#\^Bgic. mVO0% M.A,, D.Sft II0LL4NI> Jill^Ujj^ v m n iKftMm n t mtmn i m it mm m i-' t^nsi.HrZM^ . ^ Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/elementarylogicfOOIighrich ELEMENTARY LOOIO UNIVERSITY AND CERTIFICATE STUDENTS. (An Enlarged and Revised Edition of " Logic and Education.'^ ) AN ELEMENTARY TEXT-BOOK OF DEDUCTIVE AND INDUCTIVE LOGIC. KEY. JOHN LIGHTFOOT, M.A., D.So. ( Vicar of Cross Stone.) AUIHOB OF " STUDIES IN PHILOSOPHY," " TEXT-BOOK OF THE XHIUTY-NINE ARTICLES," ETC. ^ OF THE UNIVERSITY OF IFORfiJ Rauph. Holland & Co Temple Chambers. E.G. 1905. [all bights reserved.] ^WHTC FiEST Edition, November, 1899. New and Enlaeged Edition, May, 1902. Repbinted, July, 1902. Reprinted, September, 1904, Reprinted, October, 1905. ^ PREFACE. -5^ This book is intended for students commencing the study of Logic. It is an elementary exposition of the subject on traditional lines. Modern logicians have added many retine- ments to the analysis which has been generally received smce the days of Aristotle. But the more subtle questions of criticism can only be appreciated intelligently after the elements of the subject have been mastered. A brief account of the more important reforms in logical doctrine is given in the Appendix now added. The treatment will be found sufficiently full for the preliminary examinations at the Universities, and for the purposes of students preparing for any of the various examinations for a Teacher's Certificate. In the present edition the exposition of Inductive Logic has 6een considerably extended, and will now be found ample for all elementary purposes. J. LIGHTFOOT. Cross Stone Vicarage. 189155 AUTHOR'S NOTE. students making their first acquaintance with the subject are advised to adopt the following plan on their first reading of the book :— Omit Chapter L Read Chapter II., omitting the section "Divisions of the Subject." Omit Chapter III. Chapter IV. should be thoroughly mastered. Read Chapter V., omitting the " Predicables." Omit Chapter VI. Chapter VII. is very important, and the exercises on page 50 should be carefully worked. Read Chapter VIII., but " Obver- sion" and "Contraposition" maybe omitted on first reading. Chap- ters IX. and X. are very important. Chapters XI. and XII. may be neglected on first reading. Chapter XIII. is important (to bottom of page 84). Chapter XTV. is easy and interesting. Pay special attention to the "petitio principii" and "ignoratio elenchi" (pages 92-94). Chapter XV. to end of book is very important. The Appendix may be omitted on first reading. On second reading no part of the book should be neglected. Notice that the exercises contain only few questions involving mere repro- duction of the text. It has been assumed that students can and will construct such questions for themselves. OF THE IVERSITY V OF CONTENTS. PAGB. Chapter I. — The Eelation of Logic to other Branches of Philosophy . . 7 Chapter II. — Definition of Logic and Divisions of the Subject 12 Chapter III. — The Axioms of Logic .... 19 Chapter IV. — Terms : Their Definition and Classifica- tion 22 Chapter V. — The Denotation and Connotation of Terms 27 Chapter VI. — Definition and Division of Terms . . 34 Chapter VII. — Propositions 41 Chapter VIII. — Immediate Inference .... 51 Chapter IX. — Mediate Inference — The Syllogism . 61 Chapter X. — The Figures of the Syllogism . . 69 Chapter XI. — The Keduction of Syllogisms . . 74 Chapter XII. — Irregular and Compound Syllogisms . 79 Chapter XIII. — Conditional Syllogisms .... 82 Chapter XIV. — Fallacies of Deduction .... 89 Chapter XV. — Inductive Logic 97 Chapter XVI. — The Preliminaries to Induction . . 101 Chapter. XVIL— The Inductive Canons . . . .104 Chapter XVIII. — Arguments Similar to Induction . • 114 Appendix .....••••• 119 Index 124 CHAPTEB I. The Relation of Logic to other Branches of Philosophy. Logic is usually considered the proper introduction to the study of Philosophy. It is well, therefore, to get a preliminary view of the subjects which are included under the general term " Philosophy." There are certain questions which must always be of great importance to those whose profession it is to train the minds of children. For instance, the question "What am J?" is obviously as important as the question " What is the sun ? " Now, there are many similar questions to " What am I ? " that will suggest themselves as of great importance in this respect ; e.g. : — How did I become what I am ? What are the fixed rules, or laws, which govern the development of mind in man? To what laws must all my conscious thinking conform, so that error and self-contradiction may be avoided ? Philosophy is the name given to that branch of study which attempts to give an answer to these and similar questions. A course in Philosophy is usually divided into three sections : — Logic, psychology, metaphysics ; and the object of 8 THE DIVISIONS OF PHILOSOPHY. these three departments may be thus briefly stated : — 1. Logic. — Here we investigate the laws to which all our " thinking " must conform, in order that we may avoid error and self-contradiction in our thinking process. 2. Psychology. — Here is considered our power of think- ing, its growth, and the laws by which "mind" in the individual is governed. 3. Metaphysics. — Under this name we discuss a number of very difficult and speculative questions about the ultimate grounds of our beliefs and opinions. This very brief statement must, for the sake of clearness, be considered more in detail. Philosophy, we have said, exists in three forms, and first we have : — I. PHILOSOPHY IN THE FORM OF LOGIC. Knowledge in its simplest form and from our earliest days, comes to us through sensation. But this elementary knowledge is from the first extended by reflection {i.e., by thinking) and by reasoning. The earliest efforts of a teacher are devoted to making the scholar reason correctly. And this effort is continued throughout the pupil's school-hfe. Evidently, then, it is of first importance that all who teach should themselves clearly recognise the laws to which " correct reasoning " must conform. Putting the matter in its briefest form, we may say that " correct reasoning " must have two qualities, viz, :— (a) Self-consistency ; (b) Consistency with known facts. If our "reasoning" is wanting in either of these qualities, ib is incorrect, or fallacious. In our efforts, then, to extend and to improve our know- ledge. Logic comes to our aid by showing how fallacies of THE DIVISIONS OP PHILOSOPHY. 9 thought and fallacies of expression may be avoided. Logic is thus : — A systematised body of tests and rules, by the aid of which we may determine whether (a) Our thinking is correct thinking (i.e., in accordance with the laws of thought) ; and (6) Whether our thinking is in agreement with factSf and with the known laws of nature. Logic and Rhetoric both aim at the formation of conclusions. The Logician seeks to convince that the conclusion must be ; The Rhetorician seeks to persuade that the conclusion ought to be. II. PHILOSOPHY IN THE FORM OF PSYCHOLOGY. The simplest reflection suggests to us that all our knowing, reasoning and believing presupposes that we have a " mind " which knows, reasons and believes. What the " mind " really is we do not know. But we do know how the mind manifests itself. If we do not know the mind itself, we know its phenomena. Sensation, knowledge, memory, imagination, reasoning, all these are phenomena of the mind. All these, too, have their laws of growth a«d development, and Psycho- logy is the orderly investigation of the phenomena of mind and the laws by which they are governed. Hereafter it will be seen that all man's conscious thinking manifests itself in mental judgments. Logic investigates the laws which these judgments, when formed, must obey. Thus we see the relation between Logic and Psychology. Psychology investigates the process by which the mind forms judgments. Logic studies the result, i.e., the judgments when formed. III. PHILOSOPHY IN THE FORM OF METAPHYSICS. We have remarked that we do not know what '* mind " really is. But all the same, men have felt themselves bound to hold some theory about it. So, too, we do not know precisely what " matter" really is, but chemists and others have 10 ETHICS, OR MORAIi PHILOSOPHY. a theory abont it. So too in every department of human study there are certain things which have to be taken for granted ; things which cannot be proved, but which we are compelled to assume. Now, Philosophy in the form of Metaphysics attempts to give some account of these subjects. It attempts to explain the ultimate nature of mind and matter, and to give a reasoned account of those truths which ordinary science takes for granted. The word "Metaphysio" suggests the subjects with which its study is concerned. The word means that which is " after," or beyond physical or ordinary scientific investigation. It only remains in this general sketch of the province of Philosophy that we should see precisely the place of Moral Philosophy, or Ethics. Ethical study is the considera- tion of a certain definite set of facts and opinions which regulate the behaviour of men as individuals, and as members of the community. It is because of the great practical importance of these that they are reserved for special and separate treatment. In Ethics, or Moral Philo- sophy, we learn how the knowledge of moral distinctions (i.e., of right and wrong) are obtained, and we investi- gate the laws which govern the moral life. But it must be observed that when we are studying the growth of the know- ledge of moral distinctions we are really engaged in the study of Ethical Psychology. So, too, when we further consider questions like the ultimate nature and destiny of the soul, and its relation to the Supreme Being, we are then in the province of Ethical Metaphysics. Having now got a general view of the whole province of Philosophy, the student will appreciate the reason why Logic is always prescribed as the proper introduction to this depart- ment of study ; and, further, it will be clear that no course of study in the theory and practice of education can be considered at all complete which has not embraced the treatment of EXERCISES. 