THE FLEET REGISTERS. COMPRISING THE Sftetorg of dFUet Jttarriageg, AND SOME ACCOUNT OF THE PARSONS AND MARRIAGE-HOUSE KEEPERS, WITH EXTRACTS FROM THE REGISTERS: TO WHICH ARE ADDED NOTICES OF THE MAY FAIR, MINT, AND SAVOY CHAPELS, AND RELATING TO PAROCHIAL REGISTRATION. " Much may be, and much has been, said, both for and against this Innovation upon our ancient Laws and Constitution." Blackstone on the Marriage Act. BY JOHN SOUTHERDEN BURN, /* AUTHOR OF THE HISTORY OF PARISH REGISTERS. LONDON: PUBLISHED BY RIVINGTONS, ST. PAUL'S CHURCHYARD; HENRY BUTTERWORTH, 7, FLEET STREET; AND EDWARD SUTER, 19, CHEAPSIDE. MDCCCXXXIII. LONDON: PRINTED BY SAMUEL BENTLEY, Donet-street, Fleet-street. TO JOHN WILKS, ESQ. M. P. CHAIRMAN OF THE PARLIAMENTARY COMMITTEE ON THE STATE OF PAROCHIAL REGISTRATION, . TO WHOSE EXERTIONS THE COUNTRY IS INDEBTED FOR THAT IMPORTANT INQUIRY, THESE PAGES ARE DEDICATED AS A MARK OF RESPECT BY THE AUTHOR. PREFACE. IN collecting materials for a History of Parish Registers, the Author first had occasion to refer to the Registers of the Marriages solemnized at the Fleet; since that time he has made a very minute examination of them, and the following pages contain some of the most curious particulars con- cerning the Registers and the parties connected with them. It is untrodden ground ; indeed hitherto few persons were aware of the existence of such Records, and fewer still know their extent and importance. Without discussing their validity as a Public Record, and without attempting to place them upon the same footing in respect to evidence as a Parish Register, it must be allowed to them that they have been occasionally admitted as Evi- dence in the Courts of Nisi Prius ; and although within the last thirty years they have been generally (though not uniformly) rejected, yet they unquestionably contain the record of many thousands of marriages, of which no other evidence is to be found. The Author has had some difficulty in compressing within a small Volume the information relative to the Fleet Retris- o ters, without entering fully upon the Law of Marriage, and giving an account of the Marriages at the different Episcopal and Dissenting Chapels which were in existence prior to 1754. He has voluminous transcripts from registers of marriages solemnized at such chapels supplied by informa- vi PREFACE. tion obtained from an examination of the affidavits made upon application of the parties for licences to marry, (and which are preserved in the Registry of the Bishop of London,) and from notifications of marriages in the public journals of the period, from which he will be at all times happy to afford information. From the circumstance that out of the eighty or ninety chapels in and about London, only fourteen of the Registers remain (some of which are in private hands), these collections are of considerable value. His thanks are especially due to John Shephard, Esq. the Deputy Registrar of the Consistory Court of the Bishop of London, for free and continued access to the Fleet Books ; to the Rev. Daniel Lysons, F. R. and A. S., for many curious extracts from old newspapers ; and to Charles George Young Esq. York Herald, Registrar of the College of Arms, for his kind assistance in preparing these pages for publication. 25, TokenJiouse Yard, Lothbury, 3rd October, 1833. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. Of Clandestine Marriages. St. James's, Duke's Place, and Trinity, Minories. The Fleet Prison. Bishop's Visitation there. Excommunication. Marriage of the Hon. Henry Fox. The Marriage Act. Opposition to it. Blackstone's Commentary upon it .......... 1 CHAPTER II. The Fleet Prison, Wardens, and Chaplains . 21 CHAPTER III. Clergymen who performed Marriages at the Fleet; and the names of some of the persons who kept Marriage-houses, and acted as Clerks ......... 25 CHAPTER IV. The Fleet Books. Their transmission to the custody of the Bishop of London. Extracts, &c. &c. .... 40 CHAPTER V. The Fleet Registers as Evidence . . . . 81 CHAPTER VI. Marriages at the King's Bench Prison, Mint, Savoy, and May Fair .......... 92 ON PAROCHIAL REGISTRATION 105 Page 21. Since the 2nd Chapter passed through the press, the name of another Warden of the Fleet has been discovered in the notice of the following petition to Parliament : In the 14 Hen. VI. the Duke of Gloucester presented a peti- tion to the Parliament from " Alard Funk, Citizein and taillour of London," stating, that one " William Venour" Wardeyn of the Prison of the Flete, had in his keeping a prisoner called Piers Mayn Henrickson, Ducheman, and had brought him before the Chancellor into the Court of Chancery at Westminster, in the term of" Seint Johan." in the xiijth year of His Majesty's reign ; but the said prisoner "for defaute of kepinge, and thurgh necligence of his keper, voided and wente out of the Chauncerye into the Seyntuarye of Westmynstre," &c. &c. Miscellaneous Petitions in Parliament in the Tower of London. Page 22. In the note it is stated that Robert Castell is said to have translated Vitruvius. The Author has since, however, been favoured with the following note, by the learned translator of the last English edition of the work of that celebrated architect. Although the Bipont edition of Vitruvius, 8vo. (Argrentorati) 1807, gives as published in 1730, the following among the English editions, " 1730 The Architecture of M. Vitruvius Pollio translated into " English, with the Commentaries of Inigo Jones and others, " and the Latin text, by Robert Castell, London, fol. 2 vols." such Book was never published. The fact is, that Robert Castell in his Villas of tfte Antienis, which he publis/ied in 1728, and which was dedicated to Richard Earl of Burlington, professes that he undertook that treatise as & preparative to a translation of Vitruvius into the English language: a work he had long enter- tained a desire of performing. This intention of Robert Castell was mentioned in the Acta Erudit. Lipsia?, 1731 ; hence it is pro- bable the mistake of the Bipont Editor. Castell, however, never fulfilled his intention, which was probably prevented by his pre- mature death. FLEET MARRIAGES. CHAPTER I. OF CLANDESTINE MARRIAGE ST. JAMES DUKE's PLACE AND TRINITY MINORIES THE FLEET PRISON BISHOP'S VISITA- TION THERE EXCOMMUNICATION MARRIAGE OF THE HO- NOURABLE HENRY FOX THE MARRIAGE ACT OPPOSITION TO IT BLACKSTONE'S COMMENTARY UPON IT. IT was not until the Council of Trent (1429) that the inter- vention of a priest, or other ecclesiastical functionary, was deemed in Europe indispensable to a marriage. It was then ascertained that the existence of the marriage contract as a mere civil engagement, unhallowed by any spiritual sanction, tended much to the formation of clandestine connexions, and their concomitant evils. The celebrated Decree passed in that session interdicted any marriage otherwise than in the presence of a priest and at least two witnesses. But in Eng- land previous to 1754 the Common Law continued to regu- late the Law of Marriage, the authority of the Council of Trent not having been acknowledged in this country ; and whilst, in virtue of domestic institutions, a form was enjoined for the more solemn celebration of matrimony, and persons departing from these regulations were liable to ecclesiastical censure, still other and more private modes of contracting a marriage were tolerated and acknowledged by Law. Hence a contract per verba de pr&senti, that is to say, between persons entering into a present engagement to be- come man and wife, or a promise per verba defuturo, which was an agreement to become husband and wife at some future time, if the promise were followed by consummation, con- stituted marriage without the intervention of a priest ; for the contract per verba de pr&senti was held to be a marriage com- B 2 plete in substance, but deficient in ceremony. ) Although the promise per verba defuturo of itself was incomplete in both points, yet the cohabitation of the parties after exchanging the mutual promise, implied such a present consent at the time of the sexual intercourse, as to perfect the marriage in substance and give it equal validity with the contract de pr The Fighting Cocks, Fleet Lane. Mr. Keen, 1739. 3 Oates, 2 Daniel Stebbings, Shepherd and Goat, near Fleet Bridge, 1748. Mr. Crompton, and on his death, Mr. Green, the Cock and Acorn. Mr. Demat, The Cock. 1 Upon the trial of Thomas Heild, in 1756, for Bigamy, this man deposed that he had kept a public house in the Fleet, since 23 March 1754, and that one Thomas Russel with Sarah Mills came there to have a marriage entered seven years back, which he refused. Mills denied this, and the Court committed Owen for perjury. (He had possession of many of the Fleet Registers, see p. 42.) 8 (Jn Tuesday, one Gates a plyer for and clerk to Weddings at the Bull and Garter, by the Fleet Gate, was bound over to appear at the next Sessions, for hiring one John Funnell, a poor boy, (for half-a guinea,) that sells fruit on Fleet Bridge, to personate one John Todd, and to marry a woman in his name, which he accordingly did ; and the better to accomplish this piece of villainy, the said Gates provided a blind parson for that purpose. (Grub Street Journal, Sept. 1732.) 40 CHAPTER IV. THE FLEET BOOKS. THEIR TRANSMISSION TO THE CUSTODY OF THE BISHOP OF LONDON EXTRACTS, ETC. ETC. TH E Fleet Marriages having been performed at a great number of houses in the neighbourhood of the Fleet, and the proprietors of the houses being frequently the possessors of the registers of marriages performed there, it is impossible to trace all these books from their first use until their de- posit in the registry of the Bishop of London. There are, it is believed, several of the Fleet Registers still in private hands ; two of them are in possession of Mr. Philip Charles Moore in Doctors'* Commons ; the one com- mencing 2nd Feb. 1716 and ending 31st Dec. 1722, containing about three or four thousand marriages; 1 the other (indorsed " John Lilley his book,' 1 ) commencing 14th Oct. 1716 and ending 1719- Another Register is in Rawlinson's Collection (marked B. 360.) in the Bodleian Library at Oxford ; it com- mences 4th March 1725 and ends 16th March 1730 : on the first leaf is written " A True and exact Register of Marriages at the Fleet, A.D. 1724-5."" Which being produced on a trial relating to the marriage of Francis Goulding, in Aug. 1726, came to the hands of Richard Woolfe, Esq. Register of the Duchy, who gave it to Dr. Rawlinson, 2nd Feb. 1754." After much trouble and enquiry, however, the following is the best account which can be collected. By a printed bill pasted in one of the Fleet Registers, it appears that after 1754, the Clerk of the Rev. Mr. Lando 1 The following Exhibit is written in this Book : " Phillips otherwise Delafield otherwise Devall, against Delafield otherwise ])evall. This Book was in the pos- session of Ann Hodgkins at the time of her examination in the above cause, the 19 th of June 1733. Edw* Rushworth NOT Publ:" 41 (one of the Fleet parsons) had the Register Books of Dr. Wigmore, Evans, Lando, Callow, Wodmor, Nodes, Bray- field, and Townsend ; and that he had taken an office in Half-Moon Court, Ludgate, where searches for marriages might be made. In another book are pasted the following advertisements : This is to acquaint the Public, To prevent the trouble and expense of searching at different houses for Fleet Marriages, That the Books of all the Marriages performed by D r Wigmore, D r Dare, and several other former clergymen, at all the different houses of the Fleet, and other parts of Town and Country, are to be seen at the Public Register-Office, the uppermost house but one in Half-Moon Court, joining to Ludgate. And that the Public may not be deceived, no person has the originals but the Keeper of this Office, and no Certificates, but from the same, are good at law. To be searched any day of the week except Sunday. Kept by the Widow of the said D r Wigmore. " N.B. These Registers mention the exact house where every marriage was performed, both in the Liberties of the Fleet, &c." Marriages ' Decently solemnized (as they are at May Fair,) At the old original private Chapel of the llev d Mr. Lando, late Chaplain to His Majesty's ship the Falkland. St. John's Chapel is in Half-Moon Court, the first house joining to Ludgate, on Lud- gate Hill. Where Marriages from the year 1700 may be found of the Rev d D r Allen, D r Mortram, D r Bucklan, D r Ryder, D r Syndery, D r Cuthbert, D r Flood, D r Gainham, D r Ashwell, with some of D r Wyatt's, and all of D 1 Evans and D r Wigmore, to be searched without imposition. The Fleet Registers became a saleable article as early as 1732; for, on the trial of Eliz. Reader in 1741, Wm. Scape 1 This advertisement is headed with the King's Arms in the centre, with the device of a hand and pen on one side, and the ship Falkland on the other. 42 deposed, that about eight or nine years previously he bought a Register Book, in which was the marriage in question, but the person who owned it was dead ; and on the trial of Thomas Hurnell, in 1741, the following evidence was given : Mrs. Barrett. I knew Anthony Shellburn, he has been dead some years. I live in Fleet Lane ; but the book this marriage is in, belongs to Mr. Cox, at the Hand and Pen, at the Ditch Side. I have got with me the Registers of my husband's Marriages. Mr. Cox is dead, and tJie book went to his ividow ; she has since sold it to other persons. When one of the Fleet Registers was taken to Shrewsbury, on a trial there in 1794, a Mrs. Olivi * gave the following evidence on the subject : " My first husband was Thos. Owens. I had the Register Books of Fleet Marriages in my possession from my marriage in 1761, till I went to America eleven years ago. I then sold them to Mr. Panton. My husband Owen died about 1773. My hus- band made a will. I had the possession of the books myself, as my husband had other business. I heard my husband say he pur- chased these books. He had a Marriage House in Fleet Lane. I used the books to grant certificates upon parish affairs." By the Will of Thomas Owens, dated 18th Feb. 1775, and proA^ed in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, he bequeaths to his wife Susan Owens, " All the Books of the Registry of the Fleet Marriages, now in my possession." By the evidence on the before-mentioned trial in 1794, it appears that " The persons who kept the different Marriage 1 Mrs. Olivi, or Olive, was originally a servant to a man named Lilly, who kept a Marriage House near the corner of Fleet Street. She used to ply for Lilly, and when he died, Owens succeeded to one of the Marriage Houses, and married this Mrs. Olivi. It is not improbable that Owens bought the books of Lilly's representatives. Lilly was one of the most fortunate of the marriage-house keepers, and had a very brisk trade. The following advertisement shows Mr. Olive's residence : " All the original Register Books containing the marriages solemnized at the Fleet, May Fair, and the Mint, for upwards of one hundred years past, may be searched by applying to George Olive, at the Wheat Sheaf, in Nicholl's Square, near Cripplegate. The great utility of these Collections prevents any encomiums." 43 Houses were occasionally the Clerks ; if nobody was in the way, any person executed the office as a Clerk. The man that in general was their servant, he registered them." a Five or six hundred of these books were purchased of Mrs. Olivi, about 1783, by Mr. Benjamin Panton. Mr. Panton, in his evidence in the cause of Lloyd v. Passingham, said they weighed more than a ton ; that he had been in the habit of attending Courts of Justice with them, and never knew them refused. 2 About the year 18 Mr. Panton died, leaving a Will, whereby he bequeathed these books to his daughter, Panton, who, in 1813, disposed of them to Mr. Wm. Cox. 3 Amongst the books is one used to contain an account of all searches made: it is headed, " This Book contains all the searches found and not found from the year 1784 to 1804 and 1819, that as been made by any of Mr. Panton's familly since inn their possession, and is now going on by Mr. Wm. Cox, 1813." 4 They were purchased of Mr. Cox by Government, in 1821 ; and in one of the printed parliamentary estimates for that year is the following item : " An account showing how the sum of 280,000 granted by Par- liament to provide for extraordinary expenses of a civil nature was expended ; 1 In one of the Registers is a memorandum, " Here ends the Register kept by my wife." 8 Short-hand notes taken at the trial. 3 By some entries made in one of the Fleet books, (No. 219.) and probably made by Owens, it appears that in 1761 he received for Searches and Extracts in and from the Books in his possession, 61. 14s. In 1762, 90. 4s. 8d. Fora Certificate of the Marriage of James Ford and Isabella Liscomb, 6. 6s. Od. Isaac Gouldin and Ann Willis . . .550 Tho 9 Bassett and Jane M'Doual . . 550 Jn Baptiz Brozos and Mary Potter . . 10 2 6 And there is in the same book the following minute : " Nov. 30, 1761 , bought the Books of M Dnimmon." A great many of the small memorandum books have the name of " Tho Cope" on the covers. 4 It is believed the following office, mentioned in the Law Lists for several yeais. belonged to him, " Register containing Marriages of the Fleet, May Fair, and Mint, in Rutland-House, Charter House Square.'' 44 " George Maule, Esq. Solicitor for the affairs of the Treasury, to enable him to purchase for the use of the public a series of Books containing the Entries of Marriages in the Fleet Prison and the Rules thereof, from the year 1686 to the year 1754. 260. 6*. 6d." The following letter was upon that occasion sent by Lord Sidmouth to the Bishop's Registrar, who received the books from Mr. Maule, and deposited them at the office of the Re- gistrar of the Consistory Court of London, where they have ever since remained. 1 Sir, " It having been judged expedient to purchase a set of books containing the original Entries of Marriages solemnized in the Fleet Prison and Rules thereof, from the year 1686 to the year 1754, 1 have been honoured with His Majesty's commands to de- sire that you will receive the said books from Mr. Maule, the Solicitor to the Treasury, and give him a receipt for the same, and deposit them in the Registry of the Consistory Court of London. " I have the honour to be, Sir, " Your most obedient humble Servant, " SIDMOUTH." " The Registrar of the Consistory Court of London, or his Deputy." 1 It is to be wished that they were better arranged and indexed. There are several very large indexes, which only require a little time and attention to ascertain to what Registers they refer. The pocket-books also might be bound together, and preserved from dust and dirt ; and if Government would give another 100, these objects might be attained. It was a labour of many months to go through so many hundreds of dusty, dirty, and sometimes ragged books, to extract the materials for this volume. " A very important discovery has a short time since been made of the original books of Registry of Marriages and Births which occurred in the Fleet Piison and its Rules from the year 1686 to 1754, together with those celebrated at the Mint and May Fair Chapel : of the authenticity of these records no doubt is entertained ; and they have, by an order from Lord Sidmouth, been lately deposited with the Regis- trar of the Diocese of London, in Godliman -street. The long period of doubt and difficulty which obscured the union of the marriages and births of that era, before the date of the Marriage Act, will now be cleared, and the titles to estates during that period find a clear elucidation hitherto very much required." (Courier, 8 June 1821.) 