" No better books, introductory to Hebrew, exist.' 1 Pro*. T. K. CHEYNE, Oxford University. HEBREW AND SEMITIC TEXT-BOOKS. By W. R. HARPER, Ph.D., Professor of Semitic Languages in Tale College ; Principal oj Schools of the American Institute <>/ Hebrew. ELEMENTS OF HEBREW. Net 2.00. INTRODUCTORY HEBREW METHOD AND MANUAL-. Net $2.00. ELEMENTS OF HEBREW SYNTAX. Net 2.00. HEBREW VOCABULARIES. Net gl.OO. INTRODUCTORY TESTAMENT GREEK METHOD. BY HARPER AND WEIDNER. Net $2.50. HEBREW VOCABULARIES LISTS OF THE MOST FREQUENTLY OCCURRING HEBREW WORDS ARRANGED BY WILLIAM R HARPER PROFESSOR OF SEMITIC LANGUAGES IN YALE UNIVERSITY EIGHTH EDITION NEW YORK: CHARLES SCRIBNERS* SONS 1893 Copyright, 1890, by W. R. HARPER. Press of I. J. Little & Co. Astor Place, New York INSCRIBED TO IRA MAURICE PRICE, CLARK E. CRANDALL, FREDERIC J. GURNEY, JOHN WESLEY PAYNE, ROBERT F. HARPER, WILBERT W. WHITE, GEORGE S. GOODSPEED, FRANK K. SANDERS, IN TOKEN OF THE AUTHOR'S INDEBTEDNESS TO THEM FOR AID AND SYMPATHY IN THE WORK IN WHICH THEY AND HE, AT DIFFERENT TIMES, HAVE BEEN ASSOCIATED. 2096115 BRRATA.. no, after 93 read D1J Flee M M 145 " D"in Devote, destroy 16, It 21 " ^b AH 17, u ' G9 " N3 Host M u 81 " DK Mother 18, It 160 " "IPO River T T 19, 20, tt 296 " 386 " H rpy Fowl '^rqj Virgin 23, tt tt 392 " 725 " ?J| Garden J^'l Fat 26, 27, tt 1058 " 1109 " *^jl") Foot-soldier, and ^fH Wide T T pity Leg, and Jji'lt^ kily PRERACR. The " Hebrew Vocabularies " is intended for students who desire to gain a living familiarity with the Hebrew language. The chief difficulty to overcome in the mastery of the Hebrew language is the acquisition of a vocabulary. There are but few words in Hebrew with which corresponding ones in English, of similar sound and signification, maybe associated. The old method of acquiring a vocabulary, that is, by looking up a word in a Lexicon every time it occurs until it becomes faniiliar for this, life is too short. The average student will look for the same word twenty times before he will really know it ; meanwhile he might have memorized twenty icords. Yet it is not well for a beginner to attempt to memorize the Lexicon. He should be given lists of the words which occur most frequently. Of the seven or eight thousand vocables which occur in the Hebrew language, about one thousand occur over twenty-five times ; about eight hundred between ten and twenty-five times. If the learner will memorize five or six words a day, within six or eight months he will have mastered a vocabulary sufficient to enable him to read any portion of the Hebrew of the Old Testament with considera- ble ease. Three words, those meaning to say, God, Son, occupy sixty pages of the Hebrew text. The sixty-three verbs given in Lists I. and II. occupy two hundred pages, and the first sixty nouns given in Lists VII. and VIII. occupy two Jut nd red and ticcnty-ficfi pages together about one-third of the entire Old Testament, and in this calculation derivatives are not included. The book may be used in many ways. The author has found one plan especially helpful. When the class has fin- ished the first chapter of Genesis, the first lists of both verbs and nouns are examined and the words occurring in the vi PREFACE. chapter just studied are checked. This aids in impressing the several words upon the mind of the student. The same thing is done when the second, third and fourth chapters have been studied. In connection with sight-reading the game plan may be adopted with good results. The "Verbs arranged according to their stems'' (Lists XVIII.-XXIV.), and "verbs arranged according to the char- acter of their radicals" (Lists XXV. -XLT.) may be used in connection with grammatical study. This use may also be made of the "Nouns arranged according to their Formation." The following points deserve attention : 1) The " Vocabularies " is not intended as, in any manner, a substitute for the lexicon, but to be used with constant reference to it. 2) In the Lists of Nouns arranged according to their Sig- nification (XCV.-CXXV.) rare words are occasionally given, but only when it has seemed best to make the list compara- tively exhaustive. 3) Since it has always been the aim to present the most usual meaning of a word, secondary instead of primary mean- ings will often be found given. 4) The Lists of Nouns arranged according to Formation, will be found convenient for the study of that much neg- lected, yet very important part of Hebrew Grammar, Noun- formation. When the origin of a noun is uncertain, it is often difficult to decide upon its formation ; in general, how- ever, the classification will be found satisfactory. 5) In the List of Nouns derived from the most common roots, the arrangement is intended (a) to assist the pupil in getting more firmly fixed the meaning of the root by asso- ciating with it one or more derivatives ; (b) to show the particular meanings of the various formations. In order to accomplish both these things 7ruf Xeyouzva are frequently though not always inserted. The treatment docs not aim to be exhaustive ; and yet it will be found practically to be so. Space has been left in the printing of the rare formations in order that the student may insert similar forms found in his reading. PREFACE. vii 6) The " List of Common Idioms," if thoroughly mastered, will aid greatly both in a better understanding of the Hebrew text and in a better expression of its meaning in English. In Lists I.-XVII.,and in List CXXXI., the Hebrew and English are given on different pages in order that the book may thus be more easily made use of in the class-room. It was proposed to include other material than that here given ; but the demand for the book has been so pressing, and the delay of publication has already been so great, that it is thought best to leave this additional material for a later edi- tion. The principal lexicons, concordances and similar books have been used in making out these lists. In former editions (1882, 1883) my brother, Mr. Robert F. Harper, and in this edition my friend, Mr. A. S. Carrier, have rendered valuable aid in the work of collecting and arranging words. Great care has been taken to make the lists accurate ; but it is reasonable to suppose that omissions and errors will be found. Corrections will be thankfully received. WILLIAM R. HARPER. YALE UNIVERSITY April 25th, 1890. ' CONTENTS. I. HEBREW WORDS ACCORDING TO FREQUENCY OF OCCUR- HENCE (HEBRKW). I. Verbs occurring 500-5000 times 9 II. Verbs occurring 200-500 times 9 in. Verbs occurring 100-200 times 10 iv. Verbs occurring 50-100 times 10,11 v. Verbs occurring 25-50 times 11-13 vi. Verbs occurring 10-25 times 13-15 II. HEBREW NOUNS ACCORDING TO FREQUENCY OF OCCUR- RENCE (HEBREW). ni. Nouns occurring 500-5000 times 16 Viil. Nouns occurring 300-500 times 16,17 ix. Nouns occurring 200-300 times 17 x. Nouns occurring 100-200 times 17,18 xi. Nouns occurring 50-100 times 18,19 xn. Nouns occurring 25-50 times 20-23 xiu. Nouns occurring 10-25 times 22-27 III. PREPOSITIONS, ADVERBS, CONJUNCTIONS, AND NUMERALS (HEBREW). xiv. Prepositions, and Prepositional Phrases: 1. Denoting Place 28 2. Dfuoiing Time 28 3. Denoting Cause, End, Instrumentality 28 4. Denoting Connection, Relation, Privation 29 xv. Adverbs and Adverbial Phrases: 1. Denoting Place 29 2. Denoting Time 80 8. Denoting Quantity 80 4. Denoting Quality, Condition, and Causality.... 80,81 6. Denoting Affirmation and Negation 31 xvi. Conjunctions: 1. Of Time 81 2. Of Wish and Condition 81 3. Of Cause, End, and Effect 81 4. Of Contrast and Correspondence 82 xvii. Numerals 82 COMTXHTB. I. HEBREW VEBB8 ACCORDING TO FREQUENCY OF OCCUR HENCE (ENGLISH). I. Verbs occurring: 500 5000 times 33 II. Verbs occurring 200 500 times 83 JU. Verbs occurring 100--00 times 34 IV. Verbs occurring 50-100 times 84,^5 V. Verbs occurring 25-50 times 35-37 VI. Verbs occurring 10-25 times 37-o9 II. HEBREW NOUNS ACCORDING TO FREQUENCY OF OCCUR- HENCE (ENGLISH). vii. Nouns occurring 500-5000 times 40 VIII. Nouns occurring 300-50C times 40,41 IX. Nouns occurring 200-300 times 41 X. Nouns occurring 100-200 times 41,43 XI. Nouns occurring 50-100 times 42,43 xil. Nouns occurring 25-50 times 44-48 xm. Nouns occurring 10-25 times 46-51 in. PREPOSITIONS, ADVERBS, CONJUNCTIONS, AND NUMERALS (ENGLISH). xiv. Prepositions and Prepositional Phrases: 1. Denoting Place 52 2. Denoting Time 52 3. Denoting Cause, End, Instrumentality 52 4. Denoting Connection, Relation, Privation 52 xv. Adverbs and Adverbial Phrases: 1. Denoting Place 53 2. Denoting Time 5J 3. Denoting Quantity 53 4. Denoting Quality, Condition, and Causality 54 6. Denoting Affirmation or Negation 54 xvi. Conjunctions: 1. Of Time 54 2. Of Wish and Condition 54 3. Of Cause, End and Effect 54 4. Of Contrast and Correspondence 54 xvii. Numerals C5 IV. VERBS ARRANGED ACCORDING TO THEIR STEMS. xvin. Verbs occurring only in the Simple Stems 50 xix. Verbs occurring only in the Intensive Stems 57 xx. Verbs occurring only in the Causative Stems 57- xxi. Verbs occurring in both Simple and Intensive Stems 57,58 xxii. Verbs occurring in both Simple and Causative Stems 59,60 XXIH. Verbs occurring in Intensive and Causative Stems 60 xxiv. Verbs occurring iu Simple, Intensive and Causa- tive Stems... 60-64 CONTENTS. xi r. VERBS ARRANGED ACCORDING TO THE CHARACTER OF THEIR RADICALS. xxv. Strong: Verbs 85,6rt xxvi. ') Guttural Verbs 67 xxvu. 'y Guttural Verbs 68 xxviii. rl ? Guttural Verbs 69 xxix. Verbs containing Two Gutturals. 6'J xxx. J "3 Verbs TO xxxi. y"y Verbs 71 xxxii. N"3 Verbs 73 xxxui. 1"3 Verbs 72,73 xxxiv. " '3 Verbs 73 xxxv. Y'y Verbs 73,74 xxxvi. '"y Verbs 74 xxxvu. K", 1 ? Verbs 74,75 xxxvui. n" 1 ? Verbs 75 xxxix. H" 1 ? Verbs and, at the same time, '3 or 'y Gut- tural . 78 XL. Verbs Doubly Weak 76-78 XLI. Defective and Kindred Verbs 78,79 VI. NOUNS ARRANGED ACCORDING TO FORMATION. XLII. Segholates, A-Class 80-83 XLIII. Segholates, I-Class 83,84 XLIV. Segholates, U-Class 85,88 XLV. Nouns with Two Originally Short Vowels, a a. 87,88 ZLVI. Nouns with Two Originally 8hor.t Vowels, ft I. 89 ZLVII. Nouns with Two Originally Short Vowels, ft a. 90 JCLVIII. Nouns with Two Originally Short Vowels, I a. 90,91 XLIX. Nouns with a Short and a Long Vowel, ft a(6). 91 L. Nouns with a Short and a Long Vowel, ft 1.... 91.93 LI. Nouns with a Short and a Long Vowel, ft u... 93 LII. Nouns with a Short and a Long Vowel, I ft ( e -&) 92 LJII. Nouns with a Short and a Long Vowel, I 1 < e -D 93 rav. Nouns with a Short and a Long Vowel, I fl ( u) 93 LV. Nouns with a Short and a Long Vowel, ft ft (6 a> 91 i/vi. Nouns with a Short and a Long Vowel, a I (6-) 04 i/vn. Intensives: Middle Radical Doubled, ft ft 95 LVIII. Intensives: Middle Radical Doubled, I ft 95 LIX. Intensives: Middle Radical Doubled, ft I 9tt i.x. Intensives: Middle Radical Doubled, ft a 96 ixi. Intensives: Middle Radical Doubled, ft Q 96 LXII. Intensives: Middle Radical Doubled, a af6) .... 96 LJCIII. Intensives: Middle Radical Doubled, a 1 99 xu CONTENTS. Intenslves: Middle Radical Doubled, a a..... 96 LXV. Iiitensives: Middle Kadical Doubled, I u 97 LXVI. Jntcnsives: Middle Radical Doubled, irregular 97 LXVII. Intensives: Third Radical Reduplicated 87 LXVUI. Intenslves: Contracted Stem 97 LXIX. Nouns with Preformatives, K prefixed 97 LXX. Nouns with Preformatives, ' or n prefixed... 97 LXXI. Nouns with Preformatives, D prefixed, a a.. 98 LXXII. Nouns with Preformatives, D prefixed, I &... 98 LXXUI. Nouns with Preformatives, 3 prefixed, 4 1... 99-100 LXXLV. Nouns with Preformatives, D prefixed, I 1.... 100 LXXV. Nouns with Preformatives, D prefixed, a u... 100 LXXVI. Nouns with Preformatives, D prefixed, a a (6). 100,101 LXXVII. Nouns with Preformatives, D prefixed, I & (6). 101 LXXVIII. Nouns with Preformatives, D prefixed, & 1 101 LXXIX. Nouns with Preforrnatives, D prefixed, & u.. .. 101 LXXX. Nouns with Preformatives, D prefixed, u a... 102 LXXXI. Nouns with Preformatives, D prefixed, irregu- lar 103 LXXXII. Nouns with Preformatives, r\ prefixed, a a.... 103 LXXXIII. Nouns with Preformatives, n prefixed, I a 103 LXXXIV. Nouns with Preformatives, r\ prefixed, a I. .. 103 LXXXV. Nouns with Preformatives, n prefixed, a a... . 103, 104 LXXXVI. Nouns with Preformatives, r\ prefixed, a I.... 10* LXXXVII. Nouns with Afformatives, 7 affixed 104 txxxvni. Nouns with Afformatives, affixed 104 LXXXIX. Nouns with Afformatives, J affixed 104 xc. Multiliterals..' 105 xer. Compounds. 10 XCIJ. Denominatives, Participial forces. 105 xcm. Denominatives, 3 formations... 105 xciv. Denominatives with Afformatives. 106 VIJ. NOUNS ARRANGED ACCORDING TO THEIR MEANING, xcv. The Heavens and Heavenly Bodies J07 otcvi. Time and its Divisions 107 xcvu. Natural Phenomena 108 xcvui. The Earth and its Divisions 108 xcix. Water and its Divisions.. . .109 C. Geographical Terms "109 ci. Jpace: Terms expressing Position, Direction 109 or Linear Measurement V 100 en. Expressions for Quantity and Weight 110 cut. Physical Qualities;.....! "110 civ. Mineralsand Metals..... 110Yi.lI cv. Life, Disease and Death....... Ill en. Vegetation and its Products 111,112 evn. Animals, Wild and Domestic H^l'13 evin. Animal products ' lT3 cix. Various groupings of mankind 113 CONTENTS. X , ex. Various words for Man 113 CXI. The Body and its Members. 114 CXII. Physical Qualities of Man 114 cxm. States of the Body 115 cxiv. Terms expressive of Man's position In the World 115,118 cxv. Abodes and parts of Abodes 116 CXVI. Intellect, Sensibility and Will 117 CXVII. Operations and Enactments of Intellect, etc.... 117,118 CXVIII. Human Actions and Occupations 118 CXIX. Articles used in Daily Life 119,120 cxx. Products of Manufacture 120 CXXI. The Spiritual Nature 121 CXXII. Ethical and Religious terms 121,123 CXXXI1I. Sacrifice and Worship 122 CXXIV. The Futureworld 123 CXXV. God 123 VIII. THE MOST COMMON ROOTS WITH DERIVATIVES. CXXVI. Derivatives from Verbs occurring500-5000 times 124-128 CXXVII. Derivatives from Verbs occurring 200-500 times 129-134 CXXVIII. Derivatives from Verbs occurring 100-200 times 134-140 CXX1X. Derivatives from Verbs occurring 50-100 times. 140-151 cxxx. Derivatives from Verbs occurring 25-50 times.. 152-168 IX. LISTS OF THE MOST COMMON IDIOMS. CXXXI. The Hebrew Phrases 169-172 CX XXI. The English Phrases 173-178 /. HEBREW VERBS ACCORDING TO FREQUENCY OF OCCURRENCE. 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 LIST I. Verbs occurring 5OO 5OOO times. 1 7^3 X 8 "17* 15 - T - T 2 "ON 9 N*' 16 ~ T TT 3 N13 10 y&l 17 4 "0"} 11 i"0 18 5 rrn 12 no 19 6 to 13 T T 20 7 yy r 14 10) 21 raj? 22 23 24 25 26 Di LIST II. Verbs occurring 2OO 5OO times. NDH rrn 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 4fi TT rto T T aro 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 TO 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 on :w mv 10 HEBREW VERBS ACCORDING TO 64 65 66 67 n^O 68 [3 69 nm T T 70 *?4 71 ?-U 72 Ta 73 n*j4 74 tr"n 75 ^n 76 ;nn 77 rnr 78 122 PON T T 123 frw 124 -)DN 125 "TIN 126 -TO 127 128 129 LIST III. Verbs occurring 1OO 2OO times. 79 run 94 yp^ T T ~" T cn ^** ^7 QP^ ^ ^ ^ ou J& I T *'*' JJU 81 NOD 96 ifiD 82 JTT 97 ^ 83 2DJ 98 n^9 84 -tfV 99 pp 85 153 100 HDp 86 87 88 89 on 1 ? 90 91 92 93 LIST IV. Verbs occurring 5O 1OO times. 130 isi rra 132 133 134 Tir 135 HJJ 136 137 nrn 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 mn w 109 110 111 112 113 114 ; 115 116 117 118 r 119 120 r 121 146 ehn 147 nnn T 148 -HE 149 C f '3* 150 n^; isi rj; 152 pr 153 W FREQUENCY or OCCURRENCE. 11 154 rn; in PDJ iss 113 205 155 D23 172 13J 189 J5HS 206 156 D#3 173 3VJ 190 ItSy 207 157 ^''3 174 HSJ 191 p#V 208 158 fifo 175 1VJ 192 nfiy 209 I - T T T 159 ip^ 176 JBO 193 11V 210 160 DN*0 177 "Up 194 ^"p 211 161 T10 178 iriD 195 HJp 212 162 inp 179 11^ 196 pin 213 163 130 180 irj; 197 orn 214 164 0*70 181 n:j; 198 j^rn 215 165 nCPO 182 Tjljf 199 pfTl 216 166 ^C'O 183 HIS 200 3H 217 167 D3^ 184 p3 201 3D"J 218 168 n"U 185 X^S 202 [Jl 219 169 fTIJ 186 ^3 203 170 Sm 187 bl^Q 204 Ll'ST V. Verbs occurring 2550 times. 220 ^3X 227 Tp}J 234 [H3 241 221 niN 228 D^'N 235 ^ 242 222 UK 229 1.33 236 1V3 243 223 pj 230 ^13 237 ^^3 244 224 J^OJJ 231 *7n3 238 H3^ 245 225 HDK 232 HJ3 239 ^ 246 njH 233 r?3 240 yj 247 HO.l 12 HEBREW VERBS ACCORDING TO 248 nin 275 y^ 302 po 329 249 Din 276 3JT 303 t|JJ 330 250 31? 277 ^fT 304 -]"U 331 251 ipr 278 ^J 305 TO 332 ni5 252 rnr 279 ny 305 jnj 333 I) T | -T - T 253 nij 280 ID* 307 Jtf 334 254 plj 281 1p; 308 t|U 335 255 JOn 282 3tf 309 HHJ 336 T T - T T T 256 13n 283 fi 310 #IM 337 - T -T - T 257 On 284 1*^ 311 HD-3 338 - T ~ T T T 258 Ijn 285 ^3 312 T]D^ 339 259 DIJII 286 IPO 313 Dp^ 340 260 D"7n 287 0*73 314 npJ 341 261 f]^n 288 JN3 315 DpJ 342 262 ^n 289 j;i3 316 pBf'J 343 ,Tlp 263 ^Ofl 290 p 1 ? 317 fni 344 264 npfl 291 Dp 1 ? 318 pnj 345 265 3Vn 292 |^0 319 ff?D 346 266 Ipn 293 010 320 T]OD 347 nip 267 31(1 294 ^lO 321 1p 348 3^'p 268 -nn 295 nno 322 -^ 349 nirp 269 f^nn 296 ,-00 323 f]1j; 350 270 Tlt^n 297 ^40 324 l^j; 351 271 Drill 298 ^p 325 31jJ 352 272 31D 299 niO 326 p^ 353 273 jgtj 300 rjty'p 327 ^J13 354 .274 riin 301 two 328 inQ 355 of OCCUKKKNCK. 13 356 am 360 yefr 363 nat? see - T * - T T T 357 C'jn 361 i^ir 364 fltSt^' 367 358 ,15") 362 nntr 365 *?)> 368 T T \ ~ T " T 359 nvj LIST VI. Verbs occurring lO-'i5 times. 369 pN 390 -|B>a 411 ppl 432 370 -ffN 391 ^tfj 412 -|JTJ 433 371 irtN 392 "OJ 413 [C,' 1 ! 434 372 DDK 393 jnj 414 fpn 435 C'fin 373 D S N* 394 TO 415 *int 436 ni'n -T -T -T TT 374 ^OJJ 395 yij 416 "W 437 ^Vfl 375 mN 396 fU 417 DDJ 438 ppfl 376 fl^K 397 1^ 418 njf 439 T*in |- T -T -T I ~ T 377 ;pN 398 pj'pj 419 DJ^f 440 T}fl 378 bnjj 399 ^ 420 mj 441 ^jyn 379 -IJTN 4oo ^w 421 ^an 442 nLrn -T '-T -T TT 380 nriN 401 1J7J 422 p3fl 443 T^'fl 381 C'N3 402 trj?j 423 ))n 444 382 ri3 403 n"u 424 t:'in 445 T T - T 383 D13 404 JHil 425 Din 446 384 n^a 405 Bn 426 ^'in 447 385 *?j;a 406 nrn 427 nan 443 sse nra 407 fn 428 -iqn 449 T I ~ T 387 yva 408 frOT 429 Dpn 450 388 pP3 409 nO"! 430 f]^n 451 QJflD 389 Ta 410 r\V*\ 431 "ipn 452 ^ 14 HKBKEW VKRBS ACCOKDING TO 453 7D> 480 gnO 507 fiBO 534 454 &y 481 J>nO 508 10 535 D# 455 DIT 482 1DO 509 IfO 536 456 tTIT 483 DDO 510 CTO 537 - T 457 PIT 484 D#0 511 JDD 538 458 "ij^ 485 -HO 512 HID 539 T " T 459 ^j; 486 D"]0 513 1HD 540 460 W 487 "HO 514 TpD 541 461 npj 488 ^'0 515 pp 542 462 |# 489 ^5J 516 ^p 543 463 ,1^3 490 V3^ 517 1VD 544 T T ~ T ~ T 464 Q3 491 MJ 518 H3D 545 465 nna 492 n^ 519 ^pp 546 466 jrD 493 njj 520 "Hp 547 467 3?3 494 fcOJ 521 QHD 548 - T -T ~ T* 468 ^113 495 3U 522 Hy; 549 469 frto 496 ^HJ 523 H1J7 550 470 DJ3 497 Htt 524 rty 551 471 ITJ5 498 ^n 525 HtD^ 552 472 nrO 499 *1fJ 526 f|J 553 473 ,1X^ 500 t^'Hi 527 H3V 554 T T - T - T 474 DlY? 501 tlDJ 528 ^ 555 475 HI 1 ? 