LIBRARY UNIVERSITY Of CAUFOfttMA V THE HUMAN WORTH OF RIGOROUS THINKING 8 tit t) or SCIENCE AND RELIGION: THE RATIONAL AND THE STTPERRATIONAL The Yale University Press THE NEW INFINITE AND THE OLD THEOLOGY The Yale University Press COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY PRESS SALES AGENTS NEW YORK LONDON LEMCKE AND BUECHNER HUMPHREY MILFORD 30-32 WEST 27TH STREET AMEN CORNER, E. C. THE HUMAN WORTH OF RIGOROUS THINKING ESSAYS AND ADDRESSES BY CASSIUS J. KEYSER, PH.D., LL.D. ADRA1N PROFESSOR OF MATHEMATICS COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY flrto COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY PRESS 1916 Alt rights reserved PRINTED IN U. ft? Copyright, 1916 BY COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY PRESS Printed from type, May, 1916 PREFACE THE following fifteen essays and addresses have ap- peared, in the course of the last fifteen years, as articles in various scientific, literary, and philosophical journals. For permission to reprint I have to thank the editors and managers of The Columbia University Quarterly, The Co- lumbia University Press, Science, The Educational Review, The Bookman, The Monist, The Hibbert Journal, and The Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods. The title of the volume indicates its subject. The fact that one of the essays, the initial one, bears the same title is hardly more than a mere coincidence, for all of the dis- cussions deal with the subject in question and nearly all of them deal with it directly, consciously, and in terms. In passing from essay to essay the attentive reader will notice a few repetitions of thought and possibly a few in forms of expression. Such reiterations, which owe their presence to the occasional character of the essays and to the aims and circumstances that originally con- trolled their composition, may, it is hoped, be regarded by the charitable reader less as blemishes than as means of emphasizing important considerations. CASSIUS J. KEYSER. April 14, 1916. CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE I. The Human Worth of Rigorous Thinking i II. The Human Significance of Mathematics 26 m. The Humanization of the Teaching of Mathematics 61 IV. The Walls of the World; or Concerning the Figure and the Dimensions of the Universe of Space 81 V. Mathematical Emancipations: Dimensionality and Hyperspace xox VI. The Universe and Beyond: The Existence of the Hypercosmic 122 VII. The Axiom of Infinity: A New Presupposition of Thought . 139 VIII. The Permanent Basis of a Liberal Education 163 DC. Graduate Mathematical Instruction for Graduate Students not Intending to Become Mathematicians 176 X. The Source and Functions of a University 201 XI. Research in American Universities 209 XII. Principia Mathematica 220 XIII. Concerning Multiple Interpretations of Postulate Systems and the " Existence " of Hyperspace 233 XIV. Mathematical Productivity in the United States 257 XV. Mathematics 271 THE HUMAN WORTH OF RIGOROUS THINKING 1 But in the strong recess of Harmony Established firm abides the rounded Sphere. EMPEDOCLES NEXT to the peaceful pleasure of meeting genuine curiosity, half-way, upon its own ground, comes the joy of combat when an attack upon some valued right or precious interest of the human spirit requires to be repelled. Indeed, given a competent jury, hardly any other undertaking could be more stimulating than to defend mathematics from a charge of being unworthy to occupy, in the hierarchy of arts and sciences, the high place to which, from the earliest times, the judg- ment of mankind has assigned it. But, unfortunately, no such accusation has been brought, brought, that is, by persons of such scientific qualifications as to give their opinion in the premises weight enough to call for serious consideration. Mathematics has been often praised by the scientifically incompetent; it has not, so far as I am aware, been dispraised, or its worth challenged or denied, by the scientifically competent. The age-long immunity of mathematics from authorita- 1 An address delivered before the Mathematical Colloquium of Columbia University, October 13, 1913. Printed, with slight change, in Science, December 5, 1913; also, with other slight changes, printed in The Columbia University Quarterly, June, 1914, under the title "The Study of Mathe- matics." The substance of the address was delivered before the mathe- matics section of the California High School Teachers Association, August, 1915, at Berkeley, California. 2 THE HUMAN WORTH OF RIGOROUS THINKING tive arraignment, and the high estimation in which the science has been almost universally held in enlight- ened times and places, unite to give it a position nearly, if not quite, unique in the history of criticism. Perhaps it were better not so. Mathematicians have a sense of security to which, it may be, they are not entitled in a critical age and a reeling world. Conceivably it might have been to the advantage of mathematics and not only of mathematics but of science in general, of philosophy, too, and the general enlightenment, if in course of the centuries mathematicians had been now and then really compelled by adverse criticism of their science to discover and to present not only to themselves but acceptably to their fellow-men the deeper justifica- tions, if such there be, of the world's approval and applause of their work. However that may be, no one is likely to dissent from the opinion of Mr. Bertrand Russell that "in regard to every form of activity it is necessary that the question should be asked from time to time: what is its purpose and ideal? In what way does it contribute to the beauty of human existence?" An inquiry that is thus necessary for the general wel- fare ought to be felt as. a duty, unless, more fortunately, it be felt as a pleasure. Why study mathematics? What are the rightful claims of the science to human regard? What are the grounds upon which a university may justify the annual expenditure of thirty to fifty thousands of dollars to provide for mathematical instruction and mathematical research? A slight transformation of the questions will help to .disclose their significance and may give a quicker sense of their poignancy and edge. What is mathematics? I hasten to say that I do not intend to detain the reader THE HUMAN WORTH OP RIGOROUS THINKING 3 and thus perhaps to dampen his interest with a defini- tion of mathematics, though it must be said that the discovery of what mathematics is, is doubtless one of the very great scientific achievements of the nineteenth century. The question asks, not for a definition of the science, but for a brief and helpful description of it for an obvious mark or aspect of it that will enable us to know what it is that we are here writing or reading about. Well, mathematics may be viewed either as an enterprise or as a body of achievements. As an enter- prise mathematics is characterized by its aim, and its aim is to think rigorously whatever is rigorously think- able or whatever may become rigorously thinkable in course of the upward striving and refining evolution of ideas. As a body of achievements mathematics con- sists of all the results that have come, in the course of the centuries, from the prosecution of that enter- prise: the truth discovered by it; the doctrines created by it; the influence of these, through their applications and their beauty, upon the advancement of civiliza- tion and the weal of man. Our questions now stand: Why should a human being desire to share in that spiritual enterprise which has for its aim to think rigorously whatever is or may become rigorously thinkable and to "frame a world according to a rule of divine perfection"? Why should men and women seek some knowledge of that variety of perfection with which men and women have enriched life and the world by rigorous thought? What are the just claims to human regard of perfect thought and the spirit of perfect thinking? Upon what grounds may a university justify the annual expenditure of thirty to fifty thousands of dollars to provide for the disciplining of men and women in the art of thinking rigorously 4 THE HUMAN WORTH OF RIGOROUS THINKING and for the promotion of research in the realm of exact thought? Such are the questions. They plainly sum themselves in one: among the human agencies that ameliorate life, what is the rdle of rigorous thinking? What is the role of the spirit that always aspires to the attainment of logical perfection? Evidently that question is not one for adequate handling in a brief magazine article by an ordinary student of mathematics. Rather is it a subject for a long series of lectures by a learned professor of the history of civilization. Indeed so vast is the subject that even an ordinary student of mathematics can detect some of the more obvious tasks such a philosophic historian would have to perform and a few of the dif- ficulties he would doubtless encounter. It may be worth while to mention some of them. Certainly one of the tasks, and probably one of the difficulties also, would be that of securing an audience an audience, I mean, capable of understanding the lectures, for is not a genuine auditor a listener who understands? To understand the lectures it would seem to be necessary to know what that is which the lectures are about that is, it would be necessary to know what is meant by rigorous thinking. To know this, however, one must either have consciously done some rigorous thinking or else, at the very least, have examined some specimens of it pretty carefully, just as, in order to know what good art is, it is, in general, essential either to have produced good art or to have attentively examined some specimens of it, or to have done both of these things. Here, then, at the outset our historian would meet a serious difficulty, unless his audience chanced to be one of mathematicians, THE HUMAN WORTH OF RIGOROUS THINKING 5 which is (unfortunately) not likely, inasmuch as the great majority of mathematicians are so exclusively interested in mathematical study or teaching or research as to be but little concerned with the philosophical question of the human worth of their science. It is, therefore, easy to see how our lecturer would have to begin. Ladies and gentlemen, we have met, he would say, we have met to open a course of lectures dealing with the role of rigorous thinking in the history of civilization. In order that the course may be profitable to you, in order that it may be a course in ideas and not merely or mainly a verbal course, it is essential that you should know what rigorous thinking is and what it is not. Even I, your speaker, he will own, might reasonably be held to the obligation of knowing that. It is reasonable, ladies and gentlemen, it is reasonable to assume, he would say, that in the course of your education you neglected mathematics, and it is there- fore probable or indeed quite certain that, notwith- standing your many accomplishments, you do not quite know or rather, perhaps I should say, you are very far from knowing what rigorous thinking is or what it is not. Of course, as you know, it is, generally speaking, much easier to tell what a thing is not than to tell what it is, and I might, he would say, I might proceed by way of a preliminary to indicate roughly what rigorous thinking is not. Thus I might explain that rigorous thinking, though much of it has been done in the world and though