2557 07A /907 UC-NRLF 1 1 111 ^B L7 2L3 CO C\J LO o >- OF THE UNIVERSITY ^ OF . 'Qhive/org/details/amendmentstopublOOontarich ^u . E NOV M '.?'7 AMENDMENTS TO PUBLIC AND HIGH SCHOOLS ACTS SINCE 190 PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT OF ONTARIO TORONTO : Printed by L. K. CAMERON, Printer to the King's Most Ejtcellent Majeity 1907 AMENDMENTS TO PUBLIC AND HIGH SCHOOLS ACTS SINCE 1901 PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT OF ONTARIO ^^ ^ 0HHJ TORONTO: Printed by L. K. CAMERON, Printer to the King's Most Excellent Majesty 1907 EXCHANS8 WARWICK BRO'S & RUTTER, Umited. Printers, TORONTO. la s.A. AN ACT TO AMEND THE EDUCATION DEPART- MENT ACT. Assented to 26th April, 1904. HIS MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows : — 1. Subsection 1 of section 7 of The Education ^^?><^^^- J ^8^' ^/n went Act is amended by adding thereto the following: — amended. **Also to apportion under the provisions of such regula- ^PP^^^jJjPy'J^o?^ tions as may be made by Order in Council all sums of Jree^text-books money voted by the Legislative Assembly for aiding public districts, and separate school boards in rural districts to furnish certain text-books free of cost." AN ACT TO AMEND THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS ACT. *" Assented to 17th March, 1902. HIS MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows : — , 1. Section 21 oi The Public Schools Act is amended byiEdw. vii., strik'ng out the words **city or town" in the fourth, sixth ^" '"" and thirteenth lines and substituting therefor the words "urban municipality;" and by adding to the words "urban conveyance of municipality" thus substituted in the thirteenth line the ^Xi-gcw following words, "to pay for the conveyance of the pupils ^^^ct^^ns to ^^ to such schools." 2. Section 41 of the said Act is hereby amended by add- 1 e^^- vii., ing to the first subsection the following: "or on request amended.' made in like manner to pass by-laws to consolidate two or consolidation more sections into one for the purpose of providing a cen- of two or more tral school. The trustees of the sections thus united shall central school, continue to be trustees of the united section, but if deemed expedient the municipal council may by by-law limit the number of the school board to two members for each sec- tion, each trustee holding office for two years and one re- tiring annually by rotation. The trustees shall have all the powers ordinarily exercised by trustees of a rural school section, and in addition the power to meet the cost of con- veyance of children to the central school established under the jurisdiction of the board." [3] M533357 1 Edw. VII. c. 39, s. 61, amended. 3. — (1) Section 61 of The Public Schools Act is amended by adding thereto the following subsections : — Election of trustees when council elected by general vote. Proviso. (7) In cities and towns, until a resolution has been passed under the preceding subsection, the school .trustees shall continue to be elected by wards notwithstanding that the aldermen or councillors are elected by a general vote and the division of any city or town into wards under any former provision of The Municipal Act or any special Act in force at the time of the abolition of wards for the purpose of muni- cipal elections, shall be deemed to be continued for the purpose of the election of public school trustees. (8) Where the board of trustees are elected by ballot the election of public school trustees in such city or town shall be conducted as nearly as may be in the same manner provided by section 61 of *his Act and the officers for holding such .election shall be appointed by the municipal council as if the election of councillors or alder- men by general vote had not been^ adopted or prescribed for such city or town. (9) Where the election of trustees is not by ballot the election of ptiblic school trustees in such city or town shall take place as nearly as may be in accordance witt the provisions of section 60 of this Act. (2) Provided that nothing in this section contained shall affect the validity of any election of public school trustees heretofore held. c.^M.e"' ^' — (^"^ Subsection 1 of section 63 of The Public Schools amended ^^^ ^^ amended by inserting therein after the word **trus- tee" in the second line the words ''or as to the return made Subs. 2, amended. by any returning officer." (2) Subsection 2 of the said section 63 is amended by inserting therein after the word "elected" in the second line the w^ords ''or may order a new election." retroactive.^ (3) The amendments made by this" section shall apply to elections heretofore held as well as to those held after the passing of this Act. Manual train- ing and domestic science classes. 5.— (1) The Board of High School Trustees, the Board of Public School Trustees and the Board of Separate School Trustees or the Board of Education and the Board of Sepa- rate School Trustees or any of such boards in any city or town may enter into agreements for the formation and car- rying on of classes for manual training and domestic science in connection with the work of the schools under the management of such boards, and for providing suitable buildings, apparatus and appliances for carrying on such classes, and the appointment of teachers therefor. (2) The school corporations so agreeing may delegate the management and control of such classes and the buildings, apparatus and appliances used in connection therewith, to a joint committee composed of representatives of each of such school corporations, and any joint committee so ap- pointed may procure from time to time such buildings, apparatus, appliances and material as may be deemed necessary for carrying on the said classes, and may engage teachers therefor. (3) Each of the members of such joint committee shall hold office during the pleasure of the school corporation by which he is appointed. (4) Every joint committee appointed under this section shall annually on or before the first day of February, fur- nish to each of the school corporations represented an esti- mate showing the amounts required for carrying on the work of such classes during the then current year, and such school corporations shall include in the estimates to be furnished to the council of the city or town the amount > so required for the said classes, and the same may be in- cluded in the school rates of the municipality and levied and collected therewith. 6. Subsection 1 of section 74 of The Public Schools Actl^^-^^^^}- is amended by inserting therein after the word ''thereto" s^s^i. ^' in the fourth line the words "or repairs or improvements of the school property." AN ACT TO AMEND THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS. ACT. Assented to 12th June, 1903. HIS MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows : — 1. Section 16 of The Public Schools Act is amended byJ^^^gVii. striking out the words "with the consent, expressed in amended. ' writing," in the fourth line, and inserting in lieu thereof the following words, "by giving notice in writing, of such resignation to each." 6 1 Edw. VII. c. 39. s. 41, amended. Union school sections. 2. Subsection 2 of section 41 of The Public Schools Act is amended by adding after the word "section" in the 4th line the following words, "or to unite parts of existing sec- tions so as to form a neT\ aection." 1 Edw. VII., c. 39, s. 54, subs. 1, amended. Sijbs. 2, amended. Subs. 3, amended. 3. — (1) Subsection (1) of section 54 of The Public Schools Act is amended by striking out the word "three" in the first line of the said subsection and inserting in lieu thereof the word "five." (2) Subsection (2) of the said section is amended by striking out the word "three" in the last line of the said subsection and inserting in lieu thereof the word "five." (3) Subsection (3) of the said section is amended by striking out the word "three" in the last line of the said subsection and inserting in lieu thereof the word "five." Costs of assessors and arbitrators. 4. The cost of proceedings under the said section 54, in- cluding the fees of assessors and arbitrators, shall be borne and be paid by the municipality in which the union school section is situate, and in case such section includes por- tions of two or more municipalities the said cost shall be borne and be paid by the municipalities in the same pro- portion as the equalized assessments of the municipalities bear to each other. 1 Edw. VII., C. 39, s. 7«, subs. 1, amended. Submission of question to vote of electors. Rev. Stat. c. 223. 5. Subsection 1 of section 76 of The Public Schools Act is repealed and the following substituted therefor : — (1) The municipal council of any urban municipality may, on the application of the board of public school trus- tees, pass a; by-law for borrowing money by the issue and sale of debentures for the purchase of a school site or for the erection of a school house or anv addition thereto or for the purchase or erection of a teacher's residence, which debentures and the money to be raised annually therefor shall be chargeable only upon tlfe property of ratepayers who are supporters of public schools. Where the muni- cipal council refuses to issue such debentures to raise or borrow the sum required for the said purposes, then the question shall be submitted by the municipal council, if requested by the board of trustees, to the vote of the elec- tors qualified to vote under The Municipal Act for the creating of debts, and who are supporters of public schools, in the manner therein provided, and on the assent of such electors being obtained the council shall issue such deben- tures to raise or borrow such sum to be chargeable as afore- said. 1 Edw. VII. c. 39, s. 86, subs. 8, amended. 6. Subsection 8 of section 86 of The Public Schools Act is amended by striking out all the words of the subsection after the word "addition" in the third line, and substiiut- f ing therefor the following words, '^sucli sum anniially for reasonable travelling expenses, as mav be determined by the county council, but in no case shall the sum so paid be less than 1150 annually. Where the number of schools exceeds fifty there shall be paid annually the further sum of |1.5j0 for each additional school up to one hundred .and fifty." 7. Section 94 of The Public Schools Act is amended byiEdw:yn. c 39 s 94 adding the words *'or Public School Inspector" after the aimended.' word ''teacher" in the 1st and 5th lines, and by adding after the word * trustees" in the 2nd line of the said section the words "in the case of a teacher and the county council, in case of a Public School Inspector," and by striking out Retiring the word "him" in the 2nd line and inserting in lieu to inspector thereof the words "the teacher or Public School Inspector as the case may be." AN ACT TO AMEND THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS ACT. Assented to 26th Avril, 1904. HIS MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows : — 1. Section 21 of The Public Schools Act, as amended by i Edw. vii., section 1 of the Act passed in the second year of His amended.' Majesty's reign and chaptered 40, is further amended by ^jj^jigsion ^j adding after the words "urban municipality" wherever pupils of rural thev occur in the said section the words "or school section," tourt>an^^ ^°°^ and by striking out the word "the" in the thirteenth line '^^*^^''' «^°- and inserting in lieu thereof the word "such." 2. — (1) Subsection 2 of section 34 of The Public Schools i 'Edw. wii., Act is amended by striking out all the words therein af ter 2,' Saended"^^' the word "meeting" in the seventh line of the said subsec- ^^g^j.(j ^^^ tion and inserting in lieu thereof the words "shall make and arbitrators as to publish their award, and may in and by the said award schooi""'^^ approve of the site so selected by the said trustees or may change the boundaries of the same or may select such other site as the said arbitrators or. the majority of them present as aforesaid may deem more suitable for the purpose." (2) Section 34 of The Public Schools Act is amended by i Edw. vii., adding the following as subsection 4 : — amended^.' (4) No action at law to set aside any award made under ^°J^^r?t^°Qf this Act shall be undertaken by, or at the instance of, the ratepayers to trustees of any rural school section without the consent of aside award. 8 the majority of the ratepayers of the section present at a special meeting duly called to consider the advisability of such action at law being undertaken. 1 Edw. VII. C. 39,8. 41, amended. Proviso. 3. The paragraph numbered 1 in section 41 of The Public Schools Act as amended by section 2 of the Act passed in the second year of His Majesty's reign, and chaptered 40, is further amended by adding at the end thereof the fol- lowing words : — ''Provided that when all the school sections in a town- ship have been consolidated the municipal council may limit the number of trustees constituting the public school board to six, after at least one month's notice in writing has been given to the Secretary of the Public School Board of the intention to consider a resolution to that effect." 1 Edw. VII., c. 39, s. 45, amended. Sphool sections existing 1st April, 1904, deemed legally formed. 1 Edw. VII., c. 39, 8.46, subs. 2, amended. Award of arbi- trators as to formation, etc., of union school section. 1 Edw, VII/, C. 39, 8. 46, amended. New arbitra- tion after expiration of three years. 4. Section 45 of The Public Schools Act is amended by striking out "1901" in the second line and inserting in lieu thereof ''190^4." 5. The paragraph numbered 2 of section 46 of The Public Schools Act is amended by adding at the end thereof the following : **And the arbitrators or a majority of them pre- sent at any lawful meeting shall have authority to make and publish an award." 6. Section 46 of The Public Schools Act is amended by adding thereto the following paragraph : — 12. *'In case any award of arbitrators forming or refus- ing to form a new union school section has not been acted upon, or has been adjudged illegal or void by the court or judge, the proceedings in subsection 1 of this section may be taken at any time after the expiration of three years from the date of such award." 1 Edw. VII., c. 39, 8. 83, amended. Member assessed for largest sum to have a casting vote in case of a tie on any question in Public School Board. 7. Section 64 of The Public Schools Act is amended by adding thereto the following subsection : — (5) in cities, towns and incorporated villages in every question (other than the election of a chairman) arising at a meeting of the Board on which there is an equality of votes, if no decision is arrived at during the same meet- in year shall preside at the first meetingr of the Board until ESSvvMfl the chairman is elected, or if there be no secretary or sec-^eSS?" ret ary- treasurer then such member of the Board shall pre- side as may be appointed for that purpose. 10. A majority of the members of the Board shall form a quorum. 11. — (1) In case of an equality of votes at the election of chairman the member who is assessed for the largest sum on the last revised assessment roll shall have a second or casting vote in addition to his vote as a member of the Board. (2) In case of an equality of votes on any other question, if no decision is arrived at during the same meeting ori after the Board has voted twice on the question at a meet- ing specially called for that purpose, the member of those entitled as members to vote on the question, who is assessed for the largest sum on the last revised assessment roll shall have a second or casting vote in addition to his vote as a member of this Board. 12. The chairman of the Board may vote with the other vowo* members of the Board on all questiona. 13. The member or members appointed by the separate '^ ^ school board shall not vote or otherwise take jMort in any "*!' ' ^ y|\^^ of the proceedinffs of the Board of Education exclusively >eho5? affecting the public schools. 14. No person shall be elected to the Board of Education who is not qualified to be elected as a trustee of a public school board under 7^ Public Schools Act. 15. The provisions of The PvbUc Schools Act and The^^ High Schools Act respecting the disqualification of persons ^ j;aw. ,i from beinor elected or appointed to. and from sitting and «-».«. voting as members of the said boards respectively, shall apply to the said Board of Education as if the said Board was named therein instead of the board of high school trus- tees or board of public school trustees respectively. 16. — (1^ Every Board of Education constituted by thisBoudtotei Act shall be a corporation by the name of ''The Board of ^ Education for the City. Town or Tillage of : " (naming the city, town or village) and shall have anid .VIL, 20 lEdvv. VII., cc. 39, 40. Rev. Stat., C, 301. possess all the powers usually possessed by corporations so far as the same are necessary for carryino: out the purposes of this Act and of The Public Schools Act and of The High Schools Act and of The Act respectincf Technical Schools and of all amendments to the said Acts and of any by-law of the municipality establishing" or relating to a technical school. First election of members of board. (2) The j&rst election of members for the Board of Educa- tion under this Act shall take place at the time of holding the next ensuing municipal elections for the year follow- ing the passing of the resolution mentioned in section 1 of this Act; but nothing' in this Act contained shall affect the public school board or high school board or board of edu- cation (in case the public and high school boards have been united) or the board of management of technical schools of such city, town or village for the year in which the said resolution has been passed. Appointment of inspectors. 