' .AX_ r OF THE CINCINNATI IN THE State of New Jersey, WITH THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE, THE INSTITUTION, RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE GENERAL SOCIETY, GEN- ERAL OFFICERS, OFFICERS OF NEW JERSEY SOCIETY, BY-LAWS, ROLL OF MEMBERS, &c., &c. TRENTON, N. J. : THE JOHN L. MURPHY PUBLISHING COMPANY, PRINTERS, of IN CONGRESS, JULY 4, 1776 THE UNANIMOUS DECLARATION OF THE THIRTEEN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the Powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Crea- tor with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any form of Government be- comes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to* abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes ; and accordingly all experience hath shown, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies ; and such is now the neces- sity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usur- pations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world. He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most whole- some and necessary for the public good. He has forbidden his Governors to pass laws of im- mediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation till his Assent should be obtained ; and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them. He has refused to pass other Laws for the accommo- dation of large districts of people, unless those people would relinquish the right of Representation in the Legislature, a right inestimable to them and formidable to tyrants only. He has called together legislative bodies .at places unusual, uncomfortable, and distant from the depository of their Public Records, for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance with his measures. He has dissolved Representative Houses repeatedly, for opposing with manly firmness his invasions on the rights of the people. He has refused for a long time, after such dissolu- tions, to cause others to be elected ; whereby the Legis- lative Powers, incapable of Annihilation, have returned to the People at large for their exercise ; the State re- maining in the mean time exposed to all the dangers of invasion from Without, and convulsions within. He has endeavoured to prevent the population of these States ; for that purpose obstructing the Laws for Naturalization of Foreigners ; refusing to pass others to encourage their migration hither, and raising the conditions of new Appropriations of Lands. He has obstructed the Administration of Justice, by refusing his Assent to Laws for establishing Judiciary Powers. He has made Judges dependent on his Will alone, for the tenure of their offices, and the amount and pay- ment of their salaries. He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our People, and eat out their substance. He has kept among us, in times of peace, Standing Armies without the Consent of our legislature. He has affected to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil Power. He has combined with others to subject us to a juris- diction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws ; giving his Assent to their Acts of pre- tended Legislation : For quartering large bodies of armed troops among us : For protecting them, by a mock Trial, from Punish- ment for any Murders which they should commit on the Irxhabitants of these States : For cutting off our Trade with all parts of the world : 6 For imposing taxes on us without our consent : For depriving us in many cases, of the benefits of Trial by Jury: For transporting us beyond Seas to be tried for pre- tended offences : For abolishing the free System of English Laws in a .neighboring Province, establishing therein an Arbitrary government, and enlarging its boundaries so as to ren- der it at once an example and fit instrument for intro- ducing the same absolute rule into these Colonies : For taking away our Charters, abolishing our most valuable Laws, and altering fundamentally the Forms of our Governments : For suspending our own Legislatures, and declaring themselves invested with Power to legislate for us in all cases whatsoever. He has abdicated Government here, by declaring us out of his Protection and waging War against us. He has plundered our seas, ravaged our Coasts, burnt our towns, and destroyed the lives of our people. He is at this time transporting large armies of foreign mercenaries to compleat the works of death, desolation and tyranny, already begun with circumstances of Cru- elty, & perfidy scarcely paralleled in the most barbar- ous ages, and totally unworthy the Head of a civilized nation. He has constrained our fellow Citizens taken Captive on the high Seas to bear Arms against their Country, to become the executioners of their friends and Brethren, or to fall themselves by their Hands. He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeavoured to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages, whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions. In every stage of these Oppressions We have Peti- tioned for Redress in the most humble terms : Our re- peated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. A Prince, whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free People. Nor have We been wanting in attention to our Brit- ish brethren. We have warned them from time to time of attempts by their legislature to extend an un- warrantable jurisdiction over us. We have reminded them of the circumstances of our emigration and settle- ment here. We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity, and we have conjured them by the ties of our common kindred to disavow these usurpa- tions, which, would inevitably interrupt our connections and correspondence. They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity. We must, there- fore, acquiesce in the necessity which denounces our Separation, and hold them, as we hold the rest of man- kind, Enemies in W T ar, in Peace Friends. We, therefore, the Representatives of the united States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these Colonies, sol- emnly publish and declare, That these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States ; that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved ; and that as Free and 8 Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do. And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the Protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor. JOHN HANCOCK. New Hampshire. JOSIAH BARTLETT, MATTHEW THORNTON. WM. WHIPPLE, Massachusetts Bay. SAML. ADAMS, ROBT. TREAT PAINE, JOHN ADAMS, ELBRIDGE GERRY. Rhode Island. STEP. HOPKINS, WILLIAM ELLERY. Connecticut. ROGER SHERMAN, WM. WILLIAMS, SAM'EL HUNTINGTON, OLIVER WOLCOTT. New York. WM. FLOYD, FRANS. LEWIS, PHIL. LIVINGSTON, LEWIS MORRIS. New Jersey. RICHD. STOCKTON, JOHN HART, JNO. WlTHERSPOON, ABRA. CLARK. FRAS. HOPKINSON, Pennsylvania. ROBT. MORRIS, JAS. SMITH, BENJAMIN RUSH, GEORGE TAYLOR, BENJA. FRANKLIN, JAMES WILSON, JOHN MORTON, GEO. Ross. GEO. CLYMER, Delaware. CESAR RODNEY, THO. M'KEAN. GEO. READ, Maryland. SAMUEL CHASE, THOS. STONE, WM. PACA, CHARLES CARROLL of Carrollton. Virginia. GEORGE WYTHE, THOS. NELSON, jr., RICHARD HENRY LEE, FRANCIS LIGHTFOOT TH JEFFERSON, LEE, BENJA. HARRISON, CARTER BRAXTON. North Carolina. WM. HOOPER, JOHN PENN. JOSEPH HEWES, South Carolina. EDWARD RUTLEDGE, THOMAS LYNCH, Junr., THOS. HEYWARD, Junr., ARTHUR MIDDLETON, Georgia. BUTTON GWINNETT, GEO. WALTON. LYMAN HALL, Institution. CONVENTION OF THE AMERICAN ARMY CANTONMENT OF THE AMERI- CAN ARMY, ON HUDSON'S RCVER, MAY K)TH, 1783. PROPOSALS for establishing a Society, upon principles therein mentioned, whose Members shall be officers of the American Army, having been communicated to the several regiments of the respective lines, they appointed an officer from each, who, in conjunction with the general officers, should take the same into consideration at their meeting this day, at which the Honorable MAJOR GENERAL BARON DE STEUBEN, the senior officer present, was pleased to preside. The proposals being read, fully considered, paragraph by paragraph, and the amendments agreed to, MAJOR GENERAL KNOX, BRIGADIER GENERAL HAND, BRIGA- DIER GENERAL HUNTINGTON and CAPTAIN SHAW, were chosen to revise the same, and prepare a copy to be laid before this assembly at their next meeting, to be holden at MAJOR GENERAL BARON DE STEUBEN'S quarters, on Tuesday, the 13th instant. Tuesday 13th May, 1783. The representatives of the American Army being assembled, agreeably to adjournment, the plan for estab- lishing a Society, whereof the officers of the American Army are to be members, is accepted, and is as follows, viz. : "It. having pleased the Supreme Governor of the Universe, in the disposition of human affairs, to cause 11 the separation of the colonies of North America from the domination of Great Britain, and, after a bloody conflict of eight years, to establish them free, independ- ent and sovereign States, connected, by alliances founded on reciprocal advantage, with some of the great princes and powers of the earth. " To perpetuate, therefore, as well the remembrance of this vast event, as the mutual friendships which have been formed under the pressure of common danger, and, in many instances, cemented by the blood of the parties, the officers of the American Army do hereby, in the most solemn manner, associate, constitute and combine themselves into one SOCIETY OF FRIENDS, to endure as long as they shall endure, or any of their eldest male posterity, and, in failure thereof, the collateral branches who may be judged worthy of becoming its supporters and Members. " The officers of the American Army having gene- rally been taken from the citizens of America, possess high veneration for the character of that illustrious Roman, Lucius QUINTIUS CINCINNATUS ; and being re- solved to follow his example, by returning to their citi- zenship, they think they may with propriety denomi- nate themselves > gfce ^ocietjg of tftje Cincinnati. "THE FOLLOWING PRINCIPLES SHALL BE IMMUTA- BLE AND FORM THE BASIS OF THE SOCIETY OF THE CINCINNATI. "AN INCESSANT ATTENTION TO PRESERVE INVIOLATE THOSE EXALTED RIGHTS AND LIBERTIES OF HUMAN NATURE FOR WHICH THEY HAVE FOUGHT AND BLED, AND WITHOUT WHICH THE HIGH RANK OF A RATIONAL BEING IS A CURSE INSTEAD OF A BLESSING. 12 "AN UNALTERABLE DETERMINATION TO PROMOTE AND CHERISH, BETWEEN THE RESPECTIVE STATES, THAT UNION AND NATIONAL HONOR SO ESSENTIALLY NECES- SARY TO THEIR HAPPINESS, AND THE FUTURE DIGNITY OF THE AMERICAN EMPIRE. "TO RENDER PERMANENT THE CORDIAL AFFECTION SUBSISTING AMONG THE OFFICERS. THIS SPIRIT WILL DICTATE BROTHERLY KINDNESS IN ALL THINGS, AND PARTICULARLY, EXTEND TO THE MOST SUBSTANTIAL ACTS OF BENEFICENCE, ACCORDING TO THE ABILITY OF THE SOCIETY, TOWARDS THOSE OFFICERS AND THEIR FAMILIES, WHO UNFORTUNATELY MAY BE UNDER THE NECESSITY OF RECEIVING IT. " The General Society will, for the sake of frequent communications, be divided into State Societies, and these again into such districts as shall be directed by the State Society. " The Societies of the districts to meet as often as shall be agreed upon by the State Society, those of the State on the fourth day of July annually, or oftener, if they shall find it expedient, and the General Society on the first Monday in May, annually, so long as they shall deem it necessary, and afterwards, at least once in every three years. "At each meeting, the principles of the Institution will be fully considered, and the best measures to pro- mote them adopted. " The State Societies will consist of all the members resident in each State respectively ; and any member removing from one State to another, is to be considered, in all respects, as belonging to the Society of the State in which he shall actually reside. 13 " The State Societies to have a President, Vice-Presi- dent, Secretary, Treasurer, and Assistant Treasurer, to be chosen annually, by a majority of votes, at the State meeting. " Each State meeting shall write annually, or oftener, if necessary, a circular letter, to the other State Societies, noting whatever they may think worthy of observation, respecting the good of the Society, or the general union of the States, and giving information of the officers chosen for the current year; copies of these letters shall be regularly transmitted to the Secretary-General of the Society, who will record them in a book to be assigned for that purpose. " The State Society will regulate everything respect- ing itself and the Societies of its districts consistent with the general maxims of the Cincinnati, judge of the qualifications of the members who may be proposed, and expel any member who, by a conduct inconsistent with a gentleman and a man of honor, or by an oppo- sition to the interests of the community in general, or the Society in particular, may render himself unworthy to continue a member. " In order to form funds which may be respectable, and assist the unfortunate, each officer shall deliver to the Treasurer of the State Society one month's pay, which shall remain for ever to the use of the State Society ; the interest only of which, if necessary, to be appropriated to the relief of the unfortunate. " Donations may be made by persons not of the Society, and by members of the Society, for the express purpose of forming permanent funds for the use of the State Society, and the interests of these donations ap- 14 propriated in the same manner as that of the month's pay. " Moneys, at the pleasure of each member, may be subscribed in the Societies of the districts, or the State Societies, for the relief of the unfortunate members, or their widows and orphans, to be appropriated by the State Society only. " The meeting of the General Society shall consist of its officers and a representation from each State Society, in number not exceeding five, whose expenses shall be borne by their respective State Societies. " In the general meeting, the President, Vice-Presi- dent, Secretary, Treasurer, and Assistant Treasurers- General, shall be chosen, to serve until the next meeting. "The circular letters which have been written by the respective State Societies to each other, and their particular laws, shall be read and considered, and all measures concerted which may conduce to the general intendment of the Society. " It is probable that some persons may make donations to the General Society, for the purpose of establishing funds for the further comfort of the unfortunate, in which case, such donations must be placed in the hands of the Treasurer-General, the interests only of which to be disposed of, if necessary, by the general meeting. "All the officers of the American army, as well those who have resigned with honor, after three years service in the capacity of officers, or who have been deranged by the resolutions of Congress, upon the sev- eral reforms of the army, as those who shall have con- tinued to the end of the war, have the right to become parties to this Institution ; provided that they subscribe 15 one month's pay, and sign their names to the general rules, in their respective State Societies, those who are present with the Army immediately, and others within six months after the Army shall be disbanded, extraor- dinary cases excepted ; the rank, time of service, reso- lution of Congress by which any have been deranged, and place of residence must be added to each name and as a testimony of affection to the memory and the offspring of such officers as have died in the service, their eldest male branches shall have the same right of becoming members, as the children of the actual mem- bers of the Society. " Those officers who are foreigners, not resident in any of the States, will have their names enrolled by the Secretary-General, and are to be considered as members in the Societies of any of the States in which they may happen to be. "And as there are, and will at all times be, men in the respective States eminent for their abilities and patriotism, whose views may be directed to the same laudable objects with those of the Cincinnati, it shall be a rule to admit such characters, as Honorary Mem- bers of the Society, for their own lives only : Provided always, That the number of Honorary members, in each State, does not exceed a ratio of one to four of the officers or their descendants. " Each State Society shall obtain a list of its mem- bers, and at the first annual meeting, the State Secre- tary shall have engrossed, on parchment, two copies of the Institution of the Society, which every member present shall sign, and the Secretary shall endeavor to procure the signature of every absent member ; one of those lists to be transmitted to the Secretary-General 16 to be kept in the archives of the Society, and the other to remain in the hands of the State Secretary. From the State lists, the Secretary-General must make out, at the first general meeting, a complete list of the whole Society, with a copy of which he will furnish each State Society. " The Society shall have an Order, by which its members shall be known and distinguished, which shall be a medal of gold, of a proper size to receive the emblems, and suspended by a deep blue riband two inches wide, edged with white, descriptive of the union of France and America, viz. : "The principal figure, Cincinnatus : Three Senators presenting him with a sword and other military ensigns on a field in the back-ground, his wife standing at the door of their Cottage near it a plough and instruments of husbandry. Round the whole, Omnia Reliquit Servare Rempublicam. On the reverse, sun rising a city with open gates, and vessels entering the port Fame crowning CINCINNATUS with a wreath, inscribed Virtutis Praemium. Below, hands joined, supporting a heart, with the motto, Esto Perpetua. Round the whole, Societas Cincinnatorum Instituta. A. D. 1783." The Society, deeply impressed with a sense of the generous assistance this country has received from France, and desirous of perpetuating the friendships which have been formed, and so happily subsisted, between the officers of the allied forces, in the prose- cution of the war, direct, that the President-General transmit, as soon as may be, to each of the characters hereafter named, a medal containing the Order of the Society, viz. : His Excellency the CHEVALIER DE LA LUZERNE, Min- ister Plenipotentiary, His Excellency the SIEUR GERARD, late Minister Pleni- potentiary. 17 Their Excellencies The COUNT DE ESTAING, The COUNT DE GRASSE, The COUNT DE BARRAS, The CHEVALIER DE TOUCHES, Admirals and Commanders in the Navy, His Excellency the COUNT DE ROCHAMBEAU, Com- mander in Chief, And the Generals and Colonels of his army, and acquaint them, that the Society does itself the honor to consider them members. Resolved, That a copy of the aforegoing Institution be given to the senior officer of each State line, and that the officers of the respective State lines sign their names to the same, in manner and form following, viz. : "We, the subscribers, officers of the American army, do hereby voluntarily become parties to the foregoing Institution, and do bind ourselves to observe, and be governed by, the principles therein contained. For the performance whereof we do solemnly pledge to each other our sacred honor. " Done in the Cantonment, on Hudson's river, in the year 1783." That the members of the Society, at the time of sub- scribing their names to the Institution, do also sign a draft on the Paymaster-General, in the following terms (the regiments to do it regimentally, and the generals and other officers not belonging to regiments, each for himself, individually), viz.: 18 "To JOHN PIERCE, Esquire, Pay- Master- General to the Army of the United States. Sir: Please to pay to Treasurer for the State association of the Cincinnati, or his order, one month's pay of our several grades respectively, and deduct the same from the balance which shall be found due to us on the final liquidation of our accounts ; for which this shall be your warrant." That the members of the several State Societies assemble as soon as may be, for the choice of their President and other officers ; and that the Presidents correspond together, and appoint a meeting of the offi- cers who may be chosen for each State, in order to pur- sue such further measures as may be judged necessary. That the General officers, and the officers delegated to represent the several corps of the Army, subscribe to the Institution of the General Society, for themselves and their constituents, in the manner and form before prescribed. That GENERAL HEATH, GENERAL BARON DE STEU- BEN, and GENERAL KNOX, be a committee to wait on his Excellency the Commander-in-Chief, with a copy of the Institution, and request him to honor the Society by placing his name at the head of it. That MAJOR GENERAL HEATH, second in command in this Army, be, and he hereby is, desired to transmit copies of the Institution, with the proceedings thereon, to the commanding officer of the Southern Army, the senior officer in each State, from Pennsylvania to Geor- gia, inclusive, and to the commanding officer of the Rhode Island line, requesting them to communicate the 19 same to the officers under their several commands, and to take such measures as may appear to them necessary for expediting the establishment of their State Societies, and sending a delegation to represent them in the first general meeting, to be holden on the first Monday in May, 1784. The meeting then adjourned without day. EXTRACT FROM THE MINUTES OF THE CONVENTION FOR ESTABLISHING THE SOCIETY OF THE CINCINNATI, HELD AT THE CAN- TONMENT OF THE AMERICAN ARMY, 19TH OF JUNE, 1783. The BARON DE STEUBEN communicated a letter from Major L'ENFANT, enclosing a design for the medal and order, containing the emblems of the Institution, Resolved, That the bald eagle, carrying the emblems on its breast, be established as the order of the Society, and that the ideas of Major L'ENFANT, respecting it and the manner of its being worn by the members, be adopted. That the order be of the same size, and in every other respect conformable to the said design, which for that purpose is certified by the BARON DE STEUBEN, President of this Convention, and to be de- posited in the archives of the Society, as the original, from which all copies are to be made. Also, that silver medals, not exceeding the size of a Spanish milled dollar, with the emblems, as designed by Major L'ENFANT, and certified by the President, be given to each and every member of the Society, together with a diploma, on parchment, whereon shall be impressed the exact figures of the order and medal, as above-men- tioned ; anything in the original Institution, respecting gold medals, to the contrary notwithstanding. Major L'ENFANT'S letter is as follows : 21 PHILADELPHIA, 10th June, 1783. "My General : Immediately on receiving your letter of the 20th May, which I met by accident at the post office, on the 7th inst., I set myself about the plan of the medal. I send you both faces of the design, which I have made large, so that you may better judge of them. In the execution they can be reduced to a con- venient size, which, on account of the precision required in the design, ought not to be less than a dollar, the subject being too complex to admit of its being properly detailed in a smaller compass. " I have not made it oval, agreeably to your desire, as such a form is not proper for a medal ; besides, it can be done in the execution, if the idea should be persisted in of having the order in that form, to which, however, I think any other preferable. I also believe and hope that you will be persuaded of this ? and endeavor to convince the gentlemen of it who compose the commit- tee for forming the Institution, and to whom I beg you to communicate the following observations : "A medal, whether round or oval, is considered in the different states of Europe, only as a reward of the laborer and the artist, or as a sign of a manufacturing community, or religious society ; besides, the abusive custom prevailing particularly in Germany and Italy, of sending to France mountebanks, dancers and musi- cians, ornamented in this manner, renders it necessary to distinguish this order by a form which shall be pecu- liar to itself, and which will answer the two-fold pur- pose of honoring those invested with it, and making itself respected for its simplicity, by such as may be in a situation minutely to examine its different parts. 