3 sg. for- 
 wurSes, 18, 2 ; pp. forwurSe, 188, 2. 
 foryeve(n), see for3ife(n). 
 fosterling, sb., OE. f5storling ; foster- 
 child, 190, 8. 
 fostre(n), wkv., OE. fostrian; foster; 
 pp. fostrid, 53, 21. 
 fostrild, sb., based on OE. fostor + 
 hild; nurse, 201, 6. 
 fot, sb., OE. Tdifjoor, 28, 16; on 
 f5te, on foot, 6, 29 ; //. fet, 3, 6 ; 
 fete, 138, 19. INth. fut, 168, 6. 
 fotsteppe, sb., OE. fot + stepe ; foot- 
 step ; pi. fetsteppes, 14, 4. 
 foul, foul, fowle, see fol, ful, fugel. 
 fdunde(n), wkv., OE. fundian ; seek, 
 endeavor; proceed; pt. sg. founded, 
 157, 22. 
 four, fourme, see fower, forme. 
 fourme(n), wkv., OF. former ; form ; 
 pp. fourmed, 102, 28. 
 fourtene, see fowrtene. 
 fower, adj., OE. feower ; four, 8, 1 ; 
 four, 70, 29. eSth. feouwer, 185, 20. 
 fowertl, adj., OE. feowertig; forty, 
 33, 29; fowwerrtl3 (O), 12, 10; 
 furti, 214, 6. 
 fowhel, see fugel. 
 fowrtene, fourtene, adj., OM. 
 feowertene, WS. -tiene; fourteen, 
 33, 2; fourtene, 118, 6. eSth. 
 feouwertene, 185, 5. 
 fowwerrti}, see fowertl, 
 foysyn, sb., OF. foyson ; power, 
 success, 96, 4; fuysoune, 141, 31. 
 fra, adv. prep., eME., Nth. m Ml. 
 fi; from, 6, 31 ; 128, 21. 
 fram, prep, adv., OE. fram, from; 
 from, 4, 18. Sth. vrom, 198, 2; 
 vram, 217, 10. 
 frame, frame, sb., ON. frami, cogn. 
 OE. fram, ' valiant ' ; advantage, 
 profit; eME. frame, 8, 21 ; frame, 
 14, 20. 
 Prance, Fraunce, sb., OF. France; 
 France, 7, 10; Fraunce, 221, 13. 
 Frankys, adj., Nth. = Ml., Sth. 
 modified by Franc ; French, 127, 6. 
 Fraunce, see France. 
 fraunchlse, sb. , OF. franchise ; fran- 
 chise, 232, 26. 
 frayne(n), see freine(n). 
 fre, adj., OE. freo; free, 74, 17; 
 (SEMI.) freo, 42, 21. eSth. freo, 
 187, 19. 
 fredom, fredam, sb., OE. freodom ; 
 freedom, 84, 11 ; fredam, 232, 26. 
 freend, see frend. 
 freine(n), stwkv., OM. *fregnan, WS. 
 frignan-frsegn (3) ; question, in- 
 quire, ask; inf. frayne, 106, 29; 
 wk.pt. sg. freinde, 21, 17; freinede, 
 194, 6. 
 freis, adj., Nth. = Ml. fresh ; OE. 
 fersc ; fresh, 151, 31. 
 frek, adj., OE. free; bold, insolent, 
 157, 23. 
 frelich, adj., Sth. - Ml. frell; OE. 
 freolic ; freely, 232, 26 ; eME]. 
 freollch, 192, 9. 
 freman, sb., OE. freoman ; freeman, 
 frfme, sb., OE. fremu; profit, ad- 
 vantage, 226, 8. 
 fremede, fremde, adj., OE. fremede, 
 fremde; strange, foreign, 144, 14; 
 fremde, 177, 10. 
 frfme(n), wkv., OE. fremman; pro- 
 mote, profit, do; inf. frfme, 78, 12. 
 French, Frensch, Freynsch, adj., 
 OE. Frencisc ; French, 210, 12; 
 Frensch, 225, 3; Freynsch, 224, 19. 
 frenchype, see frendschipe. 
 trend, freend, sb., OE. freond ; 
 friend; frende, 76, 10; pi. (eME. 
 freond, 6, 12) frend, 2, 2 ; freendes, 
 241, 25. 
 frendschipe, sb., OE. freondscipe ; 
 friendship; eME. freontschipe, 192, 
 8; frenchype, 144, 21. 
 freo, see fre. 
 freoboren, adj., eME. = Ml. frebgren; 
 OE. freo+//. boren; noble born, 
 free born, 192, n. 
 freolich, see frelich. 
 freond, freontschipe, see frend, 
 frete(frfte), sb., OM. *fret, WS. 
 *frt, / ; food, 49, 12. 
 frte(n), stv., OE. fretan-frset (5); 
 devour, eat up ; pt. sg. frft, 198, 23 ; 
 pp. freten, 23, 5. 
 Freynsch, see French. 
 Fridai, Frldsei (Fridawes), sb., 
 OE. Frigdaeg ; Friday ; Fridaei 
 (eME.), 4, 31 ; pi. Fridawes, 200, 2. 
 Sth. Vrldei, 199, 33. 
 fri;te, fri;t, sb., OE. fyrhtu, OM. 
 *fryhtu; fright, 59, 13. 
 frigtihfd, sb., OM. *fryhtigtied, WS. 
 *fyrhtighsed ; timidity, 26, 30. 
 frigtlllke, adv., OE. *fyrhtigllce ; 
 with fear, timidly, 25, 3. 
 friSe(n), wkv., OE. friSian; keep in 
 peace, preserve, free; pr. sbj. sg. 
 frioe, 30, 15. 
 fro, adv. prep., ON. fra, cogn. with 
 OE. fram, from ; fro7ti, 15, 3. 
 frofre(n), wkv., OE. frofrian ; com- 
 fort; inf. frofrenn (O), 12, 14. 
 Sth. inf. vrovren, 201, 2. 
 froit, see fruit, 
 frgtyng, sb., based on OF. froter, 
 'rub'; rubbing, harsh sounding, 
 225, 26. 
 frou3, adj., suggests OE. *froh, perh. 
 ON. frar, 'swift'; fickle, dial. 
 frough (frow), 57, 30. 
 fruit, frut (froit), sb., OF. fruit, 27, 
 23; fruyt, 238, 28; fr.Mt, 148, 26; 
 frut, 100, 19; frute, 134, 16. 
 frumschaft, sb., OE. frumsceaft, f ; 
 creation, 191, 16. 
 frut, frute, see fruit. 
 frutestf re, sb., OF. fruit + ME. stfre ; 
 female fruit seller, 237, 22. 
 fugel, fuhel, fowle, foul, sb., pi. 
 fugeles; OE. fugel (ol) ; bird, fowl, 
 22, 17; fowle, 145, 4; foul, 172,6, 
 //. fugeles, 178, 26 ; fuheles, 193, 
 22 ; fowheles, 144, 24. Sth. vojel; 
 215, 18. 
 ful, adj., OE. ful ; full, 2, 31 ; fol, 
 49, 12 ; fulle, 119, 14. 
 ful, see fulle (n). 
 ful, foul, adj., OE. fiil ; foul, 3, 6 ; 
 fule, 85, 30; foul, 48, 10. Sth. 
 void, 217, 25. 
 fulnlle(n), wkv., OE. fulfyllan; 
 fulfil, complete , satisfy ; inf. fulfillen, 
 104, 12; fulfylle, 95, 6; fulfille, 
 244, 5; //. fulfild, 103, 15; ful- 
 fyllt, in, 18. Nth. pr.pl. fulfill, 
 144, 9 ; pr. ppl. fulfilland, 146, 4. 
 fulhtne(n), wkv., OE. *fulhtnian ; 
 baptize; pp. fullhtnedd (O), 11, 23. 
 fulle (n), wkv., OE. fulian ; fill, be 
 full; imp. sg. ful, 18, 6. 
 fulle(n), see fille(n). 
 fulluht, sb., OE. fulwiht, fulluht ; 
 baptism; fulluhht (O), 8, 14. 
 fully, adv., OE. fulllce ; fully, 240, 
 fulste(n), wkv., Sth. = Ml. filste(n) ; 
 OE. fylstan; help, assist; inf. 
 fulste, 191, 15. 
 fulsum, adj., OE. fulsum ; plentiful, 
 24, 25._ 
 fulsumhgd, sb., OE. *fulsumhged; 
 plenty, copiousness, 23, 32. 
 fultum, sb., OE. fultum; help-, ds. 
 fultume, 226, 1. 
 funde(n), wkv., OF. fonder ; found, 
 establish ; Nth. inf. fund, 130, 13. 
 fune, see f (fo). 
 funtfat, sb., OF. funt + OE. fget ; font, 
 _baptis?7ial vessel, 16, 23. 
 fur, furst, see fir, first. 
 furj>, furpe, see foriJ. 
 3 6 9 
 furpe, adj., OE. feowerSa ; fourth, 
 222, 23. 
 furtl, furwurfle(n), see fowertl, 
 forwur'o , e(n). 
 fus, adj., OE. fus ; eager, ready, 
 _MnE. dial, fussy, 132, 13. 
 fuse(n), wkv., Sth. = Ml. fise(n) ; 
 OE. fysan; make ready; pt. sg. 
 fusde, 186, 8. 
 fut, fuysdune, see fot, foysyn. 
 fyfte, fyftene, see fifte, fiftene. 
 fylthe, fylle(n), see filjje, fille(n). 
 fyllynge, fyllyng, sb., OE. *fyllung, 
 f. ; filling, refreshment , restoration, 
 fynde(n), see finde(n). 
 ga, anv., Nth. = Ml. g(n) ; OE. gan ; 
 go ; pr. 3 sg. gase, 161, 11; pt. pi. 
 3ede, 140, 22. INth. pt. sg. 3ude 
 = 3dde, 167, 15 ; pt. pi. jeid = 3ed, 
 167, 7. 
 gabbe, sb., ON. gabb, n. ; jest, im- 
 posture, 37, 9. 
 Gabriel, sb., OF. Gabriel; Gabriel; 
 gs. Gabrieles, 199, 7. 
 gadere(n), wkv., OE. gaderian ; 
 gather; inf. gaderen, 24,6; gadere, 
 35> j 4J/A gadered, 2, 21. Nth. 
 gader, geder, jv?<? geder. Sth. inf. 
 gederen, 202, 6 ; pr.ppl. gederinde, 
 202, 23. 
 gaderinge, gadering, sb., OE. ga- 
 derung,/. ; gathering; gadering, 2, 
 gsede, gseld, gsere, gret, #?<? g9(n), 
 5ld, 5r, 5it. 
 gaf, j^ }eve(n). 
 galai(y), sb., OF. galei ; galley, 164, 
 25; //. galaies, 163, 15. 
 Galewey, see Galway. 
 galigte, sb., OF. galiote; small galley, 
 164, 13. 
 gall, sb., ONth. galla, WS. gealla; 
 gall, bitterness, anger, 129, 20. 
 Galway, Gale-way, sb., Galloway, 
 221, 29 ; Galeway, 222, 14. 
 galwes, sb. pi. regularly ; OM. galga, 
 WS. gealga, infl. by ON. galgi?; 
 gallows, 86, 3. 
 galwetre, sb.,0,. galgatreo; gallows 
 tree, 86, 11. 
 gamen, game, gammyn, sb., OE. 
 gamen ; game, sport, jest ; gamen , 
 79, 7 ; game, 109, 4. Nth. gammyn, 
 167, 15. 
 gange(n), gonge(n), stv., OE. gan- 
 gan-geng (R) ; go, move ; inf. gan- 
 ger, 17, 5; gnge, 86, 6; pr. pi. 
 gangen, 18, 7. eSth. 3eongen, 182, 
 ganninde, see g9(n). 
 gapa(n), wkv., ON. gapa, cognate, 
 OE. geapan ; gape ; pr. 3 sg. gapeft, 
 gare, sb., eME. = Ml. ggr; OE. gar, 
 gara; spear; pi. garen, 186, 15. 
 gare(n), seeg$re(n). 
 garring, sb., based on garren<MHG ; 
 chatter, roar, 224, 15. 
 gast, gaste, sb., Nth. = Ml. gst; OE. 
 gast; ghost, spirit, 131, 24; gaste, 
 142, 28. 
 gast, sb. , OE. gast, short form ; spirit, 
 ghost, 20, 22. 
 gastely, adj., Nth. = Ml. g9stly; OE. 
 gastllc; spiritual, 146, 26. 
 gate, gat, sb., ON. gata; gait, dial. 
 gate, strut, way, manner, 59, 5 ; 
 gat, 89, 10; gate, 89,_ 23. Nth. 
 gate, 137, 7; INth. gat, 167, 21. 
 Cf. ^ate. 
 gate(n) = }ate(n), wkv., OE. geatan 
 (gsetan, getan) ; grant, concede ; pt. 
 sg. gatte, 34, 30. 
 gaud, sb., Nth. = Ml. gaude; OF. 
 *gaude perh. ; toy, gaud, finery, 
 160, 7. 
 gay, adj., OF. gai ; gay, 158, 24. 
 ge, gear, see }>u, ^er. 
 gede, ^ede, wkv. def., OE. geeode, 
 pt. of OE. gegan; see g9(n). 
 geder, wkv., Nth. = Ml. gadere(n); 
 gather; pt. sg. gederd, 135, 11; 
 gedird, 138, 32. 
 gef , see ^if. 
 Geffree, sb., OF. Geoffrey j Geoffrey ; 
 gs. Geffrees, 227, 6. 
 gegge, sb., OF. guigue, AN. gigge 
 (gegge?); maid, frivolous woman, 
 35, 19- 
 gehaten, geld, gelde(n), gelt, see 
 }ehate(n), ijeld, }elde(n), gilt. 
 generally, adv., OF. general + ME. 
 ly ; generally, 146, 15. 
 genge, sb., ON. gengi ; company, fol- 
 lowing, army, 5, 10. 
 gente, adj., OF. gent; gentle, noble, 
 in, 22. 
 gentil, adj., OF. gentil ; noble, 207, 
 gentilman, sb., OF. gentil + ME. 
 man ; gentleman, 224, 20. 
 ger, see 5r. 
 gfre(n), gare(n), wkv., ON. gorva 
 (gerva), cogn. with OE. gearwian, 
 gerwan ; prepare, make ; inf. gfren, 
 33, 25 ; pt. sg. gart, 125, 29. Nth. 
 inf. ger, 138, 5 ; pr. 3 ^ garris, 
 174, 2 ; pt. pi. gert, 155, 26 ;pt. sbi. 
 *& gert, 141, 7. 
 gerke(n),z^.,SEMl. = M1.3arke(n); 
 OM. garkian, WS. gearcian ; pre- 
 pare; inf. gerken, 27, 31. 
 gerlpnd, sb., OF. gerlande ; garland, 
 v 215, 22. 
 German , adj., OF. Germain ; German ; 
 pi. Germans, 222, 25. 
 Germania, sb., Lat. Germania ; Ger- 
 many, 222, 24. 
 gem, adv., OE. georne mod. by ON. 
 giarn; eagerly, earnestly, 154, 18. 
 Gersen, sb., Lat. Gessen; Goshen, 
 3i, i- 
 gersume, sb., OE. gersume<ON. 
 gersami ; treasure, 46, 5. 
 gesceafte, sb., eSth. = Ml. shaft, 
 schaft ; OE. gesceaft, f. ; created 
 thing, creahire, 178, 27.- 
 gest, sb., OM. gest, WS. giest; inn. 
 by ON. gestr ; guest ; pi. gestes, 4, 
 geste, sb., OF. geste ; story, achieve- 
 ment, MnE.jest, 116, 7; //. jestes, 
 130, 1. 
 get, see %et. 
 gete(n),j-/z;., ON. geta-gat (5), cogn. 
 with and later displacing OM. getan, 
 WS. gietan ; get, obtain ; inf. gete, 
 50, 1 1 ; //. sg. gat. 80, 2. Nth. pr. 
 2 sg. gettes, 141, 31; pt. sg. gat, 
 172, 26. 
 gfte(n), gete(n), wkv., ON. gseta; 
 guard, keep, take care of; Nth. inf. 
 get, 155, 2 5 J imp. sg. gft, 161, 22. 
 gevelic, adj., OE. ge-efenlic; equal ,^ 
 geven, & :jeve(n). 
 geve(n), stv., ON. gefa, cogn. with 
 and later displacing OM. gefan-gsef, 
 WS. giefan-geaf (5) ; give \ pt. sg. 
 gafe, 109, 28. 
 geyne(n), wkv., ON. gegna; gain; 
 pt. sg. geyned, 54, 29. 
 ghe, gif, gife(n), see he, ^if, 
 gile, sb., OF. guile, AN. gile ; guile, 
 treachery, 160, 6. 
 gileri, gillery, sb., OF. gillerie; deceit, 
 101, 17; gillery, 147, 15. 
 gilt, sb., OE. gylt ; guilt, 28, 6 ; ds. 
 gilte, 32, 25. Kt. gelt, 218, 10. 
 giltels, adj., OE. gylt + lses ; guilt- 
 less, 238, 9. 
 gin, j-^., OF. engin ; gin, snare, in- 
 genuity ; ds. ginne, 46, 3 ; gynne, 
 in, 25. 
 ging^^'., Sth. x= ME. 3ung ; based on 
 WS. geong?; young, 18, 22. 
 gingivre, sb., OE. gingifre mod. by 
 OF. gingimbre, gingibre; ginger, 
 202, 25. 
 ginne(n), stv., OE. (on)ginnan-gann 
 (3); begin; pt. sg. gan, 21, 6; 
 can = gan, 106, 14; pt. pi. gunen, 
 31, 26; gonnen, 63, 7 ; gunne, 184, 
 1 ; gonne, 205, 16. Nth. pt. sg. 
 gun, 135, 6 ; pt. pi. gun, 137, 11. 
 Sth. pt. sg. gon, 181, 7; gun, 182, 
 gist, j., Sth. = Ml. gest ; WS. giest, 
 OM. gest, infl. by ON. gestr and 
 gista; guest, 199, 27. 
 give(n), stv., ON. gefa, cogn. with 
 and later displacing OM. gefan-gaef, 
 WS. giefan-geaf (5); give; inf. 
 gifenn (O), 12, 16 ; pr. 2 sg. givest, 
 50, 5 ; pr. sbj. sg. gife, 112, 12;//. 
 given, 55, 16; gyven, 75, 27. Nth. 
 inf. gife, 130, 31; gyffe, 145, 16; 
 pr.sbj.pl. gyfe, 146, 19. 
 glad, adj., OE. glsed ; glad ; comp. 
 gladdore, 205, 10. Sth. gled, 195, 
 glade (11), wkv., OE. gladian; gladden, 
 be glad; inf. glade, 67, 15 ; gladen, 
 102, 11 ; pt.pl. gladed, 103, 17. 
 gladly, adv., OE. glsedllce; gladly, 
 146, 31. Sth. gledliche, 215, 5. 
 gladnesse, gladnes, sb., OE. glad- 
 ness,/. ; gladness, 44, 7 ; gladnes, 
 102, 10. 
 glas, sb., OE. glees; glass, 56, 14. 
 glatt, adj., ON. glaftr, cogn. with OE. 
 glsed ; glad, happy ; pi. glaSe, 29, 9. 
 gle, sb., OE. gleo(w) ; glee, joy, song, 
 128, 4 ; SEMI, gleo, 36, 29. Nth. 
 gleu, 149, 28. 
 gled, see glad. 
 gledie(n), /&;., Sth. = Ml. gladen ; 
 OE. gladian ; gladden ; inf. gledien, 
 199, 28. 
 gledliche, see gladly, 
 glfm, sb., OE. glsem ; gleam, splendor, 
 228, 11. 
 gleo, gleu, see gle. 
 gleyve, sb., OF. glaive; sword, glaive ; 
 pi. gleyves, 60, 25. 
 glide(n), stv., OE. glidan-glad (1) ; 
 glide ; pr. 3 sg. glided, 191, 17 ; pt. 
 //.glide, 37, 21. 
 glifne(n), wkv., cf. Scotch gliff, ' a 
 glance ' ; glance, look ; Nth. //. sg. 
 gliff nit, 172, 2. 
 glrifie(n), wkv., OF. glorifier; 
 glorify; inf. glpriflen, 104, 12 ; //. 
 glgrifide, 139, 23. 
 gldterie, sb., OF. gluterie ; gluttony ; 
 54> x 3- 
 glotonye, glotonle, sb., OF. glou- 
 tonie ; gluttony, 49, 16 ; glotonle, 
 206, 18. 
 Gloucester, sb., OE. Gleawecester 
 (Glowe-) ; Gloucester, 5, 12; Glow- 
 chestre, 227, 2. 
 glove, sb., OE. glofj/ ; glove, 112,8. 
 Sth.pl. gl5ven, 190, 11. 
 Glowchestre, see Gloucester, 
 glowe (n), stv., OE. glowan-gleow 
 (R) ; glow, be radiant with heat ; 
 pr. ppl. glowende, 60, 23. Nth. 
 pr. ppl. glouand, 151, 32. 
 gnede, ad/., OM. *gnede, WS.*gniede; 
 stingy, parsimonious, 48, 27. 
 gnedellche, adv., OM. *gnedellce, 
 WS. *gnledellce; sparingly, 202,4. 
 God, Godd, sb., OE. god; God; 
 Godd (O), 9, 29; ds. Gode, 16, 21 ; 
 gs. Godes, 1, 4; Goddys, 91, 17. 
 Nth. gs. Goddis, 130, 30 ; gs. with- 
 out ending, God sake, 138, 4; //. 
 goddes, 135, 10. Sth. group gs. 
 God Almijtties, 232, 17. 
 god, good, adj., OE. god; good, 2, 
 3; good, 22, 3; comp. bettre (OE. 
 betera), 9, 11 ; better, 4, 26 ; bettur, 
 128, 18 ; superl. best, 29, 13. INth. 
 gude/f4i, 11. Sth. comp. betre, 
 1 7 7> ^*4 '"superl. betste, 177, 27; 
 betst, 179, 22. Kt. guod, 216, 31; 
 wk. guoden, 217, 3. 
 god, sb., OE. g5d, neut. ; property, 
 wealth, goods, 3, 2; pi. gode, 164, 
 16 ; godes, 104, 20. Kt.//. guodes, 
 215, 22. 
 Godard, sb., Godard, 76, 10. 
 godday, sb., OE. g5d + dseg; good- 
 day, 47, 7. 
 goddspell (O), later gospell,^.,OE. 
 godspel; gospel, 8, 19; gospelle, 
 I2 3> 5 5 gospel, 149, 13. Sth. ds. 
 godspelle, 210, 27 ; godespelle, 
 211, 21. 
 goddspellboc (O), sb., OE. godspell- 
 b5c ; book of the gospel, 11, 15. 
 goddspellwrihhte, sb., OE. godspel 
 + wyrhta (wryhta) ; gospelwriter, 
 lit. -worker, -maker, 11, 5. 
 gode(n), wkv., OE. godian ; improve, 
 endow, enrich ; //. sg. goded, 4, 14. 
 godenesse, see godnesse. 
 godle^c (O), sb., ON. goSleikr, infi. 
 by OE. god?; goodness, 12, 29. 
 godnesse, sb., OE. godness,/ ; good- 
 ness, favor, 11, 15; godenesse, 
 98, 4. 
 Godwine, sb. , OE. God wine ; Godwin, 
 earl anil father of Harold, 204, 27. 
 gold, sb., OE. gold, gold; gold; 2, 5 ; 
 ds. g5lde, 40, 24. 
 Goll, sb., OF. Goli?; Goliah, 131, 2. 
 Gomore,^.,OE.Gomorre ; Gomorrah, 
 73, 23 
 b 2 
 g9(n), anv., OE. gan-eode Oeode) ; 
 go; inf. gn, 25, 24; gg, 42, 28; gog;, 
 227, 23; /r. 2 sg. g_st, 124, 21 ; 
 />*. 3 ^ g2'S, 16, 7; ggth, 125, 18 ; 
 g2&th, 244, 23 ; pr. pi. gn, 37, 25 ; 
 goon, 240, 10 ; pr. sbj. sg. (eME. 
 ga, 196, 2) ; pr. sbj. pi. ggn, 15, 7 ; 
 imp. sg. gp, 18, 17; imp. sg. with 
 inf. gg tel, V /<?//, 65, 10; imp.pl. 
 g2$> 197. 21 ; /r. ///. gand, 103, 
 29; //. 2 sg. edest, 51, 9; //. sg. 
 (eME. gsede, 3, 9; iaMe, 6, 29); 
 gede, 28, 31 ; jet - 3ed (?), 44, 32 ; 
 //.//. ieden, 3, 28; seden, 35, 24; 
 pt. sbj. sg. ede, 52, 17; //. ggne, 
 96, 16; gon, 228, 22. Nth. ga, 
 f. v. Sth. //-. pi. g5, 197, 17; 
 pr. ppl. (eSth.) ganninde, 189, 16; 
 pt. sg. (eSth.) eode, 186, 19; yede, 
 210, 22 ; pt.pl. yede, 212, 11 ; pp. 
 ) T gn, 64, 25. Kt. pp. yguo = igo, 
 216, 5. 
 gong, sb. } OE. gang, ggng; going, 
 gang ; affair, 51, 8. 
 gonge(n), good, see gange(n), god. 
 goodman = godman, sb., OE. god + 
 man ; good/nan, husbandman, 212,2. 
 gos, sb., OE. gos ; goose ; pi. gees, 86, 
 gospell, see goddspell. 
 gst, sb., OE. gast ; ghost, spirit, 48,4. 
 ggstlich, <2a^'., OE. gastlic ; spiritual, 
 198, 29. 
 gt, w., OE. gat; ^^, 86, 17. 
 Ggte, j., OE. Gota; Goth, 221, 
 goule(n), wkv., ON. gaula; hozul; 
 pr. pi. goule, 78, 25. 
 governaunce, sb., OF. gouvernance; 
 government, 234, 23. 
 governe(n), zyiz/., OF. governer; 
 govern, rule; pr. 3 Jg\ governed, 
 101, 1. 
 grace, ^., OF. grace; grace, favor, 
 16, 28. 
 gracyous, gracious, adj., OF. 
 gracieus ; gracious, 96, 1 ; gracious, 
 235, *9- 
 gradde, ^ grede (n). 
 grame, sb., OE. grama ; anger, harm, 
 44, 10. 
 gramere, sb., OF. gramaire ; grammar, 
 224, 28. 
 gramerscole, j/>., OF. gramaire + 
 OE. scol, /. mod. by OF. escole; 
 grammar-school, 224, 28. 
 grante(n) (granti(n)), grat, see 
 graunte(n), grft. 
 Gratianus, sb., Lat. Gratianus; 
 Gratian, 221, 14. 
 graunte(n), wkv. , OF. granter ; grant, 
 give ; pr. sb, graunte, 45, 22 ; imp. 
 sg. grawnte, 123, 28; pt. sg. 
 grauntyd, 107, 28; pt.pl. graunted, 
 89, 21 ; pp. graunted, 73, 16. Nth. 
 pr. 2 sg. grauntes, 137, 32 ; pt. pi. 
 grantit, 170, 15. Sth, inf. grant!, 
 209, so; Pp. igranted, 45, 30. 
 grave, sb., OE. grsef, /; grave, 54, 
 24. Nth. grave, 143, II. 
 grave(n), stv., OE. grafan-grof (6); 
 grave, dig, bury; inf. grave, 83, 26 ; 
 pp. graven, 33, 15. 
 gray, adj., OE. grag; gray, 229, 8. 
 grayth, adj., ON. greior; ready, 
 quick; super I. graythest, 137, 7 
 graype(n), grfat, see greif>e(n), 
 Grece, sb., OF. Griece ; Greece, 1 26, 5. 
 grde(n), zvkv., OM. gredan, WS. 
 grsedan ; cry out : inf. grede, 36, 6. 
 Sth. pr. pi. grede)), 215, 16; pr. 
 sbj. pi. grede we, 21 1, 19 ; pt. sg. 
 gradde, 205, 21. 
 grfdi, adj., Sth. = Ml. gredi; WS. 
 gnedig, OM. gredig ; greedy ; comp. 
 grgdlure, 202, 13. 
 grfdinesse, sb., Sth. = Ml. gredl- 
 nesse ; WS. grsedijness, OM.gredig- 
 ness,/". ; greediness, 202, 13. 
 greipe(n), grayjie(n), wkv., ON.! 
 jbreiffa ; prepare, aid ; inf. greij>e, 
 *m IQ : gray>e,65, 12; pp. greyped, 
 86, 30. 
 greme(n), Sth. grmie(n), wkv., 
 OE. gremian ; anger, irritate ; inf. 
 grfme, 78, 13. eSth. inf. gremlen, 
 *93> 7. 
 grene, adj., OE. grene; green, 79, 9. 
 grenne(n), wkv., OE. grennian ; 
 grin, gnash the teeth ; inf. grenne, 
 51, 27 ; pt. sg. grennede, 61, 13. 
 greot, sb., eME. = Ml. gret; OE. 
 greot ; sand, gravel, grit, 200, 8. 
 gresse, grese, sb., OE. graes, gaers ; 
 grass, 103, 3 ; grese, 152, 1. 
 grste, see gret. 
 grft, grfte, adj., OE. great; great, 
 31, 3 5 gilt?, *37> 2 7 5 eME. grfat, 
 j 93, 8; comp. grettore, 51, 11; 
 gretter, 236, 1 ; superl. grettest, 
 23 6 > 7 J g r | ste > J 9 8 > 32. Kt. grlat, 
 212, 1. 
 grete, sb., ONth. *grete ; cf. ON. 
 grseti ; weeping, sorrow, 132, II. 
 grete(n), stv., OM. gretan, \VS. 
 gnstan-gret (R) ; weep ; pr. ppl. 
 gretand, 93, 8 ; pt. sg. gret, 28, 31 ; 
 pt.pl. greten, 77, 18 ; pp. grete, 93, 
 grete(n), wkv., OE. gretan ; greet, 
 salute ; /r. 3 sg. greteS, 31, 30; pt. 
 sg. grette, 78, 23. 
 greve(n), wkv., OF. grever ; grieve, 
 injure; inf. greve, 65, 33; greven, 
 71, 24. 
 Grey, sb., Grey, Richard of , 227, 6. 
 grey the, aafr., ON. greiSr, adj. ; 
 readily, excellently, 125, 9. 
 griat, grihond, see grft, gryhond. 
 grill, gryl, adj., OE. *gril, cf. gril- 
 lan ; harsh, fierce, 50, 5. 
 grim, grym, adj., OE. grim ; grim, 
 cruel, 89, 20. 
 Grim, sb., OE. Grim?; Grim, 81, 2. 
 Grimesbi, *., ON. OE. Grim + ON. 
 by, ' town '; Grimsby {Lincolnshire) , 
 87, 3o. 
 grin, sb., OE. grin; snare; lof and 
 grin, some instrument or instru- 
 ments of torture, 3, 14. 
 grinde (n) , stv. , OE. grindan (grindan ) 
 -grand (grpnd) (3) ; grind; inf. 
 grinden, 200, 8 ; pr. 3 sg. grint 
 (Sth.) , 200, 10 ; pr. sbj. pi. grinden, 
 200, 12; pt. sg. grunde, 195, 12; 
 pt. sbj. sg. grunde, 200, 8. 
 grinstn, sb., OE. *grlnd, grindstan ; 
 grindstone, 200, 10. 
 grip, sb., ON. gripr; raven, vulture, 
 82, 16. 
 grisbitting, ^., OE. gristbitung, f. ; 
 gnashing of teeth, 224, 15. 
 grise, sb., OM. *grys, cf. OE. gryslic ; 
 horror, fear, 152, 26. 
 grise (n), stv., OE. (a)grisan-gras (1) ; 
 feel horror, terrify; inf. grise, 
 54, 20. 
 grisli, grisly, adj., OE. gryslic ; 
 horrible, grisly, 150, 22 ; grisly, 
 237, 17. Sth. grisllch, 182, 12. 
 grisliche, adv., Sth. = Ml. grisli ; 
 OE. gilsllce; horribly, grisly, 61, 
 grispatie(n), wkv., Sth. = Ml. gris- 
 pate(n) (baten) ; OE. gristbatian ; 
 gnash the teeth; inf. grispatien, 
 195, 13. 
 grip, grith, sb., OE. griS; peace, 
 security, 50, 11 ; grith, 80, 18. 
 griflfulnesse, sb., based on OE. grift ; 
 peacefulness, security, 202, 30. 
 grocchyng, sb., based on OF. grou- 
 chier; grudging, 233, 26. 
 grome, sb., eME. = ME. grpme ; OE. 
 grama, groma; anger, 193, 8. 
 grt, sb., ON. gratr; weeping, 29, 1. 
 grte, sb., OE. grot, neut. ; particle, 
 61, 18; pi. grtes, 79, 11. 
 grove, earlier grof, sb., OE. graf, 
 neut.; grove, 241, 33. 
 growe(n), stv., OE. growan-greow 
 (R) ; grow ; pt. sg. grew, 36, 3. 
 gruchche(n), w#., OF. grouchier ; 
 murmur, grudge ; pt. pi. gruch- 
 chede hi, 212, 18. 
 grund, sb., OE. grund, grund ; bottom, 
 ground, 19, 25 ; ds. grunde, 20, 11. 
 Sth. ds. (Lay.) grunden, 181, 24. 
 grundlike, adv., OE. *grundllce, 
 grundlice ; ravenously, 84, 31. 
 grundwall, sb., OAng. grundwall, 
 grundwall, WS. -weall; founda- 
 tion, 130, 12. 
 gryhond, grihond, sb., Kt. = Ml. 
 graihund; OE. greyhound, 219, 21 ; 
 grihond, 219, 23. 
 gryl, grym, gu, gude, see grill, 
 grim, ]>u, god. 
 gulden, adj., Sth. = Ml. gilden ; OE. 
 gylden ; golden ; fs. giildene, 182, 13. 
 gulte(n), wkv., Sth. = Ml. gilte(n) ; 
 OE. gyltan ; sin, incur guilt ; pr. 3 
 sg. giiltet, 179, 2. 
 gungest, gur, see $ung, ^ure. 
 giirde(n), wkv., Sth. = Ml. girde(n) ; 
 OE. gyrdan ; gird ; pp. igiird, 207, 2 . 
 guflhf de, sb., OM. gugofhad (*hed, 
 ~~ f.'i), Wb. geogoShad ; youth, 15, 10. 
 guyldehalle, sb., ON. gildi + ME. 
 halle; gild hall, guildhall, 233, 16. 
 gyde, sb. y OF. guide, ON. gide ; 
 guide, 108, 13. 
 gyfe, gyffe, see give(n). 
 gylde, sb., ON. gildi, cogn. with OM. 
 geld, WS. gield; guild, 116, 18. 
 gyldeday, sb., ON. gildi + OE. daeg ; 
 guildday, day of the guild's meeting, 
 117, 21. 
 gylty, adj., OE. gyltig ; guilty, 107, 4. 
 gynne, see gin. 
 gysel, sb., OE. gisel ; hostage; pi. 
 gysles, 6, 20. 
 gyterne, sb., OF. guiterne, AN. 
 giterne ; guitar, 237, 10. 
 gyve, sb., OM. gifu, WS. giefu mod. 
 by OX.?; gift, 75, 19. 
 ha, see have (n) , he. 
 ha, interj., OE. ha; ha, 102, 12. 
 habb, habbe, habben, habbe}), see 
 have (11). 
 habitacion, j^., OF. habitacion ; 
 habitation, 239, 27. 
 had, sb., eME., Nth. for ME. hpd ; 
 OE. had ; condition, quality, rank, 
 _8, 17- 
 h8elde(n),W/z>., eSth. = Ml. helde(n); 
 OM. heldan, heldan, "WS. hieldan 
 (hyldan) ; incline, tip, heel; inf. 
 haelden, 181, 24 ; pt. sg. hseld, 181, 
 heeletS, sb., OE. heeled ; hero, man, 
 warrior ; g. pi. hoeleSe, 188, 6. 
 hserm, see harm. 
 hisrne, sb., ON. hjarni; brain; pi. 
 halrnes, 3, 9. 
 hsepeli}, adv., ON. hsejriliga ; scorn- 
 fully, conte?npluously, 9, 26. 
 hseved, haf (hafe), see hfved, 
 hai, sb.y OM. heg, WS. hleg; hay, 
 105, 3- 
 hal, adj., eME., Nth. = Ml. hl ; 
 whole, 179, 25. 
 halde(n), stv., eME., Nth. - Ml. 
 hglde(n); OAng. haldan (WS. 
 healdan)-heold (R) ; hold, keep ; 
 inf. halden, 6, 4 ; (Nth.) halde, 
 144, 6 ; pr. 3 sg. (Nth.) haldes, 
 128, 25; imp. sg. hald, 190, 24; 
 imp. pi. (Nth.) haldis, 170, 5 ; pt. 
 sg. heold, 4, 10; held, 155, 30; 
 hild (Nth.), 131,-32 : pt.pl. heolden, 
 2, 29 ; pp. halden, 128, 1. Bit. pr. 
 3 sg. halt, 214, 23. Cf. hlde(n). 
 haleehen, haleche(n), see hall, 
 halewei^e, sb., OE. *hselewsege, cf. 
 ON. heilivagr ; balsam, literally 
 health bringer, 190, 29. 
 halewen, halewyn, haley, - see 
 half, halve, halven, adj., OM. half, 
 WS. healf ; half, 4, 11 ; halve, 60, 
 13 ; halven, 58, $. 
 hal5he(n), halwe(n), wkv., OE, 
 halgian; hallow, consecrate; inf. 
 hall3henn (O), 11, 22; pt. sg. 
 (eME.) halechede, 2, 9 ; halwede, 
 205, 9. Nth. pr. sbj. sg. halowe, 
 146, 14; pr. sbj.pl. halowe, 146, 
 n\ Pf>- haloud, 139, 23. 
 hall, adj., eME., Nth. = Ml. I19I1; 
 OE. halig ; holy, pi. saints ; eME. 
 hall, 5, 1 ; ha.113 (O), 12, 13; wk. 
 halljhe (O), 8, 19; pi. haleehen, 
 4, 8; halhen, 197, 1; halwen, 117, 
 2; halewyn, 116, 16; halewen, 
 228, 28. Nth. haly, 146, 19; 
 haley, 175, i_7. 
 halidom, halydom, sb., OE. halig- 
 dom ; saintly relic, sacrament, 6, 
 20 ; halydom, 90, 17. 
 Halidon, sb., Halidon, 157, 10. 
 Hall}, see hall. 
 halle, sb., OE. heall,/". ; hall, 49, 2. 
 hallerof, sb., OE. heall + rof ; hall- 
 roof, roof of the hall, 181, 23. 
 halljhe, halow, see hall, hal3e(n). 
 halpeny , sb. , OE. healf pening ; half 
 penny, MnE. hdpeny, 117, 4. 
 hals, sb., OM. hals, WS. heals ; neck, 
 3> 17- 
 halse(n), wkv., Nth. = Ml. halse(n) ; 
 OE. halsian ; conjure, adjure ; 
 salute ; //. sg. halsit, 169, 30. 
 halsing, sb., OE. halsung,/! ; saluta- 
 tion, 169, 31. 
 halt, adj., OE. halt, healt; halt, 
 lame) pi. halte, 81, 18. 
 halve, halven, see half, 
 halwen, halwe(n), see hall, hal- 
 3he(n). _ 
 haly, haley, see hall, 
 halydaye, sb., Nth. = Ml. hglidai ; 
 OE. haligdaeg; holy day, holiday, 
 146, 14. 
 halydom, ham, see halidom, he. 
 ham, adv., eME,, Nth., Ml. hpm ; 
 OE. ham ; home (Scot, hame), 8, 7. 
 hamme, sb., OE. hamm, f. ; ham, 
 inner or back part of knee, 223, 24. 
 hamself, see self. 
 Hamton, sb., OE. Hamtun; South- 
 ampton, 163, 23. Sth. ds. Ham- 
 tone, 188, 5. 
 hand, sb., Nth. = Ml., _ Sth. hgnd 
 (hand) ; ONth. hand, hand ; hand, 
 126, 7. Nth. pi. hend < ON. 
 hendr, 138, 19. eSth. ds. hande, 
 178, 24. 
 handewerc, sb., OE. handgeweorc; 
 handiwork, 130, 18. 
 handle (n), wkv., OE. handlian ; 
 handle ; inf. handlen, 36, 2. 
 hange(n), honge(n), wkv., OE. 
 hangian; hang', inf. hnge, 242, 
 27. Nth. inf. hang, 138, 18; pi. 
 sg. hanged, 139, 30; pp. hanged, 
 136, 16 ; hanget, 138, 30. 
 hap, sb., ON. happ; fortune, hap, 
 90, 4. 
 happ9(n), wkv., ON. happa ; to 
 come about, happen ; //. sg. happed, 
 245, 24. 
 Harald, sb., OE. Harold < ON. 
 Haraldr; Harold, son of Godwin, 
 203, 22. 
 harde, adv., OM. harde, WS. hearde ; 
 hard, cruelly, 21,4. 
 hardi, hard! (hardy), adj., OF. hardi ; 
 hardy, bold, 23, 25. 
 hardllche, adv., OE. heardlice ; 
 sorely, stotitly, hardly, 181, 20. 
 hardne(n), wkv., OE. *heardnian; 
 become hard, harden', pr. sbj. sg. 
 harden, 103, 5. 
 hare, see he, here, 
 hare, sb., OE. hara; hare, 219, 21. 
 hare(n), wkv., OE. hergian; harry, 
 plunder, lay waste, pt. sg. hared, 
 132, 22. 
 harm, sb., OE. harm, hearm ; harm ; 
 ds. harme, 29, 26. eSth. ds. 
 hserme, 185, 30. Sth. herm, 202, 
 harme (n), Sth. harmie(n), herm- 
 Ie(n), wkv., OE. harmian; harm; 
 inf. harmen, 195, 3. Sth. inf. 
 harmyen, 222, 1 5 ; pr. pi. harme)), 
 195, 4; pr. sbj. sg. hermle, 203, 2. 
 harpe, sb., OE. hearpe ; harp, 237, 10. 
 harryng, sb., imitative word ? ; snarl- 
 ing, 224, 15. 
 hasard, sb., OF. hasard; hazard, 
 a game at dice, 237, 8. 
 hasardour, sb., OF. hasardour; 
 gambler, player at hazard, 241. 
 hasardrye, sb., OF. hasardrie ; gavt 
 Ming, 246, 4. 
 haspe, sb., OE. hsepse; hasp, clasp, 
 hast(e),^., OF. haste; haste; hast, 
 hastili, adv., OF. hastif+ME. II; 
 hastily, 138, 22. 
 Hastinge, sb., OE. Hsestinga 
 (ceaster) ; Hastings, 205, 18. 
 hastly, adv., OF. haste + ME. ly ; 
 hastily, 94, 7. 
 hat, adj., eME., Nth. = Ml. hgt; 
 OE. hat; hot, 195, 15. 
 haten, stv., eME., Nth. = Ml. hten ; 
 OE. hatan-het (heht) (R) ; call, 
 command, promise; pt. sg. het, 41, 
 .2; hehte, 186, 9; hight, 141, 18; 
 hiht, 154, 21; here, 189, 13; pp. 
 (eSth.) ihate, 191, 13. 
 hatie(n), wkv., Sth. = Ml. hate(n) ; 
 OE. hatian ; hate ; pr. pi. hatlej), 
 214, 18; ft. pi. hateden, 216, 17. 
 hatre, sb., OE. hoetern, pi. of *hret; 
 garments, clothes ; hatren, 89, 3. 
 hatte, see hate(n). 
 hatte, def. v., only relic of Teut. 
 passive) OE. hatte-hatton ; iscalled, 
 is named ; was called, was named ; 
 pt. sg. hatte, 5, 4; pt. sg. hyght, 
 95, 17; het, 207, 25. 
 hatterllche, hetterliche, adv. , based 
 on dial. Eng. hetter, ' quick, eager,' 
 cf. MLG. hetter; quickly, 194, 19. 
 haunte(n),ze//fo., OF. haunter; haunt, 
 practise; pt.pl. haunteden, 237, 8. 
 Havelok, sb., cf. note; Havelok, 77, 
 have(n), eME. haven, wkv., OE. 
 habban-haefde ; ^o^<?, possess ; zVz/] 
 haven, 5, 22; hafenn (O), 8, 16; 
 haven, 18, 13; han, 240, 29; pr. 
 1 sg. (eME. hafe, 8, 18) ; pr. 
 2 sg. hayest_i_8, 1; hast, 52, 10; 
 pr. 3 jr#. (eME. hafej>]> (O), 8, 20) 
 have, 14, 8; haj>, 37, 7; pr.pl. 
 haven, 26, 10 ; have ge, 29, 27 ; 
 han, 70, 6 ; pr. sbj. sg. have, 1 8, 
 28 ; imp. sg., 43, 15 ; ha, 101, 27 ; 
 pt. sg. hadde, 2, 20; hefde, 5, 30; 
 hedde, 7, 7; haved, 56, 22; hade, 
 71, 20; had, 90, 16; pr. 2 sg. 
 haddist, 55, 15; pt. pi. hadden, 
 2, 28 ; hefden, 3, 2 ; hafden, 4, 21 ; 
 hsefden, 6, 33 ; haffdenn (O), 12, 1 ; 
 /A sbj. sg. hade, 102, 20 ; pt. sbj. 
 pi. hadde, 243, 19; pp. had, 56, 18. 
 Nth. inf. ha, 134, 20; /r. 2 jg. 
 havis, 153, 29; haves, 86, 4; /r. 
 ^/. have, 129, 10; hafe, 144, 9. 
 Sth. (SEMI.) inf. habbe, 177, 15 ; 
 pr. 1 sg. habbe, 176, 3 ; habb, 176, 
 5 ; pr. 2 sg. hest, 216, 6 ; pr. 3 ^-. 
 (eSth. haveS, 177, 16; hafS, 179, 
 28; hevft, 178, 9; hej>, 216, 7; 
 hafe, 183, 18); /r. pi. (eSth. 
 habbe]?, 177, 12; habbet, 179, 12; 
 habbeoS, 190, 24); habbe J), 209, 7; 
 habe>, 213, 31 ; pr. sbj.pl. habben, 
 203, 12; pt. pi. hedde, 177, 27. 
 Kt. pp. iheed, 213, 19. 
 havene, eME. havene, sb., OE. 
 haefen,/. ; haven; havene, 186, 11; 
 havene, 205, 13; //. havenes, 225, 
 Haver-ford, sb., OE. Haverford, in 
 Pembroke; ds. Haverf5rde, 223, 5. 
 havyng, sb., based on have(n) ; 
 behavior, 170, 17. 
 hawe, sb., OE. haga, hedge, enclosure, 
 meadow, 244, 27. 
 hawkyng(e), pr. ppl. as sb., ME. 
 hauken, based on OE. hafoc, 
 'hawk'; hawking, 120, 21. 
 haxte, x he;. 
 hayl, adj., ON. heil; well, sound; 
 later in salutation, 139, 22. 
 he, hee, prn. masc, OE. he; he, 
 1, 2; hee, 108, 3; dat.-acc. him, 
 1, 9; himm (O), 10, 4; hym, 89, 
 19; he't = he it, 10, 4. Nth. he, 
 126, 18; dat.-acc. hym (him), 127, 
 10. Sth. he, 176, 14; ha, 211, 
 17; dat.-acc. him, 176, 20; ace. 
 ine, 181, 10; hyne, 219, 22. 
 heo, ghe (he), frn. fem 12 J3E. 
 heo; shj^^ib; ghe, 24, 21; he 
 (SEML), 40, 3o7Tootnote; dat.-acc. 
 n i re > 5) 3 2 5 hi r > 64, 11; hur, 106, 
 13. Later sche, q.v. Nth. scho; 
 dat.-acc. here, 126, 18; hir, 12S, 
 10. Sth. heo (eSth.), 181, 23; 
 ha, 192, 19; dat.-acc. hire, 188, 
 22; hare, 197, 4; as". (eSth.) heo, 
 sche, 'prn. j 'em., OE. seo; she, 64, 
 1 2 ; eME. scee, 5,32; scho, 1 i'STTo. 
 "It, prn. neut., OE. hit"; it, 1,8; 
 itt(0),8, 21; hit, 36,3; hyt, 88, 
 13. Nth. Kit, 128, 5; it, 128,6.; 
 yt, 162, 6. Sth. hit, 176, 13 ; it, 
 177, 30; it (with expletive force) 
 %here, 79, 1. 
 f-^- hi (hii), he, it, prn. pi, OE. hie, 
 heo, hi; they, 2, 16; hii, 102, 25; 
 he, 19, 12 ; jt, npl. 23, 13 ; 60, Vjj 
 gpl. here, 31, 4; her? 28, 2 ; <&/.- 
 . (eME. heom, 2,16), hemm (O), 
 9, 13; is,j== his_(hes) , 14, 6. Nth. 
 }>ai, j^ J?e33. Sth. heo, 182, 9 ; 
 hi (hy), 176, 22; hii, 203, 20; 
 dat.-acc. (eSth.), heom, 183, 9; 
 ham, 191, 17 ; horn, 204, 22 ; hem, 
 212,8. apl. hi, 212, 5; apl. is, 177, 
 31 ; his, 212, 19; hise, 216, 7. 
 hfalde(n), see h9lde(n). 
 hfale, sb., eSth. = Ml. hfle; OE. 
 hcelu, hrele; health, safety; t5 
 wraoer hfale, to {her) bad health, 
 !93, 7- 
 hfate(n), wkv., eSth. = Ml. hfte(n) ; 
 . OE. heetan; heat; inf. 195, 15. 
 hf avet, see hf ved. 
 hechele, sl>., OE. *hecele; hetchel, 
 heckel, 61, 17. 
 hedde, see have(n). 
 hede, sb., OE. *hede, cf. hedan, ' to 
 heed' ; heed, care, 70, 22. 
 hede(n), wkv., OE. hedan ; heed, 
 guard; inf. heden, 192, 28. 
 hederto, adv., OE. hider + t5 ; 
 hitherto, 223, 28. 
 hee, see he}, 
 heele = hele, sb., OE. hela ; heel, 
 225, 8. 
 heste, hefed, see hfste, hfved. 
 hefde(n), wkv., OE. (bi-)heafdian; 
 behead; pt. sg. hefdid, 131, 26. 
 heffhe, see heven. 
 he;, heg, hey, hy, adj., OM. heh, 
 WS. heah; high; heg, 14, 14; 
 hey, 62, 23; hey$e, 48, 14; hye, 
 108, 28; covip. heyer, 151, 18; 
 superl. hegest, 24, 14; hejeste, 39, 
 18; hei3, 231, 24; heigh, 242, 24. 
 Nth. hee, 169, 23; high, 139, 21. 
 Sth. h3, 190, 6; fds. (eSth.) 
 h3ere, 187, 20; heh, 192, 6; hey, 
 208, 3; superl. hexte, 184, 12; 
 haxte, 184, 26. 
 he5e(n),heye(n), wkv.,OM. *hegan, 
 WS. hean for *hlen; raise high, 
 exalt; pp. heyed, 74, 18. Sth. pr. 
 ppl. heinde, 192, 4; pt. sg. hehede, 
 196, 22; pp. iheiet, 197, 11. 
 he$llce, hegllce, hehlice, adv., OM. 
 hehllce, WS. heahllce ; highly, 
 with honor; hegllce, 5, 2 ; hehllce, 
 8, 4. Kt. he3liche, 217, 17. 
 he5te, he;t, sb., OM. hehSo, WS. 
 heahSo; height; he3t, 104, 27. 
 Nth. heyt, 151, 21. 
 heh, hehlice, hehede, see he$, 
 hegllce, he}e(n). 
 hehreve, sb., OM. hehgerefa, WS. 
 heahgerefa ; high reeve, prefect, 
 192, 22. 
 heil, adj., ON. heill, cognate OE. 
 heel [hal] ; whole, well, 15, 30. 
 heild, wkv., INth. = Ml. helde(n) ; 
 OAng. heldan, heldan ; incline, 
 incline to ; pr.pl. heild, 134, 17. 
 heilnesse, sb., ON. heil + OE. ness,/. ; 
 happiness, joy, 22, 4. 
 heir, see her. 
 heir, sb., OF. heir ; heir, 72, 5 ; eir, 
 83, 19- 
 heiward, sb., OE. hege + weard ; 
 hayward, guardian of the hedge, 
 farm bailiff, 202, 32. 
 helde(n), wkv., OM. heldan, heldan, 
 WS. hieldan; incline, incline to; 
 inf. helden, 17, 28; pr. pi. helden, 
 116, 21 ; pr. sbj. pi. helde we, 
 18, 31. 
 hele, see helle. 
 hf le, sb., OE. hselu ; health, salvation, 
 i37 22 - 
 hfle(n), stv., OE. helan-hsel (5); 
 conceal; inf. hfle, no, 8 ; pr. 1 sg. 
 hfle, 38, 21 ; pr. 3 sg. h|le>, 104, 
 17; pt. sg. hfled, 132, 9. eSth. 
 inf. heolen, 192, 33; //. ihfled, 
 199, 32. 
 helere, sb., Kt. = Ml. h|l|re; based 
 on OE. hgelan; healer, 211, 17. 
 Helfled, sb., cf. note ; Heljled, 77, 14. 
 hflle(n), wkv., Sth. = Ml. h|le(n) ; 
 OE. helian; conceal, cover, protect; 
 pp. ihfled, 199, 32. 
 helle, sb., OE. hell,/; hell, 11, 8; 
 hele, 125, 32. 
 hellehound, sb., OE. hellehund, 
 -hund ; hellhound, dog of hell, 58,11. 
 hellepine, sb., OE. helle + pin, /. ; 
 punishment of hell, 77, 8. 
 hellewa, eME. for hellew9, sb., 
 OE. hell + wa; woe of hell, 11, 30. 
 hellewel, sb., OE. helle + wel ; abyss 
 of hell, 63, 24. 
 hellpe, see helpe. 
 helm, sb., OE. helm; helm, 61, 9. 
 Sth. ds. helme, 227, 18 ; pi. helmen 
 (Lay.), 189, 28. 
 helpe, sb., OE. helpe; help, 6, 33; 
 hellpe (O), 8, 25. 
 helpe (n), stv., OE. helpan-healp (3) ; 
 help; inf. helpe, 35, 17; pr. sbj. 
 sg. helpe, 226, 14; imp. sg. help, 
 18, 7; pt. sg. halpe, 92, 10; help 
 (SEMI.), 45, 25 ; pp. holpenn (O), 
 10, 26. Nth. pr. 3 sg. helps, 128, 
 22. Sth. pr. pi. helped, 195, 4 ; 
 pr. sbj.pl. (eSth.)heolpen, 187, 20. 
 helping, sb., based on helpe(n) ; 
 helping, aid, 129, 25. 
 heloe, sb., OE. hsel}>e ; health, 30, 24. 
 Hely, j3., Lat. (Vulg.) Heli ; Eli, 
 the priest, 220, 1. Cf. Ely. 
 hem, hemself (hemselfe), see he, 
 hen, hend, see henne, hand. 
 hende, adj., OE. gehende (-hende) 
 [hand]; ready, prompt, gracious, 
 36, 3 1 ; as ]>e hende, as the gracious 
 one, graciously, gently, 204, 1 ; su- 
 per!, hendest, 184, 4. 
 hendi, adj., OE. hendig ; handy, apt, 
 courteous, 202, 21. 
 henge(n), wkv., ON. hengja ; hang, 
 cause to hang; pt.pl. henged, 3, 6. 
 K"th. inf. hing, 140, 22. 
 hengen, see ho(n). 
 henne, hen, sb., OE. henn,/. ; hen, 
 86, 18. Sth. hen, 198, 20; ^y. 
 henne, 198, 20. 
 henne, hennes, adv., OE. heonon, 
 inn", by adv's in es; hence, 239, 25 ; 
 hennes, 123, 22. 
 Henri, Henry, sb., OF. Henri; 
 Henry ; Henry I, 1, 1 ; Henry, the 
 abbot, 1, 1 ; Henry, 223, 2. 
 henten, mz\, OE. hentan ; pursue, 
 catch, seize ; z/". hente, 240, 14 ;//. 
 sg. hente, 90, 7; pp. hent, 61, 22. 
 Sth.//. yhent, 245, 7. 
 heo (heom), heolpen, see he, hel- 
 heordemon, sb., eSth. = Ml. herde- 
 man ; OE. heord, f. + man ; herds- 
 man; eSth. gpl. heordemonne, 
 202, 32. 
 heorte, see herte. 
 heorteliche, adv., OE. *heortel!ce ; 
 heartily, 196, 15. 
 heou, see hu. 
 hfp, sb., OE. heap; heap; ds. hfpe, 
 36, 18. 
 her, .w hire. 
 her, sb., OM. her, WS. hcer; &w>, 63, 
 her^ heer, adv. conj., OE. her ; <$&) 
 *~o, 21 ; heer, 239, 6 ; heere, 243, 15 ; 
 her befgren ; before this, already, in 
 respect to this, 24, 5. INth. heir 
 = her, 166, 10. Kt. hyer, 218, 1. 
 herboru, sb., ON. herbergi; harbor, 
 place of shelter, 87, 27. 
 herborwe(n), wkv., ON. herbergja ; 
 harbor, shelter; pp. herborwed, 87, 
 hercnie(n), wkv., Sth. = Ml. herk- 
 ne(n) ; OE. hercnian, heorcnian ; 
 hearken ; pr. sbj. pi. hercnen, 200, 
 12 ; imp. pi. hercneS, 198, 1. 
 herde, sb., OE. heord, heord,/".; herd, 
 herde, sb., OE. heorde; tow, hards or 
 refuse flax in pi., 142, 8. 
 here, her, pers. pm., based on OE. 
 ~~/7. gs. hiora, heora ; their, 2, 14 ; 
 (eME. heore, 5, 26); Tier, o, 16. 
 "Nth. J>aire, pare, )>er, jv?<? pe^re. 
 Sth. heore (eSth.), 179, 12; hare, 
 197, 4 ; hore, 199, 6 ; hor, 204, 22 ; 
 here, 220, 5. 
 hfre, sb., OE. here: army, war, 35, 1. 
 hereafter, herefter, adv., OE. her 
 + Defter ; hereafter, 70, 5 ; herefter, 
 herekempe, sb., OE. *herecempa ; 
 warrior ; Sth. pi. herekempen, 185, 
 heremarke, sb., OE. here + mearc,/. ; 
 standard of the army; Sth. //. 
 heremarken, 189, 27. 
 hfre(n), Sth. herie(n), wkv., OE. 
 herian; praise; inf. hfre, 61, 9; 
 Sth. pp. yherd, 74, 18. eSth. pr. 
 ppl. heriende, 192, 4 ; //. sg. herede, 
 J 95> 25 ; //. iheret, 197, 11. 
 ere(n), wjpu. OM. heran, WS. 
 ie"ran ; (hear/, inf. herenn (O), 10, 
 1; here,^', 27; heere, 237, 17; 
 I /r. .r/y. 5^. here, 14,' 1; imp.pl. 
 hereS, 15, 16; pt. sg/herde, 6, 27 ; 
 herde, 21, 17. 
 here(n),w/5z\, Kt. = Ml. hlre(n); OE. 
 hyran; hire; inf. here, 212, 3; //. 
 j. herde, 212, 9. 
 hereyn, ar/z'., OE. her + in; herein, 
 99, 14. 
 herlen, see hfre(n). 
 heritage, sb., OF. heritage ; heritage; 
 221, 4. 
 herke(n), wkv., OM. *hercian, cf. 
 OE. hercnian, 'hearken'; listen, 
 hark ; inf. herk, 94, 10. 
 herkne(n), wkv,, OE. hercnian, heorc- 
 nian ; hearken ; imp. pi. herkneth, 
 herm, hermie(n), see harm, 
 hermite, sb., OF. hermite ; hermit) 
 pi. hermltes, 78, 1. 
 heme, see hurne. 
 heme, sb., ON. hiarni; brain; pi. 
 hemes, 163, 32. 
 Herode, Herod, sb., OF. Herod ; 
 Herod, 131, 15. 
 Herodes, sb. t Lat. Herodes ; Herod, 
 238, 6. 
 herrunge (herunge), see heryng. 
 herte,hert, sb., OE. heorte ; heart, 28, 
 29; herrte(O), 10, 22; hert, 102, 
 11. Nth.pl. hertys, 146, 10. eSth. 
 heorte, 178, 1 7 ; //. herten, 219, 31. 
 herteblood, sb., OE. heorte + bldd: 
 heart blood, 246, 9. 
 hervest, sb., Sth. = Ml. harvest ; OE. 
 hserfest; harvest, 205, 11. 
 heryng, herrunge, sb., based on 
 here(n) ; hearing, 99, 2 ; herrunge, 
 197, 16. 
 hfse, hest (he}>), tttfheste,have(n). 
 hste (he^ste), hfst, sb., OE. hses, 
 possibly *heste,/. ; command, order, 
 41, 4; hjeste, 238, 8 j hfst, 68, 18. 
 eSth. h|=e, 179, 2. 
 he'.t, het (hete), see he, hate(n). 
 hfte, sb., OE. hseto; heat, 15, 27. 
 Kt. hete, 212, 21. 
 hete, wkv., ON. heta<hceta; cf. Icl. 
 h5ta, Scotch hoot ; threaten ; pr. 3 
 sg. hetes, 161, 12. 
 hfthen, adj., OE. hsetfen, OHG. 
 heiden ; heathen, 3, 30. Kt. hefen, 
 213, 10. 
 hfSen, heBen, heben, adv., ON. 
 heSan; hence, 25, 28; hej>en, 85, 31. 
 Kt. he>en, 213,10. 
 hfthing, sb., ON. having, / ; scorn, 
 contempt, 136, 32. 
 hetilich,a%/., OE. hetellce; hatefully, 
 spitefully, 227, 24. 
 hetten, heu, see hgte(n),hew. 
 hved, sb., OE. heafod, neut. ; head, 
 17, 23; eME. hgfed, 3, 7; heev&d} 
 3, 8 j^/Lhgved, 207, 18. eSth. 
 hafd, 182, 5 ; hafved, 183, 24; h|a- 
 vet (eSth.), 195, 24. 
 heven, see hevene. 
 heve(n), slv., OE. hebban-hof (6) ; 
 raise ; pr.pl.heven, 189, 27 ; pt. sg. 
 hof, 181, 14; Sth.//. yhgve, 223,5. 
 hevenblys, sb., OE. heofon + bliss ; 
 bliss of heaven, 128, 22 ; heveneblis, 
 228, 23. 
 hevene, heven, sb., OE. heofone, wf. 
 heofon, m. ; heaven, 15, 20; heffne 
 (O), 10, 28 ; heven, 74, 13 ; hevene, 
 101, 23 ; //. hevens, 102, 24. Nth. 
 hevin, 140, 25. eSth. heovene, 
 heveneblis, see hevenblys. 
 Hevenekyng, Heveking, sb., OE. 
 heofone + kyning ; King of Heaven, 
 Lord, 92, 28. eSth. ds. Hevekinge, 
 hevenlich, adj., Sth. = Ml. hevenli ; 
 OE. heofonlic ; heavenly, 179, 7. 
