GIFT OF MICHAEL REESE BIOLOGY UBffARY G LESSONS IN ELEMENTARY BIOLOGY LESSONS IN ELEMENTARY BIOLOGY BY T. JEFFERY PARKER, D.Sc, F.R.S. PROFESSOR OF BIOLOGY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF OTAGO, DUNEDIN, NEW ZEALAND WITH EIGHTY-EIGHT ILLUSTRATIONS Eonton MACMILLAN AND CO. AND NEW YORK 1893 The Right of Translation and Reproduction is Reserved BiOLOGY LIBRARY G RICHARD CLAY AND SONS, LIMITED. LONDON AND BUNGAY. First Edition, 1891. Second Edition Revised, 1893. PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION IN his preface to the new edition of the well-known Practical Biology ', Professor Huxley gives' his reasons for beginning the study of organized nature with the higher forms of animal life, to the abandonment of his earlier method of working from the simpler to the more complex organisms. He says in effect that experience has taught him the unwisdom of taking the beginner at once into the new and strange region of microscopic life, and the advantage of making him com- mence his studies with a subject of which he is bound to know something the elementary anatomy and physiology of a vertebrate animal. Most teachers will probably agree with the general truth of this opinion. The first few weeks of the beginner in natural science are so fully occupied in mastering an un- familiar and difficult terminology and in acquiring the art of using his eyes and fingers, that he is simply incapable for a time of grasping any of the principles of the science ; and, this being the case, the more completely his new work can vi PREFACE be connected with any knowledge of the subject, however vague, he may already possess, the better for his progress. On the other hand, the advantage to logical treatment of proceeding from the simple to the complex of working upwards from protists to the higher plants and animals is so immense that it is not to be abandoned without very good and sufficient reasons. In my own experience I have found that the difficulty may be largely met by a compromise, namely, by beginning the work of the class by a comparative study of one of the higher plants (flowering plant or fern) and of one of the higher animals (rabbit, frog, or crayfish). If there were no limitations as to time, and if it were possible to avoid alto- gether the valley of the shadow of the coming examination, this preliminary work might be extended with advantage, and made to include a fairly complete although elementary study of animal physiology, with a minimum of anatomical detail, and a somewhat extensive study of flowering plants with special reference to their physiology and to their relations to the rest of nature. In any case by the time this introductory work is over, the student of average intelligence has overcome pre- liminary difficulties, and is ready to profit by the second and more systematic part of the course in which organisms are studied in the order of increasing complexity. It is such a course of general elementary biology which I have attempted to give in the following Lessons, my aim having been to provide a book which may supply in the PREFACE vii study the place occupied in the laboratory by " Huxley and Martin," by giving the connected narrative which would be out of place in a practical handbook. I also venture to hope that the work may be of some use to students who have studied zoology and botany as separate subjects, as well as to that large class of workers whose services to English science often receive but scant recognition I mean amateur microscopists. As to the general treatment of the subject I have been guided by three principles. Firstly, that the main object of teaching biology as part of a liberal education is to familiarize the student not so much with the facts as with the ideas of science. Secondly, that such ideas are best understood, at least by beginners, when studied in connection with concrete types of animals and plants. And, thirdly, that the types chosen should illustrate without unnecessary complication the particular grade of organization they are intended to typify, and that exceptional cases are out of place in an elementary course. The types have therefore been selected with a view of illustrating all the more important modifications of structure and the chief physiological processes in plants and animals ; and, by the occasional introduction of special lessons on such subjects as biogenesis, evolution, &c., the entire work is so arranged as to give a fairly connected account of the general principles of biology. It is in obedience to the last of the principles just enunciated that I have described so many of the Protozoa, omitted all but a brief reference to viii PREFACE the development of Hydra and to the so-called sexual pro- cess in Penicillium, and described Nitella instead of Chara, and Polygordius instead of the earthworm. The last-named substitution is of course only made possible by the book being intended for the study and not for the laboratory, but I feel convinced that the student who masters the structure of Polygordius, even from figures and descriptions alone, will be in a far better position to profit by a practical study of one of the higher worms. Lessons XXVII. and XXX. are mere summaries, and can only be read profitably by those who have studied the organisms described, or allied forms, in some detail. Such abstracts were however necessary to the plan of the book, in order to show how all the higher animals and plants may be described, so to speak, in terms of Polygordius and of the fern. For many years I have been convinced of the urgent need for a simplification of nomenclature in biology, and have now attempted to carry out a consistent scheme, as will be seen by referring to the definitions in the glossary. Many of Mr. Harvey Gibson's suggestions are adopted and three new words are introduced phyllula, gamobium, and agamo- bium. I expect and perhaps deserve to be criticised, or, what is worse, let alone, for the somewhat extreme step of using the word ovary in its zoological sense throughout the vegetable kingdom ; and for describing as the venter of the pistil the so-called ovary of Angiosperms. I would only beg my critics before finally pronouncing judgment to try and look at the book, from the point of view of the begin- PREFACE ix ner, as a graduated course of instruction, and to consider the effect upon the entire scheme of using a term of funda- mental importance in two utterly different senses. A large proportion of the figures are copied either from original sources or from my own drawings the latter when no authority is mentioned. The majority, even of those which have previously appeared in text-books, have been specially engraved for the work, the draughtsman being my brother, Mr. M. P. Parker. In order to facilitate reference the illustrations referring to each subject have, as far as possible, been grouped together, so that the actual is considerably larger than the nominal number of figures. Full descriptions are given instead of mere lists of reference- letters : these will, I hope, be found useful as abstracts of the subjects illustrated. I have to thank my friends Mr. A. Dillon Bell and Pro- fessor J. H. Scott, M.D., for constant and valuable help in criticising the manuscript. To Dr. Paul Meyer, of the Zoological Station, Naples, I am indebted for specimens of Polygordius ; and to Professer Sale, of this University, Professor Haswell, of Sydney, Professor Thomas, of Auck- land, and Professors Howes and D. H. Scott, of South Kensington, for important information and criticism on special points. My brother, Professor W. Newton Parker, has kindly promised to undertake a final revision for the press. D UNEDIN , N.2., 8 9 0. PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION IN addition to a thorough revision, Lessons VI. and XXIV. have been largely re-written. Figs. 9, 10, 52, 60, 64, and 66 are new, and Figs. 9, 10, n, 64, 66, and 67 of the first edition have been withdrawn. I have received valuable help from Professors W. N. Parker and G. B. Howes, Miss M. Greenwood, and Mr. J. E. S. Moore. Much of the proof-correcting has, as before, fallen upon my brother. March 1893. TABLE OF CONTENTS PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION . LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS AMCEBA .... H^MATOCOCCUS HETEROMITA EUGLENA PROTOMYXA . . THE MYCETOZOA LESSON I. LESSON II. LESSON III. LESSON IV. LESSON V. PAGE V 44 49 52 xiv TABLE OF CONTENTS LESSON VI. PAGE A COMPARISON OF THE FOREGOING ORGANISMS WITH CERTAIN CONSTITUENT PARTS OF THE HIGHER ANIMALS AND PLANTS 56 ANIMAL AND PLANT CELLS 56 MINUTE STRUCTURE AND DIVISION OF CELLS AND NUCLEI 62 OVA OF ANIMALS AND PLANTS 68 LESSON VII. SACCHAROMYCES 71 LESSON VIII. BACTERIA 82 LESSON IX. BIOGENESIS AND ABIOGENESIS 95 HOMOGENESIS AND HETEROGENESIS IO2 LESSON X. PARAMCECIUM j IO6 STYLONYCHIA /. Il6 OXYTRICHA 120 LESSON XI. OPALINA 121 LESSON XII. VORTICELLA 126 ZOOTHAMNIUM 135 TABLE OF CONTENTS xv LESSON XIII. PAGE SPECIES AND THEIR ORIGIN : THE PRINCIPLES OF CLASSIFICA- TION 137 LESSON XIV. THE FORAMINIFERA 148 THE RADIOLARIA . 152 THE DIATOMACE/E 155 LESSON XV. MUCOR 158 LESSON XVI. VAUCHERIA 169 CAULERPA 175 LESSON XVII. THE DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERS OF ANIMALS AND PLANTS ... 176 LESSON XVIII. PENICILLIUM 184 AGARICUS igi LESSON XIX. SPIROGYRA 194 LESSON XX. MONOSTROMA 2OI ULVA 203 LAMINARIA, &C 2O3 xvi TABLE OF CONTENTS LESSON XXI. I'AGE NITELLA . 206 LESSON XXII. HYDRA ; 221 LESSON XXIII. HYDROID POLYPES 237 BOUGAINVILLEA, &C 237 DIPHYES 250 PORPITA 253 ^LESSON XXIV. SPERMATOGENESIS AND OOGENESIS 255 THE MATURATION AND IMPREGNATION OF THE OVUM .... 259 THE CONNECTION BETWEEN UNICELLULAR AND DIPLOBLASTIC ANIMALS 264 LESSON XXV. POLYGORDIUS 271 LESSON XXVI. POLYGORDIUS (continued} 293 LESSON XXVII. THE GENERAL CHARACTERS OF THE HIGHER ANIMALS .... 307 THE STARFISH 309 THE CRAYFISH 314 THE FRESH-WATER MUSSEL 32O THE DOGFISH 324 TABLE OF CONTENTS xvii LESSON XXVIII. PACK MOSSES 332 LESSON XXIX. FERNS 344 LESSON XXX. THE GENERAL CHARACTERS OF THE HIGHER PLANTS ..... 363 EQUISETUM ' 366 SALVINIA 368 SELAGINELLA 371 GYMNOSPERMS 373 ANGIOSPERMS 378 SYNOPSIS 385 INDEX AND GLOSSARY 395 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS FIG. PAGE 1. Amoeba, various species 2 2. Protamceba primitiva . , 9 3. Hfzmatococcits pluvialis and H. lacnstris 24 4. Heteromita rostrata 38 5. Euglena viridis 45 6. Protomyxa atirantiaca 5 7. Badhamia and Chondrioderma 53 8. Typical animal and vegetable cells 57 9. Animal and plant cells, detailed structure 62 10. Stages in the binary fission of a cell 64 11. Ova of Carmarina and Gymnadenia 69 1 2. Saccharomyces cerevisice 72 13. Bacterium termo . 83 14. Bacteririm termo, showing flagella 84 15. Micrococcus 86 16. Bacillus subtilis 87 1 7. Vibrio serpens, Spirillum tenue, and S. volutans 88 1 8. Bacillus anthracii, 90 19. Beaker with culture- tubes 100 xx LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS FIG. PAGE 20. Faramoecium aurelia . 108 21. Paramcecium aurelia, conjugation 115 22. Stylonychia mytiltis 117 23. Oxytricha fava 120 24. Opalina ranarum 122 25. Vorticella 127 26. Zoothamnium arbuscida 134 27. Zoothamnium, various species 138 28. Diagram illustrating the Origin of the Species of Zootham- nium by Creation 142 29. Diagram illustrating the Origin of the Species of Zootham- nium by Evolution 144 30. Rotalia 149 31. Diagrams of Foraminifera 150 32. Alveolina quoii , I5 1 33. Lithocircus annularis 152 34. Actinomma asteracanthion 153 35. Diagrams of a Diatom and shells of Navicula and Attlaco- di setts 156 36. Mucor mucedo and M. stolonifer 159 37. Moist Chamber 163 38. Vaucheria 170 39. Caulerpa scalpelliformis 174 40. Penicillinm glaucum 186 41. Agarictts campestris 192 42. Spirogyra . 195 43. Monostroma Imllosum and M. laceratum 202 44. Laminaria claustoni and Lessonia frtsccscens . . . ... 204 45. Nitella, general structure 207 46. Nitella, terminal bud 212 47. Nitella, spermary 215 48. Nitella, ovary 217 49. Chara, pro-embryo 219 50. Hydra viridis and H. fusca, external form 222 51. Hydra, minute structure . . . . ' 226 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS xxi FIG. PAGE 52. Hydra, nematocyst and nerve-cell 228 53. Hydra viridis, ovum 235 54. Bougainvillca ramosa -. 238 55. Diagrams illustrating derivation of Medusa from Hydrautli . 242 56. Eucopella campanularia, muscle fibres and nei've-cells. . . . 245 57- Laomedta flexuosa and Eudendrimn ramosum, development . 249 58. DipJiycs campanulata 252 59- Porpita pacifica and P. mediterranea 253 60. Spermatogenesis in the Mole-Cricket 256 61. Ovum of Toxopneustes lividus 259 62. Maturation and impregnation of the animal ovum 260 63. The gastrula 265 64. Pandorina morum 266 65. Volvox globator 268 66. Volvox globator 269 67. Polygordius neapolitanus, external form 272 68. Polygordius neapolitanus, anatomy 274 69. Polygordius neapolitanus, nephridium 285 70. Polygordius, diagram illustrating the relations of the nervous- system 287 71. Polygordius neapolitanus, reproductive organs 294 72. Polygordius neapolitanus, larva in the trochosphere stage . . 296 73- Diagram illustrating the origin of the trochosphere from the gastrula 298 74. Polygordius neapolitamis, advanced trochosphere 300 75. Polygordius neapolitanus, larva in a stage intermediate be- tween the trochosphere and the adult 303 76. Starfish, diagrammatic sections 310 77. Crayfish, diagrammatic sections 316 78. Mussel, diagrammatic sections 3 21 79. Dogfish, diagrammatic sections 326 80. Mosses, various genera, anatomy and histology 333 81. Funaria, reproduction and development . . 338 82. Pteris and Aspidium, anatomy and histology 346 83. Ferns, various genera, reproduction and development . . . 356 xxii LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS FIG. PAGE 84. Equisetum, reproduction and development 367 85. Salvinia, reproduction and development . 369 86. Selaginella, reproduction and development 372 87. Gymnosperms, reproduction and development 374 88. Angiosperms, reproduction and development 379 LESSONS IX ELEMENTARY BIOLOGY ; UNIT? \ c ^ LESSONS IN ELEMENTARY BIOLOGY LESSON I AMCEBA IT is hardly possible to make a better beginning of the systematic study of Biology than by a detailed examination of a microscopic animalcule often found adhering to weeds and other submerged objects in stagnant water, and known to naturalists as Anuzba. Amoebae are mostly invisible to the naked eye, rarely exceeding one-fourth of a millimetre (^-^ inch) in dia- meter, so that it is necessary to examine them entirely by the aid of the microscope. They can be seen and re- cognized under the low power of an ordinary student's microscope which magnifies from twenty-five to fifty dia- meters ; but for accurate examination it is necessary to employ a far higher power, one in fact which magnifies about 300 diameters. Seen under this power, an Amoeba appears like a little B AMCEBA LESS. FIG i. A. Amasba quarta, a living specimen, showing granular endosarc surrounded by clear ectosarc, and several pseudopods (fist*), i GENERAL CHARACTERS 3 some formed of ectosarc only, others containing a core ot endosarc. The larger bodies in the endosarc are mostly food-particles ( x 300). 1 B. The same species, killed and stained with carmine to show the numerous nuclei (mi) ( x 300). C. Amceba proteus, a living specimen, showing large irregular pseudopods, nucleus (mi), contractile vacuole (c.vac), and two food vacuoles (f.vac), each containing a small infusor (see Lesson X.) which has been ingested as food. The letter a to the right of the figure in- dicates the place where two pseudopods have united to inclose the food vacuole. The contractile vacuole in this figure is supposed to be seen through a layer of granular protoplasm, whereas in the succeeding figures (D, E, and G) it is seen in optical section, and therefore appears clear. D. An encysted Amoeba, showing cell-wall or cyst (cy), nucleus (mi), clear contractile vacuole (c.vac), and three diatoms (see Lesson XIV.) ingested as food. E. Amoeba proteus, a living specimen, showing several large pseudo- pods (psd). single nucleus (nu), and contractile vacuole (c.vac}, and numerous food-particles embedded in the granular endosarc ( x 330). F. Nucleus of the same after staining, showing a ground substance or achromatin, containing deeply-stained granules of chromatin, and surrounded by a distinct membrane ( x 1010). G. Amceba verrucosa, living specimen, showing wrinkled surface, nucleus (mi), large contractile vacuole (c.vac) and several ingested organisms ( x 330). H. Nucleus of the same, stained, showing the chromatin aggregated in the centre to form a nucleolus ( x 1010). I. Amceba proleus, in the act of multiplying by binary fission ( x 500). (A, B, E, F, G, and H after Gruber ; c and I after Leidy ; D after. Howes. ) shapeless blob of jelly, nearly or quite colourless. The central part of it (Fig. i, A, c, and E) is granular and semi- \ transparent something like ground glass while surround- \ ing this inner mass is a border of perfectly transparent and colourless substance. So clear, indeed, is this outer layer that it is easily overlooked by the beginner, who is apt to take the granular internal substance for the whole Amceba. If in any way the creature can be made to turn over, or if a number of specimens are examined in various positions, these two constitutents will always be found to have the 1 A number preceded by the sign of multiplication indicates the number of diameters to which the object is magnified. 13 2 4 AMCEBA LESS. same relations, whence we conclude that an Amoeba con- sists of a granular substance the endosarc, completely surrounded by a clear transparent layer or ectosarc. One very noticeable thing about Amoeba is that it is never of quite the same shape for long together. Often the changes of form are so slow as to be almost imperceptible, like the movements of the hour-hand of a watch, but by examining it at successive intervals the alteration becomes perfectly obvious, and at the end of half an hour it will probably have altered so much as to be hardly like the same thing. In an active specimen the way in which the changes of form are brought about is easily seen. At a particular point the ectosarc is pushed out in the form of a small pimple-like elevation (Fig. i, A, left side) : this increases in size, still consisting of ectosarc only, until at last granules from the endosarc stream into it, and the projection or pseudopod (A, c, E, psd) comes to have the same structure as the rest of the Amoeba. It must not be forgotten that the animal does not alter perceptibly in volume during | the process, every pseudopod thus protruded from one part of the body necessitating the withdrawal of an equal volume from some other part. This peculiar mode of movement may be illustrated by taking an irregular lump of clay 'or putty and squeezing it between the fingers. As it is compressed in one direction it will elongate in another, and the squeezing process may be regulated so as to cause the protrusion of comparatively narrow portions from the solid lump, when the resemblance to the movements described in the preceding paragraph will be fairly close. Only it must be borne in mind that in Amoeba there is no external compression, the " squeezing " being done by the animalcule itself. i COMPOSITION OF PROTOPLASM 5 The occurrence of these movements is alone sufficient to show that Amoeba is an organism or living thing, and no mere mass of dead matter. The jelly-like_substance_ o .which Amoeba is composed is called protoplasm. It is shown by chemical analysis x to consist mainly of certain substances known %s> protcids, bodies of extreme complexity in chemical constitution, the most familiar example of which is white of egg or albumen. They are compounds of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and sulphur, the five elements being combined in the following proportions : Carbon . . from 51*5 to 54*5 per cent. Hydrogen . 6-9 7-3 Oxygen . 20-9 23-5 Nitrogen . 15-2 17-0 Sulphur . 0-3 2-0 Besides proteids, protoplasm contains small proportions of mineral matters, especially phosphates and sulphates of potassium, calcium, and magnesium. It also contains a considerable quantity of water which, being as essential a constituent of it as the proteids and the mineral salts, is called water of organization. Protoplasm is dissolved by prolonged treatment with weak acids or alkalies. Strong alcofiol coagulates it, f.e.j causes it to shrink by withdrawal of water and become comparatively hard and opaque. Coagulation is also produced by raising the temperature to about 40 C. ; the reader will remember how the familiar proteid white of egg is coagulated and rendered hard and opaque by heat. 1 Accurate analyses of the protoplasm of Amoeba have not been made, but the various micro-chemical tests which can be applied to it leave no doubt that it agrees in all essential respects with the protoplasm of other organisms, the composition of which is known (see p. 7). 6 AMCEBA LESS. There is another important property of proteids which is tested by the instrument called a dialyser. This consists essentially of a shallow vessel, the bottom of which is made of bladder, or vegetable parchment^jat, some other organic (animal or vegetable) membrane. If a solution of sugar or of salt is placed in a dialyser and the instrument floated in a larger vessel of distilled water, it will be found after a time that some of the sugar or salt has passed from the dialyser into the outer vessel through the membrane. On the other hand, if a solution of white of egg is placed in the dialyser no such transference to the outer vessel will take place. The dialyser thus allows us to divide substances into two classes : crystalloids so called because most of them, like salt and sugar, are capable of existing in the form of crystals which, in the state of solution, will diffuse through an organic membrane ; and colloids or glue-like substances which will not diffuse. Protoplasm, like the proteids of which it is largely composed, is a colloid, that is, is non- diffusible. Another character of proteids is their instability. A lump of salt or of sugar, a piece of wood or of chalk, may be preserved unaltered for any length of time, but a proteid if left to itself very soon begins to decompose ; it acquires an offensive odour, and breaks up into simpler and simpler compounds, the most important of which are water (H 2 O), carbon dioxide or carbonic acid (CO 2 ), ammonia (NH 3 ), and sulphuretted hydrogen (H^S) 1 . In this character of instability or readiness to decompose protoplasm notoriously agrees with its constituent proteids ; any dead organism will, 1 For a more detailed account of the phenomena of putrefaction see Lesson VIII., in which it will be seen that the above statement as to the instability of (dead) proteids requires qualification ; as a matter of fact they onty decompose in the presence of living Bacteria. T CHARACTERS OF THE NUCLEUS 7* unless special means are taken to preserve it, undergo more or less speedy decomposition. Many of these properties of protoplasm can hardly be verified in the case of Amoeba, owing to its minute size and the difficulty of isolating it from other organisms (water- weeds, &c.) with which it is always associated ; but there are some tests which can be readily applied to it while under observation beneath the microscope. One of the most striking of these micro-chemical tests depends upon the avidity with which protoplasm takes up certain colouring matters. If a drop of a neutral or slightly alkaline solution of carmine or logwood, or of some aniline dye, or a weak solution of iodine, is added to the water con- taining Amoeba, the animalcule is killed, and at the same time becomes more or less deeply stained. The theory is that protoplasm has a slightly acid reaction, and thus pro- duces precipitation of the colouring matter from the neutral or alkaline solution. The staining is, however, not uniform. The endosarc, owing to the granules it contains, appears darker than the ectosarc, and there is usually to be seen, in the endosarc, a rounded spot more brightly stained than the rest. This structure, which can sometimes be seen in the living Amoeba (Fig. i, c, E, and G, nu), while frequently its presence is re- vealed only by staining (comp. A and B), is called the nucleus. But when viewed under a sufficiently high power, the nucleus itself is seen to be unequally stained. It has lately been shown, in many Amoebae, to be a globular body, en- closed in a very delicate membrane, and made up of two constituents, one of which is deeply stained by colouring matters, and is hence called chromatin, while the other, the nuclear matrix or achromatin, takes a lighter tint (Fig. i, F). The relative arrangement of chromatin and matrix varies 8 AMCEBA LESS. in different Amoebae : sometimes there are granules of chromatin in an achromatic ground substance (F) ; some- times the chromatin is collected towards the surface or periphery of the nucleus ; sometimes, again, it becomes aggregated in the centre (G, H). In the latter case the nucleus is seen to have a deeply-stained central 'portion, which is then distinguished as the nucleates. When it is said that Amoebae sometimes have one kind of nucleus and sometimes another, it must not be inferred that the same animalcule varies in this respect. What is meant is that there are found in stagnant water many kinds or species of Amoeba which are distinguished from one another, amongst other things, by the character of their nuclei, just as the various species of Felis the cat, lion, tiger, lynx, &c. are distinguished from one another, amongst other things, by the colour and markings of their fur. According to the method of binomial nomenclature intro- duced into biology by Linnaeus, the same generic name is applied to all such closely allied species, while each is specially distinguished by a second or specific name of its own. Thus under the genus Amoeba are included Amceba proteus (Fig. I, c, E, and F), with long lobed pseudopods and a nucleus containing evenly-disposed granules of chromatin ; A. quarta (A and B), with short pseudopods and numerous nuclei ; A. verrucosa (G and H) with crumpled or folded surface, no well-marked pseudopods, and a nucleus with a central aggregation of chromatin, or nucleolus ; and many others. Besides the nucleus, there is another structure frequently visible in the living Amoeba. This is a clear, rounded space in the ectosarc (c, E, and G, c. vac}, which periodically dis- appears with a sudden contraction and then slowly re-appears, its movements reminding one of the beating of a minute i MORPHOLOGY AND PHYSIOLOGY 9 colourless heart. It is called the contractile vacuole^ and consists of a cavity in the ectosarc containing a watery fluid. Occasionally Amoebae or more strictly Amoeba-like organisms are met with which have neither nucleus J nor contractile vacuole, and are therefore placed in the separate genus Protamceba (Fig. 2). They may be looked upon as the simplest of living things. The preceding paragraphs may be summed up by saying that Amoeba is a mass of protoplasm produced into tempo- rary processes or pseudopods, divisible into ectosarc and ' A B C D ^HP^F FrHv.^2 Protam&ba primitive*, ; A, B, the same specimen drawn at short intervals of time, showing changes of form. C E. Three stages in the process of binary fission. (After Haeckel. ) endosarc, and containing a nucleus and a contractile vacuole : that the nucleus consists of two substances, chromatin and achromatin, enclosed in a distinct membrane : and that the contractile vacuole is a mere cavity in the protoplasm con- taining fluid. All these facts come under the head of Morphology, the division of biology which treats of form and structure : we must now study the Physiology of our animalcule that is, consider the actions or functions it is capable of performing. 1 Judging from the analogy of the Infusoria it seems very probable that such apparently non-nucleate forms as Protamoeba contain chroma- tin diffused in the form of minute granules throughout their substance (see end of Lesson X., p. 118), or that they are forms which have lost their nuclei. - io AMOEBA LESS. First of all, as we have already seen, it moves, the move- ment consisting in the slow protrusion and withdrawal of pseudopods. This may be expressed generally by saying that Amoeba is contractile, or that it exhibits contractility. But here it must be borne in mind that contraction does not mean the same thing in biology as in physics. When it is said that a red-hot bar of iron contracts on cooling, what is meant is that there is an actual reduction in volume, the bar becoming smaller in all dimensions. But when it is said that an Amoeba contracts, what is meant is that it diminishes in one dimension while increasing in another, no perceptible alteration in volume taking place : each time a pseudopod is protruded an equivalent volume of protoplasm is withdrawn from some other part of the body. We may say then that contractility is a function of the protoplasm of Amoeba that is, that it is one of the actions which the protoplasm is capable of performing. A contraction may arise in one or other of two ways. In most cases the movements of an Amoeba take place without any obvious external cause ; they are what would be called in the higher animals voluntary movements movements dictated by the will and not necessarily in response to any external stimulus. Such movements are called automatic. On the other hand, movements may be induced in Amoeba by external stimuli, by a sudden shock, or by coming into contact with an object suitable for food : such movements are the result of irritability of the protoplasm, which is thus both automatic and irritable that is, its contractility may be set in action either by internal or by external stimuli. Under certain circumstances an Amoeba temporarily loses its power of movement, draws in its pseudopods, and I MODE OF FEEDING 11 becomes a globular mass around which is formed a thick, shell-like coat, called the cyst or cell-wall (Fig. i, D, cy). The composition of this is not known ; it is certainly not protoplasmic, and very probably consists of some nitrogenous substance allied in composition to horn and to the chitin which forms the external shell of Crustacea, insects, &c. After remaining in this encysted condition for a time, the Amoeba escapes by the rupture of its cell-wall, and resumes its active life. * Very often an Amoeba in the course of its wanderings comes in contact with a still smaller organism, such as a diatom (see Lesson XIV., Fig. 35) or a small infusor (see Lessons X. XII.). When this happens the Amoeba may be seen to send out pseudopods which gradually creep round the prey, and finally unite on the far side of it, as in Fig. i, c, a. The diatom or other organism becomes in this way completely enclosed in a cavity or food-vacuole (f. vac), which also contains a small quantity of water neces- sarily included with the prey. The latter is taken in by the Amoeba as food : so that another function performed by the animalcule is the reception of food, the first step in the process of nutrition. It is to be noted that the reception of food takes place in a particular way, viz. by ingestion i.e. it is enclosed raw and entire in the living protoplasm. It has been noticed that Amoeba usually ingests at its hinder end that is, the end directed backwards in progression. Having thus ingested its prey, the Amoeba continues its course, when, if carefully watched, the swallowed organism will be seen to undergo certain changes. Its protoplasm is slowly dissolved ; if it contains chlorophyll the green colouring matter of plants this is gradually turned to brown ; and finally nothing is left but the case or cell-wall in which many minute organisms, such as diatoms, are enclosed. 12 AMCEBA LESS. Finally, the Amoeba as it creeps slowly on leaves this empty cell-wall behind, and thus gets rid of what it has no further use for. It is thus able to ingest living organisms as food ; to dissolve or digest their protoplasm ; and to egest or get rid of any insoluble materials they may contain. Note that all this is done without either ingestive aperture (mouth), digestive cavity (stomach), or egestive aperture (anus) ; the food is simply taken in by the flowing round it of pseudopods, digested as it lies enclosed in the protoplasm, and got rid of by the Amoeba flowing away from it. It has just been said that the protoplasm of the prey is dissolved or digested : we must now consider more particu- larly what this means. The stomachs of the higher animals ourselves, for instance produce in their interior a fluid called gastric mice. When this fluid is brought into contact with albumen or any other proteid a remarkable change takes place. The proteid is dissolved and at the same time rendered diffusible, so as to be capable, like a solution of salt or sugar, of passing through an organic membrane (see p. 6). The diffusible proteids thus formed by the action of gastric juice upon ordinary proteids are called peptones : the transformation is effected through the agency of a constituent of the gastric juice called pepsin. There can be little doubt that the protoplasm of Amoeba is able to convert that of its prey into a soluble and diffusible form, possibly by the agency of some substance analogous to pepsin, and that the dissolved matters diffuse through the body of the Amoeba until the latter -is, as it were, soaked through and through with them. Under these circumstances the Amoeba may be compared to a sponge which is allowed to absorb water, the sponge itself representing the living protoplasm, the water the solution of proteids which per- i GROWTH 13 meates it. It has been proved by experiment that proteids are the only class of food which Amoeba can make use of : it is unable to digest either starch or fat two very important constituents of the food of the higher animals. Mineral matters must, however, be taken with the food in the form of a weak watery solution, since the water in which the animalcule lives is never absolutely pure. The Amoeba being thus permeated, as it were, with a nutrient solution, a very important process takes place. The elements of the solution, hitherto arranged in the form of peptones, mineral salts, and water, become re-arranged in such a way as to form ne.w particles of living protoplasm, which are deposited among the pre-existing particles. In a word, the food is assimilated or converted into the actual living substance of the Amoeba. One effect of this formation of new protoplasm is obvious : if nothing happens to counteract it, the Amoeba must grow, the increase in size being brought about in much the same way as that of a heap of stones would be by continually thrusting new pebbles into the interior of the heap. This mode of growth by the interposition of new particles among old ones is called growth by intussusception, and is very characteristic of the growth of protoplasm. It is neces- sary to distinguish it, because there is another mode of growth which is characteristic of minerals and occurs also in some organized structures. A crystal of alum, for instance, suspended in a strong solution of the same substance grows, but the increase is due to the deposition of successive layers on the surface of the original crystal, in much the same way as a candle might be made to grow by repeatedly dipping it into melted grease. This can be proved by colouring the crystal with logwood or some other dye before suspending it, when a gradually-increasing colour- 14 AMCEBA - LESS. less layer will be deposited round the coloured crystal : if growth took place by intussusception we should have a gradual weakening of the tint as the crystal increased in size. This mode of growth by the deposition of successive layers is called growth by accretion. It is probable that the cyst of Amoeba referred to above (p. n) grows by accretion. Judging fron the analogy of other organisms it would seem that, after rounding itself off, the surface of the sphere of protoplasm undergoes a chemical change resulting in the formation of a thin super- ficial layer of non-protoplasmic substance. The process is repeated, new layers being continually deposited within the old ones until the cell-wall attains its full thickness. The cyst is therefore a substance separated or secreted from the protoplasm ; it is the first instance we have met with of a product of secretion. From the fact that Amoeba rarely attains a greater dia- meter than \ mm., it follows that something must happen to counteract the constant tendency to grow, which is one of the results of assimilation. We all know what happens in our own case : if we take a certain amount of exercise walk ten miles or lift a series of heavy weights we undergo a loss of substance manifested by a diminution in weight and by the sensation of hunger. Our bodies have done a certain amount of work, and have undergone a proportional- amount of waste, just as a fire every time it blazes up consumes a certain weight of coal. Precisely the same thing happens on a small scale with Amoeba. Every time it thrusts out or withdraws a pseudo- pod, every time it contracts its vacuole, it does a certain amount of work moves a definite weight of protoplasm through a given space. And every movement, however slight, is accompanied by a proportional waste of substance, I POTENTIAL AND KINETIC ENERGY 15 a certain fraction of the protoplasm becoming oxidized, or in other words undergoing a process of low temperature combustion. When we say that any combustible body is burnt what we usually mean is that it has combined with oxygen, forming certain products of combustion due to the chemical union of the oxygen with the substance burnt. For instance, when carbon is burnt the product of combustion is carbon dioxide or carbonic acid (C + O 2 = CO 2 ) : when hydrogen is burnt, water (H 2 + O = H 2 O). The products of the slow com- bustion which our own bodies are constantly undergoing are these same two bodies carbon dioxide given off mainly in the air breathed out, and water given off mainly in the form of perspiration and urine together with two com- pounds containing nitrogen, urea (CH 4 N 2 O) and uric acid C 5 H 4 N 4 O 3 ), both occurring mainly in the urine. In some animals urea and uric acid are replaced by other com- pounds such as guanin (C 5 H 5 N 5 O), but it may be taken as proved that in all living things the product of combustion are carbon dioxide, water, and some nitrogenous substance of simpler constitution than proteids, and allied to the three just mentioned. With this breaking down of proteids the vital activity of all organisms are invariably connected. Just as useful mechanical work may be done by the fall of a weight from a given height to the level of the ground, so the work done by the organism is a result of its complex proteids falling^ so to speak, to the level of simpler substances. In both instances potential energy or energy of position is converted into kinetic or actual energy. In the particular case under consideration we have to rely upon analogy and not upon direct experiment. We may, however, be quite sure that the products of combustion 16 AMCEBA LESS. or waste matters of Amoeba include carbon dioxide, water and some comparatively simple (as compared with proteids) compound of nitrogen. These waste matters or excretory products are given off partly from the general surface of the body, but partly, it would seem, through the agency of the contractile vacuole. It appears that the water taken in with the food, together in all probability with some of that formed Jby oxidation of the protoplasm, makes its way to the vacuole, and is ex- pelled by its contraction. We have here another function performed by Amoeba, that of excretion^ or the getting rid of waste matters. In this connection the reader must be warned against a possible misunderstanding arising from the fact that the word excretion is often used in two senses. We often hear, for instance, of solid and liquid " excreta." In Amoeba the solid excreta, or more correctly faces, consist of such things as the indigestible cell-walls, starch-grains, &c., of the Organisms upon which it feeds ; but the rejection of these is no more a process of excretion than the spitting out of a cherry-stone, since they are simply parts of the food which have never been assimilated never formed part and parcel of the organism. True excreta, on the other hand, are invariably products of the waste or decomposition of protoplasm. The statement just made that the protoplasm of Amoeba constantly undergoes oxidation presupposes a constant sup- ply of oxygen. The water in which the animalcule lives invariably contains that gas in solution : on the other hand, as we have seen, the protoplasm is continually forming carbon dioxide. Now when two gases are separated from one another by a porous partition, an interchange takes place between them, each diffusing into the space occupied by the i METABOLISM 17 other. The same process of gaseous diffusion is continually going on between the carbon dioxide in the interior of Amoeba and the oxygen in the surrounding water, the proto- plasm acting as the porous partition. In this way the carbon dioxide is got rid of, and at the same time a supply of oxygen is obtained for further combustion. The taking in of oxygen might be looked upon as a kind of feeding process, the food being gaseous instead of solid or liquid, just as we might speak of "feeding" a fire both with coals and with air. Moreover, as we have seen, the giving out of carbon dioxide is a process of excretion. It is, however, usual and convenient to speak of this process of exchange of gases as respiration or breathing, which 'is therefore another function performed by the protoplasm of Amoeba. The oxidation of protoplasm in the body of an organism, like the combustion of wood or coal in a fire, is accompanied by an evolution of heat. That this occurs in Amoeba can- not be doubted, although it has never been proved. The heat thus generated is, however, constantly being lost to the surrounding water, so that the temperature of Amoeba, if we could but measure it, would probably be found, like that of a frog or a fish, to be very little if at all above that of the medium in which it lives. We thus see that a very elaborate series of chemical pro- cesses is constantly going on in the interior of Amoeba. These processes are divisible into two sets : those which begin with the digestion of food and end with the manufac- ture of living protoplasm, and those which have to do with the destruction of protoplasm and end with excretion. The whole series of processes are spoken of collectively as metabolism. We have, first of all, digested food diffused through the protoplasm and finally converted into fresh c 1 8 AMOEBA LESS. living protoplasm : these are processes of constructive meta- bolism or anabolism. Next we have the protoplasm gradually breaking down and undergoing conversion into excretory products : this is the process of destructive metabolism or katabolism. There can be little doubt that both are pro- cesses of extreme complexity : it seems probable that after the food is once dissolved there ensues the successive formation of numerous bodies of gradually increasing complexity (anabolic mesostates or anastates), culminating in protoplasm ; and that the protoplasm, when once formed, is decomposed into a series of substances of gradually diminishing complexity (katabolic mesostates or katastates], the end of the series being formed by the comparatively simple products of excretion. The granules in the endosarc are probably to be looked upon as various mesostates imbedded in the protoplasm proper. Living protoplasm is thus the most unstable of substances ; it is never precisely the same thing for two consecutive seconds: it "decomposes but to recompose," and recom- poses but to decompose ; its existence, like that of a water- fall or a fountain, depends upon the constant flow of matter into it and away from it. It follows from what has been said that if the income of an Amoeba, *.*., the total weight of substances taken in (food plus oxygen plus water) is greater than its expenditure or the total weight of substances given out (feces plus excreta proper plus carbon dioxide) the animalcule will grow : if less it will dwindle away : if the two are equal it will remain of the same weight or in a state of physiological equilibrium. We see then that the fundamental condition of existence of the individual Amoeba is that it should be able to form new protoplasm out of the food supplied to it. But some- i REPRODUCTION 19 thing more than this is necessary. Amoebae are subject to all sorts of casualties ; they may be eaten by other organ- isms or the pool in which they live may be dried up ; in one way or another they are constantly coming to an end. From which it follows that if the race of Amoebae is to be preserved there must be some provision by which the individuals composing it are enabled to produce new in- dividuals. In other words Amoeba must, in addition to its otjier functions, perform that of reproduction. An Amoeba reproduces itself in a very simple way. The nucleus first divides into two : then the whole organism elongates, the two nuclei at the same time travelling away from one another : next a furrow appears across the middle of the drawn-out body between the nuclei (Fig. i, I; fig. 2, C, D) : the furrow deepens until finally the animalcule sepa- rates into two separate Amoebae (Fig. 2, E), which hence- forward lead an independent existence. This, the simplest method of reproduction known, is called simple or binary fission. Notice how strikingly different it is from the mode of multiplication with which we are familiar in the higher animals. A fowl, for instance, multi- plies by laying eggs at certain intervals, in each of which, under favourable circumstances, and after a definite lapse of time, a chick is developed : moreover, the parent bird, after continuing to produce eggs for a longer or shorter time, dies. An Amoeba, on the other hand, simply divides into two Amoebae, each exactly like itself, and in doing so ceases to exist as a distinct individual. Instead of the successive production of offspring from an ultimately dying parent, we have the simultaneous production of offspring by the divi- sion of the parent, which does not die, but becomes simply merged in its progeny. There can be no better instance of the fact that reproduction is discontinuous growth. C 2 20 AMCEBA LESS. From this it seems that an Amoeba, unless suffering a violent death, is practically immortal, since it divides into two completely organized individuals, each of which begins life with half of the entire body of its parent, there being therefore nothing left of the latter to die. It would appear, however, judging from the analogy of the Infusoria (see Lesson X.) that such organisms as Amoeba cannot go on multiplying indefinitely by simple fission, and that occasion- ally two individuals come into contact and undergo complete fusion. A conjugation of this kind has been observed in Amoeba, but has been more thoroughly studied in other forms (see Lessons III. and X.). Whether it is a necessary condition of continued existence in our animalcule or not, it appears certain that "death has no place as a natural" recurrent phenomenon " in that organism. If an Amoeba does happen to be killed and to escape being eaten it will undergo gradual decomposition, becoming converted into various simple substances of which carbon dioxide, water, and ammonia are the chief. (See p. 90.) In conclusion, a few facts may be mentioned as to the conditions of life of Amoeba the circumstances under which it will live or die, flourish or otherwise. In the first place, it will live only within certain limits of temperature. In moderately warm weather the temperature to which it is exposed may be taken as about 15 C. If gradually warmed beyond this point the movements at first show an increased activity, then become more and more sluggish, and at about 30 35 C. cease altogether, re- commencing, however, when the temperature is lowered. If the heating is continued up to about 40 C. the animalcule is killed by the coagulation of its protoplasm (see p. 5) : it is then said to suffer heat-rigor or death-stiffening pro- i CONDITIONS OF LIFE 21 duced by heat. Similarly when it is cooled below the ordinary temperature the movements become slower and slower, and at the freezing point (o C.) cease entirely. But freezing, unlike over-heating, does not kill the pro- toplasm, but only renders it temporarily inert ; on thawing, the movements recommence. We may therefore distin- guish an optimum temperature at which the vital actions are carried on with the greatest activity ; maximum and minimum temperatures above and below which respect- ively they cease ; and an ultra-maximum temperature at which death ensues. There is no definite ultra-minimum temperature known in the case of Amoeba. The quantity of water present in the protoplasm as water of organization (see p. 5) is another matter of importance. The water in which Amoeba lives, although fresh, always contains a certain percentage of salts in solution, and the protoplasm is affected by any alteration in the density of the surrounding medium ; for instance, by replacing it by dis- tilled water and so reducing the density, or by adding salt and so increasing it. The addition of common salt, (sodium chloride) to the amount of 2 per cent, causes Amoeba to withdraw its pseudopods and undergo a certain amount of shrinkage : it is then said to pass into a con- dition of dry-rigor. Under these circumstances it may be restored to its normal condition by adding a sufficient proportion of water to bring back the fluid to its original density. In this connection it is interesting to notice that the dele- terious effects of an excess of salt are produced only when the salt is added suddenly. By the very gradual addition of sodium chloride Amoebae have been brought to live in a 4 per cent, solution, i.e., one twice as strong as would, if added suddenly, produce dry-rigor. 22 AMCEBA From what has been said above on the subject of respira- tion (p. 17) it follows that free oxygen is necessary for the existenoe of Amoeba. Light, on the other hand, appears to be unnecessary, amoeboid movements having been shown" to go on actively in darkness. LESSON II H.EMATOCOCCUS THE rain-water which collects in puddles, open gutters, &c., is frequently found to have a green colour. This colour is due to the presence of various organisms plants or animals one of the commonest of which is called H*&} single large pyrenoid (pyr}> and contractile vacuole (c.vac), F. Diagram illustrating the movement of a flagellum : ab, its base ; c, c', c", different positions assumed by its apex. (E, after Biitschli. ) IT FLAGELLA 25 the forward movement is accompanied by a rotation of the organism upon its longer axis. Careful watching shows that the outline of a swimming Haematococcus does not change, so that there is evidently no protrusion of pseudopods, and at first the cause of the movement appears rather mysterious. Sooner or later, however, the little creature is sure to come to rest, and there can then be seen projecting from the pointed end two exces- sively delicate colourless threads (Fig. 3, A,y7), each about half as long again as the animalcule itself : these are called flagella or sometimes cilia}- In a Haematococcus which has come to rest these can often be seen gently waving from side to side : when this slow movement is exchanged for a rapid one the whole organism is propelled through the water, the flagella acting like a pair of extremely fine and flexible fins or paddles. Thus the movement of Haematococcus is not amceboid, i.e., produced by the pro- trusion and withdrawal of pseudopods, but is ciliary, i.e., due to the rapid vibration of cilia or flagella. The flagella are still more clearly seen by adding a drop of iodine solution to the water : this immediately kills and stains the organism, and the flagella are seen to take on a distinct yellow tint. By this and other tests it is shown that Haematococcus, like Amoeba, consists of protoplasm, and that the flagella are simply filamentous processes of the protoplasm. It was mentioned above that in swimming the pointed end 1 The word cilium is sometimes used as a general term to include any delicate vibratile process of protoplasm : often, however, it is used in a restricted sense for a rhythmically vibrating thread, of which each cell bears a considerable number (see Fig. 8, E, and Fig. 21) ; a flagel- lum is a cilium having a whip-lash-like movement, and each cell bearing only a limited number one or two, or occasionally as many as four. ^ 26 . HdEMATOCOCCUS LESS. with the flagella goes first ; this may therefore be distin- guished as the antjag) and reservoir (c. vac\ mouth (m), gullet (ce. s), and origin of flagellum (/). G, resting form after binary fission, showing cyst or cell- wall (n/), and the nuclei (nu) and reservoirs (c. vac} of the daughter-cells. H, active form showing contractile vacuole (c. vac], reservoir (r), and paramylum-bodies (p}. (A G, after Saville Kent : H, from Biitschli after Klebs.) The body consists of protoplasm covered with a very delicate skin or cuticle which is often finely striated, and is to be looked upon as a superficial hardening of the protoplasm. The green colour is due to the presence of 46 EUGLENA . LESS. chlorophyll, which tinges all the central part of the body, the two ends being colourless. It is difficult to make out whether the chlorophyll is lodged in one chromatophore or in several. In Haematococcus we saw that chlorophyll was asso- ciated with starch (p. 27). In Euglena there are, near the middle of the body, a number of grains of paramylum (H, p\ a carbohydrate of the same composition as starch (C 6 H 10 O 5 ), but differing from it in remaining uncoloured by iodine. Water containing Euglena gives off bubbles of oxygen in sunlight : as in Hsematococcus the carbon dioxide in solution in the water is decomposed in the presence of chlorophyll, its oxygen evolved, and its carbon combined with the elements of water and used in nutrition. For a long time Euglena was thought to be nourished entirely in this way, but there is a good deal of reason for thinking that this is not the case. When the anterior end of a Euglena is very highly magnified it is found to have the form shown in Fig. 5, F. It is produced into a blunt snout-like extremity at the base of which is a conical depression ( short pseudopod enclosing a bit of mushroom stem. B, spore of Chondrioderma. C, the same, undergoing dehiscence. D, flagellulse liberated from spores of the same. K, amcebulse formed by metamorphosis of flagellulse. F, two amcebulse about to fuse : F', the same after complete union. G, G', two stages in the formation of a three-celled plasmodium. H, a small plasmodium. (A, after Lister : B H, from Sachs after Cienkowski.) 