22 " Not that I suppose one form or another will change the opinion of a republican people, accustomed to think ; I only say, that in an institution of this sort, the main design should be to render it respectable to everybody, and that it is only in appealing to the senses that you can engage the attention of the common people, who have certain habitual prejudices which cannot be de- stroyed. A gentleman already invested with any Euro- pean order would be unwilling to carry a medal, but if, flattered by receiving a mark of distinction from a respectable society, he should do it, the manner of it would by no means increase the value of the order. On the contrary, giving it a new and particular form will be adding a recommendation to its real value, and engage those invested with it to wear it in the same manner as their other military orders, which is the surest means of putting it at once upon a footing with them. " The bald eagle, which is peculiar to this continent, and is distinguished from those of other climates by its white head and tail, appears to me to deserve attention. "I send you two essays which I have made, and desire one of them may be adopted instead of the medal. In one, I make the eagle supporting a star with thirteen points, in the centre of which is the figure of the medal, with its inscriptions, as well in front as on the reverse. A legend might be added in the claws and go round the neck of the eagle, with a particular inscription, or the contour of the medal transferred there. In the other, I have made simply the eagle, supporting on its breast the figure of the medal, with a legend in his claws and about the neck, which passes behind and sus- tains the reverse. I would prefer the latter, as it does 23 not resemble any other order, and bears a distinct char- acter ; nor will it be expensive in its execution. The first device, although more complex, would not be so dear as people might imagine, especially if the execu- tion of it should be committed to skillful persons, which would not be the case any more than with the medal, but by sending it to Europe, where it would not take up a great deal of time, nor be so expensive as to trust the execution of it here to workmen not well acquainted with the business. "A medal is a monument to be transmitted to pos- terity; and, consequently, it is necessary that it be exe- cuted to the highest degree of perfection possible in the age in which it is struck. Now, to strike a medal well, is a matter that requires practice and a good die ; and as there is not here either a press proper for this work, nor people who can make a good die, I would willingly undertake to recommend the execution of the medal, the eagle, or the order, to such persons in Paris as are capable of executing it to perfection. "So far from proposing to change the oval medal into an eagle, on which should be impressed the medal, I do not pretend to say medals cannot be made. On the contrary, my idea of the subject is that silver medals should be struck, at the common expense of the Society, and distributed, one to each member, as an appendage to a diploma of parchment, whereon it would be proper to stamp the figure of the medal, the eagle, or the star, in its full dimensions, and properly colored, enjoining on the members to conform to it, though leav- ing them the liberty, provided it be at their own ex- pense, of having it made of such metal and as small as they please, without altering any of the emblems. It 24 seems to me by no means proper that the honorary members should wear the order in the same manner as the original members ; it would be necessary that they should wear the medal, the star, or the eagle, round their necks, and the original members at the third button-hole. "These remarks, I beg you, my General, to have translated and submitted to the gentlemen concerned. I shall be obliged to you to let me know the issue of this letter, and their decision upon it. " I have, etc., etc., etc., " L'ENFANT. "JN". B. The head and tail of the eagle should be silver, or enamelled in white, the body and wings gold, the medal on its breast and back enamelled in the same color as the legend ; sprigs of laurel and oak might be added in the wings enamelled in green ; the star should be pointed in gold, or enamelled in blue and white ; those who would be at the expense might, instead of white, have diamonds. The riband, as is customary in all orders, should be watered." Resolved, That the thanks of this Convention be transmitted, by the President, to Major L'ENFANT, for his care and ingenuity in preparing the aforementioned designs, and that he be acquainted that they cheerfully embrace his offer of assistance, and request a continu- ance of his attention in carrying the designs into exe- cution, for which purpose the President is desired to correspond with him. ffice*s of tfce ^ ociettj of tlxc Cincinnati. Presidents- General. 1783. GEORGE WASHINGTON, of Virginia. 1800. ALEXANDER HAMILTON, of New York. 1805. CHARLES COTESWORTH PINCKNEY, of South Carolina. 1825. THOMAS PINCKNEY, of South Carolina. 1829. AARON OGDEN, of New Jersey. 1839. MORGAN LEWIS, of New York. 1844. WILLIAM POPHAM, of New York. 1848. HENRY ALEXANDER SCAMMELL DEARBORN, of Massachu- setts. 1854 HAMILTON FISH, of New York. 1896. WILLIAM WAYNE, of Pennsylvania. Vice- Presidents- General, 1784. HORATIO GATES, of Virginia. 1787. THOMAS MIFFLIN, of Pennsylvania. 1799. ALEXANDER HAMILTON, of New York. 1800. CHARLES COTESWORTH PINCKNEY, of South Carolina. 1805. HENRY KNOX, of Massachusetts. 1811. JOHN BROOKS, of Massachusetts. 1825. AARON OGDEN, of New Jersey. 1829. MORGAN LEWIS, of New York. 1839. WILLIAM SHUTE, of New Jersey. 1844. HORACE BINNEY, of Pennsylvania. 1848. HAMILTON FISH, of New York. 1854. CHARLES STEWART DAVEIS, of Massachusetts. 1866. JAMES WARREN SEVER, of Massachusetts. 1872. JAMES SIMONS, of South Carolina. 26 1881. WILLIAM ARMSTRONG IRVINE, of Pennsylvania. 1887. ROBERT MILLIGAN MOL/ANE, of Maryland. 1896. WINSLOW WARREN, of Massachusetts. Secretaries- General. 1783. HENRY KNOX, of Massachusetts. 1799. WILLIAM JACKSON, of Pennsylvania. 1829. ALEXANDER W. JOHNSTON, of Pennsylvania. 1857. THOMAS McEuEN, of Pennsylvania. 1875. GEORGE WASHINGTON HARRIS, of Pennsylvania. 1884. ASA BIRD GARDINER, of Rhode Island. Assistant Secretaries- General. 1784. OTHO HOLLAND WILLIAMS, of Maryland. 1787. GEORGE TURNER, of South Carolina. 1790. WILLIAM MCPHERSON, of Pennsylvania. 1799. NATHAN DORSEY, of Pennsylvania. 1802. WILLIAM DENT BEALL, of Maryland. 1825. JOHN MARKLAND, of Pennsylvania. 1829. THOMAS McEuEN, of Pennsjdvania. 1857. GEORGE WASHINGTON HARRIS, of Pennsylvania. 1875. RICHARD IRVING MANNING, of Maryland. 1890. THOMAS PINCKNEY LOWNDES, of South Carolina. 1896. NICHOLAS FISH, of New York. Treasurers- General. 1783. ALEXANDER McDouGALL, of New York. 1796. WILLIAM JACKSON, of Pennsylvania. 1799. WILLIAM MCPHERSON, of Pennsylvania. 1825. ALLEN McL/ANE, of Pennsylvania. 1832. JOHN MARKLAND, of Pennsylvania. 1838. JOSEPH WARREN SCOTT, of New Jersey. 1872. TENCH TILGHMAN, of Maryland. 1875. ALEXANDER HAMILTON, JR., of New York. 1881. JOHN SCHUYLER, of New York. 1896. RICHARD MEREDITH MCSHERRY, of Maryland. 27 Assistant Treasurers- General. 1825. ALEXANDER W. JOHNSTON, of Pennsylvania. 1829. JOHN MARKLAND, of Pennsylvania. 1832. JOSEPH WARREN SCOTT, of New Jersey. 1838. WILLIAM JACKSON, of Pennsylvania. 1851. JOHN HENRY MARKLAND, of Pennsylvania. 1863. JOHN MCDOWELL, of New Jersey. 1872. WILLIAM BERRIAN DAYTON, of New Jersey. 1881. HERMAN BURGIN, of New Jersey. 1893. HENRY THAYER DROWNE, of Rhode Island. llxc ^eal of tlxe jlociety; iu ttxc ^tatc of EXTRACT FROM THE REPORT OF PRESIDENT JOSEPH BLOOMFIELD, MADE TO THE SOCIETY AT ELIZABETOWN JULY 4, 1809. "The Principal figure Cincinnatus. The Time, when his Country no longer needed his exertions in Arms. "His Sword and Shield, ornamented with an Eagle, are thrown aside, to which he is pointing, with one hand and with the other taking hold of the Plough ; intimating that he has given up his high Military Employments ; became a private citizen, and devoted himself to the pursuits of Agriculture. "On a Scroll, above Cincinnatus, is inscribed the 'Reward of Virtue,' 'Virtutis- Premium' ; ornamented with Roses, as Emblematical of the Beauty and fragrance of Virtuous Actions which like the fragrance of the Rose remains after death. "A fortified City and Harbour, with an Ancient Galley in view ; distant mountains, with a rising Sun." (Dvgam^atiou of tfts Society in tfce jitate of Ueiu gersey. EXTRACT FROM THE MINUTES OF THE SOCIETY OF THE CINCINNATI IN THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY. ELIZABETHTOWN, llth June, 1783. The officers of the New Jersey Line being about to return to their respective places of abode, were requested by General DAYTON, to convene, for the purpose of con- sidering the Institution of the Society of the Cincinnati, and, after some time spent thereon, they resolved unani- mously to become members, and subscribed the Institu- tion accordingly. The Society then proceeded to the election of officers, to continue till the next meeting, and the following gentlemen were elected : General ELTAS DAYTON, President. Lieutenant Col. JONATHAN FORMAN, Vice- President. Reverend ANDREW HUNTER, Secretary. Major RICHARD Cox, Treasurer. Doctor EBENEZER ELMER, Assistant Treasurer. The Society then adjourned to meet at Princeton, the 22d day of September next. pixies 0f tftc Society of tfte incitwati in tlxc jitate 0f Ucxxr Jersey. BY-LAWS. MEETINGS. SEC. I. The annual meeting of the Society shall be held on the 4th day of July. Such other stated meetings may be held as shall be ordered by the Society. To the banquets given at any stated meeting, four (4) guests may be invited by the Committee of Arrangements and three (3) by the President ; these seven (7) guests to include the speakers, and to dine at the expense of the Society. Extraordinary or special meetings may be called by the President, or, in the event of his death, absence, or inability to act, by the Vice-President, and shall also be called upon the written request of ten (10) members of the Society. No business shall be transacted at extraordinary or special meetings except such as shall be mentioned in the call therefor. QUORUM. SEC. II. Twelve (12) hereditary members shall constitute a quorum. ORDER OF BUSINESS. SEC. III. The order of business at the annual meeting shall be : 1. Prayer. 2. Roll call. 3. Reading of the minutes. 4. Reports of the President, Secretary, Treasurer, Stand- ing Committee and Special Committees. 5. Unfinished business. 6. New business. 7. Election of officers. OFFICERS. SEC. IV. The officers of the Society shall be a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary, an Assistant Secretary, a Treasurer, an Assistant Treasurer, and a Chaplain, who- 31 shall be elected, by a ballot, at the annual meeting, to serve for one year or until their successors are chosen, and shall be members of the Standing Committee provided for in Section IX. The official headquarters of the Society shall be in the State of New Jersey, and the President, the Secre- tary (when the Secretary now in office shall cease to serve) and the Treasurer shall be residents of the State of New Jersey. DELEGATES TO THE GENERAL SOCIETY. SEC. V. At each annual meeting, five (5) delegates and five (5) alternates shall be elected, by ballot, to represent the Society at such meetings of the General Society as may be held during the ensuing year. PRESIDING OFFICER. SEC. VI. The President, or, in his absence, the Vice- President, shall preside at all meetings of the Society, and such meetings shall be conducted in accordance with Rob- erts' Rules of Order. In the event of the absence of the President and Vice-President, the meeting shall elect a Chairman. The President shall be ex officio a member of all committees. DUTIES OF THE SECRETARY. SEC. VII. The Secretary shall have the custody of the seal, books and papers of the Society, and shall record the minutes of all meetings in a book to be kept for that pur- pose ; he shall record the dates of the death of members, the names of their successors, with the dates of their admis- sion, the various National, State or Society offices held by them, and such other memoranda of their histories as he may be able to obtain. DUTIES OF THE TREASURER. SEC. VIII. The Treasurer shall receive and have charge of all moneys (except the permanent fund provided for in Section X.) belonging to the Society, whether interest on the permanent fund or from other sources ; he shall deposit all moneys received in such New Jersey bank or trust com- 32 pany, allowing interest on the daily balance to its credit, as may be designated by the Standing Committee ; he shall pay only such bills as shall have first been approved in writing by the President, and shall pay the same only by check, countersigned by the President. The Treasurer shall keep regular accounts, and present them before the annual meeting, and at other times if required, to the Standing Committee for audit. STANDING COMMITTEE. SEC. IX. There shall be a Standing Committee, which shall be elected annually, and shall be composed of seven (7) members of the Society and the general officers named in Section IV., whose duty it shall be to take charge of the general affairs of the Society, and of such special matters as may be referred to it, or which may be of special interest to the Society ; to examine all claims and authorize the payment of such as are proved to be just ; to recommend to the Society such donations to the families of deceased mem- bers as investigation may show to be necessary and proper, and to fill vacancies for unexpired terms of all offices becoming vacant by death, resignation or other reason. It shall have power to invest, call in and re-invest any of the moneys belonging to the Society, and shall audit the accounts of the Treasurer before each annual meeting. It shall elect a Chairman, who shall preside at its meetings. The Secretary of the Society shall be the Secretary of the Standing Committee. DEPOSITARY FOR SECURITIES. SEC. X. At each annual meeting of the Society, a trust company shall be selected as a depositary for securities owned by the Society. Such trust company, under the instructions and subject to the orders of the Standing Com- mittee, shall have the care of the securities of the Society, which shall be registered in the name of the Standing Committee as Trustee for the Society of the Cincinnati in the State of New Jersey ; and at the meeting of the Stand- ing Committee immediately preceding the annual meeting of the Society, three (3) members of the said committee, one of whom shall be the President, shall be appointed to 33 represent the Standing Committee for the year following in its business with said trust company, and the Secretary of the Society shall, under the seal of the Society, notify the said trust company of the appointment of such Executive Committee. TERM OF OFFICE. SEC. XI. All officers, delegates, alternates, and members of committees, shall continue in their respective authorities until others are elected or appointed in their stead. INVESTMENTS. SEC. XII. All investments shall be in the securities of the United States or of the State of New Jersey, or as specially authorized by the Standing Committee. DEBATES. SEC. XIII. The members of the Society shall be bound in honor to keep secret any matter offered in debate, or any individual opinion expressed relating to the admission of members. HONORARY MEMBERS. SEC. XIV. Honorary members, or those applying under the provisions of Rule II., must be proposed at the annual meeting previous to that at which they are to be balloted for. All elections shall be by ballot, and five (5) negative votes shall be considered as a rejection of any candidate. Honorary members shall be entitled to all the privileges of regular members, except those of holding office and of voting : they shall have no interest in the funds of the Society, and no right of succession shall attach to their membership. If any honorary member shall refuse or neglect to attend two (2) successive annual meetings of the Society, and no satisfactory reason shall be assigned for the same, such refusal or neglect shall be construed to be ipso facto a resignation of his membership, and the Society may thereupon proceed to declare his membership to have ceased. A copy of this by-law shall be sent to each honorary member. 34 BELIEF. SEC. XV. All applications for relief or allowance from this State Society shall be made in writing and addressed to the Standing Committee ; and such application must show that the party so applying or applied for is in neces- sitous circumstances and worthy of relief. COMMITTEE OF ARRANGEMENTS. SEC. XVI. At each annual meeting the Society shall elect a committee of three (3) members, whose duty it shall be to select the place of the next meeting and to attend to the necessary arrangements. SEC. XVII. No by-law or rule shall be altered or repealed unless such proposed change or repeal shall have been pro- posed at the previous annual meeting, and be agreed to by a vote of two-thirds of the members present. CUSTOMS OF THE SOCIETY. SEC. XVIII. The ancient customs of the Society shall remain unimpaired. SEC. XIX. All by-laws inconsistent herewith, heretofore adopted, are hereby repealed. RULES. I. Where there are male descendants of an original mem ber in the male line, the right of membership belongs to the eldest male heir of the eldest male line, but where the male line is extinct, the Society may determine which of the female line shall have the representation ; and where there are no lineal descendants of an original member, a descendant of a brother or sister of the original member may succeed to the representation. Upon the death of a member, the right of succession shall descend to his eldest heir in the male line, and if the person upon whom 35 devolves the succession, being of full age, shall fail to apply for his membership within two (2) years, he shall be notified by the Secretary at his last-known place of resi- dence (a copy of this rule accompanying such notification), and if within a year thereafter he declines or omits to make said application, the right of succession may, at the option of the Society, be offered to his next male heir ; and if he also declines or omits to avail himself of the offer within a year, the Society may determine which, if any, of the other descendants of the original member shall succeed to the representation ; provided, however, if the next male heir of the person regularly entitled to the succession be a minor, the eligibility to membership being vested in him, such membership shall remain in abeyance until such disability shall cease. II. The lineal descendants of officers of the army or navy of the Revolution, w r hose records are unsullied, who did not join the Society at its institution, and who are unrepre- sented in the Society, may be admitted to membership in this State Society, but such representation shall be upon the following conditions : Each applicant shall furnish satisfactory evidence of his good character and moral worth, and shall pay into the treasury of the Society the sum of five hundred dollars ($500). III. Any person claiming membership shall make written application to the Standing Committee, stating clearly his claim. The committee shall examine the same, and, after receiving such proof as it thinks proper in its support, shall report to the Society its opinion in writing. The Society reserves to itself the right to reject or pass over any application where it is deemed best for its interest to do so. IV. No elections for members shall be held except at the annual meetings. V. None but males of full age shall be admitted to membership. The eligibility to membership in succession devolving upon a minor, shall be deemed vested in such minor, and such membership shall remain in abeyance until the disability cease or be terminated as provided for in Rule I. fficevs 0f tTxe jBatietg erf tfte Cincinnati in tfte Static of fj Presidents. 1783. ELIAS DAYTON. 1808. JOSEPH BLOOMFIELD. 1824. AARON OGDEN. 1839. EBENEZER ELMER. 1840. WILLIAM SHUTE. 1842. EBENEZER ELMER. 1844. JOSEPH WARREN SCOTT. 1871. Lucius QUINTIUS CINCINNATUS ELMER. 1883. CLIFFORD STANLEY SIMS. 1896. WILLIAM SCUDDER STRYKER. ' Vice- Presidents. 1783. JONATHAN FORMAN. 1783. DAVID BREARLEY. 1791. DAVID FORMAN. 1793. JOSEPH BLOOMFIELD. 1808. JOHN NOBLE GUMMING. 1822. JEREMIAH BALLARD. 1824. EBENEZER ELMER. 1838. WILLIAM SHUTE. 1840. JOSEPH WARREN SCOTT. 1842. WILLIAM CHETWOOD DE HART. 1848. GEORGE CUMINS THOMAS. 1862. Lucius QUINTIUS CINCINNATUS ELMER. 1871. CHARLES CLINTON BEATTY. 1883. WILLIAM BOWEN BUCK. 37 Secretaries. 1783. ANDREW HUNTER. 1790. JAMES FRANCIS ARMSTRONG. 1797. ANDREW HUNTER. 1811. GEORGE CLINTON BARBER. 1829. PHILIP CORTLANDT HAY. 1830. JOHN JAY PLUME. 1833. ROBERT HEDDEN GUMMING. 1850. LUTHER HALSEY. 1852. FRANCIS BARBER. 1857. WILLIAM BOWEN BUCK. 1867. WILLIAM BERRIAN DAYTON. 1875. FRANCIS BARBER OGDEN. 1891. WILLIAM CHETWOOD SPENCER. 1895. WESSEL TEN BROECK STOUT IMLAY. Assistant Secretaries. 1873. FRANCIS BARBER OGDEN. 1879. EDWARD RIGGS PENNINGTON. 1884. WILLIAM CHETWOOD SPENCER. 1891. WILLIAM PANCOAST BARBER. 1894. WESSEL TEN BROECK STOUT IMLAY. 1895. WILLIAM MCKNIGHT RECKLESS. Treasurers. 1783. RICHARD Cox. 1811. ERKURIES BEATTY. 1823. JOHN BEATTY. 1826. EBENEZER ELMER. 1829. ROBERT LIVINGSTON ARMSTRONG. 1833. JOSEPH WARREN RECKLESS. 1838. ROBERT DAYTON SPENCER. 1854. JOHN MCDOWELL. 1869. WILLIAM BOWEN BUCK. 1875. WILLIAM BERRIAN DAYTON. 1881. HERMAN BURGIN. 1891. DAVID PROVOOST THOMAS. 1893. JAMES WALL SCHUREMAN CAMPBELL. 38 Assistant Treasurers. 1783. EBENEZER ELMER. 1826. ROBERT LIVINGSTON ARMSTRONG. 1829. JOSEPH WARREN RECKLESS. 1833. WILLIAM PENNINGTON. 1869. FRANCIS BUCK MCDOWELL. 1875. HERMAN BURGIN. 1887. DAVID PROVOOST THOMAS. 1891. JAMES WALL SCHUREMAN CAMPBELL. 1893. FRANK DAVENPORT HOWELL. Chaplains. 1867. CHARLES CLINTON BEATTY. 1871. LUTHER HALSEY. 1882. WILLIAM HENRY HORNBLOWER. 1884. SAMUEL MOORE SHUTE. 1898. FRANK LANDON HUMPHREYS. poster of (Dfficers aufl gfomfcevs, Jultj 4, 1898. PRESIDENT : WILLIAM S. STRYKER. VICE-PRESIDENT : WILLIAM B. BUCK. SECRETARY : W. TEN BROECK S. IMLAY. ASSISTANT SECRETARY : WILLIAM McK. RECKLESS. TREASURER : JAMES W. S. CAMPBELL. ASSISTANT TREASURER : FRANKLIN D. HOWELL. CHAPLAIN : FRANK LANDON HUMPHREYS. STANDING COMMITTEE : Henry S. Harris, Chairman. John C. Sims, William W. Ballard, William P. Barber, Paul A. Hendry, F. Wolcott Jackson, John L. Cadwalader. DELEGATES TO THE GENERAL SOCIETY : William S. Stryker, Henry S. Harris, John C. Sims, Franklin D. Howell, W. Ten Broeck S. Imlay. 40 ALTERNATES : John L. Cadwalader, Timothy M. Cheesman, Frank L. Humphreys, F. Wolcott Jackson, James W. S. Campbell. MEMBER OF THE STANDING EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF THE GENERAL SOCIETY : William S. Stryker. Hereditary ptcmbers. Admitted. 1876. Mr. Ogden Armstrong, . . 1320 Locust Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Representing Chaplain James Francis Armstrong. 1831. Lieutenant Commander Con way Hillyer Arnold, U. S. X., on service, care Navy Department, Washington, D. C. Representing Lieutenant Colonel John Con way. 1889. Mr. Charles Adolphe Baldwin, A.M., . Union Club, New York City. Representing Captain Daniel Baldwin. 1876. Mr. William VVilmot Ballard, 152 Baldwin Street, Elmira, N. Y. Representing Captain Jeremiah Ballard. 1887. Mr. William Pancoast Barber, 1045 East Jersey Street, Elizabeth, N. J. Representing Lieutenant Colonel Commandant Francis Barber. 1883. Mr. Charles Clinton Beatty, Redlands, Cal. Representing Brevet Captain Erkuries Beatty. 1896. Mr. Waldron Phoenix Belknap. . 5 Gramercy Park, New York City. Representing Captain David Lenox. 1889. Mr. James Seguin de Benneville, A.B , 1716 Pine St , Philadelphia, Pa. Representing Surgeon Daniel de Benneville. 1875. Mr. William Eussell Bloomfield, 1008 Sheffield Avenue, Chicago, 111. Representing Major Joseph Bloomfield. 1891. Mr. Lewis Dunham Boggs, . . 18 Murray Street, New York City. Representing Surgeon Lewis Ford Dunham. 1891. Mr. Thomas Jefferson Bonnell, .... Port Jervis, N. Y. Representing Captain James Bonnell. 1856. Mr. William Bowen Buck, . Philadelphia Bourse, Philadelphia, Pa. Representing Brevet Captain Joseph Buck. 1884. Mr. Robert Wallace Burnet, . 61 Johnson Building, Cincinnati, Ohio. Representing Surgeon General William Burnet. 1885.*Hon. John Lambert Cadwalader, A.M , LL D , 40 Wall St., N. Y. City. Representing Colonel Lambert Cadwalader 1885. Mr. James Wall Schureman Campbell, . . . Freehold, N. J. Representing Surgeon George Walker Campbell. 1885. Mr. Charles Henry Campfield, . 117 North Third St., St. Louis, Mo. Representing Surgeon Jabez Campfield. 1895. Mr. Frederick Alexander Canfield, C.E., .... Dover, N.J. Representing Captain Peter Dickerson. 1891. Mr. Alexander Johnston Cassatt, 26 South 15th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Representing Ensign James Johnston. * Honorary Member, 1876. 42 1889. Mr. Timothy Matlack Cheesman, A.M., M.D., 46 E. 29th St., N. Y. City. Representing Captain Jacob Cheesman. 1895. Mr. Alexander McWhorter Camming, 135 Jefferson Ave., Elizabeth, N. J. Representing Lieutenant Colonel Commandant John Noble dimming. 1898. Mr. Ulric Dahlgren, A.M., Princeton, N. J. Representing Surgeon William Messenger Barnet. 1872. Mr. Aaron Ogden Dayton, Camden, N. J. Representing Captain Jonathan Dayton. 1895. Mr. Hughes Dayton, M.D., . . 25 East 46th Street, New York City. Representing Brigadier General Ellas Dayton. 1868. Mr. William Chetwood De Hart, . 70 Long Wharf, Steamer Hamlin. Representing Captain Cyrus De Hart. Boston, Mass. 1888. Major William Miller Este, A.M , U. S. Vols., 60 Broadway, N. Y. City. Representing Captain Moses Este. 1884. Mr. Nathan Ford, . . . .672 17th Street, Des Moines, Iowa. Representing Brevet Captain Mahlon Ford. 1898. Mr. Persifor Frazer, A.M., Dr. es-Sci. Nat. Un. de France, 928 Spruce Representing Major John Hollinshead. St., Phila., Pa. 1884. Brevet Brigadier General Edward Burd Grubb, U. S. Volunteers, Representing Captain Peter Grubb. Edgewater Park, N. J. 1896. Mr. Luther Murphy Halsey, M D., . . . Williamstown, N. J. Representing Brevet Captain Luther Halsey. 1884. Hon. Henry Schenck Harris, A.M., .... Belvidere, N. J. Representing Surgeon Jacob Harris. 1881. Mr. Franklin Anderson Heard, .... Hagerstown, Md. Representing Captain John Heard. 1883. Mr. Paul Augustine Hendry, 1713 Montgomery St., Philadelphia, Pa. Representing Captain Samuel Hendry. 1885. Mr. Charles Brearley Hopkins, . . Present address unknown. Representing Lieutenant Colonel David Brearley. 1890. Mr. Alfred Bell Howell, Chattanooga, Tenn. Representing Captain John Howell. 1888. First Lieutenant Franklin Davenport Howell, late U. S. A., . Broad St. Representing Surgeon Lewis Howell. Sta., Pa. R. R., Phila., Pa. 1894. Rev. Richard Lewis Howell, . . . 1529 New Hampshire Ave., Representing Major Richard Howell. Washington, D. C. 1897.*Rev. Frank Landon Humphreys, D.D., . . Morristown, N. J. Representing Lieutenant Colonel David Humphreys. 1887. Mr. Richard Stockton Hunter, A.M., 308 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Representing Chaplain Andrew Hunter. 1881. Mr. Alexander Chambers Hyer, . . . Present address unknown. Representing Ensign Jacob Hyer. 1886. Mr. David Beatty Idell, . . 819 Washington Street, Hoboken, N. J. Representing Colonel John Beatty. 1885. Mr. Wessel Ten Broeck Stout Imlay, 551 Madison St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Representing Brevet Captain Wessel Ten Broeck Stout. Honorary Member, 1894. 43 1888.*Mr. Frederick Wolcott -Jackson, A.M., . . . Newark, N. J. Representing Lieutenant Colonel Joshua Huntington. 1884. Mr. Thomas Talmadge Kinney, AM.,. . . . Newark, N. J. Representing Lieutenant Abraham Kinney. 1885. Mr. George Tibbits Lane, Troy, N. Y. Representing Captain Derick Lane. 1895. Mr. William Edward Lloyd Freehold, N. J. Representing Brevet Major William Lloyd. 1890. Mr. Hamilton Markley, . . .521 Linden Street, Camden, N. J. Representing Ensign Robert Hamilton. 