 Hevenlgverd, sb., OE. heofon + la- 
 ford; Lord of Heaven , 18, 28. 
 hevenriche, heveriche, sb., OE. 
 heafonrice ; kingdom of heaven, 14, 
 14 ; heveriche, 178, 8. 
 hfvidlfs, adj., OE. heafodleas; head- 
 less, 164, 32. 
 hf vie, hevy, adj., OE. hefig ; heavy, 
 35, 20; hevy, 145, 21. 
 hevin (hevyn), hevS, see hevene, 
 hevynes, sb., OE. hefignes,/. ; heavi- 
 ness, 144, 25. 
 hew (heu), sb., OE. heow ; hue, 
 color, 98, 16 ; heu, 37, 30. 
 hewe(n), stv., OE. heawan-heow (R); 
 hew, cut down ; inf. or ger. hewene, 
 181, 20; pt.pl. hewe, 112, 23. 
 hey (hey5e),heyed, see he;, h3e(n). 
 heyre, sb., OF. haire ; hair-shirt, 
 hair-cloth, 241, 7. 
 heyt, hexst, hi (hii), see he;jte, he;, 
3 8o 
 hiy hicht, hight (hyght, hih.t), see 
 hy^e, hi!}te(n), h&te(n). 
 bide, sb., OE. hyd, f. ; hide, skin ; 
 hid (for hide?), 17, 13. 
 hide(n), wkv., OE. hydan ; hide, 
 conceal; inf. hide, 158, 5; pt. sg. 
 hidde, 36, 10; hydde, 98, 21 ; pp. 
 hid, 29, 22; hidde, 234, 21; es 
 noght at hide, *V is not to be hidden, 
 158, 5. Sth. pp. yhidde, 236, 4. 
 hider, hidere, &., OE. hider; 
 hither, 28, 26; hidere, 185, 30. 
 hiderward, adv., OE. hiderweard ; 
 hitherward, hitherto, 233, 24. 
 hidynge, sb., based on hide(n) ; 
 hiding, 233, 22. 
 bie(n), wkv., OE. higian; hasten, 
 hie; pr. sb/.pl. hien, 201, 13. 
 bigh, bigtest, bii, see be, h9te(n), 
 hi$te(n), bicbte(n), wkv. ?, based on 
 OE. heht <hatan?; promise, pr. 2 
 sg. hicht, 171, 6. 
 bil, hille, OE. hyll, m., hylle, / ; 
 hill, 14, 14 ; ds. or oldy. form hille, 
 14, 1. 
 bild, see halde(n). 
 himselven, himsulf, himsulve, see 
 bine, see be. 
 bine, sb., OE. hina, gpl. of hiwa; 
 servant, domestic, one of the house- 
 hold; dial. Eng. hind, 83, 33 ; hyn, 
 51, 16. 
 bing, bird, see bengen, hired, 
 hirde, sb. { SEMI, or Sth. = Ml. herd ; 
 WS. hierde, OM. herde, herde ; 
 shepherd, guardian, keeper, 15, 5. 
 hirdeman, sb., SEMI, or Sth. = Ml. 
 herdeman; WS. hierdeman, OM. 
 herdeman ; herdsman ; pi. hirde- 
 men, 32, 11. 
 hire, poss. prn., OE. fgs. hire ; her, 
 6, 7. Nth. hir, 129, 6. 
 hired, hird, sb., OE. hir|d ; court ; 
 ds. hirede, 186, 5 ; hird, 192, 5. 
 hiredman, sb., OE. hirfdmann ; one 
 of the household or court, retainer; 
 pi. hiredmen, 190, 6. 
 hirte(n), wkv., OF. hurter; hurt; 
 pr. sbj. sg. hirt, 104, 7. 
 his, hise, pos. prn., based on OE. gs. 
 his ; his, 1, 7 ; hiss (O), 12, 15 ; //. 
 hise, "a, 25; hyse, 75, 17. 
 hlaverd, ho, hoaten, see lgverd, 
 who, hgte^n). 
 hokerliche, adv., OE. *hocorlice; 
 mockingly, scornfully, 154, 5. 
 hl, adj., OE. hal; whole, entire, 27, 
 hold, adj., OE. hold; faithful, 
 friendly; pi. holde, 226, 3. 
 hgldejn), stv., OM. haldan (haldan), 
 WS. healdan-heold (R) ; hold, 
 possess; inf. hglden, 15, 4; pr. sbj, 
 -Tgfhglde, 17, 24 ; pr. sbj.pl. hglden. 
 27, 12 ; imp.pl. hlde je, 199, 21 ; 
 //. sg. (eME. heold, 4, 10) ; held, 2, 
 12 ; pt. pi. (eME. heolden, 2, 29) ; 
 helden, 2, 14; pp. hglden, 22, 13. 
 Nth. eME. halde(n), q.v. eSth. 
 */ hfalden, 177, 31 ; pr. sbj. pi. 
 h|alden, 226, II. Sth. pt. pi. 
 hiilde, 203, 19; pp. ihglden, 198, 9. 
 hgldynge, pr.ppl. as sb., based on OM. 
 haldan, haldan; holding, 125, 1. 
 hgli, hogly, adj., OE. halig; holy, 
 17, 28; hogly, 238, 1. 
 holou.3, adj., OE. holh, //. hol3e; 
 hollow; pi. holouj, 223, 22. 
 hglych, adv., Sth. = Ml. hlli; OE. 
 hallice; wholly, 223, 26. 
 hgm, sb., OE. ham; /z<w<?, 24, 32; 
 hgme, 98, 10. 
 hgm, hoom, adz>., OE. ham; <fow<?, 
 homeward, 28, 14; hoom, 242, 22. 
 homage, sb., OF. homage; homage, 
 161, 24. 
 hgmward, awfr., OE. hamweard ; 
 homeward, 31, 24; homeward, 
 108, 3. 
 homycide, sb., OF. homicide ; /fowz- 
 cide, murder, 245, 32. 
 ho(n), stv., OE. hon-heng (R); 
 >fow-; pt.pl. hengen, 3, 7. 
 hond, see hand, 
 hgnd, sb., OE. hand, hpnd ; //awaT, 
 21, 27 ; ds. hgnde, 37, 4; pi. hgnd, 
 65, 26; hgndene, 59, 18. Sth.//. 
 hgnden, 181, 23. 
 hndbabbing, adj., OE. handhseb- 
 bende, pp. as a^'. ; having in hand 
 (stolen property) , red-handed, 42, 
 hondred, see hundred. 
 h9ndselle(n), wkv., OM. *handsellan 
 -said, cf. ON. handselja; promise, 
 betroth\ pp. ihgndsald, 192, 13. 
 honeste, adj., OF. honeste; honest, 
 120, 27 ; oneste, 219, 16. 
 hgnge, honger, honour, honten, 
 see hange(n), hunger, honur, 
 honur, honour, sb., OF. honur(-our) ; 
 honor, praise, pomp , 39, 17; honour, 
 102, 25. 
 honure(n), wkv., OF. honurer; honor; 
 z/j/"._honure, 1 36, 3 ; imp. sg, 
 honoure, 146, 25 ; pp. honorde, 
 138, 6; honourd, 139, 25. 
 hony, adj., OE. hunig; honey, 128, 
 hooly, hoom, see hli, hm. 
 hoor, hr, adj., OE. nar ; /war, 241 , 14. 
 hppe, .$., OE. hopa; hope, 16, 21. 
 hpe(n), Sth. hopie(n), wkv., OE. 
 hopian; hope', inf. hpen, 103, 24; 
 hope, 103, 27. Nth. pr. 1 sg. hp, 
 156, 11 ; pt.pl. hppid, 143, 18. Sth. 
 pr.pl. h2pie>, 213, 27; pr. sbj. sg. 
 hople (eSth.), 176; 24. 
 hor, hore, see here, 
 hord, hoord, sb., OE. hord (h5rd) ; 
 hoard, 226, 21. Sth. ds. horde, 
 176, 12 ; hoord, 242, 12. 
 horderwlce, sb., OE. hordere + wice, 
 wkf. ; office of treasurer, treasiwer- 
 ship ; old dot. sg. or pi. 4, 21. Cf. 
 horderwycan, see horderwlce. 
 horedom, hordom, sb., OE. h5re, f. 
 + dom ; adultery, whoredom, 42, 
 16; hordom, 209, 17. 
 horling, sb., OE. *h5rling, cf. horing ; 
 adulterer, 179, 14. 
 horn (horn), sb., OE. horn, horn; 
 horn, 57, 24. 
 hors, sb., OE. hors; horse, 61, 10; 
 ds. horse, 48, 14 ; pi. horsys, 107, 
 14. Sth.//. horsen, 184, 27. 
 hose, sb., OE. hose; hose, trousers, 
 "229, 12. 
 hoseli, hosle(n), see hosle(n). 
 hoselynge, sb., based on OE. huslian 
 or hiisel, sb. ; houseling, administer- 
 ing the eucharist, 122,12. 
 hosle(n), wkv., OE. huslian ; housel, 
 administer eucharist; pp. hosled, 
 75, 26; hdselet, 122, 2. Sth. inf. 
 hoseli, 206, 21; pp. ihoseled, 121, 
 host, sb., OF. hoiste mod. by host; 
 host, bread of the sacrament, 1 22, 14. 
 hst,^.,OF.host; host, army, 167, 31. 
 hgt L a^'., OE. hat ; hot, 60, 18; superl. 
 hgtest, 214, 5. 
 hote(n), stv., OE. hatan-het (R)j 
 call, command, promise ; pt. sg. het, 
 Sh- 13; pt- 2 sg. higtest, 17, 25 ; 
 higtes, 17, 27; pt.pl. hette, 61, 1 ; 
 pp. hgten, 25, 25. Nth. hate(n), 
 q.v. Sth. pr. 3 sg. hgt, 214, 19; 
 pp. (SEMI.) ihgten, 32, 32 ; yhgten, 
 73, 28^ 
 hou _(how, hbu5), hound, hous 
 (houss, hows), see hu, hund, hus. 
 houve, sb., OE., hiife ; cap, covering 
 for the head; houve of glas, a cap 
 of glass, i.e. something ridiculous or 
 ineffective, 56, 14. 
 hve(n), wkv., MDu., MLG. hoven ?; 
 tarry, hover; pr. 3 sg. hgveS, 15, 
 24; pr. pi. hgven, 19, 13; //. sg. 
 Jigved, 164, 15. 
 how, see hu.' 
 Howel, sb., Howell, 184, 12. 
 hows, howsele, see hus, husel. 
 hjj, hou (how), adv., OE. hu ; how, 
 9, 11; hou, 66, 25; how, 88, 20. 
 eSth. heou, 185, 10; hwu, 202, 9; 
 _hou3, 224, 3. 
 hude(n), wkv., Sth. =M1. hide(n) ; 
 _OE. hydan ; hide; pp. hud, 178, 20. 
 huire, sb., Sth. = Ml. hire; OE. hyr, 
 / ; hire, 202, 32. 
 hul, sb., Sth. = Ml. hyll; OE. hyll; 
 Jiill, 208, 6. 
 hulde, see hglde(n). 
 Humber, Humbre, sb., OE. Humbre, 
 /. or indcl. ; Humber river, 87, 18 ; 
 eME. Humbre, 185, 24. 
 hund, hound, hond, sb., OE. hund 
 (hund) ; hound, dog, 167, 2 ; hound, 
 48, 26 ; hond, 219, 25. 
 hundereth, adj., ON. hundra}), cogn. 
 with OE. hundred; hundred, 164, 
 26. Cf. hundred. 
 hundred, hondred, adj., OE. hun- 
 dred; hundred, 32, 17; hondred, 
 225, 1. _ 
 hundredfold, adj., eSth. = Ml. 
 hundredfold, WS. hundredfealde ; 
 hundredfold ; //. hundredfealde, 
 177, 3- 
 hundrethfald, sb., Nth. = Ml., Sth. 
 hundredfold ; ON. hundra]) + OAng. 
 fald fald, WS. feald ; hundredfold, 
 129, 28. 
 hunger (eME. hunger), honger, 
 sb., OE. hungor; hunger, 3, 19; 
 longer, 55, 16. 
 hungre(n), wkv., ON. hungra, OE. 
 hyngran ; hunger, be hungry ; pr. 
 3 sg. hungreo 1 , 19, 8; hungreth, 
 78, 26. 
 hungri, adj., OE. hungrig; hungry, 
 hunte, sb., OE. hunta; hunter, 14, 
 hunte (n), wkv., OE. huntian; hunt; 
 inf. hunten, 14, 1 ; honten, 62, 5 ; 
 pr. 3 sg. hunteS, 198, 10. 
 Huntendonesehire, sb., OE. Hun- 
 taridiinscir, /. ; Huntingdonshire, 
 226, 3. 
 huntynge, huntyng, sb., OE. hunt- 
 ung,y. ; htmting, 120, 21; huntyng, 
 106, 25. 
 hur, see he. 
 hure, sb., OF. hure; skull-cap, 229, 
 10; hure gray, gray cap, 229, 28. . 
 hure(n), wkv., Sth. = Ml. here(n) ; 
 WS. hieran (hyran), OM. heran ; 
 hear; pt. sg. hurde, 203, 22. 
 hurne, sb., Sth. = Ml. hirne (heme) ; 
 OF. hyrne ; nook, corner, 204, 18; 
 Kt. ? heme, 204, 8. 
 Hurtford, sb., OE. Heorotford ; 
 Hertford, 227, 3. 
 hus, hous (hows), sb., OE. hus ; 
 house, 4, 13; hous, 89, 28; hows, 
 125, 4; houss, 171, 1. Sth. ds. 
 huse, 199, 10. 
 husband, ^.,ON.husbondi; husband, 
 small farmer, 171, 1. 
 husel, howsele, sb., OE. husel ; 
 eucharist; howsele, 123, 21. 
 husewif, sb., OE. hiiswif ; housewife, 
 202, 7. 
 huslffdi, sb., OE. hus + hlsedise ; lady 
 of the house, mistress, 202, 1. 
 huswifschipe, sb., OE. *huswlf + 
 scipe ; management of a house, 201, 
 huyre, sb., WM1. = Ml. hire, Sth. 
 hure; OE. hyr,/. ; hire, 125, 17. 
 hwan, hwam (hwan), hwarof, see 
 whanne, wha, wherof. 
 hwatloke , adv., OE. hwselice ; quickly, 
 speedily; comp. watloker, 204, 13. 
 hwatsf, adv. ,OE. hwaet + sse; whatso, 
 whatsoever, 198, 19. 
 hwenne, see whenne. 
 hwere, hwerfore, see wher, wher- 
 hwet, see what, 
 hwfte, sb., eME.=*Ml. whfte; OE. 
 hwSte ; wheat, 200, 8. 
 hwe'Sersg , see wheflersf . 
 hwl, hwil, hwilem, see whi, while, 
 hwo (hw),hwon,5-^ who, whanne. 
 hwu, hwuche, see hu, which, 
 hye, hyer, hyghte, see he}, her, 
 hate(n) and hte(n). 
 hy5e(n), wkv., OE. hlgian ; hasten, 
 hie; inf. hy3e, 65, 12. Nth. inf. 
 hi, 141, 19. 
 hym, hymself, see he, self, 
 hyn (hyne), hyne, see hine, he. 
 Hyrtlingberi, sb., Irthlingborough 
 (Northampton), 4, 23. 
 hyse, hyt, see his, he. 
 I, i, see ie, in. 
 Iacob, sb., Lat. Iacobus, later dis- 
 placed by OF. Jacob ; Jacob, 24, 30. 
 isede, iaf (iafen, iaven), see go(n), 
 ibe (ibeon), ibeaten, see be(n), 
 ibfre, sb., Sth. = Ml. bere ; OM. 
 geberu, WS. geba?ru ; bearing, 
 conduct, noise, shout ; pi. ibgren, 
 183, 31. 
 ibet, ibild, iblende, see bete(n), 
 bilde(n), blende (n). 
 ibore (iboren), ibro^t (ibroht), see 
 bfre(n), bringe(n). 
 ibrpken, ibye, see brfke(n), be(n). 
 ic, I, ioh, prn., OE. ic; I, 21, 23^ 
 ice (0),>8,,i8; I, 3, *S\ dal.-act 
 me, 8, 20; mee, 107, 12. Sth. 
 (SEMl.)ich, 36, 23; 181,12. PI. 
 we," 4, 9; dat.-acc. us, 15, 6; uss 
 (O), 11, 13; ous, 66, 5; gpl. ure, 
 28, 6 ; dual, witt (O), we two, 8, 
 16; dkt.-acc. unnc (O), 8, 26. 
 icakeled, ieaste, see cakele(n), 
 caste (n). 
 ich, icleptf, icluped, see fch, clf- 
 pe(n), duple (n). 
 ienawe(n), stv., Sth. = eME., Nth. 
 knawe(n), Ml. kngweCn) ; OE. 
 gecnawan-cneow (R) ; know ; pr. 
 3 sg. icnaweft, 180, 15 ; pp. icnawen, 
 J 94> 9- 
 icnowen, icome, see knowe(n), 
 icoren (icornee) , iciid, see chese(n), 
 idel, ydul, sd., OE. Tdel; idleness, 
 vanity, 9, 27; ydul, 125, 19; ydill, 
 543, 23; pi- ydele, 176, 9. 
 idld, idemd (idemet), see dfle(n), 
 Idelnesse, sd., OE. idelness,/". ; idle- 
 ness, ioi, 16 ; ydillnes, 144, 2. 
 idihte, idon (idone), see di3te(n), 
 idrunke, ieden, ientred, see 
 drinke(n), g(n), entre(n). 
 ifa, sd., eStb.-Ml. fg, OE. gefah; 
 foe ; pi. if an, 196, 23. 
 ifaren, see fare(n). 
 ifere, sd., SEMI. Sth. = Ml. fere ; 
 OE. gefera; companion, 37, 22. 
 ifo(n), stv., Sth. - Ml. fo(n) ; OE. 
 gefon -feng (R); receive, take back; 
 inf. ifo, 43, 24. 
 ifiild, ifunde, see fiille(n),flride(n). 
 igain, igaines, see agein, ageines. 
 igainsawe, sd., OE. *ongegn + sagn ; 
 gainsaying, contradiction, 153, 26. 
 i3arket, i3e, see 3arkie(n), e^e. 
 i3elde(n), stv., OM. geldan (geldan), 
 WS. gieldan-geald (3); yield-, pt. 
 sg. i3flde, 206, 31. 
 i^fte, i^Irnd, i;ive, see 3ete(n), 
 3ime(n), }ive(n). 
 iodide, igranted, see 3lde(n), 
 igretinge, sd. , OE. gegreting, / ; 
 greeting, 226, 3. 
 igrlpe(n), stv., Sth. = Ml. gripe(n); 
 OE. gegrlpan-grap (1) ; seize, grip, 
 take hold of; pr. sdj. igrlpe, 196, 2 ; 
 eME. ^/. sg. igrap, 182, 4. 
 igurd, ihate, see giirde(n), hate(n). 
 ihf alde(n) , stv., eSth. = eME. halden, 
 Ml. hlden, WS. healdan-heold 
 (R); hold, possess, keep; inf. ihfal- 
 den, 177, 32. 
 iheed, iheiet, iheled, see have(n), 
 he3e(n), hfle(n). 
 ihere(n), wkv., SEMI., Sth. for Ml. 
 here(n) ; OM. geheran, WS. hieran 
 (hyran); hear; inf. ihere(n), 42, 
 24 ; imp. pi. iherej), 212,27 ; pt.sg. 
 iherde, 37, 19 ; pt.pl. iherden, 187, 
 7 ; pp. iherd, 37, 26. Kt. imp. sg. 
 yhyer, 216, 13. 
 ihiere(n) = ihere(n), wkv., Kt. = Ml. 
 hlre(n) ; OE. gehyran; hire ; pt. sg. 
 ihlerde, 213, 6. 
 ihflden, ihoseled, ihften, see 
 hflde(n), hosle(n), hte(n). 
 ihuren, wkv., Sth. = Ml. ihere(n) ; 
 WS. gehleran (hyran) ; hear; inf. 
 ihfire, 203, 15 ; pr. 3 sg. ihurft, 178, 
 32 ; pp. ihiird, 203, 17. 
 iiven, see 3eve(n). 
 ikenne (n) , wkv. , Sth. = Ml. kenne(n) , 
 OE. gecennan; learn, know; inf. 
 ikennen, 189, 33. 
 ikindled, see kindle(n). 
 iknowe(n), stv., OE. geknawan 
 -kneow (R) ; know ; pt. sg. ikneu, 
 37, 29. 
 ikuft, adj., OE. gecuS ; known, 48, 15. 
 ilted, ilsered, see lfde(n), If red. 
 ilserde, ilaht, see If re (n), lacche(n). 
 ilaste(n), wkv., Sth. = Ml. laste(n) ; 
 OE. gelsestan ; endure, last, fulfil ; 
 pt. .sg-.ilaste, 208, 23; ylaste, 206, 20. 
 ilc, ilche, ilk, ilke, yche, prn., OE. 
 ilc; same, 1, 18 ; illc (O), 9, 20; 
 ilk, 16, 17 ; ilke a, 61, 18 ; yche, 
 8S, 11 ; ilk a, 139, 24. Sth. tfi, 
 ilche, 226, 15. 
 ileawed,^'., Sth. = Ml. lewed ; OE. 
 *geliiewed, lsewed ; unlearned, lay ; 
 MnE. lewd, 226, 3. 
 ileid, ilenet, see leie(n), lene(n). 
 ileosed, ilfred, see losie(n), lfre(n). 
 ilfste(n), wkv.y OE. geleestan; last, 
 endure ; pt. sg. ilfste, 38, I ; pr. 
 ppl. ilfstinde, 226, 9. 
 ilft, see lete(n). 
 ileve(n), wkv., Sth. = Ml. leve(n) ; 
 OM. gelevan, WS. gelievan ; believe, 
 inf. ileve, 177, 25; pr. pi. ileveS, 
 180, 9. 
 iliche, adj., Sth. = Ml. Ilche, like; 
 OE. gelice ; alike, 178, 9. 
 ilicnesse, sb., OE. gelicnes,/. ; like- 
 ness, 196, 23. 
 ilike, adv., OE. gelice; alike, 128, 
 24 ; lfle ilike, loyally, 128, 25. 
 ilimpe(n), stv., OE. gelimpan-lamp 
 (lgmp) (3) ; happen ; pt. sg. ilomp, 
 186, 6; pp. ilimpe, 183, I. 
 ilk, ilke, see ilc. 
 ill, il, adj., ON. illr ; ill, bad, evil; 
 il, 49, 22; wk. ille, 37, 19; pi. 
 ylle, 88, 16. 
 ille, adv., ON. illr ; badly, 50, 9. 
 Ilond, ylgnd, sb., WS. legland (lgnd), 
 OM. egland ; island; ds. Ilgnde, 
 222, 23 ; ylgnd, 220, 1. 
 ilusd, imad, imaette, see luse(n), 
 make(n), imte(n). 
 imaked, imange, see make(n), 
 imfane, sb., OE. gemsena; company, 
 196, 25. 
 imelled, see melle(n). 
 imne, adv., OE. gemsene ; together, 
 197, 17- 
 imenge(n), wkv., OE. mengan ; 
 m ingle, disturb , trouble ; //.imenged , 
 190, 1 ; imeng = imengd, 180, 22. 
 imete(n), wkv., Sth. = Ml. mete(n); 
 OE. gemetan ; meet with, Jind, 
 obtain', inf. imeten, 180, 11. 
 imte(n), wkv., OE, gemiietan; appear 
 in dream; pt. sg. imaette, 181, 14; 
 pp. imet, 196, 17. 
 immpbill, adj., OF. immoble, older 
 -mueble, -moeble ; immovable, 
 147, 24. 
 in (inn), I, ine, prep, adv., OM. in, 
 WS. on (in); in, 1, 8; inn (O), 9, 
 2; I, 8, 14; en, 139, 4; ine, 197, 
 in, sb., OE. inn ; inn, public-house, 
 117, 26. 
 ine, see pu. 
 indifferent, adj., OF. indifferent; 
 indifferent, unbiased, 235, 26. 
 ine, inempnet, see in, nemne(n). 
 informacion, sb., OF. information; 
 information, 235, 13. 
 ingeong, sb., OE. ingang-gong; 
 entrance, going in, 187, 8. 
 Ingland, sb., Nth. - Ml., S.th. 
 England (-lgnd), OE. Englaland; 
 England, 126, 8. 
 Inglis,a^'., Nth. = Ml. Sth. English; 
 OE. Englisc; English, 127, 6. 
 inguoynge, sb., Kt. = M1. ingSinge; 
 based on inggn; entrance, ingoing, 
 216, 32. 
 innen, inne, adv., OE. inne, innan ; 
 in, within, 3, 10 ; innen, 8, 1. 
 innocent, adj., OF. innocent ; inno- 
 cent, 1 01, 15. 
 innocent, adj. as sb., OF. innocent ; 
 child, innocent, 116, 16; pi. inno- 
 centys, 147, 6. 
 inntill, innwarrdll}, see intil, in- 
 inoh, inog, inou5, inow, ynug, 
 inogh, inohe, ynou, adj., OE. 
 genoh(g); enough, 9, 5; 12, 15; 
 onoh, 3, 15; inog, 17, 12; ynug, 
 24, 28 ; inou3, 50, 25 ; inow, 86, 
 22; inogh, 129, 14; inohe, 150, 
 10; ynou, 205, 29; yno3, 218, 28; 
 ynow, 226, 10; pi. ino3e, 227, 7. 
 inome, inou3, see nime(n), inoh. 
 inse5el, sb., OE. insegele ; seal; pi. 
 innse33less (O), 12, 25. 
 intil, intel, adv. prep.,- OM. intil? 
 cf. Swed. intill ; into, to ; inntill (O), 
 8, 19; intel, 227, 9. Nth. intil, 
 150, 19. 
 into, prep, adv., OM. in to, WS. 
 on to; into, unto, 4, 15. 
 inume, inumen, see nime(n). 
 inwardly, inwardlle, adv., OM. 
 inwardlic, WS. inweardlic; ear- 
 nestly, inwardly; innwarrdli3 (0), 
 13, 27 ; inwardlie, 156, 8. 
 Ioseph, Iosep, sd., Lat. Ioseph; 
 later displaced by OF. Joseph ; 
 Joseph, 21, 2. 
 ipli^te(n), wkv., OE. *geplihtan ; 
 plight, engage, pledge ; pt. sbj. sg. 
 ipli3l(e), 204, 11. 
 ipricked, pp. as adj., OE. prician ; 
 pricked, clothed, adorned, 48, 20. 
 iqueden,irad, sec qufSe(n),rede(n). 
 Ira, yre, sb., OF. ire ; ire, anger, 
 J03, s. 
 ireadi, adj., OE. *geraedig, cf. Swed. 
 redig; ready , prepared, 192, 32. 
 ired, see re..e(n). 
 Ireland, Irlgnd, sb. L OE. Iraland, 
 2nd; Ireland; flfr^lrelgnd, 227,9; 
 Irlgnde, 188, 33; Yrloande, 226, 2. 
 Iren, yre, sd., OE. iren ; iron, 3, 16 ; 
 yren, 165,^ 2 ; spade (?), 34, 5 ; 
 eSth. ds. yrne, 227, 17. 
 ireve, sb., OE. gerefa; prefect, 
 steward, judge, reeve, 177, 26. 
 irk, adj., ON. *yrk, cf. Swed. yrka, 
 1 to urge ' ; distasteful, irksome, 
 Irlond, see Irelond. 
 irreverence, sb., OF. irreverence; 
 irreverence, 146, 3.. 
 Qs, isseid, iseet, see he, isegge(n), 
 isauved, ischende, ischoten, .$<? 
 save(n), schende(n), sehete(n). 
 ischrud, ischryve, see schrude(n), 
 isegge(n), wkv., Sth. = Ml. seie(n) ; 
 OE. gesecgan-saegde (saide) ; say ; 
 Pp. isseied, 183, 24; isfd, 180, 19. 
 iseghe, iseid (iseyd), iseined, see 
 ise(n), seie(n), seinie(n). 
 ise(n), slv., Sth. = Ml. se(n) ; OE. 
 geseon-geseah (5) ; see, behold; 
 inf. (eSth.) iseon, 176, 18; yse, 
 65, 17 ; pr. pi. iseoft, 199, 22 ; pr. 
 sbj. sg. ise, 207, 20; pi. sg. ise3, 41, 
 12; ysey, 205, 5; iseh, 181, 22; 
 isaeh (eSth.), 182, 17; isah, 182, 
 12; isey, 02, 21; isei, 208, 21; 
 ysey, 205, 5 ; pt.pl. isfgen, 179, 9; 
 pt. sbj. pi. iseye, 205, 3 ; pp. iseghe, 
 211, 9 ; ysen, 221, 7. ILt.inf.yzy, 
 217, 11; pr. 2 sg. yzi3t, 217, 29; 
 pr. 3 sg. yzy3jj, 216, 8 ; yzyej), 217, 
 1 ; yzejj, 217, 2. 
 isent, iseon, iset, see sende(n), 
 ise(n), sette(n). 
 isetnesse, sb., OE. gesetness,/! ; con- 
 stitution, statute ; pi. isetnesses, 
 226, 12. 
 is^ld, see selle(n). 
 isom, adj. , OE. ges5m ; united, 
 gathered, 185, 32. 
 isomned, ispend, see somnie(n), 
 Israel, sb., Lat. Israel; Israel, 31, 
 isse, issote, see be(n), schete(n). 
 isunde, adj., OE. gesunde-sunde ; 
 sound, will, 190, 28. 
 isundret, isunken, see sundrie(n), 
 iswinch, sb., Sth. = Ml. swine ; OE. 
 geswinc; work, labor, trouble, 177, 
 iswgren (iswgrene), iswunken, see 
 swfre(n), swynke^n). 
 it, italde, see he, telle(n). 
 ipank, sb., Sth. = Ml. }>ank; OE. 
 geftanc; thought, will, intention; 
 ds. i)>anke, 178, 12. 
 i"5enche(n), wkv., Sth. = Ml. 
 )>enke(n) ; OE. geoencean-dohte ; 
 think ; inf. iftenche, 1 79, 29 ; 
 i]>enche, 214, 23; pp. i]>oht, 182, 
 ipold, ipoled, see pole(n), polie(n). 
 ipraste(n), wkv., OE. georsesten; 
 press, force; inf. i])raste, 190, 11. 
 itide(n) , wkv., OE. getidan ; happen, 
 betide; pr. 3 sg. itit, Ml. tide]), 
 180, 3. 
 itimbred, itimed, see timbre (n), 
 itit, itold, see itide(n), telle(n). 
 itravailed, iturned, see travaile(n), 
 C C 
 Iudas, Lat. Iudas, later displaced by 
 OF. Judas; Judas, 27, II. 
 Iudeus, sb., pi., OE. Iudeas, L. 
 Iudseus; The Jews ', 4, 29. 
 iung, ivaren, see ^ung, vare(n). 
 ivel, see yvel. 
 ivele, adv., OE. yfele ; badly, evilly, 
 iveng, see ivo(n). 
 ivere, sb., Sth. = Ml. fere; OE. 
 gefera ; companion, 179, 13 ; //. 
 iveren, 187, 31. 
 ivestned, see festne(n"). 
 ivo(n), stv., Sth. = Ml. fo(n) ; OE. 
 gefon-feng (R) ; seize ; pt. sg. iveng, 
 182, 15. 
 iv9ndle(n), wkv., Sth. = Ml. fgn- 
 ae(n) ; OE. gefandian (fpndian) ; 
 try, tempt\ pt. sg. ivgnd, 198, 15. 
 ivdr]ne(n), wkv., Sth. = Ml. f5roe(n) ; 
 OE. geforomn ; perform, execute ; 
 pr. sg. iv5r>e, 184, 17. 
 iwakle(n), eSth. iwakie(n), wkv., 
 Sth. = Ml.wake(n); OE.gewacian; 
 awake, rouse from sleep ; inf. 
 iwaklen, 182, 22. 
 iwar, adj., OE. gewar; aware; pi. 
 ewarre, 199, 3. 
 iweddet, see wedde(n). 
 iwende(n), wkv., Sth. = Ml. wen- 
 de(n) ; OE. gewendan-wendan ; 
 turn, wind, go ; pt. sg. iwende, 
 182, 18 ; pp. iwend, 189, 11. 
 iwene(n), wkv., Sth. (SEMI.) = Ml. 
 wene(n) ; OE. gewenan ; hope, 
 think, ween ; pr. 2 sg. invenest, 
 54, 29. 
 iwfpen, sb., OE. wsepen, *gewsepen; 
 weapon ; pi. iwfpnen, 187, 17. 
 iwersed, see wercie(n). 
 iwhilc, prn., OE. gehwilc; each; 
 iwhillc (O), 11, 12. 
 iwil, ywil, sb., OE. gewil ; pleasure, 
 will, 193, 5; ds. iwille, 178, 16; 
 ywil, 176, 14. 
 iwilnet, see wilnie(n). 
 iwis, ywis, adv., OE. gewiss ; 
 certainly, 37, 25; ywys, in, 3; 
 mid iwisse, certainly, 177, 16; 
 to iwisse, 182, 25. 
 iwisse, see iwis. 
 iwite(n), pt. prv., OE. gewitan 
 -wiste; know, wit', inf. iwite, 41, 
 14; ywyte, 215, 6; imp. pi. iwiteS, 
 197, 18. 
 iwlaht, iwonne, see wlacie(n), 
 iworded, iwraht, see wordie(n), 
 iwrit, sb., Sth. = Ml. writ ; OE. 
 gewrit, neut. ; writing, book ; ds. 
 i write, 179, 12. 
 iwro^t, iwundet, iwuned, see 
 wirke(n), wundie(n), wunie(n). 
 iwur"8e(n), wkv., OE. geweorSan 
 (wuroan)-wearo" (3) ; be, become ; 
 pr. 1 sg. iwurSe, 194, 17; //. 
 iwurtfen, 184, 22. 
 iwiist, see wite(n). 
 James, sb., OF. James ; James, 1 74, 
 jangle(n), wkv., OF. jangler; jangle, 
 dispute, chatter; pr. ppl. jangland, 
 89, 13. 
 jape, sb., OF. *jape, *jappe?; joke, 
 trick, jape, 121, 9. 
 Jerom, sb., OF. Jerome; Jerome, 151, 
 J 3- 
 jeste, see geste. 
 Jesu, Jesus, sb., OF. Jesus, Jesu ; 
 Jesus, 11, 16; Jesu Crist, 33, 14; 
 Jesus, 68, 7. 
 Jew, sb., OF. Geu, Gieu; Jew, 74, 
 25;//. Jewes, 137, 5; Jews, 136, 15; 
 Juus, 130, 29. 
 Joachim, sb., OF. Joachim ; Joachim, 
 Job, sb., OF. Job ; Job, 201, 2. 
 Joel, sb., OF. Joel ; foel, 150, 20. 
 Jghan, Jhn, Jgn, sb., OF. Johan ; 
 John; eME. Johan, 12, 24; Jhn, 
 106, 19; J9ne, 88, 21; gs. Jgnes, 
 131, 25; J?n, 228, 21. 
 joliftee, sb., OF. jolivete, jolifte; 
 jollity, happiness, 242, 17. 
 J^nas, sb., OF. Jonas ; Jonah, 73, 
 Jneck, for Jonet, sb., OF. Jonet; 
 Jonetjohn, 127, 1. 
 Jordan, sb., OF. Jordan; Jordan-, 
 Jorrdan (O), 11,21. 
 jornay, see jurnay. 
 Jorrdan, see Jordan, 
 joye, sb., OF. joie ; joy, 37, 7. 
 joyful, adj., OF. joie + ME. M; joyful, 
 .139, 27. 
 Judas, sb., OF. Judas; Judas, 77, 
 juge, sb., OF. juge ; /M&?, 90, 27. 
 jugement, sb., OF. jugement ; judge- 
 ment, 42, 2. 
 jugge(n), w^z;., OF. jugier ; judge ; 
 //.juged, 102, 5. 
 Juliane, sb., OF. Juliane ; Juliana, 
 l 9 l > 2 3- 
 jurnay, jurney, sb., OF. jurnee, infl. 
 by vb. NF. jurneier ; journey, 107, 
 25; jurnay, 114, 30; jornay, 
 163, 4- 
 justice, justis, j., OF. justice; 1. 
 justice, 2, 27 ; justis, 131, 4. 2. 
 ><&*, 152, 24. 
 Juus, j^ Jew. 
 ka, ka, for words beginning with these 
 letters see ca, ca forms, 
 kane, see cunne(n). 
 kecche(n), wkv., Sth. = Ml. cache(n) ; 
 OF. cachier ; catch ; pr. 3 sg. kec- 
 cheS, 196, 1 ; pr. sbj. pi. kecchen, 
 202, 23. 
 kechyn (kichen), sb., OE. cycene ; 
 Lat. coquina (coclna) ; kitchen, 99, 
 keiser, see caysfre. 
 kele(n), wkv., OE. celan; cool', Nth. 
 inf. kele, 156, 12. 
 kembe(n), wkv., OE. cemban,cemban, 
 ON. kemba ; comb ; inf. kembe, 39, 
 kempe, sb., OE. cempa; soldier, 185, 
 7 ; Sth.//. kempen, 186, 30. 
 kende, see kinds, 
 kene, adj., OE. cene; bold, keen, 
 m, 3- 
 kenne(n), wkv., OE. cennan ; know, 
 make known, teach ; inf. kenne, 5 1 , 
 25. Nth. inf. kenn, 129,25; //. 
 kend, 174, 28. 
 kep, sb., cf. OE. cepan; heed, guard, 
 53, 7 ; k epe, 67, 10. 
 kepe(n), wkv., OE. cepan; keep, pre- 
 serve ; z'w/". kepen, 34, 6 ; await, 
 receive, 50, 1 8 ; pr. sbj. pi. kepe, 
 104, 6. TSVa.pr. 3 sg. kepes, 144, 1. 
 kepynge, sb., based on kepe(n); keep- 
 ing, 103, 2. 
 kerve(n), j-/z/., OM. cerfan-carf, WS. 
 ceorfan-cearf (3); carve; pt. sg. 
 karf, 79, 10. 
 keste(n), wkv., ON. kasta ; cast \ pt. 
 sg. kest, 54, 6 ; pt. pi. kesten, 63, 
 1 7 5 PP- kest, 61, 6. Cf. caste(n), 
 of which this is a secondary form. 
 kevel, sb., ON. kefli ; bridle-bit, gag, 
 81, 22. 
 keveringe, sb., based on OF. (re)co- 
 vrir ; recovery, regaining, 209, 4. 
 kin, kyn, sb., OE. cynn ; kin, kind, 
 species ; ^r. kinness (O), 12, 32 ; <&. 
 kinne, 47, 6 ;//. kin, 70, 13; kinnes, 
 46, 25 ; kyn, 220, 16. Nth. sere 
 kin thinges, several kinds of affairs, 
 kinde, kind, kynd, sb., OE. cynd,/. ; 
 species, kind, 8, 13 ; kind,_65, 4 ; //. 
 kyndis, 143, 23. Sth. kunde, 198, 
 20 ; kiinde trgsons, kind of treasons, 
 223, 18. Kt. kende, 218, 9. 
 kindle(n), wkv., OE. [cynd], dial. 
 kindle ; bring forth, increase ; inf. 
 kyndle, 237, 25 ; SEMl./^.ikindled, 
 14, 8. Nth. inf. kindel, 160, 24; 
 pr. 3 sg. kind els, 161, 5. 
 kinedom, sb., OE. cynedom ; kingdom, 
 kinelich, adj., OE. cynellc; royal; 
 wk. kineliche, 183, 3. 
 kinelgnd, sb., OE. *cyneland, lgnd ; 
 royal land, kingdom, 184, 14; ds. 
 kinelgnde, 189, 10. 
 kinewurtJe, adj., WS. *cynewierSe 
 -wurfte; royal, 193, 19. 
 king, eME. king ; sb., OE. cyning, 
 cyng ; king, 1,1. eSth. ds. klnge, 
 181, 2 ; pi. klngen, 188, 9. 
 kinric, sb., OE. cyneric; kingdom, 
 149, 12. 
 C C 2 
 kire, sb., OE. eyre ; custom, 34, 4. 
 kirke,kyrce (kyrke), .?<., ON. kirkja; 
 Dan. kirke, cogn. with OE. cyrice ; 
 kirk, church, 16, 15; kyrce, 133, 
 21 ; kyrke, 147, 8. 
 kirkedure, sb., ON. kirkja + OE. 
 dure; church door, 17, 26. 
 kisse(n), wkv., OE. cyssan; kiss; inf. 
 kisse, 39, 7 ; kysse, no, 27 ; pt. sg. 
 *kiste, 28, 10. 
 kissinge, sb., OM. *cyssung,/. ; kiss- 
 gi 3 8 > ! 
 kiste,^., OE. cyst,/".; choice, selection, 
 virtue, 39, 9. 
 ki^e(n), 7t//z\, OE. cyftan ; make 
 known, show ; inf. kiften, 15, 8 ; 
 ki>e, 154, 12 ; pr. 3 sg. kioeS, 17, 
 6;//. kid, 31, 5; kyd, 133, 1. 
 knave, see cnave. 
 knawe(n), stv., eME., Nth. m Ml. 
 knowe(n) ; OE. cnawan-cneow (R) ; 
 know; Nth. inf. knaw, 127, 28; 
 pr. 3 sg. knawes, 137, 2 ; //.knawyn, 
 170, 28. eSth. pr. 3 sg. cnawaS, 
 179, 21. Kt. pr. 3 j^-. knawe>, 
 216, 9. 
 kne, sb., OE. cneo(w); knee\pl. knes, 
 78, 22 ; kneus, 122, 31. 
 knele(n), K/fe.,OM. *cneolian, MLG. 
 knelen ; kneel; inf. knele, 123, 10; 
 pr. ppl. knelynge, 122, 32 ; pt. sg. 
 kneled, 66, 29 ; knelid, 140, 3. 
 knict, knicht, see kni^t. 
 knif, sb., OE. cnlf ; knife, 79, 18. 
 kni}t, knict, knicht, knight, knyht, 
 sb., OE. cniht; knight, 46, 16; 
 knict, 75, 5 ; knicht, 75, 7 ; knyht, 
 126, n; pi. kni3tt.es, 227, 22; 
 knyghtys, 105, 21. 
 knokke(n), wkv., OE. cnocian, infl. 
 by ON. knoka ? ; knock ; 1 sg. 
 knokke, 241, 1 ; pp. knokked, 163, 
 29; kngked, 163, 32. 
 knoulfche(n), wkv., OE. cnawan, 
 extended by liecan ? ; acknowledge, 
 recognize; inf. knoulgche, 51, 3. 
 knowe(n), stv., OE. cnawan-cneow 
 (R) ; know ; pr. 2 sg. knowest, 38, 
 6 ; pr. 3 sg. knoweS, 1 7, 1 ; imp. 
 know, 17, 25 ; pt. sg. knew, 41, 21, 
 pt.pl. knewen, 25, 2 ; pp. knowen, 
 104, 22; knowe, 234, 5. Sth. pp. 
 icnowen, 198, 8; yknowe, 230, 32. 
 Cf. Nth. Kt. knawe(n). 
 knowlych(e), sb., der. from vb. know- 
 lfche(n); knoivledge, 95, 14. 
 knowynge, knowyng, sb., based on 
 knowe(n); knowing, know 'ledge, 98, 
 knyght, knyht, see kni^t. 
 ko, ko, kg, see co, co, c. 
 konne, kouth, see cunne(n). 
 krike, sb., OF. crique ; creek, 86, 24. 
 ku, ku, see cu, cu. 
 kiinerlche, sb., Sth. = Ml. kinerike ; 
 OE. cyncrlce ; kingdom, 226, 6. 
 kurteisle, see curteysy. 
 kwead, see quf d. 
 kweynte, adv., AN. adj. queint beside 
 OF. coint; famously, skilfully, neatly , 
 48, 15- 
 kyd, see klSe(n). 
 kyn (kynne), kyng, see kin, king. 
 Kynadius, Kynadyus, sb., Lat. Cy- 
 Cynadhis, 222, 1. 
 kyndle(n), see kindle(n). 
 kynemerk, sb., OE. cyne + ON. merki ; 
 royal mark, 83, 17. 
 kyngdom, sb., OE. cyningdSm ; king- 
 dom; kyngdSme, 105, II. 
 kyrce, kyrke, see kirke. 
 kyrtil, sb., OE. cyrtel ; kirtle, 92, 30. 
 kysse(n), see kisse(n). 
 labour, sb'., OF. labour ; labor, 234, 
 lac, sb., OE. *laec, MDu. lac; lack, 
 fault, deformity, 60, 12 ; lakk, 112, 
 25 ' 
 lacche(n), wkv., OE. laeccan-laehte ; 
 seize, catch ; pt. sg. lauhte, 87, 29 ; 
 lau3t, 50, 21 ; pp. lagt, 22, 17. 
 Sth.//. ilaht, 196, 1. 
 lace(n), stv., eME., Nth. = Ml. 
 lke(n) ; OE. lacan-leolc (lee) (R) ; 
 move, leap, go swiftly ; pt. sg. laic, 
 189, 15; lgac, I95 L 26. 
 lad (ladden), lady, see lede(n), 
 leeide (laeiden), leed, see leie(n), 
 lsen, leetenn, leewed, see len, lete(n), 
 laf, pi. laves, sb., Nth. = Ml., Sth. 
 lf; OE. hlaf; loaf, 132, 4. 
 laf, layff, si?., Nth. = Ml. lgf ; OE. 
 laf, _/". ; remainder, what is left ; 
 layff, 167, 3. Cf. lave, 
 laferrd, laft, see laverd, lfve(n). 
 lage ^la^e, la^en, lahen, later lawe, 
 sb., OE. lagu < ON. log, lagu ; 
 Jautz 14, 12; lawe, 100, 18; pi. 
 lages, 17, 27; laiges, 33, 30. 
 eSth. Ia3e, 187, 19; laBen, 190, 
 24; lahen, 191, 27. 
 lah, adj., eME., Nth. = Ml. low; 
 ON. lagr; low, humble, 192, 20. 
 lahhe(n), stv., OM. hlsehhan, WS. 
 hliehhan-hloh (6) ; laugh ; pt. sg. 
 lough, 237, 20; pt. pi. I53en, 36, 
 29 ; lowe, 46, 8. Sth. inf. lauhwen, 
 201, 19. 
 laiges, see lage. 
 lake, sb., OE. lacu, f. < Lat. lacus ; 
 lake, 58, 20. 
 lakk, see lac. 
 lam, ^., Nth. = Ml., Sth. 1pm ; OE. 
 lam; loam, 132, 15. 
 lamb, J&, OE. lamb, lamb (Igmb) ; 
 lamb, Lamb {Christ), 12, 27. 
 Lammasse, sb., OE. hlammsesse < 
 hlaf + maesse ; Lammas, feast of first 
 fruits, Aug. 1 ; ds. I, 13. 
 land, eME. land (lnd), j., OE. 
 land, land (lnd); land, 1, I ; a'j-. 
 lande, 3, 29; //. landes, 1, 15. 
 Cf. land, 
 lane, sb., Nth. = Ml. ln; OE. 
 Ian (lain), f. ; loan, gift, favor, 
 142, I. 
 lang, a^'., eME., Nth. for Ml. lng; 
 OE. lang, lgng ; long, 1, 9. 
 lang, tfdy''., OE. gelang-lang ; depen- 
 dent, belonging, dialectal along of; 
 iss lang (O), depends on, 10, 14. 
 langage, sb., OF. langage ; language, 
 134, 5- 
 lange, lang, adv., eME., Nth. = 
 Ml. lpnge; OE. lange; long, 7, 8. 
 Nth. lang, 139, 32. 
 lare, sb., eME., Nth. for ME. lpre; 
 OE. lar,y! ; lore, teaching, 8, 19. 
 large, adj., OF. large; large, 129, 
 11 ; generous, 201, 19. 
 largeliche, see largely, 
 largely, adv., OF. large + ME. ly; 
 largely, charitably, 88, 15. Sth. 
 largeliche, 204, 22. 
 largesse, sb., OF. largesse ; bounty, 
 largess, 202, 16. 
 larspell, sb., OE. larspel; discourse, 
 sermon, treatise, 9, 14. 
 lasse, last, see lfs. 
 lasse(n), wkv., based on OE. laes, 
 1 less ' ; lessen, decrease ; imp. pi. 
 lasseS, 196, 7. 
 last, see laste(n), endure. 
 laste(n), wkv., ON. lasta ; blame ; 
 inf. lasten, 195, 22. 
 laste(n), lfste(n), wkv., OE. lsestan; 
 last, endure; pr.ppl. lestende, 118, 
 5; pt. sg. lastede, 3, 21 ; //. last, 
 58, 15. Nth. pr. 3 sg. lastes, 129, 
 2 ; pr. ppl. lastand, 1 29, 30. Cf. 
 lasten, see lfs. 
 lastunge, sb., OE. *lastung, f. ; cf. 
 ME, lasten; blame, 198, 10. 
 lat, late, laten, see lete(n). 
 lat, adj., OE. lat; late, slow; comp. 
 later (eME.), 180, 11 ; superl. lest, 
 132, 30. 
 late, adv., OE. laete ; late, 58, 29 ; 
 lately, 99, 15. 
 late, see lote. 
 lap", adj., eME., Nth. for ME. I9J), 
 lath; OE. lao; hateful, loathsome, 
 hostile, evil, 9, 24; lath, 127, 11 ; 
 laS (eSth.), 193, 7. 
 laUe, sb., ON. hlaSa ; bam, dial. Eng. 
 lathe, 24, 6. 
 lao'e(n), la$i(n), mz>., OE. laSian; 
 be hateful, loathsome; inf. laftin, 
 194, 15 ; imp.pl. lafte je, 202, 20. 
 Latine, Latin, adj., OF. Latin ; 
 Latin, 127,6; gpl. Latlnes, 191, 18. 
 lau, adj., Nth. = Ml. low; OE. lah ; 
 /tfw; comp. lauer, lower, 151, 25. 
 lauhte (lau^t), lauhwen, 
 lacche(n), lahhe(n). 
 lauid, adj., Nth. = Ml. lewed; OE. 
 lsewed ; lay, unlearned; MnE., 
 lewd, 134, 7. 
 lave, sb., OE. laf, f. ; leaving, rem- 
 nant, 190, 12. 
 lavedy, lavedi, lady, sb., OE. 
 hlrefdlge ; lady, 116, 14; lavedi, 
 129, 19; gs. ladyes, 108, 22. Cf. 
 laverd, sb., eME., Nth. for Ml. 
 lverd, lfrd; OE. hlaford; lord, 5, 
 26; laferrd (O), II, 1; eME. ds. 
 laverde, 194, 13. eSth. hlaverd, 
 178, 23. 
 lawe, see lage. 
 lawful, adj., ON. logfullr; lawful, 
 lawlyly, adv., based on OE. lahllc, 
 adj. ; lawfully, 146, 31. 
 lay, sb., OF. lai; lay, song, story, 
 116, 8. 
 layd, layff, see leie(n), laf. 
 layk, sb., ON. leikr, cogn. with OE. 
 lac ; play, sport, 163, 28. 
 Lazar, sb., OE. Lazarus, 132, 15. 
 leac, lfafdi, lfaren, see lace(n), 
 lfvedl, lfre(n). 
 lfave, lfave (n), see lfve, lfve(n). 
 leche (lfche), sb., OM. lece, WS. 
 lsece ; leech, physician, 59, 4. 
 leche(n), wkv., OM. lecnian, WS. 
 lsecnian, infl. by leche, sb., heal, 
 act as physician; inf. leche, 131, 
 lecherle, lecherye, sb., OF. lecherie ; 
 lechery, 54, 13; lecherye, 237, 25. 
 lechnunge, sb., OE. lsechnung, f. ; 
 healing, remedy, 192, 10. 
 lfd, sb., OE. leadj lead, 60, 18. 
 lfdar, sb., OE. leedfre; leader, 166, 
 If dde, see If de(n). 
 lede, sb., OM. leden (?), WS. lseden ; 
 language, speech ; orig. Latin < 
 latinus, 48, 18. 
 lede, sb., OE. leode, //. ; people, 10, 
 21. eSth.//. leoden, 183, 7. 
 If de(n), wkv., OE. ladan ; lead; inf. 
 lfden, 26, 1; lfde, 39, 12; pr. 
 1 sg. lfde, 176, 5; pt. sg. ledde, 
 28, 1; lad, 101, 3; led, 155, 33; 
 ladde, 185, 2 ; pr. 2 sg. leddes, 48, 
 24; pt. pi. laid (eME.), 5, 27; 
 ledden, 6, 10; ledde, 57, 23; ladd, 
 116, 2 ; pp. led, 35, 3 ; ledde, 90, 
 24. Nth. pr. pi. lfdis, 136, 6. 
 eSth. inf. lseden, 180, 1 ; pr. sbj. 
 sg. lfade, 191, 21; pp. yladde, 64, 
 9; ilaed, 176, 5; ileid, 211, 2. 
 Kt.pr. 3 sg. lede>, 219, 20. 
 If dene, sb., OE. lseden, leden ; 
 language, speech, 191, 18. Cf. Ml. 
 leef (leeve), lges (lest), see lef, 
 lt, Iff, see lete(n), lfve(n). 
 Iff, sb., OE. leaf; leaf, 51, 22. 
 lf, sb., OE. leaf, /I; permission, 
 154, 22. Cf. lfve. 
 lef, leef, adj., OE. leof; afoz/-, 
 archaic lief, 9, 26 ; ds. leve, 20^ 19; 
 33 > 5 5 w & leeve, 241, 2; comp. 
 levere, 22, 21; lever, 152, 28. 
 INth. leif, 126, 17. eSth. leof, 
 178, 16; leofe, 183, 17; ds. leofen, 
 183, 25; leofve, 184, 12; comp. 
 leovre, 177, 5; superl. leofvest, 
 181, 22. 
 lffdi, leghe(n), see lfvedl, He(n), 
 leie(n), wkv., OE. lecgan, infl. by 
 P r ' 3 sg. ; lay, place, put aside, 
 banish; inf. Iey3e, 52, 11; lein, 
 55, 25 ; leyn, 87, 3 ; ley, 89, 18 ; 
 pt. pi. lseiden, 3, 23 ; lseide, 7, 5 ; 
 pr. 2 sg. leidest, 84, 16; laidest, 
 io 3> 6; //. pi. leiden, 189, 28; 
 leyd, 91, 23 ; pp. leid, 27, 6 ; layd, 
 155, 23; Sth. pp. ileid, 198, 21; 
 (SEMI.), yleyd, 66, 32. 
 leif, leinte (leinten) , see lef, lengten. 
 Leirchestre, sb., OE. Legraceaster ; 
 Leicester, 227, 2. 
 lfle, adj., OF. leial; loyal, leal, 128, 
 leme, sb., OE. leoma; light, gleam, 
 brightness, 155, 1. 
 leme(n), wkv., OE. leomian ; give 
 light, shine; pt. sg. lemede, 61, 14. 
 lemman, sb., OE. leofman ; dear 
 one, leman, 43, 15. 
 len, see lene(n). 
 lfn, sb., OE. lean ; reward, 10, 27. 
 lende(n), wkv., OE. lendan, lendan ; 
 land, arrive, abide; inf. lende, 87, 
 18. Nth., pr. 3 sg. lendes, 143, 5; 
 pt. sg. lend, 162, 27. 
 lfne, adj., OE. Maine; lean, not fat, 
 17. 5- 
 lne(n), wkv., OE. hleonian ; lean, 
 incline, 122, 30. 
 lene(n), wkv., ON. lena, cogn. with 
 OE. laman ; lend; pp. lened, 8, 
 20; lent, 59, 8. Nth. inf. len, 
 142, 1. Sth. pr. sbj. sg. lenne, 
 J 79, 33 5 /A ilenet, 194, 7. 
 leng, eME. leng, adv. comp., OE. 
 leng, leng ; longer, 4, 20. 
 lengten, later lenten, leinten, sb., 
 OE. lengten ; spring, season of 
 font, 5, r 3J S s - lentenes, 121, 23; 
 leinten, 200, 3; leinte, 231, 2. 
 lengfle, sb., OE. lengS, f. ; length, 
 20, 24. 
 lenne (lent), lenten, see lene(n), 
 leo, leoden, see leun, lede. 
 leof, leofe, leofve, leofen, see lef. 
 leoft, left (lift), adj., OE. *lyft, 
 cf. MDu. luft, 'left'; left {hand), 
 182,4; lift 22 5> 8 - 
 lerne(n), lete(n). 
 leoun, see leun. 
 leovemon, sb., OE. *leofman(mon) ; 
 dear one, leman, 192, 30. 
 leovinde, see livie(n). 
 lfpe(n), stv., OE. hleapan-hleop (R); 
 leap; inf. lfpe, 36, 17 ; //. sg. lep, 
 36, 4 ; pt.pl. lepen, 37, 31. eSth. 
 pt. sg. leop, 195, 18. 
 ler, sb., OE. hleor ; cheek; MnE. 
 &<?r ; //. lere, 37, 21. 
 If red, //. as adj., OE. leeran ; learned, 
 4, 4. eSth. ilserde, 226, 3. 
 lfre(n), wkv., OE. lseran [lar] ; 
 learn; pr. 3 sg. lfreS, 16, 19; pt. 
 j^Tlfrede, 29, i2i^Hff^ 5. 45 
 lgrd, 137, 29. Nth./?-. 3 .$. lfres, 
 91, 28. Sth. inf. lfaren (eSth.), 
 J 96, 5 5 pr. 3 J. IfareS, 198, 7; 
 //. ilfred, 198, 4. 
 lerne(n), lerne(n), wkv., OM. 
 lernian, WS. leornian ; &arw ; inf. 
 lernenn (O), 8, 22 ; pr. 3 jrj-. lerne]>J> 
 (0),io,i8;//.lemed,58,2i. eSth. 
 inf. leornen, 192, 15. Sth. pt.pl. 
 lurnej), 225, 4 ; pt. sg. lurnede, 224, 
 29. Kt. imp. sg. lyerne, 215, 1; 
 pp. ylyerned, 215, 1. 
 lerningcniht, sb., OE. leorningcniht; 
 disciple; lerninngcnihhtess (O), 12, 
 ls, adj., OE. leas ; false, evil, 1 1 1, 30. 
 lfs, les, a^"., OE. lses; less; Iges, 
 223, 16; les, 141, 27; lesse, 178, 
 3; lasse, 225, 6; superl. lfste, 53, 
 16; lgst, 178, 4; ds. (eSth.) 
 lasten, 190, II j leest, 233, 30. 
 Kt. leste, 219, 9. 
 lfs, sb., OE. leas ; falsehood, 231, 32; 
 ds. lgse, 183, 25. 
 lescun, lesson, sb., AN. lecun (OF. 
 on); lesson, 198, 13; less5n, 224, 
 lese(n), wkv., OM. lesan, WS. lieson ; 
 release, deliver; inf. lesenn (O), 
 11, 27; lesen, 194, 11; imp.pl. 
 lese'S, 201, 16; pp. lesedd, 11, 8. 
 Cf. Sth. luse(n). 
 lese(n), stv., OE. leosan-leas (2); 
 lose; inf. lese, 53, 25 ; pt. pi. lorn, 
 67, 1; pp. lfren, 48,3; lfrn, 52, 
 12. Nth. pr. pi. lesis, 126, 6. 
 Sth.//. ylfre, 95, 16. 
 lfse(n), stv., OE. lesan-laes (5) ; 
 gather, collect ; pt. sg. las, 56, 12. 
 lfsing, lesse, lesson, see lfsynge, 
 lfs, lescun. 
 lfst, lest, lfste, see laste(n), lat, 
 lest, leste, adv. conj., OE. "Sy lass Se, 
 later les)>e; lest, 121, 23; leste, 
 202, 23. 
 lest, see lete(n). 
 lfste(n), laste(n), wkv., OE. laistan ; 
 last, endure; Nth. inf. lgst, 168, 
 11. Sth. pr. ppl. lfstinde, 226, 20. 
 lestende, lestned, see laste(n), 
 lfsynge, lfsing, sb., OE. leasing ; 
 falsehood, 11 1, 13 ; lfsing, 40, 11. 
 lete(_n), stv., OM. letan (WS. laHan) 
 -let (R) ; letypermit; leave; think; 
 inf. leten, 6, 13; lsetenn (O), 9, 
 26; lete, 52, 2; pr. 2 sg. letest, 
 J 94, 7 * Igst, 63, 5 ; pr. 3 #. letetS, 
 16, 21 ; /. ^. let, 18, 16; late, 
 99, 5 5 pt> sg. lt (eME.), 4, 14; 
 let, 12,4; lat, 56, 7; lete, 64, 14; 
 pt.pl. lete, 35, 28 ; pp. let, 61, 30; 
 laten, 56, 5. Sth. inf. leoten 
 (eSth.), 193, 21 ; lften, 201, 1 ; 
 /r. 3 j^-. lfteS, 180, 6; z'w/. j^. l|t, 
 180, 7; lggt, 241, 2; itnp.pl. lfted, 
 201, 17; //. jj/. letten, 186, 15; 
 //. ilft, 226, 17; ylet, 221, 9. 
 ljth, .?., OE. laeSSu; hatred, enmity, 
 "7> T 3- 
 lett, OM. *lette, hindrance, let, 
 107, 7. 
 lette(n), ze/zfo., Nth. = Ml. lette(n); 
 OE. lettan ; hinder, impede ; Nth. 
 pr. pi. lettys, 146, 17; imp. pi. 
 lettes, 139, 14; pt. sg. lett, 163, 28. 
 letter, sb., OF. lettre, 72, 8; pi. 
 letters, 71, 22. 
 leun, leoun, sIk, AN. leun, liun ; 
 /&*, 14, 1 ; leoun, 82, 17; leo, 182, 
 13. Cf. lyon. 
 leve, see lef. 
 Lfve, sb., OE. ? ; Leve, 82, 2. 
 lfve, sb., OE. leaf, /. ; permission, 
 18, 28. eSth. lfave, 190, 29. 
 lfve, sb., OE. leafa; belief, faith, 
 20, 22: . 
 levede, see live(n). 
 lfvedl, sb., OE. hlsefdige ; lady, 52, 
 1; Ifvedy, 117, 1; lffdl, 155, 5; 
 lffdye, 156, 5. Nth. pi. lfvedis, 
 129, 19. eSth. lgafdl, 193, 14. 
 Cf. lavedy. 
 If veful, adj., OE. leaffull [(ge)leafa] ; 
 believing, faithful, 234, 4. 
 leve" Ike, adv., OE. leofllce; lovingly, 
 gladly, 28, 19. 
 lve(n), wkv., OE. laefan ; leave, 
 permit; inf. l|ve, 57, 3; /* //. 
 lfve we, 100, 13 ; imp. sg. Iff, 196, 
 23 ; pr. sbj. sg. lfve, 47, 22 ; pt. sg. 
 lafte, 241, 33; pt. pi. lefte, 223, 
 25 ; pt. sbj. sg. lefde, 200, 8 ; pp. 
 laft, 49, 19. Nth. inf. Iff, 153, 19. 
 eSth. inf. lgaven, 192, 33 ; imp. 
 pi. lfaveS, 196, 7; //. sg. lfafde, 
 191, 27;//. yleft, 225, 10. 
 leve(n), wkv., OM. lefan, WS. llefan 
 [geleafa] ; believe^, pr. 3 sg. leveS, 
 16, 19. Nth. imp. pi. leves, 165, 
 17;//. sg. lifed, 135, 9. 
 lever, levere, see lef, adj. 
 levinge, sb., Kt. = Ml. levinge ; 
 based on Kt. leve(n), Ml. leve(n) ; 
 remainder, residue, 218, 2. 
 lewe, adj., OE. hleowe; warm, 
 80, 5. 
 lewed, adj., OE. lsewede ; unlearned, 
 lay, as opposed to clerical, 88, 4. 
 lewse ( = leswe ?),sb. , OM. les (leswe), 
 WS. lses (lseswe),/ [lesan, 'glean']; 
 OE. lses; pasture land, dial. Eng. 
 leasow, 31, 1. 
 leyke(n), stv., ON. leika-lek (R); 
 play, sport, 79, 8. 
 ley}e, .$<$., OM. leg, WS. lieg, #/. ; 
 flame, 61, 14. 
 leyn, ley5en, see leie(n). 
