Be? WILLS, REGISTERS MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS OF THE PARISH OF BARWICK-IN-ELMET, Co. YORK. / <7^ i //?///, < / J pi fib, a 0cf&~~ <\L~4r- ;*^ ^^eS}Q&^+.jC~ Resolutions passed at parish meetings at ] /dan*/, , ,;, ir . /. . X * ;/ . . V3 ./' "< St Ss,. / /~t.S. &4n . . . . 49 William Simpson . . .. 85 Margaret Ellis . 23 Sir John Gascc igne . . 51 William Hargrave . . .. 85 Richard Danyell . . . 23 Richard Potter . . 57 John Elston als Phillips . . 8i Elizabeth Settle . 24 Michael Wilson . . 58 Michael Graveley . . .. 86 Thomas Potter . 25 John Ball . . . . 59 Sarah Sharp .. 87 William Setthell . . . 26 Richard Shan . . 60 Robert Knapton . . .. 87 William Mawson . . . 26 Thomas Wrigh : . . . . 63 Samuel Haist .. 88 Stephen Brame . 27 Thomas Holme s . . . . 63 William Burton . . .. 88 Richard Gascoigne. . . 27 William Roydh ouse . . 65 John Smeaton .. 89 Richard Wilson . 31 Christopher Sh are . . . . 66 William Vevers .. 89 John Mitchell . 32 John Settle ..68 Thomas Jackson .. .. 90 John Thomlingson . . . 32 Robert Settle . . 69 Grants of Administration, John Burneley . 33 Anne Postgate ..69 etc. .. 91 Page Transcripts Baptisms, Marriage ;s, and Burials 1600, 1601 . 95 >> 55 55 55 1631-1642 . 97 First Book 55 55 55 1653-1662 . 117 > Baptisms . 1663-1683. 139 >> Marriages 55 55 154 55 Burials 55 55 159 Second Book . . Baptisms . 1684-1738. 177 >> Marriages 55 55 211 Burials . y .. 55 55 222 Third Book . . Baptisms . 1738-1788. 257 >j Marriages . I738-I754- 317 >> Burials . 1738-1788. 320 Fourth Book . . Baptisms . 1788-1812. 345 > Burials 55 55 374 Fifth Book . . Marriages 1754-1766. 389 Sixth Book 5 J . 1765-1812. 394 )> Banns 55 55 412 Monumental Inscri ptions . 418 CONTENTS. Various : Page Barnby's Charity 226, 228, 232 Briefs, Collection on . . . . 135, 183 212-4, 229, 252-4 Churchwardens and Overseers 174, 254-6 Clerks' Fees 138, 244 Curates, Appointment of . . . . . . 154, 158, 179, 202, 215 Dineley's Charity . . 173 Heald's Charity . . . . . . 132 House on London Bridge . . 256 Letter to the Curate . . 225 Memoranda on Cover of Second Register Book . . 256 Milner's Charity 253 Mortuary 213, 220, 246-7 Perambulation of Parish . . . . . 226 Rector's Fees . . 212 Rectors, Induction, &c, of, 156, 165, 190, 191, 215, 216, 219, 221, 245 249, 321, 325, 380, 387 Register, Appointment of . . . . 117 Riley's Charity 9 Transfers of Seats in Stall 254 Index of Place Names in the Parish . . 426 ,, ,, ,, out of the Parish . . 427 Index of Surnames . 431 BARWICK-IN-ELMET. wills: William Canon, Rector, 1404-1420. Testamentum Willelmi Canon',* rectoris ecclesie parochialis de Berwyk in Elmett. [Reg. Bowet, fo. 376^.] In Dei nomine Amen. Sexto die mensis Novembris, anno Domini millesimo cccc mo xix, ego, Willelmus Canon', rector ecclesie parochialis de Berwyk in Elmett, Eboracensis diocesis, compos mentis et sane memorie, facio et ordino testamentum meum in hunc modum. In primis lego et commendo animam meam Deo omnipotenti et Beate Marie, matri ejus, ac omnibus suis Sanctis ; corpusque meum sepeliendum in choro ecclesie predicte, ex parte australi summi altaris ejusdem chori. Item lego nomine mortuarii mei meliorem equum meum. Item lego pro.expensis meis funerali- bus quinque marcas monete Anglicane. Item lego summo altari ecclesie mee antedicte unum missale secundum usum ecclesie Eboracensis, ita quod executores mei non impediantur seu moles- tentur per aliquem in libera disposicione et execucione testamenti et bonorum meorum. Et si impediantur vel molestentur, volo tunc quod dicti executores mei hujusmodi missale vendant, et precium ejus in celebracionem divinorum pro anima mea convertatur. Item lego nove fabrice ecclesie cathedralis Eboracensis xiij s iiij d . Item lego fabrice ecclesie mee antedicte xiij s iiij d . Item lego fabrice ecclesie parochialis de Alne xiij s iiij d . Item lego fabrice ecclesie parochialis de Elughton xiij s iiij d . Item lego eidem ecclesie unum ordinale secundum usum ecclesie cathedralis Eboracensis. Item lego cuilibet ordini Fratrum Mendicancium civitatis Eboracensis vj s viij d . Item lego Fratribus Mendicantibus de Pontefracto vj s viij d . Item lego Custancie de Kereby, consanguinee mee, x H argenti, vj coclearia argenti, ij meliores lectos, iiij lodices, iiij linthiamina, et ij mattres, j pelvim cum lavacro, j togam furratam cum capucio, quam elige e voluerit, ac medietatem vaso um omnium et utensili- orum coquine mee. Item lego Johanni Cras, clerico, j portiforium cum nota de usu ecclesie Eboracensis antedicte, ac quinque marcas monete. Item lego domino Roberto Otlay, rectori ecclesie Sancti * The figure of William Canon was formerly in stained glass in the East window of Barwick Church. 2 BARWICK-IN-ELMET. WILLS. Martini in Conyngstrete, civitatis Eboracensis meliorem ciphum meum murreum, argento ligatum et deauratum. Item lego Willelmo de Yolton, servienti meo, x marcas argenti et ij quarteria frumenti. Item lego domino Willelmo Milford, capellano, xx s . Item lego Willelmo filio Willelmi Hesille de Eboraco ij s . Item lego Willelmo filio Willelmi Yolton iij s iiij d . Item lego Johanni Cook juniori, servienti meo, x s argenti et j quarterium frumenti. Item lego Philippo Webster, servienti meo, x s argenti et j quarterium frumenti. Item lego clerico parochiali de Berwyk supradicta ij s argenti. Item lego Willelmo Langtoo, servienti meo, vj s viij d et j quarterium frumenti. Item lego Elisote Webster, ad sustenta- cionem ejusdem, vj s viij d . Item lego cuilibet executorum meorum subscriptorum pro labore suo j marcam argenti. Residuum vero bonorum meorum superius non legatorum, debitis meis persolutis, do et lego in celebracione missarum et aliorum divinorum pro anima mea et animabus omnium benef actorum, et [ad] distribucionem pauperum in hiis parochiis quibus bona ilia adquisivi, secundum discrecionem et disposicionem executorum meorum predictorum. Hujus autem testamenti mei perimplendi ordino, facio, et constituo discretum virum, magistrum Johannem de Thornton, vicarium Pontefracti, dominum Johannem Spanyelle, capellanum, et Ed- mundum Cook de Walton, meos executores. Hiis testibus, domino Willelmo Kymstan, capellano, Willelmo Beroby, notario publico, et Johanne Harpyn, Eboracensis diocesis. Datum sub sigillo meo apud Berwyk predictam die et anno Domini supradictis. Probacio. Probatum fuit presens testamentum apud Cawod, primo die mensis Junii, anno Domini Mcccc mo xx mo , et commissa fuit administracio omnium bonorum ipsius defuncti tempore mortis sue executoribus in testamento nominatis, in forma constitucionis legati super hoc edite. Et facta fuit littera in forma debita, etc. i John Chapman. Testamentum domini Johannis Chapman nuper de Thirsk, capellani defuncti. Dimiss' est nullo inventario exhibito. [ii. 293b.] In Dei omine Amen. vij die mensis Januarij Anno Domini millesimo cccc mo lij Ego Dominus Johannes Chapman compos mentis et sane memorie condo testamentum meum in hunc modum. In primis lego animam meam Deo Omnipotenti beate Marie et omnibus Sanctis et corpus meum sepeliendum in cimiterio Omnium Sanctorum de Barwike et lego portatorium meum pro mortuario meo. Item lego quinque cereos quinque librarum cum iiij or torchiis ad ignendum circa corpus meum et post mortem meam seruiendum sacramento. Item lego iiij or presbiteros ad portandum me ad ecclesiam et quemlibet eorum habere ijs. Item legoxiiij presbiteros esse ad exequias meas et missam et quilibet eorum habere viii denarios. Item lego viij clericos parochiales esse ad exequias et missam meam, habere quilibet eorum iiij d . Item lego illi presbitero qui celebrat missam et sepilit me vj s viij d . Item iij presbiteris ad celebrandum pro me xxj marcas. Item lego v marcas to y e BARWICK-IN-ELMET. WILLS. 3 stypylV ecclesie de Barwike. Item lego pro fenestra factura in cancellario xl s . Item lego ymagini beate Marie cum filio suo in manu sua dextera ante Altare ecclesie de Tadcast' iiij or marcas. Item lego ecclesie de AdeuT vj s viij d . Item lego ecclesie de Tong' unum nobile. Item lego Elyott Harde quinque marcas. Item lego filie Thome Marshall' de Harwod xl s . Item lego Willelmo coco Rectoris de Barwike x s . Item lego iiij or marcas ad distri- buendum pauperibus pro anima mea. Item lego iiij or marcas pro pane et cerevisia ad faciendum pro me. Item lego Willelmo Boswell xl s . Item lego Willelmo Carter xl s . Residuum vero omnium bonorum meorum non legatorum post mortem meam do et lego Willelmo Bosewell et Willelmo Carter ut ipsi ordinent et disponant prout salute anime mee quomodo salubrius & sanccius videatur ut a domino Deo omnipotenti [etc.] ad remissionem anime mee et omnium fidelium defunctorum. In cuius rei testimonium huic scripto sigillum meum presentibus apposui. Datum apud Berwik vij die Januarij Anno Domini millesimo cccc mo lij. Probatum fuit presens testamentum penultimo die mensis Marcij Anno Domini he. Liiij, et commissa administracio executoribus in eodem testamento nominatis juratis in forma juris. Richard Burnham, Rector, 1432-1457. [ii. 348a.] In Dei nomine Amen. Anno Domini millesimo cccclvij mo Ego Ricardus Burnham Rector ecclesie parochialis de Barwike in Elmett compos mentis et sane memorie condo testamen- tum meum in hunc modum. In primis lego animam meam Deo omnipotenti, Et corpus meum ad sepeliendum in ecclesia parochiali ubi me obire contigerit. Item lego nomine mortuarij mei quod jus est et consuetudo patrie. Item lego fabrice ecclesie Cath. Ebor. vj s viij d . Item lego fabrice ecclesie Lincon' (sic) vj s viij d . Item fabrice ecclesie Sancti Wilfridi Ripon' iij s iiij d . Item lego fabrice ecclesie Sancti Johannis Beu iij s iiij d . Item fabrice ecclesie Beate Marie de Suthwell' ii j s iiij d . Item lego iiij or ordinibus Fratrum Mendicancium Ebor. iiij s . Item lego Fratribus de Pontefracto xij d . Et volo quod expense mee funerales fiant secundum discre- cionem executorum meorum. Huius autem testamenti mei execu- tores meos facio & constituoRicmWaterton armigerum de Coringham Magistrum Robertum Thornton, Aliciam Constable, sororem meam et Johannem Grenefeld seniorem armigerum. Item lego ecclesie de Barwike predicta nouum missale meum pro uno capellano ad celebrandum pro anima mea per unum annum. Item lego dessis chori edificand' xx s . Item lego (ad) campanile edificandum xxs. Residuum omnium bonorum meorum non legatorum committo in manus executorum meorum prenominatorum. Hijs testibus, Johanne Dawson, Domino Johanne Saunder capellano parochiali de Barwike, et aliis. Dat. apud Barwike vicessimo die mensis Aprilis Anno Domini, etc., quinquagesimo septimo. Et commissa adminis- tracio Ricardo Waterton armigero executori in eodem testamento nominato jurato in forma juris Reseruata potestate consimilem 4 BARWICK-IN-ELMET. WILLS. administracionem committendi ceteris coexecutoribus in huiusmodi testamento nominatis cum venerint in forma juris accepturi. Date of Probate not given. Will before, of Wm. Spencer, proved May 25, 1457, and Will of Master John Barnyngham next after, proved May 28. ^ohn Grenefeld. [iii. 301b.] In Dei nomine Amen. Anno Domini millesimo cccc mo sexagesimo quarto die xviij mensis Octobris. Ego Johannes Grenefeld sane memorie et bone mentis condo testamentum meum in hunc modum. In primis do et lego animam meam Deo beate Marie et omnibus Sanctis corpusque meum sepeliendum in choro ecclesie parochialis de Berwyk in Elmet. Item volo quod Margareta uxor mea habeat omnia terras et tenementa mea tam libera quam ilia terras et tenementa secundum consuetudinem manerii necnon firmas et redditus ad terminum annorum durante vita dicte Margarete, salvo semper quod ipsa vel heredes mei solvat seu solvant Willelmo Grenefeld fratri meo annuatim durante vita sua vij marcas, prout plenius continetur in quadam carta per Johannem Grenefeld patrem nostrum sibi inde confecta. Item volo quod Johannes Alius meus habeat post decessum Margerete uxoris mee omnia terras et tene- menta mea in villa et campis de Altoftes sibi et heredibus de corpore suo legitime procreatis et si contingat predictum Johannem sine herede de corpore suo legitime procreato obire tunc volo quod omnia predicta terre et tenementa in villa et campis predictis remaneant rectis heredibus meis. Item do et lego residuum bonorum meorum Margarete uxori mee ut ilia disponat prout sibi placuerit. Hiis testibus Willelmo Ryther generoso Willelmo Derley et aliis. [Probate granted 19 March 1464-5, to Margaret, the widow.] Thomas Grene. [iii. 518b.] In Dei nomine Amen. Sexto die Marcij Anno Domini Mcccc mo xxxvij. Ego Thomas Grene compos mentis mee condo ordino & facio testamentum meum in hunc modum. In primis lego et comendo animam meam Deo omnipotenti beatissimeque Virgini Marie & omnibus Sanctis corpusque meum sepeliendum in ecclesia mea parochiali de Barwyk. Item lego iiij or lb cere ad comburendum die cepulture mee. Item lego pro mortuario meo optimum meum animal. Item lego cappellano parochiali celebranti circa corpus meum die sepulture mee xij d . Et clerico parochiali iiij d . Item do et lego Roberto filio meo j togam de sangwyn pro corpore meo aptatam. Residuum vero omnium bonorum meorum superius non legatorum primitus debitis meis persolutis & expensis meis funera- (1) The Greenfields were the owners of Barnbow prior to the Gascoignes, to whom they sold their estate. The following inscriptions were, according to Dr. Johnstone's MS., on tombstones in Barwick Church: Orate pro animabus J oh. Grenefeld et Johanne uxoris sue que ob. in fest. St. Sim. et Jud. 1442. Orate pro anima Job.. Grenefeld, servientis ad legem qui ob. 23 Oct., 1464. William Greenfield Archbishop of York (1304 1315), was of this family. BARWICK-IN-ELMET. WILLS. 5 libus perimpletis do & lego executrici mee subscripte ad faciendum inde et disponendum pro salute anime mee prout coram summo iudice voluerint respondere. Huius autem testamenti mei executricem facio videlicet Johannam uxorem meam ad omnia premissa in forma predicta Meliter faciendum & perimplendum. In cuius rei testimonium sigillum meum apposui. Dat. die & anno supradictis. [Proved 4 May, 1438.] Henry Ellis.* 1 ' [iv. 158b.] Item secundo die mensis Maij Anno Domini Millesimo cccc mo septuagesimo primo comissa (sic) fuit ad omnium bonorum que fuerunt Henrici Elys nuper de Berwyk in Elmet ab intestato defuncti Agneti relicte et administratrici omnium bonorum dicti defuncti autoritate ordinaria deputata iurata (sic) in forma juris, &c. William Hawk, Rector, 1457-1472. Testamentum magistri Willelmi Hawke sacre theologie professoris. [iv. 171a]. In Dei nomine Amen. Decimo septimo die mensis Januarij Anno Domini millesimo cccc mo septuagesimo primo Ego Magister Willelmus Hawk sacre Theologie professor ac Rector ecclesie parochialis de Berwyk in Elmet compos mentis et sane memorie ordino et facio testamentum meum in hunc modum. In primis, lego animam meam Deo omnipotenti beate Marie virgini et celestis curie omnibus Sanctis corpusque meum sepeliendum in choro ecclesie predicte coram summo altari. Et lego sex libras in exequiis meis et messis pro anima mea celebrandis comburandas. Et lego nomine mortuarii venerabilissimo in Xpo patri et domino Domino nostro Eboracensi Archiepiscopo equum meum apud Medlay existentem vna cum sella freno occriis collobio et pug'. Item lego ad celebrandum pro anima in dicta ecclesia parochili vni presbitero idoneo per tempus trium annorum Dando eidem quolibet anno iiij 11 xiij s iiij d si bona mea debitis et legatis meis persolutis ad hoc se extendant et sumciant. Item lego Magistro Thome Sayls sacre Theologie professori monacho monasterii beate Marie Ebor. meum psalterium optimum manu mea conscriptum et glosatum per Hugonem de Vienna ad orandum pro anima mea. Item lego fabrice ecclesie de Berwyk xxiij s iiij d existentes in manibus ycono- morum iam existencium dicte ecclesie. Item lego domui sive loco religioso sancti Andree Ebor. xiij s iiij d . Item lego loco religioso sancte Trinitatis Ebor. xiij s iiij d . Item lego cuilibet ordini sive domui Fratrum Mendicancium Trinitatis Ebor. iij s iiij d . Item lego gilde corporis Xpi iij s . Item lego Roberti Fulliffh servienti meo unum domum sive mansum in villa de Berwyk una cum xij acris terre eidem pertinentibus. Item lego eidem Roberto unam equam albi coloris cum pulla eiusdem. Item lego uxori dicti Roberti unam (1) His son, Thomas, added the b ay window with the armorial glass, to Kiddal Hal], in 1501. For a pedigree of the Ellis family see the Genealogist, vol. xiv. p. 105. 6 BARWICK-IN-ELMET. WILLS. vaccam. Item do et lego Elisabet Fullygh unam vaccam. Item do et lego Agneti Fullygh unam juvencam. Item do et lego Roberto Parker unam vaccam. Item lego Johanne Parker unam togarum mearum. Item do et lego Willelmo Fullygh pro servicio michi impenso unam vaccam tunicam et sibi togam competentem. Item do et lego Thome Pees tunicam caligas et camisiam. Item do et lego Magistro Willelmo Poteman officiali ij pawtener rynges dearg' et deaurat'. Item do et lego domino Johanni Broderton unam togam. Item do et lego Johanni Elys unam togam. Item do et lego domino Willelmo Steward unam togam. Residuum vero omnium bonorum meorum non legatorum do et lego executoribus meis quos ordino et facio magistrum Thomam Sayls sacre Theologie pro- fessorem et Robertum Fullygh servientem meum ut ipsi disponant omnia bona mea secundum discrecionem eorum ad utilitatem et salutem anime mee. Testibus Domino Willelmo Steward cappellano parochiali ibm. Willelmo Otlay clerico parochiali et aliis. Datum die et Anno Dni. supradictis. Probatum fuit presens testamentum xxij die mensis Januarij Anno Dni. supradicto. Et commissa adm' Roberto Fullygh executori in eodem testamento nominato jurato in forma Juris &c. Magistro Thoma Sayls executore in dicto testa- mento nominato onus hujusmodi administracionis penitus recusante &c. (1) Richard Lascy of Barwick, gentleman, [v. 210.] Item vicesimo nono die mensis Januarij Anno Domini millesimo cccc mo lxxxiij cio supradicto commissa fuit adminis- tracio omnium bonorum que fuerunt Ricardi Lascy nuper de Berwyk in Elmett generosi ab intestato defuncti Agneti relicte et administratrici in bonis euisdem defuncti auctoritate ordinaria deputata in forma juris j urate. ,2) William Gascoigne of Lasingcroft, Esq. [v. la. Deed Poll. Will illegible.] y November, 1475. To all maner of men to whom this p'sent writing shall see here or com. Be it knawen that I,Wittm Gascoign of lasingcrofte, Esquire, make and ordance my will in the fourme that followes. That is to say. Where Sir Wittm Stapilton, Knyght, Wittm Skargill of ledes, John Vavaso r of Newton, Esquiers, Nicholas More, gentilman, and Wittm Walwayn, chappelleyn, ar enfeffed by me the said Wittm Gascoign, Esquier, in the maner of lasingcrofte and in all the landf tenenty renty s'uice w'in the said man' and also in all the landf tenentf rentf and s'uice in Abirford, P'lington, Kirkgarforth, West garth- forth, Gartforth Morehouse, Mekelfeld and Milford which at any (1) Glover in his Visitation of 1584, (p. 453, Foster's Edition) gives the inscription on Lacy's tombstone in Barwick Church, "Orate pro Ricardo Lacy, et Agnete et Elizabetha uxoribus suis" and also the Arms of Lacy impaling Sothill and Thwaites. (2) For Pedigrees of the Gascoignes see Foster's West Riding Pedigrees and the various Yorkshire Heralds visitations. William Gascoigne was married, 4 Edward IV., to Joanetta, daughter of Sir William Beckwith of Clint, by Elizabeth, daughter of Sir William Plumpton of Plumpton. He was the son of John Gascoigne and Isabel, daughter and heiress of William Heton of Mirfield, who after- wards married Sir Ralph Greystock, Knight, Baron of Greystock. Administration to her effects was granted 3 August, 1473, to Sir Henry Vavasour, Thomas Thwaites, and William Scargill. See Surtees Society, Vol. 53, p. 20n. BARWICK-IN-ELMET. WILLS. 7 tyme was myne the said Wittm Gascoign, Esquier And in all other maners, landf, terientes, rentes and s'uice which late wer Dame Isabell Graistok modur to me, the saide Wittm Gascoign, in the maners of Mirfeld, Westheton, Estheton and Ardislow, and in all lands, tenentf in Polington to the entent and fulfill my last will shewed and declared to thame my foresaide feoffees by writinge under my seale. Be it knawen that Jenet, my wiff, haue a state of a rent charge of xiiij th markf in the yere in name of hir thyrd^ at terme of hir lyve to be taken in the man' of Estheton and in all landes and tenentf in the said man' of Estheton. And I will that Wittm, my son, haue a state of a rent charge of c s in ye yere during his lyve to be taken in my chef place in P'lington, Milford, and in the tenent in the holding of Richard Preston in Garthforth More- house, provided that the said Wittm shall take of the said sum of c s but v mark during the tyme his susters be holpyn, also I will that Thoms my son haue a state of a Rent charge of c s in the yere during his lyve to be taken in the maner of Westheton, and in all the landes and tenentf to the said Man' p'tenyng providing also that the said Thoms shall take but yerely v mark to the said susters be holpyn. Also I will that all the p'fites and revenous of all the said maners, landis, rentf and tenentf except thes be fore except to be at disposicon of my executores and my said feoffees to the entent to pay my dettf. And for to pay and fulfill my legate in my testament comprissed and expressed. And ou' that of the surpleges of the said revenous for to be disposed to the helpinge and fortheringe of my said daughters. Also I will that my son and heire be rented and demened in his mariage and his demenyng aft' the discrecons of my said feoffes and executors. And if he will not after thame be demened then I will my said feoffees take the p'fites of all the said maners, landes, rentes, and tenents before rehersid to the valow of cc marke to enlarge the some of the mariage of my said daughters in my testament copressed. Also I will my said feoffees aft r my legacy in my testament expressed be fulfilled make astate unto my son and heire of the maner of Lasingcrofte with all other lands [&c.]. And also in all other landes [&c] in Aberford, Perlington, Lutherton, Westgarthforth, Garthforth, Kirkgarthforth, Morehouse, Mekelfeld and Milford to hym and to the heires of his body lawfully begottyn. In default, * ' to next heires of my body lawfully begotyn." In default, " to the heires of John Gascoign my fader." In default, " to the right heires of Nicholas Gascoyn." [Portion cut off]. Direction to feoffees to make "a state to my son and heire" of the "maners of Mirfelde, Westheton, Estheton, and Ardislow, and of all other lands [&.] in P'lington in Balne to hym & the heires of his body lawfully begotyn." In default, "to heires of my body lawfully begotyn." In default, ' 'to heires of John Gascoign & Isabell his wife." In default, "to right heires of the said Isabell for evermore." In witnesse wherof I the forsaid Wittm Gascoigne hath set to my seale gevyn the vij daye of Novembr, the yere of our lorde God M ; cccclxxv th 8 BARWICK-IN-ELMET. WILLS. (1, John Rilye, Citizen and Haberdasher, of London. [P.C.C. 31 Daughtry.] In the Name of God Amen. The Seauenteenth Daye of July, in the yeare of oure Lord God One Thowsande fiue hundred threscoare and seaventene, and in the nynetenth yeare of the reigne of our souereigne lady Elizabeth, by the grace of God, Quene of Englande, Fraunce and Irelande, defendor of the Faithe, etc. I, John Rylie, Citezin and haber- dassher, of London, beinge sicke in bodie, but of good and perfecte remembraunce, laude and praise be giuen to Almightie God, do make and ordaine this my presente Testament conteyninge herein my last will in manner and forme followinge. That is to saye. First and principally I commend my Soule to Almightie God, my maker and Creator, and to his only Sonne Jesus Christ, my Sauiour and Redemer, in whome and by the mearitts of whose blessed death and passion I trust to be saued, And I will my bodie to be honestly brought to the place of my buriall w th in the parryshe Churche of St. Magnus the Marter, neare London Bridge, where I am a parrishioner, at the discreation of myne Executor hereunder named. Item I will there shalbe a Sermon made at my Buriall by some godly learned preacher, and I bequeath to him for his paines and labor Tenne shillinges. Item I giue and bequeath to thirtene poore men euerye of them a gowne, to be made of some good and stronge cloath, for theire most proffitt, and they to attend on my Bodie to the Earth. Item I give and bequeath to and amongst the poor prisoners in the fleet, where most need is, Fortye shillinges. Item I giue and bequeath to and amongst the poore people in Bedlam, Fortie shillinges. Item I giue and bequeath to my welbeloued frende John Challoner a blacke gowne. Item I giue and bequeath to Alice Mondaye, my late seruante, Tenne powndes. Item I give and bequeath to my Cosinn Wylton, Twentie poundes. Item I giue and bequeath to my welbeloued frende Mrs. Croscrowe, in Ireland, Twentye poundes. Item I give and bequeath to my frende Thomas Croscrowe Twentie poundes. Item I giue and bequeath to my seruaunte James Nott Tenne poundes. Item I giue and bequeath unto Jofian Rylie ats Taylor, my kinswoman nowe in my house, Two hundred poundes of lawfull money of England, at one entire payment to be made unto her. Also I giue and bequeath to the same Johan all my household stuff, viz. Brasse, pewter, wollen and linnen, beddes, bedsteades and beddinge Excepte all myne Apparell. Also I giue and bequeath to the same Johan Rylie als Taylor, my lease, interest and tearme of my houses, landes and Tenements sett, lieing, and beinge in Longe Lane, in the parrishe of St George the Martir, in Sowthwerck, in the Countie of Surrye, w th all and singular their appurtenaunces : To haue and to houlde the same lease, houses, landes, and appur- tenaunces to her and her Assignes. And the remainder of the (1) The following Wills have been printed by the Thoresby Society Elizabeth Nettleton, of Roundhay, 1517 (IX. 89). Robert Symkin, 1518 (IX. 90), and Rauff Aunger, of Barwick, 1529 (XI. 42). The Will of William Ellis, of Kiddall, 1535, has been printed by the Surtees Society (CVI. 48], and the Will of Timothy Bright, 1615, Rector of Barwick, by the Yorkshire Archsological Society (XVII. 52). BARWICK-IN-ELMET. WILLS. 9 yeares to come after her death to John Taylor and Symon Taylor, her two sonnes, w th all the proffitts thereunto belonging duringe the continuaunce of the same lease. Item I giue and bequeath to my said Cosinn Johan a salt of siluer guilte, one Tankerd of siluer guilte, one dozen of siluer spoones, parcell guilte. Item I giue and bequeath to John Taylo r aforesaide my Cosinn, Fiftie poundes, and to thafforesaide Symon Taylor, my Cosinn, other Fiftie poundes, and to my Cosinne Margarett Taylor Fiftie poundes. Prouided alwayes and my will and mynd is Thatt all and euery the saide three seuerall Sommes of Fiftie poundes by me last bequeathed to my said Cosins John Taylor, Symon Taylor and Margaret Taylor shalbe paide to the said Johan Rylie ats Taylor, theire mother, forthw th to theire use. Item I giue and bequeath to the parson and Churchwardeins of the Towne of Barwicke in Elmett, in the Countie of Yorke, for the time being, and theire Successors, parsonns and Churchwardeins of the same parishe for euer, all that my nowe dwellinge house in London, commonly called by the Signe of the Cradle, sett and beinge in parishe of St. Magnus the Martir aboue- saide, at the Northende of London Bridge, in the Bridge warde, To haue and to houlde the same house to the said parsonns and Churchwardeins, theire Successors and Assignes for euer, uppon this condicon : That the said parsonne and Churchwardeins, or one of them, theire Successors and Assignes, do in and uppon euery Sondaye for euer from and after thexpiracon of a lease by me made to William Owen of my said howse, giue and deliuer to Twelve poore parsons, parishioners of the saide Towne of Barwicke in Elmett, in the parryshe Churche, betwixt the redinge of the Epistle and gospell in the seruice time, one peny loafe of swete and wholsonie brede and one peny in money to euery one of them. And so from thenceforth to be giuen by the said parson and Churchwardeins, theire Successors and Assignes for euermore, and not for any other intent or purpose. Item I will and my mynde and intent is, That the executor of this my testament shall, after thende of six monethes next after my decease, yearely euery yeare duringe the continuaunce of the lease of my said house, paye or cause to be paide to the said parsonne and Churchwardeins theire Successors or Assignes, Fiue poundes foure shillinges of lawfull money of England. And I will that they, the same parsonne and Churchwardeins, shall distribute the same on euery Sondaye to Twelue poor people, euerie one a penye, and a peanye lofe as aforesaide. And I will that the same my executor shall likewyse yearely duringe the continuaunce of the same lease, paye to the same Parsone and Churchewardeins and theire Successors, to make merry withall, amongst them, six shillinges. And my will and mynde is also that my saide kinswoman Johan Rylie ats Taylor and her Assignes shall haue thuse comoditie and occupieinge of the upper romes of my saide house duringe the saide lease of the same Willyam Owen, with free ingresse and egresse. Prouided alwaies and my wyll, mynde and intente is, That if the lawes of this Realme will not ne cannot permitt my bequest towch- inge my said howse to the saide parsonne and Churchwardeins to 10 BARWICK-IN-ELMET. WILLS. be good and to stand in full effect to them. Then I giue and bequeath my saide house w th thappurtenaunces to my saide kynswoman Johan Taylor ats Rylie duringe her naturall life, and after her decease to John and Symon, her Children, and theire heires for euer. The Rest and Reasidue of all my goodes, Chattells and debtes, which I will shall remaine in my nowe dwellinge house in the Custodie of the said Johan and my ouerseers hereafter named, or twoo of them untill the saide Johan my kinswoman be fullie satisfied and paide the legacies before by me willed unto her and her said Children (My Debtes paide, my other legacies herein performed, and my Funerall expences dischardged) I wholly giue and bequeath to my well beloued Cosinn, Henry Shawe of London, ymbroderer, whome of this my presente Testament and last will I make and ordaine my sole Executor. And for the better execucon hereof I make and ordeine my trustie frendes Thomas Bagnall, Robert Stokes and Roberte Lydger, my Ouerseers, to see this my last will in all thinges performed as my trust is in them. And I giue and bequeath to euerye of my saide Ouerseers for theire paines therein to be taken Twentie poundes a pece of lawfull money of Englande, Also and finally I will and my mynde is, whatsoever is herein wrytten, interlined, augmented, of diminisshed by me or by the saide Thomas Bagnall by my appointement, That the same shalbe as parcell of this my last will and Testament, and shall stande in full force. In witnes whereof to this my presente Testa- ment and last will, I, the saide John Rylie, haue sett my hande and seale. Yeouen the Day and yeare abouesaide, By me, John Rylie, By me, John Crimson, By me, Thomas Cooke, the Curate of St. Magnus, By me, Walter Wilcoks, By me, Will yam Owen. [Proved i August, 1577, by John Jucent, notary public, procurator of Henry Shawe. the executor named.] Henry Taylyor of Thorner, Clerk, [xvij. 412a.] In the name of God Amen, the xiij day of January, in the yeare of o r lord God, 1564. I, Henry Taylyor of Thorner, within the countie of Yorke, clarke, by the visitacon of Almyghtie God seike in bodie, of good and pfite rememberance do make this my last will and testament in maner and forme followinge. Fyrst I bequithe my soull to Almightie God and to all the celestiall company of heaven, and my bodie to be buried w th in the churche yeard of Barwicke in Elmet, nighe unto my ansesters. Also I gyve and bequithe unto Alice brahm, Eliz. Brahm and Anne Mylner, all my goodf moveable and unmoveable, unbequest or gyven, I gyve them frelie to the said Alice, Eliz and Anne, whom I make my holle and full executrixes of this my last will and testament. Also my will is that all my good(> shalbe devided at the discrecon of the Right Worshipfull S r Witlm Vavasor, Knight, whom I make sup- visor of this my last will and testament, desyring hym of his worship to helpe thes poore children to ther Right, according to this my meanynge, and to have for his paynes one pece of gold. And BARWICK-IN-ELMET. WILLS. 11 further my will is, that Wittm Mylner shall have no occupacon nor dominion of any pte or pcell of my goodf , nor any other of his kyn. Witness s hereof Thomas Post, France Uttley, Oswald Holden, Wittm Bewerley, and others mo. [Proved 20 March, 1564-5.] Thomas Gascoigne of Lasingcroft, Esq.' 1 ' [xvii. 536.] In the name of God Amen, the seavent day of Junij in the yeare of & lord God 1565. I, Thomas Gascoigne of Lasing- croft in the countie of Yorke, esquier, holle of bodie and of good and pfite remeberance do make this my last will and testament in maner and forme followinge. First I bequithe my soull to Allmyghtie God, my creator and redemer, and my bodie to be buried in the pishe church of Barwicke or elswhere yt shall please Almyghtie God. Item I bequithe to Eliz my doughter, not begotten in matrimonye one hundreth markes of lawfull money of England, of the which said some I will that xx 11 shalbe paid unto her at the day of hir mariage and other twentie poundf to be paid unto her twelve monethe after hir said mariage and the residew of the said some of one hundreth markes to be paid accordinge to the promis and couefiat maid betwixt me, the said Thomas Gascoigne, and John Goodyere as by the said agrement yt dothe and may appeare. Item I gyve and bequithe to Margaret Hopton, my cosin, Sex poundf thirtene shilling^ fourepence of lawfull Englishe money. Item I gyve and bequithe to hir sister, Dorithe Hopton, vj 1 ' xiij s iiij d of lawfull Englishe money. Item I gyve and bequithe to Isabell Womwell the yonger, Ten poundf of lawfull Englishe money. To euv one of my household s'vnt^, both man s'vnt, woman s'vnt and child, vj s viij d of lawfull Englishe money. To my brother Gascoigne, my gray ambling geldinge. To George Gascoigne, my blacke geldinge. To my brother John Gascoigne, one holle yeares rent of his ferme in P'lington, next & Imedyatlie after my deathe. Item I will and bequest Jane Gascoigne my wyf all maner and suche plaite as was hir fathers. To Xpofer Hopton, Thomas Doweman and Henrye Ellis, all my land^, Tentf and hereditaments in Ardeslay, in the countie of Yorke, and all that my mano r of P'lington, with all my lands, tentf and hereditament^ in P lington aforesaid, laite in the Tenure of Mathew Wentworthe and nowe in the Tenure and occupacon of John Gascoigne, and all that my messuage or ten't, and all landes; tenements and hereditaments in P'lington aforesaid, now in the Tenure of Wittm Horberye, and all that my messuage, and all my landf, Tenement^ and hereditaments in P'lington aforesaid, now in the Tenure of Thomas Horberye, to have and to hold to them, there heires and assignes for and during the Terme of [blank] yeares, to thuse and intent that the said Xtofer Hopton, (1) Thomas Gascoigne married Joan, daughter of William Ilson, of Gunby, and died circa 9 Sept., 1565. He was the son of John Gascoigne and Anne, daughter and co-heiress of John, third son of Sir Henry Vavasour of Haslewood. She was married secondly to Henry Ellis of Kiddall. His bequests to parsons and churchwardens, and the absence of religious bequests are some evidence that he adhered to the National Church, and the family apparently remained in conformity until the time of Sir John Gascoigne, the first Baronet. The Micklefield or Sturton family were also adherents of the Church of England. 12 BARWICK-IN-ELMET. WILLS. Thomas Doweman and Henrye Ellis, theire heires and assignes, shall yeyld and paye to the p'sonns hereafter naymed the somes of money to them gy ven by this my last Will and Testament of the yssues, revenues and profittf comyne and growynge of the said land(j, Tent(> and hereditament^. .... Item I gyve and bequithe to the poore and nedie people of Wytkirke p'ishe, xx s yerlie, to be distributed and gyven to them during the terme of seaven yeares, so That the same some shalbe distributed by the p'son or curate therof, withe the churchwardens of the same. To the poore and nedie people of Barwicke, xx s yerlie during seaven yeres, to be distributed and gyven by the curat and churchewardens of the same. To the poore and nedie people of Aberforth, xx s yerlie to be distributed and gyven to them during the terme of seaven yeares as is aforesaid. To the poore & nedie people of Garforthe, xiij s iiij d yerlie, to be distributed and gyven to them duringe the terme of seven yeres as is aforesaid. To the reparacon & amendment of the highe waye aboute Lasyngcrofte, xx s yearlie, to be gyven duringe the terme of twentie yeares next ensuing my deathe. To eu'y one of my brother John children xl s of lawfull Englishe money. To euery one of my syster Awmbler children v 11 xiij s iiij d of lawfull Englishe money. To Trowls Townesend seaven poundes of lawfull Englishe money, to be paid unto hym xx s by yeare duringe seaven yeares. To Eliz. Doweman, my nece, xl s of lawfull Englishe money. The Residue of my goodes unbequithed, my dettes and my legacis pformid and my funerall expenses deduct, I gyve to Wiltm Gascoigne & Rofct Barnebye, whom I make the sole executors of this my last will and Testament. Thes being witnesses. Thomas Dowman, George Leyton, John Craspe, Robt. Ball and others as Henrye Ellis, gent., and Wiltm Robinson. [Proved 6 May, 1566.] Henry Ellis, of Barwick, Gentleman. [xvij. 818a.] In Dei noie, Amen, the Fyrste day of Junij, in the nynte yeare of the Reigne of o r moste dread Sou'eigne ladie Eliz, quene of England, Fraunce and Ireland, Defender of the faithe, and supreme head of the churche of England. I, Henrye Ellis of Barwicke in Elmet, gent., constitutethe ordeynithe and makithe this my last will and Testament in maner and forme followinge, that is to saye. Fyrste I bequithe my soull to Almyghtie God my creator, to Jesu Christe my redemer, and to the hollie ghoste my comforter, and to all the hollie companye of heaven, also I bequithe my bodye to be buried within the Churche of Barwicke. Also I bequithe my goodf to be devided in thre ptes, one pte to Agnes, my wyf, one to John Ellis my sonne, the thirde to declere my will vpo and to bringe me furth withall. Also I gyve to Franc^ Mallet, my doughter in lawe, x H , to be taken of my pte Also I will that my brother, Richarde Gascon, have the custodye of my sonne, John Ellis pte, unto he be xxj yeares old or be marryed and keipe house, and his pte to be deliu D ed to hym, and yf it fortune John Ellis my sonne to dye before he keipe house or be maried, and BARWICK-IN-ELMET. WILLS. 13 have no childe, Than I will that Franc^ Mallet, his sister, have his pte. The Residew on my pte unbequithed, my dettes and funeralls discharged, I gyve to Agnes, my wyf, and John, my sonne, whom I make my full executors of this my last will and testament. Wit- nesse herof I have wrytten this my last will and Testament and subscribed my nayme withe my owne hand, the yeare and day above wrytten. Rauf Aungel!, Francis More, witness herof. [Proved 22 June, 1568.] John Wilson, of Roundhay, Husbandman. [xxiii. 797.] In the name of God Amen, the nynetyne daye of Aprill, in the thirtie yere of the Reigne of o r Sou'aigne ladie quene Elizabethe, by the grace of God of England, Fraunce and Irelande, Defendres of the faithe, &c. Anno Dni 1588. I, John Wilson of Roundhay, in the pishe of Barwicke and Countie of Yorke, husband- man, being sicke of bodie but whole and pfecte of mynd, praysed be the lorde God, do ordeyne constitute and make this my last will and testament, in manner and forme followinge. First I geve and bequeath my soule to Almyghtie God, my maker and Redemer, and my bodie to be buried w th in my pishe Churche yarde at Barwicke or els where it shall please my Executors. Also I will that my debtf be paide out of my whole goodes, then I will that my goodes be equallie devided into three pt(>, whereof I will that one pte shalbe towardes the bringinge of me forthe and discharging of my funerall expencf . Also I will that Isabell, my wife, shall have one other pte. And then I will that the thirde and last pte of my goodes shalbe equallie devided amongest my children, that is to say Wittm Wilson, Radulfe Wilson, Rychard Wilson, Mychaell Wilson, and RoBt Wilsone, my sonnes, and Isabell Brame, my doughter, so that everyeone of these my foresaid children shall have to that portion of goodes w c he they haue had of me, there father, heretofore, the hole some of fortie poundes. That is to saye, to Wittm Wilsone, my sonne, twentie poundes, for he haithe Received of me heretofore other xx 1 '. Also I geve to Radulfe Wilson, my sonne, ten poundes, for he hathe Receaved heretofore xxx u poundes. Also I geue to Rycharde Wilson, my sonne, xxxj tie pound^, for he hathe Receaved of me heretofore ix u . Also I geue to Mychall Wilson, my sonne, fortye pound^. Also I geue to RoBt Wilson, my sonne, twentie poundes, for he haithe Received of me heretofore xx 11 . Also I geue to Peter Brame, my sonne-in-lawe, in the Right of Isabell, his wife, twentye poundes, for he hathe Received of me heretofore xx 11 . [Provision that in case the aforesaid third part shall be insufficient to pay each child 40, then the remainder of his owne and first part shall remain towards the payment thereof, and the remainder thereof shall be equally divided amongst his wife and children, William, Rycharde, Rauf, Mychaell and Robert, his sons, and Isabell Brame and Elizabeth Tottie, his daughters.] Also I geve and bequeath to Isabell, my wife, all my Leases duringe her life naturall, and after her decease to Mychaell Wilson, my sonne. And 14 BARWICK-IN-ELMET. WILLS. if it please God my said sonne Mychaell to dye w th out issue of his bodie lawfully begotten, Then I will that the Reu'sion of my said leases shall Remayne and come unto Isabell Brame my doughter and to her assigns. Also I geve and bequeathe to Elizabeth Wilson, my sister, one ewe and one lambe. Also I geue and bequeathe to eu'ye one of my Childers Children nowe lyvinge one ewe and one lambe. To Willm Glovers thre children thre gimber lambes. To Clemet Wilson thre children thre gymber lambes. To Nycholas Whalay, one gymber lambe. To Elizabethe Mathewe, one ewe and one lambe. To Roger Beu'ley, my man, one gymber lambe. To Sessellye Wilson, one gimber lambe. The Residue of my goodf , my dettf beinge paide, my funerall expenses discharged, I will shalbe equallie devided amonge my wife and forsaid children, whome I make executors of this my last will. And I hartelie Request Nycholas Beu'ley, John Tomlinson, Lawrence Askw th , and John Kyllingbeck to be the supvisors of this my last will, and that my foresaid wife and children shall in all causes and contrau'ses if any happen to arise hereafter refar themselfes holye to thes my forsaid supvisors. Thes beinge witnesses Nycholes Beu'ley, John Tomlinson, Lawrence Askw the , John Kyllingbecke and Clemet Wilson. [Proved 19 June, 1588.] Robert Setle of Potterton, husbandman. [xxiii. 145.] In the name of God Amen, Anno Dni. 1585. I, Robert Setle of Potterton, in the pishe of Barwicke in Elmett, within the dioces of Yorke, husbandman .... My body to be buryed w th in the Church yard of Barwicke aforesayd. Item I geve and bequethe unto Henry Setle, my sonne, xls. I geve to Elizabethe, my doughter, xls. To M'garet, my doughter, xls. To Anne Potter, one ewe hogge. To Barbary Potter, one Ewe hogge. To Mary Potter, one ewe hogg, and to Janet Potter, one ewe hogg, and the same to be delyuered ymediately after my decease, to be kepte together joyntely to the use of the sayd Anne, Barbary, Mary, and Janet, till any one of them be of Lawfull yeres. To Mary Setle, doughter of Richard Setle, one Ewe hogge. To Robert Setle, my brother sonne, my weddinge Jackett and one pair of hose. To my brother, Wittm Settle, one Read Quy, in consideracon of one wedder and one ox w ch I had of hym. I geve unto John Setle, sonne of Henry Setle, one Ewe. I geve unto Wittm Setle, sonne of Lawrence Settle, one Ewe. Unto Michael Potter, one dublett. Unto Henry Setle, my sonne, one fether bedd. The Residew of all my goodes .... to Isabel, my wife, Henry, my sonne, Elizabeth and M'garet, my doughters, whom I make my full joynte executors. Also I will that my wife shall have the government and kepinge of all my sayd children during widowhead, and after she be married I will that my brother, Henry Setle, shall haue the kepinge and tuicon of them and their porcions, and also I will that Isabell, my wyfe, shall not Lett or sett over any pte or pcell of my Tenemente or other growndes and Tack^yiow in Lease but onely unto Henry, my BARWICK-IN-ELMET. WILLS. 15 Brother. And further I will and requyre my sayd brother, Henry Setle, John Talyer, Wittm Hardcastell, and Richard Potter to be supervisors, and I will that everyone of them shall have for their paynes, xijd. Thes beynge Witnesses, Thomas Taite, Wittm Hayton and Leonard Briggf, with others. [Proved 5 Feb., 1585-6.] Richard Shanne of Potterton. [xxiij. 405.] In Dei Noie Amen. I, Richard Shanne of Potterton w th in the p'ishe of Barwicke in Elmet, in the countie of Yorke, sicke in bodie and of whole mynd and p'fect memorie this instante last day of May, a thousand fyve hundrethe eyghtie sexe. . . my body to be buried in the mydle Alley in the churche of Barwicke aforesaid. Item that yf my syster Dorothie Johnson shall happen to be weddowe Then I do give unto her one cottaige house in Potter- ton layne with th' appurtenances nowe in the tenor of George Stilma, and one acre and a halfe of lande to be laid unto yt, she to enioye the same duringe her widdowhead, and to paye twelve pence Rent yearlie. Itm I give and bequeathe my farmehold in Potterton togeither with my lease thereof . '. . unto my brother Henrie Shann, excepte before bequiethed to my syster Dorothie, In consideration whereof the said Henrie shall contente and paye unto myne executoures or admi'stratoures the some of thirtie pounds . . . And also in consideration therof my mother Elizabeth Shanne, widdowe, shall by her seu'all acquittance release absolutlie to myne executors all debt^ ... I do owe unto her, And also in consideration thereof my said mother and brother Henrie shall provide and alowe unto my said wyfe and my two children sufficient meate and drink, And also the use of the chamber wherein I nowe do lye from my decease untill Martyne mas, w ch shalbe in the yeare of our lord God one thousand fyve hundrethe foure score and seaven w th out paying any thinge for the same And I devise my demaine lands in Scoles together with my Lease thereof ... to Frances Shanne and Katherine Shanne, my doughters. [Proviso that Elizabeth, his wife, should have the said demaine lands for 8 years, to enter so soon as Richard Slaters lease shalbe expired, and if she married again within the s d term of 8 years she to pay the sum of 20s. by yeare to his said children. Neyther his said wyfe nor her assignes shall plowe and Ryve out the soile or grounde of the said demaine landes duringe the said terme of eyghte yeares. If children died under 21 without issue his said lands to go to his nephew, Roberte Shanne, he paying to everie one of Testators nephews fortie shillings]; And whereas one Land p'cell of the said demaine Landes nowe in the tenur of Wittm Evers shalbe to be entered unto at thannucacon of our Ladie next after the date hearof beinge a yeare soner then the Residue of the said p' misses should enter, the comoditie and occupacon of that same yeare in the said Land, I give and bequethe unto Ehzabethe my said wyfe, she payinge the Quenes Rent yearlie for all the said demaine Landes duringe the said eyghte yeares. The custodie of 16 BARWICK-IN-ELMET. WILLS. the said demaine Lease I bequithe to my said brother Henrie Shanne to thuse of my said wyfe and children And a copie therof to the custodie of Wittm Vevers Itm I give to Elizabeth Shanne and Agnes Shanne, my neces, to eyther of them fyve shillings ; To the said Frances and Katherine, my doughters, to eyther of them, fortie shillings : To everie one of my god children sexe pence ; To my said brother Henrie Shanne, my Clooke and a paire of bootes. To the poure of the pishe of Barwicke sexe shillings eyghte pence. Itm I give the Residue of all my goodes and cattales . . unto Elizabeth my wife, Frances and Katherine my doughters, whome I make my full executoures. And I do make my said brother Henrie S. and Wittm Vevers to be supervisoures of the same Will and governores of my said children during their infances. Item I give to Ehzabethe, my said wife, all such Rentes as Richard Slater oughte to paye duringe his terme of yeares yet unspente. Witnesses of this my Will, Richard Shanne, Thomas Tate, Leonard Brigges, John Hayton, Wittm Danyell, Richard Potter, Wittm Vevers and Henrie Shanne. [Proved 4 April, 1584.] Henry Setle of Potterton, husbandman. [xxiii. 561b.] In the name of God, Amen. The seaventh day of November, a thousand fyve hundreth eyghtie sexe, I, Henrie Setle of Potterton w th in the pishe of Barwicke in Elmet, in the Countie of Yorke, husbandman, beinge by the visitacon of God, sicke in bodie, but throughe his grace of good and pfect memorie, thanks be to God, do ordeyne and make this my last will and testament in maner and forme followinge, First, I bequieth my soule to the almyghtie Lord, trustinge throughe the meritt^ of his passion to be one of those that shalbe saved in the Latter day. And my bodie to be buried w th in the Churchyeard of Barwicke aforesaid. Item I give and bequieth to John, my sone, twentie shillinges. To Francis Settle, my sonne, twentie shillinges, and to Ric. Settle, one other of my sonnes, twentie shillinges, and to Marie, my doughter, twentie shillinges. Item I give to my nephew, Wittm Steele, the sonne of Lawrence Settle, tenne shillinges. Unto my brother Wittm, thre shillinges fourepence. Also I will that my said brother Wittm shall have Chamber Rowme for his Loudginge wher he nowe lyethe duringe the terme of my lease. Unto Helline, my wyfe, the lease of my farmehold for the better bringinge up of my younge children, she paying furthe of the same to euerie one of my foresaid Children tenne shillinges. The Residue of all goodes and cattalles .... I give and bequieth unto Elling, my wyfe, John, my sonne, Frances and Richard, my sonnes, and Marie, my doughter, whome I do ordeyne .... the full and joynt executoures of this my last will, and further, I will and requier John Talior, John Taliour, Richard Potter and Leonard Bridges to be supervisoures of this my last will. Item I will that everie one of them shall have for their paynes twelvepence. Provided alwayes and further my will is that my said wyfe and Isabell, my syster, shall endeavour BARWICK-IN-ELMET. WILLS. 17 themselves to take and renewe the Lease of the farme to the use of John Settle, my sonne, and Henrie Settle, the sonne of Rofite, my brother. Thes beinge Witnesses, John Taite, John Talior, Leonard Briges, and Wittm Dickson, and Richard Potter. [Proved 21 Oct., 1587.] John Bramham of Barnbow. [xix. 467.] In Dei noie Amen, scd. die Decembris Anno Dni Mcccclxxj. I, John Bramham of Barmebowe, crasyd in bodye, but thankf be to God of hole mynd and good memorye, ordaince and mayks this my p'sent testament and last will in manner and forme following : fyrst I gyve and bequythe my sowlle to Allmyghtie God and to all the celestiall Companye of heaven and my bodye to be buried in the Churche yeard of all Sanctf in Barwicke. Item I gyve to Thomas Broughe xxs. and all my working geare save one axe and one hatchett. Item I gyve to George Broughe xxs. and a gymber lambe. It' I gyve to Margrett Broughe xxs. and a gymber lambe. Item I gyve to John Bramhm, my son, one chiste. To Thomas Bramhm, my son, an other chiste. To John Daniell, my godson, xijd. To Isabell Harryson, my dough ter, xijd. To Rofit Bramh 9 m, my brother, one browne jackett and a paire of showes. To Agnes, my wyfe, all the Corne in the barne to her own use, and the Resydew of all my good( j herebefore not geven nor bequythed I gyve and Bequithe to Agnes, my wyfe, John Bramhm and Thomas Bramhm, my sonns, whom I ordane and mayke my hole executors of this my last will and testament. It' I make sup'visor of this my last will Wittm Vevers. Thes being wytnes Wittm Vevers, RoM Brigg^, Rychard Jeffrason, James Danyll, Steven Brame, Edward Sayver and John Cawdray. [Proved 14 April, 1572.] William Shanne of Potterton, yeoman. [xix. 500b.] In the name of God, Amen, the xvj th day of Marche in the year of our lorde God a thowsande fyve hundrethe threscore and thirtene, I, Wittm Shanne of Potterton, in the pishe of Barwicke in Elmett and countie of Yorke, yoman, of good and quyte mynde and also in helthe of bodie, laudes begyven to Allmyghtie God for the same, do ordene, constitute and mayke this my presente testa- mente and laste will, as well concerninge the order and disposicon of all that my farmeholde or tenement in Potterton aforesaid, and now in the occupacon of me, the said Wittm Shanne, or of my assignes. And also of the tackf, leases, and terme of years yet to come of and in the same. As also of all my other goodes, corne, cattels, rightes, credites, debt^ and moveables whatsoever, they be in manner and forme hearafter followinge. That ys to say. Firste I bequythe and moste hartelie comende my soule unto Allmightie God the father that maid [me] and all the worlde. And to my saviour Jesus Chris te, both God and man, that ordened me and all 18 BARWICK-IN-ELMET. WILLS. the worlde w th the price and effluction of his bloode. And to the holie ghoste the comforter of the meeke in all tribulacons. And my bodie to be buried in the pishe church yearde of Barwike in Ellmet aforesaid or els wheer yt shall please God according to mv degree at the discrecion of my executrix and supvisoure. ... I mayke and orden Elizabeth, nowe my wyfe, my executrix And I ordene and especiallie desier M r Wittm Ellis of Kiddall, the yonger, in the said countie, gentleman, and also my brother, Richarde Shanne, to be my supvisors of this my laste will and testamente to call upon my executrixe for the trewe pformance and execution of the same, and to order and helpe her in all suche thinges as shalbe requesite and necessarie aboute the same. And I bequythe, will, and gyve unto my said supervisors for ther paynes and frendeshipp herein fyve shillinges over and besides ther reasenable costf and charges by them at any tyme hearaf ter bestowed and maide aboute the execucon of this my present testamente. . . I bequythe unto my sone, Henry Shanne, all that cottaige or tenement w th thappur- tenance^ nowe in the tenure of RoBte Talior, sex acres of arrable lande lying and beynge in the feildes of Potterton aforesaid. That is to say, in everie feilde two acres late in the tenure of my sone, Richard Shanne, halfe an acre of medowe be yt more or lesse lyeinge in the ynge called Barwicke ynge. The sowthe ende of one oxe- house and also one pcell of grownde lyeinge befor the same to be used for a dongesteade. And also all that cottaige or tenemente and all the grounde thereunto belonginge w th thappurtenance in Potterton aforesaid nowe in the occupacon of Thomas Londe or of his assignes. And also one chamber nexte adjoyninge unto my garden and nowe in the occupacon of me the said Wittm Shanne, all w ch said cottages, &c, ar pcell of that my messuage, tenemente, or farmeholde in Potterton aforsaid, nowe in the occupacon of me the said testator. Also I will that my said sone, Henry Shanne, shall have two mares and two foles well kepte bothe winter and somer of in and uppon all that pte of my said farmeholde now in the occupacon of me the said testator. To have and to hold the said cottages, &c, unto my said sone, Henry Shanne, his executors, &c, ymmediatelie from and after the day of the decesse of me the said Wittm Shann and the said Elizabeth, my wyfe, and the longer lyver of us unto the full ende and terme of all my years w ch shalbe then to come and unexpired of and in the premisses by force and vertew of one Indenture of lease to me the said testator laytelie maide of all and singular the premisses by Edwarde Dacre of Croglie in the countie of Ciiberlande, Esquier, as by the same Indenture of lease bearinge date the twentie day of Julye in the tente yeare of the r eigne of oure said soveraigne ladie the queenes majestie that nowe is, more at large yt dothe and may appeare. The said Henry Shanne yeld- inge and payinge unto the occupiers or farmers of the caputall messuage of my said farmeolde the some of xij d of laufull mony of Englande at termes usuall. I bequythe unto my sone, Wittm Shanne, and his assignes, all thos my two severall closes with th'appur tenancy in Potterton aforsaid, the one called the quarrell BARWICK-IN-ELMET. WILLS. 19 close, the other the ynge close, and pcell of my said farmeolde ymmediatlie frome after the day of the decesse of me the said Wittm Shanne, and of my said wyfe and the longer lyver of us as ys aforesaid, duringe all my years than to come of and in the same in manner and forme as my said sone Henry Shanne dothe occupie the cottages and others the premisses by this my presente testamente and laste will to him gyven as is aforsaid, yeldinge and payinge yearlie therfore unto the occupiers and farmers of my said caputall messuage of my said farmeolde the sum of vjd. at termes usuall. Itm I will gyve and assigne unto my doughter, Dorothie Shanne, her executors and assignes, all that cottaige or tenemente w th all the grounde and appurtenancf thervnto belonginge in Potterton aforsaid, nowe in the occupacon of John Dawson or of his assignes, ymmediatelie from and after the day of the decesse of me the said testator and my said wyfe, and the longer lyver of us, duringe all my yeares than to come of and in the same in manner and forme as my said sonnes, Henrye and Wittm Shanne, dothe occupie the cottages, landes, tenement^ and closes to them . . gyven and bequythed as is aforesaid, paynge therefore yearlie unto the occupiers and farmers of my said caputall messuaige of my said farmeholde the some of vjd. at termes usuall. Itm I bequyth, gyve and assigne unto the said Elizabethe, my wyfe, all the reste and Residewe of the said caputall messuaige of my said farmeholde in Potterton aforsaid duringe her naturall lyffe w th the remainder therof after her decesse unto my sonne, Richarde Shanne, his executors and assignes, together w th all my hole righte tytle and interest w ch shalbe than to come of and in the same by force and vertue of the said Indenture of lease or otherwyse by any other meane, right or tytle. The said Elizabeth Shanne, my wyfe, and Richarde Shanne, ther executors and assignes, yeldinge and payinge yearlie therfore all and everie such rentes and other thinges as I the said testator aughte to do by colore of the said Indentur of lease or otherwise. And yf yt happen any of my said thre sones and doughter before named to decesse before they be married or w th oute issue of his hir or ther bodies laufullie begotten, than I will that the pte and porcon of my said farmeholde of him hir or them so decessinge shall remane to the nexte of my said sones by lyneall byrthe than lyvinge as folowethe, that ys to saye, Henrye to succede Richarde, Wittm to succede Henry, and Richard to succede Wittm . . . [other provisions respecting children and their wives]. Itm I bequith and gyve to my sone in lawe, Thomas Mindewell, one cowe, and to my grandechilde, Dorothie Mindewell, one Ewe and a lame. To my said sone, Henry Shanne, xls. in monye, one pare of stande bedstockf w th all the furniture to the bedd, and also one table w th two drawers thereunto belonginge. Item unto my said sone, Richarde Shanne, one pare of stande bed- stockf . Unto my said doughter, Dorothie Shanne, xls. Unto my doughter, Anne Shanne, xls. All the reste and residewe of all and singuler my goodes, corne, cattelles, rightes, credit^, debtf and moveables whatsoever they be and not by this my presente 20 BARWICK-IN-ELMET. WILLS. testamente and laste will otherwyse gyven or devysed, shalbe equallie devided in thre ptes wherof I will one pte shalbe unto the said Elizabeth, my wyfe, and one other pte to all my said fyve children, viz., Richard, Henry, Wittm, Dorothie, and Anne Shanne, equallie to be devided amongf them. And the third pte shalbe for the pformacon of this my presente testamente. The reste and residew therof my debtes, legacies, and fun' all expencf paid, And this my laste will fulfilled, I gyve unto the said Elizabeth, my wyfe, neverthelesse I will that all my draughte of oxen, my yren Rawnge, one paire of cobirens, one pare of brigges, one table, one newe Iren bounde wane, one cupborde, one counter, and two paire of standinge bedstock^ shall continue and be lef te at my said caputall messuaige or farmeholde to the use of my said executrix and her successor of and the same appointed by this my present testament Thes beynge witnesses, Richard Danyell, Thomas Potter and Thomas Taytt, w th others, viz., John Tayte, Henry Kytchyn. M d that these bequeste hearaf ter named wear gyven after the maykinge up of this presente will. Imprimis I gyve and bequythe to my sonne, Wittm Shanne, one paire of hose and one cote. Itm to my sone, Richarde Shanne, my Cloke. Itm to my sone, Henry Shanne, my purse and my key. Itm to my said sone Wittm, his thre doughters, that is to say, Marie, Agnes and Elizabeth, and to every of them one ewe and one lame. Itm to Dorothie Mindevell one sheepe hogge. Itm to John Webster, my s'vante, one ewe and one lambe. Itm to my doughter, Dorothie Shanne, one bushell of wheate These beynge witnesses, viz., Thomas Potter and John Tayte. [Proved 28 April, 1574.] John Setle of Potterton, husbandman. 1 [xix. 511a.] In the name of God, Amen, the fourthe day of Januarie Anno Dni 1572, and in the xiiij th year of quene Elizabethe, I, John Setle of Potterton, in the countie of Yorke, husbandman, unconstraned but of myne owne will do make this my laste will and testamente in maner and forme folowynge. Fyrste I bequythe my soule unto allmyghtie God and my bodie to be buried w th in the churche yearde of Barwicke in Elmet. Also I gyve to Elizabeth, my wyfe, my farmeholde duringe her lyfe naturall and after hir decesse to RoBt, my sone. Also I gyve to Henry Setle, my sone, the other halfe of my farmeholde. Itm I gyve to Wittm, my sone, iiju v j s viij d by legacy. Also I gyve to Janet, my doughter, by legacie, iij H vj s viij d . Also I gyve to Laurence Setle, my sone, x s that Thomas Hardecastle dothe owe. Also I will that my children shall peasablie take away all ther goodf yt they have gotten besydf me. Also I will that the reste of my good^ unbequythed be equallie devided emongste my children se my fun' all expencf be discharged. Also I make Elizabethe, my wyfe, and Henry Setle, my sone, the full executors of this my laste will and testamente. Itm I gyve to the poore of Berwicke pishinge vjs. viijd. Also S r Xpofer Danbie dothe ow me xlviij s w ch shalbe devided emongste all my children, BARWICK-IN-ELMET. WILLS. 21 and to pve this will to be a true will I haue setto my marke w th my owne hande. Thes beinge witnesses, S r RoBte Hayton, clarke, Richard Danyell, Thomas Londe and Thomas Dyneley, w th others. [Proved 17 June, 1572.] William Ellis of Kiddall, esq. a) [xix. 601a.] In the name of God Amen, the xij th yeare of Elizabethe by the grace of God quene of Englande, Anno Dni a thowsande five hundrithe thre score and thirtene, I Wittm Ellis of Kiddall, in the countie of Yorke, Esquier, sicke of bodie but whole of mynde and of sound and pfect memorie, do ordene and make this my laste will and testamente in mann 9 and forme followinge. First I bequithe my sowle to Almightie God my lorde and maker, and to his sone my redemer and savioure by the merittf of whose passion my truste is to be saved and my bodie to be buried in the pishe churche of Barwicke in Elmett in the queare sometime caulled the Chantrie queare of the sowthe side of the saide churche. Itm I will that my bodie be broughte furthe in good and decent mann 9 withoute any pompe and sumptiouse fun' all, and to the poore people of the said pishe in moste nede and penurie I do give and bequithe xx s the same to be destributed at the sighte and discretion of my executory. Allso I will give and bequithe in consideracon of my tithes and other thinges forgotten to the churche iij s iiij d . Also I do give and bequithe by this my laste Will and testament to Wittm Ellis, the sone of Roger Ellis, and Mathewe More all and singuler those my landes and tentf in Pomfrett of the cleare yearlie valewe of xx H , and by one Indenture maide betwene me the said Wittm Ellis and Wittm Ellis afforesaide the yonger and Martyne Anne of Frikley, in the said Countie of Yorke, esquier, bearinge date the xviij th day of Aprill in the xj th yeare of the reigne of oure sou 9 aigne ladie Elizabethe, by the grace of God quene of Englande, France, and Ireland, Defender of the fathe, &c, and speciallie res'ved by the said Indenture for me the saide Wittm Ellis the elder to give, dispose and bequithe by my laste will and testamente or otherwisse at my will and pleasure. I do thearfore nowe wille and speciallie lymitt and appointe by this my saide laste wille and testamente that the said landes and tent^ in Pomfrett afforesaide withe the rentes and pfittf shalbe frome the day of my deathe untill the full tearme of xxj tie yeares to*such pson or psons as in this my saide will and testamente is sett furthe and declared, that is to say, to Wittm Savell the some of x 11 to be paide to hime at the aige of xx tie yeares, that is to witt, xxxiij s iiij d for vj years to come. Itm to Marie Savell, sister of the saide Wittm Savell, the some of xl H , that is to say, iiij 1 ' yearlie for x yeares, and untill the some of xl H be fullie satisfied and paide. Itm to Francf Ellis xl u , to be paide by iiij 11 yearlie and in tenne yeares for and untill the saide some of xl 11 be fullie satisfied and paide. Itm to Bridgett Savell vj 11 xiij s iiij d yearlie to be paide xxxiij s iiij d for iiij or yeares and untill the saide (1) He married Margaret, daughter of [? John] Vavasour of the Wold; her will is the next one printed. He died 15 Oct., 1573, without issue. 22 BARWICK-IN-ELMET. WILLS. some be fullie satisfied and paide. Itm to Wittm Copley, Averay Copley, John Copley, Wittm Copley and Thoms Copley xx 11 , that is to say, to eu'y of theme iiij 1 ', to be paide in five yeares, as it will rise subsequent eu'y paymente. Itm to Henrie Hodgson and his sone iij 11 vj s viij d . Itm to Thoms Ellis, John Ellis, and Wittm Ellis, xx 11 , that is to say, to eu'y of theme vj 1 ' xiij s iiij d . Itm to Wittm Harte and John Harte xx 1 ', that is to say, to either of them x H for and in consideracon of theire childes porcon whiche I will shalbe paide presentlie of my goodf and not of nor owte of the fore- saide landes. The Residewe of all my goodf and landes in and by this my laste will and testamente not bequithed my debt( j and legacies paide and fun 9 allf made I do give to M'garett Ellis, my wiffe, and Wittm Ellis, sone of Roger Ellis, whome I make my full executory of this my laste will and testamente. Itm I will that Francf More have v 1 ' to be reserved of the isshewes and pfittf of the afforesaide landes in Pomfrete, and of the firste money that shall ryse of the said landes after my deathe. Itm to the iiij or children of Richard Bushe, that is to say, John, Anne, Susan, and Francf, iiij 1 ', that is to say, to eu'y of theme xx s , to be taken of the landes afforesaide. Itm I give to Elizabethe Godyeare one of my best kyne or xl s in money. Itm I do for the better sewertie and suer paymente of the legacies and bequestes before given furthe of my said Landes and tentf in Pomfrete by this my laste will and testamente, Lymitt assigne and appointe the afforesaide Wittm Ellis my executor, and Mathewe More my resaver^ of all the rentf , issues and pfittf rysinge and groweinge of the said landes and tentf in Pomfrette. And I will that the saide Wittm and Mathewe shall yearlye accompte for the said rent^ issues and profitt^ to and before the ordinarie and after the said accompte hadd and mayde pay and diseise the said money so by theme Resaved and accompted for accordinge to the purporte, tener, effect and trewe meanynge of this my laste will and testamente, and accordinge to the truste in theme put and reposed by me the testator. Itm I give to Wittm Bucktrote xx s to be taken of my good(>. And I do make supvisoures of this my laste will and testamente Xpofer Vavasor, Henrie Copley, gentlemen, whome I do chardge soo farr furthe as I may to see my will pved and pformed, and as I speciallie truste theme and as they will dischardge the truste by me in theme reposed, and for theire paines hearin by theme to be taken I will they shall have theire costes borne of my goodf and allowed to theme by my executory. And for theire paines I do give to either of theme one angell. Itm I will that James Harte shall have xl s . I will and bequithe to Nicholas More one coulte fole of coller Iron gray. Itm I give and bequithe to John Bell, xl s . Itm to Thoms Awklande xx s . Itm to John Gilson, xx s . Itm I give and bequithe to eu'y of the madens in my house vj s viij d . Itm I do give to Robert Hardcastle xl s . Itm I give and bequithe to Edmonde Gibson xl s . Itm to George Beckwithe I give xx s . Itm I give to Wittm Londe x s . Itm I give and bequithe to Thoms Favell vj s viij d . Itm I give and bequithe to John Goodyeare, the sone of John Goodyeare, xl s . Theis being BARWICK-IN-ELMET. WILLS. 23 wytness, Wittm Power, Xpofer Vavasor, Mathewe More, and Henrie Copley. [Proved 3 Nov., 1573.] Margaret Ellis of Barwick, [xix. 649a.] In the name of God Amen, the eighte daye of June in the yeare of oure Lorde God a thowsande five hundrithe thre- score and fowertene, I, M'garett Ellis of Barwicke in Elmett in the dioces of Yorke, beinge of whole mynde and of good and pfecte memorie, p'sed be God, make my laste will and testamente in raantf and forme followeinge. Firste I bequithe yelde upp and commende my sowle to thandes of oure moste m'cifull and to his sone Jesus Christe the Redemer of Mankinde. And my bodie to be buried, &c. Itm I bequithe to Wittm Copley iij u vj s viij d . To Marie Savell iij H vj s viij d . To John Harte iij H vj s viij d . To Averay Gascoigne iij H vj s viij d . To Francf Ellis, doughter of Wittm Ellis, iijd vjs viij d . To Elizabethe Goodyeare, wiffe to John Goodyeare, iiju v j s viij d . To the poore folke of Barwicke in Elmett iij s iiij d . And the reste of all my goodf my husbande debtf and myne paide, my fun'all exspences dischardged, I give to John Gascoigne and Henrie Copley, gentlema, whome I make my true and fathefull executory off this my laste will and testamente. Theis beinge witness s , Mathewe Norton, Henrie Wilson, James Harte and Thomas Dyneley, withe other^. [Proved 1 Oct. 1574.] Richard Danyell of Potterton, husbandman. [xix. 722a.] In the name of God Amen. The xiiij day of Aprill in the xvj yeare of the reigne of o 1 Sou 9 eigne lady Eli/, by the grace of God, of Englande, Fraunce and Ireland, quene, Defender of the faithe, &c. And in the yeare of o r lord God 1574. I, Richarde Danyell of Potterton, in the countye of Yorke, husband- man, seike in bodye but of good and pfyte memorye, thankf be to God, doythe ordayne, make and constitute this my last will and Testament in maner and forme followinge. The fyrst I comende my soull to Almyghtie God my maker and to Jesu Christ my redemer, and my bodye to be buried within the pishe churche yeard of Barwicke. Itm I gyve and bequithe to Isabell Bolton, laite wyf of Myles Bolton, one browne whye with calf. To Jane Danyell, my doughter, xl s of lawfull moneye, also to Jennett Tottye, my goddoughter, a stryke of wheate and a bushell of malte. To Thomas Danyell, my godsonne, xij d . Also to Wittm Taite, Richard Hemsworth and Richard Potter, and to eu'y of them iiij d . To Thomas Danyell, my s'unt, one yowe and a lambe. To Rofct Byckerdike, his children whiche he nowe haithe withe his wyf, my doughter, xl s amongest them. Itm I gyve and bequithe to Wittm Danyell, my sonne, my messuage or Tenement whiche I nowe dwell in and also laithe bought of Rofct Killingbecke. To have and to hold to hym and to theires of his bodye lawfullie begotten, and for defaulte of suche yssue then to remayne to Jane Danyell, my 24 BARWICK-IN-ELMET. WILLS. said doughter, and to theires of her bodye lawfullie begotten, and for defaulte of such yssue then to remayne to the right heires of me the said Richard Danyell for eu 5 . To Wittm Danyell, my said sonne, all my intrest and terme of yeares whiche I have yett to come in my leasse of Maynehouse garthe, whiche I did Taike of M r Henrye Copley. To my said sone Wittm all my intrest and terme of yeares yett to come in my leasse which I did Taike of Certayne arrable land(=, closses, and all other there app r tenncf being the quenes Ma ties land^ lyinge and beinge in the lordshipp of Barwicke in the said countie of Yorke called the Demaynes. To my said doughter Jane xx s more in money. To Isabell Bickerdike, my doughter, wyf of Rofit Bickerdike, xx s . Itm all the Residew of my good<=, my debtf paid and funeralls discharged, I gyve and bequithe to my said children Wittm Danyell and Jane Danyell, whom I make, ordayne and constitute my executors of this my last will and Testament. Itm I gyve and will that my said executors do gyve to the poore mens boxe of Berwicke aforesaid iij s iiij d . Also I will and desyre my trendy Rofct Danyell and John Burneley to be sup visors of this my p'nte will. Itm I will that my said executors do gyve to the Poore of Barwicke and Potterton half a quarter of corne at the daye of my deathe. In witnes whereof I have putto my hand the daye and yeare abovesaid. Thes beinge witness 55 , Thomas Dynelay, John Burnelay, Robarte Danyell, Wittm Hodgeson, Thomas Potter and Thomas Barnebye. [Proved g May, 1574.] Elizabeth Settle of Potterton, widow, [xxj. 347a.] In the name of God Amen. The xxij th daye of January Anno Dni, 1578. I, Eliz Settle of Potterton in the countye of Yorke, widowe, do ordayne and maike this my last will and Testament in maner and forme followinge. Fyrst I bequith my soulle to Almyghtie God and my bodye to be buryed in the churche yeard of Barwicke in Elmet. Also I gyve and bequithe to Wittm Settle, my sonne, three pounds sex shilling^ eighte pence and one acre of wheate and half an acre of waier corne. Also I gyve and bequithe to Lawrance Settle, my sonne, three pounds sex shilling^ eight pence and one acre of wheate and half an acre of waier corne and one blanket and one sheitte. Also I will that Thomas Potter wyf shall have my bedd whiche I lye upon the daye and makinge hereof and three pounds sex shilling^ eight pence. Also I gyve to Thomas Potter wyf and my sonne Henrye wyf all my harden yere and sameron to devide yt equallie emonge them. Also I gyve to Margaret Potter all my Rayment and one chiste. Also I will that Thomas Potter eldest doughter have one petticoate and Marye Lupton one petticoate, whiche shalbe maid upon my nowne wolle. Also I gyve to eu'y poore house in Potterton one pecke of corne. Also I gyve to Rofit Settle, my sonne, one brasse potte and one fether bedde. Also I will that Marye Lupton shall have ij s viij d . Also to S r RoBt Hay ton viij d , and to Thomas Dyneley viij d . Also BARWICK-IN-ELMET. WILLS. 25 I gyve more to Wittm Settle, my sonne, one almerye. The Rest of all my good^ not bequest I gyve to Henrye Settle and Roftt Settle, my sonnes, whom I maike my sole and onelye Executors of This my last will and Testament. Thes beinge witnesses, Sir Robarte Hayton, curate, Wittm Daniell, John Tayte, John Hemysworthe, Robarte Ottes and Thomas Dyneley. [Proved 7 May, 1579.] Thomas Potter of Potterton, husbandman. [xxij. 602.] In Dei noie, Amen. The fyf tenth daye of Auguste in the yeare of our lord God a thousand fyve hundrethe eyghtie foure. I, Thomas Potter of Potterton, in the Dioces of Yorke, husbandman, beinge by the visitacon of God sicke in bodie, but by his grace of good and perfect memorie, thankes be geven to God, do ordeyne,make and constitute this my last will and testament in maner and forme followinge. First I do bequiethe my soule to the Almightie Lord, trustinge that throughe the merrittf of his blessed passion to be one of those who shalbe saved. Itm I do also give and bequiethe my bodie to be buried w th in the churche yeard of Barwicke in Elmyt. Itm I do bequiethe my whole farmeholde to M'garet, my wyfe, Imediatlie frome and after the daye of my deathe for and duringe the tyme and terme of sexe yeares then nexte following fullie to be complett, determined and ended for the further mayn- tenance and better bringinge upe of my children, after w ch tyme and terme of sexe yeares I will that my sonne Richard Porter and M'garet Porter, my said wyfe, shall occupie my aforesaid farmehold and Land joyntlie together for and duringe the terme of twentie yeares yf my wyfe kepe her selfe so longe widdowe. They or eyther of them yeldinge and payinge unto John Porter, my sonne, fortie shillinges at the feaste of St. Martyne the bushoppe nexte ensewinge after my decease. And to the rest of my children viz., Mychaell Potter, Andrewe Potter, Roberte Potter, Wittm Potter, Elizabeth Potter, Agnes Potter, Marie Potter, Barbarey Potter and Janet Potter, And to everie one of them fortie shillinges so sone as they or everie one of them shall accomplishe the aige of twentie one yeares. Itm I will that my whole farmehold and Land, after the determinacon and end of the aforesaid [term] of twentie yeares before menconed, remaine unto my sonne Richard Potter fore ever. Itm I give unto Wittm Settell, my wyffe brother, thre shillinges foure pence. The Residue of all my goodes and cattalles. moveable and unmoveable, my dettf and legacies paid and my fun' all expenses discharged, I frelie give and bequiethe unto M'garet, my wiffe, and Richard, my sone, whome I do ordeyn, constitute and make executoures of this my last will and testament. Itm I will and requier John Talior and Henrie Settle to be supvisoures of this my said will to see the same pformed. Thes beinge witnesses, Wittm Danyell, John Taite, Wittm Mawsone and Roberte Settell. [Proved 14 Nov., 1584.] 26 BARWICK-IN-ELMET. WILLS. William Setthell, of Barwick. [xxiij. 895.] In Dei Noie Amen. The daye of Aprill, 1588, in Anno xxx Elizabethe Regine, etc. I, William Setthell of Barwicke in Elmytt in the Countie of Yorke, beinge subiect to many deceases and infirmities in my bodie, and yet, praysed be God, of whole mynd and p'fect memorye, do ordeyne and make this my last will and testament in maner and forme followinge. First I bequiethe my soule to Almightie God, trustinge that his great mercye and not the regore of his Justice for my synnes shalbe extended towards me, that by the merrittes of his most bitter passion and bloud sheddinge I shalbe one of them that shalbe saved at the dreedfull day of Judgment. Itm I give and bequiethe unto Martyne Setthell, my sonne, one longe table with the frame and frames thereunto belonging, one corselett with the furnitur and one pyke, one Iron Range with all the pendles and peces of Iron therunto belonging. To the said Martyn my sonne, all and everye my demaine leases of Barwicke, and Scoles, viz., of litle Speightlies, highe Roodes, Jenkin flattes, Okenhead, w th all the arrable demaine land lyinge upon Basslingflatt, and also one lease of two beast gates in Barwyke Oxclosse. [Proviso that Rosamonde, his wife, should have them for her life, she paying the Queen's rents, also paying unto Helline Setthell, his mother, yearly, the sum of fyve pounds, and when the payment thereof shall end to pay unto his son, Martyne five marks during her said occupation. Proviso for renewal of lease and for entry in case of nonpayment of annuities.] I will that my lease of all the great Cloose of Speightlies and the lease of Manston becks shall be prysed as chattales. And my wyfe to have a third pte of the comoditie of bothe the same. Itm I give unto my mother the bed wherin she lyethe, sufficientlye furnished, one great presser, and the use of one waynscott chist duringe her lyfe. Itm I give unto the poore of Barwicke pish twentie shillinges. Itm I give to Maude Hayton fyve shillings. To Frances Setthell, my nece, one Quy or twenty sixe shillinges eighte pence. To Edward Browne my Russett Clooke and my graye hoose and two shillinges. The Residue of all my goodes and cattails ... I do give and bequiethe to Prudence Setthell and Robert Setthell, my children. And I ordeyne and make Thomas Setthell and Matthew Setthell, my bretheren, my executors, and I give unto eyther of them twentie shillinges and their charges. And I make John Grene, gentleman, and John Talor, my bretheren in lawe, supvisours of this my said will. And I give to my said brother Grene my sword and my dagger. And to my brother Taylor, one dagge[r] remayninge w th my said brother Grene and my Scotche sword. And lastlye I give to my sonne Martyne all my bookes. Testes, George Lewes, clarke, George Stylman, John Grene, Robert Jeffrasone, Wittm Poore, clarke. [Proved 17 Oct., 1588.] William Mawson, of Potterton. rxxiii. 907.] In the name of God Amen. 1587, The Secounde day of December. Wittm Mawson of Potterton w th in the pishe of BARWICK-IN-ELMET. WILLS. 27 Barwicke in" Ellmytt, beinge by the visitacon of God sicke in bodie but of good and p'fect memorie . . . And my bodie to be buried in the Church yeard of Barwike aforesaid. Itm I give and bequiethe unto John Mawson, my sonne, fortie shillinges ; unto Elline, my wife, the benyfytt and use of my farme durynge my lease for the tuicon and better bringing upe of my said sonne. And further my will is that my said sonne John shall have my intrest for the renewinge of my foresaid leasse. Itm I will that my brother Christofer Mawson shall haue my Blewcot. The Residue of my goods and cattails ... I give and bequiethe unto Elline, my wyfe, and John, my sonne, whome I do ordeyne, make and constitute the full and joint executors of this my last will and Testament. Thes beinge witnesses, Henrye Shanne, John Caite and Wyttm Danyell. [Proved 2 Nov., 1588.] Stephen Brame of Barnbow. [xxiv. 743b.] In the name of God Amen, the first day of August in the yeare of our lord God and Savour Christ, 1590. I, Stephen Brame of Barmebowe w th in the county of Yorke, sicke in bodye but of good and pfect memorye, the lord be thanked, doe make and ordeyne this my last will and Testament in maner and forme as followethe. First I comitt my soule into the handes of Almightye God my Creator and redemer, and my bodye to be buryed in the Churche or Churche yeard of Barwicke in Elmet. Item I give and bequiethe to Thomas Broughe my sonne in lawe one Brounlye cowe called Blackwald in stead of one quy promyssed. Item I give to the said Thomas Broughe one Swarme of Bees. To Thomas Broughe thre children to everye child, two shillinges. I remytt Marye Broughe my doughter the geast of one cowe for w ch she standes indetted unto me. To my sonne Henrye sixe poundes thirtene shillinges four pence in consideracon that the said Henrye shall instructe and teache my sonne Richarie["suche Richard" in registered copy] the craft and occupacon he now usethe. To my youngest sonne Richard Tenne poundes. I give two yeares in my f armeholde unexpired after the decease of Gilian my wyfe, to my sonne Henrye. And yf he dye, the yeares then unexpired in my said farmehold I give to my secound sonne Richarie, and so consequently for want of Richarie to my youngest sonne Richard. And the residue of my goodes, my dettes, legacies and fun 9 all expenses discharged I give to my wyfe Juliane, my sonnes Henrye, Richarie and Richard, whome I make my full and whole executors. Fynallie I make, constitute and ordeyne Wittm Vevers and Robert Jeffrayson super- visours of this my last Will and Testament, and I give to eyther of them sixepence. Witnesses, Wittm Vevers, Robert Jeffraysone, Wittm Walker. [Proved 23 Nov., 1591.] Richard Gascoigne of Barnbow, esq. (1) [xxv. 1245a.] In the name of God. In dei noie. Amen, the firste ^ (1) Richard Gascoigne married first Elizabeth, widow of Sir Henry Savile of Thornhill, and daughter and co-heiress of Thomas Sothill of Sothill. He married 2ndly Elizabeth, daughter and heiress of Robert West of Millington, and died without issue. He was the second son of John Gascoigne and Ann, daughter of Sir Henry Vavasour. 28 BARWICK-IN-ELMET. WILLS. day, of Auguste in the yeare of ou r lord God one thousand fiue hundreth nintye, I, Richard Gascoigne of Barnebowe in the dioces and Countye of Yorke, Esquire, being at this p'sente sound and whole in bodye and of good and p'fecte mynd and memorye, thankf be giuen to Allmightye God, callinge to my remembrance the uncertainetye and instabilitye of this world and knowinge that it is a thinge certaine that man shall dye and chainge this lyfe, but the tyme uncertaine when wee shall be called out of this miserable world, and desireinge to sett and ordaine some good staye and order as well concerneinge the order and disposicon of some pte of my messuages, landf, tenement^ and hereditamtf w th their appur- tnncf in the Countye of Yorke, as also of all my goodf, cattell( j and debtf, doe ordaine, constitute and make this my p'sente laste will and testament in manner and forme followinge. Firste and principally I committ my sinfull soule unto the greate mercye of Allmightye God and his onely begotten sonne ou r same* and redemer Jesus Christe, by whose death and moste paynfull bitter passion and sheddinge of his moste p'cious blood upon the Crosse for me and all mankynd, I hope to be saued and to be one of the inheritors of his moste glorious Kingdome amongste the moste blessed saintf in heauen. Et reposita est hec firma spes mea in sinu meo. My body to the earth from whence it came, to be buried wheresoever it shall please God to take me out of this transiterie lyfe. And whereas I haue by my Deede indented tripartite bear- inge date the xx th day of Februarye in the fowretenth yeare of the raigne of ou r soueraigne Lady Queene Elizabeth, enfeoffed given and graunted unto Francis Gascoigne of Micklefield Esquire, Henrie Grice of Wakfeild, Wittm Beaumonte and John Barneby, gentlemen, and to there heires for ever, all that my capitall messuage comonlye called and knowne by the name of Barnebowe hall, w th all the members and appurtniices, and all other my land^, tenem ts and hereditant( j , w th all their rights and appurtenncf in Barwicke in Elmet, Scooles, Barnebowe, Potterton, Garforth and Ardesley w th in the said Countye of Yorke, w ch lands in Potterton I lately purchased of one Edmund Brooke, and the land^ in Ardesley w ch I lately purchased of one Gilberte Tayler, and my landf in Garforth, lately purchased of one John Clerkeson, late Fairefax landf, as by the said Deed indented Triptite it doth and may appeare to the use of me the said Richard Gascoigne and my assigns for tearme of my lyfe without impeachment of waste. And after my decease the said feoffees to be seazed to the uses of my will and of my coppie- hould landf in Barwicke, Scooles and Barnebowe surrendered to use of my will in trust to the use of James Birkeby, citizen and Alderman of the Cittye of Yorke and Elizabeth his wife, my neece, for tearme of her life, and after her decease to the use of Nicholas Gascoigne, eldest sonne of my brother George Gascoigne, for tearme of his life. And after his death to the use of John Gascoigne, eldest sonne to my brother John Gascoigne of Parlington, and to the heires males of his body lawfully begotten. Remainder to the use of Thomas Gascoigne, second son of my brother John Gascoigne, BARWICK-IN-ELMET. WILLS. 29 and of the heires males of the said Thomas. Remainder to the use of Leonard Gascoigne, one other of the sonnes of my said brother John Gascoigne, and of the heires males of the body of the said Leonard. Remainder to the heires males of the body of the said Nicholas Gascoigne. Remainder to the heires males of my said Brother George successively With ultimate remainder To the use and behoof e of the right heires of me the said Richard Gascoigne for ever. And my will is that Christofer Coxson, my seruant, shall have one annuitye or yearely rente of xxs. goeinge out of my landf at Barwicke, accordinge to a surrender thereof by me made. Item I will giue and bequeath all my coppiehould landf w th in the lord- shippes of Barwicke and Scooles and w th in the pishe of Barwicke w ch I bought of John Newcomen th' elder, John Cawdrye, Henrie Harryson, Wittm Viuers and Wittm Ellis, or of all or any of them, to the said Nicholas Gascoigne for tearme of his lyfe. [Remainder to John Gascoigne the younger for tearme of his lyfe, with other life estates and with similar remainders as previously mentioned.'] Trustees to stand and be seized of the said messuages, lands, &c, in Potterton, Garforth and Ardesley, which I purchased as aforesaid. To the use and behoofe of my said nephewe, Nicholas Gascoigne, for tearme of his lyfe, and after his decease To the use of the said John Gascoigne of Parlington, my brother, for tearme of his lyfe. [Remainder to John Gascoigne the younger, his son, and to the heirs male of his body, with other remainders as before.'] I give and bequeath fortye shillings p'cell of the yearely rent of foure poundf that is issueing and goeinge forth of one tenement or farmehould lyinge in Potterton, late in the tenure of John Settle, unto Thomas Rawson for tearme of his lyfe in consideracon of his seruice done to me and hereafter to be done to my heires if they will accepte of the same. Item I giue and bequeath the other fortye shilling^ . . . unto Wittm Liceter for tearme of his lyfe in consideracon of his seruice done to me ... To Wittm Rodehouse my seruant one annuitye or yearely rente of fortye shilling^ duringe his lyfe issueinge and goeinge forth out of those landf at Garforth w ch I bought of John Clarkeson, and of those landf at Ardesley w ch I bought of Gilbarte Tayler, in consideracon of his seruice done to me . . . [Power of entry and distress.] Itm I will that all my deade goods, vizt. implements of husbandrye or househould stuffe at Barnebowe or Lasing croft to the use of the said James Birkeby and Elizabeth his wife dureinge the life of the said Elizabeth, and after her decease to remaine to the said Nicholas Gascoigne for tearme of his estate in the said capitall messuage and premisses and then to follow the frehould as heirelomes to the said house of Barnebowe. And whereas I, the said Richard Gascoigne, have by my deede indented dated the twentye fourth day of Februarye in the one and twentye yeare of the raigne of ou r soueraigne Lady Elizabeth, the Quenes majestye that now is, giuen and graunted unto Richard Thompson, esq., and Thomas Hawkines, gent., one yearely rent charge of xx 1 issueinge out of my landf ... in Barnebowe to the use of myself for tearme of my lyfe, And after my decease To the use and behoofe 30 BARWICK-IN-ELMET. WILLS. of John Newcomen, sonne of my sister Alice Newcomen, his heires and assignes for ever. . . . Now my will is that my said cozen John Newcomen, his heires and assignes for ever, shall have . . . the said yearely rent of xx*y pounds out of my said landf and tenm ts in Barnbowe according to the purporte, true meaneinge and effecte of the said deed. [Provision to secure payment. Confirm- ation of Lease of cottage, tenmnt, or farme and certaine lands in Barnebowe to William Rodehouse for the tearme of xxj yeares to begin immediately after my decease, and of one other Lease to Stephen Brame of the tenement or farm with the landf thereto belonginge wherein he now inhabeteth for the tearme of xxj'y yeares.] And for the true pformance of this my laste will and testament I doe ordaine, constitute and make George Layton of Barroby, and Thomas Hawkins of Whixley, gentlemen, my whole and full executors . . . And for there paynes taken therein I giue to ether of them the some of six poundf thirtene shilling^ and foure pence, provided they shall not take any of my goods to their own use and p'fitte. . . . But after my will p'formed I giue and bequeath to euery poore and needye house keeper in Barwicke pishe, both man and woman, xijd., and to euery poore child they haue w ch be not meete for seruice nor in seruice, iiijd. Itm I giue and bequeath to the poore of Aberforth and Garforth pishes the lyke legacie and bequeste to euerye of them. To euery seruant in the house, both man and woman, over and besides there wages, xx s if they have served me six yeares. If under six yeares then to euerye of them iij s iiij d for euery yeare soe served under six if they doe there seruice honestly and orderly untill Martinmass after my death. [Executors to make juste and due accompte yearely and from tyme to tyme to Richard Tompson late of Eshoulde, esq.] I will and bequeath to the said Richard Tompson for his paynes taken herein the some of vj 1 xiij s iiij d . Itm I will that my Executors shall well and truely contente, satisfie and pay unto the daughters of my sisters Elizabeth Thompsonne and Grace Trowghton, to everye of them such some and somes of money as shall appeare by severall Bills of debt obligatorye written, signed and sealed w th my owne hand and seale, to be due and by me owing unto them. . . I will that all my debtf beinge paid and legacies p'formed, and my funerall expenses beinge discharged, the surplusage of all my goodes . . (my household stuffe shall remaine as heire lombes to my house at Barnbowe onely excepted) shall be by my Executors bestowed upon Richard Gascoigne, one of my brothers, George Gascoigne, his younger sonnes, and upon my nephew, John Newcomen, in consideracon of his charges to be bestowed upon my neece, his sister, Mary Newcomen, to be equally divided betwixt them at the discrecon of my supvisour, and moreouer my will is that Whereas my brother Robert Gascoigne doth owe unto me the iuste some of fortye poundf sixtene shilling^ eight pence as may and doth appeare by a bill of debt. . that my executors shall pay w th that some to euery of my sisters Trowghtons thre daught rs the sum of xiij 1 vj s viij d apiece. And the rest of that debt I will shall remain to my said Brother himself as BARWICK-IN-ELMET. WILLS. 31 of my free gift. Itm I giue and bequeath to Wittm Sampson of Partington vj 1 xiij s iiij d . To Rofct Howdell of Parlington fortye shilling^. To John Howdell of Parlington and his mother fortye shilling^. To Charles Norton of Parlington x 11 . To Isabell Walker my servant, accordinge to my promisse, if she doe her seruice accordingly, twentye poundf. To Stephen Brayme vj 1 ' xiij s iiij d . To George Cloughe and Alice, his wife, my neece, eight of my best oxen, six of my best kye, and one hundrethe sheepe. Unto Isabell Moore, my servant, vj 1 ' xiij s iiij d . To Elizabeth Goodyere, my servant, iiij H vj s viij d . Witnesses hereof Wittm Power, Richard Darley, Richard Harwood, Richard Darley, yonger, Henry Grice, yonger. Memorandum [Reciting the said will and the deed and surrender therein referred to] that on the second day of October, 1592, and in the xxxiiij th yeare of her Maiestyes Raigne, The said Richard Gascoigne did huius testandi expressly declare that his full mynd and intente then was that the said James Birkeby and Elizabeth, his wife, should have his said copiehould land^, &c, w th in the lordshipp of Barwicke and Scoles, and w th in the pishe of Barwicke, and all his freehold landf there duringe the lyfe of the said Elizabeth before the said Nicholas Gascoigne (the said former Clouse notw th - standinge), w ch said declaration and intente the said Richard Gascoigne did make and declare in the p'sence of us whose names are hereunder written, the said second day of October, 1592, the said Richard Gascoigne beinge then liueinge and of p'fecte memorye. In witnes whereof . . Richard Darley, Richard Harwood, clarke, Richard Darley, younger, Henry Gryce, younger, and George Clough. Alsoe the said Richard Gascoigne, the said second day of October ... in the p'sence of the said witnesses did giue and bequeath to Lionell Carter xx s yearely duringe his lyfe, to be payd yearely unto the said Lionell forth of his, the said Richard Gascoigne, landf. [Proved 28 April, 1593, by George Layton and Thomas Hawkins the executors.] Richard Wilson of Potterton, yeoman. [xxvi. 237a.] In the name of God Amen, I, Richard Wilson of Potterton, in the countye of Yorke, Yeoman, the fourteenth day of October in the yeare of our lord and saviour Christ one thowsand five hundreth ninety and five, being sicke in body but of good and pfect memory, God be thanked, therfore do ordaine and make this my last will and testament in manner and forme followinge. First I comitt my soule into the hands of Allmighty God my creator and redeemer. And my body to be buried in the Church or church yeard of Barwick in Elmet. Item I give and bequeath unto Jenet, my wyfe, one Cow called Marygould, one great pann and one cubbord, w ch cubbord my will and mynd is shee shall haue dureinge her lyfe, And after the same to remaine to my daughter Agnes, now wyfe of Lyonell Dives, dureinge her lyfe, and after her decease unto Helen, daughter of the said Lyonell. Item I giue and bequeath unto 32 BARWICK-IN-ELMET. WILLS. my said wyfe Jenet one table and iij formes dureinge her lyfe, and after her decease unto Agnes, wyfe of the said Lyonell Divs, And after the decease of the said Agnes the same to remaine unto John, sonn of the said Lionell. Item I give unto my said wyfe one stand bed dureinge her lyfe, and after her decease the same to remane unto the said Agnes, wyfe of the said Lyonell Divs. Finally the residew of all my goods and chattells, my debt^, legacies, and fun' all expences discharged, I give and bequeath unto Agnes, wyfe of the said Lyonell Dyvs, my daughter, whome I make my full and whole executor by this my last will and testament. These beinge witnesses, Wittm Daniell, George Stileman. [Proved 6 March, 1594-5.] John Mitchell of Barwick, yeoman. [xxvij. 574a.] In the name of God Amen, the vijth day of May in the yeare of o r lord God 1598. I, John Mitchell of Barwicke in Elmett, in the Countie of Yorke, Yeoman, sicke in body but of good and pfect memorie, God be thanked, therefore do ordeyne and make this my last will and testament in manner and forme following. First I comitt my soule into the handf of Almightie God my Creator and redeemer, and my bodie to be buryed in the church or church- yard of Barwicke in Elmett. Itm I giue and bequeath unto my wife Katherin my lease of the milnes for and during the tearme of ten yeares next ensewing the dayt hereof toward^ the bringing up and mayntenance of my children. And the residue of the tearme of yeares conteyned in the said Lease w th reu D con I give and bequeath unto my sonne Wittm. And the residue of all my goodf and chattels, my debtf , legacies and funerall expences fullie dis- charged, I giue and bequeath unto my said wife Katherin, my children Anne, Elizabeth and Wittm, whome I make my full and whole executors of this my last will and testament. And I noiate and appointe RoBt Elred and Mathewe Cowp supvisors of this my last will and testament. Thes being witnesses, RoBt Elred, Mathewe Cowp, Wittm Walker. [Proved 20 April, 1599.] John Thomlingson of Roundhay, yeoman, [xxvij. 587a.] In Dei nomine Amen, the xx th day of May, Anno Dni 1598 I, John Thomlingson of the Rounday, in the pish of Barwick in Elmett, w th in the countie of Yorke, yeoman, being of whole mynde and in good and pfect remembrance, laud and praise be given to Almightie God for the same. And calling to mynd the uncertaintie of man's life and the vayne vanitie of this transitorie world howe shortlie we are cutt of and taken away from the same, I haue thought good to ordeyne and make this my psent testam* conteyning therein my last will in manner and forme followinge. First I giue and comend my soule to Almightie God my creato r , and to o r saviour Jesus Christ my redeemer, and to the holie ghoste, the comforter of the weake in all tribulations, w ch is to say three BARWICK-IN-ELMET. WILLS. 33 psons in trinitie and one in unitie. And I giue and bequeath my bodie to the earth from whence it came, and to be buried w th in the pish church of Barwicke aforesaid, in such convenient place as shalbe thought meet and convenient at the discretion of them whome I shall put in trust, which shalbe my wife, and of those w ch shalbe the supvisor^ of this my last will. And I revoke and call backe again all former wills. . . . Item I bequeath unto M'grett, nowe my wife, and to her assignes, all that my teiite or farmehold w th th'appurtennces in the Roundaye aforesaid that is in my occupacon w ch I take and have of M r Xpofer Blithman, gentleman. And further I give unto my said wife all other my leases and tackf which I have to come and expend of in and to all other landf , closes, meadowes and pastures w th there appurtenncf w th in the aforesaid Countie of Yorke. [Residue to be divided into two parts, one for performance of will, and " I be well and honestlie brought furthe according to my degree at the day of my buriall," and the other unto Margaret, his wife.] Itm I giue and bequeath to my sister Jenett, her daughter three children, Charles Spenser, Marie Spencer and [blank] Spencer, to eu'ye one of them three poundf a peice. Unto James Crosley of Otley, xx s . Unto Wittm Thomlingson, son of Adam Thomlingson of Burley in Warkedale, xx s . Unto Henrie Thomlingson the younger of Ardington to two of his younger children to either of them one ewe sheepe, and to his sonne John, my godsonne, one ewe and a lambe. To RoBt Holme my best coate. To Anne Holme, his daughter, three poundf . Itm I giue all the rest of my appell to the poore w ch standes most need to be bestowed upon them at the discretion of my wife, w th such other giftf as I shall noiate and appointe my wife to giue unto the said poore at such tyme when it shall please God to call me at my depting. All the rest and residue of .the aforesaid p't before appointed for the pformance of this my p'sent testament and last will, my legacies and funerall expences being honestlie discharged and this my last will fulfilled. I will shall remaine wholie to the pp use and behoofe of M'grett, my wife, and her assignes. ... I do ordeyne and make Margrett, my wife, my full and sole executrix. And I hartelie desire John Smithson of Burdett head, yeoman, and Adam Baynes of Knowstroppe to be supvisors of this my last will, to see the same executed and to call upon my wife to fulfill the same, and to help her w th there counsell and advise in all thingf needfull and requisite about the same. And I further will that at any tyme whensoeu 9 my supvisor^ shalbe requested by my wife to travell or come to her to any place about the accomplishm 4 of this my last will that they shall haue there charges borne. And I giue unto the said John Smithson and Adam Baynes for there paines taking therein to either of them vj s viij d . In witness . . . Sealed and deliu'ed in the p'sence of John Smithson, Lawrence Middleton, Adam Baynes. [Proved 16 May, 1599.] John Burneley of Barwick. [xxviij. 22b.] In the name of God Amen, the P xxvij th day of November in the yeare of our lord and saviour Christ one Thowsand c 34 BARWICK-IN-ELMET. WILLS. five hundreth fower score and six, I, John Burneley of Barwik in Ellmitt, w th in the countie of Yorke, sicke in bodie but of good and pfect remembraunce, God be thanked. . . . And my bodie to be buried where it shall please God. I give to my two sonnes, John and Robert, either of them xx s . To my wief Margerye one copper panne. To my seruant Andrew Brenton vj s viij d , one pake of hose made and cloth to be annother payre, a tying coate of calf skynes and a Jerken. To my elder daughter Rosamond xl s to be paid out of my land(> att Thorner in tenn yeares now next following, that is to say, euie yeare iiij s . To my younger daughter Kathrine xl s , to be paid out of the Rentf of my land at Thorner, when as she is come to the age of xxj yeares or eles marrie, by the handf of whome soever shall inherrit my land. To my sonnes, John and Robert, and my two doughteres, Rosamond and Cathrine, xl s equally to be devided amongst them, to be paid out of my aforesaid land at Thorner at the end and terme of a lease now devysed by whom soeu D shall enjoy the same land. Item my said landf at Thorner I giue to my sonne Wittm and his heires, and for wante of issue to my second sonne John and to his heires, and for wante of issue I set them to my younger son Robert, and for defalt of thes my thre sonnes to myne eldest doughter Rosamond and her doughter, and for defalt of issue to my younger doughter Kathrine. And I will my wief Margaret receive the rentf of my land(> till my eldest sonne be at lawfull age, paying yearly fowre shilling^ out of the same to the use of my eldest doughter Rosamond the space of tenne yeares now next following as aforesaid. Item I giue and bequeath my said wief to her use toward^ the bringing upp of my children two acres of land lying in Parlynton felldf , demysed by John Tute for the terme of twentie yeares paying therefore yearly one pennye. And the Rest of my temperall goodf, my legacies and debt^ and funerall expencies discharged, I giue to my wief Margaret and my two sonnes, John and Robert, and to my two doughters, Rosamond and Kathrine. I make and ordeyne my said wief Margaret and my two sonnes, John and Robert, my two doughters, Rosamond and Kathrine, my executores. Fynally I make and ordeyne Wittm Hart and Ralpe Dayniell overseers of this my will, And I giue to either of them xij d . Witnesses Mathew Belbrod and Wittm Walker. [Proved 20 Dec, 1599.] William Hubye of Roundhay, linen webster. [xxviij. 141.] In Dei noie Amen. The fourth daie of Januarie in the yeare of o r Lord God one Thousand fyue hundreth nyntie nyne. I, Wittm Hubye of the Roundhaie, in the countie of Yorke, Lynnen Webster, beinge sicke of body but of good and pfect remembrance, laude and praise be unto Almightie God, doe constitute, ordaine, and make this my present testam* contayning therein my last will in mann r and forme followings. Firste and principallie I doe giue and bequeath my soule into the hands of Almightie God my maker, Creator and redemer, and my bodie to be buried in the parish BARWICK-IN-ELMET. WILLS. 35 Churchyeard of Barwicke in Elmett. Itm I bequeath to Marie, my wief, two kyne to her and to three of my youngest children, that is to saie, to Mathewe, Jane, and Elizabeth Huby, to be imploide to the educacon and bringinge up of the said children. And if my wife doe fortune to marie Then I will that my said wife shall paie to the said forenamed children to euerie one of them a pece thirtene shillingf fower pence. And I further give to my eldest daughter Jane one greate panne. To my two eldest sonnes, John Hubye and James Hubye, to either of them a loombe w th all the geares to the same loomes belonging, to be equallie divided betwixt them. The rest of my goodf not bequeathed, my debts beinge paid And my funerall expences discharged, I giue unto Marie, now my wiffe, And to John, my sonne, whome I make full executors of this my last will, and I hartelie desire M r John Folkingame esq e , my good M r , and his bedfellowe to be good to my wife and to my children, as my trust is in them. These beinge witnesses, Michaell Willson, James Barmbie and Laurence Mydleton, w th others. [Proved 17 June, 1600.] John Perkinson of Shippen, yeoman. [xxviij. 815a.] In the name of God Amen, the xxviij th daie of October in the yeare of our lord God 1602, I, John Perkinson of Shippen, yeom, sicke in bodye . . . my bodye to be buried in the churche yeard of Barwicke in Elmett when it shall please God to call me. Item I giue and bequeath unto Alice, my wief, xyj ewe sheepe. The reste of all my good( j moueable and unmoueable unbequested, my debt^ and legacy, the coste of my buriall and all funerall expenc^ discharged, I giue and bequeath unto Richard, my sonne, Alice and Elizabeth, my daughters, equallie amongst them. I make Alice, my wief, and Richard, my sonne, the execu- tors of this my laste will. These being witnesses, George Layton, Christo[p]her Cockson, Wittm Laycester and WiHrn Roodhouse. [Proved 7 Dec, 1602.] John Gascoigne of Partington esquire. 1 [xxviij. 864a.] In the name of God, Amen. The thirde daie of Maie in the yeare of our lord God 1602. I, John Gascoigne of Parlington, w th in the dioces and Countie of Yorke, Esq., beinge at this presente of perfecte mynd and good remembrance (thankes be giuen to God therefore) callinge to mynde the great vanitie of this wretched worlde and instaabilitie thereof, but espetiallie my owne sundrie infirmities and presente weaknes, w ch greatelie moue me to thinke that my tyme in this wretched worlde cannot continewe (1) John Gascoigne married Maud, daughter of William Arthington, of Castley, and was the father of : Sir J ohn Gascoigne, the first Baronet ; Thomas Gascoigne, who married Alice, daughter of Sir William Gascoigne, of Gawthorpe, and widow of Edmond Hazlewood, of Maydeswell; Alveray Gascoigne, of Garforth, married Awdrey, daughter of William Wittell, of Croydon; Leonard Gascoigne, baptised at Aberford Church 6 January, 1563-4, died unmarried 1 June, 1609, buried in St. Bride's Church, London; Lucy Gascoigne, baptised 1564, and buried 1565 at Aberford Church; Richard Gascoigne, baptised and buried at Aberford Church, 1 566, and Mary, married to William Crofts, of Cloughton. He was buried at Barwick, 30 June, 1602, 36 BARWICK-IN-ELMET. WILLS. longe, as allso desirous to sett some staye for disposinge of my worldlie goodf , doe constitute, ordaine and make this my presente laste will and testam in manner and forme followinge. Firste therefore I comend my soule unto the greate mercye of Allmightye God and his onelie begotten sonne our redemer and sauiour Jesus Christe by whose onelie most painefull passion and bitter death I hope to be saued and to be one of the Inheritors of his moste glorious Kingdome amongest the blessed Sainct^ in heaven. And this full hope and trust is setled in my harte, my bodye, to the earthe from whence it came, to be interred w th in the Churcheyeard at Barwicke. Itm I doe giue and bequeath unto Mawde, my faithfull and lovinge wief , my beste bedd w th all suche beddinge and furniture as belongeth to the same, and all suche furniture as is in this plor wherein I doe now lie. Itm I doe giue and bequeath unto her duringe her naturall lief all the landf w ch I purchased latelye w th in Garford w th the whole pfittf of my Colemyne there. Itm I give and bequeath unto Thomas Gascoigne, my sonne, and to my doughter, his wief, either of them a golde Ringe of xx s a peece. Itm I giue and bequeath unto Leonard Gascoigne, my youngest sonne, the some of xl H . Itm I giue and bequeath unto Marie Crofte, my daughter, tenne poundf. Itm I giue to Anne and Awdrye, my daughters in Lawe, eache of them a whye. Itm I giue and bequeath unto euerie one of my sonne John his children the some of vj H xiij s iiij d . Unto the seauen children of my sonne Aluerey euerie one of them xx 1 '. Unto Robart Gascoigne, my brother, one golde Ringe. Unto my brother George Gascoigne, one golde Ringe. To my sister Tompson, one golde ringe. Unto Elizabeth Wentworthe, my neece, xl s . Unto Marie Heselgreaue and to Mary Hoyle eyther of them one wyndle of breake corne. Unto Robart Coxon, my servant, iij u xvj s viij d . Unto Elizabeth Goodyeare thelder and to Elizabeth Goodyeare, her daughter, to eyther of them xiij s iiij d a peece. To Margarett, my servante, xx s . To Robert Sawer, my servante, xiij s iiij d . To Thomas Bywater, my servante, xiij s iiij d . Unto Michaell Hodgeson, my servante, xiij s iiij d . To Thomas Jackson xxvj s viij d . To the Vicar of Aber- forthe xiij s iiij d . To the poore of the pishe of Abberforthe and w th in Lotherington w ch are my owne tenantf , xx s . To the poore of the pishe of Barwicke xx s . To the poore of the pishe of Garforde xx s . Unto the poore prisoners w th in the Castle and Kidcote at Yorke iij H yj s viij d , to be distributed at the discretion of my wel- beloved Cosen, Wittm Vavasour, esq e , whome I doe intreate to be the supviso r of this my said Laste Will and testam. And for his paines therein soe to be taken I doe bequeath unto him one brasse of Angells. The reste of all my goodf (my funerall expencf defraied and my debtf and legacy discharged) I doe giue unto Maude, my welbeloued wief, and to Leonard Gascoigne, my youngest sonne, whome I doe constitute and make my executors of this my said laste will and testam*. In witnesse whereof I haue hereunto putt my hande and seale in the p'sence of these whose [names] are here- under written, Robart Gascoigne, John Gascoigne, Thomas Gascoigne, Aluerie Gascoigne. [Proved 3 Feb., 1602-3.] BARWICK-IN-ELMET. WILLS. 37 Leonard Sethle of Potterton, husbandman. [xxx. 148b.] In the name of God Amen. The thirde daie of June in the yeares of the Raigne of our most dread Soueraigne Lord Kinge James ... in the yeare of our lord God 1606. I, Leonard Sethle of Potterton, w th in the county of Yorke, husband- man, sicke in bodye but of good and pfecte remembrance praised be God . . . and my body to be buried in the Churcheyeard of Barwicke in Elmett at the discretion of my execuf. Itm I giue and bequeath unto Richard Sethe, sonne of John Sethle, and Jenett Tayte, daught r of Wittm Tayte, one blacke Cowe. Unto John Sethle, my sonne, in full satisfaction of his filliall child^ parte and porcon of my good(>, twoe quarters of Barley, twoe loades of wheate and twoe loades of Beanes of Leed(> measure, and now grow- inge in and upon my farme in Potterton aforesaid. Unto my said sonne John one feather bedd whereon I now lye, twoe Couerlett(>, twoe Coddf , twoe blancketf and a paire of sheet^. Itm I giue and bequeath unto Mary Sethle, daughter to my said sone, one gymer lambe or iij s iiij d to buye one w th all. And I noiat and appointe Wittm Sethle, my sonne, executor of this my laste will and testam 1 giuinge unto him the reste of my goodf, my debt^, legacf and Funerall expenc^ beinge firste discharged of the whole, and hopeinge that he will se the same pformed as my truste is in him. Witnesses, Richard Potter, Wittm Shanne, John Smythe. Law : Daniell, Samuell Walbancke. [Proved 2 Oct., 1606.] Laurence Askwith of Roundhay, yeoman. [xxx. 768b.] In the name of God Amen, the third day of October in the yere of o r Lord one thousand sixe hundrethe and seaven, and in the fifte yere of the Reigne of o r Sou'aigne Lord Kinge James. I, Laurence Askwith of Rooundhey, in the countie of Yorke, yeoma, beinge sicke and erased in bodie, yet whole and pfect in mynde, thankes be unto God, doe make this my last will and testament in mann 9 and forme followinge. First I doe yeeld and bequeath my soule unto Allmightie God and to his sonne Jesus Christe my onelie sauiour and Redeem 5 , faythfully trustinge through the merritf of his bitter passion to be ptaker of the eu'lastinge blisse of heaven. And my bodie to be buried where yt shall please my exequutors. And as touchinge the order and disposicon of my goodes and chattels my full mynde and will is that aswell the some of sixe and twenty poundes w ch I doe owe unto John Corbridge and Elizabeth Corbridge, my wife's Children, shalbe paid unto theim in mann 5 and forme followinge, that is to saye, to the said John xiij u when he shall come to the age of one and twentie yeres, and to the said Elizabeth other thirteene poundes when she shall accomplishe the age of one and twentie yeres or fortune to be married, as also the rest of my other debtes to be paide w th as convenient speede as may be, and these debtes being discharged my mynde and will is that the Residue of my goodes shalbe devided equallie into three ptes, whereof the one pte I doe giue and bequeath unto my Children, 38 BARWtCK-tN-ELMET. WILLS. and another pte unto Elizabeth, my said wife, and the thirde pte unto myself e for the discharge of my legacies and fun' all expenses, out of my owne part last menconed I doe give unto my sonne Nicholas one blacke Coulte, and unto my sonne RoBte twentie shillings. And also I give unto Lawrence, Sara, Suzan and the said RoBte, my fower youngest children, eighteene ewes and other sheepe which Thomas Brooke hath to halfe pte. And to Lawrence Whawley ten shillings. And to Izabell Askw th ten shillings. The residue of my said parte, my legacies and fun' all expenses discharged, I give and bequeath to my said wife and to my said fower youngest children equallie to be devided amongest them. And whereas I and my said sonne Nicholas are ioyntlie possessed of the farme wheron I nowe dwell for divers yeares yet to come and unexpired of the demise and grante of the Right Honorable the Lord Darcy, my mynde and will is with the consent and likeinge of my said sonne Nicholas that Elizabeth my wife shall have the occupacon of the said farme duringe her widoweheade towardes the mayntenance and bringing up of her younge children. And yf yt shall happen my said wife to marrie or dye that then the interest or terme of yeares shall returne unto my said sonne Nicholas. And further I doe ordeyne and make Elizabeth my said wife and my sonne Nicholas my full and lawfull Exequutors of this my last will and testament. These beinge witnesses, William Oglethorpe, Christopher Mather, Michaell Wilson, Lawrence West and Robert Sympson. [Proved 13 Dec, 1608, by Elizabeth Askwith the widow, fower reserved to Nicholas Askwith.] Henry Walker of Eidhall Moorhouses, Wheelwright. [xxxj. 676a.] In Dei noine Amen, the xij th day of February in the eight yeare of the Reigne of our Sou 9 eigne Lord James, &c. I, Henrie Walker of Kidhall Moorhouses, in the county of Yorke, wheelewright, sick in body but of good and pfect remembrance, thanckf be geven to Almightie God, doe ordeyne and make this my last will and testament in manner and forme followeinge. First and principally I give and bequeath my sinfull soule into the handes of Almightie God my maker and redeemer, whoe hathe redemed mee and all mankynde, trusting after this liefe to be saved by the merittf of Christf passion, and my body to be buryed w th in the pishe Churchyeard att Barwicke in Elmett. Secondly I give and bequeath all my goodes, moveable and unmoveable whatsoeu 9 , unto Margarett, my wiefe. Itm I give unto Cuthbert, my sonne, all my apparell, all my workeinge towles and xx s in money w th in one halfe yeare to be paid him after my death by my wiefe. The rest of all my goodes not bequeathed, my debtp beinge paid and legacies and funerall expenses discharged, I give unto Margarett my wiefe, whom I doe make full and sole executrix of this my last will and testam*. And I give unto Anthonie Styam a great mell and certeine rules w ch I have. In witnes thereof I have hereuntto sett my hand the day and yeare abouesaid. Itm I give unto eu'ie BARWICK-IN-ELMET. WILLS. 39 one of Cuthbert Witham children xij d a peece. Witnesses hereof Anthony Styam, Thomas Rawson. [Proved 3 Oct., 1611.] Richard Vevers of Potterton, tanner. (1) [xxxj. 716b.] In the name of God Amen, the first day of March in the yeare of c^ Lord God eu'lastinge 1610. I, Richard Vevers of Potterton in the County of York, Tanner, sick in body but of good and pfect remembrance praised be God, knoweing that their is nothinge more Certeine then death nor nothinge more uncerteine then the houre of death, doeth therefore ordeyne, constitute and make this my last will and testament in mann 3 and forme followe- ing. First I commend my soule into the handes of Almightie God, trusting by the merittf of his sonne Christ Jesus to be one of his faithful! and Elect servant^, and my body to be buryed in the Church or Churchyeard of Barwick in Elmett att the discretionne of my Executors. Itm 1 give and bequeath unto my twoe sonns Thomas Vevers and James Vevers to either of them Forty poundes to be paid forthe of my goodes and landes in full satisfaction of all their filiall childes ptes and porcons of my goodes. Unto Ellen, my wiefe, the third pte of all my land( j and goodes, my debt^ first paid upon the whole. The rest of all my goodes I give and bequeath unto Ellen, my wiefe, Thomas Vevers and James Vevers, my sonns, and I constitute and make Ellen, my wiefe, Thomas and James, my sonns, Executors of this my last will and testament. And I nomynate and appointe Richard Vevers of Scholes, my nephue, and Thomas Taite, my brother in lawe, supvisors of this my last will and testament, hopeing that they will see the same pformed as my trust is in them. And I give to either of them for their paynes twoe shillinges. In witness . . . Witnesses Richard Vevers, France Setle, Samuel! Walbanck, with others. [Proved 4 Oct., 1611.] John Haire of Potterton, wheelwright. [xxxij. 371b.] In the name of God Amen, the xj th daie of Nouem- ber one thousand six hundreth and six. I, John Haire of Potterton w th in the Countie of Yorke, wheelewright, sicke of bodie but of whole and sound, of perfect minde and remembrance (thanckes be giuen to God), doe make my last will and testament in manner and forme followinge, that is to saie. First and principally I giue my soule into the handes of Allmightie God my maker, w th full hope of remission of all my sinnes by the death and passion of my onely lord and sauiour Jesus Christ my Redeemer. And my bodie to be buried in the parish Churchyeard of Barwicke in Elmett. And as touchinge the disposicon of my farme and goodf my will and minde is that it shalbe in manner and forme followinge distributed, that is to saie, I giue and bequeath unto Margarett, my wiffe, my full right title and interest of my farme wherein I now dwell duringe her liffe naturall, and after her decease to Raiph, my sonne, his executors and (1) A pedigree of the Vevers family is given in Piatt and Morkill's Whitkirk, p. 96. 40 BARWICK-IN-ELMET. WILLS. assignes. Item I giue unto George, my sonne, xl s . And to John and Arthure either of them xl s , soe that they take the same in full satisfaccon of theire childes porcons, and upon the payment of the same doe seale and deliuer unto mine Executors a generall Acquitt- ance for the same. Item I giue unto Xpofer, my sonne, and Thomasine, my daughter, to either of them xl s if they be liueinge and doe call for the same, soe that they be content to accepte of it and take it as theire childes porcons. Item I giue unto Marie and Anne, my two daughters, by legacie to either of them xij d . Item I giue unto my sonne George his foure children to eurie of them iij s iiij d . Item I giue unto my sonne John his foure children to euerie of them iij s iiij d . Item I giue unto Agnes, the daughter of my sonne Arthure, one Ewe and a lambe, and to John, his sonne, a lambe. Item I giue unto my sonne Raiph all the workeinge tooles. The rest of my good^ unbequeathed, my debt(> and legacies paid, I give Joyntlie unto Margarett, my wiffe, and Raiph, my sonne, and to the longer liuer of them. And I doe make my said wiffe and Raiph, my sonne, ioyntly Executors of this my last will and testa- ment, requestinge M r John Ellis of Kiddall, Esq., and James Chambers, Vicar of Thorner, to be supuisors and ouerseers of this my last will and testament 1606. Witnesses James Chambers, Vicar of Thorner, Richard Veuers, William Shanne, John Settle and William Hopwood. [Proved 22 April, 1613.] Margaret Potter of Potterton, widow. [xxxiii. 