PR 5428 B762c A = — o A = 33: en = o = — -r |o ^ — m = J) — =» 10 == == 33 = m |3 m I 7 = _ > — — r- ™~ r I 9 = ^ > 1 6 == = 3D pB - |7s i = r-i I 6 m ^— <— — -c 1 BR ICK R 0W BOOK SHOP CATALOGUE OF ORIGINAL WORKS BY, AND OF BOOKS RELATING TO PERCY BYSSHE SHELLEY THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES j>/#/a a- iPE ^A Qatalogue of RCY BYSSHE SHELLEY I err* The 'B'jrjce^ T(ow 2?ooj^ Shop INCORPORA TED i East 47TH Street, ^(ew Tori^ J^etv York Trinceton J^ew Haven J^jndon WEMBER 1922 The "Brick T^ow "Book Shop, Inc. invites your attention to the fact that the great- er part of the items here offered for sale are from the collection of the late H. Buxton For- man whose name will always be associated with that of Shelley. During his studies of Shelley, Mr. Forman naturally acquired an extraordinary collection of manuscripts, first editions, autograph letters and aslociation copies of the poet's works. Many of these contain valuable notations by Mr. Forman. To the volumes obtained from the Forman library we have added a consider- able number from other sources, making this collection one of the most interesting brought together in recent years. The attention of collectors and others is par- ticularly called to the portraits of Percy Bysshe Shelley and Mary W. Shelley, painted by Lady Percy Florence Shelley. yhjj3h2 3H28y9 ydxsH V3lbrl2 ~\o jirinoq s'nniuO eiternA "io yqos JaExs he ai gndniEq airfT .Q 1 8 I ni stil sdj mort bslnisq isvsn 3veH yslisdS yjeM ")o HEiJioq gniynEqrnoaaE srij bn£ sidT -rnua aid: bsatdjiuq lib ylirnfi) vsiisdZ adl ^to noiaesasoq sdl to Juo naad .anl ,qod2 iloo8 uoii jbhS sdT yd ism .shiet) ad] gnibubni =3d:>ni c'ds yd g\'o? loiusEsrn n'cmoq srfT Percy Bysshe Shelley From a painting by £ady Shelley, wife of Sir Percy Florence Shelley, "Bart. This painting is an exact copy of Amelia Curran's portrait of Shelley painted from the life in 1819. This and the accompanying portrait of Mary Shelley have never been out of the possession of the Shelley family till purchased this sum- mer by The Brick Row Book Shop, Inc. The portrait measures 30^ by 26'^ inches including the frame. 3iib anob bew ^nbnifiq Icnigho airfT .ami} atb IE 3§e lo 8ifi3/ as-irfj-ylio} gnisd .3fnETt ad} gnibubni sirljni ^ds vd c'o£ gatueearn lifiinoq sdT THE BRICK ROW BOOK SHOP, INC. 23 Thomas Wise. 8vo, boards, paper label, uncut. Pub- lished for the Shelley Society. London: 1886 25.00 One of three copies on vellum. 135. Shelley. Shelley's Socialism. Two Lec- tures. By Edward Aveling and Eleanor Marx Ave- ling. 8vo, boards, paper label, uncut, original wrappers bound in. Printed for private circulation only. London: 1888 25.00 One of three copies on vellum. 136. Shelley. Rosalind and Helen. A Lecture by H. Buxton Forman. 8vo, boards, paper label, uncut. Printed for private circulation. London: 1888 25.00 One of three copies on vellum. 137. Shelley. Lines on the Inaugural Meet- ing of The Shelley Society. 8vo, boards, paper label, uncut. Reprinted for private distribution. London: 1886 20.00 One of four copies on vellum. 138. Shelley. Review of Hogg's "Memoirs of Prince Alexy Haimatoff." By Shelley. Together with an Extract from "Some Early Writings of Shelley" by Prof. E. Dowden. Edited with an Introductory Note by Thomas J. Wise. 8vo, boards, paper label, uncut, original wrappers bound in. Published for the Shelley Society. London : 1886 20.00 One of four copies on vellum. 139. Shelley. Prologue to Hellas. With an In- troductory Note by Richard Garnett. Edited and anno- tated by Thomas J. Wise. 8vo, boards, paper label, uncut, original wrappers bound in. For private dis- tribution only. London : 1886 25.00 One of three copies on vellum. 140. Shelley. A Critical Biography. By George Barnett Smith. 8vo, cloth. Edinburgh : 1877 2.50 24 THE BRICK ROW BOOK SHOP, INC. 141. Memorials of a Tour on the Continent, to which are added Miscellaneous Poems. By Robert Snow. 8vo, cloth. London : 1845 2.50 Presentation copy. Reference to Shelley, pp. 23-27. 142. Shelley's Place among the English Poets of his time. By R. Pickett Scott. 8vo, boards. Cambridge : 1878 3.00 Presentation copy. "W. M. Rossetti from the Author 1878" 143. Shelley's Place among the English Poets of his time. By R. Pickett Scott. 8vo, cloth. Cambridge: 1878 3.00 144. Poem on Shelley. By E. D. Stone. 4to, 4 pages, unbound. 1886 2.00 145. Shelley's Nature-Poetry. By Henry Sweet. 8vo, boards. London: 1888 3.50 One of twenty-five copies printed for private circulation. 146. Shelley. By John Addington Symonds. 8vo, cloth. London : 1878 10.00 Presentation copy from Granger Huth of Macmillan's to Buxton Forman. Marked by the latter. 147. "A Note on Shelley." By James Thomson [B.V.]. Article in Progress for February, 1884. 8vo, original wrapper. London : .25 148. Shelley, A Poem ; with other Writings relat- ing to Shelley. By the late James Thomson [B.V.], to which is added an Essay on The Poems of William Blake by the same author. 