SELF-TAUGHT. For STUDENTS TOURISTS TRADERS TRAVELLERS AAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA/ Trading, Legal & erms Motoring Amusements ighls, Measures . PRONUNCIATION- E. da CUNHA. AVID McKAY COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA FOREIGN LANGUAGES MADE EASY BY USING Marlborough's Self -Taught Series Containing Travel Talk for Railway and Steamboat, Customs, Hotel, Post Office, Conversations, Classified Vo- cabularies, Trading, Commercial, Amusements, Cycling, (Photography, \vith the English Phonetic Pronunciation ar- ranged for learning at a glance, Elementary Grammar, Tables of Money (American and English Values), Weights and Measures. French Self-Taught flexible cloth German Self-Taught flexible cloth Italian Self-Taught flexible cloth Norwegian Self-Taught flexible cloth Russian Self-Taught flexible cloth Spanish Self-Taught flexible cloth Swedish Self-Taught flexible cloth Greek (Modern) Self-Taught stiff cloth Hungarian Self-Taught stiff cloth ENGLISH SELF-TAUGHT For the French . . L' Anglais sans M ait re flexible cloth For the Germans . Der Englische Dolmetscher flexible cloth For the Italians . . L'Inglese Imparato da Se flexible cloth For the Spaniards . El Ingles para Cada Cual flexible cloth Per sale by all Booksellers DAVID McKAY, PUBLISHER, PHILADELPHIA i WE WANT YOU TO BUY THE Cheapest and Most Reliable VEST-POCKET DICTIONARIES PUB- LISHED IN FOREIGN LANGUAGES TWO PAJtTS Ilf ONE VOLUME THUMB IJTDJBX Cloth binding, CO cts. Fabrikoid binding:, gold title, . 60 cts. French-English and English-French German-English and English-German Spanish-English and English-Spanish Italian-English and English-Italian Latin-English and English-Latin Swedish-English and English-Swedish Dano-Norwegian-English and Eng- lish-Dano-Norwegian UNIFORM WITH ABOVE: Webster Pronouncing Dictionary of the English Language Hill's Vest-Pocket Dictionaries are the cheapest and most complete books of handy size, convenient alike for the traveller, the student and the busi- ness man. Each volume contains s COMPLETE GUIDE TO PRONUNCIATION with rules and also a list of idioms, 'common expressions and short conversations. The Thumb Index makes reference exceptionally easy. For sale by all Booksellers DAVID McKAY, PUBLISHER, PHILADELPHIA MARLBOROUGH'S SELF-TAUGHT SERIES Portuguese Self Caught (THIMM'S SYSTEM.) WITH PHONETIC PRONUNCIATION. CONTAINING VOCABULARIES IDIOMATIC PHRASES AND SENTENCES ELEMENTARY GRAMMAR COMMERCIAL, TRADING, LEGAL & RELIGIOUS TERMS TRAVEL TALK PHOTOGRAPHY CYCLING MOTORING AMUSEMENTS &c., &c. BY E. da CUNHA. PHILADELPHIA: DAVID McKAY COMPANY PUBLISHERS PEEFACE. T'HE addition of this manual of Portuguese to " Marlborough's Self-Taught Series " completes the group of modern Latin languages included in the series. To anyone with a knowledge of Spanish, particularly if that knowledge has been obtained through the medium of Marlborough's system of Phonetic Pronunciation, the acquirement of the sister tongue by the aid of PORTUGUESE SELF-TAUGHT will present no difficulty. The most noticeable differences, perhaps, are the absence of the Spanish gutturals, and the unexpected presence of the nasal sound, resembling the French nasal, which is a feature of the Portuguese language though not found in Spanish. The third or phonetic column, which is added throughout the Vocabularies and the Conversational Phrases and Sentences, sup- plies the pronunciation of every word in so simple and natural a manner that the Business man, Tourist, or Traveller is enabled to speak the language intelligibly without previous acquaintance with it, and with the minimum of trouble in mastering the system of phonetics employed. The key to the pronunciation is given in the opening pages of the book, and can be readily referred to for any arbitrary phonetic sign which by its nature is not clearly self- explanatory. In view of the friendly and important business relations, both political and commercial, so long subsisting between Great Britain on the one hand, and Portugal and