45 The following are extracts from the Fleet Registers which consist of about two or three hundred large Registers, and a thousand or more of the rough Books, or, as they are called, Pocket Books. " November 5 th 1742 was married Benjamin Richards of the parish of St. Martin in the Fields B* & Judith Lance D Sp at the Bull and Garter and gave g & for an antidate to March y e 11 th in the same year, which Lilley comply'd w th & put 'em in his Book accordingly, there being a vacancy in the Book sutable to the time" " On Tuesday Aprill the 20 th 1742 came a man & woman to the Bull & Garter the man pretended he would marry y e woman by w'ch pretence he gott money to pay for marrying & to buy a ring, but left the woman by herself and never returned, upon which J. Lilley takes the woman from the Bull & Garter to his own house and gave her a Certifycate as if she had been married to the man. The Maid a Welch Girl call'd brought me a Guinea to change and told me the story." " Jn Ellis & Jane Davis, she being dead left a house in y e Market Place in Ailsbury 2 Flower pots at y e Door. Wanted by y e Soror & Wax Work a Sham C of y r Nupt Oct r 9 th 1739." "June 10 1729 John Nelson of y e Pa of St. George Hanover Batchelor and Gardener & Mary Barns of y c same Sp: married Jn Floud Min r Cer: dated 5 November 1727 to please their parents." " Wanted 18 years back." " 15 th offered me 10" 6 d to fill up a blank in Mr. Flood's Name & Books." " John Thomas Briquett of the Pa of St Giles's Attorney at Law and Sara Jarman of the Pa of St Anns Westm r W & Sp mar: by me in Newgate some years since in Major Barnardy's Room. Jn Floud Cler." " Aug st 31 st 1738 James Clement Gent of St Edmund y e King London B r & Eliz Taylor of St Pauls Covent Garden Sp r at Far- rells Bagnio in Long Acre 5. 5. 0." " 1728, Joseph South, of the parish of Deptford in Kent, and Eliz. Durham of the same place Ba. and Sp. married at a Cook- shop, next the Yorkshire Gray, at the house of John Warminger." 46 " These wicked people came this day ; Peter Oliver of St. Olaves Carpenter and Elisabeth Overtoil B. and W would have a certificate dated in 1729, or would not be married if it was to be dated to this time went to Lilley's and was married." " This 31 8t of May came a man and a wooman to be married at M rs Levi's. Gave M r Ashwell 2 s 6 d : he would have 5" O d all ; but they abusied him, and all persons there went to Bates or M r Dare's, and gave 6 9 6 d and was married, which was nine shil- lings, when they might been done cheaper." " N. B. A coachman came and was half married, and wou'd give but 3 s 6 d and went off." 1741, Walter Turner, of St. Ann's Soho, B 1 , and Sarah Sysam, appear'd to be a vile design'd skeme, as I afterwards dis- covered." " September y e 11 th , 1745. Edw dl and Elizab th were married and would not let me know their names, y e man said he was a weaver and liv'd in Bandylegwalk, in the Borough. P r E. Ashwell." 1 Besides the Registers, there are in the Bishop's Registry a very great number of small pocket books used by the Fleet parsons, and which, it appears, they were in the habit of carrying about with them to the different public houses where Mar- riages were to be done, and making the entries therein, and afterwards transcribing them into the larger Register. In case, however, the parties did not pay for register- ing, or if they wished the marriage to be secret, their surnames were not trans- cribed into the large Register, so that these pocket books are valuable as containing particulars not to be met with in the larger Register. After the entries of Marriages, the remarks of the clergyman are often to be met with ; as a specimen of them, are the following " Jn Todd of St. John's Wapping at King Edw d * Staires waterman, a friendly adviser and director to y e Fleet for Marriages." " N. B. they had liv d together 4 years as man and wife : they were so vile as to ask for a Certifycate to be antidated." " N. B. they wanted an antidate from 45 to 41." " N. B. Both y 6 man and woman were exceedingly vile in their behaviour." " N. B. the woman was big w t!l child, and they wanted a Certifycate antidated ; and because it was not comply'd with, they were abusive w' h a Witness." " N. B. the person belonging to y e house aloud me only 2 s out of 8 s ." " 4..0 2. .6 p d 3..0 Waterman." (About 4s. or 5s. appears to have been the clergyman's fee, and Is. or 2s. the 47 " 13 Sept. Edw d Emmet Gent, of Barkin in Essex B and Han- nah Bowie D Sp. Castle Tavern Paternoster Row, M r Burnford's Weding. W. 2 guineas, M. 1 guinea, was to be secret for a month." " Sept r the 6 tk , John Fletcher of the Parish of St. Mary's, Oxon. Ba. and Gent., and Mary Gardner, of the Pa. of Fulham, Hammersmith, Spinster, att the Goat, Phillips's, the 6 th . John Flood. " This was a Gentleman, Gaynam refused to marry. By reason of his being student att Oxford, and knowing his father." May y e 6 th 1740 James Wheeler Drum r of y* 1 st Regim* & Catherine Smith W & W At y e new Bawdy-house joyning Grinley's." " June the 21, 1741. Thomas Millis Butcher of Kingston- upon- Theams B* & Mary Jarvis of S* Clement Dean Sp. M" Crooks N. B. Madam Roberts the player who lives in Duke Street West- minster came w th them & a Barronight who keeps her came with them." " Jan* 4, 1743-4. Thomas Brown of the first troop of Horse Guards Wid r & Mary Hope of St. Pancras at the Shepherd & Goat. N. B. This s d Thomas Brown that took the Standard at Dedingen." " June, 26. 1744 Nathaniel Gilbert Gent of St Andrews Hoi- born and Mary Lupton at Oddy's. N. B. There was 5 or 6 in company, one amongst seem'd to me by his dress and behavi r to be an Irishman. He pretended to be some Grand Officer in the army. He y e said Irish Gent told me before I saw y e woman y l was to be married y* it was a poor Girl a going to be married to a Common Soldier, but when I come to marry them I found myself impos'd upon, and having a mistrust of some Irish roguery, I took clerk's. Out of these, an allowance was made to the persons who brought the par- ties to be married.) " Had a noise for foure hours about the money." " N. B. Stole a silver spoon." " 1740 Geo Grant & Ann Gordon B & Sp. Stole my cloathes brush." " 1740 R d Shears & Hannah Allen B & S. The person whoe was with them I believe knew it to be a made marriage." " Davis and Wyatt brought the others, and were very abusive to Mr Ashwell. I absent, and went and left a pott of 4 penny to pay." " Her eyes very black, and he beat about y e face very much." 48 upon me to ask what y e Gentleman's name was, his age &c and likewise the Lady's name & age Answer was made me What was that to me G . . dam me if I did (not) immediately marry them he would use me ill ; in short, apprehending it to be a con- spiracy I found myself obliged to marry them in Terrorem N. B. some material part was omitted." " 1742 May 24 A Soldier brought a Barber to the Cock who I think said his name was James, Barber by Trade, was in part married to Elizabeth, they said they were married enough." " 1717 Feb 4) Cha Bowles of Southwark Merchant & Doro- at his own House > thy Hunt of Lower Areley in Worstershire. Southwark ) W and Sp." " I have put a secret Wedding in my private Book of Memo- randum on this day" (Nov. 5. 1742.) ' " The Woman ran across Ludgate Hill in her Shift." * " Entered in Lilleys Book by an unknown hand Dec r 1 1716 Dan Paul St James's Capt" in y e Horse Guards. Elizabeth Murray B Sp." March y e 4 th 1740 William 3 and Sarah he dress'd in a gold waistcoat like an Officer, she a Beautifull young Lady with 2 fine diamond Rings and a Black high Crown Hat & very well dressed at Boyce's." " N. B. There was 4 or 5 young Irish Fellows, seem'd to me after y e Marriage was over to have deluded y e young woman gave d Clk y & : 4 N. B. behaved rogueshly, Broke the Coachman's Glass." " N. B. married at a Barbers Shop next Wilsons viz. one Ker- rils for half a Guinea, after which it was extorted out of my pocket and for fear of my life delivered." 1 A separate Book was kept for the purpose of inserting Marriages which were desired to be kept secret Upon perusal of a private Book of this sort from 1748 to 1753, it appears that nearly all the contracting parties were of a superior station in Life, the additions being " Gent, and Sp." * It was a vulgar error that a man was not liable to the Bride's debts if he took her in no other apparel than her shift. The Daily Journal of 8 Nov. 1725, men- tions a similar exhibition at Ulcomb, in Kent. 3 In a great many instances the parties refused to tell their surnames. 4 Letters were used to denote the Sums received for fees, in the same way as they are now used by Tradesmen for their private marks. 49 20 May 1737. Jn Smith Gent of St James West r Batch' & Eliz Huthall of St Giles's Sp r at Wilson's. By y e opinion after matrimony my Clark judg'd they were both women, if y e person by name John Smith be a man, he 's a little short fair thin man not above 5 foot." " After marriage I almost co d prove y m both women, the one was dress'd as a man thin pale face & wrinkled chin." " Thomas Monk Sawyer & Marg* Lawson pawn'd to Mr. Lilley a handkerchief & silver Buttons for 2 s ." " N. B. y e woman was a Neighbour's Daughter, the Sister raised a Mob & s d my maid was my W " No. 5. A very large folio intituled " The Register of the Fleet wherein is contained the severall marriages cele- brated and performed In The New Chappie St Brides beginning January 1751" ends July I153.( l ) " Charles a Countryman & Lusey would not tell their names vil Beaheaver. J. F. " 24 Dec. 1751. No. 24. A very large square folio, commencing Sept. 14 1709 ending 13 Oct. 1715 (about 1200 entries.) "Xmas 1714. John Caterwood in White Lyon Cort Cornhill married to Mad m Wattgraves att Mr Lilleys and her former hus- band is Liveing. Married by Mr John Mottram. Shee lodging att Charles Street in Westminster." No. 27. A thin folio of 40 pages, for the year 1744. The initials of the Clergyman's Name and the fees paid are added to the entries ; the amounts of fees paid for the marriages registered on three pages are thus : . 5 . 7. 6 10. 6 2. 6 3. 6 2. 6 1. 1 2. 6 10. 6 5 7. 6 7. 6 2. 6. 5. 5. 10. 6 7. G Jan: 13. 1744. John - & Mary " " "I WD 2.6" (') The Numbers here placed against the Books from which the Author's extracts are made, are those in his own manuscript, not those of the Registers themselves. K 50 No. 30. " The Registry of the Weddings at the King's Arms Fleet Market by Sundry Parsons." " 1740 Octo 24. Gwin Lloyd of Hendor Merionethshire Esq. & BUz" 1 Taylor of St James's Westm r B & S. P r W. Wyatt."(') No. 40. The Marriages in this Book performed by Mr. Floud about 1725, have the Names of the Witnesses sub- scribed. No. 41. 1721-1727, " Register Book of Marriages by Sundry Parsons. The Chappie Register." "October 6, 1722. Thomas Hinkly, Mitcham, Husbandman. Sarah Baker, Morton B. S. (Mott) no cer : under 02. 2. 6 for cheating of me Matt. Wilson." (At the end of the Book.) " At the sign of the Hand and Pen on the ditch side London, where the Ancient Register Books of Fleet Marriages are kept, persons may be married at their own conveniency by a Minister of y e Church of England." No. 47. About 5000 entries 1725-1736. " N. B. that a Woman by the name of Martha Mathews came here when Mr Lilley was out and said she was married to one Rich d . Edwards. I enter'd it down by mistake it) a Certificat but no such marridge was ever in this Book Jobson." " 1728-9 March 3. Henry and Ann, no other names. Ja. Wagst." Novemb r 1728, 4 th . Edward Euerretof St James Westmins r & Hannah Grady of y e same, Batch 1 & Spins' not married." January 1728-9, 13 th . Tho 8 Conden of St Margaretts West- minster Shoemaker and Mary Jones Sp l of do. " N. B. behav d very indecent and rude to all." " 1729 June 15. Francis and Sarah thay went a way in hast But married P l Jos a . Lilley P r John Floud, Min r " 1734 December 15. John Mountford of St. Ann's Sohoe Taylor B, Mary Cooper Ditto Sp. suspected 2 Women, no Certif :" (' ) This was the entry in question in the case of Lloyd and Passingham. 51 1735 June 5 th . Dennis and Ann Done at the Mitre at Brentford 1 T ... v P r J. Gaynam. would give no sirnames J No 44. 1721-1733, about 1200 entries, with an Index. "1728 March 1. Christopher Martin of Hanover Sq: St. Georges and Ruth Agar of Marribone married. J. Floud, Min r Register'd on the 4 of August 1728 and the marriage done the 4 of August on Sunday."(') 25 June 1729. W m Kniht of the Pa of Hampstead Gardner and Batchelor & Joanna Woodward of the parish of Wilsdon Spinster, married. P Jn Floud." W m Knight none to search but him >. or Joanna Woodward, Bride no / month set on the Cer. only the { 24 th day W m Knight. ) No. 46. 1731-1737. " 1733-4, January 14. Cornelius Tho s of St Mary Rotherhithe B r & Gent & Hester Green Sp r . Left a ring. 0. 10. 6. Rob 1 uthbert." No. 51. 1727-1754, but has entries as early as 1700, with an index. This is one of the most curious of the Books, as nearly every entry has some observation annexed to it, written in Greek characters, which illustrate the shameful practices of the Fleet Clergymen. "March 1729, 2 d . John Gordon Esq r . of the liberty of Westm r & Barbara Raynes of Greenwich in Kent B & Sp. P r Jn Floud. They were married at East Lane in Greenwich paid two guineas, Clark five shillings & two parchment Certificates half a guinea more. Doctor & self made an equal division (E^uaX Aut the 54 Marriage five shillings one D Clerkship, and one D Certiff. The man had five shillings for marrying her, of which I had one and sixpence. N.B. The above said person marrys in common."(') 1727 December 23. Richard Armstrong, Cordwainer, and Mary Roberts, of Shoreditch. Wr & Sp. P r Jn Floud. paid one pound five shillings, viz. parson five shillings, and the man five shillings, (vid: December 11 th ut supra,) and fifteen shil- lings myself." "July 1729, 11 th . John Rogers, Gent, and Elizabeth Hussey, (alias) Rebecka Mitchell, both of St. Margaret's, WestnT. W r & W. P r Jn Floud. wedding. I was fuddled over night, and next morning I found myself a-bed with a strange woman, ' And who are you "? how came you here ?' says I, ' O my dear, says she, we were marry'd last night at the Fleet.' (Sessions Papert.) ( ! ) Thus it clearly appears that Welsh, alias Janes, alias Armstrong, alias married four women in fourteen months ; each time changing his name. The object of the brides in paying for a husband to be found for them, was to enable them to plead coverture to any action for debt, or to give them the means of shew- ing a certificate in case of their being enceinte. After an entry on the 19 th Dec r 1728, we find the Bridegroom thus paid "for his trouble." (See p. 53.) " George Mackarly, a Soldier, & Bridget Marcan, of St. Giles in the fields, W & Wo Pr Jno Floud. p* eight shillings per total, viz. two & sixpence to the Bridegroom for hit trouble, the rest between Doctor and self." Dr. Gaily, in his " Considerations on Clandestine Marriage," (1750,) observes, "It is well known to be a common practice at the Fleet, and that there are men provided there, who have each of them within the compass of a year married several women for this wicked purpose." Nov T 21, 1729, was tried a cause in the Court of King's Bench, between James Hopman plaintiff, and Jane Hunter defendant, when Defendant proved she was married to one Matterson, a soldier in the Foot Guards, at the time she contracted the debt ; but it being proved on the other side that Matterson had a wife then living, and that Defendant gave him half a guinea to marry her, to screen her from paying her debts, the Jury found for the Plaintiff. Daily Journal, 1729. In one of the pocket-books are the following entries " This to be incrted 21 of Febr 1739-40, Will Jones, Vintner, of Covent Garden, B. & Jennett Hunter, D. Sp. (at Wheeler's.) They came first to Burnford's, and would give but 5s. she dress' d very fine, and looked like a common woman, wanted a man to personate." " Oct' 14 1732. John Blewington, of Rippon, in Yorkshire, Bricklayer, B. & Sarah Barington, of Colchester, Wid w . N.B. This Barrington s<* she had 40 pr annum, had been confined for debt, and married Blewington to skreen her." " 24 July 1737. Simon Parrott, Plasterer, of Swallow St., St. James's, & Ann Pritchett, Wid r & Wid w . When he had married her sl he would never bed her, he would marry any body." 55 p d half a guinea per total. Mrs. Hussey, though a Quaker, (none of the most scrupulous,) she could not comply with the cere- monies of our church, yet would take the man to bed to her upon the bare dependence of credit of a Fleet certificate ; she being only personated by Beck Mitchell." " Robert Draper, Gardiner, and Ann Osborn, both of Battersea, married at Kit Linerells. I gave a certificate, for which I had only a quartern of brandy.' " 22 July 1728. Nicholas Richardson, invalid soldier in Chel- sea Hospital, and Judith Taylor, of Chelsea. W & W. P r Jn Floud. Married at Chidleys. I gave a Certificate, and was paid with a promise." " 10 Dec. 1728. W m Salkeld, a Marriner, and Mary Jones, both of St. Andrews, Holborn. B & Sp. P r Jn Floud. Marr: ten shillings, two and sixpence Clark ; one D Register, two and six- pence Certificate. They were married at twelve at night, and lay all night in bed in my house, for which had one shilling and sixpence more." " 22 March 1728. Tho s Stringer, a Brewer's Servant, and Ann Criswell, both of St. Sepulchre's. B & Sp. P r Jn Floud. Paid three shillings and sixpence, Certificate one and sixpence ; it being pretty late, they lay here, and paid me one shilling for bed, (a kind girl-") " Edmund Daviss, a Hatter, of St. George's, Bloomsbury, and Mary Sprigg Martin, of St. Giles's in the Fields. B & Sp. P r Jn Floud. These couple were bedded about six minutes, and paid only five shillings per total, being friends of Mary Hall. Vid. Apr. 9, 1727." " Patrick Fitzgerald, a Carter, of St. George's, Hanover Square, and Grace Bennit, of St. Giles's in the Fields. B & Sp. P r Jn Floud. Marr: five shillings, certif. one do. ; brought by Mr. Clark, overseer of St. Giles's." (After another Parish Wedding.) " Paid three shillings, a Parish Wedding, and the people being pretty remarkable, I believe there was a mob of three hundred people after them."(') (') On Saturday last, the Churchwardens for a certain parish in the City, in order to remove a load from their own shoulders, gave 40s. and paid the expense of a Fleet marriage, to a miserable blind youth, known by the name of Ambrose Tally, who plays on the violin in Moorfields, in order to make a settlement on the wife 56 " 29 Aug' 1729. John Wills, Distiller, of St. Dunstans in the East, and Mary Mackarty, of St. Andrew's, Holborn. W & W. Marr: five shillings, and two do. Certif. Two most notorious Thieves. P r Jn Floud." " 12 Dec. 1729. John Slater, Gent, of St. Andrew's, Holborn, and Frances Thompson, of St. Dunstan's in the West. B & Sp. P r Jn Floud. This Marriage upon Honour. Vid. the 30 th of Nov. 1727." " 16 Dec. 1729. George Stewart, Gent, and Mary Hill, both of St. Dunstans in the West. B & W w . P r Jn Floud. Marr: viz. per an old Licence (') one guinea and a half, the wedding half a guinea, and Certif. five shillings, performed at the Sun Tavern, in Holbourn." " 23 Aug. 1732. John Cope, Gent, and Susannah Clark, both of Clapham, in Surry. W r & Sp. P r Sam 1 Backler. P ten and sixpence per total, being married before by proxy." " 25 Aug* 1735. Matthew Medcalf, a Weaver, and Ann Hub- bard, both of Whitechapel. B & W. D. Wigmore. Total three and sixpence ; but honest Wigmore kept all the money ; so fare- well him." " 20 Nov r 1735. John Greentree, a Husbandman, and Eliza- beth Seager, both of Wimbledon, in Surry. B & W. P r Walter Wyatt. Total nineteen shillings, my Lord and self took them from Brown, who was going into the next door with them." " 27 April 1736. Cotton Bartlett, Apothycary, and Elizabeth Sharp, both of St. Bride's. B & W. P r W. Wyatt. Total six shillings. Brought by a Counsellor." " 1 July 1728. Joseph Otway, Gent, and Deborah Smith. B & Sp. Married by the Doctor abroad, but upon his letter to me for that purpose, registered here, and was paid one shilling." " 12 July 1729. Thomas Whiting, a Coppersmith, and Dorothy Todd, both of St. Bottolph's, Aldgate. B & Sp. P r Jn Floud. and future family in Shoreditch parish. To secure their point they sent a parish officer to see the ceremony performed. One cannot but admire the ungenerous pro- ceeding of this City parish, as well as their unjustifiable abetting and encouraging an irregularity so much and so justly complained of, as these Fleet matches. In- vited and uninvited, were a great number of poor wretches, in order to spend the bride's parish fortune Daily Post, 4 July 1741. (') Perhaps a Licence from the Commons which had already been used. 57 Marr: ten shillings and sixpence, and two and sixpence Clark. No certif. I had them married at Mrs. Johnson's, at the Golden Lion Tavern, in the Old Bailey, January 30 th , 1731.