*C 21 t4t ^ >.1c* Library Bureau of Ra i lway Economics. SOME COMMENTS on the PLUMB PLAN... /6 1 -revised- September 20,1919. BY INDIVIDUALS and ORGANIZATIONS: - Associated industries of Massachusetts. Against government ownership* Associated industries of Massachusetts opposes rail union's plan. (Journal of commerce, August 7,l9l9,p.2, col.4) • •># Barnes, John K. Solving the railroad problem. The complex situation of our "scrambled' railroads* Efficiency and low rates no longer exist-*. (World's work, v. 38: 477-487 ; September, 1919) Blanton, Thomas L. The Blanton resolution. [to have Congress declare state of anarchy prevailing because of strikes and demands of railway employees.] (Traffic world, v.24: 363; August 16,1919) H.J.Res.178. Discussion: Congressional record, v.58: 396 9-3971; August 8,1919. ....[Wages of railroad employees...] _ (Congressional record, v. 58: 4135-4136 ; August 14,1919) ...with letter from Director general .H :nes. .. .....[.Salaries of members of Railroad brotherhoods compared with those of Army officers and others...] (Congressional record, v.58: 4256; August 19,1919) ,[SEE also Hines, Walker D.] Bledsoe, S.T. [Abstract of testimony before House committee on interstate and foreign commerce,] August 27, 1919. [Washington? 1919] 4 mime, sheets. IN Wall street journal, August 2 8, 1919, p. 8, col. 3. Boston. Chamber of commerce. ^ Private ownership. Members of National chamber of commerce and of local body oppose ownership of railroads by the government. (Current af fairs, v.10: l,4,7;August 11,1919) ... including statement by Chamber on Plumb plan... Br own, El on R. A law against railroad strikes. Labor should be compelled, as capital has been, to respect paramount public interest. (New York times, August 15,1919, p. 10 ) ...letter to the editor, dated V/atertown, N.Y., August 13,1919... Buck, Gordon U» Calls Plumb plan akin to Bolshevism.Workers have all to gain and nothing to lose, says railroad lawyer. Public alone stands risk.,. (Nov/ York tiiPep Ai.vm-f "» 7 1919. n.l?) Plumb- plan "2- . Calking R.M, \ — Plumb bill. [Chicago, 1919] 1 p. 4° Reprinted from Chicago herald and examiner, August 7,1919. Reprinted JEN Wall stroet journal. August 8,1919, p.6. ,/ Carss,William L. • ^ [Railroad brotherhoods and the Plumb plan,..] (Congressional record, v. 58: 4111-4112; August 13,1919) »..a reply to some of Congressman Blanton's statements... Discussion by member of Brotherhood of locomotive engineers, • with questions by Representatives Cooper, Pou, Huddleston, Zihlman, Kiess and 3aer... v —Chamber of commerce of the U.S. >/ Chamoer of commerce opposes government ownership, (Railway age, v.67: 326; August 15,1919) •..statement on Plumb plan... •...•Chamber of commerce presents plan for private railroads; says Russia tested nationalization. (Washington post, August 8,1919, p. 9) v — Chenery, William L. ''X'hr> railroad cirisiai-. (Survey, August 16, 1 91 9 T p>'/ <,!-'/ isa / ...comment on Plumb plan... v -~ Church, Samuel Harden. The railroad crisis, and the principles upon which any just settle- ment of it must be based. (New York times, August 11, 1919, p. 10 ) • ••letter to the editor, dated Bretton Woods, August 9th, relative to railways and proposals for employees for control... v . Clark, J.Maurice. Plumb plan a risky experiment. Expert in railway economics, admitting evils it aims to correct, points out its fallacies. (New York times, August 10, 1919, p.6) / Clark, Walt or. v/ [Statement in regard to Plumb plan...] —(Railway age, v.67: 300; August 15,1919) By chairman of conference on railroad control called by Glenn E.Plumb... v - Clement, Percival, Letter of Governor Clement of Vermont. (Congressional record, v. 58: 4404;August 22,1919) ...to Governor Cornwell of West Virginia, opposing Plumb plan... Cornwell, John J. [Letter... to Federation of railway employees, Huntington, W.Va., regarding Plumb plan... August 11,1919] (*L^-f;>" i ■■ *•»>. !*■' ;'.«.' '•> : o *v ' t r • (*, r. ■;«u- cr -; ~ r f - < . v :. \~j. ,.' •:<.«; ,-•.".< .-::• ".'^ x-i *f ■.-:■■ • r- 1 v; :'.• «... -J ,i{,.'.' jrv (frX.q^XC .'.CI J :.■•-.:■■'■•. <: ; •'•■• t \ ,'■• ■: tfe ft i •-••-.-{.■• /. : i . ' '.*.' i»i ■.•:.\tiii-i O.J ••■ X x •; ••:/ .f*j n^f* .'."•..'..■ f-r- .;•-. .■;••. ;•;• r B, '. : '.v.! U,,iKI M U * «/;% ; ( ■.';.., :.;.^i .:>j '. ■■;. H.y :>«;, ; .< tfitt': ?;■:•■ ; :.;-■ J , •:•;: J.' ,1 rtiU-'u (JIX-" \>H*\t(Q r r '<•-,,. • • ■■ , ■'< % V> ..■.•.., i-l.t- 1 1 o- Plumb plan. 3. \ Cummins, Albert. y The railroad question, y (Congressional record, v. 58: 3867-3872; August 5,1919) DaviSjWestmoreland. Gentlemen of the General Assembly: -[Letter transmitting estimates by State corporation commission, of revenue losses to Virginia if the Plumb plan bill should bo enacted .] August 20,1919. 5 typewritten pages. 4° Q Abstract:Washington star, August 21, 1919, p. 18. - Dawes, William R. ^ Common sense and the railroads* \s ^Saturday evening post,v.l9li August 9,1919, p. 7,65-66 ) Detroit. Board of commerce, apposes Plumb plan. V .