mr~ Osqoodbys eJ / WOPD-BOOK THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES * UWYER ' .... OSGOODBY'S .... STENOGRAPHIC "PUBLICATIONS. ' PHONETIC SHORTHAND [MANUAL, - $1.50 I'll}- Si'll'-liixlnictinii. "DEADER, " The Great [Moon Hoax," - 7.50 In PHONETIC SHORTHAND WORD-BOOK, - 2.00 A DictioimrH i >f W'tn-il-hormx. EPITOME of Phonetic Shorthand, .25 Contaiiiiiii Vniinirril lltiixlmlloiix of all Hie 1'rinrii Ic*. COPY-BOOK, ^Double-lined, - .30 S YNOPSIS of Phonetic Shorthand, . o 5 Engraved. THE STENOGRAPHIC [MISCELLANY, per year, i . 50 I3F" Any of the above volumes will he actit /vJ 's pbonctic SbortbanD. [From tlie Rnc1i>.-ti r I'nnnnerfial Review.'] In order to furnish a convenient reply to the many letters received, in which the question is asked, "How does Osiroodby's Method differ from other systems ':" a few facts have been collated and are g-iven In-low : In the older Pitmanic systems and in most of those more modern in date, the rules g-iven for the application of the leading 1 stenetic principles are subject to the following exceptions : 1. The R-hook cannot be used on S. 7.. L. H. M. N. N(i. V. \V. or H, or on the primary forms of F. V, TH, or TH : but the letters; K, W, S, / and XG are hooked to represent the combinations Fr. Vr, THr. T/fr.and Nr, respectively. ~'. The L-hook cannot be used on S. /. L. H. M.X.XG. V. W. or H ; SH and ZH must be written upward when this hook is attached, that it may not l>e mistaken for R: and the same hook indicates W when attached to L, R,M, or X, and a large hook must be written on these letters to indicate L. 3. The hooks are not used uniformly, some being read before the stem to which they are attached, and some after the stem. 4. Double-lengths aie provided, but the significance of the principle varies with the stem doubled, some letters being made double-length to add Kr and Gr. and others to add R, Tr, Thr, or Dr. '). The halving principle cannot be applied to add T and D to either form of L, or to M. X. K. XG. V. \V. or MP : L, M. X. and H are halved to add T only : V. \V. MP. and XG are halved to indicate the combinations Ld, Rd, Md and Xd respectively; but the original significations of those letters is restored when they are both halved and hooked ; and though M and X must be changed to MP and X~G when halved to add T). they must not be changed for that purpose when preceded by W. 6. TIOX is indicated by a large final hook, but it S precede that syl- lable, a circle and back-hook are substituted for the Tion-hook. 7. Hooks are not provided for the attachment to consonant stems of the sounds of Y. W. Tr, I)r, Thr, or M. but where larire hooks are pro- vided they are used for other and far less useful purposes. 8. The word-signs are not selected with reference to their availa- bility for the higher and more important use of phrasing 1 with hooks and other attachments, but merely on account of frequency of occurence or because the words they represent are of awkward or lengthy formation. The inconsistency of these numerous and conflicting exceptions, and the absence of much-needed improvement*, have been recogni/ed by every intelligent student and practitioner of the art. and have been the subject of frequent discussion, as far back as 1851. In reference to them. Mr. TJenn Pitman, over twenty years ago, wrote : " Hitheito, principle has been sac- / croocro riflced to use ; but experience has demonstrated that a strict adherence to principle secures greater brevity and equal [he might truthfully have said greater] legibility ;" and yet, strange to say, in neither Pitman's nor Graham's system (for they are alike in all "essential particulars), has any attempt been made, during all these years, toward any systematic im- provement. It is a relief to turn to Osgoodby's Method, and to notice the uniform- ity and harmony of the rules governing the principles above referred to. We have numbered them to correspond with the citations we have made from the rules of other systems : 1. A small initial hook on the left side of a sti-aight letter, or on the inside of a curved letter, invariably indicates that the sound of R occurs immediately after the stem. 2. A small initial hook on the right side of a straight letter, or a large initial hook on the inside of a curved letter, invariably indicates that the sound of L occurs immediately after the stem. 3. The rules are uniform with respect to the use of hooks, and they are always read immediately after the stem to which they are attached. 4. Lengthening any letter, indicates that that letter is immediately followed by Tr, Dr, or Thr. 5. Any stem, whether simple or hooked, is halved to indicate an added T or D. 6. T1ON is indicated by a small circle and back-hook ; S-Tion by a large circle and back-hook. 7. Large initial and final hooks are provided for the sounds of Y, W, Tr, Dr, Thr, and M. 8. Brief, simple, direct, and positive rules are given for phrasing by the use of hooks, circles and other attachments to word-signs (which are principally full-length stems), and the word-signs themselves are selected for their availability for that purpose, and also with due regard to fre- quency of occurrence and the furnishing of brief and convenient forms for rapid writing. This system is not a mere experiment. It has been in practical use for many years, and its great superiority over the systems of thirty years ago was amply demonstrated long before it was published to the world. It is used by well known stenographers in every state of the Union, and it has come to be recognized as a standard system, many of the leading writers of older systems availing themselves of its advantages, either by wholly adopt- ing it in place of their own more cumbrous methods, or by conforming their writing to its more important rules. Those who purpose to possess them- selves of a knowledge of short-hand, either as a convenience or a profession, should carefully consider what system is most available for their purpose, and should not be influenced by the prejudices of any adviser, when, in a brief statement like this, so many and so palpable advantages as are here exhibited are shown to belong to any system. Synopsis of Osgoodby's Phonetic Shorthand. - onsonants : \P\B !T!D/CH/J_K __G ^ F ^v (TH ( TH } S ) Z J Towels : *! E ! A j AH "| AW -I _j 00 '! I ; E j A j 6-jO J 6(3 o j ow J EW "1 T-i ~; oi-i ow-i EW-I -I 'j A-I j AH-! 1 A \V-~I H 6-1 J 00-T ' ebb Jlimple Words : .- Pea A ope VL foc' V bay \ e .-V- vie.. S. eve.. ./..chew / etch.. A. sea ) ace _^ ache \ pip \ bob Iv . '* _ ____ C \ J \ __|_ticrht I debt.' ...... kick .'...-. gig ^-^_ make ..Y. beat .-rrv.. cab tub.rsy.- ark / rake .'. .^.. gear ___ ^ carr}: / lake '( elk file \jz fellow. _>... push .s^ri. bushy ^ hoe.Vrt'. . being "*"") chaos ____tha\vy >v _^/J nerHd ]- widow. .... walk .^ witch > war T \vcll .^>sJEurope ^ yellow .j^ Utica.i. had ../ hitch \ hope _=. hug ( /ha!! >-K hem Jt\ higher" *S whey ._\.diary.\. boyish. ^_. dower ircles : A Soap ... sad y such ..... seek V^ sorry"_.^. safe _A_-seethe .-^-- sash _.'_. sill ^) soar _'?T7. seem oi/ sown _\>_. piece b~ dose ^ chase ^ ages ______ seeks n aches /^ raise /^ lace .} ask J^zero Y^ policies I" daisies .b__teases chases _.O gazes s\ roses successes x-^ r ^O . V I ..^P abcesses (> emphasises >p basin. ~._ poison 4T dozen .^v. arson V chasten. ^.1 reason..;.-- fasten r lessons ... seasons . A moistens ILoopS : X Post '\_stop \j based X. stub rf chests.. <^-stitches J~ just Jr stages _ga coasts o^. stake Vt, faced ^L. stove. ^...assists sf roasts J? raced a/" story, /f.. leased 'if stale T? arrests ^r^ stem .^----masts v_^? nest "TJ west X$ posters X) baster b' tester fe~ dusters $i' jester castors <^ sisters ^Boston _,<=> Custin ^6 postern J?., cistern "Tf western \ basest ./. choicest../.. juciest,y?> x .Joosest and H> jSooks : .r^^Prow !\ upper .\. plea.. ^. apple .sv^-brow , . _. .. . ^ able -I odor ..I. idle../!, agile c crow c i_ acre '< ^ clay g. gray e^. ogre c _ glow cJ_ ugly. . I... tree .'5r-. offer Q, flay X Q_ oval ^- ever "0 other ^ usher *C. oiler ^ error cXoral (" three ..kether C~ throw people \ baker . c .. ..(_. either.^.. shrew ^ hummer V paper \ peo \1_ buclcle V-v pearl \Xperil .^x-- rabble -V^-- barrel K spray .a .sapper ] stray _j_. cedar ,v_ surfer ____ signer _'\. supply T settle ..^..satchel -S... civil N^. pastry .X-C. poisoner. .^A... decipher AA destroy. .fcj-\.. describe.. sTT. disagree ^ vestry ~|. extra v_. Pine.. y_. spine ^ plain V prone \, pave .?-stiffen_.0.. A frown Qj flown ..>>. fife slain ft slave v^? known.". ._.. knife J" dujigeon \^_^spavin Upturn s cunning.-^'rr.achieving.^.^^x'. vanish ^ river /^ lover /C^^Hnen pains ^ sprains J' dense- & chainsfT?. coins -"C? v means ,, gains immcnse v ^ fence .V?.softens ^9. veins 6 thence . 5_ assigns (^ lens .Sr. Vc .hines .7^. wines. <*._ Johnson p~ AVisconsin ^^^S? Robinson's . V .pounced. rv_ pranced ..I.. danced . another ( vendor L fetters ^-r-^ mender C further 1 Vj > "v . Special S^ules : v Noted ^- mated ..V.. sifted -^t^-- undoubted ^7?t invited <\ worded (^ fended _rt. vaunted . ~~V^ accomplishment v_-> negotiate ^^~Q negotiation ^ feature ---T--- attraction A destruction --^--- application _.-r>. . assignment U> attainment ./7. achievement No postage L dumped _^TTT*- glimpse *\. breastpin.--- fact ^f" insure *"* insurance L. instruct ^_ pleasure ^ ^ foreclosure J^TTT?. insinuate x \. ' infatuation r* iT WORD-SIGNS. The words marked thus (*) are used only in phrasing. . .'