1894. Mr. Henry Dusenberry Maxwell, A.M., . 8 South Third St., Easton, Pa. Representing Brigadier General William Maxwell. 1888. Mr. Flavel McGee, A.M., . . 1 Exchange Place, Jersey City, N. J. Representing Deputy Muster Master Joseph Clark. 1886. Mr. James Mortimer Montgomery, . 103 Front Street, New York City. Representing Colonel William Malcolm. 1884. Mr. Enoch Anson More, Jr., Denver, Col. Representing Surgeon Ebenezer Elmer. 1894. Mr. Henry Ford Ogden, . . 211 Ninth Street, Hoboken, N. J. Representing Major Aaron Ogden. 1887. Mr. William Case Osmun, Finderne, N. J. Representing Brevet Captain Benajah Osmun. 1880. Mr. Almarin Brooks Paul, . 1032 Broadway, San Francisco, Cal. Representing Ensign Almarin Brooks. 1887. Mr. William Pennington, . . 757 Broad Street, Newark, N. J. Representing Brevet Captain William Sandford Pennington. 1879. Mr. Horace Phillips. A.M., College Park, Cal. Representing Captain Jonathan Phillips. 1876. Brevet Major John Henry Piatt, A.B., LL B., late U. S. A., 602 Second Representing Captain Jacob Piatt. Ave., N. Y. City 1894. Mr. John James Piatt, North Bend, Ohio. Representing Captain William Piatt. 1893. Mr. Isaac Hull Piatt, M.D., Lakewood, N. J. Representing Lieutenant Joseph Hull. 1889. Mr. William McKnight Reckless, . 80 South Street, New York City. Representing Lieutenant Anthony Reckless. 1886. Mr. James Grant Reed, Allentown, Pa. Representing Ensign John Reed. 1889. Mr. John Jackson Biker, . . 46 Cedar Street, New York City. Representing Surgeon John Berrien Riker. 1883. Mr. Arthur Ryerson, A.M., LL. B., . 59 Bellevue Place, Chicago, 111 Representing Lieutenant Thomas Ryerson. 1894. Mr. William Earle Dodge Scott, . 62 William Street, New York City. Representing Surgeon Moses Scott. 1888. Mr. Walter Yeatman Sedam, Denver, Col. Representing Ensign Cornelius Ryer Sedam. * Honorary Member, 1884. 44 1887. Hon. Horatio Seymour, A.M., Marquette, Mich. Representing Lieutenant Colonel Jonathan Forman. 1886. Mr. James Davis Shute, .'.... Lonoke, Ark. Representing Brevet Captain William Shute. 1883. Eev. Samuel Moore Shute, D D., Chaplain to the General Society, Representing Brevet Captain Samuel Moore Shute. Kerfoot, Va. 1896. Mr. Charles Abercrombie Sims, .... Mount Holly, N. J. Representing Major John Ross. 1875. Mr. John Clarke Sims, . . Broad St. Station, Pa. R. R., Phila, Pa. Representing Surgeon Alexander Ross. 1885. Mr. Sidney Augustus Stevens, . Durand Building, Rochester, N. Y. Representing Major John Burrowes. 1890. Colonel Charles Seaforth Stewart, U. S. A., . Cooperstown, N. Y. Representing Colonel Charles Stewart. 1896. Mr. Richard Wayne Stites, C.E., . . Morristown, N. J. Representing Captain Richard Stites. 1897. Mr. George Fitz Randolph Stocker, . 424 Walnut St., Phila., Pa. Representing Brevet Lieutenant Colonel Anne Louis de Tousard. 1889. Mr. Robert Newbury Stockton, . 2031 Fitzwater St , Phila., Pa. Representing Surgeon Ebenezer Stockton. 1895. Mr. Ira Abraham Stout, Dover, Tenn. Representing Brevet Captain Abraham Stout. 1888.*Brevet Major General William Scudder Stryker, A.M., Trenton, N. J. Representing Colonel Nathaniel Scudder. 1894. Mr. Williamson Thomas Elizabeth, N. J. Representing Brevet Captain Edmund Disney Thomas. 1884. Rev. Joseph Farrand Tuttle. D.D., LL.D., . Crawfords rille, Ind. Representing Ensign William Tuttle. 1874. Lieutenant Colonel Peter Dumont Vroom, U. S. A., . Atlanta, Ga. Representing Brevet Captain Jonathan Rhea. 1887. Mr. William Henry Whitlock, .... Rising Sun, Ind. Representing Brevet Captain Ephraim Lockhart Whitlock. 1887. Rev. George Thornton Wilmer, D.D., . . . Chatham, Va. Representing Major Richard Cox. 1897. Mr. Henry Applegate Wilson, . 574 Madison St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Representing Captain Jonathan Holmes. 1895. Mr. Charles Hornblower Woodruff, A.M., LL.B., 35 Nassau St., N. Y.City. Representing Major Ichabod Burnet. * Honorary Member, 1876. pterafoem Elected. 1893. Hon. Charles Grant Garrison, M.D., . . Merchantville, N. J. 1894. Hon Samuel Howell Grey, . 104 Market Street, Camden, N. J. 1890. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel John Page Nicholson, A.M., 139 South Seventh Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 1879. Brevet Brig Gen. Samuel Duncan Oliphant, A.M., LL.B., Trenton, N. J. 1895. Hon. William Potter, . . . Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, Pa. 1887. Lieut. General John McAllister Schofield, U. S. A., Washington, D. C. 1888. Hon. William Joyce Sewell, Camden, N. J. 1894. Mr. Edward Kutledge Shubrick, Camden, N. J. 1890. Hon. John Potter Stockton, A.M., LL.D., . . Jersey City, N. J. 1888. Hon. Garret Dorset Wall Vroom, A.M., . . . Trenton, N. J. 1894. Mr. Edward Meeker Wood, . . 81 Broad Street, Elizabeth, N. J. trtgiual ptemfcevs of tfce ^ocietg of tfte (Cincinnati in the ^tate of Jersey. 1. ABRAHAM APPLETON, 2. JEREMIAH BALLARD, 3. WILLIAM BARTON, 4. JOHN BISHOP, 5. JOHN BLAIR, 6. JOSEPH BLOOMFIELD, 7. ABSALOM BONHAM, 8. JAMES BONNELL, 9. SETH BOWEN, 10. NATHANIEL BOWMAN, 11. DAVID BREARLEY, 12. JOSEPH BUCK, 13. EDEN BURROWES, 14. JOHN BURROWES, 15. SAMUEL CONN, 16. JOHN CONWAY, 17. RICHARD Cox, 18. JOHN NOBLE GUMMING, 19. EPHRAIM DARBY, 20. ELIAS DAYTON, 21. JONATHAN DAYTON, 22. CYRUS DE HART, 23. NATHANIEL DONNELL, 24. LEWIS FORD DUNHAM, 25. EBENEZER ELMER, 26. PETER FAULKNER, 27. CHILION FORD, 28. JONATHAN FORMAN, 29. LUTHER HALSEY, 30. JACOB HARRIS, 31. JAMES HEARD, 32. JOHN HEARD, 33. WILLIAM HELMS, 34. SAMUEL HENDRY, 35. JOHN HOLMES, 36. JONATHAN HOLMES, 37. RICHARD HOWELL, 38. ANDREW HUNTER, 39. JACOB HYER, 40. WILLIAM KERSEY, 41. DERICK LANE, 42. RICHARD LLOYD, 43. FRANCIS LUCE, 44. ABSALOM MARTIN, 45. AARON OGDEN, 46. MATTHIAS OGDEN, 47. BENAJAH OSMUN, 48. JOHN PECK, 49. ROBERT PEMBERTON, 50. WILLIAM SANDFORD PEN- NINGTON, 51. JONATHAN PHILLIPS, 52. WILLIAM PIATT, 53. SAMUEL READING, 54. JOHN REED, 55. JOHN REED, 47 56. JOHN REUOASTLE, 66. MOSES SPROWL, 57. JONATHAN RHEA, 67. ABRAHAM STOUT, 58. JOHN Ross, 68. WESSEL TEN BROECK STOUT, 59. CORNELIUS RIKER SEDAM, 69. EDMUND DISNEY THOMAS, 60. SAMUEL SEELEY, 70. WILLIAM TUTTLE, 61. ISRAEL SHREVE, 71. GEORGE WALKER, 62. SAMUEL MOORE SHUTE, 72. ABEL WEYMAN, 63. WILLIAM SHUTE, 73. EPHRAIM LOCKHART WHIT- 64. JONATHAN SNOWDEN, LOCK. 65. OLIVER SPENCER, Joined the Society After Its Organization, but Always Considered Original Members. 74. JAMES ANDERSON, Admitted July 4, 1787. 75. JAMES FRANCIS ARMSTRONG, . " July 4, 1789. 76. DANIEL BALDWIN, July 4, 1788. 77. JOHN BEATTY, July 4, 1787. 78. ALMARIN BROOKS, July 4, 1787. 79. WILLIAM SUBNET, July 4, 1789. 80. GEORGE WALKER CAMPBELL, . July 4, 1786. 81. JABEZ CAMPFIELD, July 4, 1787. 82. ELI ELMER, July 4, 1787. 83. MAIILON FORD, July5, 1793. 84. DAVID FORMAN, . July 4, 1787. 85. JAMES GILES, July 4, 1789. 86. JOHN HOLLINSHEAD, July 4, 1787. 87. JOHN HOPPER, July 4, 1787. 88. JOHN Ho WELL, July 5, 1785. 89. JOHN KINNEY, July 4, 1791. 90. SHEPARD KOLLOCK, " July 4, 1791. 91. GILES MEAD, July 4, 1787. 92. JACOB PIATT, July 5, 1785. 93. ANTHONY RECKLESS, " July 4, 1787. 94. EBENEZER STOCKTON, . July 4, 1789. 48 Dropped from the Bolls. 1. JEREMIAH BRUEX, . . . July 4, 1806. 2. ABRAHAM KIXNEY, . . . July 4, 1810. 3. NATHANIEL LEONARD, . . July 5, 1799. 4. ALEXANDER MITCHELL, . . . September 23, 1783. 5. JOHN POLHEMUS, . . . July 4, 1793. ROLL Of Original and Hereditary Members and Honorary Members SOCIETY OF THE CINCINNATI IN THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY. and LIEUTENANT JAMES ANDERSON; born 1750 near Freehold, Monmouth County, New Jersey; admitted July 4, 1787; Second Lieutenant, Hazen's Regiment, Second Canadian, Continental Army r April 8, 1777 ; taken prisoner at Fort Schuyler, New York, August 22, 1777 ; exchanged December 22, 1780; Captain, First Regiment, Sussex County, New Jersey, Militia ; died in 1825. AUSTIN ANDERSON son ; admitted July 4, 1826 ; died, . BREVET CAPTAIN ABRAHAM APPLETON ; Surgeon's Mate, Second Battalion, First Establishment,. New Jersey Continental Line, December 21, 1775 ; Second Lieutenant, Captain Thomas Yard's Company, Second Battalion, Second Establishment, February 5, 1777 ; First Lieutenant, ditto, January 1, 1778 ; Lieu- tenant, Second Regiment, July 5, 1779 ; Brevet Captain, September 30, 1783 ; honorably discharged November 3, 1783 ; died in 1808. D 50 CHAPLAIN JAMES FRANCIS ARMSTRONG; born at West Nottingham, Maryland, April 3, 1750 ; admitted July 4, 1789 ; was graduated from Princeton College, 1773 ; degree of Master of Arts, Princeton Col- lege, 1776 ; Private, Captain Peter Gordon's Company, First Regiment, Hunterdon County, New Jersey Militia, June 14, 1776 ; Chaplain, Hazen's Regiment, Second Canadian, Continental Army, November 3, 1776 ; Chaplain, Major-General Sullivan's Division, December 2, 1777 ; Chaplain, Second Maryland Bri- gade, Continental Army, July 17, 1778 ; Trustee of Princeton College, 1790 to 1816 ; Secretary of the Society, 1790 to 1797; died January 19, 1816, at Trenton, New Jersey. ROBERT LIVINGSTON ARMSTRONG son; born December 6, 1784, at Princeton, New Jersey ; admitted July 4, 1816 ; was graduated from Princeton College, 1802 ; degree of Master of Arts, Princeton College, 1805 ; Captain in Lieutenant-Colonel HowelPs Regiment, New Jersey Militia, War of 1812 ; Assistant Treasurer of the Society, 1826 to 1829 ; Treasurer, 1829 to 1833 ; died September 22, 1838, at Trenton, New Jersey. JAMES FRANCIS ARMSTRONG -grandson ; born November 20, 1817, at Woodbury, New Jersey ; admitted July 4, 1839 ; Midshipman, United States Navy, March 7, 1832 ; Past Midshipman, June 23, 1838 ; Lieutenant, December 8, 1842 ; Commander, June 8, 1861 ; commanded United States Steamer "Sumter," 1861; commanded United States Steamer "State of Georgia," North Atlantic Blockading Squadron, 1862 to 1864 ; bombardment of Fort Macon, April 25, 1862 ; commanded United States Steamer "San Jacinto," East Gulf Blockading Squadron, 1864 ; 51 commanded Pensacola Navy-yard, 1865 ; Captain, retired list, April 4, 1867 ; Captain, active list, to date September 27, 1866 ; transferred to retired list, Sep- tember 2, 1872 ; died April 19, 1873, at New Haven, Connecticut. OGDEN ARMSTRONG great-grandson ; born July 4, 1855, at Woodbury, New Jersey; admitted July 4, 1876. CAPTAIN DANIEL BALDWIN; admitted July 4, 1788 ; First Lieutenant, Captain Joseph Morris' Company, First Battalion, First Estab- lishment, New Jersey Continental Line, November 8, 1775; Captain, First Battalion, Second Establishment, November 29, 1776 ; severely wounded and lost a leg at the battle of Germantown, October 4, 1777 ; honor- ably discharged, March 1, 1779 ; died in 1816. CHARLES HENRY BALDWIN grandson ; born September 3, 1822, in New York City ; admitted July 4, 1877 ; Midshipman, United States Navy, April 24, 1839 ; Past Midshipman, July 2, 1845 ; Master, January 17, 1853 ; Lieutenant, December 2, 1853 ; resigned February 28, 1854 ; Acting Lieutenant, United States Navy, December 27, 1861 ; commanded steamer " Clifton," of the Mortar Flotilla, at the passage of Forts St. Philip and Jackson by Farragut's fleet, April 24, 1862, and at the attack on Vicksburg, June 28, 1862 ; Commander, November 18, 1862 ; Captain, June 12, 1869 ; Commodore, August 8, 1876 ; Rear- Admiral, January 31, 1883 ; died November 17, 1888, in New York City. CHARLES ADOLPHE BALDWIN great-grandson; admitted July 4, 1889 ; was graduated from Harvard College, 1882. 52 CAPTAIN JEREMIAH BALLARD ; born September, 1748 ; Second Lieutenant, Captain- Thomas Reading's Company, Third Battalion, First Establishment, New Jersey Continental Line, Sep- tember 17, 1776 ; First Lieutenant, Captain John Doughty's Company, Third Battalion, Second Establish- ment, November 29, 1776 ; Captain, ditto, October 26, 1777 ; Captain, Third Regiment, September 23, 1780 ; transferred as a Captain to Second Regiment, January 1, 1781, and served until April, 1783 ; Vice President of the Society, 1822 to 1823 ; Recorder of Elizabeth- town, 1796 ; Mayor, ditto, 1823 ; died September 4, 1823, at Elizabeth, New Jersey. WILLIAM WILMOT BALLARD nephew; bom April 11, 1819, in Genoa, Cayuga County, New York ; admitted July 4, 1876 ; Postmaster, Lawrence- ville, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, 1848 to 1852. LIEUTENANT-COLONEL COMMANDANT FRANCIS BARBER ; born December 26, 1750, at Princeton, New Jersey ; died before the organization of the Society ; was graduated from Princeton College, 1767 ; degree of Master of Arts, Princeton College, 1770 ; Major, Third Battalion, First Establishment, New Jersey Con- tinental Line, February 9, 1776 ; Lieutenant-Colonel, Third Battalion, Second Establishment, November 28, 1776 ; Lieutenant-Colonel, Third Regiment, January 1, 1777 ; Lieutenant-Colonel Commandant, Third Regi- ment, January 6, 1783 ; Sub-Inspector-General, Staff of General Steuben, April 1, 1778 ; Deputy Adjutant-Gen- eral, Staff of General Greene ; Adjutant-General, Staff of 53 General Lord Stirling; Adjutant-General, Staff of Gen- eral Sullivan ; severely wounded at the battle of Mon- mouth, June 27, 1778 ; wounded at the battle of Newtown, August 29, 1779 ; wounded at the battle of Springfield, June 23, 1780 ; wounded at the siege of Yorktown, October 14, 1781 ; accidentally killed, February 11, 1783, by a falling tree, in camp at New Windsor, New York. GEOKGE CLINTON BARBER son; born December 27, 1778, at Elizabethtown, New Jersey ; admitted July 4, 1 800 ; was graduated from Prince- ton College, 1796 ; degree of Master of Arts, Princeton College, 1800 ; Secretary of the Society, 1811 to 1828 ; died October 29, 1828, at Elizabeth,. New Jersey. FRANCIS BARBER grandson; born December 10, 1810, in Elizabeth, New Jersey ; admitted July 4, 1832 ; Secretary of the Society, 1852 to 1857 ; died May 14, 1887, in Elizabeth, New Jersey. WILLIAM PANCOAST BARBER great-grandson; born October 11, 1844, in Paterson, New Jersey ; admitted July 4, 1887 ; Assistant Secretary of the Society, 1891 to 1894. SURGEON WILLIAM MESSENGER BARNET; born in 1725 at Elizabethtown, New Jersey ; Surgeon, First Battalion, First Establishment, New Jersey Con- tinental Line, December 8, 1775; Surgeon, First Bat- talion, Second Establishment, November 28, 1776 ; Surgeon First Regiment ; Surgeon, General Hospital, Continental Army, May, 1778, and served to June, 1782 ; died in 1790. ISAAC COXE BARNET son; born in Elizabethtown, New Jersey ; admitted July 4, 1822; Consul at Brest, France, February 20, 1797; 54 Consul at Paris, France, April 26, 1816 ; died March 8, 1883. ULRIC DAHLGREN great-great-great-grandnephew ; born December 27, 1870, at Brooklyn, New York ; ad- mitted July 4, 1898 ; was graduated from Princeton College, 1894 ; degree of Master of Arts, Princeton University, 1897 ; Instructor of Biology, Princeton University, 1897. CAPTAIN WILLIAM BARTON; Ensign, Fourth Battalion, Second Establishment, New Jersey Continental Line, November 28, 1776 ; Second Lieutenant, Captain Abraham Lyon's Company, ditto, February 17, 1777 ; First Lieutenant, ditto, November 1, 1777 ; transferred to First Regiment, June 1, 1778 ; Quartermaster, ditto, to date March 11, 1780 ; Captain, ditto, December 27, 1781, and served to April, 1783; died April, 1802. GILBERT BARTON son; admitted July 4, 1806 ; died in 1812. JOSEPH L. BARTON son; admitted July 4, 1812 ; died . BREVET CAPTAIN ERKURIES BEATTY ; born October 9, 1759, at Neshaminy, Pennsylvania ; an original member of the Society of the Cincinnati in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania ; transferred from the Pennsylvania Society, July 3, 1794 ; Private and Sergeant, Heard's Brigade, New Jersey State Troops ; Ensign, Fourth Regiment, Pennsylvania Continental Line, January 2, 1777 ; Second Lieutenant, Fourth Regiment, Pennsylvania Continental Line, May 2, 1777; First Lieutenant, ditto, June 2, 1778; Regi- mental Paymaster, June 1, 1779, to May 17, 1780 ; Regimental Adjutant, ditto ; transferred to Third Regi- ment, Pennsylvania Continental Line, January 1, 1783 ; 00 Regimental Paymaster, May 22, 1783, to November 3, 1783, when regiment was disbanded ; Brevet Captain, September 30, 1783 ; wounded at the battle of German- town, October 4, 1777 ; Lieutenant, First Regiment, United States Infantry, August 12, 1784; Captain, ditto, September 29, 1789 ; Regimental Paymaster, June 5, 1790 ; Major, ditto, March 5, 1792 ; resigned, November 27, 1792 ; Inspector-General, New Jersey Militia, in 1812 ; Mayor of Princeton, New Jersey, 1818 to 1823 ; member of the New Jersey Senate and of the House of Assembly ; Colonel, Somerset County, New Jersey, Militia ; Treasurer of the Society, 1811 to 1823; died February 3, 1823, at Princeton, New Jersey. CHARLES CLINTON BEATTY son ; born January 4, 1800, at Princeton, New Jersey ; ad- mitted July 4, 1823 ; was graduated from Princeton Col- lege, 1818 ; degree of Master of Arts, Princeton College, 1821 ; degree of Doctor of Divinity, Washington Col- lege, Pennsylvania ; degree of Doctor of Laws, Wash- ington College ; Chaplain of the Society, 1867 to 1871 ; Chaplain of General Society, 1863 to 1866 ; Vice Presi- dent, ditto, 1871 to 1882 ; died October 30, 1882, at Steubenville, Ohio. CHARLES CLINTON BEATTY great-grandnephew ; born April 25, 1861, near Doylestown, Bucks County, Pennsylvania ; admitted July 4, 1883. COLONEL JOHN BEATTY; born December 10, 1749, at Hartsville, Pennsylvania ; was graduated from Princeton College, 1769 ; degree of Master of Arts, 1772 ; Captain, Fifth Pennsylvania Battalion, Continental Line, January 5, .1776 ; Major, Sixth Pennsylvania, Continental Line, October 12, 56 1776 ; taken prisoner at Fort Washington, November 16, 1776 ; Commissary-General of Prisoners, with the rank of Colonel, Continental Army, May 28, 1778 ; resigned March 31, 1780 ; Delegate to the Continental Congress, 1783 to 1785 ; member of State Convention, 1787 ; member of Congress from New Jersey, 1793 to 1795 ; Secretary of State of New Jersey, 1795 to 1805 ; Trustee of Princeton College, 1785 to 1802 ; Brigadier-General, Somerset County, New Jersey, Militia ; Treasurer of the Society, 1823 to 1826 ; died May 30, 1826, at Trenton, New Jersey. RICHARD LONGSTREET BEATTY son; born February 11, 1779, at Princeton, New Jersey; admitted July 4, 1826 ; was graduated from Princeton College, 1797 ; degree of Master of Arts, Princeton College, 1800 ; member of the New Jersey House of Assembly, 1821, 1823, 1824 ; Judge of the Court of Burlington County, New Jersey ; died July 22, 1846, at Allentown, New Jersey. JOHN IMLAY BEATTY grandson ; born March 16, 1806, at Trenton, New Jersey ; admitted July 5, 1847 ; died November 30, 1885, at Allentown, New Jersey. DAVID BEATTY IDELL great-great-grandson; born February 9, 1852, at Allentown, New Jersey ; admitted July 5, 1886. SURGEON DANIEL DE BENNEVILLE ; born November 12, 1753, at Oley, Berks County, Penn- sylvania ; Surgeon, Colonel William Russell's Thir- teenth Regiment, Virginia Continental Line, 1777 to 1781 ; died in 1828, at Branchtown, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania. 57 JAMES SEGUIN DE BENNEVILLE great-grandnephew ; born April 12, 1867, at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania ; admitted July 4, 1889 ; was graduated from Princeton College, 1888. ENSIGN JOHN BISHOP; Sergeant, First Battalion, Second Establishment, New Jersey Continental Line, 1776 ; Ensign, ditto, Feb- ruary 1, 1779 ; Ensign, First Regiment, ditto ; dis- charged at the close of the war. BREVET CAPTAIN JOHN BLAIR; Ensign, Salem County, New Jersey, Militia ; Ensign, Colonel Silas Newcomb's Battalion, General Nathaniel Heard's Brigade, New Jersey State Troops, June 14, 1776 ; Ensign, Fourth Battalion, Second Establish- ment, New Jersey Continental Line, November 28, 1776; Second Lieutenant, ditto, May 1, 1777; First Lieutenant, ditto, November 1, 1779 ; Lieutenant, Third Regiment, ditto ; Regimental Adjutant, Novem- ber 1, 1780 ; transferred to First Regiment, January 1, 1781, and served to April, 1783 ; Brevet Captain, Con- tinental Army. MAJOR JOSEPH BLOOMFIELD; born October 18, 1753, at Woodbridge, New Jersey ; attorney-at-law of New Jersey, 1775 ; Captain, Third Battalion, First Establishment, New Jersey Continental Line, February 9, 1776 ; Judge-Advocate General, Northern Army, November, 17, 1776 ; Major, Third Battalion, Second Establishment, November 28, 1776 ; 58 wounded at the battle of Brandy wine, September 11, 1777 ; resigned October 29, 1778 ; Attorney-General of New Jersey, 1783 to 1792 ; Mayor of Burlington ; Presidential Elector, 1793 ; Brigadier-General, New Jersey Militia, June 5, 1793 ; Governor and Chancellor of New Jersey, 1801, and from 1803 to 1812; Briga- dier-General, United States Army. March 27, 1812 ; honorably discharged November 15, 1815 ; Member of Congress from New Jersey, 1817 to 1821 ; Trustee of Princeton College, 1793 to 1801, and from 1819 to 1823 ; Vice President of the Society, 1793 to 1808 ; President, 1808 to 1823 ; died October 3, 1823, at Bur- lington, New Jersey. JOSEPH ELLIS BLOOMFIELD nephew; born December 16, 1787, at Haddonfield, New Jersey ; admitted July 4, 1825 ; Acting American Consul at Cadiz, Spain, 1817 and 1818 ; died June 29, 1872, at Oswego, New York. WILLIAM RUSSEL BLOOMFIELD grandnephew ; born October 26, 1833, at Utica, New York ; admitted July 5, 1875 ; Corporal, Company D, Twenty-fourth Regiment, Wisconsin Volunteers. BREVET CAPTAIN ABSALOM BONHAM; Second Lieutenant, Fourth Battalion, Second Estab- lishment, New Jersey Continental Line, November 1, 1777; transferred to First Battalion ; First Lieutenant, ditto, March 27, 1780 ; Captain-Lieutenant, First Regi- ment, and served to April, 1783 ; Brevet Captain, Con- tinental Army. 59 CAPTAIN JAMES BONNELL; Captain, First Regiment, Sussex County, New Jersey, Militia ; Captain, Major Samuel Hayes' Battalion, New Jersey State Troops ; Ensign, First Regiment, New York Continental Line, February 26, 1776, to Decem- ber, 1776 ; Second Lieutenant, Spencer's Regiment, Continental Army, February 1, 1777 ; First Lieutenant, ditto, January 1, 1778 ; Adjutant, September 1, 1778 ; Captain, ditto, April 24, 1779 ; retired January 1, 1781 ; died in 1814, at Bottle Hill, near Morristown, New Jersey. JOHN LA FARGE BONNELL grandson; born November 24, 1820, in Sussex County, New Jer- sey ; admitted July 5, 1886; died May 20, 1891, at Port Jervis, New York. THOMAS JEFFERSON BONNELL grandson; born May 2, 1838, in Sussex County, New Jersey ; admitted July 4, 1891 ; Member of Board of Education of Port Jervis, Orange County, New York. CAPTAIN-LIEUTENANT SETH BO WEN ; born July 21, 1748, in Cumberland County, New Jersey ; Second Lieutenant, Second Battalion, First Establishment, New Jersey Continental Line, Novem- ber 29, 1775 ; First Lieutenant, Second Battalion, Second Establishment, November 29, 1776; resigned January, 1777 ; First Lieutenant, Captain Samuel Hugg's Western Company of Artillery, New Jersey State Troops ; Captain-Lieutenant, ditto ; resigned October 20, 1778 ; also Quartermaster in Quarter- master-General's Department; died August 31, 1815, at Bridgeton, New Jersey. 60 HERMAN BURGIN great-great-grandson ; born May 24, 1850, at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania ; ad- mitted July 5, 1873 ; was graduated from the University of Pennsylvania, 1871 ; degree of Master of Arts, Uni- versity of Pennsylvania, 1874 ; Assistant Treasurer of the Society, 1875 to 1881; Treasurer, 1881 to 1892; Assistant Treasurer-General, 1881 ; resigned July 4, 1892. MAJOR NATHANIEL BOWMAN; Second Lieutenant, Second Battalion, First Establish- ment, New Jersey Continental Line, November 13, 1775; First Lieutenant, ditto, May 10, 1776; First Lieutenant, Second Battalion, Second Establishment, November 29, 1776 ; Captain, ditto, September 11, 1777 ; Captain, Second Regiment, September 26, 1780; Major by brevet ; Major, Third Regiment, February 11, 1783, and served to April, 1783 ; died in 1788. LIEUTENANT-COLONEL DAVID BREARLEY ; born June 11, 1745; Member of State Convention, 1776 ; Lieutenant-Colonel of Van Cortland's Battalion, Heard's Brigade, June 14, 1776 ; Colonel, Second Regiment, Monmouth County, New Jersey Militia; Lieutenant-Colonel, Fourth Battalion, Second Estab- lishment, New Jersey Continental Line, November 28, 1776 ; resigned August 4, 1779 ; elected Chief Justice of the State, June 10, 1779 ; Member of the Federal and State Conventions of 1787 ; honorary degree of Master of Arts, Princeton College, 1781 ; Presidential Elector, 1788 ; United States Judge for the District of New Jersey, 1789; Vice President of the Society, 1783 to 1790; died August 16, 1790, at Trenton, New Jersey. 61 DAVID HIGBEE BREARLEY son; born November 3, 1786 ; admitted July 4, 1809 ; died November 8, 1820, at Blakely, Alabama. CHARLES BREARLEY HOPKINS great-grandson ; born February 14, 1841, at Poughkeepsie, New York ; admitted July 4, 1885 ; Private, Company B, One Hun- dred and Fiftieth Regiment, New York Volunteers. ENSIGN ALMARIN BROOKS; born September 7, 1756, in Cumberland County, New Jersey ; Private, Second Battalion, First Establish- ment, New Jersey Continental Line, 1775 ; Sergeant, Second Battalion, Second Establishment, February 9, 1777 ; Ensign, Second Regiment, May 17, 1780, and served to November 3, 1783 ; was wounded at Short Hills and at Germantown ; Major, First Regiment, Detailed Militia, in the Pennsylvania Insurrection of 1794 ; Captain, Eleventh United States Infantry, 1799 to 1800 ; died January 25, 1824, at Bridgeton, New Jersey. ALMARIN BROOKS PAUL grandson; born September 13, 1823, at Bridgeton, New Jersey ; admitted July 5, 1880. BREVET CAPTAIN JOSEPH BUCK; born May 1, 1758, at Fairton, Cumberland County, New Jersey ; Sergeant, Second Battalion, Second Es- tablishment, New Jersey Continental Line, February, 1777 ; Ensign, Second Regiment, February 1, 1779 ; Lieutenant, ditto, January 1, 1781 ; retained in New 62 Jersey Battalion, April, 1783, and discharged at the close of the war ; Brevet Captain ; Sheriff of Cumber- land County, New Jersey, 1787 to 1790 ; died May 15, 1803, at Millville, New Jersey. JOHN BUCK son; born April 1, 1784, at Bridgeton, New Jersey ; admit- ted July 4, 1809 ; died February 6, 1842, at Bridgeton, New Jersey. JOHN BUCK grandson; born in 1822, at Bridgeton, New Jersey ; admitted July 4, 1845 ; died January, 1855, in Dayton, Ohio. WILLIAM BOWEN BUCK grandson; born March 19, 1827, in Bridgeton, New Jersey ; ad- mitted July 4, 1856 ; Secretary of the Society, 1857 to 1867 ; Treasurer of the Society, 1869 to 1875 ; Vice President of the Society, 1883. SURGEON-GENERAL WILLIAM BURNET ; born December 30, 1730, at Lyons Farms, Essex County, New Jersey ; admitted July 4, 1789 ; was graduated from Princeton College, 1749 ; degree of Master of Arts, Princeton College, 1752 ; Chairman of the Newark, New Jersey, Committee of Safety, 1775 ; Chairman of the Essex County, New Jersey, Committee of Safety, 1776 ; Member of the Continental Congress, 1776 ; Physician and Surgeon-General, Eastern De- partment, Continental Army, April 11, 1777 ; Hospital Physician and Surgeon, ditto, October 6, 1780 ; Chief Physician and Hospital Surgeon, ditto, March 5, 1781, and served until the close of the war ; Member of the Continental Congress, 1780 to 1781 ; died October 7, 1791, at Newark, New Jersey. 