— (Traffic world, v*24i 472; August 30,1919) •..resolutions passed at September meeting... Q, ~ Ding. (pseud? ) Thank goodness somebody loves it! (New York tribune, August 6, 1919, p. l) •..the railroad white elephant... Reprinted: Baltimore sun, August 9, 1919, p. 6. Cartoon. (^s>/ ••••-These things are sometimes harder to play than they look. (Now York tribune, August 8, 1919, p. l) ...the government-ownership-of-railroads band instruments... Cartoon on Plumb plan. Eastman, Joseph B. ' x \\c: Troubles in public control. (Railroad democracy, v. 1, July 31, 1919, p. 3) Extracts from letter tc BetXte committee on interstate corn- mere emJuly 8,1919. -Eaton, James Shirley. Th0 solid railroad vote. Those interested in government ownership /Could easily be held together. (New York times, August 10,1919) ...letter to the editor, signed J.S.E. Dated Washington, August 5,1919. Elmquist, Charles E. [Plumb plan would entail loss of $214,000,000 annually in taxes to various states...] Qy(Wall street journal, August 30,1919,p.ll, col.3 ) "* Equita'oLe trust company. Proposed railroad plans. [Chart] \ANation,v.l09: 211; August 16,1919) sj Plumb .1 I) plan. 4. Each, John J. Esch repeats opposition to government nwworohip. Says Congress has no intention of emn-acing it. Judge Lovett v/itness before commerce committee... • (p) .---(Wali street journal, August 23, 1919, p.6, col .4) Evans, Henry. Evans sees good in profit sharing idea. Worker would have an in&er"- tivo and respect rights of property. Must havs an honest government. [Wall street journal, August 14, 1919, p. 7, col. l) A brrester, James J. / Banners for labor day. (Railway clerks Inc.] v. 18: 509-511 ; August 1,1919) "...may I suggest that in order to impress the public and through it the Congressmen and Senators from your district and States, that you havs prepared and carry in such parade banners advertising the Plum s plan league and our desire for continued Government control." Gompers, Samuel. v> Gompers backs Big four* Say 3 workers will compel government to take over roads «.. Reprinted in Congressional record, v. 58: 4136 ; August 14,1919, from daily papers. Samuel Gompers on labor's action on Plumb R.R. plan. -Amsterdam conference. (Commercial & financial chronicle, v*109: 939-940; September 6,1919) Hanna, Paul . Senator Cummins sees a way to satisfy labor and provide better and cheaper transportation than is promised by public ownership pro- jects. (v3^^^(New York world, August 17,19l9:Editorial section, p. l) Haynes automobile company. [The Plumb plan.] Kokomo, Ind.,1919. 4 typewritten pages. Dated August 14,1919. Letter to Senators and Representatives giving "an old-fashioned ~. view regarding Plumb plan..." -Reprinted: Traffic world, v. 24: 433-434; August 23,1919. Herri ck, Myron T e Former Governor Herrick declares U.S. control of roads unwise. Erst- while ambassador says shift from private ownership would be step toward autocracy, imperiling people's liberties. fWashington star, August 21, 191 9, p. 22) Also in New York times, August 21, 1919, p. 4, Hi nes, Walker D„ Wage figures to Representative Blanton. ' Traffic world, v. 24.: 532; September 6,1919) ...in letter from Director general... '..:;:: :.i": ( : I • t ' •• ;- ....••• : * rr '.?"! -i ( • ■:■. ••;.. ^ >,if ...,■■ . ,; .;■«;. .!(%' :^::;.: t -x « .,:.• i .I.'. •■: < I,....:'. .■ c • "•.•• :' .( Plumb plan»5 . France, Joseph Irwin. A compromise railroad situation. (Nation, v. 109: 242; 243; August 23,1919) >( "...The Piumb plan.-, looks in the right direction, 'even if it is defective in certain fundamental particulars..." Holland . (pseud . ) Holland's letter. Two groat needs are greater production and bettor transportation. Atlantic City conference. Q^. (Wall street journal, August 11, 1919, p. 2, col .2 ) ..♦..Holland's letter. Senator Lenroot's : railroad plan. The difficult _^ problem of the relation of lauor. Ql^ (Wall street jo^ral, August 9,l9l9,p.2, col .4-5 ) Huddleston, George . [Railroad situation...] (Congressional r-cord,v.5C: 4227-422 0; August 18,1919) ...speech to H.Res. 217... HIS resolution(H.Res.243) reprinted on p. 4229. ••...Seeks to investigate Plumb charges. (O >s (Wall street journal, August 16,1919, p.2,col.4,p.3, col .2 ) — H.Res. 243... Jewell, B.M. Cooperation vs. competition* (Railroad democracy, v. 1, July 22, 191 9, p. 6-8) By Acting president, Railway employes* dept. A.F.of L. Keating, Edward. / / The railroads afraid of the co/trts. (Railroad democracy, v. lAugust 7, 1919, p. 1-2 ) ...Former Congressman Keating is manag2r of Plumb plan league... ....