w^ i 'JUJ/MHII jr»' UVJII*^ JW IV/JII*./ jv •if iJi.#nf dui ^V^OSANCflfj> 6: ^OFCALIF0% ^^^OfCALIFO/?^ ^^WE•UNIVER5/^ ^^IC '^^AavjiaiH^^'^ ^>&Aavaain>N'^ ^tjuonvsoi^ ^/sa ,^WEUNIVERVA %d ITVD- JO'f^ %a3AiNn3WV^ ^>^ILIBRARY(9^ ^U \oi\mi^'^ \ m H;OFCAIIF0%^ .\V^EUNIVERVa < ^lOSANCElfj^ ^.OFCALIFOi?^ ^OF -< "^■^ommw^ ^"^ok v5,lOSANCElfj> -s^tLIBRARYQr '^aaAiNii]WV^ ^^ "^/mMNH^WV ^OFCALIFO/?^ ^OFCALIFO/?^^ "^^^Aavaaii^s^ ^^lOSANGElfj> ^AaaAiNOJWV^ ^^ILIBRARYOc. ^^OdlWDJO-^ ^OFCAilFO/?^ ^^Aavaaii# .^WEUNIVERS//, ^lOSANCELfj> ^^tllBRARYQr ^tLIBRARY6?/r .\\^EUNIVE1?% \ ^OfCMIFO/?^ ^^AHvaan•^^^'^ A\^fUNIVER% ^^. ^lOSANCElfj;> ^OFCALIFOi?^ ^ vjslOSANCElfj: ^Aa3AINa3WV^ ^lOSANCELfjjx ^/^^aAiNfimv^ ^tLIBRARYQ^;^ -^^ILIBRARYQ^ ^(S/OdUVDJO"^ ^OFCAIIFO/?^ ^^ ^^OFCALIF0% '^C'AHVHflnAS^ ^. VlOSANCElfJV "^aaAiNHJwv^ A^ILIBRARY6?/. 30 ^UIBRARYQ^ fr^ AjslOSANCElfj> ^ '^5a3AINa3WV^ ^OFCAIIFO/?^ ^ '^ v^lUBRARYO/, \>N' PRIVATE DIARY DR. JOHN DEE THE PRIVATE DIARY OF DR. JOHN DEE, AND THE CATALOGUE OF HIS LIBRARY OF MANUSCRIPTS, FROM THE ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPTS IN THE ASHMOLEAN MUSEUM AT OXFORD, AND TRINITY COLLEGE LIBRARY, CAMBRIDGE. EDITED BY JAMES ORCHARD HALLIWELL, Esq. F.R.S., Hon. M.R.I.A., &c. &c. &c. LONDON: PRINTED FOR THE CAMDEN SOCIETY, BY JOHN BOWYER NICHOLS AND SON, PARLIAMENT STREET. M.DCCC.XLII. 73317 • • • • > • • • • (no. XIX.) 350 V COUNCIL J OF THE CAMDEN SOCIETY, FOR THE YEAR 1841-2. ^ President, !: THE RIGHT HON. LORD FRANCIS EGERTON, M.P. THOMAS AMYOT, ESQ. F.R.S. Treas. S.A. Director, THE RIGHT HON. LORD BRAYBROOKE, F.S.A. JOHN BRUCE, ESQ. F.SA. Treasurer, I JOHN PAYNE COLLIER, ESQ. F.S.A. / C. PURTON COOPER, ESQ. Q.C., D.C.L., F.R.S., F.S.A. T. CROFTON CROKER, ESQ. F.S.A, M.R.I.A. SIR HENRY ELLIS, K.H., F.R.S., Sec. S.A. JAMES ORCHARD HALLIWELL, ESQ. F.R.S., F.S.A. THE REV. JOSEPH HUNTER, F.S.A. SIR FREDERICK MADDEN, K.H., F.R.S., F.S.A. JOHN GAGE ROKEWODE, ESQ. F.R.S., Dir. S.A. THOMAS STAPLETON, ESQ. F.S.A. ^ WILLIAM J. THOMS, ESQ. F.S.A. Secretary. ALBERT WAY, ESQ. M.A., F.S.A. THOMAS WRIGHT, ESQ. M.A.. F.S.A. PREFACE The present volume contains two curious documents concerning Dr. Dee, the eminent philosopher of Mortlake, now for the first time published from the original manu- scripts. I. His Private Diary, written in a very small illegible hand on the margins of old Almanacs, discovered a few years ago by Mr. W. H. Black, in the library of the Ashmolean Museum at Oxford. II. A Catalogue of his Library of Manuscripts, made by himself before his house was plundered by the populace, and now preserved in the library of Trinity College, Cambridge. The publication of this Diary will tend perhaps to set Dee's character in its true hght, more than any thing that has yet been printed. We have, indeed, his " Com- pendious Rehearsall," which is in some respects more comprehensive, but this was written for an especial pur- pose, for the perusal of royal commissioners, and he has of course carefully avoided every allusion which could be construed in an unfavourable light. In the other, how- ever, he tells us his dreams, talks of mysterious noises in VIU PREFACE. his chamber, evil spirits, and alludes to various secrets of occult philosophy in the spirit of a true believer. Mr. D'Israeli has given a correct and able view of his cha- racter in his '^ Amenities of Literature/' which is re- markably confirmed in almost every point by the narrative now published. " The imagination of Dee/' observes that elegant writer, ^' often predominated over his science ; while both were mingling in his intellectual habits, each seemed to him to confirm the other. Prone to the mystical lore of what was termed the occult sciences, which in reality are no sciences at all, since whatever remains occult ceases to be science. Dee lost his better genius." I shall refer the reader to this popular work instead of attempting an original paper on the subject, which would necessarily be greatly inferior to that drawn by the masterly hand of the author of the " Curiosities of Literature." The Catalogue of Dee's Library of Manuscripts, although long since dispersed, is valuable for the notices which it preserves of several middle-age treatises not now extant. He is said to have expended on this collection the sum of three thousand pounds, a very large sum in those days for a person of limited income. J. O. H. 35, Alfred Place, March 15th 1842. DR. DEE'S DIARY. 1554. Aug. 25th, Barthilmew Hikman born at Shugborowh in Warwikshyre toward evening. My conjecture^ uppon his own reporte of circumstances. Oct. 25th, D. Daniel Vander Meulen Antwerpiee, mane hora quarta.* 1555. April 22nd, Jane Fromonds borne at Cheyham at none. Aug. 1st, Ed. Kelly natus hora quarta a meridief ut annotatum reliquit pater ejus. Oct. 1 2th, the Lord Willughby born hora septima mane, ante meridiem, Lat. 51° 30', at Wesell in Gel- derland. 1557. July 30th, Mr. Arundell of Cornwayle natus circa [horam] quartam a meridie. 1558. Dec. 14th, Mary Nevelle, ahas Mary Lewknor, borne inter 11 et meridiem mane, by Chichester. 1560. July 8th, Margaret Russell, Cowntess of Cumberland, hora 2 min. 9 Exoniae mane. 156*1. Aug. 14th, Mr. Heydon, of Baconsthorp in Norfolk, hora noctis 11^ natus in comitatu Surrey. 1563. March 23rd, Mr. William Fennar a meridie inter horam undecimam et duodecimam nocte. June 23nd, Jane Cooper, now * It is almost unnecessary to observe that this and the following are notes of nativities. They are not for the most part contemporary notices, but apparently inserted at various times by Dee when professionally consulted as an astrologer. f " Anno 1555, Aug. 1, hora quarta a meridie Wigoi*niae natus Dominus Edouardus Kelseus," MS. Ashm. 1788, fol. 140, where there is a horoscope of this nativity in the handwriting of Dr. Dee. Ashmole, in his MS. 1790, fol. 58, says " Mr. Lilly told me that John Evans informed him that he was acquainted with Kelly's sister in Worcester, that she shewed him some of the gold her brother had transmuted, and that Kelly was first an apothecary in Worcester." CAMD. SOC. DEE. B DR. DEE S DIARY. [1563. Mystris Kelly, toward evening. Sept. 28th, Mr. John Ask ante meridiem, by York six myle on this syde ; Elizabeth Mownson, circa horam 9 mane, soror magistri Thomae Mownson et uxor magistri Brown. 1564. Mrs. Brigit Cooke borne about seven of the clok on Saynt David's Day, which is the first day of March, being Wens- day ; but I cannot yet lerne whether it was before none or after. But she thinketh herself to be but 27 yeres old, anno 1593, Martii primo, but it cannot be so. June 20th, Mr. Hudson, hora septima ante meridiem. Aug. 21st, Wenefride Goose, inter 9 et 10 a meridie by Kingstone. 1565. Sept. 12th, John Pontoys, inter 9 et 10 ante meridiem prope Stony-Stratford; puto potius hora 8 min. 43. Oct. I7th, Thomas Kelley* hora quarta a meridie at Wurceter. Dec. 21st_, Mr. Thomas Mownson at 1 1 of the clok in the morning. 1568. July 14th, William Emery born at Danbery in Essex paulo post undecimam horam noctis. Sept. 24th, Margaret Ander- son mane inter 7 et 8. 1571. Samuel Swallow borne at Thaxstede in Essex Feb. 15 ante meridiem, inter horam undecimam et duodecimam, forte hora media post undecimam. 1575. July 31st, Simeon Stuard natus ante diluculum per horara IH at Shinfelde; his grandfather by the mother was Dr. Huyck the Queue's physicien. 1577. Jan. 16th, the Erie of Lecester, Mr. Phillip Sydney, Mr. Dyer, &c., came to my howse.f Jan. 22nd, The Erie of Bedford * The brother of the celebrated astrologer before mentioned. t '* Dr. Dee dwelt in a house neere the water side, a little westward from the church [at Mortlake] . The buildings which Sir Fr. Crane erected for working of tapestry hangings, and are still (1673} employed to that use, were built upon the ground whereon Dr. Dee's laboratory and other roomes for that use stood. Upon the west is a square court, and the next is the house wherein Dr. Dee dwelt, now inhabited by one Mr. Selbury, and further west his garden." — MS. Ashm. 1788, fol. 149. The same account says that " Dr. Dee was wel beloved and respected of all persons of quality thereabouts, who very often invited him to tleir houses or came to his." 1577-] DR. cam to my howse. Feb. 19th, great wynde S.W , close, clowdy. March 11th, my fall uppon my right nuckul bone, hora 9 fere mane; wyth oyle of Hypericon in 24 howres eased above all hope: God be thanked for such his goodness of his creatures ! March 24th, Alexander Simon the Ninivite came to me, and promised me his servise into Persia. May 1st, I received from M. Wilham Harbert of St. Gillian his notes uppon my Monas.* May 2nd, I understode of one Vincent Murfyn his abhominable misusing me behinde my back ; Mr. Thomas Besbich told me his father is one of the cokes of the Court. May 20th, I hyred the barber of Cheswik, Walter Hooper, to kepe my hedges and knots in as good order as he sed them than, and that to be done with twise cutting in the yere at the least and he to have yerely five shillings, [and] meat and drink. June 10th, circa 10, a shower of hayle and rayne. June 18th, borrowed £40 of John Hilton of Fulham. June 19th, I understode of more of Vincent Murfyn his knavery; borrowed £20 of Bartylmew Newsam. June 20th, borow £27 uppon the chayn of golde. June 26th, Elen Lyne gave me a quarter's warn- ing. June 27th_, showrs of rayne and hayle. Aug. 19th, tlie Hexameron Brytanicumf put to printing, Nov. 3rd, William Rogers of Mortlak, abowt 7 of the clok in the morning, cut his own throte, by the fende his instigation. Nov. 6th, Sir Umfrey Gilbert cam to me to Mortlak. Nov. 18th, borowed of Mr. Edward Hynde of Mortlak £30 to be repayed at Hallowtyde next yere. Nov. 20th, two tydes in the forenone, * This of course is his celebrated Monas Hieroglyphica, frequently printed, and the nature of which I attempted to explain in a paper read before the Society of Antiqua- ries. Mr. Herbert, according to MS. Ashm. 1788, " dwelt then in Mortlack and was an intimate friend of Dr. Dee's." + This was his work printed in 1577 under the title of General and Rare Memorials pertayning to the perfect Art of Navigation, in folio, now a book of the greatest rarity. The original manuscript of it is in MS. Ashm. 1789, and Dee's own copy of the pub- lished work with MS. notes and additions is preserved in the British Museum. In his Letter Apologetical, 4to. Lond. 1G03, he cites this work under the title ofTheBrytish Monarchic, as having been written in the year 1 576. 4 DR. dee's diary. [1578. the first 2 or 3 howres to sone. Nov. 22nd, I rod to Windsor to the Q. Majestie. Nov. 25th, I spake with the Gluene hora quinta. Nov. 2Sth, I spake with the Quene hora quinta ; I spake with Mr. Secretary Walsingham.* I declared to the Quene her title to Greenland, Estetiland and Friseland. Dec. 1st, I spake with Sir Christofer Hatton ; he was made knight that day. Dec. 1st, I went from the cowrte at Wyndsore. Dec. 30th, inexphssima ilia calumnia de R. Edwardo, iniquissime aliqua ex parte in me denunciabatur : ante aliquos elapsos dies, sed sua sapientia me innocentem. 1578. Feb. 5th, sponsalia cum Jana Fromonds horam circiter primam. April 28th, I caused Sir Rowland Haywood to examyn Francys Baily of his sklandering me, which he denyed utterly. June 13th, rayn and in the afternone a little thunder. June 30th, I told Mr. Daniel Rogers,t Mr. Hackluyt of the Middle Temple being by, that Kyng Arthur and King Maty, both of them, did conquier Gelindia, lately called Friseland, which he so noted presently in his written copy of Monumethensis,:j: for he had no printed boke therof. July 14th, my sister Elizabeth Fromonds cam to me. July 27th, hora 9, min. 15 a meridie Francis Cowntess of Hert- ford. Aug. 5 th, Mr. Rayn olds of Bridewell tok his leave of me as he passed toward Darthmowth to go with Sir Umfry Gilbert toward Hocheleya. Aug. 15, I went toward Norwich with my work of Imperium Brytanicum.§ Aug. 23rd, I cam to London from Nor- wich. Aug. 31st, I went to my father-in-law Mr. Fromonds to Cheyham. * Ashmole informs us that Walsingham continued for a length of time one of Dr. Dee's best patrons. t Rogers was a member of the University of Oxford, and a large commonplace-book in his handwriting is in Archbishop Tenison's library in St. Martin's-in-the-Fields. X That is, Galfridus Monumetensis de gestis regum Britannise. Hackluyt men- tions this fact in his collection of voyages. § This is the book just mentioned under the title of General and Rare Memorials, fol. Loud. 1577. r / 1578.] »«• dee's diary. 3 Sept. Ist^ I cam from Cheyham. Sept. 6th, Elen Lyne, my mayden, departed from this Ufe immediately after the myd-day past, when she had lyne sik a month lacking one day. Sept. 12th, Jane Gaele cam to my servyce, and she must have four nobles by the yere, 26^. Sd. Sept. 25th, Her Majestic cam to Richemond from Grenwich. Sept. 26, the first rayn that came for many a day ; all pasture abowt us was withered : rayn afternone like Aprill showres. Oct. 8th, the Queue's Majestic had conference with me at Richemond inter 9 et 11. Oct. 16th, Dr. Bayly conferred of the Queue her disease. Oct. 22nd, Jane Fromonds went to the court at Richemond. Oct. 25th, a fit from 9 afternone to 1 after mydnight. Oct. 28, the Erie of Lecester and Sir Francys Wal- singham, secretary, determined my going over for the Queue's Majestic. Nov. 4th, I was directed to my voyage by the Erie of Lecester and Mr. Secretary Walsingham hora nona. Nov. 7th, I cam to Gravesende. Nov. 9th, I went from Lee to sea. Nov. 14th, I cam to Hamburgh hora tertia. Dec. 11th, to Franckfurt- uppon-Oder. Dec. 15th, newes of Turnifer's comming hora octava mane, by a speciall mesenger. 1579. A moyst Marche and not wyndy. June 10th, I shewed to Mr. John Lewis and his sonne, the physition, the manner of drawing aromaticall oyles. At that tyme my cat got a fledge yong sparrow which had onely a right wyng naturally. June 15th, my mother surrendred Mortlak bowses and land, and had state geven in plena curia ad terminum vitae, and to me was also the reversion delivered per virgam, and to my wife Jane by me, and after to my heirs and assignes for ever, to understand, Mr. Bullok and Mr. Taylor, surveyor, at Wimbledon, under the tree by the church. June 22nd, Mr. Richard Hickman and Barthilmew his nephew cam to me with Mr. Flowr, commended by Mr. Vicechamberlayn ' Sir Christopher Hatton. July 6th, Mr. Hitchcok, who had travayled in the plat for fishing, made acquayntance with me, and off"red me great curtesy. 6 DR. DEE^S DIARY. [1579. July ISth^ Artliurus Dee natus * puer mane hor. 4 min. 80 fere^ vel potius min. 25, in ipso ortu solis^ut existimo. After 10 of the clock this night my wive's father Mr. Fromonds was speechles, and died on Tuesday (July 14th) at 4 of the clock in the morning. July 16th, Arthur was christened at 3 of the clok afternone ; Mr. Dyer and Mr. Doctor Lewys, judg of the Admiralty, were his godfathers ; and Mistres Blanche Pary of the Privie Chamber his godmother. But Mr. John Harbert of Estshene was deputy for Dr. Lewys, and Mystres Awbrey was deputy for my cosen Mistres Blanche Pary. Aug. 8th, John Elmeston,t student of Oxford, cam to me for dialling. Aug. 9th, Jane Dee churched. Aug. 16th, Monsieur cam secretly to the court from Calays. Aug. 20th, wyndy, clowdy, rayny. Aug. 26, Monsieur went back agayn to France. Sept. 10th, my dream of being naked, and my skyn all overwrowght with work like some kinde of tuft mockado, with crosses blew and red ; and on my left arme, abowt the arme, in a wreath, this word I red — sine me nihil potestis facere : and another the same night of Mr. Secretary Walsingham, Mr. Candish, and myself. Oct. 3rd, Sir Leonel Ducket his unkend letter for mony. Oct. 4th, goodman Hilton requested me for his ij. sonnes to resort to my howse. Oct. 5 th, raging wynde at West and Southerly, in the night chefely. Oct. 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, great rayne for three or four dayes and nights. Oct. 13th, this day it broke up ; the fote bote for the ferry at Kew was drowned and six persons, by the negligens of the ferryman overwhelming the boat uppon the roap set there to help, by reason of the vehement and high waters. Oct. 18th, Mr. Adrian Gilbert and John Davys reconcyled them- selves to me, and disclosed some of Emery his most unhonest, * His horoscope is in MS. Ashm. 1788. " Mr. Arthur Dee's birth was accompanied by the unhappy accident of the death of Mr. Fromonds, his mother's father, who died that morning."— MS. Ashm. 1790, fol. 63. f This person is not noticed by the Oxford biographers. 15'J9.] DR. dee's diary. 7 hypocritically and devilish dealings and devises agaynst me and "other^ and likewise of that errant strompet her abominable wordes and dedes ; and John Davis sayd that he might curse the tyme that ever he knew Emery^ and so much followed his wicked cown- sayle and advyse. So just is God ! Oct. 31st, payed xx^. fyne for me and Jane my wife to the Lord of Wimbleton (the Queue), by goodman Burton of Putney, for the surrender taken of my mother of all she hath in Mortlak to Jane and me, and than to my heyres and assynes, &c. Nov. 25 th, the Lord Chnton cam to me and ofFred Skirbeck by Boston for Long Lednam. Nov. 29th, I receyved a letter from Mr. Thomas Jones. Dec. 9th, Ois viyr fxi vvi(p bpefxtS da- ove Ka^ TO ep ayb rov)(^eb ep, (Taityy, " Micrrpes Aee, i/ov ap KOpKciveb od) YtX5, vos va/j-e fxvorr /3e Za^aptas ; jSe o(f> yvb X^P^* ^ ^^^ ^^ weX as dis bod f" * Dec. 22nd, I payd Jane 135. and 4d. for her wagys tyll Michelmas last, for the half yere, so that I owe her yet 6s. 8d, Dec. 28th, I reveled to Roger Coke f the gret secret of the elixir of the salt o0 aKcreXs ope vmrop a vpbpeb* 1580. Jan. 13th, I gave my wife mony for the month. Jan. 16th, Arthur fell sick, stuffed with cold fleym, could not slepe, had no stomach to eat or drink as he had done before. Feb. 26th, this night the fyre all in flame cam into my maydens chamber agayne, betwene an eleven and twelve of the cloke; contynued half an howr terribly, so it did a yere before to the same mavdens, Mary Cunstable and Jane Gele. May I7th, at the Moscovy howse for the Cathay voyage. June 3rd, Mr. A. Gilbert and J. Davys rod homward into Devonshire. June 7 th, Mr. Skydmor and his wife * Dee has occasionally made use of Greek letters for the preservatioa of his notes, still retaining the English language. The present passage may as well be given : — ** This night my wife dreamed that one cam to her and touched her, saying, ' Mistres Dee, you are conceived of child, whose name must be Zacharias ; be of good chere, he sal do well as this doth ! ' " — -- "t In a more appropriate place I shall give from an Ashmolean manuscript a tradi- tionary anecdote relating to this Roger Coke, or Cooke, and the great secret which Dee revealed to him. 8 i>R. dee's diary. [1580. lay at my howse and Mr. Skydmor's dowghter^ and the Quene^s dwarf Mrs. Tomasin. June 8th, my wife went with Mistres Skydmor to the court. June 12th, Mr. Zackinson and Mr. Cater lay at my howse, having supped at my Lady Crofts. June 14th, Mr. Fosku of the Wardrip lay at my howse, and went the next day to London with Mr. Coweller. July 15th, the Lady Croft went from Mortlak to the court at Otlands. June 30th, payd Jane 20^. for thre quarters' wages, so that all that is due is payd, and all other recknengs likewise is payd her 6s. Sd. ; and Mary Constable was payd all old reknings 155., and my wife had eleven pounds to dischardge all for thirteen wekes next, that is, till the 5th of November : I delivered Mr. Williams, the person of Tendring, a lettre of atturney agaynst one White of Colches- ter, for a sklaundre. Aug. 27th, Arthur was weaned this night first. Aug. 28th, my dealing \^ath Sir Humfrey Gilbert for his graunt of discovery. Aug. 30th, Nurse Darant was discharged and had iOs. given her, which was the whole quarter's wages due at a fortnight after Michelmas. Sept. 6th, the Quene's Majestic cam to Richemond. Sept. 10th, Sir Humfry Gilbert graunted me my request to him, made by letter, for the royaltyes of discovery all to the North above the parallell of the 50 degree of latitude, in the presence of Stoner, Sir John Gilbert, his servant or reteiner ; and thereuppon toke me by the hand with faithfull promises in his lodging of John Cooke's howse in Wich cross strete, where wee dyned onely us three together, being Satterday. Sept. 13th, Mr. Lock browght Ben- jamyn his sonne to me : his eldest sonne also, called Zacharie, cam then with him. Sept. I7th, the Quene's Majestic cam from Rychemond in her coach, the higher way of Mortlak felde, and whan she cam right against the church she turned down toward my howse : and when she w^as against my garden in the felde she stode there a good while, and than cam ynto the street at the great gate of the felde, where she espyed me at my doore making 1580.] DR. dee's diary. 9 obeysains to her Majestic ; she beckend her hand for me ; I cam to her coach side^ she very speedily pulled off her glove and gave me her hand to kiss ; and to be short, asked me to resort to her court, and to give her to wete when I cam ther ; hor. 6J a meridie. Sept. 14th, I began against Vincent Murphyn. Sept. 15th, I wrote to the bishop of London. Sept. 22nd, my declaration against Vincent Murphin put into the court of Geldhall. Oct. 3rd, on Munday, at 11 of the clok before none, I de- livered my two rolls of the Quene's Majesties title unto herself in the garden at Richemond, who appointed after dynner to heare furder of the matter. Therfore betwene one and two af tern one, I was sent for into her highnes Pryvy Chamber, where the Lord Threasurer allso was, who, having the matter slightly then in consultation, did seme to dowt much that I had or could make the argument probable for her highnes' title so as I pretended. Wheruppon I was to declare to his honor more playnely, and at his leyser, what I had sayd and could say therin, which I did on Tuesday and Wensday following, at his chamber, where he used me very honorably on his behalf. Oct. 7th, on Fryday I cam to my Lord Threasorer, and he being told of my being without, and allso I standing before him at his comming furth, did not or would not speak to me, I dowt not of some new greif conceyved. Oct. 10th, the Quene's Majestic, to my great cumfort (hora quinta), cam with her trayn from the court and at my dore graciously calling me to her, on horsbak, exhorted me briefly to take my mother's death patiently, and withall told me that the Lord Threasorer had gretly commended my doings for her title, which he had to examyn, which title in two rolls he had browght home two howrs before ; she remembred allso how at my wive's death it was her fortune likewise to call uppon me.* At 4 * His first wife died on the 16th of March 1575, when " the Queen's Majestic, with her most honourable Privy Council, and other her Lords and Nobility, came purposely to have visited my library : but finding that my wife was within four houres before buried out of the house, her Majestic refuged to come in ; but willed to fetch my glass CAMD. SOC. DEE. C s 10 DR. dee's diary. [1581. of the clok in the morning my mother Jane Dee dyed at Mortlak ; she made a godly ende : God be praysed therfore ! She was 77 yere old. Oct. 20th, I had by my jury at Geldhall £100 damages awarded me against Vincent Murphyn the cosener. Oct. 22nd, with much ado I had judgment against Murfin at Geldhall. My mervaylous horsnes and in manner spechelesnes toke me, being nothing at all otherwise sick. Oct. 25th, Morrice Kyffin departed from me with my leave. Nov. 2nd, the Lord Threasorer sent me a haunche of venison. Thomas Suttley had the bishop of Can- terbury his letter for Sir Richard. Nov. 3rd, I writt to my Lord Threasurer. Nov. 6th, Helen cam to my servyse. Nov. 12th, somwhat better in my voyce. Nov. 22nd, the biasing star* I cold see no more, though it were a cler night. Dec. 1st, newes cam by Dr. Deny from Ireland of the Italiens overthrow whom the Pope had sent, the Queue lying at Richemond. Dec. 6th, the Queue removed from Richmond. Dec. 8th, recepi literas Roma, scriptas per fratrem Laudervicea. 