. The, he N All 1 Awe, already How* ... A __ \ Two, too i Oh, owe Is, his - . An. and t Who 1 v I, high <>> Firsr Ah ...^..To* ..-.On, the- . ^ Is there \ Upon, property, occupy ... A.. X UP. hope, pay' \ \ Is* ease-y ' ) \ Was, owes x Put, part-y \ v Be, bv, buy .1... A -_-.V.. Before * About i . What, ought, talk, be- J L At, take, it [tween 1 Out, to, but, took i Did.differ-ed-ent-ence, J 1 Do, day [dollar ' Has. as, whose ; She, wish r^ /_ /Show, shall Should, issue Jt Usual-lv r - While, ill L...L...jC.\ViM well Allow, whole-ly "x ~x From, here, hear .1 . _?\ Where, were, her Our. hour Or [are s/ /There, recollect, they ' Had / Watch, each ' _/ /Which, change / Much, charge / . Object, adjoin-ed / /Agent, age ' Advantage,judge,large Common, commit-tee, week _-^- Come, came, company- Recover-y, are. s-^. Me, my, time Can, accompany-ied, Give-n [county Go, gave, against Ago, together I If. form, wife ...V (.For, forget, forgot > After, half l Of, live k i.-.Ever, heavy Have, above ( ( Thought k /..Worth, oath, month Am, whom In. any - t No, know New, knew, own ^ Not, need ^ . ^ Under, hundred Nature, hand f ., Year, beyond / /!Yet. younjr You, your, you are ^ We, why, without, ' / ~x \Viiether. way [wheel v Thank, youth ( , With \ ( They, though, worthy ' \\"ould, away ^ ~ Him, high, he* ^r^v. .-.When H ow ^_^ Long, think, thing -^^ Nothing,among,length Along, language I That \ \ See. saw _ 7 -. \ So, sav, us ' House, .sue WORD-FORMS. P Pss P Potency Potter Epiphany Performance Putter Pith-iy Upon, property, occupy Pouter, computer Path Up, hope, pay Poetry Apathy Put, part-y Pottery Pathetic Popular-itv Papal Compatriot Patriot Apathetic Possible-y-ity Pupil Putrid Pause, a-piece, oppose People ' Petrify Corn-pose, pus, rt-pace Populous-ace , Putrefy Corn-pass Pauper, piper Petrifaction Posse Pepper-jy, pajujr . Putrefaction Poesy Public-ish-ed-er Upturn Posy Payable, pebble ^ Pattern Peaceable-y Compete, peat, pit Patron Opposable Pet, pate, aped Patronize Passable-y Compute Payday, paid Positive-ly, pieced Pietv, pity Peddle Paste, pest, cow- post Petty, opiate Paddle Past, corn-passed Pitiable-y Padder, powder-;/ Opposite, paucity Potable Compatible Competed Peach, pitch-// Patch, pouch Pitcher Composite, upset, pasty Opacity, apposite Pasted, posted Computed Poacher Pistol Potato Pateher Pustule Optic Pick, peak, pike Pastel Poetic Peculiar-ly-ity Pestle Competitive Putative Epoch, epic, opaque Pack Postal Compositor, posture Potash Pettish Compact, picket Pocket, poked Poster, i>ester, paster Pastor, pasturi- Potassia Packed-et, epact Upstart Potassium Optician Competition Piquant Peccant Picker Pastorate Posterior, a posteriori Appeased, paused Petition Computation Competent Poker, pucker Packer Epicure Composed, episode, up- Eiiev<-le [side Paschal Potent Pecuniary-ly Postofflce Patent Competence Episcopal Pig- 1 '< >stage Postmaster Pettiness Pec-, puir Passenger Aptness Perform, pave, pnfl' Competency Puffy Pacities Opposes, pauses, appeases WORD-FORMS Pss -- .V-~\- -V-V-- v- \4-^ ^ -v-v-v Vi---> V---Y- -v - ->- -> >-->-->-- -v- T -4 ..... ..... - Pss 10 Pr Composes Pulteney Policeman Passes, possess Politely Complaisant Opposition Palataf Pleasant Position, composition Completely Plush Possession, apposition Plotter Plash Poisoned Plater Polish Peasant Platter Completion A postle Palter Complication Epistle Upholder Application Piously Polluter Compilation Pencil Paltry Compulsion Puzzle Poultry, peltry Pollution Post mortem Plead, applaud Corn-plain, plane Post-mortem examination Played Plan Opposer, pauser Plowed Plaintiff Composer, poser Passer Pessary Corn-piled, ap-pealed Paled, poled Pulled Com-plaint-ed, plenty Applicant, planned Planet TTppish, apish Plodder.applauder, pleader Opulent Push Pledge Appellant, upland Occupation, option Apology Plentiful Compassion, potion Pillage Plaintive Passion Pledger Plunder Compassionate Plagiary Planter Passionate Pillager Planetary Patient Pluck Compliance Patience Applicable-ity Appliance Corn-ply, plea People, play, compel Polka Complex Plenipotentiary Plenitude Apply, apple, plow Complexion Pliancy Corn-pile, ap-pall, appeal Pale, pole, pail, poll Plague, plug Epilogue Opulence Polonaise Pull, pool Apologue Paleness Pillow Plavful Plenary Haply PailfuJ Corn-plainer Happily, pulley Plover Planner Pulp-y Palaver Plaver Pliable, appliable Please, complies Flower Complete, plot, plight Applause Pleura Compelled, plate- Applied, plat Place, plays Police Com-piler, appcaler, pillar Paler, polar Polite, pilot Palace Puller Pellet, epaulet Pulse Pillory Pollute, pullet Policy Pliers Pelt Palsy Pleurisy Polity Plaster Polarize Palliate Completed, plotted Pilaster Pleased Appear, proper, pry t'pper, pray, pro Plated Placed Practice, prow Platted Placid Properly Piloted Palsied Compeer, peer, pyre Polluted Palisade Compare, payer, pour Platina Pellucid Poor, power, happier Palatine Placeman Opera, parioft, i>eri Pss 11 Pr .>._JC - ..... * ...... V- ..VI _VC. .. y-.. V vi -V- -V * > y- s ....... r ..... ...v....> -5 ...... V- V 4- Pr 12 Prs Apiary Pure, parry Perpendicular ly-ity Uprightness Pertness Pertinence Precaution Percussion Prickle-y Propose, perhaps Purpose Proposal Appurtenance Prettily Prattle, proudly Parochial Preclude Percolate Purposely Prepossession Proposition Portal Uprightly Portly Paraclete Perfect-ly-ed, professor Proof, prove Purple, propel Prepare Appropriate Partly Prater Portray Approve-al Purvey Privy Propriety Proprietor Proprietary Operator Porter Aperture Profit Prophet Profitable Preparation Appropriation Proportion Parterre Portrait, portrayed Protrude Private, provide Pervade Privity Probable-y-itv, probe Probate, probity Probed Protrusion Parturition Pried Perfidy Provoked Perfection Probation Approbation Comparable Prayed Corn-pared, paired Period Provocation Privilege Preface, profess Parable Tarboil Pride, particular-ly-ity Parade Parried, parody Predict Profuse Prophecy Privacy Opportunity, pretty, prate Proud v. Operate, upright Protect Predicate, product Prediction Proviso Proficient-cy Profession Corn-port, pert , Uproot, apart Purity Protection Production Predication Profusion Professional Profile Prated Operated Comported Produce Parades Paradise Powerful Proffer Prefer Uprooted Operatic Portico Pardons - Prudence t Porch, perch Preferred Perforate Perverse Partake Piratical Particle Parch Preach Approach Perfumer Perfumery Prevent Operative Comparative Apparatus Project Projection Peerage Profaned Profound Prevention Compartment Apartment Pertain, opportune Porridge Per.jure-y Prick Profanation Previous Pervious Appertain Puritan Portent-d Prai-tical-ly Practicable Pork Privation, prevision Provision Privily Pretend Pretence Prettiness Park Proximate Approximate Prevail Price, prize Corn-press, oppress, praise Pr 13 Prs tv-v -v-v-v ..v.. u_A'. ..V A -v VT A \ \ t= -t --(if -\ t \J- Prs 14 Pmp Prosy Prowess Pierce, piers For cent. Pursuant Precentor Promotion, permission Permeation Primer Purse, pours Parse Uprise Personator Personage Parsonage Premier Primary Paramour Upraise, porous Peruse Piracy Personal Prosily Parcel * Preeminent Permanent Prominent Pursy Pin-sue Presuppose, precipice Parasol Perusal Priceless Comprehend-ed [al-ly Preponderate-d, principle- Apron, prone Prosper Perspire Presbyter Purser Compressor, oppressor Praiser, proser Apprehend-ed Com prehensi ve Comprehension Presbytery Presbyterian Church Priest, comprised Appraiser Piercer Pursuer Print Parent, apparent Apprentice Pressed, compressed Practiced Purest Preserve Preservation Preservative Appearance [ance Principals-les, preponder- Apprehensive Pursuit, parasite Preside, prosody, prized Precede, proceed Presence, prosiness Persons Parsons Apprehension Preponderance of evidence Princes Pursued Parricide, perused Precedent, president Perish Parish Perished Princess Pronenoss Pronouns, pronounce Precedence Presidency Prosaic Appreciate Operation Portion Properly Parol, peril Purely, apparel Prussic Prosecute Persecute Apportion.apparition, corn- Prime, prim [parison Proem Puerile Prelude Perilled Prescribe Proscribe Prescription Prompt Primate, pyramid Promote, permit Peerless Powerless Perilous Proscription Perceive Oppressive,com pressive Precise Process Persist Permeate Prompted Promoted, permitted Permeated Perimeter Promoter Paralyze Paralysis Paralyzed Prelacy Preliminarv-ilv Prior Precision Procession Prism Prompter Peremptory Premature Prayer Priory Prairie, a priori Pressman Parsimony Presume Primed Compromise, premise Promise Uproar Uproar Comparer Prison Compression, oppression Person Promisee, primacy Promised, uppermost Compromiser Purer Priority Uproarious Parson Comparison Present, personate Promiser Promissory Preemption Poem, opium Palm Pomp, pimp Prs Pmp -^ V X *- v-v-^ V-V-V <\ ._V Pmp 16 Bstr Pump Babe, biibjy Abjure Palmed Booby .Beak, balk Pomade Baboon Bake, book,become,becamc- Pawn, o-pin e Bible, bauble Back Pennsylvania, pain, open Babel, bubble Baked, bucket Puuish-ed-ment, happen Babble Box Peony, piny Beat, bought, bite Bakehouse Pineapple Abet, abate, bait Becalm Panoply Boot, bowt, beauty Beacon Peanut, pennate Beautify Beckon, bacon Point, pond Beatify Beaker Paiut, pained, compend Obtuse Baker-y 'Compound Beauteous Big-, boggy Pointer, ponder Bottom, betime Beg, buggy Pantry Bitumen Begot, bigot Com-pounder, pander Boatman Beget Pondrous Abatement Beguile Pinch, paunch Abutment Bigger Punch Bitten, beaten Beggar-y Punic, panic Button, obtain Beggared Pinnace Batten Begirt Happiness Botany Befit Pansy Bottle, beetle Buffet Pension Battle, habitual-ly Abaft Compensation Pianist Battalia, badly Butler Befall Befell, buffalo Compensate Bitter, beater, biter Baffle Penal Better, butter Befriend Panel Batter By virtue of Openly Buttery, betray Both Penult Bitterly Bath, booth Penniless Betrayal Bathe Painless Betrayer Bother Pioneer Bide, abide, bead Bather Puwner Bed, abode, obeyed Boys, buys Opener, punner Bad, habit Base, bays, buzz Pannier Body Abuse Pinery Bedew Husy Penury Bondsman Boozy Pinion Beadle Bias Pennon Bodily Bespeak Openness, penance Beau ideal Bespoke Poignant Boudoir Beast, bossed Opponent, component Companion I Jed rid Obdurate Baste, best, boast, based Besought Beach, botch Beset, bestow, obesity B Bachelor, batch Boisterous Botcher Abstruse Be, by, buy Butcher-y Beastly Before, bay, bow, obey Budge Bestowal About Badge Bastile Baptist Object Boaster Baptism Abject Bestrow Baptist church Badger Bestir, bestower Pmp 17 Bstr v v^ \ v \- v_ v_ ----H V V^ ^ i . \ A ^ \ v v .V- -N- t;;:^;;.t V L t \ v ~ > \- v_ V. * ^ V l V^b I .