AUNIVERSUYsrCALIFORNIA MAIIf BEQUEST OF SAMUELBENEDICTCHRISTY PROFESSOR OF MINING AND METALLURGY 1885-1914 AME^ICANT^ADIATO^ COMPANY GENERAL OFFICES: CHICAGO NEW YORK BOSTON PHILADELPHIA . BUFFALO . PITTSBURG . CINCINNATI ATLANTA DETROIT . . CLEVELAND . CHICAGO MILWAUKEE . INDIANAPOLIS . ST. LOUIS MEMPHIS MINNEAPOLIS OMAHA . KANSAS CITY DENVER SAN FRANCISCO . SEATTLE BRANTFORD, ONT LONDON, W. . PARIS . . BERLIN 104-108 West Forty-second Street . 129-131 Federal Street 1342 Arch Street Court and Franklin Streets 601-3 Hartje Building 213 West Fourth Street 508 Candler Building . 225 Jefferson Avenue 710 Prospect Avenue . 282-286 Michigan Avenue 214 Sycamore Street . 511 Lemcke Building . Olive and Fifteenth Streets 532 Randolph Building . 229 Fifth Street, South 413-417 South Tenth Street 313 East Tenth Street 831 Fifteenth Street Monadnock Building . 1215-1216 Alaska Building . Market Street . 439-441 Oxford Street . 24 Rue de Mogador 35 Alexandrinen Strasse Index Betters Acme Fire Box 34 to 37 Arco 18 to 21 Cylindrical Steel 38, 39 Ideal Junior 26, 27 Laundry Heater 28 to 31 Parts 193 to 210 Premier 22 to 25 Ratings 4, 5 Ratings.Water Heaters, 230 to 238 Sectional 6 to 11 Sectional, Coke 12 to 15 Sectional, for Wood 7 and 9 Standard 16, 17 Tapping Data 24 Water Heaters 28 to 31 Radiators 1-Column 44 to 51 2-Column 52 to 65 3-Column 66 to 7 1 4-Column 72 to 75 Box Base 83 to 89 Brackets 48, 110, 117 Bushing System 113 Circular 98 to 101 Corner and Curved 1 02 to 105 Dining Room 94 to 96 Direct-Indirect 83 to 89 Flue 76 to 90 Indirects 1 1 8 to 1 32 Legs, Special 1 06 to 1 09 Measurements, Direct 112 Measurements, Indirect 1 32 Ordering Radiators 219 Pantry 97 Pedestals 109 Price List 40, 41 Saddles for Marble 1 75 Sections for Radiators 114 Tappings, Direct Rad. ...Ill, 112 Tappings, Indirect Radiators. . 1 32 Ventilating 76 to 93 Vento 118 to 122 Wall H5to 117,211 to 218 Window 80 to 82 Wrenches 110, 144 Specialties Boiler Sundries 1 82 Bronzes and Paints 1 78 to 1 80 Brushes 182 Cement, Ideal Iron 181 Covering 1 33 to 135 Elbows, Twin 171 Elbows, Union 147 Gauges 166 Generators 1 64 Marble Tops 1 75 O. S. Distributors 1 70 Paste, Pipe Joint 181 Pipe Bending Form 175 Pipe Threading Devices. 1 88 to 1 9 1 Pipe Tools, etc 1 85, 1 90, 191 Plates, F. and C 168, 169 Registers 1 72 to 1 74 Regitherm, Ideal Sylphon 1 67 Regulators for Boilers . . 1 60 to 162 Shields, Radiator 1 76, 1 77 Tanks 32, 1 36 to 140 Thermometers 165 Tool Chests 186, 187 Traps, Steam, Nason 171 Valves, Air 1 53 to 1 59 Valves, Check 1 52 Valves, Gate 151 Valves, Globe 1 50 Valves, Radiator 142 to 149 Vises, Pipe 184, 185 Wrenches, Chain 183 Wrenches, Spud 144 Miscellaneous Chimney Flues 264, 265 Heating Data 220 to 263 Ventilating Data 266 Telegraph Code 271 to 288 The Ideal Fitter ALL products listed or illustrated in this catalogue have been designed and made with the most particular manufacturing care and have been rigidly tested before offering them for sale. We are therefore confident that the Boilers, Radiators and Specialties herein listed will appeal to the best judgment of all who desire to plan and install strictly first-class heating outfits. AMERICAN Radiators are made in America in six plants exclusively; IDEAL Boilers are made in four plants devoted to that product only. Simi- lar products are made in four allied plants in Europe. We are therefore constantly in close touch with the needs and most advanced practices of the heating industry of two continents. This broad knowledge of modern requirements, coupled with the best materials, scientific tests and concentration in manufacturing methods, enables us to produce the most reliable heating appliances in the market. With these extensive foundries, twenty offices, thirty warehouses (widely distributed through- out the United States), . and a large force of traveling salesmen, we are equipped as no other concern in this business to give the most acceptable and prompt service to all alike, and at all times. All orders are welcome large or small. Faithfully yours, AMERICANRADIATORf.OMPANY August 1, 1908. Discounts quoted to the regular Trade only. 3 onorn n Graded Ratings of Ideal Steam Boilers We here present graded lists of the ratings of IDEAL Boilers running from the lowest to the highest capacities, to enable the Heating Contractor to quickly locate the available patterns in the capacity desired. IDEAL Coke Boilers and IDEAL Water Heaters are not included in these graded lists of ratings. Ratings Number Name Page Ratings Number Name Page 175 1015 Premier 23 800 2027 Premier 23 200 2015 Premier 23 800 1-28-S Arco | 1 9 225 3015 Premier 23 800 S-22-5 Sectional 7 275 1018 Premier 23 850 3027 Premier 23 275 1-19-S Arco 19 900 2-28-S Arco 19 300 1500 Junior 26 900 4027 Premier 23 300 2018 Premier 23 1000 1-31-S Arco 19 300 S 15-4 Sectional 7 1000 3-2 8-S Arco 19 325 3018 Premier 23 1000 S-22-6 Sectional 7 340 1600 Junior 26 1200 S-22-7 Sectional 7 350 2-19-S Arco 19 1250 1-34-S Arco 19 400 1021 Premier 23 1275 2-3 1-S Arco 19 400 1-22-S Arco 19 1300 S-28-5 Sectional 7 400 3-19-S Arco 19 1400 3-3 1-S Arco 19 425 2021 Premier 23 1400 S-22-8 Sectional 1 7 425 S-15-5 Sectional 7 1500 2-34-S Arco 1 9 450 3021 Premier 23 1625 S-28-6 Sectional | 7 475 4021 Premier 23 1650 3-34-S Arco 19 500 1-25-S Arco 19 1950 S-28-7 Sectional 7 525 1024 Premier 23 2100 S-36-5 Sectional 7 525 2-22-S Arco 19 2275 S-28-8 Sectional 7 525 1800 Junior 26 2625 S-36-6 Sectional 7 550 S-15-6 Sectional 7 3150 S-36-7 Sectional 7 575 322-S Arco 19 3675 S-36-8 Sectional 7 575 2024 Premier 23 4200 S-36-9 Sectional 7 575 1900 Junior 26 4750 S-48-6 Sectional 7 625 3024 Premier 23 5700 S-48-7 Sectional 7 625 2-2 5-S Arco 19 6650 S-48-8 Sectional 7 650 4024 Premier 23 7600 S-48-9 Sectional 7 700 3- 2 5-S Arco 19 8550 S-48-10 Sectional 7 750 1027 Premier 23 Graded Ratings of Ideal Water Boilers Ratings Number Name Page Ratings Number Name Page 300 1115 Premier 23 1250 25-3-W Standard 16 325 21 15 Premier 23 1300 W-22-5 Sectional 9 350 3115 Premier 23 1325 2127 Premier 23 400 15-1-W Standard 16 1325 1-28-W Arco 19 425 1 5-2-W Standard 16 1350 25-4-W Standard 16 450 1118 Premier 23 1400 3127 Premier 23' 450 1-1 9-W Arco 19 1425 25-5-W Standard 16 500 1501 Junior 26 1475 4127 Premier 23 500 2118 Premier 23 1500 2-2 8-W Arco 19 500 1 7-3-W Standard 16 1500 28-3-W Standard 16 500 W-15-4 Sectional 9 1600 28-4-W Standard 16 550 3118 Premier 23 1650 1-31-W Arco 19 550 17-4-W Standard 16 1650 3-2 8-W Arco 19 575 2-1 9-W Arco 19 1650 W-22-6 Sectional 9 600 1121 Premier 23 1700 28-5-W Standard 16 600 1 7-5-W Standard 16 1750 31-3-W Standard 16 600 1601 Junior 26 1950 31-4-W Standard 16 650 2121 Premier 23 2000 W-22-7 Sectional 9 650 1-22-W Arco 19 2050 31-5-W Standard 16 650 3-1 9-W Arco 19 2075 1-34-W Arco 19 700 W-15-5 Sectional 9 2100 2-3 1-W Arco 19 700 3121 Premier 23 2150 W-28-5 Sectional 9 750 4121 Premier 23 2325 3-3 1-W Arco 19 750 1 9-3- W' Standard 16 2350 W-22-8 Sectional 9 825 1-25-W Arco 19 2350 34-3-W Standard 16 825 1 9-4-W Standard 16 2475 2-34-W Arco 19 875 1124 Premier 23 2500 34-4-W Standard 16 875 2-22-W Arco 19 2650 34-5-W Standard 16 875 22-3-W Standard 16 l 2675 W-28-6 Sectional 9 875 1801 Junior 26 2725 3-34-W Arco 19 900 1901 Junior 26 3200 W-28-7 Sectional 9 900 19-5-W Standard 16 3450 W-36-5 Sectional 9 900 W-15-6 Sectional 9 3725 W-28-8 Sectional 9 950 3-2 2-W Arco 19 4325 W-36-6 Sectional 9 950 22-4-W Standard 16 5200 W-36-7 Sectional 9 950 2124 Premier 23 6050 W-36-8 Sectional 9 1025 3124 Premier 23 6925 W-36-9 Sectional 9 1025 2-25-W Arco 19 7825 W-48-6 Sectional 9 1025 22-5-W Standard 16 9400 W-48 7 Sectional 9 1075 4124 Premier 23 10975 W-48-8 Sectional 9 1150 3-25-W Arco 19 12550 W-48-9 Sectional 9 1250 1127 Premier 23 14125 W-48- 10 Sectional 9 Ideal Sectional Steam Boilers No. S-36-7 Boiler No. S-48-8 Boiler (Patented) 6 Ideal Sectional Steam Boilers No. Including Sections Length Total, In. Height Total, In. Width Total, In. Fire- Pot Inches S-15-4 40% 61^ 38% 19 x 18 S-15-5 47/8 61H 38% 19 x 25 S-15-6 53 3 /s 61H 38% 19x 31 S-22-5 53% 67% 45% 25 x 28 S-22-6 60^ b7% 45 X 25 x 35 S-22-7 67K b7% 45% 25x42 S-22-8 74% 67K 45% 25 x49 S-28-5 60 75% 53 l / 2 33x32 S-28-6 68 75% 53Y 2 33x40 S-28-7 76 75% 53% 33x48 S-28-8 84 75% 53 l / 2 33x56 S-36-5 69% 83 64 41 x 36 S-36-6 78% 83 64 41 x45 S-36-7 88 83 64 41 x 54 S-36-8 97*/s 83 64 41 x 63 S-36-9 106^ 83 64 41 x 73 S-48-6 92 97 80 50x53 S-48-7 ' 102% 97 80 50 x 64 S-48-8 114 97 80 50 x 75 S-48-9 124^ 97 80 50x86 S-48-10 135 97 80 50 x 96 No. Including Sections Water Line, In. Outlets Inches Smoke- Pipe Ratings (Note) Price Complete S-15-4 38^ 2-3 8 300 $ 157.00 S-15-5 38% 2-3 8 425 210.00 S-15-6 38% 2-3 8 550 245.00 S-22-5 45 2-4 10 800 340.00 S-22-6 .45 2-4 10 1000 400.00 S-22-7 45 3-4 10 1200 460.00 S-22-8 45 3-4 10 1400 520.00 S-28-5 52 2-4 12 1300 490.00 S-28-6 52 2-4 12 1625" 587.00 S-28-7 52 3-4 12 1950 684.00 S-28-8 52 3-4> 12 2275 781.00 S-36-5 60 2-5 15 2100 730.00 S-36-6 60 2-5 15 2625 845.00 S-36-7 60 3-5 15 3150* 960.00 S-36-8 60 3-5 15 3675 1075.00 S-36-9 60 4-5 15 4200 1190.00 S-48-6 70 2-6 21 4750 1294.00 S-48-7 70 2-6 21 5700 1484.00 S-48-8 70 3-6 21 6650 1674.00 S-48-9 70 3-6 21 7600 1864.00 S 48-10 70 3-6 21 8550 2054.00 For each supply outlet on top of Boiler there is a corresponding return inlet in either side. Extra tappings provided if desired. Do not bush flow-pipe outlets connect all of them full size to the main. Above are hard-coal ratings soft coal requires size larger boiler. See Note on rat- ings, page 33. For price list of boiler parts, see pages 1 92 to 2 1 0, inclusive. For Wood Burning. On special order the 22 ^nch Boilers are fitted with special grates and 1 \ l /& x 18-inch fire-door; 28-inch with 12% x 20- inch fire door. Ideal Sectional Water Boilers No. W-15-6 Boiler No. W-28-7 Boiler Ideal Sectional Water Boilers No. Including Sections Length Total, In. Height Total, In. Width Total, In. Fire-Pot Inches W-15-4 40% 42*A 27X 19 x 18 W-15-5 47/8 42^ 27 l / 2 19x25 W-15-6 53H 42^ 27 1 A 19 31 W-22-5 53% 52% 36 25 28 W-22-6 60X 52 1 A 36 25 35 W-22-7 67^ 52% 36 25 42 W-22-8 74 X 52% 36 25 49 W-28-5 60 6oy a 44 33 32 W-28-6 68 6Qtt 44 33 40 W-28-7 76 6QH 44 33 48 W-28-8 84 60^ 44 33 56 W-36-5 69% 70 53& 41 36 W-36-6 78% 70 53X 41 45 W-36-7 88 70 53X 41 54 W-36-8 97/8 70 53K 41 63 W-36-9 106^ 70 53% 41 73 W-48-6 92 8 IK 68 50 x 53 W-48-7 102K 81% 68 50 x 64 W-48-8 1 14 81& 68 50 x 75 W-48-9 124^ 81M 68 50 x 86 W-48-10 135 Bl% 68 50 x 96 No. Including Sections Outlets J Inches Smoke- Pipe Ratings (Note) Price Complete W-15-4 2-3 8 500 $ 147.00 W- 1 5-5 2-3 8 700 200.00 W-15-6 2-3 8 900 235.00 W-22-5 2-4 10 1300 330.00 W-22-6 2-4 10 1650 390.00 W-22-7 3-4 10 2000 450.00 W-22-8 3-4 10 2350 510.00 W-28-5 2-4 12 2150 480.00 W-28-6 2-4 12 2675 577.00 W-28-7 3-4 12 3200 674.00 W-28-8 3-4 ,12 3725 761.00 W-36-5 2-5 15 3450 710.00 W-36-6 2-5 15 4325 825.00 W-36-7 3-5 15 5200 940.00 W-36-8 3-5 15 6050 1055.00 W-36-9 4-5 15 6925^ 1170.00 W-48-6 2-6 21 7825 1274.00 W-48-7 2-6 21 9400 1464.00 W-48-8 3-6 21 10975 1654.00 W-48-9 3-6 21 12550 1844.00 W-48-10 3-6 21 14125 2034.00 For each supply outlet on top of Boiler there is a corresponding return inlet in either side. Extra tappings provided if desired. Above are hard- coal ratings soft coal requires size larger Boiler. See Note on ratings, page 33. For price list of boiler parts, see pages 1 92 to 2 1 0, inclusive. For Wood Burning. On special order the 22-inch Boilers are fitted with special grates and 1 1 % x 1 8-inch fire door; 28-inch with 1 2% x 20- inch fire door, Sectional Boiler Measurements r-c T a T N 1 H G ( H T ' ! Sectional View For details of measurements see page opposite. 10 Sectional Boiler Measurements Table of distances between points as noted upon the out- line drawings of IDEAL Sectional Boilers shown on opposite page. These measurements are all given in inches. 15-in.Boil'rs 22-in.BoiPrs 28-in. Boil'rs 36-in. Boil'rs 48-in. Boil'rs Water Steam Water Steam Water Steam Water Steam Water Steam A 278 28 l / 2 36% 36% 44% 44 1 A 53% 54% 68 69 B 42A 46A 52% 52% 60^ 60^ 69J4 69/8 81% 81% tc 13i B B 13A 15% 15% 1 8% 18/8 2iH 2111 27% 27% *D 41% 41/8 47% 47% 55% 55% 63% 63% 73H 73/8 34% 34% 40% 40% 46% 4b% 52 & 52!% 59% 59% F 12% 12% 14% 14/8 16 16 18% 18% 21% 21% G 18% 18% 21% 21% 24 24 27% 27% 32% 32% H 25 25 28% 28% 32 32 36% 36% 43 43 I 16! 3 e !(>& 16% 16% 17% 17% ISA ISA 22% 22% J 23% 23% 29/8 29/8 37/8 37/8 45/ 5 45A 58% 58% K 8x14 8x14 8x14 8x14 9x18 9x18 10x20 10x20 11x19 11x19 M 38% 45 52 60 70 N 11% 11% 9% 9% 10 10 ion 10H I4U 1414 P 8 8 10 10 12 12 15 15 21 21 S 13% 1354 14% 145* 16 16 18A ISA 17% 17% T 7% 7% 8% 8Y 2 9% 9% 10% 10% 12% t Measured without Smoke Hood Cover. J Measured with Smoke Hood Cover on. For Wood, Feed Door K in 22-inch Boilers is 1 1^x18 inches; in 28-inch Boilers, 12% x 20 inches. Do not bush the flow-pipe outlets of Steam Boilers; connect all of them full size to the main. 11 Ideal Sectional Coke Boilers No. W-2-7 Water Boiler No, S-3-7 Steam Boiler 12 Ideal Coke Water Boilers No. c 1 Length with Smoke Hood, Inches 1 !i I" Founda- tion Inches Grate Inches Average Firepot I nches Outlets, In. Smoke Pipe Inches Rat- ings (See Note) Price Complete W-2-4 4 35 49 24 23x24 10x 16 15x16 2-3 7 375 $130 00 W-2-5 5 40 49 24 28x24 10x21 15x21 2-3 7 500 160 00 W-2-6 6 45 49 24 33x24 10x26 15x26 2-3 7 625 190 00 W-2-7 7 50 49 24 38x24 10x32 15x32 2-3 7 750 220 00 W-3-5 5 43 52 31 32x30 12x25 18x25 2-3 9 825 250 00 W-3-6 6 50 52 31 38x30 12x31 18x32 2-3 9 1000 285 00 W-3-7 7 56 52 31 45x30 12x38 18x38 2-3 9 1150 320 00 W-4-5 5 50 63 36 36 x 36 17x29 24x29 2-4 12 1325 365 00 W-4-6 6 57 63 36 44 x 36 17x36 24x36 2-4 12 1650 435 00 W-4-7 7 64 63 36 51 x36 17x44 24x44 2-4 12 2000 505 00 W-5-5 5 52 70 48 40x42 33x22 33x32 2-4 12 2325 590 00 W-5-6 6 60 70 48 48x42 41 x22 41x32 2-4 12 2800 675 00 W-5-7 7 69 70 48 57x42 49x22 49x32 3-4 12 3300 760 00 W-5-8 8 77 70 48 65x42 58x22 58x32 3-4 12 3800 845 00 W-5-9 9 85 70 48 73x42 '66x22 66x32 4-4 12 4300 930 00 Ideal Coke Steam Boilers ^<= ~ . 5 * e v </; '"o" h 5 ^ ~ J: Founda- Avrage > Rat- No. = 5~ ~* .= ^ , tion G-ate Firepot | ! ings Price 1 23 jjs rt_= fy i Inches Inches Inches % 0,2 < See Complete ,22 if. r-i ^ ^ O 1 Note) S-2-4 4 35 65 35 44 23x24 10x 16 15x 16 2-3 7 225 $140 00 S-2-5 C 40 65 35 44 28x24 10x21 15x21 2-3 7 300 170 00 S-2-6 6 45 65 35 44 33x24 10x26 15x26 2-3 7 375 200 00 S-2-7 7 50 65 35 44 38x24 10x32 15x32 2-3 7 450 230 00 S-3-5 5 43 67 42 46 32x30 12x25 18x25 2-3 9 500 260 00 S-3-6 6 50 67 42 46 38x30 12x31 18x31 2-3 9 600 295 00 S-3-7 7 56 67 42 46 45x30 12x38 18x38 2-3 9 700 330 00 S-4-5 5 50 76 47 56 36x36 17x29 24x29 2-4 12 800 375 00 S-4-6 6 57 76 47 56 44x36 17x36 24x36 2-4 12 1000J 445 00 S-4-7 7 64 76 47 56 51 x36 17x44 24x44 2-4 12 1200 515 00 S-5-5 c O 52 82 59 62 40x42 33x22 33x32 2-4 12 1400 600 00 S-5-6 6 60 82 59 62 48x42 41x22 41x32 2-4 12 1700 690 00 S-5-7 7 69 82 59 62 57x42 49x22 49x32 3-4 12 2000 780 00 S-5-8 8 77 82 59 62 65x42 58x22 58x32 3-4 12 2300 870 00 S-5-9 9 85 82 59 62 73x42 66x22 66x32 4-4 12 2600 960 00 For additional measurements, see pages 14 and 1 5. These Boilers also yield good results when used with hard coal, the magazine feature enabling the Boilers to run a long time with one firing. The construction of this Boiler makes it adaptable for burning gas as fuel. Do not bush flow-pipe outlets of the Steam Boilers connect all of them full size to the main (see page 224). See Note, page 33. 13 Sectional Coke Boiler Measurements Front View. Sectional View. For details of measurements see page opposite. 14 Sectional Coke Boiler Measurements Table of distances between points as noted upon the outline drawings of IDEAL Coke Boilers shown on opposite page. These measurements are given in inches. No . 2 No . 3 Water Steam Water Steam A 24 24 3oy 2 30^ B 49* 53f| Sl 3 ^ 56* C* 12* 1334^ D 45i 45* 48 r 5 g 48 T % E 40% 40% 42^ 42* F 10/4 10/^ 12/^ 12% G 15* 15* 18^ 18* H 21 21 25 25 I 14 ft 14ft 17M 17^ J 22 22 27^ 27 l /2 K 6%x 10 6/2 x 10 7#x 12 7* Xj 12 M 44 N io% 12* 12* P 7 7 9 9 S 20^ 2Q l / 2 21^ 21> T 7* 7* 8* B'/ t No . 4 No . 5 Water Steam Water Steam A 36 36 48 48 B 62^ 65 jt 693/8 72/ 8 C* 17/^ 17 ' l /z 17/^ 17* D 58H 58H 65H 6511 E 51 51, 57% 57% F 14/^ 14/^ 165^ 16* G 21* 21|^ 243^ 24* H 29 29 33 33 I 18* 18^ I9fi 19H J 33^ 33/8 393^ 3 39 ^i K 12X x 13 12^x13 Q^ x 15/^ M 56^ 4 62 N j25/ 12^ 12* 12* P 12' 12 12 12 S 26 26 24 24 T 9/8 9/8 10* 10* Do not bush flow-pipe outlets of Steam Boilers connect all .of them full size to the main (see page 224). *When Smoke-Pipe connection is taken from top of head the cover with check damper placed over "P" extends "C" measurement to the following figures: No. 2, 14%; No. 3, I9 l /e; Nos. 4 and 5, 20%. 15 Ideal Standard Water Boilers No. 25-3-W Boiler No. H eights to Top Out- Inches Diameter of Base Inches Diam- eter of Grate Inches Outlet and Inlet Inches Smoke Pipe Inches Ratings (See note) List Prices 15-1-W 44 27^ 15 3 7 400 $114.00 15-2-W 48 27^ 15 3 7 425 123.00 17-3-W 49X 28^ 17 3 7 500 14050 17-4-W 53X 28^ 17 3 7 550 15350 17-5-W 57X 28 % 17 3 7 600 16450 19-3-W 50 30^ 19 3 8 750 19700 19-4-W 54 30^ 19 3 8 825 21050 19-5-W 58 30^ 19 3 8 900 22400 22-3-W 53 35 22 4 9 875 21750 224-W 57 Yz 35 22 4 9 950 23000 22-5-W 62 35 22 4 9 1025 27000 25-3-W 54 38 25 4 10 1250 30700 25-4-W 58^ 38 25 4 10 1350 32500 25-5-W 63 38 25 4 10 1425 34000 28-3-W 57 41/8 28 5 11 1500 35050 28-4-W 62 41/8 28 5 11 1600 37250 28-5-W 67 41/8 28 5 11 1700 38950 31-3-W 58 44^ 31 5 12 1750 39800 31-4-W 63 44^ 31 5 12 1950 43100 31-5-W 68 44 % 31 5 12 2050 44800 34-3-W 59 48 ft 34 6 13 2350 50150 344-W 64 34 6 13 2500 53050 34-5-W 69 4Q*/s 34 6 13 2650 55500 For additional detailed measurements, see page opposite. For price list of boiler parts, see pages 1 92 to 2 1 inclusive. See Note, page 33. 16 Standard Water Boiler Measurements No. A B I K P R s 15-1-W 27^ 44 16 7^x10^ 7 46^ 19^ 15-2-W 27^ 48 16 7^x10^ 7 50^ 19K 17-3-W 28^ 49^ 15% 8^x11^ 7 51^ 18 T 7 6 17-4-W 28^ 53^ 15% S^xll^ 7 553^ 18 r 7 6 17-5-W 283^ 57^ 15% 8^x1134: 7 593^ 18 T 7 6 19-3-W 30^ 50 15% S^xll^ 8 52^ 18H 19-4-W 30^ 54 15% 8^x113^ 8 56^ 18H 19-5-W 30^ 58 15% S^xll^ 8 60^ 18H 22-3-W 35 53 17 9X x 13K 9 55^ 19^ 22-4-W 35 57^ 17 9^x 13^ 9 60 19% 22-5- W 35 62 17 9^xl3j< 9 64^ 19 J 25-3-W 38 54 17# 9Xxl3X 10 57 20% 25-4-W 38 58^ l7/ 2 9^x13^ 10 61^ 20^ 25-5-W 38 63 17K 9^x13^ 10 66 20% 28-3-W 413/g 57 18% 9 l /2 X 16 li 60 20^8 28-4-W 413/g 62 18# 9^x16 11 65 20^/8 28-5-W 413/8 67 18% 9^x16 11 70 20/8 31-3-W 44% 58 l83/ 8 9^x16 12 61 21^ 31-4-W 44% 63 183/8 9 l / 2 x 16 12 66 21/8 31-5-W 44% 68 l83/ 8 9^ x 16 12 71 21/8 34-3-W 48% 59 19X 9^ x 16 13 62 22X 34-4- W 48% 64 19^ 9>^x 16 13 67 22X 34-5-W 48^ 69 19^ 9^x16 13 72 22^ 17 Ideal Arco Round Boilers (Patented) No. 2-22-S Steam Boiler. Hard Coal. No. 2-22-W Water Boiler. Hard Coal When soft coal is used for fuel, size larger Boiler should be selected than would be required for hard coal. 18 Ideal Arco Round Boilers STEAM-HARD COAL No. Height (to top outlet) Inches Diam. at Base Inches Diam. Pot Inches Height Water Line Inches 1 Outlet 2 Inlets Inches Smoke Pipe Inches Rat- ings (Ste note) Price Complete 2-19-S 57 305* 19 50 2 1 4 8 350 $167 00 3-19-S 61* 30 1 A 19 50^ 2 1 A 8 400 193 00 2-22-S 58% 35 22 53K 3 9 525 226 00 3-22-S 63% 35 22 56% 3 9 575 240 00 2-25-S 61% 38 25 54^ 3 9 625 277 50 3-25-S 66% 38 25 59X 3 1 A 9 700 300 00 2-28-S 62 1 A 41% 28 56 4 10 900 360 50 3-28-S 67^ 41% 28 61% 4 10 1000 389 50 2-31-S 66 44/8 31 57K 4 10 1275 470 00 3-31-S 7\ 7 /s 44H 31 63^ 4 10 1400 500 00 2-34-S 69 48% 34 59% 5 11 1500 530 00 3-34-S 75 48% 34 65^ 5 11 1650 575 00 STEAM SOFT COAL -19-S 52^ 30% 19 45% 2% 8 275 $140 50 -22-S 54% 35 22 49 3 9 400 193 00 -25-S 56% 38 25 49^ 3% 9 500 219 50 -28-S 57% 41% 28 50 4 10 800 331 00 -31-S 60% 44/8 31 52% 4 10 1000 389 50 1-34-S 64 48% 34 54% 5 11 1250 462 50 WATER HARD COAL No. Height (to top outlet) Inches Diam. at Base Inches Diam. Pot Inches Outlets No. and Size Inlets No. and Size Smoke Pipe Inches Rat- ings (See note) Price Complete 2-19-W 50% 30% 19 2-2% 2-2 % 8 575 $158 00 3-19-W 54% 30% 19 2-2% 2-2% 8 650 184 50 2-22-W 52% 35 22 2-3 2-3 9 875 217 50 3-22-W 57J4 35 22 2-3 2-3 9 950 230 00 2-25-W 55 38 25 2-35* 2-3% 9 1025 270 00 3-25-W 60 38 25 2-3% 2-3% 9 1150 290 00 2-2 8-W 55% 41% 28 2-4 2-4 10 1500 350 50 3-28-W 60% 41% 28 2-4 2-4 10 1650 380 00 2-3 1-W 59 44H 31 2-4 2-4 10 2100 457 50 3-3 1-W 64% 44/8 31 2-4 2-4 10 2325 495 00 2-34-W 615^ 48% 34 2-5 2 5 11 2475 525 00 3-34-W 66^ 48% 34 2-5 2-5 11 2725 565 00 WATER SOFT COAL -19-W 45% 30% 19 2-2% 2 2^ 8 450 $131 50 -22-W 48K 35 22 23 23-. 9 650 184 00 -25-W 50 38 25 2-3% 2-3^ 9 825 210 50 -2 8-W 50% 41% 28 -24 2-4 10 1325 321 00 -3 1-W 54K 44H 31 2-4 2-4 10 1650 380 00 -34-W 56 K 48% 34 2-5 2-5 11 2075 450 00 For price list of boiler parts, see pages 1 92 to 2 1 0, inclusive. For additional detailed measurements, see pages 20 and 2 1 . See Note, page 33. 19 Ideal Arco Measurements VWItRUME For Hard Coal. For Soft Coal. (Above outlines do not represent the Water Boiler-the outlines are of Steam Boilers used to show measurements of both types.) For details of measurements see page opposite. 20 Ideal Arco Measurements Continued Table of distances between points as outlined on skeleton sketch of Boilers shown on opposite page. These measurements are given in inches. STEAM 30^ 30^ 30^ 35 35 35 38 38 38 413/s 44% 44% 44% 48% 4Q7/8 52% 57 61/2 54% 58% 56% 66% 57% 62/2 66 143^ 14% 16% 16% 16% 17/2 17/2 17/2 17% 17% 17% 18 18 18 19 19 19 9% 9% 9% 9% x\3% x 13 xlS x!8 x!8 x!8 x!8 x!8 x!8 x!8 x!8 M 50 54^ 49 53/2 49% 54% 59% 50 56 61% 52/2 57% 63% 54% 65^ 64% 62% 67 71% 65% 70% 75% 66 75% 69/ 2 76 77* WATER 30/2 30/2 45% 54% 35 35 35 38 38 38 413/8 413/8 413% 44% 44% 44% 52% 57% 50 55 60 50^ 55/2 60/2 54% 59 1734: 56% 487^ 66^ 9 x!3 9 x!3 9 x!3 9 x!3 9 x!3 9 x!3, 9%xl8 9%xl8 9%xl8 9%xl8 9%xl8 9%xl8 9^1x18 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 53% 57% 62^ 56% 60/2 64% 58/ 2 63/2 68 l /2 59 63% 74/8 64% 70% 75^ See page 24 for distances between centers of outlets and inlets. 21 Ideal Premier Round Boilers No. 2024 Steam Boiler Open View No. 2124 Water Boiler When soft coal is used for fuel a size larger Boiler should be selected than would be required for hard coal. 22 Ideal Premier Round Boilers STEAM BOILERS H'g't O'tl'ts No. to Top OutPt Diam- eter Diam- eter Pot H'g't Water Line and Inlets Size Sm'ke Pipe Ratings (See Note) Price Complete Inch's Inch's Inch's Inch's Inch's Inch's 1015 45 24 15 40^ 2 7 175 $105-50 2015 49 24 15 44^ 2 7 200 114.00 3015 53 24 15 48^ 2 7 225 123.00 1018 47^ 27 18 43 K 2 7 275 140.50 2018 52 27 18 47^ 2% 7 300 149.50 3018 56# 27 18 51% 2 l / 2 7 325 158 00 1021 50 30 21 44^ 3 9 400 193.00 2021 54 30 21 49 3 9 425 199.50 3021 58 30 21 53^ 3 9 450 206.50 4021 62j 9 s 30 21 58/8 3 9 475 213.00 1024 51 33 24 45^ 3 1 A 9 525 226.00 2024 55^ 33 24 50^ 3 1 A 9 575 240.00 3024 60 33 24 55 3*A 9 625 277-50 4024 64}g 33 24 59, 9 6 3 l /2 9 650 287.50 1027 51*2 36/8 27 46% 3 1 A 10 750 317.00 2027 56i 7 e 3 6/8 27 5 1 A 3 I/ /2 10 SCO 331.00 3027 61% 36H 27 56K 3K 10 850 346.00 4027 66! B S 36/8 27 61i 3 s 3 1 A 10 900 360 50 WATER BOILERS Height Diam- Outlets to Diam- eter and Smoke- Ratings No. Top Outlet eter Pot Inlets Size Pipe (See Note) Price Complete Inches Inch's Inch's Inches Inches 1115 40 24 15 2 7 300 $ 88.00 2115 44 24 15 2 7 325 96.50 3115 48 24 15 2 7 350 101.00 1118 42^ 27 18 25* 7 450 131.50 2118 47 27 18 2 1 A 7 500 140.50 3118 5154 27 18 2% 7 550 153.50 1121 44 30 21 3 9 600 164 50 2121 48^ 30 21 3 9 650 184.00 3121 53 30 21 3 9 700 191 00 4121 S7A 30 21 3 9 750 197.00 1124 45 33 24 3*A 9 875 217.50 2124 50 33 24 3% 9 950 230 00 3124 55 33 24 3 1 A 9 1025 270-00 4124 5 9 A 33 24 3U 9 1075 277.50 1127 46 36/8 27 3 l / 2 10 1250 307.00 2127 50}g 36/8 27 3Y Z 10 1325 321.00 3127 55% 36/8 27 3 l /2 10 1400 336.00 4127 60H 36/8 27 3 1 A 10 1475 350.50 For price list of boiler parts see pages 1 92 to 2 1 inclusive. See note, page 33. 23 Premier Boiler Measurements u-P . (Above outline represents Steam Boilers outlines of which are used to show measurements of both types.) For details of measurements, see page 25. Tapping Data on Ideal Water Boilers To enable fitters to cut their piping at their shops we herewith publish a table giving the distances between the centers of outlets on top of the Boiler, and between the faces of the bosses in which the inlets are tapped on each side of the boiler. Arco Boilers Premier Boilers Grate, Inches Between Centers of Outlets, Inches Between Re- turn Inlets, Inches * Grate, Inches Between Centers of Outlets, Inches Between Re- turn Inlets. Inches* 19 22 25 28 31 34 19K 23 25^ 28% 32H 36ft 24H 27^1 30/8 34 A 36% 39I 15 18 21 24 27 13H 16/8 17% 20A 22ft 1911 221 1 ! 25}g 28% 32% Junior Boilers NOTE * This distance between return tap- pings applies also on Steam Boilers. 15 18 17K 17H 20, 9 B 23% The distance between return inlets of both Steam and Water Sectional Boilers is: 15-inch grate, 25^i inches; 22-inch grate, 33? B inches: 28-inch grate, 41}| inches; 36-inch grate, 52^ inches; 48-inch grate, 64J inches. 24 Premier Boiler Measurements continued Table of distances between points outlined on skeleton sketch of Boilers shown on opposite page. These measurements are given in inches. STEAM No. A B I K M p *R s 1015 24 45* 15/8 8 xlO^ 39 * 7 52 1524: 2015 24 49 X 15# 8 xlO^ 43^ 7 56 15* 3015 24 53X 15J* 8 xlOM 4734: 7 60 15* 1018 27 47* 15?4 9 xll& 41* 7 54^ 17* 2018 27 52 15/8 9 xll# 46 7 58 % 17* 3018 27 56* 15/8 9 xll# 50^ 7 63 17* 1021 30^ 49* 15# 10^x13^ 43 9 57^ ISA 2021 30>i 53* 15/8 10%xl3X 47^ 9 61# 18iV 3021 30^ 58 K 15/8 10^x13^ 52 9 66X 18.V 4021 30>i 62ft 15/8 10>^xl3M 58^ 9 71A 18^ 1024 33^ 50* 16^ 10/ 8 xl3X 44 9 5834: 18H 2024 33^ 55^ 16/8 10^x13^ 48^ 9 63^ 18i| 3024 33^ 60* 16# 10^x13^ 53^ 9 68^ 18H 4024 33/s 65 16# 10^x13^ 58^ 9 73S 18}| 1027 34 51# 16/ 8 9 x!5 46/ 8 10 62^ 18^ 2027 34 56 T 7 e 16/8 9 xl5 51A 10 67 T V 18^ 3027 34 61/g 16/8 9 x!5 56X 10 723/s 18^ 4027 34 66 T 5 e 163/8 9 x!5 61i\ 10 77,S 18^ WATER No. A B I K p *R s 1115 24 40^ 15H 8 xlO}^ 7 47* 15* 2115 24 44^ 15^ 8 xlO>^ 7 six 15* 3115 24 48^ 15>^ 8 xlO/ 7 55X 15* 1118 27 42* 15/8 9 xll/g 7 49# 17* 2118 27 47 15/8 9 xllfjj 7 53* 17* 3118 27 51* 15/8 9 Xll/g 7 58 17* 1121 30^ 44 15% 10^x13^ 9 52 18 T V 2121 30>^ 48^ 157^ 10>ixl3* 9 56^ !8 3121 30^ 53 15/8 10^x13^ 9 61 18iV 4121 30^ 57, 5 f 15/8 10^x13* 9 65}f 18tV 1124 33^ 45* 16# 10^x13* 9 53* i.M 2124 33>^ 50 16/8 10^x13* 9 58 I8jt 3124 33^ 54* 16^ 10^x13* 9 62* 18H 4124 33^ 59 T 5 6 16^ 10^x13* 9 67f| 1811 1127 32^ 46 16^ 9 x!5 10 57 183/ 8 2127 32^ 50{-| 16/ 8 9 x!5 10 61H 18^ 3127 32^ 55/s 16/8 9 x!5 10 66% 183/g 4127 32^ 60if 16/ 8 9 x!5 10 7HI 1834 * NOTE When smoke-pipe is reversed add 1 ^ inches to the 1 5-inch and 18-inch and 1 H inches to the 2 1 -inch and 24-inch measurements. See page 24 for distances between centers of outlets and inlets. 25 Ideal Junior Boilers STEAM No. Height (to Top Outlet) Inches Diam. Inches Diam. Grate Inches Height Water Line Inches Outlets No. and Si/e Inlets No. and Size Rat- ings (See Note) Price Com- plete 1500 53^ 25 3/ 15 48* 1-2 2-2 300 $149.50 1600 57^ 25|4' 15 52* 1-2 2-2 340 163.00 1800 54^ 27 18 483/R 1-2 fc 2-2 525 226.00 1900 58^ 27 18 523/6 l-2# 2-2 575 240.00 WATER 1501 48 ^i 25 3/ 15 2-2 2-2 500 $14050 1601 1801 52^ 49 25^ 27 15 18 2-2 2-2 2-2 2-2 600 875 164.50 217.50 1901 53 27 18 2-2 2-2 900 224.00 See note, page 33. 26 Junior Boiler Measurements * STEAM No. A B I K M P R S 1500 25% 53K 15* 6# x 10/g- 48X 6 58^ 20 1600 25|< 57^ 15X 6#xlOA 52X 6 62^ 20 1800 27 54^ 15* 6J< x 10/6 48^ 7 59^ 19# 1900 27 58^ 15X 6^xlO T 9 e 52^ 7 63^ 19^ WATER No. A B I K p R s 1501 25^ 48^ 15X 6% x 10 T \ 6 53^ 20 1601 25^ 52^ 15X 6tf xlOft 6 57^ 20 1801 27 49 15X 6% x 10/6 7 54X 19^ 1901 27 53 15^ 6^r x 10^ 7 58X 19% 27 Ideal Water Heaters No. 152 Ideal Premier No. 10 Ideal Junior No. 10 Ideal Arco No. I-C Ideal Laundry See pages 230 to 238 for special temperature ratings. 28 Ideal Water Heaters Data and List Prices Style . No. Diam- eter Grate Inches Outlets Inches *Capac- Gallons Price Complete t IDEAL Premier 101 iox Mtf 140 $ 37.00 44 44 121 12 3-1 M 210 65.00 <l 122 12 3-1^ 230 77.00 4< 4 151 15 3-2' 335 89.00 4< 152 15 3-2 375 106.00 44 4 181 18 3-2 600 118.00 44 4 182 18 3-2 660 138.00 IflDEAL Junor 10 1-1 8 90 34.00 41 14 10 12 3-1 # 190 57.00 44 44 12 12 3- IK 210 73.00 44 44 20 15 3 380 83.00 44 4< 22 15 3-2 425 102.00 44 44 30 18 3-2 600 114.00 44 44 32 18 3-2 660 142.00 IDEAL Arco 10" 10 1-1 V 2 80 33.00 14 44 12" 12 l-l# 145 37.00 44 44 15" 15 \-\% 240 50.00 IDEAL Laundry 1-C 10 1-1 100 31.00 * Actual practice has demonstrated that a heater which will raise the water from 25 to 30 degrees per hour in the storage tank is sufficiently large for the ordinary residence. The above ratings are based on raising the quantity of water stated in gallons 25 degrees Fahrenheit per hour for eight consecutive hours on one full charge of hard coal as fuel. In apart- ment buildings, barber shops, etc., where the demand is proportionately heavier, larger heater capacity must be provided. See pages 230 to 238 for special temperature ratings. f Nos. and 101 are not provided with butterfly doors. No. 101 can be so equipped if so ordered. None of these Heaters have an inter- mediate section. ft Nos. to 12 have slide center grates; Nos. 20 to 32 have rocking grates. No fire tools are supplied with IDEAL Water Heaters. For price list of boiler parts see pages 1 92 to 2 1 inclusive. 29 Ideal Water-Heater Dimensions ;<- A >; Ideal Premier Junior i Ideal Arco Ideal Laundry See page 230 to 238 for special temperature ratings. 30 Ideal Water-Heater Dimensions Continued Ideal Junior Water Heaters No. R A P B s I E o 34 i/ 18 5 31 14^ 10 12 20 22 30 32 39 43^ 477/ s 51# 47j/ 8 51# 20>( 20X 22% 22^ 26^ 26X 5 5 6 6 7 7 35 39^ 42% 46^ 42|< 4534: 18^ 18% 2034: 203/ 243^ 2434 13X 13^ 14^ 14K 15K 15X 12 12 14# 14^ 18X 18 Ideal Premier Junior Water Heaters No. A B E I P R S 101 18 2954 9^ 5 33% 121 122 151 152 181 182 24 24 25^ 253^ 27 27 37X 42^ 42# 47% 443^ 50X 12 14% 143^ 17X 18X VJU 13% 13% 15% 15>^ 15^ 15^ 6 6 6 7 7 7 41^ 46^ 47% 53% 50 56% 18X 18* 20% 20% 24X 24 K Ideal Arco Water Heaters No. A C D E F G 10 16 9% 2\# 26^ 27% 5 12 19^ 9^ 223/g 27^ 28X 5 15 21 10^ 24^ 30X 31 6 Ideal Laundry Water Heater No. 1-C No. A B I F D E 1-C 27 1234 27^ 6 14^ 7rV See pages 230 to 238 for special temperature ratings. 31 Heaters and Storage Tanks This view shows a No. IDEAL Water Heater con- nected to a kitchen range Boiler. IDEAL Water Heaters are also used very economically to warm small cottages or parts of homes, offices, livery stables, barns, small stores, railroad switch towers, and small sta- tions, commission storage rooms, etc. For prices, see page 29. IDEAL Premier Junior Water Heater connected to Vertical Tank and a Sylphon Damper Regu- lator for controlling the temperature of the water (see pages 161 and 162). Dotted lines show other methods of con- nection top piping out- lines show a method of getting extra-quick hot faucet supply. See pages 29 and 136 to 139. Tank Legs per set of three, List Price $3.00. 7 3 A inches floor to Tank; Q% inches overall. 32 Note on Ratings, Etc. Ratings. The ratings for IDEAL Boilers provide that all piping (mains and risers, flow and return), in addition to the direct radiation to be used, shall be figured as radiating sur- face in estimating the size of the Boiler required. When a pipe-coil or cast-iron section is introduced into the firepot for the purpose of heating water for domestic use, additional capacity should be figured in determining size of Boiler, viz., in the case of Steam Boilers, 1 ^ square feet of direct radiation for each gallon of water to be thus heated, and in the case of Water Boilers, 2 square feet of direct radiation for each gallon of water to be thus heated, according to the capacity of the tank to which coil or section is connected. These ratings are for direct radiation. When any other heating surface than direct radiation is to be supplied, in- creased Boiler capacity must be figured according to the demand in each case. Ratings are based on hard coal. For soft coal the size of Boiler must depend on the quality of the fuel, with reference to heat-making value. Caking coals have a higher calorific power than the non-caking. In rating Steam Boilers as above, it is understood that an average pressure of 2 Ibs. will be maintained at the Boiler. In rating Water Boilers as above, it is understood that the mean temperature of the water at the Boiler will be 180 degrees Fahrenheit. Guarantee. These Boilers are guaranteed only to the extent of furnishing new castings for any found defective in manufacture. They are conservatively rated according to our own scientific standards, but on account of the varying conditions surrounding their installation, we do not guarantee our Boilers except as above. Recommendations. Both on account of increased efficiency and in the interest of greater economy, we strongly recom- mend that all Boilers be thoroughly protected by a substan- tial covering of asbestos. On page 135 tables will be found giving the amount of Plastic Asbestos required to cover each size of the various styles of IDEAL Boilers. A price list of Molded Asbestos and Wool Felt Coverings for mains and risers will be found on pages 133 and 134. S3 I I a 34 S 2 S 2 E 3 S 29 II IT 2 3 S ~8~~S~ 9 S 2 S CO 00 Q 8 I i o 8 *"- o rS 8 9 8 3 S 8 8 S 2 S ? * * ^ s 888 8 8 8 8 8 8 : 8 8 8 - 8 8 8 a Qi 2 ? -o S 8 8 a S * M ^ CO -0 T U> 8 8 53 R 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 S 8 8 2 S * - I 1 8 8 8 2 ': 8-88 a Eg : : | sr ? 8 i : e $. M.4H9 1 lll-r-j, rail Fii^m Steam Water 5 S] !ll 35 I 36 37 Ideal Cylindrical Steel Boilers "With part of jacket and fire bricking removed to show fire-box construction , tubes, etc. For Low-Pressure heating only. Constructed of best materials obtainable; strength, thickness, and form of plates carefully determined; all plates sheared, punched, and flanged to standard forms and templets. Flanges are turned to a radius of not less than 2 inches free from cracks, checks, or flaws. All machine-riveted, and plates are beveled before joining. Tubes of best lap-welded American manufacture ; tube holes slightly counterbored, expanded, and beaded in neat and workmanlike manner. All flat surfaces of heads well sup- ported by stay rods and braces. Castings best quality; grates of improved pattern, rocking action. Each Boiler thoroughly steam- and water-tested before shipment. The trimmings furnished are : One Automatic Regulator with lever, two weights, two pulleys and jack chain ; one Pop Safety Valve; one Steam Gauge ; one Drain Cock (but without piping bet%veen gauge and trap); one Water Column, tapped top and bottom for one-inch water connections and equipped with water gauge, glass and rods, and three %-inch compression gauge cocks. The Ash-pit is provided on one side with a special Lift Door for attach- ing by chain to Automatic Regulator. When boilers are ordered for water, additional return tubes are placed in the shell, but no water-boiler trimmings are furnished. Sketch of water tappings desired should accompany order. List price of water boilers same as steam. 38 8 8 s O T3 E.S ill o^ S aj 4S_I fc?" 15 "22 l^ i ., 2 a 5 c 1! J> o 'F ill S5'g <u -w a Order rnme ompany We do asionall 39 CO $ 2 X <o in y cs o ! : :- M vO 1 : : : ' 00 in : : : : : ^j coco o cs ^^ cscscscscscs : : : cs cs in : : :::::: coco ** CO CN in TH Jcscscscs | ' vO cs in ^^ cscscscscscs coco mm 00 cs 3 cs co 1 cscs cocococococo ** vb>o CO co S :::':: : : : : oo COCO Tj-TJ-^r (-t^t min oooo 5 i \\l\\\ in ~ i inmm. : : 22 1 Price per square foot u : : : : : : :g : : : Si ^ : Single-Column : National and Peerless, Single-Column, steam and wa Rococo, Single-Column, Ornamental, steam and watei Two-Column : Astro, water or steam National , Two-Column, steam and water Peerless, Two-Column, steam and water .Perfection, (Jrnamentai ana riam, steam Rococo, Two-Column, Ornamental, steam and water. Verona, steam and water Three-Column : Peerless, Three-Column, steam or water Rococo, Three-Column, Ornamental and Plain, stean Four-Column : Peerless, Four-Column, steam or water Rococo, Four-Column, Ornamental, steam or water . CO 1 co '. '. CO 2 u * : \+ \ in u CN ' '. '. vO u o vO <?: :* : 00 u 1 X* 1 H ; jlo ; o CN u in ; N; : vein CN CN CO m i i co CN u CO in CN in :$: 00 CN u oo i ; w i CN CO o S i I CO CO u vO : : : 00 CO CN jttlN 5 U in 5 Height, inches Price per square foot 1 .. 6 II C ' ^ c t* ; s 5 ^ : Areal Sanitary Box Base (Prices made on special quotation) . Italian Flue, Ornamental, steam and water Zpnith Fliip <stpam and w.itpr ! 1 c I .1 . 'S | I I -3 c mmoo . 8 SB O fc S 2t) w 1 1 i ,5 CU 41 Radiator Variety and Groups Rococo One, Two, Three and Four-Column Rococo Window Peerless One, Two, Three and Four-Column 42 Radiator Variety and Groups The leading general feature of AMERICAN Radiators is the unequaled variety of different shapes, sizes, and styles oi ornamentation, in which they are made. They are produced in nearly 300 different regular forms and about 900 different special forms, making a total of about 1,200 groups of radiat- ing surfaces. Averaging the possible formation of each typical radiator into stacks of from 2 to 32 sections each, we manufacture about 37,000 different radiators. Our lines are also notable for a wide variety of artistic styles of ornamentation which permit selections that harmojiize with any of the modern popular styles of architectural finish or decoration. For instance, either the Renaissance, Byzan- tine, Rococo, Mission, Colonial or Empire styles of structure or wall ornamentation may be employed throughout a home, or several of these styles may be utilized in different rooms, and selections can be made from AMERICAN Radiators to harmonize with these decorations, varied or otherwise. There are occasional instances where radiation is wanted in one style and in various widths for different parts of a building. Therefore, for the assistance of Architects, Engi- neers, Heating Contractors and Fitters, we herewith set forth the various typical groups of our Radiator products having more than one sectional construction, so that they may be more readily specified or selected for work requiring one pattern of uniform outlines or ornamentation, in different widths. Groups and Data Name Construction Width inches Width of Legs inches Pages Rococo . . . 1-Column 4 1 / 5i4 86 87 Peerless . 2-Column 3 Column 4-Column Window Wall 1-Column 7# 9X 10^ \2V 2 13# 4 1 A 8K 10 UK l.2# 2% Ihick 5 T /< 96, 97 110- 115 118, 119 130 173-184 91 - 93 2-Column 3 Column 4-Column 73/8 9 10^ Q/ 2 10 LiM 106, 107 116, 117 122, 123 A reference to the pages noted above will indicate to what extent these groups are made up into odd shapes for special and irregular locations. 43 Rococo Single-Column Orna. Radiators For Steam and Water Each section is 4^ inches wide. Width of legs 5^ inches. Single-Column Radiators for Steam are connected with right-hand threaded, extra heavy nipples ; for Water, extra heavy slip nipples, at top and bottom. For two-pipe steam work the supply-leg section is constructed with low-drip hub. This pattern of Single-Column Radiators is made in special shapes as follows : Concealed Brackets, for Steam or Water see page 48 Legs, Extra High Solid, for Steam see page 1 08 Marble-Top, with Saddles, for Steam and Water see page 1 08 44 Rococo Single-Column Orna. Radiators For Steam and Water "S 8 *l "Length 2H inches S^ HEATING SURFACE SQUARB FEET. 38-in. Height. 3 sq. ft. per Sec. 32-in. Height. 2H sq. ft per Sec. 26-in. Height. 2 sq.ft. per Sec. 23-in. Height. l%sq. ft. per Sec. 20-in. Height. 1^ sq.ft. per Sec. 2 5 6 5 4 3K 3 3 7K 9 7^ 6 5 4^ 4 10 12 10 8 6% 6 5 I2# 15 12# 10 8M 7^ 6 15 18 15 12 10 9 7 I7tf 21 17# 14 11% 10^ 8 20 . 24 20 16 13^ 12 9 22JS 27 22^ 18 15 13^ 10 25 30 25 20 16% 15 11 27^ 33 27% 22 18M 16^ 12 30 36 30 24 20 18 13 32% 39 32% 25 21% 19J^ 14 35 42 35 28 23% 21 15 37^ 45 37% 30 25 22^ 16 40 48 40 32 26% 24 17 42% 51 42% 34 28% 25^ 18 45 54 45 36 30 27 19 47^ 57 47% 38 31% 28^ 20 50 60 50 40 33% 30 21 52^ 63 52% 42 35 31^ 22 55 66 55 44 36% 33 23 57^ 69 57^ 46 38% 34^ 24 60 72 60 48 40 36 25 62% 75 62% 50 41% 37^ 26 65 78 65 52 43% 39 27 67^ 81 67K 54 45 40% 28 70 84 70 56 46% 42 29 72^ 87 72^ 58 48% 43^ 30 75 90 75 60 50 45 31 77K 93 77% 62 51% 46^ 32 80 96 80 64 53% 48 These Radiators for Steam and for Water are tapped 2 inches and bushed as per list on page 112. Distance from floor to center of either supply or return tapping is 4-^4 inches for Water, 4 inches for Steam, 4^ inches for supply, and 4 inches for return, for two-pipe steam. * In estimating length of this Radiator allow ^ inch for each bushing. Special Tappings In this pattern of Water Radiators (when so specially ordered), the distance between centers of upper and lower tappings is in the 38-inch Height, 31^8 inches; 32-inch Height, 25 3 " 2 inches; 26-inch Height, 19^ inches; 23-inch Height, 16& inches; 20-inch Height, 13^ inches. (See page 111.) 45 National Single-Column Radiators For Steam and Water Each section is 4J^ inches wide. Width of legs 5/^ inches. Single-Column Radiators for Steam are connected with right-hand threaded, extra-heavy nipples; for Water, extra-heavy slip-nipples, at top and bottom. For two-pipe steam work the supply leg section is constructed with low- drip hub. This pattern of Single-Column Radiators is made in special shapes as follows : Cir :i lar for Steam only see pages 98 and 1 1 Curved for Steam only see page 1 05 Legs, Extra High Solid, for Steam see page 1 08 Marble-Top, with Saddles, for Steam and Water see page 1 08 National Single-Column Radiators For Steam and Water ! *l *Length 2K inches per Sec. HEATING SURFACE SQUARE FEET. 30-in. Height. 3 sq. ft. per Sec. 32-in. Height. 2^ sq. ft per Sec. 26-in. Height. 2 sq. ft. per Sec. 23-in. Height. l%sq. ft. per Sec. 20-in. Height. 1 >/ 2 sq. ft. per Sec. 2 5 6 5 4 3K 3 3 7% 9 7% 6 5 4% 4 10 12 10 8 6& 6 5 I2# 15 12% 10 8K iy* 6 15 18 15 12 10 9 7 17# 21 17^ 14 I.l# lOtf 8 20 24 20 16 I3J| 12 9 22% 27 22% 18 15 13% 10 25 30 25 20 16% 15 11 27% 33 2iy 2 22 18H 16% 12 30 36 30 24 20 ' 18 13 32% 39 32% 26 21% 19% 14 35 42 35 28 23% 21 15 37% 45 37% 30 25 22% 16 40 48 40 32 26% 24 17 42% 51 42% 34 28% 25% 18 45 54 45 36 30 27 19 47% 57 47% 38 31% 28% 20 50 60 50 40 33% 30 21 52% 63 52% 42 35 31% 22 55 66 55 44 36% 33 23 57% 69 57^ 46 38% 34J 24 60 72 60 48 40 36 25 62% 75 62% 50 41% 37% 26 65 78 65 52 43% 39 27 67X 2 81 67% 54 45 40% 28 70 84 70 56 46% 42 29 72% 87 72% 58 48% 43M 30 75 90 75 60 50 45 31 77K 93 77% 62 51% 46^ 32 80 96 80 64 j 53% 48 These Radiators are tapped solid as per fist on page 1 1 2 (except with High Legs, which are tapped 2 inches and bushed). Distance from floor to center of either supply or return tapping is 4% inches for Water; 4 inches for Steam; 4% inches for supply, and 4 inches for return, for two-pipe Steam. *In estimating length of this Radiator allow Yz inch for each bushing. Special Tappings In this pattern of Water Radiators (when so specially ordered), the distance between centers of upper and lower tappings is in the 38-inch Height, 3 1J4 inches; 32-inch Height, 263% inches; 26-inch Height, 19% inches; 23-inch Height, 1 6i 9 s inches; 20-inch Height, I Scinches. (See page 111.) 47 Direct Radiators on Brackets For Steam and Water Peerless Single Column Illustration above is to show how Radiator may be sup- ported by Concealed Brackets. For description of Brackets and their special uses, see page 1 10. Rococo one-, two-, and three-column and Peerless single- column radiators can be fitted with these brackets on special orders. NOTE. Orders which call for "Radiators without legs, to be used in connection with Brackets," will be understood by plant to mean Radiators with the regular end leg, but with the feet cut off, and will have the regular outside tapping into which a bashing can be screwed and will have the regular air-vent. 48 Direct Radiators on Brackets For Steam and Water Rococo Two-Column This type of Radiator is very desirable for use in narrow corridors, or in rooms where floor space is limited ; specially advantageous for side walls, or in basements above the water line of Steam Boilers. Can be used for heating aspirating shafts in ventilating work, etc. The same data as regards heating surface, threading, nip- ple connection, and tapping applies to these patterns as to Radiators having feet. 49 Peerless Single-Column Radiators For Steam and Water Each section is 4^ inches wide. Width of legs 5% inches. Single-Column Radiators for Steam are connected with right-hand threaded extra-heavy nipples; for Water, extra-heavy slip-nipples, l^"at top and 2" bottom. For two-pipe Steam work the supply-leg section is constructed with low- drip hub. This pattern of Single-Column Radiators is made in special shapes as follows : Circular, for Steam only see pages 98 and 101 Concealed Brackets, for Steam or Water see page 48 Corner, for Steam only see pages 1 02 to 1 04 Curved, for Steam only see page 1 05 Legs, extra High Solid, for Steam see page 1 08 Marble-Top, with Saddles, for Steam and Water see page 1 08 50 Peerless Single-Column Radiators For Steam and Water ss * a * *Length 2 1 A inches 5*2 HEATING SURFACE SQUARE FEET. 38-in. Height. 3 sq. ft. per Sec. 32-in. Height. 2^ sq. ft. per Sec. 26-in. Height. 2 sq. ft. per Sec. 23-in. Height, l^sq. ft. per Sec. 20-in. Height. 1 % sq. ft per Sec. 2 5 6 5 4 3% 3 3 7K 9 7^ 6 5 4^ 4 10 12 10 8 6% 6 5 12% 15 i2# 10 8% 7^ 6 15 18 15 12 10 9 7 17# 21 17% 14 IIH I0tf 8 20 24 20 16 13^ 12 9 22^ 27 22^ 18 15 13^ 10 25 30 25 zO 16^ 15 11 27)4 33 27# 22 18^ 16^ 12 30 36 30 24 20 18 13 32^ 39 32^ 26 21% 19% 14 35 42 35 28 23M 21 15 37% 45 37K 30 25 22^ 16 40 48 40 32 26% 24 I" 7 42^ 51 42^ 34 '28^ 25^ 18 45 54 45 36 30 27 19 47^ 57 47% 38 31% 28^ 20 50 60 50 40 33% 30 21 52% 63 52% 42 35 31# 22 55 66 55 44 36% 33 23 57% 69 57^ 46 38^ 34K 24 60 72 60 48 40 36 25 62% 75 62^ 50 41% 37^ 26 65 78 65 52 43% 39 27 67^ 81 67^ 54 45 40% 28 70 84 70 56 46% 42 29 72% 87 72% 58 48% 43^ 30 75 90 75 60 50 45 31 77% 93 77% 62 51% 46^ 32 80 96 80 64 S3 X 48 These Radiators tapped 2 inches and bushed as per list on page 1 1 2. Distance from floor to center of either supply or return tapping is 4/^ inches for Water, 4 inches for Steam, 4^ inches for supply and 4 inches for return for two-pipe Steam. *In estimating length of this Radiator allow y> inch for each bushing. Special Tappings In this pattern of Water Radiators Cwhen so specially ordered), the distance between centers of upper and lower tappings is in the 38-inch Height, 3 1H inches; 32-inch Height, 25ij 9 2 inches; 26-inch Height, \9 1 A inches; 23-inch Height, 16i 9 6 inches; ?0-inch Height, 13^j inches. (See. page 111.) 51 Verona Steam and Water Radiators Patented Nov. 3, 1896 Each section is 8 inches wide. Width of legs, 8^ inches. Connected with extra-heavy right- and left-hand threaded nipples. For two-pipe steam work the supply leg section is constructed with low-drip hub. Verona Radiators are made in special shapes as follows: Curved for Steam and Water see page 105 Corner for Steam and Water see pages 1 02 to 104 Legs, Detachable High, for Steam and Water see page 107 Marble-Top, with Lugs, for Steam and Water see page 1 08 52 Verona Steam and Water Radiators Number Sections. "Length, 2Hin. per Section. HEATING SURFACE SQUARE FEET. 38-m. Height. 4 sq. ft. per Section. 32 in. Height. 3% sq. ft. per Section. 26 in. Height. 2% sq. ft. per Section. 20-in. Height. 2 Fq. ft. per Section. 2 5 8 6% 5% 4 3 7M 12 10 8 6 4 10 16 13% 10% 8 5 12* 20 16% 13% 10 6 15 24 20 16 12 7 17K 28 23% 18% 14 8 20 32 26% 21% 16 9 22^4 36 30 24 18 10 25 40 33% 26% 20 11 2754 44 36% 29% 22 12 30 48 40 32 24 13 32^ 52 43% 34% 26 14 35 56 46% 37% 28 15 37% 60 50 40 30 16 40 64 53% 42% 32 17 42} 68 56% 45% 34 18 45 72 60 48 36 19 47% 76 63% 50% 38 20 50 80 66% 53% 40 21 52M 84 70 56 42 22 55 88 73% 58% 44 23 57^ 92 76% 61% 46 24 60 96 80 64 48 25 62H 100 83% 66% 50 26 65 104 86% 69% 52 27 67^ 108 90 72 54 28 70 112 93% 74% 56 29 72J4 116 96% 77% 58 30 75 120 100 80 60 31 77}* 124 103% 82% 62 32 80 128 106% 85% 64 The Verona Radiator is tapped two inches, and bushed as per regular list on page 1 12. Distance from floor to center of tapping: single-pipe Steam, 4 inches; double-pipe Steam, 4^ inches supply, 4 inches return; Hot Water, supply and return, A l /z inches. Top of each Verona Water leg section has 1 % inch plug, which can be taken out to make top connection when desired; distance between centers of upper and lower tappings is in the 38-inch Height, 31^ inches; 32-inch Height, 25^i in- ches; 26-inch Height, 19> inches; 20-inch Height, 13)^ in- ches. * In estimating length of Radiator allow bushing. 