19a.] In the name of God Amen, the six and twentieth day of March in the yeare of our Lord God eu 9 lasting 1614. I, Margarett Potter of Potterton, w th in the County of York, widowe, sick in bodie but of good and p 5 fect memory, praised be God, doe ordeyne and make this my last will and testam* in mann 5 and forme tolloweing. First I comend my soule into the handf of Almightie God, trusting by the merittf of his sonne Christ Jesus to be one of his elect and chosen servant^. And my body to be buryed in the Church or Churchyard of Barwick att the discretion of my Executors. Item I give and bequeth unto Jennett Potter, my doughter, all my household stuffe as Lynnen and Wollen, brasse and pewther, wooden stuffe and all other things within the house except one litle brasse pott w ch I give to my doughter Anne, the wiefe of Wittm Settle, and one other litle pott w ch I give unto Robert Potter, my sonne. Item I give and bequeath unto Andrew Potter, another of my sonns, one branded stottf . Item I give unto Barbary Potter, nowe the wiefe of Christofer Waterworth, vj s viij d . Item I give unto Richard, John, Robert, Anne, Barbarey and Jennett Potter, my sonnes and doughters, eu 9 y of them a silu 9 spoone. Item I give to Andrew and Wittm Potter, twoe other of my sonns, to either of them iij s iiij d . Item I give to eu'y childe that I am grandmother unto, a lambe or for want of a lambe a younge sheep. Item I give to Ellen, doughter of Richard Potter, a gym 9 sheep. Item I give to Richard Potter whom I am grandmother unto, one BARWICK-IN-ELMET. WILLS. 41 greate troughe in the chamber, and one Arke in the laith. Item I give and bequeath unto my said doughter Jennett, one red cowe called Cherrie. The rest of all my goodes as well moveable as unmoveable, corne and cattell, I give and bequeath to be equallye devyded amongst all my children, my debts and fun' all expencf first discharged. And I constitute and make Richard and Wittm Potter, my sonnes, and Jennett Potter, my doughter, Executors of this my last will, hopeing they will see the same pformed as my trust is in them. Witnesses hereof Wittm Daniell, Richard Potter, and Samuell Walbanck. [Proved 9 April, 1614.] Richard Settle of Potterton, husbandman. [xxxv. 497.] In the name of God Amen. The Seaven and Twentye day of August in the yeare of our Lord God eu'lasting 1617. I, Richard Settle of Potterton, w th in the Countie of Yorke, husband- man, sick of body but of good and pfect memorie praised be God, knowing that there is nothing more certaine then death, and nothing more uncertaine then the houre of death, doe therefore ordeine, constitute and make this my last will and testam* in mann 9 and forme following. First I com end my soule into the hand of Allmightie God, Trusting by the meritt^ of his sone Christ Jesus to be one of his elect and faithfull s'uantf , and my body to be buryed in the Church or Churchyeard of Barwick in Elmet at the discrecon of my Executo rs . Itm I giue and bequeath unto John Settle, my sonne, all my land and my two stottf and an Ironbunn weane. Unto Anne Settle, my daughter, foure poundf. Unto Willia' Tate, my wife sonne, two yeues and two gimer Lambes. Itm I giue unto Mychaell Hopwood xij d , to William Settle xij d , to Thomas Potter xij d . Itm I giue to John Settle, my sonne, my younger mare, and doe make Bridget, my wife, full Executrix of this my will and Testam*. Itm my will and mynd is, that Bridgett, my wife, shall be tutrix to John Settle, my sonne, dureing her widdowhoode, and ii shee marye then my will and mynd is that John Settle, my Brother, shall bee tutor and gardian unto my said sonne John, and shall from thenceforth haue and receaue the p'fittf of all my landf to thuse of my said sonne John, togeather w th his porcon dureing the noneage and minoritie of my said sonne. Witnesses Willia Vevers, Richard Potter and Peeter Cookson. [Proved 6 Nov., 1619.] Richard Ingle of Stocking. [xxxvi. 399.] In the name of God, Amen, the second day of June in the seaventeenth yeare of the Reigne of o r Sou'aigne Lord James by the grace of God, Kinge of England, France and Ireland, defendor of the faith, &c, and of Scotland the lij do 1619. I, Richard Ingle of Stocking, within the pish of Barwicke and County of Yorke being sicke and deceased in body but of p'fect memory, Gods holy name be praised therefore, doe make this my last will and Testam 1 in 42 BARWICK-IN-ELMET. WILLS. manner and forme followeinge, viz 1 , first I give and commend my soule into the hands of Almighty God, trustinge faithfully thorow the meritte and passion of his onely sonne and o r onely savio r Christ Jesus to be one of his elect servant^. Itm my will and mind is that all my debts be paid out of my whole goodf w ch debtf are these followeinge. First to M rs Anne Ellis xx 11 . Itm to Lawrence Glover of Rowndhey xj u due at S l Peter's day next. Itm to John Ingle, my sonne, vij 1 '. Itm to Elizabeth Ingle, my daughter, v H . Itm to Jenett Ingle, my daughter, vj H . Itm to Anne Ingle, another of my daughters, v H . Itm to Euphame Browne, my sister in law, iij 1 '. All the rest of my goodf , moveable and unmoveable, my debtf , legacies and fun'all expences paid and discharged, I doe give and bequeath unto Jennett Ingle, my wiffe, and my said fower children, that is to say, the one halfe thereof to my said wiffe and thother halfe to my said fower children to be equally devided amongst them. And I make and ordeine the said Jennett, my wiffe, sole executrix of this my last will, revokeing all former wills. In witness . . . Witnesses Richard Taylo r , Richard Ingle, Junio 9 , Richard Muncie and Wm. Watterworth. [Proved 19 April 1621.] John Setle of Potterton, yeoman. [xxxvii. 450 ] In the name of God Amen, Augustij 2$ t0 1622 . I, John Setle of Potterton, in the county of Yorke, yeoman, sicke in body but of good and p'fect memory, praised be God, do constitute, ordaine and make this my last will and testament in manner and forme following. First I comend my soule into the hands of Christ Jesus my Saviour, trusting by his merittf to be one of his elect and choosenn servant^, and my body to be buried in the Church or Church yeard of Barwicke at the discretion of my freinds. Item I give and bequeath unto Agnes, my daughter, and to such sonne or daughter as my wife Margery is now conceiued w th all, to either of them tenn pounds, to be paid by Robert Setle, my sonne and heire, out of my lands and tenement^ in Potterton at such tyme as either of my said childrenn shall accomplish the age of one and twentie yeares or be married, and if either of them shall dye before the same come to be dew the whole some of twenty pounds to remaine to the then Survivor. Item for all my goods and chattells my will and minde is that they should be equallie devided amongst Margery, my wife. Agnes, my daughter, and my sonne or daughter not as yet borne, whom I make whole and sole executors. ... In witnes .... Witnesses Wittm Ball, Francis Setle, Richard Setle, Samuell Wallbanke. [Proved 8 November, 1623.] Henry Tailor of Barwick. [xxxix. 368b.] In the name of God Amen. The first of Januarie, 1623. I, Henrie Tailor of Barwicke, doe ordaine and make this my last will and testament in manner and forme followeing. In primis I giue to Margarett Tailor my best Cloake. Item I giue unto BARWICK-IN-ELMET. WILLS. 43 Henrie Tailor my worst cloake w th my worst Jerkin and breeches. I giue more unto Margarett Tailor a little Chist. Itm I giue to Elizabeth Holine a pewter dubbler. Itm I giue to Thomas Holme my best doublett w th my one paire of Beddstockes in the nether Parlor. Itm I giue unto Wittm Boulton iij s iiij d . Item I doe make my two sonnes William Tailor and Frauncis my whole and sole executors . . and unto them I giue all the remainder of my goodf , bills and bonde w th the debtes therein unto my two sonnes Wittm and Frauncis, to thend that they bring my corpes honestlie forth and discharged my funerall expences. And alsoe that they giue unto my brother, Christopher Tailor, five shillinges out of the debtes w ch I haue giuen them. Witnesses bee theis, Rofite Lister, George Musgraue and Ingram Winterburne. [Proved 24 March, 1625-6.] Thomas Hemsworth of Potterton. [xl. 69b.] In the name of God Amen, the eighteenth day of December in the yeare of our lord God one thowsand six hundred twentie and six. I, Thomas Hemsworth of Potterton, in the countie of Yorke, beinge sicke in bodie but whole of mynd, laud and praise be given to Allmightie God, doe make this my p'sent Testam 1 concerneinge herein my last will in mannor and forme followinge, that is to say, first, I comend and comitt my soule into the handes of Allmightie God my maker and redeem, and my bodie to be buried in the church or churchyeard of Barwicke in Elmett in the same countie att the discretion of my executor hereafter named, in full confidence att the last day and generall resurecton of all flesh to have both bodie and soule revnited and maide to participate those ioyes which are prepaired for the elect. Next of my psonall estate I dispose on as followeth. First I give and bequeath unto John Kirkbie all that seaven poundes which he oweth me to the intent and purpose he enter sufficient securitie to myne executors hereafter named that once within a yeare after my departuer out of this naturall life he will buy a Cowe of three poundes price and put the same forward to be imployed for the best benifitt of Anne, now his daughter, or elles put out three poundes within the same tyme to her said profitt and pay whether soever of the same he shall put forward with the benifitt and pay thereof made when she shall accomplishe her Lawfull age of one and Twentie yeares or elles be married. Item I give and bequeath unto the said Anne, the daughter of the said John Kirkbie, five poundes which is in the hands of Richard Shanne, to be put forward once within a yeare after my decease by my executor here- after named for the benefitt of her the said Anne, and paied to her withall the profitt thereof arriseinge when she shall accomplishe her lawfull age of one and Twentie yeares, or elles be married, and if she chaunce hereafter to depte this naturall life before eyther of the same happen then my mynd and will is that Mary, now my neece, the wife of the said John Kirkbie, and the rest of her children shall have the one halfe thereof with all the profitt thereof arrisinge 44 BARWICK-IN-ELMET. WILLS. equally devided amongst them, and Mary, now the wife of my nephew John Hemsworth, and her children shall have the other halfe thereof with the bennefitt thereof arrisinge equally chaired [sic] and amongst them to be paid unto each of them att such tyme as they shall successively be capable to give a lawfull discharge for the same. Item to Anne Goodaile, my neece,Twentie shillinges out of that thirtie shillinges which I form'ly lent her husband. Item I give and bequeath unto Elizabeth Hemsworth, my neece, Twentie shillinges. Item I give and bequeath unto Mary and John Hems- worth, children of my nephew John Hemsworth, to eyther of them Twentie shillinges, and to John and Alice Kirkbie, the children of the said John Kirkbie, to eyther of them Twentie shillinges to be paid into the handes of the said John Kirkbie, theire father, once w b in a yeare after my decease by myne executors hereafter named to be put forward by him for the best bennefitt of his said children, and to be paid unto them as they shall successively be inabled in the eie of the Lawe to make a sufficient discharge. Item my will and mynd is that if the three sonnes of my sister Issabell Dobson shall come to my buriall and helpe to carry my corpes to the Church, that soe many of them as shall come shall have xij d for their paynes, otherwaies if they come not nothinge at all. Item I give and bequeath unto the said Elizabeth Dobson, my said sister, theire mother, if she be alive, twentie shillinges, if deed then I give and bequeath the same unto Jane, her daughter, to be put and paid once within a yeare after my decease into the hands of her brother Thomas to be desposed on by him for her best bennefitt and profitt. Item I give and bequeath unto Jane, John, Robert and Elizabeth, now the children of Charitie Wilson, to eu'y of them tenn shillinges, to be put forward once within a yeare after my deathe to their use. . . . And for the rest of my goodf, chattels, creditt^ and debtes not yett disposed on after my debtes paid, fun'alles defrayed and theise my legacies aforenamed trewly dis- charged accordinge to the purport an effect hereof, I give and absolutely bequeath all and singuller the same unto John Hems- worth, my nephew, whome of this my p'sent last will and testam* I make the sole executor Theise beinge witnesses, Richard Turner, Wittm Taite and Shanne [sic]. [Proved 18 Oct., 1627.] Brewen Briggs of Roundhay, yeoman. [xl. 198a.] In the name of God Amen, the three and twentieth day of May Anno Dni 1626. I, Brewen Briggs of Rowndhey, in the county of Yorke, yeom, being in pfect remembrance, thankes be given to God for the same, and callinge to mind the incertainty of this life doe ordayne and make this my testament and last will in manner and forme followeinge, that is to say. First I give and bequeath my soule to Allmighty God, and my body to be buried in the pish Churchyeard of Barwicke in Elmett. Itm I give and bequeath to Mary Briggf, my eldest daughter, one cupboord stand- inge in Randall Briggs howse, tenn dublers, three candlesticks BARWICK-IN-ELMET. WILLS. 45 two saltf and one great brasse pott. Itm I give and bequeath unto Mary Briggs, wife of Lawrence Briggf, Robert Briggs, Jaine Briggs, Bridgett Briggs, Agnes Briggs and Thomas Briggf, children of the said Lawrence Briggs and Mary his wife, two parts of my farme w ch I hold of the right honorable the lord Darcy, payinge the yearly rent of forty two shillings and one penny in the yeare. Itm I give to my sonne Beniamin Brigs nineteene shillings and fower pence, to be paid out of the third parte of my lease w ch I hold of the lord Darcy, w ch lease is in Rowndhey before recited, w ch money shall be paid to him for helpinge to relieve his wife and the bringe- inge up of his children for all the yeares which shalbe unexpired att the day of my death. And out of the third parte of my farme w ch my sonne William Briggs no we hath of me, and the said money soe bequeathed shalbe paid at the feastf of Thannuntiation and S l Michaell the Arch : Angell, by equall portions, that is to say, nine shillings eight pence att either feast day. Itm I give and bequeath unto my eldest daughter, Mary Briggs, ten shillings yearly, to be paid out of the third parte of my lease before recited in the occupacon of m}/ sonne William Briggs, and to be paid att the daie before menconed (that is to say) five shilling^ att either feast day. Itm I give and bequeath to my son John Briggf fower shilling^ six pence in full satisfaccon of his childes porcon. Item I give and bequeath unto my sonne in lawe, Martin Morris, fower shilling^ six pence in full satisfaccon of all that I will bestowe of him. Itm as for the rest of my goodf wch I have lefte undisposed of I give to William Briggs, my sonne, whom I make sole executor Witnesses hereof, James Clough, Martin Clough. [Proved I May, 1628.] Lawrence Glover of Roundhay, yeoman. [xli. 265.1 In the name of God Amen, the Tenth day of May . . . 1628. I, Lawrence Glover of roundhey, in the prish of* Barwicke in Elmett and in the county of York, yeoma .... And I will that my bodye be buried in the prish church yeard of Barwicke aforesaid . . I give and bequeath to Wittm Glover, my sonne, the lease of my farme with all other the rest of my goodf and chattalls .... And I doe make him my full and sole executor. Witnesses hereof Wittm Briggf and Tristram Ascoughe. [Proved 7 Jan., 1630- 1.] Mary Ellis of Barwick, gentlewoman.' 1 ' [xli. 282.] In the name of God Amen, the eightenth day of February in the yeare of our Lord God one thousand sex hundreth twenty nyne. I, Marie Ellis of Barwicke in Elmett, in the county of Yorke, gentlewoman, being growne now in yeares and by reason of old age, infirmities, sombhinge of body, but whole and sound of mynd and memorie, thankf and prayse be geven to God for the (1) Mary Ellis was the widow of John Ellis, of Kiddal, and daughter of Martin Anne, of Frickky. 46 BARWICK-IN-ELMET. WILLS. same, knowinge that I ame but a stranger here upon earth and must leave this world I knowe not when, and being desyrous to sett my house in order ere I die, and to dispose of that lyttle psonall estate wch it hath pleassed God to lend me in this lyffe, that after my death it may be distributed in peace according to my mynd, and to take alwaye all just causes of future differrenc^ that perhaps might els hereafter aryse amonge my children about the same if it weare lefte undisposed on, doe hereby make this my last will and testament in mann' and forme followinge, that is to saye, First and principally I comend my soule into the handf of Almighty God from whome I had it, assuredly trustinge through the merritt(> of Christ Jesus my saviour and redemer to receyve free pardon of all my synnes, and after my decease to be admitted into the blest societie of his saynt^ and electe s'vanty. And my body I coniytt to the earth from whence it came, and to be buried in the prish Church of Barwicke in Elmett aforesaid, as neare unto my late husband as conveniently may be, then of my psonall estate I dispose on as followeth. First I give and bequeath unto my sonnes Marttyn, Henry, Robert, Frauncis, Richard and Thomas Ellis, to every one of them twenty shilling^ apiece, and to my daughter Marie, the wyfe of Thomas Cowp, twenty shilling^ in full satisfaccon of all such filliall and childs porcons as they or any of them myght lawfully challenge and of right ought to have out of my psonall estate, and to be payd to every of them by my executor hereafter named. Item I give and bequeath to my sonne John Ellis his wyfe Twenty shilling^. To my daughter Laskewe, my daughter Burneley, and to my grand daughter Marie Ellis, daughter to my said son John Ellis, all myne apparrell and clothinge to be distrybuted amonge them at the discretion of my syster Holmes in such sorte as I have formerly geven directions to her for the distrybutinge of the same, save onlye my mynd and will is that such thereof as she shall deeme unfytt for them be bestowed by her on Margarett, now my servant, unto which Margarett besydes I give and bequeath Twenty shilling^ . Item I give and bequeath to my said syster Holmes my gould ringe to weare the same for a remembrance of my love after my death. The resydue of my said psonall estate not yett disposed on after my debt(> and these legacies discharged I freely give and wholly bequeath unto Samuell Ellis, my youngest sonne, out of the naturall affection I beare him and confident trust I repose in him, that after my death he will see me honestly brought forth and distrybute to the poor. And the said Samuell Ellis of this my present Testament I make and ordayne the whole executor, and this my said will and Testament may be more surely pformed according to my mynde I desyre my nephew Frauncis Tindall to be supervisor . . And I give and bequeath him for his paynes to be taken herein halffe a peece . . These beinge witnesses. Richard Turner, John Hardcastle and M'garett Robinson. [Proved y Feb., 1630-1.] BARWICK-IN-ELMET. WILLS. 47 Richard Settle of Potterton, tanner, [xli. 327b.] In the name of God Amen, the thirtenth day of Septembr in the year of our lord God 1629. I, Richard Settle of Potterton, in the county of Yorke, Tanner, being sycke in body but whole in mynd, laude and prayse be geven to Almighty God therfore, doe make this my present Testament . . . First I contend my soule into the handf of Almighty God my maker and redemer, fully con- syderinge not for any meritts of my owne but for his own merrytt sake manifested in the merittf of his sonne Christ Jesus, that he will receyve it into his tuiticon when it shall leave the pryson of my bodie. And I comytt my body to the earth from whence it came, And to be buried in the church or churchyarde of Barwicke in Elmett at the discrettion of my frendf in full confydence and assured hope at the generall resureccon of all flesh to have both body and soule Revnited and be maid to pticipate of those ioyes w ch are prepared for the electe in the Kingdome of heaven. Next of my landf I dispose as followeth. First I devyse all and singular the same as weli the singuler those lands wch I haue boughte as those wch I had in pte of my wyves portion unto Isabel!, my wyfe, duringe her naturall lyfe unless that she marrie, and then I devyse all and singuler the same or so much thereof as the lawes of this lande will pmitt unto my eldest sonne and his heires for ever, to enter unto the same or so much therof as the lawes will permytt imediatly after the marriage. Item my will and mynd is that the lease of the becke close beinge demeasne lands shalbe taken and renewed out of my psonall estaite in the name of Isabell, my said wyfe, and of the said Wittm, my sonne, to haue and to hould unto the said Isabell, my wyfe, duringe her widdowhood, and after that she shall be maried or dye, whethersoever of the twaine shall sooner happen, to haue and to hold the said demeasne landf to the said Wittm, my sonne, his executors and assignes for all and soe many of the yeares it shall be taken and renewed for as shalbe at eyther of the same then to expyre. Item my will and mynde is that after the demeasne lease be taken and renewed as aforesaid is declarede, that then the resydew and remainder of my said psonall estaite left behynde shall be devided into three equal partf , one pte whereof I give and frely bequeath unto the said Izabell, my said wyffe, in lieu of her third wch by the lawe she may challenge by reason of t her marriage with me, the second third pte I give and bequeath unto Wittm, John, Thomas, Samuell and Marie, my children, to be equally devided amongst them for their nlliall or childf portions of my said psonall estaite, and out of the other third pte remayninge I give and bequeath unto the said Isabell, my wyffe, the sume of five poundf for a legacy, and unto the said Thomas, Samuell and Marie unto every one of them the sume of forty shillingf a peece for a legacie, and all the Resydue and remainder thereof notiyett disposed on I give and absolutely bequeath unto the said Wittm, John, Thomas, Samuell and Marie, to be equally pted amongst them for the augmentation and bettering of their portions. [Other provisions respecting his children's shares.] Isabell, my said wyfe 48 BARWICK-IN-ELMET. WILLS. I ordayne and make the sole executrix, and unto whom I comytt the tuition and education of all my said children duringe ther minorities. . . . These beinge witnesses. Thomas Veuers, Thomas Taite, Richard Potter thelder, John Danyell and Richard Turner. [Proved 26 February, 1630-1.] Thomas Tirrington of Shippen, labourer. [xli. 436a.] In the name of God Amen, the last day of March in the yeare of our lord God 1631. I, Thomas Tirrington of Shippen, in the county of Yorke, laborer, beeinge sycke in body but whole in mynde .... and I comvtt my body to the earth from whence it came, and to be buried in the Church or Churchyarde of Barwicke in Elmett in the said county of Yorke, at the discretion of my frendf . Next I give and bequeath unto Robert Sawer, one of my sonnes in lawe, and unto Jane, his wyffe, forty shilling^ and whatsoever reckninge is due to me besydes I freely forgive them the same and absolutely give the same unto them in full satisfaccon ofall such parte as they or eyther of them might Lawfully challenge out of my psonall estaite. Item I give and bequeath unto Wittm Cawood, another of my sonnes in lawe, and Anne his wyfe, other forty shilling^ in full satisfaccon . . . Item I give and bequeath unto Wittm Hargrave, another of my sonnes in lawe, and Marye, his wyffe, twenty shilling^ in full satisfaccon . . . Item I give and bequeath unto Anne, one of the daughters of the said Wittm Cawoode, my best hatt. Unto Henry, Wittm, Isabell, Elizabeth and Jane, the children of the said Robert Sawer, my said sonne in lawe, to every one of them Twoo shilling^. Unto Marie, Thomas, Anne, Dorathie, Frauncis, M r garett, Wittm, Alice and Isabell, the children of the said Wittm Cawood, my said sonne in lawe, to every one of them ij s . Unto John, Thomas, Wittm, Robert, Marie, Jane and Elizabeth, the children of the said Wittm Hargrave, my said sonne in lawe, to every one of them ij s . Unto Fraunces, Anne, Margarett and Thomas, the children of Thomas Tirrington, my naturall sonne, to every one of them ij s . And to the childe now in the wombe of Margarett, his wife, if it shall lyve, twoo shillingf . Also and all and every of the said legacies to be payd to everie such of them once within a yeare after my decease by myne executor hereafter named as are of lawfull yeares of age to make my said executor lawfull discharges for the same. [Provision for legacies of minors to be paid to their fathers who should seal acquittances and enter into bonds for the due payment of the legacies, and that thereupon the executor should not be further liable.] The rest of my said psonal estate .... I freely give and absolutely bequeath unto the said Thomas Tirrington, my said naturall sonne, whome . . I make and ordayne the sole executor. . . . These witnesses R. Turner, Rofet Johnson and Nycholas Shippen. [Proved 19 May, 1631.] BARWICK-IN-ELMET. WILLS. 49 George Pearson of Barwick, yeoman. [Original.] Anno Domi 1633, February the 4 th . In the name of God Amen. I, George Pearson in [of erased] Barwicke in Elmett, in the county of Yorke, yeoman, sicke in body and perfect in remembrance God be praised, do make this my last will and testa- ment. Inprimis I bequeath my body to be Interred in the Church or Churchyard of Caluerley, and my soule I bequeath into the hands of my God and my Redeemer, to whose mercy my departinge soule will be taken. Itm those worldly goods with which God hath endowed me I bequeath them as followinge. In primis I giue unto Peter Wheelous tenne pounds. Item I giue to Jane Wheelous five pounds. Item I giue unto Willia Cowpland to the use of his children tenne pounds. Item I giue to Henry Croft tenne pounds. Item I giue to Henry Jefferson tenne pounds. Item I giue to Henry Waynman tenne pounds. Item I giue to John Croft tenne shillings. Item I giue to Robert Wilson of Mardon five pounds. Item I giue to the eldest brother of Henry Waynman and unto his yongest brother equally betwixt them both 5 1 . Item I giue unto the two children of Henry Wheelous tenne pounds to be equally distributed betwixt them. Item I giue to Thomas Knightson during his life the som of fiue pounds and after his decease he shall pay or his executors shall cause to be paid the some of fifty shillings equally to be distributed amonge the children of his wife now beinge. Item I giue unto Richard Veuers and Willia Veuers his sonne the some of twenty shillings equally betwixt them. Item I giue unto Richard Turner, parish clarke of Barwicke in Elmett, the some of twenty shillings. I give unto the children of Anne Knightson tenne pounds to be distributed equally amongst them. Item I bequeath and giue unto Richard Settle, the sonne of Anne Knightson, the some of fifty shillings. Item I giue unto M r Grant of Calverley 5 1 . Item I giue unto Robert Harper three pounds sixe shillings and eight pence, being the Clearke of the said parish. Item I do constitute and ordaine Willia Bourman of Sturton and William Veuers of Potterton suprevisors of this my last will and testament, and I giue either of them the some of three pounds sixe shillings and eight pence for the seing of this my will discharged. Item I giue unto James Forster, now the Curate of Barwicke in Elmett, the some of forty shillings. Ite I do chardge and wish my executors to bestowe tenne pounds of my burial! and funerall. Item I do constitute and ordaine Thomas Croft of Bradford and Henry Croft of Beeston [John Scott of Barwick my erased] full executors of this my last will and testament. In witnes whereof in the hearing of these witnesses I have sette my hand the day and yeare before mentioned. Item I give unto M r Rawson and Mistris Rawson 2 s . George Pearson, his marke. These witnesses, James Forster, John Scott, Wittm Veuers, Wittm Veuers, Jun r . [Proved 6 Feb., 1635-6.] Richard Dighton of Barwick, yeoman. [Original.] In the name of God Amen, the fifth daye of Februarie Anno Dni 1644. I, Richard Dighton of Barwick 50 BARWICK-IN-ELMET. WILLS. in Elmett, in the countie of Yorke, yeoman, being diseased and infirme in bodie but whole and sounde in minde and of good and perfect remembrance, thankes and praise bee given to Almightie God therefore, and beeing desireous to sett my howse in order and settle the temporall estaite wherewith it hath pleased God to blesse mee in my life time, that all iust occasions of future differences that might arise about the same after my death if it weere left undisposed on, might bee altogether prevented and avoided and utterly taken away, and to the intent and purpose that after my death it may bee disposed according to my minde doe hereby make and ordaine this my present last will and testament in manner and forme followeing, that is to saye, first I commend my soule into the handes of Almightie God my maker and redeemer, and I committ my bodie to the Earth from whence it came and to bee buried in the church or church yarde of whatsoeuer parish I shall happen to bee in when I shall die, at the discretion of my freindes and Executrix herein hereafter named. Then next of my temporall estate I dispose on as followeth, that is to say. First I give and bequeath unto Robert Dighton, my sonne, thirtie poundes in money in full satisfaction of his filia.ll or childes part or portion that of right hee may anyewaye challenge or claime out of my saide temporall estaite. And the residue and remainder thereof after my debts payed (if any bee) this my filiall or childes part or portion discharged and funeralls defrayed I hereby wholie give and absolutelie bequeath unto Margarett, now my wife. And thereupon I hereby declare and expresse that it is my minde and will that the securitie which shall hereafter bee yeilded by myne Uncle Palmes for the fiftie powndes which he oweth unto mee shalbee taken and made in the name of the saide Margarett, my wife, and to her use, to the intent and purpose that after my death in theise miserable and distracted times shee may bee thereby the better enabled, with out too much preiudice and damage to her owne estaite, to educate my saide sonne in good literature, and when in breeding in letters as well as yeares, hee shall be apt and meete to bee put apprentice to some fitting trade, that she ma}' putt him apprentice at her owne cost and charges. And in case shee shall incline or dispose herself after my death to a second marriage with any other man, lest shee shoulde chance to match herself either with one surcharged with debts or of a waistfull disposition by means whereof my saide sonne may bee likelie or in danger to bee shortened, if not misse of some part of his said education in good letters or to have his said portion hereby bequeathed him in part abridged if not utterlie waisted by means thereof, then it is hereby declared and expressed to be my minde and will that my said wife shall bee cautelous and careful! (as my trust is in her) that before her second marriage she either yeilde herself or procure to bee yeilded good and sufficient Bonde or securitie to bee entered and delivered to my brother in lawe Richard Turner, or in his absence or neglect to my brother in lawe Wittm Hardistie, to my said sonnes use for performance of his saide education and cost oi his testing apprentice (as before is expressed) BARWICK-IN-ELMET. WILLS. 51 and for payement of the said thirtie poundes to helpe him to sett up his trade withall after hee shalbee soe putt apprentice. And in consideration of the especiall trust and great confidence which I repose in the said Margarett, now my wife, in regard of the tender love and care which I conceive shee beareth towards my saide sonne as well as my self, I hereby commit the tuition and education of my said sonne unto her the saide Margarett, now my wife, during his minoritie. And of this my p'sent last Will and Testament I hereby nominate, appoint, make and ordaine her the saide Margarett, now my wife, the sole executrix. Attested and confirmed hereby the day and yeare first aboue written under the hand of me, Richard Dighton. Theise witnesses R. Turner, Jo a Hardistye. [Proved 23 Oct., 1645.] Sir John Gascoigne of Partington, Baronet.' 1 ' [Attested .Copy.] In Dei Nomine Amen. The Nyne and Twentieth day of August in the yeare of o r lorde God one thousand sixe hundred thirtie and five and in the Eleauenth yeare of the raigne of o r Souerainge lord King Charles ouer England, &c. I, S r John Gascoigne of Parlington, w th in the dyocesse and county of Yorke, Barronett, being at this pnte in pfect health of body and mynde, thankes be to God therefore, and hauing often tymes in my remem- brance the Instabylity of this world, and greate uncertaynty of mans lyfe ; But specially in this 79 yeare of my age, being laytely by God's goodnes well recouered of a sicknes verie dangerous to my age, and thereby feeling a declynacon in my body from all vayne hope of long tyme to live, and conceiuing the same to be unto me a mercifull admonicon from Almyghty God that the dissolucon of my earthly bodie and chainge into another world cannot be long deferred, doe therefore desire soe to despose of my worldly estate, That my debts may be first discharged, And myself e, after more carefully remembred by my children and poore trends, Humbly therefore doe first commend my soule into the hands and mercie of Almighty God and his only sonne our redeemer and Sauior Jesus Christ, by whose bitter passion and painfull death I veryly hope to be saued and made an Inheritor of his blessed Kingdome in heauen, my body to be buried neare to my Father and mother in my Clossett w th in Barwicke Church, or where myne Exec rs and my eldest sonne, Thomas Gascoigne, shall thinke con- venient to despose of the same. Item I doe giue and bequeath to Dame Anne, my louing and faythfull wyfe, all suche Jewells and ornam ts as herselfe hath euer used, and now hath of what kinde or (1) Sir John Gascoigne of Lasingcroft, Parlington and Barnbow was advanced to the dignity of a baronet by King Charles I. in 1635, died 3 May, 1637, and was buried at Barwick. His funeral Certificate appears in the Yorks. Archa;logical Journal, xiv. 246. He married Anne, daughter of John Ingleby of Rudby, by his second wife Anne, daughter of William Clapham of Beamsley. They had issue (1) Sir Thomas Gascoigne, second Bart., of Barnbow, who was tried for high treason on a false accusation of a servant named Bolron, and was acquitted. An account of his trial is given in the York Depositions published by the Surtees Society, vol. xl. (2) John Gascoigne, Abbot of Lamspring ; (3) Michael Gascoigne, a monk ; (4) Francis Gascoigne, a secular priest ; (5) Helen, wife of Gilbert Stapleton of Carleton ; (6) Mary, wife of William Hauton ; (7) Catherine, Abbess of Cambray; (8) Anne, wife of George Thwenge; (9) Margaret, died unmarried; (10) Christine Gascoigne. 52 BARWICK-IN-ELMET. WILLS. fashion soeuer they be. Item I doe alsoe giue and bequeath unto my said v^yfe twoe paire of Bedstocks and one Trundle Bed w th all bedding and furniture to them belonging, one low chaire w th lockers, one Table, one Cubberd, Sixe ioyned Stooles of Wallnuttree, one Cypresse Chyst, and two low couered stooles for her owne chamber, at her owne choice. Item I doe also giue unto my said wyfe for her lyfe the use of one guilded syluer dishe, and after her decease I doe giue the use thereof to my sayd sonne Thomas Gascoigne during his lyfe, And after his decease to remayne an ayrelome to the heires of my house successiuely one after another. Item I doe giue and bequeath to my sayd sonne, Thomas Gascoigne, one gold ringe, and one greate siluer seale of Armes. of both w ch is engrauen the Lucyes head. Item I doe alsoe giue to mj' sayd sonne all my Armo rs and furnitures for warres, of what sort or kinde soeuer. And whereas I haue by my late deede Indented bearing date the twentieth day of Marche in the Sixte yeare of his said Ma ties raigne ouer England, &c, made a lease to my late worthy and much honored good trends S r Thomas Vauasour of Haslewood, Baronett, and S r William Hungate of Saxton, Knight, now both deceased, of my demesne lands, Colepitts and Colemynes w th in Parlington, and of lands in Hillom, Beckhay, Lotherton and Abberford, and of my Mills in Abberford for the terme of one and twenty yeares for speedier payment of my debtes, and of suche legacies as I then Intended by my last will and testament to giue and bequeath. Now therefore I doe (accordingly) hereby declare giue and bequeath to John Gascoigne, my second sonne, twenty pounds, to Michaell Gascoigne, my third sonne, twenty poundes, and to Francis Gascoigne, my yongest sonne, twenty poundes. Item I doe giue and bequeath to Catherine Gascoigne, my daughter, fiftie poundes, and to Margarett Gascoigne, my yongest daughter, fiftie poundes. And whereas I haue heretofore by one other deede bearinge date the two and twentieth day of October in the Eighteenth yeare of the raigne of our late Soueraigne Lord King James ouer England, &c, giuen and granted to Thomas Meynell of North Kiluington,in the County of Yorke, Esquier, and to James Wright then of Barmebowe, in the said county, gent., theire heires and assignes, and to the heires and assignes of the suruiuior of them for euer, Those my two water Corne Mills, called Hillom Mills w th their appurts, And all those my fowerscore acres (more or less) of Chantry land, arable, meadowe, and pasture in Abberford butting and boundering upon the Ruyns of one decayed douecoote ioyned to the Parsonage Fould in Abberford, To the onely use of myselfe, and of my assignes for tearme of my lyfe wthoute impeachment of wast, And after my decease to suche other uses mtentes and lymitacons as shouldbe by me in my last will, or by any other lawfull act in wryting in my lyfe tyme expressed lymytted or declared, as by the said Indenture more at large it doth and may appeare. Now therefore my intent and meaning is, and by this my last will I doe declare expresse and appoint, That if my sayd debts and legacies to my said children as aforesaid shall not be paid (as I veriely hope they will, out of my said goods, nor out BARWICK-IN-ELMET. WILLS. 53 of my said lease made of my sayd demesne lande and Coolemynes w th in Parlington as aforesaid (as undoubtedly I know they maie be) accordinge to my meaning therein expressed, That then (and no otherwise) the sayd Thomas Meynell and James Wright or myne exec" shall sell the said Hillom Mills for making upp the whole some for the full payment of my said debts and legacies as aforesaid, and after all my debts and suche legacies as aforesaid truly payd and the sayd Mills not sould, Then that the whole benifitt and pfitt of the said Mills shalbe equally deuided for the mayntaynance of George and John Gascoigne, two of the yonger sonnes of my said sonne Thomas Gascoigne, and to the longer liver of them, yf Thomas Gascoigne, my said sonne, shall yearely and euerie yeare from and ymmediately after my decease well and truly pay unto the said Francis Gascoigne, my yongest sonne, thyrty poundes p annu during the terme of his naturall lyfe, but if default of payment be made of his yearely rente of thirtie poundes contrary to my true intent and meaning, Then and in such case my will and meaning is that my said sonne Francis Gascoigne shall haue the said Mills, and the whole benifitt and pfitt thereof, according to an estate thereof formerly by me expressed and lymited to him, And from and after the decease of my said sonne Francis, and the decease of them the said George and John Gascoigne, two of the yongest sonnes of my said sonne Thomas Gascoigne, my will and meaning is, And I doe hereby expresse lymitt and declare that the said Mills w th thappurts shalbe and remayne to the use and behoofe of my right heires for euer. And as for and concerning my s d Chantry lands in Abberford w ch I haue lately leased by Indenture bearing date the first day of March in y* nynth yeare of y e raigne of o r Soueraigne lord King Charles ouer England, &c, unto my trusty and welbeloued seruant (1) Edmond Hickorngill and his ass s for y e terme of y e naturall Hues of Richard, Edmond and Mathew Hickorngill, sons of ye s'd Edmond Hickorngill, and the longest liuer of them, And yf the s'd Richard, Edmond and Mathew, sons of y e s'd Edmond, should dye w th in the terme of thirtie yeares then for and during soe manie yeares of y c number of thirty yeares as shouldbe then unexpyred to be accompted from y* date of y e s'd Indenture under y e rente of fowere pounds to be yearely payd unto the Kings Ma 4 ie y l now is his heires and successors upon ye feast dayes of y e Annunciacon of o 1 ' blessed lady S 4 Mary the virgine and S* Michaell tharchayngell by equall porcons, and alsoe under ye rente of twenty markes to be yearely payd unto me my heires and asss upon y e said feast dayes by equall porcons as by y e said Indenture appeareth. [Confirmation of the said Indenture of Lease]. Neuertheles my intent and meaning is and I doe hereby lymytt and appoint that tenne poundes of all the said thirteene pounds six shillings and eight pence chantry rente shalbe yearly paid during the terme of one and twenty yeares next after [1] He was father of the Rev. Edmond Hickorngill (1631 1708), junior fellow of Caius College, divine and pamphleteer, Chaplain to Lilburn's Regiment, 1653, successively baptist, quaker and deist, afterwards a soldier in Scotland and in Swedish service, ordained by Bishop Robert Sanderson 1661, and excluded 1685 8. [Dictionary of National Biography.] For Hickeringill's account of himself see Thoresby's Correspondence ed. Hunter, II. p. 8. 54 BARWICK-IN-ELMET. WILLS. my decease to my worthy and louing cosen Stephen Tempest of Rowndhay, Esquier, in accomplishm 1 of an agreem* betweene him and me made for the paym* thereof. And I doe hereby further hereby lymitt and appoint that the some of three poundes sixe shillings and eight pence, being the remainder of the said thirteene poundes six shilling and eight pence rente, shalbe likewise yearely paid unto the poore people of the pishe of Abberford during alsoe the terme of one and twenty yeares likewise next ensuing my decease. And from and immediately after the expyracon and determinacon of the estate of my said seruant Edmond Hickorngill of in and to the said chantry lands w th appurts, Then my will and meaning is And I doe hereby expresse lymitt and declare That they the said Thomas Meynell and James Wright and theire heires and the suruiuor of them and his heires shall stand and be seised of and in the said chantry lands w th thappurts, To the use and behoofe of my right heires for euer, And whereas upon my greate charges I haue renewed some leases and redeemed other leases and alsoe bought out some rente charges graunted out of my lands wherein for p r uenting of dangers and for better securing y e same I did some tymes use the name of John Gascoigne, my father, sometymes of some of my yonger children, and sometymes of some other trends, w th intencon in tymes conuenient to despose otherwise and to setle euery thing as occasions and just motiues might induce me to doe, since w ch tymes being enforced not only to needfull repaires of my seuerall houses, outhouses and Mills, all left unto me ruynous and in greate decay, but alsoe being necessarily drawne into noe lesse charges by marrying of my children, besides sundrie suits and troubles w ch haue falne heauily upon me, whereby I am now con- strayned to alter my firste desynes in such manner as may best accord w th my prsente estate, and indifferency amongst my children, Therefore p r suming of the vertuous disposition of my wyfe, and of them all to concurre w th me in a free and louing consent for the speedier paym* of my debts, and my more comfortable depture from them. I giue and bequeath to my exec rs Seauen yeares rents of one Annuity or rente charge of twentie poundes p annii in fee simple giuen away by Richard Gascoigne, my uncle, out of my lands in Barmebowe unto John Newcomen, late of Slatflatby in the county of Lyncolne, my cosen, deceased, from whome I redeemed the same in the name of John Gascoigne, my father, whoe by myne appointm 1 did assigne ouer the same to John Gascoigne, my second sonne, unto whome I did then intend the same noe longer, then untill I could better p'uide for him, as already long since I haue done. And after y e ex- pyracon of seauen yeares or sooner if my debts and legacies shalbe payd, Then my will is and I doe hereby lymitt that Anne Gascoigne, my said wyfe (if she shall chance to liue at Barmbowe duringe her tyme here) shall haue and receiue the said yearely rente or Annuity of twenty poundes p Annii soe before by me redeemed, And after her decease I doe giue and bequeath the same to John Gascoigne, my second sonne, according to the deede thereof to him made by John Gascoigne, my father, if hee shalbe any wayes molested or interrupted, BARWICK-IN-ELMET. WILLS. 55 and shall not peaceably and quietly haue hold receiue and emoy one Annuity of thirtie pounds p Annu by me already setled to and for his use during his lyfe, But if hee shall peaceably and quietly haue hold and enioy the said Annuity of thirty pounds p Annu during his life, according to my meaning, Then my intent is And I doe hereby lymytt that John Gascoigne, my grandchild, eldest sonne to 7 my sayd sonne Thomas Gascoigne, shall haue and receiue the sayd twenty pounds yearely rente out of Barmebowe ymmedi- ately after the decease of my sayd wyfe, for and during his naturall lyfe, And after his decease then to remayne to the right heires of my selfe for euer. And for more speedy paym 1 of all my said debts and legacies and noe longer I doe likewise giue and bequeath to my executors the rents and pfitts of my demesne lands w th in the mannor of Scooles for seauen yeares alsoe next after my decease for fuller paym* of my debts, After w ch payd I will that the said demesne lands and the rents and pfitts of them shalbe conuerted and remane To the use and behoofe of the s'd dame Anne, my wyfe, during her tyme and tytle to the house and lands in Barmbowe, And after the determinacon of her tyme, Then to remayne to Michaell Gascoigne, my third sonne, according to the lease of them by me taken in his name, if hee shall not peaceably and quietly haue hold receiue and enioy one Annuity of thirty poundes p Annu by me already settled to and for his use during his life, But if hee shalbe noe wayes hindred of the said Annuity during his life accord- ing to my true meaning, Then my will is and I doe hereby lymitt that after the decease of my said wyie and' my debts and legacies payd the said demesne lands of Scooles shall ymmediately remayne and come (as my pp guift) unto the said Thomas Gascoigne, my sonne, and to none els. And whereas for that consideracons before expressed I did likewise in the names of Christine Gascoigne and Margarett Gascoigne, my two yongest daughters, and for the amendment of theire porcons att that tyme redeeme from Audrey Gascoigne, late wyfe to Alueray Gascoigne my brother, deceased, and executrix of his last will and testament, a terme of twenty yeares to begyn after the expyracon of one lease then in esse made before by my said brother Alueray to one Thomas Hemsworth, deceased, of one Farme or tenement in West Garford, the tytle and right whereunto is now in myselfe, althoughe hytherto I have and yet doe pmitt and suffer Thomas Gascoigne, my sayd sonne, to receiue for my vse the rents thereof and to accompt unto me therefore, my full will and meaning therefore now is and I doe hereby declare That my said Exec rs shall haue and enioy all the said terme and remainder of yeares w ch after my death shalbe then to come and unexpyred to the only end intent and purpose to conuerte the rente and pfitts thereof for payment of my debts and legacies and pformance of this my last will and testament. Prouided alwayes that as soone as all my sayd debts and legacies shalbe truly and taythfully payd and discharged. Then my will is that Thomas Gascoigne, my said sonne, shall wholly haue and enioy the same. Item I giue and bequeath to Mary Layborne, my neece, one twoe 56 BARWICK-IN-ELMET. WILLS. and twenty shillings peece, and to her husband and her, either of them one gold ringe for theire remembrance of me. Item I doe giue to the poore people of Abberford forty shillings. To the poore people of Wynmoore twenty shillings, to the poore people of Barwicke pishe twenty shillings, and to the poore people of Garford pishe and Cattell Moore twenty shillings to be destributed according to the descretion of dame Anne Gascoigne, my said wyfe, and Thomas Gascoigne, my said sonne. Item I doe giue and bequeath to Richard Clearkeson, Peter Slater, John Clearkeson, Richard Hickorngill, Richard Shakleton, Edward Barker, my seruants, euery one of them forty shillings a peece. Item I doe alsoe giue and bequeath to the Lady Barmby, M rs Ardington, Mary Thwaits, and Barbara Wharton euery one of them twenty shillings a peece. And I doe hereby constitute ordeyne and appoint that my said sonne Thomas Gascoigne, my welbeloued cosen Stephen Tempest, and the said Edmond Hickorngill, my seruant (who best under- standeth my estate) be Executo rs of this my said will. And I doe hereby giue unto my said louing cosen Stephen Tempest for his loue and care to se my will pformed twenty loods of Cooles, and the said Edmond Hickorngill tenne poundes as aforesd for his fayethf ull seruic thereby unto me to be done. And my further intent and meaning is, and I doe hereby expresse and declare, That if my s'd sonne Thomas Gascoigne shall louingly and faythfully pay yearely to John, Michaell and Francis Gascoigne, his yonger brethren, theire seuerall and respective Annuityes of xxx 1 ' a peece according to my declaracon and meaning in this my will, that then the estate and my lymytacons of them in Hillom Mills and in all my Chantry lands shall remayne and rest setled as is before expressed, or els if John, Michaell and Francis Gascoigne, my yonger sonnes, or any of them shalbe troubled or molested in theire quiett enioying of theire said seuerall annuityes of xxx 1 ' a peece by my said sonne Thomas, his occasion or meanes, then my meaning and intent is And I doe hereby declare lymitt and appoint That the said Thomas Meynell and James Wright and their heires shall stand and be seised of the said Hillom Mills and Chantry lands (after my debts and legacies payd) to the only use and behoofe of the said John, Michaell and Francis Gascoigne, my said yonger sonnes, for and during their seuerall naturall lifes and to the use of the suruiuor of them. And I doe desire my said louing cosen Stephen Tempest (according to my confidence reposed in him) that hee wilbe pleased to call myne executo rs to an accompt, and to Suruey theire doeings for hastning the speedie pformance of this my last will, unto whome (in hope of his loue and care soe to doe) I doe giue and bequeath twenty wayn loades of Cooles for his chamber fyre. And I doe acknowledge and declare this to be my last will and testament, recalling and reuook- ing all others as Scrowes and unpfecte papers. In witnes whereof to euery sheete to this my last will and testament being in number Seauen, I have subscribed my name and to the Labell (w ch fastneth it on the topp) haue sett my seale the day and yeare first aboue written. John Gascoigne. Signed sealed published and declared BARWICK-IN-ELMET. WILLS. 57 to be my last will in the presence of Wittm Smeaton, Edm. Hick- orngill. [Proved 10 Sept., 1637.] Richard Potter of Potterton, yeoman. [Original.] In the name of God Amen, the seauententh daye of Octob r in the yeare of our Lord God 1638. I, Richard Potter of Potterton, in the countie of Yorke, Yeoman, being aged and some- thing crazie in bodie, but whole and sownd in minde and of good and perfect remembrance, thankes and praise be giuen to Allmightie God therefor. Knoweing death to bee certaine and the howre of death uncertaine, and beeing desirous to sett myne howse in order before I dye that all iust occasions of future sewtes and differences might be taken awaye, and that my personall estaite which I shall leave behinde me may bee disposed after my death according to my mynde, doe hereby make and ordaine this my last will and testament in manner and forme followeing, that is to say. First I commende my soule into the hands of Allmightie God my maker and redeemer from whome I had it, and I committe my bodie to the Earth from whence it came, and to be buried in the Church or Church yarde of the parishe Church of Barwicke in Elmett in the Countie of Yorke, at the discretion of my freinds after my death. Next of my personall estaite I dispose on as followeth. First my will and minde is that all my said whole personall estaite shalbe equally divided in three equal! parts, whereof I giue and bequeath one third part unto Gennett, now my wile, in lewe and consideration of her thirds out of the same which shee may challenge by the laws of this realme by reason of her marriage with mee. Item my will and mind is th * tne 2 5th daye of March in Anno Domini 1640 instant as hereafter followeth : Christenings. Marie, the daughter of John Haighe of Barwicke in Elmet, 25th March Thomas, the sonne of Richard Vevers of Scoles, 7th Aprill Katherine, the daughter of Wittm Haighe of Barwicke in Elmet, 13th eiusdem Hester, the bastard daughter of Jane Norton of the same, 15th eiusdem Marie, the daughter of Wittm Mounesea of Morwicke, 21th eiusdem Hellen, the daughter of George Handleye of Scoles, eodem die Wittm, the sonne of Thomas Akid of the same, 28th eiusdem Peter, the sonne of Richard Willsonne of Rhowndheye, eodem die Wittm, the sonne of Wittm Burnell of the same, 5th Maye Francis, the sonne of Thomas Fletcher of Garforth More, eodem die Thomas, the sonne of Samuell Taite of Pottertonne, 26th eiusdem Richard, the sonne of Samuell Stowen of Barwick in Elmet, 16th June Hellen, the daughter of Richard Knapton of the same, 24th eiusdem Sara, the daughter of Wittm Massie of Stockeinge, 21th Julye Isabell, the daughter of Robert Sayner of Scoles, eodem die Sara, the daughter of Richard Turner of Barwick in Elmet, 25th eiusdem Marie, the daughter of Thomas Jordaine of Scoles, 4th August Wittm, the sonne of Wittm Bridges, clerke, of Barwick in Elmet, 8th eiusdem Elizabeth, the daughter of Thomas Sayner of Scoles, 27th eiusdem Richard, the sonne of John Cullingworth of Rhowndhey, eodem die John, the sonne of Wittm Rowstonne of Grimesdike, eodem die Dorothie, the daughter of John Norton of Barwick in Elmet, 1st September Anne, the daughter of Roger Judsonne of Rhowndehey, 21th eiusdem Wittm, the sonne of John Ingle of Grimesdike, 13th October Richard, the sonne of Richard Tailor of Barwicke in Elmet, 10th Nouember Elizabeth, the daughter of Thomas Woode of the same, 27th eiusdem Martine, the sonne of William Glover of Rhowndeheye, 3d December BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. Ill Alice, the daughter of John Stowen of Barwick in Elmet, 31th eiusdem John, the sonne of John Hall, a strainger, at Stankes, 5th Januarie Wittm, the sonne of Francis Ellis, gent., of Kidhall, 19th eiusdem Marie, the daughter of Francis Prince of Rhowndhey, 2d Februarie John, the sonne of John Smith of Barwicke in Elmett, 16th eiusdem Wittm, the sonne of Samuell Waterworth of Wyn-more, 23th eiusdem Anne, the daughter of John Hardcastle of Barwick in Elmet, 26th eiusdem Marriages. John Smith and Elizabeth Dineley of Barwicke in Elmett, 1st Maye John Denysonne and Alice Wright of the same, 24th June Thomas Tod of Leathley and Isabell Holmes of Rhowndhey, 10th Julie Francis Prince and Francis Chambers of the same, 14th eiusdem Richard Chapman and Isabell Bell of Barwick in Elmet, 22th eiusdem Samuel Shenton and Elizabeth Wright of the same, 6th October Ch[r]istofer Lee of Holbecke and Margaret Smith of Rowndhey, 21th eiusdem Robert Fletcher and Margaret Chambers of Wynmore, 31th eiusdem Nicholas Browne and Johanna Crosland of Barwick in Elmet, nth Nouember Robert Greene and Alice Prince of the same, 30th eiusdem Robert Barker and Margaret Dineley of the same, 1st Februarie Burialls. Hellen, the wife of Edward Knapton of Barwick in Elmet, 28th March Henrie, the sonne of Richard Topcliffe of Scoles, nth Aprill John Pickarde of Barwicke in Elmett, 15th eiusdem *Ralph Cooke the Elder, gentleman, of the same, 24th eiusdem John, the sonne of John Hardecastle of the same, 1st Maye Marie, the daughter of Wittm Mounsea of Morwicke, 8th eiusdem Margarett, the wife of William Gillsonne of Scoles, 1st June Walter Leaper of Barmebowe Carre, 6th eiusdem Wittm, the sonne of Wittm Burnell of Rhowndeheye, gth eiusdem Francis Hodgesonne, a woeman servante of Barmebow, 18th eiusdem Richard Shippen of Barmebowe aforesaide, 1st Julie Marie, the daughter of Francis Simpsonne, lait of Barwick, 9th eiusdem Thomas, the sonne of Thomas Fletcher of Garforth More, 14th eiusdem Isabell, the wife of Robert Sayner of Scoles, 10th Auguste Wittm, the sonne of Walter Leaper of Barmebowe Carre, 14th September Anne, the wife of John Deardonne of Browne-More, 17th October Wittm Hodgeshonne, a poore collyer of Barmebowe, 24th eiusdem Martine, the sonne of Martine West of Rhowndeheye, 9th Nouember A foemale, unchristened, the childe of Henrie Croft of Barwick, 10th eiusdem Henrie Grave of Barwicke in Elmett aforesaide, eodem die Ralph Cooke was possessed of lands in Leeds, purchased from Thomas Wood of Beeston, subject to a mortgage for 700, which descended on his death to his brother William (? Johnl. Calendar of Committee for Advance of Money, Royalist Composition Papers, p. 646. ( Yorks. Record Series, XV. 16.) 112 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. Martine, the sonne of Wittm Glover of Rhowndeheye, 17th December Marie, the daughter of Randall Brigs of the same, 31th eiusdem Wittm Slaiter of Barwicke in Elmett, 9th Januarie John Geater, a strainger of Staunkes, 16th eiusdem Katherine, the wife of Robert Richmonde of Barwicke, 17th eiusdem Richard Hill of Speighleyes on Wynne More, 29th eiusdem Christian, the daughter of Leonarde Pickeringe of Barmbow, eodem die John, the sonne of John Jackesonne of Rhowndeheye, 8th Februarie Frauncis, the wife of Henrie Hollmes of the same, nth eiusdem Elizabeth, the daughter of John Lumleye, a strainger, 15th eiusdem William, the sonne of John Simpsonne, a strainger, 17th eiusdem Robert Johnsonne of Stankes, haueing a facultie granted, eodem die Wittm, the sonne of Samuell Waterworth of Win-more, 20th eiusdem Richard, the sonne of Randall Constable of the same, 26th eiusdem Michaell Willsonne of Rhowndehey-Parke, 28th eiusdem Margerie Blackburne, widdowe, of the same, 4th March Examinatur concordare cum originali Registro, 25 die Martij, Anno Domini 1640, attestat' sub manum subscriptione. W. Bridges, minist. Ibid, John Tailor, Thomas Veuers, Richard Shan, Jo. Hubye, Church Wardens. An extract or true copie taken out of the Register Booke of the parish of Barwick in Elmett, of all such Christenings, Marriages, and Burialls as haue beene within the saide parish from the hue and twentieth daye of March which was in Anno Domini 1640, unto the hue and twentieth daie of March last past in Anno Domini 1641, as followeth : Christeninges. Wittm, the sonne of Aquila Ferrar of Scoles, 25th March John, the sonne of James Atkinsonne of Potterton, 26th eiusdem John, the sonne of John Smith of Barwick in Elmett, 30th eiusdem Robert, the sonne of Ralph Collett of Barwick in Ellmet, 2d Aprill James and Isabell, the children of James Spinke of Scoles, 12th eiusdem Anne, the daughter of Christopher Kelshey of Rhowndhey, eodem die Thomas, the sonne of Wittm Butler of Rhowndehey, eodem die Richard and Edward, the sonnes of Sam. Knapton of Barwick, 20th eiusdem Elizabeth, the daughter of George Hiltonne of Morwick, 3d Maye Anne, the daughter of James Prince of Scoles, eodem die Anne, the daughter of Thomas Akid of Barwicke, 20th eiusdem Grace, the daughter of Arthur Burton of Barwicke, 27th eiusdem Cicilie, the daughter of Robert Bellabie of Wynmore, 7th June Sara, the daughter of John Hardcastle of Barwicke, 28th eiusdem Janett, the daughter of Thomas Fletcher of Garforth More, eod. die Wittm, the sonne of John Simpsonne of Garforth More, 19th Julie James, the sonne of John Jacksonne of Rhowndeheye, 26th eiusdem Robert, the sonne of Wittm Stricklande of Scoles, 2d August Marie, the daughter of Wittm Taite of Pottertonne, 9th eiusdem BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 113 Joseph, the sonne of Robert Skeltonne of Grimesdike, 23th eiusdem Margarett, the daughter of Thomas Shippen of Barmebowe, 9th September Christofer, the sonne of Christofer Haxbie of Scoles, 12th eiusdem Marie, the daughter of Thomas Collins of Wothersome side, 24th eiusdem Wittm, the sonne of John Dennisonne of Barwicke, 27th eiusdem John, the sonne of Thomas Tailor of Barwicke, 1st October Richard, the sonne of Robert Greene of Barwicke, eodem die Tobias, the sonne of John Fentiman of Barwicke, nth eiusdem Robert, the sonne of Richard Taite of Scoles, 28th eiusdem George, the sonne of Samuell Wood of Grimesdike, 1st Nouember Henrie, the sonne of Robert Johnsonne of Scoles, 8th eiusdem Anne and Susan, the daughters of Thomas Prince of Scoles, 16th eiusdem John, the sonne of John Beedehall of Scoles, 22th eiusdem John, the sonne of Samuell Stowen of Barwicke in Elmett, 1st December Margarett, the daughter of Richard Shan of Potterton, 2d eiusdem Wittm, the sonne of John Smith of Barwick in Elmett, 6th eiusdem Wittm, the sonne of Samuell Shenton of Barwick in Elmett, 6th Januarie Susanna, the daughter of Mr. Wirrm Bridges of Barwicke, 13th eiusdem George, the sonne of Richard Haiste of Barwicke, 24th eiusdem Richard, the sonne of Wittm Ingle of Scoles, 2d Februarie John, the sonne of Martine West of Rhowndehey, 7th eiusdem Wittm, the sonne of Richard Andrew of Garforth More, eodem die Matthias, the sonne of Wittm. Glouer of Rhowndehey, 28th eiusdem Wittm, the sonne of Thomas Lacock of Garforth more, eodem die Marriages. Richard Settle the younger of Potterton and Anne Roote of Barwick, 9th June Thomas Tailor of Morwick and Susanna Kirke of Addle, 23th Nouember John Settle the younger and Marie Settle of Potterton, 16th December Lawrence Turner and Jane Elwoode of Rhowndheye, 22th Januarie Burialls. Francis, the wife of Richard Settle the Elder of Potterton, 28th March Alice, the wife of Edwarde Metcalfe of Rhowndeheye, 7th Aprill Thomas Hodgesonne, a colyer, of Browne More, 14th eiusdem Margaret, the daughter of Wittm Willsonne of Rhowndehey, 15th eiusdem James, the sonne of James Spinke of Scoles, 16th eiusdem Isabell, the daughter [of] the said James Spinke of Scoles, 17th eiusdem John, the sonne of John Kirkebie of Pottertonne, 19th eiusdem Wittm Brigs of Rhowndehey, 26th eiusdem Richard, the sonne of Samuell Knapton of Barwick in Elmett, eodem die 114 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. Edward, the sonne of the saide Samuell Knapton, 3d Maye Marie, the wife of Francis Turner of the Stankes, 28th June Isabell, the wife of John Veuers of Scoles, 29th August John Potter of the towne of Pottertonne, 14th September Richard, the sonne of Richard Veuers, the younger, of Scoles, 15th eiusdem Elizabeth, the wife of Thomas Collins of Wothersome parke side, 15th October Robert, the sonne of Richard Taite of Scoles, 31th eiusdem Barbara, the daughter of Isabell Howdell of Scoles, 17th Nouember Susanna, the younger daughter of Thomas Prince of Scoles, 19th eiusdem Anne, the elder daughter of the saide Thomas Prince, 6th December Henrie, the sonne of Robert Johnsonne of Scoles, 13th eiusdem John, the sonne of John Graye, a traveller in the countrie, 16th eiusdem John Gawthrop, seruant to Wittm Emmersonne of Scarcrofte, 31th eiusdem Richard Ingle of Scoles, 3d Januarie Francis, the wife of John Corden of Barwicke in Elmett, nth eiusdem Richard, the sonne of Richard Compton of Barmebowe, 6th Februarie Elizabeth Eldred, widdowe, of Barwicke in Elmett, 27th eiusdem Marie, the wife of Robert Bravener of Pottertonne, 7th March Examinatur et Attestat' concordare cum originali Registro Ecctie parochialis Baruicensis, undecimo die Aprilis, Anno Domini millesimo sexcentesimo quadragesimo primo. Per W. Bridges, minist. Ibid, John Hardcastle, Willm. Taite, Wittm Massye, Thomas Holmes, Gardianos ibidem. A true and perfect Extract or copie to bee exhibited into the Exchequer of the Lord Archbishop of Yorke, his Grace, taken out of the Register Booke of the parish Church of Barwick in Elmett, in the countie of Yorke, of all the christenings, marriages, and burialls whiche have beene in the said parish from the 25th day of March w* was in Anno Domini 1641, unto the 25th day of March last past in Anno Domini 1642, as followeth : Christeninges. John, the sonne of Richard Settle of Barwicke in Elmett, 31st March Dorothee, the daughter of Wittm Burnell of Rhowndehey, 4th Aprill Thomas, the sonne of Thomas Wansley of Barwicke in Elmett, eodem die * Leonarde, the sonne of Leonarde Pickeringe of Barmebowe, nth eiusdem Hester, the daughter of Stephen Shippen of Barwicke in Elmett, 2nd Maye Obediah, the sonne of Francis Oddie of Scoles, 9th eiusd' John, the sonne of Samuell Knapton of Barwicke in Elmett, eodem die Samuell, the sonne of Thomas Robinsonne of Garforth More, eodem die Francis, the sonne of John Thompsonne of the same, 6th June BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 115 Margaret, the daughter of Robert Veuers of Scoles, 9th eiusd' Elizabeth, the daughter of Samuell Waterworth of Wynmore, 17th eiusd' Willm., the sonne of Samuell Crabtree of Barmebow Carre, 4th Julie John, the sonne of John Drurie of Barwicke in Elmett, 18th eiusd' Samuell, the sonne of Samuell Taite of Potterton, 25th eiusd' Susanna, the daughter of Robert Chambers of Grimesdike, 1st August Anne, the daughter of Peter Hill of the Stankes, 12th September Elizabeth, the daughter of Mathew Haighe of Barwicke in Elmett, 16th eiusd' Alice, the daughter of Thomas Shippen the younger of Barmebowe, 23th eiusd' Wittm, the sonne of Brian Bullock of Barwick in Elmett, 3d October Alice, the daughter of John Haighe of the same, 7th Nouember Beatrix, the daughter of John Stowen of the same, 12th December Elizabeth, the daughter of John Gibsonne of the same, 26th eiusdem Wittm, the sonne of John Burlande of the same, 5th Januarie Elias, the sonne of Elias Roberts of Shippen, 9th eiusdem Joseph, the sonne of Richard Turner of Barwick in Elmett, 13th Februarie Anne, the daughter of George Handeley of Scoles, 1st March Robert, the sonne of John Feather of the same, 3d eiusdem Margarett, the bastarde daughter of Marie Ellis of Barwicke in Elmett, 12th eiusdem Thomas, the sonne of Thomas Horberrie of Rhowndehey, 22th eiusdem Marie, the daughter of Thomas Akid of Barwicke in Elmett, 24th eiusdem Mariages. Robert Bravener of Potterton and Dorothee Tailor of Stanks, 3d Maye Mr. Richard Thomas and M ris Cooke of Barwicke in Elmett, 22th eiusdem Mr. Samuell Jackesonne and M ris Edith Standeaven, 27th eiusdem Thomas Shippen of Barmebowe and Marie Daniell of Barwick in Elmett, 28th eiusdem John Burneley and Anne Mounsea of Barwick in Elmett aforesaide, 18th August Thomas Nelsonne of Pontefract and Margaret Mallom of Barwick in Elmett aforesaide, 13th October John Layefield of Potterton and Margaret Carother of Barmebow Carre, 18th eiusdem John Gibsonne and Elizabeth Fletcher of Barwick in Elmett afore- saide, 19th eiusdem John Prince of Barwick in Elmett and Marie Jennisonne of Garfourth 20th eiusdem Wittm Dickesonne and Elizabeth Garnett of Browne Moreclose, 31th eiusdem * Walter Brabaner was taxed 4d. at Barwick in the Poll Tax of 1379. 116 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. Martine Prince and Jane Addisonne of Barwicke in Elmett, 17th Nouember Francis Ingle of the parish of Leedes and Elizabeth Brigs of Rhownd- hey, *i8th eiusdem Thomas Horberrie and Dorothee Smyth of Rhowndehey aforesaide, 24th eiusdem Leonarde Cooke of Leedes and Marie Thwaites, 7th Februarie Burialls. Richard Tailor, the souldier, of Barwicke in Elmett, 27th March Clarie Taite, widdowe, of Scoles, 6th Aprill Alice, the wife of John Settle of Pottertonne, 25th eiusdem Elizabeth, the daughter of Thomas Robinsonne of Garfourth More, 9th Maye Richard Tate of Potterton More side 24th Maye Francis, the sonne of John Thompsonne of Garfourth More side, 24th Julie Alice Hardcastle, widdowe, of Barwicke in Elmett, 28th eiusdem John, the sonne of Wittm Hurst of Garfourth More side, 4th August Henrie and Anne Bullock, the children of Brian Bullocke of Barwick in Elmett, 5th eiusdem John, the sonne of James Atkinsonne of Pottertonne, 6th eiusdem Grace, the wife of Martine West of Rhowndeheye, nth eiusdem Margarett West, widdowe, of Rhowndheye aforesaid, 21th eiusdem Dorothee, the wife of George Browne of Rhowndhey aforesaide, 29th eiusdem Rosamonde, the wife of Lawrence West of Rhowndhey aforesaide, 30th eiusdem Richard Ingle the younger of Scoles, 1st September Wittm, the sonne of John Prince of Barwick in Elmett, 14th eiusdem Robert Cooke the Londoner of Barwick in Elmett aforesaide, 21th eiusdem Peter, the sonne of Stephen Shippen of Barwick in Elmett aforesaide, 3d October. Anne, the daughter of Thomas Akid of Barwick in Elmett aforesaide, 10th eiusdem John, the sonne of Samuell Stowen of Barwick in Elmett aforesaide, 6th Nouember Symon Smyth of Wothersome, 8th December John Smith of Wynne More, 29th eiusdem Elizabeth, the daughter of John Gibsonne of Barwick in Elmett, 1st Januarie Vrsula, the daughter of Samuell Crabtree of Barmebowe Carre, l 6th eiusdem Elias, the sonne of Elias Roberts of Shippen, 17th eiusdem Wittm, the sonne of John Burlande of Barwicke in Elmett aforesaide, 19th eiusdem Anne, the daughter of Richard Taite of Scoles, nth Februarie Hellen, the daughter of George Handeley of Scoles aforesaide, 4th March Elizabeth, the wife of Thomas Taite of Potterton, 6th eiusdem BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 117 Margarett, the wife of Thomas Tirrington of Shippen, 13th eiusdem Francis, the sonne of Edwarde Benedict of Barmebow Carre, 17th eiusdem Examinatur attestat. concordare cum Registro supra dicto, octauo die mensis Aprilis, Anno Domini 1642. per W. Bridges, Minist. Ibid, Richard Tailor, Martin Weste, Robert Greenewood, Samuell Tayte, Church-wardens. [FIRST REGISTER BOOK.] The fifth day of November, 1653. Richard Turner of Barwicke, in the Westryding of y e county of York, being elected was approved and sworne Register for Registring all manages, Births and Burialls within the pish of Barwicke in Ellmett, Before me one of the Justices of peace for the sayde Ryding the day and yeare above written. Hen. Tempest. November, Anno Domini 1653. Publication. The Bains of Matrimony betwixt Wittm Mortimer of the towne and parish of Barwick in Elmett, husbandman, on the one partie, and Elizabeth Hickes of the same, spinster, on the other partie, weere published in the parish Church there on three severall Lords dayes to witt, 30 th day of October last past and the 6 th and 13 th dayes of November after, 1653, without any cawse to the contrary obiected, being both of them of the 1 full age of one and twentie yeares. William Mortimer of Barwicke in Elmett, and Elizabethe Hickes of the same pish, were married together before me the fifteenth day of November one thousand six hundreth fify three, both of them beinge above the age of one and twenty yeares. Ro. Barwicke. John Hubye of Rhowndhey parke was buried the seaventeenth day of November aforesd. Richard Vevers of the towne of Scoles was buried the 21 th day of the same moneth. Johan, the daughter of John Feather of Scoles aforesaid, was buried the 24 th daye of the said moneth. Publication. The marriage intended to be solemnized between Geo: Wright of the towne and parish of Kirke Dighton, in the countie of Yorke, yeoman, on the one partie, and Agnes Hop- wood of Potterton Moreside, with in the parish of Barwick in Elmett, in the same County, widow, on the other party, being either of them above the age of one and twentie yeares, were published on three severall Lords dayes in the parish Church of Barwick in Elmett aforesaid, at the close of the Morneing Exercise there, with out any Exception obiected against either of them viz*, on the 27 th day of November last past and on the 4 th and 11 th dayes of December instant in the yeare of our Lord 1653. George Wright of the towne and parish of Kirke-Dighton, and Agnes Hopwood of Potterton Moreside, within the parish of 118 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. Barwick in Elmett, being both and either of them above the age of one and twentie yeares, were marrid togeth 1 13 th day of December in the yeare of oure Lord one thousand six hundred fiftie three, before Robert Dicksonne, Thomas Spincke, John Manne and Wittm Dawsonne, and before mee, Tho: Stockdale, Esq 1 , a Justice of the Peace within y e sd Westridd. Tho: Stockdale. Edward, the sonne of Wittm Glover of Rhowndhey, was buried 19 th day of December, 1653. January, 1653. Abraham Rishforth of Barmebow, husbandman, and Ursula Harrison of the high Ash, widdow, being both of them with in the parish of Barwick in Elmett, and either of them above the age of one and twentie yeares, after the declaration of a marriage intended to be solemnized betweene them beeinge first published in the parish churche of Barwick in Elmett aforesaid according to the lait Act of Parliament made touching marriages, were married together the 4 th day of Januarie in the yeare of our lord 1653, in the p'sence of Robert Armystead, Thomas Taylor, Thomas Terrington and Rich. Turner, before mee. John Savile. Marie, the daughter of Richard Swaile of Potterton,. was borne the Eighth day of the said moneth. John, the sonne of Richard Andrew of Garforth moreside, was borne the nynth day of the same. John, the sonne of Robert Prince young r of Barwick in Elmett, borne 28 th day of the same moneth. Francis, the wife of Thomas Fletcher of Barwick in Elmett, was buried the 14 th day of the said moneth. Isabell Feather of Barwick in Elmett, widdowe, was buried the 26 th day of the said moneth. Anne, the daughter of Martine West of Rhowndehey, was buried the 27 th day of the said moneth. February, 1653. Abraham, the sonne of Thomas Shippen of Barnebowe, was borne the 3 d day of the said moneth. Joseph, the sonne of John Haigh of Barwick in Elmett, was borne the 3 d day of the said moneth. Thomas, the sonne of Robert Scowthrop the young 1 of Scoles, was borne the 18 th day of the said moneth. Samuell, the sonne of Richard Prince of Barwick in Elmett, was borne the 15 th daye of the said moneth. Anne, the daughter of Rich. Styham of Potterton More side, borne the 25 th day of the said moneth. Richard Crompton of Barmebow was buried the second day of February, 1653. Margarett Atkinsonne of Potterton, widdowe, was buried the 15 th day of the same moneth. Mercy Butler of Rhowndehey, widdowe, was buried the said 15 th day of the said moneth. BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 119 Samuell, the sonne of Samuell Younge of Rhowndehey, was buried the 18 th day of the said moneth. Mary, the daughter of the said Samuell Younge, was buried the 20 th day of the said moneth. Anne, the wife of George Haigh of Barwick in Elmett, buried the 21 th day of the said moneth. Samuel, the sonne of Rich. Prince of Barwick in Elmett, buried the 24 th day of the said moneth. Sara, the daughter of Richard Willsonne of Rhowndhey, buried the 25 th day of the said moneth. Stephen Tempest of Barmebowe, Esquier, and Anne Gascoigne of the same, Gentlewoman, both of them of the parish of Barwick in Elmett, and either of them beeing above the age of one and twentie yeares, after the declaration of a marriage intended and agreed to be solemnized betweene them beeing first published three severall markett dayes at the Markett Crosse of Weatherby, according to the lait Act of Parliam* made touching Marriages, were married together the Eighth day of ! March in' the yeare of our Lord one thousand six hundred fiftie three, in the p'sence of James Wright, John Tempest and Richard Turner, witnesses Before mee. John Savile. Marye, the daughter of Mathew Ingle of Barwicke, was borne 23 th daye of Aprill, 1654. Grace, the wife of Wittm Wilcocke of Garforth Moreside, was buried 13 th of Aprill, 1654. Robert Shaw, labourer, and Susan Mounsey, widdowe, both of them of the towne and parish of Barwicke in Elmett, within the West riding of the countie of Yorke, and either of them being above the age of 21 yeares, after the declaration of a marriage intended and agreed to be solemnized between them beeing first published by the Register of the said parish 3 severall Lordes dayes in the said parish Church at the close of the morneing Exercise there, according to the lait Act of Parliam 4 made touch- ing Marriages, were married together the 15 th day of May in the yeare of our lord one thousand sixe hundred fiftie fower in the presence of John Ellis of Barwicke aforesaid, William Kitching- man and Nath. Baine of Tolston, and other witnesses. Before mee. Ro: Barwicke. Anne, the daughter of Thomas Blackburne of Morwicke, borne the 9 th day of May. Elizabeth, daughter of John Rodes of Wynmore, was borne the 10 th day of y 6 same moneth. Robert, the sonne of Jo. Burland of Barwicke, borne the 11 th day of the said moneth. Marke, the sonne of Matthew Mawe of Garforth Moreside, buried the 29 th of Maye. His burial at Broughton in Craven, 14 March, 1672-3, is entered in this Register. His wife was the eldest daughter of Sir Thomas Gascoigne, and was buried 11 Sept., 1684. For pedigree see the Genealogist, vol. xi. N.S., page 152. The win of his father is printed m the Yorks. Record Series is., page 45. 120 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. Thomas Thompsonne of Speigleys, Malster, and Elizabeth Hill of Stankes, spinster, in the parish of Barwick in Elmett, within the West rydeing of the County of Yorke, being either of them above the age of 21 yeares, after the publication of a marriage intended to be solemnized betweene them being first published by the Register of the said parish 3 severall lordes dayes in the said parish Church at the close of the morneing exercise there, according to the lait act of Parliam* made touching marriages, were married together the 24 th day of June in the yeare of our lord 1654, in the p'sence of Henrye Wright and James Hurst and others, witnesses. Before mee Jo: Warde. Isabell Settle of Potterton, widdowe, was buried the 4 th daye of June aforesaid. Marie, the wife of John Hemsworth of Potterton aforesaid, buried the last day of June. Oswald Harrison, labourer, and Margarett Turner, widdow, being both of Stanks, in the parish of Barwick in Elmett, within the West riding of the County of Yorke, and either of them above the age of one and twentie yeares. after the publication of a marriage intended to be solemnized betweene them being first made by the Register of the said parish 3 severall lordes dayes in the said parish Church at the close of the morning exercise there, according to the laite act of Parliament made touching marriages, were married together the last day of July in the yeare of our lord 1654, in the p'sence of Thomas Thompson and Robert Turner of Stanks aforesaid, and oth rs , witnesses, before mee. John Savile. Marie, the daughter of John Taylor of Barwick, borne 4 th daye of Julye. Anne, the daughter of Isaac Wood of Potterton, borne 7 th day of Julye. John, the sonne of Thomas Varley of Garforth More, borne 14 th day of Julye. Anne, the wife of Geo. Wright of Potterton Moreside, buried 5 th day of July. Margarett, the wife of Thomas Knapton of Barwick, buried 9 th day of July. Robert Chambers of Grimesdike was buried the 23 th day of July. Stephen Turpin of the towne and parish of Sherburne, pinner, on the one partie, and francis Saundersonne of the towne and parish of Barwick in Elmett, spinster, on the other partie, being both of them within the west ryding of the Countie of Yorke, and either of them above the age of 21 yeares, after the declaration of a marriage intended to be solemnized betweene the said parties beeing first published by the Register of the said parish of Barwick in Elmett aforesaid 3 severall Lordes dayes in the parish Church of the said Parish at the close of the morneing Exercise there, according to the laite Act of Parliament BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 121 made touching marriages, weere married together the 15 th day of August in the yeare of o 1 Lord 1654, in the p'sence of Thomas Wansley, Thomas Bird and John Gibsonne of Ba[r]wick in Elmett aforesaid, and others, witnesses, before mee. Ro: Barwicke. Joshua, the sonne of John Gibsonne of Barwick in Elmett, borne the 3 d day of August. Elizabeth, the daughter of Wittm Taite of Potterton, borne the 9 th day of the same. Mary, the daughter of Matthew Haigh of Barwick in Elmett, borne 15 th day of y" 5 same. Mary, daughter of Thomas Robinson of Garforth Moreside, buried 8 th day of ye same. Henry Nicholson of Barwick in Elmett buried the 14 th day of the same Anne, the daughter of John Mawe of Garforth Moreside, borne day of 7ber. Francis, daughter of Wittm Cowper of Scoles, borne the 21 th of the same moneth. Samuel, the sonne of John Drurie of Barwick, borne 21 th day of October A still borne childe, sonne of Geo. Dicksonne of Wynmore, buried 26 th Octory. Elizabeth, daughter of John Rhodes of Wynmore, buried 28 th of October. Mary, daughter of John Ellis of Barwick, gent., buried 29 th of Octob r . Elizabeth, daughter of Jo. Sayner of Potterton Moreside, borne 28 th Novemb 1 . Robert Scowthrop of Scoles was buried the 11 th day of November. Isabell Thrash of Barwick. widdow, buried 25 th day of Novemb*. John, the sonne of Robert Settle of Potterton, borne 3 rd of December. Christofer, sonne of Sam. Waterworth of Barwick, borne 23 th Decemb 1 . Richard Willsonne of Rhowndhey was buried the 2 d day of December. Lydia, daughter of widdow Leighton of Barwick. buried 20 th Decembr Joshua, sonne of Jo: Gibsonne of the same, buried 21 th of y same. Christofer, sonne of Sam: Taite of Potterton, borne 7 th of January. Hellen, daughter of Robert Browne of Wynmore, borne 8 th January. Dorothy, daughter of Rofit Taylor of Barwick borne 16 th January. Thomas, sonne of Robert Isott of y* same, borne the 21 th January. Wittm, sonne of Wittm Brough of Barwicke, buried 12 th of January. Mary, wife of Peter Slaiter of Wynmore, buried 16 th day of January. Thomas Knapton of the towne and parish of Barwick in Elmett, wheele wright, on the one party, and Mary Daniell of Potterton, in the same parish, spinster, on the other partie, beeing either of them above the age of 21 yeares, and both of them with in the West ryding of the County of Yorke, after the declaration of a marriage intended to be solemnized betweene the said 122 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. parties beeing first published by the Register of the said parish 3 severall Lords dayes in the said parish Church at the close of the morneing exercise there, according to the lait act of Parliam* made touching marriages, weere married together the 12 th day of February in the yeare of our Lord 1654, in the p'sence of Richard Daniell and John Settle of Potterton, and Sam. Knapton of Barwick in Emett aforesaid, and others wittnesses. Before me. Ro. Barwicke. Abigaile, daughter of Henry Shan of Barwick, borne 8 th day of February. Richard, the sonne of Thomas Thompson of Stankes, born the 12 th day of February, 1655. Anne, daughter of Anne Handley of Scoles, widdow, buried 2 d of February, 1654. Thomas Aked of Barwick in Elmett, Colyer, buried 15 th of the same, 1654. John Airey of the towne and parish of Barwick in Elmett, lynnen webster, on the one party, and Jane Prince of the same towne and parish, spinster, on the other party, being either of them above the age of 21 yeares, and both of them within the West Ryding of the County of Yorke, after the publication of a marriage intended, God willing, to be solemnized betweene the said parties being first openly made by the Register of the said parish three severall Lords dayes before in the said parish Church at the close of the morneing Exercise there, according to the Laite Act of Parliament made touching Marriages, were married together the 12 th daye of March in the yeare of our Lord 1654, * n tne p'sence of Robert Greene. John Taylor and Thomas Taylor of Barwick in Elmett aforesaid, and others, witnesses, Before me. Ro. Barwicke. Christofer Ibbitsonne of Potterton, within the parish of Barwick in Elmett, labourer, on the one party, and Margarett Clement of the same towne and parish, widdow, on the other party, being [as before], were married together the 12 th day of March in y* yeare of our Lord 1654, in the p'sence of Richard Ball, Thomas Taylor, Robert Matthew, and others, wittnesses. Before mee, Ro: Barwicke. Robert, the sonne of Conan Hopkinsonne of Barwick in Elmett, borne I st day of March. Jane, y 6 daughter of George Wright of Grimesdike, buried the 25 th day of March, 1655. Elizabeth, daughter of Oswold Harrisonne of Stankes, borne 5 th day of Aprill, 1655. Wittm, the sonne of Wittm Deardon of Garforth More side, borne 12 th day of Aprill. Edith, daughter of John Clarke of Barwick in Elmett, borne 22 th day of Aprill. Mary, the Relict of John Huby of Rhowndheye, was buried the 13 th day of Aprill. BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 123 Isaac, sonne of Martine Prince of Barwick in Elmett, buried 27 th daye of April. Mary, daughter of Tho: Beedehall of Barwick in Elmett, borne the I st daye of Maye. Samuell, the sonne of Richard Turner of the same towne borne the 16 th day of Maye. Mary, the daughter of Wittm Huby of Rhowndhey, was borne the 17 th day of May. Mary, the daughter of Thomas Dodshonne of the same, borne the 19 th day of Maye. [Blank], daughter of Richard Thompsonne of Speighleys, borne the second of June. [Blank], of John Sharpehowse of Wynne More, borne the eighth day of June. Jeremy, sonne of Alverey Vevers of Scoles, was buried the 5 th daye of June. Elizabeth, wife of John Haighe of Barwick, buried the 17 th day of June. Phinehas, sonne of Mr. Nath. Jacksonne of the same, buried 29 th day of June. Robert, the sonne of Conon Hopkinsonne of the same, buried 30 th day of June. Robert Greene, the younger, of the towne and parish of Barwick in Elmett, ho wse- carpenter, on the one party, and Anne Wraye of the same towne and parish, spinster, on the other partye, being [as before], were married together the second daye of Julye in the yeare of our Lord 1655, in the p'sence of Robert Greene, the elder, Richard Turner and Thomas Cowpland of Barwick in Elmett aforesaid, and others, witnesses. Before mee John S a vile. Thomas Settle of Potterton, in the parish of Barwick in Elmett, chandelour, on the one partye, and Elizabeth Sutton of the same towne and parish, spinster, on the other partie, being [as before], were marryed together the fourth day of Julye in the yeare of our Lord 1655, in the p'sence of Wittm Settle and John Settle of Potterton aforesaid, and Richard Turner of Barwick in Elmett aforesaid, and others, witnesses. Before mee Jo: Slingseby. Richard, sonne of Richard Atkinsonne of Rhowndhey, borne 15 th day of Julye. Jeremy, the sonne of Robert Ball of Potterton, borne 23 th day of the same. Richard Settle of Potterton aforesaid buried the 15 th daye of Julye. The Rev. Nathaniel Jackson was ordained deacon at Bishopthorpe, 8 June, 1623, being then A.B. of Christ's College, Cambridge, priest 22 Feb., 1623-4. In 1629 he became rector of Stone- grave. In 1648 he seems to have been living with his brother John at Barwick, and whom he may nave succeeded as Puritan Minister there after his brother's death in Jan., 1648-9. He was buried in All Saints Pavement, York, 1 Nov., 1662, and by his will dated 18 Oct., 1662, he gave to the poor of Barwick 10 to be distributed by Mr. John Tayler and Thomas Vevers. His son Phineas was bapt. at Stonegrave 19 March, 1633-4. For his will, pedigree and an interesting account of the family see Canon Raine's Marske in Swaledale, Yorkshire Archaeological Journal, vol. vi., also Hunter's Familiae Minorum Gentium (Harleian Society), p. 1263. 124 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. Susanna, daughter of Thomas Prince of Scoles, borne 14 th day of August. John, sonne of Robert Knapton of Barwick. borne 2 d day of September. Wittm, sonne of Wittm Taite of Scoles, borne the 20 th day of the same. John Burnell of Rhowndehey Parke buried the 2 d day of September. Grace, the wife of Henry Shan of Barwick, buried the 24 th day of the same, 1655. Mary, the daughter of Thomas Thomeson of Stankes, born the 12 day of October, 1655 [entry erased]. Wittm Wilcock of Garforth Moreside, in the parish of Barwick, labourer, on y e one party, and Jane Vaux of Wynmorside, of the same parish, widdow, on the other partye, being [as before], were married together the 22 th of October instant, in the yeare of our Lord 1655. Before mee. John Savile. Hellen, the daughter of Wittm Ingle of Scoles, borne the 15th day of October. Margaret, daughter of Geo. Bolland of Barwick, borne 20 th daye of the same. Marke the sonne of John Dennisonne of the same, borne the 30 th day of the same. Abigaile, daughter of Hen. Shan of Barwick, buried 2 d day of October. John Tym of Rhowndhey parke buried the 17 th day of the same. John, sonne of Thomas Sampsonne of Parlington, buried 19 th of the same. Andrew Hardecastle of Barwick in Elmett buried 21 th day of the same. Anne, daughter of Geo. Wright of Potterton, buried 24 th day of the same. Margarett, wife of Geo. Bolland of Barwick, buried 31 th day of the same. Thomas Cowpland of the towne and parish of Barwick in Elmett, Carpenter, on the one partie, and Anne Haigh of the same towne and Parish, spinster, on the [other] partie, being [as before], were married together the twelueth daye of November instant in the yeare of our Lord 1655, in the p'sence of Thomas Taylor and Joshua Turner and other witnesses. Before mee. John Savile. Elizabeth, daughter of Richard Brough of Barwick, borne the I st daye of November, 1655. John, sonne of Geo. Dicksonne of Wynne more, the 3 d day of the same. Helen Willsonne of Rhowndehey parke, widdowe, buried the 5 th daye of November. Richard Kent of the towne and parish of Barwick in Elmett, sopemaker, on the one party, and Alice Burland, the younger, of the same towne and parish, spinster, on the other party, BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 125 being [as before], were married together the tenth day of December in the yeare of our lord 1655, in the p'sence of Thomas Settle and Robert Matthew of Barwick in Elmett aforesaid, and Samuel Settle of Potterton, and other witnesses. Before mee John Savile. Peter Slaiter of Win More, within the parish of Barwick in Elmett, Colyer, on the one party, and Mary Dikes of Stankes, within the said parish, spinster, on the other party, beeing [as before], were married together the 24 th daye of December in the yeare of our Lorde, according to the computation of the Church of England, 1655. in the p'sence of Thomas Thompsonne and Francis Turner of Stankes aforesaid, and other witnesses. Before mee John Savile. Thomas [John deleted], the sonne of Thomas Knapton of Barwick, borne the 8 th daye of December. Elizabeth, daughter of John Gibsonne of the same, borne 14 th day of the same. Jane, the wife of Wittm Prince, Elder, of Barwick, buried 6 th day of the same. Elizabeth, daughter of Jo. Gibsonne of the same, buried 14 th day of the same. Mary Casse, widdowe, of Scoles, buried 25 th daye of the same moneth. Richard Jackson, the younger, of Scoles, of the parish of Barwick in Elmett, cloathmaker, on the one party, and Jane Greene of Stankes, of the same parish, spinster, on the other party, being [as before], were married together the 22 th day of Januarye in the yeare of our Lord, according to the Computation of the Church of England, 1655, in the p'sence of Christopher Greene and Richard Jackson the elder, of the said pishe. Before John Savile. Richard, the son of Richard Jackson, younger, of Scoles, borne the 22 th day of January. Edward Knapton of Barwick was buried the 2 d day of January. Anne, the daughter of Richard Swaile of Potterton, borne the 2 d daye of February. Elizabeth, daughter of Stephen Eastburne of Wynmore, borne 14 th of the same. Rich., sonne of Rich. Jackson, younger, of Scoles, buried 14 th day of February. John, the sonne of John Ellis of Barwick in Elmett, buried 27 th of the same. Henrye, the sonne of John Ellis of Barwicke in Elmett, borne the 6 th of Marche. Richard, the sonne of Thomas Thompsonne of Stankes, borne the 8 th day of the same. Richard, the sonne of Richard Saunderson of Potterton, borne 17 th of the same. Wittm Settle, the Elder, of Potterton, buried the 27 th daye of March, 1656. 126 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. Robert, the sonne of Wittm Taite of the same, buried the same daye, 1656. [Blank], the wife of Richard Saundersonne of the same, buried the 30 th of the same, 1656. Katherine, the daughter of John Haighe, younger, of Barwicke, borne 28 th of Aprill. Wittm Taite of Potterton was buried the 18 th daye of Aprill. Alice, the daughter of Christofer Ibbitson of the same, buried 22 th of the same. Katherine, the wife of Robert Vevers of Scoles, buried the 26 th of the same. Henry Shan of the towne and parishe of Barwick in Elmett, husbandman, on the one party, and Isabell Justice of Morwick, in the same Parish, spinster, on the other party, being [as before], were marryed together the 28 th daye of Maye in the yeare of our lord, according to the computation and accompt now used in England, 1656, in the presence of Wittm Vevers of Scoles and Ralph Collett, the Elder, of Barwick in Elmett aforesaid, and other wittnesses. Before mee. John Dawsonne. Abigaile, daughter of Wirlm Clarke of Kidhall more side, borne the 15 th daye of Maye. Rofit, sonne of Wittm Constable of Ladie growndes, buried the 12 th daye of Maye. John and Francis, sonnes of Jo. Hemsworth, younger, of Potterton, borne the 15 th day of June. Isabell, daughter of Thomas Settle of Barwicke in Elmett, borne the 11 th day of June. George, sonne of Rich. Hollings of the same, borne the 18 th daye of the same. John, the sonne of Mart. Prince of the same, borne the last daye of the same. The still borne daughter of Hen. Haworth of Garforth-More-side buried the 9 th of June, 1656. Francis, sonne of Jo. Hemsworth, young r , of Potterton, buried the 23 th daye of the same. John, sonne of the said John Hemsworth, younger, of Potterton, buried 24 daye of June. Richard Prince of the towne and parish of Barwick in Elmett, Taylor, on the one partye, and Hellen Woodburne of the same towne and parish, spinster, on the other partye, being [as before], were marryed together the 16 th daye of Julye in the yeare of our lorde, according to the Computation and accompt now used in Englande, 1656, in the p'sence of Thomas Settle and Robert Mathew of Barwick in Elmett aforesaid, and other witnesses. Before mee John Savile. Mary, the wife of Wittm Brough of Barwicke in Elmett, buried the 25 th day of Julie. Margaret, y e daughter of John Settle, ye Elder, of Potterton, borne the 25 th day of August. BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 127 Wittm, the sonne of Robert Taylor of Barwick in Elmett, borne the 9 th day of September. Joshuah [Timothy written above], sonne of John Smith of the same towne, borne the 15 th day of the same moneth. Richard, the sonne of John Taite of Potterton, borne the 16 th day of the same. Robert Bolland of Barmebow, in the parish of Barwick in Elmett, lynen-webster, on the one partye, and Anne Wardrop of the same town and parish, single-woman, on the other party, being [as before'], being first openly published by the Register of the saide Parish three severall Market t dayes in 3 severall weekes at the markett Crosse of Weatherby, in the said County, to witt, on the 4 th , the 11 th and 25 th dayes of September last past, 1656, according to the lait Act of Parliam* made touching Marriages, were married together the first day of October in the yeare of our lord 1656, in the p'sence of Francis Kendall and John Wright of the parish of Whitchurch, and other witnesses. Before mee. John Savile. Peter, the sonne of Peter Slaitor of Wynmore, borne the I st day of October. Mary, the daughter of John Taylor of Barwick in Elmett buried the 6 th day of October. Wittm Prince, the Elder, of the towne and parish of Barwick in Elmett, Taylor, on the one party, and Helen Beale of the Towne of Cliffourd and parish of Bramham, singlewoman, on the other partye, being either of them above the age of 21 years, and both of them within the west rydeing of the County of Yorke, after the declaration of the intention of a marriage, God willing, to be solemnized between the said partyes being first openly published by the Register of the saide parish in the said parish Church on 3 severall lords dayes at the close of the morning Exercise there in 3 severall weekes, being above 21 dayes since the noate of the Publication was delivered by the saide Wittm Prince to the said Register were marryed together the 13 th daye of October, 1656, in the p'sence of John Appleyard, Ju 9 , Tho. Righton, both of Clifford, and other witnesses. Before mee Hen. Fairfax. John Johnsonne of Kiddall, within the parish of Barwick in Elmett, on the one party, and Alice Kirkeby of Potterton, of the same parish, on the other party, being [as before], were marryed together the 15 th day of October in the yeare of our lord 1656, in the presence of Richard Knapton, the younger, of Barwicke in Elmett aforesaid, and Rich. Ellis of Potterton aforesaid, and other witnesses, before mee John Savile. Joseph Strickland of Scoles, within the parish of Barwick in Elmett, mill-wright, on the one party, and Hellen Haigh of the Towne and parish of Barwick in Elmett aforesaid, singlewoman, on the other party, being [as before], were married together the 28 th daye of October in the yeare of our lord 1656, in the 128 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. p'sence of Thomas Taylor and Robert Mathew of Barwick in Elmett aforesaid, and others, wittnesses. Before mee. Jo. Warde. Samuell Wright of the towne and parish of Barwick in Elmett, Howse Carpenter, on the one party, and Elizabeth Prince of the same towne and parish, spinster, of the other partye, with the full consents of theire parents of both sides, being both of them within the West ryding [as before], were married together the 10 th day of November in the yeare of our lord 1656, in the p'sence of Samuell Shenton and Robert Shenton of Barwick in Elmet aforesaid, and other witnesses. Before mee. John Savile. Margarett Wright, widdow, of Potterton, was buried the 22 th day of November. George Lofthowse of Osmondthorp, within the parish of Leedes, yeoman, on the one party, and Mary Taylor of Morwick, within the parish of Barwick in Elmett, singlewoman, on the other partye, with the full consents of the parents of both the saide parties, beeing both of them within the West ryding [as before], were married together the third day of December in the yeare of our lord 1656, in the p'sence of John Taylor of Morwick afore- said, the brides father, and Richard Steade of Bardsey, in the said county, her uncle in lawe, and other wittnesses. Before mee Marma: Hicke, Aid'. Thomas Wood of Barwick in Elmett the 2 d day of December was buried. Margaret, the dauter of John Settle of Potterton, buried 3 d of the same. Andreu Ellis of Barwick in Elmett buried the 8 th day of the same. John, the sonne of Samuel Wright of Barwick in Elmet, borne 16 th of y* same. George Hilton of Morwick was buried the 26 th of January. James, the sonne of Robert Prince of Barwick, borne the 24 th of January. Mary, the daughter of Richard Shippen of Barmebow, borne the last of the same. Mary, the wife of Richard Knapton of Barwick buried 18 th of February. George, the sonne of Nich. More of Kidhall, gent., borne the 3 d day of March. Rich., the sonne of Rich. Ferrar of Scoles, borne the 16 th daye of March. John, the sonne of Randall Constable of Wynmore, borne the last daye of March, 1657. Johanna, the wife of Sam Waterworth of Barwick, buried the 2 d daye of March, 1656. Alice Burland of Barwick, widdowe, buried the 10 th daye of March, 1656. See Dugdale's Visitation of Yorkshire, continued by Mr Clay in the Genealogist, vol. xii., page 43. BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 129 Sam. Knap ton of Barwick buried the 23 th daye of March, 1656. M rs Francis Hepworth of Scoles buried the 29 th daye of March, 1657. William ; the sonne of Wittm Marston of Morwicke, buried the same daye. Stephen Walker of the Marsh layne, within the parish of Leedes, cloathier, on the one pty, and Elizabeth Waterhouse of the towne and pish of Barwicke in Elmett, singlewoman, on the other partye, with the full consentes of the parentes on both sides, after a noate of the publication [as before], were married together the [blank] day of [blank] in the yeare of our lord 1657, In the presence of John Taylor of Morwick, the brides uncle by the mothers side, and Rich. Steade, the brides uncle by the mothers side, and other witnesses. Before mee. [Not signed.] John, the sonne of Randall Constable of Wynne More, buried the fowerteenth day of Aprill, 1657. Thomas Prince of Scoles buried the 22 th daye of Aprill in the yeare of our lord 1657. Thomas Smith of the towne and parish [of] Methley, on the one party, yeoman, and Isabell Reame of the towne of Shippen and parish of Barwick in Elmett, single woman, on the other party, being either of them above the age of 21 yeares [as before], were married together the [blank] daye of Maye in the yeare of our lord 1657, In the presence of John Errington of Barmebow, and John Scoley of Methley, yeoman, and other witnesses. Before mee. John Savile. James Hop wood of the towne of Shippen and of the parish of Barwick in Elmett, Chandelor, on the one party, and Edith Collett of Barwick in Elmett, of the said parish, singlewoman, on the other party, being w th the full consent of the parents of both sides [as before], were married together the 28 th day of May instant in the yeare of our lord 1657. In the p'sence of M r John Erington of Barnbow, and Marke Hopwood of Micklefeild, and before me John Savile, Mary, the daughter of John Burland of Barwick in Elmett, borne the first day of Maye. William, sonne of Joseph Strickland of Barwick in Elmett, borne 15 th daye of Maye. Thomas, sonne of Chr: Shore of Barmbow, borne 19 th daye of the same moneth. Robert Sayner of Scoles buried the 10 th daye of June, 1657. Robert Prince of Barwick in Elmett buried the 15th daye of June. Hellen, the wife of Alverey Vevers of Scoles, buried the 16 th of June. Thomas Bellas of Barw. in Elmett buried the 20 th daye of June. Wittm Rhoidhouse of Shippen buried the 20 th daye of June [Blank], the sonne of Isaac Woode of Potterton, borne [blank] of June. Ro., the sonne of Ro. Greene, younger, of Barwick, borne the 7 th of July. 130 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. Wittm, the sonne of Geo. Hunter of Wynnmore, borne the 12 th of July. Ruben, sonne of Rich. Prince of Barwick, borne the 13 th of July. Anne, daughter of Jo. Sayner of Grimesdike, borne the 14 th of July. Bridgitt, daughter of Martine West of Rhowndhay, buryed the 30 th day of July. Mary, illigitimate daughter of Mary More of Barwick, borne the 4 th daye of August. Henry, sonne of Geo. Dickonsonne of Wyn-more, borne the 10 th daye of the same. Tho., sonne of Tho. Varley of Garforth, borne the peenult daye of the same. Leo. Thomson of Rhowndhay buried the 14 th daye of August. Margarett, daughter of Ro. Scowthrope of Scoles, borne the 4 th daye of September. Jonathan, sonne of Tho. Taite of the same, borne the [blank] daye of September. Rebecca, daughter of Hen. Shanne of Barwick, borne the 20 th day of September. George Cowper of Barwick buried the 20 th daye of September. Tho: Hopwood and Anne Brough of the towne and parish of Barwick in Elmett, after publication of theire marriage published according to the laite Act of Parliam 1 , were married together by M r Wright, Minister of Bardsey, the 26 th daye of October. Susan, daughter of Wittm Constable of Wyn-more, borne the 6 th daye of October. John, the sonne of Jo. Johnson of Pottertonne, borne the 22 th daye of October. The still borne sonne of Jo. Airey of Barwick buried the 14 th day of October. Wittm Clarke of Kidhall-more-side buried the 15 th daye of October. Francis Turner of Stankes buried the 28 th daye of October. Jo. Lee and Grace Baitesonne of the towne and parish of Barwick in Elmett, after the publication of theire marriage made accord- ing to the laite Act of Parliam*, were married together by M r Smith, minister, the 2 d daye of November. Mary, the daughter of Thomas Thompson of Stankes, born the 12 of November. Edward, sonne of Rich. Thompsonne of Speighley nooke, borne the 13 th daye of November. Eliz., daughter of Sam. Wright of Barwick, borne the 14 th daye of November. Marke Wright and Elizabeth Knapton of the towne and parish of Barwick, after publication made according to the lait Act of Parliament touching marriages, weere Married together by M r Smith the 7 th daye of December, 1657. Anne, the wife of Jo: Beedhall of Scoles, was buried the 1st day of December. Francis Jeffersone of Bramham was buried the 28 th of December. Richard, the son of Geo. Tildsley of Barmebowe, borne the 15 th of January. BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 131 Samuell, the sonne of Ro: Knapton, borne the 15 th daye of January. Hanna, daughter of Tho. Settle of Barwick, borne the 18 th daye of January. Eliz., the wife of Jo. Gatenby of Barwick, was buried the 8 th of January. Anne Daniel, widdowe, of Barwick, was buried the 13 th daye of January. Anne Cooke, widdowe, of Barwick, was buried the 3 d of February. Christ. Shore of Barmebow buried the 19 th daye of February. Marg. Smith, widdowe, of Rhowndhey, buried 22 th of February. Michaell, the sonne of Rich. Atkinsonne of Rhowdhay, borne the 25 th of February. Rich., the sonne of Jo. Barker of Barwick, borne the 26 th of the same. Joseph, sonne of Ro. Ball of Potterton, borne the 5 th day of March. Mary, daughter of Jo. Hemsworth of Potterton, borne the 21 th of March. George Browne of Rhowdhay buried the first of March. Christ. Shore of Barmebowe buried the 6 th of March. 1658. Jo: Kirkby of Potterton buried the 28 th of March. Eliz., daughter of Conon Hopkinson, borne in Barwick the 2 d day of Aprill, Wittm, the sonne of Tho. Smith of Shippen, borne the 2 d day of Aprill. Mart. Procter of Barwick buried the 2 d of Aprill. John Greenwood of Scoles buried the 25 th day of Aprill. John, y e son of Joseph Strickland, was baptized y* 8 th day of November, anno. Dom. 1658. *Samuell Hallowes of Darby, Gent., and Elizabeth Jacksonne of Barwick in Elmett, Gentlewoman, after the publication of theire marriage before, were married together the 27 th daye of May, 1658. Present at the marriage M r Nathaneel Jackson, Thomas Charnells of Snarleston in Leicestershire, Esq., M r Samuell Sleigh, Sen r , and Samuel Sleigh, his sonne, of [blank] in Darby- shire, John Taylor of Morwick, and Thomas Hardcastle of Barwick parish, Wittm Cooke of Sherburne, &c. They were married by M r Rathband, Parson of Ripley. Mary, daughter of Ro. Settle of Potterton, borne the 20 th day of May. Tho. Whaley, sonne of Tho. Whaley, borne the 2 d daye of March, i657- Fra. Whaley, sonne of the sayed Thomas Whaley, borne the I st day of August, 1658. Samuel Hallowes was the son of Samuel Hallowes, of Dethick, co. Derby, M.P. for the town of Derby. Elizabeth Jackson was the daughter of the Rev. Nathaniel Jackson, of Barwick, formerly of Richmond. Their son, Samuel Hallowes, born and baptized at Barwick in September, 1659, was of Dethick and Glapwell, married Elizabeth, sole daughter and heiress of Thomas Woolhouse, of Glapwell, and was the father of Thomas Hallowes, who married Lady Catherine Brabazon, daughter of Chambre, 5th Earl of Meath. Hunter's Families Minorum Gentium (Harleian Society), p. 468. 132 BARWICK-TN-ELMET REGISTER. i659. Mary, the daughter of Thomas Cowpland, borne the 20 th day of May. A bond for the parish. Know all men by these presents that we, Robert Shore of Seacroft and County of Yorke, Taylor, and William Rishton of the same towne and County, yeoman, doe stand firmely bound and indebted unto Thomas Settle of Barwicke in Elmet, William Massie and William Settle of the same towne and parish, Churchwardens, or to the Church- wardens succeeding in the said office, in the summe of tenn pounds of good and lawfull currant money of England, to be paid unto them the said Thomas Settle, William Massie and William Settle, or to the Churchwardens succeeding, to the which payment well and truly to be paid satisfied and done, we the said Robert Shore and William Rishton doe bind us and both of us and either of us for both and the whole summe, our heires executo rs and administrate) 18 firmely by these pres ts . Sealed with our Seales, dated the sixth day of Aprill in the yeare of our Lord God one thousand six hundred fifty and nine. Whereas George Heald late of Seacroft, deceased, did and hath done by his last Will and Testament give out of his copyhold lands lieing and being within the Mannor of Barwicke in Elmet, the summe of five shillings to be paid unto the Churchwardens of the said Barwicke yearely, and every yeare in or upon the foure and twentieth day of August of the same yeare, from yeare to yeare for ever for the use of the poore of the said Barwicke, soe long as he the said Robert Shore, his heires, executors, administrators and assignes, or any other person whatsoever, doe, may or claime title from by or under him or them. The condition of this obligation is such that if the above bounden Robert Shore and William Rishton, they or either of them, their heires, executors, administrators and assigns, or any of them, doe well and truely pay or cause to be paid unto the abovesaid Churchwardens, and to the Churchwardens succeeding of Barwicke in Elmet, the iust summe of five shillings of currant English money yearely, and every yeare for ever at in or upon the fowre and twentieth day of August, being lawfully demanded that then this present obligation to be void frustrate and of none effect or else to stand remaine and be in full power, force, strength and vertue. Sealed and delivered in the presence of This is a true copy of a bond sealed signed and delivered by Robert Shore and William Rishton In the presence of John Taylor and Leonard Winterburne, examined by us whose names are here underwritten. George Spinke. Thomas Wansley. W m Vevers. John Taylor. Samuell, the sonne of Samuell Hallowes, Gent., was borne the eighth day of September and baptized the eleventh day of September in the yeare of our Lord 1659. BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 133 Benjamin Pease of the parish of Whitchurch, on the one party, and Susan Tipling of Winmore-side, in the parish of Barwicke in Elmet, on the other party, after the publication of their marriage made according to the lait act of Parliament, were married together by M r Jackson, Parson of Barwicke in Elmet, the 21 day of November. Alice, the daughter of Thomas Thompson of the Stankes, born the 29 day of November. Isabell, the wife of Thomas Potter of Potterton, buried the I st day of December. Elizabeth Ellis of the towne of Barwicke, widdow, buried the 4 th day of December. The still born child of Richard Daniel of Potterton buried the 8 th day of December. Ellis Robert of Shippon buried the 12 th day of December. Elizabeth, the wife of Henry Croft of Barwicke, buried the 21 th of December. Ellen Handley of Scoles, widdow, buried the 4 th day of January. Thomas Settle of the towne of Barwicke buried the 12 th day of January. Frances, the wife of Richard Daniel of Potterton, buried the 16 th day of January. Thomas, the sonne of Thomas Settle, deceased, born the 20 th of January. Thomas, the sonne of Widdow Shore of Barnbow, buried the 12 th day of February. Cathern, the daughter of William Constable of Winmoreside, borne the 22 th day of February. Jaine, the daughter of John Sayner of Potterton, born the I st day of March. [Blank], the daughter of Richard Swales of Potterton, buried the 10 th of March. Arthur, the sonne of Isaac Wood of Potterton, born the 10 th day of March. M r John Gascoigne, Esq r , sonne of S r Thorn. Gascoigne of Barnbow, Baron*, buried the 13 th of March. Edmond, the sonne of Isaacke Wood of Potterton, buried the 24 th of March. Henry, the sonne of Henry Shippen of Barnbow, born the 6 th day of March. 1660. William Prince of Barwicke, buried the first day of April. John, the sonne of John Lee of Kidhall, born the second day of Aprill. Mawd Potter of Potterton Buried the fourth day of Aprill. Isabell Daniell, servant at Morwicke, Buried the 14 th day of Aprill. Samuell, the sonne of Thomas Knapton of Barwicke, buried the 29 th of Aprill. Cathern, the daughter of Wiftm Constable of Win-moreside, buried the 29 th of Aprill. 134 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. William Constable of Win-more side, buried the 6 th day of May. William Haige of Barwicke buried the 12 th day of May. Alice, the daughter of Thomas Dodgson of Roundhey, born the 24 th of May. George Webster of the parish of More mountaine, on the one party, and Margaret Vevers of Scoles, in the parish of Barwicke in Elmet, on the other party, after the publication of the marriage on three severall Lords dayes, were married together by M r Jackson, parson of Barwicke in Elmet, the 31 day of May. John Hayworth of Garforth moreside, on the one partie, and Hellen Warrander of Shippon, on the other partie, both of the parish of Barwicke in Elmet, after the publication of their marriage on three severall Lords dayes, were married together by M r Jacksonne, parson of Barwicke, the 11 th of June. Isabell, the wife of John Gouthwaite of Scoles, buried the 14 th day of June. Robert Scoughthrop of Scoles buried the 6 th day of July. Mary, the daughter of John Kirkby of Potterton, buried the 16 th day of July. John Hemsworth of Potterton buried 3 d day of August. Jacob, ye son of Benjam' Pease of Worricke, was Baptised 5^ 11 th day of October. John Vevers of Scoles buried the 21 day of September. A.iary, the daughter of Marke Wright of Barwicke, borne the 20 th day of September. 1661. Wittm, the sonn of Robert. Shutleworth of Scoles, Baptiz., the 7 th of Aprill. Joseph, the sonn of Richard Swailes of Potterton, Baptized the 14 th day of Aprill. Alice, the wife of Wittm Vevers of Potterton, Buried the 15 th day of Aprill. Margaret, the daughter of Rob. Johnson of Scoles, Buried the 17 th day of Aprill. Beniamen, ye sonn of Randall Briggs of Rondhey, was baptised the 14 th day of April. Ric, the sonn of Richard Shippon of Barmbow, Baptized the 5 th of May. Wittm Renhold of Lynton, in the pish of Spoforth, on the one ptie, and Elizabeth Claton of the towne and pish of Barwicke, on the other ptie, after theire publication on several lords dayes, were married together by M r Brigges, May the 6 th . Alice, the daughter of Robert Brooke of the Stankes, buried May the 10 th . Tho., the sonn of Tho: Tirington of Shippen, buried May the 13 th . George, the sonn of John Haige of Barwicke, Baptized May the 19 th . Fees to M r Bridges 8 d , Clarke io d , besides Registering. Richard, y^ sonne of Samuell Stowin of Barwicke, Buried y* 2 d day of June. BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 135 Frances, y* daughter of Robert Johnson of Scoles, Buried ye 2 d day of June. Mary, the daughter of Thomas Knapton of Barwicke, was Baptized ye 9 th of June. Anne, the wife of S r Thomas Gascoigne Knight and Baro 4 , was Buried ye 19 th day of June, Anno Donii 1661. Robert Clough was Buried the 29 th day of June. Grace, y e Daughter of Solomon Jebson of Potterton Layne, was baptized ye 30 th of June. Elline, y daughter of Henry Walton of Rowndhay, was buried y 30 th of June. Marke, ye son of Hen. Walton of Rowndhey, was Baptized ye 28 th of July. William, son of Matthew Ingle of Barwicke, was Baptized y* 28 th of July. Robert, ye son of W m Hardwicke of Grimesdicke, was borne y e 14 th of July. Rosamond Layton, Widd w , was Buried ye first of August. Alice, ye wife of George Waite of Winmore, was buried ye 2 d day of August. Elizabeth Harrison, widd w , was buried ye seaven day of August. John Rhoades was Buried ye eleventh day of August. William, ye son of Robt Constable of Scholes, was Baptized ye eleventh day of August. Catherine, ye Daughter of John Dawson of browne moore, was Baptized ye Last of Aug. William, ye son of Richard Potter of Potterton, was baptized y e 22 th of September. Lawrence, ye son of Francis West of Roundhey, was Buried ye 27 th of September. Robert Taylor of Barwicke was Buried ye 28 th of September. Susanna, ye daughter of Thomas Varlow of Browne moore, was Baptized ye 29 th Sep b . Given to Henry Millington, an Inhabitant of greate Draton in Sallopp, being one of ye af ores' d Towne appoynted for gathering of a Brieefe dated ye 21 th day of January in ye Twelueth yeare of ye Reigne of King Charles ye second, and upon ye Tenth day of August in ye Third yeare of ye Reigne of King Charles 2 There happened a Greate fire, soe that it Burnt most pte of y* Towne, &c. Appoynted Treasuries for ye receaiuing of ye monies gathered, Tho. Cooke, cla' Minnister of Draton af ores' id, and M r Richard Walton, Bayliffe for ye time being, and others, which more playnly appeareth in ye s'd Brief e gathered upon ye 29 th day of Septemb 1 , 1661, By Tho: Taylor, one of ye Churchwardens of Barwicke in Elmett, in ye parrish Church ye sume of eighteen pence, and given by ye s'd Thomas to ye s'd Henry upon y e day of ye date above written. Thomas, ye son of John Sharpous of ye Stankes, was Baptized ye 6 th day of October. ^_^ She was the daughter of John Symoads, of Brigotwell, co. Oxon. 136 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. Mary, y* daughter of Cudbert Munsey, was Buryed y 6 10 th day of October. Henry Wilson of Scoles Buried y 24 th day of October. Jane, y* 5 wife of William Massie, was buried y e 30 th day of October. John Halliday of Potterton, in 5^ pish of Barwicke in Elmett, and Alice Chambers of y 6 same, after y 8 baines of their publication 3 severall Lords days, was maryed together by M r Bridges y e 29 th day of October, Ano Doirii 1661. Richard Ellis and Elizabeth Wilson, both of this parish, after y* baines of their publication on 3 severall Lords days, were married together by M r Bridges y I st day of November. George, y* son of John Haigue of Barwicke, was buried y 3 d day of NovembV Richard, ye son of John Smith of Barwicke, was Baptized y 6 3 d day of Novemb 1 . Jane Vevers of Scholes, widd w , was buried ye 3 d day of December. Sarah, y Daughter of Richard Knapton of Potterton, was baptized y 6 8 th day of December. Beniamine, the son of Randolph Briggs of Rhoundhey, was baptized Aprill 22 th . George Spincke and Anne Vevers of Scoles were marryed by licence June the 24 th . Robert Johnson of Scholes was Buried the 9 th day of January. William, son of Thomas Terrington, was buried y 8 25 th day of January. Elizabeth, the wife of John Moore of Barwicke, was buried y e 3 d day of February. Francis, y e son of William Shillotoe. was buried y e 5 th of February. W m , ye son of Randall Constable, was Baptized y c 9 th day of February. Richard Ball and Margeret Gouthwhaite, both of this parrissh, after their publisacone on severall Lord dayes, were maried by M r Bridges on y e 10 th day of February. Jacob 9 , fili 9 Jehosove Turner de Barwicke in Elmett, Baptizataus fuit Decimo septimo Februarij. John Ingle of Scoles was Buried y e 2 d day of March. Elizabeth, y daughter of Richard Atkinson of Rowndhey, was Baptized y e 2 d day of March. Elline, y* daughter of Thomas Thompson of y 8 Stanckes, was Baptized the 6 th day of March. Mary, y> Daughter of David Hopwood of Potterton, was Baptized the 14 th of March. 1662. John, y son of Oswald Harrison, was Baptized y e 30 th day of March. Timothy, the son of John Leigh of Barwicke, was Baptized ye first day of Aprill. Michael Turner of seacroft, in ye pish of Whitchurch, on y e one ptie, and Alice Constable of Grimesdicke, in this pish, on y e other ptie, after their publication on three severall Lords dayes, were Maried by M r Bridges on y e 2 d day of Aprill. BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 137 Robert, the son of William Cooper of Scoales, was Baptized ye 3 d day of Aprill. Jeremiah, the son of George Spincke of Scholes, was Baptized y 22 th day of March. Henry Ellys of Barwicke, Gent', was Buried the 20 th day of Aprill. Thomas Wood of Abberforth, and Alice Calbecke of Potterton, after their publicacon, were maried by M r Bridges ye 7 th day of May. Frances, y Daughter of Thomas Dodgson of Rhoundhey Parke, was Bapt. y e 11 th day of May. Anne, ye Daughter of James Weardley of Winmore, was Baptized ye 22 th day of June. Joseph, y son of Randolph Briggs of Rowndhey Parke, was Baptized ye 21 th day of June. Thomas Akidd, y* son of Mary Akidd, widdow, of Barwicke, was buried the 10 th day of July. The still borne child of Thomas Coapland of Barwicke, buried y e 11 th day of July. Ann, y daughter of Thomas Coapland aforesaid., was Buried y 6 13 th day of July. Robert Idditson of Barwicke was Buried y e 21 th of August. William, y e son of George Haist of Barwicke, was Baptized y e 24 th of Aug. Anne, y e Daughter of Robert Brooke of ye Stanks, was Bap d ye 24 th of Aug. Mercie, ye daughter of Brian Bullacke, was Buried ye 25 th August. Anne, ye daughter of Rob 1 G[r]een y e younger of Barwicke, was baptized y e Last of August. John, ye son of William Lumbe of Morwicke, was baptized ye 7 th day of Sep tr . John Shippen had a Childe named Anne borne y e 15 th day of September. Mary, y e Daughter of Samuel Tate, was Baptized ye 21 th of September. John Bullocke had a still borne child Buried ye 2 th . Roger Gregson of Miglefield, in ye pish of Sheareborn, and Mary Taylor of Barwicke, wid', were maried ye 17 th of September w th lycence. William Jackson of Schooles, in this pish, and Grace Cash of ye same, after the Banns of Marriage asked on three severall Lord Days between both ye s'd pties, were maried the 24 th of September. Roger Spinke of Scholes, in this pish, and Alice Schofield of ye same, after the Banns of Marriage asked on three severall Lord days between both the s'd pties, were maried the 8 th day of October. Margett Prince of Barwicke was Buried ye 19 th day of October. John, ye son of William Lyster of Roundhey, was Baptized ye 26 th Octofr. See Will of Breweu Briggs, of Roundhay, yeoman, ante page 44, also Thoresby's Ducatus 2nd Edition, pages 118a, 126, and Adel and Methley Registers (Tbotesby Society), s. v. Brigg. 