(') Mrs. Whiting had a Certificate and paid me two and sixpence for it." " 30 Dec. 1729. Joseph Payne, a Picture Frame Maker, and Mary Hall, both of St. Dunstan's in the West. B & Sp. P r Jn Floud. Marr: eight shillings, one Clark and two certificate ; brought by Friend Pickett. I had not my share of the Wedding, Doctor Floud being call'd home, taken ill, and dying the next morning. The following is the form in which the entries in this book are made. 28 th pugg: 7//g>]T) (7>. QV1) 1735 October Bay, Thomas, a Mealman, of Springfield, & Rebecka Brown, of Much Baddah, in Essex I* Jn Floud. No. 50. A narrow folio, commencing 1730 to 1773, intitu- led " Robt. Cuthbert's Marriages." "1731 May 8. Tho 8 Rolte and Ann Calvert, Ba & Spinster, Gent, of St. Giles's Camp's. She of St. Andrews, Holborn ; no- body to see it. W m Toone Father. An old Gentleman gave 1. Is. and a Gent, from my Lord Baltemore 2. 2s. he had cert: 20 day." " 1731 August 11. W m Charlton and Mary Laneve, Ba & Spinster, weaver, of Blackfriars, at my Ladyes,( a ) Fleet Lane." (At the end of the book is) " Rob 1 Cuthbert, Minister of the Fleet, mortuus anno Dom: 1734. Quarto die Augustii aetatis sui 42."" (') Although performed in 1731, entered as 12 July 1729. ( 2 ) The Rev. Kobt. Cuthbert was doubtless so occupied in the solemn duty of marrying others, that he had no time to go through the ceremony for himself. " My Ladye '' might be supposed to mean Landlady, but after another entry of marriage is a memorandum less equivocal, it runs thus, " paid five shillings, and one certificate, brought by Mrs. Blood, Doctor Floud's Mistress." 58 No. 60. A narrow folio, 1738 to 1740. " Nov r 6, 1739. Richard Oliver, Gent, of St. Katherines, B r and Eliz. Holloway, of St. Gregory's Sp r . Mar: upon Tick." " March y e 30 th 1740. John James, B r and Eliz th ; would not tell their names, but paid 1. 10s." No. 68. A large narrow folio, 1739 to 1743. " October y e 13, 1741. Denis Christopher, Bookbinder, Ches- ham, Bucks, Wid r , to Martha Townsend, of Ailsbury, D Sp r . att y e Cock. N.B. Married for nothing to obblige Mr. Golder Attorney- att-Law." " Nov er y e 21, 1742. Akerman Rich d , Turner, of Christ Ch r , Baf, to Lidia Collet Mrs. Crooks. N.B. They behaved very vilely, and attempted to run away with Mrs. Crooks Gold Ring." 28 th . Smith Robert, Hosier, of St. Martin's in y e fields, Wid r , to Sarah Skett : appear'd a rogue." No. 69. A long narrow folio, 1742 to 1743, intituled " Re- gister Book of Marriages, by Mr. Dare." " 2 d October 1742. James, son of Ephraham and Mary Miller, of White Fryers, in the parish of St. Bride's, half baptized at Bos, by W. Dare, priest of the Church of England." " 7 November 1742. Thomas Boadish, of St. Andrew Hoi- born, Gent. Widower, and Carew Tate, of St. Pauls Covent Gar- den, Spinster. f Elizabeth Dare, Present-? Anna Catherina Dee, i. Sussex Dare. " November 23 d 1742. George Wright, &c. &c. &c." " October 2 d 1743. John Figg, of St. Johns the Evang 5 , Gent, a Widower, and Rebecca Woodward, of Ditto, Spinster, at y e same time gave her y e Sacrament.'^ 1 ) (') This is the only instance met with where these Clergymen have added to their infamy by administering the Sacrament after marriage. They were, however, anxious to impose on the ignorant by as much attention to * rites and ceremonies' as was consistent with their own interests, thus : On a trial for Bigamy, in 1731, Samuel Pickering deposed "the prisoner was married at my house in the Fleet, to Mr. Humphreys, by Mr. Mortram a clergy- man. I gave her away, and saw the ring put upon her hand, and broke the biscuit over her head." And 59 No. 73. A long narrow folio, 1742 to 1744. " 1744 Aug 1 y e 20. John Newsam, Labourer, of St. James's West, and Ann Laycock, D. Wid r & Wid w . They run away with the Scertifycate, and left a point of wine to pay for ; they are a vile sort of people, and I will remember them of their vile usage for a achample for the same." No. 76. A narrow folio, 1742 to 1749. " October 6, 1745. Mr. Francis Snead of Cheapside ~\ his friend, Went to Roehampton, the persons Robert and M. I." Mary. Octo r 21, 1745. Siff Hannah, proceed no further then ring. Wyatt.' i the [-M. D. ." J No. 81. " March 19, 1744. Church a Woman, Mrs. Dillion, Nurse in y e Herald's Office." No. 101. A short folio, ending about 1719, and intituled " The Register kept by Thomas Hodgkins, wherein is contained y e several marriages celebrated and pe'formed within y e Rules of y e Fleett and Chappell thereoff by y e Rever d John Vise, John Draper, James Colton, Henry Gower, and y e other Clergymen officiating there. Be- ginning November y e 4 th 1700." " February 1717, 10 th . John Green, Batch. House Carpenter of St. Dunstans Stepney, and Elizabeth Felton, Spinster, of St. Mary White Chappell. not married because not agreeing with y s Doctor." No. 106. A short folio. On the first page, " Christnings by D r Draper ;" on the second page, " Marridges in y e year of our Lord 1714." And on the trial of Robert Wilson, in 1737, for Bigamy, a witness deposed, " I know the prisoner was married to Steel, I was present when that affair was trans- acted. They were married at a brandy shop at the Fleet ; the ceremony was per- formed by a man in a night gown ; whether he was a parson or not, I can't tell." (Sessions Papers.) 60 " John Harrison, of St. Giles in the Fields, a Taylor, and Mary Cunigham, Ditto. B. W. June y e 4, 1723. These not marr: only names inserted." " Memorandum. The 21 st day of August 1725, being Saturday at night was assaulted by Samuel Pickering, at his own house the signe of the Fighting Cocks, in Fleet Lane, and he throatled me and most murdered me, as Witness my Hand, John Evans, Minister." (') No. 110. A short folio, intituled, " Marriages at the Fleet By Henry Glover, Clerk, November y e 1 st An Do m 1716." " 1728 April 3. Michael Rebout & Ann Surgeirs, Both of St. Clement's Deans. P. Jn Floud Min r . N.B. The Certificate bares date 12 Sep* ) 1720, to satisfie Parents and friends." / No. 118. A short narrow folio. " January 20, 1729-30. John Pigott, of St. Martins Orgars, London, Captain of a West Indian Merchant, Bachl r & Constantia Maria Burgoyne, of the P h of St. Martin's in y e fields, in y e County of Middx, Spinster, married at Justice Webster's, in Castle Street, over y e Mews, in St. Martin's aforesV No. 119. A short thick folio, Sept. 1734 to Sept. 1736. " May y e 14, 1736. John Blackball, of St. Martin's in y e Fields, Clogmaker, & Hannah Cockerell, B & Widow at y e King's Head Henry Charlton, Clark. N Cert: under 2. Wigmore being sent for, but was drunk, so I was a stop-gap." " July 18, 1736. William Potts, of Allhallows, Barkin, Wine Cooper & Mary Small, D B & Sp r at Wilson's (') The many opposition Marriage-houses, the plying for custom, and scrambling for fees, gave rise to repeated quarrels. The following is from the Grub Street Journal, Dec. 12, 1734. " On Wednesday two Fleet Parsons preferred against each other Bills of indictment for assaults made by brother upon brother, But they both appearing aggressors and scholars alike famous, The Jury returned both their bills ' Ignoramus.' " 61 a sham I believe as to his name, because he told me another name first, and y e woman contradicted him." No. 136. A short folio of Walter Wyatfs. " Lyonel B* & Jane, a Lady, B & Sp r at Webb's, Esq. at Cornhill, in White Lyon Court Oct. 19, 1735." No. 148. A short folio. " 1 Oct. 1747. John Ferren, Gent. Ser. of St. Andrew's, Hoi- born, B r & Deborah Nolan, D " Sp r . The supposed John Ferren was discovered after y e Ceremonie were 'over, to be in person a woman." " 27 Dec' 1747. Francis Harwood, Feltmaker, of St. Botolph without Bishopgate, B r & Mary Brockholes, Widow. After marr: I perceived it to be a Hird Job.( l ) He a thin-jaw'd mean-looking fellow, Irish or Scotch, she gravida( 2 ) and very gent." " May 30 th 1748. A genteel cuple married with a 5 s stamp, enter'd in a parchment cover pocket-book whhPri on y c BacksV( 3 ) " Edward Warner, Gent, of Crundal, Hants, & Mary Mitchell, W 3 Jan. 1749. 10. 10. 0." No. 156. A short folio, " W. Wyatfs Register Book of the Fleet Marriages commencing June 25, 1751 to Mids r 1752." The entries are numbered, (1137 in all,) and there is an index. Nov r 11 470 1751. Pri 3 No. 158. On the cover of this Register are two entries " never to be seen." (') See page 54 for other instances of hired Husbands. (") " Yesterday morning an odd affair happened in the Liberties of the Fleet, where a young man and woman, (country people, and veiy well dressed,) came to be marry'd ; but before the minister had half performed the ceremony, the woman was delivered of a daughter. (This poor girl, though literally born in wedlock, seems to be somewhat more than half a bastard.") Grub Street Journal, 1735. ( 3 ) These blank entries in the Registers make the small pocket-books valuable, as without them the parties could not be known. (See note at p. 46.) 62 No. 161. A short folio, June 1745 to June 1747. " July 24, 1745. James Gent. & Mary at Georgia, near Hampstead. By M r Wilkinson. 5. 5 5. for a horse." " April 23, 1746. Joseph and Mary vide July 3 d Ult"(') Aug* 22, 1746. Samuel & Eliz: He a tall man about 40 years of age, she a fresh colour'd Pock fretten woman, very well built." No. 164. A small quarto, from 1700 to 1730, and at the other end from 1715 to 1742. " 1723, 14 April. Peter Hulett of St. Bride's, Fram Maker, Mary Ann Paviour, Sp r . forged by Mr. Dare in 1741, who married y m att Smith's att y e same time." No. 167. A small quarto. " Nov r 28, 1723. John James Jaxon & Mary Newell, both of St. James's, West r B r & Sp r . " Memorandum. Mr. Fairplay he called himselfe, would not say ' I will,' nor did she bee he did not both afterwards comply'd, & so were married, tho y e man designed nothing but a little w g & leaving y e woman in y e lurch." No. 170. A small quarto, 1731 to 1732. " May 15, 1732. John & Ann, Brought by one Willson, a Limb of y e Law, & married at Mr. Willson's by y e Ditch Syde, & never entered in any Booke, Refusing to pay Clarkship and y f Entry Fees any Otherways than by y e name of Jn & Ann." No. 209. A long narrow book, from 1738 to 1744. " Living near to one Joshua Lilley, and a person troublsome, I agreed to marry none at home, upon condition I married all y* came to his house." (Ashwell.) " 28 Ap 1 1740. Henry Mercer, ofLusam, late of Abinger, in Kent, Gent. Bat r , & Jane Sparrow, Ditto, Wid", at Crumpton's. (') Upon looking back to the 3d of July, the following entry appears interlined, and which is, of course, a false entry. " July 31, 1745. Joseph Garratt, Hatter, of St. James, W r , & Mary Jackson, 63 N.B. This last marriage was to be kept as a secret, the Lady having ajoynture during the time she continued Wid w ." No. 210. Ditto, from 1734 to 1738. " Novb y e 24, 1733, att y e Baptizd hed Tavern to go to Mr. Gibbs for to marry him in y e countrey. Wife worth 18,000." No. 212. Ditto, from 1744 to 1745. " 22 Aug 1 1744. Rob 1 Parker, Labourer, of Yoel, in Surry, & Hannah Horton, of D B' & Sp, at the Shepherd & Goat. N.B. The officers of the Parish took y e fellow up by Warrant to force him to marry her vile behav'd." " Sept r 5, 1744. Andrew Mills, Gent, of the Temple, & Char- lotte Gaillairdy, of St. Mildred, Poultry, at Mr. Boyce's, King's Head. N.B. One gentleman came first in a merry manner to make a bargain w th the Minister for the marriage, and immediately came the parties themselves disguising their dress by contrivances particularly buttning up the coat, because the rich wastecoat should not be seen, &c." " 25 September 1744. Thomas Games, Carpenter, of St. Mar- tin's in the Fields, & Lucy Hern, D B 1 & Sp. N.B. I examined them strickly, seeing a dirty fellow w^ long beard, and was afraid it was done as a skreen fr Debt." " December 4, 1744. Charlton Leigh ton, of the parish of Over- burry, in Shropshire, Gent, (belonging to y e Hon ble Collonel Cot- terel's Reg*) B 4 , & Anna Maria Mytton, of Conouer, in y e same County, Gentlewoman, Spinster. N.B. Two Gentlemen directed me to meet them at y e Vine Tavern, Upper Turn Stile, Holborn. After waiting 2 hours a foot- man came & call'd me to another house below, after very stict examination, I proceeded to marry them as appears." " May 2, 1745. John Harrowson, of the Duke Man of War, & Susannah Lawson, Sp. at Burnford's. this s d Harrowson swore most bitterly, & was pleas'd to say that he was fully determined to kill y e Minister &c. y l married him. N.B. He came from Gravesend, & was sober." " 26 Feb. 1745. Rob 1 Tayler & Marg 1 came into my own appartment, behav'd very rudely, swore sadly, oblig'd me to marry them for what they pleas'd for fear of my life, late at night, by the names above-mention'd." 64 "Juney' 12 th 1745. Challen Miller, Gent, of y" parisli of Horsham, in Sussex, Batch', & Elizab"' Parham, of the same, Spinster. N.B. A clergyman whose name was the Rev d Mr. Cheynell came to the Fountain Tavern, on Ludgate Hill, & wanted a Minister to converse with, as then was pleas'd to say. When I came to him it was to goe with him to the Royal Oak, near Vaux- hall, to marry a couple, viz. Miller, which he said he would have done it himself but was apprehensive he might offend some Friends, he himself living in y' neighbourhood, but he would stand Father, and accordingly Did Do so." EXTRACTS FROM SOME OF THE POCKET-BOOKS. " Nov r 1741, 5 th . John King, of St. Paul's, Covent Garden, Car- penter, B. Diana Nicholson, Do. Sp. Done at his house, Maiden Lane, she sick in bed." 1737. Temple West, Gent. & Frances Balchen, " not to be registered in y e yearly Book." " April 14, 1737. W m Evrett& Sarah Brunell, at my Shoe- makers.' " " Aug. 14, 1718. Offer'd 5 guineas to enter Walter Borthwick, of Waltham Stone, Gent : Ann Sharpless, D. B. Sp. Feb. 4, 1714." " Hary Porter, Higler at Leadenhall Market, married by a rong name to draw him." " April 18, 1745. R d Humphris, of St. James's, Grosvenor Sq. B. & Eliz* Greenwood, of St. James's, Clerkenwell, Wd w . in a cellar under the Fountain." J. G. " Ganderwaine, of Woolwich, a man of note, and brings wedings to y e Fleet, Sailors, &c." NAMES OF SOME OF THE PERSONS MARRIED AT THE FLEET. B. Bachelor. S. Spinster. W. Widower, Widow. Ditto, same parish as the Husband. 1724 May 6. Right Hon. Edward Lord Abergavenny, and Cath. Tatton, B and S. 1740 April 17. Jn Acton, Furnivalls Inn, Gent, and Ann Barker, St. Andrew's Holborn, S. 65 1747 Feb. 2. Thomas Adams, Gent. Aldingham, Herts, and Sarah Howard, W and W. 1714 Feb. 6. Matthew Addams, Gent, and Eliz. Warberton, St. Giles's, B and S. 1750 Oct. 14 Lewis Augustus Alexander, of Tooting, B. and Gent, and Ann Dines of same, S. 1732 July 15. Matthew Appleford, Gent. Duke of Bol ton's Horse, and Jane Lee, Aylesbury, B and S. 1746 June 22. James Archibald, Gent. Waltham Abbey, and Mary King, B and S. 1740 Nov. 1. Peter Ashenhurst, Gent. 1 st Reg 1 Foot, and Elizabeth Isham, of Aldgate, B and W. 1747 March 18. Wm Bartley, Gent. and Susannah Church, B andS. 1742 July 5. Chambers Bate, Gent. Foston, Derbyshire, and Ann Frye, of Anmey, Gloucestershire, S. 1742 May 23. Francis Bailly, Gent. St. James's, and Elizabeth Farrer, ditto, B and S. 1748 Jan. 9. John Bailly, Gent. St. George's Hanover Square, and Ann Standrod, B and S. 1754 March 25. Charles Bailey, Gent. St. Martin's Westminster, and Ann Rives, B and S. 1743 Sept. 22. Thomas Bamfield, Esq. Chelsea, and Elizabeth Copplestone, Old Windsor, B and S. 1736 April 28. Joseph Bampton, Gent, of Cheney, Bucks, and Mary Combs, W and W. 1731 Jan. 20. Daniel Barker, Lewston, Bedfordshire, Gent, and Ann Barker, Ditto, B and S. 1748 Oct. 3. Thomas Bartlett, Gent. Reading, and Mary Peel, B and W. 1741 April 21. R d Thomas Barrington, of Herefordshire, and Esther Rigway, Stafport, Cheshire, B and W. 1749 Feb. 3. ^neas Baynes, Gent, of St. James's, and Isabella Elwes, B and S. 1736 Nov. 19. Isaac Beaufills, of St. Antholins, Gent, and Rache De-la-Cart, B and S. 1741 April 6. David Becellor, Surgeon, St. Andrew's Holborn ( and Sarah Parker, Ditto, S. 1735 June 29. Isaac Beeke, Gent, of St. George's Hanover Square, and Christian Walker, B and S. F 66 1735 Oct. 12. Ephraim Bell, Gent. Inner Temple, and Frances Harrison, B and S. 1743 Aug. 16. Thomas Bellamy, Gent. Kingstone, Surrey, and Ann Lomax, of St. Albans, B and S. 1742 Oct. 19. Capell Berrow, Clerk, Aldersgate, and Eliz. Smith, B and S. 1737 May 25. Jn Evans Bewley, Gent. St. Clement Danes, and Eliz. Miller, St. Giles Fields, B and W. 1745 Jan. 9. Thomas Biggs, Gent. Horse Guards, and Eliza- beth Roden, B and W. 1745 Aug. 10. Robert Bird, Gent, of St. George's Bloomsbury, and Eliz. Roberts, of Ditto, B and S. 1749 June 15. Joseph Bissell, Gent. St. Peters Oxon : and Sarah Cowper, Worcestershire, B and S. 1742 June 15. Phillip Blinch, Gent. Bidiford, Devon, and Eliza- beth Gery, Northampton, B and S. 1744 Dec. 26. Sir John Bloy, of St. Gregorys, Feltmaker, B. and Ann Moore, of St. Olaves, Surrey. 1742 Nov. 7. Thomas Boadish, St. Andrew's Holborn, Gent, and Carew Tate, St. Paul Covent Garden, W and S. 1746 July 26. Joseph Bonquett, Gent. Aldgate, and Elizabeth Elves, B and S. 1754 March 16. Montagu Borman, St. Michael Cornhill, Gent. and Eliz. Short, Hampstead, B and S. 1742 Oct. 4. William Bowers, Gent. Sherborne, Oxon. and Sarah Holt, B and S. 1746 Feb. 9. Jessup Bough ton, Gent, of Huntingdon, and Eliz. Wix, of St. James's, B and S. 1729 Jan. 20. The Honourable John Bourke Esq." of Great Ormond St. and Catherine Hamilton, W. 1751 June 13. George Bowles, Gent, of St. James's, and Mary Vandryck, of Kensington, B and S. 1741 April 5. Robt. Brabant, of Blandford, Dorset, Gent, and Eliz. Lawrence, of Buckland, in Do. B and S. 1741 Dec. 2. Thomas Bradley, Gent. Horse Grenadiers, and Mary Bedford, Hemel Hempstead, B and S. 1736 June 22. Silas Bradshaw, Gent, and Mary Fere, both of St. Margaret's Westminster, W and Sv 67 1737 Feb. 2. Wm. Bray, Gent. St. Ann's Blackfriars, and Hannah Ward, St. James's Westminster. 