^ ^ y- \L VP u _N _V_. ...\.. \ v 3 J J V v --~ w -->- ^ v N t V 1 1 * $.*' \ ._.. Vi. 7 1 _ >^_ _ _ _\_?_ _\_p Si V^ V > V ^ > V V ^ A/l.. V. I v > v > x -v- v V > B 1> ..V \. . V . V V v y > > 7 ---i > r b \ V" V v b ~ ^ y Bstrd 18 Brch Bustard, bestirred Bull, buhl Blest Bastard By law, billow, bailee, belie Blast Obstruct Bellow, belly, below, belay Ballast . Abstract Bully Blister Obstruction Bulb Bluster Abstraction Blab Blaster Boisterously Belabor Bolster Abstrusely Blubber Baluster Abstain Blabber Blaspheme Combustion Blot, bleat, blight Blasphemy Bastion Bloat Blossom Obscurity Billet Balsam Bask Belt Abolish Biscuit Ballot, bullet Blush Bisect Bolt Bluish Basket Ability Abolition Obsequies, obsequious Business Billeted Bolted, belated Oblation, ebullition Ablution Basis Balloted Blear Abscess Bolter, boulder Blur Besom Bloater Bluer Bosom Bleed, build-ing, built Bawler Bison Blade, blood, bold, able to Bowler Basin, boatswain Bald, boiled Blame Obscene Absent Bloody, bluee;/ed Ballad Bloom Blown Obscenity Baldly Billion Absentee Boldly Bullion, balloon Baseness, obeisance Absence Builder Bolder Blind, blonde Blend, blunt Busily Basely Bustle Bladder Bloodier Baldness Bland Balance Balanced Obsolete Boldness Blueness Absolute Blotch, bleach Blench Basalt Belch Blanch Baser Oblige Oblong Abuser, bazaar Observe Bilge, biology Bleak, oblique, block Belaying, bellowing Blink Observed Black Blank Observation Bilk, belike Liberty Observance Bulk-y lie-member, bray Buzzard Bullock Brother, number,brew,brow Absurd Blockhead Brother iuhiw Boyish, bosh Blockade Beer, bier, buyer Bush-y Abash Bleakish Blackish Bear, bore, burr, ob^jyer Borrow Bishopric Buss Bury, burrow, borough Belong-ed Bless, blaze Barrow, bureau, bowery Belief-ve-d, able-y, blow Blue, blew B'ouse Bilious Bridle, bridal Bradawl Blank Bellows, bolus Broadly Ball, bile, boil, bill Bullies Breach Bell, bale, bail, bowl ; Bowels Broach Bstrd .. Brcfa V v V v v v ^> V v L > ^ ^ -V- v--y ^ \ -v ^ ^ v ..V 7 .- y?....^.. \ \> o V> ^ v > VI V^ V 1 -^3 -3- V*.. Vf... .-v^. - V- ^ \o ^ V v, x ^ * > vn vo v? v! v^ S > i v r ^ S C & V V: > c^ ^ V-^P --S- ----v-- -- -\ - ^. "S d w v S V7 s - ^ y^ \- V V" -V- >r- y- A ^ \ V V --->--- -X v V^ v-^V 3 A b V ^ ^ ^ " V V- / - > > v> r --<^--- r / Brj 20 Tbl Bridge, abridge Birch Barge Barm Brine, brawn Brain Bonnet, buoyant Bayonet Bounty Burgeoise Burgess Brick Brown, bran, brethren JJriny, brawny Brownie Bonded Bounded, abounded Bondage Brake, broke Brook Bark, barrack v Born Borne, burn Barren, barn Bandage Banked Bankrupt Breaker, broker Barker Brig Barony Burnt, burned Brunette Bankruptcy Banker Binder Brogue Brag Burglar Baronet Brand Brandy Bindery Boundary Bounden, abandon Burglary Brief Brave Bronze 1 lemembrance Bareness Abandoned Abundant Abundance Bravo Bereave Bereft Burnish Brownish Brawl, broil Abei/ance, bonus Buoyancy Combination Barefoot Braver Breviary Burly Barley Burial Benign Bunion Banyan Bravery Broth Breath Barrel Barely Brilliance Banana Binary Banner Birth Breeze Brace, braze Brilliancy Brawler, broiler Brier Bewilder-ed Beforehand Being Brass, bruise Brassy Breezy Brewer Brewery Borrower Bung Bang Bunk Bourse Boreas Breast, abreast Burrier, borer, bearer - Barrier Beam T Burst Brazed Bruised Bum, bomb Boom, balm Beamy Between, ought, what, At, take, it [talk Out, to, but, took Brisk Brusque Bristle Balmy Bowman, bemoan Bemoaned Top, type Tape Tap Brazil Bristly Brazer Embankment Abominate Combine, bean Tipped Tapped Tiptoe Brniser, browser Brush Bearish, boarish Been, bane, bone, ebon v Boon, ban, bank Bonny Topic Tobacco Tapioca Boorish, barouche Abrasion Abortion Bony, ebony Combined, bind, bond Bent, bend Tvpical, topical Tibiu Tub Aberration Brim Broom, brougham Bound, abound Bond and mortgage Bonds and mortgages Tube, taboo Eatable Table Brj 21 Tbl _\_/__\. A... v VV V-V-v <\ \s* ' -_fc- V V V 7 T 4- J t S *, I V Tbl 22 Trktr Tableau Contused Tear, tore, tare Tablet Tasty, testy Tower, con-tour, tar Tabulate Outset Tyro, tiara Taught, tight, taut Tested, tasted,contested Tory, terra Tattoo Taster, toaster Tarry Title Et cetera Tripe, trip Total-ly Testimony Trope Tattle Testament Troupe Tighter Tuesday Torpid Tetter Outside Tripod Tatter, tutor Phthisic Torpedo Tied, tidy, toddy Tusk Tripper Toed, toad-y Task Trooper Outdo Teazle Trapper Tawdry Tussle Torpor Tedder Tassel Contribute Teach Tuition Tribute Touch-y Outshine Attribute Attach Contusion Turbid Teacher Tall Contributor Techuical-ly-ity Tell, till Contributory Ticket Tool Tributary Etiquette Tile, toil, teal Contribution Attacked Tale, toll, tail Tribune Tactic Towel Turban Context Outlay, outlaw, tally Tribal, triable . Text Toilet Treble-y, trouble, alterable Outcast Outlet Terrible Texture Utility Contract, tried, con-trite Token Told, till it Trade, tract, toward Tickle Tooled Trout, attract Tackle Toiled, tilled Treaty Talker Tailed , Con-tort, iterate Taker Tillage Turret Outcry Tug, toga Tollage Talc, Italic Outright, outroot Trotted, treated Tag, outgo Telegraph iterated, contorted Tiger Telegraphy Turreted Tugger Telegram Treatise, treaties Outgrow Telephone Tortoise Whatever Tallest Triteness Tough At least Tartness Taffy At last Tritely Tufty Outlast Turtle Outfit Talon, Italian, outline Tartly Typhus At length Treat er, trotter Outface Talent Traitor Typhoon Tiler, tiller Torture Toughen Teller, tailor Type writer Toss, toys Outlawry Tartar Its, takes Internal, try, tree, eater Tortuous Contuse Truth, tray, utter Contractor Tossed True, outer, contra Trader T^ft-ify-ied. contest, taste At-tire, tier, tear Tractor Tbl a Trktr -- --- ---(^- -J ^ f- ,/ 1 kr ' x^" N. v 7 J J 1- 1 . ^TN-'- . . 0~1 ij -< v -- r, L....lA...\. cr r L ^ J -t-^-^- 1 i UA --\-""K t-i ..a... --> > ^ L L , 4--.1---1-- v \ ill -X V 1 U, ^ xX >> \ fe^_.__ ki c V\ n i L |1 ^ \ u j_ !_ p r 1^7 {^ ^^ ^ t U , T- L. j_ pi r ^ ixi !/, i L L KL S g U^ VP ^ T^~ 1 A L/ - L ] J. 4 _ ' |U- . -- -j^ J J !/L L, k .JL. V 5 J .1.. i S S " b S ^5 Trtr ' 24 Tnshn Territory Trusted Atom Traitorous Transform-ed Timber Triad, trod Transfer-red Temper Tread Trustworthy Tamper Tired, attired Trysail Tumble Towered Trestle Timid Tirade, torrid Tersely Contempt, at-tempt Outride Contradiction Trash-y Contrition, contraction Tumid Tomato Traduction Towards Traduce Attrition Attraction Traction Tempted, attempted Utmost Outmost Treadle Iteration, contortion Attainment, atonement Tardily Torch Tertian Trim Tenement Contaminate Outreach Term Oat meal Trudge Tram Tumuli, contumely Outrage Trump Tumor Outrages, o\itrageous Turgid Tragedy Tramp Trimmed Termed Tomorrow Eaten [taken Attain, tone, atone, oaten, Trick Uttermost Tune, attune, town, but one Truck, trochee Track, trachea Outermost Torment Tawny, tiny Tony ' Triple Terminate Tenable Triweekly, trickle Truckle Trimness Terminus Attainable Taunt Tracheal Turmoil Contend, attained, attend Trouarh, contrive Trammel Toned Trophy Trimmer Taunted, tinted Turf Tremor Contented, contended Tariff Train, eternal-ly-ity At-tainted, attended Terrify, turfy Triune Attendance Trifle Attorney Tendency Truffle Trefoil Turn, torn, tureen Uterine Tinder i ender,contender, attender Tearful Tea urn Contingency, tinge Travel Trivial Tyranny Transition Tonnage TaugiL)le-y Contriver Controversy, trover Trice Transaction Transient Trend, trained Contingent Tangent Tin foil Tress, trace, truss Truce Terrace Trinitv Truant Torrent, tyrant, iterant Tuneful Tense, at once Tunes, towns, but once Uterus Turnout Tennis, tenace Trys-'t Tornado Tonsil, tinsel Tressed, trust Trains, utterance Tensile Contrast Trounce, trance Utensil Atrocity Transubstantiation Contentious Trusty, trustee Tyrannize, tyrannous Tenacious Truest Triennial Contention Tourist Autumn Tension Contrasted Item Attention Trtr Tnshn r -f V t K- - u ...u. .u t- 1 1---V 1 .q... ..4......J... k u J - ...... -I ..... ^ -* 4 .4-- ..A.. -J- t v .. ...... J, -v ..!.. -. Tnshn 26 Dvshnl Attenuation Tenon Tannin Edible, double Dabble Debar Declaration Declension Decry Tenant Attenuant Tunnel Dauber Debris Daybreak Decrease Decorous Idiocrasy Toneless Tuneless Tinner Debark Deity, audit,commodity Debt Dog, dig Dug, dignify-ied-ty Digger Tenor, container Tanner-i/ Tenure, Duet, duty, doughty Died, deed Date, dead, edit Dagger Digraph Idiography At any rate Tingle Tangle Doubt, added Doubtful-ly Dutiful-ly Deform-ed-ity Difficuft-y Advise-d, advice D Daytime Datum Detention Defy, deify Edify Develope Did, dollar, differ-ed-c-nt- Do, day, owed [encef Had, add, ado Detonation Daughter Debtor Dived Daft Defeat raea Today Due, dew- Dotibter Auditor Auditory Deviate, devote,devotee Devout Divide, devoid Adieu Deep, dip Depot Editor Deter Dietary Diffident, dividend Deification .Edification, defection Dupe Adopt, dipped Adept Doctrine Determine Detriment Diffuse Deface, edifice Define Adapt, depute Deputy Deputation Determined Determination Dedicate, deduct Deafen Defined Defend, definite, deafened Adaptation Adopter Adapter Dedicated, deducted Dedication, deduction Ditch Defiance Defense, deafness Definition Idiopathy Depth Depositor Dutch, duchy Dodge Adage Deflour Defter Defray Depository-ary Deploy, deeply Dapple Digest Dodger Danger Defer Devour Defier, detfier Dipper, deeper, diaper Dapper Depart, deport Dock, dike, decoy Deck, decay, duck Duke Edifier Divorce Deferred, divert Department, deportment Deprive Deprave Docked, docket, edict *' ('(induct, educate Addict Defraud Defrayed Diaphragm Daub Dub, debi(t Debit, debate Conductor, educator Diction Education Devious Device, devise Divested, devastate Debase Dubious Audible Interdiction Introduction Declare-d Division Deviation, devotion Divisional Tnshn 27 Dvshnl D .I........ 1 V ~t ..... ..... JL ..I- -i 4...