1581.t Feb. 9th, I agreed with Mr. Gentle Godolphin for to release the coosener Vincent Murphin. Feb. 11th, Harry Prise, of Lewsam, cam to me at Mortlak, and told of his dreames often re- peated, and uppon my prayer to God this night, his dreame was confirmed, and better instruction given. Feb. 12th, Sir William Harbert cam to Mortlak. Feb. 23rd, I made acquayntance with Joannes Bodinus, in the Chambre of Presence at Westminster, the embassador being by from Monsieur. Feb. 26th, a very fayr calm warm day. so famous, and to show unto her some of the properties of it, which I did ; her Ma- jestic being taken down from her horse by the Earle of Leicester, Master of the Horse, at the church wall of Mortlake, did see some of the properties of that glass, to her Majestic' s great contentment and delight." — Compendious Memorial, p. 516. This glass is spoken of again. * Dec has made a rough sketch of the appearance of this comet, with its long tail, on the margin of the MS. t An original diary of the chemical experiments made by Dr. Dee in this year is preserved in the Bodleian Library. — MS. Rawl. Miscel, 241. 1581.] DR. dee's diary. 11 March 8th, it was the 8 day, being Wensday, hora noctis 10, 11, the strange noyse in my chamber of knocking ; and the voyce, ten tymes repeted, somewhat hke the shrich of an owle, but more longly drawn, and more softly, as it were in my chamber. March 12th, all reckenings payd to Mr. Hudson, £11. 17*. March 13th, Elizabeth Kyrton cam to my servys. March 23rd, at Mortlak cam to me Hugh Smyth, who had returned from Magellan straights and Vaygatz ; after that, raynie, stoi'mie wynde, S. W. March 25th, Helen was hyred at our Lady day for the yere for fowr nobles wagis ; she had her covenant peny, and allso vJ5. viijc^. for her payns taken synce she came. April 3rd, I ryd toward Sned- greene, to John Browne, to here and see the manner of the doings. April 14th, I cam home from Snedgreene. May 25th, 1 had sight in XpyaraXXw offerd me, and I saw. June 7th, hora 72- mane nata est Katharina Dee. June 10th, baptisata a meridie hor. Si Katharina. Mr. Packington of the court, my Lady Ka- tarin Crofts, wife to Sir James Crofts, Mr. Controller of the Queue's household, Mystres Mary Skydmor of the Privie Cham- ber, and cosen to the Queue, by theyr deputies christened Katha- rin Dee. June l7th, yong Mr. Hawkins, who had byn with Sir Francis Drake, cam to me to Mortlake. June 30th, Mr. John Leonard Haller, of Hallerstein, by Worms in Germany, receyved his instructions manifold for his jornay to Quinsay, which jornay I moved him unto, and instructed him plentifully for the variation of the compas, observing in all places as he passed. July 6th, my wife churched. July 7th, in the morning at If after mydnight, Mr. Hinde his sonne born. July 10th, my right sholder and elbow-joynt were so extremely in payn that I was not able in 14 dayes to lift my arme owtward not an ynche ; the payn was extreme ; I used Mr. Larder, Mr. Alles, and Alise Da- vyes, and abowt the 25 day I mended. July 12th, abowt 10 of the clock ^ before noone poyep Is ivKpebifSXe boyyebres avb ivypare- v\ves ayaivs jac to fxi 0aK:e, aXfxosr pebi to Xai vioXevT avbs ov /jie, fiayep evpLK Kav irapTeXi tcX. At the same day the Erie of Lecester fell 12 DR. dee's diary. [1581. fowly owt with the Erie of Sussex, Lord Chamberlayn, caUing each other traytor, whereuppon both were commanded to kepe theyr chambers at Greenwich, wher the court was. July 19th, Mr. Henrick went to London to visit his wife and children. July 26th, Mr. Haylok cam, and goodman King with him. July 28th, Mr. Collens did ride into Lincolneshire. Aug. 3rd, all the night very strange knocking and rapping in my chamber. Aug. 4th, and this night likewise. Katharin was sent home from nurse Maspely, of Barnes, for fear of her mayd^s sick- nes, and goodwife Benet gave her suck. Aug. 11th, Katharine Dee was shifted to nurse Garret at Petersham on Fryday, the next day after St. Lawrence day, being the 11th day of the month; my wife went on foot with her, and Ellen Cole, my mayd, George and Benjamin, in very great showres of rayn. Aug. 12th, recepi literas a D. Doctore Andrea Hess occultge philosophise studioso, per Richardi Hesketh amici mei, Antwerpise agentis, dili- gentiam in negociis meis, et recepi, una cum literis, Mercurii Men- sitam seu Sigillam Planetarum. Aug. 26th, abowt Sf (at night) a strange meteore in forme of a white clowde crossing galaxiam, whan it lay north and sowth over our zenith ; this clowd was at length from the S. E. to the S. W. sharp at both endes, and in the west ende it was forked for a while; it was abowt sixty degrees high, it lasteth an howr, all the skye clere abowt, and fayr starshyne. Sept. * 5th, Roger Cook, who had byn with me from his 14 yeres of age till 28, of a melancholik nature, py eking and devising occasions of just cause to depart on the sudda^m. abowt 4 of the clok in the afternone requested of me ly cense to depart, wher- uppon rose whott words between us ; and he, imagining with his- self that he had the 12 of July deserved my great displeasure and finding himself barred from vew of my philosophicall dealing * Dr. Dee, in the Rawlinson MS. just quoted, observes, in his notes on this month, ♦♦ Mr. Harry Waters went away the 2nd day, malcontent. John Dee, Jesus bless me ! " 1581.] DR. dee's diary. 13 with Mr. Henrik, thowght that he was utterly recest from intended goodnes toward him. Notwithstanding Roger Cook his un- seamely deaUng, I promised him^ yf he used himself toward me now in his absens, one hundred pounds * as sone as of my own clene hability I myght spare so much ; and moreover, if he used himself well in lif toward God and the world, I promised him some prettyalchimicall experiments, whereuppon he might ho- nestly live. Sept. 7th, Roger Cook went for alltogether from me. Sept. 29th, Robert Gardner, of Shrewsbury, cam to my servyce. Oct. 8th, I had newes of the chests of bokes fownd by Owndle in Northampton shyre ; Mr. Barnabas Sawle told me of them, but I fownd no truth in it. Oct. 9th, Barnabas Saul, lying in the hall was strangely trubled by a spirituall creature abowt mydnight. Oct. 13th, I rod to Sowth Myms. Oct. 14th5 to St. Nedes. Oct. 16th, at Mr. Hikman's. Oct. 20th, at Tos- seter. Oct. 21st, Oxford, Dr. Cradocke. Oct. 23rd, from Oxford to Wyckam. Oct. 24th, I cam home. Robert Hilton cam to my service. Nov. 16th, the Queue removed to White Hall, and Mon- sieur with her. Nov. 27th, I rod to Greensede. Nov. 28th, to goodman Wykham, 2 myles beyond Chayly by Lewys. Nov. 29th, I made acquayntance with Mr. George Kylmer for Sir George his bokes. Nov. 30th, I cam home. Dec. 1 st, Katharyn Dee her nurse was payd 6s. so nothing is owing to her. Dec. 5th, Elen my mayden fell sick. Dec. 7th, George my man had the great fall of the ladder, hora 10 fere mane. Dec. 8th, I sent a letter to Mr. Kylmer. Dec. 22nd, my Lord Chanceler^s sonne, Mr. Brom- ley, and Sir William Herbert cam to me. Helen Cole was payd her wages and reckening tyll this Christmas, and so discharged my servyce, being newly recovered of her ague. Her desyre was to go to her frendes. 1582. Jan. 1 1th, Robert Gardener desired my leave to go dwell * This probably gave rise to the anecdote which is related in MS. Ashm. 1788, fol. 147, viz. that " he revealed to one Roger Cooke the great secret of the elixar, as he called it, of the salt of metalls, the projection whereof was one upon an hundred.'' %. 14 DR. dee's diary. [1582. with Sir William Herbert^ hora 12. Jan. 16tli, Mistris Harbert cam to Essexe. Jan. I7th, Randal Hatton cam home from SamuePs father at Stratton Audley. Jan. 22nd, Arthur Dee and Mary Herbert, they being but 3 yere old the eldest, did make as it wer a shew of childish marriage, of calling ech other husband and A^dfe. Jan. 22, 23rd. The first day Mary Herbert cam to her father's hous at Mortlak, and the second day she cam to her father's howse at Estshene. Jan. 23rd, my wife went to nurse Garret and payd her for this month ending the 26 day. Jan. 27th, Barnabas Sawl his brother cam. Feb. 12th, abowt 9 of the clok, Barnabas Saul and his brother Edward went homward from Mortlak : Saul his inditement being by law fownd insufficient at Westminster Hall : Mr. Serjeant Walmesley, Mr. Owen and Mr. Hyde, his lawyers at the bar for the matter, and Mr. Ive, the clerk of the Crown Office, favouring the other. Feb. 20th, Mr. Bigs of Stentley by Huntingdon and John Littlechild cam to me. I receyved a letter from Barnabas Saul. Feb. 21st, Mr. Skull- thorp rod toward Barnabas. Feb. 25th, Mr. Skulthorp cam home. Payd nurse Garret for Katharin tyll Fryday the 23 day, vJ5. then somethyng due to nurse for iij. pownd of candell and 4 pownd of sope. March 1st, Mr. Clerkson browght Magnus to me at Mortlak, and so went that day agayn. March 6th, Barnabas Saul cam this day agayn abowt one of the clok and went to London the same afternone. He confessed that he neyther hard or saw any spiri- tuall creature any more. March 8th, Mr. Clerkson and his frende cam to my howse. Barnabas went home agayn abowt 3 or 2 clok, he lay not at my howse now ; he went, I say, on Thursday, with Mr. Clerkson. March 8th, coelum ardere et instar san- guinis in diversis partibus rubere visum est circa horam nonam noctis, maxime versus septentrionalem et occidentalem partem : sed ultra capita nostra versus austrum frequenter miles quasi san- guineus. Marcli 9th, Fryday at dynner tyme Mr. Clerkson and 1582.] DR. DEE^S DIARY. 15 Mr. Talbot * declared a great deale of Barnabas nowghty dealing toward me, as in telling Mr. Clerkson ill things of me that I should mak his frend, as that he was wery of me, that I wold so flatter his frende the lerned man that I wold borow him of him. But his frend told me, before my wife and Mr. Clerkson, that a spirituall creature told him that Barnabas had censured both Mr. Clerkson and me. The injuries which this Barnabas had done me diverse wayes were very great. March 22nd, Mr. Talbot went to London, to take his jornay. April 16th, Nurse Garet had her 6s, for her month ending on the 20th day. April 22nd, a goodly showr of rayn this morning early. May 4th, Mr. Talbot went. May 13th, Jane rod to Cheyham. May 15th, nocte circa nonam cometa apparuit in sep- tentrione versus occidentem aliquantulum ; cauda versus astrum tendente valde magna, et stella ipsa vix sex gradus super horizon- tem. May 20th, Robertus Gardinerus Salopiensis loetum mihi attulit nuncium de materia lapidis, divinitus sibi revelatus de qua May 23rd, Robert Gardener declared unto me hora 4^ a certeyn great philosophical! secret, as he had termed it, of a spirituall creatuer, and was this day willed to come to me and declare it, which was solemnly done, and wdth common prayer. May 28th, Mr. Eton of London cam with his son-in- law Mr. Edward Bragden, as concerning Upton parsonage, to have me to resign or let it unto his said son-in-law, whom I pro- mised to let understand whenever myself wold consent to forego it. June 9th, I writ to 'the Archbishop of Canterbury a letter in Latin : Mr. Doctor Awbrey did carry it. June 14th, Morryce Kyffin did viset me. June 22nd, Nurse Garret had 6s, for a month ending the 18 day of May; she is to have for a month * Just above this relation some one has written, " you that rede this underwritten assure yourselfe that yt is a shamfull lye, for Talbot neither studied for any such thinge nor shewed himselfe dishonest in any thinge." Dr. Dee has thus commented upon it: — *' This is Mr. Talbot or that lerned man, his own writing in my boke, very un- duely as he cam by it." There are several other notices of Talbot erased, but whether by him or by the Doctor it is impossible to say, but most probably the former. 16 DR. dee's diary. [1582. wages ending the 15 day of this June. My wife went this Friday thither with Benjamyn. June 27th, Mystris Stafford arrested me hora 11:1 payd all. July SrS, hor. 12^, Arthur Dee fell from the top of the Water- gate Stayres down to the fote from the top, and cut his forhed on the right eyebrow. Sir Richard browght the rent. July 6th, in feare of resting by proctor Lewys : tyll 9| at night from 1 afternone at the Docter's comming. July 12th, Proctor Lewys agred withall. July 1 3th, Mr. Talbot cam abowt 3 of the clok afternone, with whom I had some wordes of unkendnes : we parted frendely : he sayd that the Lord Morley had the Lord Mountegle his bokes. He promised me some of Doctor Mynivers bokes. July 16th, Mr. William Pole, whome Phillip Simons, somtymes barber to the old Erie of Tavistok, doth knowe, cam to me, and made ac- quayntance with me: promised to com agayn within xiiij. dayes. Jane my wife went to Nurse Garret's to pay her 12^. for her wages due tyll Friday last, which was Saint Margaret's day, and brought her xijf/. for candles : she went by water ; Mistres Lee went with her, and Robyn Jackesbite. Jane this night was sore trubbled with a coUick and cramp in her belly ; she vomyted this Monday more, and every night grew stiff in the sole likewise. A meridie hor. 3 J cam Sir George Peckham to me to know the tytle for Norombega in respect of Spayn and Portugall parting the whole world's distilleryes. He promysed me of his gift and of his patient of the new conquest, and thought to get so moche of Mr. Gerardes gift to be sent me with scale within a few days. July 18th, Barthilmew Knaresburgh his sone borne at break of day abowt 3 of the clok. June 19th, Barnabas Saul came to see me at Mortlak : I chyd hym for his manifold un- true reports. July 23d, Mistris Franklin's sone borne at noone. July 24th, Robert Gardiner cam, and went on the 26th. Aug. 8th, Kate was sickly. Aug. 11th, Mr. Bacon and Mr. Phillips of the court cam. Aug. 20th, Katarine still seemed to be diseasid. Aug. 25th, Katharin was taken home from nurse Garret . 1582.] DR. dee's diary. 17 of Petersham, and weaned at home. Aug. 31st, Benjamin Lock told me of his father's mynde to send him to Spayn within three or four days. Sept. 1st, I did for Sir John Killegrew devise the way of protestation to save him harmless for compounding with Spaniard who was robbed : he promised me fish against Lent. Sept. 10th, Mr. John Leonard Haller, of Hallersteyn, by Worms in Germany, cam agayn to me, to declare his readines to go to- ward Quinsay ^ and how he wold go and ly at Venys all this winter, and from thens to Constantinople. I requested Mr. Charles Sted to help him to make his mony over to Paris and Nuremberg, and to help him with the sercher of Rye to pass his horse, and to help him with Mr. Osborn the alderman with his letters to Constantinople. Sept. 11th, on Tuesday they went to London together, and my wife allso abowt her affayres. Sept. 13th, I writt to Dugenes de Dionigiis to Venys by Mr. John Leo- nard Haller. Sept. l7th, I writ to the Erie of Osmond. Sept. 29th, Anne cam to my servyse from Mr. Harbert. I payd Mr. Lewys £20, so rest is which I challendg as for my cost and payns for 37 yeres for John his son. Oct. 12th, I rod to Tundridge. Oct. 1 3th, I rod from Tun- dridge to Mr. Coverts at Slawgham. Oct. 15th, I cam home from Slawgham, and dyned at Mr. Holtens, person of Oxstede by Tun- dridge, a phisitien. Oct. 21st, Jane my wife sowned in the church. Nov. 1st, Mr. Plat, my brother Yong his sonne-in-law, cam to me with a stranger of Trushen, born at Regius Mons : his name is Martinus Faber. The same day cam Mr. Clement the seamaster and Mr. Ingram from Sir George Peckham. Nov. 8th, hayle afternone horam circiter primam : tonitrus circa quartam et sextaiti. Nov. 9th, Mr. Newbury, who had byn at Cambaya in Inde, cam to me. Nov. 22nd, E. K. went to London, and so the next day conveied by rode toward Blakley, and within ten dayes to returne. Nov. 24th, Saterday night I dremed that I was deade, and afterward my bowels wer taken out I walked and talked with diverse, and among other with the Lord Thresorer who was com CAMD. SOC. DEE. D 18 DR. dee's diary. [1582. to my howse to burn my bokes when I was dead, and thought he loked sourely on me. Dec. 1st, George my man, who had l}me oute all night, this morning used me very dishonestly, and sayd he owed me no servyce. Mr. Bettgran the justice was not at home. Dec. 13th, thunder in the afternone and at sonne-set. Dec. 15th, the 15th day being cownted the 25, 50, 10 dayes ar imagined spent, which have crept in betwene the day of Crist his birth regarding the place of the sonne, and the sonnes place not the 25th day of this month, whiche a civile aequation, but mathe- matically and rehgiusly to be substantiated to be for the true term of the periods of annuall revolutions of the sonne sinse the day of Christ his birth. 1583. Jan. 13th, on Sondaythe stage at Paris Garden fell down all at ones, being full of people beholding the bearbayting. Many being killed thereby, more hart, and all amased. Tlie godly ex- po wnd it as a due plage of God for the wickednes ther usid, and the Sabath day so profanely spent. Jan. 19th, Mr. John Leo- nard Haller went to London and so to go toward Scotland. Jan. 23rd, the Ryght Honorable Mr. Secretary Walsingham cam to my howse, where by good lok he found Mr. Awdrian Gilbert, and so talk was begonne of North-west Straights discovery. The Bishop of St. Davyd's (Mr. Middelton) cam to visit me with Mr. Thomas Herbert. The Lord Grey cam to Mr. Secretary, and so they went unto Greenwich (?). Jan. 24th, I, Mr. Awdrian Gilbert, and John Davis went by appointment to Mr. Secretary to Mr. Beale his howse, where onely we four were secret, and we made Mr. Secre- tarie privie of the N. W. passage, and all charts and rutters were agreed uppon in generall. Feb. 2nd, Rolandus Dee baptizatus. Feb. 3rd, Mr. Savile, Mr. Powil the yonger, travaylors, Mr. Ottomeen his sonne, cam to be acquaynted with me. Feb. 4th, Mr. Edmunds of the Privie Cham- ber, Mr. Lee who had byn in Moschovia, cam to be acquaynted with me. Feb. lltli, the Quene lying at Richemond went to Mr. Secretarv Walsingham to dynner ; she coming by my dore gra- 1583.] DR. dee's diary. 19 tiously called me to her^ and so I went by her horse side as far as where Mr. Hudson dwelt. Ep fiaiecrrt a^e5 jde oj3o(Tf:vp€XL ocp f.iovparievpii arare : bi^L ftioQavaTos epir. Roland went with his nurse to her howse to Estshene. Feb. 18th^ the Lady Walsingham cam suddenly into my howse very freely, and shortly after that she was gone cam Syr Francys himself and Mr. Dyer. Feb. 24th, Jane churched. Feb. 26th, I delivered my boke to the Lord Threasorer for the correction of the Calender.* March 6th, I, and Mr. Adrian Gilbert and John Davis, did mete with Mr. Alderman Barnes, Mr. Townson and Mr. Yong and Mr. Hudson, abowt the N.W. voyage. March 17th, Mr. John Davys went to Chelsey with Mr. Adrian Gilbert to Mr. Radforths, and so the 18th day from thence toward Devonshyre. March ISth, Mr. North from Poland, after he had byn with the Quene he cam to me. I receyved salutation from Alaski, Palatine in Poland; salutation by Mr. North who cam before to the Quene, and next to me was his meh:j?ge, hor. 12. Nurse Lydgatt at Estshene * This work, although never entirely printed, created much sensation at the time, and was the cause of considerable controversy among the politicians as well as literati. The Memorial on this subject which Dee presented to the Privy Council has been printed by Hearne and others, but it is not generally known that the original manu- script of the actual treatise on the correction of the Calendar is still preserved in Ash- mole's library, No. 1789, and is the very book which Dee alludes to above. It is inscribed " to the Right Honorable and my singular good Lorde, the Lorde Burghley, Lorde Threasorer of Englande," with the following verses : — " To OTL and to hiori, I shew the thing and reason why ; At large, in breif, in middle wise, I hlimbly give a playne advise ; For want of tyme, the tyme untrew Yf I have myst, commaund anew Your honor may. So shall you see That love of truth doth govern me." The work itself is entitled, " A playne Discourse and humble Advise for our Gratious Queene Elizabeth, her most Excellent Majestic to peruse and consider, as concerning the needful Reformation of the Vulgar Kalender for the civile yeres and daies accompt- iog, or verifyeng, according to the tyme truely spent." 20 DR. dee's diary. [1583. was payd for 5 pound candell, 6 pound sope, and the wagis due from Rowland his birth. April ISth, the Quene went from Riche- mond toward Grenwich, and at her going on horsbak, being new up, she called for me by Mr. Rawly his putting her in mynde, and she sayd " quod defertur non aufertur," and gave me her right hand to kisse. April 24th, nurse was payd for Rowland all her wagis tyll Monday the 22 of this month, 16 pence a weke: she had all her candell and sope before. May 1st, Albertus Laski, Polonus, Palatinus Scradensis, venit Londinum.* May 4th, Mr. Adrian Gilbert and Mr. Pepler went by water to Braynford, and so to ride into Devonshire. May 7th, E. K. went toward London, and so to go homeward for 10 or 12 dayes. Dies Quadragesimus a die Veneris ante Pascham. May 13th, I becam acquaynted with Albertus Laski at 7^- at night, in the Erie of Lecester his chamber in the court at Greenwich. This day was my lease of Devonshyre mynes sealed at Sir Leonell Ducket's hows. May 18th, the Prince Albertus Laski cam to me at Mortlake, with onely two men. ^e cam at afternone and tarryed supper, ani ai^er sone set. Nurse Rowland was payd all tyll the 20th of this month. June 15th, abowt 5 of the clok cam the Polonian Prince Lord Albert Lasky down from Bissham, where he had lodged the night before, being returned from Oxford whither he had gon of purpose to see the universityes, wher he was very honorably used and enterteyned. He had in his com- pany Lord Russell, Sir Phihp Sydney, and other gentlemen : he was rowed by the Queue's men, he had the barge covered with the Queue's cloth, the Quene^s trumpeters, &c. He cam of purpose to do me honor, for which God be praysed l" June 19th, the Lord Albert Laski cam to me and lay at my hows all nyght. Nurse Rowland payd her wagis ending the 17th day of this month. July 1st, Master Mills his answer of no hopes in my sute at * '* The year of our Lorde God 1583, the laste daye of Aprill, the Duke or Prince of Vascos in Polonia, came to London and was lodged at Winchester Howse." — MS. Douce, 363, fol. 125. This account differs from Dee's by a single day. 1583.] DR. dee's diary. 21 Grenewich. July 'Jth, George was dismissed my servys and payd all reconings in the presens of goodman Hilton and Mistres Kelly in my study. July lOth, Thomas Hoke of Cranford cam to my service, but he went away agayn the 23 day of this month. July 30th, the Queue removed on Tuesday from Greenwich to Sion by water ; coming by my dore July 3 1 st, the Quene^s gift of 40 angells * sent by the Erie of Lecester his secretarie Mr. Lloyd, throwgh the Erie his speche to the Queue. Mr. Rawlegh his letter unto me of hir Majesties good dis- position unto me. Aug. 1st, John Halton minister dwelling in London with bowed in and looked, and the a Wurcetershire man, a wicked spy cam to my howse, whom I used as an honest man, and found nothing wrong as I thought. I was sent to E. K. Aug. 7th, Mr. WiUiam Bur- row passed by me. Aug. 14th, payd nurse Lydgatt for Rowland for two monthes ending the 12th day. Aug. 18th, a great tempest of wynde at mydnyght. Maxima era E. K. cum uxore ejus. Sept. 21st, we went from Mortlake, and so the Lord Albert Lasky, I, Mr. E. Kelly, our wives, my children and familie, we went toward our two ships attending for us, seven or eight myle below Gravessende. 1586. July 10th, Mr. William Maynard natus hora 12 noctis, vel paulo post, Londini. Sept. 14th, Trebonam venimus. Oct. 18th, E. K. recessit a Trebona versus Pragam curru delatus; mansit hie per tres hebdomadas. Nov. 8th, illustrissimus prin- ceps versus Pragam; iter institit hora tertia ameridie. Nov. 14th, rescripsi ad Victorem Reinholdum. Nov. 19th, to the glas hows. Nov. 21st, Michael was begone to be weaned. Nov. 22nd, recepi * ** Her Majestie being informed by the Right Honourable Earle of Leicester, that whereas the same day in the morning he had told me that his Honour and Lord Laskey would dine with me within two dayes after, T confessed sincerely unto him that I was not able to prepare them a convenient dinner, unless I should presently sell some of my plate or some of my pewter for it. Whereupon her Majestie sent unto me very royally within one hour after forty angels of gold from Sion, whether her Majestie was now come by water from Greenwich." — Dr. Dee's Compendious Memoriall, p. 511. 