[Statement in regard to Plumb plan.] (Railway age,v.67: 300; August 15,1919) Kerr, C. P. Approves Senator Thomas 1 stand. (^/(Baltimore sun, August 9,1919, p. 6) ... with regard to wage demands of railroad brotherhoods... Lauck,W.Jett. / The wreck of railroad financeyC / (Railroad democracy, v. 1, July 31, 1919, p. 1-2 ) Loomis, E.E. r^. £5opy of telegram to Mew York world, Det?d August 5,1919, in regard to the "Plumb plan" for the 'railroads] 1 typ.vr.l 4° .President Loomis on Plumb plan. (Wall street journal, August 16, 1919, p. 3, col.2 ) - 1 ! i f*< ■■ | ; ; .r ■■'> -r r ; -; --.i". tj ■ •}. Plumb ? plan .6 . Loree,L.F. Presidents deny Plumb' charges. Replies from F.D .Underwood and L.F. Loree- Statements at V/ashington misleading and exaggerated, says downtown banker. Delegare and Hudson financing defended. (Journal of commerce, August 14, 19l9,p,5,col.l) Loomis,E.E. Loomis denounces union rail scheme. Opposition is also rising among employes. Lehigh V- lley president fears labor as partners without liability. Members of union not enthusiastic over radicalism. (Journal of comnufOgust 6,^919, p. l;col.l) Marsh, Arthur Richmond. Th- demands of %ii: railroad workers* (Economic world, v. 104: 183-164; August 9,1919) / ...as incorporated in Plumb plan... McGehe~, A.J. , N nv plan suggested. [Traffic world, v. 24; 431-432; August 23,1919) By General secretary, Southern interior traffic association... "Mr. Sims is working on th? lines I proposed but has ruined it by injecting government ownership..." cKellar, Kenneth. Rai lroad- c ontrol . (Congressional r-cord,v.58: 4724-4725; August 28,1919) .., includes l$ttar to Memphis. To nn., Trades and labor counc stating objections to Plumb plan... Abstracts Traffic world, v. 24: 525-526 ; September 6,1919. il, Mitchell, John J. Railroad security owners reassured by J. J. Mitchell. Chicago banker recalls that private property cannot be taken for public use with- out fair compensation. Ownership and brotherhood demands. (Wall street journal, August 7, 19l9,p.l4, col.2 ) Morton, Arthur V. Plumb plan not endorsed. President of Pennsylvania banking associa- tion says bill was di scussed, but no action taken, (v^^- 4 w all street j our nal, August 15, 1919, p. 7, col.4) Myers, Henry Lee. / Restriction of imports. [S.R?s. 157] v/ (Congressional record, v. 58: 4027-4031; August 11,1919) "...The Plumb plan is simply a bold, bald, naked attempt to sovietize the railroads of this country; and I will now say to. one and all that I am not in favor of the Sims bill and I shall not support it or anything like it..." National grange opposes Plumb plan. ! Traffic world, v.24: 358; August 16,1919) ' ':■ i :■' ■ . '* r / ft. : i :■>;, ; -> t ., . .. , » . • . t- ...A i ■ ■*• i . '.: f A Plumb v, plan. 7. * j National industrial traffic league. . .. .Gov^rnm ?nt ownership of railroads- the "Plunib" plan- ITS Circular no. 145A, August 18,1919, p. 1. I5» ...statement t<$r League by Pr-sident Guy M,Fr*er».. £w* o% ►Urges act-ion against "Plumb plan." (Traffic world, v«24: 360-361; August lt> f 19l9) New York he raid .Par rs ed. [Editorial] The railway crisis. "v^)^^'""TNew York herald, Paris edition, August 13,1919) •..comment on government control in the U.S... Plumb, Glenn E. /The human factor in railway operation* (Srarchlight,v,4.July,19l9,p.l9-20) / %... .Doubled values in th > railroads* (Railroad democracy, v.l, July 31, 1919, p. 6) / ••«*.An Answer to Wall street. l / (Railroad democracy, v.l, August 7, 19l9,p.2-3 ) \^i .....Calls conference of radicals to bac/: hi:r... Frank P.lValsh, Haymond Robb ins, Edward F»Dunne and others invited to.com 1 to Washington and assist in effort to put Plumb plan over... (Wall street journal, August 8, 1919, p. 10 ) • ..^Statements before House committee on interstate and foreign commerce] ABSTRACTS in. Railway age, v .67:275-279, 303-313, August 8,15,1919) — 2— " Wall street journal, August 13,l9l9,p.ll,col.l; * August 16 ,191 9, p. 4, col. 2* " Journal of c omme re -, August 13, 1919, p. 6, col. 7, •A...Gompers supports demands of labor: may assent to railroad and steel strikes. Federation of labor president returns from Europe-..* (Journal of commerce, August 27, 191 9, p,l, col. 5 ) Statement given out by Mr.Plfcmb... Career of originator of Plumb line plan. Lawyer active in anti-corporation movements in the middle west. (New York times, August 8,1919) .enn E. Plumb; the man whose railroad plan has set the nation talking* (New York tribune, magazine and review, August 17, 1919, pt«7,p*4) Plumb, of ths railroad scheme, says he's a conservative, by Albert Whiting Fox. — -.(New York sun, August 17, 1919, sect i on 3, p. 2) Plumb plan league. Application for membrrship. INCLUDED with the "A. B.C. of the Plumb olan." I ' ;i;»,. ' , '■ ' l" • • • ' ' ' I . V , '■»- "I ,• I * - t . -• i .■ . ,xc Plumb ] plan.i'. ,. 4 y Plumb plan leag.no. ? y -.."The A. B.C. of the Plumb plan." Washington, D.C.the Plumb plan *,nS* league [1919] 8 p. 8° At h^.ad of title: Plumb plan league to secure public ownership and democracy in the operation of the railroads. Partially reprinted: Wall st. jour., August 7,1919,p.l2,col.l» Editorial comment: Railway ags,v.67: 139-141; July 25,1919. •...♦Constitution of the Plumb plan league. (Railroad democracy, v. 1; July 31,1919, p. 7-8) •....Declaration of principles. (S- . (Railroad democracy, v.l, July 22,1919,p«8) 'WO if , ....