502 IJ^J 529 ^y 556 476 rn^> 503 n3J 530 D 1 ?^ 557 477 )]f? 504 r$J 531 ^pjj; 558 478 Ml 505 t]pj 532 ^ 559 479 110 506 tfEtt 533 T^V 560 FREQUENCY OF OCCURRENCE. 15 561 Tip 574 3JH 586 ftM 598 562 nn 575 DIT! 587 rW 699 l| T T T 563 ODp 576 p>'"J 588 DW 600 504 j*yp 577 yp"! 589 )fl# 601 565 33") 578 3^ 590 nntJ> 602 566 py\ 679 IW 591 ")?^ 603 567 Qjn 580 IDt^ 592 in^' 604 - T ~ T 568 IVp 581 3{<^' 593 ^bt^' 605 * - T - T T 5C9 ,11"! 582 JX^' 594 "OC> 606 T T ~ T - T 570 pi") 583 fj{<^ 595 ^7^ 607 571 n^T 584 CGt^ 596 fj^' 608 572 DOT 585 "qt2>' 597 rW' 609 573 //. HEBREW NOUNS ACCORDING TO FREQUENCY OF OCCURRENCE. LIST VII. Nouns occurring 5OO 5OOO times. i 3N 11 fa 21 jrb so D# 2 D"!N 12 JT3 22 3? 31 D'J) T T ' T 3 tfltf 13 ft 23 HtfD 32 ^in T -: T | 4 HN 14 "O" 1 ! 24 D0 33 EHH T T T V | 5 in^ 15 7p3 25 rj^p 34 t?ri"i G in^ 16 Sn 26 t^bi. 35 7 Bf>J< 17 H 27 T^ 36 8 D'H 1 ?^ 18 nlD 28 [># 37 9 t^'1^ 19 T 29 Ty 38 10 n 20 ni LIST VIII. occurring: 3OO 5OO times. 39 J11JJ 46 ^Jlj 53 D* 60 40 ^X 47 13 54 ^3 61 41 fl^ 48 0"! 55 fjpD 62 42 nj^3") 49 anr 56 onS 63 43 nti-'N 50 ''*jn 57 flStp 64 44 nona 51 n^'sn ss non^o 65 45 J-Q 52 31H 59 DIPD 66 I T 07 68 69 HEBKKW XOUNS. 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 17 LIST IX. Xonns occurring 2OO 3OO times. 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 H2X rvo 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 nmp 104 nfrio 105 nnsra 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 LIST X. XounH occurring 1OO 2OO times. 118 UN 127 rnr 136 isn 145 119 T 128 IP! 137 pn 146 120 IRK 129 no'in 138 npn 147 121 i 130 pn 139 ID! 148 122 D *y?i** 131 T T 140 P 149 123 1D3 132 noan T : T 141 m 150 124 ip3 133 nor? 142 up. 151 125 112:1 134 o^'pn 143 ^^T 152 126 111 135 1 vn 144 in?. 153 m r HEBREW NOUNS ACCORDING TO 165 1p 176 pIV 187 155 15DD 166 nilD# 177 HEIV 188 156 *?#0 167 rn# 178 [^y 189 157 rnP 168 "flB# 179 1 19 158 n#1Q 169 1)J 180 >np 191 159 |3t^P 170 DV# 181 JiBftO 192 160 I}} 171 D1# 182 2h 193 161 ^m 172 D#3 183 SpTi 194 162 n^'n} 173 13 184 351 195 163 NW 174 13 185 3jjn l 9 ^ 164 DID 175 nns ise rrafeJ 197 LIST XI. Xoiiiiw occurring; .TO ICO times. 198 p5^| 212 1'1)^ 226 JIM 240 JlOr? 199 [1^ 213 ^VNt 227 HII^ 241 1DJ 200 J)K 214 tl^ 228 H^JI 242 ^1f 201 11N 215 ni'^ 229 13-J 243 ^FJ 202 nl^ 216 'IN 230 ^IIJ 244 Jill T T 203 ntnK 217 '^^^ 231 ^' ^ 245 ^^ T * : T T 204 fillip 218 T]liX 232 *?Q3 246 ptfl 205 ri'inK 219 ^^'^ 233 J4 247 HDIf 206 n'1 1 : 1 ^ 220 ^13 234 *U 248 D^PT 207 fp 1 ?^ 221 ftP3 235 ^3^ 249 Di^rj 208 rtJD'pX 222 nO^ 236 t^3"7 250 p^H 209 HDNt 223 ^3 237 H*?^ 251 lion 210 nil!:^ 224 'TO 238 H^l 252 DOft 211 ipjji 225 HD13 239 73*11 253 FREQUENCY OF OCCUUKENCE. 19 fT* 254 fll 255 n)1f7 256 257 258 259 2GO 261 262 263 264 2G5 7>D5 266 3TO 267 268 269 [10 270 HID 271 ronp 272 1D10 273 iiorp 274 nirp 275 109 276rqz$tfp 2-7 rvb^p 278 DtfP 279 r&'b W 280 2si pqjptp 282 D110 283 NiTO T - 284 rrtro 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 rfro nnj; W W **e ?w HN3 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 pjl 317 rnbp 318 1p 319 njn prj Di rp Dii 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 JWN1 328 rjini 329 p'rn 330 DH 331 nn 332 333 334 nnot? 335 336 337 338 "339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 354 355-rpiin 355 b IlEllKKW NOUNS ACCOKUIXG TO LIST XII. XoiiiiN occurring 2550 times. 356 TIN 381 33 406 p^fl 431 ft& 357 n3ntf 382 ^^3 407 p>n 432 *vy 358 ^IN 383 -H3 408 ^n 433 fiN")' 359 D'TIN: 384 rm^ 409 p<?n 434 rn 360 JiN 385 TP5 410 np'pn 435 rn 361 "VinN 386 n#3 411 -|2h 436 n3"V 362 IN 387 H3J 412 n^H 437 p^> 363 nl^ 388 JJ 413 Q^H 438 Qin 364 ^5^ 389 -|ni 414 Tpfl 439 "t33 365 fDJ< 390 n^U 415 r^fl 440 3^13 366 rntp^ 391 T( 7j 4i6rny^'n 441 ^ 3 367 D^ 392 D^?|^ 417 H3")n 442 3f3 368 ^3V^ 393 f-jjl 418 plfT 443 3^3 369 raTlK 394 D^'l 419 Dill 444 f-t^-j I T T - . 4 ^f 370 |10")N 395 pi 420 EHH 445 Hl^3 371 Q2>N 396 ^ 421 H3CD 446 HIS 1 ?? 372 ni^'N 397 ^l 422 nj73tp 447 "11^3 373 "igf'N 398 J1131 423 ^ 448 "1*5^ 374 pnjj 399 -nn 424 ^ 449 n~i33 375 1J<3 400 ?1n 425 J"rN20 450 H^h3 : | T : .. . . 376 13 401 n^ 426 DJ^tD 451 QK? 377 ?3 402 jisj 427 f]D 452 B^? 378 I!)n3 403 lib 428 *?31 453 [3^ 379 HtQ3 404 [1?n 429 Jl^l* 454 ITI 1 ? 380 H^3 405 NDH 430 VP* 455 FREQUENCY OF OCCURRENCE. 21 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 N133 no naiD rnrs 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 rrro T T: T nap 1DO T T HDP rnup ropp rta? 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 "IP 493 HDD")!: T T : v 494 np"io 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 rm tfm T T roj HDD 510 511 oniyj 512 nvi 513 nj 514 515 516 517 518 519 f]D 520 DHD 521 522 523 524 525 526 -T# 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 "ins 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 -nn# 545 H3 546 547 548 549 550 551 p^|J 552 HD3 553 554 555 556 557 558 Q1&-1D 559 3 560 1^ 561 *1N1 562 D1V 563 Sv 22 HEBREW Nouxs ACCORDING TO 564 yfyy; 579 pf3"l 594 "UW 609 HN 565 Ti)$ 580 yjH 595 n^E* 610 riJ'Qfl 566 nins 581 ni? 596 Q^ 611 ^nn ^ T " '( "* " 567 noip 582 rteb> 59T Di^' t 7^ 612 Din# 568 [Dp 583 *ljgf KBrUftOtf 613 Hllfl 5C9 n^p 584 rTT^i^ 599 Vqj^' 614 570 niOp 585 pt^ 600 Q3bC> 615 571 ^vp 58G "nt? 601 *4^' 616 n^nfi 572 HHp 587 l^tp 602 j*|pB? 617 8^1"1J1 573 H^'p 588 njp3t^ 603 t^")^' 618 ^'?3^ 574 n^b") 589 DID^' 604 ^ 619 Dh 575 DH") 590 D^ 605 ^' 620 nfllJJ/J 576 D*/2IT) 591 *T5t^ 606 HI^JTl 621 HPH 577 tTO") 592 Ht^ 607 HJK]1 622 578 riD"! 593 H^' 608 n-tfl 623 LIST XIII. Xouns occnrring IO as times. 624 33X 634 ^1X 644 HOV 654 T ~ T 625 TSK 635 H^JN 645 fn^ 655 626 ^j* 636 |1N 646 Tjg 627 ^5^ 637 11K 647 npJSt 657 Pinj^ 628 D;pX 638 DlrjSt 648 if?3JK 658 njJN 629 DJ^ 639 "11?JSt 649 [DX 659 TDX 630 n^JN 640 rnrx eso rbx 6eo IDN V V T : V T T T 631 fi"n 641 ^ 651 '"^N 661 P'5^ 632 31K 642 TN 652 |1^N 662 ^tf 633 *iX 043 ^W 653 ?lS 663 nHftV FREQUENCY OF OCCURRENCE. 23 -na T T ir?a 664 665 666 nan&* 667 6G8 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 rrna 676 ' na 677 678 679 680 681 682 nrfta 683 684 685 686 687 no T03 "D 688 nai5 689 PTS 690 691 692 j 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 na HJl nn-r^ n H3T 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 ftn n om nn iin mn ,-nn "nn T r 11 T -rr fi* 745 746 747 748 749 750 nm 751 ^in 752 -nn 753 onin 754 nm 755 nth 756 J1jn 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 on 768 rnpn 769 nisn 770 j'SH 771 24 HEBREW NOUNS ACCORDING TO 772 fpn 799 ) 826 3fq 853 IDlO 773 Ipn 800 1,iy 827 JYVp 854 tfliO 774 f$n 801 3p'. 828 N3^ 855 ntttO 775 t^$n 802 1|T 829 ,1:13*? 856 ,1tfO 776 iin 803 rrv sso n^ 1 ? 857 ino 777 "tprf 804 n$"}* 831 3rf7 858 igrro 778 3in 805 710# 832 ,13,1^ 859 HDHO T : T T v v : - 779 3in 806 1^' 833 'fl'p 860 HDnO 780 pin 807 IfV 834 f'n 1 ? 861 n*V!|0 781 cnn sos pin* sss rwty? 862 nnnp 782 jt^'n 809 pnry sse T^? ses nnno 783 jnn 810 133 837 UNO 864 HDO 784 n3t? 811 133 838 D'^KO 865 785 rnnD 812 13 839 ^130 see 786 D^D 813 n|.15 840 "Ifl^O 867 D'")u"0 787 ^1p 814 lib 841 nD?0 868 31^5 P 788 nfllD 815 133 842 11J10 869 p30 T : T T 789 ^13' 816 ^3 843 ffWO 870 790 ,1^3* 817 rf?3 844 10 871 791 m' 818 ^^3 845 TilO 872 IT T IT 792 # 819 ^p^ 846 ,10inp 873 793 t^-T 820 DJ^3 847 1,10 874 794 1n* 821 153 848 ,11,10 875 1300 T T : 795 ity 8221in^3 849 ,1DTO 876,1^'pp 796 \}0* 823 13 850 HT^IO 877 JO 797 HD* 824 ^0^3 851 Q10 878 n^O . . T T 798 T 825 3J^3 852nl1D10 879 ,mUO ^ T T : FRE^UEN'CY OF OCCUUKEXCE. 25 DP 907 rung 934 ^ 961 881 rrypp 903 rvjro 9 ^5 n*V4 %2 882 Jp2 909 N312 936 POp.) 963 883 12D2 910 ntftr2 937 DPJ 964 n^tf ITT T *: 884 inp2 911 l}j?2 938 TIC?: 965 885 pj2 912 C'i::2 939 J12C': 966 886 |;2 913 nDVu'tp 940 fj^ 967 887 ff?J3 914 nilC'p 941 p^ 968 888 DIj^P 915 jYncra 942 nrij 969 lay 889 n31l*2 916 12t!'2 943 POTO 970 T T ~: - T : 891 1V2 918 pina 945 ]}Q 972 Q* 892 niV>2 919 DM2 946 1lD 973 T ; 893 fT>2 920 rOTO W7 H21D 974 T T ~ 894QMSV2 921 HNJ 948 ^D 975 * ~ : ' : T T 895 PSHV2 922 n h nj 949 nSS'D 976 ^Pl* |v* 896 llpp 923 1) 950 D*2D 977 897 *?p2 924 HJJ 951 H1J7P 978 898 D^pP 925 nrj^ 952 1'jjp 979 899 n:pp 926 1*U 953 pp 980 900 JTiVpP 927 pr4 954 h3^ 981 901 HC'pP 928 10 955 1^ 982 Dlljf 902 12 929 Hu'in^ 956 ^ 983 pl^ 903 nxi2 930 rrino 957 ^y 984 904 prnp 931 15: 953 ry 985 905 '12 932 DJ 959 Ity 986 906 PO'12 933 D'W 060 ,11^ 987 26 HEBREW NOUNS Acconmxo -10 988 989 990 991 992 993 994 995 996 997 998 999 1000 1001 1002 DHIpS 1003 TpD 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 np 1012 ^na ioi3D>Ny$y 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 1022 1023 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 IV T n;v TV TV rn? H3 runs 1032 1033 .-nap 1034 HS 1035 1036 1037 lp 1038 pp 1039 nyp 1040 jp 1041 IP P:P 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 1051 1052 nrnp 1053 D~lp 1054 t?p 1055 Tj'p 1056 C'N~! 1057 nnni T T : 1058 Jtf"J 1059 oirn 1060 pn 1061 pn 1062 DpH 1063 m 1064 1065 1066 1067 1068 1069 1070 ,T> 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 p 1076 1077 1078 nN'ir 1079 ioeo 1081 1082 plnt^ 1083 1084 ,- 1085 1086 ' 1087 1088 1089 T 1090 1091 HN: 1092 r T " : 1093 ^y\y 1094 1095 j FKEQUENCY OF OCCURRENCE. 27 1096 1097 1098 j,vQtr" 1099 1100 1101 i 1102 1103 no4 1105 Hoe r 1107 1108 1109 P 1110 1111 1112 1113 1114 1115 1116 rrw HIT Totr H32 1133 1134 1135 H36 xn 1119 1120 1121 1122 1123 e 1124 na&* T - 1125 ' H26 H27 1128 r 1129 1130 iiai r 1138 Jirn 1140 nrqifi 1141 niNiin 1142 nin H43 Dt^'ln 1144 n*tr'in 1145 rVUfl 1146 1147 ins ii49 nnn 1151 1152 1153 1154 1155 use 1157 iiss -ag 1159 n neo 1161 1162 1163 H64 nes ///. PREPOSITIONS, ADVERBS, CONJUNCTIONS, AND NUMERALS. LIST XIV. Prepositions, and Prepositional Phrases. 1. Denoting Place. i ?# 9 nsy? is n#3 23 2 "7 10(*?ttD)^0 17 3 -# 11 nanj? 1 ? is 4 $ft 12 ^VN 19 ^5^? 26 5 n'^ 1 ? 13 '5 20 "TIN* 27 6 ^ wcrwriN 21 nq 23 7 rq-i 15 ^ 22 ?y 29 p 2. Denoting Time. 1 34 ? 7 n'ii| 10 2 |p 5 ^ s nnx 11 9 12 3. Denoting Cause, End, Instrumentality. 10 2 ^qg 7 ap u nni^- 15 ? 3 y$P 8 D^'^j; 12 IDT 1 ?^ 16 T3 4 ' 9 r is n 17 T-^ TREPOSITIONS, ADVERBS, CONJUNCTIONS, ETC. 29 4. Denoting Connection, Relation, Privation. 1 D# 7 5 13 N 1 ?:} is Hjfaj 2 s i u ^5 19 |p fin 3 >? 9 D'ipp 15 ?9 20 |p 4 H 10 nnn w 03 21 5 HO u nnnp e npp 12 [\sq LIST XV. Ad verbs and Adverbial Phrases. 1. Denoting Place. , 10 noi, no, 2 rts, nK, lisp, -i^ u 3 na, riaK and ny$, 12 nnn, nnnp, nop, rts-i^i hoj hD ntjp 1 ?, nop'pp 4 n;, np, nrp' njpi ntp> 13 MD,' nirrip, app, T ' nn, nn ijr, 14 n?so, no*, 15 pnp, , n? pnnp , "iinxp, ic Q& -i^, D^'O ' , m-rppi np i, no' 80 PREPOSITIONS, ADVERBS, 2. Denoting Time. (Many Adverbs denoting place are used to denote time.) 1 TV, TV 1 ?, TI"T 8 2 3 rtf*q, rub'*O3 9 -m nnnsD, p-i;;, p n 10 12 rnn?, ing, ?,? Dm:4, 13 nn^i DNJIS, DVn.DV, 14 D 3. Denoting Quantity. 1 nas 5 n, pn 2 n, 3 n^p3, ixp-n)? 7 nir, inrr 4 nnv, ^n, Srrt^ s -T3?, 113, (The Numeral Adverbs are omitted here.) 4. Denoting Quality, Condition and Causality. 1 rb, rb?, ,155, p, [35, 3 p^, ;n'?, p 2 p ..... 5,p.V.. 3----3/31.-..3 CONJUNCTIONS, AND NUMERALS. 31 4 , 05 no 5. Denoting Affirmation or Negation. , '3, 4 \s*, ^, ..DJ 5 6 LIST XVI. Conjunctions. 1. Of Time. 5 6 DN, DX- 1 OX, , 2. O/ Wish and Condition. 3 or , - 4 3. O/ Cauc, End. and Effect. nniN* \s* nrrn, 3 nnn, 3 , - 4 32 PREPOSITIONS, ADVERBS, CONJUNCTIONS, ETC. 4. Of Contrast arid Correspondence. 1 IK, itf....iN, DN....QN* 3 "K?Np'" 2 *3 (after a negative), '") QJ , 4 *3 i"IX > DsOr, DNa, : T T T 14 PRO 23 7 nvai^ 15 D*nzo 24 T ; * j T 8 HJOt^ 16 niND B^?l^ 25 9 n^*^n i7 niao raix 26 10 nrfey is LIST XVII. Xumerals. 2 D'J# O^ ^^ 20 3 nt^w ( "it^j^ D*^ 21 4rrya*w B j *&*& T *T : 99 _ 5 ncran 13 "ib^r nt^tr " / Niai , ia*i /. HEBREW VERBS ACCORDING TO FREQUENCY OF OCCURRENCE. Verbs 1 Eat. devour 3 Go in. come 4 Speak 5 Be 6 Go, walk 7 Know 8 Bring forth 9 Go out LIST 1. occurring 5OO 5OOO 10 Sit, dwell 11 Take 12 Die 13 Lift up, bear 14 Give 15 Pass over 16 Go up 17 Stand 18 Do, make times. 19 Command 20 Rise, stand 21 Call, meet 22 See 23 Set, place 24 Turn 25 Send 26 Hear, give ear to LIST II. Terbs occurring *OO 5OO times. 27 Love 28 Gather 29 Build 30 Seek 31 Bless 32 Remember 33 Be strong 34 Sin 35 Live 36 Be able 37 Add 38 Be afraid 39 Go down 40 Possess 41 Deliver 42 Prepare 43 Complete 44 Cut 4."> AVrite 46 Be full 47 Be king, reign 48 Find 4!> Make known 50 Stretch out 51 Smite 52 Fall 53 Snatch, deliver 54 Turn aside 55 Serve 56 Answer 57 Visit, number. appoint 58 Multiply, be nu- merous 59 Be high 60 Lie down 61 Keep, watch 62 Judge 63 Drink 34 HEBREW VERBS ACCORDING TO LIST III. Verbs occurring 1OO 2OO times. 64 Perish 84 Be left, remain 104 Pursue 65 Be firm 85 Be heavy 105 Run 66 Be ashamed 86 Cover, conceal 106 Feed 67 Trust 87 Cover, atone 107 Be glad 68 Perceive 88 Put on, clothe 108 Hate 69 Weep 89 Fight 109 Burn 70 Redeem 90 Take, capture 110 Ask 71 Be great, grow 91 Prophesy 111 Remain 72 Sojourn 92 Smite, touch 112 Swear 73 Reveal, uncover 93 Approach 113 Break in pieces 74 Tread, seek 94 Depart 114 Do obeisance 75 Praise 95 Turn, surround 115 Corrupt, destroy 76 Kill 96 Write, number 116 Dwell, inhabit 77 Sacrifice 97 Abandon 117 Forget 78 Pollute, begin 98 Turn about 118 Cast, throw 79 Encamp 99 Gather together 1 19 Be whole 80 Impute, think 100 Bury 120 Pour out 81 Be unclean 101 Be holy 121 Minister unto, 82 Thank 102 Burn incense serve 83 Be good 103 Draw near LIST IV. Verbs occurring 5O 1OO times. 122 Be willing 123 Seize 124 Bind 125 Curse 126 Choose 127 Swallow 128 Consume 129 Cleave, split 130 Create 131 Flee 132 Cleave, cling 133 Turn, overturn 134 Sojourn 135 Commit forni- cation 136 Cry out 137 Sow 138 Cease 139 Be in pain, be afraid, trem- ble 140 See, gaze at 141 Be sick 142 Divide 143 Be gracious 144 Delight 145 Be angry 146 Plow, engrave 147 Be dismayed, terrified 148 Be clean 149 Be dry 150 Reprove 151 Give counsel 152 Pour out 153 Form FREQUENCY OF OCCURRENCE. 35 154 Cast, instruct 177 Shut 198 Wash 155 Wash 178 Conceal 199 Be far off 156 Be provoked 179 Awake 200 Strive, contend 157 Stumble 180 Assist 201 Ride 158 Lodge 181 Be afflicted 202 Sing, cry aloud 159 Learn 182 Arrange, set in 203 Be evil 160 Reject order 204 Heal 161 Measure 183 Redeem 205 Be pleased 162 Hasten 184 Scatter 206 Suffice 163 Sell 185 Separate, be 207 Act wisely, 164 Escape wonderful prosper 165 Anoint 186 Pray 208 Cease, rest 166 Rule 187 Do, make 209 Destroy 167 Look, regard 188 Separate 210 Slaughter, kill 168 Drive out, ban- 189 Spread out 211 Sing ish 190 Succeed, pros- 212 Put, place 169 Rest per 213 Rise early 170 Inherit 191 Cry out 214 Destroy 171 Plant 192 Watch, cover 215 Be astonished, 172 Know, be igno- 193 Distress desolate rant 194 Be light, de- 216 Drink 173 Set, place spised 217 Be complete 174 Be preeminent 195 Get, obtain 218 Catch, seize 175 Keep, watch 196 Rend 219 Strike, blow (a 176 Reach 197 Have mercy trumpet) LIST V. Verbs occurring: 585 5O 220 Mourn 229 Act treacher- 221 Long for ously 222 Shine 230 Divide 223 Listen 231 Be terrified, 224 Be firm hasten 225 Bake 232 Despise 226 Lie in ambush 233 Plunder 227 Belong, prolong 234 Try, prove 228 Be guilty, suffer 235 Mix, confound for 236 Cut off, fortify times. 237 Boil 238 Be high, exalted 239 Tear away, plun- der 240 Quiver, exult 241 Deal well or ill with 242 Steal 243 Drive out 244 Be like, perish 36 HEBREW VERBS ACCORDING TO 245 Be silent 276 246 Meditate 277 247 Make a noise 278 248 Conceive 279 249 Break, tear 280 down 250 Flow 281 251 Sing, chant 282 252 Be old 283 253 Scatter, winnow 284 254 Sprinkle, strew 255 Hide 285 256 Join, associate 286 257 Bind, gird 287 258 Gird 288 259 Be wise, act wisely 289 260 Dream 290 261 Pass on (over, 291 away), renew, 292 change 293 262 Draw out 294 263 Pity, spare 295 264 Trust 265 Hew, dig 296 266 Search 297 267 Be dried up, 298 be waste 299 268 Tremble 300 269 Upbraid, re- proach 301 270 Withhold 271 Seal 302 272 Be good 303 273 Secrete 304 274 Tear off, tear in 305 pieces 306 275 Labor, be weary 307 Give 308 Wait Howl, wail 309 Suck, give suck 310 Found, estab- 311 lish Chastise 312 Stand 313 Kindle, burn 314 Be straight, right 315 Contain 316 Hide, conceal 317 Be ashamed Be brought low, 318 humble 319 Bend the knee 320 Scorn 321 Gather 322 Refuse 323 Move, totter 324 Circumcise 325 Wipe off, de- 326 stroy 327 Divide, allot to 328 Withhold 329 Act covertly 330 Rebel 331 Drag, pull, draw 332 (out) 333 Commit adul- tery 334 Despise 335 Smite 336 Wander 337 Vow Lead, drive 338 Move, nod 339 Shake, wave, sift Lead Spread out Try, prove, tempt Pour out, anoint Specify, fix Be pure, inno- cent Avenge Kiss Break down, de- stroy Tear (away) Forgive Sustain Mourn Testify Fly Restrain Mix, pledge Oppress Meet, smite Fear, tremble Escape Separate Be fruitful Sprout, flourish Break (down, up), spread Strip off Transgress Be righteous Bind, press, be- siege Sprout Conceal FREQUENCY OF OCCURRENCE. 340 Refine, try 349 341 Be before, pre- 350 cede 351 342 Congregate, as- 352 semble 353 343 Wait, expect, be collected 354 344 Be jealous 355 345 Be wroth, angry 356 346 Be short 357 347 Meet, happen 358 348 Be attentive, listen 359 Be hard 360 Bind, conspire 361 Lie down 362 Stir, be agitated 363 Spy out, slan- 364 der 365 Shout Be poor 366 Be wide, large 367 Shake 368 Be feeble, faint, cease Kill, murder LIST VI. Be wicked Leap, exult Laugh, be merry Capture Rush, overthrow Be low, become low Be quiet Hang Wander Verbs occurring 10 -.' times. 369 Hasten 388 370 Gird 389 371 Tarry 390 372 Shut, close 373 Be dumb 391 374 Languish 392 375 Sigh 393 376 Be angry 394 377 Weave 395 378 Betroth 396 379 Guide right. pro-.'