63 JACOB BURNET son; born February 22, 1 770, at Newark, New Jersey ; elected an Honorary Member of the Society July 4, 1806 ; admitted to hereditary membership July 4, 1808 ; was graduated from Princeton College, 1791 ; de- gree of Master of Arts, Princeton College, 1794 ; Member of the Legislative Council of Ohio, 1789 to 1803 ; Mem- ber of the Legislature of Ohio, 1812 to 1821 ; Judge of the Supreme Court of Ohio, 1821 to 1828 ; United States Senator, 1828 to 1831 ; degree of Doctor of Laws, Princeton College, 1848 ; died May 10, 1853, at Cin- cinnati, Ohio. WILLIAM HENRY HORNBLOWER great-grandson; born March 21, 1820, at Newark, New Jersey ; ad- mitted July 4, 1870 ; was graduated from Princeton Col- lege, 1838 ; degree of Master of Arts, Princeton College, 1841 ; degree of Doctor of Divinity, Rutgers College, 1860 ; Professor of Sacred Rhetoric and Pastoral Theol- ogy, Western Theological Seminary, Allegheny, Penn- sylvania, 1871 ; Trustee of Princeton College, 1864 to 1871; Chaplain of the Society, 1882 to 3883; died July 16, 1883, at Allegheny, Pennsylvania. ROBERT WALLACE BURNET grandson; born July 20, 1808, at Cincinnati, Ohio ; admitted July 4, 1884 ; was graduated from West Point Military Academy, 1829 ; Brevet Second Lieutenant United States Infantry, July 1, 1829 ; Second Lieutenant, July 1, 1829 ; resigned from the service March 31, 1833. MAJOR ICHABOD BURNET; born May 17, 1756, at Newark, New Jersey ; an origi- nal Member of the Society of the Cincinnati in the State of Georgia ; was graduated from Princeton College, 64 1775 ; degree of Master of Arts, Princeton College, 1778 ; Secretary of the Essex County, New Jersey, Committee of Safety, 1776 ; Major and Aide-de-Camp to Major- General Greene, Continental Army, January 9, 1778, and served to the close of the war ; died September 12, 1783, at Charleston, South Carolina. WILLIAM BURNET, JR. brother ; born November 4, 1754, at Newark, New Jersey : admitted July 4, 1791 ; Surgeon, Second Regiment, Essex County, New Jersey Militia, February 17, 1776 ; Surgeon, General Hospital, Continental Army ; died September 8, 1799, at Newark, New Jersey. JOSEPH ALLING BURNET nephew; born October 11, 1780, at Newark, New Jersey ; ad- mitted July 4, 1806 ; died July 15, 1844, at Newark. New Jersey. CHARLES WILLIAMSON HORNBLOWER grandnephew ; born October 14, 1812, at Newark, New Jersey ; ad- mitted July 5, 1869 ; died June 16, 1894, at German- town, Pennsylvania. CHARLES HORNBLOWER WOODRUFF great-grandnephew ; born October 1, 1836, at Newark, New Jersey ; ad- mitted February 22, 1895 ; was graduated from Yale College, 1858 ; degree of Bachelor of Laws, Columbia College, 1861 ; degree of Master of Arts, Yale College, 1865. BREVET CAPTAIN EDEN BURROWES ; Sergeant, First Battalion, Second Establishment, New Jersey Continental Line, December, 1776 ; Second Lieu- tenant, First Battalion, Second Establishment, March, 1777 ; First Lieutenant, First Regiment, January 4, 65 1778 ; retained in the New Jersey Battalion, April, 1783, and served to November 3, 1783 ; Brevet Captain; died February 26, 1825, in Northampton County, Penn- sylvania. CASSIUS BURROWES son; admitted July 4, 1828 ; died . MAJOR JOHN BURROWES; Captain, Forman's Regiment, Continental Army, 1776; transferred to Spencer's Regiment, Continental Army, April 22, 1779 ; Major, ditto, July 22, 1779 ; retired January 1, 1781 ; Sheriff of Monmouth County, New Jersey. SIDNEY AUGUSTUS STEVENS great-grandson ; born June 22, 1832 ; admitted July 4, 1885. COLONEL LAMBERT CADWALADER; bom in 1743, at Trenton, New Jersey ; Lieutenant- Colonel, Third Pennsylvania Battalion, Continental Line, January 4, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Fort Wash- ington, November 16, 1776 ; Colonel, Fourth Regiment, Pennsylvania Continental Line, to rank from October 25, 1776, but was a prisoner of war on parole until he resigned, January 22, 1779; Member of Continental Congress, 1784 to 1787, and Congress of the United States, 1789 to 1791, and 1793 to 1795; died Sep- tember 12, 1823, at Trenton, New Jersey. JOHN LAMBERT CADWALADER grandson; born November 17, 1836, at Trenton, New Jersey ; elected an Honorary Member of the Society July 4,. .1874; admitted to hereditary membership July 4,. 66 1885 ; was graduated from Princeton College, 1856 ; degree of Master of Arts, Princeton College, 1859 ; degree of Bachelor of Laws, Harvard University, 1860 ; First Assistant Secretary of State of the United States, July 1, 1874, to 1877 ; degree of Doctor of Laws, Princeton University, 1897. .SURGEON GEORGE WALKER CAMPBELL; born January 7, 1747, at Freehold, New Jersey ; ad- mitted July 4, 1786 ; Hospital Surgeon's Mate, April 11, 1777, to June 20, 1780; Hospital Physician and Surgeon, Continental Army, September 20, 3781, and served to the close of the war ; died September 22, 1798, at Woodbury, New Jersey. JAMES WALL SCHUREMAN CAMPBELL great-grandnephew ; born April 23, 1854, at Freehold, New Jersey ; ad- mitted July 4, 1885 ; President of the Board of Educa- tion of the Town of Freehold, New Jersey, 1895 ; Assistant Treasurer of the Society, 1891 to 1892; Treasurer, 1893. SURGEON JABEZ CAMPFIELD ; born December 24, 1737, at Newark, New Jersey ; was graduated from Princeton College, 1759; degree of Master of Arts, Princeton College, 1762 ; Surgeon, Spen- cer's Regiment, Continental Army, January 1, 1777 ; retired January 1, 1781 ; Surgeon, Second Regiment, Continental Light Dragoons, August 17, 1781 ; Senior Surgeon, Hospital Department, Continental Army ; honorably discharged November 3, 1783 ; Surrogate, Morris County, New Jersey, 1784 to 1804 ; died May 21, 1821, at Morristown, New Jersey. 67 WILLIAM CAMPFIELD son ; admitted July 4, 1823 ; Captain, Morris County, New Jersey Militia, 1781; was graduated from Princeton College, 1784 ; Sheriff of Morris County, New Jersey, 1796 to 1799 ; Member of Assembly of New Jersey, 1 799 ; Major, Morris County Squadron of Cavalry, New Jersey Militia, October 30,* 1799 ; Lieutenant- Colonel, ditto, December 2, 1807; died July 16, 1824. CHARLES HENRY CAMPFIELD great-grandson; born June 23, 1836, at Savannah, Georgia ; admitted July 4, 1885. CAPTAIN JACOB CHEESMAN ; born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania ; died before the organization of the Society ; Captain, Second Com- pany, First Regiment, New York Continental Line, June 28, 1775 ; Captain and Aide-de-Camp to Major- General Richard Montgomery, and killed simultane- ously with that officer at the storming of Quebec, December 31, 1775. TIMOTHY MATLACK CHEESMAX grandnephew; born October 27, 1824, in New York City ; admitted July 4, 1877 ; graduate in Medicine, 1856 ; Surgeon, Seventh Regiment, National Guard, State of New York, 1853 ; mustered into the United States Service, April, 1861 ; Surgeon, with rank of Colonel, Staff First Divi- sion, National Guard, State of New York, 1874 ; died July 5, 1888, at Ridgefield, Connecticut. TIMOTHY MATLACK CHEESMAX great-grandnephew ; born January 29, 1853, in New York City ; admitted July 4, 1889 ; was graduated from Columbia College, 1874 ; degree of Master of Arts, Columbia College, 1877 ; graduate in Medicine, 1878 ; Instructor in Bacteriol- ogy, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, New York City. 68 DEPUTY MUSTER-MASTER JOSEPH CLARK; Quartermaster, Staff of Major-General Adam Stephen, Continental Army, February 19, 1777, to July 8, J777; Deputy Muster-Master, Continental Army, by appoint- ment of General Washington and assigned to Major- General Lafayette's Division, Continental Army, July 8, 1777, to December, 1779 ; died in 1813. FLAVEL Me GEE great-grandson ; born April 6, 1844, at Frelinghuysen, Warren County, New Jersey ; admitted July 4, 1888 ; was graduated from Princeton College, 1 865 ; degree of Master of Arts, Princeton College, 1868. CAPTAIN ABRAHAM GEORGE CLAYPOOLE ; an original member of the Pennsylvania Society ; trans- ferred July 4, 1789 ; Captain-Lieutenant, Patton's Regiment, Continental Army, February 1, 1777 ; Captain, ditto, June 10, 1778 ; transferred as Captain to the Eleventh Regiment, Pennsylvania Continental Line, December 16, 1778 ; again transferred as Captain, Third Regiment, Pennsylvania Continental Line, January 17, 1781 ; retired January 1, 1783. BREVET CAPTAIN SAMUEL CONN; Second Lieutenant, Fourth Battalion, Second Establish- ment, New Jersey Continental Line, February 17, 1777 ; First Lieutenant, ditto, November 12, 1777 ; trans- ferred to the Second Regiment, July 1, 1778 ; retained in the New Jersey Battalion, April, 1783 ; Brevet Captain, September 30, 1783 ; in service until Novem- ber 3, 1783 ; died in 1788. 69 LIEUTENANT-COLONEL JOHN CONWAY; born January 23, 1742, at Woodbridge, New Jersey ; Captain, First Battalion, First Establishment, New Jersey Continental Line, November 21, 1775 ; Captain, First Battalion, Second Establishment, November 29, 1776 ; Major, Fourth Battalion, Second Establishment, October 29, 1777 ; transferred to Third Regiment, October 29, 1778 ; Lieutenant-Colonel, First Regiment, July 5, 1779 ; wounded at the battle of Germantown, October 4, 1777 ; retired January 1, 1781 ; Sheriff of Middlesex County, New Jersey ; died December 6, 1802, in New York City. CONWAY HILLYER ARNOLD great-grandson; born November 14, 1848, in New York City ; admitted July 4, 1881 ; Acting Midshipman, United States Navy, September 30, 1863 ; was graduated from the Naval Academy, June 6, 1867 ; Ensign, United States Navy, December 18, 1868 ; Master, March 21, 1870 ; Lieutenant, June 22, 1871 ; Lieutenant-Commander, January 10, 1892. MAJOR RICHARD COX; born January 3, 1755 ; Second Lieutenant, Captain John Ross' Company, Third Battalion, First Establish- ment, New Jersey Continental Line, February 9, 1776 ; First Lieutenant, ditto, October 29, 1776 ; First Lieu- tenant, same company and battalion, Second Estab- lishment, November 29, 1776 ; Captain, ditto, January 1, 1777 ; transferred as Captain to the Third Regiment, September 23, 1780 ; transferred as Captain to the First Regiment ; Brigade Major to Brigadier-General William Maxwell ; Major, Second Regiment, January 6, 1783 ; retained in New Jersey Battalion, April, 70 1783 ; served until the close of the war, November, 1783; Treasurer of the Society, 1783 to 1811; died March 9, 1816, at Mount Holly, New Jersey. WILLIAM ROSSELL ALLEN great-grandson ; bom December 29, 1828 ; admitted July 4, 1862 ; died January 27, 1872. GEORGE THORNTON WILMER grandson; born May 8, 1819, in Alexandria, District of Columbia ; admitted July 4, 1887 ; degree of Doctor of Divinity, College of William and Mary, July, 1860 ; Professor of Moral Philosophy and Belles Lettres, College of William and Mary, Virginia ; Professor of Metaphysics and English Literature, University of the South, Sewanee, Tennessee. LIEUTENANT-COLONEL COMMANDANT JOHN NOBLE GUMMING; born January 19, 1752, in Monmouth County, New Jersey ; was graduated from Princeton College, 1774 ;. degree of Master of Arts, Princeton College, 1777 ; First Lieutenant, Captain Richard HowelPs Company, Second Battalion, First Establishment, New Jersey Continental Line, November 29, 1775 ; First Lieuten- ant, Captain James Lawrie's Company, Second Bat- talion, Second Establishment, November 29, 1776 ; Captain, ditto, to date November 30, 1776 ; transferred as Captain to Second Regiment ; Major, First Regi- ment, April 16, 1780 ; Lieutenant-Colonel, Second Regiment, December 29, 1781 ; Lieutenant-Colonel Commandant, Third Regiment, February 11, 1783;. retained in New Jersey Battalion, April, 1783, and served to November 13, 1783 ; Major-General of the Second Division of New Jersey Militia ; Vice President of the Society, 1808 to 1821 ; died July 6, 1821, at Newark, New Jersey. 71 ROBERT HEDDEX GUMMING son ; born February 24, 1783, at Newark, New Jersey ; admitted July 4, 1823 ; Secretary of the Society, 1833 to 1850 ; died July 6, 1853, at Bloomfield, Essex County, New Jersey. ALEXANDER Me WHORTER GUMMING son ; born July 23, 1802, at Newark, New Jersey ; admitted July 4, 1856 ; Captain of Newark Troop of Cavalry, 1832 ; Major, First New Jersey Cavalry Volunteers, February 20, 1862 ; resigned July 30, 1862 ; Captain and Assistant Quartermaster, United States Volunteers, April 18, 1863 ; Brevet Major, March 13, 1865, for faithful and meritorious services during the war ; mustered out. May 31, 1866 ; Clerk of the New Jersey House of Assembly, 1847 to 1850, and 1871 ; Mayor of Princeton, New Jersey, 1837 to 1839, 1841, 1843 to 1844, 1858 to 1859 ; died July 16, 1879, at Princeton, New Jersey. RICHARD STOCKTON GUMMING grandson ; born November 29, 1833, at Newark, New Jersey ; ad- mitted July 5, 1880 ; was graduated from Princeton Col- lege, 1854 ; degree of Master of Arts, Princeton College, 1857 ; Mayor of Princeton, New Jersey, 1888 to 1889 ; died January 18, 1895, at Elizabeth, New Jersey. ALEXANDER Me WHORTER GUMMING great-grandson ; born March 25, 1872, at Elizabeth, New Jersey ; ad- mitted February 22, 1895. BREVET CAPTAIN EPHRAIM DARBY ; Private, Fourth Battalion, Second Establishment, New Jersey Continental Line, December 1, 1776 ; Quarter- master of the Battalion, February 17, 1777 ; Lieutenant and Quartermaster, Third Regiment, November 12, 1777 ; transferred to the First Regiment, January 1, 1781 ; retired September 1, 1782 ; Brevet Captain. 72 BRIGADIER-GENERAL ELIAS DAYTON; born May 1, 1737, at Elizabethtown, New Jersey ; Lieu- tenant, New Jersey Provincial Troops in the French and Indian War, March 19, 1759 ; Captain, ditto, March 29, 1760 ; in 1764 he conducted a successful expedition against the Indians in Detroit ; Colonel, First Regiment, Essex County, New Jersey Militia, at the breaking out of the war ; had command of the Elizabethtown Volunteers which captured the ship " Blue Mountain Valley," January 23, 1776 ; Colonel, Third Battalion, First Establishment, New Jersey Con- tinental Line, February 9, 1776 ; Colonel, Third Bat- talion, Second Establishment, November 28, 1776 ; Colonel, Third Regiment, February, 1778 ; transferred as Colonel to Second Regiment, January 1, 1781 ; Brigadier-General, Continental Army, January 7, 1783, and served to the close of the war ; commanded the New Jersey Brigade, Continental Line, after the resigna- tion of General Maxwell; Major-General of the Second Division of the New Jersey Militia, June 5, 1793 ; Member of the New Jersey House of Assembly ; Mem- ber of the Continental Congress, 1787 to 1788 ; Presi- dent of the Society, 1783 to 1807 ; died October 22, 1807, at Elizabethtown, New Jersey. ELIAS BOUDINOT DAYTON son; born in 1762 at Elizabethtown, New Jersey ; admitted July 4, 1808 ; Brigadier- General in the New Jersey Militia ; died January 17, 1846, at Elizabeth, New Jersey. THOMAS BRADBURY CHANDLER DAYTON grandson; born in 1787 ; admitted July 5, 1847 ; was graduated from Princeton College, 1806 ; degree of Master of Arts, Princeton College, 1809 ; Postmaster of Elizabeth, New Jersey ; died January 27, 1865. 73 WILLIAM BERRIAN DAYTON great-grandson ; born July 26, 1838, at Washington, District of Colum- bia ; admitted July 4, 1865 ; was graduated from Trinity College, 1856 ; degree of Master of Arts, Trinity College, 1859 ; Secretary of the Society, 1867 to 1875 ; Assistant Treasurer-General, 1872 to 1881 ; Treasurer of the So- ciety, 1875 to 1881 ; died March 30, 1881, at New York City. HUGHES DAYTON great-great-grandson ; born May 13, 1873, at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania ; admitted February 22, 1895. CAPTAIN JONATHAN DAYTON; born October 16, 1760, at Elizabethtown, New Jersey ; was graduated from Princeton College, 1776 ; degree of Master of Arts, Princeton College, 1779 ; Ensign, Third Battalion, First Establishment, New Jersey Con- tinental Line, February 7, 1776 ; Paymaster, Third Battalion, Second Establishment ; Lieutenant and Pay- master, Third Regiment, to date February 1, 1779 ; Captain-Lieutenant, ditto, April 7, 1779 ; Major and Aide-de-Camp to Major-General Sullivan, May 1, 1779; Captain, Third Regiment, March 30, 1780 ; taken prisoner at Elizabethtown, New Jersey, November 5, 1780 ; transferred to the Second New Jersey Regiment, January 1, 1781 ; retained in the New Jersey Battalion, April, 1783, and served to November 3, 1783 ; Member of the Federal Convention, 1787 ; degree of Doctor of Laws, Princeton College, 1798 ; Speaker of the New Jersey House of Assembly ; Member of Congress from New Jersey, 1791 to 1799 ; Speaker of Congress, 1795 to 1799 ; United States Senator, 1799 to 1805 ; Briga- dier-General, United States Army, 1798 ; died October 9, 1824, at Elizabeth, New Jersey, 74 AARON OGDEN DAYTON nephew ; born October 4, 1796 ; admitted July 4, 1832 ; was gradu- ated from Princeton College, 1813 ; degree of Master of Arts, Princeton College, 1816 ; Member of the House of Assembly of New Jersey, 1823 ; Member of the Legislature of New York, 1828; Chief Clerk of the State Department, 1836; Fourth Auditor of the United States Treasury, 1838 to 1858 ; died October 1, 185S. AARON OGDEN DAYTON grand-nephew; born March 1, 1851, at Washington, District of Colum- bia ; admitted July 4, 1872. CAPTAIN CYRUS DE HART ; born June 17, 1757, at Elizabethtown, New Jersey ; Ensign, First Battalion, First Establishment, New Jersey Continental Line, December 4, 1775 ; Lieu- tenant, First Battalion, Second Establishment, October 4, 1777 ; Regimental Paymaster, October 23, 1778 ; Captain-Lieutenant, March 11, 1780 ; Captain, ditto, December 20, 1780 ; transferred to the Second New Jersey Regiment, as Captain, January 1, 1781 ; re- tained in the New Jersey Battalion, April, 1783, and served to November 3, 1783 ; died September 7, 1831, at Elizabeth, New Jersey. WILLIAM CHETWOOD DE HART son; born September 11, 1799, at Elizabethtown, New Jersey ; admitted July 4, 1832 ; Third Lieutenant of Ordnance, United States Army, July 1, 1820 ; trans- ferred to the Second Regiment, United States Artillery ; First Lieutenant, ditto, October 10, 1831 ; Aide-de- Camp to Major-General Winfield Scott ; Brevet First Lieutenant, United States Army, for ten years' faithful 75 service in one grade, July 1, 1830 ; Captain, April 3, 1838 ; Lieutenant-Governor of Pueblo during its siege in 1847; Vice President of the Society, 1842 to 1848 ; died April 21, 1848, at Elizabeth, New Jersey. WILLIAM CHETWOOD DE HART grandson; born June 2, 1840, at Elizabeth, New Jersey ; admitted July 4, 1868 ; Lieutenant, United States Revenue Service. CAPTAIN PETER DICKERSON ; born in 1724, at Southold, Long Island ; Captain, Third Battalion, First Establishment, New Jersey Con- tinental Line, February 7, 1776 ; Captain, Third Bat- talion, Second Establishment, November 29, 1776; died May 10, 1780, at Morristown, New Jersey. FREDERICK ALEXANDER CANFIELD great-great-grandson ; born April 7, 1849, near Dover, Morris county, New Jersey ; admitted July 4, 1895. CAPTAIN NATHANIEL DONNELL ; Second Lieutenant, Roman's Independent Company, Pennsylvania Artillery, March 25, 1776 ; First Lieu- tenant, ditto, May 15, 1776 ; Captain in Stevens' Bat- talion of Artillery, Continental Army, November 9, 1776 ; attached to the Third Continental Artillery and served to June, 1783 ; died May 29, 1821. WILLIAM LESTER DONNELL grandson; born January 20, 1848 ; admitted July 4, 1884 ; died July 9, 1894. 76 BREVET MAJOR JOHN DOUGHTY; born in 1754, in New York City; an original member of the Society of the Cincinnati in the State of New York ; transferred from the New York Society, July 4, 1793 ; was graduated from King's College, New York, 1770 ; Captain-Lieutenant, Eastern Artillery Company of New Jersey State Troops, May 9, 1776 ; Captain, Second Continental Regiment of Artillery, January 1, 1777; Aide-de-Camp to Major-General Schuyler, 1777 ; assigned March 1, 1777, to command the New York State Company of Artillery, now Battery F, Fourth Regiment, United States Artillery, vice Captain Alexander Hamilton, promoted to be Lieutenant- Colonel and Aide-de-Camp to the Commander-in-Chief ; Brigade Major to Continental Corps of Artillery, August 2, 1779 ; Major commanding garrison at West Point, September 11, 1782 ; Brevet Major, United States Army, September 30, 1783 ; Major of the Artillery Battalion, United States Army, August 7, 1784 ; Lieutenant-Colonel, Second Regiment, United States Infantry, March 4, 1791, which appointment he declined and retired from the service ; on special mili- tary inspection duty by request of President Washing- ton, September 17 to October 26, 1791 ; Brigadier- General, Second Division, New Jersey Militia, June 5, 1793 ; Lieutenant-Colonel Commandant, Second Regi- ment, United States Artillerists and Engineers, June 1, 1798 ; resigned May 26, 1800 ; Member of the New Jersey House of Assembly ; died September 16, 1826,, at Morristown, New Jersey. 77 SURGEON LEWIS FORD DUNHAM; born March 31, 1754, at Xew Brunswick, New Jersey ; received degree of Doctor of Medicine ; Colonel in Colonial Militia of New Jersey ; Member of New Jer. sey Assembly, 1775 ; Surgeon, Third Battalion, First Establishment, New Jersey Continental Line, February 21, 1776 ; Surgeon, Third Battalion, Second Establish- ment, November 28, 1776 ; Surgeon, Third Regiment; resigned March, 1778 ; Mayor of New Brunswick, New Jersey ; died August 26, 1821, at New Brunswick, New Jersey. LEWIS DUNHAM son ; born January 30, 1784, at New Brunswick, New Jersey ; admitted July 4, 1823 ; Major and Surgeon, United States Regiment of Light Dragoons, December 12, 1808 ; transferred to the Light Artillery, May 17, 1815 ; resigned September 21, 1819 ; died April 2, 1859. ROBERT MORRIS BOGGS grandson; born October 17, 1821, at New Brunswick, New Jersey ; admitted July 4, 1864 ; died January 3, 1891, at Trenton, New Jersey. LEWIS DUNHAM BOGGS great-grandson; born April 4, 1868, at New Brunswick, New Jersey ; admitted July 4, 1891. SURGEON EBENEZER ELMER; born August 23, 1752, at Cedarville, New Jersey ; Ensign of Captain Joseph Bloomfield's Company, Third Battalion, First Establishment, New Jersey Continental Line, February 9, 1776 ; Second Lieutenant, ditto, April 9, 1776 ; Surgeon's Mate, Third Battalion, Second Establishment, November 28, 1776 ; Surgeon, Second 78 Battalion, Second Establishment, July 5, 1778 ; Sur- geon, Second Regiment, January 1, 1781 ; retained in New Jersey Battalion, April, 1783, and served to November 3, 1783 ; Member and Speaker of the New Jersey House of Assembly, 1791 to 1795; Vice Presi- dent of the Council of New Jersey ; Member of Con- gress from New Jersey, 1801 to 1807 ; Adjutant-General of New Jersey, July 5, 1804 ; Brigadier-General of the Militia of New Jersey ; commanded brigade of the New Jersey Militia in the War of 1812 ; Vice President of Burlington College, 1808 to 1817, and 1822 to 1832 ; Assistant Treasurer of the Society, 1783 ; Treasurer of the Society, 1826 to 1829; Vice President, 1824 to 1838 ; President, 1839, and 1842 to 1843 ; died October 18, 1843, at Bridgeton, New Jersey. LUCIUS QUINTIUS ClNCINNATUS ELMER SOU ; born October 3, 1793, at Bridgeton, New Jersey ; ad- mitted July 4, 1845 ; degree of Master of Arts, Princeton College, 1824 ; Prosecutor of the Pleas, Cumberland County ; Member of the House of Assembly, 1820 to 1823 ; Speaker of the House of Assembly, 1823 ; Trustee of Princeton College, 1829 to 1864 ; United States Attor- ney for New Jersey, 1824 to 1829 ; Member of Congress from New Jersey, 1843 to 1845 ; Attorney-General of New Jersey, 1850 to 1852 ; Associate Justice, Supreme Court of New Jersey, 1852 to 1859, and 1862 to 1869 ; degree of Doctor of Laws, Princeton College, 1865 ; Vice President of the Society, 1862 to 1871 ; President of the Society, 1871 to 1883; died March 11, 1883, at Bridgeton, New Jersey. ENOCH ANSON MORE, JR. great-grandson; admitted July 4, 1884 ; Colonel, First Regiment In- fantry, Colorado National Guard. 79 LIEUTENANT ELI ELMER; admitted July 4, 1787 ; Second Lieutenant and Captain, Samuel Hugg's Western Company of Artillery, New Jersey State Troops ; First Lieutenant, ditto, February 1, 1777 ; Paymaster of the Militia of Cumberland and Cape May Counties ; Member of the New Jersey State Convention, 1787 ; Sheriff of Cumberland County, New Jersey, 1784 ; Member of the New Jersey House of Assembly ; died in 180(!. THEOPHILUS MENTOR ELMER son ; admitted July 4, 1823 ; died March 23, 1880. CHARLES HERBERT SARGENT great-grandson ; born July 15, 1860 ; admitted July 4, 1884 ; died in 1891. CAPTAIN MOSES ESTE; born January 18, 1752, in Enfield, Connecticut ; Lieu- tenant in Captain Joseph Hankinson's Company, Fourth Regiment, Hunterdon County, New Jersey, Militia, in 1774 ; Captain, ditto, 1776 ; badly wounded in the thigh at the battle of Monmouth, June 28, 1778 ; Captain in Colonel John Taylor's Regiment, New Jersey State Troops ; died February 4, 1836, at Phila- delphia, Pennsylvania. WILLIAM MILLER ESTE grandson; born July 25, 1831, in Cincinnati, Ohio ; admitted July 4, 1888 ; was graduated from Harvard College, 1852 ; Second Lieutenant, Company C, Twenty-sixth Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Militia, December 17, 1861 ; First Lieutenant, ditto, December 5, 1862 ; Major and Aide-de-Camp, United States Volunteers, March 11, 1863; resigned from the service April 1, 1865. 