138 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. Mary, ye daughter of Richard Ellis of Barwicke, was Baptized ye 26 th of Octob*. Elizabeth, ye wife of John Smith of Barwicke, was Buried the 31 th of Octob*. Joseph Bollocke of Barwicke, and Martha Barraclough of ye same, after ye Banns of Marriage asked on three severrall Lords dayes, were maried the first day of November. Elizabeth, ye wife of Richard Ellis of Barwicke, was Buried ye first of Nouember. Richard Knapton of Barwicke was Buried the 29 th of November. October 31 th , 1661. Thomas Tate and Elizabeth Tempest, haveing first obteyned Lycense, were married according to Rites of ye Church of England in ye pish Church of S 4 Michael, betwixt ye houres of Eight and twelve by Josiah Hunter, minister in Yorke. Know all men whom it doth conserne that John Dodgson and Anne Tate were bond together in holy wedlock the sixt day of November in the parrish Church of Bishophill the younger, in Yorke, by Henry Mace, Minister. Mary, ye Daugter of John Weatherall, was Buried ye 1st day of January. Thomas, the sonne of William Braime of Barmbow carr, was buried ye 2 d day Feb. Richard, the sonne of Robert Shuttleworth of Scoles, was Baptized the 16 th of February Thomas, the sonne of Richard Ball, was Baptized the 24 th day of February. Rosamand, ye Daughte r of Richard Brough, was Baptized ye first Day of March. William, the son of Marke Wright, was Baptized ye 5 th day of March. Anne, the Daughter of Cutbert Munsey, was Baptized ye 8 th Day of March. Hannah, the Daughter of Elizabeth Settle of Barwicke, widdow, was Buried ye 8 th day of March. Anne, ye Daughter of Joseph Bullocke, was Baptized ye 15 th day of March. Richard Turner of Barwicke, late Clarke, was buried the seventeenth of March, '62. Daniel, the sonne [of] Edward Hudson of Leeds, now Clarke of Barwicke in Elmet, was Baptized the seventeenth Day of July in 1634. May the 9 th , 1666. The Clark is to do all as to Reging. &c. Y e Clark to allow p skinn I s 6 d p yeare, and to see it be done. Gar' fees, Buryall io d , Church 2 d , registring 4 d , wedings I s , cottage 4^ d . Anne, ye wife of Thomas Coapeland, was Buried ye 20 day of March. 1663, Robert, the sonne of Robert Ball of Potterton, was baptized ye 29 th of March. Arthur Burton of Potterton was Buried ye 11 th day of Aprill. BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 139 Thomas, sonne of Joseph Stricland of Barwicke, was baptized April the 19 th . Matthew Haigue of Barwick was buried the 16 th day of May, 1663. George Spincke and Anne Vevers, both of Scoles, were marryed by licence June the 24 th , 1661. Robert Collet and Jennet Taylor, both of Barwicke, were marryed by licence November the 18 th , 1661. John Taylor of Barwicke, and Mary Vevers of Scoles, were marryed by licence February the 10 th , 1661. John Waugh of Leeds and Katherine Whalley of Roundhey, widdow, were marryed by licence December the first, 1662. Thomas, the son of Thomas Taite of Barwicke, was borne, baptized and buried May the 29 th , 1663. Isaac, the son of Robert Butler of Roundhay, was baptized May the 31 th , 1663. Margaret, the daughter of Robert Sayner of Scoles, was baptized June the 14 th , 1663. Sarah, the daughter of Thomas Shippen of Barnebow, was buried July the 9 th , 1663. [Blank] Dinsdale of Barnbow, widdow, was buried July the 19 th , 1663. Francis Tim of Roundhay was baptized July the 29 th , 1663. William, son of Thomas Hopwood of Barwick, was baptized July the 26 th , 1663. Richard, son of George Spincke of Scholes, was baptized September the 4 th , 1663. James, son of Francis Sayner of Morwicke, was baptized August the 2 d , 1663. John, son of Thomas Stowen of Barwicke, was baptized October ye 11 th , 1663. Alice, ye daught r of Henry Haworth of Garf orth More side, baptized ye 11 th of October, 1663. 1663. Baptizat'. Elizabeth, the daughter of John Weatherill of Barwicke, was baptized November the 21 th . Andrew, the son of William Jackson of Scoles, was baptized December the 6 th . Mercy, the daughter of Joshuah Turner of Barwicke, was baptized January the I st . Mary, the daughter of David Simpson of the white house by Potterton-moore, was baptized January the 8 th . Henry, the son of John Dawson of Browne-moore, was baptized Februa. the 7 th . Henry, the son of Peter Sclater of Spighleyes, was baptized February the 7 th , Richard, the son of Robert Collet of Barwicke, was baptized February the 21 th . Margaret, the Daughter of John Taite, senior, of Scoles, was baptized February the 28 th . 1664 [Baptisms]. William, the son of John Hemsworth of Potterton, April the 12 th 140 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. John, the son of John Bullocke of Barwicke, April the 17 th John, the son of Robert Browne of Winmoore side, April the 17 th Richard and Elizabeth the twins of John Sayner of Morwicke, May the I st William, the son of Joseph Bullocke of Barwicke, May the 15 th Richard, the son of Richard Knapton of Potterton lane, May the 15 th Jane, the daughter of James Wheateley of Winmoore side, May the 29 th Sarah, the daughter of Richard Jackson of Stankes, July the 17 th Mary, the daughter of John Holmes of Roundhay, July the 24 th Jennet, the daughter of David Hopwood of Potterton, August the 7 th Roebrt, the son of Martin Clough of Roundhay, August the 14 th John, the son of Richard Atkinson of Roundhay, August the 14 th Elizabeth, the Posthume daughter of Henry Walton of Winmoore side, October the 23 th Jane, the daughter of Richard Ellis, of Barwicke September y e 4 th John, the son of John Buck of Barwicke, October the 30 th Phinehas, the son of John Lee of Barwicke, November the 5 th George, the son of George Haist of Barwicke, November ye 13 th Anne, the daughter of Thomas Thompson of the Stankes, November the 24 th Alice, the daughter of Robert Brooke of the Stankes, November the 24 th Richard, the son of Thomas Wood of Barwicke, December the 18 th Elizabeth, the daughter of Marke Wright of Barwicke, December the 18 th Thomas, the son of Thomas Stowe[n] of Barwicke, December the 21 th Sarah, the daughter of Lawrence Hill of Stanks, December the 28 th John, the son of Richard Potter of Potterton, January the 8 th Michael, the son of Stephen Eastburne of Winmoore side, January the 15 th Anne, the daughter of Mr. John Ellis of Barwicke, January the 21 th Jane, the daughter of Henry Turner of the Stankes, February the 2 d Ralph, the son of Ralph Collet, junior, of Barwicke, February the 9 th Mary, the daughter of Thomas Varley of Garforth moore side, February the 12 th Thomas, the son of Robert Sayner of Scoles, February the 26 th Robert, the son of Solomon Jibson of Kidhall-lane-head, March the 3 d Frances, the daughter of Isaac Wood of Potterton lane, March the 3 d 1665 [Baptisms]. Frances, the daughter of Richard Ball of Potterton, March the 26 th Anne, the daughter of Randolph Constable of Hurst moore, March the 27 th Benjamin, the son of Benjamin Pease of Morwicke, April the 2 d Sarah, the daughter of William Lumbe of Morwicke, April the 2 d Sarah, the daughter of Daniel Hudson of Barwicke, April the 8 th Elizabeth, the daughter of Bernard Turner of the Stankes, April the 9 th Sarah, the daughter of Cuthbert Munsey of Barwicke, May the 14 th Elizabeth, the daughter of Randolph Briggs of Roundhay, May the 17 th BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 141 Joseph, the son of Joseph Strickland of Barwicke, May the 24 th Elizabeth, the daughter of Richard Swale of Potterton, May the 25 th Elizabeth, the daughter of Abraham Rishforth of the High Ash, June the 18 th John, the son of Robert Shaw of Brownemoore, June the 25 th Robert, the son of Richard Farrah of Scoles, June 25 th John, the son of Matthew Ingle of Barwicke, August the 2 d Mary, the daughter of Will. Thornton of Winmoore side, Octob. 22 th William, the son of Robert Greene, junior, of Barwicke, Novem. 19 th George, the son of Joshua Turner of Barwicke, December the 13 th Elizabeth, the daughter of John Dinnison, junior, of Barwicke, Decern, the 17 th Robert, the son of Robert Collet of Barwicke, Janua. the 9 th Anne, the daughter of Laurence Hill of the Stankes, Janu. the 25 th John, the son of James Wheateley of Winmooreside, Janu. the 28 th Isabell, the daughter of Henry Haworth of Garforth moor side, Janu. the 28 th Robert, the son of John Taite of Scoles, February the 11 th Anne, the daughter of George Spincke of Scoles, Februa. the 18 th Christopher, the son of David Hop wood of Potterton, March the 11 th 1666. John, the son of John Johnson of Potterton, was baptized April the I st Jane, the daughter of John Wetherall of Barwicke, April the I st William, the son of William Jackson of Scoles, April the 8 th George, the son of William Lister of Roundhay, April the 22 th Katherine, the daughter of Francis West of Roundhay, May the 17 th Elizabeth, the daughter of John Burnell of Roundhay, June y e 12 th John, the son of George Constable of Scoles, June the 24 th James, the son of John Bullock of Barwicke, July the 8 th William, the son of William Lumbe of Morwicke, July the 22 th Frances, the daughter of William Deardon of Garforth moore, Septem. 16 th Mary, the daughter of Richard Tait of Potterton, Septem. 23 th William, the son of William Ellis of Kidhall, Esq., Septem. y> 27 th Richard, the son of Richard Ellis of Barwicke, Octob. 7 th Miles, the son of Thomas Hopwood of Barwicke, Decern, the 9 th Jane, the Bastard daughter of Frances Thomson of Roundhay, Decern, the 16 th Thomas, the son of Martin Whitehead of Ollershaw lane head, January 13 th John, the son of John Coggan of Winmooreside, Jan. 20 th Ellenor, the daughter of John Buck of Barwicke, January y* 27 th Sarah, the daughter of John Aumbler of Winmoor side, Janu. y* 27 th William, the son of Thomas Stow of Barwicke, Janu. y 30 th Richard, the son of Peter Sclater of Winmoore side, Febr. 3 d Elizabeth, the daughter of Robert Brooke of the Stankes, Feb. 6 th Samuel, the son of Marke Wright of Barwicke, February the 16 th James, the son of Thomas Dodgson of Roundhay, February the 17 th Frances, the daughter of Henry Wilkinson, a traveller, February the 24 th 142 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. Susanna, the daughter of Cuthbert Munsey of Barwicke, March the I st James, the son of Luke Admergill of Potterton Lane head, March the 3 d Thomas, the son of Richard Knapton of Potterton lane, March the 11 th Samuel, the son of Joseph Bullocke of Barwicke, March the 17 th 1667 [Baptisms]. Mary, the Bastard daughter of Elizabeth Watterworth of Barwicke, March v* 5 31 th Robert, the son of Henry Renton of Roundhay, April the 10 th John, the son of Randall Briggs of Roundhay, April the 10 th Anne, the Bastard daughter of Anne Tinsdall of Barwicke, May the I st Nathaneel, the son of John Lee of Barwicke, May the 5 th Robert, the son of Robert Browne of Winmoor side, May the 5 th William, the Bastard son of Katherine Moore of Barwicke, June ye 8 th Elizabeth, the daughter of James Wood of Potterton, June the 16 th [Blank] the [Blank] of Richard Jackson of the Stankes Walter, the son of Joseph Strickland of Barwicke, June the 22 th Sarah, the daughter of William Thorneton of Winmoore, August the 11 th John, the son of John Taylor the younger of Barwicke, August the 27 th William, the son of Mr. John Ellis of Barwicke, August the 31 th Mary, the daughter of William Ellis of Kidhall, Esq r ., Septem. the 11 th Margarett, the daughter of Robert Shaw of Barwicke, Septem. y e 14 th Richard, the son of Thomas Taite of Kidhall lane head, September the 29 th William, the son of Robert Collet of Barwicke, October the 2 d Sarah, the daughter of William Bridges, Curate of Barwicke, Octo. the 2 d Sarah, the daughter of Richard Slater of Winmoor, Octob. the 6 th John, the son of Laurence Hill of ye Stanke, October the 16 th Ellener, the daughter of Leonard Catton of Barwicke, October the 28 th James, the son of Oswald Harrison of the Stankes, Decern, the 22 th John, the son of Thomas Walker of Roundhay, Decern, the 22 th George, the son of George Haist of Barwicke, Decern, the 26 th Robert, the son of John Drury of Barwicke, January the I st Elizabeth, the daughter of Robert Saynor of Scoles, January the 12 th John, the son of Abraham Rishforth of the High Ash, February the 2 d Richard, the son of Richard Collet of Barwicke, February the 6 th Richard, the son of John Johnson of Potterton, March the I st Mary, the daughter of Henry Turner of the Stankes, March the 3 d Isabell, the daughter of David Hopwood of Potterton, March the 8 th Rosamund, the daughter of Thomas Watkinson [since altered to Atkinson] of Garforth moore, March the 12 th Richard, the son of Joshua Turner of Barwicke, March the 18 th Thomas, the son of Richard Potter of Potterton, March the 23 th BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 143 [Baptisms] 1668. Mary, the daughter of John Burnell of Roundhay, March the 29 th Samuel, the son of Samuel Taite of Kidhall lane head, April the 5 th Anne, the daughter of John Jackson, a traveller, April the 7 th Richard, the son of Joseph Turner of Potterton, April the 15 th Anne, the daughter of Wm. Taite, junior, of Scoles, April the 19 th Jane, the daughter of John Massy of Stocking, April the 23 th Anne, the daughter of John [? Dolphin] of Garforth moore side, May the 10 th W m . the son of Ralph Collet, jun., of Barwicke, June the 3 d Thomas, the son of John Hemsworth of Potterton, June the 7 th William, the son of George Spincke of Scoles, June the 10 th Solomon, the son of Solomon Jibson of Kidhall lane head, June the 28 th Judith, the daughter of John Dodgeson of Kidhall lane head, Aug. ye 16 th William, the son of Richard Swale of Potterton, Septem. the 9 th John, the son of William Ellis of Kidhall, Esq'., Septem. the 10 th Sarah, the daughter of William Hodgeson of Potterton, Gentleman, Septem. the 15 th Jane, the daughter of John Bullock of Barwicke, Septem. the 20 th John, the son of William Jackson of Scoles, October the 18 th Frances, the daughter of John Aumbler of Winmoore side, Novem. ye gth William, the son of William Bridges, Curate of Barwicke, Nov. ye 18 th Richard, the son of Richard Taite of Potterton, Decern, the 20 th John, the son of Richard Ellis of Barwicke, December the 20 th Richard, the son of John Buck of Barwicke, Decern, the 29 th William, the son of James Clough of Roundhay, Decern, the 31 th Mary, the daughter of William Lumbe of Morwicke, Febru. the 7 th James, the son of John Saynor of Grimesdike, Febr. y* 14 th John, the son of William Lofthouse of Potterton, Febru. the 21 th Mary, the daughter of Matthew Norton of Roundhay, Febru. the 28 th John, the son of John Drury of Barwicke, March the 7 th Thomas, the son of Thomas Stowen, the elder, of Barwicke, March . ye I5 th 1669 [Baptisms]. Sarah, the daughter of Robert Brooke of y* Stankes, April ye 28 th Marke, the son of Marke Wright of Barwicke, May the 8 th William, the son of William Fawcett of Barwicke, May the 20 th Anne, the daughter of John Burnell of Roundhay, May the 20 tb Henry, the son of Henry Turner of ye Stankes, May ye 23 th Alice, the daughter of Matthew Fox of Winmoor side, May ye 23 th Richard, the son of Richard Taylor of Barwicke, June the 25 th Richard, the son of Thomas Stowen, y* 5 younger, of Barwicke, June the 27 th Ann, ye daughter of Joseph Strickland, 28 th Susanna, the daughter of Randolph Briggs of Roundhay, July ye 28 th Joseph, the son of Randolph Constable of Winmoore side, Septe. r 5 th 144 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. Alice, the daughter of John Browe, a traveller, Octob. v* 5 7 th Samuel, the son of Thomas Dodgeson of Roundhay, Octob. y* 10 th Anne, the daughter of Thomas Taite of Kidhall land head, Octob. ye 3I th Mary, the daughter of Peter Sclater of Winmoore-side, Octob. y* 31 th Anne, the daughter of Robert [? Greene] of Barwicke, Novem. y e 7 th [Illegible] the daughter of Thomas Thompson of the Stankes, Nov. ye I4 th [? Ellenor], the daughter of John Taite, jun'., [? of Scoles] Novem. ye 2I*h Richard, the son of William Bridges, Curate of Barwicke, Dece. y e I st John, the son of Robert Collet of Barwicke, Dec. y e 17 th Mary, the daughter of Mr. John Ellis of Barwicke, Dece. y* 29 th Mary, the daughter of Leonard Catton of Barwicke, Janu. y* 12 th Laurence, the posthume son of Laurence Hill of the Stanckes, Janu. ye 3I th Elizabeth, the daughter of David Hopwood of Potterton, Febru. ye I3 th Jane, the daughter of William Lumbe of Morwicke, Febr. y* 5 13th Mary, the daughter of William Taite, junior, of Scoles, March v" 5 6 th Susanna, the daughter of Joshua Turner of Barwicke, March y e 7 th William, the son of Richard Vevers of Scoles, March y 6 9 th 1670 [Baptisms] Anne, the daughter of Thomas Bakes of Scoles, April y e 10 th Richard, the son of Richard Sclater of Winmoore side, April ye 17 th Joseph, the son of John Shooesmith of Winmooreside, May y* I st Thomas, the son of John Massy of Stocking, May the 22 th Anne, the daughter of Richard Collet of Barwicke, May the 26 th Thomas, son of William Brame, jun r ., of Barnbow carre, June y e 12 th Elizabeth, the daughter of Philip Haist of Barwicke, June y e 19 th John, the son of George Haist of Barwicke, June y e 24 th Jane, the daughter of William Ellis of Kidhall, Esq., June ye 26 th William, the son of William Vevers of Scoles, July the 6 th Hannah, the daughter of Thomas Walker of Roundhay, August ye 21 th Joseph, the son of Joseph Bullocke of Barwicke, August ye 28 th Henry, the son of Christopher Aumbler of Winmooreside, Sept. ye jgth Sarah, the daughter of William Twisleton of Potterton, Septe. ye 18 th Anne, the daughter of John Dunnell of Scoles, Octob. ye 21 th Elizabeth, the daughter of William Fawcett of Barwicke, Nove. ye !6th Joshua, the son of William Lister of Roundhay, Novem. f* 20 th John, the son of George Browne of Barwicke, Novem. v* 5 21 th Mary, the daughter of William Bridges, Curate, Novem. y e 30 th Mary, the daughter of Richard Ball of Potterton, Decern, ye 17 th Elizabeth, the daughter of Richard Heslegrave of Scoles, Dece. ye 25 th George, the son of George Spincke of Scoles, Decern, v* 5 29 th Christina, the daughter of Thomas Stowing, sen r ., of Barwicke, Janu. ye 4 th BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 145 William, the son of Richard Taylor of Barwicke, Januar. ye 5 th Mary, the daughter of Thomas Watkinson of Garforth Moore side J arm. y* 25 th Elizabeth, the Bastard daughter of Anne Tinsdall of Barwicke, Febru. y 19 th Sarah, the daughter of Matthew Norton of Roundhay, Febru. ye 23 th Susanna, the daughter of George Hunter of Winmoore, Febru. ye 26 th Catherine, the daughter of James Clough of Roundhay, Februa. ye 27 th Timothy, the son of Edward Hinchliffe of the Stanckes, March the 23 th 1671 Baptizat'. Thomas, the son of Richard Ellis of Barwicke, March the 25 th Esther, the daughter of John Burnell of Roundhay, April y e 28 th Robert, the son of Richard Taite of Potterton, April the 30 th Mary, the daughter of William Oates of Winmoore, May the 29 th Thomas and Rebeccah, the children of Richard Prince of Barwicke, June ye 12 th Catherine, the daughter of William Briggs of Barwicke, June y 6 22 th John, the son of John Aumbler of Winmoore-side, July the 9 th Joseph, the son of William Vevers, Junior, of Scoles, July the 13 th William, the son of Henry Beedall of Scoles, July the 19 th Francis, the son of Randall Briggs of Roundhay, July the 19 th Anne, the daughter of Abraham Rishforth of the High Ash, August ye 27th George, the son of John Gibson of Barwicke, October the 28 th Thomas, the son of John Taylor, jun.', of Barwicke, Novem. the 16 th Richard, the son of John Dodgeson of Kidhall land head, Decern. ye 3I th Thomas, the son of John Outhwayt of Lazingcroft, Decern, ye 31 th Sarah, the daughter of Matthew Ingle of Barwicke, Janu. y 6 25 John, the son of James Wood of Barwicke, February the 10 th Thomas, the son of John Buck of Barwicke, Febru. y* 5 29 th Anne, the daughter of Robert Collet of Barwicke, March y e 14 th 1672 Baptizat. John, the son of William Hanley of Scoles, March the 31 th Mary, the daughter of Robert Brooke of y e Stanckes, April y 6 14 th George, the son of William Ingle, jun'., of Scoles, April y e 24 th Esther, the daughter of John Massy of Stocking, May y^ I st Henry, the son of William Ellis of Kidhall, Esq'., May y e 16 th , being Ascension Day Margarett, the daughter of Phillis Steele, a stranger, May the 29 th John, the son of John Dolphin of Garforth-moore-side, June the 9 th Ellenor, the daughter of David Hopwood of Potterton, July the 7 th Frances, the daughter of Richard Knapton of Potterton lane, July the 21 th Edward, the son of George Hunter of Winmoore-side, July the 28 th William, the son of John Bullock of Barwicke, Jul}' the 28 th William, the son of William Brame, jun., of Barnbow carre, July the 31 th J 146 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. William, the son of William Vevers, sen'., of Scoles, August the I st Elizabeth, the daughter of John Clarke of Barwicke, August y* 4 th John, the son of Richard Hodgson of Winmoore side, August the 18 th Alice, the daughter of Leonard Catton of Barwicke, August ye 31 th Mary, the daughter of Thomas Taite of Kidhall lane-head, Septem. ye &h Elizabeth, the daughter of Joshua Turner of Barwicke, Septem. ye 25th William, the son of William Taite, jun'., of Scoles, Septem. 29 th John, the son of James Orton of Barwicke, October the 2 d William, the son of Matthew Fox of Winmoore, Novem. y e 21 th Martha, the daughter of Edward Hinchcliffe of Winmoore, Novem. ye 21th Mary, the daughter of Benjamin Pease of Morwicke, Decern. y e 26 th Elizabeth, the daughter of George Haist of Barwicke, January y e 22 th Anne, the daughter of John Taylor, sen., of Barwicke, Febru. y e 2 d Jonathan, the son of Richard Taylor of Barnbow, February y* 5 th William, the son of William Deardon of Garforth Moore side, Feb. ye yth Paul, the son of Thomas Stowing, sen., of Barwicke, Feb. y 6 10 th Thomas, y e son of Richard Braime of Barmbow carr, January I st Anne, the daughter of William Taite of Barwicke, March ye 18 th Jane, the daughter of William Bridges, Curate of Barwicke, March ye jcjth Thomas, the son of Randall Briggs, junior, of Rhoundhay, Febru. ye gth 1673 [Baptisms]. Richard, the son of William Vevers of Potterton, April y e 7 th Elizabeth, the daughter of James Clough of Roundhay, April y e 29 th James, the son of William Fawcett of Barwicke, April y e 30 th Richard, the son of William Hanley of Scoles, May the 4 th Ralph, the son of Richard Collett of Barwicke, May the 7 th Jane, the daughter of John Marston of Morwicke, June ye 29 th Elizabeth, the daughter of John Thompson of Garforth Moore, June ye 29 th Anne, the daughter of George Browne of Barwicke, July the I st Christopher, the son of William Lumbe of Winmooreside, July the 13 th William, the son of William Baram of Roundhay, July the 20 th Elizabeth, the daughter of Richard Ellis of Barwicke, July the 21 th Elizabeth, the daughter of John Gibson of Barwicke, September ye 25th Henry, the son of [Blank] of Winmooreside, Octob. ye 5 th Thomas, the son of Joseph Bullock of Barwicke, Octob. y 6 12 th William, the son of John Norton of Barwicke, Octob. 5^ 13 th William, the son of John Taylor, Jun r ., of Barwicke, Octob. y 15 th Helen, the daughter of Joseph Strickland of Barwicke, Octob. y e 29 th Frances, the daughter of John Aumbler of Winmoore, Novem. y e 2 d William, the son of Leonard Gayton of Winmoore, Novem. y> 2 d Richard, the Bastard son of Elizabeth Watterworth of Barwicke, Nov. 9 th BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 147 Mary, the daughter of John Outhwayt of Scoles, Novem. ye 30 th Anne, the daughter of Thomas Taylor, Jun r ., of Barwicke, Decemb. ye 4 th Mary, the daughter of George Hay of Barwicke, January the 30 th Mary, the daughter of Henry Briggs of Potterton, Janu. the 30 th Mary, the daughter of Robert Collett of Barwick, February 23 th Ann, the daughter of W m . Oates of Winmoor, the 26 th John, the son of John Ball of Potterton, March the 8 th 1674 [Baptisms]. Margarett, the daughter of William Briggs of Barwicke, Mar. 25 Mary, the daughter of Robert Farrah of Penwell, Aprill the 12 th Sarah, the daughter of Marke Wright of Barwicke, May the 11 th Anne, the Bastard daughter of Anne Drury of Barwicke, May 31 Sarah, the bastard of Margarett Barker of Potterton, June xiiij th Elizabeth, the daughter of Joshua Turner of Barwicke, July xix th Cicilia, the daughter of Peter Slayt r of Winmoor, July xxvj th Sarah, the daughter of John Massie of Stocking, Aug. 24 th Ann, the daughter of Richard Taite of Potterton, October 11 th James, the son of James Orton of Barwick, Octob r 21 th William, the son of William Taite of Barwicke, October the 30 th Anne, the daughter of Richard Burland of Barwicke, November the 12 th Sarah, the daughter of W m . Braime of Barmbow carr, December the 2 d William, the son of William Handley of Scoles, Dec, 6th Susanna, the daughter of Lawrence Andrew of Garforth moor side, December the 13 th Thomas, the son of Christopher Scott of Morwicke, the 10 th of January Sarah, the daughter of William Oates of Winmoore, near Kidall laine, January the 10 th Thomas, the son of Edward Hinchcliffe of y e Stanks, March y e 4 th John, the son of William Taite of Scoles, March 7 th Deborah, the daughter of Robert Hardcastle of Barwicke, the 6 day of June 1675 [Baptisms]. Thomas, the son of James Wood of Potterton, Apr. 4 th Anne, the daughter of William Jackson of Scoles, April 5 th Ledia, the daughter of William Twisleton of Potterton, May the 2 d William, the son of William Vevers of Potterton, May the 6 th Alice, the daughter of William Wilcocke of Garforth more, May the 9 th Roger, 5^ son of Richard Farrey of Scoles, May y* 30 th Richard, the son of Georg Hast of Barwick, June the 16 th Frances, the daughter of James Clough of Roundhey, Aug. y e 5 th Mary, the daughter of John Gibson of Barwicke, Aug. 8 th Richard, the son of Richard Braime of Barmbow-carr, August the 15 th Isabell, the daughter of George Rosse of Potterton, Septemb. y* 26 th Anne, the daughter of John Caluert of Barwicke, Octob. ye 6 th John, the son of William Vevers of Scoles, Octob r y* 15 th Martha, the daughter of Samuell Ryder of Leedes, October the 23 th 148 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. William, the son of Henry Briggs of Potterton, November y 21 th William, the son of Christopher Kelshaw of Roundhey, Decern. y e 9 Sarah, the daughter of Thomas Taylor, iunior, of Barwick, Dec. y e 27 th John, the son of Robert Brooke of the Stanks, the 5 th of Janua. John, the son of Phineas Daniel of Barwicke, the 27 th of January Joseph, the son of George Spinck of Scoles, y e 7 th of February George, the son of Richard Green of Barwicke, Febru. y e 16 th Jane and Catherine, the children of William Allott of Barwicke, February y e xx th Mary, the daughter of Richard Bollands of Barwicke, Feb. ye 27 th Thomas, the son of Leonard Catton of Barw., March y e 12 th George, y e son of George Hall of Barwicke, March the 24 th 1676 Baptizat. Anne, the daughter of John Bullocke of Barwicke, was baptized March the 28 th John, the son of John Thompson of Garforth moorside, Aprill the 2 William, the son of John Aumbler of hurst moor, the same day Dorothy, the daughter of Matthew Norton of Roundhey, was baptized att Chappie Allerton, Aprill the 16 Elizabeth, the daughter of John Ball of Potterton, Aprill the 23 William, the son of William Briggs of Barwick, Ap. the 26 Richard, the son of Richard Taylor of Barnbow carr, the same day Thomas, the son of Robert Barker, a straunger in Roundhey, May ye 7 th Mary, the daughter of George Browne of Barwick, June the 10 th Susannah, the daughter of Leonard Gaceton on Win-moor, July the 2 d Elisabeth, the daughter of Thomas Tate of Kiddall Laine head, July the 30 th Jeremiah, the son of Richard Robinson of Scoles, August the xxvij th Matthew, the son of Robert Collett of Barwick, was bapt. Sep. 6 th Robert, the son of John Burnel [altered from Burland] of Roundhey, October the 22 th Richard, the son of Richard Ball of Potterton, Dec. 3 th Anne, the daughter of John Wheelhouse of Scoles, Dec. 17 William, the son of Richard Holmes of Roundhey, January the 3 th William, y e son of Robert Wilson of Roundhey, January the 10 th Anne, the daughter of Robert Fairer of Scoles, January the 10 th Matthew, the son of Thomas Clarkeson of Hopperley, January the 11 th John, the son of John Outhwaite of Scoles, J ami. y 6 14 th Anne, the daughter of Henry Turner of Hurst moore, Jan. 20 th Richard, the son of W m Vevers of Scoles, January the 25 th . Joseph, the son of Edward Hinchcliffe of Hirst more, Feb. the 8 th James, the son of James Prince of Barwicke, Febr. 18 th Mary, the daughter of James Clough of Roundhey, Feb. 25 th . Elisabeth, the daughter of John Marston of Morwick, March the 4 th Samuel, the son of Robert Green of Barwick, 17 th of March Joseph, y* son of James Orton of Barw., March 26 th Mary, the daughter of Christop. Scott of Morwicke, Apr. I st BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 149 Rebeccah, the daughter of Richard Stiham of Kid. laine head, Aprill the 4^ 1677 [Baptisms]. Jane, the daughter of Richard Norton of Penwell, Apr. 5 th Christopher, y 6 son of Christopher Kelshawe of Roundhey, Aprill ye jgth Henry, ye son of William Brame of Barnbow carr, Aprill the 22 th John, the son of Richard Knapton of Potterton, May 16 th Anne, the daughter of John Taylor, iu r , of Barwicke, May 23 th Easter, the daughter of Thomas Wright of Winmoore, June y* 14 th Mary, the Bastard Child of Elizab. Sawer of Abordford, ye same day John, the son of Richard Ellis of Barwicke, June y e 20 th Daniel, ye son of Daniel Huitt of Scoles, June the 24 Elizabeth, the daughter of Richard Tate of Potterton, July the I st Anne, y daughter of Laurence Andrew of Garthforth moore side, the sayme day Richard, the son of William Vevers of Potterton, July 4 th William, the son of William Wilcock of Garthforth moore side, August the 19 th Elizabeth, the daughter of Joseph Bullocke of Barwicke, August the 26 th Alice, the daughter of Richard Haslegrave of Scoles, September ye 9 th William, the son of William Taite of Scoles, the youngest, September the 14 th Easter the daughter of Michael Rish of Hurstmoor end, or Aller- shawe laine, September the 23 th William, the son of Richard Burland of Barwick, Sept. 24 th Elisabeth, the daughter of Henry Briggs of Potterton, October the 14 Richard, y e son of Rich d Green of Barwick, Octob 1 y* 15 Ann, y* daughter of Matthew Norton of Roundhay, November y* 22 Joseph, the son of Richard Braime of Barnbowe carr, January the 24 th William, the son of Richard Farrer of Scoles, Janu. 27 Sarah, the daughter of John Gibson of Barwicke, deceased, February ye 6th John, the son of Thomas Tate of Barw., February the 28 Elizabeth, the daughter of James Wood of Potterton, March the 24 th Baptizat, 1678. Elizabeth, the daughter of Wittm Robinson of Garthforth moore, March the 24 th Elizabeth, the daughter of Richard Taylor of Barnbow carre, Aprill the 3 d Francies, y* daughter of John Settle of Potterton, Aprill ye 9 th Elizabeth, the daughter of William Lumb of Winmoore, Aprill ye 14 th Marke, the son of John Aumbler of Hurstmoor, May y e 5 th Phillip, the son of George Haste of Barwicke, June the 19 th George, the son of Robert Barker of Roundhey Parke, June the 20 th [Blank], the son of W m . Handley of Scoles, July the 14 th Katherine, the daughter of Robert Brooke of the Stanks, July the 24 th Robert, the son of Robert Oddy of Scoles, deceased, July y* 31 th Samuel, the son of John Seal vert of Barwicke, Aug. the 4 th 150 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. Thomas, the son of Robert Collett of Barwicke, Aug. y e 7 th Mary, the daughter of Robert Wilson of Roundhey, August the 25 th Richard, the son of Richard Robinson of Scoales, Septemb r 29 th James, the son of Leonard Gateton of Winmore, Sep. y 6 6 th Sarah, the daughter of James Prince of Barwicke, Sep. 12 th John, the son of John Dawson of Brown moore, Octob r 13 th Richard, the son of William Halladay of Scoles, Octob. 20 th Abigaile, the daughter of William Smith of Barwicke, Octob r 23 th Grace, the daughter of George Bingley of Roundhey, Octob r 31 Joshua, the son of Joshua West and East r Thompson of Roundhey, Novemb r ye 6 th John, the son of Christopher Kelshaw of Roundhey, November ye 6 th Francis, the son of Peter Varley of Browne moore, November y 10 th Anne, the daughter of Robert Deardon of Brown moore, the same day Martine, y e son of Jeremiah Ingle of Barwicke, Nov. y e 17 th Christopher, the son of Christ. Hill of the Stankes, Novemb r ye 28 th Elisabeth, the daughter of Austin Nicholson of Barw., Dec. 22 th Anne, the daughter of Edward Hinchcliffe of the Stankes, on Hurst- moore, January 31 th Alice, y e daughter of Leonard Catton of Barwicke, February 22 th Anne, the daughter of Rich d Holmes of Roundhey, February ye 27 th Baptizat 1679. Thomas, the son of Lawrance Andrew of Garthforth moreside, deceased Aprill ye 13 th Anne, the Bastard child of Rosamond Mawe of Garthforth more side, Ap. y e 18 William, the son of Thomas Baker of Sheppen, Ap. y* 5 27 Elisabeth, the daughter of William Tate, the yeounger, of Scoles, May y e 7 th Isable, the daughter of James Clough of Roundhey Lodge, May y e 8 th Alice, the daughter of Thomas Walker of Roundhey, May the 15 th Sarah, the daughter of John Thompson of Garthforth more, June the I st John, the son of Thomas Popplewell of Barwicke, July the 2 d Sarah, the daughter of William Strickland of Barwicke, July the 16 th George, the son of Jo. Wheelhouse of Scoles, August the 7* h Elisabeth, the daughter of James Orton of Barwicke, August the 8 th Anne, the daughter of Christop. Leeds of Garthforth more side, Aug. 28 th Ann, the daughter of Thomas Brunton of Barnbow, Sep. y* 7 th William, the son of Thomas Taylor of Barw., the younger, Septemb r ye nth Isable, the daughter of Thomas Smith of Barwicke, Sept. the 25 th Francis, the son of Thomas Clarkson of Hopperleay, October the 11 th Sara, the daughter of Aqualla Blackborne of Scoales, Octob. 19 Elisabeth, the daughter of Thomas Wright of Winmore, Novem. 23 Sarah, the daughter of George Browne of Barwicke, Novemb. 26 William, the son of Jeremiah Ingle of Barwicke, Dec. 3 Mary, the daughter of Daniel Huett of Scoles, Dec. 14 th Jane, the daughter of Christopher Hill of the Stanks, on Hurstmoore, December the 17 th BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 151 George, the son of Elisabeth Burnell of Roundhey, February ye 11 th Elisabeth, the daughter of Matthew Norton, the same day Margarett, the daughter of William Wilcocke of Garthforth more side, February ye 15 th Dorothy, the daughter of Edward Hinchchffe of the Stanks, on Hurstmore, March the 18 Mary, the daughter of Richard Burland of Barwicke, March the 19 th Baptizat' 1680. Elisabeth, the daughter of John Outhwaite of Scoles, March 28 th Anne, the Bastard child of Elisabeth Killingbecke of Roundhey, April the 2 d Robert, the son of John Settle of Potterton, April ye I st Mary, the daughter of John Munsey of Winmoor head, April 14 William, the son of W m Lund of the Cross yeates, on Hurst more, April the 25 th Margaret and Martha, the children of Thomas Bradford, at Toloroug yate, May the 22 th Mary, the daughter of Richard Stiham of Potterton, June y e 18 th Isable, the daughter of Joshuah Lumbe, at the Cross yates, on the Hurst moor, July 18 th Elisabeth, the daughter of William Robinson on Garthforth moore- side, July the 25 th Sarah, the daughter of Henry Dickenson att Bull laine head on Winmoore, August the 15 th John, the son of Robert Pitts of Scoles, August the 22 th Elisabeth, ye daughter of John Stoaker of Scoles, September the 5 th Elinor, the daughter of George Smith of Grimesdike, the 3 d day of October John, the son of John Hunter of Hurst moore, the 15 th day of October Christopher, the son of John Hardisty of Barwicke, Octob r 21 John, the son of John Hopkinson of Barwicke, Novem. 25 th Hannah, the daughter of Thomas Batman of Garthforth more side, Novemb. 28 th Benj amine, the son of W m Lumbe of Winmore, Decemb. 13 th Mary, the daughter of James Prince of Barwicke, Decemb. ye 13 th Robert, the son of Robert Deardon of Brown moore, January the 16 John, the son of Richard Robinson of Scoles, the same day Robert, the son [altered from Janet, the daughter] of Rob* Wilson of Roundhey, the same day George, the son of George Bingley of Roundhey parke, the 20 th day of January Mary, the daughter of George Haste of Barwicke, January the 26 th Alice, the daughter of Christo. Hill of the Stanks on Hurst Moore, February the 2 d Robert, the son of William Knapton of Barwicke, February the 10 th Robert, the Bastard child of Mary Constable of Scoles, Feb. 13 th Bridgett, the daughter of Edward Walton of Morwick, Feb. the 13 th William, the son of W m Hallyday at the upper end of Hurst Moore, Feb. the 20 th Elisabeth, the daughter of James Wilcocke at the lower end of Hurst moore, February the 20 th 152 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. Robert, the son of Richard Tate of Potterton, was baptized at Aber- ford, February the 21 th Samuel, the son of Christopher Kelshaw of Roundhey, March the 10 th Thomas, the son of Thomas Baker of Scoles, March the 20 th Baptizat' 1681. Francis, the son of Abraham Sheppen of Barnbow, March the 27 th Elisabeth, the daughter of Robert Green of Barwicke, March the 31 th Ruth, the daughter of John Marston of Morwicke, May the I st Sarah, the daughter of Samuell Robinson of Garthforth moor side, May the 13 th Anne, the daughter of John Frankland of Garthforth moor side, May 15 th Dorothy, the daughter of Martine Whitehead of Allershaw laine end on Hurst moor, the same day Elisabeth, the daughter of Richard Farrer of Scoles, June the 3 d William, the son of Joseph Hague of Barwicke, June the 24 th Thomas, the son of M r Thomas Atkenson of Barwicke> July the 21^ Sara, the daughter of Tho. Popplewell, Aug. 2 Anne, the daughter of Thorn. Simpson of Garthforth moreside, October the 9 th Joseph, the son of W m Strickland of Barwicke, 27 th of October Richard, the son of John Burland, junior, of Barw., November 5 th Anne, the daughter of John Munsey of Winmoor head, Novemb. 6 th Samuel, the son of Aqual Blackborne of Scoles, Novemb r 27 th Anne, the daughter of Michael Rish at Allershaw laine end, the same day Henritta, the daughter of Matthew Norton of Roundhey, December the 7 th Thomas, the son of M r Gyles Hardwicke of Barwick, December the 22 th Jane, the daughter of Marke Cooper of Scoles, December the 28 th Alice, the daughter of Robert Maw of Garthforth more side, January the first Thominsin, the daughter of Tho. Brunton of Sheppen, January the 15* W m , the son of James Orton of Barwicke, Jan 19 th Elisabeth, the daughter of Geo. Smith of Grimesdike, January the 30 th Thomas, the son of John Houlcroft of Scoles, February y e 5 th Jonathan, the son of Thomas Maud at Bull laine head, February y 15 12 Sara, y e da. of Pet. Varley of Brown more, February the 19 th Mary, the daughter of John Bullock of Barwicke, February the 19 th William, the son of John Hunter of Winmore, March the 5 th Thomas, the son of John Thompson of Garthforth more side, Marche 12 th Baptizat', 1682. Cuthbert, the son of W m Hemsworth of Scoles, Aprill the 2 d Alice, the daughter of William Smith of Barwick, April the 10 th Dorothy, the daughter of Rob 1 Watkinson of Barwick, Aprill y e 13 th John, the son of Austin Nicholson of Barwick, Aprill y e 18 th BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 153 John, the son of Robert Green of Barw., Aprill the 29 th Elisabeth, y e daughter of James Wilcock at Whitkirk laine end on Hurst moore, by lycence from M r Hall, Curate at Whitkirk, May 7 th George, the son of Christopher Hill at the Stankes, May 10 th Jane, the daughter of Thomas Wright at the White Laith on Win- more, May the 17 th John, the son of Christopher Leeds of Garthforth more side, June the 11 th Elisabeth, the daughter of Rich. Robinson of Barwicke, June the 20 th Elisabeth, the daughter of John Moore of Barwicke, June the 20 th John, the son of John Settle of Potterton, July the 2 d Joseph, the son of George Haste of Barwick, Aug. 2 d Hellen, the daughter of Richard Settle of Potterton, born the 22 th of July, and baptized the 19 th of August George, the son of Daniel Huett of Scoles, September 3 d William, the son of William Knapton of Barwick, the 28 th of Septeim Thomas, the son of Robert Thornes of Barwick, November the I st [Illegible, altered from Thomas], the son of Henry Dickenson at the Bull laine end on Winmore, November y e 5 th Mary, the daughter of Peter Slater at the Stanks on Hurstmore, November the 15 th Beatrix, the daughter of Leo. Catton of Barwick, November the 28 th Anne, the daughter of John Barker of Barwick 13 of December Anne, the daughter of Rob 4 Broon of Potterton, Dec. 20 Anne, the daughter of Katherine Moor of Barwicke, December 22 th aged Elizabeth Bywater of Barwick, being about the age of Fifteen yeares, December the 26 th Myles, the son of Robert Wilson of Roundhey, January 21 th William and Sarah, the children of Thomas Walker of Roundhey, January the 25 th Elisabeth, the daughter of W m Lister of the same, the same day W m , the son of George Browne of Barwick, Jan. the 26 Stephen, the son of William Watson of Barwick, January the 26 Christopher and Elisabeth, the children of Christop. Kelshaw of Roundhey, the first day of March 1683, Baptizat. William, the son of W m Hardie of Scoles, the 22 of Aprill William, the son of John Drury of Barwick, the same day Benj amine, the son of W m Eamorson of Roundhey, the 26 of Aprill Thomas, the son of John Brown of Potterton, May the 23 th Grace, the daughter of John Offine of Scoles, June the 10 th Richard, the son of M r Tho. Atkinson of Barwicke, June the 20 th William, the son of Francis Atkinson at the Bull lain head, June 24 Charity, the daughter of John Aumbler on Hurstmoore, the 17 of June Charles, the son of Rich. Settle of Potterton, August the 25 John, the son of Elizabethe Burnell of Roundhey, September the 6 John, the son of Thomas Batman of Garthforth moore side, September the 30 th 154 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. Anne, the daughter of Rich. Robinson of Scoles, the same day Thomas, the son of John Taylor at the West End of Kiddall laine end, the 10 of October John, the son of James Wetherall of Morwicke, the 14 of October James, the son of James Hinley near Allersaw laine end, October the 21 Joseph, the son of Joseph Hague of Barwick, October the 22 Mary, the daughter of James Barker of Sheppen, Novemb. y^ 18 Wl 1663, Marit'. Richard Ellis and Jane Abbott, after publication thrice made, November 18 th Richard Hanley of Scoles and Alice Potter of Barwicke, after publication thrice made, November the 26 th John Buck of Ribston in the parish of Spofforth and Elizabeth Croft of Barwicke, after publication thrice made, November the 30 th Daniel Hudson and Garthrid Ellis, both of Barwicke, after publica- tion thrice made, December the 2 d 1664 [Marriages]. Henry Turner and Margery Chapman of the Stankes, after publica- tion thrice made, August the 3 d Robert Shaw of Barwicke and Mary Moore of Browne more, after publication thrice made, September ye I st William Lockeland and Sarah Nickson of Leeds, by licence, Septem- ber the 21 th John Johnson and Elizabeth Cryer of Potterton, after publication thrice made, November the 23 th Samuel Parish of Stainforth in the Parish of Hatfeild and Jane Bridges of Barwicke, by lycence, December the 13 th John Burnell and Elizabeth West, both of Roundhey, by lycence, February the 8 th *William Bridges, The son, Clerke, Master of Arts, entred to supply the Cure of Barwicke under D r Dalton, upon Shrove Tuesday, 1660. 1665, Marit. Thomas Bakes of the Parish of Kirke-Fenton and Elizabeth Hardcastle of Scoles, after publication thrice made, November the 13 th William Lofthouse and Jennet Potter, both of Potterton, after publication thrice made, November the 15 th Thomas Walker and Anne Holmes, both of Roundhey, after publica- tion thrice made, November the 22 th Matthew Fox of Heddingley in the parish of Leeds and Jane Aumbler of Hurst moore side, after publication thrice made, Februa. the 5 th William Howdill of Sheereburne and Sarah Massy of Stocking, after publication thrice made, Febru. the 14 th William Bridges, St. John's Coll., Cambridge, M.A., 1661, married 3 Jan., 1664-5, Sarah, daughter of Richard Lodge of Red Hall. He was Rector of Castleford 1673-1696, where he was succeeded by his sou William. See Elizabeth Thompson's Will, printed ante p. 71. BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 155 Marit', 1666. John Aumbler and|Elizabeth Turner, both of Hurst Moore side, after publication thrice made, April the 16 th Thomas Casson of the Parish of Rothwell and Mary Massey of Stocking, after publication thrice made, July the 12 th Leonard CattonTof the parish of Garforth and Betteris Stow of Barwicke, after publication thrice made, August the 22 th John Massy of Stocking and Sarah Turner of Weetwood in the parish of Leeds, after publication thrice made, September the 26 th John Taylor and Mary Collit, both of Barwicke, by Licence, in Garforth Church, November the 6 th Laurence Emerson of Seacroft in the parish of Whitekirke and Anne Taylor of Barwicke, after publication thrice. made, November the 21 th M r William Bridges, Curate of Barwicke, and M rs Sarah Lodge of Winmore Hall, by Licence, in the Parish Church of Bardsey, Jan. 3 rd Henry Renton of the Parish of Barwicke and Elizabeth Prince of the parish of Leeds, after publication thrice made, January the 16 th Richard Sclater and Anne Walton of Winmoore side, both widdowes, after publication thrice made, February the 19 th 1667 [Marriages]. John Duffin of the parish of Abberforth and Mary Writer of Barnbow, after publication thrice made, June the 24 th Cuthbert Joy of the Parish of Garforth and Elizabeth Braham of Barnbow Carre, after publication thrice made, November the 20 th William Akid and Katherine Haigue of Barwicke, by licence, November the 21 th Marit, 1668. John Clarke and Elizabeth Norton, both of Barwicke, after public- ation thrice made, Septem. the 8 th Thomas Stowen the younger of Barwicke and Mary Wilson of Scoles, after publication thrice made, Septem. the 16 th John Dineley the elder of Barwicke, and Sarah Bateson of Roundhay, after publication thrice made, November the 28 th William Twisleton of Micklefeild in the parish of Sheerburne and Isabell Potter of Potterton, after publication thrice made, Novem. the 29 th 1669, Marit'. John Ingle of the Parish of Garforth and Elizabeth Roote of this parish, after publication thrice made, May the 26 th Richard Kent and Dorothy Brawener, both of Barwicke, widdows, after publication thrice made, September the 22 th John Smith, junior, of Barwicke and Alice Hanley of Scoles, widdow, Febru. the 14 th John Dunnell and Anne Wilson of Scoles, widdows, February the 10 th Peter Bywater of Water Fryston and Anne Cash of Scoles, November y e [13 th , or about that time, added] 156 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. Marit', 1670. Thomas Blackburne of Morwicke and Isabell Ingle of Grimesdyke, April ye 4 th Edward Hinchliffe and Ellen Walker, Widdow, of the Stanks, May the 23 th Edward Hoyle and Elizabeth Dickins of Leeds, by licence, August the 4 th Thomas Horbery of the parish of Leeds and Isabel Rakestraw of Barwicke, October the 4 th Joshua Lumb of Winmoore and Mary Dinefall of the parish of Bradford, January the"i st 167 1, Marit'. Mr. Timothy Warwicke and Mrs. Susanna Netherwood of the parish of Leeds, by licence, April the 20 th W m Johnson of the Parish of Garforth and Esther Blackburne of Barnbow-carre, Septem. 21 th Thomas Hurst of the Parish of Garforth and Mary Reedall of Barnbow, Novem' y e I st Richard Brame of Barnbow-carre and Mary Atkinson of Barwicke, February the 7 th John Clivinger of Leeds and Mary Ibbitson of Barwicke, by Lycence, March the 18 th 1672 Marit. Thomas Stowing, Junior, and Frances Bullocke of Barwicke, April the 9 th John Thompson and Anne Fletcher of Garforth moore side, May the 8 th John Pitts and Elizabeth Clayton of Scoles, widdows, May y e 27 th William Baram of Rhoundhay hall and Mary Rishforth of Rhoundhay, widdow, May the 27 th James Orton and Anne Fentiman of Barwicke, by licence, June the 9 th Richard Fisher of the parish of Whitkirke and Elizabeth Settle of Potterton, July the 31 th Lancelot Aumbler and Jane Chamber, widdow, both of Winmoore, February y e 6 th Richard Beresford, D.D., was inducted into the Rectory of Barwicke in Ellmett, February y 6 5 th 1673 Marit. Henry Briggs and Helen Settle of Potterton, April the 20 th George Rosse of Bickerton in the parish of Bilton and Frances Settle of Potterton.. April y 6 23 th George Hay of the parish of Bolton Percy and Mary Akid of Barwicke, May the 4 th John Milner of Seacroft in the parish of Whitkirke and Elizabeth Settle of Potterton, June the 11 th David Tuke of Thorner and Jane Collett of Barwicke, both Widdows, August the 6 th Richard Holmes and Mary West of Roundhay, September the 25 th Rector 1672-1695. S.T.P. Cambridge, 1661, per Literas Regias. BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 157 Richard Taite and Jane Robinson of Scoles, November the 10 th John Bray of Leeds and Sarah Staveley, by licence, November the 22 th Lawrence Andrews of the parish of Featherstone and Elizabeth Deardon of this parish, January the 19 th John Robinson of the parish of Thorner and Frances Saynor of Potterton, February the 4 th William Bridges the son, clerke, Master of Arts, begun to supply this cure March the first, 1660, and gave over March the first, 1673, just thirteen yeares complete. 1674. Roger Spincke and Rosomond Braime, both of this parish, August the 3 d William Hague and Elline Doughty, both of the parish of Fishlake, upon a Certificate from M r . Mayon, vicar Ibedem, Novemb 1 the 25 th Marit', 1675. William Allot of the parish of Addle and Katherine Akedd of this Parish, Aprill the 15 th Richard Robinson and Jane Hardwicke, both of this parish, November y* 17 th 1676, Marit. Thomas Clarkson of Thorner and Elizabeth Stiham of Hopperley, by Licence, June the xj th Robert Wilson and Frances Blackborne, both of this parish, July the 30 th Robert Green and Elisabeth Knapton, iunior, both of Barwicke, September the 20 th George Burton and Jane Cooke, both of Roundhey, Octob. the 25 th Thomas Foxcroft of the pish Harwood and Margaret Shoore of Barnbow, Novem. the I th Marit. 1677. John Prentice of y^ Parish of Thorpparch and Ann Settle of Potterton in this parish, Aprill the 9 John Settle & Abigale Daniel of Potterton, June ye 20 th William Hemsworth of the parish of Garthforth & Isable Wheelhouse of Sheppen in this parish, July 4 William Hallyday of the parish of Spawforth & Anne Hunter of this parish, October the 24 Connon Hopkinson & Frances Tate, iunior, both of Scoles, Novemb r the 19 Matthew Stiham of Hopperley in this parish and Elizabeth Hancocke of Seacroft w th in the parish of Whit Church, by licence, November ye 28 th William Morrice of the parish [of] Kippax and Anne Deardon of this parish, January the 16 th Richard Nouble of Walton in the pish of Thorpparch and Rebeckah Shan of this Parish, May the I st , 1678. Marit, 1678. William Strickeland and Mary Moore, both of this parish, June the i6M 158 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. Benjamin Birdsall of the parish of Kirkfenton and Elisabeth Taylor of this pish, July 4 Aquala Blackeborn of the parish of Whitchurch and Elisabeth Tate of this parish, November the 6 th John Munsey and Hellen Brown, both of this pish, the same day Marit', 1679. William Ingle of the pish of Garthforth and Elisab. Dawson of this parish, May the 8 th Thomas Pickering of the pish of Kirk Deighton and Elisabeth Jackson of this parish, June the 24 th Nathaniel Harrison of the parish of Garthforth and Margaret Evans of this parish, Aug. 5^ 3 d Thomas Batman and Anne Evans, both of this parish, Novem. 18 th Robert Green & Elisabeth Alleyson, both of this parish, Novem. 24 th William Knapton and Sara Turner, both of this pish, February the second 2 d Marit, 1680. Thomas Briggs and Anne Smith of Roundhey, both of this parish, the 17 day of Aprill *M r Gyles Hardwicke & M rs Elisabeth Marsh, both of Barwicke, by Lycence, Aprill the 12 th James Wilcocke of the parrish of Whitkirke and Elisabethe Hopton of this parish, June the 21 th Francis Brunton & Anne Dawson, both of this pishe, June the 24 th Marit, 1681. Thomas Barker of the parish of Abborford and Isable Potter of this pish, after publication thrice made, were married by Mr. Hall, & the I st that he married, July 13 th Robert Brown and Grace Burton, both of this pish after publication thrice made, were married by M r Hall, February 5^ 22 th f Anno Domini 1681, May y e 11 th day, Charles Hall, Clerke, Master of Arts, entred to supply the Cure of Barwicke in Elmett under D r Beresforde, May y e Eleventh day. Marit, 1682. Robert Johnson and Hannah Mawmond, both of this parish, after publication thrice made, May the 4 th William Witecarr of the parish of Leedes and Elisabeth Harrison of this parish, after publication thrice made, May the 31 th William Watson and Anne Thackerey, both of this parish, after publication thrice made, June the 6 th fMr. Charles Hall, Curate of Barwicke in Elmett and M rs Elizabeth Scholes of the same Towne, June the 29 th , 1682, after publication thrice made in the parish church of Barwick in Elmett aforesaid John Varley of the pish of Garthforth and Faith Walker of this pish after publication thrice made, October the 12 th Francis Atkinson and Sarah Dixon, both of this parish, after publication thrice made, Octob r ye 29 Elizabeth Marsh was daughter of Henry, son of Dr. Richard Marsh, Dean of York. See j Hardwick Pedigree, Thoresby's Ducatus, 2nd Edition, p. 121. tCharles Hall, Christ's Coll., Cambridge, B.A. 1672, M.A. 1676. Married to Elizabeth Scholes 29 June, 1682. BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 159 Robert Wansley and Mary Tate, both of this parish, after publication thrice made January the 21 th James Prince and Alice Gibson both of this Parish, after publication thrice made, January the 31 th , 1682 Thomas Burland & Sarah Smith, both of this pish, after Publication thrice made, February the 4 th 1683, Marit. John Prince and Mary Hemsworth, both of this parish, after publica- tion thrice made, April the 9 Richard Varley and Francies Dineley, both of this parish, after publication twice made, June the 3 Thomas Knapton, the yeo[n]ger & Mary Gibson, both this parish, after Publication thrice made, June the 5 th Richard Walker & Frances Ashton, both of the parish of Kippax, by a cirtificate from M r Bainbridge, vicar, were married in our church, according to the cannon, July the 12 th . William Robinson & Deborah Watkinson, both of this parish, after Publication thrice made, July the 4 th John Coaxe and Isable Settle, both of this parish, by Lycence, in Saint Cuthbert Church, in the Cittie of Yorke, July the 30, by a Certificate from the Minister Ibidem William Hopwood and Mary Wright, both of this parish, after publication thrice made, October the 28 th George Wright and Easter Smith, both of this parish, after publica- tion thrice made, November the 12 th 1663, Sepult'. Anne, ye daughter of Thomas Coapland of Barwick, October y* 30 th M rs Jane Bridges of Barwicke, widdow, November the 21 th Alice, the wife of John Johnson of Potterton, December the i6 tb Anne, the wife of Ralph Collett of Barwicke, January the 6 th Agnes Burnell of Roundhay, widdow, January the 14 th Samuel Turner of Barwicke, February the I st Margery, the daughter of Robert Settle of Potterton, February the I st Anne, the daughter of Thomas Dodgeson of Roundhay, February the 11 th Henry Shippen, the son of Widdow Shore of Barnebow, February the 19 th Elizabeth, the wife of Richard Sclater of Winmoore side, February the 23 th William Harrison of Garforth-moore-side, March the 24 th 1664. Henry Mullinax of Redhall, April the 3 d Henry Walton of Winmoore side, April the 10 th John Santon of Roundhay, April the 18 th Katherine Hague of Barwicke, widdow, May the 10 th Anne, the daughter of Cuthbert Munsey of Barwicke, June the 4 th John, the son of John Sharphouse of Sphigleyes, August the 7 th William, the son of Richard Potter of Potterton, August the 10 th Thomas, the son of John Sharphouse of Sphighleyes, August the 25 th 160 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. Elline Prince of Barwicke, widdow, September the 23 th Henry, the son of Robert Shuttleworth of Scholes, October the 4 th Anne, the daughter of Robt. Greene, Junior, of Barwicke, Octobei the 7 th Margaret, the daughter of John Taite, junior, of Scholes, October the 19 th Jennet, the daughter of David Hopwood of Potter ton, October the 27 th Ursula, the wife of William Ingle of Scoles, November the 9 th Joane Crosland of Barwicke, widdow, November the 10 th Anne Taite of Kidhall lane Head, widdow, November the 13 th Edmond Clayton of Scoles, December the 5 th Elizabeth Bellaby of Winmoor side, widdow, December the 21 th Elizabeth, the wife of Thomas Taitt of Barwicke, December the 28 Margaret Hardcastle of Barwicke, December the 30 th John Gibson of Barwicke in Ellmett, January the 5 th Sarah, the daughter of Laurence Hill of the Stankes, January the Grace, the wife of Robert Greenewood of Scoles, January the 27 th Robert Franke of Barwicke, Esquire, February the 14 th John Gaitenby of Barwicke, February the 22 th 1665, Burials. Anne, the wife of Richard Settle of Barwicke, April the 5 th Sarah, the Daughter of William Lumbe of Morwicke, April the 18 th Margaret Sayner of Scoles, widdow, April the 24 th Ellin Browne of Winmoore side, widdow, April the 29 th Michael Norton of Roundhay, May the 7 th Jane Kent of Barwicke, widdow, June the 21 th Frances Hardcastle of Barwicke, June the 23 th Samuel, the son of Robert Knapton of Barwicke, July the 13 th Luke Massey of Barwicke, September the 21 th Anne, the wife of William Munsey of Winmoore head, September the 23 th Grace, the Daughter of Solomon Jibson of Kidhall lane-head, Novem. the 15 th Arthur Snawden of Potterton, January the I st Edward, the son of Martin West of Roundhay, January the 21 th Jane, the wife of Rowland Ewans of Garforth moore side, Janua. the 31 th George Haigue of Barwicke, February the 4 th Peter Pearson of Osmond-thick house, February the 24 th Margaret Ingle of Scoles, March the 13 th John Heywood of Roundhay, March the 14 th Elizabeth Turner of Roundhay, March the 21 th John Dinnison, Jun 9 , of Barwicke, March the 21 th 1666, Burials. John Tompson of Garforth Moore side, April the 11 th Jennet Clarke of Kidhall Lane head, widdow, May the 4 th *A pedigree of Frank of Alwoodley is in the Wilson MSS. in the Leeds Library. BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 161 Robert Knapton of Barwicke, May the 19 th . Margaret, the wife of William Vevers of Scoles, May the 25 th Mary Holmes of Roundhay, widdow, June the 10 th William Vevers of Scoles, July the 2 d Peter Calbeck of Potterton, July the 5 th Thomas Robinson of Garforth-moore side, July the 29 th William, the infant of Thomas Watkinson of Garforth-moore, August the 18 th John Maw of Garforth moore, August the 20 th Robert Brawenor of Barwicke, October the 25 th Martin, the son of Martin West of Roundhay, November the 6 th Alverey Vevers of Scoles, November the 9 th Mistress Mary Robinson of Scoles, December the 14 th John Feather of Scoles, January the 5 th Jane, the daughter of Richard Ellis of Barwicke, January the 23 th Jenet Wansley of Barwicke, January 28 th Robert Fountains of Barwicke, January y e 30 th William Thorneton of Winmoore side, February the I st Dorothy Norton of Barwicke, widdow, February the 7 th Jennet Marston of Morwicke, widdow, March the I st Peter Nicholson of Barwicke, March the 7 th 1667, Burials. Mary, the wife of John Beedall of the Stankes, March the 31 th Henry Shuttle worth of Scholes, April the I st Elizabeth, the child of Richard Swale of Potterton, April the 5 th William Prince of Barwicke, April the 16 th Anthony Metcalfe of Garforth Moore side, May the I st Frances Thompson of Roundhay, June the 8 th Elizabeth, the child of Abraham Rishforth of high Ash, July the 14 th Thomas, the son of Joseph Strickland of Barwicke, July the 18 th M r William Rishton of Barnbow, August the 16 th Thomas Walker of Winmoore side, August the 25 th Thomas, the son of Thomas Stowen of Barwicke, Septem. the I st Katherine Clough of Roundhay, September the 5 th Thomas, the son of Robert Saynor of Scoles, Septem. the 11 th Moses, the son of M r William Hodgeson of Potterton, October the 5 th Anne, the daughter of Elizabeth Settle of Potterton, Octob. the 6 th Robert, the son of Martin Clough of Winmoore head, October the 29 th John, the son of Stephen Luck, a traveller, October the 31 th Anne Bellaby of Winmoore side, Novem. the 3 d Anne, the daughter of George Spincke of Scoles, Novem. the 4 th Alice, the wife of John Haigue, senior, of Barwicke, Decern, the 9 th Alice Feather of Scoles, widdow, December the 25 th Elizabeth Shippen of Barnbow Carre, widdow, January the 6 th Robert, the son of John Drury of Barwicke, January the 19 th Richard Hanley of Scoles, March the 18 th 162 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 1668. John Jowitt of Winmoore, March the 27 th Mary, the Daughter of Henry Turner of y e Stankes, April the 6 th Mary, the wife of Robert Shaw, the younger, of Barwicke, April the 7 th John Robinson, a Stranger, April the 13 th Katherine Nicholson of Barwicke, widdow, May the 6 th Isabell Walton of Winmoore side, widdow, June the 5 th Bridgett, the wife of George Hunter of Winmoore side, June the 6 th Elizabeth, the Daughter of Robert Brooke of the Stankes, June the 8 th Robert Greene of Barwicke, June the 13 th Prudence, the wife of John Clarke of Barwicke, June the 15 th Richard, the son of Peter Sclater of Winnemoore, June the 18 th Alice, the wife of Richard Kent of Barwicke, June the 19 th Richard Jackson of the Stanckes, June the 26 th John Maw of Garforth moore side, June the 28 th John Hardcastle, Junior, of Barwicke, July the 19 th Mary, the Daughter of John Burnell of Roundhay, July the 24 th John Smith, the younger, of Barwicke, August the 29 th Ellin Stowen of Barwicke, widdow, September the 9 th John Settle of Potterton, September the 23 th Margarett. the wife of William Brame, the younger, of Barnbow Carre, September the 30 th Matthew Barnby of Scoles, October the 2 d Robert Shaw of Barwicke, October the 8 th Mary, the wife of Thomas Hardwicke of Grimesdike, October the 30 th Katherine, the wife of Robert Saynor of Scoles, Novem: the 3 d Mary, the wife of Cuthbert Munsey of Barwicke, Novem: the 6 th Mary Vevers of Scoles, November the 22 th Eliza:, the wife of John Dunnell of Scoles, December the 10 th ; William Brough of Barwicke, January the 10 th William Burnell of Roundhay. February the 12 th Mary, the Daughter of William Lumbe of Morwicke, Februa: the 27 th 1669, Burials. John Thompson of Barwicke, April the 5 th Ralph Weare of Winmoore, April the 5 th Frances, the infant of Rowland Ewan of Garforth moore side, April ye jgth Thomas Briggs of Roundhay, April the 21 th Mary, the Daughter of Richard Ellis of Barwicke, June y e 5 th Laurence Hill of the Stanckes, June the 10 th Jane, the wife of Robert Briggs of Barwicke, June the 12 th John Beedall of the Stanckes, June the 16 th Jane, the Daughter of James Wheateley of Winmooreside, June ye 20 th Alice, the wife of Richard Jackson of Scoles, July y e 26 th BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 163 Robert Settle of Potterton, July the 26 th Ellen Ingle of Scoles, widdow, July the 29 th Agnes Briggs of Roundhay, widdow, August the 29 th Thomas Varley of Garforth moore side, Septem. ye 14 th Robert Holmes of Roundhay, September y e 19 th Isabell, the wife of John Saynor of Potterton, October y e I st Jane, the wife of Thomas Blackburne of Morwicke, Octob: y e 11 th M r George Gascoigne of Shippen, October y e 15 th John Deardon of Browne moore, October y e 24 th Mary Harrison of Garforth-moore-side, widdow, October y e 26 th Richard, the son of William Bridges, Curate, Dece: y e 10 th Jane, the wife of Francis West of Roundhay, Decern, ye 16 th Alvarey Daniel of Barwicke, Dece. ye 23 th W m Vevers of Potterton, January the 14 th Dorothy Norton of Roundhay, widdow, January y e 17 th Alice, the wife of Michael Turner of Penwell, Februa: y e 12 th Frances, the wife of Francis Saynor of Morwicke, March ye I st 1670, Burials. Frances, the daughter of Francis West of Roundhay, April ye 16 th John Taylor, senior, of Barwicke, April y e 28 th Robert Haigue of Barwicke, June ye 19 th Ralph Collet, Junior, of Barwicke, June ye 28 th William, the son of Katherine Moore of Barwicke, July ye 3 d Sarah, the Daughter of Richard Sclater of Winmoore side, July the 17 th Ralph Bateman, July ye 23 th Anne, the wife of James Hunter of Winmooreside, August ye 18 th Ursula Andrews of Garforth moore side, widdow, August ye 23 th Anne, the wife of John Burland of Barwicke, August ye 25 th Grace Dineley of Barwicke, widdow, August y e 29 th Elizabeth Brunto of Garforth moore side, widdow, August ye 30 th Mary, the wife of Thomas Stowing, jun., of Barwicke, Sept. ye 9 th Dorothy, the wife of Richard Kent of Barwicke, Sept. ye 10 th Dorothy Fletcher of Garforth moore side, widdow, Septe. ye 10 th Randolph Briggs of Roundhay Hall, September the 12 th Katherine, the relict of Randolph Briggs, Sept. ye 14 th Jane Ingle, widdow, a sojourner at Grimesdyke, Sept. ye 18 th Sarah, the Daughter of Jane Jackson of the Stanckes, October the 5 th James Prince of Barwicke, October the 19 th Martine Hardcastle of Barwicke, October the 27 th William Kent of the Stanckes, October the 27 th Richard Taylor of Barnbow-carre, October ye 30 th Robert Ball of Potterton, November the 10 th Elizabeth, the wife of John Dawson of Browne-moore, Nov r ye 10 th Elizabeth, the Daughter of Elizabeth Taite of Potterton, Nov: y e 15 th Ralph Collet of Barwicke, November the 24 th Mercy Taylor of Barwicke, December the I st Grace, the wife of John Lee of Barwicke, December the 15 th 164 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. Richard Kent of Barwicke, December the 27 th William Huby of Roundhay, December the 27 th Jane Smith of Barwicke, widdow, Decern, y* 31 th Sarah, the Daughter of Richard Knapton of Potterton, Janua. y e 12 th John Rishforth of Roundhay, January the 13 th Anne, the wife of Thomas Watkinson of Garforth-moore-side, Janu. ye 25 th Thomas Terrington of Shippen, February the 6 th Ellin, the wife of Richard Prince of Barwicke, Februa: y e 23 th Esther Thompson of Garforth-moore-side, widdow, March the 2 d Frances, the Daughter of Isaac Wood of Potterton lane, March the 3 d Esther, the wife of John Pitts of Scoles, March the 13 th Margaret Varlow of Garforth-moore-side, widdow, March the 15 th Thomas Simpson of Potterton-moore, March the 20 th Rosamund Maw of Garforth-moore-side, widdow, March the 23 th Richard Potter of Potterton, March the 24 th William, the son of William Vevers, senior, of Scoles, March the 24 th 1671, Sepult. Joseph, the son of Joseph Bullocke of Barwicke, March ye 29 th Elizabeth, the Daughter of Anne Tinsdall of Barwicke, March y e 30 th Mary, the Daughter of William Ellis of Kidhall, Esq., April the 11 th Thomas, the son of Christopher Leeds of Garforth-moore-side, April ye 13th Rosamund, the Daughter of Richard Brough of Barwicke, April y e William, the son of James Clough of Roundhay, April the 20 th Michael Turner of Winmoore-side, April the 20 th Richard Sclater of Winmoore-side, April the 26 th John, the son of Richard Ellis of Barwicke, April the 27 th Elizabeth, the wife of Richard Farrand of Scoles, May the 14 th Gertrude Crumpton of Barnbow Carre, widdow, May the 17 th John Shippen of Barnbow, May the 20 th Deborah, the wife of Robert Hardcastle of Barwicke, May ye 22 th Stephen Eastburne, jun r , of Winmoore, May the 29 th Susanna, the Daughter of Randall Briggs of Roundhay, August y c 17 th Deborah, the Daughter of Richard Daniell of Potterton lane, August ye 19 th Henry the Son of Henry Turner of y e Stanckes, Octob. y e 8 th Martin, the. son of Robert Prince of Barwicke, Novem. 5^ I st William, the son of M r Postgate of Rhoundhay, Novem. y e 2 d John Sharpus of Winmoore-side, Novem: y e 27 th Thomas Deardon of Scoles, December the 13 th Richard, the son of Richard Taylor of Barnbow carre, Decern: ye 29 th Solomon, the son of Solomon Jibson of Kidhall-lane-head, Janua: ye 27 th BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 165 Elizabeth, the wife of Thomas Baker of Scoles, January the 28 th Jennet Constable of Scoles, February the 26 th M r William Postgate of Rhoundhay, March the 14 th 1672, Sepult. William Settle of Potterton-lane, April ye 22 th Rowland Ewans of Garforth-moore-side, April the 30 th George, the son of William Ingle, junior, of Scoles, May the 2 d Elizabeth, the wife of John Buck of Barwicke, May the 5 th Margarett, the wife of Robert Prince of Barwicke, May the 30 th Margaret, the child of Phillis Steele, June the 8 th Robert Greenewood of Scoles, June the 15 th John Dinnison of Barwicke, June the 22 th Thomas Gouthwayte, a sojourner at Potterton, June the 30 th Elizabeth Dinnison, widdow, of Barwicke, June the 30 th George, the son of Robert Browne of Winmoor-side, July the 8 th Grace Stephenson of Kidhall-lane head, August the 14 th Elizabeth, the wife of Robert Smith of Rhoundhay, August the 2 d Mary, the Daughter of Thomas Dodgeson of Rhoundhay, August the 16 th Catherine Steward of Scoles, September the 11 th Stephen Smith of Scoles, October y* 7 th Elizabeth Simpson of Barwicke, widdow, November the 2 d Anne, the Daughter of William Taite, Junior, of Scoles, November the 4 th Obadiah Oddy of Scoles, Novem. y> 8 th Isabell, the wife of Richard Taite of Scoles, November the 13 th Thomas Dalton, D.D., Rector of this church, dyed at the Falcon and Partridge in Leather lane in Hatton garden, London, November the 22 th Frances Shan of Potterton, widdow, December the 5 th Thomas Shippen of Barnbow, December the 28 th Matthew Maw of Shippen, December the 30 th Richard, the son of John Buck of Barwicke, January the I st Elizabeth, the wife of George Clarkson of Shippen, January the 23 th Anne, the Daughter of Robert Collet of Barwicke, January y* 26 th Anne, the daughter of John Taylor, sen', of Barwicke, Februa: ye 3 d Elizabeth Clough of Roundhay, widdow, February the 17 th Thomas Potter of Potterton, February the 18 th William, the son of William Deardon of Garforth more side, Febru: ye 22 th Rosamund, the Daughter of Tho: Watkinson of Garforth moore, Febr. 27 M r John Errington of Barnbow, March the 2 d Frances, the wife of Thomas Stowing, jun., of Barwicke, March the 3 d Ellenor, the Daughter of David Hopwood of Potterton, March the 6 th Elizabeth, the Daughter of Connon Hopkinson of Barwicke, March the 10 th Paul, the son of Thomas Stowing, sen', of Barwicke, March the 11 th S r Stephen Tempest of Barnbow, Knight, was buried at Broughton in Craven, March the 14 th Rector (?)1660 1672. 166 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. Elizabeth Burnel of Roundhay, widdow, March the 18 th Anne, the wife of Richard Taite of Potterton, March the 23 th 1673, Burials. John, the son of Martin West of Rhoundhay, March ye 28 th Elizabeth, the Daughter of Joshua Turner of Barwicke, April y e 5 th Elizabeth, the wife of John Clarke of Barwicke, April the 6 th Robert, the son of Richard Taite of Potterton, April the 6 th Anne, the wife of Randall Briggs, jun., of Rhoundhay, April the 12 th Margarett Holmes of Rhoundhay, widdow, April the 13 th Isabell Drury of Barwicke, widdow, April the 19 th Mary Settle of Potterton, widdow, April the 19 th Mary, the wife of William Ellis of Kidhall, Esq., April the 26 th William Ingle of Scoles, May the 19 th John Clarke of Barwicke, May the 25 th Mary Taite of Barwicke, widdow, June the 20 th Robert Taylor of Barwicke, July the 18 th Sarah, the Daughter of John Aumbler of Winmoore side, July the 26 th John, the son of John Aumbler of Winmoore, July the 29 th Esther, the Daughter of John Massy of Stocking, August the 2 d Sarah, the Daughter of William Thorneton of Winmoore side, August the 21 th Barbara, the Daughter of Robert Shuttleworth of Scoles, September the 6 th Randall Briggs, senior, of Roundhay, September the 26 th Richard Atkinson of Roundhay, November the 10 th Elizabeth, the wife of Matthew Norton of Roundhay, November the 12 th Frances Atkinson of Rounday, widdow, November the 17 th One Child of Thomas Walker, another of William Baram, both of Roundhay, were buried at Chappelltowne Christopher Kelshaw of Roundhay, December the 8 th Mary, the wife of George Hay of Barwicke, January the 30 th John Tayte, Junior, of Scoles, February the 2 d Anne Slater, widdow, and Elizabeth Slater, her Step-Daughter, both dyed together in one house on Winmoore, and were buryed in the same grave February the 3 d Mary, the daughter of John Outhwayt of Scoles, February the 3 d Elizabeth, the wife of Augustine Nicholson of Barwicke, Febru: ye 13th Thomas, the son of John Buck of Barwick, deceased, March the 11 th Joseph Strickland of Barwick, March the 22 th 1674, Burials. Ann, the wife of James Wood of Barwicke, March the 29 th Alice, the wife of Roger Spincke of Scoles, Aprill the 11 th Ann, the basterd child of Ann Drury of Barwick, June the xiv th Mary, the wife of William Blaime of Roundhey, June the 4 th Elizabeth Walton of Winmoor, June the xxiij th Widow Postgate of Roundhey, July the I st Aqual, the son of Richard Farrah of Scoles, the 8 th Jane, the daughter of James Wheatley of Winmoore, July the 12 th BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 167 Sarah, the daughter of Margarett Barker of Potterton, July the xx th Alice, the daughter of Leonard Catton of Barwick, Aug. the 16 th John Saynor of Potterton, September the 10 th M r James Stead of Kings cross near Hallifax, died on Winmoore at Stocking, was buryed September the II th William Akedd of Barwicke Sept. 14 th . Benjamin Massie of Barwicke, October the xviij th Richard, the son of William Vevers of Potterton, October the xix th Richard, the basterd child of Elizabeth Watterworth of Barwick, October the xix th Mary, the daughter of Henry Briggs of Potterton, October the 26 th John Robinson of Scoles, November the 3 d John Constable of Scoles, November the 20 th Ann, the wife of Robert Frankland of the new close spring, Novem- ber the 24 th Mary, the daughter of Robert Brooke of the Stanks, Dec. the 19 th Dorothy Taylor of Barwicke, January the 17 th Robert Franckland of the spring, January the 23 th Susanna, the daughter of Thomas Walker of Roundhey, February the first George Bollonds of Barwicke, February the 7 th M r James Wright of Barwicke, aged 88 years, February 21 th William, the sonn of Richard Brough of Barwicke, Feb. the 26 th 1675, Burials. Michael, the son of Michael Rishe of Hirst moore, March the 26 th John, the son of Michael Rish of Hirst more, March 30 th Sarah, y 6 daughter of Robert Brooke of the Stancks, Mar. 31 th Katherine Browne of Roundhey, wid., Aprill the 26 th Cicilia, the daughter of Peter Slytor of Winmoore, May y e 4 th Robert Shenton of Barwick, May y* 25 th Elizabeth Watterworth of Barwicke, June ye x th Grace, the wife of Joshuah Turner of Barwicke, June the 13 th Anne, the wife of Robert West of Rhoundhey, June the 14 th Elizabeth, the Daughter of Phillipp Haste of Barwick, June the 25 th Ellinor, the daughter of Ellinor Strickland of Barwicke, widow, July ye 4 th Elizabeth, the wife of John Drury of Barwicke, Aug 2 d Martha Bacckhous of Barwicke, Aug. the 8 Anne, the wife of Robert Green of Barwicke, August the 13 th A still borne Child of William Oates of Winmoore head near Kiddall laine, September the 5 th Thomas Walker, iunior, of Roundhey, Sept. 9 th Thomas Knapton, hi.', of Barwicke, October y* 3 th Thomas Saynor of Potterton, Octo. ye 23 th Elizabeth, the daughter of William Willcock of Garthforth moore November y 6 14 th Joan Thompson of Garthforth moreside, widow, the 21 th of No. Susannah, the wife of Beniamin Pease of Morwicke, Nouember the 30 th A still borne childe of Thomas Taite of Barwicke, December the 16 168 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. Margaret, the wife of William Wilkocke, sen.', of Garthforth moor side, Dec. the 19 th Timothy Hopton of Hirst moor, Decemb 1 the 19 th William Wilcocke the eld, of Garthforth more side, was buryed att Whitkirke, Dec: the 30 th Isable, the wife of William Taite the eld, of Scoles, January the 2 d Richard Taite of Scoles, February the 6 th George, the son of Richard Green of Barw., February the 18 th Thomas Vevers of Barwicke, February the 27 th 1676, Sepult. M rs Isabell Irrington of Barnbow, widowe, Aprill the I st Frances Taylor of Barwicke, Aprill the 3 d George, the son of George Hay, Aprill the 4 th Elizabeth Tate of Potterton, widow, May the 19 Susannah Shaw of Barwicke, widow, May the 21 th Edward., the son of George Hunter of Winmore, May the 29 th Isable, ye wife of Francis Johnson of y e Stank, June the 11 th Elizabeth Pickering of Barnbow, wid w , July the 4 th Michael Hill of the stanks, July the 16 th William, the son of John Taylor, hi', of Barwicke, July y* 19 Elisabeth Gibson of Barwicke, widow, July the 21 Richard Tate, iu', of Scoles, Sep. I st A s[t]ill born Child of Richard Burlands of Barwick, Sept. the 10 th A s[t]ill born Child [of] Michael Rish of Hirst moor, Septemb 1 the 11 th Em Whitehead of Hirst moor, widow, was buried Septemb r the 14th, at Whit Church William, the son of William Deardon of Garthforth moor side, Sep. y 19 Mary, the daughter of Mary Sharphurst of Hirstmoor, September the 26 th Elisabeth, the daughter of Joshua Turner of Barwick, Octob r y e 8 th Oswald Harrison of Hirst moor, October 26 th William Briggs of Barwick, Octob r 27 th Anne Deardon of Brown moore, Novemb r y 6 3 th Anne, the wife of Connon Hopkinson of Scoles, Nov. the 21 th Margarett, the wife of William Smith of Scoles, Nov. y e 25 John Settle of Potterton, the elder, was buried the same day. Elisabeth, the wife of Richard Prince of Barwicke, Nouemb r y^ 29 th Richard Vevers of Potterton, Decemb r the 9 th John, the son of William Vevers of Scoles, Dec. the 21 th Richard Jackeson of Scoles, January the 1 A still borne Child of William Lumbe of Winmoore, January the I st Anne Prince of Barwick, widow, Janua: y^ 4 th Ann, the wife of William Tate of Scoles, Janua: the 14 th William Brame the eld r , of Barnbowe carr, February ye I st Dorothy Spinke of Scoles, Widow, February y xix. John Gibson of Barwicke, March the 9 th William Crabtree of Barmbowe carr, March the 12 th John Johnson of Potterton, March the 21 th BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 1677, Burials. James, the son of William Fawcett of Barwicke, April x th Elizabeth, the wife of Robert Green of Barwicke, May the 6 th Richard, the son of William Vevers of Scoles, was buried y 6 same day A still borne Child of Robert Prince of Barwicke, May 9 th Anne Strickland of Scoles, widow, May y e 13 th John, the son of Richard Knap ton of Potter ton, May y 20 th W m Thornton of Bullaine head, June the 11 th John, the son of Richard Ellis of Barwicke, June the 27 th John Barker of Barwicke, July the 19 th Henry Shann of Potterton, August the I st Susannah, the wife of George Wright of Winmoore, August the 14 th Anne Robinson of Garforth moor side, wid w , September the 6 Katherin, the wife of Will' am Allott of Barwick, October y e 16 James, the son of Francis Grimes, a travilor, October the 24 th Hannah, the wife of Thomas Taylor, iu', of Barwick, Novemb r the 16 th Francis, the son of Francis Johnson of the Stanke, Decemb r y 6 8 th Elinor, y e wife of William Munsey of Winmoore head, Dec. 10 th Anne Settle of Potterton, December the 27 th Robert Oddy of Scoles, December the 30 th Elizabeth Walker of Barnbow car, January 2 d Samuel, the son of Robert Green of Barwick, Janu. 12 th Nicholas Sheppen of Lasingcroft, March the First 1678, Sepult. Grace, the wife of Francis Say nor of Morwicke, March the 28 th Frances, the wife of John Tate of Scoles, April the 23 th Mary, the wife of Richard Braime of Barnbow carr, May the 15 th Sarah, the daughter, of Robert Hardcastle of Barwicke, May the 17 th A still borne child of George Rosse of Potterton, June the 9 W m Tate of Scoles was Buryed in woollen, November the 5 th Thomas Hardwicke of Grimesdike was Buried in woollen, Novemb r ye 25th *Mary Brooke, of the Stanks, widow, Nov: y e 27 th Isabell Tate of Potterton, widow, December the 5 th Jane Settle of Potterton, widow, Decemb. y e 22 th Ann Burton of Potterton, wid, Dec. the 25 Thomas Blackborn of Morwicke, Janu: 13 th Margary, y e wife of Henry Turner of Hurstmore, March the 5 th James Hunter of Winmore, March the xix th A child of John Burland, the yeounger, of Barwicke, the same day Robert Smith of Roundhey, March the 24 th Sepult, 1679. Martine, the son of Jeremiah Ingle of Barwicke, Aprill the 29 th Anne, the daughter of Edward Hinchcliffe of the Stanks on Hurst- more, May the 3 d Susannah Prince of the Lower end of Hurst more, May ye 12 th Hellen, the wife of M r Richard Vevers of Scoles, May the 17 th *AU burials were expressed to be buried in woollen from here to the end of this register book, unless otherwise stated. 170 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. William Taylor of Scoles, June the 7 th Aqualla, the son of George Wright of Winmoore, July the 15 Mary Crabtree of Barnbow carr, widow, August the 7 th Katherine Stowen of Barwicke, widow, August the 9 th Thomas Jackeson of Barwick, August the 10 th George Hunter of Winmore was Buryed in woollen the same day Anne, the wife of Christopher Leeds of Garforth more side, August the 28 th Anne, the daughter of Christopher Leeds of Garthforth moor side, September the 8 th Peter Sheppen of Scoles town end, September the 28 th Francis, the son of Thomas Clarkson of Hopperley, October the 12 Rosomond Weare of Winmore, near Kidall laine end, October the 19 th Michael, the son of Martine Whitehead of Hurstmore, Octob: 22 th Alice Barker of Barwick, wid, No: 2 John, the son of Sam: Robinson of Garthforth more side, Nov. y^ 8 th Robert, the son of Sam: Robinson of Garthforth more side, Novem: ye 22 th Anne, the daughter of Lawrence Andrew of the same, ye same day Hellen, the daughter of John Frankland of Garthforth more side, November the 24 th Anne, the daughter of Rosomo[n]d Maw of the same, the same day William, the son of John Taylor of Barwicke, the yeounger, Nov. 27 th Thomas Horsley of Garthforth more side, Dec. the 3 th Elinor, the wife of Peter Barker of Barwicke, Dec. 19 th A still born Child of Richard Robinson of Morwicke, Dec r y* 5 27 th John Taite, the elder, of Scoles, January the 3 th Frances, the daughter of Francis West of Roundhey, February the 18 th Mary, the daughter of Thomas Blackburn of Morwicke, dec, March the 13 th Matthew, the son of Joshuah Lumb, at the cross Yeates on the Lower end on Hirst more, March 24 th Sepult, 1680. Mary Akedd of Barwicke, widow, March ye 30 th Mary Blackborne of Morwicke, widow, Aprill the 3 d Rebeckah, the daughter of Richard Prince of Barwicke, Aprill the 15 th Richard, the son of Samuel Robinson of Garforth more side, June the 8 th Mary Sheppen of Barnbow, widow, June the 16 th Samuell Fletcher of Barwicke, the 9 th of July Martha, the daughter of Thomas Bradford of Tolorough Yeates, the 15 th day of July Edward Hinchcliff of the Stanke on Hurstmoore, July the 24 th Richard Slator of Potterton, the 10 th day of October Mary, the wife of John Hardcastle of Barwicke, the 12 th of October Elisabeth, the wife of Martin West of Roundhey, October the 13 th Margarett Holmes of Roundhey, widow, was Buryed the same day Mary, the wife of John Hunter of Hurstmore, died in childe birth, and was buried October the 15 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 171 Thomas Dodgson of Round[hey], October the 17 th Richard Settle of Barwick, was buried the same day Richard Holmes of Roundhey, October the 21 th George Dawson of Sheppen, November the 11 th Isaac Wood of Potterton, Novemb r the 12 th Richard Norton of the Penwell was Buryed at Whitchurch, Novem- ber the 22 th Anne, the wife of Francis Brunton of Sheppen, the same day Frances, the wife of Richard Stiham of Kidhall laine head, Novem: 24 Anne, the wife of William Lumbe of Winmore, December the 11 th A still born Child of William Tate of Scoles, Decemb r v* 5 17 th Elizabethe, the wife of Roger Lund of Browne Moore, Dec. the xxviij Thomas Tate of Scoles, the elder, the 30 th of Dec. Anne, the wife of Jeremiah Ingle of Barwick, Decemb r y 6 31 st The Abortive child of Thomas Clarkeson of Hopperley, January the 6 th Michaell Burton of Potterton, January the 14 Frances, the daughter of Richard Knapton of Potterton, January the 15 th Mary Sharphurst of Hurstmoore, widow, January the 18 th M ris Alice Hodgson of Potterton, widow, Janu: 24 th George Dickenson at the Bull Laine head on Winmoore, January the 26th Anne, the wife of Richard Burland of Barwicke, January the 30 th Elisabeth Leadbeater of Barwicke, February ye 17 th *rj Martha, the daughter of Thomas Maud at the Bull laine head on Winmore, Feb. the 19 th Samuel Shenton of Barwick, February y 6 20 th Elizabeth, the daughter of Thomas Tate of Kidall laine head, March the 9 th Jane, the daughter of John Marston of Morwick, March the 9 th Mary, the daughter of Thomas Stowen of Whihill, March y 19 A Bortive child of Thomas Briggs of Roundhey, March y^ 6 th Sepult, 1681. Mary, the daughter of Richard Burland, Aprill the 17 Anne, the wife of Thomas Wansley of Barwick, March the 27 th Richard Knapton of Potterton, March the 30 th George Dickenson, iunior, of Bull laine head, March the 25 An Abortive child of Samuel Robinson of Garthforth moor side, May the 13 th A Child of Richard Robinson of Barwicke, May the 30 th Robert Strickland of Scholes, June the I st Anne Hills of the Stanks on Hurst moor, May the 22 th Elisabeth, the daughter of Rich Farrer of S[c]holes, June the 13 th John Dineley, the elder, of Barwicke, July y e 7 th John, the son of John Moore, the younger, of Barwicke, July the 10 th Thomas, the son of Joseph Bullock, July y* 13 th Elisabeth Dickenson at the Bull Laine head on winmoor, July the 18 th Francies Chambers of Grimesdicke, widow, Aug. 13 th George, the son of George Spinke of Scoles, Aug. the 22 th 172 BARWICK-TN-ELMET REGISTER. Mary, the daughter of George Haste of Barwicke, August the 23 th Sarah, the daughter of Robert Watkinson of Barwicke, September the 12 th Richard Ellis of Barwick, September the 15 th Robert, the son of William Knapton of Barwicke, September the 23 th Elisabeth Wright of Barwicke, October the 15 Elisabeth Settle of Potterton, wid., No: 4 Isabell Ingle of Scoles, widow, Novemb. 14 Sarah, the daughter of Samuel Robinson of Garthforth more side, November y e 22 th Benj amine, the son of W m Lumbe of Winmore, November the [30] [Blank] of Tho: Wright of Winmore, att Whitkirk by lycence from M r Hall, the 17 th day of February Sara, the daughter of Geo. Browne of Barwicke, Dec. the I st Alexander Wood of Kidhall. Dec. 14 th Thomas Simpson of Garthforth more side, December the 29 th Isable, the daughter of James Clough of Roundhey Lodge, January the 12 th William, the son of W m Lund at Cross Yates at the Lower end of Hurstmoor, January the 23 th George Gibson of Barwick, February the 7 th M r Lever Wood of Barwicke, Feb. the 13 th Robt, the son [altered from Jane, the daughter] of Rob 1 Wilson of Roundhey, February y* 18 th Elisabeth Ball of Potterton, wid w , Feb. 19 John Chambers at the lower end of Hurst more near Whitkirke lane end, by licence from M r Hall, at Whitkirk, Feb. 5^ 25 Sarah, the daughter of Thomas Maud at Bull laine head, March the 5 th Christopher, the son of Christop: Kelshaw of Roundhey, the same day The Abortiue Child of John Brown of Potterton, March the 11 th Mary, the daughter of Richard Bollands of Barwicke, March the 12 th Thomas Andrew of Garthforth more side, March the 13 th Anne Robinson of scoles. widow, March the 19 th Jane, the daughter of Leonard Gay ton of Winmoore, March the 24 th Marke Cooper of Scoles, March the 25 th Margarett Harrison of the Stanks on Hurst moore. wid w , the same day Sepult, 1682. Marke Cooper of Scoles, March the 25 th Margaret Harrison of the stankes on Hurstmore, the same day Michael, the son of Matthew Norton of Roundhey, March the 30 th John Burland, the eld r , of Barwick, Aprill the 30 th Elisabeth, the wife of Martine Cash of Scoles, Aprill the 8 Helline Wilson of Scoles, Aprill the 9 th Eester Constable of Penwell, Aprill the 17 th William Wilcok of Garthforth more sd., Aprill 27 Roger Lund of Brown more, April 23 A Child of Mark Cooper, dec, Ap. 24 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 173 Dorothy, the Daughter [of] Charles Engleby, Esquire, of Barnbow, Aprill the 27 th Timothy Hopton at Whitkirk lane end, May the 8 th Mary, the wife of James Prince of Barwicke, May the 12 th Peter Varley of the Brown more closes, May the 25 John, the son of Austine Nicholson of Barwick, June the 19 th Elisabeth, the wife of John Holmes of Roundhey, the 24 th of July William Walker of Scoles, July the 27 th John, the son of John Hunter of Hurstmore, July the 30 th Anne Maw of Garthforth more side, July the 31 th John, the son of Chr: Leeds of the same, the same day Isable, the daughter of W m Hair of Morwick, August the 8 th Anne, the wife of Thomas Tate of Barwick, August the 9 th Anne, ye wife of W m Brame of Barnbow, Aug. the 10 th Helline, the daughter of Richard Settle of Potterton, September the 8 th The Abortiue Child of William Tate of Scoles, September the 25 th Richard Johnson of Scoles, September the 26 th Margarett, the wife of W m Tate of Scoles, September the 27 th Elisabeth, the daughter of James Wilcocke at the Lower end of Huirst more near Allershaw laine end, Oc. 8 John Holmes of Roundhey, October the 15 th Beniamine Pease of Morwick, October the 31 th Thomas, the son of Robert Thornes of Barwicke in Elmett, Novem- ber the 9 th George Gibson of Barwick, November the 27 th Beatrix, the daughter of Leo: Catton of Barwick, Nov: the 29 th Henry, the son of Francis Johnson of the Stank, Dec. 4 Robert Briggs of Barwick, December the 10 th Randolph Constable of Hurstmore, y 6 same day Anne, the daughter of John Barker of Barwick, Dec. 20 th George, the son of John Wheelhouse of Scoles, Dec. the 28 Katherine, the Daughter [of] Mary Briggs of Barwick, widow, December the 31 th James Barker of Sheppen, January the 7 th Mary, the Daughter of James Prince of Barw:, January ye 18 th Robert Dinely of Barwicke, February the 3, and hath left the use of Ten pounds for ever to be distributed to the poor of Barwick Town after the Decease of Margarett, his wife. John Robinson of Scoles, January the 25 th The Abortiue child of M r Charles Hall of Barwick, March ye 4 th William Eskeritt of Scoles, March the 7 th Martin Hague of Barwick, March the 11 th James [? Prince] of Barwick, March the 15 th Mary, the wife of Roger Gregson of Barw:, March the 7 th [? Alice] Spinke of Scoles, March the 21 th Anne Hunter of Winmore, March the 22 th * Charles Engleby was probably Charles Ingleby, a Roman Catholic acquitted of complicity in the Gascoigne plot, 1680, made Baron of the Exchequer by James II., 1688, but dismissed by William III., knighted 1688, resumed practice. Dictionary of National Biography. For pedigree see Thoresby's Ducatus, 2nd Ed., p. 192. 174 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 1683, Sepult. John Dunnell of Scoles, March the 30 th Abraham Rishforth of the High Ash on Browne more, Aprill the I st Mary, the wife of Thomas Knapton of Barwick Aprill y e 12 th William, the son of Thomas Walker of Roundhey, the I st of May Anne, the wife of John Saynor of Grimesdike, the 3 of May James Prince of Barwick, May the 20 th Grace, the wife of John Holcroft of Scoles, the 4 th June Susannah Hopton at the lower end of Hurst moore, June the 14 Mary, the wife of Austine Nicolson of Barwick, the 4 of July Anne, the wife of Solomon Jibson at Kidall oake, August ye 18 Richard, the son of M r Thomas Atkinsonne of Barwicke, Aug. ye 21 Robert Turner at Penwell, August the 26 th Martine West of Roundhey Parke, September the 5 Jonathan, the son of Thomas Maud at the Bull laine head on Win- more, was Buried the same day Mary, the daughter of William Hague of Fishlake, the 26 of September William, the son of Thomas Walker of Roundhey, Sep. 26 The Abortive child of Jeremiah Ingle of Barwick, October the 27 Christopher Scott of Morwick, November the 14 th Mary, y wife of James Barker of Sheppen, November y e 18 James, 5^ son of Richard Farrer of Scoles, November y^ 21 th Thomas Wansley of Barwick, November y e 23 th Mary Settle of Potterton, November the 24 th Christopher Ibbotson of the same, December the 1 Mary, the wife of W m Handley of scols, Dec. 11 th Churchwardens for Barwicke in Ellmett. 1661 Barw: - - - Thomas Taylor Scoles Division Robert Greenewood Potterton - - Richard Daniel Roundhay- - John Burnel 1662 Thomas Taylor Robert Greenewood Richard Daniel Christopher Kelshaw 1663 Thomas Wansley Michael Hill Robert Settle Randolph Briggs 1664 John Dineley George Dickinson Henry Shan Martin West Overseers of the Poore for Barwicke in Ellmett. 1661 Barw: - - John Taylor, junior Scoles - - George Spincke Potterton - Robert Ball 1662 William Jackson Richard Thompson Thomas Potter 1663 Thomas Bird Richard Sheppen John Settle 1664 John Haigue Abraham Rishforth Samuel Taite BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 175 Churchwardens continued. 1665 John Taylor, senior Henry Wright John Settle John Holmes 1666 Thomas Taylor Thomas Blackeburne Thomas Potter Matthew Norton 1667 The last yeare Churchwardens executed the office againe this yeare. Churchwardens 1668 Rofct Dineley Thomas Thompson Samuel Taite Robert Smith 1669 The last yeare Churchwardens elected againe this yeare. 1670 John Taylor, sen. William Vevers, jun. John Dodgeson Randolph Briggs, sen. 1671 Bernard Mawmond Robert Brooke Richard Daniel Thomas Walker 1672 John Taylor, junior M r Taylor of Morwicke Henry Shan Randolph Briggs, junior 1673 Robert Collett Richard Taylor Richard Settle Thomas Dodgeson 1674 Thomas Taylor, sen'. George Rosse Benj amine Pease Martine West Overseers continued. 1665 Thomas Knapton Benjamin Pease Thomas Taite 1666 John Burland Robert Shore Richard Daniel 1667 John Smith Richard Vevers Andrew Sclater Overseers 1668 Thomas Taylor Richard Vevers John Dodgeson 1669 Roger Gregson Robert Oddy Henry Shan 1670 Thomas Stowing Francis Johnson M r Hodgeson 1671 George Haist William Vevers, sen. William Settle 1672 William Briggs Henry Wright Thomas Potter i673 Richard Collett Martin Clough Richard Ball 1674 Robert Hardcastle Sam 11 Fletcher George Spincke Richard Braime William Vevers 176 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. Churchwardens continued. Churchwardens 1675 Robert Dineley Richard Daniell George Dickinson Laurence Eamondsonne 1676 The last yeare Churchwardens chosen and elected againe this yeare 1677 John Taylor, senior Samuel Taite William Braime Robert Lee 1678 George Haste Christo: Hill John Settle Richard Holmes 1679 Jo: Smith, iunior Jo: Massie Jo: Dodgson James Clough 1680 Marke Wright Tho: Thompson P. Daniell Jo: Ball Geo. Bingley 1681 John Taylor, iu. John Marston Ric: Settle Matt. Norton 1682 John Hardisty Rich: Sheppen Rich. Dan jell Chr: Kelsha 1683 W m Knapton W m Wood Rich: Ball Matt: Holmes 1684 William Taylor Thomas Wright William Featon Richard Atkinson Overseers continued. Overseers 1675 Bernard Mawmond Richard Sheppen Richard Thompson William Vevers 1676 John Dineley William Vevers George Rosse 1677 John Smith, iu'. Rich: Settle William Taylor 1678 John Taylor, iu'. Henry Wright James Lee 1679 Tho: Tate Ben Pease Phineas Daniel 1680 John Hardisty M r Vevers, Scoles Phi. Daniel 1681 M r Gyles Hardwicke Christo: Shore John Settle 1682 W m Strickland W m Braime Sam: Tate Rich: Aspenwald 1683 Marke Wright John Massie Geo: Rosse Rob* Lee 1684 Richard Varley Chr: Hill Hen: Briggs Matthew Norton BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 176 a Churchwardens continued. 1685 Tho: Tate Tho. Knapton to serve H. Beedall W m Coapland Tho: West 1686 Rofc Thornes W m Taylor, iu'. John Ball W m Braime 1687 Ric. Varley Tho. Rishforth Geo. Rosse Tho. Walker 1688 John Taylor Roger Spinke Henry Briggs Peter Banks 1689 Rich: Robinson Rich. Danjel Rich. Thomson Mathew Holmes 1690 Geo: Haste Rob 1 Brooke Sam. Taite W m Lister 1691 Thomas Settle Nathan Wright John Settle W m Eamorson W m Lister to serve Overseers continued. 1685 Jos. Moore Geo. Spinke John Dodgson Rob* West 1686 Thomas Bird Tho. Shepen W m Featon W m Eamorson 1687 Matt. Ingle Tho: Shippen W m Coapland 1688 John Burland Nicolas Sheppen M r Vevers of Pott' 1689 Rofct Collett M r Vevers of Pott' W m Tate 1690 W m Knapton W m Braime Rich. Settle Rich d Aspendwall 1691 Richd Smith W m Taylor of Scoles W m Featon Rob 1 Wilson BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 177 [SECOND BOOK.] The Register off all thee Christinings, Marriages, and Burialls within the parish of Barwicke-in-Elmett, from the 25 Day of March, 1684. Baptizat', 1684. Robert, the son of Robert Watkinson of Barwick, was bap. March the 26 th Matthew, the son of Matthew Norton of Roundhey, May the 20 John, the son of Tho. Knapton of Barwick, June the 6 Sarah, the daughter of Edmond Bland of Brownmoore, August the 6 Benj amine, the son of William Strickland of Barwicke, July the 24 Sarah, the daughter of William Hopwood of Barwick, August the 27 Joseph, the son of Thomas Maud of Bull laine end, September the 7 th Mary, the daughter of Rob 1 . Wansley, the 15 of September Thomas, the son of Thomas Popplewell of Bar., the 25 of September Elisabeth, the daughter of Gascoigne Burnett of Scoles, the 29 of September Helline, the daughter of John Hunter of Hirstmore, the 8 th of October Elizabeth, the daughter of John Taylor at ye West end of Kidall laine end, Oc. v* 5 15 John, the son of W m Smith of Barwick, the same day Sarah, the daughter of John Marston of Morwicke, October the 23 Henry, the son of M r Giles Hardwick of Barwicke, Nov. 6 Grace, the daughter of Thomas Brunton of Barnbow, November the 23 th James, the son of John Prince of Potterton, November the 29 th John, the son of John Scalbert of Barwicke, Decemb. ye 3 William, the son of Aquall Blackborne of Scoles, December the 21 Thomisine the daughter of Peter Slator of the Stanks, January the I st Frances, the daughter of John Frankland of Garthforth-more side, January the 11 Anne, the daughter of William Coapland of Potterton, February y e 5 th Anne, the daughter of Samuel Tate of Barwick, February y* 22 th Matthias, the son of Daniel Huett of Scoales, March the I st Elinor, the daughter of Robert Brown of Potterton, the same day Benj amen, the son of George Hast of Barwick, the 12 of March Baptizat', 1685. John, the son of Richard Varley of Barwick, bapt. Apr. 13 Elizabet, daughter of William Knapton of Barwick, Ap. 20 Mary, the daughter of Will. Hardy of Scholes, Ap. 20 Mosses, the son [of] John Settle of Pott., Apl. 23 Hellen, the daughter of Rofct. Wilson of Roundhey, Aprill 27 Sara, the daughter of Matthew Holmes of the same, May the 14 Sara, the daughter of Hen. Briggs of Potterton, August the 9 Easter, y e daughter of John Thompson of Garthforth more side, ye same day Grace, the daughter of James Hineley of the Pen well, Aug. the 23 178 BARWICK-TN-ELMET REGISTER. Anne, the daughter of Matthew Watkinson of Garthforth side, Octob. ye ii Anne, the daughter [of] Christop. Hill of the Stank, 12 Anne, the daughter of Thomas Burland of Barwick, November the 26 th Matthew, the son of Jeremiah Ingle of the same, Dec. the 9 th Thomas, the son of Rob 1 Wansley of Barwick, Dec. 16 Tho., y e son of Tho. Knapton, Dec. ye 26 Anne, the daug* of Georg Smith of y e Cross yates, January ye I st Rosomond, the daughter of Robert Braime of Scoles, January the 17 th George, the son of William Handly of the same, January ye 24 th Anne, the daughter of Rob 1 . Brown the yeounger of Winmore, February ye 28 David, the son of Rich r Settle of Potterton, March 5 Elisabeth, the daughter of Joseph Hague of Barwick, March the 9 Thomas, the son of Matthew Issott of Barwick, March the 19 Baptizat', 1686. Mary, the daughter of Robert Thornes of Barwicke, was bapt. April the 19 Elisab., ye daughter of Richard Farrer of Scoles, May 2 Robert, the son of Andrew Duncan, Gent., of Spieghlys, the 20 of May Elisabeth, the daughter of Rich. Atkinson of Roundhey, May the 24 William, the son of Jo n Barker off Barwick, June ye 24 Isable, y e daughter of John Crabtree of Winmore head, June the 27 Sarah, the daughter of Thomas Wright at y e white layth on Winmore, July the 24. [Blank] the daughter of Edmond Bland on Brown moore, July 29 Mary, y e daughter of Jo n Frankland of Garthforth moor side, August the 8 Alice, the daughter of Rob 1 Farrer of Penwell, August the 24 Robert, the son of Rich 1 Smith of Barwick, Sept. the 24 Elisabeth, ye daughter of Tho. West of Roundhey, September 30 Barbarah, y e daughter of Solomon Jibson at Kidal laine end, Octob. I st Richard, ye son of John Smith, iunior, of Barwick, October the 8 th Elisabeth, the daughter of William Hopwood of Barwick, October the 22 th Rosomond, ye|daughterof Gascoigne Burnett of Scoles, October the 25 th Elisab., the daughter 'of Henry Dickinson at the Bull laine end, Nov. the 21 Anne, the daughter of Richard Varley of Barwick, November the 29 Anne, daughter of Robertt Watkinson of Barwicke, December ye 2 d Hellen, the daughter of Matt. Norton of Roundhey, December ye 9 Anne, y e daughter of Leonard Gaton on Winmore, Dec. the 19 Bridget, the daughter of John Hunter on Winmore, Jan. the 9 th Dorothy, y e daughter of Richard Lumb of y e same, Jan. y e 18 th Robert, the son of Robert Wansley of Barwick, January 21 Richard, y e son of Richard Robinson of Barwicke, January the 26 Anne, ye daughter of Thomas Maud of Winmore, January the 30 Thomas, the son of William Lister of Scoles, February the 6 W m the son of Rosomond Mawe of Garthforth more side,February the 13 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 179 William, the son of W m Smith of Barwicke, February the 24 th Anne, ye daughter of Humphrey Morrise of Hurstmore, March the 6 Robert, y e son of Rob*. Pitts of Scoles, March the 14 Martine, the son of Sam 1 West of the Penwell, March y e 20 th Baptizat', 1687. Benj amine the son of John Aumbler of the Hurstmore, was baptized Aprill ye 3 th Jane, daughter of James Wheatley on Winmore, July the 10 th Margarett, y e daughter of Chr. Hill of y e Stanks, July the 20 th Anne, the daughter of John Hardistye of Barwicke, July the 28 Sarah, the daughter of Rob 1 Brame of S[c]oles, July the 31 th Aaron, the son of John Settle of Potterton, August the 20 th Thomas, the son of Richard Thompson of y e Stanks, August y e 28 John, ye son of Alice Prince of Barwicke, widow, the same day Rob*, the son of Rich d Robinson of Scoles, Sept. 11 Sarah, the daughter of Leona d Catton of Barwicke, October ye 6 Anne, the daughter of Daniel Huett of Garthforth more side, Oct. 24 Matthew, ye son of Matthew Holmes of Roundhey, October 27 John, the son of William Haire of Morwick, October the 28 Matthew, the son of Wittm Hague of Barwicke, November 3 Mary, the daughter of Timo. Smith of Barwicke, Novem. y e 24 Robert, the son of William Knapton of the same, Novemb. 30 Anne, y e daughter of Thomas Poplewell of y e same, Decemb. the I st Anne, the daughter of W m Strickland of Barwicke, December the 18 Thomas, the son of Joshua Stringer of the same, December the 30 Joseph, the son of Matthew Issott of the same, Janu. y e 5 th Anne, the daughter of William Eamorson of Roundhey, Jan. the 12 Sarah, y e daughter of Richard Settle of Potterton, January the 14 th Jane, y e daughter of John Taylor at the west end of Kidhall lane end, February the I st Mary, ye daughter of Rob. Wansley of Barwicke, Feb. ye 15 Elisabeth, the daughter of Richard Lumbe on Winemore. Feb. y e 26 John, the son of Rob* Brown of Potterton, March the 16 Peter, the son of Robert Wilson of Rhoundhey, March the 18 th fSamuel Dudson, clerke, Master of Arts, began to supply this Cure May the 10 th , 1687. Baptizat, 1688. George, the son of Richard Smith of Barwick, was baptized March 26 Anne, the daughter of Joseph Hague of the same, Aprill the 5 th Abraham, the son of Thomas Rishforth at ye High Ash on Brown more, Aprill the 12 Benj amine, the son of Jacob Pease of Morwicke, Aprill the 22 Elisabeth, the daughter of Michael Eastbourn on Hirstmore, May the 6 Frances, the daughter of Robert Thornes of Barw., May y e 10 Matthew, the son of Thomas West of Roundhey, June the 21 William, the son of William Lister of Scoles, August the 12 John, the son of Giles Hardwick of Barwicke, Gent, August the 21 A pedigree of the Eamonson family is printed in Piatt & Morkill's Whitkirk, page. 80. Ann Eamonson married Mr. Jeremiah Marshall of Guiseley, 21 Feb., 1731-2. tSamuel Dudson, Christ's College, Cambridge, B.A., 1672. 180 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. W m , the son of James Hinley at Penwell, August the 26 Thomas, the son of Matthew Watkinson of Garthforth more side, September the 9 Anne, the daughter of William Handley of Scoles, the same day Matthew, the son of William Robinson of Garthforth more side, Sep. 23 Anne, the daughter of William Watson of Hopperley, October the 4 Michael the son of Jo n Prince of Potterton, October the 8 Robert, the son of John Burland of Barwicke, October the 17 th Mary, the daughter of Edmond Bland of Brown more closes, Novem- ber y e 8 William, y e son of Thomas Hewett of Potterton, November y e 10 Edmond, the son of James Clough on Winmore head, November y e 11 Peter, y* son of Peter Slaytor of the Stankes, the same day Thomas, the son of Richard Varley of Barwicke, December the 3 Joane, the Bastard daughterof Alice Princeof Barwicke, January y e 6 th Sara, the daughter of Tho. Prince of the same, the same day Jane, the daughter of Robert Watkinson of Barwicke, January the 14 th Elisabeth, the daughter of Samuel West of Penwell, January 16 Peter, the son of Robert Pitts of Scoles, the same day Joseph, the son of Robert Oddy of the same, deceased, about 17 seveenthtee 11 yeares of age, January the 17 Stephen, the son of John Aumbler, Junior, of Hurstmore, January the 20 th Elisabeth, the daughter of William Hemsworth of Potterton, January the 31 John, the son of John Saynor of Barwicke, February the 4 th Deborah, and Margaret the children of Rob 1 Oddy, late of Scoles, deceased, the 14 day of Feb., being about the age of 15 and 13 yeares old, borne the 24 of June, 1673 and the other borne the 27 of March, 1676 Marke, the son of Thom s Cooper of Scoles, February the 21 Jane, y 6 daughter of Ralph Collett of Barwicke, March y e 20 Baptizat, 1689. Grace, the daughter of William Coapland of Potterton, was baptized March the 30 John. y e son of Jo n Smith of Barwick, Apr. the 17 Mary, the daughter of Rich d Atkinson of Roundhey, the same day George, y e son of Richard Thompson of y e Stanks, y 6 24 of Aprill Thomas, the son of W m Smith of Barwick, May 3^ 16 Debora, y> daughter of George Smith, July y e 11 th , Near Cross yates John, y e son of Henry Slaytor of Winmore, July y e 14 Grace, the daughter of Matthew Holmes of Roundhey, July the 17 th Matthew, the son of Gascoigne Burnett of Scoles, July the 25 th John, y e son of Thomas Hill of Barnbow, Aug. 4 th William, y e son of Rob 4 Dodgson of Kidall laine end, August the 22 Elisabeth, the daughter of Chr. Hill of the Stankes, Aug. the 28 Charles,Ty e son of Rob* Brame of Scoles, September the 1st John, the son of Humphrey Morris of Hurstmore, October the 6 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 181 Jeremiah, the son of Thomas Huett of Potterton, October the n Anne, the daughter of John Hunter of Winmore, October the 13 th Elisabeth, ye daughter of Thomas Burland of Barwick, October the 31 Mary, the daughter of Andrew Jackson of Scoles, November the 20 th Mary, the daughter of Tho. Knapton of Barwick, Dec. y e 10 John, the Bastard Child of Hellen Walton of Winmore, January the 3 d Thomas, the son of John Settle of Potterton, January the 19 William, the son of W m Hague of Barwick, Janu. the 27 Susannah, the daughter of Richard Settle of Potterton, ye same day Thomas, y e son of Tho. West of Roundhey, January the 30 Alice, the daughter of Thomas Cooper of Scoles, February the 2 Elisabeth, y e daughter of Gyles Hardwicke of Barwick, Gentleman, deceased, the same day Elisabeth, the daughter of Rich d Smith of Barwicke, Feb. the 21 Richard, the son of Timothy Smith of the same, Feb. the 26 th Baptizat, 1690. Elisabeth, y e daughter of Wirhn Watson of Hopperley, was baptized Aprill 3 Anne, daughter of James Wheatly near Penwell, April 6 Roger, the son of John Southard of Brownemore, Ap. 8 Samuel the Bastard child of Elinor Thompson of the Stankes, the same day John, the son of James Wilcocke at Allershawe laine end, Aprill the 13 Mary, the daughter of Jonath'n Eastwood at Bull laine head, Aprill the 21 George, the son of William Lister of Scoles, May the 4 Mary, y e daughter of Rich d Robinson of the same, the same day Thomas, y e son of W m Handley of y e same, May y e 30 Joseph, the son of Thomas Rishforth at y e High Ash, June the 12 George, the son of Joseph Hague of Barwicke, June the 29 Mary, y e daughter of W m Hopwood of y e same, y e same day Matthew, y e son of Matthew Isott of Barwick, July ye 16 Samuel, y e son of Robert Wansley of y 3 same, y 6 same day Mary, y e Bastard child of Mary Standley near Speighley, Aug. y e 10 th William, the son of Joshuah Stringer of Barwicke, Sept. the 3 Anne, y e daught r of Henry Dickinson at Bull lane end, Sept. 21 John, the son of John Atkinson of Barwick, December y e 10 Thomas, the son of Tho. Knapton of the same, Dec. y* 17 Martin, y e son of John Prince of Potterton, December 20 Lucy, 5^ daughter of Martha Crosland, a traveller, at Sheppen, Decemb r y e 27 Mary, y e daughter of M r John Brooke of Leeds, was baptized at Stank house, the 8 day of January Mary, y 6 daughter of Christo. Hill at y e Stankes, ye 14 of January Anthony, y e son of John Massie of Grimesdike, y* 19 of January Jane, y e daughter of John Smith, the 14 of January James, ye son of James Bullock of Barw., Jan. 19 Anne, y e daughter of Daniel Jermaine of y 6 same, January 26 Thomas, y* 5 son of Rob 1 Browne of Potterton, January ye 29 Rowland, y e son of Robert Watkinson of Barwicke, Feb. y 15 182 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. Mary, the daughter of Wittm Eamorson of Roundhey, Marche the 19 Robt ye son of Micael Eastbourn of Speighleys, March the 17 Easter, y e daughter of Aqual Blackborn of Scoles, Ap. y e 10, 1691 [Blank] y e son of Rich d Lumbe near Speighley nuke, May y e 9, 1691 Baptizat 1 69 1. William, the son of Henry Slaytor of Hirstmore, was baptized March y 29 Easter, the daughter of Robert Wilson of Roundhey, Aprill ye 12 Anne, the daughter of W m Haire of Morwicke, Aprill 13 Robert, the son of Robert Dodg[s]on of Kidalllaine end, deceased,Ap. 24 Thomas, y e son of W m Knapton of Barwicke, Aprill y e 26 William, the son of M r Samuel Dudson, Minister of Barwick, April y e 28 Mary, y e daughter of Rich d Thompson, Junio r , of y e Stanks, May the 6 Easter, y e daughter of Thomas Prince of Barwick, May y 10 th Mary, the daughter of Wittm Hemsworth of Potterton, y e same day Robert, the son of Rob 1 Thornes of Barwick, May the 12 Marke, y e son of Thomas Brunton of Sheppen, May y e 17 Mary, y e daughter of Ralph Collett of Barwicke, May ye 25 Anne, the daughter of William Dickinson of Winmore head, June ye 24 Mary, y e daughter of John Saynor of Barwicke, June y e 29 Edward, y e son of Tho m West of Roundhey, July the I st John, the son of Peter Slator of y e Stankes, August the 9 Thomas, y e son of Thomas Tate of Scoles, Aug. the 16 Anne, y e daughter of John Aumbler on Hurst Moor, September the 6 Samuel the son of Thomas Hewett of Potterton, Sept. 13 Michael, the son of Thomas Settle of Barwicke, Octo. 14 William, y e son of Phillip Westerland, a strainger in Scoles, Octob r y e 18 Mary, the daughter of Witt Collett of Barwick, Octob r 25 Anne, y e daughter of Thomas Cooper of Scoles, the 14 th of November George, y son of Rich d Smith of Barwick, November the 18 th Anne, the daughter of Robert Wansley of Barwick, December the 23 th Robert, y son of Rob 4 . Brown near Penwell, Jan. 23 Thomas, y e son of Daniel Jermain of Barwicke, January y e 28 th Mary, y e daughter of Humphrey Morrice of Hurst more, at Whitkirk, by a note from our minist r , Feb. y 13 Jane, y e daughter of Rich d Robinson of Barwicke, Feb. y e 12 Mathew, y e sonne of William Watson of Hopperley, February ye 18 Sara, ye daughter of Leonard Gaton of Bullane, Febr. y 21 [Blank] y e [blank] of Matthew Holmes of Roundhey, February y 25 Alice, the daughter of William Shutleworth of Scoles, Mar. the 15 Robert, the son of Rob* Brame of Scoles, March the 16 Hunt, the son of Daniel Hewett of Garthforth moorside, March the 13 Baptizat, 1692. William, the Bastard child of Elinor Munsey, widow, of Winmore head was bapt. June the 5 Mary, the daughter of Joshua Stringer of Barwicke, July y e 11 th Edward, the son of Richard Lumbe near Cross yates on hurst more, Aug. the 14 Moses, the son of John Settle of Potterton, Aug. 28 Richard, the son of Rob 4 Chambers of the same, Aug. 31 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 183 Matthew, the son of Matthew Issott of Barwick, Septemb 1 y 8 Marke, the son of James Bullocke of Barwicke, Sept. the 10 th Thomas, the son of John Potter of the same, Septemb 1 y> 14 William, the son of Samuel Tate, iu r , at Kidhall laine head, Septem- ber ye 16 Dorothy, the Bastard child of Annie Tinsdall of Barwicke, Sept. the 29 Anne, the daughter of Gascoigne Burnett of Scoles, October the 2 d day Samuel, the son of John Massie near Penwell, October the 6 [Blank] of John Sothard near Allershaw laine end, at Whitkirk, by licence, Nov. 27 Charles, the son of William Ellis, iunior, Esq r , of Kidal Hall, Novem- ber the 3 d James and John, the sons of James Wheatley nere Penwell on Hurst- moor, Novemb 1 y 21 Mary, y e daughter of Henry Briggs of Potterton, Novemb r ye 30 th Anne, the daughter of Andrew Jackeson of Scoles, Decemb r the 4 Anne, the daughter of Joseph Hague of Barwick, Dec. y 18 Hellen, the daughter of Wittm Sharphurst, at Speighleys, J anuary y 8 th Elizabeth, the daughter of Rob 1 Watkinson of Barwick, Feb. the 2 d Jane, the daughter of William Collett of Barwick, February the 23 th Mary, the daughter of John Hardisty of the same, March the 16 Mary, the daughter of W m Coapeland of Potterton, March the 17 th John, ye son of W m Hague of Barwick, Mar. 23 Baptizat, 1693. Anne, the daughter of Rich d Atkinson of Roundhey Park, was baptized March 29 th Thomas, the son of Tho. Settle of Barwicke, April 18 John, y e son of John Prince of Potterton, the same day John, the son of Daniel Jermaine of Barwick, the same day John, the son of W m Wright of Barwick, May the 3 d Isable, the daughter of Richard Robinson of y e same, May the 5 Mary, the daughter of John Barker of the same, May 10 th John, the son of Ralph Collett of the same, May y 17 th Ruth, the daughter of William Hallyday near Bull laine, y e same day Elizabeth, the daughter of John Ingle of Barwick, May the 24 th Elizabeth, the daughter of Jeremiah Ball of Barwicke, June the 9 th Edward, the son of Thomas Knapton of Barwicke, June the 25 th Grace, the daughter of Wittm Hemsworth of Potterton, July the 30 th Rachel, the daughter of Robert Thornes of Barwick, August the 28 th George, the son of M r Robert Walker of Barwick, September the 21 th Sarah, the daughter of Thomas Hill of Barnbow, Septemb r the 24 th Elizabeth, the daughter of Rich. Robinson of Scoles, December the I st Elizabeth, the daughter of W m Dickinson on Winmore head, Decemb r the 14th William, the son of William Ellis, j unior, Esq r , of Kidall, February the 2 d Paid to a Brieffe, 10 s The 28 th day of Aug 4 ', 1694 Receiued then of y* minister and Churchwardens of y e Parish of Barwick in Elmett in y* county of Yorke, t he sum of Ten shillings, being collected on their See Church Briefs by W. A. Bewes, London, 1896. 184 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. Majesties Letters Patents for y Relief of the Poor Protestants w** came forth of Franch, bearing Date the 31 th of March, 1694. I say Receiued by me. Tho. Holmes. , Baptizat, 1694. Richard, the son of Henry Slator on Hurst more, was baptiz. March the 25 th William, the son of Thom s West of Roundhey, Aprill the 11 th Deborey, the daughter of William Middlebrooke of the Stanks, Aprill the 19 th Sarah, the daughter of Matt* Watkinson of Garforth more side, Aprill the 22 th Michael, the son of John Atkinson of Barwick, Aprill the 23 th Elizabeth, y e daughter of Timo. Smith of y e same, June y* 9 th Mary, y daughter of John Potter of y e same, June ye 10 th Thomas, y* son of Tho. Brunton of Sheppen, June ye 17 th Samuel, the son of Samuel Tate of Kidal laine head, the 29 th day of June Hannah, y e daughter of Matthew Holmes of Roundhey Parke, July the 4 th Elizabeth, y e daughter of Rich d Smith of Barwick, July y* 18 Francis, the son of Richard Settle of Potterton laine, August the 6 th Edward, the son of James Bullock of Barwick, Sept. 2 d Jeremiah, the son of John Lumb of the Stanks, Sept. y* 19 th Daniel, the son of Thomas Walker of Roundhey, October the 4 th Elizabeth, the daughter of Matt w Issott of Barwick, Octob. y e 10 th Samuell, the son of Samuel Thornton of Grimes dike, the same day Sarah, the daughter of William Knapton of Barwick, October ye 30 th Richard, the son of William Vevors of Scoles, November the 2 Joseph, the sonn of John Massie near Penwell, Novemb. y e 11 Moses, the sonn of Rob* Bram of Barnbow carr, Nov. y e 18 Sarah, the daughter of John Jackeson of Brown more, December 8 th Sarah, the daughter of Rob* Thornes of Barwick, Decemb. 16 th Isable, the daughter of John Saynor of the same, Dec. y 6 20 th Martha, y e daughter of Andrew Jackson of Scoles, Dec. y 6 30 th Margaret, y^ daughter of Jos. Stringer of Barwicke, January 2 d [Blank] of Robert Wilson of Roundhey, Janu. the 9 th Anne, y e daughter of William Admergill of Potterton laine head, January the 11 th Thomas, the son of Richard Ellis of Stocking, January y e 12 th W m , the son of Robert Brown of Potterton, February the 13 th Richard, the son of William Wright of Scoles, February y* 5 15 th ' Mary, y e daughter of Joseph Hague of Barwicke, Feb. y* 21 th Jane, the daughter of William Wood of Scoles, Feb. the 28 th Elizabeth, the daughter of Wittm Morrett near Cross Yates, was bapt. at Whitkirk, by licence, March the 10 th William, the son of John Gilson of Lazingcroft, March the 14 th David, the son of W m Ayre, at the West end of Kidal laine, March y e 15 Richard, the son of Rich d Thompson of y e Stanks, March y* 5 20 th Edwa d, y e son of Anthony Lodge of Roundhey, July 17 th Baptizat, 1695. James, the son of James Wilcocke, at Allershaw laine end, was bapt. Aprill the 14 th BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 185 Elizabeth and Jane, the children of Robert Wansley of Barwicke, April 27 th Susannah, y e daughter of Humphrey Morris of Hurstmore, May y e 26 th William, the son of William Vevers of Morwicke, May the 27 th William, the son of Henry Dickinson near Bull laine head, May the 28 th John, y* son of Phillip Westmerland of Scoles, June 14 th John, y e son of John Atkinson of Osmondthicke, July the I st William, the son of William Collett of Barwicke, July y* 3 th William, y 8 son of W m Butler of Speighley nuke, July y* 10 th Thomas, y e son of Richard Robinson of Barwicke, y* same day Alice, ye daughter of Thomas Tate of Scoles, July the 14 th Robert, the son of Rob 1 Cooper of the same, July the 28 th Elizabeth, the daughter of W m Norton of Barwick, Aug. y* 5 th Matthew, the son of Ralph Collett of ye same, August the 20 th Isabella, the daughter of W m Hague of the same, Aug. y> 21 th Joseph, the son of William Eamorson of Roundhay Park, Aug. ye 22 th Anne, ye daughter of Rob 4 Brown near Penwell, September ye I st Robert, y* son of Matthew Hill, a stranger on Garforth Moor side, ye same day Mary, y e daughter of Sam. Tate, iu, at Kidall laine head, Sept. the 17 th Margaret, the daughter of W m Roebucke atCross yates, September ye 25 Margarett, the daughter of Jeremiah Ball of Barwick, October $ 2 d W m , the son of W m Watson of Roundhey, was bap* about Isabell, the daughter of Robert Chambers of Potterton, November y 6 6 th Jane, the daughter of Richard Lumb on Hirstmore, Decemb. y I st Richard, the son of Thomas Knapton of Barwicke, Decemb r y e 22 th Abraham, the son of Abra. Sheppen of Barnbow, Janua. 