!! I" nounce happy 398 380 Come 399 381 Stink 400 382 Despise 401 383 Tread down 402 384 Waste away, 403 decay 404 385 Be lord 386 Be terrified 405 387 Cut in pieces, 406 plunder 407 Pour out 408 Separate, select 409 Announce glad 410 tidings 411 Pollute 412 Prevail 413 Cut off 414 Enclose 415 Expire Shear 416 Cutoff Shave 417 Roll 418 Abhor, cast 419 Rebuke 420 Shake 421 Stir up Diminish, with- 422 hold 423 Thresh 424 Thrust down 425 Judge 426 Crush Cease, destroy Be quenched Pulverize Pierce Become fat Drive out Shine, teach, warn Boil, be pre- sumptuous Meditate Loathe, cast off Be angry, curse Rise Bindbyapledge, pervert Embrace Keep a feast Renew Pity Hasten 38 HEBREW VERBS ACCORDING TO 427 Wait 428 Desire 429 Be warm 430 Defile 431 Fail, lack 432 Cover, veil 433 Dig 434 Be ashamed 435 Search 436 Divide 437 Divide 438 Grave, decree 439 Sharpen, deter- mine 440 Be dry, burn 441 Make bare 442 Be silent 443 Be dark 444 Cleave to, love 445 Marry 446 Slaughter 447 Dip 448 Sink 449 Besmear 450 Cast down 451 Taste 452 Be willing 453 Bring 454 Be dry 455 Conceive 456 Enroll 457 Oppress 458 Appoint, meet 459 Profit 460 Set 461 Be precious 462 Sleep 463 Be quenched 4G4 Tread upon, 496 subdue 497 465 Be dim 498 466 Be priest 499 467 Lie 500 468 Fail, deny 501 469 Shut up 502 470 Gather 503 471 Dig, buy 504 472 Beat 505 473 Be weary 506 474 Burn 507 475 Cleave, borrow, 508 lend 509 476 Crush, oppress 510 477 Deride 511 478 Melt 512 479 Change 513 480 Depart 514 481 Strike through 515 482 Rain 516 483 Melt 517 484 Be few 518 485 Rebel 486 Polish, sharpen 519 487 Be bitter 520 488 Liken, use a 521 proverb 522 489 Fade 523 490 Bubble up, de- 524 clare 525 491 Play 526 492 Gore 527 493 Flow out, de- 528 liver up 529 494 Drive 530 495 Offer volunta- 531 rily 532 Lead (lie down?) Sprinkle Flow Separate Divine Drop Shake Breathe, blow Scatter Go round Deceive Lend, borrow Bite Pour out Pluck up Turn back Incite Go about, trade Hedge in, cover Benefit, be poor Raise Uphold Gather together, destroy Stone Rebel Shut Writhe, pervert Pervert Be strong Cover Cover, faint Trouble Exult Glean, vex Hide Labor Be delicate FREQUENCY OF OCCURRENCE. 39 533 Cloud, practice 557 magic 558 534 Be pained, 559 grieved 535 Be strong 560 536 Uncover, empty 561 537 Terrify 562 538 Be rich 563 539 Entreat 564 540 Adorn 565 541 Meet 566 542 Blow, utter 567 543 Scatter 568 544 Open wide 569 545 Open 570 546 Cleave 571 547 Lay bare, dis- 572 miss, lead 573 548 Break 574 549 Break 575 550 Spread 976 551 Seduce, deceive 577 552 Muster 578 553 Hunt 579 554 Fast 580 555 Distress, urge 581 556 Be thirsty 582 Destroy 583 Be leprous 584 Receive, be op- 585 posite 586 Bow down 587 Be dirty , mourn 588 Awake 589 Divine 590 Cut off 591 Multiply 592 Be square 593 Stone 594 Terrify, be quiet 595 Rule 596 Pour out 597 Throw, deceive 598 Tread down 599 Creep 600 Be hungry 601 Rage, thunder 602 Crush 603 Beat out 604 Be high 605 Speak,complain 606 Hire 607 Draw 608 Roar 609 Pant Praise Buy grain Go astray Be like, put Go to and fro Cry out Bow down Twine Seek Be bereaved Drink Spoil Draw out Repeat, change Spoil Lean upon Watch Weigh Look forth Swarm Whistle Plant Search out Go about, weigh Uphold Abhor //. HEBREW NOUNS ACCORDING TO FREQUENCY OF OCCURRENCE. LIST VII. \OI1I1S occurring 5OO 5OOO times. 1 Father 14 Word, thing 27 Servant 2 Man, mankind 15 Way 28 Eye, fountain 3 LORD 16 Mountain 29 City 4 Brother 17 Living, life 30 People 5 One 18 Good 31 Face 6 After 19 Hand 32 Voice 7 Man 20 Day 33 Holy 8 God 21 Priest 34 Head 9 Man, mankind 22 Heart 35 Seven 10 Earth 23 Hundred 36 Name 11 Between 24 Water 37 Two 12 House 25 King 38 Year 13 Son 26 Soul LIST VIII. \01IIIS occurring 3OO 5OO times. 39 Master 49 Gold 59 Place [torn 40 Tent 50 New, month 60 Judgment, cus* 41 Ox, thousand 51 Five 61 Prophet 42 Four 52 Sword 62 Around 43 Woman 53 Sea 63 Burnt-offering 44 Cattle 54 Article, vessel 64 Eternity 45 Daughter 55 Silver 65 Tree 46 Great 56 Bread 66 Ten 47 Nation 57 Altar 67 Twenty 48 Blood 58 War 68 Time HEBREW NOUNS. 41 69 Mouth 72 Field 75 Heavens 70 Many 73 Prince 76 Gate 71 Spirit, wind 74 Three 77 Midst LIST IX. Xonns occurring 2OO 3OO times. 78 Stone 92 Strength 105 Family 79 Ground 93 Kindness 106 Utterance 80 Ram 94 Honor, glory 107 Inheritance 81 Mighty one, God 95 Palm of hand 108 Boy, servant 82 Cubit 96 Heart 109 Iniquity 83 N"-e, anger 97 Night 110 Flock 84 Ark 98 Exceedingly 111 Midst 85 Garment 99 Appointed time, 112 Foot 86 Morning place 113 Friend, neigh- 87 Covenant 100 Camp bor 88 Flesh 101 Rod, tribe 114 Wicked 89 Boundary 102 Messenger 115 Peace 90 Seed 103 Offering 116 Six 91 Sin 104 Work 117 Law LIST X. \OIII1S occurring 1OO J8OO times. 118 Light 131 Wise 144 Remainder 119 Sister 132 Wisdom 145 Lamb 120 Another 133 Heat, fury 146 Strength 121 Ear 134 Fifty 147 Wing 122 Forty 135 Half 148 Throne 123 First-born 136 Court, village 149 Vineyard 124 Herd, cattle 137 Statute 150 Tongue 125 Hero 138 Statute 151 Produce 126 Generation 139 Together, alike 152 Death 127 Sacrifice 140 Wine 153 Work 128 Old man, elder 141 Right hand 154 Kingdom 129 Wall 142 There is [right 155 Number 130 Abroad 143 Straight, up- 156 Above 42 HEBREW NOUNS ACCORDING TO 157 Commandment 170 Bone 184 Chariot 158 Appearance 171 Evening [time) 185 Famine 159 Dwelling, tab- 172 Tread, beat (of 186 Lip, shore ernacle 173 Bullock 187 Rod, tribe 160 South country 174 Fruit 188 Rest, sabbath 161 Valley, brook 175 Door 189 Third 162 Brass, copper 176 Righteousness 190 Booty, prey 163 Prince 177 Righteousness 191 Oil, fat 164 Horse 178 North 192 Eight 165 Book 179 Adversary 193 Sun 166 Service 180 Holy 194 Second 167 Congregation 181 First 195 Falsehood 168 Pillar, column 182 Abundance 196 Abomination 169 Dust 183 Breadth 197 Continuity LIST XI. Youns occurring SO 1OO times. 198 Needy 199 Socket 200 Iniquity 201 Treasure 202 Sign 203 Possession 204 Last 205 Latter end 206 God 207 Leader, ox 208 Widow 209 Female slave 210 Faithfulness 211 Saying 212 Ephod 213 Side, beside 214 Cedar 215 Way, path 216 Lion 217 Lion 218 Length 219 Fire-offering 220 Pit 221 Belly 222 High-place 223 Master, Baal 224 Iron 225 Blessing 226 Pride 227 Might 228 Hill 229 Mighty one, man 230 Lot 231 Valley 232 Camel 233 Vine 234 Stranger 235 Pestilence 236 Honey 237 Door 238 Knowledge 239 Temple 240 Multitude 241 Male 242 Arm, strength 243 Destruction, line 244 Festival 245 Fresh, new 246 Firm, strong 247 Wheat 248 Fat 249 Dream 250 Portion 251 He-ass 252 Violence 253 Favor, grace 254 Arrow, handle 255 Reproach FREQUENCY OF OCCURRENCE. 43 256 Darkness 289 Libation 324 Near 257 Clean 290 Maiden 325 Horn 258 Unclean 291 Pause 326 Bow 259 River, Nile 292 Rock 327 Beginning 260 Daily 293 Fine flour 328 Street 261 Child, youth 294 Over, beyond 329 Distant 262 Forest 295 Witness 330 Strife 263 Curtain 296 Testimony 331 Savor 264 Deliverance 297 Skin, leather 332 Desire 265 Fool 298 Goat 333 Left hand 266 Cherub 299 Strength 334 Rejoicing 267 Shoulder 300 High 335 Hairy, kid 268 Tower 301 Labor, misery 336 Underworld 269 Shield 302 Valley 337 Remnant 270 Measure 303 Afflicted 338 Seventh 271 Province 304 Cloud 339 Seventy 272 Chastisement, 305 Counsel 340 Trumpet warning 306 Plain 341 Ox 273 Psalm 307 Nakedness 342 Song 274 East 308 Corner 343 Table 275 To-morrow 309 Horseman 344 Peace-offering 276 Thought 310 Rock 345 Desolation, 277 Kingdom 311 Adversary waste 278 A little 312 Grave 346 Tooth 279 Unleavened 313 East 347 Maid-servant food 314 Before, east 348 Shekel 280 Sanctuary 315 Assembly 349 Sixty 281 Substance 316 Small 350 Praise 282 High-place 317 Incense 351 Perfect 283 Burden, tribute 318 Side, roof 352 Glory 284 Anointed one 319 Stalk 353 Glory 285 Observance 320 End 354 Prayer 286 Weight 321 End 355" Heave-offering 287 Stroke, plague 322 Harvest 355* Nine 288 Vow 323 Offering 44 HEBREW NOUNS ACCORDING TO LIST XII. Xouiis occurring 2350 times. 356 Honorable 390 357 Love 391 358 Fool 392 359 Porch 393 360 Wheel 394 361 Behind, west 395 362 Where? 396 363 Ephah 397 364 Food 398 365 Amen 399 366 Saying 400 367 End, nothing 401 368 Finger 402 369 Purple, red 403 370 High-place 404 371 Guilt-offering 405 372 Shrine 406 373 Happiness 407 374 She-ass 408 375 Pit, well 409 376 Separation 410 377 Booty 411 378 Chosen, young 412 man 413 379 Security 414 380 Intelligence 415 381 Weeping 416 382 Worthlessness 417 383 Hail 418 384 Bar, one fleeing 419 385 Knee . 420 386 Shame 421 387 High 388 Roof 422 389 Troop 423 Captivity 424 Heap, billow 425 Idols 426 Threshing-floor 427 Shower, rain 428 Corn 429 Sufficiency 430 Poor, weak 431 Likeness 432 Honor 433 Wealth 434 Olive-tree 435 Wickedness 436 Inner chamber 437 Vision Sin 438 Outward 439 Bosom 440 Milk 441 Window 442 Portion 443 Clay, homer 444 Spear Gratis, in vain 445 Holy one 446 Delight 447 Trumpet 448 A waste 449 Heat, wrath Curse 450 Engraver 451 Cook, execu- 452 tioner 453 Seal-ring 454 Row 455 Dew Undeanness Taste Infant Jubilee, cornet Dove Right-hand Fair Precious Fear Moon Thigh Thigh Safety, deliver- ance Fatherless Heavy Star Cup Lie Dog Daughter-in- law, bride Kidneys Blushing, shame Harp Young lion Place of atone- ment Tunic Xation Clothing White Tablet Chamber FREQUENCY OF OCCURRENCE. 45 456 Anything 494 4:>7 Food 495 458 Entrance 496 459 Fenced place 497 460 Plague, smiting 498 461 Over against 499 462 Miracle 500 463 Going forth 501 464 Snare 502 465 Seat 503 466 Bowl 504 467 Division 505 468 To-morrow 506 469 Couch 470 Rain 507 471 Species 472 Smiting, blow 508 473 Full 509 474 Fullness 510 475 Word 511 476 Salt 512 477 Queen 513 478 Candle-stick 514 479 Toil 515 480 Molten image 516 481 Highway 517 482 Strength 518 483 Upper robe 519 484 Bowels 520 485 Trespass 521 486 Going up 522 487 Doing 523 488 Cave 524 489 Tenth part 525 490 Pillar 526 491 Siege 527 492 Bitter 528 493 Chariot 529 Deceit 530 Bed, lying 531 Proverb 532 Copy 533 Banquet 534 Loins 535 Lyre 536 Corpse 537 Leader 538 Will-offering 539 Separation 540 Willing 541 Dwelling, habi- 542 tatiori 543 Consecration, 544 crown 545 Serpent 546 Over against 547 Stranger 548 Youth 549 Perpetuity 550 Innocent 551 Vengeance 552 Light, lamp 553 Eagle 554 Pot 555 Tent, booth 556 Basin 557 Eunuch, officer 558 Secrecy 559 Darkness, cloud 560 Wrath 561 Calf 562 Wagon 563 Perpetuity 564 Witness 565 Flock, order 566 Perversity 567 Blind Help Yoke Near Humble Affliction Mighty Order Uncircumcised Neck Herb Tenth Tenth-part Wealth He-goat Snare Fear, terror Governor Concubine Escape Corner Within Passover Deed Oversight Cow Curtain Breach Suddenly Beauty, roe Side Neck Fast Shadow Side Bird Leprosy Height 46 HKBUKW NOUNS ACCORDING TO 568 Small 587 Remnant 605 Sixth 569 Reviling 588 Oath 606 Desire 570 Jealousy 589 Captivity 607 Fig-tree 571 Wrath 590 Captive 608 Ark 572 Walled city 591 Breaking, de- 609 Increase 573 Hard struction 610 Reason 574 Fourth part 592 Violence 611 World 575 Womb 593 Lofty, gaddai 612 Abyss 576 Mercies 594 Gate-keeper 613 Confession 577 Substance 595 Accacia 614 Generations 578 Pomegranate 596 Whole, perfect 615 Worm, crimson 579 Loud cry 597 Third day 616 Supplication 580 Wickedness 598 Report 617 New wine 581 Sheep 599 Eigth 618 Blue 582 Raiment 600 Eighty 619 Perfection 583 Hair 601 Scarlet 620 Wave-offering 584 Barley 602 Abomination 621 Hope 585 Sack-cloth 603 Root 622 Shout 586 Remnant 604 White linen 623 Salvation LIST XIII. Xoinis occurring 1O 5 times. 624 Ear (of grain) 638 625 Mighty 639 626 Verily, but 640 627 Mourning 641 628 Girdle 642 629 Pond 643 530 Letter 644 631 Mantle 645 632 Water-skin, fa- miliar spirit 646 633 Alas ! 647 G34 Unless, perhaps 648 635 Folly 649 636 Strength 650 637 Light, Urim 651 Hyssop Girdle, bond Native Where ? Calamity Hart Terror Perennial, strength Onl3 T , surely Cruel Food Surely Oath, curse Terebinth 652 Oak 653 Oak 654 Nought 655 Truth 656 Bag 657 Sighing 658 Ship 659 Prisoner 660 Bond 661 Channel, mighty 662 Darkness 663 Darkness 664 Ashes 665 Locust FREQUENCY OK UCCUKUKNCK. 47 666 Window 703 667 Long 704 668 Cluster 705 669 Guilty 706 670 Yesterday 707 671 Gift, hire 708 672 Part, separation 673 Breach 709 674 Thumb 710 675 Bright spot 711 C76 Contempt 712 677 Spoil 713 678 Chosen 714 679 Palace 715 680 First fruits 716 681 First born 717 682 Terror 718 683 Spoil, profit 719 684 Valley, plain 720 685 Grain 721 686 Fir-tree 722 687 Fat 723 688 Pool 724 689 Lightning 725 690 Balsam spice 726 691 Bath (measure) 727 692 Virginity 693 Excellency, 728 pride 694 Redemption 729 695 Back 730 696 Height 731 697 Border 732 698 Cup 733 699 Kid 734 700 Greatness 735 701 Greatness 736 702 Wall 737 Fold Body, carcass Hewing Coal Joy Wheel, whirl- wind, chaff Skull Spring, bowl Desert, benefit Thief Rebuke (She) bear Slander Oracle Fish Fish Standard Love, uncle Judgment Tear Lean South Herb Decree, law Strength, majesty Desire, calam- ity Hin (measure) Off, further Hither Pregnant Mountain Hook, nail Proud Pride Except 738 Pure 739 Remembrance 740 Memorial 741 Tail 742 Fornication 743 Fornication 744 Indignation 745 Cry 746 Beard 747 Border, crown 748 Companion 749 Society, enchantment 750 Hook, thorn 751 Sand 752 Nobleman 753 Signet-ring 754 Breast 755 Seer 756 Vision 757 Sin, sinner 758 Riddle 759 Rampart 760 Outside 761 Palate 762 Cake 763 Far be it I 764 Sickness 765 Change 766 Loins 767 Heat 768 Desire 769 Mother-in-law 770 Leaven 771 Gracious 772 Impious 773 Destitute 774 Delighting 48 HEBREW NOUNS ACCORDING TO 775 Free 810 776 Court, grass 811 777 Search 812 778 Dry 813 779 Dryness, waste 814 780 Active 815 781 Potsherd 782 Breastplate 816 783 Bridegroom 817 784 Slaughter 785 Cleansing 818 786 Mire 819 787 Green leaf, prey 820 788 Thing torn 821 789 Increase 822 790 Dry land 823 791 Sorrow 824 792 Labor, earnings 825 793 Wizard 826 794 Only one 827 795 One born 828 796 Right (not left) 829 797 Foundation 830 798 Shovel 831 799 Beauty 832 800 Oil 833 801 Wine-press 834 802 Preciousness, 835 honor 836 803 Month 837 804 Possession 838 805 Wilderness 839 806 Evenness, up- 840 Tightness 841 807 Pin 842 808 Pre-eminence, 843 profit 844 809 Caul 845 Liver Mighty Pail Priesthood Fire-pan, laver Circuit, loaf, talent Prison, diverse Altogether, de- struction Complete Flank, hope Vexation Ransom, pitch Crown, circlet Lamb Garden Lamb Writing Chapiter Lion Frankincense Brick Flame Flame Cheek Oppression Loops Flame, torch Luminary Scales Flood Choice Trust Pilgrimage Roll, volume Garment Strife 846 Confusion, tu- mult 847 Quickly 848 Quickly 849 Bar, yoke 850 Birth, kindred 851 Blemish 852 Foundations 853 Bands 854 Terror 855 Door-post 856 Meditation, de- vice 857 Price 858 Desire 859 Refuge 860 Want 861 Half 862 Censer, snuff- dish 863 Ruin 864 Beneath 865 Prison, mark 866 Plain, equity 867 Evenness, eq- uity 868 Grief 869 Foundation, place 870 Base 871 Covering 872 Stumbling- block 873 Consecration, setting 874 Kingdom 875 Sale, ware 876 Dominion FKHQUENCY OF OCCURRENCE. 49 877 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 900 901 902 903 904 905 906 r 909 Manna 910 Portion Quietness 911 Tribute 912 Stronghold, 913 border 914 Journeying Lamentation 915 Secret place Habitation, ref- 916 uge 917 Fountain 918 Ascent 919 Barter, west 920 Battle array 921 Station, garri- 922 son 923 Stronghold Prey, net, for- 924 tress 925 Forehead Cymbals 926 Turban Fountain Rod, staff 927 Refuge 928 Purchase Corner 929 Beaten work 930 Myrrh 931 Vision, mirror 932 Far off 933 Rebellion 934 Strife 935 Pasture Pasturing 936 Healing, health 937 A lifting up, a gift Height Joy Backsliding Anointing, por- tion Destroyer, de- struction Ward, rite Staff Sweet Men Gift [ture Dwelling, pas- Folly Before, over- against Brightness Stringed-in- strument One conse- crated, a Naz- arite Ear-ring Consecration, crown Brass Sweetness Strangeness Banner Pleasant Sandal, shoe Prefect, garri- eon, pillar Female Vengeance 938 Interest 939 Breath, living thing 940 Twilight 941 Armor, arsenal 942 Piece of flesh 943 Path 944 Scab 945 Ruler 946 Secret council 947 Whirlwind 948 Basket 949 Embankment 950 Sweet spices 951 Tempest 952 Sapphire 953 Axle, lord 954 Wreath, rope 955 Ornament 956 Iniquity 957 Infant 958 Strong 959 Help 960 Crown 961 Faint 962 Nakedness 963 Leaf 964 Upper room, ascent 965 Doing 966 With [ety 967 Neighbor, soci- 968 Depth 969 Omer, sheaf 970 Grape 971 Hill, tumor 972 Eyelashes 50 HKBKKW NOUNS ACCORDING TO 973 Idol 1006 Flower 1038 Thorn 974 Sluggard 1007 Hoof 1039 Lamentation 975 Heel 1008 Flax 1040 Fruit-harvest, 976 Reward, be- 1009 Morsel fruit cause 1010 Engraving 1041 Shame 977 Barren 1011 Simplicity 1042 Light, swift 978 Perverse 1012 Thread 1043 Sling, curtain 979 Gadfly 1013 Offspring, 1044 Standing grain 980 Raven produce 1045 Flour 981 Naked 1014 Window, noon 1046 Nest 982 Crafty, pru- 1015 Command 1047 Getting, creat- dent 1016 Hunting, game ure 983 Terrible, 1017 Provision 1048 Divination powerful 1018 Drought 1049 Dish 984 Foreskin 1019 Flower, plate 1050 Prince 985 Heap 1020 Hinge, mes- 1051 Coming near 986 Darkness senger, pain 1052 Baldness 987 A decade 1021 Image 1053 A hook 988 Ricb 1022 Death-shade 1054 Stubble 989 Smoke 1023 Thirst 1055 Conspiracy 990 Oppression 1024 Yoke 1056 Poisonous 991 (With ten) 1025 Sprout herb, gall eleven 1026 Wool 1057 Myriad 992 Now 1027 Hook, shield, 1058 Moment 993 Carcass cold 1059 Merciful 994 Wonder 1028 Step 1060 Vain 995 Water-course 1029 Small 1061 Empty 996 Escaped one 1030 Cry 1062 Empty 997 Within 1031 Frog 1063 Tender 998 Lame 1032 Bag, purse, 1064 Merchant 999 Graven images pebble 1065 Spear 1000 Image 1033 Burial, grave 1066 Deceit, sloth 1001 Wages, work 1034 Eastward 1067 Creeper 1002 Precepts 1035 Eastern, an- 1068 Evil 1003 Overseer, cient (one) 1069 Hungry officer 1036 Top of the 1070 Female com- 1004 Wild ass head panion 1005 Mule 1037 Line 1071 Green FBBQUKHCT OF OCCURRENCE. 51 1072 (Earth) quake, 1102 leaping 1103 1073 Shades 1104 1074 Expanse 1105 1075 Embroidery 1076 Wickedness, injustice 1106 1077 Net 1078 Lifting up, ris- 1107 ing, dignity 1108 1079 Lattice 1109 1080 Full 1110 1081 Field 1111 1082 Derision, laughter 1112 1083 Adversary, 1113 Satan 1114 1084 Old age 1115 1085 Speech, com- 1116 plaint 1117 1086 Hireling 1118 1087 Wisdom 1119 1088 Hire 1089 Garment 1120 1090 Joyful 1121 1091 Hatred 1122 1092 Burning 1123 1093 Joy 1094 Noise, destruc- 1124 tion 1095 Petition, loan 1125 1096 Tranquil, pride 1126 1097 Flesh 1127 1098 Week 1128 1099 Captivity 1129 1100 Ear of grain, flood 1130 1101 Rest 1131 Error 1132 Breast 1133 Onyx 1134 Emptiness, in- 1135 iquity, false- 1136 hood 1137 Desolation, 1138 tempest 1139 Scourge Hem, skirt 1140 Cry 1141 Gift Boil, black 1142 leprosy 1143 Dust, sky 1144 Morning 1145 Pit 1146 Officer, scribe 1147 Song 1148 Drunken 1149 Shoulder 1150 Dweller, 1151 neighbor 1152 Strong drink 1153 Snow 1154 Weapon, plant 1155 Third, triangle, 1156 captain 1157 Astonishment, desolation 1158 Brier, diamond 1159 Fat 1160 Report Sleep 1161 Hill, wearing 1162 away 1163 Low 1164 Lowland 1165 de- Abomination Stubbornness Chamber Form Straw Likeness Waste Perversity ceit Reproof Going forth, exit Turtle dove Sojourner Wisdom, help Fornication Beginning Supplication Seal Under Lower, lowest Lower, lowest Middle South Whole, perfect Yesterday Palm tree Palm tree (art- ificial) Furnace Sea-monster Water-course, bandage Razor Timbrel, Penates Ninth Ninety bezel ///. PREPOSITIONS, ADVERBS, CONJUNCTIONS, AND NUMERALS. LIST XIV. Prepositions, and Prepositional .Phrases. 1. Denoting Place. 