80 ENSIGN PETER FAULKNER; Private, Lee's Legion, Continental Army ; Corporal, ditto, April 6, 1778 ; Sergeant, ditto, January 1, 1779 ; Ensign, Second Regiment, New Jersey Continental Line, June 17, 1780 ; retained in New Jersey Battalion, April, 1783, and served to November 3, 1783 ; Captain, Eleventh Regiment, United States Infantry, January 8, 1799 ; honorably discharged June 15, 1800 ; Military Storekeeper, United States Army, August 19, 1818 ; dismissed June 20, 1820 ; died September 20, 1823, in the District of Columbia. CAPTAIN' ANDREW FITCH ; born in 1752, in Norwalk, Connecticut ; an original member of the Society of the Cincinnati in the State of Connecticut ; private in Captain James Clark's Com- pany of Minute-Men at the Lexington and Concord Alarm, April 19, 1775 ; Second Lieutenant, Third Regiment, Connecticut Continental Infantry, May 1 to December 19, 1775 ; First Lieutenant in Colonel An- drew Ward's Regiment, Connecticut Continental Line, May 14, 1776 ; Captain, Colonel John Durkee's Fourth Regiment, Connecticut Continental Line, January 1, 1777 ; served until January 1, 1781 ; died in 1782. JOHN FITCH, great-grandson; born November 1, 1824, near Kinderhook, New York ; admitted July 4, 1876 ; was graduated from Union Col- lege, New York ; died September 5, 1889, in New York City. 81 LIEUTENANT CHILION FORD; Second Lieutenant, Second Regiment, Continental Artillery, February 1, 1777 ; Regimental Adjutant, May 25, 1778 ; Regimental Quartermaster, August 1, 1779 ; First Lieutenant, October 1, 1780, and served to June, 1783 ; Colonel in the Morris County, New Jer- sey Militia ; died in 1801. BREVET CAPTAIN MAHLON FORD; born July 22, 1756, at Morristown, New Jersey ; ad- mitted July 5, 1793 ; Ensign, Third Battalion, Second Establishment, New Jersey Continental Line, May 1, 1777 ; Second Lieutenant, ditto, October 26, 1777 ; First Lieutenant, Third Regiment, March 30, 1780 ;. transferred to First Regiment, January 1, 1781 ; re- tained in New Jersey Battalion, April, 1783, and served to November, 1783 ; Captain by brevet, September 30, 1783 ; Ensign, First Regiment, United States Infantry, August 12, 1784 ; Lieutenant, United States Battalion of Artillery, March 17, 1786 ; Captain, ditto, March 4,. 1791 ; severely wounded in action with Miami Indians, November 4, 1791 ; Major, First Regiment, United States Artillerists and Engineers, May 7, 1798 ; hon- orably discharged June 1, 1802 ; died June 14, 1820> in Columbus, Ohio. GEORGE WASHINGTON FORD son; born February 8, 1802 ; admitted July 4, 1825 ; died February 10, 1840. JOSHUA EDWARDS FORD grandson; born August 3, 1825, at Ogdensburg, New York ; ad- mitted July 4, 1856 ; was graduated from Williams College, 1844 ; was graduated from Union Theological 82 Seminary, 1847 ; attached to the Syrian Mission of the Presbyterian Church, 1847 to 1865 ; died April 3, 180(5, at Geneseo, Illinois. NATHAN FORD great-grandson; bom July 13, 1849, at Aleppo, Syria; admitted July 4, 1884. LIEUTENANT-COLONEL JONATHAN FORMAN ; born October 16, 1755, at Middletown Point, Monmouth County, New Jersey ; First Lieutenant in Captain John Burrowes' Company, First Regiment, Monmouth County, New Jersey Militia May, 1776 ; Captain, ditto ; Captain in Colonel David Forman's Battalion, Heard's Brigade, New Jersey State Troops, June 14, 1776, to November, 1776; Captain, Fourth Battalion, Second Establishment, New Jersey Continental Line, November 23, 1776 ; Captain, First Regiment ; Major, Third Regiment, November 20, 1781 ; Lieu- tenant-Colonel, Second Regiment, February 11, 1783 ; retained in New Jersey Battalion, April, 1783, and served to November 13, 1783 ; Vice President of the Society, 1783 ; Lieutenant-Colonel, Third Regiment, New Jersey Militia, Pennsylvania Insurrection, Sep- tember 24, 1794 ; Brigadier-General, New York Militia, April 14, 1800; died May 26, 1809, at Cazenovia, New York. HORATIO SEYMOUR grandson ; born May 31, 1810, at Pompey Hill, Onondaga County, New York ; admitted July 4, 1885 ; admitted to the bar of New York, 1832 ; Member of Assembly of New York, 1841 to 1843 ; Mayor of Utica, New York, 1842 ; Speaker of New York Assembly, 1844 ; Governor of State of New York, 1852 to 1854, and 1862 to 1864 ; died February 12, 1886, in Utica, New York. 83 HORATIO SEYMOUR great-grandson ; born January 8, 1844, at Utica, New York ; admitted July 4, 1887 ; was graduated from Yale College, 1867 ; degree of Master of Arts, Yale College, 1869 ; State Engineer and Surveyor of New York, 1877 to 1881. BRIGADIER-GENERAL DAVID FORMAN ; born November 3, 1745, near Englishtown, New Jersey; elected honorary member of the Society, September 22, 1783 ; admitted to hereditary membership July 4, 1787 ; Member Committee of Observation, Monmouth County, March 6, 1775 ; Lieutenant-Colonel of a Battalion, Heard's Brigade, New Jersey State Troops, June 25, 1776 ; Colonel, ditto ; Brigadier-General, New Jersey Militia, March 5, 1777 ; Colonel of Forman's Regiment, Continental Army, February, 1777, to July, 1778 ; commanded New Jersey State -Droops to the close of the war ; Vice President of the Society, 1791 to 1793; died September 12, 1797, at Natchez, Mississippi. EDWARD DORR GRIFFIN great-grandson ; born September 3, 1839, at Catskill, New York ; ad- mitted July 4, 1884 ; was graduated from College of Phy- sicians and Surgeons, New York City, March 9, 1865 ; died May 8, 1887, at Lyme, Connecticut. LIEUTENANT JAMES GILES ; an original member of the Society of the Cincinnati in the State of New York ; transferred July 4, 1789 ; Lieutenant, Second Regiment, Continental Artillery ; Adjutant, ditto, January 1, 1781 ; Brigadier-General, New Jersey Militia ; Clerk of Cumberland County, New Jersey, 1789, 1790 and 1794 ; died August, 1825. 84 CAPTAIN PETER GRUBB ; born September 8, 1740, at Cornwall, Lebanon County,, Pennsylvania ; Third Lieutenant of Thompson's Penn- sylvania Rifle Battalion, Continental Line, July 17, 1775 ; resigned September 10, 1775 ; Captain, Second Battalion of Miles' Pennsylvania Rifle Regiment, Con- tinental Line, March 12, 1776 ; Captain, Tenth Penn- sylvania Regiment, Continental Line, November 27, 1776 ; Captain, Patton's Additional Continental Regi- ment, January, 1777 ; retired in 1778 ; died January 17, 1786. EDWARD BURD GRUBB great-grandson; born November 13, 1841, at Burlington, New Jersey ; admitted July 4, 1884 ; First Sergeant, Company C, Third Regiment, New Jersey Infantry Volunteers, May 25, 1861; Second Lieutenant, ditto, June 13, 1861; First Lieutenant, Company D, ditto, November 8, 1861 ; Captain, Company B, ditto, August 20, 1862 ; Major, Twenty-third Regiment, Infantry, New Jersey Volun- teers, November 24, 1862 ; Lieutenant-Colonel, ditto, December 26, 1862 ; Colonel, ditto, March 9, 1863 ; honorably mustered out with said regiment, June 27 r 1863 ; Colonel, Thirty-seventh Regiment, June 24, 1864 ; honorably mustered out with said regiment, October 1, 1864 ; brevetted Brigadier-General United States Volunteers, March 13, 1865, for gallant and meritori- ous services during the war ; Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States at the Court of Madrid, 1890 to 1892. BREVET CAPTAIN LUTHER HALSEY ; born May 10, 1758 ; Sergeant, Second Battalion, First Establishment, New Jersey Continental Line, Novem- ber, 1775 ; Regimental Adjutant, Second Battalion,. 85 Second Establishment, November 28, 1776 ; Adjutant of the Second Regiment, November 9, 1777 ; retained in New Jersey Battalion, April, 1783 ; Captain by brevet, September 30, 1783, and served to November 3, 1783 ; died February 28, 1830. LUTHER HALSEY son; born January 1, 1794, at Schenectady, New York ; admitted July 4, 1835 ; was graduated from College at Concord, 1812 ; Professor of Natural Philosophy, Chemistry and Natural History at Princeton College, 1824 to 1829 ; Professor of Theology in Western Theological Seminary, Alleghany, Pennsylvania ; Pro- fessor of Church History and Polity, Auburn Theo- logical Seminary ; degree of Doctor of Laws, Washington and Jefferson College ; Secretary of the Society, 1850 to 1852 ; Chaplain of the Society, 1871 to 1880 ; died October 29, 1880. LUTHER FOSTER HALSEY grandson; born October 28, 1833 ; admitted July 4, 1884 ; Assist- ant Surgeon, Seventh Regiment Infantry, New Jersey Volunteers, August 20, 1862 ; transferred to the Second Regiment, March 9, 1863 ; honorably discharged May 31, 1864 ; died July 6, 1895, at Swedesboro, New Jersey. LUTHER MURPHY HALSEY great-grandson; admitted July 4, 1896. ENSIGN ROBERT HAMILTON; born January 17, 1764, in Leacock Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania ; Ensign, Third Regiment, Penn- sylvania Continental Line, May 23, 1779; served with this regiment until it was disbanded, January 17, 1781 ; died February 22, 1831. 86 HAMILTON MARKLEY great-grandson ; born May 6, 1854, in Camden, New Jersey ; admitted July 4, 1890 ; Captain and Aide-de-Camp, Staff of the Second Brigade, New Jersey National Guard, July 2, 1884; Major and Judge-Advocate, ditto, December 1, 1891 ; Major and Engineer, ditto, May 15, 1893. SURGEON JACOB HARRIS; Surgeon's Mate, First Battalion, Second Establishment, New Jersey Continental Line, November 28, 1776 ; transferred to the Fourth Battalion, February 20, 1777; Surgeon's Mate, First Regiment, July 1, 1778 ; Surgeon, Third Regiment, November 16, 1782 ; retained in New Jersey Battalion, April, 1783, and served to November, 1783 ; died on Long Island, New York. HENRY SCHENCK HARRIS great-great-grandnephew ; born December 27, 1850, at Belvidere, New Jersey ; admitted July 4, 1884 ; was graduated from Princeton College, 1870 ; degree of Master of Arts, Princeton Col- lege, 1873 ; Prosecutor of the Pleas of Warren County, New Jersey, March 15, 1877 ; Member of Congress from New Jersey, 1881 to 1883. LIEUTENANT-COLONEL SAMUEL HAY ; an original member of the Society of the Cincinnati in the State of New York ; transferred from the New York Society, July 4, 1796 ; Member of the State Con- vention, 1787 ; died December, 1803. PHILIP CORTLANDT HAY son ; born July 25, 1793, at Newark, New Jersey ; admitted July 4, 1826 ; was graduated from Princeton College, 87 1818 ; degree of Master of Arts, Princeton College, 1821 ; degree of Doctor of Divinity, Princeton Col- lege ; Secretary of the Society, 1829 to 1830 ; died in 1860. CAPTAIN JAMES HEARD; Cornet, Lee's Legion, Continental Army, April 1, 1779 ; Lieutenant and Regimental Paymaster, ditto, February 1, 1780; Captain, ditto, March, 1782; served to the close of the war ; died March 26th, 1831, in Middlesex County, New Jersey. CAPTAIN JOHN HEARD; born in 1742, near Woodbridge, New Jersey ; son of Brigadier-General Nathaniel Heard, New Jersey Militia in the Revolutionary War ; Second Lieutenant in Cap- tain Frederick Frelinghuysen's Eastern Company of Artillery, New Jersey State Troops, March 1, 1776 ; Lieutenant, Fourth Regiment, Continental Dragoons, January 20, 1777; Captain, ditto, February 8, 1778, and served until the end of the war ; Brigadier-Gen- eral, New Jersey Militia ; Surrogate of Middlesex County, New Jersey ; died in 1826, at New Brnnswick, New Jersey. WILLIAM DUXLAP HEARD son; born September 26, 1795, at Perth Amboy, New Jer- sey; admitted July 4, 1832; died October 2, 1880, at Hagerstown, Maryland. FRANKLIN ANDERSON HEARD grandson; born June 10, 1826, at Hagerstown, Maryland; ad- mitted July 4, 1881. BREVET MAJOR WILLIAM HELMS; Ensign, Second Battalion, First Establishment ; New Jersey Continental Line, November 7, 1775 : Second Lieutenant, Second Battalion, Second Establishment, November 29, 1776 ; First Lieutenant, ditto, February 5, 1777; Captain, ditto, December 1, 1777; transferred to the Second Regiment, September 26, 1780; retained in New Jersey Battalion, April, 1783 ; Major by brevet, September 30, 1783, and served to November 3, 1783 ; Member of the New Jersey Legislature ; Member of Congress from New Jersey, 1801 to 1811 ; Major-Gen- eral, New Jersey Militia ; died in 1813. CAPTAIN SAMUEL HENDRY ; born in 1738, at Burlington, New Jersey; Ensign, Second Battalion, First Establishment, New Jersey Continental Line, November 27, 1775 ; Second Lieu- tenant, ditto, September 5, 1776 ; Second Lieutenant, Second Battalion, Second Establishment, November 29, 1776; First Lieutenant, ditto, February 5, 1777; Captain-Lieutenant, Second Regiment, January 1, 1779 ; Captain, ditto, July 5, 1779 ; retained in New Jersey Battalion, April, 1783, and served to November 3, 1783; died October 15, 1824, at Burlington, New Jersey. JOHN ANDERSON HENDRY son; born in 1780, at Burlington, New Jersey; admitted July 5, 1824 ; Surgeon, Fourth Regiment, Hunterdon County, New Jersey Militia, 1813 ; died May 23, 1834, in New York City. CHARLES Fox HENDRY grandson; born December 19, 1811, at Trenton, New Jersey; ad- mitted July 4,.1834; died March 12, 1883, at South Amboy, New Jersey. PAUL AUGUSTINE HENDRY great-grandson; born March 30, 1857, at Pittsburg, Pennsylvania ; ad- mitted July 4, 1883. 89 MAJOR JOHN HOLLINSHEAD; born June 28, 1748; admitted July 4, 1787; First Lieutenant, Second Battalion, First Establishment, New Jersey Continental Line, November 27, 1775 ; First Lieutenant, Second Battalion, Second Establish- ment, November 29, 1776 ; Captain, ditto, February 5, 1777; Major, Third Regiment, July 5, 1779; trans- ferred to the Second Regiment, January 1, 1781 ; re- signed November 20, 1781 ; Sheriff of Burlington County, New Jersey ; died June, 1798. JAMES STERLING HOLLINSHEAD grandnephew ; born April 9, 1815, in New Brunswick, New Jersey ; admitted July 4, 1884; died September 27, 1897, in Brooklyn, New York. PERSIFOR FRAZER great-grandson ; born July 24, 1844, at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania ; admitted July 4, 1898 ; was graduated, University of Pennsylvania, 1862 ; degree of Master of Arts, Univer- sity of Pennsylvania, 1865 ; Coast Survey, assigned to United States Navy, 1862 to 1864; Acting Ensign, United States Navy, 1864 to 1865 ; Assistant United States Geological Survey, 1869 ; Professor of Chemistry, University of Pennsylvania, 1870 to 1874 ; Assistant, Geological Survey of Pennsylvania, 1874 to 1881 ; Pro- fessor of Chemistry, Franklin Institute, 1881 to 1893 ; degree of Docteur s-sciences Naturelles, University of France, 1882. CAPTAIN JOHN HOLMES; Second Lieutenant, First Battalion, First Establish- ment, New Jersey Continental Line, December 16, 1775 ; Second Lieutenant, First Battalion, Second Es- tablishment, November 29, 1776 ; Captain, First Regi- ment, February 1, 1779, and served to June 3, 1783. 90 CAPTAIN JONATHAN HOLMES; Ensign in Captain John Burrowes' Company, First Regiment, Monmouth County, New Jersey Militia ; Second Lieutenant, ditto ; Second Lieutenant, Heard's Brigade, New Jersey State Troops, June 14, 1776 ; Second Lieutenant, Fourth Battalion, Second Estab- lishment, New Jersey Continental Line, November 28, 1776 ; First Lieutenant, ditto, January 1, 1777 ; taken prisoner June 1, 1777 ; transferred as First Lieutenant to the Second Regiment, July 1, 1778 ; Captain, ditto, April 16, 1780, and served to April, 1783. HENRY APPLEGATE WILSON great-great-grandnephew ; born February 29, 1856, in Brooklyn, New York ; ad- mitted July 5, 1897. ENSIGN JOHN HOPPER; Ensign, Second Regiment, New Jersey Continental Line, June 21, 1781 ; retained in New Jersey Battalion, April, 1783, and served to November 3, 1783 ; died November 14, 1819, in Bergen County, New Jersey. CAPTAIN JOHN HO WELL ; admitted July 5, 1785 ; Ensign, First Battalion, Second Establishment, New Jersey Continental Line, Novem- ber 29, 1776 ; Lieutenant, First Regiment, October 29, 1777 ; Captain, ditto, November 20, 1781 ; served to April, 1783; died September 18, 1830, at Hartford, Ohio County, Kentucky. FRANCIS BARBER HOWELL son; born June 6, 1796, at Parsippany, Morris County, New Jersey ; admitted July 5, 1886 ; died November 26, 1889, at Cincinnati, Ohio. ALFRED BELL HOWELL grandson; bom March 5, 1829, at Lockport, Ohio ; admitted July 4, 1890. 91 SURGEON LEWIS HOWELL; born in 1753 ; died before the organization of the Society ; Surgeon, Second Battalion, Second Establish- ment, Xew Jersey Continental Line, November 28, 1776; died June 29, 1778, of fever, at the Black Horse Tavern, now Columbus, Burlington County, New Jersey, the day after the battle of Monmouth. FRANK DAVENPORT HOWELL grandnephew ; born March 25, 1842 ; admitted July 4, 1888 ; First Lieutenant, Seventeenth Regiment, V nited States In- fantry, May 14th, 1861 ; resigned and honorably dis- charged from the service, April 27, 1863 ; Assistant Treasurer of the Society, 1893. MAJOR RICHARD HOWELL; born October 25, 1754, in Newark, Newcastle County, Delaware ; Captain, Second Battalion, First Establish- ment New Jersey Continental Line, November 29, 177-") : distinguished himself at the siege of Quebec, December, 1775; Brigade-Major to Colonel Stark's Brigade, Sep- tember 4, 1776; Major, Second Battalion, Second Establishment, November 28, 1776; Major, Second Regiment; resigned April 7, 1779; Member of State Convention, 1787 ; Clerk of the Supreme Court of New Jersey, 1788 to 1793 ; Governor and Chancellor of N.-w Jersey, 1794 to 1801 ; died April 28, 1802, at Trenton, New Jersey. JOHN GUMMING HOWELL grandson; born November 24, 1819, at Philadelphia, Pennsyl- vania ; admitted July 4, 1872 ; Midshipman, United States Navy, June 9, 1836 ; Past Midshipman, July 1, 1842 ; Lieutenant, August 2, 1849 ; Commander, July 16, 1862; Captain, July 25, 1866; Executive Officer 92 of the steam frigate "Minnesota," at the battle of Hatteras Inlet, and commanded the "Nereus" in both of the Fort Fisher fights ; Chief of Staff of the European fleet, 1868 to 1870; Commandant of Navy Yard at League Island, Philadelphia, 1870 to 1872; Commo- dore, January 29, 1872 ; Commandant of Navy Yard at Portsmouth, New Hampshire, 1872 to 1874 ; Chief of Bureau of Yards and Docks, September 22, 1874, to 1878 ; Acting Secretary of the Navy, August 1, 1875 ; Rear Admiral, April 25, 1877 ; command of North Atlantic Squadron, September, 1877 ; command of the European Squadron, 1878 to 1881 ; retired November 24, 1881 ; died September 12, 1892. RICHARD LEWIS HOWELL great-grandson; born March 31, 1859, at Wheeling, West Virginia ; ad- mitted February 22, 1894 ; was graduated from the Uni- versity of Virginia, 1879 ; was graduated from the Theo- logical Seminary of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1882. LIEUTENANT JOSEPH HULL; born in 1750 ; Ensign of Captain John Couch's Com- pany, Colonel Philip Burr Bradley 's Connecticut State Regiment, June 10, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Fort Wash- ington, November 16, 1776 ; exchanged September 18, 1778 ; Lieutenant of Captain Nathan Chapman's Company, Lieutenant-Colonel Commandant Bezaleel Beebe's Regiment, Connecticut Militia, in Continental service, 1780 ; Lieutenant in Captain Jabez Fitch's Company, Independent Volunteers, Connecticut State Troops, in Continental service, March 1, 1782 ; dis- charged March 1, 1783; died January 27, 1826, at Derby, Connecticut. ISAAC HULL PLATT great-grandson; born May 18, 1853, at Brooklyn, New York ; admitted February 22, 1893. 93 LIEUTENANT-COLONEL DAVID HUMPHREYS ; bom July, 1752, in Derby, Connecticut ; an original member of the Society of the Cincinnati in the State of Connecticut ; Captain, Sixth Regiment Connecticut Continental Line, January 1, 1777 ; transferred to Fourth Regiment, January 1, 1781; transferred to Second Regiment, January 1, 1783; Brigade-Major to General Parsons, March 29, 1777 ; Major and Aide-de- Camp to General Putnam, December 18, 1778 ; Major and Aide-de-Camp to General Greene, May, 1780 ; Lieu- tenant-Colonel and Aide-de-Camp to General Washing- ton, June 23, 1780, to December 23, 1783 ; received the thanks and a sword from Continental Congress when he presented the standards captured at Yorktown ; died February 21, 1818, in New Haven, Connecticut. FRANK LANDON HUMPHREYS great-great-grandnephew ; born June 16, 1858, at Auburn, New York ; elected an honorary member of the Society, July 4, 1894 ; ad- mitted to hereditary membership, July 5, 1897 ; degree of Master of Arts, St. Stephen's College, Oxford, 1884 ; degree of Doctor of Music, St. Stephen's College, 1889; degree of Doctor of Sacred Theology, Hobart College, 1895 ; General Secretary of the Church Uni- versity Board of Regents ; Chaplain of the General Society, 1896. CHAPLAIN ANDREW HUNTER; born April 30, 1750, at York, Virginia ; was graduated from Princeton College, 1772 ; degree of Master of Arts, Princeton College, 1775 ; Chaplain, Third Battalion, Second Establishment, New Jersey Continental Line, June 1, 1777 ; Chaplain to General Maxwell's New Jersey Brigade, June 15, 1777 ; Chaplain, Third Regi- ment, September 26, 1780 ; taken prisoner ; served until the close of the war ; Member of the State Con- vention, 1787 ; Trustee of Princeton College, 1788 to 94 1804 ; Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy at Princeton College, 1804 to 1808 ; Chaplain, United States Navy, March 5, 1811 ; Secretary of the Society, 1783 to 1790, and 1797 to 1811 ; died February 24, 1823, at Washington, District of Columbia. DAVID HUNTER son; born July 21, 1802, near Trenton, New Jersey ; admitted July 4, 1885 ; was graduated from West Point Military Academy, 1822 ; Second Lieutenant, Fifth United States Infantry, July 1, 1822 ; First Lieutenant, ditto, June 30, 1828 ; Captain, First Regiment, United States Dragoons, March 4, 1833 ; resigned July 4, 1836 ; Major and Paymaster, United States Army, March 14, 1842; Colonel, Sixth Regiment, United States Cavalry, May 14, 1861 ; Brigadier-General, United States Volunteers, May 17, 1861 ; Major-General, United States Volun- teers, August 13, 1861 ; Brevet Brigadier-General United States Army, March 13, 1865, for gallant and meritorious service in the battle of Piedmont and the campaign in the Valley of Virginia ; Brevet Major- General, United States Army, March 13, 1865, for gallant and meritorious service during the war ; mus- tered out of volunteer service, January 15, 1866 ; re- tired from the United States Army, July 31, 1866 ; died February 2, 1886, in Washington, District of Co- lumbia. Louis BOUDINOT HUNTER son ; born October 9, 1804, in Princeton, New Jersey ; ad- mitted July 5, 1886 ; was graduated from Princeton Col- lege, 1824 ; degree of Master of Arts, Princeton College, 1827; appointed Assistant Surgeon, United States Navy, March 25, 1828 ; Passed Assistant Surgeon, March 3, 1835; Surgeon, March 2, 1837; Surgeon of the Fleet, Mediterranean Squadron, 1852 ; Surgeon on United States Steamship "Saratoga," under Ad- 95 miral Farragut, in Mexican War ; Surgeon of Fleet, North Atlantic Blockading Squadron, under Admiral Porter ; Medical Director, United States Navy, 1870 ; on retired list, with rank of Commodore, March 3, 1871 ; died June 24, 1887, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. RICHARD STOCKTON HUNTER grandson ; born February 20, 1845, in Princeton, New Jersey ; admitted July 4, 1887; was graduated from Princeton College, 1864 ; degree of Master of Arts, Princeton Col- lege, 1867. LIEUTENANT-COLONEL JOSHUA HUNTINGTON; born August 16, 1751, at Norwich, Connecticut; First Lieutenant of Colonel Israel Putnam's Third Regi- ment, Connecticut Continental Line, May 1, 1775 : discharged December 16, 1775 ; Captain in Colonel Samuel Selden's Fourth Battalion, Wadsworth's Bri- gade, Connecticut State Troops, June 20, 1776 ; Major, Twentieth Regiment, Connecticut Militia, for the imme- diate defense of Connecticut or any of the United States of America, May 1, 1777 ; promoted Lieutenant-Colonel, ditto, May 1, 1780 ; under resolve of Continental Con- gress, and as signified by the President, appointed to superintend the building of a frigate under Continental Navy Board, February, 1777 ; continuing in connec- tion with the Continental Navy Board and in charge of Continental ordnance, 1778, 1779 and 1780 ; died at Norwich, Connecticut, in 1821. FREDERICK WOLCOTT JACKSON great-grandson ; born August 24, 1833, in Newark, New Jersey ; elected an honorary member of the Society July 4, 1885 ; admitted to hereditary membership July 4, 1888 ; Trustee of the Princeton Theological Seminary, May, 1883 ; degree of Master of Arts, Yale College, 1892. 96 ENSIGN JACOB HYER ; born September 5, 1763 ; Ensign, Second Regiment,. New Jersey Continental Line, June 27, 1781, and served until April, 1783 ; died March 10, 1812, at Trenton, New Jersey. WILLIAM HYER brother ; born December 11, 1765, at New Brunswick, New Jersey ; admitted July 4, 1815 ; Adjutant, Fourth Regi- ment, Middlesex County, New Jersey Militia, November 13, 1794 ; Clerk of the Supreme Court of New Jersey, November 26, 1807 ; Clerk of the Court of Chancery of New Jersey. 1814 to 1818; died August 8, 1840, at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. ALEXANDER CHAMBERS HYER nephew; born August 28, 1797, at South Amboy, New Jersey ; admitted July 4, 1842 ; died October 9, 1880, at Frank- ford, Pennsylvania. ALEXANDER CHAMBERS HYER grand-nephew; born November 30, 1836, at Philadelphia, Pennsylva- nia ; admitted July 4, 1881. ENSIGN JAMES JOHNSTON; born at Oxford, Chester County, Pennsylvania ; En- sign and Regimental Paymaster, Fifth Regiment, Penn- sylvania Continental Line, January 1, 1777 ; in service until January 17, 1781 ; died December 19, 1842, at Alleghany City, Pennsylvania. ALEXANDER JOHNSTON CASSATT great-grandson; born December 8, 1839, at Pittsburg, Pennsylvania ; admitted July 4, 1891 ; was graduated from Poly- technic College, Troy, New York, 1859. 97 BREVET CAPTAIN WILLIAM KERSEY; Private and Corporal, Third Battalion, First Establish- ment, New Jersey Continental Line, March, 1776 ; Ensign, Third Battalion, Second Establishment, Novem- ber 1, 1777; Lieutenant, Third Regiment, March 30, 1780 ; transferred to First Regiment, January 1st, 1781 ; retained in New Jersey Battalion, April, 1783 ; Captain by brevet, September 30, 1783, and served to November 3, 1783 ; Ensign, United States Army, August 12, 1784; Lieutenant, First United States In- fantry, September 29, 1789 ; Captain, ditto, June 4, 1791 ; assigned to the First Sub-Legion, September 4, 1792 ; Major of the Fourth Sub-Legion, June 30, 1794 ; retained in the Third United States Infantry, Novem- ber 1, 1796; died March 21, 1800. LIEUTENANT ABRAHAM KINNEY; born August 16, 1762, at Morristown, New Jersey; Ensign, Third Regiment, Pennsylvania Continental Line, May 24, 1779 ; Lieutenant, Second Regiment, Continental Dragoons, June 14, 1781 ; honorably dis- charged November 3, 1783 ; died January 31, 1816, at Newark, New Jersey. THOMAS TALMAGE KINNEY grandson , ; also great-grandson of Surgeon-General William Burnet; born August 13, 1821, at Newark, New Jersey ; admitted July 4, 1884 ; was graduated from Princeton College in 1841 ; degree of Master of Arts, Princeton College, 1844 ; offered United States Minister to Austria by President Arthur, but declined ; President of State Board of Agriculture, 1878 to 1882. 