♦Railroad democracy; the Plumb plan weekly* vol.1, no .l-July 22,1919- Washington,D.C.,19l9- nos. 8° ^, u s. f " ."? • " ."'0 : • • J J. : • . i ;.'. .'. s.-.l ~ ■ :i M ■■; ■ .\ MH Mi 1 t■■'■ ,J t •«: .3 .li:' u ?-t"Oy .tVfl ,'«'T i. *• Mumb plan J J -9- Ripley, Edward P. Railway executives on federal ownership. Expet»t views of the Plumb plan expose its fatal weaknesses and lick of justice. (Railway :-v/;>,v.65: 240-242 ; August 16,1919) Robinson, Joseph Taylor. To report bill on return of railroads. (Wall street journal, August 15, 1919, p. 7, col .4) ...statement by Senator Robinson... Sims, Thetus. SEE U.S. Laws, statutes, etc... Sisson, Francis H. Russianizing the railroads.. .New York, Guaranty trust co.,1919, 15 p. 8° .....Warning against Plumb plan. Banker says it is worst menace to prosperity since free silver fallacy. (New* York times, August 10,1919, p.6) Smith, Alfred H. Railway executives on federal ownership... (Railway review, v. 65: 240-242 ; August 16,1919) Smoot,Reed S. Activities of officials for legislation. (Congressional record^v.58: 3874;August 5,1919) ...comment on announcement that former Representative Keating had been appointed business manager of the Plumb plan... Southern traffic league. Memorandum concerning railroad legislation... August 5,1919... [Washington, D.C.J191 9] 33 p. 4° Submitted by William A. Wimbish, special counsel... Abstract, with Mr. Wimbish' s comment on Plumb plan, Railway age, v .67 .-279-280; August 8,1919. Stillman, James A. James A. Stillman analyzes economic conditions. Not time for experi- ments but first problem to be dealt with is shortage of necessities. Railroad question one of national policy..* (Wall street journal, August 14,191 9,p, 10, col. 3) .....James A. Stillman on present conditions... Solution of railroad problem... (Commercial & financial chronicle, v. 109: 744-745; August 23,1919) Stone & Webster journal. [Editorial] Government by railroad employees* [Stone & Webster journal, v. 25: 81-87; August f 19l9) ...as outlined in the Plumb plan... r '.uml plan. 10. } i Stone, Warren S. The labor campaign is on, {$__, .(Railroad democracy, v.l, July 22,1919, p. 1-3) . . . • . Stone says no strike to force Plumb plan. Men realize that government will keep trains running, is opinion of engineers* brotherhood chief-, all street journal, August 7, 1919, p. 14, col.l) ...abstract of testimony before House committee... Taft, Willi am Howard. A challenge to all America * (Boston transcript, August 9, 1919, pt. 3.; &} ...relative to Plumb plan for railway control by employee--. Texas industrial traffic league, Texas league against Plumb plan. ^Traffic world, v*24: 357-358; August 16,1919) Thomas, Charles S. Demands of railway trainmen and race Mots. {Congressional record, v. 38: 3887-3892 ;August 5,1919) • ..cbmmsrit on Plumb J5lan.-« SEE also, Kerr, C*P*i Underwood, Frederick D. Presidents deny Plumb's charges- Replies from F.D. Underwood, and L.F,Loree % . . (Journal of commerce, August 14, 1919, p. 5, col.l) U.S. Congress. House. ^ ...Resolution. ..[for appointment of committee to investigate charges made before Committee oh interstate and foreign commerce that rail- roads are now seeking to validate billions of fraudulent securities} [Washington, 1919] 4 p. 4° H.Res. 243. 66th Cong., 1st sess. August 15,1919. Submitted by Mr. Huddleston. •Jv*-vv U.S. Laws, statutes, etc. %.»A bil authorizing the acquisition by the United States of private interests in railroads and transportation properties Washington, 1919] 31 p. 4° (66th Cong. ,1st sess-H.R.8157) August 2,1919. Introduced by Mr. Sims. Based on Plumb plan. Comment: Wall street journal, August 13, 1919, p. 2, col. 2 , E / Walker, Roberts. Fallacies of the Plumb plan. Scheme for government ownership based on erroneous figures. Operation of railroads would cost $100,000,000 more a year instead of $400,000,000 less- (Magazine of Wall street, v.24: 735-736 ; August 16,1919) Willcox,William G. Railroad profit sharing. Mr. Willcox proposes co/apromise to meet claims of both sides. (New York times, August 8,1919) \*i. X. »t« (-;. '., r. ' 1 i •'}■'• ■■ 1 Plumb Some Comments or the Plurrb Plar^ plan. 11. ' BY MAGAZINE AND NEWSPAPER EDITORS:- / Albany Journal [Editorial] Strike fruit. t^^Ji^ Reprinted in Bo ston]ir an script , August 12, 1919, p. 3 American review of reviews. [Editorial] Railroads as a problem.. . (American review of reviews, v. 60:230-236 ;September , 1919) ...dsicussion of demands of brotherhoods, Plumb plan, etc... Baltimore sun [Editorial] Let us get this thing strraight. (Baltimore sun, August 9, 1919, p. 6 ) ...demands of Brotherhoods... Boston transcript, [Editorial] Bonanz a < leg i si at i on . (Boston~transcript August 13, 1919, p. 2, col. 3-4) "The admission by Mr. Plumb that the eight million railroad men whom he claims to represent know nothing of the details of the plan which he is presenting in