THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES ^2'./ K ''^^/^w2^/ ■.tet!i^i» /J' / yJ . ACTS AND STATUTES, Made in a PARLIAMENT begun at Dubtin, the Twenty-fecond V)z.y.oi Odohcr, Anno Dom. ij6t, in the Firll; Year of the Reign of our Mod Gracious Sovereign Lord King GEORGE the Third. Before His Excellency Dunk, Earl of Halifax, Lord Lieutenant General, and General Governor of Ireland. DUBLIN: Printed by Boulter G r i e r s o k, Pri nter to the King's . Mofl Excellent Majefty. MDCCLXII. :■ -v ^ \ '. -•! T vl U C T H ^ CONTENTS O F T HE FIRST SESSION O F King GEORGE III. C H A P. L AN A61 for granting and continuing td His Majefty, an additional Duty on Beer, Ale, Strong Waters, Wine, To- bacco, Hides, and other Goods and Merchan- dizes therein mentioned ; and for prohibiting the Importation of Gold and Silver Lace, ex- cept of the Manufadure of Great Britain. Page 3 3 2 CHAP. 8H3&30 The CONTENTS, CHAP. 11. An A6t for granting to His Majefly a further additional Duty on Wine, Silk, Hops, China, Earthen; Japanned, Lacquered Ware, and Vi- negar, and for better fecuring the Repayment of One Hundred and Fifty Thouland Pounds, paid into the Treafiiry for die Suppoit of His Majefty's Government, purluant to an Ad: of the laft Seflion, together with the Intereft thereof; and for fecuring the Repayment of fuch Sums of Money, not exceeding in the Whole the Sum of Three Hundred Thouiand- Pounds, as have been, or fhall be paid' into the Trealiiry, or fhall be advanced to His prelent Majefty, purfuant to the Refblntions of the Houfe of Commons, the laft Sellion of Parliament, together with the Intereft thereof. Page 29 C H A P. ni. An Ad to perpetuate, with Amendments, a Claufe in an Ad pafled in the Ninth Year of His late Majefty King George the Second, In- tituled, An A8 for the more effeBual ciffigning of Judgments^ and for the more fpcedy Recovery of Reiits by Diftrefs. Page 47 CHAP. The CONTENT S, CHAP. IV. An A<5t for allowing further Time td Perfbh^ in Offices or Employments, to qualify them- felves, pudiiant to an Ad:, Intituled, An Ad to prevent the further Gfowth of Topery, Page 53 C H A ?. V. Ah A£l for granting to His Majefty, the fe^ veral Duties, Rates, and Impofitions, there- in exprefled, to be applied to pay an In- tereft, at the Rate of Five Pounds per Cen- tum per Annum y for the fe veral Sums there- in provided for, and towards the Difcharge of the faid Principal Sums. 59 C M A P. VI. ■JM^' An A6t for Licenfing Hawkers and Pedlars, and for Encouragement of Englifh Proteflant Schools. 87 c H A t>. vn. An Ad for cotitihuing and amending arf ^£r, Intituled, An A& for better regulating the ColleBwn of His Majeflys R^enue, and for preventwq^ Frauds thereir^ ; and for repealing an b Adt The CONTENTS. A61 made the laft Seflion of Parliament, Intituled, An AB for continuing and amending fever al Laws heretofore made, relating to His Majeflys Revenue, and for the more eff'eBual preventing of Frauds in His Majejiys Cujioms and Excife^ and the fever al A6ls and Statutes which are mentioned in the faid A6t, and conti- nued thereby. 103 CHAP. VIII. An A(5t to enable Tenants for Life to make perpetual Leafes of Grounds whereon to ered publick Holpitals. 127 CHAP. IX* Ati Ad to prevent the counterfeiting Gold and Silver Lace, and for fettling and adjufting the Proportions of fine Gold, Silver, and Silk, and for the better making of Gold and Silver Thread. 131 C H A P. X. , An A(5t to prevent the excefTive Price of Coals in the City of Dublin. i^t CHAP. The CONTENTS. C H A P. XI. An Adt to prevent Abufes committed by Jul^ tices of Peace, afting under the Charters of Cities and Towns Corporate. 157 CHAP. xn. An AS: for the Security of Proteftant Pur- chafers. 163 Chap. xm. An AS: for quieting the Pofleflibns of Pfotef tants, deriving under Converts from the Po- pifh Religion^ 169 CHAP. XIV; An AS for preventing Frauds and Abufes iii the vending, preparing, and adminiftrifig Drugs and Medicines. 17^ ' CHAP W^ "^^^ Yiq-5;id5 CHAP. XV. J i,^^;| 3^;f An A6i for altering and amending ak.ASpf Parliament pafled in the Seventh Year of b 2 the The CONTENT S. the Reign of His late Majefty King George the Second, Intituled, An A8 for repairing the Road leading from the Bridge over the Bann-Water, commonly called the Bann-Bridge, in the County of Down, tq the Town of Bel- id&y in the County of Antrim. Page 201 CHAP. XVI. An Aft for the Relief of Inlblvent Debtors. CHAP. XVII. An Ad for reviving, contmuing, and amend- ing feveral temporary Statutes, and for other . Purpofes therein mentioned. 277 CHAP. xvin. An A(St for the more ealy and equal afleffing and applotting all Money prefented by the Grand Jury of each Affizes to be held for the City, and County of the City of Corky and for put- ting the Coaches, Chaifes, Chairs, and Sedans, that ply for Hire in the laid City, under the like Regulations, for the Benefit of the Work- houfe of Corky as they are in Dublin^ and alfb fcr the beuer regulatmg the Harbour of Cork. CHAP. CHAP. XIX. An ASi for building a Stone Bridge from the Quay oppofite Tn?7ces-Streef, in the City of Cork, to Lavlt's-Iflafid, and a Stone Bridge from thence to the Red Abbey Marjfh, with a Draw Bridge or Lifting Bridge of Wood in the Center of the latter, fiafficient to let Veflels pafs and repafs, atid alfb for lupply- ing the laid City with Water. Page 337 Private Bills. An A&. for rectifying a Miftake in the Mar- riage Settlement of Francis Tierpo'wt Burton^ Elquire, with Elizabeth, his prefent Wife, and for vefting the faid Francis Pterpolnt ■ Burtons Eftate in the County of Limerick, in him the (aid Francis Tlerpolnt Burton^ his Heirs and Afligns, for ever. An A (St for incorporating the Truftees of ^i/- fons Holpital, in the County of JVefimeath^ and for other Puipoles mentioned therein. c An the CONTENTS. An A6t to enable Henry Croker, Elquli'e, to make Leafes of his Eftate for three Lives, or thir- ty-one Years, at a full improved Rent, and to charge his Eftate with a Jointure for any Wife he fhall marry, not exceeding Two Hundred Pounds by the Year. An A6: for confinning and eftablifhing an A- greement made between Sir Edward King, Baronet, and Henry Kwg, Eiquii"e, concern- ing the real and perlbnal Eftates, whereof Robert, late Lord Kingsborough, died feized or poflefled, and for making the faid Agree- ment effedlual, and for raifing a liifficient Sum of Money for difcharging the Debts and Incumbrances affeding the fame, and o- ther Purpofes. An A6t for veflmg certain Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments, fituate in the County of Tipperary, in the Kingdom of Ireland, the Ef&te of Thilip Terchal, EfqUii'e, in Trul^ tees, in order that the fame may be Ibid for the Payment of Debts, aiid other Incum- brances affedting the feme; and alfb the Ef^ tate of the faid Tbilip Tercival, fituate in the County of Siigo, in the Kingdom of Ire- land, and for the purchafing of other Lands more contiguous to the Elftate of the faid Thilip Tercival, fituate in the County of Sfigo, tOf The CONTENTS. to be fettled to the fame Vfe ^ the faxd Sli^o Eftate iiQW ft^nds liiTijted, An k&. for explalnlrig, amending, and cai-iylng more efFe6tually into Execution an A(5V, Inti- tilled. An AB for the Relief of the Creditors of of Daniel Reddy, Efquire, and Dudley Reddy,. his Brother J deceafeJ, by Sale of their Real a?id Terfonal EJlaies, for l^^yment of their Debts. An A6t for veftirig feveral Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments in the Counties of Galway^ and Mayo, late the Eftate of Robert Blake of Ardfry, Efquire, deceafed, ^itido^ Richard Blake his Son, deceafed, in Trtiflees, for Sale of a competent Part thereof, for Payment of Debts and Incumbrances affedting the fame, and for fettling the Refidue thereof, to and for the feveral Ufes, Intents, and Pui-pofes therein mentioned. An A6t for vefling tlie Eftate of Roheri Hickmajt, late ofBarntick in the County of C/^r^, Efquire, deceafed, in Truftees, to be fold for Payment of the Debts and Incumbrances affeding the fame, and for applying the furplus Purchafe- Money, or fuch Part of the feid Eftate as fhall remain unfold, according to the Inten- tion of the faid Robert Hickman s Will. c 1 An The CONTENTS. An A6t to enables Charles Mofs^ during his Mi- nority, and in cafe of his Death without Illue, to enable Jane Mofst during her Minority, by -and with the Confent of theii' Guardians, to make Leafes for Lives or Years of certain Plots or Pieces of Ground in the County of Dublin^ and County of the City of Dublin, and that fueh Leafes, being made without Fine, and at the beft and higheft Rent, may be good againft all Perfbns. D . /\ A N A N A C T FOR Granting and Continuing to His Majefty, an additional Duty on Beer, Ale, Strong Waters, Wine, Tobacco, Hides, and other Goods and Merchandizes therein mentioned ; and for prohibiting the hnpor- tation of all Gold and Silver Lace, except of the Manufacture of Great Britai/i. ^ ■/^^^ ^V'^'~\i?'*'»'«^,<)!j;> ^W ^^ /^' DUBLIN: Printed by Boulter Grierson, Printer to the King's Moft Excellent Majefly. MDCCLXII. ( 3 ) A N ACT FOR Granting and Continuing to His Majefly> an Additional Duty on Beer, Ale, Strong Waters, Wine, Tobacco, Hides, and other Goods and Merchandizes therein mentioned ; and for prohibiting the Importation of all Gold and Silver Lace, except of the Manu- facture of Greai Britain. CHAP. I. W€ ?>ouc j®ajeClj)'6 nioft Dutifttlc H A p. anD Ho^al ^ubjcttsi, tl)e €o\x\^ i. tnous of Ireland, m parliament ^^v^^ ;aO'embleD, Dat)iitg a )uft ^twit of pout mo))al Care fo^ tl)e ^^ofpetitp of all Pout Subjects, and tbell j^uotbiitg tj)at tj)e :^e= curitp of t})i«5 pour I^ealm, auD t!)e Con= tinwauce of t|)e maup ^aieCTmijS Sbe cnjop Z 2 miDec 4 Anno Regni I'ecuncla Ch AP.untiei: Pout miltJ anD nnfptctous IReis-K, I. DepetiD on tJ)e ^uppojt of pout @ajcap'<5 cISolJecnmeut, do moG l)nmblp bcfcecl) font j®a(eGp, tj)at it niaj? be CuacteD ; r-- —- :attD be it €nacteD h^ t\)z Bmgr'S ®oft excellent ©ateOj^, bp anD Ibiti) t|)e ^D^ tJice anO Confent of tJje lLo;tQ Spiritual anD STempo^al, anD Commons in tl)i$ p aD^ banceD to l^is late ®ajeftj) fo? tl)e Mk of i\)t Pttblicft, to(tetl)et tDitl) tl)e fntereft tlbereof, tbere (lI>?anteD anD CoutmncD unto i^!0 faiD late J®ateftp Wiin^ George tht ^eronD, o; cl)vTr9-eable in j®anner tDeteitt hientioneD, from tl)e Xtbentji fifth 2^av of March, £Dne tj)oufanD fe\3en l)unD lt>ere futtbec (I5;janteD anD ContinueD from tJEime to %mt bp fub= fequent ;^as of l&atltament inaDe in tj)is; BingDom, unttl tl)e Ctbentp jffiftlb l>a)) of December, in t\)z fzat Of £Dm: |Lo;?D £Dnc tboufanD feliett !)unD2eD anD fiitp one in= clttfitje, except tl)e 2Dut^ of jFitje ^\)iihng^^ tberebp S'^'P'^f^^ «P<^i^ ^^^i^J' d^allon of 2a;?anD)) 0^ :^pirit$ abo\)e \&;?oof, be fttttl)et: (15?anteD, OTontmueD, laaifeD, CoUecteD, ILz:: \)ieD, anD paiD unto pout ®ajeft)), pouc l^eits, anD :g>uccefro;?s, from tl)e ^tbentj) jFiftI) SDaj) of December, iDnz t\)oulanti fet)Clt ^unD;jeD anD fixtp one, until t^e Xtbentp 5Fift!) 2Daj? of December, £)nz tl)oufanD fetjen ^unD^eD anD fixtp tl)?ee incluftVje* ;^nD be It fmt\)tt enacteD hf tl)e ^utl)o- ?itp afo^efaiD, X!)at m ILizu of tl)e faiD ex^ 213 cepteD 6 Anno Regni fecundo CHAP.tepteD SDutj) of fitje ;^j)iUmgS a dSallon I. upon all B^anDj) anD Spirits al)o\3e ^?oof, '^■^^^'^aii aDDitional ^ut^ be laiD on all jFo^ctgii j^pirits (al)o\)e tl)e ^lualitp of finale j^pi= rits) \b\>itY> ^m be f mpo^teD into tl)iSi IBtm0t)om, from tj)e lEtbentj) fifth 3)a^ of December, €)tte t|)oufanO fetjeu i)unt)?eD auD filtp one, to tl)e Xtbent)) fiiftl) S>aj) of De- cember, :^ne tj)oufanD feten ^unD;?eD anD firtp tWt tnclufit^e ; \b\)it\> faiD aCiDittonal 2Pwt)j (tiall be paj^able fo;j fuel) ^pitits anD ll)aU be cl)atgeD tl)et;eon in l&;opo?tion to t^e ^Duties paj^able fo^ finale :^pittts of t\)z fame 3>enomtnation, acco^Din^ to t!)e Com^ pacatit)e 2De9:tee of j^ttengt^ tb!)ic!) fuel) ;$pttits», fotobeimpo^teD, l|)all beat to (injjle Spirits of tl)e fame Denomination* ^nD be it fuctj)er CnacteD b)) tl)e :^ttt!)0' ;?it^ afo;?efa!D, X^at all anD ^ingrtilac t|)e laiD SDuties !)etebj? <15?anteD anD CoutinueD, l|)all be laaifeD, ItetJieD, OTollecteD, awDpaiD unto pout j®ajeft)), J>onc D^eirs, anD ^uc^ ttf£o2Q Dutingr t^e Xecm afo^efaiD, otjec anD abo\)e all otbec ^Duties paj?able fo^ tl)e fame, bj> ^ittue of an <^ctmaDe in tl)i0 f^ingDom, in tY>z jffoiitteentl) anD jFifteentl) pears of t\>Z ^ti^n of Bing Charles t\)z ^cconD, 3ntitleD, An Ad for the fettling the Excife or New Impoft upon His Majefly, His Heirs and Succeflbrs, according to the Book of Rates therein Georgll Tertli Regis.' }r therein inferted ; 0? b}> Mittm of OtlC OtfietC h a p. ;^ct matt m tl)e jFoutteentl) anD fiftcmtl) I. ftat^j of tl)e meign of tl)e faiD Itmjgr Charles'^ tj)e ^^econD, ^ntltleD, An Aa for Settling the Subfidy of Poundage, and Granting a Subfidy of Tunnage, and other Sums of Money, unto His Royal Majelly, His Heiis and Succeflbrs, the fame to be paid upon Merchandizes imported and ex- ported into or out of the Kingdom of Ireland, ac- cordmg to the Book of Rates hereunto annexed. 1^^o\)tDeDaltl)aj50, aiiD be it fuctbet Cuact^ CD bj) tl)e .^tutbo^itp afO(?efaiD, sr^at if t\)z faiD SHUmes, :^tcott0 SiSUatcrs, j^picits pec^ izaly maDe, aiiD :$pitits maDe anD DiftilleO of Wiixxz auD 2i3;?anDp, o^ ^pitits ahot)e tbe iaaualttp of ^inigrle :$>pirits;, upon tb^c!) tftc fajD aDDitioual Duties ate OTbatgeD, ft)all, after pajjuiettt tbeteof, o? :^ecutitp ig-iten fo^ tJ)e fame, be agraiti €ipo?teD bp anp ®cttl)atit 0? j®ercl)ants, tl)at is; o? are k ^ub|cct 0? Subjects of tl)i5 laealm, o;? an? i^tl)er of pour ®ajeft;)'S Dominions, ttiitl)- III Cll^entp jFour EalenDar j®ontl)«5, o^ bp ;®erct)anr J^iranjorers, tt)itl)m CtibelDe Ba- leuuar j®outl)9; after tbe importation tl)creof, anD Due ^}oo{ firft maDe, bj? OTerti^ ficate from tl)e }^?oper iSDffiter, of tl)e Due €ntrp of fuel) Mimes, Strong Waters, j^pirits petfealp maDe, anD spirits maDe anD DiGilleD of QIOHine, B;?anDj>, o? Spirits T^ X abot)e 8 Anno Regnl fecundo Ch AP.abote t!)e £iualitj> of ^ingit ^pitit0, anh I. of tl)e #aj)ment of tl)e faiD aODitional SDu- ties J)etel})) (15ttntit^ being 0it)en fo? t^e fame, auD tDat all ot|)et laequifites l)al3e been pecfo^meD, X^\}it\> ate bj) Hatb tequiteD to be petfoijmeD in Cafes tbl)ere t!)e 3>uties of Cxtife ate to be tepaiD bj? TOttue of tl)e before menttoneD i^Cty ^fwtiltleD, An Ad: for the Settling of the ■ Excife or New hnpoft upon His Majefty, His Heirs, and Succeilbrs, according to the Book ^f Rates therein inferted ; t|)at tj)en t|)e faiD atJbitional ^ittiz^ il)all, tbit!)out anj) 3)e^ lay 01 laetbatD, be paiD, oi allolbeD unto fucD i®etc{)ant oi <®etcDantSi fo €xpo?tinsr tj)e fame, tt)it!)in one j®ontJ) aftet SDemanD t^eteof, 01 t\>z ^ztmity> fo;j tl)e faiD at)Oitio=: nal 2>tttie9i hp tl)i$ :^a cJ)atflreD, i^aU be tacateb o;j Difc^atgeD, as to fo mucJ) t|)eteof as ft)all be fo Cipo^teD ; my> tl)!ng betein contameD to tl)e conttatj? nottbitl)ftantimfl[. ;3nD be it futtl)et €nacteO bp tl)e Sfu? tl)o^itp afo;jefaiD, ^l)at fo^ a futtbet ^itp^ plj) to pout ®ajeGp, tl)e futtl)et ^Witi^ onal SDutj) of ^rtbentj) :^l)iliings, sterling, on etjet)) f^unti^eD OTteigftt of j^olalTes, antJ tbe futtl)et Sltibitional I>utp of ^ittient)) :g)l)illtngrs Sterling, on tWv i^unD?eD OTetgl)t of Cteacle, tbJ)icl) m anD bp t^e faiD ^ct of l^atliament, matie in t!)e jFitft peat of tj)e Georgil Teitii Regis. 9 tl)e laeictu of !)i3 faiD late ;©ajeftj) Eiu^Ch ap„ George t!)e i^CCOUD, XXiZtZ (B^mttD UtltO ftlS L laiD late ii©ate(!)7, from t^e Xtbentp fiftjb '^■''^^'^ H)ap of March, lU)it\) tbas ill tbe peat of £)uc ILo^D, One tl)orifauD fet^en 0unt)?eD anD tlDentp agl)t, until t!)e Ctbent^ ftftl) Dap of December, C>ne tftottfattO feteii DunD;?eCi auD ttbentj) nine, inclufitje ; anD Xb})!cl) Ibere fnrtDec d^^anteD anD OTontitttteD unto l^is faiD late j®ajeajj, fcom €tme to Xime, hy> othtt ^cts of patliament, matie in tl)!2« Eingtioii?, fcom tl)e faiD ^tbentj) fiftl) ^ap of December, C)ne ti)oufattD tz\)tn buntJ^et) anD tti^entp nine, until tl)e ttbentp fiftl) ^ay> of December, C>ne tftoufattD feDeti ^unOjeD anO fixtp one inclufit^e, be futtftet cI5;janteD, OTontmueD, ColleaeD, laaifeti, Ite- DieD, anD paiD unto Pout ®ateGp, pout i^eicsi anD ^^uccefTo^s, fcom tl)e TaiD ttbentp ftft^ Dap of December, ^ne tl)oufanD feljett l)unD?eD anD fixtp one, until tbe tVbtntp fiftb 2Dap of December, £Dne tl!)ouranD fetjeti JiunD^eD auD ftxtp tl)^ee, inclufil)e» :^i\X} be It fuctl)ec CnacteD bp tj)e Zu^ t\)02ity> afo^efaiD, Xl)at fo llainet), Myul) L il)aU ht ^nipoitzh into tl)iQ Eiujjts^^ni from '-^'^'^aup Pacts bepoaD i:|)e ^eas (except tlje ®aimfactuce of Great Biitam) auD alfo an ,^OD(t!onal l>titp of ^ii Pence per patD, aUt nnt) aliobe tj)e p^efent ^ntm, foa all Cajnlj;?icfe0, not of thz !®anufactiue of Great Britain, Vl^Utl) ^1)^11 ^^ Juipo^tel} into t^g> i^mg^om, em'eCiing a PatD \hm, ipll lie maifeD, HzWX^, OToilecteD, mxT) |5aiD unto Pout #afe(l^ |>onc I^eir0 au^? ^m^ CeCfo;?0, from ttie illX^eutV Sft|) I?ap of De- cember, £)ne t^oufantJ Cet)en IninDjeJ^ anD Oxtp one, to t^e Xtontp 6ft|) E>ap of De- ceR3l>er, £)ne t|)onfano fe\?en i)unD^e^ anD ^V^tp t|);ee, inclufitje* ,::XnD lie it fntthzt CnaaeD ibp tDe :^n^ tJ^o;titp afo^efaiO, ^f)at a fattbec Mmt- o«ial ^tttp of %f)iee l^ence per patu upon ail €am^nc!i0 ano ilatfens, not of t})e ®auilfa(tUte of Great Britiiln, ibbicJ) fl)aU ibe gmpo^teD mto tl)t0 EingDotu, from anO aftet t!)e l^tbentp Sfti) E>a^ of December, ^nt tJjouranD Cetien DunD^eD anD fixtp one, il^all be laaifeD, HebieO, CoUecteD, anD l&aiD to pout ^afeGp, pout i^eics; anD j^jicceffoijs;, from tDe faiD ^tJbentj? 6ft!) ^a^ of December, jPne tJ)oiifanD fctjen f)unD?cD anD Cixtjj one, to t!)e ctbentp ftftl) Dap of December, €)ne tiJottfanD fetjcn |)unD;eD anD Georgii Tertli Regis. ii auD fixtp t!)>ee, inclufitje, otoet atiD abotjeCHAP, all othtt Duties paj^able to; t\)z fame, i. :^nX) hz it fmt\)tt €uacteti bp t|)e :5{tt^ tl)C52itp afo?efaiD, Xbat a futt|)et StDDi? tioual iDiitp of Cl)?e6 l^ence per patt), upoa all €amb?5C?t0 atiD llatbnsi, otl)et: tl)att fucj) a0 ate of tl)e ©auufacture of Great Britain, U)J)ic!) ajall be f luponeD into tj)is Eing^ Dom, from aaD after t})e Xtbentp ficftj^ l>ap of December, !^m t\)oulant> fetjew J)ttnD;eD ant) fixtp one, ll)aU be laaifeD, HetJteD, aiollecteD, anD paib to potit ®a|eGj>, Pouc i^efcs auD ^luceUo^s;, ftom t!)e fatO Xtbentp fiftl) Dap of December, €)ne t()oufanD fe- Den JjunO^cD anD fixtp one, to t|)e Xtbentp ftftJ) IDap of December, flDne tbottfattD k)om ftunD^eD anD fixtp t!);jee, inclufitje, otjet anD aboDe all ot|)ec Duties papable fo? tJ)e rame, ::?(nt) be jt fnrtl)et CnacteD bp tj)e ^utDo^ ?ttp afojicfaiD, x6at fo;j a futtl)ec :$«pplj> to pout 2®iaicftp, an aDDittonal Dutp of ^ix licence per i^iDe, fo> anD upon ebetp ratb anO untanneO l^iDe, tl)l)ic{) il^all be €ipo;jteD out of tbis B-mgDom, to l&act«5 beponO tU ^ea«5 ( except Great Britain) t^M be maifeD, ILe\3!eD, CoUecteD, anD paiD unto 5>out ®ajeap, pout J^eirs anD ^ucceCTo^s, fCOtn t^e ^tbcntp fitftl^ Dap of Decembery c 2 0m 12 Anno Regni fee undo c H A p.€)ne ti)oufaut) fetjen l)imti?eC) auD fiitp one, I. to tl)e ^ItietltJJ jFlftl) S>a)> of December, '-^^v-^Cne tJ)oufatiD fetieu l)uuD^eD atiD lixtp t|)?ee, inclnfitje. ;^ttD be it ittttf)tt €iiactet) bj? tl)c :^«rl)o^ ;iit)[> afo?cfaiD, i:i)at fo; a futtY)tt ^tipplp to pom ®ajeft^, an aDDitional 3Putp of £)ne ^!)illitig per !a!)eam of l^apec ( otjec atiD abotje tj)e Duties notb paj^^able tl)eteon) ft)all be 5teV)ieD, iRaifeD, anD |5aiD nnto $>ouc ®ajeftj>, pout l^cics, auD j^iuce(ro^0, wpon all l^apec imponeD into tljis Binfr- t)om (€xcept of t\)z j®artufacture of Great Britain) p^oVuDeD ftlC^ ^apec txmm jFltJC jg>l)!llm9rs in tjalue per mi)eain, from t^e XtbentJ) jFlftl) ^^a?? of December, ^nt tftoufanD feben l)unt);?et) anD fiitp one, to t6e Ctbentp j?iftl) Dap of December, £Dne t^oufanD fe\3en ^tinD^eD anD fixtp tl)jee, inclufi\3e. ;^nti be it fuctl)et CnacteD bp tl)e ;^ntJ)o= 2\ty> afo;?efaiD, x6at tDe aooittonal laatcs auD Duties on Coffee, Xea, €I)ocolate, anD Cocoa ^uts, (15;>anteD anD ContinueD bp tl)e TaiD^ct, in tl)e fttft peat* of tl)e mcign of i^iS faiD late ;®ajcftp I^mg George tl)e j^econD, anD tbWcl) Vbete ftom %um to Xime, aftettbatDs futtj)et ContinueD bp fe= toal fubfequent :^aQ of parliament, anD all Georgli Tertii Regis, 13 ail fucb laulesf anD ^Directions, anD unDer fuel) penalties and 5Fo?feiturc0, anD tbitb fuci) potbers, as ate I> appointeO, 14 Anno Regnl iecunao Ch AP.appoititeD, DirecteD, atiD exp^effeD, in anDb^ I. t6e fatO :^ct, maDe in t!)i!5 IBimgrDoJu, in the jFoucteentj) anD jFifteenth Feats of tj)e Jaeiigrn of l^ing Charles tJ)e :^econD, ^ntttleo, An AS: for the Settlins; of the Excife or New Impoft upon His Majefty, His Heirs and Suc- ceflbrs, according to the Book of Rates therein inferted ; o^ Dp mv ot\>ct Hatb notb in 5Fo?ce, telating to tl)e laelienne of Cicife in t{)i9i ItinsfCom, as fuUp anD t^zanailv, to all f ntents anD l^ucpofes, as if the fame tbete particttlatlp mentioneD, eip^effcD, anD enacteD again in the 2i3oDp of this P(?efent 53(1 ; tbith li^e lacmeDj) of ;3ppeal, to anD fo^ the ^attj) jgftie\)eD, as in anD bj) the faiD ;5lct of Crcife, o; anj) othet ILaU) o; ilatbs notPb in being, relating to the SDuties of €xcife is p^otJiDeD/ ;^nD be it fotthcr €nactcD h^ the :^a= tho^itp afo^efaiD, Xhat the :^tx pence per l&ownD, anD all other jTees, Ibhith ft)aU o^ map be payable to the ^ice-Xreafurer, o^ Bice-^reafurers, ]|&ap'®a(lcr, o? laeceitjer^ dBeneral, fo?, o? on ;^ccottnt of, o? out of the ^iDS herebp (B^anteD unto pour ^a^ jeftp, other than, anD except fuch l^art thereof, as is herein after appointeD to be IjaiD to the XruGees of the J^empen anD jFlaxen Manufactures of this ItingDotu, ft)aU be receit)eD bv tl)e faiD ^ice=€ceafurei: 0? Georgii Tertii Regis.' i^ C2 Wiitt'XtmintztQ, Beceiber, 02 pavnudttc hap. (Benetal, fo^ tbe ^fe of font ®ajeft^, i. pout i^eirsi atiD ^ucce(Io;?!3i, Dntinff tl^e Xecm afo^efaiD, anD il)aU l)e Dal^ accounteD fo^ l)p |)tiii oa tl)cm to font j©ajeGp, pout C^its anD ^uccelTo^s, as a futtl)et anD aD^ Dstioaal -^iD J)etcOj) jjiDeu anD jgrtanteD. ^nD be it futtDet €nacteD b^ tj)e .^u^ tl)o,Mt}) afo^efaiD, Xl)at tl)e feljetal :^uni$ l)ercm aftet nienttoneD, be paiD out of tl)e afojefaiD ^^DDitional ^Duties anD ;^iD3 (B^anteD anD OTontinueD to pout j^a^ ieftj) bp tDis p^efent ;^ct, to tj)e petfonfii J)etcmaftet mentioneD, tl)at ts to fap, tic^e ^UtU of tJEtbO XJ)OUfanD ^OUnDS, per An- num, fo2 ttbo peats, ftom tj)e Xlbentp fiftb SDap of December, £)ne tl)oufanD k\)Ztt l)nnD;?eD anD fixtp one, to t\)z 3i:tibentp fittl) SOap of December, €)ne tboufanD febeti l)unD?eD anD fixtj) tb?ee, inclufitje, to t!)e ituftees appointeD fo^ tbe ^anag-ement of tbe l^euipen anD jFlaxen ^anufactutes of tl)is HmgDom, fo^ €ncoutaginjgr ana Slaifing fuf&cient Quantities of i^emp anD jFlar in tj)is BingDom ; anD alfo tbe fut^ tl)et ^nm of Xltio ^J)ouranD |5«i»unDS, per Annum, fo;> ttbo peats, ftomtljefaiDCtbentp fiftj) ^ap of December, j^ne t^oufanD feben ]!)unD?eD anD fiitp one, to tl)e faiD Ctbentp feftl) I>ajJ of December, jQPne tl)oufanD k\)zn 3> z S)unD?eD l6 Anno Regni fecundo c H A p.j)ttttt)?eD anD 6itj> tr)?ee, ttttlufitie, to tj)e faib I. Xruftcesi, appointed fo'of tl)e i^empen auD jFlaxen ®auufaaute0 of tU^ StittsrDom, fo;? tl)6 €ncoutagetnent of t\)z faiD C^entpeti anD fiaxzn ©anu- facttttefii iti tj)e l&^^otjinceiJ of Le'mfter, Mun- fter, anO Connaught, freeD auD OiftfearsfeD fcom tl)e ^a^ment of :^ii l&ence per ^ouuD, anD all ot\)zt jFee«5 tbjiicl) l!)aU o;? maj> l)e paj^able to t!)e ^ice^Xteafucet, J^eceiDer, o;r ^apmaftec^dSenetal of tl)i$ EitigCiom, OTletft of t{)e l^ells, 0^ anp otl>et :^flF!tet: 02 :^fft= ters of tl)is Bingtiom ; t|)e ^um of ^tbo ICbottfanD l^ouuDs to tS)e Jaiirl)t l^ouour^ able tj)e ^peafeec of t!)e i^oufe of Com? motis, totbacDS Mm^ing l)i6 erti:ao;?t)matj> O^xpencefir Duting t\)i^ ^tfiion of ^atlia^ ntetit ; tl)e :$ttm of jFi\)e i^utiD^eD ^ouuDS to Agmondifliam atlD George Vefey, CfQUiteS, ;atcomptant^(15etieral, as a JaetbacD fo;r t\)zit Cxpetice auD Xrottble iit l&;?epai;msr anD :^tating tj)e l&nblicft ;^ccount$ of t|)e Ration, latO before tj)e i^oufe of €ouunoit$ t|)i!$ :^e(rioii of l&acliament ; t!)e :^«m of jFitie l^ttnD tl)em totbacDs sauiltiingr t\)z €Y>nu\y in faiD l^anil^, to be atcounteD for to l^acliament ; t\)t ^um of 5Fi\Je l^WnDreD }50linDS to Thomas Barbon, Cfquice, anD t\>t WitUtmX> Dortor Edward Lyndon, to Compleat anD jFmill) an ^qiie- tua from t^e i^mt Finiik to the XotDu of Dungarvan, in tj)e Countp of Waterford, tj)ep Georgli Tertii Regis. 19 thtv fri^iug: fufficient ^ectttitp fo;? tJ)e tJueCHAP. Ciecntiott of t{)e CHo^lt, anD to accotmt i. fo? t\)c faiO ^ttttt to l^arliamcnt ; tl)e :^um >-^"v-n^ of %Xho ^|)oufanti ponuDs to t!)e ^oft l^OUOtltable James, ©atQUiS of Kildare, Charles, €atl of Drogheda, John, €atl of Wandesford, t\)Z 5aiir!)t i^onoutable ^It Wil- liam Fownes, 2aatottet, tl)e iSigbt l^onout? able Benjamin Burton, ^it Richard Butler, 25a ton et, Thomas Butler, Maurice Keating, John Rochfort, Walter Weldon, James Agar tf)e pOtinsret, John Gore, Beauchamp Bagenall, Robert Doyne, Ralph Gore, John Digby, Hemy Bunbury, Elias Beft, John Saintleger, William Stewart, George Hartpole, atlD WiSiam Browne, ^rquiccs, 0? anp j?tt)e of tl)em, to be bp tl)em applteD to remote tj)e DbGcttctions in tbe iRat»igatioii of t|)e Wii^)zt Barrow, from t|)e Xitie^OTatec at :^amt Mullin'0, to Monafterevan, tO be acCOUtlteD fo;j tO ^^at^: liametit ; tl)e :$>ttm of tJEtbo '5i:j)oufanD potinDs to tl)e aro giUmtr ^anut}) fo;j tDe Owe execution of t!)e OTo^ft, auti to account fo^ tl)e faiD :^um to l^arliamcnt ; tJ)e :$um of jFouc tE;j)oufanD l^omit^s to Andrew Franklin, CfQUtre, ®a^o:, James Mor- rifbn ant) William Fitten, CfquitCOr, ^l)er!ffs of tDe Citj) of Cork, anD to aiDcrman Bradfhaw, George anD James Piercy, Hugh Lawton, Francis Carleton, James anD Paul Ben- fbn, Thomas Strettle, anD Chriftopher Carleton, all of tj)e faiD €itj>, ©eccDant^, anD to James Hartnet, Cfquite, 0? an J) $i\)Z of tj)em, fo? Cleacinfir anD f mp^otinigr tJ)e OTbannel of Cork J^artJour, from tbe CuGom^^l^oufe £luaj> to a l^lace CallcD Black Rock, to tz accounteD fo? to {Parliament ,• t{)e :^ttm of jfout tJEDoufanD jFiDe C^unD;jeD J^ounDS to ti)e (EomntilTioners appointeD bp :^a of l^ar^^ Itamcnt, to? (MliDentng anD IRcpaicinjgr Baal's 23?iDg:e, in t!)e Citjj of Limerick, o;? to an J) jFitje of tbem, fo? arontinumg t!)e ^etb £luajj €aatbarD, on t\)z Moitl) ^iCe of tlje mi\)et shannon, to tl)e 2i3ac!t i^iUt, anD on tDe ^outD ^iDe, to tDe :^outD ^aanft of tDe iHetb OTanal, anD fo^ {SurcDafing feDeral i^oufes on tDe 3123eft ^itc of Baal's B^iD^-e, anD alfo ttDo anticnt j®ills, anD fo; p^ofttatinff tDe SDatns of tDe fame, to bz accounteD fo? to parliament ; tDe ^um of €ijjDt ^DoufanD l&onnDs to tDe Corporation Georgii Tertii Regis. 21 €o;i30 t!)em applieD tolbacDS uiaftmjgr tt)c iai\3ec Shannon ^atJi^ablc, ftoiu t!)e (Ettp of Limerick tO tJ)e Xotbtt of Killaloe, to be bj) tl)eiu accounteD fo; to p>atliament ; t^e ;^nm of ^nc 3i:j)oufanD €igl)t J^wnCi;?eD anD jFiftp pounDs, €is\)t jgj^illings anD ^ine Pzntz, to tl)e Corporation for ^20- ttiotin^r auD Carrjjiiijj on an SinlanD ^a= ligation in Ireland, to be h^ tj)ein applieD to tuake anD jfmtil) tbe l^atbouc of vvicklow, to be accounteD for to |5atliament; tl)e ^nm of Xlbo ir|)ouranD Jfit)e l^unDreD pounDs to tj)e Corporation for \&romottng anD Catt?>inj9i on an SInlanD jRa\)igatiou in Ireland, for tnaftinff t^e Wiiiytt Black-water ^atJigable from Dromagh, in tl)e OTountj) of Cork, to Cappoquin, in t|)e Countp of Waterford, to be b}> tl)em ;3ccoiinteD for to ^atltainent; tbe :$>um of fi\yc %\)onianl> i&onnDS to t!)e HorD ®aj)or, :^j)eciff0, €ointnon0, anD Citi3ens of. tj)e Citp of Dublin, totbatDs; enabling tlomi to con^ tintie t5)e laallaG^Office vOaHall to t!)e €aa €nD of t!)e JSiles, to be ;acconnteD for to ^^arliatnent; tj)e ^um of JFouc '€Lt)oufanD Xlbo C^tinbreD anD j?iftj) ^tbo ¥>ounD3i to tl)t cII5o\)ctnors( of tJje QKiSori^'i^oufe of t!)e Citr^ of Dublin, totbacDS €nabling t!)em to DifcJ)acj9:e tj)e S)ebt contracteD bp tbcrn on JF Account 212 Anna Regnl fecimdo fc) c H A p. ;^ttottnt of tl)e jFotinDlmg CJ)ilD^en; tU , I ^um of €l)^ee t!i |)otifant) l^ouitDS to t^c ebt0 Due on .Account of t|)e faiD i^ofpital, anD to $m^ aiiO JFutniil) tt)e fame, to be accourttet) fo? to parliamettt ; tl)e :$um of foni C!)ottfauD l^ormDS to t^e Co?po;ja= tion fo;? ¥>^omotitrg aiiD Cacrping ou ait gnlano ^atjigation in Ireland, to be bp t!)em appltcD totftacos mafting tJ)e iRitJec Lagan #at?igable, anti opening: a l&affage by sMattt from Loughneagh to the %o\bti of Belfaft, to be bj> ti^m accounteD fo? to parliament ; tl)e ^am of Xl)?ee X^o»fanD ^ottn00 to ti)e Co^po;jation fo;j ^^omotingr antJ Catching on an ^JtilanD iltlatJigation in Ireland, to be bp t\^zm applieD totbatoss maftiniar a iSabigable Canal from tfte 2Bafon in Dramreagh, iW tl)e CoUMtp of Ty- rone, to Farlough-Lough itt (aiO Cottnt):», to be acconnteO fo; to parliament; tl)e ^um of ts:tbo CI)oufanb $iU l^ttnti^cD anD X!)irtp %f>itz ^ounb0, ^ixtztn ^!)illtn8rs» anD €igrj)t Pmtt, to Edward Sterling, Cfqnite, tj)e Coft Due fo^ p^intincr anD :?»inDingr tl)e Xentj) anD Clebentl) Volumes of t!)e journals of t!)e J^oufe of Com- mono, fo; tj)e ^fe of t!)e Members! ; tl)t ^am of €:i)^ee l^tinD^eD pounDs to Edward Sterling; Georgil Tertii Regis, 23 Sterling, €fq«ice, fo^ l)i3i Cate aiiD Mtpatt\)C u at* in p^epatittflr Copies of tJ)e faiD %\ho Ho- i. lumes, ano tiiaftitigr gitiDeies to tlje fame ; ^^^^r\Ji t!)e :^um of €)ue $J)o«fanD j^onnus to Jane Mofle, OTttJollj of t\)Z late Docto;? Bar:: tholoniew Moile, fo^ tj)e ^fe of ftetfelf anD Y^zt CWlD^en, m CoitfiDetation of tj)e ;®ent of htt late J^ufbatiD, tbitj) tejgfatD to tj)e l^ublicft, bp gi\)msr up j)i3 ^Time to t!)e OTate of tDe i^ofpital fo? tDe melief of I&003 H^Jttigr^m Mlomen, atiD ^upecintenDmg t|)e 23u!l0mgr to tl)e Xime of J)i«5 SPeatj), bp tbl)icl) De l)utt ^is jFanuljJ iti tj)eir (tittum^ aances ; tj)e ^tun of 5?iV)e C^unO^eD l^ouiiCiS to George Semple, €UKmeet auD 3ttC^itect, fo^ 2i5uilDm0 of Eflex Bridge, in CoiifiDeca- twn of 1)13 ^ttit in executing tl)e fame Ubitl) Citrao^Diuatp Cate atiD SDilipnte, to t!)e great Detriment of l)i5 l^ealtj), tt)l)etel)p |)e is renoeteti incapable to follotb Jaufinefs; tl)e ^um of Xtbo XDowfanD j^ountis to Arthur Mervyn, €fqttire, to Cnable |)im to ftniil) tl)e ®iU anD dB^anatieS bj) \>im beguti at Naal, in tl)e Countp of Meath, to be ac- couttteD fo? to l^atltament ; tj)e :$>«m of ^ne l^unD?eD anD ^eDentp l&ounDS to James Smythe, Cfquite, anD Dis Cletit, fo;? §>i% j®ontl)5 :$alacp, fo? tj)eit :^ttenDance anO Xcouble in paj^ing tj)e l^^emiums fo;j t!)e ^nlanD Cattiage of Co^n to Dublin, from t\)t ftcft of November, £)ne tJ)oufanD fetJeti 5F 2 l)unD?eO 24 Anno Regni fecimdo c H A p.l)unti?cD auD fiftp nine, to tbe fitft of May, I. i>nt tl)oufanD Ce\)en ^unD;?eD anD fixt^, t^e :^nm of :$^tt)entp 6t>e l5onnCS to ©r* William Hortan, fo^ Cxaniming tj)e l^^etub urns paitJ fo? f nlanD Catciatre of OTo^n to Dublin, from tjie fifrft of November, €)ne tl)onfanD feten t)unD?eD anD fiift^ nine, to t^e fitG of May, £Dne tboufanD fetjiu l)tm=^ D;?eD anD fixt^ ; tbe :^«m of £Dne ^boii^ fanD ^UnDS to William Colvill, Samuel Col- vill, anD Arthur Bryan, ®ercl)ant0, to enable tl)em to ftntfl) tbe D^p SDocft at t\)c WitH €nD of t!)e iRo?tJ) 21213all, npon tl)eic SritJing :$)ecuritj) to perform tJ)e faiD CB23o?ft, anD to account to |5atliament ; tDe :^tim of ttbo ^J)ottfanD ¥>ounD<5 to t!)e Dublin :^ocietj>, fo? tl)e gfmp;?ot)ctuent of i^usban^ D?p, anD otl)et ufefiil ;3t:ts, to enable t^em to continue tl)eir J5?eiu!uin$ fo? tl)e iaeclaimingr anD gimp?ol)ittsr of -®oun tains anD Bojjjjj? HanDs, anD in tl)e encouragement anD gmp;jot)ement of ^^gncultute anD j®anufaaure5, anD alfo tl)e :$um of Cen t!C!)oufanD \5ounDs, to be bv tl)em DiftributeD to fucj) anD fo nianp of tbe fet)etal l&erfons tb!)o tetitioneD tbe i^oufe of €ommon3 tl)i5 ^effion of |&atli= ament fo;j ^&^emium0 o? laetbarDS, anD upon tbi)tc!) laepo^ts !)at)e been tnaDe, anD in fuel) ^l)aresi anD |&;?opo;?tionS, as tl)e laiD ;$ocietp i|)all t!)inft tilt ; all »)!)icl) faiD fet)ecal Georgii Tertii Regis. 25 k^ttal ^um«5 ate to be paiD bp tl)e Hice:=c hap. tiEreafuters, 0? iaeceit)et:^clI5eneral of tl)s3 i. B^ngrDom, lbitI)ottt anj? fuctl)ec 0^ ot^er '-/'^^'■^ OTattant to be CueD fo^ |)aD, 0? obtaitieD in ti)at bej)alt ;:3ttD be it futtl)et €nacteD b;j tJ)e ;^u= ihoiitp afo^efaiD, tiftat no dSolD 0? ^ilDec Hate tbi)atfoel)et: (except of tl)e ©anufatture of Great Britain) ft)aU, ftotn aiiD after tl)e IllbeutJ) fiftl) ^ajJ of December, One tJ)0U? fanD fetJen l)unD;?eD anD fixtp one, be ^nu po^teD in anj> ^!)ip 02 ^effel lbj)atroebei:, into tl)is Itmgrbom, nntiec ti)e l&enaltp of tfte jFo;jfettute of all fuel) Hace, anD treble t\}z Halue tl)ereof, anD tl)e :^l)ip 0? TaeCTel in tbl)icl) t!)e fame i^iall be f mpo^teD, tbttj) all })er d^uns, Xacftle, jFurniture, -^mmu^ nition, anD Apparel ; €)ne ^©oietp of lbl)icl) :5fo?feiture2; il)all be anD remain to pour j®aje(lp, pour J^eirs anD :^ucce(ro;j$, anD t\)z ot})er ®oiet^ to l)im 0? tj)em tb^o l^aU :^et3e anD ^ue fo? tf)e fame, b^ .Action, Bill, l^laint, 02 information, in tl)e Court of Exchequer, tijberein no sMagtt of Itatb, ?&?otection, ^Cfoign, 01 Ptl)er Dilato^p l^lea, ft)aU be al!oU)eD» A H A A N C FOR T Granting to His Majefty a further Additional Duty on Wine, Silk, Hops, China, Earthen, Japan- ned, Lacquered Ware, and Vinegar", and for better lecuring the Repayment of One Hundred and Fifty Thoufand Pounds, paid into the Treafury for the Support of His Majefty's Government, purfuant to an A6t of the lafl SefTion, together with the In- terefl thereof; and for fecuring the Repayment of fuch Sums of Money, not exceeding in the Whole the Sum of Three Hundred Thoufand Pounds, as have been, or fhall be paid into the Treafury, or fhall be advanced to His Prefent Majefty, purfuant to the Refolutions of the Houfe of Commons, the laft Seflion of Parliament, together v^ith the In- tereft thereof. DUBLIN: Printed by Boulter Griersok, Printer to the King's Moft Excellent Majefty. MDCCLXa Chap. IL ( 29 ) A N A C T FOR Granting to His Majefly a further Additional Duty on Wine, Silk, Hops, China, Earthen, Japanned, Lacquered Ware, and Vi- negar, and for better fecui'ing the Repayment of One Hundred and Fifty Thoufind Pounds, paid into the Trealiiiy for the Support of His Majefty's Government, puriiiant to an Ad of the laft Seffion, together with the Interefl thereof; and for fecuring the Repayment of fiich Sums of Money, not exceeding in the Whole tlie Sum of Three Hundred Thoufand Pounds, as have been, or fhall be paid into the Treafiiry, or fhall be advanced to His prefent Majefty, purfiiant to the Relblutions of the Houle of Commons the laft Seflion of Parliament, together with the Interefl thereof. CHAP. n. i^€!a€^:§ hv an :^(t paffet) ittCHAP. ti)e laft j^clTioti of l&atliamcttt, n. ^ntitleD, An A&: for Granting to'.y^rw His Majefty a further Additional Duty on Wine, i^ Silk, go Anno Regn'i fccnndo Chap. Silk, Hops, China, Earthen, Japanned, and Lac- n. quered Ware, and Vinegar, to be applied to ^--^"^"-^ pay an Interell: of Fom' Pounds per Centum, p^er An- nuniy for fiich Sums of Mcney, not exceeding in the Whole, the Sum of On€ Hundred and Fifty Thouland Pounds, as (hall be advanced and paid into His Majefly's Treafory, in Manner therein mentioned, and towards the Difcharge of the faid Principal Sums ; ft U)aS €nacteD, €|)at to? all atiD ctiecv ftic^ ^um anD ^mns of ;®onep, not eicecDincr m tj)e CUtcle tl)e %\x\\\ of ilPne i^unD?et) anD f\\ty> Woi>\v^ ianD pormt)0, m il)oulci be actuall)) paiD bj) an^ llecfon o? ^^erfons into tl)e ^reafur;?, at tl)e ginftance of \)\% d^^ace tl)e Ho^D 2.ieutenant, o;? otl)et €l)ief d^otono? o;j d5otjetno?!5 of t|)e laingDom of Ireland, fo? tl)e ^ime betnsr, fo? tl)e necedarp defence of tbis ftingrDom, ann fo? IPifcbacgmig- tj)e fet)etal :^utn6 of <®onep tiDl)ui) l)at) Ceen, 0? il)oulD be (S^antcD, Dutiug- tl)e faiD :^ef:= fion of Parliament, o;j tbbicl) l)a£) been (15?anteD, During- tj)e ttbo ^efTions of |l»at= liament p^eceDmjj ti)e faiD laft :^efrion of ^^atliaiuent, anD remameD unpaiD, fo;? waftmgr o;j contmwingr anp ^aViigationS, i>l otbet J&ublicit OTO(?US in tbis EmgDom, tbete il)OttlD be paiD at tj)e Receipt of tl)e Exchequer, b)j tl)e l^anDS of tftc ZOice^ tireafuret o^^icC'^reafutersi, o?lDa>'niaftct^ <5enecat, !)is o? tj)eir 2Dep«tp o? 2Pept4ties;, at Georgli Tertii Regis. 31 at thz €titi of e\)erp ^ix EalenDar j©ontl)$c hap. fcotu t!)e refpectitjc tEimeS of fuel) jDap ir. meiits, to tl)e perfoii 0^ i^erfonsfo pacing ^^''v"^ 0? Itentiius; tbe fame, {)i0, ter, 0? tl)eic (X^xecato^s, ;HDii!im(itato;?S, oj ^CTisms, an gintereft, acco^Dmg to tl)e i^ate of jFout POUllDS per Centum, per Annum, llDit()ont nnv ftz 01 Charge, ariD free from all I>eDttct!onS, ^Defalcations, auD ;^batemettt<5 lS)l)atfoetjer, until fucb %mz as tl)ep ri)oulD be tefpectiVjcl)) paid tbetc p>?tncipal ;®onej), at one intice j^a^ment* Znti tbbcreas fubfecjtient to tl)e faffing tbe fatD ^(t, tbe Comtnons of Ireland, in parliament alTembleD, in tbe faiD laft ;^effion, mefoltoeD, Xl)at lbl)atet)et :^um o? ;^nms of ®one^ not eiteedingr, m t\)t WBhoU. tl)e :^um of %l)2Zt l^ttnD (Botjerno^s of tftis lamgCiom, fo;j the %iim being, to fupplp fuel) 2De6eienep as mtgl)t ariCe in tl)e ;^iDS d^^anteD tl)at ^effion of parliament, fo;j tbe ^uppo;?t of tl)e Ctbfl atiO j®ilitatj) €ftabl!il)mcats, anD otl)er neeeffatp <2^xpenees of dBotjernment, fo^ tj)e ^Defence of tbis BingOom, fo2 tU)o ?)eats, from tl)e Xts^ent^ftftl) I)ap of Decem- ber, One tl)ouCant) fetien ^unO^eDanDSftj? nine, ^ 2 (l)0UlD 22 Anno Regni fecundo U mate grooO bp tl)em, tbifl) att u. fntereft fo;j t})e fame, at tj)e Jaate of fiU ^liomtDS fo^ etietj) f^unD^eD l^ounDs, b)? tl)e pear, to be computeD from tl)e refperti\)6 %imz% fuel) ^ums ll)oult! be aDtiattceO out of fact) :^tDS as a)ottlD be cl5?anteD tl)e nett il>efCioti of pacliament ; and fut:t!)ec meCol^eO, XDat ati 'iltttereG of C>ne l&ounO fo^ e\3etp {^uuO^eD i^ounOS, by tj)e pear, il)oulD be maoe gooO bp tl)em, out of fucj) ;3iDS as i|)OttlD be c!5?auteD next DefCon of l^acliainent, to fwc^ ^ecfons as l)aD 3tD- loanceD anu l^aitJ, o? tl)oulD ;aD\3ance o? ^ap, aup ^um o;j :^ums of j®onej) into t\)t faiD Xteafttt)?, putfuant to tj)e faiD ;^t of i^arliaiueiit, otJee auD abobe tl)e ^w- tereft of jfouc l&outiDS fo;j eter^ J^unb^eD l^ouiiDs, bp t|)e pear, alreabp p^ot)ibeD bp tDe faiD ;^ct» :^uD IPbDereas upon tf)t €tcMt of tl)e CatO ^ct of Parliament, anD of tDe faiD 3aeColutions, not onlp t\)z faiD ^um of €)ne C?unD;eD anD jFiftp ir:l)oufanD l^ounDS, but alfo a confiDerable |5art of tl)e faiD ^am of XD^ee f^unD^eD Xt)oufanD l^ounDS, J)atJ) been paiD bp feberal petfons into tl)e ia:reafurp, at tf)c f nftance of \>i^ ief (l5ot)erno?, o? dSoberno^S of tbtS UttnijDom, anD ftiU remam unpaiD : Georgii Tertli Regis* 33 mz it €nactcD l))> tlje Emgr'S ^o(i €i=Chap, cellent ®a|c(}^, l)j> atiD Itiitl) t|)e ^D= 11. \3!ce aitO oloufetie of tl)e ILo^Ds ^picitual^-^^v^ auO -iretiipo^aJ, aiiD Couitnons m l&at^ liament alTcmbleD, anD h)> :^utl)02itp or t|)e fame, XDat fo;j all auD etietj) fncJ) ^!mi auD :§)ums of ®onej?, not CxcceDmg m tl)c «llSHI)ole tl)e :^rim of JoDtie l^imDK^ anD JFiftp ^IjoafauD potmt)0, as |)3t5e l^een aftriallp parD ()p anp l^erfon o;j l^ctlon^ mto t!)e XteaCtirj?, pucfuant to thz CasD 51 ct of l^ariiament, thttz il)aU be pa!tJ at tl)e meceipt of 1^10 J®ajeQj)'0 Ex- chequer, l})j tl:)e l^aui^s of tl)e 'itice^STtea- frsret:, 0^ ^icc'Cteafurets, l)is 0^ t|)eit De^ put^ 03 Deputtes, from tj)e refpeaitje ^imcs of fuel) paj>ment0, to tf)e f^erfon 0? J^erfonsi tbat Co p)aiti tDe fame, ^10, {)er, 0^ t^eit Creditors. -^DmmiGcato^s, 0^ ^ITifftiS, ait 3utece(! of €)ne l^otiuD fo; eVierp §uttt)?eD pouut!^3 b)? tl)e pear, ot3er auD abotie tl)6 ^nttttd of four |&ottiit)0 fo^ e\)etp l^uti^ ti;>eD l^ormDs bp t})e pear, alrcaDp p^ot)iDeD bp tl)t faiD ^ct, fo as to tuafte tf)e f ntereft of iuth ^nn\ anD ;i>tttn0 5?it)e l^ounDs a pear, fo? etjcr^) i^uuD^eO l&ounDS, U)itl)ottt any jpee 0? €S)arge, auD free from all SDe- bnctiou^s, Defalcations anD ;^batements tS3|)atroetJ- r, until imh Xtme a0 t|)ej> (|)aU be rcrpectitJclp patD t^eir principal j^onep at one mtire parjnent* 3 ^no 34 Anno Regni lecunda t> :5CttD be it imt'on €nacteti hp tl)e :^u^ tl)02!tv afo^efaiD, %\)at fo; all anD ctJerp' inth ^mn anXi §>mm of ^omy>, not tt- ceeDing tit tJ)e OTIjole tJ)e ^>uu of Xhict ^nnt^^zt) Xi)otifauD pomiti«5, as Wot btm, i}2 fi)a!l be before thz Xlbcntv fiftl) ^a^ of December, £)lte tl)OnfanD fe\5tn l)UUl3^CD atiD fiU)) one, aauall^ pait) h^ aiip pet:: fon 02 ^erfoits into tl)e iZTteafurj^, at t\)t ^nftance of Dis (I5?ace tl)e lto?D Hicute- nant, o; ot[)ec <2ri)ief (I5o\)ccno? o? (SoDec- no?3 of t})iS lt?nijDo!n, fo> tl)e STtme bctng-, to iupvly f«cl) 2Deftcrenc)? as nia^ t)aUe arifen, o? ina^ -^nfe, in tl)e ^tm ffcanteD t!)e laft :^effion of parltajuent fo? the ^iip- po?t of t!)c ^mi anD ^ilirarp €aal)lii1^= inents, anD otl)ec necelTacjj Crpences of (3o^ tjecnment, fo? t|)e ^Defence of tj)is EmBdom, tl)cte ft)aU be paid at tbe mecetpt of f^i^ j®ajeftp'S Exchequer, bp t\)t l^anOs of tl)e IPiice^^teafttcec 02 Idice^Cteafurets, 0? ^ajj- i®aGet'(15enetal, J)iS oetfons tl)at i)at)e paiD, 0^ il)all pap tl)e fame, 1)1$, l)et, 0? tl)eic €xec«to?0, ^Ciminiftrato;j$, 0} airiirns, an gintereft acco;?Dincr to tl)e !aate of fi\)z pounds a peat fo^ eDerv» J^unt)?eD ^ounDS, tbitl)oiit anp j?ee cr^ C!)atjje, anD free from all l>eDiictions, Defalcations. Georgii Tertii Regis. 35 l>efalcatiou5S, auD ^tjatemetits Watlot\)tt,c hap. until fuel) ^tme as tUv il)all be refpeattjelp ir. paiD thttt {d^juctpal ®ojtep, at £)ne intice ^-^'v^^ :^itD be it fatfott CuarteD bp tJ)e ^utfto^ ;it^ afo^^fajD, %l)cit l^ebeututee, 01 lae^ tcipts, il)aU be gi\)en, anD figneo b;j tl)e ^;?opci: OBttt of Dfis j®ajeGp'0 ITteafutj), io2 all auD c\)etj? ^um anD §>mm of ^o^ nep, not cxcecDin^: m t\)z l)atJe been, 03 iljall be paiD into t\)z faiD %tcaiuty>, on Account of tl)e faiD j^uin of mntc J)ttnt)?eD ta:i)oufanD pounD0, pajjable at tj)e faiD iTceafucp, to fuel) l^etfon 02 ptdoiiQ, J)i0, j)er, 0? tDeic Ciecttto?