1 Unto 11 Towards 2 To 12 By the side of 3 To 13 In 4 Before 14 (Sign of definite 5 Towards object), with 6 Opposite, before 15 Between 7 Before 16 About 8 Before 17 About 9 Near, opposite 18 Beyond 10 Towards 19 Beyond 1 In 2 From 3 Unto 4 To 20 Behind 21 Behind 22 Upon 23 Beneath 24 Around 25 Within 26 Without 27 Within, through 28 Within 29 From 2. Denoting Time. 5 Till 9 Between 6 Before 10 Since 7 Towards 11 Within 8 After 12 Before 3. Denoting Cause, End, Instrumentality. 15-17 By 1-13 On account of, 14 For for the sake of 4. Denoting Connection, Relation, Privation. 1 With (prop, conjunction) 7-11 Instead of 2 With (prop, connection) 12-18 Without, except 3 In proportion to 19-22 Except 4-6 According to PREPOSITIONS, ADVERBS, CONJUNCTIONS, ETC. 63 LIST XV. Adverbs and Adverbial Phrases. 1. Denoting Place. 1 Where? Where? Whither? 9 To the right (hence south), Whence ? To the left (hence north) 2 Here,Where? Hence, Hither 10 Eastward,Westward,South- 3 Here, Where ? Hither, Hith- ward, Northward er and thither 11 Above, From above, Up- 4 Here, Thence, or on one wards side, On both sides, Where? 12 Beneath, below, downward Whence ? 13 Around 5 Hither, Hither and thither 14 Within, From within 6 There, Thence, Thither 15 Further, beyond, Abroad, 7 In front (hence east) without, From without 8 Behind (hence west), In the 16 Where, From where,Whith- background, From behind, er, Where, Whither Backward, Uprightly 2. Denoting Time. (Many adverbs denoting place are used to denote time.) 1 When ? How long ? 8 Yesterday, Last night, The 2 Now day before yesterday, Of old, 3 At first, At first, before Long ago, Together 4 At last, later, In the end, 9 To-morrow, On the follow- Afterwards ing day,. In the morning, 5 Then, Formerly, before Early [terwards 6 Always, Perpetually, eter- 10 Again, still, Hitherto, Af- nally 11 No more, Not yet 7 By day, daily, By night, To- 12 Rapidly, soon day, At present, All the day 13 Suddenly long 14 Slowly, softly 3. Denoting Quantity. 1 How much? how many? 5 Enough, Entirely, perfectly, how often? Entirely 2 Much 6 Little, Almost, Gradually 3 Great, strongly, exceedingly 7 Together, altogether 4 More, too much, Abundantly 8 Apart, separately, Alone (The Numeral Adverbs are omitted bore.) 54 PREPOSITIONS, ADVERBS, 4. Denoting Quality, Condition and Causality. 1 So, thus 3 Therefore 2 As... thus, the more... the 4 How? How? more 5 Wherefore? Why? 5. Denoting Affirmation or Negation, 1 Indeed, in truth, Exactly, 5 Only, however, However, on indeed, Also, even, Also, the contrary, Nevertheless Both... and 6 Indeed and only, In truth 2 Perhaps, Almost and on the contrary 3 Not 4 Sometimes equivalent to the English prefixes un- and dis- L1ST XVI. Conjunctions. 1. Of Time. 1 Before 5 As long as, while 2 Since 6 After 3 When 7 Whenever 4 While, till 2. Of Wish and Condition. 1 If 2 Unless 8. Of Cause, End and Effect. 1 For, because, as 3 In order that 2 As, because, since 4 Lest, So that not 4. Of Contrast and Correspondence. 1 Or, Whether or 3 Just as 2 But, Although, Only that, 4 How much more, Even if, But even though CONJUNCTIONS, AND NUMERALS. 55 LIST XVII. Numerals. 1 One 10 Ten 19 Two thousand 2 Two 11 Eleven 20 Three thousand 3 Three 12 Twelve 21 Four thousand 4 Four 13 Thirteen 22 Ten thousand 5 Five 14 One hundred 23 Twenty thousand 6 Six 15 Two hundred 24 Thirty thousand 7 Seven 16 Three hundred 25 Forty thousand 8 Eight 17 Four hundred 26 Sixty thousand 9 Nine 18 One thousand IV. VERBS ARRANGED ACCORDING TO THEIR STEMS* LIST XVIII. Verbs occurring only in the Simple Stems.t (1) i-OJ* (Q 55 ) be willing. (2) HfiK (Q 22 , Ni 3 ) bake. (3) "03 (Q 48 ) c< treacherously, conceal (4) f03 (Q 350 , Ni 9 ) 6m7rf. (5) ^ (Q 94 , Ni 8 ) m?<*m. (6) ^fo (Q 29 , Ni 1 ) fear - T -T away, plunder. (7) ^j (Q 14 ) gzaW, ex^. (8) ^QJ) (Q 34 , MP) c?eaZ well or ill with. (9) ttf'"n (Q 170 , N^JPi]) <rarf, (io) mr (Q 41 ) /ow. (ID -un ?Q 42 ) ^^. (12) ^on pity, spare. (13) ^flfl (Q 75 ) Delight. (14) T]^n (Q TO withhold. (15) 3JT (Q 35 ) fl'iVc. (16) ^bj (Q 200 [Ho]) be alle. (17) DH 1 ? (Q 10 , N*"0) ^A*. (18) VJQ (Q25, Ni 4 ) withhold. - T ^ - T (19) HOT (Q 64 , Ni 5 ) anorn^. (20) J^ (Q 57 , Ni 1 ) p?an. (21) -1V: iQ 62 ) ^QJ, imfcA. (22) DpJ (Qi 9 , Ni^) specify, fix. (23) ff?D (Q 33 , Ni 13 ) /orflrtt'e. (24) "l5D (Q 28 , Ni 2 ) mowm. - T ~ T (25) "1VJ7 Q 36 , Ni 10 ) restrain. (26) ^3 (Q 56 ) do, make. (27) yt?>'3 (Q 40 > Ni 1 ) transgress. (28) ~MV (Q 38 ) bind, press, besiege. (29) jT)p (Q 58 , Ni 5 ) rend. (30) D TO (Q 83 , NP, [Pi]) slaughter, kill (31) HH^ (Q 215 , Ni 1 ) rfrffc. (32) ^pfl (Q 66 Ni 3 ) strike, blow (a trumpet). * Only some of the most common verbs are here classified. t By simple stems thi Qftl and NIpb'al are meant. ACCORDING TO THEIR STEMS. 57 LIST XIX. Verbs occurring only in Intensive* Steins. (33) JTp3 (Pi 225 , Pii 3 ) *eek. (34) JNQ (Pt 41 ) refuse, reject. (35) *fiQ (PI 4 , Htthp 80 ) pray. (36) HJV (Pi 500 , Pu n ) com- mand. (37) mC*' (Pi 120 ) minister unto, serve. LIST XX. Verbs occurring only in Causativet Stems. (38) ^ (Hi 30 , [H8]) hoid, wail. (39) -tfj (HP**, Ho 35 ) ~ T ~ T maAe foioicn. (40) JtTJ (Hi 51 ) reach. (41) DD# (Hi 65 ) rise early. (42) 7"?' (Hi 110 , H5 13 ,[Pi]) cast, throw. LIST XXI. Verbs occurring in both simple and Intensive Stems. (43) f]DK (Q 120 , Ni 81 , Pi 8 , Pu 5 , Hithp 1 ) gather. (44) ~ID{ (Q=, XP, Pii 1 ) bind. (45) "IH3 (Q 89 , Ni 10 , Pii 1 ) c/woc. (46) HD3 (Q 126 , P^ 2 ) wp. (47) ^3 (Q 42 , [Hi], Hithpo 1 ) mix, con- found. (48) jfaj (Q 20 , Xi 2 , Pi 25 , Pii 3 , Htthp 1 ) s?oa??ow. (49) 113 (Q 180 , Hithpo 2 ) o/oiirB. (50) CnjJ (Q 7 , Nt 3 , Pt 35 , Pu 2 ) drive out. (51) ntTT (Q 15 , XF, Pi 14 , Htthpi) 6e ZtAre, .1, ttroyed. (52) HDJ (Q 120 , Pi 22 ) sacrifice. (53) "10J (Q 2 , XX 1 , Pi 45 ) Yi<7. (54) p"lj (Q 33 , Pu 2 ) tprinkle, strew. (55) #3(1 (Q 29 , Pt 2 , Pii 2 ) llmlgird. (56) IpfJ (Q 22 , Xi 4 , Pt 1 ) search. (57) 3BTT (Q 76 , Xr 50 , Pt 16 , Htthp 1 ) tinpufe, /**&. (58) *)HD (Q 34 , P5f Pii 1 , Htthp 20 ) be clean. (59) *1D T * (Q 3 , NI 5 , Pt 30 , Ntthpi, [Ht]) cAflwftw. (60) y (Q 57 , Xt 22 , Htthp 1 ) flnre counsel. That is, Pl'f-1, Pfi'ftl or HltbptV^l or their equivalents. tThat is, HIph'11 or H5ph'ftl. 58 VERBS ARRANGED (61) NT (Q 206 , Ni 44 , ri :> ) &<? /ra,W. (02) D33 (Q 3 , Pi 44 , Pii 2 , " T Hothp 2 ) tea*/*. (G3) n?O (Q 1 , Pi 90 , Pii 7 , Ilithp 1 , Nithp 1 ) ~ T cover. (64) ^fO (Q 200 , Ni'^Pi 2 ) wnte. (63) T3 1 ? (Q 80 , Ni 36 , - T - T Ilithp 2 ) take, capture. (66) TO*? (Q 24 , Pi 55 , Pu 5 ) teach, learn. (67) Dp^ (Q 14 , Pi 21 , Pu 1 , mh&gather. (68) Tip (Q 43 , Ni 3 , Pi 4 , Po'el 1 , Hithpo 1 ) measure. (69) TTTO (Q 1 . Ni 4 Pi 00 ), 7iasfe. (70) TJD (Q 57 , Ni 19 , Hithp 4 ) sell (71) N*7D (Q 97 , "~ T T Ni 36 , Pi 112 , Pii 1 , Hithp 1 ) le full. (72) rrj^'O (Q 30 , ^'i 3 , Pu 3 ) I - T drag, pull, draw (out). (73) flfO (Q 15 , Pi 15 ) commit adultery. (74) fjjj (Q 25 , Ni 23 , Hithp 1 ) *miVc. (75) JPO (Q 20 , Pi 10 ) ?eorf, rfnt-e. (76) t^'Di (Q 33 , Ni 5 , Pii 1 ) spread out. (77) fl^ (Ni 1 , - T - T Pi 65 ) be pre-eminent. (78) TpD (Q 40 , Xi, P! 1 ) sustain. (79) "1)D (Q 79 . Ni 8 , Pi 67 , Pu 5 ) write, number. (80) ^ (Q 103 , Ni 9 , Pii 2 ) abandon. (81) p^ (Q 36 , Pii 1 ) opp?-ess. (82) V (Q 46 , Ni 1 , Pu 1 , Hithp 1 ) IreaJe (down, up), spread. (83) (Q 57 , Ni 1 , Pi 9 ) prcad of. (84) HiV (Q 29 , I** 54 , Pu cover. (85) tlTtf (Q 30 , Ni 1 , Pi 2 ) r^L, try. (86) TJD (Q 86 , I - T -| T Ni 39 , Pi 6 , Pu 1 ) 6 wry. (87) Hip (Q 6 , Ni 2 , Pi 40 ) wait, expect, be collected. (88) TOT (Q 30 , Ni 2 , Pi 2 , Pu 1 , Hithp 3 ) bind, con- spire. (89) ^ (Q 1 , Pi 24 , Tiph'el 1 ) *p# OM, *Zw<?cr. (90) H"! (Q 1 , Pi 43 , Pu 6 ) Jiave mercy. (91) j'fT) (Q G!) , Pii 2 , Hithp 2 ) (92) Nfi*} (Q 38 , Ni 17 , Pi 9 , Hithp 13 ) heal. (93) PEP (Q 40 , Ni 2 , Pi 4 , [Pti]) A:i7?, murder. (94) fpb> (Q 102 , Ni 14 , Pii 1 ) burn. (95) ^0^' (Q 28 , Ni 2 , Pii 1 ) rush, over/low. (96) (Q 4 - , Ni 36 , Pi 1 / Hithp 3 ) /ce^, toote/t. (97) H^n (Q 24 , Pi 2 ) ftaw0. (98) t^5n (Q 49 , Ni 14 , Pi 1 ) catch, seize. ACCORDING TO THEIR STEMS. 59 LIST XXII. Verbs occurring in both Simple and Causative Steins. (99) TIN (Q 6 , XI 4 , HP 4 ) shine. (100) flltf (Q 58 , XT, PP, H5 1 ) seize. (101) DZTN (Q :;3 , XP, lit') l>e guilty, suffer for. (102) ^"O (XP, Hi :; -) divide. (103) N13 (Q 2030 , Hi 5 ' 16 , Ho 23 ) go in. (104) HD (Q 33 , X* 9 , HP) ZfcwpiM. (105) HDD (Q 112 , HP) (io6) rrg (Q 59 , Hi 6 ) ./?. (107) roj (Q- 4 , HP) 6 , exalted. (108) "Of (Q 108 , XP, Hi 41 ) remember. (109) Jpf (Cp,HP)&eoW. (110) 1 ?in (Q", HP) MOM. (Ill) DID (Q 20 , HP 3 ) 6* pootf. (112) |00 (Q 28 , NP, Hi 2 ) secrete. (113) (Q H! 62 ) be good. (114) Tj'T (Q 1450 , Hi JG ) go, walk. (115) (Q 18 , Hi 14 ) suck, give suck. (116) f|p (Q 32 , Ni 6 , HP' 2 ) (117) NV; (Q 770 , Hi 300 , Ho 5 ) go out. (118) py (Q^Hi 2 , Ho 10 , [FT]) j9or o<. (119) n^ (Q 4 , ^i 8 , HP 7 ) /cm^e, burn. (120) (Q 320 , Hi 67 , Ho 7 ) (jo domi. (121) HT (Q 15 , NP, Hi 03 ) TT instrvct. (122) ^> (XP 1 , Hi 200 ) deliver. (123) *VV (Q 1 , XI 86 , Hi 24 ) surpass, exceed. (124) 0^3 (NP 6 , HP , Ho 2 ) beasl<ihi"f. (125) #) (NP 4 , HP 1 ) (126) yi3 (Q, III 7 ) tcH<Z rte Aii. (127) HP, l^l 1 , 1 1 1 tl. po' ) circumcise. (128) TJ^O (Q 300 , NP, HI 49 , Ho 1 ) 1.- /.-///, rV. ( 12J iTIO (Q 22 , HP-') rebel. (130) ^ Q (Q 7 , IIP) rule.. (131) TO (Q 34 , HP 9 , H6 1 ) rex/. (132) ^ (Q 26 , XP, IIP 5 ) more, noil (133) HDJ (Q 139 , XP, HP 5 ) */re<cfc <<> (134) 3VJ (^', HP 1 , IIo 3 )*eJp7a f -c. (135) [HJ (Q 2 <>, NP2, 116 s ) give. (136) ^m (Q 76 ,XIMIP) <ui. (137) VJ!) (Q 3 , -*T ^ - T Hi 6 ) meef, iVe. (138) fHS (Q 31 , Hi 5 ) sprout, flourish. (139) IDV (Q'- 18 . XP. HP) roMrw/. (140) Snp (XP, HP) - 60 Vfiuss ARRANGED gate, assemble. (141) J-tfjJ (Q 78 , Ni 2 , Hi 1 ) get, obtain. (142) f]Vp (Q 28 ' Hl5 > Hithp 1 ) &g tcrotfi, an/7ry. (143) Vy\ (Q 2 *) Hi 6 ) Zte down. (144) 3PH (Q 3 , >t 1 , Hi 27 ) 6e trtrfe, Zar^e. (145) 331 (Q 56 , Hi 20 ) nWe. (146) y^\ (Q 13 , Hi 68 , Hithpo 2 ) &e evil (147) Jflfi!^ (Q 9 , Hi 25 ) be wicked. (148) 0*5? (Q 600 , Hi 2 , Ho 1 ) set, place. (149) ^5^' (Q 1 , Ni^Hi 30 ) atocai-. (150) riDB' (Q 20 , Xi 4 , Hi 40 ) cease, rest. (151) fV& (Q 83 , Ho 2 ) pw^, place. (152) 10^' (NP 1 , Hi 69 ) destroy. (153) (Q 10 , Hi 18 ) be low, become low. (154) Wtf (Q 31 , Hi 10 ) LIST XXIII. Verbs occurring in Intensive and Causative Stems. (155) DD^ (Pi 1 , Hi" 8 ) Zoo/;, reflrcrrrf. (156) D^n (Pi 24 , Hi 2 ) &e before, precede. (157) JOJJ (Pi 30 , Hi 3 ) 6e jeaZoMS. (158) J^ll (Pol 1 , Hi 40 , Hithpo 3 , [Xi]) S/WM?. (159) npB? (Pu 1 , Hi 72 ) LIST XXIV. Verbs occurring in Simple, Intensive and Causative Stems. (160) "OK (Q 118 , Pi 4 ", Ifff) perish. (161) *?3JJ (Q 18 , Hi 2 , Hithp 19 ) mow. (162) ^tf (Q^so, M4 4) pji^ p u 5 f Hi 21 ) ea<, (163) pBN (Q 15 , Pi 19 , Hi 2 , Hithp 4 ) 6c ./Erm. (164) (Q 5000 , NP 2 " Hi 2 , Hithp 2 ) ffy . (165) Ti (Q 52 , Xi 1 , Pi 3 , Ho 1 ) curse. (166) ^H^ (Ni 24 , Pi 10 , Pu 2 , Hi 3 ) 6e <er- rified, hasten. (167) tT'13 (Q 95 , Pol 2 , Hi 11 , Hithpo 1 ) be ashamed, (168) |3 (Q 70 , Xi 22 , Hi 56 , Polel 1 , Hithpo 22 ) pcr- (169) ^3 (Q 41 . Ni*, Pi 40 . Pii 3 , Hi 8 ) coiitttnie. (170) ACCORDING TO THEIR STEMS. 61 (Q 16 , NI 15 , Pi 12 , Pu 3 , HI 2 , Ho 1 , Hithp 2 ) c / car<?j spUL (171) tO3 (Q 38 , NI", Pi*, [HI]) create. (172) ?#") (Q 2 , PI21, Pii 4 ! HI 1 ) ioi7. (173) 'Tti (Q 54 , Pi 25 , Pfi 1 , HI* 4 , Hithp 4 ) ie 0rmf. (174) ,-fa (Q 5 , Npi, Pi 5 *, Pu 2 , Hi 40 , Hfi 7 , Hithp 2 ) reveal. (175) ^j (Q 30 , Ni 1 , Pi 2 , Pu 4 , Hithp 4 ) steal (176) pD"! (Q 39 , Pu 2 , Hi 12 , Ho 1 ) cJmue, spto. (177) "OT (Q 41 , X^ pyioM pfi2 ) HI 2 , Hfthp 4 ) pea7c. (178) DDT (Q 21 , NY 7 , Po'el 1 , Hi 1 ) ie 8,'knt. (179) ^H (Q 5 , PI 108 " Pu 10 , Po'el 5 , Poal 1 , HI 3 , Hithp 23 , Hithpo 4 ) praise. (180) T]5n (Q5, NI 34 , Ho 1 , Hithp 4 ) ^r, overthrow. (181) HJf (Q 86 , Pu 1 , Hi 9 ) commit fornication. (182) ^3(1 (NI 15 , Pu 1 , Hi 8 , H5 l , Hithp 10 ) 7We. (183) "OR (Q 10 , PI 9 , Pu 5 , Hi 1 , Hithp 4 ) >i, associate. (184) ^PT (Q 42 , Polel 11 , Polal 4 , lit 2 , Ho 1 , Hithpo 3 , Hithpal 1 ) be in pain, be afraid, tnmll,. (185) prn (Q 80 , PI 02 , HI 118 , Hithp 27 ) be strong. (186) HUH (Q 190 , PI 14 , HI 32 , HIthpS) t. (187) DDH (Q 18 , Pi 3 , Pu 2 , Hi 1 , Hithp 2 ) be wise, act icisely. (188) ^11 (Q 2 , Ni 8 , Plf 68 , Pu 2 , HI 3 , Ho 1 , P6 el 2 , Po'al 1 ) profane, begin. (189) r^H (Q 16 , PI 2 , HI 10 ) pas* on, (ot-cr, away], change, renew. (190) J^H (Q 22 , NF, PI 14 , HI 1 ) rfraw out. (191) p^n (Q 19 , NI 8 , PI 26 , Pu 3 , HP, Hithp 1 ) rfipWe. (192) (Q M , NI 1 , PI 2 , Po'el 2 , Ho 2 , Hithp") be gracious. (193) (Q", NP, Pu 1 , HI 1 ) AeM;, rfiflr. (194) DHn (Q 23 , Nf-', PP/H3P) *eaZ. (195) nflH (Q 17 , NI 30 , Pi 2 , HI 5 ) Z/e dismayed. (196) J^OD (Q 77 , Nf 17 , PI 30 , P" 1 , Hithp 15 , HSthp 1 ) be unclean. (197) rpD (Q 20 , NI 2 , Pii 2 , III 1 ) <mr o/, tear in pieces. (198) (Q 41 " PI 3 , HI 16 ) ie rfry. (199) y? (Q 2 , PI 2 , HI 3 ) 62 YKIJHS AUKANGED le weary. (200) fTT (Q 1 , Pi 2 , Hi 95 , Hithp 11 ) thank. (201) yi; (CP, Ni 41 , P Pol, Pu 7 , Hi 71 , Ho 2 , Hithp 2 ) know. (202) ^fT (Ni 3 , Pi 23 , Hi 14 ) tmiV. (203) CO* (Xi 3 , Hi 54 , IIu 1 , Hithp 2 ) reprot-e. (204) I 1 ?' (Q 250 , Xi 38 , Pi 10 , Pii 28 , Hi 170 , Ho 3 , Ilithp 1 ) bring forth. (205) 1p> (Q 19 , Xi 4 , Pi, Pu<5, Ho 3 ) 7 , establish. (206) TjP (Q 59 , Xi 1 , Pii 1 . Hfr)form. (207) (Q 166 , Xi 4 , Pi 2 , Hi 67 ) possess. (208) Dtr> (Qi NV, Pi 1 /Hi 38 , Ho 2 ) sit, dwell. (209) I^J (Q 13 , Pi 10 " Pu 1 , Hi 3 ) &e ra/^f, right. (210) -ft") (Q 25 , Ni 29 , Pi 38 , Pii 3 , Hi 17 , Hithp 2 ) 6e heavy. (211) ^3 (Q 1 , Hi 11 , Pilpel 24 , Polpal 1 ) contain. (212) 1H3 (Ni 11 , Pi 15 , Hi 6 ) hide, conceal. (213) HD3 (Q 3 , Xi 2 , Pi 128 , Pii 7 , Hithp 9 ) cover, conceal. (214) D#3 (Q 6 , Pi 2 , Hi 46 ) leprovolted. (215) fTO (Q 130 , Xi 80 , Pu 2 , Hi 80 , Ho 1 ) CM/. (216) *?l^'3 (Q 29 - Xi 24 , Pi 1 , Hi 9 , Ho 1 ) stumble. (217) eft 1 ? (Q 80 , Pii 4 , Hi 32 )pu on, c?o<7w. (218) p^ (Q 17 , Polel 1 , Hi 9 , Hithpo 1 ) scorn. (219) 01,0 (Q 13 , Xi 23 , Hi 2 , Hithp 1 ) wore, foer. (220) HID (Q 640 , Polel 9 , Hi 140 , Ho 68 ) die. (221) D^D (Xi 03 , Pi 28 , Hi 2 , Hithp 2 ) escape. (222) fJO (Q 8 , K 15 , Hi 1 , HithpS 1 ) despise. (223) yjj (Q 105 , Xi 1 , Pi 3 , Pii 1 , Hr 58 ) smtte, touch. (224) tp'jj (Q 68 , Xi 17 , Hi 37 , Ho 2 , Hithp 1 ) approach. (225) "TO (Q^^Po 1 , Hi 11 , Ho 2 , Hithpo 1 ) wander. (226) (TO (Q 2 , Ni 21 " Pii 1 , Hi 27 , Ho 1 ) rfnce OM<, banish. (227) tj^ (Q 1 , p'olel 1 , Hi 34 , Ho 1 ) sAafce, ware, s/. (228) ^PO (Q 30 , Pi 6 , Hi 17 , Ho 1 , Hithp 7 ) inherit. (229) 1DJ (Xi 2 , Pi 5 , Hi 39 , Hithp 4 ) 7^ow, be ignorant. (230) tlDJ (Q 7 , Xi 1 , Pi 1 , Hi 14 , Ho 2 ) pow?- out, anoint. (231) ^DJ (Q 135 , Xi 2 , Hi 8 ) c/epart. (232) ^fi^ (Q 3 *", Hi 61 , Hithps, pui) T / a ?z. (233) (Xi 15 , Pi 4 , Hi 188 , H5 1 , ACCORDING TO THEIK STESIS. 63 Illthp 1 ) snatch, deliver. (234) DpJ (Q 13 , NY 12 , Pi 2 , HS 3 , Hithp 4 ) avenge. (235) NJJU (Q650, XT 2 , R", HP, Hithp) ^ p, lear. (236) ]7U ^Q30, Xi 2 , FT, PS 1 , Hoi) irea/ , efotcn, destroy. (237) prO (Q 3 , NY, PI", Hi 2 , HS 1 ) fear (*?/). (238) mD (Q, Ni40 pji p^in Hi 32 , Ho^) < ur w, - T surround (239) "Up (Q, Ni 8 , Pi 4 , Pu^, Hli 30 ) 7 tM <. (240) "VID (Q 150 , Hi 137 , II o 5 , Polel 1 ) r arf?. (241) 1HD (Q 1 , Ni, Pi 1 , Pfii, Hi 45 , Hfthp 5 ) co?zcea?. (242) ID^ (Q 2 *. NX*, Pu 2 , Hi 8 , Ho 4 ) sertv. (243) Tiy (Q 1 , PI 1 , H^/Ho 1 , Hith- paP, Pilel 2 ) / M <,y y . (244) Ity (Qi 4 , NT, [P61el Pilpel] Hi 31 , [Hithpo 4 ]) awake. (245) f]1^ (Q 24 , Polel 5 , ffi 2 , Htth- (246) fTj3 (Q 55 , Ni 3 , Hi 1 , Ho 1 ) rerfcem. (247) (Q 13 ^ NX 15 , Polel 1 , Pilpel 1 , Hipe, Hithpal 1 ) scatter. (248) (Q 22 , P? 2 , IIP) /ir, /7ii7^r. (249) ^|) (Xi-^, Pi 2 , Hi 10 , Hithp 1 ) separate, le wonderful. (250) *?) (Q 1 , Pi 23 , Hi 2 ) wcopc. (251) HJJD (Q" c , Pi 28 , Hi 8 , Ho 2 ) /MHJ about. (252) TpS (Q 236 , Nl 21 , P^, T pti 2 , Ht 29 , H6 8 , Hithp 4 , Hothp 4 ) visit, number, appoint. (253) "HS (Q 1 , Xt 12 , Pi 1 , Pfi 1 , Hi 7 , Hithp*) separate. (254) t2C*'S (Q 24 , Pi 3 , Hi 15 , Hithp 1 ) rtnj> off. (255) pTiT (Q 22 , Ni 1 , Pi 5 , Hi 12 , Hithp 1 ) le righteous. (256) (Q 4 6, Xi 6 ; Pi 1 , Hi 1 ) cry out. (257) T)V (Q 45 , Ptt 1 , r. (258) trip (Q 11 . Nt", Pi 76 , Pu-^Hi 4 *, Hithp 24 ) (259) Dip (Q 450 , Pi 11 , Polel 4 , Hi 145 , Ho 3 , Hithpo 4 ) me, (260) ^Hp (Qi2 ? Xfii, ]>ifi(. ; p Q ^ nti, PYlpel 3 , Hithpalp 1 ) &e //>//^, <J,*j,;*d. (261) N"Jp (Q 779 , Xi fi8 , Pu 7 , III 1 ) call, meet. (262) 3np (Q 93 , Xi 2 , Vff*Ef*l draw near. (263) nttfjj (Q 5 , Xi 1 , Pi 1 , Hi 21 ) 6e /mrt7. (264) fjn (Q 3 , HP, Hithp 4 ) *L>, 6e 64 VERBS ARRANGED ACCORDING TO STEMS. agitated. (265) QT\ (Q 70 , Polel 24 , Polal 3 , HI 92 , Ho 3 , Hithpal 1 ) be high. (266) p") (Q 94 , Polel 1 , Hi 6 ) run. (267) pPH (Q 29 , N 7 ! 1 , Pi 4 , Hi 24 ) 6e far off. (268) ?n (Q 19 , Pi 28 , P*S Hi 5 , I - T Hithpo 1 ) t/7, cry afoud. (269) yy& (Q 79 , Pi 2 , Hi 15 ) suffice. (270) pHt^ (Q 18 , Pi 17 , Hi 1 ) laugh, le merry. (271) ^j? (Q 1 , Pi 1 , Hi 74 ) ac< wweZy, prosper. (272) ^^ (Q 165 , Ni 3 , Pi 2 , Hi 2 ) afc. (273) -Ottf (Q 55 , Ni 56 , Pi 36 , Hi 1 , Ho 1 ) break in pieces. (274) "Her (Q 31 , NP, Pi 2 , P6 1 , Pii 18 , Ho 2 ) destroy. (275) 31Bf (Q 682 / Polel 12 , Polal 1 , Hi 400 , Ho 15 ) turn. (276) nn$ (Q 1 , Hi 1 , Hithpalel 170 ) do obeisance. (277) rilTC^ (Ni 6 , Pi 39 , Hi 104 , Ho 2 ) corr?/p, destroy. (278) "VJ2> (Q 46 , Po- lel 34 , Ho 1 ) sing. (279) H^' (Q 5CO , Ni 1 , Pi 260 , Pii 10 , Hi 6 ) send. (280) DOIT (Q 36 , ^f 25 , Poel 4 , Hi 17 , Ho 4 , Hithpo 5 ) astonished, be desolate. (281) #> (Q 1000 , Ni 42 , Pi 2 , Hi 60 ) Aear. V. VERBS ARRANGED ACCORDING TO THE CHARACTER OF THEIR RADICALS. 1 LIST XXV. Strong Verbs. [In the following list, Q* designates a Qal with a In the Imperfect and Imperative; Pi* designates a Pi'el with a in the Perfect 3 m. sg.] (1) "U3 (Q) deal treacherously. (2) 3 (XI, Hi) divide. (3) trp3 (PI, Pu) seek. (4) ^CO (Q, PI, Pii, HI) 6oi7. (5) (Q*, PI, Pu, HI, Hlthp.) be great. (6) ty (Q, NI) tear (7) ^OJ (Q) deal well or ill with. (8) ^ (Q, NI, PI, Pii, Hlthp) /co7. (9) pTT (Q*, Pu, HI, Ho) cleave to. (10) "On (Q, NI, PI, Pii, HI, Hlthp) speak. (11) p'TJ (Q, Xi) trwwi, see/:. (12) -)pj (Q, N*, HI) r^iewier. (13) l^J (Q, NI, PI) .I-/IJ7. (14) p (Q*, HI) & e oW. (15) |OD (Q, XI, HI) secrete. (16) 133 (Q* NI, PI, Pii, HI, Hlthp) le Jie,in/. (H) D33 (Q, PI, Pii, T H6thp) wash. (18) D'PD (NI, HI, Ho) be ashamed. (19) -)D (PI, Pu, Hlthp, NIthp) cover. (20) (Q, Nt PI, HI/HS) stumble. (21) 2H3 (Q, NI, PI) (22) tr'D^ (Q*, Pu, HI) jp< on. (23) -O 1 ? (Q, NI, Hlthp) capture. " (24) 10^ (Q*, PI, Pii) learn. (25) Dp*? (Q, PI, Pii, Hlthp) gather. (26) "OO (Q, NI, Hlthp.) sell (27) D^O (NI, PI, HI, Hlthp) escape / (28) ^0 (Q, XI, Hi, - " Only the most common verbs are here classified. 