17. The Board of Education of every such city or town separated from the county shall appoint an inspector of the public schools for such city or town. Provision for special and advanced courses of instruction in high schools. 18. The Board of Education may make such modifica- tion of the prescribed high school courses of study to be undertaken in each of the high schools under its jurisdic- tion as it 'deems expedient, and may provide for special or advanced instruction in any of such courses, and may designate sucH schools, or any one of them, as English, Science, Commercial, Technical or Classical High Schools, according to the course or courses of instruction provided for each, but all such courses must be approved by the Minister of Education, and the accommodation and equip- ment of the school and the qualifications of the staff be subject to the regulations of the Education Department. Act incorpor- ated with 1 Edw. VII.. cc. 39, 40 and Rev. Stat., c.Ml. 19. This Act shall be read with and as part of The Pub- lic Schools Act and The High Schools Act and of The Act respecting Technical Schools and the said Acts are amended to conform to the provisions hereinbefore con- tained. 21 AN ACT TO AMEND THE ACT RESPECTING BOARDS OF EDUCATION IN CERTAIN CITIES, TOWNS AND TILLAGES. Assented to 14th May, 1906. HIS MAJESTY, by and witli tlie advice and 'consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows: — 1. Subsection 1 of section 1 of The Act respecting Boards 4Edw. vii. of Education in certain Cities, Towns and Villages is subs'/i,"^' amended by adding thereto the following words: ''When^"^"^^^- the board of public school trustees and the board of nigh school trustees have already been united in any such city, town or incorporated village, the council of such munici- pality may by resolution declare that it is expedient that such Board of Education shall be constituted and elected i Edw. vii. under section 2 of this Act, instead of being elected and ^" apDointed under The Public Schools Act, and The High^^^^^'"'^^^- Schools Act, and thereupon such Board of Education may be elected under section 2 of this Act.'' AN ACT TO AMEND THE HIGH SCHOOLS ACT. Assented to 17th March, 1902. HIS MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows : — 1. Subsection 7 of section 34 of The High Schools AcnEdw.vii., is amended by striking out the word ''may" in the 4th Jubs'.\^^' line of the said subsection and inserting in lieu thereof the*"^®^^®^- word ''shall." 2. The said section 34 is further amended by adding i Edw. vii., thereto the following subsections : — amended^" (8) In adjusting the liability of the county for the main- ^^^se^o^/jJ^i^Sf • tenance of county pupils in attendance at any high school separated from situate in any town separated from the county, the county *^® county, council (or in case of disagreement the county judge) shall deduct from the amount for which the county is liable for maintenance in such cases such amount as the municipality so separated from the county w^ould have paid towards such grant had such municipality formed part of the countv. Payments by county for non-resident and county pupils in ci^' or town. 22 (9) Subject to the deduction provided for in subsection 8 of this section when the trustees of any high school in a village, town or city adjacent to a county or in a town separated from a county have notified the county clerk that such high school is open to non-resident and to county pupils on the same terms as resident pupils, the county council shall in all cases pay for the maintenance of countv pupils at such high school or schools a sum equal to eighty per cent, of the average cost of the yearly main- tenance of pupils at such high school, provided that this subsection shall not apply to cities having a population of 100,000 or over. to^highSoo^s ^^^) ^^5^ county council may by a two-thirds vote give by county. additional aid to any one or more high schools or collegiate institutes in the county without giving such aid to all the high schools in said county. c^4o^s^^" ^* Subsection 1 of section 38 of the said Act is amended 8ub8.'i.' ' by striking out all the words in the said subsection after Amended. ^j^^ word school in the fifth line, and inserting in lieu thereof the words, ''and the council of any county may by a two-thirds vote of the members thereof pass by-laws from time to time for granting additional aid to any one or more of the high schools in the county without making a similar provision for the other high schools therein." lEdw^vii., 4. Section 32 of The High Schools Act is amended by amended.' adding thereto the following subsections : fo??SSnd (4) The board of trustees of any high school or collegiate separate school institute may annually award a number of free scholar- ships to the pupils of the public or separate schools situate within the municipality. The number of said scholarships shall be fixed by the high school or collegiate institute board, and the said board may award the same by com- petitive examinations or otherwise and shall have full power to prescribe the tenure of said scholarships and vote monev for the expenses of holding any examination there- for. Such scholarships shall be awarded only to a ratepayer of the municipality or municipalities contributing to the maintenance of such high school or collegiate institute. (5) The board of trustees of any high school or collegiate institute may annually award a number of free scholarships not to exceed six per high school or collegiate institute on the results of forgi or other examinations within the said hiffh school or collegiate institute, said scholarships to entitle the holder to not more than one year's free tuition in said high school or collegiate institute, and the high school or collegiate institute board mav make all necessary rules and regulations regarding these scholarships. 23 5. Section 11 of The High Schools Act is amended by lEdw. vii., adding thereto the following paragraph: — amended!' The board of trustees of any high school or collegiate ^^^^^g^'^ institute may annually vote a sum of money not exceeding 1300 in cities of 100,000 or more and not exceeding |150 in other municipalities for the encouragement of athletics and the expenses of school games. 6. Subsection 2 of section 38 is amended by adding there- 1 Edw. vii., to the following : — l;,*\'- ^^' amended . ^ **But in such case each county forming such union'' Maintenance * 'shall pay for the maintenance of pupils resident in it" pupusin^ **who attend any high school situated in any otHer of " ^J^^^^J^^^ **the united counties.*' AN ACT TO AMEND THE HIGH SCHOOLS ACT. Assented to 12th Juney 1903. HIS MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows : — 1. Subsection 6 of section 34 of The High Schools Act isiEdw. vii. amended by striking out the word ''the" immediately f ol- gu^s' e' ^' lowing the word "pay" in the sixth line thereof, and in- amended, serting the following words, "a sum equal to eighty per cent, of the average annual," and by adding after the word "schools" in the seventh line the following words, "pro- vided that this subsection shall not apply to cities having a population of 50,000 or over." 2, Subsection 7 of section 34 of The High Schools Act lEdw.wii., and subsections 8, 9, and 10 of the said section as enacted gu^s.' vir' by section 2 of the Act passed in the second year of Hia2Edw. vii., Majesty's reign, chaptered 42, are repealed and the fol-^* lowing subsections substituted therefor : — (7) When the trustees- of any high school in a village, Maintenance township, town, or city have notified the clerk of any pupS" "n^city county, adjacent to that in which the high school is situ- ^J^^ge high ated, that such high school is open to pupils resident in schools. such adjacent county on the same terms as to county pupils, the council of such adjacent county shall in all cases pay for the maintenance of pupils from such county attending such high school a sum equal to 65 per cent, of the average cost of the yearly maintenance of pupils at 24 sucli high school, after deducting the amount of the Gov- ernment grant to such high school, and the fees payable by such pupils thereat, but this subsection shall not apply to cities having a population of 50,000 or over. Additional (8) The council of any county may by a two-thirds vote schools i^r give additional aid to any one or more high schools or county. collegiate institutes in the county without giving such aid to all the high schools in such county. l^t^sJl!" 3. .Section 36 of The High Schools Act is amended by amended.' striking out the words "made on or before the first day of August in each year" in the sixth and seventh lines of the said section. AN ACT TO AMEND THE HIGH SCHOOLS ACT. Assented to 26th April, 1904. HIS MAJESTY, bj- and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows : — lEdw. VII., 1. Section 16 of I'he High Schools Act is amended by aine^nded^' adding thereto the following as paragraph 11: — Trustees may H. To Collect at their discretion, from the parents or from parents guardians of the pupils attending school, a sum not ex- for books, etc. needing twenty-five cents per month per pupil, to defray the cost of text-books and other school supplies ; or to pur- chase, for the use of pupils, text-books and other school supplies at the expense of the corporation. JEdw.vii., 2. Section 34 of The High Schools Act is amended by adding thereto the following subsection: — Contribution (Q) When the trustees of any high school situate in a by city council '. . ,-.. ,. , • *! iii • j.- . ii to cost of municipality contiguous to a city shall give notice to the S*p"/^"^at^ city clerk that such high school is open to city pupils on iS^Sinilrg the same terms as it is open to the resident pupils of the municipality, municipalitv in which the high school is situate, the city council shall in all such cases nay to the high school board a sum equal to 80 per cent, of the average annual cost of maintenance. This subsection shall come into force and take effect on, from and after the 1st day of January, 1905. 25 AN ACT RESPECTING THE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION. Assented to 14th May, 1906. HIS MAJESTY, bv and with tlie advice and consent of the Lep^islative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows : — 1. This Act may be cited as The Department of Educa- Qhon ntie. tion Act, 2. — (1) There shall continue to be a Department of Edu- Department ot cation which shall consist of the Executive Council, or a continued, committee thereof, appointed by the Lieutenant-Governor; and one of the said Executive Council or of such committee, to be nominated by the Lieutenant-Governor, shall hold the office of ''Minister of Education." (2) The Lieutenant-Governor in Council may appoint a superin- Superintendent of Education, who shall hold office during Education, pleasure, and who shall be paid such salary as shall be from time to time appropriated for that purpose. 3. Subject to any statute in that behalf the Depart- Jurisdiction menf of Education shall have the management and con- Department, trol of the following, namely : Kindergartens, Public and Separate Schools, Hierh Schools and Collegiate Institutes, Art Schools, Model Schools, Normal Schools, Ontario Nor- mal College, Teachers' Institutes, Public Libraries, Con- tinuation Classes, Technical Schools, Manual Training De- partments, Household Science Departments, Night Schools, School Gardens, the Brantford Institute for the Blind, and the Belleville Institute for the Deaf and Dumb; with power to appoint such inspectors, teachers and other offi- cers for instruction and supervision as may be deemed ex- pedient. The Department of Education may also appoint a Registrar of the Advisory Council of Education. 4-. The Department of Education shall have power, sub- Power to make ject to the Drovisions of any Staute in that behalf, to make ^^" * ^^^^' regulations : — (1) For the classification, organization, government, ^n^d^'overn" courses of study, and examination of all schools, Contin- mentof nation Classes, Manual Training Departments, Household ^^^°^^^' Science Departments, School Gardens, and Institutes here- inbefore mentioned, and for the equipment of school- houses and the arrangement of school premises and for determining the fees to be paid by candidates and to pre- siding officers at departmental examinations; Qualification and duties of insp>ectors, teacherf, etc. Superannua- tion—distribu- tion of legisla- tive grant. Extending certificates. Ind'b^k?of (-^^ -^^^ ^^^ authorization of text-books for tlie use of reference. pupils and of teachers in training* attending such Schools, Continuation Classes^ Departments, School Gardens, and Institutes, and for the selection of books of reference for the use of teachers and pupils and for the management of public and school libraries; (3) For determining the qualification and duties of in- spectors, examiners and teachers of such Schools, Contin- uation Classes, Departments, ScTiool Gardens and Insti- tutes, and for the appointment from time to time of such examiners as may be requisite for that purpose, and for prescribing the duties of the presiding officers at the exam- inations ; (4) For the paypient of the allowances of superannuated inspectors and. teachers, and the distribution of all moneys set apart by the Legislative Assembly for educational pur- poses, including sums appropriated for the maintenance of cadet corps, and grants to Historical Scoieties and Liter- ary and Scientific Institutions ; (5) For extending on such evidence as to efficiency as may be deemed necessary, any certificate issued under the authority of The Public Schools Act; Affiiiaiing high (6) For affiliating with the Ontario Normal College or wittrmai' the Normal Schools, such High Schools or Collegiate Insti- schoois. tutes or Public Schools as may be necessary for practical instruction in the art of teaching: (7) For accepting, on the recommendation of the Advis- ory Council constituted under this Act, in lieu of the departmentgil non-professional examinations, the examina- tion of any normal school or of any university in the British Dominions; and for accepting such evidence of professional scholarship, training, or experience, as may be deemed equivalent to what is prescribed for teachers' certificates : (8) For setting apart a separate school in any city or county as a model school for the training of teachers for separate schools, and in such case, appointing a competent person possessing the qualifications prescribed by The Pub- lic Schools Act, to be a member of the countv board of examiners of such city or county in addition to the num- ber now authorized : bSSSof (^) ^^^ *^^ conduct of the business of the Advisory advisory Couucil of Educatiou hereinafter mentioned. council . • Accepting examinations of normal schools, etc., in British Dominions. Setting apart separate schools for model school purposes. ADVISORY COUNCIL OF EDUCATION. Advisory Council of Education established 5. There shall be established an Advisory Council of Education composed of twenty members as follows : — 27 (a) The President of the TJniversitv of Toronto for the time beinp:, who shall be chairman ex-afficio of the said council. * (6) The Superintendent of Education for Ontario who shall, subject to the direction of the Minister of Education, represent such Minister on the said council, but shall have no vote thereon. (c) Three additional members representing the Univer- sity of Toronto, to be elected by the Senate of the University. ^d) Four members representing", respectively. Queen's University, McMaster University, Ottawa Uni- versity and The Western University, one to be elected by the Senate of each University. (e) Two members elected by and representing the high school teachers of Ontario. (/) Four members elected by and representing the pub- lic school teachers of Ontario. (g) One member elected by and representing the sepa- rate school teachers of Ontario. (h) And two members elected bv and representing the public school inspectors of Ontario. (t) And two members representing the school trustees of the Province. 6. — (1) The said Advisory Council of Education shall be To be a a consultative committee to confer with the Minister of committ^''.® Education on such subjects as he may submit to it from time to time. Such subjects may include the departmen- tal regulations affecting the courses of study and the text- books for all classes of provincial schools, continuation classes, manual training departments, household science departments and school gardens, the qualifications of teach- ers and inspectors, and the departmental examinations. (2) The said Advisory Council shall exercise such execu- Powers of tive powers in connection with the appointment of exam- coundL^ iners and associate examiners for the annual departmental and university matriculation examinations, and the conduct of such examinations and the settlement of the results thereof as may be conferred upon it bv the Department of Education and the Senate of the University of Toronto, respectively. But if the said Council shall fail or neglect to perform any of the duties required of it under this sub- section, then such duties may be performed by the Depart- ment of Education. 