GIFT OF ENGINEERING LIBRARY OF WILLIAM B. STOREY A GRADUATE OF THE COLLEGE OF MECHANICS CLASS OF 1881 PRESENTED TO THE UNIVERSITY 1922 EUBCTRIC WELDING CATALOGUE NUMBER ONE THE WILSON WELDER # METALS COM PANYlNc. N EW YORK CITY, U.S.A. OFFICERS & DIRECTORS OFFICERS S. A. MEGEATH President W. E. SYMONS Assistant to President D. H. WILSON, Jr. Vice-President L. G. SHORTHOUSE Secretary and Treasurer DIRECTORS GENERAL CHARLES MILLER S. A. MEGEATH D. H. WILSON, Jr. WHY THIS BOOK IS PUBLISHED HEN it was proposed to cross the Atlantic Ocean with a ship propelled by steam, the greatest English engineer and scientist at that time ridiculed the idea and said it would be quite as feasible to make a trip to the moon (distance 238,840 miles), while men of prominence in the engineering pro- fession, both in England and America, looked upon the early efforts of our pioneer marine engineers, Robert Fulton and John Fitch, as being the product of unsound minds. For ages it was thought welding could only be accomplished by the traditional Blacksmith., with Forge, Anvil and Hammer. But in this, as in many other of the arts and sciences, there has been great strides in recent years. Electricity is now doing for man what steam has done in the past eighty or one hundred years. The railways spent last year for maintenance of way and equipment the STUPENDOUS SUM OF $951,416,485.00 Just how much of this could have been saved by the use of a first-class ^Electric Welding System we do not know. We do know, however, that the saving in One Year will more than pay for an equipment in service. In the following pages may be found details of an Electric Welding System and Specially Prepared Metals, together with examples of possible economies from its use, that should be of interest alike to the Workman, Official or Shareholder. Why this Book is Published 5 Development of Wilson System 7 Superiority of Equipment and Metals . . 8-9 Half-tone Cuts, Blue-prints and Charts 10-20 Specifications of Equipment , . 21-30 Portable Equipments 31-38 Size, Weight and Use of Electrodes and Schedule of Equipment 35-36 Floor Plans and Weights 39-40 Table of Economies and Half-tone Cuts of Repairs Made 41-46 Physical Tests of Welded Plate 47-49 Economy in Operation 50 A Lesson in Preparedness 51 Useful Information, Wiring Formula, Tables, etc. . . . 52-58 How We Have Been Received 59 Statistical Blank Forms 60-61 General Index . 62-63 PRESENTED TO WITH COMPLIMENTS OF Wilson Welder and Metals Company Incorporated DEVELOPMENT OF THIS SYSTEM THE Wilson System of Electric Welding was developed on a large trunk line railroad. Some years ago this road was among the first to introduce electric welding, which proved to be very economical, especially when making quick repairs. Its adoption, however, soon developed the fact that while the most ex- pert operators secured fairly good results on some classes of work this was the exception rather than the rule. Consequently there were many failures, due to defective welds, that bore evidence of dam- age from excessive heat. As these conditions became more serious the railroad officers, after satisfying themselves that the heat could not be properly controlled by any of the electric welding systems on the market at that time, resolved to develop a Welding System that would control the heat, and eliminate the personal equation as much as possible. After consulting various electrical engineers regarding the design and construction of a machine that would control the heat of the arc, with little or no encouragement, the problem was assigned to the Railway Company's Chief Electrical Engineer to work out. After a long period of scientific research and experimental work a machine was produced that could be regulated at any pre- determined heat and hold that heat constant (within approximately 6%) as long as the arc was maintained. In comparison with other machines then in use on the line, it was found that welds made under the same identical conditions by this machine showed far greater tensile strength and ductility. This System was then given more than one year's test on all kinds of railway maintenance work, after which able critics endorsed it as the most advanced state of the art, both as to Economy in Operation and High Character oj Product. The Wilson System ITS SCOPE OF WORK AND POINTS OF SUPERIORITY THE Wilson System, of Electric Welding is the latest and most scientific system now on the market. Machinery from small details to massive parts is readily repaired at small cost. Cast steel, cast iron, wrought iron, brass, copper, and in 'fact any weldable metal, can be welded with this System. In comparison with other systems on the market the Wilson System uses from 33 to 50% of the power required for the same operation. Also, a very material saving in labor is effected, due to the fact that the control of the energy is placed conveniently for the operator, which eliminates the necessity of having to go back and forth between the work and control board. This is the only device which enables any number of welders to work from one large machine without one welder interfering with the work of another. The power is located at one point, where it can have proper supervision, and it can be distributed to con- venient points throughout the shop, which is preferable to having a number of individual motor sets, with the consequent greater cost of operation and maintenance. Attention is drawn to the fact that welding with the Wilson System is uniform. This superiority over other systems is due to the fact that the heat is controlled at the point of application of the metal. In welding there is a critical temperature at which steel can be worked to give the greatest tensile strength, and also ductility of metal. By raising the heat 15 or 20 amperes above this critical amperage a fracture of the weld will show segregation of carbon and slag pockets, which, of course, weakens the weld. If the amperage is decreased from the critical temperature, a fracture of the weld will show that the metal has been deposited in globules, with many voids, which proves that the weld has been made with insufficient heat. This shows that with a fluctuating amperage or voltage, it is impossible to obtain the uniformly high grade welds made by the Wilson System. From the foregoing may be formed a general idea as to the efficiency of the Wilson System as applied to restoring broken and damaged parts of all kinds of Machinery and Boilers without regard to their form, weight, original condition or use a field, by the way, differing widely from its value in Manufacturing Lines. Specially Prepared Welding Metals IN the earlier application of Electric Welding, attention was directed solely to developing the machines employed in the op- eration, and very little to the welding metal used, or how it should be used, with the result that many welds failed, due to the change in characteristics of the metal resulting from the effect of heat from the electric arc. The Wilson System of Welding not only controls fluctuations of the heat at the arc, but also provides metals that are not adversely affected by the heat of the arc. Our specially prepared welding metal is in the form of an electrode and is composed of a homo- geneous alloy combined with such excess of manganese as will compensate for losses while passing through the electric arc, thus insuring a substantial amount of manganese in the welded joint which is essential to its toughness. We also have a manganese copper alloy welding metal electrode which is composed of iron homogeneously combined with such an excess