2 d John, the son of Rofi Watkinson of Barwicke, January the 5 th John, ye son of W m Midlebrook of the Stanks, Jan. the 6 th Anne, the daughter of John Studdard near cross yates, Janua. the 12 th William, the son of Joshua Lister of Rounday, January the 26 th Samuel, y e son of Thomas West of Roundhey, January the 30 th W m , the son of John Lister of Rounday, Janu. 26 Jane, y e daughter of John Jackson of Broon more, Janu the 29 th Josephus Filius Henrici Slater de Hirstmore, Febr. 23 tio John, Filius Joannis Ambler de Winmore, Febr. 23** Sara, soboles Rich Atkinson de Roundhey, sacris intincta aquis erat decimo octavo die Martij 3 Baptizat, 1696. Jonathan, filius Willi mi Hemsworth de Potterton, bapt. April io, no Willielmus, filius Alexandri Thompson de Scholes, April vicesimo nono Thomas, filius Tho. Hill de Barmbow, Maij 3 tio Will of William Collet of Leeds, schoolmaster. Unto my son, Thomas C. of Berwick in Elmit, Butcher, 5. Unto my son, Richard C. of Nottingham, Framework Knitter, 5. Unto my daughter Sarah, the wife of Thomas Hebden of Leeds, butcher, 5. Unto my daughter, Elizabeth Pitt, widow, 8 : all which legacies are to be paid out of money in the hands of Thomas Micklethwait of Leeds, Esq., and money owing to me by Henry Marsh of St. Clements, London, cooper. Unto my son, Benjamin C. of the excise office in London, 5. Unto my daughter, Margaret C, servant to Sr. Basil Dixwell, 5. Unto my son, Arthur C. of Leeds, 4. and unto my said sons, Thomas C. and Richard C, 3 each further. Debt owing by Holyday, to children equally. Unto my daughter Elisabeth Pitt, my bed and all the rest of my household goods. Residue to my said daughters, Sarah Hebden and Elizabeth Pitt. They exors. Dated 7 May, 1743. Witns., Wm. Turner, Thos. Longley, John Lucas. Proved 17 June, 1749. William Collet oi Barwick and Margaret Berry of Featherstone Moor were married at Featherstone 7 Feb., 1696-7 186 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. Maria, filia Thorn' Hacksop pochie de Aberford, Maij Decimo sept, die Alicia, filia Thomae Settle de Barwick, Junij iy mo Martinus, filius Christo. Whitehead de Winmore, Junij 14* Thomas nlius Johan. Pearson de Kiddal lane, Junij 24* Josephus, nlius Gulielmi Wood de Scholes, Julij 5 to Samuel, filius Gulielmi Crossland, pochie de Thorner, July io, no Thomas, nlius Johan Smith de Barwick, Augusti 2 do Hestera, filia Roberti Thornes de Barwick, Augusti 4 t0 Dina, filia Rich. Settle de Barwick, eadem die Gulielmus filius Guliel Dickinson de Winmoor-head, 5 t0 Maria, filia Dni Gulielmi Ellis, iunioris, de Kiddal, August 6 to Johannes, filius Johan' Lumb de Stanks, Augusti io, no Maria, filia Tho. Walker de Roundhay, Augusti 20 mo Richardus, spuria proles Marthae Burrel et Jonathani Horner (ut aiunt) genitoris, Aug. 23 tio Gulielmus, filius Guri Vevers de Scholes, Septembris i3 tio Robertus, filius Tim' Smith de Barwick, Octobris 2 do Gracia, filia Guliel Air de Winmoor, Octobris i6 t0 Sara, filia Gulielmi Vevers de Morwicke, Octobris 20 Robertus, filius Josuae Stringer de Barwick, 8bris 22 do Hanna, filia Richardi Ellis de Barwick, Septembris 26 to Gulielmus, filius Johan' Atkinson de Kiddal lane, Octobris 2 do Gulielmus, filius Johan' Ingle de Barwick, Octobris 25 t0 Anna, filia Josephi Hague de Barwick, Novembris I5 t0 Jana, filia Johan' Prince de Potterton, 'Novembris 22 do Gulielmus, filius Danielis Germain de Barwick, Novembris 25* Johannes, filius Johanis Massie de Winmoor, Novembris 29 Elizabetha filia Zacfc Thorpe de Shippen, Decembris 2 do Thomas, filius Gasco Burnet de Scholes, Decembris i3 tio Anna, filia Samuelis Dodgson de Roundhey, Decembris 20, no Isabella, filia Micfc, Eastburn de Winmoor, Januarij 3 tio Johannes, filius Richdi Thompson de Stanks, Februarij i2 mo Edvardus, filius Gulielmi Robinson, jun rs , de Garthforth moor, Februarij 15* Maria, filia Richdi Robinson de Barwick, Februarij 2i mo Johannes, filius Johan Gilson de Lazingcroft, Februarij i6 t0 Gulielmus, filius Samuelis Thornton de Grimsdike, Februarij 26 to Samuel, filius Thomae Knapton de Barwick, Februarij 28 v0 Sara, filia Gulielmi Butler de Winmoor, Martii 5 t0 Maria, filia Guti Admergil de Potterton-lane, Martij 2i mo Baptizat, 1697. Susanna, filia Gulielmi Wright de Scoles, baptizata Martij 25* Thomas, filius Thomae Cooper de Scoles, Aprilis 4 t0 Samuel, filius Philippi Westerland de Scoles, Aprilis n m0 Debora, filia Matthei Watkinson de Garforth-moor, Maij 25 to Elizabetha, filia Nicholai Ball de Barwick, Junij 6 to Christopherus, filius Abrahami Shippen de Barmbow, Junij 20 mo Thomas, filius Thorn' Hardisty de Potterton, Julij 25 t0 Jacobus, filius Gulielmi Norton de Barwick, Julij 26 t0 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 187 Josephus, filius Richardi Settle de Barwick, Julij 27 mo Thomas, filius Andreae Jackson de Scoles, Septembris 5 to Johannes, filius Johan Appleyard de Scoles, Octobris 24* Alicia, spuria soboles Sara? Brownley et Georgij Stannyford, Novem. J ana, filia Petri Slay tor de Winmoor, No. j mo Elizabetha, filia Johannis Saynor de Barwick, Novembris 2i mo Christopherus, filius Gulielmi Patteson de Barwick, Novem is 2$ to Johannes, filius Thomae Brunton de Shippen, Decembris io mo Elizabetha, filia Henrici Slay tor de Winmoor, Decembris 19 Sara, filia Gulielmi Collet de Barwick, Decembris 23 tio die Johannes, filius Johannis Collinwood, Januarij 25' Johannes, filius Johan' Jackson de Brown-moor, Februarij y mo Johannes, filius Richardi Smith de Barwick, Martij 6 to Henricus, filius Humphridi Morisby de Winmoor, Martij 20 mo Georgius, fil' Jacob' Wilcock de Winmoor, Martij 23 tio Baptizat, 1698. Joannes, filius Joannis Pearson de Potterton Lane, bap. Aprilis i4 to Elizabetha, filia Gulielmi Collet de Barwick, Aprilis i8 v0 Joannes, filius Henrici Turner de Barmbow, Maij 6 t0 Anna, filia Thomae West de Roundhey, Maij i4 to Maria, filia Richardi Hollings de Garforth, Junij 5 t0 Maria, filia Willielmi Vevers de Morwick, Julij io mo Thomas, filius Chris ri Whithead de Winmoor, Julij 20 mo Henricus, filius Nathanis Wright de Winmoor, Julij 20 mo Maria, Filia Stephani Hemsworth de Roundhey, Septemb' 22 do Johannes, Filius Gul. Dickenson de Winmoor, Junij i m0 Richardus, Filius Richardi Atkinson de Roundhey, Oct'bris 6 to Elizabetha, Filia Johannis Lofthous de Potterton, Nov'bris 2j mo Maria, Filia Gulielmi Watson De Roundhey, Nov bris 28 Thomas, Filius Johan nis Lumb De Stanks, Dec bris i6 t0 Thomas, Filius Samuelis Dodgeson De Roundhay, Januarij i mo Sara, Filia Georgij Wilcock de Winmoor, Jan'i 22 do Samuel, Filius Thomae Hill De Barmbow, Jan'i 29 110 Johannes, Filius Johnis Southward De Brown moor, Feb. 5 to Helena, Filia Gulielmi Eamerson De Roundhey., Feb'J 20 mo Johannes, Filius Johannis Atkinson De Kiddal Lane, Martij i mo Maria, Filia Johannis Atkinson De Kiddall lane, Martij i mo Meurcia, Filia Gulielmi Hague De Barwick, Martij 8vo Gulielmus, Filius Gulielmi Vevers De Potterton, Martij ig no Baptizat, 1699. Christopherus, Filius Thomae Knapton De Barwick, Bapt. Martij 2y mo Sara, Filia Jeremie Ball De Barwick, Aprilis io mo Elizabetha, Filia Johannis Jackson De Garthforth moor, Aprilis io mo Maria, Filia Gulielmi Norton De Barwick, Aprilis i6 to Alicia, Filia Jos. Stringar de Barwick, Maij 14' Guliel., Filius Guliel. Hargrave de Roundhay, Maij 4 to Elizabetha, Filia Josephi Hague De Barwick, Maij 14* Georgius, filius Zachariae Alsop De Shippen, Maij 14* Maria, Filia Richardi Lumb De Winmore, Maij 2i mo 188 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. Sara, filia Gulielmi Lister De Scholes, June 25 t0 Franciscus, Filius Gulielmi Air De Winmoor, July 9 no Timotheus, filius Timothei Smith De Barwick, July 19 110 Josephus, Filius Thomae Settle De Barwick, July 19 110 [? Maria] spuria soboles viduae England De Winmore et patris ignoti, July 30 Anna, Filia Thome Braim De Roundhay, Augusti 30 mo J ana, Filia Richardi Ellis de Barwick, Sept bris g a0 Sara, Filia Guliel' Tate de Scholes, Sep tbris 25* Margareta, Filia Gulielmi Collet De Barwick, Nov bris 8 V0 Edwardus, Filius Zacharie Thorp De Shippen, Nov bris g ao Sara, Filia Johannis Gilson De Lazingcroft, Nov bris i2 mo Thomas, Filius Richardi Stead De Kiddall lane head, Dec bris 2 do Richardus, Filius Roberti Chambers De Potterton, Dec bris 5 to Anna, Filia Nathanis Wright De Winmoor, Dec bris 8 Elizabetha, Filia Petri Slaytor De Winmoor, Dec bris iy mo Lydia, Filia Tho. Cooper de Scholes, Jan'i y mo Johannes, Filius Jacobi Walker De Roundhay, Jan'i 22 do Helena, Filia Matthei Watkinson De Garthforth moor, Feb'i n mo Gulielmus, Filius Gulielmi Morrit de Winmoor, Feb r 'i i8 v0 Gulielmus, Filius Andree Jackson de Scholes, Feb'i i8 vo Elizabetha, Filia Joh n 'i Ambler de Winmoor J ana, Filia Richardi Robinson De Barwick, Martij 4 to Anna, Filia Gulielmi Hemsworth De Potterton, Martij io mo Georgius, Filius Johannis Pearson De Kidhall lane, Martij io mo Guliel., Filius Gulielmi Robinson Jun ris De Garthforth moor, Feb. 24' Richardus, Filius Gulielmi Robinson de Garthforth moor, Feb. 24* Maria, filia Henrici Slaytor De Winmoor, Martij 24* Baptizat, 1700. Gulielmus, Filius Johannis Lofthouse De Potterton, Bapt. Apr. 3 tio Sara, Filia Abrahami Shippen De Barmbow, Apr. y mo Sara, Filia Gulielmi Patteson De Barwick, Apr. 14* Richardus, Filius Thome Potter De Potterton, Apr. 2i mo Anna, Filia Richardi Walton De Garthforth moore, Apr. 2i mo Gabriel, Filius Gulielmi Taylor, Jun ris , De Barmbow Carr, Maij i mo Marcus, Filius Samuelis Thornton De Grimesdyke, Maij I5 t0 Elizabetha, Filia Matthei Eamerson De Scholes, Maij 2i mo Richardus, Filius Gulielmi Vevers De Potterton, Maij 25 1110 Franciscus, Filius Gulielmi Vevers De Morwick, Junij io mo Richardus, Filius Joshuse Lister De Roundhay, Junij i2 mo Anna, Filia Johannis Butcher De Scholes, Junij 29 110 Gulielmus, Filius Johannis Massie De Winmoor, Junij 30 1110 David, Filius Danielis Hewit De Winmoor, Junij 30 Johannes, Filius Gulielmi Coapland De Potterton, Aug 4 ' i mo Franciscus, Filius Thome Brunton De Shippen, Aug 11 25* Maria, Filia Thome Brunton De Shippen, Aug 1 ' 25 to Margareta, Filia Gulielmi Collet De Barwick, Aug 1 ' 28 Sara, Filia Joh nis Potter De Barwick, Sept bris 8 V0 Sara, Filia Gulielmi Admergill De Potterton, Sept bris 8 vo Anna, Filia Henrici Turner De Barmbow, Oct bris 6 t0 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 189 Isabella, Filia Xtopheri Whitehead De Winmoor, Nov bris 3 tio Maria, Filia Gulielmi Air De Winmoor, Dec bris I2 mt> Nathan, Filius Nathanis Wright De Winmoor, Feb. 5 to Maria, Filia Richardi Vevers De Potterton, Feb'J 20 mo Sara, Filia Stephani Hemsworth De Roundhay, Feb'i 27 mo Baptizat, 1701. Lydia et J ana Gemellse Filie Gulielmi Wood de Scholes, Bapt. Martij 30 mo Maria, Filia Zacharie Thorp De Shippen, Apr lis io mo Margareta, Filia Nicholai Ball De Winmoor, Ap lis 28 vo Charitas, Filia Humphridi Morrisby De Winmoor, Maij i8 vo Hanna, Filia Samuelis Nuby De Barwick, Junij 9 no Thomas, Filius Gulielmi Vevers De Scholes, Jul'i 2 do Johannes, Filius Johannis Appleyard De Scholes, Julij 23 tio Anna, Filia Joshue Stringar De Barwick, Julij 3i mo Thomas, Filius Danielis Germain De Barwick, Julij 20 m0 Robertus, Filius Johannis Pearson De Kiddall Lane head, Sep bris 3 tio Samuel, Filius Georgij Haste, Jun' De Barwick, Sept bris io mo Rogerus, Filius Gulielmi Norton De Barwick, Sept bris i4 to Katherina, Filia Josephi Hague De Barwick, Sept bris 17 1110 Gulielmus, Filius Gul. Bullock de Scholes, Sept bris 20 mo Maria, Filia Thome Hill De Barmbow, 8 bris 26 t0 Johannes, Filius Thome Settle De Barwick, Nov bris 5 t0 Gulielmus, Filius Thome Knapton De Barwick, Nov bris 20 m0 Anna, Filia Roberti Chambers De Potterton, Nov bris 23 tio Elizabetha, spuria soboles incestuosi copulatus Francisci Lee de Garforth moor et Privigne ejus Eliz. Maw, Dec bris 14* Alicia, Filia Richardi Ellis de Barwick, Dec bris 2i mo Anna, Filia Gulielmi Walton De Barwick, Dec bris 27 1110 Michael, Filius Michaelis Eastburn De Winmoor, Jan'J n mo Johannes, Filius Richardi Stead De Kiddal lane head, J ami i8 vo Johannes et Anna, Gemella Proles Gul. Shenton De Barwick, Jami 29 110 Josephus, Filius Tho. Braim De Roundhay, Jan'i i mo Anna, Filia Marci Brunton de Brownmoor, nat: Jan. i8 V0 Sara, Filia Joh nis Sowthward de Brownmoor, Martij i mo Jacobus, Filius Jacobi Walker de Roundhay, Martij i2 mo Gulielmus, Filius Jos. Lister de Roundhay, Martij i2 mo Georgius, Filius Tim. Smith De Barwick, Martij I2 m0 Maria, Filia Thome Potter de Potterton, Martij 15* Dorothea, Filia Nathanis Wright de Winmoor, Martij i8 V0 Baptizat, 1702. Maria, Filia Johannis Lumb de Winmoor, Bapt. Aprilis 6 to Maria, Filia Joh nis Massie, Jun., de Winmoor, Aprilis i2 mo Sara, Filia Thomae Lightfoot de Brownmoor, Maij 3 to Elizabetha, Filia Humphridi Morisby de Winmoor, Maij io mo Thomas, Filius Gulielmi Hargrave de Roundhay, Maij Johannes, Filius Gulielmi Watson De Roundhay, Junij 24 t0 Maria, Filia Gulielmi Patteson de Kiddall Lane, Julij 5 to Johannes, Filius Johannis Sharphouse de Winmoor, Julij 6 t0 190 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. Johannes, Filius Gulielmi Taite de Scholes, Julij 15* Maria, Filia Gulielmi Dickenson de Winmoor, Julij i6 t0 Gulielmus, Filius Gulielmi Air de Winmoor, Augusti 13*' Gulielmus, Filius Danielis Hewit de Winmoor, Aug 54 ' 9 no Johannes, Filius Jofcnis Johnson de Scholes, Sept bris 6 to Richardus, Filius Richardi Walton de Brownmoor, Sept bris 6 to Richardus, Filius Richardi Smith de Barwick, Octo bris g n0 Johannes, Filius Matthaei Watkinson de Garthforth moor, Nov bris 15* Thomas, Filius Gulielmi Harper de Winmoor, Nov bris 22 do Henricus, Filius Abrahami Shippen De Barmbow, Nov br!s 29 110 Anna, Filia Petri Slater de Winmoor, Dec bris 6 to Isabella, spuria soboles Eliz. Sympson de Winmoor et Gul. Herd, J) ec bris 5to Johannes, Filius Johannes Lister de Roundhay, Jan'i. n mo Johannes, Filius Gulielmi Collet de Barwick, Jan'i 13^ Helena; Filia Josephi Hague De Barwick, Jan'i 14^0 Thomas, Filius Richardi Vevers De Potterton, Martij 3 ti0 Maria, filia Xtopheri Whitehead De Winmoor, Martij 7 mo Gulielmus Filius Johannis Appleyard De Scholes, Martij io mo Elizabetha spuria soboles Gulielmi Hopwood et Sarse Richardson De Barwick, Martij io mo Gulielmus, Filius Joh nis Ambler De Winmoor, Martij 2i mo Baptizat, 1703 Thomas et Anna, Proles Gemella Richardi [Johannis erased] Tarbotson de Barwick, Bapt. Ap. 6 t0 Robertus, Filius Jeremie Ball De Barwick, Maij icp Johannes, Filius Matthias Eamerson De Scholes, Maij 30 Elizabetha, Filia Gulielmi Wilson De Winmoor, Junij o, no Maria, Filia Gulielmi Burland De Barwick, Aug 1 ' 4 t0 Johannes, Filius Gulielmi Beedall De Scholes, Augusti y mo Anna, Filia Gulielmi Vevers De Scholes, Aug 81 ' y mo Anna, Filia Johannis Orton De Barwick, Aug 511 26* Petrus, Filius Richardi Thompson De Winmoor, Aug sti 26 t0 Sara, Filia Richardi Thomson De Winmoor, Aug 54 ' 26 to Sara, Filia Thome Mawd De Winmoor, Sept bris i2 mo Carolus, Filius Joannis Howlcroft de Barwick, nat. Augusti y mo Michael, Filius Gulielmi Norton de Barwick, Oct bris io mo Thomas, Filius Thome Potter de Potterton, Oct bris iy mo Joh nes , Filius Joshuae Lister de Roundhay, Maij 5 t0 Maria, Filia Sam. Dodgeson de Roundhay, Nov bris i8 vo Henricus, Filius Hen. Turner de Barmbow, No. 2i mo Johannes, Filius [? Gul.] Hemsworth de Potterton, Dec. 5 to I, George Plaxton, Clerk, do declare my unfeigned Assent and Consent to all and every Thing conteined and p' scribed in and by the Book, Intituled y e Book of Common Prayer and Adminis- tracon of the Sacraments and other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church, according to the use of the Church of England, together with the Psalter, or Psalms of David, pointed as they are to be said or sung in Churches, and the form and mann 1 of makeing, ordaining and consecrateing of Bps., Priests and Deacons. BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 191 Memorandum upon Sunday, the Six and Twentieth day of September, in the yeare of our Lord 1703, George Plaxton, Clerk, Rector, or Parson of Berwick in Elmett, in the County, Diocesse and Province of York, did read y e Common prayers in y* Parish Church of Berwick afores d both in the Forenoon and Afternoon, that is to say, the Morning and Evening service of and for the same Day, according to y** Form and Order p'scribed and directed by the Book, Intit. the Book of Common prayer and Administracon of the Sacram ts and other Rites and Ceremonyes of the Church according to y e use of the Church of England together w th the Psalter or Psalms of David, poynted as they are to be sung or said in Churches, and the Form and Mann r of makeing, ordaining and consecrating of Bp s , Priests and Deacons, and Immediately after his said Reading of y 6 same, made a declaracon of his unfeigned Assent and Consent to all the Matters and Things therein conteined according to y e form and in the words aboue written. Memorandum, that ye s d George Plaxton, Clerk, Rector or Parson of Berwick in Elmett, did upon the same day and yeare read the Nine and Thirty Articles of Religion [agreed upon by the Arch Bp s and Bishops of Both Provinces and the whole Clergy, in Convocation holden at London in y e yeare 1562, for the avoiding of Diversityes of Opinions, and for the Establishing of Consent, touching true Religion] in the Parish Church of Berwick in Elmett, aforesaid, dureing the time of Divine Service, and after his said Reading thereof did declare his unfeigned Assent and Consent to all Things therein conteined, in p'sence of us, who attest the same here under our hands, this 26 day of September, Anno Dom. 1703. Jn Hemsworth John Gibson Will. Vevers Tho. Brooke W m Plaxton Isabella, Filia Thome Settle De Barwick, Bapt: Dec bris 20 mo Maria, Filia Johannis Johnson De Scholes, Dec bris 26 to Stephanus, Filius Gulielmi Vevers De Morwick, Dec bris 26 to Georgius, Filius Thome Brunton De Shippen, Dec bris 27 mo Maria, Filia Thome Brunton de Shippen, Dec bris 27 mo Johannes, Filius Jeremie Bolton De Barwick, Jan'i 23 tio Henricus, Filius Nathanis Wright De Winmoor, Jan'i 30 Thomas, Filius Jacobi Walker De Roundhay, Feb** 9 ao Josephus, Filius Francisci Bateson De Plompton. in Par: de Spofforth Feb'i 13 Mercia, Filia Richardi Stead De Kiddall Lane head, Feb'i io Gulielmus, Filius Richardi Lumb De Winmoor, Feb'i 27 Franc: Filia Thome Hill de Barmbow, Feb'i 27 mo Sara, Filia Samuelis Thornton De Grimesdyke, Martij i mo Margareta, Filia Georgij Hast, ju nis , De Barwick, Martij iy mo Johannes, Filius Richardi Tarbotson De Barwick, Martij 20 mo Baptizat, 1704. J ana, Filia Roberti Chambers De Potterton, Bapt. Apr 1 '* 2 do Susanna, Filia Gulielmi Air De Winmoor, Ap lis 5 to 192 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. Hanna, Filia Thome Sykes De Garthforth moor, Maij y mo Johannes, Filius Roberti Fenton De Potterton, Maij 9 no Johannes, Filius Johannis Burnley de Winmoor, Junij y mo Thomas, Filius Thomae Brown De Roundhay, Junij 24 Maria, Filia Roberti Spencer De Barmbow, Junij 25 to Hanna, Filia Josephi Hague de Barwick, Julij 6 to Maria, Filia Francisci Rounthwait de Barwick, Julij i3 tio Robertus, Filius Henrici Franck de Kirk Fenton, Julij 23" Rachel, Filia Johannis Jackson de Brownmoor, Octo bris i mo Gulielmus, Filius Anthonij Saxton de Barwick, nat. Sept bris n mo [? Maria] Filia Johannis Appleyard de Scholes, Dec bris 20 mo Maria, Filia Matthise Eamerson de Scholes, Dec bris 30 mo Maria, Filia Gulielmi Beedall de Scholes, Janij 2i mo Margareta, Filia Danielis Hewit de Winmoor, Feb l i 4 to Gulielmus, Filius Gulielmi Wilson de Winmoor, Febr'i i2 mo Maria, Filia Johannis Sharphouse de Winmoor, Febr'i i2 mo Thomas, Filius Thomae Robinson de Garthforth moor, Feb'i iy mo Baptizat, 1705. Jacobus, Filius Richardi Walton de Garthforth moor, bapt. Ap lis i mo Edwardus, Filius Zacharie Thorp de Shippen, Ap lis i mo J ohannes, Filius Samuelis [? Nuby] de Barwick, Apr lis 5 to Elizabetha, Filia Gulielmi Collet de Barwick, Ap lis 14* Esther, Filia Johannis Orton de Barwick, Apr lis 22 do Richardus, Filius Richardi Vevers de Potterton, Apr lis 25 to Maria, Filia Thome Sykes de Shippen, Maij i3 tio Alicia, Filia Stephani Hemsworth de Roundhay, Maij 20 mo Thomas, Filius Thome Lightfoot de Brownmoor, Maij 20 mo William, the son [of] W m Shenton and Mary, June 9 th Thomas, the son of Humph. Morrice and Mary, June the 24 th , 2 s Wyld, the son of W m Norton and Mary his wife, August the 12 th , 2 s W m , the son of William Taylor of Barmbow Car, Aug. 25, 2 s Elizabeth, the daughter of Henry Turner and Eliz. his wife, Aug. 26, from Barmbow, 2 s , pauper Georg, the son of George Willcox of Garfourth Moor side, Sep 1 2 , 2 s Alice, y e daughter of George Hast, jun., and Marg* his wife, Sept r 16 Susanna, the daur. of John Johnson of Morwick, September y e 19 th Anne, the daughter of Richard Tarbot son and Eliz. his wife, Sept. the 23 Thomas, the son of Christo. Whitehead of Winmore, October 21, p. Beatrix, daur of Peter Slaytor, November the 4 th , pauper Robert, the son of Jos. Hague, Novemb. 14 th Mary, the daur of John Southard, No. 20 Alice, daur of John Atkinson of Roundhay or Barmbow, Nov. 21 John, the son of Thomas Owthwait, Decemb. 9 th Jennet, y* daur of W m and Mary Boardly, Jan. 30 Robert, y son of John Appleyard of Scholes, Feb. 3 Joshua, y e son of Josuah Lister of Roundhay, Feb. 27 Mary, the daur of W m Tait of Scholes, March 3 W m , the son of Thomas Settle of Berwick, March 13 Nathan, ye son of Nathan Wright, Nov. 13 Samuel, y e son of Samuell Dodgson of Roundhay, March 24 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 193 Memorand there was a child born to Anthony Saxton, a papist, but where baptized I cannot tell, for no Notice of it hath been given to me. Francis, the son of Francis Roundthwait, March the 6 th Baptizati, 1706. Elizabeth, y* 5 daughter of W m Burland and Eliz. his wife, was bapt. Aprill the 30 th , 1706, 2 s John, the son of Rich Vevers and Mary his wife, May i, being Holy Thursday, 2 s Mary, the daughter of Godfrey Stonehouse and Ellen his wife, May 23, 2 s Roundhay Elizabeth, the daughter of W m Vevers of Morwick and Mary his wife, May y e 20 th [Blank] the daughter of Lancelot Ambler and Grace his supposed wife, June the 2 d Joseph, the son of Jeremiah Bolton and Mary his wife, July 7 th Mary, the daur of Rich. Stead of Potterton, 14 Aprill Jane, the daur of Tho. Mawd, May the 19 Christopher, son of W m Renton and Mary his wife, July 14 th Eliz. the bastard daughter of one El. Clough, 4 Aug. Joseph, the son of Daniell Jerman and Anne his wife, Sept. i John, the son of John Daniel and Mary, Sept. 24 Anby, the son of Edw d Thomas and Eliz. his wife, 28 Sept r William, the son of Wittm Hemsworth of Potterton, Sept r 29 Thomas, son of John Dawson, Jun r , Octob. 6 th Hannah, the daughter of Math. Watkinson and Margret, Octob. 6 th Thomas, son of James Walker of Roundhey, 13 Octofc Anne, y e daughter of Stephen Hemsworth of Roundhey, was born October the 5 th and bap* Nov. 3 d Anne, the Bastard dau of Francis Lee and Alice Maw, his daughter in Law, Dec. 15 th W m , the son of Tho. Braym, Decemb. 6 Andrew, the son of Robert Fenton, Dec. 27 W m , the son of James Bolton on Windmore, 29 Dec r Mary, the daur. of W m Sheynton, Jan. 26 Mary, the daur. of Thomas Scott, Feb. 13 Robert, y e son of John Jackson, Feb. 18 Margrett and Mary, the Twins of Matthias Hewit, 22 Feb. Sarah, daughter of Richard Vevers, March 5 th Margret, daur. of John Lister of Roundhay, March 9 th W m , the sonne of Tho. Braime of Roundhay, bapt. Decemb. 5 Rachell, ye daughter of W m Watson of Roundhay, March the 6 th 1707 [Baptisms]. W m , son of George Wilcock, March 28 John, son of Daniel Hewit, the same day Elizabeth, daur of John Orton, Ap 1 13 Mary, daur of W m Wilson. 14 of April W m , the son of William Beedall of Scoles, Aprill 20 Richard, the son of John Johnson of Morwick, June the 2 d Richard, the son of Andrew Jackson of Scholes, June 22 194 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. Thomas, son of Joseph Haigh, June 23 Joseph, son of John Appleyard of Scoles, June 27 W m Ayres, a Bastard as we suppose, July 18 th Peter, son of William Emmetson of Roundhay, July 31 Ellen, daughter of Zach. Thorp, Aug. 9 th Thomas, ye son of Wittm and Mary Collet, Aug. 22 th Mathew, son of John Upton, Sep*. 7 th Thomas, son of Thomas Owthwait of Scoles, 28 Sept. William, son of Samuel Thornton, October the 20 th Anne, the daughter of y e s d Samuel Thornton, October 21 Anne, y e daughter of William and Mary Bordley, Dec. 31 John, the Bastard Child of one Anne Robinson of the parish of Ryther, Jan. 25 th W m , the son of John Sharphouse, January the 18 th Anne, daur of W m Dibb of Scoles, 15 Feb. Anne, daur of Francis Roundthwait of Barwick, March 3 d W m , the son of W m Walton of Barwick, March the 12 Anne, daur of Christoph. Whitehead of Winmoor, March 7 th Eliz., daur of John Dawson of Brown moor, Ap 1 18 th , 1708. Bapt., 1708. Eliz., daur of Rich. Tarbotton and Eliz. was bapt. June y e 15 th Samuell, son of Tho. Settle, Ap r 25 W m , son of Tho. Scott, May 24 Anne, daur of John Varo, May 30 , Abraham Abbot, June 23 Anne Elston, May the 28 th x John, son of John Atkinson, July 30 th Eliz., daur of Rich. Vevers of Potterton, June 30, and Mary Tho., son of Francis Chapman, was bapt. Aug. 27 Jn, son of John Slater, Aug. 27, and Hannah, his wife Susannah, daur of Tho. Hill, Aug. 29, and Susanna, his wife John, son of John Jordain of Scoles, Aug. 29 Rich. Hast, son of George Hast, Sept. i, and Marg* his wife Charles Walker of Roundhey, Octob. 14 Rich., son of Samuell Wright, Octob. 29, and Mary, his wifej Tho., son of Jo. Appleyard of Scoles, Nov. 10 th Anne, daur of Godfrey Stonehouse, Nov. 18 Martha, daur of Tho. Potter of Potterton, Dec. 5 [Blank] Sam Dodgson of Roundhay, [blank] Eliz., daur of Tho. Mawd, Jan 9 th John, son of M r Vevers of Morwick, Jan. 19 th Sarah Hague, Feb. 2 W m , son of Nathan Wright, March 12 Rich d , son of W m Burland, March 15 An 1709 [Baptisms]. Dorothy Lumb, Apr 8 Anne Atkinson of Barnbow, Ap 1 17 th Judith, daughter of George Wilcox, Apr. 30 th Richard, the sonne of M r . Thomas Perrot and Anastatia hiswife, May the 12 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 195 Ann, daughter of William Emmotson, May 12 Thomas, son of William Dibbe, May the 30 Henry, sonne of Thomas Brayme, June the 8 th Phoebe, daughter of Tho. Hall, June 15 th Mary, daur of Rob. Settle, July 11. Henry, son of W m Beedall, Aug. 2 Mary, daur of Rich d Tate, Aug. 14 Thomas, son of Tho. Owthwait, Aug. 24 John, son of Tho. Popplewell, Sept. 11 Elizabeth, daur of John Johnson, 8 r 9 th John, the son of Andrew Byrdsall, Octob. 16 George, son of Dan. Hewitt, Octob. 16 Tho., son of Tho. Thomson, Novemb. 6 Joseph, son of John Daniel, Dec. 7 th John, son of Joseph Mawd, Dec. 7 th Rich., son of John Appleyard, Feb. 15 Jane, daur of John Orton, Feb. 26 John, son of John Varo, March 19 th 1 7 10 [Baptisms]. Mark, son of John Ambler, Apr. 2 Richard, son of Witt Collet, May i John, son of John Briggs, May 25 {George, the son of M r Tho. Perrot and Anastatia his wife, June 24 Eliz., Upton Aug. 13 Benjamin Pease, Aug. 16 Benjamin, son of Tho. Settle, Sept. 5 Robert Walker, Sept. 13 Samuel, the son of Sam. Wright, Sept. 20 Sarah, dau. of Tho. Scot, Octo. 25 - Eliz. Robinson, Nov. 15 Eliz. Bolton, Nov. 19 Rich d , son of Tho. Ball, Dec. 3 Mary, daur of W m Backhouse, Feb. 3 John, son of Robert Settle, Feb. 7 Mary Whitehead, Feb. 11 George, son of Benja. Hast, Feb. 19 W m , son of W m Renton, March 11 th Edward, son of John Sharphouse, March 18 Anno 171 i [Baptisms]. Abraham Dodgson March 28 Sarah, daur of Nathan Wright, Ap r 10 Hester Dolphin, Ap r 22 Mary Tarbotton, May 18 ChrispR Lumb, May 20 Pentecoste Haigh, June 15 Benjamin Johnson, June 24 Henry Beedal married at Methley (1) Mary Marler, and (2) Elizabeth Nicholson, and by her had several children baptised at Methley, where he was buried 11 May, 1781. His mother was Margaret, dau. of William Lund of Methley, married 4 Sept.. 1701. fGeorge Perrot, Baron of the Exchequer 1763-75. Educated at Westminster School. Died 28 Jan., 1780. See Dictionary of National Biography. 196 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. George Dickenson of Scoles, 25 W m Renton, July 15 , of Barwick Martha Tate of Scoles, July 19 Thomas, son of Rich Tate, 22 Elizabeth Emmetson, July 26 James and John, twins of W m Boardly, Aug. 12, of Kidhall Lane John Vevers of Barwick, 24 W m Atkinson, Sept. 19 John Braym of Barmbow, Oct. 3 [Blank] Lister of Roundhay, Oct. 4 Eliz. Hast of Barwick, Oct. 24 Mary Lindly, Nov. 4 Thomas Poppewell, Decemb r 30 Thomas, son of Tho. Wood, Jan. 25 Mary, daur of Francis Chapman, Jan. 27 Grace, Owthwait Jan. 30, Scoles Eliz., dau of Benj. Hast, Feb. 20 John, son of Tho. Braym of Roundhay, Feb. 20 John Shay of Addle parish, Feb. 27 Sarah Mawd, March 16 Calisthenes Thomas, March 19, at Potterton Will m , the [son of] Rob 1 Eltson, June 11, 1710 [an insertion] [Baptisms] 17 12. Ruth, daur of Joseph Mawd, bap. Aprill 6, 1712 Ester, daur of Tho. Thompson, 6 Aprill Henry, son of Joseph Binns, Ap r 16 Peter, son of Peter Slator, Ap r 13 Mary, daur of Rich. Vevers of Pott r ton, Apr. 21 Samuel Appleyard, May 2 John Atkinson of Barnbow, May 7 th Daniell, son of Dan. Hewit, May 11 th Mary, daur of James Gay ton, May 12 Mary, daur of John Upton, June 9 th Mary Dibb of Scholes, June 11 th Anne Varo of Scoles, June 15 th Margret, daur of Jos. Haigh, July 11 th W m , sonn of Rich. Thomson, July 20 Andrew Burstall of Barwick, Aug. 28 John, son of Sam 11 Wright, Sept 3 d Benjamin, son of W m Collet, Sept. 3 d Mary, daur of Tho. Braym, Octob. 8 Frances, daur of James Walker of Roundhay, Nov. 16 Baptisms, 1713. Alice, ye D r of William Eamerson, Dec. y 16 th Eliz., ye D r of W m Tait de Scoles, Dec br 30 th Sarah, ye D r of Jos. Binns, Jan. 17 th Anne, y D r of John Sharphouse, Jan. 24 th Alice, y e D r of Fran. Pool de Stockin, Jan. 29 th Martha, ye D r of Thomas Braim, Feb. 3 d W m , ye son of R d Vevers de Barw k , Feb. 8 th BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 197 James, y* son of Thomas Outhwait, Feb. 14 th Thomas, y e son of Jn Wood, March y 10 th 1 7 14. Eliz. Wood, March 29 th Jn, y* son of Jn Orton, March 28 th Joseph, ye son of Samuel Dodgson, Aprill 15 th Alice, ye D r of Jo. Hague, April 23 d Jane, y 6 D r of Fr. Chapman, May y* 2 d Mary, ye D r of W m Fenton, May y 2 nd Elizabeth, ye D r of Tho s Warde, May 5 th W m , ye son of Rob. Glover, May 31 st Elizabeth, ye D r of Fr. Parker, June y e 20 th Richard, ye son of Thomas Braim, June 23 d Sarah, ye D r of Jn Johnson, July 11 th Ralph, y e son of Ralph Watson, July 21 st Sarah, y e D r of Jn Appleyard, Aug 1 25 th Richard, ye son of Jn Varley, Sept br 15 th Martha, ye D r of W m Dibb, Octo br 17 th Mary, ye D r of Jn Mounsey, Oct br 22 d Mary, y D r of Martin Dawson, Novem br 7 th Grace, D r of Mich. Sharp, Novemb r 28 th Margarett, ye D r of Richard Tarbotton, Dec br I st Martha, ye D r of Benja. Haist, Dec br 13 th W m , ye son of W m Burland, Decem br 16 th Anne, y e D r of Dan 11 Huit, Jan. 16 th Elizabeth, ye D r of W m Vevers de Sco., Feb. 9 th Joseph, ye son of Joseph Maud, March y 6 20 th Baptisms, 1715 Jn, ye son of R d Tait, March y e 27 th Joseph, ye son of R d Braim, March ye 30 th Thomas, y e son of W m Benton, Aprill ye 3 dlb Jn, ye son of W m Bickers, Aprill ye 13 th Eliza., y e D r of W m Boardley, Aprill ye 20 th Esther, ye D r of Thomas Outhwait, May ye 8 th Abigail, y e D r of Tho. Settle, May ye i5 tb Jo., ye son of Matt w Pool, June ye 4 th Thomas, ye son of Tho. Battey, June ye 22 nd John, ye son of Geo. Wilcox, July ye 17 th - John, y e son of Edward Maxwell, July ye 24 th Joseph, y e son of W m Collet, August ye 3 d Eleanor, ye D r of W m Eamerson of Roundey, August y e 8 th Anne, ye D r of Rob 1 Goodhall, Septemb r ye 25 th Susannah, ye D r of Rob 1 Elston, Octob* ye 29 th Matthew and Anne, y e son and D r of Matt w Jackson, Novemb r 18 th James, ye son of J a. Wilcox, November 24 th James, y e son of Rich d Vevers de Potterton, Dec br 29 th James, y* son of Ben. Haist, February ye i st John, ye son of Jn Burland, February ye 12 th Susannah, ye D r of Ralph Watson, February 17 th John, y c son of Rob 1 Settle, February 26 th 198 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. Joshua, y e son of Richard Vevers, February 27 th Valentine, ye son of Thomas Wood, March y e 2 nd James, y e son of John Atkinson, March 18 th Hannah, ye D r of James Strodder, March 21 st Baptisms, 1716. Mary, y e D r of Jer. Bolton, April y e 22 nd Jacob, y e son of Jn Johnson, May ye 20 th John, y e son of Jn Varley, May the 25 th Elizabeth, ye D r of William Adamson, May 27 Marey, ye D r of Jn Varey, May 27 Hannah, y e D r of W m Prince, June 7 th William, y e son of William Dickinson, June y e 10 th Paul, ye son of Geo. Hinskip, June 13 th Alice, ye D r of Tho. Outhwait, June 24 th Elizabeth, y e D r of Rich d Walton, July ye 15 th Joseph, y e son of Jo. Binns, July y e 18 th Richard, y e son of Richard Tarbotton, Septemb r 12 th Elizabeth, y e D r of George Dickinson, Octob r 7 th Mary, y e D r of Tho. Thompson, Octob r y tb Frances, y e D r of Jo. Hague, Octob r 18 Tho s , y e son of Tho s Br aim de Barnbow, Dec r 12 Tho s , y e son of Tho s Braim de Roundey, Dec r 13 Jn, y e son of Jn Or ton, Dec r 16 Jn, y e son of Jonas Hailey, January 9 th Elizabeth, y e D r of Thomas Knapton, January 9 th Rich d , y e son of Robert Goodhall, January 13 th Jn, 5^ son of Abra. Abbot, January 16 th Martin, y e son of Samuel Dodgson, January 17 th W m , y e son of Geo. Thompson, January 17 th Elizabeth, y e D r of Thomas Popplewell, February 17 William, y e son of William Bickers, March y e 3 d John, y e son of Jn Fox, Mar. 24 th Baptisms, 1717. Hannah, y e D r of Jn Maud, Aprill 7 th David, y 6 son of Dan 1 Huit, Aprill 14 th Anne, ye D r of W m Burland, May ye 19 th W m , y e son of W m Tait, May 22 nd Sarah, y e D r of W m Dibb, May 30 th Elizabeth, ye D 1 ' of Jn Sharphouse, June 9 th Elizabeth, y e D r of Rich d Braim, July 14 Thomas, y e son of Tho. Briggs, Aug 1 4 W m , 5^ son of Jn Wood, Aug 1 9 Anne, y D r of Tho. Settle, Aug 1 9 W m , y e son of W m Prince, Aug 1 n John, y son of Matthew Pool, Septemb r ye 8 th Mary, ye D r of Matthew Jackson, Octob r 6 th Anne, y e D r of Jo. Maud, Octob r 27 th Elizabeth, ye D r of Tho. Walker, November 4 th James, y e son of James Bullock, Dec br 29 th Hannah, y e D r of Tho. Powell, January 31 st BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 199 Richard, y e son of James Wilcox, February 5 th John, y e son of Jn Dolphin, March ye 9 th Esther, 5^ D r of Thomas Braim of Barnbow, March y e 12 th James, y son of Jn Upton, March y* 19 th Baptisms, 17 18. George, y son of W m Lumb, Aprill 6 th W m , the son of W m Carver, Ap 1 23 d Elizabeth, y> D r of Jane Bell, Ap 1 25 th Esther, -y D r of Jn Atkinson, Ap 1 28 th Eleanor, y D r of Jn Briggs, May 18 th Susannah, y 6 D r of Martin Dawson, May the 25 th Mark, -y son of Jn Ambler, June y 2 nd Hannah, ye D r of Jn Varley, June 9 th W m , y e son of Jn Burland, June 12 th Tho s , ye son of R d Walton, June 29 th Frances, y e D r of Tho s Ball, July 13 th Christop r , y son of W m Dickinson, August y 24 th W m , y son of Henry Atkinson, August 24 th Sarah, y D r of Jo. Hague, Sept r -y 5 th Sarah, y Bastard Child of Mary Barker of Barwick, Sept r y 5 th Jn, y son of Tho. Wood, Sept r y e 28 th Anne, y D r of Law. Milner, Oct 1 12 th Tho s , y e son of Tho. Knapton, Novem. y 16 th James, y e son of Ralph Watson, November y* 16 th Susannah, y e D r of Tho. Preston, November y 16 th Geo., the son of Geo. Longley, December y 7 th Joseph, y e son of Rob. Settle, December y e 7 th Mary, the D r of Richard Vevers, December the 27 th Francis, y e son of Fran. Walker, January the 25 th Joseph, y son of J a. Bullock, February the 1st W m , y e son of Rich d Robinson, February the 4 th Susannah, -y D r of Jos. Battey, February the 8 th Joseph, y e son of Francis Rounthwait, February 22 nd Paul, y son of Jn Mounsey, February the 22 nd Mary, the D r . of W m Renton, March y 8 th Baptisms, 1719. Mary, the D r of Tho. Popplewell, Aprill y* 19 th Jn, ye son of Joseph Dixon, Aprill the 22 nd Mary, y e D r of Rob 4 Goodhall, Ap 1 26 th Jane, y D r of W m Hemsworth, Ap 1 26 th Tho s , y son of Tho. Maud, May y 3 d Joseph, y e son of Tho. Outhwait, May y 10 th Jn, ye son of Bryan Bradley, June y e 9 th Rich d , y e son of J a. Strodder, June -y 14 th Catherine, y D r of Benj a Haist, July y> 8 th Rob 1 , ye son of Rob 4 Issot, July y e 15 th Eliza., the D r of Rich d Braim, July the 19 th W m . y e son of Rob 4 Knapton, July the 26 Mary, the D r of Rob 1 Brown, Aug 1 y 9 th Mary, y e D r of Matt w Watson, Sept. y e 6 th 200 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. W m , ye son of Rich d Slaytor, Sept r ye 9 th W m , y e son of Rich. Cook, Sept r ye 10 th Rich d , ye son of Tho. Braim, Sept r 26 th Martha, y e D r of J a. Wilcox, Sept r 20 W m , ye son of Geo. Lister. Oct r 14 th Hannah, y e D r of R d Vevers, Oct r 14 th Jn, ye son of Jn Antoms, Oct. 25 th W m , y e son of Jn Varey's, Novem r 8 th Jn, ye son of W m Prince, Novem r ye 15 th Martha, ye D r of Tho. Settle, Novem r 15 th Jn, y e son of W m Carver, Dec r 13 th Joseph, y e son of Jn Thompson, Dec r 13 th W m , ye son of Rich d Tait, Dec 1 27 th Mary, ye D r of Dan 1 Huit, Dec r ye 28 th Elizabeth, ye D r of Robt Smith, January 6 th Sarah, y e D r of Tho. Thompson, Jan. y e 24 th Rich d , ye son of R d Burland, Jan. y e 31st Jn, ye son of W m Hague, Feb. the 14 th Alice, y e D r of Fran. Chapman, Feb. 14 th Anne, ye D r of Jn Burland, Feb. 28 th Jn, y e son of Jn Thompson, March 6 th Sarah, y e D r of Jn Maud, March 20 th Baptisms, 1720. Dennis, the son of Tho. Smith, March 27 th W m , the son of W m Johnson, May 8 th John, y e son of Jo. Maud, May ye 15th Margarett, the D r of Matt w Jackson, June the 19 th Timothy, y e son of Sam 1 Massie, July the 17 th John, the son of Henry Dunnel, July the 24 Mary, the D r of Tho. Wood, October the 9 th Susannah, the D r of Jos. Binns, December the 27^ Mary, the D r of Rob 4 Issott, December the 30 th Thomas, the son of Tho. Settle, February the 12 th Alice, ye D r of Jn Sharphouse, February the 19 th W m , the son of Tho. Thompson, February the 26 th Rob 4 , the son of Rob 4 Goodhall, March y e 19^ Baptisms, 1721. Sarah, the D r of Martin Whitehead, Aprill ye 2 d Mary, y e D r of Ricfi Clark, Aprill 11 th Rich, son of Tho s Braim, Aprill 12 th W m , y e son of Francis Walker, Aprill ye 16 th W m , ye son of W m Lumb, Ap r11 ye 30 th Diana, y e D r of Martin Dawson, Aprill y e 30 th Tho s , y e son of Jn Dolphin, May ye 28 th Tho s , son of Jn Littlewood, June ye 5^ Mary, ye D r of Jn Burland, June ye nth Eliza:, y e D r of Jn Ball, June ye 25 th Jn, y e son of Rich d Burland, July y e 9 th John, son of Tho s Preston, July ye 16 th Edwund, [sic] y e son of Tho s Littlewood, July 24 th BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 201 Hannah, D r of John Wood, August the 6 th Hannah, y e D r of Will m Wardman, August ye 18 th Ann, the D r of Matth w Coates, August ye 27 th Mary, the D r of John Thompson, Sept r ye 3 d Mary, the D r of Sam 11 Massie, Oct br the 4 th Rebekah, the D r of Rich. Robinson, Oct r y* 22 d Rich d , ye son of Rich Cook, Novem br 16 Mary, y e D r of Will m Dawson, Novem br the 23 d Ingram, the son of John Varley, Decem br the 10 th Mary, the D r of George Thompson, Decem br y e 7 th Sam 11 , the son of William Taite, December y 17 th Robert, the son of Rob rt Smith, Jan r ? y 6 14 th Ann, the D r of James Bullock, January ye 21 st Stephen, the son of Lawrence Milner, Jan r y ye 21 st Joseph, the son of Henry Dunnell, Fefry ye 4 th Catherine, the D r of Benj a Haist, Feb. ye 6 th Mary, y e D r of Tho s Morritt, Fefry ye n" Martha, the D r of Tho s Shillitoe, Fefry the 25 th William, the son of Matt w Watson, March the 4 th Baptisms, 1722. Eliz., the D r of Rich Robinson, March ye 26 th James, the son of W m Prince, Aprill y 30 th Eliz., the D r of Rofct Knapton, May the 8 th Sarah, the D r of Jn Atkinson, May the 27 th Joseph, the son of W m Carber, June the 24 th Eliz., the D r of Tho. Braim, July the 18 th Mary, the D r of Matt w Oddy, Aug 51 the 12 th Hannah, the D r of Matt. Jackson, Aug 51 the 19 th W m , the son of W m Hague, Sep tr the 15 th Ann, the D r of Rich Braim, Sep 1 the 18 th David, the son of Jn Wilson, Sep tr the 21 st Jn, the son of Jn Thompson, Sep tr the 30 th Jn, the son of Jn Bean, Sep tr the 30 th Mich, the son of Rich Taite, Octo br the 7 th Jn, the son of W m Dickinson, Novem br the 25 th Christian, the D r of Martin Whitehead, Jan. the 20 111 Martha, the D r of Jn Mounsey, Jan f y the 20 th Ann, the D r of Tho. Wood, Feb r y the 17 th James, the son of Rich Vevers, Feb r y the 18 th Ann, the D r of Chris. Teasdall, March the 17 Mary, the D r of Rich Burland, March ye 17 Baptisms, 1723. Thomas, ye son of Tho. Wildbore, Lenerich-hill, Apl. 29 Mat w , the son of Rob 1 Issot, March 27 Ann, Daughter of William Addiman, Aprill 8 th Samuel, the son of Samuel Liversiedge, April 21 st Will" 1 , the son of Richard Clerk, Ap l 29 th Will m , the son of Will m Johnson, May 5 th Sarah, the D r of Rob*. Brown, May 12 th Walter, the son of Tho s Wildbore, May 28 202 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. Will m , The son of Will m Ward, June 2 d Ann, Daug r of Rob* Knap ton, June 16 th Mary, D r of W m Lumb, Jun: 30 th W m , the son of J n Wiate, June 30 th Josp, the son of Benj n Aier, Jun. 30 th John, y e son of Matt w Watson, July 28 Christopher, the son of Robert Brown of Barnbow, August 7 th Josp, the son of Tho s Br aim, of Barnbow, Aug 1 14 George, the son of M r John Plaxton, of Barwick, Aug 1 27 Ann, the daughter of John Bean of Barwick, Sept r I st Rebekah, the Daughter of Rich d Robinson of Barwick, the younger, Sept r 19 th Johannah, the Daughter of J n Dolbin, Sept r 29 Thomas, the son of Hen. Wardle of Hubberley, Oct. r 2 d Ellin, D r of Jn. Tayte, Scholes, Oct. 12 Jane, the Daughter of Francis Walker of Barnbow, Octob r 21 Rebekah, the Dau r of Tho. Holmes of Barwick, Nov r 8 th Sam 1 , the son of Sam 1 Massy of Stanks, Nov r 10 th W m , the Bastard child of Mary Pattison of Kiddal, November 17 Ellin, the Dau r of Samuel Thornton of Hill Top, Nov r 20 Ann, the Daughter of J n Ambler of Winmore, Dec. 8 th Thomas, the son of Robt. Smith of Barwick, Dec r 20 th Joseph, the son of Robert Goodall, J any 19 th , of Brown Moor Will m , the son of John Varley of Barwick, J any 24 Tho s , the son of Tho s Preston of Barwick, J any 26 Mary, the D r of Edw d Batty of Barwick, Feb. 2 Alice, the D r of George Lister of Scholes, March I st *David Dawson, clerk, Vicar of Aberford, was admitted to the curacy of Barwick in Elmett, the 29 th day of Sept 1 , A. D. 1723 Baptisms, 1724. Will m , the son of Tho s Donwell of Barwick, Ap 1 7 th Ann, the Daugh r of Henry Donwell of the Moor topp, Ap 1 5 th Thomas, the son of J n Adkmson of the Stanks, Ap 1 12 th Betty, the Daug r of Thomas Marrit of Cross gates, May 10 th Sarah, the Daug r of J n Ball of Potterton, May 15 Phebe, ye D r of Jn. Rhodes of Bradford Parish, May 17 Mary, the Daugter of Jn. Hague of Stockhall, baptized June 5 th Michael, the son of Thom s Wright of Scholes, Bapt. June 18 Hannah, Dau r of James Worsman of Lazencroft, June 21 John, the son of Thomas Knapton, Jun: 28 th Francis, the son of Tho s Wood of Winmore, July 5 th Jane, the Daug r of Tho s Poplewell of Winmorehead, July 12 th Lawrence, the son of Law ce Milner of White Laith, July 19 th Thomas, the son of John Maud of Potterton, Aug st 2 Aug 1 3 d . Dorathy, the Daught r of Dan 1 Rook of Barwick Sept r 20. Jane, the Daug r of Henry Dowell of Winm. Sarah, D r of David Goodall of B. Moor, Sep. 20 J n , the son of John Bean of Barwick, Nov r 29 th *St. John's, Cambridge, B.A., 1706. Married by licence 6 May, 1725 at Sclby, to Mrs. Mary Baxter, spinster. BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 203 Eliz th , the D r of J n Burland of Poterton, Dec r 4 th Mary, the Posthumus Daughter of W m Hague of Barwick, Jan. 10 th i. d. J n , the son of J n Dungworth of Barw k Thomas, the son of Rich d Braim of Barwick, Jan. 14 th Eliz th , Daugh r of Martin Whitehead of Brown moor, J any 24 th Issabell, the Daug r of Tho s Wildboar of Lenrick, Feb. 3 John, the son of Joseph Hague of Barw k , Feby 6 th David, the son of Tho s Wood of Barwick, March 5 th Eliz th , the D r of John Adkinson of Brown moor, Mach 5 th Sarah, Daug r of Thomas Shillato of Pott n , March 29 th 1725, Baptisms. Thomas Issot, son of Rofct Issot of Barwick, Ap 1 7 th Jane, the Daug r of Mat w Jackson of Barwick, Ap 1 11 th John Carter, son of John Carter of Scholes, Ap 1 17 th Mary, Daugh r of Joseph Telford of Barwick, May 23 d James, son of Mat w Coates of Cross Gates, May 30 th Ann, the Daug r of Fran s Walker of Barnbow, Ju. 6 th John, the son of John Wate of Barwick, Jun. 8 th W m , son of W m Stanbank of Barwick, Jun. 9 th John, son of W m Baccus of Scholes, Augs* I st Thomas, son of Thomas Wood of Garforth Moor, Aug st I st Mat w , son of Mat w Watson of Barwick, Aug 8 * 11 th J n , the son of John Liversage of Barwick, Aug 84 15 th George, son of George Thompson of Scholes, Aug 81 25 th i. d. Bennoni, the Bastard child of Hannah Adams John, the son of Will m Butler of Scholes, Sep 1 5 th Thomas, son of Thomas Wright of Scholes, Oct. I st Thomas, son of Mark Thornton of Winmoor, Octob r 17 th Ann, D r of W m Prince of Pot', Oct r 22 d Crispin, son of J n Bean of Barwick, Oct. 27 th Nov r 14. Tho s , son of Tho s Wilson of Leadsom Ann, D r of Jonas Haley of Scholes, Nov r 17 th W m , son of Henry Braim of Roundey, Dec. 15 th Dec. 30. Martha, Daughter of John Hague of Stockhill Jan. 1. Robert, son of William Carburt of Potterton Jan. 26. Thomas, son of Thomas Dunnell of Barwick Jan. 30. Mary, Daughter of Thomas Maud of Penwell Edward, son of Robert Brown of Barnbow, Jan r y 30 Feb. 27 th . Elizabeth, Daughter of W m Mather of Cross-yates David, son of M r David Dawson, Curate of Barwick, was born Feb. 13 th and baptiz'd Feb. 22 d , 1725/6 Rich d , son of Rofct Smith of Barwick, March 8 th Tho s , son of Tho s Holmes, 13 Feby. 1726, Baptisms. Tho s , son of J n Carlin of Winmoor, Ap 1 23 Ann, D r of Rob 4 Brown, Jun., of Winmoor, Ap 1 23 Easter, D r of Rich d Clerk of Barwick, Ap* 8 th Mary, Daug r of James Bullock, jun', of Barwick, 11 May Edw 1 , son of J n Thompson of Stanks, May 30 Mary, daught r of Christ Hargraue of Roundhey, June I st 204 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. W m , son of Francis Butterfield of Plumpto in Knasbrough Par', June 8 th Mary, Daug r of Tho s Adkinson of Winmoor, July 17 th Elizabeth, Daug r of M r Will m Dawson of Kidhall, Aug 5 * 3 d Joseph, son of Joseph Huson, Augs 1 21 Christ , son of John Varey of Scholes, Aug 5 * 28 th Ann, Daug r of Robert Adkinson of Barwick, Sept r 2 d Jane, Daug r of Thomas Preston of Barwick, Sept r 12 W m , son of W m Lee of Scholes, Octob 1 2 d Eliz., Daugh r of James Worsman of Laz. Croft, Oc r 9 Eliz., D r of EdW 1 Batty of Barwick, Nov r 13 Eliz., D r of Ge. Thompson, Oc r 16 Francis, son of Major Bradley of Stanks, Oct r 30 Nov r . 30. Tho s , son of J n Varley I. d. Sarah, D r of J n Thompson of Stanks Thomas, son of Joseph Braim of Roundhey, Jan. I st Chrispianus, son of John Bean of Barwick, Feb. 10 th Sarah, Daughter of John Adkinson of Barw k , Feb. 12 th i. d. Mary, D r of John Carter of Scholes Mat w , son of Francis Walker of Barnbow, Mar. 7 th John, son of John Adkinson of Stanks, March 12 th i.d. Charles, son of Charles Hargraue of Scholes Baptisms, 1727. Edmund, son of M r David Dawson, Curate of Barwick, was Born May 3 d , Baptiz'd May 31 st Margret, Daught r of John Smith of Garforth Mooreside, Born 16 J any. Christopher, son of Christ r Ambler of Winmoor, Bap. Apl 9 th Jane, D r of Jane Ambler of Winmoor, Baptiz'd Apl 1 23 d Tho s , son of J n Waite of Barwick, 7 th May Eliz th , Daug r of George Smith of Barwick, May 24 J n , son of Francis Wilson of Scholes, June 4 th Ruth, D r of Joseph Hague of Barwick, June 28 th Tho s , son of Mat w Jackson of Barwick, July 2 d Martin, son of Martin Whithead of Garforth moorside, i.d. Mary, Daug r of J n Taite of Scholes, Aug 1 13 th W m , son of Rich d Braim of Barwick, Sept r 17 th Rob 1 , son of Rob 1 Brown of Barnbow, Oct r 22 Manasses, son of W m Brook of Drinklington, in Burstal Parish, Oct r 25 Issabel, D r of Tho s Wood of Brown Moor, Oct r 29 Mary, D r of Will m Appleyard of Barwick, Nov r 2 James, son of James Orton of Barwick, Nov r 28 Ann, Daught r of William Hargrave of Roundhay, Dec r 21 st Benj n , son of Joseph Tailford of Bar., D r 27 Susannah, Daug r of Henry Blackburn of Brownm, Jan. 14 Rich d , son of J n Burland of Pott', J any 18 th Frances, D r of W m Addiman of Maurick, J any 28 th J n , son of Tho s Don well of Barwick, Jan. 31 th James, son of Henry Donwell of the Hill top, March 3 d i.d . Sarah, D 1 of Tho s Settle of the Stanks BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 205 i. d. Tho s , son of Mat w Watson of Barw' Benj n , son of Tho s Wright, late of Scholes, Mar. 10 th Hannah, d r of William Dickinson of Scholes, March 17 th Baptisms, 1728. Mercy, D r of J n Hague of Barw., Ap 1 5 th Joseph, son of Ric d Cook from Stanks, Ap 1 17 J n , son of J n Child of Winmoor top, Ap 1 19 th Edmund, son of Sam 1 Liversage of Bar., Apl. 28 th John, son of Robert Knapton of Barwick, June 28 th J n , son of Thomas Holmes of Barwick, July 5 th Sam 1 , son of Ad m Fleming, June 29 Ann, Daughter of Rob* Brown of Penwell, July 21 st W m , son of Lawrence Milner of Grimsdike, Aug 5 * 2 d John, son of James Robinson of Osmonthick, Oct r 23 John, son of Rob* Smith of Barwick, Aug st 7 i. d. Edmond, son of Mat w West of Roundhey i. d. Tho s , son of Tho. Shillito of Pot' Ann, the Bastard child of Ester Thorns and Tho. Brown the reputed father, Oct r 30 Ann, D r of John Rooks of Wakefield, Nov 13 Ellin, D r of Jos h Batty, Decemb 1 I st Mary Dorathy, D r to Mich 1 Easburn of Winmoor, J any 5 th George, son of George Lister of Scholes, Jan. 12 Rich d , son of Rich d Wood of Potterton, Feb. 2 d Rob 1 , son of Francis Wilson of Scholes, Feb? 9 Paul, the Bastard child of Mary Dickinson, Feb. 17 Thomas, son of John Adkinson of Barwick, March 5 th Eliz th , Daughter of John Thompson of Stanks, March 23 1729, Baptisms. Sam 1 , son of Sam 1 Lumb of Stanks, March 30 th John, son of George Smith of Barwick, Ap 1 11 th J n , son of J n Bean of Barwick, May 9 Hannah, D r of Mathew Tiplin of Stanks, May 30 W m , son of James Norton of Barwick, May 28 W m , son of W m Abbot of Scholes, June 29 Elizabeth, Daug r of Rich d Clerk of this Parish, July 6 th Samuel, son of Thomas Braim of Barnbow Carr, Aug 4 3 d W m , son of Thomas Knapton of Barwick, Aug 5 * 10 Thomas, son of W m Johnson of Leeds, Aug st 17 Ruth, Daug' of John Thompson of Garforth moreside, Aug st 24 th Thomas, son of W m Johnson of Leeds, Aug 51 17 James, son of James Worsman, Octob 1 5 Ann, Daugh r of Tho s Whitehead of Barwick, Oct r 5 Hannah, Daught 1 of M r David Dawson, Curate of Barwick, was born the 9 th and Baptized the 14 th of September Mary, Daughter of Richd. Lasinby of Winmoor, Oct r 19 Elizabeth, Daug r of W m Vevers of Scholes, Gent n , Oct r 29 J n , son of J n Taite of Barwick, Nov r the 12 th W m , son of M r W m Dawson of Kidhall, J any 2 d Sam 1 , son of John Varley, Feby 6 th 206 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. Mary, Daught r of Mark Robinson of Pot', 8 th Feb. Hannah, Dagh r of Henry Blackburn, Feby 15 Mary, D r of John Atkinson of Stanks, Feb. 15 th Sam 1 , son of Tho. Donwell of Barwick, Feby 18 Mary, Daughter of Barnard Blackburn of Barwick, Mar. 8 i. d. Hannah, D r of Joseph Ward Mary, D r of W m Holmes of Roundhey, March 15 th 1730, Baptisms. Eliz th , Daugt r of Charles Wright of Scfc, Mar ch 30 i. d. Ann, D r of J n Waite of Barw k Will, son of Tim Penny of Grimes Dike, April 12 th Rose, the Daug r of Tho s Preston of Barw k , Ap 1 15 th Ann, Daughter of Rob* Smith of Bar k , May 6 th Rich d , son of Gabriel Taylor of Barnbow Carr, May 10 th William, son of Will m Hargraue, jun r , of Roundhey, Born April 16 th Martha, Daughter of W m Appleyard of Barwick, May 29 Elizabeth, Daughter of Rich d Taylor of Kidhall Lane End, Jun. 12 th Joseph, son of Josp Bins, o'th Hill Top, 4 th June i. d. Tho s , son of Martin Whitehead of Garforth Moorside, June 14 Sarah, D r of Robt. Knapton of Barwick, Aug 4 6 th James, son of Jos h Braim of Roundhey, Born July 25 th Dorathy, Daughter of Tho s Adkinson of Brown M r , Aug 54 23 Ann, Daughter of Edward Batty of Barwick, Nov r I st Joseph, son of Ada Fleeming of Tory-Lugg Gate, Nov 1 6 th J n , son of James Norton of Barwick, Novemb r 15 Elizabeth, the Daugh r of W m Thompson of Barnbow Carr, Nov 1 18 Joseph, son of Joseph Batty of Scholes, Nov r 29 Martha, Daugh r of James Robinson of Osmundthick, J any 3 d Ann, D r of Mat w Watson of Barwick, J any 6 th John, son of John Hague of Barwick, J any 20 Joseph, son of W m Reedall of Kidhall Laine End, Jan. 22 Edmund, son of Rob* Ball of Barwick, J any 29 Feby 13. John, son of Rich d Wood of Potterton Abr m , son of Rob* Brown of Barnbow, Fe b y 28 th I73I- J n , son of George Thompson of Penwel, Ap 1 4 An, D r of Major Bradley of Sell, Ap. 19 Martha, Daug r of John Smith of Garforth More, Born Ap 1 25 James, son of John Thompson of Barnbow, Ap 1 25 Mary, Daught r of George Smith of Barw k , Ap 1 20 Ann, D r of John Sanor of Grimes Dike, May 2 d i. d. James, son of Mat w Jackson of Barwick John, y e son of Mat w Tippling of Stankf, May 23 Sarah, D r of W m Brown of Penwell, May 30 W m , son of Michael Graveley of Scholes, Jun' 16 John, son of J n Benson of Winmoor head, July 24, Stephen, the son of Rich d Lazenby of Stanks, July 4 J n , son of Caleb Selby of Potterton, July 18 Ann, D r of M r Stephe Vevers of Mawrick, July 28 th BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 207 Hannah, Daug r of J n Dickinson of Winmoor, Aug. 8 th Rich d , son of John Bean of Barwick, Sept r I st Benj n , son of Thomas Braim of Barnbow Carr, Sept. 3 d Ann, Daughter of James Bullock of Barwick, Sept r 10 th Henrietta Maria, the Daught r of J n Tate of Barwick, Oct r 24 th Ann, Daughter of Henry Donnel of the Hill Top, Nov 1 7 th Mary, Daug r of Tho s Lumb of Stanks, Dec r 8 th Jane, D r of J n Wate of Barwick, Dec r 27 Christ 1 , son of Thomas Holmes, J any 9 Sarah, D r of Tho s Whitehead of Barwick, Feb. 2 James, son of W m Butler of Scholes, Feb. 6 th Ellin, y 6 D r of Francis Roundthw* of Scfi, Feb. 13 th Sarah, D r of Francis Wilson of Scholes, Feb. 21 Elizab th , D r of James Worsman of Brown moor, March 5 th Mary, D r of Rich d Taylor from Kid hall Lane end, March 17 th George, the son of W m Abbot of Scfc, March 19 i. d. Mary, y^ Daug r of Witt 111 Carbot of Pott n Eliz., Daug r of Tho. Haist from Kidfil Lane End, March 24 George, son of William Abbot of Scfi, March 19 1732. William, son of W m Taylor of Barnbow Carr, April ye 16 th Eliz th , D r of Timothy Turnpenny of Grimesdike, Ap l 23 Frances, Daug r of Mark Robinson of Potterton, April 30 th Henry, son of Henry Blackbourn of Brown More, May 7 th W m , son of Rob* Smith of Barw k , May 31 st Richard, son of W m Vevers of Scholes, Gent., June 2 Sarah, ye Daug r of Mathew Jackson of Barwick, June ye 11 th Charles, son of Charles Hargr[a]ve of Scholes, bap. May 26 Agnes, Dau r of William Thompson of Barnbow, Decern 1 ye 29 William, son of Tho s Smith of Potterton, January y e 19 th , 1732/3 Benjamin, son of Tho s Shillitto of Potterton, June 2 d Eliz: Daugh r of Gabriel Taylor of Barnbow, June 2 d James, son of John Saynor of Grimesdike, July 16 th "" ' Sarah, Daughter of William Clarkson of Roundhay, July ye 16 th Ann, y e Daughter of Jn Atkinson of Barwick, bapt d July ye 19 th Sarah, Daught r of Christ 1 Hargraue of Roundhey, born July 7 th Eliz., Daug r of W m Knapton, Septemb 1 3 d Martha, Daug r of James Robinson of Barwick, Ibid m John, son of John Atkinson of Roundhay, Octob* I st Joseph, son of Jn Kirkham of Barnbow, Sept r 27 Ann, ye Daugh r of Joshua Brown of Roundhay, Novemb r 2 d Mary, Daugh 1 of Joseph Beck of Stanks, Novemb r 12 Thomas, son of Robert Knapton of Barwick, Novemb 1 15 th Joseph, son of Joseph Sympson of Winmoor Head, Novemb. 19 Ann, Daughter of William Appleyard of Barwick, Novemb 1 y e 22 d Elizabeth, Daughter of Adam Fleming of Turrilugg Gate, D r 10 th Tho s , son of John Bradley from the Top of Winmoor, D r 10 th Ann, Daug r of Benj n Haist of Barwick, D r 10 th William, son of Tho s Smith of Potterton, Feby 3 John, son of Rob 4 Sympson of Barwick, March 2 d 208 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. Agnes, D r of Benj n Rawden, Feby 21 Mary, the Daug r of Rich d Wood of Potterton, March 4 th Hannah, Daug r of Martin Whitehead of Garforth Moorside, March 11 th Ibid m Hannah, Daug r of William Reedall of Kidhall Lane End Ibid m Joseph, son of Thomas Knapton of Barwick Ibd. John, son of Barnard Blackbourn of Barwick 1733 Baptisms. Mary, Daug r of George Vevers of Barwick, March 25 Mathias, son of John Varley of Barwick, March 26 th W m , the son of Jn Benson of Stanks, April 29 th Tho s , son of Rob* Barton of Barw k , Ap 1 29 Ellin, D r of Rob* Land of Grimes Dike, Ap 1 29 Mary, Daught 1 of John Waite of Barwick, May 2 d Will m , son of M r Steven Vevers of Mawrick, May 3 d Mary, Daug r of Matthew West of Roundhay, May y e 6 th Ann, ye Daug r of M r George Smith, Curate of Barwick, May 9 th Joseph and Cuthbert, the Twin sons of John Smith of Garforth Mooreside, Christ d May 31 Mary, Daugt r of Francis Wilson, June 3 d Mary, Daught r of Tho s Robsha of Barwick, June 15 th Ann, Daughter of Tho s Adkinson, Jun' 17 th John, son of Henry Wardell of Habberley, June 22 d John, son of Joseph Dickinson of Barwick, July 8 th Ann, Daughter of Wittm Vevers of Scholes, Gentn., July 12 Eliz., Daughter of George Lister of Scholes, July the 29 th Wittm, son of Tho s Whitehead of Garforth Moor side, Aug* 26 Drusilla, Daughter of W m Scot of Bar., Sept r 9 th Mary, Daugh* of Tho s Donwell of Barwick, Sept r 12 th Christopher, son of Thomas Haist from Kidhall Lane end, October the 7 th Sarah, Daug r of George Smith of Barwick, Oct r 21 Nov 1 11. Eliz., Daughter of Tho s Preston Sarah, Daug r of Willm Limbard of Crossgates, Nov r 25 Alice, Daug r of John Bean of Barwick, Novemb r 30 th Frances, Daughter of Tho s Marshall of Seacroft, Feby 22 Joseph, son of Timothy Turnpenny of Grimesdike, March 3 d J n , son of Thomas Lumb of Stanks, Mar. 24 th i. d. Ann, Daughter of Francis Roundthwaite of Scholes 1734- March 31. Thomas, son of Joseph Beck of Low moor Ester, Daug r of Thomas Settle of Barwick, April 7 th Mary, Daught r of J n Varey of Sch, Ap 1 21 Dorathy, Daugh r of Wittm Appleyard of Bar', Ap 1 28 th Sam 1 , son of Sam 1 Dodgion of Roundhay, May 8 th Jane, Daught r of Joseph Maud of Winmoor, May 19 th Sarah, Daug tr of William Abbot of Scholes, Jun. 3 d Abram, son of Benj n Rawlinson, July 10 th Rich d , son of Major Theaker of Scholes, Aug 4 25 th James, son of W m Johnson of Osmundthick, Sept r I st Hannah, Daught r of Thomas Braim of Barnbow Carr, Sept r n h BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 209 Mary, Daughter of Matt w Tiplin of Stanks, Sept r 22 Mary, Daug tr of Will m Butler of Barwick, born Oct r 6 th Rich d , son of George Watson of Barwk., Oct r 6 W m , son of Will m Vevers of Scholes, Gent n , Oct r 17 th Jane, y e Daught r of Tho. Whitehead of Bar k , Oct 1 20 th Gabriel, son of Gabriel Tajdor of Barnbow Carr, Oct r 27 Tho s , son of Tho. Whitehead of Garforth Moorside, Oct r 27 Sarah, Daughter of M r Stephen Vevers of Mawrick, Oct r 27 th Mary, Daught r of W m Butler of Barwick, Nov r 3 d i. d. Rich d , son. of Geo. Watson of Barwick Tho s , son of Tho s Sympso of Hebberley, Nov. 11 th i. d. Ann, D r of Mark Robinson of Potterton Sarah, Daughter of Rob* Sympson of Barwick, Dec r 26 Elizabeth, Daug r of J n Hague of Barw k , Dec r 27 th W m , son of Tho s Collet of Barwick, Dec r 29 th Susannah, Daught r of Rich d Lumb of Barwick, Jan>' 22 John, son of Wittm Taylor of Barnbow Carr, J any 26 th George, son of Richd. Haist of Barwick, born the 16 th of J any Christ d Feby 12 th Alice, D r of J n Waite of Barwick, born Feb. 5 th , Christ d March 23 d Francis, son of Francis Holmes of Bar. and Rachel his wife, born Feby 10 th , Christ d Mar. 14 James and Alice, Twins, son and D r of Tho s Harper of Scfi, Born the 5 th of March, X td the 7 th Apt J n , son of John Thompson of Stanks, born Feb. 8 th , Christ d March 7 th *Will m , the son of W m Lumb of Barwick, born March 7, Christ d March 26 th Mary, the daughter of Thomas Haist of Kidhall Lain End, born March 9 th Mary, Daughter of Adam Fleeming, born Feb. 8, Christ. March 12 th Ellin, Daughter of Francis Wilson of Scfc, born , Christ d Apl. 6 th Grace, the Daughter of Robert Appleyard, Labourer, of Scholes, bap. August ye 10 th Baptisms, 1735. Ellin, Daught r of J n Varley of Barw k , Yeoman, born , Christ d May I st William Lumb, the father, was Constable in 1743, and Overseer of the Poor in 1747. William Lumb, the son. was married at Leeds, 1758, to Mary, daughter of Richard Dawson of Carr House, Garforth. He was schoolmaster at Barwick, and afterwards at Swillington, resided at Smeaton House, and died in 1801. He was also High Constable of the Upper Division of Skyrack, parish register, land agent, land surveyor for the Swillington and Rothwell Haigh Inclosure Acts, and he designed the Barwick (1765), Kippax and Garforth (1761) sundials. His son, Robert Lumb, J. P., removed to Lowther about 1800, and became Chief Agent for the Earl of Lonsdale, married, 1788, at Leeds, Mary, daughter of Henry Robinson of Ledsham. Their son, William Lumb of Brigham Hall, and grandson, James Lumb of Homewood, Whitehaven, were Deputy Lieutenants and High Sheriffs for Cumberland. William Lumb of Brigham Hall married Harriet, daughter of William Wilkin, M.D., of Applebv, and his brother, the Rev. Thomas Dawson Lumb, M.A., St. John's, Cambridge, Curate of Methley, married Priscilla, another daughter of Dr. Wilkin. It may be of interest to mention that Robert Lumb's daughter, Elizabeth, danced at the Duchess of Richmond's ball on the eve of Waterloo with the Duke of Brunswick. His grandson, the Revd. John Alfred Lumb Airey, M.A., Pembroke College, Cambridge, second Wrangler, 1846, is Rector of Great St. Helen's. Another grandson, the Rev. Canon J. G. Doman, was the well-known Vicar of St. Mark's, Bolton, and another, the Rev. Henry Lumb, M.A., University College, Durham, was Vicar of Kirkbride. Major Anthony Lumb, Somersetshire Light Infantry, who served in the Soudan campaign of 1884 5, and the North West Frontier campaign of 1897, where he was severely wounded, Captain Edward J. M. Lumb, Imperial Yeomanry, and James Lumb, M.A., Clare College, Cambridge, barrister at law, are his great grandsons. Richard Lumb (1775 1844), of Well Green, Swillington, succeeded his father, William Lumb, as High Constable. See Burke's Landed Gentry, 4th and 5th Editions, and " Robinson of White House, Appleby," page 20. N y 210 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. Edward, son of Edw d Batty of Barwick, Laber r , baptiz'd May 26 Rob 1 , son of Robert Barton of Barwick, House Carpinter, May 26 Frances, Daught r of John Benson of Cross gates, Joyner, June 22 d George, son of Will m Reedall of Kidhall Lain End, Lab r , July 18 Penelope, the Daug r of Henry Perkins, Rector of Barwick, Born and Bapt. July 4 th Joseph, son of Rich d Jackson of Barwick, Chandler and Sope boyler, Aug* 17 i. d. George, the son of J n Adkinson of Barw k , Linen Weaver James, son of Tho s Upton of Mawrick, Husbandman, Aug. 22 Ann, Daught 1 of Joseph Stephenson of Crossgates, Lab 1 , Aug. 22 d Elizabeth, Daughter of Rich d Wood of Potterton, Laber 1 , Sept r 28 th i. d. Mary, Daughter of J n Adkinson of Winmore Top, Husbandman Susannah, Daughter of Rich d Wilson of Brown More, Lab r , Octob r 12 th James, son of James Robinson of Barwick, Lab r , Oct 1 12 th John, son of John Varey of Scholes. Laber r , Nov r 2 d James, son of James Norton of Barwick, Lab r , Nov. 3 d Benjamin, son of Benj n Haist of Barwick, Yeoman, Nov 1 3 d Joseph, son of Sam 1 Dodgion of Roundhay, Carpinter, Nov 1 " 28 th Sarah, Daughter of Matt w Kirby on Winmoor top, Labour r , Feb. I st Sarah, the Daughter of Richard Johnson, Tinker, July y e 20 Day Rich d , son of And w Burdsal the Younger of Scholes, Buckle maker, Feby 7 th William, son of William Crummack of Winmoor- top, March y e 8 th , Lab r Ann, the Daughter of Geo. Thompson of Penwell, Husbandman, March 19 th Year 1736, Baptisms. Mary, the Daughter of John Bean of Barwick, Shoemaker, March 26 th Elizabeth, the Daughter of George Watson of Barwick, Labourer, March 28 th Sarah, Daughter of William Scot of Barwick, Joyner, April y e 4 th Ann, the Daughter of Thomas Whitehead of Garforth moor side, Collier, April ye 18 th Ellin, the Daughter of Jos h Beck of Winmoor, Lab r , May y e 9 th Alice, the Daughter of Thomas Settle of Barwick, Weaver, May y* 9 th [Blank] the Daughter of Thomas Collet of Barwick, May y e 16 th Joseph, son of Mathew Watson of Barwick, Carpenter, May y e 28 th Eliz th , Daughter of Thomas Smith of Potterton, husbandman, June ye i^th Timothy, son of Timothy Penny of Winmoor, Lab 1 , June 20 th Martha, Daughter of William Thompson of Barnbow, Husbandman, Aug* 12 th William, son of John Hewit of Garforth moor, Collier, Sep r 5 th Martha, the Daughter of Joseph Maud of Penwell, Labou r , October ye 24 th Edmund, son of Tho s Preston of Barwick, Taylor, Nov r y e 21 Elizabeth, Daughter of James Strodder, Shoemaker, December y e 10 th Sarah, Daughter of Benjamin Rawlinson. Labo r , December ye 27 th Sarah, Daughter of John Bradley, Lab r , of Winmoor, January y e 30 th Sarah, the Daughter of Samuel Dodgson of Roundhay, Yeoman, Feby 16 th Thomas, son of John Upton, Jun', of Winmore, March y 5 10 th BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 211 1737, Baptisms. William, the son of Joseph Dickinson of Barwick, Lab r , Ap 1 3 d George, the son of Jonath n Bell of Barwick, Lab r , April y e 10 th Sarah, Daughter of David Wright of Winmoor, Lab r , April v* 3 24 th Elizabeth, the daughter of Thomas Asquith of Potterton, Lab r , April y e 24 th Adam, the son of Adam Fleming of Turylug-gate, Yeoman, Ap 1 29 th Joseph, the son of Joseph Beck of Winmoor, Collier, May y^ 8 th Thomas, the son of Robert Dawson of Shippen, Yeoman, May y e 15 th Eliz., the Daughter of John Varey of Scholes, Lab r , May y e 29 th Abraham, son of John Waite of Barwick, Taylor, May y e 29 th Eliz., Daug r of Gabriel Taylor of Barnbow, Lab r , June 5 th John, ye son of Martin Whitehead of Garforth moor, Collier, June 12 th John, son of John Hemsworth of Potterton, Lab r , June ye 19 th John, y e son of John Kirkham of Barnbow, Yeoman, June y e 24 th George, son of Thomas Haist, Inn-holder, from Kidhal Lane end, June ye 26 th Samuel, son of Thomas Lumb of Stanks, Yeoman, July ye 10 th Mary, daughter of Rob 4 Simpson of Barwick, Lab r , Aug* ye 7 th Andrew, the son of Richard Jackson of Barwick, Chandler, Aug* 19 th Richard, the son of Richard Lumb of Bar k , Husbandman, August ye 3I st James, the son of Henry Wardle of Hubberley, Yeoman, Sept r y^ 16 th Mary, Daughter of John Atkinson of Scho, Lab r , October y e 16 th Richard, son of Richard Haist of Barwick, Yeoman, October y e 20 th Eliz., Daughter of John Burland of Potterton, Lab 1 , Octob. y e 23 d Anthony, son of Tho s Donwel of Barwick, Weaver, November y 6 6 th John, son of Mark Robinson of Potterton, Husbandman, NovemB ye X 8th John, son of Thomas Whitehead of Garforth moor, Collier, December ye !8th Andrew, son of And w Burdsal of Scholes, Buckle-Maker, December 27 th Hannah, the Daughter of James Strodder of Barwick, Shoemaker, January y* 31 st Tho s , son of Richard Wood of Potterton, Lab r , Febr'y ye 5 th Margret, Daughter of Michael Graveley, Yeoman, Febr'y y e 8 th James, the son of William Crummock of Winmoor, Lab r , Febr'y 19 th John, the son of Step. Vevers, Gent., of Morwick, March the 9 th Baptisms, 1738. Bersheba, the daughter of James Robinson of Barw k , April y* 2 d Martha, the daughter of Will m Taylor of Barnbow Carr, Dishturner, April y e 4 th James, the son of William Bell of Winmoor, Taylor, April y* 5 th Henry, the son of Thomas Simson of Winmoor, Lab 1 , April y^ 23 Eleanor, the Daughter of Mathew Golden of Barwick, Lab 1 , May the 5 th , 1738 Alice, the daughter of William Abbot of Barwick, Yeoman, June y e 4 th 1684 Marit. John Smith, iu., and Elizabeth Pease, both of this parish, after publication thrice made according to Cannon, were married Octob r the 26 th 212 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. Edward Boulton and Frances Ball, both of the parish of Leeds, a Cirtificate from M r Timo. Cookson, February the 22 1707. Surplice Fees to the R r . Burialls, I2 d . Churchings, 8 d . Weddings, 2 s 6 d , Banns puB I s o d . Funerall sermons 10 s and i u plus and minus. Mar. w th Lycence, 10 s . Registring, 6 d . Mortuaries, 10 s . Marit', 1685. Richard Smith and Phillip [? Phillis] Marshall, both of this Parish, after publication thrice made according to Cannon, were married November the 9 th Marit', 1686. John Holcroft and Anne Foster, after Publication thrice made, were married April 8 Humphrey Morris and Mary Aumbler, August 28 Richard Lumb and Jane Thompson, October ye 14 Ralph Collett and Hannah Breatcliffe, Nov. 17 Robert Walton of y e pish, of Kippax and Elisab. Smith of this pish, Novemb. 24 Marit, 1687. Richard Hague of y e parish of Whitkirk and Anne Brooke of this parish, after Publication thrice made, were married Aprill the 28 th Jonathan Walsh of the parish of Kilwick and Elizab. Haworth of this p', May 25 William Hemsworth and Alice Birkes, both of this parish, September the 21 th John Saynor and Anne Lawe, both of this parish, Novemb r ye 23 George Mawmond and Mary Anderson, both of this pish, February y e 12 Marit, 1688. Thomas Hewett and Elisabeth Featon, both of this parish, after publication thrice made, maried Aprill the 17 William Morret and Jane Foxe, both of this pish, the same day George Wood of the parish of Abborford and Dorothy Lansdale of this parish, were married by licence, May the 30 Robert Dodgson of the parish of Bilton and Elisabeth Snawdon of this parish, June the 5 th Brieffs. Aprill 30, 1688. Received then of y e Minister and Churchwarden of Barwick in Elmet the sume of seventeen shillings eight pence half penny, collected in that pish, upon a Brieff bearing date the 31 of January, 1687-8, and granted to the distressed Protestants of France. I say Rec d the sume aforesaid by me. A Briefe. T. Holmes. Bealt in Comita Brecon Loss by fire 10780^ Thomas Hill of this parish and Susannah Munsey of the pish of Abborforth, after publication thrice made, were married February the 10 th Roger Tulip and Elisabeth Thornebrough, both of y e parish of Garth- forth, by a cirtificate from M r Witham, Rector, Ibidem, were married the 11 day of February BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 213 Marit, 1689. John Ingle and Anna Whitcroft, both of this parish, after publication thrice made, were married May the 16 July the 8, 1689. Received of the Minist r of Barwicke in Elmett the sume of Two pounds thirteen shillings seven pence halfe peny, collected in that pish upon the Brieff for the Relieffe of the distressed protestants of Ireland. I say Reced the aforesaid sume p me. T. Holmes. M r Bateman reced for 2 mortuaries from M r Dudson, i.e., for Tho. Tates 10 s and for John Taylors, jun., 10 s for y e use of D r Beres- ford. John Soothard and Sara Lund, both of this pish, after publicacon thrice made, were married October the 6 William Wood of Scoles and Anne Green of this Towne, Novem. the 28 th Thomas Parker of the parish of Harwood and Rosamond Peell of this pish, Feb. the 3 Daniel Jarmayne and Jane Saynor, both of this parish, after publication thrice made, were married February the 24 Edward Wilson, Dr. Beresfords servant, received of M r Dudson 10 s for Hen. Rights Mortuary for y e Drs. use 1690. Mountsoryel in Lecesteshire, 520 1 loss by fire Giuen to M r Jo n Clopton of y e citty of Norwich, who had a loss of stuff lost by ye sea, of 6ooo ls and upwards Lykwise Morpeth in Northumberland, 3530 1 loss by fire Marit, 1690. Dauid Hopwood of this parish and Anne Waudman of y e Parish of Leeds, after publicacon thrice made, were married Dec. 11 th William Collett of the parish of Rodwell and Margarett Briggs of this pish were Marryed by Lycence, Decemb r ye 18 Jan. 2 do , 1690. Reed then of the Minister and Churchwardens of Berwick in Elmet for East Smithfields Brief, the sume of four shillings, by me. Tho. Critchley Receits for Briefs. Junij 2 do , 1690. Received then of y e Minister and Churchwardens of ye Parish of Barwick in Elmet, the sume of sixteen shillings, being so much collected on y s M'ties 2 d Brief for y e releif of ye new [? Milvers] Irish Protestants within ye Arch Deaconry of York. I say reed ye aforsd sume by me. Tho. Holmes Junij 2 do , 1690. Reed then of y e Churchwardens of Barwick in Elmet the sume of Six shillings, being money collected upon y e Brief for ye releif of y* inhabitants of new Alresford. I say received by me. W m Richardson Junij 2 do . Reed of ye minister and Churchwardens of ye same parish the sume of fourteen shill. eleven pence half penny for y poor sufferers of Bungay in Suffolk. I say ree'd by me. W m Richardson John Chambers of ye pish of Kippax and Mary Ingle of this pish, August ye 25 July ye 2 d , '90. Collected wUn ye pish of Barwicke the sume of two 214 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. shillings for y e poor sufferers of Stafford, and paid in y* 21 of Aug Collected wUn y^ pish of Barwicke, June y e 23 th , the sume of three shillings for y* 5 poor sufferers of Bishop Lavington, and p d in at ye correction [sic], ye 21 of Aug. Myles Hopwood and Mercy Tate, both of this parish, November the 12 th David Hopwood of this pish and Anne Waudman of the parish of Leeds, December y e 11 William Collett of y e pish of Rodwell and Margarett Briggs of this pish, were married by Licence, Dec. 18 William Sutleworth and Frances Cooper, both of this pish, Feb. 19 August the 10, 1691. Receiued then of the Minister and Church- wardens of Barwick in Elmet, the sume of Two shillings and sixpence, beinge Collected towards the Briefe of Bealt in Wailes, p me, I say Rec d 2 s 6 d J. Joanes, Coll r . Aug. ye 28. Recd. of y e Minister and Churchwads the sume of 4 s for y e redeem of two Marchants out of Tunis in Turkey, their losses 8000 1 and their Ransum, 55 1 . Received by me. Tho. Darell, Collector. Marit, 1691. George Thompson of the parish of Kippax and Anne Watson of this pish, after publication thrice made, were marryed Aprill the 15 Richard Robinson of this parish and Alice Donfield of the parish of Garthforth, were marryed by Licence, May the 14 th Thomas Norfolke and Elizabeth Saynor, both of this parish, October the 21 Aug. 31, 1691. Recd. then of ye Minist r and Churchwardens of Barwick in Elmett in y e county of York, y e sum of Four shillings being Collected upon their Majesties Letters Patents for y* poor sufferers by fire at Thirske. p me, W m Richardson, Coir. John Potter of the Parish of Shearbourne and Alice Thompson of this pish, Nov. the 18 th John Sykes and Mary Dawson, both of this parrish, Nov. 23 th Daniel Jerman and Anne Massie, both of this pish, December y 24 th Marit, 1692 Richard Wilson of this parish and Susannah Fisher of the parish of Cawood, after publication thrice made, were married May 3^ 16 John Norhan and Mary Rasine, both of this pish, May y e 17 Jeremiah Ball and Elizabeth Wright, both of this Parish, June the 28 th William Ingle and Sarah Hudson, both of this Parish, August the 3 day William Admergill of the Parish of More munckton and Elizab. Dodgson of this pish, October the 11 th John San ton and Anne Kelshawe, both of Roundhey in this Parish, October y 6 23 Marit, 1693. John Richardson of y e Parish of Bramham and Anne Strickland of BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 215 this Parish, after Publication thrice made, were married together Aprill the 17 th Thomas Whitehead and Anne Dunnell, both of this Parish, May v* 5 11 th John Appleyard of 5^ Parish of Otley and Deborey Oddy of this Parish, May the 21 th John Wilson of the Parish of Garthforth and Elizabeth Johnson of this pish, June the 5 th M r Francis Moseley and M rs Jane Ellis of Kidhall were married by Lycence, June the 18 th Thomas Linley of the Parish of Whitkirk and Sara Thompson, after Publication thrice made, were married together July the 12 th William Midlebrooke and Margarett Hill, both of this Parish, Novemb r the I st Samuel Thornton and Anne Webster, both of this parish, January the Tenth John Gilson and Mary Heaton of Lazingcroft, both of this pish, February the Twentieth Marit, 1694. George Waller and Mary Read of Kidall, were marryed by Lycence, April the 22 th William Norto and Mary Wild, both of this parish, after publication thrise made, were maried Nov. y e 13 William Ear ad Elliner Brigs, both of this parish, Nov. 19 Samuel Dodgson and Sara Braime,bothof Roundhey, January the 30 th Marit, 1695. John Longbothome of the Parish of Thorner and Mary Hearfield of Hopperley in this parish, after publicacon thrice made, were married together August ye 5 th John Firth of the Parish of Hallifax and Mary Joy of Scoles in this parish, August the 13 th John Atkinson and Mary Ellis, both of this parish, were married by Lycence, September the 25 th Henry Whittecars of the parish of Fenton and Sarah Ingle of this pish, October the 20 th *Jordanus Tancred, Clericus, M.A., Inductus fuit in hanc Rectoriam de Barwick in Elmet, i8 V0 die Junij, 1695 Guil. Bridges, Clericus, Art. Baca, Admissus fuerit ad Peragendum omcium Curati in hac Ecclesia per Johan Archiepisc Ebor., Sep. 22 do , Quod quidem omcium auspicabatur, i mo die Octobris seq., 1695* . Richard Pate of the Parish of Wakefield and Anne Ellis of Kiddall were by Lyce[n]ce together [sic], Feb r th. 2 d Danieli Hudson, Clerico Parochiali ad Plures abeunti successit in eodem munere Joannes Hemsworth, Feb 1 23 tio , 1695* Marit, 1696. Petrus Slayter et J ana Richinson, nupti fuerunt Jan. vicessimo Marit', 1697. Thomas Turpen et Sara Massie, nupti fuere Aprilis 28 vo Rector 16951703. Presentation dated 3 April, 1695. He was son of Charles Tancred of Arden. Christ Church, Oxon., B.A., 1685, M.A., 1687. Foster's Alumni Oxon. 216 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. Robertus Brown et Helena Burken, Maij 25 t0 Rogerus Judson et Sara Wright, Junij vicessimo primo die Johannes Lofthous et J ana Robinson, Novembris iy mo die Marit', 1698. Johannes Butcher et Maria Tait, nupti fuerunt vicessimo tertio Junij Samuel Nuby et Maria Slay tor, vicessimo septimo die Augusti Josephus Moxon et Helena Munsy, Januarij 23*' Samuel Servant et Anna Tate, Januarij 29 110 Marit, 1699. Josephus Sigston De Leeds et Elizabetha Hardcastle De Barwick, nupt. Maij 25 to Gulielmus Sare De Wetherby et Elizabetha Robinson de Barwick, Junij i8 v0 Gulielmus Aire et Susanna Hodgeson, Jan'ij 3i mo Marit, 1700. Christopherus Wilson de Beckah et Maria Dixon De Potterton, Nupt. Junij 24* Gulielmus Jewet De Ryther et Barbara Jebson De Potterton, Nov bris n mo Anthonius Jackson de Walshford et Sara Wright de Barwick, Dec bris 30 1110 Johannes Wright et Anna Green de Barwick, Feb' i3 tio Johannes Glover et Eliza. Burket, Nupt. ap. Ebor., Feb'J 17 1110 Conjugat, 1701. Johannes Pearson et Maria Ellis, Nupt. May i mo Thomas Lightfoot de Whitkirke et J ana Doerdon de Brownmoor, Aug 5 * 1 7 mo Johannes Johnson et Maria Pease, Nov bris 2 do Gulielmus Middlebrooke et Anna Constable, Nov bris 30 Josephus Hague et Helena Hardy, J ami 29 110 Conjugat, [1702]. Gulielmus Fawcet et J ana Robson de Barwick, nupt. Maij 5 to Richardus Tarbotson de Thorner et Elizabetha Ball de Potterton, Junij 7 mo Joshua Wait De Seacroft et Helena Westmorland De Scholes, Nov bris 30 1110 Andreus Backhouse de Shereburn et Tomisin Brunton De Shippen, Feb ; J i mo Jeremias Bolton et Eliz. Atkinson De Barwick, Nupt. Georgius Plaxton, Clericus, A.M., Rector Eccliarum de Donington et Kynnardsey in Agro Salopiensi, inductus erat in Realem actualem et Corporalem possionem Eccliae et Rectoriae de Berwick in Elmet, vicesimo quarto Die Mensis Septembris, Anno D'ni 1703. Jo. Killingbeck Will. Vevers Cuthbt Witham Tho. Brooke Bright Dixon W m Plaxton Witt Vevers Jn Hemsworth Rector 1703 1721 St. John's College, Cambridge, B.A., 1669. He was an intimate friend of Ralph Thoresby. See D. H. Atkinson's Ralph Thoresby, His Town and Times, and Thoresby's Diary and Correspondence, edited by Hunter. BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 217 Franciscus Rounthwait et Maria Lee de Barwick, Septembris ig no [1703] Conjugat [1704]. Gulielmus Ambler De Leeds et Anna Orton De Barwick, Nupt. Jan'i i4 to Samuel Eamondson et Ursilla Thurkill De Leeds, May 2$ to Johannes Robinson et Elizabeth Orton De Barwick, Junij y mo Ezechiel Hopwood de Wakefield et Elizabetha Gayton de Scholes, Julij i6 t0 Gulielmus Robinson De Garthforth et Anna Jackson de Scholes, Nov bris i5 to Gulielmus Boardley et Maria Atkinson de Kiddal Lane, Feb'i io, no Thomas Scott et Sara Ellison de Barwick, Feb. 19 110 Conjugat [1705]. Godfrey Stonehouse and Ellen Burrough, both of Roundhey, were married July 30 th , 1705. 2 s 6 d Due to y e Queen William Robinson of Cawood and Anne Burland of Berwick, Novemb. 28 th , 1705. 2 s 6 d to y e Queen John Dawson of Brown Moor and Mary Ellijt, on S 4 Andrews day, 2 s 6 d Edward Thomson of y e parish of Kirkby over blows and Eliz. Briggs of Potterton, 20 th of January. 2 s 6 d to the Queen W m Renton and Mary Daniel, Jan. 28 th . 2 s 6 d to ye Queen Nuptde, 1706. W m Emmetson of Roundhay and Alice Powell of the pish of Bram- ham, were maryed at Barwick, August ye 8 th M r Thomas Simson of Wakef d and M rs Mary Brook were maryed by Lycence, October the 3 d James Story of Swillington and Mary Gibson, Jan. 16 Abraham Abbot and Sarah Gibson, the man of Swillington pish, the woman of this parish, Feb. 12 Joseph Fames and Marjory Gleadhall, both of Halyfax parish, were maried with a Lycence, March the 3 d NuPTiiE, 1707. Mark Robinson of y e parish of Skipwith and Sarah Hopwood were maried May 22 by Banns Jonathan Vincent of Swillington and Mary Thorns, July 10 th John Varo and Mary Harvy, Aug. 4 th W m Dibb and Katherine Brook, October 6 th Anthony Turner of Collingham and Anne Tate, DecemB the 22 John Atkinson and Dorothy Fleming, both of Kydhall, November the 13 th Francis Chapman of Barwick and Jane Lightfoot of Whitkirk parish, January 21 Weddings, 1708. W m Pickring of Parlington and Margrett Hewitt were maried Novemb. 8 W m Pickring, jun r , and Jane Wheately, Novemb: 25 Tho. Popplewell and Anne Clough, Jan. 26 th Tho. Ball and Anne Tate, Feb. 18 *Tho. Perrot of York, Clerk, and Anastasia Plaxton, June the 17 th *See Perrot Pedigree in Thoresby's Ducatus Leodiensis, 2nd Edition, page 72. 218 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. Weddings, 1709. James Jewit and Anne Robinson, married May 5 George Johnson and Anne Shippen, Sept. 15 George Dickenson and Anne Midlebrook, Novemb. 16 th George Hanly of Thorner and Sarah Briggs of Potterton, Feb. 2 Marriages, 1710. Henry Cowpland and Mary Scott were maried Jan. 16 John Tasker and Anne Tate, Jan. 22 Marriages, 171 i. Godfrey Stonehouse and Mary Carrit, June 30, of Roundhay Christoph r Thornton and Bridgett Hunter, July 8 W m , Yates of Bramham and Mary Smith, Nov. 28 Francis Parker of Leeds and Joanna Gibson als Prince, Decemb. 2 Anno Domini 1712. Edward Maxwell and Eliz. Hemsworth were maryed Ap r 29 John Ball and Mary Jackson, May 13 Michael Prince and Elizabeth Brown, June 22 Marriages, 1713. Jn Varley and Ellen 1 Demain, Octob r 29 th Martin Dawson of Seacroft and Anne Hunter, Jan: 5 th Michael Sharp of Kippax and Sarah Taylor, Jan. 26 th Marriages, 1714. W m Mounsey and Anne Dickinson, Novem br I st W m Canfield and Grace Speight, Dec 1 I st Matt w Jackson and Anne Robinson, Dec r 5 th Geo. Hinskipp arid Eliz. Backhouse, Feb. 7 th Abra m Marshall and Anne Hardisty, Feb. 20 th , w th a Licence Marriages, 1715. Joseph Cawwood and Elizabeth Sutherd, May y e 2 nd Ralph Collett and Anne Glover, August y e 3 dth Thomas Knapton and Mary Burton, August y 15 31 st Jn Walton and Susannah Cryer, November v* 5 13 th Marriages, 17 16. Jn Sharp and Mary Beatson, June y e 18 th , w th a Licence Matt w Hanson and Eliza. Wilcock, July the 23 d James Bullock and Joan Brown, August ye 6 th Benja. Dawson and Eliza. Hill, Novemb r y 22 nd Marriages, 1717. James Wilcox and Anne Bradford, Aprill 21 st W m Carver and Mary Briggs, Aprill 25 th Edw 1 Balmforth and Isabel Dobson, July 5^ 8 th W m Johnson and Mary Lee, Octob r 9 th Tho. Smith and Eliza. Denison, Octob 1 20 th Rob* Dodgson and Anne Walton, Novemb r 26 th Tho. Preston and Anne Burnett, Decemb r 23 th Rich d Tarbotton and Alice Wilson, January I st Rich d Robinson and Rosamond Appleyard, Feb. 20 th Marriages, 1718. Rob* Bateson and Rachel Thorns, Aprill ye 20 th W m Hague and Mary Hardisty, August y 8 4 th BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 219 Robt Issot and Alice Tarbotton, August ye 13 th Rich d Wilson and Susannah Oates, August 21 st those 3 Couple were married with a Lycence Tho. Davy and Anne Wheatley, September y* 7 th Marriages 17 19. Rich d Slaytor and Eliza: Dickinson, Aprill the 12 th Joseph Hick and Elizabeth Hay, June the 30 th John Rook and Sarah Vevers, Septemb r y e I st , with a Lycence Henry Dunnel and Anne Dickinson, Octob r 11 th John Wilson and Sarah Goodhall, October ye 29 th Tho. Shillitoe and Sarah Wood, November y e 8 th W m Hague and Elizabeth Ball, November y e 9 th Rich d Johnson and Susannah Walton, November y e 12 th James Hartley and Anne Ingam, January ye 7 th , w th a Lycence Marriages, 1720. John Easby of Rigton and Eliz. Pearson, June the 8 th Martin Whitehead and Elizabeth Lee, August y 3 d W m Bradford and Anne Wilcox, Sep 1 the 22 nd W m Simpson of Whitkirk and Mary Stonear, Novemb* y e 9 th Matt w Oddey and Mary Thompson, Dec r ye 7 th Christopher Hargrave and Anne Atkinson, Dec r ye 8 th Edmundus Barneby, Clericus, A.M., de Chelsey in Com. Middle., inductus erat in realem actualem et corporalem possessionem Ecclesiae parochialis et Rectoriae de Barwick in Elmet, vicessimo octavo die mensis Martij, Anno Do. 1721. John Plaxton Marriages, 1721. Rich Robinson and Ann Dodgson, Both of this parish, Aprill y 3 13 th Will m Heresie and Susanna Watson, Oct br y e 15 th Edward Batty and Elizabeth Watkinson, January y> 14 th Michael Dunn and Edith Stead, Feb r y y 6 th John Hague and Mary Hebden, March the 8 th , w th a Licence Marriages, 1722. Thomas Brown of Saxton and Mary Hemsworth, March the 25 th Joseph Law of Kippax and Dorothy Watkinson, August the I st Thomas Holmes and Susanna Sykes, August the 27 th John Waite and Ann Abbott, September the 3 d Samuell Stead of Leeds and Alice Settle, October the 22 nd Christopher Teasdall and Ann Morresby, Octob r the 24 th Henry Braim and Ann Brittain of Saxton, Novem br the 28 th Charles Hargrave and Mary Jackson, January the 31 st Marriages, 1723. James Whittaker of Fenton and Elizab h Thornton of this Par h , April the 17 th Tho s Bell and Mary Ambler, May 25 . Will m Butler and Sarah Taite, July 29 Tho s Knapton and Eliz th Crowder, Sept r 9 th Thomas Adkinson and Mary Lumb, Nov r 17 James Ellis of Harwood and Jane Hebden of Roundhey, Nov r 26 th Joseph Hague and Elisabeth Sharpra, Janv 15 th 220 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. John Dungworth and Alice Stringer, Feb 1 ? 17 th Marriages, 1724. John Carter of Pontefract and Sarah Lister of Scholes, Ap 1 6 th William Law of Leeds and Mary Hopwood of Barwick, Jun. I st Francis Walker and Ann Germai' of Barwick, Aug st 13 th Joseph Telford and Rosimond Robinson of Barwick, Sept r . 6 Will m Backhouse and Ann Cryer of Scholes, Sep r 27 Rich d Tuke of Thorner and [blank] Clerkson of Hubberley, Nov r 25 th W m Lee and Ann Robinson of Scholes, Jan. 6 th Brian Thackwray of Roundhay, Eliz th Mitchel of Sherburn, Jan. 20 th John Bean and Alice Ellis of Barwick, Jan. 20 th Mark Thornton of Barwick parish and Ellin Pepper of Parlinton, Jan. 27 1725- David Dawson, Clerk, Vicar of Aberford and Curate of Barwick in Elmett; was married to M rs Mary Baxter of Selby, Spinster, the sixth day of May, A.D. 1725 Rob 1 Adkinson of Barwick and Issabella Sanor, August 8 th Richard Pennington and Ann Wright of the Parish of Tadcaster, Jan. 30 th , 1725/6, Sunday. Mem dm . M rs Eliz. Ellis, exec trx to W m Ellis, Esq r , p d 10 s for a Mortuary to D. Dawson, Cur. Marriages [1726]. Will m Aier and Eliz. Spencer of Barwick, May the 28 th M r John Haigh of Selby and M rs Frances Pickering of Wetherby, June 8 th Josep Maud and Ann Mounsey, Augs 1 22 jn Wiglesworth of Rodwell Parish and Mary Gibson of Potterton, Oc r 16 Robert, son of John Pearson, p d 10 s as a Mortuary for his Father to D. Dawson, Cur. Marriages [1727]. Daniel Huit and Grace Varley, Both of this Par, Nov r 15 Will m Holmes and Martha Tiplin, both of this Par, 30 Nov. Will" 1 Dixon of Cowton in the Par sh of Whidchurch and Mary Robinson of this Par h , Dec r I st Joseph Batty and Ann Jackson, both of this Parish, Dec r 11 David Blackburn and Mary Burland, Dec r 27 Sam 1 Thompson and Ann Robson, both of this Parish, Jan. 30 Marriages, 1728. May 5 th . George Bennet and Mary Waterworth, both of this Parish Charles Wright and Margret Wright, both of this p sh , July 3 d Gabriel Talor and Ann Bell, both of this Par. W m Johnson of Leeds and Judith Wilcock of Garforth Moorside, married w th License, Oct r 17 Tho. Whithead and Mary Lumb, both this Parish, Nov r 20 th W m Cooper and Hannah Maud of Potterton, Dec 1 21 W m Hebden the younger and Jane [blank], both of this Par., Apl 6 th 1729, Marriages. George Thompson and Ann Butcher, after due publication, Both of this Parish, Mar. Apl. 6 th BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 221 Tho s Taylor and Mary Ball, both of this Par. Rich d Marshall and An Taite of this Parish, Jun' 24 th J n Rishforth of Leeds parish and Dorathy Maud of this parish, June 25 th Joseph Ward of Tadcaster Parish and Sarah Robinson of this parish, July 6 th Rich d Taylor and Ellin Thompson, both of this parish, Sept r 7 th James Wilcock and Rebekah Tricket, both of this Parish, Oct r 22 Rich d Duffin of Brotherton parish and Mary Smith of this Parish, Nov r 24 th Edw 1 Batty and Mary Barker, both of this parish, J any. 27 1730, Marriages. John Sanor of Whidchurch and Ann Wright of this Parish, May 6 Mat w Jackson and Sarah Watson of this Parish, June 14^ Benj n Rawde of Kippax parish and Mary Abbot of this Parish, July 23 Jn. Slater and Eliz th Outhwaite, booth of this Parish, Aug 1 31 W m Reedall and Grace Bateson, both of this parish, Oct r 12 th John Dickinson of the Parish of Whidchurch and Mary Sharphouse of this Parish, Nov r 2 d Rich d Lumb and Margret Ball, both of this Parish, Nov r 29 Anthony Connel of the Parish of Whidchurch and Sarah Rowlinson of this Par h , Feby 3 d Tho s Collet and Eliz th Watkinson, both of this Par 511 , Feby 23 Marriages, 1731. Tho s Mirrit and Ann Sharphouse, both of this Parish, Ap 1 19 th M r J n Shacklet n of Rippo and M rs Elizab th Vevers de Potter', Married w th Licence, Ap 1 28 i. d. W m Clerkson and Jane Tipplin, both of this Par. Jos h Stephenson of the Parish of Whidchurch and Sarah Lightfoot of this Parish, Ap 1 29 th Rich d Taylor and Sarah Scot, both of Barwick, May 24 th John Pickerin and Ellianor Backhouse, both of Abberforth William Hardy and Mary Johnson, both of this Par:, Aug. 5 th Benj n Haist and Eliz th Dawson, both of this Par., Married w th Licence, Oct r 25 th Joshua Lisster and Mary Sympson, both of this Parish, Nov r . M r Jeremiah Marshall of the Par h of Guisley and M rs Ann Emanson of Roundhay, were married w th Licence, Feby 21 i. d. J n Jordan and Margret Hemsworth from Roundhay, Feb. 21 Henricus Perkins, Clericus, A.M. Sacrista ecc. cath. de Lichfield, Inductus erat in Realem et Corporalem possessionem Ecclesiae et Rectoriae de Barwick in Elmet, vicesimo septimo die Martij, A.D. 1731 p 1 D. Dawson. Marriages, 1732. Joseph Dickinson and Ann Atkinson, both of Barwick, April 20 th Tho s Backhouse of Abberford and Mary Horner of Barwick, Apl. 26 David Carleton of Abberford and Ann Watkinson of Barwick, July ye 3 Rob 4 Sympson and Mary Bell, both of this Parish, Sept r 27 th 222 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. Jonathan Bell and Ann Wood, both of this p'sh, Octob* y* 8 9 th Ibid m . Thomas Whitehead and Alice Brunton, both of this parish Tho s Donwell and Rebecca Hewson, both of this parish, ye 25 of October W m Scott of this parish and Mary Cawood of the parish of Swillington, Novem 1 6 th William Ward of the parish of Wooley and Mary Bradley of this parish, Decemb r I st Richard Wilson and Ann Chapman of Brownmoor, both of this Parish, Decemb. 31 1733, Marriages. Joseph Maud and Deborah Middlebrough, both of this parish, married May y^ 6 th Samuel Dodgion and Ann West, both of this parish, May ye 9 th Rich'd Lumb of Barwick and Hannah Atkinson of the Parish of Badsworth J n Prince of Kippax and Mary Varey of Scholes, Augs* 11 th John Johnson of Thorner and Ann Prince of this Parish, August 19 th Rob 1 Appley'd and Mary Wilson, both of this Parish, Nov r 29 George Watson and Susannah Maxwell, both of this Parish, Dec r 26 John Donwell and Eliz th Broadley, both of this Par., Jan. 7 th Marriages, 1734. Jonathan Raper and Ann Amb r , Ap 1 15 th James Higgins and Mary Orton, Both of this Par., Apl. 21 J n Thompson and Sarah Cook, both of this Parish, May 4 th Will m Lumb and Martha Braim, both of this Parish, May 8 th [Blank] of the Parish of Abberford and Ann Walton of this Parish, Feb. 16 John Owin of the Parish of Rothwell and Ann Robinson of this Parish, Feb. 17 [Blank] of Abberfd and Ann Walton of Barwick, Feb. 17 th j n Owen of Rodwell and Ann Robinson of Garforth Moor, Feb. 18 Andrew Burdsall and Elizabeth Cundal, Both of this Parish, Feb. 22 d Marriages, 1735. Michael Settle, Labourer, and An Wilcock, Wid w , Both of this parish, Oct r 8 th 1736, Marriages. James Strodder, Shoemaker, and Margret Eyre, were marry' d August 24 th Mathias Waite of the Parish of Harwood and Elizabeth Burland of this Parish, October ye 11 th 1737, Marriages. Mathias Firth, Lab r , and Jane Scalbert, Spinster, both of this Parish, were marry' d Apl. 11 th 1684, Sepult. Alice, the wife of John Smith of Barwick, was Buried in woollen, June the 11 th Elisabeth, the wife of William Thompson of Hirstmoor, June y e 24 Mary, the wife of Joshua Lumb at Allershaw laine end, Aug. ye 3 The Laydy Anne Tempest of Barnbow, the 11 th of September Mary, the wife of Robert Wansley, the 15 of Sept. BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 223 Grace, the wife of Matthew Ingle of Barwick, the 22 of September Richard, the son of Thomas Wood of Barwick, the 25 of Septem. Christopher Kelshaw of Brandon, October the 15 Thomas Hopwood in Kidall lane, October the 17 Widow Shoosmith at the lower end of Hirstmore, October the 18 Anne Prince of Mounkey, wid', Nov. I st Elisabeth, the wife of Stephen Eastbourne of Spighleys, November 2 Christopher Shoore and Alice his wife, of Barnbow, both in one grave, Novem. the 19 A still borne child of Nicholas Sheppen of Sheppen, December the 16 A s[t]ill borne Child of John Moore of Barwick, December the 18 Richard, the son of Christopher Hill of the Stanks, Decemb. the 20 Elizabeth, the daughter of James Wilcocke at Allershaw laine end, was buried in woollen at Whitkirk, By lycence, the 19 of January Frances, ye daughter of John Frankland of Garthforth moreside, February the 9 Thomas Knapton of Barwicke, Feb. 5^ 12 Alice Cooper of Scoles, February the 20 Mary, the daughter of Robert Wansley of Barwick, February the 23 *M r Thomas Addyson of Barnbow, Gent., March the 12 th Sepult, 1685. James, the son of James Hinley of Penwel, was buried in wooll: Aprill ^ 8 M rs Mary Ellis of Barwicke, Aprill y e 27 Dorothy Oddy of Scoles, May the 15 William Lumb at the uper end on Hurstmore, August the 6 Elisabeth, the daughter of Mary Taylor of Barnbow carr, widow, Aug 16 Grace, the daughter of Thomas Brunton of Barnbow, August the 19 Anne, the wife of Richard Swals of Potterton, September ye 11 th Anne, the daughter of John [? Franland] of Garthforth more side, Octob. the n, and the affidavit Brought the 18 Barbary Butler of Roundey, November ye 18 Jane Ellis of Barwick, Novemb. the 12 John Buck of the Stanks, Nov. the 13 Anne, the wife of John Dodgson, Nov. the 14 Robert Shuttleworth of Scoles, No. 22 Anne Turner of the Penwell, No. 27 William Ingle of Barwicke, No. 28 A still born Child of Richard Robinson of Barwick, December the 10 Margaret, the wife of W m Wood of Scoles, Decemb. the 11 Samuel Waterworth of Barwicke, Dec. 13 Richard Hill of the Stanks, Dec. 16 Henry Hardwick of Barwick, Dec. 20 John Munsey of Winmore head, December the 28 Thomas, y e son of Tho. Knapton of Barwick. 3^ same day Lawrence Mowbray in his information respecting the Barnbow Plot, 1679 (printed 1680) mentions Mr. Thomas Addison, the priest to Mrs. KilUngbeck, and the above is apparently the record of his burial. 224 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. William Munsey of Winmore head, Jan. 7 William Taylor of Barwick, January ye first Barbary Shuttleworth of Scoles, Febr. the 23, and an Affidavitt broughte to me, 26 Mary Kelshawe of Roundhay, Febru. ye 28 Robert Shawe of Barwick, March 15 Cicilia, the wife of James Wheatley of Winmoor, March 24 Sepult', 1686 Tho., the son of Samuel Robinson of Garthforth moor, was Buried in Woollen, April the 3, and Afndavitt Brought to me Ap. the 5 Elisabeth, the wife of Tho. Taylor of Barwick, Aprill the 14, Affida: brought the 15 John, ye son of W m Smith of y e same, Aprill 16, Affedavit brought: Anne, the wife of W m Haire of Morwick, Ap. 26 Obidia, the son of W m Handley of Scoles. Aprill the 10 Anne, the wife of Bernard Mawmond of Barwick, Ap. y e 11 Grace, y e daughter of James Hinley, at y e Pen well, May the 23, Affidav. brought the same day Elisabeth Haslegrave of Scoles, May ye 25, And an affidavit brought to me y e 26 Ric. Sheppen of Barnbow, June ye 6 th , And an affidavit brought v* 5 9 Richard Brough of Barwick, July y^ 9 Francis Brunton of Garthforth more side, July the 13, and an affidavit Brought the same day, and slaine in a coal pitt. Ibid Robert Knapton of Barwicke, July y e 22 th , and an affidavit brought y e 28 Elisabeth, the daughter of Michael Rish at the lower end, on Hurst- more, was Buried at Whitkirk with lycence, Sept. the 22, from M r Coope Barbara, y 6 daughter of Solomon J ibson of Kidall laine end, October ye 4 Elisabeth, the wife of John Smith, iunior, of Barwick, October the 8 th , and an affidavit Brought y e 10 Anne Burnel of Roundhey, Octob. 10, and an affidavit brought y e same day John, the son of Christop. Leeds of Garthforth more sd, Nov. the 11, and an affida vitt brought 13 Beatrix, y e wife of Christ. Leeds of the same, Novemb. 16. Affida. brought y e 17 William Hardy of Scoles, November 23, and an Affidavit brought y e 27 Mercy Hagueof Barwick, wid w , Nov. 25, and an affidavitt brought 5^29 Magdaline, y e daughter of Nicolas Sheppen of Sheppen, Dec. the 7, and an affidavitt brought the 12 [Blank], the son of Abraham Sheppen of Barnbow, Decemb r the 10, and an affidavitt brought the James, v* 3 son of John Prince of Potterton, Dec. the 11, and an affidavit brought the 18 Instant John Hardcastle of Barwicke, the 20 of Dec, and an affidavitt brought 5^ 24 Dorothy, ye daughter of Richard Lumbe on Winmoor, January the 26, and an affidavit brought the 28 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 225 Robert, y son of Rob 4 Wansley of Barwick, Febraary the 5, and an affidavit brought y* 6 Instant Thomas, ye son of W m Lister of Scoles, Feb. 7, and an affidavitt brought ye Anne, y 6 wife of Thomas Walker of Roundhey, February y 9, and an affidavitt brought ye 13 th Instant Elizabeth Crabtree of Roundhey, March the 9 th , and an Affidavitt brought ye 12 Inst. fM r John Coope, Curate of this parish, March ye 21, and an affidavitt Brought the 27 Sepult, 1687. Alice Sheppen of Barnbow car was Buried in Woollen, May y* 2, and an affidavit Brought v* 5 9 Alice Hill of the Stanks, widow, July 2* A still borne child of Aquall Blackeburn of Scoles, July ye 23* John, the son of Alice Prince of Barwick, Septemb r the 8* William Briggs of Winmore, Decemb. the 9* A still born child of Richard Atkinson of Roundhey, Decern, the 29* Leonard Catton of Barw., Dec. the 31* Elisabeth, y> wife of James Wilcock at y* lower end of Hirstmore, was Buried at Whitkirk by lycence, February the 6 This Letter following was directed thus for M r Dudson, Curate of Barwick in Elmett. These, Sept. 28 th , 1687. Reverend Sir, You are desired to receive five pounds from this bearer and to give it to your Churchwardens to distribute to your poor Parishioners as followeth, viz. : 50 s to be equally divided to all the poor men which are 60 years of age or upward ; and 50 s to all the poor widdows which are of the same age, the wifes of one husband (widdows indeed). A proof for which Act of mine you may find in y* 1 Epis. to Timoth., 5 ch., 9 verse, and it is an example which I have learned from the right Reverend Father in God D r Andrews, sometime Bishop of Winchester, as you may find in his life thus writt : A Prelate worthy of renown and a light of Charity fit for all men to imitate whom God has blessed with abilities. S r , I have taken the freedom to trouble you upon this account, and if you think it a trouble I beg your Pardon for it ; but upon second thoughts I conclude you think it an honour to be God's Almoner ; thus desireing your fervent hearty prayers for me and mine, I rest Yours faithfull Lover in Christ, the unwilling to be Known, Anonymus. Sepult, 1688. M rs Dorothy Lodge of Roundhey was Buried in Woollen, April 7* A still born child of John Thompson of Garthforth more side, Ap. 8* Mary, y 6 Daughter of Rob 4 Wansley of Barwicke, Aprill the 12* Jane Bullocke of the same, widow, Aprill the 15* Thomas Thompson of the Stanks, May the 9* +John Coope, Magdalen College. Cambridge, B.A., 1666 ; M.A., 1670. Signifies that an affidavit was brought. BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. Benj amine, the son of John Aumbler on Hurst moore, May 23* M r William Green of Potterton, May the 24* William Ridley, a Norththumberland Man, was found dead on Cattle moor where we went our perambulation in the Rogation week ante on the 7 of June and an affidavit brought the 13 Instant Ju. James, the son of James Wilcock at the lower end of Hurst moor near Whitkirk laine end, was Buried by lycence from M r Dudson, curate, Whitkirk, on the 14 of June instant * Connon Hopkinson of Scoles, June 28* Beatrixe Catton of Barwick, the same day* Edward Ingle of Barnbow was Buried by a Certificate at Whitkirk, July 5^ 26 A still born child of John Gascoigne of Parlington, Gent., the 4 of Aug.* John, y* 5 son of Gyles Hardwicke, Aug. y e 25* John Drury of Barwicke, September the 6* Anne, the Daughter of W m Handly of Scoles, the 27 day of Sept.* A still borne Child of Aqual Blackborne of Scoles, October the 20* A still born Child of Rich* Robinson of Barwicke, October the 22 d * Jane Snawden of Potterton, wid w , November the 9* William, the son of Thomas Hewet of Potterton, the 27 of Novemb.* Martine Whitehead, iunior, of this pish, was buryed by lycence at Whitkirk, on the First day of December* Elisabeth, the wife of William Sharphurst at the Speighleys, Janua. the First* William Munsey on Winmore head, the 17 of January, and an affidavit brought the . The Minister issued forth his Certify- cate to the Churchwardens and overseers the 26 day Instant January for want of y* affidavitt Rosomond Maw of Garthforth more side, the 23 day of Feb., and an affidavit brought the . The Minister issued forth his Certifi- cate to the Churchwardens and overseers the 4 th of March, for want of the affidavitt Marke, the son of Tho. Cooper of Scoles, March the 11* Elisabeth, the wife of John Pitts of Scoles, March the 15* W t RVT ( ^ a ^ Bayliffs, Constables and other their Maj ties west Kiaing | ffi cers w thj n ye S( j Riding and especially to the Com.Ebor. ( Con bie of Rigton. Whereas Matthew Barnby, late of Scoles, left a House unto his Brcf, Wm. Vevers, to pay unto y e poor ten shillings yearly, and y* y e sd. Wm. Vevers endeavours to defraud y e poor thereof to their damage and contrary to Lawes These are therefore in their Maj ties name to Will and require you and Every of you That you or some of you do imediately after your receipt hereof cause the said William Vevers to come before me or some other of their Maj ties Justices of the Peace for this Riding to shew cause why he refuses to pay ye poor the moneyes due to them, and you are also hereby further required to give the Church- wardens and overse rs of the poor of Scoles aforesaid convenient Signifies that an affidavit was brought. BARWICK-IN.ELMET REGISTER. 227 notice of the due execution hereof to the end that they may also appeare and be p'sent to make out this their Complaint and hereof ffaile not att your Perrills. Given under my hand and Seal at Preston, the 10 th day of Aprill, 1691. W m Lowther. Geo. Hast, Robert Brooke, Churchwarden, Richard Braime, Overseer, William Knapton. Sepultis, 1689. Elisabeth Thompson of Barwick, widow, was Buried in Woollen, the 5 day of Aprill* Mary, ye daughter of Tho. Walker of Roundhey, Aprill the 24* John Thompson of Garthforth more side, May the 11* John Dodgson, iu., of Kidall lane end, June the 4* John Wright of Barwicke, June y e 6* Richard Burland of Barwicke, June the 26* Anne, ye wife of Tho. Poppleton of ye same, June ye 28* Jane Fouston of Barwicke, July the 3* Frances, the wife of William Smith of Barwicke, July the 10* Anne, the daughter of Joseph Hague of Barwicke, July the 21 Mary, ye wife of George Mawmond and Isable his daughter, both was buried in woollen and laid in one grave, July the 27* Thomas, the son of Thomas Knapton of the same, July 30* George, the son of Richard Smith of the same, August the first* Thomas Tate of Barwicke, August the 15* John, ye son of Robert Browne of Potterton, August ye 18* William Wilcocke of Garthforth more side, September the 5* Gyles Hardwicke of Barwicke, Gent., Septemb^ the 12* M rs Elisabeth Massie of ye same, September the 14* Henry Wright of ye Laydy grounds on Winmore, September the 16* A still borne child of Robert West of Roundhey, Septemb 1 25, and no affidavit, ye cirtificate granted Thomas Briggs of the same, Septemb 1 30* William Watson of Barwicke, Octob r ye 4* Hellen, the wife of William Taylor of Scoles, October the 22 th * A still born child of Rob* Thornes of Barwicke, Dec. 7* A still born child of Richard Robinson of ye same, Dec. 14* Anne Briggs on W T inmore, wid w , Decemb 1 y e 25* Mary, ye daughter of Tho. Knapton of Barwicke, January ye 3 d * Mary, ye wife of David Hopwood of Potterton, January y e 6* William Butler of Roundhey, Janu. the 11* John Printice of Potterton, Janu. 15* John Taylor, iunior, of Barwick, January the 16* Two still born children of Jo n Aumbler of Hirst more, the same day A souldiers child of Potterton, January the 17 Austine Nicolson of Barwick, Janu. the 18* Francis Johnson of y e Stanks, January y e 26* Stephen Eastbourne of Hurst more, February the 23* Moses, the son of John Settle of Potterton, February the 24* John, the son of W m Coapland of Potterton, March the 7* John Burland of Barwicke, March the 11* 'Signifies that an affidavit was brought. 228 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. John Frankland of Garthforth more side, March y 6 16* Sepult, 1690. Elisabeth, y e daughter of Richard Smith of Barwick, was Buried in Woollen, Aprill ye 2* Thomas Ellis, a serv* at Kidall, Aprill the 7* A still born child of Richard Lumb of Hurst more, Aprill the 26* Anne, y e wife of Henry Haire at Kidhall laine end, April ye 30* Thomas, ye son of Tho. West of Roundhey, May y e 15* Margarett Ibbotson of Potterton, May y* 18* Rich d , ye son of John Smith of Barwicke, May y e 28* Elisabeth, y e daughter of Wittm Worfolk of Morwick, June y e 5* Josuah Turner of Barwick, July ye 24* Stephen, the son of Jo n Lumbler, iu', of Hirstmore, ye 30, and no affidavitt brought, y e certifycate issued forth John Hunter at y e uper end of Hurstmoore, August y* 13* Grace Brough of Barwicke, Sept. the 4* Elisabeth, ye wife of Abraham Sheppen of Barnbow, Sept. ye 9* Charles Hardcastle of Roundhey, October the 23* William Deardon of Garthforth more side, October ye 26* Elisabeth, the wife of Robert Fairer at ye Bull lane head, Octob. ye 30* Thomas Taylor of Barwicke, Nov. the I st * Christop., ye son of Jo n Hardisty, Nov. the 7 th * Samuel, y e son of Rob* Wansley of Barwick, Novemb. y e 20* A still born child of Rich d Robinson of Barwick, Dec. the 21* Thomas, y e son of Rob 1 Wansley of y e same, Decemb. ye 30* A still born child of Rich d Smith of ye same, January ye 7* Robert Dodgson of Kidall laine head, the same day* Grace, y e daughter of John Ingle of Barwick, January ye 13* Elisabeth, ye daughter of W m Knapton of Barwicke, Janu. 14* Rebecca, ye wife of Rich d Robinson of y e same, January y e 17* Charles, ye son of Rich d Settle of Potterton, Jan. 20* Sara, y e daughter of Mat'. Watkinson, Garthforth moreside, y e same day* A s[t]ill born child of Jo n Ofnne of Scoles, ye 20 of Janu.* John Hemsworth of Potterton, February y 8 7* Jane, y e wife of Daniel Jermaine of Barwicke, February ye 13* Frances Sheppen of Scoles, widow, February the 20* Elisabeth Issott of Barwick, widow, February ye 21* Francis West of Roundhey, March the 4* Seppultis, 1691. Margarett Barker of Potterton, widow, was Buried in Woollen, March the 31* Anne Brown of Winmore, vi: Ap. 28* Jane Thompson of Speighley, by lycense, at Whitkirk, May ye I st Rich d , ye son of Richard Lumb of the same, May ye 11* Tho., y e son of John Stoaker of Scoles, May 31* Mary, 5^ daughter of M r John Brooke of Leeds, June ye 29* Christopher Hill of y 9 Stankes, July the 17* Margaret Watson of Leeds was found dead at Cattle close head near 'Signifies that an affidavit was brought. BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 229 y* yate leading to Sheepen, and was Buryed in Woollen, Septemb. the 3 d * Elizabeth, the daughter of John Gascoigne, Esq. of Parlington, Octofr the 3 d * Elizab., y> daughter of Richard Atkinson of Roundhey Park, Decemb r ye 20* Anne, ye daughter of Thomas Cooper of Scoles, Janu. y 6 22* Elisabeth, ye daughter of Tho. Bradford of Tolerugg yate, January ye 2 8* A still bourn child and Thomas, y 6 son of Danjel Jermaine of Barwicke, January y* 29* Sara, y e daughter of W m Hallyday at Bull laine end, February ye 28 Richard Glover at ye White laith was Buried at Whitkirk by a Certificate from our Minist., the 29 of February Sara, the daughter of William Reedall, near Allershaw laine on Hurst- more, the 4 of March* A still born Child of John Ingles of Barwick, March y* 5* Brieffs. The Tenth day of May, 1692. Received then of the Minister and Churchwardens of Barwicke in Elmett in the County of Yorke, for Clapton Brief the sume of Three shillings, and for Oswester Brief the sunie of Two shillings. Rec'd by me. Abrah. Crowder, CoH: August the 31, 1691. Receiued then of ye Minister and Church- wardens of Barwicke in Elmett in the County of Yorke, the sunie of Four shillings for Thirske Brief. I say Received per me. Wirlm Richardson, Collector. Sepultis, 1692. Mary Slaytor on Hurst moor were buried in woollen, Aprill the 2* Mary Butcher of Barwick, Aprill the 20* John Dodgson of Kidall laine end, May ye 17* Jane, y^ daughter of Rich d Robinson of Barwick, May the 25* Anne Holmes of Roundhey, June the I st , for want of the Affidavitt the Minister granted forth his Certifycate to y Churchwardens and overseers the 16 Instant Elizabeth Knapton of Barwick, widow, July the 17* Grace, the wife of Geo: Smith at Allershaw laine end on Hurst More, was Buried by lycense from M r Dudson at Whitkirke, July the 25 William Lofthouse of Potterton, Aug: the 19 th * Thomas, the son of John Potter of Barwicke, Septemb. ye 15* Easter, ye daughter of Aquall Blackborn of Scoles, Septemb 1 the 22* Thomas, the son of Robert Browne of Potterton, the same day Anne, y 6 Daughterof John Aumbler, iu', on Hurst more, Octob 1 the 2 d * Richard Johnson of Lasingcroft was Buried in woollen at Garthforth by lycence, November the 25 th John, the son of Thomas Bradford of Tollerugg Yeate, November 5^27* James, the son of James Wheatley on Hurstmore, the same day* William, the son of Samuel Tate, iu', of Kidall laine head, Dec. the 25* 'Signifies that an affidavit was brought. 230 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. James Wheatley of Hurst more, near Pen well, Dec. the 28* Robert Prince of Barwick, January the 3 day* Easter, y* daughter of Tho. Prince of the same, Jan. the 8 th Hannah, the wife of ye s d Thom s Prince, January ye 14* Edward, the son of Rich d Aspenwald of Roundhey, Janu. the 25* Anne Dodgson of Roundhey, widow, Janu. y* 25* Thomas, the son of William Knapton of Barwick, February the 2 d * Elizabeth Settle of Potterton, widow, Feb. the 11 th * Frances Dodgson of Roundhey, March the 2 d * Richard Aspenwall, iu', of Roundhey, March the 6 th * Mary Standley, a Bastard at Speighley nuk, Mar. 21* Sepultis, 1693. Robert Saynor of Scoles was Buried in woollen, Aprill the 21 th * Faith Varley of Brown moore was Buried by lycence at Whitkirk, Aprill the 20 th Frances Butler of Barnbow, Aprill the 30 th * A still born child of John Lister of Roundhey, May the 15 th Dorothy Constable, widow, on Hurstmoore over against Speighley, May the 20 th * Peter Slaytor on Hurstmore, May the 21* Anne Dunwell of Scoles, widow, June the 4 th * William, the son of W m Handley of Scoles, June the 11* Elinor, the wife of Anthony Wright of Grimesdike, July the 4* George Smith near Allershaw laine end on Hurstmoore, was Buryed at Whitkirke by a Certificate and Lycence from M r Dudson, curate, Aug. y e 16 George Wright on Winmore, near Lady ground, August the 23 th * Daniel Huett of Garthforth more side, Sept. the 23 th * Mary Hunter of Winmore, October the 5 th * Richard Prince of Barwick, October the 24 th * George Tinsdall of Partington, Nov 1 ye 2 d * Grace, the wife of William Hair at y e west end of Kidall laine end, November the 9 th Sarah, the wife of W m Ingle of Barwicke, November the 11 th * William Smith of Scoles, December the 9* Elizabeth, the wife of Rich d Settle of Potterton, January the 19 th * Francis Saynor of Barwicke, January y* 20 th * Elizabeth Shenton of the same, widow, January the 21 th * Isable, the wife of Robert Carter at Allershall laine End on Hurst more, was Buryed by Licence from M r Dudson, Curate at Whitkirk, February the 16 th John Smith of Barwicke, Febr. the 24* Anne Smith of Scoles, widow, March the 2 d * Margarett, the wife of W m Lister of Roundhey, March the II th * Sepultis, 1694. Christopher Leedes of Garforth more side was Buryed April 7 th * Anne Hopwood, wid w , in Kidhall laine, Aprill 10* Frances, the wife of Thomas Bird of Barwick, Aprill the 11 th * Abigaile, ye wife of John Settle of Potterton, the same day* Signifies that an affidavit was brought. BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 231 Anne, the wife of George Spinke of Scoles, April the 17 th * Robert Hardcastle of Barwicke, the same day* William Hopwood in Kidall laine, April the 23 th * Jane Prince of Barwick, May y* 18 th * Martin Prince of ye same, May ye 19* Elizabeth Hopwood of ye same, May y" 20* Elizabeth Fawcett of Barwicke, June ye 25* Thomas More of Barwick, June y e 28* Christop. Aumbler near ye cross yates on Hurst more, June y* 25* A still born Child of John Lister of Roundhey, July ye 6* John Saynor of Grimesdike, July y e 16* Matthew Holmes of Roundhey, Aug. 6* Easter Thompson of Garforth moreside, August the 24 th Anne Simpson of the same, the same day Edmond Hunt of Lazincroft, was buried at Garforth, the 8 th day of October Grace, the wife of Thomas Brunton of Sheppen, October the 12 th * Matthew, ye son of Matt w Issott of Barwick, Octob 1 ye 29 th * Sara, the daughter of Jo n Jackeson of Brownmoor, Dec. ye 18 th * Sara, ye daughter of Rob 4 Thornes of Barwick, Dec. the 22 th * Mary, ye daughter of Rich d Atkinson of Roundhey, Dec. ye 25 th * Moses, the son of Robert Brame of Barnbow carr, February the 20 th * W m , ye son of Rob. Brown of Potterton, Feb. y* 22 th David, the son of W m Ayre at the west end of Kidall laine, March the 17 th Sepultis, 1695. James Orton, iu', of Barwicke, was Buried in woollen, Aprill the 3 d day* A still born Child of Tho. Settle of ye same, Aprill ye 10* Richard Taite of Potterton, Aprill y e 11 th * William Barnett of Penwell, Aprill the 18 th * J ane, ye daughter of Robert Wansley of Barwick, Aprill ye 29 th * Elizabeth, his other daughter, May y e I st * Anne, ye wife of Rob* Wansley of ye same, May ye 11 th * Sarah Prince of Potterton, May ye 14 th * Robert Mawe of Garforth moore side, May ye 15 th * Frances, ye wife of John Atkinson of Osmondthick, July ye I st * Alice Holmes of Roundhey, July ye 8 th * Robert Eastbourn near Speighleys nuke, July the 22 th * A Still Born-child of Jo n Ingle of Barwick, July ye 29 th * John Westmerland of Scoles, July ye 30 th Thomas Holcroft of Barwick, Aug. the 25 th , Anne, the daughter of Rob* Wansley of Barwick, Sept. the 7 th * fM r Myles Lodge of Redhall on Winmore head, Sept. the 8 th * Edward, son of Thomas Knapton of Barwick, Sept. ye 19 th * Alice, y e daughter of Thomas Tate of Scoles, September the 26 th * Jane, ye daughter of W m Wood of ye same, October ye I s ** 'Signifies that an affidavit was brought. + Red Hall was built by Mr. Richard Lodge, a Leeds Merchant. See Thoresby Society's vol. I J. page 247, and for Pedigree see Thoresby's Ducatus, 2nd Edition, page 73. 232 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. Anne, the daughter of Joseph Hague of Barwick, October the 16 th * Francis, the son of Richard Settle of the same, October ye 19 th * Elizabeth, the daughter of Timothy Smith of the same, November the I s '* Joan Frankland of Garforth more side, was buried in woollen Novemb 1 y" 5 25 th , and the Minister issued forth his Certificate to the Churchwardens and overseers for want of the Affidavitt W m , the son of William Butler of Speighley nuke, Dec. the 25 th * Rich d , ye son of Thorn. Knapton of Barwick, February the 11 th Daniel Hudson, qui per decursum 35 annorum Clerici Parochialis munus obivit in hac ecclesia sepultus fuit Februarij 20 m0 Anthonius Wright de Grimesdyke, Februarij 29 110 Elizabetha, uxor Aquillae Blackburn de Scholes, Martij 3 tio Sepult., i6g5. Maria Bradford, Filia Thomse Bradford de Potterton-moor, sepult' Octavo die Aprilis Anna, uxor Petri Slater de Hirstmoor, Maij 14 th Johannes, Filius Johan. Atkinson de Kiddal Lane, Maij 27 Abrahamus, filius Abra. Shippen de Barmbow-carr, Julij 5 to Josephus Constable de Winmoor, Julij io mo Josephus, filius Gulielmi Wood de Scholes, Julij i2 mo Dina, filia Ricli Settle de Barwick, Augusti i6 t0 J ana, uxor Roberti Collet de Barwick, Novembris i2 mo Josephus filius Henrici Slayter de Winmoor, sepult Novembris i5 to Margareta Atkinson de Potterton-Lane, Novembris 23 tio Robertus Collet de Barwick, Novembris 29 110 Elizabetha, uxor Zacli Thorp de Shippen, Decemb. 2 do Johannes, filius Radulphi Collet de Barwick, Decembris i6 to Elizabetha, uxor Johan' Ambler de Winmoor, Decembris 22 do Gulielmus Vevers de Potterton, Decembris 26* Jonathan Taylor, filius Richardi Taylor de Barmbow carr, Januarij ult. die Johannes, filius Jolian Lumb de Stanks, Februarij 3 tio Isabella Daniel de Potterton, Februarij duodecimo Johannes, Filius Johan Settle de Potterton, Februarij 18 vo Gulielmus Drury de Barwick, Februarij 24* Henricus Hair de Potterton-Lane, Martij 4 to Samuel, filius Thomae Knapton de Barwick, Martij i2 mo Johannes, filius Joannis Prince de Potterton, eodem die Matthew Barmby Gave by surrender unto Witt Vevers v" 5 younger of Scholes, late of Rigton, one house and garth scituate in Scholes, and three Roods of arable lands (now in y e tenure and occupation of Witt Burman of Sturton, Gent.), Upon this condition, viz. : [That he, ye s d Witt Vevers and his heirs shall, out of y e s d premises pay ten shillings yearly and every year for ever upon y e one and twentieth day of December, unto y 6 poor of y* 5 Towne of Scholes and Winmoor-side only and y* same to be distributed att y 6 time aboveid to y> s'd poor by y 6 said church- warden and overseer and their successors with y e assistance of 'Signifies that an affidavit was brought. BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 233 ye s d Witt Vevers and his heirs for ever, paying likewise such rents and pforming such services as are thenceforth due and accustomed according to ye custom of y 3 s d Mannour]. As appears from y" 5 copy of y^ surrender among ye Court Rolls of S r Thomas Gascoigne, Bar nt , Lord of ye Mannor of Barwick and Scholes, made ye 4 th of October, 1669, and examind y e 8 th Jan., 1699, by me. Tho. Brooke, Curat' de Barwick. Sepult., 1697. Alicia Shuttleworth de Scoles, inhumata erat Aprilis Octavo die Johannes Lee de Potterton, morte praereptus repentina, sepultus Aprilis 27 mo Margareta, uxor Gulielmi Middlebrook de Stanks, Maij secundo Maria Brown de Potterton, Maij decimo sexto Maria, uxor Petri Shippen, Maij 24* Robertus Horsley de Garforth moor, Junij i3 tio Maria Frankland de Garforth-moor, Junij 24 to Elizabetha, filia Josephi Hague de Barwick, Julij iy mo Elizabetha, filia Jacobi Clough de Winmoor, Julij 2i mo Margareta Dineley, vidua de Barwick, Julij 27 mo Thomas Walker de Roundhey, Augusti 19 110 Mattheus, filius Radulphi Collet de Barwick, Dec. 5 to Anna, filia Johannes Bullock de Barwick, Januarij 25* Johannes, filius Johannis Jackson de Brownmoor, Februarij io mo Alicia, spuria proles Sarae Brownley et Georgij Stannyford, Februarij 25 to Maria, uxor Stephani Lodge de Roundhey, Feb. Alicia, uxor Gabrieli Robinson de Potterton, Februarij 25 to Anna, uxor Petri Banks de Roundhey, Martij 8 V0 David Hopwood de Potterton, Martij i3 tio Sara, filia Gulielmi Morrit de Winmoor, Martij i5 to J ana Hardcastle de Barwick, Martij 19 110 die Sepult., 1698. Josephus, filius Richardi Settle de Barwick, sep. Martij 25 to Robertus Green de Barwick, Decimo die Aprilis Johannes Bullock de Barwick, vicessimo sexto Aprilis Ursula Rushforth de Brown-moor, vicessimo octavo Aprilis Anna Lund de Winmoor, Maij vicesimo quarto Thomas Rushforth de Brown-moor, Julij Decimo quarto Joannes, filius Johannis Appleyard de Scoles, Julij 29 110 J ana, Filia Johannis Prince de Potterton, Sept bris 27 mo Phoebe King de Barwick, Oct. i mo Thomas, Filius Christop ri Whithead de Winmore, Oct bris 3 tio Anna, Filia Jotinis Holcroft de Barwick, Oct rs io mo Thomas Taite de Kiddall Lane, Nov bris 8 vo Will, Filius Hen. Slaytor de Winmoor, Nov bris iy mo Francisca Hopkinson de Barwick, Nov bris io/ 100 Gulielmus Sharphouse de Winmoor, Nov. 25 t0 J ana, Filia Petri Slaytor de Winmoor, Jan. io mo J ana Jackson De'Stancks, Jan. 20 mo Robertus Watkinson De Barwick, Feb. j mo 234 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. Edwardus, Filius Johannis Bullock De Barwick, Feb r 'i io, no Maria, Filia Thomae Tate De Kiddall Lane, Feb'J 24* Johannes West De Roundhay, Martij 3 tio Gabriell Robinson de Potterton, Martij i2 mo Sepult., 1699. Gulielmus, Filius Henrici Dickenson de Winmoore, sep. Martij 30 mo Ursula, Filia Johannis More De Leeds, Aprilis 9 110 Henricus Dickenson De Winmoore, May i mo Maria Turpen De Winmoore, Maij 28 vo Sara, Filia Zacharie Alsop De Shippen, Junij i2 mo Solomon Jebson De Potterton, Junij 14* Margareta, Filia Thome Bradford De Munkhay, Junij 24* Christopherus, Filius Thome Knapton De Barwick, Junij 28 Richardus Farrer De Scholes, Junij 30 mo Thomas, Filius Jofrnis Gascoigne de Parlington Armigeri, Julij io mo Maria Carter De Winmoor, 8 bris 26 t0 Maria, Filia Johannis Smith De Barwick, Nov bris 6 t0 Richardus, Filius Roberti Chambers De Potterton, Dec bris 6 t0 Sara Dineley de Barwick, vidua, Dec bris n mo Barnardus Mawmond de Barwick, Dec bris i6 to Martinus Clough de Winmoor, Dec bris 25 to J ana, Filia Richardi Lumb De Winmoor, Dec bris 25 to Gulielmus, Filius Samuelis Thornton De Grimesdike, Dec bris 3i mo Gulielmus Tate De Scholes, Jan^' 8 V0 Anna Rushforth, vidua, De Brownmoor, Jan. 28 Hanna, uxor Thome Cooper de Scholes, Feb. 2 do Sara, uxor Roberti Doerdon de Brownmoor, FebJ i8 vo Elizabetha, Filia Johannis Ambler De Winmoor, Feb'J ig no Anna, vidua Tinsdale de Barwick, Feb'i ig no Anna, vidua Norton De Barwick, Febv 2i mo Susanna, vidua Ambler de Winmoor, Martij [? 