8vo, boards. London : 1884 7.50 Presentation copy "To Lionel [Johnson] from Frank, Xmas 1884." Printed for private circulation and edition limited to 190 copies, numbered and signed. THE BRICK ROW BOOK SHOP, INC. 25 149. A View of the Nervous Temperament of Shelley. By Thomas Trotter, M.D. 8vo, boards. London: 1807 10.00 One of Shelley's textbooks in writing the Vegetarian Note to Queen Mab. See Vol. IV, p. 533. Ed. H. B. F[orman]. 150. Shelley. By Sydney Waterlow. 12mo, cloth. London : n.d. .50 151. Edward Ellerker Williams' Journal. The Companion of Shelley and Byron in 1821 and 1822. With an Introduction by Richard Garnett. 8vo, boards. London : 1902 3.50 EDITOR'S OWN COPY 152. Shelley's Poetical Works. Edited by Harry Buxton Forman. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. London: 1882 85.00 Unique copy of bound proofs with corrections, etc., in Buxton Forman's hand. 153. Shelley's Poetical Works. Edited by Harry Buxton Forman. 4 vols., 8vo, cloth. London : 1882 50.00 Out of print and scarce. Reissue with the Notes of Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley. 154. Shelley's Poetical Works; Given from his own editions and other authentic sources, etc. Edited by H. Buxton Forman. Second Edition with the Notes of Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley. 2 vols. Full crimson crushed levant morocco, dentelles, gilt top. London : 188G 40.00 155. Shelley's Prose Works. Edited by Buxton Forman. 4 vols., Svo, in sheets, folded and gathered. Reeves & Turner. London : 1880 G0.00 26 THE BRICK ROW BOOK SHOP, INC. BEST EDITION IN HANDSOME BINDING 156. Shelley's Works. Edited by H. Buxton For- man. [Prose, 8 vols.; Poetry, 4 vols.; Poetry and Prose, 1 vol.] 13 vols., 8vo, i/\ brown crushed levant morocco. London: 1880 250.00 An exceedingly handsome set of the best collected edition. BUXTON FORMAN'S MANUSCRIPT 157. Shelley's Poetical Works. Editor's copy for the Aldine edition, edited with a Memoir by H. Buxton Forman. 4 vols., 8vo, cloth. London: 1892 250.00 The editor's own copy, with manuscript proofs and reviews and filled with manuscript notes and corrections. The Preface and Memoirs are entirely in Mr. Forman's autograph. 158. Shelley's Poems and Letters, Selected with Preface by Richard Garnett. 2 vols., 8vo, ^4 re d le- vant morocco, gilt tops. London : 1880 50.00 One of fifty copies on large paper. 159. Shelley's Poetical Works. 32mo, 27 parts, original paper wrappers ; with portrait. London : 1851 5.00 Includes extra copy of Part 1, without portrait. 160. Shelley's Works, with his Life. 2 vols., 12mo, original cloth. Ascham. London : 1834 4.50 161. Shelley's Poetical Works. With Notes and a Memoir by W. M. Rossetti. 2 vols. [Vol. I lacking], 8vo, cloth. London : 1870 7.50 THE BRICK ROW BOOK SHOP, INC. 27 FROM ROSSETTI TO W. B. SCOTT 162. Shelley's Poetical Works. Edited by W. M. Rossetti. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. London: 1870 85.00 Presentation copy from Rossetti to W. B. Scott. Has page of errata, and two letters from Rossetti to Buxton Forman, and two extracts regarding the Rossetti family, laid in. 163. Shelley's Poetical Works. Edited by Wm. B. Scott. Illustrated, 8vo, cloth. London : n.d. 3.50 PRESENTATION COPY TO HOGG FROM MOXON 164. Shelley's Poetical Works. Edited by Mrs. Mary W. Shelley. 4 vols., 12mo, original cloth. London : 1839 50.00 Presentation copy. "To Jeff n Hogg from the Pub- lisher" [Edward Moxon]. 165. Shelley. The Beauties of Shelley. With portrait. 32mo, cloth, gilt edges. London : 1836 .75 166. Shelley. (Euvres Completes. 3 vols., 8vo, paper wrappers. Paris : 1887 2.00 Vol. I is lacking. 167. Shelley's Miscellaneous and Posthumous Poems. 32mo, Y\ leather. London: 1826 3.00 168. Shelley's Miscellaneous and Posthumous Poems. 12mo, original boards. London: 1826 15.00 An interesting fragment. The first posthumous volume was issued in 1824. 169. Shelley's Poetical Works. 8vo, cloth. London : 1853 3.50 Bookplate and autograph of H. Buxton Forman. 28 THE BRICK ROW BOOK SHOP, INC. 170. Shelley's Poetical Works. 3 parts. 18mo, paper wrappers. Benbow. London: 1826 5.00 KELMSCOTT COPY 171. Shelley's Poetical Works. Kelmscott Press. 3 vols., woodcut title and borders, 8vo, limp vellum, uncut. Hammersmith : 1894-95 150.00 One of 250 copies printed. Presentation copy. "E. H. Coleridge Esq. with the Editor's kind regards, Christmas, 1894." A fine example of the Kelmscott Press. 172. Shelley's Miscellaneous Poems. 18mo, original boards. Benbow. London: 1826 3.00 Buxton Forman's notation reads : "This edition was pirated by Benbow and suppressed." 173. Shelley. Proof pull of Notes, Title and Index of Shelley's Poetical Works, edited by Harry Bux- ton Forman. 4 vols. London: 1882 2.50 174. Shelley's Essays, Letters from Abroad. Edited by Mrs. Mary W. Shelley. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. London: 1852 4.50 175. Shelley's Essays. Edited by Mrs. Mary W. Shelley. 2 vols, in 1. 12mo. London : 1852 4.50 Scarce. 176. Shelley's Essays, Letters from Abroad. Edited by Mrs. [Mary W.] Shelley. 2 vols., 8vo, origi- nal cloth. London : 1840 25.00 Presentation copy "To Jeff n Hogg from the Editor." [Mrs. Shelley.] 177. Shelley. The Brighton Magazine. 2 vols., 8vo, boards. London: 1822 10.00 THE BRICK ROW BOOK SHOP, INC. 29 Contains at p. 540, Vol. II, a review of Shelley's "Neces- sity of Atheism" and "Declaration of Rights." 178. Shelley. "Edward John Trelawny." Ex- cerpt from Temple Bar, Nov., 1881. 8vo, boards. London: 2.00 179. Shelley's Letters to William Godwin. 2 vols., 8vo, in sheets, folded and gathered. London: 1891 35.00 Privately printed [not for sale]. With autograph correc- tions in the hand of Buxton Forman. 180. Shelley — The Poet of the Age. A Satiri- cal Poem. 12mo, cloth. London: 1862 1.75 Refers to Shelley, pp. 6, 9, 61, 107-117, 130. 181. Shelley. Narrazione della morte di Gia- como e Beatrice Cenci, e di Lucrezia Petronia Cenci, etc. 8vo, sheets. London: 1821 5.00 182. Shelley Pedigree, from the Records of the College of Arms. 4to, paper wrapper. London : 1880 5.00 Presentation copy from the publishers to Buxton For- man. Privately printed. 183. Another copy. 5.00 LETTER OF LORD BYRON ON SHELLEY'S DEATH 184. SHELLEY. The Original Letter of Lord Byron concerning the drowning of Shelley. Beautifully bound [with other A.L.S.] in book form, 4to size [11^4x9 inches], deep dark blue crushed le- vant morocco, lettered on back in gilt with ivory ob- longs, and lettered in gilt panel on front cover with the signature "P. B. Shelley" inset in a deep-cut frame bordered by lilies of the valley in green, gold and ivory ; inside gilt borders with white watered silk doublures. This is the first known letter recording the certainty of Shelley's death, written four days before the finding of the body and a week after the tragedy. 350.00 30 THE BRICK ROW BOOK SHOP, INC. 185. SHELLEY. Manuscript Letters of extraordinary interest, detailing the history of the purchase of the Shelley letters from Paola Clairmont. From the correspondence of Buxton Forman. About 75 pieces. 125.00 186. GODWIN (Mary Wollstonecraft). A Vindi- cation of the Rights of Woman. Dublin: 1793 17.50 187. SHELLEY (Mary Wollstonecraft). Manu- script. The Promise of a Year, a Month and a Day : a Tragi-Comedy in Five Acts. 4to, vellum cover with leather thong. 75.00 Williams' original MS. of this play is in the Bodleian Library, Oxford. Shelley corrected that MS. throughout, improving the lines. The present MS. is the final draft in Mary's hand, including Shelley's corrections. PRESENTATION ISSUE OF FRANKENSTEIN 188. SHELLEY (Mary Wollstonecraft). Frank- enstein, or The Modern Prometheus. 3 vols., 8vo, original paper boards. London: 1818 175.00 A superlative copy of this scarce work in pristine condi- tion. The binding of this copy was used by Mary Shelley for presentation purposes. 189. SHELLEY (Mary Wollstonecraft). Val- PERGA : OR THE LlFE AND ADVENTURES OF CASTRUCCIO. 3 vols., 12mo, paper boards. London: 1823 55.00 Fine uncut copy in the original boards. 190. SHELLEY (Mary Wollstonecraft). The Fortunes of Perkin Warbeck. By the author of "Frankenstein." 3 vols., 8vo, original boards, paper labels, uncut; laid in cloth folders with half dark blue levant morocco slip case. London: 1830 75.00 THE BRICK ROW BOOK SHOP, INC. 31 First Edition with Mrs. Shelley's copy of a letter from Shelley to herself, laid in. [Has bibliographic material on the Shelley circle.] 191. SHELLEY (Mary Wollstonecraft). The Romance of Mary W. Shelley, John Howard Payne, and Washington Irving. 4to, Y\ calf. Bibliophile Society of Boston. 1907 25.00 Edition limited to 470 copies. 192. Shelley. Shelley in England. New Facts and Letters from the Shelley-Whitton Papers. With illustrations and facsimiles. By Roger Ingpen. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. Boston: 1917 5.00 193. SHELLEY (Percy Bysshe). Poetical Works. Edited by H. Buxton Forman. 4 vols., 8vo, }i morocco, gilt top. London: 1876 30.00 194. SHELLEY (Percy Bysshe). Complete Poetical Works. The text carefully revised with Notes and a Memoir by William Michael Rossettr? 3 vols., 8vo, full morocco, gilt [slightly worn]. London: 1881 18.00 A handsome set. 195. SHELLEY (Percy Bysshe). Poetical Works. Edited with a Memoir by H. Buxton For- man. 5 vols., small 8vo, }i morocco. London: 1908 25.00 Aldine edition of British Poets. 196. Last Days with Shelley, Byron and Keats. By William Graham. 8vo, buckram. London: 1898 3.50 With A.L.S. from N. Macholl to Buxton Forman laid in. 197. Manuscript Letter of Thomas Medwin to C. Oilier. A.L.S., 4to, 2 pp., dated August 31, 1834. 