53 inch for each Rococo Two-Column Orna. Radiators For Steam and Water Each section is 7 3 /& inches wide. Width of legs, Q l / 2 inches. Connected at bottom with extra-heavy right-hand threaded nipples for Steam. Made for water with extra-heavy slip- nipples at top and bottom at Pierce plant, and with extra- heavy right- and left-hand threaded nipples at Detroit and Litchfield Plants. The Rococo Two-Column Water Radiators made at Detroit and Litchfield Plants are interchangeable. For two-pipe Steam work the supply-leg section is con- structed with low drip hub. Rococo Two-Column Radiators are made in special shapes as follows: Legs, Extra High Solid, for Steam and Water seepage 108 Marble-Top, with saddles, for Steam and Water see page 1 08 54 Rococo Two-Column Orna. Radiators For Steam and Water No. of Sec- tions *Length 2^ in. per Sec. HEATING SURFACE SQUARE FEET 45-in. Height. 5 sq. ft. per Sec. 38-in. Height. 4 sq. ft per Sec. 32-in. Height. 3% sq. ft. per Sec. 26-in. Height. 2% sq. ft. per Sec. 23 in. Height. 2% sq. ft. per Sec. 20-in. Height. 2 sq. ft. per Sec. 2 5 10 8 6% 5% 4& 4 3 TA 15 12 10 8 7 6 4 10 20 16 13% 10% 9% 8 5 12# 25 20 \b% 13% 11% 10 6 15 30 24 20 16 14 12 7 I7H 35 28 23% 18% 16% 14 8 20 40 32 26% 21% 18% 16 9 22K 45 36 30 24 21 18 10 25 50 40 33% 26% 23% 20 11 27M 55 44 36% 29% 25% 22 12 30 60 48 40 32 28 24 13 32^ 65 52 43% 34% 30% 26 14 35 70 56 46% 37% 32% 28 15 37% 75 60 50 40 35 30 16 40 80 64 53% 42% 37% 32 17 42% 85 68 56% 45% 39% 34 18 45 90 72 60 48 42 36 19 47% 95 76 63% 50% 44% 38 20 50 100 80 66% 53% 46% 40 21 52Y 2 105 84 70 56 49 42 22 55 110 88 73% 58% 51% 44 23 57 1 A 115 92 76% 61% 53% 46 24 60 120 96 80 64 56 48 25 62^ 125 100 83% 66% 58% 50 26 65 130 104 86% 69% 60% 52 27 67^ 135 108 90 72 63 54 28 70 140 112 93% 74% 65% 56 29 TlVz 145 116 96% 77% 67% 58 30 75 150 120 100 80 70 60 31 77K 155 124 103% 82% 72% 62 32 80 160 128 106% 85% 74% 64 Above Radiators are tapped 2 inches, and bushed as per list on page 1 12. Distance from floor to center of tapping: single-pipe Steam, 4 inches ; double-pipe Steam, 4^ inches supply, 4 inches re- turn ; Water, supply and return, 4^ inches. Special Tappings These Radiators when specially ordered can be tapped as illustrated on page 111. When so tapped the distance be- tween centers of upper and lower tappings is in the 45-inch Height, 38ff inches; 38-inch Height, 31^ inches; 32-inch Height, 25^ 5 inches ; 26-inch Height, 19% inches; 23-inch Height, 16^ inches ; 20-inch Height, 13# inches. * In estimating length of Radiator allow ^ inch for each bushing. 55 Perfection Ornamental Radiators For Steam Only Each section is T% inches wide. Width of legs, 9X inches. Connected with extra-heavy right- and left-hand threaded nipples. For two-pipe Steam work the supply-leg section is constructed with low- drip hub. Perfection Radiators are made in special shapes as follows : Carpet Feet, Steam only see page 106 Cast-iron Top, for Steam only. (Illustration on request.) Circular for Steam only see pages 98 and 100 Curved for Steam only see page 1 05 Corner for Steam only see pages 1 02 to 1 04 Dining-room, 38-in. H eight, Steam only see page 95 Legs, Detachable High, for Steam only see page 107 Marble-Top, with Lugs, for Steam only see page 108 56 Perfection Ornamental Radiators For Steam only No. of Sec- tions *Length 2^ in. per Sec. HEATING SURFACE SQUARE FEET 45-in. Height. 5 sq. ft. per Sec. 38-in. Height. 4sq ft per Sec. 32-in. Height. 3% sq. ft. per Sec. 26-in. Height. 2% sq. ft. per Sec. 23 in. Height. 2% sq. ft. per Sec. 20-in. Height. 2 sq. ft. per Sec. 2 5 10 8 6% 5% 4% 4 3 1 l /2 15 12 10 8 7 6 4 10 20 16 I35i 10% 9% 8 5 12K 25 20 16% 13% 11% 10 6 15 30 24 20 16 14 12 '/ 17H 35 28 23% 18% 16% 14 8 20 40 32 26% 21% 18% 16 9 22^ 45 36 30 24 21 18 10 25 50 40 33% 26% 23% 20 11 27J4 55 44 36% 29% 25% 22 12 30 60 48 40 32 28 24 13 32^ 65 52 43% 34% 30% 26 14 35 70 56 46% 37% 32% 28 15 37^ 75 60 50 40 35 30 16 40 80 64 53% 42% 37% 32 17 42M 85 68 56% 45% 39% 34 18 45 90 72 60 48 42 36 19 47^ 95 76 63% 50% 44% 38 20 50 100 80 66% 53% 46% 40 21 52^ 105 84 70 56 49 42 22 55 110 88 73% 58% 51% 44 23 57 1 /* 115 92 76% 61% 53% 46 24 60 120 96 80 64 56 48 25 62^ 125 100 83% 66% 58% 50 26 65 130 104 86% 69% 60% 52 27 67^ 135 108 90 72 63 54 28 70 140 112 93% 74% 65% 56 29 72^ 145 116 96% 77% 67% 58 30 75 150 120 100 80 70 60 31 77^ 155 124 103Y 3 82% 72% 62 32 80 160 128 106% 85% 74% 64 Above Steam Radiators are tapped 2 inches and bushed as per regular list on page 1 12. Distance from floor to center of tapping: single-pipe Steam, 4 inches; double-pipe Steam, 4% inches supply, 4 inches return. *In estimating length of Radiator, allow % inch for each bushing. 57 National Two-Column Radiators For Steam and Water Each section is 7% inches wide. Width of legs, 8 1 A inches. Connected at bottom with extra-heavy right-hand threaded nipples for Steam; extra-heavy slip-nipples for Water. For two-pipe Steam work the supply-leg section is constructed with low-drip hub. National Two-Column Radiators are made in special shapes as follows: Circular for Steam only see pages 98 and 1 1 Curved for Steam only see page 1 05 Legs, Extra High Solid, for Steam and Water see page 1 08 Marble-Top, with Saddles, for Steam and Water see page 1 08 58 National Two-Column Radiators For Steam and Water. No. of Sec- tions * Length per Sec. HEATING SURFACE SQUARE FEET 45-in. Height. 5 sq. ft. per Sec. 38-in. Height. 4 sq. ft per Sec. 32-in. Height. 3% sq. ft. per Sec. 26-in. Height. 2% sq. ft. per Sec. 23 in. Height. 2% sq. ft. per Sec. 20-in. Height. 2 sq. ft. per Sec. 2 5 10 8 6% 5% 4% 4 3 75* 15 12 10 8 7 6 4 10 20 16 13% 10% 9% 8 5 125* 25 20 16% 13% 11% 10 6 15 30 24 20 16 14 12 7 175* 35 28 235i 18% 16% 14 8 20 40 32 26% 21% 18% 16 9 225* 45 36 30 24 21 18 10 25 50 40 33% 26% 23% 20 1 1 275* 55 44 36% 29% 25% 22 12 30 60 48 40 32 28 24 13 325* 65 52 43% 34% 30% 26 14 35 70 56 46% 37% 32% 28 15 375* 75 60 50 40 35 30 16 40 80 64 53% 42% 37% 32 17 425* 85 68 56% 45% 39% 34 18 45 90 72 60 48 42 36 19 475* 95 76 53% 50% 44% 38 20 50 100 80 66% 53% 46% 40 21 525* 105 84 70 56 49 1 42 22 55 110 88 73% 58% 44 23 575* 115 92 76% 61% 53% 46 24 60 120 96 80 64 56 48 25 625* 125 100 83% 66% 58% 50 26 65 130 104 86% 69% 60% 5'2 27 675* 135 108 90 72 63 54 28 70 140 112 93X 74% 65% 56 29 725* 145 116 96% 77% 67% 58 30 75 150 120 100 80 70 60 31 775* 155 124 1 03% 82% 72% 62 32 80 160 128 106% 85% 74% 64 Above Radiators are tapped 2 inches, and bushed as per list on page 1 12. Distance from floor to center of tapping: single-pipe Steam, 4 inches; double-pipe Steam, 4)4 inches supply, 4 inches return; Water, supply and return, 4^ inches. *In estimating length of Radiator, allow % inch for each bushing. Special Tappings These radiators, when specially ordered, can be tapped as illustrated on page 111. When so tapped the distance between centers of upper and lower tappings is in the 45- inch Height, 38|| inches; 38-inch Height, 31^ inches; 32-inch Height, 25^j inches; 26-inch Height, 19> inches; 23-inch Height, 16j 9 e inches; 20-inch Height, 13^ inches. 59 Perfection Plain Radiators For Steam Only Each section is 7% inches wide. Width of legs, 9% inches. Connected with extra heavy right- and left-hand threaded nipples. Perfection Plain Steam Radiators are not furnished in any special shape. For two-pipe Steam work the supply-leg section is con- structed with low-drip hub. 60 Perfection Plain Steam Radiators No. of Sec- tions * Length 25* in. per Sec. HEATING SURFACE SQUARE FEET 45-in. Height. 5 sq. ft. per Sec. 38-in. Height. 4 sq ft )er Sec. 32-in. Height. 354 sq. ft. per Sec. 26-in. Height. 2% sq. ft. per Sec 2 3 in. Height. 254 sq. ft. per Sec. 20-in. Height. 2 sq. ft. per Sec. 2 5 10 8 6% 554 4% 4 3 754 15 12 10 8 7 6 4 10 20 16 1354 10% 954 8 5 12K 25 20 16% 1354 11% 10 6 15 30 24 20 16 14 12 7 1754 35 28 2354 18% 1654 14 8 20 40 32 26% 2154 18% 16 9 22% 45 36 30 24 21 18 10 25 50 40 . 3354 26% 2354 20 11 2754 55 44 36% 2954 25% 22 12 30 60 48 40 32 28 24 13 3254 65 52 4354 34% 3054 26 14 35 70 56 46% 3754 32% 28 15 3754 75 60 50 40 35 30 16 40 80 64 5354 42% 3754 32 17 42% 85 68 56% 4554 39% 34 18 45 90 72 60 48 42 36 19 4754 95 76 635*4 50% 4454 38 20 50 100 80 66% 5354 46% 40 21 5254 105 84 70 56 49 42 22 55 110 88 7354 58% 5154 44 23 5754 115 92 76% 6154 53% 46 24 60 120 96 80 64 56 48 25 6254 125 100 8354 66% 5854 50 26 65 130 104 86% 6954 60% 52 27 6754 135 108 90 72 63 54 28 70 140 112 9354 74% 6554 56 29 7254 145 116 96% 7754 67% 58 30 75 150 120 100 80 70 60 31 7754 155 124 10354 82% 7254 62 32 80 160 128 106% 8554 74% 64 Above Radiators are tapped 2 inches, and bushed according to list on page 112. Distance from floor to center of tapping: single- pipe Steam, 4 inches; double-pipe Steam, supply 4^ inches, return 4 inches. *In estimating length of Radiator, allow ^ inch for each bushing. 61 Peerless Two-Column Radiators For Steam and Water Each section is 7^s inches wide. Width of legs, Q]4 inches. Connected at top and bottom with extra-heavy slip-nipples for Water; and extra-heavy right-hand threaded nipples at bottom for Steam. For two-pipe Steam work the supply-leg section is constructed with low drip hub. Peerless Two-Column Radiators are made in special shapes as follows: Circular for Steam only ?ee pages 98 and 101 Corner for Steam only see pages 1 02 to 1 04 Curved for Steam only see page 1 05 Legs, Extra High Solid, for Steam and Water see page 1 08 Marble-Top, with saddles for, Steam and Water see page 1 08 62 Peerless Two-Column Radiators For Steam and Water II *Length per Sec. HEATING SURFACE SQUARE FEET 45-in Height. 5 sq. ft. per Sec. 38-in. Height. 4 sq. ft. per Sec. 32-in. Height per Sec. 26-in. Height. 2 sq.ft. per Sec. 23-ih. Height. per Sec. 20-in. Height. 2 sq. it. per Sec. tl5-in. Height. per Sec. 2 5 10 8 6% 5% 4% 4 3 3 TA 15 12 10 8 7 6 4% 4 10 20 16 l3 l / 3 lOfc 9% 8 6 5 12% 25 20 16% 13% 11% 10 7% 6 15 30 24 20 16 14 12 9 7 17% 35 28 23H 18% 16% 14 10% 8 20 40 32 26% 21% 18% 16 12 9 22% 45 36 30 24 21 18 13% 10 25 50 40 33% 26% 23% 20 15 11 27% 55 44 36% 29% 25% 22 16% 12 30 60 48 40 32 28 24 18 13 32% 65 52 43% 34% 30% 26 19% 14 35 70 56 46% 37% 32% 28 21 15 37^ 75 60 50 40 35 30 22% 16 40 80 64 53% 42% 37% 32 24 17 42^ 85 68 56% 45% 39% 34 255* 18 45 90 72 60 i 48 42 36 27 19 475* 95 76 50% 44% 38 28% 20 50 100 80 66% 53% 46% 40 30 21 52^ 105 84 70 56 49 42 315* 22 55 110 88 73% 58% 51% 44 33 23 57% 115 92 76% 61% 53% 46 L 345* 24 to 120 96 80 64 56 48 36 25 62% 125 100 83% 66% 58% 50 375* 26 65 130 104 86% 69% 52 39 27 67^ 135 108 90 72 63 3 54 405* 28 70 140 112 93% 74% 65% 56 42 29 72^ 145 116 96% 77% 67% 58 43% 30 75 150 120 100 80 70 60 45 31 77% 155 124 103% 82% 72% 62 46% 32 80 160 128 106% 85% 74% 64 48 Above radiators are tapped 2 inches, and bushed as per list on page 112. Distance from flcor to center of tapping: single-pipe Steam, 4 inches; double-pipe Steam, 4% inches supply; 4 inches return; Water, supply and return, 4% inches. *In estimating length of Radiator, allow % inch for each bushing. 1 1 5-inch height is not made for water. Special Tappings Radiators when specially ordered can be tapped as illustrated on page 111. When so tapped the distance between centers of upper and lower tappings is in the 45-inch Height, 38S5 inches; 38-inch Height, 31J4 inches; 32-inch Height, 25 3 \ inches; 26-inch Height, \9% inches; 23-inch Height, 16i 9 B inches; 20-inch Height, 13% inches. 63 Astro Two -Column Radiators For Water or Steam Each section is 7^8 inches wide. Width of legs, 8^ inches. Connected with extra-heavy slip nipples, at top and bottom. Astro Two -Column Radiators are not made in any special or odd shapes. 64 Astro Two-Column Radiators For Water or Steam -ss *l *Length 3 inches per Sec. HEATING SURFACE SQUARE FEET. 45-m. Height. 5 sq. ft. per Sec. 38-in. Height. 4 sq. ft. per Sec. 32-in. Height. 3 1 A sq. ft. per Sec. 26-in. Height. 2% sq. ft. per Sec. 20-in. Height. 2 sq. ft. per Sec. 2 6 10 8 6% 5% 4 3 9 15 12 10 8 6 4 12 20 16 13% 10% 8 5 15 25 20 16% 13% 10 6 18 30 24 20 16 12 7 21 35 28 23% 13% 14 8 24 40 32 26% 21% 16 9 27 45 36 30 . 24 18 10 30 50 40 33% 26% 20 11 33 55 44 36% 29% 22 12 36 60 48 40 32 24 13 39 65 52 43% 34% 26 14 42 70 56 46% 37% 28 15 45 75 60 50 40 30 16 48 80 64 53% 42% 32 17 51 85 68 56% 45% 34 18 54 90 72 60 48 36 19 57 95 76 63% 50% 38 20 60 100 80 66% 53% 40 21 63 105 84 70 56 42 22 66 110 88 73 V, 58% 44 23 69 115 92 76% 61 H 46 24 72 120 96 80 64 48 25 75 125 100 83% 66% 50 26 78 130 104 86% 69% 52 27 81 135 108 90 72 54 28 84 140 112 93% 74% 56 29 87 145 116 96% 77% 58 30 90 150 120 100 80 60 31 93 155 124 103% 82% 62 32 96 160 128 106% 85% 64 Above Radiators are tapped 2 inches and bushed as per list on page 112 Distance from floor to center of bottom opening is 4% inches * In estimating length of Radiator, allow ^ inch for each bushing. Top of each water leg has plug, which can be taken out to make top connection when desired. In Astro Two-Column Water Radiators, the distance between centers of upper and lower tappings is in the 45-inch Height, 38g| inches; 38-inch Height, 31H inches; 32-inch Height, 25 3 9 5 inches ; 26-inch Height, 1 9% inches; 23-inch Height, 16i 9 s inches; 20-inch Height, 1 3H inches. 65 Rococo Three-Column Orna. Radiators For Steam and Water Each section is 9% inches wide. Width of legs, 10 inches. All Rococo Radiators made at Detroit Plant and all Rococo Water Radi- ators made at Litchfieldare connected with extra-heavy right- and left-hand threaded nipples. All Rococo Radiators made at other plants, including Litchfield, are connected with extra-heavy right-hand threaded nipples for Steam; extra-heavy slip-nipples for Water. For two-pipe Steam work the supply-leg section is constructed with low-drip hub. The Water Radiators made at Detroit and Litchfield are not inter- changeable. Made at Detroit Plant in special shapes and on special orders as follows: Carpet feet, for Steam and Water see page 106 Circular, for Steam and Water see pages 98 and 100 Corner, for Steam and Water see pages 1 02 to 1 04 Curved, for Steam and Water see page 1 05 Dining-room 44- in. Height only, for Steam and Water see page 94 Ventilating see pages 9 1 to 93 Legs, Detachable High, for Steam and Water see page 1 7 Legs, Extra High Solid, for Steam and Water (Pierce Plant) see page 108 Marble-Top Lugs, for Steam and Water see page 108 Marble-Top Saddles, for Steam and Water (Pierce Plant) ... .see page 1 08 Concealed Brackets, for Steam and Water (Pierce Plant only) see page 1 10 66 Rococo Three-Column Orna. Radiators For Steam and Water No. of Sec- tions *Length 2V* in. per Sec. HEATING SURFACE bQUARK UKBT 44-in. Height, 6 sq. ft. per Sec. 38-in. Height, 5 sq.ft. per Sec. 32-in. Height, 4 sq. ft. per Sec. 26-in. Height, 31 sq. ft. per Sec. 22-in. Height, 3 sq. ft. per Sec. 18-in. Height, 2i sq. ft per Sec. 2 5 12 10 9 TA 6 455 3 755 18 15 1355 UK 9 (>X 4 10 24 20 18 15 12 9 5 1255 30 25 2255 18K 15 115* 6 15 36 30 27 2255 18 13 1 A 7 I7 42 35 3155 265* 21 15 8 20 48 40 36 30 24 18 9 22% 54 45 405* 33H 27 205* 10 25 60 50 45 3755 30 22 1 A 11 2755 66 55 49% 41% 33 24%. 12 30 72 60 54 45 36 27 13 3255 78 65 5855 48?* 39 295* 14 35 84 70 63 5255 42 3l l A 15 37 1 A 90 75 ^6755^ 565* 45 33% 16 40 96 80 72 60 48 36 17 4255 102 85 7655 633* 51 38 J* 18 45 108 90 81 6755 54 4055 19 4755 114 95 85% nx 57 42H 20 50 120 100 90 75 60 45 21 52K 126 105 9455 783* 63 475* 22 55 132 110 99 8255 66 49 1 A 23 5755 138 115 10355 865i 69 51X. 24 60 144 120 108 90 72 54 25 6255 150 125 11255 93K 75 565* 26 65 156 130 117 97!^ 78 5855 27 67K 162 135 121J5 101K 81 60M 28 70 168 140 126 105 84 63 29 72% 174 145 13G55 108^ 87 655* 30 75 180 150 135 11255 90 67J5 31 7755 186 155 13955 1165* 93 692* 32 80 192 160 144 120 96 72 Above Radiators are tapped 2 inches and bushed as per list on page 1 12. Distance floor to center of supply or return tapping, 4^ inches for Water; 4 inches for single-pipe Steam; 4^2 inches supply, 4 inches return for double-pipe Steam. Top of leg section, of Detroit and Litchfield Rococo Water Radiators only, has 2-inch plug, which can be taken out to make top connection when desired. Distance between cen- ters of upper and lower tappings is in the 44-in. Ht., 35# in.; 38-in. Ht., 31 in.; 32-in. Ht., 23^ in.; 26-in. Ht., 18 in.; 22-in. Ht., 14 t V in ; 18-in. Ht., 10# in. In Rococo Water Radiators, of slip-nipple construction, made at other Plants (when ordered with top and bottom one-end connections), distance is in the 44-in. Ht., 35 T 9 in. 38-in. Ht., 31 ^ in.; 32-in. Ht., 25 3 9 2 in.; 26-in. Ht., 19$ in.; 22in. Ht., 15ft in.; 18-in. Ht., lift in. * In estimating length of Radiator, allow l / 2 -inch for each bushing. 67 Rococo Three-Column Plain Radiators For Steam and Water Each section is 9^ inches wide. Width of legs, 10 inches. Connected with extra heavy right- and left-hand threaded nipples. For two-pipe Steam work the supply-leg section is constructed with low-drip hub. Rococo Plain Radiators are made in special shapes as follows : Circular, for Steam and Water see pages 98 and 1 00 Corner, for Steam and Water see pages 1 02 to 1 04 Curved, for Steam and Water see page 1 05 Marble-Top Lugs for Steam and Water see page 1 08 68 Rococo Three-Column Plain Radiators For Steam and Water No. of Sec- tions *Length 254 in. per Sec. HEATING SURFACE SQUARE FEET 44-in. Height, 6 sq. ft. per Sec. 38-in. Height, 5 sq.ft. per Sec. 32-in. Height, 4J sq. ft. per Sec. 26-in. Height, 3J sq. ft. per Sec. 22-in. Height, 3 sq. ft. per Sec. 18-in. Height, 21 sq. ft per Sec. 2 5 12 10 9 7 I/ /2 6 454 3 754 18 15 1354 INI 9 6X 4 10 24 20 18 15 12 9 5 1254 30 25 2254 18K 15 1154 6 15 36 30 27 2254 18 1354 7 17K 42 35 3154 265* 21 1524 8 20 48 40 36 30 24 18 9 2254 54 45 4054 3324 27 2054 10 25 60 50 45 3754 30 2254 11 2754 66 55 4954 4lS 33 24& 12 30 72 60 54 45 36 27 13 3254 78 65 5854 48K 39 2954 14 35 84 70 63 5254 42 3154 15 3754 90 75 6754 5654 45 3334 16 40 96 80 72 60 48 36 17 4254 102 85 7654 6334 51 3854 18 45 108 90 81 6754 54 4054 19 4754 114 95 8554 7154 57 42% 20 50 120 100 90 75 60 45 21 5254 126 105 9454 78% 63 4754 22 55 132 110 99 8254 66 4954 23 5754 138 115 10354 86 X 69 51^ 24 60 144 120 108 90 72 54 25 6254 150 125 11254 9354 75 5654 26 65 156 130 117 9754 78 5854 27 6754 162 135 12154 10154 81 60& 28 70 168 140 126 105 84 63 29 7254 174 145 13054 108K 87 6554 30 75 180 150 135 11254 90 6754 31 7754 186 155 13954 11654 93 6924 32 80 192 160 144 120 96 72 Above Radiators are tapped 2 inches and bushed as per list on page 112. Distance from floor to center of either sup- ply or return tapping is 4^ inches for Water, 4 inches for single-pipe Steam; 4^ inches supply, 4 inches return, for double-pipe steam. * In estimating length of Radiator, allow ^ inch for each bushing. Top of each leg section in Water has 2-inch plug which can be taken out to make top connection when desired. Distance between centers of upper and lower tappings is in the 44- inch Height, 35X inches ; 38-inch Height, 31 inches ; 32-inch Height, 23^ inches; 26-inch Height, 18 inches; 22-inch Height, 14jV inches; 18-inch Height, 10# inches. 69 Peerless Three-Column Radiators For Steam or Water Each section is 9 inches wide. Width of legs, 10 inches. Connected with extra-heavy slip-nipples. Peerless Three -Column Radiators are not made in special shapes other than that they can be fur- nished with Saddles for Marble Top, see page 108. 70 Peerless Three -Column Radiators For Steam or Water No. of Sec- tions "Length 2* in. per Sec. HEATING SURFACE SQUARB FEET 44-in. Height, 6sq c ft. per bee. 38-in. Height, 5 sq.ft. per Sec. 32-in. Height, 4 sq. ft. per Sec. 26-in. Height, 33 sq. ft. per Sec. 22-in. Height, 3 sq. ft. per Sec. 18-in. Height, U sq. ft. per Sec. 2 5 12 10 9 7* 6 4* 3 7* 18 15 13* 11* 9 6% 4 10 24 20 18 15 12 9 5 12* 30 25 22* 18% 15 11% 6 15 36 30 27 22* 18 13* 7 17* 42 35 31* 1VA 21 15% 8 20 48 40 36 30 24 18 9 22* 54 45 40* 33% 27 20M 10 25 60 50 45 37* 30 22* 11 27* 66 55 49}4 41* 33 24% 12 30 72 60 54 45 36 27 13 32* 78 65 58* 48% 39 29% 14 35 84 70 63 52* 42 31* 15 37* 90 75 67* 56M 45 33% 16 40 96 80 72 60 48 36 17 42* 102 85 76* 63% 51 38^ 18 45 108 90 81 67* 54 40^ 19 47* 114 95 85* 7l8 57 42% 20 50 120 100 90 75 60 45 21 52* 126 105 94* 76% 63 47% 22 55 132 110 99 82* 66 49^ 23 57* 138 115 103* S(>X 69 51% 24 60 144 120 108 90 72 54 25 62* 150 125 112* 93% 75 56M 26 65 156 130 117 97* 78 58* 27 67* 162 135 121* 101% 81 60% 28 70 168 140 126 105 84 63 29 72* 174 145 130* 108% 87 65J< 30 75 180 150 135 112* 90 67* 31 77* 186 155 139* 116}* 93 69% 32 80 192 160 144 120 96 72 Above Radiators are tapped 2 inches and bushed as per list on page 112. Distance from floor to center of tapping is 4^ inches for both Steam and Water. * In estimating length of Radiator allow ^ inch for each bushing. Special Tappings These Radiators when specially ordered can be tapped as illustrated on page 111. When so tapped the distance be- tween centers of upper and lower tappings is - in the 44- inch Height, 35 T 9 6 inches ; 38-inch Height, 31 Y& inches ; 32-inch Height, 25 3 9 5 inches; 26-inch Height, 19^ inches; 22-inch Height, 15& inches; 18-inch Height, \\f s inches. 71 Rococo Four-Column Orna. Radiators For Steam or Water Each section is 10j^ inches wide. Width of legs, 1 1 # inches. Connected at top and bottom with extra-heavy slip nipples. This pattern of Radiators is not made in any special or odd shapes, other than that same can be furnished with Saddles for Marble Top; see page 108, 72 Rococo Four-Column Orna. Radiators For Steam or Water No. of Sec- tions * Length 3 in. per Sec. HEATING SURFACE SQUARE FEET. 45-in. Height. 1 sq. ft. per Sec. 38-in. Height. 8 sq. ft. per Sec. 32-in. Height. 6U sq. ft. per Sec. 26-in. Height. 5 sq. ft. per Sec. 22-in. Height. 4 sq. ft. per Sec. 18-in. Height. 3 sq. ft. per Sec. 20 16 13 10 8 6 orv 24 19H 15 12 9 1 O ou Af\ 32 26 20 16 12 4 1 2 i e T-U en 40 32!4 25 20 15 1 O 1 Q OVJ f.(\ 48 39 30 24 18 6 7~ 1 O O 1 ou 70 56 45^ 35 28 21 8 z 1 24 /u 80 64 52 40 32 24 9 27 90 72 58Y 2 45 36 27 10 30 100 80 65 50 40 30 1 i 33 1 10 88 71% 55 44 33 12 36 120 96 78 60 48 36 13 39 130 104 84H 65 52 39 14 42 140 112 91 70 56 42 15 45 150 120 97^ 75 60 45 16 48 160 128 104 80 64 48 17 51 170 136 11054 85 68 51 18 54 180 144 117 90 72 54 19 57 190 152 123M 95 76 57 20 60 200 160 130 100 80 60 21 63 210 168 13654 105 84 63 22 66 220 176 143 110 88 66 23 69 230 184 14954 115 92 69 24 72 240 192 156 120 96 72 25 75 250 200 16254 125 100 75 26 78 260 208 169 130 104 78 27 81 270 216 175 1 A 135 108 81 28 84 280 224 182 140 112 84 29 87 290 232 18854 145 116 87 30 90 300 240 195 150 120 90 31 93 310 248 20 IK 155 124 93 32 96 320 256 208 160 128 96 Above Radiators are tapped 2 inches and bushed as per list on page 1 J 2. Distance from floor to center of tapping, either supply or return, 4/4 inches. *In estimating length of Radiator, allo inch for each bushing. Special Tappings These Radiators when specially ordered can be tapped as illustrated on page 111. When so tapped the distance between centers of upper and lower tappings is 45-inch, 38|| inches; 38-inch, 31/4 inches; 32-inch, 25& inches; 26-inch, 1954 inches; 22-inch, 15i 3 6 inches; 18-inch, lift inches. 73 Peerless Four- Column Radiators For Steam or Water Each section is 10^ inches wide. Width of legs, 1 1 j inches. Connected at top and bottom with extra-heavy slip nipples, This pattern of Radiators is not made in any special or odd shapes, other than that same can be furnished with Saddles for Marble Top; see page 1 08. 74 Peerless Four-Column Radiators For Steam or Water No. of Sec- tions "Length 3 in. per Sec. HEATING SURFACE SQUARE FEET 45-in. Height 10 sq.ft. per Sec. 38 in. Height 8 sq. ft. pei Sec. 32-in. Height b l A sq. ft. per Sec. 26 in. Height 5 sq. ft. per Sec. 22-in. Height. 4 sq. ft. per Sec. 1 8-in. Height. 3 sq ft. per Sec. 2 6 20 16 13 10 8 6 3 9 30 24 \9 1 A 15 12 9 4 12 40 32 26 20 16 12 5 15 50 40 32^ 25 20 15 6 18 60 48 39 30 24 18 7 21 70 56 45^ 35 28 21 8 24 80 64 52 40 32 24 9 27 90 72 58^ 45 36 27 10 30 100 80 65 50 40 30 11 33 110 88 715* 55 44 33 12 36 120 96 78 60 48 36 13 39 130 104 84^ 65 52 39 14 42 140 112 91 70 56 42 15 45 150 120 97 1 A 75 60 45 16 48 160 128 104 80 64 48 17 51 170 136 1105* 85 68 51 18 54 180 144 117 90 72 54 19 57 190 152 123^ 95 76 57 20 60 200 160 130 100 80 60 21 63 210 168 136^ 105 84 63 22 66 220 176 143 110 88 66 23 69 230 184 1495* 115 92 69 24 72 240 192 156 120 96 72 25 75 250 200 162^ 125 100 75 26 78 260 208 169 130 104 78 27 81 270 216 1755* 135 108 81 28 84 280 224 182 140 112 84 29 87 290 232 188K 145 116 87 30 90 300 240 195 150 120 90 31 93 310 248 2015* 155 124 93 32 96 320 256 208 160 128 96 Above Radiators are tapped 2 inches and bushed as per list on page 1 1 2. Distance from floor to center of tapping, either supply or return, 4^ inches. * In estimating length of Radiator, allow J* inch for each bushing. Special Tappings These Radiators when specially ordered can be tapped as illustrated on page 111. When so tapped the distance between centers of upper and lower tappings is 45-inch, 3811 inches; 38-inch, 3l l /s inches; 32- inch, 25 3 9 2 inches ; 26-inch, 19K inches; 22-inch, 15& inches; 18-inch, 1 1 & inches-.. 75 Italian Flue Ornamental Radiators For Steam and Water Patented October 20, 1896 Each section is 8^ inches wide. Width of legs, 8^ inches. kwi*. A A Connected with extra-heavy right- and left-hand threaded nlP For' two-pipe Steam work the supply leg-section is con- structed with low-drip hub. Italian Flue Radiators are made m special shapes as follows : Corner, for Steam and Water see V**** }g* Curved, for Steam and Water see I .egs, Detachable, High, for Steam and Water see page 1 U7 Marble-Tops, Lugs for, for Steam and Water see page 1 76 Italian Flue Ornamental Radiators For Steam and Water HEATING SURFACE SQUARE FEET. to *Length, _ 2 3 in. 38-in. 32-in. 26 in. 20-in. pC G ** per Section Height. 7 sq. ft. Height. 5% sq. ft. Height. 4% sq. ft. Height. 3% sq.ft. * per Section. per Section. per Section. per Section. 2 6 14 11% 9 t 6% 3 9 21 17% 9% 4 12 28 23 18 2 13 5 15 35 28% 22% 16% 6 18 42 34% 27 i 19% 7 21 49 40% 22% 8 24 56 46 36 2 26 9 27 63 51% 40% 29% 10 30 70 57% 45 32% 11 33 77 49% 35% 12 36 84 69 * 54 39 13 39 91 74% 58% 42% 14 42 98 80% 63 45% 15 45 105 86% 67% 48% 16 48 112 92 72 52 17 51 119 97% 76% 55^4 18 54 126 103% 81 58% 19 57 133 109% 85% 61% 20 60 140 115 90 65 21 63 147 120% 94% 68% 22 66 154 126% 99 71% 23 69 161 132% 103% 74% 24 72 168 138 108 78 25 75 175 143% 1 12% 81% 26 78 182 149% 117 27 81 189 155% 121% 87% 28 84 196 161 126 91 29 87 203 166% 130% 94% 30 90 210 172% 135 97% 31 93 217 178% 139% 100% 32 96 224 184 144 104 Above Radiators are tapped 2 inches, and bushed as per list on page 1 12. Distance from floor to center of supply tapping: single- pipe Steam, 4 inches; double-pipe Steam 4// inches supply, 4 inches return; Water, 4^ inches supply and return. * In estimating length of Radiators allow ]/ 2 inch for each bushing. Leg section of Italian Flue Water Radiator has plug at top, which can be taken out to make top connection when desired. Distance between centers of upper and lower tap- pings is in the 38-inch Height, 3 l T 5 g inches; 32-inch Height, inches; 26-inch Height, 19> inches; 20-inch Height, inches. 77 Zenith Flue Radiators For Steam and Water Each section is 8^ inches wide. Width of legs, 9y 2 inches. Connected with extra-heavy slip-nipples, at both top and bottom, for Water; extra-heavy right-hand threaded nipple for Steam. Zenith Flue Radiators are not made in any spe- cial or odd shapes, other than that they can be fur- nished with Extra High Solid Legs; see page 108. For two-pipe Steam work the supply-leg section is constructed with low-drip hub. 78 Zenith Flue Radiators For Steam and Water No. of Sections * Length Inches HEATING SURFACE SQUAKB FEET 38 in. Height. 7 sq. ft. per Sec. 33-in. Height. 6 sq. ft. per Sec. 28-in. Height 5 sq. ft. per Sec. 23-in. Height. 4 sq. ft. per Sec. 2 4# 14 12 10 8 3 7^8 21 18 15 12 4 io# 28 24 20 16 5 12# 35 30 25 20 6 15# 42 36 30 24 7 18/8 49 42 35 28 8 20% 56 48 40 32 9 23^ 63 54 45 36 10 26# 70 60 50 40 11 29 77 66 55 44 12 31# 84 72 60 48 13 34^ 91 78 65 52 14 37 98 84 70 56 15 39^ 105 90 75 60 16 423/s 112 96 80 64 17 45 119 102 85 68 18 47^ 126 108 90 72 19 50^ 133 114 95 76 20 53^ 140 120 100 80 21 55% 147 126 105 84 22 58^8 154 132 110 88 23 61* 161 138 115 92 24 64 168 144 120 96 25 66^ 175 150 125 100 26 69^ 182 156 130 104 27 72# 189 162 135 108 28 75 196 168 140 112 29 77^ 203 174 145 116 30 80^ 210 180 150 120 31 33X 217 186 155 124 32 86 224 192 160 128 Above Radiators are tapped 2 inches, and bushed as per list on page Distance from floor to center of tapping, single-pipe Steam, 4K inches; double-pipe Steam supply, 4-H inches, return, 4% inches; Water, supply and return, 424 inches. *In estimating length of Radiators allow y z inch for each bushing. Special Tappings In Zenith Flue Water Radiators (when so specially ordered) distance between centers of upper and lower tappings is in the 38-inch Height, 31 inches; 33-inch Height, 26 inches; 28-inch Height, 2026 inches; 23-inch Height, 1 6 inches. 79 Rococo Window Radiators For Steam or Water No. of Sections. "Length, 3 inches per Section. HEATING SURFACE SQUARE FEET. 20-in. Height. 5 ft. per Section. 13-in. Height. 3 ft. per Section. 2 6 10 6 3 9 15 9 4 12 20 12 5 15 25 15 6 18 30 18 7 21 35 21 8 24 40 24 9 27 45 27 10 30 1 50 30 Can be built up like all AMERICAN Radiators to any practical greater number of sections. Tapped 2 inches, and bushed as per list on page 112. Each section is 12^ inches wide. Floor to center of all tappings 3 inches. Steam Radiators tapped 1 ^ inch or smaller are fitted with eccentric bushings on supply end for single-pipe, and on return end for double-pipe ; then, the distance from floor to center of 1 ^-inch tapping will be 2% inches; 1 ^-inch tapping, 2 3 A inches; 1-inch tapping, 2f6 inches; %-inch tap- ping, 2% inches. * In estimating length of Radiators, allow l / 2 inch for each bushing. As made at Detroit Plant these Radiators are connected with extra-heavy right- and lett-hand threaded nipples. Top of each leg section has plug which can be taken out to make top connection when desired- distance between centers of upper and lower tap- pings is in the 20-inch Height, 15ig inches; 13- y iew o f End Section inch Height, 8 is inches. 80 Aetna Flue Window Radiators For Steam or Water HEATING SURFACE SQUARE FEET No. of Sections * Length, 3 inches per Sec. 20-in. Height. 6 sq. ft. per Sec. 18-in. Height. 5% sq. ft. per Sec. 1 6-in. Height. 4% sq. ft. per Sec. 14-in. Height. 4 sq. ft. per Sec. 1 3-in. Height. 3% sq. ft. per Sec. 2 6 12 10% 9% 8 7% 3 9 18 16 14 12 11 4 12 24 2iy 3 18% 16 14% 5 15 30 26% 23% 20 18% 6 18 36 32 28 24 22 7 21 42 37% 32% 28 25% 8 24 48 42% 37% 32 29% 9 27 54 48 42 36 33 10 30 60 53% 46% 40 36% 11 33 66 58% 51% 44 40% 12 36 72 64 56 48 44 13 39 78 69% 60% 52 47% 14 42 84 74% 65% 56 51% 15 45 90 80 70 60 55 Can be built up, like all AMERICAN Radiators, to any practical greater number of sections. For jtna Curved and Corner Radiators, see pages 1 02 to 1 04. Above Radiators are tapped 2 inches, and bushed as per list on page 112. Each section is 1 2V inches wide. Distance from floor to center of tapping : Single-pipe Steam, 2% inches; double-pipe Steam, 3 inches supply, 2^ inches return ; Water, supply and return, 3 inches. For two-pipe Steam work the supply-leg section is constructed with low-drip hub. * In estimating length of Radiator allow % inch for each bushing. Connected with extra-heavy right- and left-hand threaded nipples. Top of each leg section has 1 ^ inch plug, which can be taken out to make top connection when desired. In ^Etna Flue (formerly Detroit Flue) Water Radiators, distance between centers of upper and lower tappings is in the 20-inch Height, 15J4 inches; 18-inch Height, 13% inches- inches; 14-inch Height, 9i 3 s inches; 13-inch 16-inch Height, Height, 8^ inch inches. 81 Zenith Window Flue Radiators For Steam or Water HEATING SURFACE SQUARE FEET No. of *Length, 20-in. 18-in. 1 6-in. 14-in. Sections inches Height. 6 sq. ft. per Sec. Height, 5% sq. ft. per Sec. Height. 4% sq. ft. per Sec. Height. 4 sq. ft. per Sec. 2 5K 12 10% 9% 8 3 8K 18 16 14 12 4 MX 24 2\X 18% 16 5 14J< 30 26% 23% 20 6 1*2 36 32 28 24 7 20^ 42 37% 32% 28 8 23^ 48 42% 37% 32 9 26^ 54 48 42 36 10 29^ 60 53% 46% 40 11 32K 66 58% 51% 44 12 35X 72 64 56 48 13 38K 78 69% 60% 52 14 413* 84 74% 65% 56 Can be built up, like all AMERICAN Radiators, to any practical greater number of sections. Above Radiators are tapped 2 inches and bushed, as per list on page 112 Each section is 12K inches wide. Width at legs, 12K inches. Distance from floor to center of openings for either supply or return, Steam or Water, is 3 inches. Connected with extra heavy slip nipples at top and bottom. Distance between centers of upper and lower tappings (when specially ordered) is in the 20-inch Height, 15H inches; 18-inch Height, 13% inches. This Radiator can be furnished with Saddles for Marble Top, see page 1 08 *In estimating length of Radiator allow Y-2. inchior each bushing. In estimating length of Radiators larger than 1 4 sections, multiply the number ot inside sections by 3 inches, and then add 5K inches for the two end sections 32 Italian Orna. Flue Ventilating Radiators For Steam and Water Each section is 8 ^ inches wide. Connected with extra-heavy right- and left-hand threaded nipples. This pattern of Radiator is not made in any special or odd shape, as the Box- Bases can only be made in straight form. For two-pipe Steam work the supply-leg section is constructed with low-drip hub. In ordering please state whether back or bottom inlet is re- quired, 83 Italian Orna. Flue Ventilating Radiators For Steam and Water No. of Sections * Length 3 inches per Sec. HEATING SURFACE SQUARE FEET 39^-in. Height. 7 sq. ft. per Sec. 33 ^-in. Height. SX sq. ft. per Sec. 27^-in. Height. VA sq. ft. per Sec. 21^-in. Height. 3X sq. ft. per Sec. 2 6 14 ii# 9 6/ 2 3 9 21 17X i3# 9^ 4 12 28 23 18 13 5 15 35 28% 22^ 16# 6 18 42 34^ 27 19^ 7 21 49 40K 3ltf 22^ 8 24 56 46 36 26 9 27 63 51* 40/ 2 29^ 10 30 70 57^ 45 32M 11 33 77 63X 49M 35K 12 36 84 69 54 39 13 39 91 74# 58^ 42X 14 42 98 80^ 63 45^ 15 45 105 86K 67^ 48^ 16 48 112 92 72 52 17 51 119 97^ 76^ 55^ 18 54 126 103^ 81 58^ 19 57 133 109X 85^ 61* 20 60 140 115 90 65 21 63 147 120 X 94^ 68X 22 66 154 126^ 99 71^ 23 69 161 132X 103^ 74^ 24 72 168 138 108 78 25 75 175 143^ 112K 81^ Above Radiators are tapped 2 inches, and bushed as per list on page 1 12. Distance from floor to center of tapping: one-pipe Steam, 5]4 inches; two-pipe- Steam, supply, 6 inches, return 5^ inches; Water, supply and return, 6 inches. Top of each Water leg has 1^-inch plug, which can be taken out to make top connection when desired; distance between centers of upper and lower tappings is in the 39^- inch Height, 31 T 5 f inches; 33^-inch Height, 25 T 7 g inches; 27^-inch Height, 19^ inches; 21^ -inch Height, 13^ inches. *In estimating length of Radiator, allow l / 2 inch for each bushing. 84 Italian Flue Ventilating Radiators Attention is invited to the merits of our Italian Flue Radi- ator, equipped with Box-Base, for semi-direct heating Principle of construction of Base is such that all the air required for ventilation may be taken from without the build- ing by means of air conduit in wall, and distributed through Base into the interior or flue surface of radiator. When out- door temperature is very low, dampers in Base maybe adjusted to any smaller air capac- ity desired, regulating exactly the varying heat- ing and ventilating re- quirements of the room, or dampers may be en- tirely closed, the radia- tor then acting wholly as a direct radiator. Leading features of the Box-Base are sim- plicity of construction, ease of operation, capac- ity for ample supply of air. Base being wholly under the radiator, well recessed, is entirely out of the way and not liable to damage. Front of Base, including damp- ers, may be easily re- moved for cleaning purposes. Dampers maybe operated merely by slight pressure of the foot. Air Conduit. Fig. A shows view of radiator and Box-Base with air conduit brought up underneath radiator, through floor. Illustration on page 86 shows Box-Base as arranged for bringing air conduit in at back of radiator, above floor level, in which "case a galvanized or sheet-iron sleeve or conduit is necessary to make connection between flange or collar cast around back air inlet of Base and a similar collar on back of wall box. 85 FIG. A Italian Flue Box-Bases Showing Rear Half of Box- Base and Dampers. Back Air-Inlet Closed. (Patent applied for.) Outside measurements of flange or lip around back air-inlet of Box Base, for attaching sheet iron sleeve or pipe, are: No. Base Section Inches No. Base Section Inches B-1 B-3 B-3 B-4 B-5 12 11 10 9 8 24^x35i 21fcx3X 18fc x 3K 15X*3K 14^x3K B-6 i B-7 B 8 B-9 B-10 7 6 5 4 3 11% 3% 9 3K 6 3K 5% 35i 2^i 3^ Box-Base, showing Operation of Dampers. 1 or Bottom Air-Inlet. (Patent applied for.) Where air conduit is brought up through floor, under radi- ator, the opening in floor to be covered by dampers in Base should be : No. Base Section Inches No. Base Section Inches F-1 F-2 F-3 F-4 F-5 12 11 10 9 8 24^x3% 2lHx3% 18 x 3% 15^x3% 14% x 3% F-6 F-7 F-8 F-9 F-10 7 6 5 4 3 Ilx3& 8 1 ^ x 3% 6Ks x 3^ 534 x 3 1 A 3K x 3# NOTE. 1 2-Section Box-Base is to be used for radiator of twelve sections, or any EVEN number of sections larger. 1 1 -Section Box-Base for radiator of eleven sections, or any ODD number of sections larger. Bottom of back air-inlet opening is one inch above floor level. In ordering Box-Bases to be placed in middle of long Radiators, note that, for instance, to cover six flues or middle sections requires an 8-section Base, to cover seven flues or middle sections requires 9-section Base, etc. Zenith Flue Ventilating Radiators For Steam and Water Each section is 8^ inches wide. Width of legs, 9> inches. Connected with extra-heavy slip-nipples, at both top and bottom, for Water ; extra-heavy right-hand threaded nipple, for Steam. For two-pipe Steam work the supply-leg section is constructed with low-drip hub. Zenith Flue Ventilating Radiators are not made in any, special or odd shapes. In ordering please state whether back or bottom inlet is re- quired, 87 Zenith Flue Ventilating Radiators For Steam and Water No. of Sections *Length Inches HEATING SURFACE SQUARE FKET 38 in. Height. 7 sq. ft. per Sec. 33-in. Height. 6 sq. ft. per Sec. 28-in. Height. 5 sq. ft. per Sec. 23-in. Height. 4 sq. ft. per Sec. 2 W 14 12 10 8 3 7ft 21 18 15 12 4 io# 28 24 20 16 5 12^ 35 30 25 20 6 15# 42 36 30 24 7 18# 49 42 35 28 8 20% 56 48 40 32 9 23^ 63 54 45 36 10 26^ 70 60 50 40 11 29 77 66 55 44 12 31# 84 72 60 48 13 34X 91 78 65 52 14 37 98 84 70 56 15 39%- 105 90 75 60 16 42^ 112 96 80 64 17 45 119 102 85 68 18 47^ 126 108 90 72 19 50^ 133 114 95 76 20 53^ 140 120 100 80 21 55% 147 126 105 84 22 58 Ks 154 132 110 88 23 61X 161 138 115 92 24 64 168 144 120 96 25 66^ 175 150 125 100 26 69^ 182 156 130 104 27 72X 189 162 135 108 28 75 196 168 140 112 29 77^ 203 174 145 116 30 Qoy 2 210 180 150 120 31 83# 217- 186 155 124 32 86 224 192 160 128 Above Radiators are tapped 2 inches, and bushed as per list on page Distance from floor to center of tapping, single-pipe Steam, 4/ inches; double-pipe Steam, supply, 4^ inches, return, 4K inches; Water, supply and return, 4% inches. *In estimating length of Radiators allow l /> inch for each bushing. Special Tappings In Zenith Flue Water Radiators (when so specially ordered) distance between centers of upper and lower tappings is in the 38-inch Height, 3 1 inches; 33-inch Height, 26 inches; 28-inch Height, 20% inches; 23-inch Height, 1 6 inches. 88 Zenith Flue Box-Bases Box-Base, showing Dampers. Outside dimensions of flange or lip around back air inlet of Box-Base for attaching sheet-iron sleeve or pipe : No. Base Section Inches No. Base Section Inches B-l 12 2K x 24K B-6 7 2M x HH B-2 B-3 11 10 2% x 22^ 2K x 19 f e B-7 B-8 6 5 2% x 8U 2% x 7/8 B-4 9 2^ x 16& B-9 4 2& x 4M B-5 8 2# x 14 Bottom of back air inlet opening is % inch above floor level. Where cold-air inlet is brought up through floor, under radiator, the opening in floor to be covered by dampers in base should be : No. Base Section Inches No. Base Section Inches F-1 F-2 F-3 F-4 F-5 12 11 10 9 8 4 x 23K 4x21 4 x 18K 4 x 15}* 4x13 F-6 F-7 F-8 F-9 7 6 5 4 4 x 10^ 4 x 7 1 A 4x6 4 x 3K See note at foot of page 8b Wall Boxes These are substantially constructed: and their angle slats and inside brass-wire screen render them storm and insect proof Outside measure- ment of Wall Box is 5 x 1 7'/ inches, to conform with brick measure. The outside measurement of the flange is 4^ x 17 inches. 89 Areal Sanitary Ventilating Radiators For Steam Only No. 10 No. 15 30 l /a inches 30/8 inches 29'/C *44M 12% 1 2 12 80 sq.ft. 120 sq.ft. 1 % inches 1 K inches 24 40^ Total Height of Radiator and Base . Length over all " " . Width of Panel " " Base at floor line ... Heating Surface Depth of Lip on back of Base . . . Length of Lip, outside measurement Width of Lip, outside measurement , . ' b% 6^6 Number of square inches in Air opening i. e., inside measurement of Back opening . 23^x6" 40x6 Above Radiators are tapped 2 inches and bushed, as per list on page 112. Distance from floor to center of supply tapping is 9 inches, return 8% inches. For two-pipe Steam work the supply-leg section is constructed with low- drip hub. * In estimating length of Radiator allow % inch for each bushing. Ventilating Radiators With New Adjustable Box-Base Front View Rococo Three-Column Orna. Radiator This improved Ventilating Base for AMERICAN Radia- tors is made in portable form as illustrated in detail view shown on page 93- This base can be easily adjusted under Radiators carried in regular warehouse stocks as herewith listed, without waiting for special sections, or without making any changes to the Radiator itself. Engineers and Heating Contractors will appreciate the convenience arising from being able to specify and secure AMERICAN Direct -Indirect Radiation in the patterns mentioned from warehouse stocks, without waiting for the execution of special orders. The bases and plates for both bottom opening and front and back opening box-bases are made for Rococo One-, Two-, Three- and Four-Column; Peerless One-, Two-, Three- and Four Column; National Two-Column Radiators. 91 Ventilating Radiators With New Adjustable Box-Base Rear View Rococo Three-Column Orna. Radiator The Bases and corresponding front and back plates are regularly made in eleven sizes to supply air circulation to Radiators of from five to fifteen sections of the Radiators named on page 91. They fit under regular stock Radiators of more than five sections and with reference to amount of air supply required rather than full size of Radiator. Thus a 5-section Box-Base can be adjusted to a Radiator of 7, 9 sections or larger (in odd sections); a 10-section Box-Base fits a Radiator of 12 sections or larger (in even sections), and so on. A detailed view of Base appears on next page. The two plates which are adjusted to the front and back of the Radiator on top of the Base are held in place by bolts running through the center or corners of the plates, which can be readily removed for cleaning. 92 Ventilating Radiators With New Adjustable Box Base This portable in- terchangeable Base is compact and fits under the Radiator snugly; the dampers work with reversible action, so that when the inside inlet is open the outside damper in the front of the Base is closed and vice versa. The Base can be furnished with either an open- ing and damper in the back (as shown in above cut) or in the floor under the Radiator, as may be desired. These Box Bases are made at Pierce Plant only. Orders should always stipulate whether the bases are desired with regular inlet collar in the rear as above shown, or for inlet to come through the floor. Front View with Rear Wall Collar and Damper Single-Column Bases No. Base Section Inches No. Base Section Inches B-l-1 B-l -2 B-l -3 B-l -4 B-l -5 B-l -6 15 14 13 12 11 10 30& * 2 3 ? 27 3 ! x 2\l 25 3 5 2 x 211 22 3 f x2 3 f B-l- 7 B-l- 8 B-l- 9 B-l-10 B-l-1 1 9 8 7 6 5 15^x251 12 3 ix2 3 i 10 3 9 5 x2 3 | Two-Column Bases B-2-1 B-2-2 B-2-3 B-2-4 B-2-5 B-2-6 ! B-2- 7 B-2- 8 B-2- 9 B-2- 10 B-2- 11 I5 3 7 |x2j| 7ft * 2Ji 5i 9 6 x 211 B-3-1 B-3-2 B-3-3 B-3-4 B-3-5 B-3-6 Three-Column Bases B-3- 7 B-3- 8 B-3- 9 B-3- 10 B-3-1 1 Four-Column Bases B-4-1 B-4-2 B-4-3 B-4-4 B-4-5 B-4-6 36 T 9 s x 2l\ 33i 9 s x 2l\ 2% x 2" 24ft x 23i 2111x2i_ B-4- 7 B-4- 8 B-4- 9 B-4- 10 B-4-1 1 15Sfx2J 12||x2J 93 Rococo Dining-Room Radiators Made in 44-Inch Height Only, Steam and Water Number * Length inches Heating Surface square feet Number * Length inches Heating Surface square feet t 1 2 3 4 22^ 27^ 32^ 37^ 43 f 55 ^ 67^ 79 '/ 5 6 7 8 42 X " 2 47K 52^ 57^ 91tf 103K 115% 127^ t No. 1 is not made in Water pattern. These Radiators are tapped 2 inches and bushed as per list on page 1 1 2 Oven has two shelves 17^ inches long, 10K inches wide, with 5 inches space between. Doors are stenciled "R" for Right; "L" for Left for correct assembling The outside width of oven is 1 2 inches, and this fact should be borne in mind by fitters when arranging for connections so that distance from center of tapping to wall shall not be less than 6 inches. *In estimating length, allow % inch for each bushing. 94 Perfection Dining-Room Radiators Made in 38-inch Height only. Steam only. Number *Length, inches Heating Surface, square feet Number "Length, inches Heating Surface, square feet 00 1 2 3 25 30 35 40 45 13 21 29 37 45 4 5 6 7 50 55 60 65 53 61 69 77 Above Radiators are tapped 1 ^ inches and bushed as per list on page 112 In upper portion of oven are 2 shelves each 20^ inches long, 13 inches wide, 9 inches space between. In lower por- tion 1 shelf of same measurement. The outside width of oven is 13f6 inches, and this fact should be borne in mind by fitters when arranging for con- nections, so that distance from center of tapping to wall shall not be less than 6f| inches. Distance from floor to center of tapping, 4>^ inches. *In estimating length allow y^-inch for each bushing. 95 Detroit Ornamental Fluted Dining. Room Radiators Made in 38-inch Height only, Steam and Water Number "Length, inches Heating Surface, square feet Number *I,ength, inches Heating Surface, square feet i 2 3 4 5 30ft 34H 39^ 43H 48ft 33^ 42 so* & 1 A 68 6 7 8 9 10 53* 57} f 62ft 67A mi 76^ Q5/2 94 102^ niji Above Radiators are tapped 2 inches and bushed according to list on Page 112. Oven has three shelves or racks each 25K inches long, 12% inches wide, with 8% inches spaces between. Outside or extreme depth of oven or closet is 1 3 inches, which fact should be borne in mind by fitters when arranging for connections, so that distance from wall to center of tapping shall not be less than b l / 2 inches. Distance from floor to center of tapping is 4% inches for Water Radia- tors; 4 inches for one-pipe Steam Radiators; 4K inches for supply and 4 inches for return on two-pipe Steam Radiators. For two-pipe Steam work the supply-leg section is constructed with low-drip hub. * In estimating length allow % inch for each bushing. 96 Colonial Pantry Radiators For Steam or Water This Radiator and Plate-warmer combined is made up from Colonial Sections (7-foot only) for either steam or water It is not only very handy for residence pantries, but in extended constructions this warmer will be found most adapt- able to the needs of hotel and restaurant kitchens wherein it is necessary to keep a large number of plates and other dishes warm and ready for service. It can be made up in various heights. It is shipped made up. Measurements No. Heights Inches Heating Surface List Price 1 7 7 sq. ft. $ 8 00 2 17 15 " 15 00 3 27 23 " 22 00 4 37 30 " 29 00 Length 23 inches Width 1314 Height, floor to bottom of lower section 4 " In ordering, state whether for Steam or Water, and what size tapping is required. 