11 Elementary Logic. At the Universities this subject always finds a place in the general schemes of instruction, and the tendency is to make it a compulsory one for all degree examinations. The student who has mastered the treatment in this work will be sufficiently well prepared for the pre- liminary and intermediate examinations at the Universities, as well as for the questions set by the Board of Education in its certificate examinations. EXERCISES ON CHAPTER I. •2. Should Logic precede Psychology as a subject of study ? Give reasons for your answer. 2. State briefly the fundamental relation in which Logic standi to Psychology and Metaphysics, CHAPTEE II. Definition of Logic and Divisions of the Subject. LoQio is usually defined as " The Science of Reasoning or Inference." This definition, though suf&cient for general purposes, is not sufficiently precise. The object of Logic is to unfold to us the ideal, or perfect conditions to which aU our thinking must conform in order to be correct thinking. Its object is to show us how we must arrange the matter about which we think, in order that our thought shall be coherent and non- contradictory. A better definition, therefore, will be:— Logic is the science of the laws which regulate valid thought. It is of the utmost importance to fix clearly the meaning attached to each word in this definition. (a) A Science is a systematised body of knowledge about some particular subject-matter. Q>) A Law is a statement of a general truth, i.e., a truth which holds good generally in human experience, (c) The word "Thought" is used both for the process of thinking, and for the product of thinking. N.B.— Knowledge of isolated facts is not Science ; nor ia a truth which holds good only in certain instances a " Law." In Logic we consider every simple complete thought as an assertion or a denial. DEFINITION OF IiOOIC. 18 Every assertion or denial we call a ** judgment." Every judgment when expressed in words we call a « proposition." Every assertion or denial which it is possible to make is of such a character that when it is made certain other assertions or denials follow from it as a necessary consequence. These latter are called " inferences." An inference is thus a judgment which follows as a neces- sary consequence from some previous assertion, and one which the mind is obliged to make on pain of self-contradiction. If I assert the general fact that " All men are mortal," I am obliged, on pain of self-contradiction, to infer that this or that particular man is mortal. A child has had its attention called to the fact that a piece of cork thrown into the water always floats, and is also taught how to recognise a piece of cork. The child is now on any occasion able to make two assertions : — (a) Cork always floats ; (6) This is a piece of cork ; • and from these two assertions, the further one that we call an " inference " follows, and must follow, vi^;., this piece of cork thrown into the water wiU float. From our earliest days, our conscious life is largely occupied in drawing inferences. This will appear if we reflect how in teaching and in ordinary conversation we are constantly using such words as therefore, for, because, since, etc. Every such word marks the drawing of some inference. Education at school, and experience in after life is really little else than the development of the inferential connections between pro- positions. Now this work of drawing inferences has certain definite rules and laws which must be observed. And it is by these laws that all our inferences may be tested. If the laws have been broken then the inference drawn is an invahd one. An 14 LOGIC, A SCIBNCE OR ABT. invalid inference we call a fallacy. No one knows better than a teacher how prone children are to draw wrong inferences. And indeed aU through life men are liable to draw inferences which are fallacious, the main object of Logic being to show how these wrong conclusions may be avoided. It does this by educating man's power of distinguishing the consistent and the conclusive from that which is inconsistent and inconclusive. — The principles of Logic find their application in every walk of life, and in every branch of science. This is recognised by the names given to the various sciences. Thus in the name *' Geology " the last four letters are only another form of the word " logic," and the term " geology " means " Logic applied to explain the crust of the earth." So, too, theology means "Logic applied to explain Divine matters," and so on. Since then the rules of Logic find their application in the processes of every special science, Logic has been very properly called the Science of Sciences. Some writers have considered it needful to discuss at great length whether Logic should be called a Science or an Art. As a matter of fact it may be considered as either or both. Science is sound know- ledge, an Art is the instrument by which science works. In studying a science we are gathering knowledge, in learning an art we are pre- paring to do something. Logic is a Science in so far as it unfolds the conditions of valid thought. Logic is an Art in so far as it devises rules for enabling men to apply their thought to things consistently and coherently. Of course it is not implied that a man is unable to think or reason correctly unless he has learnt Logic. Plenty of people speak correct English who have never learnt the rules of Grammar. From our earliest childhood we have been accustomed to draw conclusions, and no doubt we have generally obeyed the laws of Logic in doing so, without being in the least aware what those laws were. Li such cases we were thinking logically without being conscious of the logical DIVISIONS OF LOGIC AND PSYCHOLOGY. il5 principles which our thinking exemplified. On the other hand, a course of logical study must bring into prominence the laws which constitute valid, consistent thought. The student who has patiently worked through a course of Logic, is much more likely hereafter to think consistently and coherently than one who is ignorant of Logic. And this will be found to be especially true in those cases where, owing to the complexity of thought and the ambiguity of language, there is serious danger of fallacy even to the cleverest intellects. DIVISIONS OF THE SUBJECT. There are two main divisions of Logic, viz. : — (a) DeductiYe and (6) Inductive Logic. We must get a preliminary view of the scope of these : — (a) Deductive Logic (sometimes called pure or Formal Logic). This division of the subject is the orderly, scientific unfolding of those forms and conditions to which our " think- ing " must conform in order to be valid thinking. Our " thinking " manifests itself in what for convenience may be called three stages, not that as a matter of fact they are separate and distinct. Each of these ideal stages has its peculiar product or result : — STAGE 1. PROCESS. Formation of ideas of con- cepts of things. STAGE 2. Forming judgments about these ideas— i.e., making men- tal assertions or denials about them. STAGE 3. Drawing mental inferences Signifying this mental pro- from these judgments. cess by the " Syllogism. stage 1, is often described as " simple apprehension," and stands for the action of the mind in being aware of anything, having an idea, RESULT. Signifying these concepts or ideas by ^* Names." Expressing these judgments in •* Propositions." 16 INDUCTIVE LOGIC. or concept of it. The psychological analysis of " simple apprehen- sion," however, shows it to be a complex and not a simple process. N.B.— Simple apprehension, Judgment and reasoning (inference) are the psychological processes. Names (terms), propositionB and syllogisms are the corresponding results which are the subject matter of Logic. Consequently Deductive Logic has three sub-divisions answering to these three stages. The laws of thought : — 1. Concerning our Concepts of things ; 2. Concerning our Judgment of things ; 3. Concerning oiur Reasoning about things. And since our thinldng is liable to error, we shall require to supplement the above by an account of the Fallacies to which we are liable if the laws of pure logic are violated. (b) Inductive Logic (sometimes called Applied or Mixed Logic). The scope of this second main division is best seen from an account of its sub-divisions. 1. Definition. — In all our thinking about nature we are obliged to use language. But language, at the best, is only an imperfect instrument for expressing all that is in the thinker's mind. The Logical doctrine of definition aims at improving the relations of language to thought, and especially to man's thought about things. 2. Inductive and Analogical Proof. — This section first investigates the meaning and value of the central presupposition of all science, viz : " The uniformity of nature." It reveals the fact that nature is not a chaos, but an orderly coherent system of cause and effect. Next it deals with the obvious fact that untrained minds are liable to confuse mere accidental coincidence with true conse- quence and real scientific connection. To guard against this, Logic provides certain canons or rules, and by these unfolds the standard of scientific proof. It thus enables men to distinguish between evidence which is properly LOGIC AND GBAMMAR. 17 {a) Inductive and therefore reliable, and evidence which is only (b) Analogical or probable. This section is thus really the logic of all the physical sciences. 