«5, ;^bmmiacato?0, 0; ^fTifrnsi, as l)aV)e patD, 02 {!)aU pa? in tl)e fame, tbitl) gjttteceft, at t|)e JSate of 5Fit)e l^ounos a ^eat, fo2 eV)ecp i^unD^eD i^ounDS, anD t!)at an? ^etfon uia)? hv ^nDo^fement on fuel) SDebentare, 0? ^Receipt, ttansfet tJ)e laigDt anD Benefit of tl)e :§>um Due on fucb 21>e^ beuture 0^ iHeceipt, \hh\t\> upon Notice to tDe ^ice^Xteafutet o;j mice Xceafuretis, !)is o;j tj)eit: ^eput}) o;j l>eputies, anD an €ntcj) 0^ i®emo?ial tbctcof maDe in ti)e faiD mice^Xteafuitts €>fice (tbl)icl) tl)e faiD tEsce-ITteafucec o} ^ice-CteafuretS, l)is 0^ t\)zit Deputjj 01 3)eputie0, i^all upon i^z^ queft, DbitDout C!)at9fe, Jfee, 0? JaetbatD, 3 2 juafee 0( \6 Anno Regni fecundo CHAP.mafee acco^omgl^, ant) ll)aU, on laequeft, 11. pettuit t\)Z raitie to be tiielbcD at tl)e nftial jSDffice i^outs, tbitJ)out jfee o? meUiacD) ft)all intitle tl)e 5tiC!o;jfee, o 2Difcl)at9e tl)e fatD ;3frt0nment, otuii tl)erebp transfetteo 0^ affigrneD, o? anj^ l^art tj)ereot ;^nD fo? fe^ tucinfir tbe Jaepaj^ment of fucj) ^um o;j :g)ums of ®onep, not exccetJinir iti tj)e tbftole tl)e faiD :^utn5 of £>ne H^unD^eD anO JFiftp ^!)ouranD {Sounus, anD %\)itz i^un- WD 1Cf)oufanO l&oMnDs, m J)al)e been, 0? (^all be fo ati\3anceD anD paiD into tl)e faiD Cteafurj), IDitl) ^nteteft fo? tj)e fame, at tl)e ?aate of j?i\je i&ounDS a Pear, fo? e\3etj) €)ne C^unD?eD ^ounDs; ; be it Cnact^^ eD bj) tDe ;3utl)o?itp afo^efaiD, -dljat an aD^ Ditional 2Dntj> of Ctbo l^ounDs per ' of December, ;©ne tl)otifaaD feDctt ^-'"'^^^^ l)unt);jeD anD fittp one, be (I5^anteD, He^ t)ieD, laaifeD, anD paiX> to ^i^ ^ajeftp, from tDe fatD Xtbentp Sftb 2Da^ of De- cember, £)ne tl)otjfanD felien i)unD,'eO ano (irtp one, o\3et anO abolie tl)e i^creDitatp D«tie0, anD tl)e federal anD refpecti^^e mates;, Dntie0, anD ^mpofitionsi, tl)at ft)all 0? map be jgranteD to i^is; ©ajeftp in tl)isi :^e(rion of l^atliament, anD alfo an aDDitional Wmv of fonv ^\)illms^ per l^ounD Mieigbt, fo? anD upon all ^elbets, anD Manufactures maDe of, 0^ tntXeD tbitD :^ilft (except tj)0fe of Great Bri- tain, China, Perfia, anD t|)e Eaft Indies) tj)at (tiall be f mpo^teD into tf^i^ BtngrDom, from anD after tbe %\hmty gftl) Daj> of December, €)ne tl)oufanD fetjen ftunD;jeD anD fixtp one, be ILetJieD, JaaifeD, anD l&aiD to (^is ©ajeajj, from tl)e faiD ^tbentp eftl) E>aj) of December, £int t^OUfanD fe^ t)en j)tmti?eD anD fixtp one; anD alfo an aD^ Ditional S>ut?j of €)ne l^alfpennj> per !&ottnD (Meiffbt, fo? anD upon all i^ops tj)at fi^all be f mpo^teD into tbis liinr Dom, from anD after rbe faiD Xtbentp flftj) Wav of December, Dne tj)oufanD fet)en l)ttnD;jcD anD fiitp one; an aDDitional S>utp of j?it)e |&0WnD9( per Centum, fo^ anD upotl it all 38 Anno Regni fecundo Chap. all China, €att|)ett, ^apauueD, 0? HaC:: 11. queteD QKulate, r|)at l|iall be f mi)o;?teti into ^-^>'^^ti)t6 fiingoom, from auD attet tbe faiD XtbetttJ> ftftl) l)aj> of December, €)ne tl)OUi fant) febeti l)utit);?eD auD fixtj> one, as Ba^^ lueO ano laateD fo;? CuGom bj> tj)e 2iaooft of Eatee ; an aOtJitional SDutp of tJTtbentp ;g^J)illin^S per ^tttl, fo? auD ttpott all :$o?ts of minejjat t|)at (l)all be f mpo;?teD into tU^ ItmgDom, from atiD after tt)e faiD ^tbentp 5rtft^ 2>ap of December, €>ne tl)oufanD fe= \)en l)utiO?eD auD (iitj> one, be ItetJieo, maifeD, auD l^atD to J^is ©ajeGp, J^is i^eics auD :^uccefl'o?$, from tj)e faiD ICtbeittJ) j?lftl) SDajJ of December, ^tXt sr^oufaiio feV)ett j)tttttJ?eD anD Cxtp one^ ;3ttiD be it fattl)et CnacteD bj) tl)e ;^tttl)o? ?itj) afo of £)ne l^alfpennjj per ^ounD Mleijg:|)t on i^ops;, t!)e faiD ;aDDi2 tional SDutp of jfitJe ^OUnDS; per Centum, on china, €act!)en, ^apanneD, 0;? ilac=» QuereD Mlate, anD t|)e faiD ^DDitional Dtttp of tltbentp ^l)illtnjgfS per %un on Vinegar, be laaifeD, CoUecteD, HetJieD, anD H^aiD to ^is ©aieftp, l^is i^eitS, anD :^ttcce(ro;2S, from t5)e faiD 3i:tbentp 8ftJ) 2Daj> of De- cember, Georgii Tertii Regis. 30 cember, ^tte tDoufatiD re\)eti I)mitJ;jeD ante hap. fiitp one, ntitsl t{)e %\!bzntp ftftJ) ^av of 11. March, tbDicJ) tDtU be in tbe Pear of €)at v.^'v^^ lLoiX>, £Pne tbottfauD fctieti |)unD?eD anD rmv ttbo, iticlttfi^e, auD no lonijer, oloet and abo\je all otl)et SDuties, tl)at (l)all be tl)ett payable fo? tl)e fatne, hp Mittm of anj> ^ct of l&acltanient t})at il)all be tl)ew in jFo^ce rti ti)i55 I^ingDom* :^nD be it imthtt CnacteD hp tl)e ^tt= t\)02it}> afo^efaiD, XJ)at if ti)e faiD W^inzQ, 0? otbet ®eccl)anCii3e9i |)eceitt before ttieu? tioneO, upon tl)l)icj) tl)e faiD ;^DDttional anD ot\)zt SDtitiee; ace becebj) cl)arffeD, i^all be again €xpo?tet) bp anp j©ettl)ant 02 ^ettftants, tJ)at is o? are a :$)ttb|ect 0? jgjtibjects of tl)i3 iRealrn, 0;? nn}> otftet l^is ®ateftj>'$ ^Dominions;, \})it\)m €ij9fS)teett #onti)3;, 0^ by> :®ercl)ant«5 ^trangets, V]bitl)itt Xtbelbe ®ontj)s, afte? tl^e fmpo?:: tatton thereof, anD tl)at Due |^;>oof be fifcft maDe, bp Cectift'cate, fcom tl)e proper: flDf= fiiccts, of tj)e Due €ntrp anD l^ajjuient of tl)e faiD ;aDDttional anD otl)ec Duties j)erebp (I5;?anteD, anD tl)at all otbet laequifites ft)aU be pecfo^meD, tbl)icj) ace bj) Hatb ce- qniceD to be pecfo^meD in tMe CafeS, tbbece tl)e Duties of €xcife ace to be cepaiD, tl)at tben tj)e faiD ^^DDitional anD otbet Duties, (!)aU, tbitj)out anp Dela? 02 Jfte^ IBt 2 tbacD, 40 Anno Regni fecundo c H A p.roaictJ, be laepaiD 03 ^ailotbeo, unto fuel) 11. j®ccc{)ant 0;? j®ercl)ant5 fo €ipo^tiug ti)e fame, tS)itj)iti one i®ontl) after DcmanD t\^zuof, 01 t!)e ^^ectttit^ fo^ tJ)e faiD ^aDDi- tional anD otl)ct 3>tttie0, bp tbts ;3ct cj)atget), 1*1)311 be t^acateD, a3 to fo mntb as l^all be fo €xpo;?tet) ; anp %\)in^ J)eceia cotitaineD to tl)e couttac^ riottbitj)(lanDing» ;5nD be tt fttctbec CnacteD bj? tl)e ;^ut!)o- ritp afo^faiD, Cbat all aitD ebetjj tj)e fe- tecal antJ rcfpectibe StDtiitional anCi ot\)tt HT^utiesi I)ctebp dE^^anteD, a)aU be Eaifeti, ;^uflbeceD, CoUcctcD, atiti l^aitJ unto i^is i®ajeG)?, f^i«5 i^eics atiD :^uccefro?0, ourmjj tjbe ^nnc afo;?efaiD, at tl)e fame 3E:ime, ano ill lifee -©anner, antJ bp fucf) nt2aaj)«3>, j®ean«5, anti j®ctDoDS, anO by fuel) iaules auD S>icectiottS, auD unDet fuel) ^Senalties aiiD jFo^feituces, atiD tbitl) fuel) l&otbetfS, a«$ ate appotnteD, utreaeD, atiD exp;?effeD, in auD bp an ^ct maDe in tl)is ^in^tom, in tj)e jFoucteentl) anD jFifteentl) peats of tfte meign of filing Charles t^e ;^eeonD, fnti^ tleD, An Adt for the Settling the Exciie or New hnpoft upon His Majefty, His Heirs, and Succeflbrs, according to the Book of Rates therein inferted ; 0? bp an^ Otl)et Itatb noUj in 5fo;>ee, relating to t^e l^et^enue of €xs cife in t!)is BingDom, as fullj? anD ef= fectuallp, to all g^ntents anD i^urpofes, as if Georgii Tertli Regis.' 41 it tl)c fame Vbttz patticulatl)? metttionctJ,c h a fpccifieD, anD CnactcD arrain lu tl)e WoDy 11. of tl)i5 pjcfent ^(t, tbitb lilte ^aemeDj) of Appeal, to atiD fo> t})e ^a^ty c^mXicDy as irt atiD by tJ)c faiD ^ct of Cxctie, 0? an^ otl)ec itatb 02 Jlatbs ttotb tti bemjr, relatitijgr to t^e S>utie9 of Cxctfe, is p,^otJibeD» :^ttD be it furtl)cr CnacteD bj> tl)e :^n- tbo^itp afo^efaiD, Xbat neitl)ec t\)z S>ix^ pence per pounD, no? an^ ot^e;? jfee, l^all be payable to. 02 be oeOucteD 0; tecei\)eD by thz mtce^tiEteaftttec 0? Hice^^reafurecs, iaecettjer, o;j 1&aj> ;®aGec=(Beneral, Clecft of tj)e ^ells, 02 my otl)ei: -©fficec 0? €)fficetg of tj)i5 IBiinjjtJom, fo?, 0? on ;3cconnt of, 0? out of t|)e <^iD5 J)ereb;> crranteD to ^iS j®aieftjj, 0? of an^ ^5a;?ment to be made tJ)eteout, in purfuante of t\)i^ ;^(t. ;^tttJ be it furtbet CnacteD b^ the -^«tl)o= 2ity afo;jefaiD, x6at tl)e (atD feberal 2Dtt^ ties anD ^iDs htttby srcanfeD to l^is j®a== jeftj), (l)aU be applieO bp tl)e ^ice-Strearurec 0;? ^ice-^ceafuters, l)!S 0? tbeic l^eptit^ 0? ^Deputies, to pa^ an ^ntereft, at tj)e i^ate of 5flt)e ^j&OUnDS per Centm-n, per Annum, in ILieu of tbe faiti Entered of ^out l^ounbs per Centum, per Annum, p^ObibeD by t^e faiD Sia of t!)e laft :$^eirion of l^acliament, fo;j it all ?* -ija Anno Regni fecnndo €h A p.all fuel) :^uiu auD ^uuis of j®ottc^ not ir. ciceet)!iig, in tljt 0)!)c»le, ii)c :^um of One I^uuD^eD auD f iftp ts:j)ouranD pjotniDs, a^ l)at)e been abtjaucet) auD paiD into tbe faiO Xteafurr, tn |5«rftiance of tbe faiD laft tuentEoueD .<{ct, anD alfo an ^uteteft, at tl): llate of j?it)e l&OtmOS per Centum, per Annum, fo^ all fUCl) ^tttU auD ^UUIS of polity, not eiceeDins" iu t\)t WB\)o\z tht :^innbf ^l)2ct i^uu02eD irt)oufauD l^ouuDS, a5 l)at)e been, o? il^all be aD\3anccD aitD l^atl) into tbe faiD ^teafnrp, m l^ucrttante of tbe faiti iaefolutioii of tDe laio €om= nton0, auD tolbarDs tl)e Dtfcl)atj9fe of fuel) ¥'?mcipal :^imi ano ^um0» ;^ttD be it inttlf)tt CnacteD hy tbe ;^utl)o^ ^itp afo^eCaiD, tl)at if atip ^act of tt)t fait> ^;jincipal ^mm il)aU remain Due anD un^^ paiD, on tl)e Xttoentp fiftJ) 2Da>) of March, tbl)icl) (l)aU be in tbe peat of £E>ttC ilo;jD, £)ne tl)oufanD fetien l)unC)?eH an'o futj> ttbo, tl)e fame ft)aU be tbell anD ttuly fatisfteD anD paiD unto 't\)z kutai petfons, t\)tit executors, ;:aDtntniQtato;jS, anD ;3ffi|rn«3i, tefperti\)elj>, to tbl)om t\)z fame l^iaU be t!)en Due, tojjetbec tbitl) int\> f ntereft fo;? tj)e fame, as ft)aU be t^en Due, at t[)e laate of 5fit)e l&onnDlS per Centum, per Annum, tbitJ)- oMt anp 3aDeDuction, 3>efaUation, o; ^bate- «nent tb!)atfoeV)et» ^no Georgli Tertli Regis. 43 ^uD be it iutt\)tt €na(tetJ hy> tfte ^nt\)o^c hap. 2it}> afo2efaiD, %\nt fcotu atiD after t!)e it. faiD %\htnt}> 6ftl) DajJ of December, £)ne t^oufatiD Cetjeii l)unD;?eD atiD fixt^ oue, a feperate anD Diftinct ;5ccottnt l^all be ftept bj) tl)e l&^opec €)fficec6, of t!)e 3>utie6 anD ^iDs granteD bp tl)i!5 ;act, 0^ ati^ ot\)tt ;^ct of patltament notb in jFo;jte in tj)is IBlttiff;: t)om, atiD app;?oP(?iateD to l^actirular Bfe^, atiD tbat tl)e ^ommiffioners of J^i^i ®a= ieftj)'!3i EeUenue in tl)eic ;^bGcactsi, i!)aU te^ turn an 3[tcount of t\>t kXtztal Duties anO tZEaxes; To app^op^jiateo, anD tj)at z\)tty> €oU lector 0;? iaeceitjec of tl)e faiD ^Duties anD Xaies, Do tafte a feperate Jaeceipt fo^ t|)e fame, tbJ)en f)aiD into J^is j®ajeQp's ^rea- futj), tbj)icj) faiD laeceipt, tDe ^ice?Creaftir= er, o;? mite::Xteafucets, Disi o;j t!)eit Depiitp oj Deputies, iS, anD ate tequiteD to sM acco^Dmjjli?* It 2 AN *^ •- .( A A N C T O T Perpetuate, with Amendments, a Claufe in an A6t pafTed in the Ninth Year of His late Majefty King George the Second, Intitled, An A^ for the more eff'e&ual Ajfign- ing of JudgmetitSj and for the more fpeedy Recovery of Rents by Dijfrefs. DUBLIN: Printed by Boulter Grierson, Printer to the King's Moft Excellent Majefty. MDCCLXII. Chap.' III. J I , ( 47 ) A N A C T T O iPerpetuate, with Amendments, a Claiife in an Ad: pafled in the Ninth Year of His late Majefty King George the Second, Intitled, ^n [A^ for the more e^eBual ^jjigning of yudgmentSy and for the morefpeedy Recovery of Rents by TL>iftrefs, CHAP. III. WJ^eiac;^^ bj) an :^ct of pat^'C MA p. Imment palTeD m tJ)is mingDont, in. m tDe ^iittl) pear of D^is latc^ ®aKftp Bins: George tj)e ^econo, ^lUltlcD, 48 Anno Regnl fecundo Chap. An Ad for the more effediial Aflignmg of III. Judgments, and for the more ipeedy Recovery '^-^"-^ of Rents by Diftrels ; it 1^a0, i02 t\)t ^m^ fons thtxtin inentiouet), CuacteO (amonjt otl)cc ts:Dmg:$) XS)at in all Cafes, tU 5a.ecital of a itcafe fo? a pear, in tbe DeeD of JRclcaCc, fDall be DcenicD, ant) talten to . lie, full auD fufSneut €tJiDence of fuel) Heafe, WO\t\) ^ct bemgr €:cnipo?acj?, Ibat^ been toutmueD Dp fnbfequcnt ^cts padet) in tl)i3i ISHttjjOonr. ::2Cnti tb^ecca^ tl)c faitJ retiteD tlunk })atl) hem foutiD, bj) experience, to i^e ufe- ful anD St to be matie a perpetual ILalb ; Be it tDerefo^e CnacteD Up tbe iiing'^r^oft Cicellent ^©ajeftj', bp atiD Ibit^ tl)e :^Dtjice anD Confent of tl)e ?lo;?D3 j^pititual anD Xempo^al, anO Commons in l^atliament affembleD, anD bp tl)e ;5utJ)o?ftp of t\)z fame, tZEl)at tl)e faiD teciteD ^^ct paffcD m t^e ^mtl) pear of l^is late ®atcap, Co far fo;?t^ as tbe fame relates to tl)e making: tbe laecital of a Heafe fo? a pear, in tl)e 2DeeD of ^eleafe, €biDcnce of fuc{) Heafe, ft)all be anD remain in full JFo^ce, to all intents anD l^urpofes, fo t^e 9Lutf>02itp afo^efaiD, %l)SLt m all Cafes irr. of fleatJinsr 3?eet)S of Heafe anO meleafe,^-^^^^*^ tb!)etetn tt map be uecelTacp to alleDp t!)e b^itijjinflr fuel) DeeDS into Court, it fl)aU be fufScient to alleO^re tl)e bringing into Court tj)e SDeet) of meleafe, in tb!)tcl) tl)e mecital of fuel) ?teafe il)all, to all pur- Ijofes tbDatfoeVJer, be as effectual as p?o- tiucinjj tJ)e fame* A N J\ A N C FOR T Allowing further Time to Perfons in Offices or Employments, to Qualify themfelves, purfuant to an Adl, Intitled, ^u J4d to Prevent the further Grozvth of Toperyi DUBLIN: Printed by Boulter Grierson, Printer to the King's Moft Excellent Majefty. MDCCLXII. Chap. IV. (53) A N ACT FOR Allowing further Time to Perfons in offices or Employments, to Qualify themfelves, purfuant to an A6t, in- titled, ^11 ^B to prevent the further Grozvth ofTofery. CHAP. IV. Wi^^iac^a^ federal J&etfott!^c h a p; mM\ ;^ffetteD to ^\% j®ajeGj)'^ iv: cl5o\3etntnent, atiD t|)e €l)utcj) of ^-^'w^ Ireland, a0 bj? HaU) €ftal)ltil)eD, luaj) l)a\)e t\n^Vi%\) ^gtio^atice neglerteD, o? beeti p;?e= HeuteD t)p ^^ichiiefs, o^ otj)ct ^naUoiDable (Eaafcs, ftoui ta&tng anD fubfcnbitig tl)e jfiPati)^, atiD maftiuir ant) fubfcribiag t^e SDcclacattott, anD from lacccitiinsr tl)e :^a= ttament of tDc ?Lo^?D'3 Supper, according: £) to ^4 Anno R^gni fecundo t|)e Ditections of an ^ct nmDe iti IV. thi^ EiHttM>m, m t|)e :^ecoitD Peac of Hz laergit of li^ct iate i®a|eftp ^ueeu Amie, 3llttItleD, An A3: to prevent the further Growth of Popery ; ailtl 0? t\)tit '^nahttt^ tencp nta^ l)at3e incrttrcD peat l^enaltics ; mz it CaacreD bp t|)e Bing's :®oft excellent j®ajeftp, bp anD Wt\) t\)z M-^ Dice anD Confent of tl)e Ho^D'S :^piritual anO irenipo;?al, anO Cotnmons in par^ liament ;3fTeml)leD, auD hy t|)e 9(titi)o;?it^ af tl)e fame, %\)at all anti eberp iDctfou 02 petfons tbl)o Dalje incutceD an^ pe^ nalties anD f ncapacities in ti)e faiD ;2lct, gJntltleD, An Ad: to prevent the fui-tlier Growth of Popeiy, ttientioneD, bp nesrlect' tngr to €lualif? t!)emfelt)es acco;jC!in9r to tl^e farD ;^(t, l^all be, anD ate j)etebp f n- DemniQeD, jFreeD, an:D SDifcbar^-eD of anD from all §nmpatttit^y SDifabilities, 5Fo^? fciture0, anD J^enalties incutceD, bp 3iaea= fon of fuel) £)nu(rion o? iRejjlert, as afo;>efaiD, anD tl)at no ;^ct o; :^aQ Done b^ tj)em, 0? anp of tl)ent, o; hy ^ntf^o^it^ De^ titJeD from tl)etn, o^ anj) of tl)em, anD not yet aV)oiDeD, il)all be queftioneD o? aboiDcD, h^ iacafon of fucj) ^es:lect o^ £)miiIiott, but all fuel) acts fl)all be, anD are l)erebp SDeclateD anD €nacteD to be, as ct5ooD anD effectual, as if all anD ctJcrp fuel) petfon anD pecfons l)aD taften anD fubfcnbeD tDe faiD Georgli Tertii Regis* 55 ifatD C>ati)Si, auD mecestjeD tj)e faiD :§atta^c hap. mcnt, atiD maDc auD fubfccibeD t\)z CaiD iv. E^eclacation tit ^mntt as afo^eCaiD; anj) Xl)incr iti tl)e faiD ^ct to t!)e Couttatp til |&?ol3it)eD fuel) Pctfoti iv PccfottS Do anD f^ali tahz atiD fubrctibe tl)e faiD £I?atbs, aut) rccei\)e tbe faiD :^actamcnt, anD malie, repeat, auD ftibfctibe tt)e fatD SDeclaratton, in fncD ®anuec auD foini, auD in fuel) palace auD l^laccs as ace DirecteD anD ap- pointeD hy> t\)t faiD ^ct to p^ctjent tl)t fmthzt (B^otbtl) of ^^opecp, on 0? before tt)e jrirfl: ^av of Augiift, ttil)icJ) 11)311 be in t})e ^^eat of ^ut Ho^D, :^ne t|)oufanD feben l&un= D^eD anD fixtj? ttbo* 1&^o\)iDcD altba^s, ^l)at tl)is ;^(t, 0? anj> Cf)mg l)ecein containeD, il)aU not extenD to JRefto;?e o? Entitle anj? ^ecfon 0^ l^erfons to anp £PS[ice 0? €mploj)inent, alreaD)? actually aboiDeD bp gtiDgment of anj> of l^is ®a]eGj)'«3 Courts of laeco^D, o;j alreaD)) ftUeD up bj) anj) ot|)cr l^erfon, but tbat fuel) ^SDffice 0? €mploj?ment ft)aU be anD remain in tl)e l&erfon 01 ^erfons, \Xfl)o is 0^ ate notb Sl^titleD bp ILatb to tl)e fame, as if tj)is ^ct J)aD ne\)er been maDe. £) z AN A A N C FOR T Granting to His Majelly, the feveral Duties, Rates, and Impofitions, therein exprelled, to be applied to pay an Interefl, at the Rate of Five Pounds per Cenfum, per Annum, for the feveral Sums therein provided for, and towards the Difchai'ge of the faid Principal Sums. DUBLIN: Printed by Boulter Grierson, Printer to the King's Mod Excellent Majefty. MDCCLXH. Chap. V. iS9 ) A N ACT FOR Granting to His Majefty, the feveral Duties, Rates, and Impofitions, therein ex- prelled, to be applied to pay an Intereft, at the Rate of Five Pounds per Centum, per Annum, for the leveral Sums therein pro-, vided for, and towards the Dilcharge of the iaid Principal Sums. G H A P. V. \J|/ tj)e laft j^effioti of i&atliametit, v. ▼ ▼ ^ntitUleD, An Kdi for Granting tov.^v^w' His Majefty, a further Additional Duty on Wine, 1& 2 Silk, 6o Anno Regni fecundo Silk, Hops, Ch'ma, Earthen, Japanned, and Lac- quered Ware, and Vinegar, to be applied to ' pay an Ihtereft of Four Pounds per Centum, per An- num, for liich Sums of Money, not exceeding in the Whole, the Sum of One Hundred and Fifty Thouiand Pounds, as fliall be advanced and paid into His Majefty's Treaiuiy, in Manner therein mentioned, and towards the Difcharge of the laid Principal Sums ; ft tbaS €naCteD, €!)at to? all and eViet)) fuel) ^am auD :^ums of j®onep, not exceetimcr m tj)c caSl|)ole tl)e ^tnn of jC>ne J^uno^eD auD jFiftp ta:i)ou= fauD pounDs, as (l)oulD be actually paii) Ijjj anp pecfon o? perfons mto tj)e Xteafucj?, at t|)e f ttftance of !)i0 cB^ace t|)e ILo^D S^ieutetiant, o? otl)et Cl)ief ct5oDerito? o? <15ot)erno?$ of tl)e ^mgDom of Ireland, fo? tDe Xmie bcnig-, fo;? tl)e necellatj) Defence of tl)i5 BitiSfDom, ant! fo? 3>iftl)arirms^ tl)e fetecal ^ums of ®onej) tbl)tc|b l)aD been, 0? fl)oalD be t\itt neceffarj) ^xpences of (Bot}etn!Utnt, f Ojj t®;e l>efence of tfts BintrDom, fo;j ^tbo S^eat^^ from tl)e ^tbent^ J?iftl) 3>ap of Decembei-jj. ^ne t})ouraii.D fetien t)unt);?eD anb fiftj? i0, ftjoalt) be maOe igrooD b^ tS)em, tbitl) an ^n= ■^-•'^ ^ teceO: 62 Anno Regni fecundo CHAP.teteG (02 tl)e fame, at t5)e mate of fm V. l&ounDS fo;j etjetp €)ne i^tmD^et) bj) tl)e pear, '^"v^to be computeD from tj)e tefpectilie Ximee, fttcft ^umQ (\}oulx> be ^Dt^anceD, out of ftttl^ Stitis as (l)oulD be (Btanted tl)e neit :^efl'ioti of l^arliament; atiD ftittl)er 3ae^ (oltJeD, Xbat an ^fnteceft of €)ne ^oimD, fo;j eterj? €)ne l^ttnD;?eD pountJS hy t|)e pear, l|)oulD be uiaDe jjooD bp tJ)em, out of fuel) ^ids as ft)oulD be cl5;?anteti Mcxt ^efTion of l^atltament, to fuel) i^erfons as l)aD ;5D= t)attceD ano l^aitJ, o;> il)oulD ^Dijauce o> ^ap, atip :^um o? j^wins of j®onep into tl)e faiD Creaftttp, l^urfuant to tl)e faiD 5act of l^arliament, oDer anD abot)e t{)e 3tt= tereft of JFour ^SounOS fo;? etoetj? €)ne i^uii^ t);feD i&ounDS bp tJ)e peat, alreaDj> l^^ot^iOels bi> tj)e faitJ ^ct* SfnD tbl)et:eas b^ att :^ct palTeD in tl)is ^g^elTion of |&arliament, gntttuleo, n Aa for Granting to His Majefly a further Additional Duty on Wine, Silk, Hops, China, Earthen, Ja- panned, Lacquered Ware, and Vinegar, and for better Securing the Repayment of One Hundred and Fifty Thoufand Pounds, paid Into the Trea- fiiry for the Support of His Majefty's Govern- ment, purftant to an Ad of the lall: Sellion, together with the Intereil; thereof, and for Se- curing the Repayment of fuch Sums of Money, not^'exceeding in the Whole the Sum of Three Hundred Thoufmd Poimds, as liave been or fliall (jcofgii Tertli Regis. 63 fliall be paid into the Treafiiry, or (hall be act- Chap. vanced to His prefent Majefty, purfuant to the V. Refbkitions of the Houfe of Commons, the laft Selfion of Parliament, together with the Intcreft thereof, ^t icbas (auiongr ot\)tt t!)mg[S) CnacteD, %\)at fo;? all auD ctjerj? fuel) ^um auD i^utns of ©otiep, not exceeding in tl;e aiQlt)ole thz ^uni of ^nt f^nnX>2tt) anD fif- ty ^|)onfauD l^otmt3S, as ^aO been aauallp paiD bp anp l^ctiou 02 pecfons into tl)e ^ieaCut)>, porfiiant to tU faiD ;^ct of |^ar= liameut of tbe laft ^effion, tbtzz ft)ottlD be paiti at t})e ffiecapt of pour ^Q^jt^y^ €x^ cl3cq[«er, bj? tJ)e D^antig of tJ)e Iltcc^tEteafttt:^ er, 0? 'Slice '^reafurei-^, })if$ 0^ tijeic S^eptitp o;j SPepnt!e0, fcotn tJ)e tefpeaiVJe Ximes of fiuj) i^apuieitts, to tl)e |5etfou 0^ l^erfons tl)at fo pait) tl)e famc,|)i0, |)er, 0^ tl)efc €xemto^0, ^dmmifttato^s, 0^ ^Crigrn0, ait f ntecefl of €)ne l^onnti fo? el)erp <©ne §unO?eD iDounDs hp t!)e pear, otJer anQ abo\3e tl)e Sintered c^f font l&onuts fo?e\;)et?) £)ne ^unD^ieD i^ouutis hp tl)e pear, alrcaOp p^otJiOeD tp tlje faiD ;^ct of tj)e laft :^effion, fo as to tnahe tl)e g^ntcreft of fuel) ^nm anti :^u«is 3?!^ p»ounDs a pear, fo? etJecp C>ue ^unt)?:D pounDS, tbitl^out anp Jfec 0? aibatjje, anti free fiom all Debttctions, 2De^ falcatious, auD Abatements tbbatfoe\)er, until fuel) €;tuic as tl)ej> il)oulD be refpec- t!\3elp patD tl)eir ¥)?mtipal ^mcp at one intire J&aj^uient : AnO it Dtias furt!)er ^ 2 CnacteOj 64 Anno Regni fecund o c H A p.CitacteD, t!)at fo^ all ano t\}tt^ fuel) §>nm V. ant) :$)ums of ©ouejj, not exceetiinij m t|)c v./vx^2Kiaj)ole tj)e ^um of ta;i)jee l^unD^eD ^bou^ fanO l&ottnt)S, as {)aD been, 0^ ajoulo be, before t^e titbentj) fiftl) SPaj? of December, £)ne tl)oafanD fetJen |)un0^eD anO Oxt)^ one, actttalljj pait) bp anj) petfon 02 l^erfons into tl)e %tmim^, at tl)e glnaance of l)ts (S^ace t^e ilo^t) Uteutenant, 0? otl)tt €i)ief dJoVier' no? 01 (15ot)etno;?s of t|)i«5 I^iugOoin, io2 tk Xtwe beinsr, to f«pplj) fuel) 2Dcticieiu)> as ma? |)at3e acifen, 0? miffl)t acife, in tbe Sttcs ijranteD laG :$>e(fion of ^atliatttenr, fo;j tte j$>ttppo?t of t|)e arit)il anD ®ilitat? €aa:= Wi^mentsi> ant) otl)er neteUat? Cipentes of <15o\)etnment, fo? t^e 2r>efence of thi^ BLingr- tiom, t!)ere ri)oult) be paiD, at t\)t Jaeccipt of $)our j®aieG?'S €xcl)equer, b)) tDe C^aniDS of tDe Ilice=3E:teaftttet, o? Bice^^reafurerg, t>2 pap'®aGet^'<15eneral, |)t«5 0? tbeic SDeput? 0? SDeputies, ftom tl)e refpecti\)e ^imes of CutD payments, to tf)Z l&ecfon 02 ^^ctfons tDat Date paio, 0? il)oulD paj> tl)e fame, l)!0, J)er, 02 t5)eit €xecuto?s, ^Dmittiacato^s, 0? ;^(rijjns, anSfntereft, acco^tJiag: to tl)e mate of jfite l&ountis a J>eac foet)imions, SDefalcations anti ^[batements tbj)atfoc\)cr, until fuel) ^ime a«5t{)ej) ft)oulD be tefpectitcl}'paiDtl)e!i: l^^incipal fl0onej> at one intice #aj?mcnt Georgii Tertii Regis. 65 :^nti Ibbeteas upon tl)e CteDit of ti)e faidc hap. ;^ct of l^acliamcnt of t^e laft ^effioti, anD v. of d)e faiD mefoltittonsi of t})e l^orife of^^'"^^^ €ot!iinon0, not onlp ti)e faiD iiim of £Dne l)aut)^^D anD ftftp t!)onfanD l^ounDs, but alfo tl)c ^um of Cltio l)nnD;?eD tj)ottfanD ^ounti^, ^art of tl)c faiO j^tmi of Cl);?ee J)unD2cD t[)ouranD ^oiaitJo;, |)atJ) ken paiD hy izXitViil ^erConsi into pone j®ajeftj)'s Xceafarp, tbl)icl) faiO ^um of One {)unD;?eD auD ftftp tbottfanD l^ounds, anD iLtbo j)un^ D^cD t!)oufanD pounDs, amount in t|)e Wi\^olz to tl)e ;i)um of %i)itz ftunD^eD anO mty tJ)oufanD idottnD0» ;^nD tDbeteas tl)e faiD §>um of ^J)^ee !)ttn:^ D^cD anD 6ftpt})oufanDP)ounD2i remains Gill ttnpaiD, anD tt may be neteCTatp tl)at a ftit^ tl)et :i)um 0^ ^um«3 of ^onep il)oulD be bo??oti3eD to fupplp fuel) Deficiencies as map acife in tj)e :3iDs granteD t!)is hellion of parliament, fo? tj)e :^uppo^t of pout ®a= jcftp's (Kotjernment : miz tDerefo;?e, f>ottt ®ajeaj)'S moft Du^ tifal auD Hoj^al :^ubjerts, tl)e Commons of Ireland, in Parliament affembleD, Do mod l)timblp befeecl) pour ^ajeGp, t^at it map be CnacteD, anD be it CnacteD bp tj)e Itingr'S i^oft excellent ®ajeGp, bp anD tbitl) tl)e ^Dt)tce anD Confent of tj^e Ho^DS ;i>piri^ Ja tual 66 Anno Regni fecundo CHAP.tual ant) 33:empo?al, aiiD Commotis in V. t|)ts p^efetit l&atliameitt aJTetiibleD, auD bp t^e ^utj)o?itj) of t|)e fame, ^l)at a fatt})ec aODitional 3>tttj) of ^ix l&ountis per STun, fo? anti upon all ^oitQ of OTme of rbe <15;>0tbt!) of France 0} Spain, anO Cl);jee i^ouni^s per SCttti, fo;j anD upon all ^o;jtei of Mine of t\)Z (I5?0tbtD of Portugal, atiD of fl\)t ^ounos per ^ttti, fo;> atiD tipon all othct ^itiesi tl)at (|iall be impo;?teb into t^ts EinfftJom, front anD after tl)e ^Ibentp fiftl) 2Dap of March, Dne tboufanD fel)en l^tititJ^eD ant) fixtp ttbo ; anD alfo an aDDitional E'titp of jfo^tp :$j)ill!njgr5 per ponnti mitig\)t, fo? anti upon all tlHeltJets anD ^anttfacttires, ntaDe of, o; n\ixtt> Wtl) ^illt (except tl)ofe of Great Britain, China, Perfia, anD tbe Eaft- Indies) tj)at ll)all be fmpo^teD into tj)ii3» l^injgrDom, ftom anD aftet ti)e %Vomt}> ttftl) l)aj> of March, j©ne tf)oiifanD fet^en ^unD^eD anD ^xtf ttbo, be (B^muD, laaifeD, llet)ieD, anD ^^aiD to pour ®ajeft^, ftotu tbe faiD Xtbent)) ffftl) SDajJ of March, €5ne t})o!ifanD fetien 5)unD?eD anD fixtp ttbo ; an aDOittonal l)utj> of £>ne i^alf ^tnny per i^ounD Wiziv^y^t, fo? anD upon all l^ops tl)ar il)all be 3»^P<^?t:^^ nc tl)otifanD fetjen |)unD;2eD anD fittp ttbo ; an aDDlttonal H^UtJi of fM l&OUnDS per Centum, foap of March, £)iie tboufauD fet)en l)uhD?eD anD fixtj? ttlbo ; an aODitional 2>utp of C^ittp ^^l)!!!^^^ per 5rnn, fo;? anD upon a!l :^o?ts of ^inegac t!)at il)all be gJuipo^teU into tl)isi EincrDom, fcoui anO after tl)e faiD lltbentj) fift^ S>a^ of March, One tl[)oufanD feVien !)ttnD;et) anD iixtj) ttbo ; a ftirtber aDDittonal Dut)) of Ctbo pence per (Ballon, fo;j anD upon el)etjj ■(IBaUoii of Aqua vit^, j^tronij 2Hater$, anD Spirits, tjjat a^all be maDe o^ DiftiUeD li3iti)tn t?)iS l^inKDom for^ale, to be paiO bj) tlje 6ra ®a^er o^ l^tftiUer thereof, from anD after t!)e faiD Xtbentj) ftftj) Dap of March, €>ne tDotifanD fet)ett l)tinD;?eD anD fixtp tll)o ; a fartl)er aDDitional Dutp of itttbo p^ente per j^ounD, fo;j anD upon all OTofifee t})ac itall be f mpojteD into this f^inijDom, from anD after t!)e tltbentp Sftl) Dap of March, i^ne t|)oufanD fetjen bnnD^eD anD firtp tlDo ; a Dutp of Xen ^WMm^^ ^^ b^ W<^ ^"P ^^^t:p l^erfon tl)at Dotl) 0? i^all fell, 0? tap out bp JRetail, anp CpDer, at atip Xime bettbeen tl)e faiD Xtbentp SftI) Dap of March, €)ne tl)owfanD fet)en 6nnD;eD anD fiitp tlbo, anD tbe ^Hbentp f^ftb Dap of March, ^ne tboufanD felsen i)tuiD^eD anD fixtp tl)(?ee inclufit}e ; anD a Dtitp of felien ^!)illin0$ anD $ii l^ence (beinjgr at t\>z iaate of %iw :g)J)illinj9f$ bp ^ 2 tl)e 68 Anno Rcgni fecundo c H A pear) to be paiO hp tUt)> ^tt^on tf)at V. DotD 0^ il)all (ell, o^ tap out €)?Dct hv 'jaetail, at an^ Xinxc bettbeett tl)e fatD Cttocut^^Sfti) S?ap of March, €)ne tbonfanD ret)eu |)uitD2eD auD fixtp tl);jce, aiiti tJ)c CDbeutJJ^fiftl) S>aj? of December, <©ne tl)ori? fauD feVicu btiut);?eD aiiD ftxt? tl)2ec, juclti- fiVie ; a ^utp of ilPue p^ennj? per dSallon, fo2 aut) upon all €pt)ec t!)at (l)all be ^olD, 02 tappet) out bp l^etatl, to be paiD bp tl)e ^ecfon U)l)o il3all fell o;? tap out tht fame bj) iaetatl, fcoiu atiD aftct t|)e faiD XtbetitpftftJ) S^ap of March, €)iie tl)oufanD feVieii l)uttti;?eD anD fixtj) ttbo j an aOlJitional ^ufp of titbeutj) :^|)iUmsr$, to be paiD bp et)et)> l&erfoti fo? etjetp CoacD, ari)atiot, 2i5etlm, Calaft), o? qibatfe, tbttl) fouc OT|)eel0, ll)!)icD fuel) petfon (l)aU hap m Ibis o;? i)ec ^olTelliou (except Cfacfeucp, o? ^tage^Coacl)e0, aiiD Coacl)es feept bp Coacb'^afeets io2 ^ale ) at anp Cune be^ ttbeen tlie faiD %\htnt^Mt\) 2Dap of March, £)ae tl)oufauD fetieu l)unt)?eD anD fixtp ttbo, anti t^e Xlbentp^^tiftl) Dap of March, £)ne t^oulauD fe^eti lbuuD;jct) auD fixtp tb?ee, in= clufiVie ; auD a Dutp of jFtfteeu ^loMin^^ (being at tl)e mate of tutbcntp MilUn^^ bp tl)e peat) to be paiD hv etetp |5erfon fo^ eV)ecp Coac^, Cl)atiot, Berlin, €alall), o^ C^aife tbiti) four OTDeelS, tbDicb fuel) per= fon f^all heep in bis o^ bet ^offeffion (except as afo?efaiD} bett?oeen t^e faiO S^tbentp fiftl) Dap Georgli Tertii Regis. 69 ^ap of March, €)nc ti)onfaiit) feVieti l)ttnD?etic ha?. anD ftxtj?=tj)?ee, anD tj)e Xtbentj) fiftl) l>a?> v. of December, €)tte tboiifduD kUn J)imt)?eD ^^"^^"^ anD fixtp tl)?ee, intlufitje > an atiOitional Dutj) of ^ix |g>enre per is:nn, foilh > tj)e faiD aDDitional SDutj) of £)ne i^alf l&ennp per l&ounD OTeijjbt on l^ops ; tbe faiD aDDitional Dutp of jfitje pounDs;, per Centum, on China, €attben, gfapanneO, anD HacquereD 2l2I!are ; t\)z faiD aDDitional 3)utp of Xbirtj) :^biUinij$ per Xun on Hi- negar ; tbe faiD furtber aDDitional 3>utp of Xlbo ^enceper CSallon on Aqua vite, :^ttonff Waters, anD Spirits; tY^t faiD furtber aD= Ditional Dutj) of ^tbo l&ence per J&ounD, fo? anD upon all Coffee ; tbe faiD tefpectibe ^ l>utiesi yb Anno Regnl fee undo c H A p.Duties of Xeti ^DtUmgrS, auD ^z\^z\x ^\)\V V. lings aitD ^\i ^mtz, to be paiD b?> et^ccj? ' — '^^l^erfon tj)at Dotl) o;j il)aU fell C^Det bj) me? tail ; tj)e faiD ST^atp of £)ne l^ennj) per cl5ab Ion, fo2 anO upon all €yx^a tl)at l^all be folD 0^ tapueU out bp l^etail ; t|)e faiD te- fpectitje aDDitional ^Duties of Xtbentp ^J)tl? Imgrs, anD jFifteen ^!)illm3:0, on eDerp Coacl), C!)aciot, Berlin, Calail), o? €J)a!fc tbitb font OTibeels ; anD t^e faiD 3>utp of :^ix l^ence per 'Cun on j^oap-aaoilets OTaCle, be uranteo, raifetJ, leViieD, ColleaeD, anD paiD to pottc ®aTeG)J, Pon? l^eics anD :^uccef:= fo;?^, ftotu t!)e faiD 3^Cbentp Sftj) l)a?> of March, j^ne tJ)owfattD feben j)ttnD?eD anD fiitj) ttbo, until tbe Xtbentp frftl) 3)ap of December, tb|)(c!) tbill be in tl)e ?>ear of out IL02D, C>ne tl)oufaiiD fetjen j)unD?eD auD fixt)) tfcee, inclufitje, atiD no longer, ot)er anD abotje all otl)er 3)utie$ paj^able fo? the Came, bj> Virtue of anj) ^ct of j^atliament uotb itv jFo^ce in tl)is IStitijgfDom* ;^nD be it furtl)er CnacteD bjj t!)e ;^utl)0' ?itj> afo?efaiD, C^at if tl)e faiD ^HHines, anD ot^er ®etcl)anDi3e6 l)erein before tnentioneD, upon tbl)icl) tl)e faiD aDDitional 3>utics arc i)erebp cl)arsreD, upon t\>z ^wpo^tation tl)ereof, il)all be again expo;?teD bp anj) j®er- cbant 03 i®etcj)ant$, tbat is 0? are a ^nh'- ject 0? :^«bjert$ of tl)i«5 iaealm, 0? anjj other i^is ©ajcCtp'S SDonuniottS, tbitl)m tltbentj) four Georgli Teitli Regis. ^i font: BalenDac ®onti)e?, oj bp ®etc|)antCH a p. :§)tcangfer0, \hit\)ni XlbellJC ItalenDac v. ;®ontl)S after t\)z importation tj)eceof, auD tDat Due l&;?oof be ficd tiiaoe bp Cectiftcate, fcom tl)e POT^c C>ff!cets, of tj)e Due €ntrp anCi }&aj)ment of tl)e faiD aODittonal Duties httzhy gcanteD, anD t5)at all ot|)ec laequi^ fites ft)all be petfo^meD, 03l)ul) ate bp ?LaU> reciuiceo to be pecfo^uieD in t|)oi:e Cafesf, tb^ece tl)e Dtities; of €icife are to be re? paiD ; t})at tl)en, t|)e TaiD aDtJitional l^ntit^ l^erebp impofeD, it)all, tbitl)out anj> 3>elap 02 EelbarD, be repaiD, o} allotbeCi unto [m\i> j®erc|)ant o JRetail, anp CpiDer lbitl)in tl)i$ Bin^rOom, but onlp fuel) as ft)aU be licentet) according to tl)e^ Directions of t!)i5 ;^ct, under fucD l&enaltp as i)erein after is exp^effeO* ^ I -:^nO J 2 Anno Regni feciindo Chap. ^tiD 1)6 it fttCtDct: CiiacteD \yp tl)e ;^it^ V. tJ)o;jtt^ afo^cEatt), XDat from anU aftec tl)e Cltoent^ 6ftl) Da^ of March, C)ue tl)oufanD Tetien btniD^eD auD fixtp tlbo, it f^all aitD luav be lalPbful to auD fo 1i:i);?ee of t!)eni, auD t^e OToUecto^s of i^iS ^aieaj^'s €xc!fe, in t!)eit fetJeral anD re? (pectit)e l^iQtictS, from %\x\\z to Cune, to iffue anD grant fucJ) ^licences, fo? tJ)e fel^ ling anD tapping out €j)t)er Dp 5aetail; anD tl)at fo? eVjerj? furl) ILitence, fo to be granteD, t!)e ^\x\\\ of €)ne ^!)iU!ng anD ^m l^ennp, anp no tuo^e, ft)aU be paiD, o;? DenianCeD, as a 5ee fo? tl)e fame« ;anD if anjj l&erfon o? perfons (l)aU, from anD after tl)e Xltentp fotirt}) Dap of June, €)ne tbou- fanD fe\)en l)unD?eD anD firtj) ttbo, fell, o;? tap out Cj^Der bp detail, tt)itl)out fuel) Hi? cence as afo^efaiD, eVierp fuel) l^erfon fo,of= fenDing, rtjall, fo;> eberj) Xime J)e o? it)e (]^aU fo offenD, forfeit anD pap tj)e ;$um of :f tt)e pounDS. ^nD fo? tl)e better o^Dering anD rolletting t!)e faiD Dutp of €>ne |&ennp per d^aUon, fo? anD upon all OTpDer tl)at ll)aU be folD, 0? tappeD out bp metail ; 25e it further CnacteD bp t!)e ;3utl)o?itp afo?efaiD, XJ)at it ft)aU anD map be latbful to anD fo? tl)e (Bauger o? dSaugets, anD :C>fficers of <^xcifc, UjitDm Georgli Tertii Regis; 73 IbttDitt t|)eic ttiptctm DsGcictS, fcom Ximec hap. to Xime, fcom atiD aftec t!)e faiD Xtbentp v. fiftl) Dap of March, Onc tJ)ouIanD fetien ^^^''^^^ i)utit)?cD anD (ixtv ttbo, to entec, lu tl)e Dap^ time, into tl)e i^oufes, C>ttt#oufe$, :$to?e:: i^oufes, anD Cellars, of etiecp Eetailet 0? laetailets of CpCier, anD to tafte an Zt^ count of all fuel) CpDec as llb^l^ ^^ founD in tl)e l^oHedion of fuel) metailec 0? iaetai^ lets of CpUer, anD to that^z fuel) i^etailec anD metailers tibftD tDe faiD '^nt^ of j^ne ^ennp per dSallon acco^Dinjjlp* ;^nD be it fuct|)ec €nacteD bp tl)e ;^tttl)o^ ;?itp afo^efaiD, X^at from anD after tl)e faiD Ctbentj5=^8ltl) Dap of March, ^nt tl)oufanD feben l)unD?eD anD fixtp ttSjo, etjerp Jaetailec of CpDer, il)all il)etb to tJ)e d^auget, o; ^h gcers of €iC!fe, on DemanD, all l)is 0;? 5)er j$)toc& of CpDer t|)en on i^anD: -^nD m Cafe anp fuel) saetailer 0? laetatlecs of Cp- Der, 0? i)i6, 6er, o;j tl)eit :i>ert)ant 0? :$er^ t)ants (in Cafe fuel) laetailer 0;? Retailers il)all not be |33efent tbben tl)e dSauger, 0? jflP^icets of Cxcife, iljall come to fuel) iae= tatlec'6 i^oufe to tafte ^tocft, as afo^efaiD) ft)all cetufe to malie Declaration, anD fljetb all |)is 01 Der ^toclt of CpDer tl)en on l^anD, eV)erp fuel) iaetailer ili^ll. f'^? f^erp fuel) ^Sfenee, fo;?feit auD lofe tl)e ^um of dCen pounDS. ^uD tf fuel) d^ausrec 03 C>^icers of Cutfe, itiall, after Declaration % maDe ^4 Anno Regni fecundo c H A p.matie as afo^efaio, fiiiD m^ €yDa in t\)t V. l&offeffiott 02 CuGoUp of fuel) laetatlec oi ^^"v-^jaetailetfii, ot)et atiD aUo\)e t!)e ^nantitj> fo ll)ettiit anO tietlateD, fuel) iaetailec (l^all liftetbife forfeit anD lofe tl)e :^um of %z\x ;^tiD fo^ t\)t better Collecting tl)e faiD l^tt- tp, tl)argeable on e^ecj) |&erfon tS)l)o l!)all fteep anj) Cattiages tibttl) fo«c 212Iil)eels (ex:= tept as before excepteD) 25e it Cnacteo bp tl)e Stut!)o;?itj) afo^jefaiD, €:!)at e\)ecp !&etfon, tt>!)o from anD aftec tl)e Xt]bent5);6ft!) 2^aj) cf March, £)ne tl)oufant) feben l)ttnD(?eD anD Ctxtp ttbo, H^all l)at)e o? fteep anj> CoacD, (tt!)ariot, »tlin, Calal^, o? €\)aitz tbitD lout (312]lJ)eel6, ll)aU, U)itl)in tfoee Halentiac ®ontJ)S after t^e faiD tiEtbentj)=Sft!) SDaj* of March, 0? tbit!)in t!);?ee Ealenoar j®ontl)S after !)e o;j i^e il^all l)at)e, o;? I^eep anj? fuel) (Eoacb, Chariot, :ii^etlin, Calall), o? CDatfe tbitl) four OT!)eels, bp QKHriting: unDer j)iS o;? l)er (^anD, certify to tl)e Collector of tbe SDiGnct tb!)ere i)e o? ft)e (l)a!l refiiDe o? tiltiell, a true Account of e\)erj) fuel) OToacl), Olba- riot, Berlin, Calai!), anD €|)atre ll)itl) four OTi)eelS, IbDitl) l)e otage^€oacl)es, anD Coaches feept bj? Coac^®afters fo;j ^ale) tbitl) tl)e ^aiue of the l^lace, anD parhl), of l)iS o;? l)er ufual ^aefiDence o;? ;5boDe, tbhicb faiD Certiticates ft)all be ftept bp tDe re= fpe(ti\3e Georgii Tertii Regis. 75 fpectibe (JloUecto^si of tl)e febecal ST^iftticts itic h a p. tWS Eins-Dom, nolb, 03 l)ereaftet to be ap^ v. potnteD b}> t!)e ContinnTionecsi of J^rS ®a=' left)''^ faetJenue m t5)i2i EiUjjOom, 0^ anp Xl)?ce 0^ mo;e of tbem, atiD il)aU be alfo entered in a 2aooft[, to be bp t|)em cefpecti\)el)) ftept fo? tl)at purpofe, auD a n^iimbei- il)aU be entered on eacl)ai:erti6cate, teffiftereD; anD t\)i*t tj)e faiD €oUerto?s refpecti^elj^, fl)all, ttnoer t!)cir D^anDs, on 0? before ti)e Ctbentp 6ftb l)aj> of December m etjet)) pear, ig^ilie a trcie ma of all €oacl)e0, ar!)ariot6, Ber^ Ims, Calailjee, ano ar!)atfes tbitj^ four OTl)eels, from %iim to Xime, returnet) to tl)em refpeaiDclp, in fuel) OTertiQcates, Uiit^ tl)ej ^ameQ of tbe \&erfons, anD folates of tl)ctr ^boDe, refpcctiUelp mentioneD in ftitl) tefpectibe €ertiState0, to tbe l^erfon, tbbo fo? t!)e Xime being, llt)all be appointed bp tl)e Cotnmiffioners of ^i^ ®aieftj)'0 JaeVie^ nne of €icife, 02 mp ^l)?ee of tl)ern, to col^ lect and receitje tl)e faid Duties ; and t^at fuel) i^erfon and perfons as ft)3U be ap- pointed bp tl)e faid CommilTioaers of Cicife, o;^ auj) ^feee of tl)ein, to collect tlje faia Duties on loaches, vi^l)ariotS, Berlins, €a^ la(l)es, and Cl)aifes Xh\t\) four 2KIIll)eels, il)all ba\3e full pjotber and ^tttl)o^it)) to col= lect and recei\}e tl)e fame, and i^all refpec- titjelp fig-n and deliber ^^ccjuittances W)itJ)out 5Fee 02 JRetbard fo2 tbe fame, and ft)all fteep Duplicates t!)ereof, in a 2i5oofe to be fiept fo;j c 2 ttat 76 Anno Regnl Secundo CHAP.tftat l&tttpofe, m tj)e fame ;®attnec as V* ;^tQttittance0 are jjitjeu atiD feept io2 t5)c ^^^^^ 2Dutp on j?ice'(^eatt|)s, ano (l)aU tefpec- mziy tttntn t|)e Jaooft, cotitaining tl)e Duplicates of (ucj) ;3cqtttttauceS, to CucJ) l&ecfoti atiD l&erfotis, aaO at tj)e fame Cimes, anD to be DifpofeD of in tJ)e fame ®anner, asi 21300&S containmgr t^e Du:; plttates of -Acquittances fo^ tl)e faiO ^w- tV otx 3fite=^J^earti)S ate tetutneD. ;AnD be it inttf^tt CnacteO bp tl)e Stttt|)0' 2itv afo^efaiD, iJEj^at if an)? ^etfou 0^ |^ec? (ons ft)aU l)at)e, 0? feeep anp CoacJ), Cl)a- tiot, 2aerl!n, Calall), 0? Cj)aife tbtti) fouc ;iHI!l)eels, c!)atgeable tbitl) t|)e faiD Dutp, bj) flictue of tDis .Act, tbl^ici) fl)aU not be cectiSeD in j^annet as afo^efaiO, t|)en, auD in fuel) Cafe, etjetp fuc{) l^erfon anD |&er? fonS, fo ^atjing 0? feeepinjj fuc!) Coacl), C^atiot, 2aeclin, Calall), 0? C!)aife ti^itJ) fouc 2l2aj)eels, not cettifieD as afo^efaiD, l^all, fo? fuc6 ^egflect, fo;>feit tbe ^um of 5it)e pounDs; p^oUibeD nelJettJ)cltfs, tJ)at etjecp p>erfon (except as before excepted) l)ati= ing in J)!S 0? l)ec fSteeping 0^ pjoffedion anp coacl), ar!)ai:iot, 2idetlin, OTalall), o^ai!)aife tbitl) four 21(il!J)eelS, belonsringr to anotl)er, i^aU be cl)argfeD fo;j eberj> fuel) OToacl), ai;!)a?iot, »tlm, Calaft), o;> Cbaife tbitl) four 3I2aj)eels, Ibitl) tbe faib 2Dut)) impofeo bp tDis Act, in t^e fame manner as tl)e ^Ibner, Georgii Tertil RegiSo yj £i>tbiier, i>i l&?op2ieto;j t!)eceof, iS, o;j ougrbtc hap. to be c^atffeo, o^ cjjarjgreable fo;> t^e fame v. bj) tDiS 3(ct^ 'w^-N^^ ;:anD be tt ftirtbet €nacteD b^ tS)e autj)b- ;?it)) afo^efaiD, 3C[)at tl)e l^ecfoti o;j l&erfons Ib^o, fo? t|)e Xime betnir, ft)aU be autj)o:: ^i3eD anCi impotbeteD to collect atio letj) t!)e faiD SDtttj) on Coac!)es;, OTftattots, Bet:: litis, Cala(|)es;, atiD €!)aifes tbitb font ^l)eelsi, (|)all paj? t|)e fame to t^e faiD (2ollecto;?s of t!)e fetietal ^DiGtictfii, tb!)etc tj)e faiD Duties (|)all be collerteO atiD tatf^ eD, atiD tl)at tl)e faiD Collecto;js f^iaU fteep fepacate atiD tiftinct <^ccotints tl)eteof, atiD })ap tl)e fame into J^ts ®afeGj)'s ^tea- futp, as ot!)et i®otiep teceitjeo bp t!)em fo? tJ)e ^fe of f^is ®ajeGj?» ^nD be it furtl)et €nacteD bj> ti)e 9[tttl)o- 2itp afo^efaiti, Xl)at all atiD e\)ecp tj)e fe- tjecal anD tefpectitje aDOitional anD otJ)et Duties, !)erebp jtanteD, l!)aU be taifeD, anftbeteD, coUecteb, atiD paiD titito ^our j®aieGp, poui: l^eits, antJ ^uccelToiJs, tJu^ ting t|)e Xetm afo^efaib, at t\>t fame Xime, atiD iti lil^e -©attner, anb bp fuel) tS^aaj'S^ ®eans, atib ®etJ)obs, anb bj) fu(b JRules atiD Ditections, anO unbec fuc^ l^enalties ariD jFo^feitutes (except tb|)etciii it is bj) t!)is p^efent ;act otbettbife bii^ecteb) anb tbitj) fuel) p>otbers as ate ap^ ia pointeo, 78 Anno Regni fccnndo c H AP.poitttct), DirecteD, atiO exp;jefreCi, in ant) bp V. an <^ct tnaDe m tl)is BingDom, m tU jFowrteentj) auD jFifteentl) peats of tl)e meign of Hitig Charles t^e ^econt), ginti- tllleD, An Aft for the Settling of the Excife, or New Impoft, upon His Majefty, His Heirs and Succeflbrs, according to the Book of Rates therein infeited; 0^ djJ atlj) Otl)ei: Itatb notb in JFo^ce, relatiVie to tl)e iae\)enue of Cicife in tl)i3 EingrOom, as full)? antJ tU Mnallv, to all f ntents anD l&urpofes, as if tDe fame tbete pattictilatlp mention^ CD, fpecifteO, anti enacteD again in tl)e 2aotij> of t|)!S p;?efent ;3ct, tbitl) lifte memeDp of :5fppeal, to anD fo? tl)e l&artj) gi:iet)eD, as in ant) bj) ti)e faiD :5icts of €xtife, 0? anp otDec ILatb or Hatbs notb in beingr, re- lating to tDe Duties of €xcife, is v;o^ tiiDeO* ^nD be it further Cnacteti bv t\>z :^ntho^ 2rtj) afo^efaiD, CDat neither tl)e ^i% pence per \&ounD, no;j anp otJ)et 5?ee, ft)aU be payable to, o? be oetiucteD 01 receiVieD bp tl)e ^ice-tlreafurer, o; ^ice-Crcafurers, mecei\)er, o;j \&ap=®after^cI5eneral, Clerfe of t^e l^ells, o;j anp otber :^fficer o;? C>ffiters of tl)is IStingDom, fo? 0? on Stccount of, 0? out of t!)e ^iDs i)erebp granteD to $>our j®ajefl:p, 02 of anp papment to be maOe t})ereowt, in purfuance of tl)iS M. Znt) Georgii Tertli Regis. 79 ;Xnt) hz it fnttlott €nmzD hyf tJ)e ;^ttt!)o=c hap, ^itv afo>efaiD, %i)at all anD etjecj) t!)e k\)t^ v. tal aiiD refp:ctt\Je aODitional anD otbtt 2Pit= tic3, bmhy s:ranteD to poiic ©ajeftp, (l)all be am of Xl)?ee i)^«nD;?eD anD Jrif- tp TI)on(attD l&ouncs alceaDp bo^^otbeD, auD uolb renrnming tinpaiO ; anD alfo t|)e lifte fnteteG fo? fuct) fnttbec^umo^^ums of j®onep, not excecDin^ in tl)e OTbole, ti)e ^uin of font i^tinD^eD ^{)ouranD l&ounDS steil'mg, a$ ft)all be artuallp paiO into Vont ^aieftp's ^ceafittp, at tbe fn^ dance of l^is Cxcellentp t!)e Co^D ILimti- nant, 0? otDet CWef (I5otietno;j o} dSotier^ no^S of tl)i^ BingrDom, fo? t^e ^ime be^ ingr, to fupplp fticl) Deficiencies as map atife in t5)e ;^iDS granteD tj)is ^elTion of parliament, f 0? tbe Support of pout j®a' jeftp'S CitJil an^ ®ilttatp €aabliil)ment2;, anD ot\^tt necedacp Cxpences of d^obecn- ment, anD tolbacDS tbe 2Difci)atgfe of fuel) l^^incipal ^um anD ^mm, as l^aDe been alceaDp bo^MbeD, anD of fuc^ S>um anD ^ums m a)all be bo;>,3otbeD, fo? tDe pm^ pofe afo^efaiD* ;^nD be it fmt\)tt €ttacteD hp tDe ^utl)o- ?up afo;?efaiD, XDat tl)e fe\)etal Debentures anD laeceiptS; Ib^icl) Datje l)eretofo;?e been H 2 mabe 8o Anno Regni fecundo Ch A p.matie out, anO ^iXttti fo? tl)e l&ayment of Y. t\)t faiD ^um of Xj)?ee l^ttttt);?eD anU j?if= tp Xl)ouranO ^^ounDs;, alcead?) bo^^otbeO, l^aU t)e caileD in ant) canceileD, as foon as cottt)enientlj) maj? be Done, after tj)e ^tben- t;)^6ftft 2Daj> of Maixh, €)ne t!)Ottranti fe^ \3ett ^unD;?eD atiD fixtj?::ttbo, bj) tl)e ^ice- Xreaftttec, o? tillice^^teafutecs, I)i6 o? tl)eii: 2r>eputj) 02 3>eputieS; atiD tl)at all S^nte:; tea tl)at ^aU be due t\)ztton on t\)z faiD Xtbeutjj^ftftJ) Daj? of March, £)ne tj)ottfanD fet)eii DutiD^eD anD fiitp=ttbo, (l^all be paiD to tj)e l&etfoti 01 f^etfotts tcfpectitelp inti= tleD to tl)e fame ; anD t!)at tl)e faiD Bice:= SCteafutet oi mice^Xteafutetef, [)is o;j tj)ett SDeptttp 0? Deputies, i|)aU mafte out atiD Delitjet netb Debentures to fuel) I&erfon o;^ l^erfons refpectitjel^, tl)eit €iecuto;?s, ^D- mintftcato^s, o} 5a(Iijjns, as ate oi l|)aU be intitleD to tl)e faiD Debentures fo calleO in, fo;j tj)e l^rincipal :^ums containeD in fuel) Debentures ,• anD t!)at tj)ere i|)all be paiD an ^fntereft fo? tl)e fame, from tl^e CaiD Xtbentjj'Sftl) Dap of March, £)ne tl)ottfanD fet)en j)unD^eD anD fixt^ttbo, at t^e €nD of etierj) ^ix CalenDar j©ontl)S, at t!)e Jaate of jFlbe PounDS per Centum per Annum, tb!t!)out anp ftc 0? €\)atgz, anD free from all DeDuctions, Defalcati^ ons, anD Abatements tbj)atfoeber, until fucS) Georgli Tertil Regis* 8r tilth %mz as t|)cp il)all be paiD thtit }&?m=c hap. cipal ®ouep at one mtite iba^ment* v. Znli be it ftirt5)ec€na(teD hy t\)z:^uthc^ ?tt^ afo^efaiO, 3£;l)at fo;j all anD eVietj) lucj) f«tti)ec ^uiu atiD ^«ms of -©one^, not EXceeDtug iii tU ^M^olz t5)e :^ttm of font l^uuD^eD CboufauD ^ouuOS, as ft)aU be a(tuallj> paiD bp atij) l&etfon o? iSetfonsf into ^out j®aje(l^'S Creaftic)), to fiipplp Cttcb DeSctendeai as \nsLV arife in t!)e ;^it)S irranteD tl)is ^elTion of l^arliament, fo? t})e ^uppo^t of pouc j®ajeftj)'s €tt)il anD j®ilitarp €ftablii^ments, and otbec netef^ farp €xpences of (l5ol)ernment, tl)ere ft)aU be paiD, at tl)e Receipt of pottt j^ajef' t))'S €ic|)equer, bj) tl)e l^anbs of t!)e Bice^ ^ceafttcer o? tEice^^^eaftirers, |)is o? tbeit Deputy o;j deputies, at t\)t €ttD of eVierj? j^ix Calendar £|3ontl)S, to be comptiteO from tl)e tefpectite %iim^ of fuel) ^&ap= ments, to t\)z pedon oi pecfons fo pap^ ing 0? lenDmg t\)z faute, l)is, i)et, o? tl)eit €xetuto?S, ;SC!ii!niftratO(?3, o;j ^(Tijgrns, an 5 nterefi, at tU mate of jfit^e l^ounDS per Centum per Annum, ll3it!)0Ut anj? jfee 0^ €hsitgZy anO free fcom all Defalcati:^ ons, S^eDiictious, o) ;^batements lbJ)atros eVier, until fticl) Hiine as t!)e)) ft)aU be tefpectitjelp j^aiD t|)eic J^jincipal j^onep, at one intite llaj^ment. f ;^nO 82 Anno Regni fecundo Chap. V. Mt> ht it fttttDet CtiacteD bp t!)e ;autj)o^ 8*^v>^';^itp afo^efaiti, t!El)at Debeutates \%a\i be gi\}m, atiD fijjneD b^ tj)e proper €)&ittt^ of |>otti: ;®ajeGj)'5 €ceafutj), fo> all auD eUecp hum ant) ^ums of j^one)?, not exceeti^ ingr in t})e OTj)ole t!)e Tairi :^«m of font l^unti^eD ^j)oufanti i^otintis, VbUtl) il)aU ht paiD into t|)e Jaeceipt of j>ont ^^ajef- tp'S €xct)equec, on ;j{ccouut of t|)e faitJ in^ teuDeD lloan, pavable at pout ©ajeftj^'S Ccealtttj), to fttcb l&etfon or petfous, |)i0, |)er, 0? tl)eic €xecuto?s, ;^t)tniniftrato2S, oj ;^ffij9fns», as iliaU fubrcribe anD ijap in tl)e fame, «)iti) fntereft, at tj)c mate of fm I^OUntlS per Centum per Annum ♦ ;^nti be it f«ctl)ec CnaeteD bp tJje ^tttbo:: litv afo?efaiD, %\)at all auD etsecp tbe faiD SDebentutes ft)all be afTignablc, auD tl)at anjj l^ecfon o? l^erfons, to lDl)om fuel) Debenture oi Debentures il>ill be matic out ant) giten, map, bp ^nDo^fcmcnt on fuel) Debenture 02 Debentures, transfer tl)e laigrDt anti Benefit of tDe ^tuii due on fuel) Debenture 0^ Debentures, ll)l)»el), upon ^otiee to t\)t Hice^^tirreafarero^^liee- Creafurers, l)ts 0? tl)eir Dcputv 0^ Depu- ties, anO an Cntrj) 0? ®emo -^ffignee, bi3 €tecuto,^s, ^Dtuiiiiftrato;?