97 Circular Radiators Detroit Ornamental Fluted Wide-Top Circular Circular Radiators are made in all heights of following patterns: * Detroit Ornamental Fluted Wide-Top (made in 38-inch Height only, and carried regularly in stock). National Single-Column (steam only). National Two-Column (steam only). Peerless Single-Column (steam only). Peerless Two-Column (steam only). Perfection (steam only). Rococo Three-Column. For measurements, see pages 99, 100, and 101 * See Note, page gg. 93 Circular Radiators Continued Detroit Ornamental Fluted Wide Top Steam or Water In 38-inch height only. Number Sections Heating Surface square feet Outside Diameter at Legs Inside Diameter at Legs List Price 1 12 52 22 3^f $26 00 2 16 69 25 7 34 00 3 20 87 27 9 44 00 4 24 104 29 11 52 00 5 28 121 31 13 60 00 6 32 139 24 16 70 00 7 36 156 38 20 78 00 Distance from floor to center of tapping, 3& inches. These Radiators will all be built in halves, and are pro- vided with bolts for holding halves together. Each half is provided with one feed and one return tapping on opposite sides. Openings are all right hand, tapped two inches and bushed according to tapping list on page 1 12 In order to give more space for adjusting valves the sec- tions of all Circular, Steam and Water Radiators having supply and return openings are separated by an intermediate section without tapping boss. One piece Circulars are not supplied for one-pipe Steam, as the drainage would be unsatisfactory. Radiators can be made to work as one radiator, single- pipe system, by use of elbows and tee. Radiators are of the Water pattern, but will be fitted with Steam and Water air vent openings. These Circular Radiators can, on special order, be fitted with lugs for marble tops. NO TE. We regularly carry a stock of the above pattern of Circular Radiators, without lugs, at our Detroit plant and can ship promptly, tapped for either Steam or Water. 99 Circular Radiators-continued Rococo STEAM AND WATER PERFECTION STEAM No. of Sections Outside Diameter .at Legs Inside Diameter at Legs No. of Sections Outside Diameter at Legs Inside Diameter at Legs 12 27X 5* 16 25 # 5^ 14 28 6/ 2 18 27^ 7X 16 29 X 1% 20 285 8^ 18 30 Qy 2 22 30^ 10K 20 31 9^ 24 32^ 12* 22 32 10K 26 32^' 12# 24 33 ny 2 28 33^ 13^ 26 33^ 12 30 33^ 13* 28 34 12% 32 36X 16X 30 36 lift 34 38^ 18# 32 36^ 15 36 39^ I9y 2 34 37^ 16 38 40^ 2oy 2 36 38^ 17 40 41^ 21% 38 39^ 18 44 43tf 23% 40 41 19# 46 46 X 26% 44 43^ 22 50 49 X 29 X 46 46 24 K 60 55 X 35^ 50 48^ 27 Rococo Circular Radiators are made in Three-Column patterns only, in heights as listed on page 67; Perfection Cir- cular in heights as listed on page 57. Rococo Circular Radiators are tapped 2 inches, and bushed as per list on page 1 12. Perfection Circular Radiators are tapped solid two inches as per list on page 1 12. Rococo Circular Radiators aie furnished in two pieces, form- ing two separate and distinct Radiators, which are simply bolted together and can be taken apart, placed around a col- umn and again bolted together. For one-pipe work this radiator has two tappings for valves; for two pipe work and for Water, it has four tappings for valves two supply in front and two return in back. When above Circular Radiators (for Steam only) are not intended to be placed around a column or post, they can, when specially ordered, be furnished all in one piece, having two connections for valves for two-pipe work. One piece Circular Radiators are not supplied for one-pipe steam, as the drainage would be unsatisfactory. All Circular Water Radi- ators are made in two pieces. In order to give more space for adjusting valves the sec- tions of all Circular Steam and Water Radiators having supply and return openings are separated by an intermediate section without tapping boss. . Distance from floor to center of either supply or return tapping in Rococo and Perfection Circular Radiator is 4 inches. NOTE. Circular Radiators can be made to work as one radiator, single-pipe system, by use of elbows and tee. 100 Circular Radiators continued National and Peerless, for Steam only NATIONAL TWO-COLUMN AND PKER- NATIONAL AND PEERLESS SINGLE- LESS TWO-COLUMN STEAM COLUMN STEAM No. of Sections Outside Diameter at Legs Inside Diameter at Legs No. of Sections Outside Diameter at Legs Inside Diameter at Legs 16 23 y s 6/8 16 20^ 9>6 20 25H 8/8 20 22% iiH 24 2Q% 11* 24 2534: 1434: 25 29/8 123/8 25 263/ 8 153/g 28 3i# \4 l /2 28 28^ 17/2 30 32% 15/8 30 29% 18% 32 34^ 17* 32 31 X 20X 33 35 18 33 32 21 36 37,^ 20^6 36 34 Yc 23^ 38 38JS 21% 38 35^ 6 24% 40 39% 22/8 40 36% 25% 44 42^ 25^ 44 39^ 28^ 50 46^ 2934: 50 4334: 32^ Made in all heights, as listed on pages, 47, 51, 59, and 63. Above Circular Radiators are tapped solid 1 % inches, or smaller, as per list on page 1 12. Circular Radiators for one-pipe work are practically two separate radiators; they are not joined at the back. They can be made to work as one radiator on single-pipe system by use of elbows and tee. When for two-pipe work, they are joined at the back with special nipple; both supply and return being at the front, and the supply tapping being at right-hand as you face the radiator. In order to give more space for adjusting valves the sec- tions of all these Circular Steam Radiators having supply and return openings are separated by an intermediate section without tapping boss. Distance from the floor to the center of either supply or return tapping is 4> inches. 101 Corner Radiators Rococo Two-Column Corner Radiators are made in all heights of the following patterns: Aetna Flue. Italian Flue. Peerless Single-Column (steam only). Peerless Two-Column (steam only). Perfection (steam only). Rococo Two -Column (water, Detroit Plant); (steam, Pierce Plant). Rococo Three Column Orna. and Plain (Detroit Plant only). Verona. 102 Corner Radiator Measurements In ordering Corner Radiators give number of sections in corner and number of sections in each arm, also state which arm, looking into the corner, has the supply leg. For ordering Corner or Curved Radiators, see page 220. In all heights of Curved and Corner Steam Radiators, owing to the difference in heights of supply and return end tappings from floor, we must know (by sketch) which end of radiator is for supply and which for return, as you face the inside of angle or curve. In estimating length of Radiators allow l / 2 inch for each bushing. Measure- ments for Ve- rona Corner Radiators, for Steam and Hot Water (3 sec- tions to make corner). For heights and heating sui faces of sections, see page 53. Measure- ments for Ro- coco Three- Column Cor- ner Radiators, for Steam and Water (3 sections to make corner). For heights and heating surfaces of sections, see page 67. Measurements for Verona Cor- n e r Radiators, for Steam and Hot Water (4 sections to make corner). For heights and heating surfaces of sections, see page 53. Measure- ments for Ro- coco Three Column Cor- ner Radiators, for Steam and Water (4 sections to make corner). For heights and heating sur- faces of sections, see page 67. 103 Corner Radiator Measurements -continued Measurements for Perfection Corner Radiators, for Steam (4 sec- tions to make corner). For heights and heating surfaces of sections, see pages 57 and 61. Measurements for Italian Flue Orn ament al Corner Radia- tors, for Steam and Hot Water (4 sections to make corner). For heights and heating sur- faces of sections, see page 77. Measurements for Peerless Single- Col- umn Steam Corner Radiators (4 sections to make corner). For heights and heating surfaces of sections, see pages 47 and 51. Measure- ments for JEt- na Flue Cor- ner Radiators, for Steam or Hot Water (5 sections to make corner) . For heights and heating surfaces of sec- tions, see page 81. 43" Measurements for Italian Flue Ornamental Cor- ner Radiators, for Steam and Hot Water (5 sections to make corner). For heights and heating sur- faces of sections, see page 77. Measurements for Rococo Two- Col- umn and Peerless Two-Column Steam Corner Ra ' diators ( 4 sections to make corner). For heights and heating surfaces of sections, see pages 59 and 63. 104 Curved Radiators Aetna Flue Curved Radiator Rococo Curved Window Radiator Curved Radiators are made in all heights of patterns as follows: Aetna Flue. Peerless Two-Column (steam only). Italian Flue. Perfection (steam only). National Single-Column (steam only). Rococo Three Col. Orna. and Plain. National Two-Column (steam only). Rococo Window. Peerless Single-Column (steam only). Verona. NOTE. In ordering Curved or Corner Radiators, specify the exact radius or angle of the base-board within which the radiator is to be placed. For method of arriving at exact radius or angle, see drawings and inst.uc- tions on pages 220 to 222. // is important that a heavy paper template showing exact size and radius of each curved radiator shall accompany the order. 105 Carpet-Feet Radiators Perfection Ornamental Carpet Feet Furnished for all heights of Perfection Steam Radiators. Carpet feet increase distance from floor to center of supply tapping to 6^ inches for single-pipe Steam; supply 7 inches, return 6^ inches, for double-pipe Steam; made in Steam only. Also furnished for all heights of DETROIT PLANT Rococo Three-Column Radiators for Steam and Water; distance from floor to center of single-pipe Steam tapping, 5 inches; for two- pipe Steam, 5 1 A inches supply, 5 inches return; for Water, 5% inches, either supply or return. For two-pipe Steam work the Supply-Leg Section is constructed with low-drip hub. 106 Detachable High Legs (Patent applied for) As shown on this page are made, upon special order, for all heights of Italian Flue (with- out Box Bases), Verona, Perfection, and Rococo Ornamental and Plain Radiators. For Rococo Window Radiators these legs are furnished in one height only; 7^ inches from floor to center of hub. These legs can be furnished so that the distance from floor to center of supply tappings for one-pipe job will be six or eight inches as ordered. The JEtna. Flue Radiators can also be furnished with Detachable High Legs, to make distance from floor to center of supply tapping for one-pipe job, six or eight inches as ordered. If any other distances from floor to center of tap- ping are absolutely required they can be furnished on special order only. These legs are detached and shipped separately, thus removing possibility of breakage. The size of each pair of Detacha- ble Legs is cut on the inside of each half, as "4x4^." These numbers show the distance which the legs High Legs win bring the center of the tapping from floor. For example, the 4x4^ legs are the standard height legs and bring both tappings of a Water Radiator 4^ inches from floor; in a double- pipe steam job, the supply would be 4^ inches and the return 4 inches from floor; in a single-pipe steam job the supply or low drip end would be 4 inches from the floor. In ordering radiators having Detachable Legs, always give distance from floor to center of what is to be the supply tapping of radiator; and when for Steam Radiators, be sure to state whether for one or two-pipe job. 107 Extra-High Solid Legs Extra-High Solid Legs, as shown by illustra- tion on this page, can be furnished on special order only, in all heights, except 44-inch and 45-inch sections, of National 1-Column National 2-Column Peerless 1 -Column Peerless 2-Column Peerless 3-Column Peerless 4-Column Rococo 1 -Column Rococo 2-Column Rococo 3-Column Zenith... Zenith Window... so that distance from floor to center of tapping will be 6, or 8 inches, as ordered. If high solid legs are required for Rococo 4-Column, al) heights, or 44-inch and 45-inch heights of all other patterns, inquire what heights can be c urnished. Other distances, if absolutely required, furnished en special order only. These Radiators with Extra-High Solid Legs are tapped 2 inches and bushed according to list on page 112. NOTE In ordering Radiators having extra- high solid legs, always give distance required irom floor to the center of what is to be the supply tapping ot Radiator; and when for Steam, be sure to state whether for one- or Extra-High Solid Legs two-pipe work. Saddles for Marble Tops For List of Marble Tops and Slabs, see page 1 75= Saddle for Steam Radiator Saddle for Hot- Water Radiator These Saddles fit Radiators of following patterns: National Single-Column Peerless Two-Column National Two-Column Peerless Three-Column Peerless Single-Column Peerless Four-Column Rococo Ornamental They afford a rest or support upon which marble tops can be placed Two of these saddles are usually sufficient for a radiator, but in the case of a radiator of 1 5 sections or more it is advisable to use three saddles one in the center and one at either end. We are also prepared to furnish cast-iron Saddles for Zenith Window Flue Radiators. Lugs for Marble Tops The following patterns are, when so specially ordered, arranged with Jugs on top of leg sections for .holding marble tops : Italian Flue Rococo (Detroit Plant) Perfection Verona 108 Radiator Pedestals Made at Pierce Plant Pedestals to fit under legs of all styles and heights of any of our Direct ^^ Radiators can be fur- nished in the fol- IB lowing heights: #, #, 1,1#, 2#, 3, 3tf , 4, 4M, 6, 7, 8 and 9 inches. Made at Detroit Plant Made at Pierce Plant Made at Detroit Plant Pedestals to fit under legs of all styles and heights of any of our Direct Radiators can be furnished in the following heights: #, tf, 1, I*, 1#, 1#, 2, 2X, 2#, 3, 3#, 4, 4#, 5, 5>, 6, 6& 7, 7K 8, %y 2 and 9 inches. Heights y 2 to 2^ inches inclusive, are made in the same pattern as the Fierce-Plant pedestal. Radiator Foot-Ups View of a new Radiator "Foot-up," showing its application to a low Radiator, and illustrating the method of taking up a carpet without changing anything but one of the Foot-ups at a time. The advantages of these little conveniences are as fol- lows: Very neat in appearance; easily adjusted; save time and money; do away with radiator boards; save cutting carpet or displacing the radiator to take up the carpet. These Foot- ups set the radiator up from floor \y% inches. List prices: Two pieces to a set ; plain, 25 cts. per set; nickeled, 40 cts. per set. 109 Radiator Wrenches Direct Radiator "Wrench On the inside of each right- and left-hand threaded nipple, as furnished with radiators made at our DETROIT PLANT, are cast two heavy projecting luijs, so that an oidinary piece of bar iron flattened at one end, the length of nipple, can be inserted to any desired point in the radiator, and by applying wrench to bar the nipple can be unscrewed and one or more sections may he taken out independent of all the others in the stack. Made in two sizes, for 1 14-inch and 2-inch nipples. AMERICAN RADIATOR COMPANY Indirect Radiator "Wrench These drop-forged steel wrenches are made especially for assembling Indirect Radiators connected with right- and left-hand threaded nipple having; hexagon nut at center. Made in two sizes, for 1 %- and 2-inch nip- ple openings. Vento Nipple "Wrench For Vento sections this wrench will be found most practical. Made of drop-forged steel, for right- and left-hand threaded nipples having a hexa- gon nut at the center. It has a 3-inch opening to engage the nut of a 2 l /2- inch nipple and is strong and durable. Concealed Brackets For supporting Single, Two-Column, Three-Column, and Four-Column Direct Ra- diators of patterns made by us. Distance from wall to center of tapping in radiator is in he Single-Column, 3 inches; Two-Column, Sinches; Three- Column, 5 K inches ; Four- Column, f) l A inches. A set consists of one each, top and bottom support. Ordinarily two sets v/ill support a m- dium size of radiator. Con- cealed Brackets are also made for Perfection, Rococo, Two- Column and Rococo Three- Bottom Support Column Direct Radiators, both Steam and Water, made at DFTROIT PLANT. Distance from wall to center of tapping in radiator is in Two-Column, 4-j"^ inches; Three-Column, 5/8 inches. 110 Top Guide Special Direct Radiator Tappings Top and bottom tappings, same end, for water. While it has been our practice here- tofore to furnish certain patterns of slip- nipple radiation regularly tapped as illus- trated, hereafter such construction will not be so tapped unless specially noted on order. On right- and left-nipple con- struction Water Radiators will be fur- nished with plug at top of each end section, as heretofore. This plug can be removed and bushing for pipe con- nection inserted if necessary. Instructions for Assembling American Radiators 1. Wipe the nipple clean and inspect it carefully, to be sure that it has no de- fects which would affect the making of a tight joint. 2. Wipe the opening in the Radiator loop clean, to remove iron chips or dirt. If threaded see that there is no dirt in threads. 3. Paint the opening in the loop with Frazer's Pipe Joint Paste, or with a mixture made up of one-half red lead and one-half white lead, thinned with boiled linseed oil to the consistency of liquid paint. 4. In slip-nipple work insert the nipple in one loop by hand as far as it will go, taking great care to see that the nipple is straight. If the nipple is cocked, a perfect joint cannot be made and the section is put under a strain which is liable to break it. 5. In right and left internal screwed nipple Water Radia- tors see that the top and bottom nipples start at the same time, and also that they enter both loops evenly so that one- half of each nipple will be in each loop when assembled. The two nipples should make up evenly. An asbestos gas- ket, provided for this purpose, should always be used. 6. In assembling right and left hexagon nipples, start the right-hand thread (on the long side of the nipple) one turn before engaging the left-hand thread. Ill Tapping List of Direct Radiators STEAM ONE-PIPE WORK Radiators containing 24 square feet and under Above 24, but not exceeding 60 feet . Above 60, but not exceeding 100 feet . . . Above 1 00 square feet 1 inch IX inch \ l / 2 inch 2 inch TWO-PIPE WORK Radiators containing 48 square feet and under .... 1 x ^ inch Above 48, but not exceeding 96 feet 1/4x1 inch Above 96 square feet 1% *. 1% inch WATER TAPPED FOR SUPPLY AND RETURN . 1 inch 1 J inch 1 y z inch inches, return Radiators containing 40 square feet and under .... Above 40, but not exceeding 72 square feet Above 72 square feet Vapor tappings, top and bottom opposite ends, supply % inch. Unless otherwise ordered, all openings of Direct Radiators will have right-hand threads (except that of Wall Radiators where tapped 1 1 / 2 inch, in which case tapping at one end is right-hand and left-hand on other end). All air-valve tappings of Direct Radiators are regularly made J4 inch. Measurements of American Radiators Width, Inches Name of Radiator Length occupied in Stack by Legs Intermediate Sections Directs each Section* Inches \2 1 A 12% Aetna Flue 3 12 12 Areal 7% Astro 3 8 l /2 8 l /2 Italian Flue 3 5 l /2 8 l /2 4% 7 3 /8 National Single-Column . National Two-Column . . 2% 5 l /2 8 l /2 Peerless Single-Column . Peerless Two-Column . . 2 I/ ft 10 9 Peerless Three-Column 2M l-IK I05i Peerless Four-Column . 3 Perfection Ql/ 5Y 2 4Y2 Rococo Single-Column 9 r/ 8 1 /* 7H Rococo Two-Column . 2/^ 10 9% Rococo Three-Column 2 1 A 11 I0X Rococo Four-Column . 3 \1% Rococo Window 3 8 l /2 8 Verona 854 Zenith Flue 12% Zenith Window .... *To length of these Radiators add % inch for each bushing. 112 Hot Water Distance from floor to center of either supply or return tapping is 4% inches. (See note.) American Radiator Bushing System It is often necessary to change the tappings of Direct Radiators after they are ordered and received at the building. Sometimes a direct radiator is changed from one room to another in which the piping connection or valve may be larger or smaller; or a room may be altered in size and more sections added to the radiator or some taken off, which will re- quire the changing the size of the supply pipe to conform to the new heating re- quirements. Therefore, to facilitate any changes which may develop, all AMERICAN Direct Radiators (except as stated in note) are tapped two inches and bushed as specified on page 112. This system makes it easy to make alterations at any time without the re- tapping and re-threading of the end sections that would be necessary in radiation having solid tap- pings. Few fitters are equipped to re-tap and re-thread a section on the job. It usually goes to the ma- chine shop or a new one is ordered. Our system saves this expense and loss of time, 'always pro- viding a basis for variable, yet reliable piping connections. The highly perfected machinery em- ployed for tapping and for making our bushings which is owned exclusively by this Company in- sures a uniformity in tight joints. Single-Pipe Steam Distance from floor to center of tapping is 4 inches. (See note.) For Steam Radiators double tappings can be changed to single tapping by the use of a plug in the supply end of the radiator. On the other hand, Steam Radiators connected up to single-pipe work can be changed to double piping by replacing the plug on the return end with a bushing. Both supply and return legs have air-valve tappings with interchangeable plugs. In ordering legs or end sections, specify if for supply or return and whether for single or dou- ble-pipe work. Exceptions NOTE This system does not apply to National Double-Pipe Steam Circular > Perfection Circular, Peerless Circular. Distance from floor to Tt does not a PP J y to National and Peerless Single- center of supply tapping Column for Steam, with regular legs; but with is 4% inches; return />. . , ... T . inches. (See note.) High Solid Legs it does apply. 113 Classification of Radiator Sections We herewith publish a classification and naming of direct radiator sections which will give all con- cerned a more definite method of naming sections when writing out orders. If the following terms are used in making out or- ders, their use will insure a definite understanding of requirements at our Branches and Plants, and thus save correspondence and insure prompt ship- ments of small parts ordered. "Supply Leg" To designate end sections connected to sup- ply pipe for two-pipe Steam system. End section on slip-nipple radiation connected to supply pipe for Water system. End section on right- and left-hand threaded nipple con- struction radiation fitted with left-hand thread for nipple. : 'Return Leg" To designate end section on slip-nipple con- struction radiation connected to return pipe for Water system. End section on right- and left-hand threaded nipple con- struction radiation fitted with right-hand threads for nipple. "Drip Leg" To designate end section connected to return pipe on a two-pipe Steam system. On right- and left-hand threaded nipple construction radiation this section is fitted with right-hand thread for nipple. End section connected to piping system on a one-pipe sys- tem. On right- and left hand threaded nipple construction radiation this section is fitted with right-hand thread for nipple. "Blank Leg" To designate end section on a one pipe system not connected to piping system. On right- and left-hand threaded nipple construction radiation this section is fitted with left-hand thread for nipple. "Center Leg" To designate intermediate or middle section furnished with feet. "Loop" To designate intermediate or middle section. Water Radiation for Steam "Supply Leg" On all water for steam right- and left-hand threaded nipple construction radiation, excepting ./Etna Flue, is fitted with left-hand thread for nipple, regardless of one- or two-pipe system. "Return Leg" On all water for steam, right- and left-hand threaded nipple construction radiation, excepting ^Etna Flue, is fitted with right-hand thread for nipple, regardless of one- or two-pipe system. NOTE It is always advisable in ordenng sections for Steam Radiators to state whether for one- or two-pipe connections. 114 Rococo Wall Radiators For Steam or Water Horizontal Section Vertical Section Rococo Wall Radiator sections are made for two methods of intercon- nection as follows: The vertical section is tapped on the long sides at B, C, G, and F; the horizontal section is tapped on the short sides at A, H, D, and K. A, B, C, and H are right-hand tappings ; D, E, F, and G are left-hand tappings. When more than 4 tappings are required in one section an extra charge is made for the extra tappings, at 10 cents each, net. For measurements and method of assembling and erecting, see pages 211 to 218. Size and Measurements Made in three sizes. 2% in. thick, or 3^ in. with bracket. Extra large, 29 h in. long, 1 3f-, in. wide 9 sq. ft. Standard, 21% in. long, 1 3 A in. wide 7 sq. ft. Small, 16^i in. long, 13& in. wide 5 sq. ft. Assembling Wall Sections Connected with 1 J^-inch right- and left-hand internal nipples. On the inside of each of these light- and left-handed threaded internal nipples are cast two heavy projecting lugs, so that an ordinary piece of 1 54- inch bar-iron flattened at one end, the length of nipple, can be inserted to any desired point in the radiator, and by applying wrench to bar the nipple ran be screwed or unscrewed and one or more sections may be added to or taken out independently of all the others in the stack. We furnish these bars in 4-foot lengths. (Seepage 110.) 115 Rococo Wall Radiators continued Directions for Ordering For convenience in shipping and handling: Five-foot Radiators assembled end to end as per figures 1 1, 12, 13, etc., (see pages 213 and 214) and will be assembled into stacks not larger than four sections. Seven-foot Radiators assembled end to end, and will be assembled into stacks not larger than three sections. Nine-foot Radiators assembled end to end, and will be assembled into stacks not larger than two sections. When assembled side by side, as per figures 15, 16, 17, etc., (see pages 213 and 214) all the three sizes will be assembled into stacks not larger than five sections. When fitter intends to erect a stack consisting of more sections than above mentioned, or when the sections or stacks are to be set in rows or series (as shown by illustrations on following pages), we provide a right and left-hand threaded nipple having hexagon nut at center, enabling the fitter to easily connect the stacks or rows on the job. We carry these sections in two styles of tappings horizon- tal and vertical. In ordering please state which arrangement is desired, and this can be done by giving the figure number of illustrations on pages 211 to 218. Where other arrange- ment is desired, please send sketch showing exactly what is desired. Wall Radiator Brackets Footed Vertical Brackets "J" To fit over a 9^ in- high base-board or skirting, and for supporting Wall Radiators, erected vertically. With each "J" Bracket we furnish one ^-inch stove bolt and one button which holds the Radiator in position. Height from floor to center of supply or return end of low- est tapping: No. J 1 Bracket 9K in - No. J 2 Bracket 7^ in. No. J 3 Bracket 5/ 2 in. Footed Horizontal Brackets "K" To fit over base-board or skirting, and for supporting Wall Radiators, erected horizontally. With eack "K" Bracket we furnish one %-inch stove bolt and one button. Height from floor to center of supply or return end of lowest tapping: No. K 1 Bracket will fit over 1 1 ^-inch high base-board or skirting 1 6 in. No. K 2 Bracket " " 9/^ No. K 3 Bracket " 7 1 A No. K 4 Bracket " " 5Yz No. K 5 Bracket " " 3^ No. K-6 Bracket " " \Yz 14 m. 12 in. 10 in. 8 in. 6 in. 116 Rococo Wall Radiators continued Bracket "L" Screwed to wall, base board or wainscoting, and supports radiators set either hori- zontally or vertically. The " L" Bracket is slotted for four wood screws not furnished by us. Each sec- tion requires for its proper support one "L" and one "M " Bracket. Bracket " M " Screwed to wall, base- board or wainscoting, and intended to be used as a guide or to hold in posi- tion radiator supported by Bracket "L" or "O." Each section requires for its propersupport one " L" or "O" and one "M" Bracket. The "M" Bracket is slotted for two wood screws not supplied by us. Bracket "N" Is a straight right-angle Bracket, without offset, for sup- porting Wall Radiators erected vertically or horizontally; height from floor to center of end tapping bosses, 5^ inches. With each " N " Bracket we furnish one ^-inch stove bolt and one button. Bracket "O" Screwed to wall, base board or wainscoting, and supports underneath section set either horizontally or vertically. Should be used in connection with "M" Bracket for top guide. The "O" Bracket is slotted for four wood screws not supplied by us. Ceiling Bracket "P" Made of cast plate, 3)4 inches in diameter and screwed to ceil- ing joists by four screws not furnished by us. The bolt fur- nished gives a distance of 3>^ inches to 5 inches from bottom of radiator to ceiling. Other length bolts can be furnished when specially ordered. NOTE: In ordering buttons and stove bolts separately from brackets, it is necessary to state for which bracket they are wanted, as different lengths of bolts are used for the different brackets. 117 Vento Cast-Iron Radiators For Fan and Blower Work Patented December 15, 1903 Front view of Ten-Section Group. Made for Steam or Water, in 40, 50, and 60-inch Sections. A great improvement over pipe coils for Heating and Ven- tilating work; also for drying work in lumber kilns, laundries, hotels, factories, mills, etc. Leading Features Few Parts: Section consists of three parts main casting and two hexagon nipples. The equivalent Coil consists of a base, eight risers, four nipples and eight elbows, or a total of twenty-one pieces a difference in favor of the Vento section of 1 to 7. Few Joints: Section is complete with four screwed joints. The equiva- lent Pipe Coil requires twenty-four screwed joints, or a difference in favor of the Vento section of 1 to 6, or one sixth as many joints. Simplicity: Sections are easily handled and transported, and may be carried through doors or windows of any building, and can then be assem- bled into a complete heater. The equivalent Pipe Coil stacks are cumber- some, difficult to handle and transport. Showing a section cut through center. 118 Vento Cast-iron Radiators For Fan and Blower Work Small Space: A complete Vento heater is compact, and occupies about twenty-five per cent less space than the equivalent Pipe Coil heater. This fact invests the Vento Heater with great value, particularly where space is an important factor. Elastic Properties: The ease and simplicity with which the Vento Heater may be either increased or reduced in its capacity, or repaired, are features which will commend it to architects and heating engineers. |f End View of Stack. with consequent liability construction of the Vento difficulty. Circulation A rapid and uniform circulation of the steam is important and is well provided in the Vento Heater by having the steam enter at the top of each section. The force of the steam carries it through the connecting ports and drives the air down each of the sections to the air vents at the bottom, thereby securing an even and quick circulation without noise or water-hammer, besides producing equal expansion with no risk of fracture. In Pipe Coil heaters, the base is usually divided into two compartments. The steam enters on one side of the partition and must then rise through a series of one- inch pipes, sometimes eight or ten feet, before it can deposit the water of conden- sation in the return or opposite row of pipes, where it belongs. The result is, that when using low-pressure steam in cold weather, the condensation is so rapid in the first row of pipes that a partial vacuum is created, having a tendency to hold the condensation in suspension besides pull- ing the water out of the return side. The water coming in contact with the inrush- ing steam, causes violent water- hammer and unequal expan- sion of the base, to breakage. The Heater prevents such Hexagon Nipple 119 Vento Cast-Iron Radiators For Fan and Blower "Work 40-Inch Section, 11 1-2 Square Feet No. of Heater Number of sections in Group Square feet heat- ing sur- face in Group .Equiva- lent in lineal feet, 1-inch pipe Area of face in square feet Air space, net area in sq. feet Width of Group in inches Weight of Group in pounds 7 7 80.5 241 9.72 4.34 35 594 8 8 92 276 11.10 4.96 40 670 9 9 103.5 310 12.48 5.58 45 728 10 10 115 345 13.86 6.20 50 851 11 11 126.5 379 15.24 6.82 55 936 12 12 138 414 16.62 7.44 60 ,022 13 13 149.5 448 18.00 8.06 65 ,167 14 14 161 483 19.38 8.68 70 ,193 15 15 172.5 517 20.76 9.30 75 ,278 16 16 184 552 22.14 9.92 80 ,364 17 17 195.5 586 23.52 10.54 85 ,449 18 18 207 621 24.90 11.16 90 ,535 50-Inch Section, 14 Square Feet 7 7 98 294 12.15 5.37 35 717 8 8 112 336 13-88 6.14 40 810 9 9 126 378 15.61 6.91 45 923 10 10 140 420 17.34 7.68 50 ,026 11 11 154 462 19.07 8.45 55 ,129 12 12 168 504 20.80 9.22 60 ,232 13 13 182 546 22.53 9.99 65 ,335 14 14 196 588 24.26 10.76 70 ,436 15 15 210 630 25.99 11.53 75 ,539 16 16 224 672 27.72 12.30 80 ,644 17 17 238 714 29.45 13.07 85 ,747 18 18 252 756 31.18 13.84 90 1,852 60-Inch Section, 17 Square Feet 7 '7 119 357 14.58 6.45 35 864 8 8 136 408 16.66 7.37 40 988 9 9 153 459 18.74 8.29 45 ,112 10 10 170 510 20.82 9.21 50 ,238 11 11 187 561 22.90 10.13 55 ,362 12 12 204 612 24.98 11.05 60 ,486 13 13 221 663 2706 11.97 65 ,610 14 14 238 714 29.14 12.89 70 ,734 15 15 255 765 31.22 13.81 75 ,858 16 16 272 816 33.30 14.73 80 ,982 17 17 289 867 35.38 15.65 85 2,106 18 18 306 918 37.46 16.57 90 2,230 120 Vento Cast-Iron Radiators For Fan and Blower Work Heating Surface, Measurements and Data Heating surface 60-Inch Section, 17 square feet; length over all, 60^ inches; width, 9 X inches. Heating surface 50-Inch Section, 14 square feet; length over all, 51 inches; width, 9 ^ inches. Heating surface 40-Inch Section, 11^ square feet; length over all, 41 inches; width, 9^ inches. Distance between centers can be extended by use of 2^- inch wrought iron pipe nipples of necessary length. Tappings 2^-inch right hand on supply end and 2^-inch left hand on return end and bushed to size required. Inside tappings on all bushings furnished with right-hand threads unless other- wise ordered. Assembling Sections The preceding tables of dimensions apply to the single group, starting with seven sections. When more than one group is used, add two and one-half inches to the width for staggering. For the depth, allow one-inch space between the sections. Any size of Radiator may be computed by as- sembling a number of sections to answer the capacity required; i. e., if a 60-inch Radiator, containing 850 square feet of heating surface, is required, a No. 10 group by five groups deep may be selected, having the following dimensions : 5 sections x 9 inches deep =45 inches, plus 4 inches for air space =49 inches; 50 inches wide, plus 2% inches for staggering=52^ inches ; making the complete Radiator 49 inches deep, 52% inches wide, 60 inches high; containing 850 square feet of heating surface, the equivalent of 2,550 lineal feet of 1-inch pipe. Several combinations of the sections may be assembled to form Radiators of varying capacities by double-tiering the sections, using the 40-inch, or 50-inch and 60-inch, or two 40-inch and two 60-inch sections. Sections are tapped 2*4 inches, and are connected by means of heavy cast-iron hexagon nipples, right and left- hand threaded. These Radiators are shipped in stacks of 5 or 6 sections unless otherwise ordered. Air Vent Tappings Air Vents should be tapped in steam supply end of each group of sections, about 12 inches from the bottom of the section. These separate vents should then be connected to- gether into a header vent pipe. Send for complete catalogue containing temperature and condensation charts. 121 Vento Cast-iron Radiators Assembling and Testing The illustration herewith shows a top view of the Vento Radiator and the plan of staggering the seccions. Patented Dec. 15, 1903 Grooves are provided on the bottom of each section for rods made of one-half inch iron pipe, which form a bearing for rolls of three-quarter inch pipe placed transversely and about twelve inches apart. This method permits free expan- sion and contraction; and gives an air space under the Ra- diator thereby adding to its efficiency. Expansion and contraction, tensile strength, etc., have been given the most severe tests under varying degrees of the initial air temperature above and below zero, with high and low fan velocity, using both live and exaaust steam pressures. Each section is subjected at the Plant to a hydrostatic test of one hundred pounds to the square inch. Side view with detail measurements 60-Inch Section The severity of these tests fully determines the reliability of this cast-iron construction and permits of a wide margin of safety, as operating pressures in ordinary practice are less than ten pounds to the square inch. 122 Sanitary School Pin Indirect Radiators For Steam and Water Section for Water Section for Steam Each section contains 20 square feet of heating surface. Length 36/4 inches. Height, 13% inches. Height at connecting point, on regular pins, 15/i inches. When special tappings (2 inches or smaller) are at "I," height at connecting point is 1 5% inches. When tapping is at " J," length is 36% inches. Width each section occupies in stack, 4 inches. If other distances be- tween centers are desired we can furnish nipples giving a distance of 3%, 4% or 4% inches from center to center of assembled sections. These Indirects are tapped 2 inches, right-hand on supply end and left- hand on the return, and can be bushed to such smaller size as is desired. When tappings are bushed smaller, the inside tappings in bushings will be right-hand, unless otherwise ordered. Connected with extra heavy 2-inch right- and left-hand threaded nipples, having hexagon nut at center. Steam sections are always shipped sepa- rately. Water sections are shipped separately unless otherwise ordered; when ordered assembled they are shipped in stacks of 5 or 6 sections. 123 Perfection Pin Indirect Radiators For Steam or Water With Right- and Left-Hand Threaded Nipples "Standard" size, single section, with extra heavy right and left-hand threaded nipple connections with hexagon nut in center. Each section of Perfection Pin Indirect "Standard" size, with right and left-hand threaded nipple connections, contains 1 square feet of heat- ing surface. Length, 36/ in. Height, ^ I ^ in. Height at connecting point 9il in. Width each section occupies in stack, 2^i in. If greater distance between centers is desired, we can furnish extra long nipples giv- ing a distance of 3, 3/^, 3 1 A or 3M in. between centers of standard size. Each section of Perfection Pin Indirect "Extra Large" size, with right and left-hand threaded nipple connections, contains 1 5 square feet of heat- ing surface. Length, 36% in. Height, 11^ in. Height at connecting point, 14 in. Width each section occupies in stack, 2% m.; or, when spe- cially ordered, can be increased to 3Ys,3}i> 3fjjor3% in. between centers. :...,. Complete Stack (sections are shipped separately unless otherwise or- dered; when ordered assembled are shipped in stacks of 5 or 6 sections.) "Standard" and "Extra Large" sizes are tapped 2-inch, and can be bushed to such smaller size as is desired. Openings will have 2-inch right-hand tapping on one side and 2-inch left-hand tappings on the other. Connected with extra heavy 2-inch right and left-hand threaded hexagon nipples. When tappings are bushed to smaller sizes, the inside tappings in bu&iings will be right-hand unless otherwise ordered. If location of tapping is desired other than regular, we can furnish these radiators, when specially ordered, in the " Extra Large " size with special tapping? at "A," "B," "C" and "D," 2 inches or smaller; the " Stand- ard" size can be tapped 2 inches or smaller at "A" and "B," and 1 Va, inch or smaller at "C" and "D." These indirects can also be furnished with same special tappings at reverse end of stack, if desired. 124 Perfection Pin Indirect Radiators For Steam or Water With Flange and Bolt Connections "Standard" Size, Single Section, with Bolt and Flange Connections. Both "Standard" and "Extra Large" sizes are tapped 2 inches, and can be bushed to such smaller size as is desired. All openings will have rignt-liand tnreads unless otherwise ordered. If location of tappings is desired other than regular, as shown by "A" in cut, we can furnish special tappings at "B," 2 inches or smaller; *C," 1 % inches or smaller; "D," \% inches or smaller. Can also furnish same special tappings at reverse end of stack if desired Each section of Perfection Pin Indirect "Standard" size contains 10 square feet of heating surface. Length, 36/ inches. Height, 7K inches. Height at connecting point, 11^ inches. Width each section occupies in stack, lYt, inches; or when specially ordered, this can be increased % inch, to give additional air area between sections, by furnishing sections with bosses. * > # * "Extra Large" Size Section with Bolt and Flange Connection. Each section of Perfection Pin Indirect "Extra Large" size, contains 15 square feet of heating surface. Length, 36^ inches. Height, 1 1 y 2 inches. Height at connecting point, 15/^> inches. Width each section occupies in stack, 2% inches; or, when specially ordered, this can be increased % or % inch, to give additional air area between sections, by furnishing sections with extra-heavy bosses The assembling of these radiators is a very simple matter and consequently they are always shipped in separate sections which can be assembled one at a time in the cradle which is used to support them in place. 125 Excelsior Junior Indirect Steam Radiators B Single Section showing Special Tappings Each section of Excelsior Junior Indirect Steam Radiator contains 8 square feet of heating surface. Length of section, 23% inches. Height, 8 inches. Width each section occupies in stack, 3^ inches; or, when specially ordered connected with extra long nipples, to give additional air area between sections: 3^, 3%, 4^, or 4^g inches. The nipples for connecting sections are extra heavy \y z - inch, right- and left-hand threaded, with hexagon nut at the center. Sections are shipped separately unless otherwise specified; when ordered assembled, are shipped in stacks of 5 or 6 sections. Regular tapping is 1^-inch; supply tapping has right-hand thread; return tapping, left-hand thread. If smaller than I 1 /* inch tapping be required for Excelsior Junior Steam Indirect, a 1^-inch nipple and a reducing elbow should be used, instead of a bushing, to avoid interference with diaphragm opening. As these tapped openings should never be bushed, we do not, under any circumstances, ship them with bushings. If location of tapping is desired other than regular, we can furnish special tappings as shown in above cut: "A," 1^- inch tapping or smaller; "B," 1^-inch tapping or smaller; "C," 1%-inch tapping or smaller; "D," 1^-inch tapping or smaller. 126 Excelsior Indirect Radiators For Steam and Water iilif III H I it M*f M i|i< I Mill** 4*1.1 Mi M M I M M ' rs~ Excelsior Indirect Steam Section showing Special Tappings Length of Excelsior Indirect Steam Section, 36 inches. Excelsior Indirect Hot-Water Section, 36% inches. Height, 8 inches. Width occupied in stack, 3f inches; or, when specially ordered connected with extra long nipples, to give additional air area between sections, 3^, 3^, 4^, and 4^ inches. Each section contains 12 square feet of heating surface in both Steam and Hot Water. Sections are shipped separately unless otherwise ordered; when ordered assembled are shipped in stacks of 5 or 6 sections. Connected with extra-heavy 1^-inch right and left-hand threaded nipples, having hexagon nut at the center. Regular tapping is 1^-inch; supply tapping has right-hand thread, return tapping, left-hand thread. If smaller than 1 y 2 - inch tapping be required for Excelsior Steam Indirect, a 1^- inch nipple and a reducing elbow should be used, instead of a bushing, to avoid interference with diaphragm opening. As openings should never be bushed, we do not under any circumstances ship stacks with less than 1^-inch opening. d|MP .^ Excelsior Indirect Water Radiator-Complete Stack inch tapping or smaller; "D," 1^-inch tapping or smaller. 127 Excelsior Indirect Radiators continued Steam Indirect Connections The above cut shows : First. The supply pipe attached, as it should always be, to the right hand side of stack, and return pipe to the left-hand side. Second. The distance the sections should be set from each other, which should be so the flanges will interlock about 54-inch. When spe- cially ordered, however, sections will be connected with extra long nipples, to give additional air area between the sections. Third. The diaphragm or partition ; its location and shape ; which is such as to make the circulation of steam absolutely oositive, and also allow the water of condensation to pass freely under it and directly to the return pipe. Because of this diaphragm bushings should not be used. Fourth The air vent should be placed on the return connection or close to same. Directions for Setting Steam Indirect Hangers made of J^-inch or %-inch round iron having coach screw threads at one end and an eye or ring turned at the other end large enough to receive 1-inch or 1 >4-inch iron pipe, may be easily screwed to the joists or timbers overhead. Those hangers are usually placed one at each side ol the four corners about 6 inches from the end and opposite each other, so that the horizontal pipe support may pass through the rings or eyes. The hanger supporting the return end of the stack should be slightly lower ( J to J^-inch) than the others so that the water of condensation may have a positive flow toward the return connection. The distance from the top of the stack to the ceiling should be from 10 to 12 inches and the air space below the stack to the bottom of the casing, from 6 to 8 inches. The ceiling over the stack is usually covered with galvanized iron, or tin. The illustration shows a good method for incasing indirect radiation and also suggests a simple way to secure rotary circulation of the air in the room when it becomes desirable to shut off the out-door supply. 128 Excelsior Indirect Radiators continued Hot Water Connections The flow connection to the indirect stack is made to the upper side or end supply tapping, and the return connection is taken from the lower tapping on the opposite side. When the flow pipe, as shown in the illustration, is at the highest point of its connection to the stack, the air vent must be taken from there, either by attaching an air valve or connecting a J^-inch or %-inch iron pipe and carrying same to the expansion pipe or nearest riser. If the flow connection, however, pitches downward from an overhead main to the stack, no special air vent will be required. The illustration shows a good method for encasing the indirect stack and introducing the fresh air through a galvanized iron duct and delivering the warm air through a side wall register. Directions for setting are similar to those given for steam on the preceding page. Data for Excelsior Indirect Steam Radiators Heat- ing our- face Cold Air Sup- ply Diam- eter of Duct if Round Hot Air Flue Size for Brick Work if Hot Air Size of Register Ratio of ItoSO Ratio of Ito35 Ratio of 1 to 40 Flues Sq. ft. Sq. in. Inches Inches Inches Cu. ft. Cu. ft. Cu. ft. 24 36 6.8 48 4x12 8x 8 720 840 960 36 54 8.3 72 8x12 9x12 1080 1260 1440 48 72 9.6 96 8x12 10x14 1440 1680 1920 60 90 10.0 120 12x12 12x15 1800 2100 2400 72 108 11.7 144 12x12 12x19 2160 2520 2880 84 126 12.7 168 12x16 14x22 2520 2940 3360 96 144 13.5 192 12x16 14x24 2880 3360 3840 108 162 14.4 226 12x20 16x20 3240 3780 4320 120 180 15.2 240 12x20 16x24 3600 4200 4800 132 198 15.9 264 12x24 20x20 3960 4620 5280 144 216 16.6 288 12x24 20x24 4320 5040 5760 129 Cardinal Indirect Radiators For Steam or Water Complete Stack Each section of Cardinal Indirect contains 15 square feet of heating surface. Length of section, 37 # inches ; height, at connecting end, \\% inches; at opposite end, 9X inches. Width each section occupies in stack, 3% inches; or, when specially ordered connected with extra long nipples, to give additional air area between sections, can be increased to 3#, 4, 4^ or 4^ inches. The nipples used for connecting sections are extra-heavy 2-inch, right and left-hand threaded, with hexagon nut at the center. Sections are shipped separately unless otherwise specified; when ordered assembled, are shipped in stacks of 5 or 6 sections. Regular tapping is 2 inches, and can be bushed to any smaller size desired. Supply tapping has right-hand thread; return tapping, left-hand thread unless otherwise ordered. But when radiator is wanted tapped smaller than 2 inches, the tapping within the bushing is right-hand, unless otherwise ordered. If location of tapping is desired other than regular, we can furnish special tappings as shown in above illustration, "A," 1^-inch tapping or smaller; "B," 1 ^-inch tapping or smaller. 