-J. d- t- ...... br ..... V u V h/" ->- I L U ^ k- ' k ^H I .!= L .U. L-4- t HHr Dvshnl 28 Dl Devotional Diversitj' Adversity District Distract District Attorney Dismal Decimal Design Differs, differences, odds Dose, fxlious, dace Deuce, adduce, advertise Distress Destruction Destructive Disown Dozen Does not Jdiocy Dizzy Daisy Disk Desk,duslc-y,discover-y-ed Dissect, dessicate Dissent Disunite, disunity Disinter Despite Dissipate, dispute Despise Dispose Disposition Dispossession Dissected Discussion, dissection Discriuiinate-d Discrimination Discharge Disadvantage Dissenter Dysentery Designed rdwvllt Descend, condescend Descended, condescended Disendowed Deception, dissipation Disappoint, despond Disposer Descant Discount Descanter Dishonest Dishonesty Dissension Dispenser, dispensary Disciple Display Discounter Discreet, discord Desecrate Condescension Dishonor Designer Despoil, dispel Displease Displace Discard Discretion, desecration Disguised Conditional Docile Additional Disappear Despair Dispirit, disappeared v Disjrust Disorganized Disorganization Commodious! y Odiously Disallow Desperate, disport Disproof, disprove Disapprove-al Disclaim- ed Disqualify Disqualification Dissyllable Dissoluble Disallowable Disperse, despairs Deist Dosed Deceive Disavow, conducive Deceiver Dissolute Desolate Docility Advertised, adduced Deceit Dusty Dissever Disease Disuse Disliked Dislocate Desolation Audacity Destitute Deistic Decease, diocese Desist Diseased Dissolution Desire Disarray Distich Dye stuff Distaff Deceased Disasters Disastrous Desired Desert, disarrayed Desires Destine Destiny Distant, destined Decision Dissuasion Deism Desirous Dish Dash Distance Disterition Destination Dismay, December Decimate, dismayed Dismission Edition Condition Addition Distinguish-ed, distinct-ly Distinction Duster Decimation Dissemination Dissimilar-ity Tdol, idyl, idle l)eliver-ed-y Addle Destroy Distribute Disturb Advertisement Disseminate Dismount Dial, doll, deal, /deal-ly Dell,dale,c0*dole, dull.dole Dowel, dual, duel DvshnI 29 01 ti:;| -4 V vv * -4 { > > .....JI ..A.. ^s- S ^ h Jr 4 it 4 i 4 .L. A. L, Lx ** A... > T. f -1 \ Dl 30 Dmnstr Doiley, oddly, diffcrent-ly Daily, dahlia, delav Duly, dally Delight Davlight Dealt Drub Drab Dribble Durable Adorable Dirt Dreamy Drama Diorama Dreamer Drummer Drawn, drink Adult Delude Ideality Dart Dirty Dried Drain, drone, drunk Drown, drank, darken Adorn Duality Delighted Diluted Dread,direct, day or two Drought Dryad Darn Dry ness, dearncss Darkness Idolatry, idolater Dilator Diluter Druid Adored, dared Deride Durance Direness Drainer Adultery Adulterer Ideology Dredge, drudge Dirge Dirk, drake Adorner Drawl, drill Droll Deluge Diligent-ly Idealist Doric Derrick Drug Dearly, dryly Dearer, dryer Dreary Dullest Duelist Dilation Drag Drugget, drugged Dragged f Adorer Drawers Dime, deem, dim Delusion, dilution Adulation Deliuquent-ey Deliverance Idleness Dullness Derogate Dragon Dragoon Drive, derive Drove Drift, derived Dame, dumb, condemn. Demy [dome Democrai-cy-ic, dummy, Dump, dumpy [odium Damp Admit Dalliance Dealing Dueling Draft Derivative Driver Dimity Idiomatic Dimmed, decninl Delaying Dallying Dealer, condoler Drover Dross Dress, address Condemned Damned, doomel Domestic Delayer, duller Dueller Delirious Drowse Dressy, odorous Drowsy Damson Domicile Damsel Dolorous Dear, draw, di-y Doctor, dray, aider, odor Dearest Dressed, addressed Diarist, direst Demon, demean Domain Dominie During, dark, drew Dyer, dire,' owzmodore. deer Dare, door, adore, doer Durst Drowsily Drizzle-y Diamond, condiment Dement Adamant, demand Dower Diary, diarrho-a Dairy, dory Dorsal Doorsill Derision Dominate Demonstrate Demonstration Dowry Drop, drip Drape Direction Duration Adoration Administer-ed Administrate Administration Droop Dropper Draper-y Dream Drum Dram Administrative Administrator Administnitrix Dl 31 Dmnstr K i/- 1 I V. IX L. Jk~ .. J 1 LA I 'h u 3 : \ r i r M i 1. ..a .k! ~ V' " ix j ..j^/?... .Vrf....a. .. (; r " ^ 1 X> LX _ J ... -r S Lj3 1 K7 f ^ ^ 1/7 1_ "^" ' r " V 1 IX (J , X, I/ 6 f| r. p 1_ - - L - "i" i 1^ L ^ .LA-./ ^ U 1- _..L b.....U. V 5 1 , . . J. ...... .. J ..j- . -L ..-L\.. .i U . i 01 K cL > % V.. .*) ^\ i^- ^^ V,... V.. .1 r u>-^ 1--4 -1- KT'.I ..i i i i^ T U-^" 1 S S ^-^-V i ^ I/ ^ L t^ k u ^ (P - -I - - I 1^ Ki 1 1 \ L - I *^ P jr ..JLA....ISL...JL^.. o o & Dmnsh 32 Jsl Diminish Admonish CH Chariot Charity Domination Cherry tree Condemnation Watch, each Cheerily Damnation Which, change, etch Churl Diminution Much, charge, chew Cheerless Dimension Cheap, chip -t Admonition Chapter, chap Dimness Cheaply Dumbness Chapel Object, adjom-ed, jaw Demonize Demeanor, domineer Changeable-y Chargeable-y Agent, age, licdge, edge Advantage judge, large Condemner Watched, cheat Jew Admire Changed, etched Job, jibe, jib Demur Charged, chat : Giblet Demure Cheater, each other Jubilate Demurrer Chatter, charter Jobber Dine, dawn, condign Chide, chid Jabber Denominate-d, iodine Done, den, dun Chattel mortgage Chalk, chock, chick, cheek Jot, jawed Jet, jade, aged, edged Down Check, chuck, choke Jute Denomination Chicory Jetty Deny Checker, choker Geodesy Downy Chief Judaize Daunt, dint Chaff Jockey Dent Chiefly Joke Dainty, denote Choice, cheese Jack Dentition Chess, chase, chose Eject, jacket Dentation Choose J ocose Denied Chest, chased Jackass Denude Chasten, chosen Jocund Addenda Chestnut, chastened Jaconet Dines Chime Jig 1 , Jog Dense, dunce; Chum Jug Dance, downs Chamber Jag-gy Condensed Chimney Conjugal Dynasty Chine, chin Juggle Density Chain Juggler, jugular Condenser China Jugglery Dancer Chains Jovial-y Down stairs Chance Religious, objects, joys Condonation Chinese Ages, agents Donation Children Jews, juice Denial Chill Joyous Condignly Chilly Agency Deanery Chaldron Juicy, advantageous Denier Child Objectionable-y Diner Challengc-d Joist, gist Dinner, donor Cheer, watcher Jest, congest, just Dwell Chair, etcher Adjust Dwelling 1 house Char Jested, congested Dwarf ; Chore Adjusted Dwarfed ( 'licrry, chary Jester, juster, gesture Downward Chart Jostle Dmnsh 33 Jsl CH < z_ .L,. -/- * .t A J / - 4 ..... \...\..jL JL J U V .L f 5-- / [-/- < *- --/ < ...... . j> *- . / /1...JOU.C ~ A K / L. J .-^- -v n ~i Kch 36 Kl Couch Explode Execrate Kedge, cage, acknowledge Expelled Excoriate Acknowledged Explosion Excretion Acknowledgement Expulsion Execration, excursion Cudgel, cajole Explore Excoriation Calk, kick Expeller Excisable Cake, coke, cocoa Expert, export Accessible Cook, cuckoo Ex parte Excise Cocked, kicked, concoct Expiration Excess Coquette Cost, accost Access, axis Cooked Coast Causation Concocter Cast Accession Coquetry Excite Accusation Caucus Exit Custom [accustom Coaxed Accosted, excited Chasm, exhume, axiom. Caucasian, concoction Cocoon Custody Caustic Cosmetic Axiomatic Cockney Acoustic Customer-ary Cockle Costive, causative, excitive Exemption Cackle Accusative Exhumation Kicker, caulker, quicker Costume Auction, oxen, caution Cooker-y Excitant Cousin, occasion Cog Extend, extent Action Keg Extant Actionable-y Cough, coif Con-cave, cove, cuff Coffee Costly, extol Extraordinary-ily Coaster Accent Exile Excel, cosily Cafe Castor Axle, castle Coffer Exciter Exalt Coiffer Extra Exult Cover Custard Exaltation Covey Caveat, covet Castrate Extort Exultation Excellence Con-cavity Extricate Excellency Coeval Extract Auxiliary Cavil Exceed, caused, oxide Axillary Caviller Cavalier Accede, exude, accused Oxidize Exhilaration Acceleration Cavalry Exodus Causer Catholic Oxidation Accuser Catholicism Exudation Exhort Cause, because Occident Exert Case Accident Exorcise Acts Chaos Exchange-d Oxygenize Exercise Coyish Cozy Occiput Expiate Exigence Exigency Cossack Cash, acacia Cash book Occasioual-ly Expedience Expediency Expositor Cask, cassock Execute Exact Cautionary, auctioneer Equal-ly-ed, call, kill, c\oy Claim-ed, c\ay-ey, coal, cull Expository Expend, expenditure Expound Excuse Execution Exaction Clerk, cool, clue Coil, chyle, keel, commonly Common law, key hole.collie Kch -7 a? Kl _D Q !..:t. ~1- - - "1. t f p J> o ^" _--^ 452858 Kl 38 Krj Coolie, callow Clip Clap Colossal Clash, coolish Calash Corrupt, crept Carpet Corporal Gallop Eclipse Conclusion Collision, coalition Corporeal Crib Collapse Collation Curb Called, killed Collusion