22 DR. DEE^S DIARY. [1586. literas Jacobi Memschiti. Dec. 8th^ Monday abowt none Mr. X Edward Garland cam to Trebona to mee from the Emperor of Moschovia, according to the articles before sent unto me by- Thomas Hankinson. Dec. 11th, St. Poloniensis obiit: natus anno 1530 die 13 Januarii, hora quarta mane min. 26, in Transyl- vania. Obiit, hora secunda post mediam noctem, ut intellexi ex Uteris D°^ Lasky, receptis die 29 per Alexandrum. Dec. 19th, 19die (novi kalendarii) ad gratificandum Domino Edouardo Gar- lando, et Francisco suo fratri, qui Edouardus nuncius mihi mis- sus erat ab Imperatore Moschoviee ut ad iUum venirem, E. K. fecit proleolem lapidis in proportione unius gravi arenae super quod vulgaris oz. et ^ et producta est optimi auri oz. fere : quod aurum post distribuimus a crucibolo una dedimus Edouardo. Dec. 30th, E. K. versus Pragam. 1587. Jan. 8th, cam Nicolas du Haut, Frenchman of Lorrayn, who had byn lackay to my frende Otho Henrick Duke of Bruns- wik and Lienburgh, to seke a servyse^ being dismissed by pass- port from his Lord after his long sikenes. Jan. 14th, Doctor Rein- holdt of Salfeldt cam to Trebona with Abraham. His sute of the salt. Doctor Reinholdt revisit versus Pragam 20 die. Jan. 18th, rediit E. K. a Praga. E. K. browght with him from the Lord Ro- senberg to my wyfe a chayne and juell estemed at 300 duckettes; 200 the juell stones, and 100 the gold. Jan. 21st, E. K. again to Prage and so to Poland ward. Feb. 5th, I tok a jornay of myself from Trebon to Newhowse, two myles of, to mete my Lord to comen with him. I toke two horsemen of the cyty with me. Feb. 9th, Illustriss.* venit a Vienna ad Trebonam. Feb. 1 2th, ivit Illustriss. versus Crocoviam. Feb. 19th, E. K.f cam from Poland abowt none to Trebone : I sent word to my Lord straight. Feb. 21st, my Lord sending no word yet, I sent another message. March 3rd, a Cremona ad Trebonam. March 7th, E. K. dedit * He frequently speaks of Prince Albert Leski under the title of Illustrissimus. t It is almost unnecessary to observe that these initials refer to Edward Kelly. 1587'] ^^* dee's diary. 23 nobis 300 ducata. Recepimus a Domino lUustrissimo 3300. March 9th, iter regium. March Hth, venimus Reich stein ^^ March l7th^ reditus a Reichstein. March 21st, E. K. gave me 170 more, and of the 200 for changing 60 remayne. ContumeUe et contemptus a Cholek et a Schonberg. March 23rd, venimus Trebonam. March 26th, the Lord Biberstein, comming from Cranbaw from the Lord Rosenberg, passing by Trebona, sent for me to his ynn to make acquayntance with me. E. K. equitavit Crotoviam. April 4th, actio tertia incepit. April 18th, actionis tertiee finis. May 1st, vidi (doctore meo premonstrante) Michaehum Nuncium non Mersaelem. Laus sit Deo et doctori meo E. K. ! June 14th, nuptiee Domini Thomas Kelei. June 17th, acprep dts (pv\ fxove lave ah dejx pot. June 22nd, Mr. Francis Garland went toward England from Trebona. July 5th, Sonday, I set the two erthes with theyr water agayn uppon them. July 9th, Mr. Francis Pucci cam and browght Chrisan Franken with him, who, he sayd, had now recanted his wycked boke against Christ, wherof I was glad. Illustrissimus cum Domina venerat Trebona. July 11th, colloquium inter Illus- trissimum Dominum, Dominum E. K. et me, a meridie, inter nos tres. July 13th, Francys Pacci recessit. July 19th, a certayn kinde of recommendation between our wives. Next day saw relenting of E. K. also by my Lord^s entrety. July 20th, Illus- trissimus abiit cum principissa sua versus Cremoniam. Aug. 13th, amice cum Domino Edouardo Keleo de tribus ilUs votis. Aug. 17th, E. K. cum fratre et Ludovico Aug. 18th, we understode how E. K. went to Badwiseto bed, and went but this day at none from thence. Aug. 20th, John Basset cam to Trebona. Aug. 23rd, Mr. E. K. cam from Lyntz fayre. Sept. 1st, Tuesday morning, covenanted with John Basset to teach the children the Latyn tong, and I do give him seven duckats by the quarter, and the term to begyne this day ; and so I gave him presently seven duckatts Hungary, in gold, before my wife. God spede his work ! Sept. 3rd, 4th, continua quasi pluvia 24 DR. dee's diary. [1587. per biduum istud. Sept. 4th, Basset his liurlyburly with Mr. T. Kelly. Sept. 16th, the Lord Biberstein cam to Trebon, and Cracht with him. Sept. 22nd, my Lord cum from Crummow to Trebon with my Lady. Sept. 26th, my Lord went toward Prage. Sept. 2Sth, I delivered to Mr. Ed. Kelley (ernestly requiring it as his part) the half of all the animall which was made. It is to weigh 20 ownces ; he wayed it himself in my chamber : he bowght liis waights purposely for it. My Lord had spoken to me before for some, but Mr. Kelly had not spoken. Sept. 30th, T. K. and J. C* went toward Prage. Oct. 12th, Mr. E. K. toward Prage on horsbak. Oct. 13tb, mane paulo ante ortum solis observavi radio astronomico inter et gradus 2 minuta prima 22, et erat sub Tauro in eadem linea perpendiculari ante oculum demissa super horizonta altitudo erat vix quatuor graduum. Oct. ISth^ hyred Nicolas. Oct. 20th, I toke up the furniture for the action. Oct. 26th, Mr. Edward Kelly cam to Trebona from Prage. Oct. 28th and 29th, John Carp did begyn to make furnaces over the gate, and he used of my rownd bricks, and for the yern pot was con- tented now to use the lesser bricks, 60 to make a furnace. Oct. 3 1 st, Ed. Hilton cam to Trebona in the morning. Nov. 8th, E. K. terribilis expostulatio, accusatio, &c. hora tertia a meridie. Nov. 17th, John Basset had seven ducketts beforehand for his second quarter's wages, begynning the 1st. Nov. 21st, Saterday at night Mr. Francis Garland cam from England to Trebona and browght me a letter from Mr. Dyer and my brother Mr. Richard. Nov. 24th, at the marriag super Critzin the Grand Captayn disdayned to com thither to supper in the Rad bowse of Trebona becawse E. K. and I were there ; and sayd farder that we wer Dec. 1st to 11th, my Lord lay at Trebon and my Lady all this tyme. Dec. 10th, Mr. John Carpio went toward Prage to marry the mayden he had trubbled ; for the Emperor's Majestic, by my Lord Rosenberg's means, had so ordred the matter. Dec. * That is, Thomas Kelley and Johu Carp. 1587-] DR. dee's diary. 25 12th, afternone somwhat, Mr. Ed. Keley his lamp overthrow, the spirit of wyne long spent to nere, and the glas being not stayed with buks abowt it, as it was wont to be ; and the same glas so flitting on one side, the spirit was spilled out, and burnt all that was on the table where it stode, lynnen and written bokes, — as the bok of Zacharius with the Alkanor that I translated out of French for som by spirituall could not ; Rowlaschy his thrid boke of waters philosophicall ; the boke called Angelicum Opus, all in pictures of the work from the beginning to the end ; the copy of the man of Badwise Conclusions for the Transmution of metalls ; and 40 leaves in 4°, intitled, Extractiones Dunstani, which he him- self extracted and noted out of Dunstan his boke, and the very boke of Dunstan was but cast on the bed hard by from the table. / 1588. Jan. 1st, abowt nine of the clok afternone, Michel, going chilyshly with a sharp stik of eight ynches long and a little wax candell light on the top of it, did fall uppon the playn bords \ in Marie^s chamber, and the sharp point of the stik entred throwgh the lid of his left ey toward the corner next the nose, and so persed throwgh, insomuch that great abundance of blud cam out under the lid, in the very corner of the sayd eye; the hole on the owtside is not bygger then a pyn's hed ; it was anoynted with St. John's oyle. The boy slept well. God spede the rest of the cure ! The next day after it apperid that the first towch of the stikes point was at the very myddle of the apple of the ey, and so (by God's mercy and favor) glanced to the place where it entred ; with the strength of his hed and the fire of his fulness, I may make some shew of it to the prayse of God for his mercies and protection. Jan. 11th, Nicolas was sore hart circa 8^ hora nocte. Jan. 13th, at dynnertyme Mr. Edward Kelly sent his bro- ther, Mr. Th. K. to me with these words, " My brother sayth that you study so much, and therfor, seeing it is to late to go to day to Cromlaw, he wisheth you to come to pass the tyme with him at play.'' I went after dynner and playd, he and I against Mr. F. Gore and Mr. Rob tyll supper tyme, in his dynyng rome : and CAMD. see. DEE. E V 26 DR. dee's diary. [1588. after supper he cam and the others, and we playd there two or three howres, and frend^^jF* departed. This was then after the great and wonderful unkindnes used toward me m taking my man. Jan. 14th, Mr. Edward Kelly rid to Crumlow, being sent for by my Lord. I receyved a letter from the Lord Chamberlain. Jan. 18th, Mistres Lidda K. had an abortion of a girle of 5 or 6 monthes ; she was mery and well till the night before ; I helped to finde the dead birthe within one howr after I had caused her to have myrh given unto her in wyne warmed, the quarter of a ounce ; better after she was discharged of the secondyne, and all at ones. The woman was sufficiently strong after. Jan. 19th, Mr. E. K. cam from Crumlow. Feb. 4th, Mr. Francys Garland and his brother Robert went from Trebona to go toward England : I wrote to Mr. Dyer and Mr. Yonge. Feb. 8th, Mr. E. K. at nine of the clok afternone sent for me to his laboratory over the gate to se how he distilled sericon, according as in tyme past and of late he hard of me out of Riplay. God lend his hart to all charity and virtue ! Feb. 16th, John Carpe cam to Trebon after his marriage. Feb. 19th, Mr. E. K. did bitricXoffe aofji, aKKovpreb fit (ppevbes, bvv vvrpv dei vvep. Feb. 28th, mane paulo anteortum solis natus est Theodorus Trebonianus Dee, ascendente Sirio in horoscopo, die dominica. March 1st, baptisatus erat Theodorus Dee Trebonae ante meri- diem. March 6th, I went to Newhous and dyned at the castell. March 12th, my Lord cam to Trebona and my I-■ 73947 38 DR. dee's diary. [1591. plate and payd this day £19 in Mortlak. March 21st, remember that on Passion Sunday, being the 21st of March by our accownt, all things was payd for to Mr. Thomas Hudson for wood and corne, abowt £14, at his howse when he was syk of the strangury. Allso to godman Bedell was payd £4 for billet, baven, and lose fagot the same day. Payd likewise to gudwife Wesder eight shil- lings for one monthes nursing of Madinia, and 4^. more before- hande. March 26th, Mr. Beale sent me home the first my own hand copy of the volume of Famous and Rich Discoveries * which I had given anno 1583 to Andrew Strange. May 12th, I payd goodwife Welder xiJ5. for vij. wekes ending then next from the Wensday before Ester-day last. May 25th, of the old Kalander, Sir Thomas Jones Knight (unaxed) ofFred me his castell of Emlyn in Wales to dwell in so long as he had any interest in it, whose lease dureth yet twelve yeres, freely, with commodityes adjoining unto it ; and allso to have as much mow land for rent, as myght pleasure me sufficiently. The 27th day he confirmed the same his offer agayn before Mr. John Har- bert, Master of the Requestes, in his hall in Mortlak ; which his offers I did accept of, and he was glad thereof. May 31st, Bar- tilmew [Hickman] cam up and browght Jane his dowghter with him. Mr. R. Ed. his boke and letter. June 8th, WiUiam Asp- land of Essex and Th. Collen. June 12th, lent Chronica Hol- landiee Magna to Mr. Beale on Saterday manuscript, which Mr. Webb lent me. June 14th, Jane Hikman to goodwife TyndalFs to lern. June 27th, Arthur wownded on his hed by his own wan- ton throwing of a brik-bat upright, and not well avoyding the fall of it agayn, at Mr. Harberts abowt sonn-setting. The half-brik weighed 241b. June 30, Madinia was taken home from goodwife Welder. July 28th, Mr. Dyer sent me xx. angels by Mr. Thomas Webbes. July 30th, reconciliation betweene Mr. Dyer and me solemnized * Now in the Cottonian collection. Ashmole has preserved a copy of it in MS. Ashm. 1790. 1591.] DR. dee's diary. 39 the afternone on Friday, and on Saterday (the 31st) all day tyll my going by boat at Mr. WebVs lodging at Rochester Howse. July 31st, by old Kalender, abowt an eleven of the clok Jane was at London very faynt syke, redy to swownd, and in a faynt swete. It was thowght that then she quickened. The last of Julie, Saterday by the old accownt, Barthelmew cam up ; he went down on Tuesday, the 3rd day of August, from Mortlak. Aug. 2nd, Monday, Mr. William Diggs his philosophicall curtesy all day. Sept. 22nd, Madinia fell from the bed and hurt her forhed abowt one of the clok afternone. Oct. 15th, after midnight very wyndy northerly. Oct. 23rd, a storm of wynde S.W. afternone. Dec. 3rd, wyndie S.W. Dec. 14th, I had a very jentle answer at the Lord Thresorer^s hand hora decima ante meridiem at the court of Whitehall. Dec. 20th, a jentle answer of the Lord Threasorer that the Queue wold have me have something at this promotion of bishops at hand. 1592. Jan. 1st, my dowghter Francys borne on New Yeres day at the sun-rising exactly. Jan. 2nd, Barthilmew and his brother Ambrose cam this Sonday to Mortlak. Jan. 9th, Francys christened afternone. Francys went with her nurse to Barne Elms. Mr. Edward Maynard borne in the morning betwene 2 and 3 after mydnight. Arthur fell into a quotidian jentle ague at 9 of the clok in the morning as he was at the servyce in the hall. Jan. 24th, Mr. Thomas Oliver becam acquaynted with me at Mortlak. March 6th, the Queue granted my sute to Dr. Awbrey. March 9th, the pryvy scale at night. March 16th, the great scale. March 18th, Arthur and Katharine were let blud at London by Doctor Dodding^s cownsayle. March 24th, £25 Mr. Tho. Movvn- son. March 25th, I payd £lO to Nicholas Fromonds paulo ante ^ solis occasum, when he most abhominably revyled me. March '30th, on Thursday Mr. Saunders of Ewell sent home my great sea cumpas, but without a nedle ; it cam in the night by water. April 5th, the Lady Russell robbed a little after mydnight of perles, diamands, &c. One John Smyth is suspected, a yong man 40 DR. dee's diary. [1592. of thirty yeres old, very ingenious in many handy workes, melan- cholek. April 8th, Richard cam to my servyce, 405. yerely and a livery. April 9th, lOth, agreed with my brother Nicholas Fromonds with Mr. Webbs, at 8 of the clok on Wensday night, and 8 on Tuesday night. April 1 4th, Winifrede Goose, wife of goodman Goose of Tuddington, dowghter of Harry Wyse, eviley tempted, cam to me with her sister. April 16th, be deaavpo a Pok. April 27th, fihus Marias Nevell hora 3|- a meridie et aliquantus tardus by Chichester. May 3rd, Wensday, at 10 of the clok Arthur was put to AVestmynster Schole under Mr. Grant and Mr. Camden. May 11th, I borowed ten pound of Master Thomas Smith to be paid at Christmas next. May 12th, great wynde at north. May 15th, Marian cam again a meridie hora septima. May 16th, I rode to Harfelde to the Lord Anderson, Lord Justice of the Common Pleas, 12 myles off. May 25th, hora sexta a meridie mowght have byn a quarell betwene Mr. Web and Mr. Morgan with one eye for £4. left unpayd uppon a bill. June 16th, Sir John Perrot judged to be drawn, hanged, and quartered. July 23rd, at Grenwich abowt mydnight following this day began the first evydent shew of my grief of kidneys ; whereuppon Doctor Giffard caused me to have a glyster, and so the next day I was easid of my grief. July 29th, Robert Theneth of Rushmer by Ypswych made acquaintance with me : he told me of Mr. Carter a man of 80 yeres old in Yorkshyre. Aug. 6th, I went to Nonsuch to the court, wyder the Countess of Warwik sent me word by Mr. Ferdinando of the Queue's gratious speches at St. Crosses, and the Lord Archbishop told me the like. Aug. 8th, after the midnight of Monday, being the 7th day, the second fytt of the stone in my kydnes did molest me for G or 7 howres. Aug. 9th, the Lord Threasorer invited me to dynner at Mr. Maynards at Mortlak, where Sir Robert Cecill and Sir Thomas Cisell and his lady wer allso. The Lord Threasorer allso sent me some venison to supper. He invited me to dynner allso the tenth day, where the Lord Cobham cam also to dynner, and after dynner he 1592.] DR, dee's diary. 41 requested the Lord Threasorer to help me to St. Crosses, which he promised to do his best in. Aug. 11th, Mr. Kemp of Micheam, my old acquayntance, abowt an eleven of clok (allmost) before none, told me of the rare appearing, Aug. I7th, I went to Micheam to Mr. Kemp. Aug. 2 1 st, I went to the Lord Cobham and the Lady Cobham to London. Aug. 23rd, Mr. Cholmely and his mayde ante meridiem hor. 11^. The humor so suddenly falling into the calf of my left leg as if a stone had hit me. Aug. 26th, Mr. Heriot 40^.* Auditor Hill, £4. Remember all thing is payd to our nurse at Barnes for the girle Francys Dee from hir birth untyll the ende of her eight month, lacking 12^., and on Sunday, the 27th of this August, we so concluded, when we gave the nurse ten shillings. The eight month ended (from Newyere's day morning last) the 12th of this month. Sept. 4th, 5th, 6th, very tempestuous, windy at West, Sowtherly. Sept. 5th, the Tems very shallow at London. Sept. 6th, goodman Warryn of Market- harborogh. Robert Web cam from Mr. Ponsoys to write, and is to com agayn within thre wekes. Sept. 7th, Robert Charles of Northamptonchyre and goodman Warren of Marketharborow in my howse at Mortlak promised me to help Barthilmew Hikman with £12 to pay on Michelmas Day next to discharge the bond for his brother-in-lav,^ This they promised uppon condition I wold be bownd to them to see them repayd agayn. I sent a letter to Sir Robert Thaneth to Rushmer by Ypsv/ych by the wagon- man who is at ynn at the George in Lombard Streete. He sayd that Robert Thaneth was at home and well. Sept. 19th, I had on the Sunday abowt 7 of the clok afternone the cramp most ex- tremely in the very centre of the calves of both my legs, and in the place where I had the suddeyn grief on Bartilmew-even last I had payn so intollerable as yf the vaynes or artheries wold have broken by extreme stretching, or how els I cannot tell. The payn * This entry is not very clear. It either refers perhaps to Harriot, the celebrated mathematician, or to the London goldsmith whom the Abbotsford novelist has im- mortalized. CAMD. SOC. DEE. G 42 DR. dee's diary. [1592. lasted abowt half a quarter of an howr. I toke my purgation of six grayns. I began in the morning to drink the drink for the stone in the kydney. Sept. 28th^ Mr. Laiesley promised me ten shepe and four quarters of wheat. Sept. 30th, Elizabeth Denby went from me to Mistres Herberts' to servyce. Oct. 13th, I exhibited to the Archbishop of Canterbury two bokes of blasphemie against Christ and the Holy Ghoste, desyring him to cause them to be confuted : one was Christian Franken, printed anno 1585 in Poland; the other was of one Sombius against one Carolius, printed at Ingolstad anno 1582 in octavo. Oct. 14th, 15th, a mighty wynde at sowth-west. Oct. 3()th, 31st, one of these two dayes I hurt my left shyn against the sharp small end of a wooden rammar abowt four of the clok afternone. Nov. 1st, Mr. Ashly, his wife, and their familie, did com to my howse and remayned ther. They had my mother's chamber, the mayde's chamber, and all the other howse. Nov. 9th, Her Majestie's grant of my supplication for commissioners to comme to me. The Lady Warwik obteyned it. Nov. 22nd, the commissioners from Her Majestic, Mr. Secretary Wolly and Sir Thomas George, cam to Mortlak to my howse. Nov. 28th, to Richard Walkdyne of his wagis 20s. Dec. 1st, a little after none the very vertuous Cowntess of Warwik sent me word very speedily by hir gentleman Mr. Jones from the cowrt at Hampton Cowrt that this day Her Majestic had granted to send me spedily an hundred marks, and that Sir Thomas George had very honorably dealt for me in the cause. Dec. 2nd, Sir Thomas George browght me a hundred marks from her Majestic. Dec. 24th to 31st, at Mr. Lurensey of Tooting all these days, and Newyere's Day allso, and so cam home by coach (as we went) by Tuesday none, I, my wyfe, Arthur, Kate, &c. Dec. 31st, at Tooting at Mr. R. Luresey his howse; abowt thre of the clok after dynner dyd the Bishop of Laigham serve process uppon me for the nangle, but most unduely. 1593. January, the Lord Threasorer lay dangerously syk in the begynning of this month. Jan. 2nd, I cam home from Tooting. 1593.] DR. dee's diary. . 43 Jan. 7tb^ I receyved letters from the Lord Lasky from his capi- taynate in Livonia, and I wrote answer agayn. Jan. lOth, this day death seased on him. This day at none dyed Edward May- nard just on yere old. Jan. 11th, buried this day at ten of the clok. Jan. 15th, Mr. Ashley, the clerk of the cownsayle, his wife and whole family removed from my howse in Mortlak to theyr howse in London in Holborn, with all his whole family. He and she had used me, my wife and childern, wurshipfully and bownti- fully for our frendeship shewed unto them for the lone of our howse and lodgings from Allhallow-tyde last. Master Maynard allso his howsehold removed the 15th and 16th day to London, and my stable free delivered. Jan. 20th, I sent my letters for the Lord Lasky to be carryed in a shyp of Dansk called the John of Dansk. Jan. 21st, Sonday, about none Wenefryde Goose her sone born and died, and she did [there] uppon for old melancholik pangs destroy herself. Memorandum, my nurse at Barnes had xvj^. more besides the last 40s. in the begynning of this month. Feb. 14th, Francys Dee, she cam from the nurse at Barnes ; the woman very unquiet and unthankfull. Feb. 15th, Her Majestic gratiously accepted of my few lynes of thankfulnes delivered unto her by the Cowntess of Warwik hora secunda a meridie at Hampton Court, two or three dayes before the remove to Somerset Howse. Feb. 21st, I borrowed £10 of Mr. Thomas Digges* for one hole yere. Feb. 22nd, a sharp anger betwene me and the Bishop of Leightyn in the towr, for that he wold not shew his farder interest to Nangle : he sayd that after I had seen his brode seal of commen- dation, that I had institution and induction to the Nangle. Then I sayd his lordship did fable. He there uppon that so moved that he called me spitefully " coniver.'' I told him that he did lye in so saying, and that I wold try on the fleysh of him, or by a bas- taned gown of him, if he wer not prisoner in the Towr. Inter * This notice is particularly interesting, showing the intimate connexion which existed between the first English mathematician of the day and the philosopher of Mortlake. 44 TiR. dee's diary. [1593. 12« et 2a a meridie my sharp anger with the Bishop of Leightyn in the heftenante's dyning parlor before the Lieutenant Sir Michael Blunt. Mr. Liewtenat Nant and Mr. Blunt are wittnesses. March 12th and I3th^ these two nights I dremed much of Mr. Kelly, as if he wer in my howse famihar with his wife and brother. March 17th, Francis Garland cam home and browght me a letter from Mr. Thomas Kelly. I made acquayntance with Syr Thomas Cha- loner. Knight, who married sergeant Fletewood^s dowghter; Mr. Thomas Webbes was the meanes. At six after none receyved from Mr. Francis NichoUs £15, part of one hundred pounds, the rest whereof £85 is to be receyved from Mr. NicoUs within a fort- night after the Annunciation of Our Lady next ; and after that in the beginning of June £lOO, and in Julie the third hundred powndes : and I am to teach him the conclusion of fixing and teyning the moon, &c. April 3rd, Bartilmew Hikman and Robert Charles cam up. Letice cam with Barthilmew, and went away agayn. April 8th, Letice cam agayn from Barnet to my servyse. I receyved £50 of Mr. Nichols. April 9th, I gave Barthilmew Hikman £12 in new angels to give and pay to Robert Charles, which he had payd for him at Michelmas last. I gave him allso a double pistolet for his courtesy. Little Adolph Webbes cam to me. April 10th, Barthilmew and Robert Charles went homward. May 7th, Thomas Richardson of Bissham cam to Mortlak to me. May 9th, he and Mr. Laward of the Chandry cam. Our court day at Wymbledon. May 1 Ith, mane hora octava WiUiam Emery of Danbery in Essex became my retayner at Mortlak, commended by Mr. Thanet of Rushmer by Ypswich, borne 1568, Julii 4. I gave Robert Web IO5. Richard 10s, and Elizabeth 3s. in the begynning of this month. May 21st, be it remembered that on this xxj. day of May I bargayned with and bowght of Mr. Mark Perpoint, of Mortlak, that next mansion howse with the plat, and all the appertenances abowt it for £32, as the sayd Mr. Perpoint of late had at the last court-day bowght it, and had surrender of it 1593.] DR. dee's diary. 