of manganese and copper over the amount lost in the arc as will insure to the welded joint a substantially additional degree of toughness and ductility. W T ith no other system of welding can these metals be used. Therefore, such merit as they possess is only available to those who use our equipment and metals, whose interest in the advanced state of the art we stand committed to serve. We have developed each of these metals to the highest point of effi- ciency through the services of some of the best metallurgists in the United States, and to insure their proper composition and uni- formity, the mills maintain complete records and analysis of each heat. These metals are patented for the joint protection of our customers and ourselves. For details see page 35. Welding Tool or Electrode Holder with Distant Control Switch Direct Current Starter No-Voltage Release Polyphase Starter No -Voltage Release 10 PHOTOGRAPHS OF EQUIPMENT AND SPECIFICATIONS OF DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION AND MATERIAL WILL BE FOUND IN PAGES 10 TO 40 INCLUSIVE 11 Four Arc, or 600 Ampere Capacity, Motor-Generator Set Alternating Current Four Arc, or 600 Ampere Capacity, Motor-Generator Set Direct Current 13 14 WIRING DIAGRAM FOR WIL-SON WELDING PANEL Plug Fuse Post five L/r>e S^ x IK o>f WELDING TOOL AND COMTftOL Ct/fCU/T. WILSON WELDING AND METALS CO., INC. SS VANDERBILT AVENUE NEW YORK CITV . ffTffACED 3- 14-16. PRINT No. Wiring Diagram of Wilson Welding Panel Control Switch, and Electrode Holder 15 3. 4. Wilson Welder and Metals Company Incorporated 52 Vanderbilt Avenue, New York City CATALOGUE OF PARTS OF WELDING GENERATORS AND MOTORS GENERAL DIRECTIONS FOR ORDERING REPAIR PARTS Always give the machine number as stamped on the name plate and state whether the machine is a generator or a motor. Give both name and number of part wanted. Shunt Field Coils and Series Field Coils are shipped fully insulated and ready for assembly in machine. Armature coils for both motor and generator of 1, 2 and 4-arc sets are shipped fully insulated. For 6 and 8-arc sets, separate slot boxes are used and should be separately ordered. DIRECT CURRENT MOTORS AND GENERATORS List of Parts by Number and Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 101 102 103 104 Field Ring. 22 Bearing Bracket. 23 Bearing Bracket Bolt. 24 Winding Guard. Winding Guard Bolt. 25 Bearing Bushing. Oil Ring. 26 Oil Hole Cover. 27 Oil Gauge. 28 Commutation Pole. 29 Commutation Pole Bolt. 30 Pole Piece. 31 Pole Piece Bolt. 32 Shunt Field Coil. 33 Series Field Coil. 34 Commutation Pole Coil. 35 Commutation Pole Insulating 36 Washers. 37 Commutation Pole Core In- 38 sulation. 39 Brush. 40 Brush Yoke. Brush Yoke Set Screw. 41 Brush Holder. Brush Holder Spring. Brush Holder Insulating Washer. Brush Holder Insulating Bushing. Commutator. Commutator "V" Ring. Commutator Shell, Back Part. Commutator Shell, Front Part. Commutator Shell Nut. Armature Coil. Armature Core. Armature Clamping Plate. Armature Shaft. Ventilating Fan. Base. Holding Down Bolts. Terminal Block. Armature Binding Wire. Commutator Cross Connec- tions. Armature Slot Boxes. INDUCTION MOTORS Stator Frame and Core. 105 Rotor Bar. Stator Coil. 106 Rotor End Ring. Stator Slot Wedge. 107 Rotor Core. 108 Rotor Shaft Key. Stator Slot Box. 16 fower- f0c?~o/~ cvise ss Sbr j/?t/vc/?o/? Vo/foye /s co/jsr0s??~ of 35 VO//TS S 100 zoo 300 400 sco 600 700 goo 900 /ooo //oo SPECIFICATIONS FOR Electric Arc Welding Motor-Generator Sets CONSISTING OF Direct Current, Compound, Interpole Generators and Squirrel Cage, Polyphase, Induction Motors GENERAL The machines are designed and built with special reference to the intermittent character of the load to be carried and will be so adjusted as to operate with fixed brushes at any load from no-load to maximum, and will not show any tendency to flash when maximum is suddenly removed. The entire magnetic circuit of the generator is constructed of thin sheet steel plates, castings being used only for mechanical and not for magnetic purposes, thus providing an extremely quick recovery coefficient and permitting the operation of more than one welding circuit from the generator without interference. The commutation will be sparkless under all conditions and changes of load within the rating of the machine arid the set will operate without undue noise or vibration. DATA Rated Capacity of Generator in Welding Arcs 1 2 4 6 8 Rated Capacity of Generator in Amperes 150 300 600 900 1200 Rated Capacity of Motor in Horse Power * . iy> 15 30 45 60 Full Load Speed ... ' / i 1750 1150 1150 1150 1150 Number of Poles on Motor . . 4 6 6 6 6 Number of Poles on Generator* 4 4 4 4 4 Number of Interpoles .... 4 4 4 4 4 Voltage of Motor 220 or 440 220 or 440 220 or 440 220 or 440 220 or 440 Voltage of Generator .... 35 35 35 35 35 Temperature Rise Duty Cycle 50C 50C 50C 50C 50C Overall Efficiencies at Full Load % Load y^ Load % Load Power Factor at Full Load . . Length of Set in Inches . . . "42% 57y 2 66^ 74% 82% Width of Set in Inches .... 14 18% 21% 28 28 Weight of Set in Pounds . . . 1000 1600 2200 4100 4300 ELECTRIC WELDING MOTOR-GENERATOR SET CONSTRUCTION This Motor-Generator Set will consist of a Squirrel Cage Induction Motor and 35-Volt, Direct Current, Compound Wound, Interpole Generator, mounted on a heavy cast iron subbase and provided with self-oiling bearings lined with hard genuine babbitt. The rotors of both machines being mounted on a single shaft of high carbon steel supported on two, three or four bearings, the bearing housing of the set will be of the demountable type so as to permit the easy removal of the rotors. Compensators equipped with a No- Voltage release will be furnished with each set. Machines will be of the protected type and in strict accordance with the Standardization Rules of the A I E E Class "A" insulation being used throughout, with the exception of the commutator, which will be mica insulated. INDUCTION MOTOR STATOB The stator core will be built of punchings of thin sheet steel of high magnetic quality, each sheet being varnished to reduce the core losses. The core will be rigidly held and supported by two heavy cast iron clamping rings which form the frame of the stator all bolts holding these clamping rings together being outside of the magnetic circuit. The windings will be of form wound coils, treated with insulating compound, taped, varnished and baked. The slots of the winding of the Six and Eight Arc Machines will be lined with insulating material of the best quality suitable for the purpose form pressed coils being used in the smaller size machines. The windings will be securely held in place by wedges driven in between the tips of the core teeth and the terminals of the winding will be brought out so that connection to the power lines may be easily made, connectors being supplied for this purpose. Neat and substantial guards will be bolted to the frame to protect both ends of the windings from mechanical injury. ROTOR The rotor core will be built of punchings of thin sheet steel of high magnetic quality, each sheet being varnished to reduce core losses. The core will be securely keyed direct to the shaft between clamp plates to prevent the bending of the end sheets. The rotor conductors will be placed in partly closed insulated slots, and securely riveted and soldered at both ends to short-circuiting rings. VENTILATION The periphery of the stator will be entirely exposed to the air and where necessary ducts will be provided in both the rotor and stator cores, permitting the most perfect ventilation through cores and windings. DIRECT