^, 02 ^ITjgti^, to tbc fole 2it5cneftt of t!)e ^luu fo tcausfemD 0? alTicrneti, ano t|)at t{)e faiD Debcutute 0? UDebentticcoi map, itt liUe j®antter, be a gram affigueD 0^ tcansferreD, bj) fuel) ^^fft^-uee 0? aiffignees, bis, J)ei:, o;? theic €xcctito^$ 0? ^Dmmiftrato^S, anD fo frotu Ctme to iTime, as often as ^t^ cafion maj) teqmre; anD t\)at after fuel) ;^(rrgn!nent maDe, it fljall not be in t^e l&olfeec of tbe perfon 02 petfons tb^o maDe fuel) ^S"ignment, to make V)oiD, releafe, 02 Difcbarge ti)e faiD -^(Tignment, 0^ tlje ;g^um tbecebp tcansfecreD 0^ alTicrneD, 0^ anp part tl)eceof» :3iiD be it fiittha €nacteD hy tht ;^utl)o^ 2ity> afojefaiD, %Mt if an)) pact of t^t faiD |l2mc!pal ^tnm, Xhlnti) baHe been, 0? ftiaU be fo aDDanceD anD paiD into pout -®ajeftp's Cr-eafat^i, as afo^efaiD, il)all te- main Due anD nnpaiD, on t^e Ctbentp? fiftl) Dap of December, Xh\)it\) ii)aU be in tl)c pear of C)ut: ?Lo,?D, laPne tboufanD kXtm bunD^cD auD fixtp;tl)^ce, tl)e fame ll)all be tbcU anD tiulp fati^fteD anD paiD unto tl)e feVieral |5erfons, tDcit €xecuto?s, ;aDminif^ % 2 ttatojs, 84 Anno Regni fecundo c H A p.ttatoj^f, atiD ^ffi0iis tz^taiWv, to ti5j)om V. t})e fame lliall be t\)zn Hue, to^etl)et Oaitl) ^-'^^''^fttc!) ^utereft fo^ tj)e fame, a^ il^all be tl)eii Due, at tj)e J^ate of fi\)Z PountJS per Cen- tum per Annum, Itsiti^oiit au>> Dctirittiou, Defalcation, 0? ^tJateraent lB)l)atfoet)er» ;^ritJ be it imtf^zt CnacteD bj) t!)e ;^ttt5)0' ;?it5) afo?efait), %\^at from auD aftec t|)e faiD Xtbentjj=8ftl) l>a)) of March, €)ne 5C:{)0ttfant) fetJen DunD;jeD atiD fiitj? ttbo, a fepatate and DiGinct ^account il)aU be fecpt, hT t!)e proper £)fficec$, of t^e :^m ano 3aDtttie!3i jjtanteD bp t!)i« :3d:, 0? ati^p oti)et ;3a: of l&arliament notb in jFo^ce in tbis fStingDom, ano appropriated to patticulat mfe«5: ZnD tj)at tJ)e CommiCTioners of l^is *©ajeG|)'j5 iaeljenwe, in tDeit ^bGract0, i|)aU tettttn an Account of tt)e fetJcial 2r>ttties anO %axz^ fo appropriated, and t!)at etjecjj Collector, or lacceit^et of fucj) S)utie3 and Xaxes, do tafte a fepatatc ^Receipt for t\)z fame, tb!)en paid into pout j®ajeG?'«5 ^teafuc^ tbjbicl) faid Re- ceipt, t^e ^ice^^teafutec or ^ite-Creafu; tetg;, J)i9; or t\)zit Deputj* or I>eputie0, i$ and ate !)etebp tequited to ffitje accord^ A N A A N c FOR T Li cenfing Hawkers and Pedlars, and for Encouragement of Englijl? Proteftant Schools. « DUBLIN Printed by Boulter Griersom, Printer to the King's moft Excellent Majefty. Mdcclxii. Chap. VI. 87) A N ACT FOR Llcenfing Hawkers and Pedlars, and for Encouragement of EngliJIp Proteftant Schools . CHAP. VI. W7 i^ € Ja € ;^ :^ tbc arontinumff t!)ec HAP. \V/ Cnconragcmeut foniteclp gitjeu vi. ▼ ▼ to Englifh pj^oteftant :^£Bools tbill be of jreat 2!5encftt to t\)\% Emgr= P 2 Ciom, 88 Anno Regni fecundo CHAP^tJOttt, anu it is teafonablc tfiat fome ^nh^^ VL licit j?unD ll)oulD be applet) auD kt apart ^■^-^ fo;t tl)at pucpofe; m it tt)etefo^c €nacteD Up t^ Min^'& ®oft excellent ®a|eGjj, bp auD tbitb tDe Z^\)itt ant) Coufcut of tijc Ito^OS :i>pttitttal atiD €:empo?al, aiiD Coup tnonfi^ itt t|)i!5 p;?efent parliament afTcnu blet), anD \}^ t})e ^titl)o?ttp of tl)e fatne, t^at from anD after t|)e %\htnty'4omt\) 2r>a^ of June, C)ne t!)oufant5 Cetscn l)un' tizD anD fiitp^ttbo, until tlje XU^entp^ fourtj) 2Daj> of June, ^ne t!)oufanD fet^cn fttsnD^eD anD fixtj5::four, t\)ctz ajall be an^ TOereD anD patD unto (^10 ®a)ea^, l^is i^eirs anD :§>ucce(ror$, bp etJcr^ l^atblter, peDlar, pettp ar|)apman, 02 ot!)er ttatiing l&erfcn 0? perfons going from Cotfen to €olbn, 0;? to otl)cr ^tn^ C^otifcs, anD traHelUnij eitl)er on jFoot o^ Wth l^o^Fe, C^o^feS, 02 otl^ertliife, »3itl)m tl)i^BingDotn, (except as l)ere!n after meutioueD) catr^iuqr to ^ell, 0;? expoCingr to ^ale, an^ (1I5ood5, glares 0? ^erc|)aniDi$e«3, aDutp of irtlien? tp j^pitngs bp tl)e pear, anD tlm c\)nx> ^erfon To trat^ellmigr Xhith a Dfo^fc, ^fs, 01 ^uiZy 02 anp otl)er 2acaft bearing 02 D2atb-. tng 2aurtl)en, i^all pap t!)e :f^itut of Xtibentp :^l)tllEngs bp t!)e pear, ftom t^e Ctbentp:^fourtl) Dap of June, jSDne t|)ou= fanD fetien DunD^eD anD fixtp;tU)o, to the Xtl^entp^fourtl) Dap of June, €)ne t\)on^ LmD fetjen l)unD^cD ano (utp^our, fo? each Georgii Tertii Regis, 89 eacJ) K^o^fe, :^fs, 02 j®ale, 0? otber Beaftc hap. beacinig: 0;? ti;?att)mgr Mun\)tn, fee 0? i!)^ vi. il3aU fo ttatiel Ibitj), oUer atiD abobe tfee'-/^''"^ faiO (iili meutfoneD SPutj? of XU)entp :$)^il:^^ Imgs bp t!)e pear, iWt\> faiD Jaates anD ^wtieSJ il)aU be collecteD bj? fuel) pztioxi anD H^ecfousi, anD m fuel) banner, anD b)) fticD SQHa^S anD ©cans, as tJ)e Du^ t>> payable fo^ Hicences to ftcep ^led^oufes, 15 taifeD anD coUccteD, bp Bictue of an 5Hct inaDe in tf)is BingDom, in t\)t t!El)irtj5- tbicD ?>eac of tl)e iaeirrn of i^is late ®a= jeftp liinpr George t\)z ^econD, ^ntituleD, An AS: for better regulating the Collec- tion of His Majefty's Revenue, and for pre- venting of Frauds therein, and for repealing an A6t made the laft Seffion of Parlia- ment, 5^^^^ttleD, An AS: for continuing and amending feveral Laws heretofore made relat- ing to His Majefty's Revenue, and for the more effe(5tual preventing of Frauds in His Majefty's Cuftoms and Excife, anD tj)e k\)Z^ tal ^(t3 anD statutes tbJ)icJ) are mention- eD in tl)e faiD ;^ct, anD continueD tberebp, m ftiUp, to all 'Jntents anD \5urpofes, as if tl)e p^otifionsi in tl)e faiD ^ct fo;? tj)at ^tirpofe tijete patticularlp uientioneD anD cip2effeD, anD enacteD again in tl)t BoDp of t\)i^ mknt 9ict. ;^nD be it fnrtber CnacteD bp t\)t ;^utJ)o^ 2itp afo?efatD, 3:i)at et)erp i^eDlar, J^atbft- 5 er. ^o Anno Regnl fecundd, pettp ai:i)apnian, anD otl)er ttatitig VL ^erfon o;? p>erfous fo tcatJcUmg as afo;?e^ faiD, fl)ali, before tl)c Xtbcnt^fouttl) Da;? of June, flDiie tl)otifanD fc\)cu l)unD^eD anO rut)':tlt)i>, anD fohfecltrife m cDec;) pear, oe? litier, 0^ caufe to be i:elit)ercti to t\)t Collec- to;? of €xtik fo;? t\)z Diftrict Habere l)e o? ll)e fljall refiDe o;? t)tbeU, a iRote m OTcit- iitg imtiet: l)is o^ i)ec ^anD, o; unUcr ti)e J^aut) of fome l^erfon, hv |)e? 02 fym au= tJ)o^i3cD m tl)at 2i5cJ)alf, botb, auD in U)l)at i®annet: l)e 0? l^e intenOS to tcatel auD tiatie, U)betl)ec on 5?oot, 0? tbitl) one 01 tno;e i^o^fe 0^ f^o;k^, ::^[5 o; ;affe0, j^ule 0^ Utiles, 02 aup ot|)et »aft beatmir 0^ D^attims: lauttbeu, fo^ ^i^ 02 Dec fo tta\)tU linff antJ traDmsr, fo;j tbj)ic!) l)e 0? (l)e il^all t!)eceupoii pa^, 02 catife to be paiD unto fuc!) (Eollccto?, tl)e jjcarlp Dutp berem be* fo^e DicecteD to be payable fo^ tl)e fame, anD t|)etcupou a liicence ft)aU be srcanteD un^ to \)in\ 02 j)cr, Co to ttat)el 0? traOe, bj> Cutj) €oUecto?. :^nD be it fuctlrtt CnacteD b^ tbe :^ut\^o^ ?it)> afo;?craiD, XDat if anp fucJ) l^atbfeer, l^eDlar, o;^ pettp Chapman, from anD af- tct tbe CaiD i:^U)entp4o«rtl) 3>ap of June, £)nc tboufanO feben J)wn^;?^^ ^«^ fixt;?- tUio, be fonntJ tratungr as afo^efaiD, IbitJ)- out, 02 contraip to fucb Hicence, fuel) l^crfou a)all, fo^ cacl) anD c\3etp fucj) £>!- fence. Georgil Tertli Regig* ^i fertce, forfeit the :^utti of JFibe l&ottnt)Si,CH ap. one ®oiet^ thereof to the ^nfo;jnier, atiD vr. the othet ^oietp to the f nco;po?ateD :^0' tiztj> in Diibliii io2 p^ouiotinjj EngUfli J^^o- teftant Schools. ;^nD be it €nactet) by> the Zut\)02itp afo;?efait), Xhat it fljall antJ nia?> be latb= fal, to ant) fo^ the faiD CoUecto;?Si of the febetal 2Diftricts in this IttngOom tefpec- titjelp, anD thej) ate hereby cefpertitjelj) W teaeO, appointcD anD teqnueD, upon the ^Cecms afo;?cfaiD, anD upon the BVeceipt a«5 afo?efaiD, to grant a ILicence, unDertheit tefpectibe {^anDs, to eVJerj? (^atbfter, peD^^ lar, pett^ Chapman, o? anp other ttaDing perfon, fo^ hnn o^ f>t;kil thiti) one o^ !no>e l^o^fes, ^Sfles, ®ules, o? 2BeaG0, tbhich he, tl)e, 0? the;?, il)aU trabcl tbith> as the Cafe iliall require, fo? Itohich Hp tence there (l)aU be talfeen bp fuch Collect to^s, fo? their otbn ^fe, C>ne :^hiltmgr, anD no mo t!)e -^titI)o= ?itj> afo^efaiD, %\)^t tJ)e fait) €oUceto?2 il)all be accountable to {^is ©ajeOv fo? t^e ^Duties j)ereb)? granteD, anti tl)aU be fubject to ti)e lifee ibenalties ant) j?o?fcrtiuts fo? not renDermg a true ;3ccoiuit thereof, anD pajjinjj t!)e fame in fanner afo;?C' mentioned, as tbep are, ano ftauD liable unto, fo;? not rendering: a true Account of anp ®one^ recetljed bj) tl)em fo? tl)c Bfe of J^is j®aie(i^ Stnti be it imtl)tt Cnactet) b)> tf)e :^utl)0' 2itp afo^efait), ^J)at tj)e ©omes ariOncr from tl)e faiD SDuties l)ereb^ jgrrantet), (!)all, from Xime to Xrme, be b?ougl)t into t|)e iaeceipt of l^is j®a?eft^'S Cxc^eQucr, anD il)aU, from Cime to Xime, lPbitJ)out anp :fee oi SDeDuction IbDatfoetier, be paiD bp ti^z ^ice-Xteafurer, 02 i^eceitier^cISeneral of tW IBlingDom, to the ginco^po^ateti :^o=^ cietp in Dublin fo;j p?omotincr EnglKh ^20- teClant :^c!)ools, 0? to tl)eir Xreafurer fo^ tY}t %imz being, fo? t\)t Bfe of tl)c faiD ginc0?po?ateD ^otitty^ Georgii. Tertil Regis. 93 M^ be it furtbec €nacteD bp tl)e ^ttt})0'c hap. ;?itp afo^eCaiD, %lm if anjj ^ftecfon 0? |Sec= vi. Tons lto^atfoe\)et: il)aU fo^ge 02 counterfeit, 0^ cattle to be fo;?gieD 0^ couutetfeiteD, anp ^licence 0^ Hiceuces fo? the pnt^ok a- fo^efaiD, 0? tratoel ^l^itj) fuel) fo^geD 0? couti- terfeiteD ILicence 0^ Hicenccs, hnotbmg tj)e fame to be fo;?ireD atiD couutetfeiteD, fuc^ petfon a)aU fo.^feit tj)e :^um of jFiftp |5ouiiD0, :C>ue j®oietp thereof to thz IB^iufr, auD tJ)e otber £©oietv to l)iiu U)J)o il)aU pMecute, 02 fue fo? tl)e fame, to be teco^ \)eteD bp ;c[aion of 2Pebt, 2151U, plaint, 0;? information in anj) of t^is :©aje(lj)'S Oiouits of iHeco^D, at tl)e j?ouCc:€outtg; in Dublin, ui tl)l)icl) uo CIToiigrn, protection, 0;? OTage^ of ILaXb, 02 tuo^e t!)an one Sm^ Ijaclance il)all be aUotbeD, anO t%m be fubject to fuel) oti)ec pains anO penalties?, as tuap be infliaeD on pecfons fo? jfo?= ^nD be it furtbct CnacteD b^ tl)e ;^utl)0' 2itp afo^jcIaiD, ^i|)at if an^ pecfon 0? per^ (ons il)all It fuetJ, molefteD, o^ troubleD fo;j putting m execution my of t^e potti^ ecs coutaineD m tl)is ^ct, 0? fo^ t^oing an)) ®atrec o^ Xl)ing pucfuant t!)ereto, fuel) pcrfon o^ perfons ft)aU anD map plcaD tlv^ C-eneral gdue, anD gibe t!)e fpe- cial ®attet m €t}iDeuce, anD if tDe plains ^ a tiff 54 Anno Regni fecundo c H A p.tiff 01 l^lmtiM (^all be uoufuiteD, o? f uD^^ VI. merit be jjitjen aBrainft l)im o^ them, upon '^'/v'^^emutcer, o;? otl)etl8)ife, 02 a BctDia pafs fo;j tl)e l^efenOaut o;j SPefeuOants, o;j a ^iU uurs upon a OTtfci! Bill, fuel) defendant o;j Defenoattts; (l)aU 5)at)e 1)10, l)er, 02 tDeit tlteble €oG3, to be teco\)eteD b^ fuel) ;®aii- net, a«5 tbl)ere bp ?latb €oQs ate gi^cti to 2E>efenoattt2rt 9itxX> be it fttttl)et €nacteD bp t|)e :^u> tJ)o;{itp afo;>efait), %\)at if anp Conftable lliall tefufe 01 neglect, upon Due jjtlotice, o;> ott !)is» otbu ^ietb, to be aitiinjgr anO afftft^ ttig in t|)e execution of tl)is ^ct, beingr t^eteunto tequiteD, etjetp fuel) eonftable, being t|)eteof cont)tcteD bj? tl)e Oatl) of £Pne 0? mo^je cteDible (ll21!itnefs 01 OTitnelTes, be^ fo;>eanp ^wGice of tl)e ^eace to^ tl)e Countp 02 l&lace tbbece fuc{) €)ffence (l^all be com:= mitteO, ft)aU fo^jfeit fo perfons tt>J)atfO' e\)et, to fe!3e anD Detain anv tm\> l^atbUer, l&cDiar, itJettp CDapman, 0^ otl^et Xtabingr i^ecroti 0^ ^erfons as afo;?e(aiD, auD alfo tl)e dSooDS t|)ej> il)aU be founO tcaDmg Ibit^, until Tucl) £itne ao !)e, il)e, o be lalbful to anD fo^ fwtj) p^ecfon 0? p^erfons Co fcBing* as afo^efaiD, taltmij to biS 0? t!)eic ^^diftance, fuel) l&er= (on 0^ perfonS as \)z o; t^ej? il)aU t^inft fit, to cattp tl)e l^etfon fo feiseD, as alfo t|)e faiD ne of l^is ^u^ JeGp's Sluftices of tJ)e ^eace of tbe Countp 02 place, 0? before tl)e Collecto;? of l^is j®a= teO;)?'S iae\)entie, fo? tj)e Difttict tlb|)ece fuel) jS:)ffence 0? Offences l!)all be committeD* t!}l)itl) faiD f nUice of tl)e J^eace, anD Cob lecto? teipectiuel}?, are l)ecebj) ftcictlp requireD, tit\)zt upon tbe (Eonfeffion of tl)e l^artj) of- fenDiug, 0} Due |^>oof of a QUitnefs upon £)atl), tfel)icl) t!)ej> ate l)ecebp tefpectibelp iiu^ pot?5eteD £0 aDuuniftec, tl)at tbe J&etfon fo h2on^\)t before l)im, l)aD fo traDeD as afo^e- faiD, unlefs f«c|) Hicence il)all be piJoDuceO ;^a 2 bp 96 Anno Regnl fecnndo c H A p.h^ fuel) £DffenDei: before tl)z faiD f tiftice o SDidrefs auD ;^ale of tl)e i^ffenCiec 02 ^Dffeudecs (BooDS, Situates;, o;? ®ercl)antii3e$, rentieriujgr ti)e €)tietplus (if atip be) to tl)e j^tbiiet o? j^tS^nec^ tl)ei:eof, after tieDucting t|)e ccafoip able Ci)atigre fo;j tafting t{)e faiD 2Diftcef0, auD out of tl)e faiD ^ale to pap tj)e J^e? naltp ant) j?o?feitute afo^efaiD. l^^otJitieD altbaj^S, auD be it €nactctJ hp tt)e Zutpoiitv afo^jefait), '€j)at tl)is> :^ct, 0;? atij> tB:t)ing j)etein coutaineD, i1k)aU not ex^ tentJ to p;>oJ)ibit mv pecfoti from felling of anj> -^cts of l&atliament, jFo^nis of l^jaj^er, ^;joclamation«5, ci5a3ettes!, aiutattachgi, 03 otj)et p^inteD ¥>apecs, 0^ anp J?iil), fruit, o;j HictualS, no? to j)inDet anp #erfon 03 l&etfons, tb|)o are tbe real OTo;?lter$ 0? Rafters of anp ct5oodS o;j OTares tt^itl)m tWS !Biingt!om, 0? j)i«5 0? t|)eir QUife 0? ^i\3e$, Stpp^entice 02 -^pp;?enticc0, from carrjJing ab;>oaD, expofing to ^ale, anD fcl= ling anj) of tbe faiD d^oobs anD OTares of j)is, !)er, 0^ tj)eir mafting, in anp publtcit jFairs, i®arftet2f, o trabing in menbmg of Eettles, tHub^, i^ouil)olci^ d^oobs. Georgii Tertii Regis. 97 (Boom, 0? ^atnd^ tt)})atfoet)ei:, from ^oin^c hap, abont, 0^ carc^Jitisr tbitl) him 02 t\)t\% V2o- VL })zt :®atecials foi mznting tj)e fame* '-/'v^v-^ j^;?o^iDeD alfo, auD be it CnacteD bv tl)e ^utJ)o;itv afo ot!)ec l^Jace m tJ)isi jSiiugDom, to anj) of tl)e Duties 0;? ^tml> tm decern befo;je mentioueD, fo as fuc{) |^et^ foti 0^ l^erfous il)all not at tj)e fame Slime, carrj), 0^ expofe to ^ale, anp ott)ec dSooDS, ata» |&;jo\)iDeD alfo, anD be it CnacteD bj) tl)e ^utJ)o^itp afo;jefaiD, Cj)at tl)is ;H(t, 0? anp Xbuig |)erein containeD, il)all not extenD to p^obibit 02 ceftcaiu anj? liecfon 0? l^etfons fcom fellmgr 02 expofing to ^ale, in anj) ^laceo? Paces IbbatfoeDer, anv j?lax, Xotb, ifcmp, jplaxen parn, i^cmpen patn, tjcicfeen, plain, ftcipeD, cfequereD, painteD, 0? ftaineD HtnenS, Bucacams, 0^ Can\3as, fo as fucb l^exfon 01 petfons ft)alt not, at t\)t fame aa b Cime, 98 Anno Regnl fecundo CHAP.Ctme, tart^ 02 tx^ok to :$)ale, mv othtt VI. d^ootJS, OTares, o?^etcl)antii3e0, except fuel) •-^v^^jflax, '€otb, t^emp, jplaxen pacn, C^empeti |)artt, Xkften, plain, ftripeO, cJ)CQueceD, paittteD, 0^ GaineD Hinens, 2i3uchtams, 02 aran\)afs, as afo^efaiD* ^52ot)iDeD alfo, auD l)c it €nactcD bjj t\)t ;3[utW t)) afo^efaiti, HDat tbts -^ct, o? anp tl)mgr vl)erem containcD, il)aU not exteiiD to fubtect ttn^ \&ecfott o;?perfonstbl)o(l)aU cacrp anj> l^ots 0? (15?iDt)les maOe of Caft ^tou j^etal, from one l&art of tl)e ISiingrtJom to another, 0? expofe tl)e fame to ^ale tn anj? 5Faic, ©atftet, 0? otl)ei: l^lace in tftis Bing^ t)om, to tDe pa^ntient of an^ gteate^ 2Pttt)> tban tht ^nm of Xtbent^ ^biUmcrs U)? tl)e peat m tJ)e OTl)ole, altJ)otigl) fncJ) ^etfon o;j ^etfons iliall 0; mav tcaCe o;j tcatjel Ibitl) one 0? mo;?e i^o^fe 0? ^o;?fes, 0? otj)et Beaft i}2 2aeaCls, Dtatbing 0;? beating 2i3uttl)en, fo as fuel) ibetCon o; l^etfons ft)all not, at t\)z fame Cime, catrj?, 0;? expole to ;^ale, my otl)ec (I500DS, aiSKaces, 0^ j®eccl)antii3es, except tl)e laiti l&ots anD (^;j!DDleS, maOe of €aQr 3cott j®etaL ?&;ol)it5eD alfo, anD be it €nacteD bp tl)e ;3tttl)o;itj) afo?efaiD, %t)at it ft)all anD ma)> be lattiful to anD fo;> t^e Commiffionets of i^iS j®a|eGp's met)enue, 0? anp Xl)?ee o;j sno?e of tl)em, fo? tl)e 5i:ime bemt)r, to o^Der ano Georgli Tertil Regis. 99 atiD direct to De paiD out of tDe ^^onieisc h a p, raifeD bp tl)i6 ^ct, to tl)e faiD Collectors;, vi. tbeit €UthQy 0? anp otl)ei: IDecfons, fuel) jg^utns of j®one;), m tl)ej?, o? an^ of t!)em, il)all or map reafonablj? DefetDe for tbeit :$ec^ Dice, or il)all or map l)a\)e eipendeO m t^z execution of, or III relation to t!)i$ ;act* l&rotJiDeti alfo, auD be it furtl)er CtiacteD bp tbe ^utboritpaforefaiD, €:i)at tbiS ^ct, o;> aup tl)inj9r l)erem contameo, ll)all notextenO, or be conftrueD to jjiUe aup l^otber for li- cenritiganpl^aMer^ l^colar, or P>ettp (2rj)ap^ man, to fell, or expofe to:^ale, anp OTares or :®ercl)ant)i3e0, m anp Citp, Borougl), Xotbn^Corporate, or ®arUet^^otbn tbitljin t\)i^ laealm, anp ot!)crlMe tl)an J)e or fl)e nii5J)t l)at)e Done before tl)e mahing of t|)i$ 53? a ; anp tl)ing; l)crein contained to tj)e con= trarp in anp tbife nottbitl)(lantiinjg-» Znx^ for tbe further Encouragement of Engliih jSroteGant :^c!)ool6, 2i3e it CnacteD bp tDe ^utl)oritp aforefaiD, Xl)at it il)aU antJ map be lalJbful to anD for etjetp i^ttl)^ 2aiil)op, 2iBill)op, anD to anD for euecp 2Dean ZttDWzaton, SPignitarr, l&rebenDatp, ^aector, Hicar anD €cciefiaGical pierfon lbl)atfoeDer, tbitb tl)e Content of t\)z ^rcb- 2i5Ul)op or 2i5i(l)op of tJ)eic refpeaibe SDiocefe, figniSeD unDcr t\)z l^auD anD ^eal of fuc{) :^rcl>2i5i(l)op anD 23ift)op refpectiV)elp, anD to mh 2 anD 100 Anno Regni Secundo, <^c. Chap, aut) fo? etJCtj? ^erfou beinsr fei3et) of an Cdate VI. to;? ?lite, III l^oHediou of anj? ?lanD, tbitJ) ^-'^■^^"^ immediate IRemaiuCiec otiet to i)i$ giTtie in Xail, bp SPeeD 02 3)eens tefpectit)eb, to grant in H^ofTeffion abfolntelp, 0? in jFee Jfarni, an)) j^uantitp of HanD to tl^em refpcditjelj? bc^ longing, not exteeDing ttbo ;^cre0, l^iantation i®eafuce, to tl)e fait) 3nco;iipojatct! :^ocict^, anD tbeir j^^nccerro^s fo? e\)er, anD tJbat aU CB^antg fo to be mat)e, il)aU be gooD anD effectual againG tl)e :^ucceiro;>!3 of ftidj ^rtl)^ Biil)op, 2i3iil)op, S>ean, ;5lt:c6'I>eacon, Dig:^ nttacj>, l&^ebentiat)?, laecto?, '(Eicar, anD otl)et €cclefia(lital ?5etfon refpectitjelj?, anD againfl: all l^ecfons claiming, i>i to tlaim anp Cftate, mig!)t, Xitle 0? f nteteG in fuel) ILanD, bp Bittue of, 0? unDet anp Himitation, iae= mainDet, 0? 5aet3ecfion, expectant upon fuel) €ftate fo^ Hife, A N A A N C FOR T Continuing and Amending an Acft, Intituled, An A£l for better Regulating the Colle6lion of His Maje/lfs KevenuCy and for Preventing Frauds therein ; and for repealing an Act made the laft SefTIon of Parliament, Intituled, An A^for Co7iti7iuing and Amending feveral Laws heretofore viadey relating to His Majejfly's Revenue, and for the more effedual ^Preventing of Frauds in His Majefty's Cujloms and Excife, and the feveral Ads a7id Statutes -which are ■mentioned in the faid Ad, and continued thereby. DUBLIN: Printed by Boulter Grierson, Printer to the King's Moft Excellent Majefty. MDCCLXU. C H A Po VII. .ii^-a J - ( 103 ) A N ACT FOR Continuing and Amending an A an -3fct palTeD mCf^AP. t]j)e %\)\tt)>tW^ peat of tDe !aeicrn vii. of \^\^ late ®ateGj) %m George tl)e J^eCOnD, Sf^tltWi^eD, An h^ for the better C C 2 regulating 104 Anno Regnl fecundd Chap, regulating the Colle6tion of His Miyefty's Re- VII. venue, and for preventing of Frauds therein; atiD fo2 iRepealitijj an ^ct mate tj)e laft ^ef- fioti of patltament, ^utituleD, An Aa for Continuing and Amending feveral Laws hereto- fore made, relating to His Majefly's Revenue, and for tlie more effectual preventing of Frauds in His Majefly's Cuftoms and Excife, and the leveral Afts and Statutes which are mentioned in the laid Ad:, and continued thereby ; (el)Ctal ^^otiGons tbete made fo? tegulating tl)e aroUection of i^is ®ajeft))'$ Jact)enue, anD });jet)entm5 jFcauDS tbetein, tbl)icl) l)at)e been founO to Oe of jjeneral ^fe, hut are notb near expicmjgr ; 2Be it Cnactet bv tDe mns'^ ®oa Cmllent j®a jeftp, : bp anD tbttl) tl)e :^i}^ \)itz atiD Confetit of t|)e Ilo;j06 :$|iicttttal auD Xempo;?al, anO Commons in tj)is p;?efent p^atltament ;a(rembleD, anb bj> tl)e ^utf)o?itp of tDe fame, %t>at tl)e fait) re= citeD ^ct, anD all anO et)etp t\K €laufe anD Claufes t!)ecem containeD (except fucb J&atts tDeteof as ate alteteO oi tepealeD bj) tl)is l)?efent ;5ct) (|)aU continue anD be in jFo^ce fo;j tl)e ^pace of ^Ibo peats, ftom t!)e Xtbentjj'fouttJ) SDap of June, €)ne tboafanD fetjen l)uttb;?eb anD fiit^^ttbo, anD from t j)ente to tl)e €nD of tj)e t^en next j^elTion of l&ac- iiament, anD no longer* ;^nD tb[)ereas bj) tl)e faiD rctiteD Stct, paf^ feD in tDe XDitt? t^itD Fear of tDe laeign of Georgll Teitii Regis. iop^ of i^iS late i©ajei!^ Bhis" George t\)t il>econD,c hap. gt 13 anions otl)tt ^l)!ng6 Cnattet), ir^at vii. fcom anO aftec t|)e STtbentj^fouctj) ^ap of" Jime, ^ne tl)oufanD fe\)en l)unD^eD aiiD fitt):). It ri)oulD anO inigl)t be latiofiil to auD foi tbe Cl)ief (Eoinmidioiieis of 51fi0 j®ajeaj)'5 Cxcife, 02 an)) t:t)2ee of tl)cm, aiiD tDe €oli Icao^s of ^i^ ©ajca^'S Cinfe, m thtit k^ V)eral I^tOnctg, from Xiuie to STuiie, to taUe lRecogn!3aucc5$, auD to ifTue aiiD errant llttences fo? fellincr of 2i5ccr, :aie, TOmc, Strong tliaiJaters, anD :^pirit$ tcfpectiWp, in fuel) ®anncc as ni auD Op ti)e faiO <^a is CirecteO* S(nD tl)t)crca0 a ^onbt fcail) arifen, tbbe? t!)er t|)e a]:i)ief aronuuiCrionetg of l^is j®a^ ieCl))'s €xrife, o^ an)? X\)2tz of ti)etn, ate itnpollDercD ii)) tl)e faiD reciteD 5act, to iflue anD grant fuel) S^icences in any> otber ^Di^: ftrict t{)an in tlje IPiftrta of tj)e €icife'C>6ftce of tl)e Cit^i, anD County of tl)e €itp of Dublin, ant) County of Dublin; Jpo?^etnet)p it)J)ereof, anD fo? obl^iatmg anD tahing albap all l^oulit^i nlatibc to tl)e granting of fnc^ Hicentes, 2ae it CnacteD anD SPcclareD b}) tbe .^utl)o^it^ afo^efaiD, %\)at it iljall anD may be lalbfol to anD fo^ tl)e €J)ief €om- iniCTionero of Cxcife, fo^ tl)e Xime being, o mo^e of tl)cni, to iffue anD grant lliccnteei fo^ felling of 2i3ecr, :^le, OTine, ;^tt:ong 2)S3ater«5,.anD Spirits re- I> D (peaiVielj), io6 Anno Regni fecundo Ch AP.fpectibel)), in all, oi anp of tl)c Counties vn. auti Diftticts of t!)is IBtmjjDom, to Cncj) l^ec^ ^■^^'^Con 0? i^erfottS as tl)ejj, 02 anp X^^ee o;j mo?e of t!)em, iti tbeic S>i(ctetion il)aU tl)m{t fiit. l^^oVjiOeD ttet)ert!)elef0, '€l)at l)efo;je aitj) ILitetice H^all be Deltt)et:cD to t\)Z p>eifoit 02 perfottS applpinsr fo;^ tj)e fame, fuel) anD tl)e lifte iaecogtti3ance«5 as ate mentiotieD auD appoittteo to be taften bp tbe fatO reciteD :3(t, (|)all be acftnotbleDgeo befo;je tl)e Col:^ letto;? of Cxcife, in t|)e Wi^tia ts^Dete tfte i&et^ ton 0^ l&etfotis applying io; fuel) Hicences, tjotl) o;j (liall teGDe, tbl)o is ^etebj? autl)o?i3eD anO impotbcteD to tafte tj)e fame ; anD tj)e Collectors of €xcife, in tbeir fel)ecal anD refpec- tit)e DiGticts, ate |)etebp requiteD to ma^c a laetutn of ftttj)iaecogni3anceS to tl)e Clerks of tl)e \&eace, 02 tl)eic ^Deputies, m fuel) anD tj)e fame j®annct, as in anD bp tbe faiD teciteD ^ct is DtcecteD anD appomteD, tbitj) iaegatD to ti)e iaecogni3anccs tUtm men- t!oneD» 9[nD tbbeceas b)? t\)t faiD teciteD ^ct, 3ft is €nacteD, Xbat from anD aftct tDc Xtftentp^fourtl) Daj? of June, One tl)onfanD Cet)en ftunD^eD anD futp, all Aqua vitce, ;^pi= tits, 02 :i>ttong OTlatets, eicceDing tn £luantit)? mo^e tl)an font (15a!lons, t!)at i!)all be cactieD 0? conlJcvcD fiom m^ place in Georgii Tertii Regis. to/ III tl)i$ EingCiom, to mv l^act tl)ereof bj^c hap. gStilauD Cacciage, il)ottlD be Imble to be vir. fet3cD bj> anj> of tl)e DSFicecs of C^is ^a- jeft)>'53 IReUenue, anD il)oulD be DeemeD auD taUett to be unlalbfuUj> CiftilleD, anD fo?? feiteD as fuel), tinlef^ tl)e l&etfon catt^Jinigr Cite!) Aqua vitie, ^picits, 0} :^tronir fonie one of t\)z C>fficerg of €tctfe, tbitj)m tDe ^lacict from tb()ence fticj) Aqua vit^, :^pic!ts, o;j ^ttonjj OTatets tbece iutsntJeD to be carcieD* ;aaD llDl)etcas! ft Dasi hmx fount), ^J)ae tbe |5;jobifion5 maDe m anD b^ tj)e faib ce^ nteD acts, relatit)e to ^^etmits, o? Het^paO'es, fo;? cont)e)?uig fucJ) Spirits, l)abe p;o))tt) mU fectual ; » it tJ)ecefo;>e €nacteD bp tl)e :^u^ t\)oiit^ afo^efaiD, Xl)at fcoiu anD aftec t|)e ^tbentjj'fouctl) IDa)^ of June, !^nc tboufanD feUen l)nnD^eD anD futp ttbo, it i\)nU anD inaj> be la\t)ful to anD ioi anj? £DSficec of J^is j®ajeft)>'2i 5^c\)et!:ie, to enter in tl)c 2Dap time into all o? an^ of tDe ii^oufes, Cut? l)oure^, i3to^e-l)oure3, o^ ot\)zt places tbl)at? foctier, of 0^ belongringr to mv jetton 02 pecfonS lb!)o il)aU fell my Aqua vit^, :i)picits, 0? ^trongr Matets, o? Simple o^ ComponnD 2iaiatets, uiaDe o^ DiGiUeD in tl)!$ BingDotn, eit{)er bp OT})olefale o? laetatl (otS)ec tl)an anD except apot{)ecatie3i anD S^^uffffifts) anD tbece to DemanD a permit SDD 2 oj io8 Anno Regni fecundo c H A p.o;j?Let?i)afS(fifftiet5 bpfomeoneoftl)e^ficet$ VII. ot €icife in tl)e SPiGtict Vb\)zu fuel) Aqua vit^, ;g)pittt!5, 01 ^ttottfif OTatecs fl3all be uiaoe oi tiiGiUeo) fo;? eacj) auD et)erp Cafh, o? ot})et ^effel containtngr mo^e tJ)att jFouc dBallon^ of Aqua Vitas, :$pitlt$, 0? ^ttOUfi: uBatCtSr, inatie o? tJiGilleD in tl)ts Etngtioui, t|)at fi)all be fottuD o;> DifcotiereD tii tl)e CnftoDp f)l ^^otTelTiou of fuel) l^ecfou o;> |&crfon0» ;3nD if on 3>emanD matie bp fuel) £)ffieec a$ afo;?efa!D, no ^etmit o;> S^et pafe, figneD a$ afo;?efaiD, il)all be p^otiuceD tt)itl)m a teafon:^ able Xirne aftec fuel) DemanD inaDe, 02 ^;?oof macie tl)at a \5ermit j)atJ been jjtanteD fo? ti)e fame, anD tbas afterlbarns loO 0? miflaiD, tl)en all tl)e Aqua vitx, Spirits, 0? j§)ttongr vKGlaters in fuel) €afh0, 0;? otl)ec ■^HeCTelSr, eontainingr mo;e tl)an JFouc (I5aU lon«5, fl)aU be fei3eD, anD n)all be tiecuteb anD taften to be unlaVbfuUj) DiftlUeD, anD fo;?= feiteD as fuel), togetl)et tbitl) tl)e €afft 0^ 'Eeffel in tbl)iel) fuel) Aqua vit^, :^pitrts>, 01 ;$)ttonj9r QHnatets itiaU be eontamcU* Znl) be it fntt\)tt €natteD bp il)e ;?futl)o' 2itv afo;?efaiD, Cl^at from anD after tl)c ftrft SE^a)) of May, €)ne tl)oufanD fctjen l)unD?eD anD (ixty> tlbo, it il)aU anD mnv be lalbful to anD fo2 tl)e d^auijero, anD otl)cr €)ffieei:3i of Cieife, to Mt, in t!)e 2Da)) tJTinie, tbe :^Uj9fac^l^oufe$ of 0^ belonjjinjj to anp :^u^ar= Georgii Tertli Regis. 109 j^fifrat;ba&et, auD tl)ere to tafte an :^ttountc hap. of all ^ugat^\^^tct Mall) XWth \%M be vii. fotmo in tl)e l^oures, €)ut:})oufes;, o;j' pacDs of fact) ^ugat^baltet, atiD upon atip l>ecceafe aftectbatDS foutto tl)etetn, to rftarije fuel) ^itgat^ba&ec tbitl) t})e Dut;) cl)arffeD upon (Mnil) of :®oloa'ES, 0;? of ^Ujgrar, unlef0 fuel) ^U0ar=baftec a)all Declare ti)e jjtiatne o^? ijtlames, aiiD tj)e l^lace 0? |&laces» of ^Hbobe, of tl)e l^ecfon 0^ J&etfonSf to tb^om |)e TolD o;> DeliVJeceD t!)e fame* 3f iiD fo;j p^etentmjr jFcaubS tl)at are tiailp PMctifeD b)> perfottS j)trmg out p?it)ate a^^elD {)oufe0, auD ^tenftls fo? 2i5;?etbittjgr, iti o^Der to etjaoe tl)e l&avment of tl)e Wn^ ticQ of Cxcife ; Be it farther CnacteD hp tj)e ^ntl)02it}> afo^cfaiD, Cbat from atiCi after tbe Xlbetitp^^fouttf) Dap of June, Cue tbou= fauD febeti bimo^eD antJ fiitp^ttbo, no l^er= fou 0^ l^erfons i^all let out to i^ire, 02 lenD any p?t\)ate JB2t\b\)onte, zit\)tt tbitj) 01 tl3itl)o«t mteufils fo^ 2i3?etbitig, to anp l&er- fou 0^ p>erfou5 tb!)atfoet)er, unlefs tibe Per- fon 0? |&etfon»5 fo letttti^r out fo^ ^ire, o; lent)ittgr fuel) |^ne tl)ouranD fetjen 6tmD;?eD anD fixtj? tlbo, all Stills. Blacl^ l&ots, anD ^lembtcfts, containingr tno?e t!)an ta:tbelt)e (Gallons, ft)all, before tj)e fame ate fet at Mo?ft, be enteceD anD regiGeteD in tj)e Office of Cxcife, of tbe SPi- fttict tb!)etein fuel) ^till, leiacft pot, o^ ;:aiembicft is intenDeD to ht Ibtousrbt, tDI)ic6 Cnttp oi !aeg:iGtj> i^all contain the Clvif^ tian iRame anD Surname of tbe IPiQtller, t\)z true Contents of tbe :^tiU, :i6lacfe pot, 0? 9(lembiclt, anD tbe place tJb!)ete fuel) j^till, Blacfe Pot, 01 ;aiembicft is fiieD, o^ intenDeD to be ftteD, anD t\)t 3>a)? of t!)e !SQont\) Mm fuel) meffifttp is maDe, foj U^Dicl) Georgii Tertii Regl^, 1 i i CbbicJ) €nttp a Jfee of :^!X JDetice (l)aU bec hap. paiD, auD no nio^e, aiiD tJ)e i^&mt of €x=^ vii. cife il)all tl)ereui)oii grant a OTertiScate'^'^'^^ tbeteof : ^nD if my :^tiU, Wach |&ot, o^ :^lcmbieft, tb!)icl) il)aU i)olD o^ contain mo2e tban ts:tbel\)e d^allons, ftjall, after tJ)e faiD Xlbcntj) fourti) SDap of June, flDne tl)ou= fanD fetjen bunO^cD anD fixtj) ttbo, be founo 0? Dtrcot)ereD m tDe i^oufe o? l^olTefTion of anj> perfon o^ perfons (otJ)et tt)an anD except a 2i5;?a3ier, o; otl)er Manufacturer in ®etal) not entereD o^ tegiGereD in j®annet afo;je^ faiD ; tl)en et)etp fuel) :^tUl, Blacft |5ot, o;? aiembicft, ft)aU be fei3eti anD fo;?feiteD, anD all OTail) anD pot^aie, tbDicb i^iall be founD tj)erein, iljall be fpiUeD, anD all Hotb OTlines anD :$)trong Mlaters founD tj)erein, d)all be liUelDife fo^fciteD. ;^nD be it furtl)et CnaeteD b^ tl)e ^utl)o^ <2itj? afo^efaiD, ti^at from anD after t^e faiD XVbentp fourtj) ^av of June, C>ne tl)oufanD fetjen l)unD;?eD anD fixtp ttbo, no perfon o? perfonS fl)all l)at3e o;? fteep in DiS, t)er, o? tbcir CuftoD)? 01 l&offeffion, o? l!)all mafte Hfe of mv Bacfts o fuel) €e 2 iSPffence, 112 Anno Regni fecundd Ch AP.<©ffente, to be teto\)etet» in ®aunet J)eteiii VII. aftet metitioueD* Znt) tbl)etea2i it frequentlp ijappetiB!, tbat C^ottfes atiD (15?outtD fit anD cout)enient fo^ bttilDiug CwGom#ouIe«5, anD otl)et (^oufe0 fo? tl)e ;^et\)ice of tl)e iaetienue, ate VbanteD, but bp teafon of fome SPifabilit^ in tht l^et:; fott 01 jettons fei3eD 03 inteteGeD in tj)e fame, no abfolute :^ale, o? SDernife fo? a lon^r 5E:etm of peats, can be obtained tj)etein, tbi)ici) \)a^ often p;?ot)eti t)etp tntonijenient ann p;?e jutiitial to ^i^ ®ajeGr'5 :^ettJite ; m it futtl)et €nactet) bp tl)e -^utJ)o;it^ afo;>e^ faiD, %\>sit ftom antJ aftet tDe faiD Ctbentp fouttl) l>a^ of June, C>ne tl)oufanD fetjen l)unt);?eD anD fixtp ttbo, it i^iall anD niaj? be latbfwl fo? all l&etfonei, 2i3oDies l^oliticft anD €o?po?ate, tenants m srail, ^Tenants fo;j Hife, tbitl) JaemainDets to tbeic :^on0, 0^ ^ITue in Xail, fnfants, bj? tj)eit (BuarDians, tl)e dSuatDianst anD Conunittees of E una- titfeS anD gfDeotS, Femes Covert, tbitl) tbeit J^ttSbanDS, b^ DeeDS inDenteD anD inroUeD, to DemiCe fo;> anj> Xetm of J>eats to C^is ^ajeftp, o li:l)?ee 0? mo^e of tbeni, il)aU appoint, mv cl5?ounD, ItanDS, 0} tenements, neceffatj) 02 tonlieni' ent fo? builDmg ai:uftom=l)oufes,oatDS fo^ tl)e ^etlJice of tl)e iaet)enue (not Georgii Tertii Regis* ^113 (not eiceetiinB: ^ne ^cce l^lantatioti iS&ta-^c hap. ftice) auD not being l&art of tJ)e SDcmeCnes vii. ufuallj) occttpteD tbitb thz ®anfion;|)o«fe ^-^v-v^ of thz pecfon 0? J^etConS fo Demifins: t\)t fame* 3[nti be tt ftittl)er €na(teD bj? tl)e :^tttl)o? ;^itj> afo^efaiD, Cbat et)ei:j) fuel) Demife t^at ft)aU be mace as afo^efatD, of anj) d^^oundsi, HantJS, 0? irenements, neceffacj) 0^ con\3e= tttent fo;j bttilDingr €uGom^i)oufes, 0? ot[)et l^ottfes fo? tl)e i|)ect)iceof tl)e iaet^enue, tbitl) all Maj'S, pattJS, isaffajjes, anD ^pputte- nances, il)all be V)altD anD effectual in Hatb, notlbiti)GanD!nij an^ Difabilitp 01 ^ncapa^ citj) tDJ)atfoeViec, in tl)e l&ecfon 0^ pecfonS Demifinigr tl)e Tame* 1(^?ot)it)et) neDertj)clefs, '€!)at no Heafe, Contract, o;j SDemtfe, l)ereaftet to be maDe, bp tenants fo;? Hife, 0? infants h^ tbeic (BuatOians, 0;? hp t\)t d^uatbians and Com? mittees of ilunaticfes anb ^Oeots, ll)all be tieemeD tialto anb effectual in t^e Hatb, unlefs tl)e ILo;?D Cl)ancello?, 0? llo;D l^eepec of tbe ctB;jeat ^eal in Ireland, fo? t|)e 3E:iuie bemu, bo, b)) Mciting inbo^feD on fuel) ileafe, Contract, o^l^emife, figrnifjjJ)iSCon= Cent ano Approbation of t^e fame* f f ^nD ii4 Anno Regnl fecundo Chap. StttD to tl)e giutettt t\)at tl)e federal aiiD VII. refpectitje ^tbnecs auD \&?op;>!eto;?gi of all im\) ^-^^''^(BiouiiD, JlanDS, 0? tenements, t[)eic feDe- tal aiiD tefpectitjc l^eits, executors, ^atirtu- tti(ltato;js atiD StlTtgns, map be tbell anO tculjj patO tl)e ))eaclj) iaents tl)at fl)aU be agreeD upon fo^ tl)e fame ; Be it CuatteD by> tj)e ^utl)o?itj) afo;jefaiD, 5ii)at t!)e faiD j)eatl}) Jaents rf)aU be mferteti on tl)e iaet)enue ILiftof 3ii«^^tt^^^P^tices, acco^Dmgr to fuel) Contracts ant) ^gceements, ano be paiD, anO palpable unto fuel) C^tbnecs anti ij^io^ V2itto2^, tl)eit federal anD tefpectibe f^eirs, €xecuto;jsi, ;3timiniGcato?S anD ^fTigns, ac^ co^timgr totY)tit fetjetal anti tefpectiue Cftatcsf anD gintecefts in tl)e dB^ounD, ^^.anDs, o? tenements, to be DemifeD U)itl)out anp SDeDuction, Defalcation, o^ -Abatement tbl)at= foetet ; anD tl)at tbe Commiffionets of t\)z metjenue, fo?op?ieto^s, tDeit federal anD tefpectitie C^eirs, executors, ^D? minifttato^s anD -^(Tigns, m fanner anD 5Fo;jm afoejuDice, nnv fo^nut Z$tmmntefatd, Cl)at tt(!)aU and ma)) be lall)f«l, to and fo;? tl)e Com^ miffionecs of Appeal, 02 an^ CCbo of tl)em, bp CommiCTion undec t!)eic J^andS and :^eals, fcom Xune to Xime, to au^ t^o?i3e and impotbet fuel) l&etfon o; l&er? jF f 2 fon«$ ii6 Anno Regni fecundo Chap, fottfii aS tj)ejj (|)all t|)ittft fit, in tDe Cete- vn. tal Counties of tbis IBitnsr^om, to 'oe ^-^"^'''^ (JTommiGonets; to tafee anO recei\)e ;^ffp tiatoits, concernitiig- anp aTaufe depetiiDinff, 0? otbec l&?oceeCiinjjSi in Canfes of ;^ppeal, before tjbe CommtCTtonets of Appeal; ano all affiDatJits taften a«$ afo?efatD, a)all be of tbe fame 5fo?ce as ;afftDat3its tafteti before t^e faiO Commiffionecs of -Appeal ate, 01 maj) be, anD fo^ tl)e ftbeatmg: anD taftmg of eV)etj) fuel) ^ffiDatiit, tj)e i&ec^ fotts fo impotbeteD, 02 tafemg tbe fame, (tiall teceite a jFee of £Dne ^biUinjj atiD i^ii-pence, anD no mo?e» 3CnD be it futtber €nacteD bj> t})e ;^tttJ)o^ ?itj) afo?efaiD, Xbat etjeij) pecfon tbl)o ft)all mafte fuel) affiDatJtt as afo^efait), anD (^all be latbfullp con\)ictcD of bating tbil- fullp, falfelj^, anD to?^uptlp ftbo;?n anp j®attet 0? Cbingr in fucft ^ffit^a\)it con- taineD, i^iall incut anD be fnbjtct to ti)e fame jJ5enalties anD j?o?feitutes, as hv t\)t ItatbS anD :§tatutes of tbis IBimigrDom ate €nactcD againft ISetfons contJicteD of tbilful anD co^^upt l^crjutj), <^ttD beitfuttl)ec €nacteD bv tbe ^utfto- ?itjj afo^efaiD, Xbat no affiDa\)it taften bp anp Commifftonet autl)o;j!3eD as afo?e= faiD, (|)all be teaD 0^ maDe ufe of before t^e ^lEommiCTionets of ;^ppeal, unlefs ti^t OTommillioner, Georgli Tertli Regis. 117 ConmuCTioner, 01 perfou tJ)at tafte^ thzcu a p. fame, lucntiott in tbe OTaptioti tUtcol, tbe vii. E)a)) of ti)e j®outl) Itiben, anO alfo t^e^-^"^^ |5lacc aiiD OTonnt)) tbbeec, tl)e fatiic il)aU be tXhoitu auD t:|)at l)c ^iioltJS tJ)e Depo:: nent, 0^ j)as ban ccetiiMp mfo^uieD ti)at l)e i«3 t|)e real l&etfoti lueuttoneD ant) t»e= CctibeD in fuel) ;^^lDat)it» ^itD tib!)etea0 bp an Sfa pffcD in t!)i3 EingCiom, in tU fonttcmtl) anD jfifteentj) l^eatiS of tl)e iaeign of Bing Charles tJ)e ^eConD, 3|ntltUleti, An Aa for fettling of the Excile or New hiipoft upon His Majefty, His Heirs and Succellbrs, according to the Book of Rates therein inferted, it tbaS (a- mongr otj)ec Ct)mffei) €nacteD anD ^^Dain^ tD, X|)at tl)ete il)onlD be an C>ftice con= HitttteD anD erecteb in t\)z €it;) of Dublin, to be calleD anD fenotbn bp t^e jRame of tbe OfEce of Excife, 0^ New Impoft, tO be uianarreD anD ^roVierneD bp CommiCTioner^, not exceeDitt0 fiXiz in ^umbet, anD alfo a :^ut\)epo;?, all to be appointeD bj) t^e ILo^D Hieutenant, ILoiD SDeput^, 0^ otS)et: €l)ief (Bo\)erno? 0^ cBo^jetno^S of Ireland fo? tl)e Cune being, anD to be commiffioneD unDet tj)e d^teat :^eal of tl)i$ mealm, to |)aV)e anD to l)olD to ti)em tefpcctitJelp, Dtt= tinij t\)cit igrooD 2i5el)at)iom: tefpemt)elp» Ii8. Anno Resni fecundo b' Chap ^"^ tbbetens b)) £Dne ot\)tt ^ct of }&ar^ VII Imnicnt tmDt m tJ)ts IBiittgDotn, in tl)e fatD jFoumentJ) auD jfifteent^ Pears of t^e meign of tl)e faiti iBlmcr Charles tl)e :§)e^ COnD, 'JtttltUleD, An Adi for fettling the Subfidy of Poundage, and granthig a Subfidy of Tunnage, and other Sums of Money unto His Royal Majefty, His Heirs and Succeflbrs, the fame to be paid upon Merchandizes im- ported and exported, according to a Book of Rates hereunto annexed, it l6aS(ainonS" ot\)tt Xi)mg$) Cnacter, XDat t\>t Booft of ^ate0, to^ctUt Vbitl) certain Eules, £D^ tiers, aiiD Di^ecttons tj)crettttto anneieD, 3flltltuleD, Certain Rules, Orders, Directions, and Allowances for the Advancement of Trade, and the Encouragement of Merchants, and alio for the regulating, as well of the Mer- chants in making of due Entries and juft Pay- ]rients of their Cuftoms, as of the Officers in all Ports of tliis Realm, in the Receipts of their leveral Fees, and in the faithful Manage- ment of their Duties and TruftsJ atlD etJetp ;:^tticle, €lanfe, :^eittente, anD iaule, m t^e befo^e^inentioueD 2!3ooh of JRates, anD certain Joules, D^Dets, auD SPireaionS afo^efaiO, fl)orilD, from anD after t\)z jFira 3Daj) of December, Dne tl)otiranD fix DunD;?eD anD fixtj?;one, It anD remain a5 effectual, to all intents aiiD l&urpofcs, as Georgii Tertli Regis* ii^ a«5 if t\)z fame DaD been particulatlj? in^c h a p. cluoeD m t\)c 2I50DJJ of t\)z faiD :^a. vii. ^tiD tbbeceas b^ tl^c fo;t}>'k\)tnt\) iauie amtexcD to tl)c falD 2aoo!t of mates, it tbas o;jDeteD, %l)^t fo? tl)c bettet i®a:: tiacrement, as tbell as lefTeamjj t\)t aTbatjg-e of i^is j®aieft>''S metoenue, tl)e OTommi^ fionets of t\)z CuGoms if)OttlD not at anp Stmie, be mo^e ti)aii :^euen, oi lefs ti)ati 5?it)e !ti jBuuiber, to be appointed from %mt to Hime bp t\)z lLo2t> Hientenant, Ho^D ^eputp, 02 otJ)ec €j)!ef (I5o\)erno;5 0? <2Bot3etno?Sj anD l&ribp Council of tbis mealm, anD ftnottin unto tlf)ttn fo^ pet= fons of ;abilit^ anD experience in OTudom Affairs, IbDo il)oulD i)at)e CommiHion un- Det tl)e g?eat ^eal of tl)ts Einsrbom, Du- ting J^leafute onlp* Mt> tbl)cteas fo> manj) pears paa tJ)e Commifftoners of €icife, as tbell as t[)e ComtmlTioners of tl)e Cuftoms, J)a\)e been appointed b;> one CommilTion unber tht (15?eat ^eal of tl)is IBwingbout, to l)olD tbeir refpcctitJe €)ffices burinsr i^is ^aizt^ tj>'S l^leafure onl;', purfuant to Hetters io2 tbat ^urpofe, unber tJ)e :^ig:n Manual of i^is ^ajeGp anD i^is l&;jeDecefro^s» anD tbbereas it l)as been of late quef;; tioneD, »)l)etl)et tDe Appointment of tU (&S2 arommilTionerd I20 Anno Regni fecundo c H A p.ComtuiCriotterS of €xtifc bp C^is j®aje(T^, VII. ant) tttcmir J^is ©ateGj^'s l^leafuce oul>^ '-^'-^ be Utictljj leijal, » it CnacteD bj> tl)e ;Hii? tt)o;jit5) afo^efaiD, %\)at all atiD et)er)) tl)e (EommilTions atiD ilettet«5 patent, ttil)icb J)a\3e l)ei:etofo;?e been paffeD unDer t|)e <15?eat ^eal of tj)is WiingtoHh tonftitutiug: auD appointmsr tl)e fet)eral anD tefpectit^e l&er- fon$ uameD o? metitioneD in fut^ Cotmntf- fion«5 02 Hettets; patent tefpectiVicljj, aioui' nitffionecs of CxtiCe, o; Commiffioners of Cuftoms, fl)all be, ano ate l)etebj5 DeclateD to be fttm, l)aliD, anD effectual in tl)e ILatb, to all SJntents anD l&utpofes tbl)at^ foetjer. 9[nD be it fttttl)et CnacteD bp t!)e :^ntl)o^ 2it^ afo?efaiD, %\>at ftom ^itne to Xime, anD at all Ximes fo;» tXftt l)eteaftet, it ilyall anD inaj) be latbful io; l^is ^ajef- tp, l^i«5 C^eits anD ^ucce(ro;?!5, to conftitutc anD appoint CommilTionets of t^e €xcife, anD Comtniffionecs of tl)e CuGomS, bp £)ne 0^ mojje Commillion o? Commiffions, unDet tl)e cK^eat :^eal of tDiSi 3StingDom, to \)a\)z anD to l)olD tl)eic tefpeailje C^ffices 0? l&laces Dtiting tl)eic ffooD 2i3el)abiouc tefpectttjelp, oi During l^if5 ®ajeGp s l^lca^^ fure onlp, as to j)is ^ajeftp, C^iS i^eirs anD :$>ucceirollalue of fuel) (iBooDS anD CommoDities, anD of fue{) :^i)ipsanDBef- fels, tl)e ^artj) o? I^atties applpinig: fo? fue^ OTItit of ^[pp^aifement, tocrctj)ci; tbith Xtbo fuffietent ^uteties, ll)aU enter into a jaeco5'ni3anee to i^iei ®ajeftp in Double tbe ^alue of fuel) .^pp?atfement, before tl)e C!)aneeUo?, o; £)ne of tl)e ^aatons of tU Couct of Exchequer, 0? before fuel) otl)et perfon oi ^etfons as tl)ep, o? anj> of tl)em, l!)