1728 Feb. 18. Philip Brien, St. Giles Fields, Gent, and Barbara Salvell, ditto, Wand W. 1739 Aug. 31. Jno. Brook, of Norwich, Gent, and Catherine Watson, of Ashby, Leicestershire, B and S. 1724 July 6. (') Jn Brooke, Gent. St. Peter's, Norwich, and Catherine Watson, of Ashley, Leicester, B and S. 1740 Oct. 31. Peter Brooke, Gent. Cobham, Surrey, and Mary Godson, B and S. 1751 July 17. Edward Broom, Middle Temple, Gent, and Mary Maria Joyce, ditto, S. 1752 April 2. Christ. Browne, Esq. B. and Lydia Knight, S. 1736 April 10. Walter Bruce, Gent. Chatham, and Ann Short, Ditto, B and S. 1744 Jn Burch, Gent. St. George's Southwark, and Ann Rowland, of ditto, B and S. 1744 Feb. 22. William Burnee, Geu,t. St. Martin's, and Susan- nah Stanley, B and S. 1735 Sept. 2. Richard Burgoyne, of Cornwall, Gent, and Ursula Eades, W and S. 1713 Aug. 23. Wm. Burgon, Gent, and Ann Johnson, of Coven t Garden, B and S. 1742 Dec. 6. Richard Butler, Surgeon, Eastry, Kent, and Ann Wood, Woodnesborough, B and W. 1740 Oct. 20. Daniel Byrne, Gent. St. James's, and Mary Woolley, W and S. 1716 Nov. 12. Richard Doidge Callington, Esq. and Mary Ma- naton, of South Hill, B and S. 1747 June 22. Andrew Cameron, Gent, of Furness, and Sarah Me Duggan, B and W. 1748 Aug. 2. Charles Campbell, Gent, of Suttonbenjar, Wilt- shire, and Sarah Toms, B. and S. 1750 Feb. 18. John Carey, Gent. St. Martin's Fields, and Kathe- rine Douglas, W and S. (') Qu. If this marriage was not performed in 1739, and registered under that date, as well as under 1724 ? See note at page 51 on the practice of antedating. F 2 68 1754 March 21. Wm. Carrington, Gent. Teverton, Salop, and Frances Holt, B and W. 1735 Nov. 13. William Chancellor, Gent St. Margaret's West- minster, and Eliz. Kennedy, W and S. 1738 Aug. 24. Jn Chester, St. Paul's Covent Garden, and Eliz. Chester, ditto, B and S. 1720 Dec. 6. George Chapman, Gent. St. Margaret's Westmin- ster, and Ann Park, ditto, B and W. 1744 Feb. 25. John Chetwood, Gent. Wellington, Somersetsh. and Susannah Kettleby, W and W. 1733 Jan. 16. Jn Church, Chemist, Lambeth, and Mary Faith- full, St. Clement Danes, W and S. 1738 Oct. 8. James Clayton, Gent. Chichester, and Ann Par- ker, Ditto, B and S. 1744 March 4. Jn Clayton, Esq. Hust, Berkshire, and Sarah Browning, St. Lawrence Waltham, B and S. 1747 Dec. 27. Robert Coker, Gent, of Cripplegate, and Ann Fowler, B and S. 1739 Sept. 10. Jn Coleman, Gent. Holborn, and Mary Terry, Chigwell, B and S. 1740 May 19. Edw. Compton, St. Luke's Middlesex, Gent, and Mary Young, ditto, W and S. 1718 May 13. Col. Thomas Condon, 1 st Regt. Guards, and Elizabeth Mellish, of St. James's, B and S. 1737 Jan. 19. Jno. Coningham, of St. James's Gent, and Mary Crafts, ditto, B and S. 1749 Feb. 25. Peirce Cook, Gent. St. James's, and Elizabeth Rachel Newman, B and S. 1743 July 30. Jn Conyer, Gent. St. James's West: and Sarah Wood, St. Andrew's Holborn, B and S. 1732 Aug. 23. Jn Cope, Gent, and Susannah Clarke, both of Clapham, W and S. 1750 June 10. Jn Copley, Gent. St. Dunstan's East, and Hannah Simkins, B and S. 1734 Jan. 14. Thomas Cornelious, St. Mary Rotherhithe, Gent. and Hester Green, B and S. 1751 April 23. Archelaus Courtany, Gent, of Chelsea, and Grace Annett, W. 173- Jan 28. Hercules Courteney, Esq. St. James's Westmin- ster, and Margaret Drysdale, ditto, S. 69 1738 Jan. 4. Samuel Cox, of St. George's Hanover Square, Gent, and Rosamond Friend, B and S. 1746 Aug. 11. James Crumpton, Gent, of the Light Horse, and Mary Caruthus, of Iver, B and S. 1738 Jan. 9. John Cullen, St. Peter's Canterbury, Gent, and Ann Morgan, St. Andrew's, ditto, B and S. 1736 April 14. Tempest Culliford, Gent, of Chelsea, and Eliza- beth Day, B and S. 1737 June 11. Wm. Cundell, Gent. St. Bride's, and Sarah Bathe, St. Martin in the Fields, W and S. 1748 Feb. 11. Alexander Currie, Gent. St. James, and Eliza- beth Edwards, W and S. 1743 Sept. 27. George Daniel, Gent. Westminster, and Sarah Jones, B and S. 1738 Aug. 21. Nicolas Urbain Guillou Darmenonville, St. Ann's Westminster, Gent, and Marsanne Conche, of ditto, B and S. 1732 Jan. 22. Sherrington Davenport, Esq. Davenport House, Salop, and Gratiana Rodd, Hereford, S. 1749 Sept. 9. Thomas Davidson, Gent, of Baling, and Sarah Fisher, St. George's Bloomsbury, B and S. 1743 Oct. 26. Ab m Davis, Gent. Falmouth, and Grace Lewis, B and S. 1752 April 17. John Dawes, Esq. Tunbridge Wells, and Lydia Clark, S. 1743 July 23. Jn Baptist Delacormetiere, Gent. Walthamstow, and Jane Neftell, B and W. 1736 Aug. 23. D r Franciscus Alius Delamar, St. Anne's West- minster, and Mary June, ditto, B and S. 1744 Oct. 29. Elias Phillip Delaporte, Gent. St. Andrew's, and Catherine Deveil, B and S. 1742 Nov. 4. Jn Christ r . Vequetin Delutz, St. James's, Gent. and Rose Cath. Roquin, Ditto, B and S. 1718 July 30. "Thomas Deverock's" Esq. and the Lady Eliz. Johnes, B and S. 1751 Sept. 18. George Devenport, Esq. and Salle Knight, S. 1736 June 25. Andrew Dillon, Gent St. Martin's Fields, and Ann Corbs, St. Giles Fields, B and W. 1747 Nov. 21. Thomas Disen, Gent. Marylebone, and Mary Holmes, B and S. 70 1717 Sept. 16. John Duer, Esq. St. James's Westminster, and Elizabeth Eyre, St. Clement's, B and S. 1742 Aug. 26. Carey Elwes, Gent. Isleworth, and Esther Ewer, Richmond, B and S. (7. 17s. 6rf.) 1754 March 19. Wm English, Gent. St. Margaret's West: and Ann Saunders, St. George's Hanover Sq. B and S. 1735 Oct. 13. Jn Evans, Gent. St. George's Hanover Square, and Mary Thompson, Ditto, W and S. 1736 May 11. Robt. Fabian, Gent. Wesf. and Sarah Edwards. 1747 March 15. R d Fanshire, Gent. St. Giles, and Ann Poynton, B and S. 1743 Sept. 11. James Farquharson, Marybone, Gent, and Susan- nah Watts, St. James's, B and W. 1743 March 13. Thomas Fazakerley, Gent, and Eliz. Marshall, S. 1743 Sept. 24. Edward Finch, Gent. Watford, and Sarah Clark, ditto, B and S. 1722 Sept. 21. Jn Fitzpatrick, Gent, and Eliz. Lovett, B and S. 1718 Aug. 10. Maurice Fitz- Gerald, Gent. St. James's, and Mary Whitfield, St. Martin's, B and S. 1749 April 17. Garret Fitzgerald, Gent, of St. Andrew's, and Mary Stilingfleet, B and W. 1744 May 3. The Hon. H. Fox, B. and Lady Caroline Lenox, S. 1736 Sept. 3. Nicholas Ambrose French, Covent Garden, Gent. and Mary Tonman, ditto, B and W. 1743 Nov. 3. Alex. Gardener, M.A., Corpus Christi College, Ox. and Sarah Norman, St.George's Hanover Sq. W and S. 1718 March 30. John Gilbert, Esq. of Abergaveny, and Susanna Gower, ditto, W and S. 1743 Oct. 15. Archibald Gillon, Gent. St. James's, and Ruth Jackson, Ditto, B and S. 1745 Oct. 1. Thomas Godfrey, Gent.GreatParndon, Essex, and Sarah Benton, Epping, B and S. 1741 April 1. Samuel Gordon, Surgeon, St. James's, and Eliz. Bradford, Ditto, S. 1729 March 2. John Gordon, Esq. Westminster, and Barbara Raynes, Greenwich, B and S. 1734 March 7. Edmund Grantham, Gent. Harrow-on-the-Hill, and Rebecca Annesley, Ditto, B and S. 71 1722 July 24. Bevill Granville, Gent. St. James's, and Mary Rose, Weedon, Buckinghamshire. 1742 Jan. 14. William Gray, Gent. St. James's, and Mary Watson, B and S. 1740 The Honourable John Graydon, and Kasandra Tahourdin. 1724 Nov. 27. Marmaduke Gresham, Knight and Bart, of Limp- field, and 1717 Sept 10. Walter Griffith, Bachelor of Laws, and Euphany St. John of St. James's, B and S. 1746 March 12. Alexander Grimaldi, Painter, and Esther Barton, W and S. (') 1751 July 1. Samuel Grove, Gent, of Norwich, and Mary Car- penter, of Attelborough, B and S. 1717 Sept.. 5. Marmaduke Gwinn, Glamorganshire, Gent, and Elizabeth Jones, Breconshire, B and S. 1734 Feb. 17. Richard Gyles, Gent. St. Martin's Fields, and Ann Howitt, St. Margaret's West. B and S. 1744 Feb. 29. Ab m Hagneaus, Gent, of Leyden, Holland, and AnnaChrist a . Frederica Van Renesse, B & S. 1742 Jan. 2. Nehemiah Hammond, Gent. Wilsdon,and Phillis Hyde, W and W. 1742 Aug. 9. John Hampton, Gent, and Mary Tipping. 1746 Feb. 9. John Harmston, Gent. St. Clement Danes, and Mary Lisle, ditto, B and S. 1742 Jan. 6. James Hart, of Winglesham, Surry, and Ann Pusey, B and S. 1751 Sept. 18. Jacob Hartman, Bart : and Elizabeth Hollis, S. 1727 Jan. 2. William Hastings, Gent St. Margaret's West: and Elizabeth Stevenson, ditto, B and S. 1742 March 30. William Hay ward, Gent. Marylebone, and Pene- lope Hughes, B and S. 1747 Oct. 10. John Hedges, Gent, from Wilts, and Dorothy Butler, B and S. (') This marriage was for many years sought for in vain ; the author's examina- tion of these Registers accidentally discovered it. Mr. Grimaldi was the grand- father of Stacey Grimaldi, Esq. F.S.A. author of the " Origines Genealogies." He was an artist, and died in 1800, aged 8(i. See Pedigree in the College of Anns. Register 12 D. 14. 72 1745 Nov. 22. Aaron Henshaw, St. Margaret Westminster, and Eliz. Arnold, B and S. 1724 May 5. Jn Hele, Esq. Middle Temple, and Phillippa Jordan, Charlwood, B and S. 1744 March 10. James Hering, Gent. St. Margaret's Westminster, and Mary Wilson, ditto, S. 1748 Sept. 27. Robert Hills, Gent. Shoreham, Kent, and Hannah Sunnix, B and S. 1746 Jan. 5. Wm. Hollistar, Gent. St. George's Bloomsbury, and Love Golledge, B and S. 1741 Jan. 5. Wheeler Holt, Gent, of Cambrose, Pembrokesh. and Frances Ward, St. James's, B and S. 1738 June 3. Francis Hopkins, of Stevenson, Berks. Gent, and Sarah Leakey, of Woolwich, B and W. 1754 March 25. Philip Home, Gent. St. Margaret's Westminster, and Ann Turner, B and S. 1732 Dec. 28. Collin Hossack, M.D. St. James's West, and Abi- gail Abbett, of St. Clement Danes, Band S. 1751 May 3. John Howard, Gent. St. James's Westminster, and Eliz. Frevil, ditto, Widow. 1749 April 28. Benjamin Howes, Gent. ofChalbury, Oxon, and Eliz. Gardiner, B and W. 1741 Nov. 27. John Hewlett, Gent. St. James's, and Hannah Walton, B and S. 1737 Feb. 9. Wm. Hume, St. Andrew's Holborn, Gent, and Sarah Davis, ditto, W and W. 1753 Dec. 24. John Humphrys, Gent, of St. Clement Danes, and Eliz. Monson, B and S. 1742 Nov. 9. Sumner Hutton, Gent. Deptford, and Ann Mead, B and S. 1736 April 14. James Inns, Gent. Andover, and Eliz. Kemm, B and S. 1729 Sept. 17. John Ivye, Gent. Mitcheldever, Hants, and Mary Hitterley, St. Giles Cripplegate, B and W. 1719 June 6. " Joseph Jackson, Clergyman, &c." Esther Curtis, B and W. 1734 May 12. Jas. Lewis James, St. Kanthavy Crairs, Cardigan, and Susannah Lloyd, Istrad, Ditto, B and S. 1744 Dec. 15. Noah James, Esq. St. George's Hanover Square, and Elizabeth Bearcroft, ditto, W and S. 73 1715 Nov. 20. William Johnston, Lord Marquess of Annandale, and Charlotta Vanlore Vanden Bempden, W and S. 1717 Sep. 4. Charles Jones, Hatfield, Esq. Anna Maria Gower, St. James's, B and S. 1737 Sept. 18. John Jones, Gent, and Eliz. Fothergill, both of Barking, Essex, B and S. 1728 Oct. 1. Walter Jordan, Gent. St. James's West: and Ann Pitchford, of St. Martin's Fields, B and S. 1735 Nov. 5. John Kelley, Esq. Inner Temple, and Mary Boucher, W and W. 1746 Abel Johnson Ketelbey, Esq. St. Dunstan's West- minster, and Margretta Farquharson, of St. Martin's, B and S. 1709 Oct. 19. WmKinaston, Inner Temple, Barrister, and Doro- thy Taylour, St. Andrew's, Holborn, B and S. 1747 March 17. William King, Gent. Bishopgate, and Catherine Meads, B and S. 1727 June 24. Wm. Kingsley, Esq. Maidstone, and Jane Little- ton, of North Uckington, Essex, B and S. 1735 Nov. 8. John Kyrwood, Esq. of Hanover Square, and Con- stant Walpole, B and W T . 1750 Dec. 27. John Ladyman, Gent, of St. James's, and Mar- garet Atkinson, B and S. 1745 Aug. 12. Thomas Langlt-y, Esq. Upton, Bucks, and Mary Wright, W and S. 1748 July 17. Samuel Featherstone Leigh, Gent, of Packwood, Warwickshire, and Jane Vivian, of St. Luke's, B and W. 1736 Aug. 14. Thomas Leigh, Gent. St. Clement Danes, and Ann Kennedy, B and S. 1744 Dec. 4. Charlton Leighton, Gent. Overbury, Salop, (Co- lonell's Regiment,) and Anna Maria Mytton, Conover, B and S. 1737 Sept. 18. William Lemmon, of St. James's West. Gent, and Anna Maria Garetta Brett, ditto, B and S. 1731 Dec. 28. Paul Lethellier, Haberdasher, Aldgate, and Sarah Wright, Ditto, S. 1746 Jan. 5. Thomas Lever, Gent, of Bolton, Lancashire, and Margaret Lathon, W and W. 74 1738 July 9. Thos. Littleton, of St. Margaret's West. Gent, and Francisca Maria Aangier, of ditto, B. and S. 1740 Oct. 24. "Gwin Lloyd, of Hendor, Merinothshire, Esq. and Eliz a Taylor, of St. James's, West 1 " B and S." 1740 Nov. 16. George Long, Gent. Westham, Essex, and Mary Stay maker, of ditto, B and W. 1744 Jan. 12. Nicholas Low, Gent. St. Mary-le-Strand, and Grace Cramar, Hanover Square, B. and S. 1754 Feb. 2. Samuel Luke, Gent. Lincoln's Inn, and Mary Jones, ditto, B and S. 1736 Aug. 27. Stephen Lushington, Gent. Sittingborn, Kent, and Mary Marsh, B and S. 1751 Nov. 11. Benj. Lynn, Gent. Richmond, Yorksh. and Marg. Felguerolles of Ashly, Suffolk, B and W. 1744 Jan. 10. Wm Berkeley Lyon, Gent. St. George's Hanover Sq. and Cath. Bridges, ditto, B and S 1742 Aug. 7. William Macbean, of Marylebone, Gent, and Margaret Robinson, B and S. 1742 July 31. Daniel Macbean, of the Guards, Gent and Mary Lyon, B and W. 1736 July 19. Jn Manninge, of Oundle, Gent, and Sarah Franks B and S. 1740 Hon. Captain Francis Martin, and Mary Bruce. 1743 Feb. 5. Jn Martin, Apothecary, Maidstone, and Mar- garet Daylins, Ditto, B and W. 1742 Aug. 11. Edmund Martin, Gent, of Covent Garden, and Elizabeth Fitzgerald, B and S. 1743 March 3. Robert Martin, Oxford, Gent, and Ann Bertey, of St. James Westminster, B and S. 1742 Aug. 22. Gaston Martineau, Gent. St. George's Middle- sex, and Mary lies, B and W. 1749 Aug. 20. Samuel May, Gent. Shoreham, Kent, and Sarah Russell, B and S. 1742 Aug. 16. Joseph Mazelier, Gent. St. James's, and Anna Duportail, B and S. 1722 June 12. William Meredith, Clergyman, and Maria Pickup, of St. James's, W. and S. 1737 March 27. Wm. Merrick, Gent. St. Martin's, and Catherine Capper, Ditto, S. 75 1732 Oct. 12. Jn Mills, Attorney, and Margaret Lawley, both of St. Dunstan's West. B and W. 1 7;J5 April 3. Robert Montagu, of Grosvenor Square, and " Miss Parriett Dunch," B and S. 42 Sept. 11. Slaney Moreton, Gent, of Birmingham, and Elizabeth Branwood, B and S. 1737 Oct. 4. John Buridge Morton, St. Catherine's, Gent, and Sarah Johnson, ditto, B and S. 1738 June 13. Anthony Morgan, Gent. St. Clements, andLettice Evans, Ditto, B and S. 1742 Nov. 4. George Morison Esq., Inner Temple, and Chris- tian Stewart, S. 1709 Aug. 20. Charles Murrey, a captain in Col. Hamilton's Regiment, and Ann Maria Norah Calvert, St. Dunstan's West, B and W. 1729 Feb. 2. Jn Murrey, Gent. St. George's Hanover Square, and Eliz. Burges, of Elverton, Hants, S. 1749 Dec. 7. Wm. Myers, Gent, of Stapleford Abbott, and Ann Goodin, B and W. 1746 Aug. 30. David Nash, Gent. Horse Guards, and Sarah Willett, St. James, B and S. 1718 May 5. ^Egidius Nosemans, Esq. of Bishopgate, and Maria Van Duijve, B and S. 1737 Sept. 14. Neal O'Neal, of St. Giles's Fields, Gent, and Mary Marshal, B and W. 1737 Dec. 13. Charles Parsons, Gent, of South Harting, Sussex, and Mary Edes, B and S. 1716 Dec. 1. Daniel Paul, St. James's, Captain Horse Guards, and Eliz. Murray, B and S. 1739 Feb. 17. William Peache, Gent. Shipton, Gloucestershire, and Mary Baldwin, ditto, B and S. 1720 March 3. William Peirs, Esq. M. P. for Wells, and Mary Ives, St. Martin's Fields, W and S. 1741 Dec. 26. Peter Pelle, Gent. St. George's Hanover Square, and Jemima Zimmerman, B and S. 1737 Jan. 19. Thomas Pett, Gent. Wye, Kent, and Mary Fin- more, of North Hincksey, Berkshire, B and S. 1739 Jan. ^6. Craven Peyton, Nutfield, Surry, Gent, and Eliz. Farncombe, ditto, S. 76 1718 Sept. 25. William Phipps, St. Andrew's Holborn, Esq. and Lady Catherine Annisley, of Stoke Pogis, Buckinghamshire, B and S. 1 730 Jan. 20. John Pigott, St. Martin Orgars, and Constantia Maria Burgoyne, St. Martin's Fields, S. 1746 Jan. 5. John Porter, Gent. Hackney, and Mary Tubb, Ditto, B and S. 1748 July 14. Richard Potinger, of Chertsey, Esq. and Ann Weaver of Odiam. 1734 Aug. 21. Francis Poultney, Gent. St. Paul's Covent Gar. and Jane Griffiths, St. Martin's Fields, B & S. 1750 Nov. 5. Russ Caleb Powell, Gent, of St. Andrew's Hol- born, and Sarah Mortimer, B and S. 1738 Sept. 30. Thomas Prendergast, Baronet, and Ann Wil- liams, St. Andrew's Holborn, B and S. 1724 Oct. 26. George Purdon, Esq. St. Clement Danes, and Mary Purdon, Sp of St. Giles-in-the-Fields. 1748 April 20. Rowland Sherman Quarrington, Gent. Emsted, Gloucest. and Julian Parker, St. James's, B and S. 1731 Oct. 14. Jn Rands, St. Margaret's Westminster, Gent. and Mary Green, Ditto, B and S. 1752 March 31. Thomas Ravenscroft, Gent. Devenham, Cheshire, .and Margaret Broady, of Rosthrew, W and S. 1748 Sept. 11. Edward Read, Clerk, of Alfrick, Worcestershire, and Mary Parsons, W and W. 1751 June 7. Thomas Redshaw, Gent. Knaresborough, York- shire, and Martha Gould, St. Margaret's Westminster, W and S. 1743 April 18. George Roberts, Gent. Nottinghamshire, and Mary Worth, B and W. 1717 Sept. 11. Christopher Rodd, Esq. Sutton, Herts, and Ca- therine Powell, of Cripplegate, B and W. 1731 May 8. Thomas Rolte, Gent. St. Giles Fields, and Ann Calvert, St. Andrew's Holborn, B and S. 1744 Aug. 6. John Rose, Esq. Kingston, Surry, and Sarah Curtis, of Maltsey, B and S. 1736 Nov. 27. Wm. Russel, Gent, of St. Martin's, and Eliz. Dormore, W and W. 77 1747 June 6. Samuel Ryder, Gent. St. Margaret Westminster, and Ann Edwards, B and S. 1737 Sept. 18. William Sacheverell, Esq. and Ann Robinson, both of St. John's Westminster, B and S. 1725 May 25. Thomas Salt of Stafford Town, Burgess, and Elizabeth Parry, B and S. 1 742Sept. 5. Willam Sandys, Gent. St. Andrew's Holborn, and Ann Long, W and S. 1723 June 28. James Scott, Gent. St. Margaret's West, and Eliz. Waldegrave, of St. Julian's Norwich. 1720 March 12. Wm Shaw, Esq. Cheshunt, and Eliz. Blandy, of Inglewood, parish of Kinsbury, Berks. B and S. 1745 Nov. 20. Richard Shillitoe, Gent. St. Andrew's Holborn, and Frances Benson, of St. James's, B and S. 1736 Aug. 19. Henry Sidney, of St. Margaret's, West. Gent, and Ann Bellingham, ditto, B and W. 1736 Oct. 2. Richard Silvester, Greenhithe, Swanscombe, Kent, Gent, and Anna Maria Pawlett, St. Martin's in the Fields, B and W. 1744 Jan. 17. Ralph Simpson, Gent. St. James's, and Sarah Roberts, B and W. 1753 Sept. 22. Redmond Simpson, Gent, of St. Ann's Westmin- ster, and Eliz. Dubourg, Ditto, B and S. 1746 July 26. Robert Sloane, Gent, of the "Horse ofLegonier's Regiment," and Hannah Mason, B and S. 1727 Nov. 13. William Sloper, Esq. St. James's, and Katherine Hunter, Downing Street, B and S. 1731 Jan. 11. Robert Smith, Gent. Egham, Surrey, and Eliza- beth Clemson, Ditto, B and S. 1740 Oct. 31. William Smith, Gent, of Mary-le-Bow, and Jane Smith, of Knowle, Warwickshire, B and S 1744 March 7. Leonard Smelt, Gent Kirby, Yorkshire, and Jane Campbell, B and S. 1738 July 25. Abell Stibbs, of Inner Temple, Gent, and Sarah Waller, St. George Queen Square, W and S. 1718 Nov. 28. James St. John, of St. James's, Esq. and Anna Magdalena Rockwell, ditto, W and S. 1718 Dec. 21. Andrew St. John, Worcester, Esq. and Elizabeth Maxsdon, ditto, W and W. 78 1717 July 13. William St. John, Wiltshire, Gent and Mary Atkinson, of Gloucester, B and S. 1717 Nov. 15. Christopher St. John, Esq. Gloucestershire, and Anne Stephens of St. James's, B and S. 1729 Feb. 14. Ab m St. Clear, Gent St Gregory's, and Sarah Sunderland, ditto, W and S. 1742 May 19. James Stonehouse, Gent. Coventry, and Ann Neale, B and S. 1739 Dec. 2. George Stoole, Gent of the Life Guards, and Mary Gill, of St. James's, S. 1738 Nov. 30. Benjamin Storey, Gent. Horse Guards, and Fran- ces Verycuk, of Marylebone, B and W. 1740 Jan. 12. R d Styles, Esq. Hampstead, and Mary Tury, ditto, B and W. 1747 March 30. Jn Sutton, Gent. St. James's, and Jane Clarke, B and S. 1724 June 11. Thomas Talmash, St Martin's, Gent, and Cathe- rine Neiurn of same. 1736 Aug. 6. Thomas Tayler, of St. James's Gent, and Mary Furrier, ditto, B and S. 1731 Sept 23. Jn Taylor, St. Andrew's Undershaft, and Mary Green, Ditto, B and S. 1730 May 28. William Tew, Gent. St Botolph's Bishopsgate, and Katherine Skeere, ditto, B and S. 1718 June 9. Dr. Benjamin Thornhill, and Eliz. Collyer of St. Pulchre's. 1716 April 5. George Toriano, of Westminster, Gent and Do- rothy Tatnall, B and S. 1746 Sept. 1. Henry Tounge, Gent, of the Horse, and Dorothy Oaks, B and S. 1751 July 24. George Townsend, Rochester, Gent and B and Sarah Bright, ditto, S. 1743 Jan. 12. Thomas Treffry, Gent of Fowey, Cornwall, and Anna Marshall, W and W. 1733 Jan. 23. Charles Trewit, Gent, and Christian Moody, both of St. Giles in the Fields, B and W. 1733 Dec. 30. John Twisleton, of St James's, and Ann Gardner, B and S. 1751 Aug. 6. Lyonel Vane, Gent St. George's Hanover Square, and Jane Ashbury, W and S. 79 1737 Nov. 28. Jn Jacob Vanzuker, Gent, and Margaret Leve Grotriaus, B and W. 1744 April 11. Anto 9 Pizolato de Venetys, Gent, of New York, and Susannah Micklesfield, St. Botolph's Aid- gate, B and S. 1739 Dec. 16. Jn Vernon, Gent. St. Clement Danes, and Mary Hodgson, St. Dunstan's West. B and S. 1718 May 8. John Vernon, Esq. St. James's, and Anne Lys- . son, of Hodsdon, B and S. 1736 July 26. John Violet, Gent, of Enfield, and Jane Wright, ditto, B and S. 1738 June 30. William Vivian, Camberwell, Gent, and Jane Ward, ditto, B and W. 1748 Oct. 25. John Wall, Gent. Epping, and Mary West, W and W. 1753 June 13. Thomas Walmsley, Gent. St. Helen's Bishopgate, and Rachel Lane, of St. John Baptist, Dow- gate Hill, W and W. 1749 Jan. 3. Edward Warner, Gent, of Crundal, Hants, and Mary Mitchell, B and W. (10. 