CURRENT GENERATOR FIELD The field will be of the ring type, constructed of laminated steel no castings being included in the magnetic circuit. The pole pieces, also built of laminated steel, will be belted in place and will be so arranged that any field coil and its core may be easily removed. The field coils will be form wound, without metal spools, and thoroughly insulated. Interpoles one for each main pole on the machine will be used for the purpose of securing improved commutation and fixed brushes. ARMATURE The armature will be of the slotted drum type, having a core of thin sheet steel of high magnetic quality each sheet being varnished to reduce core losses. The winding will be of formed coils or rectangular bars, thoroughly insulated and securely held in place by wedges driven into grooves between the tips of the teeth, or by mica insulated band wires, and when necessary by binding wire over the outer ends of the coils. The commutator will be built of hard drawn copper bars, thoroughly insulated with mica and rigidly held in place by heavy clamping rings. BRUSH HOLDER The brush holders will be of radial type, fitted with carbon brushes. These holders have no sliding contacts which carry current and the brushes are easily removable from the machine. VENTILATION Care will be taken to provide ample ventilation and where necessary, air ducts will be left in the cores so that free circulation through the cores and windings is obtained. A fan will also be mounted integral with the armature, providing axial ventilation. WORKMANSHIP AND MATERIAL The Wilson Welder and Metals Company, Inc., guarantees that all material and workmanship employed under this specification shall be strictly first class of their respective kinds and for the purposes used. GUARANTEE The Wilson Welder and Metals Company, Inc., guarantees that Motor-Generator Sets built under this specification shall be strictly first class in every respect both mechanically and electrically, and if after installation any part of the machine discloses weakness or un- suitability for the work for which it is intended on account of defective design, material or workmanship, then, and in that event the Wilson Welder and Metals Company, Inc., will make this good without expense to the purchaser any time inside of one year from date of installation and trial test, provided the entire equipment is operated in accordance with our instructions and advice. Signed. Wilson Welder and Metals Company, Inc. Signed Purchaser Approved .. Wilson Welder and Metals Company, Inc. Approved Purchaser Executed.... 191 . SPECIFICATIONS FOR Electric Arc Welding Motor-Generator Sets CONSISTING OF Direct Current, Compound, Interpole Generators and Interpole, Direct Current Motors GENERAL The machines are designed and built with special reference to the intermittent character of the load to be carried and will be so adjusted as to operate with fixed brushes at any load from no-load to maximum, and will not show any tendency to flash when maximum load is suddenly removed. The entire magnetic circuit of the generator is constructed of thin sheet steel plates, castings being used only for mechanical and not for magnetic purposes, thus providing an extremely quick recovery coefficient and permitting the operation of more than one welding circuit from the generator without interference. The commutation will be sparkless under all conditions and changes of load within the rating of the machine and the set will operate without undue noise or vibration. DATA Rated Capacity of Generator in Welding Arcs 1 2 4 6 8 Rated Capacity of Generator in Amperes 150 300 600 900 1200 Rated Capacity of Motor in Horse Power 7^ 15 30 45 60 Full Load Speed 1720 1200 1200 1200 1200 Number of Poles on Motor . .4 4 4 4 4 Number of Poles on Generator 44444 Number of Interpoles .... 4 4 4 4 4 Voltage of Motor ...... 230 230 230 230 230 Voltage of Generator .... 35 35 35 35 35 Temperature Rise Duty Cycle 50C 50C 50C 50C 50C Overall Efficiencies at Full Load % Load Yz Load }4 Load Length of Set in Inches . . . 49^ ^ 1 A 77^ 79^ 88 Width of Set in Inches .... 14 18^ 21% 28 28 Weight of Set in Pounds ... 1100 1750 2600 4200 4450 CONSTRUCTION The Motor- Generator Sets will consist of an Inter- pole, Direct Current Motor and 35-Volt, Direct Current Compound Wound, Interpole Generator, mounted on a heavy cast iron subbase and provided with self -oiling bearings lined with hard genuine babbitt. The rotors of both machines being mounted on a single shaft of high carbon steel supported on two, three or four bearings, the bearing housings of the set will be of the demountable type so as to permit the easy removal of the rotors. Compensators equipped with a No- Voltage release will be furnished with each set. Machines will be of the protected type and in strict accordance with the Standardization Rules of the A I E E Class "A" insulation being used throughout, with the exception of the commutators, which will be mica insulated. DIRECT CURRENT GENERATOR AND MOTOR FIELD The fields will be of the ring type, constructed of laminated steel. The pole pieces, also built of laminated steel, will be belted in place and will be so arranged that any field coil and its core may be easily removable. The field coils will be form wound, without metal spools, and thoroughly insulated. Both machines will be furnished with interpoles one for each main pole on the machines for the purpose of securing improved commutation and fixed brushes. ARMATURE The armatures will be of the slotted drum type, having a core of thin sheet steel of high magnetic quality each sheet being varnished to reduce core losses. The winding will be of formed coils or rectangular bars thoroughly insulated and securely held in place by wedges driven into grooves between the tips of the teeth, or by mica insulated band wires, and when necessary by binding wire over the outer ends of the coils. The commutators will be built of hard drum copper bars, thoroughly insulated with mica and rigidly held in place by heavy clamping rings. BRUSH HOLDER The brush holders will be of radial type, fitted with carbon brushes. These holders have no sliding contacts which carry current and the brushes are easily removable from the machine. VENTILATION Care will be taken to provide ample ventilation and where necessary, air ducts will be left in the cores so that free circulation through the cores and windings is obtained. An exhaust fan will be mounted integral with each armature providing axial ventilation. WORKMANSHIP AND MATERIAL The Wilson Welder and Metals Company, Inc., guarantees that all material and workmanship employed under this specification shall be strictly first class in every respect, and as a part of this specification, both physical and chemical tests of material used is appended. GUARANTEE The Wilson W T elder and Metals Company, Inc., guarantees that Motor Generator Sets built under this specification shall be strictly first class in every respect both mechanically and electrically, and if after instal- lation any part of the machine discloses weakness or unsuitability for the work for which it is intended on account of defective design, material or workmanship, then, and in that event, the manufacturers make this good without expense to the purchaser any time inside of one year from date of installation and trial test. Signed Wilson Welder and Metals Company, Inc. Signed Purchaser Approved Wilson Welder and Metals Company, Inc. Approved Purchaser Executed... ....191 . Constant Current Control Panel for Welding and Cutting GENERAL DESCRIPTION The general function of this