28 Snfdicfof (^) ^^^ ®^^^ Advisory Council shall also have power to business. make Miles and regulations for the conduct of its own business, subject, however, to the regulations in that behalf of the Department of Education. dfaqSaiS"""^ 7. No pci'son shall be elected or shall sit or vote as a membera^ member of the Advisory Council of Education who is di- rectly or indirectly financially interested either as principal or agent or otherwise in the publication, authorization or sale of any text-book or other book, or of any map or chart or other apparatus for use in any of the schools, continua- tion classes, departments or institutes which are under the management or control of the Department of Education, and any member of the said Advisory Council who is or becomes financiallv interested as aforesaid shall ipso facto vacate his office. Howmeetmgs §^ rphe first meeting of the said Advisory Council after its first general election of members, and the first meeting thereof in each year thereafter, shall be called by the Min- * ister of Education, who shall also have power to call a special meeting of the said council at any time. Such other meetings as may be necessary for the transaction of the business of the said council shall be called by the chair- ' man. Tm^mb*^"^ 9. — (1) Each representative of a university on the said council shall be a member of the senate of su-ch University, and each of the other elected members of the said council shall be a member of the electing body which he or she represents, and shall possess the same qualifications as are prescribed by this Act for the electors of such body. Election of (2) At any election of a representative or representatives ol^unfvcraities. of a University each member of the senate thereof shall have the right to vote. In other respects each senate shall elect its representatives in such manner as the members thereof deem expedient. Election of (3) The representatives of the high, public and separate inspectora!^*^ school teachers, and of the public school inspectors, shall, respectively, be elected by closed ballot, as provided in this Act. Triennial 10. — (1) There shall be a general election of all members eecions. ^^ ^j^^ sQ,id council who require to be elected, in the year 1906, and in every third year thereafter in accordance with the provisions contained in this Act. Each member so elected shall hold office for the term, of three years, and until his su^essor is elected, subject, however, to the pro- visions of this Act respecting members being disqualified or vacating their office. 29 (2) All retiring members of the said council, who retain Eligible for their qualification, shall be eligible for re-election. re-eiection. 11- — (1) Every teacher who holds a permanent certifi- what teachers cate of qualification grranted by the Department of Educa- '"''^' ''°*®- tion, and who is engaged in teaching in a school for which such permanent certificate qualifies said teacher when the inspector concerned makes out a list of qualified voters of the electing bodv of which such teacher is a mem- ber, as required by this Act, shall be qualified to vote at the election of a representative or representatives of such electing body. • (2) Every public school inspector who is in ofilce when what inspec- the Registrar of the Advisory Council makes out the list '^'"^^^y^^*®- of inspectors qualified to vate for representatives of pub- lic school inspectors, as required by this Act, shall be qualified to vote at any election of such representatives. (3) No teacher or inspector shall be entitled to vote at Teacher or any election under this Act who does not possess the quali- STote^.'^urfieL fication herein prescribed for such teacher or inspector, qualified. 12. The Registrar of the said Advisory Council shall per- Registrar's form the duties required of him bv this Act and such other ^^^^^^• duties as the Department of Education or the Minister of Education may require. One of such duties shall be to enter alphabetically in separate registers the names with the post office addresses of all persons belonging to each body of electors (except University Senate) entitled to elect representatives under this Act, one register for each of such bodies ; and such entries shall be made for each general election as soon as possible after receipt of the respective lists of qualified electors from the various inspectors as hereinafter provided and shall be completed before the third Wednesday in October of the year in which the election is held. 13. — (1) Eor the purpose of the elections aforesaid of Voters' lists the representatives of the respective bodies of teachers, the high, public and separate school inspectors on or before the first Wednesday of October in each year in which an election to the said council is to be held, shall respec- tivelv furnish the Registrar of the said Advisory Council a list of names of all teachers in the schools over which they respectively have jurisdiction who are entitled to vote under this Act with their post office addresses as last known. On or before the same date the Registrar of the said Advisory Council shall prepare a list of the public school inspectors who are entitled to vote under this Act. 30 Vacancy in office of in- spector or registrar. (2) If in any case by reason of vacancy of ofl&ce, illness, absence or any otlier cause there is no inspector or Regis- trar to furnish any of such lists the Minister of Education may require any competent person to furnish the same. Nominations of candidates . Nomination papers. Invalid nomi- nation papers. 14. — (1) No teacher or inspector shall be elected to the ^aid Advisory Council who has not been nominated in writing signed by at least six of the persons who are enti- tled to vote under this Act as a member of the electing body to which such teacher or inspector belongs. (2) Every nomination paper shall contain the name and post oflSce address of each candidate noiAinated therein and the post office address of each person signing such nomination paper, and shall be delivered at the office of the Registrar of the said Advisory Council not later than 4 o'clock in the afternoon on the first Wednesday of October in the year in which the election is to be held and not earlier than- two weeks prior to such date. Nomination papers received by the Registrar by post within the time aforesaid shall be deemed to be duly delivered to him. (3) Any nomination paper which does not comply with the provisions of this section shall be null and void. Election by acclamation . 15. In case the number of candidates duly nominated as aforesaid does not exceed the number of representatives to be elected in any case, the person or persons so nominated shall be deemed elected and the Registrar shall forthwith report the result with the names and post office addresses of the persons so elected to the Minister of Education. proceedings |g. — (1) When a greater number of candidates in any to be taken, case are duly nominated as aforesaid than the number of representatives to be elected by any electing body, then an election shall be held and the registrar of the said council shall send by post on or before the third Wednesday of October in the year in which the election is to be held a voting paper, which may be in the form set forth in the schedule to this Act, to each person qualified to vote at such election together with a list giving the names and post office addresses of all the candidates duly nominated a^ aforesaid. The voting shall be limited to the candidates named in the said list. Elector may (2) Each person qualified to vote as aforesaid shall be for any ^^ ^^^^ entitled to as many votes as there are members to be elected candidate. j^^ represent the electing body to which the voter belongs but may not give more than one vote to any one candidate. Damaged (3) In case a voting paper is accidentally so damaged as vomg paper. ^^ ^^ unfit for use the person to whom it was sent by the registrar may return it to him and obtain another to be 31 used in its place, but no second voting paper shall be fur- nished to any elector unless the first one is returned dam- aged as aforesaid. 17. — (1) The votes at an election of representatives of Mode of High, Public, and Separate School teachers and Public ^Sl^*''* School inspectors respectively shall be given by closed \oting papers, and such votmg paper shall be delivered to the Registrar of the Council between the hours of ten o'clock in the forenoon and four o'clock in the afternoon of any day between the third Wednesday of October and the first Wednesday of November, both days included, in any year in which an election is held; and any voting papers received by the Registrar by post at any hour within the dates aforesaid before four o'clock in the afternoon of the last named day shall be deemed to be duly delivered to him for the purpose of the election. (2) The voting papers shall, upon the Thursday after the opening of first Wednesday of November, at ten o'clock in the fore- * ° P»pew- noon be opened by the Registrar with such assistance as the Minister of Education may deem necessary in presence of the scrutineers to be appointed as hereinafter mentioned, who shall examine and count the votes and keep a record thereof in proper books to be provided by the Minister of Education. Any duly qualified candidate at the election may be present at the opening of the voting papers. No voting paper shall be counted which has not been furnished by the Registrar. (3) The Ontario Educational Association at its Easter ^fPJSSlere. meeting previous to the election, or, in default, the Presi- dent of the TJniversity of Toronto, shall appoint two per- sons, who, with a person appointed by the Minister of Edu- cation for this purpose, shall act as scrutineers at the elec- tions. (4) In the event of an elector placing more names upon what votes to his or her voting paper than there are representatives to ^® ^°"^^®*^' be elected by the electing body to which such elector belongs the first name or names, making the number for whom the said elector was entitled to vote, shall be counted and no other. (5) In the event of an elector placing upon his voting Elector voting paper any name or names of persons who were not quali- candidates "^^ fied candidates the vote in favor of any qualified candidate who is properly voted for shall not thereby be invalidated. Such voting paper shall be acted upon as if the name or names of the person or persons who were not qualified candidates had not been placed in such voting paper. (6) Upon the completion of the counting of the votes Declaration of and of the scrutiny, the Registrar of the Council shall ^^^^ 32 Equality of votes. declare elected as a member or members of the Council the candidate or the required number of candidates who have received the highest number of votes cast by the respec- tive bodies of electors, and shall forthwith thereafter report the same in writing, signed by himself and by the scrutineers, to the Minister of Education. (7) In case of an equality of votes for two or more can- didates which leaves the e^lection of one or more members of the Council undecided, then the scrutineers shall forth- with put into a ballot box a number of similar papers with the names of the candidates respectively having such equality of votes written thereon, one for each candidate, and the Registrar shall draw by chance from the ballot box in presence of the scrutineers one or more of the papers sufficient to make up the required number, and the per- son or persons whose name or names are upon the papers so drawn shall be deemed elected to the said council. Date of University election. 18. Representatives of the said Universities shall be elected on or before the first Wednesday in November of any year in which a general election of members of said Council is to be held under this Act, and notification of the names of the person or persons jelected shall be sent forthwith to the Minister of Education by the Registrars of the Universities respectively. Default of election. 19. — (1) In case defulat shall be made in the election of a representative or of the required number of representa- tives of any of the said Universities or of any of the re- spective bodies authorized to elect representatives to the said Advisory Council, at the time prescribed therefor by this Act, the Lieutenant-Governor in Council may appoint a member or members to fill the office or offices so left vacant, provided, however, that every person so appoint- ed shall be a properly (jualified member of the body such person is to represent on the said Council. vacan(^esin (2) In casc the officc of a representative of any of the representation said Universities on the said Council is vacated for any cause before the expiration of his term of office, the Sen- ate of such University shall elect another representative qualified according to the provisions of this Act to fill such vacancv as soon after such vacancy occurs as may be convenient, and if such vacancy is not filled in manner aforesaid within one month after it occurs the Lieuten- ant-Governor in Council may appoint a member of such University to fill such vacancy. Vacancies in (^) In case any member of the said Council representing oKXVVo^r'' ^^^ Public School Inspectors or one of the said bodies of inspectors tcachers shall vacate his or her office from any cause before the expiry of the term for which he or she was elected. how filled. 33 the defeated candidate for sucli office who at the last pre- ceding election had the highest number of votes next after the candidate or candidates elected, and who is still willing to accept the office, shall forthwith become a member of the said Council in place of and for the remainder of the unexpired term of the former representative so vacating his office as aforesaid, and as soon as convenient shall be notified by the Minister of Education that he has become a member of the aid Advisory Council. Tf further vacancy occurs in the representation of the same electing body, the defeated candidate at the last pre- ceding election who received the second or next highest number of votes, and who is still willing to accept office, shall become a member of the said Council to fill such vacancy, and shall be notified by the Minister of Educa- tion to that effect as hereinbefore provided. (4) If bv reason of two or more of such defeated candi- ^^"*ViL?L ij''«ii i» 1 !• •! 1 votea In such dates m either oi such cases having received an equal cases, number of votes, the question of filling any vacancy can- not be decided in manner aforesaid, then such question shall be decided by chance in the manner provided by sub- section 7 of section 17 of this Act. . (5) If in any such case there is no such defeated can- JJ^^^g^^j^^^^'y didate to fill such vacancy or none still willing to accept by Lieutenant- the office, or if for any reason a vacancy cannot be filled council, under any of the preceding provisions, then the vacancy may be filled by the Lieutenant-Governor in Council by the appointment to the said Advisory Council of a pro- perly qualified member of the body to be represented. 20. Notwithstandmg any of the provisions hereinafter Ei«^tion^^d^ contained, the members of the said Advisory Council repre- of representa- senting the school trustees of the Province, shall be elected, trustees, each for a term of three years, by the members of the trus- tee section of the Ontario Educational Association at any annual meeting thereof, and sucli election shall be con- ducted in all respects in such manner as the majority of the members of the said trustee section shall deem expedi- ent. Any vacancy occurring at any time in such repre- sentation may be filled at the next annual meeting of the said association. The Lieutenant-Governor in Council may appoint two f^^^^^Pf ««"• renresentatives of the said school trustees as members of the trustees, said Advisory Council to hold office until the members of the said trustee section hold their first election, and in case of vacancy at any time in such representation, the Lieuten- ant-Governor in Council may appoint a member to hold office until the said trustee section elects another repre- sentative to fill such vacancy. 3 s. A 34 Vacating office. 21. Any member of the Advisory Board of Education who ceases to reside in, the Province of Ontario or ceases to possess the qualification upon which such member was elected as required by this Act, or becomes insane or is convicted of any felony or misdemeanor shall ipso facto vacate his or her o£&ce. offi°eoreduVa° ^^' Notwithstanding the provisions of this Act, the Edu- tionai council, cational Council appointed u^der the provisions of Section 6 of The Education Department Act of 1901 shall continue in office and shall discharge the prescribed duties con- nected with the annual departmental and matriculation examinations of 1906 until all matters connected there- with have been finally disposed of. POWER AND DUTIES OF MINISTER OF EDUCATION. Powers of 23. It shall be the duty of the Minister of Education and he shall have power : Apportionment (1) To apportion all sums of money voted by the Legis- lative Assembly as a general grant for public and separate schools among the several cities, towns, incorporated vil- lages and townships, except townships in the territorial districts, according ta the population in each as compared with the whole population of the Province, as shewn by the last annual returns received from the municipal clerks; Special grants. (2) To apportion all sums of money voted, by the Legis- lative Assembly as a special grant for rural public and separate schools among the several townships according to the population of each as compared with the popula- tion of all the townships in the Province, not including the territorial districts, according to the last annual re- turns received from the township clerks ; (3) To divide the total of the amounts so apportioned to each city, town, incorporated village and township be- tween public and separate schools according to the aver- age«number of pupils attending such schools respectively, during the next preceding calendar year, or during the number of months which may have elapsed from the estab- lishment of a new public or separate school as compared with the whole average number of pupils attending school in the same city, town, village or township ; (4) To see that the money so apportioned to the public schools of every city, town and incorporated village is paid to the treasurer thereof, and that the money so apportioned to the public schools of each township is paid to the treas- urer of the county in which such township is situated, on or before the first day of July in each year, as the Lieuten- ant-Governor in Council may direct : Division between pub- lic and Bepar- ate schools. Payment of grant to treasurer. 