their name, proves the essential falseness of his position and the intimidating methods which he and his colleagues have attempted to employ.. Commercial & financial chronicle. [Editorial] . The Plumb plan ani»attempt to thwart return of railroads to owners. (Commercial & financial chronicle, v.109 :720-722 ;August 23, 1919) Harvey's weekly. [Editorial] Seven points of railroading. (Harvey's weekly, v. 2, August 23, 1919, p. 12) ...providions of the Plumb plan discussed point by point... Independent [Editorial] Th«* railrn&d brotherhood's plan. (Independent, v. 99 :209, 211-212; August 16, 1919) ....A Worried Congress. (Independent, v. 99:203-205 ; August 16, 1919) ...Plumb plan and high cost of living... Journal of commerce [Editorial] The challenge of the brotherhoods. (Journal of commerce, August 5_, 1919, p. 8, col.l) / / .Nascent Bolshevism here. (Journal of commerce, August 6,, 1919, p.6, col. 1) .Public ownership in Politics. (Journal of commerce, August 7^ 1919, p.6, col. 1) •:■.'•'• ■■'■ I : » ', U ' b* ' t • ■ i -. * ;•• .,- .- ?lumb * plan. 12. ...Prospect of the taxpayer. y (Journal of commerce August j», 1919, p. 4, col. 2) Comment on the Plumb plan and the logical resu .Prospect of the taxpayer. ol.2; suits of the Railroad brotherhood demands in other industries, ^.....Position of the brotherhoods. (Journal of commerce, August 11, 1919, p*6,col.2) /.....Labor's worldwide discontent* y (Journal of commerce, August 16, 1919, p. 4, col-. 2) . ..prospects, ..favor an early return to normal conditions. Of course this return will not be accelerated by the adhesion of a man like Samuel Gompers to the visionary project of nationalizing of American railways ,.. . Commercial & financial chronicle [Editorial] The new attitude of labor. (Commercial & financial chronicle, v.109 :818-820; August 30, 1919) Journal of commerce [Editorial] Is there to be a labor rebellion? (Journal of commerce, Aug. 28, 1919. p. 6:1) Editorial comment on labor unrest throughout the world and the prospects of a general railroad ctrike in the U. S. Journal of commerce [Editorial] Railroad users, owners and workers. (Journal of commercel Aug25, 1919* p. 6:2) Journal of the switchmen's union [Editorial] Shall railroads be publicly or privately ovned and operated t ^- < Journal of the switchmen's Union, v t '21: 400-02 J Jul. 1919) Kansas City star. [Editorial] Heads, I win; tails, you lose. (Reprinted in Bostorlytranscript , August 12, 1919, p. 3) ...results of Plumb plan to public. / Life. [Eaitorial] [The Plumb plan and policy of the brotherhoods] (Life, v. 74:319, 321; August 21, 1919) ocomotive engineer's journal. [Editorial] Labor solves the railroad problem, (Locomotive engineers' journal, v. 53 :512-513 ; August, 1919) ...by means of the Plumb plan... Nation comp. A Railroad symposium. Articles by Glenn E. Plumb, Director-general Hines , Commerce commissioner Eastman, Paul M. Warburg, Louis W.Rapeer [and others]. Plans of President Lovett , President Loree, the Brotherhood ■ / Nathan L. Amster. / (Nation, v. 109, August 16, 1919) Editorial comment; The Plumb plan to the front, p. 196. Plumb j plan. 13. New Republic. [Editorial] The brotherhood plan, or what? (New Republic, v. 20:74-77; August 20, 1919) "...we are led by successive steps to a full acceptance of the general features of the railway brotherhoods' plan..." •Direct action and the Plumb plan. (New Republic, v. 20:69-71; August 20, 1919) "...The demand is backed frankly by the threat of a strike..." /{. ...The Brotherhood plan and the pork barrel. (New Republic, v. 20: 108-109; August 27, 1919.) ^...A Promise not a threat. (New Republic, v. 20:106; August 27, 1919) ...introduction of bill embodying Plumb plan... £••«•¥<) the railroad workers. (New Republic, v.20:71-72; August 20, 1919) ...suggested amendments to Plumb plan with regard to wages... New York times. [Editorial] Labor's second thought. (New York times, August 31, 1919, Section 3, p. 1, col. 2-3) ..•on the railroad situation... New York Times [Editorial] / Mr. Plumb. ' (New York Times Sept. 2, 1919) Comment on Mr. Plumb's address before the Organized Railroad employes at Richnond. . New York tribune. [Editorial] Wanted: a Stone age. tt)^^~(New York tribune, August 8, 1919, p. 8) ...comment on testimony of Warren S. Stone before Senate interstate commerce commission... Outlook [Editorial] / The pronouncement of the railway brotherhoods. (Outlook, v. : 561-64; August 13, 1919) Philadelphia inquirer [Editorial] Railroad wages and the high cost of living- (Philadelphia inquirer, August 8, 1919, p. 10. col. 2) Plumb's railroad plan in a nutshell. -(Philadelphia Inquirer Tuesday, August 12, 1919) w»T '::1^C !'::•.''' tC? *'/* "''X''" -' r-7.y * r.-.yii ■*■-'•.'< i J 3.* lV- ".;•: J:J.v . • • J 8 ... It.'JiK .««ir£q .''"^J: ;: i v.' '^"> lv£*fi r'-i -- i • T --->L , -5 , ;.?;ii ► . . i. *. ;' ; r J ..i.vl^v 0_t ■ "- i. J. '' "*■ ''•■ ■ " '' » ■» ■ L* ; » ■" --V- ■ " " . j. i *. - Plumb -4 plan* 14. 