Crab-by Cold, colt Climb Carbon, carbine [creie Conclude, cloud Claim According to, decreed, con- Quality Collate Acclaim, clam Column Cared, occurred, court Accrued, card, carred Occult Culm Accordingly . Coldness Clump Carrot, cart Occult?i ess Clamp Accurate, ourate Collator Climate Charta Clatter Clod, cloyed Acclimate Calumet Carroty Cordage Cloudy Calamity Cartage Collide Coal mine Critic Collude Calumny Critical Clock, click, collect Culminate Cortical Cloak Calumniate Courteous Clack Colic Claimant Calumnious Courtesy Curtain Calico Clamminess Cartoon Calx, calyx Culmination Curtail Collection Calumniation Accurately Collocation Collective Climber Claimer, claymore Creator Courtier Collector Clamor Criteria Clog Clean Creature Colleague Clan, clown Cartel- Cliff Colon Curator Conclave Colony Creed Caliph Cullender Crude, crowd Qualify Calendar Corrode, curried Qualification Cleaver Cleanse Colonize Carried Credible-y Clover, clever Coolness Credit Clause, equalize Cleanly Accredit Close Colonial Crudity Class Cleaner Cowardice Coalesce Culinary Cordon Callous Decree, cry Accordeon Oculist Care,occur, acre,concur Concordant, accordant Coalesced Accrue, car, cure, crew Coordinate Closet Co heir, core, corps Accordance, concordance Equalized Cower Credence . Equalization Curry Cradle, curdle Cloister Carry Crudely Cluster Creep, crop Crutch Calcine Crape Crochet Calcinate Croup Crochety Coalescent Carp Acreage, courage KI 39 Krj Krj 40 Knslr Carriage Correct-ed, creek Character, croak Corrosive, coercive Crisis, creases Coarseness Carnation Colonel, kernel Carnal-ly Crack Corrective Corrector Craziness Caressing Coercing Coronal Corner Coroner Cricketer Caricature Characterize Carousing Coarsely Carousal, curiously Commission Comb, oakum Comical-ly Characteristic Characterized Crocus Cursory Cruiser Corsair Chemical Commotion Comely Carcass Crackle Curricle Carouser Cross examine Cross examination Calmly Camel Cumulate, accumulate Crockery Croaker Cracker Crush, currish Crash [cretion Creation,accretion, cow- Commercial Comer Commissioner Co worker CraR-gy, cargo Craft Corrosion, coercion Cream, crime Crumb Camera [keen Continue-d, coin, kin, Connect-ed, cane, cone Crafty Crave, curve Carve Cram Crimp Cramp Cayenne Canoe Kind Curvet Cravat Crevice ' Crimped Cramped Chromatic Count Kind o' Keynote Crevasse Craven Carven Achromatic Crimination Criminal Carmine Account Canto Cantata Accountable-y Curse, accurse, course, Cruise [concourse Acrimony Carman Connecticut Kentucky Coerce Crazy Caries, carious, chorus Crane Crown Cornea. Kinder Counter Accou nter Carries,carouse,curious Accuracy, curacy Crossed, Christ Crayon, crony Cranny Corn, acorn Contra Country Countrified Crest, crust, cursed Creosote, crusty, corset Caressed, chorussed Carrion Corona Cornet Counterfeit Conduit Candid Coerced Eucharist Curiosity Occurrent, concurrent Current Courant Kindle Candle Conic Crustiness Crystal, crustily Crosstree Coronet Concurrently Currently Cognac [tinues Continuance - ous, con- Continuously Crusade Christian-ity Christianize Cringe Carnage Cornice Cognizant Continuation Connection Crosscut Coruscate Cursive Occurrence, concurrence Currency Coronation J Cancel Counsel, council Counselor, councilor Krj 41 Knslr O ^ ^r "T Knsr 42 Grtr Cancers, cancerous Get, gate, good, goad Golden Canine Gad Gladden Cannon, canon Gaudy Glider, gilder Canon i Giddy Gloss, eyeglass Canonize Guidance Glaze Keenness Goodness Glass Continual-ly Gaudiness Gallows Kennel Giddiness " Glossy Canal Godly [while Glassy Canaille Goodly, .good will, good Glacier Constitute-ed Good deal Glazier Constable Gauge Gleam Constitution Gouge Glum Coiner Guise, gives Gloom Canary Guess, gaze Gloomy Quarter-ed Question-ed Quit Gas, goose August Ghost, guest, gust Glean Glen Gallon Quote Quiet, equity, quota Acquittal Aghast Gazette, gustv Ghostly Negligence Glance Ugliness Acquittance Quietness Acquire Ghastly Executrix Geyser Glare, ogler Gallery Degree, auger, agree A en ui red Awkward Equator Executor, guesser Gazer Example Grow, gray, ogre Grew Gear, giver Oviftlto Gush Gore, goer Ouack Quest Gash Govern Augury Gory Acquisition Quantity Acquainted, quaint, Governor Government Great Britain Grip, gripe Grope, grape Group Acquaintance Quintal Quaintly Eagle, glee Glow, ogle, ugly . Glue Grub Grab, garb Agreed, greed, grit Quilt Quart Quarto Guile, gall, gill Gale, goal, gull Ghoul Great, grate Grout Grotto c Gala, gaily, gully Galley Congruity Girt, gird VJT Gulp Garret Give-n Gallop Grand jury Go, Rave. :iET;iinst Glib, glebe Garden, jni er <] on Ago, together, ague Globe Guardian A Itogether Gable Glibly Qlobule Greatneee Grittincss . Gabble Gluten Greatly, great while (iaiety Gouty (ioi'tre Gluttony Guillotine Gild, guilt-y, guild Great deal Qradual-ly Congi-atulate Gaiter, gutter Guitm- Neglect-ed, gold, gloat Congratiilatory Noglect 1 1 1 1 Congratulation God, guide Negligent Greater Knsrs 43 Grtr T _T7. *r- ~. T. ..T. G ^ T- Grtr 44 Fknr Garter Congruent Feeble, foible Girded Granite, grant Fable Guarded Grenade Affable Gradation Grandee Fibula Graduation Grander, grantor, grandeur Fiber Gradient Aggrandize Febrile Gardener Eagerness Fight, fought, fit, effete Griddle Greenhouse Fate, foot, effect, affect Girdle Greenish Afoot, confute, fact Greedily Garnish-cc Fiat Gradual-ly Garner Fatty Egregious Greener Football Gorgeous Grainer, groaner Confu tabie Congregate Greenery Fatuity Aggregate Granary Photograph Grecian Aggression Eagerly Gruel Photographer Foetus Gurgle Girl Fatuus Gargle Gorilla Affidavit Grief, grieve, aggrieve Growl Fetich Grave, grove, gruff Grayer, grower Fattish Groove Game, gum Phaeton Gravy Gravity Gummy Begin, gone, organ Fatten Foetal Aggravate Begun, grain, again, gun Fatal, effeotual-ly (5 raves, groves Began Futile Grievous Guinea Fitly Grievance Agony Fitter, fighter Graveness Gaunt Fatter Grovel Ignite Confuter Gravel Organic Feature Gravely Organize Future Growth Organized Feed, confide Girth Organization Fed, fade Grease, egress Organism Food, feud Grace, graze, gross Igneous Effigy, fudge Grass, grouse Agonize Fidget-y Congruous Gainsay Factor Grist Beginner Factory Graced Gainer, gunner Fox, fix Greasiness Ignore Focus Gristly, gristle, grizzly Gunnery Efficacy Grossly Fixed Grocer-y, aggressor F Affixed Grime, grim Fixity Groom If, form, wife, fee Efficacious Agreement For, forget, forgot Factious Garment, gourmand After, half Factitious Groin, grin, green Few Fiction Grain, groan Fop Confection Grind Half pay Faction Grunt, grained, groaned Fob, fib Affection Grand, ground, aground February Confectioner-y Garnet Confab Falconer Grtr 45 Fknr 3L..JE, 7 - cx .V- -- -i - C ^ C ^ L Cx c c ...?... c ^. L C" -1- -C--^- s t'itr t t (^ c> ) J } o > ^

I 7 (/* ( /^~^ ? A > ^5 / ^ ix TH G c C -\ ^ ^~ TH 1 \ A_ ) \. L- c_ <-> . c X \_ X3 R. V >a Sps 54 Stdl Spicy Auspice Spread Sport, support Subject, subpcena-ed Subjected Espouse Suppurate Subtile Supposal Seaport Sabbath Espousal Aspirate Substantial- ly Exception Asperity Subside, subsidy Acceptation Sportive Subdue Specious, species Spacious Suppurative Spiritually Subsection,subscript ion Subjective Auspicious Separately Subjection Spine, spin, spawn Spiritless, spiritualize Sibyl Spoken, spun Spiritualism Sable Span, spoon, supine Separator Sober, saber Spiny Conspirator Sybarite Spoony Supporter Sobriety Aspen Conspire, sinjar Siberian, suborn Spent, spend, sapient Expand Spare Spared, spurred Suburban [city Sight, sit, seat, conceit, Spinnet Spark Set, stay, stow, settee Sponge-y Surprise, ci/press Suit, soot, stew, suet Expense-ive, sapience Express Highest, hoist Expanse-ive Suppress, spruce Host, haste Expansion Sparse Hasty Spinous Spurious Stop, steep Sponsor Conspiracy Step Spencer Asperse Stoop Spinal Expression, sepanit ion Constipate Spaniel Suppression Stupid Spinner Suppuration Stipple, steeple, stopple Supply Spearman Staple Supple Superhuman Steeper, stopper Spile, spoil, spill Sprain Stepper Spell Spurn Stupor Spool Soprano Stub-by Espial Experience Stab ' Spoiliator Expression Establish Explain Suppression Establishment Splint Experienced Stable, stubble Explained, suppliant Inexperience Suitable-y Supplant Inexperienced State Explanation Aspirant Stout Spoiler, spiller Superannuate Statue Speller Spring--y Satiety Supreme, spry Sprung Estate Spray, supper Sprang ^Icetate, astute Super, supra Sprawl Stated Sparrow Spiral Statute Aspire Sparely Status Separable Conspirer Constituent -v Superb Sparer Steed Superable Superior Staid, stud, stead- y Spirit, sprit*; Express Company- Stood, studio Separate Experiment Citadel Sprout Sob Staidly, steadily Sps 55 Stdl V --^--l \ V s ^ 4 .%.. V~i V-- "%T'" .-- .A--S-V- V~ ^ V P -* p v v ^ i i _;L 'V-S--V- \ \ C ~T~ T O o N \ , \-* --\-- \ / ^ )-- > o, \ \5 ^. r r v, V \ ...V ...a ; ...V.. _. S .-....SL_... ;;^.:rv; N \ -^--t - f- * f In ^ \ ^ V <" r '"(' V \s V^ V ^/A v v- v ..I... f f ^ J> f ^ t / {_ j> D P U ^ ,f 1 ^ ^ *- L. ^ ^ ^ ^ c^ y .._. -?