15.00 32 THE BRICK ROW BOOK SHOP, INC. 198. Ode to Naples. Manuscript copy in the handwriting of Mary Shelley. 8 pp., 8vo. 100.00 This copy of the "Ode to Naples" probably was copied by Mary Shelley for the purpose of printing it in the "Post- humous Poems" of Shelley published in 1824. There are small differences in the text of this and the published versions which may have been changed in the proofs. PART OF ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT OF VALPERGA 199. SHELLEY (Mary). Portion of the Manu- script of her book "Valperga." 18 pp., small folio. 150.00 Any portion of Mary Godwin Shelley manuscript is rare and excessively hard to obtain. This considerable portion of her favourite novel is a highly desirable example. It is well known that the authoress valued "Valperga" to a much higher degree than her more celebrated "Franken- stein." 200. SHELLEY (Percy Bysshe). The Cenci. Large 8vo, boards, buckram back, rubricated. Elston Press. New Rochelle, N. Y. : 1903 7.50 One of 180 copies ; large paper. 201. GODWIN (Mrs. Mary Wollstonecraft, Translator). Elements of Morality. 3 vols., 12mo, brown morocco, gilt. Printed by T. Crowder for J. Johnson in St. Pauls Churchyard. London: 1791 35.00 First Edition with brilliant impressions of the many plates engraved and executed by William Blake. 202. SHELLEY. The Life of Percy Bysshe Shelley. By Thomas Jefferson Hogg. 2 vols., 8vo, full green straightgrain French levant morocco, extra gilt backs, gilt borders, dentelles, gilt edges. London : 1858 25.00 204. SHELLEY (Percy Bysshe). The Revolt of THE BRICK ROW BOOK SHOP, INC. 33 Islam. A Poem. 8vo, full seal brown morocco, gilt, inside borders, gilt edges. London: 1829 50.00 205. GODWIN (Mary Wollstonecraft). A Vin- dication of the Rights of Woman. 8vo, original calf [rebacked]. Philadelphia : 1794 10.00 First American Edition. 206. GODWIN (Mary Wollstonecraft). A Vin- dication of the Rights of Woman. 8vo, contem- porary calf. London: 1792 10.00 Second Edition. This was the only volume published of this extraordinary book. 207. GODWIN (Mary Wollstonecraft). A Vin- dication of the Rights of Woman. 8vo, }i calf, red back-label. London : 1792 17.50 First Edition. 208. GODWIN (Mary Wollstonecraft). An His- torical and Moral View of the Origin and Progress of the French Revolution. Large 8vo, original boards, uncut. London: 1794 15.00 Only one volume was ever published although the title- page calls for two. 209. GODWIN (Mary Wollstonecraft). Origi- nal Stories from Real Life with Conversations calculated to regulate the Affections and form the Mind to Truth and Goodness. 18mo, original ]/ 2 roan boards. London : n.d. 10.00 210. SHELLEY (Percy Bysshe). An Anthol- ogy. Poems selected and arranged with a Prefatory Note by T. J. Cobden-Sanderson. 8vo, cloth. [London] : 1922 3.00 Beautifully printed and indented, on fine paper, with generous margins. 34 THE BRICK ROW BOOK SHOP, INC. MAGNIFICENT SHELLEY LETTER TO GODWIN 211. SHELLEY (Percy Bysshe). [1] A.L.S. 5 pp., 4to. Autograph letter of P. B. Shelley, Bishops- gate, Feb. 26, 1816, to W. Godwin. Valuable and most interesting letter giving many details of the family estates, fortune, etc. [2] Autograph letter of Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley to Charles Oilier with a refer- ence to "Frankenstein." [3] Letter from William Godwin referring to the disposal of goods and com- mission thereon. [4] Portrait of Godwin. [5] Por- trait of Shelley from the Curran copy. 450.00 213. SHELLEYANA. Shelley Papers relating to his efforts to realize money on his estates, containing copy of his settlement [deed of April 30, 1782]. Fif- teen pieces mostly addressed to William Godwin. 214. SHELLEY (Percy Bysshe). Manuscript Copy of Last Will and Testament dated 18th Feb., 1817, in favor of his wife and children and also Lord Byron and Thomas Love Peacock. Large folio, 10 pp. GISBORNE'S TRANSCRIPT OF CEDIPUS 215. SHELLEYANA. Original Transcript of (Edipus Tyrannus or Swellfoot the Tyrant in the handwriting of John Gisborne. 50 pp., 4to. This is Gisborne's transcript from Shelley's MS. of a very rare work which was suppressed, seven copies only, it is believed, escaping the general destruction. With letter of Percy Bysshe Shelley, copied by Mary Shelley, re- ferring to her literary work, the Gisbornes, etc. 50.00 25.00 175.00 216. SHELLEYANA. Claire Clairmont. [1] Copy of a MS. Journal kept by her during 1814 while travelling through France with Shelley and his wife Mary. Has many intimate references to the poet and incidents in the daily life of the party. 