^ll appoint, hy Cutumiffion to be iffueD out of tj)e faiD Couct of Exche:: quer, eonDitioneD to pajj fuel) app^aifcD ^alue, anD all otl)ec penalties anD jfo^ feitutes attenDmg: fuel) :^ei3ure, in Cale t\)z fame il)aU be eonDeumeD; anD t|)ete^ upon tl)e faiD Cl)aneello?, 02 anp of tl)e faiD Batons of tl)e faiD Court of Exchc? quer, i^all albatD a 21211 ®etcl)anti5es, aiiD :^!)ipei 0^ BeCfels from fuel) :^ci3ure as afo^efaiD, bp d)e OTbief ConmulTionets of tj)e ^etjeuue, 0? tDeic ^ub CommilTion- ei0, m t\)ut feDecal anD rcfpcctilje 2C>iftrict0, 02 bj) tDe CominifTiouers of <^ppcal (iii OTafe au ^appeal il)all be b^mg{)r) auD Due l^^oof maOe tl)ereof before rJ)e faiO €\)m' cello?, 0? anj) of tJ)c Batons; of tj)e faiD CoUCt of Exchequer, auD iRotice jJlVJCtl tO i^iS ja3a|eftj)'3i :atto?ticj) (General fo? t^e ^mie bang, tbat t!)cn tl)e faiD €\>antzU lo?, 0? anv of tbt 26aron$ of t^e CaiD Court of Exchequer, i^all auD maj>, anD tl)cp are bercb^ teqiureD auD DitecteD to ou- tlet t\)t faiD Jaecogni3aiue to be tjacateD, anD tj)e fame ft)aU aftertDarc^s be null anD tjoiD to all intents anD l^urpofes tbl)atfo>- et)er» SfnD be It fnttUt CnarteD b^ tl)e^«tbo' 2ity afojefaiD, %hat all tl)e jroafciturcsi anD penalties tuflicteD bp tj)is ^ct, fl)aU anD ma)> be incD fo?, anD tecoViereD, letjieD, anD applieD m fiicb i®anner anD J?o?m, anD bv fuel) miciyQ anD ®etl)oDs, aS ate pjefctiOcD anD appointeD in anD b)) tbe faiD ;^a, mace m t!)e jFourteentl) anD JFifteentl) ^ \> 2 peats 124 Anno Regni Secundo, <^r* Chap. feats of t|)e JRCtgrtt of l^ing Charles tl)e Vn. :^eC0tlD, ^lltitulcD, An Aa for fettling of ♦*^v"^>'the Excife or New Impoft upon His Majefty, His Heirs and Succeffors, according to the Book of Rates therein inferted; tbltB t|)elifee Hemetij) of Appeal to tj)e ^att^ o;? \&attie5 t^at ft)all t5)tnft l)im oi tbemfelbes ag:= gtiet)et) o? injuteD, as t)p t^e faiD -^ct iS p^o\)iOeo» ^^oljiiDeb altbajJS, ant) be it Cnacteti bjj tl)e :^utl)o;jitj) afo^efato, Xl)at fo tnucj) of t^iS -^ct as is maDe fo? continumsr atiD ameuDins: anp fo;?met act of J5atliament ioi t!)e f mp?o\jetnent of i^is ®aje(!j)'s Jaet^etitie, anO t!)e feteral futt\)tt p2oi)i(ion^ tKcebp matse fo? tj)e li&e ^urpofes, il)aU continue anD be in 5Fo?ce fo? Xltjo peats, ftom tj)e tutbentjj^fotttt^ Way of June, €)ne t|)ottfanD fetJen J)unD?eo anD fixtjj-ttbo, anD ftom t{)ence to tl)e €nO of t!)e tj)en next ;g)effion of J&atliament, anD no longet : aaut ti)at t!)e (et^etal €la«fes in tl)is p?e:= fent :^a contained telatitie to t{)e ;5ppoint^ ment of tj)e Commiftionets of €icife anO (ttuaoms, (|iaU be, ant) is J)etebp CieclateO to be petpetnal. Afl A A N c T O T Enable Tenants for Life to make perpetual Leafes of Grounds whereon to ere^l Publick Hoipltals. DUBLIN Printed by Boulter Grierson, Printer to the King's moft Exxellent Majefty. Mdcc lxii. ( 127 ) A N A C T T O Enable Tenants for Life to make per- petual Leafes of Grounds whereon to ere (ft Publick Hofpitals. CHAP. VIII. B€ it €ttacteD hy> tj)e mng'^ :®oftc hap. Excellent j®ajeG^, dp auD tbttl) tl)e viii. ;^D\3icc auD Confent of tj)e Ho^OS^^-v-^ j^pttitual ant) tHempo^al, anD Commons in t\)i^ mknt l&arliament affembleD, anD bj) tl)e ^tttJ)o;»itp of tl)e fame, 'QLl^at it (l)aU anO map be latbful, to ano fo^ anp tJEenant fo;j ?life of Hanos neat anp OTttp o S>eeD mtseuteD, to Demife to viiL ati^ J&erfou o^ j^ecfoitoi fo? ecectmg fuel) '-^'^ i^ofpital, anp fuel) HantJS not cxceeDins: iii tl)e Q121!i)ole, bp t|)e l>emife of art)? one fuel) CelTo?, an ^cre of (15?ounO pianta^ tioti ®eafuce, fo;? an^ %ztm of pears, 0? Ibitj) Cot)enaitts fo;? petpetual meuetibal, tefett)iti9- a l^etit acco;jt3msr to tj)e full inu l);jot)etJ Balue, payable to tl)ofe tl)l)o ace o? il^aU be itititleD to tJ)e jFreebolD auD fn^^ J)eritance, anO fucj) Heafc auD Jteafes ^all be gooD auD talid airainft ail l^ec:^ Tons in Jaematntiec, aftet fuel) Cenatits fo;j ILife, 02 claijumsr ttnoec fuel) ^eiuaittOec^ men* |&?ot)iDeD t!)at it ll)aU anD maj) be in tl)e ^^otbet of tl)e petfon oi pccfons ftititleD to tDe ftcft €Gate of 3nl)etitance in iacmaiu- Uet, aftet tl)e SDetetmmation of tbe €Clate of fuel) lienant fo^ Hife, to appoint ant) allot fuel) particular ^cre, l&art of fucD Hands as l)e, ll)e, o;? tl)ej>, il)aU tljinft tnoft eon\jenient to be DewifeO. l&?obiticD alfo, tl)at fueb l^ofpital be e- tecteO on fuel) ilanOS tbitbin tl)e ^pace of tl^ree peats next after t^e Cxceution of fuel) Heafe, otl^ettbife fuel) Heafe il)all not be bmDinsr upon anp of tl)e p>erfo:iS m Wit^ luamber, after (uel)€ena«t fo^ aife» A N ( 131 ) AN ACT T O Prevent the Counteffeiting Gold and Silver Lace, and for Settling and Adjufting the Proportions of fine Gold, Silver, and Silk, and for the better making of Gold and Silver Thread* C H A P. IX. Wj^Cia^;^:^ Ditbctto tiotn bascHAP, not been mv itatb in tl)is Bing^ ix. Dom fo;j aftertammg t!)e J?me^ ticf^ of :$ilt3et, anO ^wantitp of (15olD to be laiO t!)eceon m mafttngr 31©ite fo? %^ z X));?eaos, 132 Anno Regni fecundo Chap. C|);?eatJ3i, anD tl)e oti)et ^denominations IX. necelTatj) in manufacturing ct5olD anD ^iu ^•^^'y^ \)tt Hace, no? fo? p^opo^jtioning t|)e £i:uan^ titp anD jdualitj) of ;$il!t, to be ufeD in tl)e fame, h}> tbl)ic{> jfrauDs; maj? be icom^ mitteD, to tl)e great JLofs of J^io ®ajeGj)'s :§)ul)iect»5, anD f^urt anD Damage to t|)e CraDe of tbiS IBtingDout : j?o;> jaemeDp Vbl)ereof, Be it CnacteD bj) tl)e Wiin^'^ moft excellent j^ajeftp, b;? anD tbitj) tj)e ;:aDt)ice anD Confent of tl)e Eo^jDs j^pi^ ritual anD Xempo?al, anD Commons in ti)is p^efent l&arliament aHembleD, anD h^ t^e Ziitl)02itp of tl)e fame, Xj)at fromatiD after tl)e JFirft Dap of May, j^ne t|)aufanO letjen l)unD?eD anD fiitp ttbo, all Copper, aa^afs, anD etjerp otfeer j^etal inferior to :$)ilt)er, ft)all be fpun up^iit 1Il);>eaD l^arn 0? ^txtlc onl?), anD not fpun, mixeD, tbotje, tbroug!)t, o;> fet upon :i>!lft, upon J&ain, ti)at eacj) anD etJerj)|lerfon offenDing therein, il^all forfeit anD pap tl)e :$um of JFiUe :g)t)illitigs fo? eacl) anD eV)erp £)unce fo fpun, mixeD, tbotje, tbrougl)t, 0? fet upon i^ilfe» Be it futtl)er CnacteD bp tl)e ^^u= t\)oiity> afo^efaiD, %\)at from anD after t!)e faiD jritft Dap of May, all ^ilt)er 3121!ire to be Djjatbn fo? tl)e maftmg of :$ilber t!rib?eaD, il>aU DolD at leaft €let)en Dunces jFifteen pennp Georgil Tertii Regis. 133 pmi\y> OTeiirJ)t of ftne §>iVott n^ori thtc hap. ^ounD OTctg^t Troy, atiD t|)at all ^iltjec ix. to be ^ilt, auD maOe W.U of in tl)e OTire-' E)?ati3ets XtaDc, il)aU l)olD at kaft Cletjeu ;9Pniues lien peiiiip inasesgljt of ft.rie :^ilt3et npott t})e l&onuD CiKiaeicrl)£ Troy, anD ftjall not t)at)6 lef0 tfcau font pcnn^ SSHeist^t jFout (Il>2aai^ of 6ue d^olD, ItJitDout aii)) ::!i\Uy\ l^i^ npou car|) poniiD Mleigfet of tl)t lait) ^ilbet, upon l^am, t|)at t^e Be^ €uer, 02 i©afeec thereof, i|)all forfeit anD pap tl)e :^um of fM ^\)tlUtis^ fo? eacl) auD c^erp £[)tmce Co Jttatsc, contcarp to tl)e irecttous of t|)!3 ^(t» » it furtbec €ttacteD Dp t!)e ;3utl)o^itp afo^efaiD, %\)at from auD after t|)e faiD 5uft Dap of May, no gilt OTiire i^all be coloureD Xhith IletDeirreaCe, ounce0 of the faiD |5late, to co^er jFotir Ounces of ^ili^, ex^ cept large XUiiCt, jFreese, j?ree3on, jFroft, anD €h^:o,m, anD alfo except rounD 26,20? caDe, tiCcD m t})e mailing id^ocaDeD d^olD auD ^ilUer M%^ 01 ^tuf si onlp, in IbWcJ) 21 1 t5)erc 124 Anno Regni fecundo c H A p.t|)ere il)aU be atlolObeD, at t\)t leaft, ^ii IX. ;C>unces of tl)e faiD l^late, to cot)ec fm ' £)ttnce55 of ;^ilft, anD no nio?e ; all tbbicl) <15olD atiti outlet l^late (l)all be fpun clofe upon tbell boileD anD lis:6t ti^eD :i>iift onlj^, except jFcoft, bemgr run tl)m, anD fpun upon Different colouteD j^ilft ; ^nD in cafe anp :g)pmnec of dBolD anD ^il\)ec t!ri)?eaD, o? otl)ec ^^etfon, il)aU laj? (i5olD oj :^ilt)ec ^late upon anp greater |&?opo;?tion0 of j^ilfe, 02 m anj> otl)er ;®anner, t|)an as befo;?e Di:= recteD bp tj)i$ ^ct (except a«3 is l)etein be? fo;?e is excepteD) fuel) Spinner, o? otl)er pcr^: ton, fl)all forfeit anD pa^ ^tbo ^jbiUm^S anD ;^ix Jlence fo? et)erj? !©unce fo fpun* m it f«ttl)er €narteD hv tj)e :5(utl)o;it5) afol)atfoeV)er, from anD after tl)e faiD jFirG Dap of May, ft)aU fell, 0^ offer to :^ale, anj> dSolD o? jg)tl\3er £)^;jice Hace, mixeD tbitl) anp otl)ec j®etal 0^ Materials tl)an clBolD o? ^iltjer* jgjilft anD Bellnm, t!)e p^erfon fo fellmg, o? offering tl)e fame to :$ale, il)all forfeit anD paj), fo? e\)etj) Cunce, tl)e ;^um of tJEtbo ^l)illinjgr anD :^ix p>ence» mt it fnn\)tt €nacteD bp t|)e Znt\)02itv afo;jefatD, %t)at if anj> l&erfon tbI)atfoetjer, after tl)e faiD jFirG Dap of May, i^all fell anp (!5olD 0? ^iltier ^lu, palate, Xl)?eaD, ?lace. Georgli Teitil Regis. -loc Hace, 02 fmgc, bp an)? otDet OTerg^t thmc hap. Troy iMttgUy ti)e |5ecfou fo fcllmgr, il)all ix. toolkit, fo? et)et:p €)uuce to rolD, tJ)e ;^ttm of '^^vn-^ m it fttttbec €nacteD bj) tbe ^tttJ)o;2itj) afo^efaiD, Xhut from auD aftet tl)e faiD f itft 2Dap of May, if 2iny> j®aftec, o? :^el^ iec of an^ dBootis, maDe o; mueD tbit^ late, i^aU mafte o^ tell my (i5oot)$ mixeD tbitl) d^olD o? ^iltjec XJ)?caC, 0? \&late, mate corttrar)? to tl)e fluent anD ^eaiimcr of tl)i2; Zct, fuel) #ecfon 0? pccfotis i^all forfeit aiiD ^j&a^ j?i\3e ^hilUng;^ fo? eac^ anD etjecp £)unce of (i5oltJ and ^iluec 3i:i)?eaD, o? plate, fo maDe ot ^olD. Be ft iattUt €uacteD hy t\)c :^utf)02it^ fifo?efaiD, Xl)at from auD after tYz faiD jFitft Dav of May, no (15olD 0? :^il\)ec '€l)jcaD, ILace, jFcitiflfe, o? anp otbcc OTo?^ maDe thereof, o? mv Xfeeao, Hace, jFnnjje, o^ othtt OTo?& made of Copper, B?af$, o? atip otl^^c iufecio? ®etal, o? (©olD o? ^iltjec OTite, 0? ^late, not of t\)z ©anufactuce of Great Britain, i^all be impo^tcD, upon pain of hz^ lutjf forfeited auD butneD, ant) upon t|)e far- tJ)ef l^enaltj) of j^ne i^unD?eD \^ount)»5, to be paiD \)y tl)e 5iwpo?tec tl)eteof, fo? eacl) aitO e\)crp parcel fo impo?teO» lojS Anno Regnl iecundo Chap, ^t it init\>zt CttdcteD b^ t!)e -^tttI)o^it5) IX. afo?efaiD, ta:j)at of tl)e feVieral l^enalties atiD ' JFo^feitiites maoe auD majctet) b)? tl)i9i ,Qt(t, €)tte ®oietj) (l)aU be to tjje life of l^is j©ajeftp, l^is l^eits and :§uccefro^s, ant) tjie otl)et j®o!etj) to J)im, j)et, o> tl)em, t!)at i^all inform, fue, o;? p^ofecute fo? tj)e fame, antJ map be fneD fo?, auD recotjereD, bp ;^ct!on of SDebt, 2i3iU, plaint, o^ ^nfo^matiou, in anp of J^is ®ajeGj)'5 OToutts of mcco^D in Dub- lin, tb!)ecein no ClToign, ^&?otemott, p^itJtlege, 0? Wi^^tt of Hatb, 0? mo^e t|)an one fm- })atlance (tiall be allotlieD^ 2ae it ftttt!)et CnacteD bp tbe ;^«t!)o?itp afo^efaiO, 5i;i)at tf anp iDetfon o^ ^^etfons i^all be fueD fo;? tt)l)at eit!)et J)e, i^e, o? tf}ep ^all 00, in tj)e execution of ti)is <:act, l)e, i§e, o;5 tj)ep, map pleaD t})e dSencral flfne, anD gt\)e tl)i$ ;^ct, anD the :$^pecial ®attci: in €t)iDence, anO if t!)e Idlarutiff o} l^lain- tiffs il)aU become nonfnit, o? tJiftontinae 1)10, J)et, 0^ tbeit ;^ct!on o;? -Actions;, o^ if a ^eroict il)all pats aijaina \)\\w her, oj t^em, the Defendant o;? Defendants i^iall cecotjec treble CoOS, fo? tbhich thep il)all hatje the lifte me^ metip, as in othec OTafes tbherc CoQs ate allotheo to Defendants* l^^otJided Georgll Tertli Regis. 137 l&;?oV)ilieD altbaj'S, %hat z\)ttp ^tiit :^(tt^c hap. on, 0? J^^ofectition, to be b^oiitrJ)t b>j Hittue ix. of tl)is ^(t, il)all be commcnceD IbitDui ^ix BalenDac j®ont|)S aftcc t|)e C^tFence com- mitteOi l&^ot)itJeD altbajj^, XJ)at notWug in t})i«$ ;5lct cotitaineD, il)aU be tottftrueo to f naict anj^^enaltp upon atij> l&ecfon fo? felling, 0? cxpofin0 to :$ale, anp ^il\)tt TOire, 02 ^il\)ec 0^ (15olo Xl);feaD, 02 anj) Hate, 0^ j?cingre, on 02 btio2z tj)e Jfitft SDap of May, One tftottfanD feten J)nnt)?eti anD ftitp tl^^ee, ti)oug;\> tj)e fame be not tuaOe acco^Dinjj to t^e IRttles anO 2r>itections of tj)i3 M. ^;o\)ittb ^)oot be tnate, bj? €>at!) of one 0? mo^e credible ^itnefs 0;? Mlitneffes. befo;te fome giw^tt^ ^^ t|)e Ideate of t|)e Count)), Citp, tJEotbn 0^ ^lace lbl)ere t^e fame (t)aU be folD, 0^ expofeD to fale (tt)l)icl) Oat!) t!)e faiO f uftice is !)erebp impoDbeteD anO requiteD to abmintGet) tj)at fuel) d^ooiDS are teall)), anD bona fide, t!)e j®anufa(tuce of tl)is fSlinfirCJom, anD tJbece maDe on 0^ before tl)e faiD jFitft Daj? of iMay, ^ne tl)oufanD fe\3en !)unO?eD anD fiitp t!)>ee» ^^;>ot)iDeD alfo, ^l)at notWnsr in t\)i^ ^ct containeD, ll)aU extenD, 0? be confttueD to ® m citenD, 1 38 Anno Regni fecundo Chap. cxtcttD, to p?o|)ibit atip Coppec, B^afS, oj IX. anj) oti)et; metal, mimo2 to :^lt5et:, fpun '^^^y^ upon ^j)?eaD, patn 0? 3nUt, as t!)i«5 :^ct OitectS, beitt^ tbcottjjl)t o;? fetbeD tbitj) :^il&, upon anp dUacment o;j Apparel attuaUj) ufeD m t!i:i)eatncal €ntectainmettts onlj?» » it CnacteD hv t\)t :^nt\)oiitp afo?e= faiO, %t^at t!)is ;3(t f^all be CieemeD, ao^ jttDsreD, atm tafteti to be, a publicft ;3(t, atiD (|)aU be jtttiitialljj taften Notice of as tnt\), bp all f wOjjes, f uftices, anO otDet \&etfottS tbl)atfoe\3et, tbit^out fpecmllj» pleafmfir t\>z fame. A N A A N C T O T Prevent the exceflive Price of Coals in the City of Dublin, C H A Po X. DUBLIN Printed by Boulter Grierson, Printer to the King's Mod Excellent Majefty. MDCCLXII. ( 141 ) AN C T T O Prevent the excefGve Price of Coals in the City of Dublin* € H A P. X» Wl^^iac;^^ fetecal l&etfoits; ttic h ap. tDe faiD Citp mafte a l&;jactice of x. bujjitiigr up intite Cargoes ofv^^vx^ OToals before tj)ep ate b?oujj|)t tip to t|)e # tt ;^tta?, 142 Anno Regni fecundd CHAP.^ua)?, 0; publtch ilantJmg l^lace, ana X. \)y t\)ck ®eans eugrofs large jduantities of OToals, atiD afteclbactis retail t!)e fame at exorbitant i^^ices* :3nD tb|)eceas b^ tbe fet)etal jFrauDs ?);?aairet) in tl)e Coal titatie, t^e l^oot of t^ts Cit)j l)at3e been retiuceD to great WiU trefs : jFo? ^aemetij) tb!)ereof, be it €nacteD hv t\>z Bings j®oft excellent ^ajeft^ b)) anti tbitb tl)e ;^C)t)ice anD Confent of tht ito;jDS j^piritual and Xempo^al, anO Commons in tbis pt :^utl)o?itp of tl)e fame, 3^j)at from anD after t!)e fiirft 2Da^ of May, in tbe^ear £)ne tl)oufanD fetjen l)un^ D^eD anD fixtp-ttbo, no ^erfon ll)all be al= lotbeD to Dttrcj)afe Coals fo; :^ale, 0^ to feeep anp ParD fo;» felling Coals, o^ to act as a jIFacto^ |5urfer, 0? .agent fo? btij^ing 0^ felling Coals in tl)e faiD €ity, tbit^out !)at)ing a Hicence fo;> t!)at ^^urpofe, ftgn= eD bp tl)e lto;?D ®aj?o? 0} 3aeco;5Der of tbe CaiDCit)?; anD no Hicence (l)all be grant? eD, unlefs the l^erfon Defiring fuel) Hi? tence, il)all firft enter into 2i3onD, tbitj) fufficient ^ecurit)?, of tbe |5enaltj) of Xlbo ^nnD;?eD pounDS, conDitioneD fo;j fuel) ^^erfons not being m anj> ^^o^t concerneO in Cngroffmg, jiFo;!ieGalling, 02 laegrat^ ing, 02 in anp Combination fo;j raifing tl)e |&;?ice of Coals, io; \^\)it\> Hicence, anD alfo Georgii Tertil Regis: 143 alfo fo? 6Uing up the faiD Bono, ^ue ^l)i^c hap- litis:, auD no nio^e, ft)aU Oe paiD» x. atiD be it CnacteD bp tl)c -^«t5)o^!tj) afo;}e= faiD, tlj)at t{)e faiD JFacto^s, |5iirfec0, 0? ;^ffents, fl)all nc\)ci: cxceeD tl)e ilttumbec of 5fo;jt)?, atiD ^c\U ncbet bu^ au;> Coals to fell ajgram ; anD tl)at no fucj) JFacto?, l^urfer, o> ^jjeut, il)aU blip in anp ^ne pear fo;? 1)155 oHin €onfamption, a gteatet £luan= titp than Xtbentp tEmt0 ; anD t\)tty> ^^ecfon tbi)o il)all fteep anp patD fo? fellinflr Coals, \bit\)out Scfl: obtaining Tucj) ^licence, anD et)ecp jFacto?, o? l&utfer, o;j ^agent, tb^o ft)aU bnp anp Coals to fell ajjain, il)all, fo? eDerp fuel) €)f ence, forfeit :^ne J^unD^eD |5onnD0* anD be it (2KnacteD bp tl)e ;3tttl)o?it^ afo^efaiD, Xl)at et)etp fuel) j?acto?, -^^gent, o? |5ticfet, fl)aU tafte an C>at|), to be aDnii=? nifteceD bp t^e ILoi6ce faitl)fullp> Diligentlp, anD impatti- allp, bettbeen t!)e :^ellec anO 2i3wpets of Coals* IR n 2 ^nD 144 Anno Regni feciindo :^nD be it CnarteD b^ tbe ^ut\>oiitp afo;?efaiD, ^bat no ^ztton tbbo ft)all fteep a OToal parD, o? be concecncD as a jfacto?, ^ucfer, 0? ;agent, ft)aU fteep anj? llicrJ)tet:, (BabbatD, o? Boat, fo? tl)e i&ucpore of tat^ rj)ing Coals ; atiD t\)at no |&erfon i^all lieep tm\> 2aoat o^ s, 0? i&ttblicft HanDins' l&laces of tbis €ity>y to bangr at tbe ®aft of bis faiD HeCfel, 0? of tbe liiffbter, (BabbacD, o? 2i5oat, in tbbicb Coals i^all be b;oncrbtnp to tbe faiD ^iiaj'S o;? HanDing-piaces, a 25oarD, tbitb tbe true ^ame of tbe Solace from tbbence tbe faiD Coals Ibere b^oujjbt, tbritten tbcreupon in latere legible Cbarac^ tets; anD no :^nm of -®onep 11)^11 be cbargcD o; tahcn, bp my pcrfon Ibbat^ foeV)er, fo? banging out fticb Boa^D; anD eperp l^ccfon Ibbo il)all fecep a parD fo; fel= ling Georgil Tertll Regis. 145 ling Coals in tl)e €it}> of Dublin, i!)all \)mgc hap. at tbe SDoo;? of faiD pacD a i5oatD, tl)e De= x. nomination of tht Coals tl)en containeD in fatCJ PacD, tbcitren in latere legible €l)araC' tecs ; anD etjec^ ^ecfon oSFenDmcr herein, i^all fo;?feit the ^imi of %Vbcnt}f l^ounDs. ;3nD eDecp ©after, JFaao^ 0^ l^o^jter, ano t\)cty> l^etfon fteepmff a parD fo^ fellmsr OToalSi, anD t\)zt}> |Detfon lbbatfoet)er, tbbo il)aU ftnotbinglp 0? U)ilfnUp fell €oal0 bp at falfe l)enomination, o^ o? |5nl)= lic^OToal parD, o^ Coal pacCis,fo? fupplj^tng: tl)em tb!t5 Coals at moderate |&?jces ; lae It €uacteD bp tl)e S(ut|)o2it^ afo^efaiD, %\)at £)ne 0^ mo;je parts o^ parns i^all be taHeu at tDe €xpence of tl)e l^ublicli, fo? tl)e ^nr:; pofe of lajJiujgr in a fuftiaeut Ctuantitj> of Coals, fo? fuppl)5injj t\)z giournepmen, 3E:rai:iefmen, anD Manufacturers, auD t\)z poo? of tl)e Citp of Dublin tbiti) Coals, in tbe Manner, anD fubject to t\)c saegulations ant) p?o\)ifions \)ttm after mentioned, ::HnD be it €nacteD bp tl)e ^nt\)ontp afo;>efaiD, ^bat tbe faiD patD, oj patDs, ma)> be tai^en in im\) con\)enient l^lace o^ |5laceS in tl)e Citj) of Dublin, as tht Ito^D Ma?o?, :^l)eriffs, antJ meco;?Der of tl)e faiD Citp, 02 any %t)2tt of t|)em, ft)all ap onu; ant) t!)at tbe fait) Coals ftiall be bous:J)t m at t^c l&ublicfe €xpcnce, \Xt\>tn Coals are unttt §>ixtzzn ^!)iUinirS tl)e Xun, auti MD out, tbl)en Coals are folD at a J)igl)er ^2izz than €igl)teen ^btUmgrS tj)e %nn ; aaD tl)e faiD Coals ft)aU be folD .^''JU at a l^^ofit of JSPne :^l)!llmg t|)e ^un, oDer anD abotie tl)e firft CoG of tl)e Coals at tl)e ^l)ip, aaD t^e Cxpeuce of Catriajgre from faiD ;^J)ip to tj)e Georgli Terril Regis. 147 tl)e l^ublic!i Coal'ParD, to fuel) ^otimt^-^Cu a?. men, CraDefmen, auD :®anufactrircr«5, auD to x. imh 1500? of the faiD €it>), as il)aU p^oDiue '^^^^-^ Cettiucates from tl)e £|3im(ler auD ill^atci):: u!2]larDen$ of tfte tefpecttDe pavi^z^, 0? ftom the Ho^D ®apo^ meco^iDec, 03 anp %\ho MDttimn of tl)i$ Citp, fettitig fo;?t|) tl)e fjtlames, CtaDe, 0? C>ccupatioti of fucl^ \&ec= fon, aiiD tj)e :^tceet tti!)ere |)e o;j ilje cefiDes, li3j)tcl) €tttiUtmot3ecno?s fo? the Xime being, l!)aU appoint laDne Difcreet perfon to be Diteao? o; ^upecintenDant of fuch Coal 5>atD, 02 Coal patDS, tb!)ich faiD Directo? 02 ^upecintenDant H^all, from ^ime to Cime, bup Coals fo? fupplpingr tl)e faiD Coal patD, o;> Coal patDS, anD (l)all critje a 2i>?afc upon l^is ©ajeftp's SPeputp Jae^ Oo 2 ceitjet 148 Anno Regni fecundo c H A p.tei^ei: atD, 0? $>acos, tbbitl) faiO Draft ll)all be paiD at tl)e '€tta[my>, anD Jl)all be allotbeD t\)t 'Wzvntyf Bicc^Hreaftiret m l)i5 ;:3ccount0; aiiD tJ)e fatO SDitecto? ft)all, once itt etJerj) j©ontJ), pap into tbe Xreafurj? fttcj) §>u\m of <^onep, as IViaU be paiD itito l)is llanos fo;? tht ^ale of tl)e faiD Coals, out of tDe faiD parD 0^ patos* ^^^otitiet) alVbaj)S, €|)at t\)c :$iunfopaitJ anO aDtjanceti bp t\)t Deputj) Ilice^Xtea^ furer, otjec auD aOo\)e tl)e j^nm fo paiD m to l)itu bj) t|)0 faiD SDirecto;, il)all not at anj) Xime eiceeD in t\)z 2®!J)ole tl)e :^um of %tn 3r!)ouranti pounds* :3nD be it CnacteD bj> t!)e :^utl)02ity> a= fo^cfaiD, Xl)at tj)e faiD SPireao^ rtjall be allotbeD tj)e pearl;) ^alatp of ^rtbo l^un^ D?eD \&ounbs, anO il)aU bate ttbo €lerfts unDet l)im, of jbis olbn Appointment, anD fo;j U)l)om l)e ft)all be tefponfible, anb tbat f«c|)Clerfts il)all bcallotbeo t!)e pearlp :$>ala? tp of €:i)irtp pounbS eacj), foi!D iiPf^ See, aiiD that l)c Ibill, to tl)e btd of l)!S :i^hiU auD '■JmDgnmit, blip tbc faiD Coals at tl)e moO: moDcrate prices m |)!S |&oH)er, auD t!)at ht UnU not lba(le 0? iiitbe33le aup l^art of t!)e fatnc, auD that De lbi!l faitlv siccoutit fo^ all Oul) ^uim as l)e il)viU reccit3c bv ^alc of CaiD Coals; auD t6e faiD 2D!CCfto^ il)all catcc into a iidonD, tbit!) ttbo fufpicirnt Securities, in tlje l&e= naltp of Xeu £l)oufairo ^onuDS, couDi^ tioueD fo^ Diligeutlp auD fau|)fuUp execute lug l)is faiD £D^ice, ant) fo2 accountinir ioi fuel) :t)umS of ®oncp, as \>z il)all from '€itne to Cime cecett^e, Dp :^ale of t|)e faiO Coals. ;5ulD be it CttacteD bp t\)z ;^utl)o;?itp a- fo^faiD, Xbat tl)e Ho^ti ^lieutenant, 0^ otl)er Cf)!ef (ll?o\)cruo^ 0? d^o^ernc^s fo;> the %m\z beinjgr, fhall appoint one ot^er Dif^ creet perfon to be Comptroller of the ;3c^ counts anD CouDuct of the faiD ^irecto;, U)huh faio Comptroller fhall haVse a ^ala- tp not exceedmrr ^ne l^unD^eD ^ounDS peatlp, anD i\)all examine anD fettle the Accounts of t\n fait) direct o> once in e\3erp ®outh, anD iljall once in e\)erp j?o;?tnii9fht at lead infpect into, anD carefullp examine, t\)c ^tate anD ConDition ot tl)e faiD Coab p p j>arD 1^0 Anno Regn'i fecundo c H A p.^'atD, 02 Coal^^atos ; anO im\) Comptcol:^ X. ler, before \)z entecs upon Ijis C)fiFice, il)aU ^^-y^jbz ftbo^n before tl)e lLo2l> ®apo?, tbbicD £)atj) ti)e faiD ILoiD j®apo? is J)ecebp im- potbecetJ to atJuiintllet, faitljfuUr, tuliuent- Ij?, impattiallj), to execute |)is faiD Office of Comptroller, anD il)all, tt)it!) ttbo fuf= fitieut Sureties, enter into a 20onD of tl)e ^^enaltp of CtObo tSEDoufano |&ounD0, conOitioneD ioi J)is executmjgr !)is faiD £)f:= See of Comptroller, fait})fuUp, dilisrentlp, anD impartiallj>. :^nD be it €nacteD bp tl)e ;^utJ)o;?itj> a= fo;>efaiD, %ifat ti)e lLo;?D Hieutenant, oi <)t!)er Cl)iet d^oDerno? o? dBotJerno^s, anD ^2<\}p Council, mav be impotberet) to call tl)e faiD SDirecto?, Comptroller anD Cleths l)efo?e tl)em, anD to infpect t\)zit 2iaooft0, anD to examine into tl)eir ConDuct, anD from ^ime to Xime to remo\3e t!)em, o^ anj) of t!)em, anD to appoint otfer ^tt^ Cons in t^eir l^laceo; anD tl)e %o;ti^^v- o;j of tl)e faiD Citp is i)erebp impotbereD anD requireD, once in etJerp ^ontl) at tl)e leaft, to infpect tl)e faiD public^ CoaUparD, 01 Coal^parDS, anD if l)e ll)all finD tl)at tl^e fame is not, o? are not ftcpt in a p?o:: per 01 rejgrular j®anner, to fijgfnifp tl)e fame to tl)e ILo?D ^lieutenant, o^ otfter Cl)ief (15ot)erno? o^ (!5ot)ernor0, anD p;i\)^ Council, ^nD Georgii Terdi Regis. ^i^i ;3uD be It ^uacteD by> tl)e ^utl)o^itp a-c hap. fo;?era!D, ^J)at tl)e faiD ^itzaoi once in x. etJerj? ®ont}), Hjall la)> before t|)e faiD glo^D ^-^"^^^ j^ajJo^ anO BoarD of ;3lDecnien of tJ)e faiD Cit^, J)t3 BooUsi of ;^ccount fo? tj)e faiD i©ontl), tbbicl) ii)aU contain an exact ;^c- count of all Coals boagbt 03 folD by J)nn, o,> \)i<5 faiD OTletliS, lo^ one ij^ontl), antece- t)e:nt to ti)e ^ime of lav^ngr 6?2i faiD 2i5oolt$ befo^^ tbem, anO il)all DiGaigruiil) tl^e ^mu'B of tl)e pecfons from anD to ll)l)om, anO tJ)e cefpectitje ^itues tbDen, anD t\)t l^^rces foj tbj)jcb tht fame tbece botigl3t anD folD, \h\)it\) faiD :^ccounts i^all be t)£ti6eD bp^^f:: fiDat)itsi, to be maDe by tbe faiD S^iceao;? anDl)i$ faiD CletUs; anD tl)e faiD S)icecto;5 il)aU, at tJ)e fame Xime, lap before t!)e faiD llo;?D i®aw ^i^D 2aoatD of ;^lDermen, Dn ::atfiDat)it from the faiD Comptroller, t5)at ()e belielie0 tDe faiD Accounts l)at3e been Hept for tl)e faiD ®ontl) fairlp auD ttc[n^ laclp, anD that tlje faiD Director S)a0, an- ting t\)z faiD €ime, DcmeaneD j)imCelf faiti)f«llp anD Dtltgentlp in l)is faiD £)f= See (tbl)icl) faiD :^ffiDat)tts il)all be talten be= fore tl)e faiD HorD ®apor Ibitbout j?ee or metbacD) anD t6e faiD itorD ®apor anD 2i5oatD of ;^lDetmen ate hecebp impolbeteD, 11 tl)ev il)all ftnD it neceffacp, to examine fut!) Director anD bis Cletlts, anD tl)e faiD Comptroller, or anp of tl)em, upon C>at}), ^ p 2 toncl)inflr i£;2 Anno Regni iecundo c H A p.tottcl)mg tl)e fatO ;5(ecouut0, 02 tl)z huyincf X. 0? fellittfir of tDe latD €oals, 0? in my refpect toucl)ing tl)e execution of tl)e faiD fetJetal £)ffices, o;? tJ)e iipanageinent of tJ)e (aiD Coal^patD, 0? Coal^patDs; autJ tht faiD ?to;jD ®aj?o?, iaeco;?t)et, aiiD 2idoai:D of -^iciermen, 0? tbe :^a|o;jit)' of tl)cui, if tljzy> fitiD tJ)e faiD ^^ccoants to Oe juft auD true, atiD app^ot)e of tijc ConDuct of t|)e laiD fetjeral C^fficecs, are bctebp tequiteD to ftgti thtit ^l^anics m tlje faiD Boofes at t^e €nD of t\)t faiD :^«ount; ano if t!)ep m anj) refpect difapp^otc of t})e faiD Accounts, 0? of tbe ConCiuct of'anp of tj)e faiD €)^icer0, tJ)ep are !)ereOp tequireD to fignifp fuel) tl)eir SDifapp^obatioti to tl)e ilo;>D ?lieutenant, 0? otl)er €l)ief (I5ot3er- no; 0? d&oVierno^S, anO j^^it)? Council* StnD tbbereas man^ ^Difficulties majj arife in t|)e Execution of tl)is :^c!)ctue, tl)at tannot nolib be fo^efeen ; 2ae it Cnactcti bp tDe Zutl)02itv afo^efaiD, %l)U t\)t faiD^lo^D •®apo?, 3acco;?Cier, anD 2idoarD of ^cllDer^ men, 0;? tl)e ^a|oacD, anD fo^ tl)e better dSotjetnuient of tl)e faiD l>irecto?, Comptroller, anDClerUs, as t!)ep il)all finD neccffarp, ano tl)at t()e fame ll)aU be as tialiD anD effectual, as if t^e fame Ibere D^rebp CnacteD* p?o\)iDeD Georgli Teitii Regis. 153 Chap |&;?ot)iDeD altbapis tl)at tl)c fame Il)an, x. \bitim one ^ont\) aftec t\)t^ ace uiaDe, ^ be confiitmeD bp tl)e ?lo;D ftieutenant, 02 (ttj)ief (Botettio? 0;? (I5oV>ertto?0, anD p^i'ov Cottticil, anD ot\)ztXMz to be of no jfo^ce 0^ effects ^&2ot)iOeti alfo tDat t!)e faitJ B>'^llall)0 i^all not be tepuirnant to aup of t|)e 2Dj= tections ig:t\3en bp tl)i$ S(ct, :^nD be it CnacteD bp tbc ^utJ)o^itp a- fo^efaiD, Xbat all |5enalties auD j^o^ feitutes to be tccot^eteD bp tl)i3 ;^ct, ^all be fueD anO teco\3ereD before tl)e iaeco;?Dec of tl)e <2E!tp of Dublin, in a ^uumtacp OTap, bp t^e perfoji U)l)o il)aU 6cft fue fo; tj)e Came, in hU 03anner, antJ tbitj) t\)t fame ^otbet of Appeal, as ate bitecteD hf ati ^ct of \5atliament mabe tn t!)i$ Brngr^ tiom tl)e Xj)irtp'firft peat of l^is late ^a- Jeftp Bing George tl)e ^ccoub, gntitiileb. An Ad: for the Recovery of fiiiall Debts, in a Summary Way, in the City of Dublin^ and Liberties thereof, one {^alf to bc paiD to tj)e H^etfon tb|)o il)all fiie fo? tbe fame, tl)e otl)ei: C^alf to be patb to t!)e faiD Di- cecto?, tolbatDs increafiugr t!)e jFunD fo^ catcpinij t|)e faiD :^c|)cme mto €Jcecution» U q <^nD 1^4 Anno Regni Secundo, &c. Chap; SttitJ U it CtiscteD hy> tl)e :^utf)02itp a= X. fo^EfaiD, %Y^t tj)i«5 :^(t (|)aU contmue m fo2tt fo? titbo ?)eat«5, ftom tJ)e ttbentj?:: aft|) 2^ap of March, itt t})e S>eac £)ne tl)ott:= CanO feteti jiutiD^eH atiD iixt^^tlbo, auti ftom tftence to tDe €nD of tj)e t^en next :$ef- doti of pMimxtnt A N A N Chap, XL A C T T O Prevent Abufes committed by Juf- tices of Peace, ailing under the Charters of Cities and Towns Corporate. DUBLIN: Printed by Boulter Grierson, Printer to the King's moft Excellent Majefty. Mdcclxu. ( ^57) A N ACT T O Prevent Abufes committed by Juftices of Peace, adling under the Charters of Cities and Towns Corporate. C H A P. XI. Wl^€&€;3* it freqtientlj) f)aippett3!,CH af, Ct)at great ;3btifes ate committcb xr. bp ^wQices; of ideate, acting unl3et^^"v-N^ tl)e CJ)attec5 of OTities ano Cottons Co^po- ?ate, anO nottbitJ)ftant)ing (ucb ;3bufe0, it Ja t inav Anno Regni fecundo map be a l^oubt tbl)etj)ec fuel) gluaices of tl)e peace, fo offentJiujg-, are, 02 maj? be te- tiiotjablc fcom t\)tit €)ffitcs, 0? t^e €xe? ctttton tDeteof, b? an^itaS^Hott) m bemg^; jFo? JaemeDj) U)|)eceof, » it CnacteD bj? tl)e Bing's ®oft excellent j®ajeGp, bp auD Itiitl) tl)e ^t)t)tce ant) Content of tl)e ilo?t)S j^picitual anD Xempo;?al, ant) aToumions in tt)iQ p;?efent parliament ;^frembleD, anD bp tlbe ^utl)o;jitp of tl>e fame, 5i:i)at if anp fuc^ 9"Gice fl)all tbilfuUp commit an?> ^U fence, contrary to l)i0 SDutp as a Slwfiice of peace, tMztp ttith 5"ftit^. l|)all, upon Con^^ Viiction of fuel) €)^cnce, on an gnfo;jmatioti to be fileD in t|)e Court of King's Bench, be fo? eVier difableo to act as a 3^^^^^ c>f t{)e peace, fo? 0? tbrtbm fuel) €ity 0; $;otbn' Co?po?ate, in Cafe t})e Court 0? Sutige, be- fore tbjiom fuel) 3fnfo?mation (|)aU be trpet), (l)all, in open Court, before tbe fame is at)? journeD, certify unDer |)is 0? tj)eir l^anD 0? i^ant)s, tl)at ^e 0? tl)ep is 0? are fatisGteD tt)itj) ti)e meroict jjitjen upon fuel) 5nfo?ma? tion. ^,. .^ . ^ ^ ^nD be it further €nacteD bj> tjbe ^u? tl)o?itp afo?efait), ^l)at tl)e €rpal of all fuel) ^informations ll)all be ^aO m fome mOiffe? tentCountp, to beappointcD bp tfje Court of King's Bench. -^'''^^ 1'*^ p?o^it)eD Georgii Tertii Regis^ l^d P2o\)im altba?)Sf, Xl)at notDinir in tmc hap. ;act containet), a)aU extenD to f ttGices of t^e xi. l&eace, tbj)oat:eo;? i^jaU j)ereaftei: be appomteD^^"v^^ l)V Mittm of atip ComtniCTiott of t^e Ideate, iffueD, 0^ to be iffueo b? l^is j^ajeftp, l^i^ C^eirs ano ^tieceCTo^f^x t & AN A N A C T FOR The Security of PROTESTANT PURCHASERS. Chap. XII. DUBLIN: , Printed by Boulter Griersok, Printer to the King's Moft Excellent Majefty. MDCCLXU. ( 1^3 ) A N ACT FOR The Security of PROT£STANT PURCHASERS. CHAP. XII. F^i^ tj)e tilelief aitti :$ecutitj) of l^?o c h a f, teGant |&tttcl)afet«5, :a5e it CnarteD xii. bj) tDe letmrs ®oG excellent ^a- jeftp, bj) anD tbitl) tfte ;at)\)ice anD Confent of t[)e llo?D«5 :$pititual anO Xcmpo^al, ^ f 2 anO 164 Anno Regni fecundo CHAP.atiD orommons in tbis p^efent l&atlia- XII. ment affeitibleD, and bv t\)z ;autl)o?it)) of '-/'^^^>' tbe fame, 3i:j)at no ^ale ioi a full ano \)aluable ConfiCieratiott of anj> ©ano^s, j^effuages, HanUS, tenements, o;? l^ere^- Ditaments, 0? of any> €ftate 0? Sinfereft tj^etein, b;> anp l&erfon 0? l&etfons beingr teputeD €)tbnei: 0;? €>tbnet6, o;j in tj)e i&of^ feffion 03 lacceipt of tb^ mentsanDl^^oftts tl)eceof, l)eretofo?e matt to 0? fo? anp l&;?o^ teftant |5utcl)afet: 03 |&utcl)afer«5, anD nierelp anD onlp fo;j t^e 23ene6t of a |&?o- teftant 0^ j&^oteGants;, l|)aU be mipeacJ)eD 0? atioiOeD, fo?, oent t!)e furt^ec (15?otbtl) of popecj>, o;? anp of them, 0? in o? by> an ^ct of |&ar= liatnent palleD in t!)iei Hinjjdom, in tjt)e iRineteentl) peat of i^is late j^aieGp Eing George tj)e ilieConD, gitt^tt"leD, An Aa for the more effedual preventing His Majefly's Subjeds from entering into foreign Sei-vice, and io2 pttbli(t)in0r an ;act of tl)e :$>eDent^ $>eat ot HXing William tl)e €{)itd, 3lnti=^ tuled, An Adt to prevent foreign Education, no;j ft)all t!)e ®ano;?s, -©elTuages, Hands, tenements, 0^ l^eteditaments, 0; tl)e €D tate o;j ginteceft t!)ecein, fo fold, be ftied fo? 0? recotjejed under tl)e faid relets of ^at^ liament, 0^ anp of t^em. p?otoided Georgii Tertii Regisc 165 l&?ot)!t)eD tj)at not|)ittg j)erem contatneD c h a p. il^all eiteiiD to, 0? aflFect, 02 be confttueD to affect, anp 3f M^ff^^^nt 0; l>ecre6 obtain^ eD, 0? anp :^uit at Hatb 0? in Ccjuitp, inftituteO on 02 before tl)e ^econo 3)ap of March, I)ne tl)oufanD feljen l)titiO?eD atiD fiitjj^ttbo, io2 tDe laecobec^ of fuel) ®a^ tto^si, ©effuaffesf, ILauCi«J, Xenements, 02 J^eteDitaments, 0? fuel) CGate 02 ftitc^ tea t!)etem. sr t AN D A A N c FOR Chap. XIIL T Quieting the PofTefliohs of Protef- I tants, deriving under Converts from the Popilh Religion, DUBLIN Printed by Eoulter Grierson, Printer to the King's moft Excellent Majefly. Mdcclxii. ( 1^9 ) A N ACT FOR Quieting the PoiTeffions of Proteflants, deriving under Converts from the Popifli Religion. CHAP. xiir» Wl^CEct^:^^ man J) CouDerts from c hap. tl)e l&opifl) to tDe l^^cftaut i^tlv xiir. giott, as bp Hatb Cftablii^eD, })al3e v^^-va^ nefirlecteD ftrictlj) to pecfo^tn tl)e le^al lae^^ quifites of Confo;?tnitj?, hv :®cansilb|)etcof, mati^ l&;>oteftaut piirdjafeis, atiD oti)ecs!, tetittng utiDec fuel) OToiOoerts, map be af^ fecteD : 5?o? laemeDp tbl)ereof, Jiae it CiiacteD bp tl)e Idlings j®oft excellent ©ajeftp, bp ano tbiti) tDe ^Dt)icc auD Confent of tl56 m tt Ho^CiS 170 Anno Regni fecundo Chap. |to^t5S :^picitual auD tlempo^al, anD (Eom^^ xiii. monS in tl)is p^efent |&a?liamcnt aCreut^ blets, auD hf tj)e :5futl)o?!tp of tl)e fame, ^i)at tl)e ilitlc of anj? |5?oteaant to anp Cftate 0? gtttcceft m au)? E.auDS, ITene^ tnents, o;j ^ereOitatiieuts, Ijctctofo^e t)cri\)eD fcom, 0? unDet anp Cotilject, Dp putcl)aie, 0? otl)etlbire, (|)aU not be tmpeacbeD, 0^ in anp tt)ife affecteD, bp laeafon 0;? ®ean3 of anp iPiiiiffion 0;? ^eglea of fncl) Conliert, in petfo^mtng tbe Hegal Uequifites of Con- fo^mitp ; l^?ot)iDeD fucJ) Cont^ect DtD oUtam tfce 2i3iil)op'si Cettift'cate of l)is; 02 \)tt Con^ fo^initp, anD from anD aftec tj3e obtatmng of tj)e fame, p;?ofe(reD t\)z l^^oteftanr laeli^ gion, anD tbas, anD contmueD a p>;jo? tenant* ;2[nD be it furtl)et €nacteD bp tl)e ^ut|)o- 2it)) afo?efaiD, VH)at all fuel) l^etfons as })at3e l)etetofo?e obtaineD tl)e 2aii^op'Si Cer^ tififcate of tl)eit Confo^mitp, anD ftom anD aftet tj)e obtaininjgr of t!)e fame, l)at3e p?o^ leffeD tl)e l&;?oteGant iaeligion, anD l)at)e contmueD p^oteftants, anD l)at)e not pcr^^ fo;jmeD all tl)e otf^tt He^al Jaeq^tf^tes of Confo;?mitp, anD il)all perform tt)e fame befo;?e tl)e Xtbentp 6ft!) 2Pap of March, j^ne t!)ottfanD fetjen !)unD tj)?ee, (§all, ftom t!)e tiime of !)is !)at)in0' fileO t^e 2aiil)op'3 OTectififcate, of f)isi 0? ftet €on? fo2mitp from tbe Popirt) to t\)t p^oteGant iaelijjion. Georgil Tertil Regis. 171 Hclicrion, be DeemcD, aiiD ta&eu to be,CHAP, l^^oteaauts o[ r!)e €0:al3iai)cD CDufcD, to xiii. all "^imnt^ atio ?5iupofes* p^otJitJcD alttiaj^s, Hbat notj)!ns: l)erein containeD, il)a!l itnpeac!), 0? m aup IbiCe afect atip gitCiginent 03 Dectec, maDe 0? crimen m aup ^Eoutt of Itatb 03 Cquitp, 0? hnp Action 0^ ^uit, commenceD before t^e XlDeutp fitftD !!Pap of March, One tDoufanD fet)en DutiD^eD anD (xxty> tVbo, anD notb De- petitJitig ; but tl)at all fuel) SlttDgmetits anD decrees i'l)all temain, anD be in fuel) lil&e j?o?ce, anD all fuel) ^actionSi anD :$uit0 iljall anD ma^ be p;>ofecuteD in fuel) j^an- nee, as if tl)i«3i ^ct baD not been maDe ; an^ €l)ingr !)ecern eontaineD to tl)e conttatp ttottbitl)ClanDinff» ^ tt a AN A A N C FOR T Preventing Frauds and Abufes -in the vending, preparing, and adminif- tring Drugs and Medicines. '■* '-si^^ DUBLIN: Printed by Boulter Grierson, Printer to the King's Moft Excellent Majefty. MDCCLXII. { ^75 ) A N ACT FOB Preventing Frauds and Abufes in the vending, preparing, and adminif- tring Drugs and Medicines. CHAP. XIV. WI& € la € ^ ^ manj) moQ Dangerottfiic hap. auD DeOructitje JfcauDS and abnfesi xtv. are Dailj? commtttet) in tbe \)enD=v.^v'x^ tng, p^epacmg, anD aDmituQting of Wtu^Q auD ^eDicine«$: fo2 laemeDp U)!)eteof, iae f X 2 it 176 Anno Regni feciindo CtiacteD bj) tl)e Icing's ®oQ Cuellent XIV. j®ajeftp, bp anO tbitl) t^e ;^D\)ice auD Con- fettt of tj)e g.o;?tis :^piiittial auD Xempo^ ^al, auD Commons lu tl)!S p?efcut l^atlia- ment afi"emblet), auD b)? tl)e ^utj)o;?!tj? of t\>t fame, ta:j)at from anD after t|)e j?ira Dap of May, tn tj)e peat of out ILo?o, £)ue tl)oufanD fetien ^unD^eD ant) ftxt)?:^ tttio, t\)z l&?efiOcnt0, Cenfo;?0, auD jFel^: lolbs of t!)e Eing atiD ^nccn'0 €olksz of l&|)J'fiCianfi>, Ireland, i^all batjc full l^otbet anO ;3ut!)o?ttp to enlar^^^e tl)e ^nm^: bet of t|)eit 2i3oDp, bj) aomitniig into t|)e 5feUotbl|)ip of t\)tit motp fucD anD fo manv ot^et leatneD anD tbo?tl)p 2Docto}>^ Ctiansi l|)aU, ftom Xime to ^ime, t«Dg:e nececelTarjj anD fit to be aDmitteD, upon Due examination, bp election of tl)e faiD CoUejje of l&|)pfician0. Zt\D be it fmthtt CnacteD bj) t\)c ;^utl)o= ?itp afo^efaiD, %\)eit tf^t faiD |&;eftDent, Cenfo^S, anD jFellotbS of tbe faiD College of 1&l)5)fttianSr, nuv l)at)e full H&otbec anD ;^tttj)o;?itp to elect anD appoint four of tDe j?eUotbsi, 02 ®embet$ of tl)eit: moD^, to be f nfpecto;js anD examiners of all €la= bo?ato?ie0, ^|)ops, OTare 02 ^to^e-f^oufes, Cellars, faults, iaoom o;> IRooms, anD of all otl)er Jaepofito^ies of tti|)at BinD oi jl^ame Georgii Tertii RegiSi t'j'f l^ame foebec tDej? map be, in tj)e C^oufe o^c hap. C^otifes;, 0? otl)et Jblace o? l&laces belongs xiv. ingr to attt> ^potl)ecacj), CbemiQ, o?wg^^^"^^'^-' gift, 0? ot})er l&erfott o;? !&erfonS tbbatfo- eDct, U)})o notb Do, o^ ftereaftec ft)aU tm- t)o?t fo? ^ale, o;j buj> anD Tell, o? fteep fo^ tl)at l^urpofe, o? tbl)o p;>cpare, aDmmiftec, 0? fell, o;? fteep fo? t!)ofe l&urpofesi, attp D^ttlT, 0? Simple 0^ CompounD j®eOicme, of ti)l)at ^atttce o;j S^enommatton foet)er, tbl)icb is 0? maj> be ufeD as ®eDicme fo? t!)e l^ealt!) of ©au's 2i5oDp, tbitDin tDe Cttp of Dublin, attO ^eti ®iles Circuit t|)ereof* 3tuD be it fuctftet €nactet) bj) t!)e 3Ctttj)0' ^itp afo;jefaiD, XDat t!)e faiD CoUesre of ^l)pftciatti5 it)aU, •tb!tl)m tD^ee 3>aj)6 aftcc electing: t!)e f tifperto^s o? €xamine;?6 afo?e= faiO, git>e Notice in Mltltmgr to tl)e ®af^ tec anti MatDens of t!)e €o?po;?atton of ;5Cpotbccaries of t!)e Cit? of Dublin, tj)at tj)e faiD CoUejgre l)as cDofeti jFout of its j®em^ bets, as Slnfpecto^S anD examiners of 3>;?ttgs anD ®eDicineS, purfuant to tl)is ;^ct, anD reqimrinigr t!)e faiD Corporation to elect anD appoint Ctbo of t|)e moft sftilful anD l)ottea ^apothecaries of tl)eit faiD Cor= potation as ^ffiftants to t!)e faiD €ia= miners, anD to return t!)eir Barnes, anD places of ^boDe, to tl)e faiD CoUejgre of ^bj'Gctans, tbitDin X!)ree SOa^S after Cue!) Notice il)aU be gitjen in QKHritinjgr, as afo^e^ 178 Anrio Regnl fecunJo CHAP.Cait), tbJ)ic!) faiD election, 0? -Appointment XIV. of CtDo 3tffitant 3[potl)ecaries, il)aU ueUec^ tj)elcr0, be fubjcctcD to be eicepteD agamft, 02 app^otJeD of, by> tl)e TaiO College of p}^y- ficians ; ant) tl)at tbbenfoeuec tl)e faiD Col- lege of pi)j>ficians ft)all object to tl)c lae^ turn of botl), o;> citl)ec of tbe ;^('fiGant 5^potbecane0, maUe to tbeui as afo afo?efaiD, %\)at if t\)t fait) Corporation of ;Apotl)ecaries tl)oulD neglect to elect, appoint, 02 return fuel) Af= fiGant ^pot!)ecaries ; 02 in cafe t\)t faiD electee, appomteD, or returneb, o? ^affiftant 53[potl)ecaries, i'l)oulb refufe or neglect to come to tht fait) J^b^ficians, upon Due |ttlo:= tice, as aforefaiD, it map ant) il)all be latb- ful for tl)e faiD examining 1l&[)pficians, to |)roceeD «)it{)out t^em* anD be it fnttUt CnacteD hp tbe AutJ)o^ ritp aforefaiD, Xl)at t!)e JFour pbpficians, appointeD bp tl)e faiD College of jpl)pacians, as Georgii Terti'i Regis- 179 vis afo^efaiD, il)aU be tDe Mi{ito^^, '^w^c u af, fpecto^s, atiD Ciammcis of tbe ^bops, xiv. 3l213are^j)oufes, :^to;e^l)otifesi, €laDo;?ato;ic0, mootu3, Celiacs, maultgi, 0? otl)cc places 0? I'\cpo0to;?ic5, tbl)cre SD^tigS, 0^ Simple o t\)t €ocpo?atjon of ;3potl)ecacies, anD app,'oV»eD of bj> tj)e faiD CoUegre of pb^ficians, ll)aU be -^ffiQatits to tl)e faiD 5F0UC l&l)?>fu!aiis, in tl)e €xecM= tion of t!)e pjotbecs j)ecein aftec gcanteD h}> tl)!S ^ct, tb^itj) faiD j?out 5nfpcfto?s anD examinees, tbitl) tbe faiD artbo ;^ffiftattt apotl)ecacies, ll)aU fect^e fo? One peac onlp, anD not to be liable to be appointeD again io2 X{)?ee peacs aftec, tt)itl)out t^eic ottin Content* :^nD be it fuctbec CnacteD bp tbe Zntl)o^ 2itv afo;?efaiD, Xbat it ma^ anD ft)all be latbful fo? tl)e faiD p>?eGDent, Cenfo^js, anD jfellolbs of tbe faiD College of l&bj^ficians, to fummon befo;?e tbem t|)e jfout jfcllotbs, o^ otbet i®embecs of t|)eic 25oDp, appointeD SinCpecto^s anD examinees, as afo^efaiD, 5> j> 2 anD ,,i8o Anno Regni fecundd CHAP.anD t|)e taiD tzctbo ;apot[)ecanes, appointetJ XIV. ;^ffiOant^ as afo^efait), anO to atmmiiftet to eacj) atiD etjetp of tj)em, tl)e follotbmflr j^atl): I ^. 5. do fbleinnly and fincerely promiie and fwear, that I will, to the beft of my Know- ledge, Skill, and Judgment, without Hatred or Evil Will, without Partiality, Affection, Favour, or Fear, juftly, equally, and faithfully difcharge the Truft, and execute the Powers vefled in me by an Adt, Intituled, An A8 for Treventmg Frauds and Abufes In the Vending, Treparing^ and Admimflr'ing Drugs and Medicines. So help me God. SttiD be it fttttDet Cnatteo bj) tj)e Zn^ t|)o;jitj) afo;?eraiD, %\>^t t!)e fatD Ciarntiters, 0? auj) titbo of tj)em, tbitj) tl)e faiD ZM- tant ;apotj)ecatte«5, o^ one of tbem, i^all ftatje full l&otber atiD autl)o^itjj, anb ate ^etebp requiceb, fout %mz^ at leaG in tj)e peat, o;j oftnet, if tj)ej) (|)all fee £)tcafion, irx tt)e SDa^'time, to entet anb infpect all anb £t)etp :^l)op, 3123ate o;> :$)to;?U00, fimple 0? coinpounb ^ebicines, Mfeb, Georgli Tertii Regis, 181 tireD, 0} to be ufeD fo^ -©eDicmco; ioi thtc ha p, l^caltb of ^an'Q moX^y, atiD tberem Grialp xiv. to featcl) fo;?, anD f«U)> anD fairly to examine tht jjtlatutc anD ^lualitv of all atiD elsetp BitiD of D^tiff, :^miple 0^ €ompounD j®eCiinHe, 0;? Chemical |i>;jeparation, ufeD, 01 to Ije uCeD foe faiD Cjcaminecs atiftiticreD to;??«pt o;j S>efectibe, as afo^efaiDj to contiemn au^ fei^e upon, anD fee butneOj 0; otl)et:ttHfe totally i)efttoj>et), bj> tl)e l^anDS of tl)e laeaDle of the faiD Collejje of i&J^pfi^ trans, 0; aup other ptdon o; l&ecfons, bp tl)e examinees fo^ the %t\m beinjj, appoint- ed Ui that ^urpote* ^?o^iDeD nebetthelefs, anD be it fatthec CnarteD bp the ^utho^itp afo^efaiD, tEhat tti cafe the fatD Cxannners, 0^ th^ ®a)oj ^art of them, fl)all conDemn anj> 2r>?ng:S 0^ mflr t})eceof, iiifift that tbe fame otisrl)t not to be bucneD o;? uc(lro):'eD, anD fl)aU fo^t!)tl3itb, bp t8)?tting unDer l)is o;? tljeic i^anDs, appeal to, anD Defice tl)c giaDp-ment of tDt l^^efiDent, Cenfo^s, ant) jFellolbs of tl)e faiD oroUejgre of ^\)y{itian^ in Dublin, fo;> tibe Xime beinsr, tl)etewpon, tl)en, anD in tm\) Cafe, tl)e faiD examinees i^all caufe tbe faiD 2D?ug$ o? ©eDicincs, fo fei3eD, to be tbei0l)eD, anD tbitb tl)e Boxes, iDots, (15laf= fes, 01 ot!)et TSlelTels containing tJ)e fame, anD tJ)e laeafons, m 212atitmg, fo^conDemn:^ ingr tl^eceof, fubfccibeD bjj each of t\)z faiD examinees conDemning t!)e fame, to be tj)en anD tbece put into a 25ox, anD fealeD tbitj) tbeir refpertit)e :^eals of eatl) of tj)e faiD €x^ aminets, anD t\)z S>tal of t^e l^etfon 02 }^tt^ fonS fo infiGmg, if fuel) ^eefon o tl)e Xime bemg, ft)all commit to t!)e Caee anD CulloDp of tl)e BeaDle of tj)e faiD College of |&|)j)ftcians, tbbeee it il)aU eemain fo;j an^ Cime, not excecDmg jFouetecn SDa^s, tbitbin tb^icl) €:iiiie tl)e p^cfiDent of tl)e College of l&l)j^ficians ftjall fummon an -if- femblp, 0;? ;®eeting of t^e Cenfo?s, anD otl)tc JFellotbs Georgii Teitil Regis. 183 jrellotbiS anD ^embers of thctt Colli:s:e o^c hap. Botij?, in tl)e nftaal 0)annec of fnmmoniupr xiv. fuel) ^zttmg^ 02 ^(TcmbUcs, tl)|)eccof t)S)e^^~-^ fDtbnei: 0? l^oHeHo^ of t|)e faiD contJCtimcD ^?uij0 auD ®eC!iciuc0, il)all I)at3e font iS>av3 ^otjce m Wixitmg, to be gibcu o;j left; to o;j fo^ the \bction 02 l^^eclous, bp 02 fo^ it)J)om fuel) ^tppcal Uias uiacse, at t'ne ^lace Ihhtxc fm couDctnucD E^^ugs 03 <55et:itiite0 ll)crc fouuD, tl)at \)z 02 t\)ty map attctiD the faiD i©ectj{t«T, if l)c c? tl)e)? il)aU £l)!Utt ftr ; auD tl^at the irv^cfiDeut, OEeufo^s;, aut3 jfcUoii33, fo alTentblcD, tl)all batie polt^cc ariD 5(utj)o^it>), bemg: no Icfs ui jRcnubec tl)au j?i\)c, cxclufiDc of tl)e faiD •^xaniiuct0, to open fact) 2i5ox. from ^ime to ^ime, m tj)e ^^^efence • of tht |5erfon 0^ |&eclon0, bp, 0^ fo^ lbl)om fuel) ;Hppcal tbasi mat)c, if I)e 0^ ti)ej) H^all tl)cce appear; auD in Default of tbeit Appearance (due jHotice being: gi\)en as afo^jefasti) tl)en, t£jitJ)out l)nrt 02 tl)cm, ant) to p.2oceeD to examine, auD finallp Determine concerning: fuc{) 1^2u$^ anD j^ecicines, as afo.'efaiD, contameD tl)erein ; -AuD tf tl)e faiD p^efiDent anD Af= fembl)), bemg not lefs m dumber tj)an as afo;jelaiD, 0^ tl)e majo? l^att tj)ereof, conftrm anD tatif>j tl)e MuDg:ment of tf)e faiD c£xa- miners, tben iht faiD examiners, fo;? tl)e €ime being, il)aU catife all fuc!) 2D?ng0 anD ^eDicines, as afo^jefaiD, fo conDemneD, anD BelTrls containing tl)e fame, to be pub= 5 5 2 licftlp 184 Anno Regni fecundo C H A p.litftlj) butneD, 0^ otDettbife DeftrojjeD, before XIV. t\)t 2)00221 of tl)e i&etfoti o^ i^etCous in 'tbl)ofe J>l)op, €lal)o?ato?)