E. H. DYER & GO. EDWARD F. DYER H. P. DYER DESIGNING. ENGINEERING CONTRACTING. OPERATING Complete Beet Sugar Plants Builders and Exporters of Sugar Making Machinery NEW ENGLAND BUILDING CLEVELAND, OHIO, U. S. A. /\ c c Compiled and arranged by G. M. S. ARMSTRONG Harrison Bldg., Phila., I". S. A. January, 1903 Copyrighted by EDWARD F. DYER 1903 ANNOUNCEMENT Tlu- members of the linn of !'.. II. l)\cr \- Co. have been engaged in the manufacture of beet sugar and beet sugar machinery since iXnij, being I lie \mcrican pioneer> in each field, and having constructed and owned the first successful plants in this country, as well as tin latest and the most improved plants up to date. We are not only builders, hut art- financially inter- ested in a number of running plants, and are. there ii ire, in i-l< ise t inch, km i\v the needs and requirements, and have the practical knowledge of both builders and operators. This position enables us to correctly ail vise our clients in matters most necessary for the suc- cessful operation of their works, as well from a manu- facturer's standpoint as from the mechanical and scientific side. Our facilities for manufacturing machinery, main patents for which we hold, and our appliances for con- struction work are unsurpassed by any firm or conn try. We are also sole owners of the patent rights of a number of the best processes for handling by- products from sugar works. The members of our firm have spent a lifetime in this business, and will contract to build complete plants consisting of both buildings and machinery, and furnish the technical superintendent and skilled operators. The advertisements in this book are of firms of high standing and special reputations in their lines. List of Factories built by E. H. Dyer & Co. 1 I . \ K I CIMI'I is;.. Oil. . -M" 1893 Tin- t'tali Sugar Co., I.ehi Works, Utah 300 is.)7 The Log Alatnitos Sugar Co., Cal 350 iX.),x Tin- i .us . \lamit" '!.. Knlarged. 700 |X()X The Ogdi'tl Siiijai Co., Utah, .-1511 Inns, ulti- mate capacity 700 iX.,s The Oregon Sugar Co., On-.. .??<> t"iis. ulti- mate rapacity 7O is.ii) The Colorado Su capacity, ultimate capacity 7 iX<|.) 111. \Volverine Sugar Co., Mich.. 350 tons capacity, ultimate capacity 700 1899 The ll.illaiul Sugar Co.. Mich.. .^50 tons ca- pacity, ultimate capacity 7O The I'tah Sugar Co.. Sprin K viIIc. I'tah 400 1900 The Utah Sugai ih, I ..-hi Works en- larged 1 .000 The Continental Sugar O>.. Ohio, tfo tons ca- pacity, ultimate capacity 700 1900 The Utah Sugar Co., Hingham .lunctioii. I'tah 400 1001 The Utah Sugar ("".. PfOVO, Ulah ,v*i 1901 The Logan Sugar Co., Utah. 350 tmis capacity. ultimate capacity 7 1002 The Greeley Sugar Co.. Colo 700 i'>oj The Ontario Sugar Co.. Canada 800 io-' The Utah Sugar Co., Beat Kiver. Utah, under ci >n struct inn I.20O CULTIVATION OF SUGAR BEETS IN THE UNITED STATES Soil. Soil ranpni; troni clay (having enough saiul 'vent caking i. to rich luani \\ill ijrou siii;ar beets; tin- best soil is a rich clay loam, tin- latter producing a larji'e tonnage, which diminishes in |)n>])ortion as the<|nality of the soil approaches clay. It is important that the soil In- deep. \\ell draincil, free from alkali ane careful to remove all the other plants and not merely pull off the leaves, as they will sprout again and require re-thinning. Another way is for one man to walk along \\ith a hoe in advance of the thinners and chop from rijjln to left, leaving bunches llu- proper dis- tance apart. lie is followed by tin- thinners. who pull all hut the healthiest of the remaining beet- by hand. It tile field is \\eedy. it is protilable to remove the weeds between the rOWS b\ means of either a horse cultivate ir > ir a push h< ie. Time to Thin. Meets should be thinned as >oon a-, the seeds are all up. It costs a little more to thin when Miiall. but it is more than compensated for in the increased yield. The usual directions are to com- mence thinning when most of the beets have three or four o-,,,,,l leaves: this j s a fairly ^ood rule to follow. If the beets are thinned before all the seeds have sprouted, they will keep coming ti|). necessitating re thinning, and, if allowed to ^o too Ions; before thin- ning, too many lateral roots have formed which are broken in thinning, and the plant that is left languishes and docs not recover in time to produce a S^HM] crop. It is more often the case that beets are thinned too late than too soon, especially in lari^e tracts, when the thinning only commences when the whole tract is ready, and before the last can be thinned, they have become too lar^'e. In larijc tracts, cmplov plenty of help. After thinnin"-. the beets will have a wilted appear- ance. If they do not revive and show that they are .yfrowin.i;' in the course of a day or two. they should he rolled: this will pack the ground around the roots and cause them to -'row. It is \\ell to 1m. k over the tield in a week or ten days alter the thinning, and. when ever t\\o beets are found together, take one plant out. It left ^Towiiii;. they \\ill twine about each other and neither amount to anything. \n average person will thin one-third of an acre pel- day. t lions; h main who are <|iiick in action will thin mu three-quarters of an acre: much depends upon the condition of the crop. It can be done cheapest where the stand is i^ood and the plants not too lar^c. hut larye enough .so the) mav be easil) grasped between the thumb and first two tinkers. Cultivation. -After thinning, the weeds shouli kept down: the ground loose and pulveri/ed on top. This can be done either b\ hoeiiiL; or b\ horse culti- vation. and should hi- done as often as neCCSSarj (three times is usually enoitjjh duriiifj the season) till the leaves have become so lar^e that there is danger of breaking them off. then all work may stop till harvest . Harvesting.-- As the beet approaches maturity, it stores up susjar rapidK and the derive of purity in- creases. and when fully ripe, contains the maximum amount of su.nar. This can only be determined by analysis, The plusical characteristics that are indicative that the beet is ripe are that the leaves have a yellowish cast and be.yin to droop: the outer leaves die or dry up. I ) roiled it ina\' cause the same appearance. After the beet has become ripe, it will remain in this condition in dry cool weather several weeks, with- out being dug, but if the weather turns warm or wet, the beets will probably begin to grow again, new leaves will put out and the sugar percentage will diminish rapidly; but if the beet is not ripe and the growth has not been checked by dry weather, it will continue to ripen under till it reaches maturity if followed by dry, sunshiny days and cold nights. "Whenever the beet is ripe, even though it becomes prematurely so by drouth, it should be harvested. Digging or Harvesting. Digging or harvesting is accomplished by means of a specially-built tool that resembles a subsoiler, but yet is quite different, the object being to run under and loosen the beet so it can be pulled easily by hand; a man follows and pulls either two or four rows at a time, throwing the beets in piles; one man can pull and pile beets for ten top- pers. Topping. Topping the leaves and the crown of the beet are cut off squarely with one blow of the knife, cutting the leaves off square across; leaving the end pointed is objectionable, inasmuch as there is too much of the crown remaining, which contains but lit- tle sugar and a great deal of mineral salts. These salts affect the purity of the juice, and as the factory rejects beets having a purity below 75 to 80, the grower is interested in maintaining at least that standard, which can be materially helped by cutting off all the green part of the beet. The crown and leaves which con- tain the greater part of the mineral constituents that the beet has absorbed