35 (5) To direct the county inspector to distribute among Distribution of the public school sections of each township under his juris- pSSiVsc'hJoisJ diction, subject to the Regulations of the Department of Education, all sums apportioned as aforesaid to the rural public schools therein, on the basis of the salaries paid to the teachers, the character of the accommodations, and the value of the equipment, after providing a minimum grant for each such school which is equipped as required by the Regulations of the Department of Education. All such grants shall be payable bv the township treasurer to the order of the treasurer or secretary-treasurer of the board of trustees on the inspector's order. Notice of such dis- tribution shall be given by the inspector to the trustees concerned ; (6) To distribute among the separate schools of each Distribution of township, subject to the Regulations of the Department feparJte"^"^* of Education, all sums apportioned as aforesaid to the"^^*^^^* rural separate schools therein, on the basis of the salaries paid to the teachers, the character of the accommodations, and the value of the equipment, after providing a mini- mum grant for each such school which is equipped as required by the Regulations of the Department of Educa- tion ; to give notice of such distribution to each separate school board concerned and to pay to the board of each separate school the amount apportioned thereto as afore- said, on or before the first day of July in eacii year, as the Lieutenant-Governor in Council may direct ; • (7) To apportion under the provisions of such regulations Apportionment as may be made by the Department of Education, all sums assSng p*oo7 of money voted by the Legislative Assembly for assisting ggjgjj^*;^^^^ public and separate^ school boards in poor rural districts to pay teachers* salaries ; (8) To pay to the trustees of every rural school in the Payments to Territorial Districts out of any sums of money voted there- }e?rUorii?di6- for by the Legislative Assembly, at least one hundred dol- ^"cts. lars for the full calendar year in equal half-yearly instal- ments on the report of the Inspector that this Act and the Regulations of the Department of Education^ have been complied with ; and to direct the Inspector to distribute thje rest of the grant, if any, amongst said schools in accordance with the regulations of the Department of Education; (9) To apportion all sums of monev voted by the Legisla- High school tive Assembly for high school purposes among the several ^alS.*' ^^^ hi?h schools of the Province, subject to the regulations of the Departinent of Education, on the basis of the salaries paid to teachers, the character of the accommodations, and the value of the equipment, after providing a mini- mum grant for each such school which is equipped in accordance with the Regulations of the Department of Edu- cation ; and to give notice of such apportionment to the 36 Minister may submit ques- tions arising upon school law to High Court. county clerk of each county, and to see that the same is paid to the high school treasurer as the Lieutenant-Gover- nor in Council may direct ; other grants, (IQ) Subject to the Regulations of the Department of Edu- cation, to apportion out of any grant made by the Legisla- tive Assembly for such purposes, all sums payable under anv statute in that behalf towards the maintenance of the normal schools or other schools or institutes for the train- ing of teachers, continuation classes, technical schools, maual training departments, household science depart- ments, school gardens, kindergartens, night schools, public libraries, art schools, inspection of schools, the examination of teachers, and all other incidental departmental expen- ses; also to apportion under the provisions of such regula- tions as may be made by Order in Council all sums of money voted by the Legislative Assembly for aiding public and separate school boards in rural districts to furnish cer- tain text-books free of cost. (11) To submit a case on any question arising under The Public Schools Act or The High Schools Act, or under The Separate Schools Act to any Judge of the High Court for his opinion and decision, or, with the consent of such Judge, to a Divisional Court of the said High Court for its opinion and decision ; dipmes^n"^^ (12) To decide upon all disputes and complaints laid complaints. before him the settlement of which is not otherwise pro- vided for by law, and upon all appeals made to him from the decision of any inspector or other school officer; (13) To appoint one or more persons, as he may deem expedient, to inquire into and report to him upon any school matter. Such person or persons, or any of them, shall have power to administer oaths to witnesses, or re- quire them to make solemn affirmation of the truth of the matters they may be examined upon; to suspend or can- cel for cause any certificate of qualification granted by the Education Department ; (14) To apply to the High Court for a writ of subpoena ad testificandum and also duces tecum upon the praecipe of the Minister of Education therefor, containing the names of the witnesses intended to be summoned thereby, such writ to be directed to each person who is required thereby to attend and give evidence at such times, and places, and before such person or persons as the Minister shall appoint ; and default of any person in obeying- such sub- poena shall be punishable as in any action or cause in the said Court; to^madrby (^^) "^^ report annually to the Lieutenant-Governor upon Minister of the Condition of Education in Ontario, with such suereres- Education. i- £ - ' '2. r. j i • « tions lor improving it as he may deem expedient. Power to appoint com- missioners. Compelling attendance of witnesses. 37 SPECIAL PROVISION FOR 1906. 24. Notwithstanding tlie provisions hereinbefore con- Apportionment tained, all sums of money voted by the Legislative Assem- gmnf Infww^ bly as a general grant for public and separate schools for the year 1906 shall be apportioned as if this Act had not been passed ; all moneys voted by the Legislative Assembly as a special grant for rural public and separate schools for the year 1906 shall be divided among the respective town- ships in the Province, not including the territorial districts, in the manner set forth in subsection 2 of section 23 of this Act; the part of such special grant which is apportioned to each township shall be divided between public and sepa- rate schools therein in the manner set forth in subsection 3 of said section 23, and the part thereof which is appor- tioned to the public schools of such township shall, sub- ject to the regulations of the Education Department in regard to union school sections composed of portions of dift'erent townships in the same or in different counties, be divided bv the inspector equally among all the other public schools therein, and the part thereof which is ap- portioned to the separate schools of any township shall be divided by the Minister of Education equally among all the separate schools therein. In each township where there are no separate schools the amount of such special grant apportioned, to such township for the year 1906 shall be divided by the inspector equally among • all the public schools therein. SUPERINTENDENT OF EDUCATION. 25. — (1) The Superintendent of Education shall, subject Duties and to the Minister of Education and any Acts or Regulations sSpe^rinten- ® in that behalf, have the general supervision and direction J^^^ ^^ ^^'^^*- of all classes of high, public and separate schools, the tech- nical schools, the professional training schools and examin- ations for teachers of the said schools, the teachers' insti- tutes, the art schools, the school libraries, and the inspec- tors of the said schools, and may make recommendations to the Minister on any matter arising out of such supervision and direction. (2) And the said Superintendent shall make annually to Annual report, the Minister a report on the condition and requirements of the part of the Provincial system of Education under his supervision and direction. 26. Except as provided in sections 3 and 4 of this Act fo^f/t|J>f^^ ^^ nothing in this Act contained shall be deemed, taken or segarate^^^ construed as, in any manner or for any purpose, altering, affected, varying or affecting any power, right or authority which, before the passing of this Act, was by law vested in or held, had or possessed by the Minister of Education or the 38 Department of Education in respect either to Roman Catholic Separate Schools or of any matter or thing what- soever pertaining- to or affecting said Separate Schools. REGULATIONS AND ORDERS IN COUNCIL. ?ndo?dere1ii ^'^' — ^^^ Every Regulation or Order in Council made couHciitobe Under this Act or under the public, separate or high schools LegisiaUve '^^ Acts, shall he laid before the Legislative Assembly forth- Assembiy. with, if the Legislature is in session at the ^ date of such Regulation or Order in Council, and if the Legislature is not in session such Regulation or Order in Council shall be laid before the said House within the first seven days of the session next after such Regulation or Order in Council is made. Disapproval by (2) In case the Legislative Assembly at the said session, Assembly. or if the sessiou does not continue for three weeks after the said Regulation or Order in Council is laid before the House, then at the ensuing session of the Legislature, dis- approves by resolution of such Regulation or Order in Coun- cil either wholly or of any part thereof, the Regulation or Order in Council, so far as disapproved of, shall have no effect from the time of such resolution being passed. COMMISSIONS OF ENQUIRY. S-Gov^Sor 28.— (1) When the Lieutenant-Governor in Council in Council maydcems it expedient to cause inquiry to be made into or con- order enquiry. . T ^ cernmg : — (a) Any institution which is under the control or man- agement of the Deportment of Education or any matter pertaining thereto ; (b) School books ; (c) Or any educational question, Powers of The Lieutenant-Govemor may, by the commission in the commissioners. „ . • . " . ' . . , case, confer upon the commissioner or commissioners by whom such inquiry is to be conducted, the power of sum- moning before them any person or witnesses, and of requir- ing them to give evidence on oath, orally or in writing (or on solemn affirmation, if they are persons entitled to affirm in civil matters), and to produce such documents and things as the commissioners deem requisite to the full investiga- tion of the matters into which they are appointed to examine. Enforcing ^ (2) The Commissioner or commissioners shall have before *cwn mis the Same power to enforce the attendance of witnesses and sioners. ^^ compel them to give evidence and produce documents and things, as is vested in any court in civil cases ; but no 39 person or witness shall be compelled to answer any ques- tion, by his answer to which he might render himself liable to a criminal prosecution. 29. The Act passed in the first vear of His Majesty's i Edw. vii., reign, chaptered 38, is hereby repealed. ' c. 88 repealed. SCHEDULE. (Section 10, (S) ). Form of Voting Paper. • Advisory Council of Education. Election, 19 I resident at , in the County of do hereby declare : (1) That the signature affixed hereunto is my proper hand- writing ; (2) That I vote for the following person or persons as member or members (as the case may he) of the Advisory Council of Edu- cation, viz., of in the County of etc. ; (3) That I have not signed any other voting paper as High, Public, or Separate School teacher, or Public School Inspector ; (4) That the voting paper was executed on the day of the date hereof ; (5) That I vote in my right as High, Public, or Separate School teacher or Public School • Inspector (as the case may he); and (6) That the date and number of my permanent professional certificate are Witness my hand this day of , A.D. 19 AN ACT TO AMEND THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS ACT. Assented to 14th May, 1906. HIS MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of On- tario, enacts as follows: — 1. Paragraph 4 of section 2 of The Public Schools Act isiEdw.vii., hereby amended by inserting after the word ''house'' iiipa?%^'^* the second line thereof the words ''school garden." amended. 2. Section 2 of The Public Schools Act is hereby amended i Edw.yii., by adding thereto the following paragraph : amended. 11. "Secretary" or "Treasurer" shall mean Secretary- •• secretary.';^ treasurer in a school section or municipality where a sec- meanmg^of! retary-treasurer is elected. 40 lEdw.VIl., C. 39, 8. 8, subs. 2, repealed. Grouping schools for continuation claises. 3. Subsection 2 of section 8 of the said Act is hereby- repealed and the following substituted therefor : — (2) The trustees of any number of public schools, or any number of public and separate schools, not situated in a high school district as defined by The High Schools Act, may, by mutual agreement, determine that such continua- tion classes shall be conducted in one of such schools for the benefit of the pupils of all of them', and in such cases the trustees of each of the said schools shall have power to provide, by additional or increased rates to be levied upon ^le same property upon which the other school rates are levied, for the maintenance of such continuation classes. The said agreement shall specify the proportion of the cost of maintenance to be paid by the trustees o-f each of said schools, or shall provide for the settlement of the same b:J arbitration or by such other method as they deem expedi- ent. 1 Edw. VII. C. 89, s. 8, subs. 5, amended. Qualifications of teachers of 'continuation classes. 4-. Subsection 5 of section 8 of the said Act is hereby amended by striking out the words ''at the date of this Act" in the first line thereof and substituting therefor the words ''on the 15th day of April, 190T,'" and by striking out all the words in the said subsection after the word ''principal" in the fourth line thereof and substituting therefor the words "or assistant after the date when this Act takes effect shall possess the qualifications prescribed by the llegulations of the Department of Education." continuation classes in united coun ties. 1 Edw. VII., 5. Subsection 6 of said section 8 is hereby amended by subs! 6.' ' adding thereto the following paragraph: — amended. Apportionment "The council of two Or more counties united for munici- 01 amount to i i • n i j t i • -i o be raised for pal purposes mfty apportion the amount to be levied for continuation classes so that each county forming such union shall be liable only for sums payable in respect of continu- ation classes within such county. Where trustees of differ- ent schools situated in more than one of such united coun- ties have joined together under subsection 2 for the con- duct of continuation classes, the said council may deter- mine the proportion to be paid by each of such counties in respect of such continuation classes." 1 Edw. VII., 6. Subsection 2 of section 9 of the said Act is hereby subs! 'A ^* amended by striking out the word "member" in the first amended. ijjjg thereof and substituting therefor the word "number." 1 Edw. VII., c. 39, s. 11, repealed. lEdw. VII., c. 39, 8. 12. subs. 4, amended. 7. Section 11 of the said Act is hereby repealed. 8. Subsection 4 of section 12 of the said Act is hereby amended by adding thereto the following words: "and to furnish annually, on or before the first day of December, to the local public school inspector, information in writing of 41 the acreage, tlie assessed value, the rate for school purposes and the school population between the ages of five and twenty-one years of each section or part of union section within the township. '^ 9. Subsection 5 of section 12 of the said Act is hereby i Edw. vu-. amended by striking out all the words after the word subs.' ,< ' ''shall'' in the second line, the whole of thp third, f ourth •°''^^^^' and fifth lines and the first three words of the sixth line thereof, and substituting therefor the words '*call the first meeting for the fourth Wednesday after the formation of such section, by causing notices to be posted in three of the most public places in the new section at least six clear days before the date when the said meeting is to be held" and by striking out the word ''time" in the seventh line and substituting therefor the word "hour." 10. Subsection 6 of said section 12 is hereby amended i Edw. vii., by striking out all the words in the second line after the subs! 6, ' • word "elected" and the first seven words of the third line *°^®^'^®^- and substituting therefor the words "or the first trustee in seniority shall hold office for a term to be computed from the date of the election until the expiration of three years from the next date fixed by this Act for holding annual meetings of ratepayers, the second shall hold office for one year less and the third for two years less than the said term, subject in all cases to the provisions of this Act respecting trustees being disqualified or vacating their offices." I \ 11. Subsection 4 of section 14 of the said Act is hereby i Ed w.vii.. amended bv striking out the last four words of the second subs! 4", line, the whole of the third line and the first word of the^^^^^^^^- fourth line, and substituting therefor the following: ''He ChaiTm^n^of shall not vote unless there is an equality of other votes ing^-casting when he shall give the casting vote." 12. Subsection 2 of section 15 of the said Act is hereby i^dw- vii., amended by inserting after the word "names" in the f 9^5"*^ ^^^^.