3. Historical Proof. — If the language of nature is liable to be misunderstood, much more so is the spoken and written language of men. Therefore Logic has certain rules to lay down respecting human testimony which form the criteria of Historical Proof. These divisions and sub-divisions of the whole domain of Logic may be shown thus : — Logic. (The Science of the laws which regulate valid thought.) Deductive Logic. Inductive Logic. I Thought as Thought as Thought as Definition Testimony Concept. Judgment. Inference. and Authority. Proof : (a) Inductive. (6) Analogical. Note that Logic is concerned primarily with Thought, Grammar with Language. Logic considers Language only as the instrument of Thought. The " Parts of Speech " which are the main feature in the grammatical analysis of language are not recognised by Logic. Only those words which can properly express a concept are within its range. Words that can express a concept are grouped together as Terms, and it is quite immaterial whether, in grammatical language, they are nouns, pronouns, adjectives, or verbs. In Grammar and Logic the simplest expression of a complete thought is a Simple Sentence. But the logical analysis of a sentence differs from the grammatical. The predicate of a logical sentence is always the complete assertion made of the subject. 18 EXEBCISBB. EXEECISES ON CHAPTEE II. 1. Define " Science " and " Art." Discuss the question whether Logic is a Science or an Art. 2. What is Logic ? What are the chief uses of its study ? Why should teachers especially make a study of it ? 3. Many people think quite correctly who have never studied Logic ; why, then, waste time in studying it ? 4. Logic has been defined as *' the science of the laws of thought," In this definition what is meant by the terms " Science,'' " Law," and " Thought " ? 6. Discuss the relation of Logic to Grammar and Rhetoric. 6. What practical valv,e may be attributed to Logic (a) in the detection of error, (b) in tlie discovery of truth ? 7. Explain the logical words term, proposition and syllogism, and give the psychological words for the corresponding mental act of each. CHAPTER III. The Axioms of Logic. Logic has thus far been shown to be the practical science which unfolds to us the ideal of self-consistent thought. In its later sections it supplies the student with certain canons or rules for applying our thought to things. Now, there are certain principles or axioms which form the essence of self- consistency. "When these are drawn out they will appear to the student as self-evident truths. All the same they require consideration, and after we have examined them they must be regarded as axioms. Speaking quite generally we may say that these several axioms imply one general truth, viz. : — " Thought which is evidently self -contradictory is im- possible.*' Every description of fallacy is really a thought that is self- contradictory. But we may so express ourselves that the contradiction is not obvious to those to whom we are speaking, nor even to ourselves. Thus, in such an argument as the following : — '* He who is most hungry eats most ; He who eats least is most hungry : Therefore, he who eats least eats most," we feel there is contradiction somewhere, but it would require some consideration to point out where the contradiction really lay. It might be better to say that a fallacy is really the absence of thought, i.e., of logical thought ; the absence usually being concealed under a veil of words. 20 THE LAWS OF THOUGHT. The general truth stated above — viz, " thought which is evidently self- contradictory is impossible" — ^is expressed by logicians in three different ways. These three different forms are the three fundamental laws of which every valid thought is the exemplification. In other words, they are the essence of " self-consistent thought." The three laws are known as : — 1. The Law of Identity. 2. The Law of Non-contradiction. 3. The Law of the Excluded Middle. 1. The Law of Identity. — This principle asserts that if any proposition is true, then any other proposition which is either {a) identical with it, or (6) logically included in it^ must also be true. A is {i.e., must be) A. Whatever is, is. Everything is what it is. If every A is B, then this A is B. 2. The Law of Non-contradiction. — This principle asserts the necessary logical disagreement of assertions with their contradictory denials. In other words, two contradictory assertions cannot both be true. A is not non-A. Nothing can both be and not be. The same attribute cannot be at the same time affirmed and denied of the same subject. 3. The Law of the Excluded Middle. — This principle asserts that of two downright contradictory statements, either the one or the other must be true ; no third or inter- mediate assertion is possible. A either is or is not B. Every assertion must be true or not true. Besides these three generally accepted principles, there is another one which is less universally adopted. It is known as EXBRCISES. 31 The Law of Sufficient Eeason, and the law may be expressed thus : — Nothing happens without a reason why it should he so, rather than otherwise. For instance: — If two forces are in exact equilibrium, there is no reason why the body on which they act should move in the direction of either force. If a body is acted on by two unequal forces in exactly opposite directions, it will move in the direction of the greater force. If the "reason why" is granted you must allow the consequence. The student will notice that these laws are self-evident truths, they cannot be proved by reference to any thing simpler. They neither require proof nor are' capable of it. Until the student has made some progress in the study of Logic, he is liable to confuse opposite terms with contradictory ones. Thus in considering the law of the excluded middle, he might fancy it possible to make intermediate assertions which the law says are impossible. Thus, if we say " every substance is either hard or not hard," the reply might be made that some substances are neither hard nor soft, but of medium quality. But Logic has nothing to do with degrees of hardness. It assumes that the word " hard " has a definite meaning, and all things which do not exactly agree with this meaning are " not hard." Even concerning things of which "hardness " could not properly be predicted, e.g., heat, colour, taste, etc., it is still possible to say " heat is either hard or not hard." EXERCISES ON CHAPTER III. i. " Things luhich are equal to the same thing are equal to each ether.'* Show that this is only another form of the Law of Identity. 2. What are the laws of thought ? State clearly what you understand by a law of tJwught. 3. Euclid in comparing things shows that they are either greater, equal to, or less than each other. How would these three alternatives be expressed in Logic t CHAPTER IV. Terms : their Definition and Classification. The simplest and most elementary manifestation of thought is an assertion or denial. Every assertion or denial that we can make is called in Logic a judgment. Now in every assertion or denial we affirm or deny something of something else. When the judgment is expressed in words we call it a proposition. Every proposition must therefore contain two names : — (a) The name of the thing about which the assertion is made ; (6) The assertion itself, e.g., — (a) Gold (b) is a metal. These two names are called the " terms " of the proposition^ because they are the boundaries (terminals) of the proposition. Definition of a Term. — A Term is a word or a combina- tion of words, which can properly stand as the subject or predicate of a proposition. Every proposition must of course have a subject and a predicate either expressed or implied. Even in an exclamation such as "Fire 1 " the word is the predicate of a proposition the subject of which is implied, thus: — " This house (etc.) is on fire." From the definition given it follows that all words may be divided into two classes : — {a) Those which can be used as Terms (6) Those which cannot. CLASSIFICATION OP TERMS. 23 Words belonging to the former class are called categorematic. Those belonging to the latter class are called syncategorematic. A categorematic word is one which can by itself be used as a term, i.e., which can stand alone as the subject op predicate of a proposition. (In grammar such words are distinguished as nouns, pronouns, adjective, participles, but in Logic they form one class.) A syncategorematic word is one which cannot by itself be used as a term, but only in combination with one op more other words. (Adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions and interjections.) The student must carefully avoid speaking of synoategorematio terms. The contradiction is obvious. Terms (categorematic words) are classified in five groups as follows : — 1. The Common term (or, as it is often called, the General term), as contrasted with the Singular (or Proper) ; and the Collective term. 2. Concrete and Abstract terms. 3. Positive and Negative terms. 4. Connotative and Non-connotative terms. 5. Absolute and Relative terms. 1. (a) The Common or General Term. — To logicians this is by far the most important of all. It is a term which can be affirmed or denied in the same sense of more things than one : as book, dog, man. (6) The Singular or Proper Term is one which can be affirmed, in the same sense, of only one single thing. N.B. — A common term may of course be transformed into a singular term by means of some individualising prefix. Thus *' man " is a common term, but " the first man " is a singular term. 24 CliASSIFICATION OF TERMS. (c) The Collective Term is one which can be afi&rmed or denied of two or more things taken together, but which cannot, hke a common term, be affirmed or denied of each one of these when taken separately : as armyj flock, library, etc. Notice that in words like " library " the sense in which the word is being used must be taken into account. Library, a collection of books, is a collective term. Library {i.e., any library) is a common term. 2. (a) A Concrete Term is the name of an object; it stands for some individual thing, or a collection of indivi- dual things. (6) An Abstract Term represents an attribute or attri- butes, considered apart from the individual object of which it may be the attribute. Thus " man " is concrete, "humanity" is abstract; "living being" is concrete, " life " is abstract ; " generous" is concrete, " generosity " is abstract. 