10*. Od.) 1718 Nov. 18. Jonathan Watson, St. James's, Esq. and Susanna Holland, St. Martin's Fields, W. and S. 1737 June 6. Temple West, of St. Martin's Fields, and Frances Balchen, St. Luke's, S. 1744 Jan. 26. Thomas Wharton, Gent. St. Andrew's, and Chris- tian Harvey, W and S. 1741 Jan. 20. Jno Wheeler, Surgeon, Bridport, and Leonora Bingham, Sergeant's Inn, Fleet St. B and S. 1743 Nov. 14. Jn Whitby, Counsellor, and Ann Northey, St. Ann's Soho. 1735 March 31. Anthony Whiteing, Farmer, Adington, Kent, and Eliz. Luck, Banstead, Kent, B and S. 1748 Dec. 22. Richard Whitingham, Gent, of St. George's Gros- venor Square, and Mary Bludrick, W and W. 1741 Dec. 30. Sherley Wild, Gent, of St. Matthew's, and Eliza- beth Sheley, B and S. 1746 June 10. Ed. Willett, of Whittingham, Sussex, Gent, and Mary Camfield, of Speldhurst, Kent, B and S. 80 1751 Aug. 5. Jonathan Wilde, Islington, Gent and Sarah Young, ditto, B and S. 1717 July 13. Marmaduke Williams, London, Esq. and Pene- lope Mansfield, of Putney, B and S. 1730 June 30. William Williams, Esq. and Mary Sedgwick, St. Dunstan's West, B and S. 1 739 April 1 7. Jn Woolfe, St. Bride's, Gent, and Mary Campbell, St. Martin's Fields, B and W. 1736 Dec. 25. John Woolastone, Gent. Greenwich, and Eliz. Jones, B and S. 1751 Sept. 28. Edward Wollstoncraft, of St. Botolph's, Esq. and W. and Mary Bird, ditto, S. 1735 Dec. 23. Robert Wright, Esq. Doctors' Commons, and Alice Roberts, B and W. 1737 June 11. Thomas Wright, Doctors' Commons, Gent, and Alice Wright, Ditto, B and W. 1751 Sept. 15. Wm.Wyatt, of Pool, Esq. and Anne Maria Day,S. 1746 Oct. 27. Wm. Wynne, of St. George's Hanover Sq. Gent, and Isabelle Walpood of same, B and S. 1739 July 8. Florence Young, St. Giles's, and Charity Jack- son, B and S. CHAPTER V. THE FLEET REGISTERS AS EVIDENCE. DURING the period in which marriages were solemnized in the Fleet, there occurred frequent Indictments for Bigamy, the temptations of expedition, and the arts employed to en- trap the unwary, being great inducements to this crime. In nearly the whole of these indictments, the proof of marriage was not only by production of the Fleet books, but by collateral evidence. If in the absence of a register credible evidence was adduced of a marriage at the Fleet, such evidence was accepted, and the circumstance of its being a Fleet marriage was no objection. The objections, as will presently be seen, were to the disreputable witnesses who were continually offered to prove the marriage, and from the notorious practice which existed of making false entries in the Registers. At a later period, however, exception was taken to the Registers themselves, as not being (even if cor- rectly and honestly kept) any more than private memoranda by a person without authority. This seems to be a warrant- able exception, since these Registers were kept at a time when a mere acknowledgment and declaration, before wit- nesses, were sufficient to constitute a marriage, without the intervention of a religious ceremony ; and these books were clearly not to be taken on the same footing as a parish regis- ter, containing an entry of marriage made in facie Ecclesia:, and recorded by an authorized clergyman, as an act of reli- gious ceremony and not of civil contract. In one or two instances the books were altogether refused, even as collateral evidence. In the case of Mary Lutwich, indicted in 1740 for bigamy, the following deposition is reported to have taken place. " Mr. Crosier. I keep the Hoop and Bunch of Grapes, Holborn Bridge ; we have had many a score of marriages at our house in a 82 year. (Produces the book.) Here is the Book, the Minister put it down." (The Court would not allow the book to be read, it being a Fleet Register.) In 1732 a cause was decided in Doctors 1 Commons, where the Court decreed a party to have died a bachelor, although the parson who married the party swore to the fact, and the book containing the entry was produced. (*) It is recorded that on the trial at York, in 1780, of the cause of Twistleton v. Cockshutt, Mr. Justice Willes received a Fleet Register as evidence. The cause of Lawrence v. Dixon was tried on the 7th July 1792. Amongst other evidence, the plaintiffs produced (by a witness, who said he had purchased them,) the Fleet Books, where the marriage of Daniel Hall and Elizabeth Lawrence was entered to have been celebrated on the 7th May 1737. Lord Kenyon said he received this evidence with great doubt : there was a tradition in Westminster Hall, that when the books were produced before Lord Hard- wicke, he would not receive them in evidence, but cut them to pieces in Court. After so great an authority had de- clared against them, his Lordship said he could not receive them without some hesitation, but that he was inclined to (') This cause was between Mrs. Mary Storer, wife of Mr. Jude Storer, and sister of Mr. James Luff, a brewer at Westminster, deceased, and Mrs. Hannah Green, calling herself Luff, pretending to be the wife of the deceased, and that they were married in the Fleet. Their marriage appeared upon the Register, pretended to be kept in that place ; the clergyman by whom it was pretended they had been married, swore that he had actually married them, and a woman swore that she was present at the marriage ; but the Register books appearing to be very irregu- larly kept, and the witnesses disagreeing in some circumstances of their evidence, the Court did not think proper to give any credit to the proofs of the marriage, and therefore pronounced the deceased to have died a bachelor, and decreed Letters of Administration to the deceased's sister, he having died intestate. Which decree, it i's to be hoped, will put a stop to that scandalous custom of people's going to the Fleet to be married. It is indeed seldom practised by persons of any character, unless it be when one of the parties has a settled purpose of betraying the other into a vil- lainous snare, and therefore such marriages ought never to be supported by law but upon the most clear and convincing proofs." Political State of Great Britain for 1732. 83 think that in a PEDIGREE CASE they were admissible, though by no means such evidence as ought to be favourably re- ceived. Peake's N. P. Cases, 185. In 1794 the cause of Roe on dem. of Passingham v. Lloyd and others, was tried at Shrewsbury, before Mr. Justice Heath. On which occasion Benjamin Panton, the proprietor of the Fleet books, proved his having been in the habit of attending Courts of Justice with these books, and that he never knew them refused. Mr. Justice Heath received the Fleet Registers in evidence of the marriage of Gwyn Lloyd and Elizabeth Taylor, but he was in some measure led to do so by the circumstance of the Pancras Register containing the baptism of Elizabeth Taylor's daughter as " the daugh- ter of Gwyn and Elizabeth Lloyd," and also containing the burial of the mother by the name of Elizabeth Lloyd ; it has been since proved that those two entries were forged. Upon the two subsequent trials of this question in 1826 and 1827, this forgery of the Pancras Register was clearly proved, ( J ) and the Fleet Register thereby lost its chief sup- port, but had it been otherwise, the Fleet Register would not have been received. A very few days after the admission of the Fleet books by Mr. Justice Heath at Shrewsbury, in 1794, the cause of Doe ex dem. Orrell v. Madox was tried at Maidstone, before Lord Chief Justice Kenyon. In this case a Register of Fleet marriages was admitted in evidence, but under the following protest. Lord Kenyon said he had admitted it, because other Judges had done so, but he desired that his having done so, should not be understood as thereby sanctioning their admission, nor should his authority be cited for the purpose in future, as he was of opinion that they were liable to many objections, that their authority was very doubtful, and therefore as a species of evidence of a suspicious and (') It is said that a man named Hendry forged this book. He was pursued in 1806, but escaped to America. Revett the officer found he had embarked from Bristol a fortnight before his arrival. Hendry's wife told the plaintiff's attorney that the book was burnt. G 2 84 exceptionable nature, he thought they ought not to be allowed. (*) In December in the same year the cause of Reed v. Passer and others was tried in the Court of King's Bench, when Lord Kenyon said, " that in a case on the Home Circuit last summer, he had admitted such Registers as evidence ; that though he had not then made up his mind concerning their admissibility, he then thought them a species of evidence of a very doubtful and dangerous nature ; and had, in summing up, observed to that effect to the Jury. That in a late case at the last Shrewsbury assizes, they had been admitted by Mr. Justice Heath ; but notwithstanding his respect for that learn- ed Judged opinion, he thought himself bound to dissent, and to give it as his settled opinion that they were a species of evidence which ought never to be admitted. In a case be- fore Lord Hardwicke, where a book such as the present was offered in evidence, he tore the book, and said such evidence should never be admitted in a Court of Justice. That Lord Chief Justice De Grey had been of the same opinion. With respect to the entries in the books themselves, (continued Lord Kenyon,) they could be taken in no other point of view than as private memoranda, which were not evidence ; that these entries were of less authority even than the private memoranda of third persons, inasmuch as they were made not only by third persons, but by persons who knew while they were doing them that they were illegal, and for which they were liable to punishment by the canons of the church." His Lordship therefore totally rejected them, as a species of evi- dence completely inadmissible. ( P cake's Nisi Prius Cases, 231.) The Times of Dec. 3rd, 1794, contains the following additional observations of his Lordship on this Case. " It has been observed this evidence has been received in the House of Lords ;( 2 ) I bow with great respect to the evidence received by that House when they sit as a court of dernier (') Tuesday, 12 Aug. 1794. (Ksp. Nisi Prius Cases.) ( 2 ) In the printed Case of the Barony of Say and Sele, in 1781, it is stated that John Twisleton, the claimant's father, was married to Ann Gardner, the claimant's mother, in 1733, at the Fleet prison, where marriages were at that time frequently celebrated. In this case a certificate of the marriage, in the hand-writing and sign- 85 resort. But now and then, upon other occasions, that great and august assembly may receive rather suspicious evidence. I wish the Fleet Registers were all ordered to be committed to the flames.^) Questions of this sort are of the last importance. By the 26th Geo. II. the evidence of the fact of marriage is more easily obtained than it was before, when peo- ple wandered up and down the country marrying wherever they pleased. From that circumstance the evidence of marriage often became very obscure, and if evidence arising from coha- bitation and reputation had not been received, hard would have been the condition of many respectable people. By the Marriage Act, it is not essential to the legality of a mar- riage that it should be registered, though the act makes it ed by the then officiating Minister of the Fleet, was offered in evidence ; but it does not appear whether it was admitted or not. The marriage was however allowed to be good. (Cruise on Dignities, 273.) From an examination of the Minutes of the Committee of Privileges, it appears that the certificate of this marriage by Walter Wyatt, minister of the Fleet, was tendered ; but there is not any statement to show that it was admitted ; and it is clear that the Committee went into the exami- nation of witnesses to prove the declaration of the parties, their cohabitation and reception in society as man and wife, the education of the children of the mar- riage, and their reputed legitimacy. It would therefore seem that the marriage was established by evidence of reputation, public declaration, the avowal of the par- ties themselves, and the strong recognition and declaration of the marriage by Mr. Twisleton in his will. The Author, moreover, has been favoured with the sight of a printed copy of the case of Col. Twisleton, on his claim in 1781, amongst some collections of the late Sir Isaac Heard, Garter, who was professionally engaged in the case, and present at the hearing before the Committee, on the back of which case he has made short notes of the evidence produced, where amongst others the following occurs : " Wyatt Min r of Fleet, certificate of marriage cannot be admitted in any Court of Justice." This strongly tends to show that the certificate was rejected, the proof of mar- riage resting upon the other circumstances. The register itself, though stated in the case to be ready for production, does not appear to have been offered. In the case of Twisleton v. Cockshutt, p. 82, where this register was said to have been received by Mr. Justice Willes, it appears by the recitals in Col. Twisleton's case respecting that trial at Yoik, that evidence by many other witnesses, as to repute and acknowledgment, was also given and received. (') It would have been a very unjustifiable and lamentable act to have destroyed the evidence (such as it is) of one or two hundred thousand marriages, together with a great number of baptisms, which are dispersed throughout the Fleet Regis- ters ; and the lawyer and antiquary cannot but commend the government which at length purchased and deposited them in safe custody. 86 penal in any clergyman to neglect it, and I hope it is very seldom omitted, as it adds to the solemnity of that important contract ; cohabitation and reputation, however, are still evi- dence of marriage." The cause of Cooke and another v. Lloyd was tried at the Salop Summer assizes in 1803, before Mr. Justice Le Blanc. The Fleet books were offered to prove the marriage of John Phillips and Mary Guess, on the 28th May 1747, and on Justice Le Blanc saying they were no evidence whatever, the defendant called a witness, who said that there being a ques- tion in the year 1761 as to this marriage, he examined these books, then in the possession of a man who said he was clerk to Mr. Dare, and that the entry then stood in the books, in the same state as it was now. Justice Le Blanc, " This evidence carries the case no further ; the witness had no knowledge of the fact but such as he derived from the books, which were no more evidence then than they are now. The entry is nothing more than a private memorandum, made by somebody who had no authority to make it, and who might put down anything he pleased whether true or false."" Peake's Evidence., Appendix 80. In the cause of Lloyd and Passingham, in 1809, (16 Ves. 59.) Lord Chancellor Eldon said, " I give no opinion that the Fleet Register is evidence, as a Register. But I am not prepared to say it may not be received as evidence of a fact, and I can suppose a case in which such evidence might be received. Upon a question of pedigree, would not that en- try be admitted, not as a Register, but as a declaration, under the hand of a party ; or upon an indictment for biga- my, the first marriage alleged to have been in the Fleet, and evidence produced that uniformly an entry of marriage was made, would not the production or non-existence of such entry be evidence to the other fact ?" In 1826 the cause of Lloyd and Passingham was tried at Shrewsbury, before Mr. Justice Burrough and a special Jury. Mr. Taunton, in opening this case to the Jury, said, " There are curious anecdotes in all professions, and it is a curious circumstance that upon the occasion of the verdict in 1794, many weeks had not elapsed before a directly contrary 87 decision from that which Mr. Justice Heath had made in this cause at Shrewsbury, took place. I believe it was al- most in the same week, the one cause was tried upon the Monday, and the other, I am told, was tried upon the Thursday in the same week, and the same Counsel were pre- sent ; but- it so happened that my Lord Kenyon, on the Home circuit, on the very Thursday afterwards, in a cause in which the then Mr. Erskine and the then Mr. Garrow were Counsel again on opposite sides before his Lordship, and on which occasion the same evidence of one of these supposed Fleet Registers was offered, my Lord Kenyon in- stantly rejected it." The Attorney General, (after noticing the admission of the books by Mr. Justice Heath,) observed " that they were received by another high and enlightened individual, rarely equalled in point of legal knowledge, never at any period surpassed. I mean by the celebrated Lord Hardwicke, ( T ) Lord Chief Justice, and afterwards Chancellor of this country. They were about the same period over and over again received upon the different cir- cuits in this country." Mr. Justice Burrough told the Jury, that although it appeared the Fleet books were received in evidence on the former trial, he was of opinion, that they must not consider those books as evidence for their con- sideration now, for that in his judgment they were not ad- missible in evidence. The cause of Lloyd v. Evans was tried at Shrewsbury in 1827, before Mr. Baron Vaughan. Mr. Serjeant Russell, " I believe at this moment there is no decision of the Court in Bane upon the subject ; but there are Nisi Prius deci- sions, in which learned Judges have refused to receive them, though I am still at a loss to understand the ground why they are to be refused altogether. I can understand why they should be refused to be received as a Register, with all the authenticity of a Parish Register. I am and ought to be entitled to give it in evidence as corroborative writing, to (') This is very improbable, for it was Lord Hardwicke who brought in the Mar- riage Act, and it was for some time called by his name ; and it was Lord Hardwicke who even tore to pieces a Fleet Register, which was offered in evidence. 88 support the fact I am about to establish by other evidence. 11 Mr. Baron Vaughan, " It is now clearly established, I take it, that these Registers are not evidence to authenticate any such marriage ; it is known they have been the vehicles of fraud and abuse ; they were never made with the same degree of care that the other documents were, but they were made by persons who assumed authority to second these transactions, and being made a very ill use of, and getting into very bad odour, the Judges of the land seem to have come unanimously of late to the conclusion that they are not even receivable in evidence, to say nothing of the question whether they should be submitted to a Jury for their consi- deration to determine upon their validity or not. It was said the Marriage Act(*) was introduced by Lord Hardwicke (') Since the Letters of Horace Walpole at pages 16, 17, and 18 have been at press, the author perceives that in his " Memoires of the last Ten years of the Reign of George II," (4to. Murray 1822, p. 293,) he has given a connected account of the introduction and passing of the Marriage Act ; but as some of the remarks it contains are comprised in his Letters already quoted, such portions only as afford further information or explanation are here extracted from the Memoirs. " The session of parliament was languishing towards a conclusion, when a Bill sent down from the Lords to the Commons, and which had passed almost without notice through the former House, having been carried by an hundred Lords against the Duke of Bedford and eleven others, raised, or gave occasion to raise, extraordinary heats. This was the famous Marriage Bill. The Bill had been ori- ginally moved by my Lord Bath, who attending a Scotch cause was struck with the hardship of a matrimonial case, in which a man after a marriage of thirty years was claimed by another woman on a precontract. The judges were ordered to frame a bill which should remedy so cruel a retrospect. They did, but drew it so ill, and it was three times printed so inaccurately, that the Chancellor was obliged to give it ample correction. Whether from mere partiality to an ordinance thus become his own, or whether in shaping a law new views of power opened to a mind, fond of power, fond of dictating; so it was that the Chancellor gave all his attention to a statute into which he had breathed the very spirit of aristocracy and insolent nobility. " It was amazing in a country where liberty gives choice, where trade and money confer equality, and where facility of marriage had always been supposed to pro- duce populousness, it was amazing to see a law promulged, that cramped inclina- tion, that discountenanced matrimony, and that seemed to annex as sacred pri- vileges to birth, as could be devised in the proudest, poorest little Italian Principa- lity ; and as if the artificer had been a Teutonic Margrave, not a little lawyer, who had raised himself by his industry, from the very lees of the people ; and who had matched his own blood with the great house of Kenl ! The abuse of precontracts had occasioned the demand of a remedy the physician immediately prescribes. 