130 Sterling Indirect Radiators For Steam or Water Single Section Each section of Sterling Indirect contains 20 square feet of heating surface. Length of section, 36^ inches; height 15^ inches. Width each section occupies in stack, 3)4 inches; or when specially ordered this can be increased to 3|^, 3^, 4, 4^ or 4^ inches, by using extra long nipples, to give additional air area between sections. Sections are shipped separately unless otherwise ordered; when ordered assembled are shipped in stacks of 5 or 6 sections. The nipples used for connecting sections are extra heavy 2-inch, right and left-hand threaded, with hexagon nut at the center. Unless otherwise ordered, Sterling Indirects are tapped 2 inches, right-hand on supply end and 2-inch left-hand on return end, and can be bushed to any smaller size desired. If location of tapping is desired other than regular, we can furnish special tappings as shown in above illustration at "E," "tY T "G,"oi "H " \ l / 2 inches or smaller. 131 Data on Indirect Radiators All AMERICAN Indirect Radiators are shipped with suffi- cient nipples to put the stack together on the job. If the sections are assembled at our Plants an extra charge is made for the work. All indirect air-valve tappings are regularly made Measurements inch. Width Each Length of Ex- treme Pattern Name Heating Surface Section Occu- Regular Tapping Section Height pies in Stack Inches t 23% 8 Excelsior Jr. Steam . 8 3^ \\Yz 36 8 Excelsior Steam 12 33/8 \\ l /2 36 8 Excelsior Water 12 334 il Vt **v /^ 36^ n% Perfection Flange and -"75 T A / 2 Bolt, standard size, Steam or Water 10 2X *2 36^ 15# Perfection Flange and Bolt, extra-large size Steam or Water . . . 15 27/S *2 36X 9H Perfection R. & L. Threaded, standard size, Steam or Water 10 2X *2 36X 14 Perfection R. & L. Threaded, extra-large size, Steam or Watei 15 2% *2 37!^ I1X Cardinal, Steam or Water 15 3 1 A 2 36^ 15% Sterling, Steam or w/z Water 20 3^ * 2 36^ 15# Sanitary School Pin, Steam or Water . . . 20 4 *2 * These Radiators are all regularly tapped 2 inch, and bushed according to the size specified in order. f When greater air space is desired between the sections, we can so furnish on special order. J Bushing reduc*ion cannot be made. (See page 128.) 132 Asbestos Molded Covering Stock No. 400 For Low and High Pressure Steam Pipes Composed of Asbestos and other fire-proof non- conducting materials, all of a superior quality. The Asbestos used is of un- usually long fiber, which a i so serves as a thorough binder, and with the outer shell or wrapper of can- vas, makes a very durable, as well as an excellent .. ,, r . non-conductor. Is made in sections three feet long. Sections are cut lengthwise through the cen- ter, and price includes brass-lacquered bands to hold in position on the piping. Prices on Air-Ceil and other types of Pipe Covering furnished upon application. Wool-Felt Covering Stock No. 401 For Hot Water Pipes Can furnish in ^-inch, %-inch and one-inch thicknesses; shipped unless otherwise specified. Composed of successive layers of soft wool-felt lined with asbestos sheathing and furnished with canvas jacket and brass-lacquered bands. Supplied in sections three feet long cut lengthwise ^ ,, through the center. Asbestos and Wool-Felt Price List inch will be Inside Diameter of Pipe Price Per Lineal Foot Elbows Tees Globe Valves 5* in. $ .22 $ .30 $ .36 $ .54 & " .24 .30 .36 .54 1 .27 .30 .36 .54 1 K " .30 .30 .36 .54 1 Yz ' .33 .30 .36 .54 2 .36 .36 .42 .60 2 1 A ' .40 .42 .48 .78 3 .45 .48 .54 .96 y/z ' .50 .54 .60 1.20 4 .60 .60 .75 1.50 4M ' .65 .72 .90 1.85 5 .70 .90 1.20 2.25 6 .80 1.30 1.60 2.80 7 .00 1.80 2.20 3.60 8 .10 2.40 3.00 4.40 9 " 20 3.00 3.80 5.30 10 " .30 3.60 4.60 6.20 12 " .85 Out. Diam. 14 in. 2.10 Use Cement or Blocks for fit- 16 " 18 " 20 " 2.35 2.60 2.85 tings larger than 10 inches and for all flanged and irregular fittings. 24 " 3.30 30 " 4.00 133 Asbestocel Stock No. 399. For Covering Pipe and Fittings Full Section Showing Corrugations A pipe-covering made up in layers of plain and corrugated (or ribbed) asbestos paper. Better than the usual air-cell type, being built on the arch principle that is, the corrugations or ribs run around the pipe instead of lengthwise, and keep out allcirculation of outer air, thus keeping the heat in the pipe and saving coal. Gives the maximum amount of protection against loss of heat. Outlasts all ordinary coverings. Has all the heat-resisting qualities of asbestos. Is not costly, yet far better than the clay and other plastic mixtures. Furnished in sections of standard thickness 3 feet long, neatly finished with canvas and bands. List Prices Inside Price Diameter of per Lmeal Elbows Tees Crosses Globe Valves Flange Covers Inches Foot K $ .22 $ .30 $ .36 $ .48 $ .54 $ .50 y*. .24 .30 .36 .48 .54 .50 i .27 .30 .36 .48 .54 .50 .30 .30 .36 .48 .54 .50 i I A .33 .30 .36 .48 .54 .50 2 .36 .36 .42 .54 .60 .60 2% .40 .42 .48 .60 .78 .70 3 .45 .48 .54 .70 .96 .80 .50 .54 .60 .80 1.20 .00 4 .60 .60 .75 .95 1.50 1.00 .65 .72 .90 1.10 1.85 1.30 5 .70 .90 1.20 1.50 2.25 1.60 6 .80 1.30 1.60 2.00 2.80 1.90 7 1.00 1.80 2.20 2.80 3.60 2.20 8 1.10 2.40 3.00 3.60 4.40 2.50 9 1.20 3.00 3.80 4.40 5.30 2.90 10 1.30 3.60 4.60 5.20 6.20 3.30 12 1 85 14 2.10 16 2.35 18 2 60 For irregular flanges or fittings larger 20 2.85 than 10 inches, use our Asbestos 24 3.30 30 4.00 Cement or Asbestos Cement Felting 134 Ideal Plastic Asbestos Stock No. 402 The IDEAL Asbestos should be applied to a warm sur- face in thin coats: the first coat left a rough surface and allowed to dry. Mix with water and apply with a trowel, finishing with a wet brush. When dry give a coat of paint; or when applying last coat, mix Asbestos half and half with Portland Cement; final coat should be about >-inch thick, with a very hard finish. List Prices Per bag of 100 pounds $4.00 Per bag of 50 pounds 2. 15 Amount of Cement required to cover IDEAL Boilers 1 \6 inch thick : Arco Boilers No. of Boiler Pounds l-19-SorW..125 2-19-S or W.. 150 3-19-S or W.. 175 1-22-S orW.. 150 2 22-S or W.. 175 3-22-S or W. 200 l-25-SorW..!75 2-25-S or W. 200 3-25- S or W.. 225 1-28-S or W.. 200 2-28-S or W.. 250 3-28-S or W... 275 1-31-S or W.. 250 2-3 1-S or W.. 300 3-3 1-S or W.. 325 1-34-S or W.. 300 2-34- S or W 350 3-34- S or W.. 375 Standard Boilers 15-1-W ...... 75 15-2-W .... 75 17-3-W ...... 100 17-4- W ...... 125 17-5-W ...... 150 19-3-W ...... 125 19_4_W ...... 150 19-5-W ...... 175 No. of Boiler 22-3-W .. 22 4-W 7 . . 22-5-W 25-3-W . . . 25 -4-W 25 5-W . . . 28-3 -W . . . 28-4 W... 28 5-W . . . 31-3-W ... 31 4-W... 31 -5-W . . . 34-3-W . . 34-4- W . . . 34-5-W . . Pounds ..150 ..175 . 200 . .. 175 . 200 . . 225 , . . 200 . 250 . . 300 ..250 ,..300 ..350 ..325 ..375 ..425 No. of Boiler Pounds 36-5 575 36-6 650 36-7 725 36-8 800 36-9 875 48-6 850 48-7 950 48-8 1050 48-9 1 150 Premier Steam and Water Sectional Steam and Water 15-4 . 15-5 . 15-6 . 22-5 . 22-6 . 22-7 . 22-8 28-5 . 100 125 150 275 325 375 425 500 28-6 575 28-7 650 28-8 ... .725 10l5or 1115. 2015 or 21 15 3015 or 31 15. 1018 or 1118. 2018or2118. 3018 or 31 18. 1021 or 1121. 2021 or 2121. 3021 or 3121. 4021 or 4121. 1024 or 1124. 2024 or 2 124. 3024 or 3 124. 4024 or 4124 1027 or 1127. 2027 or 2 127. 3027 or 3 127. 4027 or 4 127. . 125 . 150 . 175 . 150 . 175 .200 . 175 .200 .225 .250 .200 225 .250 275 .225 250 .275 300 On Boilers not listed here estimate 6 pounds to the square foot i # inches thick. 135 Steel Storage Tanks With or Without Coil Showing location of Tank tappings, vertical or horizontal. Coil openings vary according to size and shape of coil. Important Information All tanks listed on pages 138 and 139 can be furnished galvanized. Orders for tanks with coils or in any way special, not subject to cancellation. Tank legs, per set of three List Price $3.00. See page 32. Regular tests run from 80 Ibs. to 100 Ibs. cold hydro- static pressure. Higher tests or pressures can be given as work requires. Extra charge will be made for special tappings. In ordering, state whether vertical or horizontal tanks are wanted. Unless otherwise ordered, tanks without coils, manholes or handholes will be shipped, and tappings located as per cut above. All openings tapped for 2-inch pipe and reinforced. Special Note The quality of the material used and the method of con- struction make these tanks first-class in every particular. Attention is called to the gauge of thickness of shells and heads employed in the manufacture both of the Storage and Extra-Heavy Storage Tanks. When these tanks are to be subjected to sudden or unusual pressure, as in the case where tanks are connected direct to City Pumping Station and the pressure is increased during times of conflagrations or the like, we can build tanks of greater gauge or thickness of metal, or it is recommended the system be equipped with Water Pressure Reducing Valve. Prices of special tanks furnished on application. 136 Coils for Storage Tanks We can, upon special order, equip Tanks with return bend coils, at extra charge, as per list below. Size of coil must be determined by heating contractor, who alone is familiar with all the conditions surrounding in- stallation. List Prices for Coils Prices are per lineal foot, and include necessary return bends and lock nuts, and provide for placing coil in tank. Spiral coils can be furnLl.ed. Prices on application. 1 in. IX in. \y 2 in. 2 in. Black iron pipe with black return bends and lock nuts $ .50 $ .60 $ .65 $ .85 Galvanized iron pipe with galvanized return bends and lock nuts Brass (iron pipe size) pipe with brass .60 1.50 .70 2.15 .80 2.40 1.10 3.00 Tinned brass ("iron pipe size) pipe with tinned brass return bends and 1.90 2.70 3.10 4.45 Copper (iron pipe size) pipe with tinned brass return bends and lock 1.95 2.80 3.15 4.60 Approximate weights per foot: 1 in., 4lbs.; 1% in., 4K Ibs.; l l /4 in., 5 Ibs.; 2 in., 7 Ibs. A standard coil is one prepared with Return Bends and made of four pipes, the lineal feet being as follows for the various lengths of Tanks: Tank 48 inches long, 14 lineal feet We recommend 1 1 11 2 60 72 - 84 96 - 108 120 inch Pipe < n Tan 18 22 26 30 34 38 ks of 20 24 42 and : and < 12 30 36 1-8 inches diameter i /2 ,' , It is advisable to have a manhole in head of all tanks containing coils. This should be remembered when figuring. Quotations will upon applica- tion be promptly furnished on styles and sizes of coils other than above. 137 Black Steel Storage Tanks Thickness of shell r \ in. Heads % in. All seams single riveted No. Size Inches Capacity Gallons Weight Pounds List Price 409 ' 18 x 72 79 330 $54 00 410 18 x 36 40 200 41 00 411 18 x 48 53 250 45 00 412 18 x 60 66 290 49 00 413 18 x 84 92 370 58 00 414 18 x 96 106 410 62 00 415 20 x 48 65 275 47 00 416 20 x 60 82 320 51 00 417 20 x 72 98 360 55 00 418 24 x 36 71 280 46 00 419 24 x 42 82 300 49 00 420 24 x 48 94 335 52 00 421 24 x 60 117 390 57 00 422 24 x 72 141 440 62 00 423 24 x 84 164 500 68 00 424 24 x 96 188 550 74 00 425 24 x 108 212 600 80 00 426 24x120 235 660 86 00 427 30 x 36 110 365 56 00 428 30 x 48 147 430 61 00 429 30 x 60 184 495 67 50 430 30 x 72 221 560 73 00 431 30 x 84 258 640 81 00 432 30 x 96 294 700 88 50 433 30 x 108 335 770 96 00 434 30 x 120 372 840 103 50 435 36 x 36 159 460 69 00 436 36 x 48 212 540 75 50 437 36 x 60 265 615 83 00 438 36 x 72 318 690 90 50 439 36 x 84 371 780 100 50 440 36 x 96 424 860 109 00 441 36 x 108 477 940 117 50 442 36 x 120 530 1020 126 00 443 42 x 60 360 740 103 00 444 42 x 72 432 835 112 50 445 42 x 84 504 925 122 00 446 42 x 96 572 1020 132 00 447 42 x 108 644 1120 142 00 448 42 x 120 716 1225 153 00 449 42 x 144 860 1425 175 00 The above list prices include regular tappings, and 1 handhole if desired. Extra handholes (3K" x 4^") $5.00 each. Manhole in Shell (ll^"x 1454") $12. 50 each. Manhole in Head (11^'x 14 1 A") $15. 00 each. See important information on pages 1 36 and 1 37. 138 Black Steel Extra-Heavy Storage Tanks Thickness of shell % in. Heads T B ^in. All seams single riveted No. Size Inches Capacity Gallons Weight Pounds List Price 450 18 x 36 40 260 $ 45 00 451 18 x 48 53 315 50 00 452 18 x 60 66 370 55 00 453 18 x 72 79 420 61 00 454 18 x 84 92 470 66 50 455 18 x 96 106 525 72 00 456 20 x 48 65 350 53 00 457 20 x 60 82 400 58 00 458 20 x 72 98 460 63 00 459 24 x 36 71 350 52 00 460 24 x 42 82 390 54 00 461 24 x 48 94 425 58 50 462 24 x 60 117 495 65 00 463 24 x 72 141 565 71 00 464 24 x 84 164 650 80 00 465 24 x 96 188 720 86 00 466 24 x 108 212 790 92 00 467 24 x 120 235 860 98 00 468 30 x 36 110 460 63 00 469 30 x 48 147 550 70 00 470 30 x 60 K4 635 77 00 471 30 x 72 221 720 84 00 472 30 x 84 258 825 95 00 473 30 x 96 294 915 103 00 474 30 x 108 335 1000 111 00 475 30 x 120 372 1090 119 00 476 36 x 36 159 580 77 00 477 36 x 48 212 685 86 00 478 36 x 60 265 790 95 00 479 36 x 72 318 890 104 00 480 36 x 84 371 1010 116 00 481 36 x 96 424 1110 126 00 482 36 x 108 477 1215 136 00 483 36 x 120 530 1325 146 00 484 36 x 144 636 1530 166 00 485 42 x 60 360 950 118 00 486 42 x 72 432 1070 128 50 487 42 x 84 504 1195 139 00 488 42 x 96 572 1315 150 00 489 42 x 108 644 1455 161 00 490 42 x 120 716 1575 172 00 The above list prices include regular tappings, and one handhole if "'Extra handholes (3&"x 45*") $5.00 each. Manhole in Shell ( 1 1 fc" x 14%") $12. 50 each. Manhole in Head ( 1 1 K" x \4Y 2 ") $1 5.00 each. See important information on pages 1 36 and 1 37. 139 Galvanized Expansion Tanks Stock No. 491 These Tanks are made of re- fined Galvanized Steel tested at one hundred pounds pressure, and are good for full rated capacity. Tanks are riveted and calked. TAPPING These Tanks are tapped top and bottom for one inch overflow and expansion pipe, and on side for feed pipe. Water-gauge tappings 12 inches between centers. List Prices for Tanks and Water Gauges Style Size Inches Capacity Gallons Square Feet of Radiation Price of Tank Price of Gauge 10x20 8 250 $ 7 50 $1 75 1 12x20 10 300 8 00 75 2 12 x 30 15 500 9 00 75 3 14x30 20 700 12 50 75 4 16x30 26 950 14 00 75 5 16x 36 32 1300 15 00 75 6 16x43 42 2000 16 50 75 7 18 x 60 66 3000 31 00 75 8 20 x 60 82 5000 37 00 75 9 22x60 100 6000 51 00 1 75 Ideal Expansion Tank Bracket Stock No. 497 Takes in all sizes of tanks, from 1 to 16 inches in diameter. Labor-saving can be erected in two minutes. A substitute for the old-fashioned shelf, at less ex- pense. Weighs about 5 /^ pounds and is shipped with screws packed under the slide pieces. List price each, complete, $1.75. 140 Ideal Automatic Expansion Tanks Stock Nos. 492 and 493 The Expansion Tank above illustrated, aside from being ornamental, is absolutely automatic in its operation, insuring always that the system will be full of water. It is a great convenience to the house-owner. There is danger of freezing if the ordinary non-automatic tank is placed in the attic or some out-of-the-way closet. Besides, the customer is often opposed to having an ungainly steel or iron Expansion Tank placed in the bath room or in a living room. The Ideal Tank is made of hardwood, lined with sheet copper, and is finished and varnished to match the woodwork of the room. It does not require altitude gauge nor gauge glass and fittings. Inside measurements of Tank are: 20 inches long, 9 inches wide, 10 inches deep; and of ample capacity for use on any job of hot- water work to which there is attached 3000 feet of radiation or less. Roughing-in Measurements. 2^ inches from outside rear edge of tank to center of either overflow or expansion. 5% inches from center of overflow to right side edge of tank. 5f6 " " " " center of expansion. 3^i " " " supply to back edge of tank. 4^ ,< u i eft side Price List for Tanks. Including expansion and overflow couplings, with iron pipe thread. Style! ^ k Price, each 252 262 492 493 Square corners, varnished, plain oak Rounded corners, varnished, plain oak $8.50 9.00 Upon special order, we can furnish these Tanks in genuine cherry, wal- nut or quarter-sawed oak, at $1.25 each extra, net. Please order by Number and Style. 141 Norwall Packless Radiator Valve For Low Pressure and Vacuum Steam Heating Ang-le Valve Corner Valve The Norwall Packless Quick-Opening Radiator Valve is a valve of the highest possible grade embodying the additional features of being self- lacked and quick-opening. It will not leak steam, water or air around the stem of the valve at any time or under any conditions of service. The stem is sectional and non-rising. Tight joints are insured by the use of two special indestructible anti-friction composition disks which are held firmly in place by spring pressure. The upper section of the stem bears directly on the hub of the valve, and no amount of downward or lateral pressure on the handle can unseat the disks, causing the valve to leak. The middle section is non-rising, threaded on its lower half and fitted to spirally engage the lower section, the raising or lowering of which opens or closes the valve -with less than two full turns of the handle. Between the lower part of the stem and the main disk holder is placed a special bronze spring disk which compensates the shrinkage of the valve stem as it cools by imparting an elastic instead of a fixed pressure on the seat when the valve is closed. By the use of this device the "quick- opening" feature of the Norwall is made possible. The Norwall Packless Valve used in conjunction with the Norwall Automatic Air and Vacuum Valve will prevent air leakage into the radiator through the valves and will convert the ordinary low pressure steam heating apparatus into a combined low pressure and vacuum system of steam heating. List Prices of Angle Valve with Union Stock No. 301 Size % 3 A 1 IK \% 2 Rough body i Plated all over \ $3.15 $3.90 $4.70 $6.25 $8.15 $13.00 List Prices of Corner Valve with Union, Offset Pattern Right Hand, Stock No. 302 Left Hand, Stock No. 303 Size. % 8 1 | IX IX 2 Rough body ( Plated all over f $3 45 $4 25 $5.15 $6.95 $8.95 $14.25 142 Norwall Packless Gate Valve Stock No. 304 Screwed Ends, Right- or Left-Hand Threads % H i l 1* \Y 2 ' 2 Rough body, finished trimg's Finished all over $2 25 $2 75 $3 65 3 75 4 25 5 25 2 50 300 3 95 2 55 3 05 4 00 400 455 565 | 495 $ 600 6 55 7 60 5 15 625 5 20 6 35 6 85 8 00 $ 9 25 12 90 945 9 60 13 55 Rough body, plated trim gs . Rough body, plated all over. Finished and plated all over. With Male or Female Unions Sizes . .. X | t | 2 Rough body, finished trim'gs Finished all over $320 4 75 $375 5 30 $480i$640 640 8 00 $ 8 00 9 45 $11 50 15 15 Rough body, plated trim'gs . Rough body, plated all over. Finished and plated all over. 330 340 505 395 405 5 65 s 10; 5 so: 695 6 60 6 75 840' 8 10 8 25 1050 11 70 11 90 1585 142-A Improved Screw-Stem Steam Radiator Valves With Union Threads Right-Hand on Union Right-Hand on Bottom Without Union Threads Right on Side Right on Bottom The improved pattern of steam valve here shown \ve be- lieve has features of exceptional merit. The valve is faultless in its proportions. The weight has been increased to give sure stability to the points which have to bear the greatest strain. The inner areas of the valves are full size. The method employed of attaching the valve to the stem permits the absolutely tight closing of the valve without grinding. The composition disc is held to the disc holder by a nut, and can be easily removed to enable the replacing of the disc. The adjusting and fitting of the handles makes these impor- tant parts durable. We are confident that the valves will meet the most exacting requirements of the Heating Trade. The quality of material used in its construction makes the valve very durable, and in its finish the valve will be found particularly pleasing. List Prices, page 144. 143 Improved Screw-Stem Steam Radiator Valves Price List for Valve, with Union, Jenkins Disc No. Size, inches . % X l IK | 15* | 2 150 151 *152 154 Rough Body,finish'dtrim'gs Rough Body, plated trim'gs Rough Body, plated all over Finished Body, pl't'd all over Jenkins Discs, extra .... $300 310 3 15 365 350 375 380 425 25 430 465 475 525 30 585775 625800 640 ! 8 10 700925 45J 60 1260 1285 1310 1435 90 Price List for Valve, with Union, Brass Disc No. Size, inches . . % H 1 IK 450 490 505 580 15* 2 160 161 *162 164 Rough Body, finish'd trim'gs Rough Body, plated trim'gs Rough Body, plated all over Finished Body, pl't'd all over $205245 230260 240285 2 90 13 40 325 335 365 430 650 665 810 1000 1025 1085 1235 Price List for Valve, without Union, Jenkins Disc No. Size, inches % K 1 IK 15* 625 650 675 775 60 2 155 156 157 159 Rough Body .finish'd trim'gs Rough Body, plated trim'gs Rough Body, plated all over Finish ed Body, pPt'd all over Jenkins Discs, extra . $200 220 230 255 250 270 285 3 10 25 320 350 365 400 30 450 475 490 540 45 1050 1075 1100 1225 90 Price List for Valve, without Union, Brass Disc No. Size, inches 5* % 1 IK 15* 2 165 166 167 169 Rough Body, finish'd trim'gs Rough Body, plated trim'gs Rough Body, plated all over Finished Body,pPt'd all over $135 155 165 215 1 60 1 85 195 250 225 240 265 325 325 360 370 445 450 485 500 600 700 725 775 925 All Valves threaded as described, unless otherwise ordered. * This finish regularly carried in stock. Other finishes can be promptly shipped from factory. 144 Improved Q. O. Water Radiator Valves With Union Threads Right-Hand on Union Right on Bottom Without Union Threads Right on Side Right on Bottom The globular form of the body of this new valve assists in doing away with the sticking on the shell. Only a small portion of the shell comes in contact with the body at the top and bottom, and at a narrow vertical strip on either side where a gate is formed for closing the water way. The taper- ing shell permits of taking up of any wear which may occur in the valve. The spring in the bonnet or neck of the valve holds the conical shell up to its seat and at the same time exerts a downward pressure on the small rub- ber washer which is slipped over the stem and held within the chamber in the cap of the valve. The pressure of the spring expands the rubber gasket so as to provide a self-packing feature. The weight is heavy and finish un- surpassed. Price List, Bonnetless, with Union No. Size, inches... $2 I 2 05 30 40 90 245 2 60 2 85 340 1 325 3 35 3 65 430 IK 450 490 505 5 80 \% 2 1000 10 25 10 85 12 35 140 Rough body, finished trimmings. 141 Rough body, plated trimmings. . . * 1 42 i Rough body, plated all over 1 44! Finished body, plated all over. . . 650 6 65 7 10 8 10 Price List, Without Union No. Siie Yt, 1 IK \y 2 2 145 Rough body, finished trimmings . 1 60 225 325 450 700 146 147 149 Rough body, plated trimmings . . Rough body, plated all over Finished body, plated all over. . . 1 85 1 95 2 50 240 265 3 25 3 60 3 70 445 485 5 00 600 725 7 75 925 All valves threaded as described, unless otherwise specified. * This finish regularly carried in stock. Other finishes can be promptly shipped from factory The above Valves and all Radiator Valves can be supplied and Shield as illustrated and listed on page 148 of this book. with Lock NOTE. Measurements of Valves and Elbows, giving centers, are set forth on page 223. 145 istarices frc Screw-Stem Steam Radiator Valves WITH UNION Threads Right-Hand on Union Right- Hand on Bottom These Valves are made of best material; metal well distributed; threads carefully cut a popular valve for steam work. Price List for Valve, with Union, and Jenkins Disc No. 70 71 *72 73 74 X i \% 2 Rough body, finished trimmings Rough body, plated trimmings Rough body, plated all over Finished body Finished body, plated all over.. $350 3 75 3 80 400 425 25 $430 465 475 4 80 525 30 $585 6 25 640 640 700 45 $775 8 00 8 10 8 75 925 60 $12 60 12 85 13 10 1385 1435 90 Quick-Opening Bonnetless Hot- Water Radiator Valves WITH UNION Threads Right-Hand on Union. Right-Hand on Bottom. These Valves are made without bon- net, body being made in one piece, thus dispensing with one screwed joint and making the Valve corre- spondingly more tight and durable. The water-way is full and free. Price List, with Union No. 99 100 *10l 102 103 Size, inches % 1 IK \Yz 2 Rough body, finished trimmings Rough body, plated trimmings . . Rough body, plated all over Finished body $245 2 60 2 85 300 340 $325 335 3 65 385 4 30 $450 490 505 525 580 $650 665 7 10 750 8 10 $1000 1025 10 85 11 50 1235 Finished body, plated all over . . * Regularly carried in stock; other finishes can be shipped from factory promptly. 146 Union Elbows for Water Radiators Both Threads Right-Hand Price List No. Size, inches 1 30 Rough Body, Plain 131 Rough Body, plt'dtrm'gs *132J RpughBody, " all over 134 Finished and " all over $1.50 $1.75 $2.25 $2.95 $3.70 $6.00 1.65 1.75 2.25 1.90 2.40 2.00J 2.50 2.40! 3.00 3.10i 3.85 6.15 3.20| 4.001 7.00 3.90 4.85J 8.50 All Ells threaded as above described, unless otherwise ordered. Screw-Stem Steam Corner Valves Right-Hand Valve Threaded- Right-Hand on Union Right-Hand on Bottom Left-Hand Valve Threaded- Right-Hand on Union Right-Hand on Bottom Price List for Valve, with Union and Jenkins Disk No Size, inches. t % 1 m IH 2 30 31 *32 34 Rough body, finished trimmings Rough body, plated trimmings . Rough body, plated all over Finished body, plated all over . . $3 85 4.15 4.20 4-85 $4.75 5.15 5.25 6.00 $6.45 6.90 7.05 7.80 $8.55 8.80 8.95 9.95 $13.85 14.15 14.45 15.95 i Jenkins Disks, extra .25 .30 .45 .60 .90 All Valves threaded as described, unless otherwise ordered. *Regularly carried in stock; other finishes can be shipped from factory oromptly. fCan supply ^-inch size from 2^-inch list. 147 Straightway Q.-O. Water Radiator Valves Threads Right-hand both Openings This valve can be fully opened or closed by one-quarter turn of handle. It must be connected so that the current of water will move in the direction indicated by the arrow on its side. Price List, with Union No g 1 ^ \y z 2 * $325 114 Rough body, finished trim'gs $245 $450 $650 $1000 115 *116 118 Rough body, plated trimmings Rough body, plated all over . Finished body, plated all over 2 60 285 340 3 35 365 430 490 505 580 6 65 7 10 8 10 1025 1085 12 35 All Valves Threaded as described, unless otherwise ordered. * This Finish regularly carried in stock ; other finishes can be promptly shipped from factory. Lock and Shield for Radiator Valves All styles of Radiator Valves ran be furnished, on special order only, with Lock and Shield. No extra charge. Keys, extra, plain, each . . . . $0 25 Keys, extra, plated, each 30 Note. When ordering specify number and size of Valve, adding the words " Lock and Shield." Screw Stem and Corner Valves One key does for %-inch and 1 -inch sizes, another for 1 J^-inch and 1 ^-inch sizes, and a third for 2 inches. Hot Water Valves One key does for K-inch and 1-inch sizes, another for 1 %-inch, and a third for 1 J^-inch and 2-inch sizes. 148 Ideal Unique Water Radiator Valve Stock No. 380 This Valve provides an interchangeable flow and return connection at one tndonly of the hot water radiator, and thus wonderfully simplifies water heating outfits. Its use saves fitter's labor, elbow, pipe and fittings otherwise necessary in making connection to return end of the radiator. The use of the Ideal Unique Valve also saves the cutting of joists, and extra cutting and boring of floors so objectionable to architects and owners. This Valve per- mits location of the radiators in restricted floor space, where it could not go if connected at both ends. One-sixth of a turn of the handle fully opens or closes the Valve. When the gates are open, all the water is forced to circulate through the radiator. When the gates are closed, the radiator is shut off and the water flows through a by-pass in the Valve body, the./// area of the pipes. Any radi- ator may therefore be shut off without preventing a constant circulation throughout entire system. As there is only one connection to make when this Valve is used, measure- ments and " roughing-in " work can be done with absolute accuracy. If necessary at any time to alter size of the radiator, no repiping is required, no new holes bored, no floors torn up. The Ideal Unique Valve is made of best materials; all nuts and other parts subject to strain are extra heavy. Both elbows are adjustable so that connections to risers or stubs can be run in any desired direction. A dia- phragm extending into the Radiator wholly across the water-way of the first section forces all the water up through the top connections, downward through the other sections, insuring freedom from counter currents and in- creasing the rapidity of circulation. Thus radiators yield their highest percentage of efficiency when Ideal Unique Valves are used. Send for special circular containing full description and interior views. Data and List Prices Size, Inches. Center of body to end of spud 2% Inside dimensions of couplings to radiators ... Distance from center top opening of elbows to bottom of elbows Distance between centers of bottom elbow connections 5/4 List prices $4.25 $5.40 fff 7" 173/8" $5.80 $7.95 149 Screw-Stem Brass Globe Valves Stock No. 178 Extra Heavy for Steam, Water, Oil or Gas A joint in the cap permits the repacking of stem without leakage. These Valves are much heavier and much more thoroughly finished than the ordinary Globe Valves. Price List for Valve, with Jenkins Disc, Iron Wheel. Rough Body Plain Size, Inches Price Size, Inches Price Size, Inches Price /8 l /4 ft $1 10 1 10 1 25 X X 1 $1 60 220 280 IX IK $400 550 8 00 Screw-Stem Brass Globe Valves Stock No. 189 Threads Right-hand, Both open- ings. Rough Body Plated all over. Price List, with Union, Jenkins Disc, Wood Wheel Size, Inches Price $ 3 80 475 640 8 10 13 10 150 I. W. Brass Gate Valves Stock No. 335 Double Gate, Screwed, without Union Price List. Rough body, plain These valves open to the left and have non-rising stems Size, in. # X 1 IX \ l /2 2 2Y 2 Price, ea. $1 30 $1 75 $2 50 $3 50 $5 00 $7 50 $14 00 W. W. Brass Gate Valves Stock No. 373 Double Gate, Screwed, with Union Price List. Rough body, plated all over Size, inches X H 1 1* 1% 2 Price, each $3 10 $3 75 $4 65 $6 10 $7 85 $12 10 151 Brass Check Valves Stock No. 340 The seat of this check is set at an angle qf 45 degrees to the center, and the disc being hung on a hinge will therefore close of its own weight. The disc and valve seat are regrinding ; by un- screwing the cap you can rotate the disc with a screw-driver or piece of flat iron without dis- connecting from pipes. This can be used as a vertical or horizontal check valve. Furnished with flanges when specially ordered. Price List Size, inches X & I | IX 1% 4 25 2 6 25 2 l /2 3 Brass val\es,scr'd $1 50 1 75 2 25 3 25 12 00 20 00 The Ideal Low-Pressure Pop Safety Valve Stock No. 360 Brass This is a strictly high-grade article and possesses the genuine popping feature. It is not a mere relief valve. Recom- mended for pressure not exceeding 20 pounds. Has nickel-plated, extra-heavy iron hexagon bushing connection, on which an ordinary wrench can be used, and which cannot easily be strained or crushed by a heavy wrench. Price List Size, inches. & iU 15* 2^ 3 ' Each $200 300 3 60 5 00 6 75 10 60 1725 152 Libra Automatic Air Valve Stock No. 395 For Venting Steam Radiators The Libra is the simplest and most efficient automatic air valve on the mar- ket, which accounts for its adoption by thousands of particular and successful heating contractors. It depends for its operation solely upon the use of elements con- tained in heating system, viz.: Air, Heat, and Water. So extremely sensitive is the action of this valve that the air even to the last atom is removed from the Radiator, thereby giving every foot of heat- ing surface its highest efficiency. The Libra is perfectly noiseless in operation. There are no regulating screws used in the Libra, which in other types of valves furnish opportunity for improper adj ustment, resulting in flooding of floors and damaging of decoration. Labor of adjustment is saved. It is equally efficient on the varying ranges of temperature and pressure of Low Pressure Heating. The valve shell and float are brass; and the pin which seats the valve is of tempered German silver, tapered to a perfect joint. No perishable features. The cap of this valve, which vents on the side, is designed for protection of the seat by preventing the accumu- lation of dust and other foreign matter. List price each $ 1 .00. Valve Closed Valve Open 153 Norwall Automatic Air and Vacuum Valves Stock No. 558 For Low-Pressure Vacuum and Thermostatic Control. The Norwall Auto- matic Air and Vacuum Valve can be relied on to do its own work a trusty adjunct to suc- cessful steam heating; very sensitive and in- stant in action. Oper- ation is same whether pressure is i or 10 pounds. No expan- sion post to buckle or get out of shape made to work and wear. Being made en- tirely of metal, this valve is practically imperishable. It does not wear out or become loose around the seat. Its siphon arrangement takes all water formed from condensed steam back into the radiator. It cannot "sputter" water or blow steam. The Norwall Automatic Air and Vacuum Valves can be used on any system of Low- Pressure Steam Heating, old or new, and their use on a tight system in conjunc- tion with the Norwall Packless Radiator Valves gives the user an up-to-date vacuum system of steam heating without air lines or cumbersome heating equipment of any kind. Very simple in construction. No adjustment is necessary at any time. The air is the sole expansive force in the action of this valve. Designed for low- pressure heating and when used on every radiator and coil, in conjunction with the Norwall Packless Radiator Valves, the entire system can be operated under vacuum at operator's will. List price, each, $4.00 154 Norwall Siphon Air Valve Stock No. 561 The Norwall Siphon Air Valve is always open for the discharge of 'air from the radiator, yet is always closed tight against water or steam leakage through the valve. It works prop- erly all the time, never sputtering steam or water. Will automatically vent any radiator, which can be vented manually by a pet cock, of the last vestige of air. Every section is rendered hot. No water leak. The Siphon automatically discharges surplus water into the radiator. No steam leak. Heat acting directly on water and air is the motive force. The air expands and closes the valve the instant steam reaches it. The construction of the valve insures its perfect action at all times. Should any water come against the valve it closes tightly, but the instant the water in the radiator falls away, the Siphon arrangement discharges all the surplus water in the valve back into the radiator and the valve recommences venting. No matter how many times water or steam may come to the valve, it will instantly close tight, but whenever air reaches it the valve will instantly open. This operation is entirely automatic. The valve has no expansion post, but depends upon expansion and contraction by heat acting directly on the air and water for its sole motive force. Nothing about it to wear out or get out of order. Made of best steam metal and mechanically perfect. The bottom cap is so fitted that it can easily be re- moved and the valve cleaned, making it as good as new. List price, each, $1.70 155 Norwall and Allen Automatic Air Valves Made entirely of metal; no expansion post, ring, spring or packing the expansive force is simply the air. Few parts and requires no adjustment. Especially adapted to exhaust steam heating systems. Patents applied for Norwall Valve open. Allen Valve closed. They vent every loop in every radiator on which they are placed and work instantly and continuously. Stock No. 559. Norwall Valve, List price, each $1.30 Stock No. 560. Allen " " " " $1-00 Construction and Operation Norwall and Allen Valves are about the same, the difference being in the larger, heavier construction of the Norwall. They have a well in the lower part to receive the water condensed from the steam. A sealed metal float is placed in this well. An outer chamber is connected to an inner well by a small hole near the bottom of the inner shell. During the first operation the air passes freely through the valve. When steam enters, it condenses, gradually filling the inner well with water, carrying the sealed metal float to its seat, thus closing the valve. At first, the air in the outer chamber is expanded by the heat, and a portion of it is expelled through the small hole into the inner chamber, thence out through the regular outlet. As the inner cham- ber fills with water from condensation, the outlet from the outer chamber becomes sealed by the water. As the valve cools when steam goes off the air in the outer chamber contracts and draws the water from the inner chamber, allowing the float to drop, thus opening the valve. When steam again enters the valve, the heat almost instantly expands the air in the outer chamber, forcing the water into the inner chamber, carrying the float to its seat and closing the valve. Action is uniform, whether the pressure is one pound or ten pounds. When the valve cools the contraction of the air in the outer chamber draws the water from the inner chamber, and then draws air through the water, until the chamber is fully recharged. 156 Imperial Automatic Air Valves Stock No. 515 They are the best construct- ed valves on the market in which a sensitive material is used for expansion. The ex- pansion cylinder is far more sensitive and far more durable than the solid expansion posts ordinarily used. Valve has a baffle plate, which prevents the float from being blown up by sudden pressure. The bottom-piece or well is extra deep, forming a water balance which acts as a siphon in keeping valve free from condensation. List price, each, $1.15. Imperial Lock-Shield Auto. Air Valve Stock No. 516 Where it is desired, our regular Imperial Valve can be equipped with lock and shield device at top, as shown in cut, by the mere addition of open cap and lock shield adjusting screw. Our Imperial Valves all have adjustable repacking glands, and will always re- main tight. This valve has a special key without which no one can change the adjustment, and accidental flooding of floors and dam- age to ceilings is prevented. Every valve is guaranteed. List price, each 1.35. 157 Russell Automatic Air Valves Stock No. 517 For Steam and Water Principle of construction is such that all the air is expelled from the radiator or coil, without loss of steam or water. The float con- tains a liquid extremely sensitive to heat, which vaporizes at 151 degrees Fahrenheit, expanding the corrugated heads, and closing the valve against loss of steam. All parts cast solid and finished on a lathe, which insures free wa- terways for steam and water. Guaranteed in every respect. List price, each, $1.15. Imperial Straight Shank Aut. Air Valves Stock No. 518 This valve is constructed for coils and indirect radiation. The opening in the base which delivers steam is higher than the opening througli which condensation returns, thereby insuring perfect circulation within the valve, and will not become water- logged. Threaded for ^6-inch pipe only. When desired, can furnish the Russell Automatic Straight Shank Valves with i^-inch threading. List price, each, $1.15. 158 Victor Automatic Air Valves For Use on Dry or Vapor Steam Work (Style 2 with Wood Wheel.) List Price Per Doz. Stock No. 5 1 9 Either with Wood Wheel or with Cap $7.50 On wet steam work, Evaporating Cup should be used, which we furnish at an additional price of ten cents each, net. Compression Air Valves List Price Per Doz. Stock No. 520 Old Style, Wood Wheel, Style 3, Nickel Plated. . .$3.00 Stock No. 521 Old Style, Key, Style 4, Nickel Plated 3.00 List Price Per Doz. Stock No. 522 Improved, Wood Wheel, Style 3, Nickel Plated. . .$3.00 Stock No. 523 Improved, Key, Style 4, Nickel Plated 3.00 Threaded for iron Pipe, size J4 inch. Keys, extra, Old or Improved, 5 cents each, net. 159 Ideal Sylphon Damper Regulator For Steam Boilers (Protected by American and Foreign Patents. U. S. Patents June 2 1903; June 16, 1903; May 24, 1904, and other applications pending.) It is composed entirely of metal; is frictionless; is sensitive to the last degree; is positive and invariable in its action, and will not deteriorate with age. The simplicity of its construc- tion will be seen in the engraving. It works just below atmospheric pressure, closing the dampers, if desired, before one ounce of steam pressure is generated. By shifting the counterpoise weight one can change its application from below atmospheric pressure to any pressure desired and maintain good draft control. These facts have been well established by means of a mercury col- umn which records readings in half ounces, and its extreme sensitiveness has been thereby thoroughly proven. The regulating device is made upon the bellows plan and is formed of two brass discs with accordion sides, made of steam brass of the best quality. The accordion sides are formed of ten deep folds which permit of ample yet very sensitive expan- sive effect upon the vertical rod that connects the top of the bellows to the bar upon which the counterbalance weight is placed. The sides are not built up of separate discs, but are formed from a single piece of brass so that there are no joints or seams to come loose and cause leakage. It will last as long as the boiler. Data and Dimensions The bellows is fed by a 1-inch opening in the bottom plate 5% inches in diameter; 2% inches high at rest. The lever is 37 inches Icng. The lever weight weighs 5^ pounds. The complete regulator weighs 15 pounds, including all trimmings ; shipping weight, boxed, 22 pounds. This regulator is shipped complete as illustrated, and with 1 2 feet of No. steel plumbers 'chain, four S hooks, and two ceiling pulleys. No. 22 List price, each $20.00 160 Ideal Sylphon Damper Regulator For Water Boilers and Tank Heaters (Protected by American and Foreign Patents. U. S. Patents June 2, 1 903; June 16, 1903; May 24, 1 904, and other applications pending.) These Regulators contain no perishable diaphragm, piston cylinder, packing valves or sliding joints. They are absolutely self-contained and require no auxiliary power, such as electricity or compressed air, to aid their operation. They are constructed entirely of metal and therefore never require repacking or new diaphragms as in the case of ordinary regulators. The slightest change in temperature produces a decided movement in the bellows, and the two knife-edged pivots prevent all friction and permit this movement to be trans- mitted to the dampers without loss of power. Thus the use of auxiliary power and graduated scales for connecting dam- per chains, so common in other devices of this class, are not necessary and are not employed in these Regulators. The bellows F is made of seamless brass and the strain caused by the expansion of the fluid inside is equally distrib- uted at all points; there is no possibility of breaking through the bends of the sides by unequal strain. The counterpoise weight may be set to accurately maintain the degree of water temperature desired. It is a simple, dur- able and reliable draft Regulator, which will minutely adjust the dampers of a Boiler at the slightest variation of tempera- ture in the water. NOTE. When the flow main from the Water Boiler is larger than 1 J^ inch, the Regulator is installed by connecting it between the flow and return mains with IJi-inch pipings. When the flow main is IK inch or less (frequently the case with Tank Heaters), the Regulator is simply connected direct to the flow pipe. 161 Ideal Sylphon Damper Regulators For Water Boilers and Tank Heaters Construction and Operation The cast-iron outer shell (in accompanying illustration) is divided into two compartments by the partition wall. The lower compartment contains the inside cylinder C, in which a volatile liquid D is sealed hermetically and the vapor therefrom fills the space E above the liquid. The inner cyl- inder is made of sheet metal having high conductivity for heat, and this en- ables the slightest temperature variations to quickly penetrate the liquid D from the water of the heating system, which circulates through the space between cylinder C and outer shell A. The upper compartment contains a metal bellows F, which is likewise hermetically sealed, and communicates with the cylinder C through the pipe G, the lower end of which opens close to the bottom of cylinder C. The tilting rocker H on top of the Regulator which carries the damper lever I is pivoted on knife-edge bearings. This rocker is made of gun-metal bronze, while the housing and the plunger M are made of brass, thus furnishing pivotal bearings for the damper lever which possess extreme delicacy and absolute freedom from friction and rust. As the temperature rises, the vapor in the space E increases in tension, thereby forcing some of liquid D through pipe G into bellows F, as in- dicated by the arrows in the pipe. This causes the bellows to expand and thrust the plunger M upward to the tilting rocker H, and thus the dampers which are connected to lever I are correspondingly regulated. As soon as the temperature of the water in shell falls slightly, the reverse operation occurs. Regulators Nos. 42, 43, and 44 are all similar in construction, the only change being in the chemicals (for liquid D in cylinder C) necessary to regulate the heater in accordance with the variations of temperature, run- ning from 1 20 to 240. Data and Dimensions Stock No. 42 Regulator, for water temperature running 120 to 180 Stock No. 43 " 1 60 to 220 Stock No. 44 " 190 to 240 The number of each Regulator is cast in raised figures on the shell. Height, 7 inches ; diameter 5 inches ; weight, complete with lever and counterpoises, 28 Ibs.; shipping weight, boxed, 35 Ibs. The Regulator is furnished complete, with 1 2 feet of plumbers chain and 4 S hooks. List Price, each ... ...$25.00 162 Powers Temperature Regulators Reliable and effective Heat Regulators for house -heating boilers; simple in construction, automatic. The "thermostat" located centrally in living-room, operates the * diaphragm" at the heater, controlling the draft - dampers GRADUALLY. Will also con- trol natural gas. Positively no batteries or clock-work. Price List Stock No. 530, Regulator No. 2, for hot-water heater. Regulates heater from living-room $40 00 Stock No. 531, Regulator No. 3, for low-pressure steam. Regu- lates heater from living-room 45 00 Stock No. 532, Regulator No. 4, for hot-water heaters that boil over. Regulates heater from living-room, also limiting boiler- heat at 2 12 50 00 Stock No. 533, special check dampers. Must be used on smoke- pipe. All sizes to 1 0-inch . 1 25 12-inch, $1.75; 14-inch, $3.00; 15-mch, $4-00. Send for Trade price list. Powers Tank Regulator Stock No. 534 Style 9 This regulator is used to control a hot-water tank heated by steam-coil. It will hold the water at a uniform temperature, and thereby prevent the annoyance and damage to plumbing consequent upon an over-heated water supply. This regulator is constructed to operate at a temperature of 1 80 degrees Fahrenheit unless otherwise specified. It requires a %-inch tapping in the tank, and must be installed substantially as shown in the cut. Furnished complete with diaphragm steam valve. List Prices Size, 1 inch . Each, $70 00 75 00 80 00 90 00 95 00 3" . 100 00 4 !!!!'.. '.!!l!