3. (a) A Positive Term implies the presence of some attribute or group of attributes. (fc) A Negative Term implies the absence of the attri- butes included in the corresponding positive term. Thus metallic, compound, light, are examples of positive terms; of which the corresponding negative terms are non- metallic, element, darkness. 4. {a) A Connotative Term is one which represents an individual thing, or group of individual things, together with one or more of their attributes. " Animal " is a connotative term, as it implies the attribute "animality"; so also is " mountain," which implies the attributes " height," etc. (b) A Non-Connotative Term signifies an individual thing only, and does not imply any attribute. Thus : Whiteness, London, are examples of non-connotative terms. CLASSIFICATION OF TERMS. 25 The student must carefully consider this distinction of terms. Think, for example, why " mountain " is called a connotative term, but Snowdon, the name of a particular mountain is not. Now the name " Snowdon " might suggest to anyone with sufficient geo- graphical knowledge, all the attributes implied in the term " mountain." But a word is not connotative because it may suggest facts or attributes which are otherwise known, but only when it actually implies them. Many logicians have overlooked this, and have considered proper names connotative. In answering a question in an examination it would be wise to give your reason for consider- ing a proper name as " non-connotative." 5. (a) An Absolute Term is a name which is complete in itself, i.e., which in its meaning implies no reference to anything else ; as gas, sound, tree, etc. (6) A Relativb Term is a name which not only denotes some object, but also implies in its signification the existence of some other object called the correlative. Thus when we use the term friend or father for some man, we imply the existence of some other person or persons to which the man stands in the relation of friendship or fatherhood. These definitions of the various Tcinds of terms must he thoroughly understood, and the student must be well exercised in the classification of terms. When the appended examples are attempted it will be foimd a more difficult task than might be supposed. The main difficulty will be found in deciding whether an abstract term is general or singular. Some logicians argue that all abstract names are singular. Thus the adjective " red " is the name of red objects, but it implies the possession by them of the quality " redness," and this quality has one single meaning. It is much simpler, however, to consider some abstracts general on the ground that they are names of attributes of which there are various kinds or subdivisions; e.g., the word colour which is a name common to whiteness, red- ness, ^etc, or the term whiteness in respect of the various shades of whiteness to which it is applied in common. But 26 EXERCISES. just because the point is a disputed one, you should give your reason for classifying abstract terms as general or singular. A further difficulty arises in dealing with terms that are equivocal, i.e., capable of being used in several senses. Indeed, some writers make a further classification of terms, as Univocai* (terms which can only suggest one meaning) and Equivocal or Ambiguous (terms which may have two or more meanings). An equivocal term is really two or more terms with identical spelling, and should be so treated. Thus the term "force " is .equivocal, as it might mean an army or that which causes motion, etc., and each meaning demands a distinct classifica- tion of the word. It is better, therefore, to say at once if a term is equivocal or univocal, and then proceed. EXEKCISES ON CHAPTEE IV. J. Discuss the grammatical parts of speech from a logical point of view. 2. May terms he classified as categorematic and syncategore- matic ? Give reasons for your answer, 3. Describe a ''collective term.'' Illustrate the difficulty of distinguishing these from general or abstract tei-ms. 4. Classify the following terms : donkey, reagent, red, redness ^ London, sugar. Mikado of Japan, intensity, also, vexation, blind, emotion, darkness, foot, Westminster Abbey, uncle. 5. Point out the ambiguity, if any, of tlie following terms : vice^ hydrogen, peer, paper, sense, minister, tea-cup, interest. 6. Distinguish between the meaning of the terms abstract a7id concrete, and show the applicability of these terms (1) to parts of speech, and (2) to arithmetic. Say what is the use of the distinction. CHAPTER V. The Denotation and Connotation of Terms. If the question were asked "What is an animal?" we can imagine two forms of answer being given : (a) an exact definition of the term; (6) an enumeration of the various classes of animals. The first answer might be expressed thus: — "An animal is a sentient, organised being." This definition tells us what must be the attributes of anything in the universe to which the name " animal " can be rightly applied. Such a definition is said to mark the connotation of the term. On the other hand the latter definition which proceeds to enumerate all the different classes of animals is said to mark the denotation of the term. A Term, therefore, in Logic is considered to discharge a double function: — 1. Connoting the attributes of .things. 2. Denoting individual things. Notice that a term is a word which signifies a mental idea or concept. But in Logic we do not speak of the connotation or denotation of a concept. When speaking of concepts we use the words intension and extension.* The intension of a concept corresponds to the connota- tion of the term signifying the concept. The extension of a concept corresponds to the denotation of its related term. The connotation of a term (or the intension of its corre- sponding concept) signifies the attributes implied in the meaning of the term. * Some writers, however, speak of the intension and extension of terms, and even the denotation and connotation of concepts. 88 RELATION OP CONKOTATION AND DENOTATION. The denotation of a term (or the extension of its corre- sponding concept) signifies the number of individual things to which the term is applicable in the same sense. The student is invited to reflect upon these definitions. It will then be seen that an important logical truth is involved. Every common term like man, bird, etc., stands for a number of individual things (different individual men or birds), and a quantity of attributes (rational being, feathered biped, etc.) Thought as expressed by "terms" is thus a kind of quantity, and all our affirmations and assertions about terms are really a comparison of quantities. If I say "men are animals," I mean that "men "are a quantity of things contained in a greater quantity of things called "animals." Now the two particular kinds of quantity we are consider- ing (connotation and denotation) have a mutual relation. For a moment's reflection will show that the wider or greater the denotation of a term becomes, the narrower or smaller must be its connotation. Thus compare the two terms "animal" and "man." The term animal embraces far more individual things under it than the term man, therefore its denotation is greater. But the term man implies a larger number of attributes than the term animal. For everything that you can say of animal you must say of man, but you also say of man certain things which you cannot say of all animals. Therefore the connotation of the term man is greater than that of the term animal. As a fairly correct general rule it may be said that as the denotation of a term is increased, the connotation is diminished, and vice versa. In other words the greater the number of individual things included under a common term, the fewer will be the number of attributes which can be predicated of the whole of them. This is expressed by the Logical rule that the connotation and denotation of a term (or the intensive and extensive quantity of a concept) are in inverse ratio. The greater THE PRBDICABLES. 29 the denotation, applicability or extent of a term — the less must be its connotation or comprehcnsiYe quantity. The maximum of the one must in all cases be the minimum of the other, and vice versa.* Now observe when two common terms are so related that the whole connotation of the one is included within the greater connotation of the other — the term which has the greater connotation is called the " Species," and the one which has the smaller, or included connotation, is called the '< Genus." Thus taking the two related terms " man " and " animal," the term " man " implies all the attributes that the term "animal" implies, as well as some further ones peculiar to itself. " Man " has the larger connotation, therefore " man " is a species of the genus " animal." In the proposition " Man is an animal " we assert that " man " the species is included in " animal " the genus. Every affirmative proposition makes some such assertion respecting the subject of the proposition. The following problem, there- fore, arises : " Can the predicates of all propositions he classified in relation to their subjects under certain definite heads ? " Logic attempts this by the Doctrine of the Pre- dicables. The predicables, then, are a classification of all the possible relations of the predicate to the subject of a logical pro- position. The following is the usual form of this classification : II. Genus 2. Species 3. Difierentia crtjuiuames are eitner -\ 4. Proprium Y of the subject, (property) 5. Accidens (accident) These five heads of the predicate require consideration. * This doctrine of "Connotation and Denotation being in inverse ratio " is' given in accordance with traditional logic. It is open to much criticism^ and is only a "fairly correct general rule." 30 GENUS AND SPECIES. 