it has produced a large literature, is never- theless a relatively rare phenomenon. I might point out that a vast majority of mankind, a vast majority of educated men and women, have not been disciplined to think rigorously even those things that are most 6 THE HUMAN WORTH OF RIGOROUS THINKING available for such thinking. I might point out that, on the other hand, most of the ideas with which men and women have constantly to deal are as yet too nebu- lous and vague, too little advanced in the course of their evolution, to be available for concatenative think- ing and rigorous discourse. I should have to say, he would add, that, on these accounts, most of the think- ing done in the world in a given day, whether done by men in the street or by farmers or factory-hands or administrators or historians or physicians or lawyers or jurists or statesmen or philosophers or men of letters or students of natural science or even mathematicians (when not strictly employed in their own subject), comes far short of the demands and standards of rig- orous thinking. I might go on to caution you, our speaker would say, against the current fallacy, recently advanced by elo- quent writers to the dignity of a philosophical tenet, of regarding what is called successful action as the touchstone of rigorous thinking. For you should know that much of what passes in the world for successful action proceeds from impulse or instinct and not from thinking of any kind; .you should know that no action under the control of non-rigorous thinking can be strictly successful except by the favor of chance or through accidental compensation of errors; you should know that most of what passes for successful action, most of what the world applauds and even commem- morates as successful action, so far from being really successful, varies from partial failure to failure that, if not total, would at all events be fatal in any universe that had the economic decency to forbid, under pain of death, the unlimited wasting of its resources. The dominant animal of such a universe would be, in fact, THE HUMAN WORTH OF RIGOROUS THINKING ^ a superman. In our world the natural resources of life are superabundant, and man is poor in reason because he has been the prodigal son of a too opulent mother. But, ladies and gentlemen, our speaker will conclude, you will know better what rigorous thinking is not when once you have learned what it is. This, however, cannot well be learned in a course of lectures in which that knowledge is presumed. I have, there- fore, to adjourn this course until such time as you shall have gained that knowledge. It cannot be gained by reading about it or hearing about it. The easiest way, for most persons the only way, to gain it is to examine with exceeding patience and care some specimens, at least one specimen, of the literature in which rigorous thinking is embodied. Such a specimen, he could add, is Dr. Thomas L. Heath's magnificent edition of Euclid, where an excellent translation of the Elements from the definitive text of Heiberg is set in the composite light of critical commentary from Aristotle down to the keenest logical microscopists and histologists of our own day. If you think Euclid too ancient or too stale even when seasoned with the wit of more than two thousand years of the acutest criticism, you may find a shorter and possibly a fresher way by examining minutely such a work as Veronese's GrundzUge der Geometric or Hilbert's famous Foundations of Geom- etry or Peano's Sui Numeri Irrazionali. In works of this kind and not elsewhere you will find in its nakedness, purity, and spirit, what you have neglected and what you need. You will note that in the beginning of such a work there is found a system of assumptions or postu- lates, discovered the Lord only and a few men of genius know where or how, selected perhaps with reference to simplicity and clearness, certainly selected and tested 8 THE HUMAN WORTH OF RIGOROUS THINKING with respect to their compatibility and independence, and, it may be, with respect also to categoricity. You will not fail to observe with the utmost minuteness, and from every possible angle, how it is that upon these postulates as a basis there is built up by a kind of divine masonry, little step by step, a stately struc- ture of ideas, an imposing edifice of rigorous thought, a towering architecture of doctrine that is at once beautiful, austere, sublime, and eternal. Ladies and gentlemen, our speaker will say, to accomplish that ex- amination will require twelve months of pretty assiduous application. The next lecture of this course will be given one year from date. On resuming the course what will our philosopher and historian proceed to say? He will begin to say what, if he says it concisely, will make up a very large vol- ume. Room is lacking here, even if competence were not, for so much as an adequate outline of the matter. It is possible, however, to draw with confidence a few of the larger lines that such a sketch would have to contain. What is it that our speaker will be obliged to deal with first? I do not mean obliged logically nor obliged by an orderly development of his subject. I mean obliged by the expectation of his hearers. Every one can answer that question. For presumably the audience represents the spirit of the times, and this age is, at least to a superficial observer, an age of engineering. Now, what is engineering? Well, the Charter of the Institution of Civil Engineers tells us that engineering is the "art of directing the great sources of power in Nature for the use and convenience of man." By Nature here must be meant external or physical nature, for, if internal nature were also meant, every good form THE HUMAN WORTH OF RIGOROUS THINKING 9 of activity would be a species of engineering, and maybe it is such, but that is a claim which even engineers would hardly make and poets would certainly deny. Use and convenience these are the key-bearing words. It is perfectly evident that our lecturer will have to deal first of all with what the world would call the "utility" of rigorous thinking, that is to say, with the applica- tions of mathematics and especially with its applica- tions to problems of engineering. If he really knows profoundly what mathematics is, he will not wish to begin with applications nor even to make applications a major theme of his discourse, but he must, and he will do so uncomplainingly as a concession to the external- mindedness of his time and his audience. He will not only desire to show his audience applications of mathematics to engineering, but, being an historian of civilization, he will especially desire to show them the development of such applications from the earliest times, from the building of pyramids and the mensuration of land in ancient Egypt down to such splendid modern achieve- ments as the designing and construction of an Eads Bridge, an ocean Imperator or a Panama Canal. The story will be long and difficult, but it will edify. The audience will be amazed at the truth if they under- stand. If they do not understand the truth fully, our speaker must at all events contrive that they shall see it in glimmers and gleams and, above all, that they shall acquire a feeling for it. They must be led to some acquaintance with the great engineering works of the world, past and present; they must be given an intel- ligible conception of the immeasurable contribution such works have made to the comfort, convenience, and power of man; and especially must they be convinced of the fact that, not only would the greatest of such 10 THE HUMAN WORTH OF RIGOROUS THINKING achievements have been, except for mathematics, utterly impossible, but that such of the lesser ones as could have been wrought without mathematical help could not have been thus accomplished without wicked and pathetic waste both of material resources and of human toil. In respect to this latter point, the relation of mathematics to practical economy in large affairs, our speaker will no doubt invite his hearers to read and reflect upon the ancient work of Frontinus on the Water Supply of the City of Rome in order that thus they may gain a vivid idea of the fact that the most practical people of history, despising mathematics and the finer intellectualizations of the Greeks, were unable to accom- plish their own great engineering feats except through appalling waste of materials and men. Our lecturer will not be content, however, with showing the service of mathematics in the prevention of waste; he will show that it is indispensable to the productivity and trade of the modern world. Before quitting this divi- sion of his subject he will have demonstrated that, if all the contributions which mathematics has made, and which nothing else could make, to navigation, to the building of railways, to the construction of ships, to the subjugation of wind and wave, electricity and heat, and many other forms and manifestations of energy, he will have demonstrated, I say, and the audience will finally understand, that, if all these contributions of mathematics were suddenly withdrawn, the life and body of industry and commerce would suddenly collapse as by a paralytic stroke, the now splendid outer tokens of material civilization would perish, and the face of our planet would quickly assume the aspect of a ruined and bankrupt world. As our lecturer has been constrained by circumstances HUMAN WORTH OF RIGOROUS THINKING II to back into his subject, as he has, that is, been com- pelled to treat first of the service that mathematics has rendered engineering, he will probably next speak of the applications of mathematics to the so-called natural sciences the more properly called experimental sciences of physics, chemistry, biology, economics, psychology, and the like. Here his task, if it is to be, as it ought to be, expository as well as narrative, will be exceedingly hard. For how can he weave into his narrative an intel- ligible exposition of Newton's Principia, Laplace's Me- canique Celeste, Lagrange's Mecanique Analytique, Gauss's Theoria Motus Corporum Coelestium, Fourier's Thtorie Analytique de la Chaleur, Maxwell's Electricity and Magnetism, not to mention scores of other equally dif- ficult and hardly less important works of a mathemat- ical-physical character? Even if our speaker knew it all, which no man can, he could not tell it all in- telligibly to his hearers. These will have to be con- tent with a rather general and superficial view, with a somewhat vague intuition of the truth, with fragmentary and analogical insights gained through settings forth of great things by small; and they will have to help them- selves and their speaker, too, by much pertinent read- ing. No doubt the speaker will require his hearers, in order that they may thus gain a tolerable perspective, to read well not only the first two volumes of the magnificent work of John Theodore Merz dealing with the History of European Thought in the Nineteenth Cen- tury, but also many selected portions of the kindred literature there cited in richest profusion. The work treats mainly of natural science, but it deals with it philosophically, under the larger aspect, that is, of science regarded as Thought. By the help of such literature in the hands of his auditors, our lecturer will 12 THE HUMAN WORTH OF RIGOROUS THINKING be able to give them a pretty vivid sense of the great and increasing role of mathematics