17 pp., 4to, in THE BRICK ROW BOOK SHOP, INC. 35 small neat hand. [2] A letter dated 3d Oct., 1852, from Cornelia Turner to Claire Clairmont regarding Claire's age. [3] A letter dated 18th Oct., 1844, from her bankers to Claire Clairmont in answer to her en- quiries regarding the legacy bequeathed to her by Percy Bysshe Shelley. [4] A two-page memorandum with scathing allusions to Lord Byron and "Silly Thought- less Teresa." [5] Letter dated 27th Sept., 1849, from Caroline Rousseau to Claire Clairmont acknowledging her order for a shawl she wished made. 217. Shelley Pedigree. Certified MS. copy from Herald's Office with corrections by H. Buxton For- man and printed proof of same. 50.00 25.00 219. SHELLEYANA. Original Watercolor of Shelley's grave [7x5 inches] by A. B., Rome. 1873 15.00 220. SHELLEYANA. Manuscript Journal kept by Captain Edward Ellerker Williams while a midshipman on His Majesty's Ship "Superb." Folio, wrappers. Inscribed by him : "Kept by Edw'd. Wil- liams Mid." 1807. Captain Williams was drowned with Shelley in 1822. 100.00 221. SHELLEYANA. Original Manuscript Petition in Chancery. Eliza Ianthe Shelley and Charles Bysshe Shelley, Infants, by John Westbrooke, their maternal Grandfather and next Friend, Plain- tiffs ; and Elizabeth Westbrooke, Spinster, John Hig- ham, Percy Bysshe Shelley, Sir Timothy Shelley and John Westbrooke, Defendants. 7 pp., large folio. An extremely valuable document, evidently used in the Court of Chancery in the action by Shelley to regain possession of his two children by Harriet, his first wife. In the complaint it is claimed that Shelley is cohabiting unlawfully with Mary Godwin and that he avows him- self an atheist .... and denied the existence of God. 125.00 36 THE BRICK ROW BOOK SHOP, INC. COPIES BY MARY W. SHELLEY AND LEIGH HUNT 222. SHELLEY (Percy Bysshe). Manuscript of Two Translations by Percy Bysshe Shelley. "The Dinner Party Anticipated. A Paraphrase of Horace's Nineteenth Ode, Book the Third," and "The Magic Horse — Translated from the Italian of Cristofano Bronzino." 4 pp., 12mo. And a transcript in the hand- writing of Leigh Hunt. 7 pp., 4to. These two translations are in the handwriting of Mary Shelley and were sent to Leigh Hunt, as was the case with all the work of the poet written during his stay in Italy. The Horace paraphrase was printed in The Companion for the 26th of March, 1828, but "The Magic Horse" was not printed until its inclusion in the "Collected Works." The second work has a few parts filled in by Leigh Hunt, evidently left blank be- cause Shelley felt uncertain as to the meaning of the original. The transcript of the paraphrase of Horace is in the handwriting of Leigh Hunt with an Introduction of four pages headed "The Dessert." This is on seven small 4to sheets. 150.00 223. SHELLEYANA. Manuscript Copy of In- denture between Percy Bysshe Shelley and William Willats, relating to certain Lands charged with £4500 on Estates, tail in remainder. Dated 31st Jany., 1818. Probably most of this amount went to Godwin, for Shelley wrote in 1820 that he had given him between four and five thousand pounds within a few years. 224. SHELLEY (Percy Bysshe). Manuscript Copies of Letters from Shelley to his wife Mary in the latter's autograph. [1] Dated Casa Ricci, Florence Sep. 10th, 1820, mentioning insurrection in Paris; [2] Dated [Lerici] April, 1822, on household affairs; [3] Dated Pisa, July 4th, 1822, to Mrs. Williams, Lerici, a week prior to his death. He writes : "How soon those hours past and how slowly they return to pass as soon again and perhaps for ever in which we have lived together so intimately and happily. Adieu my dearest friend." 25.00 75.00 THE BRICK ROW BOOK SHOP, INC. 37 THE EXCESSIVELY RARE MUTILATED QUEEN MAB 225. SHELLEY (Percy Bysshe). Queen Mab; A Philosophical Poem: With Notes. 8vo, original boards, uncut. [Printed by P. B. Shelley, 1813.] London : 250.00 The excessively rare first edition. It is well known that Shelley was in the habit of removing the title-page, the Dedication to Harriet, and the imprint at the end of the volume, and all three of these mutilations occur in the present volume. Laid in is a copy of a letter from Shelley to his wife dated, Bologna, August 6, 1821. He speaks of an accident; "one would think that I were the spaniel of destiny, for the more she knocks me about, the more I fawn on her." This interesting and affectionate letter is copied by Mary Shelley herself. Preserved in blue morocco slip case. Buxton Forman's copy with his bookplate. 226. SHELLEY (Mary W.). Various letters to and from Mary Sheiley. [1] Letter to Moxon, the publisher, 31 Jan., 1846; [2] Letter to Mary Shelley from Emilv Dunston, Aug. 28th, 1818; [3] Letter to Mary Shelley from S. E. Dunston, July 23rd, 1867; [4] Letter to Mary Shelley from Will. P. Lennox, July 4th, 1845; [5] Two copies of letters from Mary Shelley to Miss Holcroft, dated Oct. 2nd, ; [6] Letter to Mary Shelley, signed Laura, four 4to pages in small neat hand, closely written. 50.00 227. SHELLEYANA. Extracts from the Early Parish Register of Warminghurst in Sussex relating to the Shelley family. By Charles Bridger. 