89 and the aristocracy of the time, to prevent young men upon a short acquaintance getting suddenly married ; and I recol- lect one of Mr. Fox's great efforts on the Marriage Act was medicines for every ailment to which the ceremony of marriage was or could be supposed liable ! Publication of Banns was already an established ordinance, but totally in disuse except amongst the inferior people, who did not blush to obey the law. Persons of quality who proclaimed every other step of their conjugation by the most public parade, were ashamed to have the intention of it notified, and were constantly married by special licence. Unsuitable matches in a country where the passions are not impetuous, and where it is neither easy nor customary to tyrannize the inclinations of children, were by no means frequent : the most disproportioned alliances, those contracted by age, by dowagers, were without the scope of this Bill. Yet the new Act set out with a falsehood, declaiming against clandestine marriages as if they had been a frequent evil. The greatest abuse were the temporary wed- dings clapped up in the Fleet, and by one Keith, who had constructed a very bishop- rick for revenue in May Fair, by performing that charitable function for a trifling sum, which the poor successors of the Apostles are seldom humble enough to perform out of duty. The new Bill enjoined indispensable publication of Banns, yet took away their validity, if parents, nay, if even guardians, signified their dissent where the parties should be under age a very novel power ; but guardians are a limb of Chancery ! The Archbishop's licence was indeed reserved to him. A more arbi- trary spirit was still behind ; persons solemnizing marriages without these previous steps were sentenced to transportation, and the marriage was to be effectually null, so close did congenial law clip the wings of the prostrate priesthood. And as if such rigour did not sufficiently describe its fountain and its destination, it was expressly specified, that where a mother or a guardian should be non compos, resort might be had to the Chancellor himself for licence. Contracts and praecontracts, other flowers of ecclesiastical prerogative, were to be totally invalid, and their obli- gations abolished : and the gentle institution was wound up with the penalty of death for all forgeries in breach of this statute of modern Draco. Quakers, Jews, and the royal family had the only toleration. " The next day the Committee finished without a division. Sir Richard Loyd, a lawyer who had spoken against the Bill, voted for it afterwards without assigning any reasons for his change of opinion. Captain Saunders, who had said that he would go and vote against the Bill, for the sake of the sailors, having once given forty of his crew leave to go on shore for an hour and all returned married, was compelled by Lord Anson, the Chancellor's son-in-law and his patron, to vote for it. Henley and the Solicitor- General declaring of the same words, the one, that they could not be made clearer, the other that they were as clear as the sun at noon day, though each gave a totally different interpretation of them, were well ridiculed by Fox ; as a serious speech of Lord Egremont was with much humour, and not a little indecence by Nugent. " June 4th. The Marriage Bill was read for the last time. Charles Townshend again opposed it with as much argument as before with wit. Mr. Fox with still more wit ridiculed it for an hour and half. Notwithstanding the Chancellor's ob- stinacy in maintaining it, and the care he had bestowed upon it, it was still so in- 90 in the part he took upon the debate, opposing the restrictions which by that Bill were imposed ; he said, taedae quoque jure coissent ; Sed vetuere patres, quod non potuere vetare : Ex aequo captis ardebant mentibus ambo : lines likely to be quoted upon that occasion ; it was a matter of great controversy, but the Bill passed." correct and so rigorous that its very bodyguards had been forced to make or to sub- mit to many amendments : these were inserted in Mr. Fox's copy in red ink : the Solicitor General who sat near him as he was speaking, said ' How bloody it looks.' Fox took this up with spirit, and said, ' Yes, but you cannot say I did it : look what a rent the learned Casca made, (this alluded to the Attorney ;) through thu the well-beloved Brutus stalled;' (Mr. Pelham.) However, he finished with earnest declarations of not having designed to abuse the Chancellor, and affirming that it was scandalous to pass the Bill ; but it was passed by 125 votes to 56. " 6th. The bill being returned to the Lords, the amendments were read. The Duke of Bedford, who began to attack the whole bill, was obstructed by the Chan- cellor, who would have confined him to the mere amendments : but the Duke appealing to the House whether he might not argue against the face of the whole bill as it now stood, the Chancellor seemed to acquiesce : but the Duke not find- ing any disposition to support him, soon dropped the cause, objecting chiefly to the last clause on not extending the Act to foreign countries. The Chancellor replied, that he was sorry the clause was there, but the bill was too good to be lost, and might have much good engrafted on it hereafter. * " At last rose the Chancellor ; not, as he has been represented(t) in the figure of public Wisdom speaking, but with all the acrimony of wounded pride, of detected ambition, and insolent authority. He read his speech ; not that he had written it to guard himself from indecency, or that he had feared to forget his thread of argument in the heat of personality ; he did not deign an argument, he did not attempt to defend a Bill so criticized. He seemed only to have methodized his malice, and noted down the passages where he was to resent, where to threaten. He intro- duced himself with just allowing conscience and candour to the Duke of Bedford ; but what he had to complain of had passed without those walls, and in another place. That, as to the young man, (Charles Townshend,) youth and parts re- quire beauty and riches, flesh and blood inspire such thoughts, and therefore he excused him ; but men of riper years and graver, had opposed ; that the first, (the Speaker,) was a good, well-meaning man, but had been abused by words ; that another, (Fox,) dark, gloomy, and insidious genius, who was an engine of personality and faction, had been making connexions, and trying to form a party, but his designs had been seen through and defeated. That in this country you (*) Yet no amendment was ever made in it, and all its clauses and faults sup- ported by the utmost rigour of the power of Chancery, (t) An expression of Lord Lyttelton on Lord HardwicLc. 91 From the current of opinions here expressed by Lord Chief Justice De Grey, by Lord Chief Justice Kenyon, Mr. Justice Le Blanc, Mr. Justice Burrough, and Mr. Baron Vaughan, it seems now to be clearly established that the books usually de- nominated the Fleet Registers are not receivable in evidence as registers, and that when tendered they will be rejected. The Cases wherein these Registers were admitted by Mr. Justice Willes in 1780, and by Mr. Justice Heath in 1794, cannot, in the face of subsequent and uniformly adverse decisions, be urged in their support. Their rejection seems founded upon sound principles of law and reason, since it is manifest that the Legislature had no control over the Fleet parsons, who made the entries when and as they pleased : sometimes insert- ing marriages which were solemnized under false dates, and sometimes recording entries of marriages which they never solemnized at all. Still, however, the Fleet Registers do not appear deprived of evert/ degree of authority, since Lord Kenyon was inclin- ed to think that in a Pedigree Case (*) they were admissible ; and Lord Eldon was of opinion that in a Pedigree Case, or in an indictment for bigamy, they might be received, not as Registers, but as Declarations. If to this be added their utility, to the genealogist, in a point of view not strictly legal, they will yet remain a record, (extending over a pe- riod of nearly a century,) of considerable use and importance. must govern by force or law ; it was easy to know that person's principles, which were to govern by arbitrary force. That the King speaks through the Seals, and is represented by the Chancellor and the Judges in the Courts, where the Majesty of the King resides ; that such attacks on the Chancellor and the law was flying in the face of the King ; that this behaviour was not liked ; that it had been taken up with dignity, and that the incendiary had been properly reproved ; that this was not the way to popularity or favour, and that he could take upon him to say, that person knows so by this time ; a beam of light had broken in upon him ; but, (concluded he,) ' I despise his scurrility, as much as his adulation and retrac- tation.' This Philippic over, the Bill passed." (') This inclination of opinion in favour of a Pedigree Case appears rather at variance with the prior decisions. The use to be made of these Registers is for proof of the fact of Marriage, a proof which might be requisite either in the case of a party claiming property of the father as his legitimate son or in the case of a party claiming it, in a remote degree through a long pedigree, and it is difficult to conceive how these Registers could be used, except for the proof of marriage. 92 CHAPTER VI. MARRIAGES AT THE KING'S BENCH PRISON MINT SAVOY, AND MAY FAIR. THE same causes which induced people to marry clan- destinely at the Fleet prison, no doubt operated with those who married at the KING^ BENCH prison, although from the latter prison being situated in the suburbs of London, but comparatively few marriages were performed there. In the neighbourhood of the King's Bench was a part of the Borough called " THE MIMT," a place of refuge for thieves and malefactors of the worst description ; which, with White Friars,^) (Sir Walter Scott's Alsatia,) the Savoy, and other places about London, claimed certain privileges, and held out the advantages of a Sanctuary to all debtors, thieves, and malefactor s.( 2 ) At this place marriages were performed, and ( l ) By the 8 and 9th William III. Cap. 26, the pretended privileges of White Friars, the Savoy, Salisbury Court, Ram Alley, Mitre Court, Fuller's Rents, Baldwin's Gardens, Montague Close, the Minories, Mint, Clink, or Deadman's Place, were taken away. ( a ) " On Tuesday seven-night last, one Isaac Briand, an Irishman, was fined 2000 by the Court of Lord Mayor and Aldermen, for marrying Elizabeth Watson Aston, an orphan, of about 13 years of age, without the leave of the Court, and was committed to the Gaol of Newgate, there to remain until he shall have paid the said fine. It appeared the said orphan was decoyed from Westminster, where she lodged, to a house near the Fighting Cocks, in the Mint, in Southwark, and there married to the said Briand by one Parson Smith ; and the Court of Aldermen have thereupon ordered Warrants to be obtained for apprehending the said parson and others concerned, in order to their being prosecuted for the same. The Certi- ficate of this marriage given by Parson Smith being very singular, an exact copy of it follows for the entertainment of the public, viz. Feb. 26, 1715. These are, therefore, whom it may concern, that Isaac Briand and Watson Anne Astone were joined together in the Holy State of Matrimony, (Nemine Conlra- dicente,) the day and year above written, according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Church of Great Britain. Witness my hand. Jos. SMITH, Cler." 93 amongst the Fleet Registers are three Registers of King's Bench and Mint marriages. The first is a small quarto, (containing also some Fleet marriages,) and at page 48 these marriages commence, headed " Mint Marriages, Anno 1718." It ends at page 242, with the llth Jan. 1726. The second Register is a short folio commencing 20 May 1725, and ending 9 Oct. 1726. It contains the entries of marriages by John Floyd, " at the King's Bench and Liberties." They are worded at some length, and signed by the clergyman and one, two, or three witnesses ; thus, " Oct. 14th, 1725, John Radcliff, of the Parish of Thames Dit- ton, and Jane Puflet, of the Parish of Yowill, both of, and in the, County of Surrey, were married at the King's Bench, London. Witnesses JNO FLOYD, Cler. JOHN DARBY, Over against the Goat and JAMES ROOTSEY. Crown, five doors within Mint Gate, near St. George's Church." "March 24th, 1725, Thomas Panks, of the Parish of Hodsden, and Mary Munk of the Parish of Tirring, in Sussex, married. This was a Certificate granted without a marriage." " On the 2 day of August 1726, on the oath of Catherine Cane Senor, I gave a Certificate of her daughter's, Alee Cane, mar- riage. One of Thomas Bennett's Certificate. Certificate dated on the 22 day of June 1723. " Sign'd J. E. MINS." There are about 360 marriages in this book, and at the end are some old Law entries of the reign of Queen Elizabeth. The third King's Bench Register is a short thick folio, containing marriages at the Fleet also. At page 3 it is in- titutled " Marriages in Southwark," commencing with 20th Nov. 1736. At page 6 begin " Fleet Marriages." There is another Register which is considered to be a King's Bench or Mint Register, as the parties married are chiefly from Kent and Surrey. It is intituled, 94 " A Register of Christenings and Marriages, commencing March 13, 1732-3, by the Rev. Mich. Barrett." It ends Aug. 14th, 1751, and has about 500 marriages. The following are a few of the marriages at the Mint. 1725 Sept. 27. Wm. Bayley, Hawkhurst, and Ann Compion, Croydon. 1724 March 12. Christ r Burningham, of Rely, and Mary Ander- son, of Salsbury. 1724 May 4. Ab m Clegg, Rochester, and Mary Taylor, Ditto. 1718 Oct. 6. Edward Cook, Coodham, and Ann Phillips, S. Ditto. 1726 Jan. 11. Jn Douglas, Sutton, Surrey, and Fra s Moore. 1722 July 14. Martin Joseph Manvell Kelly and Joannah Bing. 1719 Jan. 7. Joseph Lancaster, Sundridge, and Eliz. Stinham, Ditto. 1718 Nov. 9. Robt. Long, Gent. St. Bride's, and Anna Maria Rugly, Ditto. 1720 Aug. 17. John Mandavill and Mary Martin. 1724 March 22. R d Pierce, Tunbridge, and Sarah Cooper, Ditto. 1720 Jan. 17. Wm. Reynolds and Hannah Burleigh. 1720 April 13. Thos. Samirell and Mary Twisden. 1723 March 27. Tho s Wolfe and Isabella Lamb. THE SAVOY. Although the Savoy was one of those places with pretend- ed privileges, there does not appear to have been any clan- destine marriages there until after the passing of the Mar- riage Act ; the number of marriages for a few years before and after that period being as follows : 1752 . . 15 -^3 . . 19 4 . . 342 -5 . . 1190), 6 . . 63 j u 7 . . 13 8 . . 17 On the passing of the Marriage Act, the Rev. John Wil- (') On the trial of Mr. Wilkinson, his Clerk deposed that of these 900 came out of the country enceinte. 95 kinson (*) began to exercise his supposed rights as Minister of the Savoy, considering himself authorised to grant licences as a privilege annexed to the Savoy, as being extra parochial, and because Dr. Killegrew and other of his predecessors had granted them. The Savoy, therefore, soon became known as a place for easy matrimony, and his marriages brought him " a profusion of cash, and instead of thinking of a rainy day, all was rat tat tat at the street door, and a variety of company. Easter-day was crowded from 8 till 12. So many pairs were for the indissoluble knot being tied, that he might have made a fortune had he been blessed with pati- ence and prudence, and been contented with publishing the banns of marriage only. Many persons came out of curiosity to hear such a long list of Spinsters announced."( 2 ) Mr. Wilkinson had hints from Government of the conse- quence of these practices, and at length proceedings were taken against him, and he was accustomed to make his escape over the leads at the Savoy, through the kitchen of the prison, (which was then there,) to a private door into the chapel, to evade those who were set to watch him. One Sunday morning an alarm was given, that the officers were in the church, a general panic ensued in his family ; he sent word that he was taken suddenly ill, and could not read prayers, and made his way down the garden to a gate that opened on the Thames, reached Somerset Stairs, where he took a boat and got into Kent. Having arrived there, he engaged Mr. Grierson to perform the marriages as his curate ; but the licences he granted himself, thinking that Mr. Grierson could not suffer for what he, in his authority as Minister of the Savoy, was to be responsible for. ( l ) The Register describes him as " His Majesty's Chaplain of the Savoy, Chaplain to his late Royal Highness Frederick Prince of Wales, Rector of East- well, Kent, and Curate of Wye ;" in 1732 he is described as Rector of Coyley, in the County of Glamorgan, and Stipendiary Curate of Wye. He was educated at St. Bees, in Cornwall, and finished his studies at Oxford. He came to the Savoy in 1725, and was married there on the 26th April, 1731, to Grace, daughter of Alderman Tate, of Carlisle. (*) Wilkinson's Memoirs. 96 Very shortly after this, Mr. Vernon, of Drury Lane Theatre, was married by Mr. Grierson, to Miss Portier. Garrick insisted on seeing the certificate, which Mr. Vernon obtained from Mr. Grierson, and gave to Garrick, who handed it over to Mr. Carrington, the King^s Messenger. Mr. Grierson was thereupon taken up and tried for having married the parties ; was convicted, and transported for fourteen years. ( 1 ) In his defence he said he was not aware of the illegality of the marrying at the Savoy, as he had married his own son there. After the committal of Mr. Grierson, Mr. Wilkinson en- gaged the Rev. Mr. Brooks as his curate, and continued to derive great profits from his marriages. Considering him- self certain of an acquittal, he determined to surrender him- self and take his trial, which he accordingly did on the llth July 1756 : he was tried on the 16th ; convicted, and sen- tenced to fourteen years' transportation. The vessel which was to take him to America sailed early in March 1757 ; but by stress of weather was driven to Plymouth, where Mr. Wilkinson died from an attack of the gout. His widow died in 1763. He left an only child, Tate Wilkinson, the Comedian. MAY FAIR. May Fair stands next to the Fleet in notoriety, and per- haps pre-eminently, so far as regards the number of fashion- able clandestine marriages. (') " It is said he had married 1400 couple in the same manner and place, whose marriages by this verdict are null and void, and the issue of them illegiti- mate." ( ' GenCs Mag.) He had a large family, which accompanied him on his transportation ; but it is believed he died on his passage. l,n the announcement of his conviction he is called " a nonjuring Clergyman," and in the Daily Advertiser of Dec. 24, 1755, is an advertisement of his, dated from Newgate, where he defends his conduct and principles, and concludes with an appeal to the public for their beneficence towards the support of his wife, children, and grand-child. He had been tried in 1748, " for marrying Jonathan Brooks to Miss Mary Redding, Spin- ster, in an empty house, against her will." One or two Acts have been passed for legalizing marriages solemnized in churches and chapels where banns had not been ' ' theretofore usually published ." See Burn's History of Parish Registers, 1829, 8vo. p. 33. Suter, Cheapside. 