during its growth from the soil, are left on the ground to be plowed under, thus re- turning that which is so necessary for plant life. Tt is a reprehensible practice to haul off the leaves and tops, and one that is sure to quickly impoverish the soil. The beets, after having been topped, should be thrown in piles and, if not delivered to the factory immediately, should be protected from the sun or frost by being covered with the leaves. In climates where there is no danger of wet or freezing weather, the roots may be left in the ground unharvested for a long time. Where there is danger of freezing weather, the crop should be harvested when ripe, and before freezing weather, the roots put in piles about four feet high at the apex and six feet at the base; cover the whole with about a foot of earth, which should not be done all at once, as the roots have a tendency to heat when first dug. Climate. Beets will thrive under varying condi- tions long-growing season, sufficient moisture, warm days and cool nights are the ideal conditions, and, if followed by a cool, dry fall, is ideal weather. Good results may be obtained under wide and varying con- ditions by proper attention to selection of soils, seed and cultivation. Localities where the growing season is short, or the fall and winter warm and wet. are un- suitable. Fertilization. There i> an abundance of land in this country that will grow beets without iVrtili/atioii ; it is. therefore, unnecessary and would be ill-advised to at- tempt to gn>\\ beets oil old and worn-out land. Proper ]-< it at ion of crops, say every second or third crop \\itli wheat or other cereal; the use of barn-yard manure with the cereal crop, leaving the beet tops on the ground after harvest : deep fall ploughing, turning the soil \\-ell up for the action of the elements during the winter, will keep the soil fertile and in good condition for profitable beet culture for years, and no other fer- tilization will be necessary. Some soils may be im- proved by use of commercial fertilizers: those contain- ing phosphoric acid and potash being the best. Nitro- genous fertilizers will increase the tonnage, but un- less sparingly used, it will be at the expense of the percentage of sugar and purity of the juice. 1 >ne ton of beets will take from twenty-five to thirty pounds of the mineral constituents from the soil, two- thirds of which is in the crown and leaves, which, if returned to the soil, will produce beets for years with- out fertilization. According to Professor Jaffa, sixteen tons sugar beets will take from the ground: TOTAL. 1' 26 !<;.?.:; I.1HU' 8 104. 112. nhoric acid 40. 58. Nitrogen 20 u,.$ 86.5 ' 72 .<7* 450. X early all of which may be returned by leaving the crown and leaves in the field. Moisture. Tt requires a certain amount of moisture to produce a en ip of beets, but what seems to be most important is that it be supplied regularly. A long period of drought followed bv rain will in- variably start a second growth of leaves, lowering both the degree of purity and sugar percentage of the beet. This may be modified or entirely prevented by thorough cultivation. This also occurs to a greater or less degree after a heavy rainfall. The e\ces>ive moisture packs the soil, which is rapidly dried out through capillary attraction and evaporation. The remedy is to loosen the soil by hoeing or cultivation. Tt is <|uite as important and necessary from the above-mentioned cause to prevent the soil from drying out after a heavy rain or irriga- tion as it is to hold the moisture during dry \\cathei. It is a common practice in irrigable districts to flood lands which they wish to dry out, a fact that is quite significant. When beets are ripe, rain, followed, by warm weather, or if it has been preceded by a dry ii period, will cause a second growth, with a correspond- ing los> of sugar and decline in purity. If the weather is sufficiently cool to keep them, they should be promptly harvested or loosened with a beet digger. In cold climates beets will mature even if the pre- cipitation be considerable during" the whole season if followed by sunshiny days and sharp, cool nights, but in warm climates there should be a long, dry fall in order that they might ripen. In growing beets by irrigation, when there is not enough rain to bring up the seed, the soil should first be thoroughly soaked so there will be sufficient mois- ture to bring up the seed and keep the beet growing till it has attained its form; the moisture should be withheld until then to induce the root to grow down- ward, after which the land may be irrigated; irrigation should be continued until the beet has attained ma- turity, never allowing the growth of the beet to be checked for lack of moisture. Care should be taken not to over-irrigate. Cultivate after every irrigation. Table. Table showing development of beets with considerable of rain, the weather being cool during October: INCHES RAIN. SUGAR IN JUICE. PURITY. July i i% 1.81% 3-% July 16 1% 5-36 5t- August 1 2% 8.82 70. August 16 % 13.64 81. September I Vs 15.49 83. September 16 iM> 14-43 83. October I % 16.10 85. October 16 1% 16.09 8 6- October 22 % 17.20 87. Maxims Plough in fall. Subsoil. Prepare fine seed bed. 1'se plenty of seed. Plant shallow. Thin early. Practice rial cultivation. Keep the surface always loose. Hoe and cultivate as long as the leaves will permit. The sugar conies from the sun and air. Keep the soil loose so the sun and air can do its work and you will have both tonnage and sugar. Cost per Ton and per Acre for cultivating and har- vesting, assuming the average to be twelve tons per acre. Plowing and subsoiling in fall: PER ACRE. Plowing in fall, twelve inches deep $2.50 Plowing in spring 2.00 Twice harrowing .60 Rolling 30 Seed fifteen pounds, at I2c 1.80 Planting 30 Thinning 3- Rolling 30 Weeding i.oo Cultivating three times 90 Plowing out beets I. SO Topping and loading, 500. ton 6.00 Hauling to factory, 500 6.00 Totals $26.20 It requires one man. digger and three horses to plow out two acres of beets per day, and costs from 10 to 15 cents per ton. Topping costs from 35 to 65 cents per ton, accord- ing to yield. The whole care of crop after it is in can be con- tracted for no cents per ton. This includes thinning, weeding, digging and topping. When the cost of growing beets is greater than the foregoing (which it often is), it is costing more than is reasonable. PER TON. o.2o8c. 0.167 0.050 0.025 0.150 0.025 0.250 0.025 0.083 0.075 0.125 0.500 0.500 2.1830. HISTORICAL. The progress made l>y tin 1 i)yer> in the mannfae- up to the completion i ..i 'TT , c. ^ . i .1 i., r 1^ j K ^ . , : . . . - . F i ' _J , ; * : - Construction. The following illustrations show the making a symmetrical and substantial structure. The methods employed by us in construction: floors are made of cement concrete, with cement The machinery is held on a steel frame independent finish, of the walls. The foundations are properly proportioned and As shown in the illustration, the work of placing have sufficient area to carry the loads without uneven the machinery, and erecting the brick walls, may all settling. go on at the same time. Xo cast iron is used in the There is no wood or other combustible materials construction. All beams and columns are properly in the building other than the doors and windows, designed for the machines and loads they are to carry. CONSTRUCTION 33 CONSTRUCTION 34 GENERAL LAYOUT OF MAIN FLOOR 35 Fire-Proof Roof. In designing tire-proof construe- The roof is made of cinder concrete on steel purlins, tion, it has been a difficult problem to design a roof with a smooth finish of cement covered with an elastic that will be fire and weather proof, of light weight. paint that fills all pores and season cracks. The roof with sufficient stability, at a reasonable cost. is