8vo, 8 pp. Printed for private circulation. London : 1853 5.00 228. SHELLEYANA. Manuscript Drafts of Agreements between William Godwin and his pub- lishers regarding "Mandeville," "Deloraine," "History of the Commonwealth of England," "St. Leon" and "Necromancy." In all 17 pp., 4to. 50.00 229. SHELLEYANA. Letter dated Aug. 31st, 1834, from Thomas Medwin to Charles Oilier request- 38 THE BRICK ROW BOOK SHOP, INC. ing him to use his influence with Mr. Bentley, the pub- lisher, to advance money due on a matter in dispute. 2 pp., 4to. 10.00 SHELLEY LEARNS OF THE DROWNING OF HARRIET 230. SHELLEYANA. Letter dated Dec. 13th, 1816, from T. Hookham, Jr., Shelley's publisher, being the first intimation the poet had of Mrs. Shelley's [Harriet Westbrook] suicide. iy 2 pp., 4to. 100.00 231. SHELLEYANA. William Godwin. Origi- nal Manuscript. [1] Agreement dated Dec , 1816, between Archibald Constable & Co. and William Godwin regarding "Mandeville"; [2] Agreement dated 21st Dec, 1821, between Henry Colburn and William Godwin regarding "The Commonwealth of Eng- land"; [3] Agreement dated 9th Nov., 1828, between Henry Colburn and William Godwin regarding "a novel to be printed in three volumes" [Cloudesley], signed in each instance by Godwin and the publishers with whom the agreements were made. 50.00 232. SHELLEYANA. Peacock's Memoirs of Shelley with Shelley's Letters to Peacock. Edited by H. F. B. Brett-Smith. 12mo, cloth, gilt, gilt top. London : 1909 1.00 Presentation copy from the editor. 233. SHELLEYANA. Samuel Rogers' Poems and Italy. 2 vols., 8vo, dark green calf, blind tooled. London: 1830 and 1834 25.00 Presentation copies to Mrs. Shelley in the autograph of Rogers. 234. GODWIN (Mary Wollstonecraft). Letters to Imlay. 8vo, cloth. London: 1879 3.50 Out of print and scarce. THE BRICK ROW BOOK SHOP, INC. 39 236. SHELLEYANA. Wit and Humour. Se- lected from the English Poets by Leigh Hunt. 8vo, original cloth, gilt, gilt edges. London : 1846 12.50 Presentation copy in Hunt's autograph "To Sir Percy Shelley Bart, from his affectionate friend Leigh Hunt." 237. GODWIN. Mary Wollstonecraft's Origi- nal Stories, with five illustrations by William Blake, with an Introduction by E. V. Lucas. 12mo, cloth, gilt, gilt top. London : 1906 1.50 238. SHELLEY (Percy Bysshe). Posthumous Fragments of Margaret Nicholson ; Being Poems found amongst the papers of that noted female who at- tempted the life of the King in 1786. 4-to, boards. Oxford: 1810 35.00 Reprint; probably by H. Buxton Forman for distribu- tion. One correction in his handwriting and has his book- plate with autograph, "H. Buxton Forman 3rd November 1875" on flyleaf. SHELLEY DEEDS FROM 1567 TO 1800 239. SHELLEYANA. Unique Collection of old deeds relating to the Shelley Family from 1567 to 1800. Executed on parchment, each bearing the signa- ture of one or more members of the family, making a connecting link from the days of Queen Elizabeth to those of the Poet. $350.00 1. Deed dated December 4th 1567 in the nynth yeare of the Raigne of our souveraigne Lady Elizabeth by the grace of god of England France and Ireland Queene between Thomas Shelley and wife of Mapledurham, Surrey and Nicholas Martin and Wife to house and barne and adjoin- ing land in Boniton. Signed by Thomas Shelley and Henry Shelley. Endorsed 17th April 1602. 2. Deed dated July 31st 1580 in the twenty second yeare of the Raygne of our Souvraygne Lady Elizabeth by the grace of god of England France and Ireland Queene be- tween Henry Shelley of Mapledurham and Stevin Har- gott of Westonals Zumford etc. lease of the lands of 40 THE BRICK ROW BOOK SHOP, INC. Godlecombe. Witnesses John Shelley and others. En- dorsed "The lease that Mr Steve Vachel hath of Godle- comb 1580" 3. Lease dated 29th March 1602 in the foure and forteth yeare of the rigne of our souveraigne ladie Elizabeth by the grace of god of England ffrance and Irelande Queene by Mary Shelley widow of Henry Shelley of West Maple- durham to Thomas Hanbury of Mapledurham of certain meadow lands referred to in an indenture dated the first daie of December in the sixte year of the reigne of King Edward the Sixte. Endorsed by T. Shelley. 4. Life Rent dated 19th April 1602 in the fourtieth yeare of the raigne of our souvraigne Lady Elizabeth of England France and Ireland Queene between Mary Shelley of Mapledurham Widow and Henry Shelley her Sonne on the one part and Nicholas Martin and Jane his wife on the other part. Life rent in House and Barne in Buryton. Endorsed 1617 by Mary Shelley and Henry Shelley and by T. Shelley as witness 5. Deed dated 7th April 1659 between John Holmdon and Elizabeth his wife on the one part and George Shelley the Older of Rutfield Surrey and George Shelley the Younger sonne and heire apparent of the said George Shelley the Older on the other part. The Lands of Salmons other- wise Loghills otherwise Drabb Hills. Consideration £650. Endorsed Mr John Holmdon and Wife conveyance to George Shelley the Older and George Shelley the Younger 7th April 1659. 