the countries of the New World where Portuguese is spoken on the other, this language has not hitherto been sufficiently studied by the British. I trust therefore that this manual will be the means of popularising the acquisition of the language, and that for practical utility, both as a phrase-book for Tourists, Travellers, and Commercial men, and as an introduction to a thorough study of Portuguese, it will be found equal in all respects to the standard of the preceding works of the series. E. DA OUNHA. London, 1904. CONTENTS. ALPHABET, with English Phonetic Pronunciation PRELIMINABT NOTES Accent, Diphthongs, &o. ... VOCABULARIES Pages 11 to 76. Amusements ... ... ... ... Animals, Vegetables, n valle oon(rj) vahl'li water, the fresh a a i/ tut doce e(r) ah'gwe(r) doh'si , the salt salyada sahlgah'de(r) a waterfall uma cascata oom'e(r) kushkah'te(r) the wave a onda e(r) ohn'de(r) a well um pdfo oonty) poh'soo 13 8. Minerals and Metals. (Mineraes e Metaes.) English. Portuguese. Pronunciation. The agate a agata e(r) e(r)gah'te(r) the alum a pedra hume e(r) paid're(r) oo'mi the amber o ambar oo um'burr the bloodstone a hematites e(r) em-e(r)tee'tizh brass latdo m. .e(r)toww(<7)' bronze bronze m. 3roh(^r)'zi the carbuncle o carbunculo oo kurrboow(gr)'kooloo cement cimento m. seement'oo the chalk o (jiz oo zheezh clay barro m. oahr'roo the coal o cat r do de pedra oo kurrvoww(#)' di paid'- the copper o cobre oo kaw'bri t re ( r ) the coral o coral oo koorahl' the crystal o crystal oo kreeshtahl' the diamond o diamante oo dee-e(r)mun'ti the emerald a esmeralda e(r) izhmerrahl'de(r) the glass o vidro oo veed'roo the gold o ouro oo oh'roo granite yranito m. grun' itoo the gravel o cascaUto oo ke(r)shki'l-yoo the iron o ferro oo fair'roo iron, the cast ftindido foondee'doo , the wrought forjado foorzhah'doo lead chumbo m. shoom'boo the iirne a cal e(r) kahl the marble o marmore oo mahr'moori mercury mercnrio m. merrkoo'reeoo the metala os metaes oozh mitti'zh mortar aryamassa f. urrgummahs ' se (r) an opal uma opala oom'e(r) ohpahl'e(r) the pearl a perola e(r) pair'oole(r) a ruby urn rubim oon(iy) roobeen(p) f the sapphire a sajiJiira e(r) se(r)fee're(r) the silver a prata e(r) prah'te(r) soda soda f. saw'de(r) the steel o ago oo ah'soo the stone a pedra e(r) paid're(r) the tin o estanho oo ishtun'yoo 14 4. Animals, Birds and Fishes. (Animaes, Aves e Peixes.) English. Portuguese. Pronunciation. An animal urn animal oon(gr) un-eemahl' the barking o latido oo lut-ee'doo a bear um urso oon(g) oor'soo a bird um paxsaro OOTO(ega oom'e(r) peg'e(r) the mane a crina e(r) kree'ne(r) a mole uma toupeira oorn'e(r) tohpay're(r) a monkey um macaco oo?%) me(r)kah'koo the mouse o rato oo rah 'too a mule uma mula oom'e(r) mool'e(r) a nightingale um rouxinol oon(g) rohsheenawl' an owl um mocho oon(g) moh'shoo an ox um boi ooft(#) boy oysters ostras awsh'truzh the parrot o papagaio oo pe(r)pe(r)gh'oo a partridge uma perdiz oom'e(r) perrdeezh* the paw a pata e(r) pah'te(r) the pheasant o faisdo oo ft-zown(gr)' a pig um porco oon(g) pohr'koo a pigeon uma pomba oom'e(r) pohm'be(r) a pike um lucio oon($r) loo'sioo a quail uma codorniz oom'e(r) koodoorneezh' the rat a ratazana e(r) rut-uz-un'e(r) the raven o corvo oo kohr'voo a salmon um salmao oon(g) sahlmown(gr)' salt nsh peixe (m.) salgado pay'shi sahlgah'doo 16 English. Portuguese. Pronunciation. the scales as escamas uzh ishkum'uzh a seal uma phoca oom'e(r) faw'ke(r) a sheep urn carneiro oon(g) kurrnay'roo the snipe a narseja e(r) nurrsay'zhe(r) a sole um linguado oon(g) lin(7)gwah'doo the sparrow o pardal oo purrdahl' the swallow a andorinha e(r) undoo-reen'ye(r) a swan um cysne oon(y) seezh'ni the tail o rabo oo rah'boo a thrush um tor do oon(i(/)' oom'e(r) fahlsifeekus- oom'e(r) frow'di frowdoolen'too, -e(r) illigahl' m(*7)kahrserre(r)men'too oom'e(r) een(gr)foormus- so\yn(g)' [sown(0)' oom'e(r) proo-eebi- e(r) een(<7)zhooshtee'se(r) oon(y) een(^)ventah'rioo e(r) ke(r)day'e(r) oo zhoo-eezh' pus-sahr' senten(^)'se(r) zhooreezhdee'sown(i7) oo zhoo'ri [pahzh oon((j) zhoo-eezh' di e(r) lay seeveel' kreemeenahl' oom'e(r) dimun'de(r) oon(g) udvoogah'doo oo impreshte(r)dohr' sente(^)siahr' ah rev- el-ee'e(r) oon(g) zhoore(r)men'too prishtahr' zhoore(r)men'- uzh pahr'tizh [too pinahl' purrzhoo'rioo oo sooplikun' ti oo playti-un'ti e(r) poolee'si-e(r) e(r) ripurrtissow(^r)' de(r) poolee'sie(r) oo proo-sidiraen'too e(r) praw've(r) [ligahl' e(r) perrsi-ghissow(^/)' 40 English. Portuguese. Pronunciation. the prosecutor o acciiftador oo e(r)kooze(r)dohr' the punishment o caxtigo oo kushtee'goo the release a foltura e(r) sawltoo're(r) the robbery o roubo oo roll 'boo the seal o sello oo sel'loo seal, to sellar sellahr' the sentence a sent-en^a e(r) senten(/7)'se(r) the statement a declaragdo e(r) diklurre(r)sown(^) r the statute o estatuto oo ishte(r)too'too sue, to demandar dimundahr' the suit o pleito oo play'too ft summons uma dtaqao oom'e(r) seetussown(^) f the surety [house) o fianqatior oo fi-utt( 0071 (g) in(#)kloo'zoo, uma incluza (.) oom'e(r) in(9)kloo'ze(r) an envelope um sobrescripto oon(g) sohbrishkree'too herewith aquijunt-o, -a e(r)kee' zhoon't-oo, -e(r) immediate ur genie oorzhen'ti the ink a tinta e(r) teen'te(r) the inkstand o tinteiro oo teentay'roo the letter a carta e(r) kahr'te(r) [tuzh -box a caixa de cartas e(r) kt'she(r) di kahr'- card o biUifte postal oo beel-yet'i pooshtahl' the note a cartinha e(r) kurrteen'ye(r) English. 59 Portuguese. Pronunciation. the note-paper o papel formato oo pe(r)pel' foormah'too pequeno peeken'oo the paper o papel oo pe(r)pel' [soo a pen, steel (nib) umapenna de ago oom'e(r) pen'ne(r) di ah f - , fountain inesgotavel in-izhgootah'vel -holder uma caneta oom'e(r) ke(r)net'e(r) a pencil um lapis oon(g) lah'pizh a penknife um canivete oon(g) kunnivet'i a quire um caderno oon(gr) ke(r)dair'noo the scissors a tezoura e(r) tizoh're(r) [boo the seal o sello, o carimbo oo sel'loo, oo kurreem'- the sealing-wax o lacre de sellar oo lah'kri di sellahr' a sheet (of paper) uma folha de papel oom'e(r) fohl'ye(r) di pe(r)pel' the signature a assignatura e(r) us-seene(r)too're(r) the writing o escripto oo ishkree'too -desk a escrivaninha e(r) ishkrivun-een'ye(r) materials os materiaes para oozh me(r)terri-i'zh pur*- escrever re(r) ishkrivehr' 31. Post-office and Telegrams. (0 Correio e Telegrammas.) (For Conversations Bee page 101.) Book post the counterfoil the description the despatch-note the destination the excess postage the insured value letter post a money order nature of contents a newspaper wrap- per the number parcel post correio (m.) de im- o taldo [presses a descripgdo a nota de despacho o destino o porte em excesso o valor seguro correio de cartas um vale do correio [theiido natureza do con- urn envoltorio de jornaes o numero correio de encom- mendas koorray'oo di impres'- oo tulloww(gr)' [soozh e(r) dishkreesoww(^)' e(r) naw'te(r) di dishpah'- oo dishtee'noo [shoo oo pawr'ti &in(a) ishses'- soo oo ve(r)lohr' sigoo'roo koorray'oo di kahr'tuzh oon(g) vah'li doo koor- ray'oo [tioo'doo ne(r)toorez'e(r) dookohn- oon(g) di zhoornt'zh oo noo'merroo koorray'oo di i men'duzh English. 60 Portuguese. Pronunciation. postage paid franqueado fruw(0)ki-ah'doo [ye(r) a postage stamp uma estampilha oom'e(r) ishtum-peel'- postal (pillar-) box caixa pilar postal kt'she(r) peelahr' poosh- tahl' [tahl 1 a post-card um cartdo postal oon(g) kurrtown(<7)'poosh- poste-restante poste restante pawsh'ti reshtun'ti the postman o carteiro oo kurrtay'roo postmaster director (m.) do cor- diraytohr' doo koorray'oo the post-office o correio [reio oo koorray'oo [men'ti re-address, to enderegar novamente indirissahr' nawve(r)- register (a letter), to reyistar uma cart a rizh-ishtahr' oom'e(r) kahr'te(r) [ghe(r) reply paid resposta paga rishpawsh'te(r) pah'- a telegraph form uma forma para oom'e(r) fohr'me(r) pur'- telegramma re(r) tilligrum'me(r) messenger um mensageiro de oon(g) mense(r)zhay'roo telegrammas di tilligrum'muzh office escriptorio do ishkreetaw'rioo doo ti- telegrapho leg're(r)foo value of contents valor do contheudo ve(r)lohr' doo kohntioo'- the weight o peso oo pez'oo [doo weight, over opeso a mats e(r) mi'zh , under o peso a menos e(r) men'oozh 32. Cardinal Numbers. (Numeros Cardinaes.) Portuguese. 