*M!!".;'.!!l!!!i 12000 163 Honeywell Heat Generators For Hot- Water Heating Outfits These Generators are designed to meet the demand for a device to quicken the circulation in hot water heating jobs. When connected to the piping of an ordinary gravity plant this Generator seals the circuit and permits the generation of a slight pressure up to ten pounds, at which point it relieves itself through the operation of a mercury seal, eliminating the element of danger. The tendencies of this slight pressure are: First, to increase the circulation; second, to widen the range of temperatures to a point equal to that of steam; third, to accomplish an economy in fuel. The pressure created by this Generator is calculated to force the water through any part of a defective piping system where the circulation is sluggish under ordinary gravity conditions. It is simple to install and is applicable to both old and new heating plants. Sectional outline view herewith shows mercury seal, connections to system, equalizing pipe and deflecting plate. Approximate weights: style 1, 35 Ibs.; style 2, 45 Ibs.; style 3, 55 Ibs. List Prices, Each Style 1 (Stock No. 537) for 1,200 square feet ... . . .$25 00 Style 2 (Stock No. 538) for 2, 500 square feet 3500 Style 3 (Stock No. 539) for 3,500 square feet 50 00 164 Ideal Hot Water Thermometers Separable Mercury Bath Straight Angle No Hot Water Boiler should be without an IDEAL Hot Water Thermometer. The glass bulb of each instrument is immersed in a Mercury bath, protected by a thin steel tube, so there is little chance of injury. Stem should be fully immersed in, or subject to a continuous circulation of the hot water, to secure accurate reading. If thermometer does not face in right direction when screwed up tight, loosen small screw slightly and (without lifting) turn top of frame to desired position, after which tighten small screw 7 . Each thermometer is sent out carefully packed in a sepa- rate wooden box. Non-boiling colored liquid furnished at same price if de- sired. Name on scale free of charge where thermometers are ordered in lots of 25. I List Price Each Stock No. 540 Hot Water Thermometer, straight $5 00 Stock No. 541 Hot Water Thermometer, angle, (for use on risers, or circulating pipe} 6 00 165 Ideal Steam Gauges Stock No. 577 With Bourdon Spring Size 4> inches, iron case, without back flange ; nickel plated rim ; silvered dial ; without cock. Registering 30 Ibs. pressure. In all respects as regu- larly supplied on IDEAL Steam Boilers. These gauges are all equipped with hair -spring tension, so the movement is rendered very sensitive at the lowest pressures under which house-heating boilers are usually operated viz., 2 Ibs. or less. We can also supply high-pressure gauges (prices on application). List price, each $8.00. (Note.) Ideal Altitude Gauges Stock No. 578 These gauges will indicate accurately, at the boiler, the height of water in the system, and will be found very useful instruments. EXPLANATION : When the water is at its proper level in expansion tank, remove the ring and glass, and set the stationary hand at the pressure indicated by the working hand; when- ever the pressure falls be- low this point, water should be added. Size: 4 J / inches; iron case with N. P. rim; no cock. List Price, each $8.00. (Note) Ideal Pressure and Vacuum Gauges Stock No. 586 These are same size and general construction as our Steam Gauge. They indicate to 30 Ibs. pressure and 30 inches vacuum. List Price, each $12.20. (Note.) NOTE. Name on the dial of all the above gauges free of charge when ordered in lots of 50. 166 The Ideal Sylphon Regitherm Stock No. 600 A Self-Contained Regulator. Automatically Controlling the Temperature at any Desired Point between 60 and 80 Degrees Fahrenheit. A new automatic temperature regulator which operates in response to the slightest change in temperature. It requires no outside agencies, such as electricity, compressed air, or clock-work to help it perform its functions, but exerts suf- ficient force within itself to adjust the heating apparatus, either increasing or decreasing the supply of heat. Its range of control is from 60 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit, and it can be set at any desired point within these limits. The fuel saved by this regulator will pay its cost in one or two seasons. The operation is based on the same principles that govern a thermom- eter i. e., the action of heat or cold on a volatile chemical. In the Regi- therm is a metal bellows capable of expanding and contracting like a tele- scope. Within this bellows is sealed, air-tight, a small amount of the vola- tile liquid. The slightest variation of temperature changes the form of the liquid (expanding by vaporizing, contracting by condensation), hence changes the outward pressure exerted by it. This pressure moves the bellows. The area of the end wall of the bellows is 30 square inches, so a change of 1 degree in temperature (developing Yz pound per square inch) creates a force of 1 5 pounds within the Regitherm. This force expands the bellows Yz inch and operates a short lever arm attached to a small wire cable, which leads to a balanced lever controlling the dampers of the heater. By this transmission the movement of ^ inch at the Regitherm is magnified eight- fold at the dampers, giving a wide range of action upon the heater. Size of instrument (not including mounting board) 8H inches wide, Tft. inches high, 5% inches deep. Shipping weight 50 pounds. Style No. 10, List Price, each $35.00 Send for booklet. 167 B. and C. Floor and Ceiling Plates Floor Plate Ceiling Plate These Adjustable Hinged Plates can be put on after work is finished by slipping Plate around pipe, the Ceiling Plate being fastened to pipe by means of screw, and the Floor Plate firmly held by a simple, cleverly contrived spring. Price List Size, inches K H 1 j IK \% \ 2 2K 3 Stock No. 702 Black, each. .. Stock No. 703 Nickel, each. . . 0.14 .25 0.14 .25 0.18J0.20 .28 .32 0.24 0.28 .35! .38 0.43 .52 0.60 .75 Imperial Floor and Ceiling Plates Stock No. 704 Adjustable, made of spring brass and nickel plated Easily adjusted to the pipe and will stay firmly in position. Will always hold the nickel. Size, inches Nickel, each. $0.25 IX $0.25 $0.28 $0.32 $0.35 ! $0.38 $0.52 2/2 168 Russell Floor and Ceiling Plates Stock No. 700 Adjustable, made of Spring Brass and Nickel Plated Easily adjusted to the pipe and will stay firmly in position. The holding springs are now perforated for wire, where it is preferred to wire to the ceiling, although the plate will remain firmly on the pipe in any event. Will always hold the nickel. Finished in any color, no extra charge. Any part of plate can be used by cutting to fit with tinner's shears. Send for sample. Size, inches .... 54 VA. 1 IK 1H 2 2 1 /, 3 Nickel, each .... $025 $025 $028 $032 $035 $0 38 $052 $075 Ajax Cold-Rolled Steel Plates Stock No. 701 Adjustable, for Floor and Ceiling Patented These plates have a bright, planished finish, resembling nickel plate, but are intended to take the place of black iron plates. Are very strong, may be easily adjusted to the pipe, and will stay firmly in position. Send for sample. Size, inches . . . % X $0 12 1 IK Ifc 2 Black, each . $0 12 $0 15 $0 18 ' $0 20 $0 24 169 O. S. Distributers Insure free, positive, uniform circulation. Save labor, fittings and joints, cutting of floors, beams, etc. Prevent friction; no leaks; keeps risers in line. FLOW INLET Positions of tappingrs are indicated by Figures 1, 2, 3. Price List and Dimensions Stock No. 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 Tappings, inches 11213 1% x 1 x 1 x 1 1 1 li X 1> 4 X \X x m x \V 2 x IX x IK x IX x 2 x 2 x 2 2 l / 2 x2 2^x2 1 1 \x \x 1 IK IX IK \ 1 A \ 1 A 2 Dimensions, inches 5 4X 5 4% 5% in B 2 2 2 2% 2 1 A 2H 2H i 2H 2H 2X 2/8 2/8 2/8 2% 2% 3/8 3/8 2% 2X 3 4 4 3% 4K 4% 4^ 15* 2 2 2 1% 2K 2K 2K 2tt List Price Each Carried in stock in all sections of the country. Order by number. $0 60 60 60 60 80 80 80 80 90 90 90 90 90 90 20 20 20 20 20 20 00 00 00 170 Twin Ells, Cast Iron Use in Place of Branch Headers No. Size Price No. Size Price 973 974 975 976 977 1 x % Ifcx 1 \% x 1 2 x 1>$ 2^x2 $0.38 .52 .68 .90 1.50 978 979 980 981 982 3x2}* 4x3 5x3j 5x4 6x5 $2.25 3.75 6.75 6.75 9.75 Nason's Patent Steam Traps Stock No. 995 When pressures exceeding 80 pounds are to be used, or if the pressure is always less than 30 pounds, especial note should be made of this fact, in order that the traps may be fitted with valves of smaller or larger area than is common, and otherwise adjusted to their particular work. Data and List Prices Style 1 2 3 4 5 Size Pipe Connection, in K K 1 IK 1 1 A Diam. Outside of Flanges, in. . 10% 14K 15% 19 24K Diam. of Cylinder, in 8 10 1 / 12 14 18 H eight to Top of Valve, in 11 14 16* 18J* 23^ Height to Top of Cover, in 8 10 12 14 15^ Max'm Discharge, Ibs. per min. 2 5 8 12 20 Greatest No. of sq. ft. surface to which it should be applied 350 900 1400 2000 3500 Greatest No. of Lin. ft. 1-in. Pipe Surface to which it should be applied 1050 2700 4200 6000 10500 List Price, each SI 6. 00 20.00 27.50 42.50 70.00 171 Registers and Ventilators Stock No. 910 Registers, Faces, Borders, for Either Floor or Wall ,ist Prices, Black Japanned Size of Opening Register Register Face Floor Border Size of Opening Register Register Face Floor Border 8x 8 $ 1.60 .05 .20 16x32 31.00 13.10 13.10 8x10 1 65 .10 .25 16x36 36.00 16.00 16.00 8x12 1.90 .30 .50 18x18 18.50 7.20 7.20 9x12 2.10 .45 .65 18x21 20.50 7.75 7.75 10x10 2.35 .65 .70 18x24 21.50 8.35 8.35 10x12 2.40 .70 .75 18x27 27.50 10.75 10.75 10x14 3.15 2.20 2.20 18x30 31.25 13.25 13.25 10x16 4.85 2.95 2.95 18x36 38.00 17.25 17.25 10x18 6.70 3.70 3.70 20x20 19.75 8.00 8.00 10x20 8.90 4.35 4.35 20x22 21.60 8.40 8.40 10x22 10.40 4.90 4.90 20x24 22.00 8.60 8.60 10x24 12.15 5.35 5.35 20x26 23.50 9.50 9.50 12x12 4.00 2.70 2.70 20x28 28.90 11.50 11.50 12x14 4.35 2.80 2.80 20x30 33.50 13.50 13.50 12x15 4.50 2.90 2.90 20x32 37.50 17.10 17.10 12x16 5.60 3.50 3.50 20x36 43.00 18.50 18.50 12x18 6.80 3.90 3.90 24x24 30.00 12.00 12.00 12x24 12.25 5.50 5.50 24x27 33.95 14.00 14.00 14x14 7.90 4.05 4.05 24x30 38.00 17.25 17.25 14x16 8.50 4.30 4.30 24x32 42.50 18.00 18.00 14x18 9.00 4.50 4.50 24x36 50.00 22.00 22.00 14x20 9.50 4.80 4.80 24x45 67.50 28.50 28.50 14x22 10.50 5.00 5.00 27x27 37.25 17.00 17.00 16x16 11.00 5.10 5.10 27x38 56.00 25.00 25.00 16x18 12.00 5.30 5.30 28x28 vl.OO 19.00 19.00 16x20 12.35 6.10 6.10 28x30 48.50 21.00 21.00 16x22 14.75 6.70 6.70 28x32 53.00 24.50 24.50 16x24 15.00 7.00 7.00 28x36 64.00 27.00 27.00 16x28 24.60 10.00 10.00 30x30 49.00 21.50 21.50 16x30 27.90 11.00 11.00 30x36 67.50 28.50 28.50 VENTILATORS FOR CORDS 50 cents list extra on sizes up to 14x14, and $1.00 list extra on sizes above. 172 Registers and Ventilators continued Stock No. 910 Registers, Faces, Borders List Prices Nickel-Plated, also Bronzed, Gold, Silver, Copper and Bronzed Finish Size of Opening Register Register Face Floor Border 8x8 $3.00 $ 2.45 $ 2.60 8x 10 3.15 2.60 2.75 8x12 3.65 3-05 3.25 9x12 4.00 3.35 3.55 10x 10 4.35 3.65 3.70 10x 12 4.40 3.70 3.75 10x 14 5.25 4.30 4.30 10x 16 7.20 5.30 5.30 lOx 18 9.45 6.45 6.45 10x20 12.00 7.50 7.50 10x22 14.50 9.00 9.00 10x24 16.25 9.45 9.45 12x 12 6.35 5 05 5.05 12x 14 6.85 5.35 5.35 12x 15 7.00 5.40 5.40 12x 16 8.25 6.15 6.15 12x 18 9.55 6.65 6.65 12x24 16.30 9.55 9.55 14x 14 11.00 7.15 7.15 14x 16 11.50 7.30 7.30 14x 18 12.00 7.50 7.50 14x20 13.00 8.50 8.50 14x22 14.50 9-00 9.00 16x16 15.00 9.10 9 10 16x 18 16.20 9.50 9.50 16x20 16.55 10.30 10.30 16x22 19.50 11.50 11.50 16x24 20.00 12.00 12.00 16x28 30.80 16.20 16.20 16x30 35.00 18.25 18.25 16 x 32 38.25 20.35 20.35 16x36 45.00 25.00 25.00 18x 18 23.75 12.45 12.45 18x20 24.75 12.85 12.85 18x21 26.00 13.25 13.25 18x24 27.75 14.60 14.60 18x27 35.00 18.25 18.25 18x30 38.00 21.00 21.00 18x36 48.50 28.10 26.00 20x20 24.75 13.00 13.00 20x22 27.60 14.40 14.40 20x24 28.20 14.80 14.80 20x26 32.00 17.50 17.50 20x28 37.40 20.00 20.00 20x30 43.00 23.50 23.50 20x32 48-50 28.10 26.00 20x36 54.00 29.50 28.50 24x24 40.00 22.00 I 22.00 24x27 45.00 - 25.00 25.00 24x30 50.00 29.25 28.25 24 x 32 55.50 31.00 30.00 24x36 65.50 37.50 34 25 24x45 89.50 50.50 40.00 27x27 49.25 29.00 28.00 27x38 76. CO 45.00 36.00 28x28 57.50 32.50 31.00 28x30 61.50 35.50 32-00 28x32 68.00 39 50 35.00 28x36 86.00 49.00 37.00 30x30 65.00 37.00 34.00 30x36 90 00 51.00 41 00 VENTILATORS FOR CORDS 50 cents list extra on sizes up to 14x14, and $1.00 list extra on sizes above. 173 Registers and Ventilators continued Stock No. 910 Registers, Faces, Borders List Prices, Electro-Plated, Brass, Bronze or Copper Size of Opening Register Register Face Floor Border 8x 8 $ 3.70 $ 3.15 $ 3.65 8x10 3.85 3.30 3.90 8x12 4.40 3.75 4.40 9x12 5.10 4.45 5.00 10x10 5.35 4.65 5.20 10x12 5.50 4.80 5 35 10x14 6.55 5.60 6 00 10x16 8.60 6-70 7.20 10x18 11.00 8.00 8.55 10x20 13.80 9.30 9.80 10x22 16.50 11 00 11.00 10x24 18.50 12.00 12.15 12x12 7.90 6.60 7.10 12x14 8.25 6.75 7.35 12x15 8.50 6.90 7.60 12x16 9.75 7.65 8 25 12x18 11 25 8.35 9.00 12x24 18.60 12.10 12.25 14x14 14.30 9.60 10.00 14x16 16.50 11.00 11.00 14x18 18-50 12.00 12.15 14x20 20.50 13.00 12.75 14x22 22.50 14.50 13.50 16x16 19.75 12.80 12.50 16x18 22.25 14 25 13.25 16x20 24.60 16.00 14.00 16x22 28.00 18 00 16.00 16x24 29.60 19.25 17-10 16x28 35.00 22.75 18.80 16x30 37.50 25.00 21.60 16x32 42.00 27.50 22.00 16x36 50.00 33.00 27 00 18x18 26.00 16.50 15.00 18x21 30.00 19.00 18.00 18x24 34.25 22.50 18.75 18x27 39.00 25.50 21.70 18x30 43.00 28.50 22.70 18x36 54.00 36.00 28.00 20x20 32.40 21.20 18.10 20x22 35.70 23.50 19.00 20x24 39.00 25.50 21 70 20x26 42.00 27.50 22.00 20x28 45.50 30.00 24.50 20x30 49.00 32.50 26 00 20x32 52.00 34.00 27.50 20x36 59.00 39.00 31-50 24x24 49.00 32.50 26 00 24x27 56.00 37.00 29.00 24x30 62.00 41.50 32.00 24x32 66.00 44.50 34.00 24x36 74.00 50.30 36.50 24x45 92.00 63.00 45.00 27x27 66 00 44.50 34.00 27x38 94 00 64.00 46.00 28x28 72.00 49 00 36.40 28x30 76.00 52.50 37.00 28x32 84.00 55.00 40.50 28x36 92.00 63.00 45.00 30x30 85.00 56.00 41.00 30x36 102.00 70.00 48.00 i VENTILATORS FOR CORDS 50 cents 14x14, and $1.00 list extra on sizes above. 174 list extra on sizes up to Marble Radiator Tops Stock No. 908 Having had large experience in supplying marble tops for radiators, we can confidently offer to our customers the following carefully selected grades of marble, which we believe to be unequaled for color, finish and quality. All orders for these marble Tops are executed by shipment direct from the quarries. KIND OF MARBLE INCHES THICK or 1 % Pink Tennessee, per sq. ft Gray Tennessee, per sq f t . $1.40 1 40 $1 1 .60 .60 $1.80 1 80 Brown Tennessee, per sq. ft 1.40 1 .60 1.80 Italian (white and Gray streaked) , per sq. ft 1.60 1 .80 2.00 If Ogee edge is ordered, 20 cents per sq. ft. extra, net. Curved or circular tops, 40 cents per sq. ft. extra. In estimating the superficial area of marble tops there will be charged whatever waste there may be in cutting same out of blocks of marble nearest in size that the quarry may have on hand at the time. Tops over 6 feet long, in one piece, 80 cents per superficial foot extra. For each edge polished, add 1 inch to size on tops % inch to 1 X inch, and add 2 inches to size on tops 1 % inches to 2 inches thick. Tops of irregular shape, requiring hand-cutting, subject to extra charge. We do not carry any marble in stock, hence quote discounts on the fore- list prices for marble f. o. b. cars, Baltimore, Md., and Knoxville, L'enn. Pipe-Bending Forms to Form, insuring a close and accurate bend. This form makes a handy and indis- pensable fixture for a Pipe Bench. Will not get out of order, will last a life- time. Has bolt holes so that it can be readily attached to bench. With this Form pipe can be straightened or an offset or quar- ter bend easily made. It is as necessary to a pipe bench as a vise. Made in two sizes, and has exten- sion eye bolt so that the pipe is held close In making bends in light tubes or nickel-plated pipe a piece of sheet lead, rubber or leather placed on Form and eye-bolt will prevent any finished work from being marred. No 689 takes l /s-to \ ^-inch pipe; weight, 1 1 pounds. List Price, $3.50 No. 690 takes 1- to 2-inch pipe; weight, 21 pounds. List Price, 4.50 175 Ideal Shields without Vapor Pan Stock No. 906 Either style of IDEAL shields is well adapted to low windo*v radiators over which curtains are hung, espe- cially in houses located in cities in which soft coal is most largely used, and the atmos- phere thereby made full of soot. These shields are neat in appearance and very easily connected or tak- en off. They do not in- terfere with the oper- ation of the radiator valves or the air valves, side piece being only 2 inches wide. Regular Pattern List Prices for Regular Patterh Height of Radiator, inches 26 or lower 5 sec. or less 32 & 38 5 sec. or less 44 5 sec. or less Shields from Black Sheets $300 $320 $340 Radiators larger than 5 sec. add 1 Oc for each additional section. Shields from Galvanized Sheets 3 60 3 80 400 Radiators larger than 5 sec. add 1 2c for each additional section. Brass having Gal- vanized Iron Backs 1700 1740 1760 Radiators larger than 5 sec. add 30c for each additional section. All Brass 1800 1900 19 60 Radiators larger than 5 sec. add 60c for each additional section. Bl'kP'nt'd or Bronz- ed Plain Colors 400 1420 440 Radiators larger than 5 sec. add 30c lor each additional section. Galvanized, P'nt'd or Bronz'd Plain Colors 4 60 4 80 500 Radiators larger than 5 sec. add 32c for each additional section. Shields painted to order or to match decorations at extra charge. In ordering indicate (1) if Steam or Water Pattern; (2) style of Radiator and height; (3) number and length of sections. ORDERS NOT SUBJECT TO CANCELLATION. 176 Ideal Shields with Vapor Pan Stock No. 906 Contains a removable receptacle for water, thus combining the best features of a dust deflector and a humidifier. Well made with a view to giving first- class service and of excellent style and finish. This shield is very desirable to use in localities where the air is abnormally dry, or in stores wherein delicate merchan- dise easily affected by dry atmospheric conditions re- quires an extra humidity. The vapor pan is of same material as shield. Easily drawn out for refill- ing or cleaning. Vapor Pan Patented April 1 7< 1 906 . List Prices with Vapor Pan Height of Radiator, Inches 26 or lower 5 sec. or less 32 &38 5 sec. or less 44 5 sec. or less Shields from Black Sheets $500 5 60 $520 $540 Radiators larger than 5 sec. add 1 Oc. for each additional section. Shields from Galvanized Sheets 580 600 Radiators larger than 5 sec. add 1 2c. for each additional section. Brass having Gal- vanized Iron Backs 1900 1940 1960 Radiators larger than 5 sec. add 30c. for each additional section. All Brass 2000 21 00 21 60 Radiators larger than 5 sec. add bOc. for each additional section. Bl'k P'nt'd or Bronz- ed Plain Colors 600 620 640 Radiators larger than 5 sec. add 30c. for each additional section. Galvanized, P'nt'd or Bronz'd Plain Colors 6 60 680 700 Radiators larger than 5 sec. add 32c. for each additional section. Showing Vapor Pan withdrawn 177 Shields painted to order to match decorations at extra charge. In ordering indicate: 1. Steam or Water patten.. 2 Style of Radiator aud height. 3. Number and length of sec- tions. ORDERS NOT SUBJECT TO CANCELLATION. Ideal Bronze, Liquids and Primer J IDEAL RGNZE POWDEI p GOLD After many years of experiment and experience we have at last been successful in obtaining a grade of bronze powder exactly suited to the dec- orating of AMERICAN RADIATORS. It lustres like loosened gold. The bronze is our own direct importation,<and a single trial will convince you of the exceptional brilliancy and durability of its lustre, and the very large amount of surface per pound it will cover. We earnestly believe that the use of a superior quality of bronze in the decorative treatment of Radiators adds greatly to the popularity of heating apparatus among home-lovers. Bronze Powder is put up in screw-top tin cans containing one pound. Aluminum is also put up in one-half pound cans. GOLD BRONZE, STOCK No. 652. COPPER AND SILVER BRONZE, STOCK No. 653. ALUMINUM BRONZE, STOCK No. 654. COLOR BRONZE, STOCK No. 655. No. 646 IDEAL BRONZING LIQUID; and IDEAL BRONZE PRIMER No. 65 1 in gallon, half-gallon, quart and pint patented stopper cans. DIRECTIONS FOR USE BRONZE Use Ideal Bronze Primer for all colors. Do not attempt to bronze any surface without first applying a coat of Primer. Mix bronze into as much liquid as you will use immediately, sufficient to make it about the consistency of cream. Apply with a fitch brush (bear hair) do not work it any more than necessary with the brush cover surface, if possible, with one stroke of brush. Applying bronze when radiators are warm improves the lustre. LIQUID Keep the liquid can closed tight when not in use. Liquid left uncorked a very short time evaporates and thickens, and becomes worthless. Do not get any bronze in liquid-can, as the smallest particle will turn it green. Liquid if properly used, will not have to be thinned. Do not use a dirty mixing pot or brush, and see that all dried-up bronze is carefully removed before mixing fresh. One pound of bronze (except aluminum) will cover about 300 square feet of radiation ; one pound of aluminum powder will cover about 600 square feet of radiation. One quart of liquid is required for each pound of bronze powder, except in the case of alu- minum, for which the proportion is about one gallon of liquid to one pound of the powder. 178 Black Asphaltum Stock No. 647 For the painting of boilers and risers, we offer a Black Asphaltum of great covering capacity and durability, put up in one-gallon and half-gallon cans and in barrels of 30 gal- lons. First class covering in every respect. Gives A-l satisfac- tion to all who use this kind of varnish. Ideal Maroon Gloss Japan Stock No. 648 We also offer an excellent quality of these goods in gallon, half gallon, quart and pint cans. This Japan has been thor- oughly tested and proven to be first class in every regard. Directions for Use This Maroon Gloss Japan settles in a very short time. Is easily stirred if liquid is pour- ed off and the pigment loosened with a putty knife, then gradually adding the liquid again. The#z0r^ thoroughly the liquid is stirred the bet- ter will be the result. Thin with turpentine and apply with ordinary flat bristle varnish brush. One coat is sufficient for Radiator work. No priming is re- quired; has high gloss, quite equal to Enamel. 179 Ideal Radiator Enamels Stock No. 650 Send for Color Card To artistically, yet sim- ply, decorate the heating apparatus is frequently a most effective advertise- ment for the contractor. We invite attention to our line of clear, rich-hued IDEAL Radiator Enamels (send for sample tint card).- The tints offered are deli- cate yet bright, and by mix- ing one color with another almost any fashionable shade may be secured to harmonize with the drap- eries, wall paper or other furnishing of artistic homes. The Enamels are made after our own formula, and we recommend them for covering quality and dura- bility. in stock, in gallon, half-gallon and quart cans are : Colors regularly carried Alabaster, Light Drab, Silver Gray, Terra Cotta, Oak Brown, Ebony (or black), Blue Tint, Bronze Green, Gobelin, Apple Green, Cream, Sea Green, Nile Green. Gloss finish is regularly carried by us in stock except Ebony, which we supply in Flat finish only. Flat finish in other than Ebony color is supplied only on special order. Directions for Use ENAMELS : Radiators should be painted with one coat of Ideal Enamel Primer and one or two coats of Enamel. Stir Enamel thoroughly and apply with an ordinary flat bristle varnish brush. If it thickens add a little turpentine too much will kill the lustre. Be sure to remove all oil or grease from surface of radiator before applying, or Enamel will peel off. Do not flow it on too heavily two thin coats are far better than one thick. One gallon will cover about 250 square feet of surface. Caution: Enamel should be applied when radiator is cold, and heat should not be turned on for at least 24 hours thereafter. Ideal Enamel Primer Stock No. 651 Our specially prepared Primer should be used to secure best results. It is especially valuable for use as the first coat before applying Enamel. It acts as a filler and furnishes a smooth surface upon which to apply the finishing coat. Supplied in same size cans as Enamel. 180 Ideal Iron Cement Stock No. 660 IDEAL Cement is a metallic compound in dry, powder form, ground extremely fine, which when mixed with water to a consistency of thick paste and allowed to dry a few hours, becomes as hard as iron, absolutely insoluble in oil or water and proof against intense heat. It can be quickly and easily ap- plied to fill any imperfection or fracture, and when hardened it matches the metal in color, and will not chip out. IDEAL Cement is designed for use in filling up and smoothing over all blowholes in fittings, pipings, castings, etc. It is ordinarily applied by the use of a stick or common putty knife. Put up in 1-, 5-, 10-, 25- and 50-pound cans. Frazer's Non-Corrosive Pipe Joint Paste Stock No. 662 Frazer's Pipe Joint Paste has been adopted by us only after thorough investigation. It contains a large percentage of Mi- ca and is far better for the requirements of stearn, water and gas fitting, and is cheaper than white or red lead. The latter soon harden and make it ex- tremely difficult to re- move or disconnect a fit- ting which has been in place for a length of time. Where Frazer's Pipe Joint Paste is used a fitting may be removed with ease after years of service. Frazer's Pipe Joint Paste retains its pasty form indefinitely; it resists heat and cold, acids and alkalies, and by its use ab- solutely air-tight joints may be made. Put up in 1-, 5-, 10-, and 25-pound cans; also half -barrels and barrels. 181 Radiator Brushes Stock No. 641 The brush illustrated above is specially designed for use on radiators, the shape being such that it will pass between the sections, cleaning surfaces which could not otherwise be reached. These brushes are thoroughly well made, and very serviceable. List price, each $0.75 Ideal Fitch Brushes Stock No. 642 \Ve are prepared to furnish best grade Fitch Brushes in any size desired. Note Never put a Fitch Brush in water, as this causes the block or handle to swell and split. Brushes may be kept in best of condition by immersing in bronzing liquid, turpentine, enamels, etc. Ideal Boiler Brushes 1904 Export Oval Round 4 l ^"x4"xl%" 6"x4^"x2%" 2^" x 4" x 1" 2-", 2J*-", 3-" or 4-" diameter For uses and list prices on the above Flue Brushes, see page 210. 182 The Ideal Chain Wrench Stock No. 900 This Wrench is made with two drop forge jaws having a double row of biting surfaces. It will grip pipe, fittings, flanges, round, square^ or irregular castings easily, quickly just where the grip is needed. The two outer sur- faces will bite and grip pipe or flat surfaces, while the two inner surfaces will take ho'.d of the beads of fittings, or edges of valves, flanges, etc. No one-sided gripping al- ways takes hold with both jaws. The lock takes the chain so firmly and surely that there is ro slip- ping out and the chain does not fall out of the lock. Handle is made of spring steel, and handle and the parts are extra strong and will not bend, pull apart, or break. Very simple only four main parts and two bolts. Ordinary cable chain which can be bought at any hardware store is used. If a link breaks, by pulling out the bolt which holds the chain, discarding broken link and reattaching, the Wrench is again quickly ready for work. Jaws easily tempered and sharpened when necessary. Very durable and reliable. Send for circu- lar and discounts. The Double-Faced Jaws Measurements and Weights Number of Wrench 2 3 4 5 Capacity, size pipe . . y 2 toz i A 1 to 5 2 to 8 2y 2 to 12 Capacity, size fittings . . Size of Cable Chain . . . l / 2 to 3 3-8 1 to 4 13-32 2 to 6 1-2 2y 2 to 10 19-32 Length of Wrench 27 in. 38 in. 49 in. 61 in. Weight of Wrench lOlbs. 18 Ibs. 28 Ibs. 50 Ibs. List Prices Wrench, with Cable Chain Wrench, with Flat Chain . . Jaws, per pair $6 00 6 90 3 25 $8 00 9 20 4 50 $11 00 12 65 5 85 $16 00 18 40 7 50 Handles, each 2 10 3 25 4 75 6 90 Cable Chains, each 95 1 20 1 70 3 00 Flat Chains, each 2 00 3 00 4 00 6 00 Steel Pins, each 15 20 25 30 Bolts, each 20 25 30 35 183 No. 1 Toledo Pipe Vise Stock No. 996 Holds securely any size pipe from % inch to 2% inches diameter; Valves, Tees, Ells, or any other irregular-shaped fitting. Thoroughly well constructed of malle- able iron. The upper jaw consists of a yoke traveling in the side guides and hinged to the screw at the top with a ball and socket joint. Suspended from this yoke are the two upper jaws, each playing in a free joint. These jaws when screwed down upon any object, adjust themselves to grip accord- i.ig to the surface presented. On the left-hand side is a snap catch holding the upper and lower parts of the vise together. The vise may be adjusted so that this snap catch will operate on the right-hand side, if desired. This catch can be instantly released and the work quickly adjusted. Nothing about the Toledo Pipe Vise will drop out, work loose, or get out of order. The upper jaws cannot drop off. The lower jaws are part of the base casting. The gripping surfaces are 1^ inches wide, the upper jaws are drop- forged from tool steel, tempered, and will hold brass or nickel-plated pipe without marring or stripping it. It holds any fitting allowing % inch gripping surface, thus permitting work flush with the grip. 14 inches high, 8% inches wide, and has an iron bench flange 4 inches wide. Weight 1 7 pounds. List price, $10.00 Ideal Spud Wrench These tools are most convenient for connecting up union radiator valves or union elbows. Con- nections can be made up quicker, tighter and with- out injuring the union. Style 1 is used hand-to, and has an open hexagon on end of handle for adjusting bolt nuts. Style 2 is used with a Stillson wrench. Either tool embraces 1 %-, 1%-, 1- and %-inch sizes. List Prices, each: Style 1, $0.75; Style 2, $0.50 Style 2 Stock No. 591 Style Stock No. 590 184 Combination Bench Pipe Vise Three Combinations in One Constructed with Steel Sliding Bar No. 672 Vise Holds pipe from y% inch to 10 inches, with bending forms for bending pipe up to 2 inches. A combination pipe vise, to be useful and practical, must admit of each part of the combination being independent of the other. The combinations in the "Combination Vise" are independent of each other and do not conflict. It is a perfect vise and has more advantages than any other vise in the market. It is strongly made and the parts made to duplicate, and will give satisfaction. The sliding bar, screws, handles, and jaws are made of steel, and all the parts have been put to and have stood the severest tests. No. 670 holds pipe from % inch to 2> inches, with bend ing form for bending pipe up to 1 inch. No. 671 holds pipe from % inch to 7 inches, with bending form for bending pipe up to \% inches. No. 672 holds pipe from % inch to 10 inches, with bend- ing form for bending pipe up to 2 inches. No. 670 Combination Bench Vise, Wt. 40 Ibs., List, $15.00 No. 671 " " " " 90 " " 20.00 No. 672 " " " " 160 " " 30.00 Special jaws for holding brass pipe, extra charge. For a set of two jaws, to take brass pipe from ^ to 2 inches, for No. 670 or No. 671 Vise, $2.00 net. For a set or two upper jaws, to take brass pipe from % to 2 inches, for No. 672 Vise, $2.50 net. For a set of four lower jaws, to take brass pipe from % to 2 inches, for No. 672 Vise, $4.00 net. 185 Steel Tool Chests Style "A" Made from 1-16 inch cold rolled sheet steel with malleable iron corner pieces and hardwood braces; fitted with heavy wrought iron hinges and hasp, with cover so arranged as to be held open by support from the back of chest. Each chest is furnished with a first-class brass lock and two keys, and bolts to screw down cover at front corners. They are lighter and cheaper than any first-class make of wood chest, and will out- wear several wood chests. They are painted, well propor- tioned and ornamental in design, and make a first-class tool chest for Steam Fitters, Gas Fitters, Plumbers and other trades where a light and strong tool chest is required. In four types. Style A. With One Drawer List No. 673, 11 in. deep, 1 2 in. wide, 24 in. long, weight 60 Ibs. $12-50 No. 674, 14 in. deep, 15 in. wide, 30 in. long, weight 95 Ibs. 17.00 No. 675, 16 in. deep, 17 in. wide, 36 in. long, weight 125 Ibs. 19.00 No. 676, 19 in. deep, 20 in. wide, 42 in. long, weight 155 Ibs. 22.00 Style A. With Two Drawers List No. 677, 1 1 in. deep, 12 in. wide, 24 in. long, weight 60 Ibs. $13.00 No. 678, 14 in. deep, 15 in. wide, 30 in. long, weight 95 Ibs. 18 00 No. 679, 16 in. deep, 1 7 in. wide, 36 in. long, weight 125 Ibs. 20.25 No. 680, 19 in. deep, 20 in. wide, 42 in. long, weight 155 Ibs. 23.50 186 Steel Tool Chests Style "C" List No. 681, 11 in. deep, 12 in. wide, 30 in. long, weight 70 Ibs. $12.50 No. 682, 1 1 in. deep, 12 in. wide, 36 in. long, weight 105 Ibs. 15.00 No. 683, 1 1 in. deep, 12 in. wide, 42 in. long, weight 140 Ibs. 1 7 00 No. 684, 1 1 in. deep, 12 in. wide, 48 in. long, weight 180 Ibs. 20.00 Style "D" No. 685, 1 1 in. deep, 12 in. wide, 24 in. long, weight 80 Ibs. $15.50 No. 686, 14 in. deep, 15 in. wide, 30 in. long, weight 120 Ibs. 21.00 No. 687, 16 in. deep, 1 7 in. wide, 36 in. long, weight 155 Ibs. 23.00 No. 688, 19 in. deep, 20 in. wide, 42 in. long, weight 185 Ibs. 26.00 187 Ideal Burring Reamers For Pipe 1-8 to 2 in. No. 984, Diameter from at point, to % in. at largest part. Length of fluting fa in. For pipe Y% to Y 2 in. Each $0.50. Postage on single reamer, $0.06. N o. 985, Diam. at point j 7 g in. Diam. at largest part 1 # in. Length of fluting l T 9 g in. For pipe y z to 1 in. Each $1.25. Postage on single reamer, $0.08. No. 986, Diam. at point 1^ i n . Diam. at largest part 2% in. Length of fluting 1 f f in. For pipe 1 X to 2 in. Bit- brace Shank. Each $3.50. Postage on single reamer, $0.24. For Pipe 1-2 to 2 in. No. 987, Diam. at point T 7 F in. Diam. at largest part 2^ in. Length of cutter 2fa in. Price com- plete, $2.25. Extra Cutters, each, $0.12. Postage on single reamer, $0.25. The single cutting blade, set in the hardened steel holder, cuts smoothly, steadily and easily, taking an even chip like a plane without digging in, catching and sticking. This cutter being triangular in shape (three cutting edges) may be t Belore Burring After Burring turned twice, presenting each time a fresh edge to the work, and it may also be shifted lengthwise for the same purpose. Cutters can be renewed at price above quoted. 188 The Toledo Pipe-Threading Devices Adjustable Threader No. 1 Adjustable Threading Devices With No. 1 Device one man can thread 2-inch pipe easily with one hand. No. 1 A stock is adapted for threading pipe in contracted places, otherwise inaccessible as against walls, between floors or beams and in ditches. No. 1-A is the same as No. 1 machine, except with ratchet attachment. List Prices No. 1 (Stock No. 565) Capacity 1 to 2-inch pipe, inclusive, each $24.00 No. 1-A (Stock No. 566) Capacity 1 to 2-inch pipe, inclusive, with Ratchet, each 30.00 Extra Dies (Stock No. 570), 1. \ 1 A, 1 1 A or 2-inch, per set of 4 pieces 2.50 Geared Adjustable Threading Devices With No. 2 Device one man can thread 2^ inches of pipe in one minute; 3 inches in \ l / 2 minutes; 3^ inches in 4 minutes; 4 inches in 6 minutes. With Nos. 3 and 4 one man alone can thread any size of pipe from 4^ to 12 inches, inclusive. List Prices No. 2 (Stock No. 567) Capacity 2^ to 4-inch pipe, inclusive, each $100.00 No. 3 (Stock No. 568) Capacity 4% to 8-inch pipe, inclusive, each 300.00 No. 4 ( Stock No. 569) Capacity g to 1 2-inch pipe, inclusive, each, 500.00 Weight: No. 2, 60 Ibs.; No. 3, 190 lbs.;No. 4, 225 Ibs. Extra Dies No. 2 (Stock No. 570) 2H, 3, 3 1 A, and 4 inches, set of 5 pieces $ 8.00 No. 3 (Stock No. 570) 4 1 A, 5, 6, 7, and 8 inches, set of 5 pieces 12.00 No. 4 (Stock No. 570) 9, 10, and 1 2 inches, set of 5 pieces . 20-00 189 The Toledo Pipe-Threading Devices Geared Adjustable Threader No. 2 These th reading-machine tools do away with all superfluous friction and thereby guarantee large savings in labor. They are especially valuable to the steam-fitter because even the larger sizes of pipe may be threaded by hand "on the job" instead of by power in the shop. Several years of practical tests have thoroughly proven that one man can do more work with this machine than with any other. The area of the cutting surface of the dies and the number of teeth are reduced to a minimum; the points of the teeth do all the cutting, while the remaining surface presented to the pipe easily removes any burrs without additional friction. The dies may be repeatedly reground until they are reduced to half of their original surface without interfering with the standard size of the threads cut. There is a gradual expan- sion of the dies as the threads are cut, thus insuring a thread of standard taper without the binding and friction which makes threading machines of other makes so difficult to op- erate. The harder the pipe, the greater the labor saved. Ex- tremely simple and very durable. Dies may be changed at a moment's notice. No lock nuts, cams or concealed parts to gum up or clog with chips. Send for booklet describing taper pin and other important features. See Lists on opposite page. 190 Borden Power Pipe-Threading Machine This Threading Machine is a first-class investment for the progressive Heating Contractor, as it enables him to quickly cut and thread pipe and nipples for his jobs at first hand, and much time saved during the rush Fall months. The Contractor can thus do his own pipe threading and cutting accurately according to piping plans, at lower costs, and save the time necessary to send this work outside. Spare time can be put in during quiet seasons making nipples or threading pipe for other fitters the Machine more than "pays its way" all the year around. These Machines are built in heavy types and are designed to do the most rapid work with longest durability. Each Machine has one set of solid adjustable quick-opening dies, rotary oil pump, cutting off attachment and countershaft. The quick-acting Lever Chuck grips pipe of same size without stopping the Machine, while the Universal Chuck Machines are designed for frequent changes in pipe sizes. The beds are extra long, allowing the die stand to travel 20 inches in each of the Machines, so that several nipples or short lengths of pipe may be threaded and cut off without chucking. No nipple holders needed for threading short nipples. List Prices Size A (Stock No. 550) % to 2-in., with Universal Chuck $350.00 " " with Quick- Acting Lever. .. 450.00 Size E (Stock No. 55 1 ) 1 to 4-in., with Universal Chuck 640. 00 " " " " with Quick- Acting Lever ... 775.00 191 How to Order Boiler Parts To assist our customers to order Grate Bars and other castings which may be required for IDEAL Round Boilers, we present herewith v?,rious lists and erection data, together with outline illustrations of Bases and Grates of the old and new style Round Boilers. To avoid confusion or error in executing orders, we request that the following detailed information (as far as the specifications can be readily secured) should be sent with orders for the parts desired: 1 Name or sketch of part. 5 Number on brass plate of fire door. 2 Pattern number cast on part. 6 Date of original purchase. 3_If grate bar, state position. 7 Name of dealer who originally pur- 4 Name and number of Boiler. chased Boiler. Arco Base and Grate Parts All Regular Arco Boilers are equipped with the Arco Base. No changes have been made up to the present tune except in location of draft inlet. Grate Bars 1 9- and 22-inch have three Bars: Front, Center, Back. Shakes on left side, front. 25-, 28-, 31-, and 34-inch have four Grate Bars; Front, Front Center Rear Center, Back. This Grate shakes on left-hand side in front. List Prices Arco Base and Grate Parts Size of Grate 19-in. 22-in. 25-in. 28-in. 3 1 -in. 34-in. Base Casting only. . . Base Front Frame.. Base Door $14.00 2.25 1.00 $16.25 3.00 1.25 $22.00 3.25 1.50 $24.50 4.00 1.50 $29.50 4.25 1.75 $39.00 5.50 1.75 Base Bucterfly Door. Grate Ring .50 5.25 .50 6.75 .50 7.25 .75 9.00 .75 10.00 .75 12.50 Front Grate Bar Center Grate Bar... Back Grate Bar Connecting Bar Connecting Arm Angle Lever Shaker Handle 1.75 2.50 1.75 .60 .60 .60 1.00 2.25 3.00 2.25 .75 .60 .60 1.00 2.25 3.00 2.25 1.00 .60 .60 1.00 3.00 4.25 3.00 1.00 .60 .60 1.00 3.75 5.25 3.75 1.00 .60 .75 1.50 4.50 6.75 4.50 1.00 .75 .75 1.50 A 92 Premier Base and Grate Parts All regular Premier Boilers are equipped with this Base and Grate. Also used on regular Portable Steam Boilers April 19, 1901, to March 1, 1902, and all regular Portable Water and Invincible Steam and Water Boilers, June 17, 1901 to March 1, 1902. Specify Catalogue No. of Boiler. Grate Bars Styles 19031908 10-inch has Draw Center Grate. 12-inch has 2 Bars: Front, Back. 15-, 18-, and 21 -inch have 3 Bars; Front, Center, Back. Shaker on left-hand side in front. 24-, 28-, and 32-inch Grates have 4 Bars : Front, Front Center, Rear Center, Back. Shaker on left-hand side in front. Grate Bars Older Styles to May and October 1903 1 0-inch Premier Grates shaking from the side was used on all No. 1 1 Premier Boilers until April 25, 1903, (Serial A-5319) when the present type of Draw Center Grate was adopted. 12-inch Premier Grate shaking on the side was used on all 12-inch Premier Boilers until May 12, 1903, (Serial A-5419) when the present style of Premier Grate shaking in front was adopted. 1 5-inch Junior Grate shaking on the side was used on all 1 5-inch Pre- mier Boilers until October 29, 1903, (Serial A-51 25) when the above style of Premier Grate was used, till the 1908 pattern was adopted. 1 8-inch Junior Grate shaking on the side was used on all 1 8-inch Premier Boilers until May 23, 1903 (Serial No. 5067) when the above style of Premier Grate was used, till the 1 908 pattern was adopted. 21-, 24-, 28-, 32-inch No changes on Grates until the 1 908 pattern. * List Prices Premier Base and Grate Parts Size of Grate, Inches 10 12 15 18 21 24 28 32 Base Casting Base Front Frame.. Base Door Base B'fly Door 3.50 ".60 9-50 1.75 1.00 .40 13.25 2.00 1.00 .50 2.25 14.25 2.00 1.00 .50 2.75 17.25 2.25 1.25 .50 21.00 2.25 1.50 .50 23.75 2.50 1.50 .60 31.00 3.00 2.00 .60 Base Top Ring Grate for Cent. Slide Grate Center Slide.. Front Grate Bar 1.25 .40 'i.oo 1.50 1.75 1.50 .60 .60 .60 1.00 1.75 2.50 1.75 .60 .60 .60 1.00 2.25 3.00 2.25 .75 .60 .60 1.00 2.25 3.00 2.25 1.00 .60 .60 1.00 3.00 4.25 3.00 1.00 .60 .75 1.00 4.50 6.75 4.50 1.25 .75 .75 1.50 Back Grate Bar 1.00 .40 . .40 .60 .75 Angle Lever Shaker Handle .40 See page 207 for prices 1 908 pattern Premier Grate. 193 Perfection Base and Grate Parts Perfection Grates were used on all regular Portable Water and Invincible Steam and Water Boilers from June, 1897 to June 17, 1901. After March 1, 1902, all Portable and Invincible Boilers were again fitted with the Perfection Base. Grate Bars 19-inch has 3 Grate Bars: 1 left-hand with shank, 1 center, 1 right- hand without shank. This Grate shakes on left-hand side in front. 21- and 25-inch have 4 Grate Bars: 1 left-hand with shank, 2 center, 1 right-hand without shank. This Grate shakes on left-hand side in front. 30- and 36-inch have 4 Grate Bars: 1 left-hand with shank, 2 center, 1 right-hand with shank. This Grate shakes in two halves in front. List Prices Perfection Base and Grate Parts Size of Grate, Inches 19 21 . 25 30 36 Base Castings, only $14.25 8.50 3.75 3.00 1.25 .50 1.25 1.50 2.50 .50 1.75 2.25 .50 1.25 $ 18.00 9.00 4.25 4.00 1.25 .50 1.25 1.50 2.25 .75 1.75 2.50 .60 1.25 $19.50 11.50 5.25 4.50 1.25 .75 1.75 2.00 3.00 & 2 -n 1.25 $22.00 14.00 6.50 7.00 1.50 .75 3.50 3.50 5.00 .50 3.00 3.25 .75 1.25 $37.00 16.25 9.00 9.00 1.50 .75 6.00 6.00 8.25 .75 3.50 3.75 .75 1.25 Base Top Ring, wide* Base Top Ring, narrow Grate Ring Base Door Base Butterfly Door Right-Hand Grate Bar Left-Hand Grate Bar Center Grate Bar, each Grate Connecting Bar, each. Base Front Frame Base Front Extension* Clinker Door Shaker Handle Used on Portable Steam Boilers only. 194 Old Style Base and Grate Parts The Old Style pattern of Grate was used on all Portable Boilers until the Fall of 1896, at which time the Center-Grate Bar of the 19-, 25-, 30-, and 36-inch size was changed some- what. This type of Grate was discontinued in June, 1897. Grate Bars The Old Style Grate shakes at the side of the Boiler. It consists of the following bars : 19-, 21-, 25-inch have 5 bars : 2 Outside Bars, 2 next to Center Bars, 1 Center Bar with spindle. 30-, 36-inch have 7 Bars: 2 Outside Bars, 2 next to Out- side Bars, 2 next to Center Bars, 1 Center Bar with spindle. List Prices Old Style Base and Grate Size of Grate 19-in. 21-in. 25-in. 30-in. 36-in. Base Bottom Plate Ring $1.50 4.. 75 $ 2.50 5.25 $ 3.00 7.75 $ 4.25 1 1 00 $ 8.00 15.50 " Front Panel Back Panel Right-Hand Panel Left-Hand Panel Top Ring (Water Boilers) " " (Steam " ) Grate Ring 2.00 2.25 2.00 2.25 4.25 9.00 3.50 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.50 5.00 11 00 4.00 3.00 3.00 2.75 3.00 6.00 13.50 5.75 3.25 3.50 3.50 3 25 7.75 17.75 7 75 3.75 4.50 3.50 4.25 11.00 22.25 9.25 Ashpit Door 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.50 1.75 Clinker Door Butterfly Door .60 .60 .60 .60 .60 .75 .60 1.00 .60 1-00 Shaker Handle .75 .75 .75 1-00 1.00 Outside Grate Bar 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.00 3 25 3.00 4 50 Next to Center Grate Bar Center Grate Bar Grate Connecting Bar Shaking Spindle Dumping Spindle 1.50 1.75 1.50 .60 .40 1 75 2.00 1.50 .60 .40 3.25 3.50 1.75 .60 .40 3.50 3.75 2.50 .75 .40 5.25 5.25 3.25 .75 .40 195 Junior Base and Grate Parts Junior Rocking Grate Junior Draw-Center Grate The Grates supplied on all regular Junior Heaters made prior to March 25, 1897, were of the Junior Draw-Center pat- tern, still used on grates of 10- and 12-inch diameter. All regular 15-inch Junior Heaters made after March 25, 1897 (Serial No. 514) and 18 inch Heaters made after March 27, 1897, were supplied with the present style of Junior Rocking pattern, consisting of three bars. Grate Bars 10- and 12-inch Grates have Draw-Center Bars. This Grate shakes in front of the Heater. 15- and 18-inch have Junior Rocking Grate with three bars : Front, Center, Back. This Grate shakes at the side of the Heater. List Prices Junior Base and Grate Parts Size of Grate, Inches . . 10 12 | 15 18 Base Legs $ 25 $ . . $ $. .. Base Bottom . . .... 2 00 3 50 4.00 6 75 Base Panels, each 1 00 1.25 1.50 Base Casting 3.50 Base Top Ring 2.75 4.00 4.50 Base Front Frame 75 1 25 1 75 Base Door 60 75 1 00 1 50 Base Door Slide Damp'r Base Butterfly Door .40 .40 40 '.40 Shaker. Door .... 40 60 Circular Slide Grate 1 25 1 25 Grate Center Slide 40 60 Front Grate Bars .... 1.00 1.50 Shaker Grate Bar 1.75 2.25 Back Grate Bar. 1.00 1.50 Grate Connecting Bar . Shaker Handle ' 40 40 .40 60 .60 60 196 Triangular Grate and Base Parts Triangular Grates were used on all regular Portable Steam Boiler from June, 1897, to January 16, 1899 (Serial M-l to M-1342). Grate Bars 1 9-inch has 3 Grate Bars: All of same length. 21-inch has 4 Grate Bars: 2 long and 2 short. 25- and 30-inch have 5 Grate Bars: 3 long and 2 short. 36-inch has 6 Grate Bars: 4 long and 2 short. Price List Triangular Grate and Base Parts Size of Grate, Inches 19 21 25 30 36 $14.75 2.75 1.75 1.25 .60 .40 2.50 $17.75 3.25 1.75 1.25 .60 .40 3.25 2.50 1.00 1.75 .40 .40 1.00 $23.25 3.75 2.25 1.25 .60 .40 3.75 3.00 1.25 2.25 .40 .40 1.00 $31.00 4.50 3.00 1.50 .60 .40 6.00 4.75 1.50 2.75 .60 .40 1.00 $39.00 5.00 3.50 1.50 .60 .40 7.25 5.75 1.50 3.25 .60 .40 1.00 Base Extension (for Portable Steam Boilers only) Base Clinker Door Base Butterfly Door Grate Bar, long Grate Bar short Grate Bar Front Support Grate Bar Journal Plate Grate Bar Gear Wheel .75 1.50 .40 .40 1.00 Grate Bar Gear Collar Shaker Handle Important to Observe in Ordering As stated on page 13, orders are executed more promptly when the following detailed information accompanies the order: 1 Name or sketch of part. 2 Pattern number cast on part. 3 Position of Grate Bar. 4 Name and number of Boiler. 