6. Marriage Settlement dated 12th October 1676 in the eight and twentieth yeare of our souveraigne lord Charles the Second. Deed by George Shelley Yeoman of Lingfield Surrey the Older to his son George Shelley Yeoman of Mittfield Surrey the Younger in consideration of love and affection. Endorsed 12th October 1676, 28 Car. 2nd. 7. Deed dated 25th March 1738 in the eleventh year of the reign of our Souvereign Lord George the ii by Nicholas Goffe and others to John Shelley of Fenn Place and others the lands of Mocbridge etc. 8. Deed dated 14th April 1800 in the fortieth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord George III by Bysshe Shelley only surviving son of Timothy Shelley of Warnham and the Rev. Henry Chatfield and others. Timothy Shelley was the son of John Shelley and one of the nephews of Edward Shelley of Field Place. 240. SHELLEY (Percy Bysshe). Manuscript letter from the poet to C.[harles] Oilier dated Naples Feb 27th 1818. 1 page, 4to, with the address on the verso of blank page 2. Not known to Roger Ingpen and not published in "The Collected Letters of THE BRICK ROW BOOK SHOP, INC 41 Shelley." Laid in, a steel engraving of Shelley by H. B. Hall. New York: 200.00 241. SHELLEYANA. Letters from Mary Shelley to Claire Clairmont in the autograph of the latter. Consisting of about forty letters with a total of about 172 pages; in neat and very legible hand. 100.00 242. SHELLEY (Percy Bysshe). Queen Mab. 8vo, no boards. Printed and published by W. Clark. London : 1821 15.00 The first published edition, as the edition of 1813 was suppressed and withdrawn. This is one of the muti- lated copies with blanks at pp. 39, 54, 55, 65, 67, 82, 98, 146-148 and 171. The British Museum has a manuscript copy which says "Clark sold only 50 copies." Clark was tried in 1825 for publishing "Queen Mab" and was sentenced for four months in Cold Bath Fields Prison. 243. SHELLEYANA. Nugje. [Edited] by Thomas Medwin. Small 4to, paper covers. Heidelberg : 1856 10.00 Autographed "To my friend Shortt T. Medwin H. S. 4 Sept '6" Exceedingly scarce. 244. Another copy, inscribed "H. W. Shortt from Capt. Medwin, Heidelberg." Paper covers. 10.00 245. SHELLEY (Percy Bysshe). The Life of Percy Bysshe Shelley. By Thomas Jefferson Hogg. Portrait. 2 vols, [all published], 8vo, full straightgrain green levant morocco, gilt, red and maroon back labels, dentelles, gilt top. London: 1858 30.00 First Edition. Scarce. Four volumes were promised, but "Shelley's representatives fearing that the prosecu- tion of the work would result in stereotyping a carica- ture not only of Shelley but of Mary Shelley, withdrew the materials on which Hogg had depended for con- tinuing it." 246. SHELLEY (Percy Bysshe). Shelley's Adonais. By John W. Hales. Tall 8vo, paper covers. Reprinted from the Hampstead Annual, 1901. 2.50 42 THE BRICK ROW BOOK SHOP, INC. Laid in, an original letter from Hales to Forman, with press copy of the latter's reply. 247. SHELLEYANA. Speech for the Defend- ant in the Prosecution of the Queen v. Moxon for the publication of Shelley's works. By T. N. Talfourd, Sergeant-at-Law. 8vo, unstitched. London: 1841 5.00 First Edition. Rare. 248. SHELLEYANA. Manuscript copy of the Indenture made by Bysshe Shelley, grandfather of the poet, in settlement of his estate, dated August 20, 1791. Written on 77 large folio pages; not quite perfect. 10.00 OF EXTRAORDINARY INTEREST 249. WILLIAMS (Edward Ellerker). Manuscript. Sporting Sketches during a short stay in Hindostani. Title-page is a pen-and-ink sketch by the author de- picting a tiger hunt. 8vo, full calf [binding loose] . 150.00 The major part of this extraordinarily interesting volume is made up of a record of Travel and Adventure in India and is partly in the hand of Williams and partly in his wife's hand. She was a sister of Gen. John Wheeler Cleveland of the Madras Army. It contains a history and description of Mauritius and re- marks on Literature, Philosophy and History with sundry medical prescriptions. It is most valuable by reason of certain references to Shelley and to Byron, and graphically narrates the former's fearful vision which took place a few days before the loss of the "Ariel," in which both Shelley and Williams had so tragic an end. A number of the notations are unquestionably in the hand- writing of Edward T. Trelawny, into whose keeping came the effects of Williams after his drowning. 250. WILLIAMS (E. Ellerker). Manuscript Jour- nal. Containing a number of pencil sketches and five pages of beautifully executed watercolors of continental peasants; with 28 pages of closely and neatly written manuscript in the handwriting of Mrs. Williams. Ob- long 8vo, red boards [part of one missing]. 