1. Genus is a common term, signifying a wider class which is made up of other narrower classes, e.g., animal, triangle. 2. Species is the name given to the narrower classes, included in a genus, e.^/., Vertebrates, Invertebrates; equilateral triangle, etc. Genus and species, then, are relative terms, and must be considered together. A genus would be meaningless apart from two or more species into which it is divided. A species would be equally meaningless apart from the genus in which it is contained. The student will notice that the same term may be at the same time a species of the next more general class, and a genus to the less general classes included under it. Thus take the term" triangle." Triangle is a species of the genus "recti- linear figures," whilst at the same time it is a genus of the different kinds of triangles : equilateral, isosceles, etc. From this it follows that every term may be both a genus and a species. But the technical language of Logic implies, however, that this is not universally the case. It implies that there is a genus which is not a species of any higher genus ; and that there is a species which is not a genus to any lower species. For Logic speaks of : — 1. The highest genus ; 2. Intermediate genera or species ; 3. The lowest species. The highest or most general genus, i.e., which can have none above it, is such a one as " Being." This is called "the summum genus." The lowest relative species, which can have none below it, is the name of any individual thing. This is called " the infima species." Any highest genus broken up into its component species, and these component species in turn regarded as genera again broken up into their component species, and the process ^ UNIVERSITY OF TREE OP PORPHYRY. 31 repeated until you cannot proceed further, {i.e., when an infima species is reached) is called a " Predicamental Line." A process such as this is illustrated by the ancient " Tree of Porphyry " : Substance (a summum genus). Jorporeal. 1 Incorporeal. Body. Animate. 1 Inanimate. Living Being. Sensible. 1 Insensible. Animal. 1 Rational. 1 Irrational, Man. Socrates. Plato, and other individual men. Here Substance is the Summum Genus and Man is the Infima Species (i.e., man cannot be divided into any smaller species, but only into individual men). Each of the intermediate genera down the middle line (Body, Living Being, Animal), is called a subaltern genus or species, and the nearest genus to every term of which that term is itself a species, is called the proximuni genus. 32 DIFFERENTIA. 3. Differentia. — It has already being seen that a species has a larger connotation than its corresponding genus {i.e., the species implies more attributes). Now take any term used as a species and compare it with its next, or proximate, genus. The excess of the connotation of the species over the conno- tation of the genus is called the " Differentia " of the specieSr Thus:— Genus+Differentia= Species. Referring to the Tree of Porphyry, "Living being" is a species of the genus "body." " Animate " is the attribute which forms the differentia of the species " living body," thus : — Body + Animate = Living body (genus) (differentia) (species). 4. Property (Proprium). — By property is meant any attribute which is common to every individual in a given class ^ but which is not necessary for distinguishing that class. This will be clear from the following illustration. Take the term "triangle." A triangle is a figure bounded by three straight lines. " Three-sided " is the differentia of a triangle. But triangles have many other properties, e.g., " three-angled," " all their angles equal to two right angles," etc. 5. Accident (Accidens). — An accident is an attribute which has no necessary connection with the term to which it belongs. Thus the size of a triangle — i.e., big or little — is an accident. Size does not at all affect what Euclid proves concerning triangles. Accidents are usually divided into Separable accidents — e.g., how a man is dressed ; Inseparable accidents — e.g., the colour of his hair. SXEBCISES. EXERCISES ON CHAPTER V. 1. Define differentia^ property, and inseparable accident, giving examples. How far may these distinctions be interchanged. 2. To which of the predicables would you refer the predicates in the following propositions, and why : — (a) All men are animals. (b) Mr. Gladstone was a great statesman. (c) The three angles of a triangle are together equal to two right angles. (d) All ducks are web-footed. (e) John ruled badly . (f) Alkalies by their union with acids form salts. 3. Explain clearly the connotation and the denotation of a term. What determines the connotation and denotation of terms ? Have all terms a denotation and connotation ? 4. Arrange the following terms in their order of extension: — Vertebrate, human, substance, child, organism, schoolboy. 5. Explain the terms intension and extension as applied to terms in Logic, and distinguish gemis and species, illustrating your explanation by the terms cart, eagle and man. 6. Distinguish between denotation and connotation, and show the importance of the distinction in teaching. 7. Give the genus, tlie differentia, a proprium and an accident of silver, Darwinian, square, house. 8. ^^ A generic term denotes a larger number of objects tlmn a specific term ; but it connotes a smaller number of attributes." Explain this statement and illustrate it by examples. CHAPTER VI. Definition and Division of Terms. The definition of a term is the explicit statement of the connotation of the term. Since every definition of a term must take the form of a proposition, it would be more convenient to have considered the logical doctrine of definition when we are discussing propositions. But it is usual to consider the subject at this stage of our study. In a definition that which is defined is always the subject of a proposition. The predicate must declare with sufficient precision what the subject means. In other words, the predicate must show forth the attributes which separate the subject in question from all other subjects. All definitions are propositions, but all propositions are not de- finitions. Only those propositions are definitions in which the predicate so makes clear the attributes of the subject, as to separate it from all other subjects with which it might be confounded. The subject and predicate of a definition are, therefore, exactly co-extensive. The difference between them is this : — what was latent — wrapped up, as it were, in the subject — is fully unfolded or analysed in the predicate. Logic asserts that this result is achieved when the predicate of the defining proposition exposes the proximate genus and the differentia of RULES OF DEFINITION. 36 a term. For the genus implies all the attributes of the term considered as a species of the genus; whilst the differentia displays those attributes which distinguish the term as a species. In Logic, then, The definition of a term = proximate genus + differentia. Notice that there are some terms which are incapable of logical definition, e.g., a summum genus, all proper names, etc. The former has no proximate genus, the latter have such a multiplicity of attributes that we can only mention a number of them sufficient for the practical purpose of recognition. This enumeration, however, is " description " not definition. The student must not confound logical definition with "*' dictionary definition." In the latter all that is done is to substitute one word for another, assumed to have a similar connotation, on the ground that the new word is more familiar or intelligible than the one for which it is substituted. There are certain simple rules which Logic lays down to which propositions must conform to entitle them to be regarded as good logical definitions. 1. The definition must bring into view the essential, dis- tinguishing attributes (differentia) of what is defined."^ 2. The definition must be adequate, and applicable exclusively to what is defined. 3. We must not define by negations. i. The definition must be expressed in unambiguous, intelligible language. Defiinition is a most important subject. Avoid confusing the definition of names with the definition of things. The definition of a name is the settlement of what the name shall be, by which a thing or a concept shaU be designated. Any man is entitled to determine this as he pleases, so long as he adheres consistently to the name he has connected with the * Obviously, to merely name properties or accidents can never be a logical ■definition. 36 LOGICAL Division. concept or thing. Sounds or signs on paper, are in themselves indifferent to meaning. Each or any may be used to express any meaning that has been agreed upon by those who use the word. Definition of a thing, is not thus arbitrary. These definitions depend on what is involved in the essential nature of the thing defined. Men are apt to confound definitions oi names with definitions of things, and to confuse both with that full analysis of the attributes implied in our concepts which it is the province of logical definition to bring into light. We are frequently asked to accept definitions of names as if they were the true definitions of things. Because we agree to employ a certain sound to express some meaning, it does not follow that the meaning so expressed corresponds to the essential attributes of the things signified by the sign. Logical Division. — Diyision is the analysis of the denotation of a term. It is always expressed in the form of a proposition, the term divided being the subject, and the exposition being the predicate. There are other familiar kinds of division with which logical division must not be confounded, e.g., {a) Partition, which is the act of dividing some physical whole mto its constituent parts, e.g., ship=hull, mast, sails, etc. ; man=head, trunk, limbs, etc. (6) Distinction of ambiguous or equivocal terms, e.g.,. Humanity =(1) human nature, or (2) the human race collectively; Vice=(l) a moral fault, or (2) a mechanical tool. (c) Enumeration of individuals, e.g., naming aii ihe books in a library. Logical division expounds the denotation of a term not by enumerating individuals. This would in most cases be im- possible. No one could enumerate all the different men RULES OF LOGICAL DIVISION. 