absolutely fire and weather proof, attractive in ap- The illustration shows the methods employed by pearance, and will not "sweat" on the under side, as is us. the case with metal construction. FIRE-PROOF ROOF 37 INTERIOR MODERN BEET SUGAR FACTORY-SHOWING JUICE END INTERIOR MODERN BEET SUGAR FACTORY SHOWING SUGAR END 39 ILLUSTRATION OF END DUMP IN USE AT CONTINENTAL SUGAR CO. WORKS, FREMONT, O. 40 ILLUSTRATION OF SIDE DUMP IN USE AT LOS ALAMITOS, CAL. Beet Washer and Trash Catcher. The illustration opposite shows a part of the works containing the ma- chinery for washing and conveying the roots. The licet roots are floated from the beet shed> through cement flumes into the factory building', de- positing the water and roots into the wheel elevator shown in the illustration: the rim being perforated. The water passes through to the sewer: the wheel in revolving, and being fitted with buckets, elevates the beets to the washer. The advantage of this form of an elevator is that the water and dirt do not come in contact with the wearing parts; its simplicity and indestructibility. The beet washer shown is the arm system, with the usual appliances for removing dirt and catching >tones, and has in addition a hydraulic gravometer for separating the beets from heavy substances. The trash catcher is the device shown between the washer and beet elevator. It re washes the beets, catches any stones that may go through the washer, and separates the floating particles of grass and root- lets that are so annoying in the cutter, delivering the beets re-washed and drained into the beet elevator. BEET SUGAR WASHER AND TRASH CATCHER 43 Beet Cutter and Automatic Weighing Machine. ( )ur arrangement of these machines consists of an auto- matic scale, "Chronos," for weighing and recording the amount of beets worked: a hopper that will hold a quantity of beets and either single or twin cutters. To obtain the best extraction of sugar with the diffusion battery, perfect slices or cossettes are re- quired, which can only be obtained from a properly- constructed cutter. The beet cutter illustrated is direct belt driven, slow speed, small diameter-cutting plate in proportion, using the minimum power. The large capacity of this machine is from the fact that 90 per cent, of the cut- ting surface is active and the feed is perfect. The barring attachment and detention pin auto- matically setting and holding the cutting plate in exact position when changing knives, which enables one to bring the knife box exactly opposite the opening used when changing knives. The complete set can be changed in less than five minutes. The whole bottom part of the cutter can be thrown open and foreign substances quickly removed. The facility with which the cutter may be entirely emptied and the knives changed obviates the necessity of two cutters. The machine is perfectly balanced and lined, and well constructed. 44 o i I w h H D O g CQ Filter Presses. The illustration shows a 1000- square-foot filter press, with hydraulic closure. These are substantially made, side bars, of ample size so they will not spring; solid heads; corrugated plate frames. with or without screens; open frames beveled: wash- outs for thorough lixivation. All valves are fitted with interchangeable rubber discs. The former system of closing presses, with screw and lever, requiring four men to make them tight. has been done away with by substituting the hydraulic closing. The juice openings being" on the outside of the frames, requiring no holes or cutting in the pre.-.- cloths. \Ve also construct the hydraulic closing rams, when several presses are used, to work from a common pump. 46 FILTER PRESSES 47 Vacuum Strike Pan. Tin- illustration shows ;i OHM iron "pan," twelve feet in diameter, and condenser. The pan is lagged with alternate strips of black walnut and ash, bound with brass bands. The fittings consist of brass valves, gauge glasses. thermometers, vacuum gauge, vacuum breaker, bras- moscope, syrup testers and two proof sticks. The body is made of cast iron and contains seven double four-inch copper coils, amounting to 1200 square feet heating surface, made in such lengths as may be easily removable through the manhole, and connected with brass flanges, bolted with Muntz metal bolts. The coils are placed low and far enough apart to be accessible and allow a free circulation of the boil- ing mass. There is no dead space in the bottom of the pan. nor will the pan fail to empty when boiling stiff or to 4 per cent, water. The comparatively low height of melada in a full pan avoids the great difference in temperature be- tween the top and bottom, and avoids that cause of fine grain found in pans of excessive height. The vapor pipe is large and there is practically no entrainment. The gate is twenty inches in diameter and worked with a wheel on the same level as the pan. The condenser is of the most effective arrangement, and will not choke or clog with dirty water. co s D 49 Multiple Effect Evaporators. The cut opposite shows a quadruple effect evaporator, and a calorifier or re-heater for reclaiming the heat from the vapor of the last effect. The shells are cast iron, fitted with seamless drawn brass tubes, tinned inside and out, which are held in position in the tube-sheet by stuffing boxes, in groups of six, which allows for the expansion and contraction of the tube and their easy removal for cleaning. The apparatus is covered with wood lagging, alter- nate strips of walnut and ash. bound with brass bands. The fittings consist of brass butter cups, vacuum gauges, gauge glasses and syrup testers. The special features of this construction of evapo- rators are rigid construction, insolubility of cast iron to sugar solutions, ample and properly distributed heating surface promoting high velocity of heating vapor through the tubes, and a good circulation of juice in the apparatus, both of which are necessary to obtain high efficiency. Large vapor pipes properly proportioned that ex- tend through the apparatus, the upper side of which is slotted their entire length inside the apparatus which allows the vapor to enter it at any point at low velocity avoiding entrainment, which happens when but one or two outlets are provided. All valves are conveniently placed, have rising brass stems and interchangeable rubber discs. 5 MULTIPLE EFFECT EVAPORATORS Centrifugals. The opposite cut shows an arrange- ment of water turbine-driven centrifugals. The water power is furnished by a high-pressure pump. When the exhaust steam can be used, this is an excellent system, doing away with all belts, pulleys and shafting that require constant care. These machines, as well as the mixer and conveyor, are all driven by water motors. We furnish belt, water and electrically-driven cen- trifugals, furnishing the system that is best adapted to the purpose for which it is to be used. We also furnish belt-driven machines, power from engine or electric motor. o 53 Duplex Induced Draft System. The apparatus con sists essentially of two P.iififalo Steel Plate l'p-1'.last J-Housing Fans, full-housing type, placed side by side and driven by two Single Vertical F.ngincs. cylinder above shaft. The fans are each 140 inches in diame- ter, the cylinder dimensions of the engines being 8xio. The fan inlets are connected by means of a sheet steel casing, with the smoke breeching to the boilers, the suction created by the fans acting to give the necessary draft to the boilers, and this may be varied automatically if desired by varying the rate of speed of the fans. Dampers are installed to control the flow of gases to one or the other or both of the fans, so that they may be used in relax' if desired. The fan wheel shafts are extended on the inside, where they are supported by pedestal bearings outside of the Miioke breeching substantially as shown by the en- gravings opposite. This system combines high ef- ficiency of boiler plant operated and material econ- omy in the use of fuel with a perfect flexibility and control of the steam conditions. Increased demands for steam may be easily met. Smoke is eliminated and independence of atmospheric conditions secured. 