?, i3]23ace;|)oufe, o;j JRoom, tl)e Tame tbete fouuD, in fuc^ banner, anD at tm\> Cttne, as tbe faiD €xaminet»2f, io2 tl)e Xtrne being, il)aU tDiult fit anD Dicect: l&?ot3iDeD t\)z fatD p^eCiCent, Cenfo;jS, anD JFeUolbS, ft)all 6cft taHe tj)6 iSDatl) j)etem befo;?e p^efcribeD, tbl)ic!) t|)e l^^e^ fioent tS l)ercbj) tequireD to tafte, anD tm- potbeteD anD tequiceD to aDminiGer. ^^otJiDeD altba))S, anD be it furtt)et €n=: acteD bj) t!)e Stutbo^itp a%efaiD, €:})at if, o? in cafe tDe D^iffS 02 ®eC!icines fei3CD bp tJ)e (J^xaminets, ftjall not be conbemneD lbit))tn fourteen SDapsf, bp tj)e faiD :3frem= Mp of \&?efiDent, Cenfo^s, anD j?ellotbS, oi fl)aU be DeemeD founD anD srooD, anD meet to be abminifteceD as ^cDicines fo;j t!)e C^ealtj) of ®an's BoDj), tDat tl)en, tl)e faiD 2^?U0S anD ®eDicines l^iall be inime^ Uiatelj) tettttneD to tj)e ^tbner, to9-eti)ec tt)itj) tj)e Bores, !&ots, (S^lafTes, 0? othzt HelTels tb!)erein t!)e fame ace containeD, fafe, anD in ffooDConDition, tbitl)out CMalte 0? otj)et 3>amafl[e tbJ)atfoebec» .^nD be it futtl)et €nacteD bj> tbe ;Sut!)o^ 2itp afo ft)all p^efumc to obGcuct, let, 0^ moieft the faiD €xamitiet0, 02 tlxic ^tfiiiaant 0? ;5(ffiftaut9;, laeaDle 03 aaeaOles, 0? ot^ec ^et^ant 0; ^etioants, m tbe €iectitioii of tl)is ^ct, o? auj? patt tl)ereof, tbat tUty iutl) C>ffetiDci: iit tl)is Cafe, i!)aU forfeit fo^ euerp fuel) €)(fence, tl)e ^utn of is:tbettrp l^ountis. Sint) fo? tl)e bettet aftettaining- tl)c Ma- ture ant) Vitalities, auD t\)t 2Dofes, atiD Hfes of all SD^ufrs, j^ituple aiiD CoinpounD •©ctJicmesi, auD Cl)eiiiical ^;jepai:ation6, Be it furtbet CnacteD \}y> tbe ^(utbo^itp afo;?e' faiD, €!)at it ma^ be latbftal fo;? tbe faiD }^2t'^ CiDent, arenfo;j0, an D jfellotbs of tbe OTollegfe of pb^'Sxians, fo? tbe Cime being, to frame anD publlft) a Code, 01 Pharmacopoeia, tOU'- tainittor a oiataloijue of fuel) S>2ugrs, 0^ jgiimple ^eDicines, as tbej> ft)all juDge ne- teffac)) fo^ tbe |&?efcription$ o;> mfes of ^b^ficians ano Cbtturgfconsi, togetbec tbitb 5Fo;jms anD iRulcs fo? p^jepating: anD com? pounCmgr tbe fame, OTbemicall)' anO cl5a? lenicallp, as tbep fb^U jubjje fit anD ne^ ceffatp fo? tbe |&2UffS, p>?eparations, anD €on\'- politions il)aU be difpenfeD auD folD, U>l)icb CaiD Code 0? Pharmacopoeia, 11)3 11 be fol= lolbeD auD obfecDeti bp all anD e\}ecj) ;^po:: t\)ttatp, €!)ein!fl:, D;>u5:9:iG, anD orl)ec pec^ fon 0? \&erfons, lbl)o notl) Do, 0^ Ibereaftec ll)all p;?epare, aDmimaec, fell, expofe to :^ale, 0? fteep ioi t!)at ^u;?pofe, anp BinD of D^uigr, :^imple 01 CoinpoiuiD ^eDicme, 0? €\)mMtai, 02 othtt :@eD!nnal ?^?epara? tion tb!)atfoe\3er, t\)iono;^om t^i0 i^mjgr^ Dom. ;^nD be It furtj)et €nacteD bp tl)e :5l«tl)0' ;{it)) afo^efaiD, ta:j)at if anj? -^potl)ecatp, €i>zmiQ, 0? SD^jujjirtft, 0? otl)et jbetfon 02 ^^ecfonSr, tl)j)o notb Do, 0^ beteaftec ll)all, niafte, prepare, compounD, tell, ejpofe to :g>ale, o; fteep ioi tj)at l&urpofe, anp BinD of 2^?tiff, 01 j®eDicinal |^;jepai:ation, 0^ otl)ec jFo^m o? i^wle, in anj> ott)ei: ^tenfils, 0? bp anp ot{)ei: Georgii Tertii Regis. 187 otDec ®eafure$ 0? MJiti^\)t^, than !!)aU bee h a p. fo DircftcD auD appomtcD hp t\)z faiD ClToUege xiv. of pbpfitiano, fuel) C>ffenDer (l)aU forfeit atio paj), fo^ ebcrj) fuel) ^^ence, tDe ^um of %m l^ounDs, Sterling, uulcf0 tbDecc tj)e contcaip i«3, 0? iljall be cirecteD bp Come lae- Sulat practitioner, auO that fo^ {)i3 otbn p,'i\)ate Bfe folelj^. ^nti be lit further €itacteD bp tl)e ^«- t!)o|itp afo;jefatD, %])at t\)z afo^efaiD €xa^ mniccs, maj) auD i!)all examme tbe feV^eral mtcivfUs, ^eafareo, i^cales anD OTcigl)r0, in all atiD e\5ecj) ^lace 03 places, tb^ere aup EiriD of SD^ug-s 0^ ^cCtcmal P^epa^ ratious 0^ (EompouuDs are folD, p;?epareD, 02 compoMutieD, fo;? :^aie, expofe^ to ^aU, 02 ftept ioi tl)at ptirpofe, atiD fei3c o;> De= ftroj) all fuel) TMtenfils, 09eaf«res, OTetgl)ts aiiti s^caleg, as tl)ej' il^all fiuD, contrary to tl)e laules 0? Directions of tl)e fatO Code, 02 pharmacopoeia, 0^ otl)ert)bife tiefectitJe, 01 tmlatbful, facing to tl)e S^eliuqtient tl)e BeueSt of an Appeal to t!)e College of pi)pficians, as in t|)e Cafe of conCemneb 2P;?«gS 02 :®eDiciues, as afo^aefaiD* P^o\)iDeD ne\)ertl)elefs, tjr:i)at tl)is -^ct, 0^ mv patt ti)ereof, il)all not be cotiftrtieD to exteno to anp <®ercl)ant ;^Dt3enturer, li3l)o i^iall import j^imple 2D?wgs, 0? :®eCii= ;a a a i cines 1 88 Anno Regni fecundo Chap. tmeiS fo? :^ale, aiiD tioe«502it}> afo^efaiD, ^!)at it maj> anD fcall be latMul fo;» tJ)e C^ief j^agtftrate of eDerp OTitj), Bo^ougJ), o;j €o«)n^Co;jpo^ate, fo;? tl)6 Xime being, unlefs J)e o? tj)e)) l)appen to foUotb t!)e ;art, Bufinefs, 02 iSPccupation of an <5IpotJ)etar jj, (EJ)emift, 0? SD^uggif}, m all i>2 mv of t|)eir B;jantl)es, anD tben, fo^ tl)c ig>l)etiff6 of an?) Citj?, 0^ anp €tbo f naiccs of tl)e ^eace of an)) OTitj), oj fo? anp Xtbo ^ttfticesi of t!)e l&eace of a Count)?, M)o im neateft to anp Bo;>o«0D, 03 anj? iTotbn, IbDofe €\)iti ©asrifttate Dappens to fcUolD tl^e :3rt, BuGnefs, 0^ €)ccttpation of an ;3potl)ecar)?, CJ)emift, 0? S^^urrffift, 0? in tl)c ^otbn0 tbl)cre no ;®a0ifttate refines, to fummon anp 3rtbo 0? mo^e 2>octo^s of |^l)))ficft, (15?aCluateSi of Oxford, Cambridge, Edinburgh, 0} of an)) ot!)er Ilnit)erftt)) of Great Britain, Leyden, 02 Dublin, 0^ HtCentiatcS of tl)e Binff anD £lueen'0 OToUejje of \^l)j)' dcians in Ireland, anD to aDminiQe? to eacl) anO eljerp of tl)em, tj)e €iaminer'0 €>atl), J)erein before mentioneD ; tb!)itl) pb^'ficians, To fummoneO o? ftbo^n, bcincr no lefs tban %\^o Georgii TeitJi Regis. 189 %Vb(s in jRumber, tbitl) t^e €i)itf Magv c h a p. acatc of tS)e Cit^, 03 XoU)n, il)all t)aDe xiv. full jj^otber anO <^«tbo3tp to fcarcl) ant!v.^"vxy iiifpect all anO etiecp :^l)op, ^to?c 02 OTare- l)oufe, €labo?ato.2p, o^otl)et: mepoCito^p of all atiD et)etp apotl)ecarp, atl)etiuG, aiiD 2D>^ug5 anD i^eDicmes, togetl)ec tbitl) all tj)e ^tenfilsf, i®eafures, Stales anD (KHeigbtS, anD to fei3e anD Deftrop all fuc^ SD^ugs anD j®e- Dinnes, Utenfilsi, j®eafttte0, Scales anD iBleijg-^tS, as tl)e)) ft)all ftnD, anD aDjiiDjje: unCounD, aDultetate, to;>?ttpt, untbl)olfome, Defectit)e, 0? otl)ectbife unlattiful ; fatJinigr, net)ettl)elef3;, to tl)e pattj>, tl)e Benefit of an ;5ppeal to tl)e Collejgre of Pbjjfitiansi in Dublin. /; ;^nD in cafe tbe ^tbnet of my> 2D?uflr 0? ©eDicine, oj tl)e l&ecfon acting fo? l)im, in Di5 ^^bfence, i^all appeal to tY)z College of #l)^fician0, Be it CnacteD bp tj)e ^Sutbo^ 2!tp afo^efatD, d)at a Sample 0? :§amples» of t^e D^ug 02 ©eDicine, fo conDemneD, unDec tJ)e :$>eal of tl)e Ciaminets, as tbell as t!)e C>W)nec 0? i^tbnecs, if !)e 0? tl)e)> B b b (l)all 190 Anna Regni fecimdd c H A p.fl)all tf^inh proper, be fent tbitl) all cont^ xrv. tiient :$)peet), bp tj)e Ct^ief j®affiQrate p;je' ^■^^^'^fent at foci) €xattimatfon anD CoiiDenma= tfon, to tj)e College of ^l)5?fician$ in Dub- lin, tb{)o fi)all be fullj) impotbereo auD aii= tl)o;ji$eD enallj> to Detetmine tl)e fame, 5^nD in cafe tj)e faiD College of ^bpOctans (|)all confitm t!)e f udgment of tl)e fato Ciaminets, it map auD ft)all be lattiftil fo? tDe Cl)tef ©agifttate to butn, 0? ot^tt- tt)ife DeGrop, tjie teft anti laefiDue of tbe 2r>?ttff0 anD ®eOicmesi fo fei3et), at t|)e €>f' fenOet's 2Doo?, wpon a ©atftet-Dap, anD alfo to oblige tl)e faiD iSPffenDet to pap fo? t\>z Cattiage of tl)e faiD ;$ample 0; :^am= ple^, anD r^ppeal to tl)e College of i5l)pC' tians, anp ^um, not eiceeDing jFo?tp ^l)il' lings : ^nt in cafe tl)e faiD College of l&^pficians (l)all not affirm tl)e gjuDgment cjf tj)e faiD examinees, on tDeConDemnation of anp 2D?«g 0? ©eDicine, tften, tbttj)in Ctbentp fowc flours after tf)t f uDgment of tfte College of l&^pficianS ft)all be ftnotbn, tbe Cbief ®agiGrate (f^M publicftlp refto?e ti)z 21>?ugsi anD j®eDicines, fo conDemneD anD fei3eD, tbit^out QHUafte 0? otj)er S^a.^ mage, ;^ttD to tht fittent t!)at i^arfts mai> be fet upon all anD et)erp l&erfon 0? periong ofifenDing in tf)z preparing, aDminiGrmg, \)enDing. importing, expofing to ;$ale, 0? keeping Georgii Tertii Regiso ip'i fteeptiifir fo;? t\)at l^urpofe, fo; t\)c ^atif=e hap. faction atiD :^afetp, as; Ibell of tl)ofe tbfto xiv. l)a\)e £Dccafion to confunie, as of tSjofe*^-^^^^^ U3})o p^efccibe j®eDicme0» m it ftittj)ei: CnacteD by> t|)e :^ttt|)o;?it^ afo;jefaiD, lC!)at tj)e reV)etal daminetg, appointeD bj) tl)ts ^ct, map, atiO f^aU mafte tiue J^etttcne! after et)erp CietctCe of tl)e l^otbccs tieGeD in tl)em bj) tbis ;3(t, to tl)e |5^e60ent, €enfo?9i, anD jFellotbS of tl)e College of ^})pfinans; in Dublin, fettingr fo;jtl) tbe il^ame ano \5lace of ;^boDe of mty> ^potbecatj), CS)etnia, Dcujgrgift, o? ot})ec l&ecfon tb^ofe ^l)op, €labo;jato;j)), ^to^e 0? OTare^l^oufe, o? otl)et laepofi* tojp, t!)e?) l)aV)e ijiftteD antJ examineD, to- ^etbec lb!tl) tl)e i^tate anb Conbition of tbe Dcugei anb ^ebicines in all anb et)etp fucj) ^Dop, €labo^ato?j), dHare o;? :$to?e= l^oufe, o;j otDec laepofito;???, anb ^otb tDc fame ate ftttni(l)eb, as tbell tbitl) Dtuigrs anb ®ebicine$, as tbitl) 8t Utenfils anb latbful ;®cafutes, :^cales anb iIK!xleiffJ)ts, as alfo t^e :^tate anb Conbition of ftuj^ SDcugs anb ®ebicines, as t|)ep \)a\)z been talleb to examine in tl)e l^anbs of '^m^ po^tets o; ®erci)ants« Zn^ tbbeteas mmv fcaubulent anb nn^ IMful ^potl)ecaries, C!)emias, o^ SDtUjj- ffiQS, bailp p?efume to fell one 3>tug o? 213 b b 2 ;®ebicine 1^2 Anno Regnl fecundo c H A p.;®eDicine ioi atiotJ)ec, as tbell as to omit viv. finiD^p gingteDients in ^l)op Couipofitions anD cjctempo^aneous l&;>efrr!ption0, oi to TubGitute one S^tugr o;j j^eDicine fo? ano^ t\)tt, to tbe great Detriment of t()e Buj)^ ers 02 l^atient, as tbell as tj)e l^^efcriber. 5Fo? laemet)^ tbbe^eof, » it CnacteD bp tj)e ^utl>02ity> afo^efaiD, tZEl)at no srpotl)e- cat^, €t)tmi(i, ^tuggia, o^ otl)ec ^^erfon 01 l&etfons lbj)atfoeV)er, tbbo notb Do, o^ Ibeceafter i^all p;?epate o^ compounD, fell o;j expofe to :^ale, o^ fteep fo^ t|)at l&ucpofe anj) fimple oi compounD ©eDicine, C^e- mical, 01 otl)et meDicinal ^^eparatiou tbl)atfoe\)er, ft)all from anD after t^e Com.- niencement of t|)is ^ct, fell an^ "^tug oi i®eDitine in t\)z plate oi ^teao of ano^ tfter, tbiti)ont infojmmg t|)e Jauj^er t\)zu^ of of tl)e OTbarge, anD tl)e meafon o;j ^ecefTitjj fo;j fo Doing, gi\)ing t!)e fame in Qiaaritrng if DemanDeD* ;5inD tf)at no :5lpot!)ecarj>, €l)emia, l)tuggift, 0? otl)er ^erfon o? I&erfons Ibbo notb Do, 02 i)ereafter ft)all P(?epare, Difpenfe 02 compounD, fell, expofe to ^ale, o? fteep fo;j tl)at \5urpofe anp SOrug o;j j®eDicine tb!)atfoe\3er, a)all pl)iIlingS Sterling, fo? et)etp fticjb f m= pofition, ^Dinififton, 0? :^ubG!tttte, pj^otjeti bp tbe ConfeCTtoti of tl)e l^artj?, 0^ bp tht C>at!) of one ojj mo^e creDible Wiit^ ncffesi, befo;je tj)e ar|)ief ®aigrtftrate of t!)e %oXhn t]bi)ere fticl) -Offence (l)aU be torn? tnitteD, 0? before t!)e next SJuftices of ti)e Ideate, 0;? goin^ f ttDge of ^tffiBe, tbjjete no otbec CiM ©agiftrate (|)aU !)app^rt to be refiOent* ^tiD in o^bet: to p;jetJent tl)e f ncectatntie$ anD 3)an0er«3; tb!)ic!) maj) at= tenD tl)e fetting Cotbn t\>z £ltiantitie$ of ®eDicines in Chemical anD Muitxztat€H- ractetSi hi |5?efcttption0, mt it CnatteD bp t\)z aut|)o?itj) afo^efaiD, CJ)at etet^ ll&J>pi: fictan, (fi:|)it:ucpott, 02 otJ)et ^crf^n o? |^er- fons tbbo noU) Do, 0? I)ereaftet (l^all tafte upon bftn 02 tl)em to p;?efccibe internal 02 external iRemeDieS fo? tl)e l^ealtl) of ®an'« 2aoDp in t|)i5 liingDom, ft)all ?)eteaft:et tb^tte, 0? fet Dolbn tj)e ^^luantitp 0^ ^luan^ titles of all anD zUtp ^©eDicine 02 3^gm Dient, tbl)et|)ec funple 0? compounD, tbl)icl) C c c j)e 194 Anno Regni fecundo XIV. fo2n\nia, o? |5?e(criptiou, in a!2ao;?D3 at lenigrtl), attD not m a]:J)emical o? il^nmeral (El)atactet0, nnOet t^e |&enaltj? of J?o?t^ j^^UlinffS fo? etjecp fucj) -dDmilTion. ;3nD be it fwttl)et CnacteD b)? tbe ;^titl)o^ 2it5> afo^efaiD, ^|)at all anD et)erj> }5l))>fi= cian, C^itutffeon, o^ otl)et ^etfon o;? per:: tons tafem^r upon J)im oi tl)em to p^efctibe j©eDicmes, tbfeetbec fo;? internal o^ eiter:= nal Mky o? ;appl!cation fo;j t!)e i^ealtb of j®an'5 2iaoD^, fl)all Cubfcribe e\)erp fwc}) ^&^efcription \bit\> l)i«5 iRame o? :$5urnawie, 0? tl)e 3)iiitial Hetters of J)is iRame anD j^tttname, anD tbit!) tj)ore alfo of |)!3; J&;5ofe(rion, tbl)et!)et 0!)j)fician o? C|)irur= geott, anD if a pi)pfician, tbitj) t\)t ^ame, o;j t!)e f nitial Hettet of tl)e ^aine of t\)t UnitJetlJitj) o? BniterCties of tbbicl) |)e tai a 3>octo2, 0? otJ)er cl5?aDuate in l&l)prit&, unDer tfte l^enaltp of jFo?tj? ^\)iUmc[9i foj etetj) i^milTion, nnlefe l)e be a 09embec of tDe laojjal CoUeije of l&j)pficians, in tbDicJ) Olafe tj)e f nitial Hetters of 1)1$ il^ame alone map be fufficient, ;^nD in o?Der to P2^\)ztit tj)e Dangrerous anD DeGtuctitje l&^actice of tl)e p^omifcu- ousr Ueeping, j)anDlinj9:, preparing anD tjenDing ftinD^j) Deleterp o? noxious Prngs, not fafel? ufeD, o? to be ufeD as ®eDi^ cines. Georgii Tertll RegiSi 195 tines, mz It €nacteD hv tl)e ;^tttj)o?itj) a^c h a p. fo^efaiO, %\)at from anD after t|)e (Eom= xiv. meticentetit of t\)iQ ^ct, no ^potbecarp, ^"^"''^''^-' Cbetntft, DtugiiriG, 0;? ot|)et ^ecfon 0? ^^etfons »3l)atfoet3er, tbl)o notb Do, 0^ httt^fttt il)aU prepare, aDtuiniGec 0^ fell, eipofe to ^dik, 01 feeep fo^ tj)at Purpofe anj) SDrujjS, fimple 0^ compounD j®eCii= cmc0, 0;? €|)emical 0? ot{)et \&?eparatfons ufeD, 0;? to be ufetJ to; j®eDicine, ll)aU fteep, l)ant)le, potbCier, 02 ot!)ettb!fe p;?epare, ibeigi), meafure, 0? fell, expofe to ^ale, o^ hcep fo;? tj)at ^utpofe anj> ^rfenicft, tbj)e^ tl)ei: tbDite 0;? ??elloW) :^tfertic&, 0? jg>;>pi= ment, 02 teD ^arrenicft. 0? iaealjgrar, 02 anp otJ)ei: atfenital ^;jeparation 0? aTompofition in tl)e fame :$l)op, €labo;?ato?p, 2!2aare, o;j ^to^C'i^oufe, Cellat, Banlt, moom 03 laooins, 02 otf^zt |5lace 02 l^laces, 0? Jae= pofito^ies of tb^at Denomination 02 IBtinD ttijoatfoetjec, 0^ m anj) ®o;>ter, j®eafure, 0^ :^cales, tb|)ere anp SDtug, fimple 0^ compounD j®eDicine, ari)emical, 0;? otl)et: ^?eparation ufeD, 0? to be nfeD, as j®eOi= cines fo2 tbe l^ealtl) of ;®an's 2aoDj?, are hept, !)anC)leD, DifpenfeD, potbDereD, p?epar^ eD, meafureD, lbeiigri)eD, folD, eipofeo to ;g>ale, o;j feept fo? tbefe ^urpofes, unDer tl)e l&enaltp of jFit^e l^ounDs fo? eberj) fucj) £Dffence, 0? ^Repetition 0;? Continuance of fuel) €>ffence« C c c 2 ;^nO Anno Regni fecundo ;^nD fo? t})e bcttet t);?el)entittgr tt)e tatt^ getous atiD DeGtuctiDe ^laaitz of tinfelltngr cMotJetinff, o? otbectbife CiifguifingClectu^ actes, Bolus, l^iUs, o;? ot^ec j^eDicines, Xhit\) ttntl)l)olfome j®etallicft Ilea\)e0, o? H&otbtJets; m it CnacteD bjj t!)e ;5lutj)c^itp afo^efaiD, 3i:j)at no ;3potJ)ecacj>, ai:|)ettiift, SDcugcriG, o? otl)et: ^etfon o? l&etfons tt)l)o notb Do, 0? l)ereaftcc ft)aU prepare, ao^ miuiftet, fell, o;> eipofe to :^ale, o? fteep fo;> t|)at l^urpofe an^ SDrags, fimpleo?com= pottitD <©eCJicme, Cl)emical, o;j otJ)ec meDt- cmal \^^pacation, (l)aU J)encefo^tl) p^efume to tinfel o\)ec, cotjer, o^ otl)ettbife Oifsruife, 0? mijc tbitj) atip €lertttarj), Bolus, l^ill, ^^olbtjec, 01 otl)er l>rujgr o? ^©eDitme, anp ?leat)es, J&otbiuets, o? ot\)tt l^^eparations of €op\)zt 02 Brafs, calleo Dutch ®etal, Dutch 2.ealJeS, O? Dutch (I5olD, 0? unttt lPbl)at[oet)et Detiominatioti tljej? map be ftnotbn 0? calleD, utiDet tl)e ^enaltp of 5Fo?tj) :g^l)illing3 stejUng fo^ etJetp fucj) €)f^ fence. ^tit> be it fttctbcc CnacteO hv thz :3utl)o^ ?it)) afo;?efaiD, %\)Ht all tl)e !&enalties in- flicteD hy tj)i3 :3(t, map be fueD fo? anD te? cot)eceD in a ^ummatp Dec of anp ot\)ct dtp Geoigii Teitii Regis. 197 €itv 0? Xotbn OTo^po^ate, tbijete (mf)C h a r. ipffences are 0? rtjall be committeD, tbl)o xiv. are l)Grcbp iinpon^ereD anD atttJ)o>i3eD to*>^"^^^>' l)ear auD Deternime tlx fame, atiD to leljp tucb i^enalttes bj) SDiftrefe anD ^ale of t|)e C^ffenCier's dSooDS, returiimgr t!)e ^ePtJerplris to tl)c £Dtbiter (tf anj) be) tl)e ari)arge6 of tahinpr anD Difpofing of tJ)e d^ooDs fo Dif- trainee, being: firft DcDiicteD, one i®oiet^ of Ibbicl) faiD \&enaltie0, tbt)cn recot)ereD, (^all be applieD bp tl)e OTollege of l&!)pftctan3 in Dublin, anD b^ tl)e C!)ief j®agiQrate anD Cxamininjgr |5l)j)fuians m otJ)et Olities anD Xotbns Co;po;?ate, fo? tj)e purcl)afutgr i©eDicinG0 fo? tt)e ^fe of ti)e poo?, anD tbe ot|)er i^oietj? tj)ereof fo? tj)e ^fe of t^e 3lnfo?mer» ^&2ot)!DeD altbajJS, anD be it futtber €tt^ acteD bp tj)e -:attti)o?itp afo?eraiD> Xi^at if an)) l^erfon 0? i^erfons ft)aU at anp Xirne be lueD 0? p?ofecuteD fo? putting in €xecu= tion anp potber 0? :^m\>oiitp 5i\)m bp t!)is ;3(ct, 0? anp pa?t tl)ereof, fucj) l&etfon 0? ^erfons fl)aU, 0? map pleaD t!)e dSeneral gjffne, anD gitje tJ)i5 ^ct, anD t!)e fpetial garter in €\)iDcncc» :^nD be it ftirtDer CnacteD bp tj)e :^iitl)05 ?itp afo?efaiD, Xl)at tDis act (l)aU be DeemeD anD taften, anD is l)etebp DeclareD to be a ptibltch ;^a to all SIntents anD 3> D D l^ucpofesf, ipS Anno Regnl fecundo, &c, c HAP.^^urpofe«5, atiD (|)aU be juDiciaUp tafeeu XIV. Notice of, auD allolbeD as int\> tn all Courts; tbitl)iti tl)i«5 EitigDom, bj) all ^ttDjjeS auD SiuGites tbl)atfoet)er, tbitl)o«t fteciaU? pleaDmg t!)e fame, anD tl)at tl)i$ l);?efent ^ct ft)all continue in jfo?te fo? the STetm of X^^ee Peats, anD from tbencc to tl)e €nD of tj)e tben next :^eir$on of l^atliament, anD no loniret. A N A A N C FOR T Altering and Amending an A6t of Rirliamcnt paded in dieSeveiitliYearof the Reign of His late Majefly King George the Second, Intituled, An Ad for Repairing the Road leading from the Bridge over the Bann- Water, commonly called the Bann-Bridge, /'// the County of Down, to the Town of Bclfiid, in the County of Antrim. ^^;i- .^.'S D U B JL I N : Printed by Boui. ter Grierson, Printer to the King's Moil Excellent Majefly. MDCCLXII. Chap. XV. (201 ) A N ACT FOR Altering and Amending an Acft of Par-' liament paffed in the Seventh Year of the Reign of His late Majefty King George the Second, Intituled, i4n ^d for Repairing the Road leading from the Bridge over the Bann- Water, commonly called the Bann-Bridge, in the County of Down, to the Town of Belfaft, in the County of Antrim. C H A P. XV. WI^€ia€a:§» pucfuattt toatt;a(tCHAP? of p^atliainent paffeD in tj)6 ^z-^ xv. tjentj) peat of tDe meisrn of J^is^-^^^^'^^ late ^ajeGj) Etngf George t!)e :$ecotiD, ^n:s tltttleti. An Ad for repaking the Road leading from the Bridge over the Bann-JVater, com- C C C monlv 202 Anno Regni fecundo Chap, inonly called the B ami- Bridge, in the County of XV. Downy to the Town of Belfajiy in the County 'of Antrim, t!)e %tu^tz^, itt i\)z TaiD ;^ctnaineO, J)a\3e bo;??otbeD tl)e^um of jFout Xl)oufauti, Mtit i^unD;?eD aiiD Xtbentjj |5ount)0, Ster- ling, anD J)aDe applieti t|)e fame to tl)c Bfes DitecteD Up tbe faiD -^ct ; but it J)citl) been lottitD bj) €xpecicttce, tj)at t^e XoUs IctiieD jjutfuaut to the faiD ;3(t, are not lufftcicnt to OifcJ)ac0e tl)e gnteceft of tl)e principal ^onep fo bo^^otbeo, ant) to heep tbe fatO aaoat) in iaepatc, anti anftbec tDe otl)et necelTatp Cxpences attending tj)e Crccution cf, anO intenDeo to be p?ot)iDeD fo?, b)' ti)e faiD ;3ct» ^eit!)er, bp Jaeafon of fonie ^e= fects in t|)e faiD ;act, baDe tf)e faiD ^ruQee$ ^)een able to enforce t\)c Application of tbc ^Ibo S>ap3 patiil) Itabouc, app?op?iatcD tfteteb? to tJ)e Repair of tbe faiD iaoao, in- fomuc!) tl)at a cotifiDe table :3rreat of gin^^ tereft is notb tm upon tl)e faiD j®oiiej?, anD t5)e faiD laoaD is notb grceatlj? out of Jaepait, anD alfo fetjeral of tl)e (Kates erecteD tj^eccon fo? collectinsr tj)e ^olls, purfuant to tl)e faiD ^ct, l)at)e, bp unlinotbn l^er^ fons riotouflp aCTembleD, been puUcD Dotbn anD DefttopeD j bp all U)l)icl) i®eans, anD tl)e (|)o?tnefs of t!)e ITetm in tl)e faiD 9(ct mentioneD, fo? tf)e Contintiance thereof, anD tl)e great Hengtl) of tJ)e faiD ^oaD, tbbicb renDers it inconvenient fo? tl)c XrnfteeS, tbbo libe uear tbe Different parts tl)etcof, to Georgli Teitli Regis. 203 to affetnble togctJDtt, tf)ttc is stcat SDaiijgretc hap. t\)at t\)z €nD, Op tf)c faiD act p^opofeD, of xv. putting: atiD fteepinjg: tt)t tait> iSionD in p^o^v-^^v^ pec ^Repair, mav be DifappoittteD, auD alfo tbat tDe federal l&etfons Ibfto ftabe lent t^cit j®onep on t^e €tttit anO ^ecutitp of t^e faiD act, map lofe t!)e fame* jFo;? memedp thereof, m it €nacteD bp tbe Bings ©oft excellent j^ajeGp, bp anti tbitl) tl)e ;3Dt)ice anD OTonfcnt of tbe Ho^cis :^ptr!tual anD scempo^al, anO Commons in t\)i^ p^efent l&acliament af- fembleD, anbbpt})e ;^utl)o^itp of tj)e»fame, -^1)31 from anD after t\)z Jfitft Dap of May next, infteaD of tj)e Xolls anD Duties at p?efent papable on t!)e faiD laoaD, tj)e fol= lolbmcr il)all be cecet\)eD anD taften (tl^at i$ to fap) fo2 et3ecp CoacJ), Berlin, Cl)ar!ot, OTalaft), ari)aife, 0? arj)air, if D^atbn bv fix l^o?fef5, oaUin bp anp lefs jRumbet of fuel) Cat- tle tl)an ^ix, anD mo^e tl)an Ctbo, tY>zn tj)e j^um of ^nz j^billiiijj, but if D^atbn bp %\^o onlp of fuel) Cattle, tben tfte :^um of ^ix l&ence , fo? elierp CHUaOTon, l^ain, Cart, 0? Carnagre Xbit^ jFour smDeeiSi, tj)c i^um of Xeti :^J)iUmgS; fo? el)etp QUain, Cart, 0^ Carriage Ibitl) Xtbo Wi\)zzlQ, X)2aVbn by mo;?e tl)ait Xtbo l^o^fes, 0? otl)ec Cattle of anp Mint), t!)e ^um of Xtbo € e e 2 :^l)iUingS 204 Anno Regni fecundo c H A f.S^iliin^^ ant) ^ix pence ; fo^ t\)tti^ Catt, XV. 0} otl)et Cattiage, t);?atbii bp €>ne o? srtbo "^^^^^ ^o^fes, 01 ot\)zt Cattle, tl)e ^um of jfout ^ence ; fo;j etietp Cattiag-e, tommonlp caUeD Cl^atc 02 Ci)aife, D^atbu bjj €>ne i^o?fe, o? ot^ec 23eaG, tj)e :§>um of Xj)?ee pence ; fo? ctjetj> Cat, 0? otj)ec fuel) Cattiajje, D?atbn bp i^ne J^o^fe, o? ot|)et Jaeaft, tl)e ^um of ^ne pennj) ^alfpentt?>, except Carte; loauen tbitl) Xutf, ano fo? eacJ) of tj)em One pennj) ; anD fo;? etetj) (^o^fe, o;j otI)et »aa, loatJen tbitj) Xutf, anO not ti^atbing, One J^alfpennp ; fo^ eDetp ot!)et i^o;>fe, ®ate, t jgjtttti of jjFitje i&ence bp tDe :$>co?e, anD fo in p;jopo?tion fo;> anp greater o; leffer ^«m* bet* p?ot)!DeD netertl)elef«, X!)at befiDe t\)t exemptions from Xoll«3>, in tl)e faiD for- mer ;3(t mentioneD, fo? e\)erp Carr D^atbn bp One l^o?fe, paCTing o;j trabellingr on tj)e faiD laoaD, tl)e Cire of tj)e ^!l)eel0 of tbDicb Hjall exceeD Cl)?ee fnc^es in B^eaDtb at tl)e :^ole tl)eteof, anD be put on tbitft b^oaD o; ?ofe^l)eaDeD ^ail0, no mo?e tban l^alf Georgil Tertii Regis. 205 (^alf of t|)e XoUs before mentioneO, (l)aUCHAP. ht patD ; anD t!)at all W^aggon^, Cacts, xv. Caccs, 01 Catriag:e0, tbitl) ^tbo 0? CbitD 5?ouc 2Mt)eels, anD O^albn bp au)? jT^umbec of i^oKes tbbatfoctier, ft)all be exempteo anD excufeD from paprngr anj> of tl)c faiD Xolls, p?ot)rDeD t!)e %iu of tDe fait) cll3l)eels a)aU eiceet) fe^en 3lnd)e«3 in the i6?catitl) thereof; anp '€l)insr m tl^is, 02 tbe faiD fo^iitec ,7tit, to tl)c tontracy nottbitl^aauDins-. 3(nD be it futtl)ec €nacteD b^ tl)e ^tit!)0' 2itj) afo^efaiD, irbat from auD after tU ^mtc afo;?efaiD, tl)e d^oVierno?, anD the Cuftos Rotulorum of tl)e Countp of Down; tt)e (Bo^ X)tmoi anD Cuftos Rotulomm of t\)c *£ountp of Antrim; t\)z Jai0l)t JRetjerenD tl)e ilo^D 23il^opS of Down anD Connor, anD of Dro- more; t!)e Winigl)t^ of tl)e :^()ire fo? tj)e (EountteS of Down anD Antrim, anD tl)C 23ut^ Sfcffes lit l^arliament fo? tl)e 20o^ougrl)3 of Hillfborough, in tDe Coimtj) of Down, anD Lifburn anD Belfaft, in t\)t Cowntp of An- trim ; tj)e lLo2m of tl)e j®ano;5 of Gill-Hall, Dromore, Hillfborough, Caftlercagh, Slatueils, Drumbracklin anD Holy wood, in t\)Z OTountJ^ of Down; anD of Kiliiltagh anD Belfaft, in t^e Countj? of Antrim; tBe ^n?tiuQ of tl)e peace fo;j tl)e Counties of Down anD Antrim, refpectttjclj) ; tDe Dean of Dromore, tDe ^rcD- Deacon of Down, auD DiS refiDent Curates at Hillfborough, Dnimbo anD Drnmbeo:, all lU $ti ^ tl)e 2o6 Anno Regni fecnndo CHAP.tDe Cotmtp of Down tefpectitjel)? ; tl)e laec- XV. tO?S of tbe Parift)eS of Dromore, auD of ^-^^v^-^ Knock ant) Bredagh, itJ tj)e ^^ToUlttp of Down; ant) of Lifburn, in tl)e Count)) of Antrim, auO tl)e tefiDent OTutate of cacJ) of tbeni; t^e ^icat of t{)e p^atiil) of shankill, otl)et^ tbife Belfaft, in t|)e CountJ^ of Antrim, anD ftis refitient Curate; anD tl)e tlicac of tJ)e Patifl) of Seapatrick, m tU €onnty> of Down, ant) Ijis tefiient Curate ; tl)e fetieral ^enef- cDalS of tl)e faiD ®ano^Si of Gill-Hall, Dro- more, Hillfborough, Caftlereagh, Slatueils, Drum- bracklin, Holywood, Kilultagh anO Belfaft, anD t|)e :^0t)ereifirn«5 of Hillfborough anD of Belfaft afo^efaiD; all fo;? t!)e %mz beinsr, fl)all be Xruftees fo;j executinjj tl)e feljeral p^otticrs; containeD J)erein, anD alfo in ti)e faiD former ;^ct, fo far a$ t!)e fame is not altereD Dereb^ ; anD tj)at from anD after tj)e jFira S>aj) of May next, tl)e l&otber anD ^utloo^ity as Xruftees unDer tbe faiD former :^a, of all l&erfons nameD therein, 02 fince appointeD, purfuant t})ereto, fi^all ceafe anD Determme, anD fl)all be onlj> DefteD in t\)t faiD Xruaecs J)etebp appointeD, anD tl)eir ^uctefTo^s fo;j tY>z %itm being, to be b}> tl)em ufeD anD ei- ertifeD in fuel) particular j®anner, anD un? Der fucj) meftrictions anD Himitations, as are i)erein particularly uientioneD, anD tl)at tj)e faiD XruGees be DilJiDeD into tljree Com^ ruittees, anD tl)e faiD laoaD into tb;ee SDiti^ Ctons ; tj)at tl)e era of tj)e faiD Commit^ tees Georgii Tertii Regis. 207 tees l!)aU confiO: of tl)e (15o\)erno? auD Cuftos Chap. Rotulorum Ot tl)C QiOUXlty ol Down; t!)e XV. i5ili)0p$ of Down auD Connor, ant) of Dro- ^^"^^''^^ more; tl)t EutgJ)tSof t\)Z ^|)ice fo? t\)Z faiD OTotintj) of Down; auD t^c 2dncj9fcires m parliament of the faiD 2l50?01l(rb of Hills- borough ; tbe ^o^DS of tl)e faiD :®aao^s of Gill-Hall, Dromore ai^D Hillfborough ; t!)e f Uf^ ticc^ji of the ^cace io2 tlyz fato Cormtp of Down; t!)e 2Peail of Dromore; t|)C ^CCijOea? cott of Down, atiD bis reftDcnt Curate at HilKborough afo^efaiD; tl^.e WiZttOl of Dro- more, atiD l)is rcODeut oiurate; t\)z Bicar of Seapatrick, auD l)!5 rcfiDetit Curate; tl)e §>t' tie[ct)als of thz faiD ®ano?3 of Gill-Hall, Dromore auD Hilliborough, anD tl)Z ^OtJes> tciffu of HilKborough afo^CaiD, all fo? tl)e Xime beiug: : ir|)at tJ)e fecouD of fuel) Com- mittees il)all coulift of tl)e (ll>o\)etno?, anD Cuftos Rotulorum of tl)e fatD Countj) of Down ; t|)e Bflljop of Down anD Connor ; t\>Z tl)e Bnigl)ts of ti)e ^|)ire fonl)e faiD Coun^ ty of Down ; anD BurgrelTes in \&atliament fo; tU faiD 2l302or2gl)S of Lilburn anD Belfaft; tbe ^o?DS of tl)e faiD j®ano?s of Kilultagh, Caftlereagh aitD Slatueils, Drumbracklin, Holy- wood, anD Belfoit ; tj)e f uGices of tbe l&eace fo;? tbe faiD Countj) of Down ; tbe ;^rcbDea' con of Down, anD biSi tefiDent Curates of Drumbo anD Drumbeg afo?efaiD, tefpettitjelp ; tl)e i^zao2 of Lilburn afo;jefaiD, anD bts red' Dent Curate, tbe mecto;? of Knock anD Bre- 5F f f 2 dagh 2o8 Anno Regni fecundo c H A p.dagh afo^efaiD, atiO biS reficient Cutate ; tl)e XV. Mit^t of Belfaft afojcfaiD, anO l)is refiDent Curate ; t^e j^encfct^als of tl^e Unt @ano;?5 of Kilultagh, Cafllereagh, anD Slatucils, Dmm- bracklin, Holywood auO BelM, atlD ti)e :^oV«e' rcfcrn of Belfaft afo^efaiD, all fo? tlje ^nue htm y ^nD tl)at tl)e XbirD of ftul) Oloitu mittees ll)aU conftft of tl)e CESotjecuo? auD Cuftos Rotulomm of t})C faiD CotlUtp of ■ n- trim ; tl)e 2!3!ll)Op of Down auD Connor; tl)e 5atiiffJ)ts of tl)e ^l)fre fo;? tbe faiO OTotintp of Antrim ; tl)e BatjjelTes in patliament fo? tl)e. faiD 2l50?0«Srl)$ of Lifburn aut) Belfaft ; t^e ILo;tJS of tl)e faiD ^©ano^s of Kilultagh anO Belfaft; tl)e f afticesof t^e 15eace fo;j t!)e faiD Cottttt)) of Antrim ; t!)e lReCto;> of Liiburn afo^^efaiD, anD l)is Jaefitient Curate; t\)z micat of Belfaft afo^efaiD, anD \)i^ lacftDcnt Curate; t})e ^enefc^als of tbefaiD ®atto2« of Kilultagh anD Belfaft, anD t])e ^otjereiQrn of Belfaft afo;?eraiD, all fo;?t!)e Ximebeincr ; tl)at fo tnucj) of tl)e faiD laoaD asi readies from Bann-Bridge afo^efaiD, unto tl)e j|tlo2tj)ernioa 2i30ttnDarp of tl)e ILanDS of Maghry-gany, commonly CalleD Blairis Moor, ft)all be, anD be calleD tl)e ftrft SPi^ifion tl)ereof ; tbat fo mucl) of tj)e faiD JaoaD as reacbcs from t\>c CnD of t!)e faiD Srft ^iVJifion of Blairis Moor afo^efaiD, unto ti)e ^otbn of Belfaft afo^e^ faiD, Ij^injgr entirely Vbit\)in tj)e faiD Counts of Down, anD t^e #o?t|)crmoa i&art of tb})icl) is commonlj) calleD the Bpper JaoaD, ftall Georgii Tertii Regis. 209 fi)aU be, ant) be calleD tht feconD of fttcj) SDibifi^c h a p» one; auD tl)at fiicJ) |&act of thz faiD laoaD, xv. t!S lie-a; bctll)ceti tl)e 1toU)n«5 of Liibum aiiD' — -^^ BcVvcii}. afo^efaiO, Ipmg n\o{\ly> m tj)e faiD Coiuitp of Antrim, atiD cotimionl)> calleD tl)c llotbec Jf^oaD, a)aU be, auD be calleD tfte tj^iiO of fricl) 2Dfl)ifiou0. :Ta\i) be it fartl)ei: €nacteD br tl)e ^utl)o^ ?it)? afo^efaiD, %\)at ti)e ftcft of t})e faiD m^^ tirious of tl)e faiD laoaD, tbitb tl)e Xollu tl)eccof, aiiD all ^attecs relative tl)eteto, il)all, from tbe ^mie afo;^efaiD, be commit^ teD to the €atc atiD cl5o\)etrimeiit of t!)e firG of tDe faiD aToiimiittees ; t\)c feconD of tl)e faiD l>i\iifion3r, in li^e ®annec, to tl)e feconD of tl)e faiD Committees ; anD t^e tl)icD of tl)e faiD l)i\)iC[on$, aUo in lifte ®annet, to tbe tl)irD of tbe faiD Commit- tees ; anD tl)at eacl) of tl)e faiD Commits tees cefpertiVjel??, map appoint anD temo\3e a Clctlt anD Cceafurec, arollecto5, anD all otl)er iPfacerS, in fuel) ©annec as tl)e ^curices imDcr tl)c faiD former ;3ct ace impolbeceD to appoint, anD remolje a Cletft, Xreafucer, Collector's, o;j iaccitets of XoUS, ia^ucViepo^S, 0^ otbec €)fftcecs ; anD that eacl) of fuel) Clerlts, anD ot\)tt ^fftcecs, {l)all l)at)e fuel) anD tbe fame Potbecs anD Capacities, relative to fuel) of tJ)e faiD 3)i^ tjiOons, as be il)all be fo appointeD fo^, as ^c^5 t{)e 210 Anno Regni fecundo c H A p.tbe OTlerft, o;? otDet fuel) €)fStei: of t!)e faid XV. XruGees, arting untJct tbe faiD fo^mec :^a, notb t)at!), o;? tboulD l)aDe, relatit)e to tbe faiti JaoaD, tbbile etitite, auD not t)it3iDeD ; but t!)at tto OTlerft, o? Creafurer, o? ot\)tt j^fftcer, to be appointcD bp Virtue of tj)is p?efent ;3ct, ft)all l)abe o^ be allolbeD a gteatec ^alar;) tl)au ^en l&otmcs ^earlj); anD t^at eacl) of tl^e faiD Committees ^all ^abe a oiommon :^eai, anD (l)aU \i3it{):^ tn, anb relattbe to t^eic faiu feberal anD xc^ rpectibe l)ibifions of t!)e faiD moaD, anD all i®attets relattbe tbeceto, refpcrtibelp, be tjefteb tbitl) all fucb isotbets, Capacities, anD ;3ttt!)o?itieS, botl) tbitj) tefpect to tl)e %l)nig[Q to be Done, anD tbe ^umbet: of ^erfons to join m Doinij fucft %\>msQ, anD otDeclbife, in all ^efpetts tbj^atfoebec, as tj)e iCcufiees at p;jefettt actinir unDec tbe faiD fo^mec act, bp Htctue tbeteof, o;j of an? otl)ec Hatb notb in betns", babe, o? IJioulD babe, 02 are, c;? tbottlD be befteD tbitl), relatibc to tbe faiD JaosD, if tbis ^ct l)aD not been maDe ; anD t|)at all i&erfons, tbbo b? tbe faiD fo^ tner ;3(t, anD if tl)e fame remameD nnaU teceD, tboulD be bounD to j^ielD anj> ^wb- milTion o;» €)beDience, in anj> fatter 0^ i®attcrs relatibe to tht faiD iaoaD, unto tl)e faiD XruGees unDer tbe facD former ^a, 02 anp dumber of tbem, il)all, from anD after tj)e Xime afo^efaiD, be bounD to ?)iclD t!)e lifte jdubmifTion anD i^bebience, in eber? t\)t Georgii Tertli Regis. 2tii the Itfte Matters;, fo fat as relates to att^CH ap* of tj)e faiD SDiViifione of tl)z faiD JaoaD, xv, unto fucD of tj)e faiD ComiiUttees, as bv'-^'^^^^^ tl)iS -^ct ace appointed to j)at)e tDe Cace anO d^otjecnment of fucJ) 3)it)iftoii of tJ)c fa«i> JaoaD, o;? in SDefault of ^ielDmir fuel) ^ub^ ttiiiDriott 0^ €)beDtence, a)all be fubfect to fucb penalties as ace appointcD bp t^e fai(> fo^mec ;^ct ; fo^ ^Recobec;) of U)l)ic|), ftic|> Committees, cefpectitJelp, tmp p?occeD, as^ acco;jOing: to t!)e faiD fo^mec ^ct, tl)e %mU tees acting unbet tl)e fame mig:!)t, in ti)c lifte OTafes, |)at)e p^oceebeb ; but ti)at none of t|)e faiD Committees (t)ali !)at)e an^ Polbec to intecmeDble tbitl) an^ l^act of anp otl)ec of tl)e faiD 3)itJifions of tbe faiO iaoao, 02 anj) pan of tj)e 3Colls t|)eceof, o^ anj) otl)ec j®attec celatibe tJ)eceto ; neit|)er (|)aU anjj l&etfon, tb!)o ii)all j^at^e paiD CoU at an^ d^ate 0} 3E:ttcnpiUe on one of tl)e faib Dil)ifionS) fo;j anj> Cacciap, Cattle, oi 25eaft, be tl)ecefo;je ettufcD fcom paj^tnflr SCoU on tl)e fame Dap, fo;? tl)e fame Cac^ riage, Cattle, 0? 2aeaft, if pairing- tb;?ongD anp (I5ate 0? llucnpiUe on anj? ot[)ec of tt)z faiD 3)itMfions» ^nb be it iunhtt €narteD bp tl)e ^u- tDo;?itjj afo^efaib, tbitl) cegacD to tl)e Xtbo S>aps j^tatute WBo2^, bj? tl)e faib fo^mec Za appaop^iateo to tbe laep^^tc of tl)e CaiD laoao, tj)at t[)e faiD XCbo S^aps TOo^^ (Bgg 1 of 212 Anno Regnl fecundo Chap.o! tJ)e fnDabitants of tl)c J&aua) of sca- XV. patiick afo;?efa!D, anti of fo iiuul:) of tl)c ^-/^^"■^partft) of Blaiiis, as lie^ U)!tl)in t\)t ®a= ttO^S of Hilliborongh auD Kilwoiiin, o;? iU tDet of t!)em, atiD of all oilier p»atift)C!3 in the faiD €ouutv of Down, tDrougt) tbl)icb tl)e faiD fiitft Dj\jffioii of ti)e faiD aaoaD paffes, il)aU, from ant) aftcc tl)e faiD fttft Dap of May next, te applieD to t^e laepaic of t!)e faiD firft DitJifiou of tbe faiD JaoaD; %f)eit t\)t mz v^o^h of t^e 9nl)abitant9» of tl)e JaemaitiDer of t\)z faiD ^ariil) of Blaiiis, anD of tl)e otDcc pattil)e6 tl);?ouig:l) lbl)!cl) tl)c faiD fcconD SDiViifion of t\>z faiD moaD palTes, il)all in lifte j®an^ nee be applicD to t\)t iacpaic of t})e faiD feconD l>it)ifion of t^e faiD iaoaD, anD tl)e lifte Wio2h of t})e f nbabitants of fuel) ^arifl)e$ in tl)e faiD oiotintj) of Antrim, as t!)e faiD tl)itD SDiViifion of t!)e faiD moaD |)a(fe«5 t!);?ottg:l), ll;all m Itltc j®annec be applieD to t\)t IRcpaic of tlje faiD tl)nt) Wi-- tJifion of tl)e faiD moaD; anD tljat fuel) gnl)abitant0, anD tl)e ^ut\)e)^onc ^billing fo? a "Waf^ ^o;?!t of a ®an anD J^o;jfe, not lefs tl)an jg^ix^pence fo;? a i®an : -^nD tbat if any of fuel) f n|)abi- tants fl)all fail to pap fuel) OTompofition- j^oner? on DemanD, 0? to perform IbiS faiD TOo?ft, tb!)en IciraUp tbatneD, at tl)c Xime anD |&lace fo^ tl)at purpofe appoint- eD, tl)at fotbe fame, as ti)e faiD Committee il)aU W tect, tbiti)in fucft Ditoifioti as tU faiD OTo;j& fuci) 9nl)abitant6 ouj9rl)t to j^abe been ap= pUeD to* ;anD be it ftittbec €naaet) b^ t|)e ^^titbo- ^ity afo^efaiD, Xl)at tbj)en auD fo often as a :^urplus of tl)e ®one^ atiGng: ftom ti)e Xolls of anp of ti)e faiD tl)2ee SDitJiOonS, • amounting to tl)e :^um of C>ne l^unD^eD founds, lliall, after repaitinigf tl)e iRoaDS of fuel) l^tbifion, anD DifcDargrinjj t|)e ^xu teteft of all t5)e p;?incipal <®onep t^en tftatfireable on t^e ITolls tl)eteof, acco^Dinsr to t^e true intent anD -©eaning of tY^i^ Za, remain in tl)e i^anDs of t\)z Xreafu- tet 02 J^eceitoei: of futj) SDitJifion, t!)en, anD fo often, tj)e Committee of fuel) SDit^ifion ate betebp tequiceD anD impotbeteD to applp tt)e fame bj) 2i3allot, to tbe Difc^acflre of fo mucj) of tl)e p;jincipal j®onep tfcen cl)atge= able on tl)e tZEolls of fuel) S>!t)ifton, in lihe ®anner, anD after fuc^ Notice of fuel) ballottittjgr, as bv t\)t faiD fo;?mer Stct, tl)e Xruftees t!)eteof ate requireD anD im- potbereD to applp tl)e :^urplus ®onep in t!)eir ITreafutcr o? laeceitets J^anDS, Vb\>tn amountmff to tbe :^um of Xtbo l^un= D?eDl5ounDS; anD tbbeneber tbe Surplus ®onep fo coUecteD, anD m tl)e l^anDS of tl)e Georgii Tertii Regis. ii^ tht ^reafttrer o; iReceitjer of nn}) one o?c hap. rtbo of tbe faiD Coumutteesi, ft)all eiceeD xv. ti)t ^iinttpai ant) 'Jutereft tl)en remaining ^^^'"^ Due, anD c})ar9:eablc on tj)c XoUs of tbe Diliifion o; l>iDifion5 of tl)e faiD JftoaD, tommttteO to tibe Care of fuel) Coinmittee o? OTommittees rcfpcetitjelp, o? tJ)at all (m^ l^zhtQ il)all l)a\3e been Dirc!)ars:eD, anO anp j©one^ amonntinigr to JFift;? l^ounDs beponD t{)e :^iim reqriifite to feeep fuel) E>it)!fton 02 iJttsifions of ti)c faiD J^oaD in laepvUtr, i't)aU remain in tU i^anDS of t^e Xreafurer o? laeceiDer of anv fuel) Com- irittees refpectitelp, tj)en, anD Co often, fuel) Committee o^ Committeeei ate j)erebp requireD to pap t|)e fame oter to imh otj)ec Committee o^ Committees, to enable tl^em to tJifcl)arge thtit "^tbt^ bp 2i5allot as a^s fo^efaiD; fo? tlDl)icl) i^ajJinents, tl)e Cteafu- ter ot Xolls of eacl) anD eUerp of tl)e faiD SDitJifions of tfte faiD iaoaD il)all be Difcjb^tgeD ; hut Sbl)ere onlp one of tl)e faiD Committees ft)aU lealJe fucj) :^utplus ®onep in t\)tit Xreafnrer o? iReceitJers l^anDs, as afo?e:= f^iD, t\)tn thtv are j)etebp requireD to Di- \)!De tj)e fame equally, anD pap one J^all i^ I) !) 2 onlp ai6 Anno Regni fecundo Chap. onlj> to tl)c '^ttaiiittt 0^ EecciDec ot eac!) XV. of t\)z faiD ot\)tt Committees, unlets ons ^of tDe faiD Committees il)aU, befo;?e tl)at Xime, l)ate DifcJ)acgeD its tbl)oIe Debt, in tb!)icl) Cafe tl)e OT^ole of tl)e faiD Sur- plus Itjall be paiD to tj)e ticreafutei: 02 JRe^ cei\)cc of tl)e otl)et of tl)e faiD Commit? tees. c^ttD tbbeteas bp tl)e fo^met ;5{tt, fifteen o;j mo;?e 'Cruftees ace tequiteD to mahe a Qiiorum, ill Certain Cafes; Wt it €tiacteD bj) tj)e ;^utl)o?itp afo;?efaiD, 3Cl)at in all fuel) Cafes, jFibe 0;? mo?e of tl)e ^ruftees maj) be enableD to execute tj)e J&otbecs of t!)i$ ;^ct in tl)is 2PiV)ifio«. ^iiD be it futtl)ec CnacteD bj? t!)e 5a«tl)o= ;it)j afo^efaiD, irfeat t!)e C;juftees of t{)e faiD ficft Committee, 0? anj? jfitie o tl)at tbe i:ruOees of tbe faiD feconD Committee ll)aU j)olD tbeit ftcft j^eetingr fo? tbe lifte ^durpofes, at Bicda, in tbe County of Down, on tbe tbitD Monday in tbe fame j®ontb; anD tbat tbe faio tbicD Committee il)aU bolD tbeic Georgii Tertii RegiSa 2I7 tbeit fita ^mm foi tl)e lifte ^utpoHyC hap, at Lifburn, m tl)e Countp of Antrim, oil XV. t\)z djirD Monday in t})e fame j®ont]^ ; tj)at tibc fubfequent Meetings of eac!)of tj)e faiD tb^ee Committees refpectitiel^, i^all be ^elD b)> ^Djoucnmetit, 0^ otl)et:tbife, as, acco^Di: itt0 to tj)e ?latb«5 noVb in beitiigr, tj)e j®eet=s m9:0 of tl)e iitwftees unDer tj)e faiD fo^met Stct il)o«lD j)at3e been bolDen; anU tl)atat all fuel) ^zttm^, eacj) Xtuftee il^all De^ ftav W oVbn €cBarigfes antidpences: ;^nD tbat no Xruaee, appointeD b^ tl)i0 ;^ct, i^all be capable of anp place of ^^ofit a^- rifingr out of, 0^ bv Jaeafon of tl)t tJTollS 0^ "^ufp bp ti)!$ r^ct laiD 0; jgrranteDv ;anD fo2 tl)z bettct difcotecmjj ahD pu^^ nia)!ng- all ^^etfons tbl)o a)all b^eaft, puU Dotbn, 0^ DeGcop, o;j attempt to b^eaft, ptill t)otbn, o;j beftto^ anj) C^ate, Bar, 0? Ctun-pihe, 0? ^oll^oufe notb beinjBr, ot IbDicD Deceaftec, putftiant to tj)is act, (|)aU be fixeD 02 built on anp l^att of t\^t faiD moaD ; Be it CnacteD b^ tl)e ZntlDo^it^ a^ fo^efaiD, 5i:j)at et)ecj) perfon fo offenDinjg-^ anb being tbeteof conbicteb upon indictment befo;?e tl)e ^uMz^ of ^^ITi^e anb d^oal "^z^ litjet)), 02 before tl)e S^uftices of tDe J&eace at tbeit dSenetal £luartec ^elTions, ft)aU, fo? eV)erp fuel) €)ffence, fo;?feit ti)e :$)um of XXDentj) pounbs, anb ft)all alfo fuffec Sfmp^ifonment m tl)z common d^oal of t!)e $ i i Countp, 2i8 Anno Regni fecimdo c H Ap.Coutit^, U)itl)ont jsaatl 02 ®ampji3e, fo? XV. tbe :^pace of :^u ;®ontl)S, auD until fuel) 5Fme ft)aU tz paiD, tl)e one l^aU of tJbl)ic^ lijall be to tl)e mfe of 1^15 i®aiea)), l^ts J^eits anD :^uccca'o;j5, anD tbe otl)ec J^alf il)aU be applieD to tl)e iRepaic of fuel) of t^e faiD l>it)ifioii3 of tl)e faiDCloaD, as tl)e farD C^ffetice iliall be committeD upon, anD fo^ tl)at l^utpofe ll)all, bp t\)t :$>i)ettfiF, oj otj)ec €)ff!cet: tt)l)o letes tbe fame, be paiD to tl)e ^teafucec o) meccitiec of fuc{) Wi^ tjifion ; anD tf my pecfon Kwilt)> of fuel) -©ffence, ft)aU t)ifcotaant)p?ofecutetoCon= Miction anp .Recompute of W, 9: uiltj) of t!)e fame €)ffence, tl)e |5etfon fo DifcoPetmsranD P^ofecuttnir, ft)aU be pacdoneD fo;j j)i5 faiD €)ffence, anD all former iSPftencefj commit^ teD bj) ^im a^^ainft t!)i!5 ^et» ;^nti be it fttrtl)cc €nacteD bpt!)eSfutl)o= 2itj) afo;?efatD, Xl)at tbis ;^ct, anb fo niucl) of t!)e faiO fo^met <^ct, as is not|l)ereb)> repealed 0^ alteteD, fl)all continue in jFo^ce fo;> tl)e Xerm of 5?o?tj)'one pears, to be ComputeD from tj)e faiO JFird 2!)aj> of Ma> next* l&^otJibeD nebcrtl)elefs, tj)at if at anp Xiuie befo;?e tl)e expiration of t\)t faiD %etm of JFo?t))'one peats, all J^acts of the faiD 5loaD i1)all be fufficientlp ameno^ and repaiteo,anb fo abjubijeD bp tl)e ®a? Georgii Tertii Regis; 219 ioptv of tJ)e Ctuftees afo^efaiD, fo^ tf)eCHAP. •Ctme Ueitig, t})at tj)en aftec fuc^ ^^DjuOr xv. cation t|)ereof b^ tt)cm uiaDe, auD l&ajj?' luent of tl)e pleaD t\)t (15e- neral 3ffue, atiD 5i\)z t\)iQ :^a, anD tj)e Tpetial ®attec m €tJiDence at anj> lltjjal to be l)aD tl)ecenpon, anD tftat tj)e fame tbas Done in p>utfuante> anD bp tl)e ^u- t|)0(?itp of tl)i6 ;5ct > anD if it (l)all appear fo to be Done, 0? fuel) Staion 0? -Actions ii)aU be b?oujjl)t in anp otl)et Countp, t^at t\)tn tl)e 3)utj> Hiall finD fo? tl)e S>e- fenDant 0? SDefenDants, anD upon fuel) Her^ ticty 02 if tl)e l^laintiff l|)all be nonfuiteD, 3 t i 2 <►? 220 Anno Rcgni lecundo Chap.o? Dtftontinuc l)is ^(tion after tl)e SDcfeit^ XV. tJant 01 2>efenDaitts iljall l)at)e appeateti, oi ^-^'v^^if on anj) Denmrret g(«Djjment ll)aU be jjiljeii againft tl)e plaintiff, t\)z "Wtkntrnt 0? S^efetiDants ll)all anD tnaj> recotjec tre- ble €oft$, attD ^atje tl)e lifte 3taemeDp fo? tbe Tame, as auj? DefetiDant o? S)efen- tjants l)atl) o? ^at)e in anp otDer Cafes bp Hatb. ;3nD be it CnacteD b)? tl)e 9tutl)02itp a= fo;jefaiD, Xl)at tl)e feconO Comnuttee to tbbom tbe Xolls atiD l&?o6tfi; of tl)e d^ate, commonlj) calleD Jones (Bate, are httzbp jj^anteD, tJo anD fl)all, from ^ime to ^ime, ant) at all crimes j)ereafter account tbitj), anD paj> to tj)e tl)irD OCommittee, one full ®oietp of all t^e Xoll Jaet)enue, 1&?ofttS o;? j^tims of -®onep tbl)!Cl) il)all arife from, o;? be collecteD o? receiDeD at 02 by> tl)e Eeep= er 0? lieepers of tl)e faiD (Bm, t\)t fame to be paiD bj> four equal quarterly paj?- ments in et)erp pear, (tj)at is to fart on eDerjj jFira S)ap of May, jfitfl l>aj) of Au^ guft, JFirft S^ajJ of November, anD jfirft 2Daj) of February in t\>tt}> Pear, tl)e firft ^dapment tJ)ereof to be maDe on t\)t Jfirft SDap of Auguft next enfuinjj. ^nD be it further CnacteD hp t\)z ^u- tl)o?itp afo^efaiD, %}f)at eterj) l&erfon pur= cl)aCnjj one 02 mo;?e Xicftet 0? Cicltets at CaiD Georgti Tertii Regis. :^ai^ fait) (Sate, fo;j atxy \^02k o? Il^o^fes, OTattiageCiH a p» o;j Cartiasres, o? atip jRimibec of Cattle, t)):) xv. faiD Ciclict 0? tSTiclicts, 0)^11 auD ma^, tbitD tut\) l^o;?fe anD l^o^fcg, t^arriage anD OEarcif^ ages, Bcaft o^ marts, pafs on tbe S^ap l)e il)all fo purcf^aie fatD ^ichct o^ iTichtts,' Xoll free, tl^^oug!) all lutecincDiare dE^atcs, tt)l)ict) ate 02 il3aU be eccctcO, into tl)e Xolbn of Belfart, eitber bp tbe OlOUntpof Antrim, 0^ Count)? of Down IRoaO, ant) all XiclutiJ^^ pnicJ)aCeD at aup of ti)e ^5 calleD Jones C5ate, liDitljout pa)?mg aup fucf? tl)ei: toll at anp of tlje fatD mtetmetiiat^ (]5ateS» ,;;f^ ;5liiCi iti outlet to apportion, . m tl)e moil equal :@anner, tDe fet)ecal 2Pebts o;? ^iims of j®ouep fo bo^^otbeD auD eipentjeo bp t|)6 Xtuftees itt faiD fojtnec ^ct tnenttoaeD, an^ to cbacge the fatne tipou the t|)^ee Coin? mittees afo^efatO, acco^omg to the tefperttUe Ualue of the •''gfncomeo^ profit of eachot the faiD Committees ; m it facthet €nacteD bp the .