1 um m., uma f. 2 doism., duos f. Pronunciation. oon(g), oom'e(r) doy'zh, doo'uzh 8 tres trezh 4 quatro 5 cinco 6 seis kwah'troo seen(gr)'koo saizh 7 sete set'i 8 otto 9 nove oy'too naw'vi 10 dez dezh (For Grammatical Notes see p. 78.) Portuguese. 11 onze 12 doze 13 treze 14 quatorze 15 quinze 16 dezaseis 17 dezasete 18 dezoito 19 dezanove 20 vinte 21 vinte e um (uma) Pronunciation. ohn(e(r)tehr' to begin comegar coomi-sahr' to believe crer crehr to blame reprehender rip-ri-endehr' to boil ferver 'urrvehr' to borrow pedir emprestado rideer' imprishtah'doo to breakfast almogar ahlmoosahr' to bring trazer iruzzehr' to build edificar idifikahr' to button abotoar e(r)bootooahr r to buy comprar kohmprahr' to calculate calcular kahlkoolahr' to carry levar livahr' to chat palestrar pe(r)lishtrahr' to cook cosinhar koozin-yahr' to compare comparar kohmpurrahr' to consent consentir kohn(^r)senteer' to continue continuar kohntinooahr' to cough tossir toosseer' to cover cobrir koobreer' to dance danqar du(V/)sahr' to deliver entregar intrigahr' to deny neyar nigahr' to depart partir purrteer' to descend descer aizh-sehr' to desire di'sejar diz-izh-ahr' to despise desprezar dishprizahr' to dine jantar zhuntahr' lo dispute dis/iutar dishpootahr* to Jo fazer fe(r)xehr' to doubt duridar doovidahr' to draw (pull) puxar pooshahr' to dream sonhar soon-yahr' 70 English. Portuguese. Pronunciation. to dress restir vishteer' to drink beber bibehr' to excuse desculpar dishkoolpahr* to explain explicar ishplikahr' to fall cahir ke(r)-eer' to feel sentir senteer* to find achar e(r)shahr' to finish to flatter to follow acabar lisongear seguir e(r)ke(r)bahr' leezohn^-zhi-ahr* si-gheer' to forget esquecer ishkessehr' to gather colher kool-yehr' to get obter ob.btehr' to give dar dahr to go ir eer to go in entrar iutrahr' to go out sahir se(r)-eer' to grow crescer krizh-sehr' to hat* odiar ohdiahr' to hear ourir ohveer* to hide etconder ishkohndehr' to hire alugar e(r)loogahr' to honour honrar on^rahr' to hope esperar ishperrahr* to be hungry terfonw tehr faw'mi to be ignorant of ignorar eegnoorahr' to imagine to imitate imaginar irnitar ime(r)zhinahr/ imitahr' to insult insultar i(5f)sooltahr' to insure serfurar sigoorahr' to introduce introduzir iutroodoozeer' to joke zombar zohmbahr* to jump saltar sahltahr' to know (a person) conhecer koon-yissehr* (a thing) saber sub-ehr' to land desembarcar diz-imburrkahi* to laugh rir reer to learn aprender up-rendehr' to lend emprestar imprishtahr* to lie down deitar-u daytahr'-si English. 71 Portuguese. Pronunciation. to live viver veevehr' (dwell) morar moorahr' to look for procurar prookoorahr' to lose perder perrdehr' to love amar um-ahr' to marry casar kuz-ahr' to be mistaken ent/anar-se iwfa)gun-ahr'si to object objectar ohb-zhet-ahr' to offend offender ohffendehr' to offer offerecer ohfferressehr' to open abrir ub-reer' to order ordenar ohrdenahr' to pack up emballar imbe(r)l-lahr' to paint pintar peentahr' to pardon perdoar perrdooahr' to pay pagar pe(r)gahr' to plant plantar pluntahr' to play jogar zhoogahr' to pluck arrancar urrunkahr' to praise louvar lohvahr' to present apresentar up-riz-entahr' to prove provar proovahr' to punish castigar kushtigahr' to put on por pohr to quarrel contender kohntendehr' to be quiet estar quieto ishtahr' ki-et'oo to read ler lehr to reap ceifar sayfahr' to reflect reflectir riflet-eer' to refuse recusar rikoozahr' to regret ter pezar tehr pizahr' to rejoice regozijar-sa rigoozizhar'-ri to remember lembrar-se lembrahr-si to repay retribuir ritribooeer' to repeat repetir ripiteer' to repent arrepender-M urripendehr'-td to reply replicar ripleekahr' to sail navegar ne(r)vigahr' to seal sellar sellahr' to search pesquizar pishkeezahr' English. 