1 Railway age [Editorial] The "Plumb" plan for government ownership of railroads"A Plan "better adapted to cause inefficiency and waste in the operation of the rail- roads could hardly be deyiaed. '. . .July 25, 1919. [Chicago, 1919] 8 p. 8° Reprint of an editorial published in the Railway age. Railway age [Editorial] Get ready for a strike to force government ownership. (Railway age, v.67 :239-240; August 8, 1919) Tl»e Wage demands and the Plumb plan (Railway age v. 67 :238-239 ; August 8, 1919) Railway carmen's journal. [Editorial] "Steady - don't rock the boat." (Railway carmen's journal, v. 24:1186-1187; July, 1919) ...Warning to extrem* stein advocating strikes if roads are turned back to private control... ."What shall be done with the railroads?" (Railway carmen's journal, v.24:1252-1254; August, 1919) Railway clerk. [Editorial] The "Plumb plan" is the employes bill of rights. They ask no more than rightfully belongs to them-an equal share, in the operation of the railroads, with the public and the management of the properties, (ftailway clerk* v*18; 483;August 1, 1919) r Saturday evening post [[Editorial] Lboting the railroads* [Plumb plan for railway control] (Saturday evening post, v.l92: Sept* 13 * 1919; 28) Texas railway journal. [Editorial] The Plumb plan league. (Texas railway journal, v. 13: August, 1919, p. 1,4-5) Traffic world. [Editorial] Government ownership vagaries. (Traffic world, v. 24:221 -22; 266;August 2, 1919) .The Demands of labor. (Traffic world, v. 24:275-276 ; August 9, 1919) Traffic world. [Editorial] The threat of labor. (Traffic world, v. 24; 390; August 23, 1919) ...to strike if Plumb plan was not adopted... _ g ^-W'aTl Street journal. [Editorial] An issue for 1920. (Wall street journal, August 5, 1919, p.l ,col.2) "In face of the fact that the one desperate necessity. . .is taking of the railroads out of politics, the railroad unions have made the Republican party a present of a real issue for 1920 " .1.-. . ;,'*L lr .J - »' : . '.'til' ' /.:. I rm+ -;.r. Jt . •■ ■ ■ . . - M * ■ ', t.'J " J" C • ■ • » ATi " *.,-. .\< Plumb plan. 15. 5 .1 .What the Plumb plan means. (Wall street journal, August 6, 1919, p. 1, col. 2-3) .Absurdities of the Sims Bill. ^-^Tall street journal, August 7, 1919, p. 1, col. 2) •..incorporating the Plumb plan... .....Relief from high prices. """(Wall street journal, August g, 1919, p. 1, col. 2-3) .Where the President stands. "(Wall street journal, August 9, 1919, p.l col, 2-3.) ...in regard to the railroad question... .Still sitting on the lid. "(Wall street journal, August 14, 1919, p.l, col .2) Wall street journal [Editorial] The new defeat iam. (Wall street journal, August 15, 1919, p.l, col. 2-3) ...comment on testimony of Glenn E. Plumb... •Satisfying labor. —(Wall street journal, August 19, 1919, p.l, col. 2-3) ..Sharing profits - and losses. (Wall street journal, August 22, 1919, p.l, col. 2) ...quotes with comment, letter signed "Equitable stockholder"... Wall street journal [Editoriaij Citizenship for the unions. (Wall street journal, September 3, 1919, p.l, col. 2) ..."».. union education in citizenship is urgently needed. The worker hears all too much of his "rights" and too little of his duties.. ." "Wall street journal [Editorial] Democracy* s danger. (Wall street journal, Sept. 21, 1919, p.l, col. a) Washington post [Editorial] A leap in the dark. [Washington post, August 16, 1919, p. 6, col. 3) ...comment on Plumb plan..* if (t (,,:,, r_ r , ; ,;: :ui ;ifcv?.* ±o:i : • ■ . .. r-iUQi. i'DVTT*: "X; i : •f0*> , i.% • . t f Il : I . ;m t •■• ' :t<3 ■'■ 4 1 '::■ lit .'.'"■ t .Li;;i-;Uv! fin "it:; »' X i :l"i~\. MjJ.J ... . *. . > . .. T. • : "•'1. ;' 3- -V: "i'-.Tv rlamb I plan. 16. GENERAL ARTICLES discussing the PLUMB PLAN. The Great railroad problem. Labor taking a hand m the transportation luestion and clears the decks for action. (Steam shovel & dredge, v. 26: 415-16; Jul. 1919) Plumb plan arguments. (Railroad democracy, v.l: Jul. 22, 1919: 3) Plumb plan would reduce railroad stock equities. Proposes government acquisition without allowing payment for earnings put back into roads. StocSk of operating company leasing carriers from government. To be held in trust for benefit of employes, who would also control the management through directors. Promises reduceu charges to public. (Wall street journal; July 29, 1910. p.10) Reconstruction. To save a billion a year. (Railroad democracy, v.l; July 31, 1919: 5) Summary of savings under federal railway control, as indicative of increased savings under government ownership. The truth about wages. (Railroad democracy, v.l; Jul. 31, 1919: 8) Plumb plan for railway control. Summary of Plumb plan. (Railway clerk. [Cine] v. 18 ; 509-511 ; £u?ust 1, 1919) Labor * s ult imatum. (New York tribune, A ugust 5 » 1919, p . 1 ) •..statement of Acting president Jewell of railway department, A.F.L... Newspaper specials..* ( T ."