87 included under the term " man." It proceeds by mentioning only the smaller groups denoted by the term. Collective and singular terms cannot be divided into smaller groups, and, therefore, cannot be logically divided. A collective term can be transformed into a common term, and so become capable of logical division. Thus "the fourteenth regiment" may be transformed into "soldiers of the fourteenth regiment," and in this form may be divided into officers, privates, etc. When we proceed to divide a term into terms expressive of smaller groups, we seek some attribute which may be predicated of certain members of the group, but which cannot be predicated of the rest. This attribute is called the basis of division {fundamentum divisionis). Of course, the same genus may be variously divided by adopting different bases of division. Thus in dividing the genus " triangles " we may adopt the relative length of their sides as our basis, and so divide triangles into equilateral, isosceles, and scalene. Or we might adopt the size of their angles as the basis, and so divide triangles into right-angled, acute-angled, and obtuse- angled. But two or more bases of division must never be confused together in the same division, or we fall into the error called in Logic " Cross division." It would, e.g., be cross division to divide triangles into isosceles, right-angled, and scalene. There are certain rules to which a logical division must conform, viz. : — 1. Each act of division must have one and only one basis of division, or cross division will ensue. 2. The division must be exhaustive, i.e., the dividing members when taken together must be co-extensive with the divided whole. 3. If the division is a continued one {i.e., embraces more than one step), each step should, as far as possible, be a \ CLASSIFICATION. proximate one — in other words "proceed step by step. e.g. :— Figure. Curvilinear. Eectilinear. I I I I Triangle. Quadrilateral. Polygons. I Equilateral. Isosceles. Scalene.* When we turn from the division of our concepts as expressed in terms, and proceed to consider material things the logical doctrine of division becomes a theory of logical scientific CLASSIFICATION. The object of classification is to so arrange the facts with which we may be dealing that we can acquire the greatest command over them, and convey the greatest amount of information about them in a few words. Classification is really a branch of Inductive Logic. It is one of the important processes subsidiary to the application of the inductive canons. By its use we obtain a greater command over the knowledge we possess, and are put in the right avenue for obtaining additional information. It provides that our knowledge of things shall be so arranged that the facts may be more easily remembered, and that we may more readily perceive the laws by which they are governed. ♦There is a further method of division in which each step is a division into corresponding positive and negative terms, e.g. : — Figure. Rectilinear. Non-rectilinear. _J Triangles, Non-triangles, etc. This is called division by Dichotomy. It is extremely cumbersome and of small importance. EXERCISES. 89 Logic considers all attempts at classification as either natural or artificial. By a natural classification is meant the grouping of facta in accordance with real natural distinctions. Thus an actual scientific knowledge of facts is a pre-supposed requisite for a natural classifica- tion. Different branches of science have different objects in view, and accordingly they often adopt a special basis for classification. The practical farmer divides plants into those which are useful, and those which are weeds. Whilst the botanist adopts the division into monocotyledons and dicotyledons as his basis. The student who h is an elementary knowledge of Geology and Zoology will remember how differently fossils are classified in the two Sciences. An artificial classification selects some point of resemblance amongst objects, and one which is easy to identify, and proceeds to classify related objects upon this basis. The Linnaean system of classification in Botany, which takes for its basis the number of stamens and pistils in a flowering plant, is a good illustration of an artificial system. In Zoology, where the primary basis of classification is into vertebrates and invertebrates, we have an example of a natural classification. EXERCISES ON CHAPTER VI. 1. Criticise the following definitions: — (a) Ignorance is a hlind guide. (h) The cat is a domestic ayiimal. ( c) Enjoyment means pleasure. (d) Tranquillity is the absence of unrest. fe ) Alcohol is a kind of medicine. 2. Define the terms gold, coal, legal nuisance, civilization, Cleopatra^ s Needle, bread, anger, Snowdon. 3. What do you understand by a perfect definition ; and what jyrocesses of thought are employed in arriving at one ? Oive two or three examples which err by being either too wide or too narrow. 4. What is the difference between (a) a description, (b) a defifMr tion, (c) an explanation ? 5. Explain what is meant by logical division, and briefly state its rules. Oive instances which observe, and instances which violate the rules. 10 EXEBCIBEB. 6. Coymnent on the following as logical divisions : — (a J Pens into quill pens and steel pens. (b) Ireland into Ulster^ Munster, Leinster and Connaught. (c) Animals into vertebrate and invertebrate. (d) Colour into whiteness, blackness and blueness. (e) Lights into artificial, blice and red lights and moonlight. ( f) Vice into an immoral act and a viechanical tool. (g) Englishmen into rich and poor, consumptive and biliotts.. 7. Show the relation between Definition, Division and Classifica- tion. CHAPTER VII. Propositions. Having completed our investigation of the logical doctrine of "terms," we now proceed to consider the teaching of Logic with regard to " propositions." Just as a " term " is the outward expression for the inward (psychological) fact, which is called a " concept," so a " proposition " is the translation into language of the inward mental act, which is called " judg- ment." Now, it has already been shown that a judgment is the simplest and most elementary manifestation of a complete thought. Every assertion or denial that we can frame in our minds is a judgment. When this mental act is expressed in language, we have what is called in Logic a proposition. A proposition, therefore, may be defined as The verbal expression of a truth or falsity, or A sentence making an affirmation or denial. Propositions which make simple assertions or denials, without any condition attached, are called Categorical. A Categorical Proposition is one which simply asserts or denies some fact, e.g., All men are mortal. No men are infallible. Notice that in a categorical proposition we bring together two terms, and connect them by the copula. For logical purposes this copula is always the present tense of the verb •" to 6e," with or without the negative particle " not.'' i9 PROPOSITIONS : In ordinary language, of course, our categorical judgments are expressed in various ways. But Logic considers that 3very simple assertion or denial can be expressed in one general form, and, for logical purposes, the assertion or denial must be reduced to this form. Hence the student must become accustomed to expressing the ordinary forms of simple assertions and denials in the precise form required by Logic. There is no doubt that the logical form of an assertion will often appear awkward and " wordy," compared with ordinary conventional modes of expression, but the advantage gained by the precise exposition of our assertions is of the highest logical importance. Take as an illustration the assertion, "John was the brother of Eichard." Li order to get the present tense of the verb "to be " as the copula of this sentence, it must be expressed in some such form as : — " John Is a person who was the brother of Eichard." This trans- formation sometimes causes a Uttle perplexity. Take, for example, the following sentences : — (1) The bell will toll to-morrow. (2) None but the brave deserve the fair. (3) It does not rain. (4) Fire! These ordinary conventional sentences, when transformed into simple categorical propositions for logical purposes^ become — Subject. Copula Predicate. (1) The tolling of the bell is an event which will happen to-morrow. (2) No not-brave persons are deserving of the fair. (3) Eain is not falling. (4) This property is on fire. CATEGORICAL AND CONDITIONAL. 48 Observe, that when a sentence is being thus transformed for logical purposes, and divided into its logical elements (subject, copula, predicate), if any one of the elements has been omitted in the conventional form, it must be supplied in the precise logical form. Thus the exclamation " Fire 1 " is sufficient, for practical purposes, to convey definite information, but until its subject and copula have been supplied, it is useless for logical purposes. A categorical proposition, then, is one which makes an unconditional assertion or denial. When the assertion is expressed as a proposition displaying its logical elements, the copula is in all cases the peremptory ** is " or " is not." But many of the assertions or denials that we are making con- stantly are of such a nature as to forbid the employment of the unconditional " js " or "is not." To a large proportion of our judgments some condition' or other is attached. Now, Logic draws a sharp distinction between judgments which are unconditional and those to which some condition is attached. The former are categorical, the latter conditional. We shall be chiefly concerned with categorical propositions, but it is needful to mention the two kinds of conditional propositions which are most common. Conditional propositions are usually distinguished as Hypo- thetical and Disjunctive. 