54 PROTOMYXA AND THE MYCETOZOA LESS. other substance : and in doing so ingest solid food (Fig. 7, A). It has been proved that they digest protoplasm : and in one genus pepsin the constituent of our own gastric juice by which the digestion of proteids is effected (see p. 12) has been found. They can also digest starch which has been swollen by a moderate heat as in our own bread and rice-puddings but are unable to make use of raw starch. After living in this free condition, like a gigantic terrestrial Amoeba, for a longer or shorter time, either a part or the whole of the protoplasm becomes encysted 1 and breaks up into spores. These (B) consist of a globular mass of proto- plasm covered with a wall of cellulose : the cysts are also formed of cellulose. By the rupture of the cell-wall of the spore (c) the proto- plasm is liberated as a flagellula (D) provided with a nucleus and a contractile vacuole, and frequently exhibiting amoeboid as well as ciliary movements. After a time the flagellulse lose their cilia and pass into the condition of amoebulse (E), which finally fuse to form the plasmodium with which we started (F H). In the young plasmodia (c 1 ) the nuclei of the constituent amcebulse are clearly visible, and from them the nuclei of the fully developed plasmodia are probably derived. It would seem, therefore, that in the fusion of amcebulae to form the plasmodium of Mycetozoa the cell-bodies (protoplasm) alone coalesce, not the nuclei. There is a suggestive analogy between this process of plasmodium-formation and that of conjugation as seen in Heteromita. Two Heteromitae fuse and form a zygote the 1 The process of formation of the cyst or sporangium is a compli- cated one, and will not be described here. See De Bary, Fun%i, Mycetozoa, and Bacteria (Oxford, 1887). v PLASMODIUM FORMATION AND CONJUGATION 55 protoplasm of which divides into spores. In Protomyxa and the Mycetozoa not two but several amoebulae unite to form a plasmodium which after a time becomes encysted and breaks up into spores. So that we might look upon the conjugation of Heteromita as an extremely simple plasmo- dial phase in its life-history, or upon the formation of a plasmodium by Protomyxa and the Mycetozoa as a process of multiple conjugation. There is, however, an important difference between the two cases by reason of which the analogy is far from complete. In Heteromita the nuclei of the two gametes are no longer visible (p. 41) : they coalesce during conjugation, and the product of their union subsequently, in all probability, breaks up to form the nuclei of the spores. In the Myce- tozoa neither fusion nor apparent disappearance of the nuclei of the amcebulae has been observed. LESSON VI A COMPARISON OF THE FOREGOING ORGANISMS WITH CER- TAIN CONSTITUENT PARTS OF THE HIGHER ANIMALS AND PLANTS WHEN a drop of the blood of a crayfish, lobster, or crab is examined under a high power, it is found to consist of a nearly colourless fluid, the plasma, in which float a number of minute solid bodies, the blood-corpuscles or leucocytes. Each of these (Fig. 8, A) is a colourless mass of proto- plasm, reminding one at once of an Amoeba, and on careful watching the resemblance becomes closer still, for the corpuscle is seen to put out and withdraw pseudopods (A 1 A 4 ) and so gradually to alter its form completely. Moreover the addition of iodine, logwood, or any other suitable colouring matter reveals the presence of a large nucleus (A 5 , A 6 , nu) : so that, save for the absence of a con- tractile vacuole in the leucocyte, the description of Amoeba in Lesson I. would apply almost equally well to it. The blood of a fish, a frog (B 1 ), a reptile, or a bird contains quite similar leucocytes, but in addition there are found in the blood of these red-blooded animal bodies called red corpuscles. They are flat oval discs of protoplasm (B 5 , u) FIG. 8. Typical Animal and Vegetable Cells. A 1 A 4 , living leucocyte (blood corpuscle) of a crayfish showing amoeboid movements : A 5 , A 6 , the same, killed and stained, showing the nucleus (nu). B 1 , leucocyte of the frog, nu the nucleus; B 2 , two leucocytes beginning to conjugate : B 3 , the same after conjugation, a binucleate plasmodium being formed : B 4 , a leucocyte undergoing binary fission : B 5 , surface view and B e , edge view of a red corpuscle of the same, nu, the nucleus. C 1 , C-, leucocytes of the newt ; in C 1 particles of vermilion, repre- sented by black dots, have been ingested. c 3 , surface view and c 4 , edge view of a red corpuscle of man. D 1 , columnar epithelial cells from intestine of frog : D 2 , a similar 58 EPITHELIAL CELLS LESS. cell showing striated distal border from which in D 3 pseudopods are protruded. E 1 , ciliated epithelial cell from mouth of frog : E 2 , E 3 , similar cells from windpipe of dog. F 1 , parenchyma cell from root of lily, showing nucleus (mi), vacuoles (vac], and cell-wall : F 2 , a similar cell from leaf of bean, showing nucleus, vacuoles, cell-wall and chromatophores (chr}. (B, D 1 , and E 1 , after Howes : C, E 2 , and E 3 , after Klein and Noble Smith : D 8 , D 3 , after Wiedersheim : F 1 , after Sachs : F 2 , after Behrens. ) coloured by a pigment called haemoglobin, and provided each with a large nucleus (nu) which, when the corpuscle is seen from the edge, produces a bulging of its central part. These bodies may be compared to Amoebae which have drawn in their pseudopods, assumed a flattened form, and become coloured with haemoglobin. In the blood of mammals, such as the rabbit, dog, or man, similar leucocytes occur, but their red blood corpuscles (c 3 ,c 4 ) have the form of biconcave discs, and are devoid of nuclei. In many animals the leucocytes have been observed to ingest solid particles (c 1 ), to multiply by simple fission (B 4 ) and to coalesce with one another forming plasmodia (B 2 ) (p. 53). The stomach and intestines of animals are lined with a sort of soft slimy skin called mucous membrane. If a bit of the surface of this membrane in a frog or rabbit for instance is snipped off and "teased out," i.e., torn apart with needles, it is found when examined under a high power to be made up of an immense number of microscopic bodies called epithelial cells, which in the living animal, lie close to one another in the inner layer of mucous mem- brane in something the same way as the blocks of a wood pavement lie on the surface of a road. An epithelial cell (D 1 , D 2 ) consists of a rod-like mass of protoplasm, contain- ing a large nucleus, and is therefore comparable to an vi PARENCHYMA CELLS 59 elongated Amoeba without pseudopods. In some animals the resemblance is still closer : the epithelial cells have been observed to throw out pseudopods from their free surfaces (o 3 ), that is, from the only part where any such movement is possible, since they are elsewhere in close contact with their fellow cells. The mouth of the frog and the trachea or windpipe of air- breathing vertebrates such as reptiles, birds, and mammals, are also lined with mucous membrane, but the epithelial cells which constitute its inner layer differ in one important respect from those of the stomach and intestine. If ex- amined quite fresh each is found to bear on its free surface, i.e., the surface which bounds the cavity of the mouth or windpipe, a number of delicate protoplasmic threads or cilia (E T E 3 ) which are in constant vibratory movement. In the process of teasing out the mucous membrane some of the cells are pretty sure to become detached, and are then seen to swim about in the containing fluid by the action of their cilia. These ciliated epithelial cells remind one strongly of Heteromita, except for the fact that they bear numerous cilia in constant rhythmical movement instead of two only in this case distinguished as flagella presenting an irregular lashing movement. Similar ciliated epithelial cells are found on the gills of oysters, mussels, &c., and in many other situations. The stem or root of an ordinary herbaceous plant, such as a geranium or sweet-pea, is found when cut across to consist of a central mass of pith, around which is a circle of woody substance, and around this again a soft greenish material called the cortex. A thin section shows the latter to be made up of^^^i^^le . polyhedral bodies called ' UNIVERSITY V ^, 60 PARENCHYMA CELLS LESS. parenchyma cells, fitting closely to one another like the bricks in a wall. A parenchyma cell examined in detail (F 1 ) is seen to consist of protoplasm hollowed out internally into one or more cavities or vacuoles (vac) containing a clear fluid. These vacuoles differ from those of Amoeba, Heteromita, or Euglena in being non-contractile ; they are in fact mere cavities in the protoplasm containing a watery fluid : the layer of protoplasm immediately surrounding them is denser than the rest. Sometimes there is only one such space occupying the whole interior of the cell, sometimes, as in the example figured, there are several, separated from one another by delicate bands or sheets of protoplasm. The cell contains a large nucleus (nu) and is completely enclosed in a moderately thick cell-wall composed of cellulose. The above description applies to the cells composing the deeper layers of the cortex, i.e., those nearest the woody layer : in the more superficial cells, as well as in the internal cells of a leaf, there is something else to notice. Imbedded in the protoplasm, just within the cell wall, are a number of minute ovoid bodies of a bright green colour (F 2 , chr). These are chromatophores or chlorophyll corpuscles ; they consist of protoplasm coloured with chlorophyll which can be proved experimentally to have the same properties as the chlorophyll of Hsematococcus and Euglena. Such a green parenchyma cell is clearly comparable with an encysted Hsematococcus or Euglena, the main differences being that in the plant cell the form is polyhedral owing to the pressure of neighbouring cells and that the chromato- phores are relatively small and numerous. Similarly a colourless parenchyma cell resembles an encysted Amoeba. The pith, the epidermis or thin skin which forms the outer surface of herbaceous plants, the greater part of the vi MINUTE STRUCTURE OF CELLS 61 leaves and other portions of the plant may be shown to consist of an aggregation of cells agreeing in essential respects with the above description. We come therefore to a very remarkable result. The higher animals and plants are built up in part at least of elements which resemble in their essential features the minute and lowly organisms studied in previous lessons. Those elements are called by the general name of cells . hence the higher organisms, whether plants or animals, are multicellular or are to be considered as cell-aggregates, while in the case of such beings as Amoeba, Haematococ- cus, Heteromita, or Euglena, the entire organism is a single cell, or is unicellular. Note further that the cells of the higher animals and plants, like entire unicellular organisms, may occur in either the amoeboid (Fig. 8, A, B 1 c 1 ,) the ciliated (E), or the encysted (F) condition, and that a plasmodial phase (B 2 ) is sometimes produced by the union of two or more amceboid cells. One of the most characteristic features in the unicellullar organisms described in the preceding lessons is the con- stancy of the occurrence of binary fission as a mode of ' multiplication. The analogy between these organisms and the cells of the higher animals and plants becomes still closer when we find that in the latter also simple fission is the normal mode of multiplication, the increase in size of growing parts being brought about by the continual division of their constituent cells. The process of division in animal and vegetable cells is frequently accompanied by certain very characteristic and complicated changes in the nucleus to which we must now 62 MINUTE STRUCTURE OF CELLS LESS. direct our attention. First of all, however, it will be neces- sary to describe the exact microscopic structure of cells and their nuclei as far as it is known at present. chr nu.m -c.b FIG. 9. A, Cell from the genital ridge of a young salamander, showing cell-membrane (c. m), protoplasm or cell-body (c. b) with directive sphere (s) and central particle (<:), and nucleus with membrane (nu. m) and irregular network of chromatin (chr). B. Cell from the immature stamen of a lily, showing cell-wall (c. 7t), protoplasm with two directive spheres (s), and nucleus as in A. Both figures very highly magnified. (A, from a drawing by Mr. J. E. S. Moore : B, after Guignard.) There seems to be a good deal 01 variation in the precise structure of various animal and plant cells, but the more recent researches show that in the cell-body or protoplasm (Fig. 9, c. b) two constituents may be distinguished, a clear semi-fluid substance, traversed by a delicate sponge-work. Now under the microscope the whole cell is not seen at once but only an optical section of it, that is all the parts which are in focus at one time : by altering the focus we view the object at successive depths, each view being practically a slice parallel to the lenses of the instrument. This being the case, protoplasm presents the microscopic appearance of a clear or slightly granular vi . MINUTE STRUCTURE OF NUCLEI 63 matrix traversed by a delicate network. In the epithe- lial cells of animals the protoplasm is bounded exter- nally by a cell-membrane (Fig. 9, A, c. m) of extreme tenuity, in plants by a cell-wall (B, c. w) of cellulose : in amoeboid cells the ectosarc or transparent non-granular portion of the cell consists of clear protoplasnJjjJj^ the granular endosarc alone possessing the sponge ^Vork. In the majority of full-grown plant cells (Fig. 8, F) and in some animal cells the protoplasm is more or less exten- sively vacuolated, but in the young growing parts as well as in the ordinary cells of animals the foregoing description holds good. It is quite possible that the reticular character of the cell may be merely the optical expression of an extensive but minute vacuolation, or may be due to the presence of innumerable minute granules developed in the protoplasm as products of metabolism. The nucleus is usually spherical in form : it is enclosed in a delicate nuclear membrane (n.m) and contains, as in Amoeba (p. 7) two constituents, the nuclear matrix and the chroinatin which exhibit far more striking differences than the two constituents of the cell-body. The nuclear matrix is a homogeneous semi-fluid substance which forms the ground-work of the nucleus : it resembles the clear cell- protoplasm in its general characters, amongst other things in being unaffected by dyes. The chromatin (chr) takes the form of a network or sponge-work of very variable form, and is distinguished from all other constituents of the cell by its strong affinity for aniline and other dyes. Frequently one or more minute globular structures, the nudeoli (B, nu'\ occur in the nucleus either connected with the network or lying freely in its meshes : they also have a strong affinity for dyes although they often differ considerably from the chromatin in their micro-chemical reactions. f A D B x E H FIG. 10. Diagrams illustrating the process of indirect cell division or karyokinesis. A, The resting cell : the nucleus shows a nuclear membrane (#./#), chromatin (chr] arranged in loops united into a network (the latter shown on the right side only), and two nucleoli (nu 1 ) : near the nucleus is a directive sphere (s), containing a centrosome (c ) and surrounded by radiating protoplasmic filaments. B, The chromatin has resolved itself into distinct loops or chromo- somes (chr] which have divided longitudinally : the nuclear membrane has begun to disappear : there are two directive spheres and between them is seen the commencement of the nuclear spindle (sp). C, The nuclear membrane has disappeared : the chromosomes are vi CELL DIVISION 65 arranged irregularly : the spindle has increased in size and is situated definitely within the nuclear area. D, The chromosomes are arranged round the equator of the fully formed nuclear spindle. E, The daughter-loops of the chromosomes are passing in opposite directions towards the poles of the spindle, each having a spindle-fibre attached to it. F, Later stage of the same process, fc^ G, The chromosomes are now arranged in two distinct groups one at each pole of the spindle. H, The daughter-cells are partly separated by constriction and the chromosomes of each group are uniting to form the network of the daughter-nucleus. i, Shows the division of a plant cell by the formation of a cell-plate {c. pl] : the daughter nuclei are fully formed! (Altered from Flemming, Rabl, &c. ) In the body of some cells and possibly of all there is found a globular body, surrounded by a radiating arrange- ment of the protoplasm and called the directive sphere (s) : it lies close to the nucleus, and contains a minute granule known as the central particle or centrosome (c). In many plant cells two directive spheres have been found in each cell (B, s). The precise changes which take place during the fission of a cell are, like the structure of the cell itself, subject to considerable variation. We will consider what may probably be taken as a typical case (Fig. 10). First of all, the directive sphere divides (B, s) and the products of its division gradually separate from one another (c), ultimately passing to opposite poles of the nucleus (D). At the same time the network of chromatin divides into a number of separate filaments called chroinoAOines (B, chr), the number of which appears to be constant in any given species of animal or plant, although it may vary in different species from two to twenty-four. Soon after this the nuclear membrane and the free nucleoli disappear (B, c) and the T? T? C \ T Y 66 MINUTE STRUCTURE OF CELLS LESS. nucleus is seen to contain a spindle-shaped body (sp) formed of excessively delicate fibres which converge at each pole to the corresponding directive sphere. The precise origin of this nuclear spindle is uncertain : it may arise either from the nuclear matrix or, more probably, from the protoplasm of the cell : it is not affected by colouring matters. At the same time each chromosome splits, sometimes transversely, but usually along its whole length so as to form two parallel rods or loops in close contact with one another (B) : in this way the number of chromosomes is doubled, each one being now represented by a pair. The divided chromosomes now pass to the equator of the spindle (D) and assume the form either of V- shaped loops, or of short rods, which arrange themselves in a radiating manner so as to present a star-like figure when the cell is viewed in the direction of the long axis of the spindle. Everything is now ready for division to which all the fore- going processes are preparatory. The two chromosomes of each pair now gradually pass to opposite poles of the spindle (E, F), two distinct groups being thus produced (G) and each chromosome of each group being the twin of one in the other group. Probably the fibres of the spindle are the active agents in this process, the chromosomes being dragged in opposite directions by their contraction. After reaching the poles of the spindle the chromosomes of each group unite with one another to form a network (H) around which a nuclear membrane finally makes its appear- ance (i). In this way two nuclei are produced within a single cell, the chromosomes of the daughter-nuclei, as well as their attendant directive spheres, being formed by the binary fission of those of the mother-nucleus. vi CELL-DIVISION 67 But pan passu with this process of nuclear division, fission of the cell-body is also going on. This may take place by a simple process of constriction (H) in much the same way as a lump of clay or dough would divide if a loop of string were tied round its middle and then tightened or by the formation of what is known as a cell-plate. This arises as a row of granules formed from the equatorial part of the nuclear spindle (i) : the granules extend until they form a complete equatorial plate dividing the cell-body into two halves : fission then takes place by the cell-plate split- ting into two along a plane parallel with its flat surfaces. 1 In plants the cell-plate gives rise to a partition wall of cellulose which divides the two daughter-cells from one another. In some cases the dividing nucleus instead of going through the complicated processes just described divides by simple constriction. We have therefore to distinguish between direct and indirect nuclear division. To the latter very elaborate method the name karyokinesis is often applied. In this connection the reader will not fail to note the extreme complexity of structure revealed in cells and their nuclei by the highest powers of the microscope. When the constituent cells of the higher animals and plants were discovered, during the early years of the present century, by Schleiden a.nd Schwann, they were looked upon as the ultima Thule of microscopic analysis. Now the demonstration of the cells themselves is an easy matter, the problem is to make out their ultimate constitution. What would be the 1 It must not be forgotten that the cells which are necessarily repre- sented in such diagrams as Fig. 10 as planes are really solid bodies, and that consequently the cell-plate represented in the figures as a line is actually a plane at right angles to the plane of the paper. !' 2 68 COMPLEXITY OF CELL STRUCTURE LESS. result if we could get microscopes as superior to those of to-day as those of to-day are to the primitive instruments of eighty or ninety years ago, it is impossible even to conjecture. But of one thing we may feel confident of the enormous strides which our knowledge of the constitution of living things is destined to make during the next half century. The striking general resemblance between the cells of the higher animals and plants and entire unicellular organisms has been commented on as a very remarkable fact : there is another equally significant circumstance to which we must now advert. All the higher animals begin life as an egg, which is either passed out of the body of the parent as such, as in most fishes, frogs, birds, c., or undergoes the first stages of its development within the body of the parent, as in sharks, some reptiles, and nearly all mammals. The structure of the egg is, in essential respects, the same in all animals from the highest to the lowest. In a jelly-fish, for instance, it consists (Fig. n, A) of a globular mass of protoplasm (gd), in which are deposited granules of a pro- teinaceous substance known as yolk-spherules. Within the protoplasm is a large clear nucleus (g.v.\ the chromatin of which is aggregated into a central mass or nucleolus (}- An investing membrane may or may not be present. In other words the egg is a cell : it is convenient, for reasons which will appear immediately, to speak of it as the ovum or egg-cell. The young or immature ova ot all animals present this structure, but in many cases certain modifications are under- gone before the egg is mature, i.e., capable of development into a new individual. For instance, the protoplasm may throw out pseudopods, the egg becoming amoeboid (see YI STRUCTURE OF THE EGG 69 Fig. 53) ; or the surface of the protoplasm may secrete a thick cell-wall (see Fig. 6 1). The most extraordinary modification takes place in some Vertebrata, such as birds. In a hen's egg, for instance, the yolk-spherules increase immensely, swelling out the microscopic ovum until it becomes what we know as the " yolk " of the egg : around this layers of albumen or " white " are deposited, and finally the shell membrane and the shell. Hence we have to distinguish carefully in eggs of this character between the entire " egg " in the ordinary acceptation of the term, and the ovum or egg-cell. But complexities of this sort do not alter the fundamental FIG. ii. A, ovum of an animal {Car marina hastata, one of the jelly fishes), showing protoplasm (gd), nucleus (gv), andnucleolus (,^-w). B, ovum of a plant (Gymnadcnia conofsca, one of the orchids), showing protoplasm (pis in), nucleus (nit), and nucleolus (mi). (A, from Balfour after Ilaeckel : B, after Marshall Ward.) fact that all the higher animals begin life as a single cell, or in other words that multicellular animals, however large and complex they may be in their adult condition, originate as unicellular bodies of microscopic size. The same is the case with rdl the higher plants. The pistil or seed-vessel of an ordinary flower contains one or more little ovoidal bodies, the so-called " ovules " (more accurately megasporangia (see Lesson XXX., and Fig. 89), which, when the flower withers, develop into the seeds. A section of an ovule shows it to contain a large cavity, the 70 THE PLANT OVUM LESS, vi embryo-sac or megaspore (see Fig. 89, D), at one end of which is a microscopic cell (0v 9 and Fig. 1 2 B), consisting as usual of protoplasm (plsm], nucleus (), and nucleolus (nu'\ This is the ovum or egg-cell of the plant : from it the new plant, which springs from the germinating seed, arises. Thus the higher plants, like the higher animals, are, in their earliest stage of existence, microscopic and unicellular. LESSON VII SACCHAROMYCES EVERY one is familiar with the appearance of the ordinary brewer's yeast the light-brown, muddy, frothing substance which is formed on the surface of the fermenting vats in breweries and is used in the manufacture of bread to make the dough " rise." Examined under the microscope yeast is seen to consist of a fluid in which are suspended immense numbers of minute particles, the presence of which produces the mud- diness of the yeast. Each of these bodies is a unicellular organism, the yeast-plant, or in botanical language Sac- char omyces cerevisice. Saccharomyces consists of a globular or ellipsoidal mass of protoplasm (Fig. 12), about T Jy- mm. in diameter, and surrounded with a delicate cell-wall of cellulose (c, c.w.). In the protoplasm are one or more non-contractile vacuoles (vac) mere spaces rilled with fluid and varying according to the state of nutrition of the cell. Granules also occur in the protoplasm which are products of metabolism, some of them being of a proteid material, others fat globules. Under ordinary circumstances no nucleus is to be seen : but recently, by the employment of a special mode of 72 SACCHAROMYCES LESS. staining, a small rounded nucleus has been shown to exist near the centre of the cell. The cell-wall is so thin that it is difficult to be sure of its presence unless very high powers are employed. It can however be easily demonstrated by staining yeast with ~bcl' FIG. 12. Sacckaromyces cerevisia. A, a group of cells under a moderately high power. The scale to the left applies to this figure only. B, several cells more highly magnified, showing various stages ot budding, vac, the vacuole. C, a single cell with two buds (bd, bd'} still more highly mag- nified : c.w, cell -wall : vac, vacuole. D, cells, crushed by pressure : c.iv, the ruptured cell-walls : plsm, the squeezed out protoplasm. E, E', starved cells, showing large vacuoles and fat globules (/). F, F', formation of spores by fission of the protoplasm of a starved cell : in F the spores are still enclosed in the mother-cell-wall, in F' they are free. magenta, and then applying pressure to the cover-glass so as to crush the cells. Under this treatment the cell-walls are burst and appear as crumpled sacs, split in various ways and unstained by the magenta (D, c.w), while the squeezed-out protoplasm is seen in the form of irregular masses (plsm) stained pink by the dye. vii GEMMATION 73 The mode of multiplication of Saccharomyces is readily made out in actively fermenting yeast, and is seen to differ from anything we have met with hitherto. A small pimple- like elevation (c, bd) appears on the surface of a cell and gradually increases in size : examined under a high power this bud is found to consist of an offshoot of the protoplasm of the parent cell covered with a very thin layer of cellulose : it is formed by the protoplasm growing out into an offshoot like a small pseudopod which pushes the cell-wall before it. The bud increases in size (bdf ) until it forms a little globular body touching the parent cell at one pole : then a process of fission takes place along the plane of junction, the protoplasm of the bud or daughter-cell becoming sepa- rated from that of the mother-cell and a cellulose partition being secreted between the two. Finally the bud becomes completely detached as a separate yeast-cell. It frequently happens that a Saccharomyces buds in several places and each of its daughter-cells buds again, before detachment of the buds takes place. In this way chains or groups of cells are produced (B), such cell- colonies consisting of two or more generations of cells, the central one standing in relation of parent, grandparent, or great-grandparent to the others. It must be observed that this process of budding or gemmation is after all only a modification of simple fission. In the latter the two daughter-cells are of equal size and are both smaller than the parent-cell, while in gemma- tion one the mother-cell is much larger than the other the daughter-cell or bud and is of the same size as, indeed is practically identical with, the original dividing-cell. Hence in budding, the parent form does not, as in simple fission, lose its individuality, becoming wholly merged in its twin offspring, but merely undergoes separation of a small portion 74 SACCHAROMVCES LESS. of its substance in the form of a bud, which by assimilation of nutriment gradually grows to the size of its parent, the latter thus retaining its individuality and continuing to produce fresh buds as long as it lives. Multiplication by budding goes on only while the Sac- charomyces is well supplied with food : if the supply of nutriment fails, a different mode of reproduction obtains. Yeast can be effectually starved by spreading out a thin layer of it on a slab of plaster-of-Paris kept moist under a bell-jar : under these circumstances the yeast is of course supplied with nothing but water. In a few days the yeast-cells thus circumstanced are found to have altered in appearance : large vacuoles appear in them (Fig. 1 2. E ; 'E') and numerous fat-globules (/) are formed. The protoplasm has been undergoing destructive meta- bolism, and, there being nothing to supply new material, has diminished in quantity, and at the same time been partly converted into fat- Both in plants and in animals it is found that fatty degeneration, or the conversion of protoplasm into fat by destructive metabolism, is a constant phenomenon of starvation. After a time the protoplasm collects towards the centre 01 the cell and divides simultaneously into four masses arranged like a pyramid of four billiard balls, three at the base and one above (F). Each of these surrounds itself with a thick cellulose coat and becomes a spore, the four spores being sooner or later liberated by the rupture of the mother-cell wall (F'). The spores being protected by their thick cell-walls are able to withstand starvation and drought for a long time ; when placed under favourable circumstances they develop into the ordinary form of Saccharomyces. So that repro- vii ALCOHOLIC FERMENTATION 75 duction by multiple fission appears to be, in the yeast-plant, a last effort of the organism to withstand extinction. The physiology of nutrition of Saccharomyces has been studied with great care by several men of science and notably by Pasteur, and is in consequence better knownthan that of any other low organism. For this reason it will be advisable to consider it somewhat in detail. The first process in the manufacture of beer is the pre- paration of a solution of malt called " sweet-wort." Malt is barley which has been allowed to germinate or sprout, i.e., the young plant is allowed to grow to a certain extent from the seed. During germination the starch which forms so large a portion of the grain of barley is partly converted into sugar : barley also contains soluble proteids and mineral salts, so that when malt is infused in hot water the sweet- wort formed may be looked upon as a solution of sugar, proteid, and salts. Into this wort a quantity of yeast is placed. Very soon the liquid begins to froth, the quantity of yeast increasing enormously : this means of course that the yeast-cells are budding actively, as can be readily made out by microscopic examination. If while the frothing is going on a lighted candle is lowered into the vat the flame will be immediately extinguished : if an animal were placed in the same position it would be suffocated. Chemical examination shows that the extinction of the candle's flame or of the animal's life is caused by a rapid evolution of carbon dioxide from the fermenting wort, the frothing being due to the escape of the gas from the liquid. After a time the evolution of gas ceases, and the liquid is then found to be no longer sweet but to have acquired what we know as an alcoholic or spirituous flavour. Analysis 76 SACCHAROMYCES shows that the sugar has nearly or quite disappeared, while a new substance, alcohol, has made its appearance. The sweet-wort has, in fact, been converted into beer. Expressed in the form of a chemical equation what has happened is this : C,.H 12 O (; 2(C 2 H 6 O) + 2(CO 2 ) Grape sugar. Alcohol. Carbon dioxide. One molecule of sugar has, by the action of yeast, been split up into two molecules of alcohol which remain in the fluid, and two of carbon dioxide which are given off as gas. This is the process known as alcoholic fermentation. It has been shown by accurate analysis that only about 95 per cent, of the sugar is thus converted into alcohol and carbon dioxide : 4 per cent, is decomposed, with the for- mation of glycerine, succinic acid, and carbon dioxide, and i per cent, is used as nutriment by the yeast cells. For the accurate study of fermentation the sweet-wort of the brewer is unsuitable, being a fluid of complex and un- certain composition, and the nature of the process, as well as the part played in it by Saccharomyces, becomes much clearer if we substitute the artificial wort invented by M. Pasteur, and called after him Pasteur's solution. It is made of the following ingredients : Water, H 2 O 8376 per cent. Cane sugar, C 12 R 22 O U iS' Ammonium tartrate (NH 4 ) 2 C 4 H 4 O . i - oo ,, ,, Potassium phosphate, KoPO 4 . . . . 0-20 ,, ,, Calcium phosphate, Ca 3 (PO 4 ) 2 . . . 0-02 ,, Magnesium sulphate, MgSO 4 . . . o'02 ,, ,, lOO'OO VII EXPERIMENTS IN NUTRITION 77 The composition of this fluid is not a matter ot guess- work, but is the result of careful experiments, and is deter- mined by the following considerations. It is obvious that if we are to study alcoholic fermentation sugar must be present, 1 since the essence of the process is the formation of alcohol from sugar. Then nitrogen in some form as well as carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen must be present, since these four elements enter into the composition of protoplasm, and all but the first-named (nitrogen) into that of cellulose, and they are thus required in order that the yeast should live and multiply. The form in which nitrogen can best be assimi- lated was found out by experiment. We saw that in the manufacture of beer the yeast cells obtain their nitrogen largely in the form of soluble proteids : green plants obtain theirs largely in the simple form of nitrates. It was found that while proteids are, so to say, an unnecessarily complex food for Saccharomyces, nitrates are not complex enough, and an ammonia compound- is necessary, ammonium tartrate being the most suitable. Thus while Saccharomyces can build up the molecule of protoplasm from less complex food- stuffs than are required by Amoeba, it cannot make use of such comparatively simple compounds as suffice for Hsema- tococcus : moreover it appears to be indifferent whether its nitrogen is supplied to it in the form of ammonium ^tartrate or in the higher form of proteids. Then as to the remaining ingredients of the fluid potassium and calcium phosphate and magnesium sulphate. If a quantity of yeast is burnt, precisely the same thing happens as when one of the higher animals or plants is subjected to the same process. It first chars by the libera- 1 It is a matter of indifference whether cane-sugar or grape-su^ar is used. 78 SACCHAROMYCES LESS. tion of carbon, then as the heat is continued the carbon is completely consumed, going off by combination with the oxygen of the air in the form of carbon dioxide ; at the same time the nitrogen is given off mostly as nitrogen gas, the hydrogen by union with atmospheric oxygen as water- vapour, and the sulphur as sulphurous acid or sulphur dioxide. (SO,,). Finally, nothing is left but a small quantity of white ash which is found by analysis to contain phos- phoric acid, potash, lime, and magnesia ; i.e., precisely the ingredients of the three mineral constituents of Pasteur's solu- tion with the exception of sulphur, which, as already stated, is given off during the process of burning as sulphur dioxide: Thus the principle of construction of an artificial nutrient solution such as Pasteur's is that it should contain all the elements existing in the organism it is designed to support ; or in other words, the substances by the combination of which the waste of the organism due to destructive meta- bolism may be made good. That Pasteur's solution exactly fulfils these requirements may be proved by omitting one or other of the constituents from it, and finding out how the omission affects the well- being of Saccharomyces. If the sugar is left out the yeast-cells grow and multiply, but with great slowness. This shows that sugar is not necessary to the life of the organism, but only to that active condition which accompanies fermentation. A glance at the composition of Pasteur's solution will show that all the necessary elements are supplied without sugar. Omission of ammonium tartrate is fatal : without it the cells neither grow nor multiply. This, of course, is just what one would expect since, apart from ammonium tartrate, the fluid contains no nitrogen without which the molecules of protoplasm cannot be built up. vii EXPERIMENTS IN NUTRITION 79 It is somewhat curious to find that potassium and calcium phosphates are equally necessary; although occurring in such minute quantities they are absolutely essential to the well-being of the yeast-cells, and without them the organism, although supplied with abundance of sugar and ammonium tartrate, will not live. This may be taken as proving that phosphorus, calcium, and magnesium form an integral part of the protoplasm of Saccharomyces, although existing in almost infinitesimal proportions. Lastly, magnesium sulphate must not be omitted if the organism is to flourish : unlike the other two mineral constituents it is not absolutely essential to life, but without it the vital processes are sluggish. Thus by growing yeast in a fluid of known composition it can be ascertained exactly what elements and combina- tions of elements are necessary to life, what advantageous though not absolutely essential, and what unnecessary. The precise effect of the growth and multiplication of yeast upon a saccharine fluid, or in other words the nature of alcoholic fermentation, can be readily ascertained by a simple experiment with Pasteur's solution. A quantity of the solution with a little yeast is placed in a flask the neck of which is fitted with a bent tube leading into a vessel of lime-water or solution of calcium oxide. When the usual disengagement of carbon dioxide (see p. 75) takes place the gas passes through the tube into the lime-water and causes an immediate precipitation of calcium carbonate as a white powder which effervesces with acids. This proves the gas evolved during fermentation to be carbon dioxide since no other converts lime into carbonate. When fermentation is complete the presence of alcohol may be proved by distil- lation : a colourless, mobile, pungent, and inflammable liquid being obtained. 8o SACCHAROMYCE8 LESS. By experimenting with several flasks of this kind it can be proved that fermentation goes on as well in darkness as in light, and that it is quite independent of free oxygen. Indeed the process does not go on if free oxygen i.e., oxygen in the form of dissolved gas is present in the fluid ; from which it would seem that Saccharomyces must be able to obtain the oxygen, which like all other organisms it requires for its metabolic processes, from the food supplied to it. The process of fermentation goes on most actively, between 28 and 34C : at low temperatures it is com- paratively slow, and at 38C. multiplication ceases. If a small portion of yeast is boiled so as to kill the cells, and then added to a flask of Pasteur's solution, no fermentation takes place, from which it is proved that the de- composition of sugar is effected by the living yeast-cells only. There seems to be no doubt that the property of exciting alcoholic fermentation is a function of the living protoplasm of Saccharomyces. The yeast-plant is therefore known as an organized ferment : when growing in a saccharine solu- tion it not only performs the ordinary metabolic processes necessary for its own existence, but induces decomposition of the sugar present, this decomposition being unaccom- panied by any corresponding change in the yeast- plant itself. It is necessary to mention in this connection that there is an important group of not-living bodies which produce striking chemical changes in various substances with- out themselves undergoing any change : these are distin- guished as unorganized ferments. A well-known example is pepsin, which is found in the gastric juice of the higher animals, and has the function of converting proteids into peptones (see p. 12) : its presence har been proved in vii FERMENTS 81 the Mycetozoa (p. 52), and probably it or some similar pep- tonizing or proteolytic ferment effects this change in all organisms which have the power of digesting proteids. Another instance is furnished by diastase, which effects the conversion of starch into grape sugar : it is present in ger- minating barley (see p. 73), and an infinitesimal quantity of it can convert immense quantities of starch. The ptyalin of our own saliva has a like action, and probably some similar diastatic or amylolytic ferment is present in the Mycetozoa which, as we saw (p. 52), are able to digest cooked starch. *%: [v- r UNIVERSITY LESSON VIII BACTERIA IT is a matter of common observation that if certain moist organic substances, such as meat, soup, milk, &c., are allowed to stand at a moderate temperature for a few days more or fewer according as the weather is hot or cold they " go bad " or putrefy ; i.e. they acquire an offensive smell, a taste which few are willing to ascertain by direct experiment, and often a greatly altered appearance. One of the most convenient substances for studying the phenomena of putrefaction is an infusion of hay, made by pouring hot water on a handful of hay and straining the resultant brown fluid through blotting paper. Pasteur's solution may also be used, or mutton-broth well boiled and filtered, or indeed almost any vegetable or animal infusion. If some such fluid is placed in a glass vessel, covered with a sheet of glass or paper to prevent the access of dust, the naked-eye appearances of putrefaction will be found to manifest themselves with great regularity. The fluid, at first quite clear and limpid, becomes gradually dull and turbid. The opacity increases and a scum forms on the surface : at the same time the odour of putrefaction arises, and LESS. VIII BACTERIUM TERMO especially in the case of animal infusions, quickly becomes very strong and disagreeable. The scum after attaining a perceptible thickness breaks up and falls to the bottom, and after this the fluid slowly clears again, becoming once more quite transparent and losing its bad smell. If exposed to the light patches of green appear in it sooner 01 later, due to the presence of microscopic organisms containing chlorophyll. The fluid has acquired, in fact, the characteristics of an ordinary stagnant pond, and is quite incapable of further putrefaction. The whole series of changes may occupy many months. Microscopic examination shows that the freshly-prepared fluid is free from organisms, and indeed, if properly filtered, 1 FIG. 13. Bacterium termo. A, motile stage : B, resting stage or zooglaea. (From Klein.) from particles of any sort. But the case is very different when a drop of infusion in which turbidity has set in is placed under a high power. The fluid is then seen to be crowded with incalculable millions of minute specks, only just visible under a power of 300 or 400 diameters, and all in active movement. These specks are Bacteria, or as they are sometimes called, microbes or micro-organisms ; they belong to the particular genus and species called Bacterium ter7no. Seen under the high power 01 an ordinary student's microscope Bacterium termo has the appearance shown in Fig. 13, A : it is like a minute finger-biscuit, i.e. has the form G 2 84 BACTERIA LESS. of a rod constricted in the middle. But it is only by using the very highest powers of the microscope that its precise form and structure can be satisfactorily made out. It is then seen (Fig. 14) to consist of a little double spindle, showing neither nucleus, vacuole, nor other internal structure. It stains very deeply with aniline dyes, and from this and other circumstances there is reason for thinking that the whole cell consists of chromatin covered with a membrane of extreme tenuity formed of cellulose. It may therefore be considered as a cell consisting of cell-wall and nucleus only, the cell-body being absent. At each end is attached a flagellum about as long as the cell itself. Bacterium termo is much smaller than any organism we have yet considered, so small in fact that, as it is always FIG. 14. Bacterium- termo ( x 4000), showing the terminal flagella. (After Dallinger.) easier to deal with whole numbers than with fractions, its size is best expressed by taking as a standard the one- thousandth of a millimetre, called a micromillimetre and expressed by the symbol /,t. The entire length of the organism under consideration is from i '5 to 2 /x, i.e. about the T Jo mm. or the T^TTTTT mc ^- In otner words, its entire length is not more than one-fourth the diameter of a yeast- cell or of a human blood-corpuscle. The diameter of the flagellum has been estimated by Dallinger to be about \ //. or -^-L-^jj inch, a smallness of which it is as difficult to form any clear conception as of the distances of the fixed stars. Some slight notion of these almost infinitely small dimen- sions may, however, be obtained in the following way. Fig. vni BACILLUS 85 14 shows a Bacterium termo magnified 4000 diameters, the scale above the figure representing T ^- mm. magnified to the same amount. The height of this book is a little over 18 cm. ; this multiplied by 4,000 gives 7 2,000 cm. = 720 metres = 2362 feet. We therefore get the proportion as 2362 feet, or nearly six times the height of St. Paul's, is to the height of the present volume, so the length of Fig. 14 is to that of Bacterium termo. It was mentioned above that at a certain stage of putre- faction a scum forms on the surface of the fluid. This film consists of innumerable motionless Bacteria imbedded in a transparent gelatinous substance formed of a proteid material (Fig. 13, B). After continuing in the active con- dition for a time the Bacteria rise to the surface, lose their flagella, and throw out this gelatinous substance in which they lie imbedded. The bacterial jelly thus formed is called a zooglaa. Thus in Bacterium termo, as in so many of the organisms we have studied, there is an alternation of an active with a resting condition. During the earlier stages of putrefaction Bacterium termo is usually the only organism found in the fluid, but later on other microbes make their appearance. Of these the com- monest are distinguished by the generic names Micrococcus, Bacillus, Vibrio, and Spirillum. Micrococcus (Fig. 15) is a minute form, the cells of which are about 2/x (j-J-^- mm.) in diameter. It differs from Bacterium in being globular instead of spindle-shaped and in having no motile phase. Like Bacterium it assumes the zooglsea condition (Fig. 15, 4). Bacillus is commonly found in putrescent infusions in which the process of decay has gone on for some days : as 86 BACTERIA LESS. its numbers increase those of Bacterium termo diminish, until Bacillus becomes the dominant form. Its cells (Fig. 1 6) are rod-shaped and about 6/x ( T y<) mm.) in length in the commonest species. Both motionless and active forms are found, the latter having a flagellum at each end. The zooglaea condition ?.s often assumed, and the rods are fre- quently found united end to end so as to form filaments. Vibrio resembles Bacillus, but the rod-like cells (Fig. 1 7, A) are wavy instead of straight. They are actively motile and when highly magnified are found to be provided with a "**: FIG. 15. Micrococcus. I, single and double (dumb-bell shaped) forms : 2 and 3, chain-forms : 4, a zooglaea. flagellum at each end. Vibriones vary from 8/x to 25^, in length. Spirillum is at once distinguished by its spiral form, the cells resembling minute corkscrews (Fig. 17, B &: c) and being provided with a flagellum at each end (c). The smaller species, such as S. tenue (B) are from 2 to 5 /x in length, but the larger forms, such as S. volutans (c) attain a length of from 25 to 3o/x. In swimming Spirillum appears on a superficial examination to undulate like a worm or a serpent, but this is an optical illusion : the spiral is really a permanent one, but during progression it rotates upon its VIII BINARY FISSION long axis, like Haematococcus (p. 25), and this double move- ment produces the appearance of undulation. Most Bacteria are colourless, but three species (Bacterium viride, J3. chlorinum, and Bacillus virens] contain chlorophyll, and several others form pigments of varying tints and often of great intensity. For instance, there are red, yellow, brown, blue, and violet species of Micrococcus which grow FIG. 16. Bacilhis subtilis, showing various stages between single orms and long filaments (Leptothrix). on slices of boiled potato, hard-boiled egg, &c., forming brilliantly coloured patches ; and the yellow colour often assumed by milk after it has been allowed to stand for a considerable time is due to the presence of Bacterium xanthinum. All Bacteria multiply by simple transverse fission, the process taking place sometimes during the motile, sometimes during the resting condition. Frequently the daughter-cells do not separate completely from one another but remain 88 BACTERIA loosely attached, forming chains. These are very common in some species of micrococcus (see Fig. 15). Bacillus when undergoing fission behaves something like Heteromita : the mother-cell divides transversely across the middle, and the two halves gradually wriggle away from one another, but remain connected for a time by a very fine thread FIG. 17. A, Vibrio. (From Klein.) B, Spirilhtm tenue. c, S-birihum voiutans. of protoplasm which extends between their adjacent ends. This is drawn out by the gradual separation of the two cells until it attains twice the length of a flagellum when it snaps in the middle, thus providing each daughter-cell with a ne\v flagellum. Bacillus may, however, divide while in the resting condition and, under certain circumstances, the process is repeated again and again, and the daughter-cells vni NATURE OF GENERIC FORMS 89 remaining in contact form a long wavy or twisted filament called Leptothrix (Fig. 16) the separate elements of which are usually only visible after staining. Bacillus also multiplies by a peculiar process ot spore- formation which may take place either in the ordinary resting form or in a leptothrix filament. A bright dot appears at one place in the protoplasm (Fig. 18) : this increases in size, the greater part of the protoplasm being used up in its formation, and finally takes on the form of a clear oval spore which remains for some time enclosed in the cell-wall of the Bacillus, by the rupture of which it is finally liberated. Spores of this kind are termed endospores. In other Bacteria spores are formed directly from the ordinary cells, which become thick walled (a?'throspores). The spores differ from the Bacilli in being unstained by aniline dyes. After a period of rest the spores, under favourable cir- cumstances, germinate by growing out at one end so as to become rod-like, and thus finally assuming the form of ordinary Bacilli. There are other genera often included among Bacteria for the description of which the student is referred to the more special treatises. 1 One remark must, however, be made in concluding the present brief account of the morphology of the group. There is a great deal of evidence to show that what have been spoken of as genera (Bacterium, Bacillus, Spirillum, &c. ) may merge into one another and are therefore to be looked upon as phases in the life-history of various microbes rather than as true and distinct genera. But this is a point which cannot at present be considered as settled. The conditions of life of Bacteria ai'e very various. Some live in water, such as that of stagnant ponds, and of these 1 See especially De Bary, Fungi, Mycetozoa, and Bacteria (Oxford, 1887), and Klein, Micro-organisms and Disease (London, 1 886). BACTERIA LESS. three species, as already stated (p. 85), contain chlorophyll. The nutrition of such forms must obviously be holophytic, and in the case of Bacterium chlorinum the giving off of oxygen in sunlight has actually been proved. But this mode of nutrition is rare among the Bacteria : nearly all of those to which reference has been made are FlG. 18. Spore-formation in Bacillus. (From Klein.) saprophytes, that is, live upon decomposing animal and vegetable matters. They are, in fact, nourished in precisely the same way as Heteromita (see p. 37). Many of these forms such as Bacterium termo, and species of Bacillus, Vibrio, &c., will, however, flourish in Pasteur's solution, in which they obtain their nitrogen in the form of ammonium vin BACTERIA AS FERMENTS 91 tartrate instead of decomposing proteid. It has also been shown that some Bacteria can go further and make use of nitrates as a source of nitrogen, and of a carbonate or even of carbon dioxide as a source of carbon : in other words, they are able to live upon purely inorganic matter in spite of the fact that they contain no chlorophyll. Some species may even multiply to a considerable extent in distilled water. But pari passu with their ordinary nutritive processes, many Bacteria exert an action on the fluids on which they live comparable to that exerted on a saccharine solution by the yeast-plant. Such microbes are, in fact, organized ferments. Every one is familiar with the turning sour of milk. This change is due to the conversion of the milk-sugar into lactic acid. C 6 H 12 6 = 2(C 8 H 6 8 ), Sugar. Lactic Acid. The transformation is brought about by the agency of Bacterium lactis, a microbe closely resembling B. termo. Beer and wine are two other fluids which frequently turn sour, there being in this case a conversion of alcohol into acetic acid, represented by the equation C 2 H 6 O + O 2 = H 2 O + C 2 H 4 O 2 , Alcohol. Oxygen. Water. Acetic Acid. The ferment in this instance is Bacterium aceti, often called My coder ma aceti, or the " vinegar plant." It will be noticed that fti this case oxygen enters into the reaction : it is a case of fermentation by oxidation. Putrefaction itself is another instance 01 fermentation induced by a microbe. Bacterium termo the putrefactive ferment causes the decomposition of proteids into simpler compounds, amongst which are such gases as ammonia 92 BACTERIA LESS. (NH 3 ), sulphuretted hydrogen (H^S), and ammonium sulphide ( (NH 4 ) 2 S), the evolution of which produces the characteristic odour of putrefaction. The final stage in putrefaction is the formation of nitrates and nitrites. The process is a double one, both stages being due to special forms of Bacteria. In the first place, by the agency of the nitrous ferment, ammonia is converted into nitrous acid NH 3 + 3 O = H 2 O + HNO 2 Ammonia. Oxygen. Water. Nitrous Acid. The nitric ferment then comes into action, converting the nitrous into nitric acid NHO 2 + O = HNO.> Nitrous Acid. Oxygen. Nitric Acid. This process is one of vast importance, since by its agency the soil is constantly receiving fresh supplies of nitric acid which is one of the most important substances used as food by plants. Besides holophytes and saprophytes there are included among Bacteria many parasites, that is, species which feed not on decomposing but on living organisms. Many of the most deadly infectious diseases, such as tuberculosis, diph- theria, typhoid fever, and cholera, are due to the presence in the tissues or fluids of the body of particular species of microbes, which feed upon the parts affected and give rise to the morbid symptoms characteristic of the disease. Some Bacteria, like the majority of the organisms pre- viously studied, require free oxygen for their existence, but others, like Saccharomyces during active fermentation (see p. 78), are quite independent of free oxygen and must there- fore be able to take the oxygen, without which their metabolic vin CONDITIONS OF LIFE 93 processes could not go on, from some of the compounds contained in the fluid in which they live. Bacteria are for this reason divided into aerobic species which require free oxygen, and anaerobic species which do not. As to temperature, common observation tells us that Bacteria flourish only within certain limits. We know for instance that organic substances can be preserved from putrefaction by being kept either at the freezing-point, or at or near the boiling-point. One important branch of modern industry, the trade in frozen meat, depends upon the fact that the putrefactive Bacteria, like other organisms, are rendered inactive by freezing, and every housekeeper knows how easily putrefaction can be staved off by roasting or boiling. Simi- arly it is a matter of common observation that a moderately igh temperature is advantageous to these organisms, the heat of summer or of the tropics being notoriously favourable to putrefaction. In the case of Bacterium termo, it has been found that the optimum temperature is from 30 to 35 C., but that the microbe will flourish between 5 and 40 C. Although fully-formed Bacteria, like other organisms > are usually killed by exposure to heat several degrees below boiling-point, yet the spores of some species will withstand, at any rate for a limited time, a much higher temperature even one as high as 130 C. On the other hand, putrefactive Bacteria retain their power of development after being exposed to a temperature of -mC., although during the time of exposure all vital activity is of course suspended. 'Bacteria also resemble other organisms in being unable to carry on active life without a due supply of water : no perfectly dry substance ever putrefies. The preservation for ages of the dried bodies of animals in such countries as Egypt and Peru depends at least as much upon the moisture- less air as upon the antiseptics used in embalming. 