in suggesting, formu- lating, and solving problems in all branches of natural science. Whether it be with "the astronomical view of nature" that he is dealing, or "the atomic view" or "the mechanical view" or "the physical view" or "the morphological view" or "the genetic view" or "the vitalistic view" or "the psychophysical view" or "the statistical view," in every case, in all these great at- tempts of reason to create or to find a cosmos amid the chaos of the external world, the presence of mathe- matics and its manifold service, both as instrument and as norm, illustrate and confirm the Kantian and Rie- mannian conception of natural science as "the attempt to understand nature by means of exact concepts." In connection with this division of his subject, our speaker will find it easy to enter more deeply into the spirit and marrow of it. He will be able to make it clear that there is a sense, a just and important sense, in which all thinkers and especially students of natural science, though their thinking is for the most part not rigorous, are yet themselves contributors to mathematics. I do not refer to the powerful stimulation of mathe- matics by natural science in furnishing it with many of its problems and in constantly seeking its aid. What I mean is that all thinkers and especially students of natural science are engaged, both consciously and un- consciously, both intentionally and unintentionally, in the mathematicization of concepts that is to say, in so transforming and refining concepts as to fit them finally for the amenities of logic and the austerities of rigorous thinking, We are dealing here, our speaker will say, with a process transcending conscious design. We are dealing with a process deep in the nature and THE HUMAN WORTH OF RIGOROUS THINKING 13 being of the psychic world. Like a child, an idea, once it is born, once it has come into the realm of spiritual light, possibly long before such birth, enters upon a career, a career, however, that, unlike the child's, seems to be immortal. In most cases and probably in all, an idea, on entering the world of consciousness, is vague, nebulous, formless, not at once betraying either what it is or what it is destined to become. Ideas, however, are under an impulse and law of amelioration. The path of their upward striving and evolution often a long and winding way leads towards precision and perfection of form. The goal is mathematics. Witness, for example, our lecturer will say, the age-long travail and aspiration of the great concept now known as mathe- matical continuity, a concept whose inner structure is even now known and understood only of mathematicians, though the ancient Greeks helped in molding its form and though it has long been, if somewhat blindly, yet constantly employed in natural science, as when a physicist, for example, or an astronomer uses such numbers as e and tr in computation. Witness, again, how that supreme concept of mathematics, the concept of function, has struggled through thousands of years to win at length its present precision of form out of the nebulous sense, which all minds have, of the mere dependence of things on other things. Witness, too, he will say, the mathematical concept of infinity, which prior to a half-century ago was still too vague for logical discourse, though from remotest antiquity the great idea has played a conspicuous role, mainly emotional, in theology, philosophy, and science. Like examples abound, showing that one of the most impressive and significant phenomena in the life of the psychic world, if we will but discern and contemplate it, is the process 14 THE HUMAN WORTH OF RIGOROUS THINKING by which ideas advance, often slowly indeed but surely, from their initial condition of formlessness and inde- termination to the mathematical estate. The chemic- ization of biology, the physicization of chemistry, the mechanicization of physics, the mathematicization of mechanics, the arithmeticization of mathematics, these well-known tendencies and drifts in science do but illus- trate on a large scale the ubiquitous process in question. At length, ladies and gentlemen, our speaker will say, in the light of the last consideration the deeper and larger aspects of our subject are beginning to show themselves and there is dawning upon us an impressive vision. The nature, function, and life of the entire conceptual world seem to come within the circle and scope of our present enterprise. We are beginning to see that to challenge the human worth of mathematics, to challenge the worth of rigorous thinking, is to chal- lenge the worth of all thinking, for now we see that mathematics is but the ideal to which all thinking, by an inevitable process and law of the human spirit, constantly aspires. We see that to challenge the worth of that ideal is to arraign before the bar of values what seems the deepest process and inmost law of the uni- verse of thought. Indeed we see that in defending mathematics we are really defending a cause yet more momentous, the whole cause, namely, of the conceptual procedure of science and the conceptual activity of the human mind, for mathematics is nothing but such con- ceptual procedure and activity come to its maturity, purity, and perfection. Now, ladies and gentlemen, our lecturer will say, I cannot in this course deal explicitly and fully with this larger issue. But, he will say, we are living in a day when that issue has been raised; we happen to be living THE HUMAN WORTH OP RIGOROUS THINKING 15 in a time when, under the brilliant and effective leader- ship of such thinkers as Professor Bergson and the late Professor James, the method of concepts, the method of intellect, the method of science, is being powerfully assailed; and, he will say, whilst I heartily welcome this attack of criticism as causing scientific men to reflect more deeply upon the method of science, as exhibiting more clearly the inherent limitations of its method, and as showing that life is so rich as to have many precious interests and the world much truth beyond the reach of that method, yet I cannot refrain, he will say, from attempting to point out what seems to me a radical error of the critics, a fundamental error of theirs, in respect to what is the highest function of conception and in respect to what is the real aim and ideal of the life of intellect. For we shall thus be led to a deeper view of our subject proper. These critics find, as all of us find, that what we call mind or our minds is, in some mysterious way, func- tionally connected with certain living organisms known as human bodies; they find that these living bodies are constantly immersed in a universe of matter and motion in which they are continually pushed and pulled, heated and cooled, buffeted and jostled about a universe that, according to James, would, in the "ab- sence of concepts," reveal itself as "a big blooming buzzing confusion" though it is hard to see how such a revelation could happen to any one devoid of the concept "confusion," but let that pass; our critics find that our minds get into some initial sort of knowing connection with that external blooming confusion through what they call the sensibility of our bodies, yielding all manner of sensations as of weights, pressures, pushes and pulls, of intensities and extensities of brightness, 1 6 THE, HUMAN WORTH OF RIGOROUS THINKING sound, time, colors, space, odors, tastes, and so on; they find that we must, on pain of organic extinction, take some account of these elements of the material world; they find that, as a fact, we human beings constantly deal with these elements through the instrumentality of concepts; they find that the effectiveness of our dealing with the material world is precisely due to our dealing with it conceptually; they infer that, there- fore, dealing with matter is exactly what concepts are for, saying with Ostwald, for example, that the goal of natural science, the goal of the conceptual method of mind, "is the domination of nature by man"; not only, our speaker will say, do our critics find that we deal with the material world conceptually, and effectively because conceptually, but they find also that life has interests and the world values not accessible to the con- ceptual method, and as this method is the method of the intellect, they conclude, not only that the intellect cannot grasp life, but that the aim and ideal of intellect is the understanding and subjugation of matter, saying with Professor Bergson "that our intellect is intended to think matter," "that our concepts have been formed on the model of solids," "that the essential function of our intellect . . . is to be a light for our conduct, to make ready for our action on things," that "the intellect always behaves as if it were fascinated by the contemplation of inert matter," that "intelligence . . . aims at a practically useful end," that "the intellect is never quite at its ease, . . . except when it is working upon inert matter, more particularly upon solids," and much more to the same effect. Now, ladies and gentlemen, our speaker will ask, what are we to think of this? What are we to think of this evaluation of the science-making method of con- THE HUMAN WORTH OF RIGOROUS THINKING 17 cepts? What are we to think of the aim and ideal here ascribed to the intellect and of the station assigned it among the faculties of the human mind? In the first place, he will say, it ought to be evident to the critics themselves, and evident to them even in what they esteem the poor light of intellect, that the above- sketched movement of their minds is a logically unsound movement. They do not indeed contend that, because a living being in order to live must deal with the material world, it must, therefore, do so by means of concepts. The lower animals have taught them better. But neither does it follow that, because certain bipeds in dealing with the material world deal with it concep- tually, the essential function of concepts is just to deal with matter. Nor does such an inference respecting the essential function of concepts follow from the fact that the superior effectiveness of man's dealing with the physical world is due to his dealing with it conceptually. For it is obviously conceivable and supposable that such conceptual dealing with matter is only an incident or byplay or subordinate interest in the career of con- cepts. It is conceivably possible that such employ- ment with matter is only an avocation, more or less serious indeed and more or less advantageous, yet an avocation, and not the vocation, of intellect. Is it not evidently possible to go even further? Is it not logically possible to admit or to contend that, inasmuch as the human intellect is functionally attached to a living body which is itself plunged in a physical uni- verse, it is absolutely necessary for the intellect to con- cern itself with matter in order to preserve, not indeed the animal life of man, but his intellectual life is it not allowable, he will say, to admit or to maintain that and at the same time to deny that such concernment 1 8 THE HUMAN WORTH OF RIGOROUS THINKING with matter is the intellect's chief or essential function and that the subjugation of matter is its ideal and aim? Of course, our lecturer will say, our critics might be wrong in their logic and right in their opinion, just as they might be wrong in their opinion and right in their logic, for opinion is