-- !T 4......L * V-^~ s "> -1 i ...... f- .L t Strm 58 Sklr Stormy Scout Ascription Streamed Scottish, skittish Scrupulous, scruples Stormed Skater, sector Scribe Strain, constrain Scatter Scrub-by Stern Sectary Ascribe Citron Cicatrize, cicatrice Scribble Saturn Skid Scrabble Eastern Scud Secret, secrete Astern Scotch Sacred, consecrate Historian Sketch Skirt Con-strained, constraint Skiff, scoff Scared Strand Scuffle Scarred Strange Sackful Security Seed, sod, sighed, concede Six Escort Said, sowed, soda Sex Secretary Sued Sixty Screed Aside Sixteen, sexton Screech Acid, assayed, essayed Section, suction Scratch Sedate Cycle, sickle, sickly Scorch Acidity Suckle Scourge Sadducee School Scrag-gy ^ Aciduous Skill Scurf Seedsman Skull, scale Scarf Sodden Scowl Scarify Sudden Scaly Scarce Sadden Scollop Secrecy Sidle Scalp Sacristy Saddle Cider, cfcdar Consider-able-y Sculptor, sculpture Skylight, skillet Scald Scarcity Secretion, description Consecration, prescrip- Considered Skilled Pcreen [tion Considerate Scaled, scold Scorn Consideration Schooled, seclude Saccharine Such, situate-d Seclusion Scrawl Eschew Auscultation, uscultation Scroll Situation Succulent Securely Such are Esculent Scarlet Stature Scholar Scurrility Statuary Secular, scaler,sculler-y Scurrilous Siege Describe, seeker Square, squire Suggest, sage, sedge Prescribe, sucker, soaker Scheme, skim Assuage Secure, screw Scum, succumb Suggestion Score, scare Sycamore [tial Suggestive Scour, skewer Skin, sicken,consequen- Seek, sock, sky, sick Asker, escrow Skein Sake, suck, soak Descriptive Scan Ask, esquire, husk-y Askew, hassock Description Prescriptive Skinny Scandalize, scandalous Skip Prescription Consequence, sconce, sick- Scope, scape Scrip Askance [ens Escape Scrape Sickness Scabby Scrap Skinner Socket, Scot tVri|)t, conscript Schooner, scanner Skate, sect Conscription Squaller, squalor Strm Sklr f t 9-,- ........... g^ q P .^,. o e cti;-- .?...JU. Sknt 60 Slshn Consequent-ly, squint Second Size, sieze Siesta Saluted Consultation Scant , Society Salutation [conciliator Consequential Assistant Sailer, slaughter, slighter, Consequence System Slater, consulter Signify-ied, signature Consistent Saluter Significance Sust" ned Sultry Signification Consistence Assaulter Significant Consistency Oscillatory [cillatory Sage, suggest Suggestive Consistory Consistorial Solitary, psaltery, con- Consolatory, solitary Suggestion Sister Salutary Sag Sisterly, concisely Soiitaire Sophia Sister in law Slide, slid, solid Safe, sofa Secede, seaside Slewed And so forth Suicide Solidity Ossify Secession Consolidate Soft, sift, swift Cessation Soldier-i/ Safety Assassin Silk, slick Suffocation Ceaseless Slake, sulk-y Ossification Saucer Slack Suffice Assessor Select Suffuse Seizer Slacked Soften, siphon Season Silken Sapphire, sphere Seizure Slacken Safer Satiate Sylph, solve, sleeve Cypher Associate Self, slave Suffer Association [sioii Sulphur-y Spheroid Session, cession, conces- Sulphurous Suffrage Seal, soil, sly, conceal, silly Sulphureous Conceive, sieve Soul, sail, slow, sale Solvable Several, save Console, consul Solvable Salve Slew, sally, sallow Selvage Seven Assail Salvation Savannah Sleep-y, slop-py, slip Salivation Savant Slope Selfish Savor Slap, sloop Sylvan Severe Asleep Sloven Saviour Slipper- y, sleeper Silver-y Savory Goncealable, soluble Sliver Soever Salable, consolable Slaver Severity Assailable Slavery Asseverate Celebrate Slice, solace, consols Saith Celebrity Sluice Sooth, south Salubrity Solstice Southeast Conciliate, sleet, slight Solicitous Southeastern Slit, concealed, salt Slosh Scythe, Seethe Slate, consult, consoled Slush-y Soothe Salute Slash Southern Sleety Silicious Is his, his is, is as Slaty Salacious As is, has his Assault, isolate, oscilate Conciliation Sauce, concise, cease Salted, slighted,solitiide Consolation Says, assess, oasis Consulted Solution Sknt Q__, 61 Slshn 4- .-f 1.. .Jp. *.. .f. n. /. .x. ......a. 1 ..... Ei ' S .. v . . V .V. ...L t/. *\ .. Slshn 62 Sntrk Oscillation Surge Some other, smother Isolation . Sewerage Smoother Slim, solemn, slime Assuage Symmetry Salaam Sewage Cemetery Slam Circuit Sumptuary Asylum Circulate, circlet,circled Smoky SvmT^athv smith Sliminess Survey [seraph Smooth Slimness Servitor, co/tservator Consumption Saline Service Consummation Slain, sullen Seaver, conserver Assumption Saloon Surveyor Summon, some one Silent Source Salmon, examine Salient Serious, series Simony Slant Serous Seamen, seaman Assailant Serum Sameness Aslant Sea-room Summons Cylinder Sermon Examination Slender Ceremony Seeming Slander Cerement Something Silence Surmount Seen, scene, cou-sign-ee Slyness, silliness Sermonize,ceremonious Sane, sun, snow-j/ Slowness Concern Soon, sinew-y Sallowness Serene, syren, saurian Assign Slyly, sillily Concerned Hasten Slowly, solely Surround Assignee Celery Serenade EsseutJal-ly Salary Serenity Snip, snipe Assailer Sorrel, serial Snap Cellaret Surly, sorely Snob Celerity Sourly Snub Sire, sear, sere, seer Cerulean Assignable Sore, sir Sirloin Sonnet saint] Sour, sewer Similar-ity, seem Consent, scent, senate, Sorry, sorrow Similarly Sanity, sonata Sierra Same, sum Con-signed Sawyer [seur Psalm Send Sower, assayer,connois- Syrup Siam Assemble-y-ed Sound, sand Ascent, ascend, assent Surplus, surplice Assume Scented, consented Sort, consort Somehow Assented Concert Simple-y Cenotaph Sortie Sample Sanative Serrate Cymbal, symbol Centennial Assort Consumable Sentinel Assert Somebody Cinder Certify, certificate Somewhat, smite Center, sender, sunder Certification Smut, smote Senator, consenter Certain Consummate Sounder Ascertain Smutty Sentry Sorter Same time, some time Centaur Assorter Some of the time Century Seaward Symptom Sanitary Search Smiter Concentric Slsbn Sntrk Y* * TV Snd 64 Shn Synod Sandy Sunder Sink Sunk Sank Shook Shaken Shekinah Sundry Asunder Sandal, soundly Songster Songstress Singly Shekel Shackle Sugar Sun dial Sneak, scenio Snake-y, Seneca z Shawl Shell, shale, shoal Showily Snack Snug Snag Ease-y Was, owes Whose, ooze, as, has Shallow Shelf Shelve Snugly Sniff, sinful Snuff Ts, his Has, as Is there Wisher Usher Sure, shrew Snuffle Snaffle San Francisco As there, has there Isit Zeal, easil}' Shire, sheer, shear Share, a-shore Assure, shower Signs, scenes, saecze Sense Snooze Easel Easier Zero Sherry Showery, ashery Short Zciness, science Essence Sinuous Czar Zone Zion Shirt Surety Shorthand, shortened Sensible-bly Sensate, sunset Sincere, cynosure SH Shred Shrewd, shroud Sheared Censer, censor Sincerely Sensorial She, wish, pshaw, shy Show, shall, show?/ Should, issue, shoe Shirred, shared Assured, showered Shrewdly Sunshine Sunshiny Ascension Sheep, shop, ship Shape Chapeau Assuredly Shriek Shirk Sensual, seneschal Assignment Consonance Shabby Showbill Shabbily Shark Shrine Shorn Saneness, sunniiiess Synonym Senile Sheet, shot Shut, shote Shoot, shout Sureness Assurance Shrink Snail, sanely Sinless. Sunless Shutter S h atter,shooter,shouter Shod, shoddy, shied Shrunk Shrank Shrill Signe^consignei^sinner Sooner Sneer, senior Shed, showed, shade-y Shoed, shadow-y Shedder, shudder Surely Shoreless Shearer Snare, snore Scenery Assignor, assignor Shift ' Shaft Shave Sharer Assurer Shame Sunrise, sonorous Sneerer Snarer, snorer ( Chevalier Chivalry Shiver Sham . Ashamed Shamed Sing, song, singulur-ly- Sung [ity, single Sang Shaver Shock Shake-y Shameful-ly Shine, sheen, shin Shone, shun, ocean, shown Snd 65 Shn ..3:..n.,_s > y y 9 -iZjr- laLLU-5c ^LJX SH X '< ..... < ..... Shnt 66 Lvl Shunt Lighten Elect Shan't Latin Allocate Shanty Litany Lictor Conscience Lightness Lecture Shyness Lateness Elector Showiness Lightly Located ZH Lately Loudly Elected Leakage, lockjaw Loiter, lighter Locust Usual-ly Letter, later Luxate Measure Latter Laxity Usury Lottery Location Measured Ultra, alter, altar Election, elocution Measurer Lighterage Allocation Usurer Literature Likely L Literal-ly Lateral-ay Local, luckily Alkali Loiterer Alcohol While, ill, law, lie, eel,w'l Will, well, lay, low, allay Literary Lied, allied, alloyed Liquor, locker Looker, lacquer, lucre Allow Led,laid,lead, load, lady, League, log Lip, leap Lewd [allayed Leg, lug Help, elope 111 done Lag Loop, lap Laden, leaden, olden Legate, legatee Ellipse, lips Altitude Ligature Lapse, elapse Latitude Alligator Leaper Ladle Legation Leper, /iclper Lewdly Allegation Leap year Leader, lauder Legal-ly Leprous Elder, loader Leaguer Leprosy Louder, ladder Lager Lobby Leach Allegory Lobe, elbow Latch Leaf, life Alibi Liege, lodge [allege Luff, loaf, elf, love Libel, liable Ledge, legislate-d-ure, Laugh, aloof Label Legible-y Leafy Allowable Elegy Alpha Labial, lobelia Eligible Lift, aloft, loft Liber Illegible-y Left Librate, illbred, liberate Ineligible Laughed Lowbred, labored Logic Lofty Libration, liberation Legislation Lifeless, leafless Elaboration Allegiance Livery Liberal-ly Oleaginous Loafer, lover, lever Laborer Lodger Laugher Library Light, alight, al-lot, lead Ledger, alleger Lock, like, leak-y Alive Lave, levy Let, late, elate, load Lake, luck-y Lava A-loud, allude, elude, looked Look Elevate Laity Alike, elk Alleviate Lighted, alighted, allotted Alack Levity Elated Locked, locket Leaven, eleven Lettuce, lotus Locate Level Lattice Lookout Alluvial Shnt C? Lvl ...... r L jfi.. c.