45 unto him made of Thomas Knaresborowgh for £25 to mydsom- mer next. Abowt two of the clok after none, before Jane my wife in the strete, I gave him a saffron noble in ernest for a drink peny. Mr. Hawkins, of London, at that instant cam to have bowght it. May 27th, Mr. Francys Blunt, brother to the late Lord Mountjoy, unkle to the Lord Mowntjoy living, and to Sir Charles of the court, cam to be acquaynted to me, he having byn a travayle at Constantinople. June 4th, Barthilmew Hikman cam to Mortlak in the morning. June 22nd, I had my copy of Mr. Roger Dale our stuard, and had £5 the fine released of the Lord his bowntifullnes. I told the stuard that I had bowght the howse of Mr. Mark Perpoynt, and he desyred to see the note of his copy, and so I did. I told Mr. Perpoint that I had byn at London to prepare his mony, and I told him that I had seen the court-roll for his copy. I went to London to fetch the £32 for Mr. Perpoint, and so I sent him word. This evening I browght the mony, but he was gon to bed. This morning I tendered the mony, and told it at goodman Welder's before Mr. Stokden, and goodman Welder, but Mr. Perpoint refused to perform the bar- gayn. Deus bene vertat ! July 13th, I gave to Robert 5s. upon his wagis this day. July 14th, I gave 45. to Letise, part of her noble for her quarter wagis, ending the 9th day of this month. July 18th, I bowght goodman Welder his hovel, which is in the yard of the howse next me, which I bowght of Mr. Mark Perpoint. I gave him a new angel and five new shillings, and he is to have more 5^., that is 20^. in all ; and if I cannot compact to enter the howse, then hee is to tak his hovel, and to restore it to me. July 2 1st, I gave to Richard 5s. uppon his wagis this day. July 22nd, I payd Mr. Childe £7. 135. 4d. for all his wood, xx. lode and vj. July 24th, the offer for the bargayn agayn of Mr. Perpoynt's behalf : this is Mr. Stok- den's doing. July 27th, remember that this Friday I payd Mr. Tomson £4 for his master Mr. Herbert, which I borrowed 12th of December 1592: and Mr. Herbert sent it agayn to my furder 46 DR. dee's diary. [1593. use by Mistres Lee. Aug. 7th, Mystres Twyne and Mystres Banister cam to viset me. Mr. Bele and Mrs. Bele, Mistres Plan, Mrs. Parpointj, &c. dyned with me. I gave Robert Web 5s. ; he sent it to Mr. Homes. Aug. 9th, I dyned with the Lord Keper at Kew. Aug. iTth, I and my wife and Katharin our dowghter dvned with the Lord Keper at Kew. Aug. 28th, I was all day with the Lord Keper. Mr. Web and the philosopher cam. Aug. 29th, Mr. Web and the philosopher cam again. Aug. 30th, Mis- tres Redhed, mother to Mr. John Ponsoys by her first husbond, Mr. Gubbens, bokebynder, and his wife, and the same day Mr. Redhed himself, one of her Majestie's jentlemen hushers, cam to me. Sept. 11th, Jana, post triduimam segrotationem abortiebatur, mane hora decima. Sept. 13th, the howse surrendered for me by Mr. Mark Perpoint, Mr. WilUam Walker of Wimbledon, Miles Holland, Mr. John Stockden, the thre customarie tenants, w4th promys to bring in his wife at the next court day to surrender. Sept. 18th, Ehzabeth Kyrtonhad 2s. 6d, Sept. 20th, Barthilmew Hikman cam to Mortlak, and Robert Charles. I gave Robert Web 5s. by Arthur. Sept. 26th, Mr. Herbert went toward the court, and so toward Waty. Sept. 28th, tempestuous, w4ndy, clowdy, hayl and rayn, after three of the clok after none. Re- member that the last day of this month Ehzabeth Kyrton, who had served me twelve yeres, five yeres uppon prentiship and seven for wagis, five yeres therof for four nobles a yere, and the two last for five nobles the yere, was payd her full payment now remayning due : whereuppon she receyved £4. 4s. for her due of wagis remayning ; and I gave her moreover an half angel new in gold, and my wife another ; Arthur half-a-crown for him and his brother ; Katharyn half-a-crown for her and her sister. And so she wente from my servyce uppon no due cause known to me. Oct. 4th, Sir Edward Keley set at liberty by the Emperor. Oct. 12th, Mr. Cornelio Camaiere cam from the Lord Lasky from Livonia. Oct. 15th, Margerie Thornton cam to my servyce. Oct. 18th, before Mr. Perpoint, Miles Holland, Robert AVellder, 1593.] DR. dee's diary. 47 William Beck surrendred my cottage agayn unto me^ and I payd him £5, the full £12 as it cost him. To Letice two shillings. Oct. 20th^ Mr. Cornelio went toward the flete of Stade to returne. Oct. 24th^ Ostende besieged by report. Not true. Oct. 25th, Mr. Gray^ the Lady Cumberland's preacher, his wrangling and denying and despising alchimicall philosophers. Nov. 5th. Air. Francys Nicolls, Mr. Prise, Mr. Nores. Nov. 18th, Jane most desperately angry in respect of her maydes. Nov. 20th, Margery went and Dorothe Legg cam for 30^. yerely. Margery Thornton was dismissed from my servyce to Mrs. Child, and Dorothe Leg cam by Mrs Mary Revel's sending the same day and howr, hora tertia after none. Nov. 26th, John, sometymes Mr. Colman's servant, cam to me from the Lady Cowntess of Cumberland. Dec. 3rd, the Lord Willowghby his bowntifull promys to me. The Cowntess of Kent, his syster, and the Cowntess of Cumber- land visited me in the afternone. The Lord Willowghby dyned with me. Dec. 4th, £20 Lord Willughby. Dec. 5th, the newes of Sir Edward Kelly his libertie. Dec. 11th, I gave Robert 20*. at his going to London with my wife. Dec. 22nd, I gave Robert two shillings. Dec. 24th, Mr. Webbes committed to the Marshal- sea. Dec. 25 th, this night Mr. Webbes got out, and taken this day (the 26th). 1594. Jan. 3rd, the Lord Keper sent my wife 20 angels in a new red velvet purse, cira occasum sohs paulo ante. Jan. 4th, D. Michael Peiserus, Doctor Medicus Marchionis Brandeburgen- sis, me humanissime invisit. Jan. 5th, a very tempestuous wyndy night. Jan. 9th, Robert Thickpeny from Sir Richard Martyn, and Miles Holland, baylif for the Lord of the Manor, sealed up Mr. Webb's chest, and case of boxes. Jan. 19th, the cobler with the mad woman. Jan. 25th, 1 sent my letters to Mr. Lording for Mr. Pontoys to Dantsiz. Jan. 26th, I cam to Mr. Web to the Marshalsea. Jan. 27th, Thomas Richardson cam while I was at London, and so I fownd him at home ; and agayn he promised me his working of forty dayes. Jan. 28th, Mr. Vander Laen 48 DR. dee's diary. [1594. promised on 26 day to begyn his work of fixing lunam. Madinia somwhat sickly. Robert Wood, visitted with spirituall creatures, had comfort by conference. Jan. 3 1st, Mr. Vander Laen began his work of luna^ five myle sowth from Glocester. Mr. Morgan Treherne told me of Mr. Lawrence of eighty yeres old. Mr. Thomas Sharp, chief stuard to the Lady Russell at Bisham, is master and good frende to Thomas Richardson, as he himselfe told me. Theodore Dee from the myddle of this month had his left ey blud-shotten from the side next his temple, very sore bludshotten, above thre wekes contynuing. Feb. 1st, Mr. John Ask sent me two httle dubble gilt bowles waying thirteen ownces and a half. Feb. 7th, Sir Thomas Wilks offer philosophical! cam to my hands by Mr. Morice KifFyn. This day the Archbishop of Canterbury inclined sometyme to the request of dispensation. Feb. 20th, 21st, Theodor fell sick in the Shrovtyde weke, and so into a tertian ague. March 10th, uppon a flight of feare bycause of Mr. Webbes his sending for me to come to him to the Mar- shalsea, now when he looked to be condemned on the Monday or Tuesday next. March IGth, Barthilmew Hikman cam up. March 1 8th, Mr. Heriot cam to me. March 20th, I did before Barthil- mew Hikman pay Letice her full yere's wagis ending the 7th day of Aprill next ; her wagis being four nobles, an apron, a payr of hose and shoes. March 23rd, I gave Barthilmew Hikman the nag which the Lord Keper had given me. Barthilmew Hikman and William his brother went homward. Magus disclosed by frendeship of Mr. Richard Aired. A avhhev iravy 0(p ayyep /3ervveve M. NiKToXs arb ^e. March 2Sth, Mr. Francis Garland browght me Sir Edward Kelley and his brother's letters. March 31st, a great fit of the stone in my left kydney : all day I could do but three or four drops of water, but I drunk a draught of white wyne and salet oyle, and after that, crabs' eys in powder with the bone in the carp's head, and abowt four of the clok I did eat tosted cake buttered, and with suger and nutmeg on it, and drunk two great draughts of ale with it ; and I voyded within an howr much water, 1594.] DR. dee's diary. 49 and a stone as big as an Alexander seed. God be thanked ! Five shillings to Robert Webb^ part of his wagis. April 1st, Capitayn Hendor made acquayntance with me, and shewed me a part of his pollicy against the Spanishe King his in- tended mischief agaynst her Majestie and this realme. April 4th, John Stokden cam to study with our children. Mr. Thomas Wye cam with a token from Mistres Ashley. Remove to Mr. Harding and Mr. Abbot at Oxford abowt my Arabik boke. April 5th, my right ey very sort? and bludshotten. April 7th, Mr. Nicols cam agayn out of Northampton. Mr. Barret and Mistres Barret cam to visit me. May 3rd, betwene 6 and 7 after none the Quene sent for me to her in the privy garden at Grenwich, when I deli- vered in writing the hevenly admonition, and Her Majestie tok it thankfully. Onely the Lady Warwyk and Sir Robert Cecill his Lady wer in the garden with Her Majestie. May 18th, Her Ma- jestie sent me agayn the copy of the letter of G. K. with thanks by the Lady Warwick. May 21st, Sir John Wolley moved my sute to Her Majesty. She graunted after a sort, but referred all to the Lord of Canterbury. May 25th, Dr. Awbrey moved my sute to Her Majesty, and answere as before. May 29th, with the Arch- bishop before the Quene cam to her house. June 3rd, I, my wife, and seven children, before the Quene at Thisellworth. My wife kissed her hand. I exhibited my request for the Archbishop to com to my cottage. June 6th, supped with the Lord Archl^ishop. Invited him to my cottage. June 11th, given to Robert Webb at London seven shillings in the begynning of this month. June 15th, £40 of Mr. Thomas Harward. I shuld have £60 more. A great fytt of the stone in my kydneys. June 20th, Mistres Mag- dalen Perpoynt was sole examined of our Stuard at the Temple. June 22nd, morgaged my late purchas to Mr. Richard White for £30, to be received within a few dayes. June 23rd, I discharged Robert Web of my service, and gave him 40 shiUings for a full satisfaction of all things. Thomas Richardson cam and offered me his work and labor, and had, as he requested, my letter to Mr. CAMD. SOC. — DEE. H DIARY«r- ^ [1594. Thomas Sharpe. June 24th, on Midsommer Bay Antony Ryve Taylor cam to my service, for wagis By the yere three pounds and a livery. Barthilmew Hikman cam. June 2Gth, I discharged Jane Hikman to go with her father Barthilmew home into North- amptonshire, and gave her ten shillings, and promised her at Hal- lowtyd ten shiUings more. Barthilmew Hikman and Goodman Ball with Jane Hikman went homward. June 29th, after I had hard the Archbishop his answers and discourses, and that after he had byn the last Sonday at Tybald^s with the Queue and Lord Threasorer, I take myself confounded for all suing or hoping for anything that was. And so adiew to the court and courting tyll God direct me otherwise ! The Archbishop gave me a payre of sufferings to drinke. God be my help as he is my refuge ! Amen. July 1st, I gave Robert yet more a French crown for a farwell. July 2nd, given to Richard ten shillings uppon his wagis. July 6th, Michael becam distempered in his hed and bak. July 9th, in the morning began my hed to ake and be hevy more then of late, and had some wambling in my stomach. I had broken my fast with sugar sopps, &c. I gave Letice my servant 5s. part of her wagis : with part whereof she was to buy a smok and necker- cher. July 13th, in ortu solis Michael Dee did give up the ghost after he sayd, " O Lord, have mercy uppon me ! '' July 1 9th, goodman Richardson began his work. Aug. 19th^ Elizabeth Felde cam to my servyce : she is to have five nobles the yere and a smok. Aug. 26th, Mr. Gherardt, the chirurgion and herbalist, [cam to me] . Aug. 30th, Monsieur Walter Mallet toke his leave of me to go home to Tholose. He had the fix oyle of saltpetre. Sept. 18th, I sent letters to Sir Ed. K. and T. Kelly, between 10 and 2 after none taken from the dore. Oct. 3rd, I payd Mrs. Stockden £4 I borrowed of her; I payd her 26s. Sd. for four loade of wood. I remayn debter for a load of hay, and for 400 of billet in forks. Oct. 4th, payd Mr. Childe £3, \0s. for ten lode of lose faggot. Oct. 14th, Mr. Robert Thomas cam to my howse to dwell. Oct. 28th, hora 6^ a me- 1594.] DR. dee's diary. 51 ridie, I writ and sent a letter to the Lady Skydmor, in my wife's name, to move her Majestie that eyther I might declare my case to the body of the cownsayle, or else under the great scale to have lycens to go freely any whither. Oct. 31st, lightening with- out thunder in the afternone and in the night following. Nov. 24th, receyved a letter from Sir Edward Kelley by Row- ley. Dec. 2nd, Francys Garland cam to England from Prage. Just five yeres past I cam to England from Breame as Francis Garland cam now : but the Stade flete stayed at Harwich. The 2nd of our cold December, Barthilmew was preferred by me to the Lord Willoughby his servyce at Barbican, in the presence of the Cowntess of Kent : and the Lord Willoughby did presently write his warrant to Mr. Jonson in Fletestreet, taylor, to deliver to Barthilmew his cloth and couishins, and so it was to Barthilmew delivered immediately. Dec. 7th, Jane my wife delivered her supplication to the Queue's Majestie, as she passed out of the privy garden at Somerset Howse to go to diner to the Savoy to Syr Thomas Henedge. The Lord Admirall toke it of the Queue. Her Majestie toke the bill agayn and kept [it] uppon her cushen ; and on the 8th day, by the chief motion of the Lord Admirall, and somwhat of the Lord Buckhurst, the Queue's wish was to the Lord Archbishop presently that I shuld have Dr. Day his place in Powles. Dec. 22nd, payd seven shillings to Elizabeth Felde, part of her wagis. Given to Lettyce 5s., part of her wagis. Payd to Richard Ss., part of his wagis ; and all other reckenings payd. 1595. Jan. 8rd, the Wardenship of Manchester spoken of by the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury. Feb. 5th, my bill of Man- chester offered to the Queue afore dynner by Sir John Wolly to signe, but she deferred it. Feb. 10th, at two after none 1 toke a cutpurse taking my purse out of my pocket in the Temple. Feb. 18th, Mr. Laward his sonne Thomas born at noone or a little after, J vel ^. Consultatio et deliberatio prima cum Marmione Haselwood in fine istius mensis. March 18th, Mr. Francis Gar- land cam this morning to viset me, and had much talk with me 52 DR. dee's diary. [1595. of Sir E. K. March 20th, Mr. Marmion Haselwood, Mr. Dym- niock, and Mr. Hipwell, cam to me to Mortlak. March 21st, Bar- thilmew Hikman cam to Mortlak. March 26th, Barthilmew homeward. March 29th, Mr. Laward and Mr. Aired cam to me. April 18th, my bill for Manchester Wardenship signed by the Quene, Mr. Herbert ofFring it her. May 4th, payd Richard 20^. part of his wagis, and more I gave him 10^. for full payment of all od reckenings of late. May 5th, Mr. Cave dyed. May 8th, the Master of the Roils his curtesy, thovvgh I had never spoken unto him. May 9th, my coosen John Awbry cam to me, to re- create himselfe for a while. May 21st, I discharged Letice of my servyce, and payd all duetyes untyll this day, her yere ending on the 8th of Aprill. I gave her for a month over 2s. 6d. and for to spend by the way I gave her 2s. 6d., Robert Charles and my wife being by in my study. May 25th, 26th, 27th, the Signet, the Privy Scale, and the Great Scale of the Wardenship; £3. 125. bor- rowed of my brother Arnold. June 1st, my yong coosen, John Awbrey, was sent for to his father to London. Mr. Partrich, his brother, in London ; Richard Ward, and other cam for him. June 9th, Barthilmew Hikman went homeward. June 11th, I wrote to the Erie of Derby, his secretary, abowt Manchester. June 1 8th, Anne Powell cam to my service ; she is to have four nobles by the yere, a payr of hose and shoes. June 21st, the Erie of Derby his letter to Mr. Warren for the coUedge. June 25th, Dr. Aw- brey died at midnight. My cosen, Mr. George Broke, gave me £50 in gold, hora tertia a meridie. June 29th, Mr. John Blayney, of Over Kingesham in Radnorshyre, and Mr. Richard Baldwyn, of Duddlebury in Shropshyre, visited me at Mortlak. The great- grandfather of the sayd John, and my great-grandmother by the father side, were brother and sister. July 1st, the two brethren. Master Willemots, of Oxfordshire, cam to talk of my howse hyring. Master Baynton cam with Mis- tres Katharyn Hazelwood, wife to Mr. Fuller. July 7th, Mr. Morgan Jones, my cosen, cam to me at Mistres Walls twise. 15.95.] DR. dee's diary. 53 July 12th, Mr. Goodier, of Manchester, cam to me. Dies nata- lis. July 15th, I gave Mr. Morgan Traharn his bill to Mr. Har- bert. July 25th5 Mrs. Mary Nevell cam. July 28th, a letter from Mr. Oliver Carter, Fellow of Manchester College. I writt agayn to him the same day. July 29th, Mistres Mary Nevel went to London, and so into Kent. July 31st, the Cowntess of Warwik did this evening thank her Majestie in my name, and for me, for her gift of the Wardenship of Manchester. She toke it grati- ously ; and was sorry that it was so far from hens, but that some better thing neer hand shall be fownd for me ; and, if opportunitie of tyme wold serve, her Majestie wold speak with me herself. I had a bill made by Mr. Wood, one of the clerks of the signet, for the first frutes given me by her Majestie. Aug. 2nd, at Mr. Cosener his table at Grenewich : I spak that wich greatly liked Mr. Ser- geant Oliver Lloyd ; wold have disputed agayn. Aug. 5th, very rayny all day, and had the wynde north E. and W. Aug. 12th, I receyved Sir Edward Kellyes letters of the Emperor's, inviting me to his servyce again. Aug. 14th, peperit Jana (nutu Dei) circa horam quartam a meridie. Aug. 27th, Margarite Dee baptized hora 4^ a meridie. Godfather, the Lord Keper ; his deputy, Mr. Crowne. Godmothers, the Cowntess of Cumberland, her deputy Mistres Davis ; and the Cowntess of Essex, her deputy Mistres Bele. Barthilmew Hikman cam to Mortlak on his own busines. Sept. 2nd, the spider at ten of the clok at night suddenly on my desk, and suddenly gon ; a most rare one in bygnes and length of feet. I was in a great study at my desk. Sept. Gtli I gave Richard 2s. 6d. part of his wagis, when he went to his grandfather. Sept. 13th, I dyned with the Erie of Derby at Russell Howse, Mr. Thymothew and Mr. John Statfeldt, German, being there. Sept. 14th, to Ehzabeth Feeld 2s, for the taylor. Sept. 22nd, 'Elizabeth Feeld went from my servyce. I dined with the Erie of Darby. Sept. 26th, £6 borrowed of my cosen WilHam He- therley for fourteen days to pay for Barthilmew Hikman. Sept. 29th, Margery Stubble of Hownslow, our dry nurse, entred into DR. dee's diary. [1595. the yere of her servyce begynning on Michaelmas Day, and is to have £S her yeres wagis and a gown cloth of russet. Edward Edwards began his yere of serving me allso on Michelmas Day, and he must have 405. for his yere's wagis, and a lyvery. Oct. 7th, my anger (hor. 5 a mer.) with Edward my coke, by- cause of his disorder. Oct. 8th, Mr. Richard Western lent me £10 for a yere. Oct. 9th, I dyned with Syr Walter Rawlegh at Durham Howse. Oct. 11th, to Edward 2s., part of wagis. Mr. Banks lent me uppon lone tyll after Christmas £5. Mr Emery sent me £3 by my servant Richard Walkedine. Oct. 14th, to Anne 2^. part of wagis ; to Elizabeth Felde payd the rest of her yeres wagis, and moreover 2s. 6d. given for the overplus tyme. Oct. 19th, the old reckoning betwene me and Edmond Hilton made clere. Of his eleven pownds demanded, I shewd him of my old note that he had receyved £6. 155., and after that Sted his 255., and Mr. Emery his £S lent him ; as I did shew him Sted his letter, and Mr. Emery his letter of the last month. All these sommes make just an eleven pownd. Payd to nurse Stubble, in part of payment of her wagis, 5s. Oct. 20th, to Anne 126?. Richard rode toward Oxford for my Arabik boke. Oct. 25th, Sted was a suter to me for help in law against his father. Nov. 8th, my goods sent me by Peravall toward Manchester. Nov. 19th, my Arabik boke restored by God^s favor. Nov. 21st, good- wife Lidgatt payd her rent two quarters ending at the feast of the Annunciation of our Lady next, 135. 4d. Goodman Agar was by in my hall at Mortlak. Nov. 25th, the newes. that. 3ir, Edward Kelley was slayne. Nov. 26th, Mr. Nicolas Bagwell of Manches- ter browght me a letter from my brother Arnold. Lent to Mis- ter Laurence Dutton twelve shillings. My wife and children all by water tov.ard Coventry. Dec. 10th, Mr. Lokhis Arabik bokes and letter to me by Mr. Berran his sonne. Dec. 23rd, I payd to John Norton, stationer, ten pownds in hand, and was bownd in a recognisance before Doctor Hone for the payment of the rest, £10 yerely, at Christmas and Midsommer £5, tyll £53 more 1596.] DR. dee's diary. 55 14s. 8d. were payd. Receyved £30 in part of payment of one hundred for my howse at Manchester of Mr. Paget. Dec. 26th, nata fiha Comitis Derby mane circa quartam horam Londini. 1596. Feb. 15th, I cam to Manchester a meridie hora quinta. Feb. 20th, enstalled in Manchester wardenship inter nonam et Tindecimam horam ante meridiem. March 14th, warning given publikely against Thomas Goodyer. March 21st, warning given publikly of licence given to Thomas Goodyer. > April 2nd, Sir John Byron, knight, and Mr. John Byron, es- quier, dyned with me in the colledg. I moved the matter of Xyd an aker of hay grownd of his tenants. He promised well. April 6th, I went to Mr. Ashton of Lester and to Mr. Sherington. April 8th, Margaret Dee begonn^. to be weaned. May 7th, pos- session taking in Salford. May 11th, my brother Aubrey and Richard toward London. June 3rd, I gave Antony Cowly 20^. and discharged him. June 4th, Antony Cowley went yerely from my howse, I know not whither. June 14th, Mr. Harry Savill, the antiquary, cam to me. June 15th, I wrote by Mr. Harry Savill of the book dwelling' at Hallyfax to Christopher Saxton at Denningley. I sent my letter to Sir Robert CecilFs howse by William DebdelL June 18th, the commission for the colledge sent to London to be engrossed in the Duchy office. I sent by Nicholas Baguely of Newton to Mr. Brogreton and to William Nicolson to follow it this terme. June 21st, Mr. Christopher Sax- ton cam to me. June 22nd, entred upon great Brereridings in Sal- ford. June 24th, Barthilmew cam. June 25th, order taken by the sherif betwene me and Raf Holden. June 26th, the Erie of Derby with the Lady Gerard, Sir ... . Molyneux and his Lady, dawghter to the Lady Gerard, Master Hawghton and others, cam suddenly uppon [me] after three of the clok. I made them a skoler's collation, and it was taken in good part. I browght his honor and the ladyes to Ardwyk Grene toward Lyme, at Mr. Legh his howse, twelve myles of. June 29th, wyndy and rayny. 56 DR. dee's diary. [1596. July 5th, Mr. Savill and Mr. Saxton cam. July 6th, I, Mr. Saxton and Arthur Rouland, John and Richard, to Howgh Hall. July 9th_, I sent Roger Kay of Manchester with my letters into Wales. July 10th, Manchester town described and measured by Mr. Christopher Saxton. Given to nurse Stubley 10^., part of wagis. July 10th to 14th, occupyed with low controversies, as with Holden of Salford and the tenants of Sir John Byron of Fayls worth in the right of the colledge, sending to to the cownty, and sending for Mr. Tyldesley or Chester for cownsaylers. July 12th, given more to nurse, when her sonne John Stubley went from me toward London to be reconcyled to his master. I gave him 5s. The yong man, Leon the hatter, went with him. July 14th, Mr. Saxton rode away. The sessions day at Man- chester. July 19th, Ales cam by Mrs. Beston's help to my ser- vyce. Thomas, my coke, went from me. July 21st, Isabell Bardman from the chamber to the kitchin. July 25th, thunder in the morning ; rayne in the night. July 27th, the Erie of Darby went by London ward; dyned at Curtes' howse. Aug. 10th, Mr. Thomas Jones of Tregarron cam to me to Manchester and rode toward Wales bak agayn the 13th day to mete the catall coming. Aug. 13th, I rid toward York. Halifax and Mr. Thomas Jones rode toward Wales. Aug. 20th, I cam to Manchester from York. Aug. 20th to 27th, much disquietnes and controversy abowt the tythe corne of Hulme. Aug. 30th, Cromsall corne-tyth obteyned by consent, but afterwards dowted and half denyed ; then utterly denyed. Sept 1st, Mary Goodwyn cam to my servyce to govern and teach Madinia and Margaret, my yong dowghters. Sept. 3rd, being Fryday, I rode to Syr John Byron's, to Royton, to talk with him abowt the controversy betwene the coUedg and his tenants. He pretented that we have part of Faylesworth Common within our Newton Heath, which cannot be proved I am sure. We wer agreed that James Traves (being his bayly) and Francis Nutthall, his servant for him, shold with me understand all circumstances. 