54 Q 3 Q 55 Beet Elevator. .Much trouble has arisen from the failure of machinery employed to elevate beets from the washer to the beet slicer, due partially to the peculiar shape and tough, fibrous character of the beet, which has a tendency to clog and often stop the elevator; also to the action of water and sand upon the working parts, causing the elevating chain to wear out rapidly. On the opposite page we illustrate an elevator which has been Inund highly satisfactory in work of this character. The buckets are made of heavy steel, strongly reinforced with angle irons in corners, and are so closely connected as to form practically a con- tinuous line. No elevator boot is employed, and the dredging action incident thereto is avoided by feeding the heels from a chute directly into the buckets as they ascend. To prevent loss of time or damage to machinery, if for any reason the elevating chain should break, the buckets have short sections of angle iron riveted to the ends, one leg of which projects outward on either side. These fit into guidewavs arranged in the frame- work, and when the break occurs hold the buckets in position, merely allowing each to settle down until it rests upon the following bucket. The parting of the chain, therefore, cannot exceed the aggregate of ihe spaces between the buckets, and amounts to com- paratively little in an elevator of this type. The two ends of the chain can be quickly drawn together and a new link inserted to replace the broken one with little tremble or loss of time. These guides also re- duce wear on the chain by causing the buckets to move steadily and without swinging or twisting. If the break should occur in the driving mechanism the loaded buckets are prevented from reversing the ele- vator, and running back, by a ratchet and pawl. The buckets are attached to a single strand of Ley Bushed Chain, which is designed to resist the abrasive action of sand and water. Close joints are formed between the links, which offer little opportunity for the ingress of sand. All wearing parts are of case- hardened steel and can lie renewed at a moderate cost. o < w w H w w 03 57 VACUUM CRYSTALLIZEKS (SYSTEM GROSSE). The introduction and substitution of crystallization in motion instead of the tank and hot-room method was a distinct advance, the same results being obtained by crystallizers in six days that once required six months by the means of hot room, tanks and wagons. ( ireat as this advance has been, there still remains room for improvement. In both of the above-mentioned processes there is a point where the mother-liquor or syrup becomes so poor in sugar that crystallization ceases or becomes so slow thai the time and power consumed, especially in crystallizer, dues not warrant the expenditure, and the molasses is separated off before the total crystalli- zation is complete. 1'y carrying on evaporation in conjunction with crystallization in motion, the syrup can always be kept at the point of saturation and allow the extrac- tion of a maximum of what sugar could be expected under any circumstances as is attained in the Vacuum ( 'r\ stallizers. VACUUM CRYSTALLIZERS 59 The Working- of the Vacuum Crystallizer. TheGrosse Process is based on the principle of boiling to grain directly in the special vacuum-pan low-class syrups or runnings from first massecuites of raw sugar works. This boiling process is continued in move- ment long enough to extract all the saccharose theo- retically possible from the mother-liquor surround- ing the formed crystals. The heating surface re- quired for this purpose is, comparatively speaking, rather small, as the temperature is kept very low and decreases constantly as the boiling operation con- tinues in order to evaporate slowly and regularly keeping the mother-liquor always on the point of saturation, while carefully avoiding supersaturation. The Vacuum Pans are constructed in such a man- ner as to produce a high head or column of liquid in which a considerable difference of temperature ex- ists between the upper part (close to the vacnuni- vapor pipe) and the lower part (where the heating coils are). In the centre of the pan is a wide circula- tion pipe, in which a specially-constructed helix con- veys the melada or boiling mass from the lower and hotter portions up into the upper and colder portions of the same. By this means an evaporative and a cooling action is produced by constant movement of the masses, which results in a considerable accelera- tion of the crystallization. In operating, the pan is as usual first filled with the runnings of the first massecuites (or refinery syrups, as the case may be) and granulated by drawing in cold portions of the runnings. As soon as sufficient grain has been formed the pan is duly filled up to the top. Then the movement sets in by means of the circula- tion pipe, and is continued as long as is necessary for exhausting the molasses. To determine this point of complete exhaustion, a small portion of the masse- cuite is cured (by means of an experimental centri- fugal, as a rule) and the runnings are analyzed. When the desired purity of the final molasses is obtained, the massecuite is discharged and treated as indicated below. The advantage of this system is that the operation is under complete control of the sugar boiler. Molasses of 70 to 80 purity has been reduced to 56 degrees purity in sixty hours, the results being con- stant and and not variable, as in other methods. The time being one-half that required by other systems. 60 HVmmBuqMMMM---T-^: M-yy *SHfc^w I " | u ~~ I ^ ... - 2^ * N Ej 8 61 STANDARD SAND FILTER. Since the practical demonstration that refined white sugar could ho pro- duced without the use of char, and with greater econ- omy, all modern beet sugar plants have done awav with the bone-black, consequently the necessity of a thorough mechanical nitration has become of vital importance for successful working. A number of different systems have been invented. possessing more or less certain drawbacks and dis- advantages which are shown in practical working. To meet this want found in previous systems, the Standard Sand Filter has been invented. There is no doubt that the filtering qualities of sand are not sur- passed by any other material as regards to cheapness, facility of manipulation and regeneration. The Standard Sand Filter described below has the merit of combining the largest possible filtering sur- face with the smallest requirement of space. The advantages claimed for it of absolute cleanliness and facilitating in the handling are evident, and the spark- ling brightness of the filtered solution is not surpassed by any other system, not even charcoal. Description. -This filter consists of a cylinder with conical bottom. In the centre of this cylinder is fixed a perforated pipe of large diameter, also with a coni- cal bottom, communicating with the delivery pipe. I'.etween this outside cylinder and the perforated pipe a svstein of conical rings is arranged in such a manner that one ring stands on the top of the other, the sys- tem being completed by a large ring at the bottom. The seats of these rings touch the outside cylinder, but leave sufficient space for the filtering substance to circulate. Sand of a special grain is put between the perforated pipe and the cylinder, where it forms a natural slope (i. e., filtering surface), between the rings. The solution to be filtered enters the filter through the pipe, fills the filter up to the air-cock, and passes (under the usual slight pressure) through the sand to the perforated pipe. The filtered solution issues by the delivery outlet. The sand has to be prepare) 1 lie- fore using, and the size of the grain varies according to the liquid to be filtered. For water and thin juice a smaller grain is required than for syrup or refinery liquor. I'nder any circumstances, the perforation of the central pipe is regulated accordingly, to prevent the sand from passing through. As soon as the sand is saturated with the impurities, which is from three to eight days, water is admitted through an injector and the sand is washed in the apparatus with running water by means of an injector, which is not shown in the cut. The whole of the scum quickly separates and is washed out, and the sand is ready again for use. 62 MOLASSES DE-SUGARIZING PROCESS. In the manufacture of both cam- and beet sugar, there is left a molasses residue carrying as high as 48 per cent, sugar. It has been the aim of chemists and engineers to discover a process to recover the sugar within a reasonable cost. The Lead Saccharate Process accomplishes this and works equally well with beet or cane molasses. The process stripped of technicalities consists sim- ply of forming a lead saccharate with molasses and lead oxide, washing the same till pure, separating the lead and sugar with carbonic acid gas, which precipi- tates the lead as a carbonate, which may be used again; and liberates the sugar in a chemically pure state. By this process not only is the sugar recovered, but also potash, soda and other bi-prodncts. The lead may be used again. Reaction of the Lead Formation of the Saccharate. In a mixer, molasses, caustic potash and lead car- bonate are stirred together. The result is lead sac- charate, in which the sugar of the molasses is com- bined with the lead according to the following equa- tion : PBCO 3 + 2KOH=PhO + K 2 CO 3 + H 2 O. Carbonate of lead + hydrate of potash = oxide of lead + carbonate of potash + water. If this transformation takes place in the presence of solutions containing sugar or saccharose in the pres- ence of molasses solutions, the originating oxide of lead combines at once (in the nascent state) with the saccharose that is present in this solution. The sac- charate contains one molecule, saccharose two mole- cules oxide of lead. C^H^A! 2PbO. leamvhile the non-sugars with the caustic potash (now potassium carbonate) remain in solution. The saccharate is run through filter presses, saturated, and carefully washed out. This is done until it is abso- lutely pure. The lead saccharate is mixed in the carbonate saturation vessel with carbon di-oxide (CO..) decom- posing it, the saturated mass is pumped to saccharate presses and separated, into sugar solution and lead carbonate. The lead carbonate is emptied out and is again ready for use. During this operation the lead is always in a damp state, consequently there are no evil hygienic effects. The sugar solution is crystallized and separated in the usual way in the vacuum pan. The caustic solution goes to a carbonator, where the small amount of dissolved lead is thrown down by carbonic acid gas. This saturated lye goes to evap- orators, where it is concentrated to about 55 degrees Be. It then goes to an oven, where it is burnt to coal or carbonized. While burning, the still black potash coal is re- moved and stored away in brick compartments. Here it remains to burn out completely and to cool. When finished burning, the coal is of white color, and ready to be used again. It is mixed up with hot water as it comes from the presses in a small mixer with a strainer and sent to the caustificators, where it is heated with milk of lime. This gives us caustic poc- ash again, and carbonate of calcium. The carbonate of calcium is removed from the caus- tic potash in lime presses, and is ready to serve form- ing saccharate again. Mechanical reaction is: K,CO 3 + Ca(OH 2 )=2KOH + CaCO : ,. SCHEME-MOLASSES DE-SUGARIZING PRCXESS SUGAR DRYER 66 THE OSMOSE SYSTEM I he Osmosi- System uas first applied bv I hibum- fant. about 1X51, and is based on the |>riiu-ij)le of dif- fusion, that is. on tin- fact that substances forming molasses possess a different capacity for diffusing, and certain non-sugar substances contained in the molasses diffuse more readily than sugar. Substances that have a comparatively high diffusive )>.p\ver lia\e generally the power of crystallising, and are termed crystalloids. Substances having verv low diffusive power have little if any tendency to crystal lise. and are termed colloids. Among the crystalloids there are wide differences of diffusive power, thus: caustic potash diffuses twice as fast as sulphate of potassium, and sulphate of potassium twice as fast as sulphate of magnesium. Among i In- colloids are starch, gums, caramel, albu- men and animal and vegetable extractive matters. The non-sugar substances found in molasses may be divided into three groups, according to their dif- fusibility. First, the alkali salts and organic and inorganic acids, and certain nitrogenous combinations which are easily extractable. Second, sugar and many organic lime combinations which diffuse more slowly. Third, coloring matter, some acid salts and albu- minous substances which will not diffuse at all. A complete separation of these substances is not possible by this method for the reason that the ca- pacity of the different substances to diffuse is not sharply defined, and In-fore the first group have been diffused, a part of the second group have also diffused, necessitating a loss of sugar with the second group. Therefore, the effectiveness of any apparatus is limited, and a large extraction of the diffusible im- purities is followed by a proportionate loss of sugar and dilution. The Osmose apparatus consists essentiallv of t\\i, vessels separated by a porous wall of parchment paper, one containing molasses, the other water. A series of these art- arranged in a frame \\ith suitable mechanical devices to cause a continuous How the water on the one side and the molasses on the other. There begins at once an equalisation of both li(|iiids through the |>ores of the parchment paper: the water penetrates into the molasses and, on the reverse, cer- tain diffusible substances go into the \\ater, the most readily transferable ones first, till the exchange has progressed as far as desired. This is governed by regulating the speed at which the molasses and water pass through the apparatus. The ( Ismoscd, or puri- fied molasses, is boiled, crystallised and worked in the usual wav. 67 Construction of Distilleries Complete Plants for the Entire Utilization of Beet Sugar Molasses THE BARBET PROCESS, PATENTED FOR THE Direct and Continuous Rectification of any kind of Wines, Worts or Fermented Musts, without previous distillation E. H. DYER & CO. CLEVELAND, OHIO SOLE OWNERS OK AMERICAN RIGHTS Gold Medal, Kuhlman Endowment, Lille, 1887, for the greatest improvement realized in many years in the process of distillation. Gold Medal, Paris, 1889. Grand Prize, Antwerp Universal Exposition, 1894. Highest Award, Paris Exposition, 1900. NEARLY 300 PLANTS IN THE VARIOUS COUNTRIES OF THE WORLD PROVE THE SUCCESS OF THIS METHOD 68 Apparatus for the Continuous Rectification of High Wines or Crude Spirits. The illustration opposite >ho\\ s the only successful apparatus ever constructed or by which the continuous rectification of hi<;h wines, producing a perfectly neutral spirit, without any in- termediate products to be redistilled, is possible. This apparatn.-. works automatically and will re- cover and rectify, 92% 95$ of the alcohol contained in hi.^h \\ines, and produce a spirit of lii^li concentra- tion MO', yjfo, free from all ini]Hirities with a saving of fuel from 40 to /KI' , over the old method. 