6] Georgius, Filius Johannis Pearson de Kidhall lane, Martij i2 mo Sepult., 1700. Robertus Brooke De Stancks, sep. Martij 30 mo Johannes Scalbert de Barwick, Aprilis io mo Johannes Kighley de Barwick, Apr. i2 mo Richardus Green de Barwick, Apr. i3 tio Edvardus Filius Zacharie Thorp, Apr. i3 tio Maria, uxor Johannis Pearson de Kidhall Lane head, Apr. 20 mo Anna, Filia Richardi Walton De Garthforth moor, Apr. 22 do Elizab., uxor Nich. Shippen de Barmbow, Maij 26 to Robertus Pickering de Potterton, Julij 2 do Phillippus Westerland De Scholes, Julij 6 to Maria More de Barwick, Julij 27 mo Franciscus, Filius Gulielmi Aire de Winmoor, Augusti 15* Sara, Filia Gul. Admergill, Sept bris 30 mo Christophorus Ball, Oct bris i8 vo Gertrud : Hudson, vidua de Barwick, Nov bris 26* Johannes Pitts De Scholes, Decem bris 6 to Alicia Tate De Scholes, Decem bris iy mo BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 235 Gulielmus Ingle De Barwick, Dec bris 28 Josephus, Filius Thomae Settle De Barwick, Janu'i 2 do Thomas Bradford De Monckah, Jan'i io mo Elizabetha, Filia Johannis Saynor De Barwick, Januarij 22 do Alicia, uxor Johannis Atkinson De Barwick, Feb. j mo Richardus, Filius Thome Potter De Potterton, Martij 9 no Elizabetha Bellhouse De Barwick, Martij 20 mo Sepult., 1701. Anna, uxor Gulielmi Wood De Scholes, sep. Martij 30 mo Gulielmus Lister De Roundhay, Apr lis 6 to Nicholaus, Filius Nicholai Ball de Winmoor, Ap lis 7 Anna Doerdon de Garthford moor, vid., Ap lis 2i mo Gulielmus, Filius Andree Jackson De Scholes, Ap lis 28 vo Anna, uxor Thome Mawd de Winmoor, Maij i6 to Richardus Robinson de Scholes, Maij 2i mo Elizabetha, uxor Radulphi Collet de Barwick, Junij 28 Thomas, fit Tho. Servant, pciae de Aberford, Julij i5 to Sara, Filia Jeremiae Ball de Barwick, Julij 25 to Elizabetha, uxor Thome Briggs De Roundhay, Sept bris 6 t0 Henricus Slaytor de Winmore, Sep bris 30 mo Anna, uxor Josephi Hague de Barwick, Sept bris 26 to Elizabetha, uxor Gulielmi Fawcett de Barwick, Oct bris i mo Maria, filia Henrici Slaytor de Winmoor, Oct bris i2 mo Sara, uxor Gulielmi Knapton de Barwick, Oct bris i2 mo Rogerus Lunn de Brownmoore, Oct bris 2i mo Elizabetha, uxor Johannis Glover de Winmoor, Nov bris 20 Katharina, Filia Josephi Hague de Barwick, Dec bris g no Johannes Lumb de Winmoor, Dec bris 26 to [Johannes, written in a different hand over an erasure] Filius Johannis Gascoign de Parlington, Armigeri, Dec bris 27 mo Johannes, Filius Johannis Atkinson de Kiddall lane, Jan'i 25* Anna, uxor Gul. Shenton de Barwick, Jan'i 31110 Anna, Filia Gul. Shenton de Barwick, Jan'i 31010 Maria, Filia Xtopheri Whitehead de Winmoor, Feb'i 4* Johannes, Filius Gulielmi Shenton de Barwick, Feb. 6 to Anna, uxor Johannis Wright de Barwick, Feb. 28 vo Maria Drury, vidua de Barwick, Martij 2 do Maria, uxor Gulielmi Hague de Barwick, Martij 3 tio Sepult., 1702. Gulielmus, Filius Joshuas Lister de Roundhey, sep. Aprilis i5 to Joannes, ffilius Joannis Howlcroft de Barwick, Aprilis 2i mo Anna, Filia Gulielmi Hemsworth de Potterton, Aprilis 22 do Maria, Filia Joannis Howlcroft de Barwick, Aprilis 23 tio Henricus, Filius Nathanis Wright de Winmoor, Maij i mo Maria, uxor Gulielmi Vevers de Potterton, Maij 8 vo Anna, uxor Roberti Lee de Roundhey, Maij 8 vo Gulielmus Cobb, pciae de Spoforth, Maij o, no Charitas, Filia Joh nis Ambler de Winmoor, Maij 27 mo [Blank] Black de Leeds, Junij 23 tio Maria, uxor Johannis Hague De Barwick, Sept bris 5 to 236 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. Thomas Varley De Barwick, Sept bris 8 V0 Maria, uxor Gul. Winter, Sept bris i6 t0 Maria, Filia Jacobi Barker de Shippen, Sep bris 30 Maria, uxor Johannis Ellis De Barwick, Oct bris 2i mo Joh nes , Filius viduae Crosland de Winmoor, Dec bris g no Nathan, Filius Nathanis Wright De Winmoor, Feb'i 8 vo Joanna, uxor Jeremiae Ingle De Barwick, Jan'i 26 to Marcus Brunton de Garthforth moor, Feb 1 * 28 vo Sepult., 1703. Thomas, Filius Johannis Tarbotson de Barwick, sepult. Apr. 6 to Ana, Filia Johannis Tarbotson De Barwick, Ap. 6 to Richardus, Filius Richardi Walton De Brownmoor, Maij i8 vo Isabella, uxor Johannis Barker De Potterton, Maij 23*' Robertus Shore de Winmoor, Junij 22 do Josephus, Filius Jacobi Orton de Barwick, Julij 24* Johannes, Filius Thomae Knapton de Barwick, Aug 1 ' 4 to Sara, Filia Richardi Thompson de Winmoor, Aug*' 29 110 Richardus Vevers de Scholes, Nov bris 2 do Richardus, Filius Gulielmi Vevers de Scholes, Nov bris i8 vo Petrus, Filius Richardi Thompson De Winmoor, Nov bris 26 to Thomas, Filius Gulielmi Vevers de Scholes, Dec bris 3 tio Johannes, Filius Roberti Pitts De Scholes, Jan'i imo Georgius, Filius Thomae Brunton De Shippen, Jan'i 3i mo Maria, vidua Wilcock De Brownmoor, Feb'i 5 to Elizabetha, uxor Michaelis Rush de Winmoor, Feb 20 mo Sara, Filia Samuelis Thornton De Grimesdyke, Martij y mo Anna, uxor Jacobi Orton De Barwick, Mar t; i 8 V0 Sepult., 1704. Margareta, Filia Georgij Haste, Jun ris , De Barwick, Martij 29 110 Johannes Atkinson De Kiddall Lane, Maij io mo J ana Tate De Potterton, Junij 4 to Johannes Massey de Stocking, Junij 20 mo Juditha, Filia Stephani Hemsworth De Roundhay, Julij i2 mo Alicia Brunton, vidua, De Garthforth moor, Julij 19 110 Gulielmus, Filius Johannis Ambler de Winmoor, Sept bris i5 to Henricus, Filius Henrici Turner de Barmbow, Sept btis 24' Carolus, Filius Jo nis Holecroft de Barwick, Sept bris 27 mo Christopherus Rushton de Winmoor, Oct bris 5 to Maria, uxor Georgij Wilcock de Garthforth moor, Oct bris 6 t0 Johannes Taylor de Barwick, Oct bris I5 t0 Michael, Filius Gulielmi Norton de Barwick, Oct bris i8 vo Jacobus, Filius Johannis Holcroft de Barwick, Oct bris 19 110 Isabella, uxor Phinehas Daniel de Potterton, Nov bris i8 vo Eleanora, Filia Roberti Brown de Potterton, Dec bris i8 vo Gulielmus, Filius Henrici Briggs de Potterton, Febr'i 6 to Thomas, Filius Thomae Robinson de Garthforth moor, Feb r 'i ig no Sara, uxor Thomae Burland de Barwick, Feb 1 '* 20 mo Sepult., 1705. p. Susannah Ambler was buried Junij 10 4 s Margrett Cooper of Chappell Town was buried June the 12 th BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 237 4 s W m Shenton, an infant, June the 14 th 4 s Alice, y* daughter of Stephen Hemsworth, July y* 5 12 th , from Roundhey 4 s Elizab., the wife of Mark Wright of Barwick, July the 16 th 4 s Mary Thomson, widow, from Barmbow, Aug. the 24 th John Dineley of Barwick, a poor blind man, September ye 12 th p. Elizafi, y e wife of Rob 4 Brown of Potterton, the same day, Sep 4 I2 o 4 s Mary Taylor, y e widow of John Taylor of Barwick, January 12 th 4 s Katherine Shippen of Barmbow, Feb. ye 7 th 4 s Sarah, the Daughter of Richard Atkinson of Roundhay, Feb. 19 th Mary Stotherd, an infant, March 18 th , pauper John Turner of Barmbow, March the 20 th , pauper F.B. Sepulti, 1706. Thomasin Slator of Windmore, was buried 29 Martij Mary Hill of Barmbow, April the 19 th , pauper Elizabeth Turner of Barmbow, May 5^ 19 th , a pauper Sarah Dickenson of Wynmoor, May 26 th Margrett Hasslegrove, widow, June the 23, a pauper Sam Tates wife of Kidhall Lane end, whose name was Jennet, was buryed at Barwick, August ye 25 A Child of Henry Turners, Sep 1 the 4 th , a pauper Mary Norton, Aug. 31, a pauper Rich d Ball. Sept. 27 A child of the Widow Ayres, October 10 th , pauper Francis, the son of Tho. Brumpton, Novemfc 16 th Mary Eastwood, Dec. i Robert Wilson of Winmoor, Dec. 8 Alice Massy, Windmore side, Dec. 29 th Mary, the Daur. of Wittm Sheyston, Jan. 28 Mark Wright of Barwick, Jan. the 28 Tho. Lightfoot, Jan. 30 Robert Lee of Roundhay, Feb. 9 th [Blank] of John Jackson, 24 th of February George Spink of Scoles, 24 day of Feb. Mary Scott, an infant, Feb. 5^ 25 th Mary Hewit, an Infant, Feb. 25 Marget, the daur of Matt. Hewit, Feb. 28 Katherine, the wife of W m Munsey, March 17 Alice Bullock, widow, was buryed March 21, pauper [Burials], 1707. Grace Jackson, Wid., Ap 1 . 16 p. Frances Crosland, Apr 25 p. Anne Dawson, May 15 th Mary Waterworth, May the 16 th Frances Wilson, Widow, May 22 th Widow Wilson of Winmore was buryed May the 22, 1707 John Ambler was buryed May 25 John Ambler of Winmore, May 25 Mary, the wife of W m Tate of Scoles, May 28 th 238 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. A child of Thomas Mawe, 28 July John Haigh, Aug. 10 th , pauper Andrew Slater, Aug. 21 th A child of Peter Slators of Windmore, 4 October W m , the son of Samuell Thornton, October 30 th , a Twin Thomas Owthwait, an infant, Octob. 22 Anne, the Daughter of Samuell Thornton, November the 4 th John, the son of Richard Vevers of Potterton, Novemb. 18 th John Shippen of Barmbow Carre, Feb. 22 Bury alls, 1708. Mary Turpin was buried June 8 th James Winter, Henry Turner and [blank] were buried, being killed in a Coale pit, 28 July. pp. W m Barker, Aug. 1 Anne Ayre, Aug. 14. p. Tho. Watkinson, Sp 1 8 Richd. Braham, No. 27 Sam. Tate, Jan. 15 [Blank] Eire, Jan. 25 Mary Eastburn, Jan. 24 Anne Tinsdale, Feb. 8. p. W m Midlebrook, Feb. 9 Sam. Newby, Feb. 27 th Eliz. Hardisty, Feb. 28 th Eliz. Butcher, March 14 th Will Norton, March 19 th . p. [Burials], 1709. George Hast, Ap. 8 John Southward, Ap 1 8. p. Tho. Haigh, Ap 1 20 John Vevers, Ap 1 30 Mary, wife of Rich. Taylor, May 10 th John Dawson, May 15 th David Hewit, May 20 Humphry Morrisby, May 27 Alice Plaxton, the wife of M r George Plaxton, Rector of Barwick, was buryed on the North side the Comunion Table in the Chancell, July 2 W m Knapton, July 18 A poor son of Morrisbys, Sept' 14 Henry Haworth, Octob. 3 Richard Perrot, an infant, December 9 th Susanna Hill, Dec. 21 James Clough of Winmoor, Dec, 29 Sybilla Lyster of Roundhay, Feb. 2 [Burials], 1710. Frances Battey of Scholes, Ap r11 2 John Byrdsall, 26 Feb., 1709 Anne Coupland, March 2 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 239 Sarah Wilcock, March 8 Bettreis Catton, Ap 1 13 th Alice Lyster of Scoles, May 12 Mary, daughter of Jonathan Abbot, June 6 Mark, son of John Ambler, June 11 th Mary, daur of John Moorhouse of Kippax, July 7 W m Smith, Aug. 30 Robert, son of James Walker, Sep* 15 Elizabeth Settle, October 24 Mercy Hopwood, November 5 th John Smith, Feb. i Frances, his wife, Feb. 3 Issabella Slater, Feb. 26 Alice Beedall, Feb. 28 [Burials], 171 1. Sarah, the wife of Nathan Wright, was buryed Apr. 19 Jane Marshall. Ap 1 24 Eleanor Stonehouse of Roundhay, Ap r 30 W m Cowpland, Jun r , of Pott r ton, May 7 th Benjamin Pease, Jun, June 17 Mary Stonehouse, June 23 Robert Deardon, July 27 Pentecost Haigh, July 31 W m Blackburn, Aug. 10 th , Scoles Aquila Blackburn of Scoles, Sept. y 5 th Elizabeth Emmerson, Oct. i Rosamond Spink, Octo. 7 Alice Prince ats Gibson, October 24 Mary Appleyard, Nov. 8 Rich d Appleyard, Nov. 16 Robert Pitts, jun., Nov. 18 Frances Shuttleworth, Nov r 19 Jane Gayton, Nov. 21 Mary Backhouse, Dec r 10 Roger Spink, Jan. 10 Phineas Daniel, Jan. 17 Will. Robinson, Jan. 25 Grace Owthwait, Feb. 2 Issabella Hayward, Feb. 2 W m Mawlam, Feb. 5 Anne Varo, Feb. io John Mawd, Feb. 25 [Burials], 1712. Widow Faner, Ap 1 9 th W m Ayre, a bastard, Ap 1 11 th Mary Gayton, May 12 Mary Tarbotton, May 23 Georg, son of Ben Hast, May 29 Hester Thomson, May 31 Elizabeth Hast, June 2 240 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. Ann Southward, June 17 Jeremiah Ball of Barwick, July 18 Mary Vevers, July 24 Anne Stonehouse, July 27 Widd. Lee, Aug. 17 th Robert Chambers, Aug. 22 Margrett Knowles, Sept 5 th Hester Wright, Sept. 12 th Widow Pool, Dec r 10 George Mawmond, Dec. 13 Frances Walker, Jan. 21 Ann Briggs, Jan. 24 Robert Ball of Barwick, Feb. 5 th Mary Fawcett, Feb. 17 th Martha Constable, March 22 Burials, 1713. Anne Saynor, Dec br 3 d Ellen 1 Burland, Jan. 22 nd Mary Norton, Jan. 30 th Jane Taite, Feb. 4 th Esther Outhwait, Feb. 17 th Geo. Dickinson of Penwell, Feb. 10 th Geo. Dickinson of Scholes, Feb. 24 th John Hemsworth, Feb. 28 Burials, 1714. Ellen' Tait, Aprill 17 th Mary, ye wife of Tho. Bradford, Ap. 25 th Jn Glover, May 3 d Frances, 5^ wife of Jn Dolphin, May y 5 6 th Eliz. Briggs, May 21 st Sarah Hague, June 14 th Sarah Blackburn, June 15 th Martha Backhouse, June 26 Issabel Thompson, July 9 th Mary Fenton, Aug* 22 d Phebe Hague, Aug 4 25 th Richard Thompson, Sept br 16 th Martha Jackson, Octob 1 I st Ellen r Whithead, Oct 1 * 9 th Robert Briggs, Dec br 3 d Margarett Tarbotton, Dec br 3 d Martha Tait, Dec br 10 th Grace Sharp, Dec br 15 th Thomas Buzwick, Jan. 26 th Ralph Watson, March 5 Samuel Wright, March 7 th Jn Orton, March 17 th Burials, 1715. Anne Varey, Aprill y** 5 th Anne Knowles, Aprill y 9 th BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 241 Phillis Shuttleworth, Aprill 10 th Jn Settle, Ap 11 y 14 th Anne Smith, Ap n y 18 th Jos. Shoosmith, Ap u y* 30 th Tho. Cooper, June y 7 th Esther Outhwait, June y 24 th Sarah Appleyard, June y 26 th Tho. Battey, Septemb 1 y 6 th Rob* Brown, Septemb 1 y 18 th Matt w Ingle, Octofr y 5 th Joseph Collet, Novemb 1 y* 6 th James Outhwait, Novemb 1 y 7 th Eliz. Green, Decemb 1 y 10 th Jn Dixon, Decemb r y* 14 th Eliz. Vevers, January y 9 th W m Braim, January y 23 d Ellen Walton, January y 25 th Mary Tait, February y 22 nd Mary Hespenall, February y 25 th Fran. Dunnell, February y 26 th Mary Bullock, February y 27 th Burials, 1716. Anne Brown, Aprill y e 12 th Anne, y D r of Jn Atkinson, May 5 th Anne Thompson, May y 7 th Rich d Bolland, May y 12 th Rich d Braim, June y 8 th Jennet Lofthouse, Aug 1 y e 6 th Tho. Brunton, Aug 4 y 13 th W m Thompson, Aug 1 y e 14 th W m Thompson, Septemb 1 y 5 th W m Hall, Septemb 1 y 9 th Jo. Binns, Septemb r y 13 th Elizabeth Gibson, Octob r 23 d Francis Shippen, Octob r 25 th W m Wood, Dec r 23 d W m Constable, January 31 st Elizabeth Settle, February 5 th Tho. West, March y 4 th Sarah Abbot, March 7 th Burials, 1717. W m Walton, Aprill g* W m Shuttleworth, May 2 nd Elizabeth Tarbotton, June 17 th Jn, y son of Jonas Hailey, July 7 th Geo. Dickinson, July 26 th W m , y Son of W m Vevers de mor., July 29 th Mary Norton, July 29 th Alice Robinson, August 23 d Joshua, y son of Rich d Vevers, Sept r 7 th 242 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. Mary Scott, Septemb 1 15 John Thompson, Septemfr 25 th Jn Gilson, Octob 1 15 th W m Hague, Dec 1 17 th Mary Haist, January 18 th James, y* son of James Bullock, March y* 2 nd Burials, 1718. Jane Brook of Stanks, March 27 th Richard Tarbotton hanged himself, March 29 th Anne, ye D r of W m Burland, June 7 th W m , ye son of Jn Burland, July y 6 I st S r Tho. Gascoigne, July ye 3 d Micfi Eastburne, July y* 7 th Tho., ye son of Jn Wood, July 26 th Esther, y L> of Tho. Braim, Aug* 2 nd Jn, ye son of Jn Dolphin, Aug' 15 th Eliza., ye D r of Rich d Braim, Aug 1 21 st Eliza., ye D* of W m Tait, Sept r 22 nd Geo., ye son of Geo. Longley, Sept r 23 d Hannah, ye J> of J a. Strodder, Oct r 10 th Rich d Atkinson, Octo 1 ye 17 th Jn Stoker, November ye 12 th Hen. Briggs, November ye 24 th W m , ye son of Geo. Thompson, Dec r 10 th Lucy Sharphouse, Dec r 24 th Rich d Aspinwall, February the 5 th Tho. Walker, February the 25 th Geo., the son of Geo. Dickinson, March ye 8 th Godfrey Stonehouse, March 15 th Elizabeth Dickinson, March 24 th Francis Varley, Aprill ye 11 th Burials, 1719. Hannah Newby, May the 14 th Elizabeth Bradley, June the 9 th Jn, ye son of Bryan Bradley, June 18 th Geo., ye son of Joseph Binns, Jue. ye 23 d Mary, ye D r of Rich d Robinson, July 30 th John Holcroft, August the 8 th Gabriel Bradcliffe, August ye 15 th John Potter, August the 18 th John Walton, August the 20 th John Ball, Sept 1 * the 8 th Catherine, ye D r of Ben. Haist, O cr 5 th Ellin Hill of Stanks, Novemb 1 6 th W m Hopwood, November the 27 th Anne Powell, December the 2 nd Francis, ye son of W m Vevers of Mor k , Dec r 14 th Tho. Wood, December the 24 th Alice Potter, January the 24 th Rich d Settle, January the 29 th BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 243 Ralph Watson, February the 9 th Elizabeth Bradford, February ye 21 st Sarah, ye D r of Tho. Thompson, March 9 th Burialls, 1720. Susannah, ye D r of Ralph Watson, March 31 st Eliz., ye D r of Geo. Wood, Aprill ye 3 d Elizabeth Stoker, Aprill ye 8 th Eliza., ye D r of Edw* 1 Maxwell, Ap 1 ye 8 th Rich d , the son of Tho. Braim, Ap 1 16 th Matthew Norton of Roundhey, Ap 1 24 th W m Vevers, Gent., of Scholes, May ye I st Ellin, the wife of Jo. Hague, May 2 nd Susannah, y e wife of Tho. Hill, June 9 th Jn, the son of W m Hague, June ye 18 th Tho s Knapton, July the 22 nd Ruth, the wife of Jos. Maud, Aug 4 23 d Tho s Eary, August ye 30 th Sarah, the wife of Step n Hemsworth, Sep tr ye 10 th Jn Jackson, Septemfr the 10 th James, the son of Richard Vevers, September ye 21 st Richard, the son of Tho. Shillitoe, October the 9 th Catherine, the wife of W m Dibb, October the 27 th John, the son of Jos. Maud, October the 30 th Mark Denison, Novem br 17 th Mary, the wife of Jos. Hague, Dec r the 8 th Thomas Scott, Decern 1 ye n tb Elizabeth, ye wife of Richard Slaytor, Decem br ye 27 th W m Braim, January the 26 th Mary Huit, January the 29 th Tho. Popplewell, February ye 14^ Jn Fentiman, Clerk, February 15 th Benj n Telford, February ye 18 th Burialls, 1721. Tho s , ye son of Jn Littlewood, June ye 12 th Jane Clough, June ye 26 th Sarah Ambler, July the io tb Sarah Holmes, August the 10 th Mary, the wife of Timothy Jackson, Aug 4 ye 14th William Scope, Septem br ye 18 th Francis Lee, September the 21 st Mary Atkinson of Roundhey, Sep. 24 th Jane Lumb, October the 19 th John, the son of Rich d Burland, Novem br I7 tb Amy, the wife of Dan. Huit, Novem br 24 th Michael Rush, Decem br the 3 d Prudence Hardey, Decem br ye 7th Mary, D r of George Thompson, Decem br 11 th Will m , son of William Lumb, Jan r y ye 28 Ann, D r of James Bullock, Jan. ye 31st Tho s , ye son of Jn Dolphin, Fefry ye 7th 244 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. Barbara Jewett, Feb. the 18 th Samuell Robinson, Feb f y the 21 st Moses Settle, Fefry the 26 th Stephen, the son of Lawrence Milner, February the 26 th William Heresie, March the 4 th John Abbot, March the 5 th Mary, D r of John Mounsey, March 13 th Mary Branton, March ye 16 Lady Mary Gascoigne, March y e 5 th Burialls, 1722. Ann, the D r of Jn Mounsey, March the 25 th Eliz., the D r of Rich Robinson, Aprill the I st Catherine, the D r of Benj n Haist, Aprill the 2 nd W m , the son of W m Johnson, Aprill the 27 th Eliz., the D r of Rob. Knapton~ May the 13 th Eliz., the D r of Jn Burland, May the 19 th Mary, the D r of Rich Clark, June the 24 th W m , the son of Matt w Watson, July the 25 th W m Massie, August the 20 th W m Taylor, August the 29 th Rebekah, the D r of Rich Robinson, Sep. the 16 Ann, the D r of Jn Sharphouse, Sep tr the 17 th Ann, the wife of W m Wardman, Sep. y e 23 d Mary, the wife of Tho. Knapton, Sep. y e 23 d Ellin Briggs, September the 26 th Jn, the son of Jn Bean, Octob r the 20 th Jn Ambler, November the 4 th Jos., the son of Henry Dunnell, Novem. 18 th Mary, the D r of Matt w Watson, Novem. 29 th David, the son of Jn Wilson, Decem br the 29 th Rich Burland, Jan. the 26 th Martha, the wife of Jn Mounsey, Feb. the 9 th Ann, the D r of Rich Braim, Feb. the 11 th Catherine, the wife of Rob. Elston, Feb. the 18 th Rich, the son of Jn Atkinson, March 5^ 13 th Fees belonging to the Clark in the parish of Barwick in Elmitt s. d. Licence, Wedding . . 50 Wedding by Banns . . . . . . . . ..10 Burial 06 Churchings . . . . . . . . . . ..04 Registring . . . . . . . . . . ..06 Psalm at Funeral 06 Burials, 1723. Elizabeth, the daughter of Rob 1 Smith, March 25 th Mary Prince, Apr 1 12 th j Eliz., the D' of Tho s Braim, Ap 24 th Rich d Shippen, Ap 1 30 th J Tho s Maud, June 14 S r John Gascoigne, Bar 4 , June 16 th BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 245 Rich d Andrews, Schoolmaster and Clerk, June 18 th Leonard Gay ton, June 20 th Phebe, the wife of Tho s Braim of Barnbow, Aug 1 14 James, the son of M r Richard Vevers of Potterton, Aug* 15 Will m Morrit, Aug* I st George, the son of M r John Plaxton, Sept r 16 th Rich d Robinson the younger, Sept r 19 th Ann Ball of Potterton, Octob r 14 th Jane, the wife [of] Francis Walker of Barnbow, Nov r 3 Jane, y^ daughter of Francis Walker of Barnbow, Oct. 31 st John, the son of Will m Cooper of Pontefract, Nov. 6 th Jane, the D r of Will m Kneedson of Barn- Bow, Nov 1 9 th Thomas Outhwaite of Scholes, Nov r 22 d Thomas, the son of Will m Neeson of Barnbow, Nov r 23 Elizabeth Thompson of Stanks, Nov 1 27 th John Jackson of Winmore, Dec r 17 th Debora Robinson of Garforth-moor side, Dec r 31 Mary, the Daughter of Richard Vevers of Potterton, J any 21, 1723/4 Benjamin, the son of Thomas Braim of Roundhey, J any 31 st Burials, 1724. Richard Robinson, sen' of Barwick, Ap 1 19 th George Johnson of Barnbow, May 6 th Mary, the wife of John Tayte of Scholes, May 7 th Thomas Braim of Roundhay, Jun. 23 Mich 1 , the son of Tho s Wright of Scholes, July 25 th George, the son of Benjam. Haist of Barwick, July 29 Margret Watkinson of Garforth moorside, Sept r 6 th Rich d Varley of Barwick, Nov r I st Eliz th , the Daug r of Mat w West of Roundhey, Nov. 5 W m , the son of J n Thompso of Garforth-moor, Nov r . 14 Rob 1 Bremen of Brown Moor, Nov r 18 th Mary, the Daug r of Mat w West of Roundhey, Nov r 22 d Jane Robinson of Scholes, Nov r 27 th Frances Bean of Barwick, Nov 1 29 th Rob 1 Nelson of Barwick, Dec r 2 d John, the son of J n Bean, Dec r 17 th Tho s , the son of Dan. Germain of Barwick, Jan. 8 th W m Mounsey of Winmoor Top, Feby 25 th Mary, D r of J n Briggs of Roundhey, March 2 d Burials [1725]. Issabell Sympson of Garforth moor side, Ap 1 27 th Rich d , son of Tho s Ball of Potterton, May 19 th John Hardesty of Barw k , May 28 th Ann Ball of Potterton, July I st Will m , son of Samuel Dodgion of Roundhay, Aug* 30 th Thomas, the son of Thomas Wright of Scholes, Oc r 16 W m Lawson of Pot', Sep. 1 Tho s , son of Tho s Walker, Octob r 29 th Ab m Shippen of Barnbow, Nov r 28 th Jan. 6. George, son of George Tompson of Scholes 246 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. Jan. 24. Jane, wife of Richard Ellis Jan. 27. Thomas, son of Mark Thornton, Winmoor side Feb. 26. M r William Ellis of Kiddal [Blank] son of W m Carbut of Potterton, I st J any. Rich d Smith of Barw k , Feb. 21 st Rich d Taite of Kidhall Laine End, March Burialls [1726J. J, son of J n Adkinson of Barwick, Ap 1 8 th John Taite of Scholes, June 3 d Peter Shippen of Winmoor. Jun. 12 Paul Mounsey of Winmoor, son of J n Mounsey, Jun. 22 Frances, D r of late Peter Shippen of Winmoor, June 23 Ann Germain, wife of Dan 1 Germain of Barwick, July 17 John Pearson of Kidhall Lain end, Aug* 21 Jane Pattison of Kidhall Lain End, 16 Sept r Ann, wife of James Typling, Nov r 11 John, son of Tho s Wood of Garforth moorside, Oc r 22 Mary, D r of Will m Prince of Potterton, Dec r 2 d I. d. Alice Hemsworth of Pot' John, son of Parcivel Baccas of Abberforth, J any 25 W m Benton of Garforth Moorside, Jan. 28 Sam 1 , son of W m Taite of Scholes, March 2 d Burials, 1727. Tho s , son of Rob 1 Smith of Barwick, buried 30 th Ap 1 Mich 1 , son of Rich d Taite late of Kidhall lain end, Ap 1 30 W m , son of J n Adkinson of Barwick, May 22 d Martha, Bastard daught r of Jane Bell and of Mich 1 Sharp, the supposed father, of Barwick, 22 d May Mary, daug r of J n Adkinson of Barwick, May 27 th Edward West of Roundhey, June I st John Ambler of Hirst Moor, Jun. 14 th Will m , son of John Hague of Barwick, Jun. 17 th Rachel Batty of Stanks, Jun. 27 th Ester, D r of Rich d Clerk of Barwick, Jun. 30 An, D r of Rob 1 Brown Jun r of Penwell, July 9 th Eliz th , Daugh r of late Rich d Tarbotton of Barwick, July 20 th Sarah, D r of Jos h Bins of the Hill top, July 21 i: d: Sarah, D r of Rob 1 Brown, Jun', of Penwell Christ r , son of Christopher Ambler of the Hill top, Aug st 11 th Tho s Hill of Brown Mr., Aug* 24 th Mary, wife of Will m Holmes of Roundhay, Augt. 28 Will m Renton of Bar., Sept r 3 Ann, Daug r of Henry Donwell of the Hill top, Sept r 5 th John Maud of Penwell, Sept r 17. Rec d of Dor. Maud 10 s for a Mortuary for her late Husband, by D. Dawson, Cur. George Hardwick of Leeds, Oct r 24 Ann, wife of Tho s Thompson of Garforth moor, Oct 1 26 th Peter Slater of Winmoor, Nov 1 8 th Mat w , son of Mat w Watson of Barwick, Dec r 7 th W m Shenton of Barwick, Dec r 8 th BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 247 James, son of James Norton of Barwick, Dec r 10 Ann, the Bastard child of Sarah Pattison of Kidhall lain End, D r 10 Ann Teasdale of Winm Dec r 14 th Mat w Robinson of Garforth-moor, Dec r 15 th Rich d Ellis of Barwick, J any 7 th Ralph Collet of Barwick, J any 9 th Mary Hague, wid w , Rel ct of W m Hague, late of Barw., Jan. 24 th Mary, D r of Will m Hague late of Barw., Jan. 31 st Mat w Coates of Cross-gates, Feby 14 th J n Greenwood of Leeds, found dead upon Winmoor, Feby 26 th Thomas Wright of Scholes, March 10 th Burials, 1728. John Butcher of Sch:, Ap 1 30 th John, son of Rob 1 Fenton of Potterton, Ap 1 20 th And w , son of Rob 4 Fenton of Potterton, 23 Ap 1 J n Maud of Potterton, Ap 1 28 Ellinor Wilson of Barwick, Ap 1 30 th Grace Chambers of Potterton, May 2 d Mary, Daug r of late Rich d Taite of Kidhallain End, May 7 James Bullock of Barwick, May 8 th June, 1728. Rec d of Mary Shenton of Barwick, Wid:, 10 s for 1 Mortuary for her late Husband. E: B. Mary Knapton of Barwick, May 11 th Mich 1 Prince of Potterton, Jun. 3 d Dorathy Taite of Kidhall Lain End, July 13 M r J n Shippen of Winmoor, July 30 th W m Nesham of Barnbow, Aug 1 15 Benj n son of late Thomas Wright of Scholes, Aug* 20 Stephen Hemsworth of Roundhey, Aug 1 21 Mary Thorns of Barwick, Sept r 2 Eliz h Norfolk of Potterton, Sep 1 9 Moses Bremin of Barnbow, Sept r 17 Mary Becket, Octob 1 17 Eliz lh , D r of George Thompson of Scholes, Oct r 21 W m Boardley of Kidhall lain, Nov r 2 d John Ball of Pott', Nov. 20 Francis Walkker of Barnb', Nov r 22 i: d: W m Settle of Potterton i: d: J n Adkinson of Barwick John Sikes of Bar:, Nov 1 23 Jan: 13, Lane 1 Ambler oth Low moor Mary Hebden of Stockall, J any 19 J n Settle of Potterton, Jan. 25 J n Prince of Potterton, Jan: 26 M rs Eliz lh Hespinal of Roundhay, Jan r 30 Jane Thomspon [sic] of Sch, Feb. 4 J n , son of Tho: Preston of Bar:, Feb. 9 i. d. Tho s Settle from Seacroft Ann, Wife of W m Dickinson of Scholes, March 5 Francis, son of Major Bradley f[r]om Stanks, Mar: 16 th / 248 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. J n Hemsworth from Parlinton, March 19 th 1729, [Burials]. Rich d Outhwaite of Scho\ March 28 th Rich d Lumb of Brownm, Ap 1 3 John Sharphouse, Ap. 12 Mary Admagill of Pot., Ap. 12 Roger Horsforth of Penwell, Ap 1 15 Abm. Abbot of Barwick, Ap. 17 Tho s Maxfield of Partley Bridge, slain in a colepit, Ap. 19 Sam 1 Thornton of Grimesdike, Ap. 20 Eliz th , Daughter qf James Worsman of Lazincroft, Ap. 23 W m , son of Jos h Brown of Roundhey, May 3 d May 7, An Thornton of Grimsd. Jacob Pease of Grimsdike, May 11 th i. d. W m Dickinson of Scholes John, son of Mark Robinson of Potterton, June I st W m , son of James Norton, June 4 th Dorathy Wood of Barw k ., Jun. 16 June 20, Mat w , son of Mat w Norton of Roundhey Susanna, Daughter of Henry Blackburn of Brown Moor, July 3 d John, son of Tho s Merrit of Cross Gates, Aug 55 * 14 th Eliz th , wife of Edward Batty, Aug 51 16 Ann, wife of Mat w Jackson, Aug st 19 th Sarah, wife of M r W m Vevers of Mawrick, Sept. 24 th Agnes, Daughter of W m Thompson of Barnbow Car, Oct r 23 d Martha Burrel of Barw k , Nov r 9 Sarah, the wife of W m Clerkson of Roundhey, Nov r . 20 Mary Sikes of Barwick, Nov r 28 Eliz th , D r of Robert Land, January 21 st Mary, wife of Rich d Vevers of Barwick, Decemb r 12 Margaret, wife of late Jn. Earle of Weatherby, Deer. 23 Eliz th , wife of Jn. Barker of Barwick, Dec r 27 Ann, the wife of Joseph Mawd of Winmoor, Dec 1 28 Ellinor Sampson of Potterton, Janv 18 Edw d Sikes of Bar wk , J any 25 Robert, son of Robt. Land, J any 30 th Mary Morrisby of the Low Moor, Feb. 2 I. d. Margaret, the wife of Christ. Whitehead of the Low Moor Elizabeth, Daughter of M r W m Vevars of Scholes, was Bur 4 Feb. 26 th *M r Edmund Barneby, Rector of Barwick, dy'd at his own seat at Brockhampton, in Herefordshire, Mar. 9 th , 17H 1730. Rob 1 Thorns of Barwick, May 4 th Margret, wife of John Slater of Low Moor, May 5 Mary, Daughter of Math w Tipling of Stanks, May 27 Mary Donwell of Barwick, Aug 51 4 th Joseph Hague of Barw k , Augs 4 4 th W m Taylor of Barwick, Aug. 17 th Rector 1721 1730. Son of William Barneby of London, gentleman. Wadham College, Oxford, B.A. 1710, M.A. 1713. Foster's Alumni Oxon. BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 249 John Mounsey from The Topp of Winmoor, Aug* 17 th Francis, son of James Walker of Roundhey, Sept r 14 th John Tailford, buried the 5 th of October Esther, the wife of Thomas Settle of Barwick, Octoty 14 th Jn. Massy of Penwell, Deer. 28 Joseph, son of John Appleyard of Scholes, J any 22 Jane, D r of John Ambler of Winmore, Feby 24 Hannah, wife of Benjamin Haist of Barwick, Feb. 27 Sam 1 Dodgio of Roundhay, March 4 th Ann, wife of Rich d Taylor of Barwick, March 24 1 731, [Burials]. Sarah, wife of Tho s Haist from Kidhall Lain End, March 30 th Mary, the wife of Joseph Braim of Roundhay, Ap 1 3 d Mary, D r of Mat w Norton of Roundhay, Ap 1 9 th Mahitabel, wife of John Kirkam of Barnbow, Ap 1 14 Tho s , son of John Adkinso of Barwick, May 29 Jane, Daughter of Francis Chapman of Brown-Moor, Jun. 13 Ann Tascard of Barwick, Jun. 21 Will m , son of Rich d Vevers of Barwick, July 22 Mary, D r of Thomas Haist of Kidhall Lain End, July 30 th Mary Shippen of Barnbow, July 30 Thomas, son of Mat w Jackson of Barwick, Sept r 3 d Mary, D r of James Bullock of Barwick, Sept r 14 th William Dawson of Kiddal was B d at Sherburn, June 30 th Ab m , son of Robert Brown of Barnbow, Sept r 19 Ann, Daughter of Edw d Batty of Barw k , Sept r 18 th Margaret, wife of Rich d Lumb of Barwick, Oct r I st Sarah, wife of Tho s Smith of Brown Moor, 0c r 13 John, son of Rob* Smith of Barwick, Octob r 19 th *I, Henry Perkins, Clerk, do declare my unfeigned Assent and Con- sent to all and every thing contained and p' scribed in the Book Intitled the Book of Common prayer and Administration of the Sacraments and other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church according to the use of the Church of England, Together with the Psalter or Psalms of David pointed as they are to be said or sung in Churches and the form and Manner of making, ordaining and Consecrating of Bishops, Priests, and Deacons. Memorand m upon Sunday, y e 28 th day of March, 1731, Henry Perkins, Rector of Barwick in Elmett in the county of York, did read the Common prayers in the Parish of Barwick afores d , both in the aforenoon and afternoon according to the form and order prescrib'd and directed by the book intitled the Book of Common prayer, &c. And immediately after his said reading of the same made a Declaration of his unfeigned Assent and consent to all the matters therein contained. Memor dm , That the s d Henry Perkins did the same day and year read the 39 Articles of Religion (agreed upon by y 6 Archbishops and Bishops of both provinces and the whole Clergy in Convoca- tion holden at London, A.D. 1562) in the Parish Church of Rector 173036. Son of Thomas Perkins of Hilmortou co. Warwick. Trinity Coll., Oxford, B.A. 1718, M.A. 1721. Foster's Alumni. 250 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. Barwick in Elmet afores d during the time of Divine service, And after his s d reading thereof did declare his unfeigned Assent and Consent to all the things therein contained, In the presence of us, who attest the same here under our hands this 28 th day of March, A. D. 1731. David Dawson, Timothy Jackson, Clark John Smeaton, ) ru . , Simon Wood n tt \ *. x Churchwardens. George Haist J Ann, D r of William Dickinson, late of Scho', Oct r 19 th J n Varey of Scholes, Oct r 19 th Dorathy, Daught r of W m Neesham, late of Barnbow, Oct r 20 George, son of Geo. Lyster of Sch., Nov r 13 Sarah, Daug r of Will m Butler of Sch, Dec r 13 Beni, son of W m Neesham, late of Barnbow, Dec r 15 th John, son of John Man of Hunslet, Dec 1 17 th Sarah, wife of Rob* Brown of Barnbow, Dec. 21 st Mary, wife of Jonas Haley of Sch s , Jan. 10 Rich d Burrell of Bar*., Feb. 14th Eliz th Lee of Garforth M r , Feby 16 Joseph Cook of Stanks, Son of late Rich d Cook, Feb. 19 Tho s Robinson of Garforth Moor, Feby 29 Sarah, D r of Francis Wilson of Scholes, March 2 d John Dolfin of Garforth moor side, March 15 1732, Burials. Robert Brown of Stanks, April 28 th Tho s Dawson from Lazincroft, Apr'l 14 Eliz th , Daugh r of Tho s Merrit of Winmoor, Aprill y e 18 Mary, D r of William Mather of Winmoor, April 24 Will m Harper of Stanks, 26 of Ap'l J n Baynes of Lazincroft, May y* 5 th Mary, y e Daughter of William Carbott of Potter ton, May ye 11 th Sarah, Daught r of Tho s Haist from Kidhall Lane End, May J n , son of Jn Benson of Stanks, May 30 th Mary, Bastard Child of Sarah Pattisson, June 2 nd Elizabeth, y e wife of Tim Smith of Barwick, July 19 th Mary, Daughter of Joseph Tailford of Barwick, July y* 22 Michael Thackwray of Barwick, July y 22 Eliz:, wife of Robert Ball of Barwick, Sep 1 2 d Mary, the wife of John Pearson, late of Kidhall Lane End, Octob r 12 James Wilcock of Barwick, 31 of October John, son of Martin Wormills of Roundhay, v 6 2 d Day of Novemb 1 Ann, Daug r of William Appleyard of Barwick, November y e 28 Joseph, son of Joseph Stephenson from Cross Gates, December 8 th Eliz th , Daug r of Robert Land of Winmoor, D r 10 Mary Brunton of Garforth Moorside, Decern 1 13 th M r David Dawson, Vicar of Abberford and Curate of Barwick, Dec r 23 M r Samuel Oates from Potterton, Decemb 1 24 Ann, wife of Laurence Milner of Grimes Dike, Feby 11 th Rich d Shittleworth of Scholes, Feb. 16 Laurence Milner of Grimes Dike and Lawrence his son, buried in one Grave, March I st BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 251 Jane, the wife of Francis Chapman of Brown moor, the 18 th of March 1733, Burials. Agnes, the Daughter of Benjamin Rawlinson, buried April y^ 9 th Margret, wife of George Haist of Barwick, May 11 Mary, the Daughter of Francis Wilson of Scholes, July the 16 th Ann West of Roundhey, July 21 W m Shittleworth, July 28 Tho s Shillito of Potterton, July 29 John, the son of Mathew Norton of Roundhay, August 19 th Thomas Settle of Barwick, Septemb r 3 d Anna, wife of Fra[n]cis Holmes of Barwick, Dec r 14 th i. d. Alice Wilson of Barwick, wid w woman Mary, Daught r of George Lister of Scholes, Dec 1 17 th Ann, wife of John Thompson of Stanks, Jan. 17 th [blank] of John Bradley of Winmoor head, Feb? 28 th Ellin Moxon, Mar. 8* Burials, 1734. John Chetham of Pontefract, March 27 th Philip Smith, April 3 M r Rich d Vevers of Potterton, Ap 1 29 Crispin, the son of John Bean of Barwick, May 24 th Ann, Widow, Relict of John Pepper, late of Parlington, Jun. 4 th Mary Lambert of Winmoor, June 9 th Ann Knapton of Barwick, Jun. 12 Martha, D r of Tho s Settle, Jun., 12 th Ann Strother of Barwick, Jun. 14, Jonathan Bell of Scholes, July 5 th Ellin, Daught r of Rob 1 Land, Aug 4 11 th Mathew Issot, Sept r 12 Rich d , son of George Watson of Barwick, Nov r 23 d Will m , son of Will Vevers of Scholes, Gent n , Dec r 29 th Nicholas, son of Nicolas Warrin of Barnbow, J any 21 st Doratha Mather of Austhorp, slain in a sand Pitt upon the Low Moor, Buried March 6 th Susan Gullis of Barw. Burials, 1735. John Burland of Potterton, Householder, June 21 Frances, Daug r of John Benson of Cross Gates, Joyner, June 26 th Mary, Daughter of Wirhn Johnson of Leeds, Paver, July 18 Timothy Smith of Barw k , Blacksmith, July 31 st James, son of W m Johnson of Kidhall Lain, Husbandman, Sept r 12 th Penelope, Daughter of M r Perkins, Rect r of Barw k ., Novemb r 12 th Mary, wife to Joshua Lyster of Roundhay, Husbandman, Nov r 15 th John, son of John Varey of Scholes, Labor 1 , Nov. 18 Ann, wife of Sam 1 Dodgion of Roundhay, Carpinter, Nov r 28 th Susan Gullis of Barwick, spinster, Dec r 25 th Ann, Daughter of Thomas Adkinson of Hirst Moor, Lab r , Decr. 28 Margret, Daughter of Will m Hemsworth of Garforth, Collier, Decern' 31 Jonathan, son of Jonathn Bell of Barwick, Laber r , Feb? 2 d Mary, wife of James Walker of Roundhey, Lab r , Feb. 3 d 252 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. Sam 1 Scafe of Grimsdike, Lab r , Feby 11 th Mary, Daughter of Benj n Rawlinson of Barwick, Lab r , Feby II th James, son of Thomas Wood of Brownmoor, Lab r , Feby y e 28 th James Walker of Rounday, Labourer, March ye 18 th 1736, Burials. Elizabeth, Daughter of Gabriel Taylor of Barnbow, bury'd March 31 st , Lab 1 Gabriel, the son of Gabriel Taylor of Barnbow, Lab r , April y e 6 th Richard Taylor of Barwick, Husbandman, April 23 Eliz., wife of Thomas Knap ton of Barwick, Carpenter, May 16 th Timothy J ackson of Barwick, Parish Clark and Schoolmaster,May y e 20 th Ellen, Daughter of Joseph Beck of Winmoor, Lab r , May y e 30 th Benjamin, son of Benjamin Haist of Barwick, Yeoman, Aug* 4 th Thomas Maud of Potterton, son of John Maud, 10 th of August Jane Slay tor, a poor Woman of Winmoor, bury'd August 17 th Richard Vevers of Barwick, Yeoman, August 26 th Mary.theDaughterofJohnAtkinsonofWinmoo^Lafr.Septemberyei^ 11 Margret Gibbon, a poor Woman from Lime Kiln Gate, near Hubber- ley, Sept r 15 th Thomas, son of William Dixon of Scholes, Taylor, December ye 10 th Sarah, Daughter of Thomas Haist of Kidhall.lane end, Inn- holder, DecemB ye 15 th James, son of Charles Hargrave, Collier, December y e 22 d John Holdsworth of Bramham, Labourer, slain by the fall of a Tree in Whittle Carr, buryed December y e 27 Mary, Daughter of Thomas Don well, Weaver, January ye 3 d William, son of John Taite of Barwick, Mason, January ye 4 th Mary Horsfield, a poor woman from Penwell, January ye 27 th Mary, the wife of late Richard Vevers of Potterton,Tanner, Feby y e 26 th Alice, the Daughter of John Waite of Barwick, Taylor, March y e 18 th Return' d at the Visitation at Tadcaster, June y 6 30 th , 1737. To John Crutchley, Col r , Moneys collected upon ye sev 1 Briefs within the Parish of Barwick (viz.) : s. d. For Royston, ye summ . . . . . . . . 4 ditto Mobberley ditto Swalsham Prior ditto Cobham d Walton in y* Woulds Chu r ditto S. John, Wapping ditto Houghton Regis ditto Castle Hays ditto Houghton Church ditto Pendle Chappel 7 41 i 4 o 8 9 o 1 o 1 18 oi Burials, 1737. Mary Butcher of Scholes, widow, April ye 7 th Eliz h , the wife of Alexander Thompson of Barnbow, Yeoman, May ye 6*h Edmund Lumb, Flax-dresser, May ye 24 th BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 253 John, ye son of Martin Whitehead of Garforth moor, Collier, June y 25 th Jane, the wife of Thomas Wood of Brown moor, Lab 1 , July y* 6 th Sarah, the daughter of John Bradley of Winmoor, Lab*, July y e 10 th Miriam Coates, a poor Woman from Winmoor, July y* 14 th Hanah, Daughter of Samuel Robinson of Garforth moor, Collier, August y 8 th Isaac, son of Isaac Hall of Kidhall Lane end, Gelder, October y e 7 th Andrew Jackson of Scholes, Yeoman, October y^ 8 th Richard Haist from Allerton in the Parish of Kippax, Yeoman, October ye 10 th Eliz., Daughter of William Burland of Barwick, Webster, OctoB ye 28 th Mary, wife of W m Appleyard of Barwick, Lab 1 , Nov r 12 th Ann Walsh of Garforth moor side, a poor Woman, Nov r y e 18 th Eliz h Jackson, a poor Widow of Brownmore, November ye 24 th Isabella Hague, a poor Woman, Decern 1 y e 29 th Susannah, the wife of the Rev d Doct r Felton, Reef of Barwick, Febry 10 th Michael, the son of Timothy Turnpenny of Winmoor, Lab r , Feb 1 "? 28 th Ann Graveley, a Widow Woman of Barwick, late of Halton, Mar. 18 Burials, 1738. Samuel, the son of Samuel Dodgson of Roundhay, April y e 10 th Eriz. Wood of Potterton, Apl. 20 James, the son of W m Bell of Winmoor, Taylor, April y* 23 James, the son of Thomas Popplewell of Winmoor, lab r , May the 5 th Know all men by these presents that I, William Milner of Leeds in the county of York, Esq r , do hereby give, grant and convey unto John Daniel and John Bean, the present Churchwarden and Overseer of the Poor for the Township of Barwick in Elmet, and their Successors for ever, All those three Cottages lyeing in Potterton in the Parish of Barwick aforesaid, which I lately purchased of M r William Vevers (that is to say) One Cottage and Garth, now in the possession of Widow Shillitoe, at the Rent of Seventeen shillings a year, One other Cottage in the possession of William Carbot, at the rent of ten shillings a year, And one other Cottage, lately in the possession of William Carver, at the rent of Eight shillings a year, The Rents of the whole amounting to one Pound fifteen shillings a year, with all my Right, Title, Interest and Property therein, yet nevertheless in Trust and for the use, Benefit and advantage of the Poor of the Township of Barwick aforesaid, either for some of the Poor of Barwick to live in, or the Rents and Profits of the said three Cottages to be received by the said Churchwarden and Overseer and distributed amongst such of the Poor of Barwick as are thought to be the greatest objects of Charity. Given under my hand and Seal, this Eleventh Day of May, 1735. William Milner Sealed and Delivered Benj. Haist in the presence of us, W m Read Feb. ye 23 d , 1707-8. Reced. then of the Minister and Church- wardens of Barwick in Ellmett For Spillsby Brieffe 00 09 07 254 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. Item ffor Littleport Breiffe oo 09 08 Item ffor Southam Breiffe 00 08 00 Reced p me 01 07 03J W. Wilson, Collect' November the 7 th , 1708. Rec d then from the Minister of } Barwick in Elmet the summe of Fiue shitt and 4 d for the Breif for Lisburn and Fower Shitt and Two pence for the brief of Aconbury cum Weston Com > 00 09 Huntingd. I say rec d in the whole Nine shitts and sixpence for the use of my M r William Wilson, of the Burrough of Stafford, Coll r of the said Breifs by mee. j his Mark Tho. T Myott October 25 th , 1719. In pursuance of an Agreem* made the 17 th Day of July, in the Year 17 16. I do by these presents give, grant and convey to Richard Taylor of Barwick in Elmet, a Seat in the fourth Stall from the Pulpit, lying and being on the North Side in the said Church, formerly in the Possession of Robert Oddy, to him and his heirs for ever, in lieu of a Seat w ch I have inclosed of the said Richard Taylors, to have, hold and possess as entirely, freely and Amply as I can convey away the said seat to all intents and purposes whatsoever, For which reason I have caused this declaration to be entered into the Register Book of the said Parish, to the intent y 1 no dispute or controversie for the future may ever ensue about the said seat. As witness my hand the day and year above written. W m Vevers. Witness to these presents, John Plaxton, Jos. Dixon. October 25 th , 1719. In pursuance of an Agreem* made the 17 th Day of July, in the year 1716, I do by these presents give, grant and convey to W m Vevers, Gent., of Scholes, a seat in the third Stall from the Pulpit, lying and being on the North side in the Church of Barwick in Elmet, formerly in the Possession of Jn Taylor, to him and his heirs for ever in lieu of another seat, w ch the said W m Vevers hath given me in the fourth Stall from the Pulpit, formerly in the Possession of Robert Oddy, to have, hold, and possess as entirely, freely and amply as I can convey away the said seat to all intents and purposes whatso- ever, For which reason I have caused this declaration to be entered into the Register Book of the said parish, to the intent y* no disupte or controversie for the future may ever ensue about the said seat. As witness my hand the day and year above written. Rich. Taylor. Witnesses to these presents, John Plaxton, Joseph Dixon. Barwick in Elmet Churchwardens The overseers of the poor, Chosen Elected and chosen on Easter on Easter Sunday, 1692. Sunday, 1692. W m Collett Barnard Mawmond W m Watson W m Worfolke BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 255 John Ball Sam. Tate Rob* Lee 1693 1693 Marke Wright William Ingle Richard Braime Wittm Taylor Thomas Norfolke Wittm Admergill Robert Wilsonne 1694 1694 Jeremiah Ball W m Hauge Thomas Ball Henry Beedall Ben j amine Pease Sam. Tate, iu. Matt w Norton 1695 i695 William Knapton Rich. Robinson John Lumbe W m Vevers of Sco, William Coapland John Settle William Watson 1696 1696 Jn Taylor Jer. Ball Tho. Hardisty Zac. Thorp Witt Dickinson Jn Ball Witt Braim 1697 1697 Jn Hardisty RoB Wansley Jn Pearson Nath n Wright Zach Thorp Tho. Ball Ricfi Atkinson 1698 1698 Ret Thorns Tho. Settle John Atkinson Ben. Peas Mat. Watkinson Witt Copland Witt Hargrave 1699 1699 W m Hague Geo. Haist Sam: Tait Jn Lofthouse Jn Massie Tho. Brunton Sam. Dodgson 1700 1700 Tho. Settle Rofc Thorns W m Vevers Phin: Daniel W m Middlebrook Geo: Spink Tho. West Constables sworn at Micalmass Court in 1690 1695 Robt. Thornes George Hast 1 691. 1696 Thomas Settle Richard Smith 1692 1697 William Hague Wittm Collet 1693 i6g9"and 1700 Richard Varley Rich. Robinson BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 1694 William Ingle Memorand that the Lease of the House upon London Bridge was lett to M r Knapp of Haberdasher-hall, London. Edmund Barneby, Rector, Benjamin Haist, Richard Cook, John Burland, and John Briggs, Churchwardens for the present year one Thousand Seven Hundred and Twenty, at Eight pound ten shillings p annum. On the front Cover. The Stones in the Tyth Lath wall were found among the Rubbish and put there by M r George Plaxton, Rector, June the 24 th , 1705 Magister Richardus Burnham hanc domum hie fieri voluit anno Domini 1440. Merci Jesu. The inscriptions under the 2 Statues at the West end of Barwick Church : Orate pro Henrico Vavasour qui dedit Lapides. Orate pro Richardo Burnham qui dedit decern Marcas ad aedincandum hoc campanile. In the West Window of the Church is the Picture of William Canon, in Glass. I supposed he glazed the Window, he was Rector here 1404 and dy'd about the year 1420, or resigns the Rectory Mem dm At the primary visitation of Lancelot Lord Archbishop of York, held at Leeds, August 4 th , 1727, A Terrier was exhibited of all the Known Houses, & Edifices, Glebe Lands,Tythes, Easter Reckonings, surplice Fees, and other Ecclesiastical Dues of right belonging to the Rectory of Barwick in Elmet, and subscribed by Edmund Barneby, Rector. David Dawson, Curate. Samuel Wright of Barwick, \ William Vevers of Morrick, I Church- Richard Vevars of Potterton, I wardens. William Simpson of Rounday, I Barwick Church was Pew'd, a Gallery erected, and a new Pulpit made in the years 1725, 26, and 1727, towards w ch Pulpit The Rev nd M r Barneby, Rector, gave ten pounds and ten shillings. The monument in Barwick Xch was put up by S r Edward Gascoign, Bar", in the y r 1728. T: D: D: C: BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 257 [THIRD BOOK.] The Register of Baptisms, Marriages and Burials within the Parish of Barwick from May y 7 th , 1738. Baptisms. William, son of Thomas Thornton of Potterton, Lab 1 , bapt d June 11 th Rachel, thedaughterof John Atkinson of Barwick, Webster, June y e 11 th Alvara, son of John Thompson of Stanks, Lab r , June 25 th Peggy, daug r of Benjamin Haist of Barwick, yeoman, June 28 th Keisilla, daug r of William Reedal of Morwick, Lab r , July 2 d Jane, d r of Thomas Smith of Potterton, Yeoman, July 7 th Catherine, the daughter of Thomas Robshaw of Barwick, Husband- man, July the 11 th James, the son of Mat w Jackson of Barwick, Husbandman, Aug 1 13 th John, son of Richard Lazenby of Penwel, LatF, Octob. I st Sarah, daug r of John Saynor of Mawrick, Husbandman, October y e 8 th Grace, d r of Thomas Upton of Mawrick, Husbandman, Octob r 15 th Mary, y e Bastard child of Eliz th Bell of Barwick, Octo r 27 th Jane, 5^ daug r of John Bean of Barwick, Shoemaker, November y^ 5 th Mary, d r of William Scot of Barwick, Joyner, Novemb. 6 th Geo., son of Geo. Watson of Bar k , Lab*, Decemb. y 6 26 th , Geo., son of Geo. Smith of Bar k , Lab r , Decemb. y e 26 th Eliz., daug r of Jacob Pease of Grimesdike, Lab r , December ye 27 th Richard, son of John Hewit of Garforth Moor, Collier, December ye 3I st Richard, son of Richard Jackson of Barwick, Chandler, Febry. 23 d John, son of Thomas Jackson of Scholes, Lab 1 , March 18 th Betty, ye Daughter of Benjamin Rawlinson of Barwick, Lab r , March 21 st 1739, Baptisms. Margret, daug r of James Strodder of Barwick, shoemaker, baptiz d April 14 th Elizabeth, Daughter of Step. Vevers of Morwick, Gent., Born May 7 th Sarah, daughter of William Bell of Penwell, Taylor, May 20 th Jeremy, son of Thomas Lumb of Stanks, Husbandman. May 27 th Mary, the Daug r of John Taite of Barwick, Mason, May 27 th William, the son of Joseph Beck of Stanks, Lab 1 , July y e 8 th Mary, y* daug r of Thomas Harper of Barwick, Lab r , July 22 d Mary and Martha, daughters of David Wright of Stanks, Lab r , August y e 5 th Isabella, the daughter of Robert Barton of Barwick, carpenter, August 12 th Ann, the daughter of Adam Fleming of Turry-lug-gate, Husbandman, Aug 1 17 th [blank], the son of John Mead, officer of Excise, Aug* 21 st Sarah, the daug r of Bernard Blackburn of Barwick, Lab r , August 26 th Samuel, the son of Samuel Dodgson of Roundhay, Husbandman, Septemb 1 9 th J ane, the daugh ter of J ohn Atkinson of Barwick, Webster, Septemb. 30 th In the account of William Scott, Constable 1742 : " Paid for a Sheet for Eliz. Bell to do Pennance in 6." BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. Sarah, the daug r of John Hemsworth of Rotterton, Lab r , October ye 5 th [blank], the[blank]oi Timothy Turnpenny of Winmoor, Lab/, Octob r 14 th Thomas, the son of Thomas Robinson of Barnbow Carr, Carpenter, October 21 st William, the son of John Donwel of Mawrick, Lab r , Octob r 24 th Gabriel, the son of Gabriel Taylor of Barnbow, Lab 1 , Octo r 21 st Richard, son of Richard Haist of Barwick, Butcher, November y e 5 th Mary, Daughter of Robert Dawson of Shippen, Decemb. 12 th Sarah, daug r of John Waite of Barwick, Taylor, Decemb. 26 th Thomas, son of Thomas Simpson of Roundhay, January y e 11 th Susannah, the daug r of Geo. Watson of Potterton, Husbandman, J any. 20 th Eliz a , the daug r of Mathew Watson of Barwick, Carpenter, Feb'y 6 th Francis, son of Francis Wilson of Stanks, collier, March ye 16 th 1740, Baptisms. William, the son of Thomas Simpson of Winmoor, Lab r , bapt d April ye 20 th William, son of William Thompson of Barnbow Carr, Husbandman, April y e 25 th Thomas, son of William Crummock of Winmoor, Lab r , April 27 th John, the son of Thomas Upton of Mawrick, Husbandman, May ye Ix th Samuel, the son of John Robinson of Barnbow, Lab r , May 11 th John, son of John Burland of Potterton, Lab r , June I st Jonathan, the son of Jonathan Bell of Barnbow, Lab r , June y e I st Sarah, the daug r of Richard Wood of Potterton, Lab r , July y e 20 th John and Eliz b , the son and daughter of Thomas Taite of Barwick, Mason, July 26 th Mary, the daug r of John Page of Winmoor, August 24 th James, the son of Thomas Collet of Barwick, Butcher, Aug 4 25 th Samuel, the son of Robert Simpson of Barwick, Lab r , Octob. 12 th Samuel, the son of James Robinson of Barwick, Lab r , Octob. 12 th John, son of Thomas Thornton of Potterton, Lab r , Nov r y e 2 d George, the son of Jeremy Booth of Barwick, Novemb. y e 16 th Samuel, the son of Andrew Burdsal of Scholes, Bucklemaker, November y e 16 th Sarah, the daug r of Thomas Batty of Barwick, shoemaker, Jan'ry I st Ann, the daug r of John Atkinson of Scholes, Lab r , Jan'ry 25 th John, the son of Richard Jackson of Barwick, chandler, Feb'ry 6 th Ann, the daug r of Mat w Goldin of Barwick, Lab r , Febry. y e 20 th Betty, the daughter of John Saynor of Grimesdike, Husbandman, Mar. 4 th Thomas, the son of M r Thomas Jackson of Barwick, Schoolmaster, was born Febry. 7 th and baptized March y e 9 th 1741, Baptisms. Thomas, the Bastard Child of Mary Pattison, April y e 17 th Margret, the Daughter of John Bean of Barwick, shoemaker, April ye 24 th Mally, the Daughter of Benjamin Rawlinson of Barwick, Lab r , May I st BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 259 John, son of Samuel Daniel of Barwick, Blacksmith, May ye I st John, son of Richard Slaytor of Stanks, May ye 21 st Martha, y* 5 daug r of Tho s Harper of Barwick, Lab r , May 25 th John, the son of Richard Slaytor, June y e 19 th Ann, the daug r of Richard Varley of Barwick, Husbandman, July 17 th Benjamin, the son of Thomas Don well of Barwick, Webster, Aug* 2 d Hannah, the daughter of Tho s Lumb of Stockhill, Aug* 23 d Grace, the daughter of Rich d Haist of Barwick, Yeoman, Aug. y e 27 th Ann, the daug r cf Geo. Smith of Barwick, Lab 1 , Aug* 30 th Samuel, the son of Richard Shippen of Penwel, Husbandman, September y e 21 s * Betty, daug r of Thomas Upton of Mawrick, September 27 th William, son of Robert Whitehead of Barwick, Labo r , October y e 4 th Ann, the daug r of Gab 1 Taylor of Barnbow, Lab r , Octob r 31 s * Mary, the daughter of Joseph Beck of Stanks, Lab r , Nov r 8 th William, son of William Knapton of Barwick, smith, Nov r 12 th William, son of William Scott of Barwick, Joyner, Nov r 15 th William, son of Richard Burland of Barwick, Webster, Nov r 22 d John, son of Richard Shackleton of Potterton, Tanner, Decemb r 5 th Titus, son of Timothy Turnpenny of Winmoor, Decemb r 6 th Ann, the daughter of Rich d Lazenby of Penwel, Lab r , December 20 th Joseph, the son of Joseph Lamb of Hobberley, January y e 7 th Sarah, the daughter of Geo. Thompson of Penwel, January y e 24 th Moses and Aaron, sons of William Reedal of Mawrick, Lab r , Jan' ry 24 th Rebeckah, the daughter of Samuel Haist of Barwick, Yeoman, February 28 th Baptisms, 1742. Richard, son of Thomas Taite of Barwick, mason, baptized April 2 d John, son of John Little of [blank], April ye 18 th Jonathan, son of James Robinson of Barwick, Lab r , May 12 th Elizabeth, daughter of John Settle of Scholes, June y e 7 th David Wright, the son of David Wright of Stanks, June 11 th George, the son of William Bywater of Winmoor, Aug 1 22 d Ann, the daughter of George Watson of Potterton, Husbandman, Sep r 17 th Edmund, the son of William Crummack of Winmoor, Lab r , Sept r y 6 24 th Mary, the daughter of Robert Appleyard of Scholes, October 10 th John, the son of Thomas Simpson of Winmoor, Nov r y e 28 th Ann, the daughter of Benjamin Rawlinson of Barwick, Jan'ry 6 th William, the son of Jonathan Bell of Barnbow, Jan'ry 23 d Matthew, the son of Tho s Upton of Mawrick, February y 24 th James, the son of Richard Jackson of Barwick, Febry. 25 th Ann, the daughter of John Mountain of Barwick, Febry. 25 th William, the son of Luke Richardson of Potterton, shoemaker, Febry. 28 th William, the son of William Driver of Winmoor, March 13 th Tho s , son of William Abbot of Barwick, March y 6 16 th Tho s , son of John Bean of Barwick, shoemaker, Mar h 25 th Baptisms, 1743. Thomas, son of Thomas Dodgson of Roundhay, Ap 1 4 th 260 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. David, son of Joshua Brown of Roundhay, Ap 1 4 th Thomas, son of William Lumb of Barwick, Ap 1 15 th Richard, the son of Richard Waite of Barwick, May y e I st Ellen, the daughter of John Varey of Scholes, Lab r , May I st John, the son of Andrew Burdsal of Scholes, Buckle maker, May 15 th Elizabeth, the daughter of Joseph Dickinson of Barwick, May y 15 th Benjamin, son of John Waite of Barwick, Taylor, May 22 d John, son of Gabriel Taylor of Barnbow, May 22 d Hannah, daughter of Richard Shippen, of Stanks, May 26 th Mary, the daughter of M r Stephen Vevers of Morwick, May y e 27 th Ann, the daughter of Thomas Thornton of Potterton, May 29 th Elizabeth, daughter of Sarah Whitaker, a travailing woman, June 23 d William, son of William Tipling of Scholes, June 24 th Samuel, son of Richard Haist of Barwick, June y e 27 th Isabel, daugh r of Richard Wood of Potterton, July y e 3 d William, son of John Hemsworth of Potterton, July y e 6 th William, son of John Hemsworth of Potterton, Lab r , July 31 st William, son of Matthew Goldin of Barwick, Lab r , Sept r 2 d Martha, daughter of Thomas Lumb of Stockhil, Septemb r y e 7 th Mary, the wife of Isaac Hall of Kidhall Lane end, aged 40 years, October 30 th Hannah, the Posthume daughter of Samuel Haist of Barwick, November y e 16 th Betty, the daughter of Joseph Bargh of Potterton, Tanner, November 30 th George, the son of Francis Holmes of Barwick, Jan'y the 27 th Betty, the daughter of William Taylor of Barnbow Carr, Feb'ry. I st Alice, the daughter of Benjamin Rawlinson of Barwick, Febry. 2 d Elizabeth, daughter of William Bell of Penwell, Taylor, February ye jgth Sarah, daughter of Robert Barton of Barwick, March 4 th Richard, the son of Richard Burland of Barwick, March y e 11 th Baptisms, 1744. Mary, the daughter of William Waters of Knaresbrough, March 26 th Ann, the daughter of John Taite of Barwick, mason, March 28 th Eliz a , the daughter of William Taylor of Barnbow Carr, March y e 28 th Elizabeth, daughter of Rob 1 Whitehead, April y e 22 d David, son of David Wright, April 22 d Joseph, son of Joseph Outhwaite, Ap 1 22 d Thomas, the son of Robert Simpson of Barwick, May y ft 4 th Mary, the daughter of Thomas Taite, June 3 d John, son of John Cleamshaw of Kidhall Lane, June 13 th John, son of Thomas Batty, June 17 th Sarah, daug r of James Strodder of Bar k , July 8 th Nancy, daug r of Edmund Popplewel of Winmoor, August 5^ 12 th Faith, daughter of Joseph Broadbent of Stank House, Aug* 22 d John, son of John Logg of Scholes, Aug 1 7 th Ann,the daughter of William Knapton of Barwick, Blacksmith, Aug 1 24 Grace, the daughter of Mary Hamilton, September ye 16 th Judith, daughter of Joseph Lamb of Winmoor, September 19 th BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 261 Henry, son of Henry Wright df Winmoor, September 30 th Frances, daughter of Martin Whitehead of Garforth moor, y e 30 th of September Elizabeth, daughter of William Scot of Barwick, October 7 th Richard, the son of William Lumb of Barwick, October 19 th James, the son of Timothy Turnpenny of Winmoor, October 21 st Mary, the daug r of James Lambert of Hill Top, October 31 st Mary, daughter of Joseph Dawson of Potterton, November y e 11 th Martin, the son of Miles Hanshaw of Barwick, Nov r y 6 16 th Mary, daughter of William Abbot of Barwick, Novem r ye 16 th William, son of Robert Dawson of Potterton Lane, Novemb r y e 28 th Samuel, son of Thomas Dodgson of Roundhay, December y e 5 th Stephen, the son of M r Stephen Vevers of Morwick, December y e 7 th Martin, son of William Tipling of Scholes, y* 5 7 th of December John, son of John Thompson of Garforth moor, December ye 9 th Matthew, son of Thomas Upton of Mawrick, December y e 9 th John, son of John Atkinson of Ba[r]nbow, Jan'ry y e 20 th Ann, daug r of Thomas Jackson of Scholes, Febry. 10 th Frances, daug r of Will m Crummock of Winmoor, Febry. 10 th Benjamin, son of Richard Jackson of Barwick, Feby. 15 th Benjamin, son of Benjamin Rawlinson of Barwick, Feby. 22 d Richard, son of Rich d Wilcock of Barwick, Febr'y 27 th Matthias, son of George Hewit of Barnbow, March 24 th Mary, daughter of John Saynor of Hill-Top, March 24 th Baptisms, 1745. Mary, daughter of Thomas Simpson of Winmoor, April 7 th Sarah and Betty, daughters of Thomas Collet of Barwick, April 28 th Ann, daughter of Richard Shippen of Stanks, May 1st Sarah, daughter of Richard Lazenby of Penwel, July 7 th Mary, daughter of James Scholefield of Barwick, Aug* y e 8 th Betty, daughter of John Waite of Barwick, August 18 th Abraham, son of Roger Bell of Scholes, Blacksmith, September y e 8 th James, son of Thomas Harper of Bar k , September 22 d William, son of Thomas Stead of Stanks, Taylor, September ye 22 d Jonathan, son of Gabriel Taylor of Barnbow, Labourer, September 28 th John, son of Richard Varley of Barwick, husbandman, October 16 th John, son of Christopher Scot of Barnbow, husbandman, November I st [blank], daughter of Joseph Broadbent of Stank House, October y e William, son of John Logg of Scholes, November 3 d Ann, the daughter of Thomas Lumb of Stockhill, Nov r 22 d Fanny, daughter of James Lambert of Winmoor, Jan'ry 17 th Elizabeth, daughter of Miles Hamshaw, Jatiry 22 d Elizabeth, daughter of Matthew Goldin of Barwick, Jan'y 24 th Bridget, bastard son [sic] of Jane Hopwood, Jany. 24 th Katherine, daughter of John Varey of Scholes, February 9 th Agnes, daughter of Joseph Holmes of Barwick, Febry. 16 th Benjamin, son of Richard Haist of Barwick, Feb'y 19 th Frances, daughter of Andrew Burdsal of Scholes, Feb'y 21 st Renton, the bastard son of Mary Haist of Barwick, March ye 5 th Joseph, son [of] John Bean of Barwick, March ye 7 th - 262 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. Baptisms 1746. Mary Elizabeth, the daughter of John Braim of Barwick, carpenter, April 9 th Margret, daughter of Thomas Benton of Garforth moor side, April 20 th Jesse, the son of William Burrows of Hubberley, May 19 th William, son of Thomas Taite of Barwick, May ye 18 th Ann, daughter of Robert Simpson of Barwick, June 4 th Jinny, the daughter of Thomas Upton of Mawrick, June y e 8 th Hannah, daughter of William Tipling of Scholes, July y e 13 th Silvester, the son of John Petty of Winmoor, July 23 d James, son of John Cleamshaw of Kidhall Lane, Aug 1 22 d Alice, daughter of Thomas Thornton of Potterton, August 31 st Thomas, son of Richard Burl and of Barwick, August 31 st Peggy, the bastard child of Elizabeth Whitehead of Garforth-moor- side, September y e 14 th William, son of Joseph Bargh of Potterton, Tanner, Octob. I st Mary, daughter of George Watson of Potterton, October 5 th Ann, daughter of William Abbot of Barwick, October 12 th William, the son of William Driver of Winmoor, October y e 19 th Susannah, daughter of William Taylor of Barnbow, November 2 d Elizabeth, daughter of Robert Barton of Barwick, gber 3 d Amabella, the bastard child of Mary England, December y^ 7 th Elizabeth, daughter of Francis Holmes of Barwick, Dec r 12 th Mark, son of Peter Brunton of Barnbow, March I st Baptisms, 1747. John, son of Luke Richardson of Potterton, shoemaker, April 24 th Mary, daug r of Henry Wright of Winmoor, May y e 24 th William, the son of Richard Varley of Barwick, June 5 th William and Jeremiah, sons of Christopher Scot of Barnbow, July 20 th Sarah and Susannah, daug rs of Robert Whitehead of Barwick, July 20 th Sarah, daughter of Joseph Broadbent of Stankhouse, July 30 th Elizabeth, the bastard child of Hannah Varley of Barwick, July 30 th Sarah, daughter of Thomas Dodgson of Roundhay, August 9 th William, son of William Johnson of Barwick, Husbandman, Sept r 3 d John, son of William Bell of Hill top, September 20 th Mary, the daughter of Thomas Jackson of Barwick, Schoolmaster, September y e 25 th Christopher, son of Christopher Dickinson, late of Barwick, Sept r 27 th William, son of Thomas Lumb of Stockin, Nov r 4 th Joseph, son of Joseph Outhwaite of Stanks, Nov r 22 d James, son of John Logg of Scholes, November 27 th Roger, son of Roger Bell, December y e 2 d William, son of Joseph Holmes of Barwick, Taylor, December y e 20 th Ann, daughter of Thomas Smith of Scholes, Husbandman, Jan'ry I st Jane, the daughter of Thomas Upton of Morwick, Jan'ry y e 6 th Samuel, son of Timothy Turnpenny of Winmoor, Jan'ry 22 d Hannah, daughter of Joseph Bullock of Barwick, mason, Feb'y 23 d Thomas, son of William Scot of Barwick, joyner, March 2 d Samuel, son of John Thompson of Garforth-moor, March 13 th Reuben, son of William Burrows of Hubberley, March 13 th BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 263 Thomas, son of Joseph Bargh of Potterton, Tanner, March 16 th Martha, daughter of Rob 1 Dawson of Potterton, Lab r , March y* 3 20 th Baptisms, 1748. Elizabeth, daughter of Robert Smith y e younger of Barwick, March 27 th Sarah, daughter of Matthew Goldin of Barwick, April y 6 10 th Richard and Elizabeth, son and daughter of W m Knapton of Bar k , blacksmith, April 11 th Mary, daughter of Samuel Liversedge of Barwick, April 11 th William, son of Benja n Rawlinson of Barw k , April 12 th Thomas, son of William Waite of Barw k , May I st Samuel, son of Thomas Stead of Stanks, May I st William, the bastard child of Jane Hopwood of Barwick, May y e 15 th Alice, daughter of Stephen Vevers of Morwick, baptiz'd privately, March y e 20 th , 1747, and receiv'd June y e I th , 1748 Sarah, daughter of John Saynor of Winmoor, May 29 th Alice, the daughter of John Marshall of Barwick, June 26 th Joseph, the son of Jonathan Bell of Barwick, privately, July 15 th Sarah, the daughter of Thomas Haley of Scholes, July 20 th Sarah, daughter of Tho s Tait of Barwick, September 11 th Thomas, son of Miles Hanch of Barwick, Oct r 9 th Ann, daughter of Richard Burland of Barwick, Weaver, Dec r 4 th William, son of William Slayter of Barwick, Dec r 11 th Ann, daughter of John Vary of Scholes, Labourer, Feb. y 5 th Hannah, daughter of William Abbott of Barwick, Feb. 12 th John, son of William Crummock of Scholes, Feb. 19 th George, son of George Watson of Potterton, March y* 13 th Ann, daughter of Christopher Scott of Scholes, March ye 22 d Baptisms, 1749. Betty, daughter of John Bean of Barwick, March y e 27 th Elizabeth, daughter of Andrew Berdsal of Scholes, April y e 7 th George, son of George Watson of Potterton, April ye 16 th Moses, son of Roger Bell of Barwick, April y> 23 rd Jane, daughter of Francis Holms, Linen Weaver, May y e 15 th Thomas, the bastard child of Elizabeth Bell, May y e 16 th Martha, daughter of Thomas Thornton of Potterton, May y e 28 Benj in , son of Thomas Collet of Barwick, June ye 7 th Margret, daughter of Robert Simpson of Barwick, July y e 23 rd William, the son of William Eamonson of Lazincroft, Aug. 18 William, son of Will, and Frances Barker of Penwell, Aug. 20 Sarah, daughter of Henry Wright of Morwick and Sarah his wife, Sept. 8 th Mary, daughter of John Dickinson of Barnbow, Sept. 10 Richard, son of Richard Bowling of Turry- Lug-gate, September y e 28 th Joseph, son of Joseph Bargh of Potterton, October the 24 th Mary, daughter of Robert Smith, Jun r , of Barwick, November y e 26 th Mary, daughter of Edward Poplewell of Winmoor, November y e 26 th Hannah, daughter of Thomas Poplewell of Winmoor, Decemb r y e 3 rd Eliz th , daughter of Will m Driver of Winmoor, Decemb r y e 3 rd William, son of Thomas Upton of Morwick, December y e 8 th Eliz th , daughter of John Clemishaw of Kidall Lane, Decemb r y e 27 th 264 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. Mary, daughter of John Gaggs of Barnbow, Decemb r y e 27 th Mary, daughter of Tho s Dogson of Roundhay, January y 10 th Mary, daughter of Will m Johnson of Barwick, Feby y e 7 th Alice, daughter of Rich d Street, Feb. y e 11 th Sarah, daughter of Sam 1 Liversiege of Barwick, March y e 7 th Rebekah, daughter of W m Burrow of Winmoor, March y* 3 11 th Ann Thompson, daughter of Thomas Thompson of Garforth Moor, baptiz'd at Garforth Church, February ye 22 nd Mary, daughter of John Logg of Scholes, baptiz'd at Garforth, March 2 nd Baptisms, 1750. Benjamin, son of John Brambley of Potterton, April y e 11 th Ann, daughter of Joseph Bullock of Barwick, April y^ 16 th Eliz th , daughter of Tho s Lumb of Stockin, May y e 2 nd Hannah, daughter of Matthew Golden of Barwick, May y 3 16 th Charles, son of Charles Lawton of Potterton, Mason, June y e 20 th Elizabeth, daughter of Francis Wilson of Scholes, July ye 22 nd William, son of William Waite of Barwick, was privately baptiz'd July y 24 th Peter, son of William Slaytor of Barwick, August y 6 I st Mary, the daughter of Joseph and Abigail Holmes of Barwick, Octob r y e 7 th Sarah, the daughter of Thomas Tayler of Barwick, November y 6 4 th Sarah, the daughter of Christopher and Martha Varey of Barwick, Nov r y e 18 th John, the son of Samuel and Frances Hindson of Scholes, November ye 21 st John, the son of Matthew and Ann Upton of Morwick, November the 23 d James, the son of James and Mary Lambert of Winmoor, February the 6 th Samuel, the son of Thomas and Jane Upton of Morwick, March the 10 th Baptisms, 1751. Hannah, the daughter of William and Mary Littlewood of Potterton, March y e 31 st Hannah, the daughter of Thomas and Hannah Tate of Barwick, Aprill the 8 th Mary, the daughter of William and Ann Ward of Winmoor, Aprill y* 9 th Richard, son of Richard and Frances Green of Barwick, May the 19 th John.thesonofGeorgeandSusannaWatsonof Potterton, June the 9 th Sarah, the daughter of Edward and Sarah Thompson of Stanks, June the 16 th William, the son of Benj. and Eliz. Cook of Stanks, June the 23 d Priscilla, the daughter of Jn and Catherine Varey of Scholes, eodem die Sarah,the daughter of James and Ann Perkin of Barwick, August the 4 th John, the son of Robert and Sarah Carbott of Potterton, August the 14 th James, the son of Joseph and Sarah Broadbent of Stank House, August the 21 st John, the son of William and Thomasin Burrow of Winmoor Head, August ye 25 th BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 265 Elisabeth, the daughter of Abraham Baite of Potterton, September the 15 th Sarah, the daughter of Thomas Simpson of Roundhay, Septem r the 25 th Ann, the daughter of John and Sarah Dickinson of Barnbow Carr, Octob r the 6 th Ann, daughter of John Saynor of Winmoor, October the 13 th Joseph, the son of Will m and Ann Crummock of Barwick, Novemb 1 the 10 th Alice, the daughter of Will m and Mary Slaytor of Barwick, eodem die Mary, the daughter of Robert and Martha Whitehead of Barwick, eodem die Jane, the daughter of Andrew and Eliz. Burdsall of Scholes, Novem- ber the 15 th Joseph, the son of Will m and Hannah Tiplin of Barwick, Decemb r y e 23 d Joseph, the son of Tho s and Mary Taylor of Barwick, Decemb r the 26 th Will m , the son of John Bramly of Potterton Lane, January the 5 th Mary, the daughter of Joseph and Ann Daniel of Potterton Lane January the 8 th Sarah, the daughter of William Barker of Grimesdike, January the 19 th Mary, the daughter of Abraham and Cressy Wormhill of Barwick, February 12 th John, the son of John Dungwith of Barwick, February the 23 d William, son of William and Frances Brown of Winmoor, March the 8 th Sarah, the daughter of Robert and Mary Smith of Barwick, March the 8 th Elisabeth, the daughter of John and Ann Logg of Scholes, March the 8 th John, the son of John and Margaret Gaggs of Barnbow, March the 15 th Alice and Sarah, twin-daughters of Roger and Alice Bell of Barwick, March 22 d Baptisms, 1752. Martha, the daughter of Will m and Catharine Abbott of Barwick, March 30 th William, the son of William and Mary Bell of Winmoor, Aprill the 26 th Maria, the daught r of Tho s and Mary Thornton of Potterton Lane, Aprill the 26 th John, the son of Richard and Sarah Bowling of Turrylug-gate, May the 24 th William, the son of John and Mearcy Ellis of Kippax, June the 21 st *Carr, the son of S r Henry Ibbetson, Bart., of Red Hall, July the 30 th Frances, daughter of Richard and Frances Green of Barwick, born July the 30 th and baptized August the 27 th Mary, the daughter of Joseph and Mary Bullock of Barwick, Septemb r the 17 th J ohn, thesonof Maj or and Mary Dickinson of Roundhay, October the 8 th "Sir Henry was High Sheriff of Yorkshire 1746, when above 20 were hanged and about 90 transported for Rebellion. He caused the Pope, Cardinal Tencin, the young chevalier and his associate to be hanged in Effigie in Leedes " Wilson MS. Burke's Peerage states that having raised a corps of a hundred men at his own expense during the rebellion of 1745 he was in consideration thereof created a Baronet 12 May, 1748. He married 2ndly 1741, Isabella, dau. of Ralph Carr of Cocken. His son was a Captain of Dragoons and married Miss Fletcher, niece of Sir Hugh Palliser, Bait. 266 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. Jane the daughter of Edmund Popplewell of Winmoor-head, October the 15 th Sarah, the daughter of Charles and Ann Lawton of Potterton, Novemb r the 12 th Baptisms, 1753. Ann, the daughter of Luke and Elisabeth Richardson of Potterton, January y^ 6 th Rebecca, the daught 1 of Joseph and Rebecca Chappel of Potterton, February the 4 th Thomas, the son of J ohn and Ellen Cawood of Scholes, February the 23 d Joseph, the son of Thomas and J aneUptonof Morwick, February the25 th William and Jane, son and daughter of William and Ann Ward of Winmoor, Aprill the I st Thomas, the son of Matthew and Hannah Golden of Barwick, April 15 th Thomas, the son of William and Elisabeth Johnson of Barwick, April 15 th Moses, the son of Francis and Ann Wilson of Scholes, April 15 th Thomas, the son of Joseph and Abigail Holmes of Barwick, May 6 th Mary, the daughter of Abraham and Sarah Baite of Potterton, May 6 th Elizabeth, the daughter of Christop 1 and Elis. Demesne of Winmoor- head, May 27 th Peter, the son of David and Mary Buchan of Winmoor head, June 10 th Thomas, the son of James and Ann Perkin of Barwick, July I st Sarah, the daught r of Edward and Mary Day of Potterton, July 8 th Martha, the bastard daughter of Mary Haist of Barwick, July the 25 th Benjamin, son of Peter andEllen Eamonsonof Roundhay, July the 26 th Mary, the daughter of Samuel and Sarah Braim of Barwick, August 8 th George, the son of Will m and Sarah Driver of Winmoor, August the 12 th Nancy, the daught r of Will m and AnnWaite of Barwick, August the 26 th Benj amin,the son of James and Hannah Strother of Barwick, Octob* 8 th Alice, the daught r of John and Elisabeth Dungwith of Barwick, Octob r 14 th Betty, the daught r of Will m and Hannah Tiplin of Barwick, Octob 1 19 th John, the son of Joseph and Ann Daniel of Potterton-lane, Novemb r I st Betty, the daught r of Abram and Cressy Wormhill of Barwick, Novemb r 9 th William, the son of John and Sarah Dickinson of Barnbow-Carr, December 2 d Martha, the daugh r of Miles and Mary Hampshaw of Barwick, Decern 1 16 Baptisms, 1754. Mary, the daught r of Christopher and Martha Varey of Stanks, January I st William, the son of Charles and Ann Lawton of Potterton, January the 20 th John, the son of William and Sarah Knapton of Barwick, February the 20 th James, the son of Thomas and Margaret Whitehead of Barwick, March the I st BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 267 Carmi, the son of Will m and Thomasin Burrow of Winmoor head, March 31 st Martha, the daught r ofTho s and Hannah Tate of Barwick, April the 16 th William, the son of William and Mary Slaytor of Barwick, May the 5 th Isaac, the son of Roger and Alice Bell of Barwick, May the 26 th John, the son of Joseph and Sarah Broadbent of Stank-house, June the 13 th Sarah, the daughter of John and Mary Batley of Scholes, June the 21 st Benjamin, the son of Will m and Ann Crummock of Barwick, June the 30 th Edward Higgin, the bastard son of Sarah Powell of Potterton, July 7 th Robert, the son of Robert and Martha Whitehead of Barwick, July the 28 th Sarah, the daughter of John and Ann Logg of Scholes, August the 25 th John, the son of Robert and Ann Dixon of Barwick, September the 8 th Betty, the daughter of John and Elis th Clemishaw of Kiddal-lane, Sept r 27 th Susanna, the daughter of Rich d and Susanna Jackson of Barwick, Septem r 27 th Sarah, the daughter of Benjamin and Elis. Cook of Barwick, October the 6 th Ruth, the daughter of John and Sarah Butler of Scholes, October the 23 d William, the son of Robert and Mary Smith of Barwick, November the 5 th Samuel, the son of John and Ellen Cawood of Scholes, November y* 6 th Robert, the son of Will m and Frances Brown of Winmoor, December the I st Elis. the daug r of Will m and Frances Barker of Grimes-Dike, Decemb 1 the I st William, the son of Andrew and Elis. Burdsall of Scholes, Decem r 27 th Baptisms, 1755. Hannah, the daughter of Joseph and Mary Bullock of Barwick, baptized January the 26 th James, the son of Thomas and Elisabeth Shillitoe of Barwick, February the 2 d William, the son of William and Deborah Wright of Scholes, March the 7 th Hannah,. the. daughter of Samuel and Sarah Braim of Barwick, April the 2 d William, the son of Thomas and Mary Thornton of Potterton-lane, April the 6 th Ann, the daughter of Thomas and Susanna Bailey of Winmoor, April the 27 th Abraham, the son of Thomas and Margaret Whitehead of Barwick, May the I st Joseph, the son of Joseph and Ann Daniel of Potterton lane, May the 19 th Thomas, the son of Edmund and Mary Popplewell of Winmoor- , head, June the I st 268 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. Sarah, the daughter of Will m and Ann Ward of Winmoor, June the 29 th Benj n , the son of John and Rose Bramley of Potter ton lane, July the 6* James, the son of Joseph and Rebecca Chappel of Potterton, July the 6 th Elisabeth, the daughter of Will m and Elisabeth Eamonson of Lazincroft, August the 14 th William, the son of James and Mary Butler of Scholes, August the 24 th John, the son of Edward and Mary Day of Potterton, August the 31 st John, the son of Abraham and Sarah Baite of Potterton, September the 28 th John, the son of John and Ann Robinson of Barwick, October the 17 th Patience, the daughter of Edward and Ann Thompson of Scholes, Novem r the 2 d Matthew, the son of William and Hannah Tiplin of Barwick, Novem- ber 5 th Isabella, the daughter of James and Mary Brennand of Barwick, born October the 18 th , baptized November the 14 th Ann, the daughter of Abraham and Cressy Wormald of Barwick, November the 16 th Robert, the son of Robert and Elisabeth Ellott of Barnbow-hall, December the 7 th Baptisms, 1756. Elisabeth, the daughter of Richard and Frances Green of Barwick, bapt: Feby the 7 th Thomas, the son of John and Elisabeth Dungwith of Barwick, February the 8 th Grace, the daughter of Robert and Ann Dixon of Barwick, February the 22 d William, the son of Will m and Deborah Wright of Scholes, February the 26 th William, the son of William and Hannah Smith of Barnbow Carr, March 14 th Elisabeth, the daughter of John and Elis. Norton of Barwick, April the 20 th Sarah, the daughter of John and Eliz. Clemishaw of Kiddal lane, April the 30 th Betty, the daug r of Tho s and Martha Saunderson of Moor-mountain, June the 6 th Roger, the son of Roger and Alice Bell of Barwick, July the 18 th Francis, the son of Will m and Sarah Driver of Winmoor, July the 25 th John, the son of John and Ellen Cawood of Scholes, August the 20 th Mary, the daug r of Thomas and Susanna Bailey of Winmoor, August 29 th Josiah, the son of Robert and Martha Whitehead of Barwick, Septem 1 19 th Samuel, the son of Samuel and Sarah Braim of Barwick, September the 27 th James, the son of Joseph and Hannah Dawson of Potterton, October the 3 d BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 269 Sarah, the daug r of David and Mary Buchan of Winmoor-head, October the 3 d Hannah, the daug r of Tho s and Margaret Whitehead of Barwick, October the 20 th Sarah, the daughter of Will m and Sarah Knapton of Barwick, November 5 th James, the son of James and Ann Perkin of Barwick, December the 28 th Baptisms, 1757. David, the son of James and Hannah Strother of Barwick, bapt: January the 9 th Nathanael, the son of Will m and Susanna Gill of Potterton, January the 23 d John, the son of Robert and Mary Smith of Barwick, March the 6 th Richard, the son of Benj. and Elisabeth Cook of Stanks, March the 6 th Ann, the daug r of J oseph and Ann Daniel of Potterton lane, March the 9 th James and Joseph, Twins, sons of Joseph and Mary Bullock of Barwick, March the 20 th Thomas, the son of Thomas and Elisabeth Shillito of Barwick, March the 20 th John, the son of John and Sarah Dickinson of Barnbow carr, March the 27 th Alice, the daughter of Thomas and Mary Taylor of Barwick, April the 3 d Ann, the daughter of Christopher and Martha Varey of Scholes, April the 3 d Mary, the daughter of Will m and Frances Barker of Grimesdike, April the 11 th Thomas, the son of John and Ann Logg of Scholes, May the I st Michael, the son of Joseph and Mary Settle of Barwick, May the 8 th Thomas, the son of William and Mary Lumb of Barwick, May the 12 th James, the son of James and Mary Butler of Scholes, May the 15 th William, the son of Will m and Ann Waite of Barwick, May the 15 th Sarah, the daughter of John and Sarah Lyster of Potterton, June the 5 th Alice, the daughter of Will m and Elisabeth Eamonson of Lazincroft, June the 20 th Mary, the daughter of Will m and Frances Brown of Winmoor, July the 10 th Timothy, the son of Will m Smith of Barwick, July the 17 th James, the son of John and Ann Robinson of Barwick, July the 17 th Mary, the daug r of Thomas and Hannah Tate of Barwick, July the 17 th William, the son of Benj n and Susanna Watson of Barwick, August the 14 th James, the son of James and Esther Horsfield of Potterton, Septem- ber the 4 th Ann, the daug r of Benj n and Mary Stringer of Winmoor .September the4 th Hannah, the daughter of Edward and Mary Day of Potterton, September the 19 th Thomas, the son of William and Ann Ward of Winmoor, September the 25 th Mary, the daughter of William and Mary Slaytor of Barwick, September the 25 th 270 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. Mary, the daughter of John and Sarah Tate of Barwick, October the 2 d Matthew, the son of Matthew and Ann Upton of Morwick, October the 23 d Edmund, the son of Will m and Ann Crummock of Barwick, Novem- ber the 20 th Mary, the daug r of Joseph and Abigail Holmes of Barwick, December the 11 th Mary, the daug r of Robert and Sarah Smith of Barnbow-carr, December the 18 th John, the son of John and Sarah Butler of Scholes, December the 27 th William, the son of William and Henrietta Maria Smith was Born October 24 th Baptisms, 1758. Thomas, the son of Abraham and Cressy Wormald of Barwick, January the 6 th Mary, the daughter of John and Elisabeth Robinson of Winmoor- Stile, March the 2 d Alice, the daughter of Roger and Alice Bell of Barwick, March the 26 th J oseph, the son of Willi am and Deborah Wright of Scholes, March t he 3 I st William, the son of James and Mary Brennand of Barwick, born March the 13 th , and baptized April the 6 th Betty, the daughter of John and Elisabeth Norton of Barwick, May the 7 th Mary, the daughter of Samuel and SarahiVarley of Barwick, May the 16 th Elisabeth, the daughter of Edward and Elis. Monks of Potterton, June the 18 th William, the son [of] John and Elisabeth Dungwith of Barwick, June the 25 th Samuel, the son of Samuel and Dorothy Thompson of Stanks, June the 30 th Jane, the daughter of David and Mary Buchan of Winmoor-head, July the 2 d William, the son of William and Mary Lumb of Shippen, July the 23 d Ann, the daughter of Robert and Ann Dixon of Barnbow, August the 13 th Elizabeth, daughter of Joseph and Ann Daniel of Potterton-lane, October the 12 th Margret and Mary, Twins, daughters of Thomas and Margret Whitehead, October the 13 th Sarah, daughter of Samuel and Sarah Braim, October the 22 d Joseph, son of Joshua White of Potterton, October the 22 d John, son of Rob 1 Leach of Potterton, October the 29 th Michael, son of W m Watson of Barwick, October 12 th William, the son of James Parkin of Barwick, Dece r 26 Baptisms, 1759. Thomas, the son of William Tipling of Barwick, bap d January 6 th Betty, the daughter of Luke Richardson of Potterton, J any 16 John, the son of Chris 1 Varey of Schooles, March 4 th John, the son of John Lumb of Stanks, April 16 th William, the son of Benj. Shillitoe of Scholes, April 22 d BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 271 Thus fare Posted and sent into the Court at York. Thomas, the son of William and Martha Calvert, blacksmith, of Barwick, May the 4 th Hannah, the daughter of Thomas Handson, Lab r , of Barwick, May the 13 th Sarah, the daughter of James and Mary Butler of Scholes, Pipe maker, May the 27 Mary, the daughter of the Rever 11 M r Bains, Curate of Barwick, June the 3 d Henry, the son of John and Eliz th Cawood of Scholes, Blacksmith, June 15 th Mary, the daughter of Benj . and Elizabeth Braim of Barnbow Carr, July the 15 th Margret and Mary, twins, daughters of John and Mary Bean of Barwick, shoemaker, July the 24 Mary, the daughter of William and Mary Lumb of Barwick, husband- man, June y e 24 Mary, the daughter of John Peart, dogger, of Barwick in Elmett, July ye 6 Thomas, the son of William Driver of Winmoor, Lab r , July y e 22 Ann, the daughter of Rob 1 and Sarah Smith of Barnbow Carr, collier, Aug 1 12 Isaac, son of William Barker of Winmoor, Labourer, Sep r the 2 John and Nanny, twins, son and daughter of William and Sarah Knapton of Barwick, Blacksmith, September y e 14 th John, son of John Robinson of Winmoor stile, Yeoman, September the 19 th Isabella, the daughter of Benj. Watson of Barwick, wheelright, Septem br the 30 th Hannah, the daughter of Benj . Stringer of Winmoor, October the 3 d Martha, the daughter of Will m and Mary Lumb of Barwick, School- master, was born October the 7, betwixt 4 and 5 o'th Clock in the evening, and Baptizd Novem r the 5 th Baptisms, 1760. Roger, the son of Roger Bell of Barwick, baptized January the I st Thomas, the son of Thomas Bailey of Winn Moor, Jan. 13 th Sarah, the daughter of Thomas and Elisabeth Shilitoe of Barwick, Taylor, was born Jan. the 26, betwixt 5 and 6 o'clock in the evening, and baptiz d Mar. 2 nd Abraham, the son of Abraham and Cressy Wormald of Barwick, Blacksmith, Feb. y e 17 th John, the son of John and Ann Linley of Turry lug Gate, February the 22 nd Frances, the daughter of Robert Brown of Penwell, March the 16 th William, the son of Robert and Mary Smith of Barwick, Labourer, March the 23 d Mary, d r of John and Sarah Lyster of Barwick (Husbandman), April 6 th Martha, d r of John and Mary Lunn of Barnbow, collier, April 7 th Sarah, d r of John Hardgrave of Winmoor (sadler), April 7 th 272 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. Sarah, d r of William and Ann Waite of Barwick (Labourer), April 27 th Ann, d r of Edward and Ann Monks of Bramham-Moor (Labourer), May 12 th Ann, d r of William and Mary Slator of Berwick, July 6 th Mary, d r of James and Ann Perkins of Barwick, July 16 th Joseph, son of Samuel and Crisse Simpson of Barnbow Carr (Collier), July 27 Henrietta Maria, d r of Joseph and Mary Bullock of Berwick (Mason), Aug 4 24 th Elizabeth, d r of William and Eliz. Wilson of Bramham-moor (Labourer), Aug 1 24 th Frances, d r of Robert and Frances Brown of Winmoor (Labourer), Ail* 28 Abraham, son of John and Ann Logg of Scholes (Labourer), Sep 1 14 th Richard, son of Thomas Ellar and Mary (of Kidhall Lane, Horse Jockey), 14 October Oct 1 27. John, son of Samuel and Sarah Braim, Berwick, Joiner Nov r 3. John, son of John and Mary Norton of Berwick, Labourer 6. Nancy, dau r of Robert and Elizabeth Ellis, Potterton, Blacksmith 13. Mary, dau r of John and Grace Vevers, Berwick, Joiner 16. William, son of Henry and Mary Simpson, Winmoor, Labourer 30. J ohn, sonjof Edmund and Grace Popplewell, Winmoor, Labourer 1761. Jan r 28. George, base-born son of Susan Littlewood, Potterton 28. Elizabeth [daughter] of Joshua White and Martha, Potterton, Waggoner 29. Isabella, d r of Robert and Ann Dixon, Barnbow, Labourer Jan r 30. Mary, d r of John and Ellen Cawwood, Winmoor, Blacksmith Febv 3. George, son of John and Elizabeth Dungwith, Berwick, Labourer 13. Elizabeth, d r of J ohn and Ann Robinson, Berwick, Wheelwright Mar. 18. William, son of Edward and Mary Day, Potterton, Mason April 5. Joseph, son of George and Mary Scoles, Barnbow, Collier 9. Thomas, son of John [Thomas erased] and Elizabeth Robinson, Winmoor, Farmer *May 9. John, son of William and Mary Lumb, Berwick, School master 19. Mary, dau r of Richard and Mary Lumb, Berwick, Farmer 22. Sarah, dau r of Thomas and Margaret Whitehead, Berwick, Farmer 31. Ann, baseborn dau r of Hannah Hill, Barwick June 7. Ann, dau r of John and Ann Lumb, Stanks, Husbandman July 29. Martha, dau r of Benjamin and Mary Shillitoe, Barnbow, Labourer Aug. 9. James, son of John and Mary Bean, Berwick, shoemaker Oct 1 18. Mary, dau r of James and Mary Butler, Scholes, Pipe-maker 30. Hannah, dau r of Christopher and Martha Varey. Scholes, Labourer Nov r 2. Matthew, son of Samuel and Sarah Varley, Berwick, Farmer John Lumb died 1 August, 1796, at Duke Street, London, " an eminent clock and watch maker." BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 273 2. Isaac, son of Roger and Alice Bell, Barnbow, Labourer Dec r 20. Dinah, dau r of James and Tomasin Norton, Berwick, Labourer 1761 Baptisms, 21. F. Wray, Curate of Berwick. Baptisms, 1762. Jan r 10. John, son of Thomas and Susanna Baly, Winmoor, Labourer 31. Ann, dau r of Richard Smith and Ann, Berwick, Farmer Feby 7. Thomas, son of Thomas and Margaret Hanson, Berwick, Labourer March 28. John, son of Abraham and Crissy Wormald, Berwick, Blacks m 28. Titus, bastard son of Susanna Watson, Potterton April 3. William, son of Edward and Mary Day, Potterton, Mason 12. John, son of John and Mary Lunn, Barnbow-Carr, Collier 12. Thomas, son of Robert and Sarah Smith, Berwick, Collier 12. Richard, son of Richard and Elizabeth Hewitt, Barnbow Carr, Collier 13 . Thomas, son of Henry and Mary Simpson , Roundhay , Labourer 13. Joseph, son of Robert and Elizabeth Ellis, Potterton, Blacks m May 31. James, son of Henry and Sarah Perkins, Winmoor, Labourer 31. Mary, dau r of William and Frances Barker, Winmoor, Labourer June 1. Benjamin, son of Benjamin and Elizabeth Braim, Barnbow- Carr, Wright 14. Robert, son of William and Frances Smith, Winmoor, Labourer 21. John, son of Francis and Ann Hawkins, Bram. moor, Waggoner July 21. Mercy, dau r of John and Elizabeth Robinson, Winmoor, Farmer Aug* 8. Susanna, dau r of Thomas and Mary Parker, Winmoor 13. Elizabeth, dau r of William and Hannah Waite, Berwick, Tailor 29. James, son of John and [blank] Bramley, Winmoor, Labourer Sep r 18. John, son of Richard and Mary Wright, Kiddal Lane, Labourer 18. Martha, d r of Thomas and Elizabeth Shillitoe, Berwick, Tailor Oct r 10. John, son of Edward and Elizabeth Monk, Berwick, Lab r 15. John, son of Joshua and Martha White, Bram. moor, Waggoner 16. Elizabeth, dau r of Abraham and Eliz. Rawlinson, Berwick, Lime-burner Nov r 21. Joseph, son of Joshua White, Potterton, Waggoner 28. Rachel, dau r of Joseph and Hannah Kirkem, Barwick 30. Jane, dau r of Benj n and Mary Stringer, Winmoor Dec r 10. Hannah, dau r of Joseph and Ann Daniel, Potterton Lane 26. George, son of Joseph and Mary Reedal, Scholes Baptisms, 1763. J anv 24 th . Betty, daughter of John and Ellin Cawood, Blacksmith, Winmoor J any 26 th . Mary, the daughter of Mark and Rose Toppin, Skinner, Barwick Feby 2 nd . Rich d , the son of James and Ann Parkin, Farmer, D 274 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. March 25 th . Mary, daughter of Rob 4 and Eliz th Barton, Jun r , Joiner.D April 10 th . Martha, of Will m and Mary Lumb, Farmer, D April 7 th . Mary, dau r [of] Georg and Mary Scholes, Barnbow [Inserted] May 5 th . Will m , son of John and Sarah Nelson, Whitesmith, Leeds 7 th . Sarah, daughter of Tho s and Mary Ellar, Jocky, Kiddal Lane End 15 th . Mary, daughter of Tho s and Sarah Hewit, Labourer, Barwick June 8 th . Mary, daughter of Anthony and Sarah Dunwell, Weaver, D J uly 15 th . Will m , son of Tho s and Margaret Whitehead, Farmer, D Aug 51 14 th . William, son of Matthew Hill, Labourer, D James Brooke, Curate, August 18, 1763. Sep 1 18 th . Rich d , son of John and Eliz th Dungwith, Labourer, D 21 st . Robert, son of John and Eliz th Robinson, Farmer, Winmoor 25 th . Will, son of Jonathan and Hannah Hodgson, Labourer, Barnbow 0c r 2 nd . John, son of Tho s and Ann Bennet, Potmaker, Barwick 9 th . Ann, daughter of John and Ann Robinson, Wheelwright, D i8 tb . Sarah, daughter of Sam 1 and Sarah Varley, Farmer, D Nov r 20 th . Phebe, daughter of Sam 1 and Sarah Braim, Joiner, D 27 th . Simon, son of James Butler and Mary his wife, Pipemaker, Scholes Dec r 7 th . Rich d , son of Rich d and Eliz th Lumb, Farmer, Barwick 9 th . Mary, daughter of Will m and Eliz th Challinger, Limeburner, D 11 th William, son of Will m and Hannah Waite, Tailor, D 18 th . Susanna, daughter of Tho s and Susanna Bayley, Labourer, Winmoor 26 th . John, son of Tho s and Eliz th Hewit, Collier, Barwick Baptisms, 1764. Jan rv 4 th . Tho s , son of John & Ann Lumb, Stanks, Labourer 18 th . Richard, son of John and Eliz th Norton, Barwick, Labourer Feb r y 19 th . Ann, daughter of Roger and Alice Bell, Barwick, Black- smith April I st . Margaret, daughter of Tho s and Sarah Pitt, Barwick, Farmer 22 nd . Sarah, daughter of Benj n and Susanna Watson, Barwick, Wheelwright 23 rd . Ann, daughter of John and Mary Lunn, Barnbow C r , Collier 23 rd . William, son of Samuel and Cressy Simpson, Barnbow Carr, Collier May 7 th . Benjamin, son of Benjamin and Mary Shillitoe, Barnbow, Labourer 27 th . Joannah, d r of John and Mary Lazenby, Scholes, Labourer June 5 th . George, son of Thomas and Mary Parker, Barwick, Potmaker John Nelson, of Kirkgate, Leeds, whitesmith, died 21 March, 1802, aged 62 years. Sarah his wife, died 19 June, 1800 aged 60 years. Their son William, died 5 June, 1789, aged 26 years. They are buried at St. John's Churchyard, Leeds. John Nelson was the father of James Nelson, of Briggate, Leeds, ironmonger, died 1844, aged 79, who was the father of Henry Nelson, of Leeds, solicitor, died 1899, aged 84, and grandfather of Captain Robert Henry Nelson of Methuen's Horse, who accompanied Stanley in his expedition across Africa, and of whom Stanley said there was " merit on his very face." BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 275 21 st . Hannah, daughter of Richard and Ann Smith, Barwick, Farmer 23 rd . Hannah, daughter of Henry and Sarah Perkin, Bram. moor, Waggoner August 24 th . John, son of William and Deborah Wright, Scholes, Farmer Sep 1 2 nd . Ann, daughter of Henry and Mary Simpson, Winmoor, Labourer 2 nd . Sarah, daughter of Abraham and Crissy Wormald, Barwick, Blacksmith 14. Ann, bastard daughter of Sarah Hunton, Barwick 30. Robert, son of Joseph Goodall, Brown moor, Collier Oct r 7. Mary, daughter of Thomas and Margaret Hanson, Barwick, Labourer 14. Sarah, daughter of Samuel and Elisabeth Mawkin, Barwick, Potmaker Nov r 7. Thomas, bastard son of Mary Hammond Dec r 23. John, son of William and Dorothy Varey, Scholes, Labourer 23. William, son of Benjamin and Ann Rawlinson, Barwick, Labourer Baptisms, 1765. Jan. 9. Rebekah, daughter of Joseph and Ann Daniel, Potterton Lane, Farmer 18. Mary, daughter of Edward and Mary Day, Potterton, Mason 27. John, son of John and Frances Bramley, Potterton, Labourer Feby. 17. John, son of William and Frances Brown, Penwell, Labourer 17. Betty, daughter of Benjamin and Hannah Stringer, Winmoor, Tailor March 3. Mary, daughter of Benjamin and Elizabeth Ellison, Morwick, Labourer 27. James, son of John and Mary Strodder, Barwick, Wheelwright April 3. Timothy, son of John and Elizabeth Robinson, Winmoor, Farmer April 8. Sarah, daughter of Edward and Elizabeth Monk, Barwick, Labourer 21. Mary, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Shillitoe, Barwick, Tailor June 9. Hannah, daughter of William and Ann Waite, Barwick, Labourer 9. Henry, son of William and Esther Hodgson, Barnbow, Labourer 12. James, son of James and Tomasin Norton, Barwick, Labourer 16. Mark, son of Mark and Rose Toppin, Barwick, Skinner Aug 81 4. Deborah, daughter of Will m and Margaret Dawson, Born July 15, Barwick, Clerk Oct r 27. Thomas, son of Robert and Elizabeth Barton, Junior, Barwick, Joiner Nov 1 3. Jonathan, son of Jonathan and Hannah Hodgson, Barnbow Labourer 9. Sarah, d r of Anthony and Sarah Dunwell, Barwick, Weaver 276 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. II. William, son of Robert and Ann Dixon, Barnbow, Labourer Decem r 15. Hannah, daughter of Thomas and Ann Benton, Brown moor 15. Abraham, son of Richard and Hannah Nailer, Garf 11 moorside 18. John, son of John and Sarah Lyster, Barwick Baptisms, 1766. Febv 4. John, son of William and Elizabeth Challinger, Limeburner, Barwick 23. Martha, daughter of Christopher and Martha Varey, Scholes, Labourer March 9. Richard, son of Richard and Elizabeth Lumb, Barwick, Farmer 27. John, son of Thomas and Jane Todd, Scholes, Labourer April 6. Margaret, daughter of James and Ann Bean, Barwick, Farmer May 12. Peter, son of Peter and Frances Stephenson, Cross Gates, Labourer 13. Michael and Elizabeth, son and dau r of William and Ann Rooke, Kid-Hall 28. Phebe, daughter of Thomas and Susanna Bayley, Winmoor, Labourer June 15. Joseph, son of George and Mary Scoles, Barnbow, collier 29. Thomas, son of William and Mary Simpson, Scholes, Labourer Aug 1 3. John, son of William and Mary Lumb, Barwick, Farmer Sep 1 7. Benjamin, son of Samuel and Crissy Simpson, Barnbow Carr, Collier 7. Mary, daughter of John and Mary Lunn, Barnbow Carr, Collier 7. Ann, daughter of John and Elizabeth Dungwith, Barwick, Labourer 7. Benjamin, son of Benjamin and Ann Rawlinson, Barwick, Labourer 20. Hannah, daughter of Abraham and Crissy Wormald, Barwick, Blacksmith Oct r 19. Ann, daughter of John and Mary Lazenby, Barnbow, Labourer Oct r 19. Hannah, daughter of Richard and Ann Smith, Barwick, Farmer Dec 1 3. Nancy, daughter of Thomas and Mary Parker, Barwick, Potmaker 21. Mary, daughter of Benjamin and Mary Shillitoe, Barnbow, Labourer 28. Hannah, daughter of Henry and Mary Simpson, Winmoor, Labourer Baptisms, 1767. J any 4. Mary, daughter of John and Elizabeth Norton, Fire Engine, Collier Feby 9. Joseph, son of George and Mary Reedal, Scholes, Farmer 6. Thomas, son of Thomas and Margaret Whitehead, Barwick, Farmer March 1. Susanna, daughter of Richard and Elizabeth Lee, Barwick, Labourer BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 277 Feby 27. Leah daughter of Joseph and Ann Daniel, Potterton Lane, Farmer March 22. Thomas, son of William and Hannah Waite, Barwick, Tailor April 12. Hannah, daughter of William and Dorothy Varey, Scholes, Labourer 19. Lyddy, daughter of Benj amin and Hannah Stringer, Winmoor, Tailor 19. Matthew, son of Benjamin and Susanna Watson, Barwick, Wheelwright 21. James, son of James and Sarah Ayre, Winmoor, Collier 21. Sarah, daughter of Thomas and Margaret Hanson, Barwick, Labourer 29. John, son of Samuel and Sarah Varley, Barwick, Farmer 29. Hannah, daughter of Thomas and Sarah Hewit, Barwick, Labourer 29. Ellen, daughter of Roger and Alice Bell, Barwick, Blacksmith 29. William, son of John and Frances Bramley, Potterton, Labourer May 1. Hannah, daughter of Edward and Elizabeth Monk, Barwick, Labourer 3. Betty, daughter of Thomas and Sarah Granger, Barnbow Car, Groom 17. Elizabeth, daughter of John and Ann Lumb, Stanks, Labourer June 15. Hannah, daughter of John and Mary Strodder, Barwick, Labourer 19. John, son of William and Mary Clapham, Kid Hall Lane, Farmer 21. Nelly, daughter of John and Ellin Cawood, Winmoor, Blacksmith 27. William, son of James and Bathsheba Wright, Barwick, Labourer Novem. 1. William, son of Abraham and Crissy Wormald, Barwick, Blacksmith 8. Elizabeth, daughter of William and Ann Dufton, Barwick, Labourer 11. William, son of John and Alice Batty, Barwick, shoemaker Dec r 6. Richard, son of Thomas and Elizabeth Shillitoe, Barwick, Tailor 18. Thomas, son of William and Ann Rooke, Kid-Hall Baptisms, 1768. J any 10. Elizabeth, bastard daughter of Elizabeth Gowling, Barwick 31. Mary, daughter of John and Izabella Harrison, Potterton, Labourer Feby 10. Elizabeth, daughter of Robert and Elizabeth Barton, Barwick, Joiner 21. John, son of James and Ann Perkins, Barwick, Farmer March 4. Elizabeth, daughter of John and Grace Vevers, Barwick. Joiner 25. Sarah, daughter of John and Sarah Tate, Barwick, Farmer 30. Betty, daughter of William and Esther Hodgson, Barnbow C r , Labourer 278 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. April 2 nd . Mary, daughter of Thomas and Ann Hargrave, Roundhay, Farmer April 24. Ann, daughter of Richard and Elizabeth Lumb, Barwick, Farmer May 1. James, son of James and Ann Bean, Barwick, Farmer I. Thomas, son of Anthony and Sarah Dunwell, Barwick, Weaver 13. Ann, daughter of Thomas and Margaret Laureman, Fire Engine, Labourer June 19. William, son of William and Elizabeth Challinger, Bar- wick, Labourer 26. Ann, daughter of Thomas and Jane Todd, Scholes, Labourer July 9. James, son of William and Frances Brown, Penwell, Labourer 9. Jonathan, son of Jonathan and Mary Dineson, Stanks, Labourer 10. J ane, daughter of Francis and Ann Hawkins, Scholes,Labourer 10. John, bastard son of Elizabeth Watson, Barwick 24. Sarah, daughter of William and Mary Lumb, Barwick, Farmer 27. William, son of John and Elizabeth Robinson, Winmoor, Farmer Aug 55 * 14. James, son of Joseph and Sarah Holmes, Barwick, Tailor 14. Mary, daughter of Thomas and Mary Stephenson, Stanks, Labourer 28. Mary, daughter of William and Dorothy Scott, Barwick, Joiner 28. Dorothy, daughter of William and Mary Simpson, Barnbow Carr, Collier Sept r 9. Thomas, son of Benjamin and Elizabeth Collet, Barwick, Butcher II. Nanny, d r of Abraham and Mary Bell, Potterton, Labourer October 9. Benjamin, son of John and Mary Rawden, Winmoor, Labourer Nov r 20. Dinah, daughter of William and Mary Clayton, Fire Engine, Blacksmith 20. Ann, daughter of James and Tomasin Norton, Barwick, Labourer 22. Lucy, daughter of John and Hannah Thompson, Barnbow Carr, Collier 27. Margaret, daughter of William and Alice Robshaw, Barwick, Labourer Dec r 4. John, son of John and Catharine Barker, Barwick, Tailor 28. Adiman, son of William and Frances Barker, Winmoor, Labourer Baptisms, 1769. J anv 8. Frances, daughter of Bartholomew and Elizabeth Glover, Fire Engine, Labourer 24. Joseph, son of William and Elizabeth Eamonson, Lazincroft Febv 8. Betty, daughter of John and Mary Lunn, Barnbow Carr, Collier March 25. Martha, daughter of Edward and Mary Day, Potterton, Mason Hannah, daughter of Thomas and Ann Hargrave, Roundhay, Farmer BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 279 28. Richard, son of Richard and Ann Smith, Barwick, Farmer 31. Ann, daughter of William and Mary Clapham, Kid-Hall Lane, Farmer April 2. John, son of John and Alice Batty, Barwick, Shoemaker 16. John, son of Joseph and Hannah Kirkham, Barwick, Labourer 16. Mary, daughter of William and Elizabeth Hardington, Scholes, Labourer 16. Thomas and William, Twins, sons of Samuel and Sarah Varley, Barwick, Farmer 23. Jonathan, son of James and Bersheba Wright, Barwick, Labourer May 9. Edmund, son of Thomas and Mary Parker, Barwick, Labourer 7. Christopher, son of Christopher and Martha Varey, Scholes, Labourer 10. William, son of John and Mary Strodder, Barwick, Labourer 11. David, son of Jonathan and Hannah Hodgson, Scholes, Labourer 28. Sarah, daughter of Benjamin and Hannah Stringer, Winmoor, Tailor 28. Jonathan Wilkinson, bastard son of Widow Horstfield, Potterton June 4. William and George, Twins, sons of Renton and Hannah Haist, Crossgates, Labourer 4. Anna, daughter of William and Margaret Dawson, Barwick, Clerk 25. Sarah, daughter of Alvara and Sarah Thompson, Winmoor, Labourer July 16. John,son of Gabriel and Mary Tomlinson, Scholes, Labourer 16. George, son of George and Mary Scoles, Barnbow, Collier 16. Sarah, daughter of Benjamin and Mary Shillitoe, Barnbow, Labourer 23. John, bastard son of Martha Lumb, Stocking 25. Margaret, daughter of William and Dinah Sherriff, Potterton, Gardiner 30. Isaac, son of Thomas and Sarah Granger, Barnbow Carr, Groom Aug 551 27. Susy, daughter of Thomas and Susanna Bayley, Winmoor, Labourer Septem 1 6. Jane, daughter of Edward and Elizabeth Monk, Barwick, Labourer 10. Mary, daughter of William and Ann Hemsworth, Kidhall Lane, Labourer Oct r 8. Ann, daughter of John and Izabella Harrison, Potterton, Labourer 25. Samuel, son of Samuel and Hannah Lumb, Stanks, Farmer Samuel Lumb, whose baptism is here recorded, married, 1797, at Kippax, Mary, dau. of John Poynton, died 16 Feb., 1826, and was buried at St. John's, Leeds. He was an auctioneer and valuer, and with John Smallpage had the privilege of issuing silver tokens at Leeds in 1812. Two of his sons were Charles Poynton Lumb (1798 1868) of Leeds, and Edward Lumb (18041872) of Buenos Ayres, merchant, who married there 1825, Elizabeth Yates, and entertained Charles Darwin when on his tour in the Beagle. Edward Lumb was father of Charles Poyuton Lumb of Buenos Ayres, merchant, Alfred Overton Lumb, Consul at London for Argentina, Edward Henry Lumb of Guaranins Hall, Ann, wife of The Right Hon. Sir Hugh Guion Macdonell, G.C.M.G., C.B., British Minister at Lisbon, and Harriet Blake Armstrong, the first wife of the 11th Baron Napier and Ettrick. Samuel Lumb (1729 1801) the father, was Overseer of the Highways at Barwick in 1740, of the Poor 1741, Churchwarden 1746, and was married to Hannah Wood, 1767, at Barwick. 280 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 27. Betty, daughter of John and Frances Clark, Winmoor, Farmer 29. William, son of Thomas and Judith Pickersgill, Grimes dyke, Labourer Nov r 5. Betty, daughter of William and Sarah Richardson, Bar- wick, shoemaker 12. Elizabeth, daughter of John and Jane Milner, Winmoor, Labourer 24. Hannah, daughter of George and Hannah Reedal, Scholes, Farmer Dec 1 8. Thomas, son of Richard and Elizabeth Lee, Barwick, Labourer 10. John, son of Richard and Alice Waite, Barwick, Tailor 10. Joseph, son of John and Frances Bramley, Potterton, Labourer 24. Benjamin, son of William and Sarah Rawlinson, Barwick, Labourer Baptisms, 1770. Febv 4. John, son of Bartholomew and Elizabeth Glover, Fire Engine, Labourer 4. Susanna, daughter of Benjamin and Susanna Watson, Barwick, Wheelwright 7. Mary, daughter of Thomas and Mary Haley, Scholes, Farmer March It. Jonathan and Martha, Twins, son and dau r of James and Bersheba Wright, Barwick, Labourer 14. Betty, daughter of Abraham and Cressy Wormald, Barwick, Blacksmith 14. William, son of John and Mary Bean, Barwick, Cordwainer 27. Mary, bastard daughter of Ann Thornton, Potterton Lane April 3. Ann, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Abbot, Barwick, Labourer 17. Thomas, son of Thomas and Sarah Tilney, Scholes, Labourer May 13. John, son of Thomas and Margaret Hanson, Potterton, Labourer 20. Thomas, son of John and Alice Batty, Barwick, Shoemaker 24. Henry and Thomas, Twins, sons of William and Elizabeth Challinger, Barwick, Labourer June 20. Thomas, son of Tho s and Ann Hargrave, Roundhay, Farmer July 27. James, bastard son of Margaret Dean, Hill Top Aug 1 5. Sarah, daughter of Jeremiah and Ellin Lumb, Stanks, Labourer 19. Ann, daughter of Thomas and Margaret Hampshaw, Barwick, Labourer 26. Mary, daughter of Richard and Mary Wright, Kidhall Lane End, Labourer Sep 1 2. Thomas, son of John and Hannah Thompson, Barnbow Carr, Collier 9. James, son of William and Mary Lumb, Barwick, Farmer Nov r 2. Mary, daughter of James and Sarah Hare, Stanks, Labourer 25. Mary, daughter of Jonas and Jane Vince, Garforth M. side Collier BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 281 Dec r 2. Ann, daughter of John and Mary Rawden, Winmoor, Labourer 2. William, son of Anthony and Sarah Dunwell, Barwick, Weaver 16. Betty, daughter of William and Dorothy Varey, Barnbow Carr, Labourer 25. Benjamin, son of John and Mary Lunn, Barnbow Carr, Collier 25. Rebekah, daughter of William and Mary Simpson, Barnbow Carr, Collier Baptisms, 1771. J any 20. Mary, daughter of James and Ann Bean, Barwick, Farmer Febv 17. Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas and Jane Todd, Scholes, Labourer 17. Betty, daughter of Francis and Ann Hawkins, Scholes, Labourer March 15. Martha, the daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Shillitoe, Potterton, Tailor 27. Ann, the daughter of William and Sarah Richardson, Barwick, Shoemaker April 1. Thomas, the son of William and Frances Brown, Penwell, Labourer 21 st . Richard, the son of James and Mary Jackson, Barwick, Farmer 28. Lyddy, daughter of Henry and Mary Simpson, Redhall, Labourer May 2 nd . Hannah, daughter of William and Sarah Lumb, Barwick, Labourer 12 th . Robert, the son of Robert and Elizabeth Barton, Barwick, Joiner June 2 nd . John, the son of Thomas and Abby Bean, Barwick, Cord- wainer 2 nd . William, the son of Samuel and Hannah Lumb, Jun r , Stanks, Farmer 2. Alvara, son of Thomas and Sarah Thompson, Stanks, Labourer 16. Elizabeth, the daughter of Edward and Mary Day, Potterton, Mason 23. Hannah, dau r of James and Bathsheba Wright, Berwick, Labourer July 21. John, son of Michael and Magdalene Atkinson, Winmoor, Farmer Aug 1 11. Mary, dau r of Roger and Ann Brownrigg, Scholes, Taylor Sep r 1. Job, son of Jonathan and Hannah Hodgson, Stanks, Labourer 1. Nanny, dau r of Jonathan and Mary Dennison, Stanks, Brickmaker 6. Ann, dau r of Joseph and Sarah Holmes, Berwick, Taylor 22. Christopher,son of Tho s and Susanna Bailey,Hill-top, Labourer 30. Ann, dau r of John and Alice Batty, Berwick, Shoemaker *Oct r 4. J ames, son of Richard and Elizabeth Lumb, Berwick, Farmer 6. Rachel, dau r of Christopher and Martha Varey,Scholes, Labourer James Lumb (1771 1842) of Grove House, Barwick, married Tabitha Turner, had eight children who have all died without issue. He was buried in Barwick Churchyard. M.I. 282 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. g. Elizabeth, dau r of William and Ann Hemsworth, Bram. moor, Labourer 13. Joseph, son of Joseph and Ann Mather, Grimsdike, Labourer Nov 1 3. William, son of Benjamin and Eliz: Collet, Berwick, Butcher 3. William, son of William and Judith Waite, Berwick, Lab r 17. Thomas son of Benjamin and Mary Shillitoe, Barnbow, Lab r 24. David, son of David and Ann Carter, Stanks, Lab r 24. Ann, dau r of Richard and Ann Stead, Berwick, Lab r Dec r 5. William, son of William and Dinah Sheriff, Potterton, Gardiner 8. David, bastard son of Gezaiah Riddle, Scholes 26. Richard, son of Richard and Alice Waite, Berwick, Tailor Baptisms, 34. F. Wray, Curate. Baptisms, 1772. Jan r 1. Henry, son of Richard and Ester Parke, Winmoor, Farmer 1. Thomas, son of Thomas and Mary Parker, Berwick, Lab r 19. Ann, dau r of Gabriel and Mary Tomlinson, Scholes, Collier Feb. 5. William, son of Peter and Ann Newby, Berwick, Joiner g. Elizabeth, dau r of David and Elizabeth Hodgson, Berwick, Lab r 26. Mary, dau r of Richard and Ann Smith, Berwick, Farmer Mar. 15. Benjamin, son of John and Frances Bramley, Potterton, Lab r 25. Samuel, son of John and Hannah Thompson, Barnb w Carr, Collier April 12. Hannah, dau r of Thomas and Elizabeth Abbott, Berwick, Lab^ 29. John, son of George and Mary Scholes, Barnbow, Collier June 21. Mary, bastard dau r of Margaret Dean, Winmoor 26. Ann, dau r of William and Mary Simpson, Barnbow, Collier July 12. John, son of Joshua and Hannah Atkinson, Berwick, Travellers 12. Sarah, dau r of Joshua and Hannah Atkinson (8 years old),DD 26. John,son of Thomas and Margaret Whitehead,Berwick,Farmer Aug. 30. Benjamin, son of Benjamin and Hannah Stringer, Hill top, Taylor Sep r 20. Phillippa, dau r of Edward and Elizabeth Monk, Berwick, Lab r 29. Margaret, dau r of James and Elizabeth Whitehead, Berwick, Lab' Oct. 4. John, son of Benjamin and Susanna Watson, Berwick, Wright 4. William, son of William and Sarah Stringer, Winmoor, Taylor 12. Joseph, son of Joseph and Hannah Kirkham, Berwick, Lab 1 23. William, bastard son of Mary Pease (baptised by Rev d M r Baxtor), Moorhouse, Garforth 25. William, son of Samuel and Susanna Thompson, Barnbow, Collier Nov 1 1. Helen, dau r of William and Dorothy Varey, Scholes, Lab r 1. Richard,son of William and Elizabeth Challinger,Barnbow,Lab r 2. Mary, dau r of Thomas and Sarah Pitts, Berwick, Farmer BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 283 8. James, son of William and Martha Derrick, Winmoor, Lab r Dec r 6. Jane, dau r of Henry and Mary Simpson, Winmoor, Lab r 13. John, son of Robert and Sarah Jordan, Stanks, Lab r 28. Luke, son of William and Sarah Richardson, Berwick, Shoem r Baptisms, 30. F. Wray, Curate. Baptisms, 1773. Jany 17. Thomas, son of William and Alice Robshaw, Berwick, Lab r 31. John son of Robert and Elizabeth Barton, Berwick, Carp 1 Feb? 7. John, son of William and Sarah Lumb, Winm r , Lab r 7. William,son of Henry and Elizabeth Greenwood [erased],Berwick 21. Mary, dau r of Peter and Frances Stephenson, Crossgates, Lab r 23. Thomas, son of Henry and Elizabeth Greenwood ,Berwick, Lab r 28. Grace, dau r of John and Jane Milner, Winm r , Lab r 28. William, son of Thomas and Sarah Grainger, Barnb w Carr, Huntsman March 2. Mary dau r of Abraham and Mary Rawlinson, Berwick, Lime-man 3. Mary, dau r of John and Mary Rawden, Winmoor, Lab r 14. Richard,son of Thomas and Margaret Hamshaw,Berwick, Lab r 25. John-spooner,son of M r Benjamin and Martha Rookes,Kidhall, Farmer 28. William, bastard son of Mary Barrett (Capt. Wood reputed Father), Berwick 30. James, son of James and Mary Jackson, Berwick, Lab r Ap 1 10. Elizabeth, dau r of Jeremiah and Helen Lumb, Bramhm r , Lab 1 19. Benjamin, son of John and Alice Batty, Berwick, shoemaker 20. John, son of James and Bathsheba Wright, Berwick, Lab r May 3. George, bastard son of Sally Waite, Berwick 5. Sarah, dau r of John and Catharine Barker, Engine, Banksm n 9. Mary, dau r of Alvary and Sarah Thompson, Winmoor, Lab r 16. William, son of Richard and Ann Lee (half a year old) Berwick, Lab r (2 d ) 30. Richard, son of Thomas and Abigail Bean, Berwick, Farmer (i st ) 16. William, son of Francis Hawkins and Ann his wife, Scholes, Lab' July 6. Mary, dau r of Thomas and Jane Todd, Scholes, Lab r 6. William, son of David and Mary Buchanan, Scholes, Lab r 18. Ann, dau r of Richard and Esther Parke, Winmoor, Farmer 18. Mary, bastard dau r of Mary Simpson, Barnb : Carr. 25. Hannah, dau r of Jonathan and Hannah Hodgson, Stanks, Lab r Aug* 23. Elizabeth, dau r of William and Elizabeth Ardington, Berwick, Lab r Sep 1 12. William, son of William and Elizabeth Deighton, Berwick, Lab 1 20. Peter, son of Peter and Ester Higgins, Berwick, Lab r Oct r 3. Benjamin, son of Antony and Sarah Dunwell, Berwick, Lab 1 17. Sarah, dau r of Thomas and Elizabeth Smith, Scholes, Lab r Nov r 7. Elizabeth, dau r of Richard and Elizabeth Lumb, Berwick Farmer 284 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 21. Elizabeth, dau r of Richard and Ann Stead, Berwick, Lab 1 Dec r 5. Jacob, son of William and Frances Brown, Penwell, Lab r 18. Thomas, son of James and Ann Bean, Berwick, Farmer 18. Benjamin, bastard son of Elizabeth Cockshaw, Berwick 26. William, son of David and Ann Carter, Stanks, Lab r 28. Ann, dau r of William and Ann Hemsworth, Bram: Moor, Lab r Baptisms, 39. F. Wray, curate. Baptisms, 1774. Jan r 2. Mary, dau r of Joseph and Ann Mather, Grimesdike, Lab r 16. John, son of William and Dinah Sheriff, Potterton, Gardiner Feb. 8. Sarah, dau r of William and Sarah Richardson, Berwick, Shoem r 11. Thomas, son of Thomas and Mary Clapham, Bramh: Moor Publican 13. John, son of John and Sarah Lidster, Berwick, Farmer 20. Sarah, dau r of George and Grace Hopton, Scholes, Collier 27. William, son of Thomas and Sarah Tilney, Scholes, Mason March 27. Joseph, son of Joseph and Ann Cawthorn, Berwick, Lab r 27. Ann, dau r of M r Benj n and Martha Rookes, Kidhall, Farmer May 8. Benjamin, son of John and Hannah Thompson, Barnbow Carr, Collier 8. William, son of William and Mary Simpson, Scholes, Collier 8. David, son of James and Mary Jolley, Scholes, Labourer 18 th . Ann, the daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Buckle, Born May 7 th , Scholes, Bricklayer June 17 th . Sarah, the daughter of Richard and Alee Waite, Barwick, Tailor 19. Dorathy, daughter of William and Julia Waite, Barwick, Labourer July 3 rd . Sarah, daughter of Thomas and Sarah Huit, Barwick, Farmer David, son of Benjamin and Mary Shillitoe, Baptized July 24 th , Barnbow hall, Lab 1 July 24 th . Joseph, son of Bartholomew and Elizabeth Glover, Fire Engine, Labourer 25 th . Hannah, the daughter of Luke and Ann Dawson, Barnbow Farmer Aug st 21 th . Elizabeth, the daughter of Benjamin and Eliz th Collet, Barwick, Butcher Sep 1 6 th . Sarah, daughter of William and Ann Hemsworth, Kiddal Lane, Labourer 25 th . Rachel, the daughter of John and Mary Strother, Scholes, Wheelwright Oct r 4 th . Mary and Martha, Twins, daughters of Henry and Mary Simpson, Redhall, Labourer 24 th . Frances, daughter of William and Hannah Barker, of Wetherby, Waggoner Nov r 7 th . Nancy, the daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Shillitoe, Potterton, Tailor 7 th . Ann, the daughter of Michael and Magdalene Atkinson, Redhall, Farmer BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 285 27 th . Mary, the daughter of Thomas and Mary Parker, Barwick, Labourer Dec r 4 th . David, son of William and Elizabeth Challinger, Scholes, Labourer Baptisms, 1775. J any I st . Thomas, son of Thomas and Abigail Bean, Barwick, Shoemaker 6. William, son of Robert and Sarah Jordan, Stanks, Labourer 13 th . Thomas, son of Thomas and Sarah Pitt, Barwick, Farmer 20 th . Martha, daughter of Thomas and Judith Pickersgill, Grimesdike, Farmer 22 n . Stephen, son of John and Sarah Slaytor, Winmoor, Labourer 29 th . Cressey, daughter of Samuell and Susannah Thompson, Barnbow Carr, Collier 29 th . Christopher, son of Thomas and Frances Simpson, Barnbow C r , Collier Feb f y 12. William, son of William and Alice Robshaw, Barwick, Collier 19. Edward, son of John and Catherine Barker, Engine, Banksman March 5 th . Martha, daughter of Henry and Eliz th Greenwood, Barwick, Laboror 5 th . Mally, bastard daughter of Hannah Wilkinson of Holbeck, Barwick, spinster April 9 th . Mary, daughter of John and Alice Batty, Barwick, shoe- maker 16. Jeremiah, son of Jonathan and Hannah Hodgson, Stanks, Labourer 16. Richard, son of Alvara and Sarah Thomson, Winmoor, Labourer 19 th . Sarah, daughter of William and Alee Carr, Kiddal lane, Inkeeper 23. Elizabeth, daughter of Joseph and Sarah Lister, Barnbow ; Labourer May 7 th . Benjamin, son of Abraham and Mary Rawlinson, Barwick, Lime Man 7 th . Samuel, son of William and Jane Thompson, Barnbow, Collier 14 th . Sarah, bastard daughter of Elizabeth Cockshaw, Barwick, Spinster 21 st . Joseph, son of James and Bathsheba Wright, Barwick, Labourer June 4 th . Sarah, daughter of John and Mary Rawden, Winmore, Labourer 4 th . Ann, daughter of Benjamin and Susanah Watson, Barwick, Wright 5 th . Elizabath, daughter of Peter and Ann Newby, Barwick, Carpenter 26 th . Mary, daughter of Luke and Ann Dawson, Barnbow, Farmer William Dawson, the celebrated Wesleyan Local Preacher, was their eldest child, being bom at Garforth, 30 March, 1773, died 4 J uly, 1841 , and was buried at Barwick. See his memoirs by Everitt, and the Dictionary of National Biography. 286 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. July 16 th . Matthew, son of James and Mary Jackson, Barwick, Lab r 16 th . Betty, daughter of Gabril and Mary Tomlinson, Scholes, Collier 16 th . Richard, son of Jonothan and Mary Dinison, Stanks, Carpenter August 6 th . Thomas, son of Richard and Mary Thompson, Crosgates Labourer 6 th . John, son of John and Jane Milner, Winmoor, Labourer 6 th . Pally, daughter of James and Mary Jolley, Scholes, Labourer 13 th . William, son of Thomas and Ann Whitead, Potterton, Farmer 27 th . Ann, daughter of Roger and Ann Brownrig, Scholes, Taylor 27 th . John, son of William and Elizabeth Carter, Penwell, Blacksmith 27 th / Mary,daughter of Renton and Sarah Haist,Barwick,Labourer Septem. 8 th . Benjamin, son of Samuel and Sarah Harrison, Potter- ton, Labourer 17 th . Joshua, son of William and Mary Britaine, Barnbow, Bricklayer October I st . Thomas, son of Samuel and Ann Simpson, Scholes, Collier November 5 th . William, son of William and Sarah Robshaw, Barwick, Labourer 5 th . Michael, son of Thomas and Jane Todd, Scholes, Labourer 5 th . George, son of Richard and Elizabeth Lee, Barwick, Labo r 5 th . Mary, daughter of William and Sarah Lumb, Winmoor, Labourer 5 th . Dinah, daughter of William and Mary Clayton, Engine, Blacksmith 27 th . James, son of William and Sarah Bell, hiltop, Labourer December 17 th . Francis, son of Francis and Ann Hawkins, Scholes, Labourer Baptisms, 1776. January 7 th . Ann, daughter of Thomas and Sarah Tilney, Scholes, Mason February 18 th . William, son of John and Hannah Thompson, Barnbow, Collier 28. John, son of John and Ann Greenwood, Crosgates, Carpinter March 7 th . Thomas, son of James and Jane Pawson, Roundhay, Farmer 10 th . Samuel , son of Antoney and Sarah Dunwell, Barwick, Weaver 17 th . Jane, daughter of Bartholomew and Elisabeth Glover, Engine, Labourer 29. Elizabeth, daughter of William and Ann Vevers, Kiddalhall, Farmer 31 st . Samuel, son of John and Mary Lunn, Barnbow, Collier April. 5 th Thomas, son of John and Ellen Wright, Winmoor, Labourer 7 th . William, son of William and Sarah Rawlinson, Barwick, Labourer 14 th . Richard, son of Robert and Sarah Jordon, Stanks, Labourer May 8 th . Ann, daughter of Richard and Elizabeth Lumb, Barwick, Farmer BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 287 26 th . Mary, daughter of Peter and Easter Higgens, Barwick, Labourer June 23 d . John, son of Thomas and Ann Benton, Born May 11 th , Brownmoor, Collier July 7 th . Hannah, daughter of David and Hannah Carter, Stanks, Labourer 26. John,son of William and Alice Carr, Kiddall Lane Endjnkeper 28 th . Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Hewitt, Barwick, Collier August 7 th . Grace, daughter of Joseph and Mary White, Scholes, Farmer Sept' 15 th . James, son of Matthew and Jane Miller, Kidhall lane End October 6 th . James, son of James and Mary Plowright, Barwick, shopkeeper 6 th . Hannah, daughter of Richard and Alice Waite, Barwick,Taylor 13 th . Thomas, son of John and Maria Cullingworth, Potterton, Shoemaker November 3 d . Richard, son of Luke and Ann Dawson, Barnbow, Farmer 3 d . Joseph, son of Thomas and Abbigal Bean, Barwick, Shoemaker 24 th . John, son of Thomas and Julea Waite, Barwick, Labourer December I st . William, son of John and Grace Vevers, Barwick, Joiner I st . Joseph, son of James and Mary Jackson, Barwick, Labourer 8 th . Sarah, daughter of William and Elizabeth Hardinton,Barwick, Labourer 15 th . Beniamin, son of Joseph and Mary Thackerhey, Barwick, Labourer 18 th . John, son of Robert and Ann Bickerdike, Potterton, Farmer 25 th . Sarah, bastard daughter of Ann Dufton, Barwick 25 th . Ann, bastard daughter of Elizabeth Norton, Barwick 26 th . Betty, daughter of Thomas and Frances Simpson, Barnbow, collier Baptisms, 1777. Place Business February 2 nd . James, son of John and Alice Batty, Barwick, Shoe- maker 9 th . Andrew, son of John and Jane Blackburn, Garforth moor, collier 16 th . Ann, daughter of Thomas and Sarah Tinley, Scholes, Mason 22. Martha, daughter of Thomas and Hannah Morritt, Winmoor, Labourer March 2 d . Fanny, bastard daughter of Hannah Lunn, Barnbow 7 th . William, son of Samuel and Sarah Harrison, Potterton, Labourer 23 d . Thomas, son of Thomas and Margrit Ampshaw, Barwick Labourer 31 st . James, son of John and Sarah Slayter, Winmoor, Labourer April 27 th . John, son of Renton and Sarah Haist, Barwick, Labourer John Simpson, son of Henrey Simpson of Hiltop in the parish of Barwick in Elmett, Labourer, Desended from Thomas and Mary Simpson of the said parish and of Martha Simpson, descended 288 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. from Joseph and Deborah Maud of the said parish, born on Friday, the 21 st of March, baptzed on Sunday, the eleventh of May. Samuel Thompson, son of Richard Thompson of Crosgates in the parish of Barwick in Elmet, Labourer, decended from Richard and Mary Thompson of Seacroft, in the parish of Witkirke, and of Mary Thompson decended from Samuel and Chrissey Simpson of the parish of Barwick, Born on Thursday the 6 th of March, baptized on the Monday, the 19 th of May Mary Barker, daughter of John Barker of the Ingine, in the parish of Barwick in Elmet, Banksman, Decended from John and Sarah Barker of Garforth and of Catherine Barker, decended from Thomas and Catherine Robshaw of Barwick in Elmet, born Friday, the 2 d of May, Btized May 25 th Elizabeth Thompson, daug r of Samuel Thompson of Barnbow, Collier, Descended from John and Frances Thompson of Gar- forth, and of Susannah Thompson, descended from William and Susannah Taylor, Barnbow, Born Friday, 9 th of May, Bap. Sunday, 8 th of June Mary Lidster, daug r of Joseph Lidster of Scholes, shoemaker, [descended] from William and Mary Lidster of Garforth, and of Sarah Lidster, Descended from Samuel and Chrissey Simpson, Barnbow, [born] Setterday, 29 of March, [bap.] Sunday, 8 of June John Robshaw, son of William Robshaw of Barwick, Labourer, from Thomas and Catherine Robshaw, Barwick, and of Alice Rob- shaw, Descended from W m and Margrit Rothmell, Knaisborough, [born] Munday, 12 th of May, [bap.] Sunday, 8 of June Henry Sherriff, son of Will m Sherriff, Potterton, Gardiner, from George and Margrit Sherriff, Lancashire, and of Dina Sherriff, descended from Hery and Margrit Foster, Lancashire, [born] Setterday, the 3 d of May, [bap.] Sunday, the 15 th of June Sarah Wright, daughter of James Wright, Barwick, Labourer, descended from Henry and Sarah Wright, Bilbrif , and Bathsheba Wright, descended from James and Martha Robinson, Barwick, [born] Sunday, 4 of May, [bap.] Sundaj 7 , 22 th of June John Park, son of Richard Park of Winmoor, Farmer, descended from Will m and Mary Park, Ludtherton, Farmer, and of Easter Park, descended from Robert & Maudland Bardon, Kirkby- over-blows, born Monday, the 2 d of June, baptised Sunday, the 6 th of July Elizabeth Pickersgill, daug r of Thomas Pickergill, Winmoor, Farmer, [descended from] George and Martha Pickersgill, Kirstall, and of Judith Pickersgill, [descended from] John and Elizabeth Stead, Farmer, [born] Sunday, the 29 th of June, [bapt.] Sunday the 13 of July Ann Thompson, daug r of W m Thompson, Barnbow, Collier, descended from Thomas and Ann Thompson, Garforth, and of Jane Thompson, des. from Thomas and Mary Pickerin, Purston, [born] Munday, the 9 th of June, [bap.] Sunday, the 13 th of July BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 289 John Collet, son of Benj Q Collet, Barwick, Bucher, descended from Thomas and Elizabeth Collet, Barwick, and of Elizabeth Collet, descended from William and Sarah Knapton, Barwick, [born] Tuesday the 10 of June, [bap.] Sunday, the 13 of July Benjamin Shillito, son of Thomas Shillito, Potterton, Taylor, descended from Thomas and Sarah Shillito, Potterton and of Betty Shillito, descended from Richard and Betty Dalby, Seacroft [born] Thursday, the 6 th of June, [bap.] Sunday, the 20 th of July Ann Scholes, daug r of George Scholes, Barnbow, collier, des d from John and Ann Scholes, Rothwell, and of Mary Scholes, des d from John and Mary Atkinson, Barnbow, [born] Stterday, the 28 th of June, [bap.] Sunday, the 3 d of Aug. James Jolly, son of James Jolly, Scholes, Labourer, des. from Matthew and Mary Jolly, Newsom Green, and Mary Jolly, des. from Christopher and Martha Vary, Schol, [born] Friday, 25 July [bap.] Sunday, the 10 of Aug. Elizabeth Jawit, daug r of Willm. Jawit, Barwick, Labourer, des. from John and Susannah Jawet, Shadwell, and of Alice Jawit, descended from Jn and Eliz th Dangwith, Barw., [born] Monday, the 16 August, [bap.] Sunday, the 14 of September. Hannah Green, dau. of Richard Green, Scholes, collier, bap. Wednes- day the 24 of Sept. William Wood, son of John Wood, Potterton, Farmer, des. from Richard and Mary Wood, Potterton, and of Elizabeth Wood, des. from Timothy [&] Eliz th Waite, Thorner, [born] Setter [day], the 23 August, [bap.] Sunday, the 24 September Joseph Denison, son of Jonathan Dinison, Stanks, Carpinter, des. from Joseph and Alice Dinison, Coulton, and of Mary Dinison, des. from Richard and [blank] Beardshaw, Monkfryston, [born] Setter., the 16 August, [bap.] Sunday, the 28 September Peter Jordan, son of Tho s Jordan, Scholes, Labourer, des. from Thomas and Elizabeth Jordan, Seacroft, and of Sarah Jordan, des. from David and Mary Buchanan, Scholes, [born] Tused., the 2 d Septem., [bap.] Sunday, the 5 th October Sarah Thorns, basdard d. of Mary Thorns, Potterton, [born] Monday, the 11 th of August, [bapt.] Monday the 6 th of October Mary Bell, dau. of W m Bell, Hiltop, des. from William and Mary Bell, Hiltop, and of Sarah Bell, des. from Thomas and Sarah Shilburn, Seacroft, [born] Friday, the 13 October [bap.] Sun., the 9 Nov. Samuel Simpson, son of Samuel Simpson, Barnbow, Collier, des d from Samuel and Crissey Simpson, Barnbow, and of Ann Simpson, des. from Tho s and Ann Thompson, Garforth moor, [born] Monday, 27 th October, [bap.] Sunday the 23 d of November Mary Burland, d. of Will m Burland, Barwick, Labourer, des. from Elizabeth Burland, Seacroft, and of Sarah Burland, des. from Robert and Mary Smith, Barwick. [bn.] Thursday, 17 th Oct. [bp.] Sunday the 30 th of Nov. 290 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. Baptisms, 1778. William Moss, son of Francis Moss, Kiddall Lane, Farmer, des. from Francis & Susannah Moss, Heasselwood, and of Sarah Moss, des. from Tho s & Elizabeth Addiman, Scholes, [bn.] Thurs., Dec. 6, [bp.] Sun. 18 Jan. Hannah Thompson, d. of John Thompson, Barnbow, Collier, des. from John & Frances Thompson, Garforth, and of Hannah Thompson, des d . Tho s & Ann Thompson, Garforth, [bn.] Wed., Dec. 24, [bp.] Sun. 25 Jan. Martha Youdan, d. of Miles Youdan, Barwick, Farmer, des. from John and Frances Youdan, Woodhouse, and Ann Youdan, des. from Joseph & Martha Youdan, Woodhouse, [bn.] Weds., 4 Dec, [bap.] Sun., 25 Jan. John Cawthorn, son of Joseph Cawthorn, Barwick, Labourer, des. from Benjamin & Elizabeth Cawthorn, Britaine and of Ann Cawthorn, des. from John and Sarah Dickison, Bar', [bn.] Tues., 30 Dec, [bp.] Sun., 25 Jan. William Rawlinson, son of Abraham Rawlinson, Barwick, Farmer, des. from Benjamin and Mary Rawlinson, Barwick, and Mary Rawlinson, des. from W m and Mary Scott Barwick, [bn.] Mon., 19 Jan., [bp.] Sun., 22 Feb. Elizabeth Dawson, d. of Luke Dawson, Barnbow, Farmer, des. from Richard and Mary Dawson, Garforth, and of Ann Dawson, des. from W m . and Sarah Peas, Gar., [bn.] Mon., 26 Jan., [bp.] Sun., 1 Mar. John Richardson, son of W m Richardson, Potterton, shoemaker, des. from Luke and Elizabeth Richardson, Potterton, and of Mary Richardson, des. from John and Mary Richardson, Wortley, [bn.] Tues., 27 Jan., [bp.] Tues. 3 March Elizabeth Thompson, d r of Alvara Thompson, Winmoor, Labourer, des. from John and Sarah Thompson, Stanks, and of Sarah Thompson, des. from Richard & Ann Lazenby, Winmoor, [bn.] Fri. 13 Feb., [bp.] Sun., 15 March Martha Jordan, d. of Robert Jordan, Stanks, Labourer, des. from Thomas & Elizabeth Jordan, Seacroft, and of Sarah Jordan, des. from Tho s and Elizabeth Lightfoot, Brownm., [bn.] Thurs., 19 Feb., [bp.] Sun., 29 March John Hodgson, son of Jonathan Hodgson, Winmoor, Labourer, des. from W m and Ellin Hodgson, Kezrick. and of Hannah Hodgson, des. from Tho s and Martha Lumb, Stockhill, [bn.] Thurs., 22 Jan., [bp.] Sun., 5 April Ann Glover, d. of Bartholomew Glover, Ingene, Labourer, des. from Cornee and Jane Glover, Garforth, and of Elizabeth Glover, des. from John and Frances Thompson, Garforth, [bn.] Setterday, 21 Feb., [bp.] Sun., 5 April Benjamin Watson, son of Benjamin Watson, Carpinter, Barwick, des. from Matthew & Erabella Watson, Barwick, and of Suannah Watson, des. from John and Mary Pollard, Bradford, Clothyer, [bn.] Thurs., 26 March, [bp.] Sun., 12 April BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 291 William Lumb, son of Richard Lumb, Barwick, Farmer, des. from Richard and Ann Lumb, Barwick, and of Elizabeth Lumb, des. from W m and Ann Carew, Lisbon, in Portugle, [bn.] Tues., 17 March, [bp.] Thurs., 16 April Mary Mackontrout, d. of John Mackontrout, Barwick, Labourer, des. from John and Ann Mackontrout, Kippax, and of Martha Mackontrout, des. f. Miles and Mary Ampshaw, Barwick, [bn.] Setterd., 31 Jan., [bp.] Mon., 20 April James Bean, son of Thomas Bean, Barwick, shoemaker, des. from John and Alice Bean, Barwick, and of Abigal Bean, des. from John and Ellin Harrison, Ecup, [bn.] Tues., 24 March, [bp.] Sun., 26 April Joseph White, son of Joseph White, Scholes, Farmer, des. from John and Grace White, Akaster Malbess, and of Mary White, des. from Georg and Elisabeth Barker, Hensaul, [bn.] Tues., 31 March, [bp.] Wed., 13 May James Carr, son of Will m Carr, Kiddall lane end, Inkeeper, des. from John and Elizabeth Carr, Doncaster and of Alice Carr, des. from Will m and Ann Mason, Eastby, [bn.] Setterday, 4 April, [bp.] Fri., 15 May Mary Deane, d. of Jeremiah Deane, Whinmoor, Carpenter, des. from Jerimiah and Elizabeth Deane, Seacroft, and of Elizabeth Deane, des. from Gabril and Elizabeth Thompson, Watkert, [bn.] Tues., 17 March, [bp.] Sun., 17 May Harry Milner, son of John Milner, Winmoor, Labourer, des. from John and Elizabeth Milner, Halton, and of Jane Milner, des. from Jane Horsman, Seacroft, [bn.] Tues., 28 April, [bp.] Sun., 7 June John Whitehead, son of Thomas Whitehead, Potterton, farmer, des. from Thomas and Alice Whitehead, Garforth, and of Ann Whitehead, des. from William and Ann Ward, Abberford, [bn.] Fri., 29 May, [bap.] Sun., 28 June Sarah Higgins, d. of Peter Higgins, Barwick, Labourer, des. from James & Mary Higgens, Wheton, and of Easter Higgens, des. from Robert and Isabella Poppleton, Abberford, [bn.] Tues., 23 June, [bp.] Sun., 2 August William Abbot, son of Thomas Abbot, Barwick, Labourer, des. from Will m and Catherine Abbot, Barwick, and of Elizabeth Abbot, des. from Matthew [&] Elizabeth Pickering, Sherburn, [bn.] Sun., 12 July, [bp.] Sun., 23 August Ann Newby, d. of Peter Newby, Barwick, Carpenter, des. from Peter & Elizabeth Newby, Margit Weton, and of Ann Newby, des. from Richard and Doratha Burland, Barwick, [bn.] Sun., 26 July, [bp.] Wed., 26 August Joseph Benton, son of Thomas Benton, Brownmoor, collier, des. from Thomas and Margret Benton, Garforth,and of Ann Benton, William Lumb was of St. Agnes Gate, Ripon, married 30 March, 1805, Martha, dau. of John Rawson, Mayor of Ripon, 18089. He died 18 May, 1831, & was buried in the Minster yard. Their only child William Eedson Lumb, Trinity Coll., Camb., B.A., 1830, M.A., 1834, Vicar of Halford & Sibdon, married at St. Margaret's, Lynn, 17 June, 1830, Emily, dau. of Lieut. James Dillon, R.N., died 1885, & was buried at Halford, leaving 5 children. 292 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. des. from John and Mary Appleton, Plumpton, [bn.] Fri., 17 July, [bp.] Sun., 13 Sep. Mary Plowright, d. of James Plowright, Barwick, shopkeeper, des. from Edward and Mary Plowright, Houghton, and of Mary Plowright, des. from Thomas and Elizabeth Addiman, Scholes, [bn.] Sun., 30 Aug., [bp.] Sun., 4 Oct. Thomas Todd, son of Thomas Todd, Scholes, Farmer, des. from Thomas and Mary Todd, Newby, and of Jane Todd, des. from Thomas and Elizabeth Smith, Potterton, [bn.] Wed., 19 Aug., [bp.] Sun., 11 Oct. Betty Brittain, d. of William Brittain, Barnbow, Bricklayer, des. from Joseph and Betty Brittain, Rothwell, and of Mary Brittain, des. from John and Margret Geggs, Barnbow, [bn.] Fri., the 16 Oct., [bp.] Sun., 1 Nov. Elizabeth Cullingworth, d. of Jn Cullingworth, Barwick, shoemaker, des. from Joseph and Elizabeth Cullingworth, Abberford, and of Maria Cullingworth, des. from Thomas and Mary Thornton, Potterton, [bn.] Mon., 12 Oct., [bp.] Sun., 6 Dec. Simon Blackburn, son of John Blackburn, Garforth moor, collier, des. from Henry and Mary Blackburn, Garforth moor, and of Jane Blackburn, des. from W m and Hannah Smith, Garforth moor, [bn.] Wed., 4 Nov., [bp.] Sun., 13 Dec. George Lorriman, son of Thomas Lorriman, Iingine, Collier, des. from George and Margret Lorriman, Garforth, and of Elizabeth Lorriman, des. from James and Elizabeth Tillotson, Ingine, [bn.] Fri., 6 Nov., [bp.] Sun., 13 Dec. Christanah Simpson, bastard, d. of Christanah Simpson, Barnbow, [bn.] Thurs., 3 Dec, [bp.] Sun., 20 Dec. James Whitehead, son of James Whitehead, Barwick, Marriner, des. from Thomas and Margret Whitehead, Barwick, and of Eliza- beth Whitehead, des. from Robert and Martha Whitehead, Barwick, [bn.] Mon., Nov. 30, [bp.] Sun., 27 Dec. Baptisms, 1779. John Forster, son of Henry Forster, Potterton, Labourer, des. from Henry and Margret Forster, Bishope Wilton, and of Zilpha Forster, des. from John and Ellin Cauwood, Winmoor, [bn.] Wed., 2 Dec, [bp.] Fri., 1 Jan. Hannah Simpson, d. of Thomas Simpson, Barnbow, collier, des. from Samuel and Chrisanah Simpson, Barnbow, and of Frances Simpson, des. from Rich d and Easter Claburn, Garforth, [bn]. Sun., 29 Dec, [bp.] Sun., 24 Jan. Thomas Harrison, son of Samuel Harrison, Potterton, Labourer, des. from Benjamin and Ann Harrison, Metley and of Sarah Harrison from Robert and Isabella Poppelton, Aberford, [bn.] Mon., 21 Dec, [bp.] Sun., 7 Feb. Mary Milner, d. of Matthew Milner, Kiddall Lane, Groom, des. from James and Rachel Miller, Richmond, and of Jane Milner, des. from Moses and Mary Pawson, Kiddall Lane [bn.] Fri., 15 Jan., [bp.] Sun., 21 Feb. BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. Elizabeth Carter, d. of David Carter, Stanks, Labourer, des. from George and Elizabeth Carter, Kippax, and of Hannah Carter, des. from Will m and Hannah Tipling, Barwick, [bn.] Sun., 13 Dec, [bp.] Sun., 21 Feb. Sarah Tinley, d. of Thomas Tinley, Scholes, mason, des. from Nicolas and Sarah Tinley, Ingine, and of Sarah Tinley, des. from Thomas and Mary Haley, Scholes, [bn.] Fri., 15 Jan., [bp.] Sun., 28 Feb. Samuel Leach, bastard son of Elizabeth Leach, Barwick, [bn.] Mon., 1 Feb., [bp.], Sun., 28 Feb. Mary Hewit, d. of Thomas Hewit, Barwick, collier, des. from George and Frances Hewit, Crosgates, and of Elizabeth Hewit, des. from Thomas and Margret Hemsworth, Swil D , [bn.] Sun., 17 Jan., [bp.] Sun., 7 March Christanah Lidster, d. of Joseph Lidster, Scholes, Shoemaker, des. from William and Mary Lidster, Garforth, and of Sarah Lidster, des. from Samuel and Chrissey Simpson, Barnbow, [bn.] Fri., 19 Feb., [bp.] Sun., 21 March Ann Waite, d. of Tho s Waite, Barwick, Labourer, des. from W m and Ann Waite, -Barwick, and of Julia W'aite, des. from W m & Dorotha Sinyard, Brotherton, [bn.] Tues., 12 Jan., [bp.] Sun., 21 Mar. John Waite, dr. [sic'] of Richard Waite, Barwick, Tayler, des. from Richard and Suseannah Waite, Barwick, and of Alice Waite, des. from W m and Sarah Barker, Barwick, [bn.] Thurs., 25 Feb., [bp.] Sun., 4 April Elizabeth Dunwell, d. of Antoney Dunwell, Barwick, weaver, des. from Thomas and Rebecka Dunwell, Barwick, and of Sarah Dunwell, des. 'from W m and Mary Scott, Barwick, [bn.] Wed., 28 Jan., [bp.] Sun., 4 April Grace Carolina Brook, d. of Richard Brook, Scholes, Captain, des. from James and Mary Brook, Killingbeck, and of Fra[n]ces Brook, des. from Richard and Frances Brook, York, [bn.] Thurs., 18 Feb., [bp.] Tues., 6 April. Sarah Robshaw, d. of Will m Robshaw, Barwick, Labourer, des. from Thos. and Ellin Robshaw, Hosbon, and of Sarah Robshaw, des. from W m and Sarah Knapton, Barwick, [bn.] Setterday, 3 April, [bp.] Sun., 25 April Sarah Pitt, d. of Thomas Pitt, Barwick, Farmer, des. from John and Elizabeth Pitt, Leeds, and of Sarah Pitt, des. from Richard and [blank] Wood, Potterton, [bn.] Tues., 4 May, [bp.] Sun., 23 May Peter Brownrig, son of Roger Browrig, Scholes, Taylor, des. from Peter and Martha Brownrig, Spofforth, and of Ann Brownrig, des. from John and Catherine Vary, Scholes, [bn.] Fri., 28 April, [bp.] Sunday, 23 May Hannah Slayter, bastard, d. of Margret Slayter, Winmoor, [bp]. Sun., 30 May Mary Gibson, d. of John Gibson, Hambleton, Farmer, des. from John and Hannah Gibson, Hambleton, and of Elizabeth Gibson, des. from Robert and Mary Smith, Barwick, [bn.] Sun., 10 April, [bp.] Sun., 17 April 294 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. Hannah Clayton, d. of William Clayton, Ingine, Blacksmith, des. from John and Grace Clayton, West harchley, and of Mary Clayton, des. from Thomas and Ellin Bellouse, Garforth, [bn.] Fri., 14 May, [bp.] Sun., 6 June Ann Braim, d. of Thomas Braim, Barnbow, Farmer, des. from Thomas and Hannah Braim, Barnbow, and of Ann Braim, des. from John and Mary Atkinson, Barnbow, [bn.] Mon., 24 May, [bp.] Sun., 27 June Hannah Simpson, d. of Samuel Simpson, Barnbow, Collier, des. from Samuel and Christanah Simpson, Barnbow, and of Ann Simpson, des. from Thomas and Ann Thompson, Garforth, [bn.] Setterday , 12 June, [bp.] Sunday, 11 July William Burland, son of William Burland, Barwick, Labourer, des. from Elizabeth Burland, Seacroft, and of Sarah Burland, des. from Robert and Mary Smith, Barwick, [bn.] Wed., 16 June, [bp.] Sun., 1 Aug. Elizabeth Pirkin, d. of Thomas Pirkin, Barwick, Labourer, des. from James and Ann Pirkin, Barwick, and of Mary Pirkin, des. from Robert and Elizabeth Thorns, Parlington, [bn.] Sun., 20 June, [bp.] Sun., 8 Aug. Hannah Slayter, d. of Peter Slayter, Barwick, Farmer, des. from William and Mary Slayter, Barwick, and of Mary Slayter, des. from Joseph and Mary Bullock, Barwick, [bn.] Sun., 27 June, [bp.] Sun., 8 Aug. Robert Carr, son of William Carr, Kiddall Lane end, Inkeeper, des. from John and Elizabeth Carr, Doncaster, and of Alice Carr, des. from Will m and Ann Mason, Eastby, [bn.] Mon., 2 Aug., [bp.] Setteday, 11 Sept. Samuel Richardson, son of Will m Richardson, Potterton, shoemaker, des. from Luke and Elza th Richardson, Potterton, and of Mary Richardson, des. from Jn & Mary Richardson, Wortley, [bn.] Fri., 13 Aug., [bp.] Sun., 12 Sept. Easter Dawson, d. of Luke Dawson, Barnbow, Farmer, des. from Richard and Mary Dawson, Garforth, and of Ann Dawson, des. from William and Sarah Pease, Garforth, [bn.] Wed., 13 Oct., [bp.] Thurs., 14 Oct. John Greenwood, son of Samuel Greenwood, Kiddall lane end, Labourer, des. from John and Ann Greenwood, Mickelfield, and of Ann Greenwood, des. from Benjamin and Ann Harrison, Methley, [bn.] Wed., 22 Sept., [bp.] Sun., 31 Oct. Hannah Pawson, d. of James Pawson, Roundhay, Farmer, des. from Tho s and Alice Pawson, Brandon, and of Jane Pawson, des. from Thomas and Mary Dodgson, Roundhay, [bn.] Fri. 24 Sep., [bp.] Wed., 27 Oct. John and Ellen Dunwell, son and d r ., of William Dunwell, Winmoor, Labourer, des. from John and Eliza th Dunwell, Winmoor, and of Margret Dunwell, des. from Thomas & Hannah Dean, Potternewton, [bn.] Tues., 14 Sept., [bp.] Wed., 3 Nov. Frances Dean, d. of John Dean, Winmoor, Labourer, des. from Thomas and Hannah Dean, Potternewton, and of Ann Dean, BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. * 295 des. from Henry and Elizabeth Mills, Aketoun, [bn.] Fri., 8 Oct., [bp.] Wed., the 3 Nov. Martha Lofthouse, d. of Mark Lofthouse, Potterton, Farmer, des. from Mark and Martha Lofthouse, Netherton, and of Charlotta Lofthouse, des. from William [&] Dorotha Sunyard, Brother- ton, [bp.] Sun., 7 Nov. Mary Jackson, d. of James Jackson, Barwick, Farmer, des. from Matthew and Sarah Jackson, Barwick, and of Mary Jack., des. from Joseph and Easter Atkinson, Witley, [bn.] Fri., 15 Oct., [bp.] Sunday, 7 Nov. Abigal Thompson, d. of James Thompson, Barwick, Labourer, des. from John and Ann Thompson, Seacroft, and of Mary Thomp- son, des. from Joseph and Abigal Holmes, Barwick, [bn.] Tues., 19 Oct., [bp.] Mon., 8 Nov. Mary Jordan, d. of Robert Jordan, Stanks, Labourer, des. from Thomas and Elizabeth Jordan, Seacroft, [and of] Sarah Jordan, des. from Thomas and Elizabeth Lightfoot, Brownmoor, [bn.] Fri. 5 Nov. [bp.] Fri., 26 Nov. Sarah Bell, d. of William Bell, Hiltop, Labourer, des. from William and Mary Bell, Hiltop, and of Sarah Bell, des. from Thomas and Sarah Shilburn, Seacroft, [bn.] Mon., 18 Oct., [bp.] Sun., 28 Nov. Ann Stubs, d. of John Stubs, Barwick, des. from Jn and Ann Stubs, Tadcaster, and of Elizabeth Stubs, des. from John and Ann Robinson, Barwick, [bn.] Sun., 7 Nov., [bp.] Sun., 5 Dec. Baptisms, 1780. Thomas Goodall, son of Thomas Goodall, Ingine, Collier, des. from W m and Elizabeth Goodall, Garforth, and of Ann Goodall, des. from John and Ann Tillotson, Garforth, [bn.] Tues., 14 Dec, [bp.] Sun., 9 Jan. Sarah Logg, d. of James Logg, Scholes, Labourer, des. from John and Ann Logg, Scholes, and of Mary Logg, des. from John and Sarah Horton, Askham, [bn.] Mon., 20 Dec, [bp.] Sun., 23 Jan. Sarah Haist, d. of Renton Haist, Barwick, Labourer, des. from Mary Haist, Barwick, and of Sarah Haist, des. from Will and Ann Ward, Barwick, [bn.] Sety., 11 Dec, [bp.] Sun., 23 Jan. John Sherrif, son of William Sherrif, Potterton, Gardiner, des. from George and Sarah Sherrif, Abberwaite, and of Dina Sherrif, des. from Henry and Margret Forster, Bishop Wilton, [bn.] Fri., 21 Jan., [bp.] Sun., 20 Feb. Hannah Bell, d. of Benj. Bell, Scholes, Labourer, des. from Jonathan and Ann Bell, Scholes, and of Frances Bell, des. from Thomas and Margret Burrall, Leeds, [bn.] Sun., 8 Feb., [bp.] Sun., the 26 March James Jordan, son of Thomas Jordan, Stanks, Labour., des. from Thomas and Elizabeth Jordan, Seacroft, and of Sarah Jordan, des. from David and Mary Buchanan, Scholes, [bn.] Fri., 25 Feb., [bp.] Sun., 2 April. Ann White, d. of Joseph White, Scholes, Farmer, des. from John and Grace White, Akaster Malbles, and of Mary White, des. from George and Elizabeth Barker, Hensaul, [bn.] Tues. the 15, Feb. [bp.] Mon., 3 April 296 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. Richard Lumb, son of Richard Lumb, Barwick, Inkeper, des. from Will m and Martha Lumb, Barwick, and of Bridget Lumb, des. from William and Ann Cuningham, Wakefield, [bn.] Sun., 12 Mar., [bp.] Sun., 16 Apr. John Moss, son of Francis Moss, Kidall lane, Farmer, des. from Francis and Susannah Moss, Heaselwood, and of Sarah Moss, des. from Tho s and Elizabeth Addiman, Scholes, [bn.] Fri., 10 Mar., [bp.] Sunday 16 April Fanny Clark, d. of John Clark, Whinmoor, Farmer, des. from Christopher and Su[s]annah Clark, Bardsey, and of Fanny Clark, des. from James and Mary Lambart, Whinmoor, [bn.] Sun., 20 Feb., [bp.] Wed. 19 Apr. Fanny Thompson, d. of Samuel Thompson, Barnbow, collier, des. from John and Fanny Thompson, Garforth, and Suannah Thompson, des. from William and Suannah Taylor, Barnbow, [bn.] Fri., 24 Mar., [bp.] Sun., 2 Apr. John Robinson, son of John Robinson, Stanks, Collier, des. from John and Elizabeth Robinson, Garforth, and of Alice Robinson, des. from Thomas and Mary Taylor, Barwick, [bn.] Fri., 31 Mar., [bp.] Sun., 30 Apr. John Thompson, son of Alvrey Thompson, Stanks, Labourer, des. from John and Sarah Thompson, .Stanks, and of Sarah Thomp- son, des. from Richard and Ann Lazenby, Penwell, [bn.] Thurs., 30 Mar., [bp.] Sun., the 14 May Joseph Rawlinson, son of Abraham Rawlinson, Barwick, farmer, des. from Benj n and Mary Rawlinson, Barwick, and of Mary Raw- linson, des. from William and Mary Scott, Barwick, [bn.] Wed., 12 Apr., [bp.] Sun., 14 May John Mackon, des. from John Mackontrout, Barwick, Lab., des. from John and Ann Mackontrout, Kippax, and of Martha Mackon- trout, des. from Miles and Mary Ampshaw, Barwick, [bn.] Mon., 27 Mar., [bp.] Mon., 15 May Joseph Lunn, son of John Lunn, Barnbow, Collier, des. from John and Ann Lunn, Porston, and of Mary Lunn, des. from John and Martha Hopton, Kippax, [bn.] Thurs., 20 Apr., [bp.] Mon., 22 May Thomas Lumb, of Richard Lumb, Barwick, Farmer, des. from Richard and Ann Lumb, Barwick, and of Elizabeth Lumb, des. from W m and Ann Carew, Lisbon, in Portugal, [bn.] Fri., 28 Apr., [bp.] Wed., 31 May George Blackburn, son of Henry Black 11 , Coalpitts, Collier, des. from Henry and Hannah Blackburn, Garforth, and of Elizabeth Blackburn, des. from W m and Hannah Ingle, Sturton, [bn.] Thur., 4 May, [bp.] Sun., 4 June Hannah Watson, d. of Michel Watson, Barwick, Wright, des. from W m and Hannah Watson, Barwick, and of Hannah Watson, des. from John and Martha Dodsworth, Cawwood, [bn.] Fri., the 14 Apr., [bp.] Sun., 4 June. Thomas Lumb, of Leeds, auctioneer, married 1806 at Leeds, Charlotte, dau. of Richard Clayton of Blackmail Lane, Leeds, cloth merchant, and had issue 2 children, Richard and Elizabeth. He died 1843 and is buried at Barwick, BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 297 Tho s Hodshon, son of Jonathan Hodson, Scholes, Labourer, des. from William and Ellin Hodgson, Barnbow, and of Hannah Hodgson, des. from Thomas and Hannah Lumb, Stockhil, [bn.] Fri., 17 Mar., [bp.] Sun., n June Sarah Othick, d. of Benjamin Othick, Harmley, Labourer, des. from John and Sarah Othick, Harmley, Lab., and of Mary Othick, des. from Edward and Elizabeth Monks, Barwick, [bn.] Sat., 13 May, [bp.] Sun., n June John Shillito, son of Benj n Shillito, Barnbow, Labourer, des. from Thomas and Sarah Shillito, Potterton, and of Mary Shillito, des. from John and Catherine Vary, Scholes, [bn.] Fri., 30 June, [bp.] Sun., 30 July Hannah Lumb, d. of Jerimiah Lumb, Stockhill, Farmer, des. from Thomas and Hannah Lumb, Stockhill, and of Ellin Lumb, des. from Robert and Ellin Vevers, Potterton, [bn.] Tuesday, 11 July, [bp.] Sun., 6 Aug. Elizabeth Watson, d. of Richard Watson, Whinmoor, Lab r ; des. from Will m and Ann Watson, Thorner, and of Mary Watson, des. from Tho s and Mary Simpson, Whinmoor, [bn.] Fri., 21 July, [bp.] Sun., 20 Aug. Richard Newby, son of Peter Newby, Barwick, Carpinter, des. from Peter & Elizabeth Newby, Margit weton, and of Ann Newby, des. from Richard and Dorotha Burland, Barwick, [bn.] Wed., 26 July, [bp.] Fri., 25 Aug. Mary Denison, d. of Jonathon Denison, Stanks, Carpinter, des. from Joseph and Alice Dinison, Coulton, and of Mary Dinison, des. from Richard and Mary Beardshaw, Monkfriston, [bn.] Tues., 18 July, [bp.] Sun., 10 Sept. William Cawthorn, son of Joseph Cawthorn, Barwick, Labour', from Benj n and Elizabeth Cawthorn, Brittain, and of Mary Cawthorn, des. from John and Sarah Dickinson, Barwick, [bn.] Tuesday, 22 Aug., [bp.] Sun., 22 Oct. Mary Thompson, d. of Will m Thompson, Barnbow, Collier, des. from Tho s and Ann Thompson, Garforth, and of Jane Thompson, des. from Thomas and Mary Pickering, Purston, [bn.] Mon., 30 Oct., [bp.] Sun., 29 Nov. Samuel Pickersgill, son of Thomas Pickersgill, Whinmoor, Farmer, des. from George and Martha Pickersgill, Kirstall, and of Judith Pickersgill, des. from John and Elizabeth Stead, Thorner, [bn.] Sat., 21 Oct., [bp.] Sun., 29 Nov. Frances Catherine Brook, d. of Richard Brook, Scholes, Major, des. from James and Mary Brook, Killingbeck, and of Frances Brook, des. from Richard and Frances Brook, York, [bn.] Wed., 8 Nov., [bp.] Fri., 8 Dec. Mary Jackson, d. of John Jackson, Barwick, Shoemaker, des. from John and Ann Jackson, Wistow, and of Mary Jackson, des. from William and Mary Lumb, Barwick, [bn.] Mon., 27 Nov., [bn.] Sun., 10 Dec. Ellin Blackburn, d. of John Blackburn, Garforth, Collier, des. from I Henry and Mary Blackburn, Garforth, and of Jane Blackburn, 298 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. des. from William and Hannah Smith, Garforth, [bn.] Mon., 20 Nov., [bp.] Sun., 17 Dec. William Watson, son of William Watson, Barwick, Wellright, des. from Benjamin and Suseannah Watson, Barwick, and of Jane Watson, des. from Jane Barker, Garforth, [bn.] Wed., 6 Dec, [bp.] Sun., 24 Dec. Baptisms, 1781. Mary Simpson, d. of Thomas Simpson, Brownmoor, Lab r , des. from John and Mary Simpson, Austhorp, and of Mary Simpson, des. from Richard and Jane Screaton, Minsgip, [bp.] Sun., 4 Jan. William Lazenby, bastard son of Mary Lazenby, Bradford house, [bp.] Sun., 11 Feb. Alice Carr, d. of Will m Carr, Kidall lanend, Inkeeper, des. from John and Elizabeth Carr, Doncaster, and of Alice Carr, des. from William and Ann Mason, Eastby, [bn.] Sun., 7 Jan., [bp.] Fri., 23 Feb. Elizabeth Tinley, d. of Thomas Tinley of Scholes, Mason, des. from Nicolas and Sarah Tinley, Ingine, and of Sarah Tinley, des. from Thomas and Mary Haley, Scholes, [bn.] Mon., 15 Jan., [bp.] Sun., 4 March Richard Lowriman, son of Thomas Lowriman, Ingine, Labourer, des. from Richard and Sarah Lowriman, Garforth, and of Mary Lowriman, des. from James and Mary Tillotson, Ingine, [bn.] Mon., 28 Jan., [bp.] Sun., 11 Mar. William [Joseph erased] Thackray, son of Joseph Thackray, Barwick, Labourer, des. from John and Ann Thackray, Spofforth, and of Mary Thackray, des. John and Elizabeth Chambers, Dun Kessick, [bn.] Mon., 26 Mar., [bp.] 8 April John Waite, son of Richard Waite, Barwick, Taylor, des. from Richard and Susannah Waite, Barwick, and of Alice Waite, des. from William and Sarah Barker, Barwick, [bn.] Sat., 3 Feb., [bp.] Sun., 15 April Jane Miller, d. of Matthew Miller, Kidall lane end, groom, des. from James and Rachil Miller, Richmond, and of Jane Miller, des. from Moses and Mary Pawson, Kidall lane end, [bn.] Wed., 14 Mar., [bp.] Sun., 15 April Mary Whitehead, d. of James Whitehead, Barwick, Labourer, des. from Thomas and Margret Whitehead, Barwick, and of Eliza- beth Whitehead, des. from Robert and Martha Whitehead, Barwick, [bn.] Fri., 9 Mar., [bp.] Sun., 22 April Benjamin Robshaw, son of William Robshaw, Barwick, Labourer, des. from Thomas and Catherine Robshaw, Bar k , and of Alice Robshaw, des. from W m and Margret Rothmell, Knaisbrough, [bn.] Thurs., 22 Mar., [bp.] Sun., 29 April Joseph Robinson, son of John Robinson, Stanks, Collier, des. from John and Elizabeth Robinson, Garforth, and of Alice Robinson, des. from Thomas and Mary Tayler, Barwick, [bn.] Sun., 1 Apr., [bp.] Sun., 6 May. *" Mr. Waite, late of Barwick-in-Elmet, but now of St. John's College, Cambridge, was on Saturday, se'nnight admitted Bachelor of Arts." Leeds Mercury, 5 Feb., 1803. Admitted M.A., 1806. BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 299 Joseph Lister, son of Joseph Lister, Scholes, Labourer, des. from Will m and Mary Lidster, Garforth and of Sarah Lidster, des. from Samuel and Chrissey Simpson, Barnbow, [Garforth erased], [bn.] Wed., n April, [bp.] Sun., 20 May. Richard Carter, son of David Carter, Stanks, Labourer, des. from George and Mary Carter, Kippax, and of Hannah Carter, des. from William & Hannah Tipling, Barwick, [bn.] Fri., 30 Mar., [bp.] Sun., 20 May Hannah & Lewcy Lofthouse, drs. of Mark Lofthouse, Potterton, farmer, des. from Mark and Martha Lofthouse, Netherton, and of Charlotte Lofthouse, des. from William & Dorotha Sinyard, Brotherton, [bn.] Wed., 28 Mar., [bp.] Sun., 27 May Michel Waltan, son of John Waltan, Barwick, Lab., des. from John and Ann Walton, Barwick, and of Mary Walton, des. from John and Elizabeth Nettleton, Mickelfield, [bn.] Thur., 10 May, [bp.] Sun., 3 June Ann Perkin, d. of Thomas Perkin, Barwick, Lab., des. from James and Ann Perkin, Barwick, and of Mary Perkin, des. from Robert and Elizabeth Thorns, Partington, [bn.] Fri., 1 June, [bp.] Sun., 1 July Susannah Sparling, d. of Joseph Sparling, Potterton, Lab., des. from Joseph and Ann Sparling, Abberford, and of Mary Sparling, des. from George [&] Susannah Watson, Potterton, [bp.] Sun., 1 July Frances Simpson, d. of Tho s Simpson, Barnbow, Collier, des. from Samuel and Chrissey Simpson, Barnbow, and of Frances Simpson, des. from Richard and Easter Claburn, Garforth, [bn.] Mon., 11 June, [bp.] Sun., 8 July Thomas Rhumbo, son of Christopher Rhumbo, Saxton, Lab our , des. from Thomas and Elizabeth Rhumbo, Newton, and of Sarah Rhumbo, des. from Isack and Jane Dodgshon, Whinmoor, [bn.] Thurs., 7 June, [bp.] Sun., 15 July Elizabeth Abbot, d. of Tho s Abbot, Barwick, Labourer, des. from W m and Catherine Abbot, Barwick, and of Elizabeth Abbot, des. from Mathew and Elizabeth Pickering, Sherburn, [bp.] Sun., 22 July Thomas Thompson, son of Will m Thompson, Morwick, Labourer, des. from John and Frances Thompson, Garforth, and of Catherine Thompson, des. from Henry and Mary Pickard, Kippax, [bn.] Sat., 30 June, [bp.] Sun., 5 th August William Cullingworth, son of John Cullingworth, Barwick, Shoe- maker, des. from Joseph and Elizabeth Cullingworth, Abber- ford, and of Maria Cullingworth, des. from Thomas and Mary Thornton, Potterton, [bn.] Thur., 28 June, [bp.] Sun., 5 Aug. David Hewitt, son of Thomas Hewitt, Barwick, Collier, des. from George and Frances Hewitt, Ingine, and of Elizabeth Hewitt, from Thomas and Margret Hemsworth, Swillington, [bn.] Thurs., 28 June, [bp.] Sun., 12 Aug. Martha and Milly Benton, twins, drs. of John Benton, Stanks, Collier, des. from Tho s [&] Margret Benton, Garforth, and of 300 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. Milly Benton, des. from David and Ellin Hurst, Pogmoor, [bn.] Wed., 18 Aug., [bp.] Sun., 2 Sept. Mary Goodall, d. of Tho s Goodall, Ingine, Collier, des. from W m & Elizabeth Goodall, Garforth, and of Ann Goodall, des. from John and Ann Tillotson, Garforth, [bn.] Fri., 24 Aug., [bp.] Sun., 16 Sept. Easter Thompson, bastard d. of Mary Thompson, Barwick, [bn.] Wed., 22 Aug., [bp.] Sun., 23 Sep. William Smith, son of William Smith, Barwick, Farmer, des. from W m & Herietta Maria Smith, Barwick, and of Ann Smith, des. from William and Sarah Knapton, Barwick, [bn.] Tues., 4 Sept., [bp.] Sun., 30 Sept. John Thompson, son of Richard Thompson, Crosgates, Labourer, des. from Tho s and Elizabeth Thompson, Seacroft, and of Sarah Thompson, from Samuel and Chrissey Simpson, Barnbow, [bn.] Mon., 10 Sept., [bp.] Sun., 17 Sep. Sarah Robinson, d. of William Robinson, Crosgates, Labourer, des. from William and Sarah Robinson, Rigton, and of Elizabeth Robinson, des. from Tho s and Mary Thompson, Seacroft, [bn.] Wed., 26 Aug., [bp.] Sun., 17 Sept. William Richardson, son of William Richardson, Potterton, shoe- maker, des. from Luke and Elizabeth Richardson, Potterton, and of Marv Richardson, des. from John and Marv Richardson, Wortley, [bn.] Sat., 18 Aug., [bp.] Sun., 7 Oct. Joseph Simpson, son of Samuel Simpson, Barnbow, Collier, des. from Samuel and Crissey Simpson, Barnbow, and of Ann Simpson, des. from Thomas and Ann Thompson, Garforth, [bn.] Tues., 4 Sept., [bp.] Sun., 7 Oct. John Britaine, son of William Britaine, Barnbow, Bricklayer, des. from John and Betty Britain, Rothwell, and of Mary Britain, des. from John and Margret Geggs, Barnbow, [bp.] Sun., 7 Oct. John Stubs, son of John Stubs, Barwick, des. from John and Ann Stubs, Tadcaster, and of Elizabeth Stubs, des. from John and Ann Robinson Barwick, [bn.] Mon., 24 Sept., [bp.] Sun., 21 Oct. Susannah Herring, d. of George Herring, Kidall-lane-end, Groom, des. John and Jane Herring, Highionton, and of Alice Herring, des. from William and Mary Waller, Bramham Park, [bn.] Sat., 18 Aug., [bp.] Thurs., 25 Oct. William Jackson, son of James Jackson, Barwick, farmer, des. from Matthew and Sarah Jackson, Barwick, and of Mary Jackson, des. from Joseph and Easter Atkinson, Witley, [bp.] Sun.. 4 Nov. Sarah Linley, d. of Joseph Linley, Inkeeper, Whinmor, des. from Tamer Linley, Seacroft, and of Sarah Linley, des. from Robert and Isabella Poppleton, Abberford, [bp.] Sun., 18 Nov. John Collet, son of Ralph Collet, Barwick, Farmer, des. from Thomas and Elizabeth Collet, Wighton, and of Mary Collet, des. from William and Batricks Nickelson, Weardley, [bn.] Sat., 3 Nov., [bp.] Fri., 30 Nov. Ann Robshaw, d. of William Robshaw, Barwick, Lab r , des. from Thomas and Ellin Robshaw, Hosbon, and of Sarah Robshaw, BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 301 des. from William and Sarah Knapton, Barwick, [bn.] Fri., 9 Nov., [bp.] Sun., 2 Dec. Mary Haist, d. of Renton Haist, Barwick, Labourer, des. from Mary Haist, Barwick, and of Sarah Haist, des. from William and Ann Ward, Barwick. [bn.] Fri., 9 Nov., [bp.] Sun., 9 Dec. James Pawson, son of James Pawson, Roundhay, farmer, des. from Thomas and Alice Pawson, Brandon, and of Jane Pawson, des. from Thomas and Mary Dodgson, Roundhay, [bn.] Mon., 19 Nov., [bp.] Wed., 26 Dec. Ann Greenwood, d. of Samuel Greenwood, Potterton, Labourer, des. from John and Ann Greenwod, Mickelfield, and of Ann Greenwood, des. from Benjamin and Ann Harrison, Methley, [bn.] Sun., 4 Nov., [bp.] Wed., 26 Dec. Baptisms, 1782. Elizabeth Bell, d. of William Bell, Hiltop, Lab r , des. from William and Mary Bell, Hiltop, and of Sarah Bell, from Thomas and Sarah Shilburn, Seacroft, [bn.] Wed., 12 Dec, [bp.] Sun. 13 Jan. William Hodgson, son of Jonathan Hodgson, Scholes, Lab r , des. from William and Easter Hodgson, Barnbow, and of Hannah Hodgson, des. from Thomas and Martha Lumb, Stockhill, [bp.] Sun., the 6 Jan. Elizabeth Hodgson, bastard d. of Ellin Hodgson, Barnbow, [bp.] Sun., 20 Jan. Thomas Dunwell, son of Anthoney Dunwell, Barwick, Weaver, from Thomas and Rebecka Dunwel, Barwick, and of Sarah Dunwell, from William and Mary Scott, Barwick, [bn.] 4 th Decern., Mon., [bp.] Sun., 10 Mar. Mary Thompson, d. of James Thompson, Barwick, Lab r , des. from John and Ann Thompson, Seacroft, and of Mary Thompson, des. from Joseph and Abigal Holmes, Barwick, [bn.] Fri., Feb. 17, [bp.] Sun., March 24 Elizabeth Goodall, d. of Edward Goodall, Stanks, Collier, des. from Edward and Sarah Goodall, Garforth, and of Sarah Goodall, des. from Benjamin and Elizabeth Cook, Stanks, [bn.] Wed., 25 Feb., [bp.] Sun., 31 Mar. Joseph Todd, son of Tho s Todd, Scholes, Labourer, des. from Thomas and Mary Todd, Newby, and of Jane Todd, from Thomas and Elizabeth Smith, Potterton, [bn.] Thurs., 26 Feb., [bp.] Sun., 7 April Hannah Braim, d. of Thomas Braim, Bar[n]bow, Farmer, des. from Thomas and Hannah Braim, Branbow, and of Ann Braim, des. from John and Mary Atkinson, Barnbow, [bn.] Sat., 16 Mar., [bp.] Sun., 14 April Sarah Robinson, d. of John Robinson, Stanks, Collier, des. from John and Elizabeth Robinson, Garforth, and of Alice Robinson, des. from Thomas & Mary Tayler, Barwick, [bn.] Wed., 17 April, [bp.] Sun., 19 May Richard Wheater, son of Robert Wheater, Barwick, Labourer, des. from John and Frances Wheater, Templehirst, and of Jane Wheater, des. from John [&] Isabella Mossaby, Templehirst, [bn.] Sun., 17 Mar., [bp.] Sun., 19 May 302 BARWICK-TN-ELMET REGISTER. Richard Lumb, son of Richard Lumb, Barwick, Farmer, des. from Richard and Ann Lumb, Barwick, and of Elizabeth Lumb, des. from William and Ann Carew, Lisbon, Portugle, [bn.] Mon., 22 April, [bp.] Wednesday, 29 May Benjamin Bell, son of Benjamin Bell, Scholes, Lab r ., des. from Jonathan and Ann Bell, Barnbow, and of Frances Bell, from Thomas and Margret Burrall, Leeds, [bn.] Setterday, 20 April, [bp.] Sunday, 9 June Mary Dodgson, bastard daughter of Mary Dodgson, Whinmoor, [bp.] Sun., 16 June Abigal Bean, d. of Tho s Bean, Barwick, shoemaker, from John and Alice Bean, Barwick, and of Abigal Bean, from John and Ellin Harrison, Ecupt, [bn.] Mon., 10 June, [bp.] Wed., 19 June William Armitage, son of Thomas Armitage, Collier, Whinmoor, from Joseph and Elizabeth Armitage, Porston, and of Mary Armitage from John and Judith Carlin, Garforth, [bn.] Tues., 4 June, [bp.] Sun., 7 July Elizabeth Jordan, d. of Robert Jordon, Stanks, Lab r , from Thomas and Elizabeth Jordon, Seacroft, and of Sarah Jordon, from Thomas and Elizabeth Lightfoot, Brownmoor, [bn.] Sat., 8 June, [bp.] Sun., 7 July William Sparling, son of Joseph Sparling, Potter ton, Lab r , from John and Ellin Sparling, Parlington, and of Mary Sparling from George and Susannah Watson, Potterton, [bn.] Wed., 12 June, [bp.] Sun., 14 July Matthew Miller, son of Matthew Miller, Kidall lane end, Groom, from James and Mary Miller, Richmond, and of Jane Miller, from Moses and Mary Pawson, Kidall lane end, [bn.] Wed., 19 June, [bp.] Sund., 21 July Sarah, d. of Richard Lumb, Barwick, Inkeeper, from William and Martha Lumb, Barwick, and of Bridget Lumb, from William and Ann Cunningam, Wakefield, born Fri., 21 June, bap. Sun., 21 July Miles, son of John Mackontrought, Barwick, Labourer, from John and Ann Mackontrout, Kippax, and of Martha Mackon- trought, from Miles and Mary Ampshaw, Barwick, [bn.] Mon., Aug. 5, [bp.] Sun., Sep. 15 Sarah, daughter of Luke Dawson, Barnbow, Farmer, from Richard and Mary Dawson, Garforth, and of Ann Dawson, from William and Sarah Pease, Garforth, [bn.] Sun., 11 Aug., [bp.] Sept. 15 William, son of Joseph Kitcheman, Barwick, Lab r , from James and Martha Kitcheman, Chapeltown, and of Martha Kitcheman, from William and Mary Lumb, Barwick, [bn.] Mon., 26 Aug., [bp.] Sun., 22 Sep. John son of John Connell, Scholes, Lab r , from Anthoney and Sarah Connell, Halton, and of Sarah Connell, from Samuel and Hannah Farrah, Bramley, [bn.] Sat., 24 Aug., [bp.] Sun., 3 Nov. Richard Lumb, the son, was married 1808, at Leeds by licence, to Beatrice, dau. of Joseph Wilkinson, of Aberford, and Mary his wife, dau. of Henry Sampson. He had issue two sons, George Lumb, of Swillington, and Richard Lumb, of Leeds, and four children died young. He died 1860, and was buried at Garforth. BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 303 Mary, d. of William Goodall, Brownmoor, Collier, from Joseph and Mary Goodall, Barnbow, and of Ann Goodall, from John and Ann Backhouse, Swillington, bn. Fri., n Oct., [bp.] Sun., 3 Nov. Ann, d. of Gregory Lofthouse, Potterton, La r , from Mark and Martha Lofthouse, Netherton, and of Elizabeth Lofthouse, from John and Abigal Hissot, Brodsworth, [bn.] Tues., 8 Oct., [bp.] Mon., 4 Nov. Mary Ann, d. of Richard Brooke, Scholes, Major, from James and Mary Brookes, Killingbeck, and of Frances Brooke, from Richard and Frances Brooke, York, [bn.] Mon., 14 Oct., [bp.] Fri., 15 Nov. Samuel, son of Samuel Harrison, Potterton, Labourer, from Benja- min and Ann Harrison, Methley, and of Sarah Harrison, from Thomas and Isabella Poppleton, Abberford, [bn.] Sun., 20 Oct., [bp.] Sun., 8 Dec. Frances, d. of Jonathan Dinison, Stanks, Carpinter, from Joseph and Alice Denison, Colton, and of Mary Denison, from Richard and Mary Beardshaw, Monck friseton, [bn.] Tues., 12 Nov., [bp.] Sunday, 22 Dec. Baptisms, 1783. Benjamin, bastard son of Mary Barrett, Barwick, [bp.] Sun., 5 Jan. James, son of Francis Moss, Kidall-lane, Farmer, from Francis and Susanna Moss, Heaselwood, and of Sarah Moss, from Thomas and Elizabeth Addeman, Scholes, [bn.] Tues., 19 Dec, [bp.] Sun., 12 Jan. Isabella, d. of Richard Watson, Whinmoor, Labourer, from William and Ann Watson, Thorner, and of Mary Watson, from Thomas and Mary Simpson, Whinmoor, [bn.] Tues., 3 Dec, [bp.] Sun., 19 Jan. Ruth, the d. of Thomas Tilney, Scholes, mason, from Nicolas and Sarah Tilney, Ingine, and of Sarah Tilney, from Thomas and Mary Haley, Scholes, [bn.] Sat., 7 Dec, [bp.] Sun., 2 Feb. John, son of Michell Watson, Barwick, Carpinter, from William and Hannah Watson, Barwick, and of Hannah Watson, from John and Martha Dodsworth. Cauwood, [bn.] Tues., 24 Dec, [bp.] Sun., 23 Feb. William, bastard son of Elizabeth Norton, Barwick, [bp.] Sun., 2 Mar. Frances, daughter of William Dunwell, hiltop, Labour[er] from William and Elizabeth Dunwell, Whinmoor, and of Margret Dunwell, from Thomas and Hannah Deane, Potternewton, [bp.] Sun., 2 March Hannah, d. of Joseph Lidster, Scholes, Labourer, from William and Mary Lidster, Garforth, and of Sarah Lidster, from Samuel and Chrissey Simpson, Barnbow, [bn.] Sat., 1 Feb., [bp.] Sun., 23 Mar. John, son of Roger Brownrig, Scholes, Taylor, from Peter and Martha Brownrig, Spofforth, and of Ann Brownrig, from John and Catherine Vary, Scholes, [bn.] Fri., 7 Feb., [bp.] Sun., 23 Mar. Mary, d. of William Slayter, Barwick, Labourer, from William and Mary Slayter, Barwick, and of Ann Slayter, from William and Mary Hargrave, Hoberley, [bn.] Sun., 16 Feb., [bp.] Sun., 23 Mar. Elizabeth, d. of John Walton, Barwick, Labourer, from John and Ann Walton, Barwick, and of Mary Walton, from John and 304 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. Elizabeth Nettleton, Mickelfield, [bn.] Wed., 12 Feb., [bp.] Sun., 30 Mar. James, son of John Flockton, Barwick, Labourer, from James and Ruth Flockton, Leeds, and of Mary Flockton, from Benj n and Susannah Watson, Barwick, [bn.] Fri., i4Feb.,[bp.] Sun., 30 Mar. Thomas, son of Abraham Wormald, Barwick, Blacksmith, from Abraham and Chrissey Wormald, Barwick, and of Sarah Wormald, f. Richard and [blank] Naylor, Aberford, [bp.] Sun., 20 Apr. Jane, d. of William Jackson, Kidall lane-end, Lab r , from William and Hannah Jackson, Ecup, and of Ann Jackson, from Richard and Jane Laburn, Stanford Bridge, [bn.] Tues., 25 Mar., [bp.] Sun., 20 Apr. John, son of John Blackburn, Garforth moor, Collier, from Henry and Mary Blackburn, Brownmoor, and of Jane Blackburn, from William and HannahySmith, Garforth Moor, [bn.] Sun., 6 Apr., [bp.] Sun., 4 May Henry, son of William Thompson, Morwick, Labourer, from John and Frances Thompson, Garforth, and of Catherine Thompson, from Henry and Mary Pickhard, Kippax, [bn.] Fri., 21 Mar., [bp.] Sun., 11 May Elizabeth, d. of John Anderson, Potterton, farmer, from John and Jane Anderson, Marton, and of Mary Anderson, from William and Mary Clifforth, Sandhutton, [bn.] Thurs., 20 Mar., [bp.] Sun., 11 May John Thompson Hawking, bastard son of Ann Hawkin, Scholes, [bp.] Sun., 25 May Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Lowriman, Ingine, Collier, from Richard and Sarah Lowriman, Garforth, and Mary Lowriman, from James and Mary Til] otson, Ingine, [bn.] Fri., 16 May, [bp.] Thurs., 9 May Sarah, bastard d. of Elizabeth Tipling, Stanks, [bp.] Sun., 8 June John, son of Samuel Thompson, Barnbow, Collier, from John and Frances Thompson, Garforth, and of Suseanah Thompson, from William and Suseannah Tayler, Barnbow, [bn.] Sun., 18 May, [bp.] Sun., 22 June Ann, d. of Jonothan Tayler of Stanks, collier, from Gabril and Mary Tayler, Sturton, and of Ellin Tayler, from William and Mary Jefroy, Tholthorp, [bn.] June 9, [bp.] July 13 Mary, d. of Jeremiah Lumb of Stockhil, Farmer, from Thomas and Hannah Lumb, Stockhill, and of Ellin Lumb, from Robert and Mary Vevers, Potterton, [bn.] June 14, [bp.] July 20 Ellin, d. of John Goodall, Barnbow, Collier, from Joseph and Mary Goodall, Barnbow, and of Ellin Goodall, from Richard and Ellin Goodall, Coulton, [bn.] June 1, [bp.] July 20 Henry, son of Henry Blackburn, Coalpits, Sinderburner, from Henry and Hannah Blackburn, Brownmoor, and of Elizabeth Black- burn, from William and Hannah Ingle, Sturton, [bn.] July 4, [bp.] August 3 Elizabeth, d. of Joseph Cawthorn, Ba[r]wick, Labourer, from Benjamin and Elizabeth Cawthorn, Britaine, and of Ann BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 305 Cawthorn, from John and Sarah Dickinson, Barwick, [bp.] June 4, [bp.] August 3 Thomas, son of Thomas Abbot, Barwick, Labourer, from William and Catherine Abbot, Barwick, and of Elizabeth Abbot, from Matthew and Elizabeth Pickring, Sherburn, [bn.] June 18, [bp.] August 3 Hannah, d. of William Thompson, Barnbow, Collier, from Thomas and Ann Thompson, Garforth, and of Jane Thompson, from Thomas and Mary Pickring, Purston, [bn.] July 8, [bp.] Aug. io Thomas, son of Thomas Pickersgill, Whinmoor, Farmer, from George and Martha Pickersgill, Karstall, and of Judith Pickers- gill, from John and Elizabeth Stead, Thorner, [bn.] July 13, [bp.] Aug. 31 William and Peter, twins, sons of Peter Slayter, Barwick, Farmer, from William and Mary Slayter, Barwick, and of Mary Slayter, from Joseph and Mary Bullock, Barwick, [bn.] Aug. 17, [bp.] Aug. 17 Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Goodall, Ingine, Collier, from William and Elizabeth Goodall, Garforth, and of Ann Goodall, from John and Ann Tillotson, Garforth, [bn.] Aug. II, [bp.] Sept. 7 Martha, d. of David Carter, Stanley, Labourer, from George and Elizabeth Carter, Kippax, and of Hannah [Ann erased] Carter, from William and Hannah Tipling, Barwick, [bn.] Aug. 5, [bp.] Sept. 14 William, son of James Whitehead, Barwick, Lab r , from Thomas and Margret Whitehead, Barwick, and of Elizabeth Whitehead, from Robert and Martha Whitehead, Barwick, [bn.] Aug. 19, [bp.] Sept. 14 Edmund, son of Benjamin Rawlinson, Barwick, Lab r , from Benjamin and Mary Rawlinson, Barwick, and of Frances Rawlinson, from William and Ann Cromek, Barwick, [bp.] Sept. 14 Mary, d. of Thomas Simpson, Barnbow, Collier, from Samuel and Cressey Simpson, Barnbow, and of Frances Simpson, from Ester Claburn, Garforth, [bn.] Aug. 16, [bp.] Sept. 21 Julea, d. of Thomas Waite, Barwick, Lab r , from William and Ann Waite, Barwick, and of Julea Waite, from William and Dorotha Sinyard, Brotherton, [bn.] August 11, [bp.] Sept. 21 Mary, d. of Mary Turpin, Crossgates, [bn.] Aug. 2, [bp.] Sept. 28 Mary, d. of William Richardson, Potterton, Shoemaker, from Luke and Elizabeth Richardson, Potterton, and of Mary Richardson, from John and Mary Richardson, Wortley, [bn.] Aug. 6, [bp.] Sep. 28 Ann, d. of Richard Hornby, Burniston, Lab r , from Richard and Mary Hornby, Burniston, and of Henry Hornby, from Isaac and Jane Dodgshon, Whinmoor, [bn.] Aug. 30, [bp.] Sept. 28 Isaiah, son of Robert Aveson, Scholes, Weaver, from Henry and Elizabeth Aveson, Bardsaw, and of Mary Aveson, from Benja- min and Grace Hill, Scholes, [bn.] Sept. 13, [bp.] Oct. 19 William, son of George Herring, Kidall-lane-end, Groome, from John and Jane Herring, Highianton, and of Alice Herring, from 306 BARWICK-1N-ELMET REGISTER. William and Mary Whaller, Bramham park, [bn.] Aug. 13, [bp.] Oct. 24 James, son of John Mather, Garforth Moor, Lah r , from John and Ann Mather, Brownmoor, from Mary Mather, from Richard and Hannah Naylor, Garforth Moor, [bn.] Sept. 28, [bp.] Oct. 26 Ann, d. of John Robinson, Stanks, Collier, from John and Elizabeth Robinson, Garforth and of Alice Robinson, from Thomas and Mary Tayler, Barwick, [bn.] Sept. 26, [bp.] Nov. 2 Mary, d. of , William Watson, Barwick, Weelwright, from Benjamin and Susannah Watson, Barwick, and of Jane Watson, from Jane Barker, Garforth, [bn.] Oct. 14, [bp.] Nov. 2 Thomas, son of William Smith, Barwick, Farmer, from William and Henrietta Maria Smith, Barwick, and of Ann Smith, from William and Sarah Knapton, Barwick, [bn.] Nov. 2, [bp.] Nov.30 Hannah, d. of John Benton, Stanks, Collier, from Thomas and Mar- gret Benton, Garforth, and of Milly Benton, from David and Ellin Hurst, Pogmoor, [bn.] Nov. 25, [bp.] Dec. 7 Joseph, son of William Carr, Kidall-lane-end, Inkeeper, from John and Elizabeth Carr, Doncaster, and of Alice Carr, from William and Ann Mason, Eastby, [bn.] Oct. 16, [bp.] Dec. 8 Ann, d. of Mark Lofthouse, Potterton, Blacksmith, from Mark and Martha Lofthouse, Netherton, and of Charlotte Lofthouse, from William and Dorotha Sinyard, Brotherton, [bn.] Oct. 19, [bp.] Dec. 14 Liddy. d. of Samuel Simpson. Barnbow, Collier, from Samuel and Christiana Simpson, Barnbow, and of Frances Simpson, from Richard and Easter Claburn, Garforth, [bn.] Nov. 25, [bp.] Dec. 21 James, son of Thomas Perkin, Barwick, Lab r , from James and Ann Perkin, Barwick, and of Mary Perkin, from Robert and Eliza- beth Thorns, Partington, [bn.] Nov. 22, [bp.] Dec. 26 Ann, d. of Richard Winson, Leeds, from Thomas and Jane Whinsor, Littondale, and of Grace Whinsor, from Robert and Ann Dixon, Barnbow, [bn.] Nov. 28, [bp.] Dec. 27 James, son of Jonathan Hodgson, Scholes, Lab r , from William and Easter Hodgson, Barnbow, and of Hannah Hodgson, from Thomas and Hannah Lumb, Stockhil, [bn.] Sept. 6, [bp.] Dec. 31 Baptisms, 1784. Susannah, d r of Richard Lumb, Barwick, Farmer, from Richard and Ann Lumb, Barwick, and of Elizabeth Lumb, from William and Ann Carew, Lisbon, in Portugal, [bp.] Jan. 1 . George, son of Joseph White, Scholes, from John and Grace White, Akaster Malbles, and of Mary White, from George and Elizabeth Barker, Hensaul, [bn.] Nov. 19, [bp.] Jan. 5 Thomas, son of Thomas Green, Whinmoor, from James and Elizabeth Green, Whinmoor, and of Mary Green, from Peter and Mary Park, Strensal, [bn.] Dec. 17, [bp.] Jan. 29 John, son of John Cullingworth, Barwick, Shoemaker, from Joseph and Elizabeth Cullingworth, Aberford, and of Maria Culling- worth, from Thomas and Mary Thornton, Potterton, [bp.] Feb. 1 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 307 William, son [of] Alvray Thompson, Penwell, Lab r , from John and Sarah Thompson, Stanks, and of Sarah Thompson, from Richard and Ann Lazenby, Penwell, [bn.] Dec. 27, [bp.] Feb. 8 Hannah, d. of George Darton, Barwick, Lab r , from George and Susannah Darton, Calverley, and of Ann Darton, from John and Elizabeth Dungwith, Barwick, [bn.] Dec. 21, [bp.] Feb. 22 Ann, d. of William Bell, Hill-top, from William and Mary Bell, Hiltop, and of Sarah Bell, from Thomas and Sarah Shilburn, Seacroft, [bn.] Jan. 21, [bp.] Feb. 29 Henry, son of Henry Frank, Scholes, Labourer, from Henry and Jane Frank, Wikill, and of Mary Frank, from James and Jane Laboura, Akester, [bn.] Feb. 5, [bp.] Mar. 14 Henrietta Maria and Mary, Twins, ds. of David Heaton, Barwick, Lab 1 "., from James and [? Rose] Heaton, West Hardsley, and of Maria Heaton, from Joseph and Mary Bullock, Barwick, [bn.] Feb. 23, [bp.] Mar. 28 Benjamin, son of Edward Goodall, Stanks, from Edward and Sarah Goodall, Garforth, and of Sarah Goodall, from Benjamin and Elizabeth Coocke, Stanks, [bn.] Mar. 1, [bp.] April 4 William, son of Samuel Greenwood, Potterton, from John and Ann Greenwood, Mickelfield, and of Ann Greenwood, from Benjamin and Ann Harrison. Methley, [bn.] Jan. 19, [bp.] April 4 Frances, d. of Benjamin Bell, Scholes, Lab r , from Jonathan and Ann Bell, Barnbow, and of Frances Bell, from Thomas and Margret Burwell, Leeds, [bn.] March 13, [bp.] April 11 Elisabeth, d. of Joseph Walton. Barwick, Farmer, from John and Ann Walton, Barwick, and of Sarah Walton, from Edward and Mary Day, Potterton, [bn.] March 13, [bp.] April 18 James, son of James Thompson, Barwick, Lab r , from John and Ann Thompson, Seacroft, and of Mary Thompson, from Joseph and Abigal Holms, Barwick, [bn.] May 6, [bp.] May 30 Matthew, son of Gregory Lofthouse, Potterton, Lab r , from Mark and Martha Lofthouse, Netherton, and of Elizabeth Lofthouse, from John and Abigal Hisot, Brodsworth, [bn.] April 18, [bp.] May 30 Edward Maxfield, son of Joseph Sparling, Potterton, Lab 1 , from John and Ellin Sparling, Abberford, and of Mary Sparling, from George and Susannah Watson, Potterton, [bn.] April 22, [bp.] June 6 George Charles, son of Richard Brooke, Scholes, Major, from James and Mary Brooke, Killinbeck, and of Frances Brooke, from Richard and Frances Brooke, York, [bn.] May 23, [bp.] June 18 Ann, d. of Renton Haist, Barwick, Labourer, from Mary Haist, Barwick, and of Sarah Haist, from William and Ann Ward, Barwick, [bn.] April 19, [bp.] June 20 Henry, son of John Forster, Barwick, Labourer, from Thomas and Elizabeth Forster, Sherburn, and of Sarah Forster, from Benja- min and Susannah Watson, Barwick, [bn.] May 24, [bp.] June 20 Catherine, d. of William Robshaw, Barwick, Labourer, from Thomas and Catherine Robshaw, Barwick, and of Alice Robshaw, from William and Margret Rothmell, Knazebrough, [bn.] May 17, [bp.] June 27 308 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. Mary, d. of Francis Linley, Hiltop, Lab 1 , from William and Mary Linley, Seacroft, and of Ann Linley, from Thomas and Susannah Baley, Hiltop, [bn.] June i, [bp.] June 27 Elizabeth, d. of John Stubs, Barwick, from John and Ann Stubs, Tadcaster, and of Elizabeth Stubs, from John and Ann Robinson, Barwick, [bn.] June X, [bp.] July 4 Barnard, son of Thomas Hewitt, Barwick, Collier, from George and Frances Hewitt, Ingine, and of Elizabeth Hewitt, from Thomas and Margret Hemsworth, Swillington, [bn.] June 22, [bp.] Aug. 8 Mary, d. of William Burland, Barwick, Lab 1 , from [blank] Burland, Seacroft, and of Sarah Burland, from Robert and Mary Smith, Barwick, [bn.] July 20, [bp.] Aug. 22 Isabella, d. of Robert Wheater, Barwick, Labourer, from John and Frances Wheater, Templehirst, and of Jane Wheater, from John and Isabella Mossaby, Temple hirst, [bn.] July 29, [bp.] Sept. 12 Ann, bastard d. of Mary Craggs, Barwick, [bp.] Sept. 16 Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Brook, Kidall hall, [bp.] Sept. 22 1 Peter' Powell, son of Benjamin Eamonson, Lazencroft, from Peter and Elianor Eamondson, Roundhay, and of Elianor Eamonson, from Joseph and Elianor Powel, Bramham, [bn.] August 23, [bp.] Sept. 29 Ruth, d. of John Butler, Scholes, pipemaker, from John and Sarah Butler, Scholes, and of Hannah Butler, from John and Ann North, Newbery, Barkshire, [bn.] Sept. 7, [bp.] Oct. 10 Hannah, d. [of] Thomas Armatage, Whinmoor, Collier, from Joseph and Elizabeth Armatage, Purston, and of Mary Armatage, from John and Judith Carlin, Garforth, [bn.] Sept. 4, [bp.] Oct. 10 Ann, bastard d. of Elizabeth Horsfield, Barwick, [bp.] Nov. 7 John, son of John Monks, Barwick, Labourer, from Edward and Elizabeth Monks, Barwick, and of Elizabeth Monks, from William and Jane Wadington, Otley, [bn.] Oct. 17, [bp.] Nov. 7 Thomas, son of John Cauwood, Coalpits, Collier, from Josuah and Elizabeth Cauwood, Garforth, and of Ann Cauwood, from Andrew and Elizabeth Joy, Sherburn, [bn.] Nov. 29, [bp.] Dec. 5 Sarah, d. of John Connell, Scholes, labourer, from Anthoney and Sarah Connell, Halton, and of Sarah Connell, from Samuel and Hannah Farrah, Bramley, [bn.] Oct. 26, [bp.] Dec. 5 Mary, d. of Joseph Cawthorn, Barwick, Lab r , from Benjamin and Elisabeth Cawthorn, Britaine, and of Ann Cawthorn, from John and Sarah Dickinson, Barwick, [bn.] Oct. 23, [bp.] Dec. 5 Rachel, d. of Thomas Tilney, Scholes, Mason, from Nicolas and Sarah Tilney, Ingine, and of Sarah Tilney, from Thomas and Mary Haley, Scholes, [bn.] Nov. 4, [bp.] Dec. 19 Joseph, son of William Goodall, Barnbow, Collier, from Joseph and Mary Goodall, Barnbow, and of Ann Goodall, from John and Ann Bachouse, Swillington, [bn.] Nov. 9, [bp.] Dec. 26 Baptisms, 1785. Martha, d. of Matthew Miller, Kidall-lane-end, from James and Mary Miller, Richmond, and of Jane Miller, from Moses and Mary Pawson, Kidall-lane-end, [bn.] Nov. 26, [bp.] Jan. 2 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 309 Ann, d. of Robert Jordan, Stanks, Lab 1 , from Thomas and Elizabeth Jordan, Seacroft, and of Sarah Jordan, from Thomas and Eliza- beth Lightfoot, Brownmoor, [bn.] Dec. 8, [bp.] Jan. 9 Sarah, d. of Benjamin Collett, Barwick, Butcher, from Thomas and Elizabeth Collett. Barwick, and of Elizabeth Collett, from William and Sarah Knapton, Barwick, [bn.] Dec. 31, [bp.] Jan. 23 Christiana, d. of William Walton, Barwick, Labourer, from John and Ann Walton, Barwick, and of Elizabeth Walton, from Joseph and Elizabeth Pearson, Waleworth, [bn.] Jan. 5, [bp.] Feb. 13 William, son of William Dunwell, Hiltop, Lab r , from William and Elizabeth Dunwell, hiltop, and of Margaret Dunwell, from Thomas and Hannah Deane, Potternewton, [bn.] Jan., 6 [bp.] Feb. 13 Richard, son of William Jackson, Kidall lane end, Lab r , from William and Hannah Jackson, Ecup, and of Ann Jackson, from Richard and Jane Laburn, Stamford Bridge, [bn.] Jan. 14, [bp.] Feb. 20 Samuel, son of John Robinson, Stanks, Collier, from John and Elizabeth Robinson, Garforth, and of Alice Robinson, from Thomas and Mary [Elizabeth erased] Taylor, Barwick, [bn.] Jan. 21, [bp.] Feb. 27 Hannah, d. of William Richardson, Potterton, shoemaker, from Luke and Elizabeth Richardson, Potterton, and of Mary Richardson, from John and Mary Richardson, Wortley, [bn.] Jan., 18 [bp.] February 27 William, son of John Anderson, Potterton, Farmer, from John and Jane Anderson, Marton, and of Mary Anderson, from William and Mary Clifforth, Sandhutton, [bn.] Feb. 2, [bp.] Mar. 27 Hannah, d. of William Slayter, Barwick, Lab r . from William and Mary Slayter, and of Ann Slayter, from William and Mary Hargrave, Hoberley, [bn.] Feb. 27, [bp.] Mar. 27 William, son of Jonathan Tayler, Stanks, Collier, from Gabril and Mary Tayler, Sturton, and of Ellin Tayler, from William and Mary Jefray, Tholthorp, [bn.] Feb. 3, [bp.] April 3 Joseph, son of Abraham Wormald, Barwick, Blacksmith, from Abraham and Chrissy Wormald, Barwick, and of Sarah Wormald, from Richard and Sarah Naylor, Abberford, [bn.] Mar. 2, [bp.] Apr. 10 Henry, son of James Goodall, Barnbow, Collier, from Joseph and Mary Goodall, Barnbow, and of Ellin Goodall, from William and Hester Hodgson, Barnbow, [bn.] Feb. 27, [bp.] April 10 William, son of John Mackontrout, Barwick, Lab r , from John and Ann Mackontrout, Kippax, and of Martha Mackontrout, from Miles and Mary Ampshaw, Barwick, [bn.] Feb. 24, [ bp.] Apr. 17 Benjamin, bastard son of Elizabeth Cockshaw, five years and two months old, [bp.] April 17 Samuel, son of Joseph Lidster, Barnbow, Lab r , from William and Mary Lidster, Garforth, and of Sarah Lidster, from Samuel and Chrissey Simpson, Barnbow, [bn.] Mar. 20, [bp.] April 24 310 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. Hannah, d. of Henry Blackburn, Coalpits, Sinderburner, from Henry and Hannah Blackburn, Brownmoor, and of Elizabeth Blackburn, from William and Hannah Ingle, Sturton, [bn.] Mar. 26, [bp.] April 24 Sarah, d. of George Scholes, Barnbow, Collier, from John and Ann Scholes, Rothwell, and of Mary Scholes, from John and Mary Atkinson, Barnbow, [bn.] Mar. 24, [bp.] April 24 Mary, d. of William Robshaw, Barwick, Lab r , from Thomas and Ellin Robshaw, Hosbon, and of Sarah Robshaw, from William and Sarah Knapton, Barwick, [bn.] April 20, [bp.] May 15 William, bastard son of Ann Hawkin, Scholes, [bp.] May 16 Richard, son of John Goodall, Barnbow, Collier, from Joseph and Mary Goodall, Barnbow, and of Ellin Goodall, from Richard and Ellin Goodall, Coulton, [bn.] May 28, [bp.] May 29 W T illiam, son of Samuel Womack, Barwick, from Samuel and Sarah Womack, Heath, and of Ann Womack, from Richard and Ann Smith, Barwick, [bn.] May 3, [bp.] July 3 Ann, d. of Arthur Turner, Roundhay, from William and Ellin Turner, Shadwell, and of Isabella Turner, from John and Elizabeth Simpson, Roundhay Grange, [bn.] July 2, [bp.] Aug. 12 John Clarkson, son of Richard Brooke, Scholes, Major, from James and Mary Brooke, Killingbeck, and of Frances Brooke, from Richard and Frances Brooke, York, [bn.] June 22, [bp.] Sept. 2 Thomas, son of William Tipling, Stanks, Lab r , from William and Hannah Tipling, Barwick, and of Elizabeth Tipling, from John and Elizabeth Settle, Scholes, [bn.] July 1, [bp.] Aug. 28 Thomas, son of Richard Watson, Whinmoor, Lab r , from William and Ann Watson, Thorner, and of Mary Watson, from Thomas and Mary Simpson, Whinmoor, [bn.] Aug. 21, [bp.] Sept. 18 Richard Tottie, son of Thomas Brook, Kidall-hall, Farmer, from Thomas and Martha Brook, Glasshoughton, and of Mary Brook, from John and Elizabeth [Sarah erased] Tottie, Moor Town, [bn.] Aug. 16, [bp.] Oct. 2 Frances, bastard d. of Mary Brown, Whinmoor, [bn.] Aug. 27, [bp.] Oct. 2 Susannah, d. of Joseph Johnson, Brownmoor, Collier, from James and Mary Johnson, Austhorp, and of Susannah Johnson, from Joseph and Grace Hanson, Halton, [bn.] July 21, [bp.] Oct. 2 Matthew, son of Thomas Abbot, Barwick, Lab er , from William and Catherine Abbot, Barwick, and of Elizabeth Abbot, from Matthew and Elizabeth Pickring, Sherburn, [bn.] Oct. 8, [bp.] Nov. 6 Mary, d. of George Darton, Barwick, Lab r , from George and Sus- annah Darton, Calverly, and of Ann Darton, from John and Elizabeth Dungwith, Barwick, [bp.] Nov. 6 William, son of Thomas Todd, Scholes, Farmer, from Thomas and Mary Todd, Newby, and of Jane Todd, from Thomas and Elizabeth Smith, Potterton, [bn.] Sept. 17, [bp.] Nov. 6 Sarah, d. of James Jackson, Barwick, Farmer, from Matthew and Sarah Jackson, Barwick, and of Mary Jackson, from Joseph and Easter Atkinson, Witley, [bn.] Sept. 16, [bp.] Nov. 6 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 311 Luke, son of Mark Lofthousc, Potterton, Farmer, from Mark and Martha Lofthouse, Netherton, and of Charlotta Lofthouse, from William [and] Dorotha Sinyard, Brotherton, [bn.] Oct. i8, [bp.] Nov. 6 Sarah, d. of Thomas Simpson, Barnbow, Collier, from Samuel and Chrissey Simpson, Barnbow, and of Frances Simpson, from Easter and John Claburn, Garforth, [bp.] Nov. 6 Ann, d. of John Flockton, Barwick, Labourer, from James and Ruth Flockton, Leeds, and of Mary Flockton, from Benjamin and Susannah Watson, Barwick, [bn.] Oct. 24, [bp.] Nov. 6 Susannah, d. of Francis Linley, Hiltop, Labourer, from William and Mary Linley, Seacroft, and of Sarah Linley, from Thomas and Ann Baley, Hiltop, [bn.] Nov. 11 th , [bp.] Dec. 11 John, son of John Loder, Kidall lane end, [bp.] Dec. 9 Baptisms, 1786. Joseph, son of Joseph Simpson, Brownmoor, Collier, from Samuel and Chrissey Simpson, Barnbow, and of Sarah Simpson, from Henry and Sarah Clarkson, Abberford, [bn.] Dec. 18, [bp.] Jan.15 Roger, son of John Foster, Barwick, Lab r , from Thomas and Eliza- beth Foster, Sherburn, and of Sarah Foster, from Benjamin and Susannah Watson, Barwick, [bn.] Jan. 12, [bp.] Feb. 5 Martha and Mary, twins, ds. of Thomas Waite, Barwick, Lab r , from William and Ann Waite, Barwick, and of Julea Waite, from William and Dorotha Sinyard, Brotherton, [bn.] Jan. 5, [bp.] Feb. 12 Mary, d. of Samuel Simpson, Barnbow, Collier, from Samuel and Chrissy Simpson, Barnbow, and of Ann Simpson, from Thomas and Ann Thompson, Garforth, [bn.] Feb. 11, [bp.] Feb. 11 Joseph, son of David Heaton, Barwick, Lab r , from James and Roose Heaton, West Hardsley, and of Maria Heaton, from Joseph and Mary Bullock. Barwick, [bn.] Jan. 15, [bp.] Feb. 19 Mary, d. of Francis Ciburry, Barwick, Lab r , from Francis and Elizabeth Syburry, Brininton, and of Ann [Mary erased] Syburry, from Thomas and Mary Taite, Barwick, [bn.] Jan. 16, [bp.] Feb. 26 John, son of Joseph Walton, Barwick, Farmer, from John and Ann Walton, Barwick, and of Sarah Walton, from Edward and Mary Day, Potterton, [bn.] Jan. 29, [bp.] March 5 Elizabeth, d. of Gregory Lofthouse, Potterton, Lab r , from Mark and Martha Lofthouse, Netherton, and of Elizabeth Lofthouse, from John and Abigal Isot, Brodsworth, [bn.] Jan. 19, [bp.] Mar. 5 John, son of Thomas Goodall, Ingine, Collier, from William and Elizabeth Goodall, Garforth, and of Ann Goodall, from John and Ann Tillotson, Garforth, [bn.] Feb. 10, [bp.] March 12 Frances, d. of Thomas Lowreman, Ingine, Collier, from Richard and Sarah Lowreman, Garforth, and of Mary Lowriman, from James and Mary Tillitson. Ingine, [bn.] Feb. 17, [bp.] March 19 Martha, d. of Samuel Thompson, Barnbow, Collier, from John and Frances Thompson, Garforth, and of Susannah Thompson, from William and Susannah Tayler, Barnbow, [bn.] Feb. 26, [bp.] Apr. 2 d 312 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. Elizabeth, bastard d. of Ann Marshall. Barwick, [bp.] Apr. 9 th Thomas, son of Thomas Perkin, Barwick, Lab 1 , from James and Ann Perkin, Barwick, and of Mary Perkin, from Robert and Elizabeth Thorns, Partington, [bn.] Mar. 2, [bp.] Apr. 16 th Mary, bastard daughter of [blank] Parkin, Workhouse, [bp.] Apr. 16 William, son of William Bell, Hiltop, Lab r , from William and Mary Bell, Hiltop, and of Sarah Bell, from Thomas and Sarah Shil- burn, Seacroft, [bn.] Mar. 14, [bp.] Apr. 23 John, son of Thomas Pickersgill, Whinmoor, Farmer, from George and Martha Pickersgill, Karstall, and of Judith Pickersgil from John and Elizabeth Stead, Thorner, [bn.] March 7, [bp.] Apr. 30 Sarah, d. of Edward Goodall, Stanks, Collier, from Edward and Sarah Goodall, Garforth, and of Sarah Goodall, from Benjamin and Elizabeth Coock, Stanks, [bn.] Apr. 6, [bp.] Apr. 30 Elianor Anne, d. of Benjamin Eamonson, Lazencroft, from Peter and Elianor Eamonson, Roundhay, and Elianor Eamonson, from Joseph and Elianor Powell, Bramham, [bn.] Apr. 3, [bp.] May 4 Elizabeth, d. of William Thompson, Morwick, Jober, from John and Ann [Frances erased] Thompson, Garforth, and of Catherine Thompson, from Henry and Mary Pickhard, Kippax, [bn.] May 8, [bp.] May 25 Hannah, d. of John Goodall, Barnbow, collier, from Joseph and Mary Goodall, Barnbow, and of Ellin Goodall, from Richard and Ellin Goodall, Coulton, [bn.] Apr. 28, [bp.] May 25 Thomas, son of John Butler, Scholes, Pipemaker, from John and Sarah Butler, Scholes, and of Hannah Butler, from John and Ann North, Newberry, Birkshire, [bn.] April 26, [bp.] June 4 Thomas, son of David Carter, Stanks, Labourer, from George and Elizabeth Carter, Kippax, and of Hannah Carter, from William and Hannah Tipling, Barwick, [bn.] April 30, [bp.] June 25 Mary, d. of Jonathan Hodgson, Scholes, Lab r , from William and Easter Hodgson, Barnbow, and of Hannah Hodgson, from Thomas and Hannah Lumb, Stockhill ,[bn.] May 5, [bp.] July 2 Hannah, d. of Renton Haist, Barwick, Lab r , from Mary Haist, Bar- wick, and of Sarah Haist, from William and Ann Ward, Bar- wick, [bn.] June 1, [bp.] July 9 *John, son of Thomas Shepley, Barwick, from Thomas and Ann Shepley, Leeds, and of Ann Shepley, from Francis and Ann lies, Tadcaster, [bn.] June 19, [bp.] July 21 Sarah, d. of Matthew Varley, Barwick, Farmer, from Samuel and Sarah Varley, Barwick, and of Sarah Varley, from Thomas and Margret Whitehead, Barwick, [bn.] July 5, [bp.] July 25 James, bastard son of Hannah Mountaine, Barwick Workhouse, Pauper, [bp.] July 23 William, son of Roger Brownrig, Scholes, Taylor, from Peter and Martha Brownrig, Spofforth, and of Ann Brownrig, from John and Catherine Vary, Scholes, [bn.] June 26, [bp.] July 30 *For pedigree of and notes on the Shepley family see the Northern Genealogist 1896, p. 199. According to tradition, Thomas Shepley the elder resided at Barwick Rectory as lessee, which is corroborated by Jeffery's Map of Yorkshire. 1771. Thomas Shepley the younger resided at an old house in " The Boyle now partly pulled down. BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 313 Matthew, son of William Watson, Barwick, Weelwright, from Ben- jamin and Susanna Watson, Barwick, and of Jane Watson, from Jane Barker, Garforth, [bn.] July 15, [bp.] Aug. 13 James, son of James Barker, Whinmoor, Labourer, from William and Frances Barker, Penwell, and of Frances Barker, from William and Elizabeth Morret, Coulton, [bn.] July 25, [bp.] Aug. 27 Ann, d. of William Jackson, Kidhall lane end, Lab r , from William and Hannah Jackson, Ecup, and of Ann Jackson, from Richard and Jane Laburn, Stamford Bridge, [bn.] Aug. 8, [bp.] Sept. 3 Joseph, son of William Smith, Barwick, Farmer, from William and Henrietta Maria Smith, Barwick, and of Ann Smith, from William and Sarah Knapton, Barwick, [bn.] Aug. 30, [bp.] Sept. 24 Mary, d. of Thomas Wriglesworth, Rothwell, Lab 1 , from John and Mearcy Wrigelsworth, Hollorton, and of Hannah Wrigelsworth, from Joseph and Hannah Kirkham, Barwick, [bn.] Aug. II, [bp.] Oct. 1 John, son of John Benton, Stanks, collier, [from] Thomas and Mar- gret Benton, Garforth, and of Milly Benton, from David and Ellin Hirst, Pogmoor, [bn.] Sept. 2, [bp.] Oct. 1 Richard, son of Richard Thompson, Crosgates, Lab r , [bn.] Sept., [bp.] Nov. 5 Elizabeth, d. of William Gough, Barwick, farmer, from William and Mary Gough, Brownmoor, and of Ann Gough, from John and Ann Carrot, Headingley, [bp.] Nov. 5 Joseph, son of John Cullingworth, Barwick, Shoemaker, from Joseph and Elizabeth Cullingworth, Abberford, and of Maria Culling- worth, from Thomas and Mary Thornton, Potterton, [bn.] June 28, [bp.] Nov. 5 William, son of John Walton, Barwick, Lab r , from John and Ann WaltOn, Barwick, and of Mary Walton, from John and Elizabeth Nettleton, Mickelfield, [bn.] Nov. io, [bp.] Dec. 10 Mary, bastard d. of Martha Haist, Barwick Workhouse, Pauper, [bn.] Oct. 29, [bp.] Dec. 10 John, son of Thomas Tilney, Scholes, mason, from Nicolas and Sarah Tilney, Ingine, and of Sarah Tilney, from Thomas and Mary Haley, Scholes, [bn.] Oct. 4, [bp.] Dec. 15 Elizabeth, d. of William Burland, Barwick, Lab r , from Ann Burland, Seacroft, and of Sarah Burland, from Robert and Mary Smith, Barwick, [bn.] Oct. 31, [bp.] Dec. 27 John, son of John Loder, Kidall lane end, Groom, from John and Ann Loder, Marston, and of Sarah Loder, from Henry and Sarah Apott, Hasdon, Suffolk, [bn.] Oct. 29, [bp.] Dec. 29 Sarah, d. of Robert Greenwood, Leeds, from William and Mary Greenwood, Abberford, and of Sarah Greenwood, from Anthoney and Sarah Dunwell, Barwick, [bn.] Dec. 6, [bp.] Dec. 31 Baptisms, 1787. George, son of George Hopton, Stanks, collier, from George and Sarah Hopton, Garforth, and of Grace Hopton, from John and Martha Boys, Shelf, [bp.] Jan. 14 314 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. Susannah, d. of William Dunwell, Hiltop, Lab r , from John and Eliza- beth Dunwell, Hiltop, and of Margret Dunwell, from Thomas and Frances Deane, Seacroft, [bn.] Nov. 29, [bp.] Jan. 21 Edward, son of John Monks, Barwick, Lab r , from Edward & Eliza- beth Monks, Barwick, and of Elizabeth Monks, from William and Jane Wadington, Otley, [bn.] Nov. 28, [bp.] Jan. 28 Thomas, son of Thomas Clapham, Potterton, Farmer, from Thomas & Rebecca Clapham, Learley, and of Elizabeth Clapham, from Thomas and Mary Robinson, Asqueth, [bn.] Dec. 21, [bp.] Feb. 4 Mary, d. of John Robinson, Stanks, collier, from John and Elizabeth Robinson, Garforth, and of Alice Robinson, from Thomas and Mary Tayler, Barwick, [bn.] Jan. 10, [bp.] Feb. 4 Thomas, son of Joseph Sparling, Potterton, Lab r , from John and Elizabeth Sparling, Partington, and of Mary Sparling, from George and Susannah Watson, Potterton, [bn.] Jan. 5, [bp.] Feb. 11 Jane, d. of Robert Jordan, Stanks, Labourer, from Thomas and Eliza- beth Jordan, Seacroft, and of Sarah Jordan from Thomas and Elizabeth Lightfoot, Brownmoor, [bn.] Jan. 24, [bp.] Mar. 4 Ann, d. of Samuel Simpson, Barnbob, collier, from Samuel and Chrissy Simpson, Barnbow, and of Ann Simpson, from Thomas and Ann Thompson, Barnbow, [bn.] Feb. 8, [bp.] Mar. 11 John, son of William Slayter, Barwick, Lab r , from William and Mary Slayter, Barwick, an[d] of Ann Slayter, from William and Mary Hargrave, Hoberley, [bn.] Jan. 9, [bp.] Mar. 11 Mary, bastard d. of Mary Barret, Barwick, Pauper, [bp.] Mar. 11 James, son of James Goodall, Barnbow, collier, from Joseph and Mary Goodall, Barnbow, and of Ellin Goodall, from William and Easter Hodgson, Barnbow, [bn.] Feb. 13, [bp.] Mar. 25 William, son of John Connell, Barwick, Farmer, from Anthoney and Sarah Connell, Halton, and of Sarah Connell, from Samuel and Hannah Farrah, Bramley, [bn.] Jan. 5, [bp.] Apr. 1 Sarah, d. of Thomas Collet, Brownmor, wright, from William and Elizabeth Collet, Kippax, and of Ann Collet, from Matthew and Mary Wilson, Halton, [bn.] March 12, [bp.] Apr. 8 Mary, d. of William Robshaw, Barwick, Lab r , from Thomas & Catherine Robshaw, Barwick, and of Alice Robshaw, from William and Margret Rothmell, Knazebrough, [bn.] Apr. 25, [bp.] May 27 Joseph, son of Thomas Armatage, Winmoor, collier, from Joseph and Elizabeth Armatage, Purston, and of Mary Armatage, from John and Judith Carling, Garforth, [bn.] May 29, [bp.] June 24 Robert Bentley Brooke, son of Richard Brooke, Scholes, Major, from James and Mary Brooke, Killinbeck, and of Frances Brook, from Richard and Frances Brook, York, [bn.] May 25, [bp.] June 29 Thomas, son of Luke Dawson, Barnbow, Farmer, from Richard and Mary Dawson, Garforth, and of Ann Dawson, from William and Sarah Pease, Garforth, [bn.] May 28, [bp.] July 8 Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Hewitt, Barwick, collier, [bp.] June 5 William, son of William Jowet, Barwick, Lab r , from William and BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 315 Susannah Jowet, Shadwell, and of Alice Jowet, from John and Elisabeth Dungwith, Barwick, [bn.] June 27, [bp.] July 22 Elianor, d. of Jonothan Taylor, Stanks, collier, from Gabril and Mary Tayler, Storton, and of Ellin Tayler, from William and Mary Jefray, Tholthorp, [bn.] July 6, [bp.] July 29 Mary, d. of John Liley, Barwick, Lab r , [bp.] Aug. 2 George, son of Gregory Lofthouse, Potterton, Labourer, from Mark and Marth Lofthouse, Netherton, and of Elizabeth Lofthouse, from John and Abigal Hisot, Brodsworth, [bn.] June IX, [bp.] Aug. 12 Thomas, son of Francis Linley, Hiltop, Lab r , from William and Mary Linley, Seacroft, and of Sarah Linley, from Thomas and Ann Baley, Hiltop, [bn.] Aug. 10, [bp.] Sept. 2 Ann, d. of George Hill, Winmoor, farmer, from Joseph and Hannah Hill, Winmoor, and of Elizabeth Hill, from John and Ann Deane, Winmoor, [bn.] July 30, [bp.] Sept. 2 Thomas, son of Joseph Simpson, Brownmoor, collier, from Samuel and Cressey Simpson, Barnbob, and of Sarah Simpson, from Henry and Sarah Clarkson, Abberford, [bn.] Aug. 26, [bp.] Sept. 23 Jane, d. of William Richardson, Potterton, Shoemaker, from Luke and Elizabeth Richardson, Potterton, and of Mary Richardson, from John and Mary Richardson, Wortley, [bn.] Sept. 9, [bp.] Oct. 5 Elizabeth, d. of John Burrow, Roundhay, from William & Thomas Burrow, Roundhay, and of Sarah Burrow, from Edward and Elizabeth Monks, Barwick, [bn.] Sept. 14, [bp]. Nov. 4 Mary, bastard d. of Sarah Lunn, Brownmoor, [bp.] Dec. 2 John, son of John Hewitt, Barwick, Collier, from Thomas & Elizabeth Hewitt, Barwick, and of Elizabeth Hewitt, from Robert & Elizabeth Barton, Barwick, [bn.] Oct. 26, [bp.] Dec. 9 Rebecca, d. of Jerimiah Lumb, Stockhill, farmer, from Thomas and Hannah Lumb, Stockhill, and of Elianor Lumb, from Robert and Mary Vevers, Potterton, [bn.] Nov. 25, [bp.] Dec. 23 John, son of Mark Lofthouse, Potterton, farmer, from Mark & Martha Lofthouse, Netherton, and of Charlotta Lofthouse, from William & Dorotha Sinyard, Brotherton, [bn.] Nov. 2, [bp.] Dec. 25 Thomas, son of John Mackontrout, Barwick, Lab*., from John & Ann Mackontrout, Kippax, and of Martha Mackontrout, from Miles and Mary Ampshaw, Barwick, [bn.] Nov. 6, [bp.] Dec. 30 Hannah, d of James Thompson, Barwick, Lab r , from John & Hannah Thompson, Seacroft, and of Mary Thompson, from Joseph and Abigal Holmes, Barwick, [bn.] Nov. 30, [bp.] Dec. 30 Baptisms, 1788. John, son of George Dawgill, Barwick, Labourer, from George and Susannah Daugill, Calverley, and of Ann Dawgill, from John and Elizabeth Dungwith, Barwick, [bn.] Dec. 25, [bp.] Jan. 1 Sarah, d. of James Tillotson, Brownmoor, collier, from John and Ann Tillotson, Garforth, and of Sarah Tillotson, from John and Mary Hewitt, Swillington, [bn.] Dec. 22, [bp.] Jan. 27 316 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. Cilicia, d. of John Foster, Barwick, Labourer, from Thomas & Eliza- beth Foster, Sherburn, and of Sarah Foster, from Benjamin and Susannah Watson, Barwick, [bn.] Jan. i, [bp.] Jan. 27 Jonothan, son of Benjamin Bell, Scholes, Labourer, from Jonothan & Ann Bell, Barnbow, and of Frances Bell, from Thomas & Margret Burwell, Leeds, [bn.] Jan. 4, [bp.] Feb. 24 Abia, d. of Thomas Lowriman, Ingine, Collier, from Richard & Sarah Lowreman, Garforth, and of Mary Lowreman, from James & Mary Tillotson, Ingine, [bn.] Feb. 6, [bp.] Mar. 16 Richard, son of John Tillotson, Garforth moor, collier, from John & Ann Tillotson, Garforth, and of Margret Tillotson, from Thomas and Elizabeth Hewitt, Barwick, [bn.] Feb. 15, [bp.] Mar. 23 Mary, d. of John Wright, Whinmoor, Labourer, [bn.] Feb. 22, [bp.] March 23 Grace, d. of William Bell, Hiltop, Lab r , from William & Mary Bell, Hiltop, and of Sarah Bell, from Thomas and Sarah Shilburn, Seacroft, [bn.] Feb. 1, [bp.] Mar. 23 Hannah, d. of Thomas Goodall, Ingine, Collier, from William & Elizabeth Goodall, Garforth, and of Ann Goodall, from John and Ann Tillotson, Garforth, [bn.] Mar. 16, [bp.] Apr. 13 Mary, d. of John Brogden, Woodhouse, Farmer, from Edward and Ann Brogdin, Rigton, and of Sarah Brogden, from Samuel and Mary Marshall, Rawden, [bn.] March 14, [bp.] April 13 James, son of David Heaton, Barwick, Farmer, from James & Rosse Heaton, West Hardsley, and of Maria Heaton, from Joseph and Mary Bullock, Barwick, [bn.] Mar. 30, [bp.] May 11 Sarah, d. of William Watson, Barwick, weelwright, from Benjamin & Susannah Watson, Barwick, and of Jane Watson, from Jane Barker, Garforth, [bn.] April 17, [bp.] May 11 Ann, d. of William Knapton, Barwick, Blacksmith, from William and Sarah Knapton, Barwick, and of Sarah Knapton, from William and Mary Lumb, Barwick, [bn.] April 5, [bp.] May 13 William, son of James Barker, Winmoor, Labourer, from William and Frances Barker, Winmoor, and of Frances Barker, from William and Elizabeth Morritt, Coulton, [bn.] Apr. 6, [bp.] May 18 Benjamin, son of Benjamin Eamonson, Lazincroft, from Peter and Elianor Eamonson, Roundhay, and of Elianor Eamonson, from Joseph and Elianor Powell, Bramham, [bn.] May 5, [bp.] June 4 John, son of Jonathan Richardson, Winmoor, Lab r , from James & Sarah Richardson, Moor-Town, and of Mary Richardson, from John and Sarah Prince, Seacroft, [bn.] May 31, [bp.] July 13 George, son of Thomas Tilney, Scholes, Mason, from Nicolas and Sarah Tilney, Ingine, and of Sarah Tilney, from Thomas & Mary Haley, Scholes, [bn.] June 7, [bp.] July 27 Sarah, d. of Joseph Cauthorn, Barwick, from Benjamin and Elizabeth Cawthorn, Brittain, and of Ann Cauthorn, from John and Sarah Dickinson, Barwick, [bp.] Aug. 3 John, son of James Lowrance, Winmoor, from George and-Pations Lowrance, Wetherby, and of Ellin Lowrance, from John and Ann Stanbank, Windgate hill, [bn.] July 14, [bp.] Aug. 16 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 317 Sarah, d. of John Benton, Stanks, from Thomas and Margret Benton, Garforth, and of Milly Benton, from David and Ellin Hirst, Pogmoor, [bn.] Aug. 13, [bp.] Aug. 31 Benjamin, son of Joseph Simpson, Brownmoor, from Samuel and Chrissey Simpson, Barnbow, and of Sarah Simpson, from Henrey and Sarah Clarkson, Aberford, [bn.] Aug. 7, [bp.] Sept. 7 Jane, d. of Renton Haist, Barwick, from Mary Haist, Barwick, and of Sarah Haist, from William and Ann Ward. Barwick, [bn.] August 12, [bp.] Sept. 14 MARRIAGES, 1738. Henry Slaytor, collier, & Elizabeth Parker, spinster, both of this parish, marry' d May y e 22 d Thomas Thompson and Susannah Shepherd, both of this parish, were marry'd November 14 th Thomas Simpson of this parish, Husbandman, & Mary Ainsley of the parish of Leeds, spinster, were marry'd by Licence Decemb. 26 [The words " were marry'd " are omitted hereafter .] 1739, Marriages. Samuel Haist of Barwick, Husbandman, and Rebekah Clough of Barwick, spinster July y e 23 d Jeremy Booth, Lab r , & Mary Bolton, spinster, both of this parish, July y e 25 th John Abbot, butcher, & Mary Mead, both of this parish, July y e 29 th William Burton of Barwick, husbandman, and Alice Dungwith, Aug.i Thomas Taite of Barwick, Mason, & Hannah Westerman of Barwick, spinster, Sept r 3 d Tho. Batty of Barwick, shoemaker, & Ann Cook of Barwick, spinster, Nov 8 th Thomas Goodal of the parish of Whitkirk, Lab 1 , and Elizabeth Upton of this parish, Nov r y e 29 th 1740, Marriages. John Wood of Abberford, pinner, & Ellen Balmer of this parish, spinster, April y e 7 th Thomas Thornton & Ann Parker, both of this parish, Aug 1 17 th Abraham Dodgson of the parish of Kippax, & Hannah Wright of this parish, Aug 1 18 th Richard Varley of Barwick, Husbandman, and Ann Graveley, w w , October 7 th Thomas Warbutton of West Aukland in the county of Durham, & Rebekah Jackson of Pannel, in the county of York, by Licence, October y e 25 th Richard Burland of Barwick, Webster, & Dorothy Evers of the parish of Sherburn, Nov. 13 th Peter Eamonson, yeoman, & Elizabeth Eamonson, spinster, both of this parish, by License, January y e 28 th Richard Shackleton of Potterton, Tanner, & Mary Dawson of Bar- wick, spinster, Febry y e 10 th 1741, Marriages. John Settle & Elizabeth Bradeley, both of this parish, y e 18 th of May 318 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. William Knapton of Barwick, Blacksmith, & Sarah Graveley of Barw k , by License, August y e I st Thomas Whitehead & Hannah Day, both of this parish, Nov. 12 th William Bywater of Thorner & Mary Popplewell of this par., Nov. 23 d William Butler of the parish of Whitkirk & Mary Johnson of this parish, Decemb. 14 th William Thompson of the parish of Spoforth & Hannah Maud of this parish, February y e 28 th 1742 Marriages. John Wainman of the parish of Leeds & Dorothy Lumb of this parish, June y e 14 th William Tipling & Hannah Wright, both of this parish, Aug 1 22 d Joseph Braim of the parish of Methley, Joyner, & Sarah Knapton of this parish, August 30 th William Abbot & Catherine Fearnelagh, both of this parish, Oct. 25 William Coates of the parish of Hunsingore & Sarah Atkinson of this parish, December y e 22 d Richard Townsley of Castleford & Elizabeth Anderson of this parish, December y e 23 d Marriages, 1743. William Norton & Alice Burton, both of this parish, June y 6 2 d John Atkinson & Mary Smith, both of this parish, y e 12 th day of June Joseph Outhwaite & Ann Ambler, both of this parish, July 3 d Richard Wilcock and Mary Abbot, both of this par., y e 31 st day of Oct. John Logg & Ann Lambert, both of this parish, Nov r 9 th John Backhouse of the parish of Brotherton, & Hannah Wilcock of this parish, Febry. 6 th Marriages, 1744. Miles Hampshaw and Mary Braim, both of this parish, July 9 th Joseph Hudson and Ann Walker, both of this parish, July 29 th Anthony Green and Ann Hudson, both of this parish, Novemb r 3^ 25 George Stead of the parish of Newton and Jane Forster of Clifford, by License, December y e 29 th Marriage, 1745. John Marshal & Esther Atkinson, both of this parish, April 25 th Marriages, 1746. *John Atkinson of Leeds, Esq., & M rs Priscilla Vevers, by Licence, October y e 3 d Christopher Dickinson & Fanney Dixon, both of this parish, Nov r 13 th Henry Paver of the Parish of Sherburn, & Ann Braim of this Parish, December y e 10 th 1747, Marriages. Robert Smith and Mary Renton, both of Barwick, May y e 13 th Francis Wilson and Ann Jackson, both of this parish, July 27 th William Dickinson & Alice Outhwaite, both of this parish, August 9 th Thomas Turr and Esther Clayburn, both of this parish, October y e I st Henry Smith and Margret Braithwaite, both of this par., Dec. y e 21 st Marriages, 1748. William Barker & Frances Addyman, both of this parish, May y 6 9 th See Piatt & Morkill's Whitkirk, p. 97. BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 319 John Pickering and Sarah Whitehead, both of this parish, July 28 th Thomas Popplewell & Elizabeth Johnson, both of this par., Sept. 29 th William Morritt & Ann Butler, both of this parish, Nov. 13 th Joshua Cawood & Elizabeth Higginbottom, both of this par., Nov. 15 John Holiday of y e par. of Selby & Mary Brown of this par., Dec r 13 th Joseph Carbutt & Ann Jakeman, both in this parish, Dec r 25 th Joseph Strodder & Mary Atkinson, both of this parish, Jan. y e 17 th John Laycon of y parish of Leeds & Mary Outerbridge of this parish, Feb. 2 d Isaac Barker & Ann Wood, both of this parish, Feb. y e 13 th Marriages, 1749. Robert Jefferson & Ann Toppin, both in this parish, April y e 10 th Thomas Taylor of y e parish of Leeds & Mary Settle of this parish, August y e first Benjamin Woodhead of y e parish of Ackworth, and Abigail Jowett of this parish, November y e second Christopher Varey & Martha Smith, both of this parish, Nov. 5^ 21 st Jonathan Hopwood of y e parish of St. Peters, York, & Marg 1 Batty of y* 5 parish of Whit Church, December ye 3 rd , by License James Perkin & Ann Smith, both of this parish, December y e 24 th Matthew Upton & Ann Taite, both in this parish, Feb? y e 5 th Tho s Pouter in y e parish of Bardsey & Eliz. Smith of this par., Feb. 26 John Appleyard in y 6 parish of Kirby Wharf & Sarah Chapman of this parish, Feb? y e 26 th Marriages, 1750. William Cowper & Jane Dickinson, both of this parish, April y e 16 th Thomas Teasdale and Marget Swinglehorss, both of this par., May I st Samuel Nickleson in the parish of Sherburn & Jane Preston in this parish, May y e 13 th Hearsey Morton & Ann Smith, both of this parish, May y e 16 th William Booth & Mary Hague, both of this parish, Novemb r the 6 th Robert Gibson of the parish of Sherburn & Ellen Lofthouse of this parish, Novemb 1 y e 7 th James Lun & Elizabeth Walker, both of this parish, November y e 11 th William Brown & Frances Dean, both of this parish, November y e 14 John Orton & Elisabeth Binns, both of this parish, December the 3 d Abraham Wormhill of this parish & Cressy Shirkley of the parish of Batley, February the 3 d Marriages, 1751. John Knubley of the Parish of Leeds and Eliz. Dawson of this parish, married by Licence, Aprill the 10 th Mark Sawer & Ann Hope both of this parish, Aprill the 14 th Jonathan Park of the parish of Leeds and Mary Hargraves of this parish, May the I st John Dungwith and Elisabeth Smith, both of this parish, May 24 th William Bannister and Sarah Moorhouse, both of this parish, July 28 Thomas Crofts of the parish of Whitchurch and Rebecca Wilcock of this parish, Septemb r the 19 th John Hackshup of the parish of Fenton & Jane Hopwood of this parish, by Licence, Oct r the 9 th 320 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. Major Dickinson and Mary Hudson, both of this parish, October 21 st Richard Nelson of the parish of Leeds & Ellen Dixon of this parish, Novemb r the 11 th Will m Goodhall of the parish of Garforth and Eliz. Hardwicke of this parish, November the 24 th William Walker & Hannah Robinson, both of this parish, Dec. 15 th Marriages, 1752. Edward Day & Mary Robinson, both of this parish, July 26 th George Lumley of Leeds, Gent., & Susanna Maud of Wakefield, spinster, married by Licence, August the 9 th John Wetherhead of the parish of Abberford and Frances Dickinson of this parish, August the 24 th John Colturd & Sarah Lutey, both of this parish, August the 31 st Samuel Braim and Sarah Tate, both of this parish, October the 9 th Marriages, 1753. David Buchan of the parish of Thorner and Mary Yates of this parish, Aprill 23 rd Mark Poskitt of this parish, and Ann Felwell of the parish of Wistow, married by Licence, May the 8 th John Tillison and Ann Dean, both of this parish, May the 28 th Richard Jackson and Susanna Lumb, both of this parish, May 29 th John Walker of the parish of Sexton & Elisabeth Knap ton of this parish, Novemb r y e 19 th Stephen Sharp and Mary Clarkson, both of this parish, Novemb r 27 th William Stancliff & Mary Holmes, both of this parish, Dec. the 12 th John Tate & Sarah Whitehead, both of this parish, December the 20 th Marriage, 1754. Richard Braim and Susanna Waite, both of this parish, Feb. the 10 th BURIALS, 1738. Mathew Watkinson of Garforth moorside, Butcher, bury'd May y e 7 th Timothy, son of Tim Turnpenny of Winmoor, Lab r , bury'd May 22 d John Dungwith of Barwick, Lab r , bury'd June 11 th Rachel, daug r of John Atkinson of Barwick, webster, bury'd June 14 Mary, wife of Gervas Harrison of Barwick, Lab r , bury'd July 3 d Geo. Wilcock of Garforth moorside, Collier, bury'd July y e 19 th Mary, wife of John Kirkham of Barnbow, husbandman, bury'd Aug 1 y e 6 th Geo., son of Francis Holmes of Barwick, Yeoman, bury'd Sept. y e 21 st W m Vevers, late of Mawrick, Gent., bury'd Octob r 20 th Peggy, daug r of Benjamin Haist of Barwick, Yeoman, Jan. 12 th Nathan Wright of Winmoor, Yeoman, bury'd Jan'ry 25 th Mary, wife of William Pattison of Kidhall lane end, bury'd Feb. y e I st Mary, daug r of John Taite of Barwick, Mason, bury'd Febr'y 4 th George, son of Geo: Watson of Barwick, Lab r , bury'd Febr'y 4 th Hannah, y e daug r of Robert Land of Cross Gates, Collier, bury'd Febr'y 13 th Rob 1 Goodal of Brownmoor, collier, bury'd Febr'y 14 th W m Holmes of Roundhay, husbandman, bury'd Febr'y 14 th W m Hebden of Barwick, pipemaker, bury'd Febr'y 14 th Mary Ball of Potterton, bury'd March 18 th See Hunter's Familia Minorum Gentium. Harldan Society, p. 622. BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 321 Jane Brown of Winmoor, bury'd March 21 st I 739 Burials. Thomas Norfolk of Potterton, April y e 14 th Edward Maxfield of Potterton, Husbandman, April y 6 7 th Grace Ambler, a poor woman of Winmoor, April 29 th Eliz., the wife of Richard Slaytor of Winmoor, Lab r , May 6 th Thomas, son of Thomas Braim of Barnbow Carr, Carpenter, May y e 7 Ann, y e daug r of Richard Lazenby of Penwel, Lab r , May y e 23 d Ann, the daug r of Geo. Smith of Barwick, Lab r , May 24 th Sarah, the daug r of Geo. Smith of Barwick, Lab r , May 31 st Dorothy Eastburn of Winmoor, July y e 8 th John, the son of Rob 1 Appleyard of Scholes, July y e 9 th Michael Graveley of Barwick, Yeoman, July y 6 28 th Frances, the daug r of Mark Robinson of Potterton, husbandman, Sept r 5 th Ann Tinsdale of Barwick, Sept. 6 th John, son of Mark Robinson of Potterton, husbandman, Sept. y e 9 th Jane, the daug r of Tho. Smith of Potterton, husbandman, Octob. y e 3 Thomas, son of Mark Robinson of Pott., husbandman, October 15 th Sarah Sharp of Barnbow Carr, Lab r , January y e 2 d Alice Harper of Barwick, Widow, Febr'y 16 Michael Sharp of Barnbow Carr, Lab r , Febr'y 23 d Mary Rounthwaite of Scholes, Febr'y 23 d *The Rev d Henry Felton, Doct r of Divinity, Rect r of Barwick in Elmet, March y e 5 th Thomas Thompson of Garforth moor, Collier, March y e 7 th Mary, wife of William Abbot of Barwick, husbandman March y e 14 th Ann, the daug r of Adam Fleming of Turrylug-gate, husbandman, Mar. 17 th 1740, Burials. William Carbot of Potterton, Lab r , April y e 8 th Thomas Haist of Kidhall Lane-end, April y e 8 th Daniel Germain of Barwick, Shoemaker, April y e 19 th Elizabeth Jordan of Garforth-moor, April y e 29 th Mary, wife of Samuel Donwell of Barwick, Taylor, May y e 2 d Ann, the daug r of James Bullock of Barwick, Mason, May y e 11 th Thomas Morrit of Stanks, collier, July y e 26 th James, the son of Thomas Collet of Barwick, Butcher, October y e 9 th Joseph, the son of Richard Slaytor of Penwel, Lab r , December y e 18 th John, son of John Atkinson of Scholes, Lab r , December y 18 th Jane, the wife of William Calvert of Stockhill, Husbandman Jan. 4 th William Johnson of Scholes, Husbandman, Febr'y y e 27 th Gabriel, the son of Gabriel Taylor of Barnbow, Lab r , March 4 th 1741, Burials. John Appleyard of Scholes, April 19 th Mary Gayton of Winmoor, Apl. 29 th Henry Felton (1679-1740) M.A., 1702, domestic chaplain to the three dukes of Rutland; D.D., 1712 ; controverted Locke's theory of personality and identity, 1725. Dictionary of National Biography. In the Account of Robert Smith, Churchwarden for the year 1 737 : " Ringing for Madam Felton when she came 10; Candles at the same time 2." She was buried at Barwick, 10 Feb., 17378. He was Rector, 17361740. BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. Katherine Donwel of Barwick, July 20 th John Hall, a poor man from Turry-Lugg-gate Aug 1 23 d Joseph, the son of Joseph Stephenson of Winmoor, Lab r , Sept. I st Richard, the bastard child of Elizabeth Bell of Barwick, Sept r 7 th John Saynor of Grimesdike, husbandman, Octob r 19 th Ann, the daug r of Gabriel Taylor of Barnbow, Nov r I st Ann, the wife of Michael Settle of Barwick, Lab r , Nov r 12 th Mary, the wife of Thomas Whitehead of Barwick, Husbandman Nov r 28 th John Abbot of Barwick, Nov r 29 th Eliz h , wife of John Upton of Morwick, Decemb. y e 5 th Robert Knapton of Barwick, blacksmith, December y e 29 th Mally, y e daughter of Benjamin Rawden of Barwick, Lab r , Dec. y e 29 Moses & Aaron, sons of William Reedal of Mawrick, Lab r , Jan'ry 25 th John Upton of Morwick, Febr'y 13 th Rob 4 Fenton of Potterton, Febr'y 27 th Rebekah, the daughter of Samuel Haist of Barwick, March y e I st John Slaytor of Winmoor, March 8 th Margaret Beedal of Scholes, March 12 th 1742, Burials. William, the son of Joseph Dickinson of Barwick, Lab r , June I st Matthew, the son of James Westerholm of Brownmoor, bricklayer, June 22 d David, the son of David Wright of Stanks, Lab r , June 27 th Samuel, the son of James Robinson of Barwick, Lab r , June 28 th Ann, the wife of Joseph Beck of Stanks, July 9 th James, the son of Henry Donwel of Winmoor, Aug 1 11 th William Slaytor of Barwick, Aug* 28 th William Dibb of Kirkby, Aug 1 29 th Rosamond, the wife of Joseph Tailford of Barwick, September y e 8 th Matthew, the son of [blank] Jordan of Garforth moor, October 11 th Martha, the daughter of David Wright of Stanks, Lab r , Octob r 20 th John Wood of Winmoor, shoemaker, Nov r 13 th William, the son of Richard Cook late of Stanks, Nov r y e 28 th Alexander Thompson of Barnbow, December y e 23 rd John, son of Thomas Popplewel of Winmoor, February y e 6 th Richard Braim of Barwick, Febr'y 13 th Eliz a , wife of John Thompson of Garforth, Febr'y 22 William Burton of Barwick, Febr'y 23 d Burials, 1743. Robert Dodgson of Barw k , Ap 1 15 th Ann, the daughter of John Mountain, Ap 1 23 d George Haist of Barw k , Ap 1 25 th Samuel Haist of Barwick, April 26 th Ann Dodgson of Barwick, May I st Mary, the wife of Tho s Atkinson, May 15 th Ann, the wife of Joseph Dickinson, May 15 Eliz a , the wife of Tho s Whitehead, June 8 th M rs Ann Vevers of Scholes, widow, June y e 24 th Jeremy Booth of Barwick, July y e 5 th BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 323 Elizabeth, dau. of Sarah Whitaker a travailing woman, July y e 6 th Esther Thorns of Barwick, Sept 1 12 th Thomas, the son of Thomas Thompson of Garforth moor side, Sep. 30 William, the son of John Wood of Barw k , November 17 th Adam, the son of Adam Fleming of Turry-lug-gate, December 3 d Elizabeth, the wife of Adam Fleming of Turrylug-gate, December 15 th John Atkinson of Winmoor, Janr'y 8 th Elizabeth, the daughter of Joseph Dickinson of Barwick, Febr'y 20 th Burials, 1744. Alice, the d. of M r William Eamonson of Lazincroft, April y e 9 th Mary Akaster of Parlington, April 22 d Ann, the daughter of John Taite of Barwick, May I st William Taite of Scholes, May y e 12 th Thomas, son of Thomas Jackson of Scholes, June 13 th Joseph, son of Joseph Outhwaite, June 20 th John Logg, son of John Logg, Aug* 27 th Martin, son of Martin Hanshaw of Barw k , Dec 25 th Joseph Lamb of Hubberley, January y e 12 th John Appleyard of Barwick, Janu r y 22 th M r William Vevers of Scholes, Feb'y 4 th Richard, son of Richard Wilcock of Barwick, Febr'y y e 28 th Burials, 1745. Mary Taylor of Barnbow, April 23 d George Smith of Barwick, May y e 21 st Samuel Wright from York, June I st Michael, son of William Gough, Potter, Aug 1 10 th Lucy, d. of Thomas Thompson of Garforth moorside, August 24 th [blank] of John Robinson of Garforth moorside, September y e 26 th Henry Holmes, October y e 8 th Joseph Batty of Scholes, Lab r , October y e 10 th Ellen Dickinson of Winmoor, October y e 13 th Mary Pattinson of Kidhill lane End, October 17 th John, son of Richard Varley of Barwick, 8ber 21 st [blank] daughter of Joseph Broadbent of Stankhouse November y e Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Knapton of Barwick, Carpenter, Nov. 3 d George Clarkson, December y e 6 th Robert Doughty of Barwick, December y e 7 th Mary, wife of Thomas Taylor of Potterton, December y e 31 st Agnes, y e wife of Joseph Brown of Roundhay, January y e 24 th Hannah, daughter of Samuel Malkil of Brownmoor, Jan'y 30 th Johanna Bullock of Barwick, Feb'y 23 d Sarah, daughter of Thomas Collet of Barwick, March y** 20 th John Johnson of the Hill Top, March 21 st Burials, 1746. Betty, daughter of Thomas Collet of Barw k , March 26 th Hannah, daughter of Thomas Benton of Garforth, Ap 1 5 th Robert Brown of Barnbow, April y e 8 th Sarah, daughter of Joseph Stephenson of Crossgates, April 13 th William Pattinson of Kidhall, May ye I st Thomas Jackson of Scholes, May 13 th 324 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. J Margret, wife of James Strodder of Barwick, June I st William Lambert of Winmoor, June 16 th Sarah Taylor of Barwick, July 24 th Ann, the daughter of Thomas Lumb of Stockhil, August y e 12 th Samuel, son of Richard Haist of Barwick, August y e 14 th Thomas, son of Richard Burland of Barwick, September y* 5 3 d Ann, daughter of Matthew Golden of Barwick, September y e 6 th Richard, son of George Smith of Barwick, September y e 11 th Ann, the wife of Thomas Popplewell of Winmoor, October 12 th Bridget, the Bastard child of Jane Hopwood of Barwick, October 13 th Peggy, y e daughter of Thomas Benton of Garforth moor, October 16 th Richard, son of Richard Burland of Barwick, October y e 25 th Lucy, d. of Thomas Thompson of Garforth moor, November 22 d Agnes, daughter of Joseph Holmes of Barwick, December y e 6 th Thomas, son of John Thompson of Garforth moor, January y e 3 d Burials, 1747. Frances Burdsal of Scholes, April 21 st , 1747 Elizabeth Ellis of Barwick, April 25 th John, son of Matthew Watson of Barwick, May 10 th Sarah, daug r of Thomas Robshaw of Barw k , May y e 12 th Mary Johnson of Penwel, May 17 th Ellen, wife of Francis Wilson of Stanks, May y e 26 th Mark, son of Thomas Lightfoot of Brownmoor, Lab r , June y e 24 th Thomas, son of Thomas Wood of Brownmoor, July 13 th William & Jeremiah, sons of Christopher Scot of Barnbow, July 20 th Sarah, daughter of Robert Whitehead of Barwick, August 9 th Christopher Dickinson of Barwick, slain in the Quarry, bury'd Sep. 6 Lydia Massey of Barwick, Sept r 18 th William the [son of] John Logg of Scholes, September 21 st Mary, d. of John Robinson of Garforth-moor-side, Septemb. 30 th Elizabeth, daug r of John Waite, Nov r 9 th Joseph Tailford of Barwick, Dec 1 y e 15 th Elizabeth, the daughter of James Lambert of Winmoor, February 18 George Thompson of Scholes, Febr'y 25 th Roger, son of Roger Bell of Barwick, March 2 d Burials, 1748. Thomas Smith of Potterton, Ap 1 10 th Isabella, daug r of Robert Barton of Barw k , May 6 th Ann Thompson of Barnbow, July 15 th John Atkinson of Barnbow, July 27 th Mary, daught r of William Tomlin of Garforth Moor, August 14 th Thomas Jackson, Clerk and Schoolmaster of this parish, August 16 th Sarah, wife of Isaac Barker of Winmoor, Sept r 10 th Thomas Knapton, Nov r I st Deborah Appleyard, widow from Scholes, Nov r 23 d Joseph Dickinson of Barwick, Labourer, Jan. 8 th Mary, the daughter of Matthew Tipling of Stanks, January 22 nd Sarah, the wife of John Hemsworth of Potterton, Febry y e 12 th Burials, 1749. Samuel Liversiege of Barwick, April y* 11 th BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER 325 Mary, wife of M r William Steel of Roundhay, April y e 15 th Elizabeth, wife of Charles Lawton of Skelmonthorp in y e parish of Embley, April y e 28 *M r Will" 1 Harper, Rector of Barwick, May y e 16 th , 1749 Richard, son of Will m Knapton of Barwick, Blacksmith, May y e 18 th Esther, wife of John Marshal of Barwick, July y e 9 th John, son of John Daniel of Potterton, July y e 25 th William, son of William Barker of Shippen, Sept. 19, 1749 Michael Settle of Barwick, October y e 25 th Burials, 1750. Ann, y e wife of Isaac Barker of Winmoor, June y e 2 nd Mary, y 6 wife of Jerry Bolton of Barwick, June y** 5 th Mary, y e wife of Rich d Wood of Potterton, June y e 13 th Grace Eamonson of Barwick, widow, June y e 16 th Ellen Jackson of Scholes, widow, June y e 24 th William, son of William Waite of Barwick, July y e 25 th John Thompson of Barnbow, August y e I st Mary, y e wife of Edward Batty of Barwick, October y e 2 d Thomas, the son of William Lumb of Barwick, Octob r y e 5 th Jeremiah Bolton of Barwick, November the 11 th Elizabeth Appleyard of Barwick, January the 27 th Mary, the d. of Robert Simpson of Barwick, February the 11 th John, the son of Luke Richardson of Potterton, March the 6 th Burials, 1751. John Moorhouse of Kiddal-Lane, Aprill the 28 th Elisabeth, the wife of Matthew Norton of Roundhay, June the 5 th Margaret, the wife of John Jordan of Scholes, July y e 5 th Isaac Barker of Winmoor, July the 19 th Elisabeth, the wife of William Burland of Barwick, July the 23 d John Hudson of Roundhay, September the 2 d Richard Johnson of Barnbow, September the 12 th Alice, the wife of Will m Eamonson from Austrop in the parish of Whitchurch, September y* 17 th Ann, the daughter of Joseph Bullock of Barwick, Octob r 4 th John Wood of Barwick, October the 27 th Elisabeth Dodgson of Potterton, December the 10 th Elisabeth, the wife of Benj. Haist of Barwick, January the 5 th Ann, the wife of Hearsy Morton of Barwick, February y e I st Ann, the wife of Michael Eastburn of Winmoor, February the 2 d Mary Shenton of Barwick, wid., February the 12 th Ann Collett, widow, of Barwick, March the 22 d Burials, 1752. Garvas Harrison, of Barwick, Aprill the 19 th Elisabeth, the d. of Abraham Baite of Potterton, Aprill the 19 th Thomas Wood of Brownmoor, May the 5 th Mearsy, the wife of John Robinson of Winmoor stile, May 7 th Joseph, the son of Thomas Taylor of Barwick, June the 6 th Mary, the daughter of Thomas Tate of Barwick, June the 11 th Sarah, the daughter of Thomas Tate of Barwick, June the 12 th * Rector 1740-49. St. John's Coll., Cam., B.A. 1732, M.A. 1749. 326 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. Mary, the daughter of Joseph Holmes of Barwick, June the 21 st William the son of Will m Slay tor of Barwick, July the I st Hannah, the daughter of Joseph Bullock of Barwick, July 12 th Benjamin, the son of John Bramley of Potterton Lane, August the 22 Sarah Dodgson, widow of Roundhay, Octob r the 22 d Eleanor, the daughter of M r William Eamonson of Austhroph Hall in the parish of Whitchurch, November the 17 th Burials, 1753. Jonah, the son of Samuel Malkin of Brown-moor, January y e 6 th Ann, the d. of Will m Knap ton, blacksmith of Barwick, January the 14 Sarah Pease, widow, of Grimes-dike, January the 15 th Ann Hebden, widow, of Barwick, April the 14 th Sarah, the daughter of Roger Bell of Barwick, May the 5 th Alice, the daught r of Roger Bell of Barwick, May the 6 th Christopher Bustard of Barwick, May the 17 th Francis Chapman of Brownmoor, May the 21 st William, the son of William Ward of Winmoor, June 9 th William Hardy of Scholes, June the 26 th Peter, the son of Jn Thompson of Garforth-moor, July 5 th Ann, the wife of John Waite of Barwick, July the 22 d Benjamin Haist of Barwick, July the 24 th Hannah, the d. of James Worstman of Brown-moor, August the 4 th Mary, the wife of Benjamin Rawlinson of Barwick, August the 6 th James Bullock of Barwick, August the 7 th Ann, the wife of the above James Bullock, August 9 th Martha, the wife of Will m Lumb of Barwick, August 11 th Richard Waite of Barwick, August the 15 th *Richard Lumb of Barwick, September the 3 d Thomas Ball of Potterton, September the 14 th John Thompson of Garforth Moor, October the 25 th Martin Whitehead of Garforth moor, November the 28 th William Lamb of Scholes, November the 30 th Isaac Hall of Kiddal-lane end, December the 18 Burials, 1754. Jane, the wife of Will m Cooper of Barwick, January 16 William Clark of Barwick, January the 31 st Susanna, the wife of George Watson of Potterton, Feb? 10 th Mary Newby, widow, of Barwick, March the 4 th Mary, the wife of Sam 1 Robinson of Garforth moor, April 23 d Richard Holmes of Roundhay, May the 2 d Mark Robinson of Potterton, May the 3 d * He was probably the son of Richard Lumb of Barwick [? 1659-1729], being baptized there 14 August, 1692, and registered " Edward," of which name there is afterwards no record. His first wife Margaret [1695-1731] was a dau. of Jeremiah Ball of Barwick, and his second wife Anne [1693-1781] was a dau. of Richard Atkinson of Roundhay Park. His son Richard married Elizabeth dau. of William Carew. He was Constable, 1735, Overseer of the Poor, 1737, and Churchwarden, 1741-2, and he and his brother William [1704-1790] signed the minutes of a parish meeting held 10 May, 1747, here reproduced. A silver cream jug bearing his initials is still in the possession of a descendant. The occurrence of the name of Richard in the family is of some interest. In records of 1277- 1290. Richard Lomb of Lynn occurs, and in a subsidy of 1301 Richard Lom of Yafforth near Northallerton. In the Poll Tax for 1379, Richard Lome was taxed at Barwick-in-Elmet, and also Agnes and Alice Lome. In the Subsidy of 1598, Richard Lome of Wakefield paid 8/-, and in more recent times Richard Lumb [1726-1807], a Wakefield merchant, resided there and at Ackton Hall near Pontefract. BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 327 Mary, the wife of Jn Daniel of Potterton, May the 9 th Widow Dolphin of Garforth moor, May the 22 d Mary, the wife of Tho s Bean, Jun r , of Barwick July the 25 th Margaret Hodgson of Barwick, July the 31 st Elisabeth, the wife of John Tasker of Barwick, Aug st 28 th John, the son of Will m Knapton, Blacksmith, of Barwick, September the 19 th William Burland of Barwick, September the 22 d Susanna, the wife of Rich d Jackson of Barwick, September the 27 th Susanna, the daughter of Rich d Jackson of Barwick, Oct r 27 th Robert Pearson of Kidhall-lane-end, Novem r the 22 d Burials, 1755. Ruth, the d. of John Thompson of Garforth-moor, February the 21 st Joseph Binns of Winmoor, March the 16 th Will m , son of Will m Wright of Scholes, March the 23 d John Daniel of Potterton-lane, March 27 th Ann Brown of Winmoor, May 17 th Tho s , son of Will m Ward of Winmoor, June 22 d Hearsey Morton of Barwick, June 25 th Richard Clark of Barwick, July 9 th Ann, the wife of William Gough of Lazincroft, September the 9 th Will m Prince of Potterton, October 6 th Elisabeth, the wife of Thomas Popplewell of Winmoor-head, Oct. 19 th John Slay tor of Winmoor, October 21 st John, the son of John Walker of Sexton, December the 3 d Mary, the wife of Robert Simpson of Barwick, December the 5 th Robert Eliot of Barnbow-hall, Decem r 29 Burials, 1756. Ann, the wife of Richard Lazenby of Winmoor, January the 11 th 1756 William, the son of Robert Smith of Barwick, January the 15 th Susanna, the d. of W m Tomlinson of Garforth-moor, January the 22 d William Eamonson of Austrop in the parish of Whitchurch, Feb? I st Samuel Robinson of Garforth moor, February the 21 st Robert, the son of Robert Brown of Winmoor, February the 29 th Elisabeth Plumpton, of Frickley in the parish of Clayton, March I st Will m Bakehouse of Barwick, March the 5 th Benj. Ambler of Winmoor, March 11 th Agnes, the daughter of Jonathan Bell of Barnbow, March 27 th John Robinson of Winmoor stile, April the 22 d Hannah, the daughter of Benj . Rawlinson of Barwick, Aug st 25 th Alice, the daughter of Thomas Settle of Barwick, September the 2 d Mary, the wife of Edmund Popplewell of Winmoor-head, Septem r 13 James, the son of Peter Brumpton of Brown-moor, September the 16 Sarah, the wife of Matthew Jackson of Barwick, October the 12 th Betty, the d. of Abram Wormald of Barwick, December the 26 th Burials, 1757. Samuel Lumb of Stanks, January the 14 th Elisabeth, the wife of John Robinson of Garforth-moor, Jan. the 14 th Edmund, the son of Will m Crummock of Barwick, February the 7 th James, the son of Joseph Bullock of Barwick, April the 6 th 328 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. Joseph Lamb of Scholes, April the 24 th Elisabeth, the daughter of John Norton of Barwick, May the 2 d Jane, the wife of John Anderson of Winmoor head, May the 9 th Martha Tate, widow, May the 9 th Widow Slay tor of Barwick, July the 18 th Widow Bramley of Potter ton lane, July 19 th Ann, the daug r of Christopher Varey of Scholes, July the 24 th Will Dickinson of Barwick, Aug st 21 Timothy, the son of Will m Smith of Barwick, August the 22 d Will m Appleyard of Barwick, Septem r 9 th Will Butler of Scholes, October the 8 th Francis, the son of Will m Driver of Winmoor, November the 2 d Burials, 1758. John, the son of Benjamin Shillito of Scholes, January the I st Mary, the wife of John Atkinson of Barwick, January the 4 th Mary Colley of Winmoor, J any 26 th Tho s Bateson of Scholes, January the 31 st Ann Morritt of Barwick, February 6 th Abigail Danby of Barwick, February 15 th John Anderson of Winmoor, Feby the 23 d Margarett, the wife of Tho s Benton of Garforth-moor, March the 19 th Isaac, the son of Roger Bell of Barwick, March the 24 th Samuel, the son of Samuel Braim of Barwick, March the 31 st Roger, son of Roger Bell of Barwick, April the 11 th Thomas, son of Benjamin Braim of Barnbow Carr, April the 20 th Sarah, the daughter of William Calvert of Barwick, April the 26 th Isabella, the d. of James Brennand of Barwick, April the 29 th Will m Scott, of Barwick, May the 29 th Mary, the daughter of Thomas Tate of Barwick, May the 30 th Thomas & Mary, son and d. of W m Ward of Winmoor, June the 21 st Ann, the daughter of Benj n Stringer of Winmoor, July the 21 st Mary Brunton of Brownmoor, July 28 th Hannah, the wife of Matthew Tiplin of Stanks, July the 31 st Elizabeth Liversiege of Barwick, October the I st William Smith of Barwick, October the 8 th Ann, the daughter of Mich 1 Topham of Leeds, Nov r 29 th Burials, 1759. David Wright of Barnbow, January the 4 th , 1759 John Wray of Lazincroft, Feb. the 19 th Thus fare Posted and sent into the Court at York Hannah, the wife of Matthew Golden, July the 7 th James Horsefield, July the 22 th Margret and Mary, twins, daughters of John and Mary Bean of Barwick, shoem r , July the 26 th Mary, daughter of Tho s Whitehead, September the 9 th The Daughter of John Saynor of Winmoor, November the 9 th 1760. Richard, the son of Rich d Shippen of Stanks, Jan. the 25 Matthew Tipling of Stanks, February the 8 th William, the son of Stephen Vevers of Morwick, March the 8 th BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. A Militia Man who Dy'd on Winmoor, was buried March the 14 th Catharine Briggs, March the 22 d , but no Cerimony said over her Francis Wilson of Scholes (Labourer) May 12 th Robert Brown of Penwell, July 3 d Mary, d r of James & Ann Parkins of Barwick, Inf*, July 16 th John Tasker of Addle, Aug 1 I st John, son of John Bean of Barwick (shoemaker), Aug 1 8 th Alice, wife of John Bean of Barwick, Aug* 12 th Abraham, son of John Waite of Barwick (Tailor), Sep r 7 th John Hague of Barwick, October 21 st Samuel, son of Robert Simpson of Barwick, Labourer, Sep r 21 Sarah, d r of Robert Jefferson of Tadcaster, Nov r 7 th John, son of John Dickenson of Barwick, Labourer, Nov r 9 th Burials, 1761. Place Business Age Feby 7. Mary, wife of James Norton sen r of Berwick, Labourer, 66 17. Susanna Kirkham, Widow, Berwick 24. Alice [Ann erased], wife of Thomas Whitehead of Garf h Moor side, Farmer March I st . Frances Settle, widow, Potterton, 78 12. Jane Bell, Widow, Berwick, 87 16. Ann, dau r of William & Mary Sclater, Berwick, Farmer 19. William, son of Edward & Mary Day, Potterton, Mason May 5. John, son of Thomas [John erased] & Margaret Hanson, Berwick, Husbandman 28. Agnes Wilcox, widow, Garf. Moorside, 88 June 29. Richard Jackson, son of Richard, Berwick, Labourer, 22 July 5. Matthew Fowler of Kid-hall-Lane, 15 11. Thomas Settle, Berwick, Weaver, 69. 13. Hannah, dau r of Richard & Mary Wright, Kidhall Lane, Inf* Sep r . 19. Elizabeth Taitt, wife of William, Berwick, Builder Nov r 25. William Driver, Winmoor, Labourer Dec r 12. Thomas,son of John & Elizabeth Robinson, Kidhall Lane, Inf* 25. Mary, wife of Peter Yates, Winmoor 29. Hannah, wife of Thomas Taitt, Berwick, Mason, 50 Burials, 1762. J any 28. Robert Briggs, Berwick, Tailor, 75 30. William, son of Thomas & Hannah Taitt, Berwick, Mason, 14 Feby 4. John, son of Edmund & Grace Popplewell, Winmoor, Inf 4 21. Mary Neeson (Papist), interred in y e Church yard, Berwick 28. Sarah Wilson, Berwick, 55 March 2. Michael Eastburne, Winmoor, Labourer, 61 17. Francis Holmes, Berwick, Weaver, 81 31. Susanna Heresy, Widow, Berwick, 81 April 20. Ann Roper, wife of Jonathan (Killed by a Cart), Low- moor, Potseller, 72 May 7. Joseph Wetherhead (Papist), interred in y e Church-yard, Berwick, Farmer, 27 16. Mary, wife of Richard Lumb, Berwick, Farmer, 30. July 12. Abigail, wife of Joseph Holmes, Berwick, Tailor, 48 20. William Bannister, of a Dropsy, Kidhall Lane, Jockey, 54 330 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 26. James Whitehead (of a Mortification in his Foot), Addle Parish, Farmer, 60 Aug* 17. Elizabeth, dau r of William & Hannah Waite, Berwick, Tailor, Inf 4 Nov r 30. Ann Ambler, Winmore, Widow, 78 Ann, daughter of John & Eliz th Norton, Barwick, Inf 1 Burials, 1763. Jan r y 2. Susanna Johnson, wid w , Barnbow, Widow March 18 th Ann Burland, Barwick, Old Maid April 2. Francis, son of Rachel Holmes, Barwick May 14. Elizabeth, daughter of Rachel Holmes, Barwick April 9 th . Margaret, the wife of Tho s Bean, Barwick, Farmer July 7 th . John, the son of Matthew Upton, Morwick, Farmer July 8 th . William Knapton, Barwick, Sexton July 17 th . Ellin, the wife of Rob 1 Land, Crosgates, Labourer July 27 th . John, the son of Abraham Wormald, Barwick, Blacksmith Aug st 17 th . Mary, the wife of Tho s Benton, Garforth moor, Collier Sep r 8 th . John Varley, Barwick, Farmer 24 th . Mary, the [sic] of Benj n Stringer, Winmoor, Taylor Oct r 27 th . Martha, the wife of Rob 1 Whitehead, Barwick, Labourer Nov r 7 th . Tho s , the son of Mary Scot, Barwick, Joyner 8. Ann, the daughter of Henry Dunwell, Hilltop, Labourer 27. Tho s Braim, Barnbow, Carpenter Dec r 3 rd . Rich d , the son of Rich d Lumb, Barwick, Farmer, Inf 1 Burials, 1764. *Jan r y 18 th . Lady Gascoigne, Parlington, Papist 29. Ann Batty, Scholes, Widow March 2 nd . Elizabeth, the wife of Abraham Rawlinson, Barwick, Limeburner 14. Michael, the son of John Walton, at the Engine, Collier April 29 th . Elizabeth, d. of Abraham Rawlingson, Barwick, Lime- burner June I st . Matthew Watson, Barwick June 24. Hannah, daughter of Richard & Ann Smith, Barwick, Farmer, Inf 1 Sep r 21. Ann, wife of Thomas Preston, Barwick, Tailor 28. William, son of William Firth Nov r 17. Ann, bastard daughter of Sarah Hunton, Barwick Dec r 17. John, son of Godfrey & Mary Gough, Barwick, Potmaker Burials, 1765. Feby 3. Mary, daughter of Joseph & Ann Outhwaite, Low Moor, Labourer June 12. Godfrey, son of Godfrey & Mary Gough, Barwick, Potmaker 23. Thomas Benton, Garf. Moor side, Collier July 14. John, son of Samuel & Sarah Braim, Barwick, Joiner 14. Mary, daughter of Thomas & Mary Taitt, Barwick, Farmer 18. Mercy, d. of John & Elizabeth Robinson, Winmoor, Farmer 20. John, son of John & Margaret Gaggs, Barnbow, Farmer * Mary, Lady Gascoigne died at York 14 January. She was the daughter and heiress of Sir Francis Hungate, Bart., of Huddleston Hall, and the widow of Sir Edward Gascoigne, 6th Baronet. BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 331 21. Phebe, daughter of Samuel & Sarah Braim, Barwick, Joiner 25. John, son of John & Ann Lumb, Stanks, Labourer 26. Ann, daughter of William & Deborah Wright, Scholes, Farmer Aug st 14. Richard, son of Richard & Catharine Collet, Soldier Sep r 3. Mary, daughter of Edward & Mary Day, Potterton, Mason 11. James, son of John Bramley Jun r , Potterton, Labourer 14. Ann, daughter of Luke & Elizabeth Richardson, Pottertoii, Shoemaker Oct r 20. Isaac, son of Roger & Alice Bell, Kidhall Lane 21. Joseph, son of George & Mary Scoles, Barnbow, Collier 27. Roger, son of Roger & Alice Bell, Kidhall Lane Burials, 1766. Feby 4. James Marshall, Winmoor, Labourer 11. John Oxley, Scholes 17. Mary Prince, widow, Scholes 26. Mary Wood, Spofforth 27. Thomas Wildbore March 18. Robert Walker, Scholes, Carpenter 22. Isabella Watson, widow, Barwick 30. John, son of John & Sarah Lyster, Barwick, Husbandman April 6. Elizabeth, wife of William Parkin, Winmoor, Farmer May 30. Phebe, daughter of Thomas & Susanna Bayley, Winmoor Labourer June 6. Stephen Vevers, Gen 1 , Morwick 15. Susanna, d. of Thomas & Susanna Bayley, Winmoor, Labourer July 15. Mary, the wife of Thomas Harper, Barwick, Labourer Aug st 5. Ellin, daughter of Robert Walker, late of Scholes Oct r 1. Jane, daughter of Edmund Popple well, Winmoor, Tailor 23. Hannah, daughter of Abraham & Crissy Wormald, Barwick, Blacksmith 29. Elizabeth Wilson, Scholes 31. Mary, daughter of Peter Yates, Winmoor, Labourer Dec r 15. Ann Prince, from the Workhouse, Barwick Dec r 31. Thomas Whitehead, Garf. Moor-side Burials, 1767. J any 17. Richard Vevers, Esq r ., Scholes Feby 3. George Hill, Stanks 7. Alice, wife of William Norton, Barwick, Farmer 14. Ann, daughter of Robert Simpson, Barwick, Labourer March 24. Mary, daughter of John & Elizabeth Robinson, Winmoor, Farmer May 10. William, son of John & Elizabeth Wainwright, Brown-Moor Labourer 31. Richard Cawood of the parish of Whitkirk, Labourer June 1. Izabella Tipling 8. James Norton, Barwick, Labourer 24. Richard Cox, Potterton, Farrier 28. William, son of James & Bersheba Wright, Barwick, Labourer July 26. Mary Hague, Widow, Barwick Aug st 21. Susanna Binns, Winmoor 332 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. Sep 1 26. John, son of John & Mary Lunn, Barnbow-Car, Collier Oct r 3. Barnard, son of James & Elizabeth Wilcock, Cross Gates Labourer 5. Richard, son of Richard & Elizabeth Lumb, Barwick, Farmer 9. Hannah, d. of William Varey, Scholes, Labourer 18. Mary, wife of Thomas Ellar, Kidhall Lane, Jockey Dec r 13. Mary Vevers, Morwick 27. Mary, d. of Benjamin & Mary Shillitoe, Barnbow, Labourer Burials, 1768. Jany 1. John Johnson from the Workhouse, Barwick 4. Mary Robinson, widow, Potterton 10. William Waite, Barwick, Tailor 30. Thomas Whitehead, Barwick, Farmer 31. Thomas Atkinson, Brownmoor Feby. 10. Mary Brown, Widow, Penwell 21. Sarah, d. of Renton & Hannah Haste, Winmoor, Labourer 28. Mary, daughter of Michael & Sarah Toppin, Leedes, Glover March 6. Elizabeth Worsman, widow, Brown-moor 7. William Forest, drowned in Grimesdike, Shadwell 25. James Perkins, Barwick, Farmer April 2. Mary Renton, widow, Barwick 14. [blank] Michel, a Foreigner, at Blue Boar, Kid Hall Lane 20. Rachel Holmes, widow, Barwick May 21. William, son of Joseph & Ann Outh waite, Low Moor, Labourer June 16. Hannah, d. of John & Mary Strodder, Barwick, Labourer Aug 51 14. William Robinson, bastard son of Ann Webster, Scholes Nov r 30. Betty, daughter of William & Esther Hodgson, Barnbow Carr, Labourer Burials, 1769. Jany 2. William Norton, Barwick, Farmer Feby 19. George Nicholson from the Workhouse, Barwick March 12. Sarah Stephenson, Stanks 18. James Lambert, Winmoor 20. Mary Lightfoot (Papist), interred in the Church Yard, Brown- moor May 12. William, son of John & Mary Strodder, Barwick, Labourer 29. Priscilla, wife of John Atkinson, Esq r , Scholes June 4. James Butler, Scholes, Pipe Maker 5. George, son of Renton & Hannah Haist, Crossgates, Labourer 10. Jonathan, son of James & Bersheba Wright, Barwick, Labourer 20. William, son of Renton & Hannah Haist, Crossgates, Ditto Aug 1 27. Anthony Dawson, Barwick, Farmer Sept r 3. William Cowper from the Work-house, Barwick 6. Beatrix Atkinson, Barnbow Carr Sept r 10. Joseph Eamonson, York Oct 1 17. Hannah, wife of Joseph Dawson, Scholes Dec r 23. Dinah, daughter of William & Mary Clayton, Fire Engine, Blacksmith BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 333 Burials, 1770. March I. Ann, d. of Abraham & Mary Bell, Abberford parish 3. Ann, d. of Joseph & Izabella Batty, Cross Gates, Labourer 8. James Worsman, Brown-Moor 16. William Addimon, Grimesdike 17. Jonathan, son of James & Bersheba Wright, Barwick, Labourer 27. Sarah, wife of Richard Kingsley, Kidhall Lane End April 3. Catharine, wife of W m Gough (Papist), Brown-Moor, Potmaker 4. Ann, wife of Jonathan Bell (Papist), Scholes 8. Martha, d. of James & Bersheba Wright, Barwick, Labourer 22. Henry Dunwell, Winmoor, Labourer May 1. Thomas Popplewell, Red-Hall, Labourer 22. Mary, daughter of Edward & Mary Day, Potterton, Mason July 15. Elizabeth, daughter of Robert & Mary Raingill, Scholes 22. George Hewit, Fire Engine, Collier Aug* 8. Matthew, son of Thomas & Jane Upton, Morwick, Farmer Sep r 16. John Bean, Barwick Oct r 1. Deborah, wife of Joseph Maud, Hill Top, Labourer 7. Thomas, son of William & Elizabeth Challinger, Barwick, Labourer 14. Jeremiah Lumb, Stanks Nov 1 30. Elizabeth Binns, Hill Top Dec r 2. Sarah Shillitoe, Barwick 5. Ann Dunwell, Hill-Top. 15. Thomas Whitehead, Garforth M. Side, Farmer Burials, 1771. J anv 26. Ann Bacchus from the Workhouse, Barwick Feb? 6. John, bastard son of Elizabeth Watson, Barwick March 4. Thomas, the son of Thomas Dodgson, Roundhay, Farmer April 7. James Midgley, Winmoor, Husbandman March 31. Mary, the wife of Benjamin Cook April 16 th . William Ellis, Esq r , Belonging Kiddal hall, Dyed at Leeds, Buried at Barwick, Leeds, Gentleman Apr. 21 st . Susanna, the wife of Rich d Brain, Barwick May 16. Margaret, the wife of Thomas Hanson, Potterton, Spinster May 26. Thomas, son of William & Elizabeth Johnson, Barwick May 29. Catharine, d. of Godfrey Gough, papist, Barwick, Potmaker July 22. Elizabeth, dau' of Joseph & Isabella Battey, Cross Gates, Labourer Aug 1 12. Ann, wife of William Tipling, Winmoor, Farmer Aug 1 30. John Slack, servant to M r Stephen Vevers, Morwick, servant, 23. Sep r 5. Mary, dau r of Henry & Sarah Wright, Morwick, Farmer, 24 16. Thomas, son of Thomas Hanson, Potterton, Lab r , 10 Oct 1 7. Mary Barker, widow, Shippen, 71 Dec r 8. Sarah, dau r of Thomas Hanson, Potterton, Lab r Burials, 1772. Place business age Feb. 14. Elizabeth, dau r of Thomas Hanson, Potterton, Lab r , 17 334 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 16. William Slater, Berwick, Farmer, 75. 16. Thomas Dodgson, Roundhay, Wheelwright, 73 Mar. 8. Judith Addimon, Winmoor, widow, 84 20. Helen, wife of Mark Thornton, Brown Moor, 76 28. Luke Richardson, Potterton, Shoemaker, 65 Ap 1 12. Rachel, dau r of Christopher & Martha Varcy, Scholes, Inf 1 13. William Hopwood, Berwick, 26 26. Mary Fowler, Kidhall Lane, Widow, 73 June 4. Henry, son of Richard & Ester Parke, Winmoor, Farmer, Inf July 12. Jonathan Dennison, Cross-gates, Brickmak r , 57 31. Henry Wright, Winmoor, Yeoman, 70. Aug. 30. Benjamin, son of John & [blank] Wainwright, Brownmoor, Labs Inft Sep r 8. Alice, dau r of Mary Slater, Berwick, Widow, 21 Oct r 28. Hannah, wife of Benjamin Stringer, Winmoor, Taylor, 45 Nov r 5. Mary, dau r of Thomas & Mary Taitt (Papist), Throstle Nest, Gelder, Inf 1 Dec r 19. Elizabeth, dau r of Mr. William & Elizabeth Eamonson, Lazincroft, 17 Burials, 1773. Jan r 2. Hannah, dau r of William & Mary Simpson, Barnb. Carr, Collier, Inf 4 Feb. 13. Elizabeth, dau r of William & Margaret Dawson, Berwick, Schoolm r , 21 28. John, son of Joseph & Ann Cawthorn, Berwick, Lab r Ap 1 4. Joseph Maud, Winmoor, Lab r , 90. 