often a matter, not of logic or proof, but of temperament, taste, and insight. But, he will say, if the issue as to the chief function of concepts and the ideal of the intellect is to be decided in accordance with temperament, taste, and insight, then there is room for exercise of the preferential faculty, and alternatives far superior to the choice of our critics are easy enough to find. It may accord better with our insight and taste to agree with Aristotle that "It is owing," not to the necessity of maintaining animal life or the desire of subjugating matter, but "it is owing to their wonder that men both now begin and first began to philoso- phize; they wondered originally at the obvious diffi- culties, then advanced little by little and stated the difficulties about the greater matters." The striking contrast of this with the deliverances of Bergson is not surprising, for Aristotle was a pupil of Plato and the doctrine of Bergson is that of Plato completely inverted. It may accord better with our insight and taste to agree with the great K. G. J. Jacobi, who, when he had been reproached by Fourier for not devoting his splendid genius to physical investigations instead of pure mathematics, replied that a philosopher like his critic "ought to know that the unique end of science is," not public utility and application to natural phe- nomena, but "is the honor of the human spirit." It may accord better with our temperament and insight to agree with the sentiment of Diotima: "I am per- suaded that all men do all things, and the better they THE HUMAN WORTH OF RIGOROUS THINKING 19 are, the better they do them, in the hope," not of subjugating matter, but "in the hope of the glorious fame of immortal virtue." But it is unnecessary, ladies and gentlemen, it is un- necessary, our speaker will say, to bring the issue to final trial in the court of temperaments and tastes. We should gain there a too easy victory. The critics are psychologists, some of them eminent psychologists. Let the issue be tried in the court of psychology, for it is there that of right it belongs. They know the fundamental and relevant facts. What is the verdict according to these? The critics know the experiments that have led to and confirmed the psychophysical law of Weber and Fechner and the doctrine of thresholds; they know that, in accordance with that doctrine and that law, an appropriate stimulus, no matter what the department of sense, may be finite in amount and yet too small, or finite and yet too large, to yield a sensa- tion; they know that the difference between two stimuli of a kind appropriate to a given sense department, no matter what department, may be a finite difference and yet too small for sensibility to detect, or to work a change of sensation; they ought to know, though they seem not to have recognized, much less to have weighed, the fact that, owing to the presence of thresholds, the greatest number of distinct sensations possible in any department of sense is a finite number; they ought to know that the number of different departments of sense is also a. finite number; they ought to know that, there- fore, the total number of distinct or different sensations of which a human being is capable is a finite number; they ought to know, though they seem not to have recognized the fact, that, on the other hand, the world of concepts is of infinite multiplicity, that concepts, the 20 THE HUMAN WORTH OF RIGOROUS THINKING fruit of intellect, as distinguished from sensations, the fruit of sensibility, are infinite in number; they ought, therefore, to see, our speaker will say, though none of them has seen, that in attempting to derive intellect out of sensibility, in attempting to show that (as James says) "concepts flow out of percepts," they are con- fronted with the problem of bridging the immeasurable gulf between the finite and the infinite, of showing, that is, how an infinite multiplicity can arise from one that is finite. But even if they solved that apparently insuperable problem, they could not yet be in position to affirm that the function of intellect and its concepts is, like that of sensibility, just the function of dealing with matter, as the function of teeth is biting and chewing. Far from it. Let us have another look, the lecturer will say, at the psychological facts of the case. Owing to the pres- ence of thresholds in every department of sense it may happen and indeed it does happen constantly in every department, that three different amounts of stimulus of a same kind give three sensations such that two of them are each indistinguishable from the third and yet are dis- tinguishable from one -another. Now, for sensibility in any department of sense, two magnitudes of stimulus are unequal or equal according as the sensations given by them are or are not distinguishable. Accordingly in the world of sensible magnitudes, in the sensible universe, in the world, that is, of felt weights and thrusts and pulls and pressures, of felt brightnesses and warmths and lengths and breadths and thicknesses and so on, in this world, which is the world of matter, magnitudes are such that two of them may each be equal to a third without being equal to one another. That, our speaker will say, is a most significant fact and it means that the sensible THE HUMAN WORTH OF RIGOROUS THINKING 21 world, the world of matter, is irrational, infected with contradiction, contravening the essential laws of thought. No wonder, he will say, that old Heracleitus declared the unaided senses "give a fraud and a lie." Now, our speaker will ask, what has been and is the behavior of intellect in the presence of such contra- diction? Observe, he will say, that it is intellect, and not sensibility, that detects the contradiction. Of the irrationality in question sensibility remains insensible. The data among which the contradiction subsists are indeed rooted in the sensible world, they inhere in the world of matter, but the contradiction itself is known only to the logical faculty called intellect. Observe also, he will say, and the observation is important, that such contradictions do not compel the intellect to any activity whatever intended to preserve the life of the living organism to which the intellect is functionally attached. That is a lesson we have from our physical kin, the beasts. What, then, has the intellect done because of or about the contradiction? Has it gone on all these centuries, as our critics would have us believe, trying to "think matter," as if it did not know that matter, being irrational, is not thinkable? Far from it, he will say, the intellect is no such ass. What it has done, instead of endlessly and stupidly besieging the illogical world of sensible magnitudes with the machinery of logic, what it has done, our lec- turer will say, is this: it has created for itself another world. It has not rationalized the world of sensible magnitudes. That, it knows, cannot be done. It has discerned the ineradicable contradictions inherent in them, and by means of its creative power of conception it has made a new world, a world of conceptual magni- tudes that, like the continue of mathematics, are so 22 THE HUMAN WORTH OF RIGOROUS THINKING constructed by the spiritual architect and so endowed by it as to be free alike from the contradictions of the sensible world and from all thresholds that could give them birth. Indeed conception, to speak metaphorically hi terms borrowed from the realm of sense, is a kind of infinite sensibility, transcending any finite distinction, difference or threshold, however minute or fine. And now, our speaker will say, it is such magnitudes, magni- tudes created by intellect and not those discovered by sense, though the two varieties are frequently not discriminated by their names; it is such conceptual mag- nitudes that constitute the subject-matter of science. If the magnitudes of science, apart from their ration- ality, often bear in conformation a kind of close resem- blance to magnitudes of sense, what is the meaning of the fact? It means, contrary to the view of Bergson but in accord with that of Poincare, that the free crea- ative artist, intellect, though it is not constrained, yet has chosen to be guided, in so far as its task allows, by facts of sense. Thus we have, for example, concep- tual space and sensible space so much alike in conforma- tion that, though one of them is rational and the other is not, the undiscriminating hold them as the same. And now, our lecturer will ask, for we are nearing the goal, what, then, is the motive and aim of this creative activity of the intellect? Evidently it is not to preserve and promote the life of the human body, for animals flourish without the aid of concepts, without "discourse of reason," and despite the contradictions in the world of sense. The aim is, he will say, to preserve and pro- mote the life of the intellect itself. In a realm infected with irrationality, with omnipresent contradictions of the laws of thought, intellect cannot live, much less flourish; in the world of sense, it has no proper subject- THE HUMAN WORTH OF RIGOROUS THINKING 23 matter, no home, no life. To live, to flourish, it must be able to think, to think in accordance with the laws of its being. It is stimulated and its activity is sus- tained by two opposite forces: discord and concord. By the one it is driven; by the other, drawn. Intel- lect is a perpetual suitor. The object of the suit is, not the conquest of matter, it is a thing of mind, it is the music of the spirit, it is Harmonia, the beautiful daughter of the Muses. The aim, the ideal, the beati- tude of intellect is harmony. That is the meaning of its endless talk about compatibilities, consistencies and concords, and that is the meaning of its endless battling and circumvention and transcendence of con- tradiction. But what of the applications of science and public service? These are by-products of the intellect's aim and of the pursuit of its ideal. Many things it regards as worthy, high, and holy applications of science, public service, the "wonder" of Aristotle, Jacobi's "honor of the human spirit," Diotima's "glori- ous fame of immortal virtue" -but that which, by the law of its being, Intellect seeks above all and per- petually pursues and loves, is Harmony. It is for a home and a dwelling with her that intellect creates a world; and its admonition is: Seek ye first the kingdom of harmony, and all these things shall be added unto you. And the ideal and admonition, thus revealed in the light of analysis, are. justified of history. Inverting the order of time, we have only to contemplate the great periods in the intellectual life of Paris, Florence, and Athens. If, among these mightiest contributors to the spiritual wealth of man, Athens is supreme, she is also supreme in her devotion to the intellect's ideal. It is of Athens that Euripides sings: 24 THE HUMAN WORTH OF RIGOROUS THINKING The sons of Erechtheus, the olden, Whom high gods planted of yore In an old land of heaven upholden, A proud land untrodden of war: They are hungered, and lo, their desire With wisdom is fed as with meat: In their skies is a shining of fire, A joy in the fall of their feet: And thither with manifold dowers, From the North, from the hills, from the morn, The Muses did gather their powers, That a child of the Nine should be born; And Harmony, sown as the flowers, Grew gold in the acres of corn. And thus, ladies