 Lhoaverd, see Lgverd. 
 libbe(n), wkv., OE. libban ; //w; 
 eSth. inf. libben, 192, it ; libbe, 
 177, 9 ; pr. 1 sg. libbe (SEMI.), 37, 
 8; pr. ppl. libbinde, 217, 21; 
 libbynde, 218, 33. Cf. live(n). 
 lie, see lich. 
 licam, sb., OE. lichama ; body, corpse, 
 132, 16. 
 llee(n), lict, see like(n), liht. 
 lich, Hche, sb., OE. lie ; body, 33, 
 25 ; Hche, 35, 10; eME. lie, 2, 2. 
 lichur, lichdure, sb., OF. lechur, 
 lichur; unchaste person, lecher, 
 127, 13; lichoure, 147, *j. 
 lid, j3., OE. hlid; cover, lid, 14, 13. 
 lide(n), see ll5e(n). 
 lien, j^., OE. *lien < lean; reward, 
 recompense, 178, 7. 
 lie(n), j/^., OE. licgan-lseg (5) ; lie, 
 recline; belong to; inf. lien, 3, 17; 
 lye, 52, l', pr. 2 j^-. list, 48, 11 ; 
 pr. 3 sg. lle$, 14, 12; 115, 14, 9; 
 pr. pi. Hen, 4, 19; pr. sbj. sg. lye, 
 121, 20; pt. sg. lai, 1, 14; lag, 27, 
 30 ; lay, 47, 25 ; pt. pi. leien, 190, 
 13 ; leyen, 79, 14 ; pp. leyn, 53, 9 ; 
 lei3en, 58, 20. Nth.pr.pl. ligges, 
 153, 17; lies, 152, 14. Sth. 
 (SEMI.) inf. ligge, 41, 30; pr. 
 i sg. ligge, 52, 24; pt.sg. (eSth.) 
 lsei, 181, 12. 
 lie(_n), j**., OM. legan-leg, WS. 
 leogan-leag (2); lie, prevaricate, 
 deny, be false to ; z'/". lien, 199, 18 ; 
 pr. 3 sg. lie$, 199, 15. Sth. inf. 
 llhen, 1 94, 3 ; pr. ppl. Hhinde, 191, 
 21. Kt. pr. 3 jy, leghej), 214, 15. 
 lif, OE. lif; gfo 8, 17; liif, 65, 7 ; 
 l$e, 106, 15 ; *. lives, 48, 3 ; *ft. in 
 phr. on live, a/zztf, 33, 1 ; of live, 
 41, 32 ; pi. ? live, 160, 9. eSth. 
 afr. life, 176, 23 ; lyve, 215, 12. 
 life, lifed, see live(n), leve(n). 
 lifedsei, sb., OE. lifdoeg; lifeday, life; 
 ds. lifedage, 186, 20. 
 lifhali, adj., OE. *llfhalig; holy in 
 life, holy, 191, 20. 
 liflade, sb., OE. lifted,/. ; way of life, 
 conduct, life, 191, 19. 
 lift, see leoft. 
 lift, sb., OE. lyft ; air, upper region, 
 152, 20. 
 lifte, wkv., ON. lypta, lyfta; lift; pp. 
 lift, 143, 4. 
 lifte(n), wkv., ON. lyfta, cf. Icl. lypta 
 < lyfta ; lift ; pp. lifted, 101, 20. 
 lige, adj., OF. lige (liege); liege, 
 232, 20. 
 ligeance, sb., OF. ligence; allegiance, 
 2 35, 5- 
 ligeman, sb., OF. lige (liege) + ME. 
 man; liegeman, 233, 31. 
 ligge(n), see lie(n) ' recline.' 
 libera, sb., OE. Leohtberend, 
 translation of L. Lucifer ; Lucifer, 
 Ii3tli, adv., OE. leohtllce; lightly, 
 easily, 50, 10. 
 Ii3tnesse, li3tnisse, sb., OE. lihtness, 
 /. ; light, brightness, 66, 32 ; li3t- 
 nisse, 67, 22. 
 liijtyng, sb., OE. lyhting,/. ; illumi- 
 nation, 103, 7. 
 ligte(n), wlz?., OE. lihtan, lihtan; 
 make light or easy, alight; inf. 
 ligten, 14, 16; pp. ligt, 27, 28. 
 Sth. inf. lihten, 192, 20; pp. yli3t, 
 65, 3- 
 llhen, see lie(n) prevaricate. 
 lihhtlike, see lihtlike. 
 liht, sb., OM. lent (leht, liht), WS. 
 leoht; light; lict, 82, 20; lyhte, 
 lihte(n), see ligte(n). 
 lihte(n), wkv., OM. lehtan, WS. 
 leohtan, liohtan; light, kindle ; inf. 
 lihten, 186, 12 ; pt. pi. lihtede, 5, 
 lihtlike, adv., OM. lehtllce, WS. 
 leohtlice ; lightly, easily ; lihhtlike 
 (O), 13, 5. 
 liif, see lif. 
 lik, lich, adj., OE. gelic ; like ; lyche, 
 98, 20; like, 126, 10. 
 like(n), wkv., OE. lician ; please, 
 like ; pr. 3 sg. like, 193, 9 ; pr. sbj. 
 sg. lyke, 232, 20 ; pt. sg. likede, 14, 
 16 ; licede, 176, 13.. Nth. pr. 3 sg. 
 likes, 128, 4. 
 lim (lime), sb. } OE. llm; lime, 
 73, 2. 
 lim, lime , sb., OE. lim; limb, member, 
 3,^13; lime, 60, 12; ds. lime, 50, 
 limel, adv., OM. limmelum, WS. 
 mselum ; limb by limb, 193, 25. 
 limpe(n), stv., OE. limpan-lamp 
 (lgmp) (3); happen, be becoming; 
 pr. 3 sg. limpeS, 200, 23. 
 Lined, sb., OE. Lincolne (Lincolle) ; 
 Lincoln, 1, 5. 
 linde, sb., OE. lind, and linde, /. ; 
 linden, lime-tree, 51, 22. 
 Lindeseye, sb., OM. Lindeseg, WS. 
 Lindesig,/". ; Lindsey, L stand of the 
 Lindi,%*j, 19. 
 line, sb., OE. line ; rope, strong cord, 
 81, 14. 
 lippe, sb., OE. lippe; lip, 102, 19. 
 list, sb., OE. lyst ; pleasure, lust, 20, 
 liste(n), wkv., OE. hlystan; listen; 
 inf. lisstenn (O), 10, 22. Nth. 
 imp.jpl. listens, 165, 17. Sth. imp. 
 pi. liisteS, 196, 5. 
 listne(n), wkv., *hlystnan, cf. Swed. 
 lyssna ; listen ; pr. 3 sg. listneft, 20, 
 23 ; pt. sg. listnede, 24, 9; listned, 
 98, 29. S h. inf. ltistnin, 191, 19. 
 lit, lit, sb., OE. lyt ; little ; ds. lite, 
 177, 22 ; lyte, 215, 20 ; lite, 40, 32. 
 litel, litle, adj., OE. lytel; little, 2, 
 17; little (O), 8, 20; lytel and 
 lytel, little by little, 222, 21 ; lyttill, 
 i_45, 2. WM1. luytel, 120, 1. Sth. 
 lutel, 180, 15. 
 lr$e(n), stv., OE. ll&m-laft (1); <?, 
 travel; inf. llfre, 182, 13. 
 lSJe(n), wkv., ON.hlySa; listen; imp. 
 pi. llfteS, 22, 13; lldeft, 196, 6. 
 Nth. imp.pl. lithes, 157, 9. 
 li$erie(n), wkv., OM. ieSrian, WS. 
 lleSrian (lySrian) ; lather, become 
 covered with foam; pr. sbj. sg. liSerl, 
 194, 20. 
 live, see lif. 
 live(n), Sth. livie(n), wkv., OE. 
 llfian ; live ; inf. liven, 4, 20 ; lyve, 
 88, 14 ; pr. 3 j^. liveth, 31, 31 ; pr. 
 pi. liven, 34, 10 ; //. sg. livede, 7, 
 16; pt.pl. liveden, 73, 22; lived, 
 73, 21 ;pp. lyved, 91, 2. Nth. inf. 
 life, 130, 32 ; pr. ppl. liffand, 169, 
 14. Sth.pr.pl. livieS, 196, 18; 
 pr. ppl. livlende, 192, 1 ; leovinde, 
 194, 24 ; pt. sg. levede, 215, 11. 
 I9, inter/., OE. la ; lo, 90, II. 
 loand, see lnd. 
 lob, sb. } OE. lobbe, f. ; spider, 
 J3, 9- 
 I9C, sb., OE. lac; offering, gift, 178, 
 lgd, j<5., OE. lad, ^ ; journey, load, 
 63, 23. 
 lgdllch, lgdlukest, j^ lgpli. 
 Lodovia, $., Lat. Lodovia ; Lodovia, 
 221, 29. 
 Lodway, sb., 
 lof, s. (?), origin uncertain ; expres- 
 sion lof and grin, instruments of 
 torture, 3, 14. See note. 
 lf, l^fe, j^.,_OE. hlaf; /<?<*/, 90, 5. 
 lofe(n), see l9ve(n). 
 logen, lowe, see lahhe(n). 
 16ke(n), wkv., OE. ldcian; look, keep, 
 observe ; inf. loken, 18, 8 ; imp. sg. 
 I5ke, 67, 20; looke, 239, 7; imp.pl. 
 loke}>, 200, 1 1 ; pr.sbj.sg. I5ke, 10, 7 ; 
 pt. sg. lokede, 40, 26 ; pp. loke for 
 I5ked in rime, 40, 4. lNth. inf. 
 luke, 142, 25. Sth. /r. pi. lokej), 
 218, 16 ; pr. sbj.pl. lokl, 219, 31. 
 loking, pp. as j^., based on I5ke(n); 
 partf, keeping, looking, 49, 19. 
 19111b, .r., OE. lamb, lamb (l^mb) ; 
 /*, 199, 4. 
 lome, adv., OE. gel5me ; often, fre- 
 quently, T 76, II. 
 lond, sb., OE. land, lond (lnd) ; 
 land; loand = Ignd, 226, 6; els'. 
 lpnde, 19, 10. Sth.//. lgnden, 182, 
 30. Cf. land. 
 lndie(n), wkv., OE. landian, In- 
 dian ; land, as a ship ; pt. pi. 
 lpndede, 222, 15. 
 long, adj., OE. lang, lng; long; 
 * Sth. fas. lgnge, 181, 5. 
 longage, so., OF. langage ; language, 
 l9nge, adv., OE. lange, l^nge ; long, 
 _39> J 3- 
 l9nge(n), wkv., OE. langian, lngian; 
 reach forth, extend, belong; inf. 
 lpnge, 221,, 32; NEM1. pr. 3 sg. 
 lnges, 76, 3 1 - 
 looke, see 16ke(n). 
 Looth, sb., Lat. (Vulgate) Loth ; Lot, 
 _238, 3- 
 l9rd, l9rding, see l9verd ^verd- 
 l9rdshipe(n), wkv., based on OE. 
 hlaforSscipe, sb. ; have lordship over, 
 rule; inf. lordship, 105, II. 
 l9re, OE. lar,/. ; lore, teaching, 16, 
 l9re, adj., OE. lar, sb.?; learned, 
 Lome, sb., Lome ; J^hn of, 167, 9. 
 losle(n), wkv., Sth. = Ml. lose(n) ; 
 OE. losian ; lose, be deprived of; pp. 
 ileosed (eSth.), 186, 24. 
 lost, see lust. 
 lte, sb., ON. lat, lseti, n. ; counte- 
 nance, manner, 30, 8 ; pi. lten, 28, 
 2. Nth. late, 170, 9. 
 lg$j 19th, adj., OE. la$; loath, 19, 30; 
 Igth, 78,11. 
 I9PH, adj., OE. laSlic; loathly, 
 loathsome, 62, II. Sth. lpolich, 
 202, 33 ; superl. lpdlukest, 198, 32. 
 loud, adj., OE. hlud ; loud, 48, 18. 
 lough, louk, seel&hhe(n), Luc. 
 ldute(n), lowte(n), see lute(n). 
 lovelich, adj., Sth. = Ml. luvll; OE. 
 luflic ; lovely, handsome, 230, XI, 
 lovelgnging, sb., OE. lufu + langung 
 (longung) ; love longing, desire of 
 Jove, 97, 30. 
 lgve(n), wkv., OE. lofian; praise; 
 eME. inf. lofenn (O), 9, 25. lVth. 
 pt. pi. lovyt, 175, 18. 
 loverd, lgrd, sb., OE. hlafweard ; 
 ^idTd^ji^, ,15 ; lrd, 25, 12; lprde, 
 106, 28. " Sth. Lhoaverd, 226, I. 
 Nth. gs. without ending lgrde fete, 
 132, 12. 
 loverding, lading, sb., based on 
 lverd ; lording, lord, sir; lgverding, 
 80, 22 ; lgrding, 42, 9. 
 lovie, loviynde, see luve(n). 
 ldvynge, lovyng, sb., OE. lofung, 
 /. ; praise, laudation, 145, 23 ; 
 169, 4. 
 lovyt, see love(n). 
 lowe, sb., OE. hlsew, hlaw-hlawe; 
 cave, earlier mound, hill, 62, 11. 
 lowe(n), wkv., based on OE. lag< 
 ON. lagr ' low ' ; make low ; pt. sg. 
 lowed, 103, 17. 
 lowe, see lahhe(n). 
 Lowis, sb., OF. Louis < HloSwig ; 
 Louis ; Lowis of Bavere, Louis of 
 Bavaria, 162, 9. 
 Luc, Luk, .ftS.^OF. Luc; Luke, 209, 
 19. Nth. Louk, 148, 1. 
 Lucie, sb., OF. Lucie ; Lucy ; Seint, 
 229, 21. 
 lude, adv., OE. hliide; loudly, aloud, 
 36, 28. 
 lufe(n), see luve(n). 
 lufredene, sb., OM. lufreden, WS. 
 lufraMen,/. ; love, friendship, 154, 
 lufsum, adj., OE. lufsum ; loveable, 
 lovely, 192, 1; super I. lufsumest, 
 193, 24. 
 lufsumllche, adv., OE. lufsumllce ; 
 kindly, graciously, 193, 28. 
 liifte, sb., Sth. = Ml. lift; OE. lyft; 
 air; ds. liifte, 178, 26. 
 luke, see 16ke(n). 
 luke(n), slv., OM. lucan-lec (WS. 
 leac) (2) ; lock; inf. luken, 14, 13; 
 pr. 3 sg. luke-S, 19, 15; pt. sg. lek, 
 63, 21 ; pt.pl. luken, 189, 28; pp. 
 loken, 77, 32. 
 Lunden, sb., OE. Lundon (den) ; 
 London ; ds. Lundene, 2,8. 
 Lundenisc, -issc, adj., OE. Lun- 
 denisc; of London, 2, 8 ; wk. Lun- 
 denissce, 5, 32. 
 ltirdan, sb., OF. lourdein; lazy person, 
 lurke, w,z>.,perh. OE. *lurcian, based 
 on *luran ; lurk ; pr. ppl. lurkand, 
 168, 17. 
 lurnie(n), see lerne(n). 
 luse(n), wkv., Sth. = Ml. lese(n) ; 
 WS. ljesan (lysan) ; release, deliver; 
 pp. ilusd, 180, 14. 
 lust, sb., OE. lust ; desire, lust, in 
 older sense of pleastire ; lusst (O), 
 12, 16; luste, 144, 10; //. lostes, 
 216, 28. 
 luste (n), see liste(n). 
 luste(n), wkv., OE. lystan ; be pleas- 
 ing, delight ; pt. sg. liist, 233, 30. 
 lustne(n), see listne(n). 
 lute, sb., OF. lut ; lute', 237, 10. 
 liitel, see litel. 
 lute(n), loute(n), lowte(n), stv., 
 OE. lutan-leat (2) ; bow, incline 
 the head; inf. loute, 53, 17 ; lowte, 
 J 45> 24; pt.pl. lutten, 25, 3. 
 luper, see lythyr. 
 luSere, adv., Sth. = Ml. li>ere ; OE. 
 lySer ; badly, terribly, 194, 20. 
 lutle(n), wkv., Sth. = Ml. litlen, 
 litlen ; OE. lytlian; belittle, 194, 
 luve, sb., OE. lufu ; love, 4, 32. 
 luve(n), Sth. luvie(n), wkv., OE. 
 lufian ; love; inf. luven, 21, 6; 
 luve, 37, 4 ; //. sg. luvede, 7, 25 : 
 pt. pi. luveden, 4,27; pp. luved, 8, 
 3. Nth. pr. pi. lufes, 144, 2 ; //. 
 //. hint, JLZOji8 ; pp. lufde, 140, I. 
 Sth. (SEML775*/. luvlen, 17, 27; 
 luvle, 47, 23 ; pr. ppl. lovlynde, 
 219, 27 ; pr. sbj. sg. lime, 191, 20. 
 luxurie, sb., OF. luxurie, luxur ; 
 luxury, wantonness, 238, 2. 
 luytel, lyche, lye(n), see litel, lik, 
 lyenge, sb. } based on root of OAng. 
 legan, 'prevaricate'; lying, 147, 
 lyernie(n), lyfe, see lerne(n), lif. 
 lyht, lyke(n), see liht, like(n). 
 lyknie(n), wkv., OE. *llcnian, cf. 
 Swed. likna ; liken, make like, com- 
 pare, inf. lykne, 224, 23. 
 lykynge, sb., OE. llcung,/. ; liking, 
 pleastire, 117, 28. 
 lyon, sb., NF. lion, leon; lion, 48, 16. 
 Cf. leun. 
 lyte, lytel, see lite, litel. 
 lyj>, sb., OE. liS ; joint, limb, 50, 15. 
 lythyr, adj., OE, lySre ; evil, bad, 1 1 1 , 
 30. Sth. liij?er, 207, 10. 
 lyttill, lyve,'lyve(n), see litel, lif, 
 lyvynge, sb., based on live(n) ; living, 
 condition of life, 120, 2. 
 ma, adv., eME., Nth. for mp ; OE. 
 ma ; more, 6, 3 ; comp. mare, 3, 30 ; 
 mar, 5, 28; superl. mst, 39, 25; 
 mast, 132, 27. INth. mair, 167, 
 16. Sth. superl. m|st, 176, 7; 
 ma?st, 187, 30 (eSth.). Kt. mest, 
 216, 16. 
 mad, adj., OE. (ge)ma;d; mad, 
 angry, 54, 27 ; madd, no, 26. 
 meei, j^ mei. 
 msere, ad/., OF., maere ; famous, illus- 
 trious, 188, 17. 
 meessedeei, meest, see messedai, ma. 
 Magdalen, *., OF.?; Magdalene, 132, 
 ma:je, sb., OM. mege (mage), WS. 
 mjege (mage); kinswoman, 177, 5. 
 magt, maht, mahte, sb., OM. mseht, 
 WS. meaht,/. ; might, power; magt, 
 20, 13; mahhte (O), 10, 15. Cf. 
 mai, may, sb., OE. mgeg,/. (?) ; maid, 
 earlier kinswoman!, 45, 7; may, 
 maid, see make(n), vb. 
 maiden, meiden, maide, sb., OE. 
 msegden; maiden ; meiden, 14, 19; 
 maide, 36, 5. Sth. meiden, 191, 
 19; ?." meidenes, 196, 24; gpl. 
 maidene, 190, 26. 
 Mailrps, sb., Maih-os, 223, 3. 
 maine, sb., OE. msegen, msegn ; 
 might, main, 138, 26. 
 maine, meyne, mfn^e, *., OF. 
 maisnee, mainee ; household, re- 
 tainers, 46, 14; meyne, 57, 10; 
 mfn3e, 137, 4; mn$he, 167, 30. 
 mainlf s, adj. , OE. msegenleas ; power- 
 less, 17, 5. 
 maintene(n), wkv., OF. maintenir; 
 maintain', inf. maintgne, 158, 20. 
 mair, see ma. 
 mair, sb., OF. maire ; mayor, 233, 2. 
 mairaltee,^., OF. mairalte; mayor- 
 alty, office of mayor, 232, 24. 
 maister, mayster, maystir, sb., OF. 
 maistre; master,^, 28; mayster, 
 139, 30; maystir, 136, 25. Sth. 
 meister, 198, 6. 
 maistrie, maistri, sb., OF. maistrle ; 
 mastery, lordship, dominion, 206, 
 32. Nth. maistri, 148, 16. 
 mak, make, sb., OE. (ge)maca; 
 equal, mate, companion, 129, 18. 
 make(n), eME. maken, Sth. 
 makle(n), wkv.,OE. macian; make, 
 do ; inf. maken, 17, 19; pr. 3 sg. 
 maketT, 147 n \'"py.^ppl. makand, 
 101, 8 ; pKsg. makede (eME.), 2, 
 4; macod (eME.);' 2, 23; maket 
 (eME.), 5, 3; makede, 36, 20; 
 made, 21, 12 ; pt. 2 sg. makedest, 
 38, 28; madest; 56, 14; //. pi. 
 makeden (eME.), 7, 19; maden. 
 56, 24 ; made, 204, 26 ; pp. maked 
 (eM E.), 2, 28; maked, 3^ "23;" 
 mad, 117, 17. Nth. inf. make, 
 129, 4 ; mak, 129, 5 ; pr. 3 sg. mas, 
 108, 24; (INth.) //. sg. maid, 167, 
 19. Sth. inf. makien (eSth.), 190, 
 28; makese (eSth.), 184, 18; 
 makien, 226, 12 ; imp. pi. makleft, 
 202, 19; pp. imaked, 226, 12; imad, 
 61, 7 ; ymad, 203, 23. 
 Malduit, sb., Malduit; Malduit or 
 Mauduit; William, 4, 22. 
 malisun, sb., AN. maleisun, malisun ; 
 malediction, 77, 29. 
 man, see mun(e). 
 man, mon, ' sb., OE. man (mon); 
 wow, 2, 26; mon, 43, 28; ^j. 
 mann&s- 'y, 1 7 ; tfy. manner I.I , 17; 
 //. men, 1, 16 ; gpl. manne (eME.), 
 14, 20. Nth. mane, 145, 28 ; gs. 
 mans, 137, 19; ^/.men, 147, 13; 
 mens, 147, 25. eSth. as. monne, 
 203, 2 ; gpl. monnes, 185, 13 ; raon- 
 nen, 185, 31 ; dpi. monnen, 185, 27. 
 man, me, indcf. prn., OE. man, sb. ; 
 one, some ; mann (O), 10, 11 ; me, 
 2, 22. 
 man, sb., eME., Nth. = Ml. mgn; 
 OE. gemana ; companionship, mar- 
 riage, intercourse, 192, 17. 
 manas, sb., OF. manace, menace ; 
 menace, 94, 32. 
 manasinge, sb. andpr.ppl.,OF .mena- 
 cier, manacier ; menacing, threat, 
 Manassen, sb., Lat. as. Manassen ; 
 Manasseh, 24, 23. 
 maneir, see manere. 
 manekynde, mankynde, sb., OE. 
 *mancynd ; mankind, 145, 15; 
 mankynde, 242, 3. 
 manere, sb., OF. maniere ; manner, 
 sort, 64, 21 ; pi. maners, 92, 14. 
 INth. maneir, 173, 8. 
 manheid, sb., Nth. = Ml. manhfde ; 
 OE. *manhsed,_/! ; manhood, 173,11. 
 mani,mani3, adj., OE. manig,mgnig; 
 many, 3, 13; mani? (O), 9, 8; 
 manie a, 32, 8 ; pi. manie, 4, 25 ; 
 manige, 25, 20. eSth. gs. manies, 
 177, 12; meny, 221, 9. 
 manlJfieldlic, adj., eME. = Ml. manl- 
 fldli; OM. manigfaldlic, WS. 
 -feald- ; manifold, numerous, 5,3. 
 manke, sb., OE. mancus ; mancus, 
 eighth of a pound, 178, 13. 
 mankin, .?., OE. manncynn ; man- 
 kind', mannkinne nede (O) m OE. 
 manncynna ned, need of mankind, 
 11,7; nankin, 18, 27 ; mankinne, 
 56, 2. Sth. monciin, 184, 3. 
 manly, a2?z/.,OE. mannlice; manfully, 
 boldly, 112, 22. 
 manred, sb., OM. manreden, WS. 
 -rseden ; homage, 2, 28 ; manrede, 
 79, 23- 
 mantel, sb., OF. mantel ; mantel, 
 229, 8. 
 manyfalde, adj., Nth. = Ml. mani- 
 fold; manifold, 137, 20. 
 many what, zVzafe/". prn. , OE. manig + 
 hwset ,* Wfl/ things, 89, 9. 
 marc at, marchal, 5^ market, mare- 
 marchand, sb., OF. marchand ; mer- 
 chant, 106, 26 ; marchande, 107, 10. 
 marchaundye, see marchaundyse. 
 marchaundyse, sb. , O F . merchandise ; 
 merchandise, 120, 18 ; new sg. mar- 
 chaundy e, 95, 22. 
 Mare, see Marie. 
 marescal, marchal, sb., OF. mare- 
 scal; marshal, 227,4; marchal, 230, 
 marten, j<? morwen. 
 Marie, Mare, sb., OF. Marie ; Mary, 
 14, 19; ^r. without ending Marie 
 dgle, 201, 22. Nth. Mare, 131,9. 
 Marius, sb., Lat. Marius ; Marius, 
 mythical king of Britain, 220, 18. 
 market, marcat, sb., OE. market ; 
 mai-ket, 120, 25. Sth. ds. marcatte, 
 212, 7. 
 marre(n), wkv., OM. merran, WS. 
 mierran ; hinder, waste, mar', pt.pl. 
 marryd, 112, 24. 
 marter, martir, see martyr. 
 Martha, Marthe, sb., Lat. Martha; 
 Martha, 132, 13 ; Marthe, 201, 20; 
 gs. Marthe, 201, 30. 
 Martin, sb., OF. Martin ; Martin, 
 abbot of St. Neot's, I, II. 
 martyr, sb., OE. martyr (L); martyr, 
 martir, 191, 23; marter, 116, 16; 
 pi. martyrs, 3, 5. 
 mas, see make(n). 
 masse, sb., OE. msesse; mass, 51, 6. 
 massedsei, mast, see messedai, ma- 
 mast, sb., OE. msest; mast {of a ship), 
 86, 25. 
 master, wkv., Nth. m Ml. maistre(n) ; 
 OF. maistrer ; master ; pt. sg. mas- 
 terit, 172, 31. 
 mater, sb., OF. matere; matter, 
 129, 3- 
 matines, sb.pl., OF. matines; matins, 
 morning service , 51, 6, 
 matremoyne, sb., OF. matrimoine; 
 matrimony, 147, 20. 
 maugre, mawgre,/^/., OF. maugre; 
 in spite of; mawgre, 136, 30 ; 
 maugre his, in spite of him, 137, 11. 
 maumet,mawmet,^., OF. Mahomet; 
 mahomet, then idol, 141, 27 ; maw- 
 met, 192, 4. 
 maumetry, mawmetry, sb., based on 
 maumet ; idolatry, 135,9; //.ma w- 
 metryse, 145, 12. 
 mawgre, see maugre. 
 mawgre, sb., OF. maugre ; ill-will, 
 displeasure, evil, 159, 2. 
 mawmet, see maumet. 
 mawmetry, mawmetry se, see mau- 
 Maximian, sb., Lat. Maximianus ; 
 Maximian, 192, 3. 
 Maximus, sb., Lat. Maximus; Maxi- 
 mus, 221, 12. 
 may, see mai. 
 may, j., OE. mseg; relative, kinsman, 
 153, 21. Sth. mei, 177, 5; msei, 
 183, 12 (eSth.). ; <&. mseie, 184, 16. 
 mayle, j3., OF. maile ; coat of mail, 
 112, 24. 
 mayn, j3.,OE. msegen ; force, strength, 
 power, 41, 2. 
 maynteigne(n), mz>., OF. maintenir ; 
 maintain ; inf. meynteigne, 233, 
 30; pp. maynteigned, 234, 1. Cf. 
 mayster (maystir), me, x^maister, 
 me, adv. conj., cf. OFris. MDu. men ; 
 but, 194, 6. 
 Mearch = March, sb., OF. March, 
 Mars; March, 197, 9. 
 medcyn, see medecine. 
 mede, sb., OE. med,/". ; reward, 10, 
 medecine, j<5., OF. medicine ; tnede- 
 cine; medcyn, 143, 13. 
 me (mee), meete(n), mei, see ic, 
 mete(n), muge(n). 
 mei, see may. 
 meiden, meister, meit, see maiden, 
 maister, mete(n). 
 meioliad, sb., OE. majgo'had ; vir- 
 ginity, 192, 17. 
 mek, adj., ON. miukr ; meek ; meke, 
 92, 16. eSth. meok, 195, 13. 
 mekelich, mekely, see mekly. 
 meke(n), wkv., OM. *mecan?, cf. 
 ON. miukr, 'meek'; make meek; 
 pt. sg. meked, 96, 23. 
 mekenesse, mekill, see meknes, 
 mekly, adv., based on mek ; meekly, 
 96, 30 ; mekely, 146, 30. Sth. 
 mekellch, 236, 9. 
 meknes, mekenesse, sb., based on 
 mek ; meekness, 100, 6 ; mekenesse, 
 236, 27. 
 mei, sb., OM. mei, "WS. mail ; time, 
 occasion, meal, 21, 16. 
 melde(n), wkv., OE. meldian, 
 meldian ; declare, accuse ; Nth. inf. 
 meld, 155, 31. 
 melle(n), ivkv., OE. medler, meller; 
 mix, mingle, meddle ; Sth. pp. 
 imelled, 221, 25; ymelled, 223, 10. 
 mellyng, sb., based on OF. melter; 
 mingling, 224, 13. 
 membre, sb., OF. membre ; member, 
 232, 21. Nth. //. membris, 139, 
 memorie, sb., OF. memorie; memory, 
 remembrance, 119, 2. 
 menace(n), wkv., OF. menacier ; 
 menace, threaten ; inf. menacen, 
 104, 25. 
 mfne(n), wkv., OF. mener ; manage, 
 urge on\ behave, act; Nth. pp. 
 mfnd, 158, 13. 
 mene(n), wkv., OE. msenan; mean; 
 indicate, signify ; moan, complain ; 
 pr. 1 sg. mfne, 20, 21; pr. 3 sg. 
 mfne)>> (O), 9, 3. Nth. pr. 3 sg. 
 mfnes, 83, 10; pt. sg. mfnyt, 
 moaned, 167, 12; ment, 156, 16. 
 mfn^e, mfn^he, see maine. 
 mennissk, adj., ON. menskr, cogn. 
 with OE. mennisc; human; wk. 
 mennisske (O), 12, 4. 
 menske, sb., ON. mennska ; dignity, 
 honor, 194, 32. 
 menske(n), wkv., ON. menska, sb., 
 cogn. with OE. mennisc ; dignify, 
 honor; Nth. pr. 3 sg. menskes, 
 ment, meny, see mfne(n), mani. 
 mfnynge, sb., OE. *maenung, f. ; 
 meaning; t5 mgnynge, in meaning, 
 222, 29. 
 meok, meracle, see mek, miracle, 
 mere, sb. } OAng. merce, WS. mierce ; 
 mark, 130, 17. 
 mercer, sb., OF. mercier; mercer, 
 198, 28. 
 mercerye, j^., OF. mercerie ; mercery, 
 company of mercers or merchants, 
 232, 21. 
 mercl, mercye, sb., OF. merci ; 
 mercy, thanks, 25, 24; mercve, 154, 
 merciable, a^/., OF. merciable; 
 merciful, having mercy, 104, 23. 
 merciful, adj., OF. merci + ME. ful ; 
 merciful, 104, 17. 
 Mercii, sb., Lat. Mercii ; Mercians, 
 mercye, j^ merci. 
 mere, sb., OAng. *merre, allied to 
 merran, WS. mierran, 'hinder'; 
 hindrance, 128, 17. 
 merie, mery, see mirle. 
 Merlin, sb., Merlin, 191, 13. 
 merre(n), wkv., OE. merran; mar, 
 injure; pr. 3 sg. merrift, 194, 32. 
 mersuine, sb., OE. mereswin ; sea- 
 pig, porpoise, dolph in, 151, 27. 
 merveyle, mervayl, sb., OF. mer- 
 veille; marvel, 90, 19; mervayl, 
 mery, see mirie. 
 mes, sb., OF. mes; mess, course at 
 table, feast; pi. mes, 57, 4. 
 meschef, misehef, sb., OF. meschief ; 
 mischief, trouble ; mischefe, 118, 3 ; 
 pi. meschevys, 136, 28. INth. mis- 
 cheif, 169, 15. 
 mesellfenn, meself, see self, 
 message, sb., OF. message ; message ; 
 errand, embassy ; in message, 
 206, 6. 
 messager, messanger, sb., OF. 
 messager; messenger; pi. mes- 
 sageres, 96, 9 ; messangerys, 106, 1. 
 messe, sb., OE. moesse, messe; mass, 
 9, 2. Cf. masse, 
 messeboc, messebok, sb., OE. 
 msesseboc, messeboc; mass book, 
 missal, 9, 2 ; messebok, 76, 26. 
 messedai, sb., OE. msesse (messe) 
 daeg ; massday, as. 1, 1 2 ; massedsei, 
 1, 19. 
 messegere, j^., OF. messe + ON. 
 gervi ; mass garments, things per- 
 taining to the mass, 76, 24. 
 messesgng, sb., OE. msesse (messe) 
 song; song of the mass, 34, 19. . 
 messinge, sb., OF. mes + ME. -inge ; 
 messing, eating together, 215, 22. 
 mfst, see ma. 
 mester, mister, mysteir, sb., OF. 
 mestier; ^^, />W(?, occtipation, 
 need, necessity ; mester, 200, 24 ; 
 mister, 139, 10. lNth. it is na 
 mysteir, there is no need, 1 70, 24. 
 mfsure, sb., OF. mesure; measure, 
 147, 16. 
 mete, met, sb., OE. mete; meat, 16, 
 12; pi. mgten, 22, 15. Nth. mft, 
 mete(n), wkv., OE. metan; meet; 
 inf. meete, 239, 21 ; pr. sbj. sg. 
 mete, 138, 20 ; //. sg. mette, 66, 5 ; 
 pt.pl. mettin, 60, 27; mett, 112, 
 22. lNth. inf. meit = met, 170, 2. 
 mfte(n), wkv., OE. gemsetan; dream ; 
 pt. sg. mette, 227, 12. 
 mfte(n), stv., OE. metan-mset (5) ; 
 measure, mete; pt. sg. mette, 128, 
 mepynkyp, see J)inke(n). 
 mett, sb., OE. met; measure, 147, 
 mgtyng, sb., OE. meeting,/". ; dream, 
 228, 26. 
 meyne, meynteigne(n), a?* maine, 
 maynteigne(n) . 
 mi, my, see min. 
 micel, mycel, michel, miche, 
 moche, adj., adv., OE. mycel; 
 much, great, large; mycel (eME.), 
 4, 12;" michel, 38, 9; michil, 26, 
 14 ; michele, 64, 2 ; mich e, 65, 1 7 ; 
 myche, 125, 20; moche, 92, 11. 
 Nth. (NEM1.) mikell (O), 8, 21 ; 
 mikil, 52, 12; mykele, 124, 9; 
 mikel, 14Q, 28; mekil, 135, 3. 
 mucheT7T76, 12; ds. miichele, 
 I 79> 3* fd*<> miiclre, 185, 11; 
 miichelere, 188, 4 ; miic he, 181, 23. 
 Michelmasse, sb., OET"Michahel + 
 msesse ; Michaelmas, 209, 19. 
 mid, mide, mit, prep, adv., OE. 
 mid; with, 1,6; mide, 15, 28; mit, 
 14, 11. 
 middsei, ^., OE. middseg; midday, 
 1, 16. 
 middel, j3., OE. middel ; middle, 
 ds. midle, 182, 15. 
 middelserd, see midelf rd. 
 middelnicht, adj., OE. middelniht; 
 midnight, 82, 19. 
 middenfard, sb., eSth. = Ml. mid- 
 dengrd ; OE. middaneard ; middle 
 dwelling, earth, 180, 18. 
 midelfrd, sb., OE. *middel geard, 
 cf. middan (mid) geard ; mid- 
 dwelling, abode of man, earth, 157, 
 15. eSth. middelserd, 184, 22. 
 midewintre, midwinter, sb., OE. 
 middewinter ; midwinter ; mide- 
 wintre dsei, Christmas day, 2, 10; 
 midwinter, 7, 31. 
 midside, sb., OE. mid + side; mid- 
 side, middle of the side, 61, 15. 
 Michel, sb., Lat Michael; Michael, 
 67, 19. 
 mi5t, mi^ht, myght, sb., OM. maeht, 
 mint, WS. meaht, miht ; might ; 
 mi3ht, 55, 13; myght, 106, 22; 
 pi. mijtis, 51, 18 ; my3tes, 103, 10. 
 mi^tful, sb., ME. mi3t + ful; mighty, 
 101, 22. 
 mighti, adj., OAng. msehtig, WS. 
 mihtig; mighty, 136, I. 
 mikell, see micel. 
 milce, sb., OE. milds, milts, f. ; 
 mercy, I, 4. 
 milde, adj. , OE. milde; mild, 2, 27 ; 
 wz/. mylder, 92, 17. 
 mildelike, myldely, adv., OE. 
 mildellce, mildelice; mildly, 18, 
 9; myldely, 97, 25. 
 mile, sb., OE. mil,/*.; */&; long 
 time, 38, 1. 
 milk, sb., OE. meoluc, mile ; milk, 
 84, 23. 
 min, mi, my, pos. prn., OE. mln ; 
 f?tf, 8, 13; ml, 38, 30; my, 52, 
 18. eSth. minne < mine, 184, 12, 
 fds. mire < minre, 182, 4. 
 minde, adj., OE. *gemynde, mynde ; 
 mindful, minded, 56, 3. 
 ministre, sb., OF. ministre ; minister; 
 pi. mynystyrs, 147, 17;//. ministris, 
 105, *3- 
 minne, minster, see min, mynstre. 
 minte(n), w^., OE. myntan ; think, 
 intend; pt. sg. mint, 4, 20. 
 miracle, eME. miracle, sb., OF. 
 miracle; miracle; miracle, 5, 3; 
 miracle, 80, 7 ; myracle, 99, 30. 
 Nth. meracle, 131, 31. 
 mire, see min. 
 mire, sb., OE. nvyre; mire, 164, 31. 
 mire^pe, myrthe, sb., OE. myrh)>,/.; 
 mirth, 43, 12; myrthe, no, 30. 
 Sth. miirkSe, 180, 32 ; miirSe, 194, 
 32 ; pi. miiroen, 196, 17. 
 mirie, merie, mery, adj., OE. 
 myrige ; merry, pleasant, 57, 14 ; 
 merie, 245, 22 ; mery, no, -28. 
 Sth. miirye, 244, 15. 
 mirke, mirk, adj., OE. myrce, ON. 
 myrkr; dark, murky, 16, 16; mirk, 
 77, 7- 
 mirknes, sb. ON. myrkr, cogn. with 
 OE. mirce + ME. -nes ; murkiness, 
 darkness, 150, 19. 
 misdede, Sth. misdfde, sb., OM. 
 misded, WS. misdeed, f. ; misdeed, 
 21, 9; pi. misdedes, 18, 13. Sth. 
 misdfde, 180, 10. 
 misdo(n), anv., OE. misdon ; do 
 amiss, misdo; inf. misdon, 2, 4; 
 pt. pi. mysdede, 97, 2. Sth. pt. 
 pi. misdiide, 179, 10; pp. misd5, 
 206, 30. 
 miseise, sb., OF. mesaise ; misease, 
 trouble, 202, 27. 
 miself, see self. 
 misleve(n), wkv., based on OM. 
 levan, WS. llevan ; discredit, dis- 
 believe; pp. misleved, 199, 13. 
 mislich, adj., OE. misllc; wanting 
 in likeness, miserable (?), 194, 28. 
 misliche(n), wkv., Sth. = Ml. mis- 
 like(n) ; OE. mislician ; dislike, 
 be displeasing; pr. 3 sg. misllcheft, 
 i7 6 > J 3. 
 miss, mischefe, see mysse, mes- 
 mist, sb., OE. mist ; mist^^iO, 20. 
 *"*~~eSth. ds. miste, 176, 18. 
 mistake(n), zukv., ON. mistaka 
 -tok (6) ; mistake ; pp. mistakin, 
 156, 24. 
 mister, mysteir, see mester. 
 mit, see mid. 
 mipe(n), stv., OE. mI3an-ma8 (1) ; 
 avoid, conceal; inf. mijte, 84, 32. 
 mix, sb., OE. meox, mix; dunghill, 
 194, 25. 
 1119, adv., adj., OE. ma, ffoTz/. ; more, 
 32, 17; aw;/, mpr, 1, 7 ; super I. 
 mgst, 19, 2. eSth. <r<w//. moare 
 = mgre 2 _2 26, 5. 
 mobill, niobyll, ^'., OF. moble, 
 older mueble, moeble ; moveable, 
 147, 24; as sb.pl. mgbylls, 147, 28. 
 moche, see micel. 
 mod, sb., OE. m5d ; courage, pride, 
 18, 10; mood, 227, ~2Tf ds. mode 
 (eSth.), 181, 11. 
 moder, sb., OE.'modor; mother, 7, 
 8 ; mooder, 241, 2; modur, 128, 28 ; 
 m5dyre, 146, 25 ; gs. moder, 220, 
 16; moodres, 240, 33. " 
 modi, see mody. 
 modi^nesse, sb., OE. modigness,/". ; 
 courage, pride, 9, 25. 
 Modrf d, sb., OF. Mordret in Wace ; 
 Modred, 181, 1 8 ; ,^r. Modrfdis, 182, 
 5 ; ds. Modrgde, 181, 3 ; Modrgd, 
 184, 3- 
 modur, see moder. 
 mody, modi, adj., OE. modig; brave, 
 proud, MnE. moody, 48, 1 ; modi, 
 modyre, moghte (mobt), see moder, 
 m61de,mold,^., OE. molde ; ground, 
 earth, mould, 68, 12. 
 mon, see man. 
 moncim, monek, monen, see man- 
 kin, munee,mune(n). 
 mone, sb., OE. mona ; moon, 1,15. 
 mgne, sb., OE. *mane, *miene, cf. 
 msenan, wkv. ; moan, 58, 14. 
 mone, sb., OF. moneie ; money, 162, 
 moneliht, sb., OE. mona + leoht; 
 moonlight, 81, 9. 
 mone"5, moneJ>, sb., OE. moneS; 
 month, 197, 9 ; //. mone, 34, 15; 
 monej), 228, 22. 
 monk, monke, see munee. 
 montance, mbuntduns, sb., OF. 
 montance, AN. muntance ; amount, 
 245, 2 ; mountouns, 94, 30. 
 monument, sb., OF. monument ; 
 monument, 143, 9. 
 monweored, sb., OE. mannwerod; 
 band of men ; ds. monweorede, 
 189, 8. 
 mood, mooder, moot (moost), see 
 mod, moder, mot. 
 mor, sb., OE. mor ; moor, waste land; 
 INth. mure, 169, 22. Sth. pi. 
 moren, 182, 11. 
 mre, more5e (moreghen), see m, 
 more^entide, moretide, sb., OE. 
 morgentide ; morning, morrow, 39, 
 28 ; moretld, 39, 16. 
 moreyn, sb., OF. morine ; murrain, 
 224, 26. 
 morne(n), //#., OE.murnan; mourn; 
 pt. sg. morned, 106, 13. Cf. 
 mornyng, sb., based on OE. morgen ; 
 morning, 103, 4. 
 mornyng, sb., OE. murnung; mourn- 
 ing, 92, 1. 
 Morre, sb., Moray, 158, 26. 
 Mortemer, sb., OF. Mortemer (en 
 -Brai) ; Mortimer ; Roger, sixth 
 Baron Wigmore, 227, 7. 
 morE, sb., OE. morS ; death, destruc- 
 tion, 184, 23. 
 morwen, more}e, sb., OE. morgen ; 
 morning, morrow, 29, 17; more3e, 
 40, 15 ; mar3en, 181, 7; moreghen, 
 morweslep, sb., OM. morgen + slep ; 
 morning sleep, 57, 14. 
 mpst, see mg. 
 mot, ptprv., OE. mot-moste ; may, 
 must ; pr. sg. m5t, 9, 14 ; moote, 
 241, 20 ; pr. pi. m5tenn (O), 13, 23; 
 mote, 42, 24; pr.sbj. sg. mote, 13, 
 31 ; pr. sbj.pl. moten, 232, 11 ; pt. 
 sg. m5ste, 4, 20; most, 53, 17; 
 pr. 2 sg. mpstist, 51, 7. 
 mountein,j3.,OF. montaigne; moun- 
 tain, 101, 14. 
 mountouns, see montance. 
 moupe, mowpe, see mup. 
 mowe(n), j/^., OE. mawan-meow 
 (R) ; mow, cut down ; inf. mowen, 
 176, 22. 
 Moyses, sb., OE. M5yses < Lat. ; 
 Moses, 104, 22. 
 miiche, muchel, mu.ch.ele, see 
 muchele(n), wkv., Sth. = Ml. mike- 
 le(n) ; OE. myclian ; enlarge, in- 
 crease; inf. miichelen, 194, 31. 
 muge(n), ptprv., OM. *mugan- 
 msehte, mihte (WS. meahte, mihte) ; 
 have power, be able, MnE. may, 
 might; inf. mugen, 22, 26 ; pr. I, 
 3 sg. mai, 3, 20; ma33 (O), 9, 10 ; 
 maig, 16,5; pr. 2 sg. mayht, 84, 21 ; 
 pr.pl. ma3e, 41, 26; muje, 176, 23; 
 mahen, 191, 18; muwen, 198, 29; 
 mowen, 52, 23 ; mouwe, 51, 21 ; 
 raowe, 76, 29; mounj^8^.3i; mow, 
 88, 13; mowne, 105, 25; pr. sbj. 
 sg. muge, 17, 19 ; pt. 1, 3 j^. mihte, 
 1, 7; myhte, 3, 17 ; mihhte (O), 8, 
 21; migte, 14, 17; moucte, 75, 18; 
 mouhte, 76, iy,pt. 2sg. mi3te, 38, 8; 
 mi3t, 43, 16 ; myhtes, 3, 25; mi3test, 
 43, 12; mihtest, 183, 6; pt.pl. 
 muhten, 6, 8; mi3tten, 227, 25; 
 //. j/. .sg-. muhte, 200, 7. Nth. 
 pt.sg. myght, 132, 27; mycht, 166, 
 13 ; moht, 152, 28 ; pt.pl. moghte, 
 144,22. Bfh.pr. 1,3 j^.mei, 176, 16. 
 muln, sb., Sth. = Ml. miln (mill) ; 
 OE. mylen, myln; mill; ds. miilne, 
 201, 1. 
 multiplie(n), wkv., OF. multiplier ; 
 multiply, prosper ; inf. multiplien, 
 100, 21. 
 mund, sb., OE. mund, mund,/ ; pro- 
 tector, 184, 22. 
 munde, sb., Sth. = Ml. mlnde ; OE. 
 (ge)mynde (mynde) ; memory, mind, 
 199, 1. 
 munec, mtmek, monek, monk, OE. 
 munuc (-ec) ; monk ; monek, 206, 
 6; monke, in, 25; munk, 154, 1 ; 
 pi. muneces, 1,2; munekes, 4, 1 ; 
 monkes, 75, 22. 
 munechene, sb., OE., mynecen, /. ; 
 nun, 188, 27. 
 mune(n), ptprv., OE. gemunan, 
 munan-munde ; remember, think 
 of; inf. mone, 55, 12 ; pr. 3 sg. 
 muneS, 32, 25; pr. sbj. sg. mune, 
 33, 6. Nth. * pr.pl. mun, 158, 32 ; 
 man, 170, 19. 
 munk, see munec. 
 Muntfort, ^.,OF.Mundford; Mont- 
 fort; Simon of, 227, 2 ; Perres of, 
 227, 6. 
 murclSe, murktSe, murtJe, see 
 mure, see mor. 
 murne (n) , wkv. , OE. murnan ; mourn ; 
 inf. murnen, 21, 17. Nth. pr. ppl. 
 murnand, 133, 7. Cf. morne(n). 
 murye, see mirie. 
 mup, moup, mowp, sb., OE. muS ; 
 mouth, 13, 27; mou])e, 102, 19; 
 mowpe, 120, 5. eSth. ds. miiSe, 
 197, 14. 
 mycel, myche, see micel. 
 mychelnes, sb., OE. micelness, /. ; 
 greatness, 101, 28. 
 myddel, adj., OE. midla ; middle, 
 224, n. 
 myght, mykele, see mi^t, micel. 
 myldely, mylder, see mildelike, 
 myne(n),w^., OE. mynian, mynnan; 
 have in mind, think upon ; Nth. 
 inf. myn, 129, 30. 
 mynstre, minster, sb., OE. mynster; 
 minster, 1, 3 ; minster, 7, 27. 
 mynystyr, myracle, myrthe, see 
 ministre, miracle, mire^pe. 
 mys, adv., ON. mis; badly, amiss, 52, 
 myschaunce, sb., OF. mescneance ; 
 mischance, ill-fortune, 91, 22. 
 myscheif, misdede, see meschef, 
 mysgse, sb., OF. misaise ; misease, 
 trouble, 118, 4. Cf. miseise. 
 myssawe, sb., OE. *missagu or new 
 cpd. ; evil speaking, 146, 29. 
 mysse, mis, sb., ON. missa; loss, 
 privation, no, 30. Nth. mis, 
 ^39. 5- 
 mysse(n), wkv., OE. missan; miss; 
 inf. mysse, 232, 10. 
 mysseye(n), wkv., OM. *missecgan 
 or new cpd. ; speak evil of, slander; 
 pp. mysseyd, 97, 6. 
 mysteir, see mister. 
 mysuse(n), wkv., OF. mesuser ; mis- 
 use; pp. mysused, 235, 20. 
 mytred, adj., OF. mitre + OE. ^-ed(e) ; 
 mitred, 229, 30. 
 na, see nan. 
 na, adv., OE. na, by shortening; no, 
 7, 32. 
 naam, nab be (n), see nime(n), 
 nacion, so., OF. nacion(un) ; nation, 
 133, 3i-_ 
 nadre, nsevre, nafd, see neddre, 
 nfvre, nave(n). 
 na3le(n), nayle(n), wkv., OE. nse- 
 glian ; nail; pp. najjiedd (O), 12, 
 7 ; nayled, 60, 11. 
 naht, adv., OE. nawiht, naht (naht) ; 
 naught, not, 2, 6 ; nat, 97, 31 ; 
 nau3t, 100, 16. eSth. nawiht, 193, 
 23; nawt, 193, 17. Cf. noht. 
 nai, nay, adv., ON. nei, cogn. with 
 OE. na; nay, no, 25, 13; nay, 
 naked, adj., OE. nacod ; naked, 16, 
 nalde, nam, see wille(n), name, 
 name, nome, eME. name, sb., OE. 
 nama; name, 13, 26; nome, 191, 
 17. Nth. nam, 134, 24. 
 namely, namelic, adv., OE. nama 
 + ME. ly; namely, 91, 3. Nth. 
 namelic, 148, 4. 
 namfre, namoore, adv., OE. na 
 + mara ; no more, not at all, 58, 19 ; 
 namoore, 239, 32. 
 nan, na, adj.prn., eME., Nth. = Ml. 
 nfn ; OE. nan ; none, no, 1, 7 ; na, 
 2, 22 ; gs. naness, 12, 32. eSth. as. 
 nanne, 179, 30; nenne, 200, 20. 
 narwe, nareu, narow, adj., OE. 
 nearu ; narrow, confined, small, 17, 
 7 ; nareu, 3, 12; narow, 222, 13. 
 nas, nat, nat, see be(n), naht, 
 nathelfgs, adv., OE. najjylses ; never- 
 theless, 243, 17. 
 najjemg, adv., OE. na oy (8e) ma ; no 
 more, 206, 25. 
 naping, prn., Nth. = Ml. ngj)ing ; 
 OE. nan Sing ; nothing, 150, 29. 
 nau^t, see naht. 
 nave(n), wkv., OE. nabban < ne 
 habban ; not to have. Nth. pt. sg. 
 nafd, 155, 6. Sth. pr. 2 sg. navest 
 (eSth.), 194, 10; pr. 3 sg. navS 
 (eSth.), 180, 12; nave, 200, 25; 
 pr. pi. nabbeS, 179, 9. 
 naver, (navere), nawiht (nawt), 
 nay, see nfvre, naht, nai. 
 nayl, sb., OE. naegl, nsegel ; nail, 86, 
 naylen, see na5le(n). 
 ne, ni, neg. part., OE. ne ; not, 1,8; 
 ni, 178, 20. 
 nfaver, see nfvre. 
 neb, sb., OE. nebb ; beak, face, 
 necessarie, sb., OF. necessaire, 
 *necessairie ; necessary, 239, 19. 
 ned, see nede. 
 neddre, nadre, ^.,OM. neddre, \VS. 
 nseddre,/!; adder, 17, 2 ; pi. nadres, 
 by shortening, 3, 10. 
 nede, sb., OM. ned, WS. need, / ; 
 need, 9, 4; ned (for nede?), 18, 5. 
 eSth. ds. neoden, 187,20; neode, 
 199, 25. Kt. nyed, 217, 18; //. 
 niedes, 211, 13. 
 nede, adv., OM. nede, WS. niede ; 
 'necessarily, of necessity, 9, 17; at 
 need, 119, 21. 
 nede(n), wkv., OM. nedan, WS. 
 niedan ; force, compel, urge, to be 
 necessary; pr. 3 sg. nedeS, 18, 23 ; 
 nedeth, 119, 23. Sth. pr. 3 sg. 
 neodeS (eSth.), 202, 4.; pr. pi. 
 nedeS, 201, 8 ; //. ined, 201, n. 
 nedful, adj., OE. neod + ful ; full of 
 need, necessitous, 24, 2 ; nedfull, 146, 
4 o 4 
 nedl, adj., OAng. nedig, WS. niedig ; 
 needy, oppressed, 129, 21. 
 nedys, adv., OM. nedes, WS. niedes ; 
 of necessity, fieeds, 91, 24. 
 nefe, sb., OE. nefa; nephew, 1, 7 ;pl. 
 neves, 2, 25. 
 nefen, see nevene. 
 negge(n), nei3e(n), wkv., OM.gene-. 
 gan ; approach, drazv near\_ inf. 
 neggen, 17, 15 ; pr. 3 J^.jiei3e>, 65, 
 13 ; pr. sbj. sg. negge, 14, 2. Nth. 
 inf. negh, 141, 32. 
 ne;jbur, sb., OM. nehgebur, WS. 
 neahgebur; neighbour, 101, 17. 
 Nth. neghteboure, 147, 19; neght- 
 bour, 147, 24. Sth.//. neiheboures, 
 202, 11. 
 neghest, neghteboure (neghtbdur), 
 see neh, ne^bur. 
 neh, nei, ni}, adj. adv., OM. neh, 
 WS. neah; near (nigh), 1, 3; ni3, 
 36, 13; ze>/\ neie, 38, 16; neye 
 (adv.), 84, 14; ny, 62, 27; comp. 
 nere (adv.), nearly, no, 26 ; superl. 
 next, 116, 23. INth. a>;;//. neir, 
 168, 32 ; superl. neghest, 129, 21 ; 
 nexst, 128, 12; neist, 130, 27. Sth. 
 n|h, 186, 31 ; nei, 206, 5 ; nygh, 
 222, 25. 
 nehleche(n), wkv., OM. nehlecan- 
 lehte, WS. neahlsecan-lsehte; draw 
 near, approach, 192, 21. 
 nei, see neh. 
 neidweis, adv., INth. = Ml. nedwais; 
 OE. neod + wseg ; of necessity, 171, 
 nei:$e(n), neihebour, neir (neist), 
 see negge(n), ne}bur, neh. 
 neiper, neyther, indef prn., OE. 
 ne + segfter ; neither, 45, 1 ; neyther, 
 78, 29 ; neythyr, 109, 26. 
 nekke, sb., OE. hnecca; neck, 44, 
 nelle (nele, nolde, nalde), see 
 nemne(n), wkv., OE. nemnan; name, 
 call by name ; //. nemmnedd (O), 1 1 , 
 4 ; nempned, 228, 29. Sth. pp. 
 inempnet, 191, 23. 
 nenne, see nan. 
 Neod, Sanct, sb., eME. = Ml. Ned; 
 OE. Neot ; St. JVeofs, Huntingdon- 
 shire, 1, n. 
 neode, neode(n), see nede, nede(n). 
 neomen, neore, see nime(n), be(n). 
 neouste, neuste, sb., OE. neahwest, 
 f ; nearness, fellotvship ; a. neouste, 
 next, 185, 9; neuste, 186, 17. 
 nere, neren (nere), see neh, be(n). 
 nerhand, adj., OE. near + hand; near 
 at hand, 151, 8. 
 neruhliche, adv., Sth. = Ml. naru- 
 like ; WS. nearulice ; narrowly, 
 closely, carefully, 202, 5. 
 nes, Sth. = Ml. nas, see be(n). 
 nf se, sb., OE. neosu,/. beside nosu, or 
 possibly ON. nos,/". ; nose, 14, 2. 
 neste, sb., OE. nest ; nest, 144, 26. 
 net (neet), sb., OE.neat, neut. ; cow, 
 ox, neat (cattle) ; nggt, 23, 1 ; n|t, 
 86, 16. 
 neuste, see neouste. 
 nevene, nefen, wkv., ON. nefna, 
 cogn. with OE. nemnan ; name, tell, 
 relate ; Nth. inf. nefen, 153, 25 ; 
 pr. 3 sg. nevenes, 145, 27. 
 neverpelf s, adv. , OE. nsevre J>y lses ; 
 nevertheless, 159, 15. 
 nfvre, nevre, navere, adv., OE. 
 naefre < ne Eefre ; never, 3, 26 ; 
 naevre (eME.), 3, 5 ; nsevere (eME.), 
 183, n; nevre, 14, 13; never te, 
 never yet, 213, 19; never ]>q later, 
 notwithstanding, besides, 122, 9. 
 Sth. naver, 181, 6; navere, 182, 29; 
 nfaver, 195, 31. 
 newe, newse, adj., OE. neowe, OM. 
 newe, WS. nlewe ; new ; newse, 4, 
 15 ; newe, 16, 1. Sth. nywe, 
 209, 1. 
 newe(n), wkv., 0M.~ newan, WS. 
 nlwian ; renew, restore ; inf. newe, 
 125, 11 ; pr. 3 sg. neweS, 15, 10; 
 imp. sg. newe, 18, 4. 
 nexst (next, neye), see neh. 
 neynde, neys, see njnde, be(n). 
 neyther (neythyr), ni, see neiper, 
 Nichomedes, sb., Lat. Nicomedes ; 
 Nichomedes I, king of Bithynia; 
 gs. Nichomedes, 191, 23. 
 nied, ni}, see ned, neh. 
 nigen, nyne, adj., OE. nigon ; nine, 
 33> 3 1 J n y n e, 225, 2. 
 nigentene, adj., OM. nigontene, WS. 
 tiene (tyne) ; nineteen, 3, 21. 
 niht, nigt, ni3ht, sb., OE. niht, 
 night, 1, 15 ; nigt, 15,18; ny3t, 47, 
 25 ; ni3ht, 227, 12; pi. nihtes, 3, 3 ; 
 nigtes, 33, 29 ; nigt, 33, 31 ; niht, 
 185, 5- 
 nihtes, adv., OE. nihtes ; at night, by 
 night, 203, 13. 
 nime(n), stv., OE. niman-nom (4) ; 
 take, seize ; inf. nimen, 46, 30 ; nim, 
 57, 12 ; pr. 3 ^.nimetS, 16, 15 ', pr. 
 sbj. sg. nime, 226, 16 ; pt. sg. nam, 
 2, 24 ; nom, 40, 24 ; naam, 213, 7 ; 
 pt.pl. namen, 2,1; nome, 65, 22 ; 
 pt. sbj. Sg. n5me, 50, 2d', pp. numen, 
 22, 6 ; nome, 53, 7. Sth. inf. 
 neomen.(eSth.), 193, 2; pp. inume, 
 183, 2 ; inome, 42, 30. 
 Nineve, sb., Lat. Nineve ; Nineveh, 
 73, 28. 
 nis, niste, see be(n), wite(n). 
 nip, nlpe, sb., OE. nl5 ; contention, 
 ^~~rnvy, malice, 9, 24; nlpe, 54, 15. 
 nifter, adv., OE. niSor; downwards, 
 nl J>f ul, a^'. , OE. nipful ; envious, 9,25. 
 n (noan), j^ ngn. 
 119, aafo., OE. na ; not, not at all, 35, 
 noble, ngbyll, adj., OF. noble ; 
 noble, 73, 24; ngbyll, 105, 21; 
 ngbill, 139, 5. 
 n9bleye, sb., OF. noblei ; splendor, 
 grandeur, 210,7. 
 Ifoe, j^., Lat. Noe ; Noah, 73, 15 ; gs. 
 Noes, 72, 1. 
 n5e(n > ), ptprv., OE. ne + agan-ahte ; 
 ought not ; pr. 2 sg. no3test, 44, 20. 
 nogt (no^t, noght), no3test, see 
 noht, n3e(n). 
 ng^wer, adv., OE. ne ahwer; no- 
 where, 59, 28. 
 noht, nogt, noght, no3t, nou^t, 
 nput, pm. adv., OE. nawiht, naht, 
 noht ; nought, not, 1,8; nohht (O), 
 9, 16; nogt, 17, 15; nou3t, 57, 8; 
 nout, 14, 9 ; nowt, 82, 22 ; no3t, 
 208, 17. Nth. noght, 128, 14. 
 noise, sb., OF. noise ; noise, 198, 27. 
 nok, sb., Ir. niuc ? ; nook, corner ; fer- 
 Jjyngnoke, value of a farthing, 96, 8. 
 nome, see name. 
 ngme, sb., ON. nam, or perh. OM. 
 *nom ; seizure, pledge, hostage, 28, 
 nomecu'Se, adj., OE. namcuS ; re- 
 nowned, 197, 8. 
 nomeliche, adv., OE. nama (noma) + 
 lice; namely, 199, 17. 
 ngn, n, adj., OE. nan ; none, no ; 
 ngn, 16, 5; nggn, 212, 23 ; ng, 29, 
 10. eSth. noan, 226, 16. Cf. 
 non, sb., OE. non ; noon, 200, 3 ; 
 noone, 109, 2. 
 nontid, sb., OE. nontid ; noontide, 5, 
 nggn, noone, see non, non. 
 nggnys, ^3. < adj., OE. anes < an ; 
 nonce, occasion, in phr. for the 
 ngonys, 113,9. 
 noot, see wite(n). 
 ngr, a</z/., OE. nahwseoer, nawoer, 
 naoer ; nor, 49, 22. 
 Norman, a^'., sb., OF. Norman, cf. 
 OE. Nor)>mann ; Norman ; //. Nor- 
 mans, 206, 19; Normannes, 209, 3. 
 Normandl, sb., OF. Normandl ; Nor- 
 mandy, 1, 19. 
 noi'S, north, adv., OE. noro 1 ; north, 
 16, 26 ; north, 55, 21. 
 Northampton, ^.,OE. NorShamtun; 
 Northampton', Jghn, 233, 2. 
 norperon, adj., OE. norSerne; north- 
 ern, 224, 11. 
 Northfolk, *., OE. Norftfolc ; Nor- 
 folk ; ds. Northfolke, 227, 3. 
 Norphiimberlgnd, sb., OE. Norff- 
 hymbraland (lgnd) ; Northumber- 
 land, 221, 32. 
 Norphiimbre, sb., Sth. = Ml. Nor>- 
 himbre ; OE. NorShymbre,//. adj. ; 
 Northumbrian', pi. Norphiimbres, 
 225, 25. 