1596.] DR. dee's diary. 57 and so duely to procede. Sept. 5th, seventeen hed of cattell from my kinsfolk in Wales by the curteous Griffith David, nephew to Mr. Thomas Griffith, browght. Oct. 26th, Mr. Francis Nicols and Barthilmew cam to Man- chester. Oct. 29th, they rode homeward. Nov. 22nd, £4, 6s. given to my wife by Mr. Francys Wodcote. Dec. 3rd, Mr. Palmer cam to be curate. 1597. Jan. 19th, I sent £4 to Barthilmew Hikman by Brad- shaw the carryer. Jan. 22nd, Olyver Carter's thret to sue me with proces from London was this Satterday in the church declared to the clerk. Feb. 5th, Rich. Key of Weram cwrate cam to me by Mr. Heton's information, and I to try him three monthes for 50s. wagis. Feb. 7th, John Morryce came to Manchester. Feb. 11th, £5 borowed of Mr. Mat. Heton. Feb. 14th, this Monday John Morrise went with my letters to Mr. John Gwyn, and twelve more in Montgomeryshyre, esquyers. Feb. I7th, delivered to Charles Legh the elder my silver tankard with the cover, all dubble gilt, of the Cowntess of Herford^s gift to Francis her goddoughter, waying 22 oz. great waight, to lay in pawn in his owne name to Robert Welsham the goldsmith for £4 tyll within two dayes after May-day next. My dowghter Katharin and John Crocker and I myself (John Dee) were at the delivery of it and waying of it in my chamber : it was wrapped in a new handkercher cloth. Feb. 25th, Mr. Heton borrowed the Concordantiae Majores Roberti Stephani. He hath allso my boke De Coena of Doctor Pezelia. March 7th, Mr. Heton lent me £5 more, and there uppon I gave him a bill of my hand for the whole ten pownd, to be payd at Michelmas next. The other £0 was receyved the 11th of Fe- bruary last. March I7th, Barthilmew Hikman cam. March 19th, I lent Mr. Hopwood Wierits de prastigiis D(Emonum. ' April 10th, a supphcation exhibited by the parishioners. April 11th, 12th, trubblesom days abowt Mr. Palmer the curate. April 15th, I had my Wierus de prcBstigiis Damonum irom Mr. Hopwood, and lent him Flagellum DcBinonum and Fustio Damonutn in Svo, CAMD. SOC. DEE. I 5B DR dee's diary. [1597. for tyme till Midsomer. April 21st^ I sent Barthilmew Hikman 40^. I sent by Bradshaw many letters to London. I sent by goodman Thurp of Salford my great letter to the by shop of Lincolne, and one to Mr. Shallcross. April 22nd, after none Sir Urien Legh knight, and his brother, and Mr. Brown, and Mr. George Booth, sherif of Chesshire, did viset me. Mr. Booth sayd that he wold veld that to me that he wold not yeld to the bisshop nor any other. Mr. Wortley of Wortley cam allso the same day hora quarta a meridie. May 2nd, Mr. Hulme and Mr. Williamson cam to me in the Lord Bishop of Lincoln's case for Hulme. May 4th, I, with Sir Robert Barber, curat, and Robert Talsley, clerk of Manchester parish church, with diverse of the town of divers ages, went in perambulation to the bownds of Manchester jDarish : be- gan at the Leeless Bench against Prestwich parish, and so had a vew of the thre corne staks, and then down tyll Mr. Standysh new enclosure on the Low, wher we stayed and vewed the stak yet standing in the bank of the dich, being from the corne a eleven measures of Mr. Standley^s stak then in his hand, and two fote more, which still I did measure afterward, and it did conteyn in Kentish feete 6 ynches and thre quarters. The survey geometri- call of the very circuits of Manchester parish was ended in this, being the sixth day of my work. May 11th, the way to Stopford surveyed by John Cholmeley and John Crocker. May 17th, to Richard Walkeden 205. of his wagis payd. May 20th, the Lady Booth made acquayntance here May 23rd, to Isabell Boordman Ss. 8d. to make up whole yere's wagis due at the Annunciation of our Lady last past. I allowed to Mr. WilHamson ten dayes res- pite more for his kinsman to bring in his evidence for the pro- cess of the proceedings. Payd to nurse Bs. to make up her full payment of her yere^s wagis ended at Michaelmas last. May 27th, open enmitie with Palmer before Sir Edward Fitton. Sir Edward Fitton told Matthew Palmer to his face that he had known him to be a mutinous man and a June 9th, Thomas Sankinson told me of John Basset his coming to London. June 14th, the un- 1597.] lawfull assembly and rowte of William Cutcbetli, Captayn Brad- ley, John Taylor^ Rafe Taylor, at Newton, against my men, de- scribing the rumour of Newton. June 27th, newes from Hull of 23 barrells of Dansk rye sent me from John Pontoys. July 1 st, I sent Roger Kay to Vanydles for catall. July 4th, the carriers to Wakefeld for the corn. July 5th, toward evening lightning and little thunder. July 6th, thunder in the morning. July 7th, five horse lode of Dansk ry cam home. July 19th, the Strang pang of my back opening mane bora 6^. In the church uppon Mr. Palmer's disorder against Mr. Lawrence. July 20th, the last of my Dansk rye, in all 21 horse load. Aug. 6th, this night I had the vision and shew of many bokes in my dreame, and among the rest w^as one great volume thik in large quarto, new printed, on the first page whereof as a title in great letters was printed " Notus in Judaea Deus." Many other bokes me- thowght I saw new printed, of very strange arguments. I lent Mr. Edward Hopwood of Hop wood my Malleus Malefica- rum to use tyll new yere's tyde next, a short thik old boke with two clasps, printed anno 1517. Aug. 19th, the Erie and Cowntess of Derby cam to Alport lodg. Aug. 21st, the Erie and Cowntess of Derby had a banket at my lodging at the colledge bora 4^-. Aug. 27th, John Addenstall from Mr. Emery. I wrote. Sept. 3rd, Mr. Werall of Lobester within two miles of Donkaster cam to me to be acquaynted with me. Sept. 9th, very wyndy at Sowth and rayny. Sept. 12th, hayle this morning on Monday. Sept. 15th, lent by Mr. Werall 40^. John Cholmley went with him to give him and other physik ; and I answered John Cholmeley the 40^. again. Sept 24tli, Barthilmew cam. Sept. 25th, Mr. Olyver Carter his impudent and evident disolutenes in the church. Sept. 26th, he repented and some pacification was made. Sept. 27th, I granted a lease of thre lives to Mr. Ratclyf for two bowses in Dene Square of 7^. rent both ; fine, twenty nobles. Sept. 28th, cam Mr. Yardely of Calcot in Chesshyre, abowt six myles wide of Chester, toward the Holt. Nova de philosopho D. Waklero. CO DR. dee's diary. [1597. Sept. 30th, John Crockar (my good servant) had leave to go to see his parents. He went with Barthilmew Hikman and Robert Charles toward Branbroke, with Arthur Golding, to cure of his fistula. John Crocker intendeth to returne abowt Easter or at Whitsuntyde next. God be his spede ! Mr. Humphry Damport made our stuard. Oct. 12th, Rafe Holden preferred a bill against Richard Walke- son for Brereriding^s chase entyring, which T and Antony Ryve fals. The bill was not fownd. Oct. 22nd, John Fletcher of Manchester went with my letters to Vanylos this Sunday morn- ing. Nov. 3rd, Mr. John Cholmeley toward London by Market- Harborow. Nov. 7th, the fellows and the receyver agreed not with me in accounts. Paulo post nonam mane Arthur's left eye hurt at playing at fence with rapier and dagger of sticks, by a foyne of Edmond Arnold. Nov. 10th, Mr. Burch his letter from Mathew Palmer. Nov. 14th, the fellows wold not graunt me the j65. for my howse-rent, as the Archbishops had graunted: and our foundation commaundeth an howse. Nov. 17th, I sent Ed. Arnold to London on fote with my letters to D. Juho. Dec. 3rd, to Richard Walkeden lOs. in part of wagis. To nurse lOs. Dec. 9th, I visited the grammar schole. Dec. 13th, I wrote by the carry er Barret to D. Ceesar. Dec. 14th, Mr. George Broke, sonne to Mr Broke of .... , cam to be acquaynted with me, whome I used most frendely. Mr. Ratclif of Manchester cam with him, but Mr. Heton allso cam on Tuesday after none when I had no leyser. Dec. 17^ I lent to Mr. Barlow for his sonne a Spanish grammer in 8vo. printed at Lovayn in anno 1555 by Bartholo- maeus Gravay in Spanish, French, and Latin. To R. Dickonson I payd £7. 2s. for the plate and a new bell made till 1599, January Ist, £66. 1598. Jan. 4th, I wrote to Barthilmew and Charles by Brad- shaw. Jan. l7th, my brother Arnold to Chester and Vaunlos. Jan. 18th, Ed. Arnold with my letter to London. Jan. 19th, bora secunda a meridie I cam before the justices against James 1598.] DR. dee's diary. 61 Shallcross and John Lawrence for misusing my name to deceyve Mr. Harrughby. Jan. 20th, Walter Fletcher, chirurgien, from Barthilmew Hikman cam. Jan. 22nd, after midnight the college gate toward Hunt's Hall did fall, and som parte of the wall going down the lane. I receyved letters from Mr. John Pontoys. Jan. 24th, Walter Fletcher went with my letters to Barthilmew Hikman and Robert Charles. Amaritudo mea circa mediam noc- tem. Jan. 28th, the cloose was hyerd of Ed. Brydock for thre pownd payd beforehand by me John Dee to the said Ed. Brydock, being £4 from Candlemas next tyll Candlemas come a twelve- month. Feb. 9th, George Birch sute was stayd at Chester uppon is promise to compownd with me for all tytli, haye, and other matter. Thomas Goodyer his sute and excommunication I stayed, salvo interim jure suo. Baxter's likewise I stayd at Chester court. Feb. 12th, newes from Mr. Smyth, of Upton personage, cam this Sunday. Feb. 13th, Edmond Arnold to London ; there- uppon 1 sent spedily. Feb. 20th, I wrote by Oliver Ellet, the taylor, to Mr. Nicolls to Faxton. Feb. 22nd, Mr. NicoUs cam and wished to mete Ellet. Feb. 25th, the eclips. A clowdy day, but great darknes abowt 9J mane. Feb. 26th, circa mediam noc- tem amaritudo mea. Feb. 27th, Mr. Nicolls rode homeward, and met the messager a little beyond Stopford. I lent Mr. Nicolls home with him Roger Edward's boke to be browght to me by Barthilmew Hikman. March 1st, I receyved Mr. Thynne his letter for Sted's det, and Ed. Arnold his letter of the sute from Upton, and of the Lord Archebisshop his hard dealing. March 2nd, I sent the statute staple to London to Mr. George Brok for Sted. I wrote letters by John Hardy, and sent them in a box, March 5th, newes of Mistres Mary Nevell's death by William Nicholson, that she dyed the Fryday after Candelmas Day. March 11th, borrowed 40s. of Mr. George Kenion, of Kersall, to repay againe as sone as I can conveniently. Receyved by Richard Walkeden. 62 DR. dee's diary. [IGOO. 1600. June 10th, set out from London. Jun. ISth, I, my wife, Arthur Rowland, Mistres Marie Nicols, and Mr. Richard Arnold cam to Manchester. July ^rd, the Commission set uppon in the Chapter Howse. July 7th, this morning, as I lay in my bed, it cam into my fantasy to write a boke, " De difFerentiis quil^usdam corporum et spiri- tuum.^^ July 8th, I writ to the Lord Bishop of Chester by Mr. Withenstalls. July 10th, Mr. Nicols and Barthilmew Hickman cam. July 14th, Francys Nicols and Barthilmew Hikman went homeward. July l7th, I willed the fellows to com to me by nine the next day. July 18th, it is to be noted of the great pacifications unexpected of man which happened this Friday ; for in the forenone (betwene nine and ten) where the fellows were greatly in doubt of my heavy displeasure, by reason of their ma- nifold misusing of themselves against me, I did with all lenity interteyn them, and shewed the most part of the things that I had browght to pass at London for the college good^ and told Mr. Carter (going away) that I must speak with him alone. Ro- bert Leigh and Charles Legh were by. Secondly, the great sute betwene Redishmer and me was stayed and by Mr. Richard Hol- land his wisdom. Thirdly, the organs uppon condition was ad- mitted. And fourthly, Mr. Williamson's resignation granted for a preacher to be gotten from Cambridge. July 19th, I lent Ran- dall Kemp my second part of Hollinshed's Great Chronicle for ij. or iij. wekes. To Newton he restored it. July 31st, we held our audit, I and the fellows for the two yeres last past in my absence, Olyver Carter, Thomas Williamson, and Robert Birch, Charles Legh the elder being receyver. I red and gave unto Mistres Mary NicoUs her prayer. Aug. 5th, I visited the grammar schole, and fownd great imper- fection in all and every of the scholers to my great grief. Aug. 6th, I had a dream after midnight of my working of the philoso- pher's stone with other. My dreame was after midnight toward ICOO.] DR. dee's diary. 63 day. Aug. lOth^ Eucharistam suscepimus, ego, uxor, filia Ka- tharina, et Maria NicoUs. Aug. 30th, a great tempest of mighty wynde S.W. from 2 tyll 6, with rayne. Sept. 11th, Mr. Holland of Denby, Mr. Gerard of Stop- ford, Mr. Langley, commissioners from the bishop of Chester, authorized by the bishop of Chester, did call me before them in the church abowt thre of the clok alter none, and did deliver to me certayn petitions put up by the fellows against me to answer before the 18th of this month. I answered them all eodem tempore, and yet they gave me leave to write at leiser. Sept. 16th, Mr. Harmer and Mr. Davis, gentlemen of Flyntshire, within four or five myle of Hurden Castell, did viset me. Sept. 29th, I burned before Mr. Nicols, his brother, and Mr. Wortley, all Bartholomew Hikman his untrue actions.* Sept. 30th, after the departing of Mr. Francis Nicolls, his dowghter Mistres Mary, his brother Mr. William, Mr. Wortley, at my returne from Deans- gate, to the ende whereof I browght them on fote, Mr. Roger Kooke ofFred and promised his faithfull and diligent care and help, to the best of his skill and powre, in the processes chymi- call, and tbat he will rather do so then to be with any in Eng- land ; which his promise the Lord blesse and confirm ! He told me that Mr. Anthony considered him very liberally and frendely, but he told him that he had promised me. Then he liked in him the fideUty of regarding such his promise. Oct. 13th, be it remembered that Sir Georg Both cam to Man- chester to viset Mr. Humfrey Damport, cownsaylor of Gray's Inne, and so cam to the colledg to me ; and after a few words of discowrse, we agreed as concerning two or three tenements in Durham Massy in his occupying. That he and I with the fellows wold stand to the arbitrement of the sayd Mr. Damport, after his next return hither from London. John Radclyf, Mr. Damport's * lu a note by Dee in MS. Ashm. 488, he says, ** All Barthilmew's reports of sight and hering spirituall wer burnt ; a copy of the first part, which was afterward fownd, was burnt before me and my wife." 64 DR. dee's diary. [1600. man, was with him here, and Mr. Dumbell, but they hard not our agrement ; we were in my dyning-room. Oct. 22nd, receyved a kinde letter from the Lord Bishop of Chester in the behalfe of Thomas Billings for a curatship. Nov. 1st, Mr. Roger Coke did begyn to destill. Nov. 4th, the commission and jury did finde the titles of Nuthurst due to Manchester against Mr. James Ashton of Chaterdon. Nov. 7th, Oliver Carter his before Mr. Birch, Richard Legh and Charles Legh, in the colledg howse. Dec. 2nd, colledg awdit. Allowed my due of £7 yerely for my howse-rent tyll Michelmas last. Arthur Dee a graunt of the chapter clerkship from Owen Hodges, to be had yf £6 wer payd to him for his patent. Dec. 20th, borowed of Mr. Edmund Chetam the scholemaster £lO for one yere uppon plate, two bowles, two cupps with handles, all silver, waying all 82 oz. Item, two potts with cover and handells, double gilt within and without, waying 16 oz. 1601. Jan. 19th, borrowed of Adam Holland of Newton £5 till Hilary day, uppon a silver salt dubble gilt with a cover, waying 14 oz. Feb. 2nd, Roger Cook his supposed plat laying to my discredit was by Arthur my sone fownd by chaunce in a box of his papers in his own handwriting circa meridiem, and after none abowt 1| browght to my knowledg face to face. O Deus, libera nos a malo ! All was mistaken, and we reconcyled godly. Feb. 10th to 15 th, reconciliation betwene us, and I did declare to my wife, Katharine my dowghter, Arthur and Rowland, how things wer thus taken. Feb. 18th, Jane cam to my servyce from Clethe- raw. Feb. 25th, R. K[oke] pactum sacrum hora octava mane. March 2nd, Mr. Roger Coke went toward London. March 19th, I receyved the long letters from Bartholomew Hickman hora secunda a meridie by a carry er of Oldham. April 6th, Mr. Holcroft of Vale Royall his first acquaintance at Manchester by reason of William Herbert his frend. He used me and reported of me very freely and wurshiply. CATALOGUS LIBRORUM BIBLIOTHEC^ EXTERNiE MORTLACENSIS D. JOH. DEE, A° 1583, 6 SEPT. LIBRI MANUSCRIPTI. [From MS, Trin. Coll. Cantab. 0, iv. 20, transcribed by Ashmole in MS. Ashm. 1142. Another autograph copy is pi-eserved in MS. Harl. 1879, which scarcely differs from that in the library of Trinity College, The numbers prefixed to the several volumes are added, for the sake of reference, by the Editor.'] 1 . Milei sphaericorum tractatus tres. 4° pergameno. 2. Theoricse planetarum. — Jordan! de triangulis, ubi de qua- dratura circuli. — Ejusdem de perspectiva. — Ejusdem de specu- lis, crepusculis, ponderibus, speculis comburentibus, lib. ii. 4°, script! pergameno. 3. Compendium de vitis philosophorum anonymi. — Ursonis de commixtionibus elementorum. — Ejusdem aphorismi. 4" pergameno. r 4. Avicenna de anima mundi, cum aliis, videlicet. Liber cujus initium est, " Inspector prsecedentis libri Avicennee.^^ — Expo- sitorius Rogeri Bachonis." — Liber de ponderibus. — Morienus ad regem Calid. — Rasis libri quinque de deceno (?) — Hermetis CAMD. see. DEE. K 66 CATALOGUE OF DR. DEE's libri septem. — Rosinus ad Euthesiam. — Dicta sapientis. — Turba philosophorum. — Distinctionum sapientium liber. — Epistola Alexandri regis Persarum. — Aristoteles de 30 verbis. — Socratis liber. — EfFrey Effinensis liber. — Liber Calid. — Li- ber commentatus. — Opus philosophorum. — Geber de perfecto magisterio. 4" pergameno. 5. Joh. Duns Scoti queestiones in Porphyrii quinque voces. — Antonii cujusdam expositio in categorias sex, &c. — Rogerii Bachonis de multiplicatione specierum. — Ejusdem perspec- tiva. 4° pergameno. 6. Thomce Aquinatis quaes tionum disputatarum volumen. 4° i^ergameno. 7. Scintillarium poetarum.— Summa chiromantiae. — Ovidii me- tamorphoseos expositio. — Tractatus de veneno. — Valerius ad Ruffinum de non ducenda uxore, cum expositione. — Joh. Wyclyf determinatio. — Literse fratris Wilhelmi Fleth. — Ful- gentii mythologise cum Expositione. — Tractatus de difficilibus dictionibus Bibliee. — Rob. Lincolniensis in oculo morali. — Rob. Lincolniensis de ratione veneni. — Joh. Walensis brevi- loquium philosophorum, descriptum per Stoctonem Canta- brigicE, 1375. — Casus abstracti injure, per Fratrem Herman- num de provincia Saxoniae. — Casus episcopo reservati. — Ex- positio salutationis angelicse.* 4° pergameno. 8. De ponderibus et mensuris medicinalis operationis. — Viaticus Constantini Africani libri 7. — De modo medendi experimenta. — De origine morborum, et eorum cognitione per urinam. — De electuariis, &c. 4° pergameno. 9. Ethici Histri cosmographia, ex versione Latina D. Hieronymi.f 4° pergameno. One I had with me, and one I left here, which is noted after. * Now in Trinity College, Dublin. Bern. 148, (H. 12.) t Now MS. Cotton. Vespas. B. x. thus inscribed by Dr. Dee's hand, " Johannes Dee, 1.565, Februarii 21, Wigornise, ex dono decani ecclesise, Magistri Beddar." LIBRARY OF MANUSCRIPTS. GJ 10. Anticlaudianus, carmine. — Hugonis de Pushac, Dunelmeiisis Episcopi, Brutus, carmine.* Longiuscula forma, pergameno. 1 1 . Tractatus compendiosus de animalibus. 4" pergameno. 12. Wilhelmi Parisiensis fragment, de universis. 4° pergameno. 13. Euclidis Elementa Geometrica, Optica et Catoptrica, ex Ara- bico translata per Adellardum.— Theodosii Sphsericonim li- bri. — Liber de occultis. — Ptolomsei planisphserium. — Jordani planisphserium. — Archimedis tractatus de quadratura circuli. — Gerardi de Brussel liber de motu. — Jordanus de ponderi- bus. — Libri quatuor geometriee practicse. — Alfarabius de scientiis. — Wilhelmi de Conchis philosophia.— Rasis liber de phisiognomia. — Anatomia hominis. — De proprietatibus ele- mentorum.— cum aliis. 4° pergameno. 14. Augustinus de anima et spiritu. — Theoremata de spiritu et anima demonstrata. — Algoritlimus demonstratus Job. de Sa- crobosco. — Job. de Rupella summa de anima. — Rob. Lin- colniensis tractatus de sphsera. — Job. de Sacrobosco tractatus de sphcera. — Tractatus de proportione et proportionalitate, &c. Rogeri Bachonis— cum aliis. pergameno, 4°. 15. Maximi Monachi, Dionisii Areopagitee, Sophronii Solitarii, et aliorum Graecorum fragmenta nonnulla. pergameno, 4°. 1 6. Ramundi LuUii liber de quinta essentia. papyro, P. Non est Ramundi LuUii, sed collectanea diversa ex Paracelso. 17. Rogerii Bachonis de anima, et ejus operibus. — Ejusdem liber de intellectu et intelligibili. f. pergameno. 18. Apologia de versutiis atque perversitatibus pseudo-theolo- gorum et religiosorum. — Joachim Abbatis prophetia contra religiones tenentes ordinem mendicantium. — Arnoldi de Villa Nova opus de generibus abusionum veritatis, et de pseud o- , ministris Antichristi cognoscendis, et de pastorali officio circa gregem exercendo. — Ejusdem prophetia catholica, tradens * This MS. is now in the Cottonian library, Vespas. A. x. " Joannes Dee, 1574, Maij 7, bowght uppon a stall in London." 68 CATALOGUE OF DR. DEE's artem annihilandi versutias Antichristi et omnium membrorum ejuSj ad sacrum collegium Romanorum. pergameno, f°. 19. Rogeri Bachonis de retardatione senectutis et senii, &c. — Ejusdem de graduatione medicinarum compositarum, &c. pergameno, £«. 20. Ejusdem Bachonis metaphisica. — Ejusdem oeconomica. pergameno, 4\ 21. Ejusdem* de animalibus fragmentum. pergameno^ R 22. Ejusdem Bachonis fragmenta qusedam ; videlicet, de multi- plicatione et corruptione specierum. — Item communia natu- ralia. — Epistola ad Clementem per R. de utilitate scientiarum artis experimentalis, &c. pergameno, P. 23. Rogeri Bachonis pars sexta Operis Majoris, quae est Scientia Experimentalis, ad Clementem Pontif: Romanorum. — Ejusdem Operis Majoris pars septima, quae est, Philosophia Moralis. — Ejusdem Alchimiee tractatus expositorius, ad Clementem P. M. R. — Ejusdem compendium alchimiee. — Avicennee clavis sa- pientiae, seu porta minor, seu tractatus de anima. — Breviloqui- um Holcot. — Rogerii Bachonis speculum alchimise. — Quees- tiones super librum Jordani de ponderibus. — Compendium artis, Raymundi Lullii. — Excerpta ex theorica Ramundi Lul- lii. — Rogeri Bachonis tractatus de speciebus. jDapyro, fo. 24. Alberti Magni de mineralibus libri quinque. — Hermetis qua- dripartitum operis. — Rhithmomachia. — De lapide bezaar. — Ars fusoria ac tinctoria lapidum ac gemmarum. — Ptolomei liber de lapidibus et sigillis eorundem. — Techel de sculpturis lapidum. — Galenus (. . . . portis) de spermate. — Avicennee phi- siognomia. — Commentariolus in Aristotelis phisiognomiam. — Cheiromantiee fragmentum. — Arithmeticae fragmentum, car- mine. — Practica algorismi. — Anima artis transmutatoriee Ra- mundi. — Phisica, seu medicina Ramundi Lullij. — -De herbis. — De potentiis duodecim signorum et septem planetarum. — Epis- * Dee has added in the margin the word " dubito," meaning, I suppose, that there was not any sufficient evidence for attributing this treatise to Roger Bacon. LIBRARY OF MANUSCRIPTS. 69 tola accurtationis lapidis philosophorum ad Regem Robertum. — Summa cheiromantiee. — Albertus Magnus de mineralibus. — Phisiognomia ex Loxio, Aristotele, et Palemone. — Albertus de plantationibus arborum et de conservatione vini. — Virtutes septem herbarum Aristotelis. — Liber Kirimandarum. — Phi- lonis fragmentum de aquseductibus. — Qusestiones queedam naturales. — Constantinus Medicus de coitu. — Practica puero- rum. — De natura puerorum. — Introductiones astronomicefi. — Hyppocrates de pharmacis. — Hyppocrates de secretis. — Hippocratis lex. — Hippocrates de humana natura. — Hippo- crates de aere^ aqua^ et regionibus. pergameno, 4®. 