^utho^itp afo.'efaiD, Xhat the ^at- qUlS of Kildare, the ^atlS of Antrim, Donej gal, Carrick, HilKborough, Maflareene, Clai> braffii, auD Moyra ; the i&lll)OpS of Down attt) Dromore; the ^o;jD Anneily; thC limsrhtS of the :^hit^ ^^l th^ Counties of Down atib Wihh Antrim, 222 Anno ilegni (ecundo c H A P.Antrim, atiD tj)e <®embet3 of i^arliainerit XV. rep;?efentiiig t!)e fetetal Ji5o;?otti9-!)s in tl)£ faiti ^ounttefii of Down anO Antrim, 0} anp §t)e of t|)em, be, anO tj)ep ate l)etcbp conditnteD ant) maDe iCtuQees, ant) ate frtUj? hnpotib^ eretJ, attti)o?i3eD auD tequiteo, to meet at Hillfborough, in tl)e CountJ) of Down, on tl)e JFitft Monday aftet tf^z Xtfeent^^fouttl) Daj) of June next enfuing, at t2Een of thz €ioth itt t\>z ®o^ninjj. anO to aDjoutn from %itm to ^ime, anO ftom l&lace to place, as tl)ep (|^aU 6nD etpeDient, anD tbitj) aU contsenient i^peeO to enquite into, anD afcectain tj)e fe^ tJeral :^iitns of <®one;? fo bo;?;joU)cO as afo?e= CaiO, ant) tbl)it}) ftill remain Dtie ano nnpaiD, anD tl)e 3J«teteft Due t!)etcti|)on, ano tDe H^ames of tl)e febetal l^etfons refpertit)£lj? to^ tb!)om fuel) :$um«3i are Due, anD alfo to en? &ttite into, anD afcertain, tbitJ) as mwcl) ^&?etifenefs as maj> lie, tl)e annual Malm, gttcome 0) iaet)enue of eaci) of t!)e faiD ideates, fo allotteD to tl>t faiD tl);?ee Commit^ te^S refpectiteljj, anD to allot anD appoint to eacj) of tj)e faiD Committees fuel) a i^oitton, ;g)J>are, o? l&art of tj)c faiD H^ebt, as fljall tear t^e fame l&^opo^tion to tbe tDl)ole 3>ebt, alS ti)e ifolls 0^ income of tl)e d^ates aU lotteD to fuel) Committee, beats to tl)e tbftole ^eVjenue, o? income of all t\^ dBates, tDfticft are o? tbere erecteD on tl)e faiD Slurnpifte 5^oaD ', anD to p^e^ent anp <^pprel)enfions of i&artialitj) in tj)e allotting o? appoint^ ment Georgii Tertli Regis. :^:?3 ntcnt of t!)e 2>ebts of tte farD Committee Ch a p. refperti\)elj) ; » it Cuactet) by t\)t autt)o;?itj> XV. afo?efaiO, Xbat t\>z patticulat Debt0 of cacl) ^-^^^^^ Committee fljall be allotteD atiD afcectameD bj) 2i5allot in ®anncc foUotbinir, (tl)at 10 to faj>) tlDo Boxes il)all be pjotJitieD tbitl) Co- \)er0, anD into one of tj)em (|)aU be put tfeee pieces of ^aapec of equal ^oe, on one of tbl)!Cl) l!)aU be tti;?ittcn, jFicft Committee ; ou another fl)aU be tb^itten, ^ecotiD Commit- tee ; anD on anotbet il)aU be Ib^itten, 3H)ico Committee; anD into tj)e otftet mot fl)aU be put a ^umbec of l&ieces of paper of equal :$i3e, equal to tl)e dumber of SDebentuce^ tl^m ftanOing out anD unpaiD, cacb of tbDicb l&ietes of papet l|)all contain in tbri- ting tl)e iHumbet of one of tbe faiD ^ebcn- ttttes, tl)e ^um fo? tbWcl), anD tl)e f ntereft t|)ei:eof tl)en Due, anD tj)e iPame of B)e ^c= fon to tbl)om tj)e fame tljas jjitJen, anD all faiD l^ieces of l&aper i^all be i^^^^i* i:o0etl)et, anD tj)en a l&etfon lj)all D^aSb ou^ of tDe 6ta mentioneD aaox, one of t^e f^ip tft;jee l^pets, mentionincr om ^f i^e iai^ t^(?ee Committees ; anD out of tl)^ ktmt luentioneD :t!3oi (|)all be D^aCbn Pieces oif l^apcr, containing si^ntcies of Debentures, as -equal ^S map be. Dp l&;jinapai anD fnte- u^, but not lefs tftan tl)e tbl)oIe IDebt rf tbe Committee, tfte /j^umbet of Vbl)itb ijjatl !)at)e been D^atbn as afo^efaiD, anD t^e S>e? bentures, fo D;>att)n as afo^efaiD, fljall fJanD^ HXhti I anD V- ^ ^ -J, 224 Anno Regnl fecundo CHAp.atit) be t|)e S)ebt of fait) aTomnume, ant) XV. tlbat t!)e k\)ztal SDebts of tl)e otbet tlbo Committees be afcectaineb b>? Ballottincr iti Mt j®anner. p^obiDeD altbajJS, %\)at if tj)e laG D^atbn SDebetitute of either of ti)e tDbo OCommittecs tbl)itj) are. D^atbn Srft out of tl)e Box, ft)aU eiceeD tJ)e :^um mentioneD o? afcertameD as tj)e Debt of fucD Olommittee, tl)en, ano in t^at (Eafe, tbe TaiD Ctuftees are jr>erebp impolberef, atiD required to fet off, o^affigu t^e ^urplas of fuel) Debenture o? Deben^ tures, in fucj) fanner, anO to fuel) ^et? foti 0? l&erfotiS, as tl)e CreDito^s ft)aU at " tfte Xime of D^atbmg, o? immediately after, aflftee upoti^ r^uD m cafe tj)e faiD €ttW tojS ll)aU not immetiiatelp a^ree on, anD y^opofe fuel) j®anner of ;^(rifi:ning fuel) 5DV»erplus, ti)en tl)e faio ^ruGees ate l)etebp auti)o;ji3eD ant) required to fet off, allot, ant) aCTign tl^e fame in fuel) j®anner, as to tjbetu ft)all feem moG expedient, and to tnafte tj)e fame tj)e Debt of an^ of tj)e Cre? Dito^S of tl)e laQ: o;j undap of Scptem- ^-^^^^^ ber, :^tte t!)ortfauD TeDen ^uuD^eD a«D fixtj>^ ttbo, atiD all and eljerp ;act attD ^crs of tl)e faiO CcuQees, relative to ti)e ^©atteis \)ttz^ in before ttietttioncD, U)l)icl) il)all be tjone aftec tj)e faiD XXbzntv^^nint}^ Wav of Sep- tember, (l)aU be, anD ace l)etebp DeclareD to be ablolutelp null auD \3otO. ^ttD be it fatt!)et €natteD bj) tl)e Zixt\)0'^ iit^ afa;jefaiD, S^bac t!)is( ^ct lljalt be DeemeD, atJittt)ffeb, anD taften to be a f^wblicft Za, atiD be juoiciallj) taften Jl^ottce of as futl)^ hj) all 5«bffes, gftifltces, anD otbet petfons tbftatfoeljet, tbitjiowt Cpetiallp pleading tj)0 fame* ZSm It H AN A N A C T FOR • Tlie Relief of INSOLVENT DEBTORS. DUBLIN: Printed by Boulter Grierson, Printer to the King's moft Excellent Majefty. Mdcclxii. ( 129 ) A N ACT FOR The Relief of INSOLVENT DEBTORS; CHAP. XVL f^^JSi€Z^ fetjetal l&etfons ftatiec h a ^ been foi a longr titme, anD are xvi notb, cottfiitieD io) 2)el)t in (z\)zta\^y->r<^ <^oalS in tl)is BttiffDom* fl0 m rn ;«ttO 230 Anno Regni fecund o Chap. ;^nt) lbl)etea«a; it is teafonable to tnafte XVI. feme 1&?oV>ifiott fo? tl)e Jaelief of fuel) of ^-/^v-v>tj)em as il)aU be tbilling to fattsfj) t!)eic CteDito^S to tl)e utmoG of t|)cic l^oDbec; fo? ttiDicJ) l^iitpofe, Be it CnacteD bp t|)e %:\Xi^'<^ j®oft ex- cellent j®a]eCt)?, bj) anD tbitl) tbe^ObireatiD Cotifent of t|)e lto;?C)$ ^piittual and Ccm^ l)o?al, anD Commons in tl)is |5atliament alTembleD, anb bj) t|)e :^utJ)o^itjj of tl)e fame, ts:j)at ftom anb aftet tbe jFicft 3)ap of May, £)ne tl)oufanD feben lbunb;?eD ano CiitjJ'ttbo, it (i)aU anb maj> be latbfiil, to anb fo (Boalet 0? d^oalecs, 0;? ikeepet of anp l&^ifon tefpectibel)?, upon an^ execution, Wiixt, Action, ;^ttacbment, OTofts, €on^ tetnpt, i>i anp P;?ocefs tbbatfoeber, fo? 0^ bp Jaeafon of anj) SDebt 0^ SDemanb tbbat^ (oeber, tbitl)out J?raub 0^ OTollufion IbitJ) t!)eic artebito;?s 0^ otl)ets, anb tb!)o j)abe cbet fince continueb in |&?ifon, to eij)tbit a ¥>etition befo;?e tj)e €nb of Trinity acerm, ^ne t{)ouranb feben !)unb?eb anb fixt^^fix to an;> Court of Hatb from tbj)ence tl)e 1&?ocefs iCfueb, upon tbl)icl) fucb p^^ifoners tbere 0? itial^ ^^ refpectibelp conftneb, 0? to tj)e Georgli Tcitii Regis. 231 tl)e OTontt into tl)l)jr!) an^ fuel) ^;>ifotta0CH al». !)a\)e been 01 a)all be cemotjeD by) Habeas xvi. Corpus, kiting: fo2tl) a }u(t anh miz :^t^ count of all the ifleal auD l^en'onal €f:^ tatc of Vbl)ii\) In, fl)e 0^ t\)ty>y Co petition^ iiig, 0^ anp pzvkm o; pzttonQ in %ni^ fo2 Ibttn, l)ei o> tbeiu, 1^3, are, o<2 il)all be intitlcD to, at t\)z %imz of 1)10, i)et 0? tl)cfc fo petitiotimtr, anD of all ^ncum^ b?autes ani:i ai:j)acge^, if auj? tl)ere be, af= fcctiufr tt)e (aiiic; auD alfo a itia auD true Account of all tlyl ^leal and }5erfoiial €aate IbbicJ) l)e, tl)e 0^ tl)ev, fo petition? ingf, 0? anp ^^erfoa o> petfons in Cruft fo? Dim, \>zt 02 tl)em, 0? fo? j)is, J)er, 0? tDcic ^fc, is mtereGcD in, 0? intttleD un? to, in poffelTton, !Ret33rEon, JaemamDet o;j Cipectancp; to t|)e beft of t!)e »lief of cViec)) lmi> l^^ifonet 01 p^ifoners, anl3 fo fat as j)iS, Det 02 thtit cefpeaibe BnotWcDijc eitcnOS conccrningr t|)e fame ; anti lifeetbifc a luO; anD true -Account of all :^ee«tities \t>|)ecein any l^att of t|)e €{^^tz^ of mp fuel) p;?ifonec 0? l^;?ifouerS confiQS, of all tl)e S)eeDs, €t)iDences, M?itmfi:s, BooUS, BonDS, ^otes anD |>apct5 concetnmsr tj)e fame, o; celatiu^ thereto, auD in tbl)ofe il^auos tl)e fame rcfpeetiljelj) ate, anti tj)e ^ames ant) l^laccs of ^^boDe of tl)z Wiit^ nelTes to all fucD ^etutities, ^aouDS anD ^otes, anD tbbere tl)ej? are refpemtelj? to be met ttntl), fo far as l)is, Der o^i- fotiet 0^ l&^ifonets (%aU caufe to be giUen o? left unto, 01 fo;? all anD etjcii? t!)e Crrrji^ to;? 0? Ctetiito^s at tb!)ofe :^uit an^ ftiib |^2»fonec c^ p;jifouer6 QanD cbacgcD, 02 j)i0, |)et 0? tl)ett €]cecttto?s 0? ;5C!inmifttato;?ef, c;j at t)is, !)et: 0? tijeic ufual l&lace of ^:: boDe, 0? to 0? fo;j J)is, bet 0? t})etr ;5ltto;ji nep 01 ^ijent laft emplopeo m atip fucj) Section 0; Actions, in Cafe anp fucb Cte= tito2 02 CceDito;?9i, l)iS, Det 0? tbeit Cxe:; tutors 0? Sttittiintfirato^s refiDe uptfcartiB of %zn ®iles front tj)e CtanD cJ}arg:eD, 0? from tbl)!C}) tbe Habeas Corpus ifTueD, upon \hl)it\) Im'O P?l' fonet l)as; been temoljet), 02 infteaD of ferij^ ingr fuel) Notice as abobe faiD, it (l)all be fufficient to all f ntents anD |&urpofe$ tfr^ft tj)e fame be inferteD in t\);tz federal Dublin Gazettes, containin^r tU ^ame, iTratic, 0? Occupation, anO laft place of ^booe of et^erp Georgli Tertll Regis. 23^ etecp fuel) p^rfoner, auD of tj)e J^^ifonc h a p> tbberem J)e, 0^ ft)e, is confineD, anD of f)i9 xvi. 03 l)ec fntentfoii to taU the 2i5eneftt of t\)i^ M. fo? tbDid) tbere i!)aU be paiD ^ii:: pettte io; eacj) pecfon, anD no mo^e, tl)t laft of tb!)ic^ ft)aU be tictbetttjj 2)aiJ0 be= fo?e tt)e j)?efetrincr of fact) refpettitie |&ett- tious, anD an ^ffiDatJit of tj)e One ^ec^ tJice of t\)zt}> furl) Notice at tj)e Cittie of p.n^fenting thereof, 02 tl)e Gazettes, tn tbbici) fud) jRotice il)all be inferno, il)aU be openlp reaD in ti)e (^ourt to ll)i)!ct) an^ fucj) J&eti= tion il)all be p^eferteti ; anD if futj) Court fljali tl)ereupon be fatisfteD of tl)e iaejjula- titp of an^ lm\> Motttt 01 Notices, fuel) petition (l)all be teceitJeD, anD fucj) Court fl)aU tDeteupon, b}> O^Det 0? mule, caufe tt)e ^^ifoner 0^ jb^ifoners, fo petitioning', to be b^ou^j)t up to fuel) Court, on fome certain SPaj), in fucb ilP^Der fpecifieD: <:^nD if anp C;?eDito^ 0? CteDito^s of anp fuel) p^ifonet 03 |9.2tfoners>, at U)^ofe :^uit fuc^ ^^tfoner 0? l&^ifonetfii danDS tl)argeD, J)i0, |)er 02 tl)eir €xecuto^0 0; ;^Dminiftrato?0, i^all appear in ^erfott, 02 bp ti9i, ptt 01 tbetr ;?ttto;?ne^; 0;? if anj> futl) CreDito? 01 CreD!to2$, l)is, \)zt 02 tbtit €iecuto?S 035 ;5(DminiGrato;js, ^al\ nz^ka to appear in ^erfon, 02 bj> I)i9, l)er 0? tl)eir ;atto?nep, fuel) court il^aU, in a futtimarj) SHHaj^^ exatitine upon C>atl), if tl)e faiD Court: 4l)aU tDmfe^ t5)e fame p;joper, into tj)e ®at? M n n tec 2t34 Anno Regni fecundd c H A p.tet of fuel) petition, anD J)ear W)!)at cart XVI. 0? il)all be alleDcreO, on citJ)cc ^iDe, fo? ojr agrainft t!)e Difcl)arge of an)> fncl) |&;?ifouec 0? |5;?iro«er$ tbbo i^all fo petition, anD uj- on fuel) examination, tX^ztj) fuel) Court is J)eteb)> tequireD to atintiniftec to tl)e l^^ifon^: er 02 ^^ifoners refpectiDel)), tbbo iljall fo petition, an €)atl); o? if tl)e l^eifon be of tpz }&eople calleD (Quakers, an Siffinna:^ tion, to t\)z €^e(t foUottJinjj, (tl)at is to fart I, y^. B: do fwear, in the Prcfence of Al- mighty God, (// a ^iuker, I do affirm) that the Account by me let forth in my Petition, presented to this Honourable Court, doth con- tain a full and true Account of all the Real and Perfonal Eftate, Debts, Credits and Ef- fects whatfbever, which I, or any in Truft for me, am in any refpet^l intitled to, in Pof lellion, Reverfion or Remainder, except the Wearing Apparel and Bedding of or for me and my Family, and the Tools and Inflru- ments of my Trade, or Calling, not exceed- ing Ten Pounds m Value In the Whole ; and alfc a true Account of all Deeds, Writings, Books, Papers, Securities, Bonds and Notes relating thereto, and where the fame rcfpec- tivcly now are, and in whofe Hands, to the beft of my Knowledge, Remembrance and Be- lief; and what Charges are now afiefting the real Eflate I am now feizcd of^ or intitled to. Georgii Terrii Regis. 235 (// any fach 7nfoner /hall he then feized of any rcalQ hap. Eflafe) and that I have not, at any Time, be- XVI. fore Tor fince my hiiprilbnment, diie^tly or in- ^^^"^'''''^ dire6tly fold lelTened, aihgned, mortgaged, pawned, or otherwKe dilpofed of, or made over in Truft, for my f elf, or other wife, any Part of my real and perfbnal Effate, whereby to have or accept any Benefit, Advantage, or Profit to myfelf or my Family, or with any View, Defign, or Intent to deceive, injure, or defraud any of my Creditors. So help me God. :5nD iit cafe an^ fncb i^^ifotiec o^p?ifonet2^ fl)aU, m open Cotict, tal$e tbe (aiD €)atJ), fuel) Court ma? tl)en tuuuetiiatelj) o^Dec t^e real auD perfoual €ftate, coatameD in fucj) stccotmt, to be \>y> a ft)o^t 3lnDo?fement on tl)e laaclt of fuel) petition, anci to be CgneD bp tbe p^jifoner, aCTigneD anD contjepeD to fuel) OlteDito? 0^ €reCiito?0 of the faid p^ifo^^ net as fuel) oTourt a)aU tl)inft proper, fub|ect ue\)crtl)elcf3i to all p^io^ gneumb^anecs af^ fectmg: tl)e fame; ano tl)e €Gate> gintereft anD p^opertp of fuel) real anti perfonal €f^ rate, Ibhiel) il)aU belong to anpfucl) l&^ifoner, fl)all, bp fueh ^(Ttgnment anD (Eont)epanee, be tJeQeD in tl)e \^erfon 0? |5erfon«5 to tbl)om fueb ^fficrnment oot3Ucc tl)ctcof ainonrrfl: all tbe €re^ t)ito?$ of cbecp fucb p^ifonet auD |&.?!foner0, (if mo;?c t\)m one) to Hbbom the |5;jifonec a^fill be fairly anD y.My itiDebtcD, in ?&;opo;j- tton to each oireDito^'s rcfpectit^e SDebtS, t!)c j^atilial, duoalet 0? Beeper to be conCiDereD a^ a ^ceC!to^ fo^ 1)15 j?ee0, rateable anD in |d,?oponton to t!)cic tcfpectil^e SDebts, anD (!)all reni^ci t\)z C)\)ecpUto (if anj) t\>zu be) to fnc|) |&;jifoner 02 p^ifonet^, i)is l^eirs anD ^(Tigns ; but in cafe tl)e l&erfon 02 l^erfonsi, at tt)l)ofc ^siit an>^ fricb p?ifonec 0^ ISJ^ifonecsi . ftooD tbacgfcD, il)aU not be fatisfteD tObitl) tbc iILintI) of anv fntl) p^ifoner's Oatl), anD fl)aU either pctfonallv, 0? bp ^tto?ne>% Defire fattl)ec Time to !ufo?tn t)tni, l)e? 0? tj)eui^ fclVses of tl)c :®attet$ containeD tberem, fucb €oxnt may, upon proper €anfe il)eU)n bp :5lffiDat3!t, retuanD anp fuel) p^ifonec 0? W- fonccs, auD Ditea l)»n, to 0^ tii)em, anDfncJ) Coo CteDito^ 238 Anno Regni fecundo c H A p.Cretiitoj 02 €tzUtiJi^, to appear, tit\)tt itt XVI. petfon 0^ bp^tto?nep> on foine ot^ec 2Dap to ^-^^v^-'bcappoiuteti bpfuci) Court, feme Cinie, at fatt^eft, tb!tj)!ii tl)e Cerm next foUcU>insr t\)z tf>z Cime of TucJ) €iammation, but foonet if fuel) Court ft)aU (0 tbinb fit ; anD all iSDbjectionS lbj)ic^ il)aU be uiaDe, as to thz ^nfufficiencp in |&omt of Jfo^m, ag-auiGaaj) #?troner's ^cl)eDule of l)is cnate anD &:^ fetts (^all be onlj) maDe tl)e ficG Xime an^ fttc^ l^^ifoner (l)aU be b?oui9f})t up ; anCi if, at fuel) :$etonO Way>, t\)z C^eDtto;? 0? Cretit:= to?6 rfiaU mafee Default in appearing, 01 (|)aU be unable to DifcotJec anj> ^ftate 0? €f= fects of t!)e ^^^ifonet'S oiuiteeD tn tpz :^t^ count fet fo?t!) in fuel) bis, J)er, 0^ tl)eir peti= tion, tl)en, anD in furl) Cafe, fuel) OLoutt (|)all, bp iRule 02 €>2tzt tl)ereof, immeDi- atelj> caufe tDe faiD l5?tfoner 0? |5;?ifoncrs to be Dift!)arj9:eD upon J)iS, !)er, o;j tl)eit execute ins fttt!) ^(Ticrnnient anD Conbe^anre as afo^efaiO ; anD if mv l&^ifoner, tbDo i!)aU petition to be Difcj)arfl:eD as afo^efaiD, i^all tefufe to tafee t!)e €)atl) 0? ;3ffirmatiot?, 0?, taftmg tDe fame, itiall aftettbarDs be De^ terteD, befO(?e fucj) Court, of jFalfttj) therein, 02 Hiall refufe to execute fuel) ^Sfignment anD Cont)e))ance as afo^efaiD, i)z, il)c, 0? tDc>> (|)all be p^efentlp remanDeo anD continue lu d^oalt ;^nD Ccorgil Tertii Regis. :239 ;^uD he it pace of Xtbenrp -®ile3 Dlftaut from t\)z €it^ of Dublin, ina^, at mp Cime befo;?e tl)e fitfi '^av of May, 331>rte t{)oufanD fetjen ftnutJacD aito fixt^'^fix, prefer a J^etitjoti to tj)e Court from ItJbeute aup ftic|) |D?ocefs tlTttet), m liHc jfo^in atit) fanner, as tibe ^^etttiong; |)ereiu before tiientfoncD, atiD ati ^ffidabit to t\)t |3tttpo?t, as <^ffiDat)it$ ate Dereiii be- fore direrteD to be tnaDe, being matJc, o^ fnci) Gazettes, as afo;?c[aiD, p?otiuceD to fuc6 Cottrt, anO Delrt)ere£) into fuel) Court tbitJ) tucl) petition, fuci) Contt, on bzing fatts^ aetJ of t\)z %tut\) of fuel) ^fftoatiit, 02 on p?oDadiig: fuel) Gazettes as afoaefaiD, tnaj>, auO is tccimreD to mafte a 5aule 01 ^2^^^> to cauCe tt)c l^^ifouer 0? p^jfoners, fo peti^ tionmcr, to be t^ijougbt to tbe nett :5r(ri3es lS)l)ie!) iljall he holttn foj tf)c County 0^ l^late Ifo^ere be, il)?, 0? tbe^ arc imp^ifoneD; ant) f0z Creditor 0? CreDito^s, bis, bet, o? tbeir €iectito?s 0? :^Ominiarato;js,attbl)ole :g>uit mv fuel) p52ifonec 0^ \&^ifonetS is 0? (ball be tbargeD, i^all, bp mule 0? €)^t)er of fuel) Court, be o^DeteD to appear at tbe fatO next ;^ffi3es, ano fneb SlciDge 0? SluDjjeS of ^Cri3e refpectitiel?, (Ijall appoint a %itm €) 2 f 0^ 240 Anno Regni fecundo Dcating tbe ®attet at fticl) ^ffi$e0; XVI. upon et)etj) fuel) l&etition, anD upon tl)e.^p^ peatance of fucj) CceCtto;? o? OEteDito^ ; 02 m ^Default of ;^ppeatante in petfon, o; byf ;3tto?ne^, tbett, on p^oDticing a €o^y> 02 (EopieS of t^e ^ittt 02 €);?Dcrs of tl)e faiD Couct 02 Cotttts, fuel) SluDcre 0^ fudges o^f ^(Toe ft)aU tj)ere, tn a fununacj? TOav, ex^ amine into t^e ®attet: of oxty fuel) ^ctt^ tion, anD beat tbl)at can 02 il)aU be alleOireD on eit!)et :^!De, fo? 0? aijainft tl)e SDifcl^atsfe of fuel) |i?ifonec 02 ^^ifonecsi ; anD upon el)etp fuel) examination, fuel) g^utjge anD ^utiges of -^ffiBC is anD ate Ijeteb^ im^ potbercD anD tcquiteD, tefpccti\)tl)% to aCni!^ uiGet oj tenDec to t\)tt}> fuel) |6?ifontr, tl)e fame :C>atb as l)e!:ein before is iiteaeD, anD to ma!te fuel) £);jDer in t\)z ^&;?emiires, as to ji)im 02 tl)em fl)aU fecm meet, anD to ^20- ceeD in tl)e fame -®anner, eonecrninij tl)e 2Difel)atigre of anpfuel) ^^^ifonec 02 l^^iloiters, anD to gi\3e tl)e fame 5«'^S:J^'^^nt, iHelicf, anD S^ftections telatingr tl)ereto, as anv Coutt out of tb!)iel) my> l&^oeefs iffucD againft my p>?ifonei: o;? |&;?ironeis, is |)ecein befo;?e impolticieD anD DiiccteD to Do ; anD t'otty fuel) i^;!Det (l)ail be as effectual anD \)aUD, as if tbe fame j)aD been maDe m t^e Coutt out of UDl)iel) t!)e p?oecfs iCTueD, upon tbl)ie!) my fuel) p, at anp VLime before t})e JFitd Daj> of November, SDne tl)oufanD fetJen !)itnD?eD antJ fixtp ttbo, prefer a l&etition to tl)t3nt)gt 02 SluDges of :^fj[m tbi)ic{) il)all be ^olDeti to? the County 0? l^lace tbbere j)e, &)e, o;j tl)ep ate tmp^ifoneo, in lifte jFo?m anD Scanner as thz l&etitions herein before iuentionetJ, p^o^iDeD fuel) J2>^ifoner 0;? l^^i- fonets ft)aW caufe to be gi^en, o 15^, 4)^ tl)eit €xeeuto;?s oi |)is 0? tbeir r^Stto^nep at -itatt), ^jjent iaft emploj^eo fo? !)im 0? ti)em, 0? at Dis, P p P l)er, 242 Anno Kegni fecundo c H A ?.l)et, (yi tbett ufual l^lace of ^botie, ttbcntp XVJ. l>a))S at kaa before t|)e ^^discs, a Notice m ^OTtitincr, fiffuco tbirl) tbe p?ifonecs, impo;?tingr t!)at (uc^ |^?i[onct: 02 p^ifonecs tiotl) 0? t!o inteuD to petittuu tl)e Court at t^e next -^ffi3es, to be DtfcftatpD, auD re- Quitingr l)mi, J)cr, o;? tbem to appeat at tJ)e next :^fl'i3es, auD alfo a true Copp of tl)e faiD petition anD Siccount ; anD fuc6 Stititre auD ^^utijOfCS of -3Cr!3e, upon t\)z ^^ppearauce of fuel) €ret)ito? 02 €reDito;?s;, zit\)tt in Pttlon 02 13)) ;3tto^nep, 02 m Default t!)eceof, tl)en, iou p20oi of i)is, |)er, 0? t|)etc beitisr Dul)> CetVieD Itntb fuel) Notice, antJ a Copj) of fuel) l&etition anD ;^ccount, a$ J)ete!n befo^^e is titectet), ll)aU, in a furniuarp OTa^ exa= ininc upon ^aPatJ), if fuel) f uDge o^? gluDffes of :^ir!3e i1)aU tl>mk neceilarp, into t\)c fatter of z\)tt}> im\) petition, ant) j)eat XS)|)at cau 02 i!)aU be alleDgeD on eitl)ec :i)iDe, fo? o;j agatuft t5)e Duc^arije of futb P;jifonei: 0;? Pniomt^ ; anD, upon eberp fuel) examination, Cue!) f uDgre anD Siw^K^S ^'^ ^Ht3e, 13 anD are ])eteb)> impottrereD anD teqmreD refpectitJe!^ to aDminiftec 0;? tenDec to e^erp iml) p^ifoner, tl)e fame ^atj) asf i$ bercin before DirecteD, anD to mafec fuel) £)?Der in tl)e ID^emifiTe?^, a0 to Dmi 0? tt)eru ft)all feem meet, anD to p?oteeD in tljc fame j^anner, contecninir t\)z 2Difct)arg'e of anp fuc^ p^ifonec 02 p^ifoners, anD to SiU tj)c fame Georgli Tertli Regi9c 243 r^ttte gittdg-nient, laelief, auD Direction's, te-c hap. latmg tJ)eteto, as au)? Court, out of tS)l)ftJ) xvi. anp l^^ocefs iffucD againft anj? |D:>ironet o;^^^^^'^-' |&;?ifoner0, is j)etein before impoU)eteD mn tJicettcD to Do* :3lnti be it Cnacteb hv tU ^ntho^itp afoijefaiD, tZEj)at from ano after tbe trime afo;?efaiD, it ft)aU anD tnaj? be iaMvA to anD fo^ tl)e Jaeco?t)er of tbe OTit^ of Dublin, at au)> iIEime before tht j?ic(l l^aj? of Novem-, ber, :^ne tl)oufanD kUn j)tiitD?eD atiO (ixtp £U)o, to recei\)e tl)e petitions of tj)e faiD #;jifoners tb|)o are conftneD in tt)e i®ar= i1[)alfca of tl)e Caiti Citp of Dublin, upon 2Pe^ trees, 0^ otberlPbife, anD to exatnine into tJ)c -®atters of tbe fame, anD to aDuiiniftet tl)e fame £)atj)S, anD to p;?oteeD in tl)e fame banner, concerning tl)e 2r>ifc!)arp of fucD 15?ifoners refpectitjelp, anD to gilje t!)e fame ^tiDgment, laelief, anD ^Directions relatinjg: thereto, as anp Court, out of tbfcifb anp p^ocefs ifTueD ag-ainft anp l&;?ifoner oj> "^21^ Toners, iS j)erein before impotbereD anb DirerteD to Do* ^nD tbbereas great ^umbers of Mo;?^^ men, shilful in tbe fetieral XraDes anD ®a= nufacturesin tl)is liingDom, anD alfomaap able teamen anD Mariners, anD fet)eral otber unfo;?tunate ?&erfons, finDing tbemfeltjes un- able to fatisfp tl)e tbbole of tj)e refpectiUr l&pp 2 3?ebtS, 244 Anho Regni fecundo c H A p.^tbtS, tiiit tJ^catJing tl)e ^iCet^ of a (Bonl XVI. j)at)e c!)p{e to Icatie tbeic €mplo))titent3 mx> ^ natm Cottutcj), ant) |)atie jjotie into jFo^cfB-ti ConntfieS. :^ntJ ti3l)etea2i tj)eic Continuance ab?oaD muft be of great p?ejntiite to tl)t0 Eing^ tiom : ^n o;?Der t|)ecefo?e to induce anD en? able fuel) j^ecfons to return, lae it €naaeD bj> t|)e 2(ut|)o?itj) afo^efaiD, Xl)at all anD etjcrp 3>ebto2 anD 3)cbto2S, tt^Do Ibas one tl)ouranD fcben ^unb^eD anD fixtp, ano j^atje continueD ab^oaD eter fince on account of t|)eir Debts, Who l|)aU return anD fur^ renDer bimfclf o; tl)emfclbe!3», on o? befo^je t\)t j?!rft Dap of May, €)ue tl)oufanD feben l)unD^eD anD ftxtV't|)?ee, unto tbe i®aril)al of tbe ®arft)alfea of tl)e Four-Comts in Dublin, tb^o i$ J)erebp tequtreD anD itupotb- fereD to recetbe anD Detain fuel) Debtor c? Debto;?9;, furrenDerinjgr as afo^efaiD, in o?Det to tDeir Dtfcl)argre, aS j)ereafter ruention^D, l^all, from anD inuneDiatelp after fucb :^ur;: tenDer aS afo^efaiD, be DeemeD a l&^jifoner 02 l&^ifonersi, tbitl)in, anD to all fntents anD i^urpofes, anD be intttleD to thz »nefift of tWs art, tipon P(?eferring l&etitions to the ^OUrt of King's Bendh anD Common Pleas, m Jmh ®anner as is l)erein before DiretteD, mitl) rcfpect to thz ¥>erfon0 tbj)o Ibere m artual Georgii Tertii " Regis; 245 actual CuftoDp on tbe itbetit^'ftftl) Wave hap, of oaobei, £l?iie tl)oufanDret)ett j)unD^eO anD xvL fixtp, auti (i)aU, upon Due l&;?oof of tt)e faiD ^-^>^ l^^emifTtS, bj? tl)e C>atj) of fwcl) SDedto^ 0^ 2r>eUto^s, be t)ifcj)acfl:eD tti t!)e tame ;®an= ttcr, as if l)e, a)e, 0^ tj)ep {)atJ been m W^ Con on t!)e faiD xtbent^-fift}) 2Dap of oao- ber, ^nt tt)oufanD fetjen l)unt);eD anD fm^i anD continueD tl)eretn as afo^jefatD ; fnbjett ne\jettl)elefs, to t|)e fame ^^efttictfons anD ¥);jot)ifions, anD a Compliance tt^itj) t^ lifte Xecms, ConDitions anD ^uaU8cationS> J)etebjj unpofeD upon tfee faiD J^;jjfonet«5 actuallj) m CaQoDj) upon tj)e faiD Ctbentp fiftj) Daj) of oaober, iSDtt^ t!)ott{anD fetjeit j)unD;?eD anD dxty, anD alfo fubject to t|)e XecmS anD l^aoViilions relating to t^e &tSLtz anD €f^tm of fuc{) ^^ifonets as afojefaiD^ tbe ^atl)s l)ecein befo;je appomteD to be taften bp |t>;?ifonet:s in CuCloDj) on t^t faiD Clbentp'fift}) l^aj? of oaoter, €)ne tl)oufand fe^cn l)unD(?eD anD fiitp, eicepteD ; infteaD tbj)et£of, tbe l&ecfon 0? l^erfons fo CutrenDer^ inij, il)all tahe an ^atl) in open Coutt, to tl)e €ffe(t follotbinjj, tb|)icD tj)e faiD ^uD^ jjes, impotbeteD to put t^is .3ct into Ciecu^ tion, ate j)etebj) requiteD anD impotbeteD to aDminiftet, in fucb ®annec as tbe £)atbs beteiit before mentioneD ate to be aDmi^ niClreD* II qq I AM: 246 Anno Regiii fecundd Chap. I ^. B. upon my corporal Oath, in Prefence XVI. of Almighty God, do fblemnly fwear, proteft, and declare (if a ^laker, do affirm) that 1 was actually on the Twenty-fifth Day of 06iober^ One thoufand feven hundred and fixty, beyond the Seas in Foreign Parts, to wit, at and that the: Schedule, now delivered, and by me Hibfcribed, doth contain, to the beft of my Knowledge, Remembrance, and Belief, a lull, jufl, tme, and perfed: Account and Difcovery of all the real Eflate, Goods, Effe6ts, and other perlbnal Eftate, in any wife belonging to me, and alfb of all fiich Debts as are owing to me, or to any Perfbn or Perfbns in Truft for me, and of all the Securities and Coritra(5ts whereby any Money now is, will, or may hereafter become payable, or whereby or wherefrom any Benefit or Advantage may accrue to me, or to my Ufe, or to any other Perfon or Perfbns in Tmfl for me, and the Names and Places of Abode of the feveral Perfbns from whom fuch Debts are due and owing; and that neither I, or any Perfbn or Perfbns in Truft for me, am, is, or are feized of any real Eftate irl PoUeffion, Reverfion, Re- mainder, or Expectancy, of of any perfbnal Eftate of any Kind whatfbever, other than what are in the faid Schedule contained, except my Wearing Apparel, and Bedding for myfelf and Fainily, my Working-Tools, and neceflary Im- plements for my Occupation and Calling, not exceeding in the Whole, the Value of Ten Pounds ; Georgii Tertii Regis. 247 Pounds ; and that I have not diredly or ihdi- C h a pi redily fold, leflened, or otherwife conveyed, diP XYI. poled of in Truft, 6r concealed all or any Part ^^^^""^ of my real Eftate, or my Goods, Chatties, Stocks, Debts, Securities, Contrads, or other perfonal Eftate whatfoever, whereby to focure the fame, fo as to receive or exped: any Profit or Advan- tage therefrom to myfelf or Family, or with any View, Intent, oi* Defign to defraud or deceive any Creditor or Creditors to whom I am in- debted in any wife howfbever, or prevent thsir recovering or obtaining their refpe^tive Debts. So help me God. ^&?ot)iC)etJ aitba^s, atiD be it CnatteO hp tbe ^tttbo^ttp afo^efaiD, 5C:j)at not^insr in tl)is ^ct cotitaitieD, ft)aU ejctetit), o? be coti^ ftcueo to fynDtt 02 p^ebent ati)) ®o;jtgrage 02 ®o?tgages upon tbc €ftate of iuth #^t= foner 0? l&?ifoners, 0? of pecfons mtitleb to tl)e Benefit of tj)is -^ct, o? anj) ^&att tJ)ere= of, to talte piatt upon tbe ILanDS, irene^ ments, 02 l^ecebitaments comp^ifeD in fuel) iS&oitga^t 02 ®o?tgages refpectibeljj, no;j to p;jc\3ent an^ Statutes, :^taple Statute, j©eccl)ant Jaetoffnt3ance, 0;? ^luCgment, Cuftodiam 02 Elegit, acftnotblebffeD bp, 0? ob^ tameb againft anj) fuel) l&^ifonec 02 ^21- (onets;, to tafte plate upon t^e ilanti0, ta;e= nements, 02 teal effects of fuel) l&;ifonet 0^ l^ijifonets, in lifte j©annet as fuel) i^02U jagees anb Crebito^s bp fuel) Jaecojjni3ance, ;aqci 2 ^ubgments, 24^ Anno Regni fecundo Chap, ^uDpnCtttS, Cuftodiams atlD Eleglts tbottlt) XVI. ^at}z beeti p^eferceD to otj)et CteOito^s, of '-^'^^'^t\)t teai 02 petfonal eftate of futl) P;i^ fotier aaO l&^iforicts refpertiV)el?>, if tftifii $a«t J)aO not teen maDe ) my Xbmgr |)erciti lie^ fo?e totttaitt^D to tl)e tonttacp t|)eteof, in atij^ WjiCe ttota>itl)aattDmjg:» ^^^otJiDeb altba?«5, €j)at tfte Difcbatjgre of att^ l^etfoti tp tSlictue |)eteof, ft)aU not ac^ qimt anp ot[)et l^etfon from fucj) Debt, :^«m 0^ j^umsi of j®onej>, o;j an? ^act tbeceof, but ti)at all otiiets ri)all be anftberable fo;? t^e fame, in fucD ;®annet as t5)ej) tbete be= fo?e tj)e paflinjj l)ereot SCnti be it €na(teD bj> tJ)e ;^titI)o?!t?) afo;e? taib, %f>at if anp fttcl) i&^tfonet, o? JFagi- tibc, ll)all belibec in anj? falfe o? untrue ^c> count of |)i5 0? H)er Cftate o? effects, o^ il^all befijg-neblj) conceal, anb not tnfert in t^e :^ccount \)z 02 (l)e (l)aU belibet in, anb fubfcribe as afo^efaib, any 2i5oofts, l&apers, jg^ecuritics 0? 3MritinuS, relating to 5)iS 01 Der eaate anb €fferts, tbitl) fntent to be:= fraub l)is 0? l)er Crebito? 0? Crebito^s, anb ll)all be tbereof conbicteb on an ^Inbictment, |)e 01 il)Z to offenbing, il)all be abjubjjeb a ifelon, anb fuffer^as fuc^, tbit&out 2iaene8t ipf ^lerijp. i^^ot)ibeb Georgll Tertii Regis. 249 |&;jo^iDeD aUDav0, atiD hz it €uacteD hpc hap. tl)c :^nt\)o]!itv afo^cCaiD, €l)at if the Cftate xvi. auD €6Ee(tS of anp ILVifouec c? p^iCcnecs, 0^ j?ugitit)e o Ujall be (0 aCTiimeD auD con^jcvcD, iljall not extcuD to fatiof)' ti>e U}bolc 'iiPeljt £)iic to tDe olcetJi? to,23 as afo^efaiD, of the p^nfoiuc lb!)o rtjall be fo OifcbatgeD, atiD tbe ftt^ auti €bam^ bet iKeut Drie to tl)e MacDcn, ^aci!)al, 0? dSoalcr, then huh MarDcu, ^i^aciljal, o;j <15oaler, !"l:)all onlp tcceibe a proportionable SDitJiDeiit) tcoiu fuel) \&rifouets ^ftates, in reipect of fuel) j?ece» anD €l)ambet: JReut, pro Rata, tbitj) tbc otbec CteDtto^s, as afo?e? faiD, of fnci) i^rifonet 0? prifouers, o? j?u- }^2o\)iW0 allbajJS, ariD be it CttacteD bp tl)e :^nt\)ontv afojcfatD, XDat no p^erfoii to be Difc!)ar9reD l)ecebj?, i!)aU, at anj) ^ime t)ereaftet, be imprifoucD by teafon of anp Sliitisrment or decree, or for anj? 2Debt, 21>a= maps, .Attachments, Contempts, OToftS, *^am or i§>nms of ^onty contracteD, in:: cucceD, occafioneD, olbmrr, or gr'-^^i^ff ^w^ before tbe llmie of t\)t ^ircl)arge of fttcl) ^^etfons in puthiance of tl)is S!(t, bat tl)at upon etiet^ Acieft, $»wit, ^uDgmeiit, or Electee, or for fuel) S>ebts, E>ama0es, At^ tacbments, Contempts, CoGs, ^um anD j^ums of ®onep, it t^iall anD map be latb- met fill 3^0 Anno Regnl fecundo c H A p.ful ioi anv f uDue of tDe €outt W0m tDc x\^. !&2otef6 iffueD, upon Il)et3)inj9r tDe Copp of v-^-vxj tj)e ilP^ter of fttcl) ^?tfonet'fii SPifcljarge o? 2E>ifcj)at:sfes, to rekafe anD Dj[c5)acgc out of CuftoDp fuel) |&;jifouct o? l^jifonecs as afo?e= faiD, anD ebet^ fucD ^uOp is Dcteb? im^ potbereo ano tiitecteO Co to Do. |&?ot)it)eD altba^s, 3ri)at iit all Cafes tb!)ete mutual €xttit il)aU {)3t)e been gi\>cn bettbeen imp |&;?ifottet 02 p^ifouers, JFugi- ti'ijz 01 jFugititjes, anb mv otj)er pecfon 0^ l&etfons, 25otiie0 polititft 0^ coz S^elitej) of anj) ^c!)eDule 0? 5irt^^"to;p of tbe €Gate auD effects of fucD J^;?ifonet 02 P^ifoners, j?Uj9fitit)e 01 jFu^iitibes, tf)cn, auD in eUet^ fuc^ Cafe, not\)ins tno?e (l)all be UeemeD to be tJedeb bp anj> ^fTiSfumcut UDl)ici) ft)aU be mabe, in l^ucfuance t!)eceof, as t|)e Cftate 0? (J^ffetts of fucD \&;jifoner 01 l&^ifo- nets, t\>an tbj)at i1)aU appeat to be Due to J)im, !)et o? tl)em tefpectitjelj), upon tl)e 3aal= lance of Siccounts tb!)en tcul?> Rateb^ ;3CnD be tt Cnatteb bp tl)e ;5ut!)o;?itj> a- fo^efaib, i3:i)at it i^all anD inaj) be liaSbful to anb fo;j tj)e faiD tefpectibe Courts, IbJ^o ftjall bifc!)acffe fuel) l&^c hap, vXDtt ®!SOel)aDiouc of my of t\>t arr£Citc?55 xvi. of fuci) |52ifouec 0^ p^ifoaers!, fugitM 0? 5F»mtfV)es, to Xh\)oni tl)t €ftate anD CS'ects of fucJ) l&^ifouet 0? 1^2ifonecs;, fngiMz o? jfticritiUes, il)aU |)at)e deeu afftgnet) iit pui:= fuaucc ijereof, to o^Oec tj)e rcfpertttje l&arties coucecneD to attertDfiU}) Court on tj)e j®attee of et)ccp fuel) petition at fotiie cettaiu %itm^ in fuel) €);Det: to be uientioneD ; auD etJetp fuel) Court, on l)eatmg tl)e l^artieiS concetneD therein, 16 J)ereb^ auti)o^i3eD to mal^e, o;jDer, anD giVje fuel) ^Directions in tl)e l^^emifTes^ fo? ti^e p;?uDent, juft anD equitable ^anaje^ nient 03 Diftcibution uf tl)e faiD €(late anD carects, fo^ tbe Benefit of tljc refpectitje C?eDito;?9i, as afo^efaiD, of fuel) l5;?ifonet 02 ^^ifonets, jFugitite 0; 5Fui3:iti\)es, as fuefi Coutt il)all tl)mft fittv ^nD be it ^nactcD h)> tl)e .^ut{)o?it)> afo^^s taiD, li:i)at futl) l^etfons as ace eonfineD upon OTtitS of Excommunicatio Capiendo, ma)j, at mv ^iiue, froiu anD aftet ti)e fm W^y of May, €>ne t!)oufanD fetoen !)un^ D^eD anD ftxt^ttbo, p^cfet a l^rtition to tj)e ?lo?D l^gb Cbanecllo?, fettinsr fo^tl) tj)e Cii:> tumftanees of 1)15, J)et, 0? tbeic Cafe, H)itj) an S[(fiDa\)it, betifj^inff tl)e matecial JFacts tontaineD in tfec lame ; anD tbat it il)alt anD map be latbful to anD fo/ tl)e fatD lto;jD Cbancello;? to Difebatge fuej) |5etfoti aa c t 1 u^ 2A2 Anno Regni fefundo c H A p. c? l^etlotis, if !)e ft)aU jtiDge it p?opec fo xvi. to Do, upon fuel) srerins as l^e il)aU ■ ~ t^iuft teafonable* |^?oV)it)eD alDba^s, ^|)at not!)iug j)ereiti cotttaiiieC) 1^)311 exteuO, o;? be conftcueD to extent), to t!)e ^Relief of aii)> l^^ifonec ttiitl) tefpect to atij) 3>ebt U)l)ic|) l)e o? (l)e i^all aatiD cJ)at0CD ttJitl) at tl)e ^uit of tl)e OTrotbii, 0? U)J)o Ibas tn execution on t^e Xtbentj)56ft!) 3>a^ of oaober, -©ne tJ)ou- fanD Ce\)ett !)unD?eD anti fiitr, at tl)e :^uit of atti> one l&ecfon, fo? anj> one Debt 03 ^um eiceet»inff Ctbo l^unt);>eD pount)0, 0? \b\>ok SDebts amount in ti)e OTl)ole to £Dtte ^^oufanD l&ounDSf, 0? to an^ jFn= 5ritit)e tb|)o is inDebteo to anp one #erfon in tl)e :$um of ^tbo l^unD^eo l^ounDs, 0? tb!)ofe SDebts amount in t!)e Mibole to ^ne 3C:!)oufanD \&ount)S; anD (ml) ^^ifon^ et 0} ^2\tontt^, j?ttgiti\)e 0? ftic^ttM^, l^all not be intitleD to tafte anp Jaenefit tb^attoe\3er unoet tDis M. S(nt) tbbeteas it maj? bappen tJ)at fc\)e- tal l&etfons, tbl)o mav claim 0? be tntitleD to tDe 2iaeneftt of t!)iS ^ct, ace feiseO of an Cftate %m\ in anp j?cec!)olD, ?tanD9f, tlenements 0? l^eteOitaments, tbbict) fn- tail, tbitl) t|)e iaemainDets expectant tbere^ on, tj)ej> j)at)e, bj) ?LaU), l&otbec to Defeat anO bat, eitl)et bp let^^in^: a fine 0? jfines, 0? Georgii Tertii RegiSi :253 D} fiiffetingr a iaecoV)ecj) o? Jaecot)erie!3r, atiUCH ap. t^ecebj) faiD jFreel)olO, Hatitis, tienementfi; xvi. anD C^etetiitaments;, ft)owlO be liable to tfte^^'"^*^"^ payxnznt of t!)eic a>ebt0, ^nD be tielitJeted up acco^Ding to tU ITenns of tl)is ^(t, to; tj)e 25eneSt of tj)eic Crebito^Sf. m It CnacteD bp ti)e ;^utl)o?ttj> afo^e^^ fatD, ^Dat m et)erp fuel) Cafe, fuel) ^tt^ ton 0? l&ecfonei, fo fel3eD as afo;?efaiD, anb tbl)o itiall be mtitleD unto, anD claim ti^t 25enefit of tbis Za, ft)all, to all f ntents; anD l&ucpofes tb|)atfoet3er, be DeemeD ano taften to be feiseD of fuel) ftanDS, STene^, nientsi, anD l^ereDitamentiJ in jFee fimple, anD tj)e fame (|)all be DeliteteD up to tj)e OTteDito;? 02 CceDito^si, in tbe fame ®an= net as if fuel) l&etfoti 0? ^etfong !)aD ac:= tuallp letieD a 5?ine 0;? jFines, 02 fuffereD a common iRecoDetp 0^ iaecot)eties, anD tl)tttb}> J)aD become fei3eD in jfee^fimple; anv ilatb, 0? Conftruttion of Hatb, to t^e Contcacp in anp Ibife nottbitJ)aanDinjj» ^?ot)iDeD alttiajj0, ^!)at ttotl)in5f \>tttiit contatneD Jl)all eitenD, 0;? be DeemeD, ton= acueD, 0? taften to exteno, to giU anp Benefit, Cafe, 3)irc!)at!je 0^ iftelief to anp l&ecfon 01 \&ecfons tDl)atfoet)et, from anp 2Debt fo fuel) HatiDS, tenements, o;? l^ete^ nitaments, out of tbl)icl) fuel) iaetit JJbas payable. l&^otibeD fttctj)et, Xl)at tbbeit anj? ment, not exceedittfl: Xtbo peats 3aent, (^all be Due to anj) l^ecfoti o? l^etfons frotn fuel) ^^ifonec o;> jb^ifonets at tJ)e €ime of l)i!5, f)et o;j tj)eic refpectitje l>ifcl)arfire«3i, in refpect to anp ®eCruage0, ILanDs, o? tenements, no d^ooDS 01 ari)attles tj)en beinjg- in o; up= en t|)e tefpectitje l^^emides liable to be UU ttaineD, l|)all be alTigneD in ®annet a^ fo^efaiD, but l^iall be tcansfetteo to fuel) ItanCilo^jD 01 ?tanDlo^Ds, o? lome jetton in tJTtttft fo? l)rm o? tl)em tefpcctitjel^, to^ IbatDS ^Satisfaction of ti)e laent tl)en Due, not exceeDinjgr tzitbo peats ment as afo^e^ faiD, unlefs tj)e OCteDito,? oi Ctebito^s, to tbbom fucb ^^ITisrnment (l)all be ma£e, (|)all, bj) Qiaa^itinff unbet l)is o? t^eit l^anD o;j i^anbs refpectitJelp, before fuel) ^ffijrn:: ment lliall be mabe, agtee to pap o? fatis^ fp to fuel) ILanDlo;?D o? Hanblo^bs, tl)e l^ent to j)im o? tl)etti tefpectit)elp Due, not eiceebinjgr HCbo peats ment as afO(?efaib. l&^otJibeD Georgli Tertii Regis. ang Plo\)ittb alfo, €:i)at no i&ecfori tbJ)o, a^cuA?, (15uact3ian, €:rrtftee, Cxecuto;? o? ;^Dmmif' ^^i. trato?, is inDeDtet) to mp petfott o;j i^et^^'^^'^"^ fon0, (l)aU l)e intitleD to anp 2iaene8t o^ melieC from tU^ M. l&?ot3it)cD alfo, 3ri)at all l&etfotis, lb[)6 t)at3e contje^eD, imbe35let), o? cont^ecteti to t!)eit: o«)n ^fe anp ®ome6, (BooDsi, Wares or :®ercl)anD!3e!3f, of f^erfons tb|)o l)at3e emplo^eD anD inttuGeD tl)em, fl)aU be excluDeD from teceitJinjj anp laenefiit o^ ^DtJautaije Up tl)is ^ct, :^aD «)})etea!3; tl)e federal l&erfons, tbl)ofe Barnes are mentioned in t\)z follotbinff :^cl)etittle, l)at)e been, bj) Misfortunes;, ren> D^eD unable to fatisf^ tbe (!]211l)ole of t!)eit tefpertibe SDebts, anb it is teafonable to maltc l^^obifjon fo? tl)e ^aelief of fuel) of tl)em, as ft)aU bo tl)eit utmoft fo? t!)e :^atiSfaaion of tbeir OTrebitors, alt|)oiisr!) none of tl)e faib l&erfons tbere pnfonets in actual Cuftob? on tj)e faib Ctbentp^ fiftl) 3>aj) of odober, iSDne tl)ouranb febe« l)unb?eb anb ftxtp, no;j tbete bejjonb tlje j^cas in foizi^n |Darts on tbe faib ^tbeti- t^^fiftl) 2!)ap of Oaober. mt' it Cnarteb bp tbe ;3utDo;?ttj) afo^c? Caib, •srj)at it ft)all anb map be latbful^ :^ ( f 2 to 2c6 Anno Reghi fecundb c H A antJ fo? all anD mtv tl)e l&etfons, tb!)ofe xvr. 5l^ame«2» are mentioneo m t!)e faiD j^cbedule, 'at anp %in\t before tl)e jFitft Dap of May, £>\xt tbottfanD fetjen bunD^eD awD ftttp- t});?ee, to exhibit a l&etittoii o^ ^^etittons to ii^iS ©ajeftp'S OTotttt of King's-Bench, oi (toXltt of Common-Pleas, itl Dublin, fcttltlff fo^tlb tj)e federal ©attets; l)etebj) tJitetteD to be fet fo?tl) in tl)e l^etitiotis of ^ecfons ttJl)o Ibete ll^ifonecs; in actual OTuGoOp on tl)e Xtbentp^fiftl) 3>ap of oaober, £)ne t\)ou^ fatitJ fetJeti !)unt)?eD atiDfixtp, aut)tl)e Court, to tb^it!) futb t^etitiotis l^iall be refpeetiDe? ip p?eferreD, ft)aU teceitje ti)e fame, anD ati^ ttimiGer to tbe perfoti 02 ^erfons refpeaiije- Ij), tbfto a)aU petition, an i^atft, 0?, if t!)e l5erfott be of tj)e |&eople calleD ^luafeers, an affirmation, to tj)e lifte €ffea, as t^e iSDatft 0? SCffitmation J)etein before OiretteD to be taften bp ifugitiUes, except tS)at |5art tb!)ict) mentions tDeir being be>)onD 5>e3 on tfte Xtbentp^flift^ SDap of oaober, C)ne tboufant) fe\jen l)unt)?eD anti ftxtj), tb^rl) tbe SluDges of eitl)et of t\)t faiD Courts ate Ijerebp impotbereD anti tecjuireD to atJ^ mintftet ; ant) tj)e faiD Court ma)>, tl)ere:: upon, mafte fuel) :^) titetfeO tijiti) tefpect to tDe meal anD i&erfonal €£= tatts Georgli Tertii Regis. ^^S7 tate0 of l^jifanets ixi actual Cuftotij) on t5)ec h a p. Xtbetttj):^iftl) 2Daj) of Oftober, £)ne tl)o«* xvi., (atiD fetjen l)nnD?et) auD Gxt)?, atiD, upon '-^■^^'^-' e\jerj) fuel) StCfignment atiD Cont)e))aiue be? inff exccnteti bp t|)c l^erfon o;j petfons li)5)o ftiall fo petition, tl)c faiO Conrt {l)all mafee a ianle o? laulcs fo? tl)e l>ifcl)ar0e of tt)e petfou 0? |5ctfou5 fo petitionincr, as if fucb ^crfon o? perfons lljas o? tbere, at the Xitne of mafeing: faiD larile o;> Jatiks, iti tl)e actual CuaoDj) of tl)e ®at:: fi)al of tl)e Four-Courts of tj)e Citp of Dublin; auD tl)e tefpectit)e Cftates ano effects of tl)e falD i^etfonS f^^W be fub^ )ect to i\}% Xecms anD |5?o\)ifiotts !)erebj> impofeD on ti)e Cftates anD effects of |D?ifonecS in actual CuftoDp upon tDc Xtibentp=:filU|) ^aj? of oaober, i^ne tl)ott:= fanti fe^en bunti^eO anD fixt? ; anD tl)e faiO ^ecfons njall be intitleD to t!)e ime Be- nefit anb melief, arlD fttbject to t^e lifte l^uniftjment, vx Cafe of Delitjetingr a falfe anD untrue ^account of tl)eic CQates anD effects, 0? cottcealmer tt)e fame, as is l)erei bp DicecteD tbftl) tefpect to i^jifoners in actual CuGoDj) on tl)e faiD Xtbentl)'6ft!) 2Dap of oaober, Cne t!)oufanD fetJen DunD^eD anD Ctxtj>» ;5inD tbber^as, Robert Tigiie, late of t[)e Citp of Dublin> Merchant, notb a |^?ifon^ et confineD fo? SDebt m the j©acll)alfea of 258 Anno Regni fecundo Four-Courts, l)a\)mgr b^iD \3er)) couCiDet^ XVI. able 2DealiitSf6 m tj)i$ Emgtiotn, am bat)mg: fuftaineO inaiip HoHes m XraiDc, faileD in bis CrelDit, auD in tJ)c ^ODontJ) of May, £)ne tboufantJ fel^en l)uuti^eD anD fift^'fit)e. tbit!)D^etl» Ijimfelf from !)i6 €re= tutors, anD foon aftec laiD before t\)im a fait srccouttt of bis €ftare anD €(fe(t0, anO offeteD to DeliDec up l)is faiD €ftate anD effects to 1)1$ faiD CrcDito?9, m Satisfac- tion anD 2Difc!)arp of tbeit fe\)eral 2Pe^ tnanDs, to be rateable DiliiDeD bettbcen tl)em, to tb!)icl) l^aopofal fel^ccal of thtm a^rteeD, anD otDecs cefufeD to accept of lefs tl)an tl)eir full 3>emanD0, anD tl)e faiD Robert Ibas, b^ i®eans tJ|)et:eof, obligeD to abfCOnD until tj)e j®0ntj) of January, £Dne tl)oufanD fe\)en {)unD^eD anD fift^^^ef^-bt, tbben tbe faiD Robert tbas arcefteD at t|)e jgjuit of one of l)isi faiD €reDitoz Four-Courts, tbbere tl)e faiD Robert j)atj) e\)et fince con:: tinueD : ;3nD in as tttucl) as tl)e faiD Ro^ bert is tbilling to DeliDct up all J)is €!- fctts to anD fo^ tj)e Mt of tl)e faiD aire* Dlto^S; G^orgll Tertil Regis; 259 25e it CnacteD bp tl)e ;^utl)o?itj? afo^e^Cn a p. faiO, €Dat upon l)i$, tl)e faiD Robert's XVL Decfo^miitgr tbe JRcqutfites cequiteD bp tl)iS' ;act, tj)at De, the faiD Robert Tighe, ft)all j)at>e tl)e 2acuefit anD ^CiVjantaije tl)ereof, ant) be Difcl)aco-cD from l)is faiD 3(mp;jifon^ tnent, nottbitbftauDiiig tj)e 2Debt«5 otbmflr bp tl)e faiD Robert Tighe, excecD tj)e S>um limiteb bp, atiD mentioneD m, tj)i«5 ;5Ict. (I!21!l)eteaS James Hamilton, late of Carlow, Cfquice, but nolb of tl)e ifle of Man, fomc Xime m tl)e peat €)ne t!)otifaiiD feten i)uiiCi?eD anD t|)irtjJ::fix, faileD m ^iSiCretJit, ittDebteD to fel)eral jl^erfotis in conftbecable j^uins, anD, at tl)e Cime of j)i$ jFail^ UCe, tl)e faiD James Hamilton tbaS porfefTeD of felieral confiderable €(lates m Jfee- fimple, tb!)icj) \)^\)z ebec finte been in tl)c l^olleffion of fome of l)is <£cebitojS; tJ)at tbece tJ)ett tbere, anoftiilare, fetoal^wits tiepeubittjj relatiVie to tl)e llo?D(!)ip auD j®ano? of Carlow, anD fetetal Stccounts telatl\3e to tj)e faiD James Hamilton's ^^opet- ty, not jjet fettleD; tj)at tl)e faiD James Hamilton {)as tetireD to tl)e Ifle of Man, be^ ins appitzio2Z €nacteO bp tl)e :^utl)o^ '"^^^2Jtj) afo^efaiD, t!r{)at fcom aiiD aftet tj)e Ctibentpsfiftj) SDaj) of December, itt tl)e peat of ^nt lloiD €)ne tJ)oufauD fetjen DunlJ^eD anti fixtp one, tl)e ^^ecfon of tl)e fa!D James Hamilton {|)aU be fteeD auD eiempteo from all )®attner of ^Srrefts, at tl)e :$uit of mp Cret)ito;j o? €^et)ito?s, fo? auj? :^iim o? ;$um0 of :®onej) U)J)icl) are nolb Dtie, auD Otbing bj> t5)e faiD James Hainilton. Znt) tb!)e?eaS Thomas Houghton, late of New-Rofs, in tj)e CountJ) of Wexford, %im^ ber j^ercDattt, biD, in tl)e pear One tDou- fant) ret)en !)unD?eD ano ftft))-ttbo, fail in J)i«5 dTrebit, anD became a 2i3anferui5t, anD unable to (amip !)is fetieral OTreOito^e ; anD man^ of tl)em refufinigr to accept a Com^ |)ofition, y>t tbas obligeD, (\^02t\y> after, to tb!t{)D^atb !)imrelf out of tl)is EiuffDom, ant) litje in jFo^eigrn H&artg; ; Wc it CnacteD hy t!)e :^ut5o;jitp afo^efaiD, %\)SLt tl)e faiD Thomas Houghton furrenDeringr Dimfelf to tj)e ®arft)al of tl)e ^©ari^alfea of tbe Four- Courts in Dublin, at anp Xime before tl)e €nD of Trinity Xetm, tb^icl) tbill be in tDe pear of ^m lto?D :^ne t|)oufauD fet)en l)unD?eD anb fixtp Ci, it)all be beetneO tbitDin tj)e j^eaninigr, anO be intitleb to tjje Js^mc^t of tl)i« ^ct, anO map prefer a petition to anp 3)ttOffe 0? ftttJjjes of anp of tDe OTourts at Hatb, Geoigii Teitii Regis, 261 ?Lalb, belD m the Four-Couits of Dublin, tbl)OC hap. are \)ttchv rcqniccD auD tinpotS)ereD, cefpe^ xvi. tiDcl)), to cxaiusur into tl)z ©attcrs of t\)t fatne, atiD to Ciifcbaccrc t|t)e faiD Thomas Houghton, iDz pccfojiuratr tl)z i^equifitces l)ereiu bcfive Csiteact'. ;^nD lbl)creas fcUeial ^mt^ at Halb, atiD ill €qait)), l)at)c bceu hcictolo^e coruincnceD aaC) caiClcD on acraiaCl George Reynolds, of Letterfyan, lu the >^ontUv of Leitrim, CfqUtCe, fo; iaeco\)ct^ of t!)e €ftate of thz fait) George Reynolds, o> of a great ^art tl)ereof, XX^fyxt) t;o\)t tbe faiD George to tl)e ^eceCfitp of contracting 2DcUts, anD bo;?