4. Ann, dau r of Richard & Elizabeth Lumb, Berwick, Farmer, 5 18. Mary, dau r of Thomas & Sarah Hewitt, Berwick, Badger, 10 May 1. Mary, dau r of Samuel & Sarah Varley, Berwick, Publican, 15 7. George, bastard son of Salley Waite, Berwick, Inf 1 12. John Dungwith, Berwick, Labourer, 48 June 15. Mary, dau r of William & Margaret Dawson, Berwick, School M r , 19 19. Elizabeth, dau r of Thomas & Ann Foster, Scholes, Brickm r 20. Ann, dau r of Joseph & Sarah Holmes, Berwick, Taylor, Inf 4 July 22. Dickey, son of William & [blank] Hargrave, by redhall, 7 30. Elizabeth, dau r of William & Dorothy Varey, Scholes, Lab r , 3 Aug* 22. Thomas Battey, Berwick, Shoem r , 59. Sep r 12. Mary, wife of John Hemsworth, Bramh'm 1 , Labourer, 75 26. Mary, dau r of Thomas & Sarah Pitt, Berwick, Farmer, Inf* Nov r 4. William Ward, Berwick, Lab r 30. Martha, dau r of Thomas & Elizabeth Shillitoe, Pottert n , Taylor, 3 Dec r 4. William Taylor, Barnb. Carr, Wheelw 1 , 68 18. Mary, wife of William Butler, Berwick, Lab r , 84 27. Benjamin, bastard son of Elizabeth Cockshaw, Berwick, Inf 1 30. Ann, dau r of William & Ann Hemsworth, Bram. moor, Lab r , Inft. June 22. John, son of Thomas Hanson, Potterton, Lab r , 3 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 335 July 12. Mosley, son of William & Margaret Dawson, Berwick, schoolm r , 17 Burials, 1774. Place Business Age J any 3. Richard, son of William & Elizabeth Challinger, Berwick, Labourer, Inf* 4. Robert Barton, Berwick, Carpenter 24. Charles, son of Edward & Elizabeth Randall (papist), Morwick, Farmer, Inf 1 28. Hannah, wife of James Strother, Berwick, Shoemaker, 30 Feb. 8. Sarah, wife of William Richardson, Berwick, Shoem r , 30 Mar. 21. Thomas, son of John & Mary Barrett, Berwick, Clothier,22 April 10. John, son of John & Sarah Lidster, Berwick, Farmer, Inf 1 23. Mary, wife of Miles Hampshaw, Berwick, Farmer, 62 26. William Gough from Pa[r]lington Hall, Parlinton, Papist, 87 26. Henry, the son of William & Elizabeth Challinger, Berwick, Labourer, 3 May 17. Elizabeth, daughter of William & Elizabeth Arthington, Berwick, Labourer, 7 21. David, the son of James & Mary Jolley, Berwick, Labourer 22. Eliz th , the d. of Will m & Ann Dufton, Berwick, soldier, 6 June 11. Mary, d. of Mary Slaytor, widow, Berwick, spinster, 17 14. John, son of William & Dinah Sheriff, Potterton, Gardener 15. Margaret, the daughter of William Tiplin at Whitelares, Winmoor, spinster, 27 July 25 th John, the son of William Waite, Barwick, Husbandman, 28 Aug 5 * 10 th . Thomas, son of Edmund Popplewell, Redhall, Weaver, 19 10. Ann, daughter of John Watson in the Ratten Row, Hirst moor, Labourer, 17 12. Thomas Thornton, Potterton lane, Thatcher, 67 14. Jane, the wife of William Clarkson, Roundhay, spinster, 73 [sic] 21 st Mary, widow of Tho s Thornton, Potterton lane, spinster, 64 Sep r 9 th . Sarah, daughter of William and Ann Hemsworth, Kiddal lane, Labourer Ann, the wife of Joshua Lamb, Winmoor, Spinster [sic], 70 Sep r 18 th . Thomas, son of Anthony & Sarah Dun well, Barwick, Weaver, 6 Oct r 24 th . Mary, the wife of John Barret, Barwick, spinster, 70 Nov r 22. William Bell, Hill Top, Tailor, 68 Dec r 2 nd . Joshua Lamb, Winmoor, Blankit weaver, 73 Burials, 1775. Jan f y 9 th . William, son of Robert Jordon, Stanks, Labourer 9 th . Widow Scalbut, belonging Rothwel parish, Scholes, spinster,70 29 th . Jonas Doughty, Barwick, Farmer, 67 30 th . Rose Harrison, belonging to the parish of Ecope, died at Barwick, spinster Feb. 8. John, son of John & Ann Robinson, Barwick, Carpenter March 29. Elizabeth, wife of Jacob Pease, Grimesdike, spinster, 68 April 17. Jane, daughter of Andrew Burdsal of Scholes, spinster, 23 May 11 th . William Dawson, Barwick, Parish Clark, 46 June 26. Ann, daughter of Luke Dawson, Barnbow, Farmer, Inf* 336 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. July 9 th . Rebekah, wife of Thomas Dunwell, Barwick, Weaver, 80 30 th . Joseph Daniel, Potterton, Farmer, 66 Sep r 3 d . Hannah, d. of William Abbot, Barwick, Labour[er], 27 14 th . Sarah, d. of Antoney Dunwell, Barwick, Weaver, 10 October 22 d . Betty, daughter of Gabril and Mary Tomlinson, Scholes, Collier, Infant 26 th . Elizabeth Watson, Barwick, Spinster, 35 November 25 th . Frances, wife of John Thompson, Garforth, Collier, 38 29 th . Matthew, son of , James and Mary Jackson, Barwick, Labourer, Infant Burials, 1776. Place Business Age January 9 th . Ann, d. of Thomas & Sarah Tilney, Scholes, Mason, Infant 13 th . Mark Thornton, Winmore, Labourer, 75 24 th . Samuel Braim from Abberford, Carpinter, 46 March I st . John, son of John and Ann Greenwood, Crosgates, Carpinter, Infant 9 th . Hannah Braim, Barnbow, widdow, 78 24 th . Mary, wife of William Booth from Leeds Parish, 51 May 3 rd . Elizabeth, wife of Andrew Bordsil, Scholes, Basket maker, 65 24 th . Joseph Baitson, Scholes, Labourer, 75 Sep br 29. William Demaind, Barwick, 86 October I st . Rebekah, wife of Peter Deane, Barwick, 50 November 10 th . Mary Scott, widow, Barwick, 66 23 d . William Renton, Barwick, Farmer, 66 Burials, 1777. place business age January 12 th . Grace Reder, widow, Scholes, 79 February 20 th . William Thompson, Barwick, Farmer, 81 22 th . Thomas Morritt, Winmoor, Labourer, 37 22 th . Sarar, d. of Abraham Wormald, Barwick, Blacksmith, 12 March 11 th . Mary, daughter of Robert Smith, Barwick, Lab r , 27 12 th . Ann Hill, widow, Garforth moorside, 76 22 th . Sarah Walker, widow, Scholes, 61 April 6 th . Thomas Dunwell, Barwick, Weaver, 80. 23 d . Robert, son of Robert Whitead, Barwick, Labourer, 22 May 2 d . John Thompson, Stanks, Labourer, 84 Richard Jordan, Stanks, son of Robert Jordan of Stanks, Labourer, by Sarah his wife, died 15 of May, buried 16 of May, Churchyard, Age 1. Distemper, Smallpox. Matthew Norton, Roundhay, son of Matthew Norton of Roundhay, Farmer, by Elizabeth is wife, died 20 th of May, buried 22 of May, Churchyard, Age 93 Mary Thackerey, Barwick, daug r of Joseph Thackerey of Barwick, Labourer, by Mary is wife [died] 22 th of May, [buried] 25 th of May, Churchyard, age 3 Samuel Varley, Barwick, son of John Varley of Barwick, Farmer, by Ellin is wife, [died] 30 th of May, [buried] I st of June, Churchyard, [age] 47. Complant of is Brest BARWICK-TN-ELMET REGISTER. 337 Easter Hodgson, Barnbow, [died] 11 th of June, [buried] 13 th of June, Churchyard, 50. Dropsy. Joseph Bean, Barwick, son of Thomas Bean, Barwick, shoemaker, by Abigal his wife, [died] 11 th of June, [buried] 13 th of June, Churchyard, Infant Will m Butler, Barwick, [died] August the 30 th , [buried] August 31 st , Churchyard Sarah Renton, Barwick, daughter of Edward Batty, Snaw-hill, by Sarah his wife, [died] August the 29 th , [buried] August 31 st , Churchyard, 68 Sarah Lam, Seacroft, [died] August 29 th , [buried] August 31 st , Churchyard, 77 Tho s Wadington, Whinmoor, son of Richard Wadington, Whinmoor, Lab r , [died] September the 14, [buried] Sep r 15 th , Churchyard, Infant Hannah Green, Scholes, daughter of Richard Green, Scholes, Collier, by [blank] his wife, [died] September the 24 th , [buried] Sep r 25, Churchyard, Infant Tho s Beane, Barwick, son of Jefferah Bean, Bramman, by [blank] is wife, [died] October the 20 th [buried] Octo r 22 d , Churchyard, 82 Jn Lorriman, Ingine, son of Thomas Lorriman, Ingine, Labourer, by Margret his wife, [died] October the 20 th , [buried] Oct r 22 d , Churchyard, 8. Convulshon fits. Elizabeth Maxfield, Potterton, daughter of William Hemsworth, Potterton, Labourer, by Alice his wife, [died] October the 30, [buried] Nov r I st , Churchyard, 90 Edmund Cromek, Barwick, son of William Cromek, Barwick, Labourer, by Ann his wife, [died] November the 3 d , [buried] Nov r 5 th , Churchyard, 20. Consumption. Sarah Blackburn, Barwick, daughter of Barnard Blackburn, Barwick, Labourer, by Mary, his wife, [died] December the 17, [buried] December the 19 th , Churchyard, 38. Consumption. John Cheatam, Winmoor, [died] December the 25 th , [buried] December the 27 th , Churchyard, 59 Burials, 1778. Died. Buried. Age. Distemper. John Atkinson, Barwick, son of Michel Atkinson, Barwick, Labourer, by Margret his wife, [died] January the 5 th , [buried] January the 7 th . 6. Worm fever. Elizabeth Norton, Barwick, daughter of Richard Taylor, Braham, Labourer, by Sarah his wife, [died] January the 30 th , [buried] February the I st , Churchyard, 48 Joseph Bullock, Barwick, son of Joseph Bullock, Barwick, Mason, by Mary, his wife, [died] February the 3 d , [buried] February the 5 th , Churchyard, 21 Mary Appleyard, Scholes, daughter of John Wilson, Clifton, Milner, by Dorotha, his wife,[died] February the 13 th , [buried] Fe[b]ruary the 15 th , Churchyard, 69 Thomas Preston, Barwick, son of John Preston, Scipton, Labourer, by Mary his wife, [died] March the 30 th , [buried] April the I st , Churchyard, 94 338 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. John Beane, Barwick, son of Thomas Bean, Barwick, Farmer, by Jane his wife, died April the 19 th , buried April the 21 st , Church- yard, Age 47 Easter Claburn, Barnbow, daughter of John Dolphin, Garforth, Labourer, by Alice his wife, [died] April the 23 d , [buried] April the 25 th , Churchyard, 70 Bello Dixon, Barnbow, daughter of Robert Dixon, Barnbow, Labourer, by Ann his wife, [died] April 26 th , [buried] April 28, Churchyard, 17. Consumption. William Robshaw, Barwick, son of William Robshaw, Barwick, Labourer, by Sarah his wife, [died] June the 20 th , [buried] June the 21 st , 3. Wormfever. Thomas Poulter, Potterton, [died] June the 28 th , [buried] June the 30, 60 Edward Batty, Barwick, [died] June the 28 th , [buried] June 30 th , 80 William Abbot, Barwick, son of Abraham Abbot, Barwick, Labourer, by [blank] his wife, [died] July the 14 th , [buried] July the 16 th , 79. Kild by a fall from a Cart. Catherine Greenwood, daughter of Robert Greenwood, Shippen, Labourer, by Mary, his wife, [died] July 20, [buried] July the 22, Infant p I James Tillison, Ingine, [died] July 23 d , [buried] July 25 th , 80 Alice Bell, Barwick, [died] July 30 th , [buried] Aug 1 I st , 59. Dropsy Elizabeth Hewitt, daughter of Thomas Hewitt, Barwick, Collier, by Elizabeth his wife, [died] August the 7 th , [buried] August the 8 th , 2. Smallpox. Sarah Burland, daughter of William Burland, Barwick, Labourer, by Sarah, his wife [died] August the 7 th , [buried] August the 9 th , Infant. Smallpox. Robert Youdan, son of Miles Youdan, Barwick, Farmer, by Ann his wife, [died August] the 12 th , [buried] the 13 th , 3. Smallpox Sarah Hewitt, daughter of Benjamin Rawlinson, Barwick, Farmer, by Mary his wife, [died August] the 17 th , [buried] the 19 th , 42. Canser Thomas Cullingworth, son of John Cullingworth, Barwick, Shoe- maker, by Maria his wife, [died] September the 8 th , [buried] Sep r the 9 th , 2. Smallpox William Lee, Potterton, Labourer, [died] Sep r 18, [buried] Sep r 20 th ,79 Benjamin Thackerhey, son of Joseph Thackerhey, Barwick, Labourer, by Mary his wife, [died] October the 14, [buried] October the 15 th , 2. Smallpox Alice Batty, Barwick, daughter of Benjamin Rawlinson, Barwick, Farmer, by Mary his wife, [died Octr.] the 22 d , [buried] the 24 th , 35. Childbed Catherine Vary, Scholes, Dyed Oct r 25, Bured Oct r 27, Age 72 Thomas Robshaw, Barwick, [died] Nov r 3 d , [buried] Nov r 5 th , [age] 73 Benjamin Shillito, son of Thomas Shillito, Potterton, Tayler, by Elizabeth his wife, [died Nov.] the 21 st , [bur.] the 22 d , [age] 1, Smallpox BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 339 Burials, 1779. Died. Buried. Age. Distemper. Ann Watson, Potterton, daughter of George Watson, Potterton, farmer, by Mary his wife [died] January the 7 th [bur.] January the 7 th . 36. Child Bed. Catherine Robshaw, Barwick, [died Jan.] the 16 th [buried] the 18 th . 73 Edward Gray, Esq r , Kippax, son of [blank died] April I st [bur.] April 6 th . 80 Thomas Wood, Potterton, son of John Wood, Potterton, by Sarah h. wife [died] April 13 th [bur.] Ap 1 15. 12 Catherine Popplewell, Whinmoor [died Apr.] 20 th [bur.] 21 st . 93 Richard Cass, Barwick, Farmer, [died Apr.] 30 th [bur.] May 2 d . 39 Dropsy Sarah Smith, Barwick, [died] May 3 [bur.] May 5 th . 86 Mary Clayton, Ingine, daughter of Will m Clayton, Garforth, by Mary his wife [died May] the 11 th [bur.] the 13 th . 20 John Waite, Barwick, son of Richard Waite, Barwick, Taylor, by Alice his wife [died] June 15 th [bur.] June 17. Infant. Fanny Piper, daughter of Andrew Bordsil, Scholes, by Elizabeth his wife [died] July 23 [bur.] July 25. 33. Consumption. Jacob Pease, Morwick, [died] August 7, [bur.] August 9. 69 James Plowright, Barwick, [died Aug.] 24 th , [bur.] 25 th . 33 Mary Taitt, Barwick, [died Aug.] 25 th , [bur.] 26 th . 45 Thomas Harper, Barwick, [died] Sep. 11 th , [bur.] Sep. 13 th . 77 Easter Dawson, daugter of Luke Dawson, Barnbow, Farmer, by Ann his wife, [died] October 22, [bur.] Oct r 24. Infant. John Dun well, son of William Dunwell, Winmoor, Lab r , by Margret his wife, [died] Nov r n, [bur.] Nov r 13. Infant. Sarah Smith, daughter of Richard Smith, Barwick, Farmer, by Ann his wife, [died] Nov r 14, [bur.] Nov. 16. 26 John Dungwith, son of John Dungwith, Barwick, Lab r , by Eliz th his wife, [died Nov.] 25 th [buried] 27 th . 27 Henrietta Maria Cass, daughter of John Taitt, Barwick, Farmer, by Mary his wife, [died Nov.] 27 th , [bur.] 29 th . 47 Hannah Watson, daughter of Matthew Jackson, Barwick, by Sarah his wife, [died] Dec. 11 th , [bur.] Dec. 13. 52 Burials, 1780. Died. Buried. Age. Distemper. Mary Strother, Barnbow, Jan. 3, Jan. 5. 75 Sarah Fletcher, dr. of James Fletcher, Halton, by Sarah his wife, [died Jan.] 17, [bur.] 19. 1 James Robinson, Barwick, [died Jan.] 25, [bur.] 27. 78 Thomas Taitt, Barwick, [died] Feb? 19, [bur.] Feb. 20 th . 66 Sarah Thompson, Stanks, [died] April 16, [bur.] A. 18. 87 Mary Boldwin, dr. of Robert Whitehead, Barwick, by Martha his wife [died Apr.] 25, [bur.] 26. 24. Childbed. Su[s] annah Tayler, Barnbow, [died Apr.] 30, [bur]. May 2. 80 Hannah Lumb, Stockhill, [died] May 13 th , [bur.] 16. 77 Andrew Jackson, son of Richard Jackson, Barwick, by Mary his wife [died May] 20 th , [bur.] 21 st . 42 *Edward Gray, Mayor of Leeds 1749 and 1768, built Morwick Hall, and died unmarried. For pedigree and account of the family see Piatt and Morkill's Whitkirk, p. 92. 340 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. Ann Lunn, dr. of John Lunn, Barnbow, by Mary his wife [died May] 21, [bur.] 22. 17 Thomas Addiman, son of Tho s Addiman, Scholes, by Elizabeth his wife, [died May] 23, [bur.] 25. 45 Thomas Addiman, Scholes, [died May] 25, [bur.] 27. 75 Elizabeth Jonson, Barwick, [died May] 31, [bur.] June 2. 60 Henry Doughty, Barwick, Kild with a Cart, [died] June 6, [bur.] 8. 68 Elizabeth Poulter, Potterton, [died] June 18, [bur.] 20. 82 William Hodgson, son of Jonothan Hodgson, Scholes, by Hannah his wife, [died June] 19, [bur.] 21. 16 Elizabeth Vevers, dr. of John Vevers, Scholes, by Grace his wife [died] July 31, [bur.] Aug. I st . 12 Mary Hambleton, Barwick, [died] Aug* 14, [bur.] 15 Ann Haist, dr. of Renton Haist, Barwick, by Sarah his wife [died] Oct r 6, [bur.] Oct r 8. 1 Richard Waller, Barwick, [died Oct.] 15, [bur.] 16 Tho s Hodgson, son of Jonothan Hodgson, Scholes, by Hannah his wife, [died Oct.] 18, [bur.] 19. Infant. Hannah Waite, daughter of Thomas Braim, Barnbow, by Hannah his wife, [died Oct.] 27, [bur.] 29. 48 Burials, 1781. Died. Buried. Age. Distemper. Ann Lumb, [died] Jan. 26, [bur.] 29. [Age] 87 Ann Glover, dr. of Bartholomew Glover, Ingine, by Elizabeth his wife, [died] Feb? 18, [bur.] Feb. 18. 3. Small pox Mary Haist, dr. of Renton Haist, Barwick, by Sarah his wife, [died Feb.] 19, [bur.] 20. 5. Measels Sarah Wood, Garforth Moor [died Feb.] 22, [bur.] 24. 11 William Eamonson, Lazincroft, [died] Mar h 6, [bur.] March 8 61 Thomas Fox, Stanks, [died March] 26, [bur.] 28. 29 Grace Wood, Brownmoor, [died March] 30, [bur.] April I st . 73 Helen Varley, York, [died] May I st , [bur.] M. 4 th . 96 Christopher Dickinson, Lowmoor, Kild in Seacroft Coolpitts, [died May] 16, [bur.] 17. 33 Ann Dawson, Ledsum, dr. of William Dawson, Barwick, by Margret his wife, [died May] 21, [bur.] 23. 12. Consumption. Elizabeth Cockshaw, Barwick, [died] July 2, [bur.] July 3. Susannah Sparling, dr. of Joseph Sparling, Potterton, by Mary his wife, died July 11, buried July 13. Infant. Ann Cromek, Barwick, [died July] 11, [bur.] 13. 66 Sarah Wright, Barnbow, [died] Sept r 28, [bur.] Sept r 30. 79 Sarah Vary, dr. of Christopher Vary, Scholes, by Martha his wife, [died Sept.] 30, [bur.] Oct r 2. 30. Consumption. Robert Dawson, Barnbow, [died] Oct r 18, [bur.] 21. 70 Robert Appleyard, Scholes, [died Oct.] 24, [bur.] 26. 76 John Kirkham, son of Joseph Kirkham, Barwick, by Hannah his wife, [died] Dec. 6, [bur.] Dec. 8. 12 Sarah Haist, Kidall-lane-end, [died Dec] 24, [bur.] 26. 88 Burials, 1782. Alice Waite, Barwick, [died] Jan. 31, [bur.] Feb. I st , [age] 36 Childbed. BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 341 Elizabeth Collet, Barwick, [died] Febv 2, [bur.] 4. 79 Grace Vary, Scholes, [died] March 13, [bur.] March 15 62 John Robinson, Garforth Moorside, [died] April I st , [bur.] Ap 1 3. 69 Thomas Taylor, Barwick, [died April] 6, [bur.] 8. 82 Ralph, son of Ralph Collet, Barwick, [died] April 8, [bur.] 10. 7 Ann Cheethem, Whinmoor, [died] April 9, [bur.] 10. 80 Thomas Simpson, Whinmoor, [died] May 8, [bur.] May it. 83 Ann Rawlinson, Barwick, [died May] 18, [bur.] 20. 49 Robert Dixon, Barnbow, [died May] 16, [bur.] 18. 53 Mary Greenwood, Shippen, [died May] 19, [bur.] 21. 5 Thomas Simpson, Barnbow, [died May] 19, [bur.] 21. 6 William Brown, Whinmoor, [died May] 24, [bur.] 26. 69 Martha Potter, Barwick, [died] June 14, [bur.] June 15. 69 Mary Sparling, Potterton, [died June] 17, [bur.] 18. 8 Margret Tillotson, Ingine, [died June] 21, [bur.] 23. 80 Robert Greenwood, Shippen, [died June] 23, [bur.] 24. Infant Samuel, son of John Lunn, Barnbow, [died] July 2, [bur.] July 4. 6 Mary Bullock, Barwick, [died] Aug* 5, [bur.] Au l 7. 64 Mary Lee, Potterton, [died] Oct r 15, [bur.] Oct r 17. 61 Sarah Batty, Barwick, [died] Nov r 19, [bur.] N. 21. 81 William Knapton, Barwick, [died] Dec r 8, [bur.] Dec r 10. 66 Jane Carlin, Wood House, [died] Dec. 10, [bur.] Dec. 12. 88 Robert Whitehead, Barwick, [died] Dec. 29, [bur.] Dec. 31. 76 Burials, 1783. Died. Buried. Age. Mary Maud, Hiltop, [died] March 4, [bur.] March 6. 75 Milly Benton, dr. of John Benton, Stanks, [died Mar.] 23, [bur. March] 25. 1 Sarah Hardington, Barwick, [died] April 8, [bur.] April 9. 6 Elizabeth, daughter of Peter Newby, Barwick, [died April] 18, [bur.] 19. 8 Elizabeth Whitehead, Barwick, [died] May 2, [bur.] May 4. 78 Mary, daughter of James Thompson, Barwick, [died] June 11, [bur.] June 13. 1 Mary Gough, Barwick, [died June] 16 th , [bur.] 18 th . 45 Sarah Varley, Barwick, [died] July 20 th , [bur.] July 21 st . 54 Mary Taite, Barwick, [died July] 27 th [bur.] 28 th . 81 Ellin Bell, Barwick, [died July] 28, [bur.] 29. 16 Mary Ann, daughter of Richard Brooke, Scholes, Major, [died] August 3 d , [bur.] August 5 th . 9 months Ann Horner, Bramham Park, [died August] 28 th , [bur.] 29. 51 Peter, son of Peter Slayter, Barwick, [died] Sept 1 6, [bur.] Sept r 7. Infant Mary, daughter of James Whitehead, Barwick, [died Sept.] 15 th , [bur.] 16 . 2 Mary Lambert, Whinmoor, [died Sept.] 16, [bur.] 18. 63 Elizabeth, daughter of Joseph Cawthorn, Barwick. [died] Oct r 12 th , [bur.] 14. 4 months William, son of James Jackson, Barwick, [died Oct.] 15, [bur.] 16 th 2 Ann, daughter of Thomas Perkin, Barwick, [died] Oct r 30 th , [bur.] 31 st . 2 342 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. Sarah, daughter of Thomas Pitt, Barwick, [died] Nov r 2 d , [bur.] Nov r 3 d . 4 Ann, daughter of John Stubs, Barwick, [died Nov.] 13 th , [bur.] 14 th . 4 Mary, daughter of Mary Turpin, Crosgates, [died Nov.] 28, [bur.] 29 th . Infant Abigal, daughter of James Thompson, Barwick, [died] Dec r 11 th , [bur.] Dec r 12 th . 4 Bridget Simpson, Potterton, [died Dec r ] 14, [bur.] 15. 79 Francis, son of Francis Hawking, Scholes, [died Dec] 21, [bur.] 22. 7 Isaiah, son of Robert Aveson, Scholes, [died Dec] 24, [bur.] 25. Infant Elizabeth Hurry, Kidall-lane-end, [died Dec] 24, [bur.] 26. 54 John Thompson Hawking, bastard son of Ann Hawking, Scholes, [died Dec] 29, [bur.] 31. Infant Burials, 1784. Died. Buried. Age. William Barker, Shippen, [died] January 2 d , [bur.] January 4 th . 84 Robert, son of William Carr, Kidall-lane end, [died Jan.] 16 th , [bur.] 17*. 4 Jane, daughter of William Jackson, Kidall lane end, [died Jan.] 22, [bur.] 23. 9 months Richard Waite, Barwick, [died Jan.] 23, [bur.] 25. 40 John, son of William Sherriff, Potterton, [died Jan.] 23, [bur.] 25. 4 Mary, daughter of William Goodall, Barnbow, [died Jan.] 30, [bur.] February I st . 1 Elizabeth, daughter of John Anderson, Potterton, [died] February 2, [bur.] 3. 9 months Benjamin Harrison, Kidall lane end, [died Feb.] 18, [bur.] 20. 66 Jane Upton, Morwick, [died Feb.] 29 th , [bur.] March 3 d . 74 Richard Lazenbv, Penwell, mentain'd by the Parish, [died] March 6 th , [bur.] 8*. 83 Richard Wright, Kidall-lane-end, [died Mar.] 7 th , [bur.] 10 th . 50 Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Goodall, Ingine, [died Mar.] 13 th , [bur.] 14 th . 9 months Mary Blackburn, Barwick, Mentain'd by the Parish, [died] April 12 th , [bur.] April 14 th . 80 Sarah Green, Potterton, [died April] 14 th , [bur.] 16 th . 14 Anne Maw, Barwick, Mentaind by the Parish, [died] May 14 th , [bur.] May 16. 84 William Parkin, Seacroft, [died May] 28 th , [bur.] 30 th . 79 Ann Dawson, Stanks, [died] June 10 th , [bur.] June 12. 85 Ann Thompson, Garforth moor, [died June] 22 d , [bur.] 24 th . 77 Thomas Upton, Morwick, [died] July 30 th , [bur.] August 4 th . 81 Frances Thompson, Barwick, [died] Aug. 11 th , [bur.] August 14 th . 84 John Thompson, Garforth moor, [died] Sept r 13 th , [bur.] Sept r 15 th . 65 Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Brooke, Kidall hall, [died Sept.] 27 th , [bur] 28 th . Infant Elizabeth Richardson, Abberford. [died] Oct r 9, [bur.] Oct r 11. 71 Burials, 1785. Died. Buried. Age Julea, daughter of William Thompson, Garforth Moor, [died] Jan. I st , [bur.] J any 2 d , 14 Thomas Lumb, Stockhill, maintained by the Parish, [died] Feb. 5 th , [bur.] Feb. 9 th . 87 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 343 Joseph Cromek, Barwick, Schoolmaster, [died Feb.] 6 th , [bur.] 9 th . 33 Martha Robinson, Barwick, maintained by the Parish, [died] March 27, [bur.] March 29. 88 Mary Simpson, Whinmoor, [died] May 27, [bur.] May 29. 83 Richard, son of John Goodall, Barnbow, [died] June 6, [bur.] June 6. Infant Ann, daughter of Richard Lumb, Barwick, [died June] 22 d , [bur.] 25 th . 9 Mary BeU, Hiltop, [died] Oct' 8 th , [bur.] Oct r 10 th . 79 Matthew, son of Richard Whanewright, Appleton, [died Oct.] 14 th , [bur.] 16. 3 Richard Wood, Potterton, maintained by the Parish, [died] Nov r 12, [bur.] Nov 1 14. 85 Elizabeth Dunwell, Grimesdike, [died Nov r ] 18 th , [bur.] 20 th . 71 John, son of John Loder, Kidall-lane-end, [died] Dec r 28, [bur.] Dec r . 29. Infant Burials, 1786. Frances Bell, Potterton, maintain' d by the Parish, [died] Jan. 4 th , [bur.] Jan. 5 th . 66 Sarah Rawlinson, Barwick, [died Jan.] 11 th , [bur.] 13 th . 35 *Dame Mary Gascoigne, Parlington, [died] Feb? I st , [bur.] Feb. 8. 34 Ann Vevers, Scholes Park, [died Feb.] 8, [bur.] 11. 79 Mary, daughter of Samuel Simpson, Barnbow, [died Feb.] I2,[bur.] 12. Infant Henrietta Maria, daughter of David Heaton, Barwick, [died] March 16, [bur.] March 18. 2 Thomas Wilcock, Garforth Moor side, [died] Mar. 19 th , [bur.] 21 st . 75 John Brooke, Brownmoor, [died] May 31 st , [bur.] June I st Susannah Brook, Brownmoor, [died] June 5 th , [bur.] June 7 th . 63 Sarah Butler, Prestwhich, Lancashire, [died] July 14 th , [bur.] July 18 th . 87 Frances Pickring, Ingine, maintained by the Parish, [died July] 22 d , [bur.] 23. j 79 Sarah Varley, Barwick, [died July] 23 d , [bur.] 25 th . 25 Francis Moss, Kidall lane, [died] Aug 4 8, [bur.] August 10 th . 86 Benjamin Rawlinson, Barwick, [died Aug.] 16, [bur.] 18. 83 John, son of John Anderson, Barwick, [died] Sept r 19, [bur.] Sept r 20. 11 John, son of Robert Arnton, York, [died] Oct 1 9, [bur.] Oct r 11. 1 Sarah Dickinson, Barwick, [died Oct.] 29 th , [bur.] Nov r I st . 69 Timothy Waite, Potterton, Paupor [died] Nov r 3 rd , [bur.] 5. 99 Isaac, son of Isaac Hunter, Garforth moor, [died Nov.] 14 th , [bur.] 16 th . Infant Elizabeth Monks, Barwick, [died Nov.] 18, [bur.] 20. 59 Edward, son of Thomas Parker, Barwick, [died] Nov r 26, [bur.] Nov r 28 th . 17 John Settle, Stanks, [died Nov 1 ] 26, [bur.] 30. 87 Thomas, son of Thomas Ampshaw, Barwick, [died] Dec 1 29, [bur.] Dec r 31 st . 10 Dame Mary was the wife of Sir Thomas Gascoigne, eighth baronet, and daughter of James Shuttleworth. Esq., of Gawthorp, Forcett, and Barton Lodge, Co. York, and widow of Sir Charles Turner, of Kirkleatham, baronet. By her, Sir Thomas Gascoigne had an only child, Tkomas Charles Gascoigne, died 1809. 344 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. Burials, 1787. Thomas Simpson, Barnbow, [died] Dec r 30 th , [bur.] Jan? I st . 41 Sarah Hare, Lowmoor, [died] Feb. 19 th , [bur.] Feb. 21 st . 55 Sarah, daughter of Matthew Varley, Barwick, [died] March 24 th , [bur.] March 25. Infant John Waite, Barwick, Paupor, [died] April 24 th , [bur.] April 26. 92 Susannah Moss, Heaslewood, [died] June 21 st , [bur.] June 23. 84 Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Hewitt, Barwick, [died] July io, [bur.] July 11. Infant John Taite, Thostlenest, [died July] 15, [bur.] 17. 86 Mary, daughter of John Liley, Barwick, [bur.] August 3. Infant Elizabeth Leach, Barwick Workhouse, Paupor, [bur.] Aug. 18. 84 Joseph Boulton, Barwick, [bur. Aug.] 22. 81 Thomas, son of Joseph Simpson, Brownmoor, [bur.] Oct r 2 d . Infant James Beane, Barwick, [bur. Oct.] 17. 53 Elizabeth, daughter of William Orton, Roundhay, [bur.] Nov r 22 d . Infant Elizabeth Tophin, Barwick, [bur. Nov.] 24 th . 67 Jane Gill; Kidall lane End, [bur.] Dec 6 th . 58 William Taite, Barwick, [bur. Dec r ] 7 th . 70 1778. Alice Robinson, Stanks, [bur.] J any 15. 30 Ann, daughter of John Robinson, Stanks, [bur.] Feb. I st . 4 Ann, daughter of John Harrison, Potterton, [bur. Feb.] 22 d . 18 Thomas Thompson, Garforth Moor side, paupor, [bur.] March 2 d . 78 Mary, daughter of John Robinson, Stanks, [bur.] April 4 th . 1 Edmund Popplewell, Winmoor, [bur. Apr.] 10 th . 67 Mary Lumb, Poorhouse, [bur.] May 2 d . 52 Francis Hewitt, Ingine, Paupor, [bur. May] 3 d . 80 Elizabeth Strother, Barwick, [bur. May] 11 th . 25 William Cromek, Barwick, Paupor, [bur.] May 29. 84 [Here follow copies of deeds, court rolls, appointments of parish clerks and other memoranda] BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 345 [FOURTH BOOK.] Baptisms, 1788. Ann Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Shepley, Barwick, from Thomas and Ann Shepley, Leeds, and of Ann Shepley from Francis and Ann lies, Tadcaster, Born July 2 d , Baptised Sept r 18 th Mary, daughter of Joseph Simpson, York, from William and Mary Simpson, York, and of Margret Simpson from William and Mary Clayton, Ingine, [born] August 23 d , [bapt.] Oct r 5 th Benjamin, son of Thomas Pickersgill, Winmoor, from George and Martha Pickersgill, Kirstall, and of Judith Pickersgill, from John and Elizabeth Stead, Thorner, [born] Sept r 10 th , [bapt.] Oct 1 12 th Robert, son of Luke Dawson, Barnbow, from Richard and Easter Dawson, Garforth, and of Ann Dawson, from William and Sarah Pease, Garforth, [born] August 30 th , [bapt.] Nov r 2 d Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Hewitt, Barwick, from George and Frances Hewitt, Barwick, and of Elizabeth Hewitt, from Thomas and Mary Hemsworth, Swillington, [born] July 30 th [bapt.] Nov r 2 nd Thomas, son of John Cullingworth, Barwick, from Joseph and Eliza- beth Cullingworth, Aberford, and of Maria Cullingworth from Thomas and Mary Thornton, Potterton, [born] August 20 th , [bapt.] Nov r 2 nd William, son of William Vincent, Coalpits, from Jonas and Jane Vincent, Garforth Moor, and of Mary Vincent from George and Mary Scholes, Barnbow, [born] Oct r 30 th , [bapt.] Nov r 30 th Baptisms, 1789. Sarah, daughter of David Carter, Stanks, from George and Elizabeth Carter, Kippax, and of Hannah Carter from William and Hannah Tipling, Barwick, [born] Oct 1 9 th , [bapt.] Jany 11 th Hannah, daughter of Edward Goodall, Stanks, from Edward and Easter Goodall, Garforth, and of Sarah Goodall from Benjamin and Elizabeth Coock, Stanks, [born] Dec r 14, [bapt.] Jany 11 th James, Bastard son of Liddia Simpson, Hiltop, [bapt.] Jan. 26 th Elizabeth, daughter of John Liley, Barwick, from Stephen and Elizabeth Liley, Birstle, and of Elizabeth Liley from John and Elizabeth Norton, Barwick, [born] Nov r 25 th , [bapt.] Feb. 8 th Elizabeth, daughter of John Goodall, Barnbow, from Joseph and Mary Goodall, Barnbow, and of Ellin Goodall from Richard and Ellin Goodall, Col ton, [born] Jany 11 th , [bapt.] March 8 th Ann, daughter of Thomas Perkin, Barwick, from James and Ann Perkin, Barwick, and of Mary Perkin, from Robert and Eliza- beth Thorns, Parlington, [born] Feby 9 th , [bapt.] March 15 th Hannah, bastard daughter of Ann Norton, Barwick, Born at Tad- caster, Feb r 4 th , [bapt.] March 15 th Sarah & Maria, Twins, daughters of William Smith, Barwick, from William & Henney Smith, Barwick, and of Ann Smith, from William and Sarah Knapton, Barwick, [born] Feby 23 d , [bapt] March 22 d 346 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. Mary, daughter of Abraham Wormald, Barwick,from Abraham and Cressey Wormald, Barwick, and of Sarah Wormald from Richard and Sarah Naylor, Aberford, [born] March 9 th , [bapt.] March 29 th Thomas, son of William Robshaw, Barwick, from Thomas and Ellin Robshaw, Osburn, and of Sarah Robshaw from William and Sarah Knapton, Barwick, [born] March 15 th , [bapt.] April 13 th William Hargrave, son of William Slaytor, Barwick, from William and Mary Slayter, Barwick, and of Ann Slayter from William and Mary Hargrave, Hoberly, [bapt.] April 19 th Joseph, son of Joseph Walton, Barwick, from John and Ann Walton, Barwick, and of Sarah Walton from Edward and Mary Day, Potterton, [born] March 24 th , [bapt.] April 26 th Catherine Elizabeth, daughter of Richard Brooke, Scholes, from James & Mary Brooke, Killinbeck, and of Frances Brooke from Richard and Frances Brooke, York, [born] April 20 th , [bapt.] April 27 th Samuel, son of John Braithwaite, Barwick, from William [&] Jane Braithwaite, Aberford, and of Elizabeth Braithwaite from John and Elizabeth Soudon, Righcroft, [born] March 26 th , [bapt.] May 3 d Born Bap. Mary Thekston, bastard dau. of Sarah Wilkinson, Barnbow May 15 May 22 Joseph, son of William and Rebecca Bullock, Potterton, Farmer Apl. 22 24 Frances, dau. of George and Grace Hopton, Stanks, Collier 30 31 Millia, dau. of Robert and Sarah Jordan, Stanks, Labourer 8 31 William, son of William and Hannah Thompson, Barwick, Farmer 7 Jun. 7 Mary, dau. of Joseph and Mary White, Scholes, Farmer 19 13 Matthew, son of George and Sarah Mallam, Garforth Moor, Lab. March 8 21 John, son of Matthew and Elizabeth Upton, Morwick, Farmer May 26 24 Susannah, dau. of Samuel and Susannah Thompson, Barnbow, Lab r 26 28 George, son of John and Elizabeth Monks, Barwick, Labourer Feb. 28 Aug. 2 William, son of Francis and Sarah Linley, Hiltop, Labourer Jun. 13 9 Ann, dau. of John and Mary Cullingworth, Stank House, Farmer 10 9 Martha, dau. of Roger and Ann Brownrig, Scholes, Taylor Jul. 5 16 Sarah, dau. of Thomas and J uleaWaite, Barwick, Labourer May 23 23 Isaac and Jacob, Twins, sons of William and Margaret Dunwell, Hiltop, Lab r Aug. 10 30 Frances, dau. of James and Frances Barker, Penwell, Labourer Jun. 11 30 Willam, son of William and Jane Thompson, Garforth Moor, Collier Jul. 24 30 Richard, son of Richard and Mary Watson, Winmoor, Labourer Aug. 15 Sep. 13 Mary, dau. of Benj amin and Elianor Eamonson, Lazencrof t 13 16 BARWlCK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 347 Thomas, son of Thomas & Mary Tillotson. Garforth Moor, collier Aug. 26 Sep. 20 William, son of William and Sarah Knapton, Barwick, Blacksmith 31 20 John, son of James and Ellin Goodall, Barnbow, collier 8 27 Martha, dau. of John and Martha Reed, Lutherton, Labourer 27 Henry, son of John and Jane Blackburn, Garforth Moor, Collier Sep. 15 Oct. 18 Richard, son of John and Sarah Connell, Barwick, Farmer Apl. 5 Nov. 1 John, son of Thomas and Ann Collet, Brownmoor, Weelright Sep. 16 Nov. 1 Charls, son of James and Mary Norton, Barwick, Labourer Sep. 1 1 William, son of John and Susannah Robinson, Stanks, collier 27 8 James, son of William and Mary Richardson, Potterton, shoemaker Dec. 6 Edward,son of John and Sarah Brogdin,Woodhouse, farmer Nov. 2 27 Baptisms, 1790. Born Bap. Robert, son of John & Sarah Loder, Kidhall lane end, Groom Mar. 7 Jan. 1 Susannah, dau. of William & Alice Jowitt, Barwick, Labourer Dec. 19 17 Mary, dau. of John & Margret Tillotson, Ingine, collier Jan. 12 Feb. 7 Thomas and Rachal, Twins, son and dau. of Samuel and Ann Simpson, Barnbow, collier Jan. 25 Mar. 7 Mary, dau. of Matthew and Ann Varley, Barwick, Farmer Feb. 3 7 George, son of John & Elizabeth Hewitt, Barwick, collier 7 Frances, bastard dau. of Ruth Buckel, Barwick Mar. 14 28 William, son of William & Elizabeth Walton, Barwick, Labourer Feb. n Apl. 4 John, son of Thomas & Mary Armatage, Lowmoor, collier 24 4 Ann, dau. of James & Sarah Tillotson, Brownmoor, collier Mar. 5 4 Ann, dau. of James & Mary Denhil, Winmoor, Labourer 21 18 Sarah, dau. of George & Ann Dawgill, Barwick, Labourer Apl. 6 May 2 John, son of William and Mary Vincent, Coalpts, collier 18 23 Mary, dau. of Joseph and Mary Johnson, Brownmoor, collier 23 George, son of Jeremiah and Ellin Lumb, Stockhill, Farmer 23 24 Ann, dau. of John & Sarah Gough, Potterton, Gardiner Jun. 2 Christopher, Bastard son of Mary Crags, Barwick May 16 6 James, son of Renton and Sarah Haist, Barwick, Labourer 5 20 Sarah, dau. of John and Elizabeth Stubs, Barwick, Lab r Jun. 8 Aug. 8 William, son of Thomas and Ann Goodall, Ingine, Collier 21 8 Joseph, son of James and Mary Thompson, Barwick, Labourer Jul. 28 22 Elizabeth, dau. of John and Elizabeth Tomlinson, Brown- moor, Labourer 29 22 Ann, dau. of William and Rebecca Bullock, Potterton, Farmer Aug. 17 Sep. 26 30 Oct. 3 30 3 2 3 22 24 25 24 6 Nov. 7 8 7 12 7 25 7 20 7 18 9 348 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. Mary, dau of John & Millea Benton, Stanks, collier A Jane, dau. of John & Elizabeth Monks, Barwick, Labourer May 30 Isabella, dau. of William & Jane Watson, Barwick, Weel wright Sep. Mary, dau. of Mark & Hannah Benton, Garforth moor, collier Hannah, bastard dau. of Mary Hunter, Barwick Mary, dau. of Matthew & Elizabeth Upton, Morwick, Farmer Oct. Charls, son of John & Martha Mackontosh, Barwick, Labourer Robert, son of Robert and Jane Wheater, Barwick, Farmer John, son of John and Elizabeth Liley, Barwick, Labourer Richard, son of John and Maria Cullingworth, Barwick, Shoemaker David, son of Joseph and Ellin Scott, Barwick, Miller Judith, dau. of Thomas and Judith Pickersgill, Winmoor, farmer Nov. 6 Dec. 3 Ann, dau. of Peter and Mary Slayter, Barwick, Farmer Nov. 13 Baptisms, 1791. Born Bap. Matthew, son of Mark and Charlotta Lofthouse, Potterton, Farmer 21 Jan. 2 *Caroline, dau. of Edward & Anne Wilkinson of Potterton Lodge Dec. 15 Jan. 21 Mary, dau. of William and Sarah Knapton, Barwick, Blacksmith Jan. 8 Feb. 6 Ann, dau. of Joseph and Ann Cawthorn, Barwick, LabourerDec. 18 13 Ann, bastard dau. of Jane Dufton, Poorhouse, p. 25 Nicolas, son of Thomas and Sarah Tilney, Scholes, mason Jan. 26 27 Thomas, son of David and Mary Whin, Scholes, Labourer 26 27 Elizabeth, dau. of Benjamin and Elianor Eamonson, Lazincroft Feb. 1 Mar. 3 John, son of John and Hannah Butler, Scholes, pipemaker Jan. 31 6 Mary, dau. of William and Mary Starfford, Barwick, Blacksmith 9 6 Elizabeth, dau. of John and Elizabeth Braithwaite, Barwick, farmer Feb. 14 6 John, son of John and Ellin Goodall, Barnbow, collier 6 William, son of Joseph and Sarah Simpson, Brownmoor, collier 16 13 Richard, son of Edward & Sarah Goodall, Stanks, collier Mar. 10 Apl. 17 Timothy, son of William & Ann Smith, Barwick, Farmer 11 17 Ann, dau. of William & Mary Batty, Bramham, Shoemaker Apl. 22 May 22 John, son of David & Maria Heaton, Barwick, Farmer 13 22 Richard, son of Abraham & Sarah Wormald, Barwick, Blacksmith 13 22 George, son of John & Mary Cullingworth, Stank House, Farmer Apl. 24 Jun. 5 Edward Wilkinson was the son of John Wilkinson, of Potterton Lodge, by Anne, his wife, daughter of John Denison, of Great Woodhouse, Leeds. John Wilkinson succeeded his brother-in- 1 aw, Robert Denison, of Leeds and Ossington (Notts.), merchant, as owner of Potterton. BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 349 Mary, dau. of John & Sarah Gough, Potterton, Gardiner May 9 Jun. 5 Sarah, dau. of William & Elizabeth Dickinson, Barwick, Butcher 13 12 James, son of Jon[a]than and Mary Richardson, Winmoor Lime leather Apl. 10 19 Ann, dau. of Jonathan and Ellin Tayler, Stanks, collier Jun. 9 Jul. 17 John, son of James and Mary Barker, Penwell, Farmer Jun. 21 Jul. 17 John, son of Thomas and Mary Tillotson, Garforth Moor, collier Jun. 24 Jul. 17 Maria, bastard dau. of Mary Barton, Barwick 28 Ann, bastard dau. of Mary Goodall, Barnbow Jul. 10 31 Hannah, dau. of John and Margret Tillotson, Ingine, collier Jun. 17 31 Alice, dau. of William and Ann Slayter, Barwick, Labourer Jul. 9 Aug. 14 Sarah, bastard dau. of Sarah Dickinson, poorhouse, p. 14 Joseph, son of Robert and Sarah Jordon, Stanks, Labourer 18 28 Joseph, son of William and Margret Gough, Barwick, Joyner Aug. 17 Sep. 11 Samuel, son of Matthew and Ann Varley, Barwick, Farmer 12 25 Hannah, dau. of Peter and Elizabeth Benson, Scholes, Labourer 26 Nov. 6 Richard, bastard son of Ann Hawking, Scholes 6 George, son of John and Elizabeth Hewitt, Barwick, collier Oct. 10 6 John, son of John and Ann Thompson, Barwick, Collier 27 6 James, son of Joseph and Sarah Walton, Barwick, Farmer Nov. 5 Dec. 4 John Baines, son of Rev d John Graham and Dorothy his wife Nov. 6 Dec. 9 Thomas & Elizabeth, Twins, son and dau. of Thomas and Martha Marshall, Winmoor, Farmer Dec. 14 Baptisms, 1792. Born Bap. David, son of William and Jane Thompson, Garforth moor, collier [Nov.] 21 Jan. 1 Jane, dau. of John and Jane Blackburn, Garforth moor, collier 23 Jan. 1 Mary, dau. of John and Sarah Clapham, Barwick, Labourer Jan. 1 Feb. 5 Ann, dau. of Seath and Hannah Stacha Brista, Winmoor, Lab r 19 12 Mary, dau. of William and Mary Vincent, Coalpits, collier 25 26 Elizabeth, dau. of John and Sarah Loder, Kiddall lane end 27 George, son of Renton and Sarah Haist, Barwick, Labourer Feb. 3 Mar. 4 Mary, dau. of Richard and Ann Per kin, Barwick, Farmer Jan. 23 18 Easter, dau. of James and Ellin Goodall, Barnbow, collier Jan. 24 Apl. 8 Benjamin, son of William and Rebecca Bullock, Potterton, farmer Mar. 31 29 John, son of John and Sarah Brogden, Woodhouse, Farmer Apl. 17 May 27 Joseph, son of Joseph and Susannah Johnson, Brownmoor, Collier May n Jun. 10 Benjamin, son of Thomas and Mary Armatage, Lowmoor, collier Jun. 27 Jul. 22 350 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. Sarah, dau. of Thomas and Ann Goodall, Ingine, collier 15 29 Catherine, dau. of John and Sarah Gough, Potterton, gardiner Jul. 8 Aug. 5 John, son of John and Ann Auchtertownie, Barwick, gardiner 21 19 James, son of Thomas and Hannah Lowreman, Ingine, collier 2 26 Maria, dau. of George and Ann Darton, Barwick, Labourer Aug. 5 Sep. 2 Mary, dau. of John and Ann Baley, Brownmoor, Laburer 7 9 Benjamin, son of John and Mary Barber, Stanks, Collier 29 23 Elizabeth, dau. of Samuel and Catherine Thompson, Barwick, collier Sep. 12 Nov. 4 William, son of William & Sarah Robshaw, Barwick, Labourer 6 4 Hannah, dau. of John & Ann Atkinson, Stanks, Labourer 22 11 George, son of Leonard & Mary Cauwood, Winmoor, Shoemaker 15 23 Thomas, son of William & Sarah Knapton, Barwick, Blacksmith Nov. 12 25 Mary, dau. of Joseph & Mary Upton, Morwick, Farmer Oct. 7 28 Baptisms, 1793. Born Bapt. Joseph & Johannah, twins, son [&] dau. of William and Hannah Beanley, Barwick, Taylor Jan. 5 Thomas, son of John & Emelley Benton, Stanks, collier Dec. 3 13 James, son of Thomas and Mary Tillotson, Garforth moor, collier 30 27 Ann, dau. of John & Ann Thompson, Barwick, collier 27 27 John, son of John and Hannah Wetherill, Woodhouse, Farmer Jan. 15 Feb. 10 Roger, son of Roger and Ann Brownrig, Scholes, Taylor 3 10 William, son of William and Elizabeth Robinson, Barwick 30 13 Ann, dau. of David & Maria Heaton, Barwick, Farmer 5 Mar. 3 Abigal, dau. of James & Mary Thompson, Barwick, Labourer James, son of William and Mary Batty, Bramham, Shoemaker William, son of Thomas and Martha Marshall, Whinmoor, Farmer John, son of Joseph and Sarah Simpson, Brownmoor, collier Martha, dau. of John and Martha Mackontosh, Barwick, Lab r James, son of John and Maria Cullingworth, Barwick, shoemaker Charles, son of David and Mary Win, Scholes, collier Feb. 4 Mar. 31 Jane, dau. of John and Elizabeth Scholes, Barnbow, collier Mar. 20 Apl. 2 Elizabeth, dau. of Matthew and Ann Varley, Barwick, Farmer Feb. n 7 Thomas, son of Thomas and Julea Waite, Barwick, Labourer Mar. 6 7 George, son of William and Ellin Rawlinson, Barwick 17 May 5 an. 29 3 eb. 14 10 D 6 Di8 D2I D24 22 3 24 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 351 William, son of William and Margret Gough, Barwick, Joyner Apl. 18 19 Sarah, dau. of John and Mary Cullingworth, Stankhouse Jul. 15 29 Robert, son of Peter and Elizabeth Benson, Scholes, Labourer Apl. 2 Jun. 9 Mary, dau. of William and Ann Goodall, Barnbow, collier Mar. 19 9 Ann, dau. of John and Sarah Clapham, Barwick, Labourer May 23 23 Abraham, son of Abraham and Sarah Wormald, Barwick, Blacksmith 7 30 Ann, dau. of Francis & Sarah Buck of York, Petergate, servant Jul. 1 D Hewley, son of John Graham, clerk, & Dorothy, his wife, of Barwick May 3 Jul. 11 Peter, son of John and Sarah Gough, Potterton, gardiner Jun. 14 14 Rebecca, dau. of Thomas and Sarah Tilney, Scholes, mason May 31 28 John, son of John and Ann Braithwaite, Barwick, Farmer Jul. 14 Aug. 18 Mary & Martha, Twins, daus. of Thomas and Mary Perkin, Barwick, Labourer Sep. 20 Sep. 20 Thomas, son of Thomas & Ann Lowreman, Brownmoor, collier 28 Nov. 3 William, son of William & Mary Pickersgill, Potterton, Farmer Oct. 11 3 Hannah, dau. of Richard & Ann Perkin, Barwick, Farmer Jul. 2 3 Joseph, son of William and Ann Smith, Barwick, Farmer Oct. 31 3 Mary, dau. of Joseph and Hellen Scott, Scholes, Millwright 8 3 Matthew, bastard son of Ann Norton, Barwick, p. 3 Richard, son of Jonathan and Ellin Tayler, Stanks, collier 24 Dec. 1 Baptisms, 1794. Born Bap. Ann, dau. of James and Ellin Heaton, Potterton, servant Nov. 30 Jan. 5 Jane, dau. of William and Mary Vincent, Barnbow, collier Dec. 23 12 Ann, dau. of Thomas and Ann Goodall, Ingine, collier 9 12 Rebecca, dau. of William and Jane Watson, Barwick Jan. 1 12 Elizabeth, dau. of Matthew and Elizabeth Upton, Scholes Dec. 31 27 Mary, dau. of Edward and Sarah Goodall, Stanks, collier Jan. 19 Feb. 16 Elizabeth, dau. of John and Martha Mackontosh, Barwick, Labourer Jan. 17 Feb. 23 Sarah, dau. of John and Hannah Butler, Scholes, Pipe maker Feb, 9 Mar. 2 James, son of John and Margret Tillotson, Barwick, Collier 4 30 Elizabeth, dau. of Renton and Sarah Haist, Barwick, Labourer Mar. 10 Apl. 6 Jane, dau. of John and Sarah Burrow, Farmer, Roundhay Dec. 19 20 Sarah, dau. of John and Elizabeth Hewitt, Barwick, collier Mar. 27 27 Charls, son of William and Ellin Rawlinson, Barwick, Apl. 24 30 William, son of William and Hannah Beanley, Barwick, Taylor Mar. 30 May 11 Hannah, dau. of Isaac and Mary Hunter, Stanks, collier 27 11 Harriot, bastard dau. of Mary Green, Scholes Apl. 8 Jun. 1 352 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. David, son of Thomas and Ann Stoner, Barwick, miller 6 10 Ann, dau. of Thomas and Hannah Waite, Barwick, Taylor May 16 10 Alice, dan. of George and Ann Daughill, Barwick, Labourer 6 15 Jane, dau. of John and Jane Goodall, Barnbow, Collier Apl. 22 15 John, son of Robert and Mary Greenwood, Barwick Jun. 5 22 James, son of John and Elizabeth Stubs, Barwick, servant May 18 29 Elizabeth, dau. of William and Sarah Knapton, Barwick, blacksm th Jun. 18 Jul. 6 Mary, dau. of Jonothan and Mary Richardson, Winmoor, Labourer May 12 6 Barnard, son of John and Sarah Gough, Potterton, Gardiner Jun. 24 20 Susanna Barwicke, a Foundling (name unknown) taken up on the Common, p. Aug. 17 Mary, dau. of Benjamin and Frances Bell, Winmoor, Labourer Aug. 5 31 John, son of William and Rebecca Bullock, Potterton, Farmer 9 Sep. 7 Mary, dau. of Thomas and Martha Collet, Barwick, Lab r 11 7 Martha, dau. of Richard and Elizabeth Shillito, Kidhall- lane End, Taylor 9 Oct. 5 Elizabeth, dau. of John and Ann Thompson, Barwick, Collier Sep. 27 26 Ann, dau. of John and Sarah Brogden, Morwick, Farmer Oct. 1 Nov. 2 Mary, dau. of Richard and Elianor Pease, Barwick, collier 23 2 Mary, dau. of Richard and Elizabeth Dungwith, Barwick, Lab r 3 2 Harriot, dau. of Samuel and Catherine Thompson, Barn- bow, collier 26 23 John, son of Jacob and Sarah Brown, Winmoor, Labourer 30 30 Mary, dau. of Thomas and Mary Tillotson, Garforth moor, collier Nov. 14 Dec. 7 Sarah, dau. of William and Sarah Smith, Bramham park 4 28 Baptisms, 1795. Benjamin, son of John and Maria Cullingworth, Barwick, Shoemaker Nov. 12 Jan. 11 Hannah, dau. of John and Jane Atkinson, Winmoor, Labourer Dec. 21 ' 25 Elizabeth Jackson, dau. of John and Mary Kettlewell, Barnbow 17 Feb. 8 Sarah, dau. of Matthew and Sarah Varley, Barwick, Farmer 22 John, son of William and Margret Gough, Barwick, Joyner Jan. 28 Mar. 1 George, son of John and Elizabeth Scholes, Barnbow, collier Feb. 17 15 Frances, dau. of John and Emelia Benton, Garforth moor, collier 17 29 John, son of David and Mary Whin, Scholes, collier Mar. 6 Apl. 5 David Stoner was a zealous preacher in the Wesleyan Ministry. Appointed to the Leeds Circuit 1814, afterwards to Huddersfield, Bradford, Bristol, York, and Liverpool whera he died 23 October, 1826. See Memoir of David Stoner by William Dawson and Dr. John Hannah, New York, 1853, and Stevens's History of Methodism, Vol. III. 13 19 25 26 25 26 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 353 William, son of David and Maria Heaton, Barwick, Farmer Jan. 25 [Apr]. 5 Hannah, dau. of John and Hannah Wetherill, Woodhouse, Farmer 6 John, son of Thomas and Martha Marshall, Winmoor, Farmer Mar. 10 6 Charlotta, dau. of Joseph and Susannah Johnson, Stanks, collier John, son of John and Sarah Clapham, Ba[r]wick, Farmer Dinah, dau. of William and Ann Clayton, ingine, Collier George, son of Benjamin and Ann Rawden, Stanks, Labourer Feb. 25 26 James, son of John and Mary Barber, Scholes, collier Mar. 30 May 3 Sarah, dau. of Richard and Ann Perkin, Barwick, Farmer Feb. 17 10 John, son of Rev d William Hodgson, clerk, and Catharine, his wife, of Barwick Feb. 8 Mar. 21 Ann, dau. of Rev d William Hodgson, clerk, and Catharine, his wife, of Barwick Feb. 8 Mar. 21 Ann, dau. of William and Ellin Rawlinson, Barwick Apl. 22 May 31 Mary, dau. of Thomas and Elizabeth Barton, Barwick, Butcher May 6 Jun. 7 John, son of Leonard and Mary Cauwood, Winmoor, shoemaker 7 Henrey, son of Joseph and Sarah Simpson, Brownmoor, collier 27 21 James, son of Thomas and Mary Armatage, Winmoor, Collier 30 28 David, son of Joseph and Ann Cawthorn, Barwick, Labourer 2 28 Hannah, dau. of John and Mary Smith, Ingine, Labourer Jun. 24 Jul. 12 Henry, son of John & Dorothy Graham, clerk, Barwick Jun. 4 Jun. 24 John, son of Jonothan & Ellin Taylor, Stanks, collier Jul. 13 Jul. 26 Henrey, son of Thomas & Ann Goodall, Ingine, collier 22 Aug. 23 James, son of John and Sarah Gough, Potterton, gardiner Sep. 30 Oct. 25 Thomas, son of Thomas and Mary Morritt, Barwick, Lab r 23 Nov. 1 Joseph, son of William and Hannah Beanley, Barwick, Taylor 10 1 William, son of John and Ann Braithwaite, Barwick, Farmer Jul. 4 1 John, son of William and Mary Clough, Barwick, Farmer Sep. 12 1 Elizabeth, dau. of William and Sarah Knapton, Barwick, Blacksmith Oct. 7 1 Hannah, dau. of William and Mary Pickersgill, Winmoor Nov. 22 William, son of Thomas and Hannah Waite, Barwick, Taylor Nov. 17 Dec. 13 James, son of William and Jane Thompson, Garforth Moor, collier Oct. 30 13 Hannah, dau. of Richard and Mary Waite, Barwick, Butcher Nov. 21 27 /Baptisms, 1796. Born Bap. John, son of John and Elizabeth Holmes, Winmoor, Labourer Jan. 24 w 354 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. George, son of William and Isabella Simpson, Stank, collier 31 William, son of Job and Sarah Hodgson, Scholes, Labourer 31 Elizabeth, dau. of John and Jane Atkinson, Crosgates, Labourer Jan. 14 Feb. 7 John, son of William and Sarah Robshaw, Barwick, Labourer 14 Matthew, son of William and Jane Watson, Barwick, Woodfeller Feb. 4 21 Jane, dau. of Joseph and Mary Upton, Morwick, Farmer Dec. 23 24 Alice, dau. of Thomas and Ann Stoner, Barwick, Miller Jan. 6 26 Christopher William, son of Edward and Ann Wilkinson, Potterton Lodge 22 Elizabeth, dau. of John and Ellin Smith, Barwick, Labourer Mar. 6 Apl. 3 Sarah, dau. of John and Sarah Groves, Barwick, Carpinter 3 John, son of James and Mary Thompson, Barwick, Labourer Apl. 1 May 1 Charls, son of Foljombe and Mary Hall, Potterton Mar. 20 2 Ann, dau. of Richard and Elizabeth Shillito, Kidhall lane, Taylor 31 6 John, son of John and Mary Groves, Potterton, Farmer Feb. 24 15 Thomas, son of Leonard and Mary Cauwood, Winmoor, shoemaker Mar. 30 15 Robart, son of John and Elizabeth Stubs, Barwick Jan. 13 22 Thomas, son of Thomas and Mary Wood, Potterton, Labourer 29 William, son of Richard and Mary Hewitt, Barwick, collier May 8 Jun. 19 Ann, dau. of Matthew and Elizabeth Upton, Scholes, Labourer 6 19 Faith, dau. of Joseph and Elizabeth Turner, Stanks, collier 30 Jul. 17 James, son of John and Martha Mackontosh, Barwick, Labourer 31 George, son of William and Hannah Carr, Kidhall lane end, Carpinter Jul. 1 Aug. 1 Mary, dau. of James and Tabitha Lumb, Barwick, Farmer 3 George, son of George and Ann Daughill, Barwick, Labourer 7 George and Sarah, twins, son and dau. of William and Mary Vince, coalpitts, collier 12 14 Elizabeth, dau. of Richard and Elizabeth Dungwith, Barwick, Labourer 15 14 Isaac, son of Abraham and Sarah Wormald, Barwick, Blacksmith 2 Sep. 4 Samuel, son of Thomas and Hannah Thompson, Garforth moor, collier Aug. 13 18 John, bastard son of Ann Newhouse, poorhouse 25 Sarah, dau. of John and Jane Hunter, Stanks, collier 15 Oct. 2 David, son of David and Mary Winn, Scholes, collier 27 2 Pheabe, dau. of John and Elizabeth Monks, Barwick, Labourer Apl. 13 16 Mary, dau. of Thomas and Sarah Tilney, Scholes, Mason Oct. 3 Nov. 6 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 355 John, son of William and Ann Copley, Barwick, Labourer Sep. 22 6 John, son of William and Mary Heaton, Barwick, Labourer Aug. 23 6 Hannah, dau. of Thomas and Mary Simpson, Stanks, Lab r Oct. 13 20 Baptisms, 1797. Born Bap. Henrey, son of James and Ellin Goodall, Barnbow, collier Jan. 15 Mary Ann, dau. of John and Jane Goodall, Barnbow, collier 22 Hannah, dau. of Thomas and Mary Morritt, Barwick, Labourer Dec. 2 22 John, son of Benjamin and Martha Stringer, Hilltop, Taylor Jan. 17 Feb. 5 Mary, dau. of William and Margret Gough, Barwick, Joiner Jan. 11 5 Richard, son of John and Elizabeth Hewitt, Barwick, collier Dec. 20 5 Sarah, dau. of John and Sarah Clapham, Barwick, Labourer Jan. 11 12 Sarah, dau. of Thomas and Elizabeth Barton, Barwick, Farmer 12 12 George, son of Samuel and Cathrine Thompson, Barwick, collier 19 26 Ann, dau. of Matthew and Ann Varley, Barwick, Farmer, Dec. 19 26 Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas and Martha Collet, Barwick, Labourer Jan. 29 Mar. 5 John, son of John and Elizabeth Scholes, Barnbow, Collier Feb. 7 12 William, son of John and Hannah Butler, Scholes, pipe Maker Mar. 11 Apl. 16 John, son of Sam 11 & Catherine Robinson, Garforth Moorside, collier Apl. 4 23 Ann, daug tr of John & Hannah Wetherill, Winmoor stile, Farmer Mar. 26 May 7 John, son of John & Margaret Tillotson, Barwick, Collier Apl. 15 D 21 William, son of John & Elizabeth Bean, Barwick, Shoe- maker May 20 Jun. 18 Edward, son of Edward & Sarah Goodall, Stanks, collier May 21 Jun. 18 Elizabeth, d r of George & Eliz th Pickersgill, Grimsdike, Cartdriver Jun. 18 Jun. 25 Elizabeth, d r of William & Eleanor Rawlinson, Barwick, Labourer May 26 Jul. 9 Sarah, d r of John & Sarah Brogdin, Morwick, Labourer Jul. 8 Aug. 13 Thomas, son of Thomas & Ann Stoner, Barwick, Miller Jul. 8 Sep. 1 Mary, d r of William & Rebecca Bullock, Potterton, Farmer Aug. 31 Oct. 1 Sarah, d r of William & Sarah Knapton, Barwick, Black- smith Aug. 24 Oct. 1 Richard, son of Richard & Elizabeth Pease, Barwick, collier Oct. 11 Nov. 5 Samuel, son of William & Hannah Beanley, Barwick, Tailor Sep. 4 Nov. 5 Sarah, d r of William & Mary Linley, Barnbow, Labourer Oct. 1 Nov. 5 Elizabeth, d r of Richard & Ann Perkin, Barwick, Farmer Jun. 21 Nov. 5 Matthew, son of John & Elizabeth Braithwaite, Barwick, Farmer Sep. 2 Nov. 5 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER." David, son of David & Hannah Maria Heaton, Barwick, Farmer Jul. 18 Nov. 5 Hannah, d r of Thomas & Hannah Waite, Barwick, Tailor Oct. 21 Nov. 6 Elizabeth, d r of James & Tabitha Lumb, Barwick, Farmer Oct. 5 Nov. 6 Sarah, d r of John & Ann Johnson, Stanks, collier Nov. 8 Dec. 3 Charlotte, bastard dau. of Hannah Hodgson, Scholes Nov. 9 Dec. 10 Robert, son of Jonathan & Elizabeth Taylor, Stanks, collier Nov. 4 Dec. 17 Baptisms, 1798. Born Bap. John, son of William & Frances Collet, Potterton lane, 1798 Blacksmith Dec. 12 Jan. 7 Hannah, d r of Joseph & Sarah Simpson, Brown Moor, collier Dec. 11 Jan. 7 William, son of Thomas & Mary Tillotson, Barrowby lane end, collier Dec. 6 Jan. 14 Alice, d r of Richard & Mary Waite, Barwick, Butcher Nov. 17 Jan. 21 Elizabeth, d r of James & Frances Barker, Pen well, Labourer Jan. 2 Feb. 4 Thomas, son of Peter & Catherine Higgins, Bradford bottom, Labourer Jan. 4 Feb. 4 John, son of W m & Mary Atkinson, Barwick, Labourer Jan. 17 Feb. 11 James, son of Thomas & Mary Parker, Barwick, Labourer Nov. 20 Feb. 18 Mary, d r of James & Eleanor Heaton, Barwick, Labourer Dec. 31 Feb. 25 Frances, d r of Thomas & Martha Marshall, Winmoor, Farmer Jan. 13 Feb. 26 Elizabeth, d r of John & Elizabeth Dean, Winmoor, Huckster Jan. 24 Mar. 4 Hannah, d r of Richard & Mary Hewitt, Barwick, collier Feb. 1 Mar. 11 Richard, son of John & Eleanor Smith, Barwick, Labourer Feb. 19 Mar. 25 Benjamin, son of Benjamin & Jane Thompson, Barwick, collier Jan. 23 Mar. 25 Jane, d r of John & Mary Smith, Engine, Waggoner Jan. 20 Apl. 8 Mary, dau ht r of the Rev d William Hodgson, clerk, & Catharine, his wife, of Berwick Feb. 19 Mar. 25 James, son of Peter & Elizabeth Benson. Scholes, collier Feb. 22 Apl. 15 Mary, d r of John & Mary Barber, Scholes, collier Apl. 14 May 13 Hannah, dau r of William & Ann Copley, Barwick, Labourer May 3 May 27 Robert, son of William & Mary Heaton, Barwick, Labourer Apl. 6 May 27 John, son of Richard & Elizabeth Dungwith, Barwick, Labourer May 9 Jun. 3 Thomas, son of Thomas & Martha Robuck, Potterton lane, Farmer May 11 Jun. 10 Ann, dau r of William & Jane Watson, Barwick, Labourer Apl. 7 Jun. 7 George, son of William & Elizabeth Walton, Barwick, Labourer Jun. 3 Jun. 10 Elizabeth, dau r of Richard & Sarah Jackson, Barwick, Waiter at an Inn Jun. 2 Jul. 1 George, son of John & Ann Thompson, Garforth-moor-side, collier . Jun. 7 Jul. 1 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 357 Mary, dau r of Thomas & Mary Armatage, Lowmoor, collier Jun. 4 Jul. 8 Catherine, dau r of William & Mary Pickersgill, Potterton, Farmer Jun. 10 Jul. 15 Sarah, dau r of Jonathan & Mary Richardson, Winmoor, Labourer May 30 Jul. 22 Sarah, dau r of John & Sarah Gough, Potterton, Gardener Jun. 20 Jul. 22 Grace, dau r of John & Jane Goodall, Barnbow, collier Jun. 9 Jul. 22 William, son of James & Mary Thompson, Barwick, Labourer Jun. 24 Aug. 5 John, Bastard son of Hannah Carter, Roundhay, Maid- servant Jul. 21 Aug. 26 William (born at Stanks), son of John & Jane Hunter, Garforth, collier Sep. 1 Sep. 23 Elizabeth, dau r of Thomas & Mary Morritt, Barwick, Labourer Aug. 21 Oct. 7 John, son of John & Ann Todd, Barwick, Labourer Oct. 4 Nov. 4 Thomas, son of Christopher & Faith Simpson, Barnbow, collier Sep. 15 Nov. 4 William, son of John & Elizabeth Monk, Stanks, Labourer May 1 Nov. 4 James, son of John & Hannah Butler, Scholes, Pipemaker Oct. 12 Nov. 4 Sarah, dau r of Abraham & Sarah Wormald, Barwick, Blacksmith Sep. 11 Nov. 4 Patience, dau r of John & Ann Atkinson, Winmoor, Labourer Oct. 6 Nov. 11 Richard, son of William & Mary Vincent, Green Lane, Collier Oct. 25 Nov. 25 James, son of Joseph & Mary Sparling, Kidhall Lane end, Labourer Oct. 26 Nov. 25 Thomas, son of John & Sarah Whitehead, Barwick, Farmer Oct. 28 Nov. 28 Mary-Ann, dau r of Thomas & Mary Balance, Scholes, collier Nov. 27 Dec. 23 Benjamin, son of Benjamin & Martha Stringer, Hill- top, Taylor Dec. 5 Dec. 23 Joseph, son of John & Sarah Clapham, Barwick, Farmer Nov. 22 Dec. 23 Hannah, dau r of William & Hannah Carr, Kid Hall Lane end, Joiner Nov. 22 Dec. 25 William, son of George & Ann Daughill, Barwick, Labourer Dec. 5 Dec. 30 Baptisms, 1799. Born Bap. William, son of John & Elizabeth Holmes, Grimsdike, Labourer Nov. 27 Jan. 13 Hannah, dau r of Samuel & Catherine Tompson, Barwick, Collier Dec. 13 Jan. 13 Bella, dau r of John & Mary Cawthorne, Scholes, Shoemaker Dec. 22 Jan. 20 John, bastard son of Hannah Stead, Barwick Jan. 20 Feb. 10 Mary, dau r of Thomas & Elizabeth Robshaw, Barwick, Woodman Jan. 29 Feb. 24 Hannah, dau r of Richard & Elizabeth Pease, Barwick, collier Dec. 27 Feb. 24 James, son of William & Ann Clayton, Engine, Collier Jan. 1 Mar. 3 358 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. Elizabeth, dau r of Thomas & Ann Goodall, Engine, collier Jan. 5 Mar. 3 George, son of Thomas & Elizabeth Barton, Barwick, Farmer Jan. 24 Mar. 3 John, son of Joseph & Martha Kirkham, Barwick, Labourer Mar. 7 Mar. 7 Jane, dau r of William & Margaret Gough, Barwick, Carpenter Feb. 16 Mar. 24 Benjamin, son of Leonard & Mary Cauwood, Grimsdike, Publican Feb. 1 Mar. 25 Harriet, bastard dau r of Hannah Wright, Poor-house Feb. 19 Mar. 31 John, son of Matthew & Ann Varley, Barwick, Farmer Jan. 19 Apl. 14 Sarah, dau r of John & Elizabeth Scholes, Barnbow, collier Mar. 1 Apl. 21 Hannah, dau r of William & Sarah Knapton, Barwick, Blacksmith Apl. 5 May 5 Joseph, son of Thomas & Ann Stoner, Barwick, Miller Mar. 29 May 13 William, son of George & Sarah Simpson, Barwick, Labourer Apl. 19 May 12 James, son of William & Eleanor Buckanan, Scholes, Labourer Jun. 10 Jun. 12 Joshua, son of John & Ann Eastwood, Stanks, collier Apl. 14 Jun. 16 Sarah, dau r of John & Grace Hemsworth, Barwick, collier May 5 Jun. 23 Ann, dau r of John & Sarah Groves, Barwick, Carpenter Jun. 12 Jul. 7 Ann, dau r of John & Amelia Benton, Barrowby-lane-end, Collier May 21 Jul. 7 James, son of James & Mary Dodd, a private in y e Warwickshire Cavalry Mar. 12 Jul. 19 George, son of James & Mary Hirst, Barwick, Labourer Jul. 3 Aug. n James, son of John & Elizabeth Bean, Barwick, Shoemaker Jul. 9 Aug. 18 Thomas, son of Thomas & Sarah Tilney, Scholes, Mason, Aug 19. Sep. 8 Elizabeth, dau r of Thomas & Mary Todd, Barwick, Man- servant Aug. 4 Sep. 15 Thomas, son of Thomas & Hannah Waite, Barwick, Tailor Aug. 23 Oct. 11 Sarah, dau r of Joseph & Sarah Simpson, Brown-moor, collier Sep. 10 Oct. 13 James, son of John & Elizabeth Monk, Stanks, Labourer Jul. 1 Oct. 20 Thomas, son of Joseph & Ann Speight, Scholes, Labourer Oct. 8 Nov. 3 Richard, son of Richard & Ann Perkin, Barwick, Farmer Jul. 10 Nov. 3 Richard, son of Richard & Mary Hewitt, Barwick, collier Sep. 18 Nov. 3 Mary, dau r of John & Elizabeth Braithwaite, Barwick, Farmer Sep. 14 Nov. 3 Hannah, dau r of John & Elizabeth Hewitt, Barwick, Collier Jul. 12 Nov. 3 Thomas, son of Thomas & Martha Collet, Barwick, Labourer Sep. 24 Nov. 3 Jonathan, son of Samuel & Frances Pickard, Terraloggate, Gamekeeper Sep. 13 Nov. 24 William, son of William & Frances Collet, Potterton lane, Blacksmith Nov. 5 Dec. 1 Sarah, dau r of John & Elizabeth Dean, Winmoor, Huckster Nov. 5 Dec. 8 James, son of John & Hannah Johnson, Stanks, Collier Nov. 27 Dec. 25 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 359 Baptisms, 1800. Born Bap. Elizabeth, dau r of William & Mary Linley, Barnbow, Labourer Dec. 19, 1799 Jan. 19 Seth, son of Peter & Catherine Higgins, Bradford bottom, Labourer Aug. 20, 1799 Feb. 2 Mary, dau r of James & Jane Batty, Barwick, Shoemaker Feb. 10 Mar. 16 Abraham, son of Matthew & Elizabeth Riley, Barnbow, Labourer Feb. 20 Mar. 23 Richard, son of William & Elizabeth Dickinson, Barnbow, Labourer Feb. 27 Mar. 30 Benjamin, son of William & Hannah Beanley, Barwick, Tailor Mar. 13 Apl. 13 Sarah, dau r of William & Eleanor Rawlinson, Barwick, Labourer Feb. 22 Apl. 20 Edward, bastard son of Eleanor Nettleton, Poorhouse Mar. 20 Apl. 20 Abraham, son of John & Sarah Whitehead, Barwick, Farmer Mar. 23 Apl. 27 Thomas & Hannah, son & dau r of John & Ann Todd, Barwick, Labourer Apl. 28 Apl. 29 Thomas, son of James & Tabitha Lumb, Barwick, Farmer Mar. 27 May 2 Thomas, son of William & Ann Burnill, Woodhouse, Farmer Feb. 19 May 11 Isaac, son of James & Frances Barker, Penwell, Farmer Apl. 19 May 11 Thomas, son of Thomas and Hannah Thon^ son, Barnbow, Collier Mar 24 May 11 Elizabeth, dau r of Thomas & Martha Marshall, Winmoor, Farmer Apl. 14 May 19 William, son of Richard & Elizabeth Pease, Barwick, collier Apl. 22 May 25 James, son of Benjamin & Jane Thompson, Barwick, collier Apl. 4 Jun. 1 Richard, son of Richard & Margaret Goodall, Stanks, collier Nov. 16 Jun. 1 Peter, son of William & Eleanor Buckanan, Scholes, Labourer May 11 Jun. 8 William, son of Jonathan & Mary Richardson, Winmoor, Labourer May 18 Jun. 29 John, son of John & Eleanor Smith, Barwick, Labourer, May 8 Jul. 6 Elizabeth, dau r of John & Mary Smith, Engine, Waggoner Jun, 14 Jul. 13 Joseph, son of John & Mary Cawthorne, Scholes, Shoe- maker Jun. 29 Jul. 27 Jane, dau r of William & Elizabeth Batty, Barwick, Shoe- maker Jul. 30 Aug. 31 Hannah, dau r of William & Mary Heaton, Barwick, Labourer Apl. 29 Sep. 14 John, son of Job & Sarah Hodgson, Scholes, Labourer Sep. 10 Sep. 21 William, bastard son of Elizabeth Linley, Engine Aug. 20 Sep. 21 Hannah, dau r of William & Hannah Wainwright, Morwick, Labourer Aug. 28 Sep. 28 Lydia, dau r of John & Ann Thompson, Potterton, ShepherdAug. 17 Oct. 5 360 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER William, bastard son of Ann Maud, Rounday Oct. 13 Oct. 23 Ann, dau r of John & Elizabeth Thompson, Potterton, Labourer Oct. 7 Nov. 2 William, son of William & Ann Copley, Barwick, Labourer Oct. 1 Nov. 2 William, son of James & Eleanor Goodall, Barnbow, collier Sep. 8 Nov. 2 Thomas, son of Samuel & Catherine Thompson, Barwick, collier Sep. 18 Nov. 2 Mary-ann, dau r of John & Ann Carr, Barwick, Joiner Nov. 8 Dec. 14 Thomas, son of Joseph & Mary Sparling, Kidhall Lane-end, Labourer Nov. 16 Dec. 21 Baptisms, 1801. Born Bap. William, son of William & Mary Atkinson, Barwick, Labourer Jan. 3 Feb. 8 Sarah, dau r of Thomas & Mary Hudson, Potterton, Labourer Jan. 19 Feb. 15 Thomas & Sarah, twin son & dau r of Thomas & Eliz. Robshaw, Barwick, Farmer Feb. 7 Feb. 7 Ann, dau r of William & Margaret Gough, Barwick, Carpenter Feb. 13 Mar. 8 Sarah, dau 1 ' of Peter & Elizabeth Benson, Scholes, Labourer Dec. 13, 1800 Mar. 15 Mary, dau r of Joseph & Martha Kirkham, Barwick, Labourer Feb. 3 Apl. 5 William, son of John & Mary Robshaw, Barwick, Labourer Mar. 5 Apl. 5 Ann, dau r of Thomas & Mary Morritt, Barwick, Labourer Jan. 6 Apl. 5 Robert, son of John & Jane Goodall, Barnbow, collier Jan. 31 Apl. 5 Henry, son of Leonard & Mary Cauwood, Grimsdike, Publican Feb. 7 Apl. 6 Mary, bastard dau r of Margaret Dearlove, Poorhouse Mar. 9 Apl. 12 James, son of Richard & Ann Perkin, Barwick, Farmer Dec. 8, 1800 Apl. 19 Benjamin, son of John & Elizabeth Holmes, Grimsdike, Laborer Mar. 3 Apl. 26 Joseph, son of William & Susanna Lidster, Brownmoor, Laborer Apl. 13 May 3 George, son of Bennet & Mary Johnson, Barwick, Laborer Mar. 31 May 10 Elizabeth, dau r of John & Ann Todd, Barwick, Laborer Apl. 6 May 10 Robert, son of Thomas & Elizabeth Barton, Barwick, Farmer Mar. 20 May 24 Elizabeth, dau r of Christopher & Faith Simpson, Barnbow, collier Mar. 25 May 24 Jane, dau r of George & Ann Daughill, Barwick, Laborer May 12 Jun. 7 Ruth, dau r of Abraham & Sarah Wormald, Barwick, Blacksmith Apl. 23 Jun. 7 Ann, bastard dau r of Martha Morritt, Winmoor Jun. 9 Jun. 28 James, son of James & Mary Hirst, Barwick, Laborer Jun. 14 Jul. 12 Mary, dau r of Richard & Elizabeth Dungwith, Barwick, Laborer Jun. 16 Jul. 19 Richard, son of Matthew & Mary Johnson, Scholes, collier Jun. 4 Jul. 19 William, son of Thomas & Mary Todd, Barwick, Laborer Jun. 10 Jul. 26 BARWtCK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. i 361 Ann, dau r of Stephen & Elizabeth Flowet, Barwick, Laborer . Jun. 28 Aug. 2 Thomas, son of William & Mary Vincent, Green lane, collier Jun. 23 Aug, 16 Ruth, dau r of Thomas & Sarah Tilney, Scholes, Mason Jul. 12 Aug. 16 Hannah, dau r of Thomas & Elizabeth Ward, Barwick, Laborer Jun. 28 Sep. 13 Richard, son of William & Sarah Knapton, Barwick, Blacksmith Jun. 28 Sep. 27 Grace, dau r of Ephraim & Mary Jolly, Barwick, Laborer Sep. 11 Sep. 26 Grace, dau r of John & Sarah Clapham, Barwick, Farmer Sep. 5 Oct. 4 Susanna and Sophia, twin daughters of the Reverend William Hodgson and Catharine, his wife, of Berwick in Elmet, born 5 th , baptized 26 th of Aug. Thomas, son of Samuel & Abigal Watson, Kidhall lane end, Laborer Sep. 24 Oct. 18 Ann, dau r of Francis & Jane Wilkinson, Potterton, Farmer Aug. 22 Oct. 30 Elizabeth, dau r of John & Elizabeth Scholes, Barnbow, collier Jul. 23 Nov. 1 William, son of James & Mary Smith, Austhorp, Laborer Sep. 6 Nov. 20 Richard, bastard son of Lydia Hewitt, Barwick Nov. 2 Nov. 22 Joseph, bastard son of Hannah Harrison, Poorhouse Nov. 2 Nov. 22 Sarah, dau r of William & Elizabeth Batty, Barwick Shoemaker Nov. 10 Dec. 13 Baptisms, 1802. Born Bap. George, son of Richard and Frances Baker, Stanks, Labourer Oct. 2, 1801 Jan. 1 Sarah, dau. of George & Ann Connell, Barwick, Labourer Dec. 15 Jan. 19 Sarah, daug r of Thomas & Hannah Waite, Barwick, Tailor Nov. 17 Jan. 31 Elizabeth, daug r of Peter & Catherine Higgins, Bradford Bottom, Labourer Nov. 27 Feb. 7 John, son of Rich d & Elizabeth Pease, Barwick, collier Feb. 6 Feb. 12 Thomas, son of John & Elizabeth Braithwaite, Barwick, Farmer Jan. 1 Feb. 19 Maria, daug r of Sam 1 & Catherine Robinson, Green Lane collier Jan. 17 Feb. 21 James, son of Rich d & Ann Perkins, Barwick, Farmer Nov. 25, 1801 Feb. 21 Hannah, daug r of Matt w & Dinah Watson, Barwick, Labourer Dec. 21, 1801 Feb. 28 Sarah, daug r of John and Mary Cawthorne, Scholes, Shoemaker Mar. 20 Apl. 18 William, son of John and Sarah Gough, Potterton, Gardener Feb. 21 Apl. 18 Ann, daug r of William & Mary Linley, Barnbow, Labourer Apl. 14 May 9 Sarah, daug r of John & Mary Robshaw, Barwick, Labourer May 8 May 14 Ann, daug r of Rich d & Mary Rooke, Halifax, born at Barnbow Apl. 18 May 16 William, son of Thomas & Ann Thompson, Barnbow, collier Apl. 13 May 16 William, son of John & Hannah Johnson, Stanks, collier May 8 Jun. 6 362 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. John, son of William & Ann Burnell, Woodhouse, Farmer May 30 Jul. 18 Elizabeth, daug r of Thomas & Mary Hudson, Potterton, Labourer Jun. 14 Jul. 18 Sarah, daug r of Benjamin & Jane Thompson, Berwick, collier May 13 Jul. 18 William, son of Joseph & Ann Speight, Scholes, Labourer Jul. 6 Aug. 1 Ann, daug r of William & Elizabeth Bramley, Potterton, Labourer Jun. 22 Aug. 8 Robert, son of George & Elizabeth Pickersgill, Grimsdike, Huckster Aug. 2 Aug. 4 Elizabeth, dau. of Richard & Mary Hewitt, Barwick, collier Jul. 12 Aug. 5 John, son of William & Ann Jackson, Barwick, Labourer Sep. 19 William, son of William & Hannah Wainwright, Garforth- moor-side, Lab r Aug. 22 Sep. 19 Ann Elizabeth, dau. of Rev d James & Winifred Hodgson, Barwick Rectory May 29 Sep. 21 Joseph, son of William & Hannah Beanland, Barwick, Tailor Aug. 20 Aug. 23 Ann, daug r of John & Jane Crosland, Scholes, Gent n Oct. 18 George, son of David & Maria Heaton, Barwick, Farmer Oct. 7 Nov. 7 Ann, daug r of William and Mary Heaton, Barwick, Labourer Oct. 6 Nov. 7 Elizabeth, daug r of John & Elizabeth Hewit, Barwick, collier Sep. 10 Nov. 7 Sarah, daug r of John & Mary Wheater, Barwick, Tailor Sep. 12 Nov. 7 Hannah, daug r of Henry & Hannah Clayton, Engine, Labourer Nov. 9 Nov. 28 Mary, daug r of W m & Christiana Watson, Limekiln Gate, Lab r Nov. 24 Dec. 26 Ellen, daug r of Jeremiah & Ann Maud, Potterton, Labourer Dec. 4 Dec. 26 Ann, daug r of James & Jane Batty, Barwick, Shoemaker Nov. 13 Dec. 26 Sarah, daug r of John & Hannah Carr, Barwick, Innkeeper Nov. 27 Dec. 30 Baptisms, 1803. Born Bap. Thomas, son of James & Frances Barker, Penwell, Labourer Dec. 1, 1802 Jan. 16 John, son of Thomas & Mary Morrit, Barwick, Labourer Dec. 17 Jan. 20 Mary Ann, daug r of James & Mary Dodd, Barwick, shoemaker Nov. 2 Jan. 23 Martha, daug r of James & Mary Dodd, Barwick, shoe- maker Nov. 17 Jan. 23 Ann, daug r of Benjamin & Betty Watson, Barwick, carpenter Dec. 22 Jan. 23 Mary, daug r of Will m & Elizabeth Batty, Barwick, shoe- maker Dec. 18 Jan. 23 Joseph, son of Christopher & Faith Simpson, Barnbow, collier Dec. 24 Feb. 6 Ann, daughter of Samuel & Catherine Thompson, Barwick, collier Dec. 11 Feb. 6 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. William, son of Thomas & Elizabeth Robshaw, Barwick, Labourer Jan. 29, 1803 Feb. 20 James, son of William & Sarah Knapton, Barwick, Blacksmith Jan. Mar. 3 Elizabeth, dau. of John & Hannah Wood, Scholes, Labourer Dec. 7, 1802 Mar. 13 Ellen, dau. of Leonard & Mary Cawood, Grimesdike, Shoemaker Jan. 21, 1803 Apl. 11 Martha, daug r of John & Mary Smith, Laverack, Labourer Feb. 24 Apl. 3 Richard, son of James & Tabitha Lumb, Barwick, Farmer Feb. 26 Apl. 15 Ann, daug r of Joseph & Mary Sparling, Kidhall Lane, Labourer Mar. 22 Apl. 24 John, son of Thomas & Martha Collet, Barwick, Labourer Mar. 30 May 1 Sarah, daug r of William & Mary Pickersgill, Barwick, Farmer Mar. 31 May 15 Sarah, daug r of Thomas & Sarah Tilney, Scholes, Mason Apl. 28 May 29 Thomas, son of John & Elizabeth Holmes, Grimsdike, Labourer Mar. 24 May 29 Ann, dau. of Richard & Ann Perkin, Barwick, Farmer Jan. 8 Jun. 12 John, son of James and Mary Hirst, Barwick, Labourer May 11 Jun. 12 Elizabeth, daug r of Thomas & Mary Armitage, Whinmoor, collier May 24 Jun. 26 James, son of John & Sarah Clapham, Barwick, Farmer Jun. 14 Jul. 10 John, son of Thomas & Elizabeth Barton, Barwick, Farmer May 16 Jul. 17 George, son of James & Ann Gill, Barwick, Miller Jun. 27 Jul. 24 Thomas, son of John & Eleanor Simpson, Hilltop, Labourer Jun. 5 Jul. 31 Thomas, son of Bennet & Mary Johnson, Barwick, LabourerApl. 23 Jul. 31 Joseph, son of Joseph & Martha Kirkham, Barwick, Labourer Jul. 1 Jul. 31 Elizabeth, daug r of Stephen & Elizabeth Flawett, Barwick, Labourer Jun. 24 Aug. 7 Jane, daug r of Thomas & Mary Todd, Barwick, Labourer Jun. 28 Aug. 7 Charles, son of William & Susan Lidster, Brownmoor, Labourer Jul. 12 Aug. 14 Hannah, daug r of Matthew & Ann Varley, Barwick, Farmer Jul. 19 Aug. 21 Jane, bastard daug r of Ann Hawkins, Scholes Jul. 11 Aug. 28 Sarah, daugh r of Samuel & Abigail Watson, Kiddal Lane, Lab r Aug; 7 Aug. 28 Thomas, bastard son of Elizabeth Wood, Barwick Sep. 3 John, son of James & Elizabeth Tomlinson, Barwick, same Farmer Aug. 27 day Sarah, daugh r of William & Margaret Gough, Barwick, Carpenter Aug. 13 Sep. 11 Mary, daug r of Jeremiah & Ellen Beck, Barwick, Weaver Aug. 19 Sep. 18 James, son of William & Hannah Varley, Kiddal Lane, Inn-keeper Jul. 12 Sep. 21 Jonathan, son of Matthew & Mary Johnson, Scholes, Labourer Aug. 29 Sep. 13 John, son of William & Hannah Beanland, Barwick, Tailor Aug. 3 Sep. 25 James, son of George & Ann Daughill, Barwick, Labourer Aug. 27 Sep. 25 364 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. Ann, dau. of William & Elizabeth Cullingworth, Barnbow, Labourer Sep. 4 Oct. 9 Joseph, son of John & Elizabeth Scholes, Barnbow, collier Oct. 16 Nov. 6 William, son of William and Mary Lindley, Barnbow, Labourer Sep. 23 Nov. 6 Ellen, daug r of James & Elizabeth Furness, Winmoorside, Labourer Oct. 12 Nov. 6 Ann, daug r of Benjamin & Ann Hill, Scholes, Labourer Jun. 7 Nov. 6 James, son of John & Elizabeth Braithwait, Barwick, Farmer Sep. 30 Nov. 6 Benjamin, son of George & Hannah Blackburn, Stanks, collier Oct. 31 Nov. 27 William, son of George & Ann Connell, Barwick, Labourer Nov. 18 Dec. 18 Baptisms, 1804. Born Bapt. Richard, son of William & Mary Atkinson, Barwick, Labourer Dec. 11, 1803 Jan. 8 William, son of Thomas & Mary Hudson, Stanks, Labourer Nov. 7, 1803 Jan. 8 Benjamin, son of William & Elizab h Batty, Barwick. shoemaker Dec. 19, 1803 Jan. 15 Benjamin, son of William & Sarah Rawlinson, Barwick, Labourer Dec. 14, 1803 Jan. 15 George, son of John and Frances Hampshire, Brownmoor, Labourer Dec. 28, 1803 Jan. 29 Ann, bastard dau. of George Holmes & Ann Cowell, Poor-house Jan. 5 Feb. 5 Alice, dau. of the Rev d William Hodgson and Catharine, his wife Dec. 27, 1803 Feb. 5 Thomas, son of Benj n and Martha Stringer, Hill Top, Tailor Jan. 23 Feb. 19 Joseph, son of John and Jane Goodall, Barnbow, collier Nov. 17, 1803 Feb. 19 John, son of William and Ann Jackson, Barwick, Labourer Feb. 13 Mar. 18 Alice, dau. of Peter & Catherine Higgins, Bradford bottom, Labourer Jan. 3 Mar.25 Hannah, daug r of Thomas & Hannah Thompson, Barnbow, collier Feb. 29 Mar. 30 James, son of Thomas & Mary Morritt, Barwick, Labourer Jan. 20 Apl. 1 Harriet, daug r of Nathan 1 & Hannah Ward, Scholes, Shoemaker Mar. 8 Apl. 1 John, son of John & Mary Cawthorne, Barwick, Shoemaker Mar. 1 Apl. 3 Jane, daug r of Thomas & Elizabeth Waid, Barwick, Labourer Mar. 15 Apl. 15 Elizabeth, daug r of William & Ann Burnell, Barwick, Farmer , Mar. 21 Apl. 22 Mary, daug r of Matthew & Dinah Watson, Barwick, Labourer Mar. 22 Apl. 29 Harriet, bastard dau. of Ann Atkinson, Poorhouse Apl. 28 May 18 Jane, dau. of Joseph & Mary Newis, Scholes, Labourer Feb. 28 May 20 William, son of William & Hannah Malham, Stanks, a soldier May 3 Jun. 3 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 365 Ann, daug r of Thomas & Ann Stoner, Barwick, Miller May 7 Jun. 8 Ann, daug r of William & Ann Copley, Barwick, Labourer Apl. 30 Jun. 10 Hannah, daug r of Robert & Ann Lenox, Kidhall, Labourer Mar. 25 Jun. 10 John, son of Thomas & Mary Wright, Scholes, Labourer Apl. 5 Jun. 10 Samuel, son of Joseph & Sarah Simpson, collier, Brown- moor Jun. 13 Jul. 8 William, son of William & Elizabeth Bramley, Labourer, Potterton May 29 Jul. 22 William, son of William & Rose Kitchinman, shoemaker, Kilwick Jan. 24 Jul. 29 Sarah, daug r of John & Elizabeth Bean, shoemaker, Barwick Jul. 25 Aug. 19 Mary, daug r of Richard & Mary Hewet, collier, Barwick Jun. 27 Aug. 19 John, bastard son of Ellen Nettleton, Barwick Jul. 27 Aug. 19 John, son of John & Hannah Carr, carpenter, Barwick Aug. 5 Aug. 24 George, son of James & Elizabeth Tomlinson, Farmer, Barwick Aug. 5 Aug. 24 John, son of Joseph & Ann Speight, Labourer, Scholes Aug. 2 Aug. 24 Ann, daug r of George & Sarah Johnson, Labourer, Kidhall Aug. 7 Sep. 2 Betty, daug r of William & Martha Jenkinson, Labourer, Grimsdike Jul. 4 Sep. 2 Charles, son of Richard & Frances Baker, Labourer, Stanks Mar. 15 Sep. 2 Mary, daug r of Thomas & Martha Marshall, Farmer, Winmoor Jul. 27 Sep. 3 Thomas, son of John & Elizabeth Smith, Labourer, Barnbow Jul. 19 Sep. 30 Martha Duncan, daug r of John & Ann Cullingworth, Stanks, born at Leeds Aug. 26 Oct. 5 John, son of John & Jane Crossland, Gent", Scholes Feb. 1 Oct. 26 Mary, daug r of Benjamin & Jane Thompson, collier, Barwick Sep. 13 Nov. 4 James, son of Thomas & Frances Eastwood, Labourer, Scholes Jul. 19 Nov. 4 William, son of William & Hannah Varley, Kidhall lane, Farmer Sep. 15 Nov. 18 Judith, daug r of George & Elizabeth Pickersgill, Farmer, Grimesdike Oct. 26 Nov. 26 William, son of John & Ellen Simpson, Hill Top, Labourer Oct. 24 Dec. 16 George, son of Stephen & Sarah Warrington, Roundhay, Labourer Nov. 21 Dec. 23 Baptisms, 1805. Born Bapt. Martha and Mary, twin daug rs of Samuel & Catherine Thompson, Barwick, collier Oct. 29, 1804 Jan. 6 George, son of James & Ellen Goodall, Stanks, collier Oct. 18, 1804 Jan. 27 Hannah, daug r of William & Elizabeth Batty, Berwick, shoemaker Dec. 27, 1804 Feb. 24 Richard, son of John & Elizabeth Jackson, Barwick, Chandler Jan. 8 Feb. 24 James, son of John & Hannah Cullingworth, Barwick, shoemaker Jan. 4 Feb. 24 366 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. Ann, daug r of John & Mary Wheater, Barwick, Tailor Dec. 30, 1804 Feb. 24 John, son of Christop r & Faith Simpson, Barnbow, collier Jan. 5 Mar. 3 Thomas, son of Tho s & Elizabeth Barton, Barwick, Farmer Feb. 15 Mar. 24 Ann, daug r of Thomas & Mary Hudson, Stanks, Labourer Feb. 25 Mar. 31 William, son of William & Mary Heaton, Barwick, LabourerFeb. 21 Apl. 7 Barnabas, son of John & Elizabeth Hewitt, Barwick, collier Mar. 24 Apl. 14 Jane, daug r of William & Sarah Knapton, Barwick, Farmer Jan. 3 Apl. 14 Thomas, son of James & Mary Dodd, Barwick, Labourer Jan. 12 Apl. 14 John, son of John & Hannah Wood, Scholes, Labourer Jan. 9 Apl. 14 Abraham, son of Matt w & Mary Johnson, Scholes, collier Jan. 8 Apl. 14 Thomas, son of Thomas & Elizabeth Carr, Kidhall, Innkeeper Feb. 7 Apl. 15 Ann, daug r of Leonard & Mary Cawood, Grimsdike, Shoemaker Mar. 19 Apl. 15 Harriet, daug r of John & Mary Smith, Engine, Labourer Apl. 3 Apl. 28 James, son of John & Ann Todd, Barwick, Labourer May i[May]26 Hannah, daug r of Joseph & Martha Kirkham, Barwick, Labourer Jun. 9[Jun.]i4 Thomas, son of Jeremiah & Ann Maud, Potterton, Labourer May 13 Jun. 30 Elizabeth, daug r of Rich d & Eliz. Oxley, Barwick, Servant Jun. 4 30 Amelia, daug r of James & Alice Whitehead, Kidhall Lane, Malster Apl. 26 Jul. 7 Benjamin, son of Sam 1 & Abigail Watson, Kidhall Lane, Labourer Jun. 11 Jul. 7 Jane, dau. of John & Sarah Clapham, Barwick, Farmer Jun. 20 Jul. 14 Richard, son of Thomas & Margaret Waterton, Engine, Blacksmith Jul. 10 Jul. 21 Thomas, son of John and Ann Johnson, Stanks, collier Jul. 2 Jul. 28 Ann, daug r of Thomas & Sarah Tilney, Scholes, Mason Jun. 6 Aug. 4 Hannah, daug r of James & Mary Hirst, Barwick, Labourer Jul. 6 Aug. 4 Thomas, son of William & Mary Lindley, Barnbow, Labourer May 21 Aug. 4 Mary & Martha, twin daug rs of Sam 1 & Sarah Hardesty, Winmoor, Labourer [blank] [blank] George, son of James & Elizabeth Furness, Winmoor, Labourer Jul. 24 Aug. 11 Elizabeth, daug r of John & Eliz h Thompson, Barwick, Labourer Jul. 21 Aug. 11 Mary, daug r of Joseph & Mary Wright, Barwick, Labourer Jul. 9 Aug. 11 Elizab th , dau. of Thomas & Martha Collet, Barwick, Labourer Jul. 19 Aug. 18 Mary, daug r of W m Wait & Martha Turner, Morwick, Labourer Jul. 23 Sep. 1 John, son of Stephen & Eliz th Flowett, Barwick, Labourer Aug. 2 Sep. 8 Maria, bastard daug r of Mary Hodgson, Scholes Aug. 16 Sep. 29 Thomas, son of William & Christiana Watson, Lime kiln gate Sep. 25 Oct. 20 John, son of Rich d & Eliz h Pease, Barwick, Collier Jun. 13 Nov. 3 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 367 John, son of Matthew & Ann Varley, Barwick, Farmer Aug. 20 Nov. 3 Ann, daug r of Richard & Ellen Newby, Barwick, Farmer Aug. 31 Nov. 3 Joseph Jenkinson, son of Isaac & Rebecca Ward, Scholes, Labourer Oct. 11 Nov. 3 James, son of James & Tabitha Lumb, Barwick, Farmer Sep. 28 Nov. 4 John, son of John & Mary Batty, Throstle nest in Aberford . Parish Sep. 10 Nov. 8 Peter, son of Francis & Betty Mountain, Morwick, Labourer Oct. 12 Nov. 10 Mary, daug r of James & Frances Barker, Penwell, Labourer Oct. 7 Nov. 24 Joseph, son of Joseph & Mary Sparling, Kidhall Lane, Labourer Oct. 10 Nov. 24 Ann, daug r of George & Ann Connell, Barwick, Labourer Nov. 6 Nov. 24 Maria, daug r of William & Eliz th Cullingworth, Barnbow, Labourer Oct. 10 Dec. 1 James, son of James & Phebe Jackson, Barwick, Farmer Oct. 25 Dec. 15 Baptisms, 1806. Born Bapt. Thomas, son of Tho s & Mary Parker, Barwick, Labourer Nov. 18, 1805 Jan. 12, 1806 William, son of Will m & Martha Jenkinson, Grimesdike, Labourer Jan. 4 Jan. 26 Alice, daug r of Benj n & Mary Robshaw, Barwick, Labourer Jan. 11 Feb. 16 Mary, daug r of George & Sarah Johnson, Barwick, Labourer} an. 6 Feb. 23 James, son of James & Elizabeth Tomlinson, Barwick, Farmer Dec. 15 Mar. 2 Sarah, daug r of Thomas & Eliz th Robshaw, Barwick, Labourer Feb. 6 Mar. 9 James, son of Tho s & Hannah Thompson, Barnbow, Collier Mar. 2 Mar. 30 Elizabeth, daug r of Will m & Mary Pickersgill, Barwick, Farmer Jan. 22 Apl. 6 Sarah, daug r of Benj n & Martha Stringer, Hilltop, Tailor Feb. 22 Apl. 6 Maria, daug r of James & Grace Derrick, Winmoor,LabourerFeb. 23 Apl. 6 Rich d , son of Joseph & Ann Turpin, Brownmoor, Labourer Dec. 18, 1805 Apl. 13 William, son of William & Ann Burnell, Barwick, Farmer Mar. 11 13 Joseph, son of Tho s and Mary Todd, Barwick, Labourer Mar. 29 Apl. 27 Rose, daug r of Will m & Sarah Hudson, Barwick, Mill- wright Mar. 18 Apl. 27 Ellen, daug r of Thomas & Mary Wright, Scholes, Labourer Jan. 9 May 4 Ann, daug r of Tho s & Elizabeth Cawood, Barnbow, Collier Apl. 26 May 25 Richard, son of Richard & Ann Smith, Barwick, Farmer May 11 May 25 Elizabeth, daug r of William & Eliz th Dickinson, Barwick, Labourer May 2 Jun. 15 Thomas, son of William & Hannah Varley, Kidhall Lane, Farmer May 17 Jun. 29 William, son of John & Sarah Whitehead, Barwick, Farmer Jun. 3 Jul. 6 Ann, daug r of John & Eliz th Clemishaw, Winmoor, Farmer May 27 Jul. 6 368 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. Ann, daug r of William & Eliz th Haines, Barwick, Labourer Mar. 7 Jul. 13 Richard and Robert, twin sons of Peter & Cath e Higgins, Bradford bottom, Labourer Jul. 27 Ann, daug r of Joseph and Ann Speight, Scholes, Labourer June 26 Jul. 27 Mary daug r of Will m & Mary Linley, Barnbow, Labourer, May 13 Jul. 27 Elizabeth, daug r of Bennet & Mary Johnson, Barwick, Labourer Aug. 3 Joseph, son of William & Hannah Beanland, Barwick, Tailor Jun. 30 Aug. 8 Elizabeth, daug r of John & Elizab th Darby, Barnbow, Labour. Jul. 10 Aug. 17 Susannah, daug r of Matt w & Dinah Watson, Barwick, Labourer Jun. 17 Aug. 17 Sarah, daug r of James & Hannah Thompson, Barwick, Labourer Aug. 1 Aug. 31 Ann, daug r of Will m and Ann Eastwood, Winmoor, Labourer Jul. 18 Aug 31 John, son of W m & Elizabeth Batty, Barwick, Shoemaker, Aug. 17 Aug. 31 Martha, daug r of John & Ellen Simpson, Hilltop, Labourer Sep. 5 Oct. 5 Mark Skelton, son of Nathan & Hannah Ward, Scholes, Shoemaker Sep. 27 Nov. 2 Charlotte, daug r of Will m & Margaret Gough, Barwick, Carpenter Oct. 20 Nov. 2 Ann, daug r of William & Hannah Robinson, Barnbow, Farmer Oct. 7 Nov. 2 James, bastard son of Jane Osborn, Barwick Oct. 20 Nov. 2 George, son of Robert & Eliz th Dutton, Woodhouse, Farmer Nov. 5 Sarah, daug h of John & Mary Batty of Throstle Nest in the Parish of Aberford, Farmer Dec. 26 James, son of James and Ann Gill, Barwick, Labourer Nov. 30 Dec. 28 1807. Born Bapt. Benjamin, son of Thomas & Mary Morritt, Barwick, Labourer Nov. 12, 1806 Jan. 11 William, son of John & Hannah Carr, Barwick, Inn- keeper Nov. 17 Jan. 18 Ann, daug r of John & Hannah Cullingworth, Barwick, shoemaker Nov. 1 Jan. 18 David, son of John & Elizab th Scholes, Barnbow, collier Dec. 1 Jan. 25 Jane, daug r of John & Mary Wheater, Barwick, Tailor Jan. 5 Feb. 1 Sarah, daug r of W m & Elizab th Atak, Stanks, collier Jan. 8 Feb. 1 Mary, daug r of Tho s & Mary Hudson, Grimesdike, Lab r Jan. 18 Feb. 15 James, son of W m & Mary Heaton, Barwick, Labourer Dec. 19, 1806 Feb. 22 Henry Aaron, son of John & Sarah Gough, Potterton, Gardener Jan. 21 Mar. 22 John, son of Joseph & Mary Lodge, Winmoor, Labourer Jan. 30 Mar. 22 William and Jane, twin son & daug r of Benj n & Jane Thompson, Barwick, Collier Feb. 13 Mar. 22 Thomas, son of John & Ann Richardson, Potterton, Shoemaker Jan. 22 Mar. 30 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 369 John, son of Thomas & Ruth Sotheron, Potterton, Farmer Dec. 29, 1806 May 3 William Henry, son of W m & Grace Salmon, Hilltop, Labourer Apl. 18 May 17 Ellen, dau. of Tho s & Ann Stoner, Barwick, Miller Apl. 3 May 18 James, son of Jos h & Sarah Wright, Barwick, Labourer May 6 Jun. 7 Elizabeth, dau. of W m & Eliz h Bramley, Barwick, Labourer Mar. 7 Jun. 14 Jane, dau. of Stephen & El h Flowet, Barwick, Labourer May 1 Jun. 14 Mary, dau. of Sam 1 & Sarah Hardisty, Winmoor, Labourer Aug. 16, 1806 Jun. 21 Mary, daugh r of Rich d & Eleanor Newby, Barwick, Farmer May 12 Jul. 5 Thomas, son of John & Eliz h Hewitt, Barwick, Miner May 25 Jul. 5 Nanny, daugh r of Rich d & Mary Hewitt, Barwick, Miner May 13 Jul. 5 William, son of James & Mary Hirst, Barwick, Labourer Jun. 1 Jul. 12 Elizabeth, daugh r of James & Phoebe Jackson, Barwick, Farmer Jun. 28 Aug. 16 Thomas, bastard son of Ann Robshaw, Barwick Jul. 14 Aug. 16 Benjamin, son of Geo. & Eliz h Pickersgill, Grimesdike Jul. n Aug. 30 Ann, dau. of James & Eliz h Furness, Labourer Aug. 30 John, son of Leonard & Mary Cawood, Grimesdike, Shoemaker Aug. 31 William, son of W m & Chrissy Watson, Limekiln Gate, Labourer Aug. 16 Sep. 13 George, son of Tho s & Sarah Tilney, Scholes, Mason May 31 Sep. 20 Ann, daugh r of John & Hannah Wood, Scholes, Labourer Aug. 30 Sep. 27 Sarah, daugh r of Tho s & Eliz h Wormald, Barwick, Black- smith Oct. 9 Nov. 1 Joseph, son of James & Mary Mouncy, Youlton in y e Parish of Horn, Labourer Aug. 18 Nov. 1 William, son of James & Tabitha Lumb, Barwick, Farmer Oct. 26 Nov. 2 Ann, daugh r of Bennet & Mary Johnson, Barwick, Labourer Nov. 10 Dec. 25 Jane, daugh r of Henry & Sarah Thompson, Barwick, Labourer Nov. 10 Dec. 28 Baptisms, 1808. Born Bapt. James, son of W m & Rose Kitchingman, Colne, Shoemaker Dec. 10, 1805 Jan. 15, 1808 Eliza, daugh r of W m & Mary Linley, Engine, Labourer Dec. 19 Jan. 17 William, son of W m & Eliz h Batty, Barwick, shoemaker Nov. 28 Jan. 22 Sarah, daugh r of Ja s & Francis Barker, Pen well, Labourer Dec. 24 Jan. 24 John, son of Michael & Ann Walton, Barwick, Labourer Dec. 19 Jan. 24 Mary Ann, daugh r of Isaac & Rebekah Ward, Scholes, Labourer Dec. 13 Jan. 24 Ruth, daugh r of Matthew & Mary Johnson, Scholes, collier Aug. 29 Jan. 24 Harriet, daugh r of John & Sarah Bleasby, Barwick, Carpenter Dec.6 Jan. 31 Robert Hancock Stead, bastard son of Dinah Stead, Barwick Jan. 16 Jan. 31 Mary, daugh r of Jos h & Hannah Simpson, Brownmoor Jan. 8 Feb. 7 370 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. Sarah, daugh r of Rich d & Eliz h Pease, Barwick, collier Jan. n Feb. 13 Mary, daugh r of W m & Sarah Hudson, Barwick, Millwright Nov. 15 Mar. 20 George, son of John & Ann Johnson, Stanks, Collier Mar. 4 Apl. 3 Sarah, daugh r of Tho s & Martha Marshall, Winmoor, Farmer Jan. 30 Apl. 11 Frances, daugh r of W m Waite Turner & Martha, his wife, Morwick, Labourer Feb. 29 Apl. 17 Mary, daugh r of W m & Eliz h Cullingworth, Barwick, Labourer Mar. 28 Apl. 24 George, son of Geo. & Sarah Johnson, Barwick, Labourer Feb. 17 Apl. 24 Ruth, daugh r of John & Eliz h Clemishaw, Winmoor, Farmer Mar. 16 Apl. 24 Thomas Cowper, bastard son of Hannah Stead Apl. 9 May 1 Mary, daugh r of George & Ann Connell, Barwick, Farmer Mar. 30 May 1 John, son of Thomas & Elizabeth Robshaw, Barwick, Woodman Apl. 16 May 15 Ann, daugh r of John & Mary Jakeman, Potterton, Labourer Apl. 16 May 29 Abraham, son of W m & Sarah Rawlinson, Barwick, Labourer May 3 Jun. 5 William, bastard son of Ann Atkinson, Poor-house May 5 Jun. 5 Ann, bastard daugh r of Ellen Nettleton, Poor-house Apl. 24 Jun. 5 Isaac, son of Samuel & Sarah Hardisty, Winmoor,Labourer Feb. 26 Jun. 19 William & Sarah, Twin son & daugh r of Tho s & Eliz h Barton, Barwick, Farmer Mar. 3 Jun. 19 Dinah, daugh r of John & Mary Smith, Engine, Labourer May 16 Jun. 26 Matthew, son of Matthew & Ann Varley, Barwick, Farmer Apl. 2 Jul. 3 William, son of William & Sarah Turner, Stanks, Miner Aug. 27 Sep. 25 Elizabeth, daugh r of John & Mary Batty, Throstle Nest, Parish of Aberford Sep. 30 Andrew, son of Tho s & Eliz th Cawood, Barnbow, Miner Oct. 5 Nov. 6 Ann, daugh r of Tho s & Mary Todd, Barwick, Labourer Sep. 16 Nov. 6 John, son of Roger & Mary Foster, Barwick, Tailor Aug. 15 Nov. 6 John, son of John & Eliz h Thompson, Barwick, Labourer Aug. 31 Nov. 6 William, son of Rich d & Ellen Newby, Barwick, Farmer Oct. 3 Nov. 6 Elizabeth, daugh r of Ja s & Hannah Thompson, Barwick, Labourer Oct. 2 Nov. 6 Elizabeth, daugh r of John & Eliz h Scholes, Barnbow, Labourer Sep. 3 Nov. 6 William, son of Rich d & Ann Perkin, Barwick, Farmer Jun. 20 Nov. 6 Selina, daugh r of Edmund & Ann Rawlinson, Barwick, Schoolmaster Jul. 21 Nov. 6 Mary, daugh r of John & Ellen Simpson, Hilltop, Labourer Oct. 12 Nov. 27 Baptisms, 1809. Born Bapt. John, son of William & Sarah Taylor, Stanks, Labourer Dec. 12, 1808 Jan. 8 Sarah, daug r of Samuel & Sarah Lumb (or Thompson), Stanks, Lab r Nov. 28 Jan. 15 John, son of John & Eliz th Darby, Barnbow, Lab r Dec. 24 Jan. 22 Fanny, daug r of Nathan & Hannah Ward, Scholes, Shoemaker Jan. 2 22 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 371 Joseph, son of John & Hannah Carr, Barwick, Innkeeper Jan. 28 Feb. 8 Mary, daug r of Joseph & Mary Sparling, Kidhall Lane, Lab r Dec. 29 Feb. 19 George, son of Benjam n & Mary Robshaw, Barwick, Lab r Jan. 20 Feb. 26 Richard, son of William & Ann Wilson, Barwick, Lab r Mar. 4 Mar. 4 Tho s , son of John & Eliz h Bean, Barwick, Shoemak r Feb. 12 Mar. 12 Ann, daug r of Tho s & Ruth Sotheron, Potterton, Farmer Aug. 30, 1808 Mar. 19 George, son of W m & Hannah Beanland, Barwick, Tailor Jan. 3 Apl. 2 George, son of George & Mary Gomersall, Barwick, Laborer Feb. 24 Apl. 2 Ann, daug r of John and Ann Todd, Barwick, Labourer Dec. 28 Apl. 2 Ann, daug r of George & Elizab h Pickersgill, Grimsdike, Farmer Jan. 13 Apl. 2 Mary, daug r of Rob 1 & Ann Lenox, Potterton, Labourer Feb. 19 Apl. 2 Elizab h , daug r of Joseph & Ann Speight, Scholes, Labourer Apl. 17 Apl. 30 William, son of Thomas & Martha Collett, Barwick, Labourer Mar. 22 May 7 George, son of Joseph & Sarah Simpson, Brownmoor, collier Apl. 7 May 7 Ruth, daug r of Thomas and Elizab h Wormald, Barwick, Blacksmith Apl. 21 May 21 Ann, daug r of Joseph & Ann Turpin, Brownmoor, Labourer Apl. 26 May 21 Thomas, son of James & Ann Gill, Barwick, Labourer Mar. 16 May 21 Hannah, daug r of Joseph & Reader, Scholes, Labourer May 9 May 16 Hannah, daugh r of Thomas -& Mary Hudson, Grimsdike, Lab r Apl. 28 May 28 Elizabeth, daugh r of William & Hannah Robinson, Barnbow, Farmer Jun. 4 Jul. 16 Hannah, daugh r of John & Sarah Clapham, Barwick, Lab r Jun. 26 Aug. 6 George, son of John & Hannah Cullingworth, Barwick, Lab r Apl. 26 Aug. 13 Thomas, son of Stephen & Eliz h Flowet, Barwick, Lab r Jul. 9 Aug. 27 Elizabeth, daugh r of W m & Mary Cheesebrough, Engine, Carpenter Aug. 15 Sep. 3 Mary, daugh 1 of William & Mary Heaton, Barwick, Lab r Aug. 9 Sep. 10 Jane, daugh r of Thomas & Sarah Tilney, Scholes, Mason Apl. 9 Nov. 5 Thomas, son of Tho s & Eliz h Varley, Winmoor, Farmer Apl. 24 Nov. 5 Eliz h , daugh r of Rich d & Beatrice Lumb, Barwick, Farmer Oct. 3 Nov. 5 Mary, daugh r of W m & Hannah Varley, Kidhall Lane, Farmer Feb. 23 Nov. 6 Richard, son of the Rev d Tho s Pullan, clerk, & Sarah, his wife, Barwick Sep. 21 Nov. 6 William, son of James & Phoebe Jackson, Barwick, Farmer Sep. 17 Dec. 22 David, son of John & Eliz h Scholes, Barnbow, collier Nov. 12 Dec. 24 Mary, daugh 1 of W m & Mary Pickersgill, Barwick, Farmer Nov. 5 Dec. 25 1810. Born Bapt. Mary, daugh r of W m & Ellen Scott, Stanks, Miller Dec. 16, 1809 Jan. 14 Thomas, son of Matthew & Ann Varley, Barwick, Farmer Dec. 11 Jan. 14 372 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. Peter, son of Sam 1 & Sarah Lumb (or Thompson), Stanks, Lab r Dec. 23 Jan. 21 Mary, daugh r of Jos h & Jane Jowet, Kidhall Lane, Lab r Dec. 27 Jan. 21 Mary, daugh r of Henry & Sarah Thompson, Barwick, Lab r Dec. 28 Feb. 18 William, son of John & Hannah Wood, Scholes, Lab r Feb. 27 Mar. 31 John, son of James & Tabitha Lumb, Barwick, Farmer Mar. 20 Apl. 8 Henry, son of Sam 1 & Sarah Hardisty, Winmoor, Lab r Mar. 10 Apl. 15 Emma, daugh r of John & Eliz h Clemishaw, Winmoor, Farmer Jan. 30 Apl. 29 George, son of George & Ann Connell, Barwick, Farmer Mar. 16 Apl. 29 James, son of Tho s & Eliz h Robshaw, Barwick, Woodman Apl. 7 Apl. 29 Jos h , son of Matthew & Martha Hanley, Barnby in y e Parish of Embrough Nov. 26 May 20 Elizabeth, daugh r of Nath 1 & Eliz h Hanks, Potterton, Farmer Jun. 3 Ruth, daugh r of Tho s & Ruth Sotheron, Potterton, Farmer Mar. 17 Jun. 10 Ann, daugh r of John & Eliz h Hewitt, Barwick, Miner Feb. 25 Jun. 12 John, son of John & Ann Richardson, Potterton, Shoe- maker Jun. 14 Jul. 22 John, son of Benj n & Jane Thompson, Barwick, Miner Mar. 22 Jul. 30 Charles, son of Bennet & Mary Johnson, Barwick, Lab r Jun. 6 Aug. 12 George, son of Joseph & Martha Scholes, Barnbow, Farmer Jul. 4 Aug. 26 Elizabeth, daugh r of W m & Eliz h Cullingworth, Barwick, Lab r Jul. 29 Aug. 26 Rachel, daugh r of James & Barker, Penwell, Lab r Jul. 16 Sep. 2 Samuel, son of Tho s & Martha Marshall, Winmoor, Farmer Jul. 24 Sep. 2 Ann, daugh r of Tho s & Ann Teal, Grimesdike, Lab 1 Jul. 12 Sep. 2 Elizabeth, daugh r of Jos h & Mary Richardson, Aberford, Shoemaker Aug. 6 Sep. 2 William, son of Leonard & Mary Cawood, Grimesdike, Shoemaker Sep. 16 Sep. 30 Ann, daugh r of Joseph & Sarah Wright, Barwick, Lab r Aug. 30 Sep. 30 John Bell, son of James & Grace Derrick, Winmoor, Lab r Aug. 28 Oct. 14 Thomas, bastard son of Sarah Simpson, Barnbow Sep. 12 Oct. 14 Ann, daugh r of John & Ann Johnson, Seacroft in y e Parish of Whitkirk Aug. 30 Oct. 14 Sarah, daugh r of John & Alice Scruton, Barwick, Labr Sep. 14 Oct. 14 Esther, daugh r of George & Sarah Johnson, Barwick, Lab r Apl. 21 Oct. 28 Thomas, son of William & Ann Wilson, Barwick, Lab r Sep. 1 Nov. 4 Ruth & Rachel, twin daugh rs of Tho s & Eliz h Barton, Barwick, Farmer Oct. 3 Nov. 4 Beatrice, daugh r of John & Sarah Bleazby, Barwick, Carpenter Aug. 21 Nov. 4 Sarah, daugh r of Rich d & Eliz h Pease, Barwick, Collier Jul. 13 Nov. 4 William, son of W m & Eliz h Bramley, Barwick, Lab r Aug. 23 Nov. 4 Sarah, daugh r of Benj n & Mary Robshaw, Barwick, Lab r Sep. 26 Nov. 5 Mary, daugh r of Rob* & Eliz h Dutton, Woodhouse, Farmer Oct. 8 Nov. 11 Matthew, son of Matthew & Mary Johnson, Scholes, collier Sep. 2 Nov. 11 Ann, daugh r of W m & Sarah Taylor, Stanks, Lab r Oct. 5 Nov. 25 William, son of W m & Ellen Buchanan, Scholes, Lab r Nov. 5 Dec. 23 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 373 Baptisms, 1811. Born Bapt. Thomas, son of John & Jane Crossland, Scholes, Gent. Jun. 4 Jan. 14 1807 Eliz h , daugh r of John & Jane Crossland, Scholes, Gent. Dec. 26 Jan. 14 1808 Mary, daugh r of John & Jane Crossland, Scholes, Gent. Aug. 11 Jan. 14 1810 Benjamin, Bastard son of Ann Thowley, Barwick Jan. 10 Feb. 4 William, son of Jos h & Mary Lodge, Winmoor, Labourer Jan. 23 Feb. 24 John, son of Will" 1 Waite & Martha Turner, Winmoor Jan. 2 Feb. 25 Sarah, daugh r of John & Ellen Simpson, Hill-top, Lab r Jan. 27 Mar. 10 Elizabeth, daugh r of Edward & Betty Burley, Morwick, Dancing Master Feb. 19 Mar. 10 Richard, son of Rich d & Ellen Newby, Barwick, Farmer Feb. 7 Mar. 10 Martha, daugh r of Tho s & Mary Hudson, Grimesdike, Lab r Jan. 6\Mar. 10 Elizabeth, daugh r of John & Sarah Robshaw, Barwick, Lab r Feb. 11 Mar. 24 Joseph, son of John & Eliz h Thompson, Barwick, Lab r Mar. 13 Apl. 21 William, son of Jos h & Ann Simpson, Stanks, Miner Apl. 14 May 12 George, son of William & Chrissy Watson, Limekiln Gates, Lab r May 6 Jun. 2 George, son of Rich d & Beatrice Lumb, Barwick, Farmer Mar. 17 Jun. 2 Nicholas, son of Tho s & Sarah Tilney, Scholes, Mason Jan. 24 Jun. 2 Charlotte, daugh r of John & Mary Batty, Throstle Nest, par h of Aberford, Farmer Feb. 11 Jun. 4 Ann, daugh r of W m & Rachel Goodall, Engine, Miner Jun. 6 Jun. 23 Sarah, daugh r of Geo. & Eliz h Pickersgill, Grimesdike, Farmer May 5 Jun. 30 William, son of Tho s & Mary Todd, Barwick, Lab r Jun. 20 Aug. 4 Ann, daugh r of Geo. & Mary Gomersall, Barwick, Lab r Jul. 11 Aug. 4 John, son of Edward & Mary Kilnar, Engine, Paper Maker Jul. 18 Aug. 11 Mary, daugh r of John Rothery & Martha Thompson, Hunslet, par h of Leeds, Cloth-maker Nov. 13 Aug. 25 William, son of Tho s & Sarah Linley, Hill-top, Lab r Aug. 22 Sep. 1 Sarah, daugh r of W m & Mary Heaton, Barwick, Lab r Aug. 19 Sep. 8 Hannah, daugh r of Jos h & Martha Kirkham, Barwick, Lab r Sep. 14 Nov. 3 George, son of J os h & Ann Reader, Scholes, Lab r May 23 Nov. 3 Thomas, son of Tho s & Mary Wright, Scholes, Lab r Mar. 6 Nov. 3 Thomas, son of W m & Eliz h Batty, Barwick, Shoemaker Aug. 30 Nov. 3 William, son of Roger & Mary Foster, Barwick, Taylor May 26 Nov. 3 Hannah, daugh r of John & Hannah Cullingworth, Barwick, Shoemaker Oct. 10 Dec. 1 Mary, daugh r of Stephen & Eliz h Flowett, Barwick, Lab r Oct. 11 Dec. 29 Baptisms, 1812. Born Bapt. Elizabeth, daugh r of Tho s & Marg 1 Pcrkin, Barwick, Lab r Sep. 22 Jan. 5 William, son of Henry & Sarah Thompson, Barwick, Lab 1 Nov. 29 Jan. 26 Mary, daugh r of Jos h & Elizabeth Thompson, Barnbow, shoemaker Nov. 26 Feb. 2 Elizabeth, daugh r of William & Hannah Varley, Kidliall lane, Farmer Jan. 4 Mar. 12 374 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. Joseph & Mary, twin son & daugh r of Jos h & Ann Turpin, Brownmoor, Lab r Mar. 27 Mar. 31 Fanny, daugh r of Edw d & Susannah Farrar, Stanks, miner Jan. 19 Apl. 19 Sarah, daugh r of John & Sarah Whitehead, Barwick, Farmer Feb. 21 Apl. 23 Eliza, daugh r of Nathan 1 & Eliz h Hanks, Potterton, Farmer Apl. 4 Apl. 27 Barnabas, son of Tho s & Eliz h Robshaw, Barwick, wood- man Jun. 13 Jul. 5 George, bastard son of Ann Teal, Green lane Jun. 22 Jul. 5 Hannah, bastard daugh r of Alice Slater, Barwick Jun. 15 Jul. 19 Hannah, daugh r of Rich d & Eliz h Oxley, Barwick, Lab 1 ' Jun. 6 Jul. 26 John, son of John & Hannah Wood, Scholes, Lab 1 May 13 Aug. 2 John, son of Tho s & Eliz h Cawood, Barnbow, Miner Jul. 10 Aug. 9 Jane, daugh 1 of Sam 1 & Eliz h Oates, Kidhall Lane, Joiner Jun. 5 Aug. 9 James, son of Jos h & Jane Jowett, Kidhall Lane, Lab r Jul. 19 Aug. 23 John, son of John & Hannah Pickersgill,Grimesdike,Lab r Jun. 23 Aug. 30 Jennet, daugh r of John & Jane Crossland, Scholes, Gent. Mar. 15 Sep. 6 Mary. daugh r of Jos h & Ann Speight, Scholes, Lab r Aug. 27 Sep. 13 Hannah, daugh r of James & Frances Barker, Penwell, Farmer Aug. 30 Oct. 18 John, son of Tho s & Frances Eastwood, Scholes, Farmer Mar. 16 Nov. 1 Peter, son of Rich d & Ellen Newby, Barwick, Farmer Sep. 21 Nov. 1 Charles, son of Rich d & Eliz h Pease, Barwick, Miner Sep. 28 Nov. 1 Richard, son of William & Hannah Vincent, Barwick, Mason Sep. 15 Nov. 1 Frances, daugh r of Matthew & Ann Varley, Barwick, Farmer Nov. 1 William, son of Jos h & Martha Scholes, Barnbow, Farmer Nov. 2 Nov. 12 Hannah, daugh r of John & Sarah Roberts, Stanks, Lab r Oct. 31 Nov. 29 Phoebe, daugh r of James & Phoebe Jackson, Barwick, Farmer Aug. 15 Nov. 29 Faith, daugh r of Charles & Eliz h Turner, Barwick, Miner Dec. 21 John, son of George & Sarah Johnson, Barwick, Lab r Nov. 24 Dec. 27 Burials, 1788. Age. William, son of Peter Nuby, Barwick, Oct r 22. 16 John Barret, Poorhouse, Pauper, Oct r 26. 92 James Bean, Barwick, Nov r 5. 20 Mary Wilcock, Garforth Moorside, Dec r 2 d . 81 Edward Monks, Barwick, Dec r 10 th . 62 Thomas Lowreman, Ingine, Dec r 10 th . 40 John Gaggs, Barnbow, pauper, Dec r 11 th 73 Elizabeth Doughty, Barwick, Dec 16 th 74 Frances Barker, Penwell, Dec r 25 th . 61 William Brogdin, Poorhouse, pauper, Dec r 30 th 75 Sarah Barton, Leeds, Dec r 31 st . 78 1789. Buried. Age. William, son of James Barker, Winmoor, J any 23 d . Infant Elizabeth, daughter of Alvara Thompson, Winmoor, J any 23. 11 Robert Smith, Barwick, J any 31 st . 92 James, bastard son of Lidia Simpson, Hiltop, Feby I st . Infant BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 375 Susannah, d r of Tho s Collet, Brownmoor, Feb? 11 th . 6 Sarah, d r of Tho s Collet, Brownmoor, Feby 11 th . 2 William Norton, Barwick, Feby 15 th . 6 John Forster, Barwick, Paupor, Feb>' 18. 27 John Challinger, Scholes, Feby 21 st . 22 Chrissey Wormald, Barwick, March 5. 59 Robert, son of Luke Dawson, Barnbow, March 12. Infant Elizabeth, daughter of Tho s Hewitt, Barwick, March 19. Infant Matthew Goulding, Poorhouse, pauper, March 27. 84 Martha Taylor, Barnbow, April 6 th . 51 Joseph, son of William Smith, Barwick, April 24. 2 Frances Brooke, Scholes, April 27 th . 34 Ann Boys, Thorner, pauper, May I st . Sarah, d r of Joseph Cauthorn, Barwick, May 6 th . 1 Hannah, d r of James Thompson, Barwick, May 26. 1 Matthew, son of W m Watson, Barwick, May 30 th . 2 Robert Poppleton, Barwick, pauper, June 13 th . 80 George Sherrif, Barwick, June 20 th . 23 Mary, daughter of W m Robshaw, Barwick, June 29 th . 2 Tho s , son of John Cullingworth, Barwick, July 19. 1 Robert, son of Richard Brooke, Scholes, Ot r 6. 2 Jane Miller, Kiddall lane, Nov. 7. 34 Matthew Upton, Morwick, Nov. 25 th . 86 Richard Lowriman, Ingine, Dec r 5. 9 Richard, son of John Connell, Barwick, Dec r 9. Infant 1790. Joseph Outhwaite, Lowmoor, pauper, February 2. 73 Henrey Green, Potterton, February 12. 23 Elizabeth Lumb, Barwick, February 19. 17 Thomas Moss, Kid-hall lane, February 20. 14 Hannah, da r of Edward Goodall, Stanks, March 5. 1 George, son of John Hewitt, Barwick, March 12. Infant George Dungwith, Barwick, March 30. 29 Sarah, daughter of David Carter, Stanks, Apr. 3. 1 Elizabeth, daughter of Jonathan Taylor, Stanks, Apr. 24 th . 7 Robert, son of John Loder, Kidall lane end, May 15 th . 1 Richard Wood, Potterton, p., May 21. 25 Ann, daughter of John Gough, Potterton, June 3. Infant Frances Lowreman, Ingine, p., June 29. 4 Mary Connell, Kiddall-lane, July 6. 7 Ann Simpson, Poor House, p., July 12 th 85 Abraham Logg, Scholes, p., July 13 th 29 Abia. Lowreman, Ingine, p., July 16. 2 Mary, daughter of John Tillotson, Ingine, July 24. Infant William Smith, Barwick, July 25. 30 Frances, d r of Major Brooke, Scholes, July 25. 9 William Lumb, Barwick, August 18. 89 Margret Ampshaw, Barwick, August 26. 49 John Logg, Scholes, p., August 30. 76 Alvara Thompson, Winmoor, Sept r 3 d . 19 376 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. John Lidster, Barwick, Sept r 27. 69 Richard Burland, Barwick, Oct r 5. 82 Ann Haley, Scholes, p., Oct r 24. 67 James Strother, Barwick, p., Oct r 27. 82 Mary Beane, Barwick, Nov r 21 st . 64 Henrey Binns, Hiltop, p., Nov r 27. 82 Ann, d r of Peter Slayter, Barwick, Dec r 19. Infant Sarah Hawking, Scholes, Dec r 19. 2 William Thompson, Winmoor, Dec r 31. 7 1791. Mary Day, Potterton, March 5 th . 61 John Thompson, Garforth moor, p., March 6. 79 John, son of John Goodall, Barnbow, March 10. In. Richard Jackson, Barwick, March 14 th . , 84 Grace Popplewell, Winmoor, March 21 st . 71 Sarah Tilney, Ingine, March 27. 82 John Thompson, Lowmoor, March 29. 11 Mary Beedle, Poor House, p., April 29. 85 Mary Brown, Winmoor, April 29. 33 Thomas Smith, Huskhill, June 26. 62 Maria, d r of Mary Barton, July 12 th . Infant Luke Dawson, Barnbow, August 8 th . 5 Elizabeth Broadbent, poorhouse, Sep. 16 th . Margret Bean, Barwick, Sept. 18. 25 Alice Outhwaite, Lowmoor, p., Oct r 14 th . 69 Thomas Lightfoot, Brownmoor, p., Oct 1 23. 89 William Slayter, Barwick, November 13 th . 37 Mary Benton, Garforth moor, Dec r I st . 27 1792. Age. William Jowet, Barwick, Jan. 3 d . 40 Elizabeth Whitehead, Garforth moor, p., J any 23 d . 100 Thomas Collet, Barwick, p., January 29 th . 85 William, son of David Winn, Scholes, March 8. 3 Sarah Butler, Scholes, March 13 th . 73 John, son of James Tillotson, Brownmoor, May 6 th . 6 William, son of William Dunwell, Hiltop, May 17 th . 7 Joseph Bullock, Barwick, May 26 th ' 74 Peter Slayter, Barwick, June 25. 4 1 John Wood, Potterton, July 8 th . 35 Benjamin Braim, Ingine, August 13 th . 61 John Vary, Scholes, August 15. 85 Sarah, daughter of Tho s Waite, Barwick, Sept r 2 d . 3 William Waite, Barwick, October 16 th . 28 William Barker, Penwell, October 30 th 43 Sarah Thompson, Penwell, Nov r 18 th Sarah Wright, poorhouse, p., Nov r 26 th Margret Dawson, Thorner, p., Nov. 27. 69 Ann Daniel, Barwick, Nov r 30. 62 Sarah, d r of George Scholes, Barnbow, Dec r 9. 7 Isabella Todd, Scholes, Dec 1 18 th . 51 Thomas Kettlewell, Barnbow, Dec r 23 d . 6 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 377 1793. Age. Joseph, son of William Beanley, Barwick, Jan. 6. Inf. Johannah, d r of William Beanley, Jan. 6. Infant Susannah, d r of Samuel Thompson, Barnbow, Jan. 13 th . 3 John, son of James Goodall, Barnbow, Jan. 27. 3 James Tillotson, Garforth moor, March 5 th . 32 William Clarkson, Roundhay, March 6 th . 102 Elizabeth, d r of William Burland, Barwick, March 9 th . 6 George Smith, Barwick, March 13 th . 53 Mary, d r of William Burland, Barwick, March 17 th . 8 Deborah Robinson, Garforth moor, March 20 th . 78 Martha, d r of John Mackontosh, Barwick, Mar. 23. Infant Sarah Thompson, Lowmoor, March 24 th . 23 Hannah Norton, Barwick, April 8 th . 4 Maria, d r of George Darton, Barwick, April 22 d . Infant Ellin Goodall, Barnbow, April 24 th . 33 William Wright, Winmoor, April 26. 21 Ann Shillito, Potterton, May 18 th . 19 Richard Thompson, Lowmoor, June 2 d . 18 James Lumb, Partington, June 16 th . 23 William, son of John Blackburn, Garforth moor, June 20 th . Infant Elizabeth Goodall, Stanks, June 21 st . 11 John Maxfield, Potterton, July 2 d . 79 Ann Johnson, Barnbow, August 19 th . 52 Martha Perkin, Barwick, October 14. Infant Leah Peurey, Aberford, October 19. 26 Elizabeth Tipling, Winmoor, October 30 th . 78 Mary Perkin, Barwick, Dec r 11 th . Infant William Hodgson, Barnbow, Dec 1 ' 17. 89 Matthew Norton, Barwick, Dec r 19. Infant 1794. Age. Elizabeth Shillito, Potterton, Jan. 11 th . 61 Thomas Collet, Garforth, Jan. 15 th . 57 George Watson, Barwick, J any 21 st . 88 Sarah Taite, Barwick, J any 28 th . 61 Thomas Thompson, poor House, March 4. Mary Lofthouse, Winmoor, March 9. 21 George Lowreman, Barwick, March 29. 15 Joseph Mather, Roundhay, April 15. 53 Charls Rawlinson, May 16 th . Infant Hannah Hutton, Brownmoor, June I st . 28 Jane Daniel, Potterton, June 7 th . 50 Dorothay Burland, Barwick, June 8 th . 83 William Haist, Roundhay, June 17 th . 68 A Traviling Woman, July 14 th . John Lumb, York, July 22 d . 28 Richard Brooke, Scholes, July 31 st . 18 Elizabeth, daughter of W m Knapton, Barwick, August 3 d . Infant William Smith, Barwick, August 6 th . 35 Robert Simpson, Poorhouse, Sept r 14. 92 Elizabeth Wood, Potterton, Dec r 9 th . 60 378 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 1795- Age. Ann Watson, Barwick, Jan. 5 th . 19 John Benton, Brownmoor, Jan. 21 st . 18 Will m Tillotson, Garforth moor, Feb. 5 th . 23 Margret Tillotson, Garforth moor, Feb. 5 th . 25 David Carter, Stanks, March 9. 43 Will m , son of Will m Beanley, Barwick, March 11. Infant Andrew Burdsill, Scholes, March 19. 82 Will m Barker, Penwell, March 23. 79 Martha, d r of Richard Shillito, March 29. In. Richard Tillotson, Barwick, April I st . 7 Hannah Benton, Garforth moor, May 14 th . 12 Ann Thompson, Garforth moor, May 24. 17 Martha Varey, Barwick, June 3 d Edward Ellerker, Roundhay, June 7 th . 72 John Cauwood, Winmoor, June 17 th . Infant Sarah Dean, Kidall-lane end, June 23. 15 John Pickard, Potterton, June 24*. 13 Christopher Varey, Barwick, Aug 1 2. 69 John, son of David Whin, Scholes, Augu* 11 th . Infant Sarah Waite, Barwick, August 19. 55 Mary, da r of Richard Dungwith, Barwick, August 20. Infant Ann Braim, Barwick, Sept r 22 Isabella Harrison, poorhouse, Sept r 27. 70 Henrey Goodall, Barnbow, Oct r 14 th . 12 William Staincliff, Lowmoor, Oct r 18 th . 70 Mary Watson, Barwick, Oct r 31 st . 88 Burials, 1796. Nicolas Tilney, Scholes, Janv 29 th . 75 Mary Hanson, Seacroft, Feb r 5. 22 David, son of Joseph Cawthorn, Barwick, March 3 d . Infant Hester Higgens, Barwick, March 9 th . 63 Hannah Popplewell, Winmoor, April 7 th . 47 Sarah, d r of John Groves, Barwick, April 12 th . Infant Ann Linley, Ingine, April 15. 16 William Wood, Potterton, May 6 th . 18 Rachael Hutchinson, Barwick, May 12, 54 William, son of W m Clough, Barwick, June 8. Infant William Watson, Thorner, June 25. 72 Harriet Green, Scholes, July 18 th . 2 Elizabeth Shillito, Kidhall lane, July 23 d . 27 John Tayler, Stanks, July 28. 1 Ann Shillito, Kidhall lane end, August 8. Infant Jane Upton, Scholes, August 15 th . Infant Ann Rawlinson, Barwick, August 21 st . 1 George Haist, Barwick, August 22. 5 Jonothan Bell, Thorner, Sept r 15 th . 95 Mary Lumb, Barwick, Sept r 28 th . Infant William Brown, Scholes park, Oct r 16 10 Ann Logg, Poorhouse, Oct r 17. 86 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 379 1797. Age. Elizabeth Helsworth, Thorner, Jan. 3. [blank] Carter, Stanks, January 22 d . 18 John Copley, Barwick, January 22 d . Infant Ann Hemsworth, Kidall lane end, Jan. 27. 53 John Hague, Knazebrough, Jan. 28. 67 Thomas Shillito, Potterton, January 29. 69 Ann Dixon, Barnbow, February 7. Ellin Wright, Winmoor, March I st Hannah Goodall, Stanks, March 9 th . 1 William Settle, Barwick, April 5 th . 26 James Thompson, Barwick, April 8 th . 1 Mary Ann Goodall, Barnbow, April 12 th . Infant John Batty (clerk), Barwick, April 13 th . 53 Jane Moss, Kiddle lane, April 17 th . 31 Elizabeth Goodall, Barnbow, April 21 th . 8 Ann, d r of Widow Slayter, Barwick, April 29 th . 12 Eliz th , d r of John Smith, Barwick, May 21 th . 1 James, son of John Mackintosh, Barwick, May 18 th . 1 Eleanor, d r of Joseph Scott, Aberford, June 25. Infant Elizabeth, wife of George Pickersgill, Grimsdike, June 25. 21 John, son of John Tillotson, Barwick, July 10. Infant Mary Jackson, Barwick, July 14 th . 101 Joseph, son of W m Beanley, Barwick, July 16 th . 2 Mary, wife of W m Simpson, Manston, Aug. 15. 58 Samuel, son of Sam 1 Simpson, Barnbow, Sep r 5. 19 Mary- Anne, d r of W m & Mary Collet, Garforth, Sep r 13. Infant Edward, son of Edward Goodall, Stanks, Sep r 24. Infant John Tillotson, Barwick, Oct r 3. 35 James Bean, Leeds, Nov r 27. 36 Mary, wife of William Batty, Barwick, Nov r 30. 26 Ann Upton, Scholes, Dec r 5. "85 Thomas Benton, Brown Moor, Dec r 13. 58 Mary Dogshon, Seacroft, Dec r 17. 90 Rebecca, wife of Matthew Watson, Barwick, Dec r 17 Burials, 1798. Age. William Clapham, Poor house, J any 18. 64 Sarah, d r of Peter Hanson, Seacroft, Feb. 18. 2 Hannah, d r of Sam 1 & Ann Simpson, Barnbow, March 2. 18 Alice, d r of Tho s & Ann Stoner, Barwick, Mar. 6. 2 John Norton, Barwick, Mar. 8. 68 Ann Tillotson, Barrowby lane end, Mar. 25. '65 Robert, son of Jonathan Taylor, Stanks, April 1. Infant Thomas, son of Thomas Goodall, Engine, April 4. 18 Joseph Todd, Scholes, May 1 55 John Clarkson, son of Col. Richard Brooke, Scholes, May 8. 12 Joseph, son of John & Maria Cullingworth, Barwick, Shoemaker, May 22. 12 Elizabeth, d r of George Pickersgill, Grimsdike, cart driver, May 22. Inf. 380 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. Benjamin, son of Edward Goodall, Stanks, May 27. 14 Mark Carew, Barwick, May 30. 46 George, son of William Walton, Barwick, June 14. Infant Frances, dau r of William Dunwell, Hill-top, June 24. 15 George, son of William Rawlinson, Barwick, June 25. 5 Elizabeth, dau r of Joseph Walton, Barwick, July 4. 14 Joseph Settle, Barwick, July 13. 70 Joanna Horner, Barwick, Aug 4 5. 67 Henry Simpson, Hill-top, Aug 4 9. 60 John Tillotson, Barrowby-lane-end, Aug 1 30. 64 Elizabeth (run over by a cart), D r of Tho s Collet, Barwick, Sep r 24. 1 Hannah, wife of Samuel Lumb, Stanks, Oct r 25. 74 Mary, wife of John Rawden, Hilltop, Nov r 24 th . 63 Burials, 1799. Age. James Jackson, Barwick, Feby 5. 60 Elizabeth, dau r of John Dean, Grimsdike, Feby 7. 1 *The Rev d Rob 1 Deane, B.D., late Rector of y s Parish, Feby 9. 63 Hannah, dau r of John Dean, Grimsdike, Feby 10. 3 Joseph Dawson, Scholes, Feby 22. 82 Sarah, dau r of Francis Moss, Kidhall lane, Feby 28. 25 Ann, wife of Roger Brownrigg, Scholes, March 3. 51 Hannah, dau r of Thomas Waite, Barwick, March 3. 1 Roger Bell, Barwick, March 13. 81 John, son of Joseph Kirkham, Barwick, March 16. Infant Sarah, dau r of Jonathan Richardson, Winmoor, March 22. Infant Elizabeth Varley, Poorhouse, April 19. 51 Joseph Jaques, Poorhouse, April 30. 53 Ann Varley, Barwick, May 10. 80 John, son of Matthew Varley, Barwick, May 22. Infant Mary, wife of John Barker, Barrowby lane end, June 10. 32 James, son of William Buchanan, Scholes, June 12. Infant Ann, wife of Matthew Varley, Barwick, June 17. 31 Hannah, wife of John Butler, Scholes, June 19. 42 Mary, dau r of Joseph Goodall, Barnbow, July 19. 38 f Richard Brooke, Esq r , Scholes, Lieutenant Colonel of the 3 rd regiment of dragoon Guards, July 20. 55 Christiana Simpson, Scholes, Aug. 15. 20 James, son of John Barker, Barrowby lane end, Aug. 25. 1 Mary Hirst, Barnbow, Oct 1 ". 27 50 Samuel Simpson, Scholes, Nov r 14. 76 Rector 1772-99. St. John's College, Camb., B.A., 1756, M.A., 17S9, S.T.B., 1767. Presented to Barwick 13 March, 1772, and to Castleford 14 March, 1772. "On Wednesday last died, at his Rectory at Barwick in-Elmet, the Rev. Rob. Deane, B.D., the humane and benevolent Rector of Barwick and of Kirkbramwith, in the Deanery of Doncaster He was formerly Fellow of St. John's College in Cambridge, and Preceptor to the present Earl of Clarendon and his Brothers ; to whose father, the late Earl, when Chancellor of the Dutchy Court of Lancaster, he owed his preferments. He married Miss Marriot, daughter of the Rev. Dr. Marriot, late Rector of Darfield, near Barnsley, who survives him His upright conduct, and mild conciliating manners, deserved and secured to him the friendship and affection of a very numerous list of respectable characters ; by whom, and by his parishioners (particularly the poor), he will be much lamented." Leeds Intelligencer, 11 Feb. 1799. tColonel Brooke (1742-1799), was the son of James Brooke of Killingbeck, (1712-1766). He married first, Frances, dau. of the Rev. Richard Brooke, by whom he had George Charles Brooke, Lieutenant 20ih Regiment of Foot, killed in the battle of Vimiera, 21 August, 1808, James Croft Brooke, of Littlethorpe, near Ripon, and 6 other children, and secondly, Jane Marcella, dau. of the Rev. Dr. Drake. See Piatt & Morkill's Whitkirk, p. 84. BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 381 Elizabeth Addeman, Scholes, Dec. 6. 87 Elizabeth, dau r of John Walton, Barwick, Dec r 19. 16 Catherine Abbott, Barwick, Dec r 26. 91 Burials, 1800. . Age. Mary Taite, Poorhouse, J any 24. 85 Susanna, dau r of Thomas Bailey, Lazingcroft, Feb>' 9. 30 Hannah, dau r of William Copley, Barwick, Febv 22. 1 Martha Patterson, Winmoor, Feby 23. 82 Hannah, dau r of Thomas Goodall, Engine, April 28. 12 Thomas & Hannah, son & dau r of John Todd, Barwick, April 30. Infants James, son of William Clayton, Engine, May 2. 1 John Butler, Scholes, May 17. 76 Renton Haist, Barwick, June 23. 55 Elizabeth, dau r of Richard Watson, Winmoor, July 1. 20 John Walton, Barwick, July 18. 84 Mary, wife of James Mallory, Rounday, July 21. 84 Joseph Holmes, Barwick, July 25. 84 Charles Pickard, Barwick, July 25. 15 Martha Wilcock, Poorhouse, Aug. 1. 60 Jonathan, son of John Hemsworth, Barwick, Aug. 13. 15 Matthew Riley, Brownmoor, Aug. 24. 33 Miles Hampshaw, Barwick, Sep. 26. 86 Margaret, wife of William Dunwell, Hill-top, Oct r 2. 55 William, son of Richard Lumb, Barwick, Oct r 25. 23 William, son of Ann Maud, Rounday, Oct r 26. Infant Ann, wife of John Robinson, Barwick, Oct 1 ' 28. 81 Richard Lumb, Barwick, Dec 1 II. 63 Burials, 1801. Samuel Lumb, Stanks, Feby 18. 71 Sarah, dau r of Thomas Robshaw, Barwick, Feby 26. Infant Elizabeth Dungwith, Barwick, March 16. 75 William, son of William Copley, Barwick, March 20. Infant Ann Norton, Rounday, April 29. 65 Sarah, wife of John Connell, Barwick, May 9. 53 George Reder, Scholes, May 10. 67 Ruth, dau r of Joseph Scott, Aberford, May 27. 5 Sarah Taite, Barwick, May 29. 80 James, son of Richard Perkin, Barwick, June 1. Infant Richard Smith, Barwick, June 14. 75 William, son of John Robshaw, Barwick, July 5. Infant John Rawlinson, Seacroft, July 18. 60 Benjamin Hill, Scholes, July 23. 87 James, son of Thomas Parker, Barwick, Aug. 7. 3 Mary, wife of Thomas Haily, Scholes, Aug. 8. 77 Dorothy Allen, Knaresborough, Oct r 3. 70 Francis Moss, Womersley, Oct. 4. 64 Grace, dau r of Ephraim Jolly, Barwick, Oct. 5. Infant *0n, Monday last died, aged 63, Mr. Richard Lumb, of Barwick-in-Elmet, near this town ; a mrji universally regretted by all who knew him. Leeds Intelligencer, 1 5 Dec., 1800. 382 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. William Carr, Kidhall lane, Oct. 26. 69 Richard Green, Scholes, Dec. 11. 52 Burials, 1802. Age. Margaret Stancliff, Winmoor, J any 6. 76 Mary, wife of Abraham Bell, Langwith, J any 6. 56 Thomas Haley, Scholes, J any 14. 81 William Tipling, Stanks, J any 29. 83 Sarah, daug r of Will m Batty, Barwick, Feby I st Infant Abraham Bell, Langwith, Feby 24. 59 Ann Benson, Barwick, March I st 36 John Taite, Barwick, March 13. 72 Richard Braim, Barnbow Car, March 15. 82 Mary Jackson, Barwick, April 29. 21 Sarah, daug r of John Robshaw, Barwick, May i6 h Infant Mary, wife of John Robshaw, Berwick, June 18. 22 Beatrice Wriggles worth, Berwick, June 18. 58 Thomas Whitehead, Berwick, June 26. 79 Robert Gray, Amstead, July 19. 37 Jeremiah Lumb, Scholes, July 23 d 62 William, son of Tho s Tillotson, Barrowby Lane end, July 24. 4 William Richardson, Potterton, July 25. 59 Rob 1 , son of George Pickersgill, Grimesdike, Aug 1 13. Infant George Scholes, Barnbow, Aug 1 14. 69 Joseph Kirkham, Barwick, Aug 4 15. 75 Dorothy Lumb, Stanks, Aug 1 15. 73 Martha Simpson, Hill Top, Sep 1 2 d 28 James, son of Ja s Hirst, Barwick, Oct r 11. 1 Joseph, son of Will m Beanland, Barwick, Oct r 16. Infant Eliz th , daug r of John Scholes, Barnbow, Oct r 25. 1 Hannah Atkinson, Barwick, Oct r 27. 60 Hannah Kirkham, Barwick, Novem r 22. 73 Elizab* 1 , daug r of Chr: Simpson, Barnbow, Nov r 22 d 1 Burials, 1803. Age. Benjamin Stringer, Hill Top, January g h . 85 John, son of Tho s Morritt, Barwick, January 25 th . Infant Mary, wife of Thomas Taylor, Barwick, March 4. 85 James, son of William Knapton, Barwick, March 7. Infant Robert Stubbs, Barwick, March 10. 74 Sarah, wife of John Loder, Kiddall Lane, March 20. 50 Anthony Dunwell, Barwick, March 23. 65 Grace Hill, Scholes, March 27. 90 John, son of William Jackson, Barwick, March 27. Infant Richard Shippen, Speakley-Nook, April 6. 91 William Dunwith, Barwick, Poor House, April 10. 45 Mary Eastburn, Speakley Nook, April 12. 76 Judith, wife of Tho s Pickersgill, Grimesdike, April 17. 57 John, son of Richard Pease, Barwick, April 19. 1 Hannah, wife of Tho s Waite, Barwick, April 24. 36 Elizabeth, wife of Will m Whitehead, Leeds, April 27. 42 James, son of John Butler, Scholes, Aug 4 13. 4 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 383 Mary, wife of Joseph Upton, Grimesdike, Aug 1 25. 55 Mary, daugh r of James Batty, Barwick, Aug* 30. 3 John, son of James Tomlinson, Barwick, Aug 1 31. Infant Ann, daug h of Will m Bell, Hill-top, Sep r 2 d . 19 Jonathan, son of Matt w Johnson, Scholes, Sep br 21. Infant Jane, wife of Rob 1 Wheater from York, Sept r 24. 54 Mary, wife of James Thompson, Barwick, Sept r 30. 49 Richard, son of William Knapton, Barwick, Oct r 8. 2 Thomas Parker, Barwick, Oct r 23 d . 65 Alice Jowet, Barwick, Nov r 7. 51 George Gill, Kiddall Lane end, Nov r 10. 73 Elizabeth, wife of Richard Pease, Barwick, Dec r 22 d . 30 Burials, 1804. Age. Sarah Knapton, Barwick, J any 27. 82 Elizabeth, daug r of Rich d Dungwith, Barwick, J any 29. 7 Benjamin, son of George Blackburn, Stanks, J any 30. Inf 1 Benjamin, son of William Batty, Barwick, March 15. Infant John Cawthorn, Barwick, April 3 d . 26 Joseph Thackeray, Barwick, April 12. 64 John, son of Richard Dungwith, Barwick, April 25. 5 Ann, wife of George Daughill, Barwick, June 5. 38 Bennet Johnson, Barnbow, 14 th June. 70 Mary, daug r of Joseph Upton, Grimsdike, 18 th July. 11 John Thompson, Barwick, 7 th Sept r . 60 Ellen, daug r of James Furness, Winmoor, 23 d Sept r . Infant Benjamin Cook, Stanks, 21 st Oct r . 81 Sarah, daug r of John Wheater, Barwick, 16 th Dec r . 2 N.B. The Rev d William Hodgson, School Master of Barwick, died accidentally on Tuesday night the 27 th of Nov r in a Field near Roundhay, the body was not found till Thursday afternoon the 29 th of Nov r 1804. Buried at Aberford. [Note on fly leaf.] Burials, 1805. Age. James, son of George Daughill, Barwick, 11 th Jany. 1 Mary Scholes, Barnbow, 12 Jany. 68 David Buchanan, Scholes, I2 h February. 84 Alice Chippendale, Kidhall, iy h Feby. 79 Martha, daug r of Sam 1 Thompson, Barwick, 4 th March Infant Thomas Wait, Barwick, 8 h March. 39 William, son of John Thompson, Barwick, 31 st March. 2 Ann, daug r of James Batty, Barwick, y h April. 2 Mary, wife of John Walton, Barwick, 2 d May. 60 William, son of Tho s Todd, Barwick, y h May. 3 James, son of John Cullingworth, Barwick, June 5. 12 Sarah Wright, Morwick, June 19. 89 Hannah, daug r of Joseph Kirkham, Barwick, June 21. Infant Ruth, daug r of John Butler, Scholes, June 26. 20 Mary & Martha, twin daug ts of Sam 1 Hardesty, Winmoor, Aug* 7 Infants Hannah, daug r of John Hewitt, Barwick, Aug 1 23. 6 Robert Brown, Winmoor, Sept r 3. 42 384 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. Rich d , son of Mary Simpson, Barnbow, Sept r 14. Infant John, son of Joseph Speight, Scholes, Sept r 27. 1 George Holmes, Barwick, Oct r 6. 62 Faith, wife of Christ r Simpson, Barnbow, Oct r 11. 24 Mary, daug r of Tho s Tilney, Scholes, Nov 17. 4 Burials, 1806. Age. Mary, wife of Rob 1 Smith, Barwick, Jany 5. '88 Tho s Taite, Barwick, Jany 10. 71 Mary, wife of Rob* Greenwood, Shippen, Jany 12. 65 John, son of John Batty, Throstle nest, Jany 19. Infant Francis Linley, Hill top, Feby 11. 45 Thomas Roebuck, Potterton, Feby 25. 40 Joseph, son of Tho s Todd, Scholes, Feb? 27. 25 Martha Roebuck, Potterton, Feb>* 28. 40 James Fletcher, Garforth, March 14. 56 Thomas Thompson, Barnbow, March 30. 33 John Hutchinson, Barwick, April 2. 74 John Loder, Kidhall Lane, April 4. 61 Will m , son of Ja s Thompson, Barwick, Ap 1 6. 7 Joseph Strother, Barnbow, April 7. 87 William Thompson, Syke House, April 20. 31 Tho s Milner, Roundhay, May II. 22 Ann Smith, Barwick, May 24. 78 Samuel Lumb, Stanks, May 28. 69 Samuel Thompson, Barnbow, June 9 11 . 60 James Tomlinson, Barwick, June 23 d . 39 Gabriel Tomlinson, Scholes, June 24 h . 77 John Walton, Barwick, July 2 d . 58 Sarah, wife of Job Hodgson, Scholes, July 6. 52 Joseph, son of Benj n Stringer, Hill-top, July 17. 9 John, son of John Wood, Scholes, July 20. 1 William Chaloner, Scholes, July 23. 70 Ann Batty, Barwick, August 9. 97 Dorothy Dean, Winmoor, Sept r 6. 78 John, son of W m Batty, Barwick, Sept r 11. Infant Eliz h , daug r of Bennet Johnson, Barwick, 25 h . Infant John Clark, Seacroft, Oct r 22. 70 - Clark, Seacroft, Nov r I st . 60 John, son of John Wilson, Roundhay, Nov r 9. Infant Hannah, daug r of Sam 1 Thompson, Garforth moorside, Nov 9. 7 James Wright, Barwick, Nov 30. 70 William Addeman, Barwick, Dec r 2. 63 Mary, daughter of John Crossland, Scholes, Dec 4. 1 John, son of Matt w Varley, Barwick, Dec r 8. 1 Joseph, son of Joseph Pease, Barwick. Infant *By his will proved 29 Sept. 1805, he gave to his sister Jane, the wife of William Addiman, three closes, then in one, called Beckhay Bridge Closes, late the estate of his sister, Anne Horner. Real estate in Barwick, unto his wife, Elizabeth, for life, and after her decease unto Thomas Wood and John Clayton the younger, both of Kippax, gentlemen, upon trust to sell and divide the proceeds in ninths between his cousins, George Atkinson, George Clarkson and his sister, William Prince of York, William Fentiman of York, Stephen Gant of Tockwith, Thomas Gant his brother, George Ellingworth of Beal, Jane Ellingworth his sister, and Sarah Slay tor of Leeds. BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 385 Burials, 1807. Charles Wood, Barwick, Jany 17. Hannah Reader, Scholes, February 22. William Clough, Barwick, March 19. Ann, daug r of Tho s Goodall, Engine, March 22. William Clayton, Engine, March 25. Edward Day, Barwick, April 2. Sarah, daug r of Ben n Stringer, Hilltop, April 5. William Atkinson, Barwick, April 7. Will m , son of Tho s Todd, Scholes, April 23. Frances, daugh r of James Barker, Penwell, June 5. Mary Clarkson, daugh r of Grace Hemsworth, Barwick, July 5. Ann Lumb, Barwick, Aug* 19. Mary, wife of Geo. Gummersall, Barwick, Aug 4 21. Mary, wife of Benj n Shillito, Stanks, Sept. II. Henry Pickard, Barwick, Octo. 6. David, son of John Scholes, Barnbow, Octo. 15 Rich d Dungwith, Barwick, Octo. 20. Joseph, son of John Goodall, Barnbow, Nov. 5. Martha, wife of Benj n Stringer, Hill top, Nov. 7. Mary Clayton, Engine, Nov. 19. Mary Lunn, Brown-moor-bottom, Nov. 21. John Goodall, Barnbow, Nov. 22. William Woolley, Barnbow, Nov. 25. William, son of W m Burland, Aberford, Dec. 6. Mary, wife of John Robshaw, Barwick, Dec r 8. Beersheba Wright, Barwick, Dec r 9. Burials, 1808. William, son of W" Bramley, Barwick, J any 15 Robert Avison, Scholes, Jany 20. Eliz h , wife of Peter Porter, Old Staith, Par h of Aberford, Janv 22. John, son of John Mawkin, Garforth, March 1. Benj n , son of Geo. Pickersgill, Grimesdike, March 6. El h , daugh r of W m Linley, Engine, May 4. William Waite, Barwick, May 10. Samuel Shippen, Speakley Nook, June 7. Mary, wife of Jos h Goodall, Barnbow. July 4. Benj n Jackson, Barwick, July 10. John Wood, Potterton, July 30. Sarah Vevers, Scholes Park, Sept. 9. Joseph, son of Jos h Jowet, Kidhall Lane, Octo. 12. Mary, daugh r of Jos h Simpson, Brownmoor, Octo. 16. Ruth, daugh r of Abr m Wormald, Barwick, Nov. 15. Thomas Carr, Kidhall Lane, Dec. 3. Sarah, daugh r of John Brogden, Scholes, Dec. 8. 