5 Number on brass plate on door. 6 Date of purchase. 7 Name of dealer who originally purchased the Boiler. 197 Round Boiler Parts For Arco Steam and Water Boilers Name of Part 19- in. 22-in. 25- in. 28-in. 31 -in. 34-in. Arco Base Castings .... 14.00 16.25 22.00 24.50 29.50 39.00 *Base Back Draft Frame .50 .50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 " Front Frame 2.25 3.00 3.25 4.00 4.25 5.50 Open Base Door 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.50 1.75 1.75 *Closed Base Door 1.75 1.75 2.00 2.00 2.25 2.25 Base Butterfly Door . . . .50 .50 .50 .75 .75 .75 Front Grate Bar 1.75 2.25 2.25 3.00 3.75 4.50 Center " " 2.50 3.00 3.00 4.25 5.25 6.75 Back " " 1.75 2.25 2.25 3.00 3.75 4.50 Connecting " .60 .75 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 " Arm .60 .60 .60 .60 .60 .75 Angle Lever .60 .60 .60 .60 .75 .75 Grate Ring 5.25 6.75 7.25 9.00 10.00 12.50 Shaker Handle 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.50 1.50 Base, Complete 31.00 37.00 46.00 55.00 65.00 85.00 Fire Pot 51.00 70.00 80.00 100.00 115.00 148.00 Fire Door Frame . . . . 1.50 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 " " and Lining. . 1.50 2.25 2.25 2.50 2.50 2.50 Clinker Door Frame. .60 .75 1.00 1 25 1.25 1.25 " " and Lining .60 .75 .75 1.00 1.00 1.00 Arco Single Section 16.00 21.00 25.00 32.00 38.00 42.00 " Double " 2800 40.00 48.00 64.00 74.00 85.00 " Steam Dome 33.00 43.00 54.00 64.00 72.00 90.00 " Water " 15.00 22.00 25.00 32.00 45.00 54.00 C.O. Door Frame (narrow) 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.25 1.25 1.50 H ' and Lining " 1.50 1.75 1.75 1.75 2.00 2.25 " ' Frame (med'm) 1.25 1.50 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 " ' and Lining " ' Frame (wide) 2.25 1.50 2.75 2.25 3.00 2.25 3.25 2.50 3.25 2.50 3.50 3.00 " ' and Lining " 3.00 3.75 4.25 4.50 4.50 4.75 Smoke Hood, Complete j 3.75 4.50 3" 4.50 4" 750 4" .7.50 5" 9.00 5" Nipple, Push -j .60 .60 .60 .6C .60 .60 *Formerly used on Arco Steam Boilers. O*. 198 Round Boiler Parts For Standard Water Boilers Name of Part 15-in. 17-in. 19-in. 22-in. 25-in. j 28-in. 31 in. 34 in. Base Casting $10 00 $11.75 $14.00 $16.25 $22.00! $24.50 $29.50 $39.00 Base Front Frame 1.75 2.00 2.25 3.00 3.25J 400 4.25 5.50 Base Door 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.25! 1.50 1 50 1.75 1.75 Base Butterfly Door. . .50 .50 .50 3.50 .75 .75 .75 Grate Ring 3.75 4.25 525 7 25, 9.00 10.00 12.50 Front Grate Bar . 1.00 1.50 1.75 2.25 2.25J 3.00 3.75 4.50 Front Center Grate Bar . 1.50 1.75 2.50 300 3.00 4.25 5.25 6.75 Back Center Grate Bar 2.5C 3.00: 3.00 4.25 5.25 6.75 Back Grate Bar 1.00 1.50 1.75 2.25; 2 25 3.00 3.75 4.50 Connecting Bar /-O .60 .60 .75 1.00, 1.00 1.00 1.00 Connecting Arm .... .60 .60 .60 ; . .60 .60 .75 Angle Lever .60 .60 .60 .60) .60 .60 .75 .75 Shaker Handle .75 .75 1.00 1.00 ! 1.00 1.00 1.50 1.50 Base Complete 21.0Q 25.00 31.00 37:od 4600 5500 65.00 85.00 Fire Pot 43.00 46.00 50.00 64.001 77.00 96.00 111.00 115.00 Fire Door Frame . . 1.50J 1.75 2 25i 2.25 2.25 2.25 ! 2.25 2.25 Fire Door and Lining 1.50 1.75 1.75 1.75) 2.00 250 2.50 2.50 Clinker Door Frame .75 .75 .75 1.00]' 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 Clinker Door and Lining .60 .60 .id .75 .75 1.00 1.00 1.00 Inside Section 1200 13.50 17.50 2100 27.00 32.00 37.00 Outside Section 8.75 11.50 y 13.50 17.50 21.00 27.00 3200 37.00 Water Dome 9.00 12.00 ' 13.00 17.00 20.00 26.50 31.00 35.50 1 Sec.C.O. Door Frame .75 .75 .75 1.00 IOC 1.25 L25 1.25 1 Sec. C. O. Door and Lining .75 .75 .75 .75 .75 1.00 1.00 1.00 2 Sec. C. O. Door Frame 1 00 2 Sec. C. O. Door and Lining 1.00 3 Sec. C. O. Door Frame 1.25 1.50 1.75 1.75 2.00 2.00 2.00 3 Sec. C. O. Door and Lining 1.50 200 3.00 300 4.00 4.00 4.00 4 Sec. C. O. Door Frame 1.50 1.50 200 2.00 2.75 2.75 2.75 4 Sec. C.O. Door and Lining 3.00 3.00 4.00 4.00 4.50 4.50 4.50 Bottom Yt Smoke Hood .60 .60 .75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.50 Top Y* Smoke Hood.. .60 .75 1.00 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.50 1.75 Smoke Hood Slide Damper .60 .60 .75 1.00 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.75 Ch'k Draft Door Frame 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 100 1.00 1.00 1.00 Check Draft Door. . . . .40 .60 .60 .0 .60 .60 .60 .60 Push Nipples, each. . . . 3" .60 3" .60 3" .60 4" .60J4" .60 5" .60 5" .60 6" .70 199 Round Boiler Parts For Premier Steam and Water Boilers, 1900-1908. Name of Part 15 In. 18 In. 21 In. 24 In. 28 In. 32 In. Base Castings Base Top Ring 13.25 2.25 I'jo 1.75 1.50 .60 .60 2.00 1.00 .50 .60 1.00 25.00 49.00 1.50 .75 .60 .60 14.25 2.75 1.75 2.50 1.75 .60 .60 2.00 1.00 .50 .60 1.00 27.50 72.00 1.50 .75 .60 .60 12.50 17.25 21.00 23.75 31.00 Front Grate Bar Center Grate Bar Back Grate Bar 2.25 3.00 2.25 .75 .60 2.25 1.25 .50 .60 1.00 30.00 74.00 1.50 1.50 1.00 1.00 21.00 16.50 30.00 6" 1.75 3.00 50.00 28.00 1.50 5.50 2.25 3.00 2.25 1.00 .60 2.25 1.50 .50 .60 1.00 37.00 91.00 1.50 1.75 1.00 1.00 25.00 18.50 35.50 6" 1.75 3.25 60.00 36.00 1.50 5.50 3.00 4.25 3.00 1.00 .60 2.50 1.50 .60 .75 1.00 44.00 110.00 1.75 2.25 1.00 1.00 34.50 28.75 46.00 8"2.00 4.50 78.00 46.00 2.50 9.00 450 6.75 4.50 1.25 .75 3.00 2.00 .60 .75 1.50 62.00 136.00 1.75 2.75 1.25 1.00 48.50 37.00 57.00 8"2.00 5.00 94.00 59.00 2.50 9.00 Connecting Arm Base Front Frame Base Door Butterfly Door 4ngle Lever Shaker Handle Base Complete Fire Pot Fire Door Frame Fire Door and Lining. .. Clinker Door Frame Clinker Door and Lining Narrow closed section. . . Screw Nipple Section Ring Complete.. Steam Dome Water Dome 5"1.50 2.00 21.00 12.50 .75 3.25 5"1.50 2.25 27.00 18,00 .75 3.25 Deflector Damper Smoke Hood Complete . For Portable Water Boilers Name of Part 19 In. 21 In. 25 In. 30 In. 36 In. Fire Pot 41 00 51 00 61 00 73 00 91.00 First section over Fire Pot. . . Other intermediate Sections . Dome Section 20.00 18.00 19.00 25.00 22.00 24.00 33.00 29.00 30.00 48.00 39.00 40.00 62.00 ' 57.00 58.00 Fire Door Frame 2.00 1 00 2.00 1 00 2.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 1.25 Fire Door Lining .75 .75 1.00 1.00 1.00 Clean-out Door Frame Clean-out Door Smoke Hood Complete Push Nipple .75 . .40 2.25 3" .60 .75 .40 2.25 4" .60 .75 .40 3.50 4" .60 .75 .40 3.50 5" .60 .75 .40 4.50 6" .70 200 Round Boiler Parts For Portable Steam Boilers Name of Part 19-in. 21-in. 25 -in. 30-in.' 36-in. Fire Pot ,. 42.00 27.00 24.00 37.00 3.50 1.00 .75 5.00 5.50 53.00 34.00 30.00 45.00 3.75 1.00 .75 5.25 6.50 7.25 61.00 43.00 39.00 62.00 5.00 1.25 .75 6.50 7.75 9.00 75.00 64.00 56.00 82.00 5.00 1.25 .75 7.25 8.25 9.25 92.00 85.00 76.00 110.00 6.00 1.50 1.00 "ir.25 13.75 15.00 2.50 .40 4.50 1.50 4.00 .40 4.50 2.75 4.00 4.00 .75 .40 1.50 26.00 6". 70 First Section over Fire Pot Other Intermediate Sections Dome Fire Door Frame " " Lining 2-Section Boiler Front Frame 3- " " ' 4- ' 5- ' Narrow Cleanout Door Frame Wide " " Frame!!!!! Bottom Panels, each 1.50 .40 3.00 1.00 1.75 .40 1.50 1.00 ' l'.50 .50 .40 .60 9.00 3". 60 1.75 .40 3.00 1.00 2.25 .40 2.00 1.00 1.75 2.00 .60 .40 .60 11.75 4". 60 2.25 .40 3.50 1.25 2.50 .40 3.25 1.25 2.25 2.50 .60 .40 .75 14.00 4". 60 2.25 .40 3.75 1.25 3.25 .40 4.00 1.50 3.25 3.00 .75 .40 1.00 18.25 5". 60 " C.O. Door, each .. Lower Wide Panels, each Center Narrow Panels, each. . . Wide " " Top " " Dome Top Flue Strips, each " Side " " " Direct Draft Damper Smoke-Hood, Complete Push Nipples, each For Invincible Steam and Water Boilers Name of Part 19-in. 21-in. 25-in. 30-in. 36-in. Fire Pot 42.00 27.00 24.00 37.00 22.00 2.00 1.00 .75 .75 .40 2.25 3". 60 53.00 34.00 30.00 45.00 27.00 2.00 1.00 .75 .75 .40 2.25 4". 60 61.00 43.00 39.00 62.00 38.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 .75 .40 3.50 4". 60 75.00 64.00 56.00 82.00 54.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 .75 .40 3.50 5". 60 92.00 85.00 76.00 110.00 68.00 2.00 1.25 1.00 .75 .40 4.50 6". 70 First Section over Fire Pot Other Intermediate Sections Dome, Steam. Water Fire Door Frame " " Lining Clean-Out Door Frame Smoke- Hood, Complete Push Nipples, each 201 Water Heater Parts For Ideal Junior Tank Heaters Name of Part 1 0-in. 12-in. 15-in. 1 8-in. Base Legs, each Base Bottom $ .25 2 00 3 50 "4 '.00 $ 6 75 Base Panels, each 1 00 1 25 1 50 Base Casting 3.50 Base Top Ring 2 75 4 00 4 50 Base Front Frame 75 1 25 1 75 Base Door .60 .75 1 .00 1 50 Base Door Slide Damper 40 40 Base Butterfly Door 40 40 Circular Slide Grate. Grate Center Slide . 1.25 40 1.25 60 *1.75 * .60 *3.50 *1 00 Front Grate Bar 1.00 1.50 Shaker Grate Bar 1.75 2.25 Back Grate Bar 1.00 1.50 Grate Connecting Bar .40 .60 Shaker Handle 40 40 60 .60 17 00 33 00 49.00 64.00 1 50 Outside Firepot Ring 1 75 75 1 25 1 25 1 25 Fire Door 40 .75 .75 .75 40 40 .40 Clinker Door Frame .60 .60 .60 2 00 3.50 6.50 Drop Tube Nipple 3" 1.00 4" 1.25 4" 1.25 Intermediate Section 12.50 Cleanout Door .40 Section Ring . . . .75 1.00 1.25 Water Dome 12.00 13.50 18.50 Steam Dome 25.50 36.00 4" 1.25 5" 1.50 5" 1.50 Smoke Hood complete 1.50 2.50 3.00 4.00 *Used on Old Style Boilers. For Arco Tank Heaters Name of Part 10-in. 12-in. 1 5-in. Base $3.50 $ 4.00 $ 6; 50 Base Bottom 1 75 2.25 3.25 Front Grate Bar .75 1.25 1.25 Center Grate Bar 2.00 Back Grate Bar 1 00 1.50 1.25 Connecting Bar .40 .40 .40 Base Door .60 .75 .75 Butterfly Door .40 .40 .40 Shaker Handle . .40 .40 .40 8 50 10.25 14.50 Firepot 11.00 13.50 19.00 .60 .60 .60 Clinker Door .40 .40 .40 Flue Ring .60 .75 .75 Reducing Ring .60 .60 .60 2.25 2.50 3.75 Top 1.75 2.25 3.50 Cover .40 .40 .60 202 Sectional Boiler Parts 15-, 18-, 21-, 24-, 30-, and 36-inch. Name of Part 1 5-in. 1 8-in. 21 -in 24-in. 30-in. Old 36-in. Front Section, S " W " Flue Conn., S... " W Center Conn., S . . " W Center Section, S .... 25 00 22 00 30 00 25 00 30 00 26 00 30 00 25 00 30 00 25. CO 30 00 25 00 3" 60 2 W 60 2V Z " 60 2 50 1 25 50 2 25 1 50 60 40 00 37 00 5200 4600 65 00 5400 6400 6300 61 00 5400 6200 5400 58 00 5200 3" 60 3" 60 3" 60 400 1 50 60 4 OC 75 60 60 61 00 57 00 8700 7700 85 00 131 00 1 1600 '37 00 35 00 36 00 34 00 37 00 34 00 44 00 42 00 6" 70 3" 60 iy z " 60 3 00 1 50 50 3 25 60 60 60 60 00 54 00 59 00 5200 60 00 5400 72 00 6300 6" 70 4" 60 3" 60 425 1 75 1 00 400 75 60 60 1 GO 1 25 1 50 1 00 75 1 00 7600 86 00 75 00 85 00 7500 8600 79 00 9700 85 001 6" 70j 3" 60i 3" 60 625 2 00 1 00 5 50 75 60 60 1 25 1 50 1 00 75 1 25 '12306 10700 1 15 00 101 00 120 00 10500 15000 13800 6" 70 6" 70 4" 60 10 75 2 50 1 00 900 2 25 60 60 1 75 2 00 1 25 1 00 1 75 W Rear Conn. Section, S w Back Conn " S W P F< <T P w" " Bottom, S. and W. Base Front Frame .... ' ' Door " Butterfly Door " Back Panel " Strip Angle Lever " Conn. Arm, L.H " " " R.H. Short Angle Lever Conn. Arm, R H., Medium 1 00 1 25 75 75 1 00 Angle Lever Conn. Arm, R H., Long Shaker Handle 75 1 25 1 50 1 75 2 00 2 25 3 00 1 50 '"s'bo . 5 75 7 00 7 75 9 00 75 75 1 00 1 25 1 50 1 75 2 75 1 50 3 00 5 00 6 00 7 50 9 00 2- and 3-Lug Conn. Bar 4-Lug Conn. Bar 5- 6- " " 7- " " " Grate Bar, R. or L ' 4 50 200 325 5 75 700 800 10 50 1 25 4 25 225 225 225 200 ' 4 50 2 25 350 ' 7 50 225 350 "1206 3 00 525 1 -Section Base Side 2- ' 4- ' " 5- ' ' '" 6- ' 9 00 10 75 1250 13 75 15 00 1 25 4 25 225 225 225 2 25 9 00 1075 12 50 13 75 11 50 1400 1700 1850 2000 200 5 00 6 75 6 50 650 200 8- ' ' 9- ' ' " Clinker Door and Lining. . . Fire Door and Lining R.-H. Upp'r C. O. Door and Lining L.-H. Upp'r C. O. Door and Lining R.-H. Lower C. O. Door and 1 00 2 25 1 50 1 50 50 3 00 1 25 1 25 1 00 1 00 50 50 4 25 *1 00 4.00 3 25 3 25 400 400 L.-H. Lower C. 6. Door and Lining Center C. O. Door and Lin'g Smoke-Hood Damper Smoke-Hood, Complete . . . ' ' ' 50 5 50 50 925 75 8 00 1 00 1400 1 50 850 Cotter pins, each, net 05- * This size has two clinker doors. 203 Sectional Boiler Parts 22, 28, New,36 and 48 inch Name of Part 22-inch 28-inch New 36" 48-inch Fire Door $2.00 1.50 .25 .75 $2.75 2.00 .75 .50 $3.75 3.00 3.25 2.50 *$3.00 *2.50 6.75 5.00 3-25 3.00 5.00 8.75 23.50 26.50 32.00 16.75 8.50 6.00 3.50 1.25 1.00 2.25 2.25 2.50 3-00 ""r.75 Upper C. O. Door, R. or L ... Lining, R. or L. . . Lower " " R. or L " " " Lining, R. or L. . .'. 1 -Section Base Panel 1.75 2.75 5.50 7.25 8.25 9.25 5.50 3.25 3.00 1.75 .60 .40 .60 2.00 3.00 6.50 8-75 9.75 10.75 7.75 4.00 4.25 2.25 1.00 .60 .75 2.25 4.00 9.25 11.75 14.00 15.00 9.00 5.25 7.25 3.00 1.00 .60 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 1.75 1.75 2.25 2.25 3-00 2.75 3.25 16.50 3.00 1.00 2.00 12.50 1.25 2.50 .75 .40 .60 17.00 6"' .70 4" .60 '92.00 89.00 2- 5- ? 7. Base Front Panel " Back " Lower Half Upper " Front Door Clinker Door, R. or L " " Lining, R. or L Ba?e Butterfly Door. . . R. H. Front Half Con. Arm, Short . . . Medium. " " Long 2-Link L. H. Connecting Arm 2- ' R. H. " Short... 2- ' R. H. " Long... 3- ' L H " .00 .25 .00 .25 .50 .50 .25 .50 .50 .75 .25 .50 .25 -75 .75 2.25 2.25 2.25 3.00 2.75 3.25 25.00 4.25 1.00 2.00 26.25 2.75 4.25 1.50 .75 .60 35.00 6" .70 4" .60 3" .60 *83-00 *78.00 *90.00 *87 00 *90.00 *83.00 *91.00 *82.00 *92.00 *87.00 *93.00 *86.00 *91.00 *85.00 *92.00 *86.00 3- ' R. H. " 4- ' L. H. " 4- ' R H ' 5- ' L. H " Grate Bar, R. or L 5.50 .50 .60 .75 3.00 .60 1.00 .60 .40 .60 5.50 4" .60 3" .60 "40". bo 39-00 10.00 1.75 1.00 1.00 11.00 .75 -75 .75 .40 .60 14.25 4" .60 3" .60 63.00 59.00 Front Coal Guard Shaker Handle " " Damper " " Cover " " Check Draft " Door Weight " '' Lever and Clamp " " Complete (< " Bottom " " Center Front Section .... Front Section, Steam " " Water Front Flue Connecting, Steam Water Open Center, Steam 45.00 43.00 46-00 45.00 47.00 44.00 48.00 45.00 47.00 45.00 47.00 44.00 68.00 64.00 69.00 66.00 69.00 66.00 72.00 67.00 72.00 68.00 74.00 68.00 93.00 88.00 96. OC 88.00 93 00 88.00 99.00 92.00 98.00 95.00 100.00 98.00 " Water Closed Center, Steam Water.. . Open Connecting, Steam. . . Water . Closed Connecting, Steam . . Water Rear Center Connecting, Steam Water Back Section Steam Water HS-inch Bdilers have right and left castings Above is price of either one. 204 Sectional Boiler Parts List Price of Parts to Increase Boiler One Size No. 15-ir 18 21 22 24 28 30 36 36 48 Steam Price ch . . . . $ 40 00 No. 15-ir 18 21 22 24 28 30 36 36 48 Water Price ch $ 39.00 42 50 45.00 70 00 65.50 6 1 00 62 50 72 50 70 00 102 00 100 00 115.00 105 00 N S 130 00 N.S 130.00 OS 1 35 00 OS 150 00 180.00 170.00 Arrangement of Sections A Front Section; B Back Section; C Closed Front Flue Connecting; D Open Front Flue Connecting; E Open Center; F Closed Center; G Open Connecting; H Closed Connecting: J Rear Connecting; K Half Open Center; L Half Open Connecting; M Closed 4 Flue Center; O Closed 5 Flue Center; P Rear Center. S-15-4-A-D-J-B S-15-5-A-C-E-J-B S-l 5-6-A-C-K-E-J-B S-l 5-7-A-C-F-K-E-J-B S- 1 5-8-A-C-F-F-L-E-J-B W-15-4-A-C-G-B W- 1 5-5-A-C-K-G-B W- 1 5-6-A-C-F-K-G-B W-l 5-7-A-C-F-F-K-G-B W-l 5-8-A-C-F-F-H-K-G-B 085-A-H-F-G-B 086-A-H-F-F-G-B 087-A-H-F-F-F-G-B 1 85-A-H-F-G-B 186-A-F-H-F-G-B 1 87-A-F-H-F-F-OB S-21-5-A-C-K-G-B S-2 1-6-A-C-F-K-G-B S-2 1-7-A-C-F-F-K-G-B W-2 1-5-A-C-K-OB W-2 1-6-A-C-F-K-G-B W-2 1-7-A-C-F-F-K-G-B S-22-5-A-G-E-J-B S-22-6-A-H-E-E-J-B S-22-7-A-H-F-G-E-J-B S-22-8-A-H-F-F-G-E-J-B W-22-5-A-G-E-J-B W-22-6-A-H-E-E-J-B W-2 2-7-A-H-F-G-E-J-B W-2 2-8-A-H-F-F-G-E-J-B 045-A-H-F-G-B 046-A-H-F-F-G-B 047-A-H-F-F-F-G-B 048-A-H-F-F-H-F-G-B 245-A-H-F-G-B 246-A-F-H-F-G-B 247-A-F-H-F-F-G-B 248-A-F-H-F-H-F-G-B S-28-5-A-G-E-J-B S-2 8-6-A-H-E-E-J-B S-28-7-A-H-F-G-E-J-B S-28-8-A-H-F-F-G-E-J-B W-28-5-A-G-E-J-B W-2 8-6-A-H-E-E-J-B W-28-7-A-H-F-G-E-J-B W-28-8-A-H-F-F-G-E-J-B S-30-5-A-C-K-G-B S-30-6-A-C-F-K-G-B S-30-7-A-C-F-F-K-G-B S-30-8-A-C-F-F-H-K-G-B P. S. For list price of sections see pages 203 and 204. Sections not listed on those pages will be billed as follows: C and D as Front Flue Con- necting, E, F and K as Center Sections, and G, H and L as Center Con- necting Sections. 205 Sectional Boiler Parts Arrangement of Sections Continued W-30-5-A-C-K-G-B W-30-6-A-OF-K-G-B W-30-7-A-C-F-F-K-G-B W-30-8-A-C-F-F-H-K-G-B 065-A-H-M-G-B 066-A-H-M-O-G-B 067-A-H-M-O-M-G-B 6 8-A-H-M-O-H-M-G-B 069-A-H-M-O-H-M-O-G-B 365-A-H-M-G-B 366-A-H-M-O-G-B 367-A-H-M-O-M-G-B 368-A-H-M-O-H-M-G-B 3 & 9-A-H-M-O-H-M-O-G-B S-36-5-A-G-E-J-B S-36-6-A-H-E-E-J-B S-36-7-A-H-F-G-E-J-B S-3 6-8-A-H-F-F-G-E-J-B S-36-9-A-H-F-H-E-G-E-J-B W-36-5-A-G-E-J-B W-36-6-A-H-E-E-J-B W-36-7-A-H-F-G-E-J-B W-36-8-A-H-F-F-G-E-J-B W-36-9-A-H-F-H-E-G-E-J-B S-48-6*-A-C-E-G-P-B S-48-7*-A-C-F-E-G-P-B S-48-8*-A-C-F-H-E-G-P-B S-48-9*-A-C-F-F-H-E-G-P-B S-48 10*-A-C-F-F-H-E-E-G-P-B W-48-6*-A-C-E-E-J-B W-48-7*-A-C-F-E-E-J-B W-48-8*-A-C-F-F-G-E-J-B W-48-9*-A-C-F-F-G-E-E-J-B W-48- 1 0*-A-C-F-F-F-G-E-E-J-B P. S. For List Price of Sections, see pages 203 and 204. Sections not listed are priced as follows: C and D as Front Flue Connecting, M and O as Center Sections, and G and H as Center Connecting Sections when not listed. * 48-inch Boilers have double Sections. Arrangement of Grate Bars and Connecting Arms "r.m &*i C (0 J. , |S = (3 < |l 5< BOILER No. l Mrt sll BOILER No. ! i iWrt all -JO 3* S- or W-15-4 $ S-or W-2 8-6 3 Medium S- or W- 1 5-5 4 S-orW-28-7 3 3 S- or W-15-6 S S-or W-2 8- 8 4 3 S- or W-15-7 6 S-or W- 15-8 7 S- or W-30-5 4 S- or W-30-6 3 2 Medium 085 185 4 S- or W-30-7 3 3 086 186 5 S- or W-30-8 4 3 . 087 187 6 g 365 365 4 S-or W-21-5 4 066366.... 3 2 Medium S-orW-21-6 S-orW-21-7 3 3 2 3 Medium 067367.... 068368.... 069369.... 3 4 4 3 3 4 Long S-orW-22-5 S-orW-22-6 S-orW-22-7 S- or W-22-8 2 3 3 4 2 2 3 3 Medium Long S-orW-36-5 S- or W-36-6 S-orW-36-7 S- or W-36-8 2 3 3 4 2 2 3 3 Short Medium Long 045245.... 2 2 Short S-orW-36-9 4 4 046246.... 3 2 Medium S- or W-48-6 3 2 Short 047247.... 3 3 S- or W-48-7 3 3 048248 4 3 Long S- or W-48-8 4 3 Medium S- or W-48-9 4 4 S- or W-28-5 2 2 S-orW-48-10 5 4 Long 206 Round Boiler Parts For 1908 Premier Steam and Water Boilers Name of Part 1 5-in. 18-in. 21 -in. 24-in. New Premier Base Casting Base Front Frame... $11.00 2 25 $14.50 2 25 $17.50 2 50 $19.50 2 50 Base Door 1 25 1 25 1 50 1 50 Base Butterfly Door 50 50 50 50 Front Grate Bar . . 1 00 1 50 1 75 2 25 Center Grate Bar . 1 50 1 75 3 00 3 25 Back Grate Bar 1 00 1 50 1 75 2 25 Connecting Bar 50 75 75 1 00 Connecting Arm 50 50 50 50 Angle Lever . . . 60 60 60 60 Shaker Handle Base Complete .75 20 00 .75 25 00 .75 30 00 .75 35 00 Firepot 35 00 48 00 60 00 72 00 Fire Door Frame 1 50 1 50 1 75 1 75 Fire Door and Lining Clinker Door Frame 1.50 75 1.75 75 2.00 75 2.25 75 Clinker Door and Lining 60 6C 75 75 Cleanout Door Frame Cleanout Door and Lining .75 75 .75 75 1.00 75 1.25 75 Cleanout Panel Three- Flue Section .75 8 50 .75 1 1 00 1.00 15 00 1.00 18 00 Two-Flue Section 8.25 10.00 14.00 17.00 Steam Dome . 23.00 28 00 33 00 41 00 Water Dome 13 00 15 00 19 00 23 00 Smoke Hood Top Half Smoke Hood Bottom Half 1.00 1 50 1.00 1 50 1.50 1 50 1.50 1 50 Smoke Hood Damper .50 .50 .75 .75 Smoke Hood Check Draft Door Smoke Hood Complete .40 3 00 .40 3.00 .50 4 00 .50 4 00 Push Nipple 4" .60 5" .60 6" .70 6" .70 For Junior Steam and Water Boilers Name of Part 1 5-inch 1 8-inch Base Casting $13 25 $14 25 Base Top Ring 2.25 2.75 Base Front Frame 2 00 2 00 Base Door 1.00 1.00 Base Butterfly Door Front ("irate Bar .50 1 50 .50 1 75 Center Grate Bar 1.75 2.50 Back Grate Bar 1.50 1.75 Connecting Bar 60 .60 60 60 Angle Lever .60 :&o Shaker Handle 75 1 25 Firepot . 49.00 64.00 Clinker Door Frame .60 .60 Clinker Door and Lining .40 .40 Fire Door Frame 1.75 1.75 1.00 1.00 Section Ring Complete 2.25 2.25 6.50 12.50 21 00 28.00 . Water Dome 12.50 18.00 Smoke Hood Complete 2.50 3.50 Screw Nipple 5" 1.50 5" 1.50 207 Water Heater Parts For Premier Junior Tank Heaters Name of Part 10-inch 1 2-inch 1 5-inch 1 8-inch Base Casting $3 50 $9 50 $13 25 $14 25 " Front Frame 1 75 2 00 2 00 " Door .60 1 00 1 00 1 00 " Butterfly Door 40 50 50 " Top Ring 2 25 2 75 Grate for Center Slide 1.25 Grate Center Slide 40 F'ront Grate Bar 1 00 1 50 1 75 Center " " 1 75 2 50 Back " '' 1 00 1 50 1 75 40 60 60 Connecting Arm 40 60 60 Angle Lever .... .60 60 60 Shaker Handle ' .40 .75 1.00 1.00 Fire Pot 21.00 35.00 49 00 72 00 " Door Frame .75 1 50 1 50 1 50 .60 .75 .75 75 " Pot Ring 1.00 1.25 1 25 2 00 Clinker Door Frame .60 .60 .60 .60 " " and Lining .40 .40 60 .60 Section Ring, Complete 1 25 2 00 2 25 Deflector Damper, Complete .75 75 Water Dome 10 50 12 50 18 00 Smoke Hood, Complete Screw Nipple 1.00 1.75 4" 1.25 3.25 5" 1.50 3.25 5" 1.50 tor Laundry and lank Jbieatei s 1-C 1 A 2 3 Base Casting Base Bottom $3.50 2 50 3 50 4 00 " Panels, each 75 1 00 1 25 ' ' Top Ring 2 00 2 75 4 00 " Front Frame 75 75 1 25 " Door 60 60 75 1 25 " Butterfly Door 40 40 40 Circular Slide Grate 1 25 Grate Center Slide 40 Front Grate Bar 75 1 00 1 00 Shaker Grate Bar 1 00 1.50 1.50 Back " " 1 00 .40 .40 .40 Shaker Handle .40 .40 .40 .40 Fire Pot 9.75 6.25 11.50 13.50 Combustion Rings, each 1 50 Flat Iron Rest 3.25 3.75 4.00 Fire Door .40 .40 .40 Laundry Sub-Top " Top 4.00 3.00 2.50 2.50 3.00 3.00 3.25 3.25 Flue Strip 1.00 .75 1.00 1.00 Top Covers, each .40 .40 .40 .40 Top Center .40 .40 .40 .40 208 Steam Boiler Trimmings Used on all Boilers except 48-inch Sectional 3' 9' Jack Chain. 12' 18' (" Pop Safety Valve $2.75 ,... 3.00 ... 3.75 .. 5.00 ,... 6.75 ...11.75 ...16-00 40 50 75 60 .60 f" Pet Cock. Water Column... ...$2.00 %" Try Cocks, each ........ 1.00 Two V 2 " Gauge Cocks, each. 1.25 Glass ....................... 40 Guards, per set .............. 40 Diaphragm Trap ............ 1 .50 Bracket .......... 40 Plunger ......... 40 Lever ............ 50 Weights, each... .60 Rubbers ( 7") ... -50 Pipe and Fittings ........... 2.00 4^-INCH STEAM GAUGE: IDEAL SYLPHON REGULA- TOR : See Specialty List and Discount. TRY COCKS : All Round and Sectional Boilers have two Try Cocks. Prior to adopting Water Columns cast on. front section, 30" and 36" Sectional Boilers had three Try Cocks. DIAPHRAGM WEIGHTS : On 24-, 28-, 30-, and 36-inch Sec- tional Boilers the Cast-Iron Diaphragm Damper Regulator is supplied with two weights ; all other Boilers have only one weight. POP SAFETY VALVES : Our Steam Boilers are regularly supplied, viz.: %-inch Valve on 15-inch Premier. 1 -inch Valve on 18-, 19-, 21-, and 22-inch Round Boilers, 15- and 1 8-inch Sectional and No. 2 and No. 3 Series Coke Boilers. iM'-inch Valve on 24- to 28-inch Round Boilers, 21- to 30-inch Sec- tional and No. 4 Series Coke Boilers. 1 %-inch Valve on 30- to 36-inch Round Boilers, 36-inch Sectional and No. 5 Series Coke Boilers. 2-inch Valve on 48-inch Sectional Boilers. JACK CHAIN : Our Steam Boilers are supplied with the following lengths of Jack Chain : 9 feet on 1 5- and 1 8-inch Premier and all Coke Boilers. 12 feet on Portable. Invincible, and Arco Boilers 1 8 feet on 21- to 32-inch Premier and all Sectional Boilers. PET COCKS : Sectional Steam Boilers are supplied with one Yz-ir\ch Pet Cock and all Round Steam Boilers are supplied with one %-inch and one J4-inch Pet Cock. The }4-inch Pet Cocks form part of the lower Gauge Cock and the ^-inch Pet Cocks on Round Boilers go on bottom of Water Column. For 48-inch Sectional Boilers Only Water Column. . . $3.75 Three ^-inch Try Cocks, each 1.25 Two 24-inch Gauge Cocks, each 3.50 Glass -40 Guards, per set 40 Pipe and Fittings 2.50 2-inch Pop Safety Valve 6.75 1 8-foot Jack Chain 75 One H-inch Cock 60 One 6-inch Steam Gauge 9.00 209 Boiler Sundries, Fire Tools, Etc. Flue Brushes 4}4"x4"x l%" Used on all Round except Premier Boilers and on Sectional Boilers to 36 inches . . .$1.00 6"x4^"x2^" Used on New 36- and 48-inch Sec- tional Boilers 3.00 2% " x 4" x 1 " Oval Brushes used on Premier Boilers . . 1 .00 Round Brushes 2", 2%,", 3", or 4" diameter for Fire- Box Boilers 1.00 Brush Handle Round Boilers $ .75 All Sectional except 48-inch . . .^.T$yj .Vr 1.00 48-inch Sectional 1 .50 Poker Round Boilers, 15- to 28-inch Grate $ .75 Round Boilers, 30- to 36-inch Grate 1.25 Sectional, to 36-inch . . . .ID DJ^ 1.25 36 to 48-inch Sectional [...:. 2.00 Scraper _ll Round Boilers $ .75 48-inch Sectional Boilers 1.25 Slice Bar Sectional, to 30-inch inclusive $ 1 .25 36-inch Sectional 1.75 48-inch Sectional 2.75 Hoe and Handle Sectional, to 28-inch $ .75 30- to 48-inch Sectional , 1 .75 Boiler Putty 5-lb. Can, each $ .75 10-lb. Can, each .....; 1.35 15-lb. Can, each 2.00 Blow-off Cock ^-inch Angle Blow-off Cock, each $1.50 1-inch Angle Blow-off Cock, each 2.25 210 Wall-Radiator Measurements American Wall-Radiators are tapped 1 y 2 inches supply and return, and unless otherwise ordered, will be bushed accord- ing to regular tapping list on page 112. See also " Directions for Ordering," page 1 16. 21 i Wall Radiators continued Fig. 3. Horizontal One and Two-pipe Steam LETT MAMD TAPP TAPPINS ct Ltrr HAND RETURN Fig. 4. Vertical One and Two-pipe Steam SUPPLV Fig. 6. Vertical One and Two-pipe Steam Fig. 5. Horizontal One and Two-pipe Steam R6.TURN Fig. 8- Vertical Water. TAPPING Fig. 7. Horizontal Water 212 Wall Radiators continued S* TBBT III LIU UU J |_| LJULILX i H Hn Hr\ RETURN Fig. 9. Horizontal Water tfFNT M ANO - ^ZIX TURN 1 4MJPPL.V Fig. 10. Vertical Water Fig. 1 1 . Assembled Three Horizontal Sections in Single Tier Water Fig. 12. Assembled Three Horizontal Sections in Single Tier One and Two-pipe Steam. ftKSMT TAPPIK prwv 5- Fig. 15. Assembled Four Verti- Fig. 16. Assembled Four Verti- cal Sections in Four Tiers cal Sections in Four Tiers Water One- and Two-pipe Steam 213 Wall Radiators continued Fig. 13. Assembled Three Horizontal Sec- tions in Three Tiers Water - Fig. 14. Assembled Three Horizontal Sec- tions in Three Tiers One- and Two-pipe Steam RETURN SUPPLY Fig. 1 7. Assembled Four Vertical Sections in Single Tier Water a Fig. 18. Assembled Four Vertical Sections in Single Tier One . and Two-pipe Steam 214 Wall Radiators continued Fig. 19. Assembled Four Horizontal Sections in Two Tiers Water HEX /i Pie. Fig. 20. Assembled Four Horizontal Sections in Two Tiers One and Two-pipe Steam Fig. 21. Assembled Four Horizontal Sections in Two Tiers Water Fig. 22. Assembled Four Vertical Sections in Two Tiers One and Two-pipe Steam American Wall Radiators are tapped 1 V 2 inches supply and return, and unless otherwise ordered, will be bushed ac- cording to regular tapping list on page 112. See also "Di- rections for Ordering," page 116. Tappings other than those illustrated will be charged extra 10 cents each, net. 215 Wall Radiators Continued Assembled Three Horizontal and Two Vertical Sections with Three Tiers in Center. Water. Fig. 24 Assembled Three Horizontal and Two Vertical Sections with Three Tiers in Center. One and Two-pipe Steam j ffftftj ^_ 7 ~ =cr=>- 1 /..FMA ^_ ^^ 3 ^N ' ^ " L. |g* ,^ r 1 r^ L^HJ ^ Fig 25 Fig- 26 Assembled Six Vertical Assembled Six Horizontal Sections in Two Tiers Sections in Two Tiers Water One and Two-pipe Steam American Wall Radiators are tapped lj inches supply and return, and unless otherwise ordered, will be bushed ac- cording to regular tapping list on page 112. See also "Direc- tions for Ordering,' page 1 16. 216 Wall Radiators Continued HtX NIPPLE. Fig. 27 Assembled Six Vertical Sections in Three Tiers Water Fie. 28 Assembled Six Vertical Sections in Three Tiers One and Two-Pipe Steam Fig. 29 Assembled Six Horizontal Sections in Two Tiers Water American Wall Radiators are tapped \% inches supply and return, and unless otherwise ordered, will be bushed according to regular tapping list on page 112. See also "Directions for Ordering," page 116. 217 Wall Radiators Continued Fig. 30 Assembled Six Vertical Sections in Two Tiers One and Two-pipe Steam (pi zontal S< Assembled Six Horizontal Sections in Two Tiers Water Fig. 32 Assembled Six Horizontal Sections in Two Tiers One and Two-pipe Steam American Wall Radiators are tapped 1^-inch supply and return, and unless otherwise ordered, will be bushed accord- ing to regular tapping list on page 1 12. See also "Directions for Ordering," page 116. Tappings other than those illus- trated will be charged extra 10 cents each, net. 218 Directions for Ordering Radiators 1. Give full name of Radiator. 2. With every order give full shipping instructions. 3. Always state whether for Steam or Water, and give heights. 4. If for Steam, specify whether for one or two-pipe work. 5. When ordering leg sections, advise whether for supply or return con- nection, also stating size of tapping required, and whether for use on one or two-pipe Steam, or for Water. 6. When ordering leg or intermediate sections, it is desirable to give date of invoice covering radiators for which the loose sections are wanted. 7. In ordering radiators, keep as close as possible to regular goods; special tappings and shapes frequently cause delay. 8. For convenience in handling, customers should, as far as possible, avoid ordering Direct Radiators in larger than a 32-section stack. Radia- tors of 1 000 IDS. weight or over are liable to be strained or broken in trans- portation, and it is recommended that customers order these large radiators to be shipped in halves. 9. In ordering Curved or Corner Radiators, specify exact radius or angle of the baseboard at floor within which the radiator is to be placed, and show by sketch which end of radiator is for supply connection and which for return, as you face the inside of curve or angle. 1 0. For convenience in handling, Indirect Radiators will be shipped loose. Customers should, when ordering, be particular to specify the size of stacks into which sections are intended to be built, so that necessary sup- ply and return sections may be shipped. 1 1 . All correspondence in relation to orders and shipments should be addressed to the Branch with which order is placed, and not to Plant. 12. Arrange orders after following form (quantity of these printed forms will be promptly mailed to customers, on application), and be sure to sign your orders : Dated Chicago, Oct. r, iqo8. When Wanted At once - AMERICAN RADIATOR CO., O ur Order No /OOP CHICAGO, ILL. Ship to John Doe, Via R. R. Kansas City, Richard Roe, the following Radiators . Mo - Chicago, Hi. No. of Radi- ators Sec- tions Height Kind Style Col- umns Tapped Remarks 3 8 38 Steam Rococo 3 2-pipe regular - (Sign here} 219 Instructions in Geometrical Drawing Instructions in Geometrical Drawing, to aid the steamfitter in making accurate drawing to show exact radius or angle within which Curved or Corner Radiator is to be placed. FIG.t I -B A FIG.2 4 bj' a no. A FIG.T For explanation of above drawings, see pages 221 and 222. For list of Curved and Corner or Angle Radiators made at our Plants see pages 102 to 105. 220 Instructions in Geometrical Drawing Continued To bisect a line Fig. 1. With point A as a center, and a radius greatei than one-half A B, describe the arcs a and b. With B as a center using radius equal to A a, describe arcs b and b, A line drawn through intersections of arcs a and b will divide line A B into two equal parts, as A c and c B. To erect a perpendicular at a given point in a line Fig. 2. At equal distances from the given point C in the line A B, lay off points c and d. With c as a center and with a radius greater than one-half of c d, describe arc a. With d as a center and using radius equal to c a, describe intersecting area. With c and d as centers and a radius less than c a but greater than one-half of c d t describe the arcs which intersect at b. A line drawn through the intersecting arcs a and b will be perpendicular to line A and B at the given point C. From a given point without a line, to let fall a perpendicular to that line Fig. 3. With given point C as a. center and a radius greater than the distance from C to line A B, describe an arc of a circle which will intersect the line in two places, as a and b. With a and b as centers and equal radii, describe arcs which intersect at x. A line drawn from point C through intersection of arcs to line A B will be perpendicular to that line. The arc of a circle being given, to find the center of the circle of which the arc is a part Fig. 4. On the arc A B C take any three points as A B C. Join points A, B and C by lines A B and B C. Bisect lines A B and B C by method shown in Fig. 1. The bisecting lines o a and o b will intersect at point o, which will be the center of the circle of w r hich the arc A B C is a part. Fig. 5. Same as Fig. 4, excepting that in bisecting lines A B and B C the intersecting arcs are all within the circle. 221 Instructions in Geometrical Drawing Continued To circumscribe a circle about a given triangle Fig. 6. Bisect the sides A B, B C and A C of the triangle ABC. The three bisectors will meet at point O. With O as a center and radius equal to O B, draw circle A B C. In taking measurements for curved or angle radiators, be sure that measurements are taken from base-board, or projections which the radiator must clear. For curved radiators, give us either the radius, as in Fig. 7, or, as in Fig. 8, the length of the line, A B ; the length of the perpendicular let fall from point C to line A B, and the distance of the perpendicular from points A and B, as A D and D B . Or take any three points in the arc A B C, in Fig. 9, and give length of sides of triangle formed by joining these points. In ordering curved radiators, specify exact radius or angle of the base- board at floor within which the radiator is to be placed. When measurements are given, send sketch (or template preferred) showing location of supply tapping and the measurements called for in this paragraph. For angle radiators, it is necessary that we know the exact angle to which the radiator must conform. We want, there- fore, sufficient information to enable us to lay out angles correctly. In ordering angle radiators, specify exact radius of angle of the base -board at floor within which the radiator is to be placed. When measurements are given, send sketch (or template preferred) showing location of supply tapping and the measurements called for below, under figures 10, 11 or 12. Fig. 10. Take any two points on the sides A C and D B ', as A B, and join them with line A B . From the vertex of angle C let fall a perpendicular to line A B, as C a. From vertex of angle D let fall a perpendicular to line A B, as Db. Then give us the following dimensions ; A a, ab, b B, a C and b D. Fig. 1 1 . Determine the radius of arc B D by method shown in Figs. 4 or 5. From point C, the center of circle of which arc B D is a part, erect a perpendicular to line A B, as C E. Give length of radius C B and perpendicular C . Fig. 12. With the vertex of the angle B as a center, lay off equal distances B a and B b. Join points a and d, and give lengths of sides a B, B b and a b of the triangle thus formed. 222 Measurements of Valves and Elbows rrfw Size, inches Nos. 70 to 74 Valves. Nos. 99 to 103 " . Nos. 160 to 164 " . Nos. 150 to 154 " . Nos. 140 to 144 " . Nos. 1 14 to 1 18 " . No. 301 .. Nos. 1 30 to 1 34 Union Elbows. . . No. 335 Gate Valve . . . No. 373 2\h 3X \ l / 2 3 3/ 8 3/8 Hi I \% I 3 3 /a 5 * 4 ii 4 1 A 4U 2iS 4'/ 2 4% 4H 6% Expansion of Wrought-Iron Pipe Temperature of the Air when Pipe is Fitted Length of Pipe when Fitted Length of Pipe when Heated to 215 265 297 338 Zero 1 00 feet Ft. In 100 1.72 Ft. In. 100 2.12 Ft. In. [ Ft. In. 100 2-31 100 2.70 32 64 100 if l ( ' 100 " 100 1.47 100 1.21 100 1.78 100 1.61 100 2.12 100 2.45 100 1.87 100 2.19 223 Outlets for Sectional Steam Boilers In connection herewith we show three outline sketches illustrating the difference in velocity at which the steam passes from the dome of the Boiler to the main through one, two and three outlets at a pressure of 2 pounds. Note, that as the number and area of the steam outlets increase, the velocity of the steam decreases, which insures a steady water line, preventing priming or carrying water into the mains. For example, the use of one 4-in. steam outlet ( Fig. 1 ) causes a velocity of 45 feet per second, based on a radi- ating condensing surface of 2,500 square feet. The use of two 4-in. outlets (Fig. 2) reduces the velocity one-half or 22 J^ feet per second for each outlet. The use of three 4-in. outlets (Fig. 3) reduces the velocity one-third or 15 feet per second for each outlet. It is therefore important that all steam outlets provided, based upon the boiler's capacity, be used by being connected their full area to the steam main. The steam main may be of any size that good practice calls for. Fig. 1. Fig. 2. Fig. 3. 224 Pressures and Temperatures at Sea Level Compiled by C. B. Thompson MINUS GAUGE PRESSURE Gauge Pressure Vacuum Gauge Tem. F. Tem. j Interval Gauge Pressure Vacuum Gauge, Tem. F. Tem. Inter v,'.l Ibs. per sq. in. ins. of j Mercury deg. F. deg. Ibs. per sq. in. ins. of Mercury deg. F. deg. 14 61 ! 29.74 32.0 10.70 21.78 1153.1 11.5 14.58 29.67 40.0 8. 9.70 19.74 162.3 9.2 14.52 . 29.56 50.0 10. 8.70 17.70 ,170.1 7.8 14.44 29.40 60.0 10. 7.70 15.67 176.9 6.8 14.34 29.19 70.0 10. 6.70 13.63 182.9 6.0 14.20 28.90 80.0 10. 5.70 11.60 188.3 5.4 14.00 28.51 90.0 10. 4.70 9.56 193.2 4.9 13.76 28.00 100.0 10. 3.70 7.52 197.8 4.6 13.70 27.8'8 102.1 2.1 2.70 5.49 202.0 4.2 12.70 25.85 126.3 24.2 1.70 3.45 <205. 9 3.9 11.70 23.83 141.6 15.3 0.70 1.41 209.6 3.7 PLUS GAUGE PRESSURE Gauge Pre-sure, Ibs. per sq. in. Tem- perature, F. deg. Tem- perature Interval Gauge Pressure, Ibs. per. sq. in. Tem- perature, F. deg. Tem- perature Interval 0.00 212.0 12.0 243.7 2.2 0.25 212.9 ""6! 9 ' 13.0 245.7 2.0 0.50 213.7 0.8 14.0 247.7 2.0 0.75 214.5 0.8 15.0 249.6 1,9 1.00 215.3 0.8 16.0 251.5 I'. 9 1 .25 216.1 0.8 17.0 253.3 .8 1.50 216.9 0.8 18.0 255.1 .8 1.75 217.7 0.8 19.0 256.9 .8 2.00 218.5 0.8 20.0 258.6 .7 2 25 219.3 0.8 21.0 260.2 .6 2.50 220.0 0.7 22.0 261.9 .7 2.75 220.8 0.8 23.0 263.5 .6 3.00 221.5 0.7 24.0 265.1 .6 3.25 222.3 0.8 25.0 266.6 .5 3.50 223.0 0.7 30.0 273.9 7.3 3.75 223.7 0.7 40.0 286.5 12.6 4.00 224.4 0.7 50.0 297.5 11.0 4 25 225.1 0.7 60.0 307.1 9.6 4.50 225.8 0.7 70.0 315.8 8.7 4 75 226.4 0.6 80.0 323.7 7.9 5.00 227.1 0.7 90.0 330.9 7.2 6.00 229.7 2.6 100.0 337.6 6.7 7 00 232.2 2.5 110.0 343.9 6.3 8.00 234.7 2.5 120.0 349.8 5.9 9.00 237.0 2.3 130.0 355.0 5.2 10 00 239.3 2.3 140.0 360.0 5.0 11.00 241.5 2.2 150.0 365.7 5.7 225 How to Clean a Water Gauge Glass on a Steam Boiler without removing same 1. Draw a cupful of hot water from the boiler, into which pour at least a tablespoonful of raw muriatic or other acid; 2. Close both water gauge valves ; 3. Open top water gauge valve and also pet cock at bottom, and blow water out of the glass. Then immediately close the top valve and submerge the end of the pet cock in cup of hot water solution. A vacuum is at once created in the gauge glass which causes the solution in the cup to rush in. 4. Keep the pet cock immersed and operate the top valve, slightly opening and closing, alternately expelling and drawing in the solution until all grease, oil or other matter adhering to the inside of the glass is cut out. Then close pet cock and open both -water gauge valves, It is necessary to have one pound pressure of steam or more on the boiler before commencing this operation, which need not occupy more than ten minutes. The result is a clean glass without the risk of breakage and probable renewal of gaskets, which infrequently the case when removing the glass for cleaning. Steam Temperatures Under Vacuum and Pressure The various degrees of vacuum and pressure and the corresponding boiling temperature of water between 29.92 inches of vacuum and 10 pounds steam pressure are shown in the following table : Vacuum Gauge inches of Vacuum Temperature of Steam or Boil- ing Point of Water Vacuum Gauge inches of Vacuum Temperature of Steam or Boil- ing Point of Water 29.92 ins. 98 deg. 8 ins. 1 96 deg. 29 100 7 199 28 102 6 201 27 " 1 114 5 203 26 125 4 205 25 " 1 133 3 207 24 140 2 208 23 146 1 210 22 152 212 21 157 20 161 Steam Gauge 19 165 Pounds Pressure 18 17 16 169 172 175 1 pound 2 pounds 215 ' 219 ' 222 ' 15 178 4 t 225 ' 14 181 5 < 227 ' 13 184 5 230 ' 12 186 7 232 ' 11 ' 188 R 235 ' 10 ' 1 191 9 237 ' ' | 19 * 10 40 ' 226 Cleaning Steam Boilers When Water Supply Pressure is Available Remove the Safety Valve from the Boiler and connect a Blow-off Pipe to the opening, extending the pipe to the outside of the building or to some suitable drain. The size of this pipe should be as follows: Boilers rated from 600 sq. ft. to 1200 sq. ft. %-in. pipe. " 1200 " " " 2500 " " 1 -in. " ' 2500 " " " 4500 " " 1^-in. " ' larger than 4500 sq. ft. 1 %-in. pipe. A %-inch garden hose is of sufficient capacity for a Boiler of about 800 square feet. Close off all the Radiator Valves connected with the system, or if the main flow and return pipes are equipped with Gate Valves, these valves may be closed in place of closing the Radiator Valves. Fill the Boiler, in- cluding steam dome, with water. Through one of the openings five or ten pounds of sal soda may be dumped into the Boiler. This solution is boiled for fifteen or twenty minutes. The cold water pressure is then turned into the Boiler, which drives the dirty water out through the safety-valve tapping and pipe above referred to. The city pressure is kept on until the water runs clear and so appears in the gauge-glass. Then close off the Water Feed Valve and evaporate the water down to the proper water line in the Boiler. Remove the Blow-oft Pipe and replace the Safety Valve. Open up the Radiator Valves or the Gate Valves on the flow and return pipes, as the case may be, and then the heating outfit is ready for operation with the Boiler thoroughly cleaned inside. Cleaning Steam Boilers With, or Without Water-Supply Pressure Unavoidable accumulations of oil, grease or grit in a new system causes a boiler to foam, prevents generation of steam, and produces an unsteady water line; therefore it is necessary to blow off boiler under pressure. 1. Close off the main steam and return valves, or all Radi- ator valves. 2. Make a wood fire and get up a pressure of at least ten pounds as indicated by the steam gauge. 3. Open the blow-off valves, being careful that just sufficient fire is carried to maintain a pressure until the last gallon of water is exhausted. 4. Allow fire to die out. 5. Open all fire and flue doors and in about half an hour 6. Close blow-off valve and 7. Refill boiler slowly to water line. 8. Open all radiator and main valves and 9. Start fire. A boiler should be blown off within a week after it is in- stalled and in operation. If one blowing off does not result in a clean water gauge glass, proper generation cf steam and a steady water line, the boiler should be blown off a second, and if necessary a third and fourth time. 227 Table to Determine the Water-Heating or Tank Capacities of any Ideal Heating Boiler When the specifications for tank heating are greater than the regular Water-Heater capacity will cover, a house-heating boiler may be used by employing the following rule: Multi- ply the specified quantity of water in U. S. gallons to be heated by the factor in body of table, which coincides with the desired rise in temperature per hour and the time boiler must run on one fuel charge, and the result will be the cata- logue rating of proper size Ideal Boiler to be used. Boiler will run on one charge of fuel hours 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3 20. .71 .82 94 1.06 1 17 1.29 1 .41 - 30 1.06 1.23 1 41 1.49 1.76 1.93 2 11 a 40.. -r 1.41 1.65 1.88 2. 12 2.35 2.59 2 82 50 1.76 2.05 2.35 2.65 2.94 3.23 3 53 & 60. 2. 12 2.47 2 82 3 17 3 52 3.88 4 23 S 70 ? 47 2.88 3.29 3.70 4.11 4.52 4.94 3 80. g 90 J: 100 no 2.82 3.17 3.52 3.87 3.29 3.70 4.11 4.52 3.76 4.23 4.70 5. 17 4.23 4.76 5.30 5.82 4.70 5.30 5.88 6 46 5.17 5.82 6.46 7.10 5.64 6.35 7.06 7 75 120 4.24 4.95 5.65 6 36 7.06 7.78 8 48 '- 130 4.57 5.34 6.10 6 86 7.62 8.40 9 15 % 140 4.93 5.76 6 58 7 40 8.22 9 05 9 88 S 150 5.29 6.17 7.05 7.93 8.82 9.70 10.06 ~ 160. 5 64 6 58 7 52 8 46 9 40 10.35 11 30 j> 170.^..... 6.00 ! 7:00 8.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 The use of the above table is possible only when the boiler ratings are based on the exact boiler power, and the exact power can be determined only by accurate tests of each and every boiler. IDEAL Boilers are the only boilers in the world that are so rated, and therefore the power ex- pressed in radiation may be used for the purpose of comput- ing the water-heating power under any given set of conditions, or vice versa. The following examples will make the forego- ing statement clear: 228 Table to Determine the Water-Heating or Tank Capacities of Any Ideal Heating Boiler continued Example i. 80 degrees F. must be added per hour to 500 gallons of water contained in a 500-gallon storage tank. The heater must run eight hours on one charge of fuel. Look in the table (page 228) opposite 80 degrees and under eight hours, and find the factor 3.76. Multiply 500 gallons by 3.76 and the product is 1,880 square feet of water-boiler capacity. Turn to Graded Ratings on pages 4 and 5 and find that the nearest capacity is 1,950 square feet, which is No. 31-4 W Standard. If the boiler for above installation must run twelve hours on one fuel charge, a boiler 50 % larger must be selected. Opposite 80 degrees and under 12 hours is the factor 5.64, and 500X5.64 is 2,820 square feet capacity. Example 2 It is required to add 120 degrees to 1,200 gal- lons of water every four hours, the boiler to run eight hours without attention, on one fuel charge. What capacity of boiler in square feet of radiation should be selected? Turn to the table and find opposite 120 degrees temperature rise, and under 8 hours the factor 5.65. Multiply 1,200 gallons by 5.65, which gives a capacity of 6,780 square feet, which is the boiler capacity if the work must be done in one hour: but as there are four hours in w r hich to do the work, we divide 6,780 by 4, and find the required capacity is 1,695 square feet. Now turn to the Graded Ratings on pages 4 and 5, where will be found five different boilers of about 1,700 feet ca- pacity. If on this job the boiler must run on one fuel charge for twelve hours without attention, a boiler of 50 % more ca- pacity must be selected. Under the hour 12 is the factor 1,200X8.48 8.48; the procedure is - - - = 2,544 square feet ca- pacity. Example 3 What size boiler must be used to heat 1,500 gallons of water from 60 to 160 degrees F. in four hours, the boiler to run nine hours on one fuel charge of hard coal ? The factor opposite 100 and under 9 is 5.30. Then 1,500X 5.30 gives a boiler capacity of 7,950 square feet if the work is done in one hour; but since there are four hours, divide 7,950 by 4, which gives the approximate capacity of 1,990 square feet. If soft coal is used, see paragraph on soft coal, page 242. 229 Special Water Temperature Ratings Actual practice has demonstrated that a Water Heater which will impart from 25 to 30 degrees per hour to the water in the storage tank is sufficiently large for the ordi- nary residence; and for apartment buildings, in which the demand is proportionately heavier, a Heater that will impart from 40 to 45 degrees per hour. These capadties are indicated in the tables by heavy-faced figures. It is, however, for the Plumber or Heating Contractor, who alone is familiar with all the conditions and requirements, to select from the tables the capacity of Heater needed for ea^h specific installation. The tables are equally applicable to the heating of water. for special requirements, as swimming-pools, bottle washing vats and other purposes. The figures in line i represent so many hours' firing from one charge of hard coal which is the basis, because its available heating power is constant. No. 10 Ideal Arco Water Heater Heater's total potential energy, 136,000 British thermal units 1 Hours fi 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 12 2 Hardcoal*perhr.lbs. 3 Power per hr., B. t. u. 4 Radiation, sq. ft 4.00 27200 153 3.33 22666 128 2.86 19428 110 2.50 17000 96 2.22 15111 85 2.00 13600 76 1.82 12363 69 1.66 11333 64 Capacity in U. S. Gallons per hour r 25 30 130 108 108 90 93 77 8 1 68 72 60 65 54 59 49 54 45 1 35 "40 92 82 77 68 66 59 58 5 1 51 46 46 41 42 37 38 34 " ^ 45... 72 60 51 45 40 36 33 30 ? 50... 65* 53 46 40 36 32 7.9 77 "7. 55 58 48 41 36 32 29 76 94 % g. 60 54 45 39 34 30 27 25 73 u S 65 .. 50 42 36 31 28 25 23 71 SB 70 46 38 33 29 26 23 71 70 i * 75.:: 44 37 31 28 24 22 70 19 ^ 80 . 