72 Portuguese. Pronunciation. to see ver vehr to sell vender vendehr' to serve servir serrveer' to show mostrar mooshtrahr' to sigh suspirar sooshpeerahr' to sign assitjnar ussiniiahr' to sit down assentar-se ussentahr'-si to sleep dormir doo'r-meer' to sneeze espirrar ishpirrahr' to sow seinear simmi-ahr' to speak foliar fe(r)lahr' to spin fiar feeahr' to spoil estragar ishtre(r)gahr' to steal furtar foorrtahr' to stitch pespontear pishpohnti-ahr* to study estudar ishtoodahr' to swear jurar zhoorahr' to take tomar toomahr' to take oft tirar teerahr* to taste provar proovahr' to tell dizer dizehr' to thank ayradecer e(r)gre(r)disehr* to think pensar pen(^r)sahr' to be thirsty ter sede tehr seh'di to throw atirar e(r) teerahr' to touch tocar tookahr' to translate traduzir tre(r)doozeer' to travel viajar vee-e(r)-zhahr' to unbutton desabotoar diz-e (r) bootooahr* to uncover descobrir dishkoobreer' to unpack desenfarda. diz-in(^)furrdahr' to wash lavar le(r)vahr' to weep, cry chorar shoorahr' to weigh pesar pizahr' to wish, to will desejar, querer dizizhahr', ki-rehr 1 to want carecer kurrisehr' to work trabalhar tre(r)be(r)l-yahr' to worship adorar e(r)doorahr' to wrap emlirulhar imbrool-yahr' to write esc r ever ishkrivehr' 73 37. Adverbs, Conjunctions, and Prepositions. (Adverbius, Conjuncqoes e Prcposiqoes.) (For Grammatical Notes see p. 88.) English. Portuguese. Pronunciation. About cerca de sehr'ke(r) di above em dm a ai?t(#) see'me(r) above all acima de todos ussee'me(r) di toh'doozh according to conforms kohn(#)fawr'mi after, afterwards depois dipoyzh' again outra vez oh'tre(r) vezh against contra kohn'tre(r) all at once de repents di ripen'ti almost quasi kwah'zi already jd zhah also tambem tumbain(<7)' although ainda qite e(r)-een'de(r) ki altogether totalmente tootahlmen'ti always sempre sem' pri among entre en'tri and e ee anywhere em qnalquer parte &in(g) kwahl'kair pahr'ti around, round em roda ain(^f) raw'de(r) as [(about) como koh'moo as many tantos tun'toozh as much tanto tun'too as soon as logo que law'goo ki at a, em ah, &in(g) at first ao principio ah'oo preen (#)see'pioo at last afinal e(r)feenahl' at least pelo menos pel'oo men'oozh at once jd zhah at present presentementt prizentimen'ti badly mal mahl because porque poorr'ki before antes un'tizh behind detraz ditrah'zh below (adv.) em baixo air%) bi'shoo below (prep.) debaixo dibi'shoo besides alem d'isso e(r)lain(#) dees'soo better melhor mil-yawr' 74 English. Portuguese. Pronunciation. between entre en'tri beyond alem e(r)lair%)' but por em, mas poorain(#)', muzh by por, com poor, koon(g) certainly, surely certamente serrte(r)men'ti consequently consequentemente kohn(<7)sikwen'timen"ti down abaixo, em baixo e(r)bi'shoo, &in(g) bi'shoo during durante doo-run'ti early cedo seh'doo either (pron.) qualquer dos dots kwahl'kair doozh doyzh either ... or ou.. .ou [parte oh... oh [pahr'ti elsewhere em qualquer outra &in(g) kwahlkair oh'tre(r) enough bastante be(r)shtun'ti even if ainda quando e(r)een'de(r) kwun'doo everywhere em toda a parte &in(g) toh'de(r) e(r) except (prep.) excepto izhsep'too [pahr'ti except that salvo que sahl'voo ki far longe lohn'zhi further mais longe mi'zh lohn'zhi for (prep.) por, para poor, pur're(r) for (conj.) porque poorkeh' from de di full of cheio de shay'oo di hardly apenas, dificilmente e(r)pen'uzh, diffee'sil- here aqui e(r)kee' [men"ti herewith aqui junto e(r)kee' zhoon'too how como, porque koh'moo, poorkeh' however com tudo isso koon(g) too'doo ee'soo how much? quanta f kwun'too if se si immediately immedia tamente immiddi-ah'te(r)men"ti in case that caso que kah'soo ki in future para o futuro pur're(r) oo footoo'roo in, within em, dentro &\n(g), den'troo indeed na verdade ne(r) verrdah'di inside dentro de den'troo di instead of em linjar de ain(<7) loogahr' di late tarde tahr'di less menos men'oozh like parecido com purrisee'doo koon(gr) 75 English. Portuguese. Pronunciation. little (adj.) pequeno, -a pi-ken'oo, -e(r) little (but little) pouco poh'koo many times muitas vezet moo'intuzh vez'ezh more mais mi'zh much muito moo'intoo near proximo praw'simoo nearly quasi kwah'zi [oh'troo neither (pron.) nem un, nem outro naiw(%)kwun'too why? porque ? poorr'ki ? willingly voluntariamente vooloontah'rie(r)men"ti with com koo?