and gentlemen, our lecturer will say, what I wish you to see here is, that science and espe- cially mathematics, the ideal form of science, are crea- tions of the intellect in its quest of harmony. It is as such creations that they are to be judged and their human worth appraised. Of the applications of mathe- matics to engineering and its service in natural science, I have spoken at length, he will say, in course of previous lectures. Other great themes of our subject remain for consideration. To appraise the worth of mathematics as a discipline in the art of rigorous thinking and as a means of giving facility and wing to the subtler imagina- tion; to estimate and explain its value as a norm for criticism and for the guidance of speculation and pioneer- ing in fields not yet brought under the dominion of logic; to estimate its esthetic worth as showing forth in psychic light the law and order of the psychic world; to evaluate its ethical significance in rebuking by its certitude and eternality the facile scepticism that doubts all knowledge, and especially in serving as a retreat for the spirit when as at times the world of sense seems madly bent on heaping strange misfortunes up and "to and fro the chances of the years dance like an idiot in THE HUMAN WORTH OF RIGOROUS THINKING 25 the wind"; to give a sense of its religious value in "the contemplation of ideas under the form of eternity," in disclosing a cosmos of perfect beauty and everlasting order and in presenting there, for meditation, endless sequences traversing the rational world and seeming to point to a mystical region above and beyond: these and similar themes, our speaker will say, remain to be dealt with in subsequent lectures of the course. THE HUMAN SIGNIFICANCE OF MATHEMATICS l Homo sum; humani nil a me alienum puto. TERENCE THE subject of this address is not of my choosing. It came to me by assignment. I may, therefore, be allowed to say that it is in my judgment ideally suited to the occasion. This meeting is held here upon this beautiful coast because of the presence of an international exposi- tion, and we are thus invited to a befitting largeness and liberality of spirit. An international exposition prop- erly may and necessarily will admit many things of a character too technical to be intelligible to any one but the expert and the specialist. Such things, however, are only incidental contributory, indeed, yet inci- dental to pursuit of the principal aim, which is, I believe, or ought to -be, the representation of human things as human an exhibition and interpretation of industries, institutions, sciences and arts, not pri- marily in their accidental or particular character as illustrating individuals or classes or specific localities or times, but primarily in their essential and universal character as representative of man. A world-exposition will, therefore, as far as practicable, avoid placing in the forefront matters so abstruse as to be fit for the 1 An address delivered August 3, 1915, Berkeley, Calif., at a joint meet- ing of the American Mathematical Society, the American Astronomical Society, and Section A of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Printed in Science, November 12, 1915. HUMAN SIGNIFICANCE OF MATHEMATICS 27 contemplation and understanding of none but special- ists; it will, as a whole, and in all its principal parts, address itself to the general intelligence; for it aims at being, for the multitudes of men and women who avail themselves of its exhibitions and lessons, an exposition of humanity: an exposition, no doubt, of the activities and aspirations and prowess of individual men and women, but of men and women, not in their capacity, as individuals, but as representatives of humankind. In- dividual achievements are not the object, they are the means, of the exposition. The object is humanity. What is the human significance what is the sig- nificance for humanity of "the mother of the sci- ences"? And how may the matter be best set forth, not for the special advantage of professional mathe- maticians, for I shall take the liberty of having these but little in mind, but for the advantage and under- standing of educated men and women in general? I am unable to imagine a more difficult undertaking, so tech- nical, especially in its language, and so immense is the subject. It is clear that the task is far beyond the resources of an hour's discourse, and so it is necessary to restrict and select. This being the case, what is it best to choose? The material is superabundant. What part of it or aspect of it is most available for the end in view? "In abundant matter to speak a little with elegance," says Pindar, "is a thing for the wise to listen to." It is not, however, a question of elegance. It is a question of emphasis, of clarity, of effectiveness. What shall be our major theme? Shall it be the history of the subject? Shall it be the modern developments of mathematics, its present status and its future outlook? Shall it be the utilities of the science, its so-called applications, its service in 28 HUMAN SIGNIFICANCE OF MATHEMATICS practical affairs, in engineering and in what it is cus- tomary to call the sciences of nature? Shall it be the logical foundations of mathematics, its basic principles, its inner nature, its characteristic processes and struc- ture, the differences and similitudes that come to light in comparing it with other forms of scientific and philo- sophic activity? Shall it be the bearings of the science as distinguished from its applications the bearings of it as a spiritual enterprise upon the higher concerns of man as man? It might be any one of these things. They are all of them great and inspiring themes. It is easy to understand that a historian would choose the first. The history of mathematics is indeed im- pressive, but is it not too long and too technical? And is it not already accessible in a large published litera- ture of its own? I grant, the historian would say, that its history is long, for in respect of antiquity mathematics is a rival of art, surpassing nearly all branches of sci- ence and by none of them surpassed. I grant that, for laymen, the history is technical, frightfully technical, requiring interpretation in the interest of general in- telligence. I grant, too, that the history owns a large literature, but this, the historian would say, is not designed for the general reader, however intelligent, the numerous minor works no less than the major ones, including that culminating monumental work of Moritz Cantor, being, all of them, addressed to specialists and intelligible to them alone. And yet it would be pos- sible to tell in one hour, not indeed the history of mathe- matics, but a true story of it that would be intelligible to all and would show its human significance to be profound, manifold, and even romantic. It would be possible to show historically that this science, which now carries its head so high in the tenuous atmosphere HUMAN SIGNIFICANCE OF MATHEMATICS 29 of pure abstractions, has always kept its feet upon the solid earth; it would be possible to show that it owns indeed a lowly origin, in the familiar needs of common life, in the homely necessities of counting herds and measuring lands; it would be possible to show that, notwithstanding its birth in the concrete things of sense and raw reality, it yet so appealed to sheer intellect - and we must not forget that creative intellect is the human faculty par excellence it so appealed to this distinctive and disinterested faculty of man that, long before the science rose to the level of a fine art in the great days of Euclid and Archimedes, Plato in the wisdom of his maturer years judged it essential to the education of freemen because, said he, there is in it a necessary something against which even God can not contend and without which neither gods nor demi-gods can wisely govern mankind; it would be possible, our historian could say, to show historically to educated laymen that, even prior to the inventions of analytical geometry and the infinitesimal calculus, mathematics had played an indispensable role in the "Two New Sciences" of physics and mechanics in which Galileo laid the foundations of our modern knowledge of nature; it would be possible to show not only that the analytical geometry of Descartes and Fermat and the calculus of Leibnitz and Newton have been and are essential to our still advancing conquest of the sea, but that it is owing to the power of these instruments that the genius of such as Newton, Laplace and Lagrange has been enabled to create for us a new earth and a new heavens compared with which the Mosaic cosmogony or the sublimest creation of the Greek imagination is but "as a cabinet of brilliants, or rather a little jewelled cup found in the ocean or the wilderness"; it would 30 HUMAN SIGNIFICANCE OF MATHEMATICS be possible to show historically that, just because the pursuit of mathematical truth has been for the most part disinterested led, that is, by wonder, as Aristotle says, and sustained by the love of beauty with the joy of discovery it would be possible to show that, just because of the disinterestedness of mathematical re- search, this science has been so well prepared to meet everywhere and always, as they have arisen, the mathe- matical exigencies of natural science and engineering; above all, it would be feasible to show historically that to the same disinterestedness of motive operating through the centuries we owe the upbuilding of a body of pure doctrine so towering to-day and vast that no man, even though he have the "Andean intellect" of a Poincare, can embrace it all. This much, I believe, and perhaps more, touching the human significance of mathematics, a historian of the science might reasonably hope to demonstrate in one hour. More difficult, far more difficult, I think, would be the task of a pure mathematician who aimed at an equivalent result by expounding, or rather by delineat- ing, for he could not in one hour so much as begin to expound, the modern developments of the subject. Could he contrive even to delineate them in a way to reveal their relation to what is essentially humane? Do but consider for a moment the nature of such an enter- prise. Mathematics may be legitimately pursued for its own sake or for the sake of its applications or with a view to understanding its logical foundations and internal structure or in the interest of magnanimity or for the sake of its bearings upon the supreme con- cerns of man as man or from two or more of these motives combined. Our supposed delineator is actuated by the first of them: his interest in mathematics is an HUMAN SIGNIFICANCE OF MATHEMATICS 3! interest in mathematics for the sake of mathematics; for him the science is simply a large and growing body of logical consistencies or compatibilities; he derives his inspiration from the muse of intellectual harmony; he is a pure mathematician. He knows that pure mathe- matics is a house of many chambers; he knows that its foundations lie far beneath the level of common thought; and that the superstructure, quickly tran- scending the power of imagination to follow it, ascends higher and higher, ever keeping open to the sky; he knows that the manifold chambers each of them a mansion in itself are all of them connected in won- drous ways, together constituting a fit laboratory and dwelling for the spirit of men of genius. He