 Norwic, Norwyche, sb., OE. Noro"- 
 wic ; Norwich, 4, 29 ; Norwyche, 
 116, 19. 
 notarye, sb., OF. notarie ; notary, 94, 
 note as nute, sb., OE. hnutu ; /, 
 77, 22. 
 notful, at^'., OE. notu + ful; useful, 
 advantageous, 133, 15. 
 ngpelfs, npftelfas, #</z/. >/., OE. 
 na py lses ; nevertheless \ 88, 7. eSth. 
 noSelfase, 199, 31. 
 noper, see nouther. 
 noping, sb., OE. nan + ping ; nothing, 
 "38, 18^ 
 noii (now), see nu, noht. 
 noughtwithstndyng, prep, adv., 
 OE. nawiht + wiSstgnding ; not- 
 withstanding, 232, 26. 
 nourisse^n), mt\, OF. nurrir, nur- 
 riss- ; nourish ; pi. sg. nourissed, 
 101, 2. 
 nout, see noht. 
 nouther, nper, prn. conj., OE. 
 nahwaeSer, nawSer; neither, dial. 
 natuther, 3, 32 ; noyper, 58, 12; 
 nowthire, 147, 2; nowSer, 194, 3; 
 no}:er, 209, 2. 
 npwiderwardes, adv., OE. nahwider 
 + vvardes ; no whither, in no direc- 
 tion, 3, 17. 
 nowor, adv., OM. nahwer, WS. hwser ; 
 nowhere, 15, 7. 
 nowt, nowfter (nowthire, noyper), 
 jw noht, nouther. 
 noye(n), wkv., OF. anoier ; annoy, 
 be troublesome ; pr. pi. noye, 147, 
 jiu^ nou^adv. conj., OE. nu ; nqw, 
 28 ; nou, 49, 7 ; now, 89, 30. 
 JNubie, sh., OF. Nuble ; Nubia, 42, 
 nul (nult), nute (niiste), jg* wille 
 vb., wite(n). 
 nupe, nupen, adv., OE. nu pa ; wze; 
 then, now, 37, 30; nupen, 195, 30. 
 ny, nyed, see neh, ned. 
 nyede,^., Kt. = Ml. nede; WS. nied, 
 f. ; desire, 211, 12. 
 nygh, ny;t, #?* neh, niht. 
 nygun, sb., based on Scand. *hniggu, 
 cf. ON. hnoggr, ' niggardly ' ; nig- 
 gard, 88, 24. 
 nynde, neynde, adj., OE. nigotSa, 
 mod. by ON. niundi ? ; ninth, 147, 
 23; neynde, 152, 9. 
 nyne, see nigen. 
 Nynyan, sb., OE. Ninias, Ninian; 
 Ninias, 221, 30. 
 nyse, adj., OF. nice; nice, 121, 9. 
 nyte (nyste), ny we, see wite(n), 
 0, interj., OE. a ; oh, 66, 9. 
 9 (9)> adv., OE. a ; ?w ; ay and go, 
 ^z^r and aye, 56, 26. 
 6, 9, o, obout, ^<? on, gn, of, 
 oc, aflfe;., OE. ac (oc); but, 1, 8. 
 oecean, sb. , OF. occean ; ocean, 
 220, 8. 
 occupie(n), wkv., OF. occuper ; 
 occupy ; Sth. ?'/". occuple, 221, 13 ; 
 pti pi. occupied, 221, 25. 
 Octbre, sb., OF. Octobre ; October, 
 226, 22. 
 of, off, o, prep, adv., OE. of; afc- 
 from, off, I, 2 ; off (O), 8, 22 ; 
 o, 38, 6. 
 ofdrede(n), stv., OM. ofdredan 
 (WS. dredan)-dred (R) ; frighten, 
 terrify; pp. ofdred, 1, 17. Sth. 
 pp. ofdr|d, 177, 19; pi. ofdredde, 
 179, 5. 
 off, see of. 
 offere(n), wkv., OE. offrian; offer; 
 inf. offeren, 117, 2. 
 offere(n), wkv., OM. *offeran, WS. 
 *offseran; frighten off; pp. offerd, 
 36, 27. 
 office, sb., OF. office; office, 233, 25; 
 offis, 22, 7; offys, 118, 10. 
 officer, offycer, sb., OF. officier; 
 <$for, 233, 30 ; pi. offy ceres, 117, 
 offis (offys), offte, offycer, see office, 
 ofte, officer, 
 ofrand, sb., OF. offrende; offering, 
 135. 15- 
 ofright, pp. as adj., OE. afyrht, 
 *afryht < afyrhtan ; af righted, 2 1 , 
 ofsende(n), wkv., OE. ofsendan 
 (sendan) ; send for, summon ; inf. 
 ofsende, 204, 20. 
 ofservie(n), wkv., OE. of+OF. ser- 
 vir ; Sth. Ml. ofserve(n) ; deserve, 
 merit; pr.pl. ofservej), 214, 21. 
 ofslf(n), slv., Sth. = Ml. ofslg(n) ; 
 OE. ofslgan-sl5h(g) (6) ; strike off, 
 kill, slay, pt. sg. ofsloh, 188, 11. 
 ofspring, sb., OE. ofspring ; offspring, 
 25,22. Nth. oxspring = osspring, 
 130, 2r. 
 ofte, offte, often, adv., OE. oft; oft, 
 often; offte (O), 9, 17; oftyen, 98, 
 18 ; offte sl))e, see oftesiSe(n). 
 oftesifle(n) , adv., OE. oft + sloan; 
 ofttimes, often ; oftesiSen, 203, 9 ; 
 offte sijre (O), 12, 9. Cf. oft- 
 ofpinche(n), wkv., OE. ofoyncan- 
 ftuhte (i5uhte) ; displease', repent', 
 pr. 3 sg. ofjnnchet, 1 76, 10. 
 oftsipys, oftesythes, adv., OE. oft + 
 sloes ; ofttimes, often ; oftesythes, 
 144, 19. Cf. oftesipe(n). 
 ofttyme, adv., OE. oft + tlma; oft- 
 times, 235, 5. 
 oftyn, see ofte. 
 ofwundre(n), w^., OE. ofwundrian ; 
 become astonished; pp. ofwundred, 
 1, 16. 
 ogayn, ogayne, see agein. 
 oijains (o}ayns), see agaynes. 
 5e(n), ge(n), owe(n), ptprv., 
 OE. agan-ahte ; have, possess, 
 own; ought; pr. 1, ?, sg. gg, 25, 
 27; ouh, 198, 1; reg. pr. 3 sg. 
 owyth, 113, 30; pr.pl. owen, 199, 
 16; owe, 236, 13; ouwe 36,199, 25; 
 pt. sg. o3te, 43, 8. 
 95en, owen, oun, adj., OE. agen ; 
 own ; eMl. a3henn, 11, 12; ME. 
 g3en, oun, 223, 29; wk. oune, 50, 
 26; 38, 12. eSth. a3e, 177, 6; 
 ds. ahne, 193, 9; /<&. a3ere, 183, 3. 
 o^t (a^t), out, *W<?/". prn., OE. 
 awiht, aht, oht ; ought {aught) , 
 anything, 38, 6; out, 202, 26. 
 Cf. a^t. 
 oht, adj., OE. aht; brave, valiant, 
 181, 1. 
 okerere, sb., ON. okr, cogn. with 
 OE. wocor + OE. -|re (ere); usurer, 
 88, 22 ; pi. okerers, 88, 1. 
 okering, sb., ON", okr, cogn. with 
 OE. wocor + ME. -ing ; usury, 88, 
 okrye, sb., ON. 5kr, cogn. with OE. 
 wocor; usury, 147, 16. 
 ld, adj., OM. aid, aid, WS. eald; 
 old, 16, 14; 90M, 240, 17; comp. 
 pi. eldere, 33, 13. eSth. comp. 
 elder, 1 76, 1 ; pi. elderne, 206, 25. 
 Cf. aid. 
 olhnunge, sb., OE. oleccung, 
 *5lehnung, f ; soothing, caressing, 
 gentleness, 193, 26. 
 olle, sb., OF. olie; oil, 34, 11. 
 olle = ulle = wulle, see wille(n). 
 oluhne(n), wkv., Sth. = Ml. 
 olihne(n'i ; cf. OE. oleccan ; flatter; 
 inf. oliihnen, 202, 32. 
 omang, see amang. 
 gn, 9, ne, adj., OE. an; one, 21, 11 ; 
 eME. as. gnne, 3, 15; ds. gne, 43, 
 25; gne, 89, 5; , 43, 9; tgn 
 (< J>at gn), 26, 4; tg, 90, 31. Cf. 
 an (a) and the reduced forms 
 an, a. 
 on, 6, prep, adv., OE. on; <?, in, 
 1, 12; 6, 3, 28; onn (O), 9, 27; 
 _ one, 146, 5, 
 onde, sb., OE. anda, gnda; indigna- 
 tion, malice, 54, 15. 
 gnde, sb., ON. andi, cognate OE. 
 anda, 'envy'; breath, 19, 9. 
 onderstand, one, ne, see under- 
 stande(n), on, n. 
 nes, 9ms, adv., OE. an + es; once; 
 gnys, in, 13: with at, at one, 
 together, in fellowship ; al gnes for 
 al at gnes, wholly at one, united, 
 239, 34- 
 oneste, on3gnes, see honeste, 
 gnlepy, sb., OM. anlepig, WS. 
 anllepig; single, sole, 215, 11. 
 onlive, adv., OE. on + ds. life ; alive, 
 86, 10. Cf. lif. 
 9nly, gnlych, adv., OE. anlice ; only, 
 _ 94, 32 ; gnlych, 94, 24. 
 9nne, onn, see gn, on. 
 onneape, onoh, see ungpe, inoh. 
 onon, adv., OE. on an ; anon, at 
 once, 26, 7. 
 onont, adv., OE. on-efn; by, near, 
 193, 25. 
 onsage, sb., OE. onsagu, f. ; accusa- 
 tion, charge; pl. onsagen, 21, 9. 
 onstad, j^ onstede(n). 
 onstede(n), stv., OE. *onstedan- 
 stsed, or ON. steSja-stadd (5) ; 
 stand, stand by ; pt. sg. onstad, 
 132, 26. 
 onswere, onswerle(n), see answere, 
 ontful, adj., OE. *andful, gndful ; 
 envious, 199, 18. 
 onwar, adv., OE. unwaer; un- 
 expectedly, 223, 23. 
 onworpe(n), wkv., OE. un- 
 weorSia(n) ; disdain, dishonor, 
 despise-, pt.pl. onwor]>ede, 216, 18. 
 nys, see gnes. 
 99k = 9k, sb., OE. ac ; oak,~2^2, 2. 
 99ld, 99th, ootlier, see ld, gp, 
 pene(n), 9pne(n), wkv., OE. 
 openian; <?jte ; inf. oppnenn (O), 
 12, 26; penen, 199, 29; imp.pl. 
 penej), 101, 19; //. #". openede 
 (eME.), 195, 32; ^penede, 62, 15. 
 Nth. ?'/] oppyn, 174, 30. 
 9penlic, adj., OE. openllc ; open, 
 conspicuous, 153, 28. 
 9penlice (eME. openlice), pen- 
 liche, 9penlik, ^penly, adv., OE. 
 openlice ; openly, 4, 8. Nth. 
 ippenlik, 131, 29; Openly, 154, 28. 
 Sth. 9penllche, 217, 17. 
 opon, oppnenn, see upon, pene(n). 
 oppression, sb., OF. oppression ; 
 oppression, 232, 22. 
 oppyn, see 9pene(n). 
 opwexe(n), wkv., OE. *upweaxan ; 
 Sth. = Ml. upwaxe(n) ; grow up, 
 increase ; pr. pi. opwexej), 219, 3. 
 or, see 9per. 
 ^iv, 9re, adv. prep., ON. ar, cognate 
 OE. ser, '.grejj r, before, 16, 14; 
 re, 97, ^3; superl. rest, 21, 25. 
 orchard, j., OE. orceard < ort + 
 geard ; orchard, 109, 8. 
 ord, sb., OE. ord, ord ; beginning, 
 45, 31. eSth. ds. orde, 178, 28. 
 ordeine(n), ordeigne(n), or dan, 
 wkv., OF. ordeiner ; ordein ; pt. pi. 
 ordeinede, 205, 28; pp. ordeyned, 
 117, 10; ordeigned, 236, 27. Nth. 
 inf. ordan, 138, 18; pt. sg. ordand, 
 143, 9; pt.pl. ordaned, 137, 10. 
 ordenaunce, sb., OF. ordenance; 
 ordinance; ordynaunce, 233, 14; 
 pl. ordenaunce, 117, 19; orde- 
 naunces, 116, 20. 
 ordere, sb., OF. ordre; order, 
 religious order, 120, 30; ordyre, 
 144, 14. 
 ordeyne(n), ordynaunce, see 
 ordeine(n), ordenaunce. 
 ordyre, re, see ordere, r. 
 re, sb., OE. ar,/. ; oar ; pl. res, 86, 
 _ 2 ?' 
 9re, sb., OE. ar, /. ; favor, grace, 63, 
 orf, sb., OE. orf; cattle, inheritance, 
 property, 30, 32. 
 original, sb. adj., OF. original ; 
 origin, original, 238, 18. 
 origt, adv., OE. on riht; aright, 
 27, 2. 
 orisun, orisoun, sb., OF. orisun ; 
 prayer, orison, 40, 5 ; orisoune, 
 140, 4. 
 ormete, adj., OM. ormete, WS. 
 ormsete; immense, immeasurable, 
 Ormln, sb., ON. Orm, cogn. with 
 OE. weorm, wyrm ; Ormin, Orm ; 
 Orrmin (O), 13, 26. 
 orn, t, see urne(n), wite(n). 
 9p, 9th, 99th, sb., OE. aS ; oath, 77, 
 22; 9th, 78, 10; 99th, 240, 12. 
 eSth. ds. 9)>e, 226, 15. 
 9per, or, conj., OE. aghwaeSer, 
 awSer, eME. ouffer ; or, 13, 28 ; 
 or, 51, 10 ; or . . . or, either . . . or, 
 21, 9. Nth. owthire, 144, 2; 
 outhire, 144, 15. 
 oper, oother, opor, adj., OE. 5)>er; 
 c/^r, second, 1, 18; oother, 240, 
 1; 5J)or, 219, 22; tojjer (< Jat 
 6>er), 77> Hi tothire, 145, 25; 
 pl. o]>re, 1, 5 ; toffere, 30, 20. 
 eSth._^r. oSres, 177, 6. 
 dSerhwules, <3?z;., OE. offer + hwll, 
 1WS. hwyl, a/ another time ; 199, 23. 
 ou, ouer (our), ouh (oun, ouwen), 
 see pu, ure, owe(n). 
 oule, sb., OE. awul(el),/. ; awl; pi. 
 oules, 61, 24. 
 oun (oune), vr, see 3e(n), gver. 
 dure, ous, out, see ure, ic, o^t. 
 outcaste(n), wkv., C)E. ut + ON. 
 kasta; otitcast; //.outcast, 238, 29. 
 oute, outerliche, dupe, tttf ute, 
 outrely, unne(n). 
 outrage, sb., OF. outrage < ultrage ; 
 outrage, excess, 1 34, 6. 
 outrely, adv., OE. utor + llce; 0/- 
 wardly, utterly, to the uttermost, 
 244, 21. Sth. outerliche, 234, 26. 
 ouwe, jtf., OE. eowu; ewe, 53, 4. 
 ouwer, w pu. 
 over, eME. over (ofer), prep, adv., 
 OE. ofer; wi;r; over (eME.), 1, 
 13; 9ve_r, 237, 12. Nth. gvr, 174, 9. 
 gverall, gveral, adv., OE. ofer + OM. 
 Nth. all ; over all, wholly, every- 
 where, 136, 12 ; gveral, 202, 2. 
 9vercume(n), stv., OE. ofercuman- 
 com (4) ; overcome ; ^r. sbj. sg. 
 gvercum, 102, 4 ; pt. sg. gvercSme, 
 207, 6; pp. gvercumen, 23, 12; 
 overcome, 206, 25. 
 6verg9(n), anv., OE. ofergan-eode ; 
 go over, overcome ; inf. gverggn, 
 28, 30. 
 verheghe(n), wkv., OAng. *ofer- 
 hean; raise too high; Nth. pp. 
 gverheghede, 143, 27. 
 gverkttJ, adj., OE. ofercuS ; familiar; 
 comp. gverkiiore, too familiar, 200, 
 verlop, sb., MLG. overlop, cogn. 
 with OE. *oferhleap ; omission, 
 skipping, 155, 28. 
 verlyttill, adv., OE. *oferlytel ; too 
 little, 144, 15. 
 gvermany, adj., OE. *ofermanig ; 
 very many, over many, 235, 12. 
 vermast, adj., OE. ofer + mast ; 
 overmost, outer, 140, 12. 
 gvermekill, adfe., OE. ofermicel, adj., 
 overmuch, too much, 144, 15. 
 gverndn, sb., OE. ofernon ; afternoon, 
 208, 24. 
 gverrenne(n), rinne(n), stv., OE. 
 ofer + ON. renna (rinna) (3) ; over- 
 run, run over, recount ; Nth. inf. 
 pverrin, 130, 8 ; pr. 3 sg. gverrennes, 
 134, 26. 
 gverse(n), stv., OE. oferseon-seah 
 (5) ; observe, see, care for ; eME. 
 pr. 3 sg. oversihS, 178, 18; pt. sg. 
 oversah, 181, 16. 
 verskyle, adv., OE. ofer + ON. 
 skil ; beyond reason, without reason, 
 96, 23. 
 vertake(n), stv., OE. ofer + ON. 
 taka-tok (6) ; overtake ; pr. 3 sg. 
 gvertakeo 1 , 29, 25 ; pt. sg. gvyrtoke, 
 _ H3> 2. 
 gvertfogt, pp. as adj., OE. *ofer- 
 oencean-Sohte (oohte) ; amazed, 
 stupefied, 26, 27. 
 9Ferwende(n), wkv., OE. ofer- 
 . wendan, wendan ; turn over, go 
 over; pt. sg. pverwente, 28, 29. 
 ow, oway, see pu, awai. 
 ower (ouwer, dure), see 3ur. 
 (rwer, adv., OM. ahwer, WS. ah war ; 
 everywhere, anywhere, 3, 31; 4, 2. 
 owthire (outhire), owyth, see gper, 
 930 (n). 
 oxe, sb., OE. oxa ; ox, 57, 24. 
 Oxeneford, sb., OE. Oxenaford; 
 Oxford, 2, 24 ; ds. Oxenf5rde, 8, 5. 
 oxspring, see ofspring. 
 oyle, oyl, sb., OF. oile; oil, 65, 7. 
 Nth. oyle, 143, 12 ; oyl, 143, 15. 
 oys, sb., OF. use, uise; use, 147, 10. 
 pade, sb., ON. padda; frog; pi. pades, 
 3> i- 
 paen, adj. sb., OF. paien ; pagan ; pi. 
 paens, 213, 18. 
 page, sb., OF. page ; page, 98, 25. 
 paie(n), paye(n), wkv., OF. paier; 
 satisfy, pay ; inf. pay en, 117,5;//. 
 sg. paide, 212, 15; pp. paied, 26, 
 23; payd, 91, 13 ; paid, 141, 23. 
 paine, payne, see peyne. 
 pais, sb. , OF. pais, pes ; peace, 2, 4. 
 Cf. pf s. 
 paisible, adj., OF. paisible ; peace- 
 able, 232, 25. 
 pal, sb., OE. psell, Lat. pallium ; pall, 
 costly cloth, 38, 24. 
 palais, sb., OF. palais ; palace, 42, 5. 
 pale, adj., OF. pale; pale, 241, 9. 
 palfrey, sb., OF. palefreid ; palfrey, 
 saddle-horse ; //. palfreys, 48, 23. 
 pape, j3., eME., Nth. = ML ppe; 
 OE. papa ; pope, 4, 18. 
 Paradis, Paradys, sb., OF. Paradis 
 (Parais) ; Paradise, 64, 10. 
 Parais, sb., OF. Parais (Paradis) ; 
 Paradise, 198, 12. 
 paramur, paramour, sb., OF. par 
 araur, adv. phr. ; paramour, 37, 6 ; 
 paramour, 128, 19. 
 parauntre, * peraventure. 
 pardee, inter;'., OF. par+ de(u) ; par- 
 dee, 239, 10. 
 pardon, sb., OF. pard5n; pardon, 
 134, 20. 
 paresche, j3., OF. paroche ; parish, 
 119, 22. 
 Paris, Pariss, sb., OF. Paris ; Paris, 
 206, 27 ; Pariss, 163, 9. 
 parlement, ,r., OF. parlement ; par- 
 liament, assembly, 207, 1. 
 parlur, .$., OF. parloir, infl. by -ur 
 words ; parlor, reception room ; pi. 
 parlures, 197, 18. 
 part, sb., OF. part ; part, 38, 10. 
 parte(n), wkv., OF. parter; part', 
 inf. parten, 65, 15; pr. 2 j^.partest, 
 24 1 , 23; pr. 3 j^. parted, 198, 2 ; 
 itnp.pl. parte}), 100, 8. 
 partener, sb. , OF. parcener, infl. by 
 part; partner; pi. parteners, 225, 
 parting, pt. ppl. as sb.< parten ; OF. 
 partir ; parting, 43 , 14. 
 party, sb., OF. parti ; party, side ; on 
 J>e tg party, on the one side, 90, 31. 
 party, sb., OF. partie ; part, portion ; 
 a party, in part, partly, in some 
 measure, 93, 14. 
 pas, see passe(n). 
 pas, sb., OF. pas; pass, pace, passage; 
 92, 20. 
 passe(n), wkv., OF. passer; pass ; 
 inf. passen, 105, ^;pr. $sg. passeth, 
 239, 6 5 pr- sb J- S S- P a sse, 103, 3 ; 
 pp. passid, 53, 6. Nth. inf. pas, 
 T 35> 21; pr.pl. passes, 144, 24;//. 
 //. passit, 169, 21 ; pp. past, 133, 
 20; passit, 167, 18. Sth. pr. pi. 
 passe]), 223, 19 ; pp. ypased, 216, 
 passiun, passioun, sb., OF. passiun ; 
 passion, death, martyrdom, 40, 6 ; 
 passioun, 139, 15. 
 pastee, sb. , OF. paste ; pasty, pastry ; 
 pi. pastees, 84, 24. 
 pasture, sb., OF. pasture; food, pas- 
 ture, 1 01, 2. 
 paternoster, sb., Lat. pater noster ; 
 Lord's prayer, 16, 25. 
 patriarehe, sb., OF. patriarche ; patri- 
 arch ; pi. patriarches, 212, 32. 
 patriark, sb., Lat. patriarchus; patri- 
 arch, 77, 31. 
 Paul, see Powel. 
 pay, sb., OF. paie ; satisfaction, 
 120, 14; pleasure, 50, 18. 
 pay en (payd), payne, see paie_(n), 
 pece, sb., OF. piece ; piece; pi. peces, 
 62, 1. 
 Pf s, see ps. 
 peir, sb., OF. pair ; pair ; peire, 39, 
 Peitou, sb. , NF. Peitowe, OF. Poi- 
 towe ; Poitou, 7, n. 
 peler, sb., OF. pilleur; robber, 161, 1. 
 peltyer, sb., OF. peletier; furrier, 
 116, 18. 
 penaunce, penance, penans, sb., 
 OF, penance ; penance, suffering, 
 56, 27; penance, 147, 26; penans, 
 157, 4 ; penonce, 218, 4. 
 Pencrych, sb. , Welsh ? ; Pencrych, 
 Richard., 224, 29. 
 peni, penis, sb., OE. pening, penig; 
 penny, 86, 21 ; penle, 178, 10; pi. 
 penes, 88, 25 ; pens, 118, 6. 
 penonce, see penaunce. 
 peoddare, sb. , cf. Skeat, Etym. Diet., 
 pedlar; pedlar, sch. peddir, 198, 
 peple, pepul, pople, sb., OF. pueple; 
 people, 220, 11 ; pepul, 119, 12; 
 pepulle, 125, 7; p5ple, 74, 2 ; 
 puple, 139,11. 
 peraventure, parauntre, aafr., OF. 
 per aventure ; perchance, 104, 7 ; 
 parauntre, 205, 6. 
 pfre, sb., OE. pere(u); pear, 127, 19. 
 pere, sb., OF. per ; peer, equal, 139, 
 perel, sb., OF. peril ; peril, 92, 10. 
 perfay, adv., OF. per fei;. through 
 faith, by my faith, 16J, 3. 
 perfeccyone, sb., OF. perfeccion ; 
 perfeccion, 146, 21. 
 perisse(n), wkv., OF. perir; /r. /</. 
 periss- ; perish ; *>{/! perissen, 100, 
 25. Sth. pr.pl. perisset = perisse)), 
 211, 5 ; pr. sbj.pl. perissi, 211, 23. 
 Vers, sb., OF. Peres, Pers; Pierce, 88, 
 18 ; gs. without ending, 89, 14. 
 persave(n), wkv., lNth. = M1. per- 
 ceve(n) ; OF. perceiver; perceive', 
 pi. sg. persavit, 167, 23. 
 persevere(n), wkv., OF. perseverer; 
 persevere ;pr. 3 sg. perse vereth, 238, 
 persone, sb., OF. persone; person, 
 pertely, adv., OF. (a)pert + ME. ly; 
 quickly, boldly, ill, 20. 
 pfrtre, sb., OE. pere(u) + treo ; pear- 
 tree, 127, 19. 
 ps, pfse, sb., AN. pes, OF. pais; 
 peace; pfse, m, 21 ; pggs, 233, 4. 
 pestilence, sb., OF. pestilence ; /#- 
 lence, 239, 17. 
 pete, ^<? pite. 
 Peter, sb., OF. Peter ; Peter, 116, 23 ; 
 gs. Petres, 1,12. 
 peyne, paine, sb., OF. peine ; penalty, 
 pain, 117, 13; payne, 138, 28;//. 
 paines, 74, 24; paynes, 137, 20. 
 peyneble, adj. adv., OF. peineble ; 
 careful, carefully, 95, 30. 
 peynte(n), wkv., OF. peint, pp. to 
 peindre ; paint, decorate. Sth. pp. 
 ipeynted, 49, 3 ; ypeynt, 221, 10. 
 peynted, adj. < //., OF. peint < 
 peindre ; painted, 221, 11. 
 peyntynge, sb., based on OF. peint, 
 pp. of peindre ; painting, 221, 7. 
 peys, sb., NF. peis, OF. pois; weight, 
 91, 26. 
 peyse(n), wiz>., NF. peiser, OF. 
 poiser; weigh ; inf. peyse, 88, 16. 
 Pharan, sb., Lat. Pharan; Paran, 
 35, 9- 
 Pharaon, -un, *., OF. Pharaon, AN. 
 Pharaun ; Pharaoh, 22, 1 ; Pharaun, 
 Philip, Filip, ^.,OF. Philip; Philip, 
 158, 29; Filip, 159, 21. 
 philosophe, sb., OF. philosophe; 
 philosopher, 216, 17. 
 pich, sb., OE. pic ; pitch, 62, 17. 
 Pict, ., OF. Pict, OE. Peoht, Piht; 
 Pict; pi. Pictes, 220, 7. 
 pik, sb., OE. pic ; pike, spike, 61, 16. 
 pike(n), wkv., ON. *pika, cogn. with 
 OE. pician; cover with pitch, pitch ; 
 inf. pike, 86, 23. 
 Pilate, sb., OF. Pilate; Pilate, 137, 8. 
 pile, sb., OF. pel ; skin, peel; pile 
 and Tpi]>, peel and pith, i. e. outside 
 and inside, 50, 13. 
 piler, sb., OF. piler ; pillar, 40, 23 ; 
 pyler, 122, 30. 
 pilerinage, sb., OF. pelerinage ; pil- 
 grimage, 230, 21. 
 pilgryme, sb., OF. pelegrin ; pilgrim , 
 229, 16. 
 pilte(rt), *wkv., OE. *pyltan < Lat. 
 pultare ? ; push, thrust, knock, pelt ; 
 pp; pilt, 26, 22. 
 pine, pin, sb., OE. *pin; cf. OE. 
 pinung, pinness, or ON. plna ? ; 
 torture, pain ; pin, 53, 6 ; pi. pines, 
 3, 20. Sth.//. pinen, 197, 7. 
 pine(n), wiz\, OE. pinian ; torture, 
 Suffer pain; pt. pi. pined, 3, 4; 
 pineden, 4, 30 ; pp. pined, 3, 5 ; 
 pyned, 138, 24. Nth. pr. 3 sg. 
 pinnes, 150,5. Sth. inf. pinie, 180, 
 pining, sb., OE. pinung, -ing; torture, 
 pit, pite, sb., OE. pytt ; pit, 63, 18 ; 
 pite, 50, 8 ; pi. pittes, 152, 12. 
 pite, sb., OF. pitee; pity, 38, 17.. 
 Nth. pete, 136, 27. 
 pip, sb., OE. piSa; pith, 50, 13. 
 place, sb., OF. place ; place, 87, 28. 
 plai, sb., OE. plega ; joy, happiness, 
 I57> 6. 
 plaine, j/5., OF. plaine ; plain, level 
 country, 160, 3. 
 plante(n), wkv., OE. plantian, OF. 
 planter ; plant ; pt. sg. plantede, 4, 
 plate, sb., OF. plate; plate, piece; 
 //.plates, 31, 18. 
 playinge, sb., based on plegen ; play- 
 ing, 215, 22. 
 playnli, adv., OF. plain, adj. and 
 adv. ; plainly, clearly, certainly, 
 plenerly, aafr., OF. plenier+ ME. ly; 
 >//>/, 96, 7. 
 plente, .$., OF. plente; plenty, 101, 
 12; plentee, 243, 15. 
 Plesseiz, sb., OF. Plesseis ; Plessis, 
 Jghan of, 227, 5. 
 pleye(n), wkv., OE. plegan ; play ; 
 pr.pl. pleyen, 237, 1 1. 
 pleyne(n), wkv., OF. plaindre ; com- 
 plain ; inf. pleyne, 238, 30; pt. sg. 
 pleyned, 233, 27. 
 pleyt, see plight. 
 plight,^., OE. plight; plight, 134, 
 22 ; pleyt, 60, 7. 
 plihtful, adj., OE. pliht + ful ; dan- 
 gerous, perilous, 153, 19. 
 ply5te(n), plyghte(n), wkv., OE. 
 plihtan ; promise, pledge, plight ; 
 inf. plyghte, 95, 2 ; pr. 1 sg. ply3te, 
 124, 19. 
 poer, see pouer. 
 pfke, sb., OE. poca ; bag, 81, 30. 
 polcat, sb. , OF. poule, 'hen' + OE. 
 csett ; polecat, 244, 27. 
 pollusyone, sb., NF. pollucion 'pollu- 
 tion, 147,9. 
 pomp, sb., OF. pompe; pomp, 157, 
 pfpe, jv5., OE. papa ; pope, father, 77, 
 pople, pore, see peple, povre. 
 porter, sb., OF. portier; porter, 35, 
 porveie(n), wkv., OF. purveir; pro- 
 vide, purvey ; ?/". porveie, 51, 19; 
 //. porveid, 208, 10; pi. purveyde, 
 233, 4. 
 pgst, sb., OE. post ; post', pi. pgstes, 
 181, 21. 
 postel, sb., OE. postol ; apostle ', pi. 
 posstless (O), 12, 4. 
 Posthumus, sb., Lat. Posthumus; 
 Posthumus; Silvius, 220, 2. 
 pot, sb., OF. pot; pot; pi. pottes, 96, 
 pothecarie, sb., OF. apotecaire ; 
 apothecary, 244, 24. 
 potten, see putte(n). 
 poudre, sb., OF. poudre; powder, 
 100, 22. 
 pouer, power, poer, sb., NF.pouer< 
 poueir ; OF. pouoir ; power, ability ; 
 upen here power, according to their 
 ability, 116, 21; pouer, 215, 16; 
 poer, 204, 14. 
 Poule, pound, see Powel, pund. 
 p6ure(n), wkv., origin uncertain ; 
 pour; pt. sg. poured, 245, II. 
 pouste, sb., OF. poeste, pouste; 
 power, ability, 148, 16. 
 pover, see povre. 
 povert, sb., OF. poverte, beside 
 poverte ; poverty, 94, 16. 
 povre, pore, adj., OF. povre : poor, 
 18, 7 ; pore, 48, 20 ; p5ver, 135, 12. 
 Powel, Poule, sb., OE.Pawel; Paul, 
 117, 1; ds. Poule, 109, 22. Kt. 
 Paul, 216, 27. 
 power, see pouer. 
 poynt, sb., OF. point ; point, 58, 3. 
 poyson, sb., OF. poison ; poison, 244, 
 prangle(n), wkv., OE. *prangan, cf. 
 Goth, ipiaggan; fetter ; pp. prangled, 
 84, 19- 
 praye, pray, sb., OF. preie; prey, 
 219, 24. Nth. pray, 158, 22. 
 pray en, pray ere, see preie (n), 
 prayinge, prayng, sb., based on 
 OF. preier; praying; prayng, 222, 
 prche (n) , wkv. , OF. precher ; preach ; 
 inf. prfchen, 200, 20; prgche, 51, 1 ; 
 imp. pi. prfche 3e, 200, 18. Nth. 
 pr. ppl. prfchand, 140, 30; pt. sg. 
 prfchid, 136, 12. 
 prf chur, sb., OF. prechur ; preacher, 
 213, 20. 
 prf chynge, prf ching, pr. ppl. as sb. ; 
 preaching, 120, 1 ; prf ching, 137, 
 precious, precius, adj., OF. precius; 
 precious, 242, 12 ; precius, 139, 26. 
 prede, see pryde. 
 preie(n), preye(ii), praye(n), wkv., 
 OF. preier; pray, inf. preien, 58, 
 30; preye, 51, 1; pr. 1 sg. prey, 
 106, 22; pray, 123, 31; pr. pi. 
 prayen, 236, 27 ; pt. sg. preyd, 98, 
 10 ; praid, 139, 11 ; preyde, 244, 25; 
 pt.pl. prayde, 223, 20. "Nfh.pr. 3 
 sg. praies, 129, 26. 
 preise(n), praise (n), wkv., OF. 
 preiser; praise, value ; inf. preisen, 
 198, 4; pt.pl. preysed, 89, 7; pp. 
 praised, 134, 4. 
 prejudys, sc, OF. prejudice ; pre- 
 judice, 117, 18. 
 prelat, sb., OF. prelat ; prelate ; pi. 
 prelates, 127, 4. 
 preost, preove, presand, see prest, 
 preve(n), present, 
 prfse, sb., NF. pres, OF. preis; praise, 
 160, 10. 
 present, sb., OF. present ; present ; 
 pi. present, 28, 17. Nth. presand, 
 presse(n), wkv., OF. presser; press, 
 pursue', "Nth.. pt.pl. presit, 175, II. 
 prest, preste, sb., OE. preost ; priest, 
 119, 16 ; pi. preostes (eME.), 4, 1 ; 
 ds. preoste (eME.), 197, 22. 
 prest, adj., OF. prest ; ready, prompt, 
 61, 10. 
 presume (n), wkv., OF. presumer ; 
 presume', pr. pi. presumen, 236, 3. 
 prevely, preye(n) (preyd), see 
 prively, preie(n). 
 preve(n), wkv., OF. pruever, prever, 
 prover ; cf. prove (n) ; prove ; inf. 
 preve, 88, 3. eME. pr. sbj. sg. 
 preove, 199, 18. 
 preyere, prayere, sb., OF. preiere ; 
 prayer, 139,9. 
 preysen, price, see preise(n), pris. 
 prike(n), wkv. , OE. prician (priccan) ; 
 prick, spur, as a horse ; pt. pi. 
 priked, 161, 1. 
 prikke, sb. , OE. prica ; prick, point, 
 dot, 215, 12. 
 prime, sb., OF. prime ; prime, six in 
 the morning; prime day, 119, 2. 
 prince, sb., OF. prince ; prince ; pi. 
 princes, 1 01, 20. 
 principal, pryncipal, adj., OF. prin- 
 cipal; principal; pi. principale, 
 130, 9; pryncipal, 235, 28. 
 prior, sb., NF. prior, OF. priur ; prior, 
 1, 11. 
 pris, price, prise, sb., OF. pris; 
 prize, price, high esteem, value, 27, 
 23; pnse, 135, 14; price, 169, 4; 
 ds. pryce, 105, 21. 
 prisse(n), /z\,OF.prisier; appraise, 
 value, praise, extol; Nth. inf. priss, 
 169, 13. __ 
 prisun, prisoun, prison, sb., OF. 
 prison, AN. prisun ; prison, 2, 26 ; 
 prison, 42, 4 ; prisoun, 232, 5. 
 prisuner, sb., OF. *prisonier, or based 
 on prison ; keeper of the prison, 
 prive, privee, adj., OF. prive; prtvy, 
 secret, 102, 7; pryve, 99, 19; privee, 
 prively, priviliche, adv., OF. prive 
 + ME. ly ; privily, 243, 1 ; pryvyly, 
 98, 31 ; prevely, 113, 20. Sth. 
 priviliche, 204, 12. 
 privilege , sb. , OF. privilege ; privilege, 
 special grant ; pi. privilegies for -es, 
 4, 18. 
 processiun, sb., AN. processiun, OF. 
 procession ; procession, 8, 8. 
 proclamation,.^., OF. proclamacion; 
 proclamation, 233, 18. 
 procure(n), wkv., OF. procurer; pro- 
 cure; pp. procurede, 147, 9. 
 professyon, sb., OF. profession ; pro- 
 fession, no, 8. 
 profitable, profytable, adj., OF. 
 profitable ; profitable, 234, 22; pro- 
 fytable, 225, 33. 
 profre(n), wkv., OF. proferer ; proffer, 
 offer; inf. profre, 235, 2. 
 profyt,^., OF. profit ; profit, 223, 27. 
 profytable, see profitable. 
 progenie, sb., OF. progenie ; progeny, 
 69, 10. 
 prcloug, sb., OF. prologue; prologue, 
 annotmcement, 134, 23. 
 propheci, sb., OF. prophecie; pro- 
 phecy, 131,5. 
4 i4 
 prophete, sb., OF. prophete ; prophet, 
 propgse(n), wkv., OF. proposer; 
 propose ; pt. sg. proposed, 233, I. 
 propre, propir, adj., OF. propre ; 
 proper, 222, 4; propir, 136, 10. 
 proud, see prud. 
 prout, adj., OE. prut ; proud, 208, 4. 
 Cf. prud. 
 prove(n), wkv., OF. pruever ; prove ; 
 . inf. pr5ve, 106, 4. Nth. pr. 2 sg. 
 pr5ves, 137, 12; /n sbj. pi. pruf 
 (INth.), 167, 1. Cf. preve(n). 
 prowe, sb., OF. prou ; profit, 107, 
 prowesse, j3., OF. pruesse ; prowess, 
 206, 28. 
 prud, proud, adj., 10E. prud, cf. 
 ON. pruftr ; proud, 31, 16 ; proud, 
 48, 16 ; super I. proudeste, 240, 20. 
 pruf, $<?<? prove(n). 
 prute, sb., Sth. = MI. pride; OE. 
 pryte ; pride, 209, 13. 
 pruyde, pryce, see pryde, pris. 
 pryde, sb., OE. pryte; pride, 108, 
 11. WML pruyde, 120, 12. Kt. 
 prede, 211, 20. 
 pryncipal, pryve, pryvyly, see 
 principal, prive, prively. 
 pryvyte, sb., OF. privete ; secrecy, 
 secret, 94, II. 
 pund, pound, sb., OE. pund, pund ; 
 pound; pi. pund, 47, 10; pound, 
 _94, 20; eME. ds. piinde, 178, 10. 
 punde(n), wkv., Sth. = Ml. pinde(n) ; 
 OE. pyndan (pyndan); impound; 
 dam up, as water; pr. 3 sg. punt, 
 200, 33; pr.pl. piindeS, 201, 12. 
 punische(n), wkv., OF. punir, 
 puniss- ; punish ; Sth. pp. ypun- 
 issed, 218, 12. 
 puple, see pople. 
 pur, prep., OF. pur; for, 89, 31. 
 pur, adj., OF. pur ; pure, simple, 
 209, 2. 
 purchas, sb., OF. pourchas; earnings, 
 endeavor, 204, 22. 
 purgatorie, sb., OF. purgatorie;/r- 
 gatory, 217, II. 
 purifie(n), wkv., OF. purifier; purify; 
 inf. purine, 102, 9. 
 purpre, sb., OF. purpre; purple, 192, 
 pursue(n), wkv., OF. por-poursuir ; 
 pursue, follow after, take ; pt. pi. 
 pursued, 222, 28. 
 purveyen, see porveie(n). 
 put, sb., Sth. = Ml. pit; OE. pytt; 
 pit; ds. piitte, 182, 7. 
 putfalle, sb., OE. *pyttfeall,/. ; pit- 
 fall, trap, 223, 24. 
 Putifar, sb.,~La.t. Putiphar; Potiphar, 
 21, 1 ; 24, 17. 
 putte(n), wkv., OE. potian, perh. 
 OF. bouter, 'thrust ' ; push, thrust, 
 put ; inf. putten, 120, 13 ; imp. sg. 
 putt, 102, i4;/n///.puttyng, 233, 
 27 ; pt. sg. putte, 244, 17; put, 136, 
 29 ; pt. 2 sg. pottest, 55, 9. Nth. 
 pr. 3 sg. puttes, 143, 25. Sth. //. 
 yput, 222, 81. 
 pyked, pp. as adj. , piked, pointed \ 1 20, 
 pyler, pyne(n), see piler, pine(n). 
 pylgrymage, sb., OF. pelerinage, inn. 
 by pilegrim < OF. pelegrin ; pil- 
 grimage, 98, 7. 
 qua (quam, quaO, quae, quad 
 (quat), see \vrE67 quake (n), quf- 
 quake(n), Sth. quakle(n), wkv., OE. 
 cwacian ; quake, tremble ; pt. sg. 
 quakede, 44, 10. Nth. inf. quae, 
 152, 8. eSth. inf. quaklen, 182, 
 qualle, sb., OF. quaille; quail, 151, 
 quam, quan (qwan, quane,quanne), 
 see who, whanne. 
 quantitee, sb., OF. quantite; quantity, 
 233, !5- 
 quarel, sb., OF. quarrel ; quarrel, 
 square bolt, 215, 18. 
 quarell, sb., OF. querele ; quarrel, 
 106, 5. 
 quarfor, see wherfore. 
 quarterne, sb., OE. cweartern, neut.; 
 prison ; pi. quarterne, 3, 9. 
 quarporu (quharthrou), quasi,, see 
 wherporu, whosg. 
 quat, see who, qufSe(n). 
 quatkin,/r;z.,OE. hwset+ cynn; what 
 kind of , 133, 20. 
 quatsg, indef. prn., OE. hwsetswa ; 
 what so, 30, 14. 
 quatsgevere, indef. prn., OE. hwset- 
 swa +atfre; whatsoever, 30, 12. 
 quf d, cwf ad, quead, sb., OE. cwead ; 
 .evil, 50, 20. Sth. <afr. cwfade, 200, 
 27 ; kwead, 217, 8. Kt. ds. queade, 
 216, 31. 
 quedur (quehepir), see wheper. 
 queintis, sb., NF. queintise, OF. 
 cointise; skill, wisdom, 104,8. Cf. 
 quelle(n), wkv., OE. cwellan ; kill, 
 archaic quell; inf. quelle, 44, 20. 
 Nth. inf. qwell, 159, 30. 
 queme, adj., OE. cweme; pleasant, 
 agreeable, 76, 28. 
 queme, sb., OE. cweme ; pleasure, 
 t5 queme, 49, 25. 
 quen (quhen), see whanne. 
 quenching, sb., based on OE. cwen- 
 can ; quenching, 18, 18. 
 quene, sb., OE. cwen ; queen ; cwen 
 (eME.), 6, 6 ; cwene, 74, 1 ; quene, 
 42, 14. 
 qu^Se(n), stv., OE. cweoan-cwacS (5) ; 
 speak, say; pt. sg. quaS, 22, 3; 
 quad, 22, 21 ; quat, 83, 8; quod, 
 114, 7. Sth. pt. sg. cweo", 201, 
 23; quoo\ 193, 30; pp. iqueden, 
 176, 9 ._ 
 quefterso, indef prn., Nth. eME. = 
 Ml. whej>ersg ; OE. hwseoer + swa ; 
 whether so, 21, 21. 
 quharthrou, see quarporu. 
 quhene, adv., OE. hwanone,hwanan; 
 whence, 173, 28. 
 quhill (quil), qui, see whil, whi. 
 quicliche, adv., Sth. = Ml. quikly, 
 OE. *cwicllce, cf. cwiculice ; quickly, 
 207, 24. 
 quide, sb., OE. cwide ; what is said, 
 word, 191, 14. 
 quik, adj., OE. cwic ; alive, 141, 6. 
 quik, quic, adv., OE. cwice; quickly, 
 quyk, 88, 19. 
 quilc (quilke), quile (quhill), see 
 while, while. 
 qvdles,adv., eME., Nth. = Ml. whiles, 
 OE. hwilum, mod. by gen. advs. ; 
 whiles, at times, 34, 10. 
 quilum, see whilem. 
 quiste, sb., OE. cwis, f. + t; will, 
 testament, 75, 27. 
 quite, ad/., .OF. quite; quit, free, 44, 
 quite (n), wkv., OF. quiter ; requite, 
 pay ; inf. quite, 54, 30. 
 quod, see quf5e(n). 
 quointise, sb., OF. cointise; skill, 
 wisdom, ornament, 208, 1. 
 qugr, adv., eME., Nth. = Ml. wher, 
 whgr; OM. hwer, hwar, WS. hwser, 
 where, 33, 12. 
 quoynte, adj., OF. coint; happy, gay, 
 quyk, quo, quoso, see quik, who, 
 qwat, see who. 
 qwell, qwyehe, see quelle(n), 
 rac, sb., allied to rakel, ON.? ; haste, 
 rush, 52, 20. 
 rachentege, sb., OM. racentege, f, 
 WS. racenteage ; chain, fetter; pi. 
 rachenteges (eME.), 3, 14. 
 rad (radde), radi, see rede(n), rfdi. 
 rade,^.,eME.,Nth. = Ml.rgde; OE. 
 rad,/.; road, 196, 29. 
 rsed, reedesman, see red, r desman, 
 reeflac, sb., OE. reaflac; robbery, 
 rapine, 2, II. 
 riSven, see rfve(n). 
 rsevfre, sb., OE. reafere; robber, 
 4, 4- 
 rafte, see reve(n). 
 rage, j^., OF. rage; ra^, y^//j/, 
 240, 9. 
 rage(n), wkv., OF. ragier ; rage, be 
 wanton; Nth. pr. 3 sg. rages, 127, 
 ragged, adj., cf. ON. rogg, ' tuft, 
 rag ' ; ragged, shaggy, 60, 9. 
 rais (raiss), see rise(n). 
 rake(n), wkv., ON. raka; rake or 
 sweep away, destroy, inf. raken, 
 24, 4. 
 Ramesseie, sb., OE. Ramesig (-eg) ; 
 Ramsey (Huntingdonshire), 8, 9. 
 Kamese, .y., Lat. Rameses; Rameses, 
 32, 3 2 - 
 ranc, rank, adj., OE. ranc; strong, 
 proud, rank, 23, 9. 
 Randale,^., Randall', Schir Thomas, 
 169, i". 
 Randolf, sb., Randolf, Earl of Ches- 
 ter, 5, 18. 
 ransake(n), wkv., ON. rannsaka, 
 cognate with OE. rsesn, ' house' 
 and sacan, ' strive ' ; ransack, search ; 
 inf. ransaken, 30, 3. 
 ransoune(n), wkv., OF. ransonner, 
 ransunner ; ransom ; pr. 3 sg. ran- 
 sounnej), 104, 18. 
 rap, sb., ON. *hrap, cf. hrapa, 'rush'; 
 haste; 52, 20, rap and rac, hurry 
 and haste. 
 rap, sb., eME., Nth. = Ml. rgp ; OE. 
 rap ; rope ; pi. rapes, 6, 29. 
 rape(n), wkv., ON. hrapa; hasten; 
 imp. pi. rapeft, 30, 29. 
 rapli, adv., ON. *hrap, cf. Dan. rap, 
 ' swift '+ ME. H; qtiickly, 155, 26. 
 ras, see rise(n). 
 ratch, sb., OE. rsecc ; hunting dog; 
 pi. ratches, 62, 7. 
 raiS, adj., OE. hraeS ; quick ; comp. 
 ra]>er, 220, 15. 
 raSe, rape, adv., OE. hraSe ; quickly, 
 29, 25 ; rafte (eME.), 180, 11. 
 ratte, sb., OE. rsett,f; rat; pi. rattes, 
 244, 26. 
 Rauland, sb., OF. Roland ? ; Roland, 
 126, 15. 
 raunsun, sb., OF. raenson, ranson, 
 AN. ransun; rede?nption, ransom, 
 94> 2 5- 
 raw, .r., Nth. = Ml. Sth. rowe ; OE. 
 raw,/".; n?ze>, line, order, 133, 11. 
 rfaden (rfadeft), rfaven (rfavien), 
 see rede(n), rfve(n). 
 recche(n), reche(n), wkv'., OE. 
 reccan, reccean ; tell, expotind; inf. 
 rechen, 22, 22 ; pr. 1 sg. recche, 94, 
 23 ; pt. sg. rechede, 23, 28. Cf. 
 receyve(n), wkv., OF. rece(i)ver ; re- 
 ceive; pr. pi. receyveth, 122, 11; 
 pr. sbj. pi. receyve, 122, 5; pp. 
 receyved, 11 1, 6; reseyvet, 118, 28. 
 Nth. inf. resayve, 139, 28;/r. %sg. 
 rescheyves (INth.), 146, 6. 
 reehe(n), wkv., Sth. = Ml. reke(n) ; 
 OE. recan (reccan) -r5hte (rohte) ; 
 care, reck ; pr. 1 sg. reiche, 231,18; 
 pr. 3 sg. recfSe, 180, 13. 
 rfche(n), xvkv., OE. rgecean-nehte ; 
 reach; inf. rgche, 43, 21. 
 reching, sb., based on rechen; inter- 
 pretation, 21, 22. 
 recomande(n), wkv., OF. recom- 
 mander; recommend; inf. recoman- 
 dyn, 118, 31. 
 record, sb., OF. record; record; ds. 
 recorde, 234, 16. 
 recorde(n), wkv., OF. recorder; re- 
 cord; pt. sg. recorded, 105, 3. 
 recrfaunt, sb., OF.recreant; recreant, 
 defeated, 113, 5. 
 rectfe, red, see reche(n), rede(n). 
 rfd, redd, adj., OE. read ; red; ds. 
 rgde, 47, 10 ; redd, 112, 11. 
 red_(rfd), rede, sb., ON. red, WS. 
 rsed,/. ; counsel, advice ; raid, 6, 18 ; 
 red, 46, 21 ; ds. rede, 70, 16. Sth. 
 rfde, 1 76, 4. 
 redde, see rgdi. 
 rede(n), stv., OM. redan (WS. rse- 
 dan)-red (R) ; counsel, explain, 
 read; inf. redenn (O), 9, 10; pr. 1 
 sg. rede, 24, 5 ; rfde, 15,9 ; pr. sbj. 
 sg. rede, 52, 21 ; pt. sg. red, 155, 27. 
 Nth. inf. red, 126, 2; pr. ppl. 
 redande, 144,3. Sth. inf. r|de, 206, 
 2- 6 ; pr.i sg. reade (eSth.), 193, 13 ; 
 imp. pi. rgadeft, 200, 19; pt. sg. 
 radde, 45, 25 ; pp. rad, 35, 3 ; irad, 
 40, 4; ired(WML), 123, 5. Kt. 
 pr. pi. redeth, 210, 21. 
 rfd3sman, sb., Sth. = ME. redes- 
 man ; WS. rfedesman ; counsellor; 
 pi. rsedesmen, rgdesmen, 226, 5. 
 rfdi, radi, redde, adj., OE. *raedig, 
 extended from OE. rgede, ' ready ' ; 
 ready, 17, 18; radi, 101, 7; redde, 
 _i33j " 
 rgdlly, rgdlliche, adv., OE. *rsedi- 
 lice; readily, quickly, 239, 5. Sth. 
 (SEMI.), rfdiliche, 69, 30. 
 Efdinge, .$., OE. Readinge; pi. name 
 of people, then of place ; Reading, 
 Berks., 2, 2. 
 rf dnes, sb., OE. readness,/ ; redness, 
 redunge, sb., OM. reding, WS. raed- 
 ing,/. ; reading, 192, 3. 
 Bedvers, .r^., OF. Redviers, Reviers ; 
 Redvers, Baldwin de, 2, 12. 
 rs, j-<5., OE. ries ; rush, forward 
 movement, ill, 24. 
 refe(n), iyk,eME. = M1. reven; OE. 
 hrefan ; ra?/*; ?Vz/I refen, 4, 14. 
 refiise(n), />fo\, OF. refuser; refuse ; 
 pr. sbj. sg. refuse, ti8, 10. 
 refut, sb., OF. refute; refuge, 103, 
 re^hellboc, sb., OE. regolboc ; book 
 of canons or rules , 8, 16. 
 regnynge, sb., based on regne(n) ; 
 reigning, ruling, 236, 29. 
 reiche, see reche(n). 
 rein, sb., OE. regn; rain, 186, 6. 
 reise(n), mz/., ON. reisa, cogn. with 
 OE. rairan ; raise ; pr. 3 sg. reiseft, 
 14, 11 ; pt. sg. raised, 132, 16 ; pp. 
 reysed, 117,6. Nth.pr. 3 sg. raises, 
 129, 22. 
 reke(n), wkv., OE. recan, reccan- 
 r5hte (rohte) ; care, reck ; Nth., pt. 
 sbj. sg. roucht, 167, 3. 
 reke(n), reche(n), wkv., OM. rec- 
 cean-rsehte (WS. reahte); stretch, 
 extend, direct one's way, go, tell, 
 recite; rekyn, 55,21; pt.pl. rekened, 
 89, 5. Cf. recche(n). 
 reli&ius, adj. and sb., OF. religius 
 (ous); religious, 199, 5. 
 rely (en), wkv., OF. relier, ralier ; 
 rally; Nth.pt. sg. relyit, 167, 30. 
 rely gy on, sb., OF. religion; religion, 
 rJm^jA, OF. realme, reame ; realm, 
 225, 16. 
 rem, sb., OE. hream; cry, uproar, 14, 
 11. , ,. S < 
 remedye, remedy, sb., OF. remede, 
 perh. *remedie; remedy, 235, 28; 
 remedy, 145, 13. 
 remembre(n), wkv., OF. remembrer; 
 remember; pr. ppl. remembraunt 
 (for -and), 105, 9. 
 remenaunt, sb., OF. remanant; rem- 
 nant, remainder, 118, 7. 
 rende(n), wkv., OE. rendan, rendan ; 
 rend, tear-, pt. sg. rende, 195, 21. 
 renne(n), rinne(n), stv., ON. renna 
 (rinna)-rann (3) ; run ; inf. rcnne, 
 5> 30; pt- sg. ran, 78, 3. Nth. 
 iffip. sg. ryn, 141, 30 ; pt. pi. ryn, 
 rente, sb., OF. rente ; revenue, rent; 
 pi. rentes, 4, 14. 
 reope(n), see ripe(n). 
 repaire(n), repare(n), wkv., OF. 
 repairer ; repair, return ; pr. 3 sg. 
 repaireth, 245, 17. INth. pp. re- 
 parit, 168, 28. 
 repente(n), wkv., OF. repentir; re- 
 pent; inf. repente, 244, 22. 
 repleet, adj., OF. replet ; replete , 
 quite full, 238, 7. 
 reporte(n), wkv., OF. reporter ; re- 
 port; pr, sbj. sg. report, 239, 7. 
 represente(n),w#.,OF. representer; 
 represent \pt. sg. represented, 234, 3. 
 reprove(n), wkv., OF. reprover ; re- 
 prove ; pt. sbj. sg. reproved, 234, 1 ; 
 pp. reproffede, 145, 21. 
 rfquiem, sb., OF. requiem ; requiem, 
 117, 21. 
 rfre(n), wkv., OE. neran ; rear, 
 raise, build; inf. rgren, 73, 2. Sth. 
 inf. rfre, 210, 2. 
 resayve, rescheyve, reseyvet, see 
 rfson, rfsiin, rf soun, sb., OF. reson, 
 AN. resun ; reason, 105, 18 ; resun, 
 J 33> 9 ifsoun, 91, 6; r|soune, 
 141, 8. 
 rfsonable, adj., OF. raisonable ; 
 reasonable, 136, 26. 
 reste, sb., OE. rest,/.; rest, 32, 28. 
 Nth. ryst, 146, 23 ; ryste, 144, 5. 
 restels, adj., OE. resteleas infl. by 
 ME. reste; restless, 240, 32. 
 restfre(n), wkv., OF. restorer ; re- 
 store ; inf. restfre, 95, 24. 
 rf sun, see rfson. 
 Beuda, sb., Reuda, 222, 4. 
 E e 
 reuel, reul, sb., OF. reule ; rule, 155, 
 24, 26. 
 reuful, adj., OE. *hreowful ; rueful, 
 sorrowful, 92, 19. 
 reuliche, adz/., OE. hreowlice; sadly, 
 pitifully, 60, 8. 
 reuly, see reweli. 
 reupe, rew?e, reuth, sb., OE. 
 *hreow$, /". ; sorrow, repentance, 
 ruth, 37, 19; rewfte, 30, 19. Nth. 
 reuth, 129, 17. 
 rfve(n), /&/., OE. reafian ; rob, 
 plunder-, inf. rfven, 79, 19 ; pr. 3 
 sg. rfveS, 198, 22; //. sg. raevede 
 (eME.), 2,1; Tfvede, 7,4; rafte. 
 55, 4; pt.pl. rseveden (eME.), 3', 
 2 5J /A rafte, 115, 24. Nth. inf. 
 r|ve, 144, 12. Sth. w/i rfaven 
 (eSth.), 197, 2; ji/. sg. rgavle, 
 200, 26. 
 reward, sb., OF. reward ; reward, 
 regard-, td J>e reward of, to the 
 regard of , in respect to, 218, 7. 
 rewe, j., OE. rsew (raw),/!; r^zo; 
 by rewe, in a tow, 228, 15. 
 reweli, reuly, adj., OE. hreowlic ; 
 sad, compassionate, 30, 8 ; reuly, 
 rewe(n), stv., OE. hreowan-hreaw 
 (R); rue, repent; inf. rewen, 20, 
 24; ruwen, 176, 21. 
 rewme, sb., OF. realme, reaume ; 
 realm, 236, 6. 
 rewnesse, .?., OE. hreowness, f. ; 
 pity, 80, 9. 
 rewfte (rewthe), reysed, see reupe, 
 rice, riche, adj., OE. rice, later infl. 
 by OF. rich e ; powerful, rich, 1,6; 
 superl. riccheste, 182, 30; ricchest, 
 186, 23. 
 Richard, sb., OF. Richard ; Richard, 
 206, 31. 
 riche, sb., OE. rice ; reahn ; Sth. ds. 
 richen, 183, 13. 
 richelike, adv., OE. richllce, mod. by 
 OF. riche ; richly, 33, 26. 
 richesse, sb., OF. richesse ; wealth, 
 riches, 215, 17. 
 richt, see riht. 
 ride(n), stv., OE. ridan-rad (1) ; 
 ride; pr.ppl. ridend, 4, 3; pt. sg. 
 rgd, 52, 28; rood, 229, 6; rde, 
 106, 25; pt.pl. ridyn, 112, 25. 
 Sth. pr.ppl. ridinde, 189, 16. 
 rifle(n),ze>/&z/.,OF. rifler; rifle, plunder, 
 spoil; pp. rlnld, 161, 2. 
 rift, *., OE. rift; veil; ds. rifte, 
 188, 26. 
 ri;tfulnes, j3., OE. *rihtfulnes, /. ; 
 righteousness, 101, 4. 
 rightly, adv., OE. rihtlice ; rightly ; 
 127, 24. 
 rightwis, a^"., OE. rihtwls; righteous, 
 !39> 3- 
 rigolage, sb., OF. rigolage ; sport, 
 struggling, boisterous conduct, 127, 
 rigt, rigte, see riht. 
 rigte(n), wkv. , OE. rihtan ; straighten, 
 correct; inf. rigten, 16, 27; pr. 3 
 sg. rigte, 15, 18. 
 ri;tful, ry^tful, adj., OE. *rihtful; 
 righteous; ry3tful, 100, 21. 
 riht, rigt, richt, adj., OE. riht; 
 right; rihht, 10, 4; rigt, 15, 23; 
 richt, 76, 30; right, 127, 11; ds. 
 rigte, 20, 22 ; be g5de rihte, ds., by 
 good right, 7, 3 ; //. ryght, 233, 5.' 
 rihtwisnesse, sb., OE. rihtwisnes,/".; 
 righteousness, 178, 15. 
 rike, adj., Nth. = Ml. Sth. riche ; OE. 
 rice; powerful, mighty, rich, 126, 9. 
 rime, rim, sb., OE. rim, neut.; rime, 
 number, song, 9, 8. Nth. rim, 
 rime(n), wkv., OE. riman ; number, 
 rime'. Nth. pr. ppl. rlmand, 133, 
 rine(n), wkv., OE. rignan, rinan; 
 rain; inf. rine, 186, 6. 
 ring, sb., OE. hring; ring, 2^ 2 _ii; 
 ringe, 109, 27 ; ds. ringe, 46, 20. 
 ringe(n), rynge(n), stv., OE. ringan 
 -rang (rng) (3) ; ring; inf. rynge, 
 123, 11 ; pt. sg. rng, 238, 32. 
 Nth.pr.pl. ringes, 76, 25. 
 rinne(n), see renne(n). 
 riote, riot, sb., OF. riote; riot, 127, 
 30^237, 9. 
 riotour, sb., OF. rioteur, notour; 
 brawler, rioter, 238, 31. 

 ripe, adj., OE. ripe; ripe, 21, 26. 
 ripe(n), slv., OE. rlpan-rap (1); 
 reap; inf. ripen, 176, 22. eSth. 
 imp. pi. reope (< OAng. reopan- 
 rap), 196, 19. 
 rise(n), slv., OE. risan-ras (1) ; rise ; 
 imp. sg. ris, 82, 28 ; //. sg. ras 
 (eME.), 11, 9; rgs, 15, 3; pt. pi. 
 risen, 2, 11 ; /^>. risenn (O), 12, 6. 
 INth. pt. sg. rais = ras, 172, 16. 
 rivelic, adv., ON. rifr, ' abundant ' + 
 ME. He; abundantly, frequently, 
 commonly, 154, 7. 
 riveling, sb., OE. rifeling ; a sort of 
 shoe ; rughfut riveling \a nickname 
 of the Scotch), 161, 5. 
 rixe(n), wkv., OE. ricsian, rixian ; 
 rule, reign; inf. rixan, 7, 8. 
 rixlie(n), wkv., Sth. = Ml. rixle(n) ; 
 OE. rixlian; rule; eSth. pr. 3 sg. 
 rixleoft, 182, 30. 
 ro, sb., ON. ro, cogn. with OE. row, 
 /. ; rest, quiet, 51, 19. 
 robbe(n), wkv., OF. rober; rob, 
 plunder; pt.pl. robbed, 165, 23. 
 Sth. inf. robby, 205, 25. 
 robberie, sb., OF. roberie ; robbery, 
 209, 17. 
 robby, see robbe(n). 
 rgbe, sb., OF. robe, robe, clothing; 
 pi. rgbes, 49, 4. 
 Bodbert, sb., OF. Rodberd ; Robert, 
 Earl of Gloucester, 5, 11. 
 rgde, sb., OE. rad,/.; riding, journey, 
 road, 61, 27. 
 rode, sb., OE. rod, /.; cross, rood, 
 4, 3 1 - 
 Boderik, see Bodric. 
 rodetre, sb., OE. rod,f. + treo ; cross, 
 rood-tree, 11, 26. 
 Bodric, Boderik, sb., OF. Rodric ; 
 Roderic, 220, 18 ; Roderik, 220, 22. 
 Bogingbam , sb. , Rockingham (North- 
 ampton), 4, 22. 
 rohly, adv., OE. *ruhlice; roughly, 
 savagely, 149, 23. 
 rolle(n), wkv., OF. roller; f//j pr. 
 $ sg. rolleth, 241, 10. 
 Bomars, sb., NF. Romare, OF. 
 Roumare ; Romare, William of, 
 5, 23. 
 rgmaunse, rgmans, sb., OF. ro- 
 mance; romance, 115, 21 ; rgmans, 
 126, 2. 
 Bdmayn, adj., OF. roumain, NF. 
 romain; Roman, 221, 28. 