panel is to maintain a constant flow of current between the welding tool and the material operated on, regardless of variations in the resistance of the welding circuit, due to varying lengths of arc, or other causes. The current regulator is to consist of a carbon pile held under compression by one or more helical springs, the pull of which is opposed by a solenoid through which the current to be regulated is passed. A suitable air dash pot is to be connected to the solenoid plunger to pre- vent all "hunting" or chattering, due to the tendency of the plunger and connected parts to travel beyond the desired point. The pressure of the springs is to be transmitted to the carbon discs or plates through a lever, and the springs are to be mounted on a carriage in such a manner that the point at which they act upon the lever may be changed, thereby increasing or decreasing the leverage. The position of the control solenoid with regard to the lever is to be fixed. The move- P ment of the spring carriage described above is to be produced by a small electric motor, so wired that it may be controlled by two push buttons located at the welding tool, or near enough to the welding tool so that the welding operator can use them without changing his position. The panel is also provided with a reactance coil of a size suffi- cient to materially assist the operator in maintaining an arc with a graphite pencil when the panel is used for "cutting" or burning away metal in preparing for the welding process, or other purposes. An ammeter is provided to indicate the amount of current used in the welding process, and a double throw switch of 200 amperes capacity, for use in changing from the welding circuit to the cutting circuit. EQUIPMENT The equipment consists of: 1 Slate panel 30" x 40" x !*/" thick, mounting. 1 Current regulator complete with carbon pile, control solenoid, pressure springs, dash pot, carriage for moving pressure springs, and control motor to produce the change in the position of the springs when desired. 1 200 Ampere Ammeter. 1 Reactance coil of 200 amperes capacity. 1 200 ampere, 250 volt, double pole, double throw knife switch with fuse connections and fuses mounted on front of the board. 1 Electric Vehicle Association Standard 50 Ampere Type " N " Charging Receptacle. 1 Hand tool. 1 Control switch. 1 50 Ampere Electric Vehicle Association Standard Type "N" Plug. 1 150 Ampere Electric Vehicle Association Standard Type "N" Plug. WIRING The panel will be completely wired, in accordance with the attached blueprint. All wiring and all material used in making the connection conform strictly to the "National Electrical Code." REGULATION While the welding operator maintains an arc be- tween his welding tool and the work, the control panel must maintain the current constant within five per cent. (5%) of the mean value, re- gardless of the actual value of current that is flowing, provided the flow is between the limits of 80 and 175 Amperes. RANGE OF CONTROL The range of current is from 80 to 175 amperes. The value of current is under the control of the welding operator wherever he may be working. CARBON PILE The discs or plates of the carbon pile are composed of clear homogeneous carbon, with parallel faces, and to be of uniform size and thickness. CARBON PILE MOUNTING The rods which support the carbon discs, and those which serve as guides on the sides of the pile, are to be covered with an insulation material presenting a smooth no-abrasive surface to the carbon discs. SOLENOID The control solenoid is to be insulated both between turns and between the coil and the supporting frame with asbestos insulations, or such a heat resisting insulation as will positively prevent the coil from becoming inoperative, due to such heat as may be gen- erated in it under the most severe conditions encountered in the use of the panel. V CONTROL MOTOR The motor for controlling the position of the spring carriage is to be a series wound motor so wired that its entire motion in either direction may be controlled by two push buttons located at a distance. LIMITED SWITCHES Suitable automatic control switches, which will stop the motor, are to be provided to prevent the spring carriage from travelling too far in either direction. WORKMANSHIP AND MATERIAL The Wilson Welder and Metals Company, Inc., guarantees that all material and workmanship employed under this specification shall be strictly first class of their respective kinds and for the purpose used. GUARANTEE The Wilson Welder and Metals Company, Inc., guarantees that the Motor-Generator Sets and welding and cutting panels built under this specification shall be strictly first class in every respect both mechanically and electrically, and if after installation any part of the machine dis- closes weakness or unsuitability for the work for which it is intended on account of defective design, material or workmanship, then, and in that event, the Wilson Welder and Metals Company, Inc., will make this good without expense to the purchaser any time inside of one year from date of installation and trial test, provided the entire equipment is operated in accordance with our instructions and advice. Signed Wilson Welder nd Metals Company, Inc. Signed Purchaser Approved Wilson Welder and Metals Company, Inc. Approved Purchaser 30 Portable Equipments POWER AND HAND MOVED FIELD TYPE THIS equipment is mounted on a heavy motor truck chassis with a high power internal combustion engine, which is suitable for use where it is necessary to move an equipment from place to place with its own power. The design is considered a desirable one for the Government in connection with troop trains or Commissary Department, when at points away from railway lines. It would also be suitable around mining plants, and in connection with steamship and industrial work in cities where it is necessary to have a portable equipment. The design is shown on page 37 and is fully described in speci- fication, pages 33-34. This equipment complete would weigh about 8000 pounds, which includes two welding panels with a generator of sufficient capacity to supply them, arid the usual amount of accessories, such as: tools, extra welding metals, etc. HAND MOVED SHOP TYPE For use in railway shops, industrial concerns, or on shipboard, where it is desirable to move a welding outfit from point to point, either with a view of having the equipment more flexible, or for the purpose of favoring certain wiring plans, we have prepared a port- able Shop Type equipment, shown on page 38. As will be ob- served from the drawing this equipment can be moved by hand from point to point, either in a shop or on board ship. The weight of the truck is about 700 pounds, and with a two-arc motor-generator set, two welding panels, and the usual amount of wiring, tools, etc., the total weight would be about 3500 pounds. Our specifications and guarantees on pages 21 to 30 inclusive cover the welding equipment contemplated in connection with both portable sets. 31 THE LAST WORD IN ELECTRIC WELDING Both in the foregoing and following pages we endeavor to present the essential facts with respect to our Electric Welding System and trust we have fully covered the ground. The development of the Wilson System as outlined herein, represents years of research and experimental work both as to design and construc- tion of machines, composition of metals and methods of use. We have not discontinued our efforts in any of these directions and shall not, for it is our intention to retain THE LEADERSHIP IN THE ELECTRIC WELDING FIELD We are prepared to not only furnish