66 VKRBS ARRANGED ACCORDING TO Ho) le king. (29) rTSTD (Q, XI, Pii) prolong. (30) C'S (Q, Hi) rule. (31) -go (Q, XI, Pii, Hi) close. (32) TJ2D (Q, XI, Pi) sustain. (33) ISO (Q, XI) mourn. (34) IDD (Q : XI, Pi, Pii) number. (>) Iflp (Q*, XI, Pi, Pii, Hi, Hithp) conceal. (36) D^D (Q, Pi, Hi) escape. (37) Hpf) (Q, XI, Pi, Pii, Hi, Ho. Hithp, Hothp) visit. (38) OjT3 (Q*, Pi, Hi, Hithp) /> o/. (39) ply (Q*, XI, Pi, Hi. Hithp) be right- eous. (40) jjy (Q, Xi, Hi) co/tcea?. (41) -Qp (Q, XI, PI, Pii) &ry. (42) Dip (PI, Hi) be before. (43) Hp (Q*, XI, Pi*, Pii, HI, Hithp) le holy. (44) fjVp (Q, HI, Hithp) be wroth. (45) ItTp (Q, XI, PI, Pii, Hithp) bind, conspire. (46) jO*1 (Q*, Hi) crouch. (47) ^"J (Q*, Hi, Hithp) tremble. (48) ^ri (Q, PI, Tiph'el) tread, spy. (49) ^ (Q*, HI)rtWc. (50) ^Dt^ (Q: Pi, HI) 6e wise. (51) "O# (Q, XI, Illthp) - T ~ T Kre. (52) -Q&*' (Q, XI, PI*, HI, Ho) Z^rea/^ i/i pieces; (53) fOS? (Q- XI, HI) cease, res<. (54) ^g^' (Q, XI, Pii) over- flow. (55) ^b^' (Q*, Pi, HI) le bereaved. (56) Qytf (Hi) me ear??/. (57) rft (HI, Ho) cas, send. (58) 12# (XI, HI) destroy. (59) 10^ (Q, XI, PI, Hithp) keep. (60) ^2^' (Q*, HI) become low. (61) DDli' (Q, HI) te gutrf. (62) (Q, XI, PI) THE CHARACTER OF THEIR RADICALS. 67 LIST XXVI. '2 Guttural Verbs.i [Tn the following list those with the Qal indicated by Q, have for their Imperfect a form like bbjT.: Q* indicates an Imperfect like SL};" .; QMike ^b;"; Q**, like So;" ; Q* f , like Sbj^'. or SbjV; Hi indicates a Perfect like S'l3>'n, but Hi*, like Vp^'H: Ni, a Perfect like Sp;^ . t>utNi*. like " (1) *?1X (Q*, Hi, ffithp) mourn. (2) ptf (Q*, Pi, Hi, Hithp) be established. (3) f|DN (Qtt, XI, Pi, Pu, Hithp) gather. (4) "ON (Qtt, Ni*, PS) bind] (5) D#K (Q**, XI*, Hi*) le guilty, destroy. (6) TjfiH (Q, XI*, Ho, Hithp) overturn. (7) 13PT (Q, Pi (with ult. a), Pu, Hf*, Hithp) >m. (8) COH (Q, Q, Ff. P*) i ' t/ ' fl">''- O) ^H (Qt) gird. (10) ^1(1 (Q**, ffi) cease. (11) ptn (Q*, PJ (with ult. a), Hi, Hithp) 6e */ron<7. (12) DDfl (Q**, P*i Pu, Hi*, Hithp) &e icwe. (13) q 5 ?!! (Q, Pi, Hi) change. (14) ]^>n (Q, Xi, Pi, Hi) draw out. (15) p^n (Q, Xi*, Pi, Pii, Hi, Hithp) distribute. (16) *70Pf (Qt) j)%, pare. (17) ffiH (Qt, Q**) ^ZtflrAf. (18) D^PT (Qt, XT, Pu, Hi) dig. (19) -)pn (Qt, Xi*, Pi) search. (20) Dw'H (Qt, Xi*, Pi (with ult. a), Hithp) think, impute. (21) riirn (Qt, Xi*) withhold. (22) onn (Qt, Xi*, PI, in*) sea?. (23) lay (Q, Xi, Pu, Hi, H8) seri-e. (24) 1^ (Q, Xi, Pi (with ult a), Hi, Hithp) pass over. (25) 3t% (Q, XI, Pii) abandon. (26) ^ (Q, Qt, XI, HI*) assist. (27) "T^ (Q, HI, 116) stand. (28) -)# (Qt, XI*) restrain. (29) p^ (Q, Pu) oppress. i In List XXXIX. will be found the most common '3 guttural verbs which are also H "S 68 VERBS ARRANGED ACCORDING TO LIST XXVII. 'y Cultural Verbs. [In the following list Q* indicates an Imperfect like Sxp^; Pi*, Pu* and Hithp* indicate that in these stems DagheS-forte is implied.] (1) ^W (Q, Ni, Pi, Pu, m, HXthp) redeem. (2) JKQ (Pi) refuse. (3) *?$& (Q, Ni, Pi*, Hi) ask. (4) *?rO (Ni, Pi*, Pu, Hi) confound. (5) "HD (Q, Pi*, Pu, Hithp*) le clean. (6) -HD (Q, Ni, Pi*) hasten. (7) ^njj (Ni, Hi) congregate. (8) nrO (Q, Ni, Pu*) choose. (9) 1H3 (Ni, Pi*, Hi) (10) DflS (Q, Ni) ./?<7/i*. (11) -IDS (Q, Pi*, Hi) (12) 2rn (Q, Ni, Hi) be enlarged. (13) DfT) (Pi*, Pu*) have mercy. (14) fpT) (Q, Pu*, Hithp) tccwA. (15) pm (Q,PF, Hi) 6e /ar o/. (16) pH^ (Q, Pi*, Hi) Zat^A. (17) tDW' (Q, Ni) Ml (18) nn^' (Ni, Pi*, Hi, Ho) destroy. (19) "tt?3 (Q' Pi *' Pii ' m ) . (20) D^3 (Q, Pi*, Hi) pro- voke. (21) ^3 (Q) do. (22) pV (Q, T Ni, Pi, Hi) cry. (23) T]")^ (Q, Ni, Pi, Pii, Hi, Hithp) bless. (24) gnj! (Q, Ni, Pi, Pii) drive out. (25) p^j (Q*, Pii) sprinkle. (26) tp? (Q*, Ni, Pu) tear, rend. (27) fTO (Q*, Ni, Pu, Hi, Ho) c?<. (28) flS (Q, Ni, Pi, Pii, Hi, Hithp) separate, divide. (29) JH3 (Q*, Ni, Pu, Hithp) break forth. (30) BH3 (Q*, Ni, Pi) spread out. (31) p^ (Q*, Ni, Pi) refine. (32) :njj (Q, Ni, Pi*, Hi) rZraw ear. (33) fp> (Q, M Pii) twr?t. (34) mj> (Pi) minister. THE CHARACTER OF THEIU RADICALS. 69 LIST XXVIII. 'S Guttural Verbs. (1) rnj (Q, Hi) le high. (2) HD3 (Q, HI) trust. (3) rra (Q/mj/ee. (4)naf (Q,picn#* (5)ntro(Q, Ni) T ano*f. (0) n^D (Q' Ni) /orflrit-e. (7) COB & HI) ./zoMm/i. (8) rnn (Q, NI, PI, P) *^.y. (9) rf?t? (Q, NI, Pi, Pii, Hi) ?. (10) rr2b> (Q, Pi, Hit) nyotcc. (11) ^3 (Q, Ni, Pi, Pu, Ilithp) swallow. (12) ^p3 (Q, Ni, Pt, Pii, Hi, Ho, Hithp) cleave. (13) ^3 (Xi, Hi) 6e humbled. (14) JH3 (Q, Hi) tend f/te knee. (15) ^Q (Q, Ni) withhold. (1C) JM3 (Q, Hi) meet, touch. (17) ^) (Q, Ni) transgress. (18) JTIP (Q, Ni) rend. (19) yt^ (Q, Hi) be wicked. (20) ^5b* (Q, Pi, Hi) satisfy. (21) p3& (Q, Ni, Hi) ioeor. (22) r yry# (Q, NI, Pi, Hi) Aar. (23) ^pn (Q, NI) strike, blow. LIST XXIX. Verbs Containing Two Gutturals. Lin the verbs '3 guttural of the following list, Q indicates a Qal Impf. like Sb>"_; Q*, like ^tpjV ; QH, like bbjT...] (1) I'liJ (Qtt, PI, HI) 7tc tn miw*A. (2) tj'lK (Q*, HI) proZonflr. '(3) ^H (Q, NI, Pii) fc77. (4) DTT (Q, Qtt, NI, Pi) break down. (5) yyi (Q*, NI, Pu, HI, H8) be dried up. (6) -nn (Q*, Hi) tremble. (7) D^H (HI, HS) devote, destroy. (8) ]"TF (Q*, Ni, PI) reproach. (9) ^H (Q, Nt, PI) cut, engrave. (10) ^'"1(1 (Q*, HI, Hithp) le silent. (11) " T 3")j; (Q, Hithp) j/fce *ec%, p/e^e. (12) r|^ (Q, HI) arrange, (13) tTJH (Q, NI, HI) */m/,T. (14) JH? (Q, Ni. I'll. Ill VOtO. 70 VERBS ARRANGED ACCORDING TO LIST XXX. j/O Verbs. [In the following 1 list Q designates those Qal-stems which have for the Imjif., Imv. and Inf. const, the forms h&, VtOJ, VtOJ; Q*, those stems which have ^[3% Stp , rn.P' Q*. 1 hose stems whicli have ^tp' , St3 . Sb}; Q^, those stems which have 7DJ" 1 or ;C3J' , i.e., :in i::ias- similutcd J . More or less variation as to tiie form of the Qnl Impf., Imv. and Inf. const, will be found in these verbs. It is also to be noted that in some only the Impf. occurs; in others, the Impf. and Imv.; in others, only the Impf. and Inf. const.] (1) f|*O (Qtt, Pi) commit adultery. (2) j\\U (Qtt, Pi, Hi, Hithp) despise. (3) D3J (Pi, Hi) look. (4) ^J (Q, Pi) wither. (5) "UJ (Hi, Ho) make known. (6) $)) (Qt, Ni, Pi, Pii, Hi) touch. (7) f]JJ (Q, Ni, Hithp) gmite. (8) ^ (Q*, Ni, Hi, Ho, Hithp) approach. (9) HlJ (Qt, Ni, Pii, ffi, Ho) drive. (10) 1lJ (Q) t-ow. (11) JHJ (Qtt, Pi) Zcorf. (12) ^m (Qtt, Pi, Hi, Ho, Hithp) inherit. (13) ^tOj (Qt, Nt) plant. (14) JJf^ (Q, Ni, Pu) spread out. (15) ^ (Ni, Pi, Hi, Hithp) know. (16) T|p^ (Q, Ni, Pi, Hi, Ho) pour out. (17) >D^ (Qt, Ni, Hi) depart. (18) ^ (Q, Hi, Hithp, Pii) fall. (19) ^ (NX Hi, 116, Hithp) *torf. (20) ITVJ (Ni, Pi) &c pre-eminent. (21) ^^J (NX Pi, Hi, Ho, Hithp) snatch, deliver. (22) T*^ (Q) o&*<?i-ir, 7t;crte/t. (23) DpJ (Q, Ni) rf^/Znc. (24) Dp^ (Q, Ni, Pi, Ho, Hithp) avenrje. (25) jj^J (Hi) reach. (26) T|BO (Q, Q*, PX Hi) ZewtZ. (27) p0 (Qt' PI, Hi) Zrtw. (28) frO (Q, NI, Ho) give. (29) f'H^ (Q, NI, PI, Pii, Ho) Ircak doicn. (30) pjlj (Q, NI, PI, HI, Ho) draw out. THE CHARACTER OF THEIR RADICALS. 71 LIST XXXI. y y Verbs. [In the following list, Q designates those stems which, in the Qal Im- perfect, have the form top'; Q*, those which have the form Dp'; Q+, those which have the form 0p'. Ni* designates a Niph'al Perfect like Opj.] (1) ^3 (Q, Hithpo) confound. (2) ^ (Q, Ni*, P6al, Hi, Hithpo, Pilpel, Hithpul) roll. (3) DDl (Q*, NI, Po'el, Hi) be dumb, amazed. (4) "HO (Q, Ni, Pi, Po'el, Hithpo) measure. (5) "T"0 (Q*, Po'al, Hi, Ho, Hithpo) wander. (6) 3DD (Q, Q*, NI, Pi, Po'el, Hi, Ho) surround. (7) Tj^D (Q, Hi, H6) cover, protect. (8) ^Q (Pi, Hithp)pra?/. (9) "H3 (Q, Po'el, Pfl, Hi, H8, Hithpo) break. (10) liy (Qt, Pii, Hi) distress. (11) -Tip (Q*) 60^ rte /tcorrf. (12) ^p (Qt, M, Pi, Pii, Hi, Pilpel, Hithpalp) 6c light. (13) f^ (Q, Pi, Pii, Hi, Hithpo) slug, cry aloud. (14) "H^' (Q, Ni, Pi, Pii, H8) cferfroy. (15) DDCT (Q, Q*, Qt, NX, P6'el, Hi, H8, Hithpo) ie astonished, laid waste. (16) 11^ (Q, Ni, Pi, Ho) curse. (17) ^H (Q, Pi, Pii, Hithp, Po'el, Hithpo, IK) praise. (18) MH (Q) ^nce. (19) ^H (Q, Pi, Po'el, Pii, Poll) pierce. (20) ^(1 (XI, PI, Pii, Hi, Ho, Ilithpo) profane, begin. (21) JJH (Q, XI, Po'el, Ho, Hithp) &e gracious. (22) nHH (Qt, PI, HI) &e dismayed. (23) Ml (Q, Pii) ^ many. (24) ^JT) (Qt, Hi, Hfthp6) be evil. 72 VERBS ARRANGED ACCORDING TO LIST XXXII. N"3 Verbs. (1) "OK (Q, TO), Hi) TON* , -ON>] pem/i. (2) (Q) tn^tfi & tot-Hi-/^. (3) rrrN (Q, Ni, m, HO) also rn<K>] *ewc, ftota. (4) ^JJ (Q, NX, Pi,Pu, Hi) ea. (5) -iDN (Q, Ni, HI, Hithp) ] ay. (6) HSN (Q, Ni) [ng)K LIST XXXIII. V'3 Verbs. [In the following list, Q designates those stems described in 8 90. 3. a of the Elements; Q*, those described in 890. 2. b; Qt, those described in 8 90. 4.] (1) tr'3 (Q*, Pi, Hi) fee dry. (2) y$ (Q*, Pi, Hi) labor, be weary. (3) HI* (Q*, Pi, Hi, Hithp) cast, give thanks. (4) jn* (Q, Ni, Pi, P6, Pii, Hi, Ho, Hithp) know. (5) 3JT (Q) give. (6) nn (Q, Pi) ;om. (7) ^|T (NX, Pi, Hi) wait. (8) HD^ (NI, Hi. Ho, Hithp) reprove, judge. (9) ^ (Q*, [Ho]) leaUe. (10) ^ (Q, Ni, Pi, Pii, Hi, Ho, Hithp) bring forth. (11) ^ (Q, Hi) i6-a?A% (12) 1DJ (Q*, NI, Pi, Pii, Ho) found. (13) fjp; (Q, Ni, Hi) add. (14) ^pj (Qt, Ni, Pi, Hi, Nithp) chastise. (15) 1%> (Q*, NY, Hi, Ho) appoint, assemble. (16) tj^ (Q*) be weary. (17) J# (Q*, Ni Hithp) give counsel. (18) n (Q*, Pi, Hithp) &e beautiful'. (19) NV (Q, Hi, Ho) go forth. (20) ^^ (Hi, PIo) set, place. (21) ^y* (HX, Ho) prcarf f7oton. (22) py (Q, Qt, Hi, Ho) pour out. (23) -JVJ (Q*i Qt, Ni, Pu, Ho) form. (24) JY^ (Qt,NX,HX)Knrf?e. " (25) j^p (Q*) moaA-e. (26) "|pj (Q, Q*" Hi) ?>< P/TCIOWS. (27) JOT (Q: Ni. Ho) bind, lay snares. (28) THE CHARACTER OF THEIR RADICALS. 73 N'T (Q*, Ni, Pi) be afraid. (29) TT (Q, HI, Ho) go down. (30) m (Q*, NI, HI) cast, instruct, (31) #T (Q*, NI, PI, TT -T Hi) seize, possess. (32) 3" (Q, NI, PI, HI, H5) , <?iee#. (33) f gf (Q*, NI, PI) *?eep. "(34) ^> (NI, HI) deliver. (35) (NI, HI) be left over. LIST XXXIV. "'2 Verbs. (1) DD (Q, HI) 6e ^oorf. (2) ^J (HI) bewail (3) fQ (HI) go to the right. (4) pj (Q, HI) SMC&. (5) J>p (Q) awa/ce. (6) ^gf (Q, PI, Pu, HI) be straight. LIST XXXV. V'y Verbs. [In the following list Q designates an Impf ., Imv. and Inf. const, with u; Q*, an Impf., Imv. and Inf. const, with o = a.] (1) niN (Q*, NI, HI) shine. (2) ^13 (Q*, HI, H5) enfer. (3) rO (Q) despise (4) {$TJ3 (Q*, P81el, HI, Hlthp6) be ashamed. (5) *T)j| (Q, Hithpo) sojourn. (6) |!pl (Q, NI, HI) ywrfflre. (7) ni (Q, NI, HI, Ho) thresh. (8) 3ir (Q) flow. (9) Tit (Q, HI) boil. (10) ^H (Q, P61S1, P61&1, HI, H5, Klthpo) be in pain, bring forth. (11) ^tO (Q, HI) ie 0ooc?. (12) ^ID (Q, HI, Pflpel, Polpal) cowto/w. (13) p3 (Q, NI, Polel, Polal, Hithpo, HI, Ho) prepare, establish. (14) p 1 ? (Q, Polel, HI, Hithpo) scorn. (15) JHD (Q, NI, Polel, Hithpo) melt. (16) DID (Q, NI, HI, Hithpo) be moved. (17) (Q, NI, HI) circumcise. (18) ^'1Q (Q, HI) depart. (19) (Q, Polel, HI, H6) die. (20) (TlJ (Q, HI, HS) mrf. (21) D1J (Q, HI) y?e. (22) #U (Q, NI, HI) move, nod. (23) f|<|J (Q, 74 VERBS ARRANGED ACCORDING TO Polel, Hi, Ho) shake, sift. (24) jflD (Q, Ni) turn lack. (25) T)D (Q, Hi, Ho, Polel) turn aside. (26) Tiy (Q, Pi, Hf, Ho, Hithpo) testify. (27) tyij? (Q, Polel, Hi, Ho, Hithpo) fly. (28) 11]^ (Q, Ni, Polel, Pi, Pilpel, Hi, Hithpal, Hithpo) awake. (29) j*|S (Q, Ni, Polel, Pilpel, Hi) scatter. (30) D1 (Q) /<w*. (3D 11 (Q, Hi) press, besiege. (32) Dip (Q, Pi, Polel, Hi, Ho, Hithpo) rite, stand, (33) D11 (Q, Polel, Polal, Hi, Ho) le high. (34) Jpfl (Pu, Hi, Hithpo) sAowf. (35) pi (Q, Polel, Hi) rwrc. (36) ^|# (Q, Polel, Polal, Hi, Ho) turn. LIST XXXVI. ""y Terbs. [The following list contains the verbs generally classified as *"y. Outside of the Qal their forms are those of verbs V'y. Q* designates those forms which have also Vy forms in Qal.] (1) [>3 (Q, Ni, Hi, Polel, Hithpo) perceive. (2) ^ (Q*) exult. (3) [H (Q*, Nt) judge. (4) ^ft (Q*, Polel, Polal, Hi, Ho, Hithpo) be in pain, be strong, wait. (5) 7*7 (Q*, Hith- po) lodge. (6) JJf>0 (Q*) depart. (7) 31 (Q*, Hi) strive. (8) rrJT (Q*, Polel) speak, meditate. (9) Q^ (Q*, Hi, Ho) put. (10) 'W& (Q*) r^otce. (11) 1J^ (Q*, Polel, H5) ting. (12) JW ( LIST XXXVII. X" 1 ? Verbs. (1) N^ (Q, Ni, Pi, [Hi]) create. (2) NDn (Ni, Pu, Hi, Ho, Hithp) hide. (3) NDfl (Q, Pi, Hi, Hithp) sin. (4) T T NDD (Q, Ni, Pi, Pu, Hithp, Hothp) be unclean. (5) tf (Q, Hi, H8) go forth. (6) tfT (Q, Ni, Pi) be afraid. (7) THE CHARACTER OF THEIR RADICALS. 75 (Q, NT, Pi) restrain. (8) tf?Q (Q, NT, Pi, Pii, HTthp) be full (9) tftfO (Q, NT, Hi) // (10) tffcO (Q, NT, HT, HTthp) lift up. (11) N3J (NT, HTthp) prophesy. (12) ^) (NT, PT, HT, HTthp) be wonderful. (13) NE (Q) Ze thinly. (14) &OJJ (PT, HT) be jealous. (15) JOjJ (Q, NT, Pii) call. (16) JO[3 (Q, NT, HT) meet. (17) tfH (Q, NT, PT, HTthp) heal, (18) NJB> (Q, NT, PT) hate. LIST XXXVIII. H"S Verbs. (1) fift (Q, NT, HT) despise. (2) fO3 (Q, PT) uetp. (3) (Q, Pi) fall away, decay. (4) nil (Q, NT) &iu7<Z. (5) (Q, NT, PT, Pu, H6, HTthp) reveal (6) fTQl (Q, NT, PT. HTthp) be like. (7) H^ (Q, Pu, HT) commit fornication. TT (8) ,TV (HT, HTthp) <Aa/iA;. (9) JTV (Q, NT, HT) cas, fn- S ^ UC <. TT (10) naS (Q, PI) Quench." (11) ^3 (Q, ^, P&) complete. (12) HDD (Q, NT, PT, Pii, HTthp) conceaZ. (13) JlV? (Q, NT, HT) join. (14) PTO (Q, HT) rebel. (15) HfM (Q, NT, HT) ^refcfc OM. (16) HDD (Q, NT, HT) end. (17) (Q, NT, HT, H5) redeem. (18) HJ3 (Q, Pt, HT, H) Jo?^. (19) pHV (PT, Pii) command. (20) H) (Q, PT, Pu) 3a<c7t, cover. (21) TO (Q, NT, PT) wait. (22) HJIJ (Q, NT, HT) ^e, oitom. (23) HM (Q, NT, PT, Hi) be sharp, hard. (24) ,TH (Q, Pt, HT) Aave dominion. (25) HD^ T T (Q, NT) capture. (26) JlW (Q, HTthp) do obeisance. (27) np> (Pii, HT) drink. (28) nnif* (Q, NT) drink. (29) (Q, NT, PT) 76 VERBS ARRANGED ACCORDING TO LIST XXXIX. r\"b Verbs, and, at the same time, '3 or "y Guttural. (1) rON (Q) (N"J) be willing. (2) JtW (Q, Hi) stflear. (3) jrn IQ, PS, Hi) merfftafe. (4) JTiVcQ, Ni) fee. (5) T T T T nS3n (Q) wia/ce a noise. (6) PHPF (Q, Pu, P6) conceive. (T) rrK (Q, PX HD za-e. (8) fTjrf (Q, M, Pi, pa, in, m, Hithp) fee idfc. (9) POH (Q) encamp. (10) ,1011 (Q) trust. (11) rnn (Q, M, HI, Btttp) be angry. (12) npfQ (Q, Nt, Pii, Hi) ^?>e ojf. (13) rf?^ (Q, Ni, Hi, Ho, Hithp) go up. (14) rtfj; (Q, Ni, Pi, Hi) oMioer. (15) rtfjj (Q, Ni, Pi, Pti, Hi, Hithp) a^Zirf. (16) H^ (Q, Ni, Pi, Pu) do, make. (it) rns (Q, HI) be fruitful, (is) nsy (Q, R, PU) w^, orerZay" '(19) rT)|5 (Q, Ni, Hi) weef. (20) ,1^1 (Q,Ni, Pu, Hi, Ho, Hithp) 0ee. (21) HD") (Q, Pi, Hi) multiply. (22) (Q, Pi, Hi, Hithp) feed. (23) fiSH (Q, Ni, Hi) fee . (24) H^D (Q, NI, Pi, Hi, Hithp) fee pleased. LIST XL. Verbs Doubly Weak. [In the following list there are given synopses, or partial synopses, in various stems, of those verbs whose inflection presents 8pecial diffi- culties.] (1) PON be wittinff-QZl : PON (DJV3N), PON* CON'), (2) nnx (3) Nl:} enfer-Qal : N T N3 - Hiph : THE CHARACTER OF THEIU RADICALS. -Q&i: nrr, .T,T, err, nn$, T.n, (5) n;n uve-^i^n, rprp err), . rfiri^. PI ei: nfn, nw, .TH, ': n;iin, n^nn, (6) ITT ^a- -Htph : niin , rrtf , mm , nnin , rrio. Hithp&'ei: prnirr, . mph Nv (8) (9) NT le ci/raiW-QjQ : (10) fTT ca, instruct <&\: (ID mo. HL?:, TLDJ. (12) nDJ mtVe-Htph: nsn, man, HDO. Hs P h. nan, ns?. 78 VERBS ARRANGED ACCORDING TO (13) NCTJ lift - , , , (also'ntfi? and Kty), M#)i WJPJ. (14) T]^ u-att-Qal: Tj 1 ?' , 5$, fQ^. Hiph: T (rarely Tj^VU ^ , Tj^lH , ^IH Tj (15) ^H ;aZ7c-Qal : Tj^H , T^IT, TJ^H , ?jf7T! , ^PT, (16) np^ ta^-Qai: np 1 ?, np% np, nip 1 ?, nnp_, np 1 ?, nip 1 ?. Wh: np^, np^, T _|.. -|T |- : |-T- Hoph : Hp^ d7) pj flrit-e-Qai: fn;, ps jn, pnx nn pri. Mfph: p/, fw, fn|n, T fn:. Ho P h: (18) H maie-Qal: (19) n^n see-Qai : HNi , n^i? (NTi , jnni), rno ; nijn, n^h. 'xjph:' r^nf, . m p h : (20) nrrcr tow rfoww- mthpaiei : nnj-issn , LIST XLI. Defective and Kindred Verbs. (1) a C y l3 ^e ashamed, Hiph *?!! 5 but also B^l from ^'3^ . " T fc D1LO be good; but Impf. 3 , and Hiph from C2 . THE CHARACTER OF THEIK RADICALS. 79 (1) c -JJP be afraid; but Impf. T)J| from TLJ . T T d r*p* awake, used only in Impf.; the Hiph Pcrf. ppn (from Tip) being used as Perfect. e j>J break in pieces, PI peg ; but Impf. p , Imv. pS, Xiph pSJ, Polel pfJS, Hithpo , Hiph pSn come from pS . drink, in Qal; but Hiph HP^'n from (2) a fjD* <&?, used in Qal, but the Inf. const, and Impf. (ffpin and rppi>) are taken from the Hiph'il. 03 approach, with Qil Impf., Iinv. and Inf. const. > , VI , n^.), but Niph'al Perf. (^). lead with Qal Perf. and Imv. 01114), but m p h impf. (nro . d Tin^ po?<r out, with Qal Impf. HJT) and Niph Perf. (TjfiJ). (3) DOn and QfT 6e warm; OOt^ and D^* ? a ^ waste: -T -T -T -T DDH and Din hum: V*? and p^ mock; US and US break; n and ,1*n ?Jt'e; ppn and npn en- - T T T J |- T |T T grave; ^H and n^"l multiply; HI and n^"l shout; -T TT I-T TT JJt^ and njlti^ err; yQJ and 710 circumcise; *"]DJ ~T TT -T I~T and T11D anoint; n5J and niS blow; ^^ and n*73 | - T - - T T T fade away; PQ and nt3 despise; D0*l , D11 and 7eM^; r|3J, "rfn, Wl and , 1S and W !; ^t^j" ^^J^ and -T -- q/; DDD , DND and ilDO T T VI. NOUNS ARRANGED ACCORDING TO THEIR FORMATION. (Each noun under this head takes the number that belongs to it in the "arrangement according to frequency of occurrence.") 85 221 385 1 690 229 233 394 235 719 15 725 787 261 801 145 816 819 55 LIST XLII. Segholates, A-class. 1. Strong. 149 825 25 160 923 288 927 289 26 938 940 941 p#4 516 944 945 953 993 994 995 1000 1004 557 irc nnv 1021 1024 1026 314 D ~!P 1048 571 111 325 1053 D"lp 1055 112 184 1067 1077 591 1121 344 191 193 348 1132 195 1136 FEM. 436 477 1007 HD13 1089 T NOUNS ACCORDING TO FORMATION. 81 2. ' 78 199 6 41 367 214 PX 223 744 139 1IT 262 1 820 831 56 379 683 127 rot 90 )T)j 784 803 10 373 243 749 403 93 834 485 934 108 546 IPTD 1028 1#tf 575 orn 4. 437 476 . 512 292 552 dpi? 1006 rns 52 419 781 27 956 170 guttural. 1072 1112 1113 1114 nnt? 76 1148 ii49 nnn 171 guttural. 175 1025 1043 1045 nsp 1058 580 FEM. 669 529 FEM. 357 107 ,- 290 JTTJP 1122 FEM. 1109 ? 672 377 685 691 13 695 391 396 H 397 Si 82 NOUNS ARRANGED ACCORDING TO 723 pi 823 13 179 1^ FEM. 16 in 844 10 1037 ID QO *^AV* Oi flQp? 738 Tjt 492 "to 1042 ^p 762 n^n 244 Jin 948 ^D 1054 trp 444 n^D T | T " 17 n 519 IP 70 D1 279 nvo 424 *?D 958 ty 1063 11 311 rr ^ 1 "" T T 427 tlD 30 Qn 585 njy 1124 natr | ^" | ~ T - 53 D' 545 ns 73 It^ T "" 812 13 1009 ns 1154 DO 95 p 560 IV e. vy 632 DIN 727 iin 946 T1D 77 ^130 200 ptf 400 pn 297 11^ 636 pN 750 rrin 562 D1S FEM. 118 UN 751 'Tin 32 'Tip 849 nDio 202 niN 18 DID 1038 pp 567 niip 47 1j| 20 Dr 1105 N1^' 1106 njw : T T 720 HI 441 DID 1107 D1^' 126 111 152 nio 341 1iJ? 7. vy 642 ?TN 92 ' i^ 1016 TV FEM. 80 ? 