94 BACTERIA LESS, vin For the most part Bacteria are unaffected by light, since they grow equally well in darkness and in ordinary daylight. Many of them, however, will not bear prolonged exposure to direct sunlight, and it has been found possible to arrest the putrefaction of an organic infusion by insolation, or exposure to the direct action of the sun's rays. It has also been proved that it is the light-rays and not the heat-rays which are thus prejudicial to the life of micro-organisms. LESSON IX BIOGENESIS AND ABIOGENESIS : HOMOGENESIS AND HETERO GENESIS THE study of the foregoing living things and especially ot Bacteria, the smallest and probably the simplest of all known organisms, naturally leads us to the consideration of one of the most important problems of biology the problem of the origin of life. In all the higher organisms we know that each individual arises in some way or other from a pre-existing individual : no one doubts that every bird now living arose by a process of development from an egg formed, in the body of a parent bird, and that every tree now growing took its origin either from a seed or from a bud produced by a parent plant. But there have always until quite recently, at any rate been upholders of the view that the lower forms of life, bacteria, monads, and the like, may under certain circum- stances originate independently of pre-existing organisms : that, for instance, in a flask of hay-infusion or mutton-broth, boiled so as to kill any living things present in it, fresh forms of life may arise de novo, may in fact be created then and there. We have therefore two theories of the lower organisms, 96 BIOGENESIS AND HOMOGENESIS LESS. the theory of Biogenesis, according to which each living thing, however simple, arises by a natural process of bud- ding, fission, spore-formation, or what not, from a parent organism : and the theory of Abiogenesis, or as it is some- times called Spontaneous or Equivocal Generation, accord- ing to which fully formed living organisms sometimes arise from not-living matter. In former times the occurrence of abiogenesis was uni- versally believed in. The expression that a piece of meat has " bred maggots " ; the opinion that parasites such as the gall-insects of plants or the tape-worms in the intestines of animals originate where they are found ; the belief still held in some rural districts in the occurrence of showers of frogs, or in the transformation of horse-hairs kept in water into eels ; all indicate a survival of this belief. Aristotle, one of the greatest men of science of antiquity, explicitly teaches abiogenesis. He states that some animals "spring from putrid matter," that certain insects "spring from the dew which falls upon plants," that thread-worms "originate in the mud of wells and running waters," that fleas "originate in very small portions of corrupted matter," and that " bugs proceed from the moisture which collect:* on the bodies of animals, lice from the flesh of other creatures." Little more than 200 years ago one Alexander Ross, commenting on Sir Thomas Browne's doubt as to " whether mice may be bred by putrefaction," says, "so may he doubt whether in cheese and timber worms are generated ; or if beetles and wasps in cow's clung ; or if butterflies, locusts, grasshoppers, shell-fish, snails, eels, and such like, be pro- created of putrefied matter, which is apt to receive the form of that creature to which it is by formative power disposed. To question this is to question reason, sense, and experience. ix PROBLEM LIMITED TO MICROSCOPIC FORMS 97 If he doubts of this let him go to Egypt, and there he will find the fields swarming with mice, begot of the mud of Nylus, to the great calamity of the inhabitants." As accurate inquiries into these matters were made, the number of cases in which equivocal generation was sup- posed to occur was rapidly diminished. It was a simple matter when once thought of to prove, as Redi did in 1638, that no maggots were ever "bred " in meat on which flies were prevented by wire screens from laying their eggs. Far more difficult was the task, also begun in the seventeenth century, of proving that parasites, such as tape-worms, arise from eggs taken in with the food ; but gradually this pro- position was firmly established, so that no one of any scientific culture continued to believe in the abiogenetic origin of the more highly organized animals any more than in showers of frogs, or in the origin of geese from barnacles. But a new phase of the question was opened with the in- vention of the microscope. In 1683, Anthony van Leeuwen- hoek discovered Bacteria, and it was soon found that however carefully meat might be protected by screens, or infusions by being placed in well-corked or stoppered bottles, putrefaction always set in sooner or later, and was invariably accom- panied by the development of myriads of bacteria, monads, and other low organisms. It was not surprising, considering the rapidity with which these were found to make their appearance, that many men of science imagined them to be produced abiogenetically. Let us consider exactly what this implies. Suppose we have a vessel of hay-infusion, and in it a single Bacterium. The microbe will absorb the nutrient fluid and convert it into fresh protoplasm : it will divide repeatedly, and, its progeny repeating the process, the vessel will soon con- H 98 BIOGENESIS AND HOMOGENESIS LESS. tain millions of Bacteria instead of one. This means, of course, that a certain amount of fresh living protoplasm has been formed out of the constituents of the hay-infusion, through the agency in the first instance of a single living Bacterium. The question naturally arises Why may not the formation of protoplasm take place independently of this insignificant speck of living matter ? It must not be thought that this question is in any way a vain or absurd one. That living protoplasm has at some period of the world's history originated from not-living matter seems a necessary corollary of the doctrine of evolution, and is obviously the very essence of the doctrine of special creation ; and there is no a priori reason why it should be impossible to imitate the unknown conditions under which this took place. At present, however, we have absolutely no data towards the solution of this fundamental problem. But however insoluble may be the question as to how life first dawned upon our planet, the origin of living things at the present day is capable of investigation in the ordinary way of observation and experiment. The problem may be stated as follows : any putrescible infusion, i.e. any fluid capable of putrefaction will be found after a longer or shorter exposure to swarm with bacteria and monads : do these organisms or the spores from which they first arise reach the infusion from without, or are they generated within it? And the general lines upon which an investigation into the problem must be conducted are simple : given a vessel of any putrescible infusion ; let this be subjected to some process which, without rendering it incapable of sup- porting life, shall kill any living things contained in it ; let it then be placed under such circumstances that no living particles, however small, can reach it from without. If, ix EXPERIMENTS ON BIOGENESIS 99 after these two conditions have been rigorously complied with, living organisms appear in the fluid, such organisms must have originated abiogenetically. To kill any microbes contained in the fluid it is usually quite sufficient to boil it thoroughly. As we have' seen, protoplasm enters into heat-rigor at a temperature consider- ably below the boiling-point of water, so that, with an exception which will be referred to presently, a few minutes' boiling suffices to sterilize all ordinary infusions, i.e., to kill any organisms they may contain. Then as to preventing the entrance of organisms or their spores from without. This may be done in various ways. One way is to take a flask with the neck drawn out into a very slender tube, to boil the fluid in it for a sufficient time, and then, while ebullition is going on, to close the end of the tube by melting the glass in the flame of a Bunsen-burner or spirit-lamp, thus hermetically sealing the flask. By this method not only organisms and their spores are excluded from the flask but also air. But this is obviously unnecessary : it is evident that air may be admitted to the fluid with perfect impunity if only it can be filtered, that is, passed through some substance which shall retain all solid particles however small, and therefore of course bacteria, monads, and their spores. A perfectly efficient filter for this purpose is furnished by cotton-wool. A flask or test-tube is partly filled with the infusion : the latter is boiled, and during ebullition cotton- wool is pushed into the mouth of the vessel until a long and firm plug is formed (Fig 19). When the source of heat is removed, and, by the cooling of the fluid, the steam which filled the upper part of the tube condenses, air passes in to supply its place, but as it does so it is filtered of even the H 2 ioo BIOGENESIS AND HOMOGENESIS LESS. smallest solid particles by having to pass through the close meshes of the cotton-wool. Experiments of this sort conducted with proper care have been known for many years to give negative results in the great ' majority of cases : the fluids remain perfectly sterile for any length of time. But in certain instances, in spite of the most careful precautions, bacteria were found to appear FIG. 19. A Beaker with a number of test-tubes containing putu cible infusions and plugged with cotton-wool. (From Klein. ) in such fluids, and for years a fierce controversy raged between the biogenists and the abiogenists, the latter in- sisting that the experiments in question proved the occurrence of spontaneous generation, while the biogenists considered that all such cases were due to defective methods either to imperfect sterilization of the fluid or to imperfect exclusion of germ-containing atmospheric dust. The matter was finally set at rest, and the biogenists IX EXPERIMENTS ON BIOGENESIS 101 proved to be in the right, by the important discovery that the spores of bacteria and monads are not killed by a tem- perature many degrees higher than is sufficient to destroy the adult forms : that in fact while the fully developed organisms are killed by a few minutes' exposure to a temperature of 70 C. the spores are frequently able to survive several hours' boiling, and must be heated to 130 150 C. in order that their destruction may be assured. It was also shown that the more thoroughly the spores are dried the more difficult they are to kill, just as well-dried peas are hardly affected by an amount of boiling sufficient to reduce fresh ones to a pulp. This discovery of the high thermal death-point or ultra- maximum temperature of the spores of these organisms has necessitated certain additional precautions in experiments with putrescible infusions. In the first place the flask and the cotton-wool should both be heated in an oven to a temperature of 150 C., and thus effectually sterilized. The flask being filled and plugged with cotton-wool is well boiled and then kept for some hours at a temperature of 32 38C., the optimum temperature for bacteria. The object of this is to allow any spores which have not been killed by boiling to germinate, in other words to pass into the adult con- dition in which the temperature of boiling water is fatal. The infusion is then boiled again, so as to destroy any such freshly germinated forms it may contain. The same process is repeated once or twice, the final result being that the very driest and most indurated spores are induced to ger- minate, and are thereupon slain. It must not be forgotten that repeated boiling does not render the fluid incapable of supporting life, as may be seen by removing the cotton-wool plug, when it will in a short time swarm with microbes. Experiments conducted with these precautions all tell the 102 BIOGENESIS AND HOMOGENESIS LESS. same tale : they prove conclusively that in properly sterilized putrescible infusions, adequately protected from the entrance of atmospheric germs, no micro-organisms ever make their appearance. So that the last argument for abiogenesis has been proved to be fallacious, and the doctrine of biogenesis shown, as conclusively as observation and experiment can show it, to be of universal application as far as existing conditions known to us are concerned. It is also necessary to add that the presence of microbes in considerable quantities in our atmosphere has been proved experimentally. By drawing air through tubes lined with a solid nutrient material Prof. Percy Frankland showed that the air of South Kensington contained about thirty-five micro-organisms in every ten litres, and by ex- posing circular discs coated with the same substance he was further able to prove that in the same locality 279 micro- organisms fall upon one square foot of surface in one minute. There is another question intimately connected with that of Biogenesis, although strictly speaking quite independent of it. It is a matter of common observation that, in both animals and plants, like produces like : that a cutting from a willow will never give rise to an oak, nor a snake emerge from a hen's egg. In other words, ordinary observation teaches the general truth of the doctrine of Homogenesis. But there has always been a residuum of belief in the opposite doctrine of HeUrogcnesis, according to which the offspring of a given animal or plant may be something utterly different from itself, a plant giving rise to an animal or vice versa, a lowly to a highly organized plant or animal and so on. Perhaps the most extreme case in which hetero- genesis was once seriously believed to occur is that of ix HETEROGENESIS 103 the " barnacle-geese." Buds of a particular tree growing near the sea were said to produce barnacles, and these falling into the water to develop into geese. This sounds absurd enough, but within the last twenty years two or three men of science have described, as the result of repeated observations, the occurrence of quite similar cases among microscopic organisms. For instance, the blood-corpuscles of the silkworm have been said to give rise to fungi, the protoplasm of the green weed Nitella (see Fig. 45) to Amoeba and Infusoria (see p. 107), Euglense to thread- worms, and so on. It is proverbially difficult to prove a negative, and it might not be easy to demonstrate, what all competent naturalists must be firmly convinced of, that every one of these sup- posed cases of heterogenesis is founded either upon errors of observation or upon faulty inductions from correct observations. Let us take a particular case by way of example. Many years ago Dr. Dallinger observed among a number of Vorti- cellse or bell-animalcules (Fig. 26) one which appeared to have become encysted upon its stalk. After watching it for some time, there was seen to emerge from the cyst a free- swimming ciliated Infusor called Amphileptus, not unlike a long-necked Paramcecium (Fig. 20, p. 108). Many ob- servers would have put this down as a clear case of hetero- genesis : Dallinger simply recorded the observation and waited. Two years later the occurrence was explained : he found the same two species in a pond, and watched an Amphileptus seize and devour a Vorticella, and, after finish- ing its meal, become encysted upon the stalk of its victim. It is obvious that the only way in which a case of hetero- genesis could be proved would be by actually watching the transformation, and this no heterogenist has ever done ; at 104 BIOGENESIS AND HOMOGENESIS LESS. the most, certain supposed intermediate stages between the extreme forms have been observed say, between a Euglena and a thread-worm and the rest of the process inferred. On the other hand, innumerable observations have been made on these and other organisms, the result being that each species investigated has been found to go through a definite series of changes in the course of its development, the ultimate result being invariably an organism resembling in all essential respects that which formed the starting-point of the observations : Euglense always giving rise to Euglense and nothing else, Bacteria to Bacteria and nothing else, and so on. There are many cases which imperfect knowledge might class under heterogenesis, such as the origin of frogs from tadpoles or of jelly-fishes from polypes (Lesson XXIII. Fig. 53), but in these and many other cases the apparently anomalous transformations have been found to be part of the normal and invariable cycle of changes undergone by the organism in the course of its development ; the frog always gives rise ultimately to a frog, the jelly-fish to a jelly- fish. If a frog at one time produced a tadpole, at another a trout, at another a worm : if jelly-fishes gave rise sometimes to polypes, sometimes to infusoria, sometimes to cuttle- fishes, and all without any regular sequence that would be heterogenesis. It is perhaps hardly necessary to caution the reader against the error that there is any connection between the theory of heterogenesis and that of organic evolution. It might be said if, as naturalists tell us, dogs are descended from wolves and jackals and birds from reptiles, why should not, for instance, thread-worms spring from Euglenae or Infusoria from Bacteria ? To this it is sufficient to answer that the evolution of one form from another takes place by a series ix HETEROGENESIS 105 of slow, orderly, progressive changes going on through a long series of generations (see Lesson XIII.); whereas heterogenesis presupposes the casual occurrence of sudden transformations in any direction i.e., leading to either a less or a more highly organized form and in the course of a single generation. LESSON X PARAMGECIUM, STYLONYCHIA, AND OXYTRICHA IT will have been noticed with regard to the simple uni- cellular organisms hitherto considered that all are not equally simple : that Protamceba (Fig. 2, p. 9) and Micrococcus (Fig. 15, p. 86) may be considered as the lowest of all, and that the others are raised above these forms in the scale of being in virtue of the possession of nucleus or contractile vacuole, or of flagella, or even, as in the case of Euglena (Fig. 5, p. 45), of a mouth or gullet. Thus we may speak of any of the organisms already studied as relatively " high " or " low " with regard to the rest : the lowest or least differentiated forms being those which approach most nearly to the simplest conception of a living thing a mere lump of protoplasm : the highest or most differentiated those in which the greatest complication of structure has been attained. It must be remembered, too, that this increase in structural complexity is always accompanied by some degree of division of physiological labour, or, in other words, that morphological and physio- logical differentiation go hand in hand. We have now to consider certain organisms in which this differentiation has gone much further ; which have, in fact, LESS, x GENERAL CHARACTERS 107 acquired many of the characteristics of the higher animals and plants while remaining unicellular. The study of several of these more or less highly differentiated though unicellular forms will occupy the next seven Lessons. It was mentioned above that, in the earlier stages of the putrefaction of an organic infusion, bacteria only were found, and that later, monads made their appearance. Still later organisms much larger than monads are seen, generally of an ovoidai form, moving about very quickly, and seen by the use of a high power to be covered with innumerable fine cilia. These are called ciliate Infusoria, in contradistinction to monads, which are often known as flagellate Infusoria : many kinds are common in putrefying infusions, some occur in the intestines of the higher animals, while others are among the commonest inhabitants of both fresh and salt water. Five genera of these Infusoria will form the subjects of this and the four following Lessons. A very common ciliate infusor is the beautiful " slipper animalcule," Paramczcium aurelia, which from its compara- tively large size and from the ease with which all essential points of its organization can be made out is a very con- venient and interesting object of study. Compared with the majority of the organisms which have come under our notice it may fairly be considered as gigantic, being no less than \ J mm. (200 26o/x) in length : in fact it is just visible to the naked eye as a minute whitish speck. Its form (Fig. 20 A) can be fairly well imitated by making out of clay or stiff dough an elongated cylinder rounded at one end and bluntly pointed at the other ; then giving the broader end a slight twist ; and finally making on the side :B FIG. 20. Paramcecium aurelia. A, the living animal from the ventral aspect, showing the covering of cilia, the buccal groove (to the right) ending posteriorly in the mouth LESS, x MOVEMENTS 109 (mth} and gullet (gut] ; several food vacuoles (/. vac), an'd the two contractile vacuoles (c. vac}. B, the same in optical section, showing cuticle (at}, cortex (cort], and medulla (med) ; buccal groove (buc. gr}, mouth, and gullet (gul) ; numerous food vacuoles (f. vac) circulating in the direction indicated by the arrows, and containing particles of indigo, which are finally ejected at an anal spot ; meganucleus (nu), micronucleus (pa. nu), and trichocysts, some of which (trch} are shown with their threads ejected. The scale to the right of this figure applies to A and B. c, a specimen killed with osmic acid, showing the ejection of tricho- cyst-threads, which project considerably; beyond the cilia. D, diagram of binary fission : the micronucleus (pa. nu} has already divided, the nucleus (mi) is in the act of dividing. (D after Lankester.) rendered somewhat concave by the twist a wide shallow groove beginning at the broad end and gradually narrowing to about the middle of the body, where it ends in a tolerably deep depression. The grove is called the buccal groove (Fig. 20, A & B, buc. gr) : at the narrow end is a small aperture the mouth (mth\ which, like the mouth of Euglena (Fig. 5), leads into the soft internal protoplasm of the body. The surface of the creature on which the groove is placed is distinguished as the ventral surface, the opposite surface being upper or dorsal ; the broad end is anterior, the narrow end posterior, the former being directed forwards as the animalcule swims. These descriptive terms being decided upon, it will be seen from Fig. 20 A, that the buccal groove begins on the left side of the body, and gradually curves over to the middle of the ventral surface. As the animal swims its form is seen to be permanent, exhibiting no contractions of either an amoeboid or a euglenoid nature. It is however distinctly flexible, often being bent in one or other direction when passing between obstacles such as entangled masses of weed. This perma- nence of contour is due to the presence of a tolerably firm though delicate cuticle (cu) which invests the whole surface. i io PARAMCECIUM, STYLONYCHIA, OXYTRICHA LESS, The protoplasm thus enclosed by the cuticle is distinctly divisible into two portions an external somewhat dense layer, the cortical layer or cortex (cort\ and an internal more fluid material, the medullary substance or medulla (med}. It will be remembered that a somewhat similar distinction of the protoplasm into two layers is exhibited by Amoeba (p. 3), the ectosarc being distinguished from the endosarc simply by the absence of granules. In Paramoecium the distinction is a far more fundamental one : the cortex is radially striated and is comparatively firm and dense, while the medulla is granular and semi-fluid, as may be seen from the fact that food particles (/. vac, see below, p. 112,) move freely in it, whereas they never pass into the cortex. It has recently been found that the medulla has a reticular structure similar to that of the protoplasm of the ordinary animal cell (Fig. 9, p. 62), consisting of a delicate granular network the meshes of which are filled with a transparent material. In the cortex the meshes of the network are closer, and so form a comparatively dense substance. The cortex also exhibits a superficial oblique striation, forming what is called the myophan layer. The mouth (mtti) leads into a short funnel-like tube, the gullet (gul), which is lined by cuticle and passes through the cortex to end in the soft medulla, thus making a free com- munication between the latter and the external water. The cilia with which the body is covered are of approxi- mately equal size, quite short in relation to the entire animal, and arranged in longitudinal rows over the whole outer surface. They consist of prolongations of the cortex, and each passes through a minute perforation in the cuticle, They are in constant rhythmical movement, and are thereby distinguished from the flagella of Hsematococcus, Euglena, &c., which exhibit more or less intermittent lashing move- x CONTRACTILE VACUOLES in ments (see p. 25, note, and p. 59). Their rapid motion and minute size make them somewhat difficult to see while the Paramoecium is alive and active, but after death they are very obvious, and look quite like a thick covering of fine silky hairs. Near the middle of the body, in the cortex, is a large oval nucleus (B, nu], which is peculiar in taking on a uniform tint when stained, showing none of the distinction into chroma- tin and nuclear matrix which is so marked a feature in many of the nuclei we have studied (see especially Fig. i, p. 2, and Fig. 9, p. 62). It has also a further peculiarity : against one side of it is a small oval structure (pa. nu) which is also deeply stained by magenta or carmine. This is the micronudeus : it is to be considered as a second, smaller nucleus, the larger body being distinguished as the meganudeus. There are two contractile vacuoles (c. vac), one situated at about a third of the entire length from the anterior end of the body, the other at about the same distance from the posterior end : they occur in the cortex. The action of the contractile vacuoles is very beautifully seen in a Paramoecium at rest : it is particularly striking in a specimen subjected to slight pressure under a cover glass, but is perfectly visible in one which has merely temporarily suspended its active swimming movements. It is then seen that during the diastole, or phase of expansion of each vacuole, a number about six to ten of delicate radiating, spindle- shaped spaces filled with fluid appear round it, like the rays of a-star (upper vacuole in A & B) : the vacuole itself contracts or performs its systole, completely disappearing from view, and immediately afterwards the radiating canals flow together and re-fill it, becoming themselves emptied and therefore invisible for an instant (lower vacuole in A & B) but rapidly appearing once more. There seems to be no doubt that the H2 PARAMCECIUM, STYLONYCHlA, OXYTRICHA LESS. water taken in with the food is collected into these canals, emptied into the vacuole, and finally discharged into the surrounding medium. The process of feeding can be very conveniently studied in Paramcecium by placing in the water some finely-divided carmine or indigo. When the creature comes into the neighbourhood of the coloured particles, the latter are swept about in various directions by the action of the cilia : some of these are however certain to be swept into the neighbour- hood of the buccal groove and gullet, the cilia of which all work downwards, i.e. towards the inner end of the gullet. The grains of carmine are thus carried into the gullet, where for an instant they lie surrounded by the water of which it is full : then, instantaneously, probably by the contraction of the tube itself, the animalcule performs a sort of gulp, and the grains with an enveloping globule of water or food-vacuole are forced into the medullary protoplasm. This process is repeated again and again, so that in any well-nourished Paramcecium there are to be seen numerous globular spaces filled with water and containing particles of food or in the present instance of carmine or indigo. At every gulp the newly formed food-vacuole pushes, as it were, its predecessor before it : contraction of the medullary protoplasm also takes place in a definite direction, and thus a circulation of food- vacuoles is produced, as indicated in Fig. 20, B, by arrows. After circulating in this way for some time the water of the food-vacuoles is gradually absorbed, being ultimately excreted by the contractile vacuoles, so that the contained particles come to lie in the medulla itself (refer to figure). The circu- lation still continues, until finally the particles are brought to a spot situated about half-way between - the mouth and the posterior end of the body : here if carefully watched they are seen to approach the surface and then to be suddenly x TRICHOCYSTS 113 ejected. The spot in question is therefore to be looked upon as a potential anus, or aperture for the egestion of faeces or undigested food-matters. It is a potential and not an actual anus, because it is not a true aperture but only a soft place in the cortex through which by the contractions of the medulla solid particles are easily forced. Of course when Paramcecium ingests, as it usually does, not carmine but minute living organisms, the latter are digested as they circulate through the medullary protoplasm, and only the non-nutritious parts cast out at the anal spot. It has been found by experiment that this infusor can digest not only proteids but also starch and perhaps fats. The starch is probably converted into dextrin, a carbo- hydrate having the same formula (C 6 H 10 O 5 ) but soluble and diffusible. Oils or fats seem to be partly converted into fatty acids and glycerine. The nutrition of Paramcecium is therefore characteristically holozoic. It was mentioned above (p. 108) that the cortex is ra- dially striated in optical section. Careful examination with a very high power shows that this appearance is due to the presence in the cortex of minute spindle-shaped bodies (A and B, trcJi) closely arranged in a single layer and perpen- dicular to the surface. These are called trichocysts. When a Paramoecium is killed, either by the addition of osmic acid or some other poisonous reagent or by simple pressure of the cover glass, it frequently assumes a remark- able appearance. Long delicate threads suddenly appear, projecting from its surface in all directions (c) and looking very much as if the cilia had suddenly protruded to many times their original length. But these filaments have really nothing to do with the cilia ; they are contained under or- dinary circumstances in the trichocysts, probably coiled up ; and by the contraction of the cortex consequent upon any I ii4 PARAMCECIUM, STYLONYCHIA, OXYTRICHA LESS.X sudden irritation they are projected in the way indicated. In Fig. 20 B, a few trichocysts (trcJi) are shown in the ex- ploded condition, i.e. with the threads protruded. Most likely these bodies are weapons of offence like the very similar structures (nematocysts) found in polypes (see Lesson XXII. Fig 51). Paramoecium multiplies by simple fission, the division of the body being always preceded by the elongation and subsequent division of the mega- and micronucleus (Fig. 20, D). Division of the meganucleus is direct, that of the micronucleus indirect, i.e. takes place by karyokinesis. Conjugation also occurs, usually after multiplication by fission has gone on for some time, but the details and the results of the process are very different from what are found to obtain in Heteromita (p. 62). Two Paramcecia come into contact by their ventral faces (Fig. 2 1, A) and the mega- nucleus (mg. nu) of each gradually breaks up into minute fragments (D G) which are either absorbed into the proto- plasm or ejected. At the same time the micronucleus (mi. nu) divides, by karyokinesis, and the process is repeated, the result being that each gamete contains four micro- nuclei (B). Two of these become absorbed and disappear, (c mi. nu', mi. nu") of the remaining two one is now distin- guished as the active pronudeus, the other as the stationary pronudeus. Next, the active pronucleus of each gamete passes into the body of the other (c) and fuses with its stationary pronucleus (D): in this way each gamete con- tains a single nuclear body, the conjugation-nucleus (E), formed by the union of two similar pronuclei one of which is derived from another individual. It is this fusion of two nuclear bodies, one from each of the con- jugating cells, which is the essential part of the whole FlG. 21. Stages in the Conjugation of Paramcecium. A, Commencement of conjugation : the meganuclei (mg. mi) of the two gametes are almost unaltered : the micronuclei (mi. nu) are in an early stage of karyokinesis. B, The micronuclei have divided twice, each gamete now containing four. C, Two of the micronuclei (mi. nu', mi. nu")of each gamete are degenerating : of the remaining two one the active pronucleus is passing into the other gamete. D, The active pronucleus of each gamete has passed into the other gamete and is conjugating with its stationary pronucleus. The mega- nucleus (mg. mi) has begun to break up. E, Each gamete contains a single conjugation-nucleus formed by the union of its own stationary pronucleus with the active pronucleus of the other gamete. On the right side the conjugation-nucleus is beginning to divide. F, Conjugation is over and only one of the separated gametes is shown. It contains the fragments of the meganucleus (dotted) and four nuclear bodies (mi. nu) produced by the division and re-division of the con- jugation-nuc'eus. G, Two of the products of division of the conjugation-nucleus (Mg. nu) are enlarging to form mega-nuclei, the other two ( are taking on the characters of micronuclei. (After H'ortwig.) I 2 ii6 PARAMGECTUM, STYLONYCHIA, OXYTRTCHA LESS. process. Soon after this the gametes separate from one another and begin once more to lead an independent existence; the conjugation nucleus of each undergoing a twice repeated process of division, the infusor thus acquiring four small nuclei (F). Two of these enlarge and take on the character of meganuclei (G, Mg. nu\ the other two remaining unaltered and having the character of micronuclei (Mi. nu). Thus shortly after the completion of conjugation each individual contains two mega- and two micronuclei all derived from the conjugation-nucleus. Ordinary transverse fission now takes place, as described in the preceding paragraph, each of the two daughter cells having one mega- and one micronucleus, and thus the normal form of the species is re-acquired. It will be noticed that, in the present instance, conjuga- tion is not a process of multiplication : it has been ascertained that during the time two infusors are conju- gating each might have produced several thousand offspring by continuing to undergo fission at the usual rate. The importance of the process lies in the exchange of nuclear material between the two conjugating individuals : without such exchange these organisms have been shown to undergo a gradual process of senile decay characterized by diminution in size and degeneration in structure. Another ciliated infusor common in stagnant water and organic infusions is Stylonychia mytilus, an animalcule vary- ing from y^rnm. to |mm. Like Paramcecium it is often to be seen swimming rapidly in the fluid, but unlike that genus it frequently creeps about, almost like a wood-louse or a caterpillar, on the surface of the plants or other solid objects among which it lives. In correspondence with this, instead of being nearly CILIA OF STYLONYCHIA 117 cylindrical, it is flattened on one the ventral side, and is thus irregularly plano-convex in transverse section (Fig. 22, c). It resembles Paramcecium in general structure (compare FIG. 22. A, Stylonychia mytihis, ventral aspect, showing the buccal groove (buc. gr.} and mouth (mt/i), two nuclei (mi, nu), contractile vacuole (c.vac), and cilia differentiated into hook-like (h. '), bristle- like (b. ci), plate-like ( p. ci), and fan-like (in. ci) organs. B, one of the plate-like cilia of the same (/. ci in A), showing its frayed extremity. C, transverse section of Gastrostyla, a form allied to Stylonychia, showing buccal groove (btic. gr.), small dorsal cilia (d. ci}, hook-like cilium (h. ci), and the various cilia of the buccal groove, including an expanded fan-like organ (m. ci). A and B after Claparede and Lach- mann : c after Sterki. Fig. 22, A, with Fig. 20, A) ; but owing to the absence of trichocysts the distinction between cortex and medulla is less obvious : moreover, it has two nuclei (//, nu) and only one contractile vacuole (c. vac]. ii8 PARAMCECIUM, STYLONYCHIA, OXYTRICHA LESS. But it is in the character of its cilia that Stylonychia is most markedly distinguished from Paramoecium : these structures, instead of being all alike both in form and size, are modified in a very extraordinary way. On the dorsal surface the cilia are represented only by very minute processes of the cortex (c, d. ci.) set in longi- tudinal grooves and exhibiting little movement. It seems probable that these are to be looked upon as vestigial or rudimentary cilia, i.e., as the representatives of cilia which were of the ordinary character in the ancestors of Stylo- nychia, but which have undergone partial atrophy, or diminution beyond the limits of usefulness, in correspond- ence with the needs of an animalcule which has taken to creeping on its ventral surface, instead of swimming freely and so using all its cilia equally. On the other hand, the cilia on the ventral surface have undergone a corresponding enlargement or hypertrophy. Near the anterior and posterior ends and about the middle are three groups of cilia of comparatively immense size, shaped either like hooks (h. ci.), or like flattened rods frayed at their ends (p. a, and B). All these structures neither vibrate rhythmically like ordinary cilia nor perform lashing move- ments like flagella, but move at the base only like one- jointed legs. The movement is under the animal's control, so that it is able to creep about by the aid of these hooks and plates in much the same way as a caterpillar by means of its legs. Notice that we have here a third form of contractility : in amoeboid movement there is an irregular flowing of the pro- toplasm (pp. 4 and 10) ; in ciliary movement a flexion of a protoplasmic filament from side to side (p. 33) ; while in the present case we have sudden contractions taking place at irregular intervals. The movements of these locomotor hooks and plates are therefore very similar to the muscular x DIFFERENTIATION OF CILIA 119 contractions to which the movements of the higher animals are due : it cannot be said that definite muscles are present in Stylonychia, but the protoplasm in certain regions of the unicellular body is so modified as to be able to perform a sudden contraction in a definite direction. The nature of muscular contraction will be further discussed in the next Lesson (see p. 130). The remainder of the ventral surface, with the exception of the buccal groove, is bare, but along each side of the margin is a row of large vibratile cilia, of which three at the posterior end are modified into long, stiff, bristle-like processes (A, b. a). There is also a special differentiation of the cilia of the buccal groove (']. On its left side is a single row of very large and powerful cilia (A and c, m. cf] which are the chief organs for causing the food-current as well as the main swimming-organs : each has the form of a triangular fan-like plate (c, m. a). On the right side of the buccal groove is a row of smaller but still large cilia of the ordinary form, and in the interior of the gullet a row of extremely delicate cilia which aid in forcing particles of food down the gullet into the medulla. In Stylonychia and allied genera intermediate forms are found between these peculiar hooks, plates, bristles, and fans, and ordinary cilia ; from which we may conclude that these diverse appendages are to be looked upon as highly modified or differentiated cilia. Probably they have been evolved in the course of time from ordinary cilia, and on the principle that the more complicated or specialized organisms are descended from simpler or more generalized forms (see Lesson XIII.), we may consider Stylonychia as the highly-specialized descendant of some uniformly-ciliated progenitor. 120 PARAMCECIUM, STYLONYCHIA, OXYTRICHA LESS.X A third genus of ciliated Infusoria must be just referred to in concluding the present Lesson. We have seen how the nucleus of a Paramoecium which has just conjugated breaks up and apparently disappears (Fig. 21, K o). In Oxytricha, a genus closely resembling Stylonychia, the two nuclei have been found to break up into a large number of minute granules (Fig. 23), which can be seen only after FIG. 23. Oxytricha flava, killed and stained, showing the frag- mentation of the nuclei. (After Gruber. ) careful staining and by the use of high magnifying powers. This process is called fragmentation of the nucleus; in other cases it goes even further, and the nucleus is reduced to an almost infinite number of chromatin granules only just visible under the highest powers. From this it seems very probable that organisms which, like Protamceba (p. 9) and Protomyxa (p. 49), appear non-nucleate, are actually pro- vided with a nucleus in this pulverized condition, and that a nucleus in some form or other is an essential constituent of the cell. UNIVERSITY LESSON XI OPALINA THE large intestine of the common frog often contains numbers of ciliate Infusoria belonging to two or three genera. One of these parasitic animalcules, called Opalina ranarum, will now be described. It is easily obtained by killing a frog, opening the body, making an incision in the rectum, and spreading out a little of its blackish contents in a drop of water on a slide. Opalina has a flattened body with an oval outline (Fig. 24, A, B), and full-sized specimens may be as much as one millimetre in length. The protoplasm is divided into cortex and medulla, and is covered with a cuticle, and the cilia are equal-sized and uniformly arranged in longitudinal rows over the whole surface (A). On a first examination no nucleus is apparent, but after staining a large number of nuclei can be seen (B, ;/#), each being a globular body (c, i), consisting of a nuclear matrix surrounded by a membrane and containing a coil or net- work of chromatin. These nuclei multiply within the body of the infusor, and in so doing pass through the various changes characteristic of karyokinesis or indirect nuclear 122 OPALINA LESS. division (compare Fig. 10, p. 64, with Fig. 23) : the FlG. 24. Opalina ranarum. A, living specimen, surface view, showing longitudinal rows of cilia. B, the same, stained, showing numerous nuclei (nu) in various stages of division. c, I 6, stages in nuclear division. D, longitudinal fission. E, transverse fission. F, the same in a specimen reduced in size by repeated division. G, final product of successive divisions. H, encysted form. i, uninucleate form produced fi'om cyst. K, the same after multiplication of the nucleus has begun. (A C, after Pfitzner ; D K, from Saville Kent after Zeller.) chromatin breaks up (c, 2), a spindle is formed with the chromosomes across its equator (3), the chromosomes pass XJ PARASITISM 123 to the poles of the spindle (4, 5), and the nucleus becomes constricted (5), and finally divides into two (6). The presence of numerous nuclei in Opalina is a fact worthy of special notice. The majority of the organisms we have studied are uninucleate as well as unicellular : the higher animals and plants we found (Lesson VI.) to consist of numerous cells each with a nucleus, so that they are multicellular and multinucleate : Opalina, on the other hand, is multinucleate but unicellular. An approach to this condition of things is furnished by Stylonychia, which is unicellular and binucleate (Fig. 24, A), but the only organisms we have yet studied in which numerous nuclei of the ordi- nary character occur in an undivided mass of protoplasm are the Mycetozoa (p. 52), and in them the multinucleate con- dition of the plasmodium is largely due to its being formed by the fusion of separate cells, while in Opalina it is due, as we shall see, to the repeated binary fission of an originally single nucleus. There is no contractile vacuole, and no trace of either mouth or gullet, so that the ingestion of solid food is impos- sible. The creature lives, as already stated, in the intestine of the frog : it is therefore an internal parasite, or endo- parasite, having the frog as its host. The intestine contains the partially-digested food of the frog, and it is by the ab- sorption of this that the Opalina is nourished. Having no mouth, it feeds solely by imbibition : whether it performs any kind of digestive process itself is not certainly known, but the analogy of other mouthless parasites leads us to expect that it simply absorbs food ready digested by its host, upon which it is dependent for a constant supply of soluble and diffusible nutriment. Thus Opalina, in virtue of its parasitic mode of life, is saved the performance of certain work the work of diges- 124 OPALINA LESS. tion, that work being done for it by its host. This is the essence of internal parasitism : an organism exchanges a free life, burdened with the necessity of finding food for itself, for existence in the interior of another organism, on which, in one way or another, it levies blackmail. Note the close analogy between the nutrition of an internal parasite like Opalina and the saprophytic nutrition of a monad (p. 39). In both the organism absorbs proteids rendered soluble and diffusible, in the one case by the digestive juices of the host, in the other by the action of putrefactive bacteria. The reproduction of Opalina presents certain points of interest, largely connected with its peculiar mode of life. It is obvious that if the Opalinae simply went on multiplying, by fission or otherwise, in the frog's intestine, the population would soon outgrow the means of subsistence : moreover, when the frog died there would be an end of the parasites. What is wanted in this as in other internal parasites is some mode of multiplication which shall serve as a means of dis- persal^ or in other words, enable the progeny of the parasite to find their way into the bodies of other hosts, and so start new colonies instead of remaining to impoverish the mother country. Opalina multiplies by a somewhat peculiar process of binary fission : an animalcule divides in an oblique direction (Fig. 24, D), and then each half, instead of growing to the size of the parent cell, divides again transversely (E). The process is repeated again and again (F), the plane of division being alternately oblique and transverse, until finally small bodies are produced (G), about %$$ mm - i n length, and containing two to four nuclei. If the parent cell had divided simultaneously into a num- xi DEVELOPMENT 125 her of these little bodies the process would have been one of multiple fission : as it is it forms an interesting link between simple and multiple fission. Opalina ranarum multiplies in this way in the spring i.e. during the frog's breeding season. Each of the small pro- ducts of division (G) becomes encysted (H), and in this passive condition is passed out with the frog's excrement, probably falling on to a water-weed or other aquatic object. Nothing further takes place unless the cyst is swallowed by a tadpole, as must frequently happen when these creatures, produced in immense numbers from the frogs' eggs, browse upon the water-weeds which form their chief food. Taken into the tadpole's intestine, the cyst is burst or dissolved, and its contents emerge as a lanceolate mass of protoplasm (i), containing a single nucleus and covered with cilia. This, as it absorbs the digested food in the intestine of its host, grows, and at the same time its nucleus divides repeatedly (K) in the way already described, until by the time the animalcule has attained the maximum size it has also acquired the large number of nuclei characteristic of the genus. Here, then, we have another interesting case of develop- ment (see p. 43) : the organism begins life as a very small uninucleate mass of protoplasm, and as it increases in size increases also in complexity by the repeated binary fission of its nucleus. LESSON XII VORTICELLA AND ZOOTHAMNIUM THE next organism we have to consider is a ciliated infusor even commoner than those described in the two previous lessons. It is hardly possible to examine the water of a pond with any care without finding in it, sometimes attached to weeds, sometimes to the legs of water-fleas, sometimes to the sticks and stones of the bottom, numbers of exquisitely beautiful little creatures, each like an inverted bell with a very long handle, or a wine-glass with a very long stem. These are the well-known "bell-animalcules;" the com- monest among them belong to various species of the genus Vorticflla. The first thing that strikes one about Vorticella (Fig. 25, A) is the fact that it is permanently fixed, like a plant, the proximal or near end of the stalk being always firmly fixed to some aquatic object, while to the distal or far end the body proper of the animalcule is attached. But in spite of its peculiar form it presents certain very obvious points of resemblance to Paramoecium, Stylonychia, and Opalina. The protoplasm is divided into cortex ( Fig. 25, c, corf) and medulla (med), and is invested with a FlG. 25. Vorticella. A, living specimen fully expanded, showing stalk (st) with axial fibre (ax. f.), peristome (per), disc (d), mouth (mth}, gullet (gull], and contractile vacuole. B, the same, bent on its stalk and with the disc turned away from the observer. c, optical section of the same, showing cuticle (cu\ cortex (corf), medulla (med), nucleus (), gullet (gull), several food-vacuoles, and anus (an), as well as the structures shown in A. D 1 , a half-retracted and D 2 a fully-retracted specimen, showing the coiling of the stalk and overlapping of the disc by the peristome. 128 VORTICELLA AND ZOOTHAMNIUM LESS. E 1 , commencement of binary fission ; E 2 , completion of the process ; E 3 , the barrel-shaped product of division swimming freely in the direction indicated by the arrow. F 1 , a specimen dividing into a megazooid and several microzooids (m) ; F' 2 , division into one mega- and one microzooid. G 1 , G 2 , two stages in conjugation showing the gradual absorption of the microgamete (m) into the megagamete. H 1 , multiple fission of encysted form, the nucleus dividing into nume- rous masses : H 2 , spore formed by multiple fission ; H 3 H 7 , development of the spore ; H 4 is undergoing binary fission. (E H after Saville Kent.) delicate cuticle (cu). There is a single contractile vacuole (c. vac] the movements of which are very readily made out owing to the ease with which the attached organism is kept under observation. There is a meganucleus (nu) remarkable for its elongated band-like form, and having in its neighbour- hood a small rounded micronucleus. Cilia are also present, but the way in which they are disposed is very peculiar and characteristic. To understand it we must study the form of the body a little more closely. The conical body is attached by its apex or proximal end to the stalk : its base or distal end is expanded so as to form a thickened rim, the peristome (per), within which is a plate- like body elevated on one side, called the disc (d), and looking like the partly raised lid of a chalice. Between the raised side of the disc and the peristome is a depression, the mouth (mtti), leading into a conical gullet (gull). There is reason for thinking that the whole proximal region of Vorticella answers to the ventral surface of Para- mcecium, and its distal surface with the peristome and disc to the dorsal surface of the free-swimming genus : the mouth is to the left in both. A single row of cilia is disposed round the inner border of the peristome, and continued on the one hand down the gullet, and on the other round the elevated portion of the xii AXIAL FIBRE 129 disc ; the whole row of cilia thus takes a spiral direction. The rest of the body is completely bare of cilia. The movements of the cilia produce a very curious optical illusion : as one watches a fully-expanded specimen it is hardly possible to believe that the peristome and disc are not actually revolving a state of things which would imply that they were discontinuous from the rest of the body. As a matter of fact the appearance is due to the successive contraction of all the cilia in the same direction, and is analogous to that produced by a strong wind on a field of corn or long grass. The bending down of suc- cessive blades of grass produces a series of waves travelling across the field in the direction of the wind. If instead of a field we had a large circle of grass, and if this were acted upon by a cyclone, the wave would travel round the circle, which would then appear to revolve. Naturally the movement of the circlet of cilia produces a small whirlpool in the neighbourhood of the Vorticella, as can be seen by introducing finely-powdered carmine into the water. It is through the agency of this whirlpool that food particles are swept into the mouth, surrounded, as in Paramcecium, by a globule of water : the food-vacuoles (/ vac) thus constituted circulate in the medullary proto- plasm, and the non-nutritive parts are finally egested at an anal spot (an) situated near the base of the gullet. The stalk (st) consists of a very delicate, transparent, outer substance, which is continuous with the cuticle of the body and contains a delicate axial fibre (ax.f.) running along it from end to end in a somewhat spiral direction. This fibre is a prolongation of the cortex of the body (c, ax.f.) : under a very high power it appears granular or delicately striated, the striae being continued into the cortex of the proximal part of the body. 130 VORTICELLA AND ZOOTHAMNIUM LESS. A striking characteristic of Vorticella is its extreme irritability, i.e., the readiness with which it responds to any external stimulus (see p. 10). The slightest jar of the microscope, the contact of some other organism, or even a current of water produced by some free-swimming form like Paramcecium, is felt directly by the bell-animalcule and is followed by an instantaneous change in the relative position of its parts. The stalk becomes coiled into a close spiral (D 1 , D 2 ) so as to have a mere fraction of its original length, and the body from being bell-shaped becomes globular, the disc being withdrawn and the peristome closed over it (Di, D*). ! The coiling of the stalk leads us to the consideration of the particular form of contractility called muscular, which we have already met with in Stylonychia (p. 116). It was mentioned above that while the stalk in its fully expanded condition is straight, the axial fibre is not straight, but forms a very open spiral, i.e., it does not lie in the centre of the stalk but at any transverse section is nearer the surface at one spot than elsewhere, and this point as we ascend the stalk is directed successively to all points of the compass. Now suppose that the axial fibre undergoes a sudden con- traction, that is to say, a decrease in length accompanied by an increase in diameter, since as we have already seen (p. 10) there is no decrease in volume in protoplasmic contraction. There will naturally follow a corresponding shortening of the elastic cuticular substance which forms the outer layer of the stalk. If the axial fibre were entirely towards one side of the stalk, the result of the contraction would be a flexure of the stalk towards that side, but, as its direction is spiral, the stalk is bent successively in every direction, that is, is thrown into a close spiral coil. The axial fibre is therefore a portion of the protoplasm xii FISSION 131 which possesses the property of contractility in a special de- gree ; in which moreover contraction takes place in a definite direction the direction of the length of the fibre so that its inevitable result is to shorten the fibre and consequently to bring its two ends nearer together. This is the essential characteristic of a muscular contraction, and the axial fibre in the stalk of Vorticella is therefore to be looked upon as the first instance of a clearly differentiated muscle which has come under our notice. There are some interesting features in the reproduction of Vorticella. It multiplies by binary fission, dividing through the long axis of the body (Fig. 25, E 1 , E 2 ). Hence it is generally said that fission is longitudinal, not transverse, as in Paramcecium. But on the theory (p. 107) that the peris- tome and disc are dorsal and the attached end ventral, fission is really transverse in this case also. It will be seen from the figures that the process takes place by a cleft appearing at the distal end (E 1 ), and gradually deepening until there are produced two complete and full- sized individuals upon a single stalk (E 2 ). This state of things does not last long : one of the two daughter-cells takes on a nearly cylindrical form, keeps its disc and peristome retracted, and acquires a new circlet of cilia near its proximal end (E S ) : it then detaches itself from the stalk, which it leaves in the sole possession of its sister-cell, and swims about freely for a time in the direction indicated by the arrow. Sooner or later it settles down, becomes attached by its proximal end, loses its basal circlet of cilia, and develops a stalk, which ultimately attains the normal length. The object of this arrangement is obvious. If when a Vorticella divided, the plane of fission extended down the stalk until two ordinary fixed forms were produced side by side, the constant repetition of the process would so increase K 2 132 VORT1CELLA AND ZOOTHAMNIUM LESS. the numbers of the species in a given spot that the food- supply would inevitably run short. This is prevented by one of the two sister-cells produced by fission leading a free existence long enough to enable it to emigrate and settle in a new locality, where the competition with its fellows will be less keen. The production of these free-swimming zooids is therefore a means of dispersal (see*p. 122) : contrivances having this object in view are a very general characteristic of fixed as of parasitic organisms. Conjugation occasionally takes place, and presents certain peculiarities. A Vorticella divides either into two unequal halves (r 2 ) or into two equal halves, one of which divides again into from two to eight daughter-cells (r 1 ). There are thus produced from one to eight microzooids which resemble the barrel-shaped form (E S ) in all but size, and like it become detached and swim freely by means of a basal circlet of cilia. After swimming about for a time, one of these microzooids comes in contact with an ordinary form or megazooid, when it attaches itself to it near the proximal end (c 1 ), and under- goes gradual absorption (c 2 ), the mega- and microzooids becoming completely and permanently fused. As in Para- mcecium, conjugation is followed by increased activity in feeding and dividing (p. 113). Notice that in this case the conjugating bodies or gametes are not of equal size and similar characters, but one, which is conveniently distinguished as the microgamete ( = micro- zooid) is relatively small and active, while the other or megagamete ( = megazooid, or ordinary individual) is rela- tively large and passive. As we shall see in a later lesson, this differentiation of the gametes is precisely what we get in almost all organisms with two sexes : the microgamete being the male, the megagamete the female conjugating body (see Lesson XVI.). xii METAMORPHOSIS 133 The result of conjugation is strikingly different in the three cases already studied : in Heteromita (p. 41) the two gametes unite to form a zygote, a motionless body provided with a cell-wall, the protoplasm of which divides into spores : in Paramcecium (p. 113) no zygote is formed, conjugation being a mere temporary union : in Vorticella the zygote is an actively moving and feeding body, indistinguishable from an ordinary individual of the species. Vorticella sometimes encysts itself (Fig. 25, H 1 ), and the nucleus of the encysted cell has been observed to break up into a number of separate masses, each doubtless surrounded by a layer of protoplasm. After a time the cyst bursts, and a number of small bodies or spores (n 2 ) emerge from it, each containing one of the products of division of the nucleus. These acquire a circlet of cilia (H S ), by means of which they swim freely, and they are sometimes found to multiply by simple fission (H 4 ). Finally, they settle down (n 5 ) by the end at which the cilia are situated, the attached end begins to elongate into a stalk (H G ), this increases in length, the basal circlet of cilia is lost, and a ciliated peristome and disc are formed at the free end (a 7 ). In this way the ordinary form is assumed by a process of development recalling what we found to occur in Heteromita (p. 42), but with an important difference : the free-swimming young of Vorticella (n 3 ), to which the spores formed by division of the encysted protoplasm give rise, differ strikingly in form and habits from the adult. This is expressed by saying that development is in this case accompanied by a meta- morphosis, this word, literally meaning simply a change, being always used in biology to express a striking and fundamental difference in form and habit between the young and the adult ; as, for instance, between the tadpole and the frog, or between the caterpillar and the butterfly. It is obvious 134 VORTICELLA AND ZOOTHAMNtUM LESS. that in the present instance metamorphosis is another means of ensuring dispersal. In Vorticella, as we have seen, fission results not in the FIG. 26. Zoothamnium arbuscula. A, entire colony, magnified, showing nutritive (n. z) and reproductive (r. 0) zooids ; ax. f axial fibre of the stem. B, the same, natural size. C, the same, magnified, in the condition of retraction. D, nutritive zooid, showing nucleus () contractile vacuole (c. vac), gullet, and axial fibre (ax.f). E, reproductive zooid, showing nucleus (mi} and contractile vacuole (c. vac), and absence of mouth and gullet. F 1 , F 2 , two stages in the development of the reproductive zooid. (After Saville Kent.) production of equal and similar daughter-cells, but of one stalked and one free-swimming form. It is however quite possible to conceive of a Vorticella-like organism in which the parent cell divides into two equal and similar products, each retaining its connection with the stalk. If this process were repeated again and again, and if, further, the plane of xn DIMORPHISM 135 fission were extended downwards so as to include the distal end of the stalk, the result would be a branched, tree-like stem with a Vorticella-like body at the end of every branch. As a matter of fact, this process takes place not in Vorti- cella itself, but in a nearly allied infusor, the beautiful Zoothamnium, a common genus found mostly in sea-water attached to weeds and other objects. Zoothamnium arbuscula (Fig. 26, A) consists of a main stem attached by its proximal end and giving off at its distal end several branches, on each of which numerous shortly- stalked bell-animalcules are borne, like foxgloves or Canter- bury-bells on their stem. The entire tree is about i cm. high, and so can be easily seen by the naked eye : it is shown of the natural size in Fig. 26, B. We see, then, that Zoothamnium differs from all our previous types in being a compound organism. The entire "tree" is called a colony or stock, and each separate bell-animalcule borne thereon is an individual or zooid, morphologically equivalent to a single Vorticella or Paramcecium. As in Vorticella, the stem consists of a cuticular sheath with an axial muscle-fibre (ax. /), which, at the distal end of the main stem, branches like the stem itself, a prolonga- tion of it being traceable to each zooid (D). So that the muscular system is common to the whole colony, and any shock causes a general contraction, the tree-like structure assuming an almost globular form (c). It will be noticed from the figure that all the zooids of the colony are not alike : the majority are bell-shaped and resemble Vorticellse (A, n. z, and D), but here and there are found larger bodies (A, r. z, and E) of a globular form, with- out mouth, peristome, or disc, and with a basal circlet of cilia. The characteristic band-like nucleus (mi) and the 136 VORTICELLA AND ZOOTHAMNIUM LESS, xn contractile vacuole (c. vac) are found in both the bell-shaped and the globular zooids. It is to these globular, mouthless zooids that the functions of reproducing the whole colony and of ensuring dispersal are assigned. They become detached, swim about freely for a time, then settle down, develop a stalk and mouth (r 1 , F 2 ), and finally, by repeated fission, give rise to the adult, tree-like colony. The Zoothamnium colony is thus dimorphic, bearing indi- viduals of two kinds : nutritive zooids, which feed and add to the colony by fission but are unable to give rise to a new colony, and reproductive zooids, which do not feed while attached, but are capable, after a period of free existence, of developing a mouth and stalk, and finally producing a new colony. Dimorphism is a differentiation of the individuals of a colony, just as the formation of axial fibre, gullet, con- tractile vacuole, and cilia are cases of differentiation of the protoplasm of a single cell. LESSON XIII SPECIES AND THEIR ORIGIN THE PRINCIPLES OF CLASSIFICATION MORE than once in the course of the foregoing lessons we have had occasion to use the word species for instance, in Lesson I. (p. 8) it was stated that there were different kinds or species of Amoebae, distinguished by the characters of their pseudopods, the structure of their nuclei, &c. We must now consider a little more in detail what we mean by a species, and, as in all matters of this sort, the study of concrete examples is the best aid to the formation of clear conceptions, we will take, by way of illustration, some of the various species of Zoothamnium. The kind described in the previous lesson is called Zoothamnium arbuscula. As Fig. 26, A, shows, it consists of a tolerably stout main stem, from the distal end of which spring a number of slender branches diverging in a brush- like manner, and bearing on short secondary branchlets the separate individuals of the colony : these are of two kinds, bell-shaped nutritive zooids, and globular reproductive zooids, so that the colony is dimorphic. Zoothamnium (or, for the sake of brevity, Z.) alternans (Fig. 27, A) is found also in sea-water, and differs markedly SPECIES AND THEIR ORIGIN LESS. from Z. arbuscula in the general form of the colony. The main stem is continued to the extreme distal end of the colony and terminates in a zooid ; from it branches are given off right and left, and on these the remaining zooids are borne. To use Mr. Saville Kent's comparison, Z. arbus- FIG. 27. Species of Zoothamnium. A, Z. alternans. B, Z. dichotonmm. C, Z. simplex. D, Z. affine. E, Z. nntans. (After Saville Kent.) cula may be compared to a standard fruit tree, Z. alternans to an espalier. In this species also the colony is dimorphic. Z. dichotomum (Fig. 27, B) is also dimorphic and presents a third mode of branching. The main stem divides into two, and each of the secondary branches does the same, so that a repeatedly forking stem is produced. The branching of this species is said to be dichotomous, while that of Z. alter- nans is monopodial, and that of Z. arbuscula umbellate. Another mode of aggregation of the zooids is found in Z. simplex (Fig. 27, c) in which the stem is unbranched and xni GENUS AND SPECIES 139 bears at its distal end about six zooids in a cluster. The zooids are more elongated than in any of the preceding species, and there are no special reproductive individuals, so that the colony is homomorphic. In Z. affine (Fig. 27, D) the stalk is dichotomous but is proportionally thicker than in the preceding species, and bears about four zooids, all alike. It is found in fresh water attached to insects and other aquatic animals. The last species we shall consider is Z. nutans (Fig. 27, E), which is the simplest known, never bearing more than two zooids, and sometimes only one. A glance at Figs. 26 and 27 will show that these six species agree with one another in the general form of the zooids, in the characters of the nucleus, contractile vacuole, &c., in the arrangement of the cilia, and in the fact that they are all compound organisms, consisting of two or more zooids attached to a common stem, the axial fibre of which branches with it, i.e., is continuous throughout the colony. On account of their possessing these important characters in common, the species described are placed in the single genus Zoothamnium, and the characters summarized in the preceding paragraph are called generic characters. On the other hand the points of difference between the various species, such as the forking of the stem in Z. dichotomum, the presence of only two zooids in Z. nutans, and so on, are called specific characters. Similarly the name Zoothamnium, which is common to all the species, is the generic name, while those which are applied only to a particular species, such as arbuscula, simplex, &c., are the specific names. As was mentioned in the first lesson (p. 8), this method of naming organisms is known as the Linnean system of binomial nomenclature. It will be seen from the foregoing account that by a 140 SPECIES AND THEIR ORIGIN LESS. species we understand an assemblage of individual or- ganisms, whether simple or compound, which agree with one another in all but unessential points, such as the precise number of zooids in Zoothamnium, which may vary con- siderably in the same species, and come, therefore, within the limits of individual variation. Similarly, what we mean by a genus is a group of species agreeing with one another in the broad features of their organization, but differing in detail, the differences being constant. A comparison of the six species described brings out several interesting relations between them. For instance, it is clear that Z. arbuscula and Z. alternans are far more complex /.f Z dichotomitm Z. arbuscula Z alternans\ DIMORPHIC f HOMOMORPHIC ....V..