25. Eulogium temporis^ a condito orbe in annum Christi 13675 monachi cujusdem Niniani.* pergameno, f. 26. Rogerii Bachonis summa, seu opus tertium, ad Clementem P. M. — Ejusdem Bachonis majoris operis pars quarta, in qua ostenditur potestas mathematicse in scientiis atque rebus mundi hujus. — Ejusdem compendium studii theologici. — Liber preeceptorum secundum Albertum. — Liber de sigillis solis in signis, secundum Hermetem. — Albertus de sigillo et annulo leonis, et ejus virtutibus. — Arnoldus de Villa Nova de sigillis duodecim signorum. papyro, fo. 27. Rogerii Bachonis communium naturalium libri duo, quatuor sectionibus distincti. pergameno, fo. In boards, with clasps. 28. Alpetraugii de verificatione motuum coelestium liber. — The- bith de his quee indigent expositione, antequam legatur Alma- gestum Ptolomeei. — Liber florum Albumasar. — Liber expe- rimentorum Albumasar. — Liber practicorum geometriee. — Ja- cob! Alkindi liber de aspectibus. — Petri de Dacia commen- tum super tractatum algorismi. — Joh. de Sacrobosco super tractatum de spheera. — Ejusdem computus ecclesiasticus. — Wilhelmus de Aragonia in Ptolomeei centiloquium. — Ars al- * Now MS. Cotton. Galba, E. viii., partially burnt by the fire. Another copy of this work is in the library of Trinity College, Cambridge, R. vii. 2. 70 gorismi de fractionibus. — Scripta utilia super computum ma- nualem. — Joh: de Sicilia in canones Arzachelis de tabulis Toletanis. — Qusestiones mathematicales.* pergameno, fo. 29. Richardi Walyngforde Abbatis S. Albani de sinubus demon- strandis, libri iv.f pergameno, f®. 30. Johannis Massoni Monachi epistolee. — Epistolse de somnio Pharaonis, seu Pharaonis et Joseph! ej^istolse. — Alani enchi- ridion de planctu seu conquestu naturae, prosa et versu. — Ber- nard! Silvestris Cosmographia. J pergameno, 4o. 31. Bartholomei Anglici breviarium, seu de proprietatibus rerum. pergameno, f^. 32. Jordani Nemorarii ^iXorexrV} sive de trianguhs, Hber primus, sexaginta quatuor propositiones continens. pergameno, 4**. 33. Rabbi Mosis hber de venenis. — Summa brevis Galeni de cura ethicee senectutis. — Alberti de Colonia tractatus de in- cisionibus arborum et plantationibus earum. — Unguentum ad omnem scabiem toUendam, quod dicitur Veni mecum, &c. — Tractatus de ornatu faciei. — Hermetis hber de septem planetis, &c. — Rogerii Bachonis nonnuha secreta. — De factura Sax- onis GaUici. — Liber de tincturis pannorum. — Liber de colo- ribus iUuminatorum vel pictorum. — De diversis operationibus ignium. — De diversis tincturis. — Hermetis secreta. — Item, raulta aha notabiha. — Item, turba philosophorum. pergameno, 4o. 34. Experimentorum diversorum hber. — De vernisio quo utuntur scriptores. — Secreta philosophorum. — De usu virgee visorise, et hujusmodi secreta multa. papyro, 8^^. 35. Arnaldi de Villa Nova thesaurus secretus operationum. — Hermetis liber de lapide philosophorum. — Alfredi liber de * Now MS. Harl. 1, " Johannes Dee, 1557." A portion of this volume formerly belonged to John of London. f The only copies of this work now known are in the Bodleian Library, but I have not succeeded in tracing this one. X Otho, B. IV. vid. Tann. Bibl. p. 518. This MS. was destroyed in the fire of 1731. LIBRARY OF MANUSCRIPTS. 71 spiritu occultato. — Rasis practica, cum aliis viginti quinque libellis variorum autorum consimilis argumenti. papyro, 4^, 36. Ptolomeei quadripartitum^ Lat. — Albumazer introductorium. — Isibradi calendarium. — Profacii Judcei almanack. — Zaelis electiones. — De significationibus planetarum, cum aliis tracta- tibus. pergameno, 4o. 37. Expositio theoricarum. — Thebith de motu octavse sphaerae. — Jordanus de ponderibus, cum queestionibus notabilibus super eundem. — Jacobus Alkindus de radijs, seu de causis redden- dis. — An futura possunt per astra prsesciri. — Nicolai Oresmi liber divinationum. — Thomee Bravardini geometria. — Per- spectiva communis Job. de Pecliam. — Dominici de Hassia quaestiones super perspectivam communem. — Euclides de speculis. — Jacobus Alkindus de umbris et causis diversitatum aspectuum. — Dominici de Clavaso practica geometriee. — De- monstratio eequalitatis linese ad peripheriam circuli. — Quad- ratura circuli. — Expositio tractatus de sphsera, cum queestioni- bus. — Algorismus in integris Job. de Sacro-Bosco. — Algo- rithmus in m.inutiis Job. de Lineriis. — Thomee Bravardini tractatus proportionum. 38. Job. de Pecham canticum pauperum. — Job. Walensis com- muniloquium. — Ejusdem Walensis dietarium, locarium^ itine- rarium. — Ejusdem breviloquium. — Tractatus^ cujus initium est, Supra tribus scelerihus. — Aristotelis liber de secretis secre- torum. pergameno, 4". 39. Liber Physiologi de natura animalium et bestiarum. pergameno, 8**. 40. Gualteri Burlsei tractatus de potentiis animse. pergameno, 4°. 41. Rogerii Bachonis perspectiva. — Ejusdem de multiplicatione specierum. pergameno, 4°. In paste-bords, with strings. 42. Tractatuli tres de lapide pbilosopborum, quorum primi initium est, " Dicit pbilosophus,^' &c. 43. Vectii Valentis anthologia. — Aristoxeni musica. — Alippii 72 CATALOGUE OF DR. DEE's musica — Cleomedes de mundo. — Expositio astrolabii. — Hip- parchus in Aratum et Eudoxum. — Grcech omnes. papyro, f°. 44. Libellus antiquissimus de speculis comburentibus, cujus ini- tium est, " De sublimiori/* &c.* pergameno, 4'*. 45. Jordanus de ponderibus cum scholiis, cujus initium est " Omnis ponderosi.^^ pergameno, f°. 46. Raymundi Lullii liber de quinta essentia. pergameno, f". 47. Boetius de consolatione philosophiee, in Grcecam linguam conversus a Maximo Planude. — Catonis distica, cum scholiis Planudis, &c. GracS. — Aphthonij progymnasmata, Greece. papyro, f . I gave this Booke to Cracovia Library, A°. 1584, July 28. 48. Porphirii philosophi Isagoge in Aristotelis logicam, Greece, papyro, f°. 49. Naupegia Itali cujusdam, cum figuris. papyro, 4". 50. Dionysii Zecharii opusculum de lapide philosophorum, Gallic^. papyro, 4°. 5 1 . Roberti Gloucestrensis chronica, rythmo Anglico.f papyro, f*. 52. Hystoria Britannicorum principum a Cadowaladro Rege ad Leolinum, per Humfredum Lluyd collecta, Anglice.X papyro, P. 53. Variee compositiones aquarum mercurialium et alia experi- menta chemica, Anglice, cujus initium est, '' He that will make,'^ &c. papyro, 4", 54. Varia experimenta chimica, Anglice, quorum initium est, " For to make white lead.^^ pergameno, f°. 55. Alberti Magni summa naturalium, cujus initium est, " Philoso- phia dividitur.^' papyro, 4°. * Now in MS. Vespas. A. 11. art. 12, "Joannes Dee, 1555." This is an extremely curious and valuable tract in the history of optical science, and is similar to the curious treatise by Gogava De speculo ustorio. The focus of the parabola is here for the first time indicated, a circumstance which has escaped the notice of scientific historians. t The only MS. of Robert of Gloucester's poem, answerable to this description, is in the University Library, Cambridge. t This MS. is now in the library of the Ashmolean Museum, No. 846. LIBRARY OF MANUSCRIPTS. 73 56. Rogerii Bachonis annotationes super Aristotelis tractatum de secretis secretorum. pergameno, f°. 57. Phillipi Ulstadii coelum philosophorum. impressum^ f . 58. Inventa queedam geometrica. papyro, f°. My owne hand, of Richard Chancellor and Thomas Topely. 59. Dumbyltoni summa. pergameno, f. 60. Beda de gestis Anglorum. pergameno, 4°. 61. Euclidis geometrica. — Rogerii Bachonis perspectiva. — Aris- totilis probleraata. — Campani theoricse planetarum. pergameno, 4*. 62. Volumina duo magna, Hebraice, de astrologicis judiciis. — Al- chimia Salomonis. papyro, f°. 2 vol. 63. Roberti Groshed, Lincolniensis episcopi, dicta ; quorum initium est, " Spiritus Sanctus per os Salomonis,'^ &c. — Ejusdem trac- tatus de cessatione legalium. — Ejusdem tractatus de oculo morali, una cum aliis variis. pergameno, T. 64. Isaac Judaei logica, cum aliis variis consimilis argumenti, Hebraice. papyro, 4°. 65. Alhazen perspectiva, &c. pergameno, 4°. John Davis^ spoyle. 66. Ramundi Lullii testamentum. — Ejusdem cantilena. — Ejusdem codicillus,sivevade mecum. — Ejusdem anima transmutatoria. — Annotationes super testamentum Ramundi. — Lapidarius Ray- mundi. — Queestiones de Paulina Ramundi. — Quaestiones de Olympiade Ramundi. — Declaratio tabularum figurae 5. Ra- mundi. — Repertorium Raymundi. — Tractatus de consideratione lapidis. — Philosophia cujusdam Ramundistae. — Joh. Das- tini chimici somnium, seu visiones, Anglice. — Ramundi Lullii distinctio tertia. — Anima artis, juxta exemplar in Anglia reper- tum. — Apocalypsis spiritus secreti. — Ars conversionis Mer- curii et Saturni in aurum et argentum, seu de aquis Theu- thidis. — Aristotelis lumen luminum. — Raimundi Lullii quee- stionarius arboris phiiosophalis. — Queestionarius ligurae ^uad- CAMD. SOC. — DEE. L 74 CATALOGUE OF DR. DEE's rangularis. — Qusestionarius figurse 5. — Tertia distinctio juxta aliud exemplar. — Aphorismi. — Accurtatio. — Practica secret! occulti. — Opus magnum, sive opus regale. — Considerationes operis minoris. — Cantilena Catalonice, cum commento. — Ars brevis, &c. papyro, f. 67. Ramundi Lulli speculum alchimiae. — Ejusdem liber de quinta essentia. — Ejusdem lapidarius, scilicet de gemmis. — Job. Dastini liber de compositione lapidis. — Ejusdem donum Dei. — Liber radicum. — Liber administrationum. — Ejusdem Dastini speculum pbilosopborum.^ — Rasis de duodecim aquis, &c. papyrOj f°. 68. Aneti filii Abraham practica medica. — Scarsati practica medi- cinalis, una cum aliis. pergameno^ 4°. 69. Eathelredi Abbatis Rievallis de vita Edowardi regis Anglo- rum et Confessoris.* pergameno^ 4°. 70. Roberti episcopi Lincolniensis tractatus in lingua Romana, hoc est, veteri rithmo Gallico, de principio creationis mundi, de medio et fine, &c. pergameno, 4°. 71. Wilhelmi de Northfeilde expositio super librum de differen- tia spiritus et animse. — Ejusdem expositio super diversa opus- cula Aristolelis phisicorum.f pergameno, f . 72. Magistri Franconis regulae musicales, cum additionibus alio- rum musicorum, collectse a Roberto de Handlo. — Rogerii Ba- chonis perspectiva, una cum aliis geometricis et astrologicis. pergameno^ f. 73. Gualtheri Burlei notabilia super Porphyrii praedicabilia, et Aristotelis prsedicamenta, una cum aliarum notationum libellis. papyro, 4°. 74. Boetii Musica. — Hermannus Contractus de compositione as- trolabii, et de ejus utilitatibus. pergameno, 4° 75. Chronica de imperatoribus seu compendium historiarum in prima monarchia Babiloniorum, in annum Christi 1266. — * Now MS. Harl. 200, " Joannes Dee, 1575." t Now C. C. C, Oxon. No. 235. LIBRARY OF MANUSCRIPTS. 75 Joh. de Bononia summa pontificum Romanorum et impera- torum in annum Christi 1313. — Alexandri Magni ortus et res gestee. pergameno^ 4°. 76. Wilhelmi Wodford, ordinis Minorum, opusculum quses- tionum quarundam, contra dialogum Joh. Wycklyf a Thoma Cantuariensi archiepiscopo condemnatuni. — Thomas Palmere tractatus de imaginibus, cum aUis variis. papyro, 4°. 77' Collectanea qusedam chunica Siberti Rhodii. papyro, f°. 78. Robert! Holcot qucestiones super quatuor libros Lombard! sententlarum. — Ejusdem qusestiones de astronomia. pergameno, 4°. 79. Arnald! de Villa Nova liber de alchimia, cujus initium est, " ScitOj fili, quod in hoc libro/^ una cum aliis ejusdem opus- culis. papyro, 4". 80. Ethic! philosophi cosmographia, per D. Hieronymum Stre- donem Lat. conversa. pergameno, f*. 8 1 . Roger!! Bachonis epistolae tres, sive scripta tria ad Joh. Pari- siensem, in quibus latet sapientia mundi, — Kalid rex ad Mo- rienum. — Gebri et Avicennse chimica. papyro, 4°. 82. Euclidis elementorum geometricorum libri decern. — Ejusdem perspectiva, &c. Lat. papyro, 4**. 83. Alhazeni perspectiva, libri septem, Lat. pergameno, f". 84. De fabrica specul! ustorii fragmentum. — Urso de efFectibus qualitatum primarum. — Liber vaccse. — Albert! dona. — Thomas Aquinas de essentiis rerum. pergameno, 4". 85. Ricardi Hampole liber, qui dicitur Incendium Amoris, Anglice, pergameno, f". 86. Alhazeni perspectiva, Lat. — Item Alfraganus, &c. Lat. pergameno, f°. 87. Albumazar de judiciis astrologicis. pergameno, f". ^88. Jacob! Fabri Stapulensis conclusiones phisicse, he, ex Aris- totele excerptse. papyro, f°. 89. Joh. Eschuid! summa Anglicana, seu medicinalis. pergameno, T. 76 CATALOGUE OF DR. DEE's 90. Bartholomeeus Anglicus de proprietatibus rerum. pergameno^ f. grandiori. 91. Jordan! Nemorarii arithmetica cum commento. — Algo- rithmus in integris Joh. de Sacrobosco. — Algorithmus in minutiis, Joli. de Lineriis. — Campani theorica planetarum. — Nicholai Oresmi tractatus de proportionibus proportionum.* — Jordani tractatus de commensuratione coelestium. — Gervasii algorithmus proportionum. — Demonstrationes con- clusionum astrolabii. — Tractatus de torqueto et ejus usu. — TabulcG Alfonsi regis Castellee. — Canones tabularum Alfonsi l^er Joh. de Saxonia. — Joh. de Lineriis canones tabularum primi mobilis. — Jacob Alkindus de impressio[n]ibus aeris. — Rogerii Bachonis de utilitate arithmeticae. — Campani com- postus ecclesiasticus. — Jordani algorithmus demonstratus. pergameno, f. 92. Helinandi Monachi Cistercien. chronicorum mundi libri xxx. hoc est^ pars prima. pergameno, £°. 93. Francisci Catanei Diacetii paraphrasis in Aristotelem de coelo, &c. pergameno^ f°. 94. Isidori Hispalensis liber de natura rerum^ cum glosulis. — Prisciani institutio . — Bedee versus de die judicii. pergamenOj 4°. 95. Tractatus de figuris stellarum in octava sphsera. — Gebri libri novem de astronomia. — Almagesti libri sex abbreviati. — Jordani libri de triangulis. — Plures conclusiones Almagisti abbreviati. — Archimedis liber de curvis superficiebus. — Trac- tatus Albeonis. — Tabula pro locis planetarum. — Tractatus Zaphei Arzachelis, &c. — Capitula libri Almagesti. — Compen- dium musices ex Boetio. — Euclidis elementa geometrica. — Gebri conclusiones de astronomia. — Theodosii sphserica. — Milei de figuris sphaericis et triangulis, libri tres. — Tabulae planetarum de radicibus et motibus. — Machumeti Bagde- * Extract from this article in MS. Bernard, 34G7, where there are other extracts from MSS. in Dee's jKtssession. LIBRARY OF MANUSCRIPTS. 77 dini liber divisionum. — Tractatus de quinque corporibus re- gularibus. — Tractatus de speculis comburentibus. — Tabula domificandi, pro latitudine Oxoniens. — Tabulee plurium latitu- dinum, secundum Bachecumbe. — Thebith tractatus de motu. — Tractatus de proportione circumferentiee circuli^ &c. — Tabulse quatuor soils. pergameno, f. 96. Roger! Bachonis tractatus de virtutibus et actionibus stella- rum. papyro, 4". 97. Vitellionis perspectiva.* pergameno, f". 98. Theodosii sphserica. — Euclidis data, Lat. — Archimides de qua- dratura circuli. pergameno, 4°. 99. Haly de judiciis astrorum. pergameno, f°. 100. Boetius de consolatione philosophise cum commento. — Scripta super plures libros geometria?. — Jordanus de speculis. — Jordanus de ponderibus. — Archadii demonstrationes de quadratura circuli. — Tractatus Hermanni de astrolabio. — Liber de similibus arcubus. — Archimedes de iiguris isoperi- metris. — Archimedes de curvis superficiebus. pergameno, 4°. 101. Avicenna de prima philosophia, i. e. de causa causarum, vel metaphisica, Lat. pergameno, 4°. 102. Alhazeni perspectiva. pergameno, 4° 103. Ricardi de Posis summa epistolarum (quasi ars quaedam notariatus) secundum consuetudinem Romance curiae. pergameno, f". 104. Arzachelis tabulae astronomicae. pergameno, 4°. 105. Chronicon Angliae, Anglice, manuscriptum. pergameno, f°. 106. Aristotelis commentum in astrologiam (fragmentum). pergameno, 4** 107. Alberti Magni minerarium. pergameno, 4°. 108. Haly de judiciis astrorum. — Liber novem judicum in astrologia. — Jafar de imbribus. — Messahala de nativitatibus. * Now MS. Ashm. No. 424. From a MS. note it appears that, in 1564, the Fellows of Peterhouse, at Cambridge, presented this book to Dr. Dee, in exchange for various printed books which he gave to their library. Vid. MS. C.C.C. Oxon. No. 191. 78 — Aristotelis liber de judiciis universal ibus. — Hani Benhannse liber de geometria. — Guido Bonatus de astrologio.* papyro, f°. magno. 109. Algorithmus integrorum cum commento. — Algorithmus frac- torum cum commento. — Summa utriusque arithmeticse Boetii. — Arithmetica compilata ex multis scientiis. — Liber de figuris numerorum. — Practica memorandi. — Tractatus de speculo combustorio secundum section em Mukesij. — Euclidis geometricorum libri 15. cum commento. — Jordanus de pon- deribus cum commento. — Euclides de ponderibus cum com- mento. — Euclidis datorum liber cum commento. — Archimedes de curvis superficiebus cum commento. — Archimedes de qua- dratura circuli, cum commento. — Archimede[s] de figuris ysoperimetrorum. — ^Theodosii sphaerica. — Rob. Lincoln [i] ensis episcopi, de luce^ calore^ et iride. — Vitellionis perspectives libri quatuor. pergameno^ i°, 110. Rob. Lincoln [i] ensis episcopi constitutiones pro sua dio- cesi, videl. in decalogum, &c. pergameno, f"* 111. Perspectiva Algazet^ forte Halazen. Lat. pergameno, 4" 112. Annales regulorum Cambricorum, a Cadowaladro ad Leolini tempora^ lingua Brytannica sive Cambrica. papyro, 4° 113. Perquisita et alia quae pertinebant ad Winchecumbe Ab- batiam.f pergameno, 4°. 114. Boetii arithmetica. pergameno, 4°. 115. Queestiones erudite disputatee super librum meteororum Aristotelis. pergameno, 4°, 116. De Indorum et Persarum annis astronomicis. — Annota- tiones in Martianum Capellam. pergameno, 4", 117. De potentiis animse. — Auberti Remensis philosophia. — Oliveri philosophia. — Petrus Hispanus de morte et vita, et causis longitudinis et brevitatis vitse. — Albertus de divinatione. * Now MS. Savil. Oxon. No. 15. t It does not appear from Tanner's Notitia Monastica, or from Sir Thomas Phillipps's Catalogue, that this MS. is now preserved. LIBRARY OF MANUSCRIPTS. 79 De spiritu et inspiratione. — De signis aquarum, ventorum et tempestatum. — Ramundus Massiliensis de cursu planetarum. — Alexander Aphrodiseus ad imperatores Antoninum et Seve- rum de fato. — Qucestiones de intellectu. — Qusestiones de anima. — Hermannus Secuiidus de essentiis. — Platonis Phge- don, sive de anima. — Commentum super Platonis Timeeum. — Platonis Menon. Lat. pergameno, f. 118. De administratione principum liber. pergamenOj 4°. 119. Isidori Hispalensis etymologiarum fragmentum magnum. pergameno, f . 120. Tabulae astronomicae ad annos decern^ cum canonibus. — Algorithmus demonstratus cum minutiis. — Alfraganus de annis. — Alcabicii astrologia. — Tabulae de numeris proportion- alibus. — Computus cum calendario. pergameno, 4°. 121. Polychronica. pergameno, f. 122. Polychronicon. pergameno, f° minori. 123. Hystoriae Britannicae et Angliae fragmentum, Gallice con- scriptum. pergameno, 4°. 124. Guido Bonatus de judiciis astrorum. pergameno, P. 125. Passionale. pergameno, f". 126. Astronomici libelli cujusdam fragmentum, cujus initium est, " A philosophis astronomiam sic definitam accepimus.^^ pergameno, 4°. 127. Expositio quaedam super Cantica Canticorum. — Ars fidei se- cundum Ambionensem. — Macrobius in somnium Scipionis. pergameno, f°. The second tract is cut out, and to be answered for. 128. Matricula, sive catalogus bibliothecae Cantuariensis. papyro, f". 129. Author de causis cum demonstrationibus. pergameno, f°. J 30. Alchimicus libellus, Anglice, cujus initium est, " Take limale.^* papyro, 4°. 131. Libellus chimicus, Latine. — Varii tractatus super capitulum Hermetis quod dicitur " Clavis Sapientiae Majoris." pergameno, f". 80 132. Sidracli philosophi liber, Gallice. pergameno, 4". 133. Kallendarium. — Queedam de computu ecclesiastico, Latine et Saxonice. — Alpbabetum somniale. — Preeces qusedam pise.* pergameno, 8". 134. Lectiones cujusdam super Ecclesiasticen. pergameno, f". 135. Commentarius bonus in definitiones quinti bbri Euclidis. — Euclides totus ex Campani traditione. — Explicatio bona Arcbi- medis de quadratura circuU. pergameno, 4. 136. Cicero de natura deorum. — Catonis liber ad Varronem. — Euclidis liber cum commento. — Preceptum canonum Ptolomsei. — Tractatus astrolabii dupHcis cum practica. — Tabulse astro- nomicse. — Aristotelis epistola de rectitudine vitae, ad Alexand. — Henrici Britten philosopbia. — Oliveri Britton philosopbia. — Pbilosophia Remensis et aliorum. — Liber de speculis, liber de visu, et qusedam alia. pergameno, 4°. 137. Boetii arithmetica. — Ejusdem de trinitate libri. — Ejusdem de duobus in Christo naturis. — Ejusdem de liebdomadibus. — Rob. Grostesti, Lincolniensis episcopi, de arte algorism! communi. — Ejusdem alius tractatus magis in speciali. — Thebith super Almagistum Ptolomsei. — Theodosius de locis habitabili- bus. — Theoria planetarum cum tabulis necessariis. — Commen- tum super Centiloquium Ptolomsei. — Ars cheiromantiae, in Gallico sermone. — De interpretationibus somniorum. — De signiiicationibus tonitruorum. — Physiognomia secundum Tho- mam Aquinatem.— De prognosticationibus tempestatum. — De pluribus necessariis ad casus inquirendos secundum algo- rismum. — Cheiromantia, Lat.f pergameno, 4°. 138. Astronomica, astrologica, et arithmetica. — Observationes qusedam planetarum et fixarum, Petri de Sancto Audomaro et et Job. de Lineriis. pergameno, 4**. 139. Tabulse astronomicse cum canonibus. pergameno, 8°. * The MS. described by Wanley, p. 222, as MS. Cotton. Vitell. A. xviu, now de- stroyed, is probably the one here mentioned. The Cotton. MS. Jul. A. vj. also answers the brief description above given. t Now in Trinity College, Dublin. See Dr. Bernard's Catalogue, No. 46. LIBRARY OF MANUSCRIPTS. 81 140. Libellus de natura locorum. pergameno, 8°. 141. Ivonis Carnutensis varii tractatus ecclesiastici^ et volumen epistolarum diversorum ad diversos, &c. pergameno, f°. 142. Boetii musica. — Expositio Simonis de Bredon super duos libros arithmeticse Boetii. pergameno, 4". 143. Calcidius in Platonis Timaeum.* pergameno, 4° long. 144. Marii de elementis libri duo. — Liber qui dicitur Prenonphy- sicon. — Alardi Bathoniensis queestiones naturales. — Physiogno- mia secundum tres authores, videlicet, Loxum, Aristotelem, et Palemonem. — Liber spermatis. — Soranus de re medica. — Constantini liber de herbis. — Dioscorides de virtutibus her- barum, Lat. — Oribasius de virtutibus herbarum, Lat. — Odonis Adunensis versus de virtutibus herbarum. — Isidori Hyspalensis etymologiarum libri. — Constantini Medici liber graduum. — Euphonis experimenta. — Adamarii experimenta. — Joh. Me- lancholici experimenta. — Experimenta Abbatis. — Experi- menta Wiscardi. — Experimenta Picoti. — De urina mulieris. — Expositio quintae incisionis epidemiarum Hippocratis. — Joh. Melancholic! liber de substantia urinee. — Palladius de agricultura. — Liber de simplici medicina. pergameno, f". 145. Alberti Magni magia naturalis et vera. — Idiotee liber, authore Cusano. — Contra Jacobellinos in Bohemia. — Antonii Barsizii cauteriaria, comedia, una cum aliis variis. papyro, f'. 146. Aristotelis physicorum libri octo. — Ejusdem de generatione et corruptione, lib. 2. — De coelo et de mundo, libri 4. — Me- teorum libri 4. — De vegetabilibus, &c. — De anima, libri tres. — De memoria et reminiscentia. — Ethicorum secundus et tertius. — De morte et vita, et alia ejusdem Aristotelis, Latine. pergameno, 4^ 147. Serapionis de aptatione et repressione, seu ser^4tor Sera- pionis. pergameno, f''. * Now MS. Bib. Reg. Mus. Brit. 12 B. XXII, " Johannes Dee, 1557, 4 Maij, Lon- dini." CAMD. SOC. DEE. M 82 148. Thomas de Aquino de veritate theologica, libri septem. pergameno, 4**. 149. Albert! magni tractatus de lapidibus. — Jacobus Alkindus de radiis. papyro, P. 150. Historia Anglica cujusdam anonymi. papyro, 4°. 151. Euclidis optica, catoptrica, et geometria^ Lat. pergameno, 4°. 152. Fragmentum theologicum quoddam in Ecclesiasticum. pergameno, f°. 153. Tractatus astrolabij. — De significatione rei occultse. — De aeris dispositione. — Tabula pro almanack. — Ars notaria. — Aristotelis epistola de conservatione sanitatis. — Rogeri Here- fordensis computus. — Compositio astrolabii. — Planisphee- rium. — Alfraganus. — Geber in Ptolomeei almagestum, una cum aliis. pergameno, 4°. 154. Apologia chemicae artis, contra Cornelium Agrippum de vani- tate scientiarum. — De oleis variis medicinalibus, una cum aliis multis. papyro, 4°. 