1. Hypothetical ^propositions have a conjunctive condition The following are examples : — (a) If A is B, then also C is D. (6) If Logic exercises the intellect, it ought to be- studied. (c) Where ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise. Example (a) and similar examples, where symbols (A B, etc.) are used, are called abstract examples ; (h) and (e) are called concrete •zamplea. 44 PROPOSITIONS : 2. Disjunctive propositions have an alternative condi- tion, e.g. : — {a) A is either B or C. (6) He is either a knave or a fool. (c) All men are either good or bad. Sometimes we find propositions conditioned, at once conjunctively and disjunctively, e.g. : — If A is B, then O is either D or E. If a man becomes a soldier, then he must serve either at home or abroad. Besides this obvious division of propositions into categorical (unconditional) and conditional, Logic further distinguishes them by their quality and their quantity. The quality of a proposition is determined by the copula. The copula may be either " is " or " is not." In the former case the proposition is affirmative, in the latter it is negative. A is B (affirmative) (1) A is not B (negative) (2) But we may also assert — AU A is B, or only, Some A is B. The distinction of propositions, according as the affirmation or denial is made of the whole or only a. part of the subject, is what is meant by determining the quantity of a proposition. Propositions, in which the assertion or denial is made of the whole of the subject, are called universal propositions. Propositions, in which only part of the subject is affected are called PARTICULAR propositions. Notice carefully, that in universal propositions, the subject of the proposition is distributed^ i.e., taken in its full denota- tion. In particular propositions the subject of the proposition is undistributed, i.e., the extent of its denotation is indefinite. QUANTITY AND QUALITY. 46 Particular propositions are usually expressed in the form Some A's are B. Some A's are not B. The word "some" is absolutely indefinite; it may mean " few " or *' many," or indeed "all." In Logic it is the^ equivalent of " one at least." The student should also carefully note that in universal propositions the subject may be either : — {a) An undivided, whole class, of every member of which the predication is made, e.g,^ "Men are mortal"; i.e., All men and every individual man ; or (6) An indivisible individual, indicated by a proper name ; e.g., " John is mortal." Propositions, which have a proper name for their subject, are sometimes called Singular Propositions. In most cases they may be considered only a sub-class of Universals. But instances arise which may cause perplexity. Thus : " John is sometimes eloquent," might be considered as universal with a somewhat complex predicate. (The student will have found, ere this, that in expressing proposi- tions in logical form, the predicate is often very complex). The pra position in its full logical form would be: " John is a speaker who is sometimes eloquent." This is a true universal. On the other hand the proposition might be rendered : " Some of John's speeches are eloquent," in which case the subject is particular, not universal. These various ways of dividing propositions may now be collected, thus : — Propositions are divided 1. On the basis of their quality into {a) affirmative^ (6) negative. 2. On the basis of their quantity into (a) universal,. (6) particular. The distinctions of quality and quantity are considered aS applying only to categorical propositions. To some extent the same distinctions can be applied to conditional propositions^ 46 POUR PEOPOSITIONAL FORMS. But to attempt- this would be quite beyond the scope of this elementary treatise. From this we gather that all categorical assertions or denials may be grouped under four general forms. For, when our assertions are expressed in logical form, we affirm that the subject is, either (1) In its whole logical extent, or (2) In part of its logical extent, contained under the logical extent of the predicate ; or, on the other hand, the proposition excludes either (3) The whole logical extent of its subject, or (4) Part of the logical extent of its subject, from the logical extent of its predicate. This fourfold division answers to a combination of the divisions of propositions on the two bases of quality and quantity. Every categorical proposition, true or false, that can be made on any subject whatever must find its place under one of the following heads : — 1. Universal affirmative, usually denoted by the symbol A. 2. Universal negative, ,, ,, ,, ,, E. 3. Particular affirmative, ,, ,, ,, „ I. 4. Particular negative, „ ,, ,, ,, 0. The symbols A, E, I, O, are taken from the Latin words affirmo and nego. A and I are the first two vowels of the former word, E and O the vowels of the latter word. The student should carefully consider the following simple examples of the four forms of which, in each case, an abstract example, a concrete example, and a diagrammatic illustration are given. Notice the meaning of "is "in the prepositional forms. " Is " means " is contained in " ; " is not " means " is not contained in." " All X is Y " thus means " All X is contained in Y." FOUB PROPOSITIONAIi FORMS. 47 Form A. — Universal Affirmative. All X is Y. All gold is yellow. Form E. — Universal Negative. No X is Y. No man is infallible. Y Form I. — Particular Affirmative. Some X is Y. Some men are wise. 48 four proposition al forms. Form 0. — Particular Negative.* Some X is not Y. Some men are not wise. The folloiuing ohsei'vations on this fourfold form of Pro- positions are of the utmost importance : — Form A. — The subject is distributed, i.e., taken in its full extension : the predicate is not distributed. When . we assert that " all gold is yellow," we mean that gold, at all times and in all forms, is yellow; therefore, the term " gold " is fully distributed. But the predicate is not distributed. For the proposition asserts only that amongst an indefinite number of yellow things, gold is always one. Form E. — Both the subject and the predicate are distributed. When we assert that " no man is infallible," we mean that the two terms "man " and "infallibility '' are mutually exclusive. The attribute of infallibility cannot be predicated of any man in the whole universe. *Ia the diagrammatic illustrations the shaded parts always represent the subject of the proposition. The student must note that the proposition only contains information about the part shaded. Thus in the diagram representing the proposition " Some X is Y," our information is confined to the shaded part of X entirely We could not assume therefrom that some X is not Y. The proposition only asserts that some portion of X is included within Y. As a matter of fact sJl might be, but the proposition does not say so. These iiagramraatic representations of propositions are called Euler's Circles, and are open to much criticism. SIGNS OF QUANTITY IN LOQIO. 49 Form I. — Neither the subject nor the predicate is distributed. When we assert that " some men are wise," we mean that amongst men there is an indefinite number, forming an equally indefinite proportion of those beinga of whom the attribute of wisdom may be predicated. Form 0. — The predicate only is distributed. When we assert that " some men are not wise," we mean th^ an indefinite number of men are excluded from the whole definite class of beings, of whom the attribute of wisdom may be predicated. These observations may be summarised : — Form A distributes its subject only. ,, E distributes both its subject and its predicate. ,, I distributes neither its subject nor its predicate. ,, O distributes its predicate only. The student will notice that "this," "each," "every," "all," "no," and "some" are the only signs of quantity recognised by Logic. In ordinary speech many others are used, but they must be reduced to one of the signs given above before they can be considered in a logical reference. Note particularly that expressions like "few," "many," or such fractional terms as " three-fourths " are all considered equivalent to " some." In short, " some " really stands for " some at least " ; and beyond that, the word is altogether indefinite. " Any " and similar expressions must be con- sidered as equivalent to " every." Cases will sometimes arise in which it is a matter of uncertainty whether a given expression is intended to be taken as a universal or a particular. This is especially so in current sayings and proverbs, e.g., " Knowledge is power," " Haste makes waste." Such cases can only be determined by a careful survey of the facts the expressions are supposed to summarise. 60 BZEBCISE8. EXERCISES ON CHAPTER VII. i. Define a logical proposition ; and enumerate with examples^ the various lands of propositions. 2. What do you understand as the exact meaning of the logical copula ? 3. What are the signs of quantity recognised by Logic ? How do they compare with those used in grammar ? 4. Give the logical equivalent of each of the following expressions : " All are Twt** ; " Only tliese are " ; *' All except one " ; " Scarcely any " ; " Few are not.'' 5. RediLce each of the following to strict logical form, and indicate wJietlier the proposition is A, E, I, or O : — (a) All birds have two wings. (b) All his shots except two hit the mark. ( c) Tlie more tJie merrier. (d) TJiere's not a joy tlie world can give like that it takes away. (e) All that glitters is not gold. (f) He jests at scars who never felt a wound. (g) None fail to remain poor who are both ignorant and lazy. 6. The following sentences are somewhat ambiguous. Make at least two logical propositions of each : — (a) All are not clever who read much. (b) Some of the guests behaved disgracefully. (c) All the books cost a sovereign. 