-J FIG. 29. Diagram illustrating the origin of the species of Zoothamnium by evolution. not for our present purpose how it may have been caused would be a simple colonial organism consisting of two zooids attached to the end of a single undivided stalk. Let us call this form B. Next let us imagine that in some of the descendants of B, represented as before by the diverging lines, the plane of division was continued downwards so as to include the distal end of the stalk : this would result in the production xiii DIVERGENCE OF CHARACTER H5 of a form (c) consisting of two zooids borne on a forked stem and resembling Z. nutans. If in some of the descend- ants of c this process were repeated, each of the two zooids again dividing into two fixed individuals and the division as before affecting the stem, we should get a species (D) con- sisting of four zooids on a dichotomous stem, like Z. affine. Let the same process continue from generation to genera- tion, the colony becoming more and more complex; we should finally arrive at a species E, consisting of numerous zooids on a complicated dichotomously branching stem, and therefore resembling Z. dichotomum. Let us further suppose that, in some of the descendants of our hypothetical form B, repeated binary fission took place without affecting the stem : the result would be a new form F, consisting of numerous zooids springing in a cluster from the end of the undivided stem, after the manner of Z. simplex. From this a more complicated umbellate form (G), like Z. arbuscula, may be supposed to have originated, and again starting from B with a different mode of branch- ing a monopodial form (H) might have arisen. Finally, let it be assumed that while some of the descend- ants of the forms c, D, and F became modified into more and more complex species, others survived to the present time with comparatively little change, forming the existing species nutans, affine, and simplex : and that, in the similarly surviving representatives of E, G, and H, a differentiation of the individual zooids took place resulting in the evolution of the dimorphic species dichotomum, arbuscula, and alternans. It will be seen that, on this hypothesis, the relative like- ness and unlikeness of the species of Zoothamnium are explained as the result of their descent with greater or less modification or divergence of character from the ancestral form A. And that we get an arrangement or classification L H6 SPECIES AND THEIR ORIGIN LESS. in the form of a genealogical tree, which on the hypothesis is a strictly natural one, since it shows accurately the relationship of the various species to one another and to the parent stock. So that, on the theory of evolution, a natural classification of any given group of allied organisms is simply a genealogical tree, or as it is usually called, a phytogeny. It must not be forgotten that the forms A, B, c, D, E, F, G, and H are purely hypothetical : their existence has been assumed in order to illustrate the doctrine of descent by a concrete example. The only way in which we could be perfectly sure of an absolutely natural classification of the species of Zoothamnium would be by obtaining specimens as far back as the distant period when the genus first came into existence ; and this is out of the question, since minute soft-bodied organisms like these have no chance of being preserved in the fossil state. It will be seen that the theory of evolution has the advantage over that of creation of offering a reasonable explanation of certain facts. First of all the varying degrees of likeness and unlikeness of the species are explained by their having branched off from one another at various periods : for instance, the greater similarity of structure between Z. affine and Z. dichotomum than between either of them and any other species is due to these two species having a common ancestor in D, whereas to connect either of them, say with Z. arbuscula, we have to go back to B. Then again the fact that all the species, however complex in their fully developed state, begin life as a simple zooid which by repeated branching gradually attains the adult complexity, is a result of the repetition by each organism, in the course of its single life, of the series of changes passed through by its ancestors in the course of ages. In other words ontogeny, xni HEREDITY AND VARIABILITY 147 or the evolution of the individual, is, in its main features, a recapitulation of phytogeny or the evolution of the race. One other matter must be referred to in concluding the present lesson. It is obvious that the evolution of one species from another presupposes the occurrence of varia- tions in the ancestral form. As a matter of fact such individual variation is of universal occurrence : it is a matter of common observation that no two leaves, shells, or human beings are precisely alike, and in our type genus Zootham- nium the number of zooids, their precise arrangement, the details of branching, &c., are all variables. This may be expressed by saying that heredity, according to which the offspring tends to resemble the parent in essentials, is modified by variability, according to which the offspring tends to differ from the parent in details. If from any cause an individual variation is perpetuated there is produced what is known as a variety of the species, and, according to the theory of the origin of species by evolution, such a variety may in course of time become a new species. Thus a variety is an incipient species, and a species is a (relatively) permanent variety. It does not come within the scope of the present work to discuss either the causes of variability or those which deter- mine the elevation of a variety to the rank of a species : both questions are far too complex to be adequately treated except at considerable length, and anything of the nature of a brief abstract could only be misleading. As a preliminary to the study of Darwin's Origin of Species, the student is recommended to read Romanes's Evidences of Organic Evolution, in which the doctrine of Descent is expounded as briefly as is consistent with clearness and accuracy. L 2 LESSON XIV FORAMINIFERA, RADIOLARIA, AND DIATOMS IN the four previous lessons we have learnt how a uni- cellular organism may attain very considerable complexity by a process of differentiation of its protoplasm. In the present lesson we shall consider briefly certain forms of life in which, while the protoplasm of the unicellular body un- dergoes comparatively little differentiation, an extraordinary variety and complexity of form is produced by the develop- ment of a skeleton, either in the shape of a hardened cell- wall or by the formation of hard parts within the protoplasm itself. The name Foraminifera is given to an extensive group of organisms which are very common in the sea, some living ' near the surface, others at various depths. They vary in size from a sand-grain to a shilling. They consist of variously- shaped masses of protoplasm, containing nuclei, and pro- duced into numerous pseudopods which are extremely long and delicate, and frequently unite with one another to form networks, as at x in Fig. 30. The cell-body of these organisms is therefore very simple, and may be compared to that of a multinucleate Amoeba with fine radiating pseudopods. LESS, xiv THE SHELL 149 But what gives the Foraminifera their special character is the fact that around the protoplasm is developed a cell-wall, sometimes membranous, but usually impregnated with cal- cium carbonate, and so forming a shell. In some cases, as in the genus Rotalia (Fig. 30), this is perforated by nume- rous small holes, through which the pseudopods are pro- truded, in others it has only one large aperture (Fig. 31), FIG. 30. A living Foraminifer (Rotalia} , showing the fine radiating pseudopods passing through apertures in the chambered shell : at x several of them have united. (From Gegenbaur. ) through which the protoplasm protrudes, sending off its pseudopods and sometimes flowing over and covering the outer surface of the shell. Thus while in some cases the shell has just the relations of a cell-wall with one or more holes in it, in others it becomes an internal structure, being covered externally as well as rilled internally by protoplasm. The mode of growth of Foraminifera is largely determined by the hard and non-distensible character of the cell-wall, 150 FORAMINIFERA, RADIOLARIA, DIATOMS LESS. which when once formed is incapable of being enlarged. In he young condition they consist of a simple mass of proto- plasm covered by a more or less globular shell, having at least one aperture. But in most cases as the cell-body grows, it protrudes through the aperture of the shell as a mass of protoplasm at first naked, but soon becoming covered by the secretion around it of a second compartment or chamber of the shell. The latter now consists of two FIG. 31. A, diagram of a Foraminifer in which new chambers are added in a straight line : the smallest first-formed chamber is below, the newest and largest is above and communicates with the exterior. B, diagram of a Foraminifer in which the chambers are added in a flat spiral : the oldest and smallest chamber is in the centre, the newest and largest as before communicates with the exterior. (From Carpenter. ) chambers communicating with one another by a small aperture, and one of them the last formed communi- cating with the exterior. This process may go on almost indefinitely, the successive chambers always remaining in communication by small apertures through which continuity of the protoplasm is maintained, while the last formed chamber has a terminal aperture placing its protoplasm in free communication with the outer world. xiv COMPLEXITY OF SHELL 151 The new chambers may be added in a straight line (Fig. 31, A) or in a gentle curve, or in a flat spiral (Fig. 31, B), .or like the segments of a Nautilus shell, or more or less irregularly. In this way shells of great variety and beauty FIG. 32. Section of one of the more complicated Foraminifera (Aveolina), showing the numerous chambers containing protoplasm (dotted), separated by partitions of the shell (white). x 60. (From Gegenbaur after Carpenter. ) of form are produced, often resembling the shells of Mol lusca, and sometimes attaining a marvellous degree of com- plexity (Fig. 32). The student should make a point of examining mounted slides of some of the principal genera and of consulting the plates in Carpenter's Introduction to the Study of Foraminifera (Ray Society, 1862), or in Brady's Report on the Foraminifera of the " Challenger" Expedition, in order to get some notion of the great amount of dif- ferentiation attained by the shells of these extremely simple organisms. 152 FORAMINIFERA, RADIOLARTA, DIATOMS LESS. The Radiolaria form another group of marine animal- cules, the numerous genera of which are, like the Foram- inifera, amongst the most beautiful of microscopic objects. They also (Fig. 33) consist of a mass of protoplasm giving off numerous delicate pseudopods (psd) which usually have a radial direction and sometimes unite to form networks. In the centre of the protoplasmic cell-body one or more nuclei (nu) of unusual size and complex structure are found. SKel. Int. caps, pi- cent caps FIG. 33. Lithocircus annularis, one of the Radiolaria, showing central capsule (cent, caps.}, intra- and extra capsular protoplasm (int., ext., nucleus (nu), pseudopods (psd), silicious skeleton, (skel\ and symbiotic cells of Zooxanthella (z). (After Butschli.) In the interior of the protoplasm, surrounding the nucleus, is a sort of shell, called the central capsule (cent, caps.}, formed of a membranous material, and perforated by pores which place the inclosed or intra-capsular protoplasm (int. caps, pr.} in communication with the surrounding or extra- capsular protoplasm (ext. caps. pr.}. But besides this simple membranous shell there is often developed, mainly in the extra-capsular protoplasm, a skeleton (skel) formed in the majority of cases of pure silica, and often of surpassing xiv COMPLEXITY OF SHELL 153 beauty and complexity. One very exquisite form is shown in Fig. 34 : it consists of three perforated concentric spheres connected by radiating spicules : the material of which it is composed resembles the clearest glass. The student should examine mounted slides of the silicious shells of these organisms sold under the. name of Poly- cys tinea and should consult the plates of Haeckel's Die FIG. 34. Skeleton of a Radiolarian (Actinommd), consisting of three concentric perforated spheres the two outer partly broken away to show the inner connected by radiating spicules. (From Gegenbaur after Haeckel. ) Radiolarien : he cannot fail to be struck with the complexity and variety attained by the skeletons of organisms which are themselves little more complex than Amoebae. Before leaving the Radiolaria, we must touch upon a matter of considerable interest connected with the physio- 154 FORAMINIFERA, RADIOLARIA, DIATOMS LESS. logy of the group. Imbedded usually in the extra-capsular protoplasm are found certain little rounded bodies of a yellow colour, often known as " yellow cells " (Fig. 33, z). Each consists of protoplasm surrounded by a cell-wall of cellulose, and coloured by chlorophyll, with which is asso- ciated a yellow pigment of similar character called diatomin. For a long time these bodies were a complete puzzle to biologists, but it has now been conclusively proved that they are independent organisms resembling the resting condition of Haematococcus, and called Zooxanthella nutricola. Thus an ordinary Radiolarian, such as Lithocircus (Fig. 33), consists of two quite distinct things, the Lithocircus in the strict sense of the word plus large numbers of Zooxan- thellse associated with it. The two organisms multiply quite independently of one another : indeed Zooxanthella has been observed to multiply by fission after the death of the associated Radiolarian. This living together of two organisms is known as Sym- biosis. It differs essentially from parasitism (see p. 121), in which one organism preys upon another, the host deriving no benefit but only harm from the presence of the parasite. In symbiosis, on the contrary, the two organisms are in a condition of mutually beneficial partnership. The carbon dioxide and nitrogenous waste given off by the Radiolarian serve as a constant food-supply to the Zooxanthella : at the same time the latter by decomposing the carbon dioxide provides the Radiolarian with a constant supply of oxygen, and at the same time with two important food-stuffs starch andproteids, which, after solution, diffuse from the protoplasm of the Zooxanthella into that of the Radiolarian. The Radiolarian may therefore be said to keep the Zooxanthellae constantly manured, while the Zooxanthellae in return supply the Radiolarian with abundance of oxygen and of ready- xiv STRUCTURE OF CELL-WALL 155 digested food. It is as if a Haematococcus ingested by an Amoeba retained its vitality instead of being digested : it would under these circumstances make use of the carbon dioxide and nitrogenous waste formed as products of kata- bolism by the Amoeba, at the same time giving off oxygen and forming starch and proteids. The oxygen evolved would give an additional supply of this necessary gas to the Amoeba, and the starch after conversion into sugar and the proteids after being rendered diffusible would in part diffuse through the cell-wall of the Hsematococcus into the surrounding protoplasm of the Amoeba, to which they would be a valuable food. Thus, as it has been said, the relation between a Radio- larian and its associated yellow-cells are precisely those which obtain between the animal and vegetable kingdoms generally. The Diatomacetz, or Diatoms, as they are often called for the sake of brevity, are a group of minute organisms, in- cluded under a very large number of genera and species, and so common that there is hardly a pond or stream in which they do not occur in millions. Diatoms vary almost indefinitely in form : they may be rod- shaped, triangular, circular, and so on. Their essential structure is, however, very uniform : the cell-body contains a nucleus (Fig. 35, A, nu) and vacuoles (vac\ as well as two large chromatophores (chr] of a brown or yellow colour ; these are found to contain chlorophyll, the characteristic green tint of which is veiled, as in Zooxanthella, by diatomin. The cell is motile, executing curious, slow, jerky or gliding movements, the cause of which is still obscure. The most interesting feature in the organization of diatoms is however the structure of the cell-wall : it consists of two 156 FORAMINIFERA, RAD1OLARIA, DIATOMS LESS. parts or valves (B, c, c. w, c. w'\ each provided with a rim or girdle, and so disposed that in the entire cell the girdle of one valve (c. w) fits over that of the other (c. w') like the FIG. 35. A, semi-diagrammatic view of a diatom from its flat face, showing cell- wall (c. zu) and protoplasm with nucleus (#), two vacuoles (vac), and two chromatophores (chr}. B, diagram of the shell of a diatom from the side, i.e., turned on its long axis at right angles to A, showing the two valves (c. w, c. w') with their overlapping girdles. c, the same in transverse section. x D, surface view of the silicious shell of Navicnla truncata. E, surface view of the silicious shell of Aulacodiscus sollittianus. (D, after Donkin ; E, after Norman.) lid of a pill-box. The cell-wall is impregnated with silica, so that diatoms can be boiled in strong acid or exposed to the heat of a flame without losing their form : the protoplasm xiv MARKINGS OF DIATOMS 157 is of course destroyed, but the flinty cell -wall remains uninjured. Moreover, the cell-walls of diatoms are remarkable for the beauty and complexity of their markings, which are in some cases so delicate that even now microscopists are not agreed as to the precise interpretation of the appearances shown by the highest powers of the microscope. Two species are shown in Fig. 35, D and E, but, in order to form some con- ception of the extraordinary variety in form and ornamenta- tion, specimens of the mounted cell-walls should be ex- amined and the plates of some illustrated work consulted. See especially Schmidt's Atlas fur Diatomaceenkunde and the earlier volumes of the Quarterly Journal of Micro- scopical Science. We see then that while Diatoms are in their essential structure as simple as Haematococcus, they have the power of extracting silica from the surrounding water, and of forming from it structures which rival in beauty of form and intricacy of pattern the best work of the metal-worker or the ivory-carver. LESSON XV MUCOR THE five preceding lessons have shown us how complex a cell may become either by internal differentiation of its protoplasm, or by differentiation of its cell-wall. In this and the following lesson we shall see how a considerable degree of specialization may be attained by the elongation of cells into filaments. Mucor is the scientific name of the common white or grey mould which every one is familiar with in the form of a cottony deposit on damp organic substances, such as leather, bread, jam, &c. For examination it is readily obtained by placing a piece of damp bread or some fresh horse-dung under an inverted tumbler or bell-jar so as to prevent evapo- ration and consequent drying. In the course of two or three days a number of delicate white filaments will be seen shooting out in all directions from the bread or manure ; these are filaments of Mucor. The species which grows on bread is called Mucor stolonifer, that on horse-dung, M. mucedo. The general structure and mode of growth of the mould can be readily made out with the naked eye. It first appears, as already stated, in the form of very fine white threads projecting from the surface of them ouldy substance ; and these free filaments (Fig. 36, A, a. hy) can be easily Q *-mf^ f FIG. 36. Mucor. A, portion of mycelium of M. mucedo (my} with two aerial hyphse (#. hy\ each ending in a sporangium (spg). B, small portion of an aerial hypha, highly magnified, showing pro- toplasm (plsm)and cell-wall (c w). The scale above applies to this figure only. c 1 , immature sporangium, showing septum (sep} and undivided pro- toplasm : c 2 , mature sporangium in which the protoplasm has divided into spores ; the septum (sep) has become very convex distally, forming the columella. D 1 , mature sporangium in the act of dehiscence, showing the spores (sp) surrounded by mucilage (g) ; D 2 , small portion of the same, more highly magnified, showing spicules of calcium oxalate attached to wall. E, a columella, left by complete dehiscence of a sporangium, showing the attachment of the latter as a black band. The scale above c' J applies to c 1 c 2 , D 1 , and E. 160 MUCOR LESS. F, spoi-es. G 1 , G 2 , G 3 , three stages in the germination of the spores. H, a group of germinating spores forming a small mycelium. i 1 , I 6 , five stages in conjugation, showing two gametes (gam) uniting to form the zygote (zyg). K 1 , K 2 , development of ferment cells from submerged hyphae. (A, C 2 D, E, F, G, and K, after Howes ; I, after De Bary. ) ascertained to be connected with others (my) which form a network ramifying through the substance of the bread or horse-dung. This network is called a mycelium ; the threads of which it is composed are mycelial hypha ; and the fila- ments which grow out into the air and give the characteristic fluffy appearance to the growth are aerial hypha. The aerial hyphae are somewhat thicker than those which form the mycelium, and are at first of even diameter through- out : they continue to grow until they attain a length, in M. mucedo, of 6-8 cm. (two or three inches). As they grow their ends are seen to become dilated, so that each is termi- nated by a minute knob (A, spg) : this increases in size and darkens in tint until it finally becomes dead black. In its earlier stages the knobs may be touched gently without injury, but when they have attained their full size the slightest touch causes them to burst and apparently to dis- appear their actual fate being quite invisible to the naked eye. As we shall see, the black knobs contain spores, and are therefore called sporangia or spore-cases. Examined under the microscope, a hypha is found to be a delicate more or less branched tube, with a clear trans- parent wall (B, c. w) and slightly granular contents (plsm) : its free end tapers slightly (H), and the wall is somewhat thinner at the extremity than elsewhere. If a single hypha could be obtained whole and unbroken, its opposite end would be found to have much the same structure, and each of its branches would also be seen to end in the same way. xv ASEXUAL REPRODUCTION 161 So that the mould consists of an interlacement of branched cylindrical filaments, each consisting of a granular substance completely covered by a kind of thin skin of some clear transparent material. By the employment of the usual reagents, it can be ascer- tained that the granular substance is protoplasm, and the surrounding membrane cellulose. The protoplasm moreover contains vacuoles at irregular intervals and numerous small nuclei. Thus a hypha of Mucor consists of precisely the same constituents as a yeast-cell protoplasm, containing nuclei and vacuoles, surrounded by cellulose. Imagine a yeast cell to be pulled out as one might pull out a sphere of clay or putty until it assumed the form of a long narrow cylin- der, and suppose it also to be pulled out laterally at intervals so as to form branches : there would be produced by such a process a very good imitation of a hypha of Mucor. We may therefore look upon a hypha as an elongated and branched cell, so that Mucor is, like Opalina, a multinucleate but unicellular organism. We shall see directly however that this is strictly true of the mould only in its young state. As stated above, the aerial hyphae are at first of even calibre, but gradually swell at their ends, forming sporangia. Under the microscope the distal end of an aerial hypha is found to dilate (Fig. 36, c 1 ) : immediately below the dilata- tion the protoplasm divides at right angles to the long axis of the hypha, the protoplasm in the dilated ' portion thus becoming separated from the rest. Between the two a cellulose partition or septum (sep) is formed, as in the ordi- nary division of a plant cell (Fig. n, p. 66). The portion thus separated is the rudiment of a sporangium. Let us consider precisely what this process implies. Before it takes place the protoplasm is continuous throughout the M 162 MUCOR LESS. whole organism, which is therefore comparable to the un- divided plant-cell shown in Fig. 9, B. As in that case, the protoplasm divides into two and a new layer of cellulose is formed between the daughter-cells. Only whereas in the ordinary vegetable cell the products of division are of equal size (Fig 10, i), in Mucor they are very unequal, one being the comparatively small sporangium, the other the rest of the hypha. Thus a Mucor-plant with a single aerial hypha becomes, by the formation of a sporangium, bicellular : if, as is ordi- narily the case, it bears numerous aerial hyphae, each with its sporangium, it is multicellular. Under unfavourable conditions of nutrition, septa fre- quently appear at more or less irregular intervals in the mycelial hyphae : the organism is then very obviously multi- cellular, being formed of numerous cylindrical cells arranged end to end. The sporangium continues to grow, and as it does so, the septum becomes more and more convex upwards, finally taking the form of a short, club-shaped projection, the colu- mella, extending into the interior of the sporangium (c 2 ) : at the same time the protoplasm of the sporangium under- goes multiple fission, becoming divided into numerous ovoid masses each of which surrounds itself with a cellulose coat and becomes a spore (D\ D 2 , sp). A certain amount of the protoplasm remains unused in the formation of spores, and is converted into a gelatinous material (g\ which swells up in water. The original cell-wall of the sporangium is left as an exceedingly delicate, brittle shell around the spores : minute needle-like crystals of calcium oxalate are deposited in it, and give it the appearance of being closely covered with short cilia (D 2 ). XV GERMINATION OF SPORES 163 In the ripe sporangium the slightest touch suffices to rupture the brittle wall and liberate the spores, which are dispersed by the swelling of the transparent intermediate substance. The aerial hypha is then left terminated by the columella (E), around the base of which is seen a narrow black ring indicating the place of attachment of the sporangium. The spores (F) are clear, bright-looking, ovoidal bodies consisting of protoplasm containing a nucleus and sur- FlG. 37. Moist chamber formed by cementing a ring of glass or metal (c) on an ordinary glass slide (A), and placing over it a cover-slip (B), on the under side of which is a hanging drop of nutrient fluid (p). The upper figure shows the apparatus in perspective, the lower in vertical section. (From Klein.) rounded by a thick cell-wall. A spore is therefore an ordinary encysted cell, quite comparable to a yeast-cell. The development of the spores is a very instructive process, and can be easily studied in the following way : A glass or metal ring (Fig. 37, c) is cemented to an ordinary microscopic slide (A) so as to form a shallow cylindrical chamber. The top of the ring is oiled, and on it is placed a cover glass (B), with a drop of Pasteur's solution on its under surface. Before placing the cover-glass in position a ripe sporangium of Mucor is touched with the point of a needle, which is M 2 1 64 MUCOR then stirred round in the drop of Pasteur's solution, so as to sow it with spores. By this method the drop of nutrient fluid is prevented from evaporating, and the changes under- gone by the spores can be watched by examination from time to time under a high power. The first thing that happens to a spore under these con- ditions is that it increases in size by imbibition of fluid, and instead of appearing bright and clear becomes granular and develops one or more vacuoles. Its resemblance to a yeast-cell is now more striking than ever. Next the spore becomes bulged out in one or more places (c 1 , Fig. 36), looking not unlike a budding Saccharomyces. The buds, however, instead of becoming detached increase in length until they become filaments of a diameter slightly less than that of the spore and somewhat bluntly pointed at the end (c 2 ). These filaments continue to grow, giving off as they do so side branches (c 3 ) which interlace with similar threads from adjacent spores (H). The filaments are obviously hyphse, and the interlacement is a mycelium. Thus the statement made in a previous paragraph (p. 161), that Mucor was comparable to a yeast -cell pulled out into a filament, is seen to be fully justified by the facts of develop- ment, which show that the branched hyphse constituting the Mucor-plant are formed by the growth of spores each strictly comparable to a single Saccharomyces. It will be noticed that the growth of the mycelium is cen- trifugal : each spore or group of spores serves as a centre from which hyph?e radiate in all directions (H), continuing to grow in a radial direction until, in place of one or more spores quite invisible to the naked eye, we have a white patch more or less circular in outline, and having the spores from which the growth proceeded in its centre. Owing to the centrifugal mode of growth the mycelium is always CONJUGATION 165 thicker at the centre than towards the circumference, since it is the older or more central portions of the hyphse which have had most time to branch and become interlaced with one another. Under certain circumstances a peculiar process of con- jugation occurs in Mucor. Two adjacent hyphae send out short branches (Fig. 36, i 1 ), which come into contact with one another by their somewhat swollen free ends (i 2 ). In each a septum appears so as to shut off a separate terminal cell (i 3 , gam} from the rest of the hypha. The opposed walls of the two cells then become absorbed (i 4 ) and their contents mingle, forming a single mass of protoplasm (i 5 , zyg), the cell- wall of which becomes greatly thickened and divided into two layers, an inner delicate and trans- parent, and an outer dark in colour, of considerable thick- ness, and frequently ornamented with spines. Obviously the swollen terminal cells (gam) of the short lateral hyphse are gametes or conjugating bodies, and the large spore-like structure (zyg) resulting from their union is a zygote. The striking feature of the process is that the gametes are non-motile, save in so far as their growth towards one another is a mode of motion. In Heteromita both gametes are active and free-swimming (p. 41) : in Vorticella one is free-swimming, the other fixed but still capable of active movement (p. 132) ; here both conjugating bodies exhibit only the slow movement in one direction due to growth. There are equally important differences in the result of the process in the three cases. In Heteromita the proto- plasm of the zygote breaks up almost immediately into spores ; in Vorticella the zygote is active, and the result of conjugation is merely increased activity in feeding and fissive 1 66 MUCOR LESS. multiplication ; in Mucor the zygote remains inactive for a longer or shorter time, and then under favourable conditions germinates in much the same way as an ordinary spore, forming a mycelium from which sporangium-bearing aerial hyphae arise. A resting zygote of this kind, formed by the conjugation of equal-sized gametes, is often distinguished as a zygospore. Notice that differentiation of a very important kind is exhibited by Mucor. In accordance with its comparatively large size the function of reproduction is not performed by the whole organism, as in all previously studied types, but a certain portion of the protoplasm becomes shut off from the rest, and to it as spore or gamete the office of reproduc- ing the entire organism is assigned. So that we have for the first time true reproductive organs, which may be of two kinds, asexual the sporangia, and sexual the gametes. 1 In describing the reproduction of Amoeba it was pointed out (p. 20) that as the entire organism divided into two daughter-cells, each of which began an independent life, an Amceba could not be said ever to die a natural death. The same thing is true of the other unicellular forms we have considered in the majority of which the entire organism produces by simple fission two new individuals. 2 But in Mucor the state of things is entirely altered. A compara. 1 In Mucor no distinction can be drawn between the conjugating body (gamete) and the organ which produces it (gonad). See the de- scription of the sexual process in Vaucheria (Lesson XVI.) and in Spirogyra (Lesson XIX.). 2 An exception is formed by colonial forms such as Zoothamnium, in which life is carried on from generation to generation by the reproduc- tive zooids only. In all probability the colony itself, like an annual plant, dies down after a longer or shorter time. Moreover the ciliate infusoria are found, as already stated (p. 116), to sink into decrepitude after multiplying by fission for a long series of generations. xv NUTRITION 167 tively small part of the organism is set apart for repro-- duction, and it is only the reproductive cells thus formed spores or zygote which carry on the life of the species the remainder of the organism, having exhausted the available food supply and produced the largest possible number of reproductive products, dies. That is, all vital manifestations such as nutrition cease, and decomposition sets in, the protoplasm becoming converted into pro- gressively simpler compounds, the final stages being chiefly carbon dioxide, water, and ammonia. Mucor is able to grow either in Pasteur's or in some similar nutrient solution, or on various organic matters such as bread, jam, manure, &c. In the latter cases it appears to perform some fermentative action, since food which has become "mouldy" is found to have experienced a definite change in appearance and flavour without actual putre- faction. When growing on decomposing organic matter, as it often does, the nutrition of Mucor is saprophytic, but in some instances, as when it grows on bread, it seems to approach very closely to the holozoic method. M. stolo- nifer is also known to send its hyphae into the interior of ripe fruits, causing them to rot, and thus acting as a para- site. The parasitism in this case is, however, obviously not quite the same thing as that of Opalina (p. 121) : the Mucor feeds not upon the ready digested food of its host but upon its actual living substance, which it digests by the action of its own ferments. Thus a parasitic fungus such as Mucor, unlike an endo-parasitic animal such as Opalina or a tape- worm, is no more exempted from the work of digestion than a dog or a sheep : the organism upon which it lives is to be looked upon rather as its prey than as its host. It is a remarkable circumstance that, under certain con- 1 68 MUCOR LESS, xv ditions, Mucor is capable of exciting alcoholic fermentation in a saccharine solution. When the hyphge are submerged in such a fluid they have been found to break up, forming rounded cells (Fig. 36, K 1 , K 2 ), which not only resemble yeast-cells in appearance but are able like them to set up alcoholic fermentation. The aerial hyphae of Mucor exhibit in an interesting way what is known as heliotropism, i.e., a tendency to turn to- wards the light. This is very marked if a growth of the fungus is placed in a room lighted from one side : the long aerial hyphae all bend towards the window. This is due to the fact that growth is more rapid on the side of each hypha turned away from the light than on the more strongly illuminated aspect. LESSON XVI VAUCHERIA AND CAULERPA STAGNANT ponds, puddles, and other pieces of still, fresh water usually contain a quantity of green scum which in the undisturbed condition shows no distinction of parts to the naked eye, but appears like a homogeneous slime full of bubbles if exposed to sunlight. If a little of the scum is spread out in a saucer of water, it is seen to be com- posed of great numbers of loosely interwoven green filaments. There are many organisms which have this general naked- eye character, all of them belonging to the Alga, a group of plants which includes most of the smaller fresh-water weeds, and the vast majority of sea-weeds. One of these filamentous Algae, occurring in the form of dark-green, thickly-matted threads, is called Vaucheria. Besides occur- ring in water it is often found on the surface of moist soil, e.g., on the pots in conservatories. Examined microscopically the organism is found to consist of cylindrical filaments with rounded ends and occasionally branched (Fig. 38, A). Each filament has an outer cover- ing of cellulose (u, c.w) within which is protoplasm con- taining a vacuole so large that the protoplasm has the ths mm FlG. 38. Vaucheria. A, tangled filaments of the living plant, showing mode of branching. B, extremity of a filament, showing cell -wall (c. w) and protoplasm with chromatophores (chr\ and oil-drops (o\ The scale above applies to this figure only. c 1 , immature sporangium (spg) separated from the filament by a _sep- tum c 2 mature sporangium with the spore (sf>) in the act of escaping ; c 3 , free-swimming spore, showing cilia, colourless ectoplasm containing LESS, xvi ASEXUAL REPRODUCTION 171 nuclei, and endoplasm containing the green chromatophores ; c 4 , the same at the commencement of germination. D 1 , early, and D-, later stages in the development of the gonads, the spermary to the left, the ovary to the right ; D 3 , the fully-formed spermary (spy) and ovary (ovy), each separated by a septum (sep) from the filament. D 4 , the ovary after dehiscence, showing the ovum (ov), with small detached portion of protoplasm ; D 5 , sperms ; D 6 , distal end of ripe ovary, showing sperms (sp) passing through the aperture towards the ovum (ov). D 7 , the gonads after fertilization, showing the oosperm (osp) still inclosed in the ovary and the dehisced spermary. E 1 , oosperm about to germinate : E 2 , further stage in germination. (C 1 and c :} , after Strasburger ; C 2 and C 4 , after Sachs ; D and E, after Pringsheim.) character of a membrane lining the cellulose coat. Numerous small nuclei occur in the protoplasm, as well as oil-globules (0), and small, close-set, ovoid chromatophores (chr) coloured with chlorophyll and containing starch. Thus a Vaucheria-plant, like a Mucor-plant, is comparable to a single multinucleate cell, extended in one dimension of space so as to take on the form of a filament. Various modes of asexual reproduction occur in different species of Vaucheria : of these we need only consider that which obtains in V. sessilis. In this species the end of a branch swells up (c 1 ) and becomes divided off by a septum (sep), forming a sporangium (spg) in principle like that of Mucor, but differing in shape. The protoplasm of the sporangium does not divide but separates itself from the wall, and takes on the form of a single naked ovoidal spore (c 3 ), formed of a colourless cortical layer containing nume- rous nuclei and giving off cilia arranged in pairs, and of an inner or medullary substance containing numerous chroma- tophores. The wall of the sporangium splits at its distal end (c 2 ), and the contained spore (sp) escapes and swims freely in the water for some time by the vibration of its cilia (c 3 ). After 172 VAUCHERIA AND CAULERPA LESS. a short active life it comes to rest, develops a cell-wall, and germinates (c 4 ), i.e., gives out one or more processes which extend and take on the form of ordinary Vaucheria-filaments, so that in the present case, as in Mucor (p. 164), the de- velopment of the plant shows it to be a single immensely elongated multinucleate cell. In its mode of sexual reproduction Vaucheria differs strikingly not only from Mucor, but from all the organisms we have hitherto studied. The filaments are often found to bear small lateral pro. cesses arranged in pairs (D T ), and each consisting of a little bud growing from the filament and quite continuous with it. These are the rudiments of the sexual reproductive organs or gonads. The shorter of the two becomes swollen and rounded (D 2 ), and afterwards bluntly pointed (D 3 , ovy] : its protoplasm becomes divided from that of the filament, and a septum (o 3 , sep') is formed between the two : the new cell thus constituted is the ovary. 1 The longer of the two buds undergoes further elongation and becomes bent upon itself (D 2 ), its distal portion is then divided off by a septum (D B , sep} forming a separate cell (spy), the spermary? Further changes take place which are quite different in the two organs. At the bluntly-pointed distal end of the ovary the cell-wall becomes gelatinized and the protoplasm protrudes through it as a small prominence which divides off and is lost (D 4 ). The remainder of the protoplasm then separates from the wall of the ovary and becomes a naked cell, the ovum* or egg-cell (D 4 , ov\ which, by the gelatiniza. tion and subsequent disappearance of a portion of the 1 Usually called the oogonium. " Usually called the antheridiitm. :{ Frequently called oosphere. xvr SEXUAL REPRODUCTION 173 wall of the ovary, is in free contact with the surrounding water. At the same time the protoplasm of the spermary under- goes multiple fission, becoming converted into numerous minute green bodies (D 5 ), each with two flagella, called sperms.^ These are liberated by the rupture of the spermary (D 7 ) at its distal end, and swim freely in the water. Some of the sperms make their way to an ovary, and, as it has been expressed, seem to grope about for the aperture, which they finally pass through (D), and are then seen moving actively in the space between the aperture and the colourless distal end of the ovum. One of them, and pro- bably only one, then attaches itself to the ovum and be- comes completely united with it, forming the oosperm,- a body which we must carefully distinguish from the ovum, since, while agreeing with the latter in form and size, it differs in having incorporated with it the substance of a sperm. Almost immediately the oosperm (D", osp) surrounds itself with a cellulose wall, and numerous oil-globules are formed in its interior. It becomes detached from the ovary, and, after a period of rest, germinates (E 1 , E 2 ) and forms a new Vaucheria plant. It is obvious that the fusion of the sperm with the ovum is a process of conjugation in which the conjugating bodies differ strikingly in form and size, one the megagamete or ovum being large, stationary, and more or less amoeboid : the other the microgamete or sperm small, active, and flagellate. In other words, we have a more obvious case of sexual differentiation than was found to occur in Vorticella, 1 Often called spermatozooids or anthcrozooids : 2 Often called oospore. 174 VAUCHERIA AND CAULERPA (p. 132) : the large inactive egg-cell which furnishes by far the greater portion of the material of the oosperm is the female gamete ; the small active sperm-cell, the function of which is probably (see Lesson XXIV.) to furnish additional nuclear material, is the male gamete. Similarly the oosperm is evidently a zygote, but a zygote formed by the union of the highly differentiated gametes, FIG. 39. Caulerpa scalpelliformis ( nat. size), showing the stem- like, root-like, and leaf-like portions of the unicellular plant. (After Harvey. ) ovum and sperm, just as a zygospore (p. 164) is one formed by the union of equal sized gametes. As we shall see, this form of conjugation often distin- guished as fertilization occurs in a large proportion of flowerless plants, such as mosses and ferns (Lessons XXVIII. and XXIX.), as well as in all animals but the very lowest. From lowly water-weeds up to ferns and club mosses, and from sponges and polypes up to man, the process of sexual reproduction is essentially the same, consisting in the conju- gation of a microgamete or sperm with a megagamete or xvi CAULERPA 175 ovum, a zygote, the oosperm or unicellular embryo, being produced, which afterwards develops into an independent plant or animal of the new generation. It is a truly remark- able circumstance that what we may consider as the highest form of the sexual process should make its appearance so low down in the scale of life. The nutrition of Vaucheria is purely holophytic ; its food consists of a watery solution of mineral salts and of carbon dioxide, the latter being split up, by the action of the chro- matophores, into carbon and oxygen. Mucor and Vaucheria are examples of unicellular plants which attain some complexity by elongation and branching. The maximum differentiation attainable in this way by a unicellular plant may be illustrated by a brief description of a sea-weed belonging to the genus Caulerpa. Caulerpa (Fig. 39) is commonly found in rock-pools between tide-marks, and has the form of a creeping stem from which root-like fibres are given off downwards and branched leaf-like organs upwards. These " leaves " may attain a length of 30 cm. (i ft.) or more. So that, on a superficial examination, Caulerpa appears to be as complex an organism as a moss (compare Fig. 39 with Fig. 82, A). But microscopical examination shows that the plant consists of a single continuous mass of vacuolated protoplasm, containing numerous nuclei and green chromatophores and covered by a continuous cell-wall. Large and complicated in form as it is, the whole plant is therefore nothing more than a single branched cell, or, as it may be expressed, a continuous mass of protoplasm in which no cellular structure has appeared. LESSON XVII THE DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERS OF ANIMALS AND PLANTS HITHERTO the words " animal " and " plant " have been either avoided altogether or Used incidentally without any attempt at definition. We are now however in a position to consider in some detail the precise meaning of the two words, since in the last half-dozen lessons we have been dealing with several organisms which can be assigned without hesi- tation to one or other of the two great groups of living things. No one would dream of calling Paramcecium and Stylonychia plants, or Mucor and Vaucheria animals, and we may there- fore use these forms as a starting-point in an attempt to form a clear conception of what the names plant and animal really signify, and how far it is possible to place the lowly organisms described in the earlier lessons in either the vegetable or the animal kingdom. Let us consider, first of all, the chief points of resemblance and of difference between the indubitable animal Paramcecium on the one hand, and the two indubitable plants Mucor and Vaucheria on the other. In the first place, the essential constituents of all three organisms is protoplasm, in which are contained one or more nuclei. But in Paramcecium the protoplasm is invested LESS, xvn DIFFERENCES IN NUTRITION 177 only by a delicate cuticle interrupted at the mouth and anus, while in Mucor and Vaucheria the outer layer is formed by a firm, continuous covering of cellulose. We thus have as the first morphological difference between our selected animal and vegetable organisms the absence of a cellulose cell-wall in the former and its presence in the latter. This is a fundamental distinction, and applies equally well to the higher forms. The constituent cells of plants are in nearly all cases covered with a cellulose coat (p. 60), while there is no case among the higher animals of cells being so invested. Next, let us take a physiological character. In all three organisms there is constant waste of substance which has to be made good by the conversion of food material into proto- plasm : in other words, constructive and destructive meta- bolism are continually being carried on. But when we come to the nature of the food and the mode of its reception, we meet at once with a very fundamental difference. In Para- moecium the food consists of living organisms taken whole into the interior of the body, and the digestion of this solid proteinaceous food is the necessary prelude to constructive metabolism. In Vaucheria the food consists of a watery solution of carbon dioxide and mineral salts i.e., it is liquid and inorganic, its nitrogen being in the form of nitrates or of simple ammonia compounds. Mucor, like Paramoecium, contains no chlorophyll, and is therefore unable to use carbon dioxide as a food : like Vaucheria, it is prevented by its continuous cellulose investment from ingesting solid food, and is dependent upon an aqueous solution. It takes its carbon in the form of sugar or some such compound, while it can make use of nitrogen either in the simple form of a nitrate or an ammonia salt, or in the complex form of proteids or peptones. N 178 CHARACTERS OF ANIMALS AND PLANTS LESS. In this case also our selected organisms agree with animals and plants generally. Animals, with the exception of some internal parasites, ingest solid food, and they must all have their nitrogen supplied in the form of proteids, being unable to build up their protoplasm from simpler compounds. Plants take their food in the form of a watery solution ; those which possess chlorophyll take their carbon in the form of carbon dioxide and their nitrogen in that of a nitrate or ammonia salt : those devoid of chlorophyll cannot, ex- cept in the case of some bacteria, make use of carbon dioxide as a food, and are able to obtain nitrogen either from simple salts or from proteids. Chlorophyll-less plants are therefore nourished partly like green plants, partly like animals. This difference in the character of the food is connected with a morphological difference. Animals have, as a rule, an ingestive aperture or mouth, and some kind of digestive cavity, either permanent (stomach) or temporary (food-vacuole). In plants neither of these structures exists. Another difference which was referred to at length in an early lesson (p. 32), is not strictly one between plants and animals, but between organisms with and organisms without chlorophyll. It is that in green plants the nutritive processes result in deoxidation, more oxygen being given out than is taken in : while in animals and not-green plants the precise contrary is the case. There is also a difference in the method of excretion. In Paramoecium there is a special structure, the contractile vacuole, which collects the superfluous water taken in with the food and expels it, doubtless along with nitrogenous and other waste matters. In Vaucheria and Mucor there is no contractile vacuole, and excretion is simply performed by xvn DEFINITIONS 179 diffusion from the general surface of the organism into the surrounding medium. This character also is of some general importance. The large majority of animals possess a special organ of excretion, plants have nothing of the kind. Another difference has to do with the general form of the organism. Paramoecium has a certain definite and constant shape, and when once formed produces no new parts. Vaucheria and Mucor are constantly forming new branches, so that their shape is always changing and their growth can never be said to be complete. Finally, we have what is perhaps the most obvious and striking distinction of all. Paramoecium possesses in a con- spicuous degree the power of automatic movement ; in both Mucor and Vaucheria the organism, as a whole, exhibits no automatism but only the slow movements of growth. The spores and sperms of Vaucheria are, however, actively motile. Thus, taking Paramoecium as a type of animals, and Mucor and Vaucheria as types of plants, we may frame the following definitions : Animals are organisms of fixed and definite form, in which the cell-body is not covered with a cellulose wall. They ingest solid proteinaceous food, their nutritive processes result in oxidation, they have a definite organ of excretion, and are capable of automatic movement. Plants are organisms of constantly varying form in which the cell-body is surrounded by a cellulose wall ; they cannot ingest solid food, but are nourished by a watery solution of nutrient materials. If chlorophyll is present the carbon dioxide of the air serves as a source of carbon, nitrogen is obtained from simple salts, and the nutritive processes N 2 iSo CHARACTERS OF ANIMALS AND PLANTS LESS. result in deoxidation ; if chlorophyll is absent carbon is obtained from sugar or some similar compound, nitrogen either from simple salts or from proteids, and the process of nutrition is one of oxidation. There is no special excretory organ, and, except in the case of certain reproductive bodies, there is usually no locomotion. Let us now apply these definitions to the simple forms described in the first eight lessons, and see how far they will help us in placing those organism in one or other of the two "kingdoms" into which living things are divided. Amoeba has a cell- wall, probably nitrogenous, in the resting condition : it ingests solid proteids, its nutrition being therefore holozoic : it has a contractile vacuole : and it performs amoeboid movements. It may therefore be safely considered as an animal. Haematococcus has a cellulose wall : it contains chloro- phyll and its nutrition is purely holophytic : a contractile vacuole is present in H. lacustris but absent in H. pluvialis : and its movements are ciliary. Euglena has a cellulose wall in the encysted state : in virtue of its chlorophyll it is nourished by the absorption of carbon dioxide and mineral salts, but it can also ingest solid food through a special mouth and gullet : it has a contractile vacuole, and performs both euglenoid and ciliary move- ments. In both these organisms we evidently have conflicting characters : the cellulose wall and holophytic nutrition would place them both among plants, while from the con- tractile vacuole and active movements of both genera and from the holozoic nutrition of Euglena we should group them with animals. That the difficulty is by no means xvii DOUBTFUL FORMS 181 easily overcome may be seen from the fact that both genera are claimed at the present day both by zoologists and by botanists. For instance, Prof. Huxley considers Haema- tococcus as a plant, and expresses doubts about Euglena ; Mr. Saville Kent ranks Hsematococcus as a plant and Euglena as an animal ; Prof. Sachs and Mr. Thiselton Dyer place both genera in the vegetable kingdom ; while Profs. Ray Lankester and Biitschli group them both among animals. In Heteromita the only cell-wall is the delicate cuticle which in the zygote is firm enough to hold the spores up to the moment of their escape : food is taken exclusively by absorption and nutrition is wholly saprophytic : there is a contractile vacuole, and the movements are ciliary. Here again the characters are conflicting : the probable absence of cellulose, the contractile vacuole and the cilia all have an " animal " look, but the mode of nutrition is that of a fungus. In Protomyxa there is a decided preponderance of animal characteristics ingestion or living prey, and both amoeboid and ciliary movements. There is no chlorophyll, and the composition of the cell-wall is not known. In the Mycetozoa, the life-history of which so closely resembles that of Protomyxa, the cyst in the resting stage consists of cellulose, and so does the cell-wall of the spore : nutrition is holozoic, a contractile vacuole is present in the flagellulre, and both amoeboid and ciliary movements are performed. Here again we have a puzzling combination of animal and vegetable characters, and as a consequence we find these organisms included among plants under the name of Myxomycetes or " slime- fungi " by Sachs and Goebel, while De Bary, Biitschli, and Ray Lankester place them in the animal kino-dom. i2 CHARACTERS OF ANIMALS AND PLANTS LESS. In Saccharomyces there is a clear preponderance of vegetable characters. The cell-wall consists of cellulose, nutrition takes place by absorption and proteids are not essen- tial, there is no contractile vacuole, and no motile phase. Lastly, in the Bacteria the cell-wall is composed of cellu- lose, nutrition is usually saprophytic, there is no contractile vacuole, and the movements are ciliary. So that in all the characters named, save in the presence of cellulose and the absence of a contractile vacuole, the Bacteria agree with Heteromita, yet they are universally except by Prof. Glaus placed among plants, while Heteromita is as constantly included among animals. We see then that while it is quite easy to divide the higher organisms into the two distinct groups of plants and animals, any such separation is by no means easy in the case of the lowest forms of life. It was in recognition of this fact that Haeckel proposed, many years ago, to institute a third " kingdom," called Protista, to include all unicellular organ- isms. Although open to many objections in practice, there is a great deal to be said for the proposal. From the strictly scientific point of view it is quite as justifiable to make three subdivisions of living things as two : the line between animals and plants is quite as arbitrary as