69 THE BARBET PROCESS PATENTED This process is the only one by which alcohol, per- fectly deprived of head and tail products, can be ob- tained directly in one continuous operation from any kind of wine, beer or fermented !i<|Uc>r of any descrip- tion or origin. The continuity of the operation insures a saving of 50 to 60% on the fuel, as compared to the best dis- continuous process. The continuity does away with the high wines, \\ith the middlings or intermediate products: all the alco- hol is obtained at the highest concentration, is a great deal purer and more delicate than the best spirit of the old redistillation process, and has always been sold at a premium. The most important or essential organ in all the distilling or rectifying apparatus is the plate. The falsity of the old theories, which attributed to^ the condenser the functions of an niiiilysci: is proven, and it is also untrue that the condenser "retains the ai|ucoiis and amylic vapors to retrograde them to the upper part of the apparatus, allowing to pass to the proof bottle only the pure and high-graded alco- hol." On the contrary, it is in the column itself that the refining and separation of the different volatile products contained either in the wine or in the high wine is realized. The work of the condenser consists only in furnishing the clarifying liquid, to wash methodically the alcoholic vapors ascending the col- umn. The condenser extracts automatically this clari- fying liquid from the alcohol produced: it is a neces- sary tribute, and a great purity is obtained when this c/tiircc is also very pure. Much importance depends, therefore, on the good construction of the plates. The distilling apparatus generally present an exaggerated number of plates. Theoretically four plates should be sufficient to ex- haust the wine without increasing the consumption of steam. The principal obstacle against this reduction in the number of plates proceeds from the usual im- ' perfection of the bubbling of the steam in the liquid. With the round or lengthened capsules of plain bor- ders, the ebullition is completely and absolutely tu- multuous, and the steam is evolved in the form of enormous bubbles. These have onlv their periphery in contact with the liquid, while all the steam in the center of the bubble goes to burst on the surface with- out having been utilized. As powerful analyzer, nothing better could be de- sired than the perforated plates of Savalle, which inolccnlarizc the steam in the alcoholic liquid, affording maximum efficiency. I'nfortunately those plates run the risk of being discharged, at any moment, on the least variation in the pressure, and those variations are produced whenever the feeding' is modified.. Fi- 70 nally. the use. in itself, anil the aciditv of tho \ and nnists enlarge tin- holes, and therein the ap- paratus dors not loni; work normally. Mr. F. llarbet has for a lonj,' time been work ins;- to devise a plate which could have the power <.f analysis of the ])erforated plates, without their draw- backs. It is unnecessary to recall the fact that his "plates with skimmers." date from INS.}, and his "plates of multiple analysis and methodic" since iSm. The new plate here described (see il'nstration. pas;v 731. now to be found in all the new P.arbet appar- atuses, responds perfecth to the desiderata, and complete success is obtained. It is provided with a lars;e number of hoods or capsules, made of copper. SCl at cc|ual distances from one another, around which the \\ine is divided and circulates with facility. The developed length of the line of steam bubbling is considerably increased in comparison with the old types. Finally, and this is what characterizes the system, the o mtonr < if all these capsules is divided into a larjjo number of saw teeth rather deeply cut, which t^ive to those organs the appearance of circular. long-tOOthed combs. The vapors in passing through each one of these capsules is Finally laminated through all those comb teeth, the result bcins;' a perfect mo- fecularization. !u the old perforated plates the small drops of lic|tiid were projected vertically against the upper plate. Here, on the contrary, the jets of steam are horizontal and come in collision with one another. thereby rcsultins; a much more tranquil and regular cmulsii .11. Finally, as these capsules can be manufactured only mechanically, a perfect regularity and absolute uni- lonnity of the sections of passage, immersion, etc., is thereby obtained. In order to test the efliciency of this new plate. \ try accurate experiments have been made which are re- ported in the Hiillctin tie /'.Issoeiti/ion ilex Chiniiste.t (June. iSijin. Those experiments show that these new plates -ivc a theoretic return of <)'/, while the majority of tin- plates now used do not j;ivc over ./ single niu' of these p/tiles is ei/iirrn/eiit In inure llnin three of the oniiinirv flutes. This system can be easily applied to any distill- ing apparatus, insuring the complete exhaustion of the wine, and decreasing at the same time the total height of the apparatus. The Barbet Direct Rectificator does not require any more fuel than the old-style distilling column, which yielded weak products. The apparatus is \er\ easily \\ i irked, i >win t i| to the |ierfect regulation < >i the various extractions. Moreover, it can. if desired, be used for the continuous rectiFicatioii of hi^li wines. \\"hen distillation of molasses is intended, the I'.ar- bet direct recliticator will yield at once from i _ to 15', of ])asteuri/er| extra Fine alcohol, showing sililt- to obtain alcohols from molasses, and of a quality that would almost defy detection. Xo better example could be given of these wonderful results than those obtained in Spain, where those superior wines are produced that are so readily sold among the Anglo-Saxons. We are impressed with the fact that in recent years, during which period the beet- sugar industry has made considerable progress in that country, they have had to handle a residuum such as beet molasses, and from it a superior alcohol has been made, which is now extensively used in combina- tion with dried grapes for the production of a sherry wine possessing certain characteristic flavors that have now become almost obsolete and remain only within the reach of the favored few. Our editor has long since urged that the question of molasses for dis- tilling purposes be given in this country the consid- eration it necessarily deserves. There has been little or, more correctly speaking, nothing printed in the 74 PRODUCTION OF ALCOHOL FROM BEET SUGAR MOLASSES Description of Apparatus a Arrival of the molasses. b Molasses tank or cistern. b' Pump. c Diluting 1 receptacles for molasses. s Compressed air acid lifting device. s' Sulphuric acid reservoir. (/ Continuous denitrator for mola- i I'ure yeast. ; r' Sterilization and compression of the air. r :' Steam engines. /a fi f Fermentation tanks. / Pumps arranged as a battery. h' h" h"' Direct continuous rectiticatioti of low wines. g Peptonization of the deposits contained in the bottom of the fermenting vats. in' in Cold water vats. n \Yinc tank. /'/"/'" Triple effect for the concentration of the wash. / Furnace for the extraction of potash. k Boiler. <7 Chinnii y. 75 English language that has up to the present time re- vealed even in a measure what the manufacture of cologne spirits from molasses really means. In most countries of continental Europe profits of no second- ary importance have been realized by fermenting and distilling the final molasses, and the cologne spirits obtained have a recognized superiority, provided, however, that the classical modes of fermentation and rectification be adopted, and it is upon them that the success entire!