 Borne, sb., OE. R5m, /., L. Roma ; 
 Rome, 4, 17. 
 Bomenel,^.,OF.Romenel; Romney, 
 186, 9. 
 ron, see run, rune. 
 rond, a^'., OF. rond, AN. rund ; 
 round; wk. r5nde, 126, 14. 
 rng, see ringe(n). 
 rospe(n), wkv., ON. *raspen, Dan. 
 raspe or OF. raspe ; rasp, scrape, 
 destroy ; inf. rospen, 24, 4. 
 rgste(n), wkv., OF. rostir; roast; 
 Nth. inf. ryst, 171, 3 ; pt.pl. rgstit, 
 I7i> 15. 
 rote, sb., ON. rot,/.; root, 127, 18. 
 rte(n), ra/z/., OE. rotian ; rot, become 
 putrid; pp. rted, 58, 20. 
 rgten, adj., ON. rotinn ; rotten, 
 putrid, 50, 12. 
 rgp, sb., ON. raft, cogn. with OM. 
 red, WS. raid ; counsel, advise, 
 plan ; ds. r};e, 86, 9. 
 r^5e(n), zy^z/., ON. raSa, cogn. with 
 OE, raidan; advise, counsel; inf. 
 _Se, 75, 23. 
 rou, a^/'., OE. ruh ; rough, hairy, 
 roucht, roun, see reke(n), run 
 rounge(n), wkv., OF. ronger; gnaw, 
 gnash with the teeth, perh. Scot. 
 runch; Nth. inf. rounge, 156, 23. 
 route, rout, sb., OF. route ; company, 
 army, rout, 205, 28. Nth. rout, 
 138, 32; rowt, 158, 16. 
 route(n), wkv., ON. rauta; roar, 
 snore; pt. sg. routit, 172, 10. 
 Bovecestre, sb., OE. Hrofesceaster ; 
 Rochester, 6, 10. 
 rowe, sb., OE. new, raw,/; row, 
 straight line, 62, 9. 
 rowe(n), stv., OE. rowan-reow (R); 
 row, go by water, sail; inf. rowen, 
 _I97, 2. __ 
 rowt, see route, 
 rug, Sth. = Ml. rig (rigge), sb. } 
 E e 2 
 OE. hrycg ; back, ridge ; ds. riigge, 
 207, 9. 
 rugge(n), wkv., ON. rugga ; rock, 
 agitate, pull; pt.pl. rugget, 142, 5. 
 rughfute, sb. as adj., OE. run + lot; 
 rough foot, 161, 5. 
 rume(n), ivkv., OE. ruman ; make 
 room, enlarge-, pt. sg. rvimde, 186, 
 run, run, ron, sb., OE. run, f. ; 
 secret, colloquy, counsel, 178, 32; 
 language, letter, poe?n ; reden roun, 
 direct the conversation , 52, 21. 
 Nth. ron, 133, 9. 
 rune(n), W/z\, OE. runian; whisper, 
 archaic 7-ound; pt. sg. runde, 44, 14. 
 ruwen, see rewe(n). 
 rybawdye, sb., OF. ribaudie; ri- 
 baldry, 121, 9. 
 rye, j&, OE. ryge; rye, 158, 4. 
 ryfe = ryf, ^'., OE. rlf; abundant, 
 frequent, 106, 21. 
 ryght, ry^tful, J riht, ri5tful. 
 ryn, rynge, ryngen, see renne(n), 
 ring, ringe(n). 
 ryste (ryst), see reste. 
 ryve(n), stv., ON. rifa; rive, tear, 
 break ; inf. ryve, 243, 32. 
 saeclies, sacrafise, see saklfs, sacri- 
 sacrament, sacrement, sb., OF. 
 sacrement; sacrament, 122, 4; 
 sacrement, 146, 7. 
 sacrifice, saerafyse, sb., OF. sacri- 
 fice; sacrifice, 102, 21; sacrafise, 
 !35, J 3 5 sacrifise, 237, 13. 
 sade, adv., OE. sasde ; sufficiently, 
 fully, 122, 19. 
 sadel, sadil, OE. sadol; saddle, 61, 
 see, see s. 
 ssecle(n), wkv., OM. seclian, WS. 
 sleclian ; sicken, become sick ; pt. sg. 
 saeclede, 7, 33. 
 ssegen, see seie(n). 
 seBgen, sb., OE. segen (ssegen), f. ; 
 saying, assertion, 6, 28. 
 saeht, adj., eME. = Ml. saht ; OE. 
 saeht ; at peace, reconciled; pi. ssehte, 
 2, 16. 
 seehte, ssehtleden, see sabte, saht- 
 seem, sself, see seie(n), self. 
 Sffiri, adj., OE. sarig; sad, sorrowful, 
 186, 21. 
 sSrinesse, sb., OE. sarigness, f.; 
 sorrow, 183, 28. 
 sagh, saght, see se, sahte. 
 sahh, sag, sagh, sau}, say, see sen. 
 sahte, sb., OE. saeht,/! ; agreement, 
 compact, 7, 15 ; saehte, 7, 17. Nth. 
 saght, 126, 16. 
 sahtle(n), wkv., OE. sahtlian; re- 
 concile, make peace; pt.pl. sahtlede, 
 6, 13 ; sahtleden, 6, 15. 
 saie, see seie(n). 
 saint, seint, sainte, .seynte, sain, 
 adj. sb., OF. saint,/! sainte; saint; 
 seint, 58, 25 ; seynt, 88, 21 ; seynte 
 Jfhn, 106, 19 ; Seynte Marie, 116, 
 15; Seynt Marie, 118, 2. Nth. 
 sain, 148, 1 ; saint, 160, 21 ; saht, 
 131, 8. Sth. sein, 205, 13 ; seinte, 
 198, 16. 
 sake, sak, sb., OE. sacu ; sake, cause; 
 for . . . sake, on account of, 58, 16. 
 Nth. sak, 131, 16. 
 sakelfas, see saklfs. 
 sakerynge,^/. ppl. as sb., sacren, OF. 
 sacrer ; consecration, 123, 12. 
 saklf?, adj., OE. saclfas; innocent, 
 without injury; sacclaes (O), 11, 
 26; saklfs, 139, 6. e Sth. sakelfas, 
 I99> J3- 
 sal, salt, see schule(n). 
 'Salamon, sb., OKSalamon; Solomon, 
 said, see selle(n). 
 salve, sb., OE. sealf,/.; salve, remedy, 
 198, 30. 
 same, see schame(n). 
 same, same, adj., OF. samr ; same, 
 223, 5; same, 136, 14. 
 samen, samyn, sammyn, adv., ON. 
 saman; together, 79, 6; samyn, 137, 
 18; sammyn, 170, 22. 
 samne(n),wfe., OE. samnian; collect, 
 assemble ; pp. sammnedd (O), 9, 1. 
 samyn, see samen. 
 sand, sb., OE. sand, sond ; sand, land, 
 sande, sb., OE. sand, sgnd,/! ; mis- 
 sion, message, messenger) pi. sandes, 
 2, 16. 
 sane, wkv. , "Nth.. = Ml. seine(n) ; 
 OE. segnian ; sign, mark with sign, 
 bless; pt. sg. sanyt (INth), 169, 12. 
 sang, sb., Nth. = M1., Sth. sgng; OE. 
 sang, song; song, 127, 5. 
 sannt (O), sb., OE. sanct ; saint, 8, 
 sant, see saint, 
 sar, adj., Nth. = Ml. spr ; OE. sar; 
 sore, grievous, sad; superl. sarest, 
 i49> 3 2 - 
 Sarasyn, Sarazin, sb. , OF. Sarazin ; 
 Saracen, heathen, 88, 2 ; pi. Sarazins, 
 126, 16; Sarasynes, 230, 4. 
 sare, adz>., Nth. for Ml. sgre ; OE. 
 sare; sorely, 77, 4; 109, 10. 
 sarlic, a^'., OE. sarlic; sad, mournful, 
 188, 18. 
 sary, adj., Nth. = Ml. sprl; OE. sarig; 
 sorry, 154, 17. 
 Satan, jtS., OF. Satan ; Satan, 155, 7. 
 Satanas, Satenas, j^., L. Satanas; 
 Satan, 16, 17; Satenas, 153, 10. 
 Saterday, sb., OE. Sseterdseg ; Satur- 
 day, 209, 20. 
 sattel, w/fe., Nth. = Ml. settle(n); 
 OE. setlan; settle; inf. sattel, 151, 
 sau, see sawe. 
 Saul, sb.,OY. Saul; Saul, 131, 1. 
 saule (sawle), saul, sb., eME. Nth. 
 = Ml. sowle, OE. sawel, sawl f. ; soul, 
 2,22; sawle, 9, 4; sawle nede, souls 
 need, 9,4; sawle berrhless (O) , soul's 
 salvation, 10, 24. Nth. saul, 142, 
 20; sawell, 156, 18; //. sauls, 137, 
 22. eStii.pl. saule, 180, 16 ; sawlen, 
 197, 6. Kt. zaule, 216, 14; //. 
 saulen, 211, 24. 
 saumpul, sb., OF. esample ; example, 
 sample, 1 2*-, 29. 
 sauve, see save(n). 
 save, prep, and conj., OF. sauf ; save, 
 except, 73, 15. 
 save(n), wkv., OF. salver, sauver, 
 saver ; save, preserve, observe ; inf. 
 save, 117, 18; unwyse t5 save it, 
 ignorant in observing it, 235, 17; 
 pr. sbj. sg. save, 90, 1 2 ; imp. sg. 
 save, 211, 4; sauve, 211, 22; pp. 
 saved, 74, 7. Nth. pr. 3 sg. saves, 
 128, 21. Sth. pp. isauved, 211, 25. 
 Savvey, sb., NF. Savei, OF. Savoi, 
 Savoy ; ds. Savveye, Perres of, Peter, 
 Earl of Richmond, 227, 4. 
 savyoure, sb. } OF. saveour; savior, 
 sawe, sb., OE. sagu ; saying, saw, 97, 
 6; pi. sawes, 137, 1. Nth. sau, 
 148, 23. 
 sawell, see saule. 
 sawtere, sb., OF. sautier < psaltier ; 
 psalter, 121, 1, 
 Saxon, sb., OF. Saxon; Saxon; pi. 
 Saxons, 203, 18 ; in Saxon, against 
 the Saxons, or in Saxony, that is 
 England, 224, 1 ; West Saxon, the 
 kingdom of , the West Saxons, 222, 
 Saxonlych, adv., OF. Saxon + lice; 
 like the Saxon, 224, 9. 
 saye(n) (sayn, say), sce, ^seie(n), 
 scsel, scserp, see schule(n), scharp. 
 scaft, sb., eME. = Ml. schaft ; OE. 
 sceaft ; shaft, arrow, spear ; pi. 
 scaftes, 189. 30. 
 scane(n), wkv., OE. scsenan ; break; 
 eME.pr.pl. scanen, 189, 30. 
 scarslych, adv., OF. escars + Sth. 
 lych ; scarcely, 225, 18. 
 scatere(n), wkv., ODu. scateren ? ; 
 scatter; pt. sg. scatered, 2, 21. 
 scafle, sb., ON. skaSi ; harm, 29, 10. 
 scaw, sceal, see schewe(n), schu- 
 sceld, sb., eME. = Ml. scheld ; OM. 
 sceld (sceld), WS. scield; shield; 
 pl. sceldes, 189, 30. 
 sceone, adj.,\\S. sceone, sciene, OM. 
 scene ; beautiful, bright, 190, 27. 
 scecrt, see schort. 
 sceove(n), stv., OE. sceofan (scufan)- 
 sceaf(2); shove, move with violence; 
 eSth. inf. sceoven, 191, 2. 
 scerp, schaft, see scharp, shafte- 
 schame, sb., OM. scamu (WS. 
 sceamu, scamu) ; shame, ignominy, 
 42, 17. eSth. scheome, 195, 30. 
 Sth. ssame, 207, 16. 
 schame(n), wkv. , OE. sceamian ; be 
 ashamed, feel shame ; Sth. inip.pl. 
 same 3e, 207, 10. 
 schamlic, adj., OE. sceamllc; shame- 
 ful, base, 153, 4. 
 schap, sb. , OM. gescap, "WS. gesceap ; 
 shape, image, 62, 24. 
 scharp, adj., OM. scarp (WS. scearp) ; 
 sharp, 60, 6 ; eME. scasrp, 3, 12. 
 Sth. scerp, 186, 15. 
 sehape, sb., OM. scaoa, WS. sceafta ; 
 harm, injury, 150, 4. 
 schauing, sb., Nth. = Ml. schowinge; 
 OE. sceawung, f. ; showing, 153, 
 schave(n), stv., OE. scafan-scof (6) ; 
 shave; pp. schave, 120, 29. 
 sche, schfawe(n), j^ he, shewe (n). 
 schfde(n), stv., OE. sceadan-sceod 
 (R) ; separate, divide, shed ; pt. pi. 
 sched, 132, 19. 
 schfde(n), wkv., OM. *scedan, based 
 on sceadan, stv. ; separate, divide, 
 shed; pt. sg. schedde, 122, 22. Sth^ 
 //. sg. ssedcle, 208, 30. 
 schelde(n), wkv., OM. sceldan, WS. 
 scieldan ; shield, protect ; imp. sg. 
 schelde, 123, 20. Sth. (SEMI.), 
 inf. slide (n), 15, 6 ;pr. 3 sg. slide, 
 17, 23 ; pr. sbj. sg. schilde, 64, 3. 
 schende(n), wkv., OE. scendan, scen- 
 dan ; injure, disgrace ; imp. pi. 
 schendeft, 195, 30; //. schent, 59, 
 10. Sth. pp. ischende, 125, 34. 
 scheome, scheortliche, see schame, 
 schep, shep, sb., OM. seep, WS. 
 sceap; sheep, 53, 3 ; sep = shep, 15, 
 6 ; schep, 86, 16. 
 scheppe(n), stv., OM. sceppan (WS. 
 scieppan)-scop (6) ; shape, fashion, 
 create; pt. sg. sch5p, 49, 17; schdpe, 
 62, 25 ; shoope, 245, 13. eSth.pt. 
 sg. sc5p, 178, 27. 
 schete(n), stv., OE. sceotan-sceat 
 (2); shoot, throw; pp. schgte, 61, 
 16. 3th.. pt. sg. sscft, 207, 241pp. 
 ischoten (eME.), 195, 33; issgte, 
 208, 20. 
 sche we (n), wkv., OE. sceawian ; 
 show; inf. shsewenn (O), 13, 1; 
 schewe, 44, 15; shewe, 104, 13; 
 pr. 1 sg. shewe, 227, 1 1 ; pp. shewed , 
 91, 1. Nth. inf. scaw, 130, 1; 
 schau, 148, 24 ; schew, 130, 5 ; pr. 
 3 sg. schaues, 150, 15; pr. ppl. 
 schewand, 144, 4; pt. sg. schawed, 
 J 55> 3 2 5 -pp- schawed, 153, 29. 
 eSth. imp. pi. schfaweo', 198, 31. 
 Kt. inf. ssewy, 216, 1 ; seawy, 217, 
 16 ; pr. pi. seaweth, 211, 28 \pt.sg. 
 seawede, 213, 8. 
 schift, sb., OAng. *scift, cf. sciftan; 
 shift, turn, trick ; at a schift, sud- 
 denly, 152, 19. 
 schilde(n\ see schelde(n). 
 schip, ship, sb., OE. scip; ship, 73, 
 18 ; scip (eME.), 1,14. Sth. ssip, 
 205, 15 ;//. scipen (eSth.), 185, 4. 
 schipe(n), wkv., OE. scipian; take 
 ship, navigate; pt. pi. schipede, 
 220, 8. 
 schipman, sb., OE. scipman; ship- 
 man, sailor, 163, 13. eSth. pi. 
 scipmen, 186,9. 
 schir, see sire, 
 schire, sb., OE. sclr, /. ; shire, 
 227, 8. 
 scho, see he. 
 scho, sb., OM. scoh (sco), WS. sceoh 
 (sceo) ; shoe; shd, 229, 12; pi. 
 schone, 120, 23. 
 schorn, see shfre(n). 
 schort, adj., OM. scort, WS. sceort ; 
 short; eME. scort, 3, 11 ; schorte, 
 145, 2. eSth. sceort, 191, 2; ssort, 
 215, 10. 
 schortly, adv., OAng. scortlice, WS. 
 sceortlice ; shortly, briefly, 133, 13. 
 eSth. scheortliche, 198, 17. 
 schten, see schete(n). 
 schotynge, pr. ppl. as sb., based on 
 OE. sceotan-sceat ; shooting, 1 20, 
 sehreade, sb., eSth. = Ml. schrgde; 
 OE. scrgade; shred, cutting; pi, 
 schrgaden, 202, 8. 
 schrewe, see shrewe. 
 schrlde(n), wkv., OE. scry dan ; 
 clothe, enshroud; inf. schrlde, 57, 7. 
 schrlf, see schrlve(n). 
 schrift, schryft, sb., OE. scrift ; con- 
 fession, shrift, 156, 32; ds. scrifte, 
 18, 19; schryfte, 109, 30. Sth. ds. 
 ssrifte, 218, 20. 
 schrrve(n), schryve(n), stv., OE. 
 scrifan-scraf (1) ; shrive; inf. 
 schryve, no, 16; pp. schriven, 59, 
 10; shriven, 75, 26 ; schryvyn, no, 
 22. Nth. pr. sbj. sg. and pi. schrif, 
 157, 3. Sth.pt. sg. schrf, 199, 15 ; 
 pt.pl. ssrive, 206, 20; //. ischriven, 
 199, 16; ischryve, 121, 30. 
 schroud, sb., OE. scrud ; dress, gar- 
 ment, shroud, 48, 20; 57, 4; pi. 
 srud = shrud, 31, 15. 
 schriide(n), wkv., Sth. = Ml. schrl- 
 de (n) ; OE. scry dan ; clothe ; inf. 
 schruden, 201, 30; pp. ischriid, 
 199, 4. 
 schryft, see schrift. 
 ^chule(ii), shule(n), piprv. OM. 
 ~^-selan-scel, scael (\VS. sceal) ; ought, 
 shaUj pr. 1, 3 sg. schal, 37, 11; 
 schale, 123, 22; schalle, 123, 5; 
 pr. 2 sg. shallt (O), 9, 5; schalt, 49, 
 8 ; pr. pi. shulenn (O), 9, 23 ; 
 schullen, 65, Vj ; schul, 65, 20 ; 
 schulyn, n6,"*2l; shole we, 82, 6; 
 pt. 1, 3 sg. sculde (eME.), 1, 7; 
 shollde (O), 9, 17; scholde, 68, 15 ; 
 sch5ld, 71, 24; //. 2 sg. sculdest 
 (eME.), 3, 26 ; scholdest, 49, 30 ; 
 scholdist, 55, 23 ; //. pi. scholde, 
 46, 13. mth..pr. 1, 3 sg. salj 128, 
 17; pr. 2 sg. salt, 18, 1 5* ; "pr.pl. 
 sal, 133,5; pt. sg. suld, 135, 25; 
 pt.pl. suld, 130, 32 ; pt.pl. sulden, 
 27, 32. Sth. pr. 1, isg. scsel (eSth.), 
 176, 21 ; sceal (eSth.), 177, 2; ssel, 
 215, 2; /r. 2 j^-. ssalt, 204, 18; 
 sselt, 215, 2; pr. pi. sollen, 212, 
 1 ; ssolle, 217, 18; scule we, 179, 
 3 ; pt. 1, 3 sg. ssolde, 204, 8; pt.pl. 
 solden, 213, 21; pr. 2 sg. schuldest, 
 194, 8. 
 schune(n), shune(n), wkv., OE. 
 scunian ; shun, avoid, abhor; inf. 
 schone, 55, 8. 
 schyl, sb., OM. *scil, cogn. with ON 
 skil; reason, excuse, 117, 14. 
 scilwls, adj., ON. skilwlss ; wise in 
 reason, wise, 127, 15. 
 scip (scipen), scipman, see schip, 
 Scitia, sb., Lat. Scythia; Scythia, 
 220, 8. 
 sclawe(n) = slawe(n), wkv., eME. 
 = Ml. slowe(n) ; OE. slawian ; be 
 slow, negligent', inf. sclawen, 177, 
 sell, see sli. 
 scole, skole, sb., OE. scol,/, infl. by 
 OF. escole?; school, 224, 17 ; skole, 
 137, 29. ' 
 scop, see scheppe(n). 
 scre, sb., ON. skor,/. ; score, 225, 1. 
 scorn, sb., OF. escorne ; scorn, deri- 
 sion; pi. scornes, 218, 14. 
 scort, see schort. 
 Scot, Skot, sb., OE. Scottas, pi. ; 
 Scot; pi. Scottes, 159, 12 ; Skottes, 
 160, 20. Sth.gpl. Scottene, 222,14. 
 Scotland, Scotland, sb., OE. Scot- 
 land ; Scotland, 2, 15 ; ds. Scot- 
 lgnde, 189, 2. 
 Scottysch, Scottys, Scottes, adj., 
 OE. Scyttisc, infl. by Scot; Scot- 
 tish, Scotch, 221, 28. Nth. Scottys, 
 159, 31 ; Scottes, 160, 7. 
 scowkyng, sb., based on root in 
 sculken < ON. *skulka ; cf. Dan. 
 skulke ; skulking, treacherous re- 
 lation, 170, 12. 
 scrift, see schrift. 
 scrij>e(n) = schrij)e(n), stv., OE. 
 scrlftan-scraS (1); glide, go, fly; 
 eME. inf. screen, 186, 15. 
 sculen, see schule(n). 
 scum, wkv., origin uncertain; hasten; 
 Nth. inf. scurn, 150, 26. 
 se, see se(n), pe. 
 sf (se), sb., OE. sse; sea; eME. sse, 
 1, 13; sf, 19, 22; gs. se^s, 19, 25. 
 Nth. se, 151, 17. eSth. sea, 196, 
 33. Kt. see, 211, 1. 
 se, sb., OF. sed ; see (of a bishop), 
 seat, throne, 68, 4. 
 sf, se, adv., OE. sse < swse; so, 178, 
 10; se (O), 10, 6. 
 sea, seawye(n), see sf , schewe(n). 
 seche(n), seke(n), wkv., OE. secean 
 -s5hte; seek', inf. seche, 98, 28; 
 seke, 90, 3 ; pr. 3 sg. sekeS, 15, 17 ; 
 imp. sg. sech, 193, 3 ; pr. ppl. se- 
 chand (Nth.?), 101, 19; sechyng, 
 235, 12;//. sg. sogt, 23, 23. Sth. 
 pr.pl. sekeo 1 , 196, 13. TSLt.pr. 3 j^-. 
 zekj>, 219, 20; /r. j/. sg. zeche, 
 218, 29. 
 seek, sb., ON. sekkr, cogn. with 
 OE. ssecc, Lat. saccus ; sack, bag ; 
 pi. seckes, 26, a I. 
 secunde, adj. sb., AN. secund, OF. 
 second; second, 225, 2. 
 sed, j., OM. sed, WS. said; seed, 
 73, 10. 
 see, see sf. 
 s1, sb., OF. seel; a/, 226, 21. 
 seen, ^<? se(n). 
 sefenfald, sb., eME. = Ml. sevenfold ; 
 OM. seofonfald, WS. -feald ; seven- 
 fold; sefennfald (O), 12, 29. eSth. 
 seovevald, 195, 4. 
 seffnde, seffhe,.r^ sevende, seven. 
 sf ge(n), wkv., OE. *segan < sigan ; 
 sink, fall\ pr. 3 sg. sfgeS, 27, 8. 
 seghen, .$<?*? se(n). 
 sfgrund, sb., OE. ssegrund (grund) ; 
 bottom of the sea, 19, 19. 
 seie(n), saie(n), wkv., OE. secgan 
 -ssegde; say; inf. seien, 19, 3; sei, 
 2, 5 ; ssegen (eME.), 4, 28 ; sarin 
 (eME.), 4, 9;seyn, 119, 1; saie, 103, 
 23 ; sayne, III, 28 ; say, 120, 4\pr. 
 1 sg. sey3e, 52, 9 ; pr. 2 jg: seyst, 112, 
 7 > />* 3 sg. seyj>, 65,18; seythe, 1 1 1 , 
 8 ; seiS, 1 79, 23 ; pr. sbj. sg. sei, 18, 
 19 ; imp. sg. seie, 41, 27 ; imp. pi. 
 sei, 30, 3; pl- sg. ssede, 6, 5; 
 s gde, 37, x seide, 21, 19; seyd, 
 6.5, 35; /' 2 sg. seidist, 51, 8; pt. 
 pi. sseden (eME.), 1, 17; seiden, 
 25, 4; pp. seid, 33, 9. Nth. *Vrf 
 saine, 160, 1 ; pr. 2 j-. sais, 138, 6 ; 
 seys, 91, 25 ; /r. 3 #. sais, 150, 17 ; 
 //. sg. sayd, 135, 22; //. sayde, 
 140, 15. Sth. inf. seggen, 179, 3; 
 siggen, 198, 1 ; siigge, 181, 6 ; imp. 
 pi. siggeS, 197, 22; pr. sbj. sg. 
 se gge, 179, 25 ; pr.sbj.pl. siggewe, 
 211, 22; pp. iseyd, 60, 1; yseyd, 
 66, 31. Kt. inf. zigge, 215, 6; 
 pr. 2 sg. zayst, 215, 5; pr. 3 sg. 
 zayf>, 215, 8 ; pt.pl. seden, 213, 1 ; 
 pp. yzed, 216, 11. 
 seil, sb., OE. segl; sail ; pi. seiles, 
 205, 16 ; seyl, 86, 27. 
 sein, seint, seinte, see saint. 
 seinle(n), wkv., Sth. = Ml. seine (n) ; 
 OE. segnian ; sign, marke with a 
 sign, bless; pp. iseined, 226, 20. 
 sek, adj., OE. seoc; sick, 59, 9. 
 eSth. seoc, 181, 9. 
 seke(n), see seche(n). 
 sekenisse, sekenes, sb., OE. seoc- 
 ness,/. ; sickness, disease ; pi. seke- 
 nisses, 104, 18 ; sekenes, 143, 14. 
 seking, sb., based on OE. secan ; 
 seeking, search, 99, 32. 
 sei, sb., OM. sei, WS. sail; time, 
 occasion ; on sei, on occasion, regu- 
 larly, 21, 15; sele, 95, 9. 
 sei, adj., OE. sei; good; Sth. gpl. 
 selere, 186, 30. 
 Sfland, sb., OE. *Sseland; Seland, 
 164, 6. 
 selc, sb., OE. seolc; silk, 38, 24. 
 selcuth, adj., OE. seldcuS ; strange, 
 wonderful, 127, 5. 
 seld, see sheld. 
 selde(n), seldum, adv., OE. seiden 
 (seiden) ; seldom, 134, 3 ; selde, 36, 
 14; seldum, 25, 21. 
 self, prn., OE. self, wk. selfa ; self; 
 eME. sself, 8, 2 ; self, 38, 26 ; wk. 
 selve, 68, 4 ; wk.pl. selven, 59, 21 ; 
 combined with pet s. prn. mesellfenn 
 (O), 9, 8 ; miself, 44, 29 ; Jyself, 
 119, 24 ; juselve, 50, 2 ; himmsellf 
 (O), 11, 23; himmsellfenn (O), 13, 
 1 ; hymself, 92, 8 ; pi. hemself, 63, 
 20; hemselfe, 118, 4. Nth. J>am- 
 selfe, 144, 6 ; )>aymeselfe, 146, 28. 
 Sth. (eSth. seolf, 182, 10; seolve, 
 182, 18; seolven, 183, 23); siilf, 
 177, 5; ds. siilfne, 176, 14; com- 
 bined with pers.pm. himsulf, 207, 
 28 ; pi. himsulve, 177,8. Kt. zelve, 
 217, 9; pi. hamzelve, 218, 22. 
 selhSe, sb., OM. selS, WS. sselo\/; 
 happiness, felicity, 193, 12. 
 sell, adj., OM. selig, WS. sselig; 
 happy, 24, 10; 80, 6. 
 8elle(n), wkv., OM. sellan-salde 
 (WS. sealde); sell; inf. selle, 86, 
 20 ; //. sg. solde, 86, 15. Nth. pp. 
 said, 130, 28; salde, 148, 22. Sth. 
 pp. jggld, 36, 16. 
 selly, c^'., OE. sellic < seldlic ; 
 strange, marvellous, 47, 27. 
 selve, selven, j^ self. 
 sgm, j^., OE. seam; ^0r.ra load; pi. 
 sfmes, 31, 31. 
 semblaunt, sb., OF. semblant; a^- 
 pearance, semblance, 42, 8. 
 semble, j., OF. semble; meeting, 
 semely, ad)'., ON. scemligr; agree- 
 able, seemly, 116, 6. 
 seme(n), wz\, OE. seman ; befit, 
 suit, seem; pr. 3 sg. seme]>J> (O), 
 9, 19; semeft, 25, 9 ; pr. sbj. sg. 
 seme, 50, 1 ; pt. sg. semyd, 108, 1 2 ; 
 pt.pl. semede, 221, 10. Nth. pr. 
 3 sg. semes, 145, 6. 
 sen, see sippen. 
 se(n), stv., OM. seon-sseh (WS. 
 seah) (5) ; see, look after, care for; 
 inf. sen, 9, r To ; seen, 33, 22 ; se, 
 37, 2; pr. 2 sg. sest, 81, 9; syst, 
 124, 11 ; pr. 3 sg. setS, 15, 20; pr. 
 pi. sen, 20, 1 ; sene, 124, 1 ; pr. sbj. 
 sg. se, 17, 15 ; imp. sg. se, 102, 5 ; 
 pt. sg. sahh (O), 12, 25; sag, 27, 
 29; sau3, 47, 27; say, 58, 13; 
 sei3e, 67, 18; sagh, 89, 29; sye, 
 108, 29 ; sawe, 113, 1 ; pt.pl. se3e 
 < s3en, 41, 24; seijen, 103, 18; 
 pt.sbj.sg. sawe, 79, 12; sge, 19, 
 4; pp. seyn, 63, 19; sene, 85, 4. 
 Nth. inf. se, 127, 15 ; pt. sg. sey, 
 132, 26; sagh, 133, 8; pp. sene, 
 129, 10. Sth. pr.pl. se>, 209, 7; 
 //-. sbj. sg. seo (eSth.), 195, 23 ; pt. 
 sg. seh, 194, 12; sei3, 229, 29; //. 
 //. sye, 223, 16. Kt.pr. 3 sg. zyj), 
 219, 26; pr. ppl. zyinde, 216, 8; 
 pt.pl. seghen, 212, 16. 
 senche(n), wkv., OE. sencan ; cause 
 to sink, sink, drown ; pt. sg. senchte, 
 197, 3. 
 sende(n), wkv., OE. sendan (sendan) ; 
 send) pr. 3 sg. sendeS, 31, 31 ; 
 - sent, 64, 24; pr. pi. senden, 27, 16; 
 pr. sbj. sg. sende, 177, 3; pt. sg. 
 sende, 1 , 4 ; sennde (O) , 12, 13; 
 sente, 24, 31; pt.pl. senden, 2, 9; 
 pp. sent, 28, 18. Nth. pt.pl. send 
 = sendit, 171, 14. Sth. pr. pi. 
 sendet for sende]), 177, 22; //. 
 isent, 42, 1; ysent, 69, 16. Kt. 
 inf. zend, 217, 10. 
 Seneca, sb., Lat. Seneca ; Seneca, 
 200, 31. 
 Senek, sb., OF. Senek; Seneca, 238, 
 senne, geo, seoc, see sinne, se(n), 
 seolf (seolve, seolven), seolver, 
 see self, silver, 
 seotel, sb., eME. = Ml. settel; OE. 
 setl, setol; seat, settle, 195, 11. 
 seo"8tSan, seove(n) (seovene), 
 seoveniht, see sippen, seven, 
 seovevald, see sefenfald. 
 sep, see schep. 
 ser, adj., ON. ser; several; pi. sere, 
 126, 2; sere, 135, 3. 
 ser, adj., OE. sear ; sear, 59, 9. 
 Seresberi (Sereberl), sb., OE. 
 Seoroburh (-byrig) ; based on Lat. 
 Sorbiodunum ; Salisbury, Old Sa- 
 rum (Wiltshire) ; Roger of, 1 , 5 ; 
 2, 24. 
 serfulli, adv., OM. *serfullic?; cf. 
 Orm's serrhfull ; sorrozvfully , 48, 
 serjaunt, servant, sb,, OF. sergant, 
 -jant; sergeant, man of law, 98, 5 ; 
 sergant, 212, I2 ? 
 serk, sb., ON. serkr, ,cogn. with OE. 
 sere ; shirt, Scotch sark, 83, 16. 
 sermone(n), sb, } OF. sermoner; 
 preach, 245, 18. 
 sertayne, sertis, see certain, certes. 
 servage, sb., OF. servage; service, 
 servitude, 94, 16. 
 servande, sb., OF. servant, modified 
 by pr. ppl. of serven ? ; servant, 
 147, 28. 
 serve(n), wkv., OF. servir; serve; 
 pr.pl. serven, 39, 23; pt.sg. servede, 
 2r, 15; pt.pl. serveden, 213, 30; 
 pp. served, 48, 2. Sth. inf. servi, 
 I95> 2. 
 serves, servle(n), see servise, 
 servlse, servys, serves, sb., OF. 
 service; service, 212, I; servys, 
 144, 27; serves, 120,4. 
 sse(n), sesi(n), wkv., OF. saiser; 
 put in possession of, take possession 
 of seize; pt. sg. sfsyd, 115, 23. 
 sgsgnd, sb., OE. sse+sand (spnd) ; 
 sea sand, 19, 6. 
 sesse(n), wkv., OF. cesser; cease; 
 pr. sbj. pi. sesse, 146, 15. Cf. 
 sesyde, sb., OE. sae+side; seaside, 
 222, 13. 
 sfte, sb., ON. sSti; seat, 105, 10. 
 sete, adj., ON. sdeta, cogn. with OE. 
 swete ; sweet, agreeable, pleasing, 
 56, IS- 
 Sep, sb., OE. Seth, Lat. Seth ; Set A, 
 64, 9. 
 sethin, seppen, septhe, see sippen. 
 sette(n), wkv., OE. settan ; place, 
 set; pt. sg. sette, 4, 13 ; sett, 101, 
 2 ; setted, 104, 3 ; //. pi. setten, 
 60, 25 ; sette, 35, 27 ; //. sett, 9, 7 ; 
 set, 22, 7. Sth. pp. isset (eME.), 
 183, 3; iset, 200, 24. 
 seurte, sb., OF. seurte ; surety, pledge, 
 114. 15- 
 seven, seve, adj., OE. seofan; seven ; 
 pi. seffne (O), 11, 15; sevene, 15, 
 21; seve, 42, 12. eSth. seovene, 
 177,4; seove, 180, 20. Kt. zeve, 
 218, 19. 
 sevende, adj., OE. seofofta ; seventh, 
 147,11; sefTnde(O), 12, 18; seven 
 = sevend, 71,8. 
 seventi, adj., OE. seofontig ; seventy, 
 103, 9- 
 sevenyght, sb., OE. seofon + niht.//.; 
 seven-night, week, sennight, 109, 
 18. eSth. seoveniht, 201, 3. 
 sex, adj., OM. sex, WS. siex, six; 
 sr; sexe, 15, 21. 
 Sexisch, adj., OE. Sexisc; Saxon, 
 of the Saxon; mas. Sexisne = Sex- 
 ischne, 186, 21. 
 Sexlond, sb., OE. Seaxland^nd) ; 
 land of the Saxons, 185, 16; ds. 
 Sexlgnde, 189, 1. 
 sexte, adj., OM. sexta, WS. siexta 
 (sixta) ; sixth, 12, 11. 
 sexti, sixtl, adj., OAng. sextig, "WS. 
 siextig, sixtig (sextig) ; sixty ; sexti 
 fot, sixty feet, 151, 22 ; sixti, 4, 24. 
 Kt. zixti, 216, 6. 
 sey, see se(n). 
 seylie(n), wkv., Sth. = Ml. seile(n); 
 OE. seglian; sail; pt.pl. seylede, 
 221, 2. 
 seyn (seyde), seyl, seynt (seynte), 
 see seie(n), seil, saint, 
 seyntwary, sb., OF. saintuaire, sain- 
 tuairie; sanctuary, 124, 25. 
 shadowe, sb., OE. sceadu, ace. 
 sceadwe,/. ; shadow, 101, 5. 
 shadowe(n), wkv., OE. sceadwian; 
 shadow, shade; inf. shadow, 103, 
 sheewe(n), see schewe(n). 
 shafte, sb. , OE. sceaft, / ; created 
 thing, creature, creation ; shafifte 
 (O), 12, 32 ; schafte, 49, 17. 
 shanke, sb., OE. sceance, scanca ; 
 shank, leg, 229, 14. 
 shape(n), wkv., OM. scapian (WS. 
 sceapian) ; shape ; inf. shape, 243, 
 17; pp. shaped, 77, 27. 
 shave(n), stv., OM. scafan (WS. 
 sceafan) -scof (6) ; shave, scrape ; 
 pp. shaven, 23, 24. 
 sheld, sb., OM. sceld (sceld), WS. 
 scield; shield, 79, 28; seld = sheld, 
 17, 23. 
 shenke(n), wkv., OE. scencan; pour 
 out ; pr. pi. shenke, 60, 20. 
 shep, see schep. 
 shfre(n), stv., OE. sceran-scser (4) ; 
 shear, cut, reap; inf. shfren, 30, 
 27; pp. schorn, 57, 26. 
 shewe(n), shilde(n), see schewe(n), 
 schelde(n). , " 
 shine(n), stv., OE. scinan-scan (1) ; 
 shine; pr. 3 sg, shyneS, 228, 12; 
 //. sinen, 14, 10. 
 shir, adj., OE. scir; bright, clear, 
 pure, 83, 1. 
 shd, see send. 
 shrewe, schrewe, sb., OE. screawa; 
 shrew, evil person ; pi. shrewes, 97, 
 2 ; schrewes, 121, 7. 
 shriven, see schrive(n). 
 shryn, sb., OE. serin; shrine; ds. 
 shryne, 227, 20. 
 shuldre, sb., OE. sculdor,//. sculdru; 
 shoulder, 83, 17;//. shulderis, 103, 
 26. Sth. //. ssoldren, 207, 18. 
 shulen-sholde, j<?<? schule(n). 
 shy nyng, pr. ppl. as ^. , OE. sclnend ; 
 shining, glory, 103, 1 9. 
 si, jtfd be(n), pe. 
 sib, syb, ad/., OE. sibb; related, 
 friendly; pi. sybbe, 144, 14. 
 sib, sb., OM. sibb, /, later neut. ; 
 peace, concord, 7, 17. 
 sic, see swilc. 
 side, sb., OE. side; side, 46, 10; on 
 syde, aside, near by, 169, 25. 
 sigge(n), sight, see seie(n), siht. 
 sign, sb., OF. signe; sign, 199, 30. 
 signefiance, sb., OF. signifiance ; 
 significance, 212, 27. 
 sihe(n), jto., OE. slgan-sag(h) (1) ; 
 glide, fall, rise; pr.pl. slhen, 196, 
 siht, sigt, si}t, sight, sighte, sb., 
 OE. gesiht, gesihS,/. ; sight ; sigte, 
 16, 22 ; sy3t, 47, 27 ; sight, 55, 9; 
 siht, 156, 17 ; sighte, 242, 10. Kt. 
 zy3j>e, 215, 12. 
 sihSe, sb., OE. gesihS,/!; $/, vision, 
 197, 14. Cf. siht. 
 sike(n), stv., OE. slcan-sac fi) ; jv^/z, 
 groan ; pr. 3 jg-. sIke"S, 190, 15. 
 siker, adj., ON.?, cf. Dan. sikker, 
 OFris. siker < Lat. securus ; sure, 
 secure; eSth. ds. sikere, 177, 18. 
 sikere(n), wkv., cf. OFris. sikura; 
 make sure, secure ; inf. siker, 
 no, 4. 
 siker like, sikerlike (lyke), sycurly, 
 adv., ON. ?, cf. Dan. sikker, OFris. 
 siker, Lat. securus ; certainly, truly, 
 16, 22 ; sikerlike, 77, 25 ; sikerlyke, 
 107,10; sycurly, 124, 12. 
 silden, see schelde(n). 
 silence, sb., OF. silence; silence, 199, 
 silver, sb., OM. siolfor, seolfor; silver, 
 26, 22 ; sylvre, 2, 5; sylver, 2, 22 ; 
 eSth. seolver, 189, 4. 
 Silvius, sb., Lat. Silvius; Silvius 
 Posthumus, 220, 2. 
 Simon, sb., OF. Simon ; Simon, 
 227, 1. 
 sin, sinen, see sij]?en, shine(n). 
 sineginge, sb., OE. syngung, /] ; 
 sinning, 18, 1 1, 
 sinful, adj., OE. synful ; sinful, 16, 
 singe(n), .y/z>., OE. singan-sang (song) 
 (3); sing; Nth. pr. 3 jg-. singes, 
 76, 26. 8th. pr. ppl. singinde, 196, 
 sinijfre, sinnier, synner, sb., based 
 on OE. synnig, ' sinful ' ; sinner ; 
 //. sinsgres, 100, 16; sinnifrs, 100, 
 23 ; synngrs, 1 00, 25 ; syn3rs, 
 104, 2. 
 sinigeden, see synne(n). 
 sinke(n), stv., OE. sincan-sanc (3) ; 
 sink; inf. sinken, 20, 10; pt.pl. 
 sonken, 63, 20; suncken, 197, 6. 
 Sth. pp. isunken, 188, 31. 
 sinne, synne, sb., OE. syn(n), /. ; 
 sin; pi. sinnes, 4, 9 ; syn3es, 104, 
 26. Nth. syne, 144, 10; pi. syns, 
 137, 19. Sth. pi. siinnen, 196, 7. 
 Kt. senne, 211, 20; zenne, 216, 22. 
 sire, syr, syr, sb., OF. sire; sire, sir; 
 sire, 40, 3 ; syr, 108, 30; syr, no, 
 13. Nth. sir, 137, 8; schir, 166, 9. 
 sise, sb., OF. assise ; session, meeting, 
 set your sise, made your compact, 
 57, 15. 
 sister, syster, sb. , ON. syster, cogn. 
 with OE. sweostor, 1WS. swystor ; 
 sister, 77, 14; pi. systeren, 116, 20; 
 systeres, 118, 32. Cf. suster. 
 site(n), site, see sitte(n), cite, 
 si J), si]>e, sb., OE. sI8, m. ; time, 
 occasion; ds. sibe, 10, 3 ; pi. stye, 
 42, 12. Kt.pl. zij?e, 218, 20. 
 sith, siSen, sijjin, sithon, sythen, 
 see sibpen. 
 sippen (seJ)J>en), sippe, siflen, sipin, 
 sin, add.'^Sfc. siftfran ; afterwards, 
 since; siffSan (eME.), 2, 13 ; si]>- 
 fenn (O), 11, 10; sithon, 3, 31 ; 
 siften, 15, 12 ; si>in, 49, 27; siJ)J>e 
 39, 6; syth, no, i; sin, 52, 30; 
 se\>]>en, 65, 29. Nth. sethin, 137, 
 5; sen, 135, 23. Sth. seoftSan 
 (eSth.), 182, 7; sejrthe, 224, 27; 
 soSSen, 196, 28; siiSSe, 179, 28; 
 sii])the, 224, 20. 
 sitte(n), stv., OE. sittan-sset (5) ; 
 sit; inf. sitten, 3, 17; pr. 2 sg. 
 sittest, 62, 23 ; pr. 3 sg. sit = 
 sittej), 67, 17; pr.ppl. sittende, 3, 
 26; syttyng, 93, 21; /r. sbj. sg. 
 sitte, 199, n ; imp.pl. sitteft, 184, 
 5 ; sitte 3e, 201, 29 ; pt. sg. (eME.) 
 saet, 183, 27 ; sat, 52, 14; sate, 89, 
 n; pt. pi. sate, 89, 2 ; //. sbj. sg. 
 sete, 19, 6; pp. sete, 58, 6. Nth. 
 pr. 3 #. sittes, 62, 27; //. sittyn, 
 174, 25. Sth.//. g: set, 195, 11 ; 
 pt. pi. sften, 201, 2. 
 sixtenUe, a^'., OE. sixteoSa, infl. by 
 sixtene; sixteenth, 197, 8. 
 sixti, j^ sexti. 
 skant, adj., ON. scamt, #*/. of 
 skammr, 'short'.; scant, 143, 21. 
 skarsll, adv., OF. escars + ME. II ; 
 scarcely, 143, 20. 
 skie, ^., ON. sky, n. ; sky, cloud; pi. 
 skies, 15, 21. 
 skil, sb., ON. skil ; discrimination, 
 reason, skill, 49, 18; skill (O), 9, 
 28 ; ds. skylle, 88, 7. 
 skole, see scole. 
 skyn, sd., ON. skinn ; skin, 241 , 3. 
 slad, sb., OE/slsed ; slade, grassland; 
 eME.pl. slades, 187, 5. 
 slsen, see sl(n). 
 slafr, sb., based on sla, ' strike, kill'; 
 slayer; pi. slagrs, 147, 4. 
 slagen, see slf (n). 
 slake(n), wkv., OE. slacian ; loose, 
 set free, slack; pr. 3 sg. slaked, 17, 
 4; //.slaked, 159,5. 
 sla(n), stv., ONth. sla (WS. slean)- 
 sl5h(g) (6) ; strike, slay, kill ; inf. 
 sla, 158, 30 ; slay <pr. 3 sg. 15a, 
 8 ; /r. j3/. j^. slaa, 147, 2 ; //. Jf. 
 slogh, 131, 16; pt.pl. slogb.3e, 160, 
 17 ; slew, 171, 2 ; pp. slane, 173,10. 
 slaughtre, sb., ON. slahtr, infl. by 
 slahtra, ' to slaughter ' ; slaughter, 
 massacre, 233, 8. 
 slay, slayn, see sla(n), sl^n). 
 sleghpe, sb., ON. slcegS,/. ; device, 
 sleight, 1 25, 27. 
 sleip, sle(n), slf e n, see slep, slg(n). 
 slep, sb., OM. slep, WS. sleep, Gt. 
 slep; sleep, 1, 14; <ft. slepe, 14, 9. 
 Nth. sleip, 172, 31. 
 slepe(n), Sth. slfpe(n), stv., OM. 
 slepan (WS. slepan)-slep (R) ; 
 sleep ; inf. slepen, 3, 1 8 ; ger. to- 
 slepen, 14, 12; pr.ppl. slepinge, 
 39, 32 ;_pt. sg. slep, 4, 8. Nth. pr. 
 ppl. slepand, 154, 29. Sth. inf. 
 slfpen, 203, 10. 
 slepyng, sb. < pr. p. of slepe(n) ; 
 sleeping, 93, 17. 
 sleuth, sb., INth. = Ml. sl5> ; ON. 
 sloS; track, 166, 21. 
 sleupe, sb., OE. slaiwS, /. ; sloth, 
 idleness, 209, 13. 
 sleuthhund, sb., ON-. slotJ + OE. 
 hund, hiind ; sleuth-hound, tracking 
 hound, 166, 20. 
 sley, see sly}. 
 sli, sell, see sly^. 
 slic, slik, adj., ON. slikr, cogn. with 
 OE. swylc ; such, 149, 29. 
 slinge(n), stv., OE. slingan-slang 
 (3) J sling, fling; pt. pi. slongen, 
 63, 16; pp. sloungen, 61, 19; 
 slonge, 208, n. 
 slg(n), slf(n), stv., OM. slan, slean 
 (WS. slean)-sloh(g) (6); strike, 
 slay, kill; inf. slan (eME.), 184, 
 8; sl (NEM1.), 80, 19; slgen 
 (SEMI.), 238, 9; imp. sg. slf, 120, 
 16; //. sg. sloh, 186, 17; slou, 80, 
 8; slou3, 221, 22 ; //. //. sloghen, 
 5, 9; slowe, 208, 12; slewe, no, 
 28 : pp. slagen, 30, 1 ; slayn, 53,_6. 
 Sth. inf. slgen, 240, 3 ; slaen 
 I (eME.), 183, 9; pr. 3 sg. s%th, 
 239, 14; imp. sg slf, 233, 21 ; pp. 
 islagen, 186, 26; yslawe, 244, 28; 
 yslayn, 239, n, Cf. Nth. sla. 
 sloupe, sb., OE. skewft, f, infl. by 
 slaw; sloth, laziness, 120, 12. 
 slycht, sb., ON. side' S, f. ; device, 
 sleight, 166, 14. Cf. Ml. sleghj>e. 
 sly 5, sll (sell), adj., ON. slcegr 
 (slsegr), earlier, ME.sleh; cunning, 
 skilful, sly, 62, 25; sli, 128, 16; sell, 
 129, 32. Sth. sley, 206, 6. 
 slyly, adv., ON. sloegr+ ME. ly; slily, 
 242, 29. 
 slyttyng, sb., OE. *slittung, /., cf. 
 OE. slitan, stv. ; slitting, piercing, 
 225, 25. 
 smeet, j^ smxte(n). 
 smaken , w&. , OE. smseccan, smeccan, 
 or *s~macian ? ; taste, smack, smell ; 
 *'/". smaken, smell, 33, 27 ; /r. .y/7. 
 ^. smake, 14, 2. 
 smecchunge, *., OE. *smeccung,/! ; 
 tasting, 197, 14. 
 smech, sb., OM. smec, WS. *smlec 
 (smic, smyc) ; vapor, smoke ; ds. 
 smeche, 176, 18. 
 smel, sb., smell, 62, 18; n|se smel, 
 smell of his nose, 14, 2. 
 smelle(n), wkv., OE.smellan; smell; 
 inf. smelle, 49, 11. 
 smeorte, sb., eME. = Ml. smerte; 
 OE. *smeorte, cf. smeortan; grief, 
 sot row, 179, 25. 
 smfre(n), wkv., OE. smerian ; smear, 
 anoint; inf. smfren, 33, 26; pt.pl. 
 smfred, 34, 8 ; pp. smfred, 34, 10. 
 smerles, sb., OE. smerels ; ointment, 
 34, 7- 
 smert, earlier smerte, adv., OE. 
 *smeorte, cf. smeortan; smartly, 
 quickly, 92, 30. 
 smerte, smart, adj., OE. *smeorte ; 
 smart; Nth. smart, 128, 8. 
 smertly, adv., OE. *smeortlice, cf. 
 vb. smeortan; smartly, briskly, 138, 
 ' 17. 
 smit, see smite(n). 
 smite, sb., OE. *smite, cf. MLG. 
 smite ; blow, stroke, part, 69, 24. 
 smlte(n), stv., OE. smltan-smat (1) ; 
 smear, cast, smite, go; pr. 3 sg. 
 smit = smite??, 19, 9 ; pt. sg. smt, 
 60, 24; smoot, 239, 15; pt. pi. 
 smiten, 23, 13. Nth. inf. smit, 
 152, 6. eSth pt. sg. smset, 182, 5. 
 sm^ke, eME. smoke, sb., OE. smoca ; 
 smoke, 62, 16 ; smoke, 3, 6. 
 smaken, eME. smoken, wkv., OE. 
 smo ian; smoke; pt. pi. smoked 
 (eME.), 3, 6. 
 smoper , sb. , OE. *smori5or, cf. smorian , 
 choke, ' smother* ; dense, smoke, 62, 
 smyttyng, sb., OE. *smittung,/, cf. 
 smittian ; smearing, 221, 7. 
 snake, eME. snake, sb., OE. snaca; 
 snake, 3, 10. 
 snarre, sb., OE. snearu ; snare ; pi. 
 snarrys, 145, 14. 
 snell, adj., OE. snell; quick, active, 
 snow, sb., OE. snaw ; snow; snowe, 
 102, 10. 
 sg (so), soche, see swg, swilc. 
 socdre (socour, socure), soden, see 
 sucur, suden. 
 sodenlych, adv., OF. soudain+ Sth. 
 lych ; suddenly, 223, 23. 
 Sodom, sb., OF. Sodom, displacing 
 OE. Sodoma; Sodom, 73, 23. 
 sofFre(n) (sofere(n)), see suffre(n). 
 softe, adj., OE. sefte, inn", by softe, 
 adv.; soft, mild, peaceable, 2, 27. 
 softe, adv., OE. softe ; softly, 53, 23. 
 sge, see se(n). 
 9j6rne(n), wkv., OF. sojourner; so- 
 journ ; inf. sgjorne, 108, 20. 
 sglas, sb., OF. solas, sollas; solace, 
 216, 27. 
 solidi, sb., Lat. solidus-i; shillings, 
 4, 24. 
 sollen (solden), see schule(n). 
 som, somdgl, somer, see sum, sum- 
 dgl, sumer. 
 somer, sb., OF. somier, sumer ; sump- 
 ter horse, 48, 22. 
 somnien, wkv., Sth. = Ml. somne(n) ; 
 OE. samnian, somnian ; assemble ; 
 /A^.somnede, 188, 32 ; pp. isomned, 
 185, 27. 
 somonor, sb., OF. semoneor ; sum- 
 moner, apparitor, 117, 32. 
 somoune(n), somounyn, wkv., OF. 
 somuner ; summon ; inj. somounyn, 
 Ix 9> 3 J PP' somouned, 118, 25; 
 sompned, 233, 13. 
 son, sona, see sune, sone. 
 sgnd, sb., OE. sand, sgnd; sand, 86, 
 24 ; as. sgnde, 105, 24. 
 8<jnde,sb.,OE. sand,snd,/.; sending, 
 messenger; dish of food, course at 
 dinner, 29, 7 ; pi. sondes, 25, 5. 
 Sth.//. sgnde, 186, 5; spnden, 192, 
 sonde shgnde, sb., OM. scand, 
 scpnd, \VS. sceand, f. ; disgrace, 
 ignominy, 20, 18. 
 sone, see sune. 
 sone, adv., OE. sona; soon, 2, 1 ; 
 sona, 2, 11. INth. soyn = s5n, 
 166, 3. 
 Sonenday, sonnebgm, see sunnen- 
 dai, sunnebfm. 
 sppe, sb., OE. sape; soap, 198, 28. 
 Sopb.13, sb., OF. Sophie; Sophia, 
 196, 28. 
 sorcerye, sb., OF. sorcerie ; sorcery, 
 145, 16. 
 sore, adv., OE. sare ; sorely, 20, 
 sorful, sorhful, a^., OE. sorhfull; 
 sorrowjul, 30, 6. eSth. sorhful, 
 186, 22. Cf. sorowful. 
 sorge, sore^e, sorow(e), sorwe, sb., 
 OE. sorh(g),/". ; sorrow, 22, 18; 
 soreje, 37, 8 ; sorwe, 26, 12 ; sorow, 
 93, 7; sorowe, 103, 11. Sth. 
 (SEMI.)//. sore3en, 41, 10; sor3en, 
 182, 26; sorghen, 211, 18. Nth. 
 soru, 151, 30; pi. sorous, 143, 1. 
 Kt. zor3e, 215, 13; pi. zor3es, 217, 
 sorhful, see sorful. 
 s9ri,<z^'.,OE. sarig; sorry, 24, 2. 
 sorinesse, sb., OE. sarigness, f. ; 
 sorrow, compassion, 44, 8. 
 sorowe, sorwe, see sorge. 
 sorowful, adj., OE. sorhful, infl. by 
 OE. sorh-sorwe, ME. sorge, sorow ; 
 sorrowful, 102, 23. 
 soru, sorous, sorwe, see sorge. 
 sot, adj., OF. sot; foolish, 177, 6. 
 sote, sb., OF. sot, adj. ; fool, sot, 126, 
 sop^), soth, adj., OE. sod 1 ; true, 
 archaic sooth, 10, 24 ; soft, 22, 27 ; 
 s5th, 52, 16; comp.pl. soSere, 188, 
 20. INth. suth, 136, 9. Kt. zoj), 
 216, 3. 
 sope, adv., OE. s53e ; truly, soothly ; 
 to s5]?e, archaic fo sooth, in truth, 
 10, 10. 
 sopenes, sb., OE. *soones,./;; to*M, 
 102, 7. 
 so'B'Sen, 4 sippen. 
 sotlice, adv., OF. sot+OE. lice; 
 foolishly, 2, 21. 
 soule, we sowle. 
 soulehfale, sb., eME. Ml. soule - 
 h|le; OE. sawol + hgel, haile, f. ; 
 soul health or safety, salvation, 200, 
 soulenede, j3., ME. soule + nede; 
 need of the soul, salvation, 51, 5. 
 soulevode, .$., Sth. = Ml.soulefode; 
 OE. sawul + foda ; soul-food, 200, 
 soun, j3., AN. sun, OF. soun(son) ; 
 sound, 225, 12. 
 soune(n), wkv., OF. suner; sound; 
 Nth. pr. 3 jo-, sounes, 146, 2. 
 souning, .$., OF. sun, NF. soun + 
 ME. ing(e) ; sounding, pronuncia- 
 tion, 225, 20. 
 south , see suft. 
 sbuperon, adj. , O E. su<5erne ; southern, 
 224, 11. 
 sowe(n), stv., OE. sawan-seow (R); 
 sow, plant ; z>//l so wen, 30, 27 ; pt. 
 pi. seowen (eME.), 176, 22. 
 sowle, s'oule,^., OE. sawol,/".; soul; 
 gs. sowles, 16, 28 ; soule drink, soul 
 drink, 18, 18. Cf. sawle, saule. 
 soyn, spseehe, see sone, speehe. 
 Spallding, sb., Spalding (Lincoln- 
 shire), 8, 10. 
 spare(n), Sth. sparle(n), wkv., OE. 
 sparian; spare; pr. sbj. pi. spare 
 Jey, 124, 5. Sth. inf. sparlen, 202, 
 7 ; imp. pi. (eSth.), sparle, 195, 
 sparkle, sb., OE. spearka, extended; 
 spark, sparkle; pi. sparkles, 61, 25. 
 Spaygne, sb., OF. Spaine ; Spain, 
 46, 1. 
 spec, see spke(n). 
 spf se, sb., OF. spece, spice ; spice, 
 49, 11. Cf. spice. 
 speehe (spfehe), sb., OM. spec, WS. 
 spsec,/.; speech, language, discourse, 
 50, 29; speeche (O), 10, 20; 
 spfehe (?), 59, 2. Sth. spfehe, 
 special, specyal(l), adj., OF. espe- 
 cial ; special, beloved, 154, 6; 
 specyal, 95, 14; specyall, 146, 18; 
 in special, especially, 233, 26. 
 special!, adv., OF. especial + ME. II; 
 specially, 146, 16. Sth. specialych, 
 225, 25; specialich, 236,27. 
 specialte,^.,OF. especialte; specialty, 
 partiality, 174, 2. 
 specialych, specyal, see special!, 
 sped, sb., OE. sped,/; speed, good 
 forttme, success, 24, 10. 
 spede(n), wkv., OE. spedan ; speed, 
 prosper; inf. speden, 29, 15 ; pt.sg. 
 spedde, 7, 3. 
 spek, sb., Nth. = Ml. speche; OAng. 
 spec, WS. spsec,/.; speech, discourse, 
 170, 15. 
 spf fce(n), stv., OE. specan-spsec (5) ; 
 jr/taz/ ; zra/! spfke, 38, 27 ; pr. 3 sg. 
 spfkeS, 198, 5 ; pr. sbj.pl. spfken, 
 J 97> x 5 J itnp.pl. spfke 5e, 199, 9 ; 
 /r. ///. spfkyng, 98, 29; //. sg. 
 spac, 6, 2; spak, 42, 21; spake, 
 105, \%\ pt.pl. spoken, 76, 7; spak, 
 89, 9. eSth. inf. speke, 176, 9; 
 speoken, 193, 1 7. Sth.//. .$-. spec, 
 199, 6. 
 spele(n), w;z\, OE. spelian; spell, 
 take place of, atone for, spare; inf. 
 spfle, 63, 4. 
 spell, ^.,OE. spell; speech, narrative, 
 MnE. spell; eSth. gpl. spellen, 184, 
 1 ; pi. spelles, 184, 6. 
 spelle (n) , wkv. , OE. spellian ; narrate, 
 spell; inf. spcllenn, 9, 4. Nth. pr. 
 1 Sg. spell, 134, 7. 
 spell unge, j^., OE. spellung,/.; <wz- 
 versation, discourse, 197, 14. 
 spen e(n), w,z/., OE. aspendan; 
 spend; Sth.. pp. ispend, 176, 12. 
 speoken, see spfke(n). 
 spf re, sb., OE. spere; spear, 61, 23. 
 eSth. //. speren, 189, 29. 
 spfre(n\ wkv., ON. sperra ; fasten; 
 inf. spfren, 26, 2 ; pp. sperrd (O), 
 12, 26 ; sperd, 21, 3. 
 spewe(n), stv., OE. splwan-spaw 
 (1) ; spew, vomit; pr. 3 ag. speweft, 
 17, 10. 
 spice, sb., OF.espice; spice; pi. spices, 
 27> 2 3- 
 spicelike, adv., OF. espice + OE. 
 lice ; with spices, 33, 28. 
 spie, sb., OF. espie ; spy, 56, 19; //. 
 spies, 25, 9. 
 spie(n), wkv., OF. espier; spy, ex- 
 plore; inf. spien, 25, 12. 
 spille(n), ft/>z>., OE. spillan ; spill, 
 destroy ; pp. spylte, in, 12. Nth. 
 inf. spill, 137, n. Sth.//.yspild, 
 219, 18. 
 spousebrgk,^'., OF.espuse + OAng. 
 brece, WS. brace; adulterous, 
 ^32, 7. 
 spousie(n), see spiise(n). 
 spraule(n), wkv., OE. spreawlian ; 
 sprawl; pt. pi. sprauleden, 79, 14. 
 sprfde(n), wkv., OE. spraedan ; 
 spread; inf. sprgde, 133, 18; pt. 
 pi. spred, 89, 3; spredden, 228, 18. 
 sprenge(n), wkv., OE. sprengan; 
 make to spring, sprinkle ; pr. 2 sg. 
 sprengest, 102, 8 ; pr.pl. sprengen, 
 189, 29. 
 springe(n), .r/z/.,OE.springan-sprang 
 (3) ; spring; pr. 3 sg. springe, 15, 
 17 ; pt. sg. springe, 228, 10 ; pt.pl. 
 sprdngen, 61, 25. Nth. pt. sg. 
 sprang, 143, 12. Sth. pr. pi. 
 springeS, 202, 14. 
 spuse(n), wkv., OF. esponser; es- 
 pouse, betroth, marry; inf. sptisen, 
 46, 20. Sth. inf. spousl, 204, 4. 
 squyere, sb., OF. esquiere; squire; 
 pi. squyers, 98, 5. 
 squyler, sb., OF. escuelier ; scullion, 
 99, J 3- _ 
 srud, see schroud. 
 ssalt, ssame, sscft, see schule(n), 
 schame, schete(n). 
 ssed = shed, sb., Sth. = Ml. shade; 
 OE. scead (scsed) ; shade, shadow, 
 215, 18. 
 ssedde, sselt, see schgde(n), schu- 
 ssetare = schetare, -re, sb., based 
 on OE. sceotend or *sceotere?; 
 shooter, bowman f //.(?) ssetare, 
 208, 19. 
 ssewy, ssip, see schewe(n), schip. 
 ssoldren, ssolle, see shuldre, schu- 
 ssort, ssrift, ssrive, see short, shrift, 
 stabell, adj., OF. estable ; firm, 
 stable, brave; pi. stabell, 126, 13. 
 stabylnes, sb., OF. estable + ME. nes; 
 stableness, stability, 145, 4. 
 stad, see stede. 
 staf, sb., OE. stoef ; staff, 241, 1. 
 stage, sb., OF. estage; stage, period, 
 stah, see stige(n). 
 stale (n), wkv., OE. staftelian ?; estab- 
 lish ; pp. y staled, 223, 15. 
 stalworpe, stalworp, adj., OM. stsel- 
 weroe, WS. swierd'e; strong, stal- 
 wart, 91, 29 ; stale wur>e, 195, 29 ; 
 stalworj), 221, 17. 
 stampyng, sb., based on stampe(n) ; 
 stamping, pounding, 174, 25. 
 stan, eME. Nth. for Ml. stpn, sb., 
 stone\ pi. stanes, 3, 12. 
 standard, sb., OF. estendard; Battle 
 of the Standard, 5, 9. 
 stande(n), stnda(n), stv., OE. 
 standan (stndan)-st5d (6) ; stand; 
 inf. stanndenn (O), 12, 14; stgnde, 
 59, 24; stgnden, 234, 13; pr. 3 sg. 
 stannt (O), 9, 3; stant, 14, 1; 
 stonte, 98, 19 ; pt. sg. stod, 21, 23 ; 
 stode, 89, 11 ; stood, 227, 20; pt. 
 pi. st5de, 190, 25. INth. pt. sg. 
 stud, 168, 17. Sth./n 3 sg. stent, 
 176, 20; pp. ystpnde, 236, 19. 
 stane(n), adj., OE. stsenen, infl. by 
 stan? ; of stone; in stanene, in {coffin, 
 sepulchre) of stone, 196, 33. 
 stane(n), wkv., OE. stsenan, infl. by 
 stan ; stone ; Nth. inf. stan, 132,8. 
 standstill, adj., OE. stan + still; stone- 
 still, 161, 18. 