*($r) with, near com, proximo koon(g), praw'simoo within (adv.) dentro de den'troo di without (prep.) sem sain(<7) yet (adv.) aimla, demais, alem e(r)een'de(r), dimi'zh, d'isso e(r)lain(<7)' d'ee'soo yet (con;.) eomtudo , todavia koh(em. 2nd vend-era, -eras, -era, -eramos, -ereis, -erao (-eram). vend-esse, -esses, -esse, -essemos, -esseis, -essem. 3rd admitt-ira, -iras, -ira, -iramos, -ireis, -irdo (tram), admitt-isse, -isses, -isse, -issemos, -isseis, -issem. Future. 1st conj. am-ar, -ares, -ar, -armos, -ardes, -arem. 2nd vend-er, -eres, -er, -ermos, -erdes, -erem. 3rd ,, admitt-ir, -ires, -ir, -irmos, irdes, irem. The following are the Irregular Verbs most in use : dar, to give, trazer, to bring, ouvir, to hear, diaer, to say, valer, to be worth, pedir, to ask, fazer, to do or make, ver, to see, repetir, to repeat, perder, to lose, cahir, to fall, sahir, to go out, poder, to be able, dirigir, to direct, seguir, to follow, guerer, to be willing, dormir, to sleep, servir, to serve, saber, to know, ir, to go, vir, to come. Adverbs.* Some adverbs are formed from feminine adjectives, or from adjectives ending in e or el, by adding mente thereto ; as primeira, prime iramcnte, firstly; constante, constantemente, constantly; fiel, fielmente, faithfully. Adverbs are classified under : (1) Time, as presentemente, at present ; agora, now ; hontem, yesterday ; (2) Place, as onde, where ; aqui, here ; (3) Quantity, as quanta, how much; quantas, how many ; tanto, so much. Adverbs cannot be formed from Ordinal numbers, as in English, but the Portuguese have primeiramente (firstly), secundariamente (secondly). To express thirdly, fourthly, &c., they say Em terceiro lugar, em quarto lugar, and so on. Some adverbs require a or de to be prefixed to them, as a miudo, often ; de parte, aside. By changing the last letter of an adjective of the superlative degree into amente a superlative adverb is obtained, as doutissimo, most learned ; doutissimamente, most learnedly. Prepositions.* Prepositions may be divided into SIMPLE, as a, to, de, from, em, in, contra, against, &c., and COMPOUND (or prepositional phrases), consisting of a substantive or adverb in conjunction with one or two prepositions, as em casa de, at, antes de, before, debaixo de, under. Some prepositions govern the noun following in the genitive, as em cima da (de a) mesa, upon the table ; others govern the dative, as quanta dquillo, according to that ; others, again, the accusative, as dctraz da casa, behind the house. Conjunctions and Interjections. Nothing need be said here regarding the Portuguese Conjunctions and Interjections. The Conjunctions will be found in the list on pp. 73 to 76. For exclamations, &c., see pp. 92, 93. * For Adverbs and Prepositions see the English-Portuguese list on pp. 73 to 76. CONVERSATIONAL PHRASES AND SENTENCES. Useful and Necessary Idiomatic Expressions and Phrases. (Phrases e Expressoes Uteis, Necessarian e Idiomaticas.) English. Portugusse. Pronunciation. If you please Thank you [to Have the goodness Much obliged Yes, sir Yes, miss No, madam Allow me Bring me Excuse me Give me Send me Tell me Will you tell me? Does anyone here speak English ? Can you read Por- tuguese ? You read very well Who taught you ? How long have you learned ? A short time only I find the pronun ciation difficult Yon have a good accent Se me faz favor Agradeqo-lhe Tenha a bondade de Muito obrigado Sim, senhor Sim, minha senhora Ndo, senhora Permitta-me Traga-me Desculpe-me De-me Mande-me Diga-me Queira dizer-me ? Ha aqui alguem que falle Inglez ? Pode V. Mce. Ur Portuguez 1 V. Mce. le muito bem Quern o ensinou ? Ha quanta tempo estd V.Mce. aprendendo ? Pouco tempo so- mente Acho a pronunda difficil V.Mce. tern boa pronunda si mi fahzh fe(r)vohr' e(r)gre(r)dess'ool-yi [di ten'ye(r) e(r) bohndah'di moo'intoo ohbrigah'doo seew(;7), sin-yawr' seera(gr), meen'ye(r) sin- yawr 