^^ ' line thereof the words "and residences" and by striking out the words, "with the residence of the voter" at theV°*^^f** end of the said subsection. meetings. 13. Subsection 3 of section 15 of the said Act is hereby lEdw^vii.. repealed' and the following substituted therefor : S^lafed (3) When a poll is granted on any public school question Recording the secretary shall prepare or procure a poll-book with two ^o^tes.auchooi separate columns marked respectivelv "for" and against : and shall opposite to such columns write the name and residence of each ratepayer voting on the said question: 42 and snail record his vote by setting the figure *'l" oppo- site his name in the proper column so as to show how he votes on the said question. 1 Edw. VII. C.39, s, 15, subs. 4. amended. Declaration of farmer's son voting at meetings. 14. The following paragraph shall be inserted immedi- ately after the third paragraph of the declaration set forth in subsection 4 of section 15 of the said Act and shall be substituted for said third paragraph when a person claims to vote as a* farmer's son: ''That my father (mother, step- father or stepmother, as the case may be) is a supporter of the public school in said school section No. — , and that I have been a resident of said section for the past six months.'' 1 Edw. VII. c. 39, s. 15, subs. 7, amended. 15. Subsection 7 of section 15 of the said Act is hereby amended by inserting after the. word ''election" in the third line thereof the words : "and of the name and address of the chairman of the said meeting." i^dw.yii., IQ Subsection 8 of section 15 of the said Act is hereby subs.' 8.' ' amended by striking out all the words between the word amended. '^^^^^^^ ^^'^-^^ fifth H^e and the word "time" in the sixth ]ine thereof and substituting therefor the following: "and confirm the said election or proceedings if found to be in accordance with this Act or set aside the same if found not to be in substantial accordance therewith, and in the toSSiinl.^' latter event he shall appoint a" and by adding at the end of the said subsection the following : "and it shall not be incumbent upon the inspector to set aside such election or proceedings for want of formal compliance with the provi- sions of this Act if_he is satisfied that the result of such election or proceedings has not been affected thereby." J^^^. VII., 17 Subsection 9 of section 15 of the said Act is hereby subs! 9, ' amended by adding at the end thereof the words "or the vote or proceedings upon any school question." 1 Edw. VII., c. 39, s 18, subs. 2 amended. 18. Subsection 2 of section 18 of the said Act is hereby amended by inserting after the word "money" in the last line thereof the words : "in his possession, power or con- trol." J.^39.'^8.T9"' 1^- Subsection 2 of section 19 of the said Act is hereby 8«t>».'2. ' amended by adding thereto the following: "such request in writing or petition and the notice calling such special mietm^^^^'*"^ meeting shall specify the objects for which such special meeting is to be held." c.38%'. 20, ■' 20. Section 20 of the said Act is hereby amended by amended. striking out all the words therein after the word "there- by" in the fourth line thereof. 43 21 . Subsection 1 of section 22 is hereby repealed and the i Edw. vii., following substituted therefor: subs!?;^^' repealed. (1) There shall be two auditors in each rural school ^^^^.^^j^^^^ section. One shall be elected annually by the ratepayers rural school at the annual or a special meeting and the other shall i;)e ^'^^*'''°^* appointed by the school trustees on or before the first day of December in each year. In case an auditor dies or refuses or is unable to act another may be elected or ap- pointed in his place by the same authority that elected or appointed him. But if from any cause at any time after the first iay of December there are not two auditors, willing, able and authorized to act, the inspector on Ihe written request of any two ratepayers shall appoint one or both auditors as the case may require. 22. Subsection 1 of section 34 of the said Act is hereby i Edw. vii., repealed and the following substituted therefor : — subs. \^^' repealed. 34. — (1) The trustees of every rural school section, or ggj^^^jj^g ^^^ a majority of them, shall have power to select a new site for rural school site or to agree upon a change of school site, and thereupon the trustees shall forthwith call a special meet- ing of the ratepayers to consider the school site selected by them ; and no school site shall be adopted, or change of school site made, except in the manner hereinafter pro- vided, without the consent of a majority of such special meeting. 23. Sub-'ection 2 of said section 34 is hereby amended by lEdw. vii., inserting the word ''school" immediately before the word gubsl 2. ^''' "site" in the second line thereof. amended. 24. Subsection 2 of section 35 of the said Act is hereby 1 Edw. vii. amended by inserting after the word ''site" in the fif th ^;,g' \^^' line thereof the words "or required for the enlargement of a^^ended. the school premises." 25. vSubsection 4 of said section 35 is hereby amended by 1 Edw. vii., inserting: after the word "site" in the fifth line thereof the subs! 4. words "or for the enlargement thereof." 26. Subsection 1 of section 36 of the said Act is hereby 1 Edw. vii., amended bv insertinsr after the word "site" in the first line subs', i, thereof the words "or for land required for the enlarge- ^"^^°^^- ment of school premises" and bv adding at the end thereof the following: "and showinsr that the amount of the dam- ages has been paid or tendered as provided in the preced- ing section." 27. Subsection 1 of section 37 of the said Act is hereby ^ Edw. vii., amended bv striking out the word "the" in the second line subs! li thereof and substituting therefor tTie word "any" and by'^"^^^^^^- u striking? out all the words after the word ^ 'house" in the third line thereof and substituting therefor the words ' 'without the consent of the owner thereof." c.^Q.'I.IsV" 28. Section 38 of the said Act is hereby amended by amended. striking out all the words after ''shall" in the fourth line, and the whole of the fifth and sixth lines thereof and substituting therefor the words "approach within one hundred yards of or include any garden, orchard, pleas- ure ground, or dwelling house without the consent of the owner thereof." c^sg'^s' T5"" 2^- Section 45 of the said Act is hereby amended by add- amended.' ing" thereto the followino- subsections: — School sections and union sections confirmed. (2) Whenever a school section or a union school section has existed in fact for three months and upw^ards, and whether the same has been formed in accordance with the provisions of the law in that behalf or not, it shall be deemed to have been legally formed and shall continue to exist, subject, however, to the provisions of this Act as far as applicable, as if such section had been formed there- under, unless, in the meantime, proceedings have been taken calling in question the legal status of such section and notice thereof has been given to the persons who ought, according to the practice of the Court in which the proceed- ings are taken, to be served with notice thereof, and such proceedings shajl result in its beiner determined that such section has not been legally formed. Proceedings (3) No proceeding in or in relation to the formation, etc., validated, alteration or dissolution of a rural school section or a union school section and no arbitration or award in reference thereto or as to any matter which by the provisions of this Act are to be or mav be determined by arbitration shall be deemed to be invalid or shall be set aside because of the failure to comply with the provisions of this Act applicable to such proceeding, arbitration or award unless in the opinion of the tribunal before which such proceeding, arbitration or award is called in question the same, if allowed to stand, will cause substantial injustice to be done to the persons aiYected thereby or some of them. Scounty^or ^^^ Should any question arise touching the validity of district judge, the proceedings in or in relation to the formation, altera- tion or dissolution of any rural school section or union school section, or touching the selection, adoption or change of a school site, or touchinor any bv-law of the council of any municipal corporation in any way relating to the said matters or any or either of them or touching any arbitra- tion or award heretofore or hereafter had or made under the provisions or authoritv of this Act, the same shall not be raised, or determined bv action or proceeding in the High 45 Court of Justice for Ontario, but shall be raised, heard and determined upon a summary application to tne judge of the county or district court of the county or district in v\"hich such school section or some part thereof is situate, and the decision of such judge shall be final and conclu- sive, unless special leave to appeal therefrom shall be given by the High' Court or a judge thereof, and if such leave be given an appeal shall lie to the 'High Court upon questions of law only, upon and subject to such terms and conditions as the court or judge giving the leave shall prescribe. 30. Section 48 of the said Act is hereby amended 1^7 J ^g^-^"- striking out the figures ''43" in the 14th line thereof and amended.' substituting therefor the figures ''46." 31. Subsection 1 of section 58 is hereby amended ^^Y ^ ^gg^- X^^' striking out the words "after the first election of trustees" subs.' ij in the third line thereof and substituting therefor the *'^^"^^'^- words: '^except as hereinafter provided." 32. Subsection 2 of section 58 of the said Act is hereby i Edw. yii., amended by striking out the words "one of the trustees in siibl's"" °^' each^ward" in the first line thereof and substituting there- '^""^^^^e^i- for the words "After the first election of trustees in any ward or when from any cause the two trustees in any ward are elected simultaneously, one of them" and by striking out all the words of said subsection after the word "retire" in the sixth line thereof and substituting therefor the words : "After such first or simultaneous election one trus- tee shall be elected annually for each ward." 33. — (1) Subsection 1 of section 59 of the said Act isiEdw. vii., hereby amended by striking out the words "after the first gubl; f; ^^' election of trustees" in the second and third lines thereof , amended, and substituting therefor the words, "except as hereinafter provided." (2) Subsection 2 of section 59 of the said Act is hereby i Edw^ vii.. amended by striking out the first four words thereof and subs' i substituting therefor the following: "After the first elec- ^^«"^^^- tion of trustees in any such incorporated village three of them" and by striking out the word "which" in the 6th line thereof and substituting therefor the words "such first election." 34-. Subsection 6 of section 60 of the said Act is hereby i Edw. vii., amended by inserting after the. word "names" in the T^^sute.'e."^' line thereof the words "and residences" and by striking amended, out the last six words of the said subsection, 35. The Public Schools Act is herebv amended by insert- J Edw.^vn.,^^ ino- therein immediately after section 60 thereof the follow- ing as section 60<2 : not to vote. 46 rmptedfrom ^^.^' ^^^ person exempted by the trustees of any school school rates section from the payment of school rates wholly or in part on account of indigence shall thereby be deprived of the right to vote at any election of trustees or any meeting of ratepayers so long as such exemption shall continue. lEdw- vn., 36. Paragraph 5 of section 65 of the said Act is hereby par.'s," * amended by inserting aftet* the Avord ''assistants" in the amended. g^^j^ j-^^^ thereof the words ''to maintain each school dur- in"* the whole period of each school year except in cases where it is otherwise provided under this Act." 1 Edw. vri c. 39, s. 65, 37. Subsection 7 of the said section 65 is hereby repealed subs.'~7 "' and the following substituted therefor : repealed. " Triustees pur- (7) To purchase, in case they deem it expedient, for bookstand "° the use of pupils attending school, text-books and other supplies. school supplies; and, at their discretion, either to furnish the same to the pupils free of charge or to collect for the use thereof from the respective parents ar guardians of the pupils a sum not exceeding twenty cents per month per pupil to defray the cost thereof. l^Q^^; W' 38. Section 68 of the said Act is hereby repealed and the c. 39, s. 68, , -- . 1 ■•, T 1 n repealed. following substituted therefor: — i^nWrSi 68.— (1) The school board or board of education of every purposes. urban municipality shall have power to acquire and expro- priate any land required by them to be used for a school site, or for the enlargement of or an addition to, any exist- ing school site. appointment ^2) If the owncr of the land required refuses to sell the of Tjy trustees, ^^j^q qj. demands therefor a price deemed unreasonable by tlie school board or board of education, or refuses to accept the price such board is willing to pay, the school board or board of education may appoint an arbitrator and serve nr-tic" of such appointment upon the owner of the land reijuired and require him to appoint an arbitrator. Such notice may contain' a description of the land required as aforesaid, and a duplicate of such notice .containing such description may be registered in the registry office of the county or city in which the land is situated, together with an affidavit verifying the same and proving service of such notice upon the said owner. Such registration shall be notice to all persons whomsoever that the said land is being expropriated in the manner and at a price to be fixed as herein provided. Appointment (3) The said owner, within seven clear days after the byowner-'^ service upon him of notice of the appointment of an arbi- tMrdarbitra- frator by the said school board or board of education as aforesaid, shall appoint an arbitrator, and the two arbi- 47 trators so appointed shall appoint a third arbitrator, or in default of their appointment of a third arbitrotor within four clear days after the appointment of an arbitrator by the owner of the said land as aforesaid, the county jud^e of the county in which the land in question is situated:, upon the application of either party made upon two clear days' notice to the other party, shall appoint a third arbi- trator. (4) If the owner of the land required refuse or neglect owner to appoint an arbitrator and to give notice of such appoint- appoint. ment to the said school board or board of education within seven clear days after receiving notice of the appointment of an arbitrator by such board as aforesaid, the school board or board of education may apply ex 'parte to the said county judge upon affidavit setting forth the facts, and thereupon the county judge, with or without directing notice of such application to be served upon the owner of the said land as he shall deem proper, shall appoint two additional arbitrators. (5) If an appointed arbitrator refuses to act or is i neap- Arbitrators re- able of acting or dies, the other arbitrators, or in case of n^giecUng to their default for seven j^lear da^s, the county judge, shall, *^^* upon the application of either party, appoint an arbitrator to fill such vacancy, and the arbitrator so appointed shall have all the powers and act in the stead of the arbitrator so refusing or being incapable to act or dying as aforesaid. (6) Every school board or board of education in an urban g'r'Ta^dlVSn municipality shall make to the owners or occupiers of any or injured, real property adjacent to the land expropriated which is injuriously affected by the exercise of the powers of expro- priation conferred by this Act, due compensation for any damages necessarily resulting from the exercise of such powers: and every claim for such compensation, if not settled by mutual agreement, shall be determined by the said arbitrators. The said school board or board of educa- tion shall give such notices to the owners and occupiers of such adjacent land as the said arbitrators shall deem just and reasonable, and shall name a time therein within which claims shall be filed before the arbitrators ; and upon filing their claims the said owners and occupiers shall be entitled to be heajd and to adduce evidence before the said arbitra- tors, and shall be bound by the aw^ard of the arbitrators as to the compensation for such damages. In case any. owner or occupier of such adjacent land fails to make his claim to such compensation in writing filed before the said arbi- trators within the time limited by such notice, or such further time pending the arbitration as the arbitrators in their discretion shall permit, such owner or occupier shall lose all right to such compensation. 48 Arbitrators (7) The arbitrators so appointed as aforesaid shall have ™r o^ths!'"^^ power to, administer oaths to persons appearing to give evidence before them, or to take the solemn affirmations of such persons, if they are entitled to affirm in civil proceed- ings. Powersof (g) ^he arbitrators shall have power to hear and deter- arbitratorsasto .'