 Stanford, sb., Stamford (Lincoln- 
 shire), 6, 15. 
 Stanwig, sb., Stanwick (Northamp- 
 ton), 4, 24. 
 starck, see stark. 
 stare(n), wkv., OE. starian ; stare, 
 glitter, shine ; pr. ppl. starinde, 80, 
 stark, starck, adj., OE. stare, stearc; 
 stark, strong, 75, 3 ; starck, 197, 
 stat, sb., OF. estat ; state, condition ; 
 state, 133, 21; stat, 154, 14; pi. 
 states, 236, 3. 
 staflel, sb., OE. staSol; foundation; 
 ds. staSele, 196, 8. 
 statut, sb., OF. statut; statute, 236, 
 stede, sb., OE. steda; steed; pi. 
 stedes, 48, 23 ; stedys, 107, 15. 
 stfde, sb., OE. stede, 1WS. styde; 
 place, stead, 32, 30. Sth. stude 
 _(< 1WS. styde), 189, 21. 
 stfdefaestliche, adv., based on OE. 
 stedefaest ; steadfast, 226, II. 
 stfdefast, stedfast, adj., OE. stede- 
 fsest ; steadfast, 20, 21; stedfast, 
 T30, 14. eSth. stfdefsest, 226,9. 
 stf defastnesse, sb., OE. stedefsestnes, 
 f. ; steadfastness, j8, 6. 
 stede(n), wkv., ON. steoja, pp. 
 staddr; stand, place, press hard; 
 pp. stad, 168,4; 173, 4. Cf. on- 
 stedfast, see stfdefast. 
 stefne, sb., OE. stem,/; voice, sound, 
 commotion, 183, 30. 
 stfke(n), stv., OE. stecan-stsec (5); 
 stick, fasten itself; inf. stgke, 122, 
 stel, sb., OM. stel, WS. stiel ; steel, 
 20, 7. 
 stele(n), eME.stelen, stv., OE.stelan- 
 stsel ; steal; pt. sg. stael, 5, 24; stal, 
 6, 29; //. pi. stali hi, 6, 8; pp. 
 stglen, 22, 1 1. 
 stfm, sb., OE. steam ; steam, vapor, 
 stent, steorm, see stnd(n), storm, 
 steorman, sb., eSth. = Ml. sterman; 
 OE. steorman ; steersman, pilot ; pi. 
 steormen, 188, 8. 
 steortnaket, adj., OE. steort + nacod; 
 quite naked, 194, 19. 
 Stephne, later Stephen, sb., OF. 
 Stephne; Stephen ; Stephen of Blois 
 (Blais), nephew of Henry I, and 
 king from 1135-54, 2, 7. 
 steppe(n), stv., GE. steppan (stsep- 
 pan)-stop (6); step; pr. 3 sg. 
 stepped, 14, 5 ; pt.pl. stopen, 187, 
 sterfst (sterfp), storing sterve(n), 
 sterne, sb., ON. stiarna, Dan. stjerne; 
 star\ pi. sternys, 145, 16. 
 sterre, sb., OE. steorra ; star ; //. 
 sterres, 1, 16. 
 stert, sb., OE. steort ; tail, 14, 5. 
 sterte(n), wkv., ON. sterta; start) 
 pt. sg. sterte, 36, 9. Cf. stirte(n). 
 stertle(n), wkv., based on ON. sterta, 
 ME. sterten, 'start'; rush, move 
 swiftly, startle ; pr. ppl. stertlinde, 
 sterve(n), stv., OE. steorfan-stearf 
 (3) ; die, starve ; inf. sterve, 245, 4 ; 
 pr. 2 sg. sterfst, 216, 11 ; pr. 3 sg. 
 sterfj), 215, 1 ; pr. ppl. stervinde, 
 218, 33; imp.pl. sterve}), 216, 10; 
 //.//. sturven, 3, 28 ; storven, 245, 
 stervinge, sb., OE. *sterfung, /. ; 
 death, 217, 22. 
 stevyn, stevin, sb., OE. stefn ; voice, 
 constitution, 135, 25; stevin, 140, 
 steward, see stiward. 
 stl, sb., OE. stig; path, way, 18, 
 stige(n), sti:je(n), stv., OE. stigan- 
 stag(h) ( 1 ) ; ascend, go up ; eME. 
 pt. sg. stah, 11, 10. SEMI.//, sg. 
 stei3e, 68, 8. 
 stile, sb., OE. stigel,/. ; stile, 160, 8. 
 stille, adj. adv., OE. stille; still, 
 quiet, 14, 9; stylle, 89, 25. 
 stinge(n), stv., OE. stingan-stang 
 (3); sting \ pp. stongen, 61, 23. 
 stinke(n), stv., OE. stincan-stanc 
 (3) ; smell, stink ; Sth. pr. ppl. 
 stinkinde, 217, 25. 
 stire(n), styre(n), wkv., OE. styrian ; 
 stir-, inf. sterin, 53, 2; pr. 3 sg. 
 stireff, 14, 9 ; pp. styred, 5, 28. 
 Sth. inf. sturie(n), 181, 7; //. sg. 
 , sturede, 183, 30. 
 stirne, adj., OE. styrne; stern, 43, 31. 
 Sth. stiirne, 204, 17. 
 stirte(n), wkv., ON. sterta; start, 
 leap ; pr. pi. stirten, 240, 9 ; pt. sg. 
 stirte, 82, 10; stirt, 77, 1 ; pi. pi. 
 stirten, 83, 12. 
 stith, adj., OE. stl??; hardy, strong, 
 brave, 128, 11. 
 stiward, later steward, sb., OE. 
 stiweard < stigweard ; steward, 27, 
 31 ; steward, 115, 22. 
 stok, sb., OE. stocc; stock, stem, 235, 
 ston, eME. Nth. stan, sb., OE. stan ; 
 stone, the grave, 15, 2 ; stgne, 
 9, 3- 
 stonchi(en), wkv., OF. estanchier; 
 stanch, cause to cease ; inf. stgnchi, 
 217, 26. 
 stgnde(n), see stande(n). 
 stoppe(n), wkv., ON. stoppa ; stop ; 
 pr. 3 sg. stopped, 201, 10. 
 store, sb., OF. estor ; store, treasure, 
 88, 25. 
 storke, sb., OE. store ; j/*?^, 145, 5. 
 storm, sb., OE. storm; storm, tumult, 
 19, 22. eSth. steorm, 196, 31. 
 stgry, sb., OF. estoire, estorie ; story, 
 tale, in, 8. K"th. //. stris, 
 stound, stoupe(n), stoure (stowre), 
 see stund, stupe(n), stur. 
 stout, stoute, adj., OF. estout; stout, 
 hardy, bold; stoute, 96, 18. 
 stra, sb., ON. stra, cogn. with OE. 
 streaw, straw; straw, 79, 5. 
 strait, adv., ME. //. strei*ht<OE. 
 streccan-streahte ; straight, straight- 
 way, 222, 22. 
 strake, sb., Nth. = Ml. strk;--OE. 
 *strac; cf. stracian ; stroke, 173, 
 Strang, adj., Nth. = Ml., Sth. strgng; 
 OE. Strang, strong ; strong; wk. 
 strange, 126, 5. 
 strange, sb., OF. estrange ; strange, 
 strangalych, adv., OF. estrange + 
 Sth. lych; strangely, 225, 28. 
 strangle(n), wkv., OF. estrangler; 
 strangle ; pp. strangled, 84, 20. 
 stratly, adv., INth. = Ml. streitli ; 
 OF. estreit + ME. li; strait ly, 
 seriously, 173, 4. 
 strawe(n), wkv., OE. streawian, 
 streawian ; strew, scatter ; inf. 
 strawen, 35, 16. 
 stream, see strfm. 
 strecclie(n), wkv., OE. streccan- 
 streahte; stretch; inf. strecchen, 
 196, 4; pr. 3 sg. strecchej), 221, 27; 
 pt. sg. (Sth.) strehte, 181, 8. 
 streinpe(n) < strengpe(n), wkv., 
 based on OE. strengSo ; strengthen ; 
 pt. sg. strein])ed, 104, 28. 
 streit, adv., OF. estreit; straitly, 
 closely, narrowly, 61, 8. 
 strfm, sb., OE. stream ; stream, river, 
 22, 32. Kt. stream, 216, 32; strem, 
 217, 1. 
 strencfle, see strengpe. 
 streng, later string, sb., OE. streng ; 
 string; pi. strenges, 3, 8 ; stringes, 
 62, 10. 
 strenge(n), wkv., OE. strengan ; 
 strengthen, make strong, establish ; 
 pr. sbj. sg. strenge, 196, 12. 
 strengere, see strpng. 
 strengthe, strengpe, sb., OE. 
 strengftu, strengS, /*. ; strength, 4, 
 22 ; mid strengpe, by force, 204, 10 ; 
 strencj)e, 196, 12. 
 streone(n), wkv., eME. = Ml. stre- 
 ne(n) ; OE. streonan ; generate, 
 beget ; Sth.//. istreoned, 198, 25. 
 strete, sb., OM. stret, WS. street,/. ; 
 street, 52, 8. 
 Stretford-atte-Bowe, Stretforpe- 
 Bowe, sb., OM. Stretford, WS. 
 Stratford ; Stratford-atte-Bow, 230, 
 31 ; StretforJ>e-Bowe, 232, 15. 
 strlf, stryf, sb., OF. estrif ; strife, 33, 
 24; striif, 126, 5; ds. stryfe, 106, 
 Striflin, sb., Stirling, 160, 27. 
 string, see streng. 
 strogele(n), wkv., origin uncertain, 
 perhaps *strfkelin < OE. strac ; 
 struggle ; pr. 2 sg. strogelest, 244, 1. 
 strnd, sb., OE. strand, strgnd ; 
 strand, shore ; eME. ds. strnde, 
 186, 14. 
 string, adj., OE. Strang, string; 
 strong, 16, 4; comp. strengere, 7, 
 24; stranger; 219, 15. eSth. fas. 
 strgnge, 18 1, 19. 
 strook, sb., OE. *strac ; stroke, 
 228, 3. 
 stroye(n), wkv., OF. destruire ; de- 
 stroy; Nth. inf. stroy, 163, 12. 
 strucyo, sb., Lat. struthio ; ostrich, 
 stork, 145, 4. 
 striipe(n), wkv., OE. (be)strypan; 
 strip; inf. striipen, 194, 19. 
 strjf, stud, stude, see strlf, stan- 
 de(n), stf de. 
 studelfast, adj., OE. *studolf3est, cf. 
 OHG. studil, ON. stuSill; steadfast, 
 196, 10. 
 studie(n), -ze//z/., Sth. = Ml. stude(n); 
 OE. *studian, cf. OHG. (ga)studian, 
 OE. studu, sb., 'prop'; support, 
 prop, stop ; imp. pi. studgi 3e, 195, 
 stumble(n), wkv., ON. stumra, 
 stumla; stumble; pp. stumbilde, 
 160, 8. _ 
 stund, stound, sb., OE. stund,stiind, 
 f.\_moment, hour, time, 19, 26; ds. 
 stounde, 100, 2. 
 stunde, adv., OE. stund, sb. f ; at 
 once, for the time, 35, 28. 
 stupe(n), stdupe(n), wkv., OE. stu- 
 pian ; stoop ; inf. stiipen, 196, 4 ; 
 pt. sg. stupede, 43, 27; stouped, 
 90, 3- _ 
 stur, stOure, stowre, sb., OF. es- 
 tour ; strife, battle, tumult ; pi. 
 stures, 150, 8; stoure, 115, 29; 
 stowre, 160, 9. 
 sturle(n), stiirne, see stire(n), 
 stiirnliche, adv., Sth. = Ml. sternli ; 
 WS. styrnlice, OM.sternllce; sternly, 
 fiercely, 187, 27. 
 stutte(n), wkv., OE. *stuttan, cf. 
 MLG. stutten ; cease, stay, stop ; pt. 
 sg. stutte, 195, 27. 
 styff, styffe, adj., OE. stif; strong, 
 valiant, stiff; styffe, 115, 29. 
 stykke, sb., Nth. = Ml. sticche ; OE. 
 stycce; stick, piece, fragment, 142, 
 stylle, see stille. 
 stynte(n), wkv., OE. (a)styntan ; 
 cease, stop, stint; inf. stynte, 106, 
 stynting, sb. < pr. ppl. ; cf. OE. 
 styntan ; stop, pause, 167, 19. 
 styren, see stire(n). 
 styrrynge, sb., OE. styryng,/". ; stir- 
 ring, motion, emotion, passion ; ill 
 styrrynges, evil passions, 146, 13. 
 stywes, sb. pi., OE. *steawe, cf. 
 MLG. stouwe, ' fish pond' ; brothels, 
 '237, 9- 
 subject, sb., OF. sujet, subject ; sub- 
 ject, vassal, 235, 23. 
 subtile, adj., OF. soutil, soubtil ; sub- 
 tile; subtiles (OF.pl.), 232, 22. 
 subtilly, adv., OF. soutil, subtil + 
 ME. -ly ; carefully, subtilly, 243, 2. 
 succession, sb., OF. succession ; suc- 
 cession, 221, 4. 
 succour, see sucur. 
 such, suche, see swilc. 
 sucur, succour, socour, socure, 
 socore, sb., OF. sucurs ; succor, 
 43, 4; socour, 102, 27; socure, 
 128, 20; socore, 157, 17; succour, 
 168, 15. 
 sucurle(n), wkv., Sth. = Ml. su- 
 cure(n) ; OF. succurre ; succour; 
 pr. sbj. sg. sucuri, 211, 13; //. sg. 
 sucurede, 211, 13. 
 suden, soden, sudan, adj., OF. 
 soudein; sudden; soden, 124, 17; 
 sudan < sudan?, 143, I. 
 suduwie(n), wkv., OF. suduire; sub- 
 due; pt.pl. .suduwede, 222,32. 
 sufte(n), wkv., OE. swaetari ; sweat ; 
 Nth. inf. swft, 152, 2. 
 suffraunce,^., OF.sufraunce; suffer- 
 ance, permission, 236, 2. 
 suffre(n), s6ffre(n), sofere(n), wkv., 
 OF. suffrir; suffer', inf. suffre, 42, 
 31 ; imp. sg. soffere, 123, 3 ; sofere, 
 123, 26; pr.ppl. suffrand, 104, 21 ; 
 pt. sg. suffred, 97, 7; soffred, 122, 
 6 ; sufferd, 137, 26 ; pp. soffrid, 55, 
 25. Nth. inf. suffer, 137, 20; pr. 
 3 sg. suffers, 139, 6. 
 sugge, see seie(n). 
 suggestion, sb., OF. suggestion ; 
 suggestion, 235, 13. 
 suke(n), stv., OE. siican, sugan, OM. 
 sec ( WS. seac) ; stick ; pr. 3 sg. 
 sukeS, 19, 16. 
 sule(n) (sal, sulci), sulf, see schu- 
 le(n), self, 
 sulllche, adv., OM. seldlice, 1WS. 
 sylllce; strangely, 193, 6. 
 sum, som, adj., OE. sum; some, 89, 
 19; pi. sume, 3, 11 ; some, 60, 17. 
 eSth. gs. summes, 192, 19 ; ds. 
 summe, 200, 17. 
 sum, conj., cf. Dan. som, OE. same, 
 sgme; so, as, soever; swasumm (O), 
 so as, just as, 8, 17. 
 sumdfl, somdfl, sb., OE. sum + d&l ; 
 some deal, so?new hat, 78, 21 ; som- 
 dfl, 208, 24. 
 sumer, sb., OE. sumor ; summer, fair 
 weather, as opposed to winter or 
 foul weather, 19, 23. 
 sumkin, prn., OE. sum + cynn ; some 
 kind of \ Nth.pl. sumkins, 130, 1. 
 summe, summes, see sum. 
 sumtyde, adv., OE. sum + tld, /. ; 
 sometimes, 158, 1. 
 sumwhat, sumwat, prn., OE. sum + 
 hwaet; someivhat, 92, 27 ; sumwat, 
 53> 37* Nth. sumquat, 130, 22. 
 sun, suncken, see sune, sinke(n). 
 sund, adj., OE. gesund(sund) ; sound, 
 healthy, 15, 30. 
 Sunday, siinden, see Sunnendai, 
 sundri, adj., OE. syndrig, infl. by 
 sunder; sundry, 31, 2. 
 sundrie(n), wkv., Sth. = Ml. sun- 
 dre(n) ; OE. sundrian ; sunder, 
 separate ; pt. sg. sundrede, 201, 21 ; 
 //. isundret, 195, 24. 
 sune, sone, ib., OE. sunu; son, 2, 1 ; 
 sone, 46, 1 ; pi. (SEMI.), sunen, 25, 
 ,15. Nth. sun, 128, 7 ; son, 148,6 ; 
 //. sonnys, 174, 19. 
 sunne, sb., OE. sunne; sun, 1, 15. 
 sunnobfm, sb., OE. sunnebeam ; 
 sunbeam, 83, 5; sonnebgm, 228, 
 siinnen, see sinne. 
 Sunnendai, Sunnendsei, Sunday, 
 sb., OE. sunnandseg; Sunday; Sun- 
 nendsei, 7, 31; Sonenday, 71, 9; 
 Sunday, 116, 23. 
 superfluytee, sb., OF. superfluite; 
 superfluity, 237, 15. 
43 6 
 suppgse(n), wkv., OF. supposer; 
 suppose ; pr.pl. suppose, 234, 29. 
 sustayne(n), ivkv., OF. sustenir, infl. 
 by ending teine ; sustain ; Nth., pt. 
 pi. sustaynede, 146, 27. Sth. inf. 
 susteini, 204, 19; susteyne, 220, 11. 
 susteini, susteyne, see sustayne(n). 
 sustenance, sustenaunce, sb., OF. 
 soustenance ; sustenance, 146, 27; 
 sustenaunce, 234, 28. 
 suster, sb., OE. sweoster, swuster ; 
 later displaced by ON. syster ; 
 sister, 7, 2 ; gs. suster, 180, 28; //. 
 sustren, 196, 21. Cf. sister, 
 susteyne (n), see sustaine(n). 
 suteli(n), wkv., OE. sweotillian, swu- 
 telian ; become manifest, appear; 
 inf. sutelin, 194, 27. 
 suft, suth, south, adv., OE. suS; 
 south, 16, 26; suth, 78, 5; south, 
 55, 21. 
 suthfast, adj., INth. = Ml. sojjfast; 
 OE. soSfsest; trulhfid, 141, 12. 
 su"$5s(n), siipthe, see sippen. 
 swa, adv., eME. Nth. for Ml. swo 
 (sp) ; OE. swa; so, also, yet, 1, 3 ; 
 128, 13. 
 Swanborow, sb., Swanborow, 77, 
 swart, adj., OE. sweart ; dark, swart, 
 182, 7. 
 sweche, see swilc. 
 swein, sb., ON. svein, cogn. with 
 OE. swan ; swain, servant ; sweyn, 
 75,5; swein, 185, 9; //. sweines, 
 186, 24. 
 swelle(n), stv., OE. swellan-swsel 
 (3); swell; inf. swelle, 49, 13. 
 swenche(n), swenke(n), swyn- 
 ke(n), wkv., OE. swencan ; fatigue, 
 torment, afflict', pt. pi. swencten, 2, 
 3 2 - 
 sweord, see swerd. 
 sweore, sb., OE. sweora; neck, 180, 
 swep (swfp), sb., OE. *swsep(?) ; 
 scope, meaning, 22, 22. 
 swerd, sb., OE. sweord; sword, 41, 
 13; eME. sweord, 181, 17; ds. 
 sweorde, 182, 6 ; pi. sweord, 189, 
 28. eSth. ds. swerde, 227, 25. 
 swfre(n), stv., OE. swerian-sw5r(6); 
 swear; pr. sbj. sg. swfre, 76, 23; 
 //. sg. swor, 6, 3 ; pt.pl. swore, 90, 
 J 3> PP- sworen, 2, 29; sworn, 57, 
 20. Nth., pr. 3 sg. swgris, 145, 27. 
 Sth. inf. swerien (eSth.), 193, 19; 
 swfrien, 226, 11 ; pp. iswgre, 204, 
 16; iswgrene, 226, 24. 
 swfrie(n), see swere(n). 
 swfrynge, sb., OE. *swerung; swear- 
 ing, 145, 28. 
 swete, adj., adv., OE. swete ; sweet, 
 33, 27 ; swetteste, with shortening, 
 19, 10. 
 swettnes, sb., OE. swetnes, /., by 
 shortening ; sweetness, 145, 1. 
 sweven, sb., OE. swefen ; sleep, 
 dream\ eME. ds. swevene, 182, 24. 
 swevenyng, sb., extension of OE. 
 swefen; dreaming, 93, 18. 
 sweyn, see swein. 
 swicdom, sb., OE. swicdom ; deceit, 
 fraud, 1, 6. 
 swice(n), swiche, see swike(n), 
 swik, sb., OE. swic, n. ' deception'; 
 deception; ds. swike, 19, 14. 
 swike, sb., OE. swica ; traitor, de- 
 ceiver; pi. swikes, 2, 12. 
 swikedom, sb., OE. swicdom ; treach- 
 ery; ds. swikedome, 183, 5. 
 sw kelhfde, sb., OE. *swicolhsed; 
 deception, 203, 22. 
 swike (n), stv., OE. swlcan-swac (1) ; 
 deceive, fail, cease, desist from ; 
 imp. sg. swic, 18, 11 ; pt. pi. 
 swyken, 5, 2d; pp. pi. swikene, 179, 
 swilc, swich, sych, such, soch, adj. 
 {adv. conj.), OM. swilc, 1WS. 
 swylc ; such, 1,15; swillc (O), 10, 
 6; swilch, 178, 23; syche, 125,29; 
 pi. swilce, 4, 7; swilke, 25, 20; 
 sweche, 59, 19; soche, 114, 9 ; wk. 
 swiche, 39, 12; suche, 36, 20. 
 Nth. swilk, 128, 27; sic, 172, 8. 
 Sth. such, 203, 23. Kt.pl. zuyche, 
 215, 2 3l 
 swin, swyn, sb., OE. swln, n. ; swine, 
 hog, 86,17; s w>n, 53, 4. Sth. gs. 
 swiines, 180, 23. 
 swine, sb., OE. swine ; labor, trouble, 
 archaic swink, 4, 1 1 ; swinnc (O) , 
 9, 26. Sth. gs. swindles, 178, 7. 
 swinch, see swine. 
 swinde(n), adv., OE. swindan (swin- 
 dan)-swand (swgnd) (3) ; waste 
 away, vanish, be of no avail ; inf. 
 swlnden, 178, 1. 
 swinnc, see swine, 
 swire, sb., OE. swira (sweora), ON. 
 sviri ; neck,_ 44, 33. 
 swithe, swjfte, adv., OE. swlfte ; 
 very, strongly, greatly, 1, 8. Sth. 
 swuoe, 180, 23. 
 swi<5e(n), stv., ON. swioa, ME. swi- 
 ften) -swa5 (1) ; singe, burn; pr. 3 
 sg. swISeff, 15* 25. 
 swiwika, sb., OE. *swigwiocu ; week 
 of silence, holy-week, 200, 3. 
 SW9 (swo), sg (so), adv., OE. swa 
 (*sa), Dan. saa; j^, 15, 3; sg, 14, 3. 
 Kt. zug, 216, 9. 
 swolhe(n), stv., OE. swelgan (sweol- 
 gan)-swealh (3); swallow; inf. 
 swolhen L i96, 13. 
 swiin, swiiSe, see swin, swrSe. 
 swyle(n), wkv., OE. swilian; wash, 
 swill; inf. swyle, 96, 24. 
 swyn, see swin. 
 swynke(n), stv., OE. swincan-swanc 
 (3) ; labor, work ; inf. svvynke, 245, 
 13. Sth.//. iswunken, 202, 18. 
 Bf, sb., OE. sige; victory, 193, 11. 
 syb, syche, see sib, swilc. 
 sycurly, sye, see sikerlike, se(n). 
 syde, see si, e. 
 syghe(n), wkv., OE. sican, *sigan ? ; 
 sigh ; //. sg. syghed, 109, 10. 
 sy^t, see sigt. 
 syghyng, sb. < pr. ppl. ; OE. sican ; 
 sighing, 92, 1. 
 sygne, sb., OF. seigne, signe ; sign, 
 sykernes, sb., ON. ?, cf. Dan. sikker, 
 OFris. siker (Lat. securus) + ME. 
 -nes; security, 94, 26. 
 syknes, sb.,OK. seocness,/!; sickness, 
 90, 22. 
 sylver(re), j<? silver. 
 Symeon, j., Lat. Simeon ; Simeon, 
 symple, a^'., OF. simple; simple, 
 *35> l6 - 
 syn, syne (syns), see sitfoen, sinne. 
 syngfre, sb., OE. *sing|re; singer, 
 237, 23. 
 synne (syn}e),syngr (synnfr),.^ 
 sinne, sin^fre. 
 synngr, see sin^fre. 
 synne(n), sinne(n), wkv., OE. syn- 
 gian ; sin ; pp. synned, 102, 3. 
 Sth. (SEMI.), //. //. sinigeden, 26, 
 syr (syr), syster, syth (sythe), see 
 sire, sister, sijjpen. 
 t', see to. 
 ta, taak, see take(n). 
 tabell, sb., OF. table; table, 126, 
 tabernacle, sb., OF. tabernacle ; 
 tabernacle, 104, 5. 
 tachte, see tfche(n). 
 tacnen, wkv., eME. Nth. for 
 Ml. tgkne;n); OE. *tacnian; show, 
 betoken, 12, 31. 
 taecen, see take(n). 
 tBlen = tfle(n), wkv., OE. tselan ; 
 blame; pr. 3 sg. taileJ>J> (O), 
 _9> 25. 
 teer, teeronne, see per, peron. 
 tail, sb., OE. tsegel, tsegl ; tail, 
 retinue, 63, 16; ds. taile, 207, 11. 
 take(n), eME. taken, stv., ON. taka- 
 tok (6) ; take, seize ; inf. taecen 
 (eME.), 5, 1 1 ; take, 55, 8 ; pr. 3 sg. 
 takeS, 16, 1 2 ; imp.pl. taak, 242, 14 ; 
 //. j\ toe, 2, 15 ; toke, 67, 10; toe 
 t, succeed to, 7, 9 ; //. //. tocan 
 (eME.), 2, 14; token, 26, 8; toke, 
 89, 14 ; //. takenn (O), 8, 16 ; take, 
 58, i8._ Nth. inf. ta, 166, 21 ; pr. 
 3 j^. tas, 127, 25; takes, 143, 26 ; 
 pr. pi. tak we, 134, 27 ; //. sg. tuk 
 (INth.), 167, 31 ; //. tane, 136, 15 ; 
 takin, 137, 5. eSth. inf. taken on, 
 act, do, take on, 185, 12 ; pp. ytake, 
 takening, * takning. 
 taker, sb. , based on ME. taken < ON. 
 taka; taker, protector, 103, 24. 
 takning, takening, sb., Nth. = Ml. 
 tgkeninge ; OE. tacnung,/. ; token, 
 sign, tokening, 148, 5 ; takening, 
 x 53, 7- 
 takyng, sb., based on take(n) ; seizure, 
 taking, 220, 3. 
 tald, see telle (n). 
 tale, sb., OE. talu; tale, story, number, 
 21, 1 ; at tale, m a case, 57, 
 Tambre, j^., OE. Tamar; Tamar; 
 ds. Tamber, 189, 20. See note, 
 tame, adj., OE. tam, ON. tamr ; tame, 
 tane, see take(n). 
 tarette, sb., OF. teride ; transport 
 vessel; pi. tarettes, 164, 12. 
 targe, sb., OF. targe, cogn. with OE. 
 targe ; targe, shield ; pi. targes, 
 207, 31. 
 tarie(n), targie(n), wkv., OM. tergan, 
 WS. tiergan ; delay, tarry; inf. tarie, 
 243,3; targi, 214,12. 
 tas, see take(n). 
 tatt, see pat. 
 taverne, sb., OF. taverne; tavern ; 
 tavernes, 120, 17. 
 taverner, sb., OF. tavernier; inn- 
 keeper, 239, 23. 
 tawne(n), wkv., OM. *seteawnian, 
 later *3eteawnian by shortening, 
 eME. *atawnen *tawnen ; cf. O. 
 awwnen, implying OM. eawnian, 
 eawnian ; show , point out ; inf. 
 tawnen, 23, 30. 
 taylsd, adj., based on OE. taegl 
 'tail'; tailed, having a tail, 60, 9. 
 Taylefer, sb., OF. Tailefer; Tail- 
 lefer, 207, 25. 
 te, te, see to, pe or pu. 
 tfche(n), wkv., OE. tsecan, tsecean- 
 tahte (tahte) ; teach ; inf. tfche, ,50, 
 27; pr. 3 sg. tfchej), 124, 10; pr. 
 sbj. sg. tfche, 198, 30 ; //. sg. tagte, 
 29, 12; //. 2 j^. taugtest, 49, 24; 
 tau3tist, 55, 11. N.h. pt. sg. wk. 
 tfchid, 136, 13. Sth. pt. sg. tachte, 
 213, 20; pp. ytaujt, 66, 27. Kt. 
 pr. 3 sg. tekp, 216, 15. 
 tf chf r, tfeher, sb., based on tf che(n) ; 
 teacher, 141, 11. 
 techinge, sb., Kt. = Ml. tf chinge ; OE. 
 tsecung,yC; teaching, 213, 1. 
 teday, tee, te^, see today, te(n),pe:;. 
 tegsedere, -gidre, see togadere. 
 teken, adv. prep., OM. to-ecan, WS. 
 t5-eacan ; in addition, besides ; 
 tekenn (O), 9, 5. 
 tekp, see tche(n).- 
 tele, sb., OE. getsel (*getel), perhaps 
 til ? Cf. telynge ; number, rime, 
 fortune-telling (?) , 125, 31. 
 telle(n), wkv., OE. tellan-OM. talde 
 (WS. tealde); tell; inf. tellen, 3, 
 20; tellenn (O), 9, 14; telle, 107, 
 26; pr. 3 sg. telp, 211, 10 ; pr. sbj. 
 sg. telle, 45, 16 ; imp. sg. tel, 2 1, 20 ; 
 telle, 66, 17; pt. sg. tglde, 23, 22; 
 pt.pl. tplden, 26, 29; pp. toold, 239, 
 9. Nth. inf. tell, 126, 12;/?-. 2 
 j^ - . tels, 136, 9 ; pr. 3 ^. telles, 125, 
 6; //. j^-. w. teld, 136, 14; //. 
 tald, 130, 27 ; pp. wk. telld, 154, 14. 
 Sfh.pr.pl. telle]), 210, 15 ; pp.pl. 
 italde (eME.), 185, 28; itp'ld, 36, 15. 
 telynge, sb., OE. tilung, teolung, /. ; 
 sorcery, 125, 23. 
 teme(n), wkv., OM. teman (WS. tie- 
 man) ; lead, bring forth, instruct ; 
 inf. temen, 179, 19; teme, 50, 27. 
 tempeste, sb., OF. tempeste ; tempest, 
 211, 1. 
 temple, sb., OF. temple; temple, 72, 
 29. _ 
 temptaeioun, sb., AN. tentatiun, 
 modified ; temptation, trial, 103, 29. 
 te(n), stv., OE. teon - OM. teh ( WS. 
 teah) (2); draw, lead, go, mount; 
 inf. tee, 232, 13 ; prTl sg.^e^ie^ 
 19 ; pt. sg. te3 < te3, 41, 1 1. " Sth-. 
 inf. teon (eSth.), 186, 32; pt. pi. 
 tuhen, 192, 25. 
 ten, adj., OM. ten, WS. tlen ; ten, 1 7, 4. 
 ten, tend (tende), see tene, tenpe. 
 tende(n), wkv., OE. tendan, tendan ; 
 kindle ; pt.pl. tenden, 43, 2. Nth. 
 *'/ tent, 134, 13. 
 tene, ten, sb., OE. teona; vexation, 
 injury, 87,14. Nth. tene, 144, 20; 
 ten, 148, 8. eSth. teone, 194, 26. 
 tenserie, sb., OF. *tenserie, Lat. 
 tensarium; special import, tribute, 
 3> 24. 
 tent, tfr, see tende(n), pe. 
 tente, tent, sb., OF. entente ; inten- 
 tion, care, heed, 99, 1 7. 
 tenpe, adj., OM. tegotfa (WS. teo- 
 gooa), modified by ten; tenth, 62, 
 20. Nth. tende, 152, u; tend, 
 147, 26. 
 Teodbald, 4&, OF. Theodbald ; 
 Theobald, 5, 17. 
 teon, teone, teonne, j^ te(n), tene, 
 tfr, jA, OE. tear ; tear ; //. tfres, 28, 
 32. Kt. tyear, 218, 21. 
 tfr, tf refter, j^ per, perafter. 
 tfre(n), /#., OE. *teorian, tirwan; 
 cover with tar; inf. t|re, 86, 23. 
 terme, sb., OF. terme; term, period, 
 64, 25. 
 testament, j., OF. testament ; tej/a- 
 ment, command, 105, 9; /ar/ of 
 the Bible, 130, 6. 
 tet, see pat. 
 teythe,%., OM. tegoSa (WS. teo- 
 gofra) ; tenth, tithe, 125, 10. 
 teythe(n), wkv., OM. tegoSian, WS. 
 teogoSian; tithe; inf. teythe, 125, 
 teythynge, sb., OM. tegooung, _/". ; 
 tithing, 125, 14. 
 thare, that (thatt), the, see per. 
 pat, pe. 
 theef (thef), thei (theim, them), 
 see pef, pe}. 
 then, stv., OE. Seon-OM. Sen (WS. 
 Seah) (2); prosper; inf. the, 107, 
 ther and compounds, see per. 
 thepen, thew, thine, thise, see "De- 
 "Ken, pew, pinehe(n), pis. 
 thoro (thorow), thossand, see purh, 
 though te, thowe, see pinche(n), 
 thrall, adv., OE. Srael + lice ; tyran- 
 nically, 132, 18. 
 thrang, sb., Nth. = Ml. prgng, thrgng; 
 OE. geftrang; crowd, throng; in 
 thrang, in durance, 1 74, 7. 
 thraw, sb., Nth. = Ml. throw; OE. 
 prah,/". ; time, season, 167, 13. 
 thre, see pre. 
 thrfte(n), thrette(n), wkv., OE. 
 ftreatan ; threaten ; Nth. pr. 3 sg. 
 thretes, 161, 17 ; pt.pl. thrette, 132, 
 thr ting, sb., OE. frreatung ; threaten- 
 ing, menace, 161, 16. 
 thrette(n), see thrfte(n). 
 thrid, see pridde. 
 thringe(n), stv., OE. oringan-orang 
 (ffrong) (3) ; press, throng; pt. sg. 
 thrang, 141, 21. 
 thritte, thrive(n), thrgne, see pritti, 
 prive(n), trgne. 
 throte, .Worpte. 
 throu, see purh. 
 thrum, sb., OAng. *orum, cf. WS. 
 Srym ; power, multitude ; al on a 
 thrum, all in a body, with a rush, 
 141, 21. 
 thurgh, thurghe, see purh. 
 thyfte, sb., OE. SeofS, possibly ON. 
 oyfS, Syft,/ ; theft, 147, ir. 
 thynkande, thynketh, see pin- 
 che(n), pinke(n). 
 thynkande, see penche(n), pen- 
 thyrde, thys, tiden, see pridde, 
 pis, tide, 
 tide, sb., OE. tid,/. ; time, season, 
 hour; MnE. tide; tyde, 108, 1 ; pi. 
 tides, 212, 29. eSth. ds. tiden, 
 tide(n), wkv., OE. tidan; happen, 
 betide; pp. tide, 159, 24. 
 tidende, see tiSende. 
 tidi, adj., extension of OE. tid or 
 *tidig ? ; fit, suitable, neat ; wel tidi, 
 well grown, 23, 9. 
 tiding, sb., OE. tidung, f.; message, 
 news, tidings, 65, 24. 
 til, tyl, tylle, prep, conj., ONth., 
 possibly Merc. (?), til; till, to, 
 until, 2, 26; tyl, 98, 32; tylle, 
 107, 23. 
 tile(n), wkv., OE. tilian; obtain, 
 procure, cultivate, till, aid; inf. 
 tilen, 16, 5; tylle, 91, 30; pt. sg. 
 tilede, 4, 6; pp. tiled, 3, 27. 
 tille(n), wkv., OE. tyllan ; draw, 
 entice; pp. tiled, 78, 9. 
 tilSe, sb. t OE. tilS, tilSe, /. ; labor, 
 tilward, adv. Nth. = Ml. toward ; 
 OE. til + weard; toward, 148, 20. 
 tim, see time. 
 timbre(n), timbrin, wkv., OE. tim- 
 brian; build; inf. timbrin, 194, 26. 
 Sth.j^>. itimbred, 184, 23. 
 time, tyme, ^., OE. tima; time, 2, 
 4; tyme, 52, 30. Nth. tim, 126, 
 tlme(n), (timen), wkv., OE. geti- 
 mian ; happen, befall, prosper ; inf. 
 timen, 31, 9. Sth. pp. itlmed, 
 188, 15. 
 tin, tine, see pin. 
 tintreow, sb., OE. tintreg ; torment, 
 194, 26. 
 tiraunt, sb., OF. tirant; tyrant, 221, 
 tire(n), wz\, OE. tirian ; vex, strive ; 
 inf. tire, 44, 33. 
 tirne(n), wkv., OE. tyrnan; turn; 
 pt.pl. tirneden, 83, 16. 
 tis, see pis. 
 tite, adv., ON. tltt, #*#/. of tlftr, a^'.; 
 quickly, 137, 28. 
 tipende, tlpand, tidende, trKinge, 
 sb., ON. tldlndi ; message, tidings ; 
 tij>ennde, 11, 4; tiding, 31, 6. 
 Nth. tlj>and, 1 54, 30. Sth. tidende, 
 185, 14; tlSinge, 200, 14. Cf. 
 tldinge . 
 Tiwesniijht, sb., OE. Tlwesniht ; 
 Tuesday night, 228, 27. 
 to, see pe. 
 to, te, t', prep, adv., OE. t5; to, for, 
 i, 1 ; t' (0),9,io; te, 195, 13; t5 
 {adv.) toward, 51, 15; to Sat, 
 until, 3, 9. 
 to, adv., OE. to ; fo?, also, 176, 11. 
 t, to, see pat, n, two. 
 tobfre(n), stv., OE. toberan-bser (4) ; 
 separate, cause trouble; pt. sg. tobar, 
 24, 18. 
 tobrfse(n), stv., OE. tobrecan-brsec 
 (4) ; break asunder ; pr. pi. to- 
 breken (eME.), 189, 30; pt. sg. 
 tobrac, 182, 1 ; //. tobroke, 208, 16. 
 tdbreste(n), stv., OE. tSberstan-bserst 
 (3); burst asunder; pp. tobrast, 
 58, 17. 
 todsei, todSlen, see today, to- 
 today, sb., OE. t5daeg; today, 77, 39. 
 eME. tSdaei, 184, 24; todai, 210, 
 21. Kt. teday, 211, 10. 
 tgde, sb., OE. tadige, tadie; toad, 
 6i_, 29. 
 todele(n), wkv., OE. toda:lan ; divide, 
 distribute, scatter; pt. sg. t5da?lde 
 (eME.), 7, 10; t5d|ld, 2, 20; to- 
 dflde, 187, 5; //. todfled, 6, 23. 
 Kt. pr. 3 sg. todelp, 216, 32 ; pr. 
 sbj. pi. todele we, 216, 16; imp. sg: 
 todel, 217, 9. 
 todelinge, sb., Kt. = Ml. todflinge; 
 based on Kt. todelen ; separation, 
 216, 14. 
 todi^tinge, sb., based on OE. *to- 
 dihtan; dividing, separation, 216, 
 todra5e(n), stv., OE. todragan-droh 
 (6) ; draw asunder ; eME. inf. 
 t5dra3e, 184, 27; pt. sg. t5droh, 
 181, 23. 
 tofore, adv. prep., OE. toforan; 
 before, 102,3. Sth. t5v2re,2i9,26. 
 tofgreniseid, adj., OE'. tSforan + Sth. 
 pp. iseid; aforesaid, beforesaid; pi. 
 226, 8. 
 togadere ,-geedere , -gedere , -gidere , 
 adv., OE. to gaedere; together, 36, 
 14 ; togoedere, 2, 16 ; togadere, 
 187, 27 ; togedere, 37, 2 5 J tdgider, 
 3> 32; togidre, 53, 21; tegidre, 
 59, 5. Nth. togedir, 135, ixj 
 togydre, 234, 9. 
 togedere, see togadere. 
 togederes, togedres, adv., OE. to- 
 gsedere; together, 192, 9; togedres, 
 228, 2. 
 togenes, togslnes, prep, adv., OE. 
 togegnes; against, opposite; t5- 
 gsenes (eME.), 5, 6. Sth. t5g|anes 
 (eSth.), 178, 19; to3eines, 189, 18. 
 Kt. toyenes, 213, 6. 
 togge(n), togge(n) ?, wkv.) origin 
 uncertain, cf. MDu. tocken ; draw, 
 pull, tug-, pp. togged, 63, 1. 
 togider (-re), togydre, see togadere. 
 tohewe(n), stv., OE. t5heawan-heow 
 (R) ; hew in pieces ; eME. pp. t5- 
 hauwen, 190, 13. 
 tgkenynge, sbM OE. tacnung, f. ; 
 sign, token j tokening, no, n. 
 tolle(n), wkv., cf. OE. tyllan, draw,' 
 perhaps ON. tolla, ' cleave ' ; draw, 
 attract ; MnE. tull; pr. 3 sg. tolled, 
 20, 17. 
 tollere, sb., OE. tollfre ; toll collector, 
 Tolous, MS. Tollous, Tullous, sb., 
 OF. Tolous, Tulous; Toulouse, 
 106, 7. 
 toluke(n), stv., OE. tolucan-leac (2) ; 
 tear asunder; inf. tdluken, 193, 
 21; pt. pi. toluken, 197, 6; //. 
 toloken, 193, 25. 
 tomse^e, tomar^en, see tomorwen. 
 tombestfre, sb., OE. tumbestfre; 
 female dancer, 237, 21. 
 tomorwen, tomoruwe, tomoru, sb., 
 OE. tomorgen ; tomorrow, 81, 5 ; 
 tomoruwe, 49, 8; t5moru, 128, 6. 
 eSth. t5mar3en, 184, 31 ; tomserje, 
 184, 7. ^ 
 tgn, tong (tonge), see on, tunge. 
 tonicht, toniht, tonight, tonyght, 
 sb., OM. t5 nseht, WS. niht ; tonight, 
 81, 8; toniht, 181, 10; tonight, 
 239, n. 
 top, sb., OE. topp; top, tuft of hair, 
 head, 63, 16. 
 torehe, sb., OF. torche; torch, 118, 
 torende(n), wkv., OE. *t5rendan, cf. 
 OFris. torenda; rend or tear 
 asunder; pt. pi. torente, 240, 13; 
 pp. torent, 61, 24. 
 torment, sb., OF. torment; torment; 
 pi. tormens, 217, 13. 
 torn, sb., OF. turn; turn, advantage, 
 243, 19- 
 Torneie, sb., OE. Dorneg; Thorney 
 (Cambridgeshire), 8, 9. 
 tornement, sb., OF. tornoiement, AN. 
 torneiement ; tournement, 61, 20. 
 tosamen, adv., OE. to + ON. samen ; 
 together, 23, 13. 
 tosnede(n), wkv., OE. tosnaedan, 
 *snseoan ? ; cut in two ; //. sg. tos- 
 naSde (for tosnadde?), 182, 6. 
 tosomne, adfo., OE. t5samne(somne) ; 
 together, 189, 31. 
 tosprf de(n), wkv., OE. tSspraedan ; 
 spread apart or about, scatter; pp. 
 tosprad, 208, 9. 
 totfre(n), stv., OE. toteran -tser (4) ; 
 tear to pieces ; inf. totfren, 22, 25; 
 pr. pi. totfre, 237, 18. eSth. to- 
 teoren, 193, 21. 
 top, sb., OE. t5S ; tooth ; pi. tefS, 50, 
 21 ; teth, 122, 16. 
 topere (toper, tothire), tou, see 
 oper, pu. 
 toumbe, sb., OF. tumbe, tombe; 
 tomb, 117, 3. 
 toun, tour, see tun, tur. 
 tourne, touward, see turne(n), to- 
 tovleote(n), stv., OE. tSfleotan-fleat 
 (2 ) ; float in different directions, be 
 dispersed; eSth. inf. tSvleoten, 201, 
 tovore, see tofcre. 
 towaille, sb., OF. touaille; towel, 
 39> " 
 toward, adj. prep., OE. toweard; 
 towards, 66, 7; touward, 188, 5. 
 towrenche(n ) , wkv. , O E. *to wrencan ; 
 tear apart; inf. t5wrenche, 58, 10. 
 towreste(n), wkv., OE. towrsestan ; 
 tear or wrest asunder; pt. pi. to- 
 wreste, 60, 17. 
 towrng, adj., OE. t5 + ON. vrangr ?; 
 twisted, awry , 15, 13. 
 toyenes, see togenes. 
 toyle(n), wkv., OF. toiller; pull 
 about, harass ; pp. toyled, 60, 8. 
 traist, adj., ON. *treystr, cf. treysta, 
 v. ; strong, confident, 128, 9. 
 traistli, adv., based on traist; con- 
 fidently, 134, 18. 
 traitor, traytor, traitour, sb., NF. 
 traitre, ace. traitor (OF. traitur); 
 traitor; traytor, 56. 16; traitor, 
 223, _I9* pl* traitours, 57, 19; 
 traytours, 57, 16. 
 translate(n), wkv., OF. translator; 
 transfer, translate; pp. translate, 
 I33> 22. 
 trappe, sb., OE. trgeppe, treppe; trap; 
 pi. trappes, 103, 25. 
 trass, sb., OF. trace; track, trace, 
 168, 13. 
 traste(n), wkv., INth. = Ml. trais- 
 te(n) ; ON. treysta ; trust, rely 
 upon; INth. inf. trast, 171, 29. 
 travail, sb., OF. travail ; labor, 
 travail, trouble, 103, II. Nth. 
 traveil, 129, 7; travale (INth.), 
 167, 24. 
 travaile(n), wkv., OF. travailer ; 
 travail, labor, travel; pt. pi. 
 travailleden, 235, 9; pp. itravailed, 
 212, 19. 
 travale, traveil, see travail, 
 trayson, traytor (traytour), see 
 trfson, traitor, 
 tre, sb., OE. treo; tree, 100, 18. 
 trfchery, sb., OF. trecherie ; treachery, 
 78, 14. 
 tred, sb., OE. tredd? tread, track, 
 62, 4. 
 trgde(n), stv., OE. tredan-traed (5) ; 
 tread; inf. tredenn (O), 9, 23; pt. 
 pi. trgde, 62, 3; pp. troden, 240, 
 treothe, see treuthe 1 . 
 treowlich, adj., eSth. = M1. treull; 
 OE. treowllc; truly, sincerely, 192, 
 treson, tresiin, trayson, sb., OF. 
 traison, AN. traisun ; treason, 1, 
 19; trayson, 51, 13. 
 tresor, tresur, eME. tresor, sb., NF. 
 tresor, OF. tresur ; treasure ; tresor 
 (eME.), 2, 20; tr|s5r, 242, 16. 
 trespas, sb., OF. trespas ; trespass, 
 92, 4- 
 trespasse(n), wkv., OF. trespasser; 
 trespass; pr. sbj. sg. trespasse, 241, 
 treuthe, treuthe, sb., OE. treowSe ; 
 truth, faith, troth, 2, 29; treu)>e, 
 204, 11 ; pi. treothes, 2, 30. 
 treuthfde, -ede, sb , OAng. tieowS- 
 hsed,^; truth, fidelity, 129, 15. 
 trewe, trew, adj., OE. treowe; true, 
 18, 22; guiltless, 109, 21; super I. 
 trewest, 76, 9. 
 trewehfde, sb., OE. treow + h|de; 
 faithfulness, especially religiotis 
 faith L 20c 3. 
 trewely, adv., OE. treowllce ; truly, 
 indeed, 242, 25. 
 trewe(n), wkv., OE. treowian ; trust, 
 believe; pr. 3 sg. trewef5, 21, 1. 
 Cf. trowe(n)^ 
 trewnesse, sb., OE. trewness, f. ; 
 trust, confidence, 37, 20. 
 tribulaciolin, sb., AN. tribulatiun ; 
 tribulation, 104, 11. 
 tricherle, sb., OF.tricherie, triquerie; 
 treachery, trickery, 204, 19. 
 trinite, sb., OF. trinite; trinity, 116, 
 trist, ^., OF. tristre, triste ; appointed 
 place, rendezvous, 173, 18. 
 trist, tryst, sb._, perhaps OM. *tryst 
 (tryst), cf. ON. treista, vb.; trust, 
 confidence, 1, 15; tryste, 108, 5. 
 Tristrem, sb., OF. Tristrem; Tris- 
 trem, 126, 17. 
 trofel, see trufle. 
 trne, sb., OF. trone, throne ; throne, 
 157, II ; throne, 102, 26. 
 trotevale, sb. (?), origin uncertain ; 
 idle talk, 57, 21. 
 trouth (trouthe), see trowfte. 
 trowe(n), wkv., OE. treowian ; be- 
 lieve, trust ; inf. trowwenn (O), 9, 
 6; pr. 1 sg. trowwe (O), 9, 12; 
 trowe, 225, 27; pt.sg. trowede, 76, 
 17. Nth. inf. trow, 141, 26. Cf. 
 trowpe, trouth, sb., OE. treowft,^ ; 
 truth, honor, covenant, troth ; 
 trowwJ>e (O), 8, 14; trouthe, 95, 2. 
 Nth. trouth, 135, 4. 
 Troye, Troy, sb., OF. Troie; Troy, 
 220, 3. Nth. Troy, 126, 5. 
 truandis, sb., OF. truandise ; im- 
 posture, begging, 134, 11. 
 truble(n), wkv., OF. trubler; trouble, 
 pr. pi. trublen, 101, 7. 
 trufle, trofle, sb., OF. trufle; trifle, 
 nonsense ; trofle, 1 34, 11 ; pi. 
 trufles, 218, 14. 
 trukie(n), wkv., Sth. = Ml. truke(n) ; 
 OE. trucian ; fail, be lacking; pr. 
 sbj. sg. trukle, 199, II. 
 trukne(n), wkv., OE. *trucnian, cf. 
 trucian ; fail, be lacking ; pr. 3 sg. 
 trukeneft, 192, 14. 
 trume, sb., OE. truma; troop , band, 
 186, 31. 
 truste(n), see tryste(n). 
 trust!, adj., Sth. = Ml. tristi ; OM. 
 *trystig, cf. Dan. trostig ; confident 
 of, trusty, 198, 29. 
 tryste, see trist. 
 tryste(n), wkv ., OM. *trystan (?), cf. 
 ON. treysta ; trust ; pr. 1 sg. tryste, 
 114, 26. Sth. pr. 3 sg. trusted, 
 192, 14; pt. sg. triiste, 192, 14. 
 tuelfte, twelfte, adj., OE. twelfta ; 
 twelfth, 152, 15. 
 tuhen, see te(n). 
 tuhte(n), /., Sth. = Ml. tihte(n) ; 
 OE. tyhtan ; draw, move ; pt. sg. 
 tiihte, 188,24;//.//. tiihten, 189,20. 
 tuk, see take(n). 
 tun, toun, sb., OE. tun ; town ; ds. 
 tune, 3, 26; toun, 52, 19. Sth. 
 aft. toune, 210, 8. 
 tunder, sb., ON. tnndr, cognate with 
 OE. tynder; tinder, 20, 7. 
 tiine(n), j<?<f tuyne(n). 
 tunge, eME. tunge, sb., OE. tunge ; 
 tongue-, tunge, 10, 23; tunge, 76, 
 4 ; tonge, 59, 2. Nth. tong, 134, 4. 
 tunscipe, j., OE. tunscipe; inhabi- 
 tants of a town, 4, 3. 
 tur, tour, sb., OF. tur; lower, 6, 28; 
 pi. tures, 37, 8 ; toures, 49, 1 ; tours, 
 I5 2 , 4 
 turment, sb., OF. turment ; torment, 
 suffering, 104, 4. 
 turmentour, sb., OF. tormenteour; 
 tormentor, persecutor, 140, 13. 
 turmentry, jA, OF. tormenterie; 
 torment, 138, 16. 
 turne(n), wkv., OE. turnian ; turn ; 
 inf. turnnenn (O), 8, 21; turn = 
 turne, 68, 2 ; pr. 3 jg-. turrnep)), 10, 
 30; pr. sbj. sg. tourne, 228, 26^ 
 imp. sg. turne, 102, 30; itnp.pl. 
 turne]), 103, 1 ; //. sg. turned, 45, 8 ; 
 pt.pl. turnede, 223, 18; pp. turnd, 
 55, 26. Nth./r. 3 sg. turnes, 144, 
 18 ; pr. sbj. pi. turn, 167, 28. Sth. 
 pp. iturned, 191, 19. 
 tus, see pus. 
 tusk, sb., OE. tusc ; tusk; pi. tuskes, 
 195, 12. 
 tuyne(n), wkv., WM1. = M1. tine(n); 
 OE. tynan ; enclose, close, shut ; 
 imp.sg. (with excrescent d) tuynde, 
 121,11. Sth. imp. pi. tiinefS, 200, 
 tway, see tweie. 
 Twede, sb., Tweed, 159, 8. 
 tweie, tway, tweien, twei^e, adj., 
 OE. twegen; twain, two, 35, 19; 
 tway, 66, 5. eSth. twei3e, 188, 25 ; 
 tweien, 190, 14. 
 twelfmonpe, sb., OE. tweolf + mdneft, 
 twelvemonth, year, 204, 7. 
 twelve, adj., OE. twelf, twelve ; 
 twelve, 34, 15. 
 twenti, adj., OE. twentig ; twenty, 
 4, 10. 
 twines, twies, adv., OE. twiga+es; 
 twice; twijjess (O), 10, 7; twies, 
 199, 29. 
 twin, adj., ON. tvinnr; two, twin, 
 3i, 15- 
 twist, sb., OAng. twist, cf. MDu. 
 twist ; branch, twig, if 2, 6. 
 two, tw, adj., OE. twa ; two, 22, 29; 
 to, 117, 2. Nth. eME. twa, q.v. 
 Sth. twg, 238, 4. 
 twye, adv., OE. twia< twiwa ; twice, 
 _43, 8 L . 
 tyde, tyear, see tide, ter. 
 tyene(ni, wkv., Kt. = Ml. tene(n) ; 
 WS. tienan, OM. tenan ; harm, 
 irritate, weary oneself; imp. sg. 
 tyene,- 217, 19. 
 tyl (tylle), tylle(n), tyme, see til, 
 tile(n), time. 
 tyne(.n), wkv., ON. tyna ; lose ; Nth. 
 infi tyne, 166, 21 ; pp. tynt, 167, 24. 
 "5a (pa), pa, see pe, pe. 
 pa, adv.conj., eME. Nth. for Ml. J> 
 (Sg); OE. 'da; //, //;m, 1,1. 
 pa, peen (pa), peenne, see pat, pe, 
 pter (trer) and compounds, see per. 
 peere, Sserf, peet, see per, purve(n), 
 pah, pa;, pauh, see pe;. 
 pai (pam), paimselfe (paymselfe, 
 pamselfe), see pey, self. 
 pan (pane), pan ('San), see pe, 
 pank, pane, sb., OE. Sane, Sgnc; 
 thought, favor, thanks ; gs. pankes, 
 willingly, 6,31; cunnen pane, knozv 
 or feel gratitude, show favor, 1 78, 1 2. 
 panke(n), wkv., OE. pancian, pon- 
 cian ; thank ; inf. pannkenn (O), 8, 
 26; pt. pi. thankyd, 112, 14; pp. 
 Ranked, 97, 25. 
 panne, Sanne, pan, conj., OE. panne, 
 ponne;^fo#; panne, 4, 8; Sanne, 
 14, nrpan, 3, 31; San, 18, 17. 
 eSth. pcenne, 176, 22 ; pen, 176, 1 ; 
 peone, 187, 9; teonne, 200, 1. 
 par, Sar and compounds, see per. 
 parat, parbi, pare, see perate, perbi, 
 pare, adv., Nth. for Ml. ppre; OE. 
 para; //for*, no, 29. 
 partill, parwith, pas, see pertil, 
 perwyth, pis. 
 pat, Sat, that, conj., OE. paet ; that ; 
 Sat, 1, 2 ; Satt (O), 8, 24; tatt (O), 
 8, 21; that, 54, 19; thatt, 146, 23. 
 Sth. tet, 197, 15. 
 pat, Sat, dem. prn., OE. pset ; that ; 
 Sat, i, 3; pset (eME.), 7, 27; patt 
 (0),^T^o ; tat, jf^ 14 ; pi. pa 
 (eME.), 2, 11; t2<pg, 5, 2; S9, 
 23, 12. Sth. pet, 177,27. 
 pat, that, rel. prn., sg. and pi.; OE. 
 pzet, dem. ; Ma/, which ; patt (O), 
 8, 20; tatt (O), 9, 3; pet (eME.), 
 7, 19; paet (eME.), 176, 7; //. 
 patt (O), 9, 10 ; //W, that which, 
 120, 15. Nth. at<pat, 174, 31. 
 pauh, .?<?<? pfh. 
 pe, Se, rel. prn. ; OE^ pe ; that, who^ 
 which, 1, 6; Se, 14, 15. Sth. pa, 
 pe, Se, the, def. art., OE. se, infl. by 
 p forms; /&?, 1, 2; se (eME.), 1, 
 13 ;-3e^4> 1 ; te, 5, 9 ; the, 1, 12 ; 
 e in at e, at the, 212, 32. Sth. pe, 
 176, 21; se (eSth.), 177, 26; das. 
 pene, 181, 5; pen, 184, 104 pane 
 (SEMI.), 47, 19 ; fds. pgre, 182,3; 
 tgr, 201, 1 ;/oj. pa, 181, 21 ; ^/. 
 pan, 178, 8; vor psen, because, 
 therefby-e, 183, 29. Kt. si, 211, 10; 
 fas. t9<p, 211, 7. 
 peavie(n), //&>., OE. Safian ; permit; 
 inf. peavien, 194, 31. 
 pede, eME. ped, sb., OE. Seod,/; 
 people, nation ; ped, 9, 6 ; //. pede, 
 11,11; pi. Seden (SEMI.), 29, 14. 
 pedyr, see pider. 
 pef, sb., OE.Seof ; thief; theef, 239, 
 13; pi. theves, 242, 26. JHth.pl. 
 thevis, 175, 13. eSth. ds. peove, 
 *77> 1 9 5 pl- peoves, 221, 19. Kt. 
 pyef, 219, 33. 
 pe;, pei;, pey, pa;, conj., OM. peh 
 (peh), WS. peah ; though; pe3, 37, 
 17; >ei3, 58, 5; pey, 59, 15; pa3, 
 125, 21. Sth. pfh, 176, 4; pah, 
 189, 25 ; pauh, 199, 9; pey3, 224, 
 pe;;, pe;;m, see pey. 
 pe;;re (per), paire (pare, "per),pos. 
 prn., based on ON. gpl. peira; 
 their; pe33re (O), 9, 4 ; per, 116, 2 ; 
 ther, 115, 28. Nth. paire, 140, 14; 
 pare, 127, 30; per, 126, 6; pere, 
 pfh, pey;, see pe;. 
 pehwheSer, adv. conj., Sth. = Ml. 
 pohwheper ; WS. peah hwseSere 
 (hweSere) ; yet, nevertheless, but, 
 180, 9. 
 pen, pen (pene), see panne, pe. 
 penche(n), penke(n), pinke(n), 
 wkv., OE. Sencean-Sohte (Sohte) ; 
 think; inf. penche, 100, 17 ; penke, 
 51, 5 ; Pynke, 91, 32 ; pink, 7 Vjo^ 
 imp. sg. Senke, 22,8; //. sg.^o^te, 
 35,13; Soht, 29, 10; poucte, 80, 
 n ; pt. 2 sg. pohhtesst (O), 8, 21 ; 
 pt. pi. poght, 105, 18. Sth. inf. 
 penchen, 202, 31 ; pr. 3 j^.Senchet, 
 178, 22 ; pr. sbj. sg. penche, 207, 9; 
 pr. ppl. penchinge, 216, 25; pt. 2 
 sg. pohtest, 183, 4. 
 penchen, seem, see pinke(n). 
 pennes, adv., OE. Sanon, infl. by -es 
 ending; thence, 223, 5. 
 peo, peone, peos, peove, see po, 
 panne, pis, pef. 
 per, see pe^re. 
 per, fler, ther, par, &c, adv., OM. 
 Ser, WS. Sser ; there, where ; per, I, 
 6 ; er, 14, 5 ; their, 2, 19 ; tair = 
 per, 9, 5 ; par, 2, 24; thare, 4, 18. 
 Sth. pfr, 176, 22; paere, 179, 10; 
 pfre, 177, 26. 
 peras, <*/., OM. Ser, WS. Sser + ME. 
 as; where, 197, 5. 
 perate, aafr., OM. per + set; thereat, 
 64, 12. Nth. parat, 163, 6. 
 perbi, pfrby, adz/., OM. Serbi, WS. 
 EerbT ; thereby ; Sth. pfrby, 225, 4. 
 Nth. parbl, 129, 25. 
 pfre, see pe. 
 perefter, aafr., OM. perefter, WS. 
 pser sefter; thereafter, 1, 9. Sth. 
 tfrefter<pfrefter, 197, 16. 
 tSerfgre, parfgre, adv., conj., OM. 
 per + fore; therefor, therefore, 19, 
 II ; parfgre, 63, 13. Sth. pfrfgre, 
 180, 24; pfrvore, 181, 13. 
 perinne, pterinne, thereynne, 
 parinne, adv., OM. per + inne ; 
 therein, 3, 12; pserinne, 3, 13; 
 parinne, 3, 32 ; thereynne, 121, 20; 
 prinne, 81, 10. 
 permit, adv., OM. per, WS. pser + 
 mid ; therewith, 63, 20. 
 perne, see pis. 
 "Berof, peroffe, theroffe, thereof, 
 parof, &c, adv., OM. per + of; 
 thereof, 20, 3 ; peroffe, 76, 7 ; 
 theroffe, 79, 5 ; thereof, 106, 9 ; 
 tharof, 2, 22. Sth. pfrof, 185, 
 fteron, peronne (-on), adfo., OM. 
 er + on; thereon; fleron, 16, 8; 
 taeronne, 9, 5. 