35.00 THE BRICK ROW BOOK SHOP, INC 43 50.00 251. "TrelawnVs [Edward T.] Account Book, commencing 29 th Oct. 1820." The foregoing caption in the handwriting of Mary Shelley appears on the flyleaf of this little manuscript volume, the pages of which overflow with "touches of things human." It is a delightful jumble of fugitive verse, household accounts, artistic sketches, with records of daily purchases of minestra and fish, salad and oil, pasta and canoli — a hat for Shelley for 25 pavoli, a box at the opera sandwiched between a pair of boots and children's beds, etc., etc. Who wrote or transcribed the following lines it would be interesting to know. They stand vis-a-vis to a receipt for 297 francs from Roguet et Cie., and on the verso of the page are drawings of peasant girls, more verse and cryptic notes. "And near the seat all pensively she sat, Her look as pale as snow on mountain top, But peaceful as the cloud that slumbers there On Summer's eve, — and round her brow was wound, Through the thick folds of her loose hair, a band Of golden work that caught the day-star's beams," etc. 252. The Poetical Works of Thomas Lovell Beddoes. Edited with a Memoir by Edmund Gosse, with Etchings by Herbert Railton. 2 vols., 12mo, yi blue crushed levant morocco. London: 1890 12.50 Edition limited to 500 copies for England and 500 for America. An attractive set. The gifted Beddoes was a great admirer of, and deeply interested in, Shelley, although he had never met him. With Leigh Hunt and others he became guarantor for the produc- tion of Shelley's Posthumous Poems. 253. Another copy. 2 vols., 8vo, boards, uncut. One of 125 copies on large handmade paper. 12.50 254. The Letters of Thomas Lovell Beddoes. Edited with Notes by Edmund Gosse. 12mo, cloth. London: 1894 5.00 Six hundred copies of this edition printed for England. 255. GODWIN (William). Lives of the Necro- mancers or an account of the most eminent persons in successive ages who have claimed for themselves . . . the exercise of magical power. 8vo, j4 green levant morocco, gilt top. London : 1834 50.00 44 THE BRICK ROW BOOK SHOP, INC. Laid in are two documents regarding the publication of the volume, one in the autograph of Godwin and the other of the publisher Mason. Godwin married Mary Wollstone- craft and their daughter Mary became Shelley's second wife. 256. SHELLEY (Percy Bysshe). Queen Mab. 12mo, boards, with limp leather cover, enclosed in leather case. New York: 1821 30.00 First American edition (first variant). 257. SHELLEY (Percy Bysshe). Queen Mab. 12mo, boards, with limp leather cover, enclosed in leather case. New York: 1821 30.00 First American edition (third variant). 258. SHELLEY (Percy Bysshe). Queen Mab. 12mo, boards, with limp leather cover, enclosed in leather case. New York: 1821 30.00 First American edition with additional engraved title-page (second variant). 259. SHELLEY (Percy Bysshe). Queen Mab. Tall 12mo, boards, with limp leather cover and enclosed in leather case. New York: 1831 22.50 Second American edition. 260. SHELLEY (Percy Bysshe). Queen Mab. 18mo, paper, with limp leather cover, enclosed in leather case. New York: 1852 17.50 Fourth American edition. 261. SHELLEY (Percy Bysshe). Queen Mab. 18mo, cloth, with limp leather cover, enclosed in leather C3.SC New York: n.d. 15.00 Third American edition. A rare and extraordinary edi- tion. Bound in with this volume are Coleridge's "Ancient Mariner" and other poems. The "Brick %ow Book Shop, Inc. is prepared to purchase, at fair market prices, entire libraries or single volumes, and also to appraise and catalogue libraries. In addition to a large stock of Rare and Valuable Old books it carries First Editions of all the modern authors and constantly re- ceives supplies of the leading English publica- tions as soon as issued. The Classics and sets of Standard Authors in fine bindings are a dis- tinctive feature of our shelves, forming most appropriate gifts for every occasion. We also carry a complete stock of the publications of The Yale University Press and The Har- vard University Press, and alumni are cordial- ly welcome to our facilities. Intending purchasers are advised to state the serial number prefixed to each item desired and to place their orders promptly, as deliver- ies are subject to the particular article being un- sold when order is received. Postage and car- riage are extra. Visitors to the Brick Row book-rooms will find all the quiet and comfort of a private li- brary, supplemented by unobtrusive and intel- ligent service. UN.VERS.TY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles isu OCT 4 l' : s£P 3^o7C ■ 1 ■ I I Form L9-Series 4939 4 ^ a iav" H^^H simile of Melville's handwriting add to the in- terest of this timely volume. Boards, paper label. Price $2.00 1 2mo. UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY AA 000 379 676 o PLEAfiE DO MOT REMOVE THIS BOOK CARD— ' /ersity Research Library TO a o