__.. • t , « i ' •» determining mine all claims OP rights of encumbrancers, lessees, tenants c aims. ^^j^j other persons as well as those of the owner in respect of the said land required, and of the owners and occupiers of such adjacent lands : and to decide who are necessary or proper persons to appear before them either generally upon the said arbitration or in respect of any particular claim or right : and to direct all necessary notices to be served and in what manner they may be served ; and after hearing all parties interested, and the evidences adduced, the said arbitrators shall make their award as to the price to be paid for the land in question and as to the apportionment of such price where more parties than one are interested therein, and as to the amount to be paid to each lessee, ten- ant or other claimant by way of compensation in respect of an^ interest or right affected, and as to any compensation or damages, if any, to be paid to such adjacent owners or occupiers, or anv of them. Decision of two (9) In case of the disagreement of the arbitrators on nny be binding. matter Connected with the said arbitration or as to the award to be made, the decision or award of any two of them shall be valid and binding upon all parties. Twoarbitra- (10) If one arbitrator refuses or neglects to attend any ce?d?n*Ib?ence lawful meeting of the arbitrators, the other two arbitrators of third. ^^^ proceed in his absence and may hear and determine all matters that come before them and may make and pub- lish their award upon the matter or matters in question, and such award shall be valid and binding upon all parties ; or they may adjourn the meeting for any period not exceed- ing ten days, giving the absent arbitrator notice of the said adjournment. Subpoenas. (11) The school board or board of education, the owner of the land in question, or any encumbrancer, lessee, ten- ant, or other person interested in the said land or claiming compensation in respect of any interest or right affected by the expropriation of such land, or any owner or occupier of such adjacent land, may sue out of the High Court of Justice a writ of subpoena ad testificandum, or a writ of subpoena duces tecum ^ and may comnel the attendance of witnesses and the production of documents and things be- fore the said arbitrators in the manner practised in the said court, but no person shall be compelled under any such writ to produce any document which he could not be com- pelled to produce on the trial of an action in the said court. 49 (12) The arbitrators shall make their award within three Time for mak- months after entering on the reference or after having been "'^ *'^*'"**- called on to act by notice in writing from the said school board or board of education or the owner of the land in question, or on or before any later day to- which the arbi- trators, by any writing signed by them, may from time to time enlarge the time for making the award. (IS) The said school board or board of education shall Payment of pay all sums as required by the said award to the parties ^^^'°'^" to whom such sums are awarded, or into court in accoid- ance with the provisions of this Act. If by reason of the absence of the person entitled to be when amount paid any sum, or for any other reason, payment of such SlpitdlmS^ sum cannot be made pursuant to the said award, or if the ^°^''*- title to the said land expropriated, or any interest therein, or to or in such adjacent land oi any part thereof, or the right to any portion of the compensation therefor, is in doubt, or if the school board or board of education have reason to fear any claim or encumbrance, or if for any other reason the said school board or board of education deems it advisable, such board may pay the moneys due under the said award or anj part thereof into the High Court of Justice w4th six months' interest thereon. Upon payment or tender of all moneys awarded by the arbitrators to the parties entitled thereto, or upon payment thereof, or such part thereof as has not been paid to any person pursuant to the said award, into court w4th interest as aforesaid pursuant to this Act, the school board or board of education mav enter upon, take, anxl use the said land for the purpose for which it was required. (14) The owner of the land required and all parties inter- owners and ested therein or claiming any compensation by reason of aSrwitncMes. the expropriation of the same, and every owner or occupier of adjacent land claiming compensation or damages, shall, subject io any legal objection, submit to be examined by or before the arbitrators on oath, or on affirmation, if entitled to affirm in civil cases, in relation to the matters in ques- tion, and shall, subject as aforesaid, produce before the arbitrators all deeds, writings, documents and things in their possession or power respectively, which may be re- quired or called for, and do all other things which during the proceedings on the reference the arbitrators may require. (15) The award of the arbitrators shall be in writing. Award to be in and in duplicate if required by the school board or board dupHcftt°if '° of education, and shall set forth the metes and bounds of ^®^"^^^^- the land in question, and, the said award or a duplicate thereof shall be registered in the registrv office of the county or city in which the said land is situated, on the 4 S.A. 50 affidavit of the secretary of tlie board verifying tlie same, and shall be deemed to be the title of the trustees to the land mentioned therein and .shall be a good title thereto against all persons whomsoever. Costs of arbi- (16) The costs of the arbitration and award, and of every matter involved therein, shall be in the discretion of the arbitrators, who may direct to and by whom and in what manner such costs or any part thereof shall be paid, and they may award costs to be paid as between solicitor and client. s^^39"sS,'*to ^1'^) Subsection 1 of section 39 of the said Act shall be urban munici- construed as applying to land in urban municipalities as panes, ^^Yi gg ^Q lands required for rural school sites. 1 Edw. VII. C. 39, s. 70, repealed . 39. — (1) Section 70 of the said Act is hereby repealed and the following substituted therefor : — County rate in aid of schools. Township grant in aid of schools. Where assess- ment is less than $30,000 for each section. 70. — (1) The municipal council of every organized county shall levy and collect by an equal rate upon the taxable property of the whole county (not included in urban muni- cipalities or annexed to any urban municipality for school purposes) according to the equalized assessments of the municipalities, in the manner provided by this Act and The Municipal and Assessment Acts, a sum which shall be at least the equivalent of all special grants made by the Legislative Assembly to the rural schools of the county, and such sum shall be payable to the trustees of the respective schools receiving such legislative special grants in the same proportions as the said special grants ^re apportioned. (2) Where the assessed value of all the taxable property of the public school supporters in any township of an organ- ized county is at least equal to an average assessment of 130,000 for each public school section therein the munici- pal council of such township shall levy and collect by as- sessment upon the taxable property of the public school supporters of the whole township in the manner provided by this Act and The Municipal and Assessment Acts, the sum of $300 at least for every public school where a teacher or principal teacher is engaged for a whole year exclusive of Vacations, and a proportionate amount of such sum of |300 at least, w^here a teacher or principal teacher is en- gaged for six months or longer ; and the additional sum of at least $200 for an assistant teacher engaged for a whole year exclusive of vacations, and a proportionate amount of such sum of |200 at least, where an assistant teacher is engaged for pix months or longer. (3) Where such assessed value is less than an average assessment of |30,000 for each public school section in any township:, the municipal council of such township shall 51 levy and collect as aforesaid tlie sum of |150 at least for every public school where a teacher or principal teacher is engaged for a whole year exclusive of vacations, and a pro- portionate amount of said sum of |150 at least where a teacher or principal teacher is engaged for six months or longer; and an additional ^um of at least |100 for every assistant teacher engaged for a whole year exclusive of vacations, and a proportionate amount of such sum of |100 at least, where such assistant teacher is engaged for six ]nonths or longer. (4) The sums so levied and collected by the council of the ofPfoJ^nship township shall, after the expiration of the present calendar grant to year, be applied exclusively to teachers' salaries. salaries. (5) In addition to the sum provided by the township Amounte to council towards each teaeher's salary, the trustees of every trustees to- rural school section shall, in the cases hereinafter men- ^li^es*^^^®" tioned, pay annually, after the expiration of the current calendar vear, to the teacher, where there is only one, and to the principal teacher where there are more teachers than one, at least the sum hereinafter mentioned (subject only to a proportionate reduction in case the whole year's salarv does not become due), that is to say: (a) |200 where the assessed value of the taxable pro- perty of the public school supporters in the section is at least |200,000 ; (6) |150 where such assessed value is at least |150,000 but less than |200.:,000; (c) |100 where such assessed value is at least f 100,000 but less than 1150,000; (d) |50 where such assessed value is at least |50,000, but less than |100,000; (e) |25 where such assessed value is at least |30,000; but less than |50,000 : And 1100 to every assistant teacher, whatever such assessed value is. The said trustees m making their annual estimates and requisitions for school moneys to be levied and collected from the ratepayers, shall include whatever amount, con- sidering their other sources of income, is necessary to pro- vide for such payment or payments. (6) The public school inspector shall have power to, and SCleV^ shall, suspend the certificate of any teacher in a rural Joi^accepting school who agrees to accept a salary of less amount than is herein provided for, or who by rebate, deduction, donation, or other subterfuge accepts a less amount in settlement of his or her claim for salary. The inspector shall forthwith 52 Rates for teachers' salaries in union school sections. report such suspension to the Minister of Education.;, and the suspension shall be continued or dealt with as the Minister deems expedient. In case the full amount of the salary provided for herein shall not be paid to any teacher by the trustees of a rural school, or if by rebate, deduction, donation or other sub- terfuge, any such teacher accepts a less amount in settle- ment of his or her salary the difference between the said full amount provided for herein and the less sum so paid or accepted as aforesaid, shall be deducted by the township treasurer, on the order of the public school inspector, from the amount payable by the township council to the said trustees under subsection 2 or 3 (as the case may be) of this section, and by said treasurer divided equally amongst the other school sections of the township. (7) In the case of a union school section formed of parts of different townships, the sums herein provided to be levied and collected from the ratepayers by township councils shall be levied and collected as aforesaid by the several councils out of the taxable property of the public school supporters of such union school section, each in the pro- portion which such taxable property within its jurisdic- tion bears to'tlie taxable property of public school support- ers in the whole union section. (8) In the case of a union school section formed of parts of different townships, the sums mentioned in subsection 2 of this section shall be paid by the respective township councils in proportions to be fixed in accordance with the provisions of section 54 of this Act. ^mSSply-* (^) Wh-en any portion of the salary of any teacher in a able by county rural school f or any reason does not become payable or is owns ip. ^,jj-jjjjg|j from such teacher in accordance with the terms of this Act, the sums payable respectively by the county, the township or townships, and the ratepayers, on account of such salary, shall abate:, in the proportions in which they were respectively liable for the whole. re^uiiSdfto (10) All monevs hereby required to be levied and col- pai?over^as^^ Iccted and applied to the salaries of teachers shall be paid required. fo the treasurers of the respective public school boards from time to time as may be required by the school trus- tees. Township grants to union school sections . Apprtionment in united counties. (11) The county council of two or more counties united for municipal purposes may apportion the amount to be levied for public school pur]20ses so that each county form- ing such union shall be liable only for sums payable in respect of public schools within such county. c.39, s'. 71, ■' 40. Subsection 1 of section 71 of the said Act is hereby Amended. amended by inserting after the word ''property" in the 63 second line thereof the words **of the public school sup- porters" and by striking out all the words in the said sub- section after the word * 'expenses'' in the eighth line there- of. il. — (1) Subsection 1 of section 74 of the said Act isl^^^-JJl hereby amended by inserting after the word * 'purchase" subs* i," in the second line thereof the words ''or enlargement." *™®° ® (2) Subsiection 2 of section 74 of the said Act is l^^reby i E^dw^ vii. amended by inserting after the word "municipality" where subs.' 2.' it first occurs in the sixth line thereof the words "'Such ^°'^"^^^- application must be sanction-ed by the ratepayers of the union school section in the manner set forth in the preced- ing subsection," and by inserting after the word "form- ing" in the sixth and seventh lines thereof the words "or any portion or portions of which form," and by adding at the end thereof the following paragraph: "The propor- tion of the moneys payable under said debentures by each of the said municipalities shall be payable out of the tax- able property therein lying within the said union school section." 4-2. Subsection 1 of section 76 of the said Act as enacted lEdw- vii. by section 5 of the Act passed in the third year of His subs! 1, ' Majesty's reign, chaptered. 32, is hereby amended by in-*"^®° serting after the word "purchase" in the fourth lin-e there- of the words "or enlargement," and by inserting after the word "thereto" in the fifth line thereof the words '*or re- pairs or improvements of the school property." 43. Section 78 of the said Act is hereby amended by lEdw.vii.. striking out all the words thereof after the word "for" in amended.' the 7th line thereof, and inserting in place thereof the words following: "any one or more of the following pur- poses : the purchase or enlargement of a school site, the erection of a school house, or any addition thereto, or the erection of a teacher's residence, or any addition thereto, and any sum so borrowed shall be applied only to the pur- pose or purposes for which it was borrowed." 44. Subsection 3 of section 80 of the said Act is hereby 1 Edw. vii., amended by adding thereto the following: "or when ^^^i^sj^s.'^' any reason his engagement has ceased." *™^° 45._(1) Subsection 1 of section 83 of the said Act isi^dw-vn.- hereby amended bv inserting after the word ''q^alifica-s'^l^^^^ tion"'^in the seventh line thereof the words : "and actually engaged in teaching having had at least three years' experi- ence as a teacher in one or more of the public or separate schools of the Province." 1 Edw. VII. (2) Subsection 5 of said seciion 83 is hereby repealed. c^g. s- 83. repealed. 54 1 Edw. VII., C. 39, S. 86, subs, 3-6, repealed. 46. Subsections 3, 4, 5 and 6 of section 86 of the said Act are hereby repealed and the following subsections sub- stituted therefor : County (3) The municipal council of each county shall appoint appointment One OP more public school inspectors for such county. ® ' The number appointed shall be such that no inspector shall have charge of more than one hundied and forty schools or departments^ with separate registers, or less than fifty, except as hereinafter provided. Limit of (4) When more than one inspector is appointed for any sctSois^inder county, the county council shall prescribe and number the each inspector, territorial divisions of each, in such manner that no in- spector shall have charge of more than one hundred and twent-9 or less than fifty s'^hools except as hei«iinafter pro- vided. The council may change or remove the inspectors from one division of the county to another whenever they deem it expedient. (5) .Each inspector shall have charge of all the public schools of any town not separated, from the county in the district to which he has been appointed ; but this shall only apply to the towns referred to in subsection 9 of this sec- tion when the office of inspector in such towns becomes vacant. Towns not separated from the county. Limit where French or German < {>revailing anguage. Appoi of inspectors for each elec- toral division. (6) In a county containing any municipality wherein the French or German language is the common or prevail- ing language, the inspector in whose division such muni- cipality lies may have charge of less than fifty schools but not less than forty. (6a) Notwithstanding anything hereinbefore contained, in any county divided into electoral divisions, the county council may in its discretion appoint an inspector for each or any of the said divisions and in such case the inspector appointed to any electoral division may have charge of all the public schools therein whatever their number, ex- cept in cities or towns separated from the county:, or in the towns referred to in subsection 9 of this section while the present inspectors continue in office in said last mentioned towns, but as soon as such last named inspectorships be- come vacant the inspectors appointed by the council as aforesaid shall take charge of the schools in such last men- tioned towns. lEdw. vii., 47. Subsection 8 of section 86 of the said Act is hereby subs.'