155. Alcabicius. — Astronomia qusedam judicialis. — Zahelis intro- ductorium, cum judiciis sequentibus. — Mathematica Alex- andri summi astrologi. — Jacob Alkindus de judiciis astrolo- gicis. — Albumazar de revolutionibus annorum mundi. — Summse excerptse ex libro Albumazar, de revolutione nati- vitatum. — Albohali de nativitatibus. — Albumazar liber florum. — Almanack perpetuum Profacii Judsei. — Thomas Aquinas de angehs.* 4° pergameno. 156. Lamentationes Matheeoluli, carmine.f pergameno, 4°. 157. Hippocratis aphorismi. — Ejusdem prognostica. — Ejusdem liber de regimine acutorum. — Ejusdem liber epidemiarum. — Ejusdem astronomia de infirmitatibus. — Johannicii isogoge * This MS. is now in the Ashmolean collection, No. 360. t This is probably the copy now in MS. Cotton. Cleopatra, C. IX. I know of no other which answers the description. LIBRARY OF MANUSCRIPTS. 83 in Galeni Tecknin. — Hyppocratis secreta, — Tractatus de com- positione astrolabii. — Tractatus de practica astrolabii. — Trac- tatus de compositione novi quadratis. — Campani tractatus de motibus planetarum et de fabricatione equatorii instrumenti per quod certa loca planetarum inveniuntur. — Petri Perigrini tractatus de magnete.* — Jordani liber Planisphcerii. — Euclidis liber de speculis. — Jordani tractatus de ponderibus. — Prac- tica geometrise. pergameno, 4o. 158. Rogerii Bachonis calendarium. — Tabula ad sciendum quis planetadominetur omni hora cujus libet diei. — Tabula multi- plicationis. — Liber de naturis rerum abreviatus. — Marbodeus de sculpturis gemmarum. — Liber de lapidibus filiorum Israel. — Hippocratis signa in infirmo. — Unguentum alabastri. — De modo faciendi olei. — De aquis mundificativis oculorum faciei, et aliorum spiritualium membrorum. — De pilatoria. — Ut pili nascantur ubi volueris. — De conservatione vini. — Gregorii dialogorum liber primus et secundus. — Vita Sancti Nicholai. — Vita Sancti ^gidij. pergameno, 4«. 159. Computus ecclesiasticus. — Beda de calculatione. — Computus. pergameno, 4^. 160. Wilhelmi de Conchis philosophia. f pergameno, 4^. 161. Queestiones super elenchos, et alia logicalia. papyro, 4\ 162. Qusestiones de apparentiis^ seu fallaciis sophisticis, manu- scriptee. papyro. 163. Alberti de Saxonia tractatus proportionum, 4o impressus Rothomagi. — Jacobi Lupi tractatus de productionibus per- sonarum in divinis, secundum mentem Job. Scoti, 4^ impres- sum. — Una cum aliis tractatibus variarum qucestionum, — papyro manuscript. 4o. * Dee's own copy of the printed edition, with his MS. notes, is in the British Mu- seum. •* Johannes Dee, 15G2." t Now MS. Bib. S. Joh. Coll. Cantab. G. 3. " Johannes Dee, 1557, 4 Maii." 84 CATALOGUE OF DR. DEe's 164. Henrici Beaumundi regimen sanitatis, cum aliis variis ex- perimentis, tam Anr/hce quam Latine scriptis. pergameno, 4o 165. Avicenna de naturalibus. — Ejusdem de sufficientia. — Thomae de Aquino tractatus de essentia. — Avendauth de quinque uni- versalibus. — Alchindi philosophi de quinque essentiis, ex verbis Aristotelis abstractus liber. — Platonis Timseus. — Isaac de diffinitionibus, Lat. — Jacob de rationali in anima. — Alex- andri Philosophi de intellectu et intelligibili liber^ Lat. — Al- gacelis logica. — Alchindus de intellectu et intellecto. — Ama- ometh liber introductorius in artem logicam demonstrationis. — Averrhois de substantia orbis. — Alfarabius de intellectu et intellecto. — Liber planetarum cujusdam discipuli Ptolomsei. — Mercurius Trismegistus. — Secundus Philosophus de diffinitio- nibus. — Boetius de unitate. — Liber de differentia spiritus et animse. — Liber metaphisicee Avicennag;, qui non est completus. 166. De philosophia Salomonis. — Fulgentius episcopus ad Calci- dium Grammaticum. — Experimenta qusedam alchimica. — Cas- siodorus de anima, una cum aliis theologicis. pergameno^ 8®, 167. Boetii arithmetica. — Theorica planetarum et stellarum se- cundum Alfraganum. — Boetii musica. — Euclidis geometrica. — Propositiones planispheerii Ptolomsei cum additionibus. — Mas- lem Arabis. * pergameno, 4°. 168. Disputatio inter militem et clericum. pergameno, 4^ 169. Job. Scoti qusestiones super secundo et tertio libro Aris- totelis de anima. — Antonii Andrese qusestiones in Aristotelis meteora. papyro, 4°. 170. Isidori Hispalensis liber differentiarum. — Cic. academicae quccstiones. — Ejusdem natura deorum. — Ejusdem de divina- tione. — Ejusdem de fato. — Ejusdem paradoxa. — Ejusdem Phi- lippicc8 orationes. — Libellus de bestiis, avibus, et arboribus, — * Now MS. Lambeth, No. G7. Dee's autograph has been erased from the fly-leaf, but " 1558, 30 Junii, Londini," remains in his handwriting. LIBRARY OF MANUSCRIPTS. 85 Salustius de bello Catilinario et Jugurthino. — Vegetius de re militari, &c. pergaraeno, 4°. 171. Computus Ecclesiasticus. pergameno, 8°. 172. Solinus de mirabilibus mundi. pergameno, 4". 173. Bona gesta Marise. — Maleus^ &c. pergameno, 16°. 174. Sortilegia nugatoria. pergameno^ 8^ 175. Sortilegia nugatoria. pergameno, 4°. 176. Joh. Sarisberiensis policraticum^ sive de nugis curialium et vestigiis philosophorum^ libri octo. pergameno, 4", 177» Computus manualis, cum aliis sexaginta quinque tractatibus variorum autorum in medicinalibus, physicis^, astronomicis, et aliis. pergameno, 8". 178. Gebri summa alchimice. pergameno, 4o. 179. Hermetis cujusdam libellus de rebus universalibus. pergameno, 4°. 180. Imago mundi, cujus initium est, ^' Operatio divina.^' pergameno, 4". 181. Thomee Bravardini Anglici propositiones geometriae. pergameno, 4°. 182. Macer de virtutibus herbarum. pergameno, 4". 183. Libellus medicinee et chirurgise, partim Latine, partim An- glice, partim etiam Gallice. pergameno, 16°. 184. Ramundi Lulii practica chimica, Anglice.^ papyro, 4°. 185. Alchimica; videlicet tres tractatus alchimici, Volvi lapidem, &c. — De quinta essentia Mercurii. — Secretum secretorum Fieri philosophi. pergameno, 4°, 186. Roberti Lincolniensis episcopi, de luce, de iride, cum multis aliorum tractatis circiter 34. pergameno, 4°, A thick booke with a labell. 187. Libri diversi astrologici, quorum primi initium est, " Postulata a Domino.^' pergameno, 4°. * Now MS. Sloan. 2128. 86 188. Rogeri Bachonis, Morieni Romania Joh. Viennensis, Albert! Magni, Hermetis, Rasis, Hortulani^ chimica queedam. pergameno, 8**. 189. Speculum secretorum, cum aliis haud contemnendis che- raicis fragmentis. pergameno, 4°, 190. Joh. de Sacrobosco sphsera. — Johannicii glossulse, cum aliis tractatibus. — Rogeri Bachonis et Rob. Lincolniensis episcopi, &c. pergaraeno, 4^, 191. Libellus chimicus, cujus initium est, " Materia lapidis.^^ papyro, 8°. 192. Jacobi Alkindi de pluviis, imbribus, ventis, et de mutatione aeris. papyro, f°. 193. Liber duodecim aquarum, &c.* pergameno, 4°. 194. ^gidii de Wallecers computus, de cometis, de crepusculis. — ^Tabuke domorum et ascensionum. — Kallendarii errores. — Jo. de Pecham perspectiva communis. — 30 Arabes, qui dicuntur Magistri probationum. — ^Tractatus minutiarum, una cum aliis. pergameno, 8". 195. Abraham Judsei liber de judiciis nativitatum, cum aliis variis. papyro, 4°. 196. Albertus de mineralibus, cujus initium est, " De mixtione et coagulatione,'^ &c. — Rogerii Bachonis epistola prima ad Joh. Parisiensem. — Summa aurea, una cum multorum aliorum tractatibus. pergameno, 4°. In a black cover with clasps. 197. Ludus astronomicus. papyro, 8°. 198. Parisiensis liber, cujus initium est, "Augustinus de Civitate Dei,^' &c. papyro, 4°. 199. Pomum Ambree. — Trotulae de ornatu mulierum. — Ascarus Philosophus de signis mulierum. — De secretis mulierum, cum aliis experimentis. — Theophilus Monachus de coloribus. * Now in Magdalen College, Oxford, No. 277. LIBRARY OF MANUSCRIPTS. 8? — Eraclius de coloribus et artibus Roman. ^ — Qusedam experi- menta medica^ cum aliis superstitiosis. — Compositio et usus astrolabii, una cum aliis. pergameno, 8°. [ J/i that part of the Catalogue describing the printed Books, under the title of " Chemici Libri, S)C. Compacti^^ occur the following Manuscripts.'] 200. Ramundi Lulii ars generalise cum queestionibus ejusdem. — De medi[ci]na et astronomia ejusdem. — Speculum medicinse. 4°. 201. Ramundi Lulii ars magna cum figuris. — Ejusdem ars gene- ralise cum qucEstionibus. — Ejusdem introductorium sive cano- nes artis generalis. — Ejusdem de principiis et medicina3 gradi- bus. — Ejusdem de regiminibus sanitatis et infirmitatis. f°. A CATALOGUE OF SUCH OF DR. DEE^S MSS. AS ARE COME TO MY HANDS. [By Elias Ashmole.]* 1. Mysteriorum liber primus^ 1581, et 1582. It begins 22 Dec. 1581, and ends 15 March 1582. 2. Mysteriorum liber secundus. The first leafe is utterly perished. It ends 21 March, 1582. 3. Mysteriorum liber tertius. It begins 28 April 1582, and ends 4 May, following. 4. Liber Mysteriorum quartus. It began 15 Nov. 1582, but the first leafe is lost. It ends 21 Nov. following. 5. Liber Mysteriorum quintus, 1583. It begins 23 March 1583, and ends 18 April following. 6. Quinti libri Mysteriorum appendix. It begins 20 April 1583, and ends 23 May following. * From Ashmole's MSS. No. 1790, fol. 52». 88 CATALOGUE OF DR. DEE's Note that some other of his bookes were set forth by Dr. Casaubon 1659, and the first action (in them) begins 5 daies after the last action of the foresaid appendix, viz. 28 May 1583;> which are these that follow. 7. Liber sexti Mysteriorum (et sancti) parallelus novalisque. It begins 28 May 1583, and ends 4 July following. 8. Liber Peregrinationis Primse (sexti Mystici paradromus). It begins 21 Sept. 1583, and ends 13 March 1584. 9. Mensis Mysticus Sabbaticus, pars prima ejusdem. It begins 10 April 1584, and ends the 30 of that moneth. 10. Libri Mystici Apertorii Cracoviensis Sabbatici 1584. But in Dr. Dee's MS. (from which it was printed) it hath this title, Libri septimi Apertorii Cracoviensis, Mystici Sabbatici, pars tertia, A^. 1584. And beside hath this note. Liber quartus decimus. The first action in this booke begins 7 May 1584, .and ends 22 May following. 11. Libri Septimi Apertorij Cracoviensis Mystici Sabbatici pars quarta. It begins 23 May 1584, and ends 12 July following. 12. Libri Cracoviensis Mysticus Apertorius. In the originall MS. it hath this marginall note, "Sive potius, pars quinta libri 7"^^ &c. Cracoviensis.^^ The first action in this booke begins 12 July 1544, and ends 1 5 August following. 13. Mysteriorum Pragensium liber primus Ceesareusque. It begins 15 Aug. stilo novo, 1584. At the bottome of the first leafe in the MS. is written, Liber 19us. The last action in this booke is the 7th of Oct. 1584. 14. Mysteriorum Pragensium Confirmatio. The first action begins 14 Jan. 1585, and ends the 20 of March following. LIBRARY OF MANUSCRIPTS. 89 15. Mysteriorum Pragensium Confirmatorum liber. This booke begins 20 Mar. 1585, and ends 6 June following. 16. Unica Actio; quae Paccisena vocatur. A°. 1585, Aug. 6. l^. Liber Resurectionis, to which the MS. adds, et 42 Mensium Fundamentum. It begins the 30 of April 1586. Actio prima et secunda ex septem : is also added in MS. The last action in this booke is 21 Jan. 1587. 18. Actio tertia. Mysteriorum divinorum memorabilia, ab ac- tionis (ex septem) tertise, descriptse exordio, cui dies 4° Aprilis, A". 1587, dicata fuit. It begins 4 April 1587? and ends 23 May following. Thus far from the Printed Booke. OTHER MANUSCRIPTS. 19. 48 Claves Angelicse. This booke is writen in the Angelick language. Interlined with an English translation. Cracoviae ab Aprilis 13 ad Julii 13 (diversis temporibus) receptse, A^ 1584. At the bottome of the title page. Liber 18. 20. Liber Scientiae, Auxilii et Victorise Terrestris. Maij 2, stilo novo, 1585 collectus ex prsemissis in lib. 10, et aliis. 21. De Heptarchia Mystica Collectaneorum, Lib: primus. 22. Liber Enoch. I suppose Liber Logaeth and this are all one, but in the MS. I copied myne from (which I borrowed from Sir John Cotton) it hath this Title, Liber Mysteriorum Sex- tus et Sanctus, Liber 8. 23. A Booke of Supplications and Invocations. CAMD. SOC. — DEE. N INDEX TO THE DIARY. Abbot (Mr.), 49. Addenstall (John), 59. Agar (Mr.), 54. Alaski (Prince Albert), 28, 43, 46. Sa- lutes Dr. Dee, 19- Comes to Lon- don, 20. Makes acquaintance with Dr. Dee, ib. Visits Dr. Dee twice, ib. Returns home, 21. Goes to Trebona and Warsaw, 22. Gives mo- ney to Dr. Dee, 23. Goes to Tre- bona and Cremona, ib. Goes to Tre- bona and Prague, 27. Alles (Mr.), 11. Aired (Richard), 48, 52. Anderson (Lord), 40. Anderson (Margaret), birth, 2. Anthony (Mr.), 63. Arnold (Edmund), 60, 61. Arnold (Richard), 62. Arundell (Mr.), birth, 1. Ashley (Mr.), visits Dr. Dee, 42. Re- turns home, 43. Ashley (Mrs.), 49. Visits Dr. Dee, 42. Returns home, 43. Ashmole (Elias), 38. Ashton (James), 55, 64. Ask (John), 2, 48. Aspland (William), 38. Aubrey (Dr.), 15, 39, 49. Death, 52. Aubrey (John), 32, 52, Aubrey (Mrs.), 6. Bacon (Mr.), 16. Baguely (Nicholas), 55. Bagwell (Nicholas), 54. Baily (Francis), 4. Baldwyn (Richard), 52. Banister (Mrs.), 46. Banks (Mr.), 54. Barber (Robert), 58. Bardman (Isabelle), 56. Barlow (Mr.), 60. Barnes (Mr.), conference with Dr. Dee respecting the North-West passage, !9. Barret (Mr.), 49, 60. Barret (Mrs.), 49. Barwick (Nurse) 34, 35, 36. Basset (John), 24, 28, 58. Tutor to Dr. Dee's children, 23. Quarrel with Thomas Kelly, 24. Baxter (Mr.), 61. Bayly (Dr.), 5. Baynton (Mr.), 52, Beale (Mr.), 18. 38, 46. Beale (Mrs.), 46, 53. Beck (William), 47. Bedell (Mr.) 38. Bedford (The Earl of), visits Dr. Dee, 2. 92 INDEX. Bele, V. Beale. Benet (Mrs.), 12. Berran (Mr.), 54. Besbich (Thomas), 3. Beston (Mrs.), 56. Bettgran (Mr.), 18. Biberstein (Lord), makes acquaintance with Dr. Dee, 23. Goes to Trebona, 24. Bigs (Mr.), 14. BiUings (Thomas), 64. Billingsley (Henry), 29. Birch (George), 61,64. Birch (Robert), 62. Blayney (John), 52. Blunt (Sir Charles), 45. Blunt (Francis), 44, 45. Blunt (Sir Michael), 44. Bodin (John), 10. Boordman (Elizabeth), 58. Booth (Sir George), 58, 63. Booth (Lady), 58. Bradley (Captain), 59. Bradshaw (Mr.), 57, 58, 60. Bragden (Edward), 15. Brandeburgh (Marquis of), 47. Brayce (Mrs.), 34. Brogreton (Mr.), 55. Broke (George), 52, 60, 61. Bromley (Mr.), 13. Browne (John), 2, 11, 58. Brunswick (the Duke of), 22. Brydock (Ed.), 61. Buckhurst (Lord), 51. Bull (Mr.), 50. Bullock (Mr.), 5. Burch (Mr.), 60. Burghley (Lord), 17, 35, 37, 39, 40,41, 50. Consultation with Dr. Dee, 9. Sends Dr. Dee some venison, 10. Dr. Dee dedicates his work on the calen- dar to him, 19. Illness, 42. Burrough (William), 21. Burton (Mr.), 7. Byron (John), 55. Byron (Sir John), 55. Dispute with Manchester College, 56. Caesar (Dr.), 60. Camaiere (Comelio), 46, 47. Camden (William), 40. Candish (Richard), 6, 34, 36, 37. Visits Dr. Dee, 33. Dr. Dee gives him a copy of Paracelsus, 35. Candish (Thomas), visits Dr. Dee, 34 Canterbury (Archbishop of), 15, 34, 35, 36, 37, 40, 42, 48,49, 50, 51,60,61. Carolius, 42. Carpe (John), 29, 30. Goes to Prague, 24. Makes furnaces, ib. Comes to Trebona, 26. Goes to Prague, 27. Carter (Oliver), 40, 53, 57, 59, 62, 64. Cary (Sir George), 33, 34. Cater (Mr.), visits Dr. Dee, 8. Cave (Mr.), 52. Cecil (Sir Robert), 40, 49, 55. Cecil (Sir Thomas), 40. Chaloner (Sir Thomas), 44. Charles (Robert), 41, 44, 46, 52, 60, 6i. Chester (Bishop of), 62. Chetham (Edmund), 64. Childe (Mr.), 45, 50. Childe (Mrs.), 47. Cholmeley (John), 41, 58, 59, 60. Chritzin (Captain), 27. Clement (Mr.), 17. Clerkson (Mr.), 14. Clinton (Lord), 7. INDEX. 93 Cobham (Lady), 33, 34, 41. Cobham(Lord),40, 41. Coke, V. Cooke. Cole (Ellen), 12, 13. Collens (Thomas), 12, 38. Colman (Mr.), 47. Constable (Mary), wages paid, 8. Cooke (Bridget), birth, 2. Cooke (John), Sir Humphrey Gilbert and Dr. Dee dines with him, 8. Cooke (Roger), 63, 64. The secret of the elixir revealed to him by Dr. Dee, 7. His violent bearing towards Dr. Dee, 11. His quarrel with Dr. Dee, 12. His departure from Mort- lake, 13. Cooper (Edmund), 28. Cooper (Jane), birth, 1. Cosener (Mr.), 53. Coverts (Mr.), 17. Coweller (Mr.), 8. Cowly (Anthony), 55. Unfriendly to Dr. Dee, 32. Cracht, 24. Cradocke(Dr.), 13. Crane (Fr.), 2. Crocker (John), 33, 57, 58, 60. Crofts (Sir James), 11. Crofts (Lady Catherine), 8, 11. Crowne (Mr.), 53. Cumber (Mr.), 36. Cumberland (Countess of), 47, 53. Cunstable (Mary), supernatural fire, 7. Curtes (Mr.), 56. Cutcheth (William), 59. Dale (Roger), 45. Dalton (Mr.), 34. Damport (Humphrey), 60, 63. Darant (Nurse), 8. David (Griffith), 57. Davis (Mr.), 63. Davis (Mrs.), 53. Davyes (Alise), 11. Davys (John), Reconciled to Dr. Dee, 6. Abuses Mr. Emery, 7. Conference with Dr. Dee about the North-west passage, 18, 19. Goes to Chelsea and Devonsiiire, 19. Day (Mr.), 51. Dee (Anthony), 37. Dee (Arnold), 52, 54-, 60. Dee (Arthur), 14, 34, 39, 42, 46, 64. Born, 4, Christened, ib. Illness, 7. Weaned, 8. His fall, 16. Wounded with a razor, 28. Accidentally hurt, 38. Sent to Westminster school, 40. Accidentally hurt at fencing, 60. Dee (Aubrey), 55. Dee (Catherine), 34, 39, 42, 46, 57, 63, 64. Born, 11. Baptised, fi. Sent home, 12. Her nurse paid, 13. Ill- ness, 16. Accidentally hurt, 30. Dee (Frances), 41, 43, 57. Born, 39. Dee (Jane), passim. Dee (Dr. John), passim. Situation of his house at Mortlake, 2. His chemi- cal diary, 10. Dreams he is dead, 17. Goes abroad with his family, 21. Returns to England, 32. Installed warden of Manchester, 55. Dee (Madinia), 33, 34, 38, 39, 48, 56. Dee (Margaret), 56. Born, 53. Bap- tised, ib. Weaned, 55. Dee (Mary), 25. Dee (Michael), weaned, 21. Acciden- tally wounds his eye, 25. Ill with an ague, 27. Illness and death, 50. 94 NDEX. Dee (Nicholas), 25. Dee (Rowland), 20, 21, 64. Baptised, 18. Goes to nurse, 19. Falls into the Thames, 35. Dee (Theodore), born, 26. Baptised, ib. Weaned, 31. Accident, 35. His eyes sore, 48. Illness, ib. Denby (Elizabeth), 42. Deny (Anne), born, 33. Deny (Dr.), 10. Derby (Countess of), 55, 59. Derby (Earl of), 52, 53, 55, 56, 59. Dickenson (R.), 60. Digges (Thomas), Lends Dr. Dee some money, 43. Diggs (William), 39. Dionysiis (D. de), 17. Dodding (Dr.), 39. Drake (Sir Francis), 11. Ducket (Lady), 34. Ducket (Sir Lionel), 6, 20. Duerend (Mr.), 31. Dumbell (Mr.), 64. Dunstan, Book of, 25. Dutton (Laurence), 54. Dyer (Mr.), 6, 19, 26, 37, 28, 29, 33. Visits Dr. Dee, 2. Ambassador to Denmark, 32. Reconciled to Dr. Dee, 38. Dymmock (Mr.), 52. Edmunds (Mr.), Makes acquaintance with him, 18. Edward (Roger), 4, 38, 61. Edwards (Edward), 54. Egerton (Lord Francis), 35. Dr. Dee dines with him, 46. Gives Mrs. Dee twenty angels, 47. Godfather to Margaret Dee, 53. Elizabeth (Queen), 34. Interview with Dr. Dee, 4. Goes to Richmond, 5. Interview with Dr. Dee, ib. Her disease, ib. Her dwarf, 8. Goes to Richmond, ib. Visits Dr. Dee at Mortlake, ib. Interview with Dr. Dee, 9. Removes from Richmond, 10. Goes to Whitehall, 13. Dines with Walsingham, 18. Calls on Dr. Dee, 19. Goes from Richmond to Green- wich, 20. Dr. Dee kisses her hand, ib. Goes from Greenwich to Sion, 21. Makes Dr. Dee a present of forty angels, ib. Interview with Dr. Dee on his return to England, 32. Favor- ably disposed towards Dr. Dee, 35. At Richmond, 36. Her kindness to Dr. Dee, ib. Discourse with, and liberality to Dr. Dee, 37. Her con- tinued kindness to Dr. Dee, 39. Sends a commission to Dr. Dee's house at Mortlake, 42. Gives him a hundred marks, ib. Receives Dr. Dee's acknowledgements, 43. Inter- views with Dr. Dee and his family, 49. Receives a petition from Mrs. Dee, 51. Appoints Dr. Dee warden of Manchester, 52. Receives Dr. Dee's Acknowledgements for being appoint- ed to the wardenship of Manchester through the Countess of Warwick, 53. Ellet (Oliver), 61. Elmeston (John), studies dialling under Dr. Dee, 6. Embden (Mr.), 32. Emery (William), 33, 44, 54, 59. His birth, 2. His dishonesty, 6. INDEX, 95 Essex (the Countess of), 53. Eton (Mr.), 15. Euclid, 29. Evans (John), 1. Faber (Martin), 17. Felde (Elizabeth), 50, 51, 53, 54. Fennar (William), birth, 1. Ferdinand (Mr.), 40. Fisher (Mr.), 33. Fitton (Sir Edward), 58. Fletcher (John), 60. Fletcher (Walter), 61. Fletewood (Sergeant), 44. Flower (Mr.), visits Dr. Dee, 5. Fosker (Mr.), visits Dr. Dee, 8. Fowler (William), 34. Frank (Anne), possessed by a spirit, 35. Anointed by Dr. Dee, ib. Attempts suicide, ib. Commits suicide, 36. Franken (Christian), recants his work against Christ, 23. His work against Christ exhibited by Dr. Dee before the Archbishop of Canterbury, 42. Franklin (Mrs.), 16. Fromonds (Elizabeth), visits Dr. Dee, 4. Fromonds (Jane), birth, 1. Marries Dr. Dee, 4. Goes to Richmond, 5. Fromonds (Mr.), visited by Dr. Dee, 4. Death, 6. Fromonds (Nicholas), 32, 33, 39, 40. Fuller (Mr.), 52. Gaele (Jane), 5, 8. Supernatural fire in her chamber, 7. Gardner (Robert), 16. Enters the ser- vice of Dr. Dee, 13. His philosoplii- cal secret, 15. Garland (Edward), visits Dr. Dee at Trebona, 22. Garland (Henry), 30. Garland (Francis), 22, 23, 24, 26, 28, 29, 31, 33, 35, 44, 48, 51. Garland (Robert), 26. Garret (Nurse), 12, 14, 15, 16. Gele, V. Gaele. Geoffry of Monmouth, 4. George (Sir Thomas), 42. Gerard (John), the celebrated herbalist, 16, 50. Gerard (Mr.), 63. Gerard (Mr.), 55. GifFard (Dr.), 40. Gilbert (Adrian), 7, 33. Is reconciled to Dr. Dee, 6. Conference with Dr. Dee about the North West voyage, 18, 19. Goes to Chelsea, 19. Goes to Brentford and Devonshire, 20. Trans- actions with Dr. Dee, 32. Gilbert (Sir Humphry), 4. Dr. Dee's dealing with him for his grant of dis- covery, 8. Grants Dr. Dee's request, ib. Gilbert (Sir John), 8. Glotz (Hans of), 31. Glotz (John of), 31, 32. Godolphin (G.), 10. Golding (Arthur), 60. Goodyer (Thomas), 53, 55, 61. Goodwyn (Mary), 56. Goose (Winifred), 32, 43. Birth, 2. " Evilly tempted," 40. Gore (F.), 25. Grant (Mr.), 40. Gray (Mr.), his attack on professors of alchemy, 47. Grey (Lord), 18. 96 INDEX. Griffith (Thomas), 27, 37, 57. Gubbens (Mr.), 46. Gwyn (John), 57. Hackluyt (Mr.), 4, 34. Halifax, 56. Haller (John Leonard), 11. Visits Dr. Dee, 17 {bis). Goes to Scotland, 18. Halton (John), 21. Hammond (John), 28, 31. Hankinson (Thomas), 22. Comes to Mortlake, 34. Hanward (John), 32. Harding (Mr.), 49. Hardy (John), 61. Harmer (Mr.), 63. Harper (Mr.), 32. Harriot (Thomas), 41. Harrughby (Mr.), 61. Hart (Mr.), English Minister at Stade, visits Dr. Dee, 31. Harward (Thomas), 49. Hatton (Sir Christopher), 5. Audience with Dr. Dee, 4. Knighted, ib. Hatton (Randal), 14. Haut (Nicholas du), 22. Hawghton (Mr.) 55. Hawkins (Mr.), U, 45. Haylok (Mr.), 12. Haywood (Sir Rowland), 4. Hazelwood (Catharine), 52. Hazelwood (Marmion), 51, 52. Hazelwood (William), birth, 31. Hearne (Thomas), 19, 37. Hendor (Captain), makes acquaintance with Dr. Dee, 49. Henedge (Sir Thomas), 51. Henrick (Mr.), 12, 13. Herbert (John), 6, 17, 18, 36, 38, 45, 46, 52, 53. Herbert (Mary), 14. Herbert (Mrs.), 14, 42. Herbert (William), 10, 13, 14, 64. His annotations on Dr. Dee's Monas Hieroglyphica, 3. Heriot (Mr.), 41, 48. Hertford (the Countess of), birth, 4. Her gift to Frances Dee, 57. Hesketh (Richard), 12. Hess (Dr. Andrew), 12. Hesse (the Landgrave of), 31, Hetherley (William), 53. Heton (Matthew), 57, 60. Heydon (Mr.), birth 1. Hickman (Ambrose), 39. Hickman (Bartholomew), 5, 13, 37, 38, 39, 41, 44, 45,46, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53, 55, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 64. His birth, 1. His papers destroyed by Dr. Dee, 63. Hickman (Jane), 38, 50. Hickman (Richard), 5. Hickman (William), 48. Hill (Auditor), 41. Hilton (Edmund), 24, 27, 29, 39,31, 32, 34, 35, 54, Hilton (John), 3. Hilton (Robert), 6, 13, 21. Hinde (Mr.), 11. Hipwell (Mr.), 52. Hitchcock (Mr.), 5. Hodges (Owen), 64. Holcroft (Mr.), 64. Holden (Ralph), 55, 56, 60. Holland (Adam), 63, 64. Holland (Miles), 46, 47. Holland (Richard), 62. INDEX. 