759 ^^ 1040 pp 1017 ni*v 12 n3 407 P'n 331 ppl 1084 nnV 231 KJ 140 P 1061 pn 735 it 97 401 m 28 ?W THEIR FORMATION. 83 8. rrS 216 njtf 833 *rf? 559 3 FEM. 381 35 905 np 590 3J^ 693 699 HJ 955 H# 1129 fi? 237 135 ^n 174 n$ 326 fl^'p 54 ^a ion 719 1070 jrjn 9. Fonnatiw Vowel with Second Radical. 629 nitf 236tV'm 278 MVO 1118 500 7DJ 1008n^D 455 928 1| 1087 ^5^ 1034 HD"|p 165 1QD 187 D3L^' 1075 LIST XLIII. Segholates, I-class. 1. Strong. 739 -or 521 -IHD FEM. 582 ? 2. '3 guttural. 627 ^SN 777 Ipn 537 rpj 255 211 "ItpX 294 13^ 540 3gfJ^ 523 664 -)t)N 524 ^ 531 405 tfpn 528 1"!^ FEM, 218 D^H 959 irj; 366 250 P^n 302 ppj^ 410 415 ran 976 spy 768 r NOUNS ARRANGED ACCORDING TO 3. 'S crutturoZ. 893 rtto FEM. 103 niro 334 nrob* _ .. T : T ; 942 nrg 684nj;p5 914 nw'o 1091 T : ' 1127 n# mrrj^ 570 n^p 347 433 n*pj 1076 n^t^"i 4. yy ON 932 DJ FEM. 475 T 'N 1046 |p 677 nn 504 T ' 253 P 320 pp 715 PD"! 550 T ' 254 rn 563 *? 402 nor 1027 ms T - T ' 22 D 1 ? 346 |^' 270 rnp 579 nri 6. v 'j ,' (or ry) 707 "W 517 nD 330 an FEM. 721 n 29 ") 1 ^ 1060 pn 380 nya 729 pn 1019 j" 1085 758 n-rn 786 ?Dp 1020 *1*V 342 n^ 1039 nyp 471 PD 318 1n 1116 ma* 484 375 e. n" 1 ? FEM. 307 445 nl'^3 572 HHp T : T :) 7. ForTTiatiw Vowel with Second Radical. 1078 nNtW?) 1097 FEM. THKIH FORMATION. 85 LIST XLIV. Seffholates, U-class. 1. Strong. 86 -Ip3 806 *1J^ 293 rfiD FEM. 700 ^-U 821 "|33 603 CH&y' 386 M^3 393 pin 499 I y^no V - : T 2. '3 cruttural. 40 ^JIK 50 BHh 969 "ipi^ FEM. 121 JTN 411 Iph 971 ^^y 648 rf?DlJ 364 ^D^ 779 3"|h 539 fpy 132 nDDH 662 ^fiN 256 T]^n 99op>j; 417 n^in 218 TpK 968 ptiy 543*1^3; 984 ry)y 3. '; crutturol. 674 [,-Q 183 Dni 1135 "1KH FEM. 553 *> V'S 1104 onto 5 785 rnno T T: T 1014 -n'tf 1110 -ITO' 4. 'S ffutturol. 215 (T)N 924 mi loes npi FEM. 696 pllJ 509 nDJ 425 HNDO 1052 nrnp T : | T 5. yy 714 yi 137 ph 146 nb 299 rj; 767 OH 752 nin 902 no 532 ty 86 NOUNS ARRANGED ACCORDING TO 182 3h 619 Dri FEM - 518 H3D T -. 1068 th 1162 f|h 710 n 1 ?! 533 r\D]j ^- T . 592 Tj^ 138 njjri e. ry 637 *Y|N 454 ni? sio TI FEM. 676 PQ 461 TO 71 rrn 737 pftir 130 nn 851 DID ^ 947 nfi'iD 423 "11D 164 D1D 7. n"S 764 I ?PT 799 *fi 303 ^ 1138 8. Formative Vowel witli Second Radical. 731 D7H 98 ? 1{<p 954 J12^ FEM. 451 DN 1 ? 474 K^p 162 317 rvipp 9. Irregular Forms. 7\V >MV> fi"7O "I \*^ QOQ ty Jpf C fs o<y | i i'j . '.' 81 *?$ 45 ^J5 = n3 HO 658 ?TJK 247 83 ri^ = rifll 880 DJP = DP 116 43 n>J)N = nt^N 298 0# ? = *# 604 13 ' nWtt 68 THEIR FORMATION. 87 LIST XLV. Nouns with Two Originally Short Towels, a a. 1. Strong. 673 TJ3 746 |pr 568 [L)J5 922 124 1p5 432 -n> 1083 [D^ 503 ,131^ 383 -O3 143 "V^* 1088 "Oftf 514 nOpJ 689 n~O 442 3f3 190 ^0 939 ITT T T T T 88 "lj^3 147 tp3 1130 ^5^' 177 232 'JOJ 453 f^ 1156 -|Qfl 569 14 131 470 1DO 1163 D'SHJI 1057 nDl"] 395 |H 479 TIDD 1079 p 241 "Of 496 ^^'D FEM. 1102 741 3jf 937 Qp^ 225 HD"13 345," TT |TT T T : 2. '3 0uttural. 2 DlfcJ 131 DDfl 304 fiJJ FEM. 371D^'K 408 D^H 169 "l^j; 79 399 *nrr 766 o'V^n 973 ayjf* 525 733 *nn 252 DOn 977 1p^ 960 245trSn 783 jnn 939 \&y soe 246 nrn 301 3. '? ffutturoL 49 anj 185 Djn PEM. 951 r 508 c>ro 713 n^ 1030 r 315 *?np 745 npin 1049 niyp T |T IT^-: T*T| : NOUNS ARRANGED ACCORDING TO 1023 4. 'S guttural and X" 1 ? . 1073 DN*n H4 Vfc FEM. 657 522 PEM. 1044 nap 6. n-b 754 nrn 319 njp FEM. V T V|T 431 nfi* 321 nvp 209 nax V T V|T T T 506 mj 573 r?ji'P 718 run VT '' IT T T 963 rftv 72 mt^ 732 mn Y T V T T T 534 w 1081 ^nti^ 817 1^3 T^T T T T 31 DOS 878 nja " T T T 7. r\"h apocopated. I IX 19 T 526 "W T T 4 nx 798 Jw 173 "15 T ^ T T 717 J1 ( ; rnai 1103 "1C^ T 919 j 48 cn DTO 1134 Nn 921 1005 rns 38 FE.M. 119 769 nian THEIR FOUMATION. 89 LIST XLVI. Nouns with Two Originally Short Towels, a-i. 1. Strong. 702 TU 269 [JO FEM. 936 J 128 fpf 1051 435 7p 1119 807 1JT 596 810 133 1126 267 1069 258 434 rrv 133 234 747 1092 703 rn-u 1131 788 830 501 365 J2N 51 667 Tj"|N 772 748 -OPT 774 770 2. '3 fftttturai. 961 974 975 136 T^n 538 44 473 167 515 295 4. 'S guttural. loso 6. '"fl 305 . V'^ -g FEM. - 651 FEM. 663 985 ; 3. '^' yutturaJ. 848 rang eor njNtp 1095 1090 1128 527 90 LIST XLVII. Nouns with Tiro Originally Snort Vowels, a a. 1. Strong. 316 flBp FEM. 804 n^'T 554 ' 701 2. 'D guttural. 979 ahji; FEM. 666 r^ni;* 813 r 98i oiiy 203 ntnN 694 rfrNji 1001 n i T \ -: 3. Irregular. 446,^5 LIST XLVIII. \oiiiis with Two Originally Short Vowels, i a. 1. Strong. 96 ZZfy 931 ")D^ 1120 2. Guttural. 970 3J 564 V 583 3. H"S apocopated. 142 B* 113 )Tj FEM. 308 65 36 Q 23 4. Irregular and Doubtful Forms. 24 D?D 69 n$ 75 QQt^ 37 291 rf? 581 THEIU FORMATION. LIST XLIX. o A A \ou ii* with a Short and a Long Vowel, a a (o). 1. Strong. 46 438 oirv 94 TD3 918 nino 178 180 324 115 pay 74 600 FEM. 74 f 192 2. Guttural. 39 Ji-ltf 374 pntf 257 TITO FEM. 361 387 987 166 LIST L. Nouns with a Short and a Long Towel, a i. 1. Strong. 795 141 818 502 505 926 624 MN T 661 p)N 659 TDK 678 TPO 687 NH3 698 62 520 996 1003 1012 313 763 414 776 794 828 284 DHD TP3 322 1086 1125 586 197 351 2. Guttural. 61 TPPI 933 "Wl 163 983 988 1029 FEM. 943 Ton TfT H? 1074 335 FEM. 765 HD* 1 92 NOUNS ARRANGED ACCORDING TO 513 pj 601 JBf FEM. 1066 JTO1 535 *ty 704 rnj 705 JTU 964 nf?# 967 jvpy 4. Irregular. 372 LIST LI. Xouns with a Short and a Long \ owel. u u. 378 lirO 536 Diyy FEM. 692 Q^fl? 982 D^j; 874 780 pin 1098 #OJ>' 929 106 DN4 LIST Lll. Xonns with a Short and a Long Vowel, i a (" a). 1. & retained. 626 'THK 802 iry 826 !in3 587 2. a obscured. 123 1135 1032 "11V FEM - 829 686 Bf115 1155 ?'7)OJ1 681 PH135 797 HD 3. Guttural. 206 ifflfc 249 Dl^p S 28 31IT1 336 9 tP'mi 251 HOp 1082 pinj^ FEM. 242 Vlir 259 1M 333 b^ttt^ 584 4. Syriac Forms. 638 ) 639 1lr 212 THK IK FORMATION. 93 LIST Llll. Nouns with, a Short and a Long Vowel, i i ( e i). I. Strong. 716 T^ 448 Tfi-) 999D^D|) FEM. 265 ^03 935 yy) 925 riXtt ' ' ' ' T : 2. Guttural. 358 ?! 384 pn^j 857 Th^ FEM. 654 y?g 792 Jj 1111 fn# 263 965 3. n" 1 ? FEM. 87 rr 412 np 1099 LIST LIV. .\UUIIM \vith a Short and a Long Vowel, i u (' u). 1. Strong. 89 *yty 789 "TJQJ 577 EWJ 227 fTTQjl 389 -rnj| 266 ^n? FEM. 1033 fTTI3p 711 ^D 452 tr'O 1 697 p 2. Guttural. FEM. 210 H!|0 264 3. n"S FEM. 398 mO 1 * 743 niJ 589 94 NOUNS AKKANGED ACCORDING TO LIST LV. XOIIIIH with a Lonjj and a Short Vowel, a a(o a). I. Strong and Guttural. 360 ffiitf 230 ^"TiJ 64 201 -iyiN* 753 onin 340 FEM. 809 rn;v 827 735 nn 726 ?fTT 390 429 63 734 ? 11 FEM. T 650 222 HD3 LIST LVI. Xouns \rith a I^ong and a Short Toirel, a i (o e). 1. Strong and Guttural. 428 *?31 957 ^y 1064 ^h FEM. 21 ?H3 980 n^ 1115 "IDtT 949 I " " 2. Irregular. 930 HUT, 1123 BfBf FEM. THEIR FORMATION. 95 LIST LVII. Intensive-*: Middle Radical Doubled, a a. 1. Strung and guttural. 643 ^ 421 POD 561 ?")NJV FEM - 712 31J 966 -1E 188 H3# 631 757 KMpl 790 2. Guttural. 5"rnjs> PPM QI nvwrt f>47 I f |\ i - M . \/ . i !i\ ^^ I I t* * I 420 trirr 675 n"}r?5 422 309 fcV"1Q 706 nSm 832 3. rr /l 7 FEM. 682 728 LIST LVIII. : Middle Radical Doubled, i-a. 1. Strong. 660 1DN FEM. 630 2. H" FEM. 1018 n s 96 NOUNS ARRANGED ACCORDING TO LIST LIX. Intensives: Middle Radical Doubled, a i. 120 -HI* 847 -no LIST LX. Intensive*: Middle Radical Doubled, i i. 148 ND3 530 "yi 978 #3 998 LIST LXI. Intensive*: Middle Radical Doubled, a u. 449 rrjD 556 nips LIST LXII. Intensives: Middle Radical Doubled, i a(o). 125 ni:i3 447 11^3 578 JlJSI FEM 814 ni 565 IID 1100 LIST LXIII. Intensives: Middle Radical Doubled, 625 T3K 836 -TS 1 ? 952 T3D 1159 811 133 LIST LXIV. ^ A Intensive^ .- Middle Radical Doubled, a u. 207 tyftg 168 -DDJ^ 1059 DIPO 1158 771 p^n 544 THEIR FORMATION. 97 LIST LXV. Intensities: Middle Radical Doubled, If u. 680 TO3 873 D'N^O 1010 mnB 602 392 D' 1 ?^ 1002 DHIS 1117 LIST LXVI. Intensives: Middle Radical Doubled, irregular. 416 rhyvrt 450 njh? LIST LXVII. IntensiTes: Third Radical Reduplicated. 1071 njn 1096 HNtf W*J - IT -: - LIST LXVIII. Intensives: Contracted Stem Reduplicated. 708 ^_ 440 3313 835 709 rf^^J 815 -T33 972D^j75 1036 742 LIST LXIX. \ on ii- -with PreformatiTes, N prefixed. 628 DJ5J< 645 |JTN 42 ^-| 670 640 rn?J< 368 3VN 668 ^N 671 LIST LXX. with Preformatives, ' or n prefixed. 800 -\ny 239 ? ^yn (cf . the Assyrian). 98 NOUNS ARRANGED ACCORDING TO LIST LXXI. Xouns with ^reformative*, D prefixed, a a. 1. Strong and Guttural. 858 lOf^O 487 *?^#0 FEM. 154 102 *]X*?n 888 31J/ 884 IfipO 153 p jk" A ** 6% 838 3. pa 101 ,1C?D 890 3VID FEM. 472 ,130 882 yDO N^O 864 HDO 920 865 T 4. V'fl 463 KVIO 854 JO10 465 3^'10 FEM. 850 5. ""'3 867 6. TV' 1 ? 100 n^qo 887 n^o FEM. 903 naoo 859 npDD 104 H^O 862 156 SVO 158 n^lD 486 THEIK FORMATION. 99 LIST LXXII. XOUIIH with Preformatives, O prefixed, i a. 1. Strong and Guttural. 840 1COO 875 1300 916 T : 841 ,1D30 280 tripO 60 459 1S?0 898 D*?pD 286 268 ?i3p 904 prno 151 fc^P 911 274 (Tiro 495 T : 466 pirp 159 2. 469 3. n" 1 ? 871 np?p 497 il^'O 281 nJlpO 498,1^^0 157 907 n#1P 899 881 895 493 ,13310 FEM. 917 npp 901 494 noip LIST LXXIII. Noons with Preformatlves, D prefixed, a L 1. GutturoJ. 489 1^0 909 N310 2. pa FEM. 460 rfojp 480 ,1300 490 PO^P 910 3. VD 853 1D10 99 1^10 462 n10 464 t^ 100 NOUNS AKRANGKD ACCORDING TO A. y*y 843 irjjiip 863 njpnp 894 D^VP 897 856 ro;p 48i rVpp!? 5. IT'S FEM. 86i mno 9 08 LIST LXXIV. Xonns with Preformatives, D prefixed, i i. 1. Strong and Guttural. 57 pQfO S 8 LIST LXXV. Xouns with Preformatives. O prefixed, a n. 1. Outtural. 467 2. vjr 842 "IIJIO FEM. 855 nnftp 892 846 noino 879 pirnap 913 r : T : T LIST LXXVI. \ onus with Preform at ives, D prefixed, a a (o). 1. Strong and Guttural. 860 -11DHD 868 3)tt?0 872 2. vjr (ft) 891 nvp mifl 488 THEIK FORMATION. 101 3. vy (6) 837 TiNQ 482 tl^O 896 TipO PEM. 458 NttD 885 [tyO 282 D11D 870 845 p-io 59 Dipo 912 fcfiiTo 478 869 LIST LXXVII. Xouns with Preformat ive*. D prefixed, i a(o). 1. Strong. 273 2. '"fl 866 LIST LXXVIII. Xouns with Preformatlves, prefixed, a i. 1. Guttural. 915 27i mnz 906 LIST LXXIX. Xoans with Preformatlves, D prefixed, a u. 1. '"fl 839 63] ^13 (?) J02 NOUNS ARRANGED ACCORDING TO LIST LXXX. Nouns with Preformat! ve s, D prefixed, a a. 1. V'fl 272 1D1D T FEM. 852 LIST LXXXI. Xouns with Preformatives, D prefixed, irregular. 275 T T : VEIL 468 LIST LXXXII. \OUBS with Preformatives, n prefixed, i. ra 1143 FEM. 613 rrjin 1140 nn^in 1141 niNyin in rrjin 2. '"} 1153 ]&$ 3. V'^ 4. n" FEM. 606 nn HBO THEIR FORMATION. 103 LIST LXXXIII. Xonns with Preformattves, n prefixed, i a. 1. Guttural. 352 m0n 353 T T : 2. '"S irrecrwlar. 3. rrS 621 LIST LXXXIV. mativ 1. Vfl 614 rn'pm 615 n^in 196 naj^ 2. "') 611 350 ff?nn 1146 rftnfl 354 rfpsri 4. n-S 1137 j LIST LXXXV. Vouns with Preformativea, n prefixed, a u. 1. Guttural. ii39 ndSDnn 1147 a 104 NOUNS ARRANGED ACCORDING TO 2. vy FEM. 6io mian 620 nsun 355- norm T : T : T : a. n-S LIST LXXXVI. o o Nouns with Preformatives, n prefixed, u i. 1. v '3 and H" 1 ? 1144 , LIST LXXXVII. Nouns with AITormatiTes, S affixed. 986 *7n 224 ^PS 824 LIST LXXXVIII. Wouns with Afformatives, affixed. 359 D'W 724 LIST LXXXIX, Xonns with Afformatives, J affixed. 1. 4eyecttce in p' 198 p3^ 805 pO#| 300 p^ 181 204 pnrj^ 2. ^ibtract in |T (p). 208 HiO^ 1050 PV|? 323 l 343 1047 LIST XCI. Compound*. 656 nnn 332 456 THEIR FORMATION. 105 3. Abstracts in Jf (Jr). 652 p^g 736 p-tf 791 pjp 332 653 p^N 740 plat 808 p"UT 1093 84 p-)N 404 prn 150 p^ 1094 370 pO"!$ 756 pjn 109 h 226 pXJ 409 p^H 1041 240 pOH 418 p-)n 578 LIST XC. Mult Hit erals. 1. Quodn'ftterate. 822 llflJpD 548 tT^$ 561 1WV 333 2. QuinquiliteralK. 369 OJ-X 1031 LIST XCII. DenominatiTes, participial forms. 511 Dni 594 LIST XCIII. Denominatives, D formation*. 886 106 NOUNS ACCORDING TO FORMATION. LIST XCIV. Denominative*, with Afformative*. LJ1 204 ping 542 pTfj; 1101 protf 1152 760 prn 181 jtrtn 1150 pnnn 2. '_ 647 npg 796 w 510 n?; loss 793 jin 775 ^'$H 551 qj 1151 430 219 205 nnng 327 n^'K"i 337 5. ni 277 niD'pn 296 nn# nas 6. 4dperb8 in D 413 o:n 1062 ojjn 553 01x^5 597 260 VII. NOUNS ARRANGED ACCORDING TO THEIR MEANING. (Each noun under this head takes the number that belongs to It in the "arrangement according to frequency of occurrence.") LIST XCV. The Heavens and Heavenly Bodies. 1074 y\T\ 837 TiNO (ND3) 75 D'gi^ 193 vnyy so EHH 265 1112 pn# *(D"jn) 440 434 m> LIST XCVI. Time and its Divisions. mo 1 Words In parentbenes occur lew than ten time*. 108 NOUNS ARRANGED ACCORDING 10 LIST XCVII. Xatural Phenomena. 118 UN 951 ni^D (tT'P^O) 637 11N T"T : I : - 662 ^Sfc 1106 nNlL? (1153) 831 3,^ T 663 rf?3$ 839 toft 383 niS 832 256 rj^'n 1100 ri^h&r 1121 986 ^l^ 522 3JJ 689 940 ftBft 304 pj; (DJT)) 706 767 Dh (IN) 32 ^ip 1092 ("ip) 424 ^D 326 jl^'p 9--1 (nip) 470 IDD (nnai) 664 T|T T T 394 Dt^J 1018 n*V 989 1072 C'jn (DH^t^) 563 ^V 947 LIST XCVIII. The Earth and its Divisions. 10 p 971 *?$ (111D) 805 611 ^n 1129 fJC'' 302 pJ# 262 (nnin) 310 ^ 231 N^ 243 790 n^'3! 292 ^^p 684 nj7p3 410 79 nOIN (^l^D) 866 UliTO 824 ^/p13 16 in 488 ,T$P ON) ^2 nib* 733 iin 911 3^p (t]in) 1081 nt^ 228 rtwj 887 rtosn 417 n3in THEIR MEANING. 109 LIST XCIX. Water and its Divisions. 24 D'O 259 11tf 1160 Fb%F) 620 612 Q1 nil [TV 710 H^ 688 53 0* 661 p>5tf 28 [# 375 995 jSft 896 LIST C. Geographical Terms. 178 pfjy 724 Dili 308 JTOfl 306 274 (lira 160 3JJ 815 133 1131 T : 314 Dip 1153 jaTi "Eno 89 1034 noip na* see iit^>a 697 lOSSniOia 888 3"irO 294 13 V 887 LIST Cl. Space: Terms expressing Position, Direction, or Linear Measurement. 59 DIPS 864 not: 730 rw?n 607 533 nay 1149 nnn 904 prro nvp) T"% IT: v |T 324 3iip ii5o [innn 329 prn iss in 3ip ii5i *nnn 731 cftrr 696 nia 77 ?pri 130 pH 141 Jpj 387 f-f3J 1152 [I3n 760 JlV*n 430 *Jp 567 HOlp 997 na*J5 4C1 ^1D 796 JQ 968 551 0'J9 923 144 333 '/^Ot^ 1130 62 33D 509 rO'j 218 niK 82 110 NOUNS AKKANGED ACCORDING TO LIST Cll. Expressions for Quantity and Weight. V3 586 11fe> 155 1SDO 363 Hfi'K * T T : T 817 ,1^3 587 1NB? 165 Ijfjp 691 fi3 818 "j^S 337 JTINtP 987 11^ 729 7,1 (K^O) 144 IjT 1057 H321 411 iph 1080 y3ti> 773 Ipll 467 firj^pjp 969 ipjf 70 31 46 *7iij 861 rvvrrp sse^^'p 182 31 1029 1^^ 135 rj 815 133 396 H 316 |1DH 489 1^0 348 ^H^' 278 C3J7P 568 fDp 391 ^ 1009 ns 270 rrso 878 ,I:D T T LIST Clll. Physical Qualities. 369 JDJIIX 918 pinO 778 31H 143 453 J37 930 Hln^ 779 31.11 619 DH 1071 nVI 492 10 1018 rpy 351 QJ3fl I T^-: - T T 601 JJ^ 573 ni^'D 1061 H1 T v |T 615,1^1^ 439 133 1062 618 n^3n 1042 Sn 245 LIST CIV. Minerals and Metals. 751 'Tin 169 15)7 476 411 10h (mSJ!) 78 ?3{< 604 Wtf : T I v v 786 J3p (inj) 310 11^ (DIN) THKIU MKAMM.. Ill (JTjr-iD) 952 TSD 1104 1125 224 49 55 929 ntriro 162 17 142 939 909 LIST CV. Life, Disease and Death. n 85i oia 46o nsja (Dip*) 857 Trip 704 ?n {$f (t^in) 944 530 "V)# 566 998 HpS 1111 235 131 152 mi? 262 149 824 907 72 789 151 322 Ti'p 609nNlDri 638 nja LIST CVI. Vegetation and its Products. 1044 nan 395 725 247 540 1008 1038 I* W'3 np 1056 624 685 90 776 902 1006 1019 nt vsn -ia 501 1022 1033; 1025 319 1054 1136 65 651 652 653 214 nov NOUNS AKKANGKD ACCORDING TO 686 #1-13 flypfjtf) 787 fp? n71 233 J4 607 nJNfl 101 n^Q 690 401 jrr 1156 *">Bn 963 n^ (n^ 1 ?) (main) 970 ny; 821 (njp) ees ?bt?>|* (c\H$ 829 578 Jib") (yt$ 174 n? 950 (rrfc?) (rniop 603 ' 595 maj ritph) LIST CVII. Animals. Wild and Domestic. 471 pp H5J) 717 J-l 17 nrr 1004 n 7is nn e (Dip;) 559 av H48 tr'nn 44 npn? 1047 J^p (Bin) 1159 |^n 80 Vtf 281 H^pP 6^1^') 1067 tr^H 643 ^ 528 Sii? tfy 508 tr'm 207 tp 1 ^ 703 rni^ 565 iisv (fO? T) 374 ! 1ni ? 216 n^ 6^) 1031 CTteV 124 IjjJ 217 nn Q37PTJ) (f?^ 6 " *TJ ni 429 T ,W 665 H3^ 232 ^gj 448 n)3 516 i^j (nnn^) crrrp 828 NOS 980 3-i^ dlDp 251 ni^q (?PTBO (K^p) (D|3) 145 ^55 7.1.4 ?h (1^) O^p^) 4 43 D^ 1142 -|1>1 979 D'-)Jt; 823 ^3 THEIR MEANING. 113 825 Dt?3 544 TIW 6rn) 754 nrn " T V T 164 DID 173 IS 581 nt^ 147 rp3 T ITT 524 *w (T)9) 335 TVi? 819 7D3 V " " T 298 r# loos iTJS 341 "iitr' 741 TT CT#) no INJ 325 pp 1007 | ''' T : LIST CVIII. Animal Products. ( yy>3) 236 OT 248 3^n 1046 IP 687 N"U 408 D^n 1026 1QV 47 451 30 LIST C1X. Various Groupings of Mankind. 277 niD^p losnns^'p 339 154 HD^PO 749 " T^|J 240 271 HJHP 167 187 DDt^ 315 241 936 2 7 43 9 LIST CX. Various Words for Man. 229 ^ 919 D'np 108 (pJV) 290 957 ^|y 427 t^p (no 1 ?^) 261 378 -lin 128 1084 125 974 (n:?) 114 NOUNS ARRANGED ACCORDING TO LIST CXI. The Body and its Members. 704 ,1*1-3 972D'<Dy3tf 695 ^ 436 rD*V T * ; T : (nSflS) (p"N) 560 1 385 rp3 393 135 83 t]tf 564 J^tf frb")p) 88 "lb>3 121 JIN 267 firO 112 ^ 297 Tiy 833 ff? 1H8 D^tf' 975 3pJ^ 1097 1N^' 69 H5 242 #)*)[ 111 ^H 48 Dl 186 nSJy 82 HSkX 22 ^S T T T 170 Dyj^ 346 ytf 19 T 96 ^^^ (1^) 150 [1^ 95 fp 221 ft?5 34 l^'jij"J 761 Tin 430 Jp 484 D^O 709 n 1 ?^ 746 fjJJ 368 JDy** 575 DD"! 1036 1p"|p 561 "1K1V 674 |ri3 810 "OS | :|T T- I V T 583 "iyjy 539 f]"i^ 766 D*V/r| 445 Hlv5 31 DOS CTTJ1T|) 499 DOHQ 809 n")JJ 893 HVO (pS^) 984 28 |# 407 pH 1103 "!tr 435 LIST CXII. Physical Qualities of Man. 625 "V3 146 r6 983 p"lj; 1135 "IKfi 636 p^ 482 ri^D 397 ^ 780 p"IH 227 rrriij 953 rj; 431 n$ 92 S*n 299 rj; 799 sji 811 T33 536 QlVr 559 OX THJEIK MEANING. 115 LIST CXIII. States of the Body. [15JJ 128 fpj 977 Ipj; 1063 692 ofairo 5ii DHi^ 307 rniy 1084 723 pi 961 t|j; 981 Dlljf H26 732 Hid 962 D1y 1052 HHIp 1128 LIST CXIV. Terms expressive of Man's Position in the World. 1. Relationships. 101 nt9Q 1 3N 4 flN 444 T T 187 tD3B> DN 119 HilTO ?H"n T I " losnnssy'o 795 i^ 720 111 (on) sso n-faio 123 1135 7 ^ 769 614 Jlll'pln 681 H1135 223 ^5 548 13 [5 43 nti^t 208i 45 n3 783 jnn 433 2. Social Affiliations. 748 13(1 234 1-1 988 1jpj 967 n^D^ H43 3^'ln 420 ty'in 594 113 jn 510 n^ ffrjto) 27 1070 nyfl 179 IV I/ID 347 640 nir^ 311 niy 150 1119 ?3K/ 775 EtoP? 1064 3. Dignity and Ran/c. 36 0^' 701 rfo^y 282 0110 356 700 Sll 808 ?1lh 1078 nty 226 116 NOUNS ARRANGED ACCORDING TO 399 Tin 25 T]?P 945 fjlp 1123 ( 727 lln 284 WVQ 547 HPTfl 755 nth 802 1p; (tD'W) 752 Tin 793 94 ii23 502 T;g yffi 61 352 nitfSfl 163 JWJ DiTO 21 T T : 353jvw9fj 1050 pyp 1003 Tps sis 39 'plN 73 Igf 520 DHD 223 "7V5 935 !T5tt 1115 LIST CXV. Abodes and Parts of Abodes. 29 1'j; 891 1VO 797 318 Tp 491 11VO 852nllD10 1020 572 n'lp 816 ^3 869 p^*3 384 100 n^pjo 865 niDD 870 nji3o (nfi$o) 702 11j| 239 ^3n 129 ilDln 666 76 ~\y& 280 t^'IpP 388 ^ 409 481 ffppO 159 |3K?0 776 TSPT 1014 328 31 ni 885 pyp 168 Tl,tDJ7 403 370 J101 921 nW (illlp) 455 679 ,T13 506 ,1JJ 486 il^O 964 n^ 459 1V3P 12 n!3 359 D^l^ 1134 tff) 268 ^p 40 ^J-fN 855 njlfp 900 881 Hl^pP (HD) 1"5 nn3 550 482 riVD 518 ,130 237 THEIR MEANING. 117 426 1023 331 185 1069 739 380 238 131 132 982 1087 610 LIST CXVI. Intellect, Sensibility and Will. 1144 rrinn 334 nnafr 744 NtDV 728 rnn 1093 768 man 791 K "0! nra D?n rran 840 858 seo -liana eoe ni^n T ~: ~ 357 1091 373 226 912 332 868 735 386 446 1041 676 fl3 1082 pint? 820 570 83 133 418 523 571 937 514 1124 644 682 433 854 546 nan [nn rrai? nrfes *oia -ihfl LIST CXVII. Operations and Enactments of the Foregoing Faculties. 