7. What logical 2^roposition is iinplied in each case, wlien tlie following are declared to be false : — (a) Honesty is tlie best policy, (b) All men are liars. (c) Sonie horse dealers are honest. 8. Express in the simplest logical form you can the sense of the following passages : — (a) It never rains but it pours. (b) You cannot have your cake and eat it. 'e) Unless help arrives we are beaten. (d) Many are called, but few are chosen. 9. Say whether the following is a categorical or hypothetical proposition, and why : — Trespassers will be prosecuted. CHAPTER VIII. Immediate Inference. The whole of our study thus far has been a preparation for the investigation of inference or reasoning. Inference, in its wider meaning, is the derivation of one proposition from one other proposition or from two other propositions. Thosa cases in which a conclusion is evolved from some one pro- position, without the help of any other, are called Immediatb Inferences. Thus, when we say " All animals are organised beings," we are able to infer directly from this that any particular animal is an organised being, and, again, that "no unorganised beings are animals." Every single assertion or denial that can be made will yield quite a number of other ^propositions, which differ from the original proposition in logical quantity or quality, or both. An Immediate Inference, then, is the inferential derivation of a new proposition from some one given proposition. The number and variety of conclusions which can be immediately derived from any single propc«ition, will be quite surprising to one who is not familiar with this kind of exercise. Take, for example, the following A (universal affirmative) proposition :— •• All X is Y." OS OPPOSITIOlf. What Inferences can be immediately derived from this ? Proceed thus : All X is Y ; No X is not-Y ; Some X is Y ; Some X is not not-Y ; No not-Y is X ; All not-Y is not-X ; Some not-X is not-Y ; Some not-X is not Y. Thia will be clearer if a concrete example is given :— " All men are mortal." From this we may infer : " No men are not-mortal " ; " Some men are mortal " ; •• Some mortal beings are not not-men " ; •' No not-mortal beings are men," etc. Now, without considering whether the examples just given are exhaustive, or whether all the conclusions are of practical importance, we will proceed to discuss the more important- forms of Immediate Inference under the following heads : — I. Immediate Inferences of Opposition. II. „ „ „ Conversion. III. „ „ „ Permutation. I. Inferences of Opposition. — Propositions are said to be opposed to each other when they have the some subject and predicate respectively, but differ in quantity or quaHty, or both. Of the several kinds of opposition, that known as Contra- dictory Opposition is the most perfect and of the greatest logical value. This kind of opposition is an application of the " law of the excluded middle," viz., that, of two contradictory propositions, one must be true and the other false. This occurs when an A proposition is contradicted by an proposi- tion ; or an E proposition is contradicted by an I proposition. A.— All X is Y. Contradictory =0. — Some X is not Y. E.— No M is N. Contradictory = I.— Some M is N. OPPOSITION. 63 Taking either of these pairs of propositions, we see at once that both cannot be true and that they cannot both be false. Therefore, if either of the two propositions is affirmed to be true, we immediately infer the falsity of the other. Contrary Opposition is that which exists between an A and an E proposition, having the same subject and predicate. In this case, both propositions may be false, but both cannot be true, e.g. : — A. — All men are good. Contrary =E. — No men are good. This kind of opposition is of much less logical value. If we know that one proposition is true, we may immediately infer the falsity of the contrary. But if we know that one proposi- tion is false, we cannot infer the truth of its contrary. Sub-Contrary Opposition is that which exists between an I and an proposition, which both have the same subject and predicate : — I. — Some men are wise. Sub-contrary 0. — Some men are not wise. In this case both of the propositions may be true, but both cannot be false. If we know that one of them is false, we can immediately infer the truth of its sub-contrary. Subaltern Opposition is that which exists between a universal and a particular proposition, i.e., propositions which both have the same subject and predicate, but differ in quantity : — A. — All men are mortal. Subaltern I. — Some men are mortal. . From any universal prop^ RJtio^ "^"^ ^°'^ immo/liQfoly in^^y t he truth of any pa/ticular proposition of the same quality (an I from an A, or an from an E), but not Yice versa* 64 OPPOSITION, An ancient square sets forth these various relations of opposition thus : — A Contrartes £ N.B. — Propositions must always have the same subject and predicate before we can place them in opposition. There should now be found no difficulty in determining what inferences can be immediately drawn from the known truth or falsity of any one of the four ordinary propositional forms. For convenience the student is advised to commit the following to memory :— Contradictories cannot both be true, nor can they both be false. Contraries may both be false, but both cannot be true. Sub-contraries may both be true, but cannot both be false. Subalterns may both be true and both false. If the universal is true so is the particular ; but the truth of the particular does not imply the truth of the universal. CONVERSION. 65 II. Inferences of ConveFsion. — By conversion is meant the immediate inferring of a new proposition from a given proposi- tion, in which the subject of the given proposition forms the predicate of the new proposition, and the predicate the subject. Thus from "No stones are organised beings" — is obtained by conversion, " No organised beings are stones." The remarks in Chapter VII. on the distribution of the subject and predicate in the four propositional forms, are of great consequence here. For, in converting a proposition, care must be taken that the two terms are used in precisely the same extent in the new (or inferred) proposition as they were in the original proposition. Now, in converting an E or an I proposition, no difficulty arises. "No X is Y" distributes both its subject and its predicate. Hence, we may at once say " No Y is X." So, also, the I proposition " Some M is N " distributes neither its subject nor its predicate. Thus, we can immediately say " Some N is M." But in the A proposition " All S is P," the subject S is distributed, but the predicate Pis undistributed. If we converted this into " All P is S " we should distribute P in the new proposition, whereas it was not distributed in the original proposition. This we may not do. From " All S is P" we can only infer " Some P is S." Hence we say that A propositions can only be converted " by limitation " {per accidens). Summarizing these points we learn that : — From an A proposition we can infer an I proposition by " conversion by limitation." From an E proposition we can obtain another E proposi- tion by simple conversion. From an I proposition we can infer another I proposition by simple conversion. Lastly, we have to consider the case of O (particular negative) propositions. Can these be converted ? Take, for instance, " Some X is not Y." Here X, the subject, is not 56 PERMUTATION. distributed. If we convert the proposition and say " Some Y is not X," we distribute X in the new proposition. But, in conversion, we may never distribute a term in the new proposi- tion, which is undistributed in the original proposition. Hence, we conclude that O propositions cannot be converted. Practice in drawing immediate inferences by the conversion of given propositions is a most valuable test of the student's progress in logical study. Both in ordinary discourse and in examinations most ludicrous results follow from not observing the rules of legitimate conversion. One examiner says that when he has asked for the converse of the proposition '• None but the brave deserve the fair," students have said with perfect seriousness: "The fair deserve none but the brave," or " No one ugly deserves the brave." The error in such cases arises from the fact that the student has omitted to put the given sentence into exact propositional form, as logic requires. If this were done the sentence would become : — "No one who is not-brave is deserving of the fair," and this is a simple E pro- position, and may therefore be converted simply into " No one deserving of the fair is not-brave," or, expressed more con- ventionally, " No one deserving of the fair is a coward." III. Inferences of Permutation. — Of this kind of immediate inference there are several forms : — (a) By Obversion. — Here we infer a new proposition, having for its predicate the contradictory of the predicate, e.g. : — Original proposition. — All X is Y. Inference by Obversion. — No X is not-Y. We may always obvert a proposition, if at the same time we change its quality. The rule of obversion is usually given thus : Substitute for the predicate term its contrapositive, and change the quality of the proposition. Contrapositive is a mediaeval word for the opposite of a term. Thus " not-A " is the contrapositive of " A." It is convenient to use this word so that " contradictory " may be used exclusively of propositions. PBBMUTATION. 67 Thus, All X is Y yields No X is not-Y. No X is Y „ AU X is not-Y. Some X is Y „ Some X is not not-Y. Some X is not Y „ Some X is not-Y. (b) By Contraposition. — In this case we infer a new pro- position which has the contrapositive of the original predicate