'e(r) nown(<7), sin-yawr'e(r) perrmeet'e(r)-mi trah'ghe(r)-mi dishkool'pi-mi deh-mi mun'di-mi dee'ghe(r)-mi kay're(r) dizehr'-mi ? ah e(r)kee' ahlgain(^r)' ki fahl'li inglezh'? paw'di vossmussay' lehr poortoogezh' ? vossmussay' leh moo'in- too oo ah kwun'too tem'poo ishtah' vossmussay' e(r)prenden'doo ? poh'koo tem'poo saw- men'ti ah'shoo e(r) proonoow(r/)'- sie(r) diffee'sil vossmussay' taiw(^) boh'- e(r) 8b English. PortngneM. PronnndatloH. I should like to Desejava fallar-lhe diz-i-zhah've(r) fe(r)- speak to you lahr'1-yi What can I do for Em que posso &in(g) ki paw'soo serr- you? servir-lhe ? veer'1-yi ? Yon are too kind F. Mce. faz - me vossmussay' fahzh - mi muito favor moo'intoo fe(r)vohr' I am deeply grate- Fico-lhe summa- fee'kool-yi soome(r)men'- ful to you mente grato ti grah'too Please take a seat Queira sentar-se kay're(r) sentahr'-si What do you want ? Que quer V.McS. ? ki kair vossmussay' ? What do you mean? Que quer V.Mce. ki kair vossmussay' dizer ? \yiqo diz-ehr' ? [serrvee'soo At your service Fico ao sen ser- fee'koh ah'oo seh'oo I believe (think) so Creio (julgo) que kray'oo (zhool'goo) ki sim [ndo seen(g) [nown(gr I believe (think) not Creio (julgo) que kray'oo (zhool'goo) ki What do you say ? Que diz V.Mce ? ki deezh vossmussay ? I have nothing to Nada tenho que nah'de(r) ten'yoo ki dee- say against it dizer contra isso zehr' kohn'tre(r) ee'soo I beg your pardon Peqo-lhe perddo pessool'yi perrdown(^)' What did you ask? Que perguntou ki perrgoontoh' voss- V.Mce. ? mussay' ? Speak louder Falle mais alto fahl'li mi'z ahl'too What does it sig- O que quer dizer oo ki kair dizehr' eesh'- nify? isto ? too? It does not matter Ndo importa now?z(^) eempawr'te(r) It is all the same Para mini e tudo o pur're(r) meen^) ay too f - to me mesmo doo oo mezh'moo Never mind Ndofaqa caso now(gf) fah'se(r) kah'- What is the matter? Que ha? ki ah? [zoo What is it about ? De que se trata f di ki si trah'te(r)? What is to be done? Que se ha de fazer ? ki si ah di fe(r)zehr' ? I have no idea Ndofaqo idea nown(5r) fah'soo eeday'e(r) Do you understand? Entende V.Mce. ? inten'di vossmussay' ? I understand Entendo inten'doo I do not understand Ndo entendo nown(#) inten'doo Carry this Leve isto lev'eesh'too Take this away Tire isto teer'eesh'too Make haste ! De )>ressa ! di pres'se(r) I Come along ! Yenha I ven' ye(r) 1 English. 89 Portuguese. Pronunciation. Take care ! Tome cuidado ! taw'mi kooidah'doo 1 Look out 1 Cautella .' kowtel'le(r) ! Listen ! Ouga V.McS./ oh'se(r) vossmussay' I Come in I Entre ! en'tri ! Come here 1 Venha cd ! ven'ye(r) kah ! Go away 1 Va se embora ! vahsi imbaw're(r) I This way Par aqui poor e(r)kee' That way Par ali poor e(r)lee' Too soon Muito cedo moo'intoo seh'doo Too late Muito tarde moo'intoo tahr'di Sooner or later Mais tarde, menos im'zh tahr'di, men'oozh tarde tahr'di Very well Muito bem moo'intoo baiw(#) Not very well Ndo muito bem nown(#) moo'intoo It snows Cae neve ki nev'i [baiw(gr) It freezes Gela zhel'le(r) It thaws Degela di-zhel'le(r) It is very dirty Ha lamaceira ah lummussai're(r) Is it slippery ? Escorrega ? ishkoorreg'e(r) ? I nearly fell Quasi cahi kwah'zi ke(r)-ee' Do you think it will Or?. V.McS. que kreh vossmussay' ki rain? choverd ? shooverrah' ? I am afraid so Temo que sim tem'oo ki seew(gr) It is very windy Faz muito vento fahzh moo'intoo ven'too How cold it is 1 Que frio faz ! ki free'oo fahzh ! It is very cold Faz muito frio fahzh moo'intoo free'oo It is very warm Faz muito color ke(r)lohr' We must soon begin Em breve teremos de &\n(g) brev'i ti-rem'oozh to have a fire aquecer a casa di ukkessehr' e(r) kah'- It is dark Estd escuro ishtah' ishkoo'roo [ze(r) It will soon be dark Em breve estard ain(#) brev'i ishturrah' escuro ishkoo'roo [doo It is a fine day dia estd Undo oo dee'e(r) ishtah' leen'- In broad day Em pleno dia &in(g) plen'oo dee'e(r) Of course Estd visto ishtah' veesh'too On the contrary Pelo contrario pel'oo kohntrah'rioo Once for all Mais uma vez mi'z oom'e(r) vezh After all Afinal e(r)feenahl' The other day