that between protists and plants or between protists and animals, and no more so : the chief objection to the change is that it doubles the difficulties by making two artificial boundaries instead of one. The important point for the student to recognize is that these boundaries are artificial, and that there are no scientific frontiers in Nature. As in the liquefaction of gases there is a "critical point " at which the substance under experiment is neither gaseous nor liquid : as in a mountainous country it is impossible to say where mountain ends and valley xvir PROTISTA 183 begins : as in the development of an animal it is futile to argue about the exact period when, for instance, the egg becomes a tadpole or the tadpole a frog : so in the case under discussion. The distinction between the higher plants and animals is perfectly sharp and obvious, but when the two groups are traced downwards they are found gradually to merge, as it were, into an assemblage of organ- isms which partake of the characters of both kingdoms, and cannot without a certain violence be either included in or excluded from either. Where any given " protist " has to be classified the case must be decided on its individual merits : the organism must be compared in detail with all those which resemble it closely in structure, physiology, and life-history : and then a balance must be struck and the doubtful form placed in the kingdom with which it has, on the whole, most points in common. It will no doubt occur to the reader that, on the theory of evolution, we may account for the fact of the animal and vegetable kingdoms being related to one another like two trees united at the root, by the hypothesis that the earliest organisms were protists, and that from them animals and plants were evolved along divergent lines of descent. And in this connection the fact that some bacteria the simplest organisms known and devoid of chlorophyll may flourish in solutions wholly devoid of organic matter, is very significant. LESSON XVIII PENICILLIUM AND AGARICUS ONE of the commonest and most familiar of the lower organisms is the " green mould " which so quickly covers with a thick sage-green growth any organic substances ex- posed to damp, such as paste, jam, cheese, leather, &c. This mould is a plant belonging, like Mucor, to the group of Fungi, and is called Penicillium glaucum. Examined with the naked eye a growth of Penicillium is seen to have a powdery appearance, and if the finger is passed over it a quantity of extremely fine dust of a sage- green colour comes away. This dust consists, as we shall see, of the spores of Penicillium. The best way to study the plant is to sow some of the spores in a saucer of Pasteur's solution by 'drawing a needle or brush over a growth of the mould and stirring it round in the fluid. It is as well to study the naked-eye appearances first. If the quantity of spores taken is not too large and they are sufficiently well diffused through the fluid, little or no trace of them will be apparent to the naked eye. After a few days, however, extremely small white dots appear on the surface of the fluid ; these increase in size and are seen, especially by the aid of a hand-magnifier, to consist of little LESS, xvni MYCELIUM 185 discs, circular or nearly so in outline, and distinctly thicker in the centre than towards the edge : they float on the fluid so that their upper surfaces are dry. Each of these patches is a young Penicillium-growth, formed, as will be seen hereafter, by the germination of a group of spores. As the growths are examined day by day they are found to increase steadily in size, and as they do so to become thicker and thicker in the middle : their growth is evidently centrifugal. The thicker central portion acquires a fluffy appearance, and, by the time the growth has attained a diameter of about 4 or 5 mm., a further conspicuous change takes place : the centre of the patch acquires a pale blue tint, the circumference still remaining pure white. When the diameter has increased to about 6-10 mm. the colour of the centre gradually changes to dull sage-green : around this is a ring of light blue, and finally an outer circle of white. In all probability some of the growths, several of which will most likely occur in the saucer, will by this time be found to have come together by their edges : they then become completely interwoven, their original boundaries remaining evident for some time by their white tint. Sooner or later, however, the white is replaced by blue and the blue by sage- green, until the whole surface of the fluid is covered by a single growth of a uniform green colour. Even when they are not more than 2-3 mm. in diameter the growths are strong enough to be lifted up from the fluid, and are easily seen under a low power to be formed of a tough, felt-like substance, the mycelium, Fig. 40, A (iny\ from the upper surface of which delicate threads, the aerial ]iyph TT XT T \.' T7 T? v. 1 T 1 ^ int. FIG. 46. Nitella : Vertical sections of the growing point at four successive stages. The nodes (nd), internodes (int. nd), and leaf- whorls (/) are all numbered in order from the proximal to the distal end of the bud, the numbers corresponding in all the figures. The proximal segment (int. nd\ nd 1 , I 1 } in these figures corresponds with the third segment (int. nd 3 , / 3 ) shown in Fig. 46, F. A, the apical cell (ap, c) is succeeded by a very rudimentary node (nd 3 ) without leaves : int. nd 1 is in vertical section, showing .the proto- plasm (plsm\ vacuole (vac), and two nuclei (nu). B, the apical cell has divided transversely, forming a new apical cell (ap. c) and a sub-apical cell (s. ap. c) : the leaves (/ 3 ) of nd 3 ) have appeared. c, the sub-apical cell has divided transversely into the proximally- situated internode (int. nd*) and the distally-situated node (nd*) of a new segment ; in the node the nucleus has divided preparatory to cell- clivision. The previously formed segments have increased in size : int. nd 2 has developed a vacuole (vac), and its nucleus has divided (comp. int. nd 1 in A) : int. nd^ is shown in surface view with three dividing nuclei (nu). D. nd* has divided vertically, forming a transverse plate of cells, and is now as far advanced as nd A in A : the nucleus of int. nd 3 is in the act of dividing, while int. nd z , shown in surface view, now contains nume- rous nuclei, some of them in the act of dividing. LESS, xxi MULTIPLICATION OF NUCLEUS 213 fate of the two is shown at once by the node dividing into a horizontal plate of cells while the internode remains unicellular. Soon the cells of the new node begin to send out short blunt processes arranged in a whorl : these increase in size, undergo division, and form leaves (A D, / 2 , / 3 ). These processes are continually being repeated ; the apical cell is constantly producing new sub-apical cells, the sub- apical cells dividing each into a nodal and an internodal cell ; and the nodal cell dividing into a horizontal plate of cells and giving off leaves, while the internodal cell remains undivided. The special characters of the fully-formed parts of the plant are due to the unequal growth of the new cells. The nodal cells soon cease to grow and undergo but little altera- tion (comp. nd l and nd^\ whereas the internodes increase immensely in length, being quite 3,000 times as long when full-grown as when first separated from the sub-apical cell. The leaves also, at first mere blunt projections (A, / 2 ), soon increase sufficiently in length to arch over the growing point and so form the characteristic terminal bud : gradually they open out and assume the normal position, their successors of the next younger whorl having in the meantime developed sufficiently to take their place as protectors of the growing point. The multinucleate condition of the adult internodes is also a result of gradual change. In its young condition an internodal cell has a single rounded nucleus (A, int. nd 2 , int. nd B ), but by the time it is about as long as broad the nucleus has begun to divide (D, int. nd* ; c, int. nd 2 ), and when the length of the cell is equal to about twice its breadth, the nucleus has broken up into numerous fragments (c, int. nd l , D, int. nd 2 ), many of them still in active division. This 214 NITELLA LESS. repeated fission of the nucleus reminds us of what was found to occur in Opalina (p. 1 1 9). Thus the growth of Nitella like that of Penicillium (p. 1 88), is apical : new cells arise only in the terminal bud, and, after the first formation of nodes, internodes, and leaves, the only change undergone by these parts is an in- crease in size accompanied by a limited differentiation of character. A shoot arises by one of the cells in a node sending off a projection distad of a leaf, te., in an axil : the process separates from the parent cell and takes on the characters of an apical cell of the main stem, the structure of which is in this way exactly repeated by the shoot. The leaves, unlike the branches, are strictly limited in growth. At a very early period the apical cell of a leaf becomes pointed and thick-walled (Fig. 45, E), and after this no increase in the number of cells takes place. The rhizoids also arise exclusively from nodal cells : they consist of long filaments (Fig. 45, c), not unlike Mucor- hyphse, but occasionally divided by oblique septa into linear aggregates of cells, and increase in length by apical growth. The structure of the gonads is peculiar and somewhat complicated. As we have seen, the spermary (Fig. 45, G, spy) is a globular, orange-coloured body attached to a leaf by a short stalk. Its wall is formed of eight pieces or shields, which fit against one another by toothed edges, so that the entire spermary may be compared to an orange in which an equa- torial incision and two meridional incisions at right angles to one another have been made through the rind dividing it into eight triangular pieces. Strictly speaking, however, only the four distal shields are triangular : the four proximal XXI STRUCTURE OF SPERMARY 215 ones have each its lower angle truncated by the insertion of the stalk, so that they are actually four-sided. Each shield (Fig. 47, A and B, sh) is a single concavo~ convex cell having on its inner surface numerous orange- coloured chromatophores : owing to the disposition of these on the inner surface only, the spermary appears to have a FIG. 47. A, diagrammatic vertical section of the spermary of Nitella, showing the stalk (stk), four of the eight shields (sh), each bearing on its inner face a handle (hn), to which is attached a head-cell (hd) : each head cell bears six secondary head-cells (hd 1 ), to each of which four spermatic filaments (sp. f.) are attached. B, one of the proximal shields (sh), with handle (hn), head-cell (hd), secondary head-cells (hd 1 ), and spermatic filaments (sp. f.). C, a single sperm. D 1 , D 2 , D 3 , three stages in the development of the spermary. (c, after Howes. ) colourless transparent outer layer like an orange inclosed in a close-fitting glass case. Attached to the middle of the inner surface of each shield is a cylindrical cell, the handle (Jiri), which extends towards the centre of the spermary, and, like the shield itself, con- tains orange chromatophores. Each of the eight handles bears a colourless head-cell (hd'\ to which six secondary head 216 NITELLA LESS. cells (hd 1 ) are attached, and each of these latter bears four delicate coiled filaments (sp.f.) divided by septa into small cells arranged end to end, and thus not unlike the hyphae of a fungus. There are therefore nearly two hundred of these spermatic filaments in each spermary, coiled up in its interior like a tangled mass of white cotton. The cells of which the filaments are composed have at first the ordinary character, but as the spermary arrives at maturity there is produced in each a single sperm (c), having the form of a spirally-coiled thread, thicker at one end than the other, and bearing at its thin end two long flagella. In all probability the sperm proper, i.e., the spirally-coiled body, is formed from the nucleus of the cell, the flagella from its protoplasm. As each of the 200 spermatic filaments con- sists of from 100 to 200 cells, a single spermary gives rise to between 20,000 and 40,000 sperms. When the sperms are formed the shields separate from one another and the spermatic filaments protrude between them like cotton from a pod : the sperms then escape from the containing cells and swim freely in the water. The ovary (Fig. 45, G, ovy, and Fig. 48 A) is ovoidal in form, attached to the leaf by a short stalk (stk], and ter- minated distally by a little chimney-like elevation or crown (cr). It is marked externally by spiral grooves which can be traced into the crown, and in young specimens its interior is readily seen to be occupied by a large opaque mass (ov}. Sections show that this central body is the ovum, a large cell very rich in starch : it is connected with the unicellular stalk by a small cell (nd} from which spring five spirally-arranged cells (sp. c.) : these coil round the ovum and their free ends each divided by septa into two small cells project at the distal end of the organ and form the crown, enclosing a XXI DEVELOPMENT OF GONADS 217 narrow canal which places the distal end of the ovum in free communication with the surrounding water. We saw how the various parts of the fully formed plant nodal, and internodal cells, leaves, and rhizoids were all formed by the modification of similar cells produced in the apical bud. It is interesting to find that the same is true of the diverse parts of the reproductive organs. The spermary arises as a single stalked globular cell which Sf.C, FIG. 48. A, vertical section of the ovary of Nitella, showing the stalk (stk], small node (nd) from which spring the five spirally-twisted cells (sp. c), each ending in one of the two-celled sections of the crown (cr). The ovum contains starch grains, and is represented as trans- parent, the spiral cells being seen through it. B 1 , surface view, and B 2 , section of a very young ovary : B 3 , later stage in vertical section : B*, still later stage, surface view, with the ovum seen through the transparent spiral cells. Letters as in A, except x, small cells formed by division from the base of the ovum. (B 2 -B 4 after Sachs.) becomes divided into eight octants (Fig. 47, D 1 ). Each of these then divides tangentially (i.e. parallel to the surface of the sphere) into two cells (D 2 ), the inner of which divides again (o 3 ) so that each octant is now composed of three cells. Of these the outermost forms the shield, the middle, the handle, and the inner the head-cell : from the latter the secondary head-cells and spermatic filaments are produced 218 NITELLA LESS. by budding. The entire spermary appears to be a modified leaflet. The ovary also arises as a single cell, but soon divides and becomes differentiated into an axial row of three cells (Fig. 48, B 2 , 0v t nd, stk] surrounded by five others (sp. c) which arise as buds from the middle cell of the axial row (nd} and are at first knob-like and upright (B 1 ). The uppermost or distal cell of the axial row becomes the ovum (B S , B 4 , ov\ the others the stalk (stk) and intermediate cells (nd, x) : the five surrounding cells elongate, and as they do so acquire a spiral twist which becomes closer and closer as growth proceeds (compare B 1 , B 4 , and Fig. 45, G, ovy). At the same time the distal end of each develops two septa (B S ) and, projecting beyond the level of the ovum, forms with its fellows the chimney or crown (cr) of the ovary. There is every reason to believe that the entire ovary is a highly-modified shoot : the stalk representing an internode, the cell nd a node, the spiral cells leaves, and the ovum an apical cell. Thus while the ciliate Infusoria and Caulerpa furnish ex- amples of cell-differentiation without cell-multiplication, and Spirogyra of cell-multiplication without cell-differentiation, Nitella is a simple example of an organism in which com- plexity is obtained by the two processes going on hand in hand. It is a solid aggregate, the constituent cells of which are so arranged as to produce a well-defined external form, while some of them undergo a more or less striking differen- tiation according to the position they have to occupy, and the function they have to perform. Impregnation takes place in the same manner as in Vaucheria (p. 173). A sperm makes its way down the canal in the chimney-like crown of cells terminating the XXI GERMINATION 219 ovary, and conjugates with the ovum converting it into an oosperm. After impregnation the ovary, with the contained oosperm, becomes detached and falls to the bottom, where, after a ap.c term Trud ovy r7t FIG. 49. Pro-embryo of Chara, showing the ovary (ovy} from the oosperm in which the pro-embryo has sprung : the two nodes (nd), apical cell (ap. c), rhizoids (r/i), and leaves (/) of the pro-embryo : and the rudiment of the leafy plant ending in the characteristic terminal bud (term. bud). (After Howes, slightly altere'd.) period of rest, it germinates. The process of germination does not appear to be known in Nitella, but has been followed in detail in the closely allied genus Chara. The oosperm sends out a filament which consists at first of a single row of cells (Fig. 49) giving out a root-fibre (rh) 220 NITELLA LESS. XXT at its proximal end. Soon two nodes (nd) are formed on the filament, or pro-embryo, from the lower of which rhizoids (rti) proceed, while the upper gives rise to a few leaves (/), not arranged in a whorl, and to a small process which is at first unicellular, but, behaving like an apical cell of Nitella, soon becomes a terminal bud (term, bud) and grows into the ordinary leafy plant. This is an instance of what is known as alternation of generations. The Chara and presumably the Nitella plant gives rise by a sexual process to a pro-embryo which in turn produces, by an asexual process of budding, the Chara (or Nitella) plant. No case is known of the pro-embryo directly producing a pro-embryo or the leafy-plant a leafy- plant. In order to complete the cycle of existence or life- history of the species two generations which alternate with one another are required : a sexual generation orgamobium, which reproduces by the conjugation of gametes (ovum and sperm), and an asexual generation or agamobium, which reproduces by budding. LESSON XXII HYDRA WE have seen that with plants, both Fungi and Algae, the next stage of morphological differentiation after the simple cell is the linear aggregate. Among animals there are no forms known to exist in this stage, but coming immediately above the highest unicellular animals, such as the ciliate Infusoria, we have true solid aggregates. The characters of one of the simplest of these and the fundamental way in which it differs from the plants described in the two previous lessons will be made clear by a study of one of the little organisms known as " fresh-water polypes " and placed under the genus Hydra. Although far from uncommon in pond-water, Hydra is not always easy to find, being rarely abundant and by no means conspicuous. In looking for it the best plan is to fill either a clear glass bottle or beaker or a white saucer with weeds and water from a pond and to let it remain undisturbed for a few minutes. If the gathering is successful there will be seen adhering to the sides of the glass, the bottom of the saucer, or the weeds, little white, tawny, or green bodies, about as thick as fine sewing cotton, and 2 6 mm. in length. They adhere pretty firmly by one end, and examin- FIG. 50. Hydra. A, Two living specimens of H. viridis attached to a bit of weed. The larger specimen is fully expanded, and shows the elongated body ending distally in the hypostome (hyp), surrounded by tentacles (/), and three buds (bd 1 , bd?, bd 3 ) in different stages of development : a small water-flea (a) has been captured by one tentacle. The smaller specimen (to the right and above) is in a state of complete retraction, the tentacles (t) appearing like papilla;. B, H. fitsca, showing the mouth (mth) at the end of the hypostome (hyp), the circlet of tentacles (/), two spermaries (spy), and an ovary (ovy). c, a Hydra creeping on a flat surface by looping movements. D, a specimen crawling on its tentacles, (c and D after W. Marshall.) LESS, xxii MOVEMENTS 223 ation with a pocket lens shows that from the free extremity a number of very delicate filaments, barely visible to the naked eye, are given off. Under the low power of a compound microscope, a Hydra (Fig. 50, B) is seen to have a cylindrical body attached by a flattened base to a weed or other aquatic object, and bearing at its opposite or distal end a conical structure, the hypostome (Jiyp\ at the apex of which is a circular aperture, the mouth (mth.). At the junction of the hypostome with the body proper are given off from six to eight long delicate ten- tacles (f) arranged in a circlet or whorl. A longitudinal section shows that the body is hollow, containing a spacious cavity, the enteron (Fig. 51, A, ent. cav), which communicates with the surrounding water by the mouth. The tentacles are also hollow, their cavities communicating with the enteron. There are three kinds of Hydra commonly found : one, H. vulgaris, is colourless or nearly so ; another, H. fusca, is of a pinkish-yellow or brown colour ; the third, H. viridis, is bright green. In the two latter it is quite evident, even under a low power, that the colour is in the inner parts of the body-wall, the outside of which is formed by a transparent colourless layer (Fig. 50, A, B). It is quite easy to keep a Hydra under observation on the stage of the microscope for a considerable time by placing it in a watch-glass or shallow " cell " with weeds, &c., and in this way its habits can be very profitably studied. It will be noticed, in the first place, that its form is continually changing. At one time (Fig. 50, A, left-hand figure) it extends itself until its length is fully fifteen times its diameter and the tentacles appear like long delicate filaments : at another time (right-hand figure) it contracts itself into an almost globular mass, the tentacles then appearing like little blunt knobs. 224 HYDRA LESS. Besides these movements of contraction and expansion, Hydra is able to move slowly from place to place. This it usually does after the manner of a looping caterpillar (Fig. 50, c) : the body is bent round until the distal end touches the surface ; then the base is detached and moved nearer the distal end, which is again moved forward, and so on. It has also been observed to crawl like a cuttle fish (D) by means of its tentacles, the body being kept nearly vertical. It is also possible to watch a Hydra feed. It is a very voracious creature, and to see it catch and devour its prey is a curious and interesting sight. In the water in which it lives are always to be found numbers of " water-fleas," minute animals from about a millimetre downwards in length, belonging to the class Crustacea^ a group which includes lobsters, crabs, shrimps, &c. Water-fleas swim very rapidly, and occasionally one may be seen to come in contact with a Hydra's tentacle. Instantly its hitherto active movements stop dead, and it remains adhering in an apparently mysterious manner to the tentacle. If the Hydra is not hungry it usually liberates its prey after a time, and the water-flea may then be seen to drop through the water like a stone for a short distance, but finally to expand its limbs and swim off. If however the Hydra has not eaten recently it gradually contracts the tentacle until the prey is brought near the mouth, the other tentacles being also used to aid in the 'process. The water-flea is thus forced against the apex of the hypostome, the mouth expands widely and seizes it, and it is finally passed down into the digestive cavity. Hydrae can often be seen with their bodies bulged out in one or more places by recently swallowed water-fleas. The precise structure of Hydra is best made out by cutting xxii MINUTE STRUCTURE 225 it into a series of extremely thin sections and examining them under a high power. The appearance presented by a vertical section through the long axis of the body is shown in Fig. 51. The whole animal is seen to be built up of cells, each consisting of protoplasm with a large nucleus (P, nu\ and with or without vacuoles. As in the case of most animal cells, there is no cell-wall. Hydra is therefore a solid aggre- gate ; but the way in which its constituent cells are arranged is highly characteristic and distinguishes it at once from a plant. The essential feature in the arrangement of the cells is that they are disposed in two layers round the central digestive cavity or enteron (A, ent. cav} and the cavities of tentacles (ent. cav). So that the wall of the body is formed throughout of an outer layer of cells, the ectoderm (eci), and of an inner layer, the endoderm (end\ which bounds the enteric cavity. Between the two layers is a delicate trans- parent membrane, the mesoglcea, or supporting lamella (msgl). A transverse section shows that the cells in both layers are arranged radially (B). Thus Hydra is a two-layered or diploblastic animal, and may be compared to a chimney built of two layers of radially arranged bricks with a space between the layers filled with mortar or concrete. Accurate examination of thin sections, and of specimens teased out or torn into minute fragments with needles, shows that the structure is really much more complicated than the foregoing brief description would indicate. The ectoderm cells are of two kinds. The first and most obvious (B, ect and c), are large cells of a conical form, the bases of the cones being external, their apices internal. Spaces FIG. 51. Hydra. A, Vertical section of the entire animal, showing the body- wall corny posed of ectoderm (eci] and endoderm (end), enclosing an enteric cavit- LESS, xxn ECTODERM 227 (ent. cav), which, as well as the two layers, is continued (ent. cav') into the tentacles, and opens externally by the mouth (mth) at the apex of the hypostome (hyp). Between the ectoderm and endoderm is the mesogloea (msgl), represented by a black line. In the ectoderm are seen large (ntc) and small (ntc 1 ) nematocysts : some of the endoderm cells are putting out pseudopods (psd), others flagella (/?). Two buds (bd 1 , bcfi) in different stages of development are shown on the left side, and on the right a spermary (spy) and an ovary (ovy) containing a single ovum (ov). B, portion of a transverse section more highly magnified, showing the large ectoderm cells (ect) and interstitial cells (in(. c) : two cnidoblasts (cnbl) enclosing nematocysts (ntc), and one of them produced into a cnidocil (cnc) : the layer of muscle- processed (m. pr) cut across just external to the mesogloea (msgl) : endodeMi cells (end) with large vacuoles and nuclei (nu), pseudopods (psd),\ and flagella (fi). The endoderm cell to the right has ingested a diatom (a), and all enclose minute black granules. C, two of the large ectoderm cells, showing nucleus (nu) and muscle- process (m. pr}. D, an endoderm cell of H. viridis, showing nucleus (), numerous chromatophores (c/ir), and an ingested nematocyst (ntc). E, one of the larger nematocysts with extruded thread barbed at the base. F, one of the smaller nematocysts. G, a single sperm. (D after Lankester : F and G after Howes.) are necessarily left between their inner or narrow ends, and these are filled up with the second kind of cells (int. c), small rounded bodies which lie closely packed between their larger companions and are distinguished as interstitial cells. The inner ends of the large ectoderm cells are continued into narrow, pointed prolongations (c,\ placed at right angles to the cells themselves and parallel to the long axis of the body. There is thus a layer of these longitudinally- arranged muscle-processes lying immediately external to the mesogloea (B, m. pr). They appear to possess, like the axial fibre of Vorticella (p. 129), a high degree of contractility, the almost instantaneous shortening of the body being due, in great measure at least, to their rapid and simultaneous contraction. It is probably correct to say that, while the ectoderm cells are both contractile and irritable, a special 9 2 c?ib FIG. 52. Hydra. A, A nematocyst contained in its cnidoblast (cnb), showing the coiled filament and the cnidocil (cue]. B, The same after extrusion of the thread, showing the larger and smaller barbs at the base of the thread, nu, the nucleus of the cnidoblast. c, A cnidoblast, with its contained nematocyst, connected with one of the processes of a nerve-cell (nv. c), (After Schneider.) LESS, xxn NEMATOCYSTS 229 degree of contractility is assigned to the muscle-processes while the cells themselves are eminently irritable, the slightest stimulus applied to them being followed by an immediate contraction of the whole body. Imbedded in some of the large ectoderm cells are found clear, oval sacs (A and B, ntc\ with very well defined walls, and called nematocysts. Both in the living specimen and in sections they ordinarily present the appearance shown in Fig. 51, B, ntc, and Fig. 52 A, but are frequently met with in the condition shown in Fig. 51 E, and Fig. 52 B, that is, with a short conical tube protruding from the mouth of the sac, armed near its distal end with three recurved barbs, besides several similar processes of smaller size, ^and giving rise distally to a long, delicate, flexible fila- ment. Accurate examination of the nematocysts shows that the structure of these curious bodies is as follows : each con- sists of a tough sac (Fig. 52, A), one end of which is turned in as a hollow pouch : the free end of the latter is continued into a hollow coiled filament, and from its inner surface project the barbs. The whole space between the wall of the sac and the contained pouch and thread is tensely filled with fluid. When pressure is brought to bear on the outside of the sac the whole apparatus goes off like a harpoon-gun (B), the compression of the fluid forcing out first the barbed pouch and then the filament, until finally both are turned inside out. It is by means of the nematocysts the resemblance of which to the trichocysts of Paramcecium (p. 113) should be noted that the Hydra is enabled to paralyze its prey. Prob- ably some specific poison is formed and ejected into the wound with the thread : in the larger members of the group to which Hydra belongs, such as jelly-fishes, the nematocysts 230 HYDRA LESS. produce an effect on the human skin quite like the sting of a nettle. The nematocysts are formed in special interstitial cells called cnidoblasts (Fig. 51, B, The discoid body is supported by a sort of shell having the consistency of cartilage and divided into chambers which contain air (B, sh). Accurate examination shows that the manubrium-like body (hy) on the under surface is a hydranth, that the short, hollow, tentacle-like bodies (hy'} surrounding it are mouthless hydranths, and that the disc represents the common stem of Diphyes or Bougainvillea. So that Porpita is not what it appears at first sight, a single individual, like a Medusa or a Hydra, but a colony in which the constituent zooids have become so modified in accordance with an extreme division of physiological labour, that the entire colony has the char- acter of a single physiological individual. It was pointed out in the previous lesson (p. 233) that Hydra, while morphologically the equivalent of an indefinite number of unicellular organisms, was yet physiologically a single individual, its constituent cells being so differentiated and combined as to form one whole. A further stage in this same process of individuation is seen in Porpita, in which not cells but zooids, each the morphological equivalent of an entire Hydra, are combined and differentiated so as to form a colony which, from the physiological point of view, has the characters of a single individual. LESSON XXIV SPERMATOGENESIS AND OOGENESIS. THE MATURATION AND IMPREGNATION OF THE OVUM. THE CONNECTION BE- TWEEN UNICELLULAR AND DIPLOBLASTIC ANIMALS IN the preceding lessons it has more than once been stated that sperms arise from ordinary undifferentiated cells in the spermary, and that ova are produced by the enlargement of similar cells in the ovary. 'Fertilization has also been de- scribed as the conjugation or fusion of ovum and sperm. We have now to consider in greater detail what is known as to the precise mode of development of sperms (spermatogenesis) and of ova (oogenesis\ as well as the exact steps of the pro- cess by which an oosperm or unicellular embryo is formed by the union of the two sexual elements. The following description applies to animals : recent researches show that essentially similar processes take place in plants. Both ovary and spermary are at first composed of cells of the ordinary kind, the primitive sex-cells, and it is only by the further development of these that the sex of the gonad is determined. In the spermary the sex cells (Fig. 60, A) undergo repeated fission, forming what are known as the sperm-mother-cells (B). These have been found in several instances to be 256 SPERMATOGENESIS AND OOGENESIS LESS. distinguished by a peculiar condition of the nucleus. We saw (p. 65) that the number of chromosomes is constant in B FIG. 60. Spermatogenesis in the Mole-Cricket (Gryllotaipa). A. Primitive sex-cell, just preparatory to division, showing twelve chromosomes (chr} ; c, the centrosome. B. Sperm-mother-cell, formed by the division of A, and containing twenty-four chromosomes. The centrosome has divided into two. C. The sperm-mother-cell has divided into two by a reducing division, each daughter cell containing twelve chromosomes. D. Each daughter cell has divided again in the same manner, a group of four sperm-cells being produced, each with six chromosomes. E. A single sperm-cell about to elongate to form a sperm. F. Immature sperm ; the six chromosomes are still visible in the head. G. Fully formed sperm. (After vom Rath.) xxiv REDUCING DIVISION 257 any given animal, though varying greatly in different species. In the formation of the sperm-mother-cells from the primitive sex-cells the number becomes doubled : in the case of the mole-cricket, for instance, shown in Fig. 60, while the ordinary cells of the body, including the primitive sex- cells, contain twelve chromosomes, the sperm-mother-cells contain twenty-four. The sperm-mother-cell now divides (c), but instead of its chromosomes splitting in the ordinary way (p. 66, Fig. 10) half of their total number in the present instance twelve passes into each daughter cell : in this way two cells are produced having the normal number of chromosomes. The process of division is immediately repeated in the same peculiar way (D), the result being that each sperm-mother- cell gives rise to a group of four cells having half the normal number of chromosomes in the present instance six. The four cells thus produced are the immature sperms (E) : in the majority of cases the protoplasm of each undergoes a great elongation, being converted into a long vibratile thread, the tail of the sperm (F, G), while the nucleus becomes its more or less spindle-shaped head. Thus the sperm or male gamete is a true cell, specially modified in most cases for active movement : its head, representing the nucleus, is directed forwards in progres- sion, its long tail, formed from the protoplasm, backwards. The direction of movement is thus the precise opposite of that of a monad (p. 36) to which a sperm presents a certain resemblance. This actively motile tailed form is, however, by no means essential : in many animals the sperms are non-motile and in some they resemble ordinary cells. The peculiar variety of karyokinesis described above, by which the number of chromosomes in the sperm-mother-cells is reduced by one-half, is known as a reducing division. 258 SPERMATOGENESIS AND OOGENESIS LESS As already stated, the ova arise from primitive sex-cells, precisely resembing those which give rise to sperms. These divide and give rise to the egg-mother-cells in which, as in the sperm-mother-cells, the number of chromosomes is doubled. The egg-mother-cells do not immediately undergo division but remain passive and increase, often enormously, in size, by the absorption of nutriment from surrounding parts : in this way each egg-mother-cell becomes an ovum. Sometimes this nutriment is simply taken in by osmosis, in other cases the growing ovum actually ingests neigh- bouring cells after the manner of an Amoeba. Thus in the developing egg the processes of constructive are vastly in excess of those of destructive metabolism. We saw in the second lesson (p. 33) that the products of destructive metabolism might take the form either of waste products which are got rid of, or of plastic products which are stored up as an integral part of the organism. In the developing egg, in addition to increase in the bulk of the protoplasm itself, a formation of plastic products usually goes on to an immense extent. In plants the stored-up materials may take the form of starch, as in Nitella (p. 216), of oil, or of proteid substance : in animals it consists of rounded or angular grains of proteid material, known as yolk-granules. These being deposited, like plums in a pudding, in the protoplasm, have the effect of rendering the fully-formed egg opaque, so that its structure can often be made out only in sections. When the quantity of yolk is very great the ovum may attain a comparatively enormous size, as for instance in birds, in which, as already mentioned (p. 68), the " yolk " is simply an immense egg-cell. When fully formed, the typical animal ovum (Fig. 61) consists of a more or less globular mass of protoplasm, generally exhibiting a reticular structure and enclosing a xxiv STRUCTURE OF THE OVUM 259 larger or smaller quantity of yolk-granules. Surrounding the cell-body is usually a cell-wall or cuticle, often of con- siderable thickness and known as the vitelline membrane. The nucleus is large and has the usual constituents (p. 63) nuclear membrane, nuclear matrix, and chromatin. As a rule there is a very definite nucleolus, which is often known as the germinal spot, the entire nucleus being called the germinal vesicle. Such a fully-formed ovum is, however, incapable of being fertilized or of developing into an embryo : before it is ripe for FIG. 61. Ovum of a Sea-urchin (Toxopneustes lividus), showing the radially-striated cell-wall (vitelline membrane), the protoplasm contain- ing yolk granules (vitellus), the large nucleus (germinal vesicle) with its network of chromatin, and a large nucleolus (germinal spot). (From Balfour after Hertwig.) conjugation with a sperm or able to undergo the first stages of yolk division it has to go through a process known as the maturation of the egg. Maturation consists essentially in a twice-repeated process of cell-division. The nucleus (Fig. 62, A, nu) loses its mem- brane, travels to the surface of the egg, and takes on the S 2 FIG 62. The' Maturation and Impregnation of the Animal Ovum. A portion of the ovum of a Round worm (Ascaris megaiocephala], showing the sperm (sp) in the act of conjugation, and the unaltered LESS, xxiv POLAR CELLS 261 nucleus () of the egg, Ascaris being an animal in which the conjuga- tion of ovum and sperm takes place before the maturation of the former. In the nucleus, the nuclear membrane and matrix, and a band-like mass of chromatin are visible. The sperm of Ascaris is of peculiar form, and is non-motile. B, the same at the commencement of maturation : the nucleus (nu) has travelled to the periphery of the egg and taken on the spindle form. In this and the two next figures the vitelline membrane is shown. C, formation of the first polar cell (p. c. i). D, the entire egg after the completion of maturation, showing the two polar cells, the first (p. c. i) adhering to the vitelline membrane, the second, (p. c. 2} to the surface of the protoplasm : the female pronucleus (pr. nu. ? ) : and the sperm (sf>), which has penetrated into the cell- protoplasm, but has not yet become converted into the male pro- nucleus. E 1 , E 2 , two stages in the conjugation of the pronuclei in Molluscs (E 1 , Pterotrachea, E 2 , Phyllirhoe], In E 1 the male (pr. mi. Epthm}, muscle-plates (M. PI), and parietal layer of coelomic epithe- lium (Cxi. Epthm}. The enteric canal is formed of enteric epithelium (Ent. Epthm} covered by the visceral layer of coelomic epithelium (CceL Epthm'} ; in the neighbourhood of the mouth (MtJi) and anus (An} the enteric epithe- lium is ectodermal, elsewhere it is endodermal ; Ph, pharynx ; Oes, oesophagus ; Int, intestine ; Ret, rectum. The septa (Sept} are formed of muscle covered on both sides by ccelomic epithelium. Four nephridia (Nphm} with nephrostome (Nph. st} and nephridiopore (Nph. p} are shown. The brain (Br) and ventral nerve cord ( V. Nv. Cd) are seen to be in contact with the ectoderm : from the brain a nerve (nv) passes to the tentacle. C, diagrammatic transverse section showing the cell-layers as in B, viz : the cuticle (Cu), deric epithelium (Der. Epthm}, muscle-plates (M. PI.}, and parietal layer of coelomic epithelium (Cat. Epthm}, form- ing the body-wall ; and the enteric epithelium (Ent. Epthm} and visceral layer of coelomic epithelium ( Ccel. Epthm'}, forming the enteric canal. The dorsal (D. Mes} and ventral ( V. Mes} mesenteries are seen to be formed of a double layer of coelomic epithelium, and to enclose respec- tively the dorsal (D. V} and ventral ( V. V} blood-vessels. A nephridium (Nphm} is shown on each side with nephrostome (Nph. st) and nephridiopore Nph. p}. The connection of the ventral nerve-cord with the ectoderm (deric epithelium) is well shown. Fig. 71, A (p. 294), should be compared with this figure, as it is an accurate representation of the parts here shown diagram- matically. T 2 276 POLYGORDIUS LESS the holes a narrow tube of the same length as the wide one. The outer tube would represent the body-wall, the inner the enteric canal, and the cylindrical space between the two the ccelome. The inner tube would communicate with the ex- terior by each of its ends, representing respectively mouth and anus ; the space between the two tubes, on the other hand, would have no communication with the outside. Polygordius is the first example we have studied of a cculomate animal : one in which there is a definite body- cavity separating from one another -the body-wall and the enteric canal, and in which therefore a transverse section of the body has the general character of two concentric circles (Fig 68, c). It will be remembered that a transverse section of Hydra has the character of two concentric circles, formed re- spectively of ectoderm and endoderm (Fig. 55, A', p. 242), the two layers being, however, in contact or only separated by the thin mesogloea. At first sight then, it seems as if we might compare Polygordius to a Hydra in which the ecto- derm and endoderm instead of being in contact were separated by a wide interval ; we should then compare the body-wall of Polygordius with the ectoderm of Hydra and its enteric canal with the endoderm. But this comparison would only express part of the truth. A thin transverse section shows the body-wall of Poly- gordius to consist of four distinct layers. Outside is a thin transparent cuticle (Fig. 68, c, and Fig. 71, A, cu) showing no structure beyond a delicate striation. Next comes a layer of epithelial cells (Der. Epthm\ their long axes at right angles to the surface of the body, and the boundaries between them very indistinct, so as to give the whole layer the character of a sheet of protoplasm with regularly dis- posed nuclei : this is the deric epithelium or epidermis. Within it is a rather thick layer of muscle-plates (M. PL\ xxv ENTERIC EPITHELIUM 277 having the form of long flat spindles (Fig. 70, p. 287, M. PL} exhibiting a delicate longitudinal striation and covered on their free services with a fine network of protoplasm con- taining scattered nuclei. Each plate is arranged longitu- dinally, extending through several segments, and with its short axis perpendicular to the surface of the body (Fig. 71, M. PL}. It is by the contraction of the muscle-plates that the movements of the body, which resemble those of an earthworm, are produced. Finally, within the muscular layer and lining the ccelome is a very thin layer of cells, the ccdomic epithelium (CceL Epthm\ A transverse section of the enteric canal shows only two layers. The inner consists of elongated cells (Ent. Epthm] fringed on their inner or free surfaces with cilia : these con- stitute the enteric epithelium. Outside these is a very thin layer of flattened cells (CceL Epthm'} bounding the coelome, and hence called, like the innermost layer of the body-wall, coelomic epithelium. We have, therefore, to distinguish two layers of coelomic epithelium, an outer or parietal layer (Ccel. Epthm} which lines the body-wall, and an inner or vis- ceral layer (Ccel. Epthm'} which invests the enteric canal. We are now in a better position to compare the transverse section of Hydra and of Polygordius (Fig. 55, A', and Fig. 68, c). The deric epithelium of Polygordius being the outermost cell-layer is to be compared with the ectoderm of Hydra, and its cuticle with the layer of the same name which, though absent in Hydra, is present in the stem of hydroid polypes such as Bougainvillea (p. 239). The enteric epithelium of Polygordius, bounding as it does the digestive cavity, is clearly comparable with the endoderm of Hydra. So that we have the layer of muscle-plates and the two layers of ccelomic epithelium not represented in Hydra, in which their position is occupied merely by the mesoglcea. 378 POLYGORDIUS LESS. But it will be remembered that in Medusae there is some- times found a layer of separate muscle-fibres between the ectoderm and the mesoglcea, and it was pointed out (p. 244) that such fibres represented a rudimentary intermediate cell- layer or mesoderm. We may therefore consider the muscular layer and the coelomic epithelium of Polygordius as meso- derm, and we may say that in this animal the mesoderm is divisible into an outer or somatic layer, consisting of the muscle-plates and the parietal layer of ccelomic epithelium, and an inner or splanchnic layer, consisting of the visceral layer of ccelomic epithelium. 1 The somatic layer is in contact with the ectoderm or deric epithelium, and with it forms the body-wall ; the splanchnic layer is in contact with the endoderm or enteric epithelium and with it forms the enteric canal. The ccelome separates the somatic and splanchnic layers from one another, and is lined throughout by ccelomic epithelium. The relation between the diploblastic polype and the triploblastic worm may therefore be expressed in a tabular form as follows Hydroid. Polygordius. Cuticle Cuticle. Ectoderm .... Deric epithelium or epidermis. . Musfele-plates. Somatic \ Coelomic epithelium Mesoderm . J i ayer } (parietal layer). (mdimentary) : Splanchnic f Ccelomic epithelium layer I (visceral layer). Endoderm Enteric epithelium. i In the majority of the higher animals there is a layer of muscle between the enteric and ccelomic epithelia : in such cases the body-wall and enteric canal consist of the same layers but in reverse order, the ccelomic epithelium being internal in the one, external in the other. xxv GENERAL STRUCTURE 279 Strictly speaking, this comparison does not hold good of the anterior and posterior ends of the worm : at both mouth and anus the deric passes insensibly into the enteric epithe- lium, and the study of development shows (p. 298) that the cells lining both the anterior and posterior ends of the canal are, as indicated in the diagram (Fig. 68, B), ectodermal. For this reason the terms deric and enteric epithelium are not mere synonyms of ectoderm and endoderm respectively. It is important that the student should, before reading further, understand clearly the general composition of a triploblastic animal as typified by Polygordius, which may be summarised as follows : It consists of two tubes formed of epithelial cells, one within and parallel to the other, the two being continuous at either end of the body where the inner tube (enteric epithelium) is in free communication with the exterior ; the outer tube (deric epithelium) is lined by a layer of muscle-plates within which is a thin layer of coelomic epithelium, the three together forming the body- wall; the inner tube (enteric epithelium) is covered ex- ternally by a layer of coelomic epithelium which forms with it the enteric canal ; lastly, the body-wall and enteric canal are separated by a considerable space, the ccelome. The enteric canal is not, as might be supposed from the foregoing description, connected with the body-wall only at the mouth and anus, but is supported in a peculiar and somewhat complicated way. In the first place there are thin vertical plates, the dorsal and ventral mesenteries (Fig. 68, A and c, D. Mes, V. Afes), which extend longitudinally from the dorsal and ventral surfaces of the canal to the body wall, dividing the coelome into right and left halves. The structure of the mesenteries is seen in a transverse section (Fig. 68, c, and Fig. 71, A) which shows that at the middle 280 POLYGORDIUS LESS. dorsal line the parietal layer of ccelomic epithelium becomes deflected downwards, forming a two-layered membrane, the dorsal mesentery ; the two layers of this on reaching the enteric canal diverge and pass one on either side of it, form- ing the visceral layer of coelomic epithelium ; uniting again below the canal, they are continued downwards as the ventral mesentery, and on reaching the body-wall diverge once more to join the parietal layer. Thus the mesenteries are simply formed of a double layer of coelomic epithelium, continuous on the one hand with the parietal and on the other with the visceral layer of that membrane. Besides the mesenteries, the canal is supported by trans- verse vertical partitions or septa (Fig. 68, A and B, Sept) which extend right across the body-cavity, each being perforated by the canal. The septa are regularly arranged and correspond with the external grooves by which the body is divided into metameres. Thus the transverse or metameric segmen- tation affects the coelome as well as the body-wall. Each septum is composed of a sheet of muscle covered on both sides with ccelomic epithelium (B, Sept). Where the septa come in contact with the enteric canal, the latter is more or less definitely constricted so as to pre- sent a beaded appearance (A and B) ; thus we have segmen- tation of the canal as well as of the body-wall and coelome. The digestive canal, moreover, is not a simple tube of even calibre throughout, but is divisible into four portions. The first or pharynx (Ph) is very short, and can be pro- truded during feeding ; the second, called the gullet or ossophagus (Oes), is confined to the peristomium and is distin- guished by its thick walls and comparatively great diameter ; the third or intestine (Int) extends from the first metamere to the last i.e., from the segment immediately following the peristomium to that immediately preceding the anal xxv DIGESTION 281 segment; it is laterally compressed so as to have an elongated form in cross section (c, and Fig. 71, A) : the fourth portion or rectum (Ret) is confined to the anal seg- ment j it is somewhat dilated and is not laterally compressed. The epithelium of the intestine is, as indicated in the diagram (B), endodermal ; that of the remaining division of the canal is ectodermal. The large majority of the cells in all parts of the canal are ciliated. The cells of the enteric canal and especially those of the gullet are very granular, and like the endoderm cells of the hypostome of Hydra (p. 231) are to be considered as gland cells. They doubtless secrete a digestive juice which, mixing with the various substances taken in by the mouth, dissolves the proteids and other digestible parts, so as to allow of their absorption. There is no evidence of intra- cellular digestion such as occurs in Hydra (p. 232), and it is very probable that the process is purely extra-cellular or enteric, the food being dissolved and rendered diffusible entirely in the cavity of the canal. By the movements of the canal caused partly by the general movements of the body and partly by the contraction of the muscles of the septa aided by the action of the cilia, the contents are gradually forced backwards and the sand and other indi- gestible matters are expelled at the anus. The coelome is filled with a colourless transparent cwlomic fluid in which are suspended minute, irregular, colourless bodies, as well as oval bodies containing yellow granules. From the analogy of the higher animals one would expect these to be leucocytes (p. 56), but their cellular nature has not been proved. The function of the coelomic fluid is probably to distribute the digested food in the enteric canal to all parts of the 282 POLYGORDIUS LESS. body. In Hydra, where the lining wall of the digestive cavity is in direct contact with the simple wall of the body, the products of digestion can pass at once by diffusion from endoderm to ectoderm, but in the present case a means of communication is wanted between the enteric epithelium and the comparatively complex and distant body-wall. The peptones and other products of digestion diffuse through the enteric epithelium into the coelomic fluid, and by the con- tinual movement of the latter due to the contractions of the body-wall are distributed to all parts. Thus the external epithelium and the muscles, as well as the nervous system and reproductive organs, not yet described, are wholly dependent upon the enteric epithelium for their supply of nutriment. We have now to deal with structures which we find for the first time in Polygordius, namely blood-vessels. Lying in the thickness of the dorsal mesentery is a delicate tube (Fig. 68, A and c, D. F) passing along almost the whole length of the body : this is the dorsal vessel. A similar ventral vessel (V.V) is contained in the ventral mesentery, 1 and the two are placed in communication with one another in every segment by a pair of commissural vessels (A, Com.v) which spring right and left from the dorsal trunk, pass downwards in or close behind the corresponding septum, following the contour of body-wall, and finally open into the ventral vessel. Each commissural vessel, at about the middle of its length, gives off a recurrent vessel (R.V.) which passes backwards and 5 The statement that the dorsal and ventral vessels lie in the thickness of the mesenteries requires qualification. As a matter of fact, these vessels are simply spaces formed by the divergence of the two layers of epithelium composing the mesentery (Fig. 68, c, and Fig. 71, A) : only their anterior ends have proper walls. xxv HEMOGLOBIN 283 ends blindly. The anterior parts of the commissural vessels lie in the peristomium and have an oblique direction, one on each side of the gullet. The whole of these vessels form a single, closed vascular system, there being no communication between them and any of the remaining cavities of the body. The vascular system contains a fluid, the blood, which varies in colour in the different species of Polygordius, being either colourless, red, green, or yellow. In one species cor- puscles (? leucocytes) have been found in it. The function of the blood has not been actually proved in Polygordius, but is well known in other worms. In the common earthworm, for instance, the blood is red, the colour being due to the same pigment, hcemoglobin, which occurs in our own blood and in that of other vertebrate animals. Haemoglobin is a nitrogenous compound, containing, in addition to carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, and sulphur, a minute quantity of iron. It can be obtained pure in the form of crystals which are soluble in water. Its most striking and physiologically its most important property is its power of entering into a loose chemical combination with oxygen. If a solution of haemoglobin is brought into contact with oxygen it acquires a bright scarlet colour, and the solu- tion is then found to have a characteristic spectrum distin- guished by two absorption-bands, one in the yellow, another in the green. Loss of oxygen changes the colour from scarlet to purple, and the spectrum then presents a single broad absorption-band intermediate in position between the two of the oxygenated solution. This property is of use in the following way. All parts of the organism are constantly undergoing destructive meta- bolism and giving off carbon dioxide : this gas is absorbed by the blood, and at the same time the haemoglobin gives up 284 POLYGORDIUS LESS. its oxygen to the tissues. On the other hand, whenever the blood is brought sufficiently near the external air or water in the case of an aquatic animal the opposite process takes place, oxygen being absorbed and carbon dioxide given off. Haemoglobin is therefore to be looked upon as a respiratory or oxygen-carrying pigment ; its function is to provide the various parts of the body with a constant supply of oxygen, while the carbon dioxide formed by their oxidation is given up to the blood. The particular part of the body in which the carbon dioxide accumulated in the blood is exchanged for the oxygen of the surrounding medium is called a respiratory organ ; in Polygordius, as in the earthworm and many others of the lower animals, there is no specialised respiratory organ lung or gill but the necessary exchange of gases is performed by the entire surface of the body. In discussing in a previous lesson the differences between plants and animals, we found (p. 178) that in the unicellular organisms previously studied, the presence of an excretory organ in the form of a contractile vacuole was a characteristic feature of such undoubted animals as the ciliate infusoria, but was absent in such undoubted plants as Vaucheria and Mucor. But the reader will have noticed that Hydra and its allies have no specialised excretory organ, waste products being apparently discharged from any part of the surface. In Polygordius we meet once more with an animal in which excretory organs are present, although, in correspondence with the complexity of the animal itself, they are very different from the simple contractile vacuoles of Paramce- cium or Vorticella. The excretory organs of Polygordius consist of little tubes called nephridia, of which each metamere possesses a pair, one on either side (Fig. 68, A, B, and c, Nphm). Each xxv NEPHRIDIA 285 nephridium (Fig. 69) is an extremely delicate tube consisting of two divisions bent at right angles. The outer division is placed vertically, lies in the thickness of the body-wall, and opens externally by a minute aperture, the nephridiopore (Figs. 68 and 69, Nph. /). The inner division is horizontal and lies in the ccelomic epithelium ; passing forward it pierces the septum which bounds the segment in front (Fig. 68, A and B), and then dilates into a funnel-shaped extremity or nephrostome (Nph. st\ which places its cavity in free com- munication with the coelome. The whole interior of the tube as well as the inner face of the nephrostome is lined with cilia which work outwards. FIG. 69. A nephridium of Polygordius, showing the cilia lining the tube, the ciliated funnel or nephrostome (Nph. st), and the external aperture or nephridiopore {Nph. /).' (After Fraipont.) A nephridium may therefore be defined as a ciliated tube, lying in the thickness of the body- wall and opening at one end into the ccelome and at the other on the exterior of the body. In the higher worms, such as the earthworm, the nephridia are lined in part by gland-cells, and are abundantly supplied with blood-vessels. Water and nitrogenous waste from all parts of the body pass by diffusion into the blood and are conveyed to the nephridia, the gland-cells of which withdraw the waste products and pass them into the cavities of the tubes, whence they are finally discharged into the surround- ing medium. In all probability some such process as this takes place in Polygordius. 286 fOLYGORDIUS LESS. In discussing the hydroid polypes we found that one of the most important points of difference between the loco- motive medusa and the fixed hydranth was the presence in the former of a well-developed nervous system (p. 244) con- sisting of an arrangement of peculiarly modified cells, to which the function of automatism was assigned. It is natural to expect in such an active and otherwise highly- organized animal as Polygordius a nervous system of a considerably higher degree of complexity than that of a medusa. The central nervous system consists of two parts, the brain and the ventral nerve-cord. The brain (Fig. 68, A and B, JBr.