 "Sergver, <zdz/., OM. Ser + ofer ; there- 
 over, 15, 19. 
 perpurh, adv., OM. Ser + Surh; M*^- 
 through ; pserpurh, 7, 2. 
 pertil, adv., OM. er + til; thereto, 
 49, 24. Nth. partill, 171, 22. 
 perto, parto, adv., OM. fter + to; 
 thereto-, 87, 17 ; part5, 4, 14. 
 pfrvore, see perfore. 
 perwyp, adv., OM. 5er-t-wi?S; there- 
 with, 88, 14. Nth. parwith, 
 134, 2 - 
 "Bes, pes, peos, .r&? pis. 
 pess, tf</z\,OE.08esV, used adverbially ; 
 //5w.r, by this ; all pess te bettre, all 
 the better by this, 9, 11. 
 pesternisse, *., OE. Seosterness,/. ; 
 darkness, 67, 21. 
 pestre(n), pestre(n), w-fo\, OE, 
 Seostrian ; become dark ; //. j^. 
 pestrede, 1, 14. 
 pet, see pat. 
 tJelSen, thepen, adv., ON. ftaSan, 
 fteoan; thence, 23, 1; thepen, 131, 
 Sew, thew, *., OE. Seaw; custom, 
 virty*, archaic thews, 18, 6*; // 
 thewesj ,12V, 8. 
 pey, pe33,""tkei, pai, /r. //., ON. 
 pei ; M<fy, 56, 23 ; pe33 (O), 9, 26 ; 
 te35m (O), 10, 14; thei., 60, 5 ; dfo/.- 
 <ar. pe53 (O), 9, if ; pem^ 1 16, 4 ; 
 them ? iofi, 22 . N th. pai7i20, 1 6 ; 
 dat.-acc. paym, 144, 15 ; thaym, 
 144, 4; pam, 127, 8. 
 pey}, "81, ^?<? pe}, pin. 
 pider (pedyr), aafr., OE. pider, 
 pyder; thither, to that place, 5, 22 ; 
 pedyr, 99, 10. Sth. piider, 177, 
 piderward, adv., OE. ftiderweard ; 
 thitherward, 189, 24. 
 "Sierf, see purve(n). 
 pikke, adv., ON. pykkr, cogn. with- 
 OE. "Sicce ; thickly, 207, 30. 
 pilke, pilk, prn., OE. pylc; such, 
 that, 37, 11; pilk, 228, 4. Sth. 
 piilke, 204, 13. 
 pin, pi, pos. prn., OE. Sin ; thine, 8, 
 18; SI, 30, 14; tine, 18, 19. 
 pinche(n), pinke(n), wkv., OE. 
 Syncean-ftuhte (ftuhte) ; seem, ap- 
 pear', inf. Sinche, 178, 5; penchen 
 (infl. by penchen, seem), 103, 9; 
 penche, 213, 16 ; pr. 3 sg. omkeft, 
 32, 19; pincp (eME.), 176, 5; me 
 pynkep, 109, 20; //. sg. Sugte, 21, 
 28; pu3te, 38, 2; poujt, 71, 5; 
 poghte, 90, 24; pou3ht, 228, 7; 
 thoughte, 237, 19. IStla.. pr. $ sg. 
 me thine (for thinks?), 133, 15; 
 pr. ppl. thynkande, 144, 3. Sth. 
 P r - 3 s i- puncheS, 202, 29 ; pt. sg. 
 puhte, 186, 3. 
 ping, pyng, eME. ping, sb., OE. 
 Sing, n. ; M^, 1, 17 ; pi. ping, 42, 
 29; pinge, 38, 13; pyng r 88, 11 ; 
 pinges, 204, 26. 
 pink, .r<? penche(n), penke(n). 
 pinne, adj., OE. pynne; thin, 55, 
 plr, j<?<? pis. 
 "Sirl, sb., OE. Syrel ; perforation, hole, 
 window, 17, 7. Sth. 3f] ptirle, 
 197, 18. 
 pirst, Srist, sb., OE. Surst, infl. by 
 ftyrstan, Syrstig ; thirst, 54, 2 ; 
 prist, 20, 15; porst, 219, 6. 
 pis, pys, ttis, this, prtz.pl. pas, pgs, 
 OE. pis, w^m/. ; this, 1, 1 ; piss (O), 
 8, 24; tiss (O), 11, 2; tis, 16, 13; 
 thys, 112, 3; SEMI./, sg. pes, 
 ff. I9J )>y s > 88 > 7 5^- ]>as (eME.), 
 1, 19; Ses, 23, 16; Sise, 24, 3; 
 Pese, 50, 5. Nth. //. pir ON.), 
 136, 8. Sth. mns. pes, 177, 17; 
 mgs. peos, 185, 6 ; ma's, pissen, 184, 
 13; mas. pisne, 183, 22; perne, 217, 
 3 ; fns. peos (eSth.), 198, 11 ; fds. 
 pissere, 184, 24; -pi. peos (eSth.), 
 J 99> 2 5 J peose, 221, 11; pi, pgs, 
 212, 11. 
 piself (pyself), pisne (pissen, pis- 
 sere), see self, pis. 
 *9, adv., eME., Nth. pa (Sa) ; OE: 
 " Sa; then, when, since, 14, 16. Sth. 
 peo, 2^3 ; p, 203, 22. 
 poh, "Bog, po^, pogh, thowe, pof, 
 conj., ON. \o, earlier poh; cogn. 
 with OM. Seh, W'S. Seah ; though ; 
 pohh (O), 11, 3 ; Sog, 16, 4; P03, 50, 
 7; pogh, 114, 23; thowe, in, 26; 
 pop = po pe(?), 2, 17. Nth. pof, 
 128, 23; pofe, 146, 2. Cf. peh. 
 poht, Togt, pouht, sb., OE. S5ht, 
 Soht ; thought ; pohht, 8, 23 ; Sogt, 
 23, 15 ; pouht, 201, 8. 
 pohwethere, popwethere, adv. conj. 
 prep., ON. po (poh) hwseSere, hwe- 
 Sere ; notwithstanding, nevertheless, 
 2, 15; popwethere, 4, 13; popwae- 
 there, 7, 14. 
 pglemodenesse, see plmodnesse. 
 ple(n), eME. pole(n), wkv., OE. 
 polian ; bear, suffer, endure ; inf. 
 polen (eME.), 6, 8 ; polenn (O), 9, 
 12 ; pgle, 45, 1 \pr. 2 sg. plest, 4 3, 
 10; pt.pl. poleden, 4, 9 ;pp. pglede, 
 40, 6. Nth. inf. pgl, 148, 8 ;pr. 3 
 sg. pgles, 150, 11. Sth. (SEMI.) 
 inf. pglie, 43, 6; pglye, 217, 14; 
 pp. ipgled, 212, 21. 
 pplmodnesse, sb., OE. Solmodness, 
 f. ; patience, long suffering, en- 
 durance, 96, 2 7 ; pglemodenesse, 
 232, 8. 
 p-lye, see pole(n). 
 ponk, sb., OE. Sane (Sonc) ; thought, 
 gratitude, favor ; ds. ponke, 183, 
 ponke(n), wkv., OE. Sancian, Son- 
 cian; thank ; pr. 1 sg. ponke, 38, 
 29 ; pt. sg. ponkede, 47, 8. 
 "Bgr, adv., OE. Sar ; there, where,' 21, 
 15 ; Sgr bifgren, lit. before there, 
 but before it or them. 
 "Bgrbi, adv., OE. Sar + bi ; thereby, 23, 
 "Sore, pgre, adv., OE. para, emphatic 
 form of pser ; there, 16, 17. 
 "Sgrfgre, pgrfgre, adv., OE. Sar + fore ; 
 therefore, 22, 18. 
 "Sgrof, tJrroffen, adv., OE. Sar + of; 
 thereof, 27, 20; Sgroffen, 32, 19. 
 porst, porte, see pirst, purve(n). 
 "Bgrtil, adv., OE. Sar + til; thereto, 
 3 1 , J 9- 
 poru (poru:j), j^ purh. 
 porutlike, adv., OE. purhiit + lice ; 
 thoroughly, through and through, 
 85, 28. 
 pgs, pop (and compounds), see pis, 
 pou, pouht, pous, pousande, see pa, 
 poht, "Bus, pusend. 
 pral, sb., ON. Srsel; thrall, slave, 
 servant, 55, 2. 
 "oraldom, sb., ON. Srseldomr ; thral- 
 dom, 30, 2. 
 prasten, wz/., OE. Srsestan; press, 
 force ; pt. sg. praste, 60, 23. 
 pre, Are, adj., OE. Sreo ; three, 56, 
 23; thre, I, 15. Kt. pri, 216, 21. 
 prenge(n), wkv., OE. *prengen ; press, 
 force, pt.pl. prengden, 3, 12. 
 preohad, sb., based on OE. Sri, Sreo; 
 trinity, 197, 11. 
 pretend, adj., OAng. ftreotede, infl. 
 byftreotene; thirteenth, 152, 16. 
 ftretene, adj., OM. reotene, WS. 
 Sreotlene, -tene ; thirteen, 5, 15. 
 pri, see pre. 
 pridde, adj., OE. oridda ; /^>t/, 8, 
 15. Nth. thrid, 137, 23; thyrde, 
 143, 27. 
 "Sries, adv., OM. ftriga < rie + es ; 
 thrice, 14, 10. 
 prin, <#'., ON. prinnr; threefold, 
 triple, 87, 1. 
 prinne, foist, ^<? perinne, pirst. 
 priste, adj., OE. ftriste; fo/<a?, 176, 
 "5riste(n), wkv., ON. ftrysta ; thrust ; 
 pt. pi. oristen, 23, 14 ; //. priste, 
 84, 18. 
 flritti, adj., OE. ontig, onttig ; MzV/j, 
 32, 17. Nth. thritte, 132, 10. 
 prittufle, adj., OE. ontigooe; thir- 
 tieth, for thirty t, 197, 4. 
 prive(n), .r/z\, ON. Srifa, ME. Jniven- 
 prgf (1) ; thrive ; *'/". thrive, 80, 20; 
 pr. sbj. sg. prive, 54, 7 ; //. priven, 
 pro (pro?), a^'., ON. prar; bold, 
 strong, 51, 17. 
 foote, j3., OE. Srotu; throat, 19, 9. 
 eME. throte. 3, 16. 
 pruh, see purh. 
 pryft,j., ON. prift; thrift , prosperity , 
 90, S 
 _pu ; thu, pou, tu, u, /r., OE. Jni ; 
 thou, ^ 25; pou,_48, 13; tu, 17, 
 25; tou, 49, 24; u, 37, 2; ou, 50, 
 11 ; das. oe, 31, 31 ; te, 8, 18; pi. 
 ge, 16, 13; 3e, 38, 18; ye, 78, 25; 
 gpl. gure, 29, 30; <///. gii, 28, 4; 
 yu, 78, 24; 30W, 88, 19. Nth.//. 
 3he, 166, 10; yuu, 131, 7. Slh. 
 <a5z.r. eow (eSth.), 177, 26; eou 
 (eSth.), 184, 6; u, 193, 11; ow, 
 194, 25; ou, 197, 20; jew, 226, 
 20; d. dual mc, 195, 3. 
 puder, see pider. 
 puderward, adv., Sth. = Ml. pider- 
 ward ; 1WS. ftyderweard ; thither- 
 ward, 206, 2. 
 pulke, see pilke. 
 pumbe, eME. pumbe, sb., OE. puma ; 
 thumb ; pi. piimbes, 3, 7. 
 piinchen, see pinche(n). 
 purh, "Kurg, pur, purch, purgh, 
 purghe, purghe, pure}, poru, 
 poru}, thorow, prep., adv., OE. 
 purh ; through, on account of, 1,4; 
 pur, 5 ,'3 ; purrh (O), 8, 14 ; Surg, 14, 
 2; purch, 64, 19; purgh, 95, 15; 
 purghe, 88, 7; pure3, 42, 29 ; poru3, 
 61, 23; poru, 76, 2; thorow, 105, 
 23. Nth. thoro, 131, 5; thurgh, 
 140, 10 ; throu, 166, 5. Sth. pruh, 
 197, 1. 
 purhloke(n), wkv., OE. *purhlocan ; 
 look through, examine ; inf. purrh- 
 lokenn (O), 9, 20. 
 purhseke(n), wkv., OE. purhsecan- 
 s5hte (sohte) ; seek out, seek through ; 
 inf. purrhsekenn (O), 9, 20. 
 Uurhse(n), stv., OE. Surhseon-seah 
 (5) ; see through, penetrate with the 
 sight ; pr. 3 sg. SurhsihS, 179, 1 . 
 purl, see pirl. 
 pursday , sb., OE. Dunresdseg ; Thurs- 
 day, 231, 20. 
 purve(n), ptprv., OE. Surfan-Surfte 
 (oorfte) ; need ; pr. 3 sg. ffaerf 
 (eME.), 177, 21 ; pr. sbj. sg. Sierf 
 (eSth.), 177, 19; //. sg. porte, 59, 
 13; purt, 96, 32. 
 this, "Sus, adv., OE. Sus ; thus, in this 
 manner, 16, 22 ; tus, 16, 15. Kt. 
 pous, 2I5,_I9. 
 pusend, pousand, sb., OE. pusend, 
 neut.', thousand, 3,18; pousande, 
 64, 26; pousond, 215, 11 ; pouzen, 
 219, 13; possand, 132, 3. Sth. 
 pusende, 185, 28. 
 pusgat, adv., OE. pus + gate ; in this 
 way, 150, 25. 
 piistre, sb., Sth. = Ml. plstre ; OE. 
 Slestre (ftysstre), beside oeostre ; 
 _darkness, 178, 19. 
 pustre, adj., Sth. = Ml. plstre ; WS. 
 Slestre, Systre; dark, 178, 21. 
 pwartver, adj., ON. pvert + ME. 
 ver; crossing, extending, 221, 28. 
 pwertut, adv., ON. Jnvert, neut. of 
 }>werr + ut; thoroughly, completely, 
 Jnverrtut(O), 9, 23. 
 pyef, pyng, see pef, ping. 
 pynke(n), pys, see pinche(n), pis. 
 u, ulle, see pu, -wille. 
 ugllnes, sb., ON. uggligr + ME. 
 -ness; ugliness, 148, 2. 
 um, prep., ON. um, cogn. with OE. 
 ymbe; round, about, after; um 
 wile, at times, now and then, 3, 23. 
 umbe, adv. prep., Sth.= Ml. imbe ? ; 
 OE. ymbe ; round about, after, 183, 
 umbethynke(n), wkv., ON. tim + 
 OE. beSencean ; consider, meditate ; 
 .imp. sg. umbethynke, 146, 13. 
 umbilappe(n), wkv., ON. um + OE. 
 *belappen ?, cf. OE. lseppa ; sur- 
 round, cover; pt. pi. umbilappid, 
 142, 23. 
 umbridei, sb., Sth. =M1. emberdai, 
 OE. ymbrendseg ; emberday, one of 
 three fast days occurring in each 
 season ; pi. iimbridawes, 200, 2. 
 umsette(n), wkv., ON. *umsetta, 
 cogn. with OE. ymbsettan ; sur- 
 round, beset ; pt. pi. umsette, 132, 
 unavysedly, adv., based on OF. avis, 
 sb. ; unadvisedly, 146, 30. 
 unbald, adj., eME. = Ml. unbgld ; 
 OM. unbald, WS. unbeald ; timid, 
 unbold, 183, 29. 
 unblnde(n), -bynde(n), stv., OE. 
 onbindan (unbindan)-band (bnd) 
 (3); unbind; inf. unbinde, 91, 10; 
 pt. sg. unbend, 26, 31 ; //. pi. un- 
 bounden, 83, 14; pp. unbunde, 
 39> 2 - 
 unblendide, adj., OE. un + pp. of 
 OE. blendan ; unmixed, unblended, 
 144, 10. 
 uncertayn, adj., OE. un+OF. cer- 
 tein; uncertain, 102, 7. 
 unclpe(n), wkv., OE. un + claSian ; 
 unclothe; pt. sg. unclgjjede, 85, 7. 
 uncomli, adj., based on OE. cyme(?) ; 
 uncomely, 52, 6. 
 uncqst, sb., ON. kostr, ' choice, vir- 
 "tue' ; vice, 18, 11. 
 uncuft, see unkuft. 
 undep, adj., OE. undeop ; not deep, 
 3, 12. 
 under, prep, adv., OE. under; under; 
 unnderr (O), 8, 17. 
 underfo(n), stv., OE. underfon-feng 
 (R) ; receive ; imp. sg. underfeng, 
 196, 24; pt. sg. underfeng, 2, 19; 
 pp. underfangen (eME.), 2, 8 ; 
 underfgnge, 213, 25. Sth. imp.pl. 
 undervo $e, 203, 7; pt. sg. under- 
 veng, 210, 9 ; pt.pl. undervengen, 
 187, 10. 
 undergete(n), }ete(n), stv., OM. 
 undergetan (WS. gietan)-gset (WS. 
 geat (5)) ; obtain, get ; pt.pl. under- 
 gseton (eME.^T 2 , 2d; pp. undelete, 
 39, H- 
 undergo(n), anv., OE. undergan(?) ; 
 undergo, take care of(l) ; pr. sbj. sg. 
 underg, 231, 19. 
 underling, sb., OE. underling ; in- 
 ferior, subject, 183, 17. 
 undernime(n), stv., OE. under- 
 niman-nom (4) ; take, take un- 
 awares ; pp. undernumen 24, 7 ; 
 undernomen, 55, 19. 
 understande(n), -st<j>nde(n), stv., 
 OE. understandan-st5d (6) ; tinder- 
 stand; inf. unnderrstanndenn (O), 
 9, 10; understand, 72, 13; undyr- 
 stnde, 90, 15; understgnde, 106, 
 1 ; pr. 3 sg. understont, 198, 9 ; 
 imp. sg. understand, 216, 13 ; imp. 
 pi. understgnde)?, 206, 26 ; pt. sbj. 
 sg. underst5de, 204, 2. ISt'h.pr. 3 
 sg. understandes, 134, 8. 
 undertake(n), stv., OE. under + ON. 
 taka-tok (6) ; undertake ; pt. sbj. 
 sg. undertoke, 76, 12. 
 underpede(n), wkv., OM. under- 
 J>edan, WS. )?Iedan (feodan) ; sub- 
 ject; inf. under>eden, 1, 3. 
 undervo(n), see underfo(n). 
 undevgcyone, sb., OE. un + OF. de- 
 vocion ; lack of devotion, 146, 9. 
 undirstandynge, sb., OE. under- 
 standing, / ; intelligence, under- 
 standing, 145, 6. 
 undirwrlte (n ) , stv. , OE. underwritan- 
 wrat (1) ; subscribe, sign ; pp. un- 
 dirwriten, 116, 20. 
 undo(n), anv., OE. ond5n, undon ; 
 undo; inf. und5n, 23, 18. 
 undren, sb., OE. undern ; time from 
 nine to twelve, morning, 28, 13. 
 unduhtl, adj., OE. *undyhtig ; un- 
 profitable, unavailing, 192, 5. 
 unfSe, uneape, adj., OE. uneafte ; 
 difficult, 181, 11. Kt. unease, 
 215, 1. 
 unfere, adj., OE. unfere; disabled, 
 infirm, 132,9. 
 unfolde(n), stv., OM. tinfaldan (fal- 
 dan), WS. fealdan-feold (R); un- 
 fold, open ; pt. sg. unfeld, 65, 28. 
 unfriB, sb., OE. unfriS ; discord, lack 
 of peace, 2, 10. 
 unhelpe, sb., OE. unhselft,/. ; illness, 
 lack of health, 176, 16. 
 unhold, adj., OE. tinhold (h5ld) ; 
 disloyal, tinfriendly, ungracious, 
 177, 12. 
 unhoneste, sb., OE. un + OF. 
 honeste; dishonesty, 146, 29. 
 unimf te, adj., Sth. = Ml. unimete ; 
 OM. ungemete, WS. ungemaite ; 
 immeasurable, unnumbered, 181,18. 
 unisfll, adj., Sth. = Ml. unseli ; 
 WS. ungesselig, OM. ungeselig ; 
 unhappy, unfortunate, 199, 15. 
 unkevele(n), wkv., OE. un + ON. 
 kefla ; ungag; pt. pi. unkeveleden, 
 83, 14. 
 unklnde, adj., OE. uncynde; un- 
 kind, foreign, 29, 14. 
 unkonning, adj., based on cunne(n) ; 
 uncunning, ignorant, 235, 16. 
 unku'S, adj., OE. uncu'S ; un- 
 acquainted, 16, 25 ; uncu'S, 19, 14. 
 unkyndely, adv., OE. *uncyndelice, 
 uncyndelice ; unnaturally, 238, 3. 
 unlahe, sb., OE. unlagu; violation 
 of law, injustice, sin; Sth. //. 
 unlahen, 196, 8. 
 unlffulllch, adv., OE. ungeleaf- 
 fullice; unfaithfully, wrongly, 236, 
 unlfveful, adj., OE. ungeleafful ; 
 unfaithful, 235, 6. 
 unlleh, adj., Sth. * Ml. unlik; OE. 
 unlic; unlike, 194, 2. 
 unlust, sb., OE. unlust ; displeasure, 
 54> J 7- 
 unmeft, adj., OM. me$, .r., WS. 
 meeS; unmeasured, 192, 4. 
 unme)> (mJ>), j., OM. unmejj, WS. 
 -mse]) ; // <?/" moderation, error, 
 blame, 43, 5. 
 unmyghtty, adj., OE. unmihtig; 
 feeble, impotent, 146, 28. 
 unnc, ^ ic. 
 unnedeful, adj. , OE,, *unneodful ; 
 unnecessary, 235, 6. 
 unneile(n), wkv., OE. *onnseglian ; 
 unnail, loose from nails; pt. sg. 
 unneilede, 230, 13. 
 unne(n), ptprv., OE. unnan-ufte ; 
 grant, favor ; pr. sbj. sg. unne, 8, 
 ii ; pr. sbj. pi. unnen, 183, 8; pt. 
 sg. ou>, 55, 15. 
 unnfBes, unfBes, adv., OE. un- 
 ease + es ; with difficulty, scarcely, 
 unnit, sb., OE. unnytt; vanity, 
 frivolity; unnit, 9, 27. 
 unnkerr (O), pos. prn., OE. uncer; 
 our (dual), 9, 26. 
 unniit, adj. , Sth. = Ml. unnit ; OE. 
 unnytt ; useless, 1 76, 5. 
 unprenable, adj., ME. un + OF. 
 prenable ; impregnable, improper, 
 wrong, 233, 28. 
 unricht, sb., OE. unriht ; wrong, evil, 
 212, 23. 
 unrlde, adj., OE. ungeryde ; rough, 
 violent, 19, 7. 
 unryghtwysely, adv., OE. unriht- 
 wislice; unrighteously, 144, 16. 
 unschape, adj., OE. un + sceapen, 
 pp. ; unformed, unpleasant, out- 
 landish, 225, 26. 
 unschill, sb., OE. *unscil ; indiscre- 
 tion, evil purpose, 132, 23. 
 unselhfle, sb., OM. unselhS, WS. 
 sselhS,/] ; unhappiness, misfortune, 
 29, 28. 
 unseli, adj. , OM. unselig, WS. sailig ; 
 unhappy, unforttmate , 29, 27. 
 unsemly, adj., based on ON. scemr ; 
 unfitting, unseemly, 52, 5. 
 unshapi3nesse, (eME.), sb., as if OE. 
 *unscea$igness/ ; innocence; unn- 
 shaj)i3nesse (O), 12, 1. 
 unshewed, pp. as adj., ME. un + 
 shewed; tmshown, hidden, 231, 28. 
 unstrgng, adj., OE. unstrang- 
 strgng; weak, infirm , 15, 14. 
 untellendllce, adj., OE. *un- 
 tellendllc ? ; unspeakable, 3, 4. 
 unpank, ^3., OE. unSanc; ingrati- 
 tude, displeasure', gs. un]>ankes, 
 adv., unwillingly, 6, 32 ; unj>anc 
 his, contrary to his wish, 62, 10. 
 untJfau, sb., OE. unSeaw; bad 
 manners, vice, 200, 21. 
 untid, ^., OE. untid, adj., perh. t& ; 
 unseasonableness ; evil, 50, 24. 
 untight, sb., OE. *untyht ? < tyht, 
 'usage, right' (?); evil, vice, 55, 
 untrewe, adj., OE. untreowe; untrue, 
 awry, 16, 2. 
 untwfame(n), wkv., eME. = Ml. 
 untwfme(n) ; OE. untwgeman ; not 
 to divide or be divided; pp. un- 
 twgmet, tmdivided, 197, 11. 
 unware, sb., OE. *unweorc ; idleness, 
 evil; pi. unwarces, 134, 10. 
 unwelde,^'., OM. *unwelde (welde), 
 WS. *unwielde, ungewielde ; not 
 subject to control, weak, impotent, 
 15, 12. 
 unweommet, adj., OE. unwemmed ; 
 unspotted, pure, 192, 16. 
 unwilles, adv., OE. unwilles < tin- 
 will; against one's will; al hire 
 unwilles, against her will, 192, 13. 
 unwise, adv., OE. unwise ; unwisely, 
 40, 21. 
 unwraste, adv., OE. unwraeste; 
 badly, wickedly, 187, 30. 
 unwrest, adj., OE. unwrsest ; infirm, 
 weak, 54, 10; miserable, foul, 81, 
 22 ; evil, 199, 14. 
 unwurfl, adj., OE. unweorS (wui"S) ; 
 not worth, valueless, 193, 33. 
 unwytyng, adj., OE. unwitende; 
 unwitting, unintentional, 236, 23. 
 up, prep, adv., OE. up; up, upon, 
 above, 2, 26; 29, 32; up snowe, 
 above snow, 102, 10. 
 upbfrfr, sb., OE. up + ME. bfrfr, 
 based on bfre(n), stv. ; upbearer, 
 supporter, 233, 1. 
 upbreyd, upbrayd, sb., OE. up + 
 brsegd (braid) ; upbraiding, 97, 7 ; 
 upbrayd, 155, 22. 
 upen, see upon, 
 uplgndysch, adj., based on OE. 
 uppeland (lgnd) ; up country, 
 rural, 224, 23. 
 upnime(n), stv., OE. upniman-nom 
 (4) ; take up, raise ; pt. sg. upnom, 
 43, 27. 
 upon, upponn, upen, apon, prep. 
 adv., OE. up + on; upon, 30, 19; 
 upponn (O), 9, 2 1 ; uppo = uppon, 
 10, 5 ; upen, according to, 116, 21. 
 Nth. opon, 132, 20. Sth. uppen, 
 181, 14. 
 uppard, uppen, see upward, upon. 
 upri;jt, upryght, adj., OE. upriht; 
 upright, 46, 15; upryght, 239, 12. 
 uprise(n), stv., OE. uprisan-ras (1) ; 
 uprise, rise up; inf. uprise, 137, 
 23. Nth. pt. sg. uprais = upras, 
 132, 25. 
 uprisyng, pr. ppl. as sb. ; uprising, 
 132, 24. 
 upryght, upstey, see upri5t, up- 
 upsterte(n), wkv., OE. up + ON. 
 sterta; upstart; pt. sg. upsterte, 
 89, 23. 
 upstie(n), stv., ON. upstlgan-ste (1); 
 ascend, rise ; pt. sg. upstey = upste, 
 132, 25. 
 upstonde(n), stv., OE. upstandan 
 (st2ndan)-st5d (6) ; stand up; inf. 
 upstgnde, III, 20. 
 upward, uppard, adv., OE. upweard ; 
 upward; uppard, 196, 22. 
 ure, sb., OF. hure, ure; hour, 212, 
 ure, ur, our, prn., OE. jire (user) ; 
 our, 4, 9 ; iir, 25, 12 ; oure, 66, 1 ; 
 ower, 38, 22. 
 urne(n), stv., Sth. = Ml. rinne(n); 
 WS. iernan (yrnan)-orn (3); run; 
 pt. sg. orn, 182, 15. 
 us, uss, see ic. 
 use, sb., OF. use; use; pi. uses, 235, 
 use(n), wkv., OF. user; w^r; inf. 
 use, 120, 20. Sth. pr. pi. usej>, 
 223, 18; pp. yused, 224, 26. 
 ut, out, adv. prep., OE. ut; out, 1, 
 utcume(n), ^z/., OE. utcuman-c5m 
 (cwom) (4) ; come oat ; pt. pi. 
 utcomen, 23, 1. 
 ute^oute, adv., OE. ute; out, 6, 27 ; 
 oute, 48, 4. 
 uten, &>. prep., OE. utan ; without, 
 beyond, 32, 22. 
 utg(n), #;zz>., OE. *utgan-eode ; go 
 _ out; pt. sg. utyede, 212, 3. 
 ue, sb., Sth t = Ml. IJ>e ; OE. J$,f ; 
 wave; pi. uoen, 182, 17. 
 Utter, sb., Uther {father of Arthur); 
 gs. USeres, 190, 25. 
 utnume,//. as adj. adv., based on 
 OE. niman ; exceptionally, 192, 9. 
 utyede, uvele, see utgg(n), yvel. 
 vseie, adj., Sth. = Ml. feie, faie; 
 OE. fiege; fated, doomed, 189, 19. 
 vaeir, vair, see fair, 
 vseisro", sb., Sth. = Ml. fseisl}> ; OE. 
 fjege + sIS ; fated journey, death ; 
 vseisiS makeje, make the fated, 
 journey, die, 184, 18. 
 vaire, see faire. 
 Valays, sb., NF. Valeis, OF. Valois ; 
 Valois, 158, 29. 
 vale, sb., OF. valee; valley, 166, 4. 
 valeie, sb., OF. valee, AN. valeie ; 
 valley, 208, 17. 
 Valentinianus, j., Lat. Valen- 
 tinianus; Valentinianus, 221, 14. 
 valle(n), see falle(n). 
 vals, see fals. 
 valsien, wkv., Sth. = Ml. falsen ; 
 OF. falser ; deceive, damage, injure ; 
 pr.ppl. valsinde, 200, 30. 
 vane < vaine, sb., OF. veine ; vein ; 
 pi. vanys, 171, 23. 
 vanite, see vanyte. 
 vantwarde, sb., OF. avantewarde 
 (garde) ; vanguard, 208, 15. 
 vanysshe(n), wkv., OF. *vanir, 
 vaniss-, cf. vanouir ; vanish ; pr. 
 1 sg. vanysshe, 241, 3. 
 vanyte, vanite, sb., OF. vanite ; 
 vanity, 121, 12 ; vanite, 128, 3. 
 varen, see fare(n). 
 Vaspasian, sb., Lat. Vespasianus ; 
 Vespasian ; Vaspasian hys, Ves- 
 pasian s, 220, 7. 
 vaste, see faste. 
 vayne, adj., OF. vain ; vain, 
 136", 8. 
 vayrhede, sb., Kt. = Ml. fayrhfde ; 
 OE. *faegerh|d, f ; beauty, 219, 4. 
 veden, vel, velaghe, see fede(n), 
 falle(n), felawe. 
 vela;rede, sb., Kt. = Ml. fela3rede ; 
 ON. felagi + ME. rede ; fellowship, 
 company, 219, 3. 
 veld, vele, see feld, fele. 
 vengeaunce, vengeance, sb., OF. 
 venjance; vengeance, 103, 6; ven- 
 geance, 135, 16. 
 venge(n), wkv., OF. venger ; avenge ; 
 inf. venge, 167, 14. 
 vfnial (vfnyal), adj., OF. venial ; 
 venial, 217, 16. 
 venim, sb., OF. venin; venom, 17, 
 veond, see fend, 
 veondlich, adj., Sth. = Ml. fendlic; 
 OE. feondlic ; hostile, fendlike, 
 187, 1. 
 ver, verde, vere, see fir, ferde, fere. 
 Vergilius, sb., Lat. Vergilius ; Vergil, 
 221, 5. 
 verie(n) , see fere(n). 
 vermyn, sb., OF. vermine ; vermin, 
 244, 30. 
 verraily, adv., OF. verai + ME. ly; 
 verily, truly, 136, 4. 
 verrament, adv., OF. veraiment ; 
 trtily, verily, 109, 16. 
 verre, verray, adv., OF. verai; truly, 
 verily, 122, 21; verray, 237, 24. 
 verst, see first, adj. 
 vertu, vertue, virtu, sb., OF. vertu; 
 virtue, 64, 19; vertue, 146, 12; 
 //. virtues, 217, 17 ; vertus, 144, 9. 
 G g 2 
45 2 
 vestiment, sb., OF. vestiment ; vest- 
 ment, 203, 7. 
 vice, vyce, sb., OF. vice; vice, 
 defect, sin ; pi. vices, 104, 7. 
 vif, vihte(n), see fif, fi5te(n). 
 vil, adj., OF. vil ; vile ; pi. vile, 
 144, 6. 
 vileynye, vyleynye, sb., OF. 
 vileinie; villainy, 238,21; vyleynye, 
 219, 2. 
 village, sb., OF. village ; village, 
 239, 25. 
 villiehe, tfafe/., OF. vil + Sth. llche ; 
 vilely, 204, 28. 
 vlnde(n), see finde(n). 
 violence, sb., OF. violence ; violence, 
 147, 16. 
 violent, adj., OF. violent; violent, 
 245, 6. 
 virgine, j^., OF. virgine; virgin, 
 74> 15- 
 virtu, see vertu. 
 vis, vyse, sb., OF. vis; face; viis, 
 66, 8 ; vyse, 121, 14. 
 visage, vysege, sb., OF. visage ; 
 visage, 240, 24; vysege, 98, 21. 
 vision, visioun, sb., OF. vision, 
 AN. visiun ; vision, dream, 209, 
 15 ; visioun, 232, 4. 
 vittailler, sb., OF. vittailier; victu- 
 aler; pi. vittaillers, 236, 2. 
 vlf(n), stv., Sth. = Ml. flg(n); OE. 
 nean-fl5h (9) (6) ; flay ; pp. vla3e, 
 217, 3^ 
 vlod, vly;]) (vlyinde), vo}el, see 
 flod, flege(n), fugel. 
 voice, sb., OF. vois; voice, 105, 
 volewen (vol}!), volk (vole), see 
 volliche, adv., Sth. -Ml. fullike (11); 
 OE. fullice ; fully, 218,1. 
 vor, see for. 
 vorarnie(n), wkv., Sth. = Ml. for- 
 arne(n) ; OE. *forarnian ; ride 
 hard, weary by riding ; pp. vor- 
 arned, 208, 27. 
 vorbede(n), see forbede(n). 
 vorberne(n), wkv., Sth. = Ml. for- 
 berne(n) ; OE. forbernan ; burn 
 up\ pr. 3 sg. forbernej), 218, 1 1. 
 vorbisne, sb., Sth. = Ml. forbisne ; 
 OE. forblsn, f. ; example, parable, 
 199, 19. 
 vore, sb., Sth. = Ml. fore ; OE. for, 
 f. ; journey, expedition, 185, 11. 
 vorewarde, vorwarde, see fore- 
 war de. 
 vorlorenesse, sb., Sth. = Ml. for- 
 lorenn^se ; OE. forlorenness, /. ; 
 lost condition, 198, 15. 
 vorprikie(n), wkv., Sth. = Ml. for- 
 prike(n); OE. for + prician; spur 
 violently ; pp. vorpriked, 208, 27. 
 vorsake(n), see forsake (n). 
 vorswrie(n), see f orswfre(n) . 
 vorswoluwe(n), stv., Sth. = Ml. 
 forswelwe(n) (swolwe(n)) ; OE. 
 forswelgan-swealg (3) ; swallow 
 up, devour ; pr. 3 sg. vorswoluweS, 
 198, 25. 
 vort(e), prep, conj., Sth. = Ml. fort ; 
 OE. for t5; until, 197, 15 ; vorte, 
 206, 30. 
 vortS, see forb. 
 vorpenchinge, sb., Sth. = Ml. for- 
 Jenchinge ; OE. *foroencung ? ; 
 repentance, 218, 1. 
 vorpi, see forpi. 
 vorwbundie(n), wkv., Sth. = Ml. 
 forwunde(n) ; OE. forwundian 
 (wundian) ; wound badly ; pp. 
 vorwounded, 208, 27. 
 voryetep (voryet), vorzope, see 
 for:jete(n), forsojje. 
 vouche(n), wkv., OF. voucher ; 
 vouch ; with safe, save, to grant; 
 pr. 1 sg. I vouche it save, I grant it, 
 _i38, 8. 
 voul, set ful. - 
 voulhede, sb., Kt. = Ml. foulhfde; 
 OE. ful + Kt. hede ; foulness, 219, 
 vowe, sb., OF. vou; vow, 107, 27. 
 vram, Vridei, see fram, Pridai. 
 vriliche,^., Kt. = Ml. frely ; OE. 
 frilice (freolice) ; freely, nobly, 
 willingly, 215, 4. 
 vrom, vrovren, vyce, vyend, see 
 fram, frofre(n), vice, fend, 
 vyleynye, vyse, vysege, see vil- 
 eynye, vis, visage. 
 wa, sb., eME. Nth. = Ml. w ; OE. 
 wa ; woe, 79, 4. Cf. wawe. 
 wade(n), wayd, wkv., OE. wadan, 
 infl. by ON. vaa; go, wade', INth. 
 inf. wayd = wad, 166, 19. 
 wading, sb., OE. wadung* infl. by 
 ON. vaa; wading, 168, 2. 
 wee, sb., OAng. wse, WS. wa; ww, 
 sorrow, 186, 19. 
 weei, wail, weelde(n), see wei, wel, 
 wseron, weerse, see be(n), werse. 
 waferere, sb., OF. wafre, *wafrier ; 
 seller of wafers, confectioner, 237, 
 wafulllc, adv., Nth. = Ml. wofulll; 
 based on OE. wa; woefully, 153, 
 waie, see wei. 
 wain, wayn, sb., OE. wsegn ; wain, 
 wagon, 31, 10 ; wayn, 59, 1. 
 waite(n), wkv., OF. waiter; watch, 
 wait, heed', inf. waiten, 80, 19. 
 Nth. inf. wait, watch to injure, 
 injure, 159, 16. 8th.pt.pl. wey- 
 tede, 223, si. 
 wajour, sb., OF. wageure, gageure ; 
 wager, 89, 18. 
 wake(n), wkv., OE. wacian ; wake, 
 watch ; inf. waken, 34, 2 ; wake, 
 56, 27 ; pr. 3 sg. wake, 15, 5 ; #. 
 waked, 34, 22. Nth. /f. 3 j - ^. 
 wakes, 145, 6 ; pr. ppl. wakand, 
 154, 29. 
 wake(n), stv., OE. wacan-woc (6) ; 
 wake, awake ; inf. wake, ) 4, 3 ; //. 
 i^. woe, 23, 15. 
 wakle(n), wfo/., OE. wacian; weaken, 
 fail; Sth. w 183, 14. 
 wakne(n), 7akv., OE. wacnian ; 
 waken; 'Nth. pt. sg. waknyt, 172, 
 wakne(n), wkv., OE. wacnian ; 
 waken ; Sth. pp. ywakened, 66, 16. 
 wal, sb., OE. weall; wall, 122, 30. 
 Sth. ds. vvalle, 177, 17. 
 walawg, interj., OE. wa la, wa ; woe, 
 alas, 48, 9. 
 wald, j3., eME. Nth. for Ml. wld ; 
 OM. wald, wald, WS. weald, /#. ; 
 power; ds. walde, 11, 27. 
 wald, walde, see wille. 
 walde(n), ^.,eME. = Ml.wglden; 
 OM. waldan(waldan),WS. wealdan 
 -weold (R); wield, have power over; 
 inf. walden, 183, 7. 
 waldend, sb., OM. waldend, WS. 
 wealdend ; ruler, governor, 184, 21. 
 wale, interj., OE. wala; woe, alas, 
 Wales, sb., OE. Wealas < Wealh ; 
 Wales, 222, 21. 
 Walingford, j., OE.Wealenga-ford; 
 Wallingford (Berkshire), 6, 30. 
 walke(n), stv., OE. walcan (wealcan) 
 -weolc (R) ; walk, earlier roll, toss ; 
 pr. 1 sg. walke, 240, 32 ; pr. 3 sg. 
 walke, 17, 9; pr.pl. walken, 123, 
 32 ; pt. sbj. sg. walked, 240, 26. 
 Nth. pr. pi. walkes, 150, 6. 
 walle, see wal. 
 walle(n), stv., OM. wallan (WS. 
 weallan)-weol (R) ; boil, well up ; 
 pt. sg. wel, 62, 16. Sth. pr. ppl. 
 wallinde, 195, 18. 
 walm, adj., OE. *wealm, cf. OM. 
 welm, WS. wielm; welling, boiling, 
 I9'5, 15- 
 Walri, sb., OF. W r aleri (Wace); 
 Walry, 205,13. 
 Walschman, sb., OM. Welisc, WS. 
 Wielisc + man ; Welshman ; pi. 
 Walschmen, 224, 4. 
 walspfre, sb., OE. waelspere ; battle- 
 spear, 190, 9. 
 Walter, sb. , OF. Waltere, Tent. Wald - 
 here; Walter; W^allterr, Orni's 
 brother, 8, 13; Walter, 227, 1. 
 Waltevile, sb., Waltville, Hugo of, 
 4, 23 ; William de, 8, 2. 
 Waltham, sb., OM. *WalSham, WS. 
 *Wealham; Waltham in Essex, 
 210, 1. 
 Walwaine, Walwain, sb., OF. Wal- 
 wain, Gawain ; Walwain, 181, 17. 
 Nth. Wawan, 126, 13. 
 wambe, sb., eME. = Ml. wmb 
 (womb) ; OE. wamb, wamb, f ; 
 stomach, womb, 180, 25. 
 wan (waime), see whanne. 
 wandrfme = wandrfm, sb., OE. 
 wan + dream ; lack of joy, trouble, 
 distress, 108, 23. 
 wandrfp, sb., ON. vandne'Si; misery, 
 trouble, 148, 8. 
 wane, sb., ON. van, /., c hope, ex- 
 pectation ' ; hope, store, quantity or 
 number, 164, 25. INth. wayn, 
 166, 2. 
 wane, adj., OE. wan a; wanting, 
 lacking, 117, 25. 
 wanne, .$<? whanne. 
 wante(n), wkv., ON. vanta ; w*/, 
 &? lacking-, pr. sbj. sg. wante, 27, 
 20 ; pt. sg. wantede, 24, 27. 
 war (ware), ware, see wher, werk. 
 war, adj., OE. waer ; qware, 5, 13. 
 ward, see wurpen. 
 ward, adv.^TJW. ward, WS. weard ; 
 toward', t5 Gode ward, toward God, 
 16, 21; 17,9. 
 warde, ward, sb., OM. ward, WS. 
 weard, f. ; custody, keeping, 67, 28 ; 
 warde, charge, maturity, 121, 27. 
 ware, sb., OE. waru; goods, wares, 
 merchandise, 178, II. 
 waren, ware, see be(n). 
 ware(n), wkv., OE. warian ; beware, 
 take precaution, defend ; Nth. pr. 
 sbj. sg. warre, 128, 12. Sth. inf. 
 warien, 202, 32. 
 waren, see be(n). 
 ware(n), wkv., OE. *warian ; spend; 
 inf. ware, 95, 26. 
 warese, see wherso. 
 waresoun, sb., AN. warisun, OF. 
 warison ; protection, treasure, 105, 
 warevre, see wherfgre. 
 "Warewik, sb., OE. Wseringwlc ; 
 Warwick, 227, 5. 
 war!, sb., OE. wearg, werig ; felon, 
 villain', Sth.//. warien, 184, 26. 
 warien, see ware(n). 
 warie(n), wkv., OE. wergian ; curse, 
 condemn; inf. warien, 200, 16; pr. 
 sbj. sg. warie, 78, 4; pp. waried, 78, 
 5. Nth. pt. sg. waryit, 173, 16. 
 warlau, sb., OE. *W3erloga ; sorcerer, 
 traitor, devil; pi. warlaus, 135, 18. 
 warm, adj., OE. wearm; warm; 
 warme ?, 89, 4. 
 warme(n), wkv., OM. warmian, WS. 
 wearmian ; warm ; pr.pl. warmen, 
 20, 9. 
 warne(n), wkv., OE. wearnian ; warn; 
 pt.pl. warnden, 187, 8; pp. warned, 
 54, 21. 
 warpe(n), wkv., ON. varpa; throw; 
 inf. warpen, 195, 15. 
 warre, warsse, see ware(n), whersg. 
 warporu, waryit, see wherporu, 
 washe(n), wasse(n), stv., OE. was- 
 can-w5sc (6,R); wash; inf. wasshe, 
 101, 28 ; wassen, 29, 3; wasse, 39, 
 22; pt. sg. weis, 29, 1 ; pt. pi. 
 wyschen, 109, 5. Nth. inf. was, 
 132, 12. 
 wast, adj., OF. wast ; waste, empty, 
 171, 1. 
 wasten, wkv., OF. waster ; waste ; 
 Nth. inf. wast, 134, 10. 
 wat, wat, see who, wite(n). 
 water, wattir, sb., OE. wseter; water, 
 19, 2; wattir, 166, 5; pi. waters, 
 100, 19. Sth. weter, 195, 18 ; ds. 
 wetere, 178, 25; wettre, 196, 31. 
 waterkinn, sb., OE. wseter + cynn; 
 nature of water, water, 11, 22. 
 watloker, wattir, see whatliche, 
 wavere(n), wkv., ON. vafra; tvaver, 
 loiter; N 'th. pr. ///. waverand, 169, 
 26 ; //. sg. waveryt, 167, 20. 
 waw, sb., OE. wag; wall; ds. wawe, 
 79, J 3. 
 "Wawan, see "Walwaine. 
 wawe, sb., OE. wawa ; woe, misery, 
 180, 29; pi. wawenn (O), 12, 16. 
 wax, sb., OE. weax; wax, 117, 6. 
 waxe(n), stv., OE. weaxan-wox and 
 wex (6, R) ; wax, grow, increase; 
 inf. waxen, 193, 12; pr. 3 sg. 
 waxeS, 17, 17; pr. sbj. sg. wax, 
 io 3> 5 5 pr.pph waxand, 103, 29; 
 //. sg. waex (eME.), 5, 18 ; wex, 24, 
 29 ; wax, 92, 13 ; pt.pl. wexen, 23, 
 8 ; pp. waxen, 21, 24. 
 way (waye), wayd, see wei, 
 wayn, we, see wane, wain, ic. 
 w, inter/., OE. wse, cogn. with ON. 
 wei ; woe, 66, 9. 
 wfalde(n) , see wf lde(n). 
 wechdede, sd., OM. waecce (*wecce) 
 + dede ; watching, vigil, 34, 13. 
 weche, sd., OE. waecche,/. ; watch, 
 vigil, 34, 20. 
 wed, sd., OE. wedd ; pledge, surety ; 
 to vredde, for security, for a pledge, 
 26, 6. 
 wedde(n), w//z\, OE. weddian ; wed, 
 pledge', pt. sg. weddyd, 116, 1. 
 eSth. pp. iweddet, 194, 1. 
 weddir, sd., OE. weSer; wether, 169, 
 wede, sd., OM. wede, WS. waede ; 
 clothing, weeds ; pi. weden, 31, 17 ; 
 wedes, 48, 21. 
 Wedenysday, see "Wodnesdei. 
 weder, weddir, sd., OE. weder ; 
 storm, weather, 19, 28; gs. wederes, 
 184, 6. 
 weder, wedir, wheder, and com- 
 pounds, see wheper. 
 wedlac, sd. , eME. = Ml. wedlgk ; OE. 
 wedlac; wedlock, 192, 19. 
 wee, weel, see whi, wel. 
 wf, sd., OE. wsefan (?) ; whiff, dreath, 
 51, 28. 
 we5e(n), stv., OE. wegan-wseg (5); 
 weigh, estimate ; inf. wejen, 178, 6. 
 weghte, sd., OE. gewiht, gewihte ; 
 weight, 147, 15. 
 wei, way, weie, sd., OE.-^veg; way ; 
 ds. weie, 14, 3; waie^ 100, 24; 
 waye, 65, 22 ; wei3e, 5? 13'; wsei 
 (eME.), 186, 16; pt. ways, 136, 18; 
 wayis, 167, 15 ; weies, 178, 15. 
 weilawei, interj., ON. vei + la+ vei, 
 cognate with OE. wa la wa; woe, 
 22, 24. 
 weile, interj., ON. vei + OE. la; woe, 
 weill, weint, weir, see wel, wen- 
 de(n), be(n). 
 wel, Wael, weie, well, adv., OE. wel 
 (wel ,; well, 1,3; weel, 4, 17; well, 
 ^.'4 7 ;.*Velle, 14, 14; weie, 70. 2; 
 weel, 239, 7. N"Jh. weil, 167, 27 ; 
 weyl, 89, 7. 
 welcome, see wilcume. 
 welde(n), wkv., OM. weldan, weldan, 
 "*^VS. wieldan ; rule over, wield, 
 ^^rule) inf.' welden, 24, 15; welde, 
 1 21, 28 ; welden, odtain, 193, 29 ; 
 pr. 3 sg. weldeo*, 192, 1. 
 wflde(n), stv., Sth. = Ml. wglden; 
 WS. wealdan (wfaldan)-weold (R); 
 wield, have power over ; eME. inf. 
 wfalden, 177, 31 ; pr. 1 sg. weelde, 
 176, 2. 
 wf le, sd., OE. weie ; weal, happiness, 
 63, 2. eSth.pl. weolen, 193, 12. 
 weie, see wel. 
 welked,//. as adj., cf.MDu. welken, 
 to wither' ; withered, 241, 8 ; //. 
 welkede, 23, 11. 
 well, welle, see wel. 
 welle, sd., OM. welle, WS. wielle,/. ; 
 well, 15,17. 
 wellegrund, sd., OM. well,/. + grund ; 
 dot torn of a well, 15, 29. 
 welle(n), wkv., OM. wellan, WS. 
 wiellan (wyllan); doil, well up', 
 eME. pr. sdj.sg. weolle, 195, 16. 
 wel8e, sd., OE. *wel'5,/. ; wealth, 31, 
 wen, see when. 
 wjnden^e/^z/., OE. wendan, wendan ; 
 ' tur^jmnd^LU^f wenden, 14, 3 ; 
 wende, 70, 30; wend, 114, 19; p) . 
 sdj. sg. wende, 178, 29; pt. sg. 
 wende, 4, 26 \pt. pi. wenden, 6, 31 ; 
 wenten, 69, 2 ; pp. wennd (O), 8, 
 19 ; went, 26, 9. *N"th. imp. pi. 
 wendis, 139, 13. Sth. pr. 3 sg. 
 weint < wendeft, 196, 16; went, 
 215, 9;#-y went . 2I 5>9- 
 wendinge, sd., OE. wendung, wen- 
 dung,/. ; wending, turning, 215,7. 
 wene, sK, OE. wen,/, wena, m.; 
 thought, hope, expectation, 42, 
 wene(n), wkv., OE/ wenan ; think, 
 ween ; pr. 2 sg. wenest, 50, 7 ; pr. 3 
 sg. weneff, 177,^7 ; pr.pl. wenen, 
 20, 2 ; imp. sg. Wen, 193, 23 ;pt. sg. 
 wende, 7, 2 ; pt.pl. wenden, 2, 19. 
 a4ffiTth. pr. 2 .sg-. wenis, 128, 9 ; pr. 3 
 |^fl|-. wenes, 83, 11; //. //. wend, 
 i55> 10. 
45 6 
 weng, wing, sb., ON. vengr ; wing ; 
 pi. wenges, 145, 5 ; winges, 144, 2. 
 Wenhever,^.,OF. Wenhaver; Wen- 
 havere, Guenevere, 181, 22; ds. 
 Wenhaveren, 185, 10. 
 weolene, sb., OE. wolcne, f. ; sky, 
 welkin, 182, 31. 
 weolde, weole (weolen), see wille, 
 weolle, see welle(n). 
 weopmon, sb., eSth. =M1. wepman ; 
 OM. wepman, WS. wsepman; man, 
 male, 199, 8. 
 weorch, weorde, see werk, word, 
 wfore (wf oren), weork, see be(n), 
 weorldmon, sb., OE. weoroldmann 
 (monn) ; man upon earth, man 
 of affairs', ds. weorldmonne, 183, 
 weorre, adj. comp., ON. verri; worse, 
 200, 30. 
 wep, sb., OE. *wep ?, beside wop ; 
 weeping, 30, 8 ; afr.wepe, 93, 15. 
 wepe(n), stv., OE. wepan-weop(R); 
 weep ; inf. wepe, 56, 9 ; pr. ppl. 
 wepinge, 38, 14; wepeand, 64, 10; 
 pt. sg. wep, 57, 6 ; wepe, 67, 9 ; 
 wop, 70, 31 ;//.//. wepen, 37, 32 5 
 wopen, 70, 28. Sth.pr.pl. wepej), 
 215, 15. 
 wepen, wepen, sb., OM. wepn, wepen, 
 WS.wsepen; weapon; wepne, 79, 29. 
 Sth.pl. wfpnen, 184, 31. 
 wer (wfr, wfre(n)), wer (wfre), 
 wfr, see be(n), werre, wher. 
 wer, were, sb., OE. wer ; man, hus- 
 band-, ds. were, 177, 7; were, 
 194, 6. 
 werd, sb., Nth. = Ml. werld ; OE. 
 werold ; world, 129, 9. 
 werdly, adj., Nth. = Ml. werldli; 
 OE. weoroldllc; worldly, 146, 19. 
 were, adj., ON. verri, cogn. with 
 OM. wersa, WS. wiersa; worse, 
 128, 18. 
 wfre, were, see wer, whr. 
 wfre, sb., origin unknown ; doubt, 
 92, 2. INth. weyr (cf. Scotch 
 weir), 173, 7. 
 werefore, see wherefore. 
 wfre(n), wkv., OE. werian ; defend, 
 protect, keep off, drive away, go 
 away, wear; inf. wfren, 17, 20; 
 wfre, 61, 3 ; pr. 3 sg. w|re?5, 16, 
 20. Sth. inf. wfrien, 226, 12. 
 werk, eME. weork, sb., OE. weorc, n.; 
 work ; pi. werkes, 103, 18; werrc, 
 8, 24 ; //. weorkes (eME.), 4, 26 ; 
 werkys, 109, 25 ; werke, 105, 14. 
 Nth. ware, 1 29, 30 ; pi. werks, 152, 
 4; eSth. ds. weorche, 176, II. 
 workman, sb., OE. weorcman ; work- 
 man ; pi. werkmen, 212, 3. 
 werld, werlde, world, sb., OE. 
 weorold, f. ; world, age, eternity ; 
 werlde, 17, 1 ; werld, 18, 3 ; world, 
 56, 3. Kt. wordle, Six, 24; pi. 
 wordles, 213, 31. 
 werne(n), wkv., OM. *wernan, WS. 
 wiernan ; refuse, deny ; pt. pi. 
 werneden, 26, 15. 
 weron, see ben. 
 werpe(n), stv., OE. weorpan-wearp 
 (3); cast, throw; pt. sg. warp, 
 197, 5- 
 werrais, werrc, see werrie(n), werk. 
 werre, sb., OF. werre, guerre; war, 
 5, 18. Nth. wer, 149, 31 ; wfre, 
 J 57> 22 > pi* wers, 149, 29. 
 werrie(n), werre(n), wkv., OF. 
 werreier ; make war on ; inf. wer- 
 rien, 2, 15 ; werre, 221, 18 ; pt. sg. 
 werrede, werred, 223, 31. Nth. 
 pr. 3 sg. werrais, 127, 14. 
 werrior, sb., OF. werreor; warrior, 
 223, 26. 
 werse, wers, adj., comp. to ivel; 
 OM. werse, WS. wierse (wyrse) ; 
 worse, 3,22; wserse, 5, 20 ; superl. 
 worste, 242, 13. Nth. wers, 127, 
 20. Sth. wiirse, 190, 1. 
 wersie(n), wkv., Kt. = M1. werse(n), 
 wurse(n) ; OE. wyrsian ; make 
 worse; pp. iwersed, 226, 17. 
 werpe, wes, westen, see wurpe(n), 
 be(n), wite(n). 
 Westminster , 236, 28. 
 wet = whet, see who. 
 wet, adj., OM. wet, WS. wset ; wet, 
 28, 33. Sth. wgt, 182, 21. 
 wete (wfte), sb., OM. wete, WS. 
 waite,/. ; moisture, water, 15, 28. 
 weter, wey}e, weyl, see water, wei, 
 weyr, weyten, see wfre, waite(n). 
 w^ile, w}y, see whil, whi. 
 wha, rel. prn., elE. Nth. = Ml. 
 who; OE. hwa; who; Nth. da. 
 whaym, 145, 23. eSth. hwam, 
 194, 7 ; dpi. hwan, 179, 6. 
 whanne, wanne, whan, wan, 
 whenne, adv. conj., OE. hwanne ; 
 when ; wanne, 14, 8 ; quan, 24, 
 8; quane, 31, 27; whan, 45, 19; 
 wan, 48, 5 ; hwan, 75, 20; whenne, 
 119, 7; when, 47, 16; jwanne, 55, 
 11; qwan, 117, 25; wen, 128, 9; 
 hwenne, 177, II. eSth. hwon, 
 197, 18. Nth. quen, 128, 20; 
 quhen, 168, 4. 
 whar, whare, and compounds, see 
 whareby, adv., OE. hwser + bl, 
 whereby, 119, 9. 
 wharefpra, see wherfore. 
 wharto, adv., OE. hwser, hwar + t5; 
 whereto, 141, 25. 
 whase, indef. prn., eME., Nth. for 
 whose ; OE. hwa swa, hwa swse ; 
 whoso, whosoever, 9, 14. 
 whaswa, see whosg. 
 what, wat, see who. 
 whatllche, adv., OE. hwcetlice ; 
 swiftly, quickly ; comp. watloker, 
 more especially, 204, 13. 
 whaler, whaym, see wheper, wha. 
 whederward, adv., OE. hwse'o , er + 
 weard; whitherward, 99, 18; 
 whydyrward, 96, 14. 
 whenne, when, see whanne. 
 whens, adv., OE. hwgnan + es ; 
 whence, 106, 27. 
 wher, where, whare, were, adv. 
 con/., OM. hwer, hwar, WS. hwser ; 
 where ; 3 were, 48, 1 7 ; were, 52,13; 
 whare, 36, 21 ; war, 155, 6; ware, 
 131, xi; whar, 182, 9; w|r, 206, 
 12 ; whgre, 135, 6. 
 whfreas, adv., Sth. m Ml. wheras ; 
 WS. hwser + ME. as ; whereas, 
 where, 237, 10. 
 wherfgre, wharefgre, hwerfore, 
 adv., OM. hwerfore, WS. hwserfore ; 
 wherefore ; wharefgre, 119, 16. 
 Nth. quarfgr, 155, 9. eSth. hwer- 
 fore, 193, 11; warevgre, 209, 31. 
 Kt. werefgre, 213, 9. 
 wherof, adv., OM. hwer (WS. hwser) 
 + of; whereof, 202,4. 
 wherso, adv., OM. hwerswa, WS. 
 hwserswa ; whereso, wheresoever ; 
 warsse (eME.), 4, 6 ; warese, 7, 4. 
 wherporu, adv., OM. hwer (WS. 
 hwser) + Jmrh ; wherethrough ; Nth. 
 quar]?oru, 156, 3 ; quharthrou, 169, 
 3. Sth. warjioru, 208, 30; whfr- 
 ]>ur3, 226, 16. 
 whfrpurjj, see wher]joru. 
 wheper, whethir, prn., adv., OE. 
 hwsej>er ; whether ; wedir, 52, 17; 
 3 wider, 60^2"; whethir, 137, 31 ; 
 whaSer, 188, 30; whether, 234, 
 19. Nth. quedur, 127, 26; que- 
 hej)ir, 169, 32; wydur, 128, 14; 
 whethir, 137, 31. 
 whefterse , adv., OE. hwseoer + sse ; 
 whetherso, 200, 7. 
 whi, why, adv., OE. hwy ; why, 10, 
 1 1 ; W3y, 48, 1 1 ; 3wi, 48, 19. Nth. 
 qui, 155, 9. Sth. wl, 179, 15. Kt. 
 wee, 212, 8. 
 while, wile, which, indef., interrog., 
 later rel. prn., OE. hwile; which; 
 wile, 14, 3 ; quilke, 30, 30; 3hwilk, 
 54, 3 ; whiche, 73, 7 ; which, 101, 
 21 ; whych, 88, 3; J>e which, 104, 
 17; qwyche, 118, 6. Nth. quilk, 
 1 30, 32 ; )>e whilke, 145, 14; wylke, 
 144, 22. Sth. ds. whilche, 180, 
 10; hwiiche, 195, 13; wiich, 203, 
 whilche, see while. 
 while, wile, adv., OE. hwil ; while ; 
 wile, 3, 22; quile, 21, 5; W3ile, 
 53, 28 ; 3wile, 59, 8. Nth. quil, 
 156,6; quhlll, 170, 27. 
 whllem, whilen, whilum, whilom, 
 adv., OE. hwilum < hwil ; whiles, 
 once\ hwllen, 191, 6; quilum, 26, 
 13; hwilem, 213, 29; whilom, 
 236, 7. Nth. quilum, 128, 23. 
 whilke, see while. 
 whlls, adv., based on whil ; whiles, 
 135, 2. 
 whit, whyt, adj., OE. hwit ; white ; 
 whyte, 102, 9; //. white, 228, 
 Whitsnd, sb., OE. Hwitsand ? 
 Wissant (near Calais), 185, 3. 
 who, indef., inter., later rel. prn. ; 
 OE. hwa ; who ; ho, 37, 6 ; 3\v5, 
 50, 4; qwo, 117, 29; afo. whom, 
 94, 23. Nth, qua, 128, 31 ; da. 
 quam, 29, 32 ; 126, 10. Sth. hwp, 
 197, 19; wp, 207, 19; neut, wat, 
 16, 24 ; wat {rel. prn.), 4, 28 ; 
 what, 35, 13; jwat, 49, 22. _N.th. 
 quat^jj^, 16 ; qwat, 118, 3. Sth. 
 wet, 176, 23; whet, 179, 1 ; hwet, 
 194, 6. 
 whore, see wher. 
 whosg, indef. prn., OE. hwaswa ; 
 whoso ; wuasvva (eME.), 2, 5 ; 
 WOS9, 20, 18 ; qwosp, 117, 5. Nth. 
 quasa, 1 29, 1 3. Sth. whaswa (eSth.), 
 189, 13 ; da. wh^msp, 233, 28. 
 whych, whydyrward, see which, 
 whyt, wi, see whit, whi. 
 wlaxe, wiax, sb., OE. wig + eax, 
 /. ; battle-ax, 181, 19. 
 wicci, see wikke. 
 wicche, sb., OE. wicche, /. ; witch ; 
 pi. wicches, 20, 14. 
 wicht, adj., OE. *wiht, adj., cf. 