< r all street journal, August 5, 1919, p. 2, col. 2) ...Henry L. Higginson, E.P.flipley, F-D. Underwood and others on Plumb and other plans for railroads... Railroad officers glad crisis has come now. Have seen it coming, but did not expect it to reach a head until end of the year. Brotherhoods have for weeks threatened a strike to prevent return of roads to private manage- ment. Burden now upon the government not the corporations. (Wall street journal, August 6, 1919, p. 2, col. 2) Brotherhood's plan laid before Hines. Call for transportation rates that guarantee equitable wages, give adequate service and returns. ;(Wall street journal, August 7, 1919, p. 9, col. 4) The Call for more than wage increases. (Railroad democracy , v.l :Aug. 7, '1919 : 7-8) Relative to Plumb plan for railway control, ..- j - ~\ Plumb I j plan* 17. ^ Closed shop declared to be real objective. Executive says presentation of Plumb plan is only cloak for real purpose of brotherhoods which desire to force unorganized labor from employment. (Wall street journal, August 7, 1919, p. 12, col. 2) The Constructive railway plan (Railroad democracy, v.l: Aug. 7, 1919: 6-7) Statement of the railroad brotherhoods relative to Plumb plan for railway control. Shippers oppose rail ownership. Fear financial depression from union scheme. Members of Produce exchange and Coffee exchange desire return to pri- vate control. Sees evil effect on security market. (Journal of commerce, August 7, 1919, p. 20, col.l) Labor's rail bill before house body. Union officials answer fire of questions. Intimated to Interstate commerce committee public ownership may go / before national political conventions, (Journal of commerce. Aug. 8, 1919. p. 4:2) Plumb plan given hearing before House committee. Congressmen not in receptive mood and resent threatening attitude I Stone, Morrison and Plumb testify. (Railway age v. 67 :275-279; August 8., 1919) ...also abstracts of testimony of R#C. Fulbright, John Martin and W.A.Wimbish.** Bankers hold railroad issue is serious. Confident ideas involved in Plumb plan will fail. Labor unrest In railroad and other fields regarded as indicating difficult period ahead. Effect on financial district* / (Journal of commerce, August 9* 1919* p*5, col.l) /Menace of revolution. (Harvey's weekly, v. 2; August 9, 1919, p. 4-5) ...Railroad brotherhoods' attitude... The Plumb plan. ^—-(Traffic world, v. 24:292-294; August 9, 1919) ...statement from Plumb plan press bureau... /-The Plumb plan bill. (Traffic world, v.24:294-95;£ug. 9, 1919) The Railroad situation. Probability of a large increase in rates at once to pay increased wages - President tries to pass the problem to Congress, whici sends it back - the demands of labor, 'raffic world, v. 24: 285-88; /:-'! h • : , i Plumb ..♦ J ] plan. 18. Sees no. danger in labor's desire to share control. Member of leading engi- neering firm says shop committee plan is working well in this country. Responsibility sobers radical element in the unions.,. 2^_^-- — (Wall street journal, August 9, 1919, p. 12, col .1) The Vicious circle. Campaign of the four railroad brotherhoode for nationali- zation of railways has suddenly made the high cost of living a vital issue. Qs (New York evening post magazine, August 9, 1919, p,l-2^ The High cost of living upheaves the nation. "Do somethi.^*' is answer of country to R. R. men's demands but what?... (New York tribune magazine and review, August 10, 1919, section 7,p,l-2) Railroad labor demands: that capital be discharged and pensioned, that the workers shall share in the profits, that unions, public and government / control. The trainmen's proposal finds scanty support... (New York tribune magazine and review, August 10, 1919, part 7, p. 2) Think rail brotherhoods have overstepped themselves. Sentiment in Washington is that Congress will hold out firmly against Plumb plan and compel its backers to take their case to the people as a presidential issue next J year. (Annalist, v. 14: 164,169; Aug. 11, 1919) The Challenge of the railroad brotherhoods. (New republic, v.20:Aug, 13, 1919 i 38-40) , Corporal ion bonds decline influenced by Plumb bill. Suggestion of nationalizing of railroads causes weakness in all classes of corporation issues. Bonds of railroad companies' havihg high credit and strong financial position recede with otners.,. ^(Wall street journal, August 13, 1919, p. 5, col. 2) Committee going ahead with framing of railroad bill. Senate sub-committee .