\.. f .x rt . Lvl ' 68 Rptv Lively Lovely Health-y Lowly, ill will Lawyer Lyre, leer, liar Alien Leaned, lined, lint Lend, lent Lath Lithe Lithesome Lower, lair, layer, lore Lure, lower (to threaten) Allayer Land Island Landlord Lathe, loathe Loathesome Leather-y, loather Allure Lowery Leered, laureate Lenity Alienate Lintel Lather Loss, lease Less, else Lowered Alert Lord Lentil Launch Lunch Allows, loose, lose Also, alias Last week Allured Lurid Lurch Lineage Lunge Lounge Alaska Lazy Least, leased, list, lost Larch Lurk Lark Lance Alliance, illness Lowness Lest, laced, lust, lowest Loosed Lawsuit, elicit, illicit Lyric Alarm Lorn Allowance Oiliness Lunacy Lusty Listed Lusted Learn-ing Learned Learned Alienation Lunation Lineal-ly Lasted, lassitude Illustrious Lustrous Learner Limb, lime Lame, loam Lonely Liner, linear, leaner Lunar Illustration Lucid Klusive, illusive Loom Limy Elm Lying Lung, laying Allowing Allusive [lesion Listen, illusion, elision, Lessen, elation, revelation Alum, illume Limp Lump-y Ailing Lengthy Lengthen Loosen, allusion Listened Lessened Lamp Lamed Illumed R Loosened License Looseness Oilman Layman, laymen Illumine Or, raw, rye There, recollect,ray,row Recover-ed-y, are, rue Lastly loosely Lulcer Lessor, lesser,elsewhere, Looser, loser Lamina Lament Element, ailment From, here, hear.era, ire Where, were,her,air, oar Our, hour, arrow Ulcerate Lacerate Lazaretto Aliment, illumined Elementary Alimentary Rip, reap, ripe Represent-ed, repay, rope Rap Ulcerous Ulceration Laceration Lameness Luminous Elimination Thereupon Hepublic-ish-ed Republican Lazzaroni Leash, ej/elash Lash Illumination Luminary Almoner Repeat Rapid, repute Rapidity Little Lull Leal, loyal-ly, lily Lean,line,loin,lien,lawn Loan, lane, alone Loon Repudiate Irruptive Eruptive Lvl Rptv .(\r._.&. c a- r-? n . c.. A- ../2. R c?..^;.. ..\.....^ 1-4- Rptshn 70 Rdmsshii Repetition Reputation Reptile Arbiter Arbitrate Arbitrator Retain Rattan Irritant Rapidly Repeater Rupture Arbitration Ribbed, robbed Robed, rubbed Right hand Retained, rotund Rotunda Rapture Representati ve Representation Rabbet, rabbit Rebuke Arabic Retail, ritual Rattle Artillery Repose Repass Reposed Robin Ribbon ' Urban, urbane Retailer Writer, rioter Rater Repast Rapacity Rhapsody Arabian Rebind Rebound Orator Retire Oratorio Irruption Eruption Repine, ripen Rubble, rebel Rabble, ruble Arable Artery Rotary Retired Reopen Reappoint Repent Ribald, rebuild Rebelled Robber-y Retreat ReTterate Retort Ripple Reply Ripely Rubber Arbor Hired Retnrd Retread Oratorical Repel Repeal Replete Hurt, heard, aired, aerate Art, hard, heart Right, write, writ Rhetorical Retrace ' Reiteration Replace Repulse Repletion Wrote, rote, rut, rate Root, route Aright, riot Arterial Reed, rod, ride [arrayed Read-y, raid, road, ruddy. Repulsion Replier Repealer Errata Irritable Ratable Rude, rood Already Readable Repeller Reaper, reappear Wrapper Irritate Rotate Retake Redouble Redoubt Radiate, /rradiate, erudite Rapier, repair Report Reprieve Retook Erratic Article Aridity Eradicate Reduction Reproof Reprove Repression Reticule Rightful-ly Ratify Eradication Ridicule Radical Reparation Reporter Rib, rob Ratification Artful Artfulness Radius Reduce Arduous Rub, robe, therebefore Ruby, rabbi Thereby Heretofore Righteous Riotous Reddish Radish [erudition Radiation, irradiation. Thereabout Orb Arab Reticence Artizans Irritation Redeem, iridium Rhodium Redeemed Rebut, rebate Orbit Rebutter Rotation Artesian Rotten, written Heady made, readmit Redemption Read mission Rptshn 71 -v ^ Rdmsshn -- ' .XV -^ V V Rdn 72 Rs Redden Ordain Riddance Rectory Erector Reechoed Regress Rife, rive, reel', reeve Rave, rove, rough, refer Radiance Redness, readiness Rudeness Arcade Orchis Orchestra Hoof, raft Hereafter Reform, therefore Ordinance Ordinary Ordainer Reaction Erection Re coin Thereafter Reformation Rift Riddle Radial, readily Rudely Reckon Raccoon Recall Reft, ruffed, referred Raft Relit Ordeal Rider, reader Redder, rudder Oracle, auricle Recoil Reckless Refute Rcfuge-ee Orifice Huder Order Ardor Recluse Rocker, require Wrecker, raker, recur Refuse Orphan, refine Roughen, ruffian Ordure Rich, reach Wretch, retch, roach Recreate Record Recruit Refiner Refinery Refill, rifle Arch Archbishop Wretched Architect-ure-al Archangel Recreant, recm-ront Ruffle Raffle, rueful Roughly Ratchet Arched Kichness Request Requisite Rig Reflex, reflux River, referee, reverie Wherefore Archness Archer-j/ Richer, reacher Regular-ity-ly, rug, rogue Rag Regality Reaffirm Arrive, revolve-d-er Revenue, reverend Righteous Ridge, orgy Rage, urge, original-ate-d Irregular-ity-ly Argue-meiit-ative Regatta Review Riven, ravine Raven Rejoice, orgies Register Registry Irrigate Arrogate Rugged Arrival Keveal, revile, rival Revel, ravel Region, rejoin Origin Urgent Ragged Irrigation Rogation Reveille Rivulet Revolt, rivalled, revealed Argent Reorganize Reorganized Regain Argand, arrogant Argonaut Revelled Revulsion Revolution Reorganization Originate Rejoined, regent Arrogance Arrogancy Wriggle, regal Revere Reviewer Revert . Ark Reek, rick, rock-y Wreck, rake Regale Regalia Regulate, reglet Revered Reverse Wroth, wreath Rack, rook Rocket Wrecked Rigor Roguery Arguer Earth-iy Wrath, ruth Orthodox-y React, racked Erect, eruct Rector Regret Regard Rigorous Rise, rice Rose, raise, race Rouse, ruse Rdn 73 Rs y -_ Rs 74 Rn Arise, iris, hearsay Erase Arouse Reascend Resinous, raeiness Resell, resale, wrestle Railer, roller- Ruler Earlier Racy Rosy Heiress Result, resolute Irresolute Racer, rosary Rear Hoar, rower, rare Railroad Recipe, respect-ed-able Rasp Respective Rouser Resurrection Refresh your recollection Hearer Error Arrear Respectful Irrespective Recipient, respond Resource Racehorse Ratio, rush Orrery Aurora Erroneous Response-ible-y Irresponsible Respire Rash Irish Rational-ly Rewrite Rarity Arrowroot Reasonable Risible Irascible Irrational-ly Russia Rasher Rarely Rural Arm Wrist Rest, raced, rust, roast Roost Reassure Erasure Rely, real-ly Armed Army Rhyme, rim, ream Arrest, erst, erased Recite, receipt Rusty, russet, rosette, Arrested [roseate Aristocracy-atic Resettle, recital Rail, roll, oral-ly Rule Royal, reel, rill Rowel Royally Relay Rum, roam Rheum, room-y Romp Rump Rumole Ramble Recitation Roister Roaster Rally Earl Aerial Romped, remit Remote Aromatic Rooster Restore Reside Early, airily, airhole, oriel Hourly Relied Rheumatic Remedy Armada Residue Aroused Risk, risky Relate, rolled, world Ruled Rallied Remedial Remodel Remiss, remise Rusk, rescue Resignation Recess Reality Royalty Release Remind Arrangement Remount Reseize Resume Reassume, reassemble Realize Released Realized Remain, Roman, ermine Reminder Remainder Resemble Resumable Reason, risen Relation Realization Realist, royalist Romance Reamer, rimmer Roamer,remark-able-y Recollection, resin, raisin, Resign [ration Resolution Earliest Realm Relume Rumor Armor Armory, remarry Arisen Oration Arson Heirloom Relinquish-ed Reeling Rain, run, roan, therein Ran Iron, herein Arsenic Resent, recent Resound Rolling, railing Ruling Raillery Earn, urn, wherein Kainy, thereon Ruin, renew Rs 75 Rn .^\. >. .^L. -H! -TV*. A. Rn 76 Mtrs Hereon Whereon Hereinto M Empress Imperious Embarrass Hereunto Arena Rind Me, my, time, maw May, mow, aim, home Am, mew Impede Embody, mobbed Imbecile Rent, rend, rained Round [orient Errand, errant, arraigned, Mopped Moped Mapped, impute Embezzle .Amiable-y Am Die Around Ornate Aeronaut Mop, imp Mope Map Humble Ember, umber, embryo Amber, imbrue Ruined, renewed Rental Roundel Impiety Impetus Impetuous Embroider Embroidery Embrocation Oriental Renter, render Rounder Imputation Amputation Impossible Embarkation Embrace Embroil ReSnter Reentry Orange, arrange Impose Mob May be Umbrella Might, mid, emit, meet Met, mate, mote, mode, mud, Range ironic Aaronic Imbue iambus, emboss Embassy Moot, mute, mad U* 11110 ^ Omitted, meted Mated Runic Rinse Rains, runs, reference Impostor imposture impatient Mooted Emetic Mattock Rawness Ruinous Rinsed Impassioned Impend Impound, impugned Motive Amative imitation Earnest Ransom Renaissance Imply, employ Maple, impel Ainpie-y Mutation Mitten Mutton Renascence Earnestness Erroneousness Impelled implead impaled Matin M utiny Mightiness Earnestly Ruinously Renal Impulsion Employer Implore Mutinous, mutinies Motley Metal Renewal Reigner, runner Renewer Empire, umpire, injpair Empower Impure Mutely, mutual-ly Mutilate Mutuality Renewing Hereinbefore Import-ant Impart Meteor Motory Hereinafter Ring, wring Ruiig,wrung, rowing- Rang, ruins 1 Importance Imperfect improve improvement Matured Matures Miter, meter Wrinkle-y Rankle, raukly Railway Imperfection Importer Imparter Mutter, mother Matter,mootei-,mouther Meteorite Impervious Improvise Impress, emprise Maturate Maturity Matrice, mattress Rn 77 Mtrs Mtrnl 78 Mlshn Maternal Matronly Material-ly Almost, mist, missed Amazed, must Massed, amassed, amused Moslem, mat/solcum Muslin Miscellany Maturely Meadow, muddy Modify Misty Musty Masthead Miser, misery Emissary Miswrite Modification Midst, amidst Modest Mystic Mastic Mistake, mosque Macerate Messrs. Miserly Modesty Medium Madam Musk-y, mosaic Mistook, music- Mistaken Misrule Most of the time Mesh, mush Maiden Madden Madonna Mastiff Mystify Mister, moisture Mash Emaciate Mashed Muddiness, madness Moodiuess Match Muster Master Mystery Malform-ed Malformation Merely Image Majesty Imagery Mysterious . Mastery Mistress Moral-ly Missionary Machinery. Major Meek, mica, mock Make, muck-y Misdeed Almsdeed Massachusetts Machinist Machine Mai Amicable-y Mix Mucus Message Massage Messenger Timely Mile, mill, meal-y, mall Mail, mole, mellow, melee Mechanic-al Mechanism Mechanician Musket Mosquito Musketry Mule, mallow Millet,immolatc, omcl.'i Melt, moult Machination Mocker-y Magnify-ed-iiceuce Miscall Musical Muscular Mulatto Multiple, multiply Multitude Maggot Massacre Magnate, magnet Miscarry Meager Missive, emissive Militate, immolated Moulted, melted Melter, moulder, emulator Migrate Massive Emigrate Misses Migration Messes Military Mildew Mellowed, mouldy, melody Emigration Masses Mitt Mrs. Muff Misuse Malady Melodious Milk, milky Emphasis, emphasize Miasma Mume Museum Myth, moth-y Amazement Aimless, emulous Malice Milest< >ue Mathematic-al, mouth