} is a rounded mass occupying the whole interior of the prostomium and divided by a transverse groove into two lobes, the anterior of which is again marked by a longitu- dinal groove. The ventral nerve-cord ( V. Nv. Cd.} is a longitudinal band extending along the whole middle ventral line of the body from the peristomium to the anal segment. The posterior lobe of the brain is connected with the anterior end of the ventral nerve-cord by a pair of nervous bands, the ctsophageal connectives (CEs. Con.} which pass respectively right and left of the gullet. It is to be noted that one division of the central nervous system the brain lies altogether above and in front of the enteric canal, the other division the ventral nerve-cord altogether beneath it, and that, in virtue of the union of the two divisions by the cesophageal connectives, the enteric canal perforates the nervous system. It is also important to notice that the nervous system is throughout in direct contact with the epidermis or ectoderm, the ventral cord appearing in sections (Fig. 68, c, and Fig. 71, A) as a mere thickening of the latter. Both brain and cord are composed of delicate nerve-fibres xxv NERVOUS SYSTEM 287 (Fig. 70, Nv. F.} interspersed with nerve-cells (Nv. C). In the cord the fibres are arranged longitudinally, and the nerve-cells are ventral in position, forming a layer in imme- ter.Epthm, FIG. 70. Diagram illustrating the relations of the nervous system oi Polygordius. The deric epithelium (Dcr. Epthni) is either indirect contact with the central nervous system (lower part of figure), or is connected by afferent nerves (af. nv.) with the inter-muscular plexus (int.. muse, plex.} : the latter is connected to the muscle-plates (M. PI) by efferent nerves (Ef. nv). The central nervous system consists of nerve- fibres (Nv. F) and nerve-cells (Nv. C) : other nerve-cells (Nv. C) occur at intervals in the inter-muscular plexus. The muscle-plates (M. PI), one of which is entire, while only the middle part of the other is shown, are invested by a delicate protoplasmic network, containing nuclei (nu), to which the efferent nerves can be traced. (The details copied from Fraipont. ) diate contact with the deric epithelium. In the posterior lobe of the brain the nerve-cells are superficial and the central part of the organ is formed of a finely punctate substance in which neither cells nor fibres can be made out. 288 POLYGORDIUS LESS. Ramifying through the entire muscular layer of the body- wall is a network of delicate nerve-fibres (int. muse, plx.) with nerve- cells (Nv. C) at intervals, the inter-muscular -blexus. Some of the branches of this plexus are traceable to nerve-cells in the central nervous system, others (af. nv.) to epidermic cells, others (Ef. nv.) to the delicate proto- plasmic layer covering the muscle-plates. The superficial cells of both brain and cord are also, as has been said, in direct connection with the overlying epidermis, and from the anterior end of the brain a bundle of nerve-fibres (Fig. 68, B, /., Nv.) is given off on each side to the corresponding tentacle, constituting the nerve of that organ, to the epidermic cells of which its fibres are distributed. We see then that, apart from the direct connection of nerve-cells with the epidermis, the central nervous system is connected, through the intermediation of nerve -fibres (a) with the sensitive cells of the deric epithelium and (b) with the contractile muscle-plates. And we can thus distinguish two sets of nerve-fibres, (a) sensory or afferent (af. nv.) which connect the central nervous system with the epidermis, and (b) motor or efferent (Ef. nv.) which connect it with the muscles. Comparing the nervous system of Polygordius with that of a medusa (p. 244) there are two chief points to be noticed. Firstly, the concentration of the central nervous system in the higher type, and the special concentration at the anterior end of the body to form a brain. Secondly, the important fact that the inter-muscular plexus is not, like the peripheral nervous system of a medusa which it resembles, situated immediately beneath the epidermis (ectoderm) but lies in the muscular layer, or, in other words, has sunk into the mesoderm. It is obvious that direct experiments on the nervous system xxv FUNCTIONS OF NERVOUS SYSTEM 289 would be a very difficult matter in so small an animal as Polygordius. But numerous experiments on a large number of other animals, both higher and lower, allow us to infer with considerable confidence the functions of the various parts in this particular case. If a muscle be laid bare or removed from the body in a living animal it may be made to contract by the application of various stimuli, such as a smart tap (mechanical stimulus), a drop of acid or alkali (chemical stimulus), a hot wire (thermal stimulus), or an electric current (electric stimulus). If the motor nerve of the muscle is left intact the application to it of any of these stimuli produces the same effect as its direct application to the muscle, the stimulus being conducted along the eminently irritable but non-contractile nerve. Further, if the motor nerve is left in connection with the central nervous system, i.e., with one or more nerve-cells, direct stimulation of these is followed by a contraction, and not only so, but stimulation of a sensory nerve connected with such cells produces a similar result. And finally, stimulation of an ectoderm cell connected, either directly or through the intermediatidf of a sensory nerve, with the nerve-cells, is also followed by muscular contraction. An action of this kind, in which a stimulus applied to the free sensitive surface of the body is transmitted along a sensory nerve to a nerve-cell or group of such cells and is then, as it were, reflected along a motor nerve to a muscle, is called a reflex action ; the essence of the arrangement is the inter- position of nerve-cells between sensory or afferent nerves connected with sensory cells, and motor or efferent nerves connected with muscles. The diagram (Fig. 70) serves to illustrate this matter. The muscle-plate (M. PI.) may be made to contract by a stimulus applied (a) to itself directly, (b) to the motor fibre U 290 POLYGORDIUS LESS. (Ef. nv\ (c) to the nerve-cells (Nv. C) in the central nervous system, or to those (Nv. C'} in the inter-muscular plexus, (d] to the sensory fibre (of. nv.\ or (e) to the epidermic cells (Der. Epthm.}. In all probability the whole central nervous system of Polygordius is capable of automatic action. It is a well- known fact that if the body of an earthworm is cut into several pieces each performs independent movements ; in other words, the whole body is not, as in the higher animals, paralysed by removal of the brain. There can, however, be little doubt that complete co-ordination, i.e., the regulation of the various movements to a common end, is lost when the brain is removed. The nervous system is thus an all-important means of communication between the various parts of the organism and between the organism and the external world. The outer or sensory surface is by its means brought into connection with the entire muscular system with such perfection that the slightest touch applied to one end of the body may be followed by the almost instantaneous contrac- tion of muscles at the other. In some species of Polygordius the prostomium bears a pair of eye-specks, but in the majority of species the adult animal is eyeless, and, save for the ciliated pits (Fig. 67, B, c.p], the function of which is not known, the only definite organs of sense are the tentacles, which have a tactile function, their abundant nerve-supply indicating that their delicacy as organs of touch far surpasses that of the general surface of the body. They are beset with short, fine pro- cesses of the cuticle called setce (Figs. 67 and 68, s), which probably, like the whiskers of a cat, serve as conductors of external stimuli to the sensitive epidermic cells. xxv PHYSIOLOGICAL DIFFERENTIATION : ORGANS 291 There are two matters of general importance in connec- tion with the structure of Polygordius to which the student's attention must be drawn in concluding the present lesson. Notice in the first place how in this type, far more than in any of those previously considered, we have certain definite parts of the body set apart as organs for the performance of particular functions. There is a mouth for the reception of food, an enteric canal for its digestion, and an anus for the extrusion of faeces : a coelomic fluid for the transport of the products of digestion to the more distant parts of the body : a system of blood-vessels for the transport of oxygen to and of carbon dioxide from all parts : an epidermis as organ of touch and of respiration : nephridia for getting rid of water and nitrogenous waste : and a definite nervous system for regulating the movements of the various parts and forming a means of communication between the organism and the external world. It is clear that differentiation of structure and division of physiological labour play a far more obvious and important part than in any of the organisms hitherto studied. Notice in the second place the vastly greater complexity of microscopic structure than in any of our former types. The adult organism can no longer be resolved into more or less obvious cells. In the deric, enteric, and coelomic epithelia we meet with nothing new, but the muscle-plates are not cells, the nephridia show no cell-structure, neither do the nerve-fibres nor the punctate substance of the brain. The body is thus divisible into tissues or fabrics each clearly distinguishable from the rest. We have epithelial tissue, cuticular tissue, muscular tissue, and nervous tissue : and the blood and coelomic fluid are to be looked upon as liquid tissues. One result of this is that, to a far greater extent that in the foregoing types, we can study the u 3 292 POLYGORDIUS LESS, xxv morphology of Polygordius under two distinct heads : anatomy, dealing with the general structure of the parts, and histology, dealing with their minute or microscopic structure. One point of importance must be specially referred to in connection with certain of the tissues. It has been pointed out (p. 276) that the epidermis has rather the character of a sheet of protoplasm with regularly-arranged nuclei than of a layer of cells, and that the muscle-plates are covered with a layer of protoplasm with which the ultimate nerve-fibres are continuous (p. 277). Thus certain of the tissues of Polygordius exhibit continuity of the protoplasm, a phenomenon which appears to be of wide occurrence both in animals and in plants. LESSON XXVI POLYGORDIUS (Continued} ASEXUAL reproduction is unknown in Polygordius, and the organs of sexual reproduction are very simple. The animal is dioecious, gonads of one sex only being found in each individual. In the species which has been most thoroughly investi- gated (P. neapolitanus] the reproductive products are formed in each metamere from the fourth to the last. Crossing these segments obliquely are narrow bands of muscle (Fig. 71, A, O.M) and certain of the cells of ccelomic epithelium covering these bands multiply by fission and form little heaps of cells (Spy\ each of which is to be looked upon as a gonad. There is thus a pair of gonads to each segment with the exception of the prostomium, the peristomium, the first three metameres, and the anal segment, the reproductive organs exhibiting the same simple metameric arrangement as the digestive, excretory, and circulatory organs. It will be noticed that the primitive sex-cells, arising as they do from ccelomic epithelium, are mesodermal structures, not ectodermal as in hydroids (pp. 234 and 247). In the male the primitive sex-cells divide and sub-divide, the ultimate products being converted into sperms (Fig. 71, D.I C'a M.PI Sff> FiG. 71. Polygordins neapolitanus. A, transverse section of a male specimen to show the position of the immature gonads (spy) and the precise form and arrangement of the various layers represented diagrammatically in Fig. 68, C. The body-wall consists of cuticle (Cu), cleric epithelium (Der. Epthtn), muscle-plates (M. Pl\ and parietal layer of ccelomic epithelium (Ccvl. Epthm). The ventral nerve cord ( V. Nv. Cd) is shown to be continu- ous with the deric epithelium. The enteric canal consists of ciliated enteric epithelium (Ent. Epthm} covered by the visceral layer of ccelomic epithelium (Ccel. Epthm) : connecting it with the body-wall are the dorsal and ventral mesenteries formed of a double layer of coelomic epithelium, and containing respec- tively the dorsal (D. V) and ventral (V. V) blood-vessels. Passing obliquely across the coelome are the oblique muscles (0. M) LESS, xxvi DEVELOPMENT 295 covered with ccelomic epithelium : by differentiation of groups of cells of the latter the spermaries (Spy] are formed. B, a single sperm, showing expanded head and delicate tail. c, horizontal section of a sexually mature female. The body- wall (Ctt, Der. Epthm, M. PI] has undergone partial histological degeneration, and is ruptured in two places to allow of the escape of the ova (ov} which still fill the ccelomic spaces enclosed between the body-wall, the enteric canal (Ent. Epthm), and the septa (Se). (After Fraipont.) B : see p. 255) : in the female they enlarge immensely, and take on the character of ova (c, ov). Multiplication of the sexual products takes place to such an extent that the whole ccelome becomes crammed full of either sperms or ova (c). In the female the growth of the eggs takes place at the expense of all other parts of the body, which undergo more or less complete atrophy : the epidermis, for instance, be- comes liquefied and the muscles lose their contractility. Finally rupture of the body-wall takes place in each segment (c), and through the slits thus formed the eggs escape. So that Polygordius, like an annual plant, produces only a single brood : death is the inevitable result of sexual maturity. Whether or not the same dehiscence of the body-wall takes place in the male is not certain : it has been stated that the sperms make their escape through the nephridia. Thus while there are no specialized gonaducts, or tubes for carrying off the sexual products, it is possible that the ne- phridia may, in addition to their ordinary function, serve the purpose of male gonaducts or spermiducts. Female gona- ducts or oviducts are however entirely absent. The ova and sperms being shed into the surrounding water, impregnation takes place, and the resulting oosperm under- goes segmentation or division (see p. 248), a polyplast being formed. By the arrangement of its cells into two layers and 296 POLYGORDIUS LESS. the formation of an enteron or digestive cavity the polyplast becomes a gastmla (see p. 265) which by further develop- ment is converted into a curious free-swimming creature shown in Fig. 72, A, and called a trochosphere. FIG. 72. A, larva of Polygordius neapolitanus in the trochosphere stage ; from a living specimen. B, diagrammatic vertical section of the same : the ectoderm is dotted, the endoderm radially striated, the mesoderm evenly shaded, and the nervous system finely dotted. C, transverse section through the plane ab in B. The body -wall consists of a single layer of ectoderm cells, which, at the apex of the prostomium (upper hemisphere) are modified to form the brain (Br) and a pair of ocelli (oc). The enteric canal consists of three parts : the stomodseum (St. dm], opening externally by the mouth (Mth\ and lined by ectoderm ; the enteron (Ent) lined by endoderm ; and the proctodseum (Prc. dm), opening by the anus (An) and lined by ectoderm. Between the body- wall and the enteric canal is the larval body-cavity or blastocoele (Bl. cazl). The mesoderm is confined to two narrow bands of cells (B and C, Msd) in the blastocoele, one on either side of the proctodasum ; slender mesodermal bands (Msd') are also seen in the prostomium in A. The cilia consists of a pras-oral circlet (Pr. or. ci) above the mouth, a post-oral circlet (Pt. or. ci) below the mouth, and an anal circlet (An. ci) around the anus. (A after Fraipont. ) The trochosphere, or newly-hatched larva of Polygordius (Fig. 72, A) is about \ mm. in diameter, and has something the form of a top, consisting of a dome-like upper portion, the prostomium^ produced into a projecting horizontal rim; xxvi THE TROCHOSPHERE 297 of an intermediate portion or peristomium, having the form of an inverted hemisphere ; and of a lower somewhat conical anal region. Around the projecting rim is a double circlet of large cilia (Pr. or. a) by means of which the larva is propelled through the water. Beneath the edge of the ciliated rim is a rounded aperture, the mouth (Mth); this leads by a short, nearly straight gullet (St. dm), into a spacious stomach (Ent\ from the lower side of which proceeds a short slightly curved intestine (Prc. dm), opening at the extremity of the conical inferior region by an anus (An). Between the body-wall and the enteric canal is a space filled with fluid (Bl. cat), but, as we shall see, this does not correspond with the body-cavity of the adult. The body-wall and the enteric canal consist each of a single layer of epithelial cells, all the tissues included in the adult under the head of mesoderm (p. 278) being absent or so poorly developed that they may be neglected for the present. Leaving aside all details, it will be seen that the trocho- sphere of Polygordius is comparable in the general features of its organization to a medusa (compare Fig. 55, p. 242), consisting as it does of an outer layer of cells forming the external covering of the body and of an inner layer lining the digestive cavity. There are, however, two important differences : the space between the two layers is occupied by the mesoglcea in the medusa, while in the worm it is a cavity filled with fluid ; and the digestive cavity of the trochosphere has two openings instead of one. But in order to compare more accurately the medusa with the trochosphere, it is necessary to fill up, by the help of other types, an important gap in our knowledge of the development of Polygordius the passage from the gastrula to the trochosphere. From what we know of the do^dbp- 298 POLYGORDIUS LESS. ment of other worms, the process, in its general features, is probably as follows : The ectoderm and endoderm of the gastrula (Fig. 73, A) are not in close contact with one another as in Fig. 63 (p. 265), but are separated by a space filled with fluid the blastocozle or larval body-cavity. The mouth of the gastrula closes (), the enteron (Eni), being thus converted into a shut sac. At about the same time the ectoderm is tucked FIG. 73. Diagram illustrating the origin of the trochosphere from the gastrula. The ectoderm is dotted, the endoderm striated. A, gastrula, with enteron (Ent} and gastrula-mouth (Cast. Mi/i), and with the ectoderm and endoderm separated by the larval body-cavity or blastocoele (Bl ccel). B, the gastrula-mouth has closed, the enteron (Ent} becoming a shut sac. c, two ectodermal pouches, the stomodseum (St. dm) and proctodseum (Prc. dm) have appeared. D, the stomodaeum (St. dm) and proctodseum (Prc. dm) have opened into the enteron (nt), forming a complete enteric canal with mouth (Mth) and anus (An). in or invaginated at two places (C), and the two little pouches (St. dm, Prc. dni) thus formed grow inwards until they meet with the closed enteron and finally open into it (D), so that a complete enteric canal is formed formed, we must not fail to notice, of three distinct parts : (i) an anterior ectodermal pouch, opening externally by the mouth, and distinguished as the stomodceum ; (2) the enteron, lined with endoderm ; and (3) a posterior ectodermal pouch, opening externally by the anus, and called the proctodaum. xxvi METAMORPHOSIS 299 In the trochosphere (Fig. 72) the gullet is derived from the stomodseum, the stomach from the enteron, and the intestine from the proctodaeum ; so that only the stomach of the worm-larva corresponds with the digestive cavity of a medusa : the gullet and intestine are structures not repre- sented in the latter form. Two or three other points in the anatomy of the trocho- sphere must now be referred to. At the apex of the dome-shaped prostomium the ecto- derm is greatly thickened, forming a rounded patch of cells (Figs. 72 and 74, JBr\ the rudiment of the brain. On the surface of the same region and in close relation with the brain is a pair of small patches of black pigment, the eye-spots or ocelli (Oc). On either side of the intestine, between its epithelium and the external ectoderm, is a row of cells forming a band which partly blocks up the blastoccele (B and c, Msd\ These two bands are the rudiments of the whole of the meso- dermal tissues of the adult muscle, coelomic epithelium, &c. and hence called mesodermal bands. Finally on either side of the lower or posterior end of the stomach is a delicate tube (Fig. 74, A, Nph) opening by a small aperture on to the exterior, and by a wide funnel- shaped extremity into the blastocoele : it has all the relations of a nephridium, and is distinguished as the head-kidney. As the larva of Polygordius is so strikingly different from the adult, it is obvious that development must, in this, as in several cases which have come under our notice, be accom- panied by a metamorphosis. The first obvious change is the elongation of the conical anal region of the trochosphere into a tail-like portion which 3oo POLYGORDIUS LESS. may be called the trunk (Fig. 74, A). The stomach (enteron), which was formerly confined to the pro- and peri- stomium, has now grown for a considerable distance into Br B An c FIG. 74. A, living specimen of an advanced trochosphere-larva of Polygordius neapolitanus, showing the elongation of the anal region to form the trunk. B, diagrammatic vertical section of the same : the ectoderm is coarsely, the nervous system finely, dotted, the endoderm radially striated, and the mesoderm evenly shaded. C, transverse section through the plane ab in B. The pre-oral (Pr. or. ci), post-oral (Pt. or. a'.), and anal (An. ci) cilia, brain (Br}, ocelli (Oc), blastocoele (BL), mouth (Mth\ stomo- daeum (St. dm}, proctodseum (Prc. dm), and anus (An) as in Fig. 72, A : the enteron (Ent) has extended some distance into the trunk. In A, slender mesodermal bands (Msd. bd) in the prostomium, and the branched head-kidney (NpK] are shown. In B and C the mesoderm (Msd) is seen to have obliterated the blasto- ccele in the trunk-region : the ectoderm has undergone a thickening, forming the ventral nerve -cord ( V. Nv. Cd). (A after Fraipont. ) the trunk (B, enf), so that the proctodaeum (Prc. dm) occupies only the portion in proximity to the anus. Important internal changes have also taken place. The deric epithelium or external ectoderm is for the most part composed, as in the preceding stage, of a single layer of xxvi DEVELOPMENT OF METAMERES 301 cells ; but on that aspect of the trunk which lies on the same side as the mouth i.e., to the left in Fig. 74, A and B this layer has undergone a notable thickening, being now com- posed of several layers of cells. This ectodermal thickening is the rudiment of the ventral nerve-cord ( V. Nv. Cd\ and the side of the trunk on which it appears is now definitely marked out as the ventral aspect of the future worm, the opposite aspect that to the right in the figures being dorsal. At a later stage two ectodermal cords the cesopha- geal connectives are formed, connecting the anterior end of the ventral nerve-cord with the brain. Note that the two divisions of the central nervous system are originally quite distinct. The mesodermal bands, which were small and quite separate in the preceding stage (Fig. 72, B and c, Msd\ have now increased to such an extent as to surround com- pletely the enteron and obliterate the blastocoele (Fig. 74, B and B, Msd). At this stage therefore there is no body- cavity in the trunk, but the space between the deric and enteric epithelia is occupied by a solid mass of mesoderm. In a word, the larva is at present, as far as the trunk is con- cerned, triploblastic but acoelomate. Development continues, and the larva assumes the form shown in Fig. 75, A. The trunk has undergone a great increase in length and at the same time has become divided, by a series of annular grooves, into segments or metameres, like those of the adult worm but more distinct (compare Fig. 67, D, p. 272). By following the growth of the larva from the preceding to the present stage, it is seen that these segments are formed from before backwards, i.e., the seg- ment next the peristomium is the oldest, and new ones are continually being added between the last formed and the 302 POLYGORDIUS LESS, xxvi extremity of the trunk, or what may now be called the anal segment. By this process the larva has assumed the appear- ance of a worm with an immense head and a very slender trunk. The original larval stomach (enteron) has extended, with the formation of the metameres, so as to form the greater portion of the intestine : the proctodseum (Prc. dm) is confined to the anal segment. Two other obvious changes are the appearance of a pair of small slender processes (A, /) the rudiments of the tentacles on the apex of the prostomium, and of a circlet of cilia (Pr. an. d) round the posterior end of the trunk. The internal changes undergone during the assumption of the present form are very striking. In every fully formed metamere the mesoderm solid, it will be remembered, in the previous stage has become divided into two layers, a somatic layer (B and c, Msd (soni) ) in contact with the ectoderm and a splanchnic layer (Msd (spl) ) in contact with the endoderm. The space between the two layers (Cxi] is the permanent body-cavity or ccelome, which is thus quite a different thing from the larval body-cavity or blastoccele, being formed, not as a space between ectoderm and endoderm, but by the splitting of an originally solid mesoderm. The division of the mesoderm does not however extend quite to the middle dorsal and middle ventral lines : in both these situations a layer of undivided mesoderm is left (c), and in this way the dorsal and ventral mesenteries are formed. Spaces in these, apparently the remains of the blastocoele, form the dorsal and ventral blood-vessels. More- over the splitting process takes place independently in each segment and a transverse vertical layer of undivided mesoderm (B, Sep) is left separating each segment from the FIG. 75. A, larva of Polygordius neapolitanus in a condition inter- mediate between the trochosphere and the adult worm, the trunk-region being elongated and divided into metameres. B, diagrammatic vertical section of the same : the ectoderm is coarsely, the nervous system finely, dotted, the endoderm radially striated, and the mesoderm evenly shaded. C, transverse section along the plane ab in B. The pre-oral (Pr. or. ci), post-oral (Pt. or. ci), and anal (An. ci) cilia, the blastocoele (Bl. ccel), stomodseum (6V. dm], and proctodseum (Prc. dm) are as in Fig. 72, A and B : the enteron now extends through- out the segmented region of the trunk. A pair of tentacles (/) has appeared on the prostomium near the ocelli (o), and a pre-anal circlet of cilia (Pr. an. ci) is developed. The mesoderm has divided into somatic ( Msd (sotn) ) and splanchnic (Msd(spl) ) layers with the ccelome (Ccel) between : the septa (Sep) are formed by undivided plates of mesoderm separating the segments of the coelome from one another. D^D 3 , three stages in the development of the somatic mesoderm. In D 1 it (Msd (Som) ) consists of a single layer of cells in contact with the deric epithelium (Der. Epthm) : in D 2 the cells have begun to split up in a radial direction : in D 3 each has divided into a number of radially arranged sections of muscle-plates (M. PI) and a single cell of ccelomic epithelium (Ccel. Epthm). (A after Fraipont. ) 304 POLYGORDIUS LESS. adjacent ones before and behind : in this way the septa arise. The nephridia appear to have a double origin, the super- ficial portion of each being formed from ectoderm, the deep portion, including the nephrostome, from the somatic layer of mesoderm. In the ventral nerve-cord the cells lying nearest the outer surface have enlarged and formed nerve-cells, while those on the dorsal aspect of the cord have elongated longitudinally and become converted into nerve-fibres. This process has already begun in the preceding stage. But the most striking histological changes are those which gradually take place in the somatic layer of mesoderm. At first this layer consists of ordinary nucleated cells (D\ Msd (Som}\ but before long each cell splits up in a radial direction (D 2 ) from without inwards i.e., from the ectoderm (Der. Epthni) towards the ccelome finally taking on the form of a book with four or more slightly separated leaves directed outwards or towards the surface of the body, and with its back the undivided portion of the cell bounding the ccelome. The cells being arranged in longitudinal series, we have a number of such books placed end to end in a row with the corresponding leaves in contact page one of the first book being followed by page one of the second, third, fourth, &c., page two by page two, and so on through one or more segments of the trunk. Next, what we have compared with the leaves of the books the divided portions of the cells become separated from the backs the undivided portions (D S ) and each leaf (M~. PI) fuses with the corresponding leaves of a certain number of books in the same longitudinal series. The final result is that the undivided portions of the cells (backs of the books, Ca>l. Epthni) become the parietal layer of ccelomic epithelium, the xxvi SIGNIFICANCE OF DEVELOPMENTAL STAGES 305 longitudinal bands formed by the union of the leaves (M. PI) becoming the muscle-plates, which are thus cell- fusions^ each being formed by the union of portions of a series of longitudinally arranged cells. At the same time the cells of the splanchnic layer of mesoderm thin out and become the visceral layer of ccelomic epithelium. We see then that by the time the larva has reached the stage shown in Fig. 75, it is no longer a mere aggregate of simple cells arranged in certain layers. The cells them- selves have undergone differentiation, some becoming modi- fied into nerve-fibres, others by division and subsequent fusion with their neighbours forming muscle-plates, while others, such as the epithelial cells, remain almost unaltered. Thus, in the course of the development of Polygordius, cell-multiplication and cell-differentiation go hand in hand, the result being the formation of those complex tissues the presence of which forms so striking a difference between the worm and the simpler types previously studied. It is important to notice that this comparatively complex animal is in one stage of its existence the oosperm as simple as an Amoeba ; in another the polyplast it is com- parable to a Pandorina or a Volvox; in a third the gastrula it corresponds in general features with a Hydra ; while in a fourth the trochosphere it resembles in many respects a Medusa. As in other cases we have met with, the comparatively highly-organized form passes through stages in the course of its individual development similar in general characters to those which, on the theory of evolution, its ancestors may be considered to have passed through in their gradual ascent from a lower to a higher stage of organization. x 306 POLYGORDIUS LESS, xxvi The rest of the development of Polygordius may be summarized very briefly. The trunk grows so much faster than the head (pro-flhts peri-stomium) that the latter under- goes a relative diminution in size, finally becoming of equal diameter with the trunk, as in the adult. The ciliated rings are lost, the tentacles grow to their full size, the eye-spots atrophy, and thus the adult form is assumed. LESSON XXVII 1 THE GENERAL CHARACTERS OF THE HIGHER ANIMALS THE student who has once thoroughly grasped the facts of structure of such typical unicellular animals as Amoeba and the Infusoria, of such typical diploblastic animals as Hydra and Bougainvillea, and of such a typical triploblastic animal as Polygordius, ought to have no difficulty in understanding the general features of the organization of any other members of the animal kingdom. When once the notions of a cell, a cell-layer, a tissue, body-wall, enteron, stomodaeum, procto- dseum, coelome, somatic and splanchnic mesoderm, are fairly understood, all other points of structure become hardly more than matters of detail. If we turn to any text-book of Zoology we shall find that the animal kingdom is divisible into seven primary sub- divisions, called sub-kingdoms, types, or phyla. These are as follows : Protozoa. Ccelenterata. Venues. Echinodermata. Arthropoda. Mollusca. Vertebrata 1 Readers who have not studied zoology, or at least examined a series of selected animal types, should omit this lesson and go on to the next. X 2 3o8 CHARACTERS OF THE HIGHER ANIMALS LESS. With a few exceptions, the discussion of which would be out of place here, the vast number of animals known to us may be arranged in one or other of these groups. The Protozoa are the unicellular animals : they have been represented in previous lessons by Amoeba and Protamoeba, Hsematococcus, Heteromita, Euglena, the Mycetozoa, Para- mcecium, Stylonychia, Oxytricha, Opalina, Vorticella, Zooth- amnium, the Foraminifera, and the Radiolaria. According to many authors, Pandorina and Volvox are also included in this group. The reader will therefore have no difficulty in grasping the general features of this phylum. The Cxlenterata are the diploblastic animals, and have also been well represented in the foregoing pages, namely, by Hydra, Bougainvillea, Diphyes, and Porpita. The sea- anemones, corals, and sponges also belong to this phylum. The Vermes, or Worms, are a very heterogeneous assem- blage. They are all triploblastic, but while some are ccelomate, others have no body-cavity; some, again, are segmented, others not. Still, if the structure of Polygordius is thoroughly understood, there will be little difficulty in understanding that of a fluke, a tape-worm, a round-worm, an earthworm, or one of the ordinary marine worms. Of the remaining four sub-kingdoms we have, so far, studied no example, but a brief description of a single typical form of each will show how they all conform to the general plan of organization of Polygordius, being all triplo- blastic and ccelomate. Under the Echinodermata are included the various kinds of starfishes sand-stars, brittle-stars, and feather-stars, as well as sea-urchins, sea-cucumbers, &c. A starfish will serve as an example of the group. The phylum Arthropoda includes crayfishes, lobsters, crabs, shrimps, prawns, wood-lice, and water-fleas ; scorpions, GENERAL STRUCTURE 39 spiders, and mites ; centipedes and millipedes ; and all kinds of insects, such as cockroaches, beetles, flies, ants, bees, butterflies, and moths. A crayfish forms a very fair type of the group. In the phylum Mollusca are included the ordinary bi- valves, such as mussels and oysters ; snails, slugs, and other univalves or one-shelled forms ; sea-butterflies ; and cuttle- fish, squids, and Octopi. An account of a fresh-water mussel will serve to give a general notion of the character of this group. Finally, under the head of Vertebrata are included all the backboned animals : the lampreys and hags ; true fishes, such as the shark, skate, sturgeon, cod, perch, trout, &c. ; amphibians, such as frogs, toads, newts, and salamanders ; true reptiles, such as lizards, crocodiles, snakes, and tor- toises ; birds ; and mammals, or creatures with a hairy skin which suckle their young, such as the ordinary hairy quadrupeds, whales and porpoises, apes, and man. The essential structure of a vertebrate animal will be understood from a brief description of a dog-fish. THE STARFISH. 1 A common starfish consists of a central disc-like portion, from which radiate five arms or rays. It crawls over the rocks with its ventral surface downwards, its dorsal surface upwards. It can move in any direction, so that, in the ordinary sense of the words, anterior and posterior extremi- ties cannot be distinguished. Radial symmetry such as this, i.e., the division of the body into similar parts radiating from a common centre, is characteristic of the Echinodermata generally. 1 For a detailed description of a Starfish, see Rolleston and Hatchett Jackson, Forms of Animal Life (Oxford, 1888), pp. 190 and 311. Tire, fa FIG. 76. "Diagrammatic sections of a Starfish. A, vertical section passing on the right through a radius on the left through an inter-radius. The off side of the ambulacral groove with the tube feet ( T, F) and ampullae (Amp) are shown in perspective. B, transverse section through an arm. The ectoderm is coarsely dotted, the nervous system finely dotted, the endoderm radially striated, the mesoderm evenly shaded, the ossicles of the skeleton black, and the ccelomic epithelium represented by a beaded line. The body-wall consists of deric epithelium (Der. Eptkm), derails (Derm), and the parietal layer of ccelomic epithelium (Ccel. Epthni). To the body-wall are attached pedicellariae (Ped), and the end of the arm bears a tentacle (/) with an ocellus (oc) at its base. The skeleton consists of ossicles (as) imbedded in the derm : large ambulacral ossicles (Amb. os) bound the ambulacral grooves on the ventral surfaces of the arms. The mouth (Mth) leads by a short gullet into a stomach (St), which gives off a cardiac caecum (Cd. ca>) and a pair cf pyloric caeca (Pyl. ccc) to each arm, and passes into an intestine (hit} which gives off intestinal caeca (Int. cce) to the inter-radii, and ends in the anus (An). The pyloric caeca are connected to the dorsal body- wall by mesenteries (Mes. in B). The wall of the enteric canal consists of enteric epithelium covered by the visceral layer of coelomic epithelium (Ccel. Epthm'}. From .the ccelome are given off respiratory caeca (Resp. CCE), which project through the body-wall : the latter contains peri-haemal spaces (p. h) derived from the ccelome. LESS, xxvn TUBE-FEET 3 11 The circular blood-vessel (C. B. V) surrounds the gullet and gives off radial vessels (Rad. B. V} to the arms and an inter-radial plexus connected with a pentagonal ring round the intestine. The circular ambulacral vessel (C. Amb. V} gives off radial vessels (Rad. Amb. V} to the arms connected with the ampulla; (Amp} and tube-feet (T. F) : it is also connected with the stone-canal (St. Q, which opens externally by the madreporite (Mdpr). The nerve-ring (Nv. R] gives off radial nerves (Rad. Nv) to the arms. The ovary (Ovy] is inter-radial, and opens by a dorsal oviduct (Ovd]. In the centre of the disc on the ventral surface is the large mouth (Fig. 76, A, Mth\ and from it radiate five grooves, one along the ventral surface of each arm (A and B). In the living animal numerous delicate semi-transparent cylinders, the ttibefeet (T. F), are protruded from these grooves; they are very extensible and each ends in a sucker. It is by moving these structures in various directions, protruding some and withdrawing others, that the starfish is able to move along either a horizontal or a vertical surface, and even to turn itself over when placed with the ventral side upwards. Near the middle of the disc, on the dorsal surface, is the very minute anus (A, An) ; it is situated on a line drawn from the centre of the disc to the re-entering angle between two of the rays, and is therefore said to be inter-radial in position. Near the anus, and also inter-radially situated, is a circular calcareous plate, the madreporite (Mdpr), per- forated by numerous microscopic apertures. Innumerable other calcareous plates, or ossicles (os), are embedded in the body-wall, and constitute a skeleton, to which the firm and resistant character of the starfish is due. Sections show that there is a well-marked ccelome, separ- ating the body-wall from the enteric canal and containing the gonads, blood-vessels, &c. The body-wall consists ex- ternally of a very thin cuticle, then of a layer of deric 312 THE STARFISH LESS. epithelium or epidermis (Der. EptJwi], then of a thick fibrous layer (Derm) the dermis or deep layer of the skin, then of a thin and interrupted layer of muscle, and finally, of a layer of coelomic epithelium (CoeL Epthui] bounding the body cavity. The dermis is formed of connective tissue, a substance not met with in Polygordius, formed by the elongation of meso- derm cells into wavy fibres. The ossicles of the skeleton (as) are formed by deposits of calcium carbonate in the dermis ; the skeleton is therefore a dermal exoskeleton. The large ambulacral ossicles (Amb. os), however, which bound the ambulacral grooves, lie internal to the vessels (Rad. B. V., Rad. Amb. V.) and have an endoskeletal character. The enteric canal passes vertically from mouth (A, Mth) to anus (An), and is divisible into gullet, stomach (St\ and intestine (Int). The stomach gives off five wide pouches (Cd. cce), one extending into the base of each arm, and above these five other pouches (Pyl. cce), each of which divides into two (B, PyL CCE) and extends to the extremity of the corresponding arm. The intestine gives off smaller pouches (Int, cce) which are inter-radial in position. Thus the enteric canal, like the body as a whole, exhibits radial symmetry. The canal is lined by enteric epithelium, mostly endodermal, and is covered externally by coelomic epithelium (Ccel. Epthm'}. Respiration is affected by blind, finger-like offshoots of the coelome, the respiratory cczca (Resp. coe], which pass between the ossicles of the skeleton and project on the surface of the body, thus bringing the coelomic fluid into close relation with the surrounding water. The blood-system consists of a circular vessel (A, C. B. V) round the gullet, connected with a pentagonal vessel round xxvii NERVOUS SYSTEM, ETC. 313 the intestine by an elongated network or plexus of vessels. From the circular vessel five radiating trunks (Rad. B. V] pass to the arms. Parallel with and above the circular blood-vessel is a similar but larger structure, the ambulacral ring ( C. Amb. V) which also sends off five radiating vessels (Rad. Amb. V] to the arms. These give off a branchlet to each tube-foot (B, T.F.\ the branchlet having a sac or ampulla (Amp) at its base. From the ambulacral ring a tube with calcareous walls, the stone-canal (St. C} passes upwards and ends in the madreporite (Mdpr\ by the apertures in which the fluid filling the whole of the ambtilacral system of vessels is placed in communication with the surrounding water. The function of the ambulacral system is mainly locomo- tive. By the contraction of the ampullae fluid is forced into the tube feet, and by the action of the muscles of the tube- feet it is sent back into the ampullae, and in this way the tube-feet are protruded and retracted at the will of the animal. The system, which is peculiar to the Echinodermata, is lined with epithelium, continuous, in the larva, with the ccelomic epithelium. It has been compared to a gigantic and greatly modified nephridium. The nervous system is very simple. It consists of a pentagonal ring (A, Nv." R] round the mouth giving off five radial nerves (A and B, Rad. Nv) which pass along the ambulacral grooves, below the blood-vessels, to the ex- tremities of the arms, where each is connected with an eye- spot. Both nerve-ring and radial nerves are mere thicken- ings of the deric epithelium. The gonads (A, Ovy) are branched organs, five in num- ber, which lie inter-radially near the bases of the arms, and open by gonaducts (Ovd) on the dorsal surface of the disc. The sexes are lodged in distinct individuals. 3H THE CRAYFISH LESS. Both eggs and sperms are shed into the water, and after impregnation the oosperm becomes a gastrula, which is con- verted into a peculiar free-swimming larva ; this undergoes metamorphosis and is converted into the adult form. THE CRAYFISH. 1 In a crayfish or lobster the body is bilaterally symmetrical and is distinctly segmented, consisting of a prostomium and of nineteen metameres. The anterior twelve metameres are united with one another and with the prostomium to form an unjointed portion of the body, the cephalothorax (Fig. 77, A, C. Th.) : the seven posterior segments are free and con- stitute the abdomen (Abd. Seg. i, Abd. Seg. 7). It is very generally characteristic of Arthropods to have the meta- meres limited and constant in number, and for more or fewer of them to undergo concrescence. Another distinctive arthropod character illustrated fc by the Crayfish is the possession of lateral appendages of the body. These are given off from the ventral region, two pairs being borne by the prostomium and one by each of the metameres, except the last. Moreover the appendages themselves are segmented, being, divided into freely arti- culated limb-segments m podomeres. In the Crayfish there is a marked differentiation of the appendages. Those of the prostomium are a pair of eye- stalks, and one of small feelers or antennules which perform 1 For detailed descriptions of the Crayfish see Huxley, The Crayfish (London, 1880) : Huxley and Martin, Elementary Biology, new ed. (London, 1888), p. 173: Rolleston and Jackson, Forms of Animal Life (Oxford, 1888), pp. 162 and 307 : Marshall and Hurst, Practical Zoology, 3rd. ed. (London, 1892), p. 130: and Parker, The Skeleton of the New Zealand Crayfishes (Wellington, N.Z., 1889). xxvii STRUCTURE OF BODY-WALL 315 an olfactory function and also contain the organ of hearing. 1 The metameres of the cephalothorax bear one pair of tactile appendages or antennae, six pairs acting as jaws (mandibles, first and second maxillae, and first, second, and third max- illipedes), and five pairs of legs, the first of which are in the fresh-water crayfishes and in lobsters much larger than the rest. The abdomen bears small fin-like swimmerets on its first five metameres, the sixth bearing larger appendages which, together with the seventh segment or telson, con- stitute the tail-fin. Sections show the body-wall to consist of a layer of deric epithelium (Der. Epthm) secreting a thick cuticle (Cu\ a layer of connective tissue forming the Dermis (Derm), and a very thick layer of large and complicated muscles (M\ which fill up a great part of the interior of the body. The cuticle (Cu) is of great thickness, and except at the joints between the various segments of the body and limbs, is impregnated with lime salts so as to form a hard, jointed armour. It thus constitutes a skeleton which, unlike that of the starfish (p. 312), is a cuticular exoskeleton, forming a continuous investment over the whole body but discon- tinuously calcified. The mouth (MtK) is on the ventral surface of the head, in the segments of the mandibles or first pair of jaws. It has therefore, as compared with the mouth of Polygordius, undergone a backward shifting, the appendages of the first metamere (antennae) being altogether in front of it. The enteric canal consists of a short gullet (Gut), a large stomach (St), and a straight intestine divisible into a short anterior division or small intestine (6*. Jnt) and a long posterior division or large intestine (L. Int) : the latter 1 The antennules are frequently considered as belonging to the first metamere, the number of segments being then reckoned as twenty. LESS, xxvii GENERAL CHARACTERS 317 The body is divided into a head (Hd) and thorax (T/i), together constituting the cephalothorax (C. Th), and seven free abdominal segments (Abd. seg. i, Abd. seg. 7) : the head is produced in front into a rostrum. The body- wall consists of cuticle (Cu), partly calcified to form the exoskeleton, deric epithelium (Der. Epthm), dermis (Derm}, and a very thick layer of muscle (M) which in the abdomen is distinctly segmented. The mouth (Mth) leads by a short gullet (Gul) into a large stomach (St), from which a short small intestine (S. Inf) leads into a large in- testine (L. Int\ ending in the anus (An). Opening into the small intestine are the digestive glands (D. 67). The epithelium of the small intestine and digestive glands is endodermal, that of the rest of the canal is ectodermal and secretes a cuticle : the outer layer throughout is mesodermal (connective tissue and muscle). The cavity (B. S) between the enteric canal and the body-muscles is a blood-sinus. The heart (Ht) is enclosed in the pericardial sinus (Per. S) : the chief ventral blood-vessel or sternal artery (St. A) is shown in B. The gills (B, Gill) are enclosed in a cavity formed by a fold of the thoracic body-wall called the branchiostegite (Brstg) : they are formed of the same layers as the body-wall, of which they are offshoots. The kidneys (A, K) are situated in the head. The brain (Br) lies in the prostomium : the ventral nerve-cord ( V. Nv. Cd) consists of a chain of ganglia (Gn) united by connectives. The ovary (ovy) is a hollow organ opening by an oviduct (B, ovd) on the base of one of the legs (Leg). opens by an anus (An) on the ventral surface of the last segment. The study of development shows that the only part of the canal derived from the enteron of the embryo is the small intestine : the gullet and stomach arise from the stomodseum, the large intestine from the proctodseum. Thus the only portion of the enteric epithelium which is endodermal is that of the small intestine : the epithelium of gullet, stomach, and large intestine is ectodermal, and like the deric epithelium secretes a cuticle. The outer layer of the whole enteric canal consists of connective tissue and muscle : there is no ccelomic epithelium. On each side of the small intestine is a large organ, the digestive gland (D. Gl) \ it consists of numberless glove- finger-like processes or caeca which open by a short tube or 3i8 THE CRAYFISH LESS. duct into the small intestine (B, D. Gl). Both caeca and duct are lined with epithelium derived from the endo- derm, and the whole digestive gland is to be looked upon as a branched lateral outgrowth of the enteron. The secretion of digestive juice is performed exclusively by the epithelium of the digestive glands. Between the enteric canal and the body-wall are a series of spaces (B.S) containing blood and having the general relations of a coelome, but very probably only representing a number of enlarged blood-spaces or sinuses. Respiration is performed by special organs, the gills (B, Gill) see p. 317), developed in the thoracic region as out- growths of the body-wall and containing the same layers (cuticle, epithelium, and connective tissue) as the latter. They have a brush-like form and are protected by a fold of the body-wall (Brstg). The blood-system is constructed on the same general lines as those of Polygordius, but is greatly modified. A portion of the dorsal vessel is enlarged to form a muscular dilatation, the heart (Ht\ and the rest of the vessels, now called arteries (B, St. A], instead of forming by themselves a closed system, ramify extensively over the body, their ulti- mate branches opening into larger cavities or sinuses between the muscles. One of these cavities the pericardial sinus Pcd. S) surrounds the heart. The heart, arteries, and sinuses together form a closed system through which the blood is propelled in a definite direction by the contractions of the heart. Renal excretion is performed by a pair of glandular bodies, the kidneys (A, K\ situated in the front part of the head and enclosed in spacious sacs which open by ducts on the bases of the antennae. They consist of convoluted tubes lined by epithelium, and are probably to be looked upon as greatly modified nephridia. xxvn ABSENCE OF CILIA 319 The Crayfish is dioecious. The ovaries (ovy) are a pair of hollow organs, united in the middle line in some genera, situated in the thorax, and opening by oviducts (B, ovd) on the bases of the third pair of legs. The spermaries (testes) are also frequently united in the middle line and open by spermiducts (vasa deferentia; on the bases of the fifth pair of legs. There is some reason for thinking that the gonaducts represent modified nephridia, and the cavities of the hollow gonads a greatly reduced ccelome from the epithelium of which the sex-cells are produced. The nervous system is formed on quite the same plan as that of Polygordius, consisting of a dorsal brain (Br] united by cesophageal connectives to a ventral nerve-cord (V. Nv.CcT). In the cord, however, the nerve-cells, instead of being evenly distributed, are aggregated into little enlarge- ments or ganglia (Gn], of which there is primatively a pair to each metamere, the number being reduced in the adult by concrescence. The portions of the ventral nerve-cord between the ganglia consist of nerve-fibres only, and are called connectives. In the embryo the nervous system is, as in Polygordius, in direct connection with the epidermis, but in the adult it has sunk inwards so as to be entirely surrounded by mesoderm. A striking feature in the histology of the Crayfish, and one in which it agrees with the vast majority of Arthropoda, is the entire absence of cilia. Another peculiarity also shared by the greater part of the phylum is that the sperms are non-motile. The laid eggs become attached to the swimmerets of the mother, and in this situation undergo their development. In the fresh-water crayfish the young is hatched in a condition closely resembling the adult, but in the lobster and the sea- crayfish there is a metamorphosis. 320 THE FRESH-WATER MUSSEL LESS. THE FRESH-WATER MussEL. 1 The body is bilaterally symmetrical, and is greatly com- pressed from side to side. Its dorsal margin is produced into paired flaps, the mantle-lobes (Fig. 78, A and B, Mant\ which pass downwards one on either side of the body, Closely applied to the outer surface of the mantle-lobes, and formed as a cuticular secretion of their deric epithelium, ar j the two valves of the bivalved, strongly calcined shell (B., S/i). The ventral region of the body is produced into a laterally compressed muscular structure, ihefoot (A and B, Foot], by the contraction of which the animal can move slowly through the sand or mud in which it lives partly buried. The possession of a mantle formed as a prolongation of the dorsal region, of a calcareous shell secreted by the mantle, and of a muscular foot formed as an unpaired prolongation of the ventral region, are the most characteristic features of the Mollusca generally. Posteriorly the edges of the mantle-lobes are greatly thickened, and are connected with one another in such a way as to form two apertures, a large ventral inhalent (Ink. Ap\ and a small dorsal exhalent aperture (Exh. Ap). By means of the cilia of the gills (see below) a current of water is produced which enters at the inhalent aperture, carrying abundant oxygen and the minute organisms used as food, and makes its escape at the exhalent aperture, taking with it the various products of excretion and faecal matter. The mouth (Mth) is anterior and ventral, lying just in front of the foot : it is bounded on either side by a pair of 1 For detailed descriptions of the fresh-water Mussel see Rolleston and Jackson, Forms of Animal Life, pp. 124 and 285 : Huxley and Martin, Elementary Biology ; p. 305 : and Marshall and Hurst, Practical Zoology, p. 80. Der. Ccel .Epthm. 