the very latest and best Electric Welding System on the market, but stand committed to a solution of such problems as may arise in the progress of the art, and to this end we not only solicit inquiries from ALL our patrons and friends, but extend to them our services in any matter pertaining to the ELECTRIC WELDING ART SPECIFICATIONS FOR Two Ton Worm Drive Chassis, Portable Welding Outfit "FIELD TYPE" MOTOR 4 cylinder 4 cycle 25.6 H. P. A. L. A. M. 4x5 inches. Unit Power Plant. Sealed governor. Only three (3) motor gears; camshaft gear, crankshaft gear and gear for driving water pump and magneto. Water jacketed inlet manifold. Twinned exhaust manifold. Inclosed valves oiled by breathers. Pistons removable through bottom crankcase. Three-inch diameter crank-shaft bearings. Connecting rods inches long. IGNITION High tension magneto. LUBRICATION Oil fed by mechanically driven pump. FUEL CONSUMPTION Under ordinary conditions, will travel 9 to 10 miles per gallon of gasoline. Tank holds 20 gallons. Uses approxi- mately 1 gallon of lubricating oil for every 180 miles. RADIATOR "Honeycomb" type. Special mounting to withstand vibration due to solid tires. Water circulation by gear-driven pump. Belt-driven fan, mounted on roller bearings. Eccentric belt tightener. SPEED (MAXIMUM) High, 16 miles per hour; medium, 9.11 miles per hour; low, 4.77 miles per hour; reverse, 3.68 miles per hour. TRANSMISSION Integral with motor. Three speeds. Gears of best alloy nickel steel. Run on "Timken" bearings. DIFFERENTIAL Is in the rear axle, and is of the accepted bevel gear type. Gears are nickel steel, specially heat-treated. CONTROL Very simple and efficient. Emergency brake and gear shift lever on power plant in center of truck, allowing driver to manip- ulate them easily with right hand, while driving truck with left. 33 CLUTCH "Dry plate" type, six (6) plates lined on both sides with friction material, operating against six (6) plain plates. Very successful type, requiring no attention; been used four years. BRAKES Internal and external brake on brake drums 16J4 inches in diameter. The foot brake is on the outside; the emergency brake on the inside. STEERING Steering gear is on the left-hand side of truck; "worm, wheel and shaft" type, the final thrust to the drag link being through a special forging on a squared shaft which can be tightened. SPRINGS Semi-elliptic: front and rear. Front springs: 40 inches by 2J/2 inches 8 leaves. Rear springs: 48 inches by 3 inches 11 leaves. AXLES Front axle drop forged I-beam. Hubs fitted with "Tim- ken" bearings, complete. Rear axle Final drive through a "worm and gear" rear axle. Full floating, wheel and spring load being taken on the casing entirely, only the drive being on the shafts which are attached to the hub of the wheel on the outside. Worm and wheel are of special composition of the well-known "David Brown" type. The drive is taken through springs, in this way, when starting under heavy load new surfaces are presented on the worm and wheel, giving the drive a flexibility, which may be com- pared to the action of couplers on a railroad train. The mountings of the worm and worm wheel are "Timken" bearings; the wheel bearings are also "Timken." WHEELS Front: Spokes 2 inches, fitted with solid rubber tires 36 inches by 4 inches single. Rear: Spokes 2^/2 inches, fitted with solid rubber tires 36 inches by 4 inches dual. WHEELBASE 144 inches and 162 inches 58^ inches tread. Long wheel base will turn in 29-foot radius; short wheel base will turn in 25-foot radius. FRAME Special pressed steel channel section of ample proportions made very strong and rigid by cross members. FENDERS Sheet steel. DUST PAN Is also sheet steel, extending from radiator to rear of transmission, completely housing all working parts. EQUIPMENT Open metal seat, sliding sidedoors, horn, lamps, spare parts, bumper, etc. (INTERNATIONAL MOTOR COMPANY'S TRUCK DESIGN) 34 WELDING METALS Our specially prepared metal electrodes are, unless otherwise ordered, Gage 9. 5-32, .1483 on list below. FULL SIZES OF PLAIN WIRE Sizes of Wire Steel Wire Gage No. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Com- mon Frac- tions 9-32 1-4 7-32 3-16 5-32 1-8 3-32 1-16 Deci- mally .2830 .28125 .2625 .250 .2437 .2253 . 21875 .2070 .1920 .1875 .1770 .1620 . 15625 .1483 .1350 .1250 .1205 .1055 . 09375 .0915 .0800 .0720 .0625 .0540 .0475 .0410 .0348 Weight One Mile Pounds 1128.0 1114.0 970.4 880.2 836.4 714.8 673.9 603.4 519.2 495.1 441.2 369.6 343.8 309.7 256.7 220.0 204.5 156.7 123.8 117.9 90.13 73.01 55.0 41.07 31.77 23.67 17.05 Pounds Per Foot .2136 '.211 .1838 .1667 .1584 .1354 .1276 .1143 .0983 .0937 .0835 .070 .0651 .0586 .0486 .0416 .0387 .0296 .0234 .0223 .0170 .0138 .0104 .0077 .006 .0044 .0032 (FROM AMERICAN STEEL AND WIRE COMPANY) We furnish the following grades: Grade No. Purpose Used Tensile Strength of Welds 6 Boilers 8 Can be Machined 40,000 9 17 20 Engine Frames, etc. Filling Castings, etc. Bronze Alloy Bells, etc. to 60,000 Pounds These metals unless otherwise arranged for, are of Gage 9, approxi- mately 5-32 inch diameter and are shipped in coils of about 160 pounds weight. When customers order electrodes cut, straightened and boxed, or of dimensions less than .148, an extra charge is made. No Fluxes are used with our metals. 35 A Complete Electric Welding Equipment of the Wilson System Consists of the Following INCLUDED IN WELDER COMPANY'S SCHEDULE OF EQUIPMENT FURNISHED Not INCLUDED IN WELDER COMPANY'S SCHEDULE OF EQUIPMENT, BUT SHOULD BE PROVIDED BY PURCHASER Motor Generator Set. Starting Box. Oil-immersed. No- vol- tage release. Control Panel for each arc of capacity, with Angle Iron Supports and Bolts for fastening. Ammeter on each Panel. Plugs for attaching welding and control leads to Panel. Electrode holder for each Panel. One push button control to each holder. About ten feet of flexible welding cable. Operator's Helmets or Shields. Extra piece of colored glass. Steel Brushes. Supply of welding metals of different grades. We furnish welding equipments of the following size and capacity: CAPACITY Arc or Voltage of Operators Amperes (Fixed) Panels Prices Furnished on 1 150 35 1 Request 2 4 300 600 35 35 2 4 Correspondence Solicited 6 900 35 6 8 1200 35 8 PATENTS The Wilson System of Electric Welding and Specially Prepared Welding Metals is protected by United States and Foreign Patents. 36 Results Obtained from the Use of the Wilson System Having reviewed the development of the Wilson System of Electric Welding and Special Metals, with photographs, drawings and speci- fications of the equipment in the preceding pages, we now invite your attention to certain results obtained from their use both in the matter of High Character of Finished Product and Economy of Operation. No. Examples of Character of Work Involved and Saving Effected Cost Amount Saving See Page 1 2 Reclamation of Pneumatic Hammer Handle .... Car Repair Yards and Maintenance of Way Dept. Saving on three jacks $ .76 44 $3.16 3 26 42 43 3 4 Reclamation of Locomotive Bell (Bronze) .... Walking Beam of Circulating Pump, U. S. S. S. "Dray ton" 2.60 2 25 7.50 1750 44 44 5 6 7 8 9 Building up Flat Spots on Locomotive Drivers . . . Reclamation of Locomotive Cylinder Saving in Expensive Tool Steels (1000 Tools) . . . Reclamation of Freight Car Knuckles. (Per year) Union of Various Sections of Steel, Wrought and Cast Iron ... 