}' depends. Hence the reason why we insist that many of our American trials in this special direction have been very misleading. The Saragossa plant, of very recent construction, was designed, con- structed and put in full working order by the acknowl- edged leading expert and authority, M. E. Harbet. With considerable difficulty, but in justice to our read- ers, we have obtained some data of this remarkable plant, and in what follows we give practical details of yields, cost of production, profits, etc. The Saragossa distillery can handle twenty-five tons of molasses per diem. The general handling of the product is as fol- lows (see page 75): the residuum is delivered in barrels, and comes from four beet-sugar factories that are in close proximity. The barrels in question are emptied and internally washed at a, the molasses runs into a reservoir b, which is well beneath the level of the ground, and from there it is raised to the top of the distillery by the use of a so-called chain pump b'. From the upper reservoir b", the product falls by gravity to the diluting tanks c'c", where sulphuric acid is added, and from there into the boiling receptacle d", in which the ebullition is continuous, this opera- tion having for its object the so-called denitration of the molasses; the boiling liquid is at the same time sterilized. After leaving this tank the boiled molasses is diluted in pesetas per diem iS). pressed beer yeast costs at least _'o cents per pound. Furthermore, the pure ferment from the speeial ap- paralns for its production belongs to a special rare, is thoroughly accustomed to a molasses environment, and will yield the maximum efficiency of ale. .hoi. ami a purer spirit, which will offer greater facility to rec- tify. In the present writing. \\ e could not possibly enter into the numerous technical details respecting tin- method discovered and invented by \\. llarbet, by which is ijivcn to the fermentalioii of the molasses considerable strength or vi^or rcc|nisile for the com- plete transformation of its su^ar int.. carbonic acid and alcohol, without resorting as is generally done to saccharified corn must. This original idea in a few words consists in the peptoui/atioii of the fer- ment that settles at the bottom . .f the fermenting vats. /', in order to create a soluble and easily assimi- lated nutrient for which the ferment of the fermenta- tion that follows has considerable avidity. Under these conditions there results an excessively active fermentation. After the molasses wort has been thoroughly fermented it is pumped at ;', and forced up to the distillation hall. The distilling apparatus shown at li'irii'". were invented by M. llarbet and are those that have so completely revolutionized tile entire sci- ence of distillation, accomplishing in one operation and under most economical conditions what has never been done before or since, unless b\ some mode thai is an actual infringement on the patent rights of these remarkable combinations permitting a direct continu- ous rectification of low \\ines that is to say without any preliminary distillation. These spirit- yield at once an alcohol at od to .,7 Trallcs. : which may be said to be the highest known purity possible to obtain by any mode that has a practical industrial applica- tion. It must be noted that by this continuous mode of rectification, there is no loss of alcohol, and the fuel economy is 50', as compared with the obsolete con- tinuous methods of distillation followed by a discon linuous rectification. The residuary liquor from the llarbet fiiiiiuuinn.t distillation-rectification method con- tains organic substances and potash salts. Formerly it was customary to work these in enormous furnaces of the I'orion t\pe \\hicli held their own for so many years, and in which there was an unnecessary waste of fuel. Tin' I'.arbct method reduces this fuel con- sumption to zero in the following manner. Instead of using Steam directly from the boilers to boil the wort during continuous rectification, it passes first through a copper triple effect. /. intended to concentrate the \\a.-h or vinasse. In the first compartment. ;', of the appliance the steam from the boiler is at o kilos i \ $.2 Ibs.) pressure; the wash boils at 3 kilos lo.nlbs.i pres- sure. The liberated vinasse vapor al (>/> Ibs. pressure heats the second compartment. /", and produces a vinasse vapor at 1 kilo (2.2 tbs.) pressure. It is this *This s spit its. ;lt 15.51.' ('. Hi, :il, oholii- stlfllKtli i" vi.l.pm- <.l last vapor at 2.2 lt>s. pressure that heats the tubular combination, i"", of the triple effect. Owing to the three successive evaporations in the appliance, the wash has diminished in volume and, instead of being at a density of 4.5 Be., the spindle indicates 11 Be. From this preliminary concentration, there has fol- lowed a remarkable physical transformation to which attention should be drawn. The vinasse at 11 Be. concentration has become auto cvaporablc: in other words fuel is then no longer needed in Porion fur- naces as the heat liberated by the combustion of the organic substances is sufficient to evaporate all the remaining water. L is the incinerating furnace. A certain quantity of fire is needed to ignite the organic substances, and from this moment the furnace works indefinitely without fuel. In the drawing herewith the storehouses for the resulting alcohol are not shown; they are never in the same building as the dis- tillery proper on account of dangers from fire. The foregoing description permits our readers to form a very excellent idea of the very simple operations con- nected with this industry which when properly man- aged constitute a most excellent money investment. It is to be noted that from the commencement to the end each stage of these various operations is covered by special patents owned and worked by .M. llarbet, and these from time to time undergo considerable ameliorations, the outcome of several hundred com- plete distilling plants now in operation in almost every center of the civilized world with the exception of the L'nited States. Owing to these constant improve- ments in existing appliances, it is now possible to obtain a hectoliter of rectified alcohol with a fuel con- sumption of 80 to 90 kilos of coal instead of 160 to 200 kilos as required in the obsolete types of distilling apparatus (6.6 to 7.4 tbs. per gallon of cologne spirits instead of 13 to 16 lt>s. as formerly needed)." The Stilwdl-Bierce & Smith-Vaile Co. Main Office and Works, DAYTON, OHIO, U. 5. A. * CAPITAL STOCK $1,100,000 Pumps We are the largest independent pump rum- pany in the world, ami build f-tcain :md power pumps for every service. Our line includes Steam Pumps Vertical Triplex Power Pumps Sludge Pumps (Power and Steam) Sweet-Water Pumps Magma Pumps Vacuum Pumps Condensers (Jet Surface and Cone T>pe> We also manufacture Oil Mill Machinery, Filter Presses, Turbine Water Wheels, and a full line of Air Compressors for any pressure. Branch Offices: NEW YORK CITY 141 BROADWAY CHICAGO, ILL. BOSTON, MASS T3 OLIVER ST. PITTSBURG, PA BALTIMORE, HO N EW ORLEANS, LA. 304 HENNEN BUILDING CARBONIC ACIO GAS COMPRESSOR Feed Water Heaters \Ve have over 10,000 open Feed Water Heaters in use. \Ve build them of cither steel or cast iron. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE FILTER PRESS Filtering Fabrics Regular and Special Constructions Especially adapted for Beet Sugar J. H. LANE & CO. 110 Worth Street, NEW YORK So Franz Schmidt & Haensch Half Shade, Double Quartz Compensation Triple Field of Vision Polariscope U. S. Government Standard on Bockstand with Protectioncap for reading-scale and prism part and with all the latest improvements Write for special list of Sugar Testing Apparatus to EIMER & AMEND, Established 1851. COMPLETE OUTFITS FOR Sugar Factory Laboratories... A SPECIALTY All experimental apparatus described in Prot. H. W. Wiley's "Agricultural Analysis" Largest stock of any house in All Sugar-Testing Apparatus Balances and Weights ANALYTICAL AND TECHNICAL of every descriplion and make Purest Hammered Platinum at lowest market rates SCHLEICHER & SCHUELL'S C. P. FILTERS Chemicals ? C. P. Reagents ETC., ETC. New York ALLIS-CHALMERS COMPANY GENERAL OFFICE: CHICAGO, ILL. COMBINED VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL REYNOLDS ENGINE. BUILDERS OF Reynolds- Corliss Engines FOR ALL POWER PURPOSES. Pumping, Blowing and Hoist- ing Engines. RlEDLER PUMPS AND AlR COMPRESSORS. Manufacturers of PERFORATED SCREENS For all purposes in Beet Sugar Plants. UN/V ALLIS-CHALMERS COMPANY GENERAL OFFICE: CHICAGO, ILL. Builders of Sugar Machinery 189O FRAME REYNOLDS-CORLISS ENGINE. SOLE ILDl OF REYNOLDS-CORLISS ENGINES Original Klein Wanzleben Sugar Beet SEED The Most Reliable and Only Genuine KLEIN WANZLEBEN SEED Imported into the United States and Canada Used by all the old established Beet Sugar Factories in America GROWN BY The Sugar Factory Klein Wanzleben, Germany Importation into the U. S. since 1892... REPRESENTED BY 10,000,000 Pounds MEYER & RAA P M K A E HA , NEB . 84 41 THE PATENT WATER DRIVEN CENTRIFUGAL MACHINES The American Tool & Machine Co., Boston, Mass. CONTRACTORS FOR THE MOST EFFECTIVE Systems of Pumping by Compressed Air Pneumatic Pumps and Hoists Air-Compressors, Etc. THE HARRIS SYSTEM At HOLLAND, MICH. Installed for the Holland Suear Company, under the direction of Messrs. E. H. Dyer & Co., Eneineers, Cleveland, Ohio Compressor 350 feet from Pump Tanks. Capacity, 2,350.000 gallons of water per day of 24 hours. Lift, 70 feet. % -'i & Pneumatic Engineering Company 128 Broadway, NEW YORK CITY CHICAGO OFFICE- ST. LOUIS OFFICE- 1328 Monadnock Block 710 Lincoln Trust Building; 86 ERIE CITY WATER TUBE BOILERS Cable Address, 'Selden. Erie " ERIE CITY IRON WORKS Erie, Pa., U. S. A. MECHANICAL Thermometers FOR ALL PURPOSES BEET SUGAR FACTORY EQUIPMENT A SPECIALTY ThelHohmann & Maurer Mfg. Go. ROCHESTER, N. Y. NEW YORK CITY: 85 Chambers Street CHICAGO: 119 Lake Street LONDON. E. C.: 57-D Hatton Garden DIFFUSION THERMOMETER VACUUM PAN THERMOMETER 88 The W. M. Pattison Supply Company Equippers of Sugar Refineries Engines and Boilers & Pumps and Feed Water Heaters Belting, Shafting and Hangers Black, Galvanized and Asphalted Pipe ^Steam Traps, Valves and Fittings Evaporating Rings Pump Valves, Hose and Packings Tools, &c., &c. Cleveland, Ohio, U. S. A. BiMerrell Manufacturing Co. r TOLEDO- -OH1O, U. 5. A. : : : : : : : : : MANUFACTURERS OF . . . . : : . . : Pipe Threading and Cutting MACHINERY For Hand=Power or Combined Hand and Power Send for Catalogue "D" 90 MODERN METHODS APPLIED. LINK-BELT ELEVATORS AND CONVEYORS FOR HANDLING BEETS, BEET PULP, BARRELS, SACKS, SUGAR, COAL, LIME STONE, ASHES, Power Transmission Machinery. LIME CAKE, ETC. Manila Rope Drives Designed and Installed. ROPE SHEAVES having Link-Belt Patent Machine Moulded Grooves are lighter and stronger than Sheaves of corresponding size made by other methods. EWART GUARANTEED FRICTION CLUTCHES. RING, CHAIN AND WICK OILING BEARINGS. MACHINE MOULDED PULLEYS. GEARS. ETC. Link-Belt Engineering Co., PHILADELPHIA. NEW YORK. LINK-BELT MACHINERY CO., CHICAGO. Revere Rubber Company Manufacturers of a HIGH CLASS of MECHANICAL RUBBER GOODS. HOME OFFICE: 63 Franklin Street, Boston, Massachusetts BRANCHES: NEW YORK, N. Y., 59 Reade Street PITTSBURG, PA., 2-8 Wood Street MINNEAPOLIS, MINN., 210 Nicollet Avenue CHICAGO, ILL., 168 Lake Street SAN FRANCISCO, CAL., 527 Market Street NEW ORLEANS, LA., 410 Carondelet St. FACTORIES : Chelsea, Massachusetts. Special attention given to Mechanical Goods used in connection with the manufacture of Beet Sugar. P. H. L F. M. Roots Company GONNEKSVILLE. INDIANA HIGH PRESSURE GAS EXHAUSTERS For Handling Carbonic Acid Gases in Sugar Works 93 THE FISHER STEAM PUMP GOVERNOR Will Regulate the Pressure of the Pump so it cannot Exceed the Pressure at which it is Set. s~~*HE regulation is very simple and is quickly made. Loosen the upper Lock Wheel by / turning to the left ; adjust with the lower Wheel until the desired pressure is reached, then lock the upper Wheel by turning to the right. There is a wide limit of variation in pressure with the different size springs we use. THE STEAM AND HYDRAULIC Pressures should always be givin with each order. This is important in order that we may fit the Governor for the service for which it is intended. ANGLE AND GLOBE STYLE In screwed and flanged patterns, are furnished in all sizes, as per price list. SCREWED ANGLE PATTERN Always shipped, on one-half to three-inch inclusive, unless otherwise specified in the order. Brass Pipe Work is used on all these Governors, which conforms to the rules and regulations of the Underwriters' Fire Associations. The Valves and Seats are made of the best phosphor bronze. The flanges are drilled ' Master Steam and Hot Water Fitter's Standard," unless otherwise speci- fied. Governors with special Flanges made to order. THE FISHER GOVERNOR CO. 201 S. First Avenue MARSHALLTOWN, IA. SIZES AND LIST PRICES & ', 1 1% 1 2 2* 3 ii 00 IK 27 .Ml 2 :KI IKI 2# 35 00 3 U M m 5000 4 .> INI 5 70 00 6 8 45 00 M IKI fiO 00 75 IK) s7 .'-I 100 00 1 --'.I (HI 1.-.0 (HI r, no 94 THE GUILD and GARRISON DUPLEX VACUUM PUMP. GUILD and GARRISON, Builders of Vacuum Pumps, Carbonic Acid Blowers, Lime Pumps, Filter-Press Pumps, Etc. Brooklyn New York. 95 OFFICES ENGLAND BL'DG. . O. Contractors for Concrete Fire-proof Floors We make large spans, thereby saving considerable steel in a building, and floors carry and sustain heavy loads. . . . The above cut shows our floor. Write for prices. 96 MERSEY MFG. CO., South Boston, Mass. MANUFACTURERS OF Hcrscy Sugar Oranulators and Cube Sugar Presses. The Schaeffer & Budenberg Mfg. Co. Manufacturers of High Grade Thermometers for Vacuum Pans and Vacuum Ap= paratus for Sugar Refineries, also for Engineering and all Manufacturing Purposes.... THALPOTAS1METERS (Dial Thermometers) for Vacuum Pans, Stills, Heating and Dif- fusion Apparatus, Etc. Eye Glasses, Proof Sticks, and other Appliances for Vacuum Pans Acme Steam Traps Columbia Pressure Recording Gauges Works: BROOKLYN, N. Y. SALESROOMS: No. IS West Lake Street CHICAGO, ILL. No. 66 John Street NEW YORK Buffalo Forge Company ENGINES FOR ELECTRIC LIGHT/NO AND POWER SERVICE Simplicity of Design. Durability of Construction. Highest Steam Economy. Close Regulation. Smooth Cool Running at Sustained High Speed. TYPES Horizontal, Vertical Simple Compound, Belted Direct Connected Buffalo Steel Plate Fans for Mechanical Draft FORCED DRAFT INDUCED DRAFT The advantages of Mechanical Draft are independ- ence of weather changes, simple in regulation, economy of space, smoke prevention, omission of chimney, cheaper in first cost, will burn cheaper fuel with best results, utilization of waste gases and a smaller boiler plant. BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY BUFFALO, N. Y. 97 HOUSE No. 13. GRAND JUNCTION. COL. Steel Work furnished by THE FOREST CITY STEEL & IRON Co. Steel Buildings and Bridges ....CLEVELAND DODGE: HOW FAMILIAR THE; NAME Dodge Split Clutch Ribbed Compression Standard Rigid Pillow Block Coupling Safety Collars - Solid and Splil DODGE MFG. CO. MISHAWAKA, IND. Engineers, Founders, Machinists PATENTEES THE DODGE AMERICAN SYSTEM MANILA ROPE TRANSMISSION Dodge Capillary Bearing Adjustable Base Plate Flange Coupling Self-Oiling Rigid Pillow Block Dodge Collins Couplings WE HAVE BOOKLETS ON AM, THE ABOVE APPI.I AN< KS SK.M FOB WHAT VOI" WANT. LIBRARY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED i^^'^iv i^tr THIS BOOK IS DUE BEFORE CLOSING TIME ON LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW LIBRARY USE OCT1V67. . fir-j-v C ^'Vo fin T ULI 1 ^ , R ^ Ute^^ [ ^ fi^ SENT ON ILL FER 1 3 1995 U. C. BERKELEY T TI C->A sn - , - General Library