outro dia oo oh'troo dee'e(r) [nco At the end of a year No Jim de um anno noo feew(0) di oo?z(le.) (See Vocabulary IS, page 20.) Como estd V.McS. Estou muito bom Estou doente Ndo me acho bom Estimarei as su melhoras mente breve- Dorme V.Mce. bem ? Menos mal, decido agra- VOS3- koo'moo ishtah' mussay' ? ishtoh' moo'intoo bohn(^) ishtoh' dooen'ti [bohw(nin(g) ishtoh moo'intoo boh(//) ten'yoo di eer'-mi iui- baw're(r) e(r)deh'oozh,pah'si moo'- intoo bai(jjr) dez-ezh'ool-yi moo'in- toozh bohn(^)zh dee'- boh'uzh tahr'dizh [uzh boh'uzh noy'tizh Shopping. (A Loja.) (See Vocabularies 0, 7, 14, 15, 16, 18 & 11.) How much ? That is too much What is the price? Will you send them at once ? I wish to buy... I will take this Send them to... I want some calico I should like to see some ribbons Quanta ? Isso e demais Qual e o preqo ? Tenha a bondade de envial-os em seyuida Desejo comprar... Tomarei este-a isto Eemetta-os para . . . Desejo algum morim Qnero ver algumas fitas kwun'too ? ee'soo ay dimi'zh kwahl ay oo press'oo ? ten'ye(r) e(r) bohndah'di di i>i(/7)viah'looz aiw(//) si-ghee'de(r) dez-ezh'oo kohmprahr'... toomurray' esh'ti-e(r) eesh'too [ e ( r )'- rimet'te(r)-oozh purr'- dizezh'oo ahlgoow(y)' kair'oo vehr ahlgoom'uzh feet'uzh 110 English. Portuguese. Pronunciation., This colour is too dark ; light Have you any nar- rower, broader? What is this a yard? It is faded Show me some dress material Some gloves others Not so fine This will do [silk A skein of sewing- Mixed pins ; needles Tape A bodkin What are they a pair? It is too dear Try on these They fit you very well [with me I will take them Send this home directly Make out my bill Esta cor 6 demasi- ado escura; clara Tern V.Mc. algum- as mais estreitas, largas ? Quanta custa isto a vara ? Esta desbotado Mostre-me alyuma fazenda para ves- tidos Alyumas luvas Oittrus Ndo tao fina Esta serre \troz Uma meada de re- Alfinetes sortidos ; ayulhas Pita de algoddo Uma ayulheta Quanta custam ao par? E muito caro Provt VM.ce. estas Assentam-lhe muito hem Lei-al-as-hei comiyo Maude tudo isto para minha casa quanto antes Tire-me a conta esh'te(r) kohr ay dimuz- ziah'doo ishkoo're(r) ; klah're(r) taiw(j/) vossmussay' ahl- goom'uzh mt'zh ish- tray'tuzh, lahr'guzh ? kwun'too koosh'te(r) eesb'too e(r) vah're(r)? ishtah' dizhbootah'doo mawsh'tri-mi ahlgoom'- e(r) fuzzen'de(r) purr'- e(r) vishtee'doozh ahlgoom'uzh loo'vuzh oh'truzh nown(gr) toww(^r) feen'e(r) esh'te(r) sair'vi [trawzh' oom'e(r) miah'de(r) di ri- ahlfinet'izh soortee'- doozh ; e(r)gool'yuzh fee'te(r) di ahlgoodown(^)' oom'e(r) e(r)gool-yet'e(r) kwun'too koosh'tun(gf) ah'oo pahr ? ay moo'intoo kah'roo praw'vi vossmussay' esh'- tuzh us-sen'tun(^)l-yi moo'- intoo bai?%) livahl'uz-ay koomee'goo mun'di too'doo eesh'too pur're(r) meen'ye(r) kah'- ze(r) kwun'too un'tizh teer'-mi e(r) kohn'te(r) The Dressmaker. (A Modista.) (See Vocabulary IS, page SI.) Here is the dress- maker Tell her to wait Show her in Eis aqui a modista Diga-lhe que espere Faga-a entrar moo- ayz e(r)kee' e(r) deesh'te(r) dee'ghul-yi ki ishpair'i ah'se(r)-e(r) intrahr' Ill English. Portuguese. Pronunciation. Have you brought Traz-me V.McS. o trahzh'-mi vossmussay' my dress ? men vestido oo nieh'oo vishtee'doo? Here it is Eil-o aqui \tal-o? ay 'loo e(r)kee' [tahl'oo? Will you try it on ? Queira experimen- kay're(r) ishperrimen- It fits you very Assenta-lhe muito ussen'te(r)l-yi moo'intoc well bem baiwfa) The sleeves are not As mangos ndo uzh muw(#)'guzhnown(0] wide enough estdo bastante ishtown^)' be(r)sh- largas tun'ti lahr'guzh The skirt is too A saia estd muito e(r) si'e(r) ishtah' moo'- narrow estreita intoo ishtray'te(r) Add another Ajunte-lhe outro e(r)zhoon'til-yi oh'troo breadth tanto de largura tun'too di lurrgoo're(r It is short-waisted Tern a cintura tain(fl, page 51.) I want my machine Necessito a wtH/minissessee'too e(r) meen'- ye(r) mah'kin-e(r) dishpawsh'te(r) koon(gr) toh'dooz ooz ukses- saw'rioozh diz-ezh'oo e(r)loogahr'... poor aw'ruzh pel'oo dee'e(r) eentay'roo kwt'zh so\vn(g) uzh soo'- uzh kohndissoy'n(