2.00 63.48 1.360 4.897 Samples 200.00 401.27 7,360.00 26,000.00 Samples 46 45 42 43 43 10 Variety of Operations possible at one and the same time Multiple Unit 46 The foregoing represent only a few of the hundreds of operations that are being daily performed by the Wilson Welder which result in great economy, both in the items of initial cost and increased earning power of equipment, due to reduced dead time while undergoing repairs. On the next following pages will be found photographic reproductions of some of the operations mentioned. 41 No. 1 Reclamation of Pneumatic Hammer Handle No. 2 Cutting Tools Ready for Welding Points No. 3 Cutting Tool Points Welded on No. 4 Cutting Tools Ready for Use Cuts 2, 3 and 4 show the application of high grade cutting points to low carbon tools Boiler Plate Welds that Never Break Samples of Welded Cast Iron and Steel, Wrought Iron and Boiler Plate Reclamation of Track and Shop Jacks Cost - - $ .44 Saving - $3.26 Reclamation of Freight Car Knuckles on a Trunk Line. The saving in one year on this item alone was more than $20,000.00. 43 6 a 8 '> j c s? I s 1 1 44 Repairs being made with Wilson Electric Welder Fractured Steam Chest and Cylinder Damaged Parts Restored Good as New Cost, $63.48 Saving, $401.27 Reclamation of Fractured Cylinder and Steam Chest on Modern Pacific Type Locomotive Building up Flat Spots on Locomotive Drivers. Cost $2.00; Saving $200.00 Variety of operations at one and the same time. Four operators welding four different metals, each with a different amperage from a single Generator at the same time and without interfering with each other. 46 Physical Tests of Electrically Welded Joints Wilson Electric Welding has been subjected to the severest kinds of tests. Among these are included heat treatment, vibratory tests, tor- tional and twisting strains of all kinds, crushing tests, tensile strength tests, etc. The figures shown in following tables were obtained by taking a piece of rectangular boiler plate 18 by 20 inches, of known minimum tensile strength, cutting through center the long way and welding with the grade of welding wire suitable for this purpose. These plates were then cut into test pieces one and one-half inches wide and tested in the regular way in a physical testing machine. The results shown below are the average of many hundred tests made by this company to determine the proper quality of welding wire to use for this purpose. Test No. CURRENT AREA Breaking Load Tensile Strength per Sq. In. Weld % Elonga- tion in 2 In. Volts Amps Plate Weld 1 35 95 .532 .532 28140 52900 6.25 2 35 95 .544 .544 28250 52000 4.25 3 35 95 .546 .546 30450 55800 7.80 4 35 95 .558 .558 31070 55700 7.80 5 35 95 .555 .555 31200 56200 6.25 6 35 95 .566 .566 31000 54800 6.25 7 35 95 .578 .578 32100 55000 6.25 8 35 95 .585 .585 33050 56500 7.80 9 35 95 .585 .585 30300 51800 6.25 10 35 95 .602 .602 30630 50900 6.25 11 35 95 .589 .589 32000 54300 7.80 12 35 95 .540 .540 31640 58600 7.80 Average 35 95 .565 .565 30820 54500 6.90 NOTE: Above test pieces planed flush with sheet. 47 Test No. CURRENT AREA Breaking Load Tensile Strength per Sq. In. Weld 4. % Elonga- tion in 2 In. Volts Amps. Plate Weld 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 .630 .615 .637 .616 .617 .616 .622 .665 .638 .630 .621 .630 .615 .637 .616 .617 .616 .622 .665 .638 .630 .621 32490 34000 33200 35320 35610 34650 35370 35230 35530 33890 34210 52800 53300 53800 57200 57800 52200 56800 53300 55600 53700 55100 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25 9.38 9.38 7.80 6.25 9.38 7.80 9.38 Average 35 80 .628 .628 34500 54700 7.67 NOTE: Above test pieces had weld planed flush with plate; test Nos. 5, 7, 8 and 9 broke outside of weld. Test No. CURRENT AREA Breaking Load Tensile Strength per Sq. In. Weld % Elonga- tion in 2 In. Volts Amps. Plate Weld 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 .517 .548 .555 .556 .552 .579 .569 .579 .576 .517 .548 .555 .556 .552 .579 .569 .579 .576 30700 30600 30900 30600 29000 29200 40000 40000 40200 59300 56000 55700 55000 52500 50400 56500 55400 55200 9.38 9.38 7.80 9.38 7.80 7.80 7.80 7.80 7.80 Average 35 100 .562 .562 35100 55200 8.53 NOTE: Test piece No. 3 broke outside of weld. Test No. CURRENT AREA Breaking Load Tensile Strength per Sq. In. Weld % Elonga- tion in 2 In. Volts Amps. Plate Weld 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 .610 .615 .599 .604 .611 .622 .592 .602 .598 .592 .585 .610 .615 .599 .604 .611 .622 .592 .602 .598 .592 .585 31360 34840 34640 35090 33810 32680 33840 34770 33620 33010 32830 51400 56600 57800 58000 55300 52600 57200 57600 56100 55900 56100 7.80 9.38 9.38 9.38 10.90 6.25 9.38 9.38 7.80 7.80 10.90 Average 35 90 .603 .603 33680 55800 8.94 NOTE: Above test pieces had weld planed flush with plate; test Nos. 2, 4, 5, 8 and 9 broke outside weld. 48 CURRENT AREA Tensile % Elonga- Test Breaking Strength per tion in No. Load Sq. In. Weld 2 In. Volts Amps. Plate Weld 1 35 80 .538 .538 31540 58600 10.90 2 35 80 .545 .545 29500 54200 10.90 3 35 80 .605 .605 33000 54600 10.90 4 35 80 .615 .615 34440 56000 9.38 5 35 80 .584 .584 33640 57500 9.38 6 35 80 .589 .589 34600 58700 9.38 7 35 80 .590 .590 33800 57300 9.38 8 35 80 .595 .595 33600 56500 10.90 9 35 80 .488 .488 27800 57000 9.38 Average 35 80 .572 .572 32400 56700 10.00 NOTE: In above tests, Nos. 1, 3, 4 and 6 broke outside of weld. CURRENT AREA Tensile % Elonga- Test Breaking Strength per tion in No. Load Sq. In. Weld 2 In. Volts Amps. Plate Weld 1 35 80 .612 .612 36100 59000 9.37 2 35 80 .585 .585 33300 56900 6.25 3 35 80 .605 .605 36000 59500 7.81 4 35 80 .589 .589 35600 60400 7.81 5 35 80 .605 .605 35100 58000 7.81 6 35 80 .598 .598 35700 59700 9.37 7 35 80 .597 .597 35800 60000 6.25 8 35 80 .582 .582 35000 60100 7.81 9 35 80 .600 .600 34800 58000 7.81 10 35 80 .588 .588 35000 59500 6.25 11 35 80 .580 .580 32700 56400 6.25 Average 35 80 .595 .595 35000 58900 7.53 NOTE: Above test pieces all planed down flush with plate; test Nos. 3, 4, 7, 8 and 10 broke outside weld. The above experiments conducted on standard firebox steel demon- strate that by the use of the Wilson Electric Welding process, practically a 100 per cent, efficient seam is secured. ' 49 CCOA/O/W COST (OO $2.00 $3.00 0.89 $4/0 No. 1. EXPLANATORY NOTES Wilson type of machine, 35 volts, 90 amperes, positive heat control arc. No. 2. Variable voltage constant current machine with no resistance in circuit, 80 volts with no load and 20 to 25 volts with load, 150 amperes. No. 3. Constant voltage machine, fixed resistance control of current, 65 volts, 125 to 175 amperes. No. 4. Constant voltage machine, fixed resistance control of current, using 75 volts, 125 to 175 amperes. No. 5. Constant voltage machine, fixed resistance control of current, using 90 volts, 125 to 175 amperes. The object of the development of the Wilson System of Electric Welding was primarily to overcome defective welds and secondarily to reduce cost of operation. There are still many machines of the No. 5 type in service. In a competitive test on a trunk line railroad recently the Wilson System and Metals proved to be superior to others on the following items in welding boiler tubes. Total amount of metal deposited 87.22% Net time per pound of metal applied . . . . 45 . 4 % Kilowatts per pound of metal applied . . .49.35% Ounces of metal per flue 72.2 % This is spelling ECONOMY with capital letters. 50 A Lesson in Preparedness SOME COLD FACTS THE REVENUES OF OUR RAILWAYS LAST YEAR WERE $3,030,346,306.00 This money was earned by about 63,000 freight and passenger locomotives, or an average per engine per year of .............. $48,107.00 Average per day .............. $131.77 THE REVENUE FROM FREIGHT WAS ........ $2,114,697,629.00 This was earned by about 34,000 locomotives, or an average per year of ............ $62,197.00 Average per day .............. $170.00 MILEAGE OF FREIGHT LOCOMOTIVES FOR THE YEAR WAS ..................... 695,276,668.00 ( per year ..... 20,449 [ per hour ..... 2.3 From the foregoing it is clear that the average return from a freight engine is $170.00 per day, or $7.08 per hour, for 24 hours, while if we assume they are in service 10 hours of each 24, then the earning value per hour is .......... $17.00 As there are hundreds of freight engines regularly making more than 3,000 miles per month, or 100 miles per day, then the low average of 1,704 miles per month and only 56 miles per day is the result of a large number being in the shop for repairs. On a certain Trunk line it is estimated the cost to work flues applied in the old way is about $54.00 per engine, per year, while for those electrically welded, the cost is $15.00 for welding and nothing for repairs. Net saving approximately $39.00 per year, and on 100 engines ......... $3,900.00 Assuming the number of engine hours lost, account working flues to be three, and that this is necessary twice each month, we then have 3 x $17.08x24 = $1,229.76 per year for one engine and on 100 engines, loss of earning power . . . $122,976.00 f Increased Earning CREDIT ELECTRIC WELDING j Power ...... $122,976.00 ( Saving in Repairs . . 3,900.00 Total $126,876.00 On this subject a word to the Wise is sufficient. The cost of repairing flues between setting and the loss of earning power of engines due to flue failures can be eliminated by the use of an Electric Welder. No other investment will yield the same returns, but there are many other operations in railway maintenance that will yield to the same treatment and with like results. 51 USEFUL INFORMATION WEIGHTS AND MEASURES LINEAR MEASURE 12 3 40 8 Inches =1 Foot Feet = 1 Yard Yards =1 Rod Rods =1 Furlong Furlongs = 1 Mile SQUARE MEASURE In. 36 198 7920 Ft. 3 16.5 660 63360 5280 1760 320 Yd. Rd. Fur. Mi. 1 5.5 1 40 1 8 144 Sq. Inches 9 Sq. Feet 30^ Sq. Yards 160 Sq. Rods 640 Sq. Acres = 1 Sq. Foot = 1 Sq. Yard = 1 Sq. Rod = 1 Acre = 1 Sq. Mile AVOIRDUPOIS WEIGHT 437.5 Grains =1 Ounce 16 Ounces =1 Pound 100 Pounds =1C. W. T. 20 C. W. T. =lTon 2240 Pounds = 1 Long Ton DRY MEASURE 2 Pints = 1 Quart 8 Quarts = 1 Peck 4 Pecks = 1 Bushel 2150.42 Cu. Ins. =1 Bushel CUBIC MEASURE 1728 Cubic Inches =1 Cu. Ft. 27 Cubic Feet = 1 Cu. Yd. 128 Cubic Feet =lCord 24% Cubic Feet = 1 Perch TROY WEIGHT 24 Grains = 1 Penny Weight 20 Penny Wt. = 1 Ounce 12 Ounces = 1 Pound 1 Pound =5760 Grains LIQUID MEASURE 4 Gills 2 Pints 4 Quarts 31 J^ Gallons 2 Barrels = 1 Pint = 1 Quart = 1 Gallon = 1 Barrel = 1 Hogshead ELECTRICAL UNITS The electrical units are derived from the following mechanical units of the Metric System. Centimeter Unit of length. One thousand millionth part of a quadrant of the earth's circumference. Gramme Unit of weight. Weight of a cubic centimeter of water at temperature of 4 degrees centigrade. 52 Second Unit of time. The time of one swing of a pendulum making 86,400 swings in a solar day. The unit of area is the square centimeter. The unit of volume is the cubic centimeter. Volt Unit of electro-motive force : Pressure of potential. Symbol E. Ohm Unit of resistance. Symbol R. Megohm 1,000,000 Ohms. Ampere Unit of current. Symbol C. Ampere-hours Current in amperes by time in hours. Watt Unit of power. Product of 1 volt by 1 ampere. Symbol W. (746 watts equal one horse power). Horsepower 746 watts = 33, 000 Ibs. one foot in one minute. Kilowatts 1,000 watts. Symbol K.W. Kilowatt-hours Kilowatts by time in hours = 1.341 H.P. hours. Farad Unit of capacity. Microfarad One-millionth of a farad. Written M.F. Coulomb Unit of quantity. Quantity of current which impelled by one volt would pass through one ohm in one second. Joule Unit of work. The work done by one watt in one second. Mils and Circular Mils The one-thousandth part of one inch. Written .001 and usually called one mil, is taken as the unit of diameter, from which one square mil would be the unit of area. If you measure the diameter of a round wire in thousandths of an inch, or mils, by means of a micrometer, and multiply this number by itself, i.e., square it, you obtain in square mils the cross sectional area of a square wire having four sides, each the same length as the diameter of the round wire that you have calipered. Circular Mil (Usually written C.M.) Applies to all round wires and has a value .7854 times that of the square mil. Consequently the square of the diameter of any round wire, measured in mils, gives its cross sectional area in circular mils, without any further multiplication . FORMULA FOR SHOP WIRING A good formula for wiring circuits for electric equipments will be found at the bottom of wiring table, pages 54-55. 53 Examples of Wire Calculations To find the size of wire required to carry 100 Amperes 500 feet with 5 volts drop: FORMULA A p M _ Feet x Amperes x 10.7 Volts Drop 500 x 100 x 10.7 =107X)()0 C _ M _ Therefore the nearest standard wire required as per tables attached is No. which is a 106.000 C.M. FORMULA B To find the volts drop having the distance of 1000 feet No. 0000 B. & S. gauge wire and a current of 100 Amperes. Feet x 10.7 x Amperes Volts drop = CM 1000 x 100x10.7 K drop = 212.000 ~= 5 FORMULA C To find the current in Amperes which a No. 000 gauge wire will carry 500 feet with a 5 volt drop. C.M. x Volts drop Amperes = 10.7 x Feet 168.000x5 Note. Above formulas are correct when the return is approximately Zero resist- ance, such as bonded Railroad tracks, steel frame work, &c. If metallic return is to be used then double the C. M. 54 I ll II ( !i= ft r2 -5 pq uS ill fc-H ^3 3 H O g Q- 1 X t~COCOO5^GOCOGO-'fiO'-GOl>GOGCGi-HiOOJGOCOO5GOCOO5GGOOl>^^O^i^^O^^^l>OGOCDO5G^^GOJ>rHiCOOi>O rjj cd ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ *^ ^ *^ ^ ^ ^" ^ ^* ^"* ^ ^ ^ ^* ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 5 S " ^ s 1 2 x i a X Q X ^^ ^ "^ ^ ^ G^ O G^ O^ GO GO O GO *O O ~^ GO O^ ^ O GO C5 ^ GO i"^ G^ GO GO O^ Oi GO *O ^* O^ O^ ft Wg rfiOGOOCOCOO5GOJ>r-(J>GGOXO!-HOOiO'*OOtOO5GOi>O'*OOr-i-^iGOO5-*O5^GOGCOOiOt*XOOOOOOOi^i^O5aippr-lrHr-lOO"*OOr-lOOtl>S i-Hi-Hr-iQO5OGQOOi-*GO-*COJ>O5O'!jOGODO5S<>OGO i-lr-li-lT-*r-*i-IQ)GO r^O^ i-tQO'* j ^^ o ^. ^? OS O O O5 *O G$ O O^ r- i ^ O GO CO O ^ ^* ^ Oi GO CO *O ^f* GO G^ G^ r-H O OS GO GO t^ t>" CO CO W5 *O *O rHrHrHr-I^Hr-lr-lrH.-l^-IOi 55 1 o o o o | O o | b 1 o o" o" 1-H of o" to" c^ x" GO co O5 X ^ CO X rH GO^ Tf* so. x^ 1 rH rH rH rH 11 g O O o O o o o , b o^ ^ C5^ x^ ^ *^ ^ 1 o ( ^. ^4 1-H X CO to GO O5 05 05 O X GO to CO X rH~ rH GO rH * CO O o O O o o O o o o O o O O o O X CO o o CO o HH X 0) ^ CO X GO X X CO 0* O5 to X O5 o rH rH rH rH O o o o o o O o o o O o O o O o b o^ o^ t^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ o rH GO o* CO GO i 5 O5 GO rH GO GO 05 CO 0, rH rH rH 5 O O o o O O i o O O o o O^ ^^) f^ X o o CO x" 05 1-H co" O5 GO GO GO" CO 1 rH O5 X o" 05 8 O O O o O O o O o O O O O g b o^ f^l to ^^ o CO Jg CO I x" o of GO "f to CO X O5 g O O o o o o o 1 5 O ^ o X .2 GO CO co" to x" 8 05 co" oT GO ^ GO O oT O5 05 CO i CO" GO o o co" O5 o o to" O o rH O O to _c 1 ^ rH GO GO ^ *f to VI JH b o O O O i g | o o o^ O o CO c 1 co" of x" ^T .^r r GO" 05" Is co GO Q^ CO O5 CO 3 rH rH o* * GO GO 1 b o o o o | rH i O O o to O O X BB "2 GO CO O5 ";' 'i' X 1-H ~ J - i GO CO X rH GO CO X J r ^ 11 14 r ~ l .2 ll ^ gS ^ ^ ^0 & ^ JB 3 "2 fe O o O O5 to X g g O o J> 9} ' JiS 11 11 H O 1 t & ^ I s i i 0* GO to CO X USEFUL INFORMATION SPECIFIC GRAVITY AND FUSING POINT OF METALS Metal Specific Gravity Weight per Cubic Foot Melting Point Fahrenheit Value pel- Ton 1 Aluminum 2.67 166.5 1175 $1,000 2 Antimony 2.76 421.6 1160 852 3 Brass 8.40 523.8 1650 360 4 Bronze 8.85 552 1692 420 5 Cobalt 8.55 533.1 6000 4,000 6 Gold Pure 19.26 1201 1935 41,340 7 Copper 8.85 552 1940 480 g Iridiurn 22.38 1396 4280 g Iron, Cast Pig 7.21 450 2200 19 10 Iron, Wrought Bars . . . 