40 33 29 25 22 20 18 17 z 85 90 38 36 32 30 27 26 24 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 16 15 95 34 28 24 71 19 17 15 14 ^ 100 32 27 23 20 18 16 14 13 No. Ideal Junior Water Heater Heater's total potential energy, 154,000 British thermal units 1 Hours I 6 7 8 9 10 1 I 12 2 Hard coal* per hr. Ibs. 440 3.66 3.14 7 75 7.45 7,70 7.00 1.83 3_Power per hr., B. t. u. 4 Radiation, sq. ft 30800 174 25666 145 22000 124 19250 109 17111 96 15400 87 14000 79 12833 72 Capacity in U. S. Gallons per hour 148" 124 103 88 77 69 62 56 51 48 44 41 39 36 34 33 30 106 88 75 66 59 53 48 44 41 38 35 33 31 29 28 _26. 93 77 66 58 52 46 42 39 36 33 31 29 27 25 24 23 I 74 67 5b 4S 42 37 34 31 28 26 24 22 21 20 19 18 -12. '62 51 44 39 34 31 28 26 24 22 20 19 18 17 16 JA ' soft coal is to be used, see note, page 242. 230 No. 1-C Ideal Laundry 'Water Heater Heater's total potential energy, 168,000 British thermal units 1 Hours 5 2 Hard coal* per hr. Ibs. 4.2 3 Power per hr., B. t. u. 33600 4 Radiation, sq. ft 1 89 3 6 5 28000 159 7 3.0 24000 135 8 2.6 21000 119 9 2.3 18666 104 10 11 12 2.1 - 1.9 | 1.7 16800 15272 14000 94 86 79 Capacity in U. S. gallons per hour 25... 161 134 1 15 100 89 81 73 67 62 57 52 50 47 45 43 41 134 112 96 83 74 68 61 56 52 48 43 41 38 37 36 34 115 96 82 71 64 58 52 46 44 41 37 35 33 32 31 29 100 84 72 63 56 51 46 42 39 36 33 31 29 28 27 25 89 74 64 56 49 45 41 37 34 32 29 28 26 24 23 22 81 67 58 50 45 41 37 34 31 29 26 25 24 22 21 20 73 61 52 45 40 37 33 30 28 26 24 23 21 20 19 18 67 56 48 42 37 34 30 28 27 24 23 21 19 18 17 16 .* 30 a 35 40 J= 3 45 r? 2 50... fe 55 .. S 60 C % 65 S g 70 3 & 75 g . 80 a 85 I 90... h 95... 100 No. 101 Ideal Premier Junior Water Heater Heater's total potential energy, 240,000 British thermal units 1-Hours : 5 ! 6 7 819 2 Hard coal* per hr. Ibs. 6.40 5.33 4.57 4.00 , 3.55 3 Power per hr., B. t. u. 48000 4 Radiation, sq. ft ' 271 40000 226 34285 192 30000 170 26656 .47 10 11 12 3.20,2.91 2.67 20000 1 13 24000 21818 135 ; 124 Capacity in U. S. gallons per hour 25... ~ 30 231 193 192 160 165 137 144 120 128 107 116 96 105 87 96 80 Ja 35. 165 137 117 103 91 82 75 69 g 40 144 120 103 90 80 72 65 60 .c 3 45 128 106 91 80 70 64 58 53 5-g i s 116 105 96 87 82 75 72 65 64 58 ;58 52 52 47 48 44 s g, 60...::: .:::: * 65 . 96 89 80 74 68 63 60- 56 53 49 48 44 44 40 40 37 % 70 83 68 58 51 45 41 37 34 1 ! 75:::::: .:::: 77 64 55 48 42 38 35 32 fc -o 80 , 8, 85 72 67 60 56 51 48 45 42 40 37 36 34 33 31 30 28 90... 65 53 45 40 35 32 29 27 H 95 61 50 43 38 33 30 27 25 100 58 48 41 36 32 29 26 ?4 * If soft coal is to be used, see note, page 242. 231 No. 10 Ideal Junior Water Heater Heater's total potential energy, 320,000 British thermal units 1 Hours... 5 ' 6 2 Hard coal* per hr.lbs. 8.00 6.66 3-Powerperhr.,B. t.u. 64000 53333 4 Radiation, sq. ft 362 302 7 5.72 45714 258 8 5.00 40000 226 9 4.44 35555 200 10 4.00 32000 181 11 3.63 29090 164 12 3.33 26666 150 Capacity in U. S. gallons per hour 1 25 '307 257 219 192 171 154 1 39 128 ~ 30 1256 213 183 160 142 128 1 1 6 1 06 ^ 35 J219 g 40 1192 182 160 156 137 137 120 121 107 109 96 100 87 91 80 J= 3 45 170 142 121 106 94 85 77 70 ? 2 50 i 154 128 1 10 96 85 77 70 64 "Z 55 . . 139 1 16 100 87 77 70 63 58 % g, 60 128 107 91 80 71 64 58 53 ' < 65 ! 1 18 99 84 74 65 59 53 49 8 70 109 91 78 68 61 55 50 45 3 & 75 102 2 ^ 80 96 85 80 73 69 64 60 57 53 51 48 46 44 43 40 S, 85 | 90 75 64 56 50 45 40 37 | 90 ^ 85 H 95 '80 71 67 61 57 53 50 47 44 43 41 39 36 35 33 100 77 64 55 48 43 39 35 32 No. 12 Ideal Arco Water Heater Heater's total potential energy, 246,400 British thermal units 1- Hours. - 1 5 6 7 Q 9 in 11 1 12 2 Hard coal* per hr.lbs. 6.40 3 Power per hr., B. t. u. 49280 4 Radiation, sq. ft j 275 5.33 41066 230 4.57 35200 197 4.00 3.55 27377 155 3.20 24640 138 2.91 2.67 22400 | 20533 125 115 Capacity in U. S. gallons per hour 25... 236 197 169 148 131 118 107 99 30 35 196 169 163 140 140 120 123 105 109 93 98 84 89 76 82 70 S 40 ,c 3 45 148 132 123 1 10 106 94 93 83 82 73 74 66 67 60 62 55 rS 2 50... 118 97 84 74 66 59 54 49 CC 108 90 77 68 60 54 49 45 .2 8, 60 " 98 82 70 61 56 49 45 41 ** < 65... 90 75 64 56 50 45 41 38 2 70 . 84 70 60 53 47 42 38 35 5 ti 75 78 65 56 49 43 39 35 33 g-s BO.:: 74 62 53 46 41 37 33 31 a 85 68 57 48 43 38 34 31 ?R 90... 64 53 46 40 36 32 29 27 H 95 100 62 60 52 50 44 43 39 38 34 33 31 30 28 27 26 75 * If soft coal is to be used, see note, page 242. 232 No. 121 Ideal Premier Junior Water Heater Heater's total potential energy, 350,000 British thermal units 1 Hours 5 6 2 Hard coal* per hr.lbs. 8.6 7.16 3 Power per hr., B. t. u. 70000 58333 4 Radiation, sq. f t 395 328 7 8 6.14 5.38 4.78 50000 43750 i 28888 282 \ 249 1 220 10 11 12 4.3 3.91 3.58 35000 51S18 29166 198 181 64 Capacity in U. S. gallons per hour 25... 30 336 280 280 233 240 200 210 175 187 155 168 154 140 128 140 1 17 a 35 40 239 210 200 175 171 150 150 132 133 117 120 109 105 96 100 RR 3 45 186 155 133 117 103 93 85 7R r 2 50 .. 168 140 120 105 93 84 77 70 7 55 153 127 109 96 85 76 70 M % I 6o::: 140 1 17 100 88 78 70 64 5R ' c </> 65 129 107 92 81 71 65 59 54 % 70 120 100 86 75 67 60 55 50 | & 75 2 -a 80 112 105 93 87 80 75 70 66 62 58 56 51 52 48 47 44 S. 85 . .. 98 82 70 61 55 49 : 45 41 g 90 h 95 93 88 77 73 67 63 58 55 51 49 47 43 44 41 39 37 100 84 70 60 53 47 42 39 35 No. 12 Ideal Junior Water Heater Heater's total potential energy, 352,000 British thermal units 1- Hours... ! 5 i 6 | 7 ' 8 9 2 Hard coal* per hr. Ibs.: 8.00 6.66 ' 5.72 5.00 4.44 3 Power per hr., B. t. u.j 70400 58666 50285 44000 39111 4 Radiation, sq. ft 398 ! 332 ! 284 | 249 220 10 11 12 4.00 3.63 3.33 25200 32000 29333 199 180 165 Capacity in U. S. gallons per hour 25... - 30 336 280 280 933 240 200 210 175 187 156 168 154 ' 140 128 140 1 17 35 239 200 171 150 133 120 U09 100 g 40 ... 210 175 150 132 117 105 i 96 RR 4 Z 45 , rt o 50 186 168 155 140 133 120 117 105 103 93 93 85 84 77 78 70 * "2 55" 153 127 109 96 84 76 70 63 * a 60 .. . 140 1 17 100 88 77 70 64 5R *" i 65... 129 108 93 81 72 65 59 54 II ? : 120 1 12 100 93 86 80 75 70 67 62 60 55 56 51 50 47 S-s eo::: 105 87 74 66 58 52 48 43 a 85 90 98 93 82 78 70 67 61 58 54 52 49 45 47 43 41 39 JH 95 88 73 63 55 49 44 41 37 100 84 70 60 53 47 42 39 35 * If soft coal is to be used, see note, page 242. 233 No. 122 Ideal Premier Junior Water Heater Heater's total potential energy, 385,000 British thermal units 1 Hours 5 ! 6 7 1 2 Hard coal* per hr. Ibs. 8.6 '7.16 6.14 3 Power per hr., B. t. u. 77000 64166 55000 4 Radiation, sq. ft 435 361 310 5.38 48125 274 4.78 42777 242 10 11 ; 2 4.3 3.91 3.58 38500 35000 32083 218 ; !99 180 Capacity in U. S. gallons per hour 25 370 308 264 ! 231 205 185 1 68 154 3 30 J3 35 308 264 257 220 220 i 193 189 ' 165 171 ! 154 147 ! 132 140 120 128 1 10 40 231 193 165 144 128 1 16 105 96 J3 t 45 - rt 50 205 1 85 171 154 146 128 132 116 114| 102 103 | 92 93 84 77 ~t 55.:: 167 139 119 105 93 1 84 76 70 5! | 60 154 128 1101 96 86 77 70 64 ' C on 65... 143 1 19 102 1 89 79 i 72 65 60 S % 70 1 32 1 10 94 i 83 73 ' 66 60 55 5 tb 75... 123 103 88 1 77 68 ! 62 56 51 2 80 1 14 95 82 | 72 64 57 52 48 g, 85 ...:.. 108 90 77 67 60 54 49 45 g 90 95 103 97 86 81 74 ! 65 69 61 57 52 54 48 47 44 43 40 100 92 77 66 58 51 46 42 38 No. 15 Ideal Arco Water Heater Heater's total potential energy, 403,200 British thermal units 1 -Hours I 5 ' 6 ! 7 ! 8 I 9 2 Hard coal* per hr. Ibs. I 1 1.2 9.33 8.00 7.00 ! 6.22 3 Power per hr., B. t. u. 80640 67200 57600 50400 44800 4 Radiation, sq. ft 456 380 326 285 i 254 10 11 ; 12 5.60:5.09;4.66 40320 36654 33600 228 2071190 Capacity in U. S. gallons per hour 25 1 ::::::::::: 5 40 - 5 45 388 323 322 268 276 1 230 242 201 216 180 277 230 197 173 154 242 201 173 151 135 216 179 153 134 120 194 161 138 121 108 176 146 125 110 98 162 134 1 15 101 90 2 50 " 55 194 162 1 76 147 139 126 121 1 10 108 99 97 88 88 80 81 73 .2 & 60 sS &::::::::::: 162 I 135 150 125 138 ! 115 116 107 99 101 94 86 90 83 77 81 75 69 74 68 63 68 63 5R 2 Si, 75 .. 1 30 1 108 93 81 72 65 59 54 2 -S 80 120 100 84 75 67 60 55 50 | 85 90 114. 95 108 i 90 81 77 71 68 63 60 57 54 52 49 47 45 H 95 102 i 85 73 64 57 51 46 43 100 96 80 69 60 53 48 44 40 If soft coal is to be used, see note, page 242. 234 No. 151 Ideal Premier Junior Water Heater Heater's total potential energy, 560,000 British thermal units 1 Hours | 5 2 Hard coal *perhr.lbs. 14.4 3 Power per hr., B. t. u. 112000 4 Radiation, sq. ft 632 6 I 7 12.0 10.3 S3333 80000 525 452 9 i 10 11 12 9.0 8.0 ] 7.2 6.54 6.0 70000 62222 56000 50909 46666 395 I 350 i 316 <288 265 Capacity in U. S. gallons per hour 25 g 30 35 . . . 538 448 384 448 373 319 384 320 274 336 280 239 298 249 213 269 224 192 244 204 174 224 187 160 40 336 280 240 210 187 168 153 140 $ 45... 297 247 212 186 165 148 135 124 r rt 3 50 269 224 192 168 149 134 122 1 12 *f 55:::::::.:::: $ & 60 244 224 203 186 174 160 153 140 135 124 122 1 12 111 102 102 93 u , 65 207 172 148 129 115 104 94 86 % 70 192 159 136 120 106 96 87 80 -2 & 75... 179 149 128 112 99 90 81 75 2 -3 80... 168 140 120 105 93 84 76 70 o, 85 157 131 1 12 98 87 78 71 6S 90 148 124 106 93 83 74 68 62 H 95" 140 1 17 100 88 78 70 64 5R 100 135 1 12 96 84 74 67 61 56 No. 152 Ideal Premier Junior Water Heater Heater's total potential energy, 616,000 British thermal units 1-Hours 5 I 6 i 7 8 9 2 Hard coal*perhr.lbs.! 14.41 12.0 10.3! 9.0 I 8.0 3 Power per hr., B.t.u. 123200 102666 88000 ' 77000 68444 4 Radiation, sq. ft 695 578 : 497 i 435 385 10 11 12 7.2 6.54'6.00 61600 56000 | 51333 348 i 3171 292 Capacity in U. S. gallons per hour 25 596 497 426 373 331 298 269 244 ~ 30 .. 498 415 356 31 1 277 249 224 204 M 35 426 355 304 266 237 213 192 174 g 40 374 312 267 234 208 187 168 153 Jg 3 45 330 275 236 206 183 165 148 135 go 50 298 249 213 187 166 149 134 122 fe * 55"" 270 225 193 169 150 135 122 1 11 % X 60 " 249 208 178 156 139 124 112 102 S n 65 230 192 164 144 128 115 104 94 70 213 178 152 133 1 18 106 96 87 2 a 75 198 165 141 124 110 99 90 81 II so::::: :..::. o. 85 186 174 155 145 133 124 1 16 109 103 97 93 87 84 7R 76 71 90 166 138 1 19 104 92 83 74 68 H 95": 156 130 111 98 87 7R 70 64 100 148 123 106 93 82 74 67 61 * If soft coal is to be used, see note, page 242. 235 No. 20 Ideal Junior Water Heater Heater's total potential energy, 640,000 British thermal units 1 Hours ! 56 7 8 I 9 I 10 2-Hardcoal*perhr.lbs. 16.00 13.33 11.43 10.00 8.89 8.00 3-Power per hr., B.t. u. ,128000 106666 91428 j 80000 71111 64000 4 Radiation, sq. ft 72 600 515 450 400 360 11:12 7.27 6.66 58181 53333 327 300 Capacity in U. S. gallons per hour 25 614 512 439 384 341 307 280 256 ~ 30 512 426 365 320 284 256 233 2 13 . 35 438 365 31 3 274 243 21 9 199 183 40 384 320 274 240 21 3 1 92 1 75 160 - a 45 339 283 242 212 188 1 70 154 141 2 50... 307 256 220 192 170 154 140 128 ^ 7 55' 278 232 194 1 74 154 139 126 1 1 6 .$ & 60 256 213 183 160 142 128 1 16 107 - M 65... 237 197 169 148 131 1 18 108 99 I 70 21 9 183 156 136 122 1 10 100 92 S. & 75 205 170 146 128 1 14 102 93 85 2 . 80 . 192 160 137 120 107 96 88 80 o, 85... 179 149 128 112 99 90 81 75 % 90... 169 142 121 106 94 85 77 71 H 95 160 133 1 14 100 90 80 73 67 100 153 128 1 10 96 85 77 70 64 No. 22 Ideal Junior Water Heater Heater's total potential energy, 704,000 British thermal units 1 Hours .. 5 6 7 8 9 2 Hard coal*perhr.lbs. 116.00 I 13.33 ! 11.44 I 10.00 8.90 3-Power per hr., B.t.u. 140800 117333 100571 88000 78222 4 Radiation, sq. ft j 792 660 j 567 495 440 10 11 8.00 7.26 70400 64000 396 i 360 Capacity in U. S. gallons per hour 25... 672 560 480 426 373 336 305 280 - 30 . 560 467 400 356 311 280 256 233 35 478 397 341 304 266 239 217 199 % 40 Jg % 45 420 372 350 310 300 266 267 236 233 207 210 186 191 169 175 155 r rt 2 50 336 280 240 213 187 168 153 140 ta t 55.::: 306 255 219 193 170 153 139 128 g. 60 280 233 200 178 156 140 127 1 17 it :; 258 240 215 200 184 171 164 152 143 133 129 120 117 109 108 100 2 & 75 224 187 160 141 124 112 102 93 3 80 a 85 210 196 175 163 150 140 133 124 117 109 105 98 95 89 88 82 E 90 . .. 186 155 133 1 19 103 93 85 78 H 95 . 176 147 126 11 1 98 88 80 73 100 168 140 120 106 93 84 76 70 * If soft coal is to be used, see note, page 242. 236 No. 181 Ideal Premier Junior Water Heater Heater's total potential energy, 1,000,000 British thermal units 1 Hours 5 ; 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 12 2 Hard coal* per hr.lbs. |24.8 '20.7 3-Power per hr., B. t. u.i 200000 166666 17.7 142857 15.5 125000 13.8 111111 12.4 1 1.2 100000 90S09 10.3 83333 4 Radiation, sq. ft j 1 1 30: 944 [810 707 627 565 515 470 Capacity in U. S. Gallons per hour 25 30 960 1800 800 '668 685 571 600 500 533 445 480 400 440 400 367 333 I 35 fj 40 685 '571 600 '500 490 428 428 375 380 333 342 300 314 285 275 250 | >. 45 II 50... 533 444 480 !400 381 342 333 300 296 267 267 240 245 222 220 i 200 * 55 % g. 60 436 363 400 333 312 285 272 250 242 222 218 200 200 ; 181 184 166 " s 65 369 308 264 231 205 184 169 i 154 S 70 342 285 245 213 190 171 157 142 5 % 80 '.'. 320 267 300 i250 229 215 200 188 178 167 1-60 150 147 133 138 125 = 85 282 J 235 202 177 157 141 129 117 90 95 267 223 252 1210 190 180 167 158 148 140 133 126 123 111 116 1G5 100 ?40 200 171 150 133 120 110 100 No. 30 Ideal Junior Water Heater Heater's total potential energy, 1,000,000 British thermal units 1 Hours i 5:6|7|8|91011 12 2 Hardcoal* per hr.lbs. 25.0 20.81 17.81 15.61 13.9| 12.5 I 1 1.4110.4 3-Power per hr., B. t.u. 200000 168666| 142857 125000 111000 lOCOOfl! 90S09 83333 4 Radiation, sq. ft |U30| 944 810 j 707 [627 j 565 | 515 | 470 Capacity in U. S. Gallons per hour 440 \4-DO 367 |333 314 '285 275 [250 245 |222 200 181 166 129 117 123 111 116 !105 110 1 100 480 : 400 i 342 300 I 267! 240 1 218 ! 200 I 184 171 I 160 150 141 133 i 126 120. 154 142 * If soft coal is to be used, see note, page 242. 237 No. 182 Ideal Premier Junior Water Heater Heater's total potential energy, 1,100,000 British thermal units 1 Hours 5 24.8 220000 1243 6 20.7 183333 1038 ,7 7 7 157142 891 8 15.5 137500 778 13.8 122222 690 10 12.4 110000 622 1 1 11.2 100000 567 12 10.3 91666 517 2 Hard coal* per hr. Ibs. 3 Power per fir., B. t. u. 4 Radiation, sq. ft Capacity in U. S. Gallons per hour 25.. 30.. 35.. 40... 45.. 50... 55.. 60... 65.. 70.. 75.. 80.. 85.. 90.. 95.. 100.. 1056! 880 880j 733 752! 627 660! 550 587! 490 528^ 440 479: 400 440, 367 405 1 337 376i 314 352 293 330 275 310 259 294 245 277i 231 264: 290 754 660 628 (550 537 I 470 471 419 377 343 314 289 269 251 236 222 209 198 189 412 367 330 300 275 253 235 220 206 194 183 173 165 587 489 418 367 326 294 266 245 225 209 196 184 172 163 154 147 528 440 376 330 294 264 240 220 202 188 176 165 155 147 139 132 480 400 342 300 267 240 2)8 200 184 171 160 150 141 133 126 120 440 367 314 275 245 220 200 184 169 157 147 138 129 123 116 110 No. 32 Ideal Junior Water Heater Heater's total potential energy, 1,100,000 British thermal units 1 Hours 5 6 7 8 910 1 1 12 2 Hard coal* per hr. Ibs. 25.0! 20.8 17.8 15.6 13.9 12.5 11.4 10.4 3 Power per hr., B. t. u. 4 Radiation, sq. ft 220000 183333 1243! 1038 157142 891 137500 122222! 110000 778 690 622 100000 567 91666 517 Capacity in U. S. Gallons per hour I! 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100... 10561 880 880 733 752i 627 660 550 5871 490 528J 440 479i 400 440 367 4051 337 376' 314 352[ 293 330 1 275 310J 259 294 245 277 231 264 ; 220 754 628 537 471 419 377 343 314 289 269 251 236 222 209 198 189. 660 587 550 470 412 367 330 300 275 253 235 220 206 194 183 173 165 489 418 367 326 294 266 245 225 528 440 376 330 294 264 240 220 202 209 j 188 196 I 176 184 172 163 154 147 165 155 147 139 480 400 342 300 267 240 218 200 184 17K 160 150 141 133 126 132 | 120 440 367 314 275 245 220 200 134 169 157 147 138 129 123 1 16 1 10 If soft coal is to be used, see note, page 242. 238 Chart Showing Capacity of Ideal Water Boiler required to Heat any Quantity of Water 239 Chart to Find Boiler Power required to Heat Swimming Pools Water in U. S. gallons I Chart "B" 7740 240 Chart to Find Boiler Power Required to Heat Swimming-Pools Copyright, 1905, by American Radiator Company In heating large bodies of water large boilers are employed, and when anthracite coal isburnedin IDEAL Boilers there will be available, from each pound of coal burned, an average of 8,333 British thermal units, or 8.6 pounds water will be evaporated, and on this basis the chart on page 240 is plotted. The basis for finding the size Ideal Boiler required for a given quantity of work is the consumption of 8 pounds of hard coal per square foot of grate per hour. That IDEAL Boilers will do this work is well proven by actual demonstration, in exhaustive laboratory tests and in regular instal- lations. The horizontal lines on chart, page 240, represent water in U.S. gallons, which may be increased by any suitable multiplier, providing the coal and steam required are increased in like proportion. The figures at the bottom of vertical lines show the coal required, each line representing 1 pounds, and those at the top, the steam generated by the combustion of the quantity of coal on the same vertical line each line representing 86 pounds of steam. The diagonal lines represent the rise, or increase, in temperature of the water per hour in Fahrenheit degrees. Example I. What size Boiler is required to warm the water in a swim- ming-pool containing 130,000 gallons, from 40 degrees to 80 degrees in 24 hours, when the water in the pool is circulated through the Boiler? By reference to chart, page 240, it is found that the horizontal line marked 1,000 gallons intersects the 40-degree diagonal line at the 40- pound vertical line, showing that 40 pounds of coal are required to add 40 degrees to 1 ,000 gallons of water. Then 1 00,000 gallons will require 1 00 times as much coal, or 4,000 pounds. In the same manner 3,000 gallons require 120 pounds, and that 30,000 gallons will require ten times 1 20, or 1,200 pounds, making a total of 5,200 pounds of coal which must be burned to add 40 degrees to 1 30,000 gallons of water. Having 24 hours in which to heat the pool, divide 5,200 pounds by 24, and it is found that 2 1 6 pounds of coal must be burned per hour for 24 hours. Now, as 8 pounds of coal is burned per hour on one square foot of grate, divide 2 1 6 by 8, which shows that boilers containing 27 square feet of grate must be provided. Each grate section of the 36-inch IDEAL Sectional Boiler contains 2 square feet of grate, and all IDEAL Sectional Boilers have one less grate section than the total number of sections in the Boiler. To obtain the 27square feet of grate, select two No. W-36-7, which have 1 y/z square feet in each. If the temperature of 500 gallons of water must be raised from 40 to 1 50 degrees Fahrenheit in one hour, or through 1 1 degrees, use the two temperature lines 60 and 50, the sum of which is 1 1 0, and as 500 gallons is difficult to read on the chart, use 5,000 gallons and divide the product by 10, thus: 60 degrees added to 5,000 gallons require 300 pounds of coal, and 50 degrees added to 5,000 gallons require 250 pounds, a total of 550 pounds; one-tenth of which is 55 pounds, requiring a boiler with a grate area of 7 square feet. 241 Chart to Find Boiler Power Required to Heat Swimming-Pools Continued Heating Pools by Steam Coils Example 2. If the same pool under like conditions is to be heated by steam through pipe coils and the temperature of the steam is 220 degrees, the mean temperature of the water is 40 plus 80 divided by 2 equals 60 degrees and 220 minus 60 equals 160 degrees temperature difference between steam and water. Turn to chart, page 4 1 , wh^h shows that with this temperature differ- ence 1 square foot of iron pipe will condfense 36 pounds of steam per hour, and as 2 1 6 pounds of coal must be burned per hour, find by interpolation in chart, page 39, that 216 pounds of coal will evaporate 1,857 pounds steam, which divided by 36 will give in round figures 52 square feet, the amount of condensing pipe required. The grate surface of Boilers will be the same as in Example 1 . Fifty-two square feet is equal to 120 lineal feet of 1 %-inch pipe, 104 feet 1 %-inch, or 83 feet of 2-inch. If but 1 2 hours can be allowed to do the work, double the hourly consumption of coal and steam and furnish boilers of double the capacity required for 24 hours' time. For the 1 2-hour period there will be just double the quantity of steam to condense per hour, requiring 1 04 square feet of condensing coil. There is, however, another factor which must not be overlooked. In large bodies of water warmed in the manner just described, there will be a zone, of which the condensing pipe is the center, where the mean tempera- ture of the wa'ter will be much higher than figured in the foregoing, unless artificial means are employed to agitate the water and keep it all at an even temperature. It will, therefore, be good practice to add at least 50 per cent to the condensing coil when used in large bodies of still water. Hard Coal versus Soft Coal NOTE: All computations in these charts are made on the basis of anthracite coal, for the reason that the available heating power of anthra- cite coal is practically constant. The semi-bituminous coals and all good caking soft coals yield just about the same quantities of available heating power as does the best anthracite coal, but the available heating power derived from the free burning soft coal (i. e. coal that does not fuse and mat together under heat), is about 40 per cent less than for caking coals. When caking coals are burned, they fuse at comparatively low tempera- tures, forming a crust over the top of the fire which prevents the immediate escape of the volatile gases that comprise from 40 to 50 per cent of the fuel's heating power. These gases are then driven to the side of the fire-pot where they unite with the rising oxygen and, igniting at that point, are converted into valuable heating power. ' When free burning coals are used, they disintegrate at comparatively low temperatures and the hydro-carbon gases escape without coming in contact with the necessary oxygen for ignition. 242 Relative Efficiency of Iron, Brass, and Copper Pipe when used in Storage Tanks The chart (page 244) is plotted from a large number of tests made with copper; brass, black and galvanized iron pipe placed vertically in a tank of water. About 80 per cent of the power developed is shown on the chart, leaving 20 per cent as a margin of safety. When pipe-coils are used in the fire-pot of boilers or hot- air furnaces for heating water or radiation, there is practically no difference in the transmitting po*ver of iron, brass, or cop- per. For domestic water 'supply an independent Water Heater should be provided, and connected to an independent chimney flue. If a coil is used an abnormal fire is often maintained for a minor service and fuel is wasted. An inde- pendent AVater Heater is also desirable, as it can be used in summer, when the heating apparatus is out of use. We strongly recommend in house-heating boilers for Steam and Water that the use of pipe-coils should be discouraged. The following example shows how to use the chart (page 244) : Example: It is required to condense 500 pounds of steam per hour in a pipe-coil immersed in the water of a storage tank. Temperature of steam in pipe 220 degrees Initial temperature of water 40 " Terminal temperature of water 160 " Mean temperature of water 100 " Temperature difference steam and water. 120 " The curved line for galvanized or black pipe on Chart (page 244) crosses the horizontal line of 120 degrees tempera- ture difference at the vertical line representing 24 pounds, which means that one square foot of black or galvanized pipe will condense 24 pounds of steam when the temperature difference is 120 degrees. The brass-pipe curve shows 51 pounds, and the copper- pipe curve 59 pounds. The quantity of pipe required in square feet is determined by dividing the 500 pounds of steam which must be con- densed per hour by the quantity of steam one square foot of pipe will condense. Thus : Iron pipe - - = 20-8 square feet required. C r\ r\ Brass pipe ~= 9.8 Copper pipe ^= 8.5 " " 243 Chart to determine the Square Feet of Heating Pipe for Storage Tanks ^x g ii uiEajs aqj uaaMjaq saaaSap jtaquajijEj ui aDuaaajjip ajnj 244 Lowest Temperatures Observed at U. S. Weather Bureau Stations SUii.'d in decree". Kiiln-'j.nhi.-h. Alabama. . . Arizona Arkansas . . . California .. Colorado . . . Connecticut. *Dela\vare . . .Mobile Montgomery . .Flagstaff Phoenix . Fort Smith . . Little Rock.. . .San Diego Independence . Denver Grand Jet . Hartford .... .- 1 .- 5 .- 17 . 12 .- 15 .- 12 . 32 . 10 .-29 .- 16 .- 14 .- 15 . 24 . 10 8 .- 8 .-28 .- 18 .-23 .-22 .-25 .- 15 .- 3 .-24 .-26 .-22 .-20 7 .- 5 .-21 .- 17 .- 7 .- 13 .-27 .-24 - 41 Nebraska North Platte. . Lincoln .-35 -26 Nevada Carson City Winnemucca . . *Ne\v Hampshire New Jersey. .Atlantic City . New York . . .Binghamton . . New York City New Mexico. Roswell .-22 .-28 .- 7 -26 .- 6 -18 - 13 8 Santa Fe No. Carolina.Hatteras Charlotte No. Dakota. .Devil's Lake Bismarck Ohio Toledo .- 5 -51 .-44 - 16 -20 - 17 -20 - 2 -20 - 6 - 12 - 4 7 - 2 -43 -32 -16 - 9 11 - 8 -20 -32 5 - 6 12 -30 -27 -21 -43 -25 -38 - 36 Dist. of Col. Florida .Washington. .. .Jupiter Jacksonville . . . Savannah Columbus Oklahoma . . .Oklahoma Oregon Baker City .... Portland Idaho Illinois Indiana Atlanta .Boise Lewiston .Chicago Springfield . . . . Indianapolis . . Evansville Sioux Citv Pennsylvania Pittsburg Philadelphia Rhode Island Providence . . . Block Island . So. Carolina .Charleston Columbia So. Dakota . . Huron Yankton Kansas Kentucky.. . Louisiana.. . Maine Keokuk .Ft. Dodge. .. Wichita . Louisville .... .New Orleans. . Shreveport . . . . Eastport Tennessee . . . Knoxville Memphis Texas Corpus Christi Ft. Worth .... Utah Salt Lake City Maryland. . . Massachusetts Michigan . . . Minnesota . . Mississippi . Missouri Montana. . . . Portland .Baltimore .Boston .Alpena Detroit Duluth Vermont Northfield Virginia Cape Henry . . Lynchburg . . . Washington . . Seattle Spokane Minneapolis . . .Meridian Vicksburg . Springfield . . . Hannibal .Havre Helena .-33 .- 6 .- 1 .-29 .-20 .-55 .-42 W . Virginia . . Parkersburg . . . Elkins Wisconsin . . . La Crosse Milwaukee Wyoming Cheyenne Landor Lowest temperature not given. 245 OF ROOMS IN FEET (USE NEAREST SIZE) ro CN CN CN CN o CM 00 8 O c O O O,O O,O|O 3 5 : :" U DC c t ... 1 .. X > _~ i a s c B 1 ro H ^ CN cs CM CO* CN X CN CN X X r^ co olo CN ; X X oo X CN g CO LO CO CO 8 m 00 a) 10 <N m CN 15x23 CM CM CN o X 00 co X rs X rxi 1 CN m CN in m CN to CO 8 LO CO m S 10 00 CO i.O CN o CN m CO O m m in CN IN O 1 in 14x23 | 15x22 | CM X E X X 00 O^ CN O CM CN o m CN CO CO 10 co co O CO ! |o in 1 CO CN CO 14x2 Uj CN IO I I7xl7.i| vD X co H Cd CN in in CM O o j m 00 CN o CO o m CO 8 CO co LO CO CO CO 1 o in CO CN X CN CM X CO CN X CO X m 16x17^ ^D r^- SPACE IN ROOMS IN CUBIC FE CN CM o CN oo CN 3 CM CN oo CM CO CO CO CO o CO oo CO o CM S o vO 1 CM X CM X CM 00 X X in in X CN in CM CN O in CM CM in CO CN O CN m CM vD CN CN LO oo CN o CO LO CM CO 1 CO in co CO o 1 CO in 2 CO - CN X o CN X oo X CN X CO X m X in 8 CO CN cs CN LO CN CN O CN CO CN O CN g CN CM co CM 8 CN 1 CO o CO i o s CN CN CN 6 oo X CN in' X co 4 o 8 1 i 8 CN 8 CM O CN CN O O CO CN O CN O 1/3 CN 8 vO CN O cs o 00 CN o I HN -N -*. -C' o o m o in O m CN O CN CN co CM CN CN 1 a CN I CN CM X oo - - - - 2 ' CN CO 3 CN W N 00 CN X oo X 00 X m co' X CN CN CN c? m CO in CM 8 m m m g vO in CN r^ O O co m 00 in m CM CN o in 2 - CNJCN 1 CN oo X in X oo X CM X O X O s o in CN o o m CM o CO in CO o 8 m 2 in io ! o ! o o CN |o;m ^* 6 00 00 I !} ' O CN X m S CN ^ O o o oo m 00 o o m m o O o m o o "CN o m CN i in CO ^ O .in rj- in X X r- X oo X X ro I in S CN X o X o>' X co oo' X 1 1 in vO in o m ID CN oo o 1 o 00 p o o 5-8 10 00 in CM X CO CN X X in co X vO r-- X X co o o m CM o m m 6 o in CN b m in in in o o in CN in inig m CN IV, O in lill- P co' if | ; o.(5:-k c 342 f co L i 5-*|r* 1 1 V) O CN CN ,J.[sO N CN co CN CN o ^ l CN CN 10 CN & cs .0 oc r- cc CN CN CO CN CO .0 -o o 3 I ^D ^3 CO i CO ^ fr - f o r^ ^}- <t >> LO r*. CO LO O CN D co CN ~t CO 10 CO CN CD CN * CO 10 10 vC CN CN oo CN CN CN CO CN coim CO CO 00 CO O O CO * CN *t ^C CO 00 i^ LO 10 CN 10 A rt- IO oo CO LO O WINDOW OPENIN CN CN |s 00 00 CN CN CN CO CN CN -t CN CO Tt 10 ^ CN CN 10 ts, CN CO CN CO to. ~" CN CO S CO O OO CO O - CO Lf ^ ^ / r^ ^j- CN ^J- CN 10 CO CO lO ^r o CN oo -o co r-. 00 O CN CN O CN CN CO CN ' CN * ir CN CN CN vO CN CO CN 3 CN, fe I 00 3 2 CO CO 3 O C CN TJ -t -^ > o - & ' -t O CO O r-, lO o in 6 0, S "" CO > CN CN CN CN O C CO ^ CN O O 10 CN vD CN O CO CN -I" IP CN _ o - CO vD CO s m CO CO CO CO $5 " * 10 i CN 10 CN vO oo CN oo a o CN 00 } CO 1 CN I s - * CN vD vC CS IN* " I s CO CN CO CN CO sC CO CO CO o'a - CO -; D r*. t- 't LO ^t IO ^J- ^ CN in *.LL WITHOUT REGARD T 06 CO IO CN - Q CO CO CO I s - v O - CN > 10 - CN J CN ^ CO CN CN IO CN 55 |s CO CO CO 10 CO CO co ^ CO C CO -; 5 0! f ^r -t ^ 00 oo "" 1 rife 10 <* CO vD O CO t** CO in r C res- > CN Q CN CN CO CN 8 CO vO OOiO CN CO ^4- CN CN -* o .0 00 vl 3 ** N . 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CN cs to 3 cs in _ vO q c> co % m 6 ^ CN CM CO q oo in m 06 cs c> 6 CM q CM i CO m CN in q f* in CS N in CN N in CN r^ m p CN o z H C* CO , CO n co vD CO NOJO CO 10 i m m 10 cs cs cs cs co CO CO CO ^f * *]* LQ 248 Square Feet of Radiating Surface of Pipe per Lineal Foot On all lengths over one foot, fractions less than tenths are added to or dropped. H 3t SIZE OF PIPE K 1 1* M 1# 2 2% 3 4 5 6 7 8 i .275 .346 494 .622 753 916 1.175 1.455 1.739 1.996 2.257 2 .5 .7 .9 1. 1.2 1.5 1.8 2.4 2.9 3.5 4. 4.5 3 .8 1. 1.3 1.5 1.9 2.3 2.7 3.5 4.4 5.2 6. 6.8 4 1.1 1.4 1-7 2. 2.5 3. 3.6 4.7 5-8 7. 8. 9. 5 1.4 1.7 2.2 2.4 3.1 3.8 4.6 5.8 7.3 7.7 10. 11.3 6 1.6 2.1 2.6 2.9 3.7 4.5 5.5 7. 8.71 10.51 12. 13.5 7 1.9 2.4 3. 3.4 4.4 5.3 6.4 8.2 10.2 12.1 14. 15.8 8 2.2 2.8 3.5 3.9 5. 6. 7.3 9.4 11.6 13.9 16. 18. 9 2.5 3.1 3.9 4.4 5-6 6.8 8.2 10.6 13.1 15.7 18. 20.3 10 2-7 3.5 4 3 4.9 6.2 7.5 9.1 11.8 14.6 17-4 20. 22.6 11 3. 3.8 4.8 5.4 6.8 8.3 10. 12.9 16. 19.1 22. 24.9 12 3-3 4.1 5.2 59 7.5 9. 11. 14.1 17.4 20.9 24. 27.1 13 3-6 4.5 5.6 6.4 8.1 9.8 11.9 15.3 18.9 22 6 26. 29.4 14 38 4.8 6.1 6.9 8.7 10.5 12.8 16-5 20.3 24.3 28. 31.6 15 4.1 5-2 6.5 7.4 9.3 11.3 13.7 17.6 21.8 26.1 30. 33-9 16 4.4 5.5 6.9 7.9 10. 12. 14.6 18.8 23.2 278 32. 36.1 17 4.7 5.9 7.4 8.4 10.6 12.8 15.5 20. 24.7 29.5 34. 38.4 18 5. 6.2 7.8 8.9 11.2 13.5 16.5 21. 262 31.3 36. 40.6 19 5.2 6.6 8.3 9.4 11.8 14.3 17.4 22. 27.6 33.1 38. 42.9 20 5-5 6.9 8.7 9.9 12.5 15. 18.3 23. 29.1 34.8 40. 45.2 21 5.8 7.3 9.1 10.4 13. 15.8 19.2 24. 30.5 36.5 42. 47.4 22 6. 7.6 9.6 10.9 13.7 16.5 20.2 25. 32. 38.3 44. 49.7 23 6.3 8. 10. 11.3 14.3 17.3 21.1 27. 33.5 40. 46. 52. 24 6.6 8.3 10.4 11.9 14.9 18. 22. 28. 34.9 41.7 48. 54.2 25 6.9 8.6 10.9 12.3 15.6 18.8 22.9 29. 36.3 43.5 50. 56.4 26 7.1 9. 11.3 12.8 16.2 19.5 23.8 30. 37.8 45-2 52. 58.6 27 7.4 9.4 11.7 13.3 16.8 20.3 24.7 31.7 39.3 47. 54. 61. 28 7.7 9.7 12.2 13.8 17.4 21. 25.6 32.9 40.7 48.7 56. 63.2 29 8. 10. 12.6 14.3 18. 21.8 26.6 34.1 42.2 50.4 58. 65.5 30 8.3 10.4 13. 14.8 18.7 22.5 27.5 35.3 43.6 52.1 60. 67.7 31 8.5 10.7 13.5 15.3 19.3 23.3 28.4 36.4 45.1 53.9 62. 70. 32 8.8 11.1 13.9 15.8 19.9 24.1 29.3 37.6 46.5 55.6 64. 72.2 33 9.1 11.4 14.3 16.3 20.5 24.8 30.2 38.8 48. 57.4 66. 74.4 34 9.4 11.7 14.7 16.8 21.2 25.6 31.1 40. 49.5 59.1 68. 76.7 35 9.6 12.1 152 17.3 21.8 26.3 32. 41.1 50.9 60.8 70. 79. 36 9.9 12.5 15.6 17.8 22.4 27. 33. 42.3 524 62.6 72. 81.3 37 10.2 12.8 16.1 18.3 23. 27.8 33.9 43.5 53.8 64.3 74. 83.5 38 10.5 132 16.5 18.8 23.7 28.5 34.8 44.6 55 2 66. 76. 85.8 39 10.7 13.5 16.9 19.3 24.3 29.3 35.7 45.8 56.7 67.8 78. 88. 40 11. 13.8 17.4 19.8 24.9 30.1 36.6 47. 58.2 69.5 80. 90.2 41 11.3 142 17.8 20.3 25.5 30.8 37.6 48.2 59.6 71.3 82. 92.5 42 11.5 14.5 18.2 20.8 26.1 31.6 38.5 49.4 61.1 73. 84. 94.8 43 11.8 14.9 18.7 21.3 26.8 32.3 39.4 50.6 62.5 74.8 86. 97. 44 12.1 15.2 19.1 21.8 27.4 33.1 40.3 51.7 64. 76.5 88. 99.3 45 12.4 15.6 19.5 22.2 28. 33.8 41.2 52.9 65-5 78.2 90. 101.6 46 12.7 15.9 20. 22.7 28.6 34.6 42.2 54. 67. 80. 92. 103.8 47 12.9 16.320.4 23.2 29.2 35.3 43. 55.2 68.4 81.7 94. 106. 48 13.2 16.620.8 23.7 29.9 36.1 43.9 56.4 69.8 835 96. 108.4 49 13.5 17. 21.324.2 30.5 ! 36.8 44.8 57.6 71.2 85.1 98. 110.5 50 13.8 17.3 21.724.7 31.1(37.6 45.8 58.7 72.7 87. 100. 112.8 NOTE. Above information is quoted from standard authorities. Not guaranteed. 249 Areas of Circles Size Area Size Area Size Area Size Area i/ 8 0.0123 10 78.54 30 706.86 65 3318.3 X 0.0491 X 86.59 31 754.76 66 3421.2 y* 0.1104 11 95.03 32 804.24 67 3525.6 X 0. 1963 X 103.86 33 855.30 68 3631.6 % 0.3067 12 113.09 34 907.92 69 3739.2 u 0.4417 X 122.71 35- 962.11 70 3848.4 H 0.6013 13 132.73 36 1017.8 71 3959.2 i 0.7854 X 143.13 37 1075.2 72 4071.5 y* 0.9940 14 153.93 38 1134.1 73 4185.3 X 1.227 y 2 165.13 39 1194.5 74 4300.8 y?> 1.484 15 176.71 40 1256.6 75 4417.8 y 2 1.767 K 188.69 41 1320.2 76 4536.4 % 2.073 16 201.06 42 1385.4 77 4656.0 % 2.405 X 213.82 43 1452.2 78 4778.3 % 2.761 17 226.98 44 1520.5 79 4901.6 2 3.141 K 240.52 45 1590.4 80 5026.5 X 3.976 \Q 254.46 46 1661.9 81 5153.0 y 2 4.908 X 268.80 47 1734.9 82 5281.0 % 5.939 19 283.52 48 1809.5 83 5410.6 3 7.068 X 298.64 49 1885.7 84 5541.7 X 8.295 20 314.16 50 1963.5 85 5674.5 % 9.621 X 330.06 51 2042. 8 86 5808.8 & 11.044 21 346.36 52 2123.7 87 5944.6 4 12.566 y* 363.05 53 2206. 1 88 6082.1 '% 15.904 22 380.13 54 2290:2 89 6221.1 5 19.635 1 A 397.60 55 2375.8 90 6361.7 K 23.758 23 415.47 56 2463.0 91 6503.8 6 28.274 % 433.73 57 2551.7 92 6647.6 K 33.183 24 452.39 58 2642.0 93 6792.9 7 38.484 K 471 .43 59 2733.9 94 6939.7 K 44.178 25 490.87 60 2827.4 95 7088.2 8 50.265 26 530.93 61 2922.4 96 7238.2 K 56.745 27 572.55 62 3019.0 97 7389.8 9 63.617 28 615.75 63 3117.2 98 7542.9 % 70.882 29 660.52 64 3216.9 99 7697.7 To find the diameter of a circle when circumference is given, multiply the given circumference by ,3 1 83 1 . 250 Circumference of Circles Size Circumference Size Circumference Size Circumference Size Circumference M .3927 10 31.416 30 94.248 65 204.204 X .7854 X 32.987 31 97.389 66 207.345 ft 1.1781 11 34.558 32 100.531 67 210.487 x 1.5708 % 36.128 33 103.673 68 213.628 % 1.9635 12 37.699 34 106.814 69 216.770 % 2.3562 % 39.270 35 109.956 70 219.911 % 2.7489 13 40.841 36 113.097 71 223.053 i 3.1416 X 42.412 37 116.239 72 226.195 % 3.5343 14 43.982 38 119.381 73 229.336 1 A 3.9270 X 45.553 39 122.522 74 232.478 3/8 4.3197 15 47.124 40 125.664 75 235.619 X 4.7124 X 48.695 41 128.805 76 238.761 5 A 5.1051 16 50.265 42 131.947 77 241.903 K 5.4978 X 51.836 43 135.088 78 245.044 y* 5.8905 17 53.407 44 138.230 79 248.186 2 6.2832 X 54.978 45 141.372 80 251.327 X 7.0686 18 56.549 46 144.513 81 254.469 # 7.8540 X 58.119 47 147.655 82 257.611 # 8.6394 19 59.690 48 150.796 83 260.752 3 9.4248 X 61.261 49 153.938 84 263.894 X 10.210 20 62.832 50 157.080 85 267.035 % 10.996 X 64.403 51 160.221 86 270.177 % 11.781 21 65.973 52 163.363 87 273.319 4 12.566 X 67.544 53 166.504 88 276.460 X 14.137 22 69.115 54 169.646 89 279.602 5 15.708 X 70.686 55 172.788 90 282.743 % 17.279 23 72.257 56 175.929 91 285.885 6 18.850 X 73.827 57 179.071 92 289.027 X 20.420 24 75.398 58 182.212 93 292. 168 7 21.991 X 76.969 59 185.354 94 295.310 X 23.562 25 78.540 60 188.496 95 298.451 8 25.133 26 81.681 61 191.637 96 301.593 X 26.704 27 84.823 62 194.779 97 304.734 9 28.274 28 87.965 63 197.920 98 307.876 X 29.845 29 91.106 64 201.062 99 311.018 To find the circumference of a circle when diameter is given, multiply the given diameter by 3.1416. 251 To properly erect Coal, Coke and 'Wood Burn- ing Sectional Steam and Water Boilers Set up and bolt together squarely the four pieces comprising the base on a level brick or concrete foundation, which is at least a foot larger all round than the base. Place all of the grates in position and connect them to the horizontal shaking bar underneath them. Connect this bar through the front of the base to the angle shaking lever, which is fastened to the front section by means of a bracket. Place on top of the base, and close up against the base front the front section, which is marked No. 1. Wipe clean its three nipple holes, also any three of the connecting nipples ; smear them with good lubricating oil ; place them in the front section ; add the second section marked No. 2, after having carefully wiped clean its six nipple holes, pushing the section up until its front nipple holes register with the nipples already placed in the front section. Jar section No. 2 up close to the first one with a piece of timber. Place the four long connecting bolts in their holes, slipping on each, at the rear, one of the square wood washers which we supply. Screw up equally all aroTtnd, meanwhile striking the rear section, in the vicinity of the three connecting holes, with a block of wood and a good heavy hammer. When the sections are within % or f% of an inch of each other (square all round) then insert four wooden wedges, which are to go between each and every section before they are pulled up any further, one on each side just above the lower connecting nipples and two on top. These two as far away from the upper connecting nipple as possible. Then screw a little more on the nuts until the wedges have been bitten by the two sections, and the sections have been drawn together from center to center of each section the following distances : 18" " 21" " 22" " 24" " 28" " 30" " 36" " For new 36 and 48-ii No. 1 Coke Burning :; * ;; ;; ' 6" u 11 ' ' 7" W " s ' W " B 'i >, "< 8K" " ich Boilers see j Boiler 4" fron ". !! M ! ! >amphlet sent with Boiler, i Center to Center of Sections. 7K" " < < Then remove the screw rods, add the next section, precisely as before, and repeat the operation just described, sawing off each time, where they have been marked, a portion of the square wood washers. If impossible to begin to erect at the front section of boiler, start with the back section, as above described. After boiler has been assembled complete, be sure to cement all joints (which are all points of contact) between sections, breaking off the wood wedges, allowing their points to remain undisturbed between the sections, applying cement over them. Cement all joints in base and between base and foundation, remembering that all air for combustion should enter only through the draft doors. Smoke pipe and all connections between boiler and flue should be air tight (a leak in the smoke pipe or flue is like a leak in a suction pump). Do not bush the flow outlets in steam dome. Connect all of them to the flow pipe system, using size of pipe called for by outlets. Do not expect the boiler to do good work until the system has been thoroughly cleared of oil. A good damper (accessible and easily handled) in smoke pipe near chimney, provided with means for clamping in order that it may remain where desired, is usually very necessary for draft regulation and fuel saving. No boiler will operate successfully on a weak draft, nor will it give satis- faction on a strong draft tf the flue area is too small. (Do not mistake velocity for volume. A test by burning paper in a flue proves nothing.) Each pound of coal requires for its complete combustion about three hundred cubic feet of air. To draw this amount of air through the grates, ashes and fuel bed, over various heating surfaces and through flues, the proper area and height of chimney are essential. 252 Air Heating Table Cubic feet of air one B. t. u. will raise one degree Fahr. at different temperatures : Specific heat of air .2375. At zero one cubic foot of air weighs .0864 Ibs. and - \^'~ = 1 1 .574 cu. ft. - 1 '' ' S J^ = 48.77 cu. ft. raised one .0864 .2375 degree by 1 B. t. u. From this formula the following table is constructed, small fractional decimals being omitted. Cu ft 1 Cu ft 1 Temp, air F. Weight of 1 Cu.ft. in 1 Ib. H.U.will raise 1 Temp, air F. Weight of 1 Cu. ft in 1 Ib. H.U. wil raise 1 Deg. cu. ft. deg. F. Deg. cu.ft deg. F. .0864 11.58 48.77 112 .0694 14.40 60.60 12 .0842 11.87 50.00 122 .0682 14.65 61.60 22 .0824 12.14 51.00 132 .0671 14.90 62-80 32 .0807 12.40 52.20 142 .0660 15.15 63.80 42 .0791 12.64 53.10 152 .0649 15.40 64.90 52 .0776 12.88 54.10 162 .0638 15.65 66.00 62 .0761 13.13 55.20 172 .0628 15.90 67 00 70 .0750 13.34 56.30 182 .0618 16.17 68.00 72 .0747 13.39 56.40 192 .0609 16.42 69.10 82 .0733 13 64 57.40 202 .0600 16 67 70.10 92 .0720 13.90 58.60 212 .0591 16.92 71.30 JLQ2_ . .0707 14.14 L 5.9.20 Factors for Equivalent Evaporation Tempera- Gauge Pressure Tempera- Gauge Pressure Feed Water to 5 Ibs. 5 to 1 Ibs. Fee^ Water to 5 Ibs. 5 to 10 Ibs. 32 ! 1.1876 1.1962 113 1.1036 .1122 35 .1845 1.1931 116 .1005 .1090 38 1.1814 1.1900 119 .0974 .1059 41 1.1783 1.1868 122 .0943 .1028 44 1.1752 1.1837 125 .0912 .0997 47 1 . 1 72 1 1.1806 128 .oast .0966 50 1.1690 .1775 131 .0849 .0934 53 .1659 .1744 134 .0818 .0903 56 .1628 .1713 137 .0787 .0872 59 .1597 .1682 140 .0756 .0841 62 .1566 .1651 143 .0724 .0810 65 .1535 .1620 146 .0693 .0778 68 .1504 .1589 149 .0662 .0747 71 .1472 .1558 152 .0631 .0716 74 .1441 .1526 155 .0599 .0654 77 .1410 .1495 158 .0568 .0653 80 .1379 .1464 161 .0537 .0622 83 .1348 .1433 164 .0505 .0591 86 .1317 .1402 167 .0474 .0559 89 .1286 .1371 170 .0443 .0528 92 .1255 .1340 173 .0411 .0497 95 .1223 .1309 176 .0380 .0465 98 .1192 .1277 179 .0349 .0434 101 .1161 .1246 182 .0317 .0403 104 .1130 .1215 185 .0286 .0371 107 .1099 .1184 188 .0255 1.0340 1 10 .1068 1.1153 191 .0223 1.0308 The factor of equivalent evaporation means the percentage of difference between the amount of water actually evaporated from a certain temperature of feed water and at a certain definite gauge pressure as compared with feed water 2 12 and atmospheric pressure. 253 Temperature of Steam in Boiler and Pressure per Square Inch Temperature of Steam in Pipes Temperature of Steam in Boiler PRESSURE PER SQUARE INCH IN BOILER Pressure of Atmosphere Included Excluded 210 221.0 17.67 2.94 220 231.5 21.38 6.65 230 242.0 25.75 11.02 240 256.5 32.89 19.16 250 263.0 36.58 21.85 260 '- 273.5 43.31 '; 28.58 270 284.0 51.04 36.31 280 295.0 60.25 45.52 290 305.0 69.77 55.04 300 315.0 80.98 66.25 B. T. U. Required for Heating Air This table specifies the units of heat required per square foot per hour of heating surface to heat one cubic foot of air at different temperatures. "c a 41 ~ t: J^ K^~* Temperature of Air in Room 40 50 60 2.252 .980 .720 .473 .234 .007 0.787 0.578 0.376 0.184 0.000 0.000 70 2.479 2.200 1.935 1.684 1.439 1.208 0.984 0.770 0.564 0.367 0.179 0.000 80 90 2.928 2.640 2.365 2.102 1.851 1.611 1.378 1.155 0.940 0.735 0.538 0.350 100 3.154 2.860 2.580 2.311 2.056 1.812 1.575 1.345 1.128 0.918 0.718 0.525 H0j 120 1 30 ' -40 -30 -20 -10 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 1.802 1.540 1.290 1.051 0.822 0.604 0.393 0.192 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.027 1.760 1.505 1.262 1.028 0.805 0.590 0.385 0.188 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.703 2.420 2.150 1.892 1.645 1.409 1.181 0.963 0.752 0.551 0.359 0.175 3.379 3.080 2.795 2.522 2.262 2.013 1.771 1.540 1.316 1.102 0.897 0.700 3.604 3.300 3.010 2.732 2.467 2.215 1.968 1.733 1.504 1.286 1.077 0.875 3.829 3.520 3.225 2.943 2.673 2.416 2.165 1.925 1.692 1.470 1.256 1.049 Above tables from F, Schumann's Manual of Heating and Ventilation, pages 64 and 4 1 . 254 Velocity of Flow of Water In Feet per Minute, Through Pipes of Various Sizes, for Varying Quantities of Flow Gals, per Minute H inch 1 inch l&inch l^inch 2 inch 2 l /2 inch 3 inch 4 inch 5 218 122^ 78^ 54^ 30^ 19^ W/2 7M 10 436 245 157 109 61 38 27 15M 15 653 367^ 235^ 163^ 91^ 58^ 40^ 23 20 872 490 314 218 122 78 54 30% 25 1090 612^ 392^ 272^ 152^ 97X 67^ 38^ 30 735 . 451 327 183 117 81 46 35 857^ 549^ 381 K 213K 136^ 94^ 53% 40 980 628 436 244 156 108 61H 45 1102^ 706^ 490^ 274^ 175K 121^ 69 50 785 545 305 195 135 76% 75 1177K 817^ 457K 292^ 202^ 115 100 1090 610 380 270 153>i 125 762^ 487^ 337^ 191% 150 915 585 405 230 175 1067% 682^ 472^ 268^ 200 1220 780 540 306% Number of Gallons in Tanks Length Diameter in Inches or Depth in Feet 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 2 26 47 73 105 144 188 238 294 356 424 2 l /2 33 59 90 131 180 235 298 367 445 530 3 40 71 109 157 216 282 357 440 534 636 3% 47 83 127 183 252 329 416 513 623 742 4 54 95 145 209 288 376 475 586 712 848 4 1 A - 61 107 163 235 324 423 534 659 801 954 5 68 119 180 261 360 470 593 732 890 1060 5K 75 131 200 287 396 517 652 805 979 1166 6 82 143 217 313 432 564 711 878 1068 1272 6^ 89 155 235 339 468 611 770 951 1157 1378 7 96 167 253 365 504 658 829 1024 1246 1484 7% 103 179 271 391 540 705 888 1097 1335 1590 8 110 191 289 417 576 752 947 1170 1424 1696 8M 203 307 443 612 799 1006 1243 1513 1802 10 239 361 521 720 940 1183 1462 1780 2120 12 287 433 625 864 1128 1419 1754 2136 2544 14 1008 1316 1655 2046 2492 2968 16 1 152 1504 1 89 1 2338 2848 3392 18 2127 2630 3204 3816 20 2363 2922 3560 4240 NOTE. Above information is quoted from standard authorities. Not guaranteed. / 255 Properties of Saturated Steam From "Notes on Heating and Ventilation" by John R. Allen, page No. 39. Pressure or Vacuum Tempera- ture Heat of the liquid Latent Heat Total Heat Volume of 1 Ib.ofsteam cubic feet Pounds per sq. in. 12 137 105 1019 1124 135 -10 160 128 1003 1131 78.3 8 175 143 992 1135 55.9 o 187 155 984 1139 43.6 4 197 165 977 1142 35.8 2 205 173 971 1144 30.6 212 180.9 965.7 1146-6 26.36 1 215 184 964 1148 25 2 219 188 961 1149 23 3 222 191 959 1150 22.3 4 224 193 957 1150.5 21.2 5 227 196 955 1151 20.16 10 239 208 946 .1154 16.3 15 249 218.8 939.3 1158.1 13.7 20 258.7 228 932.5 1161 11.85 25 266.7 236.2 927.1 1163.3 10.36 30 273.9 243.5 922 1165.5 9.34 35 280.5 250.2 917.3 1167.5 8.45 40 286.5 256.3 913 1169.3 7.73 45 292.2 262.1 909 1171.1 7.11 50 297.5 267.5 905.2 1172.7 6.61 55 302.4 272.6 901.6 1174.2 6.16 60 307.1 277.2 898.4 1 175.6 5.77 65 311.5 281.8 895.1 1176.9 5.43 70 315.8 286.1 892.1 1173.2 5.13 75 319.8 290.3 889.1 1179.4 4.86 80 323.7 294.3 886.3 1180.6 4.63 85 327.4 298.1 883.6 1181.7 4.41 90 330.9 301.8 881 1182.8 4.20 95 334.4 305-4 878.5 1183.9 4.02 100 337.6 308.9 876 1184.9 3.83 110 343.9 315.4 871.4 1186.8 3.57 120 349.8 321.5 867.1 1188.6 3.33 130 355 327.5 863 1190.3 3.1 140 360 333.5 859.1 1191.9 2.92 150 365.7 338.3 855.4 1193.4 2.75 Pressure of Water for Each Foot in Height Feet in Height Pounds per Square Inch Feet in Height Pounds per Square Incn Feet in Height Pounds per Square Inch 1 2 5 10 .43 .86 2.16 4.33 15 20 25 40 6.49 8.66 10.82 17.32 50 70 80 100 21.65- 30.32 34.65 43.31 NOTE. Above information is quoted from standard authorities. Not guaranteed. 256 Steam Pipes Heated Body of Cast Iron Unit of heat, emitted or absorbed, per square foot per hour: Mean Temp, of Heated Body, Pipe, Etc. Temp, of Air and Walls UNITS OF HEAT PER SQUARE FOOT PER HOUR By Contact By Radiation By Radiation. and Contact Combined Air Quiet Air- Moving Air Quiet Air Moving 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 130.49 142.20 153.95 165.90 178.00 189.90 202.70 215.30 228.55 240.85 217.48 237.00 256.58 279.8'3 296.66 316.50 337.83 358.85 380.91 401.41 139.96 155.27 169.56 184.58 200.18 214.36 233.42 251.21 267.73 279.12 270.49 297.47 323.51 350.48 378.18 404.26 436.12 466.51 496.28 519.97 357.48 392.27 426.14 464.41 496.84 530.86 571.25 610.06 648.64 680-53 Hot Water Pipes Heated Body of Cast Iron Unit of heat, emitted or absorbed, per square foot per hour: Mean Temp Temp. of Heated of Air By Contact T>,_ By Radiation and Contact Combined Body, ,j t>y *& Walls Air Air Radiation Air Air JtC, Quiet Moving Quiet Moving 70 70 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 80 70 5.04 8.40 7.43 12.47 15.83 90 70 11.84 19.73 15.31 27.15 35.04 100 70 19.53 32.55 23.47 43.00 56.02 110 70 27.86 46.43 31.93 59.79 78.36 120 70 36.66 61.10 40.82 77.48 101.92 130 70 45.90 76.50 50.00 95.90 126.50 140 70 55.51 92.52 59.63 115.14 152.15 150 70 ! 65.45 109-18 69.69 135.14 178.87 160 70 75.68 126.13 80.19 155.87 206.32 170 70 86.18 143.30 91.12 177.30 234.42 180 70 96.93 161.55 102.50 199.43 264.05 190 70 107.90 179.83 114.45 222.35 294.28 200 70 119.13 198.55 127.00 246.13 325.55 210 70 130.49 217.48 139.96 270.49 357.48 Above tables from F. Schumann's Manual of Heating and Ventilation, pages 39-40. 