has assumed the task of presenting a vision of it that shall be worthy of a world-exposition. Can he keep the obligation? He wishes to show that the life and work of pure mathematicians are human life and work: he desires to show that these toilers and dwellers in the chambers of pure thought are representative men. He would exhibit the many-chambered house to the thronging multitudes of his fellow men and women; he would lead them into it; he would conduct them from chamber to chamber by the curiously winding corridors, passing now downward, now upward, by delicate passage- ways and subtle stairs; he would show them that the wondrous castle is not a dead or static affair like a structure of marble or steel, but a living architecture, a living mansion of life, human as their own; he would show them the mathetic spirit at work, how it is ever weaving, tirelessly weaving, fabrics of beauty, finer than gossamer yet stronger than cables of steel; he would show them how it is ever enlarging its habitation, deep- ening its foundations, expanding more and more and 32 HUMAN SIGNIFICANCE OF MATHEMATICS elevating the superstructure; and, what is even more amazing, how it perpetually performs the curious miracle of permanence combined with change, transforming, that is, the older portions of the edifice without destroy- ing it, for the structure is eternal: in a word, he would show them a vision of the whole, and he would do it in a way to make them perceive and feel that, in thus beholding there a partial and progressive attainment of the higher ideals of man, they were but gazing upon a partial and progressive realization of their own appe- titions and dreams. That is what he would do. But how? Mengenlehre, Zahlenlehre, algebras of many kinds, countless geometries of countless infinite spaces, function theories, trans- formations, invariants, groups and the rest how can these with all their structural finesse, with their heights and depths and limitless ramifications, with their laby- rinthine and interlocking modern developments I will not say how can they be presented in the measure and scale of a great exposition but how is it possible in one hour to give laymen even a glimpse of the endless array? Nothing could be more extravagant or more absurd than such an undertaking. Compared with it, the American traveler's hope of being able to see Rome in a single forenoon was a most reasonable expectation. But it is worth while trying to realize how stupendous the absurdity is. It is evident that our would-be delineator must com- promise. He can not expound, he can not exhibit, he can not even delineate the doctrines whose human worth he would thus disclose to his fellow men and women. The fault is neither his nor theirs. It must be imputed to the nature of things. But he need not, therefore, despair and he need not surrender. The HUMAN SIGNIFICANCE OF MATHEMATICS 33 method he has proposed the method of exposition that indeed he must abandon as hopeless, but not his aim. He is addressing men and women who are no doubt without his special knowledge and his special discipline, as he in his turn is without theirs, but who are yet essentially like himself. He would have them as fellows and comrades persuaded of the dignity of his Fach: he would have them feel that it is also theirs; he would have them convinced that mathematics stands for an immense body of human achievements, for a diversified continent of pure doctrine, for a discovered world of intellectual harmonies. He can not show it to them as a painter displays a canvas or as an architect presents a cathedral. He can not give them an imme- diate vision of it, but he can give them intimations; by appealing to their fantasie and, through analogy with what they know, to their understanding, not only can he convince them that his world exists, but he can give them an intuitive apprehension of its living presence and its meaning for humankind. This is possible be- cause, like him, they, too, are idealists, dreamers and poets such essentially are all men and women. His auditors or his readers have all had some experience of ideas and of truth, they have all had inklings of more beyond, they have all been visited and quickened by a sense of the limitless possibilities of further knowledge in every direction, they have all dreamed of the perfect and have felt its lure. They are thus aware that the small implies the large; having seen hills, they can believe in mountains; they know that Euripides, Shake- speare, Dante, Goethe, are but fulfillments of prophecies heard in peasant tales and songs; they know that the symphonies of Beethoven or the dramas of Wagner are harbingered in the melodies and the sighs of those who 34 HUMAN SIGNIFICANCE OF MATHEMATICS garner grain and in their hearts respond to the music of the winds or the "solemn anthems of the sea"; they sense the secret by which the astronomy of Newton and Laplace is foretokened in the shepherd's watching of the stars; and knowing thus this plain spiritual law of progressiveness and implication, they are prepared to grasp the truth that modern mathematics, though they do not understand it, is, like the other great things, but a sublime fulfillment, the realization of prophecies involved in what they themselves, in common with other educated folk, know of the rudiments of the sci- ence. Indeed, they would marvel if upon reflection it did not seem to be so. Our pure mathematician in speaking to his fellow men and women of his science will have no difficulty in persuading them that he is speaking of a subject immense and eternal. As born idealists they have intimations of their own the evidence of intuition, if you please or a kind of insight resembling that of the mystic that in the world of mind there must be something deeper and higher, stabler and more significant, than the pitiful ideas in life's routine and the familiar vocations of men. They are thus prepared to believe, before they are told, that behind the veil there exists a universum of exact thought, an everlasting cosmos of ordered ideas, a stable world of concatenated truth. In their study of the elements, in school or college, they may have caught a shimmer of it or, in rare moments of illumination, even a gleam. Of the existence, the reality, the actuality, of our pure mathematician's world they will have no doubt, and they will have no doubt of its grandeur. They may even, in a vague way, magnify it overmuch, feeling that it is, in some wise, more than human, significant only for the rarely gifted spirit that dwells, like a star, HUMAN SIGNIFICANCE OF MATHEMATICS 35 apart. The pure mathematician's difficulty lies in showing, in his way, that such is not the case. For he does not wish to adduce utilities and applications. He is well aware of these. He knows that if he "would tell them they are more in number than the sands." Neither does he despise them as of little moment. On the contrary, he values them as precious. But he wishes to do his subject and his auditors the honor of speaking from a higher level: he desires to vindicate the worth of mathematics on the ground of its sheer ideality, on the ground of its intellectual harmony, on the ground of its beauty, "free from the gorgeous trappings" of sense, pure, austere, supreme. To do this, which ought, it seems, to be easy, experience has shown to be exceed- ingly difficult. For the multitude of men and women, even the educated multitude, are wont to cry, Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, It is too high, I can not attain unto it, thus meaning to imply, What, then, or where is its human significance? Their voice is heard in the chal- lenge once put to me by the brilliant author of "East London Visions." What, said he, can be the human significance of "this majestic intellectual cosmos of yours, towering up like a million-lustred iceberg into the arctic night," seeing that, among mankind, none is permitted to behold its more resplendent wonders save the mathematician alone? What response will our pure mathematician make to this challenge? Make, I mean, if he be not a wholly naive devotee of his science and so have failed to reflect upon the deeper grounds of its justification. He may say, for one thing, what Pro- fessor Klein said on a similar occasion: Apart from the fact that pure mathematics can not be supplanted by anything else as a means for developing the purely logical faculties of the 36 HUMAN SIGNIFICANCE OF MATHEMATICS mind, there must be considered here, as elsewhere, the necessity of the presence of a few individuals in each country developed in far higher degree than the rest, for the purpose of keeping up and gradually raising the general standard. Even a slight raising of the general level can be accomplished only when some few minds have progressed far ahead of the average. That is doubtless a weighty consideration. But is it all or the best that may be said? It is just and important but it does not go far enough; it is not, I fear, very convincing; it is wanting in pungence and edge; it does not touch the central nerve of the chal- lenge. Our pure mathematician must rally his sceptics with sharper considerations. He may say to them: You challenge the human significance of the higher developments of pure mathematics because they are inaccessible to all but a few, because their charm is esoteric, because their deeper beauty is hid from nearly all mankind. Does that consideration justify your challenge? You are individuals, but you are also members of a race. Have you as individuals no human interest nor human pride in the highest achievements of your race? Is nothing human, is nothing humane, except mediocrity and the commonplace? Was Phidias or Michel Angelo less human than the carver and painter of a totem-pole? Was Euclid or Gauss or Poincare less representative of man than the countless millions for whom mathematics has meant only the arithmetic of the market place or the rude geometry of the carpenter? Does the quality of humanity in human thoughts and deeds decrease as they ascend towards the peaks of achievement, and increase in proportion as they become vulgar, attaining an upper limit in the beasts? Do you not know that precisely the reverse is true? Do you not count aspiration hu- mane? Do you not see that it is not the common things that every one may reach, but excellences high- HUMAN SIGNIFICANCE OF MATHEMATICS 37 dwelling among the rocks do you not know that, in respect of human worth, these things, which but few can attain, are second only to the supreme ideals attain- able by none? How very different and how very much easier the task of one who sought to vindicate the human sig- nificance of mathematics on the ground of its applica- tions! In respect of temperamental interest, of attitude and outlook, the difference between the pure and the applied mathematician is profound. It is if we may liken spiritual things to things of sense much like the difference between one who greets a new-born day because of its glory and one who regards it as a time for doing chores and values its light only as showing the way. For the former, mathematics is justified by its supreme beauty; for the latter, by its manifold use. But are the two kinds of value essentially incompatible? They are certainly not. The difference is essentially a difference of authority a difference, that is, of worth, of elevation, of excellence. The pure mathe- matician and the