!:^' repealed and the following substituted therefor: — repealed. Remuneration (8) The county council shall pay in equal quarterly m- fns^ectore. stalments to every county inspector, the annual sum of |6 for each teacher occupying a separate room with a sepa- rate register, and such additional sum as it>deems reason- 65 able for travelling expenses, which additional sum shall never be less than $150 per annum, with |1.50 added for each school under his charge exceeding 50 in number. The county council shall also pay to every county inspector his reasonable expenses for postage and stationery, and in case of dispute the amount thereof shall be settled by the county judge, upon the application of the inspector or of the said council, and the decision of the said county judge shall be final. iS. Subsection 10 of section 86 of the said Act isiEdw. vii., hereby repealed and the following substituted therefor: — subslibf^' repealed (10) Out of any sum of money appropriated by the Remuneration Legislature for that purpose, the sum of |800 shall be paid as the Lieutenant-Governor in Council may direct, towards the salary of every county inspector, and the sum of S5 Maximum for every teacher occupying a separate room with a sepa-saia^of rate register shall be paid, as the Lieutenant-Governor in inspectors. Council may direct, to the school board of every city or town separated from the county, towards the payment of. the salary of the inspector of such city or town. 49. Subsection 12 of section 86 of the said Act is hereby i Edw^- vii.. amended by inserting after the word ''or" in the *^^^^ a^|-^J|'(j line thereof the words ''subject to the approval of the^""®"^®' Lieutenant-Governor in Council," and by striking out the words "or without cause by a vote of two-thirds of such council or board'^ in the fourth and fifth lines thereof. 50. Subsection 3 of section 8T of the said Act is hereby i Edw. vii.. amended by adding thereto the following as paragraph subs! 3 ' «): "(e) The inspector shall not, however:, withhold his order for the amount apportioned from the legis- lative or municipal grant, nor shall the teacher's salary be withheld by reason of any school being kept open 'for less than six months of the year when such school has been closed by order of the health officer on account of any contagious dis- ease or diseases." 51 Subsection T of section 93 of the said Act is hereby j ^d^, yii., amended bv striking out the figures "87" where they occur J^39. s. 93. in the second and third lines thereof and substituting there- amended, for the figures "91" and by strikingr out the figures 89 in the fourth line thereof and substituting therefor the fig- ures "93." ' 52. Subsection 3 of section 95 of the said Act "is hereby lEdw^vii., amended bv striking out the word "any" i^.^^^^P*^ ^^^^ Bubs'.a. ' thereof and substituting therefor the word "the" and by amended. 56 inserting after the word "trustees" in the said fifth line the words "of the last named section" and by inserting after the word "remit" in the said fifth line the words "the w^hole or any part of the said rates, not exceeding the amount of." 1 Edw. VII. c. 39, s. 95, subs. 5, amended. 53. Subsection 5 of section 95 of the said Act is hereby amended by striking out the last two words in the fourth line thereof and the first word of the fifth line thereof, and by inserting after the word "purposes" in the sixth line thereof the words: "or so much thereof." 1 Edw. VII., c. 39, s. 98, subs. 3, amended. 64-. Subsection 3 of section 98 of the said Act is hereby amended by inserting after the word "thereto" in the sixth line thereof the following: "He snail also certify under his hand to the Minister of Education a true copy of the said summons, statement of claim, proceedings, evi- dence, judgment and objections," and by striking out the word, "hereinafter" in the sixth line thereof and" sub- stituting therefor the word "hereinbefore." 1 Edw. VII. C. 39, 8, 98, subs. 4, amended. 55. Subsection 4 of said section 98 is hereby amended by striking out all the words therein from the commencement thereof down to and including the word "thereto" in the sixth line thereof. 1 Edw. VII. c. 39, 8. 101, amended. 66. Section 101 of the said Act is hereby amended by striking out the words "for its use" at the end thereof, and substituting therefor the words "and applied by them to school purposes." 1 Edw. VII. C. 39, s, 104. amended. 57. Section 104 of the said Act is hereby amended by inserting after the word "the" in the fifth line thereof the words "municipality or" and by inserting after the word "and" in the sixth line thereof the words "except in casess falling within the provisions of subsection 2 of section 62 of this Act." 1 Edw. VII., c. 39, s. 105, amended. 1 Edw. VII. c. 39. s. 106, amended. 68. Section 10e5 of the said Act is hereby amended by striking out the word "may" in the tenth line thereof and substituting therefor the words "shall on proof of the facts" and by inserting after the word "and" in the eleventh line. thereof the words : "except in an urban muni- cipality when the trnstees notifv him that they have decided to allow the office to remain vacant pursuant to the provisions of subsection 2 of section 62 of this Act, shall " 69. Section 106 of the said Act is hereby amended bv insertincr after the word "publication" at the end of the fourth line thereof the words ^'in which any advertise- ment is inserted in the regular course of business or." 57 60. Section 113 of tlie said Act is hereby amended by i Edw. vii. striking out all the words in the eip^hth line thereof after amended!'' the word ''by" and inserting in place thereof the words: "the public school corporation or any ratepayer or rate- payers interested therein suing on behalf of himself or themselves and all other ratepayers of the school section or municipality interested therein." 61.— (1) Subsection 2 of section 115 of the said Act i« i.^39,1 ns.' hereby amended by inserting after the word "order" i^ l^end d the second line thereof the words "or a true copy therof.*' (2) Subsection 3 of said section 115 is hereby amended bj* c. 39,\ 115, inserting after the word "appointed" in the first line l^l^ded. thereof the words "or at a time and place to which the ap- plication may then in the discretion of the judge be adjourned." (3) Subsection 4 of said section 115 is hereby aniended J^^\y/,^" by adding thereto the following paragraph : "It is shall l>e I'^ij^^,^^ competent, however, for the judge, upon proof that such person has done all in his power and it has become impos- sible for him to deliver up, account for or pay over the books, papers:, chattels or moneys aforesaid in manner aforesaid, to order his discharge on such terms or conditions as may appear just." 62. Section 116 of the said Act is hereby amended Iby J Kdw- vii.. inserting after the word "ratepayer" in the last line there- amended. ' of the words "any trustee, secretary or treasurer so refus- ing." 63. Subsection 1 of section 121 of the said Act is hereby J.^g^;^^ y2\^;' amended by inserting after the word "shall" in the third |^|;^i^.^^ line thereof the words "sell or." AN ACT TO AMEND THE DEPARTMENT OF EDU- TION ACT. Assented to 20th April, 1907. HIS MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of On- tario, enacts as follows: — 1. Section 3 of The Department of Education Act '^^l^^^^J^^- amended by striking out the words "Ontario Normal Col- amended, leo-e" in the fifth and sixth lines and inserting therein jurisdiction of after the word "Libraries" in the sixth line the words ^«p-^^-^°^- "travelling libraries, summer and vacation schools, school cadet corps." 58 c^2^^sy"" ^- Subsection 4 of section 4 of tlie said Act is amended subs! 4. ' by adding at the end thereof the words ^'and for the pre- paration of school plans and specifications/' 6 Edw. VII., c. 52, s. 4, subs. 6, 7, repealed. Aflaiiating other institu- tions with universities. Accepting courses in faculty of education for professional training. 3. Subsections 6 and 7 of section 4 of the said Act are repealed, and the following substituted therefor : (6) For affiliating with the Universities or the Normal schools such Collegiate Institutes, High Schools, Public Schools or Separate Schools as he may- deem necessary for practical instruction in the art of teaching ; (7) For accepting such courses and examinations of the Facultv,of Education of an Ontario Uni- versity as he may deem adequate for the pro- fessional training of first-class teachers and High School assistant teachers. c.M.'^s.L"' 4. Subsections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 of section 23 of repealed *^® ^^^^ ^^^ wxre repealed and the following subsections substituted therefor: Duties of Minister. Apportionment of grant for Urban Schools. Division between Public and Separate Schools. Apportionment or grant for rural schools. (1) To apportion all sums of money, voted by the Leg- islative Assembly as a general grant for Urban, Public and Separate Schools among the s-everal cities, towns and incorporated villages accord- ing to the population of each as compared with the population of all the urban municipalities in the Province according to the last annual returns received from municipal clerks. (2) To divide the amount so apportioned to each city, town and incorporated village between the Pub- lic and Separate Schools therein according to the average number of pupils attending such schools respectively during the next preceding calendar year, or during the number of months which may have elapsed from the establishment of a new Public or Separate School as compared with the whole average number of pupils at- tending school in the same city, town or village, and to pay the money so apportioned to the Public Schools of each city, town and incorpor- ated village to the municipal treasurer thereof, and the money so apportioned to the Separate Schools direct to the Separate School Trustees concerned on or before the first day of July in each year as the Lieut-enant-Governor in Coun- cil may direct. (3) Subject to the regulations of the Department of Education, to apportion all sums of money voted by the Legislative Assembly as a general 59 grant for the rural Public and Separate Schools in the^ organized counties and districts amongst said rural schools in the organized counties and in the districts respectively on the basis of the salaries paid to the teachers, the value of the equipment, the character of the accommoda- tions, the grade of the teachers' professional certificates, and the amount of the assessments. (4) The grant for the rural Public and Separate Schools when grants in the organized counties shall be payable on JJ^J^JJ^^^^hoois or before the first day of August, as the Lieuten- ant-G^overnor 'in Council m^y direct, to the treasurer of each county, and through him (ex- cept when the county treasurer acts as sub- treasurer also) to the various township treas- urers of the county, for payment to the respec- tive Boards of Rural Public and Separate School Trustees upon the warrants of the Public or Separate School Inspectors concerned. (5) Subject to the Regulations of the Department of Grants for Education, the grants for the Rural Public and S be payable Separate Schools in the districts shall be pay- ISstriments. able in two instalments direct to the respective , boards of trustees as the Lieutenant-Governor in Council may direct; the first instalment on or before the first day of August, and the sec- ond on or before the first day of December. (6) Under the provisions of such regulations as may Apportionment be made by the Department of Education, to o^ &rant-^ m^ apportion to Public and Separate School Boards in poor rural districts:, and to the residents of lumber, mining, and oth-er settlements all sums of money voted by tTie Legislative Assembly for teachers' salaries to Public and Separate School Boards in poor rural districts, and for such other school purposes as the Minister of Edu- cation may consider expedient. 5. Subsection 10 of section 23 of the said Act is repealed 6 Edw^ vii., and the following substituted therefor : subs'. i6 repealed. aO) Subject to the Regulations of the Department of ^j^^^^,^^ Education, to apportion out of any grants made of grant made bv the Legislative Assembly for such purposes, schools, all sums payable under any Statute or regula- tion of the Department in that behalf towards the maintenance of Faculties of Education in any of the Fniversities, the Normal Schools or other Schools or Institutes for the Training of Teachers, Continuation Classes, Consolidated 60 Schools, TecKnical Schools, Manual Training Departments, Household Science Departments, Instruction in Agriculture, School Gardens, Kindergartens;, Night Schools, Public Libra- ries, Art Schools, Inspection of Schools, the Examination of Teachers, and all other Inci- dental Departmental Expenses ; also to appor- tion under the provisions of such regulations as may be made by Order-in-Council all sums of money voted by the Legislative Assembly for aiding Public and Separate School Boards in rural districts to furnish text-books free of cost, and for paying the Public and High School Boards sums in aid of cadet corps, which have been established accordinor to the Regulations of the Department of Education. 6Edw. VII., C. 62, 8. 23, amended. Accepting other qualifi- cations in lieu of department- al examina- tions. 6. The said section 23 is amended by inserting therein the following subsection : 10a. To accept in lieu of the Departmental Examina- tions such evidence of Academic Scholarship or professional training or experience as he may deem equivalent to what is prescribed for teach- ers' certificates. SSSstenV""" '^' ^^^ ^^*s ^^^ P^^*s of Acts heretofore enacted by the enactments. Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, in so far as they are inconsistent with the provisions of this Act, are repealed. AN ACT TO AMEND THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS ACT. A.ssented to 20th April, 1907. HIS MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of On- tario, enacts as follows: — 1 Kdw. VII., c. 39, s. 6, amended. Right of immigrant children to attend schools. 1. Section 6 of The PvhJic Schools Act is amended by addincr thereto the following, as subsection 2 : (2) Every corporation, society, agent or person having the custody of any child heretofore or hereafter brought into the Province of Ontario, shall be entitled to send such child to the Public or Separate School of the muncipality or school section in which the child resides, as if he were the child of a ratepayer in such municipality or school section ; and every such corporation, society, agent or person having the custody of 61 such child' shall be subject to the Acts respect- ing truancy and compulsory attendance at school, and to the penalties imposed by such Acts in the same manner and to the same extent as any ratepayer. 2. Section 8 of the said Act is amended by adding there- i Ed w. vii.. to the following as subsection 7 : — amended'. (7) AVhere the Board of Trustees of a union school sec- continuation tion establishes continuation classes in the union to be levied school, or joins with one or more other Boards ^^^" of Trustees in establishing such classes as here- ^ inbefore provided, the Municipal Council of each municipality having a whole or part of its territory within the union school section •shall levy and collect upon the taxable pro- perty of such union school section its jurisdic- tion, its proper share of the expense of estab- lishing and maintaining the said continuation classes accordng to the equalized assessment of * each portion of the said union school section in the respective municipalities. 3. Subsection 5 of section 12 of the said Act as amend- lE^dw.vii., ed by section 9 of the Act passed in the sixth year of His subs'. 5', '' Majesty's reign, Chaptered 53, is further amended by amended, striking out the words ''the formation of such section" in the sixth line of said section 9 and inserting in lieu thereof the words ''time for appealing against the by-law forming such section has expired or after the final disposition of the appeal, if any," and by adding at the end of the said subsection the words "at any time after a Board of Trus- tees has been elected, they may take the proper steps under the provisions of this Act to raise funds for and purchase a school site and erect school buildings." 4. vSection 16 of The Public Schools Act is amended byiEdw.vii., adding the following as subsections 2 and 3: — amended.' (2) Where after the resignation of a rural School tfus- Trustee res^gn- tee he has continued to act for three months without histinuingto right to do so being called in question by proceedings to *'''• vacate his seat, or for the holding of a new election, ^ he shall be deemed to have continued to be a trustee notwith- standing his resignation, and shall hold office for the re- sidue of the term for which he was elected. (3) The 'preceding subsection (2) shall apply retrospec- tively. . 5. Section 21 of the said Act is amended by adding at lEdw^. vii.. the end thereof the following: amended.' lEdw. VII. C. 39, s. 25, subs. 5, amended. 62 "Aud the TownsLiip Council shall pay to the trustees ''of such rural school section their actual dis- ''bursements for the maintenance of their pupils *'at, and the transportation of their pupils to •''and from the school they attend, not exceeding "the minimum sum required by subsections 2. "3 and 4 of section TO of this Act, to be levied, "collected and applied to teachers' salaries in "school sections where the schools are main- "tained. "The said trustees shall also be entitled to receive such "share of the legislative and county grants as "may be determined by the Minister of Educa- "tion in case the amount received from the "Township Council is not sufficient to cover the "said actual disbursements." 