257 Surface of Wrought Iron Pipe Inside diameter Inches 1 IK \Y2 2.0 2 2Y 2 3 &$ 4 0.84 5 0.68 6 10.57 Length of Pipe ) per square foot of > external surface ) 2.9 2.3 1.6 1.32 1.09 0.95 Square feet surface | per 1 lineal foot f 0.34 0.43 0.50 0.62 0.75 0.92 1.05 1.18 1.46 - Dimensions of Standard Wrought Iron Pipe We do not handle or quote prices on Pipe Nominal Inside Diam. Inches Actual Diameter Inches Thick- ness Inches Circumference Inches Area Square Inches Inside Outside Internal External Internal % .27 4 .07 .84 1.27 .06 .12 % .36 '.54 .08 1.14 1.69 .1 .22 .49 ' .67 .09 1.55 2.12 .19 .35 H .62 .84 .10 1.95 2.65 .3 .55 3/ .82 1.05 .11 2.58 3.29 .53 .86 1 1.04 1.31 .13 3.29 4.13 .86 1.35 \y* 1.38 1.66 .14 4.33 5.21 . 1.49 2.16 - \y> 1.61 1.9 .14 5.06 5.96 2.03 3.83 2 2.06 2.37 .15 6.49 7.46 3.35 4.43 2^ 2.46 2.87 .20 7.75 9.03 4.78 6.49 3 3.06 3.5 .21 9.63 10.96 7.38 9.62 3 l /2 3.56 4. .22 11.14 12.56 9 83 12.56 4 4.02 4.5 .23 12.64 14.13 12.73 15.9 4H 4.5 5. .24 14.15 15.7 15.93 19.63 5 5.04 5.56 .25 15.84 17.47 19.99 24.29 6 6.06 6.62 .28 19.05 20.81 28.88 34.47 7 7.02 7.62 .30 22.06 23.95 38.73 45.66 8 7.98 8.62 .32 25.07 27.09 50.03 58.42 9 9. 9.68 .34 28.27 30.43 63.63 73.71 10 10.01 10.75 .36 31.47 33.77 78.83 90.79 11 11. 11.75 .37 34.55 36.91 95.03 108.43 12 12. 12.75 .37 37.7 40.05 113.09 127.67 Capacities and Threads of Standard W. I. Pipe Nomi- nal Inside Diam. Inches Length to Thread Inches Length of Pipe Contain- ing one Gallon Feet Con- tained Pounds of Water per Lineal Foot Nomi- nal Inside Diam. Inches Length to Thread Inches Length of Pipe Contain- ing one Gallon Feet Con- tained Pounds of Water per Lineal Foot ~% & 336-6 .024 3*A liV 1.95 4.285 % % 148.8 .044 4 1 % 1-51 5.517 H A 100.8 .082 4% {% 1.2 6.908 /^ fc 63.2 .132 5 IK .96 8.668 ft 36.1 .23 6 IH .66 12.521 1 X 22.3 .373 7 iy* .49 16.79 IK ii 12.8 .648 8 IH .38 21.688 \ l /2 it 9.4 .883 9 \% .3 27.58 2 % 5.7 1.454 10 \ 3 A .24 34.171 1% i 4.02 2.072 11 .2 41.189 3 i 2 6 3.202 12 .17 49.017 NOTE. Above information is quoted from standard authorities, Not guaranteed. 258 Heat Units and Weight of Water Heat units in water, between 32 and 212 degrees Fahrenheit and weight of water per cubic foot. Tern. Deg. Fahr. Heat Units Weight, Ibs. per cub. ft. Tern. Deg. Fahr. Heat Units Weight, Ibs. per cub. ft. Tern. Deg. Fahr. Heat Units Weight Ibs. per cub. ft. 32 0. 62.42 123 91.16 61.68 168 1 36.44 60.81 35 3. 62.42 124 92.17 61.67 169 137.45 60.79 40 8. 62.42 125 93.17 61.65 170 138.45 60.77 45 13. 62.42 126 94.17 61.63 171 139.46 60.75 50 18. 62.41 127 95.18 61.61 172 140.47 60.73 52 20. 62.40 128 96.18 61.60 173 141.48 60.70 54 22.01 62.40 129 97.19 61.58 174 142.49 60.68 56 24.01 62.39 130 98.19 61.56 175 143.50 60.66 58 26.01 62.38 131 99.20 61.54 176 144.51 60.64 60 28.01 62.37 132 100.20 61.52 177 145.52 60.62 62 30.01 62.36 133 101.21 61.51 178 146.52 60.59 64 32.01 62.35 134 102.21 61.49 179 147.53 60.57 66 34.02 62.34 135 103.22 61.47 180 148.54 60.55 68 36.02 62.33 136 104.22 61.45 181 149.55 60.53 70 38.02 62.31 137 105.23 61.43 182 150.56 60.50 72 40.02 62.30 133 106.23 61.41 183 151.57 60.48 74 42.03 62.28 139 107.24 61.39 184 152.58 60.46 . 76 44.03 62.27 140 108.25 61.37 185 153.59 60.44 78 46.03 62.25 141 109.25 61.36 186 154.6.0 60.41 80 48.04 62.23 142 110.26 61.34 187 155.61 60.39 82 50.04 62.21 143 111.26 61.32 188 156.62 60.37 84 52.04 62.19 144 112.27 61.30 189 157.63 60.34 86 54.05 62.17 145 113.28 61.28 190 158.64 60.32 88 56.05 62.15 146 114.28 61.26 191 159.65 60.29 90 58.06 62.13 147 115.29 61.24 192 160.67 60.27 92 60.06 62.11 148 116.29 61.22 193 161.68 60.25 94 62.06 62.09 149 117.30 61.20 194 162.69 60.22 96 64.07 62.07 150 118.31 61.18 195 163.70 60.20 98 66.07 62.05 151 119.31 61.16 196 164.71 60.17 100 68.08 62.02 152 120.32 61.14 197 165.72 60.15 102 70.09 62.00 153 121.33 61.12 198 166.73 60.12 104 72.09 61.97 154 122.33 61.10 199 167.74 60.10 106 74.10 61.95 155 123.34 61.08 200 168.75 60.07 108 76.10 61.92 156 124.35 61.06 201 169.77 60.05 110 78.11 61.89 157 125.35 61.04 202 170.78 60.02 112 80.12 61.86 158 126.36 61.02 203 171.79 60.00 114 82.13 61.83 159 127.37 61.00 204 172.80 59.97 115 83.13 61.82 160 128.37 60.98 205 173.81 59.95 116 84.13 61.80 161 129.38 60.96 206 174.83 59.92 117 85.14 61.78 162 130.39 60.94 207 175.84 59.89 118 86.14 61.77 163 131.40 60.92 208 176.85 59.87 119 87.15 61.75 164 132.41 60.90 209 177.86 59.84 120 88.15 61.74 165 133.41 60.87 210 178.87 59.82 121 89.15 61.72 166 134.42 60.85 211 179.89 59.79 122 90.16 61.70 167 135.43 60.83 212 180.90 59.76 NOTE. Above Information is quoted from standard authorities. Not guaranteed. 259 Table of Mains and Branches Main 1 in. will sup Branch i I/ ; n ' ' Py 2 1 74 !" \ 1 A in ' 2 2 !S 2 2K in- 2 1 ^ in and 1 1 V 4 in., or 1 2 in. and 1 3 in. 1 2 1 A in and 1 2 in., or 2 2 in. and 1 3^ in. 2 2% in or 1 3 m., and 1 2 in. or 3 4 in. 1 3 1 A in and 1 1% in., or 2 3 in. and 4 4^ in. " 1 3J^ in and 1 3 in., or 1 4 in. and 1 5 in. 1 4 in. and 1 3 in., or 1 4^ in. and 1 6 in. 2 4 in. and 1 3 in., or 4 3 in. or 10 7 in. " 1 6 in. and 1 4 in., or 3 4 iu. and 1 8 in. 2 6 in. and 1 5 in., or 5 4 in. and 2 n. 1% in. l&in. 13* in. Weights One Cubic inch of Cast Iron, weighs One Cubic inch of Wrought Iron, One Cubic inch of Water, One U. S. Gallon, One Imperial Gallon, One U. S. Gallon, equals One Imperial Gallon, One Cubic foot of Water One Pound of Steam, One Pound of Air 2 in. 2 in. 2 l / 2 in. 1% in. 2 in. 2 in. 2 in. 0.26 pounds. 0.28 0.036 " 8.33 10.00 231.00 cubic inches. 277.274 " 7.48 U.S. gallons. 27.222 cubic feet. 13.817 " Measure of Surface Measure of Solidity 144 9 30 40 4 10 640 sq. inches sq. feet sq. yards sq. rods roods sq. chains acres 1 sq.foot 1 sq. yard. 1 sq. rod. 1 rood. 1 acre. 1 acre. 1 sq. mile. 1 728 cu. inches 27 cubic feet 1 cubic foot. 1 cubic yard. Liquid Measure 4 gills 2 pints 4 quarts 3156 gallons make 1 pint. 1 quart. 1 gallon. " 1 barrel. Boiling Points of Various Fluids Water in Vacuum . . 98 C Water, Atmosp'c Pres. 212 C Alcohol 173 C Sulphuric Acid . . . 240 C Refined Petroleum . .316 Turpentine 315 Sulphur 570 Linseed Oil 597 Melting Points of Different Metals Aluminum .... 1400 Antimony . . . . 810 Bismuth 476 Brass 1900 Bronze 1692 Copper 1996 Glass 2377 Gold (pure) .... 2590 Iron (cast) .... 2450" Iron (wrought) . . . 2912 Lead 608 Platinum 3080 Silver (pure) .... 1873 Steel 2500 Tin 446 Zinc ...... , 680 NOTE. Above information is quoted from standard authorities- Not guaranteed. 260 Specific Heat of Bodies Material ! Cast Iron Specific Heat .12983 "Wrought Iron .11379 Lime . .... .09555 .... Copper .09515 Brass . .0939 1 Silver 05701 Tin .05695 Mercury . .... .03332 . ... Gold .03244 Platina .03243 Lead Bismuth .03140 .03084 Nickel .1086 Ice . . ... .504 Coal . . .2777 Coke Glass . . Burnt Clay .20085 .19768 .185 . . . . Brickwood Water at 32 degrees . . Alcohol (Sq. .793) .... Ether (Sulphuric) .... Oil of Turpentine .... Petroleum .200 1.000 .622 .477 .322 . . . . .472 .434 .... Olive Oil Air . .3096 .237 Authority Regnanlt Person Crawford Regnault Gadolin Dalton Regnault Despretz Regnault Lavoisier Specific Gravity of Bodies To find the weight of a body, determine its cubical contents and multi- ply its Specific Gravity by the weight of a like volume of water. Body Specific Gravity Weight per cu. ft. in pounds Water 1.00 62 5 Aluminum . 2 50 156.3 Tin (cast) 7 29 455 6 Steel . . . 7.84 490.0 Cast Iron ..... 7.21 450 6 7.68 480.0 Brass . . , . . . . 8.38 523.8 Copper 8.79 549.4 Lead (cast) 11.35 709.4 Mercury . 13.60 850.0 Platinum . 21.50 1343.8 NOTE. Above information is quoted from standard authorities. Not guaranteed. 261 Heating and Evaporative Power of Coals One cubic foot of hard coal weighs 50 Ibs. One cubic foot of soft coal weighs 40 Ibs. One cubic foot of coke weighs 28 Ibs. Heine's analysis shows the stated fuel values to run: State Brand B. T. U., Per Lb. Arkansas .... Coal Hill 11,812 Huntington Co 12,537 Illinois Big Muddy ll,494avg. Carterville 11,601 " Colchester 9,848 Slack 9,035 Dunferline Slack 9,401 Duquoin 10,710 Glen Carbon 9,740 avg. Girard 10,111 " Heitz Bluff 10,454 " Hurricane , 11,868 Muddy Valley 11,718 Oakland 10,395 St. Clair ........ 10,068 avg. St. John 9,797 Streator 11,403 Trenton 10,584 Turkey Hill 11, 255 avg. Vulcan 9,450 Indiana Block 10,407 Indian Territory . Atoka 11,088 Choctaw Nation 12,789 McAllister 13,287 Iowa Milwaukee Pea * 10,240 What Cheer 8,702 Kentucky .... Kanawha 13,345 Maryland .... George's C'k Cumberland . 13,700 Missouri .... Bevier 9,890 Elston 12,656 Lump 9,414 New Mexico . . Coal 11,756 Ohio Hocking Valley 13,309 Jackson Co 11,600 Pennsylvania . . Clearfield 14,000 Youghiogheny 13,480 Pittsburg Slack 11,739 Tennessee . . . Glen Mary 13,167 Lump 12,215 Texas ..... Ft. Worth 9,450 11,803 Virginia .... Pocahontas ....... 13,363 Washington . . Carbon Hill 12,866 West Virginia . . New River ....... 13,374 .... 12,800 262 Chemical Composition of Combustibles Peclet (Authority) Car- bon Hy- dro- gen Oxy- gen Nitro- gen & Sul- phur Water Ash Total Alcohol 5198 137 3432 000 816 139 045 000 Coal (Average of I 97 Varieties., f Coke .804 850 .0519 .0787 .0246 .0408 150 .000 000 Oil of Turps Olive Oil Paraffine Oil Peat (Dry) .884 .7721 .8522 .580 .116 .1336 .1478 .060 .0943 310 ::;:;: .::::: 050 .000 .000 .000 000 Peat (Charcoal) 818 182 000 Peat (Ordinary) 464 .048 248 200 040 000 Resin Sperm Oil Spermaceti .7927 .789 816 .1015 .1097 .128 .1058 .1013 .056 .000 .000 .000 Sulphur Ether Tallow Wood(Drv) .6531 .790 .510 .1333 .117 .053 .2136 .093 .417 .020 .000 .000 .000 Wood (Ordinary) . 408 042 334 .200 016 000 Wood (Charcoal) 930 070 000 Total Heat Evolved by Combustibles And their Equivalent Evaporative Power with the weight of Oxygen and quantity of Air Chemically consumed Combustibles x Lb. Weight Weight of Oxy- gen per Ib. of Com- busti- bles Lb. Quantity of Air per Ib. of Combustibles Total Heat per Ib. Com- busti- bles B. T. U. Equivalent Evaporative Power 1 Ib. Combustible /Atmospheric\ \ Pressure / Lbs. of Water from and at 212 degrees Lb. AIR Cubic Ft. at 60 deg. 8.00 1.33 2.66 .57 4. 3.43 1.00 2.46 2.50 1.40 1.75 2.03 2.73 .98 4.12 34.8 5.8 11.6 2.48 17-4 15.0 4.35 10.7 10.9 6.1 7.6 8.85 11.87 4.26 17.93 457 76 152 33 229 196 57 140 143 80 100 116 156 56 235 62032 4452 14500 4325 23513 21343 4032 14133 13550 7792 9951 11678 16655 5196 27531 64.2 4.61 15.0 4.48 24.34 22.09 4.17 14.62 14.02 8.07 10.30 12.10 17.24 5.56 28.50 C to CO CtoCO 2 CO to CO 2 CH 2 (Coal Gas).... C 2 H 2 (Olef iant) . . . Sulphur Coke (desiccated)... Wood Peat Asphalt Straw (15#H 2 -O).. NOTE. Above information is quoted from standard authorities. Not guaranteed, 263 Chimney Flues The selection of chimney flues for Heating Boilers must depend upon the judgment of the Heating Engineer. No tabular statements can be guaranteed, but it is believed that the table herewith, of Prof. R. C. Carpenter, when used in connection with the size of smoke pipes given for each IDEAL Boiler, will very much assist the engineer in selecting flues. It is necessary that area and HEIGHT, thickness of walls, general structure, and the position of the top outlet with reference to the building and other buildings near by, should be carefully noted and observed in selecting or building a flue. The figures given under the varying heights of chimneys are diameter measure- ments in inches, or, the side of a square the theory being that the spiral ascending column of smoke and gases will make a twelve by twelve inch flue no more extensive in practical working aiea than a twelve inch round flue. Rectangular shapes may be used if the aiea is equal and the difference in width and length are not extreme. DIRECT RADIATION * HEIGHT OF CHIMNEY FLUB Steam in Square Feet Water in Square Feet soft. soft. 40 ft. 50 ft. 60 ft. Soft. 250 375 7.4 7. 6.7 6.4 6.2 6. 500 750 9.6 9.2 8.8 8.2 8. 6.6 750 1150 11.3 10.8 10.2 9.6 9.3 8.8 1000 1500 12.8 12. 11.4 10.8 10.5 10. 1500 2250 15.2 14.4 13.4 12,8 12.4 11.5 2000 3000 17.2 16-3 15.2 14.5 14. 13.2 3000 4500 20.6 18.5 18.2 17-2 16.6 15.8 4000 6000 23.6 22.2 20.8 19.6 19. 17.8 5000 7500 26. 24.6 23. 21-6 21. 19.4 6000 9000 28.4 26.8 25. 23.4 22.8 21.2 7000 10500 30.4 28.8 27. 25.5 24.4 23. 8000 12000 32.4 30.6 28.6 26.8 26. 24.2 9000 13500 34. 32.4 30.4 28.4 27.4 25-6 10000 15000 37. 34. 32. 30. 28.6 27. * NOTE. When a considerable amount of INDIRECT radiation is to be used, in- creased Boiler capacity is necessary, and in many cases such demands equire a larger chimney flue for same number of square feet of radiation used. A Less Specific Rule for Chimney Flues Herewith is a table of chimney flue sizes which is commonly used with good re- sults. It does not take into consideration varying heights of stacks, but is said to be reliable in average conditions. DIRECT RADIATION * SIZE OF FLUB Steam in Square Feet Water in Square Feet Round Square 250 400 8 8x8 300 500 8 8x8 400 700 8 8x8 500 850 10 8x 12 600 1000 10 8x 12 700 1200 10 8x 12 800 1350 12 12x 12 900 1500 12 12x 12 1000 1700 12 12x 12 1200 2100 12 12x 12 1400 2400 14 12x 16 1600 2700 14 12x 16 1800 3000 14 12x 16 2000 3400 14 12x 16 2200 3700 16 16x 16 3000 5100 16 16x 16 3500 5900 18 16x20 5000 8500 18 16 x 20 * NOTE. When a considerable amount of INDIRECT radiation is to be used, in- creased Boiler capacity is necessary and in many cases such demands require a larger chimney flue for same number of square feet of radiation used. 264 The Ordinary Chimney Flue The area of the flue should never be less than 9 or 10 inches round, or 8x12 rectangular unless for a very small heating boiler or tank heater, when an 8-inch round or 8x8 square flue will answer, if high enough. The flue should have a little more area than that of the smoke -pipe. There is less friction in a round-tile flue than in the square form, for the spiral ascent of the draft moves in the easiest manner. The value of the flue depends on volume of passage due to area, and velocity due to height. \ 7 elocity alone is no proof of good draft there must be also sufficient area to carry the smoke. The chimney-top should run above the highest part of the roof, and should be so located with reference to any higher buildings near by that wind-currents will not form eddies and force the air downward in the shaft. A shifting cowl which will always turn the outlet away from the adverse currents will promote better draft. The flue should run as nearly straight up from the base to the top outlet as possible. It should have no other open- ings into it but the boiler smoke-pipe. Sharp bends and off- sets in the flue will often reduce the area and choke the draft. The flue must be free of any feature which prevents a free area for the passage of smoke. The outlet must not be capped so that the area of the outlet is less than the area of the flue. If the flue is made of round tile the joints must be tightly cemented, or all space between the tile and brick-work filled in tightly. There must be no open crevices into the flue where the sections lap otherwise the draft is checked. If the flue is made of brick only, the stack should be at least two four-inch courses in thickness. The inside should be smooth. If there is a soot-pocket in the flue below the smoke-pipe opening, the clean-out door should always be closed. If this soot-pocket has other openings in it from fire-places or other connections they check the draft and prevent best action in the Boiler. The smoke-pipe should not extend into the flue beyond the inside surface of the flue, otherwise the end oi the pipe cuts down the area of the flue and injures its drawing capacity. The joints, where the smoke-pipe fits the smoke- hood of the Boiler, or where the pipe enters the chimney, should be made tight with boiler putty or asbestos cement. 265 Siphon Pressure Draft Gauge Height Water Inches Pres- sure per Lb. Velocity Feet per Sec. Velocity Feet per Min. Height Water Inches Pres- sure per Lb. Velocity Feet per Sec. Velocity Feet per Min. .1 .521 15.05 903 .1 5.731 49.9 2994 .2 1.042 21.3 1278 .2 6.252 52.1 3126 .3 1.563 26.06 1564 .3 6.773 54.2 3252 .4 2.084 30.1 1806 .4 7.294 56.3 3378 .5 2.605 33.6 2016 .5 7.815 58.2 3492 .6 3.126 36.8 2208 .6 8.336 60.2 3612 .7 3.647 39.8 2388 .7 8.857 62 3720 .8 4.168 42.5 2550 .8 9.378 63.8 3828 .9 4.689 45.1 2706 .9 9.899 65.6 3936 1.0 5.210 47.5 2850 2. 10.420 67.3 4038 Data Relating to Ventilation Loss of heat caused by First. B. T. U. necessary to warm air. Second. B. T. U. absorbed by walls. Third. B. T. U. absorbed by ceiling. Fourth. B. T. U. absorbed by floor. Fifth. B. T. U. absorbed by windows. Sources of heat in rooms (Schuman, authority): First. B. T, U. generated by occupants. Second. B. T. U. generated by gas, lamps or candles. Third. B. T. U. generated by heating apparatus. An adult requires each hour for respiration and transpira- tion 215 cubic feet or 215x.077=165 pounds, and generates 290 B. T. U. of which 99 units are in form of vapor and 191 units radiate to surrounding objects. Approximate An adult requires not less than 1800 cubic feet of air per hour. Each cubic ft. gas burned requires 8.5 cu. ft. air. Each Ib. oil burned requires 150 cu. ft. air. Each Ib. candles burned requires 160 cu. ft. air. B. T. U. generated by an adult per hour, 191. B. T. U. generated by burning 1 cu. ft. gas, 600. B. T. U. generated by burning 1 Ib. oil or candles, 15,000 to 18,000. Average gas burner consumes approximately 4 cu. ft. gas per hour, which equals 2400 B. T. U. per hour. The average flame from oil lamp 430 to 515 B. T. U. per hour. The average candle 454 to 545 B. T. U. per hour. NOTE Above information is quoted from standard authorities. Not guaranteed. 266 Specifications of Massachusetts District Police, for Heating and Ventilating Public Buildings, Schools, Etc. (Form No. 83) 1. That the apparatus will, with proper management, heat all the rooms including corridors to 70 in any weather. 2. That with the rooms at 70 and a difference of not less than 40 between the temperature of the outside air and that of the air entering the room at the warm air inlet, the apparatus will supply at least thirty cubic feet of air per minute for each scholar accommodated in the rooms. 3. That such supply of air will so circulate in the rooms that no uncomfortable draught will be felt, and that the difference in temperature between any two points on the breathing plane (5 ft.) in the occupied portion of a room will not exceed 3. 4. That vitiated air in amount equal to supply from inlets will be removed through the vent ducts. Colors to be used in Heating Plans There is a general understanding among European heating engineers as to which colors to use on plans to indicate the meaning or use of the different lines, as per the schedule below. Air Fresh cold air Light Green Fresh warmed air (warm air chambers) Carmine Mixed air (warm and cold) % Yellow Vitiated air(ventilating flues) Blue Circulating or reheated air Violet Cross sections in dark tones,' vertical sections in lighter tones. Constructive Parts All iron parts, such as boilers, doors, stairs, engines, blowers, damper, chains, registers, heating pipes, traps, expansion tanks, etc Blue lines Steam radiators Blue edge filled with Green Water radiators Blue edge filled with Blue Direct indirect radiators .... Blue edge rilled with Yellow Low pressure steam pipes , . . . . Orange High pressure steam pipes Carmine Return steam pipes Dark Green Hot water flow pipes Sienna Hot water return pipes Blue Air vent pipes Blue Cold water supply pipes Violet Overflow pipes ...... . - . c Brown 267 Memoranda 268 Telegraph Code In writing a cipher message, please observe the following. First Begin every cipher word with a capital letter. Second Whenever a blank occurs in a sentence, the word or words supplying such blank must immediately follow the cipher word of the sentence. Quotations and Correspondence Cipher Word At what price and how soon can you furnish. .Quadrants Quote best price on Quadrate Quote best price on. . . .square feet of standard (38-inch height) height of Radiators Quadrille Wire reply quickly Quadroon Will wire you tomorrow morning Quaffed Have written Quaggy Answer by first mail Quagmire See our letter of giving full particulars Quaintly Have received no reply from you to our letter of .Quakingly Referring to your telegram of Quakerism Referring to your letter of Qualify Referring to our telegram of . .*? Quandary Referring to our letter of Quarried Referring to telephone conversation of today. Queerness Do not understand the meaning of Quartette Inclosure mentioned in your letter of . . . .not received, mail same at once Quantum We quote you for immediate acceptance Quash F. O. B. factory and less the carload rate cf freight to Quaternion F. O. B. factory and less carload rate of freight where same does not exceed fifteen cts. per hundred Ibs Quatrains What is the carload freight rate to Quavered What is less than carload freight rate to Quench Best rate of freight quoted on carload is Querist Best rate of freight quoted on less than car load is Quibbler Will wire you freight rates soon as received. . Quietude Change my route to read as follows . Questabor Orders and. Shipments Ship immediately Obdurate Ship by express Obedient Ship by express, prepaid Oxalicston Ship by freight Obeisance Ship by best route Obelisk Ship by boat Obesity 269 Telegraph Code continued Orders and Shipments Continued Cipher Word Ship immediately and follow with tracer Objective Ship immediately and follow with tracer (our order No ) . Objector Ship before present freight rates advance Objurgate Ship with draft and bill of lading attached .... Oblate Ship in first car to Obquitate Send us bill of lading covering ourorder (No. . . ) Obliquity Enter order as per our inquiry of Oblivion Enter order at your quotation of Obscurity Include in car now assembling at .... plant Obsequious Ship by same route as our order (No. or date) . Observant Will send shipping instructions by mail Observer Shipping instructions fororder (No. or date) are . Obstacle Ship what you can at once Obstinacy Can't ship as ordered, but could ship today. . .Obstruent Do not hold for other orders, but rush quickly. Obtruder Send as small lot, unless car going at once Obtrusive When can you make shipment? Obviously Could you ship immediately ? Obvolute When will order (No. or date) be shipped Opaque When and by what route did you ship our order Operas Send tracer after our order (No. or date) Operatics Trace vigorously by wire our order (No. and date) Ophidian Add to our order (No. or date) Opiate Duplicate our order (No. or date) Opium You may substitute on our order (No. or date) .Opossum Omit. . . .from our order (No. or date) Opposer Hold for instruction order (No. or date) Oppressor Could ship immediately Optative Expect to make shipment Optical Your order (No. or date) was shipped Optician Give date or number of order referred to . ... Optimism Order No is ready for shipment. We have no car going for .... days. Shall we forward as small lot? If so, wire shipping instructions Opthalmy Order No. . . .has not yet been shipped ....... Ophusing Order No . . . .has been preferred for shipment . . Oquarious Advise by wire best shipping date^. Oriskany Please reply at once to our telegraiih Orinktum Prefer and rush order No Oristatin Can ship complete your No immediately except .... Shall we make such shipment . . Orrostile Make proposed shipment order No without waiting for Orstingle 270 Telegraph Code continued Orders and Shipments Continued Cipher Word Your order (No. or date) does not specify Opulent Change our order (No. or date) to read Oracular Referring to your order (No. or date) Orators Referring to our order (No. or date) Orchards Do not find any order from you (No. or date) . .Orchestra Table of Dates In telegraphing dates, prefix the day of the month. For example: "Aronsberg" would mean "first day of January." Date Cipher Word 1st Arons 2d Arch 3d Abbey 4th Baron 5th Butch 6th Blake 7th Bulls 8th Barro 9th Chink 10th Clegg llth Cake 12th Cole 13th Dress 14th Devon 15th Dunn 16th Elsie NOTE : Adding " morn " or "aft" to any of above code words will signify morning or afternoon of any of the dates given. Thus : " Barro- morn " will be understood as " the morning of the 8th "; " Oldenaft " will signify " the afternoon of the 25th," and so on. Month Cipher Word July Ham August Mont September Soire October Ton November.. ..Ville Date Cipher Word 17th Elgin 18th Eaton 19th Front 20th Glass 21st Grass 22d Hazel 23d Lees 24th Lynx 25th Olden , 26th Oster 27th Pilot 28th Plump 29th Queer 30th Race * 31st . ..Skunk Month Cipher Word January Berg February Boro March Dorf , April Dale May Field June Ford December.. ..Wood Time Cipher Word 1 day Apple 2 days Apricot 3 days Banana 4 days Cherry 5 days Citron 6 days , Dates 10 days Figs 1 week Grape Cipher Word 2 weeks Lemon 3 weeks Olives 1 month Orange 2 months Peach 3 months Pears 4 months Plum 5 months Quince 6 months . . . . Tomatoes 271 Telegraph Code Continued Numerals These figures may be used in giving quantities, order numbers, amounts in dollars, weights, car numbers, etc. To make up a word above 99, use the code as follows: For example, 142 14 cet, 2 bef " cetbef ." Or, 1 425 1 4 cet, 25 dlo " cetdlo.' ' Or, 14,25414 cet, 25 dlo, 4 bot "cetdlobot." Or, 142,547 14 cet, 25 dlo, 47 fod "cetdlofod."' Or, say. car number 100,009 10 cul, 00 ayd, 09 abu "culaydabu." Cipher Word Cipher Word Cipher Word Aeb 27 .Dim 64 .Hie 00 ..Ayd 28 . Dys 65 , ,Hob 01. Aux 29 . Dni 66 Hue 07 Arg 30 .Eic 67 Hey Ame 31 Eat 68 Hak 04. * Ano 32 .Eub 69 Hyk OS Aup 33 Ewe 70 Tim 06. Ado 34 .Ens 71 Jut 07. Aim 35 .Ebi 72 Jix OR Ast 36 .Ext 73 Jeb 09 1 Abu J&r.::::':.: .Esi .Efa 74 75 Jyc Jri Buc 7 Bef 39 .Emp 76 Jos 3 Bix 40 77 Jlo 4. Bot 41 .Fit 78 Jak 5. Bal -42 .Fub 79 Jab Blu 43 Fee 80 Lin 7 Bri 44 Fri 81 .Lam 8. Bum 45 .Flo 82 . Lux 9. Boj 46 .Fys 83 . Loy 10 Cuf 47 Fod 84 Lek 1 1 Clu 48 Fam 85 17 Cam 49 Fik 86 Lyt 13 Cro " 50 .Gal 87 . -L-JfL Loe 14 Cet 51 Gie 88 Lii 15. ..Cug 52 .Gub 89 .Lub 16. Cat 53 .Ger 90 . Mum 17 Cle 54 Gof 91 Mib 18. CoT 55 .Gri 92 .Mez 19. Cwo 56.. .Glu 93 Myt 70 Dam 57 ... .Gyt 94 Max 71 Dri 58 Gum 95 .. Mok 22. 59 .Gnu 96 Muj 73 Det 60 Hyx 97 Mil 74 Dix 61 Hab 98 Mac Dlo - 62 Hel 99 Mep 76, ..Dox 63.. . Hum Copyright, 1904, by American Radiator Company. 272 Telegraph Code continued Inches Inches ft Cipher Word . . Inattentive Inches 3 Cipher Word . . Irradiate y* . . Inactive 314 . . . . Irrigate A Inability 4 4^ 5 . . . . Irruption . . Irritant Islands y 2 . Inaction % Inanity i . . Inaudible 5^ Isomeric i% 6 . . Isolated \y 2 . . Incarnate 7 . . Isthmus . . . Itinerant Cipher Word . Armorial -) Irksome 8 2 1 A ., Ironical 200 sq. ft Quantity Cipher Word . .Arabic 3.500 sn. ft 300 sq. f t . . . Arbiter 4,000 sq. ft . 5,000 sq. ft . 6,000 sq ft . . . . Armpit . . . . Aromatics Arpeggio 400 sq. ft Arboret 500 sq ft Arcade 600 sq. ft . . . . 700 sq. ft . . . Arcanum Archery 7,000 sq. ft . . . . . Arquebuse 8,000 sq. ft 9,000 sq. ft . 10,000 sq. ft . 12,000 sq. ft . 1 5,000 sq, ft . Arrayed . . . . Arrogant . . . . Arrow . . . . Arsenical Arterial 800 sq. ft . . Ardency 900 sq. ft Arena l,000sq. ft .. Argentine l,200sq. ft Argosy l.SOOsq. ft . . . Aridity 20,000 sq. ft . 25,000 sq. ft . . . . . Artichoke . . . . Articulate 1,800 sq. ft . . . Armada 2,000 sq. f t . . . Armature 30 000 sq. ft . . . . . Artificer 2,500 sq. ft Arminian 40,000 sq. ft .Artillery 3,000 sq. ft Armistice 50.00O so. ft . . . . . Artisan 13 -inch Ht. 14 -inch Ht. 15 -inch Ht. 16 -inch Ht. 18 -inch Ht. 19 -inch Ht. 20 -inch Ht. 21^-inch Ht. 22 -inch Ht. 23 -inch Ht. 24 -inch Ht. 25 -inch Ht... Heights Cipher Word . Headland 26 -inch Ht . . Hearken 27>-inch Ht . . Heartless 28 -inch Ht . . Heather ' 30 -inch Ht . .Heedful 31 -inch Ht . . Heiress 32 -inch Ht . . Helmet 33 -inch Ht . . Helmsman 33^ -inch Ht . . Helpmate 38 -inch Ht . .Hemlock 39 K -inch Ht . . Hempen 44 -inch Ht . ..Henchman 45 -inch Ht. . Cipher Word . .Heptagon . . Heptarchy . . Heptachord . . Herbage . .Heretic . .Heritage . . Heritable . .Hermetic . . Heroic . . Hesperian . . Hessian . . Heterodox 273 Telegraph Code continued Number of Sections Cipher Word Cipher Word 2 Sections Shackles 1 9 Sections Sherry 3 Sections Shadowy 20 Sections Shielding 4 Sections Shaggy 21 Sections Shiftless 5 Sections Shakerism 22 Sections Shingles 6 Sections Shallow 23 Sections Shining 7 Sections .... Shambles 24 Sections Shipwreck 8 Sections Shamrock 25 Sections . . . , . Shirkf ul 9 Sections Sharpness 26 Sections Shivering 10 Sections Shattered 27 Sections Shocking 1 1 Sections Sheathe 28 Sections Shoddy 12 Sections Sheepfold 29 Sections Shoggle 13 Sections Sheepish 30 Sections Shopworn 14 Sections Shekel 31 Sections Shopping 15 Sections Shellac 32 Sections Shoulder 16 Sections Shepherd 33 Sections Shouting 1 7 Sections Sherbet 34 Sections Shoveling 18 Sections Sheridan 35 Sections . . . Showery Supply Steam leg section for single pipe Showman Supply Steam leg section for double pipe Shredded Supply Steam leg section with both supply and return at bottom . . Shrewish Supply Hot- Water leg section Shrieked Blank leg section, Steam Shrillness Return Steam leg section Shrinkage Return Hot-Water leg section Shrivel Intermediate Steam section Shrubbery Intermediate Hot- Water section Shunning Middle Steam leg section Shuttle Intermediate Hot-Water leg section Shyness Blank leg section Shynonter Center leg section Shymight Loop Shymonge Drip leg section Shysomer Tapping Cipher Word 3^ -in. single pipe . Tablature 24^ x 2-in Tableau 1-in. single pipe . . .Taffeta 1 x 2-in Tactiturn 1 x 1-in Tactician 1 #-in. single pipe. Talisman 1# x K-in Taffrail 1^ x 1-in Taintless 1# x 1^ -in Tailoress 1^-in. single pipe. Tangency Instructions Cipher Word 1> x 1-in Talmud 1 M x 1 X-in Tamarind l^x \y 2 -m Tandems 2-in. single pipe . . . Tannery 2 xl^-in Tangling Tapped at "A" . . . Tantalize Tapped at "B" . . .Tapestry Tapped at "C" . . .Tapioca Tapped at "D" . . .Tarpaulin 274 Telegraph Code continued Tapping Instructions Continued Cipher Word Tapped at "E" Tartaric Tapped at "F" Tautology Tapped at "G" Taxidermy Tapped at "H" , Tiara Tapped right-hand Tibial Tapped left-hand .Ticklish Tapped for single pipe Steam as per list Tidiness Tapped for double pipe Steam as per list Tidology Tapped for top supply and bottom return on same end Tillage Tapped for top supply and bottom return on opposite ends Timbrel Tapped for both supply and return tappings at bottom of same end Timidity Tapped at extreme top of first section Timorous Tapped at extreme top of second section Tincture Tapped under radiator, bottom of first section . . Tinkling Tapped under radiator, bottom of second section. Tinseled Tapped for #-inch air valves Tipstaff To have flush bushings Tirade To have eccentric bushings : Titanic All to have detachable high legs, so that the dis- tance from floor to center of supply tapping shall be inches Titmouse All to have extra-high solid legs, so that the dis- tance from floor to center of supply tapping shall be inches Titular Insert blind nipple at top between loop and return leg section * Timiolas Outside thread to be left-handed Timist Style and Kind of Radiators Cipher Word ./Etna Flue Steam Bachelor ./Etna Flue Water Babyhood Areal Sanitary Box-base No. 10 for Steam Babblement " ' " 15 for " Babbling Astro Two-Column Steam Babington " " Water Babillard Cardinal Indirect Balloon Circular for Water Balmify " Steam Balneal 275 Telegraph Code continued Style and Kind of Radiators Continued Cipher Word Colonial Wall, 5-ft., Vertical, Steam Balloting 5-ft., " Water Balsams " 5 ft., Horizontal, Steam Balsamic 5-ft., " Water Baluster " 7-ft., Vertical, Steam Balustrade 7-ft., Vertical, Water Bamboos " 7-ft., Horizontal, Steam Bamboozle 7-ft., " Water Banished " 9-ft., Vertical, Steam Banality 9-ft., " Water Bandelet " 9-ft., Horizontal, Steam Bandfish 9-ft., " Water Bandicoot Corner for Water Bandage Steam . . Bandala Curved for Water Bandbox " Steam Bandeau Dining Room Water Banduty " " Steam Barfeeny Direct-Indirect for Water Barbule " Steam Bardish Excelsior Indirect Water Barilla " " Steam Barkery " Junior Indirect Steam Barmaid Italian Ornamental Flue Box-base Water ..... Barrage " " " Steam Barrier Water Bartery " ' Steam Banvood National Two-Column Direct Indirect Water . . Barytes " " Steam . . Bascule Water Bashful " Steam Basilar " Single-Column Water Batatas " Steam Bateful Peerless " Water Battalia " Steam Baubles " Two-Column Water Batting " Steam Battled Three-Column Water Battuta " Steam Batture " Four-Column Steam Bavaroy Water Baybolt Perfection Ornamental Direct-Indirect Steam. Beamily " " Water. .. .Beached ' Steam Bearing Water Beardie Perfection Plain Steam Beastly " Pin Indirect, ex. Ige., bolt and flge. .Beatify Perfection Pin Indirect, stand., bolt and flge. . .Beating 276 Telegraph Code continued Style and Kind of Radiators Continued Cipher Word Perfection Pin Indirect, extra large, with right and left-hand threaded nipple connections. . . Beauish Perfection Pin Indirect, standard size, with right and left-hand threaded nipple connections . . . Becloud Primus Indirect Bedagat Rococo Ornamental Direct-Indirect Steam. . . .Bedwarf " " " Water. .. .Bedroom Rococo Ornamental Single-Column Steam Beaheart Water Beehardy " " Two-Column Steam . . . Beeyorke^ " ' " Water Beaminx Rococo Plain Three-Column Steam Belcher " " " " Water, with right and left-hand threaded nipple connections. . .Beeswax Rococo Ornamental Three-Column Steam, right and left-hand threaded nipples Behemoth Rococo Ornamental Water, with right and left- hand threaded nipple connections Beehive Rococo Ornamental Three-Column Steam, with right-hand threaded nipples Beldame Rococo Ornamental Three-Column Water, with slip nipples Beggary Rococo Ornamental Four-Column Steam Benirthe " " Water Benoylie Rococo Box-Base Water Benustume " " " Steam Benortile " Window, Steam Belcrack * " Water Beldregg Wall, 5-ft, Vertical, Steam Bolamtere " " 5-ft., " Water Bolshuter " " 5-ft., Horizontal Steam Bolstamp " 5-ft., " Water .... Bolseeping " " 7-ft., Vertical, Steam Bolsistos " 7-ft., " Water Bolsaxtun ' " 7-ft., Horizontal Steam Bolpriter < ; " 7-ft., " Water Bolfriste " " 9-ft., Vertical, Steam Bolfamost " 9-ft, " Water Bolfrinot " " 9-ft., Horizontal Steam Bolfuxtus ' 9-ft., " Water Bolgrater Sanitary S.:hool Pin Indirect, Steam Beleaguer Water Beloxide Stairway for Steam Believer Standard Pin Indirect, 12 sq. ft. per sec., Steam Beloved " " 12 sq. ft. " Water Belting " " 15 sq.ft. " Steam Bending " u " 15 sq.ft. " Water Beneath Sterling Indirect Benefit 277 Telegraph Code continued Style and Kind of Radiators Continued Cipher Word Vento Blast Heater, 40-inch section Bergamont " 50 inch " Berbriney ' " 60-inch " Bergomask Verona Steam Bidental Verona Water Bicycle Window Radiators for Steam Bigoted " Water Bifilar Zenith Flue Steam Biliary " " Water Bilious " Box-base Steam Billiards < Water Billowy Window Steam Biotaxy Water Bipolar Radiator Miscellanies Cipher Word Box-Base with back opening, Detroit Plant .... Machinate " bottom " " " . . . . Madrigal " " back " Titusville " .... Madcaps " " bottom " " " Macrology " New Adjustable, back opening Macromger " " " bottom " Macstought Brackets, No. J Macerated " No. K Macrotous \^ " No. L Magically " No. M Magistracy " No. N Magisterial " No. O Magnesium No. P Magpolard Bushings, 2 inches, reducing to 1 ^ inches Magnate Magnetic 1 inch .... Magnolia Mahogany 1 # " Magnific " 1 " ....Magnify " % " Magnitude \*/2 l / 2 " ... Magpie Flush Mahometan " Eccentric Majestic Carpet Feet, arranged with detachable Malapert Dampers, Floor Malicious Legs, fitted with Detachable high; to make dis- tance, floor to center supply tapping. . .inches Malster Legs, extra high solid; to make distance from floor to center of supply inches Mammal Legs, fitted with detachable Carpet (legsorfeet)Mammoth Nipples, 2 -inch right and left hand threaded.. Manacle " IJfinch " " " " Mandarin Nipples, 2-inch right- and left-hand threaded with hexagon nut at center Mandatory 278 Telegraph Code continued Radiator Miscellanies Continued Cipher Word Nipples, 2-inch right-hand threaded Manhood 2X-inch slip Manifesto Pedestals inches high Manifold Pedestals to make distance from floor to center of supply tapping inches Mankind Plugs, 2-inch Mannerism " 1 ^4-inch Manoeuver " i^-inch Brass (for air valve tapping) Marauder Saddles for marble tops Marginal Tops, fitted with lugs for marble Marksman " " " saddles for marble Martingal Wall Boxes, Detroit Plant Matadore " " Titusville Plant Maternity Ideal Sectional Boilers Water Steam Number Cipher Word Number Cipher Word W-15-4 Society S-15-4 Solnerset W-15-5 Socatrine S-15-5 Soldanel W-15-6 Socinian S-15-6 Solandrie W-15-7 Socoger S-15-7 Solatium W-15-8 Sociable S-15-8 Solarize 185 Socratism 085 Solutive 186 Sodality 086 Solvable 187 Sodomite 087 Solvency W-21-5 Soulless S-21-5 Sparkle W-21-6 Sourness S-21-6 Speaker W-21-7 Sovereign S-21-7 Specific W-22-5 Sokalager S-22-5 Sojamiter W-22-6 Sokemtus ^-? t ?-^ . , ___-_- Sojarstin W-22-7 Sokingust S-22-7 Sojastipe W-22-8 Sokratter S-22-8 Sojumfrye 245 Softness 045 Sombrous 246 Soiress 046 Somnolence 247 Sojourned 047 Sonatas 248 Solaces 048 Songsters W-28- 5 Sommiter f S-28-5 Sonnagube W-28- 6 Sotnologes S-28-6 Sonnextus W-28- 7 Somopitus S-28-7 Sonnighte W-28- 8 Somoruser S-28-8 Sonnamber W-30- 5 Sophistry S-30-5 Sorcerous W-30- 6 Soporous S-30-6 Sordidly W-30- 7 Soporific S-30-7 Sorghums W-30- 8 Sopranos S-30-8 Sorrowful W-36- 5 Solarizer S-36- 5 Sosteeming W T -36- 6 Solixsus S 36- 6 Soscratter W-36- 7 Solmandus S-36- 7 Soscumer W-36- 8 Solegardus S-36- 8 Sosiphite W-36- 9 Solyetter S-36- 9 Sosediger W-36-10 . . o Solgazette S-36- 10 Sosejuger 279 Telegraph Cod< -Continued Ideal Sectional Boilers Continued Water Number Cipher Word \\-4Q. 6. . . Solpugid \Y-48- 7 Solfarine W-48- 8 Sophomore \Y-48- 9 Soricine W-48-10 Sortition Steam Number Cipher Word S-48- 6 Sotadic S-48- 7 Sothiac S-48- 8 Sorrowed S-48- 9 Sorrancer S-48- 10 .. Soroize Ideal Sectional Coke Boilers Number Cipher Word W-2-4 Saltish W-2-5 Saltpetre W-2-6 Salutory W-2-7 Salute W-3-5 Sameness W-3-6 Sanative W-3-7 Sanctify W-4-5 Sanguine W-4-6 Sapidity W-4-7 Sapless W-5-5 Saracen W-5-6 Sarcasm W-5-7 Sardine W-5-8 Satanic W-5-9.. ..Satelite Number Cipher Word S-2-4 Satiate S-2-5 Satirize S-2-6 Saturate S-2-7 Sauciness S-3-5 Saunter S-3-6 Savage S-3-7 Savant S-4-5 Scabbard S-4-6 Scaffold S-4-7 Scallop S-5-5 Scatter S-5-6 Scenery S-5-7 Sceptical S-5-8 , Scholastic S-5-9 . ..Scientific Ideal Sectional Water Heater Number Cipher Word Number Cipher Word W-l-4 Jolliness W-l-6 Joyancy W-l-5, Joviality W-l-7 Journalist Ideal Laundry Heaters Number Cipher Word A-l Kingbird 2 Kingcraft Number Cipher Word 3 Kingfish 1-C Kingtoad Arco Water Heaters Number Cipher Word Number 10 Queenbird 15 12 Queencraft Cipher Word . Queenfish 280 Telegraph Code continued 1908 Premier Boilers Steam Number Cipher Word 1015 Nabatite 2015 Nabobden 3015 Naberhad 1018 Nackernan 2018 Nacremon 3018 Nacritest 1021 -.Nadu-sen 2021 Nadinent 302 1 Nadagamen 4021 Nadrobil 1024 Nankinbel 2024 Nantonvil 3024 Nanperton 4024 Nansenite 1027 Namlinton 2027 Nambytor 3027 . Nammerone 4027 Namgeddor Water . Number Cipher Word 1115 Napkinweb 2115 Naplesster 3115 Nappisen 1118 Narrateld 21 18 Narrowdon 3118 ,.. . .Narribow 1121 Nasalfin 2121 Nascentor 3121 Naspheren 4121 .Nasreddor 1124 Nationed 2124 Nativeman 3124 .Natronesse 4124 Naturged 1127 Nautical 2127 Nautilaus 3127 Nautivor 4127. . . .Nauterman Junior Boilers Steam Number Cipher Word 1500 Cabalist 1600 Cabbagine 1800 Cabriolet 1900.. ..Cachalot Water Number Cipher Word 1501 Cachexion 1601 Cacochymy 1801 Cacodemon 1901 Cacography Junior Boilers or Water Heaters Water Steam Cipher Word Number Number Jubilant 10 Jubilee 12 Judgment 20> s . . . Judicial 22 Jugular 30 Juciness 32 Juniper Cipher Word 201 Jurist 301 Justices 302 Juvenile Premier Juniors 101 .Kangaroo 121.. Keelsons 122 Kennels 151 Ketchup 152 Kinology 181.. . ..Kiosks 281 Telegraph Code continued Premier Boilers For Soft Coal Steam Water Number Cipher Word U 015 Weakened D018 Wealthy D021 Weazened U 022 Weighable D 025 Welfare D 026 Wellbred D 028 Wheatened D 029 Wheedles 1) 032 Whetstone D 033 . . . . Whiffle Number Cipher Word D 152 Wearily D 182 Weathered D212 Whimsical D213 Whipstaff D 242 Whittles D 243 Wholesome D 282 Willfully D283 .'.Windfall D 322 Windlass D 323 . . . . Windburst For Hard Coal Steam Water Number Cipher Word C 015 Winterly C018 Wishbone C019 Wistfully C020 Wonderful Number Cipher Word C 152 Witticism C 182 Womanhood C 183 Womankind C211 Wretchedly C 021 WondermentC 212 Wristband C022 Wondrous C213 Wryness C 024 Wondrously C 241 Wringers C 025 Woodbine C 242 Wrinkled C 026 Woodchuck C 243 Workmanly C 027 Woodcraft C 281 Workshop C 028 Worshipful C 029 Worsteds C031 Wrangler C 032 Wrathfully C033.. ..Wretched C282 Worldling C283 Worldly C321 Worrier C 322 Woolgrower C 323 . . . . Wooliness Portable Boilers Water Steam Number Cipher Word 13 Preamble 14 Precepts 15 Precinct 24 Precious 25 Precipic 26 Precision 34 Preclude 35 Precocity 36 Preface 37 Pregnable 44 1'rej udice Number Cipher Word 103 Pressman 104 Prestige 203 Pretence 204 Pretex 205 Prevails 303 Prickled 304 Priestly 305 Primary 403 Primness 404 Princess 405 1'noiess 282 Telegraph Code continued Portable Boilers Continued Water Number Cipher Word 45 Prejudge 46 Prelates 47 Premium 55 Premonish 56 Presbyter 57 Prescient 58 .. . . Presents Steam Number Cipher Word 504 Prisoner 505 Pristine 506. Prismatic Invincible Boilers Water 120 Indignant 130 Indiscreet 230 Indocility 240 Inefficacy 330 Infringes 340 Ingenuity 430 Ingrained 440 Ingredient 450 Injunctions 530 Innocence 540 Innovation 550 ..Inordinate Steam 113 Incased 1 14 Incense 223 Inception 224 Incessant 225 Incident 333 Incipient 334 . Incisive 335 Inclement 443 Inclined 444 Incrusted 445 Incubate 554 Incumbent 555 Incursion 556 Incurvity Water Arco Boilers Soft Coal Steam 1-19- W Lancinate 1-22-W Lapidary 1-25-W Lastingness 1-28-W Laureate 1-31-W Laudable 1-34-W . . . Lauren tian 1-19-S Laborious 1-22-S Lacerated 1 25- S Lamantine 1-28-S Lamentable 1-31-S Lamelose 1-34-S .. . . Lambdoidal Water Hard Coal Steam 2-19-W Landloping 3-19-W Laumontite 2-22-W Lassitude 3-22-W Lauraceous 2-25-W Laudatory 3-25-W Laurifous 2-28-W Lawfulness 3-28-W Lawgiving 2-3 1-W Lawmonger 3-3 1-W Lawsonia 2-34-W Lawyerlike 3-34- W Lawmaking 2-19-S Labyrinth 3-19-S Labroid 2-22-S Lackaday 3-22-S Laccolite 2-25-S Lamella 3-25-S Lambaste 2-28 S Laminated 3-28-S Lambative 2-3 1-S Lambrequin 3-3 1-S Lambskin 2-34- S Lamellary 3-34- S Lampless 283 Telegraph Code continued Standard Boilers Water Number Cipher Word Number Cipher Word 15-1-W Gaebrinus 25-4-W Gamesomed 15-2- W Gaelinous 25-5- W Garmentur 17-3- W Gainlesso 28-3- W Garnisher 1 7-4- W Galatinet 28-4- W Garrisons 17-5-W Gallantry 28-5- W Gasolines 19-3- W Gallaries 31-3- W Gathering 19.4. W Gallivant 31-4-W Gaudiness 19-5-W Galloping 31-5-W Gaugeable 22-3- W Galvanism 34-3- W Gauntlets 22-4- W Galvanist 34-4- W Gauziness 22-5- W Galvanozo 34-5- W Gazements 25-3- W Gamenesso Fire Box Boilers and Parts Cipher Word Acme Fire Box only Fibrillar ' " " " Boiler witii castings Fickleness " " " " " " and with steam trimmings Fictitious Tapped for Steam Fidelity " " Water Fiducial Front Arch Plate for Acme Fire Box Boiler (No ) Fiendishly Rear Covering Plate and Slide Damper Pigmental Steam Trimmings, complete Filaments Compression Valves, ^-inch Filanders Damper Regulator, complete Filchings Safety Valve ( inches) Filiation Steam Gauge Filibuster Water Column Castings Filigree " " Complete Filtering Fire Door and Frame Fringed Ash Pit Front Friskers Large Soot Door Frittered Small Soot Doors Frolicer Acme Shaking Grates Frontier To contain ( ) tubes instead of regular Fructify IDEAL Cylindrical Steel Boilers Size of Boiler Cipher Word Size of Boiler Cipher Word 1200 Abdicate 2600 Ablative 1500. Abditory 3000 Abnegate 1800 Abduction 3600 Abolition 2200 Aberrance 4500 Abrasion 284 Telegraph Code continued Heating Specialties, Etc. Cipher Word Air Valves, Compression, Wood Wheel, O. S.. . Reaction " Improved Wood Wheel. . Reappear Key, O. S Reapers ' ' Improved Key Rebelled Imperial Automatic Rebounded Lock and Shield . Rebuffed ( ' Straight Shank . . Rebuilded Libra Automatic Rebuking Xorwall Automatic Air and Vacuum. Recapriter Norwall ' Recanning Norwall Siphon Recamier Allen Recapitere Russell Automatic Recasts Spring, Self Closing Reception Victor Automatic, Style 2 Rechoose Asbestocel Rechurge Asbestos Covering, Molded ( . . feet of) Recipes Cement, Plastic ( . . . . pounds of) .... Recipient Asphaltum, Black ( . . . . gallons of) Recitals Auxiliary Water Heater Reckless Beam Clamps, adjustable Reckmann Boiler Feeder, Automatic Recitation Bronze, Pale Gold ( . . . . pounds of) Reckoned " Rich " ( " " ) Reckoning Bronzing Liquid ( . . cans of) Reclaimed Brushes, Radiator Recoined " Fitch Recomand " Flue Recuride Cement, Plastic Asbestos (. . . pounds of) Recognized " Ideal Iron Recopyf y Covering, Wool Felt, Molded ( feet of) Recondite '*. Asbestos Molded ( feet of) Reconnoiter Diaphragm, Rubber Recorders Distributers, O. S. (No ) Rectitude Elbows, Union (No .....) Rectory Enamel ( cans of) Recuperate Floor and Ceiling Plates, Ajax, Black Recurrency " " " Imperial Recusant " Russell, N. P Redolence Plates, B. & C., black Recrement " " " N. P Recreative Ceiling " " black Recruitment N. P Rectangles Gauges, Steam Reelection " Altitude Refectory Japan, Maroon ( . . . . cans of) Refinement 285 Telegraph Code continued Heating Specialties, Etc. Continued Cipher Word Marble Tops for Radiators, Tennessee Reflection Marble Tops for Radiators, Italian Rerluxing O. S. Distributers (No ) Refractory Pipe Bending Forms Regnative Pipe Hangers, Adjustable Regandus Pipe Threading Machines, Borden, Size .... Regramme " " " Toledo Regometre Putty for Boilers (.. . . .lb. can) Regiments Paste, Pipe Joint, Ideal . Regustor Paste, Pipe Joint, Frazers. . Regulate Reamers "Ideal Burring Regigrand " Improved Regummed Registers, Japanned, black Registrate N. P Rehearsal " Plated Reiterate Regitherm, Sylphon, Ideal Rejectom Regulators, Powers' (No ) Relapse Regulator, Sylphon No. 22 Relamper " 42 Relaughed " " " 43 Remorize " " " 44 Rematting Shields, Radiator (with vapor pan) Relentless " Radiator (without vapor pan) Religion Tank Brackets Remmount Tanks, Expansion, Galvanized Steel (No ....). Relinquish (No ) with Trimmings. . Reluctant " Automatic, Wood Case (No.. .)Remedies " Extra Heavy, Black Steel, Horizontal ( ...gallons) Remittal Tanks, Extra Heavy, Black Steel, Vertical ( gallons) Remissible Tanks, Storage, Black Steel, Horizontal ( gallons) Remission Tanks, Storage, Black Steel, Horizontal (with black pipe coil) ( gallons) Remiss Tanks, Storage, Black Steel, Horizontal (with galvanized pipe coil) ( . . . . gallons) Remorse Tanks, Storage, Black Steel, Vertical ( gallons) Remorseful Tanks, Storage, Galvanized, Horizontal, (.... gallons) Renounce Tanks, Storage, Galvanized, Vertical ( . . gallons ) Renowned Thermometers, Straight Reorganize " Angle Repairs Tool Chest, Style A, One Drawer Repartee " " A, Two Drawers Repagnal ' C Repellent D Replicant 286 Telegraph Code continued Heating Specialties, Etc. Continued Traps, Steam, Nason (No ) Reparation Valves, Check, No. 741, Brass Reprieved " Gate, No. 335, Iron Wheel, Brass Reprimand " No. 373, Wood " Union. .Republican " Gate, Norwall Reprisale Globe, No. 178, Iron " Requisite " No. 189, Wood " Union Rescuers " Improved Hot Water, Bonnetless, Quick- Opening Requitting " Hot Water, Bonnetless, Quick-Opening (No. . .) Residence " Hot Water, Bonneted, Quick-Opening (No ) Resistance " Hot Water, Straightway, Quick-Opening (No Resolution " Unique Water Resoplin Improved Screw Stem, Steam Retinged " Quick-Opening, Water Retrapper " Packless Radiator, Norwall Retreatix " Pop, Safety, Ideal - Retrench " Pressure- Regulating, Ideal Retrospect " Steam, Angle, Screw-Stem, with Jenk- ins Disc (No. . . ) Revengeful " Angle, Screw-Stem, with Brass Discs (No . . . ) Revenged " Steam, Angle, Quick-Opening (No. . .). Revolting " Screw-Stem, Steam, with Union Revolture " Steam, Corner, Screw-Stem (No. . .). . .Revolver " to be equipped with lock and shield. . . Revolution Vise, Combination Bench Pipe Revocater Vise, Toledo Pipe Revoluble Wool-Felt Molded Covering ( ft. ol) Reviewers Wrenches, Spud, Style 1 Revoluting " " Style 2 Revamping " Ideal Chain.. . . Revastaton Rogers & Company, Chicago and NewYork 287 YA 06588 HI Jj