applied mathematician sometimes may, indeed they not infrequently do, dwell together har- moniously in a single personality. If our spokesman be such a one and I will not suppose the shame of having the utilities of the science represented on such an occa- sion by one incapable of regarding it as anything but a tool, for that would be disgraceful if, then, our spokesman be such a one as I have supposed, he might properly begin as follows: In speaking to you of the applications of mathematics I would not have you sup- pose, ladies and gentlemen, that I am thus presenting the highest claims of the science to your regard; for its highest justification is the charm of its immanent beauty; I do hot mean, he will say, the beauty of ap- 38 HUMAN SIGNIFICANCE OF MATHEMATICS pearances the fleeting beauties of sense, though these, too, are precious even the outer garment, the changeful robe, of reality is a lovely thing; I mean the eternal beauty of the world of pure thought; I mean intellectual beauty; in mathematics this nearly attains perfection; and "intellectual beauty is self-sufficing "; uses, on the other hand, are not; they wear an aspect of apology; uses resemble excuses, they savor a little of a plea in mitigation. Do you ask: Why, then, plead them? Because, he will say, many good people have a natural incapacity to appreciate anything else; be- cause, also, many of the applications, especially the higher ones, are themselves matters of exceeding beauty; and especially because I wish to show, not only that use and beauty are compatible forms of worth, but that the more mathematics has been cultivated for the sake of its inner charm, the fitter has it become for external service. Having thus at the outset put himself in proper light and given his auditors a scholar's warning against what would else, he fears, foster a disproportionment of values, what will he go on to signalize among the utili- ties of a science whose primary allegiance to logical rectitude allies it to art, and which only incidentally and secondarily shapes itself to the ends of instrumental service? He knows that the applications of mathe- matics, if one will but trace them out in their multi- farious ramifications, are as many-sided as the industries and as manifold as the sciences of men, penetrating everywhere throughout the full round of life. What will he select? He will not dwell long upon its homely uses in the rude computations and mensurations of counting-house and shop and factory and field, for this indispensable yet humble manner of world-wide and HUMAN SIGNIFICANCE OF MATHEMATICS 39 perpetual service is known of all men and women. He will quickly pass to higher considerations to naviga- tion, to the designing of ships, to the surveying of lands and seas, and the charting of the world, to the construction of reservoirs and aqueducts, canals, tunnels and railroads, to the modern miracles of the marine cable, the telegraph, the telephone, to the multiform achievements of every manner of modern engineering, civil, mechanical, mining, electrical, by which, through the advancing conquest of land and sea and air and space and time, the conveniences and the prowess of man have been multiplied a billionfold. It need not be said that not all this has been done by mathematics alone. Far from it. It is, of course, the joint achieve- ment of many sciences and arts, but and just this is the point the contributions of mathematics to the great work, direct and indirect, have been indispensable. And it will require no great skill in our speaker to show to his audience, if it have a little imagination, that, as I have said elsewhere, if all these mathematical contri- butions were by some strange spiritual cataclysm to be suddenly withdrawn, the life and body of industry and commerce would suddenly collapse as by a paralytic stroke, the now splendid outer tokens of material civiliza- tion would quickly perish, and the face of our planet would at once assume the aspect of a ruined and bank- rupt world. For such is the amazing utility, such the wealth of by-products, if you please, that come from a science and art that owes its life, its continuity and its power to man's love of intellectual harmony and pleads its inner charm as its sole appropriate justifica- tion. Indeed it appears contrary to popular belief that in our world there is nothing else quite so practical as the inspiration of a muse. 40 HUMAN SIGNIFICANCE OF MATHEMATICS But this is not all nor nearly all to which our applied mathematician will wish to invite attention. It is only the beginning of it. Even if he does not allude to the quiet service continuously and everywhere rendered by mathematics in its role as a norm or standard or ideal in every field of thought whether exact or inexact, he will yet desire to instance forms and modes of applica- tion compared with which those we have mentioned, splendid and impressive as they are, are meager and mean. For those we have mentioned are but the more obvious applications those, namely, that continually announce themselves to our senses everywhere in the affairs, both great and small, of the workaday world. But the really great applications of mathematics those which, rightly understood, best of all demonstrate the human significance of the science are not thus obvious; they do not, like the others, proclaim themselves in the form of visible facilities and visible expedients every- where in the offices, the shops, and the highways of commerce and industry; they are, on the contrary, almost as abstract and esoteric as mathematics itself, for they are the uses and applications of this science in other sciences, especially in astronomy, in mechanics and in physics, but also and increasingly in the newer sciences of chemistry, geology, mineralogy, botany, zoology, economics, statistics and even psychology, not to mention the great science and art of architecture. In the matter of exhibiting the endless and intricate applications of mathematics to the natural sciences, applications ranging from the plainest facts of crystal- lography to the faint bearings of the kinetic theory of gases upon the constitution of the Milky Way, our speaker's task is quite as hopeless as we found the pure mathematician's to be; and he, too, will have to com- HUMAN SIGNIFICANCE OF MATHEMATICS 4! promise; he will have to request his auditors to ac- quaint themselves at their leisure with the available literature of the subject and especially to read atten- tively the great work of John Theodore Merz dealing with the "History of European Thought in the Nine- teenth Century," where they will find, in a form fit for the general reader, how central has been the r61e of mathematics in all the principal attempts of natural science to find a cosmos in the seeming chaos of the natural world. Another many-sided work that in this connection he may wish to commend as being in large part intelligible to men and women of general education and catholic mind is Enriques's "Problems of Science." I turn now for a moment to the prospects of one who might choose to devote the hour to an exposition or an indication of modern developments in what it is customary to call the foundations of mathematics to a characterization, that is, and estimate of that far- reaching and still advancing critical movement which has to do with the relations of the science, philosophi- cally considered, to the sciences of logic and methodology. What can he say on this great theme that will be in- telligible and edifying to the multitudes of men and women who, though mathematically inexpert, yet have a genuine humane curiosity respecting even the pro- founder and subtler life and achievements of science? He can point out that mathematics, like all the other sciences, like the arts too, for that matter, and like philosophy, originates in the refining process of reflec- tion upon the crude data of common sense ; he can point out that this process has gradually yielded from out the raw material and still continues to yield more and more ideas of approximate perfection in the respects of pre- cision and form; he can point out that such ideas, thus 42 HUMAN SIGNIFICANCE OF MATHEMATICS disentangled and trimmed of their native vagueness and indetermination, disclose their mutual relationships and so become amenable to the concatenative processes of logic; and he can point out that these polished ideas with their mutual relationships become the bases or the content of various branches of mathematics, which thus tower above common sense and appear to grow out of it and to stand upon it like trees or forests upon the earth. He will point out, however, that this appearance, like most other obvious appearances, is de- ceiving; he will, that is, point out that these upward- growing sciences or branches of science are found, in the light of further reflection, to be downward-growing as well, pushing their roots deeper and deeper into a dark soil far beneath the ground of evident common sense; indeed, he will show that common sense is thus, in its relation to mathematics, but as a sense-litten mist enveloping only the mid-portion of the stately structure, which, like a towering mountain, at once ascends into the limpid ether far above the shining cloud and rests upon a base of subterranean rock far below; he will point out that, accordingly, mathematicians, in respect of temperamental interest, fall into two classes the class of those who cultivate the upward-growing of the science, working thus in the upper regions of clearer light, and the class of those who devote themselves to exploring the deep-plunging roots of the science; and it is, he will say, to the critical activity of the latter class the logicians and philosophers of mathematics that we owe the discovery of what we are wont to call the foundations of mathematics the great discovery, that is, of an immense mathematical stt&-structure, which penetrates far beneath the stratum of common sense and of which many of even the greatest mathematicians HUMAN SIGNIFICANCE OF MATHEMATICS 43 of former times were not aware. But whilst such founda- tional research is in the main a modern phenomenon, it is by no means exclusively such; and to protect his auditors against a false perspective in this regard and the peril of an overweening pride in the achievements of their own time, our speaker may recommend to them the perusal of Thomas L. Heath's superb edition of Euclid's "Elements" where, especially in the first vol- ume, they will be much edified to find, in the rich abundance of critical citation and commentary which the translator has there brought together, that the re- fined and elaborate logico-mathematical researches of our own time have been only a deepening and widening of the keen mathematical criticism of a few centuries im- mediately preceding and following the great date of Euclid. Indeed but for that general declension of Greek spirit which Professor Gilbert Murray in his "Four Stages of Greek Religion" has happily characterized as "the failure of nerve," what we know as the modern critical movement in mathematics might well have come to its present culmination, so far at least as pure geom- etry is concerned, fifteen hundred or more years ago. It is a pity that the deeper and stabler things of science and the profounder spirit of man can not be here disclosed in a manner commensurate with the great exposition, surrounding us, of the