6. Subsection 5 of section 25 of the said Act is amended by adding at the end thereof the words : "and may at any time after their election take the proper steps in accordance with the provisions of this Act, to raise funds for and' purchase a school site and erect school buildings." VII., lEdw c. 39, amended Collection of arrears of taxes in un- organized territory. SherifT to enter particu- lars in book. Payments of arrears there- after. 7. The Public Schools Act is further amended by insert- ing therein the following as section 29a: — 29a. — (1) Every collector shall, on or before the first day of June in the year following the year in which any school rate becomes due and payable in an unorganized township in a Provisional Judicial District, make a return to the sheriff of the district, showing each lot or parcel assessed, upon which the school rates have not been fully paid, the name of the person assessed as owner or occupant and the amount of school rates chargeable against the lot or parcel and in arrears at the date of such return with the year for which the rates so in arrear were imposed. (2'l The sheriff shall ^ter in the book to be kept by him for' that purpose the particulars furnished by the collector as aforesaid. (3) The collector shall not receive any payments on ac- count of school rates so in arrear after the expiration of two years from the date when the same became due and chargeable, but in the case of payments made before the expiration of the period of two years the collector shall forthwith notify the sheriff thereof and the sheriff shall enter such paymejit against the proper lot or parcel in the book to be kept by him for the purpose. After the expira- tion of the said period of two y-ears all such arrears shall be payable to the sheriff and the sheriff shall enter such payment m the book kept by bim as aforesaid and shall return the amount so paid to the secretary-treasurer of the Public School Board. (4) Whenever it appears from the entries in the book to saie of land be kept by the sheriff as aforesaid that any school rate ig ^°^"'^^*'^- in arrear for three years from the 31st Jay of December in the year in which the same became payable the sheriff shall proceed to collect the same by the sale of the lands assessed and the procedure in relation to such sale and the provi- sions api^licable to deeds, the redemption of lands there- after and deeds to be given to the tax purchasers shall be the same as nearly as possible as in the case of the sale of lands by the sheriff for arrears of taxes in organized muni- cipalities in a Provisional Judicial. District. 8. Subsection 1 of section 37 of The Public Schools ^c^l^i^^\f'^ is amended by adding at the end thereof the following subs^ |' ' words : amended . ''Unless a suitable school site cannot be obtained at such a distance, and in case of dispute under this subsection as to the loca-^ioH of a school site, the matter shall be referred to the County Judge, whose decision shall be final and shall not be subject to appeal." 9. Section 41 of the said Act is amended by inserting ie^w. vii., after the word ''years" in the fifth line of paragraph 3 of J^^g^^^J^^j^i' ' the said section the wo»rds : "except a by-law to consolidate two or more sections for the purpose of providing a central school which shall, unless set aside as aforesaid, re- main in force for a period of at least three years," and By inserfing after the word "effect" in the second line of paragraph 3 of section 41, the words "except as herein otherwise provided." 10. Subsection 3 of section 42 of the said Act is amended i jdw. vii., by inserting the words "except as herein otherwise provid-J^^^- 1-*2, ed" after the word "effect" in the ninth line. amended. 11. Section 42 of the said Act is amended by adding lEdw. vit., thereto the following as subsection 6 : amendV.^* (6) In any judicial or territorial district the appeal Appeals as to shall be to a Board of three arbitrators, which schJoi shall be composed of the Senior District Judge, -"ndrstrict?. or some person appointed by him for that pur- pose, the Public School Inspector and some per- son appointed by the Township Council. The 64 notice of appeal shall be given to tlie Clerk of the Township, the Public School Inspector, and the said Senior District Judge. The Township Council at its first meeting after service of such notice upon the Township Clerk, shall appoint an arbitrator to be a member of the said Board, and the Clerk of the Township shall forthwith notify the Public School Inspector of such ap- pointment. The said Senior District Judge shall, upon receipt of the notice of appeal, notify the Public School Inspector of his willingness to act as arbitrator as aforesaid, or shall appoint some person to act in his stead, and notify the Public School In- spector of such appointment. When the Board of Arbitrators is complete the Senior District Judge, or his said appointee, shall con- vene the first meeting of the Board, and shall be chairman thereof. All the provisions of the preceding subsections of this section shall, so far as they are applicable, be binding upon the said Board of Arbitrators and upon all parties concerned. lE^w^vii., 12. Subsection 4 of section 45 of the said Act as enacted 6Edw.vii., by section 29 of the Acts passed in the 6th year of His amended^' Majesty's reign. Chaptered 53, is amended by adding the following paragraph : — Jurisdiction of County or District Judge. ''Provided, however, that if such question arises touch- 'ing any arbitration or award to which the County or District Judge has been a party, ''the said summary application shall be heard ''and determined by the Judge of the adjoin- ing County or District having the largest 'population according to the last Dominion 1 Edw. VII. C. 39, 8. 46, subs. 10, amended. 13. Subsection 10 of section 46 of The Public Schools Act is amended bv inserting after the word "effect" in the first line the words "except as herein otherwise provided," and by adding at the end of the said subsection the words "but the Trustees may at any time after their election take the proper steps in accordance with the provisions of this Act to raise funds for and purchase a school site and erect school buildings." lEdw. VII., C. 39. 8. 65, subs. 5, amended . 14. Subsection 5 of section 65 of the said Act is amended by adding thereto the following: — "In any of the Districts, subject to any appeal to the "Minister of Education, the Public School In- "spector may determine the length of time, 65 ''wliicli shall not be less than six months, dur- *'mg which a school shall be maintained each *'year, and it shall be the duty of the trustees **to maintain such school during the whole of '*the time so d-etermined." 15. Section 65 of the said Act is amended by adding lEdw. vii. thereto the following as paragraphs 14, 15 and 16 : Smended.^' (14) To provide in their discretion and pay for dental i>uties and and medical inspection of pupils. Trustee?. (15) To permit the school house and premises to be used for any educational or other lawful pur- pose which, in their discretion, they think proper, providing the proper conduct of the school is not interfered with. Q6) Subject to the regulations of the Department of Education to establish, conduct and maintain free evening lectures to the citizens at large, and in such case to include in their estimate for the current year the expense thereof which shall be treated as part of the expenses of the school or schools under their charge. 16. Section 68 o'f the said Act as enacted by section 38 of the Act passed in the sixth year of His Majesty's reign, Chaptered 53, is amended by inserting therein the two fol- lowing subsections as subsections 2a and 26 : — "2a. A notice for lands, as aforesaid, may be desisted from at any time before any evidence is taken as to the value of the said lands, before the arbitrators appointed under this section, and in such case a new notice may be given with re- gard to the same or other lands to the same or any other owner, but in such case the School Board or Beard of Education giving the notice so desisted from, shall pay to the owner to whom such notice was given, all damages and costs by him incurred in consequence of such notice having been given • provided, however, that the right of desistment' shall not be exercised more than once." ''2b. Where the notice provided for in subsection 2 of this section has been registered^ in the re- gistry office of the urban municipality in which the land is situated, the notice of desistment may be similarly recorded, and such registra- tion shall cancel the notice so recorded and be a notice to 'all persons whomsoever that the ex- propriation proceedings under the said first named notice have been desisted from." 5 S.A. 66 c.^39^8.^9!' 17. Section 69 of the said Act is repealed and the follow- repeiied. ^^g substituted theref or : — encouragement , 69. (1) Every Urban School Board shall have power to tra?nmg°*^ expend such sums as they may deem expedient in promoting and encouraging gymnastics and other athletic exercises provided such sums shall not exceed two hundred dollars per annum when the annual registered attendance of pupils does not exceed 3,000 and .1^50 additional for each additional thousand in attendance. (2) Such Board may also provide uniforms for classes in military drill. (3) Where a Board of Education has been established in any city or toT^ni, the allowance for games to High Schools and Public Schools may be con- solidated, and games for the High Schools and Public Schools held on the same day. 0.^3978.^71,' 1^- Subsection 1 of section 71 of the said Act is amended aubs.'i, ' by adding thereto the following paragraphs: — A.nnuai **Every Municipal Council shall annually account for accounts. **all monies collected under any rate for Public **School purposes. In urban municipalities such "accounts shall be rendered on demand to the "Board of Education or to the Board of School "Trustees. In rural municipalities the account "for each school section shall be rendered on "demand to the Secretary of the school section." "In case the Municipal Council at any time has col- "lected from the Public School supporters of "any municipality or school section any sum in "excess of the sums disbursed on account of the "Public School or schools within such muni- "cipality or school section, the sums so in ex- "cess shall be credited to the Board of Educa- "tion or the Board of School Trustees on whose "account such excess has be^n collected." « lEdw.vii., 19. Subsections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 of section 70 of the Subs! W^' said Act, as enacted by section 39 of the Act passed in the repealed. q^^ y^^^. ^f ^^^ Majesty's reign, Chaptered 53 is repealed, and the following substituted therefor : — Amount to be 70 (1) The Municipal Council of every organized county SSyHor sEall levy and collect by an equal rate upon the rural schools. taxable property of the whole county, (not in- cluded in urban municipalities or annexed to any urban municipality for school purposes) ac-^ cording to the equalized assessments of the muni- 67 ^ cipalities as made for the purposes of county rates in the manner provided by this Act and the Municipdl and Assessment Acts, a sum which shall be equal to at least that portion of the legislative grant which is apportioned by the Minister of Education on the basis of the equipment and accommodations of the rural Schools of the county, and such sums shall be payable to the Trustees of the respective schools receiving such legislative grants in the same proportions as the said grants are apportioned. (2) Where the assessed value according to the equalized ^^ed"by° ^* assessments aforesaid of all the taxable pro- townships for perty of the Public School supporters in any salaries, township in an organized county, is at least equal to an average assessment of |30,000 for each Public School section therein the Muni- cipal Council of such township shall, each year, levy and collect by assessment upon the taxable property of the Public School supporters of the whole township (not included in urban muni- cipalities or annexed to any urban municipality for school purposes) in the manner provided by this Act and the Municipal and Assessment Acts, the sum of |300 at least for every Public School where the teacher or principal teacher is en- gaged for a whole year exclusive of vacations, and a proportionate amount of such sum of |300 at least where a teacher or principal teacher is engaged for six months or longer ; and the additional sum of at least $200 for every assistant teacher engaged for a whole year ex- clusive of vacations, and a proportionate amount of such sum of $200 at least for every assistant * teacher engaged for 6 montlis or longer. (3) In every organized county where such assessed value, according to the equalized assessment aforesaid is less, than an average annual assess- ment of 130,000 for each Public School section in any townshin, and in every organized town- ship in the territorial or judicial districts, what- ever its assessments may be, the Municipal Coun- cil of such township shall, each year, levy and collect as aforesaid the sum of |150 at least for every Public School where a teacher or prin- cipal teach?r is engaged for a whole year ex- clusive of vacations, and a proportionate amount of said sum of |150 at least where a teacher or principal teacher is engaged for 6 months or longer ; and an additional sum of at least |100 for every assistant teacher engaged 68 for a whole year exclusive of vacations, and a proportionate amount of sucli sum of $100 at least where such assistant teacher is engaged for 6 months or longer. (4) The sums so levied and collected by the council of the township shall be applied exclusively to teachers' salaries. c. 3978. 70,' 20. Subsection 8 of section 70 of The Public Schools Act ft^endk. is amended by inserting "and 3" after the figure ''2" in the second line of the said subsection 8. lEdw. VII. C. 39, s. 70, subs. 9, amended. 21. Subsection 9 of the said section 70 is amended bv in- serting after the word * 'ratepayers" in the fifth line, the words ''and out of the legislative grant." J.^39!^8.\",' 22. The said section 70 is amended by adding thereto amended. |-}j^ following as a new subsection : number of (^) ^^^rc two or morc school sections are consolidated principal and for the purpose of providing a central school, all leathers the teachers in the said central school shall, for schcKSs!*^ ■ the purposes of this section, be deemed princi- pal teachers unless their number is greater than tha number of sections consolidated, in which case the number of teachers in excess of the number of school sections aforesaid shall, for the purposes of this section, be deemed assis- tant teach-ers. 1 Edw. vii., G. 39, 8. 73, amended. Clerk to fur- nish inspector with school statistics. 23 Section 73 of The Public School Act is amended by adding thereto the following subsection : — (2) It shall be the duty of the clerk of ev-ery county to furnish the Pul)lic School Inspector forth- with on demand w4th such school statistics in regard to assessments as the Minister of Edu- cation may direct. 1 Edw. VII. C.39, s. 80, subs. 8, amended . 24. Subsection 8 of section 80 of the said Act is amended by inserting after the word "disease" in the third line the words "or consumption." lEdw. VII, C. 39, 8. 86, subs. 3, amended. Approval of appointment of additional inspector. 25. Subsection 3 of section 86 of the said Act as enacted by section 46 of the said Act, passed in the 6th year of His Majesty's reign, Chaptered 53, is amended by adding at the end of the said subsection 3 the following paragraph : — In any county in which any Public School Inspector has charge of less than 140 schools or depart- ments with separate registers the appointment of an additional Inspector shall be subject to the approval of the Lieutenant-Governor in ♦ Council. 69 26. Subsection 8 of section 86 of The Public Schools Act, lEdw. vii. as enacted by section 47 of the said Act, passed in the 6th subs^.' g,' ^^' year of His Majesty's reign, is amended by inserting before *™*'^^^^- the word * 'postage" in t"he ninth line the word "printing." 27. Subsection 6 of section 87 of The PublicSchools ActiEdw. vii. is amended by striking out the words "at his discretion" in amended!^' the first line and substituting therefor the words "subject to the approval of the Minister of Education." SECTION 40 OF THE STATUTE LAW AMENDMENT ACT, 1907. Assented to 20th April, 1907. HIS MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of On- tario, enacts as follows: — 40. Notwithstanding anything contained in section 34 ^cStldning of The High Schools Act and the amendments thereto, the amount pay- liability of any municipality under subsections 6, 7 or 9iEdw. vii., of the said section as amended shall be determined as f ol- Jubs! 6,' 7%. lows : — From the total cost of maintenance of the High School there shall be deducted the amount of the legislative grant, — the remainder shall be divided by a number representing the total number of days' attendance of all pupils at such High School during the year for which payment is to be made and the resulting amount shall be multiplied by the total number of days' attendance of pupils in respect of whom such municipality is liable, the percentage mention- ed in the subsection under which payment is to be made shall then be determined, and from this amount the fees paid by such pupils shall be deducted, and the resulting amount shall be the amount payable by such municipality. lo o fcoy # ivJ533357 l^ZS-3 7 d)7f\