Amusement Methought Moisten, mizzen Method Mason Millstone Malster Molest'er Methodical-ly Moistener Mice, miss [aims Masonry Mess, maze,muss,amaze, Missile Mollusc Militia Mellow ish Mouse, muse, amuse Muscle, mislay Mossy, Messiah Mislead Massy Mislaid Mulish Immolation Emulsion, emulation Mtrnl 79 Mlshn .a...v. -9 o. .?. r>i Mln 88 N Malign, million Mercy Monetary Melancholy, melon Melancholia Marsh, marshy Immersion Monday, monad, monody Meander Mollieiit, emollient Emersion Manage Millionaire Commemorate Maniac, ammoniac Maligner, milliner Commemoration Manikin Millinery Mormon Manufacture Miller, molar Merman Manufactory Malaria Morn, morning, marine Manufacturer Ameliorate Mourn Maneuver Amelioration Merino Mince, moans Mr. Mourner Immense Mere Mariner Ominous, minus More Moral-ly Menace Mar, humor Merely Meanest Miry, morrow Merrily Minced Mower, emery, merry Mural, marl Menaced Marry, marrow Minimum immensity Mire Memorandum, maim, mum Minister Mayor, mare, myrrh Memoranda Ministry Moor, amour Iwummy Monastery Tomorrow Mamma Ominously Mortgage-d Immediate-ly Immensely, mainsail Merit Immigrate Minutia, minutto Mart Immigration Mention Muriate 1 mmaterial-ly Moonshine Merited Mammal, mammalia Monition, munition Marshal, martial Memoir Emanation Myrtle Memory, mummery Ammunition Mortal, mortally Monument, Omnium, minim Immortal-ly Movement Ammonium Myriad, maraud Men, mean, mine Meantime Married Mam, moan, man imminent Marauder Moon, human Eminent Murder Murderous, murderess Minnow, my own Many, money Meanness Imminence March Mania, mnmonia Eminence Merchant Mind, mint [amend Monk, monkey Merchandise Mental-ly, meant, mend, Manual . Mercantile Mount, mound, amount Manilla Emerge Merge Minuet [ute Emanate, amenity, nun- Miner, meaner Minor Marriage Immunity, ammonite Manure Morocco Maintain Minority Murky, America Mountain Mouarcn-y Mark Monotone Mineral Marked, market Monotony Manorial Mercury Mantle, mantel Mannerly Marker Minder . immerse, Morse Mender, mentor N Morris Mounter Morose, amerce Monitor An, and [nigh, knee Morass, amorous Minuter In, any, gnaw, annoy. Morceau Monitory Know, own, 110, nay N 82 Ndnt Knew, new, own Anyhow Now Notation Annotation Intuition Knight errant Unturned Untruly, neutral Nip Nape Nap, unhappy Understood Notwithstanding Understand Entirely Natural-ly Naturalize Nipple Unhappily Nib, nob, nobby Interest I nterested Entomb Entrails Neutralize Interior Anybody Nobody Unbind Anatomy Antimony Antenna, antenme Anterior Needy, annoyed Undo, endwe, undue Unbent, unbend Unbound Nibble [unable Noble-y, knowable, enable, Nebula Neighbor Intent, intend Unatoned Untuned Neatness Intense Knottiness, naughtiness Handy, endow Nudity Indict Indicted I ndebted Undoubted Tnbred [.bored Neighborhood, neigh- Inborn Intention Inattention Intonation Indictment Needed, indeed Unaided Unborn Newborn [m-at Not, need, night, knit, Nightly, needle, neatly Nettle, natal, entail Until, handle-ily Ended Handed, commanded Undertake Under, hundred, net Nut, note, comment Nature, hand, aut, aunt Unduly Needless Endless Undertook Undertaken Independent-ce Knotty, naughty, untie Into, wnto Community, annuity Untold] Entry Untrue Indicate Induct Index Untaught Entity, in toto Knighthood Entire, inter Endure Neither, nitre Indication Induction Indignant Untidy Antidote Annjtator, commentator Another, enter, commencler Neuter Auy other Indignation Undefined Indefinite Negotiate Negotiation Untouched Unattached Knowledge Intelligent No other Commentary, notary Entered [entreat Nitrate,untried, untrod, Un uttered Intrude Indigent Indigence Needful Handful Individual-ly Indifferent-ee-ly Intelligence Antique, antic Intact Entreaty Notoriety Untired Endeavor-ed Intermediate Intermission Antedate Antiquity Antiquated Untoward Nitric Nitrous Intermittent Commander Commandment Integrate Integrity Entice Notorious Nutrition Intrusion Endowment Indian, Indiana Undone Notice Enticement New Testament Interment N utriment Untrained Anodyne Indent Commandant N Ndni ...1 n^ ^ ^^v r -YT -*\ -t. A -** 1 Ndntshn 84 Nsns Indentation Indenture Andante Unquiet Engage-d Negro Incited Instead, instate Unsuited Indispensible-y Undress, inodorous Indoors Niggard Engird Unguarded Unsteady Instruct Instruction Endorse Endurance Niche, notch Engirdled Engross Knife, in reference to Instructive Instrument Incitaiit, instant Inch, in which Unchallenged Unchaste Enough 1 nf orm-ed Information Unstained Honestlv, install Instill Enjoy Knowledge Enlarge Neophyte, unfl Infant Unfeigned Unsightly Nastily Unsettled Enlarged Enjoin Engine Unfound Infer, unfair Inference Inside, noised Unsaid Next day Engineer Ingenious Ingenuous Enforce Nefarious Envoy, involve Inasmuch Next week Next month Nick, knock, Ionic Neck Nook, unhook Knave, never, envy, navy Nephew, inveigh, No- Anniversary Ivember Inconsiderate Inconsiderable-y Inconsideration Uncut Enact, communicate Inactive Nevertheless [innovate Invade, inveighed, invite, Envied Unconsidered Unasked Insect Communicative Nectar Communicator Unavoidable-y Inevitable-y Novice, invoice Unskilled Unschooled Inscribe-d Onyx Encase Annex Envious Involution Innovation, invasion Insecure Inscription Nicest Noxious, Incautious Inaction Communication Uneven Invention Inconvenience Incest Necessity, insist Insisted Nickel Knuckle Include Enclose, necklace Nucleus Enclasp Inconvenient Anthem Anathema [nice Influence, noise, niece, Nose, commence, onus Noose, news, ounce Inconsistent Necessitous Incestuous Ancestor Ancestry Incisor Unclasp Knocker, inquire-y Incur Insignificant Unsay Ensue Necessary Noisome Communism Encore Inquired Inaccurate Noisy, uneasy Honest, influenced Xest, next, commenced Unseen, Nicine Insane, ensign Innocent Increase Incurious Encrust Communist Honesty, nicety, incite. Nasty [insight,onset Nascent Insinuate Insanity Incarnate In accordance Iniquity Incitable Unstable Unsuitable Innocence, incense Ensigns Nuisance .. Ndntshn 80 Nsns M' 1....L .rf. ^ ^L t I Nsns 86 Wt Innocency Noisiness, uneasiness Ensuing Commonwealth Analyze Enlace, unlace Nomination Inmate Animate Unsung, commencing Nicely, unseal Nasal, nestle Unloose Unless Nor, honor, iiear,inn'. k r Enmity Named Unnamed Insoluble Unsalable Unassailable Manner Owner Nigher, aimoyer Nomad Unmade Animus Unsoiled, unsealed Insult, insulate, onslaught Unsullied Anywhere, ne'er Inure, newer Unripe Inmost Animosity Unmeaning Enslave No, sir Answer Unrepresented Unwrap Enrobe Nominee Anemone Pneumonia Insert Answered Nazarite Honorable-v Unhurt, unheard Inwrought Anomaly Animal Namely Insertion Nausea Newish, gnash Unusual-ly Influential Influences Narrate, unroot Narrator Nurture [neared Honored, in regard to, In relation to In writing Anomalous Nameless Enumerate, numerate -Enumeration, numeration Opinion, nine.anon. any one Known, no one, none Nation, notion Comminution . National, notional Handwriting Inward Onward Noun, noon, communion Ninny Inane Insure Next year Insured Inroad,unready, unread Narrowed In order-to Anoint Ninety Inanity Insurance Only, null Annals Energy, enrage Nurse Unhorse Unowned Noontide Noonday Kneel, anneal, nil Knell, nail, knoll, annul Aniiiial-iy Onerous In respect to In respect of Unendowed Nonage, unhinge Annoyance Nolle Inlay, nulla Newly Unreasonable North and South Northern and Southern Newness Announce Announced Inlet Kneeled, annealed Knelt, nailed, annulled Northern Northeastern Northwestern Awning, anything, inning Knowing, unhang, unhung New York Inlaid Unload Annulet Unarmed Unharmed, Nearly w Nullity Commonalty Unaltered Unreal Enroll, unroll Unruly, gnarl, narrowly We,why, without, wheel Whether, weigh, woe, way Would, away, woo Unlettered Unalloyed Unallayed Nearer Honorary Narrower Wipe, weep [weed Witness-ed, wit, white, Weight, wait, wet, weighed Unallowed Unhallowed Unhealthy Enemy Nominal, nominat<>-cl Name, numb Wooed, wood Whiten Witty Nsns 37 Wt .wT.. _o_. vc^4 -- -t/ .rr. *~ ^ W .V--?- Wt 88 Hsn Weighty Wild, walled Weighted, wetted Weld, wailed Y Weightiness Waylaid Wittily Weightily Water Wallowed Wielded Welded Year, beyond, ye Yet, young, yea, yes You, your, youare,yew, Weather Wiliness Yacht t ewe Waiter Wooliness Yachter Waitress Work Yon, "awn Witch Wiry Used Wedge, wage Worry, wary Yesterday \Vager Wire, weir Yes, sir Walk, wake, weak Wore, wear, a-ware United States Woke Awake, awoke Wooer War Uniform-ed-ity Universe-al-ity Wicked, wicket Wax Workman Workmanship University Yawl Weakest Workmanlike Yell Weaken Award Yule Waken, awaken Without regard to Yo-hind Hallow, halloo Hurricane Hunt Highly Harken Hound Hauled Horse Hinted, haunted Howled Hearse, hoarse Hunted Held, hailed, hold Horsey, hearsay Behindhand H oil day Holyday Heresy Harass Highway Whip Hillock Horse race Wheat Hulk Horse hair Whet Highland Horseman-men Whittle, whitlow Hire-, higher Horsewoman, horsewoman Wheaten Hair-y, hoar Hoarser U'hiz, wheeze Hewer Hirain Whist Hero Harm, harem [nious Whale Hurry, hoary Harmonies, hannonlze- Whine Harrow Horn Wherry Harp-y Hereupon Horny Heron NG Hairpin Heroine Harpoon Horrible-y Hornet Horehound Think, thinjr, long Nothing, among, length Herbal Hairiness Language, along Hired Harness Amongst Hurt, heard Horror Angle Heart, hart, hard Hymn Longer High wrought Hem, hame, hum, home Anger Hearty Heartache Ham Hemp, hump lengthen Lengthwise Hsr 91 NG v~- *> ---- ^--^ \-^-\- NG UNIVERSITY OF AT LOS ANGELES UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. Form L9-25m-9,'47(A5618)444 Oo2p Phonetic shorthandv- 082pw A 000 573 586 5 Jtfl .