manifold practical arts and industries of the world. It is a pity there is no means by which our speaker might, in a manner befitting the subject and the occasion, exhibit intelligibly to his fellow men and women the ways and results of the last hundred years of research into the groundwork of mathematical science and therewith the highly im- portant modern developments in logic and the theory of knowledge. How astonished the beholders would 44 HUMAN SIGNIFICANCE OF MATHEMATICS be, how delighted too, and proud to belong to a race capable of such patience and toil, of such disinterested devotion, of such intellectual finesse and depth of pene- tration. I can think of no other spectacle quite so im- pressive as the inner vision of all the manifold branches of rigorous thought seen to constitute one immense structure of autonomous doctrine reposing upon the spiritual basis of a few select ideas and, superior to the fading beauties of time and sense, shining there like a celestial city, in "the white radiance of eternity." That is the vision of mathematics that a student of its phi- losophy would, were it possible, present to his fellow men and women. In view of the foregoing considerations it evidently is, I think, in the nature of the case impossible to give an adequate sense of the human worth of mathematics if one choose to devote the hour to any one of the great aspects of it with which we have been thus far con- cerned. Neither the history of the subject nor its present estate nor its applications nor its logical founda- tions no one of these themes lends itself well to the purpose of such exposition, and still less do two or more of them combined. Even if such were not the case I should yet feel bound to pursue another course; for I have been long persuaded that, in respect of its human significance, mathematics invites to a point of view which, unless I am mistaken, has not been taken and held in former attempts at appreciation. I have al- ready alluded to bearings of mathematics as distin- guished from applications. It is with its bearings that I wish to deal. I mean its bearings upon the higher concerns of man as man those interests, namely, which have impelled him to seek, over and above the needs of raiment and shelter and food, some inner HUMAN SIGNIFICANCE OF MATHEMATICS 45 adjustment of life to the poignant limitations of life in our world and which have thus drawn him to manifold forms of wisdom, not only to mathematics and natural science, but also to literature and philosophy, to religion and art, and theories of righteousness. What is the rfile of mathematics in this perpetual endeavor of the human spirit everywhere to win reconciliation of its dreams and aspirations with the baffling conditions and tragic facts of life and the world? What is its relation to the universal quest of man for some supreme and abiding good that shall assuage or annul the discords and tyrannies of time and limitation, withholding less and less, as time goes by, the freedom and the peace of an ideal harmony infinite and eternal? In endeavoring to suggest, in the time remaining for this address, a partial answer to that great question, in attempting, that is, to indicate the relations of mathe- matics to the supreme ideals of mankind, it will be necessary to seek a perspective point of view and to deal with large matters in a large way. Of the countless variety of appetitions and aspirations that have given direction and aim to the energies of men and that, together with the constraining conditions of life in our world, have shaped the course and deter- mined the issues of human history, it is doubtless not yet possible to attempt confident and thoroughgoing classification according to the principle of relative dig- nity or that of relative strength. If, however, we ask whether, in the great throng of passional determinants of human thought and life, there is one supreme passion, one that in varying degrees of consciousness controls the rest, unifying the spiritual enterprises of our race in directing and converging them all upon a single sovereign aim, the answer, I believe, can not be doubt- 46 HUMAN SIGNIFICANCE OF MATHEMATICS ful: the activities and desires of mankind are indeed subject to such imperial direction and control. And if now we ask what the sovereign passion is, again the answer can hardly admit of question or doubt. In order to see even a priori what the answer must be, we have only to imagine a race of beings endowed with our human craving for stability, for freedom, and for per- petuity of life and its fleeting goods, we have only to fancy such a race flung, without equipment of knowledge or strength, into the depths of a treacherous universe of matter and force where they are tossed, buffeted and torn by the tumultuous onward-rushing flood of the cosmic stream, originating they know not whence and flowing they know not why nor whither, we have, I say, only to imagine this, sympathetically, which ought to be easy for us as men, and then to ask ourselves what would naturally be the controlling passion and dominant enterprise of such a race unless, indeed, we suppose it to become strangely enamored of distress or to be driven by despair to self -extinction. We humans re- quire no Gotama nor Heracleitus to tell us that man's lot is cast in a world where naught abides. The uni- versal impermanence -of things, the inevitableness of decay, the mocking frustration of deepest yearnings and fondest dreams, all this has been keenly realized wherever men and women have had seeing eyes or been even a little touched with the malady of meditation, and everywhere in the literature of power is heard the cry of the mournful truth. "The life of man," said the Spirit of the Ocean, "passes by like a galloping horse, changing at every turn, at every hour." "Great treasure halls hath Zeus in heaven, From whence to man strange dooms be given, Past hope or fear." HUMAN SIGNIFICANCE OF MATHEMATICS 47 Such is the universal note. Whether we glance at the question in a measure a priori, as above, or look into the cravings of our own hearts, or survey the history of human emotion and thought, we shall find, I think, in each and all these ways, that human life owns the supremacy of one desire: it is the passion for emancipa- tion, for release from life's limitations and the tyranny of change: it is our human passion for some ageless form of reality, some everlasting vantage-ground or rock to stand upon, some haven of refuge from the all- devouring transformations of the weltering sea. And so it is that our human aims, aspirations, and toils thus find their highest unity their only intelligible unity in the spirit's quest of a stable world, in its endless search for some mode or form of reality that is at once infinite, changeless, eternal. Does some one say: This may be granted, but what is the point of it all? It is obviously true enough, but what, pray, can be its bearing upon the matter in hand? What light does it throw upon the human significance of mathematics? The question is timely and just. The answer, which will grow in fullness and clarity as we proceed, may be at once begun. How long our human ancestors, in remote ages, may have groped, as some of their descendants even now grope, among the things of sense, in the hope of finding there the desiderated good, we do not know past time is long and the evolution of wisdom has been slow. We do know that, long before the beginnings of recorded history, superior men advanced representatives of their kind must have learned that the deliverance sought was not to be found among the objects of the mobile world, and so the spirit's quest passed from thence; passed from the realm of perception and sense 48 HUMAN SIGNIFICANCE OF MATHEMATICS to the realm of concept and reason: thought ceased, that is, to be merely the unconscious means of pursuit and became itself the quarry mind had discovered mind; and there, in the realm of ideas, in the realm of spirit proper, in the world of reason or thought, the great search far outrunning historic time has been endlessly carried on, with varying fortunes, indeed, but without despair or breach of continuity, meanwhile multiplying its resources and assuming gradually, as the years and centuries have passed, the characters and forms of what we know today as philosophy and science and art. I have mentioned the passing of the quest from the realm of sense to the realm of conception: a most notable transition in the career of mind and especially significant for the view I am aiming to sketch. For thought, in thus becoming a conscious subject or object of thought, then began its destined course in reason: in ceasing to be merely an unconscious means of pursuit and becoming itself the quarry, it definitely entered upon the arduous way that leads to the goal of rigor. And so it is evident that the way in question is not a private way; it does not belong exclusively to mathe- matics; it is public property; it is the highway of con- ceptual research. For it is a mistake to imagine that mathematics, in virtue of its reputed exactitude, is an insulated science, dwelling apart in isolation from other forms and modes of conceptual activity. It would be such, were its rigor absolute; for between a perfection and any approximation thereto, however close, there always remains an infinitude of steps. But the rigor of mathematics is not absolute absolute rigor is an ideal, to be, like other ideals, aspired unto, forever approached, but never quite attained, for such attain- ment would mean that every possibility of error or HUMAN SIGNIFICANCE OF MATHEMATICS 49 inde termination, however slight, had been eliminated from idea, from symbol, and from argumentation. We know, however, that such elimination can never be complete, unless indeed the human mind shall one day lose its insatiable faculty for doubting. What, then, is the distinction of mathematics on the score of exacti- tude? Its distinction lies, not in the attainment of rigor absolute, but partly in its exceptional devotion thereto and especially in the advancement it has made along the endless path that leads towards that perfec- tion. But, as I have already said, it must not be thought that mathematics is the sole traveler upon the way. It is important to see clearly that it is far from being thus a solitary enterprise. First, however, let us adjust our imagery to a better correspondence with the facts. I have spoken of the path. We know, how- ever, that the paths are many, as many as the varieties of conceptual subject-matter, all of them converging towards the same high goal. We see them originate here, there and yonder in the soil and haze of common thought; we see how indistinct they are at first how ill-defined; we observe how they improve in that regard as the ideas involved grow clearer and clearer, more and more amenable to the use and governance of logic. At length, when thought, in its progress along any one of the many courses, has reached a high degree of refine- ment, precision and certitude, then and thereafter, but not before, we call it mathematical thought; it has undergone a long process of refining evolution and acquired at length the name of mathematics; it is not, however, the creature of its name; what is called mathematics has been long upon the way, owning at previous stages other designations common sense, practical art perhaps, speculation, theology it may be, 5