98 BREVET CAPTAIN JOHN KINNEY; admitted July 4, 1791 ; Ensign, Third Battalion, First Establishment, New Jersey Continental Line, July 19, 1776 ; Ensign, Third Battalion, Second Establishment, November 29, 1776 ; Second Lieutenant, ditto ; First Lieutenant, ditto, January 6, 1778 ; Captain by brevet ; resigned therefrom August, 1778 ; died July 17, 1832, at Morristown, New Jersey. WILLIAM RUMSEY KINNEY grandson; born September 15, 1834, in Hartford, Ohio County, Kentucky; admitted July 4, 1884; Major Twelfth Regiment, Kentucky Volunteer Cavalry, August 10, 1862 ; died November 26, 1896, at Louisville, Kentucky. BREVET CAPTAIN SHEPARD KOLLOCK ; born September, 1750, at Lewiston, Delaware; admit- ted July 4, 1791 ; Lieutenant, New York Militia, 1776 ; First Lieutenant, Second Regiment, Continental Artil- lery, January 1, 1777; Captain by brevet; resigned therefrom January 3, 1779 ; Postmaster of Elizabeth, 1818 to 1829 ; Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, Essex County, New Jersey ; died July 28, 1839, at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. JOHN Me Do WELL KOLLOCK grandson, who afterward assumed the name of McDowell ; ad- mitted July 4, 1840 ; Treasurer of the Society, 1854 to 1869; Assistant Treasurer-General, 1863 to 1869; died June 8, 1869. FRANCIS BUCK MCDOWELL great-grandson; born in 1844, at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; admitted July 5, 1869 ; Doctor of Medicine ; Assistant Treas- urer of the Society, 1869 to 1871 ; transferred to the Pennsylvania Society of the Cincinnati, July 4, 1882. 99 CAPTAIN DERICK LANE; born April 30, 1755, at Bedminster, Somerset County, New Jersey; Second Lieutenant, Colonel Hunt's Bat- talion, Heard's Brigade, New Jersey State Troops, June 20, 1776 ; Second Lieutenant, Fourth Battalion, Sec- ond Establishment, New Jersey Continental Line, November 28, 1776 ; Second Lieutenant, Second Bat- talion, Second Establishment, February 5, 1777 ; First Lieutenant, November 8, 1777; Regimental Quarter- master, April 3, 1779 ; Captain-Lieutenant, July 5, 1799; Captain, February 11, 1783; retained in New Jersey Battalion, April, 1783, and served to June 3, 1783 ; Captain, United States Infantry, August 12, 1784 ; resigned November 24, 1785 ; Colonel, Rensse- laer County Regiment, New York Militia, 1798 ; Mem- ber of Assembly of the State of New York, 1809 ; President of village of Troy, New York, 1814 to 1815 ; died March 26, 1831, at Troy, New York. GEORGE TIBBITS LANE grandson; born November 26, 1834, at Troy, New York ; admit- ted July 4, 1885. MAJOR BENJAMIN LEDYARD ; an original member of the Society of the Cincinnati in the State of New York ; transferred from the New York Society, July 4, 1788 ; Captain, First Regiment, New York Continental Line, June 28, 1775 ; Major, Fourth Regiment, November 21, 1776 ; transferred to the First Regiment as Major, April 29, 1778 ; re- signed therefrom, March 26, 1779. 100 CAPTAIN DAVID LENOX; born October 3, 1753, in Kircudbright, Scotland ; Captain, Third Pennsylvania Battalion, Continental Line, January 5, 1776 ; wounded and taken prisoner at Fort Washington, November 16, 1776 ; exchanged May 15, 1778 ; Volunteer Aide-de-Camp to General Wayne at Battle of Monmouth ; retired September 15, 1778 ; elected an honorary member of the Pennsyl- vania Society, July 4, 1789 ; Vice President thereof, 1805 to 1807 ; President thereof, 1808 to 1828 ; died April 10, 1828, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. ROBERT LENOX BELKNAP great-grandnephew ; born July 23, 1848 ; admitted July 4, 1891 ; was gradu- ated from Columbia College, 1869 ; degree of Master of Arts, Columbia College, 1872 ; Acting Assistant In- spector-General of New York, 1875 ; Colonel by brevet, National Guard of New York, 1880; Trustee of Prince- ton Theological Seminary, 1887 to 1896; died March 31, 1896, in New York City. WALDRON PHCENIX BELKNAP great-great-grandnephew ; born February 8, 1873, in New York City; admitted July 4, 1896. BREVET MAJOR RICHARD LLOYD; born in 1755, at Upper Freehold, New Jersey; First Lieutenant, Third Battalion, First Establishment, New Jersey Continental Line, February 7, 1776 ; First Lieu- tenant, Hazen's Regiment, Second Canadian, Conti- nental Army, January 1, 1777; Captain, September 20, 1777; Major by brevet ; retired January 1, 1783; died May 17, 1792, in Sussex County, New Jersey. 101 WILLIAM LLOYD brother-; born May 1, 1757 in Upper Freehold, New Jersey ; admitted July 4, 1795 ; Member of the New Jersey General Assembly and of the Council ; Sheriff and Collector of the County of Monmouth, New Jersey : Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, Monmouth County, New Jersey ; died April 22, 1837, at Freehold, New Jersey. WILLIAM LLOYD nephew; born March 26, 1800, at Upper Freehold, New Jersey ; admitted July 4, 1837 ; Postmaster of Freehold, New Jersey, 1835 to 1848 ; died September, 22, 1894, at Freehold, New Jersey. WILLIAM EDWARD LLOYD grand-nephew; born October 17, 1843, at Millhurst, Monmouth County, New Jersey ; admitted February 22, 1895. ENSIGN FRANCIS LUCE; Private, Second Battalion, First Establishment, New Jersey Continental Line, November, 1775; Sergeant and Cadet, Second Battalion, Second Establishment ; Ensign, Second Regiment, June 17, 1780 ; transferred to the First Regiment, January 1, 1783 ; retained in New Jersey Battalion, April, 1783 ;* served to November 3, 1783 ; Ensign, United States Infantry, March 17, 1786; Ensign, First United States Infantry, September 29, 1789 ; resigned therefrom, May 1, 1790. COLONEL WILLIAM MALCOLM; born in 1732, in Scotland ; Major, Second Independent Infantry Battalion, New York City, January, 1776 ; Colonel, Second Regiment, New York City Militia, May 102 8, 1776 ; Colonel of Malcolm's Additional Regiment, Continental Army, January 1, 1777 ; Deputy Adjutant- General, Northern Department, June 2, 1778, to October, 1778; retired May 9, 1779; Colonel, First Regiment, New York Levies, 1780 to 1781 ; died September 1, 1792, in New York City. JAMES MORTIMER MONTGOMERY great-great-grandson ; born February 16, 1855, at New York City ; admitted July 5, 1886, General Secretary Society Sons of the Revolution ; Governor Military Society War of 1812. CAPTAIN ABSALOM MARTIN ; Paymaster, Fourth Battalion, Second Establishment, New Jersey Continental Line, November 28, 1776 ;. Lieutenant, ditto, November 2, 1777 ; Regimental Paymaster, November 1, 1779 ; Captain, First Regi- ment, January 6, 1783; served to the close of the war; died in 1802. BRIGADIER-GENERAL WILLIAM MAXWELL; born in 1733, in County Tyrone, Ireland ; came to Greenwich Township, Morris County, New Jersey, in 1747; Colonel, First Regiment, Sussex County, New Jersey, Militia; Colonel, Second Battalion, First Estab- lishment, New Jersey Continental Line, November 8, 1775; Brigadier-General, Continental Army, October 23, 1776; resigned July 20, 1780; commanded the New Jersey Continental Line from 1777 to 1780; died November 4, 1796, in Greenwich Township, Sussex County, New Jersey. 103 HENRY DUSENBERY MAXWELL great-grandnephew ; born August 3, 1862, at Easton, Pennsylvania; ad- mitted February 22, 1894 ; was graduated from Lafayette College, 1882 ; degree of Master of Arts, Lafayette Col- lege, 1885. CAPTAIN GILES MEAD; First Lieutenant, First Battalion, First Establishment, New Jersey Continental Line, December 10, 1775 ; First Lieutenant, First Battalion, Second Establish- ment, November 29, 1776 ; Captain, October 29, 1777 ; Captain, First Regiment, September 26, 1780, and served to the close of the war. MAJOR AARON OGDEN ; born December 3, 1756, at Elizabethtown, New Jersey : was graduated from Princeton College, 1773 ; received the degree of Master of Arts, Princeton College, 1776 ; Paymaster, First Battalion, First Establishment, New Jersey Continental Line, December 8, 1775 ; Pay- master, First Battalion, Second Establishment, February 1, 1777 ; Brigade-Major and Inspector to General Max- well's Brigade, March 7, 1778, to July 18, 1780: Captain, First Regiment, to date February 2, 1779, and served to the close of the war ; Lieutenant-Colonel, Eleventh United States Infantry, January 8, 1799 ; honorably discharged, June 15, 1800; Clerk of Essex County, New Jersey ; Presidential Elector, 1800 ; Trustee of the College of New Jersey, 1803 to 1812, and 1817 to 1839; United States Senator 1801 to 1803 ; Governor of New Jersey, 1812 to 1813 ; ap- pointed Major-General, Linked States Army, March 2, 1813, but declined; degree of Doctor of Laws, 104 Princeton College, 1816 ; President of the Society, 1824 to 1839 ; Vice President-General, 1825 to 1829 ; Presi- dent-General, 1829 to 1839; died April 19, 1839, at Jersey City, New Jersey. MATTHIAS OGDEN son; born January, 1792, at Elizabethtown, New Jersey; admitted July 4, 1839 ; was graduated from Princeton College, 1810 ; received the degree of Master of Arts, Princeton College, 1813; died July 17, 1860, at Eliza- bethtown, New Jersey. ELIAS BAILEY DAYTON OGDEN son; born May 22, 1799, at Elizabethtown, New Jersey; admitted July 4, 1861 ; was graduated from Princeton College, 1819; received the degree of Master of Arts, Princeton College, 1822 ; Prosecutor of the Pleas for Essex County, New Jersey, 1828, and for Passaic County, New Jersey, 1838; Member of the State Con- stitutional Convention, 1844 ; Associate Justice Su- preme Court of New Jersey, 1848 to 1865 ; died Feb- ruary 24, 1865, at Elizabeth, New Jersey. FREDERICK BEASLEY OGDEN grandson; born July 20, 1827, at Paterson, New Jersey ; admitted July 4, 1865; was graduated from Princeton College, 1847 ; degree of Master of Arts, Princeton College, 1850 ; Mayor of Hoboken, 1865 to 1866; Judge of Ho- boken District Court, March, 1877; died November 1, 1893, at Hoboken, New Jersey. HENRY FORD OGDEN great-grandson; born August 27, 1859, at Hoboken, New Jersey ; ad- mitted February 22, 1894. 105 BREVET BRIGADIER-GENERAL MATTHIAS OGDEN ; born October 22, 1754, at Elizabethtown, New Jersey ; joined the army at Cambridge, in the Expedition to Canada, and was wounded at Quebec, December 31, 1775 ; Lieutenant-Colonel, First Battalion, First Estab- lishment, New Jersey Continental Line, March 7, 1776; Lieutenant-Colonel, First Battalion, Second Establish- ment, November 28, 1776 ; Colonel, January 1, 1777 ; Colonel of the First Regiment ; taken prisoner at Elizabethtown, New Jersey, October 5, 1780 ; granted leave of absence by Congress, April 21, 1783, to visit Europe ; discharged at the close of the war ; Brigadier- General by brevet, September 30, 1783 ; Member of the Council of New Jersey, 1785 ; Presidential Elector, 1789; died March 31, 1791, at Elizabethtown, New Jersey. GEORGE MONTGOMERY OGDEN son; born in 1779, at Elizabethtown, New Jersey ; admitted July 4, 1800 ; was graduated from Princeton College, 1795 ; degree of Master of Arts, Princeton College, 1798 ; died July 4, 1824, at New Orleans, Louisiana. FRANCIS BARBER OGDEN son; born March 3, 1783, at Boonton, New Jersey ; admitted July 4, 1825 ; Volunteer Aide-de-Camp to General Jackson at the Battle of New Orleans, January 8, 1815; United States Consul at Liverpool, England, 1829 to 1840 ; Consul at Bristol, England, 1840 to 1857 ; died July 4, 1857, at Bristol, England. FRANCIS BARBER OGDEN grandson; born April 20, 1839, at Seacombe, Chester County, England ; admitted July 4, 1867; United States Deputy Consul at Bristol, England, 1855 to 1858 ; Assistant Secretary of the Society, 1873 to 1875 ; Secretary, 1875 to 1891 ; died January 30, 1891, at New York City. BREVET CAPTAIN BENAJAH OSMUN ; born in Hunterdon County, New Jersey ; Second Lieu- tenant and Quartermaster, Second Battalion, Second Establishment, New Jersey Continental Line, January 1, 1777 ; Second Lieutenant, Second Regiment, Sep- tember 12, 1778 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, April 25, 1780; Lieutenant, January 1, 1781; Captain by brevet, and served to the close of the war ; died in 1815, in Natchez, Mississippi. WILLIAM CASE OSMUN grand-nephew; born June 25, 1822, near Asbury, Hunterdon County, New Jersey ; admitted July 4, 1887. BREVET CAPTAIN JOHN PECK ; Second Lieutenant, Second Battalion, Second Estab- lishment, New Jersey Continental Line, November 2'.), 1776; First Lieutenant, November 10, 1777; Regi- mental Paymaster, Second Regiment, April 2, 1778 ; Lieutenant, ditto, January 1, 1781 ; retained in New Jersey Battalion, April, 1783 ; Captain by brevet, Sep- tember 30, 1783 ; served to November 3, 1783. CAPTAIN ROBERT PEMBERTON ; Lieutenant, Spencer's Additional Regiment, Continental Army, June 14, 1777 ; Regimental Adjutant, October 10, 1777; Captain, January 1, 1778; retired January 1, 1781 ; Secretary of the New York State Society of the Cincinnati, 1785 to 1788 ; died in 1788. 107 BREVET CAPTAIN WILLIAM SAXDFORD PEX- XIXGTOX ; born in 1757, at Xewark, Xew Jersey; Sergeant, Second Regiment, Continental Artillery, March 7, 1777; Sec- ond Lieutenant, September 12, 1778; served to June, 17S3; Lieutenant, United States Infantry, August 18, 1 7S4 ; Captain by brevet ; resigned Xovember 24, 1785 ; Member of the Council and General Assembly of Xew Jersey; Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of Xew Jersey, February 23, 1804 ; Governor of New Jersey, 1813 to 1815 ; Judge of the United States Dis- trict Court, 1815 to 1826; died September 17, 1826, at Newark, New Jersey. JAMES ADOLPHUS PEXXIXGTOX grandson; born November 7, 1814 ; admitted July 4, 1836; Mem- ber of the New Jersey Legislature, 1855 to 1856 ; died December 6, 1858. WILLIAM PEXXIXGTOX son ; born May 4, 1796, at Newark, New Jersey ; elected an honorary member of the Society July 4, 1831 ; admit- ted to hereditary membership July 4, 1859 ; was gradu- ated from Princeton College, 1813; degree of Master of Arts, Princeton College, 1816; Clerk of the United States District Court for Xew Jersey, 1815 to 1826 ; Member of the Xew Jersey House of Assembly, 1828; Assistant Treasurer of the Society, 1833 to 1839 ; Governor of Xew Jersey, 1837 to 1843; Trustee of Princeton College, 1848 to 1862; Member of Congress from Xew Jersey, 1858 ; Speaker of the House of Repre- sentatives, 1859 to 1861 ; died February 16, 1862, at Xewark, New Jersey. WILLIAM SAXDFORD PEXXIXGTOX grandson; born March 28, 1820, at Xewark, Xew Jersey ; admitted July 4, 1865 ; Secretary of the United States Legation to France, 1861 to 1865; died September 4, 1868. 108 EDWARD RIGGS PENNINGTON grandson; born February 21, 1841, at Newark, New Jersey; ad- mitted July 5, 18G9; Captain of the Twelfth United States Infantry, October 4, 1861; resigned December 20, 1862 ; Member of the New Jersey House of Assem- bly, 1881 ; Assistant Secretary of the Society, 1879 to 1884; died June 14, 1884, at Newark, New Jersey. WILLIAM PENNINGTON great-grandson ; born January 11, 1866, at Newark, New Jersey; ad- mitted July 4, 1887. CAPTAIN JONATHAN PHILLIPS ; born December 16, 1744, at Lawrenceville, New Jersey ; Captain, Fourth Regiment, Hunterdon County, New Jersey, Militia; Second Lieutenant, Second Bat- talion, First Establishment, New Jersey Continental Line, November 20, 1775; First Lieutenant, Second Battalion, Second Establishment, November 29, 1776; Captain, Second Regiment, December 1, 1777; served to April, 1783; died June 29, 1801, at Lawrenceville, New Jersey. HORATIO GATES PHILLIPS sow; born December 21, 1783, at Lawrenceville, New Jer- sey ; admitted July 4, 1806 ; died November 10, 1859, at Dayton, Ohio. JONATHAN DICKINSON PHILLIPS grandson; born December 31, 1812, at Dayton, Ohio ; admitted July 4, 1860 ; was graduated from Princeton College, 1831 ; degree of Master of Arts, Princeton College, 1834; died February 23, 1871, at Dayton, Ohio. HORACE PHILLIPS great-grandson ; born April 9, 1847, at Dayton, Ohio ; admitted July 4, 1879; was graduated from Yale University, 1868; degree of Master of Arts, Yale University, 1891. 109 CAPTAIN JACOB PIATT; born May 16, 1747 ; admitted July 5, 1785 ; Ensign, First Battalion, First Establishment, New Jersey Con- tinental Line, December 15, 1775 ; Second Lieutenant, First Battalion, Second Establishment, November 29, 1776 ; First Lieutenant and Adjutant, January 10, 1777 ; Captain-Lieutenant, First Regiment, February 2, 1779 ; Captain by brevet ; Captain, October 26, 1779; resigned March 11, 1780; Judge of Circuit Court in Kentucky, 1811 ; died August 14, 1834, in Boone County, Kentucky. JOHN HENRY PIATT great-grandson; born November 17, 1833, at Norwich, Connecticut ; ad- mitted July 4, 1876 ; was graduated from Yale College, 1855 ; First Lieutenant and Adjutant, First Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Cavalry, October 11, 1861 ; Captain and Aide-de-Camp, United States Volunteers, July 11, 1862 ; Brevet Major, United States Volunteers, March 13, 1865 ; Captain, Thirty-first United States Infantry, July 28, 1866 ; resigned therefrom, May 13, 1869. CAPTAIN WILLIAM PIATT; born in 1745, probaby in New Jersey ; Private and Sergeant, First Battalion, First Establishment, New Jer- sey Continental Line, December, 1775 ; Second Lieu- tenant, First Battalion, Second Establishment, August 20, 1776 ; First Lieutenant, January 15, 1777; Captain, First Regiment, March 11, 1780, and served to April, 1783 ; killed in action with Miami Indians, at St. Clair's defeat, in Northwest Territory, battlefield now in Darke County, Ohio, November 4, 1791. JOHN BEAR PIATT grandson; born November 11, 1805, near Waterloo, Seneca County, New York ; admitted July 4, 1876 ; died June 18, 1893, at Helena, Montana. 110 JOHN JAMES PIATT great-grandson ; born March 1, 1835, at James' Mills, Dearborn County, Indiana ; admitted February 22, 1894 ; United States Consul at Cork, Ireland, April 14, 1882, to March 31, 1893, and at Dublin, Ireland, April 1, 1893, to August 31, 1893. MAJOR JOHN POLHEMUS; born May 25, 1738, at Hopewell, Hunterdon County, New Jersey ; Captain, First Battalion, First Establish- ment, New Jersey Continental Line, November 22, 1775 ; Captain, First Battalion, Second Establishment, Novem- ber 29, 1776 ; Major, ditto, in 1778 ; taken prisoner, confined in old Sugar House Prison, New York City, released on parole, and did not return to the First Regiment ; died May 25, 1834, the ninety-fourth anni- versary of his birth, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. JOHN HART POLHEMUS grandson; born July 19, 1799, at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania ; admitted July 4, 1860 ; died August 17, 1880, in San Jos6, California. EDWARD POLHEMUS great-grandson ; born September 17, 1839, in Lima, Peru ; admitted July 4, 1884 ; died November 25, 1897, in San Fran- cisco, California. CAPTAIN NATHANIEL FITZ RANDOLPH; born March 1, 1748, in Woodbridge, New Jersey ; died before the organization of the Society ; Captain, First Regiment, Middlesex County, New Jersey Militia ; wounded and taken prisoner at the battle of Long Island, August 27, 1776 ; Naval Officer, Eastern District of New Jersey, December 12, 1778 ; taken from his bed Ill by Tories at Woodbridge, New Jersey, February 8, 1779, and imprisoned in New York ; exchanged May 26, 1780 ; died July 23, 1780, at Woodbridge, New Jersey, of wound received in the battle of Springfield, June 23, 1780. JOHN CODDINGTON KINNEY great-grandson ; born February 21, 1839, at Nassau, New York ; ad- mitted July 4, 1884 ; was graduated from Yale Uni- versity, 1861 ; degree of Master of Arts, Yale University, 1872 ; Sergeant, Company K, Thirteenth Regiment, Connecticut Volunteer Infantry, January 1, 1862 ; Second Lieutenant, Company A, ditto, September 1, 1862 ; wounded April 14, 1863, at Irish Bend, Louisi- ana ; First Lieutenant of Company I, ditto, March 17, 1864 ; Signal Officer, May 1, 1864 ; relieved July 10, 1864, and transferred to Company B, Thirteenth Bat- talion, Connecticut Volunteers, December 29, 1864 ; resigned June 21, 1865 ; United States Marshal for Con- necticut, 1882 to 1886 ; Postmaster, Hartford, Connecti- cut, January 15, 1890 ; Major Commanding, Governor's Foot Guard, January, 1882, to 1891 ; died April 22, 1891, at Hartford, Connecticut. MAJOR SAMUEL READING; First Lieutenant, Second Battalion, First Establish- ment, New Jersey Continental Line, December 18, 1775 ; taken prisoner at Three Rivers, Canada, June 8, 1776 ; exchanged December, 1776 ; Captain, Second Battalion, Second Establishment, January 1, 1777 ; Major, First Regiment, December 29, 1781 ; retained in New Jersey Battalion, April, 1783, and served to June, 1783. 112 LIEUTENANT ANTHONY RECKLESS; born August 13, 1760, at Recklesstown, New Jersey ; Lieutenant, Regiment Sappers and Miners, Continental Army, 1780, and served to the close of the war ; died in 1817, at Recklesstown, New Jersey. JOSEPH WARREN RECKLESS son; born in 1787, at Recklesstown, New Jersey ; admitted July 4, 1818 ; Assistant Treasurer of the Society, 1829 to 1833 ; Treasurer, 1833 to 1838 ; died January 27, 1849, at Plainfield, New Jersey. ANTHONY RECKLESS grandson ; bom May 11, 1821, at Ellisdale, Monmouth County, New Jersey ; admitted July 4, 1883 ; Member of New Jersey Senate, 1861 to 1863, and President of Senate in 1863; died January 24, 1889, at Red Bank, New Jersey. WILLIAM MCKNIGHT RECKLESS great-grandson; born July 28, 1848, in Hightstown, New Jersey ; ad- mitted July 4, 1889 ; Assistant Secretary of the Society, 1895. BREVET CAPTAIN JOHN REED; Ensign, Fourth Battalion, Second Establishment, New Jersey Continental Line, February 17, 1777 ; Second Lieutenant, October 3, 1777 ; First Lieutenant, Third Battalion, February 1, 1779 ; served in Indian cam- paign of 1779 ; transferred to First Regiment, January 1, 1781 ; took part in the Virginia campaign of 1781, and served to April, 1783 ; Captain by brevet ; Captain, United States Army ; killed in action with Miami Indians, November 4, 1791. 113 ENSIGN JOHN REED; born July 6, 1742, near New Market, New Jersey ; Ser- geant, Spencer's Regiment, Continental Army, Febru- ary 1, 1777 ; Ensign, May 12, 1779 ; retired, January 1, 1781 ; Lieutenant in the Levies of 1791 ; wounded at St. Glair's defeat, near Fort Recovery, Ohio, Novem- ber 4, 1791 ; Lieutenant, United States Infantry, March 16, 1792 ; assigned to Third Sub-Legion, September 4, 1792 ; Captain, November 12, 1793 ; honorably dis- charged November 1, 1796 ; died June 16, 1829, at New Market, New Jersey. JAMES GRANT REED great-grandson ; born March 16, 1848, at Trenton, New Jersey ; admit- ted July 5, 1886. BREVET CAPTAIN JOHN REUCASTLE ; born at Paisley, Scotland ; Private, Corporal, Sergeant, Third Battalion, First Establishment, New Jersey Con- tinenal Line, December, 1775 ; Second Lieutenant, Third Battalion, Second Establishment, November 1, 1777 ; First Lieutenant, Third Regiment, April 7, 1779 ; transferred to First Regiment, January 1, 1781, and served to April, 1783 ; Captain by brevet ; died July 16, 1808, at Elizabethtown, New Jersey. BREVET CAPTAIN JONATHAN RHEA ; born April 12, 1758, in Momnouth County, New Jer- sey ; Ensign, Second Battalion, Second Establishment, New Jersey Continental Line, January 1, 1777 ; Second Lieutenant, Second Regiment, April 1, 1778 ; Lieuten- 114 ant, Second Regiment, January 1, 1781 ; Captain by brevet ; retained in the New Jersey Battalion to April 1783, and served until November 3, 1783 ; Clerk of Monmouth County, New Jersey, 1784 ; Clerk of the Supreme Court of New Jersey, 1793 to 1807 ; Presi- dential Elector, 1796 ; Quartermaster-General of New Jersey, 1813 to 1815 ; died February 3, 1815, at Tren- ton, New Jersey. RICHARD IMLAY RHEA son; born in 1783, at Freehold, New Jersey ; admitted July 4, 1816 ; died December 12, 1816, at Charleston Harbor, South Carolina. JAMES WALTER WALL grandson; born May 20, 1820, at Trenton, New Jersey ; admitted July 4, 1870 ; was graduated from Princeton College in 1838 ; degree of Master of Arts, Princeton College, 1841 ; United States Commissioner in Bankruptcy, 184.7 ; Mayor of Burlington, New Jersey, 1850 ; United States Senator, 1863 ; died June 9, 1872, at Elizabeth, New Jersey. PETER DUMONT VROOM great-grandson; born April 18, 1842, at Trenton, New Jersey ; admitted July 4, 1874 ; was graduated from Rensselaer Poly- technic Institute, 1862 ; First Lieutenant and Adju- tant, First Regiment, New Jersey Volunteer Infantry, August 12, 1862 ; wounded at the battle of South Mountain, Maryland, September 14, 1862 ; Major, Second Regiment, New Jersey Volunteer Cavalry, August 28, 1863 ; Acting Assistant Inspector-General, cavalry forces, Military Division of West Mississippi, March 13 to August 8, 1865 ; Brevet Lieutenant- Colonel and Brevet Colonel, United States Volunteers, March 13, 1865, for gallant and meritorious services during the war ; honorably discharged October 24, 115 1865; Second Lieutenant, Third Cavalry, United States Army, February 23, 1866; First Lieutenant, July 28, 1866 : Regimental Commissary, December 1, 1866, to May 27, 1867; Regimental Adjutant, December 28, 1868, to May 15, 1871 ; Captain, May 17, 1876 ; Major and Inspector-General, December 10, 1888 ; Lieutenant- Colonel and Inspector-Generol, January 2, 1895. SURGEON JOHN 'BERRIEN RIKER ; born in 1738 ; Surgeon, Fourth Battalion, Second Es- tablishment, New Jersey Continental Line, November 28, 1776; retired September 26, 1780; died September 5, 1794. JOHN JACKSON RIKER great-grandnephew ; born April 6, 1858, in Newtown, Queens County, Long Island ; admitted July 4, 1889 ; Aide-de-Camp, First Brigade Staff, National Guard, State of New York, August 7, 1879, to October 25, 1883 ; Ordnance Officer, Brigade Inspector of Rifle Practice and Brigade In- spector, ditto ; Major, Twelfth Regiment, ditto, Janu- ary 9, 1884, to January 14, 1889. SURGEON ALEXANDER ROSS; born in 1713 ; died before the organization of the Soci- ety ; graduate in Medicine, University of Edinburgh, 1754 ; Hospital Physician and Surgeon, Continental Army ; died May 10, 1780, in Mount Holly, New Jersey. JOHN CLARK SIMS great-great-grandson ; born September 12, 1845, at Philadelphia, Pennsyl- vania ; admitted July 4, 1875 ; was graduated from the University of Pennsylvania, June, 1865 ; degree of Master of Arts, University of Pennsylvania, June, 1868 ; Trustee of the University of Pennsylvania, March, 1885. 