'CceLFpthm- Sh Intf JJcr.Eptlnn FIG. 78. Diagrammatic sections of the Fresh-water Mussel. A, longitudinal section : the right mantle-lobe (Mant) and gills (/. G, O. G) are shown in perspective. B, transverse section. The cuticular shell (Sh}, shown only in B, is black, the ectoderm dotted, the nervous system finely dotted, the endoderm radially striated, the mesoderm evenly shaded, and the ccelomic epithelium represented by a beaded line. The dorsal region is produced into the right and left mantle-lobes (Afant), attached to which are the valves of the shell (Sh) joined dorsally by an elastic ligament (tig). The mantle-lobes are partly united so as to form the inhalent (Ink. Ap) and exhalent (Exh. Ap) apertures at the posterior end. The body is produced ventrally into the foot (Foot), on each side of which are the gills, an inner (/. G) and an outer (O. G), each formed of an inner and an outer lamella. The body is covered externally by cleric epithelium (Der. Epthm), within which is mesoderm (Msd) largely differentiated into muscles, of which the anterior (A. Ad) and posterior (P. Ad) adductors are indi- cated in A. The mouth (Mth) leads by the short gullet ( Gul) into the stomach (St), from which proceeds the coiled intestine (//), ending in the anus 322 THE FRESH-WATER MUSSEL LESS. (An) : the enteric epithelium is mostly endodermal. The digestive gland (D. 67) surrounds the stomach. The ccelome (Ccel) is reduced to a small dorsal chamber enclosing part of the intestine and the heart ; the parietal (Cal. Epthm) and visceral (Cael. EpthnP] layers of ccelomic epithelium are shown. The heart consists of a median ventricle ( Vent], enclosing part of the intestine, and of paired auricles (Aur). The paired nephridia (Nphm) open by apertures into the coelome (Nph. st) and on the exterior (Nph. p}. The gonads (Gon) are imbedded in the solid mesoderm, and open on the exterior by gonaducts (Gnd). The nervous system consists of a pair of cerebro-pleural ganglia (C. P. Gn) above the gullet, a pair of pedal ganglia (Pd. Gn) in the foot, and a pair of visceral ganglia ( V. Gn} below the posterior adductor muscle. triangular bodies, the labial palpi, and leads by a short gullet (Gut) into a stomach (St) from which proceeds a long, coiled intestine (Int) : this makes several turns in the ventral region of the trunk, then passes to the dorsal region, and finally backwards in the median plane to open by an anus (An) at the posterior end of the body, just within the exhalent aperture. The enteric canal is formed almost exclusively from the enteron, the stomodseum and procto- daeum being both insignificant : hence the enteric epithelium is almost wholly endodermal. There is a large digestive gland (D. Gl) surrounding the stomach and opening into it by several ducts. The coelome (Cod) is a small cavity in the dorsal region containing a portion of the intestine : the rest of the enteric canal is embedded in solid mesoderm. The mesoderm, as usual, is largely differentiated into muscle. There are numerous muscles connected with the foot, and two very large ones (A. Ad, P. Ad) pass trans- versely from valve to valve of the shell, one immediately above the gullet, the other immediately below the anal end of the intestine ; these latter are called adductors, and serve to close the shell. xxvn GENERAL CHARACTERS 323 On either side of the body, between the trunk and the mantle, are two gills (/. G, O. G), each having the form of a double plate (B) nearly as long as the body. They serve, in conjunction with the mantle, as respiratory organs, but their main function is to produce the current of water referred to above by means of the cilia with which they are covered. There is an extensive system of blood-vessels. The heart lies in the coelome, and consists of three chambers, a median ventricle ( Ve?it\ which surrounds the intestine, and paired auricles (Aur). Excretion is performed by a single pair of nephridia (Nphm) which open at one end (Nph. st) into the coelome and at the other (Nph. p) on to the exterior. The nervous system consists of three pairs of ganglia, the two ganglia of each pair being united by transverse com- missures. The cerebro-pleural ganglia ( C. P. Gri) lie above the gullet, and represent, in a general way, the brain of Polygordius and the crayfish ; they are united by longitu- dinal connectives with the pedal ganglia (P. Gn}, which lie in the foot and may be taken as representing the ventral nerve-cord of worms and arthropods, and with the visceral ganglia (V. Gn) which are placed beneath the posterior adductor muscle. The gonads (Goti) are large irregular organs, very similar in appearance in the two sexes, situated among the coils of the intestine and opening by a duct (Gnd) on either side of the trunk, close to the nephridiopore. The impregnated eggs are passed into the cavity of the outer gill of the female, where they undergo the early stages of their develop- ment. The larva of the fresh-water mussel is a peculiar bivalved form, very unlike the adult, and called %.glochidium ; but in the more typical molluscs the embryo leaves the egg as a trochosphere, closely resembling that of Polygordius. Y 2 324 THE DOG-FISH LESS. THE Doc-FiSH. 1 A dog-fish is bilaterally symmetrical, the nearly cylin- drical body (Fig. 79, A) terminating in front in a blunt snout and behind passing insensibly into an upturned tail. Externally there is no appearance of segmentation. The mouth (MtJi) is on the ventral surface of the head or anterior region of the body ; it is transversely elongated, and is supported by jaws which are respectively anterior (upper) and posterior (lower). They thus differ funda- mentally from the jaws of arthropods, which are modified appendages and are therefore disposed right and left. A short distance behind the mouth are five vertical slits (B, Ext. br. ap) arranged in a longitudinal series, the external branchial* apertures or gill-clefts. The vent, or cloacal aperture (An) is situated on the ventral surface a considerable distance from the end of the tail. That part of the body lying in front of the last gill-cleft is counted as the head, all behind the vent as the tail, the intermediate portion as the trunk. Appendages are present, but in a very different form from those of the crayfish. They consist of flat processes of the body-wall called fins. Two of them (D.F^,D. F*) are situated in the middle line of the back (dorsal fins) : one (V.F) in the middle ventral line behind the cloacal aperture (ventral fin\ and one (C.F) is attached to the up-turned end of the tail (caudal fin) : all these being unpaired structures or median fins. Then there is a pair of pectoral fins situated 1 For a detailed description of a dog-fish see Marshall and Hurst, Practical Zoology (London, 1892), p. 206. For descriptions of other fishes, equally suitable in some respects as types of Vertebrata, see Rolleston and Jackson, Forms of Animal Life (Oxford, 1888), pp. 83 and 273 : and Parker, Zoototny (London, 1884), pp. I, 27, 86. xxvn GENERAL CHARACTERS 325 one on each side just behind the last gill-cleft, and a pair of pelvic fins placed one on either side of the vent : these are the lateral or paired fins. It is characteristic of Vertebrata that the number of lateral appendages never exceeds two pairs. The skin or external layer of the body-wall consists of an outer epidermis (Der. Epthni) composed of several layers of cells, and of an inner connective tissue layer or dermis (Derm). In the latter are found innumerable bony scales (Derm. Sp) constituting a dermal exoskeleton. The muscular layer of the body-wall ( M) is of great thickness, especially in the dorsal region, and is distinctly segmented, indicating that the body of the dog-fish, like that of Polygordius and the crayfish, is divisible into metameres, although there is no indication of them externally. The large ccelome (Cat) is confined to the trunk : it is characteristic of vertebrates that both head and tail are acoelomate in the adult. The coelomic epithelium (Cal. Epthm, Ccel. Mpthm') is underlaid by a distinct layer of connective tissue, the two together forming the peritoneum. Another important vertebrate character is that the dorsal region of the body-wall contains a median longitudinal canal (C. Sp. Cav.) extending from shortly behind the snout to near the end of the tail. This is the cerebro-spinal cavity and contains the central nervous system. Still another characteristic feature is the presence, in addition to the dermal exoskeleton, of an endoskeleton, or system of internal supporting structures. Between the cerebro-spinal cavity above and the ccelome below is a longitudinal series of biconcave discs or vertebral centra (V. Cent) : they are formed of a peculiar tissue called cartilage or gristle, and are strongly impregnated with lime- salts : in the young condition their place is occupied by a LESS, xxvii GENERAL CHARACTERS 327 A, longitudinal vertical section. B, horizontal section through the pharynx and gills, c, transverse section through the trunk. The ectoderm is dotted, the nervous system finely dotted, the endo- derm radially striated, the mesoderm evenly shaded, the ccelomic epithelium represented by a beaded line, and all skeletal structures black. The body gives origin to the dorsal (D. F 1 , D. F\ ventral (V. F), and caudal (C. F} fins ; the paired fins are not shown. The body- wall consists of deric epithelium (Der. Epthm}, dermis Derm}, and muscle (M} : the latter is metamerically segmented and is very thick, especially dorsally, where it forms half the total vertical height (c). The exoskeleton consists of calcified dermal spines {Derm. Sp} in the dermis, and of dermal fin-rays (Derm. F. R} in the fins. The endoskeleton consists of a row of vertebral centra ( V. Cent} below the spinal cord (Sp. Cd}, giving rise to neural arches (N. A), which enclose the cord, and in the caudal regions to haemal arches (ff. A.) : a cranium (Cr} enclosing the brain (Br} : upper and lower jaws : branchial arches (Br. A) and rays (Br. J?, Br. R'), shown only in B, supporting the gills : shoulder (Sh. G) and pelvic (Pelv. G) girdles : and pterygiosphores (Ptgph} supporting the fins. The mouth (Mth} leads into the oral cavity (Or. cav}, from which the pharynx (Ph} and gullet (Gul) lead to the stomach (St} : this is con- nected with a short intestine (Tnt} opening into a cloaca (C!) which communicates with the exterior by the vent (An}. The oral cavity and cloaca are the only parts of the canal lined by ectoderm. Connected with the enteric canal are the liver (Lr) with the gall- bladder (G, Bl) and bile-duct (B. D), the pancreas (/*), and the spleen (Spl). The mouth is bounded above and below by teeth (T). The respiratory organs consist of pouches (shown in B) communicating with the pharynx by internal (Int. br. ap} and with the exterior by external (Ext. br. ap} branchial apertures, and lined by mucous mem- brane raised into branchial filaments (Br. Fil}. The heart (Ht} is ventral and anterior, and is situated in a special compartment of the ccelome (Pcd}. Six of the most important blood- vessels, the dorsal vessel (dorsal aorta, D. Ao}, the cardinal veins (Card. V), the lateral vessels (lateral veins, Lat. F), and the ventral vessel (intra-intestinal vein, /. int. V} are shown in C. The whole ccelome is lined by epithelium, showing parietal (Ccel. Epthm} and visceral (Ccel. Epthm'} layers. The ovaries (Ovy} are connected with the dorsal body-wall : the oviducts ( Ovd} open anteriorly into the ccelome (ovd'} and posteriorly into the cloaca. The kidneys (K} are made up of nephridia (Nph} and open by ureters ( Ur} into the cloaca. The nervous system is lodged in the cerebro-spinal cavity ( C. Sp. Cav} hollowed out in the dorsal body- wall : it consists of brain (Br} and spinal cord (Sp. Cd}, and contains a continuous cavity, the neuroccele n. cce}. 328 THE DOG-FISH LESS. gelatinous rod, the notochord. The centra, which alternate with the muscle-segments, are connected with a series of cartilaginous arches (N.A), which extend over the cerebro- spinal cavity and with the centra constitute the vertebral column. In the tail there is also a ventral series of arches (ff.A.} enclosing a space (ff. C) which indicates a backward extension of the ccelome in the embryo. Anteriorly the vertebral column is continued into a cartilaginous box, the cranium ( Cr) which encloses the brain and the organs of smell and hearing. The jaws, referred to above, are cartilaginous rods which bound the mouth above and below. The gills are supported by a complicated system of cartilages (Br. A, Br. R., Br. R'\ and both median and paired fins by parallel rods of the same material (Ptgpli). All these cartilages are strengthened by a more or less extensive superficial deposit of bony matter. The mouth (Mtti) leads into a large oral cavity (Or. cav) which passes insensibly into a wide throat or pharynx (P/i) : from this a short gullet (Gul) leads into a large U-shaped stomach (St), whence is continued a short wide intestine (Int) opening on to the exterior through the intermediation of a small chamber, the cloaca (C!). From the gullet backwards the enteric canal is contained in the ccelome. The greater part of the enteric epithelium is endodermal : only the oral cavity arises from the stomodaeum and the cloaca from the proctodaeum. In the skin covering the jaws dermal ossicles of unusual size are developed and constitute the teeth (T). The chief digestive glands are two in number, an immense liver (Lr) occupying the whole anterior and ventral region of the coelome, and a small pancreas (Pn), attached to the anterior end of the intestine. The ducts of both glands open into GILLS AND HEART 329 the intestine, and their secreting cells are, as in former cases, endodermal. Gland-cells are also found in the walls of the stomach and intestine. The respiratory organs or gills (B) consist of five pairs of pouches opening on the one hand into the pharynx (Ph) and on the other to the exterior by the branchial clefts already noticed : they have their walls raised into ridges, the branchial filaments (Br. Fit), which are covered with epithelium (Resp. Epthni] and are abundantly supplied with blood-vessels. The gills are developed as offshoots of the pharynx, and the respiratory epithelium is therefore endodermal, not ectodermal as in the crayfish and mussel. The heart (H) lies below the pharynx in a separate anterior compartment of the coelome, the pericardial cavity. It is composed of four chambers arranged in a single longi- tudinal series (sinus venosus, auricle, ventricle, and conus arteriosus), and is to be looked upon as a muscular dilatation of a ventral blood-vessel. The blood is propelled by the heart from the conus arteriosus into a paired series of hoop-like vessels (aortic arches) resembling the transverse commissures of Polygordius (Fig. 69, A, p. 282), which take it through the gills and pour it, in a purified condition, into the dorsal vessel (dorsal aorta, D. Ao) whence it is taken to all parts of the body to be finally returned by thin-walled vessels, called veins, to the sinus venosus. The ventral position of the heart and the fact that the blood is sent directly from the heart to the respiratory organs are characteristic vertebrate features : so also is the circumstance that the blood from the stomach, intestine, &c., is taken by a specially modified portion of the ventral vessel (portal vein) through the liver on its way to the heart. The blood is red, containing, in addition to leucocytes, oval corpuscles coloured by haemoglobin (see p. 58). 330 THE DOG-FISH LESS. The excretory organs are a pair of kidneys (K} situated at the posterior end of the dorsal region of the coelome, and opening by ducts, the ureters (Ur\ into the cloaca. De- velopment shows that they consist of an aggregation of nephridia (Nph\ the nephrostomes of which open in the young and sometimes throughout life, into the ccelome, while the nephridiopores discharge not directly on the exterior, but into a common tube. The gonads (ovaries, Ovy, or spermaries) are situated in the anterior part of the ccelome, attached by peritoneum to its dorsal wall. The sex-cells are differentiated from ccelomic epithelium. The gonaducts of both sexes (Ovd} are developed from the nephridial system of the embryo. As already stated, the central nervous system is contained in a cavity (C. Sp. Cav) of the dorsal body-wall, and is therefore far removed from the ectoderm from which it originates. It consists of a long cylindrical rod, the spinal cord(Sp. Cd} which is continued in front into a complicated brain (r). It has the further peculiarity of being hollow, a more or less cylindrical cavity, the neurocoele (n. cce) ex- tending through its whole length. The possession of a hollow nervous system lying altogether dorsal to the enteric canal and ccelome, of either a noto- chord or a chain of vertebral centra below the nervous system, and of pharyngeal pouches communicating with the exterior, are the three most characteristic features of the vertebrate phylum. The organs of sense are highly developed, and consist of paired olfactory sacs, eyes, and auditory sacs situated in the head, together with an extensive system of integumentary organs. Their sensory cells are in every case ectodermal. The eggs are very large, and are impregnated within the. xxvii DEVELOPMENT 331 body of the female. In the common Dog-fish (Scy Ilium) they are laid shortly after impregnation, each enclosed in a horny egg-shell : in the Piked Dog-fish (Acanthias) and the Smooth Hound (Mustelus) they are retained in the oviduct until the adult form is assumed. LESSON XXVIII MOSSES. IN the four previous lessons we have traced the advance in organization of animals from the simple diploblastic Hydra to the complicated triploblastic forms which con- stitute the five higher phyla of the animal kingdom. We have now to follow in the same way the advance in structure of plants. The last member of the vegetable kingdom with which we were concerned was Nitella (p. 206), a solid aggregate, exhibiting a certain differentiation of form and structure, but yet composed of what were clearly recognizable as cells, there being, as in Hydra, none of that formation of well-marked tissues which is so noticeable a feature in Polygordius as in other animals above the Ccelenterata. Taking Nitella as a starting point, we shall see that among plants, as among animals, there is an increasing differentiation in structure and in function as we ascend the series. The first steps in the process are well illustrated by a considera- tion of that very abundant and beautiful group of plants, the Mosses. In spite of the variations in detail met with in different genera of the group, the essential features of their organization are so constant that the following description will be found to apply to any of the common forms. FIG. 80. The Anatomy and Histology of Mosses. A, Entire plant of Funaria hygrometrica, showing stem (sf), leaves (/), and rhizoids (rh). (x 6.) B, leaf of the same, showing midrib (tnd. r) and lateral portions, (x 25.) 334 MOSSES LESS. C, semi-diagrammatic vertical section of a moss, showing the arrange- ment of the tissues. The stem is formed externally of sclerenchyma (set), and contains an axial bundle (ax. b) : in some of the leaves (/) the section passes through the midrib, in others (/') through the lateral portion : the stem ends distally in an apical cell (ap. acd. (D after Sachs ; G after Leitgeb. ) The plant consists of a short slender stem (Fig. 80, A, st), from which are given off structures of two kinds, rhizoids or root-hairs (rh), which pass downwards into the soil, and leaves (/), which are closely set on the stem and its branches. As in Nitella (p. 208) the portion of the stem from which a leaf arises is called a node, and the part intervening between any two nodes an internode, while the name segment is applied to a node with the internode next below it. At the upper or distal end of the stem the leaves are crowded, forming a terminal bud. Owing to the opacity of the stem, its structure can only be made out by the examination of thin sections (c and D). It is a solid aggregate of close-set cells which are not all alike, but exhibit a certain amount of differentiation. In the outer two or three rows the cells (scl) are elongated in the direction of the length of the stem, so as to have a spindle-shape, and their walls are greatly thickened and of a reddish colour. They thus form a protective and supporting tissue, to which the name sclerenchyma is applied. Running longitudinally xxviii TERMINAL BUD 335 through the centre of the stem is a mass of tissue (ax. b] distinguished by its small, thin-walled cells, and constituting the axial bundle. The leaves (B) are shaped like a spear-head, pointed distally, and attached proximally by a broad base to the stem. The axial portion (B and E, md. r., c. /) consists of several layers of somewhat elongated cells and is called the midrib : the lateral portions (E and F : c, /') are formed of a single layer of short cells. Thus the leaf has, for the most part, the character of a superficial aggregate. The cells contain oval chromatophores (F, chr). The rhizoids (c and D, rh) are linear aggregates, being formed of elongated cells, devoid of chlorophyll, arranged end to end. In the terminal bud the leaves, as in Nitella (pp. 208 and 210), arch over the growing point of the stem, which in this case also is formed of a single apical cell (c and G, ap. c). But in correspondence with the increased complexity of the plant, the apical cell is not a hemisphere from which new segments are cut off parallel to its flat base, but has the form (H) of an inverted, three-sided pyramid or tetrahedron, the rounded base of which (abc) forms the apex of the stem while segments (seg. c) are cut off from each of its three triangular sides in succession. The best way to understand the apical growth of a moss is to cut a tetrahedron with rounded base out of a carrot or turnip : this represents the apical cell (H) : then cut off a slice parallel to the side abd, a second parallel to bed, and a third parallel to acd : these represent three successively formed segments. Now imagine that after every division the tetrahedron grows to its original size, and a very fair notion will be obtained of the way in which the successive segments of the moss-stem are formed by the fission in three 336 MOSSES LESS. planes of the apical cell. Each segment (c and G, seg. c) immediately after its separation divides and subdivides, pro- ducing a mass of cells from which a projection grows out forming a leaf, and in this way the stem increases in length and the leaves in number. Asexual reproduction takes place in various ways : all of them are, however, varieties of budding, and the buds always arise in the form of a linear aggregate of cells called a protonema : from this the moss-plant develops in the same way as from the protonema arising from a spore (p. 339). The gonads are developed at the extremity of the main stem or one of its branches, and are enclosed in a tuft of leaves often of a reddish colour the terminal bud of the fertile shoot or so-called "flower" of the moss. The spermary (Fig. 81, A 1 , A 2 ) is an elongated club-shaped body consisting of a solid mass of cells, the outermost of which form the wall of the organ, while the inner (A S ) become converted into sperms. The latter (A 4 ) are spirally coiled and provided with two cilia : they are liberated by the rupture of the wall of the spermary at its distal end (A 2 ). The ovaries 1 (see Preface, p. x, and p. 381) (s 1 , B 2 ) may or may not occur on the same plant as the spermaries, some mosses being monoecious, others dioecious. Like the sperm- aries, they consist at first of a solid mass of cells which assumes the form of a flask, having a rounded basal portion or venter (v) and a long neck (). The outer layer of cells in the neck and the two outer layers in the venter form the wall of the ovary, the internal cells are arranged in a single axial row at first similar to those of the wall. As the ovary develops, the proximal or lowermost cell of the axial row 1 The ovary of mosses, ferns, &c., is usually called an archegonium : the spermary, as in the lower plants, an antheridium. DEVELOPMENT OF SPOROGONIUM 337 takes on the character of an ovum (e 2 , ov] ; the others, called canal cells (en. c) are converted into mucilage, which by its expansion forces open the mouth of the flask and thus makes a clear passage from the exterior to the ovum (B S ). Through the passage thus formed a sperm makes it way and conjugates with the ovum, producing as usual ah oosperm or unicellular embryo. The development of the embryo is at first remarkably like what we have found to take place in Hydroids (p. 248). The oosperm divided into two cells by a wall at right angles to the long axis of the ovary : each of these cells divides again repeatedly, and there is produced a solid multicellular embryo or polyplast (c 1 , spgnm). Very early, however, the moss-polyplast exhibits a striking difference from the animal polyplast or morula : one of its cells that nearest the neck of the ovary takes on the character of an apical cell, and begins to form fresh seg- ments like the apical cell of the stem. Thus the plant embryo differs almost from the first from the animal embryo. In the animal there is no apical cell : all the cells of the polyplast divide and take their share in the formation of the permanent tissues. In the plant one cell is at a very early period differentiated into an apical cell, and from it all cells thereafter produced are, directly or indirectly, derived. The embryo continues to grow, forming a long rod-like body (c 2 , spgnni) the base of which becomes sunk in the tissue of the moss-stem, while its distal end projects vertically upwards, covered by the distended venter (v) of the ovary. Gradually it elongates more and more and its distal end dilates : the embryo has now become a sporogonium, con- sisting of a slender stalk (c 4 , sf] bearing a vase-like capsule or urn (u) at its distal end. In the meantime the elonga- tion of the stalk has caused the rupture of the enveloping FIG. 81. Reproduction and Development of Mosses. A 1 , A spermary of Funaria in optical section, showing the wall en- closing a central mass of sperm-cells : A 2 , the same from the surface discharging its sperms. ( x 300. ) LESS, xxvni PROTONEMA 339 A 3 , a sperm-cell with enclosed sperm : A 4 , a free-swimming sperm. (x 800.) B 1 , an ovary of Funaria, surface view, showing venter (v) and neck (n) : B-, the same in optical section, showing ovum (ov) and canal cells (en. c) : B 3 , the same after disappearance of the canal cells : the neck is freely open, and the ovum (ov} exposed. ( x 200. ) C 1 , ovary with withered neck containing an embryo (spgnni) in the polyplast stage ( x 200) : in C 2 the ovary, consisting of swollen venter (v) and shrivelled neck (n), encloses a young sporogonium (spgnni) ; the distal end of the stem is shown with bases of leaves (/) ; in c 3 the venter has ruptured, forming a proximal portion or sheath and a distal portion or calyptra which is carried up by the growth of the sporogonium. (x 10.) C 4 , a small plant of Funaria with ripe sporogonium consisting of seta (st), with urn () and lid (/) covered by the calyptra (c}. C 5 , diagrammatic vertical section of urn (), showing lid (/), air spaces (a), and spores (sp). D 1 , a germinating spore of Funaria, showing ruptured outer coat (sp) and young protonema (pr) with rhizoid (rh). ( x 550.) D 2 , portion of protonema of the same, showing lateral bud (bd), from which the leafy plant arises. ( x 90. ) (A and D after Sachs ; B, c 1 , and C 5 altered from Sachs.) venter of the ovary (c 3 ) : its proximal part remains as a sort of sheath round the base of the stalk, while its distal portion, with the shrivelled remains of the neck (n), is carried up by the elongation of the sporogonium and forms an extinguisher- like cap or calyptra (c 4 , c} over the urn. As development goes on, the distal end of the urn be- comes separated in the form of a lid (c 4 , c 5 , /), and certain of the cells in its interior, called spore-mother cells, divide each into four daughter cells, which acquire a double cell- wall and constitute the spores (c 5 , sp) of the moss. When the spores are ripe the calyptra falls off or is blown away by the wind, the lid separates from the urn, and the spores are scattered. In germination, the protoplasm of the spore covered by the inner layer of the cell-wall protrudes through a split in the outer layer (D 1 , sp) and grows into a long filament, the protonema (pr.}, divided by oblique septa into a row of cells. The protonema which it will be observed is a simple linear z 2 340 MOSSES LESS. aggregate branches, and may form a closely- matted mass of filaments. Sooner or later small lateral buds (o 2 , bd) appear at various places on the protonema : each of these takes on the form of a three-sided pyramidal apical cell, which then proceeds to divide in the characteristic way (p. 335), forming three rows of segments from which leaves spring. In this way each lateral bud of the protonema gives rise to a moss-plant. Obviously we have here a somewhat complicated case of alternation of generations (see p. 220). The gamobium or sexual generation is represented by the moss-plant, which originates by budding and produces the sexual organs, while the agamobium consists of the sporogonium, developed from the oosperm and reproducing by means of spores. The protonema, arising from a spore and producing the leafy plant by budding, is merely a stage of the gamobium. The nutrition of mosses is holophytic ; but there is a striking differentiation of function correlated with terrestrial habits. In Nitella the entire organism is submerged in water and all the cells contain chlorophyll, so that decom- position of carbon dioxide and absorption of an aqueous solution of salts are performed by all parts alike, every cell being nourished independently of the rest. In the moss, on the other hand, the rootlets are removed from the influence of light and contain no chlorophyll : hence they cannot decompose carbon dioxide ; but, being sur- jounded by moist soil, are in the most favourable position for absorbing water and mineral salts. The stem, again, is converted into an organ of support : the thickness of its external cells prevents absorption and it contains no chlorophyll. Hence the function of decomposing carbon dioxide is confined to the leaves. xxvin DISTRIBUTION OF FOOD-MATERIALS 341 We have thus as an important fact in the nutrition of an ordinary terrestrial plant that its carbon is taken in at one place, its water, nitrogen, sulphur, potassium, &c., at another. But as all parts of the plant require all these substances it is evident that there must be some means by which the root can obtain a supply of carbon, and the leaves a supply of elements other than carbon. In other words, we find for the first time in the ascending series of plants, just as we did in ascending from the simple Hydra to the complex Polygordius (p. 281) the need for some contrivance for the distribution of food-materials. The way in which this distributing process is performed has been studied chiefly in the higher plants, but its essential features are probably the same for mosses. Water is continually evaporating from the surface of the leaves, its place being as constantly supplied by water with salts in solution taken in by the rhizoids. This trans- piration, or the giving off of water from the leaves, is one important factor in the process under consideration, since it ensures a constant upward current of water, or, more accurately, of an aqueous solution of mineral salts. The withering of a plucked moss-plant is of course due to the fact that when the roots are not embedded in moist soil or in water, transpiration is no longer balanced by absorption. 1 In the higher plants it has been found that the root-hairs have an absorbent action independent of transpiration, so that water may be absorbed in the absence of leaves. By the transpiration current, then, the leaves are kept constantly supplied with a solution of mineral salts derived from the soil, and are thus nourished like any of the aquatic green plants considered in previous lessons : by the double 1 Mosses, however, unlike most higher plants, can absorb water by their leaves. 342 MOSSES LESS. decomposition of water and carbon dioxide a carbo-hydrate is formed : this, by further combination with the nitrogen of the absorbed ammonium salts or nitrates, forms simple nitrogenous compounds, and from these, probably through a long series of mesostates or intermediate products, proto- plasm is finally manufactured. In this way the food supply of the green cells of the leaves is accounted for, but we have still to consider that of the colourless cells of the stem and rhizoids, which, as we have seen, are supplied by the transpiration current with everything they require except carbon, and this, owing to their possessing no chlorophyll, they are unable to take in in the form of carbon dioxide. As a matter of fact the chlorophyll-containing cells of the leaves have to provide not only their own food, but also that of their not-green fellows. In addition to making good the waste of their own protoplasm they produce large quantities of plastic products (see p. 33) such as grape sugar, and simple nitrogenous compounds like asparagin, and these pass by diffusion from cell to cell until they reach the uttermost parts of the plant, such as the centre of the stem and the extremities of the rhizoids. The colourless cells are in this way provided not only with the salts contained in the ascending transpiration current, but with carbo-hydrates and nitrogenous compounds. From these they derive their nutriment, living therefore like yeast-cells in Pasteur's solution, or like Bacteria in an organic infusion. We see then that the colourless cells of the stem and rhizoids are dependent upon the green cells of the leaves for their supplies. Like other cells devoid of chlorophyll they are unable to make use of carbon dioxide as a source of carbon, but require ready-made carbo-hydrates, the xxvni DISTRIBUTION OF FOOD MATERIALS 343 manufacture of which is continually going on, during daylight, in the chlorophyll-containing cells of the leaves. This striking division of labour is the most important physiological difference between mosses and the more lowly organized green plants described in previous lessons. LESSON XXIX FERNS WE saw in the previous lesson that in mosses there is a certain though small amount of histological differentiation, some cells being modified to form sclerenchyma, others to form axial bundles. We have now to consider a group of plants which may be considered to be, in this respect, on much the same morphological level as Polygordius, the adult organism being composed not of a mere aggregate of simple cells, but of various well-marked tissues. A fern-plant has a strong stem which in some forms, such as the common Bracken (Pteris aquilina) is a horizontal underground structure, and is hence often incorrectly con- sidered as a root : in others it creeps over the trunks of trees or over rocks : in others again, such as the tree-ferns, it is vertical, and may attain a height of three or four metres. From the stem are given off structures of two kinds the leaves, which present an almost infinite variety of form in the various species, and the numerous slender roots. In some cases, such as the tree-ferns and the common Male Shield-fern (Aspidium filix-mas\ the plant ends distallyin a terminal bud, consisting, as in Nitella and mosses, of the growing end of the stem over-arched by leaves : in others LESS, xxix . TISSUES OF THE STEM 345 such as Pteris, the stem ends in a blunt, knob-like extremity quite uncovered by leaves. On the proximal portion of the stem are usually found the withered remains of the leaves of previous seasons, or the scars left by their fall. The roots are given off from the whole surface of the stem, often covering it with a closely-matted mass of dark brown fibres. When the stem is cut across transversely (Fig. 82, A) it is seen, even with the naked eye, to consist of three well marked tissues. The main mass of it is formed of a whitish substance, soft and rather sticky to the touch, and called ground-parenchyma (par) : this is covered by an external layer of very hard tissue, dark brown or black in colour, the hypodermis (hyp} : bands of a similar hard brown substance are variously distributed through the parenchyma, and con- stitute the sclerenchyma (scl) : and interspersed with these are rounded or oval patches of a yellowish colour (V.B] harder than the parenchyma, but not so hard as the sclerenchyma, and called vascular bundles. The general distribution of these tissues can be made out by making longitudinal sections of the stem in various planes or by cutting away the hypodermis, and then scraping the parenchyma from the vascular bundles and bands of sclerenchyma. The hypodermis is found to form a more or less complete hard sheath or shell to the stem, while the internal sclerenchyma and vascular bundles form longi- tudinal bands and rods imbedded in the parenchyma, and serve as a sort of supporting framework or skeleton. The minute structure of the stem can be made out by the examination either of very thin longitudinal and trans- verse sections, or of a bit of stem which has been reduced to a pulp by boiling in nitric acid with the addition of a few crystals of potassium chlorate : by this process the various T.S 4CV cp.o FIG. 82. Anatomy and Histology of Ferns. LESS, xxix GENERAL CHARACTERS 347 A, Transverse section of the stem of Pteris aqnilina, showing hypo- dermis (hyp], ground parenchyma (par], sclerenchyma (set), and vascular bundles ( V. B). (x 2.) B, transverse section of a vascular bundle, showing bundle-sheath (b. sh\ sieve-tubes (sv. f), scalariform vessels (sc. v), and spiral vessels (sp. v}. (x 6.) C, semi-diagrammatic vertical section of the growing point of the stem, showing apical cell (op. c), segmental cells (seg. c), and apical meristem (ap. mer) passing into permanent tissue consisting of epidermis (ep\ hypodermis (hyp], ground parenchyma (par], sclerenchyma (scl), and vascular bundles in which the sheath (b. s/i), sieve-tubes (sv. /), scalariform vessels (sc. v), and spiral vessels (sp. v) are indicated. D, a single parenchyma cell, showing nucleus (), and vacuole (vac]. E, cell of hypodermis. F, portion of a sieve-tube, showing sieve-plates (sv. pi). G, portion of a spiral vessel with the spiral fibre partly unrolled at the lower end. H, fibre-like cell of sclerenchyma. I, portion of a scalariform vessel, part of the wall being supposed to be removed. K, vertical section of a leaf of Pteris, showing upper and lower epi- dermis (ep\ mesophyll cells (ms. ph), with intercellular spaces (i. c. sp), a stoma (sf) in the lower epidermis, and hairs (A). L, surface view of epidermis of leaf of Aspidium, showing two stomata (sf) with their guard-cells (gd. c). M, vertical section of the end of a root, showing apical cell (ap. c}, segmental cells (seg. c), and root-cap (r. cp} with its youngest cap-cells marked cp. c. (A, B, and D-K after Howes ; M from Sachs, slightly altered.) tissue elements are separated from one another, and can be readily examined under a" high power. By combining these two methods of sectioning and dissociation, the parenchyma is found to consist of an aggregate of polyhedral cells (D) considerably longer than broad, their long axes being parallel with that of the stem itself. The cells are to be considered as right cylinders which have been converted into polyhedra by mutual pres- sure. They have the usual structure, and their protoplasm is frequently loaded with large starch-grains. They do not fit quite closely together, but spaces are left between them, especially at the angles, called intercellular spaces. 348 FERNS LESS. The cells of the hypodermis (E) are proportionally longer than those of the parenchyma, and are pointed at each end : they contain no starch. Their walls are greatly thickened, and are composed not of cellulose but of lignin, a carbo- hydrate allied in composition to cellulose, but containing a larger proportion of carbon Schulze's solution, which, as we have seen, stains cellulose blue, imparts a yellow colour to lignin. Outside the hypodermis is a single layer of cells (c, ep) not distinguishable by the naked eye and forming the actual external layer of the stem : the cells have slightly thickened, yellowish-brown walls, and constitute the epidermis. From many of them are given off delicate filamentous processes con- sisting each of a single row of cells : these are called hairs. In the sclerenchyma the cells (H) are greatly elongated' and pointed at both ends, so as to have the character rather of fibres than of cells. Their walls are immensely thickened and lignified, and present at intervals oblique markings due to narrow but deep clefts : these are produced by the deposition of lignin from the surface of the protoplasm (see p. 32) being interrupted here and there, instead of going on continuously as in the case of a cell-wall of uniform thickness. The vascular bundles have in transverse section (B) the appearance of a very complicated network, with meshes of varying diameter. In longitudinal sections (c) and in dis- sociated specimens they are found to be partly composed of cells, but to contain besides structures which cannot be called cells at all. In the centre of the bundle are a few narrow cylindrical tubes (B and c, sp. v.) characterized at once by a spiral marking, and hence called spiral vessels. Accurate exam- ination shows that their walls (G) are for the most part thin, but are thickened by a spiral fibre, just as a paper tube xxix XYLEM AND PHLOEM 349 might be strengthened by gumming a spiral strip of paste- board to its inner surface. These vessels are of considerable length, and are open at both ends : moreover they contain no protoplasm, but are filled with either air or water : they have therefore none of the characteristics of cells. They are shown, by treatment with Schulze's solution, to be com- posed of lignin. Surrounding the group of spiral vessels, and forming the large polygonal meshes so obvious in a transverse section, are wide tubes (B and c, sc. v) pointed at both ends and fitting against one another in longitudinal series by their oblique extremities. They have transverse markings like the rungs of a ladder, and are hence called scalariform vessels. The markings (i) are due to wide transverse pits in the otherwise thick lignified walls : in the oblique ends by which the vessels fit against one another the pits are frequently replaced by actual slits, so that a longitudinal series of such vessels forms a continuous tube containing, like the spiral vessels, air or water, but no protoplasm. In most ferns the terminal walls are not thus perforated, and the elements are then called tracheides. The presence of these vessels spiral and scalariform is the most important histological character separating ferns and mosses. Arhe latter group and all plants below them are composed exclusively of cells : ferns and all plants above them contain vessels in addition, and are hence called vas- cular plants. The vessels, together with small parenchyma-cells inter- spersed among them, make up the central portion of the vascular bundle, called the wood or xylem. The peripheral portion is formed of several layers of cells composing the bast or phloem, and surrounding the whole is a single layer of small cells, the bundle-sheath (b. sh). 35 FERNS LESS. The cells of the phloem are for the most part parenchy- matous, but amongst them are some to which special attention must be drawn. These (B and c, sv. /), are many times as long as they are broad, and have on their walls irregular patches or sieve-plates (F, sv. pi.) composed of groups of minute holes through which the protoplasm of the cell is continuous with that of an adjacent cell. The transverse or oblique partitions between the cells of a longitudinal series are also perforated, so that a row of such cells forms a sieve- tube in which the protoplasm is continuous from end to end. We have here, therefore, as striking an instance of proto- plasmic continuity as in the deric epithelium and certain other tissues of Polygordius (see p. 276). The distal or growing end of the stem terminates in a blunt apical cone or punctum vegetationis (c), surrounded by the leaves of the terminal bud in the case of vertical stems, or sunk in a depression and protected by close-set hairs in the underground stem of the bracken. A rough longitudinal section shows that, at a short distance from the apical cone, the various tissues of the stem epidermis, parenchyma, sclerenchyma, and vascular bundles merge insensibly into a whitish substance, resembling parenchyma to the naked eye, and called apical merislem (ap. mer). Thin sections show that the summit of the apical cone is occupied by a wedge-shaped apical cell (ap. c} which in vertical stems is three-sided like that of mosses (Fig. 80, H, p. 335), while in the horizontal stem of Pteris it is two-sided. As in mosses, segmental cells (seg. c] are cut off from the three (or two) sides of the apical cell in succession, and by further division form the apical meristem (ap. mer), which consists of small, close-set cells without intercellular spaces. As the base of the apical cone is reached, the meristem is found to xxix APICAL GROWTH 351 pass insensibly into the permanent tissues, the cells near the surface gradually merging into epidermis and hypodermis, those towards the central region into sclerenchyma and the various constituents of the vascular bundles, and those of the intermediate regions into parenchyma. The examination of the growing end of the stem shows us how the process of apical growth is carried on in a compli- cated plant like the fern. The apical cell is continually undergoing fission, forming a succession of segmental cells ; these divide and form the apical meristem, which is thus being constantly added to at the growing end by the formation and subsequent fission of new segmental cells : in this way the apex of the stem is continually growing upwards or forwards. But at the same time the meristem cells farthest from the apex begin to differentiate : some elongate but slightly, increasing greatly in size, and become parenchyma cells : others by elongation in the direction of length of the stem and by thickening and lignification of the cell-wall become sclerenchyma cells : others again elongate greatly, become arranged end to end in longitudinal rows, and, by the loss of their protoplasm and of the transverse partitions between the cells of each row, are converted into vessels spiral or scalariform according to the character of their walls. Thus while the epidermis, parenchyma, and sclerenchyma are formed of cells, the spiral and scalariform vessels are cell- fusions, or more accurately cell-wall-fusions, being formed by the union in a longitudinal series of a greater or less number of cell- walls. It will be remembered that the muscle-plates of Polygordius are proved by the study of development to be cell-fusions (p. 305). We thus see that every cell in the stem of the fern was once a cell in the apical meristem, that every vessel has arisen by the concrescence of a number of such cells, and that the 352 FERNS LESS. meristem cells themselves are all derived, by the ordinary process of binary fission, from the apical cell. In this way the concurrent processes of cell-division, cell-differentiation, and cell-fusion result in the production of the various and complex tissues of the fully-formed stem. The leaves vary greatly in form in the numerous genera and species of ferns : they may consist of an unbranched stalk bearing a single expanded green blade: or the stalk may be more or less branched, its ramifications bearing the numerous subdivisions of the blade, ox pinnce. The anatomy of the leaf, like that of the stem, can be readily made ou,t by a rough dissection. The leaf-stalk and its branches have the same general structure as the stem, consisting of parenchyma coated externally with epidermis and strengthened internally by vascular bundles, which are continuous with those of the stem. But the blade, or in the case of a compound leaf, the pinna, has a different and quite peculiar structure. It is invested by a layer of epidermis which can be readily stripped off as an extremely thin, colour- less membrane, exposing a soft, green substance, the leaf parenchyma or mesophylL The leaf is marked externally by a network of delicate ridges, the veins ; these are shown by dissection to be due to the presence of fine white threads which ramify through the mesophyll, and can be proved by tracing them into the leaf-stalk to spring from its vascular bundles, of which they are in effect the greatly branched distal ends. Microscopic examination shows the epidermis of the leaf (K, ep and L) to consist of flattened, colourless cells of very irregular outline and fitting closely to one another like the parts of a child's puzzle. Amongst them are found at intervals pairs of sausage -shaped cells (gd. c) placed with xxix LEAVES AND ROOTS 353 their concavities towards one another so as to bound a narrow slit-like aperture (st). These apertures, which are the only intercellular spaces in the epidermis, are called stomates : the cells bounding them are the guard-cells, and are distinguished from the remaining epidermic cells by the possession of a few chromatophores. The mesophyll, which as we have seen occupies the whole space between the upper and lower epidermis, is formed of thin-walled cells loaded with chromatophores (K, ms.pli) and therefore of a deep green colour. The cells in contact with the upper epidermis are cylindrical, and are arranged verti- cally in a single row : those towards the lower surface are very irregular both in form and arrangement. Large inter- cellular spaces (/. c. sp] occur between the mesophyll-cells and communicate with the outer air through the stomates. The leaves arise as outgrowths of the distal or growing end of the stem, each originating from a single segmental cell of the apical cone. The fern is the first plant we have yet considered which possesses true roots, the structures so-called differing funda- mentally from the simple rhizoids of Nitella and the mosses. Instead of being mere linear aggregates of cells, they agree in general structure with the stem from which they spring, consisting of an outer layer of epidermis within which is parenchyma strengthened by bands of selerenchyma and by a single vascular bundle in the centre. The epidermic cells give rise to unicellular prominences, the root- hairs. The apex of the root, like that of the stem, is formed of a mass of meristem in which a single wedge-shaped apical cell (Fig. 82, M, ap. c] can be distinguished. But instead of the base of this cell forming the actual distal extremity, as in the stem (compare c), it is covered by several lavers of : t>*' 354 FERNS LESS. cells which constitute the root-cap (r.cp). In fact the apical cell of the root divides not only by planes parallel to its three sides, but also by a plane parallel to its base, and in this way produces not only three series of segmental cells (seg. c) which afterwards subdivide to form the apical meristem, but also a series of cap-cells (cp. c] which form a protective sheath over the tender growing end of the root as it forces its way through the soil. Roots are also peculiar in their development. Instead ot being, like leaves, prominences of the superficial tissues of the stem, they arise from a layer of cells immediately ex- ternal to the vascular bundles, and in growing force their way through the superficial portion of the stem, through a fissure from which they finally emerge. They are thus said to be endogenous in origin while leaves are exogenous. The nutrition of ferns is carried on in much the same way as in mosses (see p. 340). Judging from the analogy of flowering plants it would seem that the ascending current of water from the roots passes mainly through the xylem of the vascular bundles, while the descending current of nitrogenous and other nutrient matters for the supply of the colourless cells of the stem and roots passes chiefly through the phloem and especially through the sieve-tubes. The absorption of water is effected by the root-hairs. In the autumn there are found on the under surfaces of the leaves brown patches called sori, differing greatly in form and arrangement in the various genera, and formed of innumerable, minute, seed-like, bodies, the sporangia (Fig. 83, A), just visible to the naked eye. Each sorus or group of sporangia is covered by a fold of the epidermis of the leaf, called the indusiwn. xxix REPRODUCTION 355 A sporangium is attached to the leaf by a multicellular stalk (st), and consists of a sac resembling two watch-glasses placed with their concave surfaces towards one another and their edges united by a thick rim (an). The sides are formed by thin flattened cells with irregular outlines, the rim or annulus of peculiarly shaped cells which are thin and broad at one edge (to the left in A), but on the other (to the right) are thick, strongly lignified, and of a yellowish-brown colour. The whole internal cavity is filled with spores (B, sp) having the form of tetrahedra with rounded edges, and'each consisting of protoplasm containing a nucleus, and surrounded by a double wall of cellulose. A spore is there- fore, as in mosses, a single cell. Each sporangium arises from a single epidermic cell of the leaf. This divides repeatedly so as to form a solid mass of cells, of which the outermost become the wall of the sporangium while the inner are the spore-mother-cells. The latter divide each into four spores, as in mosses (p. 339). As the spores ripen, the wall of the sporangium dries, and as it does so the thickened part of the annulus straightens out, tearing the thin cells and producing a great rent through ' which the spores escape (B). When the spores are sown on moist earth they germinate, by the protoplasm, covered by the inner coat, protruding through the ruptured outer coat (c, sp) in the form of a short filament. This divides transversely, forming two cells, the proximal of which sends off a short rhizoid (rh). The resemblance of this stage to the young protonema of a moss is sufficiently obvious (see Fig. 81, D 1 ., p. 338). Further cell-division takes place, and before long the distal cells divide longitudinally, a leaf-like body being produced, which is called the prothallus (D). This is at first A A 2 T-7l. FiG. 83. Reproduction and Development of Ferns. A, Sporangium of Pteris> external view, showing stalk (s) and annulus (an). B, the same, during dehiscence, the spores (sp) escaping. C, a germinating spore, showing the ruptured outer coat (.?/), and a LESS, xxix THE PROTHALLUS 357 rhizoid (rJi) springing from the proximal cell of the rudimentary (two- celled) prothallus. D, a young prothallus, showing spore, rhizoid (rJi), apical cell (ap. c), and segmental cells (seg. c). E, an advanced prothallus, from beneath, showing rhizoids (rh}, ovaries (ovy), and spermaries (spy}. F, a mature spermary of Pteris, inverted (i.e. with its distal end directed upwards) so as to compare with Fig. 82, A. G, a single sperm, showing coiled body and numerous cilia. H, a mature ovary of Aspidium, inverted so as to compare with Fig. 82, B 2 , showing venter (v), neck (#}, ovum (ov), and canal cells (en. c). I, small portion of a prothallus of Asplenium in vertical section, showing the venter {v) and part of the neck (n) of a single ovary after fertilization. The venter contains an embryo just passing from the polyplast into the phyllula stage, and divided into four groups of cells, the rudiments respectively of the foot (ft], stem (st), root (rt), and cotyledon (ct}. K, vertical section of a prothallus (prtJi) of Nephrolepis, bearing rhizoids (r/i), and a single ovary with greatly dilated venter (v) and withered neck (). The venter contains an embryo in the phyllula stage, consisting of foot (ft}, rudiments of stem (.$/), and root (rt}, and cotyledon (ct} beginning to grow upwards. L, prothallus (prth} with rhizoids (r/i), bearing a young fern plant, consisting of foot (//), rudiment of stem (st), first root (rt), cotyledon (ct), and first ordinary leaf (/). (After Howes.) only one layer of cells thick, but it gradually increases in size, becoming more or less kidney-shaped (E), and as it does so its cells divide parallel to the surface, making it two and finally several cells in thickness. Thus the prothallus is at first a linear, then a superficial, and ultimately a solid aggregate. Root-hairs (rh) are produced in great number from its lower surface, and penetrating into the soil serve for the absorption of nutriment. At an early period a two- sided apical cell (D, ap. c) is differentiated, and gives off segmental cells (seg. c) in the usual way : an abundant forma- tion of chromatophores also takes place at a very early period in the cells of the prothallus, which therefore resembles both in structure and in habit some very simple form of moss. On the lower surface of the prothallus gonads (E, spy, ovy) are developed, resembling in their essential features those of 358 FERNS LESS. mosses. The spermaries (spy] make their appearance first, being frequently found on very young prothalli. One of the lower cells forms a projection which becomes divided off by a septum : further division takes place, resulting in the differentiation (F) of an outer layer of cells forming the wall of the spermary, and of an internal mass of sperm-mother-cells in each of which a sperm is produced. The sperm (G) is a corkscrew-like body, probably formed from the nucleus of the cell, bearing at its narrow end a number of cilia which appear to originate from the protoplasm. To the thick end is often attached a globular body, also arising from the protoplasm of the mother-cell ; this is finally detached. The ovaries (E and H, ovy) are not usually formed until the prothallus has attained a considerable size. Each arises, like a spermary, from a single cell cut off by a septum from one of the lower cells of the prothallus : the cell divides and forms a structure resembling in general characters the ovary of a moss (see Fig. 81, B, p. 338), except that the venter (H, v) is sunk in the prothallus, and is therefore a less distinct structure than in the lower type. As in mosses, also, an axial row of cells is early distinguished from those forming the wall of the ovary : the proximal of these becomes the ovum (ov), the others are the canal cells (en. <:), which are converted into mucilage, and by their expansion force open the neck and make a clear passage for the sperm. The sperms swarm round the aperture of the ovary and make their way down the canal, one of them finally conju- gating with the ovum and converting it into an oosperm. The early stages in the development of the embryo remind us, in their general features, of what we found to occur in mosses (p. 337). The oosperm first divides by a plane parallel to the neck of the ovary, forming two cells, an anterior nearest the growing or distal end of the prothallus, POLYPLAST AND PHYLLULA 359 and a posterior towards its proximal end. Each of these divides again by a plane at right angles to the first, there being now an upper and a lower anterior, and an upper and a lower posterior cell : the lower in each case being that towards the downwardly directed neck of the ovary. Each of the four cells undergoes fission, the embryo then consisting of eight cells, two upper anterior (right and left), two lower anterior, two upper posterior, and two lower posterior. We thus get a multicellular but undifferentiated stage, the polyplast. It will be remembered that in mosses the polyplast forms an apical cell, and develops directly into the sporogonium (P- 337)- I n tne f ern the later stages are more complex. One of the upper anterior cells remains undeveloped, the other (Fig. 83, i and K, st) takes on the form of a wedge- shaped apical cell, and, dividing in the usual way, forms a structure like the apex of the fern-stem, of which it is in fact the rudiment. The two upper posterior cells divide and subdivide, and form a multicellular mass called the/w/(//), which becomes embedded in the prothailus, and serves the growing embryo for the absorption of nutriment. One of the lower posterior cells remains undeveloped, the other (rt) takes on the form of the apical cell of a root, /.y] are formed on it, having much the same structure as in ordinary ferns. Thus the reduction of the prothallus produced from the megaspore, although obvious, is far less than in the case of that arising from the microspore. We see that sexual dimorphism has gone a step further in Salvinia than in Equisetum : not only are the prothalli differentiated into male and female, but also the spores from which they arise. Impregnation takes place in the usual way, and the oosperm divides to form a polyplast, which, by differentiation of a stem-rudiment, a cotyledon, and a foot, passes into the phyllula stage : no root is developed in Salvinia. By the gradual elongation of the stem (D, sf] and the successive formation of whorls of leaves (/), the adult form is assumed. Thus the life-history of Salvinia resembles that of the fern, but with two important differences : the spores are dimorphic, and the gamobium, represented by the male and female prothalli, is greatly reduced. xxx SELAGINELLA 371 SELAGINELLA Selaginella, one of the club-mosses, consists of a long branching stem bearing numerous close-set leaves. It thus resembles in external appearance a moss, but the essential difference between the two is seen from a study of their histology, Selaginella having a distinct epidermis and vascular bundles like the other Vascular Cryptogams. The branches terminate in cones (Fig. 86, A) formed of small leaves (sp. p/i) which overlap in somewhat the same way as the scales of a pine-cone. Each of these leaves is a sporophyll, and bears on its upper or distal side, near the base, a globular sporangium. The sporangia are fairly uniform in size, but some are megasporangia (mg. spg) and contain usually four megaspores, others are microsporangia (mi. spg) containing numerous microspores. The microspore (B) cannot be said to germinate at all. Its protoplasm divides, forming a small cell (prtti), which repre- sents a vestigial prothallus, and a large cell, the representative of a spermary. The latter (spy) undergoes further division, forming six to eight cells in which numerous sperm-mother- cells are developed. A similar but less complete reduction of the prothallus is seen in the case of the megaspore (c). Its contents are divided, as in Salvinia, into a small mass of protoplasm at one end, and a large quantity of plastic products rilling up the rest of its cavity. The protoplasm divides and forms a small prothallus ( prtti), and a process of division also takes place in the remaining contents (prth 1 ) of the spore, pro- ducing a large-celled tissue, the secondary prothallus. By the rupture of the double cell-wall of the megaspore the prothallus is exposed to the air, but it never protrudes through the opening thus made, and is therefore, Uklt$hfe\ " s nv 372 SELAGINELLA LESS. corresponding male structure, purely endogenous. A few ovaries (ovy) are formed on it, each consisting of a short neck, an ovum, and two canal-cells afterwards converted into spar spsr FIG. 86. Reproduction and Development of Selaginella. A, diagrammatic vertical section of a cone, consisting of an axis bear- ing close-set sporophylls (sp. ph}, on the bases of which microsporangia (mi. spg} and megasporangia (mg. spg) are borne. B, section of a microspore, showing the outer coat (mi. sp}, prothallial cell (prt)i) y and multicellular spermary (spy). C, vertical section of a megaspore, the wall of which (mg. sp} has been burst by the growth of the prothallus (prtfi) : its cavity (prth'} contains a large-celled tissue, the secondary prothallus : in the prothallus are three ovaries (ovy}, that to the left containing an ovum, that to the right an embryo (emb} in the polyplast stage, and that in the centre an embryo in the phyllula stage, showing stem-rudiment (st}> foot (/), and two cotyledons (ct} : both embryos are provided with suspensors (dotted) (spsr), and have sunk into the secondary prothallus. (Altered from Sachs. ) mucilage : there is no venter, and the neck consists of only two tiers of cells. The oosperm divides by a plane at right angles to the neck of the ovary, forming the earliest or two-celled stage of LESS, xxx EMBRYO AND SUSPENSOR 373 the polyplast. The upper cell undergoes further division, forming an elongated structure, the suspensor (dotted in c) : the lower or embryo proper (emb) is forced downwards into the secondary prothallus by the elongation of the suspensor, and soon passes into the phyllula stage by the differentiation of a stem-rudiment (si), two cotyledons (<:/), a foot, (/) and subsequently of a root. A further reduction of the gamobium is seen in Selagi- nella : both male and female prothalli are quite vestigial, never emerging from the spores : and the spermary and ovary are greatly simplified in structure. GYMNOSPERMS Such common Gymnosperms as the pines and larches have the character of forest trees, the stem being a strong, woody trunk. The numerous, close-set branches bear small, needle-like leaves, and the root is large and extensively branched. On the branches are borne structures of two kinds, the male and female cones or flowers (Fig. 87, A and c). Both ar.e to be considered as abbreviated shoots consisting of an axis bearing numerous sporophylls (up. p/i). Frequently, as in the pines, several male cones are aggregated together, forming an inflorescence, or group of flowers. In the male cone (A) the sporophylls (stamens, sp. ph. $ ) are more or less leaf-like structures, each bearing on. its under or proximal side two or more microsporangia (pollen- sacs, mi. spg). The mother-cells of these divide each into four microspores (pollen-grains), which are liberated by the rupture of the microsporangia in immense quantities. The microspore (B) is at first an ordinary cell consisting of proto- plasm with a nucleus and a double cell-wall, but upon being FIG. 87. Reproduction and Development of Gymnosperms. A, diagrammatic vertical section of male cone, showing axis with male sporophylls (sp. ph. 6 ) bearing microsporangia (mi. s_/>g) : per, scale-like leaves forming a rudimentary perianth. LESS, xxx SPOROrilYLLS . 