97 Hollinshed (Ralph), 62. Holtens (Mr.), 17. Homes (Mr.), 46. Hone (Dr.), 54. Hook (Thomas), 21. Hooper (Walter), 3. Hopwood (Edward), 57, 59. Hudson (Thomas), 11,34,38. Birth, 2. Conference about the North-West passage, 19. Hulme(Mr.), 58. Huyck (Dr.), 2. Hynde (Edward), 3, 14. Ingram (Mr.), 17. Ive (Mr.), 14. Jack (Thomas), 32, 33, 34. Jackesbite (Robin), 16. Jones (Morgan), 52. Jones (Thomas), 7, 36, 37, 56. Jones (Sir Thomas), 38. Jonson (Mr.), 51. Julius (Dr.), 60. Kay (Roger), 56, 59. Kelly (Edward), 32, 33, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53. Birth, 1. His sister, ib. An apothecary in Worcester, ib. Goes to Blakley, 17. Goes to London, 20. Goes abroad, 21. Dr. Dee is sent to him, ib. Stops three weeks at Prague, ' ib. Makes gold, 22. Goes to Prague and Trebona, ib. Quarrel and recon- ciliation with Dr. Dee, 23. Goes to Prague, 24. To Trebona, ib. Dis- CAMD. SOC. DEE. pute with Dr. Dee, ib. Accident with his spirit-lamp, 25. Invites Dr. Dee to his house, ib. Goes to Crum- low,ib. Distils sericon, 26. Informs Dr. Dee of treacherous friends, ib. Reveals a great secret to Dr. Dee, 27. Falls ill with an ague, ib. Goes to Prague, 29. Returns thence, ib. Dr. Dee gives his glass to him, ib. Gives Dr. Dee's glass to Lord Rosenberg, 30. His bad conduct to Dr. Dee, 34. His work on alchemy, 35. Dreamt of by Dr. Dee, 44. Set at liberty by the emperor, 46, 47. His death, 54. Kelly (Lydia), 21, 28. Birth, 2. Goes abroad, 21. Gives birth to a still- born child, 26. Is written to by Dr. Dee in a friendly manner, 27. Goes to Punchartz, 29. Gives birth to twins still-born, 30. Goes to Eng- land, 31. Kelly (Thomas), 25, 32, 33, 34, 44, 50. Birth, 2. Marriage, 23. Goes to Prague, 24- Kemp (Randall), 41, 62. Kenion (George), 4&, 61. Kent (Countess of), 51. Visits Dr. Dee, 47. Key (Richard), 57. Khanradt (Dr. Kenrich), 31. Killegrew (Sir John), 17. King (Mr.), 12. Knaresborough (Bartholomew), 16. Knaresborough (Thomas), 45. Kooke (Roger), v. Cooke. Kyffin (Morrice), 10, 15, 48. Kylmer (George), makes acquaintance with Dr. Dee, 13. Kyrton (Elizabeth), 11,46. 98 INDEX. Laen (Van der), 47, 48. Laguey (Sir Richard), 33. Laiesley (Mr.), 42. Laigham (Bishop of), 42. His quarrel with Dr. Dee, 43. Langley(Mr.),63. Larder (Mr.), 11. Laward (Mr.) 44, 51. Laward (Thomas), 51, 52. Lawrence (John), 48, 59, 61. Lee (Mr.), schoolmaster at Morttake, 16, 33, 35. Makes acquaintance with Dr. Dee, 18. Lee (Mrs.), 46. Legg (Dorothy), 47. Legh (Charles), 55, 57, 62, 64. Legh (Richard), 64. Legh (Robert), 62. Legh (Sir Urien), 58. Leicester (The Earl of), 20. Visits Dr. Dee, 2. Sends Dr. Dee abroad, 5, Intercedes with the Queen for Dr. Dee, 21. Leon (Mr.), 56. Lewknor (Mary), birth, 1. Lewys (John), 5, 16, 17. Lewys (Dr.), 6. Lewys, the proctor, 36. LiUy(John), 32. Lincoln (Bishop of), 58. Littlechild (John), 14. Lloyd (Oliver), 21, 53. Lock (Benjamin), 8, 17. Lock (Mr.), 8, 54. Lock (Zachariah), 8. London (Bishop of), 9, 34. Lording (Mr.), 47. Losin (George), 31. Lurensey (Mr.), 42. Lydgatt (Nurse), 19, 21, 54. Lyne (Ellen), 3. Death, 5. Mains (Mr.), 30. Mallett (Walter), 50. Martyn (Richard), 47. Maspely (Nurse), 12. Mather (Dr.), Bishop of Bristol, 37. Mathias (Zacharias), 30. Maynard (Edward), 39- Maynard (Henry), birth, 28. Death, 43. Maynard (Robert), 37, 40, 43. Maynard (William), birth, 21. Memschit (James), 22. Meulen(D. V.), birth, 1. Middleton (Mr.), Bishop of St. David's, visits Dr. Dee, 18. Mills (Mr.), 20. Molyneux (Lady), 55. Molyneux (Sir ), 55. Monteagle (Lord), 16. Morgan (Mr.), 40. Morley (Lord), 16. Morryce (John), 57. Moscovy (Emperor of), 22. Mountjoy (Lord), 45. Mownson (Elizabeth), birth, 2. jNIownson (Thomas), 39. His sister, 2. Birth, ib. Multon (Daniel van der), visits Dr. Dee, 31. Murphyn (Vincent), slanders Dr. Dee, 3 (bis). His law-suit against Dr. Dee, 9. Loses his cause, 10. Judg- ment given against him, ib. Re- leased, ib. Myniver (Dr.), 16. Nant (Lieutenant), 44. INDEX. 99 Nettlebronner (Conrad), 35. Nevell (Mary), 40, 53, 61. Birth, 1. Newbury (Mr.) 17. Newsam (Bartholomew) , lends money to Dr. Dee, 3. Newton (Mr.), 62. Nichols (Francis), 44, 47, 49, 57, 61, 62, 63. Dispute between him and Dr. Dee, 48. Nichols (Mary), 62, 63. Nichols (William), 63. Nicholson (William), 55, 61. Nores (Mr.), 47. North (Mr.), comes from Poland, 19. Brings salutations to Dr. Dee and Queen Elizabeth, ib. Norton (John), 54. Nutthall (Francis), 56. Oliver (Thomas), makes acquaintance with Dr. Dee, 39. Osborn (Mr.), 17. Osmond (the Earl of), 17. Ottomeen (Mr.), makes acquaintance with Dr. Dee, 18. Owen, (Mr.), 14. Packington (Mr.), 11. Paget (Mr.), 55. Palmer (Matthew), 57, 58, 59, 60. Parpoynt, v. Perpoynt. Parry (Mrs. Blanche), 6. Partrich (Mr.), 52. Peckham (Sir George) 17. Conference with Dr. Dee, 16. Peiser (Dr. Michael), visits Dr. Dee, 47. Peregrinus (David), 26. Peregrinus (Peter), 26. Perkins (Mr.), 31. Perpoynt (Magdalen), 46, 49. Perpoynt (Mark), 44, 46. His house purchased by Dr. Dee, 45. Perrot (Sir John), executed, 40. Pezelia (Dr.),. 57. Phillips (Mr.), 16. Plan (Mrs.), 46. Plat (Mr.), 17. Pole (William), 16. Ponsoys, or Pontoys (John), 41, 46, 47, 59, 61. Birth, 2. Powell (Mr.), the younger, makes ac- quaintance with Dr. Dee, 18. Powell (Anne), 52. Prise (Harry), 47. His dreams, 10. Prychard (Mr.), 36. Pucci (Francis), 23. His dealings with Edward Kelly, 26, 27. Radford (Mr.), 19. Randolph II., 29. Ratclyf(John), 59, 60, 63. Raleigh (Walter), afterwards knighted, 20. Letter to Dr. Dee, 21. Dr. Dee dines with him, 54. Raynolds (Mr.), 4. Redhed (Mrs.), 46. Redishmer, 62. Reimer (Joachim), 30. Reinhold (Dr. Victor), 21,22, 27. Revel (Mary), 47. Richardson (Thomas), 44, 47, 48, 49, 50. Ripley (The Canon), 26. Rogers (Daniel), 4. Rogers (William), commits suicide, 3. Rolls (Edward), 29. 100 INDEX. Rosenbergh (Lady), 29. Rosenbergh (Lord), 22, 23, 24, 29. Gives Dr. Dee's glass to the emperor, 30. Rowland (Arthur), 56, 62. Rowland (Nurse), 20 {bis). Rowlaschy, 25. Rowley (Edward), 28, 29, 51. Russell (Lady), 48. Robbed of her jewels, 39. Russell (Lord) 20. Russell (Margaret), Countess of Cum- berland. Birth, 1. Ryve (Antony), 60. Sagiensis (Radolphus), a chemist, 30. Sankinson (Thomas), 58. Saunders (Mr.), 39. Saville (Henry), 56. Makes acquaint- ance with Dr. Dee, 18. Visits Dr. Dee, 55. Sawl (Barnabas), 14, 16. Troubled with a spirit, 13. Speaks ill of Dr. Dee, 15. Sawl (Edward), 14. Saxton (Christopher), 55. Surveys Manchester, 56. Schwiczenbagh (The Earl of), 30. Scotland (The Bishop of), 37. Selbury (Mr.), 2. Shallcross (James), 58, 60. Sharp (Thomas), 48, 50. Sherington (Mr.), 55. Sidney (Sir Philip), 20. Visits Dr. Dee, 2. Simkinson (Thomas), 30. Simon (Alexander), visits Dr. Dee, 3. Simons (Phillip), 16. Skullthorp (Mr.), 14. Skydmor (Lady), 51. Skydmor (Mary), 11. Skydmor (Mr.), 7. Smyth (Gawayne), 32, 35. Smyth (Hugh), 11. Smyth (John), 39. Smyth (Mr.), 61. Smith (Thomas), 40. Sombius, 42. Southwell (Thomas), 32. Visits Dr. Dee at Trebona, 28. Tries to recon- cile Dr. Dee and Kelly, ib. Possesses a lump of the philosopher's stone, ib. Spenser (John), visits Dr. Dee, 33. Stafford (Mrs.), arrests Dr. Dee, 16. Stale (Mr.), 28. Standysh (Mr.), 58. Stanley (Sir William), 31. Statfeldt (John), 53. Statfeldt (Timothy), 53. Sted (Charles), 17, 54,61. Stephen (Robert), 57. Steward (Simeon), birth, 2. Stockden (John), 34, 45, 46, 49. Stockden (Mrs.), 36, 50. Stoner(Mr.), 8. Stoner (Mr), birth, 35. Strange (Andrew), 38. Stubble (Margery), 53. Stubble (Nurse), 54, 56. Stubley(John), 56. Sussex (The Earl of), his quarrel with the Earl of Leicester, 12. Suttley (Thomas), 10. Swallow (Samuel), birth 2. Swyft (Mr.), 28. INDEX. 101 Talbot (Mr.), 15, 16. Talsley (Robert), 58. Tattin (Rolous), 31. Tavistock (The Earl of), 16. Taylor (Antony Ryve), 50. Taylor (John), 59. Taylor (Mr.), 5. Taylor (Ralph), 59. Thaneth (Robert), 40,41, 44. Theneth, v. Thaneth. Thickpenny (Robert), 47. Thomas (Robert), 50. Thornton (Margery), 46, 47. Thurp (Mr.), 58. Thynne (Mr.), 61. Tomasin (Mrs.), the Queen's dwarf, 8. Tomson (Mr.), 45. Townson (Mr.), conference with Dr. Dee concerning the North -west pass- age, 19. Traherne (Morgan), 48, 53. Traves (James), 56. Treherne, v. Traherne. Turnifer (Mr.), 5. Twyne (Mrs.), 46. Tyldesley(Mr.),56. Tyndale (Mrs.), 37, 38. Walder (Mr.), 59. Walkedine (Richard), 42, 54, 68, 60, 61. Walker (William), 46. Walkson (Richard), 60. Walls (Mrs.), 52. Walmesley (Mr. Sergeant), 14. Walsingham (Sir Francis), 6, 31, 32. Conference with Dr. Dee, 4. Sends Dr. Dee abroad, 5. Conference with Dr. Dee about the North-west pass- age, 18 {bis). Queen Elizabeth dines with him, 18. Calls on Dr. Dee, 19. His death, 33. Walsingham (Lady), 33. Calls on Dr. Dee, 19. Ward (Richard), 52. Warren (Mr.), 41, 52. Warwick (Countess of), 40, 42, 43, 49, 53. Waters (Henry), 12. Webb (Robert), 38, 39, 41, 44, 46, 47, 49, 50. Webbes (Adolphus), 40, 44, 48. Com- mitted to prison, 47. Webber (Thomas), 44. Welder (Robert), 45, 46. Welder (Mrs.), 38. Welsham (Robert), 57. Werall (Mr.), 59. Western (Richard), 54. White (Richard), 8, 49. Whitlock (Edward), 28. Wier (Mr.), 57. Wilks (Sir Thomas), 48. Willemots (Master), 52. WiUiams (Mr.), 8. Williamson (Thomas), 58, 62. Willoughby (Lord), 51. Birth, 1. Dines with Dr. Dee, 47. Makes him a present, ib. Withenstalls (Mr.), 62. Witischindi (D.), 32. Wodcote (Francis), 57. WoUy (Sir John), 49. 51. WoUy (Mr.), 42. Wood (Robert), 48, 53. Wortley (Mr.), 58, 63. Wye (Thomas), 49. 102 INDEX. Wykham (Mr.), 13. Wyse (Harry), 40. Xyd, 55. Yardely (Mr.), 59. Yong (Mr.), 17, 26, 29, 31, 32, 34. Conference with Dr. Dee about the North- West passage, 19. Zacharias, the Book of, 25. Zackinson (Mr.), visits Dr. Dee, 8. LONDON : J. B. NICHOLS AND SON, PRINTERS, 25, PARLIAMENT-STREET. CAMDEN W ^^^ m. SOCIETY. FOR THE PUBLICATION OF EARLY HISTORICAL AND LITERARY REMAINS. At a General Meeting of the Camden Society held at the Freemasons' Tavern, Great Queen Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields, on Monday the 2nd May, 1842, THOMAS AMYOT, Esq. F.R.S., Treas. S.A., Director, IN THE CHAIR. The Director having opened the business of the Meeting, The Secretary read the Report of the Council agreed upon at their meeting of the 28th April last, whereupon it was Resolved, That the said Report be received and printed, and that the Thanks of the Society be given to the Council for their services. The Thanks of the Society were also voted to the Editors of the Society's publications ; to the Right Honourable Thomas Grenville ; to the Master and Fellows of St. Peter's College, Cambridge; to J. I. Black- burn, Esq. M.P. ; to the Local Secretaries ; and to Messrs. Nichols, for the assistance towards attaining the objects of the Society mentioned in the Report as having been given by them. The Secretary then read the Report of the Auditors, agreed upon at their meeting of the 30th of April last, whereupon it was Resolved, That the said Report be received and approved, and that the Thanks of the Society be given to the Auditors for their trouble. Thanks were then voted to the Director, Treasurer, and Secretary for their services during the past year ; and 2 ANNIVERSARY MEETING OF 1842. The Meeting then proceeded to the election of Officers, when The Right Hon. Lord Francis Egerton, M.P. was elected President, and Thomas Amyot, Esq. F.R.S. Treas. S.A. The Right Hon. Lord Braybrooke. John Bruce, Esq. F.S.A. John Payne Collier, Esq. F.S.A. Charles Purton Cooper, Esq. Q.C. D.C.L. F.R.S. F.S.A. T. Crofton Croker, Esq. F.S.A. M.R.LA. Sir Henry Ellis, K.H. F.R.S. Sec. S.A. James Orchard Halliw^ell, Esq. F.R.S., F.S.A. The Rev. Joseph Hunter, F.S.A. Sir Frederic Madden, K.H., F.R.S., F.S.A. John Herman Merivale, Esq. F.S.A. The Rev. Lancelot Sharpe, M.A., F.S.A. Thomas Stapleton, Esq. F.S.A. William John Thoms, Esq. F.S.A. and Thomas Wright, Esq. M.A., F.S.A. were elected as the Council, and John Yonge Akerman, Esq. F.S.A. Charles Frederick Barnwell, Esq. F.R.S., F.S.A., and Peter Cunningham, Esq. were elected Auditors of the Society for the ensuing year. Thanks were then voted to the Director, for his able conduct in the Chair. ELECTION OF OFFICERS, 1842. At a Meeting of the Council of the Camden Society held at No. 25, Parliament Street, Westminster, on Thursday the 5 th May, 1842, Thomas Amyot, Esq. in the Chair; The Council having proceeded to the Election of Officers, — Thomas Amyot, Esq. was elected Director; John Bruce, Esq. Treasurer ; and William J. Thoms, Esq. Secretary, for the Year next REPORT OF THE COUNCIL. DATED 1st MAY, 1842. The Council elected on the 3rd May 1841 are pleased to be able to report that the affairs of the Society continue in a condition of unabated prosperity. The number of 1200 Members, to which the Society is limited, has been maintained ; and there continues to be a large number of Candidates for admission upon vacancies. The investment standing in the names of the Trustees for the Society has been increased, since the last General Meeting, from the sum of £408 05. 4d., Three per Cent, consols, to £574 135. 8d. This increase has arisen from the investment of sums received for Compositions ; and the Council recommend that whatever sum may now be in hand on that account, should be added to the investment. The Council have added the following gentlemen to the list of Local Secretaries : — The Rev. Joseph Bosworth, LL.D. for Nottingham. Richard Rees, Esq. F.S.A. for Cardiff, in the place of Captain W. H. Smyth, retired. James Heywood Markland, Esq. F.R.S. F.S.A. for Bath, in the place of Rev. WilHam L. Nichols, who has removed. The Publications for the past year have been — The Second Book of the Travels of Nicander Nucius, a Corey raean Gentleman who came to England in the suite of an Ambassador from the Netherlands, sent by the Emperor Charles V. to the Court of Henry VIII. : translated from the Original Greek MS. formerly belonging to Archbishop Laud, and now preserved in the Bodleian Library. Edited by the Rev. John Antony Cramer, D.D. Principal of New Inn Hall, and Public Orator, Oxford. The Latin Poetry of Walter Mapes, Archdeacon of Oxford at the beginning of the thirteenth century. Edited by Thomas Wright, Esq. M.A., F.S.A. and Three inedited Early English Metrical Romances. Edited, from a MS. in the possession of J. I. Blackburn, Esq. M.P., by John Robson, Esq, 4 REPORT OF THE COUNCIL, 1842. And— The Private Diary of Dr. John Dee, from the MS. in the Ashmolean Library, together with a Catalogue of MSS. in his Library. Edited by James Orchard Halliwell, Esq. F.R.S., F.S.A. is completed at the press, and will be ready for delivery to the Members by the end of the present month. The Council have followed the pre- cedent of former years, in directing that there should be appended to the last-mentioned volume a list of the Members of the Society for the past year ; and, if the General Meeting think proper, this Report and that of the Auditors may also be added. The Council have much satisfaction in being able to state that the " Apology for the Lollards,^' a work attributed to WickliiFe, which has been so long delayed by reason of the many engagements of the Editor, the Rev. Jas. Henthorn Todd, D.D. is now on the eve of completion ; and will certainly be ready for delivery in the ensuing year. Considerable progress has also been made with the " Promptorium,^' a Latin and English Dictionary of words in use during the fifteenth cen- tury, editing by Albert Way, Esq. F.S.A. a work which the Council be- lieve will be one of great merit and utility ; and a portion of it will be one of the publications of the ensuing year. Besides the Apology for the Lollards and the Promptuary, the follow- ing works have been ordered to be put to press at the convenience of their Editors and the Society, and will be published as soon as they are ready. A Collection of Original Letters and Papers of Literary Men of England during the Reigns of Elizabeth and James I., including some Unpublished Papers of Camden. To be edited by Sir Henry Ellis, K.H., F.R.S., F.S.A. Latin Romance Narratives and Legends of the thirteenth, fourteenth, and fifteenth Centuries, relating to King Arthur and other Heroes of the Welsh and Breton cycle of Fiction. To be edited by Sir Frederic Madden, K.H., F.R.S., F.S.A. Letters and State Papers relating to the Proceedings of the Earl of Leicester in the Low Countries, in the years 1585 and 1586, derived from a MS. placed at the REPORT OF THE COUNCIL, 1842. 5 disposal of the Society by Frederick Ouvry, Esq. and other sources. To be edited by John Bruce, Esq. F.S.A. The Private Diary of Thomas Cartwright, Bishop of Chester, temp. James II. The Romance of Jean and Blonde of Oxford, by Philippe de Reims, an Anglo- Norman Poet, of the latter end of the twelfth Century. To be edited from a Unique MS. in the Royal Library at Paris, by M. Le Roux de Lincy, editor of the Ro- man de Brut. The Council have added the following works to the list of Suggested Publications — A Collection of Original Letters relating to the Dissolution of the Monasteries and some other points connected with the Refonnation. To be edited by Thomas Wright, Esq. M.A., F.S.A. Specimens of the Anglo-Latin Poets from the seventh to the thirteenth century, selected from inedited MSS. and arranged chronologically, with notices of the Writers and popular Notes. To be edited by Thomas Wright, Esq. M.A., F.S.A. Contemporary Diary of a resident in London, extending from the Year 1550 to 1563, now the Cottonian MS. Vitellius F. v. To be edited by John Gough Nichols, Esq. F.S.A. The Council have to direct the attention of the Society to the obliga- tions conferred upon it by J. I. Blackburne^ Esq. M.P. by giving the So- ciety the use of the MS. of the Three Romances^ edited by Mr. Robson. Also by the Right Hon. Thomas Grenville^ in placing in Air. Way's hands, upon the application of the Director^ his valuable early printed editions of the '^ Promptorium/^ which Mr. Way wished to use for his edition of that work ; and by the Master and Fellows of Saint Peter^s Col- lege, Cambridge, for the readiness with which^ upon a similar application, they lent the Council, for the use of Mr. Way, a valuable MS., entitled Campus Florum. The same exertions, in behalf of the Society, which former Councils have acknowledged, have been continued to be made by the Local Secretaries, and other friends of the Society resident in the country ; and the Council trust that such exertions will not be relaxed. To diffuse a knowledge of 6 REPORT OF THE COUNCIL, 1842. the existence and objects of the Society tends, not merely to promote its welfare, but also to carry out the purpose for which it was established, by directing the attention of the possessors of MSS. to those collections in which there yet exist, unpublished, inestimable papers which this Society would be ready and willing to make available. Messrs. Nichols have continued to the Council the same attentions, and have rendered them the same valuable and gratuitous assistance in the general management of the affairs of the Society, which they have given from its Institution. Nothing can be more honourable to Messrs. Nichols, or more advantageous to the Society; and the Council are assured, that it is only necessary for them to state the fact to the Mem- bers, in order to its being duly appreciated. The Council have to regret the loss, by death, during the last year, of the Rt. Hon. Thos. P. Courtenay, who, in addition to valuable services as a Member of the Council, was one of the Trustees of the Society, and gave much attention to its affairs. The Council have filled up the vacancy in the Trusteeship by electing to that office Charles Purton Cooper, Esq. LL.D., Q.C, F.R.S., F.S.A. The Council have also to regret the death of Henry Bower, Esq. F.S.A. the very zealous and efficient Local Secretary of the Society at Don- caster ; and also of the following other Members : Thomas Barnes, Esq. George Frederick Beltz, Esq. F.S.A. Lancaster Herald. Henry Eyton, Esq. The Rev. Thomas Dudley Fosbrokb, F.S.A. F. T. Grayling, Esq. Lieut.-Col. John Harvey. John Holmes, Esq. F.S.A. East Retford. Theodore Edward Hook, Esq. F.S.A. Henry Mitchison, Esq. John Moore, Esq. F.S.A. The Right Hon. the Earl of Munster, F.R.S., Pr. As. S. REPORT OF THE COUNCIL, 1842. 7 The Rev. George Frederick Nott, D.D., F.SA. Edward Skegg, Esq. F.R.G.S. John Sydney Taylor, Esq. Lieut.-Gen. William Thornton. Henry Woodthorpe, Esq. F.S.A. The Council report that the Treasurer, having found that other en- gagements prevented his any longer devoting to the accounts and finan- cial correspondence of the Society the time and attention which, after an experience of three years, he found to be absolutely necessary to be given to them, submitted to the Council the propriety of their accepting his resignation, or of making some other arrangement with respect to the accounts. The Council, regarding the subject as one vitally affecting the welfare of the Society, proceeded immediately to take it into their consi- deration, and are happy to be able to report that they have effected an arrangement by which the accounts are now kept, and the financial correspondence is attended to, by the Secretary, the Treasurer still con- tinuing responsible to the Society. This arrangement will put the Society to a small annual expense, which can very well be afforded, and which the Council are persuaded the Members will think well bestowed, if it has the effect of preserving accuracy in the accounts. The recent arrangements in the Post Office render it easy for country Members to transmit their sub- scriptions by Post Office orders, which course the Council recommend to be adopted, making the Post Ofiice orders payable to the Treasurer. After the lapse of four years of continuing prosperity the Council hope that the Camden Society may be regarded as having taken a permanent station amongst established publishing associations. Many societies have been founded upon similar principles, and one considerably out-numbers this Society in Members : but there is no one which can produce better evidences of stability and prosperity, or which has greater reason to be satisfied with the estimation in which its works are regarded by the public. Amongst the Candidates for admission recently entered there are many Public Libraries and other bodies, whose desire to participate in 8 REPORT OF THE COUXCIL, 1842. the advantages of Membership indicates the reputation of the Society, both in this and other countries ; and the prices maintained by our books when copies get abroad into the market, afford encouraging proof of the demand for them on the part of collectors and literary men. In four years the Society has issued eighteen volumes, all of them works excluded from the ordinary mode of publication, and yet worthy of being published, of eminent use to historical inquirers, and likely to retain a place in the permanent literature of the country. The forthcoming works are fully calculated to maintain, if not to increase, the reputation of the Society, and the Council see no reason to doubt but that the Society may long usefully and prosperously retain its station, and the number of its Members. REPORT OF THE AUDITORS, Dated 30th April, 1842. We, the Auditors appointed to audit the Accounts of the Camden Society, report to the Society, that the Treasurer has exhibited to us his accounts, from the 27th day of April, 1841, to the 30th day of April, 1842, and that we have examined the same, together with the vouchers relating thereto, and find the same to be correct and satisfactory. And we further report that the following is a correct Abstract of the Receipts and Expenditure of the Society during the period to which we have referred. REPORT OF THE AUDITORS. An ABSTRACT of the RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE of THE CAMDEN SOCIETY, from the 27th April, 1841, to the 30th April, 1842. Balance of last year's account 393 1841, ^ April 27th, (Received on account to 1842, f of Subscriptions of April30th. J members in arrear... The like on account of Subscriptions due 1st May, 1841 Two half-year's di\'i- dends on £574. 13s. Sd, 3 per cent, con- sols, standing in the names of the Trus- tees for the Society Compositions received from six members . 12 2 68 . 956 17 4 8 60 Total receipts for the year jf 1,494 16 10 £. s. d. Paidforthepurchaseofi?l66.135.4rf. 3 per cent, consols, invested for the benefit of the Society 150 Paid for printing and paper of 1 ,250 copies of " The Irish Narratives" 96 12 6 The like of " Walter Mapes " 277 15 The likeof "Nicander Nucius".. 98 11 9 The like of " Metrical Romances" 109 12 Paid for binding copies of the past year's books, not before charged 3 6 The like for binding 1,200 copies of " The Irish Narratives " 48 The like for binding 1 ,200 copies of each of the three books published for this year 153 12 Paid for delivery and transmis- sion of 1 ,200 copies of the ' ' Irish Narratives," and of each of the three works for the present year — at 2 vr. u_ O <>Nl-llBRARYQ^ ^^V\EUNIVER5'/4 ^lOSANCflfXy. a>,NH!BRARYQ^ ^MEUNIVER^ ^lOSANCFlfj> ^.OFCAIIFO/?^^ <> g ^OPCAIIFO/?^ ^\\EU^IIVER5/^ ^lOSANCElfj> IVERJ/4 ^lOS ANCElfj^,^ ..^HIBRARYq^, ^^^Aii!BBARY6^. <^ Or ^ ^lOS ^AaaAii 1)1 i^ 11^ -^A 3» ;,OFCAII ^^AHU^ ;^^ >ios- ^ ^ c^^^ KlOS/ r" o ■n CJ r\'; \