 MLG. wicht; brave, valiant, 75, 6. 
 wicked, wikked, adj., based on ME. 
 wicke; wicked, evil, 100,15 ; wykked, 
 88, 2. 
 wickedness , wikke dnesse , sb ., based 
 on wikke, q.v.; wickedness, 101, 28; 
 wikkednesse, 246, 3. Nth. wiknes, 
 153, 8. 
 wid, widuten, see wij>, wijmten. 
 wide, adv., OE. wide; wide, widely, 
 wif, sb., OE. wlf ; wife ; wiif, 65, 6 ; 
 ds. in phr. to wife (wive), 7, 2 ; 
 wyefe, 147, 27 ; pi. wives, wyve, 
 (in rime), 59, 17; so ns. wyve for 
 wyf, 121, 22 ; wive, 188, 27. Sth. 
 ds. wyfe, 176, 24. 
 wi^t, see wiht. 
 wi5t, wyght, sb., OE. wiht [wegan] ; 
 weight, 42, 12 ; wyghte, 117, 8. 
 wiht, wi^t, sb., OE. wiht ; person, 
 wight, creature; wihht (O), 12, 26; 
 wi3t, 36, 3; pi. wihte, 178, 22. 
 wiis, wike, see wis, wikke. 
 wike, wyke, sb., OE. wiocu ; week, 
 200, 1 ; wyke, 107, 11. Cf. wuke. 
 wiken, sb., OE. wlce, wf. ; office, 
 duty, charges', wlkenn (O), 9, 19. 
 wikke, wike, wyk, adj., based on 
 OE. wlcan(?); wicked, evil; wicci, 
 6, 18 ; wikke, 51, 28 ; wike, 77, 28 ; 
 wyk, 88, 20. Nth. pi. wike, 153, 
 5. Cf. wicked. 
 wikkedehd, sb., based on wikke, 
 q. v. ; wickedness, 50, 24. 
 wiknes, wikkednesse, see wicked- 
 wil, wyl, sb., OE. will ; pleasure, 
 will, 20, 13; wyl, 117, 14. 
 wile, see while, 
 wilcume, welcome, adj. < sb., OE. 
 wilcuma, later infl. by wel (wel) ; 
 welcome, 181, 3; welcome, 114, 24. 
 wilde, adj., OE. wilde, wllde ; xvild, 
 48, 12. 
 wilde (wile), wile, see wille, while, 
 wiles, adv., OE. Tiwlle + es ; whiles, 
 zuhile, 16, 20. 
 wilfull, adj., OE. *wilfull, cf. wil- 
 fulllce ; voluntary, wilful, 147, 9. 
 will, adj., ON. villr, cogn. with OE. 
 wild ; wild, bewildered, despairing, 
 166, 2. 
 Willam, see Willelm. 
 wille, wylle, sb., OE. willa ; will, 
 desire, wish, 8, 18 ; wylle, 89, 32 ; 
 after wille, according to desire, 205, 
 16 ; //. wyllis, 219, 31. 
 wille, adv., ON. willr, adj., cogn. with 
 OE. wilde, ' wild'; wildly, wrongly, 
 15, 7- 
 wille, wile, wole, anv., OE. wille- 
 wolde ; wish, will ; pr. 1 , 3 sg. 
 wile, 10, irfwille, 14, 7; wole, no, 
 16; olle, 203, 21; wol, 242, 31; 
 pr. 2 sg. wylte, in, 15 ; wolt, 204, 
 17; willes, 195, 2; pr. pi. willen, 
 4," 28 ; wilen, 29, 16 ; wylle, 88, 8 ; 
 wol we, 242, 18 ; pt. sg. wolde, 1,2; 
 wollde (O), 8, 22 ; wulde, 16, 13; 
 wolde, 36, 1 ; w5ld, 68, 12; wold, 
 71, 5; pt. 2 sg. wuldes, 19, 3; 
 woldest, 38, 10; woldyst, in, 28. 
 Nth. pr. sbj. sg. will, 141, 29 ; pt. 
 pi. wald, 126, 16; wold, 138, n ; 
 wk. wilde, 75, 16. Sth./r. 1, 3 $". 
 wiile, 177, 15 ; iille, 193, 2 ; pr. 2 
 j". wiilt, 192, 33 ; jN*. ^/. wiilleS, 
 177, 10; wille]), 211, 28; pt. sg. 
 weolde (eSth.), 187, 18 ; walde, 
 192, 12. Neg. forms : pr. 1, 3 sg. 
 nelle < nille < ne wille, 45,26; nele, 
 180, 1 ; pt. 2 sg. noldest, 38, 7 ; 
 pt. sg. nalde, 192, 20. Sth. pr. 1, 3 
 sg. mill, 192, 32 ; pr. 2 sg. niilt, 
 193, 2. Kt. pr. 1, 3 j#-. nele, 
 216, 7. 
 Willelm, "William, Willam, si?., NF. 
 Willelm; William) Sanct Willelm, 
 William of Norwich, 5,4; William, 
 "6, 15; gs. Willyams, 117, 3; 
 Willam, 203, 22. 
 willesfol, adj., OE. willa, m., will, 
 neut. + ful ; wilful, headstrong, 
 206, 3. 
 wilnie(n), wz;., Sth. = Ml. wilne(n) ; 
 OE. wilnian; desire, wish for ; inf. 
 wilnin (Ml.?), 193, 28 ; wylnl, 217, 
 14; imp.pl. wilnie $e, 199, 5; pr. 
 sbj. pi. wilnen, 202, 11 ; pt. pi, 
 wylnede, 216, 18; //. iwilnet, 195, 
 wimman, wummon, womman, sb., 
 OE. wifman, wimman ; woman, 7, 
 6; wymman, 53, 19; wummon, 
 194, 16; pi. wimmen, 3, 3; 
 wymmen, 220, 16; wummen, 202, 
 18; women, 235, 8; gpl. wym- 
 mones, 121, 5. Nth. womman, 
 132, 7; pi. womene, 144, 32. Sth. 
 gpl. wimmonen, 181,22; wimmonne, 
 188, 19 ; wyfman, 218, 6. 
 win, sb., OE.winn ; labor, contention, 
 strife, 18, 27; ds. winne, gain, 
 acquisition, 47, 5. 
 win, wyn, sb., OK. win < Lat.vinum; 
 wine, 22, 3; wyn, 53, 8. 
 Winchestre, -cheestre, -cestre, sb., 
 OE. Wintunceaster ; Winchester; 
 Wincestre (eME.),6, 1 ; Winchestre, 
 187, 9; Winchsestre, 188, 16; ds. 
 Winchestren, 187, 31. 
 wind, wynd, sb., OE. wind, wind ; 
 wind, 50, 14; wynde, 100, 22; //. 
 windes, 185, 6. 
 winde(n), stv., OE. windan (windan)- 
 wand (wgnd) (3) ; wind, wrap ; 
 inf. winden, 34, 1 ; //. sg. wnd, 
 182, 5 ; pp. wounden, 81, 21. 
 winge, see weng. 
 win}frd, winyard, sb., OE. win- 
 geard ; vineyard (by inn*, of vine) ; 
 wlniierd (eME.), 4, 25; ds. win- 
 yarde, 212,4. 
 winiierd, winnan, see win3frd, 
 winne, sb., OE. wynn, /. ; pleasure, 
 joy, 55, 24. Sth. wiinne, 190, 31 ; 
 pi. wUnnen, 193, 12. 
 winne(n), wynne(n), stv., OE. 
 winnan-wann (3) ; strive, contend, 
 win ; inf. winnan (eME.), 5,6; 
 winnen (O), 10, 24 ; pr.pl. winnen, 
 I9> 2 3J pt'Sg. wan, 4, 23; pt.pl. 
 wonne, 203, 21 ; //. wune, 100, 12. 
 Nth. inf. wyne, 146, 31. Sth. pp. 
 iwonne, 204, 23 ; ywonne, 216, 6. 
 winter, wintre, sb., OE. winter ; 
 winter, 19, 23; gs. winteris, 47, 25; 
 pi. wintre (eME.), 3, 22 ; winter, 
 64, 26. 
 wintre, sb., OE. wintreo ; vine, wine- 
 tree, 21, 23. 
 winyard (wynyard), ^^.win^frd. 
 wirche(n), wirke(n), wkv., OE. 
 wyrcan-worhte ; work; zV*/".wirchen, 
 80, 17; wirche, 72, 29; wirrkenn 
 (O), 8, 24; pt.sg. wrohte, 4, 13; 
 pp. wrohht (O), 11,2; wrou3t, 55, 
 1 ; wroghte, 109, 25. Nth. inf. 
 wyrke, 143, 24; pp. wroght, 130, 
 16. Sth. inf. wurchen, 192, 29 ; 
 pr.pl. wiircheS, 196, 10; imp. sg. 
 wiirch, 194, 18 ; pp. iwro3t (SEMI.) 
 38, 24; iwraht, 192, 2. 
 Wirechestre, sb., OE. Wigraceaster; 
 Worcester, 227, 1. 
 wirking, sb., OE. wyrcung,/. ; work- 
 ing, doing, pain, 139, 2. 
 wirm, worm, sb., OE. wyrm; serpent, 
 worm, 17, 1 ; worm, 49, 14. 
 wirrkenn, see wirche(n). 
 wirschip, sb., Nth.. = Ml. wurschipe ; 
 OE. weorSscipe ; worship, 129, 29. 
 wis, see wisse(n). 
 wis, wiis, wys, adj., OE. wis ; wise, 
 23, 17 ; wiis, 72, 15 ; wys, 91, 28 j 
 super I. wiseste, 182,31. 
 wis, wiss, tfdz>., OE. wiss; certainly, 
 wiss (O), 12,6; to wis, certainly, 62, 
 wisdom, wisdome, sb., OE. wisdom ; 
 wisdom, 55, 10; wisddme, 103, 14. 
 wise, sb., OE. wise ; wise, nianner, 
 respect, 8, 15. Nth. wiss, 170, 22. 
 Sth. ds. wisen, 189, 5. 
 wislike, adv., OE. wisslice; certainly, 
 wisslike, 11, 9. Sth. wisselich, 231, 
 wiss, wisselich, see wise, wisslike. 
 wisse(n), wkv., OE. wisian, wissian ; 
 guide, show, point out ; inf. wisse, 
 to be guided, 49, 20; pr. 3 sg. 
 wisseS, 192, 1. Nth. ps. sbj. sg. 
 wis, 143, 6. 
 wit, see ic. 
 wit, wyt, sb., OE. witt ; wit, in- 
 telligence ; witt, 8, 20 ; wyt, 49, 18 ; 
 wytt, 106, 16 ; wite, 50, 4. 
 wite5e, sb., OE. witega ; wise man, 
 prophet, 188,17. 
 wite(n), ptprv., OE. witan-wiste ; 
 knoiv ; inf. witen, 14, 17 ; pr. 1, 3 
 sg. wt, 23, 16 ; t, 83, 19 ; woot, 
 242, 23; pr. 2 sg. wgst, 52, 16; 
 woost, 243, 14 ; /r. j#. sg. wite, 
 194, 8 ;//. j^-. wiste, 1,6; wist, 49, 
 22 ; wyste, 53, 8 ; pt. 2 sg. wistist, 
 56, 1 ; pt.pl. wisten, 26, 25 ; wist, 
 71, 16; pp. witenn (O), 10, II. 
 Nth. pr. I, 3 sg. wat, 128, 14. 
 Sth. pr. 1,3 sg. wat (eSth.), 178, 
 22 ; pr. pi. wiiteS, 199, 27 ; pt. sg. 
 wiiste, 186, 4; pp. iwust, observed, 
 kept, 201, 8. ~Kt.pt.pl. westen, 216, 
 19. Neg. forms : pr. 1,3 sg. noot, 
 243, 20; nat (eME.), 180, 26; pr.pl. 
 nytep, 217,5; pt.sg. niste, 36, 7. Sth. 
 pr. pi. mite we, 196, 19; pt. sg. 
 niiste^.179, 13. 
 wite(n); wkv., OE. witian; keep, 
 .guard-, inf. wite, 39, 13 ;pr. sbj. sg. 
 wite, 10, 10; pt. 2 sg. witest, 55, 
 17. Sth. inf. witie, 204, 30 ; /r. 3 
 sg. wit < witeS, 178, 27 ; imp. sg. 
 wite, j 90, 23. 
 wite(n), stv., OE. witan-wat {f)~gp^ 
 depart; Nth. ?;{/". wit, 151, 24. 
 wifcr, witerly, see witter, witter- 
 wiS, "wipp, wid, wyd, wyp, prep. 
 ^adv., OE. wiS; with, 2, 4; wij>p (O), 
 8, 23 ; wid, 6, 2 ; wyd, 6, 26 ; wyj?, 
 89, 18 ; wi3 pan pa (eSth.), with 
 that, that if, 187, 20. 
 wipal, wipalle, wypal, a^. phr., 
 OE. wip + OM. all ; withal, en- 
 tirely, 54, 30; wipalle, 38, 19; 
 wypal, 89, 29. 
 wipdra5e(n), drawe(n), stv., OE. 
 wiSdragan-drog (6) ; withdraw ; 
 pt. sg. withdrow, 80, 5; //. wip- 
 dra3e, 44, 2. 
 withdraweynge, sb., based on OE. 
 *wiSdragan ; withdrawing, purloin- 
 ing, 147, 12. 
 wifle, sb., OE. wiSer?; conflict, 
 190, 1. 
 wiperward, adj. adv., OE. wioer- 
 weard; adverse, contrary, 228, 4. 
 wiperwyne, .r., OE. wiSerwinna; 
 adversary, enemy ; pi. wiperwynes, 
 230, 3- 
 wipinnen, wypynne, adv., OE. 
 wiomnan; within; wippinnenn (O), 
 12, 10; wypynne, 100, 9. 
 wipnime(n), stv., OE. wit? + niman- 
 116m (4); takeaway; pp. wipnumen, 
 103, 12. 
 wipoutyn (withowttane, wipowte), 
 see wiputen. 
 withstande(n), stnde(n), stv., OE. 
 wiSstandan (st9ndan)-stod (6) ; 
 withstand; pt. sg. withstod, 48, 6. 
 withtake(n), stv., OE. wiS + ON. 
 taka-tok (6); blame, reprove; pr. 
 ppL withtakand, 144, 4. 
 witfBan, adv., OE. wi$ Sam (Son); 
 provided that, 30, 15 ; with pan, 
 wipute(n), widuten, wipute, wi- 
 poute(n), adv. prep., OE. wiSutan ; 
 without; wipputenn (O), 11, 26; 
 widuten, 6, 9; wijmte, 37, 9; 
 wijjoutyn, 100, 5; withowttene, 145, 
 26 ; withowte, 204, 15. 
 witie(n), see wite(n). 
 witne(n), %vkv., ON. vitna; testify, 
 prove ; pr. 3 sg. witneS, 202, 3. 
 witnesse, wyttnes, sb., OE. witness, 
 f. ; witness, 228, 20. Nth. wyttnes, 
 147, 19. 
 witnesse (n), wkv., based on witnesse, 
 sb. ; witness ; pr. 3 sg. wytnesset, 
 215, 14; pr, sbj. sg. witnesse, 226, 
 witter, witer, adj., ON. vitr ; know- 
 ing, wise, clear, 30, 10 ; witer, 
 189, 6. 
 witter like, witterly, wytterly, wit- 
 terliche, adv. , ON. vitr + OE. lice ; 
 surely, evidently, 29, 32 ; witterly, 
 71, 7; wytterly, III, 7. Sth. 
 witterliche, 200, 17. 
 witty, adj., OE. witig, wittig; wise, 
 skilful, witty, 170, 16. 
 witunge, j3., OE. *witung,/".; guard- 
 ing, caretaking, 203, 9. 
 wive, see wif. 
 wive(n), /#., OE. wifian ; marry, 
 take a wife-, inf. wiven, 193, 18; 
 pr. sb. sg. wive, 193, 18. 
 wlaele(n),ze//'z\, OE.wlacian; become 
 lukewarm or tepid; pp. iwlaht, 195, 
 wlaffyng, sb., cf. MDu. blaffen, 'stam- 
 mer ' ; stammering, 224, 15. 
 wlech, adj., Sth. = Ml. wlach ; OE. 
 wlsec; lukewarm, tepid, 195,18. 
 wlite, sb., OE. wlite, wlita, wk. ; 
 face, form, 28, 32 ; wliten (< OE. 
 wlita-wlitan ?), 29, 1. 
 w, see who. 
 w, sb., OE. wa ; woe, 23, 4. 
 woane, see wune. 
 wcnesse, sb., OE. wacnes,/. ; weak- 
 ness, meanness of condition, 198, 
 wod, adj., OE. wod; mad, angry, 44, 
 9 ; wode, 97, 3. 
 wode, see wude. 
 wodelukest, adv., OE. w5dllce ; most 
 madly, 195, 16. 
 Wodnesdei, Wedenysday, sb., OE. 
 Wodnesdseg ; Wednesday, pi. Wod- 
 nesdawes, 200, 2 ; Wedenesday, 
 228, 21. 
 W95, sb., OE. wag(h) ; wall, 216, 24. 
 wogh, sb., OE. woh ; evil, wrong, 
 i3 J > *5- 
 woke, see wuke. 
 wld, sb., OM. wald, wald, WS. 
 weald ; power, meaning, 23, 26 ; 
 haven ... on wld, have in power, 
 obtain, 55, 22. 
 wld, sb., OM. wald, WS. weald; 
 woodland', ds. wglden, 182, 10. 
 wo1rtp(n,)., stv. t OM. waldan, waldan 
 (WS. wealdan)-weold (R) ; have 
 power over, control, possess; wglden, 
 wole (wolt), wolle, see wille, wulle. 
 wgmbe, sb., Sth. Ml. wombe; OE. 
 wamb, wamb, f ; stomach, womb, 
 207, 12. 
 womman (women, womene), see 
 won (woned), see wune(n). 
 won, sb., OE. wan; lack; ds. wone, 
 199, 13. 
 wond, see wund. 
 wnd, sb., OE. *wand ?, ON. voridr ; 
 wand, rod, 55, 29. , 
 wnde(n), wkv., OE. wandian (wgn- 
 dian) ; turn aside, refrain from, 
 alter ; inf. wgnde, 114, 9. 
 wonder, see wunder. 
 wndrie(n), wkv., Sth. = Ml. wan- 
 dre(n) ; OE. wandrian, wgndrian ; 
 wander; inf. wndrien, 182, 11. 
 wne, sb., perhaps ON. van,/! ; hope, 
 thought; pi. wginys, 113, 1 2. 
 wng, sb., OE. wang, wgng; plain; 
 pi. wgnges, 76, 32. 
 wnge, sb., OE. wange, wgnge; cheek; 
 pl> wnges, 156, 32. 
 wonynge, wonyng, sb., OE. wunung, 
 f.; dwelling, home, 221, 23. 
 woodnesse, sb., OE. wodnes, /. ; 
 madness, 238, 14. 
 wopst (w99t), see wite(n). 
 wop, sb., OE. w5p; weeping, 215, 
 wopen, see wepe(n). 
 wpned, pp. as adj., ON. vapna, 
 cogn. with OE. weepnian; armed, 
 weaponed, 35, I. 
 word, sb., OE. word, w5rd ; word; 
 word (O), 8, 23 ; //. wordes, 243, 
 24. Nth. pi. wurdes, 136, 8. eSth. 
 ds. weorde, 176, 3 ; pi. word, 176, 
 9 ; worden, 188, 20. 
 wordie(n), wkv., Sth. = Ml. w5r- 
 de(n) ; OE. wdrdian ; utter words ; 
 pp. iwdrded, 198, 4. 
 wordle, wren, see werld, be(n). 
 wri, adj., OE. warig ; dirty, stained 
 with seaweed, 180, 22. 
 world, see werld. 
 worldlich, adj., Sth. = Ml. worldli ; 
 OE. woruldllc; worldly, 194, 2. 
 worm, worschipe (worssipe), see 
 wirm, wurschipe. 
 worste, worp, worpe (worpen), see 
 werse, wurp, wurpe(n). 
 worpingni^ht, sb., OE. weorSung + 
 niht ; wort hing-night, feast of adora- 
 tion?, 230, 5. 
 worpis, see wurpe(n). 
 worpnesse, sb., OE. weoroness, f. ; 
 dignity, honor, 226, 7. 
 worthy, see wurpi. 
 woruldwele, sb., OE. weoruldwela ; 
 worldly wealth, 180, 31. 
 wos, see whos. 
 WOU3, adj., OE. woh ; bad, evil, 
 wounde, see wunde. 
 wounde(n), wkv., OE. wundian 
 (wundian); wound; pp. wounded, 
 65, 31. Sth. pp. ywonden, 229, 8. 
 wounder, see wunder. 
 wrac, sb., OE. wrsec ; misery, punish- 
 ment, wrack, 60, 16. 
 wrake, sb., OE. vvracu; vengea?ice, 
 141, 17. 
 wrancwis, adj., eME. = Ml. wrpng- 
 wis ; ON. rangr + ME. wis ; unjust, 
 wrong; ds. vvrancwise, 177, 24. 
 wrang, see wrcjng. 
 wrangwislie, wrangwysely, adv., 
 ON. wrangr + ME. wis + II; wrongly, 
 unjustly, 155, 33; wrangwysely, 
 147, x 3- 
 wrappe(n), wkv., origin uncertain ; 
 wrap; inf. wrappa, 241, 7. 
 wrastelynge, pr. ppl. as sb., OE. 
 wrsestlian; wrestling, 120, 19. 
 wrastlle(n), wkv., Sth. = Ml. wrast- 
 le(n) ; OE. wraestlian ; wrestle ; pt. 
 pi. wrastlede, 207, 8. 
 wrath (wrafter, wralSest), see wrop. 
 wrappe, sb., OE. wnieoo, wneS'oo; 
 wrath, 46, 11. 
 wrappe(n), wkv., OE. wraftian; make 
 wroth, become angry ; inf. wrappe, 
 104, 25. Sth. pr. sbj. sg. wraSSI, 
 i9 2 > 33. 
 wratS^Sle(n), see wrappe(n). 
 wrecce, see wreche. 
 wreccehfd, wrecchf de, sb., based on 
 OE. wrecca + ME. h|de ; wretched- 
 ness, misery, 3, 30 ; wrecchf de, 209, 
 wrecche, sb., OE. wrecca; wretch; 
 pi. wrecches, 195, 7. 
 wrecchfde, see wreccehfde. 
 wrechche, see wreche. 
 wreche (wrfche), sb., OM. wrec, 
 WS. wraic,/] ; vengeance, 59, 6. 
 wreche, adj., OE. wrecc; wretched, 
 48, 11 ; wrecce, 2, 32; wretche, 49, 
 23; wrechche, 215, 3. 
 wrechidnes, sb., based on OE. wrecc ; 
 wretchedness, 144, 20. 
 wreie(n), wkv. , OE. wregan ; accuse, 
 betray, cf. archaic {be)wray; pr. 
 sbj. sg. wreie, 38, 15; pt. sg. wreide, 
 1, 2. 
 wreke(n), stv., OE. wrecan-wrsec (5) ; 
 avenge ; pp. wrpken, 160, 18. 
 wrench, sb., OE. wrenc; guile, deceit, 
 artifice, trick ; ds. wrenche, 207, 10. 
 wrengfte, sb., as if OM. wrengo', WS. 
 wriengft,/! ; distortion, 16, 10. 
 wretche, see wreche. 
 wrfpe, wreth, sb., OE. wrseo*, f, 
 wrseSu, indcl. ; wrath, 69, 16. 
 Nth. wrfth, 127, 14. Kt. wrepe, 
 211, 21. 
 wre'S^e(n), wkv., OE.wrsetSan; anger, 
 get angry; inf. wreSSen, 194, 5 ;pt. 
 sg. wreftdede, 193, 3. 
 wrigtelfslike, adv., cf. OE. gewyrht; 
 in manner without desert, tvrong- 
 fully, 22, 12. 
 wrihte, sb., OE. wryht, f. ; thing 
 done, merit, blame ; wrihhte (O), 
 11, 26. 
 wringe(n), stv., OE. wringan-wrang 
 (wrgng) (3) ; wring, twist, press ; 
 inf. wringe, 59, 18; //. sg. wrgng, 
 21, 28. 
 writ, sb., OE. writ; writing, writ; 
 writt (0), 13, 30; writ, 46, 28. 
 wrlte(n), stv., OE. writan-wrat (1) ; 
 write ; inf. writenn (O), 10, 3 ; pr. 
 sbj. sg. write, 10, 7; //. sg. wrat 
 (eMK), 12, 24; wrot, 71, 19; 
 wroot, 245, 29 ; pp. writenn, 10, 8 ; 
 writen, 71, 25; wryten, 119, 6; 
 write, 69, 23 ; wryte, 90, 21. Sth. 
 pp. iwriten, 179, 29; y write, 72, 20. 
 writeing,^., OE. writing,/.; writing, 
 72, 26. 
 wrlpe(n), stv., OE. wriSan-wraS (1) ; 
 twist, turn, bind, writhe ; pr. ppl. 
 wrij)inde, 55, 29; pt.pl. wrythen, 
 wrohte, wroht, see wirche(n). 
 wrken, see wrfke. 
 wrgng, adj., sb., ON. vrang; twisted, 
 awry, wrong, 16, 3 ; ds. wrgnge, 58, 
 23. Nth. wrang, 127, II, 
 wrgp, wrgthe, adj., OE. wraS; wroth, 
 angry, oa d> 35, 20; wrgthe, 112, 16 ; 
 to wr}>er h|le, to bad health, evil 
 fate, 62, 30. Nth. wrath, 127, 12. 
 eSth. t5 wrafter hgale, 193, 7 ; 
 superl. wraftest, 189, 7. 
 wrgper, see wrgp. 
 wu, adv., Sth. = Ml. hu; OE. hwu, 
 hu ; how, 209, 16. 
 wuaswa, wiich, see whosg, while, 
 wude, sb., OE. wudu < widu; wood, 
 forest; wode, 51, 9. 
 wuke, sb., OE. wucu< wiocu; week; 
 pi. wukes, 34, 26; woke, 118, 5. 
 Cf. wike. 
 wiile, wulle"8, see wille. 
 wulf, sb., OE. wulf; wolf, 82, 17; 
 pi. wulves, 199, 4. 
 wulle,.r3., OE. wull, wulle,/. ; wool; 
 wolle, 86, 16. 
 wulvine, sb., OE. wylfen,/., mod. by 
 wulf; she-wulf, 82, 17. 
 wumme, inter;'., OE. wa me ; woe is 
 e> x 95> 33- 
 wummon,jwnmmen, see wimman. 
 wunde, wounde, sb., OE. wund,/. ; 
 wound, 20, 12 ; pi. woundes, 60, 
 "28. Nth. wond, 146, 1. Sth.//. 
 wondes, 221, 9; wunden, 190, 10. 
 wunder, sb., OE. wundor, -er, neut. ; 
 wunder, prodigy, miracle; wonder, 
 68, 22; wounder, 173, 13; //, 
 wunder, 2, 28; 3, 20. 
 wunderlic, adj., OE. wunderllc; 
 wonderful, marvelous, pi. 5, 3; 
 superl. wunderlukeste, 178, 11. 
 wundl, adj., OE. *wyndig, perh. 
 *wendig, 1WS. wyndig, wyndig, cf. 
 MLG. wendich; averse, 193, 2. 
 wundie(n), wkv., Sth. = Ml. wun- 
 de^), OE. wundian, wundian; 
 wound; pp. iwiindet, 192, 10. 
 wune, wone, sb. , OE. wuna; custom, 
 habit, dwelling; //.wunes, 29, 5 ; 
 won, 62, 13. Bth.pl. woanes, 202,8. 
 wune, adj., OE. gevvuna ; accustomed, 
 wont, 22, 2. 
 wune(n), wkv.,0^. wunian; inhabit, 
 dwell, remain ; inf. wunen, 19, 24 ; 
 wune, 43, 12 ; pr. 3 sg. wuneS, 19, 
 19 ; pr. pi. wunen, 34, 17 ; pt. sg. 
 wunede, 33, 1 ; //. wuned, 39, 25 ; 
 woned, 48, 13; wont, 48, 25. Nth. 
 pr. pi. won, 134, 10. Sth. inf. 
 wunien, 180, 29 ; pr. pi. wuneS, 
 180, 16; pr. sbj. sg. wunnie, 191, 
 9; pp. iwuned, 178, 1; ywoned, 
 wunllch, adj., Sth. = Ml. winlic ; 
 OE. wynlic; pleasant, winsome, 
 183, 19. 
 wunne, wunnie, see winne, 
 wunsum, adj., Sth. = Ml. winsum; 
 OE. wynsum ; winsome, pleasant, 
 wurchen, wurd, see wirche(n), 
 wursehepe(n), -schipe(n), wkv., 
 based on OE. weorSscipe ; honor, 
 worship ; pp. wurscheped, 97, 16. 
 wursehipe, wdrsehipe, wurtscipe, 
 sb., OE. weorSscipe ; dignity, honor, 
 worship; wurscipe,i, 12; wurtscipe, 
 4,16; worschipe, 116, 14; wurC- 
4 6 4 
 schipe, 199, 22. Sth. worssippe, 
 wurse, see werse. 
 wurlS, adj., OE. weorS, wurft ; worth, 
 of value, honored, good; everilc 
 wurSen ger, each good year, 34, 16 ; 
 wurth, 158, 8; wor}>, 215, 16. 
 wurS, wurth, sb., OE. weorS, wurS ; 
 worth, dignity, pi, wurSes, 195, 7. 
 wurj>e(n), worf>e(n), siv.,<y&. weor- 
 ffan (vvur5an)-wear0(3); becomejb^ 
 inf. wurrfenn (O), 10, 19 ; wurSen, 
 32, 27 ; werjje (SEMI.), 68, 14 ; pr. 
 2 sg. wurftest, 188, 16 ; pr. 3 sg. 
 wurffeS, 15, 30 ; /r. ?/. jg-. wjurj&V 
 ^17,20; wurft, 2i, 22; worfie, 48, 
 lb*"; //. j. ward, 1, 15 ; warth, 1, 
 18 ; warr)> (O), II, 17; wart, 5,12 ; 
 wurS, SI, 26; pt.pl. wur&e, 2, 16; 
 wurthen, 6, 9. Nth./r. 3 .sg*. wor- 
 J)is, 171, 24. 
 wurjn, worthy, adj., OE. weorftig ; 
 worthy, 18, 8 ; wurr}u (O), 10, 19 ; 
 wur>y, 97, 15; worthy, in, 23; 
 wurthi, 138, 11. 
 wurtting, sb., OE. weoroung, f. ; 
 honor, ornament, 24, 12. 
 wur"olIc, wur/Sli, wurftliche, adj., 
 OE. weorSlic ; valuable, of worth, 
 18, 31; wurftll, 48, 21; wurthli, 
 143, 7. Sth. wurollche, 183, 6. 
 wiite(n), wiiste, see wite(n). 
 wychecraft, wychecrafte, sb., OE. 
 wiccecraeft ; witchcraft, 49, 2 1 ; 
 wychecrafte, 125, 23. 
 wyd, wydur, see wij), wheber. 
 wydewe, sb., OE. widuwe; widow, 
 pi. wydewes, 59, 18. 
 wyefe (wyf), wyfman, see wif, 
 wyghte, wyk, see wi3t, wikke. 
 wyke, see wike. 
 wykked, wyl, see wikked, wil. 
 wyl, sb., OE. wil; wile, deceit, 58, 
 wylke, wylle, see while, wille. 
 wylny (wylnede), see wilnle(n). 
 wylnynge, sb., OE. wilnung,/. ; de- 
 sire, 216, 25. 
 wymman, wyn, see wimman, 
 wyne,wynd (wynde),^ winne(n), 
 wynke(n), wkv., OE. wincian; wink, 
 close the eyes, sleep ; Nth. pt. sg. 
 wynkit, winked, 171, 32. 
 wynne(n), wyrke, wys, see win- 
 ne(n), wirche(n), wis. 
 wysche(n), wyst, wyt (wytt), see 
 washe(n), wite, wit. 
 wytene, wyj) (wyth and compounds), 
 see wite(n), wip. 
 wyj?hglde(n), stv., OM. wiShaldan 
 (WS. healdan)-heold (R) ; with- 
 hold-, inf. wy^hplde, 94, 29 ; //. sg. 
 wy])helde, 96, 8. 
 wytnesset, see witnesse(n). 
 wytnessebfryng, sb., OE. witnes,/! 
 + bering; witness-bearing, 236,17. 
 wytterly, see witterlike. 
 5n, 5-ld (3ald), see 3n, 3elde(n). 
 3are, ^arew, 3arew, 3arewe, see 
 3 am. 
 3arkie(n), wkv., Sth. == Ml. 3arke(n); 
 OE. gearkian ; prepare, make ready ; 
 pt. sg. jarkede, 206, 16 ;//. i3arket, 
 195, 19. 
 Uarnand, see !jerne(n). 
 3am, ^arew, :jare, adj., OE. gearu- 
 gearwe ; ready, eMnE. yare ; eME. 
 3am, 187, 21 ; jarew, 195, 31 ; pi. 
 3arewe, 184, 31 ; 3are, 205, 11. 
 3te, sb., OM. gat, WS. geat, n.\ 
 gate, 59, 1. 
 30, ^ede, see fu, g(n). 
 ^ef, ^eft, see jif, }ive(n), 3yft. 
 3ehate(n), stv., eME. = Ml. hgte(n); 
 OE. gehatan-het (heht) (R) ; call; 
 pp. gehaten, I, 11 ; sehatenn (O), 
 11, 14. 
 Ijeid = ^ed, see ga. 
 3eie(n), wkv., ON. geyja, 'bark'; 
 shout {mockingly) ; inf. 3eien, 194, 
 ;el, sb., OM. *gell, WS. *giell, cf. 
 gellan, giellan, ( to yell ' ; yell, 62, 
 x 4- 
 3eld,^., OM. geld, WS. gield (gyld) ; 
 payment of money, tribute ; pi. 
 gseldes (eME.), 3, 23; //. geldes, 
 7, 5- 
 5elde(n), stv., OM. geldan (geldan), 
 WS. gieldan-gald, WS. geald (3) ; 
 recompense , yield '; inf. 3eldenn (O), 
 11,12; 3elde, 90, 28 ; pr. 3 sg. 3elde}>, 
 104, 26; imp. sg. 3elde, 102, 15; 
 yeld, 212, 13 ; imp.pl. jelde]), 195, 
 3i 5 pt. sg. gfld (SEMI.), 24, 24 ; 
 3glde, 47, 14; pp. yolde, 217, 17. 
 Nth. inf. jeld, 129, 28; yeild, 
 134, 18 ; pt. sg. yald, 132, 31 ; 3ald 
 < 3ald, 169, 31. Sth. pr. 3 sg. 
 3elt, 198, 5 ; pp. i3olde, 47, 9. Kt. 
 P r > 3 ^ yealdej), 219, 1. 
 5ldyng, 5ldeing, sb. <prp. OM. 
 geldan, geldan ; yielding, payment 
 of debt, recompense , 104, 2 ; //. 
 3eldeinges, 104, 16. 
 3elle(n), stv., OM. gellan-gall, WS. 
 - giellan-geal (3); yell', inf. 3elle, 
 59, 25. Nth. inf. yel, 151, 29. 
 Sth. pr.pl. yellejj, 215, 16. 
 3elome, ilome, adv., OE. gelome ; 
 frequently, 177, 23. 
 3eme, sb., OM. genie, WS. gleme; 
 care, heed, 68, 27. 
 3eme(n), wkv., OM. gemen, WS. 
 gieraan ; care for, guard', 3eme, 49, 
 27 ; yeme, 76, 3 j yemen, 84, 10. 
 3en, 3een, prep, adv., OE. gegn ; 
 against', gsen (O), 9, 21. 
 3fne(n), wkv., OE. *gsenan?, cf. OE. 
 ganian ; yawn ; pt. sg. 3|nede, 61,13. 
 3engJ>e, sb., based on OE. geong, 
 OM. gung ; youth, 104, 20. 
 3eond, 3eong, 3eonge(n), see 3ond, 
 3ung, gange(n). 
 3eorne, 3eove(n), see 3 erne, 3eve(n). 
 3er, ger (gear), sb., OM. ger, WS. 
 gear, neut. ; year, 9, 2 ; gear, 1,1; 
 pi. ger, 22, 29; gere, 24, 8 ; geres, 
 Mj 25; 3eres, 57, 2. Nth. gere, 
 143, 18; pi. gere, 165, 10; yeir, 
 132, 10. Sth. 3r, 199, 33; pi. 
 3gr, 180, 20. Kt. year, 215, it. 
 3rde, sb., OE. geard,/. ; ra/, MnE. 
 jp<W {a measurement') ; Sth. ^/. 
 3rden, 194, 21. 
 3ere, j#? !jer. 
 3erne, m/T'., OM. gerne, WS. georne ; 
 earnestly , yearningly , 8, 22. eSth. 
 3eorne, 177, 25. 
 3erne(n), wkv., OM. gernan, WS. 
 giernan; desire, yearn for; inf. 
 3erne, 121, 1 ; pt. 2 sg. 3ernndesst 
 (0),8, 24; pp. 3ernd, 58, 23. Nth. 
 pr. 3 sg. y ernes, 126, 1; pr. ppl. 
 3arnand, 166, 11. Sth. pr. 1 sg. 
 3lrne, 202, 20; pp. i3lrnd, 192, 24. 
 Kt. pr. 3 sg. yern>, 219, 21. 
 3erre(n), stv., OE. georran-gear (3) ; 
 resound, roar, babble; pt. pi. 3urren, 
 187, 2. 
 3et, get (gret), %ete (;ete), ;it, adv. 
 conj., OM. get, WS. giet ; yet, 8, 
 15; get, 2, 20; gait, 3>"3o; 
 3ete, 38, 6 ; sete, 40, 31 ; Bit, 
 41, 18; yete, 80, 2. Sth. 3yet 
 (eSth.), 176, 5; 3ut (1WS. gyt), 
 203, 20. 
 3te(n), stv., OE. geotan-geat (2) ; 
 pour;pt.sg. 3|t, 194, 21 ;//. 3ten, 
 60, 18. 
 3ete(n), stv., OE. geetan-at (5); 
 eat; pp. isf te, 205, 30. 
 3ette(n), wkv., OM. getan (*gettan), 
 WS. geatan ; grant, give ; pt. sg. 
 3ettede, 192, 12. 
 3eve(n), 3ive(n), stv., OM. gefan 
 *gifan (WS. giefan)-gaf (WS. geaf) 
 (5); giW-\ inf. gyven, 1, 9; iiven, 
 6, 5 J geven, 32, 14; 3ive, 35, 21 ; 
 3eve, 38, 10; yive, 79, 24; yeven, 
 81, 6? 3yve, 88, 11; pr. 3 j^. 
 yeveth, 78. 30 ; pr. sbj. sg. 3ife, 13, 
 21 ; 3ive, 41, 32; imp. sg. 3if, 74, 
 27 ; yif, 85, 22 ; imp.pl. 3eveJ>, 99, 
 17 ; pt. sg. iaf, 1, 10; 3aff(0), 11, 
 25 5 gaf, 29, 8 ; yaf, 77 , 22 ; 3ave, 
 90, 14; pt. pi. iafen, 2, 26 ; iaven, 
 6, 27; //. given, 34, 11 ; yeven, 
 242, 16. Sth. inf. 3eoven (Ml.?), 
 185, 23; 3ieven, 178, 7 ; 3iven, 199, 
 19; P r - 3 J5T- 3ivet, 178, 14; 31^, 
 180, 24; yefj), 214, 12 ; /n sbj. sg. 
 3eove (Ml.?j, 196, 11 ; imp. sg. yef, 
 212, 14; pt. sg. 3ef, 204, 31 ; pp. 
 i3ive, 206, 7. Kt. pr. 3 ^. ye i>, 
 214, 12. 
 3eve"8e, adj., OE. gifeoe; given, 
 granted, 186, 25. 
 3ew (she), see )>u. - 
 3if,3iff,3ef(gef),w/,OE.gif; if. 
 101,4; jiff (O), 10, 11 ; gif = 5if, 
 4, 20 ; sef, 1 19, 1 7 ; gef, 19, 4 ; yif, 
 76, 12; yef, 154, 19; yf, 144,17. 
 3irnen, see 3erne(n). 
 3isterdai, sb., OE. geostrandaeg, gis- 
 trandseg; yesterday, 103, 2. 
 3it, j^ 3t. 
 3ive, j<5., Sth. = Ml. geve, give, gift ; 
 OM. *gefu, gifu, WS. giefu; gift, 
 178,17. Cf.jyft. 
 3ive(n), j 3eve(n). 
 32, </z>., ON. ja, cogn. with OM. ge, 
 WS. gea ; yes, yea, 99, 6. 
 3ole, jfl., ON. j5l, cogn. with OE. 
 geol; Yole, MnE. Yule?, 95, 17. 
 3on, 3one,/r., OM. gon, WS. geon; 
 jw; 5one, 98, 25. 
 3ond, /;-<?/. adv., OM. gond, WS. 
 geond; around, among, through; 
 3eond (eSth.), 182, u; 30^,192, 
 3ong, 3onger, see 3ung. 
 3ongling, .$., OM. jungling, WS. 
 geongling; youth, young man, 
 44, 3- 
 3ont, see 3ond. 
 3re, adv., OM. gara, WS. geara ; 
 long since, yore, of old, 42, 15. 
 3ork, see Eouwerwic. 
 3oupe, youthe, sb., OM. gugoo', WS. 
 geogutf,/. ; j^//z, 55, 19 ; youthe, 
 240, 28. Sth. 5uheSe, 192, 10. 
 3ow^3ude, 3uhetJe, see J>u, ga(n), 
 3ung (iung), gong, yung, adj., OM. 
 gung, WS. geong ; young ; wk. 
 iunge, 7, 11; 5ong, 53, 28; wk. 
 yunge, 86,31;//. yunge, 76,3; comp. 
 jonger, 66, 18 ; superl. gungest, 24, 
 32 ; yongeste, 244, 9. eSth. pi. 
 3eonge, 188, 12. 
 3ur, gur, 3bur, your, poss. prn., OE. 
 eower ; your ; sg. gur, 28/4; gure, 
 25^18 ; your, 7, 1 5 ; 3 oHre, 57, 17'; 
 yowre 1 _235, 15I Bui. ower, 194, 
 24; ouwer, 201, 12; oure, 197, 
 3ut, 3wat, 3wanne, 3were, see 3et, 
 who, whanne, wher. 
 whider, while, whilen. 
 3hwilk, 3wo, 3yet, see while, who, 
 3yft, 30ft, sb., OM. gefu, WS. giefu ; 
 gift, 89, 22 ; pi. jeftes, 221,15. Cf. 
 3yng, adj., Sth. = Ml. 3ung; WS. 
 geong ; young, 1 76, 4. 
 3ys, adv., OM. *gese< *geswa, WS. 
 gea + swa; yes, 114, 22. 
 3yve, 3yve(n), see 3eve(n). 
 yaf, yald, yare, see 3eve(n), 3SI- 
 de(n), fre. 
 yare, adv., OM. gare, WS. geare ; 
 readily, archaic yarely, 107, 16. - 
 ybe, yblent, ybleved, see be(n), 
 blende(n), blfve(n). 
 yblisced, ybfre (ybfren), ybrou3t, 
 see blesse(n), bfre(n), bringe(n). 
 ycaried, ychaunged, yche, see 
 carie(n), chaunge(n), ilc. 
 yclenzed, yclfpud, ycloped, see 
 clense(n), clfpe(n), clpe(n). 
 ycoyned, see eoine(n). 
 ydill (ydel), ydillness, see idel, 
 ydo, ydon, see don. 
 Ydoine, sb., OF. Idoine ; Idoine, 
 127, 2. 
 ydronke, ydryve(n), see drinke(n), 
 ydul, ye, see idell, }>u. 
 yf , adv., OM. gse, WS. gea ; yea,yes, 
 241, 7. 
 yealde(n), year, yede, see 3elde(n), 
 3er, gf(n). 
 yef (yf), yef]?, see 3if, 3eve(n). 
 yeild, yeir, see 3elde(n), 3r. 
 yel (yellep), yeld,yeme(n), see %el- 
 le(n), 3elde(n), 3eme s ii). 
 yf rd, sb. , OE. geard, geard : yard, 
 86, 18. 
 yernes (yernej?), see 3rne(n). 
 yesy3te, sb., OM. ege + sihte = sihSe, 
 /.; eyesight, 124, 20. 
 yete, yeve(n), see }et, }eve(n). 
 yfayled, yfel, see faile(n), yvel. 
 y}en, yggn (yguo), see e;e, go(n). 
 yhent, yherd, yhidde, see hente(n), 
 here(n), hide(n). 
 N yhgten, yhve, yhyer, see hte(ii), 
 hve(n), 'flir"e(n). 
 yif, yiven, see Jif, }eve(n). 
 yknowe, ylad (yladde), see know- 
 e(n), lfde(n). 
 ylaste(n),ylde, yleft, see laste(n), 
 elde, lfve(n). 
 yleste(n), wkv., Kt. gelestan, WS. 
 gelaistan ; endure, last ; Kt. inf. 
 yleste, 215, 13. 
 ylet, yleyd, yli$t, see lete(n), 
 leie(n), ligte(n). 
 ylle, ylgnd, ylgre, see ille, ilnd, 
 ylyerned, ymad, ymelled, see 
 lerne(n), make(n), melle(n). 
 ymage, .$., OF. image; image, 145, 
 Ynde, sb., OF. Inde; India, 240, 
 ynesche, adj., OE. *gehnesce ; soft, 
 tender, gentle, 144, 14. 
 ynime(n), slv., OE. geniman-nom 
 (4); seize, take', pt. sg. ynam, 73, 
 13 ; pp. ynomen, 65, 4. 
 ynkurly, adv., based on ON. einkar 
 + ME. II ; specially, earnestly, 
 yno}, ynou, ynough, ynug, see 
 yglde, yongeste, see 3elde(n), Jjung. 
 your (youre), youthe, see :jur, 
 ypased, ypeynt (ypeynted), see 
 passe(n), peynte(n). 
 ypocrisye, sb., OF. ipocrisie; hy- 
 pocrasy, 219, 5. 
 ypocrite, sb., OF. ipocrite; hypocrite', 
 pi. ypocrittes, 146, 10. 
 ypunissed, yput, see punische(n), 
 yre (yren), see iren. 
 Yrisch, adj., OE. *Irisc ; Irish, 222, 
 yrne, see iren._ 
 Yrloande, see Irelonde. 
 yrokked, pp. as adj., ON. (Dan.) 
 _rokka; rocked, 224, 22. 
 Yryschman, sb., OE. *Iriscman ; 
 Irishman ; pi. Yryschmen; 221, 3. 
 ys, see be(n). 
 Ysaac, sb., OE. Isaac; Isaac, 130, 
 Ysambrase, sb., OF. Isambrace ; 
 Isambrace, 127, I. 
 yse, see ise(n). 
 yselpe, sb., Sth. = Ml. setye; OE. 
 gesgelS, f. ; happiness, prosperity, 
 wealth, advantage, 176, 15. 
 ysen (ysey), ysent, see ise(n), sen- 
 yseyd, yslawe (yslayn), see seie(n), 
 Ysote, sb., OF. Isolde; Iseult, 126, 
 yspild, ystaled, ystgnde, see spil- 
 led), stale(n), stande(n). 
 ytake(n), ytau;jt, see take(n), t|- 
 yu (yuu), yung, yused, see pu, 5ung, 
 yvel (yfel), yvil, adj., OE. yfel ; evil, 
 bad; pi. yvele, 3, 1 ; yfel, 2,11; yvil, 
 58, 22 ; ds. yfele, 176, 19 ; pi. as sb. 
 ivels, 101,5. Sth. ^y. iivele, 177, 2. 
 ywakened, ywent, see wakne(n), 
 ywil, ywdnde(n), ywoned, iwil, 
 wounde(n), wune(n). 
 ywonne, ywrite, ywys, see win- 
 ne(n), write(n), iwis. 
 ywyte(n), yzi3t (yzy), see iwite(n), 
 yzed, yzep, yzyep, yzyijp, see 
 seie(n), ise(n). 
 zaule, zayst (zayp), see saule, 
 zeche (zekp), zelve, see seche(n), 
 zend, zenxie, zeve, see sende(n), 
 sinne, seve(n). 
 zigge, zip, zixti, see seie(n), sip, 
 zomtyme, adv., Kt. = Ml. sumtlme; 
 OE. sumtlma; sometime, 215, 15. 
 h 2 
 zgng, sb., Kt. = Ml. sng ; OE. sang, 
 song ; song; pi. zgnges, 215, 23. 
 zor^e (zorjjen), zop, see sor^e, sop. 
 zoplicne, adv., Kt. = Ml. s5])llche 
 (like) ; OE. soSUce ; truly, 218, 23. 
 ZU9, zuyche, see swg, swilc. 
 zy^pe, zyinde (zyp), see siht, se(n). 
 zyker, adj., Kt. = Ml. siker, cf. Dan. 
 sikker, OFris. siker ; certain, sure, 
 219, 28. 
 age(n), eME. = Ml. 
 owe ; awe, Nth. 
 Past Participle 
 beon-beonnen (eME.) 
 banne(n), ban 
 bede(n), beoden (eME.), 
 be:$e(n), bend 
 begge(n), see bigge(n) 
 bel;e(n), swell balh-bol3en bol}en 
 belle(n), roar . . . . . . . bollen 
 be(n), be was-weren, Sth. wf ren ben 
 wes-weeron (eME.) bene 
 -waren byn 
 bfre(n), eME. beeron, bear bar-beren, Sth. bfren bgren, Sth. ibren 
 -baren bm, born 
 berge(n), berwe(n), protect bor3en, borrijhenn 
 berne(n), burn barn-burnen 
 berste(n), burst birst 
 bf te(n), beat bf tin, eSth. ibf aten 
 beod = bd, see bide(n) 
 bidde(n), bide(n), pray, bid bad-beden, Sth. bfden beden 
 badde-bedin bfde 
 bed (Sth.), beed (eME.), 
 bod-biden biden 
 beod (eSth.) 
 bide(n), byde(n), abide 
 1 This list is intended to assist in finding the numerous forms of the strong 
 verbs, and of certain weak verbs which are especially irregular. On this 
 account, not all variant forms of these verbs are given in their alphabetical 
 places in the glossary. The list includes only such irregular verbs as occur in 
 this book and present special difficulties. Compounds must be looked for 
 under the simple verbs. Loss of final n or en t since it follows general laws 
 already stated, is not always indicated. 
 bigge(n), bige(n), bj^e^n , 
 buy, by (bii) Nth.,biggen 
 (Sth.), begge(n) Kt. 
 binde(n), bynde(n), bind; 
 bind (Nth.) 
 blte(n), bite 
 blawe(n), eME. - Ml. 
 blowen, blow; blaw(Nth.) 
 blowe(n), blow 
 bowe(n), bow, incline, see 
 breide(n), breyden, twist, 
 brfke(n), break 
 breste(n), burst 
 brewe(n), Nth. brew, brew 
 bringe(n), Nth. bring, bring 
 bruke(n), enjoy 
 bu:je(n), bow, incline 
 ehese(n), ches (Nth.), choose, 
 cheose(n) (eME.) 
 cleve(n), cleave 
 cloj)e(n), clothe 
 cnawe(n), see knowe(n) 
 cume(n), cum, come, com 
 cunne(n), kunne(n), can; 
 cun (Nth.) 
 cu)>e(n), see kij>e(n) 
 cwej)e(n), see quej>e(n) 
 delve(n), delve 
 dinge(n), beat 
 do(n), doon, do (Nth.), do 
 drage(n), drawe(n), draw 
 dra!je(n), draw (Nth.) 
 drede(n), drfde(n) (Sth.) 
 dred (Nth.) 
 Past Participle 
 band (Nth.) 
 (boun- bounden (bunde) 
 . . . blawen 
 braid (Nth.) 
 brak(c)-breken, Sth. 
 breke-braecon (eME.) 
 bro5te, broght 
 beh-bu^en, bowen 
 bah, bfh (Sth.) 
 -cusen (eME.) 
 broken, Sth. ibro- 
 broht, bro^t, 
 brou5t, Sth. ibroht 
 bu}e, bowen 
 chosen ,eSth. ic oren 
 cosen (eME.) 
 com (comm) -comen cumen, cumin (co- 
 cam (kam) -comon myn) 
 (eME.) Sth. icumen, icome 
 coupe (coude) -koujjen 
 kude, couth (kouth) 
 dede (dide) 
 dude-duden (Sth.) 
 dr oh (5 ) - dr owen 
 drou} (drou, drow) 
 dredde, dradde 
 Hh 3 
 deden don, done 
 idon (Sth.) 
 dragen, drawen 
 dred, drad 
 Sth. drf d 
 Past Participle 
 drege(n), drehe(n), endure ; dreg-drugen (druwen) drogen (drowen) 
 dri;je(n), drey (Nth.) 
 drpe(n), kill drep-drapen 
 drinke(n), drink drank-drunken 
 drive(n), drife (Nth.), drive drf (drgfe) -driven 
 draf (Nth.) 
 duge(n), du}e(n), avail douhte 
 pr. den 
 durre(n), dare durst (dorst) 
 duve(n), dive dff-duven 
 drunken, Sth. 
 eorne(n), run 
 fte(n), eME. eten, eat 
 et (ete) -eten 
 falle(n), fall (Nth.), fall fel (fell)-felen fallen 
 fyl, Sth.. ful 
 fare(n), far (Nth.), fare for-foren faren, Sth. ifaren 
 fi;te(n), fihte(n), fight ; faht (fau}t) -fuhten fohten 
 feght (Nth.) faght-faght (Nth.) 
 finde(n), fynde(n), find-, fand (fnd) -funden, funden 
 find (Nth.) founde 
 funde (Nth.) 
 flege(n), fle3e(n), fly; 
 fly fleg(5)-flu5en, fluwen 
 fl9gen, flowen 
 fle(n), fleon (eSth.),yfo? 
 fleh-flugen, flowen 
 flah (Sth.) 
 flgen, flowen 
 fly, see flege(n) 
 flde(n), fold 
 fo(n) , seize 
 fangen, fngen 
 frfte(n), cat 
 Sth. frf t 
 frf ten, freten 
 ga (eME., Nth.), go; 
 cf. }ede, 5eid, 5ude 
 S9( n ) 
 eME. eode 
 gerre(n), roar, resound 
 get (Nth.),^?/ 
 gat (Sth. get)-geten 
 geve(n) , give , give(n) 
 gaf (gafe) -geven 
 ginne(n), begin 
 gan (can) -gunnen, 
 gun, gouth (Nth.) -gu- 
 give(n), see geve(n) 
 glide (to), glide 
 g9( n )>^ 
 5de (ede) }eden 
 gsede (eME.) 
 S9 n 
 grave (vl), grave 
 grete(n), weep 
 grinde(n), grind 
 gTipe(n), gripe 
 growe(n) , grow 
 habbe(n), see have(n) 
 halde(n), hald (Nth.), hold; 
 hflde(n),halde(n) (Sth.); 
 cf. hpldejn) 
 hate(n) (eME.), command; 
 cf. h.9te(n) 
 have(n), Sth. habbe(n), 
 hfalde(n), see halden 
 he}e(n), heye(n), exalt 
 hle(n), eSth. heole(n), con- 
 helpe(n), eSth. heolpe(n), 
 hewe(n), hew 
 hlde(n), hold 
 ho(n), hang 
 hte(n), command 
 kerve(n), carve 
 kipe(n), make known', 
 ciipe(n) (Sth.) 
 knaw (Nth.), know 
 knowe(n), Nth. knaw, knozu 
 grap (eME.) 
 Past Participle 
 held-helden halden 
 heold-heolden (eME.) 
 het (hete), hehte (Sth.) katen, Sth. ihate 
 hatte (passive) hyghte (passive) 
 hafde, hadde, hedde hafd, had 
 heyed, Sth. iheiet 
 hglen, eME. holen 
 halp (halpe) -hulpen 
 hew-hewen (hew) 
 heou (eSth.) 
 held-helden, held 
 Sth. hulden 
 het-heten, hetten 
 hauwen (Sth.) , v 
 Sth. ihglden 
 hi5t (passive) 
 knew (kneu) -knewen 
 kid (kyd) 
 iciid (Sth.) 
 knowne, Nth. 
 knewe, Sth. 
 lacche(n), seize 
 lace(n) (eME.),//<y 
 lahhe(n), lauhwe(n), laugh 
 lfde(n) , lead 
 le3e(n), lewe(n) ^prevaricate ; 
 lihe(n) (Sth.) 
 legge(n) (Sth.), lay 
 leote(n), see lete(n) 
 lfpe(n), leap 
 lese(n), les (Nth.), lose 
 lfse(n), gather 
 lau3t, lauhte lagt, Sth. ilaht 
 lsec, lfac (eME.)-leken lacen 
 16h-163en, lowe 
 ledde-lseden (eME.) ledde, led 
 lad-ledden, ladden ladde 
 leop (eME.) 
 ls (las) -lorn 
 If pen 
 lpren (lorn) 
 eME. loren 
 Past Participle 
 let, laten 
 lete(n), lete (Nth.), let ; let-leten (letten) 
 lseten (eME.), leoten list (eME.), lat, late 
 l$ve(n), leave lefde (lefte) left, laft 
 libbe(n), see live(n) 
 lie(n), lie (Nth.), lie, recline ; lai (lay) -lei^en (leyen) leyn, lei^en 
 Sth. ligge(n) 
 lihe(n), see le}e(n) 
 limpe(n), happen 
 live(n), leave 
 luke(n), close, lock 
 mote(n), may, must 
 muge(n), mu3e(n), may 
 lag (eME.), laye-leien 
 li (eSth.) 
 lamp (lomp) -lumpen lumpen 
 lek-luken loken 
 moste (most) 
 mihte (migte) -muh- 
 mi}te (mi^t) -mouhten 
 mi^ht (myght) -moucte 
 mycht (moghte) moht 
 nille(n), will not nolde 
 nime(n), eSth. neomen, nom-nomen 
 take nam-namen 
 nise(n) , not to know niste 
 gge(n), 95e(n),owe(n), own, ahte, agte, auhte 
 have o}te 
 numen, nomen 
 Sth. inumen.inome 
 peche(n), deceive 
 quelle (n), kill 
 qufSe(n), cwej>e(n), speak 
 rfehe(n), recche(n), reach 
 rede(n),Sth. Tde(n), advise; 
 red (Nth.), rfaden (eSth.) 
 reke(n), reck 
 rve(n), bereave, take away 
 ride(n), ride 
 ringe(n), rynge(n), ring 
 rinne(n), renne(n), run', 
 Nth. rin, ryn, ren 
 rise(n), rise; Nth. ris 
 schave(n), shave 
 schfde(n), separate, shed sched 
 quafl, quad, quod 
 Sth. iqueden 
 cweft (eSth.) 
 rede, radde, red 
 red, rad 
 rfvede, rafte 
 rod-riden, ridyn 
 reed (Sth.) 
 rang (rong) -rungen 
 ryn (Nth.) 
 ras (eME.),rais (INth.) 
 schaven, sha 
 Infinitive Preterit Past Participle 
 scheppe(n), shape sen op (schope) -scho- schapen 
 scop (eME.) 
 schete(n), shoot sscft sch.9ten,Sth. ischo- 
 schrive(n), shrive) schrlv schrf-schriven schriven,schryven ' 
 (schrlf) (Nth.) -ssriven schryvyn 
 schule(n), ssollen, ought sculde (sholde) -schol- 
 sulde (scholde) -sulden 
 schulde, ssolde 
 seche(n),seke(n), #?<?; Nth. soht sogt 
 segge(n), sigge, siigge, say saide, sfde sreied, sf d 
 seie(n), saien, seyn, say; seide (sede) -seiden seid 
 sayne, say (Nth.), seegen siide-seeden (eME.) 
 seke(n), see seche(n) 
 selle(n), sell S9lde-slden sld 
 said (Nth.) said (Nth.) 
 se(n), seen, seon (eSth.), see sah (sag, sau$) -s3en sen, sene, seyn 
 se5, sey, say, sei5e, sye 
 sagh, sawe, s^ge, sen, 
 shfre(n), shear 
 shine(n), shine 
 sinen = shinen 
 sinke(n), sink 
 Sth. isunken 
 sitte(n), site(n), sit; Nth. 
 sat (sate) -seten (sate) 
 seten, Nth. sittyn 
 eME. sset 
 set-sf ten (Sth.) 
 sla (Nth.) , slay 
 slogh (slew) -slogh 
 sl(n), sl(n), slay ; siren, 
 sl6h-sl6gh.en, slowen 
 slagen, slayn 
 slan (eSth.) 
 slou, slou^-slewe 
 slsegen, slawe 
 islagen (Sth.) 
 slepe(n), slep (Nth.), sleep 
 slinge(n), sling 
 smite (n), smit (Nth.), smite 
 smit (eSth.) 
 sowe(n), sow 
 -seowen (eSth.) 
 spfke(n), speoken (eSth.), 
 spac (spak) -spoken 
 speak space (spec) 
 springe(n), spring (Nth.), sprang(spr9ng)-spron- sprungen 
 spring, sprengen gen 
 stande(n), stand (Nth.), stod (stode) -stoden standen 
 stand, stnde(n) stud (INth.) stnde(n) 
 stle(n), steal stal-stelen stolen, eME. stolen 
 steel-stalen (in) 
 Past Participle 
 steppen(n), step 
 sterve(n), die, starve 
 stige(n), sti3e(n) , stil (Nth.), 
 stall (stei5e)-stigen 
 stey (Nth.) 
 stinge(n), sting 
 st9nde(n), see stande(n) 
 strecche(n), stretch 
 sugge(n), see segge(n) 
 sule (Nth.), ought, be obliged 
 swfre(n), swear 
 swgren, sworn 
 sworen (eME.) 
 Sth. isworen 
 swike(n), betray 
 swgk-s wiken (s wyk en ) 
 swac (eME.) 
 swinke(n), labor 
 Sth. iswunken 
 take(n), tak(ta) (Nth.), take ; tok (toc)-token (tocan) 
 taecen, taken (eME.) toke 
 tfche(n),tfche(Nth.),^ac/^; ta^te (tahte) -tagten 
 tfachen (eSth.), tachen taugte, tai^te 
 (Sth.) tfchid (Nth.) 
 telle (n), tell (Nth.), tell tglde, Nth. tald, teld 
 te(n), Sth. teon, drazv, lead te3-tuhen 
 thring (Nth.), crowd t throng thrang 
 trfde(n), tread trad-treden 
 penche(n),$enke(n),Mz'; "Sogte (po^te) -poghten 
 pinke(n), pink (Nth.) t$olit, poucte 
 ]>inke(n), pynke(n), seem; flugte, puhte-puhten 
 penchen, think (Nth.) ; pou^t, poghte 
 punche(n) (Sth.) 
 prive(n), thrive prf-priven 
 purve(n),"Burve(n), need porte, purt 
 valle(n) (Sth.), fall 
 vare(n) (Sth.), fare 
 vo(n) (Sth.), seize 
 veol (feol) eME. 
 wake(n), wake woe-woken 
 walle(n), boil wel-welen 
 washe(n),wasshe(n), wash', weis-wyschen 
 wasse, was (Nth.) 
 wa,xe(ri) , grow, wax wex-wexen 
 weex (wax) 
 wepe(n), weep wep-wepen 
 werpe(n), cast, throw warp-wurpen 
 taken, takin 
 tan (Nth.) 
 tagt (taht) 
 ta5t, tau^t 
 tld, Nth. 
 eSth. itald 
 po;t (poht) 
 Sth. ipoht 
 Past Participle 
 wrj)e(n), see wurjje(n) 
 wille, wish, will 
 wolde (wulde) -wolden 
 wolde, wald (Nth.), 
 vinde(n), wind 
 wunden, wounden 
 winne(n), strive, win, 
 wynne (n) 
 wirche(n), wirke(n), work, 
 wroht, wrou3t 
 wurche(n) (Sth.) 
 wite(n), know; wiite(n) 
 Sth. iwraht 
 wiste (wyste) -wisten 
 wiste (wyst), wiiste 
 iwust (Sth.) 
 wrfke(n), wreak 
 wrfken, wreeken 
 wroken (Nth.) 
 wringe(n), wring 
 ' wrgng-wrungen 
 write (n), write 
 writen, wryten 
 wrat (Nth.) 
 iwriten (Sth.) 
 wri]?e(n), writhe 
 wurche(n), see wirche(n) 
 wurpe(n), werpen, become 
 warp-wurpen (wur- 
 ward (wart, wurp) 
 iwurpen (Sth.) 
 wiite(n), see wite(n) 
 5elde(n),_^Wtf; 5eld, yeild 
 3ald, yald (Nth.) 
 3eove(n), see 3eve(n) 
 3ete(n),gete(n), < v?/; gseton 
 gat (gset) -gseten 
 geten (gf ten) 
 (eME.) ; 3iten, 3yten, 
 3ete, 3ite 
 3ute(n) (Sth.) 
 i3ite (Sth.) 
 3eve(n), 3ive(n), give, 
 3af (gaf, yaf) -iafen, 
 given, 3iven 
 gyve(n), 3yven, yiven, 
 3eove(n) (eSth.) 
 iaf, 3ave 
 3ef (Sthi) 
 i3ive(n) (Sth.) 