97 The chapel was built about 1730, in consequence of the increase of new Squares and Streets in that neighbourhood, and the person chosen to officiate there was the Renowned and Rev. Alexander Keith, who began to marry ad libitum, and to advertize in the papers the advantages of a wedding at May Fair, where Lord Orford describes him to have con- structed a very bishopric of revenue. These practices gave offence to Dr. Trebeck, then Rector of St. George's, Hanover Square, who commenced a suit at Doctors 1 Commons against Mr. Keith, to which he appeared personally, and defended himself at considerable length ;(*) not, however, with suc- cess, for on the 27th Oct. 1742, he was decreed excommu- nicated,^) and on the 24th of January following a signifi- cavit was decreed for his apprehension. In April 1743 he was committed to the Fleet ;( 3 ) but the weddings nevertheless continued (*) at May Fair,( 5 ) where he fitted up a house as a chapel, as will appear by the follow- ing advertisement. " To prevent mistakes, the little new chapel in May Fair, near Hyde Park corner, is in the corner house opposite to the City side (') In his allegations he stated that he had been ordained priest by the Bishop of Norwich, by Letters Dimissary from the Bishop of London, about the 13th of June 1731. That he was appointed one of the preachers by an Instrument under the hands and seals of the major part of the proprietors of the chapel. That at the time of his nomination he was Reader at the Rolls' Chapel. (*) Keith hereupon retaliated, and had the impudence to excommunicate at his chapel Bishop Gibson, Dr. Andrews, Judge of the Court, and Dr. Trebeck. ( 3 ) The Daily Post says, " to Newgate, for contempt of the Holy and Mother Church." (*) Horace Walpole in a letter to Mr. afterwards Sir Horace Mann, dated Ar- lington Street, Feb. 27, 1752, says, "The event which has made most noise since my last is the extensive wedding of the youngest of the two Gunnings," and then describes an assembly at Lord Chesterfield's, where the Duke of Hamilton made love to Miss Gunning, and then proceeds, " However, two nights afterwards being left alone with her whilst her mother and sister were at Bedford House, he found himself so impatient that he sent for a parson. The Doctor refused to perform the ceremony without licence and ring. The Duke swore he would send for the Arch- bishop ; at last they were married with a ring of the bed-curtain, at half an hour past twelve at night, at May Fair chapel." Vol. iii. p. 51. ( 5 ) " We hear that a Bill will be presented to Parliament for the suppression of the chapels in May Fair." General Advertiser, Jan. 1750. H 98 of the great chapel, and within ten yards of it, and the Minister and Clerk live in the same corner house, where the little chapel is, and the License on a Crown Stamp, Minister and Clerk's fees, together with the Certificate, amount to one guinea as heretofore, at any hour till four in the afternoon. And that it may be the better known, there is a porch at the door like a country church porch." Daily Post, July 20, 1744. Various reports were circulated after his imprisonment; one was, that he had a Little Chapel in the Fleet, where in one year he married thousands, while the Rector of St. Anns, a large and populous parish, married but fifty within the same period ;(*) and in the case of Morris v. Miller, (Easter Term 1767,) it was stated that Keith who had married the parties was transported, and the clerk dead. No marriages of Keith's have been met with in the Fleet, nor has it been found that he was ever transported, but he died in the Fleet Prison on the 13th December 1758. ( 2 ) He appears to have employed as his curates at his Little Chapel in May Fair, the Rev. Peter Symson, and Francis Denevau, who were also Fleet Clergymen, and of whom 1 Gentleman's Magazine. 2 Four of his sons were buried at Norwood in Middlesex. His wife died in 1749, while he was in the Fleet, upon which he had her corpse embalmed and kept it unburied many mouths, which seems to have been done to excite public curiosity and inquiry, for one of his advertisements in the Daily Advertiser of 23d January 1750, is as follows : " We are informed that Mrs. Keith's corpse was removed from her Husband's House in May Fair the middle of October last to an Apothecary's in South Audley St. where she lies in a room hung with mourning, and is to continue there till Mr. Keith can attend the Funeral. The way to Mr. Keith's Chapel is through Picca- dilly by the end of St. James's Street and down Clarges Street, and turn on the left hand. The marriages (together with a licence on a five shilling stamp and certifi- cate) are carried on for a guinea as usual, any time till four in the afternoon, by another regular clergyman at Mr. Keith's little Chapel in May Fair near Hyde Park Corner, opposite the great Chapel and within ten yards of it ; there is a porch at the door like a country churcli porch." In 1748, another of his sons dying, he had the corpse carried on a bier by two men from the Fleet to Covent Garden church yard. In their progress they made several halts and crowds of people assembled to read the inscription which re- ferred to the father's persecution. Craftsman, August Qth 1748. 99 particulars have been already given, also the Rev. John Grierson, and Mr. Walker O). Keith appears to have been in prison fifteen years. In 1753 he published a pamphlet intituled " Observations on the Act for preventing Clandestine Marriages," pp. 32 ; to which is prefixed an engraving of him as " The Rev. Mr. Keith, D.D." A few of his remarks, as connected with the subject of these pages, are as follows. " Happy is the wooing that is not long a-doing ; is an old proverb and a very true one, but we shall have no occasion for it after the 25th day of March next, when we are commanded to read it back- wards and from that period (fatal indeed to Old England !) we must date the declension of the numbers of the inhabit- ants of England." " As I have married many thousands, and consequently have on those occasions seen the humour of the lower class of people, I have often asked the married pair how long they had been acquainted ; they would reply, some more, some less, but the generality did not exceed the acquaintance of a week, some only of a day, half a day, &c." " Another inconveniency which will arise from this Act will be, that the expence of being married will be so great, that few of the lower class of people can afford ; for I have often heard a Flete-parson say, that many have come to be mar- ried when they have had but half-a-crown in their pockets, and sixpence to buy a pot of beer, and for which they have pawned some of their cloaths." " I remember once on a time, I was at a public house at Radcliff, which then was full of sailors and their girls, there there was fiddling, piping, jigging, and eating ; at length, one of the tars starts up, and says ' D m ye, Jack, I'll be married just now ; I will have my partner, and " the joke took, and in 1 In 1746, Thomas Brown being indicted for Bigamy, the first marriage was proved to have taken place at May Fair, and the second at the Anchor and Crown Fleet Ditch, and the following evidence was given. Drummund. " Mr. Keith has a person to officiate for him, one Mr. Walker marries, and I carry the licences to Mr. Keith and he registers them." John Prichard. " I acted as clerk, I am a carver by trade and keep n public house." H2 100 less than two hours ten couple set out for the Flete. I staid their return. They returned in coaches ; five women in each coach ; the tars, some running before, others riding on the coach-box, and others behind. The cavalcade being over, the couples went up into an upper room, where they con- cluded the evening with great jollity. The next time I went that way, I called on my landlord and asked him concerning this marriage-adventure, he at first stared at me, but recol- lecting, he said those things were so frequent, that he hardly took any notice of them ; for added he, it is a common thing when a fleet comes in, to have two or three hundred mar- riages in a week's time, among the sailors." He humorously concludes " If the present Act in the form it now stands should (which I am sure is impossible) be of service to my country, I shall then have the satisfaction of having been the occasion of it, because the compilers thereof have done it with a pure design of suppressing my Chapel, which makes me the most celebrated man in this kingdom, though not the greatest." The passing of the Marriage Act put a stop to the mar- riages at May Fair ; but the day before the Act came into operation, (Lady Day 1754,) 1 sixty-one couple were married there. 2 ' In a letter to George Montagu, Esq. dated July 17, 1753, Horace Walpole says : " Lady Anne Paulett's daughter is eloped with a country clergyman. The Duchess of Argyle harangues against the Marriage Bill not taking place imme- diately, and is persuaded that all the girls will go off before next Lady-day." 2 In a letter to George Montagu, Esq. from Horace Walpole, is the following notice of Keith. Strawberry Hill, llth June, 1753. " I shall only tell you a Ion mot of Keith's the marriage-broker, and conclude : " G d d n the Bishops! " said he, (I beg Miss Montagu's pardon) so they will hinder my marrying. Well, let 'em, but I'll be revenged : I'll buy two or three acres of ground, and by G d I'll under-bury them all." Vol. i. p. 292. And in No. 38 of the Connoisseur (October 1754) are some satirical remarks on the effect of the Marriage Act on Mr. Keith's Chapel ; the writer says, " I received a scheme from my good friend Mr. Keith, whose Chapel, the late Marriage Act has rendered useless on its original principles. The reverend gentleman seeing that all husbands and wives are henceforward to be put up on sale, proposes shortly to 101 THE MAY FAIR REGISTERS. These Registers are divided, some being at the Church of St. George's Hanover Square, and the others at the Regis- try of the Bishop of London, but several of the latter appear to be duplicates, and contain the same entries as the Registers at St. George's. Those at St. George's are three in number, marked re- spectively A. B. and C. In two of these is an affidavit sworn in 1780, by James Frith senior, stating, that being employed to look over the effects of Mr. Keith, he had found these three books and brought them from the Fleet ; and that up open his chapel on a more new and fashionable plan. As the ingenious Messrs. Henson and Bever have lately opened in different quarters of the town reposi- tories for all horses to be sold by auction, Mr. Keith intends setting up a Repo- sitory for all young males and females to be disposed of in marriage. From these studs (as the Doctor himself expresses it) a lady of beauty may be coupled to a man of fortune, and an old gentleman who has a colt's tooth remaining, may match himself with a tight young filly. The Doctor makes no doubt but his chapel will turn out even more to his advantage on this new plan, than on its first insti- tution, provided he can secure his scheme to himself and reap the benefits of it without interlopers from the Fleet. To prevent his design being pirated he in- tends petitioning the Parliament, that as he has been so great a sufferer by the Marriage Act, the sole right of opening a Repository of this sort may be vested in him, and that his place of residence in May Fair may still continue the grand mart for marriages." " Catalogue of Males and Females to be disposed of in Marriage to the best bidder, at Mr. Keith's Repository, in May Fair. A young lady of 100,000 fortune to be bid for by none under the degree of peers, or a commoner of at least treble the income. A homely thing who can read, write, cast accounts, and make an excellent pud- ding. This lot to be bid for by none but country parsons. A very pretty young woman, but a good deal in debt would be glad to marry a member of parliament, or a Jew. A blood of the first-rate, very wild, and has run loose all his life, but is now broke, and will prove very tractable. Five Templars all Irish. No one to bid for these lots of less than .10,000 fortune. Wanted four dozen of young fellows, and one dozen of young women, willing to marry to advantage to go to Nova Scotia." 102 to 1743 or 4 the marriages were performed in May Fair chapel, but afterwards in a house near the chapel. Book A commences 21 February 1735 and ends 27 July 1744. It is intituled " An Account or Register of Mar- riages at St. George's Chapel Hyde Park Corner in the Liberty of Westminster." The entries are numbered and amount to 1020, and are nearly all signed by Mr. Keith. At the other end of the book are baptisms from 26 March 1740 to 7 April 1753. Book B commences 28 July 1744 and ends 30 Sept. 1749, the numbering begins with 1021 and continues to 3529, when the entries cease to be numbered. There are about 5000 entries in this book. Book C commences 30 Sept. 1749 and ends 25 March 1754, from Oct. 1753 to 25 March 1754 are 1136 entries. On the 2d January 1751 is the following entry, W" Thomas and Sarah Snow of St. Maries Overy South wark" " Memo" she being surprised by meeting two gentlemen of her acquaintance as she was going into the chapel, gave her mother's name (Snow) instead of her father's sirname, Yates." The books at the Bishop's Registry are seven in number. No. 1. A short folio commencing 19 March 1729 and ending 31 May 1731, intituled " Dr. Keith's Regestar Book of Marriages, No. 3, May Fair."" It contains about 1300 entries, and has an index. No. 2. A thin short folio, commenencing 29 Sept. 1747 ending 28 Sept. 1749, intituled, " The Register Book of Marriages performed by John Grierson, Minister, at May Fair Chapel," and indorsed " No. 2. Register of Marriages, 1747, 1748, 1749, May Fair." It contains 2403 entries, and at the other end are Baptisms from 1747 to 1752, several of which are of the Peterborough family. No. 3. A short thick folio, commencing 29 Sept. 1749 ending 31 Oct. 1753, indorsed " No. 3. Register for Mar- riages May Fair." It contains 6258 entries. No. 4. A short folio of Fleet marriages, at one end of which are " Marriages performed by Mr. Symson at May 103 Fair in 1748." It commences 12 April 1748 and contains 86 entries, after which is added " No. 86, all married by Mr. Symson at May Fair." No. 5. A folio, intituled " The Register Book of Mar- riages begun April 9, 1748, at the New Chapel May Fair." The marriages are all by Mr. Symson, but many of them appear to be Fleet marriages. It has an index. No. 6. A small quarto, commencing 9 Dec. 1750 ending 25 March 1754, intituled, " The Register Book of Mar- riages performed by the Reverend Mr. Peter Symson, Mr. Fran 8 Denevau, for Keith May Fair." No. 7. A thin folio, ending 25 March 1754, indorsed " No. 1. Dr. Keith's Book. The Register for Marriages, 1 November 1753, 1754, May Fair." It has an index. THE FOLLOWING ARE SOME OF THE MARRIAGES AT MAY FAIR. 1753 June 29. Lord George Bentinck and Mary Davies, Han- well. 1730 March 15. John Campfield, Esq. St. George's Hanover Sq. and Harriet Doyne, ditto. 1748 March 23. Honble. George Carpenter and Frances Clifton. 1747 Oct. 24. Capt. Charles Cockburn, St. James's, and Mar- garet Holford, Hanwell. 1729 Sept. 8. Simon Darby, Gent. St. Martin's Fields, and Mary Pindergrass, ditto, B and S. 1752 Feb. 14. James Duke of Hamilton and Eliz. Gunning. 1753 April 17. Stanhope Herries and Millicent Constable, St. George's, South wark. 1729 April 15. Charles Jeftryson, Gent. Covent Garden, and Sarah Thomson, ditto, B and S. 1749 Sept. 14. William Earl of Kensington and Rachel Hill, Hempstead. 1747 Oct. 6. Alexander Lennox and Barbara Ramsey, St. Ann's Westminster. 1754 Feb. 26. Rev. Edmund Lodge and Mary Garrard, Car- shalton. 1749 Aug. 31. William Montague and Gertrude Turner, St. James's. 1753 Aug. 31. George Montague Martin and Eliz. Berkeley St. George's Hanover Square. 104 1751 July 21. Edward Wortley Montague and Eliz. Ashe, St. Martin's fields. 1730 March 15. Hyde Parker, Gent, and Elizabeth Beaver, B andS. 1752 May 7. Harry Powlett and Mary Nunn, Eltham. 1753 July 26. Edmund Powlett, Gent, and Sarah Jones, Chelsea. 1752 June 30. Bysshe Shelley & Mary Cath. Michell, Horsham. 1751 May 25. Honourable Sewallis Shirley and Margaret Countess of Orford. 1753 March 7. Wm. Shirley, Esq. and Madalane Julie le Blanc, St. Margaret's. 1753 March 15. James Stewart Stewart and Catherine Holloway, of St. Matthew's, Friday Street. 1749 March 7. Cecil Trafford and Elizabeth Short, St. Martin's Fields. 1752 June 15. Henry Trelawney, Esq. and Mary Dormer, St. Margaret's. 1729 Nov. 14. William Yeats, Gent. 3 rd Guards, and Catherine Jordan, Westr. W and W. ON PAROCHIAL REGISTRATION. DRAFT OF A BILL FOR AMENDING THE ACT OF 52 GEO. 111. CAP. 146. 107 PAROCHIAL REGISTRATION. THE defective state of the existing laws in regard to Parochial Registration has long been admitted, and generally a subject of complaint. Considering the importance of Registers in reference to the transfer and descent of property, as well as the inheritance of dignities, and adverting to the fact, that the subject of registra- tion has been at various periods, during the last three centuries, submitted to the consideration of the Legislature, it is singular that so many imperfections in the system should still exist, and that even the legislative enactments of the act of the 52nd of Geo. III. should be suffered in so many instances to be totally disregarded. In England it is constantly urged as a complaint against our system of registration, that it is entirely an ecclesiastical cere- mony ; the fact of the ceremony of baptism being only recognized by law, to the exclusion of evidence as to birth. In the late Session of Parliament, in consequence of the petitions of certain classes of Dissenters, a Committee was moved for by Mr. Wilks, the member for Boston, to consider of the state of Parochial Registration, and was appointed accordingly. This Committee, after an investigation of the subject, made its Report to the House, which is ordered to be printed ; and wherein a Civil Registration of births, marriages, and deaths, is recommended, without in- terfering with the present system of Parochial Registration. As it is not improbable that a bill may be introduced in the next session, in pursuance of the recommendation of the Committee of the House of Commons, when the whole subject will be brought under consideration and discussed, the author of this volume, having in a former publication entered at large into the History of Parish Registers, thinks the present publication affords him an opportunity of adverting to a paper printed and circulated in 108 1831 by him, in conjunction with two or three gentlemen, who had given the subject some attention, entitled " Defects in the Act of 52nd Geo. III. and Proposed Amendments." The suggestions contained in this paper having been generally approved by persons to whom it was submitted, and who, from their practical experience, were most competent to judge, a Bill was drawn in conformity thereto, for amending the Act in question, and intended to have been introduced into the House of Commons, which was in the next year dissolved. The important questions which occupied the new Parliament, engaged amongst other urgent affairs in the reformation of the Constitution of Parliament, pre- vented the further prosecution of the measure. The renewal, however, of the discussion upon the subject of Pa- rochial Registration having now taken place, the Bill drawn under the circumstances stated, is appended to this volume, with a view of submitting the proposed enactments to the consideration of the public, and thereby afford opportunity for the comment and obser- vations of those persons who may feel interested in a subject in- volving such important consequences to all classes. Few persons can entertain a doubt as to the expediency of pro- viding, and speedily too, a remedy for the existing defects in the law ; and the author, deeply impressed with the importance of the subject, and convinced of that expediency from professional expe- rience, will derive considerable gratification, if it shall be found that the suggestions he has ventured to embody in the draft of a Bill shall be found worthy of attention. 