^otl3mg federal couGDcrable ^ums of ^§onep from different ^trfons, to enable tbe faiD George to befrap tbe €ipence of tbe faiD :^uits, anO befenD bi3 ^itlc to J)is faiD €ftate, anb bp a long coutmueb llitigation of fncb ^tuts, anD tbe great (2I:xpence occaftoneD tberebj?, tbe faib George \)i\tl) not bccn able to pap i)i$ faib 2Dcbt5, 0;? to pap 0^ heep botbn t\)z grolbtng ^^^^-'^'^^ tbcreof. 5(nb Ibbercas manp of tbe artetiito;?^ of tht TaiD George, fo long ago as tifz peat £Pne tboufanb febcn bwnb^eD anb fo^tp ftbe, obtameb Cuftodiams againft tbe OTbole of tbe ^ftate of tbe faiD George, anb altbougb one 01 mo?e of tbem babe teen, from Cime to £tmc, eber fince in jdofTefTion anb iaeceipt Wi u n of 262 Anno Regni fecundo c H A p.of t\)t ments of t!)e fatD mate, rtt, from XVI. t\)z nmnv conteftet) potions, H)})!cl) l)a\)e v-^^^'^^beeti in t|)e Court of Exchequer fo;? feltecal |>eai:s paft, atuong tl)t fctjeral CreDito;?^ of tl)e faiO George Reynolds, ttol)0 t)aD Cuftodiams of tibe faiD €Gate, at ^rcat Cxpence auD Cofts, all tbl)icl), a«5 ufual i« fuel) iiTafce, j)at)e fallen upon tj)e HanDs, auo, of coucfe. upon tbe faiD George Reynolds, tbe '^tXWmz of l)isi faiO CGate 0atl) ueen t|)etcOp almoft exl)au(leti tj)etem* ;^nD tb!)etea$, nottbitl)ftant)ing tbe fato Reynolds's Cftate l)at|) been fo m tl)e i^anos of fome of 1)16 OTteOito^s, vtt nmny otl)ctS of tj)em, ftottt Hlitue to Xime, iCTueO €xe= cutiottS anD ot!)et OTfrits againft bis per? fon: ai211l)et:efo?e, anO to a\)oiO tl)e j®ifeties of a cottitnon d^oal, tl)e faiO George, foji nia= «j) 5>eats pad, l)atb been oblijjeD to confine Y>imtzit to j)ts i^oufe, bp teafon of tbbicD l)e ^atl) contracteD manjj Difo^bets, anD !)is ^ealt!) anO oionGitutton are ^freatljj iin^ paireD, tnfomutl) tbat l)e cannot ItDe anp ^tme, if not releafeD frotu fuel) l)i0 OTonfine^ tuent, anb W SDeatl) «i!i9:!)t p?ot)e fatal to J)iS Crebito?0» ;3nb tbl)erea$ tj)e faib George Reynolds is intlineb anb befirous, to t!)e utuioft of [)i0 l&otbet, to fatisf;' {)is OTrebito^s, anb in ^^ bee thereto, to t)eG })i!3 CGate in ^tuOees to? Georgll Tertii Regis. 263 fo? l^a)[)itteut of bis 2^cl)r0, tefccbfitg^ tfjcrc c hap, out fact) j^inn 02 ;^^mm as t!)e fatD aire- xvi. tJito;??!, o?tJ)e ^ajo,j?r? of ttyjii, i^alljut^t fufiidcnt fo? J)i3 ^jippo^t anD ©ainrcuance : ;^nD t\)t fatD George, l^T) tcpcatct) 2(Dt3ettlfC^ ments fu tbs piiMicIt papers, l)att) rcQuca^ eb- Meetings of hi^ OTceDrto^s, tit ojDec to coiifult atiD aoT'ce npoii ^eafurcs to (je ta- fteu toy carrvmirr furb i1)e CatD Reynolds'iS; ^uteutjou into ^xctnuon, :^iiD tl)l)crra3 at a ^d^zting of a conflDe- table il^tmibii of faiD CreiDito^Q, auD £|)e ;^(reut6 ot others of thcu!, M)o cowlD not atrenO m petfou oti tl)e jfortttceutb l>ap of January la G, it XX^n^ uixmiuxou^p ac^eeb, tl)at It ll)oiilD be fo^ ti)e :50eue6t of fatt? €re^ tJito^s, to l)al3e tbe €(late Co ^efteD m Xtuf:: tecs, fo? tl)C l^rwent of laiD Reynolds's 2^ebtS, antJ tl)atTheophilus Jones, attO Gorges Edmond Howard, botl) of tljC €lty> of Dublin, Cfquites, tboulD be proper auD 8t perrons to execute Cticl) Ccuft, m cafe t|)ep IboulD ttuCiettafte it, auD tl)ep l)at}!ng fince tons tentct) tl)eccto, auD tl)e ^CTiflaiice aitD pzt^ fonal ;^tten Dance of tl)C faiD George Reynolds upon fuel) Cruftces anCi l)is €ret)ito;?s, bemsr jtitjgct) abfolutelp necelfatp, fo^ catering j)ts faiD intentions into i^xecntion ; €betefo?e, at t^Z humble |&etit!On of George Meares, Toby Peyton, Gorges Edmond Howard, Thomas Smydi, Patrick Deafe, John IiVm, Philip Cramp- W. U U .- ton, 264 Anno Regni lecundo C H A P.ton, Michael Gallagher, Sulanna Pliinket, Ni- XVI. cholas Darcy, John Taylor, John Tandy, anO '^'^^"^ Robert Archbold,, €ceUltO of tl)e «2l:ftatc, laeal 0^ ^^ecfonal, lt»l)icl) be- %xx lonigfeO 266 Anno Regnl fecimdo C H A p.lonS-eD to tDe TaiD Richard Brewer, tbCCeb)? XVI. teGeD in tDe ^ffignees, atiD il)onH) not, on "^^"^"^o;j befo;>e tbe jritG ^^v of March, C)nc t^ou^ fantJ (eV)eti 6tmD?eD auD Sfty fetjeii, ttuljj tJifcotjec antJ Difclofe fuel) Xcuas auD €(late5 in OTritm0 to t})e (Eommtffionets in tl)e fait) ;^ct namet), o^ anp %l)2cz 02 tno?e of t^em, it)ottlD be liable, anD tbecebp (lano chargeable tbitD double tl)e Halue of tj)e €ftate o;j effects fo to be concealeD, to be retoteteO in fuel) ®annet, as m tl)e faio ;^ct i«5 Ditecteo* ^nt) CbbereaS tl)e faiD Richard Brewer iS ttotb in CuGotij) of t|)e j®aril^al of tjbe j^ard^alfea of tl)e Four-Courts, Dublin, on ;5[ccount of t!)e SDemanOS of tl)e faiO Jolm Wilcocks anO John Dawfbn. ;^nti tbl)eteas tl)e STime limiteD hp tl)e faiO ^Ct, fo;j tl)e faiD Richard Brewer's, anD all otbet pecfonS, maftingr a full ano true SDtfcotJetj) of tl)e €Gate anD effects of tl)e faiD Richard Brewer, iS elapfeD* ;^nD tbbeceas tl)e enlatgitig tl)e iTiuie fo;? tl)e faiD Richard Brewer's, anD all Otl)Zt ^^erfons mahinsr fuel) 2Difeot)et)?, tuaj) be of ;^DViantajje to tl)e faiD vvikocks anD Daw. fon, anD to tl)e faiD Richard Brewer tefpet^ tiDelj) ; m it CnacteD by tl)e ;3utl)o;?itp a- fo;?efaiD, Xl)at t!)e faiD Richard Brewer, anD all Georgli Tertli Regis. 267 all auD e\)ec)) pecfou 0? perions, tbl)o al- Chap. teaD)? l)a$, 02 l)aVsc accepteD of ajip Xtad xvi. 0? XruGs, 0? l)!i-herto concealcD aup of tl)e CGate, JEcal 02 l^cclonal, of t:l)e fait? Richard Brewer, i!)aU be fcceD from, auD il)a!l not be fiibject 0? liable to, the pains auo Penal- ties m tl)e faiD teciteD ^a of tl)e TOTbent))- nintl) of {^iS late ^^ajedr, ineutioncD, 01 anj> of tl)em, fo;, 0? on Account of fecrcring t!)e €f CCtS of tl)e fatO Richard Brewer, o? of tl)e Banfe lately) ftept b}) rJ)e CaiD John wil- cocks anti John Dawlon, 0^ fo;j not Hifcot)ec^ tug- anD Difclofinsr fuel) %tnilQ anD €(!ates lit OTriting, to tl)e faiD (iTonunidjonets, m tbe faiD ^(t namcD, 0? anp ^l)?ee o> mo;e of tl)em, as Up tl)e fatD ;^ct iS DirecteD; anD in O^Det that tibe faiD Richard Brewer, anD et»erj> otbet l^ecfon 0? perfons, map mal^e a E)ifco\)erp of tU €Gate anD €^ects of tl)e faiD Richard Brewer, 0? of anp Otl)ec ^etfoil 02 ^^erfons, \i)l)icb bp tl)e faiD ^(t are maDe liable to tl)z Debts of tl)e faiD 23an!t, :5CnD be \t futtber CnacteD bp tf)e ^n= tDo;jitp afo^efaiD, Xbat tj)e faiD Richard Brewer, anD all anD etserp perfon 02 l^erfons, tbl)o ftjall at anp tlime before tl)e jFitft Dap of January, tn tl)e Pcar ^ne tboufanD kWi ]^unD?eD anD flxtp four, mafte a Difcoterp of anp \^art of tJ)e Cftate, iaeal 0? l&er= Conal, of tl)e faiD Richard Brewer, 02 of anp ot})er l^erfon 0^ l^crfonS, 02 U)5)icl) bp t{)e I X X 2 faiD ^68 Anno Regnl reciindo CHAP.raiO :^ct ate imtz liable to tl)e HDcbts of XVI. t^e fatO 2i5anh, not alrcatip come to tbe ^^^'"^^^EnotbleD^e of tj)e faiD Comnifdioucioi m tj)e faiO ;^ct nameD, o? anp Xl)>ee of tbern, o;? of tl)e faiD ;^(fii9riiee0, o^ ^Ibo of tDetn, j^all be allotbeo jFitoe §>WUng^ m tl)e l&outiD, as a mefibacD, out of all fuch Cftates anD Cfferts, as bp tbe ®eaii5 of tl)e faiO Richard Brewer, 0? ftu!) Ot|)ei: J^eC^: fon 0^ (DerfonSr, il)all be reco\)ecco. atiD be it fwrtl)et €naaeD b)? tl)e ;^utl)o; 2!tp afo;?efaiD, X^jat tj)e faiD Richard Brewer map l)a\)e ;^tcers to all tjje 2i3oo!iS anD 1^a= pets telatitje to tj)e fait) aaanft, upon l)is 5fit)injj fout SDaj'S p?et3iouS it^otice to tJ)e fait) Commilltoncts, atiD info^miug: tl)e faiD CommifTionets, o? anp iri);jee o? mo?e of tj)em, of tl)e Ble o? mUQ fo? tbl)icl) j)e tbants tj)e ^nfpectiou of tl)e faiO 23ooUs anD j^apets* l&jotJiOet) altbaj^s, anO be it futtl)et €iu acted by tbe ;^utl)o of tl)e effects of tl)e faiD Richard Brewer, fecteteD 02 concealeti bp l)imfelf, 0^ anp otJ)ci: ^^etfoti 0^ iSetfons in Xtuft to^ l)mi, oircoV)etp of tj)e faiD Richard Brewer, tj)at j)e, tl)e faiD Richard Brewer, ll)all, nottbltj)^ ftanOiiigr Georgii Tertii Regis* 269 ftauDing an^ ^Bincr in tWs -^ct containetic hap, to tj)e conttac^, be fubjett auD liable to t^e xvi. |9am0 atiD j&enalttes mentioned m tt)e faiD ^^.^^v"^ reciteD ;5ct of tl)e tJEtbeutp-umt!) peat of i^is late j®aieftjj» r^tllD tb!)eteaSi Thomas Hutchinfoii, late Of t!)e Citp of Dublin, ®etc!)ant, bp unatJoitJ? able 2.oireS m XtatJe, fel)etal pears a^o be= - came a 23anftrMpt, anD not beitigr able to fatisfp l)is CreD!to?0, tbas obligeD to abfconO, to aUoiD t|)e ®ifetie3 of a (Boal ^tiD tbl)ereas fome of ftis jFrientis j)at)e p^omifeD to collect among tl)emfelt)e«3 a jg>um of C>ne J^antJ^cD 1l^onnb0, to be W actbuteO amonsrd Dis CreDito;>0, in 1^;?opo;j- tion to t\)Zit fe\)cral 2Demantis ; :2iae it Cu- acteD b^ t|)e :Hut!)02!t)) afo;jefatt), Xl)at t\)t laitJ Thomas Hutcliinfon, tipon paj'metit of €)ne l^unD^eD pounds; into tl)e llanDS of John Barclay, of tl)Z OTttJ) of DiMn, Mer- chant, on 0? before tl)e jFirft 2Da)> of May, ^nt tl)oufanD k\)zn l)ttnD^eD anD fixtp;ttbo, il)ali fo? et)er thereafter be freeD anD tif? cbargeb from all further SDemanDs of his pjefent Creditors, 0; any> of them, anD from an^ ^ait, ^treft, .miction, 01 other l^i^ aurbance, on account of the ^ebts notb olhmtr bp him; <3nD the faiD jolm Baixla^, biS executors 0; :3Dmmiftrato2S, il)all Di^ (tribute the faiO :$um of £Dne l^unD^eD 270 Anno Regni fecundo c H A p.lSouttDS amongrft all tl)e CreUito^s of tlje XVI. faiD Thomas Hutchinfon, tbj)0 ft)aU Claim <-^"v-^tl)eit refpecti\)e SDebts from t!)e faiD John Barclay httoit tht JFlCft 2Da^ of December, £)ne t!)oufanD feV)eti l)unD;eD ant) fiitj)^ ttbo, tateablp, ano in |&?opo^tion to t^eit tefpettitje l^thts. J&?ot)itieD altbaj'S, %\>at not\)mg \)tnin containeD fS)aU eitenD, 0? be conftcueD to ertenD to bat, l)inDer, p;?et)ent, 0^ May> Robert Lowiy, of Milbery, in tl)t Countp of Tyrone, Cfqnire, l)ts (itxtmwQ 02 ZX>:^ ttiiniftratoc0, from JiaVJin^ all fuel) Jaeme^ ty bp ;3ction, j^ttit, atteft, 0;? executi- on, againft Patrick M'Chiyftal anD William M'Chryftal, 0^ citf>tt of tJ)em, fo?, 0? on Account of anp laent, o; -^treats of IRent tJue hy t!)em, o;j eitl)et of tl)em, to t^e faiD Robert Lowiy, 0? to Difcl)atge tl)e faiti William M'Chryftal ftotti anj) 3)tnp;»ifonment tbat j)e is, 0? map be unDer, at tj)e ^uit of t|)e faiD Robert Lowry. l^^otJiDeD alCbaps, 5rj)at notJ)inff J)erein containeD (!)all eitenD, o? be conQcueD to :»ertenD to tj)e Wiitl>atgt of James Linihan 0? William Fitz-Gerald, notb in Ciecution itt tbe (Boal of tj)e Countp of Cork, at tj)e ♦wit of Jofeph Dean, ^fquice. )&;ot)iDeD Georgli Tertii Regis. 271 0?o\jit)eD altbaj)0, auD be it CnacteO h^c ha p. tbe 9tutl)o;?itp afo;?efaiO, %bat no i&etfon xvi. (|)aU batje ti)e laeneet of tDis ;act, U)j)o l)a3 been t)ifel)atg:eD by> mv fo^met ;5ltti io2 tl)e iaelief of gjitfoltjent S)ebto;js, un= lefsi 1)10 ^ame l|)aU t)at)e been mfetteD iti tbe 2i5oD?j of ti)i«5 ;3(t, 01 in tS)e ;^c!)eDule thereto annexeo* The j$tl)et)utc referred to by the annexed Bill. Richard Pallifier, CfCJttire, Of t\)t €itT^ of Dublin; Martin Nowlan, of t!)e €ity of Dublin, Coacb'mafteC; Gregory French, late of tl:)e Citp of Dublin, j®ecc!)ant; David BomFord, of tj)e dtp of Dublin, <15^0Cer ; Patrick Dalton, of t|)e Xotbll of Longford, ^ntl^feeepet ; John Crowly, of tbe Cltp of Cork, dSentlemail; Thomas Faulkner, of t\>t Cltp of Dublin, j®et= Cbant; John Campion, in tl)e Queen's- County, E>ealer; Bryan Bannon, of t|)e €\ty of Dublin, J?lax 2r>te(ret ; William Hanna, of t!)e Citp of Dublin, t5lpt)ol| Dec; Thomas RulTel, of t\)Z CitJ) of Dublin, 2I2II00I CotnbeC; James Fitz-Ge- rald, of tbe Citp of Dublin, HmtllCtj Charles Hyde Norcott, Of tj)e CoUUtp Of Cork, (Bentleman; Robert Clibbom, t^e p p J) 2 pownjjer, 1272 Anno Regnl fecundo c H A H. poungec, of tJ)e €it^ of Dublin, ^tt:^ XVI. t^aut ; Michael Hanly, late of Silver-Mines, 5uil-l)olDet ; Anne Evans, of Waterford, MHlDotb, auD })et S)aUirl)ter, Jane Evans; John Van Noft, of tj)e €\t}> of Dublin, j^tatuacp; Thomas White, of t\)Z OTltp of Cork, j®etc!)ant; James Neal, of t})e (Ultp of Dublin, (BlotJCC; Perrott Daven- port, of tl)e €itp of Dublin, dBentle- tnaU ; John Grace, of tl)e OlltJ? Of Dub- lin, ^aleS-maftec > John singleton, of tj)e of Dublin, Catpentet ; William Afh, of Drogheda ; John Englifh, in tfce Coutt? tp of Meath, |Lmen'2iaaeaV)et ; Robert Power, of t^e €itj) of Dublin, ^Zt^ Cl)ant> John Roche, of tf)Z CltJ? of Li- merick, )®ercl)ant; Richard Neeks, of ■Waterford, j®ercl)ant ; Richard Shaw, of t^e €!t^ of Dublin, €fquite ; Thomas Ra;: heUy, of t\)Z dtp of Limerick; Mary Cape, of tl)e CitJJ of Dublin, OTiDotb; Michael Laughlin, of Kilkenny, "Sllictual^ let; Edward Coppinger, of Cork, <®er= X\)mt ; James Connor, of Dublin, Hiuetl j?acro? > John Sheridan, of Dublin, "Sllmt^ net; Bryan O'Heale, of tl)Z OTountp of ^ntrim, dBentletUan ; James FaiTel, of Dublin, Co^Ii^Citttet; James Cunningham, of t\)Z €!tp of Dublin, iS&ZtthatXt ; ^ John MoUoy, of tl)e €lt}> of Dublin, ^Ct^ Cl)ant ; William M'Cormack, of Dublin, '^nct)0^^miti); Richard Cafey, of Cork, Coopet; (Georgil Tertii Regis. , 273 Cooper; William Field, of Dublin, Coop^Cn ap. Zt; John Harford, Of tl)C Cltp of Dub- XVI. lin, ^eCUfte^mafteC ; Benjamin Maddock, of ^-z'^'^*^ Dublin, jfelt^mafter; John Winford, of Publin, Cooper ; Ferral Sheridan, of Dub- lin, BricUla^er ', Cornelius Lyne, Of Dub- lin, ZUlmtner ; Lewis Ker, i5atcl)eIo^ in |5J);)ficK; James Sheridan, near MuUingar, Peoman; Daniel Offlaherty, ^ttt\>mt; John Ferral, of Dublin, HintUer; Auguf: tine M'Donougli, CoOft, of Mohafter-Evan, m tj)e Coutltp of Kildare; Martin O'Con- nor, of Silver-Mines, in tl)e CoiintJ) of Tipperary, CfQUire ; Mary Staunton, of Thomas-Street, ^iDotb* And the following Perfbns in the Cullody of the Marfhal of the Marfhalfea of the Four- Courts : James Magennis, j^itlcr; James Mull- hall, "^lintner; Luke Dillon, "Saintner; Thomas Quin, ^timer; Andrew Clarke, iKDiine l)ratbcr; Joleph Hamerfly, a^inen ^Manufacturer ; Ignatius Auftin, ^\)0Z^ mafter; John Kenedy, ^olDier; Chrifto- pher Carpenter, 2I3ntc!)er; Thomas Malone, 'j^et)an C|)air::mafter ; William Alh, :^ftoe= mafter; Matthew Quin, 25utCj)er; John Packenham, ^labourer; anO James Philips, Wntner* 5 3) l&;o\)iDeD 274 Anno Regni Secundo, ^c* Chap. l&?ot)iDeti altbaj>«5, ir|)at tDe fetJetal ^zn xvT. fons mentioneD iti t})e faiD :^cl)et)ule, ma? J)ate t!)e full aaeneSt of tl)i6 <3(t, not^ tbit^ftanDinigr tj)e :^ttms, m tbl)ic6 tl)ej> ate tefpeaitjeljj mtJcbteD, exceeD tj)e j$)ums» J)ecem before mentioned, tbitl) refpect to l&ecfonSr tbi)o are in actual CuGoUp on tbe Xtbentp fiftl) S>a? of oftober, C)ne tl)ott= fano feUen ^uno^eD anD fiitp. A N 1 A N A C FOR Reviving, Continuing, and Amend- ing feveral Temporary Statutes, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned. Ic HA r* XVII. DUBLIN Printed by Boulter Grierson, Printer to the King's moft Excellent Majefty. Mdcclxii. ri^n j^ rn-m T)7r!n«r ,n n^- i"rv of tl)c faiO ^a as relates to tibe t);?efercmg of anp Bill oi Bills in t^e 5r0UttS of chancery 0? Exchequer, foj tbc ^if- co\)erp of anp Offence agamft t\)z faiD ^ct, 02 agamG an ^ct tl)erein menttoneD, of tj)e UEentj) peac of t})e WiZign of l^et late j®a= feftp i^ueen Ann, and as obliges anj) }^tt^ fon to anftbet t^e fame at large, tbitl)out DleaDittfir 0? demutcmg tl)ercto, ft)onlD be, anD continue in jFo^te, to tl)e jFttft Way of March, iSPne tDoufanti fetoen l)tinD?eD ano Xl)irtj'^tl);>ee, anD fcom t\)tmt to tl)e €nO of tj)e tj)en next :^e(rion of l^atliament. S(nD tbl)eceas tl)e fait) retiteD OTlaufc in tbe faiD :^a, made in tbe %\)itti peat of t^e laeign of f^is fait) late ®ajeG^, tbas, fcom Cime to ITime, teV!i\)eD, 0? contintJeD b)) fetjecal fubfcquent ;3(ts maOe in tte limgtJom, anD pactrculacl;) b^ an M mate in tJ)e irt]bentp=tl)itD peat ot tbe meign of J^iS faiD late ^ajeGp, ^ntitulcD, An Aft for continuing levcral Temporary Statutes , but tj)e fame Georgil Tertil Regis. 279 fame |)atj) lately? expiceD; aide it CnacteD h^Cu a^. t^e Biitg's ®oft excellent -©ajeft^, bj) atiD xvir. tbitb tl)e :^D\)tcc auD €onfent of t\)t lLo2t^' :^pit!tual antJ Ceuipo^al, atiD Couutioiis in tl)iS p?efent l^atlianicut alTemblcb, ant) b^ tDe :^nt\)Q2itv of tl)e fatne, €l)at fo mucf) of tl)e faiD ^a, matt m t\)t Xj)ii:D peat of t^e JReig-n of C^io; faiD late ®ajeft)?, as te- lates to tl)e p^efertinij of anp 25ill 0;? 2i3ills in tj)2 Courts of chancery 01 Exchequer, fo;j t^e S)ifco\)et)) of anp Offence ajjairtft tl)e faiD ^a of t|)e 5n)!tD 5>eac of tbe meicrn of l^iS faiD late ®ajeQ)?, 0^ tl)e faiD ;^ct of tl)e; Xentb 5>eat of t^e meign of ^tt faiD late j®aieftp ^ueen Ann, anD as obliges mr> perfon to anftbec tJ)c fame at large, tbitl)- out pleading 0^ denmrrnig tl)ereto, ftiall be; teUibeD ano continneD from t^e fitQ ^ap of May, \h\)\t\) tibill be in tl)e pear of out lto;jD, C>ne tboufanD fet)en j)unt);?eD anD fixtj)=tliDo, fo;j feVien pears, anD from tjbence to the €nD of tl)e tl)en next ^effion of l^ar^ liament, anD no longer* :^nD tbbereaS an ^ct paiTeD in tj)e :^etien- teentl) pear of tl)e 5aeign of l^is late j^a- leftp Bmg George tl)e :^econD, ^ntituUt), An A6t to prevent the pernicious Practice of burning Land, and for the more efFedual de- ftroying of Vermin; t]bj)icj) ^Ct, aS to fucj) ^art thereof, as relates to t|)e burning of ^anD, bp an M maDe in t\)t %^tntp 4^,2 firft aSo Anno Regni fecundo c H A p.iatttl ftat x)f t\)z Witign of H^S faiO late ®a^ jcvn. leGp Bing George tbe :^econD, gIntituleD, All A6t for Reviving, Continuing, and Amend- ing, feveral Temporary Statutes, tbaS COnti' nueD until tj)e ^tbentj) nmtj) Daj^ ot Sep- tember, £)ne tJ)ott(anCi fet)ett l)nnt)?eD anO fijttp, atiD from tl)cnce to tl)e CnD of tl)t tl)tn next :$eirionof l&atliament , ^tiDas to fncb l^att t!)ereof as relates to ti)e gi'oing JRetbarDS fo? tt)e mo^e effectual Deftroj^mg of Vermin (excepting laoo&s anD l^erons) tbas cotttinueD to tl)e Xtbentp^ntntl) 2>a)> of December, €)ne tl)ouranti fel)cn l)unlD;?e5 ant) fo;tp nine, anD to t^e €nD of tl)e tl)en next jg^eCTion of parliament* ;5fnD bj) ano= tl)et ;a(t, maue in tl)e Xtbentp-tl)trD ^^eat of t^e laeign of l^is faiD late ®afeftj) IBimg George t\)Z :^eConD, ^IntituleD, An Aft for continuing feveral Temporary Statutes, tbaS further continueD fo^ the §>vatz of jFour ftatQ, anti from t|)ence to tl)e CnD of tjje next :^eCfion of l^arliament, after tbe Cxpi^ ration of t!)e faiO jfo^tp pears ; 2i5e it e- nacteD bp tJ)e S[ut!)o^itj> afo;?efaiD, CJ)at fuel) l^art of tl)e faiD :^ct, maCre in t!)e ^etjen^ teentj) peat of t{)e Jaeign of l^is faiD late j®a|6Gj> Hing George tl)e :^cconD, as relates to ti)e Uurning of ItanD, tUitj) t!)e foUotb^ ing <^meniDments t!)ereto, ft)all be maOe perpetual ; anD t\)ut fuel) part thereof, as relates to tht gitJing Jaetbartis fo? tj)e mo?e effectual Oeffroping of Vermin (excrpt mo$fts Gcorgil Terlii Regis. 281 iRooftS ciuD l^eions) iljall he le'oitcD, anlJCHAP. iliall coiittuuc from t!)c fM ^av of May, xvii. XWth \Mi l)c in thz f tat of £I>ncIlo?D, ^ ^^ £)iie t{)ouf^nD fe\5tit l)fiut5?eD auD fiitji^tttoo, to the jfirft l)av of May, mit\> II31U tjc m tf)e peat of ^iit iio^D, ^ue ti)onfanD fctJen" j)unt3^cD auD Cutp^uiuc, anD from thence to the €nD of t\)t t\)tn next ^elTion of i^arliameiit, aiiD uo longer* :^nt Myma^' hp the faiti U(t tcciteD ^it, the o.nginal ilefl'0^0, tbhete the ^oil o^ ifiutface ts Imrneh, 0? peimrtteD to be lanieti bp the C^ctitpiecs of the 2.anD, aiiD not bp the o^icriual HeUees, haVie fotuiD great ^difficulties in filing fo^ anD i*eco\3ering the penaltp gtWx bp the faiD :^a; » It CnaaeD bp the ;^utho?itj) a- fo^efaiD, Xl)at in all (ITafes thhatfoeber, Ihhether the !§^oii o} Surface fl)all be bnrn= et), 0? permittcD to be bwrneD bp the o;i^ ginal ILeU'ee 0^ Eellees, 0^ bp the £)ccti= ])iec 0;? Occupiers of fuch HanD, anD thhete the o^jigr^nal ILelTo;? 10 not confentingr to Huh burning, that the original HelTo? i1t)all be uititleD to rcco\)er the |5enaltp gi= Vien bp the faiD act from hiS immeDiate ?lc(rce 02 Eclleco, thho iljall be anftherable fo? the ^as of his 02 their BnCer^tenants, anD fo? tj)e ;Jl(t0 of the C^ccupiers of fuch ?lanD, ^ la l^^otJideD 282 Anno Regni fecundo Chap. ^&;jot)it)etJ fucD O2i0nal Heffo^ 02 ILtf^o^^ XVII. ftiall commence l)is o; t\>tit ^uit to; tht Jaeco\)etp of tl)e CaiD i^-eualtj?, at (ml) next SKTi^es o? ^CluatteE: ^elTsous, a0 in vbe faiO .^ct i«5 eipjeffeD, anti furl) immeDiate Ceffee o;j ILefTees lliall anD map t)at)e tl)e Ufte JRemeCij) otjec asrainft i)is ^nCei'^te- nants, 0? t^e C^ccupiets of fuel) HanD fo offentiinsr, anD il)aU anD maj? tccot)cc a= jjainfl: tj)em, 0? anp of tj)em, fo offend? injgr^ p^otJitJetJ t!)at fuel) ^utt lie commenceD at tl)e next ;3(Ti3e0 01 Quarter jg>efi*ions, after fucj) o;jijgrinat Heffo? ft)aU J)at)e fo cbtaineti a SDectee againft fiicb l)ts inmie:: Oiate E^effee 0? HeffeeS: Znt in €ak tl)e o;?ijgrinal HelTo^ (l)aU not fiie fo? t\)z faiU l&enaltp at tl)e next ^ffi^es 0? Iluactet ;^eCrions(, as mentioneD in tl)e faiD ^(t, tl)en It ii[)alt anD map be latbful fo? tU immeDiate Heffo? 0? Jleffo^s of tj)e C>c= cupiets of tjbe HanD, tbl)o (l^all barn, 0? permit to be butneD, tj)e :^oil 0? Outface of anp HanD, to fae fo?, anD recot»er from fuel) €>ccupier 0? Cccupiecs; tj)e faiD l&enaltp* |&?o\)iDeD fucj) j§uit be commenceD at tl)e feconD ;^(ri3es 0? iUuartet ^eCions, after tj)e faiD E^anD l|)aU be fo burneD, anD tl)at Georgii Tertii Regis, 283 tbat tl)e faiD Zf![i^t^ 02 ^nattzt j^eCfion^c h a p. ll)iill not be to near, tbat a p^ocefs cannot xvn. be ktuti time enoucrl) fo? tijat !Outpofe;^ anD in fucf) Cafes, t|)e :^att i|)aU be com= menceD at tDe next auuicDiate c^fl"i3es, 0^ ^elFionS follotl)in3:« Sfnt) tbbereas to e\3at)e tl)e [aiD l^enalt^, anD to tenUer tj)e ^ntXtzyin^ of fticl) S^antiS, fo bninct), Difficult anD ejtpenfit)e, t^e l^eifons Co offenDmir often leabe nar= rotb IRiDtres o; l&atj)^ unburneD, intetmix- eD tbitl) the p.itm fo btirneO, bp ^eans tbl)eceof, Hanolo^Ds t)a\)e been DeterteD from fuing' fo^ t|)e faiD }^tmlt}> ; fo? Jae- titeDv ib^ereof, mt it fatt{)er €nacteO anD 2)eclareD b^ tbe ^MtY)02it}> afo be furtie^eD in one comtiion ^m\)zv, \Xntt) t\)t ot\)tt l&att 01 Parts t!)at il)aU be fo burneD, anD tl)at tl)e)j il)aU anD mai> be DeemeD anD confix DereD as part of tl)e HanD fo btirn^ eD, fo far as to fubject tbe Perfon 01 per- fons fo offenDing, to tj)e Penalty? m tj)e faiD ^ct mentioneD, equallp as if no fticl) JaiDgcs o;> Paths J)aD been fo left wn- btltneD^ 4 20 2 ;5inD 284 Anno Regni fccundo Chap. ZixD tbHeceas a Doubt batD acifeit, XVII. tb!)etj)et t^e ^enaltj) fo? bucniug tU ^oil ^""^"^^'^0? ;$utface as afo;jefaiD, tbas cecoteable ttUDer tl)e faiD 9tct, tb^ere t})e Huantitj) of tj)e :^oil 0? :^ttrface, fo bnrtieD, tbas not a full Engimi statute ^cte; Be it CnactetJ bj) t!)e ^utJ)o;jit^ afo?efaiD, tir^at tDe ^enaltj) on tU l^ecfon 0? l&ecfons fo offenOing, ft)all be |)?opo?tioneD to t!^e j^uantit]) burnt, tj)ouig:l) it be unCiec one Englifh j^tatute ^cte» Mt> tbl)etea«S an ;^ct paCTeD in t|)is I^ing^ Dottf, in t!)e €lel)ent!) peat of t|)e laeign of i^i0 late tismajeftj? Bmsr George tl)e ^e- COnD, 5^l^^tUleD, An Ad: for the buying and felling of all Sorts of Corn and Meal, and o- ther Things therein mentioned, by Weight, and for the more effc(5tual preventing the Frauds committed in the buying and felling thereof, and for regulating the Price and Af- fize of Bread, and for better regulating the Markets, tbDicl) faiti ;^(t tbas contiuucD anD amenCieO bp an :^a tnade in tDc Mm^ tecntl) peat of l^is fait) late j®ajeftp's J^Cign, ^ntltUleD, An AS: for amending and continuing an Ad, ^tltltulet), An Ad: for the buying and felling all Sorts of Corn and Meal, and other Things therein mentioned, by Weight, and for the more ef[bd:ual prevent- ing frauds coininittcd in the buying and fel- ling Gcoi'gli TcitJi Regis. 285 ilng thereof, and for regulating the Price and Chap. Allize of Bread, and for the better regulat- XVII. ing tlie Markets. ^./"v^^ 9iuti U)t)etca0 tl)e faiD laft mitth :^m baling expircD, tl)z fame tticce re\)ibeD libitlj ^Jterations, ^nscuiDtiicnts, aiitJ ; an !3fct inaDe tti t\)t Xlbcntp nmtJ) pat of thz Ecigii of i^is !are i®a- |:(l)' Bing George tijc ^ccoitD, gjntttuleD, An A61 for reviving and amending an A6t paf^ fed in the Eleventh Year of His faid late Ma^ jefty's Reign, ^ntfttllcti, An A3: for buy- ing and felling all Sorts of Com and Meal, and other Things therein mentioned, by Weight, and for the more eifedual preventing the Frauds committed in the buying and felling thereof, and for regulating the Price and Allize of Bread, and for better regulating the Mai"kets> a0 alfo one otJ^er :^a matz in tj)e ^ine- ttmtl) feat of l^isi farO late j®a|eG>>'0 WiZign, ^ntltuUt), Ah Ad for continuing and amending an Ad for buying and felling of all Sorts of Corn and Meal, and other Things therein mentioned, by Weight, and for the more effectual preventing the Frauds com- mitted in the buying and felling thereof, and for regulating the Price and AHfize of Bi'ead, and for better regulating the Markets, Co far as the faid Ad:s relate to the regulating the Price and Aifize of Bread, and the better 4 C regulating 286 Anno Regni fee undo C H A P. regulating the Markets, \b\)lt\) TaiD fc^etal XVII. ;^ct$ are notb eipiceD. 36e it €narteti bj) tJ)e ^titl)o^!tp afo^je^ faiO, ^|)at tl)e CatD reciteD ;Xcts; of tDe €le\3entl) peat of i^is faiO late ;®ajeftv IBLinsf George t\)z §>ttoi\XfQ iReigfti, anD tl)e ^meteentl) peat of {^is fait) late ®aKft?'s meign, atiD t|)e Ctbent^^niutl) peat of l^ts (attJ late ©aieftp's Jaeigru, fo fat onlp asr t^e fait) <^cts telate to tj)c buying ant) (cl:^ ling of all ^o?ts of Co?n anD ®eal, auD otl)et 3ri)mgst!)etem mentionet), bp OTeigbt, ant) fo? tj)e mo^e efifectnal p^etcnting tl)e 5Ftaut)S committeD in tj)e buj^mg ano fel- ling t^eteof, ft)aU be nmtie perpetnal* ^nD be it ftittl)et CnacteD bp tl)c ^^titbo^ ;?itj) afo^efaiD, X^at one ot!)et ^ct palTcD in tljis fiingtiow, in tl)c §>ixt\> peat of tj)e meign of (^i6 late j®ajeGj? ming George tl^e j?itft, ^ntituleO, An Aft for the more effedual preventing tlie ingrofling and regrat- ing of Coals in this Kingdom, anD U)j)tCl) iS eipitet), as fat as t\)t fame is not a!tetcD bp one otl)ct :^ct tnatie in ti)!S Ein-gDom, in t!)e tiDictj) 8tft peat of tl)e meign of f^is late i^aieftjj Ming George tbe :^econD, ^IntltUleD, An AS: to prevent unlawful Com- binations to raife the Price of Coals in the City of Dublin, anD alfo fo fat as tl)e fame Is not alteteo bp anp otJ)et ;act mat)e in tl)ts l^ingCoiti Gcorgil Terlil Regis. 287 EiugDom in tl)i^ ptefent ^eCTiou of par- c h a f. iiatneiu, ii)aiU Jbe riiciDc perpetual. xvii. ^.uD Ijc !t fnct!)et: ^ttacteti hy> tlie -^iitbo' ?itp afo,2cfa!D, %\)i-it one other :^a paffcD m tl)!C5 EnigDou!. m tl)e j?i[tl) pear of i^ig faiD late ^ajeftp l^ms^ George tDe :^e^ couD'5 iilcign, glntituieD, An Ad for the better Regulation and Government of Seamen in the Merchants Service, iljall be re\)l\jeD auD contiuiuD m full f 02ce until ti)e fitd HE>ap of May, Itobicl) Ibill be m t\>z feat of £)ni ^o;>D, One t!)o!ifautJ CetJeti 5»n-^ D^D aaD fut)7:faicu, auD from thence to tU €iiD of tht then next :^efriott of l^ar^ liamcut, auD no loader, :^uD be it futtber €aactcO bp thz ;^utDo' ntv afo^efaiD, C^at one otl)er ;^ct paffeD m tl)is EiucrCiom, m tbe Ctfoent^-niutD 5>eac of i^is faiD late :®ajeft)> Bing George tDe ^iecouD'3 JReiigru, ^ntitulet), An Aa for the better regulating Juries, (!)all be re\)ilieD anCi contmncD m full jfoKe imto tbe fitfi ^ap of May, tbbicl) iliall be in tl)e S'^^^ of C>tit Ho^D, £)ue t^oufant) fet)en 5un> t)2eD anD feUentp^oite, anD from t\)tntz to tl)e €nD of t\)z thui next ^ediou of l^ar^ liamcnt, anD no long-er. 9[nD t]bl)etea«5 it is ^erj) tJifPicult, as tbe Halt) notft ftancs, to obtam impartial 4^2 €tj)als 288 Anno Regni fecundo c H A p.^t})al«5 in Cities, in Cafes lbl)ecetl)eia!9*l)t XVII. to ^oU0, Duties, 0? Cnftoms, claiiucD bp t|)e tefpectitje Corporations of fuel) €U ties tome in ^ueGion ; 2i5e it CuacteD bp tbe .^tttl)oritj? afo^efaiD, 3rf)at no f Hue f|)aU teteaftec be tcieO bj) a ^ut^ of anp Citjj, in anj> Action or ^uit concctning anjj 1i:oUs, Duties, or Cuftoms, claimeD hy> tbe Corporation of fuel) Citj?, but el)erp fuel) f fTue i^all be tcieO by a 3fucp of an indiSPecent Countjj, to be appomtcD bp the Court in ll)!)itl) fuel) Action or ^uit i^aiX iJepenO, Mt be it furt|)ec CnacteD h}) tl)e ^utl)o- ritj) aforefaiD, %^at an ^ct pafTeO in tl)is BingOom, in tl)e Ctbentj^-fiftl) peat of tl)e d^tim of l^is faiD late -©ateftp Bin^f George t|)e ^etonb, 3i«^<^W^^^» ^^"^ ^a for the bet- ter Prefervation of the Game, (l)aU be tetJit)- eD, anD continue in full jForte until tl)e 5Fita Wav of May, U)l)itl) il)aU be in t^e peat of Out HorO, £)ne t^oufanb feDen BunbreD anO fixtp-nine, anb from tbence to tj)e €nD of tl)e tl)en next :^e(rion of jDar^ liament, anO no longer* ^no be it futt!)et CnarteD hy> tl)e ^u^ tboritj) aforefaiD, Cl)at one otJbet ;act paf? feD in tl)iS Bingrbom, m tlp.c J?iftccnt!) peat of t!)e ^zi^n of i^is late ^ajeGp Siinff George tl)e ^e<0nD, ^W^^tUleD, An Atl for the Georgii Tcrtli Regis. :f(^ the more efle(5tual fecuring tlie Payment ofC hap. Rents, and preventing Frauds by Tenants, ailD XVII. Ibbtcb ^ft Ibas coiituiueD b}> an ^a pai; fcO III tl)e ^Ibcnt^inurJ) peat of l^j5 faiD ^Bajcdp's WiCi^n, atit) IS ncriD ciptteD, fjiall be tebilJeCi, auD maOe pcrpetjiaS. 5(nD be It f!itt!)cc CnactcD hy the Znthc- 2ity> afoaefaio, Cbat one orlicc ^a padcD in tm EmgDom, in the CcntJ) Pear of l^i<5. late ^ajcfip lamg George U)e jFicft'emeign, ^UtittlleO, An Act for continuing and amend- ing an A(^l for better regulating the Parifb Watches, and amending Highways in this King- dom, and for presenting the Milapplication of Publick Money ; and alfo for Eflablifhing a Re-' gular Watch in the City of Dublin^ and to pre-, vent Milchiefs which may happen by Graving, in the KiNt^Lifey ; \^10lt\)Zn, aS tO I'UC}) j^att tbeteof as relates to patiil) (Ii2aatcl)es atiD ^i^hXh^V^ III ttiS BingiDom, IbascoittinueD hv ail ^(t paE'eO in t!)e XXhcntynml) fcm of l^is late ®atcft>^ I&mg George tt)e :§>t^^ ConO'S 5lei(rtl, '§l\tltuk^, An Atl for conti- nuing and reviving leveral Temporary Statutes, and other Purpoies therein mentioned ; auD M}it\) is no\l3 expicctJ, iljall be te^JiUeD anD continued fo^? tj)e Xerm of ^eljeu peats, from t\)t 5ritG ^ap of May, £)ue tl)oufauD fet>eu |)unt);jeD atiD fixtj?;tttio, anO from t|)ence to tl)e €nD of tl)e tijen next :^e(riott of parlmmeut^ 4 2I> ^nO 290 Anno Regni fecundo Ch a p. :^ttD bt it ftirtbec CnactcD hp tDe ;^fitl)o^ xvir. iitv afo;jefatO, ti^at one ot\)zt :^a, paffeo m t!)is ftiitjjtJotn, in tl)e ^mtl) pcac of J^ls late ©afeOj) Bin^r George tJje :^econD, ^u- tttulet), An A(^ to prevent the Evil arifing by the Retailers of Beer, Ale, Brandy, Rum, Ge- neva, ^qua Vita^ and other Spirituous Liquors, giving Credit to Servants, Day-Labourers, and other Perfbns who ufually Work, or Ply for Hire or Wages ; tbj)ic|) r^tt tbaS continueD to? foxxx^ tzzn peats, l)p an ^ct paffeD in tl)e ^awz^ tecnt^ peat of l^is faio late -^ajeftjj's J^eign, SntltUleD, An Aa for reviving and continuing feveral Temporaiy Statutes, anD tb|)ic!) act is ttotb eipircD, i|)aU be iel)it)eD anD mate petpetual ; Be it fuitljjet CnaacD h^ tj)e ^tit!)o?itj) afo^efaiO, XJ)at one otJ)ei: ;ifct, palTet) in t^is faiingoom, in tl)e Xlben= tjt>^nintD peat of tt)e Jaeign of l^is faiD late i®a|eap fating: George tl)e ^econD, g^nti^ tttleO, An Ad; to prevent unlawful Combinati- ons of Tenants, Colliers, Miners, and others, and the fending of threatning Letters, without Names, or with fiftitious Names iubfcribed thereunto, and the malicious fettmg Fire to Houfes or Out-houfes, or to Stacks of Hay, Com, Straw, or Turf, or to Ships, or Boats, anD tDJ)icft ;^ct is notb neat eipiringr, il)aU be maOe petpetual. :^\xx> Georgii Tertii Regis* 291 ^iiD tb5)erea3, notlBjitbftaatocr tl)e fciiDCHAP. ;^it, nim}> jFrauDs ace commiteD bp Collt- xviL cts, ^^mt% Cacmeti, 2auj>ec6 of Coalsi, ^-^^^^^ aiiD otl)et:0; fo) laeinetJp Ubbeceof, 2iae it; €iiactcD bp tbe -^^utbo^jt;) afo^efa^D, '(jri)at from auD after tl)e Scfi: 2Da^' of May, :SOnc tl)oufauD fe^cn DriuD^eD aitO ftxt^-ttbo, t\)c^ ty €acmait, anD 20upec of Coals, at 03 iit awp OToUierj) of tl)i3 EmgrDom, fi) of Coals from any Collietp, ttoitftout feicl) i:icl^et, o^ rt)aU refufe to p^oDuce cz iljcro fuel) "Cit^et, Ibben teqnircD of bim, U)it})iu t^e faiD Collierj), 0^ jFitje ^jles thereof, fiuj) l&erfon o; petfonsJ fo of enDing, a3all not onl'p fo^kit the Coal^ fo founD Oil l)im 0^ tDetti, but a)all aUo forfeit tbc ^o;f$ 4D 2 ' anD 292 Anno Regni fecundo c H A p.anD OTatc cmplojjeD in tattj'itigr ftit?) Coat, XVII. U3l)icl) fo2kitmz (l)aU be to tlje Hfe of t'oz ' — ^ — ' f^^ntt 0? i&?op;ieto^ of fucJ) €oUiet:j:>, from JPb^ic!) iut\) ^oal tbas fo taheti atbaj^* ^no it 10 l)eret}p p^otJitieD, X{)at if auj? l^etfon, tb})o l!)^!l fairlj) bwp anp Quantity of Coals, ft)all, bj) my ^uitznt lofe j)is aricftet, auD fo? tbaut of fucJ) XicUct, i^all incut tl)e l^enaltp beteiu before uieutioneD, rucl) petfon, fbetbiug bj> t})e Ollerft of tl)z CoUiety'S 2i3ooft9r, o;> bj) p;jopet auO (ufficicut ^&?oof, befo;je t|)e next ^uftice of peace, t!)at fuel) Coal tbas faitlj) anD openlp putcl)afeD ftom tl)e ^tbnet 0} l&etfoa appointed to fell tl)e fame, fl)all !)a\)e j)i$ Coal, to9:et!)et tbitj) Di5 C^o^fe anO Catt tefto^eD to l)mu ZxiD beitfutt!)et€na(teD hp tDe ^tit\)oiitp afo?efaiD, Cl)at if an^ ® iner, © aftet, 0^ otl)et CoUtet,o? ot!)etpecfon emploj^eDinanpoftbe Collteties 0? ®ines of tl)is Binguotii, il)all, from anD aftct tl)e fittft S>aj> of May, €>nz tl)oufant) fetjen l)unD^eD anD fixtp^ttbo, ab:= Cent l)i!nfclf from Dis OTo?&, in ^itatl) of J)iS Articles! o;j Conttact IDitl) tl)e £)tbnec 03 €)tbner<5 of any* Collie^?;), 0;? ott)et ®ine, o;? il)all engage Ijnufelf, o; l)ire Dbitl) tbe £Dlbncr 0;? Otbners, £Dl)erfeec 0? l)itc(to? of anp othtt Colliecp 0^ £!gme, 0; anj? otl)et J&ecfon tbJ)atfoeVJcr, tbit^out fitfl: obtaining a Hiccnce, o ""^^^^^ iSPffencc, (t)ally oUt auD aboU t|)c iDcnaitieS l)?otJiDeD bp an)) fo;?mcr S(ct, be committeD to tbe Common dBoal of tl)e Coiintp tbj)ere- in fuel) C^S'ence is committeD, tJ)ere to re= mam fo? tl)e ^pace of Xtbo ^ontb^, tibttl)^ out 2Sail 02 ®a!nptbnet: of an)) Collier)) 02 ^m, ll)aU emplop 01 l)ite an)) fuel) ©iner, £l©aGer, 0? ot{)er Col^ lier unDer Contract, as f)ereui before menti= oneD, lbl)o il)all not obtain fuel) 2.ieenee 0? I>ifel)ari9"e m OTntincr, anD p^oDuee tl)e fame before l)e i^iaU be fo l)ireD 0? emplopeD, fuel) C>tbner of a ^inz, 01 Collier)), fo of= fendinigr, fo;j fueb Oifenee il)all, ot)er anD abotje all t^e otl)er penalties bv an)) foitmt ;ict 02 ^cts, forfeit 02 mv t})e ^um of Xzti l^ounDS, to fuel) ^^tbner from tbl)om fuel) !®iner, Rafter, 02 ot\)zt Collier l^all be fo feDueeD, to be rccotjeret) by CitJil Bill, at t!)e ^ffBes to be DelD fo? tl)e Count)) tD^ere fuel) €)ffenee il)all be eommitteD* anD if an)) otbet IDerfon 02 l&erfons tb})atfoei}er, (l)aU emplop 0? f^ire an)) )®mer, ©after, 0? ott)ec CoUter, unDcr Contract as berein before mentioneD, ftnolbmu bim to be fuel), tbitft;: out a Hieente 02 2Difel)arp obtaineD, anf> t)?oDueeD as Jietein before mentioned, fuel) 4 € l^erfpn ^94 Anno Regnl fecundo c H A ?.j&etfoit 02 l&ecrons (o oOFenDing:, ii)all lifte- XVII. tbile fo;>feit t\)t ^uxn of Xen p>ouuDs, to be tecotoeDint^e fanner \)am Moiz mmtv oneO, faiO ^um, To fo;>feiteD, to be paio to tl)e j®aGet o;? £)tbnet of tfte aToUiec)? from tbbom fuel) joiner, ®aGet, o^ otJ)ei: €oiUct ft)aU be fo feouceD* p;?ot)it)eD altba)?2», anD be tt €nactet) bj? tbe ;3utl)o?tt)j afo^efaiD. €J!)at tl)e fam ttbo Claufes l)ercm before laft mentioneD, fl)aU continue anD be in jFo^ce, to tl)e firft Da;p of May, tbDicl) (l^aU be in tDe #cac of ^ut ILoiOy £)ne tboufanD fetjen |)unD?eD antJ iixtp'iout, anD to tl)e €nD of tJ)e tJ)en neit ;$e(fion of l&atliament, anC no lonijer^ :^ttD tl)!)etea$ hp m 3t(t maue in tl^t Xentt) pear of tl)e iaeign of Eing George t^e jFitft, It is €nacteD, %\>at etjerj) meiijB=^ j^aGet to be appointed in l&utfuante of tSe faiD -^ct, ft)oulD p^otJiDe contjenient OTeiiji^^ l^oufes in eacj) Citp. ;3nD tbbeceas t!)ete i«5 but one aPeigl)^ i^oufe at p;jefent in t\)z Citp of Limerick, anD tl)at fituateD in a tjerp inconvenient palace, tbl)ic!) i«3f a ffceat €)bGcuction to tj)e mraDe of tj)e faiD ',Mt it Cnacteo by t\)t ^ut6o;?itp afo^efaiD, Xj)at tJ)e vCQUeigj^^ j^adec of tj)e faiD dtp of Limerick, l!)all, before Georg!! Tertii Regis. 295 fcefo;e tl)e jFicft Da^ of May, €)ne t\)outant)C h a pi fct)en bunO^cD anO firt^;tJ)^ee, p?otJiDe tttVbo xvii. couVietiient 212Ileiig[l)=5?o«fe«3 fo? t^e faiD Citj),^-^^'"^ Due to be in tl)e Eiiglifh Town, t\)t ot\)zt m tl)e irifti Town of t\)t faiD Ol^itj?, in fome contjenient places, to be app^oteo of b^ tt)e ®ajo?itp of tj)e ti:)Dolcrale ®erct)ants of t})e faiD (£itp, ::jrnD tbbcreas an ^ct palTeD in the ^ixt^ peat of tl)c meig-ti of C^is late ®ajeftp IStmg George tJ)e JFltft, 3"^^^"!^^^ An Ad for ere6t- ing and continuing Lights in the City of Dublbty and the feveral Liberties adjoining, and alio in the Cities of Cork and Limerick, and Liberties thereof; H)j)!c!) faiD ;3(t tbas aineiiDet) bp an ^ct mabe in t})e Cigrbtl) pear of (^10 faib late j®aieQj)'6 iacicrn, fntittileb, An Ad for amending an Ad:, ^tttltuIcD, An Adt for erecting and continuing Lights m the City of Dublin^ and the feveral Liberties adjoining ; and alfo in the Cities of Cork and Limerick, and Liberties thereof; ant) tl)e fame tbas eiplaineD anO amenbeo bj) anotl)et ^ct, mabe in tfte ^Ditb peat of tl)e mei^n of l^is late i^ajeGp Btng George tl)e :^cconD, gintitu? leD, An A6t for explaining and amending an Ac5t, made in the Sixth Year of the Reign of His late Majefty King George the Firfl, ^jintitUleb, An Adt for erecting and continuing Lights in the City of Dublin J and the feveral Liberties adjoin- 4 (2^ 2 ing 2^6 Annd Regni fecundo C H A p.lng, and aWb in the Cities of Cork and Limerick, XVII. and Liberties thereof ^nb tbbereasj au ^ct pallet) in t})e fil^ tceuti) ?>eat of t^)e ^aeigrti of $712 faiD latg ^aicCI|>, ^ttt^f^if^^^ ^1^ ^^ to revive i\nd amend an A6t, made in the Sixth Year of His :feid late Majefty King George the Firft, for ereding and continuing Lights in the City of Dublin, and the feveral Liberties adjoining ; and alio in the Cities of Cork and Limerick, and Li- berties thereof, as far as the fame relates to the Liberties adjoining to the City of Dublin, and to the Cities of Cork and Limerick, and Liberties thereof; tb|)icl) faiD ;5(cts acc tiotb ticac ex? pitmcr, but (ome |5atts t|)ereof bemigr founO ufefal, ate tl)oujjJ)t fit to be conttnueD ; lee it tl)erefo;?e €na(teD b^ tJ)e ^utl)o;nt)) afo?e= fatti, XDat all atiD eViecp Claufe, .Article, anD ^^otJifo m tl)e faiD ;^as» coiitaitieD, toucl)in{r, ant) in teCpect of tl)e Hibetties of Sepiilchre'0, Thomas Court, atlt) Donore, {^all tematii anU be m full foitz atin effect as tl)ep notb llanC), to all intents a«D }^m- pofes, io} t\yz ^pace of 'QEtbent^j-one pears, to commence from tl)e fit^ SDaj) of May, IbDicl) a)all be in tl)e peat of out ?lo?D, €)ne tboufanD fe^en j)ttnt)^eD anD ^vxt^^ tfeee, anD to tl)e €nO of t\)z tDen next ^ef- (ion of |^arliament» ;^nti Cieorgii Tertii Regis. 297 Mt) M)zitiiQ fetieral ^ct«3 fo^ main^Cu a p^ aiiD coiUinumgr Itigbts in feberai Cities xvi. ant) €olbns;^o^po;?ate, arc neac expiring* ;:2CnD tbbeceas au M paffeD ti)e laa ^eC^ fion of l&arhanient, f ntituieD, An Ad for the more effectual enlighting the City of Vu!'- lin, and the Liberties thereof ; and for th? erecting of Publick Lights in the other Cities, Towns-Corporate, and Market- Towns in tliis Kingdom. ;^nD tbl)creas a S^oubt tttajj arife, tbbe^ tl)er, after rbe expiration of tJ)e faiD ftrd reciteD ^ct$, tj)e laft reciteD ^ct tbill extenD to UicJ) Cities anD Xotl3n$-aro^po;?ate, fo| Xbbicl) p?o\)i(iioit !)atJ been before made bp t\^z faiD grft retiteti ;^cts ; mz it Cnarteb b>i tl)c ^ntl)o;itp afo;?efaiD, irt)at from anO immcDiatel)) after tbe Expiration of tl)e faiD refpectiVje ftrft rccitcD ;Scts, ail t^e Claufes anci p^otjifoes in tl)e faiD laft reciteD ;3ct contaiueD, except fncl) as relate onlp to t^e (^ity> of Dublin, aiiD tl)e Htberttes thereof, il)all extenD to ti)e fcUerai Cities anD XoUjuS- Co^po^ate, in t\)Z faiD Stft reciteD Mi men- tioneD* :^nD tbbereas bp tt)e Chatters of Ceteral :^o?ottSibS anD Co;?poaattons in tl)is Stingy Dom, certain :^at|)S are requiteD to be ta^ ften bp t})e fetjcral €)fficers anD :®embece& 4 5? »&f 298 Anno Rcgni feciindo Chap. of fuel) 2i5o^ougfl)!3i atiD Corporations, in xviL tj)e \&?efentc of, auD to be aDniiniftteD bp t^e pccfonsJ in fuel) C5)attet:j5 tefpcctitjelp tnentioneD^ :^nx> ti)l)eceasi fcliecal Officers anci !^cn\--- bets of fuel) 25o?oufl:l)S anD Corporations, tbouflrl) tbep j)at)e httn tniy CleeteD, anD t^oujj^ tl)ep j)at)e taften tl)e federal €>atl)S tequttet) bj) tl)e faiD refpeetitie C!)attecs, are netiertl)ekfs fubject to ]^re»feeutions, b^ rea= fott t!)at tl)e fetjetal Jaequifites, CirerteD bp t!)e faiD Charters, l)at)e not been obferVJeD at tj)e ^tbearinjgr of fuel) :C>ffteets anD j^eut:: bers» jFor JaemeDj) tbbereof, anD for t\)z more effectual quietmjgr fuel) Corporations, Be it CnacteD bj? t!)e -^aut^oritp aforefaiD, 3rDat no l^erfon \b\)o J)atl) been Dul;? €leaeD into anj) fuel) Office or j?rancl)ife, fhall bereaftcr be ouGeD out of my fuel) €>ffice or jfran:; c^ife, in anp OTaj^s fucD, uiolefteD, or p^o^ fecuteD, for or upon account of anv C>b= jection tbl)!Cl) fl)aU or nmy be taaen to tU :$tbearing fucb Officers or :®entbers, pro= DiDeD t!)at fuel) iC^fflcers anD ©cuibecs i^all, in fact, baDe tahen tl)e Oatl)S re? quireD bj) Hatb ; anD fuel) Officers anD ^embers ll)aU be DeeuieD Icural Officers anD ^©embers of fuel) BorougDs anD Cor? porations, anD all Corporate M^ tDbieD Da\)c Georgii Tertii Regis. 