*■■ making rapid progress and will report the measure in near future. To provide for readjustment periods* (Wall street journal, August 14, 1919, p.5,col>2) Curious budgets made in support of Plumb plan. Its advocates hold out promise of higher wages and lower rates to the public. Propose to save 1200,000,000 now paid annually in taxes to the state. Also see 100,000 employes who could be dropped... (Wall street journal, August 14, 1919, p.l ,col.4,p.9,col.3) Brotherhoods calculate on political campaign. Plumb plan not to be forgotten when more men with Union cards get into Congress, Recent attempt merely a feeler* r a ^^ (Wall street journal, August 15, 1919, p ,7, col. 5) Plumb calls conference on railroad control. (Railway age, v.67;300; August 15, 1919) * ■>■ •> • / ■." -1 / lo ektoS * .ei / / Plumb , plan 19. • | Plumb plan hearing before House committee, Glenn E» Plumb and £.B. Garretson sharply questioned by Congressmen. Revolutionary talk soft-pedalled. (Railway age, v.67: 307-313 August 15, 1919) ...with questions asked by Representatives Ray-burn, Webster, Sweet, Winslow, Sanders, Dew alt and Montague... Plumb's soviet plan of railroad management, A discussion of the seheme for employes' operation. Public could be "exploited" without limit, (Railway age, v.67; 293-296; August 15, 1919) House hearings on railroad bill. Plumb plan defended and criticised. Strong opposition is developed and private operation advocated. ^ ^(Traffic world, v. 24: 347-356; August 16, 1919) Testimony before Committee, and abstract of examination of wit- nesses by various Congressmen. The Outlook. Sentiment disturbed- the "Plumb" plan - [etcj (Magazine of "/all street, v. 24: 729-427; August 16, 1919) Plumb plan moribund. .(Traffic world, v*24: 341; August 16, 1919) ...in "Current topics in Washington *-'.'.. / The Plumb plan to the front* (Nation : v»109;196; August 16, 1919) Washington sentiment againsi Plumb plan. ^Traffic world, v. 24: 356-357; August 16, 1919) »*. abstracts of statements by Senators Hitchcock, King and Myers... Railroad labor reaching for the throttle. (Literary digest, v»62i Aug. 16, 1919: 9-11) Labor announces the brink of revolution. ?/hat the railroad brotherhood leaders said in one week. (New York tribune, magazine and review, August 17, 1919, pt.7,page 1) Congress unfavorable to Plumb R. R. scheme. Even labor leaders apparently do not expect favorable action. Plan "educational" drive. Labor said to be realizing that proposal would tax all workers for the benefit of a few... (Wall street journal, August 19, 1919, p. 15, col, 2) "Wall street conspiracy" rebounds on accusers. Real plotters against the railroads not the "interests" but Plumb and his followers. Far from having been led to spend million on equipment, the government has not bought enough, ..Deferred maintenance may reach $200,000,000. (Wall street journal, August 19, 1919, p. 14, col»l) The Fruit of the Plumb tree. -{Wall street journal straws, August 20, 1919, p. 2, col. 1-2) ■ i. i ) . ' '? .¥• Plumb plan. 20. I R. R. heads present pland to Congress. Executives ask for stable reorganization (Journal of commerce, August 22, 1919, p. 4, col. 3) Large wage advances given railroad employes. Railway age shows that while number increased 82 °/o disbursement advances 391 c /o. Freight and passenger receipts per mile of carriage decline while operating costs advance..... ^ £• (Wall street journal, August 23, 1919, p, 3, col. 2) The Line-up on the Plumb plan, (Literary digest, v. 62; August 23, 1919, p. 12-13) Obstacle to business. Attitude of labor threatens crop harvesting. Plumb plan would necessitate rate increase. Earnings already insufficient to show six per cent on investment in railroads. Examples of further demands for /wage increases. (Boston transcript, August 23, 1919, p.10) Plumb league press bureau busy. Doubted if the propaganda put out represents the railroad brotherhoods or organized labor. ^^- — ""(Wall street journal, August 26, 1919, p. 8) Labor asks Plumb plan for New York. Karnes sendidated and enters city politics. American labor party branch holds convention and organizes to contest for president of aldermen and sheriff* (Journal of commerce, August 25, 1919 j p. 22, col. 1) • R Rail issues improve*.. (Wall street journal* August 29* 1919, p. 4, col. 2-3) Railroads to answer the Plumb charges. ***^^-- (Wall street journal, August 29, 1919, p. 5, col. 2) /he Plumb plan and the railways. An analysis and a criticism. • (American review of reviews, v. 60 : 278 -281; Sept em ber,1919) « /The Plumb Plan League. v (Railway carmen's journal, v. 24 :13ib-i32*ft jSept . ,1919) ^7" Plumb to address mine workers. Convention to be asked to support his railroad plan. Gompers also to speak. {Wall street journal, September 10, 1919, p. 9, col. 1) Plumb league quiet since Gomper's return. Propaganda has subsided, probably due to American federation of labor leaders' lack of sympathy. k^^- — {Wafcl street journal, September 17, 1919, p. 7, col. 2) Nation [Editorial 3 / Cummins versus Plumb / (Nation v .109:361 t Sept. 13, 1919) < V / 68T8ev i ' • *A UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBK^J BERKELEY Sep** THIS BOOK IS DUlToN THE LAST DATE THISBOU STAMpED BEL oW Books not returned on toe are .ugertto .a fin 50c per volume after the _tmra a*y Bookg ^ m H^a^?^ is made oefore »AY 91 1924 MAR 18 192/ RfcCTD LD APR 3B5-2PI 27 19& SEP 13 19471 J&N 20Nov'i 7 1953 L13 38 *fl?0 \3J OC" .-j3 .■ftJUJi&Q -* €dolfey HE1029 Bureau of railway e oon* I Some commenjts on the Flumb— plan JAN 5 19gg YE 1464