109 (DRAFT) A BILL For repealing an Act passed in the 52nd year of King George the Third, intituled " An Act for the better regu- lating and preserving Parish and other Registers of Births, Baptisms, Marriages and Burials in England ;" and for the future regulation, improvement, and preser- vation of such Registers. WHEREAS the powers and provisions of an Act passed in the 52nd year of King George the Third, intituled " An Act for the better regulating and preserving Parish and other Registers of Births, Baptisms, Marriages and Burials in England," have been found insufficient for the purpose for which the said Act was passed, and it is expedient to repeal the same, and to make better provision for the regulation of such Registers : Be it therefore enacted, by the King's Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords spiritual and temporal and Com- mons in this present Parliament assembled ; and by the authority of the same, that the said Act be hereby repealed. II. And be it enacted, That from and after the day of 183 Registers of public and private Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, solemnized according to the rites of the United Church of England and Ireland, within all parishes or chapelries in England, whether subject to the ordinary or peculiar or other jurisdiction, shall be made and kept by the Rector, Vicar, Curate or officiating Minister of every parish (or of any chapelry where the ceremonies of Baptism, Marriage or Burial have been usually, and may, according to law be performed) for the time being, in books of good and durable paper, to be provided as occa- sion may require at the expence of the respective parishes or chapelries, whereon shall be printed upon each side of every leaf the heads of information herein required to be entered in the Registers of Baptisms, Marriages and Burials respectively; and every such entry shall be numbered progressively from the begin- 110 ning to the end of each book, the first entry to be distinguished by No. 1. and every such entry shall be divided from the entry next following by a printed line, according to the forms contained in the schedules A, B, C, hereto annexed; and every page of every such book shall be numbered with progressive numbers, the first page being marked with the No. 1. in the middle of the upper part of such page, and every subsequent page being marked in like manner with progressive numbers, from No. 1 to the end of the book ; and such Rector, Vicar, Curate, or officiating minister shall also make and keep an alphabetical Index of all such Bap- tisms, Marriages, and Burials respectively ; and when an entry is made in the Register-book, shall enter a reference thereto in such Index, and such Indexes shall refer to the Surname of the respective persons mentioned in such Register-books, with the number of the page of such Register-book wherein such persons are named, according to the form in schedule (D) hereto annexed. III. And for better ensuring the regularity and uniformity of such Register-books, and the sizes, spaces, forms, and other parti- culars thereof, be it further enacted that a printed copy of this Act, together with a book so prepared as aforesaid, and adapted to the form of the Registers of Baptisms prescribed in the schedule (A) to this Act annexed ; and also one other book so prepared as aforesaid, and adapted to the form prescribed for the Registry of Marriages in the schedule (B) to this Act annexed ; and also one other book so prepared as aforesaid, and adapted to the form prescribed for the Registers of Burials in the schedule (C) to this Act annexed ; and also one other book so prepared as aforesaid, and adapted to the form prescribed for the index in the schedule (D) to this Act annexed, shall as soon as conveniently may be after the passing of this Act, be provided and transmitted by his Majesty's Printer to the officiating Ministers of the several parishes and chapelries in England respec- tively, who are hereby required to use and apply the same in and to the purposes of this Act : and such books respectively shall be pro- portioned to the population of the several parishes and chapelries, according to the last returns of such population made under the authority of Parliament ; and other books of like form and quality shall for the like purposes be furnished from time to time by the Churchwardens or Chapelwardens of every parish or chapelry whenever they shall be required by the Rector, Vicar, Curate, or officiating minister, to provide the same. IV. And be it further enacted, that such registers shall be kept Ill in such separate books aforesaid, and that every such Rector, Vicar, Curate, or officiating Minister, shall, immediately after the solemni- zation of every baptism (whether private or public,) or burial respec- tively, record and enter in a fair and legible handwriting, in the pro- per Register-book, to be provided and kept as aforesaid, the several particulars described in the schedules herein before-mentioned, and sign the same; and that no such Rector, Vicar, Curate, or offi- ciating Minister, or other person or persons whomsoever, shall ask, demand, receive, or take any fee or fees, for the recording or en- tering of such baptism as aforesaid. V. And be it further enacted, that whenever the ceremony of baptism or burial shall be performed in any other place than the parish church or churchyard of any parish (or the chapel or cha- pelyard of any chapelry, providing its own distinct registers,) and such ceremony shall be performed by any Minister not being the Rector, Vicar, Minister, or Curate, of such parish or chapelry, the Minister who shall perform such ceremony of baptism or burial, shall on the same, or on the next day, transmit to the Rector, Vicar, or other Minister, of such parish or chapelry, or his Curate, a certificate of such baptism or burial, in the form contained in the schedule (E) to this Act annexed, and the Rector, Vicar, Minister, or Curate, of such parish or chapelry, shall thereupon enter such baptism or burial, according to such certificate, in the book kept pursuant to this Act for such purpose, and shall add to such entry the following words, " According to the certificate of the Rev. transmitted to me on the day of ." And all such certificates shall be carefully preserved and kept with the Register- books of the parish or chapelry. VI. And for the obtaining of returns and registers of bap- tisms and burials in extra-parochial places in England, where there is no church or chapel ; be it further enacted, That in all cases of the baptism of any child, or the burial of any person in any extra-parochial or other place, or any hospital, barrack, house of industry, or other establishment in England, according to the rites of the established Church, where there is no church or chapel, the officiating minister, shall, within fifteen days after such bap- tism or burial, deliver to the Rector, Vicar, or Curate of such parish immediately adjoining to the place in which such baptism or burial shall take place, as the ordinary shall direct, a memorandum of such baptism or burial signed by the parent of the child bap- tized, or by some person witnessing the baptism, or a memo- randum of such burial signed by the Undertaker and two of the persons attending the same, according as the nature of the case may respectively require ; and every such memorandum shall con- tain all such particulars as are herein-before required for Baptisms and Burials respectively; and every such memorandum delivered to the Rector, Vicar, or Curate of any such adjoining parish or chapelry shall be entered by him in the register of his parish and form a part thereof. VII. And be it enacted, that the Rector, Vicar, Curate or offi- ciating minister of every parish, shall after the solemnization of every marriage make two entries thereof, in a fair and legible handwriting, viz. one in the Register-book, and the other upon paper to be provided at the expense of the parish or chapelry, in the form herein-before directed for the entry of the marriages, both of which entries shall be signed by the parties married, and also by the witnesses thereto, and the Minister solemnizing the same : and also shall immediately after the solemnization of every baptism and burial, and the entry thereof in the Register-book as herein- before directed, make a copy thereof upon paper in the form herein-before directed for the entry of baptisms and burials respectively, and shall sign the same with his name, or, in case the ceremony shall have been performed by another minister, the name of the minister who shall have performed the same. VIII. And be it enacted, that the celebration of every mar- riage shall be in the presence of two witnesses at the least, (be- sides any clerk, sexton, or other officer of the church,) which witnesses shall sign their names and residences to the entry of such marriage in the register and duplicate thereof. IX. And be it enacted, that the Registers of every parish shall be open to the inspection of all persons desirous of search- ing the same, or procuring extracts therefrom, or for any of the purposes of this Act, at all seasonable times and on payment of legal and reasonable fees. X. And be it further enacted, that the several books wherein such entries shall respectively be made, and all Register-books heretofore in use shall be deemed to belong to every such parish or chapelry respectively, and shall be kept by and remain in the power and custody of the Rector, Vicar, Curate, or other officiating minister, of each respective parish or chapelry as aforesaid, and shall be by him safely and securely kept free from damp, as well 118 as from erasure, obliteration, or destruction, in a dry, well-painted iron chest, to be provided and repaired as occasion may require, at the expense of the parish or chapelry ; which said chest, con- taining the said books, shall be constantly kept locked in some dry, safe, and secure place, within the usual place of residence of such Rector, Vicar, Curate, or other officiating Minister, (if resident within the parish or chapelry,) or in some dry, safe, and secure place, within the parish church or chapel. And the said books shall not, nor shall any of them be taken, or removed from or out of the said chest at any time, or for any cause whatever, except for the purpose of making such entries therein as aforesaid, or for the in- spection of persons desirous to make search therein, or to obtain copies from or out of the same, or to be produced as evidence in some Court of Law or Equity, or before his Majesty's Attorney or Solicitor General, in cases referred to them by the Crown, and requiring the examination of such registers, or to be inspected as to the state and condition thereof, or for some of the purposes of this Act. And that immediately after making such respective en- tries, or producing the said books respectively, for the purposes aforesaid, the said books shall forthwith again be returned to and safely and securely deposited in the said chest. XI. And be it further enacted, that at the expiration of two months after the 31st day of December 183 , and at the expira- tion of two months after every subsequent year, the Churchwar- dens or Chapelwardens of every parish or chapelry, shall cause the duplicate copy of the said marriage-register, together with copies of all the entries in the Register-books of every such parish or chapelry respectively, of the several Baptisms, and Burials, which shall have been solemnized, or shall have taken place in every such parish or chapelry, within the year preceding ; and also a copy of the said Index or Indices to the same ; which said copies of entries and Index or Indices shall be made on strong, good, and durable paper, in a fair, stout, and legible hand- writing, at the costs and charges of such parish or chapelry, in the same form as prescribed in the schedules annexed, and the contents of such duplicate of the marriage-register, and such copies of the registers of Baptisms and Burials and of the said Indices, shall be verified and signed in the form following by the Rector, Vicar, Curate, or officiating Minister, of the parish or chapelry to which such Register-books shall respectively belong. 114 I, A. B. Rector, (or, as the case maybe,) of the parish of C, (or of the chapelry of D,) in the county of E, do hereby solemnly declare that I have carefully examined the several writings here- to annexed, purporting to be copies or duplicates of the several entries contained in the several Register-books of Baptisms, Mar- riages, and Burials, of the parish (or chapelry) aforesaid, from the day of to the day of the said baptisms being num- bered from to both inclusive, the said marriages from to both inclusive, and the said burials from to both inclusive, and that they are true copies of all the several entries in the said several Register-books respectively, from the said day of to the said day of and that no other entry during such period is contained in any of such books respectively. (Signed) A. B. Witness C. D. E. F. Which declaration shall be fairly written without any stamp on the said copy immediately after the last entry therein, and the signature to such declaration shall be attested by the Churchwar- dens or Chapelwardens, or one of them, of the parish or chapelry to which such Register-books shall belong. XII. And be it further enacted, that the said duplicate and copies of the said Register-books and Indices, whether such parish or cha- pelry shall be subject to the ordinary, peculiar, or other jurisdiction, shall be transmitted by such Churchwardens or Chapelwardens by the post, to the Registrar of the diocese within which the churches or chapels shall be respectively situated, on or before the 1st day of June 183 , and on or before the 1st day of June in every subsequent year, and the superscription upon all letters and packets, containing such copies, shall be indorsed and signed by the Churchwardens or Chapelwardens of the parish or chapelry from which such copies shall be so transmitted in the form or to the effect in schedule (F), and that all such letters and packets shall be carried and conveyed by means of his Majesty's post-office, and be delivered at the offices of the said Registrars without postage or other charge being paid or payable for the same. XIII.. And be it enacted, that the Churchwardens or Chapelwar- dens of every parish or chapelry shall at the time of the transmis- sion of such copies to the Registrar of the diocese, pay or trans- mit to the said Registrar the sum often shillings, and also the sum 115 of one penny for every entry which shall be contained therein. All which said fees, and all and every penalty recovered under the provision of this Act, shall be applied by the Bishop, or person or persons to be appointed by him, in carrying the provi- sions of this Act into effect. XIV. And be it further enacted, that when and so often as the copies and duplicates of the said Register-books and Indices of Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials, as aforesaid, shall be transmitted to the office of the said Registrars respectively, as aforesaid, pur- suant to the directions herein-before contained for that purpose ; the said Registrars respectively shall cause all the said copies and duplicates to be safely and securely deposited, kept and preserved from damage and destruction by fire, damp, or otherwise, in the Bishop's registry, and to be carefully and methodically arranged for the purpose of being resorted to as occasion may require. XV. And be it enacted, that the Secretary of State for the Home Department for the time being, shall appoint, by writing under his hand, some fit and proper person for the purpose of superintending and enforcing the due execution of the provisions of this T f Wlt " consent of \ ml __j; Qt , c j chapel 5 Licence] I guardians J this day of in the year, 183 . By me, J. J. Rector. Vicar. Curate. This marriage was solemni/.ed by us, Jno. Baker. Jane Scott. In the presence of A. B. C. D. E. F. 120 Q w S o CO i . -a o 1 2J a 1. o c ^ ^ 3 +-> ' O * o .P '3 u 03 1 1 i E cu co 3 5 "o c O s O" O C T3 St 5 - c ^ 01 ^ *o g o 2 c ~> .2 b" 5 *C cu 0) 1 3 00 0. i-H 5 S PQ a i g> 6 ^ "a ^ pH S "o CO a CO CO s ca 00 i-H CO S c *.S f 03 rt* ^ ^* CQ > CJ w Q w ffi o CO o> t; ^,2 . * -5 J s S. o .^ ^ ^ % as CO CO 1 8 CO oo oo I-H C 3 r 3 a ~ U ^ 0) a Is X ^ ^j 2 .SP O5 '3 ^ H ^^ FH ^3 l-l t *J c U "C 0) c 1 a 0, o ; ^ 03 * >~> -3 -* . *j S ^ 1 . 3.2 | S E2 - i. e ~"g: Sis ^ sT3 t. rt 3! i| 2* 'm ^ 2 3 Go < (U ss ? cu .s ffi co 1 If Husband or Widov Wife, or Widow, sti where married. If single, where baptii Husband. Married at St Albans. et Tb oj "a, 03 PQ 1 o c 3 c S -2 ~~- 03 ,c 0> 0. A jQ "5 *C CO "Z ^ 3 <& CO CO M . CD Churchwardens of (or as the case may be.) WILLIAM Cox, ) INDEX. Acts of Parliament, 6. 11. 15. Alley, Jerome, 9. 31. Ashwell, Edward, 26. B Bagnio, marriage at a, 45. Banns, first directed, 3. Bassett, Bartholomew, 10. 37. B y House, marriage at, 47. Biscuit, broken, a ceremony, 58. C Castell, Robert, 1. 22. Ceremony see Biscuit Broken. Certificate, antedated, 45, 46. 51, 52. Christian names, only registered, 46. 48. 50. 58. 62. Churches, lawless described, 3. Colton, James, 10. 34. Contracts, per verba de praesenti, 1 . Cooke, v. Lloyd, 86. Crawford, Thomas, 32. Cuthbert, Robert, 31. D Dare, William, 30. Elborrow, Robert, 10 31. Espousals, entry of, in Register, 2. customs relating to, ib. Excommunication for clandestine mar- riage, 13. F Fielding, Handsome, and Duchess of Cleveland, 37. Fleet, origin of marriages at, 5. Parson, convicted of forty-two oaths, 7. selling liquors, 59. marrying in a night-gown, ib. drunk, 60. a beggar, 36. Parsons, list of, 25. Fleet, an heiress married at, against her will, 7. wedding, engraving of, 8. Bishop's Visitation at, 9. Practices in the Reign of Queen Ann, 10. in 1723, 12. in 1735, 13. Marriage, legacy for, 15. Prison, 21. Wardens of, 22. Chaplains, 24. Marriages noticed by M. 1'Abbe le Blanc, 52. Registers, account of, 40. purchased by Govern- ment, 43. extracts from, 45. as evidence, 81. names of persons married there, 64. 80. Floud, John, 30. Fox, Hon. Henry, his marriage at the Fleet, 15. his opposition to Marriage Act, 16, 17, 18, 88. 100. Gaynam, Dr., 25. Grierson, Rev. John, transported, 96. Guernsey, the land of matrimony, 19. H Hamilton, Duke of, married at May Fair, 97, 103. Husband, hired, 53, 54, 61. 63. Jurisdiction, see Privileged Places. K King's Bench Prison, Registers, 93. marriages at, 92. Keith Alex., the famous, 97, 98. his excommunication, 97. his retaliation, it:. imprisonment, it: INDEX. Keith, Alex, his pamphlet on the Mar- riage Act, 99. family, 98. death, 98. his catalogue of sale, 101. Lando, James, 32. 41. Lawraace v. Dixon, 82. Legitimate, a child half so, 61. Lilly, Joshua, 37. , John, ib. Lloyd v. Passingham, 83. 86. v. Evans, 87. M Marriage Clandestine, Act, Horace Walpole's ac- count of the introduction and pass- ing, 16, 17, 18. 88. 100. Blackstone'sCommentaryon, 19. . attempts to repeal, 20. Marriage of two women, 49, 50. 61. ceremonies at the Fleet, 58, 59. in bed, 64. houses, keepers of, 37. in terrorem, 48, 63. as far as the ring, 59. in part, 48, 46. ^ antedated, 45, 51. at a cook-shop. 45. bagnio, 45. b y house, 47. . shoemakers, 64. at Newgate, 45. of woman in a shift, 48. May Fair marriages, 96. ^ Duke of Hamilton married there with a curtain ring, 97. some of the persons married there, 103. Registers, 101. Mint, marriages at, 92. Registers, 93. names of some persons married there, 94. Mottrara, John, his conviction, 11. 30. O. Olive, Mrs. 42. Orrell v. Madox, 83. Owen, Thomas, 39. 42. P. Panton, Benjamin, 43. Parochial Registration, Appendix. Parson, blind, 35. 39. Parsons, Fleet, List of, 25. Pasingham v. Lloyd, 83. Personate, Men and Women hired to, 39. 49, 50. Pocket Books of the Fleet Parsons, 46. 61. Privileged Places, 92. Q. Quaker married at the Fleet, 55. R. Reed v. Passer, 84. Rogers, Nehemiah, 10. 35. S. Sacrament after a Fleet Wedding, 58. St. James's, Duke's Place, pretended exemption, 3. Rector sus- pended, 3. 4. Register of, Savoy, Marriages at, 19. 94. Minister and Curate transported, 96. practices at, 95. Say and Sele, Case of, 84. Shadwell, Ralph, a blind Parson, 35. Sham Certificates, 45. Shellburn, Anthony, 35. 42. Shift, Marriage in a, 48. Skimmington described, 9. Starkey, James, 31. Symson, Peter, 29. T. Trinity Minories, pretended exemption, 3. Register, 4. Twisleton, v. Cockshutt, 82. 85. W Weddings, Parish, 55. 63. Private, 47, 48. 61. 63, 64. Wigmore, Daniel, 30. Wilkinson, Rev. John, of the Savoy, 9. Wyatt, Walter, 27. . his curious memoranda, 5. BY THE SAME AUTHOR. REGISTRUM ECCLESLE PAROCHIALIS. The History of Parish Registers in England ; also of the Registers of Scotland, Ireland, the East and West Indies, &c. with Obser- vations on Bishop's Transcripts, 8vo. 10s. 6d. (Suter, 19, Cheapside.) " The contents are not only highly curious, but in many instances amusing. We may commend the book, not only as containing much that is useful in itself, but because it suggests the necessity of a better system of registering, &c." The Times. " The volume abounds with curious matter connected with the subject of Births, Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials generally, and we can recommend it to the pe- rusal of our readers as an interesting and complete History of Parisli Registers." Gents. Mag, LIVRE DES ANGLOIS A GENEVE, With a few Biographical Notes, 8vo. 2*. Qd. (A verbatim copy of the Register of Arrivals, Births, Marriages, and Burials, kept by the Exiles in 1555, containing notices of Whittingham, Bodleigh, John Knox, Goodman, Lever, Scory, Lawrence, Humphrey, Cover- dale, &c.&c.) (Suter, 19, Cheapside.) LONDON: FUINTEK BY SAMUEL BENILEY, DORSET STUEET, FLF.LT STREET.