116 MAJOR JOHN ROSS; born March 2, 1752, at Mount Holly, New Jersey; Captain, Third Battalion, First Establishment, New Jersey Continental Line, February 9, 1776 ; Captain, Third Battalion, Second Establishment, November 29, 1776 ; Major, Second Regiment, April 7, 1779; Brigade Major and Inspector, New Jersey Brigade, October, 1779, to November, 1780 ; retired January 1, 1781 ; died September 7, 1796. ALEXANDER Ross son; born August 13, 1785, at Mount Holly, New Jersey ; admitted July 4, 1807; died October, 1808, at Mount Holly, New Jersey. CLIFFORD STANLEY SIMS great-grandson ; born February 17, 1839, at Emeline Furnace, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania ; admitted July 4, 1861 ; Assist- ant Paymaster, United States Navy, 1862 ; Colonel and Judge-Advocate-General of Arkansas, September 13, 1863 ; Lieutenant-Colonel, Fourth Regiment, Arkansas Volunteers, 1864 ; taken prisoner, and on parole to the end of the war ; Delegate to the Constitutional Conven- tion of Arkansas, 1867 to 1868 ; Commissioner to digest the statutes, February 12, 1868 ; Member of the Arkan- sas House of Assembly and Senate, 1868 and 1869 ; Brigadier-General in the Militia, July 14, 1868 ; United States Consul at Prescott, Canada, 1869 to 1878 ; Presi- dent of the Society, 1883 to 1896 ; Judge of the New Jersey Court of Errors and Appeals, 1894 to 1896;. degree of Doctor of Civil Laws, St. Stephen's College, New York, 1895 ; died March 3, 1896, at Trenton, New Jersey. CHARLES ABERCROMBIE SIMS great-great-grandson; born June 5, 1866, near Memphis, Tennessee ; admit- ted July 4, 1896. 117 LIEUTENANT THOMAS RYERSON ; born November 12, 1753, at South Branch, Somerset County, New Jersey; Ensign, First Regiment, Penn- sylvania Continental Infantry, October 27, 1775; En- sign, Second Battalion, First Establishment. New Jersey Continental Line, November 20, 1775; Second Lieu- tenant, July 18, 1776; taken prisoner at Fort Wash- ington, November 18, 1776; died October 2, 1835, at Chester, Pennsylvania. ARTHUR RYERSOX grandson; born January 12, 1851, at Chicago, Illinois; admitted July 4, 1883 ; was graduated from Yale College, 1871 ; degree of Bachelor of Laws, Columbia College, 1873; degree of Master of Arts, Yale College, 1874. SURGEON MOSES SCOTT; born in 1738, at Neshaminy, Bucks County, Pennsyl- vania; Surgeon, Second Regiment, Middlesex County, New Jersey Militia, February 14, 1776; Surgeon in General Hospital, Continental Army, June 1, 1777; Hospital Physician and Surgeon, Middle District, October 6, 1780; resigned December 13, 1780; died December 28, 1821, at New Brunswick, New Jersey. JOSEPH WARREN SCOTT son; born November 21, 1778; admitted July 4, 1825; was graduated from Princeton College, 1795; degree of Master of Arts, Princeton College, 1798 ; Lieuten- ant, Third Regiment, Middlesex County, New Jersey Militia, May 24, 1808 ; Captain, June 24, 1811 ; Lieutenant-Colonel and Deputy Adjutant-General of the Third Division, May 21, 1818; Colonel, In- dependent Battalion, Middlesex Brigade, February 118 20, 1829; Presidential Elector, 1825; Vice President of the Society, 1840 to 1842; President, 1844 to 1871 ; Assistant Treasurer-General, 1832 to 1838; Treasurer- General, 1838 to 1871 ; degree of Doctor of Laws, Princeton College, 1869; died April 27, 1871, at New Brunswick, New Jersey. JOSEPH GRIFFITHS SCOTT grandson; born August 12, 1809, at New Brunswick, New Jersey; admitted July 4, 1871 ; Probate Judge, Jersey County, Illinois, 1839 to 1847 ; died October 10, 1884, at Jersey- ville, Illinois. CHARLES SMITH SCOTT grandson; born June 6, 1819; admitted July 4, 1885; Judge of Court of Common Pleas, Middlesex County, New Jer- sey, 1882 to 1887; died December 24, 1893. WILLIAM EARLE DODGE SCOTT great-grandson; born April 22, 1852, in Brooklyn, New York ; admitted February 22, 1894 ; was graduated from Harvard Col- lege, 1873 ; Curator Museum National History, Prince- ton College, 1875 to 1882. COLONEL NATHANIEL SCUDDER ; born May 10, 1733, near Monmouth Court House,. New Jersey ; died before the organization of the Society ; was graduated from Princeton College, 1751 ; degree of Master of Arts, Princeton College, 1754 ; Member of Freehold, Monmouth County, Committee of Observation, March 6, 1775; Lieutenant-Colonel, First Regiment, Monmouth County, New Jersey Militia, 1775; Colonel, November 28, 1776; Colonel, command- ing regiment, New Jersey State Troops until he was 119 killed ; Member of the Council of Safety of New Jersey, March 18, 1777 ; Member of the Continental Congress, November 30, 1777, and again elected thereto Novem- ber 6, 1779 ; signer of the Articles of Confederation in Congress, November 26, 1778; Trustee of Princeton College, 1778 to 1782 ; killed October 15, 1781, in fight at Black Point, near Shrewsbury, Monniouth County, New Jersey ; buried with military honors in Tennent Church graveyard ; the only member of the Continental Congress killed in battle during the Revolutionary War. WILLIAM SCUDDER STRYKER great-yreat-grandnepliew; born June 6, 1838, at Trenton, New Jersey ; elected an honorary member of the Society, July 4, 1876 ; admit- ted to hereditary membership July 4, 1888 ; was gradu- ated from Princeton College, 1858 ; degree of Master of Arts, Princeton College, 1861 ; Major and Aide-de-Camp, Staff of Major-General Quincy A. Gillmore, United States Volunteers, July 8, 1863; brevetted Lieutenant- Colonel for faithful and meritorious services during the war, November 24, 1865 ; resigned June 30, 1866 ; Lieutenant-Colonel and Aide-de-Camp, Staff of Gover- nor Ward, New Jersey, January 10, 1867 ; Brigadier- General and Adjutant-General of New Jersey, April 12, 1867 ; brevetted Major-General for long and meritorious services as Adjutant-General of the State, February 9, 1874 ; President New Jersey Historical Society, January 26, 1897; President of the Trenton Battle Monument Association, May 12, 1884 ; Trustee of the Princeton Theological Seminary, May 6, 1896 ; President of the Society, 1896. 120 ENSIGN CORNELIUS RIKER SEDAM ; Ensign, First Regiment, New Jersey Continental Line, May 30, 1782, and served to the close of the war; En- sign, United States Infantry Regiment, March 17, 1786 ; Ensign, First Infantry, United States Army, September 29, 1789; Lieutenant, October 22, 1790; Captain, April 23, 1792; assigned to First Sub-Legion, September 4, 1792; honorably discharged September 1, 1796; died May 9, 1823, in Sedamsville, Hamilton County, Ohio. WALKER YEATMAN SEDAM -grandson; born August 1, 1839, at Sedamsville, Hamilton County, Ohio; admitted July 4, 1888 ; Acting Volunteer Third Assistant Engineer, United States Navy, October 1, 1862 ; Acting First Assistant Engineer, United States Navy, June 10, 1863 ; resigned from the service May 10, 1864. BREVET CAPTAIN SAMUEL SEELEY ; Ensign, First Battalion, Second Establishment, New Jersey Continental Line, October 4, 1777; Second Lieu- tenant, October 29, 1778; First Lieutenant, First Regi- ment, March 11, 1780; Captain by brevet; retained in the New Jersey Battalion, April, 1783, and served until the close of the war; Brigadier-General in the Militia of Pennsylvania. COLONEL ISRAEL SHREVE ; born December 17, 1739, in Burlington County, New Jersey; Lieutenant-Colonel, Second Battalion, First Establishment, New Jersey Continental Line, Novem- ber 8, 1775 ; Colonel, Second Battalion, Second Estab- lishment, November 28, 1776; Colonel, Second Regi- 121 ment; retired January 31, 1781 ; Member of the Council of New Jersey; died December 14, 1799, in Fayette County, Pennsylvania. WILLIAM RIDGWAY SHREVE -great-grandson; born August 7, 1830, in Mahoning County, Ohio; ad- mitted July 4, 1884; died in 1892. BREVET CAPTAIN SAMUEL MOORE SHUTE ; born in 1761, in Salem County, New Jersey; Ensign, Second Battalion, First Establishment, New Jersey Continental Line, August 26, 1776; Second Lieutenant^ Second Battalion, Second Establishment, January 1, 1778; First Lieutenant, Second Regiment, April 8, 1780; Captain by brevet; retained in New Jersey Bat- talion, April, 1783, and served to November 3, 1783; Major of Brigade, Cumberland County, New Jersey Militia, War of 1812; died August 31, 1816, at Bridge- ton, New Jersey. ENOCH SHUTE brother; born March 6, 1765, in Salem County, New Jersey; admitted July 4, 1818; died November 29, 1823, at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. WILLIAM SHUTE nephew; born September 18, 1795, in Salem County, New Jer- sey; admitted July 4, 1826; died November 14, 1882, at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. SAMUEL MOORE SHUTE grandnephew ; born January 24, 1823, at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania ; admitted July 4, 1883 ; was graduated from University of Pennsylvania, 1844; degree of Master of Arts, Uni- versity of Pennsylvania, 1847 ; Professor of Greek and 122 Latin Languages, Columbian College, Washington, District of Columbia, 1859; transferred to the chair of English Language and Literature, 1865 ; resigned 1895 and elected Professor Emeritus; degree of Doctor of Divinity, Mercer University, Georgia, 1869; Chaplain of the Society, March 4, 1884; Chaplain of the General Society, May 15, 1884. BREVET CAPTAIN WILLIAM SHUTE ; born March 9, 1750, at Elizabethtown, New Jersey ; Captain and Paymaster, Second Battalion, First Estab- lishment, New Jersey Continental Line, November 28, 1775; Captain and Paymaster, Second Battalion, Second Establishment, November 28, 1776 ; resigned April 2, 1778; Ensign and Paymaster, Second Regi- ment, June 17, 1780; Captain by brevet; retained in New Jersey Battalion, April, 1783, and served to No- vember 3, 1783; Major of the Eleventh United States Infantry, January 8, 1799 ; honorably discharged June 15, 1800; Vice President of the Society, 1838 to 1840; President, 1840 to 1841 ; A T ice President-General, 1839 to 1841; died August 12, 1841, in New York City. THEODORE SHUTE son; born March 11, 1806, at Elizabethtown, New Jersey; admitted July 4, 1885; was graduated from Princeton College, 1826 ; died July 20, 1885, in New Orleans, Louisiana. JAMES DA VIES SHUTE grandson; born September 15, 1832, at New Iberia, Ittakapa District, Louisiana; admitted July 5, 1886. 123 LIEUTENANT JONATHAN SNOWDEN ; Ensign, First Battalion, Second Establishment, New Jersey Continental Line, April 26, 1777 ; Second Lieu- tenant, First Regiment, April 13, 1778; First Lieu- tenant, October 26, 1779; transferred to Lee's Battalion of Light Dragoons in 1780; Aide-de-Camp to Brigadier- General Edward Hand, of Pennsylvania, May, 1781; served to the close of the war; Captain in the United States Levies in 1791 ; Military Storekeeper, United States Arm}-, May 5, 1808; died December 25, 1824. COLONEL OLIVER SPENCER; bom October 6, 1736, at East Haddam, Connecticut; First Major, First Regiment, Essex County, New Jersey Militia, February 23, 1776; Lieutenant-Colonel, No- vember 28, 1776; Lieutenant-Colonel of Colonel Ford's Battalion, New Jersey State Troops, November 27, 1776; Colonel, February 3, 1777; Colonel, Spencer's Regiment, Continental Army, January 15, 1777; re- tired January 1, 1781; Probate Judge in Ohio; died January 22, 1811, at Columbia, Ohio. OLIVER HATFIELD SPENCER grandson; born September 12, 1781, at Elizabetntown, New Jer- sey; admitted July 4, 1811; Chief Surgeon, United States Army, battle of New Orleans; died May 19 r 1824, at Elizabethtown, New Jersey. ROBERT DAYTON SPENCER great-grandson; born October 26, 1814, at Natchez, Mississippi; admit- ted July 4, 1836; Clerk of the United States District Court for New Jersey, 1837 ; Treasurer of the Society, 1838 to 1854; died July 24, 1855, at Mount Holly, New Jersev, 124 WILLIAM CHETWOOD SPENCER great-great-grandson; born May 29, 1849, at. Mount Holly, New Jersey; ad- mitted July 4, 1870; Assistant Secretary of the Society, 1884 to 1891; Secretary of the Society from 1891 to 1895 ; died October 2, 1897, in Elizabeth, New Jersey. ENSIGN MOSES SPROWL ; Private, Corporal and Sergeant, Third Battalion, First Establishment, New Jersey Continental Line, Novem- ber, 1775, to 1781; Ensign, Second Regiment, June 21, 1781; retained in New Jersey Battalion, April, 1783, and served to November 3, 1783; died in 1820. COLONEL CHARLES STEWART; born March 9, 1729, at Gortlee, County Donegal, Ire- land; came to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1750; Member from Hunterdon County, New Jersey, of First Provincial Congress and Council of Safety, 1775 to 1776; Colonel, Battalion Minute Men, New Jersey Militia, February 15, 1776; Commissary-General, New Jersey Militia; Commissary-General of Issues, Conti- nental Army, June 18, 1777, to July, 1782 ; Delegate to the Continental Congress, 1784 to 1785; died June 24, 1800, near Flemington, New Jersey. CHARLES SEAFORTH STEWART great-grandson; born April 11, 1823, north latitude 8 30', west longitude 134, Pacific Ocean; admitted July 4, 1890; Cadet United States Military Academy, September 1, 1842, to July 1, 1846; Second Lieutenant, Corps of Engineers, United States Army, July 1, 1846; First Lieutenant, July 1, 1853; Captain, July 1, 1860; Major, March 3, 1863; Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel, February 125 25, 1865; Brevet Colonel, March 13, 1865, declined; Lieutenant-Colonel, March 7, 1867; Colonel, June 30, 1882 ; retired September 16, 1886, at his own request, after more than forty years' service as a commissioned officer. CAPTAIN RICHARD STITES ; born November 8, 1747 ; died before the organization of the Society ; was graduated from Rhode Island College, Warren, Rhode Island, 1769 ; Captain, First Battalion Somerset County, New Jersey Militia, February 9, 1776; Captain, Colonel Stephen Hunt's Battalion, Gen- eral Heard's Brigade, New Jersey State Troops, July 5, 1776 ; severely wounded at the battle of Long Island, August 27, 1776 ; died September 16, 1776, at Eliza- bethtown, New Jersey, of wounds received in action. RICHARD MONTGOMERY STITES great-grandson ; born July 31, 1837, at Morristown, New Jersey ; admitted July 4, 1889 ; died March 11, 1896, at Mor- ristown, New Jersey. RICHARD WAYNE STITES great-great-grandson; born March 8, 1861, at Morristown, New Jersey ; ad- mitted July 4, 1896. SURGEON EBENEZER STOCKTON; born in 1759, at Princeton, New Jersey; admitted July 4, 1789; was graduated from Princeton College, 1780; degree of Master of Arts, Princeton College, 1783 ; Sur- geon's Mate in General Hospital, Continental Army, September 20, 1777; Surgeon, New Hampshire Conti- nental Line, July 10, 1782; died December 9, 1837, at Princeton, New Jersey. 126 ROBERT STOCKTON son; born January 9, 1819, at Princeton, New Jersey; ad- mitted July 5, 1847 ; Major, New Jersey Militia ; died February 28, 1889, at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. ROBERT NEWBURY STOCKTON grandson; born February 7, 1853, at Plainsboro, Middlesex County, New Jersey; admitted July 4, 1889. CAPTAIN JOHN STOTESBURY ; an original member of the Society of the Cincinnati in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania; transferred from the Pennsylvania Society, July 4, 1793; Ensign, Sec- ond Regiment, Pennsylvania Continental Line; Second Lieutenant, Eleventh Regiment, Pennsylvania Conti- nental Line, September 30, 1776; prisoner of war in New York; First Lieutenant, April 9, 1777; wounded at the battle of Brandywine, September 11, 1777 ; trans- ferred as First Lieutenant to Eighth Regiment, Penn- sylvania Continental Line; Captain, Sixth Regiment, Pennsylvania Continental Line, 1781; died in 1800. EDWARD NICOLL DICKERSON grandson; born February 11, 1824, at Paterson, New Jersey; ad- mitted July 5, 1886 ; degree of Doctor of Laws, Prince- ton College, 1885; died December 12, 1889, at Far Rockaway, New York. BREVET CAPTAIN ABRAHAM STOUT; bom July 14, 1754; Sergeant, Third Battalion, First Establishment, New Jersey Continental Line, February 7,1776; Ensign, October 29, 1776; Second Lieutenant, Second Battalion, Second Establishment, November 29, 127 1776; First Lieutenant, January 1, 177.S; taken pris- oner April 5, 1778; exchanged December 3, 1780; Captain by brevet ; died July 11, 1821. IRA ABRAHAM STOUT grandson; born March 6,1817, in Nashville, Tennessee ; admitted February, 22, 1895; served as a volunteer in the Semi- nole War; Assistant Commissary of Tennessee during the Mexican War. BREVET CAPTAIN WESSEL TEX BROECK STOUT; born in 1758, at Middletown, New Jersey; Second Lieutenant, Fourth Battalion, Second Establishment, New Jersey Continental Line, November 1, 1777 ; trans- ferred to the Third Battalion; wounded on Long Island, December 10, 1777; Ensign of the Third Regi- ment, January 1, 1781; Lieutenant, First Regiment, May 12, 1782; Captain by brevet; retained in New Jersey Battalion, April, 1783, and served to November 3, 1783; Colonel, Monmouth County, New Jersey, Militia ; died November 11, 1818, at Allentown, New Jersey. RICHARD MONTGOMERY STOUT son; born November 12, 1789, at Allentown, New Jersey; admitted July 5, 1824; died January 19, 1857, at Allentown, New Jersey. WESSEL TEN BROECK STOUT grandson; born April 25, 1826, at Allentown, New Jersey ; admitted July 4, 1857 ; received the degree of Doctor of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, 1846; died February 26, 1862, at Princeton, New Jersey. 128 WESSEL TEN BROECK STOUT IMLAY great-grandson; born August 23, 1850, in New York City; admitted July 4, 1885; Assistant Secretary of the Society, 1894 ; Secretary, 1895 ; Principal Grammar School No. 72, Brooklyn, New York. BREVET CAPTAIN EDMUND DISNEY THOMAS; born December 3, 1758, at Elizabethtown, New Jersey; Private and Cadet, Third Battalion, First Establish- ment, January to July, 1776; Ensign, July 19, 1776; Ensign, Third Battalion, Second Establishment, Novem- ber 29, 1776; First Lieutenant, Third Regiment, November 11, 1777; transferred to the Second Regi- ment, January 1, 1781; retained in New Jersey Bat- talion, April, 1783; Captain by brevet, September 30, 1783, served to November 3, 1783; died October 15, 1816. GEORGE CUMINS THOMAS brother; born August 25, 1784, at Elizabethtown, New Jersey; admitted July 4, 1817; Vice President of the Society, 1848 to 1861; died July 29, 1861, in New York City. JAMES PROVOOST THOMAS nephew; born November 24, 1806, at Elizabethtown, New Jer- sey; admitted July 4, 1863; died November 7, 1870, in Elizabeth, New Jersey. ISAAC CAROW THOMAS grandnephew; born in 1840, in New York City; admitted July 4, 1871; died May 31, 1885, at Elizabeth, New Jersey. DAVID PROVOOST THOMAS grandnephew; born February 18, 1843, in New York City; admitted July 4, 1885; Assistant Treasurer of the Society, 1887 to 1890; Treasurer of the Society, 1891 to 1893; died June 25, 1893, at Elizabeth, New Jersey. 129 "VVi LLI AMSON THOMAS yreat-grandnephew ; born October 30, 1872, at Elizabeth, New Jersey; ad- mitted July 4, 1894. BREVET LIEUTENANT-COLONEL ANNE LOUIS DE TOUSARD ; born in 1749; an original member of the Society in France, January 10, 1784; Captain of Artillery, Con- tinental Army; acted as Aide-de-Camp to Major-Gen- eral Marquis de Lafayette ; lost his right arm at the fight at Quaker Hill, Rhode Island, August 29, 1778 ; received the thanks of Congress, October 27, 1778, with the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel by brevet of the Army of the United States ; Major of Provincial Regi- ment of Artillery de Toul, April 5, 1780; Lieutenant- Colonel of Regiment du Cap, July 20, 1784; Major, First Regiment, Artillerists and Engineers, United States Army, February 26, 1795; Lieutenant-Colonel, Second Regiment, Artillerists and Engineers, United States Army, May 26, 1800; honorably discharged June 1, 1802; died May 8, 1817, in Paris, France. ANTHONY EUGENE STOCKER grandson; born March 5, 1819, at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; admitted July 4, 1888 ; degree of Doctor of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, 1840 ; Major and Surgeon, United States Volunteers, August 3, 1861 ; attached to Second Brigade, Second Division, First Corps, Army of the Potomac; in charge of Chesapeake General Hospital, Fortress Monroe; Medical Director, District of Key West; in charge prisoners' hospital, Elinira, New York ; bre vetted Lieutenant-Colonel, United States Volunteers, June 1, 1865, for faithful and meritorious services; honorably discharged September 15, 1865; died May 23, 1897, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 130 GEORGE FITZ RANDOLPH STOCKER great-grandson ; born March 9, 1852, at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania ; admitted July 5, 1897. ENSIGN WILLIAM TUTTLE ; born November 5, 1760, in Whippany, Morris County, New Jersey ; Private, Corporal, Third Battalion, Second Establishment, New Jersey Continental Line, 1776 ; Sergeant, Third Regiment, February 1, 1779 ; Ensign, June 21, 1781, and served to April, 1783; died January 11, 1836, near Baskingridge, Somerset County, New Jersey. JOSEPH FARRAND TUTTLE grandnephew ; born March 12, 1818, at Bloomfield, New Jersey; ad- mitted July 4, 1884; was graduated from Marietta College, Ohio, 1841 ; received the degree of Doctor of Divinity, 1860, and Doctor of Laws, Marietta College, Ohio ; President of Wabash College, Crawfordsville, Indiana, 1862 to 1892. SURGEON JOHN FRANCIS VACHER ; born in France ; an original member of the Society of the Cincinnati in the State of New York ; transferred from the New York Society, July 5, 1802 ; was gradu- ated at the College of Chirugie de Montpelier ; Surgeon, Fourth Regiment, New York Continental Line, Feb- ruary 4, 1777; served to January, 1781; died Decem- ber 4, 1807, in New York City. 131 SURGEON GARRET VAN WAGENEN; born March 15, 1756, at Kingston, New York ; an original member of the Society of the Cincinnati in the State of New York; Surgeon, Eighth Regiment, Pennsylvania Continental Line; died April 12, 1792, at Newark, New Jersey. JOHN ISAAC PLUME nephew ; admitted in the New York Society, July 5, 1824, transferred from the New York Society, July 4, 1827 ; Major in the New Jersey Militia; Secretary of the So- ciety, 1830 to 1833; died March, 1854. BREVET CAPTAIN GEORGE WALKER; born April 11, 1756, near Freehold, Monmouth County, New Jersey; Second Lieutenant, Second Battalion, Second Establishment, New Jersey Continental Line, September 12, 1778 ; Ensign, Second Regiment, Sep- tember 26, 1780; Lieutenant, January 1, 1781; re- tained in New Jersey Battalion, April, 1783, and served to November, 1783; Captain by brevet; wounded at the battle of Monmouth, June 28, 1778; took part in the Indian Campaign, 1779; died in 1793, at Phila- delphia, Pennsylvania. AARON FORMAN WALKER brother: born March 29, 1759; admitted July 4, 1842; Private, First Regiment, Monmouth County, New Jersey, Mili- tia; wounded in the side at the battle of Monmouth, June 28, 1778; died December 24, 1849, at Freehold, New Jersey. JAMES ROBINSON WALKER nephew; born November 19, 1808, in Monmouth County, New Jersey; admitted July 5, 1869; died September 13, 1890. 132 CAPTAIN ABEL WEYMAN ; Ensign, Colonel Van Cortland's Battalion, General Hoard's Brigade, New Jersey State Troops, June 14 r 1776; took part in the battle of Long Island, August 27, 1776; Ensign, Fourth Battalion, Second Establish- ment, New Jersey Continental Line, November 28, 1776; Second Lieutenant, February 17, 1777; First Lieutenant, November 1, 1777; transferred to the Second Regiment, July 1, 1778; Captain-Lieutenant, April 16, 1780; transferred to the First Regiment, January 1, 1781 ; Captain, January 1, 1781, and served to April, 1783; died in 1788. COLONEL ANTHONY WALTON WHITE; born July 7, 1750, near New Brunswick, New Jersey;; an original member of the Society of the Cincinnati in the State of New York; transferred to the New Jer- sey Society, July 4, 1796 ; Major and Aide-de-Camp ta General Washington, October, 1775 ; Lieutenant-Colo- nel, Third Battalion, First Establishment, New Jersey Continental Line, February 9, 1776 ; Lieutenant-Colonel,. Fourth Regiment, Light Dragoons, Continental Army, February 13, 1777 ; Lieutenant-Colonel Commandant, First Regiment, Light Dragoons, Continental Army,, December 10, 1779; Colonel, February 16, 1780; taken prisoner at Lanneau's Ferry, South Carolina, May 6, 1780 ;. prisoner on parole to the close of the war; Brigadier- General, United States Army, July 19, 1798; honor- ably discharged June 15, 1800; Surrogate of Middlesex County, New Jersey; Adjutant-General of New Jersey, 1793 to 1803; died February 10, 1803, at New Bruns- wick, New Jersey. 