553 856 946 305 404 756 158 nara 1127 T * ; r?0 249 TiD 758 HTn 777 prn 1095 W 14 211 366 745 1030 1085 1109 tan 707 774 1090 not? 627 657 ; 381 799 32 iZZ 273 niora 118 NOUNS ARRANGED ACCORDING TO 496 7^0 721 |H 419 D"}!"! 330 579 nr\ 726 rn 569 rftyn 834 342 *Vtp 876 nWlOO 846n/DinQ 252 T T : v T : 1116 rrw' 554 rnp9 863 iinnp 350 D'^rWl 1002 DHIpS 1055 "1^'p 990 883 12PP 713 pHJtt 905 np 592 1039 ,-tfn 272 1D10 845 THQ T | T IT 505 snj ii4o nn^in 900 nsno LIST CXVIII. Human Actions and Occupations. 1. Action in general. 104 nfe># : 166,111 1001 487 285nn.OP 965 f 250 p7(l 577 t^'O") 694 ,17^ 658 410 nnSn 792 VM 821 2. Trade and Commerce. 888 D'l^D 804 niS^* 938 Tf^'J 671 pn^ 1064 7j*1 107 nSni 875 *13Dp 1088 ")^^ 1086 TDl^ 400 [1,1 899 HipO 630 n")i|X 203 njrwt 543 "^W i 47 fop 826 in? 8. TTar. 58norf?p ^41 784 nn^ 659 *vpx 491 *|1^0 890 ^VD 377 f? 880 DD 889 HD^^D 759 ^|1 677 HI3 309 K1ft 472 ,130 6&3 THEIR MEANING. 119 908 1016 393 798 801 199 734 464 765 452 844 87i ?5 420 4. Miscellaneous. 1010 421 498 nntrp PQD ~ LIST CXIX. Articles 1 *ed In I>r.ily Life. 1. Generic. 54 75 2. fj| 1089 582 631 nrniic 525 360 708 750 807 849 953 532 3. Architecture. 827 1020 "T 4. Tlie Chase. 892n-J1Vp 545 5. 483 1108 450 753 422 212 934 479 628 639 1032 747 HDlO -nrj 822 11nip3 927 Q.U 954 1024 1037 1107 1053 1157 rna ' H3 1077 955 960 101 897 It 585 120 NOUNS ARRANGED ACCORDING TO 6. Furniture. 1079 HDDt? 84 [iltf (TH) 917 835 tftfh 608 ron 12 -D 691 rn 1 ? T T " ~ 263 nj^-V 469 HDP 441 Dl3 (D#) 343 jrf?# (yyo) 466 P"}?P 903 ntjio 148 ND3 495 33'0 517 *VD 1161 "117H ... T . . . f- 465 Dt^'lD H58 "fi^ri 519 f)p 838 (Diirp 814 11*5 (n^V> 286 478 rniJO 632 51^ 1049 T : 515 *g 698 %*2Z 948 7. Musical Instruments. 925 ny^ (^^r?) 416 rnvirq 447 Irtaj QJ|^) 1162 T '^h 500 ^ 340 Ifiljy (D^V 1 ?^) 1123 8. TTeapons a?id Articles of Warfare. 719 ^^ 782 ft^'n 941 p^ 184 412 jrjq 269 PD 1027 rti ices no'i 254 ^n 493j-O:D")P 1043 ^p 1122 52 ^-irj 932 " bi 326 mgto 9. Misceltoiieous. 364 ^3^ 457 ^D{</? 1017 HTV 836 648 rtoN 877 T ro T ; T IT LIST CXX. Products of Manufacture. 293 rftD 770 ^On 762 H^H 56 1045 np 279 H5fO 815 "133 140 ?" - |v T - ! THEIR MEANING. 121 1120 -O# 191 Jp# 1075 HDp-l 949 *tttfrn$ SIT rrjbp 9oin#p 843 8oo -nv> 1012 *rn9 sso LIST CXXI. The Spiritual Nature. 26 #93 71 rtn LIST CXXII. Ethical and Religions Terms. 198 |V3tf 623 nj|ft#fl 1154 DF) 647 210 rOlOg 432 "p 619 Dfl 669 HE 655 fipg 143 *)# 621 HJpH 693 379 HD3 806 1jgf 137 pn 736 841 HD^P 866 11#p 138 npf"T 1096 225 JtD"O 867 On#0 157 H1VD 712 T T : T T : i 5 T"H 504 n*j3 60 Dstpp 715 738 T]j 513 p: 117 nSln 742 257 -I1HD 534 1J^ 358 *?nj 743 253 jn 535 ^ 635 n*$K H45 niJTH 771 J^H 303 OJ^ 200 [JJJ 402 fiST 93 "?pn 1011 H 654 y^ 757 414 "VpH 176 pl^ 382 *?^3 405 415 f9n 177 npnv 265 *?*P? 91 933 D*J^J 33 #"tp 819 *7p3 772 is 3io 1059 oirn 922 rf?3j 435 437 )^5f> 115 D'fe* 1060 pn 956 264 H)W 596 DW H05 X1# 109 p^ 122 NOUNS ARRANGED ACCORDING TO 1068 114 580 1076 255 258 87 nn? 916 -W'O 159 280 716 84 449 556 rCP? 57 637 219 371 680 127 266 102 1135 425 1132 602 196 442 494 1066 195 913 529 978 H39 1133 538 1102 LIST CXXIII. Sacrifice and Worship. 103 Jimp 354 920 niJD 660 873 914 "IDN 503 289 63 542 317 323 344 620 288 926 928 244 547 188 T noa rooQ rO2flD 355 nonfl 1015 eis rniri 230 616 fiJTlfl 419 1147D^Unfl 283 372 222 392 480 490 973 ")) 999 Jin 1000 npi 1021 1048 1163 D'snn LIST CXXIV. The Flit lire World. 1073 D^fl") 336 1083 1114 THEIR MEANING. 123 3 si LIST CXXV. God. s 206 593 H^' VIII. NOUNS ARRANGED ACCORDING TO THEIR DERI- VATION. LIST CXXVI. Derivatives from Verbs occurring: 5OO 5OOO times. 1. 2. 3. Eat 1) 2) 3) 4) Say 1) 2) 3) 4) Go in 1) 2) Speak 1) 2) 3) 4) Food Food A meal Food A Saying Word Utterance Utterance Entrance Entrance 5) 6) 7) 5) 6) 7) 3) 4) Speech 5) Destruction 6) Inner 7) Sanctuary Pasture- 8) ground Food Knife Food Summit Command Amorite Entrance HN'Ofl Increase T : rrOI Cause T : m^l Utterance T : ~ Rafts Wilderness ARRANGED ACCORDING TO THEIR DERIVATION. 1 25 5. -frfl GO D tf?n Way 4) T|7nO Journey 2) ti^n Step 5) ) "Ol^nfl Procession I * T r . - 3) rmQ Way T -: 6. Jft* Know D JH Knowledge 5) JT1D Intelligence 2) HJp Knowledge 6) JttO Why ? 3) run Knowledge 7) l^TlD Familiar ~ ** T friend 4) jjpj Wizard 8) n^TlO An ac- quaintance 7. "I/* Bring forth, bear 1) *ft Child 6) rn^lD Birth 2) T^ Born 7) nil/in Generations T 3) Tty Born 8) TjjJ A Child 4) rTfr Maiden 9) T^l A Child 5) rvn 1 ?! Childhood 8. KIT Go out 1) *W Offspring 6) fl^V Excrement T T " 2) jwio Exit. 7) fWiy Excrement T T 3) nNSio Outgoing 8) J<1^ Filthy 4) nixvin Gates 9) HVJ Excrement T T 5) D'trcmr Offspring * T *." V 9. 3t^ Sit, dwell i) ro# Dwelling 3) DtJ'in Inhabitant T 2) 3^10 Seat 4) rQ&y A Sitting 126 NOUNS AUUAXGED ACCORDING TO 10. Take 1) np 1 ? Instruction 4) D^np^O Snuffers. 2) hlp^Q Booty 5) Upp Receiving 3) D'Hp'jD Tongs 6) fllnpO Merchandise - |T : v IT - 11. rno Die i) mD V T 2) DWiOft Death 3) Deaths nrnoin Death 12. N&JO Lift up T Prince 5) Burden 6) nNtr Elevation Nti^ Burden T ~ 3) flNfett Gift 7) nXt-^D Conflagra- T T ~ tion 4) fcW Greatness 8) n^t^D Lifting up 13. trU Give 1) DUTO 2) jno Devoted 3) Gift 4) njno Gift T T - nnD Gift T 14. ^^7^ rflQQ nVPT* |,J V^ J- <*<Ot3 V V Ul 1) TO); Produce 5) "13J7 Country beyond 2) "PD^ Passing over 6) 3) iTOJg Ferry boat 7) "IDJ^D Ford iTO#0 Ford T : *.* Wrath 15. rhy GO up i) ^ Elevation 3) n^P Foliage 2) ? Upon 4) n^iy Burnt offer- ing THEIK DERIVATION. 127 5) *># Upper 10) ^^0 Lifting up 6) ^J? Pestle 11) rftyD Ascent : . |- 7) nf?# Upper 12) rhyft Ascent room 8 ) P tJ ?#. High 13) rbyft Trench 9) ^O Above 16.1 OJ? Stand D ipy Standing- 3) TlZDy Column place D rrjpjj Station 4) "IDJ^D Station T T:|T n. n Kfy Make 1) n##D Work is. n IV Command D IV Precept 3) n^VD Command- T : ment 2) JVV Pillar 4) iy Ship 19. D' )p Rise, stand D noip Height 6) Dip* Existence 2) D'p Adversary 7) DlpO Place 3) iTO'p Rising up 8) JlOlpD Resistance 4) npp Standing 9) D2lpn Opposer 5) nvppip Uprightness 20. N 1 ip Call 1) N-jp i Partridge 3) nX*"lp Proclamat'n o\ v~\-> 6) S*"\J Called 4) NlpP Assembly 128 NOUNS ARRANGED ACCORDING TO 21. PRO See 1) HJO Seeing 5) 'iO Vision V T T: 2) JlN"l Seer 6) HN1D Appearance 3) JT*n Sight 7) HN")!3 Vision T : - 4) 'JO Mirror 22. Q'tP Put i) n PltTfl Deposit 23. 24. 25. Turn 1) 2) 3) Send 1) 2) 3) 4) Hear 1) 2) 3) Return 4) Return 5) Rebellious 6) 5) 6) 7) Missile Shoots Table Report 5) Fame 6) Rumor 7) Hearing Rebellious Apostacy Return Sending forth, place Sending Mission Report Audience Music THEIR DERIVATION. 129 LIST CXXVII. Derivatives from Verbs occurring J8OO 5OO times. 1. anN Love i) nanx Love 3) anX Love 9"\ ~ v &) Uo Amours 2. "|DX Gather 1) t]DK Harvest 4) 0flP# Stores 2) fpDN Ingathering 5) nlDDX Assemblies 3) HflDN* Assemblage 6) lDt3DX Rabble T " -; 1 .:--: 3. ma Buiid i) p Son 4) jia Daughter 2) rwa Building 5) POaO Building 3) f;4a Building 6) rVjan Likeness 4. *t"O Bless 1) TJ-J3 Knee 3) na")a Pool 2) naSa T T : Blessing 5. t^pD Seek i) ntr'jja Petition 6. "Of Remember D "?? Remem- 4) liar Male T brance 3) "OJ Remem- 5) [Har Memorial brance 3) nar Male 6) pnafN Memorial- TT T T ; " offering 130 NOUNS ARRANGED ACCORDING TO 7. pm Be strong i) prn Strong 4) pfn Strength 2) prn Finn 5) nprn strong 3) prn Strength 6) npm Force 1 v IT : T 8.NDnSin i) Nt?n Sin 4) nxon sinful T T - 2) rtNtbn Sin 5) nNDn Sinfulness T T -: T - 3) Non Sinner T - 9. nn Live i) n;n Lively 4) J"lVn Life 2) n Living 5) i1*nO Sustenance T : 3) ,-rn Beast T 10. NT Be afraid 1) NT " i Fearful 3) N"YiD Fear T 0\ ,v ^J nK !. Fear 11. "IT Go down i) -nio Descent r 12. {JfT Possess 1) nj^T Possession 4) ti^)lD Possession T : T 2) ntsfv Possession 5) nti*"TJ!D Possession T T s) n#n Net 6) ti^'iT/l New wine 13. ^^ Deliver i) y& ' Deliverance 3) J llj^'IO Deliver- 2) n^j^ 1 1 Deliverance ance (s) 14 p^ Prepare 13 i Upright, so 2) ft3 Cake THEIR DERIVATION. 131 3) p30 5) roton T : Place Place 4) rWlDD Place T : 15- fl /O Complete i) rf?? Failing 5) |1 /O Destruction 2) pte T T Completion 6) nl?3!D Perfec- tion(s) 3) +?3 Vessel 7) PT^Dri Complete- ness 4) nV?3 T : Kidneys 8) n^3n Complete- ness 16. J-H3 Cut 1) WOP Beams 2 ) 17. DHD Write 1) DH5 Letter 3) 2) n'n? Mark 3) HNIP Fulness 7) 4) tfto Fortress 19. Be king 1) 2) 3) 4) King Moloch Queen Queen 5) 6) 7) 8) 18. N*?D Be full 1) N!?0 Full 5) 2) Nl^ Fulness 6) Separation Edict Filling in Consecra- tion Fulness Kingdom Kingdom Kingdom Kingdom 132 NOUNS ARRANGED ACCORDING TO 20. "]j|J Make known 1) 1^ Before 2) TJ3 Prince T 21. HtM Stretch out i) nt?p Stretching 3) HDD Downwards T " 2) nt?p Rod 4) HDD Bed T ' 22. !"DJ Smite 1) POJ Smitten 3) H3D Stroke V T T 2) TO Smiter 23. ^0 Fall 1) ^3 Abortion 4) il ?3D Ruins T ' - 2) ?)i (?) Giant 5) fl^SD Falling, ruin T *." Y ~ 3) ^30 T " Falling, refuse 24. *?J) Snatch, deliver T T Deliverance 25. TlD Turn aside i) -no Rejected 3) mD Apostacy T T 2) -VID Apostate T 26. "TDJ^ Serve D "QI? Servant 4) iTlDJ? Service 2) "?^ : Labor 5) jTnUJ^ Servitude 3) rrpig Labor 6) "!DJ7P Work 27. Pfjy Answer 1) J^ Because of 3) \yft (with ^) be- cause of 2) royo Answer 4) r\l^ Season THEIR DERIVATION. 133 28. Visit 1) rnp3 Inspection 4) T n 2) J11JJ3 Deposit 5) 3) TES Overseer 6) 29. rO"t Multiply 1) ftTjN Locust 4) 2) n^Tltf Abundance 5) 3} rO"10 Amplitude 6) T : 30. DTI Be high i) rrtrj Height 6) 2) mo"! (?) Heap 7) 3) D11 , D-j Height 8) 4) Q1"i Height 9) 5) HOI") Pride 10) 31. Lie down 1) n3D'' Lying down, 3) emission 2) 32. Keep 33. 1) 2) Copulation Guard 5) j Eyelids 6) DH/p# Observances 7) Night-watch 8) Judgment 3) ' Judgment Judge Oversight Mandates Census Multitude Brood Increase, interest Exaltation Lifting up Elevation Present Offering Couch Guard watch Keeper Lees Dflt'O Judgment 134 NOUNS ARRANGED ACCORDING TO 34. fifij? Drink 1) 2) r Drunken- 3) ness Drinking Banquet LIST CXXVIII. Derivations from Verbs occurring 1OO JJOO times. 1. 11$ Perish 1) TDK Annihilati'n 3) [113^ Abyss 2) jTON Something 4) TOiV Destruction T -: I T : - lost 2. JDN Be firm [ON Architect 6) H^Otf Column JON Firm 7) flilON Faithfuln'sa I " T T v: J1QJJ Architect 8) HJO^ Fixedness Fidelity 9) HMjl Truly Truth 10) DJOi Certainly 3. 4. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Be ashamed 1) nt5*Q Shame T 2) nt?3 Shame 5. 10) 3) 4) Trust 1) n^3 Confidence 4) 2) nPD3 Trust 5) T : 3) flHD3 Confidence Perceive 1) f3 Separation, 3) 2) between n^3Discernment4) Pudenda Disgrace Security HC330 Confidence Insight fin'; Understand- TIIEIU DERIVATION. 135 6. H33 Weep 1) H33 Weeping 3) 2) ni33 Weeping 4) 7. 8. 9. 10. Redeem 1) Redemption 2) Be great 1) Vt| Strong 5) T 2) *?1lJ| Greatness 6) T 3) ^"ti Greatness 7) 4) n^nj Greatness T : Turn, sojourn 1) 14 , "VJI Sojourner 5) 2) rVTU Habitation 6) 3) TtoO Terror 7) 4) miji Fear Reveal, lead captive 1) rYTti Captivity 3) 2) [ Captivity -. T ) 11. CHI Tread, seek 1) tP'"nQ Commentary 11- Praise, boast 1) rf#1n Folly 4) 2) ni^lH Folly 5) 3) ^PT Rejoicing VD3 Weeping O3 Weeping Redemption -U Greatness Twisted Tower Dwelling Fear Storehouse Tablet Praise Praise 136 NOUNS ARRANGED ACCORDING TO 12. y 1,1 Kill D rn Slaughter 2) min Slaughter T -: is. n 3? Sacrifice u nnr Sacrifice 2) nSftD Altar 14. y ?n Profane, begin 1) ^^n Profane 5) T 2) *??n Slain 6) T T p7n Window n'v'nD Cave T * : 3) *in 4) rfrn Common 7) Cake 8) I /nn Beginning T : ^5^n Beginning T 15. n in Encamp i) nun 2) n^n Cell 3) Spear 4) n^nt3 Camp nUnn Encamp- ment 17. 18. 19. Impute, think 1) D#n Girdle 4) 2) p-J^n Judgment 5) 3) D'n Device 6) 3) 2) n^DD Uncleanness Thank 1) 2) rni 1 Hand 3) T n Thanksgiving Be good 'Q Choice part Uncleanness Choirs THEIR DERIVATION. 137 20. in* Be left 1) IfV Residue 5) pin* Excellence 2) ilin* Abundance 6) IjllO Excellence T : T 3) inl Remainder 7) 1JTO Cord 4) nijl* Remainder 8) in* String 21. 133 Be heavy 1) 133 Heavy 4) 133 Heaviness 2) 1133 Glory 5) nil3? Difficulty 3) ,11133 Splendid T : 22. HD3 Conceal 1) 1D3 Covering 4) ,1D3D Covering T v : 2) niD5 Covering 5) i1(?3P Covering 3) np? Pillow 23. 1fi3 Cover 1) H33 Cup, hoar 4) D*1D3 Atonement frost 2) 153 Village 5) ni)3 Cover T T V 3) 153 Ransom Put on 1) titt Garment 3) ngfa^JI Garment 2) tP'Q^Q Garment 25. DH 1 ? Devour, fight 1) Din 1 ? Food 3) naff?!? War 2) Ot 1 Bread 26. 13^ Capture 1) 13 1 ? Snaring 2) HlS^O Net 138 NOUNS ARRANGED ACCORDING TO 27. 28. 29. 30. Touch 1) Depart 1) Stroke Departure 2) Surround 1) POD Turn 4) T ' 2) D'DD Circuit 5) T 3) fQDJ Course Quarry Circuit Circle Number 1) H5D Census 5) *lflDQ Number T : T : 2) *)D Book 6) *V)p Sapphire 3) m5D Book 7) *15D Scribe 4) Number 31. Sty Abandon 1) Itjlfjg Abandon- 2) ment 32. fOS Turn about 1) J5 Lest 33. 34. 35. Bury 1) -5 Grave 2) 2) Be holy, consecrate 1) t^'IlD Consecrated 3) IT 2) gr Holiness 4) Drawing 2) near Draw near Barter Face Sepulchre Consecrated Sanctuary Near TILEIU DERIVATION. 139 3) pip IT : IT Offering 5) !~Q1p Approach T T| : 4) Dip T|: Battle 36. Fill Pursue 1) tjllp Persecution 37. pi Run 1) pID Running 2) nY"10 Running T : 38. njn Feed i) D Friend 7) rpjn Female friend 2) run Companion 8) |1*jn Desire 3 ) nyi Companion 9) jn/D Friend 4) min Friend, 10) HjnO Pasture striving 5) jn Pasture 11) n^JTlP Pasture 6) )h Shepherd 39. JOE> Hate i) nwtr T : Hatred 2) W$ff Hated * T 40. fll&T Burn 1) t]1jy Flaming 3) n3lj^0 Burning T T : T : Conflagration 41. i-| V4 A !- /^W^ ASK T : Request 3) n^Nt^P Request 2) n^' T " Request 42. y^*? Swear i) row Oath 140 43. 44- 45. NOUNS ARRANGED ACCORDING TO 47. 48. Break in pieces 1) "0# Break 3) "O'D Matrix 2) 1"G5^ Destruction 4) "OtD Breakers 2) rvnt pit o obeisance i) mcrc? Pit Corrupt 1) JVn#Q Destructions) 2) nntP'D Disfigure- 4) " : ment 46. T] 1 ?^ Cast, send 1) Be whole 1) 2) 3) Pelican 2) Whole 5) Peace 6) Peace, 7) thanksgiving Recompense Minister 1) fW Service Destructiou Blemish Casting down Requital Retribution Bribes 2) Servant LIST CXXIX. Derivatives from Verbs occurring 5O 1OO times. 1. ?!!{< Seize, hold 1) rtfriN Property THEIR DERIVATION. 141 2. 1DN* Bind 1) T)DN Fetter 4) 2) TDK Prisoner 5) 3) Curse 1) Restraint, 6) vow Curse 4. "IPO Choose 1) "1*113 Chosen 4) * T 2) lira Mature 5) 5. 6. 3) Swallow 1) Consume 2) Cleave 1) 2) Youth Destruction Cattle 3) Brutishness Fissure 3) Half-shekel 8. N"O Create, cut 1) HNH3 Creation 2) 9. 10. Flee 1) fT-D Fugitive 3) 2) rn:i Bar Adhere 1) Adhering 2) Band Band Captive The best Choice Burning Valley Fatling Flight Soldering 142 11. NOUNS ARRANGED ACCORDING TO 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Turn, overthrow 1) Tlfin The contrary 5) 2) Tl^h Perverse- 6) ness 3) jTDfln Overthrow 7) T " ~: 4) Tl333n Perverse 1 Sojourn 1) "TO Alienated 2) T Commit fornication 1) [UJ 1 Whoredom 3) 2) nOr Idolatry Sow 1) pry Arm 4) 2) #nr Seed 5) 3) D'jnt Vegetables 6) Cease 1) Forsaken 2) Be gained, bring forth, wait 1) 'Tin Sand 4) 2) n^n^n Anguish 5) T T : - 3) 'TinO Dance 6) 3) 4) Be sick 1) ^n Sickness T: 2) n^nO Sickness Overthrow Twisting, stocks Perverseness [hurt Healing, l Idolatry Arm )HfO Seed-land Seed Resting- place Dance Pang Strength Disease Diseases TREIK DERIVATION. 113 18. p 1 ?n Divide i) p^n Bare 5) np^n Division ITT IT \ -: 2 ) P^D Portion 6) mpSn Division 3) p^n Smooth wip^p 1 ?!} Flatterers 4) n p'?D Flattery 8) np^no Division 19 ?' in Be gracious D in Favor T ~: Favor 2) pn Grace 6) Din Gratuitously 3) run Mercy 7) ninn Favor T - T " I 4) pin Gracious 8) D'iiinn Supplication 20. ft Dn Delight 1 D T^O Delight- 2 ) Y$n Desire ing in 21. ft ")n Be angry i) pin Anger 3) Ninn (?) Coat of " T T : ~ 2) nn T: Heat mail 22. & in Plow, engrave, be silent T T Workman 6) ^in * T Ploughing 2) #in Trade 7) 'tp'nn Sultry 3) cnn Artificer 8) nt^'ino Plough- share 4) {pin Tool 9) ncnnp Coulter 5) ri^nn Skilled work 23. A nn Be dismayed i) nn Fear T * : Tenor 2) nnn Terror 5) nnn Dismay T * * 3) jTfin Terror 6) nnnn Terror 144 NOUNS ARRANGED ACCORDING TO 24. "i 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. Be clean 1) TintD Pure 3) n'nJO Cleanness T : 2) TlD Brightness 4) n"HD Purity, puri- T T: T fication Be dry 1) Ufa* Dry 2) I* Reprove 1) nnDlfi Chastise- 2) T " ment Give counsel 1) nVV Counsel 2) Castin s 3) Casting 4) I* Dry land Chastise- ment Counsel Tube Casting Smelting Instruction 2) iTJIO Early rain 4) HTiQ Teacher Provoke 1) D.^3 Vexation Stumble 1) *?{3 Axe 2) rfrtSte Ruin Pour out 2) Form 1) 2) V Former Thought 3) Cast, instruct 1) nil* Early rain 3) 3) [block Stumbling- 4) ff?t^30 Stumbling- T : block THEIR DERIVATION. 145 33. Lodge 1) rfrO Lodging- 2) IT place Hut 34. "10*7 Learn 1) TIE 1 ? Practiced 3) TO^fi Learner 2) 10^0 Goal 35. "1"10 Measure 1) 10 Garment 3) "100 Measures 2) rFlO Extension Price Sale 3) 38. 39. Anoint 1) ITO'D Anointed 3) T 'P Anointing 4) 2) Rule, make like 1) WO Proverb 4) 2) Wp Satire 5) 3) WOO Dominion 40. 36. "HO Hasten 1) THO Prompt 3) mnO Haste T T : 2) TJO Purchase 4) "HO Speedily money 37. "DO Sell 1) 2) Selling Portion Extension ' Dominion Rule Look, regard 1) D3p Outlook, expectation 146 NOUNS ARRANGED ACCORDING TO 41. mj Drive away 1) D'fTnp Seduction 42. PYO Rest 1) ITU Rest 4) HUD Rest 2) nm Quietness 5) PTifTJ Pleasantn'ss 3) nran T T ~: Permission 6) nrnJD T : Quietness 43. ^fO Inherit T : ~ Inheritance 2) rftro T ~: ~ Heritage 44. yOJ Plant 1) y*&} 2) yDJ Plant Plant 3) yft Planting 45. *"OJ Know, be ignorant 1) *"O3 Strangeness 4) i"TDn T " T T - 2) *O3 Calamity 5) ^3 T - 3) **OJ Strange Discerning Acquaint- ance 46. 3J Set i) nvJ Overseer 5) nasra T T ~ [post Military 2) 3^4 Officer 6) rovp Garrison 3) DVD T ~ Garrison 7) nivp Pillar 4) D^P Military 8) nivn Monument post 47. HVJ Be preeminent 1) (1VJ Eternity 48. "1VJ Keep, watch Guard THEIR DERIVATION. 147 49. 13D Shut 1) TUD Pericardium 4) 2) -U1D Den 5) 3) ~P""UD Heavy rain 51. 52. 53. f 54. 55. Conceal 1) "V^P Covering 4) 2) mflD Covering 5) T : 3) -tflDO Hiding-place Awake 1) Assist 1) 2) City, watch- 2) ing Help Aid 3) Be afflicted 1) 1^ Poor 6) 2 ) HU#. Humility 7) 3) iTp# Meekness 8) 4) rVU# Affliction 9) 5) ity Afflicted 10) Arrange 1) 2) Redeem 1) Row 3) Arrange- 4) ment Prison Stronghold Refuge Averting "U? City Enclosure *}y Affliction " Work Furrow Furrow T Humilia- tion, fasting Arrange- Row [ment Redemption 2) Q1H3 Ransom 148 NOUNS ARRANGED ACCORDING TO 56. p3 Scatter 1) P30 Hammer 2) I 57. $?& Separate, be wonderful 1) N^>|) Wonder 4) 2) HN^S Wonderful Dispersion SD Wonder, miracle 58. Pray 1) Judge 3) 2) ii?3 Judgment 4) T : Do, make 1) Work 3) 2) rf?y3 Deed 4) 59. 60. 61. 