299 J)abc lieen Done hy tJ)cm, il:)aU babe tl)e famec hap. jFo?ce anU cat'ee, as if fnch £)Sfiters aiiD xvii ;®ctnbcrs J)aD been rcfpectiDelv iXho2n, xmt- fuant to tl)e IDirectious of t|)e faiD ce(pettit)e OIDattecs* ^uD Ritl)crea$ an M paiTeD in tbe C|)irtp- tbiiD pear of ll^is late ®ajeapsEeign, 3\\^ tltnlzD, An Ad for the more equal Alleiling, and better Collcs^Vmg of Publick Money, inCoiui- ties of Cities, and Counties of Towns, Ii3 UCaC expumig:, anO t^ fit to be continueD, IbitJ) tbe ^tiieuDUicntS \)cmn after meutioucD ; Be It €uaaeD hy^ the ^ntho^ityf afo^efaiO, 'C|)at m cafe any of tl)z ^©imGets in tlje fatD recitcD ^ct mentioueD, 02 tljeir (^Tiirates; fi)all rcfufe 0? nctrlect to fnuitnon 02 !)olD tUleUtic^, Mtlyni ih Xiine . p^efcribeD bp the faiO ^'ft, fo? tbc putpofe of applotting: tbe @onc)? to be raifcD m t\)zit refpectitje Pa^ nil)^^, 0^ tl)aU rrfufc 0; neglect to retrirn fuel) 3(pplotmerits, a0 bv ti)z laiD :^a is DitecteD, eDer^5 fuel) ®»nifter, in li^Dofe ^^^ rill) tbcrc il)all be fucb iRcglect, i^aU for- feit, fo^ clierp lm\) C>fiFence, the :^!im of ITcn ^ounDs, to be recoliereD b^ H^etfon \^\)o il)all fue foj! tl)e fame* ^uD in taCe any of tl)e Creafurers, ui thz faiD ^ct men- tioncD, il^all refufe o;> neglect to collect t\)z fetJeral :^um^5, p^efcnteD anD applotteD in Iburfuance of tj)e faio :^a, before tt)t ^ffises 4 J? ^ next 300 Anno Regni fecundo c H A p. next etifumg tl)e Wi^t^ at Uii)icl) tj)e fame XVII. (|)all l)atJe been p^efentet), anD it (!)aU ap- ^^^vx-/j)eat to lucJ) f ut)5:e o^ SJiitJges of 3[a'!5e, tj)at fuel) iltlegle(t tbas U^ilfnl, it ft)aU anD tttap be latbful to anD fo;j fuel) gitiDsre o;j ^uO0es of ;afl'i3e, to fine fuel) Xieaiurec in mv ^tttti, not exceeoini^r tt)e §>unx of SCtbentp l&ounDS, auD to commit l)im fo^ tjbe fame* ;3{nO be it Cnacteti bj> tl)e 4utJ)o?itp afo^c- CaiD, %\)at tf)z faiD retiteD ;^ct, antl) tl)e ;3lterationfi; anD ;3menDmettts httm con^ taineD, il)aU be continueD ftom t\)t ^tbentp fiftj) M>av of March, ^ne tt)ottfanD fel^en l)unD?eD anD Oitj)=ttbo, fo^ t{)e STetm of Ctbent;)=otte pear0, anD from tj)ence to tl)e CnD of tl)e tj)en next :^effion of j^aclia^ went l& ®arftet^2[)aj), fo? £Pue j®oat!) next enfuinsr etjecj? Michaelmas Dav; anD in cafe of Neglect fo to Do, ftich ®apo?, 02 ot})et €l)ief j®agiftcate, i^all, fo^ et^erp fuel) Neglect, fo;jfctt a penaltj^ of Zm l^ounus, Sterling, to be tetotjeteD in a ^imi:: tnatp Miay, bj) CiVjiI laiU, at the next ;3ffi3e3i, b^ anv l^erfon 0^ petfons lb|)o il)aU fue fo? tj)e fante* ;^nD m it fuitbet (^^nacteo hv tU ^utf)o^ 2itp afo;?efaiD, %\)at if anp ^fficec of anp Corporation, j?amicc of Xolld, 01 CoU^ (I5at!)etet:, il)aU exact from, 02 compel aiiP pecfon 02 peiions to pap anp "^iitp, iToll, Cuftom, 0? Il^erqiiifite, not inentioncD 02 comp?i5eD in tnth ^ci)et)tile, to Oe l)iatn: up as afo^efaiD, fuel) iSPficer, f antiei: of 'Collei, o,> ^ol!'(Satl)eitr, il)cili, fo? ebecp fucb €)lfcnce, fo;?feit tl)e ^aui of j?ilie |5ouUD0, Sterling, to be tccoDcteD bv €ml i^ill at tl)c ne^xt ^ffi3e-3, bv anp J^ccion, 4 C5 fcoin 302 Anno Regni fecundo CHAP.fcom U)!)om anj> anlatbful 2)tttj), %o% XVII. Cttftom, 0} petquifite, i|)all be Co exacteo, ^uD tDDeteas tfte l^^o^cefs of t!)e Hinen i®anttfa(ture i)as been in manj^ ^&lace$ re= tatUeD b5> a ^carcitp of jfuel ; 2i5e it €nacteD bj) tj)e ;3utDo?it? afo;?e(aiD, €j)at all Xutf, J?ut3e, anD tZEirnbec in JFaffgrots, fo^ jFuel, fljall pais into anD tj)?ongJ) etjec^ OTttj? ano €:otbn, jFtee fcom all Si:oU, CuGom, o? l&etquifite tbbattoetet, claimeO bj) anp £)ffp cet 0? ;®embec of fuc!) (ttitp o? tiolbn* ;3nD be it futtl)ei: Cnactcb bjj tl)e :^utJ)o=: jitp afojfefaiO, tD:i)at an -^ct palTeD in the Xtbentjj^fiftl) peac of l^is late j®aieftj>'« ©eifirti, fo2 t!)e better aDjaQin^^, anD mo;?e eafp IftecotKtp of tbe Qiaaaffes of certain ;$er\)ant0, anD certain -Apprentices, anD fo? tf>t |&ttnili)tnent of fuel) £)tbners of oioals, anD tl)eir ;ajjents, as (|)all ftnotbinsflj? tm^ V\op anD fet at Wio2h l^crfons retaincD in t!)e ^er\3ice of otl)er £Dtbners, ano alfo that mutual Debts bettbeen |&artj> anD partp be fet one agfainG tl)e otljer, tbWcj) Za, b>> an ;^(t palTeD in t\)z srtbentjj^nintl^ pear of l^iS laiD late ©ajeftp'S laeign, fo;> con^ tinning anD rebitJing fetjeral ^empo?arj> statutes, anD otJ)er jDurpofes t\^ttm men:: tioneD, tbaiS contmueD tbitJ) fetjeral AmcnD^ ments, to the Xtbentp^ftftl) l)ap of March, iDnt tjboufano febcn !)unD;;eD anD fiit^, anD to Georgli Tcrtii Regis. 303 to t^e €nD of t\)z tj)eti next ^effiott ofc hap. \&atljame«t, map be contmueD fo? font xvn. peats, from tj)e €nD of tj)i5 p^eCent :^ef-^-^>^"v> Coti of l&atliament, atiD to tl)e €110 of t!)e tj)en next :$)e(rtoti of patliament, aftet t^e expiration of tj)e faiO tietm of jfouc peat0» .ai«*«r.>-»*itni 4. (0 2 'AN A N A C T FOR The more eafy and equal afleiling and ap- plotting all Money prefented by the Grand Jury of each Afllzes to be held for the City and County of the City of Cork^ and for putting the Coaches, Chaifesj Chairs* and Sedans^ that ply for Hire in the faid City, under the like Regulations, for the Benefit of the Work-houfe of Cork, as they are in Dublin ; and alfo for the better regulating the Harbour of CorL DUEL I N: Printed by Boulter Grierson, Printer to the King's moft Excellent Majefty. Mdcclxii. Chap, XVIII. i f ( 307 ) A N ACT FOR The tnofe eafy and equal afteffing and applotting all Money preftnted by the Grand jury of each Affizes to be held for the City, and County of the City of Corky and for put- ting the Coaches, Chaifes, Chairs, and Sedans, that ply for Hire in the laid City, under the like Regulations, for the Benefit of the Work- houfe of Cork^ as they are in Dublin^ and alfo for the better regulating the Harbour of CorL CU AV. XVIIL xV'T^etB.eM bp ait ^tt turn m thtCnA t. XV :S>et3etiteertt!) ^tfiion of l^is late xviiL i®ajeftj) fStirtj^r George tl)e :§econD, 3lntittt!et), An A(5t for the more equal afleflirig, and coUecSting and alTefling of Piiblick Money in Counties of Cities, and Counties of Towns, l)atl) 4^i^ 2 ■ \)an 308 Anno Regm fecund o c H A pjbeen fotiuO ineffectual atiD infuffitient, in xviii. fetJeral Counties of OTitieS, fo^ t^e put-^ '-^vx^pofe t^tebp inte«t)eOv 1.:^:::.-^ :.- 5anD tbl)erea!3i tl)e Count)? of tl)e €ity> of Cork, is a tet^ larp ano extenfit)c OTount?), anO contains uptbatDS of 5Hmetj''fii p>lott> lantJS of uncettain Acreage ano ^afure ; 25e it tI)erefo;?e CnatteD b)? tl)e Wiin^^ nioft excellent ®ajeGj), bp anO tbitl) tl)e ;^DViice anO €onfent of tl)e iLo;?l)S spiritual anD ^empo^al, anD Commons iti t})is |)?cJcttt j&atliament alTemblet), anD b? tl)e ;^ntl^o?itp of t|)e fame, %\)^t from anD aftet tt)e jftrft SDai? of June, £)ne t|)ouratiD fetiett l)tinD?eD anD Gxtpttbo, tf)e (15;?anD 3fut? of eacl) ;3rfi5eS to be belD fo? fatD Cit?^, atiD Count)? of tj)e faiD €itp of Cork, ft)all p?e^ Cent XJJbentjj'fix p^erfons out of tfee ^jia:: bitants of tj)e CaiD Citj) anD County, bp tbe ^ame of ^pplottets, fo;? affelTmg- anD applottinflr all l^ubliclt ;®onep, p;?efenteD to be raifeD in t!)e faiD Citj>, anD Count)? of t^e faiD Cft)?, at t\)z faiD federal :^ffi3es, anD tt)at tl)e faiD :applottets il)all fetecallp anD tefpe(ti\)clj? ntafte Datl) on tj^e i[^lj> Ctjangelifls, equall)> anD impartially?, ac- co^Dmg to ti)t bcG of tbeir jg)toU anD fStnotb- leDge, to applot anD alTefs all J5ublit& :©c^ nej), fo appointeD to be raifeD ; anD tlfc^t tht j^apo? of tl)c faiD Cit)>, fo? t]^c Xime being, map be impotbereD anD requiteD to atmi- niliec - • » Georgii Tertii RegiJ?. god hiGcc tbe faiD €)atl), fo? Vb\)tt\) C>atb, noc h a p, jFec0 fl)all be talien, auD to fummou t^e xviii. faiD ;applottecs to appeac Ijefo^e J)iin, to^-^^^^^ tafte faiD ^atl)» :3ttD be it ftutbec CnacteD bp tj)e ;^u^ tl)o;?itp afo;?cfaiD, %\)at t|)c feteral atiD te^^ rpe(tit)e J^igl) anD \&ettp OTotiGables of tj)e faiD Citj), atiD arount^ of tl)e faiD Citi> of Cork, ft)aU, tbit|)m ^ne EalenDac :®on#, to be cotnpnteD fcorn tl)c 6cft SDar^ of eacl) 5a(ri3cs, Dclibcc unto tl)e 0ayoi of tl)e faiD Cit^, upon C>atf), a true laetutn in Witv^' titigr, of tl)e Barnes anD places of :3boDe of tl)e fe\)etal "^alnbitant^ o? i^oufe^Beep:; ecs U)tt{)iu tbcit refpectit}c JLimits, tb!)it!) €»atl) tbe faiD ^ayo; tg l)erebp unpotbeceD to aDmmittidec, tbitl)out j?ee as afo^efaiD, anD tl)at t()c i®a^o? of tJje faiD €itj) i|)all Delitjcc in the faiD metutnS of t\)t faiD Conftables, to an^ £)ne o^ nio^e of tibe faiD ;3pplortecs, at tl)c Xime of Dis anD tl)cit taUing before l)im tj)e ^^pplottetS :C>at|) be- fo?e mcntioneD* :5tnD be it furtDec CnacteD h^ t\>t ;3tttbo' 2\ty> afo^efaiD, X|)at t|)e faiD -^^pplot^ tcrs, 02 my> felien o} mo?e of tj)em, (|)aU, tbit^m Xteee ®ontl)2i fcotti tl)e jFicG l)a5> of etiecj) ;aili3c9i in tbj)icl) fucB ®onej) il)aU be appointeD to be tatfeD, from Ximc to 35:ime, -^Cfemble anD j®eet tosretj)et, anb 4 3 applet 310 Anno Regni fecundo c H A p. applet atttJ alTefs fuel) jl&ublitft ®one?) ctt xviir. t^e federal f nl)abitants anD HatiDS m tj)c ^.^'VNjfaftJ Cit??, atio (Eount)? of t})e faiD €tt;?, bp Xl)icteett DiGinct ^pplotments, fo? tl)e fet)e' ral S)it)ifions follotbrng, mto «}J)!Cl) t\)t faiD Citj? of Cork J)at|), fo? Hime irmneino?ial, Ueen tiitJiCieD, anD fo^ tbl)icj) DitJifions, J^igb anO pettj) €onaable$,fo?ta:!me immemorial, Datje been DiGinalp appointeD (tl)at is to taj?) €)ne :3pplotment fo? tl)e jRo^rl) Hiber^ ties of t|)e faiD €it)?, a ^econD to; tl)e j§)Otttl) ItibcrticS of fatD Citp, a €l)tcD fc| tl)e ll^o^tl) :^uburbs of faiD €it^, a jFourt^ fo? t\)t ^ontl) Suburbs; of tj)e faiD €itv, a fiftD fo;j t\)z il^o^tl) €aa ^luattet of faiD €ityy a :^iitl) fo? tl)e ^o?t!) 212aeft 4iuat;^ tec of faiD (Eitp, a :^et)entl) fo? tl)e :g>outl) €aft :^ttatter of faiD €ity>, an €i9r|)tl) fo? tj)e ^otttl) 2!©ieft jduactet of faiD Citj?, a ^Itltntl) fo? t5)e ^o?tl) €aO i^iiartet of t^e ^attll^ of :i>aint Mary Shandon in faiD €itp, a %mtY> fo, anD a XDitteentl) fo^ thz J^attfl) of :^a!nt Finbary in faiD OTitp; anD tbat t^e faiD Sfpplottets, 02 anp ^zXtzn o? mo?e of tl)zxu, itiall tnafee teprnlar anD fair Cntnes of all fuel) aireff= ments o? 3pplottment0, in a 2i3ooft to be ^ept bp tl)em fo? tJ)at j^utpofe, anD to be P?o\jiDeD Georgii Teitii Regis. 31 1 D?o\)it)eti fo? tbem, bp the Creafuret of tj)e c h a r. faiD Citp, anti eacb l>i(itiict ;^pplotment 0? xviii. ;H&^cfrjneiit to be fuofmbet) tbtt^ t!)c jj^ameS ^-^^^^ of fucb 3[pplottet$ To affembieD; atit) that fatU ^pplottecs (i)aU afcectam atiD applot the :^ums to be raifeD upon fuch }&att«5 of the Countp of the faiD €itpy as hatJe been nfttallp charpD, atco^Dtnigr to the l^lotb HanD, ant) npon ftuh |2)arts( a«5 habe been uftiallp chatjjeD, acco^Diiiig: to the ^cte ; anD as to ftich pacts of the fatO Olitp anD Count)) thcteof, as habe been hcretofo;je ufuallp chatg-cD, according to the ^«b^ ftance of the inhabitants, thej> il)aU af= certain anD applot the ^um to be paiD bv each 3^nhabitant; anD that the perfons tnal^ingr fwch ^HefTments o; ^pplotments refpertibel)), fl)all, tbithin tiEen 2Da))S after fuel) ^(Tcffments 02 ;^pplotments bemgr maDeauDfigneDbj)themas afo;>efaiD, Deliber^ 01 caufe to be DchbeteD to the faiD ^reafucer, the faiD 26oofe, containing the faiD ^^fCeff^ ments 01 ^pplotmcnts, anD that the ;Sffcffments 0? ;Spplottuents cotitaineO therein, ft)ali be Snal anD conclufitje to all |DaiticS» ;3nD be it further €nacteD bp the :iutho?it? afo^efaiD, Xhat in cafe anp of the faiD applot^ tersft)all neglect 0? refufe to appear before the faiD ®aj)o;? to tal^e the faiD ;applotters£>ath^ bp the j^pace of jfour Da jjs next after his be- 4 3 i «nj9f 312 Anno Regni fecundo c H A p iiigr fetbetJ tbitl) tl)e ®a??o;?'s ^umtuotis foi xviir. t})at i&urpofe, 02 abfent l^"n[elf from my> ' — ^-^fiub -^fTemblp, tbitl)o«t being able to (l)eU) reafonable Caufe fo2 t\)z Tame, fo as tJ)at a fufficieitt jRntnbft il)aU not meet to af- fef«5 fuel) piibhcft iI©onej?, eDetp perfon, fo nefflecting: 0;? tefnfmcr to appear befoo^ ant) taftc faiD ^atl), 0? ab= fentingr Wwfelf, fljall, fo? etjerp fuel) €)f= fence, fo;?feit tbe :^um of Cen l^ounD?^, Sterling, to bc recot)eretJ bj> CitJil 2i3iU, before tl)e next grotng ^uDjjes of Stfl'156 fo;j tbe faiD Cttj), anD County of tl)e faiD €itj) of Cork, by tl)e ticeafurec of tl)e faiti^it)? ; anD tl)at tl)e faiD Xteafuret mav be autl)o?i3eD anD tequireD to fue fo;j tl)e fame, anD that t^e ®onep fo tecotjereD, l|)aU be accounteD fo? bp the faiD Xreafurer, at tl)e next en- futng SCfTi^esf, as part of t\)t Public^ ^©onej'* SfnD be it further CnacteD hy^ tbe ;^u= tl)o?it^ afo?efaiD, tii)at tbe federal Confta^ bles of t\)z faiD fetjeral l)it)ifions of tl)e faiDCitjj, anD County of tbe faiD Cit^, l!)aU, tbitbin tl)eir refpeaiV)e Himits, collect, bp Warrant nxitzt tl)e $^anD anD ^eal of tl)e faiD Xreafurer, tbbicl) QiaBarrant tj)e faiD Xreafurer ts J)erebp impotbereD to irrant, tl)e fetjeral :$ums fo p^efenteD anD applotteD, as afo?efatD, anD (hiili pap in tl)e faiD feUe- tal :$>ums to tDe faiD Creafuter, before tl)e ;3iri3es Georgli Tertii Regisi 313 r^Cli3es next enfuing- t\)z faiD ;^ffi3e'3r attc hap. tbl)icl) t()e fame il)aU be fo p^efctiteD ; anD xviii. tl)at tDe fato Xteafiirec (^laU, at ebetj? ;3if^ Ci3es, mafte up bis ^accounts, upon €)atl), of all l)is ^Receipts anD i^aj^ments of tbe faitJ l^ublick j®one)) fo receiUeD bp f^im, and itiall tetutn, anD lay t\)t fatD Accounts, faitlj) Ibtitten, Ibitl) tfee ^tIiDa\)it of tj)e fatD Cteafurec at tbe jFoot tl)eteof, tahen befo;je t|>e 3ut)g[t of ^Cli3e, tbtt^out jfee, tjccifjjtnff tbe i;ttttj) of fuel) ;^ccourtt!3, on tl)e fitft 2Daj> of et)ec)) ^(Tbcsi, befo^je tl)e t fame. StnD be it fuctftet CnacteD hy tl)e ^u* tl)o?itp afo?efaiD, Cl)at if anj) of tl)e faiD Conftables ft)all neglect, omitj 0^ refufe to mafte tl)e afo;jefaiD laetutns to t\)t j®a?03 of tl)e faiD Citp, o;? to collect tl)e :^ums fo p^efcnteD anD applotteD, 0? to pap in tbe Came to ti)e SCteafurec of tl)e faiD OTitp, 4 M tbitDin 314 Anno Regni fecundo c H A p.\ti!t[)m tl)e tliuie j)cteiii before appoint^b XVIII. fo? tl)at #urpofe, it il)aU anD tnaj> De latb^ f«l to auD fo3 tt)e tefpectiVie f uDges of ;5(ri3e, to fine tl)e fait) Conftables fo neg= lectmg, omitting, o;j reftifinfir to mafte t^e fatD iaetnrn, in any> jg^am not eicecDinjgr %zn |&ount)0, anti to commit futb €>ffcnt)ers in (2!^iectttion fo;? tj)e fame ; anD fo;? omit- tingr, neglectinsr, o; reftifinir to collect tj)e ^n\m fo p^efcnteD anD applotteD, 0? to paj) in tbe fame to tbe llteafwrer, in futJ) ^um 02 §>mm of j®onej), as to t{)e fait) f ucsres a)aU feem proper, not eiceetimg t\)z jg^uins tjiat fuel) ConftableS ft)aU bp t^e 21(iaar^ tants of tj)e faiD Xreafutec be appointeD repectit)elj> to tecet\)e, anD to commit t|)e faiD federal i^ffenOecs in execution fo? t^e fame* ;^nD be it futtDet €nacteD bj> tl)t ;^iit!)o? ;jitp afo^efaiD, %\)at in cafe tbe €)ccnpiec 0? €)ccupier6 of t^e faiD federal f^oufes anD Hantis m tJ)e faiD €it% ant) Countj> of tl)e faiD Cit^, il)aU tefufe to paj? tj)e :^am o> :^«ms fo applotteD ant) aCfeflet), it fl)aU anD mav be latbful to anD fo;? t\)z faiD federal OTonftableei, Vbitbin tJ)eic tefpectiUe S^imits, bp (Mlacrant unDec tifie f^anD anD :^eal of tl)e faiD iCceafutec (Oatb beinir fifrft maDe hv t!)e Conftable 0? oTonftables, of l)t3 0? t!)eic l)a\)m(r mace a 2DemanD of t!)e fait^ ^mn o^ ^mm fo appplotteD 01 af- feffeD, Georgli Tcrtii Regis. 315 feCTeD, auD of the fcimc Deinir tefwfeD to bcc h a p„ paiD, fo^ tbc ^pace of jF!\)e 2Da;>s aftet 2r>e' xviiL jiianD fo matie, With £DatD tl)e fatD ^tea= '-^'^^ fucec 15 l)eieb)) nupolbereCJ, to atmmiGet Vbitl)out jFee) to Xndtain tl)e dl^ooos atiD CDattles of tJ)c iDecfou 0? l&ecfons fo tef«^ fing, ariD to fell tj)c fame bp H^nblitft OTant on tt)e Jfiftl) Way> after tbe taHmir tl)e fatD 2r>iftref$, fo? t!)e l^aj'tnent aiiD l!Difc{)arge of tl)efaiO refpemtje ^tim o;:^nm5 fo aHeffeD, \)nlef5 paiD tbitl)iii tl)e faiD Cmie, rciiDermgr t\)z ^\)tt\?im (if anj) be) to tj)e C^DDnecs. :5{tit) tbbeteas fetjeral ^uxm of :®onej) tibece, at t^e feUetal late -^Ili3e0 J)elD fo? tbe Oloutit)' of tj)e faiD Olitp (to tDit) at tj)e fe- tjeral SffTiseo l)elo fo? tl)e Count)? of t|)e faiD Citj?, on tDe ^IPbent^fel)enti) of March, £)ne tboufanD fe\)en |)ant»?eD anD fixt)? ; on t|)e j^eVientl) of Auguft, €)ue t!)ouCanD fetien l)un:; 0?eD anD fixtj) ; anD on t^e iTtbentK^tjentl) of March, £Pne tboufanD fet)en !)nnD?eD anD fixt))'One, p?efenteD bp tbe cefpectit)e cl5?anD duties of tbe faiD fet)ecal ;acft3es, to be caifeD to? tbe ^itrpofes in tj)e faiD 1i^?efentment!5, tefpectit)elj> meutioneD. ;anD tbbereasi tj)e (I5?anD fnrp of tbe faiD (ffitp, at tbe next Lent ;3(ri3es to be belD fo;^ tbe Count)? of tbe fatD €itp, map p?efent fet)eral futtbec :^ttm3 of ©onep to be caifeD in t!)e OTountp of tj)e fatD €\t^* 4 E 2 ^nD 3i6 Anno Regni fecundo Chap, ^atit) tbberea«5 tl)e :^um«5, fo alceaDp p^e^ XVIII. (eiiteD to be raifet) at tl)e faiD %Y)2tt io2imt ;5lfl'i3esi, 0^ to be wfenteti to be raifet) at t!)e faiD nzxt Lent ;^ffi3e$, cannot, fo? Itoant of being p^opetlv applotteti, be collected oi laifeO > » It t\)ttzio;t f«tt|)et €nacteD b^ tl)e ^u^ tf)o;itv afo?efaiD, Xi)at t{)e CeDecal ^ums, fo p^efentet) to be raffeti, at tl)e faiO iri);ee fo;?tner ;^(Ii3e$, o? to be p^elcnteti to be tatfeD at tl)e next Lent ^ff!3e0, i't)ali, \hitl)in C})?ee ®ont|)S aftet tj)e next Summer ;af= fises; to be ^oltien fo;? t|)e OTount^ of tj)e faiD (Eit^, be equally anO impactiall?? alTef:: feo bj) tj)e ^pplottets, o? any jFibe o? iiio^e of tbem, to be nominateD at tj)e faiD next Summer ;^Cr!3eci, in ®annet l)etein before appotnteD; anD tjbat t()e faiD fetietal ^ums il)aU be collecteD, raifeD, anD paiD in fucl> j®anner, anD X^it\> fuel) laemeD)) anD ^^otbecs as are berein befo;je contarneD, fo;j applottrngr anD raifinjgr all l^ublitft ®onep to be p?efenteD, to be raifeD at Mty ;3iri3e5 to be ^olDen fo? tl)e faiD €ity>, anD Count;? of t!)e faiD €itp of Cork, from anD after tDe faiD jFirft S>av of June, €)ne tl)oufanD fetJen |)unD?eD anD fiitjj^tlbo. ;XnD be it furt!)er CnacteD bp t j)e :^utl)o^ 2it^ afo^efaiD, %^at if an^ ^uit iljall be tommenceD agrainft anp perfon o? perfons fo? anp r^ct Done in l^urfuance of tl)is ^a. tj)e Georgii Tertii Regis. 317 tU SDcfcttDant ma^ pleaD tDe d^enetal S{r«e,c hap. anD 9fi^c t\)z ^^pecial ®attet m €^iDetice ; xviii. auD tliat if a vEletDict be mbeti fo? tl)e 2De= ^^^vx.^ fetiDant, 0? tJ)e piainttef become nonfmteD, 02 tifcottttnue bis ^aion, tJ)e SDefenOant i^aU J)a\)e Double CoG> SnD be it fmtUt €na':teD hp tbe :^ntl)o^ ?itj? afo^jefaiO, ta:!)at fo timcJ) of t|)!$ :^cti ^s is f)ztzm before contaiueD, (l)aU remam anD be in jFoKe fo;? Ctbo peats, from tbe jFtrfl: S>aj) of June, £Dne tJ)onfanD feten baub^eD aiiD fixt^^ttbo, anb from tl)e«ce to tbe €nD of tbe next jg^efTionsi of j^at- liament, anD no longer* StnD tbbeteas fetieral |^etfon$ t)abe, fo;j fotue pears paG, ftept S^ac^nep €oac|)e0, |Doa Cfeaifes, Cl)aits anD j^eDanS, to plj> foj {^ire tbitbin tbe CaiD €itp of Cork, anD the jtibertics thereto aDJoininjj* ;^nD tbbcreas tbe te^rnlatinsr tbe laates anD jFaces, of tbe faiD £?achne^ Coacbes, l^tolt arbaifes, ail)airs anD ^zt>anQ, anD of tbe D?ibccs anD Cacciecs of t\>t fame, tbitf)^ in tl)e faiD Cit)? anD liberties, tbill p^ebent mmyf'^mxioiitwn^ being- mabe on tj)e§nj)a= bitants of tbelaiD €ttp anDHitetties. anD tbiU tenD to p3ot3!De fo^ tbe Mk^ of tbe Wo^h^ bosife eftablii^eD m faiD €\tp ; Wz it CnacteO bp tbe ;^tttj)o^it^ afo^efaiD. %l)at fcom anD 4 It afut 318 Anno Regni fecundo c H A p.aftec t\)t iPirtt 2t>ap of June, j^ne tl)oufaiiO xvm. fetJeti l)nuD2eD anD fixtj'^ttfto, tl)e <15oDetno?s --^^^of tl)e OTo;?fe:^i^otife of t!)e faiD Citj) of Cork, jfifteen at leaft being p^efent, ft)all auD map be autJ)o?i3eD auD reqaiteO, uuCiec tJ)eit Common :^eal, to licence to; tl)e ^rerm of Xtbetitjj-one pears, from tl)e fait) jFirft SDaj> of June, C>ne t|)oufanD fe\3en SnnO;}eti anD futjj^tlbo, all fuel) l&etfon 0? ^erfons as ftjall fteep, t)?i\3e, 0^5 cartp anp i^acftnep Coacj)es, l^oG^^orbaifes, ai!)ait$, 0? :^eDan$, plj'inigr fo? t^ire ttiitl)m tj)e faiD Citj> of Cork, 0? Hiderttes tj)creto atijotn? jng, anD from tlime to ^tme to limit tl)e dumber of fuel) ai:oacl)e!5, ^&oG ai:i)aife0, Cl)ait0, anD :^eDans, as tj)e faiD (15ot3etno ILv cence fo? eacj) OToacI) 0? |&oft^€j)aire, tl)ere ll^all be tefert)eD to t\)t (t5ot)erno?s of t!)e faiD Wio2li'\)ouiz, anD t\)zit :g>uccefro;?s, tbe yzatly ment of Xtbentj) Shillings, anD fo;j eacl) OTbait 0? :$)eDan, iTen :^l)ill!ng6, to be paiD £luacterl)', on ebetp jfirG Dap of Sep- tember, 5firft 2Daj) of December, 5?irft 3)ap of March, anD jfirft E>ap of May, in zUty> pear, tbitl) fucJ) Cotjenants tftetem to be inferteD, to; t!)e mo^e effectual l^apment thereof. GeorgU Teitii Regis. 31^ t|)eteof, a6t!)e UiX> (Bouttxo;^, 02 anp jFif^Cn a p. m\x 01 \wo2z of tbeui, iljall t^ttUt fit ; auD xym. tl)at no l&ctfon (^M Uccp, D^ilie, cact^, o;j let ^ to ^ttc, atip Coacl), ^oCi^(2ri)airc, (iti)air, 0^ ;g)et!an, to pip Voitfiiu t|)e CaiD €itp 0;? li- berties, tbitl)out fuel) Eicencc fic(i obtaiueD, unDec tbe penalty of Xeu ponuDS fo? eUct!) Coach 0^ |Dqa^C{)aiiC, auD jFi^e l&ouuds fo,^ ebei\v olJiaic 02 ii)cDau, ll)l)icl) fljall fo plr, contract to tl)is ^ct; auD H)at etjccj) CoacI), |5o(l^€l)aire, oiljair, o;j i^eDan, fo to be licenceD, iljaU l)a\)e a iJBatfi of 2Dif:= tiactiou, b)? a j?i9*iicc on a large ^^jaf^ plate, Ibitl) tS)e jRamljei- in large f iguies, auo tl)at tl)c faiD ©ar!t iljall be placcD on eacD fiOe of e\)etv CucI) CoacJ), |5olt^€|)atfe, Cl)air, o;j ;^eC!an, lu imh i^l^auner as t!)e TaiO (l5o\)erno?S ft)aU tl)iult proper, anO tljat eV)crp <2ioach!nan, E>;?iVJer, €J)airn!aii, 0? Carriers of atij? Coacl), poa Cljatfe, Cbair, 0? ^eC)an, plj?ing fo? ^ire as afo>efaiD, Ibbo f^all b?fV)e 0^ carr^n li^itbont fuel) ®arh of SPiftinaioti 0? jfignr:, my €oacl), poft^ Cbaife, €l)air, 02 i^ecau, 0;? if anp perfon il)aU blot out, r^eface, 0^ cl)an9:eti)e ®ar& 0? jfigure appoiiucD fo^j fuel) OToacb, Pofta €l)aife, Cl^air, 0? :^et)au, eber^ perfou fo oefettOiug:, fo^ c\)ctp fuel) C>$enrc i!)all fo^ fett %t)itty ^))illmgs; auD tl)at tl)e faiD ;^ums fo to be paiD fo? ^Licences, auD thz yearlp Clients to be refertieD tberciu, auo alfo tjbe afo^efaiO fetjerai penalties, fljall go, 4 ft 2 anD ^ijd Anno Regni fecundo Chap.00, ahtJ be paiD to tl)e xreafuret of tf)e xvffl. fait) OTio;?ft'!)ottfc, fo? tl)e Bfe of t|)e fa:D ^^^^'^ 31©o;?ft'j)ottfe J atiD tj)at tbe faiD febeial j&etialties afo^efaiD, anD alfo tl)c fe\)ecal j^enalties auD jFo^fettutes J)erem after meu^: tioneD, (l)aU atiD maj> be teco^eteO before ti)e <15ot)ecno?s of t!)e fait) «!mo>h::J)oiifc, o? before jfitJe o;j rno;?e of tl)e»i, iii a iuin^ tnacp 31211ajj, on ^ be paiU tbitl)iti tceti 3)ay6 aftec fuel) DiQ^efS be taften, anD tf)at tl)e iSDijec:: l)lu3 (if anj> be) all C{)ar0e«5 being tt^ DncteD, be paiD to tj)e C>tbner; anD tbat in €aCe no fufficient 2)ia?efs can be i)aD to anftbet tl)e faiD l&enalties tefpe(tit)elp, ti)e l&ecfon anD l&erfonsi fo ofiFenting, l^all, bj) vHaUatcant unDet tl)e J^anD anD :^cal of t\^t faiD (15ot)erno?0, o? anp jFit)e o? mo?e of tl)etn, be fent to tl)e i^oufe of aTottec- tion, tj)ere to be Jiept to J)atD Habowr, fo? anp Xime not exceeDinir €>ne j®onti)» :^nt> be it fuctbet CnacteD bp tl)e ;atitj)0' ;jit)[) afo^efaiD, 3Cl)at all Hicences fo to be • ^ptanteD fo? Coacl)es, poQ Cljaifes, ari)aic«3 0? :$>eDan0, il)all be jcanteD fo? tl)e Xernt of Georgii Tertii Regis. 3^^ of ^tbetit))'Oue Peac^, from tf)e faiD jFitftc h a p; Da^ of June, 0nt tl)onfcinD fe^eti Butt:: xviii. D>ct! atiD fiitv tlljo, auD il)aU be tieijitcable 0,^ transferable bv tbe |5art?e!3 to ihhoin thz faine tiball be grauteD, t\)zit &ztuto2'5, ZtmmU2^tor^, 02 ^iCTigns, unDet ti)e fEents anO aro\}enants tj)ereiti contameD* ^;?ot)!Det) al\ba^^0, aiiD be it f«rtbet€tt= acteD b^ tl)e ^'!it!)o^it)^ afojefait)^ ^J)at no |r)erron tDho il)all be poffedeb of a ilicente fo? heep!ug a €l)alr 0? ^eDan fo;j C^ire, iliall transfer 0^ affi^n tbe fame, U)it})oat tbe OToufent of tbe faiCi <115ot)etno^0, o^jFite 0; mo^e of tbettt, Srft t)aD in Wiiitrng unDer tbcir l^anDs ano ^eals,- anO tbat if anv l^etfon 0; iSerfoiiSi to be t)ofreJl6D of my fuel) licence 0;? ?ticen«s fo? feeepinf a €l)air 02 ^eDan fo? C^ire, ft)aU transfer tbe lame, Ibitboiit tbe Confent of tbe faiDd^o^ krtto^0, 02 J?it)e of tb^m, %ni8eD as a^ fo;?eraiD, eVJer)) fucb iTranSfer il)aM be boiD^ anD tbat elierp Etcence fo afligneD, fb^U be fo,?fctteD to tbe CaiD ?5 of t^ faiD Mlo}^y)onky fiittm at leaG beinsr pjefent, ttnDer tbett common :^eal, Itom Stme to %Mm, to fettle ano aDjttft ^ fe^ 4 j® tjerai 222 Anno Regni Secundo Ch A p.tietal i^ates, jraces ant) l&<2icc^, to be paiD xviii. to tl)e cefpcctilie S^il^ers of tl)e faiD Cfaca- nejj Coac|)e5 o;? l^oa €I)aife0, anC) tj)c arat^ riets of tl)e faiD OTijairs o? ^.cDaiis, fo? t|)e i^ire of fucD aroacl)e0, ^oft €Daifc0, C!)aics 0^ j^eOanS, hy> tl)c l>ap o,' ^ont, 02 bjJ tl)e ^etDolbn, to o^ from any l^act 02 l&act$ tb!t|)m tl)e faiD €ity, 02 ll)iti)m t!^e ILihzttm to ti)e faiD €it>> aDjoinmg, atiD to aDjuDjje'ti)e febcralDjftances Ibitl)- in tj)e faiD aTit?) atiD ilibctties, fo; U)bicl) t{)e faiD iaate0, jFares anD ^^?iceo a)aU be paiD, anD alfo to mafte £) :^l)iUins-3 fo; t!)e 25?eatl) of anjj fuel) ^p liatti, 0^ €)^- Der, on t\)t fe\)cral J&erfons otfcnDmg, 0;? hv maftinff tJoiD tl)e Uttcnee t\)c |&erfon fo cffenDing l)aD, o;j bj) fub|ccting tl)e fe\)etal l^erfons fo offenDing to eo^po;?al puniil); ment, hp fenDing \)m 02 thmi to t\)z l^oufe of €o?^ection, tl)ere to be tDbippcD anD ftept to l)arD Habour, fo? anp %mc not emeD^ insr Xen SDa^s, anD tl)at t!)e faiD (l5o\)er= notit l^anDs auD Georgil Teitli Regis. 323 ant) ^cal0, v>nt t\)t faio J3p iL^tbs aatJCHAP. £)2Dec0, bp tDe faiD (5o\3:iiio.?5, 0? ant) xvin. jriftecn 0? ino?c of tl)cin, fo to be nmDc, into Drie execution. acco^Daig to t!)e Xeuo: ano effect of tl)e CaiD ^y Calb, and £D,5= t)cc^, fo a^ Ciitl) laates, fairs auD ^^ttcsf, auD Tticl) i^rilc5, ©^tiecs atiD 7&\> Hatlis, ll)aU be Scft app.?o\3cD of Up ti)c tl)eu next (roiiicf Sl^i^ffco of aHiBe fo? tj)e OToinitj) of tbe fait5 oTitp, tmtiet: tbeit refpcctiDe l^anD5 anti i^cal9, auD tbat after inth ^pp?oto tioit tJ)e fajD mate«5, jFaitsi atiD p>?icc0, auD t!)e faiD Fuiles, ^D^ticts, atiD 2i3p ?lalb3, tljall be p^mteD, auD piiblicUl)? pofteD on tt)e 3:i)olfel of tl)e faiD Olitp of Cork, atiD on tbe faiD WBo;M)ouk, anD fuel) otber places as tbe faiD (ll5o\)erno?s il)aU appoint, anO il)aU from tl)encefo?tl) be t)aliO anD cffeattaL :^nti be it frirtbct CnacteD bp tJ)e -^mbo^ 2itp afo^'faiD, €"bat from anD after the Xime tbe faiD iaates, j?ares anD j5?!ces^ (l)aU be fo limiteD anD app?ot)eD of as a= fo?efaiD, no l^acftnep Coacbtuan, poG Cbaife^inan, S>r!\)er, oj Carrier, of anp i^achnep Coacb- Poft aibaife, OTbair, 02 ^t^ Dan, m 02 about tbe faiD €ttp, 0;? tbitbtn tbe liberties tbereof, a)aU tal^e bp tbe S>ap, l^our, o;? ^et^Dotbn, abotje tbe IRates, jFarcs, anD ^;jices, fo to be limiteD as a- fo^efaiD, anD tbat if anp Coacb-nian, l^oft 4 ® i Cbatfe-man, 3^4 Anno Regni fccundo c H A p.(il|)aife'ttmn, €t)aitn\atx, o? Cartiet^j of ,^^iii. cDaics o;j ^^eDatts, i|)all exact iiio^e fo? IjtS '" jFate tj)au acco;jDmsr to tl)e fetJeraJ matt^ to to be liniitet), o^ bebabe tbitb f nfolencc to |)iS jFate, o;j Icatje l)i!3; jFare IbitDout t^ermiffiott, tj)e iSDtbnets of fuel) €oac!), I^oft €J)aife, €!)ait, o? ^e^an, (l)all fo^ t\)tt}> fucj) £E>ffence of fucb €oact)'Uian, J&oft ar!)aife'man, Cbatonau, o;? Carriers of Cj)air«5 0? :^eDan0, fo,?feEt mv :^tun not eiceebinsr jFo?tp ^l)iUitig0, to be le\)!eD 02 applieD in -®annet as is Ijcrein before ttcecteO* ;^nD be it intt\)tt Cnaetet) bj? tj)e ;:^utJ)o- iitp afo;?efaiD, X^at if an?> petfon o^ ^m fons ft)aU refute to pap anp Coatl) man, Poft C^aifeman, 2D?iber, oi OTarriers of anp Cftaits; o;> :^ebans, tj)e ®onep tuftlp Due to ^im fo^ cart^Jinfir tmt> l&erfon o;jper= tons in DiS Coacj), »&oft arj)aife, (EJ)atr, o? j^eDan, o? (l)all tbtlfuU? b?eaft o^ Deface anj) fucj) Coacb, ♦^oft €l)aire, €l)air, o^ j^eoan, it it)aU ano maj> be latbftil, to anD fo? t\)z fait) tDem to tj)e fSattj) 0^ l&arties cotnplatneo a^ jjainft, finally to ^ear anD Determine tbe j®atter complained of, ano upon p?oof mabe tl)ereof upon ^atb, by one creiible twaitnefs, 0) bj) ContefTion of tbe J&artp, to Georgii Tertii Regis. 325 b atbatD a reafonable :^atisfactioti to tj)ec h ati l&actjj a9;gtieV)eD, fo? J)t6 ^Damage auD xviil €oQsi, to be letJieD upon laefufal, to mafte ^-^"v'^ fttcj) Satisfaction bp TOactaut unDet t|!)c i^antJS atiD :$)eals of tj)e faiO (E5ot)ecno?0, 0? ati^ Xtbo 01 mo?e of tbem, bj) S^tftcefe ano :Sale of tbe ^ffenoets dBooOfii, rentiet^ jugr tDe Ji^tjecplusi (tf anj> be) to tj)e £)tbnet:0. ^ -^nt) tbbeteafii tl)e ;^Dtjanrement anb ^jm^ D^ovjement of fRatJiffation, tbitbiti the llat^ bouc of tl)e taiD aiit;) of Cork, \fy\\\ con^ Dttce to tl)e publicft Benefit of tj)i3 torn: OT!)etcfoif= putes betlpi^een Rafters, £)lbnet5, anO j?teig;|)tets of ^\>m tbitl)m tbe faiD l^at:^ bout ; Be it €na£teD bj) tj)e ^utJ)o;jit)) a:^ fo^efaiD, X|)at from anO after tfee jfitft S>aj> of June, One tl)oufattO fetien &««> D?eD anD fixtjj^tttoo, no :^l)ip, Batft, Boat, 0? otl):c Heffel, J)a\)tng BallaG to Difcbaccre tbitl)in tbe C^arbout of tbe faiD Citj? of Cork, il)aU Difcj)atge tl)e fame, 0? anj) l&att ^l)ereof, in tl)e faiD iiitoet: Lee, but iit fucb |5lace 0? palaces as fl)aU be appomteD b)> the Mlatet Batliff of tDe faiD Citj>, oi \)\^ Deputy, unlefs t\yz fame be Difcbargeb abotie ^igt) uiaaatet j®at&, tmoet tDe ij^e^^ 4 il^ KfiHiti* '2pjG Anno Regni fecundo c H A p.naltj) auD jFo^feitiue of tJEtbentp ^billings xviir. fo? eatl) Bedel of tl)e 2i5uct})eti of iribentr> 'i:uns o;^ uptbatDS, auO t|)e l^enaltp anO jFo^fettute of tZEeti :^l)iUings, fo^ eacj) Bef^ fel uttOet t})e Burthen of tsctbetitp Xutis* ;^ttti be it futtl)et CnatteD bp t{)e ^«tj)o> 2f!tp afo tl)e ^u:^ tl)o?itp afo;>eraiD, t!EI)at from anD after tl)e 3E:ime afo^efato, no :g>|)ip, 2i5arft, 20oat, 0? otl)er BelTel, ^d\\ tafee up an^ BaUaft 0? jFilling in an^ l^art of t6e faiD IRiber Lee, belotb tl)e #o?tl) anD :^outl) Bridges of tl)e faiD Citp of Cork, except in fuel) l&laee o^ t^laees, as it^all, from Xime to i^itnc, be appointeD bp tl)e faiD ai2Biater^Bailiff, 0? biS Deputy unCier tl)e iifte J&en^ltp anD jFo?:; ^^ - leitutc Georgii Tertli Regis. ^27 feiture of Ceu :^l)iUin0!3, fo^ tWp fuel) Chap, €)ffence» xvni. ;^nD be it futtbcc CnacteD b^ tbe ^«= tl)o?itp afo?efaiD, Xl)at from ant) aftec tJ)e Xime afojefaiD, no i&erfon l!)aU tj);jot)b anp :^tones, laubbiil), o?Der to p;^el3ent ot\)tt j^l)ips from moo;?ingr foul, 0? o\)ttiavins eatb otbet ; anD tbat ebetp ®aGer, 0;? ott)ec l^etfon, tbbo i!)aU l)at)e Cbatfre of a :$>j)ip, 0^ ot|)et Beffel, IbDo (|)aU £)ffenD Ijetein^, i^all, fo;j e\)erj> fuel) £)ffence, forfeit Xe» ^J)illingS» 4^2 :^nD 228 Afino Regni fecundo Chap. ^tiO bc it fttctl)ct CnactcD bv tl)t 91 n- XVIII. tl)o;?itp afo^efaiD, €l)at from auD after tbe ' — ^'^ Xime afo;jcfaiO, z'ott}) :^l)ip, o;? otJ)cc BelTel, ancDo^ittg o;? tnoo^mj in tl)e faiD mitjet^ from Dundaniel-Houfe tO tl)e Marfli-End, l^all catcp t\)tit S(iicl)o?5 as far out of tbe €|)an2 tiel, as nxHV be contjenientlj? Done, anD i^all alfo http proper anD fufficient ^noy>^ to t^eir anc6o;{S, anD t|)at e\3erj) :^l)ip, o? otl^er BeiTel, antj)o?ingr o? inoo^ingi from tbe Marfh-End to tfce CuGomi^oufe SDocft in tl^e faiD S to tbeir 3[ncl)o;?s; anD tJ)at zuty 5®after, 02 otDer J&erfon, \M)o ft)aU baDe t!)e Charge of a ^J)ip, o;j ot!)er ZiaelTel, tbJ)o l^all offenD in anj) o [m\> Offence, foj?feft tZEen j^l)illinjgrs* ;^nD be it further €nacteD bj? tl)e :^utfto' ^p afo^efaiD, Cj)at from anD after tbc Georgii Tertil Regis. ^2^ Xime afo;?efaiD, no ^fy.v, 01 otbec tHeHelc h a p XbDatfoetJcc J)a\)mcjr on BoatD anp £luan' xvin. titp of (Bun l^oDbOec, exceeDinigr tl)e ^Mztg\)t of jFiftj) pounD^, rt)aU come l)i9fJ)ec tip m tl)e faiD !ai\)ec tban tbc vvhite-Horie, 0? t^e Marfh-End, until tl)e faiD (I5im l&olbDec be t!tfcj)argeD, unDec ti)e |5enaltp of fm i&ounos Sterling, to be fo^fciteD bp tl)e j®af^ ter, 0? pecfon lt)l)o (l)all |)atJe C^acije of e\)ecp fucj) ^J)!p 0? BeCTel* ;^nti be it iutthtt Cnacteti bp tl)e ^wtl)o^ ?itp afo,3efaiD, XDat from anD after t\^z %ixm afo;>efaiD, no ^l)ip, 0? otj)ec ^effelj il)aU continue at tl)e €ua:om'j)oufe £luap, in tl)e faio €itp of Cork, fo^ anv lon^tt %imz t\)m fuel) ^|)!p, 0? otj)ec ^elTel, ft)all be DifcDacginQr 02 loading <15ooDS, anD tbat as (oon as anj? ^|)ip, 02 otbec meHel, is CJif= cl)accreD, 0^ laden, ii)e ft)all Depart ftonr tbc £luap tl)e next 5rtDe after il)e floats; anDtl)at etJerp ^l)ip 01 W:M, ba\3inigr ^ Ql^Harrant to Dilcbarge, i\)xil tafte l^lace of eVjerp ^l)ip 0? ^edcl tUbicl) l)as not a omatraut fo; fo Doing, anD tl)at tbe laDen :^l)ip 0^ ^elTel, coming to DifcJ^arge, it)aU tafte l^lace ; anD tl)at etjec)) ©after, 0? otl)er perfon !)atjmgr CJ)arg:e of anj> :^bip 0? Hellel, refufing To to giUe \&lace, il)aU, fo? etjerj) fuel) iPffence, forfeit jFo^tp :^l)iiUngs ; anD tbat tj)e Qisaa^ 4 £) ter- 330 Anno Regnl fecundo c H A F. te^liaailiff, 02 h\^ Deputy, map be autl)o- XVIII. imx> anD luipotbeteD to retnoDc tl)e fait) ^\)iVy 01 otbec ^elTel, to feme otl)ec l^lace. anD be it ftutDcc <(tnmct h^ tht ^utbo- 2ity afo;?efa!D, Xi)at from anD aftec t!)e tuttne afo^efaiD, no ^l)ip o^ :$)l)ips, oocU, 0? in anp otJ)ec ^nbltth SDocH in tl)e TaiD €it^, fo as to p^et)ent anp otl)ec j^j)tp oms a free palfage into o; out of fuel) SDotfts, on cUerp ;^itic, (intiet tl)e |^ena!tp of J?it)e Pountig, fo? mtp ^^ip 0? MefTel U)J)icl) fl)aU blorft up, 02 obftcuct fucb l^affage, unlefs it a)aU ap- l)ear, tl)at fuel) ^j)ip o? ^cfTel ttias ftcuc^ on (B^ounD bj) ;^cciDent, o^ benipt bj) tl)e 3E:iDe. ;3nD be it furtber €nacteb bp tl)e ;:^utJ)o^ jttp afoKfaiO, '€|)at fcom anD aftet rjt)e Cime afO(?efaiD, e\)ecp Rafter, o;? otbec }^tt' Ion, tb{)o l!)aU l)at)e 4ri)arcre of etjetj) :^J)!p 02 ot!)ec Heffel, Ipingr at ;ancj)02 from tl)e ^O^tj) 2i5?lDge, to tl)e Black Rock in tl)e faiD iaiDec, il)aU, at all ^luies, fteep fufficient ^anDS on boarD, tb!)o ftjall flacft tbeit €ii^ bles 0? l^altifers, as often as il)aU be necD:; ful, fo? tj)e fafe ano free paffajje of t\)ity ot!)et Georgii Tertii Regis. 331 iotj)et :^l)ip, 2iaoat, 0^ ^elfel up atiD Dotbuc h ak • tbe iaiUcc, unDec tDe ^etialt^ of Xeti :St)!)i^ xviii. lings to; e\3ecp jReglect tl)eteof« v.^vnj ;3ttD tbDeteas federal laDen ^bips tnaj) tbant coutienient 23trt})S at tbe feljecal j^uajJS m tbe faiD €ttv, tbbete iig\)t ^l)iP5» ate maOe faG, tbe ©aftecg, 0? otbet j|&et= Cons batiing OTbarjje of tbbicb, ttiap refufc to gitje Map to fucb laOen J^btps to Dib cbacge* S[nD tbbercas alfo fe\3ecal ^bips map bappen to inoo;j, 02 lie at ;^ncbo? in tbe CatD WiiUt, fo as to obfttuct tbe free f^sCoi^ gation tbetein ; 2ae it furtbec €nacteti bp tbe ;:autbojitp afo^efaiD, Xbat from ano after tbe Xime afo?efaiD, tbe 2K03atcr^2iaailiff anti bis Dcptup, map be refpectiUelp autbo;i3eD anD ;?equ!ceD to giDe iRotice to anp fucb ^bip 0; Beffel, fo cefufingr to gitjc l^lace to anp laDen ^bip» ^l obGtucting tbe 5free il^atJigration in tbe faiD €ity, to w mo\)z to fome otbec conV>enient ^lace tbitbout Delap; anD tbat tbe Rafter, o;» otbec petfon batmir ^barge of anp fucb :^bip, 01 otbet ileffel, tbbo il)all tefufe 01 neglect fo to Do, il)all, fo;? etjetp fucb ^t- fence, forfeit jFo;?tp ^billitifirS ; anD tbat tl)z faiD m^m 2aailiff anD bis I>eputp, map 4 €) i ^0 222 Aniio Regni fecundo fttrtt)et auti)02i3eD atiD requiteti, ujjou XVIII. etjetp fuel) futb aaefufal 02 jReglcct, to re= 'mot)e fuel) ^l)ip 0? ^t)ips, melTel 07 B elf els, to fomc ton\)ement 2airt}), near tl)e place tbftece fuel) ^l)ip o;> ^5)ips, meCTel 0? mef^ fels t!)eii lap, as tl)ep i^ati iuD^e mod proper, ;^tiD be it futt|)ec €nacteD bj? t|)e ;^utl)o^ 2tt)) afo^efaif, 'Cftat tl)e feVieral |5enalties })etem befo;?e mentiotteD, il)aU anD may, upon Complaint betng uiat^e before tl^e ®a)?o? of tl)e faiO €itj) of Cork, be teeo= tjereO anD le^ieD m a :^ummarp Map, fcom t!)e refpecti\)e ®aftets o? otbet I5et= fons l)at)ing €l)atjje of anj) ^Dip oj ;^Dip«5, Beffel 0^ HefTels, offent)ing m t\)z ^jemtfTes, bp l^rGcefs anD ^ale of tl)e €)f= fenDecs d^ooDS anD €l)attzis, bp OTartant iinDet i1)e i^anD anD :^eal of tl)e faiD ^avoiy l^alf of tbe faiD fetoetal l&enalties to be paiD to tl)e ^ceafurec of tt)e rao^ft= |)oufe of tl)e faiD Citp, anD tbe otbet C^alf to tht 3^nfo?tner, 0^ ot!)ec J^etfon «)l)o (l)all Cue fo;j tl)e Came* 3(nD be it futtl)ec CnacteD bj) tl)e Stu- tl)02ttp afo;?efaiD, €l)at if anp l&erfon (l)aU be CueD 01 j®olefteD, ioi anp Xljmjj Done bj> Virtue 0? in l^ucfuance of thi^ Sta, fuel) Georgii Teitli Regis, gq-:^ ^ttion may pleaD tht (Btnztal fdttc, auDCn ai giU tl)ts ^it, 3a3l)icb tl^M be DcetneD a xviii. Ibublicft -^ct, atiD tbe :^pecial ®attec ui' — ^ — ' €\)iDence, fo? I)i3 SDefcnce; auD t|)rn if a tlectJict ft)aU pafs fo;j t|)e E>efeut)ant, o^ t|)e l^laintif Difcontnttie l)is Action, o? be nou'fmteD, o; ^itD^mtnt be friben agaitift l)im upon I^etiuirier, o? otl)ej:tS3ife, tbe 2De= feudant it)aU I)at3c auD teco\)et t)ouble 4p AN / A A N C FOR Building a Stone Bridge from the Qiiay oppofite Trwccs-Streci, in the City of Cork^ to Idvifs-ljlandj and a Stone Bridge fi"om thence to the Red y^bbcy Marjh^ with a Draw Bridge, or Lifting Bridge of Wood, in the Center of the latter, flifficient to let Veflels pai^ and repafs, . and alio for Supplying the faid City with Water. DUBLIN: Printed by Boulter Grierson, Printer to the King's moft Excellent Majefty. MdcC lxh. C li A Pi XIX. ( 337 A N AC T F OR Building a Stone Bridge from the Quay oppofite Ttince's-Street, in the City of Corky to Laviis-Ifland, and a Stone Bridge fl^om thence to the Red Abbey Mar/h, with a Draw Bridge, or Lifting Bridge of Wood, in the Center of the latter, Efficient to .. let VefTels pafs and repafs, and alio for lupplying the feid City with Water* CHAP. XIX* W^^^^Z^ tl)ete are onl^ ttboCHA?. Dublirft ^Ijenues leaDinqr mtotl)e xix. faitJ Cit^ of Cork, ibbicl) ;a\3ett=^^v-^ lies ace naccolb anD inconVjemeut, 4 ^ ^ttO 338 Anno Regni fecundo . Chap. ^^ttO \bl>ttta^ tf)t maftittij yublicft Z\)t^ XIX. ttues! into Co?po;?ate €itie0> tbill tonttibute to tj)e €afe anD :i>afetj) of l^allengrcrg, t!)e aDo;jnmg tl)c faiD €ttic$, atiD U)tl^ be of miz ano 2aeneftt to t^e publicft» m it Cnacteti bj) t5)e Bmjj'0 j®oG €x= cellent ®ajeftj), bp anti tbitb tbc :^ti\>izt atiD Confent of t!)e ILo^Os ^piiitual anD 3C:empo;?al, atiD Commons; in t\)iQ p;?efent l&atliament aCTembleD, anD hy> tJ)e ;:atitbo' ptv of tj)e fame, 5i:t)at from auD aftet tht j?ita Dap of June, j^ne tboufant) fetjei^ 6unO?eD anD fixtp^ttbo, it fl^all anD map be latbful, to anD to;j tbe ®apo?, ^bz^ tif 0, an.D Commonaltp of thz fatD €itp of Cork, to builD atiD erect a :^tone Ja^iDjje, not erceeDing in 26^eaDti) €tbentp Sx jFeet, o\)er a 25?ancl) of tj)e iftiDer Lee, running tl^ougi) t{)e faiD Citp, from ti)e £luap oppofite to thz Street CalleD Prince's-Street, on Dunfcomb's-Marfh, in faiD Citp, to tl)e ^o?tl)ern, o;j oppofite part of tj)e ^flanD, caUeD Lavifs-ifland, anD alfo to Imtlo anD erect one otl)er 2i5;?iDge from tl)e :$0MtI)ern ^&art of tl)e faiDSIflanD, oDcr t\)z ^out^ztn mml of tbe iaitJer Lee, to tl)e Red Ab- bey Marfh, in t\)z :$ontl)ern iliberties of tbe faiD Citp, not exceeDing t{)c 2i3^eaDtj) of %\bznty>Ux JFeet, anD tl)at t\)z faiD laft mentioneD 2ia?iDjje (l)aU contain %W)u^)toue 5arcJ)e0, Georgii Tertii Regis. 339 ;^rtJ)es, auD bettljeen t|)e falD act!)e0 tl)mc h a p/ ll)aU be a Htftrng, 0? ¥>o9 anD l^aHaps leaDmgr t()ereto, l!)aU altoa^s be, anD remain publicH ^^toenues to anD from fatO €itp» :^nD tt)!)eteas tjje faiD Ctt^ of Cork> ftom rt$ OEontigruitp to t\)t ^ea, anD tj)e frequent flux of :^alt Hiailatet STiDes, tbant0 a :g>uppljj of jFreit) OTater, aiS tbcll for tt)e ContJeniertce a6 tDe i^ealtj) of tj)e 3!nj)abttant!3i thereof. 5?o^ laemeDj) tbJ)ereof, 2i^e it CttacteD hp tl)e ^utbo^ftjj afo^efaiD, %|)at from anD af- ter tl)e fitfl ^ap of June, iSPne t!)oafanti fet)en l)unD?eD anD fixt))'tlObo, it ft)aU antr majj be latbful, to anD fo;? t^e OTommort OTouncil of tht faiD €it^y fo? tbe Xime be^ ing, anD f«cD 5?rcetnen at larp of t!)e faiD Citj?, as ft)all be eletteD in openCoure of Doyer Hundred, after a p;?e\)iOttS |SoGinflf in OT;jitin0 of ei^bt Da^s, on tl)e €1* c!)ancre of tbe faiD €it}f, tot tbat l&wrpofe, anD tDe perfon anD l^erfons to be b^ tbcttf appointeD, anD emplopeD from Cime to %mz, to enter into tbe feteal (B^onnDSof anj> jberfon 0? J^erfons tDitl)in t^& lliber^ 4 £1 2 tm 340 Anno Regni fecundo Chap. ties of t\)t fatU Citp (l^oufes, (Batttm, XIX. jSP?cl)atDs auD j>atDS excepted) anD to Citij, '^'^^^^^raite, anD mafte one o;j mo;?e laefettjoit o? mefectjoics t|)eceon, fo^ tj)e bolCmg auD coutaimng 5?relt) Miater, atU> to Oig, cut, atiD tarrj) atip Ctencb 02 3i:tencl)e0, Miatec^coucfe 01 WBatzt-tomkQ, from t|)c taiCJ EefettJoit: o;j Jaefettjoirs, to mv iSit)et 0? iRitjers aDjacent, fo;j t!)e cffeaual con^ tepinflr SHUatec to tl)e faiD JRefectjoit 01 Wit^ ret\)oic«3f, anD aUo from %imz to STimc to enter upon ti)e faiD d^tounDS, to repair tl)e faiD lRefert)oir o? Jfteferl)oir«3i, Qioaater^courfe 0? OTater^courfesf, anO alfo to diigr anD cut t^tougl) t!)e faiD ILanDO, from t\)z faiD mefertJoir 0^ Jaefertjotrsf, anD to fix anD la^ l^ipes in anD t\)2ougf) tlot fatne, anD in anD tb^ougl) all Streets, llaneis;, QMa^si, anD l&allagesr, in t!)e faiD €itp, fo^ con- Ductingr anD conveying ti)e faiD 21©ater from tDe faiD IRefertJoir oj iaefert)oirs, to tjbe fetjeral ^arts of tDe faiD €itjj, the Common Council of faiD Citj), anD fuel) 5freemen at large of tl)e faiD €it}>, as S)all be fo electeD as afo^efaiD, altbaj^s paj'mg to tl)e refperti\)e €)tt)ners anD £)c? cupiers of tl)e faiD federal d^^ounDs, on W\t\) tbe faiD mefertioir 02 EleferDoirs, Mlater^courfe 02 QHflater-courfes, iliall be fo maDe, anD in anD tj);jottgl) lbj)icl) tl)e faiD |5ipeS fl)all be fo laiD anD carrieD as afo^e^ faio, fucj) mates 0? Damages, in Cafe tbe parties ^<^rr\j Georgli Terlli R^gls. o/ix ^itttm il)all not ammblr> aDjua tl)e fame,c hap. as fl)aU be aOiuDiret! rcafonaWe !)}> a 3nt}> xix. of j?reel)olDecs of the Couutp of t})e faiD - - €it)), to be impannelleD at tj)e next ^fri3es fiV ti)e Coutttp of tDe faiD €ity> fo^ tl)at l&utpofe, by t\)c ^!)etiff<3; of tl)e faiO , anD tbi)ofe ^etdict i\)ali be tafteti before t^e f iiDffe 0? f uDkcsi of ;^(ri3e fo;? t!)e faiD OTountp of tj)e faiD Citp* \^;o\)!DeD no j5etfoH (!)all be on t!)e faib 5tirp, ttiJ)o (ball be one of tbe faiD Com- mon Council, o l&etfon ft)al{ b^ealt, tlvotb Dotbn, o^ DeQtoj) anj> Xtencj) o?iirencl)e6,<3Klllateccourfeoat if an)> l&erfon (^lall be fueD 0? molefteD fo? any %f)ing Done bi> tlUftttte, 02 m ^utfuance of tl)is Za, fuc^ pccfou majj pleaD tj)e cH^eneral ^fTue, atiD 5:it)e tj)is ^ct, tb!)icf) ll)all be DeemeD a pttblicft :^ct, ant) t^e fpectal ©attec in C^ tjiuence fo: J)is ^Defence ; anD tl)at tf a Ber^ Diet il^all pafe fo? t!)e l>efettbant, oi tl)e l^laintiff Difconttnue WS Action, o? be non^ CuiteD, 02 futJijment 0it)en againG \)im on Detnutrer, o? otl)ettbife, t^e SDefenDant fl)aU J)at>e anD recotjet Double CoftSi* ;F.I K I Sv> ^a UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. ..'PJoLl. *K Ireland. Law, 2$ statutes, etc., I67c 1760-1820 fJeorge 1762 in) - Acts and statute s 25 16? c 1762 D 000 73:^942 r-