7.70 480 2900 50 11 Lead 11.38 709.7 620 120 12 Manganese 8 499 6000 120 13 Mercury 13.58 846 38 14 Nickel 8.8 548.7 2600 900 15 Platinum 21.5 1347 3110 200,000 l(j Silver 10.50 655 1800 1,330 17 Steel, O. H 7.85 489 2600 45 18 Tin 7.35 458 449 840 19 Tungsten 17.3 1078.7 5252 20 Zinc 7 436.5 786 480 SPECIFIC GRAVITY AND WEIGHT PER CUBIC FOOT OF VARIOUS SUBSTANCES Substance Specific Gravity Wt. per Cu. Ft. Substance Specific Gravity Wt. per Cu. Ft. 1 2 Asphalt Brick 1.39 1.79 87 112 21 Lignum Vitae . . 22 Oak Heart . . . 1.333 1.170 83 73 3 Cement 1.42 90 23 Orange .705 44 4 Cement, Portland . 2.90 180 24 Poplar ... .383 24 5 Clay 2.00 135 25 Pine Yellow . . .660 41 6 Earth 1.20 75 26 Walnut .671 42 7 Emery 4 250 27 Alcohol .792 49 8 Glass 2.60 165 28 Beer, Lager . . . 1.034 64 9 Granite 1.8 110 29 Champagne .997 62 10 Gypsum 2.2 140 30 Honey 1.450 90 11 Hornblend .... 3.4 210 31 Human Blood . . 1.054 65 12 Ice .88 56 32 Petroleum . . . .825 51 13 Limestone .... 2.5 160 33 Linseed Oil ... .940 59 14 Magnesia .... 2.4 150 34 Olive Oil .... .915 57 15 Marble 2.7 170 35 Whale Oil .... .932 58 16 Mica 2.8 175 36 Tallow, Sheep . . .924 56 17 Pitch 1.15 72 37 Water, Dead Sea . 1.240 77 18 Plaster Paris . . . 1.70 100 38 Water, Distilled . 1.000 62 19 Slate 2.79 175 20 Quartz 2.64 165 57 HIGH TEMPERATURES JUDGED BY COLORS (Kent) Colors 4 Centigrade Fahrenheit 1 Red, visible in dark 2 Red, visible in twilight 400 474 752 885 3 Red, visible in daylight 525 975 4 Red, visible in sunlight 581 1070 5 Dark red 700 1292 6 Cherry red 7 Bright cherry-red 8 Orange-red 9 Orange-yellow 10 Yellow-white 11 White welding-heat 12 Brilliant white . . 13 Dazzling white (bluish-white) 900 1000 1100 12QO 1300 1400 1500 1600 1652 1832 2012 2192 2372 2552 2732 2912 VARIOUS TEMPERATURES OF FURNACES (Reprint from King Optical Co.) Process Fahrenheit Electric Arc Electric Arc under pressure .... Oxy-Hydrogen Oxy-Acetylene Welding and Cutting Thermit Welding Metal at Tuyeres (B. F.'s) . . . . Metal at Tapping . O. H. Furnace Flame Bessemer Converter Open Hearth in Ladle Soaking Pits Low Carbon .... Soaking Pits High Carbon . . . Gas Heating Furnace Large Gas Heating Furnace . . . Heat Units Petroleum, pound . . Heat Units Anthracite Coal, pound Heat Units Bituminous Coal, pound Heat Units Coke Heat Units Wood . 6200 6450 3600 4350 4500 3500 2300-2800 3400-3600 3400-3600 2800-2900 2800-2900 2500-2600 2200 2400-2800 2900-3200 20000 15000 14500 13500 8000 58 How We Have Been Received The Wilson Welder and Metals Company was organized December, 1915, and at that time executed the first order which was for a single arc welder of the belted type. During the first ten (10) months of operation the results have been most flattering, constituting as they do a strong endorsement of the Wilson System. Railway mileage covered by first order 60 Railway mileage covered by first ten months' orders 57,634 Mileage Increase 57,574 miles Among our list of customers will be found the largest and best railway systems in America reaching from the Atlantic to the Pacific and from Canada to the Gulj of Mexico and to these may be added The United States Government and the two largest Loco- motive Works in the World. THE ABLEST CRITICS HAVE SPOKEN AND WE ACCEPT THEIR VERDICT 59 g l3 H ^^^ A0 S o ^^2 3l!s 4 <3 i s Total Mileage u u H f H 3 ? Q G G P Q C H f H j G ^ C c s n ^ ^ ^ 5 i c C f c 1 a 5 ; H 3 3 GRAND T I g a a 61 INDEX SUBJECT PAGES Title page 4 . . 3 Officers and Directors ^ Why This Book is Published 5 Contents 6 Development of Wilson System 7 Superiority of Equipment and Metals 8-9 Photographs of Electrode Holder, A. C. and D. C. Starting boxes with no-voltage release 10 Announcement of Photographs and Specifications 11 Motor-Generator Sets Four Arc A. C. and D. C 12 Control Panel with List of Parts. 13 Six Panel Installation. American Locomotive Company .... 14 Wiring Diagram of Wilson Welding Panel Control Switch, and Electrode Holder 15 Catalogue of Parts of Welding Generators and Motors 16 Sectional View A. C. Motor-Generator Four Arc Capacity ... 17 Sectional View D. C. Motor-Generator Four Arc Capacity ... 18 Power Factor and Overall Efficiency Curves 19 Electric Welding Cycles (Graphic Chart) 20 Specifications A. C. Motor: General Design and Technical Data 21 Motor-Generator Set Construction 22 Induction Motor Stator, Rotor 22 Induction Motor Rotor, Ventilation 22-23 Direct Current Generator Field, Armature, Brush Holder, Ventilation 23 Workmanship and Material 23 Guarantee 24 Specifications D. C. Motor: General Design and Technical Data 25 Motor-Generator Set Construction 26 Direct Current Generator and Motor Field, Armature, Brush Holder, Ventilation 26 Workmanship and Material. Guarantee 27 Constant Current Control Panel for Welding and Cutting General Description 28 Constant Current Control Panel for Welding and Cutting- Equipment, Wiring, Regulation, Range of Control, Carbon Pile, Carbon Pile Mounting, Solenoid 29 Constant Current Control Panel for Welding and Cutting- Solenoid, Control Motor, Limited Switches 29-30 Workmanship and Material. Guarantee ... 30 Portable Equipment -General Description 31 62 SUBJECT PAGES The Last Word in Electric Welding ^ . 32 Specifications Portable Welding Outfit (Field Type) ... . . 33-34 Welding Metals, Grade Sizes of Plain Wire, Purposes Used and Tensile Strength of Welds 35 Complete Electric Welding Equipment of the Wilson System. Patents 36 Portable Welding Outfit (Field Type) (Drawing) 37 Portable Welding Outfit (Shop Type) (Drawing) 38 Floor Plan D. C.-A. C. Motor (1-2-4 Arc Capacity) 39 Floor Plan D. C.-A. C. Motor (6-8 Arc Capacity) 40 Results Obtained from use of Wilson System (Table) 41 Half-tone Cuts 42-46 Reclamation of Pneumatic Hammer Handle and Cutting Tools 42 Boiler Plate Welds, Samples of Welded Cast Iron and Steel and Wrought Iron, Reclamation of Track and Shop Jacks and Freight Car Knuckles 43 Repairs to Walking Beam Marine Engine, and Reclamation of Locomotive Bell 44 Reclamation of Large Locomotive Cylinder 45 Building up Flat Spots on Locomotive Tire. Four Operators or Multiple Panel Installation 46 Physical Tests of Electrically Welded Joints 47-49 Economy and What it Means 50 A Lesson in Preparedness ..... 51 Useful Information 52-58 Weights and Measures. Electrical Units 52 Electrical Units. Formula for Shop Wiring 52-53 Examples of Wire Calculations 54 Wiring Table 55 Table showing size of wire between motor-generators and welding panels, one to eight in number, and at distances of one hundred feet to one thousand feet inclusive, ex- pressed in circular mills 56 Specific gravity and fusing point of metals, and weight per cubic foot of various substances 57 High temperatures judged by colors, various temperatures of furnaces 58 How We have been Received 59 Blank Form for Entering Statistical Data with Reference to Elec- tric W T elded Flues, Cost, Failures, Engine Mileage, Accesso- ries, etc 60 Work Performed and Economies Effected Blank 61 Index . 62-63 63 MEMORANDUM J. C. & W. E. Powers Print New York UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY, BERKELEY THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW Books not returned on time are subject to a fine of 50c per volume after the third day overdue, increasing to $1.00 per volume after the sixth day. 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