62. H3V Watch, cover 1) }3V Covering 4) Judgment, judicial rf?3fi Prayer Work Work Spread out 1) IJH3D Expansion T : Cry out 1) njnf Cry ' 2) ,T3 Watch- T ' tower 3) ;V3 Guard 5) Distress 1) *)V Affliction, 3) adversary 2) rn Affliction 4) Capital (of a column) Watch- tower Bundle Distress THEIR DERIVATION. 64. Be light 1) ?p Light 4) 2) ^Hp Smooth 5) T|T . 3) H Curse 66. 67. DH"1 Have mercy 1) DPT) Vulture 5) T T 2) HOrn Maiden 6) 3) Dim Compas- 7) sionate 4) DIT) Womb 68. ^m Wash 1) J>rn Washing 2) 69. pm Be far off 1) Dm Departing 3) | T 2) Him Distant 70. Strive 1) 2H Strife 3) 2) 3H* Adversary 1) P3D Possession, !T:|- 3) n^DQ Possession T|: wealth 2) r tfpO Property 4) JtJjJ Reed ) Rend 1) J^p Rending Maiden Bowels Compas- sionate Washing- place Remoteness Strife 150 ARRANGED ACCORDING TO 71. 33") Ride 1) 33") Chariot 4) H33") Riding 2) 313"! Chariot 5) 33"12 Chariot : T : Y 3) 33") Horseman 6) H33")3 Chariot T - T T : v 72. p*l Sing, cry aloud 1) p! Shouting 4) p*l Joyous 2) HJJ"l Shout 5) Q\3"| Female os- T T : * : 3) HJP Shouting triches 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. Be evil 1) JH Evil 3) 2) nj|H Wickedness Heal 1) filNfin Healing 3) 2) nXIQ") Medicine Wickedness NT10 Health Be pleased 1) i)H Delight Suffice !) I?Dt? Satiated 2) VDB' Satiety Act wisely, proper 1) ^3^ Prudence 2) nity Folly 3) 4) 3) Satiety Satiety Poem Cease, rest [keeping, great Sabbath 1) r\?$ Cessation 3) pn3&' Sabbath- 2) rOt?' Sabbath 4.) rOt^'O (Rest), T - T : destruction THEIR DERIVATION. 161 79. 80. 81. 82. 84- 85. 86. 87. Destroy 1) 1# Destructions) 2) rTO> Wife Kill 1) H Sing 1) Put 1) JW' Thorn 2) JW' Dress Slaughter Song 2) 3) Be astonished, desolate 1) D0# Desolate 5) " T 2) nOOl? Desolation 6) T T : 3) rayyy Desolation 7) T -; 4) HOI?' Desolation 1) 2) Drinking 3) trough Drink Finish 1) D'OH Perfect 4) T 2) OH Sincere 5) T 3) QD Completeness Strike, blow 1) IfiDn Trumppt 2) (?) Mighty Song Pillar [ment Astonish- Desolation Desolation Cup-bearer well-watered Integrity Complete- ness Blowing 152 NOUNS ARRANGED ACCORDING TO LIST CXXX. Derivatives from Verbs occurring $85 5O times. 1. ^DN To Mourn 1) ^DN Mourning 2) tf Mourning 2. mtf Long for 1) 1iS! Appetite 4) D"1J$D Desires 2) (TIN Longing 5) ITlNtfi Longing 3) 1 Coast-land 3. TIN Shine 1) ")iK Light 4) nlTiN Green herbs 2) TIN Light 5) TJNO Luminary 3) miK Light 6) rrwo Hole 4. ffK Listen 4) Jjfc Ear 2) |?{J Utensil 5. TDX Be firm 1) pDK Active 4) pOK Strong 2) J^p'N Strength 5) D^D^O Powers 3) HVDK Protection 6. JTStf Bake 1) Ht3NQ Something baked 7. y\& Lie in ambush 1) D")^ Ambush 4) fET^ Net-work 2) aijle Plot 5) 3^D Place of V T ~: ~ 3) nU")K Ambuscade ainbusji THEIR DERIVATION. 153 8. 9. Be long 1) TN Long, tardy 3) 2) Long TpK Length 4) n3Vtt* Bandage Be guilty 1) DBftt Guilt, trcs- 3) T T pass-offering 2) DEftt Guilty *' Trespassing 10. "1JQ Act treacherously 1) "1J3 A garment 3) llJQ Treacherous V V T 2) frt"U3 Treacheries 11. 12. Divide 1) 2) Alloy 3) Separations *713 Piece Be terrified 1) rfrpQ Terror 13. HO Despise 1) JlO Despised 2) 14. TO Plunder 1) O Booty 2) Contempt no Booty 35. |H3 Try 1) 2) 3) Assayer 4) ||13 Tower pn3 Watch- 5) fp?3 Trial tower Watch-tower 154 NOUNS ARRANGED ACCORDING TO 18. 19. 20. 23. Stained Snail 16. 773 Mix, confound 1) ^3 Mixed prov- 3) ender 2) *?3fl Pollution 4) 17. 1VD Cut off, fortify 1) 1V3 Precious 4) rn3O Drought metal 2) m3 Sheepfold 5) *r3 Vintage T : T T 3) J1")3 Fortress 6) "W?0 Fortification Boil 1) to Boiled 2) Be high, exalted i) m;i High 3) T T 2) PQ3 High, proud 4) T Tear away, plunder 1) ^ Robbery 3) 2) *7U Robbery 21. ^U Exult 1) Circle, 2) exultation 22. ^DJl Deal well or ill with 1) *710| Desert 2) rf?1D Desert Steal 1) Thief 3) 2) Boilers Height Haughtiness Spoil exultation Benefit Theft THEIR DERIVATION. 155 24. Drive out 1) 12^)4 Produce 3) 2) n^'"IJI Expulsion Pasture 25. HO"! Be like, perish 1) HID* 1 } Likeness 3) 2) |i\p"j Likeness 4) 26. D31 Be silent 1) Hal Desolation 2) HOOI Silence Stillness Stillness 27. fUn Meditate 1) purr Muttering 3) fljin Murmur IT- 2) HUH Meditation T 28. nor? Make a noise 1) DH Wealth 3) .TOH Sound T T ; v 2) IlDH Noise, multitude. 29. fnn Conceive 30. 31. 1) mil Pregnant 3) V T 2) fl^n Conception 4) 2) Break, tear down 1) .10^,1 A ruin Flow 1) ir Flowing 32. *lCr Sing, chant i) rror song 2) n^Ot Song 3) 4) Conception Conception Tearing down [praise Song of Psalm 156 NOTJNS ARRANGED ACCORDING TO 33. |pr Be old i) jpr Old man 3) nip? Old age 2) ?i* Old age 4) D'Jpf Old age 34. nnr Scatter, winnow D rnr Span 3) D*"lf North winds 2) rnrp Winnowing fork 35. pn? Sprinkle, strew !) p")?P Bowl 36. lOn Hide D N3HD Hiding- 2) JOnp Hiding- place place 37. n^n Join, associate T "" Associate 6) JTQn Wife 2) -on "* T Associate 7) n")Dn A joining 3) "OP Society 8) ; "|*13nO Junction 4)nii3i5n Stripes 9) j" Ilianp Beams 5) h"on T : v Society 38. tOn Bind, gird i) Kton Healer 39. HJin Gird i) nun Girdle 3) nUn Girded ~: T 2) nnun Apron 4) , PrbflQ Girdle 40- DDH Be wise, act wisely 1) DDH Wise 2) HODn Wisdom Wisdom THKIK DKUIVATION. 167 41. Dream 1) Dream 3) 42. 2) HID 1 ?!! Something insipid T ~ Pass on, change 1) tn Exchange 4) 2) 3) What sur- 5) vives Change 43. n Draw out 1) J^Jpf Loin 3) ni 2) Wn Spoil T ~: 44- '/'DH Pity, spare 1) rtefl Pity 2) 45. HDn Trust 1) niDIl Refuge 2) 46. y$n Hew, dig 47. A kind of germ Slaughter- knife Braids Costly gar- ments [love Object of Refuge Search 1) "IpH Searching 2) IpfTQ Inmost |v IT : out Be dried up, be waste 1) D")P? Desolate 4) 2) ^-jn Sword 5) 3) 3"jPT Drought, 6) waste depth [drynesa Desolation, Dry land Dryness Id8 NOUNS ARKANQED ACCORDING TO 51. Dnn Seal 1) Dnin Signet ring 2) 49. -OH Tremble 1) TIP? Trembling 2) fTTUl Terror " T T T "I 50. pn Upbraid 1) fpn Autumn 2) HSIH Reproach Signet V '.' 52. DID Be good 1) DID Good 3) rOlD Welfare T 2) DID Goodness 53. |DD Secrete 1) iDDE Hidden treasure Whatistorn Toil, gain Weariness (?) Gifts Expectation Tormentor 54. ?HD Tear off, tear in pieces 1) fQD Fresh 3) 2) ^OD Green leaf, prey 55. pjj* Labor, be weary 1) )W Earning 4) 2) ^ Exhausted 5) 3) VJ Wearied 66. 3.T Give 1) 3?T Burden 2) 57. *7IT Wait 1) VfT Waiting 2) 58. ^ Howl, wail 1) ^ Yelling 3) 2) nW* Wailing THEIR. DERIVATION. 159 59. pj* Suck, give suck 1) np Sprout 2) 60. ID* Found, establish 1) "1P> Beginning 5) 2) T)D' Foundation 6) 3) miD' Foundation 7) 4) "JDiD Foundation 8) i' Suckling Foundation Appoint- T T ment "1DD Foundation TlD Assembly, intimacy 61. ID* Chastise 1) ""iD* Correction 3) "1DO Admonition 2) "1D1S Correction 62. 68. 64. 65. 66. Be straight, be right 1) 1^' Straight 4) 2) * Rightness 5) 3) m&' Uprightness 6) T : Be ashamed 1) Shame 2) Be brought low, humble 1) nttD Bundle Bend the knee 1) DTO Legs Scorn 1) Mocking 2) Jeshurun(?) Straight- ness, plain Straightness Shame Enigma 160 NOUNS ARRANGED ACCORDING TO 67. Dp? Gather 1) Dp 5 ? Gleaning 1) Dip 5 ?* Scrip 68. |NO Refuse 1) |ND Unwilling 2) Refractory 69. DID Move, totter 1) DID A totter- 2) JlDlD Yoke T ing, pole 70. 7*10 Circumcise Circumcision 71- nilD Wipe off, decay 1) >n Stroke 73. ^D Act covertly 1) ^D Treachery 2) 74. mO Rebel 1) miO A razor 2) 75. "[tTD Drag, pull 1) *t A drawing 2) 76. "|}O Commit adultery 1) D'fitfJ Adulteries 2) 77. T*JO Despise 1) ilKJ Reproach 2) 72. HJD Divide, allot to 1) ftiO Portion 3) JO Fortune T T : 2) D*JO Times 4) HID Portion [ment Upper gar- [ness Rebellious- Cords Adulteries Reproach, blasphemy THEIR DERIVATION. 161 78. rp Smite 1) tj^ Plague, 2) n&O Plague, stumbling slaughter 79. "TO Vow 1) 1-U Vow 80. JlPti Lead, drive 1) m$ Driving 81. JTti Move, nod 1) D*PJ Musical instrument 82. "p3 Shake, wave, sift 1) tVJJ Elevation 4) HfiJ Dropping 2) H5J Height 5) nfiljh A warning T T T I 3) fi$4 High place 83. gfJD^ Spread out 1) nl^D Tendrils 84. HDJ Try, prove 1) HDD Temptation, trial 85- "1D3 Pour out, anoint 1) Tip;) Libation, 3) H3PO A molten molten image image 2) TVD3 Libation, one anointed I T 86. 3pJ Perforate, separate 1) DP4 Bezel or pipe 3) ,-QDD Hammer 2) . HDp^ Female 4) n5p30 Hammer, quarry 162 NOUNS ARRANGED ACCORDING TO 87- JlpJ Be pure, innocent 1) *p3 Innocent 3) JVjJJ Cleanness 2) N'M Innocent 4) JVI3JD Sacrificial r T I' - : bowl Avenge 1) DP3 Vengeance 2) HDPJ Vengeance 89. pBU Kiss 1) nWJ Kiss 90. pfij Tear 1) pjlj} Scale, scab 3) p'fltf Terrace 2) lfiN Terrace 91. (lD Forgive 1) l"f>>D Forgiving 2) HH^D Forgiveness T - T : 92. "D Sustain 1) rO*08P Carpet * 93. "13D Mourn 1) "l Lamentation 94. my Testify 1) 1^ Witness 4) filtyfl Precept 2) H1J7 Testimony 5) 11^ Repetition 3) niiy Precept 95. f^y Fly 1) tjiy Fowl 4) fj^O Darkness 2) D'5#9# Eye-lashes 5) fll^D Darkness 3) Hfi'tf Darkness THEIU DERIVATION. 163 96. "))? Restrain 1) ~\.y. Belies 4) 2) IVy Constraint 5) 3) rn# Assembly 97. y\y Mix, pledge 1) D")j; Sweet 5) 2) Tiy Gadfly 6) 3) 3")# Mixed mul- 7) titude 4) rQ"W Security * 99. yjfi Meet, smite 1) WS Incident 2) 100. 1(l3 Fear, tremble 1) IDS Terror 2) 101. D^S Escape 1) D^D Escaped 4) " T 2) CO^B Deliverance 5) 3) 0^3 Escaped 102. Tifl Separate 1) T}5 Mule 3) 2) fTTis ^he-mule Restraint Restraint Earnest Barter Suretyship 98. ptT>* Oppress 1) Dlt^'V Oppressor 4) *r 2) D*p1iy|J Oppressions 5) Hl 3) Violence Distress Exactions Attack Fear [escaped Deliverance, Escape Kernels NOUNS ARRANGED ACCORDING TO 103. m3 Be fruitful 1) nrj Fruit 2) 104. |"nj Sprout, flourish 1) m3 Blossom 3) 2) nmS Progeny 109. 105. t**)S Break, spread 1) p) Breach 3) 2) rn) Tyrant Bullock Brood Harbor 106. $WQ Transgress 1) y$Q Transgression 107. pl^ Be righteous 1) l Straight- 3) Righteous 2) ness, righteousness Righteousness 108. "ft Bind, press, besiege 1) *Tl Rock 4) 11^0 Distress T 2) mi Form 5) mVi'D Fortress 3) T|V Form, idol 6) Ttftt ^eck Sprout 1) HDV Sprout 110. JfiX Conceal 1) Jiay North 3) 2) Ifi Northern Hidden places 111. f]")V Refine, try 1) " Crucible THEIK DERIVATION. 165 112. Dip Be before, precede 1) D"]p East 5) 'JO"Tp Eastern, ancient 2) n!3"lp Beginning 6) D'P1"Tp Ancient 3) ntDlp Eastward 7) DHp East 4) i l^in Eastern 8) D1"lD Axe (?) 113. ^np Congregate, assemble 1) ^np Assembly 3) fillip Preacher T JT v v I 2) iTPnp Assembly 4) DvfTBO Assemblies T |: |: - 114. Hip Wait, expect, be collected 1) Hip Rope 4) Hipp Reservoir 2) lp Cord 5) mpf) Expectation |r T|: 3) Hipp Expectation, collection 115- lOp Be jealous 1) Wp Jealous 3) tf\2p Jealous 2) HW Jealousy 11G. ^l:>p Be wroth, angry 1) fl^'P Anger, twig 2) H)Vp Fragment I v |v T T |: 117. IVp Be short 1) 1V|? Short 3) I'Vp Harvest 2) l' Shortness 118. n"!p Meet, happen 1) Hip Hap 5) Dip City 2) mi!} Beam 6) mpO Chance, lot T | 3) Hp Encounter 7) H"lpP Frame w..rk 4) nn City 166 NOUNS ARRANGED ACCORDING TO 119. 2>p Be attentive, listen 1) DOT Attention 3) 2) DOT Attentive 120. HOT Be hard 1) HOT Hard, heavy 2) 121. *lti^p Bind, conspire 1) ")OT Conspiracy 2) 122. j>D*l Lie down 1) f in Resting- 2) place 123. tJH Stir, be agitated 1) fjH Trembling 3) T - 2) fl Commotion 4) 124. ?jn Slander 1) ^ Foot 3) 2) J 1 ! Footman 4) 125. ;m Shout 1) T) Shout 2) 126. B^n Be poor 1) tt^'H Poverty 2) 127. 2fn Be wide, large 1) Dm Wide 4) 2) 3) Breadth 5) Breadth Attentive Hardness Girdles Lair Trembling ^ Box Fuller D At the feet Shout, alarm Poverty Street, mar- ket-place Wide place THEIR DERIVATION. 167 128. &yr\ Shake 1) tT^n Trembling, noise 129. HiD Be feeble, faint 1) ,12"! Slack, feeble 2) fiTJ Slackness v T I : 130. nin Kill, murder 1) nV") Crushing, outcry 131. yUT\ Be wicked 1) yv?*\ Wicked, 3) fij^l Injustice 2) ytjn Unright- 4) flJ^'-jO Wickedness eousness Joy Derision Captivity Captivity 132. &\& Leap, exult 1) \\iy\ff Gladness 2) 133. pHt^ Laugh, be merry 1) phjy Laughter, 2) 134. fOtp Capture 1) ni38^' Captivity 3) 2) 3Jp?' Captivity 4) 135. fttDty Rush, overthrow 1) ^t?$P Outpouring, flood 136. 72ty Be low, become low 1) ^jy Low 4) 2) 3) Lowness 5) Lowness Low country A letting down 168 ARRANGED ACCORDING TO THEIR DERIVATION. 137. tDp&? Be quiet 1) tD Rest 138. nH Hang 1) fy! Quiver 139. nyn Wander 1) n^lJl Impiety, damaga IX. SOME IMPORTANT HEBREW IDIOMS.* LIST CXXXI. The Hebrew Phrases. 1. Idiomatic expressions for the number of Nouns, ?3: 2. Idiomatic expressions for the determination of Nouns, 8*4,5: 1) jtia'pn 4) 2) 33bn 5) 3) irvr'jb 6) 3. Idiomatic expressions for Apposition, 26: 1) np>Nf on?** 3) nr|34 nn'i? 2) D* 4. Idiomatic expressions for the Construct Relation, IS 8, 9: 1) o^ 1 ? oarf? 8) 2) nrn oi'rr ovij ) 3) flSy-*?^ io) 4) on^ u^'prinn ^p ID t]pi nno 5) jriijj Dip? 12) 13 pin 6) jn n?r'N 13) vnU3i -n-j J3 7) * References are to Harper's Klfinrnt* nf Tfrtirrtr Syntax. 170 SOME IMPORTANT HEBREW IDIOMS. 5. Idiomatic uses of the Adjective, 10 : i) zbyn BHD 3) 2) tr^p pins 4) 6. Idiomatic uses of the Pronoun, 2? 11, 12, 13, 14 1) ':N* nio 10) in?* 1 ? 2) ij$ Nn j; 1 ?;} ID T 3) ist?>' aon 12) ib^n 4) D3n DD n; 13) 5) nri ,135 n nii 145 6) T) ' rj^j Hoaen-np 8) n:n nr\sr 9) rtyy, 7. Idiomatic uses of the Numerals, 2 51 : 1) Dirr D'jnis nx 4) D 2) n*i W np^ n^'a 5) 3) b^:n e^ T : T 8. Idiomatic uses of the Tenses, U 19, 20, 24, 25 : i spj^s 3?i3 ^~n 5) ' DWg 2) n^to-T^ r i^ip jnt 3) nronV 0:1-1 Bhai 6) nn.5ni infc 4) p^D ox3 onyi fn^n - SOME IMPORTANT HEBREW IDIOMS. 171 ' rrrnn 8) 9. Idiomatic uses of the Infinitive Absolute, 2 28 : 1) prttj infc nbio 5) 3ITO * 6) 2) -top nrin NTJO S^rij pnj 3) U3 nn "in 7) ro#n ov-n II 4) 10. Idiomatic uses of the Infinitive Construct, I 29 : i) BWnqfcn 2) nncn i vr 11. Idiomatic uses of the Accusative, 2? 33. 34, 35 : 1) t$$ riNV*n 17.7 6) 2) D^>^ iniDj 3) JD min& iN*3n 7) 4) o3x nn^'-n 8) 5) nTI 9) 12. Idiomatic expressions for Apposition and Subordination, 36: rfD s i t]pi 4) 2) rqn^ lain 5) 3) n ^n 6) 13. Idiomatic uses of Subject and Predicate, \ 37 : i) oyrrp "75; rq-in 2) 172 SOME IMPORTANT HEBREW IDIOMS. 3) Tjp 1$ 6) 4) *? TO 7) rf?N non-no 5) 14. Idiomatic expressions of Emphasis, 39 : 1) *)$ 3 3) 2) +? 3JK 15. Idiomatic forms of agreement in Gender and Number, HO: 1) norfpp MQP prn 4)o 1 2) nop ji 5) DIN* 3) DTK o ^3 im 16. Idiomatic Negations, $ 41 : 1) % up 3) ?3rr np' mio 2) 'N- 17. Idiomatic Interjections and Optative expressions, 43 i) v *n 3) 4) --i 18. Idiomatic uses of the Relative, 46. i) ' in-n N^H 2) D'P w 19. Idiomatic Conditional Sentences, 2 48 : ON 2) IX. SOME IMPORTANT HEBREW IDIOMS. LIST CXXXI. The English Phrases. 1. Idiomatic expressions for the number of Nouns, 2 3 : 1) House of fathers 2) Their idol-houses 2. Idiomatic expressions for the determination of Nouns, 114*5: 1) Lebanon (=the white) 4) Every first-born 2) That which encom- 5) The Benjaminite passes 6) A man 3) The whole generation 3. Idiomatic expressions for Apposition, 26 : 1) Words, truth (= true 3) Proudly, proudly words) 4) Many wells 2) Two years, time 4. Idiomatic expressions for the Construct Relation, \\ 8, 9 : 1) Their food is for them- 7) Blood shed causelessly selves 8) A God from near 2) This very day 9) Having dreams 3) Immortality 10) Five hundred years old 4) The days we walked 11) To the house of Joseph with them 12) Those trusting in him 5) The holy place 13) The sons and daughters 6) A bad woman of David 5. Idiomatic uses of the Adjective, 2 10 : 1) The holy of thy temple 3) And he loved Rachel (= thy holy temple) more than Leah 2) Sweeter than honey 4) The fairest among women 174 IMPORTANT HKBUEW IDIOMS. 6. Idiomatic uses of the Pronoun, 111,12,13,14: 9) He whom Y. loves shall accomplish his desire 10) Two omers for each 11) I know not myself 12) And they dreamed, each his dream 13) All of Yahweh's com- mandments 14) It is good for nothing 15) Such a man 16) And they separated, the one from the other 7. Idiomatic uses of Numerals, 2 15 : 1) The forty days 4) Seven times for your 2) In the eighteenth year sins 3) Three times 5) Nine tenths 1) My death, mine 2) Bela, that is Zoar 3) Is its name 4) Now many days 5) And this one said so, and that one said so 6) These hither and those thither 7) Whatever thy soul de- si re th 8) Which house ? 8. Idiomatic uses of the Tenses, 1) A star shall proceed from Jacob 2) Then sang Moses 3) Thou expellest the na- tions and planted it 4) Watchmen come from the distance and shall lift up their voice 6) And Y. thundered in the heavens and the Most High uttered his voice 9. Idiomatic uses of the Infinitive Absolute, 8 20 : 1 19, 20, 24, 25 : 6) I will bless him and make him fruitful and multiply him 7) Y. has given enlarge- ment to us and we shall be fruitful in the land 8) At evening, then shall ye know 1) And I stamped it, grind- ing it diligently 2) And I was very much afraid 3) He strictly charged us 4) And he is always act- ing as judge 5) They went, going on and lowing SOME IMPORTANT HEUUEAV IDIOMS. 175 6) All this I have seen and 7) Remember the Sabbath applied my heart day 10. Idiomatic uses of the Infinitive Construct, 29 : 1) Who says to Cyrus 2) Because he pursued him and says to Jerusa- and stifled his com- lem. passion 11. Idiomatic uses of the Accusative, 33, 34, 35 : 1) The city that goes forth 6) Let not the thing be a thousand evil in thine eyes 2) They shall die as men 7) And it shall be shown 3) Ye come in to be seen to the priest by my face 8) Impoverished of an ob- 4) And he bowed himself lation down as regards the 9) Clothed with garments face 5) And were told Rcbekah the words of Esau 12. Idiomatic expressions for Apposition and Subordination, 36: 1) And he added and took 4) Thou hast hastened to a wife find 2) Ye do much, ye speak 5) The murderer rises to (= ye speak much) kill 3) He was willing, he went 6) One who knows how to (= he went willingly) play 13. Idiomatic uses of Subject and Predicate, 37 : 1) Much of the people fell 6) Is your father in 2) Any one who falls health ? 3) Until one comes 7) What are these? 4) I will feel quiet [Israel 5) And it was strait with 14. Idiomatic expressions of Emphasis, 39: 1) In me 3) Get thee 2) Mine own enejiiies I7G SOME IMPORTANT HEBREW IDIOMS. 15. Idiomatic forms of agreement in Gender and Number, 240: 1) The war was too strong 4) The voice of thy broth- for him er's blood crieth out 2) His eyes were set 5) The eyes of man's pride 3) And all the days of me cast down Adam were 16. Idiomatic Negations, ?41 : 1) So as not to be a nation 3) He will take nothing in 2) Is it because there is his death no God in Israel 17. Idiomatic Interjections and Optative expressions, 43: 1) As I live 4) that we had died by 2) Far be it from thee to the hand of Yahweh do, etc. 3) that some one would give me water to drink ! 18. Idiomatic uses of the Relative, ? 46 : 1) The prophet whom Y. 2) "Whence the Philistines has sent have proceeded 19. Idiomatic Conditional Sentences, \ 48 : "I) (May he punish me) if 2) (God do so to me and I take of all that is more also) if I do not thine (=1 will not according as ye ha v& take) spoken