375 B, a single microspore, showing bladder-like processes of outer coat, and contents divided into small prothallial cell (a} and large cell (/'), from which the pollen-tube arises. c, diagrammatic vertical section of female cone, showing axis with female sporophylls (sp. ph. ? ) bearing megasporangia (ing. spg), each of which contains a single megaspore (ing. sp): per, the scale-like perianth leaves. D, diagrammatic vertical section of a megasporangium, showing cellular coat (t}> and nucellus (ncl}, micropyle (inpy}, and megaspore (ing. sp} : the latter contains the prothallus (prth} in which are two ovaries, that to the left showing a large ovum (ov} and neck-cells, while that to the right has given rise to an embryo (emb] which is in the phyllula stage, and has sunk into the tissue of the prothallus by the elongation of the long suspensor (spsr). A microspore (mi. sp} is seen in the micropyle sending off a pollen - tube (/. t}, the end of which is applied to the necks of the two ovaries. E, diagrammatic vertical section of a seed, showing coat (/), micro- pyle (inpy}, and endosperm (end], in which is embedded an embryo in the phyllula stage, consisting of stem-rudiment (st), cotyledons (ct}, and root (r). (A and B, altered from Strasburger ; D and E, altered from Sachs. ) liberated the protoplasm divides, as in Selaginella, into two cells, a small one (a) the vestige of the male prothallus, and a large one (b) which does not develop sperms, but under favourable circumstances undergoes changes which will be described presently. In the female cone (c) each sporophyll (carpel, sp. ph, 2 ) bears on its upper or distal side two megasporangia (so-called ovules, mg. spg) the structure of which is peculiar. Each consists of a solid mass of small cells called the nucellus (v,ncl\ attached by its proximal end to the sporophyll, and sur- rounded by a wall or integument (/) also formed of a small- celled tissue. The integument is in close contact with the nucellus, but is perforated distally by an aperture, the micropyle (mpy\ through which a small area of the nucellus is exposed. Each megasporangium contains only a single megaspore (embryo sac, c and D, mg. sp) in the form of a large ovoidal body embedded in the tissue of the nucellus. It has at 376 GYMNOSPERMS LESS. first the characters of a single cell, but afterwards, by division of its protoplasm, becomes filled with small cells representing a prothallus (prth\ As in Vascular Cryptogams, single superficial cells of the prothallus are converted into ovaries which are extremely simple in structure, each consisting of a large ovum (ov), and of a variable number of neck- cells. The pollen, liberated by the rupture of the microsporangia, is carried to considerable distances by the wind, some of it falling on the female cones of the same or another tree. In this way single microspores (pollen-grains) find their way into the micropyle of a megasporangium (D, mi. sp). This is the process known as pollination, and is the necessary antecedent of fertilization. The microspore now germinates : the outer coat bursts, and the larger of the two cells (B, b) protrudes in the form of a filament resembling a hypha of Mucor, and called a pollen-tube (D, p.t). This forces its way into the tissue of the nucellus, like a root making its way through the soil, and finally reaches the megaspore in the immediate neigh- bourhood of an ovary. A process then grows out from the end of the tube, passes between the neck-cells, and comes in contact with the ovum. In the meantime the nucleus of the large cell (b) of the microspore that from which the pollen-tube grows has travelled to the end of the pollen-tube and divided into two. Protoplasm collects round each of the daughter nuclei, con- verting them into cells, one of which remains undivided, while the other divides, and its substance passes from the pollen-tube into the ovum, where it forms a cell-like body, to which the name of male pronucleus (see p. 263) has been applied. This conjugates with the nucleus of the ovum, or female pronucleus, and thus effects the process xxx FORMATION OF THE SEED 377 of fertilization, or the conversion of the ovum into the oosperm. The mode of formation of cells described in the preceding paragraph should be specially noted. Instead of the ordin- ary process of fission hitherto met with, the products of division of a nucleus become surrounded by protoplasm, cells being produced which lie freely in the interior of the mother-cell. This is called free cell-formation. The development of the oosperm is a very complicated process, and results in the formation not of a single polyplast but of four, each at the end of a long suspensor (D, spsr\ in the form of a linear aggregate of cells, which by its elonga- tion carries the embryo (emb) down into the tissue of the prothallus. As a rule only one of these embryos comes to maturity : it develops a rudimentary stem, root, and four or more cotyledons, and so becomes a phyllula. While these processes are going on the female cone increases greatly in size and becomes woody. The mega- sporangia also become much larger, their integuments (E, /), becoming brown and hard, and the megaspore in each enlarges so much as to displace the nucellus : at the same time the cells of the prothallus filling the megaspore develop large quantities of plastic products, such as fat and albumin- ous substances, to be used in the nutrition of the embryo : the tissue thus formed is the endosperm (end). The mega- sporangium is now called a seed (see p. 365). Under favourable circumstances the seed germinates. By absorption of moisture its contents swell and burst the seed-coat, and the root of the phyllula (r) emerges, followed before long by the stem (j/) and cotyledons (ct). The phyllula thus becomes the seedling plant, and by further growth and the successive formation of new parts is converted into the adult 378 ANGIOSPERMS LESS, xxx In Gymnosperms we se an even more striking reduction of the gamobium than in Selaginella. The female prothallus is permanently inclosed in the megaspore, and the megaspore in the megasporangium : the ovaries also are greatly simplified. The male prothallus is represented by the smaller cell of the microspore, and no formation of sperms takes place, fertiliza- tion being effected by cells developed in the extremity of a tubular prolongation of the larger cell of the microspore, and resulting from a modification of its nucleus. It is worthy of notice that Phanerogams alone among the higher organisms, have abandoned the ordinary method of fertilization by the conjugation of ovum and sperm. In this respect they are the most specialized of living things, ANGIOSPERMS In this group the general relations of the main parts of the plant stem, leaves, roots, &c. are the same as in Gymnosperms. The flowers, in which, as in Gymnosperms, the organs of reproduction are contained, have a very characteristic struc- ture, which, although presenting almost infinite variety in detail, is the same in its essential features throughout the group. A typical angiospermous flower (Fig. 88, A) is a greatly abbreviated shoot, consisting of a short axis (fl. r) of limited growth bearing four whorls of leaves, of which those of the two distal whorls are sporophylls. The axis of the floral shoot (A. fl. r) is usually broad and more or less conical in form and is called the floral 'receptacle. The leaves of the lower or proximal whorl (pcr^\ usually from three to five in number, are small green bodies which cover the other parts in the unopened flower : they are called sepals and together constitute the calyx. ntZ FIG. 88. Reproduction and Development of Angiosperms. A, diagrammatic vertical section of a flower consisting of an abbreviated axis or floral receptacle (ft. r) bearing a proximal (per 1 } and a distal (per"} whorl of perianth leaves (sepals and petals), a whorl of male 380 ANGIOS PERMS LESS. sporophylls or stamens (sp. ph. cJ ), and one of female sporophylls or carpels (sp. ph. 9 ). The male sporophyll bears microsporangia (mi. spg) containing microspores (mi. sp). The female sporophyll consists of a solid style (st) terminated by a stigma (sfg), and of a hollow venter (v) containing a megasporangium (nig. spg) in which is a single megaspore (nig. sp}. On the right side a microspore is shown on the stigma, and has sent off a pollen-tube (p. t) through the tissue of the style to the micropyle of the megasporangium. B 1 , diagram of a female sporophyll from the distal aspect, and B 2 , the same in transverse section, showing the folding in of its edges to form the cavity or venter in which the megasporangia (mg. spg) are enclosed : m.r, the midrib. C 1 , a microspore, showing the two cells (a and b) into which its contents divide. C 2 , the same, sending out a pollen-tube (p. t) : nu, mt l t the two nuclei. D, diagrammatic vertical section of a megasporangium, showing the double integument C/ 1 ,/ 2 ), nucellus (ncl), micropyle (, and mega- spore (mg. sp) : the latter contains the secondary nucleus (nu) in the centre, three antipodal cells (ant) at the proximal end, and two syner- gidse (sng) and an ovum (ov) at the distal end. A pollen-tube (p. t) is shown with its end in contact with the synergidae. E, semi-diagrammatic section of the megaspore of a young seed, showing an embryo (emb) in the polyplast stage with its suspensor (spsr) : also numerous vacuoles (vac) and nuclei (nu). F, diagrammatic vertical section of a ripe seed, showing the seed-coat (/), mieropyle (mpy\ perisperm (per) derived from the tissue of the nucellus, and endosperm (end} formed in the megaspore and containing an embryo in the phyllula stage with stem-rudiment (st), cotyledons (ct), and root (r). (B 1 after Behrens ; c 1 , c 2 , and E altered from Howes.) Above the sepals comes a whorl of leaves (per*), usually of large size and bright colour, forming in fact the most obvious part of the flower. These are the petals and together constitute the corolla. The calyx and corolla together are conveniently called the perianth, because they inclose the sporophylls or essential part of the flower. The presence of a well-marked perianth is characteristic of the majority of Angiosperms, and distinguishes them from Gymnosperms, in which this part of the flower is quite rudimentary (see Fig. 87, A. and P., per}. xxx SPOROPHYLLS 381 The third whorl is called collectively the &ndrad*m, and consists of a variable number of stamens or male sporo- phylls(-y/./>/2. $ ). Each stamen is along narrow leaf bearing at its distal end four microsporangia (pollen sacs, mi. spg) united into a lobed knob-like body, the anther. The microspores (c l ) are at first simple cells with double cell-walls, but sub- sequently the protoplasm becomes divided into two cells, as in Gymnosperms, a smaller (a) and a larger (fr). The two are not, however, separated by a firm septum of cellulose, and the smaller cell frequently comes to lie freely in the protoplasm of the larger. Moreover it appears that the nucleus of the smaller is the active agent in fertilization, and that the larger must therefore be considered as representing the vestigial prothallus. The fourth or distal whorl of the flower is called collec- tively the gyncecium or pistil, and consists of one or more carpels or female sporophylls (sp. ph. $), which are modified in a characteristic manner. In some cases each carpel (B 1 , B 2 ) becomes folded longitudinally along its midrib (m.r), and its two edges, thus brought into contact, unite so as to inclose a cavity. Concrescence only affects the proximal part of the carpel, which thus becomes a hollow capsule, the venter (so-called ovary, A, v) : its distal portion usually takes the form of a slender rod-like body, the style (j/), terminated by an enlarged extremity, the stigma (stg) which is covered with hairs and is frequently sticky. In some flowers, on the other hand, all the carpels of the gynaecium unite with one another by their adjacent edges, so as to inclose a cavity common to all : in this case also the hollow portion or venter is formed by the proximal part only of the carpels, their distal portions forming a simple or multiple style and stigma. The megasporangia (ovules, A and B, mg. spg) are usually 382 CHARACTERS OF THE HIGHER PLANTS LESS. borne on the edges of the carpels, and, owing to the union of the latter, become inclosed in the cavity of the venter, and are thus completely shut off from all direct communica- tion with the external world. It is this inclosure of the megasporangia in a cavity formed by the sporophylls on which they are borne which constitutes the chief character distinguishing Angiosperms from Gymnosperms. The megasporangia (D) differ from those of Gymnosperms chiefly in having a double integument : both coats (t l , / 2 ) as well as the nucellus (nd\ or central mass of tissue, are com- posed of small cells : and the megaspore (embryo-sac, mg. sp) is a single cell of great size embedded in the nucellus. No prothallus is formed in the megaspore, but its nucleus divides, the products of division pass to opposite ends of the spore, and each divides again and then again, so that four nuclei are produced at each extremity. Three of the nuclei at the proximal end that furthest from the micropyle become surrounded by protoplasm and take on the character of cells (D, ant] : the fourth remains unchanged. Similarly of the four nuclei at the distal or micropylar end, one remains unchanged and three assume the form of cells by becoming invested with protoplasm (see p. 376). Of these three, two lie near the wall of the megaspore and are called synergidce (sng) : the third, more deeply placed, is the ovum (ov). The two unaltered nuclei now travel to the centre of the megaspore and unite with one another, forming the secondary nucleus (nu) of the spore. There is thus a single ovum produced in each megaspore, but no ovary and no prothallus : the female portion of the gamobium is reduced to its simplest expression. Pollination may take place, as in Gymnosperms, by the agency of the wind, but usually the microspores are carried by insects, which visit the flowers for the sake of obtaining xxx POLLINATION AND FERTILIZATION 383 nectar, a saccharine fluid* secreted by certain parts. The microspores are deposited on the stigma (A), where they germinate, each sending off a pollen-tube (A and c 2 , /. /), which grows downwards through the tissue of the stigma and style to the cavity of the venter, where it reaches a megaspo- rangium, and entering at the micropyle (D, p. /), continues its course through the nucellus, finally applying itself to the distal end of the megaspore in the immediate neighbourhood of the synergidae. In the meantime the nuclei of the microspore (c 2 , nu, iiu*) have passed into the end of the pollen-tube. The nucleus of the larger cell undergoes degeneration, becoming shrivelled and unaffected by dyes ; that of the smaller cell divides by karyokinesis. One of the two daughter-nuclei thus formed also degenerates, the other, accompanied by its directive spheres, passes through the softened cell-wall of the swollen end of the pollen-tube and enters the ovum, uniting with its nucleus in the usual way. The ovum is thus converted into an oosperm or unicellu- lar embryo : it acquires a cell-wall and almost immediately divides into two cells, of which that nearest the micropyle becomes the suspensor (E, spsr\ the other, or embryo proper (emb\ forming a solid aggregate of cells, the polyplast. By further differentiation rudiments of a stem (F, st), a root (r) and either one or two cotyledons (<:/) are formed, and the embryo passes into the phyllula stage. While the early development of the embryo is going on, the secondary nucleus of the megaspore divides repeatedly, and the products of division (E, nu] becoming surrounded by protoplasm, a number of cells are produced, which, by further multiplication, fill up all that part of the megaspore which is not occupied by the embryo. The tissue thus formed is called the endosperm (F. end), and occupies pre- 384 ANGIOSPERMS LESS. cisely the position of the vestigial prothallus of Gymnosperms (Fig, 87, p. 374, n,prth, and E, end: and p. 376), differing from it in the fact that it is only formed after fertilization. We. have here a case of retarded development : the degenera- tion of the prothallus has gone so far that it arises, by free cell-formation, long after the formation of the ovum which, in both Gymnosperms and Vascular Cryptogams, is a specially modified prothallial cell. The phyllula continues to grow and remains inclosed in the megasporangium, which undergoes a corresponding in- crease in size and becomes the seed. One or more seeds also remain inclosed in the venter of the pistil, which grows considerably and constitutes \\\Q fruit. Finally the seeds are liberated, the phyllula protrudes first its root, and then its stem and cotyledons through the ruptured seed-coat, and becomes the seedling plant. We learn from the present lesson that there is a far greater uniformity of organization among the higher plants than among the higher animals, not only in anatomical and histological structure, but also in the fact that alternation of generations is universal from Nitella and the mosses up to the highest flowering plants. But as we ascend the series, the gamobium sinks from the position of a conspicuous leafy plant to that of a small and insignificant prothallus, becoming finally so reduced as to be only recognizable as such by comparison with the lower forms. SYNOPSIS A. AN ACCOUNT OF THE STRUCTURE, PHYSIOLOGY, AND LIFE-HISTORY OF A SERIES OF TYPICAL ORGANISMS IN THE ORDER OF INCREASING COMPLEXITY. I. THE SIMPLER UNICELLULAR ORGANISMS. I'AGR Cell-body amoeboid or encysted : cell-wall nitrogenous (?): nutrition holozoic : reproduction by simple or binary fission ...................... |! i 2. Htcmatococcus. Cell-body ciliated or encysted : cell-wall of cellulose : nutrition holophytic : reproduction by binary fission . . 23 3. Heteromita. Cell-body ciliated : nutrition saprophytic : asexual repro- duction by binary fission : sexual reproduction by conju- gation of equal and similar gametes followed by multiple fission of the protoplasm of the zygote, forming spores . 36 4. Euglena. Cell-body ciliated or encysted : cell-wall of cellulose mouth and gullet present : nutrition holophytic and holozoic : reproduction by binary and multiple fission . .' 44 5. Protomyxa. Cell-body amoeboid, ciliated or encysted : plasmodia formed by concrescence of amcebulse : cell-wall nitro- genous (?) : nutrition holozoic : reproduction by multiple fission of encysted plasmodium .......... 49 C C 386 SYNOPSIS PAGE 6. Mycetozoa. Like Protomyxa, but owing to the presence of nuclei the relation of the individual cell-bodies to the plasmodium is more clearly seen : cell wall of cellulose 5 2 o 7- Saccharomyces. Cell-body encysted : cell-wall of cellulose : nutrition saprophytic : reproduction by gemmation or by internal fission : acts as an organized ferment 7 - 8. Bacteria. Cell-body ciliated or encysted : cell-wall of cellulose : nutrition saprophytic : reproduction by binary fission or by spore-formation : act as organized ferments : the simplest and most abundant of organisms 82 II. UNICELLULAR ORGANISMS IN WHICH THERE is CONSIDERABLE COMPLEXITY OF STRUCTURE ACCOMPANIED BY PHYSIOLOGICAL DIFFERENTIATION. a. Complexity attained by differentiation of cell-body. 9. Parani(Kcium . Medulla, cortex, and cuticle : trichocysts : complex con- tractile vacuoles : nucleus and paranucleus : mouth, gullet, and anal spot : conjugation temporary, no zygote being formed, but interchange of nuclear material during temporary union 106 10. Stylonychia. Extreme differentiation or heteromorphism of cilia . . . 116 1 1 . Oxytricha. Fragmentation of nucleus 120 1 2 Opalina. Multiplication of nuclei ; parasitism and its results ; necessity for special means of dispersal of an internal parasite 121 13. Vorticella. A stationary organism : limitation of cilia to defined regions : muscle- fibre in stalk : necessity for means of dispersal in a fixed organism : conjugation between free- swimming micro- and fixed mega-gamete : zygote indis- tinguishable from a zooid of the ordinary kind .... 126 14. Zoothamnium. A compound organism or colony with dimorphic (nutri- tive and reproductive) zooids : begins life as a single zooid " 135 SYNOPSIS 387 PAGE />. Complexity attained by differentiation of cell-wall or by forma- tion of skeletal structures in the protoplasm. 1 5 Foraminifera . Calcareous shells (cell-walls) of various and complicated form 148 1 6. Radiolaria. Membranous perforated shell (cell-wall) and external silicious skeleton often of great complexity : symbiotic relations with Zooxanthella 152 17. Diatoms. Silicious, two-valved, highly-ornamented shells .... 155 c. Complexity attained by simple elongation and branching of the cell. 1 8. Mucor. A branching filamentous fungus : necessity for special reproductive organs in such an organism : they may be sporangia producing asexual spores, or equal and similar gametes producing a resting zygote 158 19. Vaiicheria. A branched filamentous alga : clear distinction between the gametes or conjugating bodies and the sexual repro- ductive organs or gonads in which they are produced : gonads differentiated into male (spermary) and female (ovary) : gametes differentiated into male (sperm) and female (ovum) : zygote an oosperm 169 20. Caulerpa. Illustrates maximum differentiation ol a unicellular plant : stem-like, leaf-like, and root-like parts 175 III. ORGANISMS IN WHICH COMPLEXITY is ATTAINED BY CELL- MULTIPLICATION, ACCOMPANIED BY NO OR BUT LITTLE CELL- DlFFERENTIATION. a. Linear aggregates. 21. Penicillium. A multicellular, filamentous, branched fungus : mycelial, submerged, and aerial hyphae : apical growth : abundant production of spores by constriction of aerial hyphse . . 184 22. Agaricus. Complexity attained by interweaving of hyphae in a de- finite form : illustrates maximum complexity of a linear a gg re g ate > C C 2 388 SYNOPSIS PAGE 23. Spirogyra. A multicellular filamentous unbranched alga : interstitial growth : gonads equal and similar, but gametes show first indication of sexual differentiation 194 /'. Superficial aggregate. 24. Moiwstroma. Cell-division takes place in two dimensions 202 c. Solid aggregates. 25. Ulva. Like Monostroma, but cell -division takes place in three dimensions 203 26. Laminaria. Illustrates maximum size and complexity of a solid aggregate of comparatively slightly differentiated cells . 203 IV. SOLID AGGREGATES IN WHICH COMPLEXITY is INCREASED BY A LIMITED AMOUNT OF CELL-DlFFERENTIATION. 27. Nite.Ua. Segmented axis : nodes and internodes : appendages leaves and rhizoids : apical growth by binary fission of apical cell accompanied by immediate division and dif- ferentiation of newly-formed segmental cells : complex gonads (ovaries and spermaries) : alternation of genera- tions, a gamobium or sexual generation (the leafy plant) alternating with an agamobium or asexual generation (the pro-embryo) 206 28. Hydra. Example of a simple diploblastic animal : cells arranged in two layers (ecto- and endoderm) inclosing an enteron which opens externally by the mouth : combination of intra-cellular with extra-cellular or enteric digestion . . 221 29. Bougainvillea. Example of a colony with diploblastic zooids which are nutritive (hydranths) and reproductive (medusae) : differ- entiation of a rudimentary mesoderm producing imper- fect tripoblastic condition : central and peripheral nervous system : alternation of generations, a gamobium (the medusa) alternating with an agamobium (the hydroid colony) ; significance of developmental stages oosperm (unicellular), polyplast (multicellular but undifferentiated), and planula (diploblastic) 237 SYNOPSIS 389 PAGE 30. Dipkyes. A free-swimming colony with polymorphic (nutritive, reproductive, protective, and natatory) zooids 250 31. For pita. Extreme polymorphism of zooids giving the colony the character of a single physiological individual 253 V. SOLID AGGREGATES IN WHICH CELL-DIFFERENTIATION, AC- COMPANIED BY CELL FUSION, TAKES AN IMPORTANT PART IN PRODUCING GREAT COMPLEXITY IN THE ADULT ORGANISM. 32. Polygordius. A triploblastic, coelomate animal with metameric seg- mentation : prostomium, peristomium, metameres, and anal segment : besides ecto- and endoderm there is a well developed mesoderm divided into somatic and splanchnic layers separated by the coelome : differentia- tion of cells into fibres, &c. : muscle-plates formed as cell-fusions : necessity for distributing system for supply of food to parts of the body other than the enteric canal, and for the removal of waste matters : circulatorv, res- piratory, and excretory systems : high development of nervous system brain and ventral cord, afferent and efferent nerves : characteristic developmental stages oosperm, polyplast, gastrula (diploblastic), trochosphere (diploblastic with stomodseum and proctodeeum), late trochosphere (triploblastic but accelomate) 271 33. Mosses. Cell-differentiation very slight, but the type necessary to lead up to ferns : sclerenchyma and axial bundle : dis- tributing system rendered necessary by carbon dioxide being taken in by the leaves, water and mineral salts by the rhizoids : alternation of generations the leafy plant is the gamobium, the agamobium being represented by the spore-producing sporogonium : developmental stages oosperm and polyplast, the latter becoming highly diffe- rentiated to form the sporogonium 332 34. Ferns. Extensive cell-differentiation : formation of fibres (elon- gated cells) and vessels (cell-fusions) ; general differentia- tion of tissues into epidermis, ground-parenchyma, and vascular bundles : presence of true roots : the leafy plant is the amagobium and produces spores from which the gamobium, in the form of a small prothallus, arises : developmental stages oosperm, polyplast, and phyllula (leaf- and root-bearing stage) , 344 390 SYNOPSIS VI. BRIEF DESCRIPTIONS OF TYPES OF THE HIGHER GROUPS OF ANIMALS AND PLANTS IN TERMS OF POLYGORDIUS AND OF THE FERN RESPECTIVELY. a. Animals. All are triploblastic and ccelomate. 35. Starfish. Radially symmetrical : discontinuous dermal exoskele- ton : characteristic organs of locomotion (tube feet) in connection with ambulacral system of vessels 309 36. Crayfish. Metamerically segmented : segmented lateral append- ages : differentiation of metameres and appendages : continuous cuticular exoskeleton discontinuously calci- fied : gills as paired lateral offshoots of the body-wall : heart as muscular dilatation of dorsal vessel : ccelome greatly reduced and its place taken by an extensive series of blood-spaces : nervous system sunk in the mesoderm and consisting of brain and ventral nerve-cord '. .... 314 37. Mussel. Non-segmented : mantle formed as paired lateral out- growths of dorsal region : foot as unpaired median out- growth of ventral region : cuticular exoskeleton in the form of a calcified bivalved shel.l : gills as paired lateral outgrowth of body-wall : heart as muscular dilatation of dorsal vessel : coslome reduced to pericardium : nervous system consists of three pairs of ganglia sunk in the mesoderm 320 38. Dogfish. Metamerically segmented : differentiated into head, trunk, and tail : trunk alone ccelomate in adult : appendages as median (dorsal, ventral, and caudal) and paired (pectoral and pelvic) fins : discontinuous dermal exoskeleton and extensive endoskeleton of partially calcified cartilage, including a chain of vertebral centra below the nervous system replacing an embryonic notochord : gills as pouches of pharynx opening on exterior : heart as muscular dilatation of ventral vessel : hollow dorsal nervous system not perforated by enteric canal 324 b. Plants. All exhibit alternation of generations and the series shows the gradual subordination of the gamobium to the agamobium. SYNOPSIS 91 PAGE 39. Equisetum. Sporangia borne on sporophylls arranged in cones : spores homomorphic : prothalli dimorphic (male and female) 366 40. Salvinia. Spores dimorphic ; microspore produces vestigial male prothallus : megaspore produces greatly reduced female prothallus 368 41. Selaginella. Microspore produces unicellular prothallus and multi- cellular spermary, both endogenously : female prothallus formed in megaspore and is almost endogenous : embryo provided with suspensor 371 42. Gymnosperms. Cones dimorphic (male and female), with rudimentary perianth : no sperms formed but microspore gives rise to pollen tube, nuclei in which are the active agents in fer- tilization : single megaspore permanently inclosed in each megasporangium : female prothallus purely endogenous : embryo (phyllula) remains inclosed in megasporangium which becomes a seed . . . . 373 43. Angio sperms. Cone modified into flower by differentiation of sporo- phylls and perianth : female sporophyll forms closed cavity in which megasporangia are contained : mega- spore produces a -single ovary represented simply by an ovum and two synergidse : formation of prothallus re- tarded until after fertilization 378 B. SUBJECTS OF GENERAL IMPORTANCE DISCUSSED IN SPECIAL LESSONS. I. CELLS AND NUCLEI. a. The higher plants and animals contain cells similar in struc- ture to entire unicellular organisms, and like them exist- ing in either the amoeboid, ciliated, encysted, or plas- modial condition 56 b. Minute structure of cells : cell-protoplasm, cell-membrane, nuclear membrane, achromatin, chromatin 62 c. Direct and indirect nuclear division 65 d. The higher plants and animals begin life as a single cell, the ovum 68 392 SYNOPSIS II. BIOGENESIS. PAGE a. Definition of biogenesis and abiogenesis : brief history of the controversy 95 b. Crucial experiment with putrescible infusions : sterilization : germ-filters : occurrence of abiogenesis disproved under known existing conditions 98 III. HOMOGENESIS. Definition of homogenesis and heterogenesis ; truth of the former firmly established 102 IV. ORIGIN OF SPECIES. a. Meaning of the term Species : the question illustrated by a consideration of certain species of Zoothamnium .... 137 b. Definition of Creation and Evolution : hypothetical histories of Zoothamnium in accordance with the two theories . . 141 c. The principles of Classification : natural and artificial classifications 140 d. The connection between ontogeny and phylogeny 146 V. PLANTS AND ANIMALS. a. Attempt to define the words plant and animal, and to place the previously considered types in one or other king- dom 176 b. Significance of the "third kingdom," Protista 182 VI. SPERMATOGENESIS AND OOGENESIS. Origin of sperms and ova from primitive sex-cells ; differences in structure and development of the sexual elements . . 255 VII. MATURATION AND IMPREGNATION. a. Formation of first and second polar cells and of female pronucleus 259 b. Entrance of sperm and formation of male pronucleus . . 263 c. Conjugation of pronuclei ....... 263 SYNOPSIS 393 VIII. UNICELLULAR AND DIPLOBLASTIC ANIMALS. PACK a. In plants there is a clear transition from unicellular forms to solid aggregates, but in animals the connection of the gastrula with unicellular forms is uncertain 264 l>. Hypothesis of the origin of multicellular forms from a colony of unicellular zooids 265 C. Other matters of general importance, such as the composition and properties of protoplasm, cellulose, chlorophyll, starch, &c. : meta- bolism : holozoic, holophytic, and saprophytic nutrition : intra- and extra-cellular digestion : amoeboid, ciliary, and muscular movements : the elementary physiology of muscle and nerve : parasitism and sym- biosis : asexual and sexual generation : and the elements of embryology are discussed under the various types, and will be most conveniently referred to by consulting the Index. INDEX AND GLOSSARY AbiOgenesiS (a, not: /3i'os, life: yeVeo-is, origin), the origin of organisms from not-living matter : former belief in, 96 Absorption by root-hairs, 341 Accre'tion (ad, to : cresco, to grow), in- crease by addition of successive layers, J 4 Achrom'atin (a, not : xpwjaa, colour), the constituent of the nucleus which is un- affected or but slightly affected by dyes, 7, 63 Accel om'ate (a, not : KotA.a/3oArj, that which is thrown up). See Metabolism, construc- tive. Anaerobic (a, not : a??p, air : /3t'os, life), applied to those microbes to which free oxygen is unnecessary, 93 An'al (anus, the vent) segment, Poly- gordius, 273 An'al spot, Paramoecium, 113 An'astates (avao-Taros, from ai/aar^i/at, to rise up, 18. See Mesostates, anabolic. Anatomy (ivareVi/w, to cut up), the study of the structure of organisms as made out by dissection. Androe'cium (ai/ijp, a male : OIKOS, a dwelling), the collective name for the male sporophylls in the flower of Angio- sperms, 381 AN'GIOSPERMS (iy-yeZoi/, a vessel: oWpjua, seed) : Figure, 379 : general characters, 378-381 : structure of flower, 378 : reduction of gamobium, 381, 382 : pollination and fertilization, 382, 383 : formation of fruit and seed, and develop- ment of the leafy plant, 383, 384 Animal, definition of, 176 Animals, classification of, 307 Animals and Plants, comparison of type forms, 176, 177 : discussion of doubtful forms, 1 80 Animals, Protists, and Plants, boun- daries between artificial, 181-183 Anther, ^81 Antherid'ium. See Spermary. Antherozo'id See Sperm. Antip'odal cells, 382 An'US (anus, the vent), the posterior aper- ture of the enteric canal, 273 Ap'ical cell : Penicillium, 190: Nitella, 21 1 : Moss, 335 : stem of Fern 350 : n ot of Fern, 353 : prothallus of Fern. 357 Ap'ical cone, Fern, 350 A'pical growth, 190,351 396 INDEX AND GLOSSARY A'pical mer'istem, a mass of meristem (g.v.) at the apex of a stem or root, 350 Appen'dages, lateral : crayfish, 314 : dog- fish, 324 Archegonlum (apx?, beginning : -yoi/os, production), the name usually given to the ovary of the higher plants Aristotle, abiogenesis taught by, 96 Arteries, in the crayfish, 318 Arthropoda, the, 308 Arthosppre (apOpov, a joint : a-nopa, a seed), in Bacteria, 89 Artificial reproduction of Hydra, 234 Asexual generation. See Agamobium. Asexual reproduction. See Fission, Budding, Spore. Asparagin, 338 Assimila,'tion(assimi70, to make like), the conversion of food materials into living protoplasm, 13 At rophy (a, without : rpo^, nourish- ment), a wasting away, 118 Auricle. See Heart. Autom'atism (avrdjuaTO?, acting of one's own will), 10, 246 Axial bundle, Moss, 335 Axial fibre, Vorticella,,^ Axil (axilla, the :irm-pit), 208 Axis, primary and secondary, 209 B BACIL'LUS (Imcillum, a little staff), 85 _ Figure, 87 BACTERIA (/3a/fTrjptoi/, a little staff) or MICROBES (juic POS, small : /3 t 'os. life) : occurrence. 82 : structure of chief genera, 84-87 : reproduction, 87-89 : nutrition, 90 : ferment-action, 91 : parasitism, 92 : conditions of life, 92-94 : presence in at- mosphere, 101-102: animals or plants? 182 BACTERIUM termo (Figures) 83, 84 Baer, von, Law of Development, 43 Barnacle-geese, supposed heterogenetic production of, 103 Bast. See Phloem. Binomial nomenclature, 8, 139 Biogen'esis (jSt'os, life : yeVeais, origin), the origin of organisms from pre-existing organisms, 96 : early experiments on, 96, 97 : crucial experiment on, 97-100 Biol'ogy (|3ios, life : Ao-yos, a discussion), the science which treats of living things Blast'OCCele (/SAacrro?, a bud ; /coiAo^, a hollow), the larval body-cavity, 298 Blood, Polygordius, 283 Blood-corpuscles : colourless, see Leuco- cytes : red, 56 : Figures, 57 Blood-vessels, Polygordius, 282: develop- ment of, 302 Body-cavity. See Blastocccleand Ccclome. Body-segments. See Metameres. BOUGAINVILLEA (after L. A. de Bou- gainville, the French navigator : Figures, 238, 241 : occurrence and gene- ral characters, 237 : microscopic struc ture, 239 : structure of medusa, 240 structure and functions of nervous sys tern, 245 : organs of sight, 246 : repro duction and development, 247, 248 . alternation of generations, 250 Bract (bractea, a thin plate), 251 Brain: Polygordius. 286: trochosphere, 299 : Crayfish, 319 : Dogfish, 330 Branch, Nitella, 209 Branchial (Ppdyxia., branchiae, gills) apertures, Dogfish, 324, 329 Browne, Sir Thomas, on abiogenetic origin of mice, 96 Buc'cal (bucca, the cheek) groove, Para- mcecium, 109 Bud, budding, Saccharomyces, 73 : com- parison of with fission. 73 : Hydra, 233 Bundle-sheath, 349 Calyp'tra (/caAvTrrpa. a veil), 339 Cal'yx (caAu, the cup of a "flower), the outer or proximal whorl of the perianth in the flower of Angiosperms, 378 Canals, radial and circular, medusa, 241 Canal-cells of ovary, 337, 358 Cap-cells of roots, 354 Carbon dioxide, decomposition of by chlorophyll bodies, 29 Car'pel (Kap-n-os, fruit), a female sporophyll. 381 Cartilage, 324 Cauler'pa (/covAd? a stem : e'p7rw, to creep), 174 (Figure) Cell (cella, a closet or hut, from the first conception of a cell having been derived from the walled plant-cell) : meaning of term, 60 : minute structure of (Figure), 62 : varieties of (Figure), 57 Cell-aggregate, meaning of term, 188 Cell-colony : temporary, Saccharomyces. 73: permanent, Zoothamnium, 135, 136 Cell-division, 64-67 Cell-fusion 305, 351 Cell-layer, 277 Cell-membrane or wall, u, 27, 28, 63 Cell-multiplication and differentiation, 218 : Polygordius, 305 : Fern, 351 Cell-plate, 67 Cell-protoplasm, 60 Cell'ulOSe, composition and properties of, 28 Central capsule, Radiolaria, 152 Central particle or Centrosome (KtWpor. centre : (ru>ju.a, the body), 65, 256 (Fig- ure). See also Directive sphere. Ceph'alothor'ax, Crayfish, 314 Cerebral ganglion. See Brain. Cerebro-pleural ganglion, Mussel, 323 INDEX AND GLOSSARY 397 Cerebro-spinal cavity, Dogfish, 325 CHARA (\apa, delight), development and alternation of generations, 219, 220 Chlor'ophyll (\Au>p6?, green : <}>v\\oi>, a leaf), the green colouring matter of plants, properties of, 26 : occurrence in Bacteria, 87 : in Hydra, 231 Chrpm'atin (xpw/xa, a colour), the con- stituent of the nucleus which is deeply stained by dyes, 7, 63 : male and female in nucleus of oosperm, 263 Chrom'atophore (xpw^a, colour : vij?, double) : Figure, 252 : occurrence and general characters, 250 : polymorphism, 251 Diploblast'iC (SiTrAoo?, double : /3Aao-Tos, a bud), two-layered : applied to animals in which the body consists of ectoderm and endoderm, 244 : derivation of diploblas- tic from unicellular animals (Figures), 266, 268, 269 Directive sphere, 65, 261, 263. See also Centrosome. DISC, Vorticella, 128 Dispersal, means of : in internal parasite, 124 : in h'xed organisms, 133-136 Distal, the end furthest from the point ot attachment or organic base, 126 Distribution of food-materials : in a complex animal, 281 : in a complex plant, 341 Divergence of character, 145 Division of physiological labour, 34 DOGFISH '.Figure, 326 : general charac- ters, 324 : fins, 324 : exoskeleton, 325 : endoskeleton, 325 : enteric canal, 328 t gills, 329 : blood-system, 329 : kidney, 330 : gonads, 330 : nervous system, 330 Dry-rigor, stiffening of protoplasm due to abstraction of water, 21 Bchinodermata, the, 308 Ect'oderm (CKTOS, outside : Sep/xa, skin), the outer cell-layer of diploblastic and triploblastic animals, 225-230, 278 Ect'osarc (CKTOS, outside : lour), a red colouring matter allied to chlorophyll, 26 H^EMATOCOp'CUS (aI M a, blood : KOKKOS a berry): Figure, 24: general characters, 23 : rate of progression, 23 : ciliary move- ments, 25, 33 : colouring matters, 26 : motile and stationary phrases. 28 : nutri- tion, 28 : source of energy, 30 ; reproduc- tion, 35 : dimorphism, 35 : animal or plant ? 180 Haemoglobin (al/ua, blood : globus, a round body, from the circular red cor- puscles of human blood), 58 : properties and functions of, 283 Head-kidney : trochosphere, 299 Heart : Crayfish, 318 : Mussel, 323 : Dogfish, 329 Heat, evolution of, by oxidation of proto- plasm, 17 Heat-rigor (rigor, stiffness), heat-stiffen- ing, 21 Heliotropism, 168 Heredity (hereditas, heirship), 147 Hermaph'rodite (epju.ap6StTo?, from Hermes and Aphrodite). See Monoecious. Heterpgen'esiS (erepos, different : -yeVecri?, origin), meaning of term, 102 : supposed cases of, 103 : not to be confounded with metamorphosis or with evolution, 104 HETEROM'ITA (eVepos, different : /uuVos, a thread) : Figure 38 : occurrence and general characters, 36 ; movements, 37 : nutrition, 37 : asexual reproduction, 40 : conjugation, 41 : development and life- history, 42, 43 : animal or plant ? 181 High and low organisms, 106 Higher (triploblastic) animals, uniformity in general structure of, 307 Higher (vascular) plants, uniformity in general structure of, 363 Histol'Ogy (tcrrtW, a thing woven : Aoyo?, a discussion), minute or microscopic anatomy. Holophyt'ic (6Aos, whole : ^UTOI', a plant), nutrition, defined, 31 Holozo'ic (oAo?, whole : rf, nourish- ment), an increase in size beyond the usual limits, 118 Hyph'a (u(J>cuVco, to weave) applied to the separate filaments of a fungus : they may be mycelial (see mycelium), sub- merged, or aerial : Mucor, 160, 168, Penicillium, 185, 188 Hyp'odermis ( VTTO, under : 8e'pju.a, skin), Fern, 345, 348 Hyp'OStome (UTTO, under : erro/xa, mouth), 223, 239 Immortality, virtual, of lower organisms, 21 Income and expenditure of protoplasm, 18 Individual. See Zooid. Individuation, meaning of the term. 233. 254 INDEX AND GLOSSARY 401 Indus ium (indusium, an under-garment), Inflores'cence (floresco, to begin to flower), an aggregation of cones or flowers, 373 Infusoria (so called because of their fre- quent occurrence in infusions), 107 Ingesta (ingcro, to put into) and Egesta (e^cro, to expel), balance of, 32 Ingestion (ingcro, to put into), the taking in of solid food, n, 58 Insola'tiOU (insolo, to place in the sun), exposure to direct sunlight, 94 Integ'ument (integii mention, a covering) of megaspore : Gymnosperms, 375 : Angiosperms, 382 Inter-cellular spaces, 347 Inter-muscular plexus (TrAe/cw, to twine), Leaf, structure of: Nitella, 208, 209 213 : Moss, 335 : Fern, 344, 352 : limited growth of, 214 Leaflet, Nitella, 209 Lept'othrix (ACTTTOS, slender ; 0pif , a hair), filamentous condition of Bacillus, 89 : 288 Internode (inter, between : nodus, a knot), the portion' of stem intervening between two nodes, 208 Intersti'tial (interstltiiiin, a space be- tween) cells, Hydra, 227 : growth, Spirogyra, 198 Intestine (intestlnus, internal), part of the enteric canal of the higher animals, 280 Intus-suscep'tion (intus, into : snscipio, to take up), addition of new matter to the interior, 13 Iodine, test for starch, 27 Irritability (irritabllis, irritable), the property of responding to an external stimulus, 10 Jaws : Crayfish, 315 : Dogfish, 324, 328 K Karyokines'is (/capuof, a kernel or nu- cleus : KiVijo-is, a movement), indirect nuclear division, 67 Katab'olism (Kara/SoAr), a laying down), 18. See Metabolism, destructive. Kat'astates (*oi/, animal : eldos, form), the larger zooid in unicel- lular organisms with dimorphic zooids, 35> 132 Mer istem. (/u.epumj|u.a, formed from /aepujou, to divide), indifferent tissue of plants from which permanent tissues are differentiated, 350 Mes'entery (ju.e'v\\ov, a leai), the parenchyma of leaves, 352 Mes'ostates (ju,e'cro?, middle : trrrfvai, to stand), intermediate products formed during metabolism (q.v.) and divisible into (a) anabolic mesostates or ana- states, products formed during the con- version of food-materials into proto- plasm ; and (b) katabolic mesostates or katastates, products formed during the breaking down of protoplasm, 18 Metab'olism Oxera/SoArj, a change), the entire series of processes connected with the manufacture of protoplasm, and divisible into (a.) constructive meta- bolism or anabolism, the processes by which the substances taken as food are converted into protoplasm, and (b) de- structive metabolism or katabolism, the processes by which the protoplasm breaks down into simpler products, ex- cretory or plastic, 17 Met'amere (/u.eYa, after : /mepos, a part), a body-segment in a transversely seg- mented animal such as Polygordius, 271, 273 : development of, 301 : limited num- ber and concrescence of in Crayfish, '314 Metamorphosis (/mtTa^op^oxris), a trans- formation applied to the striking change of form undergone by certain organisms in the course of development after the commencement of free existeuce : Vor- ticella, 133 : Polygordius, 306 Mic robe (/ui/cpos, small : /Si'os, life). See MICROCOC'CUS (jai/cpos, small : KOKKOS, a berry) (Figure), 86 Mlcrogam'ete (/uuxpos, small : -ya^e'cu, to marry), a male gamete (g.v.), distin- guished by its smaller size from the female or megagamete, 132 Micro-millimetre, the one-thousandth of a millimetre, or i-25,oooth of an inch, 84 Micro-organism. See Bacteria. Micronucleus ( juu*p6s, small : micleits, a kernel), in, 128 Micropyle (jul/cpoj, small : irvArj, an en- trance), 375 Micro-sporan'giumGu/cpos, small : aiVco. to appear), no Myxomyce'tes (nvt-a, mucus : nvxys, a fungus). See Mycetozoa. N Norn atocyst (I^/IAO., a thread : KVOTIS, a bag), 229 Nephrid'iopore (i/e$po?, a kidney : Tropos, a passage), the external opening of a nephridium, 285 Nephrld'ium (i/e^pos, a kidney), structure of, Polygordius, 285 (Figure) : develop- ment of, 304 : Mussel, 323 : Dogfish, 33 Neph'rostome (vepo?, a kidney : 0-TOju.a, a mouth), the internal or ccelomic aper- ture of a nephridium, 285 Nerve, afferent and efferent, functions of, 288 Nerve-cell, 230, 245 Nervous system, central and peripheral : Medusa, 245 : Polygordius, 286 : func- tions of, 288 : Starfish, 313 : Crayfish, 319 : Mussel, 323 : Dogfish, 330 Neur'OCOele (vevpov, a nerve: KOI'ATJ, a hollow), the central cavity of the verte- brate nervous system, 330 NITELL'A (niteo, to shine) : Figures, 207, 212, 215, 217, 219 : occurrence and general characters, 206 : microscopic structure, 209 : terminal bud, 211 : struc- ture and development of gonads, 209, 214: development, 219: alternation of generations, 220 Node (nodus, a knot), the portion of a stem which gives rise to leaves, 208 Not'OChord (VWTOS, the back: xP^> a string), 328 Nucel'lus (diminutive of nucleus, the name formerly applied), 375, 382 Nuclear division, indirect : 64 (Figure) : 65, 67 : direct, 67 Nuclear membrane, 62, Nuclear protoplasm. See Achromatin. Nuclear spindle, 65, 66 Nucle'olUS (diminutive of nucleus), 8 Nu'cleus (nucleus, a kernel), minute struc- ture of, 63 ; Amoeba, 7, 8 : Paramcecium, in, 114: Opalina, 121: Vorticella, 128 : Nitella, 210, 213 : fragmentation of, 1 20 Nucleus, secondary, of megaspore, An- giosperms, 382 Nutrient solution, artificial, principles of construction of, 78, Nutrition : Amoeba (holozoic), n : Hse- matococcus (holophytic), 28 : Hetero- mita (saprophytic), 37 : Opalina (type of internal parasite), 123 : Mucor 167 : Penicillium, 190 : Polygordius (type of higher animals), 273, 281 : Moss (type of higher plants), 340 Ocellus (ocellus, a little eye), structure and functions of, Medusa, 241, 246 CEsoph'agUS (oicro4>avos, the gullet). See Gullet. Ontog'eny (O^TOS, being : yeyeerts, origin), the development of the individual : a recapitulation of phylogeny (y.v.), 146 Oogen'esis (u>6v, an egg : yei/e'oV, egg : yo^o?. produc- tion), the name usually given to the ovary of many of the lower plants. Oosperm (u>oV, egg : <77repju.a, seed), a zygote (q.v). formed by the ovum and sperm: a unicellular embryo, 173: origin of nucleus of, 263 Oosphere (wov, an egg : crs, a bone), 311 Ov'ary (ovum, an egg), the female gonad or ovum-producing organ ; see under the various types and especially Vaucheria, 172 : atrophy of, in Angiosperms, 382. The name is also incorrectly applied to the venter of the pistil of Angiosperms, 381 Ovi'duct (ovum, an egg ' ditco, to lead), a tube conveying the ova from the ovary to the exterior, 295 Ovum (ovum, an egg), the female or megagamete in its highest stage of dif- ferentiation : general structure of, 68, 69 : minute structure and maturation of, 258, 259 : see also under the various types and especially Vaucheria, 172 : formation of, in Angiosperms, 382 Ov'ule (diminutive of cnntni), the name usually applied to the megasporangium of Phanerogams. Oxidation of protoplasm, 15 OXYTRICH'A (6vs, sharp : 0p<:, a hair), 1 20 (Figure) Pancreas (rra-yicpeVr, sweetbread), 328 Pandorina, 266 (Figure), 267 Param'ylum (napd, beside : aju.vA.oi/, fine meal, starch), 46 PARAMCE'CIUM : Figures, 108, 115: structure, 107: mode of feeding, 112: asexual reproduction, 114 : conjugation, 114 Par'asite, parasitism (Trapao-tro?, one who lives at another's table) : --Opalina, 123 : Bacteria, 92 : Mucor, 167 Paren'chyma ( napeyxv^a, anything poured in beside, a word originally used to describe the substance of the lungs, liver, and other soft internal organs), applied to the cells of plants the length of which does not greatly exceed their breadth and which have soft non-lignified walls, 6c : ground-parenchyma, 345, 347 Pari'etal (paries, a wall), applied to the layer of ccelomic epithelium lining the body-wall, 277, 278 Parthenogenesis (Trapflt'cos, a virgin : yeVeeris, origin), development from an unfertilized ovum or other female gamete, 200 Parthenogenet'ic ova, characteristics ot, 262 Pasteur, Louis, researches on yeast, 78- 80 Pasteur's solution, composition of, 76 Pedal (pes, the foot) ganglion, Mussel, PENICILL'IUM (pcnicillnin, a painter's brush, from the form of the fully-deve- loped aerial hyphae) : Figure, 186 : oc- currence and general characters, 184: mode of growth, 185 : microscopic structure, 185 : formation and germina- tion of spores, 189 : sexual reproduction, 190: nutrition, 190: vitality of spores, 191 Pepsin (TreVrco, to digest), the proteolytic or pepsonizing ferment of the gastric juice, 12, 80 Peptones, 12 Perianth (irepi, around : ai'flos, a flower), the proximal infertile leaves of a flower, 380 Perisperm (rrepi, around : CAoi', a tribe) of the animal king- dom, 307 : of the vegetable kingdom, 364 Phyll'ula (diminutive of $vAAov, a leaf), the stage in the embryo of vascular plants at which the first leaf and root have appeared, 360 : contrasted with gastrula, 360 Phylog eny (v\oi>, a race : origin), the development of the race, Physiol'ogy (<(>vcns, the nature or proper of a thing : Ao-j/ps, a discussion), the < partment of biology which treats function, 9 ct seq. Pigment-spot, Euglena, PileUS (pllcus, a cap), AgaHCtlS, 191 Pinna (pinna, a feather), of leaf, 352 Pistil (pistillutx, a pestle, from pinso, to pound.) See Gyncecium. Plan'ula (diminutive of 7rAai/os, a wander- ing about), the mouthless diploblastic larva of a hydroid, 248 Plant, definition of, 176 INDEX AND GLOSSARY 45 Plants, classification of, 364 Plas'ma (TrAacr/xa, anything moulded), of blood, 56 Plasmo'dium (TrAao-yaa, any thing moulded), 52-55 : comparison of with zygote, 54 Plastic (TrAeun-iAcos, formed by moulding) products, products of katabolism which remain an integral part of the organism, Pod'omere (TTOV'S, a foot : /ixepos, a part), a limb-segment, 314 Polar cells, formation of, 262 Pollen grain (pollen, fine flour), a name given to the microscope of Phanero- gams. Pollen-sac, a name given to the microspo- rangium of Phanerogams. Pollen-tube, 376, 383 Pollina'tion, 376, 383 POLYGORD'IUS (TroAvs, many : TopSios, King of Phrygia, inventor of the Gordian knot) : Figures, 272, 274, 285, 287, 294, 296, 298, 300, 303 : occurrence and gene- ral characters, 271, 274 : metameric seg- mentation, 271-273 : mode of feeding, 273 : enteric canal, 273, 277 ; cell-layers, 276-278 ; ccclome, 273, 277 : distribution of food, 281 ; blood-system, 282 : nephri- dia, 284 : nervous system, 286 : differen- tiation of definite organs and tissues, 291 : reproduction, 293 : development and metamorphosis, 299-306 Polymorphism (TroAvs, many : MPrj/u,a, a thread), Moss, 336, 339 Prot'oplasm (Trpwros, first : TrAacr/ixa, any- thing moulded), composition of, 5 : pro- perties of, 5-7 : micro-chemical tests for, 7, 8 : minute structure of, 62, 63 : con- tinuity of in Fern. 350 : in Polygordius, 292 : intra- and extra-capsular, Kadio- laria, 152 Protozoa, the, 308 Proximal (proximus. nearest), the end nearest the point of attachment or or- ganic base, e.g. in the stalk of Vorticella, 126 Pseud'opod 1 (vl/evSrjs, false : TTOVS, foot), described, 4: comparison of with cilium, 34, 52 : in columnar epithelium, 59 : in endoderm cells of Hydra, 231 Pteris. See Ferns. Punctum vegetationis. See Growing point. Putrefac'tidn(/?/6-/Y7, to make rotten) nature of, 82 : a process of fermentation, 91 : conditions of temperature, moisture, &c., 93, 94 Putres'cent (putresco, to grow rotten) Solution, characters of, 37, 82 Putres'cible infusion, sterilization of, 99- IO2 Pyren'oid (n-upryi/, the stone of stone-fruit : elSos, form), a small mass of pr^teid material invested by starch, 27 Radial symmetry, starfish, 309 RADIOLAR'IA (radius, a spoke or ray): Figures, 152, 153 : occurrence and general characters, 152 : central capsule, 152 : intra- and extra-capsular protoplasm, 152 : silicious skeleton, 152 : symbiotic relations with Zooxanthella, 154 Rect'UUl (intestinum rectum, the straight gut), the posterior or anal division of the enteric canal, 281 Redi, Francisco (Italian savant}, experi- ments on biogenesis, 97 Reducing division, 257, 262 Reflex action, 289 Reproduction, necessity for, 19 Reproductive organ. See Gonad. 406 INDEX AND GLOSSARY Reservoir of contractile vacuole, Euglena, 47 Respiration : Amoeba, 17 : Polygordius, 284 Respiratory caeca, Starfish, 312 Rhiz'oid(pia, root telSos, form): Nitella, 206, 214 : Moss, 335 : prothallus of Fern, Root, Fern, 344, 353 Root-cap, 354 Root-hairs, 353 , 357 ROSS, Alexander, on abiogenetic origin of mice, insects, &c., 96 Rotation of protoplasm, 210 Rudiment, rudimentary (mdimentum, a beginning), the early stage of a part or organ : often used for a structure which has undergone partial atrophy, but in such cases the word vestige (q. v.) is more suitable. s SACCHAROMY'CES (ov, animal, from the actively moving sperms of animals having been supposed to be parasites), synonyms of sperm. Spermary (orn-ep/ota, seed), the male gonad or sperm-producing organ : see under the various types, and especially Vaucheria, 172 Sperm'iduct (v\\ov, leaf), a sporangium-bearing leaf: Equisetum, 366 : Selaginella, 371 : Gymnosperms, 373i 375 ' Angiosperms, 381 Stamen (stamen, a thread), a male sporo- phyll, 373, 381 ^ Starch, composition and properties of, 27 STARFISH ; Figure, 310: general cha- racters, 309-311 : radial symmetry, 309: tube-feet and ambulacral system, 311, 313 : exoskeleton, 312 Stem, structure of: Moss, 334 ; Fern. 345 Sterig'ma (o"rjpry^.a, a support) : Penicil- lium, 188 ; Agaricus, 193 Sterilization of putrescible infusions, 99- IO2 Stigma (o-Tiy/ma, a spot), the receptive ex- tremity of the style, 381 Stimulus, various kinds of, 289 Stock. See Colony. Stom'ate (crro^ia, mouth), 353 Stomodse'um (a-ro/xa, mouth : ofiaios, be- longing to a way), an ectodermal pouch which unites with the enteron and forms the anterior end of the enteric canal, its aperture being the permanent mouth, 298 Stone-canal, Starfish, 313 Style (stylus, a column), the distal solid portion of the female sporophyll or of the entire gyncecium in Angiosperms, 381 QT VT nxrvr'iTT'T A / ~ \ ' ., i. 01 iJ-iUJN iul lA(<7TvAos, a column : ow, a claw), Figure, 117: occurrence and general characters, 116 : polymorphism of cilia, 118-119 Sub-apical cell. See Segmental cell. Superficial aggregate. 202 Supporting lamella. See Mesoglcea. Suspensor: Selaginella, 373: Gymno- sperms, 377 : Angiosperms. 383 Sweet Wort, composition of, 75 Swimming-bell, Diphyes, 251 Symbio'siS (cru/x/3t'ojcrt?, a living with), an intimate and mutually advantageous association between two organisms, 154 Syner'gidffi (ovvepyos, a fellow worker), 382 Sys'tole (cruo-ToATj, a drawing together, contraction), the phase of contraction of a heart, contractile vacuole, &c. } in Teeth, Dogfish, 328 Temperature, effects of on protoplasmic movements, 20, 21 Tentacles :Hydra, 223 : Bougainvillea, 239 ; Polygordius, 271 : development of, 302 Terminal bud : Nitella, 208, 210: Moss TestiS (the Latin word), generally used for the spermary in animals. Thermal death-point. See Ultra-maxi- mum temperature. Tissues, differentiation of: Polygordius, 291 : Fern, 353 Tracheides (rpa^vs, rough : eiSos, form). See Vessels of Plants, 349 Transpiration, the giving off of water from the leaves of plants, 341 Trich'ocyst (0pif, a hair : KVO-TIS, a bag), JI 3 TliploblaSt'iC (rpiTrAoos, triple : /SAao-ros, a bud), three-layered : applied to ani- mals in which the body consists of ecto- derm, mesoderm, and endoderm, 244, 278 TrOCh'OSphere Orpoxos,a wheel, in reference to the circlet of cilia : o^cupa, a sphere), the free-swimming larva of Polygordius, &c. : characters of, 296 (Figure) ; origin of from gastrula, 297, 298 ; metamorpho- sis of, 299 Tube-feet, Starfish, 311, 313 U Ultra-maximum temperature, for amoe- boid movements, 21 ; for monads, 40 ; for Bacteria, 93 ULVA (jilva, an aquatic plant), 203 Umbell'ate (inubella, a sun-shade, um- brella) applied to branching in which the primary axis is of limited growth and sends off a number of secondary axes from its distal end, 138 Unicell'ular, formed of a single cell, 61 ; connection of uni- with multi-cellular organisms, 264-270 Ureter (ovprjr^p, the Greek name), the duct of the kidney, 330 Vac'uole (vacuus, empty), contractile, 13 in : non-contractile, 71 Variability, 147 Variation, individual, 140, 147 408 INDEX AND GLOSSARY Variety, an incipient species, 147 Vasc'ular (vasciiltun, a small vessel) bundles, 345, 348 Vascular plants, 365 VAUCHERIA (after J. P. E. Vaucher, a Swiss botanist) : Figure, 170 : occur- rence and general characters, 169 : minute structure, 169 : asexual reproduction, 171: sexual reproduction, 172 : nutrition, 175 Veins of Dogfish, 329 : of leaves, 352 Vel'um (velum, a veil) of medusa, 241 Vent, the aperture of the cloaca, 324 Venter (venter, the belly), of ovary of Moss, 336, and Fern, 358 : of the female sporophyll or of the entire gynoecium of Angiosperms (so-called ovary) 381 Ventral nerve-cord : Polygordius, 286 : development of, 301 : Crayfish, 319 Ventricle. See Heart. Vermes, the, 308 Ver'tebral^T^ra, a joint) centra and column, Dogfish, 328 Vertebrata, the, 309 Vessels : of plants, spiral and scalariform, 348, 349 : of animals, see Blood-vessels. Vestige, vestigial (vestigium, a trace), applied to any structure which has be- come atrophied or undergone reduction beyond the limits of usefulness, 118 Vib'riO (vibro, to vibrate), 86, 88, (Figure) ViSC'eral (viscns, an internal organ), ap- plied to the layer of coelomic epithelium, or of peritoneum, covering the intestine and other internal organs, 277 Visceral ganglion, Mussel, 323 Vitelline (vitellus, yolk) membrane, the cell-membrane of the ovum, 259 Volvox (volvo, to roll), 267, 268, 269. (Figure*) VORTIOELLA (diminutive of vortex, eddy) : Figure, 127 : occurrence .. general characters, 126 : structure, 126 : asexual reproduction, 131 : conjugation, 132 : means of dispersal, 132-136 : ency-<- tadon, spore-formation, development, and metamorphosis, 133 W Waste-products, 33 Water of organisation, 5, 29 Whorl of leaves, 208 Wood. See Xylem. Work and Waste, 14 Xylem (uAoi/, wood), the inner portion o. vascular bundle, 349 Yeast, 7 r Yeast-plant. See Saccharomyces. YellOW-cells of Radiolaria, 154 Yolk-granules or spheres, 68, 235, Zoogloe'a (oc, an animal* etSos, form), a single individual of a compound organism, 137, 237 Zootham'nium (^(aov, an animal : 0t.,xi;o?, a bush): Figures, 134, 138: OCL -rence and general characters, 135 -.dimorphism ofzooids, 135: means of dispersal, 136: characters arid mutual relations of species, Zooxanthell'a (fo>oi> an animal : ai'06?, yellow), 154 Zyg'ospore(c;iryoi>, a yoke :