133 BREVET CAPTAIN EPHRAIM LOCKHART WHIT- LOCK ; born in 1755; Ensign, Colonel Forman's Battalion, General Heard's Brigade, New Jersey State Troops, June 14, 1776; took part in the battle of Long Island, August 27, 1776; Ensign, Fourth Battalion, Second Establishment, New Jersey Continental Line, Novem- ber 28, 1776; Second Lieutenant, January 1, 1777; First Lieutenant, November 23, 1777; transferred to First Regiment, July 1, 1778; retained in New Jersey Battalion, April, 1783; Captain by brevet, September 30, 1783 ; served to November, 1783 ; Major, Fifteenth Regiment, United States Infantry, May 1, 1812; Lieu- tenant-Colonel, Fourteenth Regiment, United States Infantry, November 14, 1813 ; honorably discharged June 15, 1815; died September 22, 1825, in New York City. WILLIAM WHITLOCK son; born October 25, 1780, at Elizabethtown, New Jersey; admitted July 4, 1827 ; died June 13, 1853, in New Orleans, Louisiana. THOMAS WHITLOCK grandson; born November 15, 1818, in New York City; admitted July 4, 1885; died October 20, 1886, in New York City. WILLIAM HENRY WHITLOCK grandson; born February 5, 1841, at Rising Sun, Indiana; ad- mitted July 4, 1887. Bombers, HONORABLE LEON ABBETT ; bom October 8, 1836, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania ; elected July 4, 1893 ; attorney for the city of Hoboken r New Jersey ; Member of the New Jersey House of Assembly, 1864 to 1865, and Speaker thereof, 1868 to 1869 ; Member of New Jersey Senate, 1875 to 1877, and President thereof, 1877 ; Governor of New Jersey, 1884 to 1887, and again 1890 to 1893 ; degree of Doctor of Laws, Princeton College ; Justice of the Supreme Court of New Jersey, 1893 ; died January 17, .1893, at Jersey City, New Jersey. HONORABLE MERCER BEASLEY ; born in 1815, in Mercer County, New Jersey; elected February 22, 1895; Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of New Jersey, 1864 ; re-appointed in 1871, in 1878, in 1885, and in 1892 ; degree of Doctor of Laws, Prince- ton College, 1864 ; died February 19, 1897, at Trenton, New Jersey. HONORABLE JOSEPH DORSETT BEDLE; born January 3, 1831, at Matawan, Monmouth County, New Jersey; elected July 4, 1884; was graduated from the law school at Ballston, New York ; Judge of the Supreme Court of New Jersey, March, 1865 ; re-appointed in 1872 ; degree of Master of Arts, Princeton College, 1866 ; Governor of New Jersey, 1875 to 1878 ; degree of Doctor of Laws, Princeton College, 1874 ; died October 21, 1894, in New York City. 135 REAR ADMIRAL CHARLES HENRY BELL; born August 15, 1798, in Xew York City; elected July 4, 1871 ; Midshipman, United States Navy, June "18, 1812; served in the war with Great Britain in De- catur Squadron in 1813; in Chauncey's Squadron, on Lake Ontario, in 1814; Lieutenant, March 28, 1820; Commander, September 10, 1840 ; Captain, August 12, 1854 ; retired as Captain, December 21, 1861 ; Com- modore on the retired list, July 16, 1862; commanding Pacific Squadron, 1862 to 1864; Rear Admiral on retired list, July 25, 1866; commanding Xew York Navy Yard, 1865 to 1868 ; died February 19, 1875, at Xew Brunswick, Xew Jersey. REAR ADMIRAL CHARLES STUART BOGGS; born January 28, 1811, at Xew Brunswick, Xew Jer- sey ; elected July 4, 1863 ; Midshipman, L'nited States Xavy, Xovember 1, 1826; Passed Midshipman, April 28, 1832; Lieutenant, September 9, 1837 ; Commander, September 14, 1855; Captain, July 16, 1862; com- manded the "Varuna" at the passage of Forts St. Philip and Jackson and capture of Xew Orleans ; Com- modore, July 25, 1866; Rear Admiral, July 1, 1870; retired January 28, 1872 ; died April 22, 1888, at Xew Brunswick, Xew Jersey. HONORABLE ELIAS BOUDIXOT ; born May 2, 1740, at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; elected September 23, 1783 ; Trustee of Princeton College, 1772 to 1821 ; Colonel and Commissary-General of Prisoners, Continental Army, May 15, 1777; resigned May 11, 1778, to accept office as Delegate to Continental Congress : Member of Congress, 1778, 1779 and 1781 136 to 1784; President of Congress, November 4, 1782, and as such signed the treaty of peace with Great Britain ; Director of the Mint of the United States, 1796 to 1805; died October 24, 1821, at Burlington, New Jersey. HONORABLE JACOB BURNET ; elected July 4, 1806 ; admitted an hereditary member July 4, 1808. (See Hereditary Members.) HONORABLE LEWIS CONDICT; born March 3, 1777, at Morristown, New Jersey; elected July 4, 1828 ; was graduated from University of Pennsylvania ; Member of the New Jersey Legisla- ture, 1805 to 1810 ; Speaker of the House of Assembly, 1808 to 1810; Member of Congress, 1811 to 1817, and 1821 to 1833; degree of Master of Arts, Princeton Col- lege, 1816; Trustee of Princeton College, 1827 to 1861 ; Sheriff of Morris County, New Jersey; Presidential Elector, 1841 ; died May 26, 1862, at Morristown, New Jersey. HONORABLE JOHN LAMBERT CADWALADER ; elected July 4, 1874 ; admitted an hereditary member July 4, 1885. (See Hereditary Members.) BREVET MAJOR-GENERAL THOMAS CADWALA- DER; born in 1795, at Trenton, New Jersey ; elected July 4, 1851; was graduated from Princeton College, 1815; Dep- uty Adjutant-General, Hunterdon Brigade, New Jersey 137 Militia, June 2, 1830; Lieutenant-Colonel and Aide-de- Camp to Governor of New Jersey, April 10, 1833; Brigadier and Adjutant-General of New Jersey, July 30,1842; resigned January 26, 1858; Brevet Major- General, March 11, 1858; "died October 22, 1873, at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. HONORABLE PHILEMON DICKINSON; born February 16, 1804, at Trenton, New Jersey; elected July 4, 1856; was graduated from Princeton College, 1822 ; degree of Master of Arts, Princeton Col- lege, 1825 ; United States Pension Agent for New Jersey, 1864, and 1866 to 1869 ; Commissioner of New Jersey State Sinking Fund, 1873; Member of the New Jersey Constitutional Convention, 1873; died September 2, 1882, at Trenton, New Jersey. HONORABLE MAHLON DICKERSON ; born April 17, 1770, at Hanover, Morris County, New Jersey ; elected July 4, 1833 ; was graduated from Prince- ton College, 1789; degree of Master of Arts, Princeton College, 1792 ; Adjutant-General of Pennsylvania, 1805 to 1808; Recorder of the City of Philadelphia, 1808 to 1810; Member of the New Jersey Legislature, 1811 to 1812; Associate Justice Supreme Court of New Jersey, 1813; Governor of New Jersey, 1815 to 1817; United States Senator, 1817 to 1833; Secretary of the Navy, 1834 to 1838; died October 5, 1853, at Suckasunny, New Jersey. 138 REAR ADMIRAL GEORGE FOSTER EMMONS ; born August 23, 1812, at Vergennes, Vermont; elected July 4, 1884 ; Midshipman, United States Navy, April 1, 1828; Passed Midshipman, July 14, 1834; Lieu- tenant, February 25, 1841 ; Commander, January 28, 1856; Captain, February 7, 1863; Commodore, Sep- tember 20, 1868; Rear Admiral, November 5, 1872; placed on retired list, August 23, 1873; died July 23, 1884, at Princeton, New Jersey. HONORABLE CHARLES EWING ; born July 8, 1780, in Burlington County, New Jersey ; elected July 4, 1828 ; was graduated from Princeton Col- lege, 1798 ; degree of Master of Arts, Princeton College, 1801; admitted to the bar of New Jersey, 1802; Chief Justice of New Jersey, 1824 to 1832 ; degree of Doctor of Laws, Jefferson College; Trustee of Princeton Col- lege, 1820 to 1832; died August 5, 1832, at Trenton, New Jersey. BRIGADIER-GENERAL DAVID FORMAN ; elected September 23, 1783; admitted an hereditary member July 4, 1787. (See Hereditary Members.) HONORABLE FREDERICK FRELINGHUYSEN ; born April 13, 1753, at Rariton, New Jersey; elected September 24, 1783 ; was graduated from Princeton College, 1770 ; degree of Master of Arts, Princeton College, 1773; First Major, Colonel Charles Stewart's Battalion Minute Men, February 15, 1776; Captain, Eastern Company of Artillery, New Jersey State Troops, 139 March 1, 1776 ; Colonel, First Battalion, Somerset County, New Jersey Militia, February 28, 1777; took part in the battle of Monmouth, June 28, 1778 ; Mem- ber of the Continental Congress, 1778 to 1779, 1782 to 1783; United States Senator, 1793 to 1796; Major- General of Militia of New Jersey; Trustee of Prince- ton College, 1802 to 1804; died April 13, 1804, his fifty-first birthday. HONORABLE THEODORE FRELINGHUYSEN ; born March 28, 1787, at Millstone, Somerset County, New Jersey ; elected July 4, 1828 ; was graduated from Princeton College, 1804 ; degree of Master of Arts, Princeton College, 1807; Captain of a company of vol- unteers, 1812 to 1815; Attorney-General of New Jersey, 1818 to 1829 ; United States Senator, 1829 to 1835 ; Mayor of Newark, New Jersey, 1837 to 1838 ; Chan- cellor of the University of New York, 1839 to 1850 ; President of Rutgers College, New Brunswick, New Jersey, 1850 to 1862; died April 12, 1862, at New Brunswick, New Jersey. HONORABLE FREDERICK THEODORE FRELING- HUYSEN ; born August 4, 1817, at Millstone, Somerset County, New Jersey; elected July 4, 1863 ; was graduated from Rutgers College, 1836 ; degree of Master of Arts, Rut- gers College, 1839 ; Attorney-General of New Jersey, 1861 ; degree of Doctor of Laws, Princeton College, 1864 ; resigned as an honorary member, July 4, 1866 ; died May 20, 1885, at Newark, New Jersey. 140 LIEUTENANT-COLONEL FREDERICK FRELING- HUYSEN ; born in 1849, in Newark, New Jersey; elected July 4, 1894 ; was graduated at Rutgers College, New Bruns- wick, New Jersey, 1868 ; degree of Master of Arts, Rut- gers College, 1871 ; Major, First Regiment, National Guard of New Jersey; Major and Judge Advocate, First Brigade, ditto, November 10, 1880 ; Lieutenant- Colonel and Judge Advocate, Division Staff, ditto, April 17, 1885 ; Captain of First Troop, ditto, June 8, 1895 ; resigned as an honorary member July 5, 1897. HONORABLE CHARLES GRANT GARRISON; born August 3, 1849, at Swedesboro, Gloucester County, New Jersey; elected July 4, 1893 ; degree of Doctor of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, 1872 ; admitted to the bar of New Jersey, 1878 ; Colonel and Judge- Advocate General of New Jersey, 1884 ; Associate Jus- tice of the Supreme Court of New Jersey, 1888. HONORABLE ROBERT STOCKTON GREEN; born March 25, 1831, at Princeton, New Jersey; elected July 4, 1887 ; was graduated from Princeton College, 1850 ; degree of Master of Arts, Princeton College, 1853 ; City Attorney of Elizabeth, 1858 ; Surrogate of Union County, New Jersey, 1862 ; Presiding Judge Court of Common Pleas, 1868 ; Member of Congress, 1884 to 1885 ; Governor of New Jersey, 1887 to 1890 ; Vice Chancellor of New Jersey, 1890 to 1895 ; died May 7, 1895, at Elizabeth, New Jersey. 141 HONORABLE SAMUEL HOWELL GREY ; born April 6, 1836, in Camden, New Jersey; elected July 4, 1894; Prosecutor of Pleas, Cape May County, New Jersey, April, 1866 ; Presidential Elector, Novem- ber, 1872 ; Member Constitutional Commission of New Jersey, 1873; President of Commission to revise Judi- ciary Article in New Jersey Constitution, 1894 ; Presi- dential Elector-at-Large, November, 1896; Attorney- General of New Jersey, April, 1897. HONORABLE THOMAS HENDERSON; born in 1743, at Freehold, New Jersey ; elected Sep- tember 24, 1783 ; was graduated from Princeton College, 1761; degree of Master of Arts, Princeton College, 1764; Second Major, Colonel Charles Stewart's Bat- talion Minute Men, New Jersey Militia, February 15, 1776; Major of Battalion, June 14, 1776; Lieutenant- Colonel of Colonel David Forman's Battalion, General Heard's Brigade, New Jersey State Troops; Brigade Major, Monmouth County, New Jersey Militia; Lieu- tenant-Colonel of Colonel David Forman's Regiment, Continental Army, January 12, 1777 ; Judge of Moii- mouth County, New Jersey Court ; Member of the Conti- nental Congress, 1779 to 1780; Member of Congress, 1795 to 1797; Presidential Elector, 1792; died Decem- ber 15, 1824, in Freehold, New Jersey. HONORABLE ROBERT LETTIS HOOPER; born in 1730; elected September 24, 1783; Assistant Quartermaster, New Jersey Militia; Commissary of . Issues, New Jersey State Troops ; Vice President of the Legislative Council of New Jersey ; died July 30, 1 797, at Trenton, New Jersey. 142 REVEREND FRANK LANDON HUMPHREYS; elected July 4, 1894 ; admitted an hereditary member July 5, 1897. (See Hereditary Members.) FREDERICK WOLCOTT JACKSON; elected July 4, 1885; admitted an hereditary member July 4, 1888. (See Hereditary Members.) HONORABLE WILLIAM LIVINGSTON; born November 30, 1723, at Albany, New York ; elected September 23, 1783 ; was graduated from Yale College, 1741; degree of Master of Arts, 1744; Member of Congress, 1772, 1775 and 1776; degree of Doctor of Laws; Trustee of Princeton College, 1768 to 177(5; Brigadier-General, New Jersey Militia, October 28, 1775; Governor of New Jersey, 1776 to 1790; Mem- ber of the Federal Convention of 1787; died July 25, 1790, at Elizabeth town, New Jersey. MAJOR-GENERAL GERSHOM MOTT ; born April 7, 1822, near Trenton, New Jersey; elected July 4, 1867 ; Second Lieutenant, Tenth United States Infantry, April 23, 1847 ; served through the Mexican War ; Collector of the Port of Lamberton, New Jersey, 1848 to 1849; Lieutenant-Colonel, Fifth Regiment, New Jersey Infantry Volunteers, August 23, 1861 ; Colonel, Sixth Regiment, ditto, May 7, 1862 ; severely wounded, July 28, 1862, at the battle of Bull Run ; Brigadier- General, United States Volunteers, December 4, 1862; assigned to command the Second New Jersey Brigade wounded May 3, 1863, at the battle of Chancellorsville ; 143 commanded the Fourth Division of the Second Corps in 1864; brevetted Major-General, September 10, 1864, for gallant services during the war ; again wounded, April 6, 1865, at Amelia Springs ; Major-General, United States Volunteers, December 1 , 1865 ; resigned February 20, 1866; appointed Colonel, Thirty-third United States Infantry, 1867, but declined; appointed Major-General commanding the Xew Jersey National Guard, February 27, 1873; Treasurer of Xew "Jersey, September 1, 1875; died November 29, 1884, in New York City. BREVET LIEUTENANT-COLONEL JOHN PAGE NICHOLSON ; born July 4, 1843, at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania : elected July 4, 1890; First Lieutenant, Company K, Twenty-eighth Regiment Infantry, Pennsylvania Volun- teers ; brevetted Captain, United States Volunteers, for faithful and meritorious services, March 13, 1864; bre- vetted Major, United States Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services in the Savannah and Carolina campaign, to date March 13, 1865; brevetted Lieuten- ant-Colonel, United States Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services during the war, to date March 13, 1865; honorably discharged July 28, 1865; degree of Master of Arts, Marietta College, Ohio, June 28, 1882 ; Record er-in-Chief, Military Order of the Loyal Legion. HONORABLE JOHN THOMPSON NIXON: born August 31, 1820, at Fairton, Cumberland County, New Jersey ; elected July 4, 1870 ; was graduated from Princeton College, 1841 ; degree of Master of Arts, Prince- ton College, 1 844 ; Member of the New Jersey Legislature, 1848 to 1850; Speaker, ditto, 1850; Member of Con- 144 gress, 1859 to 1863; Trustee of Princeton College, 1864 to 1889 ; Judge of the United States District Court for New Jersey, 1870 to 1889; degree of Doctor of Laws, Princeton College, 1877; died September 28, 188!), at Stockbridge, Massachusetts. BREVET BRIGADIER-GENERAL SAMUEL DUN- CAN OLIPHANT; born August 1, 1824, at Franklin Forge, Fayette County, Pennsylvania; elected July 4, 1879; was gradu- ated from Jefferson College, Pennsylvania, 1844; degree of Master of Arts, Jefferson College, 1847; was gradu- ated from Harvard Law School, June, 1846; admitted to the bar of Pennsylvania, 1847; Captain of Volun- teers, January, 1848; Colonel commanding a regiment of Fayette County, Pennsylvania Militia, 1850; Lieu- tenant-Colonel, Eighth Regiment, Pennsylvania Re- serves, 1861; honorably discharged December, 1862; Major, United States Veteran Reserve Corps, June, 1863 ; Lieutenant-Colonel, August, 1863 ; Colonel, October, 1863 ; Brigadier-General by brevet, July, 1864; mustered out of service, July 1, 1866; Clerk of the United States Circuit Court for the District of New Jersey, September, 1870. HONORABLE JOEL PARKER; born November 24, 1816, in Monmouth County, New Jersey ; elected July 4, 1879 ; was graduated from Prince- ton College, 1839 ; degree of Master of Arts, Princeton College, 1842; Member of the New Jersey Legislature, 1847; Major-General of the New Jersey Militia, 1861; degree of Doctor of Laws, Rutgers College ; Governor of New Jersey, 1863 to 1866, and 1872 to 1875; 145 Associate Justice Xew Jersey Supreme Court, 1880 to 1888; died January 2, 1888, at Philadelphia, Penn- sylvania. REVEREND FRANCIS LANDEY PATTON; born January 22, 1843, at Warwick, Bermuda; elected July 4, 1888; educated at University and Knox Col- leges, Toronto, Canada ; was graduated from Princeton Theological Seminary, 1865; degree of Doctor of Divinity, Hanover College, Indiana, 1872; degree of Doctor of Law r s, Worcester University, Ohio, 1873; President of Princeton College, February 9, 1888 ; resigned as an honorary member, July 4, 1893. HONORABLE WILLIAM PENNINGTON ; elected July 4, 1831 ; admitted an hereditary member July 4, 1859. (See Hereditary Members.) HONORABLE AARON SANDFORD PENNINGTON; born January 17, 1800, at Newark, New Jersey ; elected July 4, 1859 ; was graduated from Princeton Col- lege, 181 7 ; degree of Master of Arts, Princeton College, 1820; Member of the New Jersey House of Assembly, 1837; Prosecutor of Passaic County, New Jersey, 1838 to 1848 ; died August 25, 1869, in Paterson, New Jersey. BREVET MAJOR-GENERAL LEWIS PERRINE ; born September 15, 1815, at Freehold, Monmouth County, New Jersey ; elected July 5, 1886 ; was gradu- ated from Princeton College, 1838 ; degree of Master of Arts, Princeton College, 1841; Aide-de-Camp on the 146 Staff of Governor Price, of Xo\v Jerse} r , 1854; Briga- dier-General and Quartermaster-General of New Jersey, September 22, 1855; brevetted Major-General, 1865; died September 24, 1889, at Trenton, New Jersey. HONORABLE WILLIAM POTTER; born April 17, 1852, at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; elected February 22, 1895 ; special commissioner to Lon- don, Paris and Berlin to negotiate a system of marine post-offices, January, 1890; Minister of the United .States to Italy, 1892 to 1894; Delegate of the United States at the International Postal Congress at Vienna, May and' June, 1891; President of Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, November 5, 1895. LIEUTENANT-COLONEL WILLIAM ELMER POTTER ; born June 13, 1840, at Bridgeton, New Jersey; elected July 4, 1874; was graduated from Harvard University Law School, January 1861 ; was graduated from Prince- ton College, 1863; degree of Master of Arts, Prince- ton College, 1866; Second Lieutenant, Twelfth Regi- ment, New Jersey Volunteers, August 14, 1862; First Lieutenant, August 6, 1863 ; Judge Advocate, Third Division, Second Army Corps, October 1, 1863 ; Captain, February 4, 1864 ; wounded at the battle of the Wilder- ness, May 6, 1864; Judge Advocate, Second Division, Second Corps, August 1, 1864 ; Aide-de-Camp to General Gibbon, January 15, 1865; Brevet Major, United States Volunteers, for meritorious services dur- ing the war, May 1, 1865; mustered out June 3, 1865; Lieutenant-Colonel and Aide-de-Camp to the Governor of New Jersey, 1866 to 1868 ; died November 9, 1896, at Bridgeton, New Jersey. 147 MAJOR-GENERAL THEODORE RUNYON ; born October 25, 1822, at Somerville, New Jersey ; elected April 4, 1885 ; was graduated from Yale Col- lege, 1842 ; degree of Master of Arts, Yale College, 1845 ; City Solicitor of Newark ; Brigadier-General of Essex County, New Jersey Militia, May 8, 1857 ; Presidential Elector, 1860 ; Brigadier-General of New Jersey Brigade, Volunteer Militia, April 24, 1861 ; honorably discharged July 31, 1861 ; received the thanks of the Legislature of New Jersey for his patri- otic military services ; Brevet Major-General, New Jer- sey Militia, February 25, 1862 ; Mayor of city of Newark, 1864 ; Major-General commanding National Guard of New Jersey, April 7, 1869 ; Chancellor of New Jersey, May 1, 1873 ; re-appointed Chancellor in 1880 ; degree of Doctor of Laws, Wesley an Uni- versity, Middletown, Connecticut, August 15, 1867 ; degree of Doctor of Laws, Rutgers College, 1875 ; Am- bassador and Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States to Germany; died January 27, 1896, in Berlin, Germany. MAJOR-GENERAL JOHN McALLISTER SCHO- FIELD ; born September 29, 1831, in Chautauqua County, New York ; elected July 4, 1887 ; was graduated from West Point Military Academy, 1853 ; Brevet Second Lieu- tenant, Second Regiment, United States Artillery, July 1, 1853 ; Second Lieutenant, First Regiment, United States Artillery, August 31, 1853 ; Assistant Professor of Natural Philosophy, United States Military Acad- emy, 1855 to 1860 ; First Lieutenant, First Regiment, United States Artillery, March 31, 1855 ; Major, First Regiment, Missouri Volunteers, April 26, 1861 ; Cap- tain, First Regiment, United States Artillery, May 148 14, 1861 ; Brigadier-General, United States -Volunteers, November 21, 1861 ; Major-General United States Vol- unteers, November 29, 1862 ; in command of the Department of the Missouri from May, 1863, to Febru- ary, 1864 ; in command of the Army of the Ohio, April, 1864 ; Brigadier-General, United States Army, November 30, 1864 ; commander of the Twenty-third Army Corps, January, 1865 ; brevetted Major-General, United States Army, March 13, 1865, for gallant and meritorious service in the battle of Franklin, Tennes- see ; mustered out of the volunteer service, September 1, 1866; Secretary of War, June 2, 1868, until March 12, 1869 ; Major-General, United States Army, March 4, 1869 ; Superintendent United States Military Acad- emy from 1876 to 1881 ; senior Major-General Com- manding the Armies of the United States ; Lieutenant- General, February 5, 1895 ; retired September 29, 1895. HONORABLE WILLIAM JOYCE SEWELL ; born in 1835, in the town of Castlebar, County Mayo, Ireland ; elected July 4, 1888 ; Captain, Fifth Regiment, New Jersey Volunteers, August 28, 1861 ; greatly dis- tinguished himself at the battles of Gettysburg and Chancellorsville, on both of which fields he was wouilded ; Lieutenant-Colonel, July 7, 1862; Colonel, October 21, 1862; resigned July 2, 1864; Colonel, Thirty-eighth Regiment, New Jersey Volunteers, Au- gust 31, 1864 ; brevetted Brigadier-General and Major- General for meritorious services during the war, March 13, 1865 : honorably mustered out June 30, 1865 ; awarded a medal of honor by Congress for most dis- tinguished gallantry at Chancellorsville, May 3, 1863 ; Aide-de-Camp on the Staff of the Governor of New Jersey, 1872; Commander of the Second Brigade, National Guard of New Jersey, September 7, 1877 : 149 Member of the Senate of New Jersey, 1872 to 1880 ; President of the Senate, 1876, 1879 and 1880 ; United States Senator, 1881 to 1887, and again in 1895 ; National Commissioner of World's Fair at Chicago ; Vice President of Board of National Homes for Dis- abled Volunteer Soldiers. EDWARD RUTLEDGE SHUBRICK ; born August 31, 1832, at Charleston, South Carolina ; elected February 22,. 1894 ; Midshipman, United States Navy, February 9, 1849 ; resigned from the service April 26, 1853. HONORABLE SAMUEL LEWIS SOUTHARD; born June 9, 1787, at Basking Ridge, New Jersey ; elected July 4, 1833 ; was graduated from Princeton College, 1804 ; degree of Master of Arts, Princeton Col- lege, 1807 ; Associate Justice Supreme Court of New Jersey, 1815 ; Presidential Elector, 1820 ; degree of Doctor of Laws, University of Pennsylvania ; United States Senator, 1821 to 1823 ; Secretary of the Navy, 1823 to 1830 ; Attorney-General of New Jersey, 1830 ; Governor of New Jersey, 1832 to 1833 ; United States Senator, 1833 to 1842 ; President of the United States Senate, 1842 ; Trustee of Princeton College, 1822 to 1842 ; died June 26, 1842, at Fredericksburg, Virginia. REVEREND CHARLES SAMUEL STEWART; born October 16, 1795, at Flemingtoii, New Jersey ; elected July 5, 1847 ; was graduated from Princeton College, 1815 ; degree of Master of Arts, Princeton Col- lege, 1818 ; Chaplain, United States Navy, November 1, 150 1828; Chaplain, with rank of Commander, 1861 ; re- tired December 21, 1861 ; died December 14, 1870, at Cooperstown, New York. HONORABLE JOHN POTTER STOCKTON; born August 2, 1826, at Princeton, New Jersey ; elected July 4, 1890 ; was graduated from Princeton College, 1843 ; degree of Master of Arts, Princeton College, 1846 ; United States Minister to Rome, 1857 to 1861 ; United States Senator, 1865 to 1866, and 1869 to 1873 ; degree of Doctor of Laws, Princeton College, 1879 ; Attorney-General of New Jersey, 1877 to 1897. BREVET MAJOR-GENERAL ROBERT FIELD STOCKTON ; born January 22, 1832, at Princeton, New Jersey ; elected July 4, 1891 ; was graduated from Princeton College, 1851 ; degree of Master of Arts, Princeton Col- lege, 1854 ; Brigadier-General and Adjutant-General of New Jersey, January 30, 1858 ; resigned April 12, 1867 ; brevetted Major-General, January 9, 1859 ; Comptroller of the Treasury of New Jersey, 1877 ; died May 4, 1898, at Trenton, New Jersey. LIEUTENANT-COLONEL JAMES NEWBOLD STRATTON ; bom in 1845, at Mount Holly, New Jersey ; elected July 4, 1884 ; was graduated from Princeton College, 1865 ; degree of Master of Arts, Princeton College, 1868 ; Lieutenant-Colonel and Judge Advocate of the Division, National Guard of New Jersey, June 28, 1876 ; resigned therefrom April 7, 1885 ; died December 3, 1886, at Mount Holly, New Jersey. 151 BREVET MAJOR-GENERAL WILLIAM SCUDDER STRYKER ; elected July 4, 1876 ; admitted an hereditary member July 4, 1888. (See Hereditary Members.) WILLIAM WINANTS THOMAS; born September 26, 1816 at Elizabethtown, New Jersey ; elected July 4, 1885 ; Assistant Appraiser, Port of New York, 1840 ; died May 5, 1893, at Elizabeth, New Jersey. HONORABLE GARRET DORSET WALL VROOM ; born December 17, 1843; elected July 4, 1888; was graduated from Rutgers College, 1862 ; degree of Master of Arts, Rutgers College, 1865; was admitted to the bar of New Jersey, 1865; City Solicitor of Trenton, New Jersey, from 1866 to 1870, and from 1873 to 1876 ; Prosecutor of Mercer County, New Jersey, May, 1870; Mayor of Trenton, New Jersey, 1881 to 1883; Vice President of General Society of Sons of the Revolution. HONORABLE GARRET DORSET WALL; born March 10, 1783, in Monmouth County, New Jersey; elected July 4, 1828; Clerk of the United States Supreme Court, 1812 to 1817; Captain in Colonel John Dodd's Regiment, New Jersey Militia, October 15, 1814, for service in the War of 1812; Brigadier-General and Quartermaster-General of New Jersey, 1815 to 1837; degree of Master of Arts, Prince- ton College, 1823 ; Member of the Legislature of New Jersey, 1827 ; United States Attorney for New Jersey, 152 1829; United States Senator, 1835 to 1841; Judge of the Court of Errors and Appeals, 1848 to 1850; died November 22, 1850, at Burlington, New Jersey. HONORABLE GEORGE THEODORE WERTS ; born March 24, 1846, at Hackettstown, Warren County, New Jersey ;, elected July 4, 1893 ; Mayor of Morristown^ New Jersey, 1886 to 1892; Member of the New Jersey Senate, 1886 to 1892; President of the Senate, 1889; Associate Justice Supreme Court of New Jersey, 1892; Governor of New Jersey, 1893 to 1896 ; resigned as an honorary member July 5, 1897. HONORABLE ISAAC HALSTEAD WILLIAMSON; born September 27, 1768, at Elizabethtown, New Jer- sey; elected July 4, 1842; Member of the New Jersey House of Assembly, 1816; Governor of New Jersey, 1817 to 1829; Mayor of Elizabeth, New Jer- sey, 1830 to 1833; Member of the Council of New Jersey, 1831 to 1832 ; degree of Doctor of Laws, Prince- ton College, 1839 ; Member and President of the New Jersey Constitutional Convention of 1844; died July 10, 1844, at Elizabeth, New Jersey. EDWARD MEEKER WOOD; born March 1, 1853, at Morristown, New Jersey; elected July 4, 1894 ; County Collector, Union County, New Jersey, May, 1887. THE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Santa Barbara THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW. Series 9482 UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 321 1