1809. Robert Smith, Barwick, J any 11. Elizab h , wife of James Furniss, Winmoor, Jany 15. George, son of James Gill, Barwick, Jany 27. Sarah, d r of Sam 1 Lumb or Thompson, Stanks, Feby 12. Eliz h , d r of Joseph Speight, Kidhall Bar, Feby 15. Age. 32 83 42 13 81 78 1 4i 21 18 26 50 81 74 84 Infant 44 4 30 70 20 50 2 27 70 Age. 3 61 76 1 Inf* Inft 90 66 84 78 74 Infant Infant 7 36 11 Age. 88 30 5 Inf* 18 386 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. Elizab h , wife of Peter Benson, Scholes, February 22. 43 Rich d , son of Will"" Wilson, Barwick, March 5. Inf 1 William Womack, Barwick, April 16. 23 Hannah Thompson, Barwick, April 19. 63 George Dickinson, Barwick, April 23. 38 Alice, wife of W m Robshaw, Barwick, May 2. 63 Hannah, wife of Tho s Hargrave, Roundhay, May 5. 76 Hannah, daug r of Joseph Reader, Scholes, May 25. Infant Mary, daug r of Hannah Hodgson, Scholes, June 9. 3 Jane, daugh r of John Monks, Stanks, June 26. 19 William, son of Roger Brownrigg, Scholes, July 6. 22 Ann Linley, Hilltop, Aug 1 5. 54 John, son of John Gough, Potterton, Aug 1 7. 20 W m , son of Mary Bramham, Barwick, Aug* 25. Inf 1 John, son of John Thompson, Barwick, Aug* 27. Inf 1 Joseph Upton, Grimesdike, Sept r 8. 56 James, son of Eliz h Tomlinson, Barwick, Sept. 24. 3 Alice Kemp, Kidhall, Octo. 3. 70 Eliz h , daugh r of Ja s Thompson, Barwick, Octo. 4. 1 Jane, wife of Jos h Simpson, Stanks, Octo. 6. 23 Sarah, daugh r of Rich d Pease, Barwick, Octo. 24. 1 Mary, wife of Jos h Sparling, Kidhall lane, Octo. 25. 35 Thomas Charles Gascoigne, Esq re , son of Sir Tho s Gascoigne, Bar 1 , Parlington, Octo. 28. 23 Mary Tomlinson, Scholes, Octo. 31. 77 James, son of Jos h Sparling, Kidhall-Lane, Nov. 14. 11 Mary Jackson, Barwick, Dec. 6. 67 1810. Age. Ann Waite, Barwick, Jan. 7. 88 Tho s Taylor, Barwick, Jan. II. 88 John Jackson, Scholes, Jan. 22. 71 Joseph Goodall, Barnbow. Jan. 23. 86 Ann, wife of W m Copley, Barwick, Feb. 11. 43 William, son of Tho s Morritt, Barwick, Feb. 12. Inf 1 fSir Tho s Gascoigne, Bar 1 , Parlington, Feb. 17. 65 His death was caused by an accident in hunting, and he expired 20th October, at Walling Wells Notts., the seat of Sir Thomas White, Bart. " About a mile from cover, the hounds passed the village of Woodset, near Worksop, near which are many small inclosures, the fences abound with timber. Mr. Gascoigne was unfortunately first, Lord Scarbro's whipper-in next, but very near, and seeing Mr. Gascoigne about to leap the fence, on the other side of which was a bog, he exclaimed a bog! a bog! On hearing this, Mr. Gascoigne suddenly stopped his horse, and went a little distance in search of a more favourable situation, but alas ! unfortunately for him, he pitched upon one, over which hung the bough of a stubborn oak, and against which he struck a little above the shoulders, and so injured the spine as to cause his death. The height of the bough from the ground was 7 feet nine inches, that of the fence 3 feet 6 inches, so that the space between the fence and the bough was only 4 feet 3 inches. The remains of this lamented youth were interred on Friday in the family vault at Barwick. We understand that a drawing of the tree is taken by a gentleman of Worksop (not an artist), and the tree is now cut down." Leeds Intelligencer, 30 October, 1809. fOn the 9 January, 1780, Sir Thomas read his 7 recantation from the errors of the Church of Rome before the Archbishop of Canterbury. He married in 1784, Mary, daugh ter of James Shuttleworth, Esq., of Gawthorp, and widow of Sir Charles Turner, of Kirkleatham, by whom she had issue Mary Turner, married Richard Oliver, Esq., of Castle Oliver, who, on succeeding by devise to the Parlington Estates, assumed the surname and arms of Gascoigne, and had issue, Mary Isabella Oliver Gascoigne, married 1850, Frederick Charles Trench, Esq., Thomas Oliver Gascoigne died unmarried, Richard Silver Gascoigne died unmarried, and Elizabeth Gascoigne married, 1852, Frederick Mason Trench, 2nd Baron Ash town. 'Early yesterday morning, at his seat at Parlington, near Aberford, Sir Thomas Gascoigne, Bart. The melancholy event which recently occurred in his family (the death of his only child), has indeed. as he himself prophesied on that afflicting occasion "brought hisgrev hairs in sorrow to the grave. ' ' Leeds Intelligencer, 12 February, 1810. BARWICK -IN-ELMET REGISTER. 387 Sarah, wife of Jos h Lister, Coalpits, Feb. 21. 66 Barbara, wife of David Strother, Barwick, March 11. 56 William Whitehead, Leeds, April 9. 47 Eliz h , wife of John Wainwright, Brown moor, April 12. 77 William, son of Ja s Jackson, Barwick, Jnne 9. Inf* Anne, wife of Francis Hawkin, Scholes, June 15. 80 Benj n Shillito, Stanks, Aug* 5. 79 Mary, daugh 1 ' of Ann Slater, Barwick, Aug 1 26. 27 The Rev d James Hodgson, M.A., late Rector of y s Parish, Octo. 15. 61 Eliz h , daugh 1 " of Nath 1 Hanks, Potterton, Octo. 18. Inf Susannah, wife of Tho s Bailey, Scholes, Nov. 5. 80 John Gray, Carlton, Nov. 22. 53 William, son of W m Whitehead, Leeds, Dec. 5. 11 John Johnson, apprentice to John Clemishaw, Winmoor, ran over by a Cart, Dec. 22. 13 Burials, 181 i. Age. Samuel, son of Joseph Simpson, Brownmoor, Feb. 10. 6 Sarah, daugh r of John Butler, Scholes, Feb. 17. 17 James Goodall, Stanks, Feb. 17. 50 Thomas Thornton, Potterton, March 16. 76 Edw d , son of Jos h Sparling, Potterton, March 17. 26 John Cawood, Coalpits, Ap 1 19. 63 Tho s Perkin, Barwick, Ap 1 25. 57 Abigail, wife of Tho s Bean, Barwick, Ap 1 28. 67 Eliz h , wife of Benj n Collet, Barwick, May 12. 63 John, son of Ja s Barker, Pen well, May 14. 19 Mary, wife of John Batty, Throstle Nest in y e Parish of Aberford, June 26 th . 41 Ann Taylor, Poor House, June 29 th . 60 William, son of John Kirby, Leeds, July 24. Inf* Eliz h , wife of Benj n Stringer, Hilltop, Aug 4 8. 36 William, son of John Bean, Barwick, Aug 1 27. 14 Mary, daugh r of Hannah Thompson, Barnbow, Sept r 8. 13 Abraham Rawlinson, Barwick, Sept. 21. 79 Martha Simpson, Hill-top, Sept. 25. 76 Rachel, daugh r of Ja s Barker, Pen well, Nov. 17. 1 Frances Simpson, Barnbow, Dec. 10. 68 Burials, 1812. Age. John Atkinson, Stanks, J any 2. 68 Mary Simpson, Hill- top, Jan. 7. 39 Rector 1799 1810. Son of James Hodgson of Leominster; Christ Church, Oxford, B.A., 1770 ; M.A., 1773. Foster's Alumni Oxon. In 1801 he presented Silver Communion Vessels to Barwick Church. On Wednesday, the Rev. James Hodgson, M.A., Rector of Barwick-in-Elmet, near this town, and one of His Majesty's Justices of the Peace for this Riding. The worthy minister and active magistrate had been, the day preceding his death, attending to his magisterial duties, as usual, at this place. He returned home to dinner, and shortly after was attacked with violent spasms, which gave way to the remedies applied. Retiring to bed at the usual hour, he was again attacked in a similar way; he arose about one o'clock in the morning, calling for relief, at the same time saying that he could not long survive ; and he expired very soon afterwards. These particulars we are requested to publish, in consequence of a very erroneous statement having made its appearance in a neighbouring paper. The valuable living of Barwick, thus vacant, is in the gift of Mr. Perceval, as Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster. Leeds Intelligencer, 16 October, 1810. 388 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. James Eyre, Stanks, Jan. IX. 70 Rich d Watson, Limekiln Gate, Feb. 27. 72 Catharine, wife of John Bell, Winmoor, Mar. 10. 70 Mary, daugh r of Jos h Turpin, Brownmoor, Ap 1 7. Inf 1 Jos h son of Jos h Turpin, Brownmoor, Ap 1 14. Inf* Hannah, daugh r of John Cullingworth, Barwick, June 2. Inf* John Lunn, Brownmoor Bottom, June 5. 82 Jos h Kitchingman, Barwick, June 8. 52 Peter Newby, Barwick, June 21. 68 James, son of Ja s Derrick, Winmoor, July 19. Inf* Samuel, son of Ja s Lumb, Barwick, July 30. Inf* Ann Whitehead, Poor-house, Aug 1 23. 73 Hannah^ daugh r of Alice Slater, Barwick, Aug 1 26. Inf e Jane, wife of Tho s Burton, Scholes, Aug* 28. 80 Charlotte, daugh r of Ephr m Jolly, Barwick, Sept. 1. 16 John, son of Jos h Simpson, Brownmoor, Sept. 29. 19 Alice Tillotson, Barnbow, Octo. II. 81 Hannah, daugh r of W m Pickersgill, Barwick, Oct. 27. 16 William, son of Jos h Simpson, Brownmoor, Dec. 10. 21 Elianor Gray, Carlton, Dec. 26. 55 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 389 [FIFTH BOOK.] A Register Book of Marriages belonging the Parish of Barwick in Elmett, begun March the 25 th , 1754. N 1, Banns of Marriage between John Hemsworth and Mary Hall, both of this Parish, were published April the 21 st , the 28 th , and the 5 th of May in the Year 1754. The said John Hemsworth Yeoman, and the s d Mary Hall, widow, both of this parish in the Diocese of York, were married in this Church by Banns this eight day of May in the Year One Thousand seven hundred & fifty four, by me, Levett Harris, Curate of Barwick. This marriage was solemnized by us, John Hemsworth, his x mark, Mary Hall, her x mark, in the presence of J. Brennand, William Knapton. [The following entries are abstracted. The marriages were by Levett Harris, Curate of Barwick, from here to the 7 February, 1758, and by Banns, unless otherwise stated.} 1754, May 12. James Butler, pipemaker, and Mary Lumb, spinster, both of Barwick. Witns., William Taite, John Lumb. 1754, July 22. John Waites of Barston, in the parish of Sherborn, Yeoman, and Mary Haist, of Barwick, by Licence from Edw d Cookson. Surrogate. Witns., James Brennand, William Knapton. 1754, Oct. 22. John Robinson, yeoman, and Ann Dobson, spinster, both of Barwick, by John Boardman. Witns., John Varley, James Brennand. 1754, Nov. 25. Benjamin Shillito, of Whitchurch, yeoman, and Mary Varey, spinster, of Barwick, by John Boardman. Witns., Tomas Shillito, James Brennand. 1754, Dec. 26. James Brennand, parish-clerk, and Mary Butler, spinster, both of Barwick. Witns., William Taite, William Marshall. 1755, April 10. William Brown, of Garforth, yeoman, and Ann Whitehead, spinster, of Barwick. Witns., Alice Hurst, John Pitt. 1755, June 15. Joseph Batty, of Abberford, yeoman, and Isabella Hudson, of Barwick, spinster. Witns., William Knapton, William Lumb. 1755, June 17. Thomas Sanderson, of Moor mountain, yeoman, and Martha Robinson, of Barwick, spinster. Witns., Ja s Robinson, James Brennand. 1755, Oct. 1. Robert Robinson, of Rothwell, yeoman, and Sarah Thompson, of Barwick, spinster. Witns., John Taite, James Brennand. 1755, Oct. 5. Eli Musgrave, of Leeds, stuff maker, and Mary Blackburn, of Barwick, spinster. Licence. Witns., Bernard Blackburn, James Brennand. 1755, Oct. 23. Thomas Naylor, of Leeds, yeoman, and Dorothy Appleyard, of Barwick, spinster. Witns., Jeremiah Lister, James Lambert. 1755, Nov. 2. William Smith, yeoman, and Henrietta Maria Taitt, SDinster,bothof Barwick. Witns., RichardSmith, Timothy Smith. BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. I 755> Nov. 4. Richard Abbey, yeoman, of Tadcaster, and Sarah Simpson, of Barwick, spinster. Witns., Roger Bell, James Brennand. 1 75^ ) , Jan. 7. John Tiplin, of Barwick, and Elisabeth Smith, of Abberford, spinster, by T. Bentham. Witns., William Knapton, James Bean. 1756, Feb. 7. John Hirst, of Carlton, in the parish of Rothwell, stuffweaver, and Johanna Dolphin, of this parish, spinster. Licence. Witns., Richard Lumb, Rich d Burland. 1 75^, June 7. Michael Topham, yeoman, and Sarah Knapton, spinster, both of Barwick, by T. Bentham. Witns., William Knapton, Benjamin Watson. 1756, Sept. 21. Thomas Popplewell, yeoman, of Barwick, and Catherine Batty, spinster, of Thorner. Witns., Jn Fleming, Richard Lumb. 1756, Nov. 8. Thomas Barton, of Kippax, yeoman, and Nancy Rawlinson, of Barwick, spinster. Witns., Will m Lumb, Nancy Byfield 1756, Nov. 29 th . William Wales, of Brotherton, yeoman, and Joanna Burton, of Barwick, spinster. Witns., Richard Lumb, James Brennand 1756, Dec. 5. James Horsfield, yeoman, and Esther Poppleton, spinster, both of Barwick. Witns., Robert Popleton, James Brennand. 1756, Dec. 7. Benj : Watson, yeoman, and Susanna Pollard, spinster, both of Barwick, by T. Bentham, Vicar of Abberford. Witns., Michael Topham, William Smith. 1756, Dec. 29. Will m Lumb, yeoman, and Mary Hill, spinster, both of Barwick. Witns., William Knapton, James Brennand 1757, Feb. 21. Thomas Collett, butcher, and Agnes Thompson, spinster, both of Barwick, Witns., Tho 5 Bean, Richard Lumb. I 757> July 2. Benjamin Braim, of Barwick, Carpenter, and Elisabeth Turnpenny, of Leeds. Licence from Edward Cookson. Witns., James Brennand, Joseph Settle x 757 July 7. William Varey, yeoman, and Ann Thompson, widow, both of Barwick. Witns., John Taitt, Thomas Collet 1757, Aug. 9. John Almond, yeoman, of Castleford, and Marg 1 Clark, spinster, of Barwick. Witns., Joseph Settle, Ja s Brennand 1757, Sept. 6. Bennett Johnson, yeoman, and Ann Smith, spinster, both of Barwick. Witns., Godfrey Gough, James Brennand J 757> Nov. 7. Edmund Popplewell, yeoman, and Grace Stead, spinster, both of Barwick, by T. Bentham. Witns., James Butler, William Knapton I 757> Nov. 24. William Watson, yeoman, and Joanna Watson, spinster, both of Barwick. Witns., Joh n Robinson, Ja s Brennand 1757, Dec. 1. William Calvert, yeoman, and Martha Thompson, spinster, both of Barwick. Witns., J . Wilkinson, Henry Robinson 1757, Dec. 26. Godfrey Gough, yeoman, and Mary Taitt, spinster, both of Barwick. Witns., W m Smith, Samuel Braim J 758 Jan. 9. George Aughty, yeoman, and Alice Dickinson, widow, both of Barwick. Witns., Joseph Settle, W m Smith l BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 391 1758, Feb. 7. Samuel Thompson, yeoman, and Dorothy Atkinson, both of Barwick. Licence from William Campey, proctor. Witns., Thomas Atkinson, Ja s Brennand 1758, June 11. John Wainwright, yeoman, of Whitkirk, and Elisabeth Woolstenholme, spinster, of Barwick, by H. Baines. Witns., Nathan Waddington, William Knapton 1759, Feb. 31. John Linley, yeoman, of Whitkirk, and Ann Bowling, spinster, of Barwick, by H. Baines, curate. Witns., W m Procter, Samuel Bowling 1759, April 16. Ch r Aumbler, yeoman, and Eliz. Athuck, spinster, both of Barwick, by H. Baines, curate. Witns., W m Procter, Mark Topham 1759, May 7. Richard Stead, and Ann Wilson, both of Barwick, by H. Baines, cur e . Witns., Ingram Grant, Will m Lumb 1759, June 10. Thomas Whitehead, husbandman, and Susanna Darnbrough, spinster, both of Barwick, by H. Baines, curate. Witns., Will m Lumb, James Bean 1759, July 10. Matthew Tipling, yeoman, in Barwick, and Izabella Akid, widow, of Abberford, by H. Baines, cur e . Witns., Will Lumb, John Dungwith I 759 Nov. 5. Joseph Weatherhead, yeoman, of Abberford, and Henrietta Maria Smith, widow, of Barwick, by H. Baines, curate. Witns., William Lumb, John Taitt 1759, Nov. 26. Joseph Kirkham, yeoman, and Hannah Smith, spinster, both of Barwick, by H. Bains, cur e . Witns., Will Lumb, Joseph Watson 1760, Jan. 8. John Vevers, carpenter, and Grace Appleyard, spinster, both of Barwick, by H. Baines, cur e . Witns., Will m Lumb, Samuel Braim 1760, Sept. 15. David Kellet, of Yeadon in the parish of Guisley, & Martha Hague, in this parish, by Edm: Baxter. Witns., Thorn. Marshall, James Parkin 1760, Oct. 8. William Morrit and Betty Slater, both in Barwick, by Edm: Baxter. Witns., John Tipling, W m Thompson [All marriages were by T. Wray, curate, from here to the 25 October, 1762, and by Banna, unless otherwise stated.'] 1760, Oct. 21. William Waite & Hannah Braim, both of Barwick. Witns., Samuel Braim & William Knapton 1760, Nov. 16. Matthew Higgins & Ann Bland, both of Barwick. Witns., Edmund Popple well, William Knapton 1760, Nov. 24. Francis Carbut, of Bolton Piercy, & Helen Batty, of Scholes, in this parish. Witns., Tho 3 Hartley, William Knapton 1761, Jan. 15. John Birkinshaw, of Garforth (Farmer), & Jane Whitehead, of Barwick, spinster. Licence. Witns., John Taitt, William Birkinshaw 1761, April 13. William Goodall, of Whitkirke, & Mary Hardy, of Barwick. Witns., David Scholes, John Varley 1761, June 1. Thomas Whitehead, of Otley, Gentleman, & Isabella Eamonson, of Roundhay in this Parish. Licence. Witns., Mary Whitehead, Nancy Marshall 392 BARWICK-lN-ELMET REGISTER. 1761, July 9. Abraham Rawlinson, batchelor, & Elizabeth Pitt, spinster, both of Barwick. Witns., William Pitt, Joseph Watson 1761, Sept. 17. John Gould, of Bradfild parish, and Ellen Gould, of Barwick parish, by Cha: Wighton, Rector of Garforth. Witns., Thomas Taitt, Thorn: Oneal 1761, Sept. 24. James Norton and Thomasin Sissons, both of Barwick, by T. Bentham, vicar of Abberford. Witns., William Knapton, William Johnston 1761, Sept. 28. Joseph Watson, of Barwick, & Mary Hodgson, by T. Bentham, vicar of Abberford. Witns., Abraham Rawlinson, Benjamin Watson 1761, Oct. 1. Thomas Taitt and Mary Gough, both in Barwick, by C. Wighton, Rector of Garforth. Witns., Godfrey Gough, Francis Holmes 1761, Dec. 3. Anthony Dawson and Esther Settle, both of Barwick, by T. Bentham, vic r of Abberford. Witns., Joseph Settle, Abram Rawden 1761, Dec. 23. Thomas Hewett, batchelor, & Sarah Rawlinson.. spinster, both of Barwick. Witns., Thomas Pitt, Cornelius Toft 1761, December 24. Robert Plows, of Scholes in this parish, Malster, & Margaret Beann, of this Town. Licence. Witns., James Parkin, James Bean 1762, Jan. 27. Henry Parkins & Sarah Bell, both of Winmore in this parish. Witns., James Lambert, Joseph Hill 1762, Feb. 7. Joseph Reedall & Mary Appleyard, both of Scholes in this parish. Witns., John Vevers, Thomas Pitt 1762, Feb. 8. John Bramley. of Methley, & Frances Parkin, of Potterton in this parish. Witns., William Knapton, John Batty. 1762, June 20. Anthony Dunwell & SarahScott. Witns., W m Norton, Cornelius Toft 1762, July 5. John Nelson, of Leeds, & Sarah Batty, of this parish. Witns., John Batty, Robert Plowes 1762, July 19. Thomas Pitt & Sarah Wood, of Potterton, both in this parish. Witns., John Batty, Benjamin Rawlinson 1762, Aug. 3. Robert Barton, batchelor, & Elizabeth Bradley, widow, both of this parish. Witn., Will Knapton 1762, Sept. 16. William Taite, of this parish, & Sarah Tatam, of Kippax, by Tho s Clarke, curate of Kippax. Licence. Witns., John Porter, Joseph Taite 1762, Oct. 25. John Jones & Phyllis Hering, both of this parish. Witns., William Walker, William Knapton 1762, Nov. 25. Jonathan Hodgson & Hannah Lumb, both of this parish, by W. Wighton, curate. Witns., William Knapton, Tho s Collet 1762, Nov. 28. Thomas Benton, of Garforth, & Ann Appleton, of Barwick, by W. Wighton, curate. Witns., Godfrey Gough, Peter Appelton 1762, Dec. 30. W m Chalinger, of Thorner, & Eliz th Hayge, of Barwick, by W. Wighton, curate. Witns., Andrew Jackson, James Parkin BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 393 1763, Jan. 6. Richard Kingsley, of Barwick in Elmitt, Farmer, & Sarah Banister , of the said parish, widow, by W. Wighton, curate. Licence. Witns., Tho. Shillito, William Knapton 1763, Feb. 23. Rich d Lumb, of Barwick in Elmitt, Farmer, , & Elizabeth Carew, of the said town & parish, by W. Wighton, curate. Licence. Witns., Tho s Shepley, Martha Carew 1763, May 12. Tho s Tate & Mary Boueth, both of Barwick, by Tho s Eglin, curate of Thorner. Witns., Robert Labron, W m Knapton 1764, Jan. 2. Robert Wright, of Collingham, & Jane Daniel, of Barwick, by J. Brooke, curate. Witns., Robert Wright, Jane Danell 1764, March 5. Thomas Smales, of Kippax, & Mary Bell, of Barwick, by J. Brooke, curate. Witns., Will Dawson, John Batty. 1764, June 5. James Mathers, of Leedes, & Mary Foster, in Berwick in Elmit, by Tho s Eglin, curate of Thorner. Witns., W m Dawson, R. Burland. 1764, July 25. John Brooke and Susanna Atkinson, both of Barwick by Thomas Eglin. Witns., Will m Dawson, John Dungwith. 1764, Aug. 14. Benjamin Dickinson, of Kippax, & Mary Brown, of Barwick, by James Brooke, curate. Witns., Will m Dawson, Thomas Collet. 1764, Aug. 15. Benjamin Rawlinson & Anne Littlewood, both of Barwick, by James Brooke, curate. Witns., John Batty, Thomas Hewett. 1764, Sept. 2. William Wainwright, of Whitkirke, & Martha Lumb, of Barwick, by James Brooke, curate. Witns., John Greenwood Will m Dawson. 1764, Sept. 7. John Atkinson & Ann Wilson, both of Barwick, by James Brooke, curate. Witns., Rich d Lumb, Jonathan Bell. 1764, Nov. 26. Joseph Madther & Ann Lazenby, both of Barwick, by James Brooke, curate. Witns., William Dawson, John Lazenby. ^^ 1766, Dec. 11. John Lowden, of Whinmoor in this pansh, Farmer, and Mary Denison, of the same, singlewoman, by Edm: Baxter, assistant. Licence. Witns., Will m Dawson, Thomas Pitt. Elizabeth Carew,' was the eldest daughter of William Carew, of Lisbon, Merchant, was born there 31 May, 1742, aud died at Barwick, 19 Nov., 1818. William Carew was killed in the earthquake at Lisbon, 1 Nov., 1755. He was son of Thomas Carew, of Cork, by Susanna Frankland, and was married at Lisbon, 1741, to Anne, daughter of Marmaduke Shepley, of Wakefield. See Collectanea Topographica et Genealogica, Vol. V., p. 93: Miscellanea Genealogica, second series, Vol. IV., p. 321, and third series, Vol I., p. 28. Cussans's History of Hertfordshire, (Hundred of Cashio), p. 187 ; Notes and Queries, fourth series, X., pp. 296 and 397 ; Northern Genealogist 1896, p. 199. For notes on the family of Richard Lumb see Miscellanea Genealogica, third scries, Vol. I., p. 132. 394 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. [SIXTH BOOK.] [All Marriages were by James Brooke, curate, and by Banns unless otherwise specified from here to the I st day of April, 1771.] No. 1. James Bean & Ann Wheatherill, of this Parish, married in this Church by Banns this thirteenth day of August in the Year One Thousand seven Hundred and sixty-five, by me, Richard Capstick, Curate of Bardsey. This marriage was solemnized between us, James Bean, Ann x Wheatherill' s mark. In the Presence of William Dawson, William Thompson. 1765, Nov. 25. Bartho w Glover & Elizabeth Thompson, of Barwick. Witns., John Smith, William Dawson. 1765, Dec. 25. James Eare & Sarah Morrit, of Barwick. Witns., Tho s Haley, Mary Scott. 1766, Jan. 13. Christopher Topliam, of Leedes, & Ann Shippen, of Barwick. Licence. Witns., Sam 1 Wroc, Mary Veuers. 1766, Feb. 27. James Mallorie & Mary Hargrave, of Barwick, by Peter Simon, Vicar of Whitkirke. Licence. Witns., Will m Dawson, Rich d Lumb. 1766, March 31. John Thompson & Hannah Thompson, of Barwick, by Edm: Baxter, Assistant Curate. Wits., Will m Dawson, John Smith. 1766, May 20. John Greenwood, of Whitkirke, & Ann Lumb, of Barwick. Witns., William Warnwright, William Booth. 1766, June 16. William Harrison, of Leedes, and Elizabeth Rawlin- son, of Barwick. Wits., John Batty, William Knapton. 1766, August 10. John Tarboton, of Thorner, & Anne Marshall, of Barwick, by Edm: Baxter, assistant curate. Witns., Will m Dawson, Edword Tarboton. 1766, Aug. 18. Jeremiah Lumb & Elen Vevers, both of Barwick. Wits., Will m Dawson, Rob 1 Vevers. 1766, Oct. 19. James Wright & Bersheba Robinson, of Barwick. Wits., Will" 1 Dawson, Abraham Wormald. 1766, Nov. 26. William Clapam & Mary Fowler, of Barwick. Wits., Tho s Cooper, William Richardson. 1766. Dec. 24. John Harreson, of Bradford, & Izabella Wood, of Barwick. Wits., Thomas Pitt, Georg Holmes. 1767, Jan. 12. John Rawden, of Whitkirke, & Mary Webster, of Barwick. Wits., Abram Rowlinson, William Dawson. 1767, March 15. Joseph Holmes & Sarah Hunton, of Barwick. Wits., James Norton, Thomas Bean. 1767, May 24. William Donwell, of Ledsom, & Catherine Varey, of Barwick. Wits., Je r Thompson, John Butler. 1767, Aug. 3. Samuel Lumb & Hannah Wood, of Barwick. Wits., Daniel Wood, Will" 1 Dawson. 1767, Oct. 12. John Batty & Alice Rawlinson, of Barwick. Wits., Thomas Hewett, William Knapton. 1767, Oct. 19. William Robshaw & Alice Rothmil, of Barwick. Witns., Rich d Lumb, Bengam Collt. 1767, Nov. 24. Joseph Sparling, of Abberford, & Mary Watson, of Barwick. Wits., Richard Waite, William Knapton. BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 395 1768. Feb. 28. Robert Stephenson, of Wighill, & Elizabeth Pease, of Barwick. Licence. Wits., Thomas Blackburn, William Dawson. 1768, May 2. Benjamin Collete & Elizabeth Knapton, of Barwick. Wits., John Taitt, jun r , William Knapton. 1768, July 19. Alvara Thompson & Sarah Lazenby, of Barwick. Wits., John Batty, Benjamin Rawlinson. 1768, Nov. 14. Stephen Ballance & Mary Harper, of Barwick. Wits., Charles Goodall, William Dawson. 1768, Nov. 23. John Stead & Elizabeth Dunwell, of Barwick. Wits., Thomas Wright, William Dawson. 1768, Dec. 5. John Clark & Fanny Lambert, of Barwick. Wits., John Marshall, James Lambert. 1768, Dec. 8. Thomas Pickersgill & Judith Stead, of Barwick. Wits., Rich d Lumb, John Stead. 1769, Jan. 5. Thomas Tilney & Sarah Haley, of Barwick. Wits., Ponsonby, Richard Pike. 1769, Feb. 20. Richard Waite & Alice Barker, of Barwick. Wits., Rich d Lumb, William Knapton. 1769, March 12. Richard Watson, of Thorner, and Mary Simpson, of Barwick. Wits., John Dungwith, William Dawson. 1769. March 27. David Wood, of Leedes, & Sarah Popplewell, of Barwick. Wits., William Dawson, Tho s Batty. 1769, May 17. William Rawlinson, of Barwick, and Sarah Perkin, of the same, by Edm: Baxter, Assistant Curate. Wits., John Batty, Abram Rawlinson. 1769, June 8. John Holmes, of the parish of St. Mary le Strand, in the county of Middlesex, & Sarah Broadbent, of this parish, by Miles Atkinson. Licence, John Clough, sur. Wits., Faith Broadbent, Faith Eastburn, Elizabeth Wilkinson, John Wilton. 1769, Dec. 20. Joseph Barmby, of Thorner, and Jane Upton, of Barwick. Wits.. George Upton, Joseph Upton. 1770, June 4. John Slayter, of Sherburn, and Sarah Peart, of Barwick, by Edm: Baxter, assistant Curate. Wits., Rich d Lumb. Matt. Bullock. 1770, Sept. 19. John Overind, of Rothwell, and Margaret Gaggs, of Barwick. Witns., John Atkinson, Mary Gaggs. 1770, Nov. 5. John Mortan and Esther Dawson, both of Barwick, by T. Wilson. Wits., Joseph Settle, William Dawson. 1770, Nov. 6. Joseph Cawthorn, of Coulton of the parish of Whit- church, & Ann Dickinson, of Barwick, by T. Wilson. Licence. Wits., Rich d Lumb, Thomas Pitt. 1770, Dec. 13. Henry Greenwood & Elizabeth Johnson, of Barwick. Wits., Benjamin Watson, Will Dawson. 1770. Dec. 24. David Hotchson & Elizabeth Lumb, of Barwick. Wits., Ann burland, William Knapton. 1771, Feb. 11. William Derrick & Martha Maud, both of Barwick. Witns., An Sayner, [?Hany Binn]. 1771, April 1. Peter Newby, of Sherburn, and Ann Burland, of Barwick. Witns., Tho s Richardson, Thomas Ward. 398 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 1771, May 2. Robert Plows, of Whitkirk, and Martha Lumb, of Barwick, by E. Carne, Vicar of Aberford. Licence. Witns., William Lumb, Samuel Lumb. 1771, June 17. Jonathan Bell, of Barwick, Labourer, and Hannah Ould, spinster, of Barwick, by F. Wray, curate. Wits., Rich d Lumb, Thomas Pitt. [All marriages were by F. Wray, curate, and by banns from here to the 4 th April, 1774, unless otherwise specified.'] iyyi, August 1. James Banks, of Leeds, Linnen Draper, & Rebecca Rooke, of Barwick, spinster. Licence by consent of her Father. Witns., W m Rooke, Susanna Fretwell, Mary Vevers. 1771, Sept. 30. Henry Hall, of Leeds, Stuff maker, & Elizabeth Broadbent, of Barwick, spinster. Licence. Witns., Ann Calloway, W m Broadbent. 1771, Oct. 14. William Cryer, batchelor. and Mary Wilson, spinster, both of Barwick. Wits., Thomas Hargrave, Abram Rawden. 1771, Oct. 14. John Linlay, of Whitkirk, batchelor, and Hannah Perkin, of Barwick, spinster. Witns., Sarah Vevers, Abram Rawden. 1771, Nov. 4. Thomas Harper, labourer, and Ann Pollard, spinster, both of Barwick, by James Brooke. Witns., Thomas Pitt, William Robshaw. 1771, Nov. 25. Robert Smith, singleman, & Mary Marshal, spinster, both of Barwick. Witns., Tho s Burton, William Dawson. 1771, Nov. 25. Francis Steel, of Walton, in the parish of Thorp Arch, singleman, & Martha Thornton, of Barwick. Witns., Tho s Thornton, Sarah Gibbons. 1771, Dec. 9. James Fletcher, of Garforth, collier, & Sarah Taylor, of Barwick, spinster. Witns., May Scott, Rich d Lumb. -1771, Dec. 30. William Staincliff, of Barwick, Husbandman, and Margaret Bullock, widow. Witns., J acob Pease, William Dawson. 1772, Jan. 6. Samuel Shippen, yeoman, and Mary Dawson, spinster, both of Barwick. Witns., Marey Gaggs, Samuel Wright. 1772, May 19. Samuel Thompson & Susanna Taylor, both of Barwick. Witns., Thomas Braim, W m Knapton. 1772, July 20. Abraham Rawlinson & Mary Scott, both of Barwick. Witns., Rich d Lumb, W m Thompson. 1772, Nov. 23. Peter Higgins, singleman, and Esther Horsfield, widow, both of Barwick. Witns., Richard Smith, William Dawson. 1772, Nov. 24. Thomas Simpson, of Barwick, batchelor, and Frances Claybourn, spinster. Witns., Lawrance Milner, William Dawson. 1773, March 31. George Hopton, batchelor, and Grace Boyse spinster, both of Barwick. Licence. Witns., Benjamin Collite, Mary Taitt. 1773, April 25. William Tipling, widower, and Elizabeth Rowland, widow, both of Barwick. Witns., John Dungwith, William Dawson. 1773 July 7. Elias Fletcher, of Walton in this county, batchelor, & Sarah Barker, spinster. Witns., William Dawson, Elizabeth Fletcher. BARWTCK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 397 T 773> July 13. John Steuart, of Abberford, brickmaker, and Mary Elley, in Barwick, spinster. Witns., Tho s Elley, Tho s Shillito. 1773, Aug. 18. Tho s Buckle & Elizabeth Logg, both of Barwick, by W m Swaine, Vicar of Bramham. Witns., John Buckle, James Logg. 1773, Sept. 15. Richard Thompson, of Overhelmsley, batchelor, & Mary Simpson, of Barwick. Witns., Saml. Varley, John Batty. 1773, Sept. 22. Joseph Todd, batchelor, & Elizabeth Bradley, spinster, both of Barwick. Witns., Richard Park, W 7 illiam Dawson. 1773, Sept. 27. Henry Stainburn, of Whitkirke, batchelor, & Helen Dunwell, of Barwick, spinster. Witn., William Dawson. 1773, Nov. 22. Robert Greenwood, of Saxton, batchelor, and Mary Barker, of Barwick, spinster. Witns., Rob* Dawson, William Greenwood. 1774, March 9. James Pawson, of Harwood, and Jane Dodgshon, of Barwick, spinster, by E: Carne, Vicar of Aberford. Witns., John Pawson, Abram Rawdon. 1774, April 4. Samuel Mawson, batchelor, and Ruth Clarkson, spinster, both of Barwick. Witns., John Hewett, Benjamin Jackson. 1774, Aug. 11. William Gough, Husbandman & Potmaker, and Ann Carritt, spinster, both of Barwick, by Rob 4 Deane. Witns., Godfrey Gough, W m Dawson. 1774. Sept. 11. Thomas Hargraves, of Whitkirke, and Hannah Clarkson, of Barwick, by J. Thompson, minister. Witns., Benjamin Jackson, Francies Beecroft. 1774, Sept. 14. Joseph Dawson and Anne Varey, both of Barwick, by E: Carne, Vicar of Aberford. Licence. Witns., Benjamin Jackson, John Batty. 1774, Nov. 22. William Turpin, of Halton, in the parish of Whitkirk, & Mary Atkinson, of Barwick, by Guy Fairfax, Rector of Newton Kyme. Licence. Witns., Matt. Smith, William Dawson. 1774, Nov. 23. Thomas Paxton, batchelor, & Margaret Harford, spinster, both of Barwick, by John Metcalfe, curate. Witns., Christopher Flower, John Walton. 1774, Nov. 24. Samuel Simpson, batchelor, and Ann Thompson, spinster, both of Barwick, by John Metcalfe, curate. Witns., William Thompson, William Dawson. [All marriages were by Rob 1 Deane, rector, and by banns from here to the 31 day of March, 1791, unless otherwise stated.'] 1775, Jan. 12. William Brittain, of Abberford, and Mary Gaggs, of Barwick, spinster. Witns., Richard Smith, John Batty. 1775, Feb. 5. William Vevers, batchelor, and Ann Rooke, spinster, both of Barwick. Licence. Witns., Benjamin Rooke, William Vevers. 1775, Mar. 2. Samuel Harrison, batchelor, and Sarah Poppleton, spinster, both of Barwick. Licence. Witns., William Sheariffe, Matthew Hardwick. 398 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. I775> Mar. 31. Ralph Brotherton, of Kirby Overblows, batchelor, and Ann Yevers, of Barwick, spinster. Licence. Witns., W m Vevers, Peter Newbey. 1775, April 5. Renton Haist, laborher, and Sarah Ward, spinster, both of Barwick. Witns., William Thompson, Richard Waite. 1775, April 9. John Boys, of Thorner, widdour, and Ann Ward, of Barwick, widdou. Witns., Peter Slayter, John Batty. 1775, May 8. William Robshaw, batchelor, and Sarah Knapton, spinster, both of Barwick. Witns., Benjamin Jackson, Richard Waite. 1775, Sept. 25. Matthew Miller, batchelor, and Jane Pawson, spinster, both of Barwick. Witns., William Carr, Thos. Pitt. 1775, Dec. 24. Thomas Richardson, batcholer, and Mary Daniel, spinster, both of Barwick. Witns., William Richardson, John Batty. J776, Jan. 8. John Blackburn, batcholer, and Jane Smith, spinster both of Barwick. Witns., Richard Waite, John Batty. 1776, Feb. 10. John Cullingworth, of Abberford, batcholer, and Maria Thornton, of Barwick, spinster. Witns., Tho s Thornton, Richard Waite. 1776, March 17. John Thompson and Ann Mawson, both of Barwick. Witns., Jonas Vince, John Batty. 1776, Aug. 14. Thomas Jordan, of Whitkirke, and Sarah Buchanan, of Barwick. Witns., John Jordan, Richard Waite. 1776, Nov. 4. Henry Furniss, of Leeds, batcholer, and Dolly Hargrave, of Barwick, spinster. Licence. Witns., John Furniss, Richard Waite. 1776, Nov. 4. William Jowitt, of Garforth, batcholer, and Alice Dungwith, of Barwick, spinster., Witns., Tho s Pitt, Richard Waite. 1776, Dec. 11. William Burland, batcholer, and Sarah Smith, spinster, both of Barwick. Witns., Thomas Perkin, Jn Smith. 1777, Jan. 19. Henry Simpson and Martha Derrick, both of Barwick Witns., John Batty, Thomas Taitt. 1777, Feb. 3. John Stead, batcholer, and Mary Akeland, spinster. both of Barwick. Witns., Samuel Webster, John Batty. 1777 Aug. 5. Thomas Outhwate, of Winmoor, of this Parish, and Eleanor Kirby, of Thorner. Licence. Witns., Richard Waite, Jn Batty. 1777, Oct. 6. Thomas Perkin, batchlor, and Mary Thorns, spinster, both of Barwick. Witns., William Rawlinson, Jn Batty. 1777, Oct. 8. John Mackontrout, batcholer, and Martha Ampshaw, spinster, both of Barwick. Witns., Jn Smith, James Robinson. 1777, Nov. 18. William Watson, batcholer, and Jane Barker, spinster, both of Barwick. Witns., David Strother, John Batty. 1777, Dec. 17. Henry Foster, batcholer, and Zilpha Cawood, spinster, both of Barwick, by J. Uttley, curate of Thorner. Licence. Witns., Sam 1 Shippen, Jn Batty. 1777, Dec. 29. Thomas Wright, batcholer, and Hannah Brunton, spinster, both of Barwick. Witns., James Backhouse, Sam 1 Shippen. BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 399 1778, Jan. 27. Benjamin Cromek, batcholer, and Catherine Mouncy, spinster, both of Barwick. Witns., Will: Carr, W m Munsey, 1778, April 13. John Robinson, batcholer, and Alice Tayler, spinster both of Barwick. Witns., Cha s Goodall, John Batty. 1778, May 28. Thomas Thornton, batcholer, and Grace Green, widow, both of Barwick. Witns., Edward Day, John Batty. 1778, June 24 th . John Hutchinson, of the parish of Calverly, and Sarah Clemishaw, of this parish, spinster. Licence. Witns., John Balme, Richard Wetherill. 1778, Oct. 28. Thomas Goodall, of Garforth, and Ann Tillotson, of Barwick. Witns., James Tillotson, Richard Waite. 1778, Nov. 17. Roger Bell and Elizabeth Forster, both of Barwick. Witns., William Shearife, Thomas Shilito. 1778, Dec. 14. John Gibson, of Witkirke, and Julia Bauckhouse, of Barwick. Witns., John Greenwood, Jn Batty. 1779, Feb. 3. John Stubs, batcholer, and Elizabeth Robinson, spinster, both of Barwick. Licence. Witns., John Robinson, John Walton. 1779, March 3. George Gummarsall, batcholer, and Mary Slayter, widow, both of Barwick. Witns., William Waite, John Batty. 1779, March 21. James Thompson and Mary Holmes, both of Barwick, by Jn Thompson, curate of Castleford. Witns., John Thompson, John Batty. 1779, March 24. John Gray, of Morwick of this parish, batcholer, and Eleanor Eamonson, of Chapel Allerton of the parish of Leeds spinster. Licence. Witns., Tho s Shepley, W m Shepley. 1779, April 11. William Dunwell, widower, and Margret Deane, spinster, both of Barwick, by Nicholas Waite Robinson. Witns., Joseph Walton, Richard Waite. 1779, May 30. William Wilson, batcholer, and Fanny Hargrave, spinster, both of Barwick. Witns., Wm. Ingham, Richard Waite. 1779, June 2. Richard How, of Sheffield, batcholer, and Elizabeth Leach, of Barwick, widow. Licence. Witns., Abraham Rawdon, Richard Waite. 1780, May 16. John Taylor, of Prestwich, and Sarah Tilney, of Barwick. Witns., John Coupland, Tho s Tilney. 1780, June 12. John Shilburn and Liddy Madder, both of Barwick. Witns., Richard Waite, John Batty. 1780, July 3. - Thomas Waud, of Spofforth, widower, and Hannah Stead, of Barwick, spinster. Licence. Witns., Richard Waite, John Batty. 1780, Aug. 7. Richard Braim and Ann Harper, both of Barwick. Witns., Joseph Cromek, John Batty. 1780, Nov. 6. Joseph Thompson and Rebekah Lee, both of Barwick. Witns., Richard Waite, Jn Batty. 1780, Dec. 25. Christopher Rhumbo, of Saxton, and Sarah Dodgson, of Barwick. Witns., Abraham Morritt, John Batty. 1781, Jan. 23. Joseph Wright Linley, of Witkirke, and Hannah Poppleton, of Barwick. Witns., John Porter, John Batty. 1781, Feb. 25. William Jenkinson, of Bramham, and Betty Taylor, of Barwick. Witns., Samuel Thompson, John Batty. 400 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 1781, Feb. 26. William Smith and Ann Knapton, both of Barwick. Witns., Timothy Smith, Benjamin Collite. 1781, May 28. Edward Goodall and Sarah Cook, both of Barwick, by Thomas Carr, Curate of Thorner. Witns., William Goodall, Robert Jordan. 1781, Aug. 13. Benjamin Eamonson, of Barwick, and Elianor Powell, of Bramham. Licence. Witns., Joseph Powell, Christ r Powell. 1781, Nov. 5. Joseph Kitcheman and Martha Lumb, both of Barwick. Witns., Joseph Simpson, Richard Leak. 1781, Nov. 26. Thomas Baley and Ann Dickinson, both of Barwick, by Will: Hodgson, Curate of Garforth. Witns., Mary Tate, Sam Pickersgill. 1782, Feb. 18. Thomas Lumb and Ann Daniel, both of Barwick. Licence. Witns., Tho s Pitt, John Batty. 1782, April 25. Samuel Pickersgill and Hannah Bullock, both of Barwick. Witns., Peter Slayter, John Batty. 1782, May 19. Robert Lee, of Kirkby Sigston, and Elizabeth Blackburn, of Barwick. Witns., Edm d t Shaw, John Batty. 1782, May 20. John Nichols, of Leeds, batchelor, and Mary Taitt, of Barwick, spinster. Licence. Witns., Jo s Taite, John Birkinshaw. 1782, Sept. 5. Abraham Wormild and Sarah Naylor, both of Barwick. Witns., Joseph Naylor, Tho s Naylor. 1782, Oct. 13. Benjamin Rawlinson, widower, and Frances Cromeck spinster, both of Barwick. Witns., Joseph Cromek, John Batty. 1782, Nov. 18. John Naylor, of Boroughbridge, and Mary Vevers, of Barwick. Licence. Witns., John Vevers, John Batty. 1782, Nov. 24. Isaac Burckitt and Ann Hemsworth, both of Barwick. Witns., Joseph Walton, Matthew Varley. 1782, Dec. 2. John Flockton and Mary Watson, both of Barwick, by Will. Hodgson, curate of Garforth. Witns., James Robinson, John Batty. 1782, Dec. 23. Daniel Motley, of Leeds, and Mary Cauwood, of Barwick, by Will m Hodgson, curate of Garforth. W T itns., James Motley, Henry Cawood. 1783, Jan. 13. Peter Slayter, of Witkirke, and Ann Goodall, of Barwick, by E. Carne, Vicar of Aberford. Witns., Richard Waite, John Batty. J 7&3> Jan. 23. Thomas Slingsby, of Bramham, and Rebeckah Robinson, of Barwick, by W m Hodgson, curate of Garforth. Licence. Witns., Will: Carr, John Batty. 1783, March 13. David Heaton and Maria Bullock, both of Barwick. Witns., Peter Slayter, John Batty. 1783, April 7. Robert Cocker and Sarah Thorns, both of Barwick. Witns., John Laycock, John Batty. 1783, Nov. 9. Edward Bland, of the parish of S* Helens of the city of York, and Mary Gough, of this parish. Witns., Godfrey Gough, Jn Batty. 1783, Nov. 27. Joseph Cromek and Mary Wilkinson, both of Barwick. Witns., Joseph White, Ruth Butler. / BARWICK-TN-ELMET REGISTER. 401 1783, Dec. 3. George Darton and Ann Dungwith, both of Barwick. Witns., John Taitt, jun r , John Batty. 1783, Dec. 8. James Goodall and Ellin Hodgson, both of Barwick. Witns., Thos Braim, John Batty. 1783, Dec. 21. Joseph Walton and Sarah Day, both of Barwick. Witns., Edward Day, John Day. 1783, Dec. 22. John Butler and Hannah North, both of Barwick. Witns., John Connell, Anthony Robinson. 1784, April 4. John Forster and Sarah Watson, both of Barwick, by Will. Hodgson, curate of Garforth. Witns., John Batty, John Varley. 1784, April 5. John Monks and Elizabeth Wadington, both of Barwick, by Will Hodgson, curate of Garforth. Witns., Abraham Wormill, John Batty. 1784, April 12. Francis Brown, of Woodhouse of the parish of Leeds, widower, and Mary Vevers, of Scholes Park of this Parish, spinster. Licence. Witns., Geo. Ogle, Bethune Green. 1784, May 16. Francis Linley, of Witkirke, and Ann Baley, of Barwick, by Will. Hodgson, curate of Garforth. Licence. Witns., W m Linley, John Batty. 1784, Nov. 7. James Heaton and Ellen Walton, both of Barwick. Witns., Rich d Lumb, Joseph Walton. 1784, Dec. 12. Joseph Simpson, of Barwick, and Sarah Clarkson, of Abberford. Witns., William Simpson, John Batty. 1785, March 28. John Loder and Sarah Deane, both of Barwick. Licence. Witns., William Carr, Jn Batty. 1785, Oct. 9. William Day and Mary Hornshaw, both of Barwick. Witns., John Day, Thomas Hornshaw. 1785, Oct. 15. Francis Syburry and Ann Taite, both of Barwick. Witns., Rich d Hewitt, John Batty. 1786, Jan. 8. James Barker and Frances Morritt, both of Barwick. Witns., John Wright, John Batty. 1786, Jan. 24. John Robinson, of Bramham, and Elizabeth Barton, of Barwick. Witns., William Richardson, Theop s Wilde. 1786, Feb. 5. Matthew Varley and Sarah Whitead, both of Barwick. Witns., Benjamin Jackson, John Batty. 1786, March 27. Thomas Wriggles worth, of Rothwell, and Hannah Kirkham, of Barwick. Witns., W m Whitehead, John Batty. 1786, April 5. Joseph Battersby, of Leeds, and Hannah Whitehead, of Barwick. Witns., Tho s Charlesworth, W m Whitehead. 1786, Nov. 6. George Hill, of Whitkirke, and Elizabeth Dean, of Barwick, by J. Jefferson, officiating Min r . Witns., Leonard Cawwood, William Pickrsgill. 1786, Nov. 26. John Burrow, of Barwick, and Sarah Monks, of Sherburn, by Will: Hodgson, curate of Garforth. Witns., Abrahm Wormild, William Batty. 1786, Nov. 27. John Cawwood, of Barwick, and Jane Surr, of Osburn Parva, by Will: Hodgson, curate of Garforth. Witns., Henry Foster, Richard Green. 402 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 1787, Jan. 22. William Marr and Margret Slayter, both of Barwick, by W: Hodgson, curate of Garforth. Witns., Richard Parkin, William Waite. 1787, Jan. 25. John Hepworth, batcholer, and Cecilia Wharton, spinster, both of Barwick. Licence. Witns., St n Moorehouse, Job Catton. 1787, Jan. 29. John Liley and Elizabeth Norton, both of Barwick, by W: Hodgson, curate of Garforth. Witns., Margaret Bean, Thomas Settle. 1787, Feb. 18. Jonathan Pearsey and Elizabeth Cawood, both of Barwick. Witns., John Cawwood, Leonard Cawwood. 1787, Apl. 29. Robert Brown and Mary Dean, both of Barwick. Witns., Jonathan Dinison, John Batty. 1787, May 6. John Hewitt and Elizabeth Barton, both of Barwick. Witns., Rich d Lumb, R d Hewitt. 1787, July 2. William Knapton and Sarah Lumb, both of Barwick, by Will. Hodgson, curate of Garforth. Licence. Witns., John Batty, Tho s Pitt. 1787, Nov. 5. John Tillotson and Margret Hewitt, both of Barwick, by Will. Hodgson, curate of Garforth. Witns., Mark Benton, Mary Abbot. 1787, Nov. 6. William Thompson, of Barwick, batcholer, and Hannah Ward, of Saxton, widow, by Will : Hodgson, curate of Garforth. Licence. Witns., Will m Collett, Tho s Calvert. 1787, Dec. 2. William Clarkson, of Aberford, and Hannah Walker, of Barwick. Witns., T. Bainbridge, Tho s Pitt. 1787, Dec. 26. William Morritt, of Witkirke, and Elizabeth Moss, of Barwick. Witns., James Robinson, John Batty. 1788, Feb. 3. William Vincent and Mary Scholes, both of Barwick. Witns., John Vincent, Thomas Vincent. 1788, Feb. 19. *The Reverend Newcome Cappe, of York, Widower, and Miss Catherine Harrison, of Barwick, spinster. Licence. Witns., W m Eamonson, Hester Deane. 1788, Feb. 28. Witham Bywater, of Tadcaster, and Ann Smith, of Barwick. Witns., Tho s Shepley, Tho s Bywater. 1788, April 24. Mark Carew, of Barwick, and Mary Hewitt, of Sherburn. Witns., Tho s Shepley, Rich d Lumb. 1788, June 9. Timothy Smith, of Bramham, and Agnes Seed, of Barwick. Licence. Witns., B. Eamonson, William Seed. 1788, July 22. William Bullock and Rebecca Daniel, both of Barwick, by William Hodgson, curate of Garforth. Witns., John Daniel, John Batty. 1788, Sept. 1. Matthew Upton, of Barwick, and Elizabeth March, of Thorner, by W m Swaine, Vicar of Bramham. Witns., Joseph Upton, John Batty. 1788, Oct. 6. William Atkinson, of Thorp-arch, and Mary Harrison, of Barwick. Witns., Jonas Clarkson, Richard Wood. Newcome Cappe (1733 1800) unitarian; educated by dissenting ministers; pastor of St. Saviourgate Chapel, York, 1756 1800; published sermons and theological tracts. Dictionary of National Biography. BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 403 1788, Nov. 23. John Robinson and Susannah Stringer, both of Barwick. Witns., John Benton, John Batty. 1788, Nov. 24. William Marrison and Hannah Denison, both of Barwick. Witns., James Battey, Jonathan Denison. 1788, Nov. 27. Thomas Tillotson and Mary Hill, both of Barwick. Witns., Thomas Baley, John Batty. 1789, Jan. 31. John Reed and Martha Haist,both of Barwick. Witns. Edward Langthorn, W m Gough. 1789, Feb. 23. John Easby, of Kirk Deighton, and Mary Challinger, of Barwick. Licence. Witns., John Chalinger, Edmund Somerton. 1789, Mar. 2. John Hewitt, of Rothwell, and Hannah Daniel, of Barwick, by William Hodgson, curate of Garforth. Witns., Elizabeth Carr, George Burwell. 1789, June 1. William Walker, of York, and Sarah Varley, of Barwick, by Tho s Dikes, curate. Licence. Witns., John Varley, Mary Lumb. 1789, Nov. 1. William Peers and Elizabeth Carr, both of Barwick. by Tho s Dikes, curate. Licence. Witns., W m Carr, Sarah Carr. 1789, Dec. 7. Mark Benton and Hannah Vincent, both of Barwick, by Tho s Dikes. Witns., William Hewitt, Jane Vince. 1790, Aug. 15. William Strafford and Mary Norton, both of Barwick by Tho s Dikes, curate. Witns., George Scholes, John Batty. 1790, Sept. 23. William Gough and Margret Walker, both of Barwick, by W m Sanderson, curate of Thorp Arch. Witns., Richard Lumb, James Lumb. 1790, Oct. 11. John Barker and Mary Tillotson, both of Barwick, by W m Sanderson, curate of Thorp Arch. Witns., James Osborne, R d Hewitt. 1790, Nov. 4. John Baley and Ann Hawley, both of Barwick, by Tho s Dikes, curate. Witns., John Batty, John Wainwright. 1790, Nov. 8. John Thompson and Ann Pickard, both of Barwick, by Tho s Dikes. Witns., Mary Dawson, Sarah Boffey, Isabella Atkinson, Rebecca Hey, Henry Greene. 1790, Nov. 25. Charles Fletcher, of Garforth, and Ann Abbot, of Barwick. Witns., James Whitehead, Charles Goodall. 1790, Dec. 7. Richard Hewitt and Mary Logg, both of Barwick, by Tho s Dikes, curate. Witns., W m Charter, Mary Green. 1791, Feb. 14. William Batty, of Bramham, and Mary Bean, of Barwick. Witns., Peter Newby, William Rawlinson. 1791, March 31. Joseph Cullingworth, of Fenton, and Isabella Rhodes, of Barwick. Licence. Witns., Thomas Lumb, John Scawbord. [All marriages were by John Graham, curate, and by banns, from here to the 29 th Aug 1 , 1796, unless otherwise stated.] 1791, July 31. William Backhouse, of Barwick, and Ellin Nettleton, of Whitkirke. Witns., Thomas Jakues, John Batty. 1791, Aug. 22. William Little and Mary Lidster, both of Barwick. Witns., John Groves, James Jackson. 1791, Sept. 26. John Clapham and Sarah Taite, both of Barwick. Witns., John Batty, Joseph Settle. 404 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 1791, Oct. 25. James Allthouse, of Aberford, and Ann Lowrcman, of Barwick. Witns., Hannah Smith, George Priestman. 1791, Oct. 31. Samuel Robinson, of Garforth, and Catherine Barker, of Barwick. Witns., Ann Hepworth, John Batty. 1791, Dec. 8. Samuel Thompson and Catherine Pickard, both of Barwick. Witns., John Thompson, Ann Picke. 1791, Dec. 13. John Scholes and Elizabeth Hemsworth, both of Barwick. Witns., Elizabeth Dawson, Ann Sch[o]les. 1791, Dec. 27. Thomas Lowreman, of Barwick, and Hannah Clark- son, of Aberford. Witns., George Priestman, John Clarkson. 1791, Dec. 27. William Smith, of the parish of All Saints, Pavement, united to Peter the Little, City of York, Taylor, and Elizabeth Ingle, of this parish. Licence. Witns., W m Ardington, W m Wilks. 1792, March 6. Thomas Bennet, of Garforth, and Ann Ingle, of Barwick. Witns., Laurence Barnard, John Batty. 1792, April 3. William Beanley and Hannah Waite, both of Barwick. Witns., William Robinson, John Batty. 1792, Oct. 29. Richard Dungwith and Betty Settle, both of Barwick. Witns., Sarah Calvert, John Whitehead. 1792, Nov. 26. William Pickersgill and Mary Thompson, both of Barwick. Witns., John Thompson, John Batty. 1792, Nov. 28. Joseph Upton and Mary Goodall, both of Barwick. Witns., Mary Brown, John Batty. 1793, Jan. 27. William Dawson and Mary Greenwood, both of Barwick. Witns., William Greenwood, John Batty. 1793, March 7. John Sykes, of Kirkheaton, and Elizabeth Newsome, of Barwick. Licence. Witns., William Brown, John Stubs. 1793, April 15. John Smith, of Garforth, and Mary Logg, of Barwick. Witns., George Scholes, John Batty. 1793, July 4. Thomas Stoner and Ann Bell, both of Barwick. Witns., John Batty, Benjamin Batty. 1793, July 14. John Groves and Mary Lumb, both of Barwick. Witns., Rich d Lumb, James Lumb. 1793, July 29. John Goodall and Jane Dixon, both of Barwick. Witns., Tho s Braim, Ann Braim. 1793, July 31. Thomas Waite and Hannah Smith, both of Barwick. Witns., Mary Smith, Richard Smith. 1793, Aug. 12. Richard Shillito and Elizabeth Wood, both of Barwick. Witns., John Harreson, Elizabeth Day. 1793, Nov. 3. William Watson and Hannah Mountaine, both of Barwick, by Rob* Deane. Witns., John Robinson, Matthew Varley 1793, Nov. 4. Thomas Parker and Mary Appleyard, both of Barwick. Witns., Margaret Robshaw, John Batty. 1793, Dec. 3. Thomas Collitt and Martha Vary, both of Barwick, by R. Deane. Witns., W m Knapton, John Batty. 1794, March 2. Alvara Thompson and Hannah Morrit, both of Barwick. Witns., James Air, John Batty. 1794, March 31. Bennitt Johnson and Mary Tillotson, both of Barwick. Witns., Hannah Atkinson, John Batty. BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 405 1794, May 6. William Rawlinson and Sarah Forster, widow, both of Barwick. Witns., Abraham Wormild, John Batty. 1794, June 17. Richard Waite, butcher, and Mary Stubbs, spinster, both of Barwick. Witns., Hannah Waite, Ann Stansfield. 1794, July 6. Joseph Turton and Hannah Murfin, both of Barwick. Witns., John Mirfin, John Batty. 1794, Sept. 29. Peter Hanson and Mary Thompson, both of Barwick. Witns., James Pawson, John Batty. 1794, Oct. 26. John Hunter and Jane Stainburn, both of Barwick. Witns., Margaret Atkinson, William Simpson. 1794, Nov. 24. William Clough, of Aberford, and Mary Slater, of Barwick. Witns., Thomas Hudson, Robt. Clough. 1794, Nov. 27. Benjamin Rawden and Ann Bell, both of Barwick. Witns., James Batty, Tho s Pitt. 1794, Nov. 30. John Daniel and Betty Shillito, both of Barwick. Witns., Thos. Shillito, Abram Wormild. 1795, Jan. 12. Job Hodgson and Sarah Logg, both of Barwick, by Will. Hodgson, curate of Garforth. Witns., Jn Whitehead, John Batty. 1795, Feb. 24. Benjamin Thompson and Jane Fryer, both of Barwick. Witns., James Batty, William Abbot. 1795, July 14. John Sawyer, of Leeds, merchant, & Lucy Baines, of Barwick. Licence. Witns., Hester Deane, David Russell. 1795, July 29. Thomas Morrit and Mary Norton, both of Barwick. Witns., Hannah Slayter, John Batty. 1795, Aug. 2. William Heaton and Mary Parker, both of Barwick. Witns., Thomas Bean, John Batty. 1795, Sept. 7. John Wood, farmer, and Sarah Strother, spinster, both of Barwick. Witns., John Gough, John Batty. 1795, Sept. 30. William Tipling and Elizabeth Marshall, both of Barwick. Witns., Anthony Dunwell, John Batty. 1795, Dec. 21. Thomas Metcalfe, servant, and Ellin Mills, servant, both of Barwick. Witns., John Batty, Abraham Wormild. 1795, Dec. 25. Jeremiah Binns, of Leeds, and Mary Higgins, of Barwick. Witns., W m Grant, John Batty. 1795, Dec. 27. Benjamin Stringer and Martha Greenwood, both of Barwick. Witns., Elisabeth Booth, John Lumb. 1796, March 21. W m Collett, blacksmith, and Frances Pool, both of Barwick. Witns., David Heaton, William Hollings. 1796, March 21. William Hollings, of Brotherton, and Grace Pollard, of Barwick. Witns., Ralph Pool, John Acomb. 1796, May 29. John Bean and Elizabeth Collett, both of Barwick. Witns., John Collett, Benja n Jackson. 1796, May 31. Michael Prince, of Castleford, and Mary Haist, of Barwick, by R. Deane, rector. Licence. Witns., Matthew Bloome, John Prince. 1796, July 26. John Whitehead and Sarah Cowper, both of Barwick. Licence. Witns., C. Carr, Tho s Pitt. 1796, Aug. 29. George Pickersgill and Elizabeth Pickard, both of Barwick. Witns., Sarah Ashbuerry, William Pickersgill. 406 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 1796, Nov. 28. George Wright and Jane Hargrave, both of Barwick, by Will. Hodgson, curate of Garforth. Witns., Randal Holmes, John Batty. 1797, March 13. George Simpson, of Sherburn, & Sarah Wright, of Barwick in Elmet, by Christ 1 Atkinson, curate. Witns., John Stubs, William Abbot. [All marriages were by Christ" Atkinson, curate, and by banns, from here to the 28 day of Jan y , 1802, unless otherwise stated.] 1797, April 2. Benjamin Fowler, of Dewsbury, & Mary Benson, of Barwick. Witns., George Benson, Thomas Bean. 1797, July 4. The Rev d Edward Hardy, clerk, of Ripley, & Elizabeth Frances Carter, of Roundhay in this parish. Licence. Witns., Eliza Sheawood, W m Shearwood. 1797, July 4. Peter Higgins & Catharine Lazenby, both of Barwick. Witns., William Batty, Thomas Bean. 1797, July 15. W m Addeman and Jane Holmes, both of Barwick, by Rob* Deane, rector. Licence. Witns., T. Hutchinson, James Batty. 1797, Sept. 4. Christopher Simpson & Faith Skelton, both of Barwick. Witns., Joseph Simpson, Samuel Settle. 1797, Oct. 2. John Carrack and Mary Ross, both of Barwick. Witns., Thomas Bean, Mary Thornton. 1797, Nov. 5. Thomas Robshaw and Elizabeth Jowett, both of Barwick. Witns., W m Robshaw, Elizabeth Appleyard. 1797, Nov. 27. Joseph Sparling, of Aberford, & Mary Gill, of Barwick. Witns., William Batty, James Gill. 1797, Dec. 8. Robert Barker, of Harewood, & Clementina Phillips, of Barwick. Licence. Witns., J. Phillips, Mary Phillips. 1798, Jan. 10. Robert Waddingham, of Wintringham in the county of Lincoln, and Mary Green, of Barwick, by Will 111 Hodgson, officiate Minis r . Witns., Mary Hewet, Thomas Bean. 1798, Jan. 12. George Langton and Ann Nelson, both of Barwick. Witns., John Gough, William Batty. 1798, Jan. 29. Thomas Baley, of Kirkby- overblow, & Frances Deane, of Barwick. Witns., Thomas Ingle, Benjn. Wilkinson. 1798, March 5. Joseph Bell and Mary Nettleton, both of Barwick. Witns., George Bell, William Batty. 1798, June 7. James Batty & Jane Walker, both of Barwick. Witns., Thomas Bean, Margrat Gough. 1798, June 18. William Buchanan, of Bolton Percy, & Ellen Cullingworth, of Barwick. Witns., Richard Cullingworth, Susanna Bailey. 1798, Sept. 17. Samuel Thompson and Sarah Barker, both of Barwick. Witns., Thomas Bean, William Batty. 1798, Sept. 18. John Taylor and Mary Rawden, both of Barwick, by Robert Deane, Minister. Witns., James Batty, William Batty. 1798, Nov. 15. James Dodd, a Private in the Warwickshire Cavalry, now quartered at Beverly in the county of York, & Mary Macintosh, of Barwick in Elmet. Licence. Witns., John Stubs, William Batty. BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 407 1799, Jan. 1. Edward Dixon and Ann Kirby, both of Barwick, by Will. Hodgson, officiating minister. Witns., Mary Kirby, William Batty. 1799, Jan. 28. Robert Benson, of Barwick, and Mary Waite, of Kirkby Overblow. Licence. Witns., W m Myeirs, George Benson. 1799, March 18. Thomas Todd and Mary Rawlinson, both of Barwick, by Rand h Marriott, officiating minister. Licence. Witns., Wm. Rawlinson, Joseph Rawlinson. 1799, July 8. James Tennant, of Bardsey, & Ann Newby, of Barwick, by James Drake, A.M. Licence. Witns., George Wood, Richard Burland. 1799, July 29. James Gascoigne, of Whitchurch, & Sarah Rawlin- son, of Barwick. Witns., Wm. Smith, James Pawsoan. 1799, Aug. 18. Joseph Archer, of Sherburn, & Sarah Hollings, of Barwick. Witns., John Strickland, William Batty. 1799, Sept. 2. William Jenkinson, of Whitkirk, & Martha Pickersgill, of Barwick. Witns., Sam 1 Pickersgill, Elizabeth Pickersgill. 1799, Nov. 3. John Holliday & Elizabeth Pickersgill, both of Barwick. Witns., William Batty, Abraham Wormeild. 1800, Feb. 10. George Pickersgill & Elizabeth Bell, both of Barwick. Witns., James Pawsoan, Sarah Limberts. 1800, April 28. John Robshaw, of Barwick, & Mary Wriggles worth, of Fen ton. Witns., Robert Bunting, Richard Smith. 1800, Sept. 28. Thomas Hudson & Mary Bell, both of Barwick. Witns., John Hutchinson, William Batty. 1800, Nov. 3. Bennet Johnson & Mary Hewitt, both of Barwick. Witns., E. Reynolds, Marey Dinnison. 1800, Nov. 9. Edward Briggs & Ann Maud, both of Barwick. Witns., William Batty, Tho s Pitt. 1800, Nov. 17. Richard Rooke, of Leeds, & Mary Dawson, of Barwick. Licence. Witns., Elizabeth Dawson, Richard Dawson. 1801, Feb. 1. Matthew Johnson & Mary Denison [signed Dinnison], both of Barwick. Witns., William Mirfin, William Batty. 1801, May 4. James Whitehead and Alice Carr, both of Barwick. Licence. Witns., Tho s Carr, Charles Clay. 1801, Aug. 1. Randal Holmes & Mary Barker, both of Barwick. Licence. Witns., John Butler, Sarah Butler. 1801, Aug. 30. William Dunwell & Ann Blackburn, both of Barwick. Witns., Gorge Blackbrn, William Batty. 1801, Nov. 3. Henry Raper, of the parish of S l Mary in Manchester, in the Diocese of Chester, & Ann Parker, of this parish, by James Hodgson, Rector. Licence. Witns., Richard Graham, of Leeds, Elizabeth Gratton, William Batty. 1801, Nov. 8. James Rhodes, of Medley, & Ann Tilney, of Barwick. Witns., Hannah [illegible], Sarah Tilney. 1801, Nov. 22. William Watson & Christiana Lidster, both of Barwick. Witns., Edmund Rawlinson, William Batty. 1802, Jan. 7. Richard Dawson, of Kippax, and Elizabeth Todd, of Barwick. Witns., William Batty, Joseph Todd. 408 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 1802, Jan. 28. Jeremiah Maud & Ann Rumbolt, both of Barwick. Witns., George Child, William Batty. [All marriages were by James Hodgson, rector, from here to the end of this book, and by banns unless otherwise stated.] 1802, Feb. 17. John Wood & Hannah Hodgson, both of Barwick. Witns., William Batty, Richd. Lumb. 1802, April 19. James Gill and Ann Jackson, both of Barwick. Witns., Benjamin Jackson, William Batty. 1802, July 25. Joseph Turpin and Ann Lambert, both of Barwick. Witns., William Batty, James Batty. 1802, Aug. 1. William Catley, of Garforth, and Mary Cawwood, of Barwick. Witns., Joshua Cood, David Cawood. 1802, Aug. 15. William Simpson, of Whitkirk, and Ann Slayter, of Barwick. Witns., William Batty, Hannah Braim. 1802, Sept. 6. William Davidson and Sarah Wright, both of Barwick. Witns., F. Green, Ja s Bagnet. 1802, Nov. 28. John Beck and Rachel Rollinson, both of Barwick. Witns., Ja s Rollison, William Batty. 1802, Dec. 20. James Furniss, of Thorner, & Elizabeth Wright, of Barwick. Witns., John Furniss, William Batty. 1803, Jan. 3. Isaac Ward and Rebecca Jenkinson, both of Barwick. Witns., John Wade, William Batty. 1803, Feb. 6. Thos. Eastwood and Frances Simpson, both of Barwick. Witns., Joseph Simpson, William Batty. 1803, Feb. 21. John Simpson and Eleanor Dunwell, both of Barwick. Witns., James Pawson, William Batty. 1803, Feb. 22. Matthew Hewit and Rachel Newsam, both of Barwick. Witns., Sarah Tilney, William Batty. 1803, March 3. Matthew Varley and Ann Ward, both of Barwick. Witns., John Whitehead, William Batty. 1803, May 23. George Dawson, of Sherburn, & Mary Thompson, of Barwick. Witns., Frs. Hawley, of Sherburn, Tho s Dawson, Sherburn. 1803, May 30. Benjamin Blackburn & Margaret Bell, both of Barwick. Witns., Edmund Rawlinson, William Batty. 1803, Aug. 18. John Upton, jun r , of Thorner, and Rebecca Clemi- shaw, of Barwick, by Will m Hodgson, officiating minister. Licence from Joseph Whiteley, surrogate. Witns., John Clemishaw, Rachel Clemishaw. 1803, Dec. 8. Samuel Hardisty & Sarah Chadwick, both of Barwick. Witns., James Derrick, William Batty. 1804, Jan. 23. Robert Dean, of Brayton, & Mary [signed Ann] Rollison, of Barwick. Witns., James Dawson, William Batty. 1804, Feb. 6. Thomas Pickersgill & Mary Waite, both of Barwick. Witns., Henry Thompson, William Batty. 1804, July 10. Charles Wood & Susanna Lumb, both of Barwick. Witns., Tho s Carr, Richard Newby, James Lumb, Richard Lumb. 1804, Sept. 17. Joseph Wright and Sarah Perkin, both of Barwick. Witns., Elizabeth Wilson, Sarah Railings, Thomas Porter, William Batty. BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 409 1804, Sept. 24. James Thompson & Hannah Lister, both of Barwick. Witns., Richard Pease, William Batty. 1804, Oct. 1. Richard Pease & Elizabeth Parker, both of Barwick. Witns., William Batty, John Jackson. 1804, Oct. 22. John Cullingworth and Hannah Daughill, both of Barwick. Witns., Barnaby Hewitt, William Batty. 1805, Jan. 9. Samuel Chadwick & Mary Flockton, both of Barwick. by Thomas Carr, curate of Thorner. Witns., W m Batty, James Batty. 1805, Feb. 25. John Simpson, of Garforth, & Hannah Wright, of Barwick. Witns., Tho s Braim, William Batty. 1805, May 27. Thomas Watterton, of Ledsham, & Margaret Hudson, of Barwick. Witns., George Hudson, Richard Pease. 1805, Aug. 19. John Sherburn & Sarah Glave, both of Barwick. Witns., John Clark, William Batty. 1805, Nov. 11. Benjamin Lunn, of Whitkirk, & Mary Brown, of Barwick. Witns., James Lumb, William Batty. 1805, Nov. 26. William Robinson, of Sherburn, & Hannah Braim, of Barwick. Witns., W m Thompson, Ann Braim. 1805, Nov. 30. John Hutchinson, of Barwick in Elmet, and Mary Woliscraft, of the same Parish. Licence. Witn., William Batty. 1805, Dec. 23. Joseph Lodge & Mary Wright, both of Barwick. Witns., George Wright, William Batty. 1806, April 6. John Richardson & Ann Smith, both of Barwick. Witns., John Denison, Tho s Smith. 1806, June 29. George Brown, of Thorner, & Mary Waddington, of Barwick. Witns., Hannah Warrington, William Batty. 1806, Aug. 11. Job Hodgson and Hannah Cowell, both of Barwick. Witns., William Batty, Joseph Turton. 1806, Oct. 30. Thomas Porter and Elizabeth Wilson, both of Barwick. Witns., Thomas Pullan, John Stubs. 1806, Oct. 30. Henry Thompson and Sarah Rollings, both of Barwick. Witns., Thomas Pullan, John Stubs. 1806, Oct. 30. Edmund Rawlinson and Ann Rollings, both of Barwick. Witns., Thomas Pullan, John Stubs. 1806, Nov. 3. John Wilkinson, of the parish of Guiseley, and Hannah Armitage, of Barwick, by Thomas Pullan, curate. Witns., William Armitage, William Batty. 1806, Dec. 10. Richard Dawson, of Sherborn, and Elizabeth Thompson, of Barwick. License. Witns., George Dawson, William Batty. 1807, Jan. 21. Michael Lumley and Ann Braithwaite, both of Barwick, by Thomas Pullan, curate. Licence. Witns., John Braithwaite, William Batty. 1807, Feb. 8. W m Helliwell and Leah Sunderland, both of Barwick, by Thomas Pullan, curate. Witns., Ralph Hargreave, Timothy Topham. 1807, May 11. Samuel Lumb or Tomson and Sarah Shillitoe, both of Barwick, by Thomas Pullan, curate. Witns., W m Booth, William Batty. 410 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 1807, May 18. John Steel, of Harewood, and Ann Holmes, of Barwick. Witns., Martha Steel, William Batty. 1807, Oct. 6. James Walker, of Leeds, and Ellen Hargrave, of Barwick. Witns., Thomas Collet, William Batty. 1807, Oct. 11. William Goldthorp & Mary Barker, both of Barwick. Witns., Thomas Smith, William Batty. 1807, Nov. 1. John Jakeman, of Bramham, and Mary Thornton, of Barwick. Witns., William Cullingworth, William Batty. 1807, Dec. 28. William Rhodes, of Bramham, and Ann Smith, of Barwick. Witn., William Batty. 1808, Feb. 22. James Hodgson and Ann Hawkin, both of Barwick. Witns., Nathan Ward, John Jackson, William Batty. 1808, Feb. 29. William Taylor & Sarah Plows, both of Barwick. Witns., John Lumb, William Batty. 1808, March 21. George Gummersall and Mary Atkinson, both of Barwick. Witns., Tho s Pitt, John Thompson. 1808, May 9. Roger Foster and Mary Robshaw, both of Barwick, by William Crowther, office Min r . Witns., John Walton, William Batty. 1808, May 15. William Wilson and Ann Knapton, both of Barwick, by Tho s Pullan, curate. Witns., Edm d Rawlinson, Maria Smith. 1808, May 23. John Marshall, of Whitkirk, and Sarah Morritt, of Barwick, by Thomas Pullan, curate. Witns., John Barker, William Batty. 1808, Aug. 29. William Sir, of Leeds, & Jane Scott, of Barwick, by Tho s Pullan, curate. Witns., Ann Naylor, Benjamin Scott. 1808, Nov. 2. Thomas Varley and Elizabeth Stead, both of Barwick, by Thomas Pullan, curate. Licence. Witns., Richard Lumb, John Bleasby. 1808, Nov. 14. *The Rev d Thomas Pullan and Sarah Ward, both of Barwick. Licence. Witns., W m Thompson, Eliz. Pullan, William Thompson, William Batty. 1809, Jan. 3. Nathaniel Bailes and Sarah Prince, both of Barwick, by Thomas Pullan, curate. Witns., George Bailes, William Batty. 1809, March 6. John Connell and Jane Addeman, both of Barwick, by Thomas Pullan, curate. Licence. Witns., Tho s Pitt, William Batty. 1809, March 29. Joseph Scholes and Martha Morritt, both of Barwick, by Thomas Pullan, curate. Witns., Tho s Braim, Ann Scholes. 1809, April 17. William Cheesebrough and Mary Goodall, both of Barwick, by Thomas Pullan, curate. Witns., John Goodall, William Batty. 1809, Aug. 29. Thomas Colbert, of East Cottingwith, and Mary Cawthorne, of Barwick. Witns., John Jackson, William Batty. 1809, Oct. 11. Joseph Lumb, of Barwick, and Rachel Stainburn, of Whitkirk. Licence. Witns., William Johnson, John Lum, William Lumb. Curate of Barwick. Sidney Coll. Cambridge, B.A., 1806. BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 411 1809, Nov. 27. John Scruton and Alice Brown, both of Barwick, by Thomas Pullan, curate. Witns., John Jackson, William Peirse. 1809, Dec. 4. Benjamin Stringer and Elizabeth Lister, both of Barwick, by Thomas Pullan, curate. Witns., John Robinson, William Batty. 1809, Dec. 28. Matthew Thomlinson, of Wighill in the Diocese of York, yeoman, and Ann Cullingworth, of Barwick. License. Witns., William Cullingworth, James Cullingworth, John [? Ann] Cullingworth, George Cullingworth. 1810, Feb. 12. Benjamin Pickersgill and Susanna Linley, both of Barwick, by Tho s Pullan, curate. Witns., John Pickersgill, William Batty. 1810, May 6. Joseph Richardson, of Aberford, and Mary Daughill, of Barwick. Witns., John Hollings, William Jowett. 1810, June 18. James Murray, of Spofforth, and Rosehannah Brownrigg, of Barwick. Witns., William Copley, William Batty. 1810, June 20. Roger Wilson and Jane Chadwick, both of Barwick. Witns., Samuel Hardisty, William Batty, James Batty. 1810, July 2. William Goodall and Rachel Clayton, both of Barwick. Witns., John Goodall, William Batty. 1810, Oct. 22. Joseph Midgley and Sarah Bell, both of Barwick, by Thomas Pullan, curate. Witns., James Midgley, William Batty. 1810, Dec. 24. Joseph Thompson and Elizabeth Hemsworth, both of Barwick, by Thomas Pullan, curate. Witns., James Hemsworth, William Batty. 1810, Dec. 25. Robert Richardson and Judith Pickersgill, both of Barwick, by Thomas Pullan, curate. Witns., W m Pickersgill, William Batty. 1810, Dec. 26. James Sparling, of Bardsey, and Elizabeth Abbot, of Barwick, by Thomas Pullan, curate. Witns., John Gough, Tho s Kemp, Ellis Wilberfoss, Sarah Connell, Elizabeth Sparling. 181 1, July 3. William Johnson, of Leeds, and Elizabeth Rowland- son, of Barwick, by Rich d Foster, officie Min r . Licence. Witns. James Brook, jun r , Mary Johnson, Susan Rowlandson, Jos. Barritt. 1811, Aug. 19. David Strother and Mary Watson, both of Barwick, by William Bolland, officiating minister. Witns., James Lumb, William Batty. 1811, Nov. 3. William Vinces and Elizabeth Atkinson, both of Barwick, by Rich d Foster, offg min 1 . Witns., William Batty, Edm d Rawlinson. 1811, Nov. 26. Laurence Dickenson & Catherine Wilson, both of Barwick, by Charles Wayland, off. minister. Witns., William Batty, James Batty. 1811, Dec. 23. William Smithson and Mary Goodall, both of Barwick, by Tho s Pullan, curate. Witns., Joseph Jordan, William Batty. 1811, Dec. 30. John Roberts and Sarah Goodall, both of Barwick, by Tho s Pullan, curate. Witns., Joseph Jordan, Henry Shippen. 412 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 1812, Jan. 21. John Williamson, of Fenton, and Mary Upton, of Barwick, by Charles Wayland, off? min r . Witns., Ann West- wood, Edmund Rawlinson. 1812, Feb. 10. James Goodall and Sarah Simpson, both of Barwick, by Tho s Pullan, curate. Witns., Tho s Eastwood, William Batty. 1812, May 24. Charles Turner, of Barwick, and Elizabeth Mackintosh, by Tho s Pullan, curate. Witns., William Knapton, William Batty. 1812, Aug. 16. Thomas Pitt & Martha Kitchingman, both of Barwick, by Tho s Pullan, curate. Licence. Witns., Edward Wales, William Batty. 1812, Aug. 31. William Oddy and Elizabeth Tetlaw, both of Barwick, by Tho s Pullan, curate. Witns., Luke Bradbury, William Batty. 1812, Oct. 28. *George Mossman, M.D., of Bradford, & Ann Elizabeth Ramsbotham, of Barwick, by Lamplugh Hird, curate. Licence. Witns., Thomas Pullan, Sophia Phillips. 1812, Nov. 2. Richard Wormald & Elizabeth Keighley, both of Barwick, by Tho s Pullan, curate. Witns., William Batty, Mary Wormald. 1812, Dec. 25. William Keighley, of Bradford, and Elizabeth Holmes, of Barwick, by Tho s Pullan, curate. Witns., Richard Wormald, William Batty. THE REGISTER BOOK for the Publication of BANNS OF MARRIAGE. [Banns of which the Marriage is not entered in the Register. The date of the I st publication is only given.] 1765, 24 March. Benjamin Harrison, of Barwick, & Elizabeth Hompelby, of Collingham. 31 March. Benjamin Waite, of Barwick, & Mary Barker, of Garforth. 28 April. Thomas Todd, of Barwick, & Jane Smith, of Spofforth. 26 May. Thomas Morrit, of Barwick, & Ann Robshaw, of Spofforth. June 2. George Reedall, of Barwick, & Hannah Fowler, of Healaugh. June 23. Jonathan Dinnison, of Barwick, & Sarah Lucy, of Whitkirk. June 30. Lancelot Thornton, of Barwick, & Brasha Lawson, of Kippax. Sept. 8. Joseph Thackray, of Barwick, and Mary Chambers, of Harwood. Dec. 15. Jonathan Pennington & Izabella Wood, both of Barwick. 1766, Apl. 6. Thomas Howdle, of Aberford, & Margaret Hewit, of Barwick. Apl. 27. Robert Dawson, of Barwick, & Ann Hodges, of Brotherton. Sept, 14. Christopher Tezinton, of Whitkirke, & Mary Backhouse, of Barwick. Nov. 2. Thomas Atkinson & Tabatha Crampton, both of Barwick. See Hunter's Families Minorum Gentium, (Harleiau Society), p. 298, and the Northern Genealogist 1896, p. 199. BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. banns. 413 1767, Jan. 11. William Teal, of Barwick, & Elizabeth Goodal, of Whitkirke. Oct. 25. Frederick Whitehouse & Izabella Waud, of Kirkdeeton. Dec. 6. James Jackson, of Barwick, and Mary Atkinson, of Kellington. 1768, Nov. 13. William Richardson, of Barwick, and Sarah Barton, of Leeds. Dec. 11. John Peart, of Barwick, & Mary Jackson, of Tadcaster. 1769, Jan. 8. Thomas Crummock, of Barwick, and Martha Hartley, of Wakefield. June 4. George Hewit, of Barwick, & Frances Summersgill, of Garforth. June 4. William Thompson, of Barwick, & Jane Pickering, of Garforth. June 18. William Hemsworth, of Barwick, & Ann Brewster, of Stillingfleet. July 23. Thomas Burton, of Barwick, & Jane Smith, of Stilling- fleet. Aug. 20. William Booth, of Whitkirk, & Faith Madder, of Barwick Oct. 29. James Vince, of Barwick, & Hannah Simpson, of Whitkirk. Nov. 12. George Wright, of Barwick, & Mary Mather, of Whitkirk Nov. 26. Thomas Bean, of Barwick, & Abigail Harrison, of Whitkirk. 1770, Sept. 30. Richard Kingsley and Mary Dawson, both of Barwick. Oct. 14. Thomas Waite, of Barwick, and Julia Sinyard, of Ledsom Nov. 25. James Peart, of Barwick, & Mary Geldard, of Gisburn. 1771, April 7. James Fletcher, of Garforth, & Sarah Taylor, of Barwick. 1772, March 8. William Dodgson, of Chapel-Allerton in Leeds, & Mary Dodgson, of Barwick. April 12. John Atkinson, of Barwick, & Ann Sayner, of Belfreys in the city of York. Nov. 8. Thomas Smith, of Barwick, & Elizabeth Scalbert, of Rothwell. 1773, Mar. 28. Jesse Borrow, in Barwick, batchelor, and Ann Bolton, spinster, in Leeds. Oct. 31. James Bullock, of Barwick, & Sarah Abbot, spinster, in Swillington. Nov. 21. William Barker, in Barwick, batchelor, & Hannah Graves, in Spofforth, spinster. Dec. 5. John Lucas, in Leeds, batchelor, and Martha Abbot, in Barwick, spinster. 1774, Nov. 13. John Hewit, in Barwick, singleman, & Sarah Upton, spinster, in Thorner. Nov. 13. William Bell, singleman, in Whitkirk, and Sarah Shilbourne, spinster, in Barwick. 1776, Jan. 28. Thomas Burton, of Barwick, batcholer, & Hannah Gibson, of Leeds, spinster. 414 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. banns. Nov. 3. William Dunwell, of Barwick, and Ann Marshall, of Whitkirk. Dec. 22. William Renton, of Barwick, and Sarah Rodes, of Abberford. Dec. 29. George Baker & Sarah Clemishaw, both of Barwick. 1777, April 13. Joseph Wigelsworth, of Barwick, and Hollaf Dixon, of Pontefract. Aug. 17. Matthew Barber, of Tadcaster, and Margret Slayter, of Barwick. Nov. 9. John Goodall & Betty Thompson, both of Barwick. Dec. 14. William Slayter, of Barwick, and Martha Dawson, of Tadcaster. 1778, Apl. 19. Thomas Braim, of Barwick, and Ann Atkinson, of S. Michel le Belfrey, York. 1779, Jan. 31. Thomas Princ, of Barwick, and Mary Nicolson, of Saxton. Mar. 14. John Goodall, of Barwick, & Ellin Goodall, of Witkirke. Jan. 10. James Lee, of Barwick, and Sarah Smith, of Bishop- wilton. Apl. 18. Thomas Upton, of Thorner, and Elizabeth Blanchit, of Barwick. May 2. William Robinson, of Barwick, and Betty Thompson, of Witkirke. May 30. William Goodall, of Barwick, and Mary Forster, of Witkirke. Sept. 5. John Grocock, of Kippax, and Margret Lee, of Barwick. Nov. 21. John Vary, of Barwick, and Grace Reed, of Bardsey. 1780, Mar. 26. Benjamin Otheck, of Leeds, and Mary Moncks, of Barwick. May 21. Benjamin Cook, of Barwick, and Mary Marshall, of Witkirke. June 4. John Walton, of Barwick, and Mary Nettleton, of Sherburn. Aug. 6. John Husber, of Barwick, and Mary Wright, of Witkirke. 1782, Nov. 10. Benjamin Naylor and Sarah Tipling, both of Barwick 1783, Sept. 14. Edward Barrowclif, of Barwick, and Sarah Smith, of Garforth. Sept. 28. Jonathan Richardson, of Barwick, and Mary Prince, of Witkirke. Dec. 14. William Walton, of Barwick, and Elizabeth Pearson, of Hunsinger. 1784, Aug. 1. William Backhouse and Ann Hawkings, both of Barwick. Dec. 26. William Beanley and Jane Stubs, both of Barwick. 1785, May 22. John Day, of Barwick, and Mary Walker, of Hunsinger. 1787, May 13. John Broughton, of Guiseley, and Sarah Marshall. of Barwick. Oct. 14. James Hare, of Barwick, and Sarah Spencer, of Witkirke. 1788, Dec. 7. Matthew Varley, of Barwick, and Ann Taite, of Abberford. BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. banns. 415 Dec. 14. John Norton, of Barwick, and Jane Compesorton, of Riccle. 1789, Mar. 8. Thomas Taite, of Barwick, & Charlotta Thompson, of Leeds. 1790, Feb. 7. William Dickinson, of Barwick, and Elizabeth Jackson, of Aberford. April 18. David Strother, of Barwick, & Barbary Sweeton, of Tadcaster. Dec. 5. James Eyres, of Barwick, and Mary Bell, of Whitkirke. 1791, Jan. 23. Robert Stead, of Wolton, and Mary Lidster, of Barwick. Jan. 23. Richard Perkin, of Barwick, and Ann Braithwaite, of S* Hellins of the city of York. May 29. James Toft, of Barwick, and Rebecca Wood, of Bardsey. Sept. 4. John Thrach, of Barwick, and Ann Clarkson, of Whitkirk Nov. 6. Leonard Cauwood, of Barwick, and Mary Corney, of Whitkirk. 1792, Jan. 29, William Rawlinson, of Barwick, and Ellin Hey, of Spofforth. Mar. 11. John Hillingworth, of Thorner, and Mary Wood, of Barwick. April 22. William Manners, of Spofforth, and Ann Haws, of Barwick. July 27. John Deane, of Barwick, and Elizabeth Fittort of Whitkirke. Dec. 23. John Harrison, of Thorner, and Mary Chadwick, of Barwick. 1793, June 9. Samuel Braim, of Barwick, Ann Shepperd,of Garforth [No entries from 1793 to 1797.] 1797, Dec. 3. John Todd, of Barwick, & Ann Prince, of Ledsham. 1798, Apl. 29. Henry Taylor, of Barwick, & Mary Teal, of Leeds. June 10. John Cawthorne, of Barwick, & Mary Stead, of Whitkirk Aug. 19. John Spencer, of Sherburn, & Hannah Tillotson, of Barwick. Oct. 21. James Thackray, of Barwick, & Dinah Dixon, of Copmanthorpe. Dec. 23. Matthew Watson & Elizabeth Todd, both of Barwick. 1799, June 16. Thomas Taite, of Barwick, & Margaret Braithwaite, of Aberford. Oct. 13. William Batty, of Barwick, & Elizabeth Carr, of Leeds. Nov. 3. John Thompson, of Barwick, & Elizabeth Ambler, of Leeds. 1800, Feb. 2. Richard Stead, of Harewood, & Sarah Wetherhill, of Barwick. Feb. 16. Samuel Pickersgill, of Barwick, & Hannah Fitton, of Whitkirk. Apl. 6. Richard Baker, of Whitchurch, & Frances Denison, of Barwick. July 27. John Rawlinson, of Barwick, & Elizabeth Clark, of Whitchurch; 4T6 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. banns. Oct. 12. William Watson, of Barwick, & Hannah Harrison, of Thorner. Dec. 14. Joseph Jackson <% Mary Clarkson, both of Barwick. 1801, Feb. 8. John Connell, of Barwick, and Ann Stansfield, of Whitchurch. June 21. John Liddle, of Saxton, & Eleanor Nettleton, of Barwick Sep. 27. Henry Clayton, of Barwick, & Hannah Hemsworth, of Garforth. Nov. 8. John Barker, of Barwick, & Ann Burton, of Acomb. 1802, Feb. 21. James Vince and Mary Haley, both of Barwick. Sep. 19. George Blackburn, of Barwick, and Hannah Wood, of Whitkirk. Nov. 21. John Butler, of Barwick, & Mary March, of Leeds. Dec. 5. James Tomling, of Barwick, & Elizabeth Thompson, of Tadcaster. 1803, Mar. 13. John Cawood, of Leeds, & Sarah Haist, of Barwick. Mar. 20. Joseph Newis, of Barwick, & Mary Brownrigg, of Kirkby Overblow. Oct. 23. Thomas Wright, of Barwick, & Mary Hambler, of Whitkirk. Oct. 30. George Johnson, of Barwick, & Sarah Hanley, of Rippon. 1804, Nov. 11. James Jackson, of Barwick, & Phebe Ellart, of Aberford. 1805, Jan. 13. Matthew Kirby and Sarah Thompson, both of Barwick. Apl. 7. Michael Wolton, of Barwick, & Ann Eyre, of Bramham. June 9. Richard Hemsworth, of Garforth, and Amelia Benton, of Barwick. July 7. Thomas Cawood, of Barwick, and Elizabeth Taylor, of Whitkirk. Sept. 15. Thomas Watson, of Knaresbro', and Elizabeth Skelton, of Barwick. Oct. 20. James Hodgson and Mary Haley, both of Barwick. 1806, July 27. Christopher Simpson, of Barwick, and Ann Road- house, of Monk Frystone. June 29. John Barret & Mary Benton, both of Barwick. Aug. 31. John Powell & Sarah Morritt, both of Barwick. 1807, Jan. 18. John Pemberton & Sarah Ward, both of Barwick. July 26. Joseph Scholes, of Barwick, and Sarah Speight, of Whitkirk. July 26. Joseph Simpson, of Barwick, and Hannah Turner, of Whitkirk. 1808, July 10. Joseph Reeder, of Barwick, & Ann Connell, of Leeds, June 19. John Prince, of Whitkirk, and Susana Jolley, of Barwick Nov. 20. William Scott, of Brotherton, & Ellen Taylor, of Barwick 1809, July 30. Alexander Metcalf, of Barwick, and Mary Prince, of Whitkirk. 1810, May 6. Joseph Simpson, of Barwick, & Ann Vince, of Whitkirk. July 1. Benjamin Hewitt, of Leeds, and Frances Bell, of Barwick. BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. banns. 417 July 29. George Watson, of Barwick, and Mary Smeaton, of Garforth. Nov. 11. Thomas Per kin, of Barwick, and Margaret Booth, of Whitkirk. 1811, Dec. 1. James Bacchus, of Barwick, and Mary Marshall, of Whitkirk. Dec. 8. William Ashton, of Barwick, and Mary Powell, of Wakefield. Dec. 8. Robert Wright, of Barwick, and Jane Bamlet, of North allerton. 1812, Feb. 16. Matthew Heptonstall, of Heaton, and Elizabeth Sykes, of Barwick. Mar. 22. William Copley, of Barwick, and Mary Briggs, of Aberford. April 5. Thomas Robshaw, of Barwick, and Ann Westerman, of Whitkirk. May 3. William Blakey, of Leeds, and Sarah Dickinson, of Barwick. x July 19. William Simpson & Elizabeth Knapton, both of Barwick Aug. 9. Benjamin Stringer, of Barwick, and Mary Jolly, of Whitkirk. June 28. Joseph Walton, of Barwick, and Mary Moon, of Aberford. Sept. 20. John Jenkinson, of Leeds, & Sarah Dickinson, of Barwick. Oct. 25. William Slater, of Barwick, & Catherine Crossland, of Aberford. Dec. 13. Edward Brogden, of Barwick, & Elizabeth Hick, of Tadcaster. A2 418 MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS. IN THE CHURCH. Tablet in Chancel. Sacred to the memory of the Rev d Rob* Deane, B.D., 25 years Rector of this parish. This venerable man, learned, pious, humble & beneficent, lived the delight of his friends, the ornament of Christianity, and the father of his flock. He died in peace Feb* 6 th , 1799, ae* 65. Erected by his affectionate relict H. Deane. Tablet in Chancel. Sacred to the memory of Edward Wilkinson, Esq re , of Potterton, who died July 16 th , 1836, aged 74 years ; also of Ann, his wife, who died October 26 th , 1846, aged 78 years.* Tablet in Chancel. Sacred to the memory of John Edward Wilkinson, of Potterton, born on the 28 th of October, 1789, died at Scarborough on the 14 th of August, 1850 ; also of Catherine Wilkinson, wife of the above, who died on the 28 th Dec r , 1856, aged 59 years. Tablet in Chancel. To the memory of William Eamonson, of Lazingcroft, who after having reach'dhis63 d year in such Vigor as seemed to promise along continuance of his Valuable Life, was snatched from his sorrowing Family and Friends on the 6 th day of March, 1781, by an inflammatory Fever in the short space of 3 days. This plain monument is erected by Elizabeth Eamonson, his widow.... Also to the memory of Elizabeth and Alice, the daughters of William and Elizabeth Eamonson, who died in the bloom of {rest decayed) Tablet on South Wall. Near this place are deposited the remains of William Ellis, Esq., of Kiddall Hall in this parish, who departed this life April the 10 th , 1771, aged 64 years. He married Mary, only child of James and Elisabeth Bourne, of Mallingley, near Heckfield, Hants., and all three lie interred in Heckneld Church, by whom he had one child Elisabeth Maria who has erected this as a tribute of gratitude to the memory of a kind and affectionate father. Window in South Wall. To the Memory of Maria Ann Langley by her brother Bathurst Edward Wilkinson. Tablet on South Wall. Sacred to the memory of James Croft Brooke, esq re (of Littlethorpe, near Ripon), late Major in the 3 rd or Prince of Wales reg* of Dragoon Guards, 2 nd son of Col : Brooke, formerly of the same reg 4 ; and of Frances, his wife, late of Scholes in this parish. He died May 14 th , 1837, in the 60 th year of his age, sincerely regretted by all his relations and friends, leaving three surviving sons and one daughter by Frances, his wife, 2 nd daughter of the late John Brooke, esq., of Austhorpe Lodge, near Leeds, who, feeling deeply her bereavement, erected this monument to her husband's many amiable virtues. Stone on Floor South Aisle. Here Lieth interred the Body of John Wray, who Departed this life at Lazin- croft, the 17 of Feb., Anno 1759, in the . . year of his age. Stone in South Aisle. Here lyeth y e body of Alvarey Vevers, of Scoles, who dyed November y 8 8, [1666, aged 79]. Stone in West Aisle. Here Lyeth interred the body of Christopher Kelshaw of Roundhay, who departed this life the 12 day of December in the yeare of our Lord 1673, being 88 years old. Miss Yesterday se'nnight was married at Woodford in Essex, Edward Wilkinson, Esq., of this town, to ss Ann Pearce, second dau. of Nicholas Pearce, Esq., of Woodford. Leeds Intelligencer, 18 July, 1786. BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 419 Stone in West Aisle. Underneath this stone are deposited the remains of John Phillips, Esq., formerly of Waltham[stow], in the county of Essex, second son of Charles late of the above place [rest cut off]. Stone in South Aisle. Underneath this stone lies the Body of William Vevers, of Scholes, Gent., who departed this life ... [i] Day of Feb., 1744, aged 48 years. Richard Vevers, Esq., buried here. Tablet on South-West Wall. Sacred to the memory of Elizabeth, wife of Edward Wales, of Berwick-in- Elmet (late of Leeds), who died February 22 nd , 1835, aged 62 years ; also Jane, wife of the above Edward Wales, who died June 18 th , 1854, in the 89 th year of her age ; also of the above Edward Wales, who died November 20 th , 1855, in the 84 th year of his age.* Tablet on South- West Wall. Sacred to the memory of Thomas Collett, of Leeds, Batchelor, who died August 30 th , 1849, aged 55 years; also of William and Mary Collett, father and mother of the above. On Tombstone West End of Middle Aisle. [Here Lies Interr]ed [the Body of] Elizabeth Haist, daughter of William Ellis, Esq. She was first married to William Dawson, of Kiddall Hall, and afterwards to M r Benj. Haist, of Barwick.f On Stone South End of Middle Aisle. Here lieth y e Body of daughter of M r Jo. . . late of Leeds. She Departed September y e 12 th yeare of Her Age. On Stone in Middle Aisle. Underneath lie the remains of William Ellis, Esq., of Kiddall Hall in this parish, who died April the 10 th , 1771, aged 64 years. On Stone in Middle Aisle. Here Lyeth the Body of W m Vevers, the son of W m Vevers, of Morwick, who departed this life the 28 of July, 171 7, aged 22 ; and allso of Francis, his son, who departed this life y e 13 th of December in y e 20 th year of his age, Anno Domini 17 19 ; Also y e Body of Sarah, y e wife of y e s d W m Vevers, who departed this life y e 23d day of Sep., 1729, aged 56 ; And also W m , her husband, who departed this life y e 18 th day of October, 1738, aged 67. On Stone in Middle Aisle. In memory of the two daughters of William and Elizabeth Eamonson, of Lazincroft. Elizabeth, who departed this life December the 17 th , 1772, aged 17 years and was interred here. Alice, who departed this life the 23 rd of Aug., 1775, aged 18 years, and was interred in the Church at Scarborough. On Stone in Middle Aisle. Here Lyeth the Body of Alice, daughter of M r William Eamonson, of Lazin- croft, who departed this life April y e 6 th , 1744, In ye 30 th year of her age. On Stone in Middle Aisle. Here Lyeth interred Alice Eamonson, the wife of Will m Eamonson, of Austhorp, who departed this life on the [1] day of September, 1751, in the 69 th year of her age On Stone in Middle Aisle. Orate pro anima Johannis Grenefeld servientis ad legem qui obiit [23 Oct., 1464]. Dr. Johnston's MS. On Stone in West Aisle. Hie Jacet Milo Lodge qui obiit 7 die Sept., 1695. Tablet on North West Wall. In the Vault below lie the remains of John Phillips Esq., formerly of Waltham- stow, Essex, son of Charles Phillips, died 5 January, 18 14, aged 82 years, he was the younger brother of the late Rev. Charles Phillips, A.M., Vicar Edward Wales married first, 1802, to Elizabeth, only daughter of Thomas Brook of Wakefield, Surgeon, and grand daughter of the Rev. Samuel Brook, M.A., Head Master of Almondbury Grammar School; secondly, 1836, to Jane, widow of John Parkinson of Hull, and daughter of the Rev. John Greenwood, M.A., Rector of Thornhill. See Miscellanea Genealogica, 3rd series, I. 132. tSee Hunter's Families Minorum Gentium (Harleian Society), p. 774. 420 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. of Terling, Essex ; also in the same vault are deposited the remains of Hannah, wife of the above named John Phillips, died at Whitburn, Durham, 2i 8t December, 1815, aged 77 years. Window in North Wall. To the honour and glory of God and to the memory of Charles Porter who died January 28 th , 1880, this window was inscribed. Tablet on North Wall. Near this place lie Interred the Remains of William Vevers, of Scholes, Esq., who died the [i 8t ] day of February, 1744, aged 48 years. Also his son Richard Vevers, Esq re , who died Jan. 11 th , 1767, aged 35 years. Also Priscilla Atkinson [mother] to the above Richard Vevers, Esq., died ..May, 1769. On a Tombstone in North Aisle. R. D. ob. 1799. On an Upright Stone on the North Wall. Hie jacet Johes Gascoigne quodam dns de Laysincroft qui obiit. . . . East Window in North Aisle. Armorial window commemorating members of the Gascoigne family. [For full description see The History of Barwick-in-Elmet, by the Rev. F. S. Colman.] IN THE CHURCHYARD. [w.d.t.l. =who departed this life.] Sacred to the memory of John, son of John and Margaret Marsland, of Roundhay, w.d.t.l. April 7 th , 1828, aged 7 weeks. In memory of Joseph Porter, of Barwick in Elmet, who died August 12 th , 1835, aged 79 years. In memory of Henry, son of Joseph Porter, who died May 24 th , 1842, aged 50 years. Also of Mary Ann, relict of Henry Porter, who died October 25 th , 1884, aged 79 years. Sacred to the memory of James Benson w.d.t.l. April 23 rd , 1828, in the 90 th year of his age. An[n], daughter of the above, who died February 2[7], 1812, aged 37 years. In memory of Thomas Crosland, of South Milford, Gent an , who died September 11 th , 1833, aged 64 years. In memory of Mary, fourth daughter of John and Jane Crosland, of Scholes, who died December i 8t , 1806, in the 2 nd year of her age. Also of the above named John Crosland, w.d.t.l. June i 8t , 1815, aged 51 years. Also Elizabeth Crosland, the fifth daughter of the above named John Crosland, w.d.t 1. 3 rd day of September, 1833, aged 24 years. Also Jane, wife of the above John Crosland, who died January 9 th , 1857, aged 83 years. In memory of Elizabeth, the wife of John Crosland, of Scholes, w.d.t.l. March 16 th , 1834, in the 31 st year of her age. Also of Arthur, second son of the aforesaid John & Elizabeth Crosland, w.d.t.l. April 24 th , 1834, aged 6 weeks. Also the above named John Crosland who died April 23 rd , 1851 aged 74 years. Also Jane, daughter of John & Jane Musgrave Crosland, of Scholes, who died April 24 th , 1873, aged 4 years & 2/nonths. In memory of Joseph Sparling, of Potterton, w.d.t.l. Jan. 5 th , 1824, aged 82 years. Also of Mary [?] wife of the above [rest defaced]. Sacred to the memory of Sarah Goodall w.d.t.l. July 19 [rest defaced]. In memory of [7 lines, defaced]. Also Sarah, wife of John Walton, and daughter of the above w.d.t.l. July 13 th , 1814. Aged 29 years. In memory of Jane, the wife of John Brogden, of Scholes, w.d.t.l. May 7 th , 1829, aged 27 years. Also the above named John Brogden w.d.t.l. Dec 1 5 th , 1854, aged 62 years. In memory of the late Henry Shippen, Butcher, of Scholes, w.d.t.l. March 25 th , 1849, aged 59 years. Also of Henry, son of William and Mary Shippen, and grandson of the above, w.d.t.l. Sep r 28 th , 1849, aged 18 months. R. H. B. Obit July the 29 th , 1797. John Clarkson Brooke lies buried, by his brother, Richard Herbert Brooke, under this Stone, May 8 th , 1798. Sacred to the memory of Frances, the wife of Richard Brooke, Esq., Major of the third Reg 4 of Dragoon Guards, who died April the 23, 1789, aged 34 years. [Verse]. Here lie also the Remains of Mary Ann, their eldest BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 421 daughter, who died August the 3 rd , 1783, aged 9 months. And also of Robert Bentley, their fifth son, who died October the 3 rd , 1789, aged 2 years. And likewise of Frances Catherine, their second daughter, who died July the 2, 1790, aged 9 years. Also Richard Herbert Brooke, eldest son of Richard and Frances Brooke, w.d.t.l. July 29, 1797, aged 18 years. Also John Clarkson Brooke, fourth son of the above Richard & Frances Brooke, w.d.t.l. May the 6 th , 1798, aged 12 years. Also to the memory of George Charles Brooke, third son of Richard and Frances Brooke, Lieutenant in the 20 th Reg 1 of Foot, who was killed in the Battle of Vemiera in Portugal, on the 21 st of August, 1808, aged 24 years. Sacred to the memory of Richard Brooke, Esq re , of Scholes, Colonel in the Army and late Lieutenant Colonel in the third or Prince of Wales Regiment of Dragoon Guards. He married, first, Frances, the Daughter of the Rev d Richard Brooke, and, secondly, Jane Marcella, late daughter of the late Rev d D r Drake, of Treaton. He was born February the 20 th , 1744, and died the 16 th of July, 1799. Grace Carol..., daughter of Richard and Frances Brooke. In memory of William Dawson, who, as a Christian was sincere, candid, and consistent ; as a preacher of the Gospel, original, powerful, laborious and faithful, unusually popular, and extensively useful. He was born at Garforth, March 30 th , 1773, and died at Colne in Lancashire in the prosecution of his ministry, after having preached the Gospel in most parts of the United Kingdom, July 4 th , 1841. This Monument was erected as a memento of private friendship and public worth by his executors Charles Smith and Edward Phillips. Also Thomas Dawson, late of Barnbow, who died September 25 th , 1854, aged 67 years. Also Mary Brewer, niece of William Dawson, who died May 15 th , 1884, aged 77 years. William Slater, of this village, farmer, died 30 th March, 1852, aged 68 years. Hannah Musgrave, sister of the above and Relict of Matthew Musgrave, of Leeds, wool merchant, died 19 th , April 1854, aged 74 years. Also of John Charles Rawdon, late of York, Born December 24 th , 1804, Died June 2 nd , 1873. Also Sarah Hannah, relict of the above John Charles Rawdon, died January 14 th , 1876, aged 57 years. In memory of William Waite, of this town, who died Jan. the 8 th , 1768, aged 31 years A true son of Divine Harmony Sacred to the memory of Elizabeth Whitehead, wife of William Whitehead, of Leeds, w.d.t.l. the 24 th of April, 1803, aged 42 years. Also William Whitehead, Husband of the above, w.d.t.l. the 5 th day of April, 18 10, aged 47 years. Also William, son of the above William & Elizabeth Whitehead, w.d.t.l. the 2 nd day of December, 18 10, in the 12 th year of his age. Sacred to the memory of Sarah, wife of John Whitehead, w.d.t.l. Oct r 25 th , 1836, aged 65 years. Also of Abraham, son of the above, w.d.t.l. Feb** 25 th , 1836, aged 36 years. Also of John Whitehead, Husband of the above Sarah Whitehead, w.d.t.l. April 23 rd , 1838, aged 66 years. Also of Ann, daughter of the above John and Sarah Whitehead, w.d.t.l. Janv 3 rd , 1840, aged 44 years. Sacred to the memory of William Batty, of Barwick, son of John and Alice Batty, who died Feb r y 22 nd , 1837, aged 70 years, Clerk of this parish 40 years, and Magistrate's Clerk 32 years. Near this lie the remains of Mary, wife of William Batty and daughter of James & Ann Bean, of Barwick, who died Nov r 27, 1797, aged 26 years. Sacred to the memory of John Hutchinson, of this town, w.d.t.l. the 30 th day of March, 1806, in the 74 th year of his age. Also Mary, second wife of the above John Hutchinson, w.d.t.l. the 15 th day of May, 1828, aged 77 years. Also Elizabeth Wormald, sister to the above Mary, who died the 18 th day of August, 1825, [?] in the [?] 56 th year of her age. Sacred to the memory of James Batty, late of this parish, son of William and Mary Batty. He was Born 15 th February, 1793, and died 14 th September, 1852, aged 59 years. Having been Apparitor of this Archdeaconry 30 years. 422 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. In affectionate remembrance of John Thompson, of Hay ton House, late of Barnbow, w.d.t.l. December 9 th , 1866, in the 84* 11 year of his age. Also of Ellis, wife of the above, w.d.t.l. December 18 th , 1832, in the 44^ year of her age. Also of William, son of John and Ellis Thompson, who died September 24 th , 1833, a g e d 18 years. Also their infant son, 18 14. In memory of Samuel Thompson, of Barnbow, who died June 4 th , 1806, aged 61 years. Also Susannah, wife of the above, who died September i8>, 1827, aged 81 years. In memory of Tabitha, wife of James Lumb, of this town, w.d.t.l. Aug 1 18 th , 1818, aged 48 years. [Verse]. Also Mary and Sam 1 who died infants. Also Elizabeth, daughter of the above, w.d.t.l. Nov r 14 th , 1821, aged 24 years. Also Thomas, eldest son of the above James & Tabitha Lumb, who died at Micklefield and is interred at the foot of this tomb, December 15 th , 1840, aged 40 years. Also the above nam'd James Lumb w.d.t.l. July 2i Bt , 1842, aged 71 years. In memory of John Lumb, joiner, late of Chapel- Allerton, who died March 17 th , 1839, aged 29 years. In memory of William, the son of John and Sarah Kirby, of Leeds, w.d.t.l. July 22 nd , 181 1, aged 9 weeks. Also Sarah, the daughter of the above John & Sarah Kirby, w.d.t.l. January 2 i Bt , 1818, aged 5 years and 4 months. Sacred to the memory of Elizabeth Whitehead, formerly of Barwick, but late of Leeds, w.d.t.l. on the 11 th Day of March, 1829, aged 86 years. Also five children of William Whitehead & grandchildren of the above who all died young. In memory of Elizabeth Lumb, only daughter of Thomas and Charlotte Lumb, of Leeds, died 8 th day of Janv, 1833, aged 18 years. Also of the late Thomas Lumb, of Leeds, auctioneer, and Father of the above named Elizabeth Lumb, w.d.t.l. November 22 nd , 1843, aged 63 years. Sacred to the memory of Sarah Grundy who died January 2 nd , 1834, aged 84 years. Sacred to the memory of Robert Stead w.d.t.l. March 31 st , 1839 [?] [3 lines defaced]. Sacred to the memory of Ann, wife of Thomas Stoner of this Town, w.d.t.l. August 10 th , 1823, aged 61 years. Also Alice Stoner, daughter of the above, who died March I***, 1798, aged 2 years. Also Hannah Stoner, daughter-in-law to the above Tho 8 Stoner & daughter of Joseph and Eliz th Roberts, of Holmfirth, who left this vale of tears at York November 8 th , 1824, aged 27 years. Also Louisa Stoner, daughter of the above Hannah Stoner, who died October 24 th , 1824, aged 2 years. Here lieth interred the Body of William Taite, of this Town, w.d.t.l. the 4 th day of December, 1787, aged 70 years. Also the Body of Sarah Taite, wife of the above William Taite, w.d.t.l. the 26 th day of May, 1801, aged 80 years. To the memory of Jonas Haley, of Scholes, who died Feb. 24 th , 1764, aged 94 years. Here lie interred the remains of Francis Moss, late of York, who died October 29 th , 1837, aged 67 years. Also Elizabeth, his wife, who died December 29 th , 1839, aged 69 years. Also Francis, only son of the above who died April 29 th , 1875, aged 64 years. Also Sarah, daughter of the above Francis and Elizabeth Moss, who died July 6 th , 1879, aged 72 years. Sacred to the memory of Charles, son of William & Mary Tillotson, August [rest defaced]. Sacred to the memory of Richard Wilkinson, of Barwick in Elmet, w.d.t.l. October 15 th , 1850, aged 49 years. Also Martha Ann Stubbins who died March , aged 29 years [rest defaced]. In memory of Richard Perkin, Farmer, who died Nov. 1 I th , 1842, aged 44 years. Also Margaret, relict of the above Richard Perkin, who died Jan. 2 nd , 1874, aged 79 years. To the memory of Elizabeth Abbot, wife of Thomas Abbot, of Barwick in Elmet, w.d.t.l. 4 th July, 18 16, aged 72. Here lieth the Body of W m Knapton, he died the 7 th of Dec r , 1782, aged 63 years. Also S Knapton 5"* [rest defaced]. BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 423 Here lieth the body of Robert Knapton, of Barwick, w.d.t.l. Dec br y e 27, 1741, aged 55 years. Also Ann, his wife, w.d.t.l. June y e aged 46 years. H. . . . day of Nov r 6 1 years, . . .ah, his wife, ... .of March, 1776. Here lieth the Body of Mark Robinson .... who [5 lines defaced]. Also Mary, the wife of Edw d Day, of Potterton, and daughter of the above Mark Robinson, who died 1 of March, 1791, aged 61 years. Also Edw d Day, of Potterton, w.d.t.l. March 30 th , 1807, aged 78 years. Orate pro aibus Johis Grenefeld & Johiine uxoris sue qui obiit [rest defaced]. Sacred to the memory of Mary, the wife of Edward Stead, w.d.t.l. the 10 th of September, 1826, aged 47 years [verse]. Also Edward Stead, Husband of the above, w.d.t.l. February 21 st , 1843, aged 71 years. [On the back] In memory of Mary Stead, of Brex House, Swillington, who died June 2 nd , 1855, in the 47 th year of her age. Here lyeth the Body of Ann w.d.t.l. Aug. the 26 th , 17. . , aged 32 years. Here lyeth Francis & Eliz, : Son and daughter of Francis Holmes, of Barwick. Also Rachel, wife of Francis Holmes, mother to the above children, who died April 18, 1768, aged 60 years. Sacred to the memory of George Holmes, of this town, w.d.t.l. the 2 day of October, 1805 [?], in the 63 rd year of his age. Also of Elizabeth Holmes, wife of the above George Holmes,, w.d.t.l. the 7 th day of September, 1817 [?], aged .. years. In memory of Mary Allatt [rest defaced]. Here lieth the Body of [5 lines defaced]. Thomas, son of the above Thomas Addeman, w.d.t.l. May the 23 rd , 1780, aged 45 years. Here also lieth the Body of James Plowright, of this town, son in [rest buried]. Sacred to the memory of William Addeman, of this Town, w.d.t.l. the . . day of November .... Also wife of John Connell, and .... of the above named William Addeman, w.d.t.l. Dec 1 " 19 th , 1820, aged 70 years. Here lieth the Body of George Haist, of Barwick, w.d.t.l. April y e 22 d , 1743, in y e 76 th year of his age. Also the Body of Samuell son of the above George Haist, of Barwick, w.d.t.l. April y e . . , 1743, in the 49 year of his age. Here lyeth inter'd the Body of Robert Eliot w.d.t.l. December the 27 th , 1755. [Here lie]th inferred th]e body [of Mary] Win[ter, wife] of M r [William W]inter, [daughter off . . .] Dineley ick, w.d.t.l. ... of September,] 1702. Ellen Hey died April 8 th , 18 14, aged 79 years. In memory of Samuel Braham, Engineer at Garforth Colliery, who died June I* 1829, aged 57 years. Here Lyeth the Body of Thomas, the son of William Lumb, of barwick, w.d.t.l. October the 4, 1750, aged 8 years [verse]. To the memory of William Greenwood, of Shippon, who died October 4 th , 1848, aged 72 years. Also Ann, wife to the above, who died January 14 th , 1848, aged 71 years. Here lieth the Body of Elizabeth, the wife of Jacob Pease, of Morwick, w.d.t.l. March the 27, 1775. aged 68 years. The above named Jacob Pease died August the 7, 1779, aged 69. In memory of Abraham Wormald who died Sept r the 23 d , 1826, aged 66 years [verse]. Also of Ruth, Daughter of the aforesaid, who died Nov r the 12 th , 1809, in the 8 th year of her age. Also of Sarah, wife of the above Abraham Wormald, who died June 3 rd , 1833, aged 74 years. Sundial. W. Lumb, 1765. In memory of Elizabeth, wife of Benjamin Collett, of this Town, w.d.t.l. May 9 th , 181 1, aged 63 years. Also the above Benjamin Collett w.d.t.l. May 3 rd , 1832, aged 83 years. In memory of Ann, the wife of Benjamin Hill, of this Town, who died Nov' 4 ib , 1832, aged 73 years. In memory of Wfilliam Scott, of] Barwick House, [who di]ed May y e 27, 1758 [verse]. Also Thomas, his son, [died Novem]ber y e 5 th , 1763, in y e [verse]. Also Mary Scott, [widow of] William, died Nov [1776,] in the 66 th year Also William Scott above died Janua . . aged.6 years and red in the Holy Church Yard, Y 424 BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. To the memory of Thomas Tilney, Mason, of Scholes, who died Nov r the 2 nd , 1821, aged 75 years [verse]. Also Ruth Hargreaves, Daughter of above, who died Oct 1 15 th , 1826, aged 44 years. Also Sarah Tilney, wife of the above, who died April 26 th , 1827, aged 79 years. [Inscription on side defaced]. Sacred to the memory of Louisa, Daughter of Nicholas and Grace Tilney, who died July 8 th , 1822 [?], aged 1 year. Also William, son of the above, who died Dec r 7 th , 1824, aged 1 year and 3 months. Also Louisa Ann, daughter of the above who died Aug* 3 rd , 1826, aged 8 months. Also Eliza, daughter of the above, who died Nov r 25 th , 1830, aged 1 year and 8 months. Sacred to the memory of William Tilney, of Chapel-Allerton, Mason, Second son of Thomas Tilney, of Scholes, w.d.t.l. Nov r 29 th , 1831, aged 56 years. Sacred to the memory of Sarah, wife of William Tilney, of Chapel-Allerton, who is interred beneath the adjacent stone, who died February 28 th , 1841, aged 78 years. Also Sarah Webster Lund, Daughter of the above, who died July 17 th , 1854, aged 49 years. In memory of John Atkinson, of Winmoor, w.d.t.l. December 30 th , 181 1, aged 67 years. Also Sarah, Daughter of the above, w.d.t.l. February 8 th , 1827, aged 41 years. Also Ann, wife of the above John Atkinson, w.d.t.l. February 17 th , 1830 [?], aged 79 years. Sacred to the memory of David Parker, of this Town, w.d.t.l. Oct r 9 th , 1847, aged 57 years. Also Mary, Daughter of the above, who died Febv I" 1 , 1848, in the 26 th year of her age. In memory of Edmund Rawlinson of this Town, w.d.t.l. May 22 nd , 1821, aged 38 years [verse]. Here lieth the Body of Joseph Cromek, who died Febv 6 th , 1785, aged 33 [verse]. Sacred to the memory of Thomas Collett, of this Town, who died the 27 day of January, 1792, aged 85 years. Also of his son, Thomas Collett, of Garforth, who died the 13 th day of January, 1794, aged 57 years. This Stone was erected by W m Collett, of Garforth, the son of the last named T. Collett, the 4 th day of March, 18 17. In memory of the late Thomas Pitt, Farmer, of Barwick, w.d.t.l. on the 12 th of February, 1848, aged 72 years. Here lieth the Body of Benjamin, the son of John Bramley, of Potterton, w.d.t.l. the 20 [?] day of Aug 8t , in the . . year of his age, 1752 [?]. Sacred to the memory of Thomas Kemp, of this town, w.d.t.l. Feb** 18, 1838, aged 63 years, Husband to Mary Ann Kemp w.d.t.l. Aug 8t th 28, 1832, aged 5 1 years, who lies in this churchyard. In memory of Henry Wright, of Morwick, w.d.t.l. July the 28, 1772, aged 72 [?] years. Also [Mary] Daughter w.d.t.l. September the 3, 1 77 1, aged 24 years. Also of wife of the [rest defaced]. Sacred to the memory of William Carr, of Kidhall Lane. He d.t.l. [October] the 23 rd , 1 801, aged 69 his Relict and child [4 lines defaced]. John Batty died April 11, 1797, aged 53. In memory of Mary, wife of John Batty, of Throstle-nest, who died June 24, 181 1, in the 42 nd year of her age. Also John, son of the above, died an infant in 1806.* Sacred to the memory of Susanna, wife of John Batty, of Throstle-nest, w.d.t.l. October 24 th , 1844, aged 61 years. Also of Richard, son of the above John & Susanna Batty, w.d.t.l. August 14 th , 1844, aged 31 years. Also of the above John Batty, who died on the 5 th of April, 185 1, aged 82 years. Also Sarah, relict of the above Richard Batty, who died September 19 th , 1865, aged 51 years. In memory of James Batty, of this town, who [died] July 10 th , 18 13, aged 36 years. Also of two daughters, Mary, who died Sep. 5 th , 1803, aged 3 years, Ann, who died April 3 rd , 1805, aged 2 years. Sacred to the memory of John Loder, of Kidhall Lane, w.d.t.l. I st day of April, 1806, in the 6i Bt year of his age. Also Sarah, wife of the above "Died on Thursday Aug. 14, 1806, at Throstle Nest, Garforth, near Leeds, Mrs. Batty, grandmother to Mr. Nelson, whitesmith, in this town, at the advanced age of 100 years." Taylor's Leeds Worthies, Supplement, p. 675. John Nelson of Leeds married Sarah Batty of Barwick, 5 July, 1762. See note ante p. 274. BARWICK-IN-ELMET REGISTER. 425 John Lodei:, w.d.t.l. the 18 th day of March, 1803, in the 51 st year of his age. John, son of John & Sarah Loder ; he died in his infancy, the 28 th day of December, 1785. Robert, son of John & Sarah Loder, w.d.t.l. the 13 th day of May, 1790, in the 2nd year of his age. In memory of John Swaile, for Twenty years servant to E. Wilkinson, Esq., of Potterton Lodge, w.d.t.l. the 14 th day of April, 1831, aged 39 years. In memory of Mary Fatkin, wife of William Fatkin, of Potterton, w.d.t.l. March 9 th , 1827, aged 48 years. Also John Fatkin, son of the above, w.d.t.l. March 8 th , 1826, aged 26 years. Also the above William Fatkin who died March 30 th , 1848, aged 79 years. In memory of Mary, the wife of John Darby, of Potterton, w.d.t.l. November 19 th , 1839, in the jy i]1 year of her age. In memory of the late James Armitage, of Scholes, who died May 13 th , 1849, aged 50 years. Also Amy, wife of the above, who died March 16 th , 1870, aged 72 years. Sacred to the memory of John Cawood, of Barnbow, who died 17 th of August, 181 1, aged 63 years. Sacred to the memory of Jane, the wife of William Gibson, of this Town, w.d.t.l. the 10 th December, 1829, aged 63 years. Also Mary, daughter of the above who died the 20 th December, 1829, aged 28 years. In memory of Ellen, the wife of Peter Hustwit, of Leeds, and daughter of John & Ellen Clayton, of Moor Garforth, w.d.t.l. on the 12 th of November, 1838 [?], aged 25 years. Also Thomas, son of the above Peter & Ellen Hustwit, who died January . . . ., aged 6 months [verse]. In memory of John Smith, late of Laverack, who died the 2 d of March, 1826, aged 76 years. Also Mary, wife of the above John Smith, who died July 7 th , 1831, aged 87 years. In memory of Mary, the wife of William Collett, of Garforth, who died Nov r 9 th , 1827, aged 61 years. Also the above William Collett, who died Nov r 26 th , 1832, aged 76 years. Also of Thomas Collett, of Leeds, son of the above, who died Aug 1 30 th , 1849, aged 55 years. In memory of James Holliday, Esq re , w.d.t.l. the 16 th day of July, 1826 [?], aged 80 years. In memory of Hannah Chadwick, of White Laith, Winmoor, who died the 28 th day of April, 1828, aged 53 years. In memory of Jeremiah Brewerton, of Wike, w.d.t.l. July 28 th , 1846, aged 81 years. Sacred to the memory of Mary Ann, the wife of Thomas Kemp, of this Town, w.d.t.l. August 28 th , 1832, aged 51 years. 426 INDEX OF PLACE NAMES. IN THE PARISH. [Names of frequent occurrence are only indexed in respect of the earlier references.] Allershaw Lane, 141, 149, 152, 154, 173, 181, 183, 184, 222, 223, 229, 230. Barnbow, 4, 17, 27-30, $m, 52, 54, 55, 91, 97, 98, 100, &c. Carr, 87, 92, 93, 108, 116, 117, &c. Hall, 268, 284, 327. Barrowby Lane End, 356, 358, 380, 382. Barwick House, 423. Bassling Flatt, 26. Beckay Bridge Close, 384M. Blue Boar, 332. Bradford Bottom, 356, 359, 361, 364, 368. House, 298. Brown Moor, 95, 108, in, 113, 135, 139, 141, 150, 151, 154, 163, 171, 172, 174, &c. Close, 115, 173, 180. Bull Lane Head, 151-153, 169, 171, 172, 174, 177, 178, 181-183, 185, 228, 229. Cattle Close Head, 228. Cattle Moor, 226. Coal Pits, 238, 248, 304, 308, 310, 345, 347. 349. 354. 387- Crossgates, Crossyeates, 151, 170, 172, 178, 180, 182, 184, 185, 203, 210, 231, 247, 248, 250, 251, 276, 279, 283, 286, 288, 293, 300, 305, 313, 323, 330, 336, 342, 354- Demesne Lands, 24, 26, 47. Engine, 283, 285, 286, 288, 290, 292, 293. 295. 298-300, 303-305. 308, 311, 313. 3i6, 330, 337-340, &c. Fire Engine, 276, 278, 280, 284, 332, 333. Garforth Side, 93. Moor Side, 97-107, 110-114, 116, 1 18-122, &c. Green Lane, 358, 361, 374. Grimesdike, 97-99, 102, 104-106, 108, no, 113, 115, 120, 122, &c. Hillom, 52, 56. High Ash, 118, 141, 142, 145, 161, 174, 179, 181. Hill Top, 202, 207, 246, 261, 262, 280- 282, 286, 287, 289, 295, 301, 303, 307-309, 311, 312, 314-316, &c. Hopperly.Hubberley, 148, 150, 157, 170, 171, 180-182, 202, 208, 209, 211, 215, 220, 252, 262, 303, 309, 314, 323, 346. 79-81, Hurst Moor, 140, 148-155, 167-174, &c. Jenkin Flats, 26. Kiddall, 8m, iim, 21, 38, 40, 84, 93, 94, 96, 98, 100, &c. Bar, 385. Hall, 310, 333, 418, 419. Oak, 174. Lady Grounds, 126, 227, 230. Laverack, 363, 425. Lazingcroft, 7, 11, 12, 29, 5i, 66, 76, 78, 91, 92, 94, 145, 169, 184, 186, 188, 202, 204, 215, 229, 231, 248, 263, &c. Lenerich Hill, 201, 203. Lime kiln gate, 252, 362, 366, 369, 373, 388. Low Moor, 208, 247, 248, 251, 329, 332, 344, 347. 349, 357. 375. &c. Moor Top, 202. Morwick, 91, 94, 99-105, 107-109, 112, 119, &c. Mounkey, Monckah, 223, 235. Newclose Spring, 167. Okenhead, 26. Osmondthick, 105, 185, 205, 206, 208, 231. House, 160. Oxclose, 26. Penwell, 82, 147, 149, 163, 171, 172, 174, 177-185, 203, 205, 210, &c. Poorhouse, 344, 348, 349, 354, 358-361, 364, &c. Potterton, 14-20, 23-26, 28, 29, 31, 37, 39, 40-43, 47, 49, 57, 59, 60, 68, 69, 72, 91, 93, 94, 97-100, &c. Lane, 356. Lodge, 348, 354, 425. Moor, 97, 101, 102, 107, 109, 118, 120, 121, &c. Quarry, 324. Ratten Row, 335. Rectory, 312W. Red Hall, 159, 333-335- Roods, High, 26. Roundhay, Sn, 13, 32, 33, 37, 42, 44, 45. 54. 58, 63, 64, 69, 75, 78, 85, 91- 94, 96-100, &c. Grange, 310. Hall, 156, 163. Lodge, 150, 172. Park, 102, 107, 117, 124, 137, 149, 151, 174, 183-185, 229, 326. Sandpit, 251. INDEX OF PLACE NAMES. 427 Scholes, is, 26, 28, 29, 31, 39, 55, 62, 89, pi 1 93-100, &c. , Park, 343, 378, 385, 401. Shippen, 35, 48, 65, 93, 97, 108, 129, 133. 134. 150, 152, 154. 157. 163, 164, 171, 173, &c. Snawhill, 337. Speighleys, 26, 109, 112, 120, 123, 139, 159, 178, 181-183, 223, 226, 228. Speighley Nook, 130, 182, 185, 230-232, 382, 385. Spenfield, 68. Stank House, 181, 260-262, 264, 267, 323, 346, 348, 351. Stanks, 82, 92, 93, 96-101, 103, 105, 106, no, 112, 114, 115, 120, 122, 125, &c. Stocking, Stockhill, 41, 92, 100-103, 107, no, 144, 147, 154, &c. Syke House, 384. Toloroug Gate, Turrylug Gate, 151, 170, 206, 207, 211, 229, 257, 263, 265, 271, 321-323, 358. Whihill, 171. Whitehouse, 139. White Laith, 153, 178, 202, 425. White Lares, 335. Whitkirk Lane End, 173, 173, 226. Winmoor, 93, 94, 99, 102, 103, 105, 106, 108, in, 112, 115, 116, 121, &c. Hall, 155. Head, 83, 92, 167, 169, 180, 182, 183, 186, 202, 207, 224, 226, 231, 251, &c. Side, 73, 93, 98, 107, 163, 164, 232. Stile, 270, 271, 327, 355. Woodhouse, 341, 347, 349. 35, 353. 359. 362, 368, 372. Workhouse, 312, 313, 331, &c. Wothersome, 106, 113, 114, 116. OUT OF THE PARISH. Abberwaite, 295. Aberford, 6, 7, 12, 30, $$, 36, 52, 53, 54, 56, 66, 101, 137, 149, 155, 158, 186, 202, 2I2 2 , 220, 22I 2 , 222 a , 235, 246, 249, 291 2 , 292 2 , 299 2 , 300, 302n, 303. 304. 306, 307. 309. 3". 3I3 2 . 315, 317 2 , 320, 333, 336, 342, 345, 346*. 367, 368, 370, 372, 373, 377, 379. 38i. 383. 385 2 . 387. 389. 39 2 . 39i 2 . 392 s . 394, 396, 397 4 . 398, 400, 401, 402, 404 2 , 405, 406, 411, 412, 414 2 , 415 2 , 416, 417 3 . Acaster Malbis, 291, 295, 306, 307. Acomb, 416. Aconbury cum Weston (Hunts.), 254. Ackworth, 319. Adel, 3, 113, 157, 196, 329, 330. Aketon, 295. 326W. Aldwark (Audwauk), 75. Allerton (Hollerton), 313. Almondbury, 419W. Alne (Anne), 1, 75. Alresford, 213. Altofts, 4. Amstead, 382. Appleby, 209M. Appleton, 343. Arden, 21 5. Ardsley, 7, n, 28, 29. West, 294, 307, 311, 316. Armley, 297 s . Arthington, 33. Askham, 295. Asqueth, 314. Auckland, West (Durham), 317. Austhorp, 251, 298, 310, 325, 326, 327, 361, 418, 419. Badsworth, 222. Balne, 7. Bardsey, 84, 128, 130, 155, 296, 305, 319, 394, 407, 411, 414, 415. Barkston, 389. Barnby, 372. Barnsley, 38on. Barrowby, 30, 83. Barton Lodge, 343- Batley, 319. Beal, 384M. Bealt (Wales), 214. Beamsley, 5 m. Beckhay, 52, 216. Beeston, 49, 74, niw. Beverley, 3, 406. Bilbrig, 288. Bilton, 156, 212. Birstal, 204, 345. Bishopthorp, I23n. Bishop Lavington, 214. Bishop Wilton, 292, 295, 414. Bolton (Lane), 209W. Bolton Percy, 156, 391, 406. Boroughbridge, 400. Bradfield, 392. Bradford, 49, 156, 202, 290, 394, 412 2 . Bramham, 82, 127, 130, 214, 217, 218, 252, 272, 273, 275, 282, 283, 284, 300, 306, 308, 312, 316, 334 2 , 337 2 , 341, 348, 350, 352, 397, 399, 400 2 , 401, 402 2 , 403, 410 2 , 416. Bramley, 3O2, 308, 314. Brandon, 223, 294, 301. Brayton, 103, 408. Brecon, 212. Brightwell (Oxon.), 135W. Brininton, 311. Bristol, 352n. Britaine, 290, 297, 304, 308, 316. Brockhampton (Hereford), 248. Brodsworth, 303, 307, 311, 315. 428 INDEX OF PLACE NAMES. Brotherton, 221, 293, 295, 299, 305, 306, 31 1 2 , 315, 318, 390, 405, 412, 416. Broughton in Craven, 119W, 165. Buenos Ayres, 279W. Bungay (Suffolk), 213. Burdetthead, 33. Burley in Wharf edale, 33. Burniston, 305 2 . Burton Constable, 86. Calverley, 49 2 , 307, 310, 315, 399. Cambridge, 123M, 154W, 158W, 179W, 202W, 209, 2l6, 225, 29IM, 298W, 325W, 380M, 4ion. Carlton, 387, 388, 390. Carleton, 5 m. Castle Hays, 252. Castle Oliver, 386M. Castleford, 72, 154M, 318, 38o, 390, 399, 405- Castley, 35. Cawood, 214, 217, 296, 303. Chapel Allerton, 88, 399, 413, 422, 424 2 . Chapeltown, 166, 236, 302. Chelsea (Midx.), 219. Church Fenton, 154,158,192, see Fenton Clapton, 229. Clayton, 327. Clifford, 127 2 , 318. Clifton, 337. Clint, 6. Cloughton, 35W. Cobham, 352. Cocken, 265M. Colchester (Essex), 71. Collingham, 217, 393, 412. Colne, 369, 421. Colton, Cawton, 220, 289, 297, 303, 304, 310, 312, 313, 316/345, 395. Copley, 70. Copmanthorpe, 415. Coringham, 3. Cork, 393W. Cottingwith, East, 410. Croglie (Cumberland), 17. Croydon, 35n. Darfield, 380W. Derby, 90, 131. Dethick (Derby), 131W. Dewsbury, 406. Doncaster, 291, 294, 298, 306. Donington, 216. Drayton, Great (Salop), 135. Drighlington, 204. Dunkeswick, 298. Durham, 209W. Eastby, 291, 294, 298, 306. Ecup, 291, 302, 304, 309, 313, 335. Elughton, 1. Embley, 325. Embrougn, 372. Esholt, 30. Featherstone, 137, 185M. Fenton, 84, 215, 219, 319, 403, 407, 412, see Church Fenton. Fishlake, 157, 174. Forcett, 343M. France, 212. Frickley, 21, 45W, 327. Garforth, 6, 7, 12, 28, 29, 30, 35, 36, 55, 99, 115, 130, I55 4 , 156 2 , 157, 1 58 s , 209W, 212, 214, 215, 217, 229, 231, 251, 264 s2 , 282, 285M, 288*, 289, 290 6 , 291 2 , 292, 293, 294*, 295 2 , 296 s , 297 s , 298*, 299 s , 300 3 , 301, 302 3 , 302W, 303, 304 3 , 305 4 , 306 4 , 307, 308 2 , 309 2 , 3 1 1 6 , 312 2 , 313 3 , 314 4 , 315, 316 s , 317, 320, 322, 336, 338, 339, 345 3 , 377, 379 2 , 384, 385, 389, 392 s , 396, 398, 399, 400 4 , 401 s , 402 6 , 403 2 , 404, 3 405, 406, 408, 409, 412, 41 3 s , 414, 415, 416, 417, 421, 423, 424, 425 s . Garforth Coal Mine, 36. Gawthorp, 35M, 343W, 386M. Gisburn, 413. Glapwell (Derby), 131M. Glasshoughton, 310. Gleadstone, 65. Gledhow, 58. Guiseley, 179W, 221, 391, 409, 414. Gunby, \\n. Halford (Shropshire), 29 iw. Halifax, 167, 215, 217, 361. Halton, 253, 291, 302, 308, 310, 314 2 , 339. See Haughton. Hambleton, 293. Harewood, 3, 157, 213, 219, 222, 397, 406, 410, 412, 415. Hasdon (Suffolk), 313. Haslewood, nw, 52, 290, 296, 303, 344. Hatfield, 154. Haughton, 72. Hayton House, 422. Headingley, 154, 313. Healaugh, 412. Heath, 310. Heaton, 417 ; East, 7 ; West, 7. Heckfield (Hants.), 418. Hemsworth, 67. Hensall, 291, 295, 306, 397. Highionton, 300, 305. Hilmorton (Warwick), 249W. Holbeck, III, 285. Holmfirth, 422. Horn, 369. Hosbon, 293, 300, 310. See Osburn. Houghton, 252, 292. Regis., 252. Hucknall (Derby), 74. Huddersfield, 352M. Huddleston Hall, 33on. Hull, 41 gn. INDEX OF PLACE NAMES. 429 Hunsingore, 318, 414 2 . Hunslet, 250, 373. Huskhill, 376. Hutton Pannell, 67. Ireland, 8, 213 3 . Kellington, 413. Keswick, 290. Kildwick, 212. Killingbeck, 90, 293, 297, 303, 307, 310, 314, 346, 38cm. Kilvington, 52. Kilwick, 365. Kippax, 65, 157, 159, 209, 212, 213, 214, 218, 219, 221, 222, 239, 253, 265, 279, 290, 293, 296 s , 299 s , 302, 304, 305. 309. 3i2 2 , 314, 315, 317, 339, 345. 384W, 390, 392 2 , 393 2 , 407, 412, 414. Kirkbramwith, 380M. Kirkbride, 209M. Kirkby, 322. Kirkbyoverblow, 217, 288, 398, 406, 407, 416. Kirkby Sigston, 400. Kirkby Wharf e, 319. Kirk Deighton, 117, 158, 403, 413. Kirkheaton, 404. Kirkleatham, 386. Kirkstall, 288, 297, 305, 312, 345. Knaresbrough, 204, 260, 288, 298, 307, 3H. 379. 38i- Knowstrop, 33. Kynnardsley (Salop), 216. Lancashire, 288 s . Langwith, 382 s . Lead, Ledes, 6. Learley, 314. Leathley, III. Ledsham, 203, 209M, 394, 409, 413, 415. Leeds, 37, 57, 58, 65, 66, 72, 74, 78, 88, 104, 105, 108, 1 1 in, 116 2 , 128, 129, 138, 139, 140, 154 2 , 1552, 156*, 157, I58,i8i,i8s,205 2 ,2i2, 214, 216, 217 2 , 2l8, 219, 220 2 , 221, 228 2 , 23IW, 234, 235, 246, 247, 251, 253, 256, 265ft, 274, 274ft, 279M, 293, 295, 296ft, 302, 302M, 304, 307, 311, 312, 313, 316,317, 318 2 , 319 4 , 320 2 , 328, 332, 333, 336, 345, 348ft, 352ft, 365.373.374.377. 379. 382, 384W, 387 s , 389 s , 390, 392, 393, 394 2 . 395. 396 2 , 398, 399. 400 2 , 401 2 , 40s 2 , 407 2 , 410 2 , 411, 41 3 6 , 414, 41 s 4 , 416 4 , 4i7 a , 418, 419 2 , 421 2 , 422 4 , 424M, 42s 2 . Leeds, Woodhouse, 401. Lichfield, 221. Lincoln, 3. Linton, 134. Lisbon (Portugal), 279*1, 291, 296, 302, 306, 393W- Lisburn. 254. Littleport, 254. Littlethorpe, 418. Littondale, 306. Liverpool, 352n. London, 8, 9, 10, 35ft, 76, 80, 116, 165, i85n, 191, 248ft, 256, 272, 279M. Lotherton, 7, 36, 52, 84, 288, 347. Lowther, 209M. Lynn (Norfolk), 29m, 3 26m. Mallingley (Hants.), 418. Manchester, St. Mary, 407. Manston, 26, 379. Mardon, 49. Market Weighton, 291, 297. Marston, 313. Marton, 304, 309. Maydeswell, 35W. Methley, 5, 66, 89M, 129 2 , 195M, 209ft, 292, 294, 301, 303, 307, 318, 392, 407. Mickelewick, 65. Micklefield, 6, 7, lift, 28, 62, 65, 137, 155, 294, 299, 301, 304, 307, 313, 422. Middlesex, St. Mary le Strand, 395. Milford, 6, 7 ; South, 420. Millington, 27*1. Minskip, 298. Mirfield, 6, 7. Mobberley, 252. Monk Fryston, 289, 297, 303, 416. Moormonkton, Moormountain, 134, 214, 268, 389. Moor town, 310, 316. Morker, 92. Morpeth, 213. Mountsorrel (Leicester), 213. Netherton, 295, 299, 303, 306, 307, 31 1 2 , 3i5 2 . Newby, 292, 301, 310, Newbury (Berks.), 308, 312. Newsam Green, 289. Newton, 6, 299, 318. Kyme, 397. Northallerton, 417. Northumberland, 266. Norwich, 213. Nottingham, 185W. Osburn, 346. See Hosbon. Parva, 401. Osmondthorp, 128. Ossington (Notts.), 348K. Oswestry, 229. Otley, 33, 215, 308, 314, 391. Overhelmsley, 397. Oxford, 21 s, 248ft, 249W, 387ft. Pannal, 317. Partington, 6, 7, II, 28, 29, 31, 33, 35, 51, 52, 92, 95, 106, 107, 124, 217, 220, 226, 229, 234, 235, 248, 251, 294, 299, 302, 306, 312, 314, 323, 330, 335, 343- 345. 377. 385 2 . 386. Pateley (Partley) Bridge, 248. Pendle, 252. Plumpton, 6, 75, 191, 204, 292. Pogmoor, 300, 306, 313, 317. 430 INDEX OF PLACE NAMES. Pollington, 7. Pontefract, I, 2, 3, 21, 22, 74, 115, 220, 245, 251, 326M, 414. Poole, 78. Potternewton, 294, 303, 309. Preston, Purston, 288, 296, 297, 302, 305, 308, 314. Prestwich (Lane), 343, 399- Rawden, 316. Red Hall, 231, 265, 281, 284 s . Ribston, 154. Riccall, 415. Richmond, 131M, 292, 298, 302, 308. Rigton, 219, 226, 232, 300, 316. Righcroft, 346. Righton, 81. Ripley, 131, 406. Ripon, 3, 221, 291M, 380M, 416, 418. Rither, 194. Roall, 102. Rotherham, 71. Rothwell, Rodwell, 155, 2C9, 213, 214, 220, 222, 289, 292, 300, 310, 313, 335, 389. 390, 395. 401, 403. 413- Rowall, 80. Royston, 252. Rudley, $m. Sandhutton, 304, 309. Saxton, 52, 66, 219, 299, 320, 327, 397, 399, 402, 414, 416. Scarborough, 418, 419. Scarcroft, 82, 114. Seacroft, 132 2 , 136, 155, 156, 157, 208, 216, 218, 247, 288, 289*, 290, 291 2 , 294, 295*, 300 a ,30i 2 ,302,307 2 , 308 2 309, 311, 312, 313, 314 2 , 315 2 , 316 2 , 337, 340, 342, 372, 378, 379 2 , 381, 384 s . Selby, 202, 220 2 , 319. Shadwell, 289, 310, 315, 332. Sheffield, 399. Shelf, 313. Sherburn, 74, 120, 131, 137, 154, 155, 214, 216, 220, 249, 291, 299, 305, 307, 308, 310, 311, 316, 317, 318, 319 2 , 389, 395 2 , 401, 402, 406, 407, 408 2 , 409 2 , 414, 415. Sibdon (Shropshire), 29m. Skelmanthorp, 325. Skipton in Craven, 109, 337. Skipwith, 217. Slatfletby (Lincoln), 54. Smithfield, East, 213. Snarleston (Leicester), 131. Sothill, 27M. Southam, 254. Southwark, 8. Southwell, 3. Spilsby, 253. Spofforth, 75, 134, 154, 157, 191, 235, 293. 298, 303, 312, 318, 331, 399, 411, 412 2 , 413, 415 2 . Stafford, 214, 254. Stainforth, 154. Stamford Bridge, 304, 309, 313. Stanley, 305. Stillingfleet, 413. Stonegrave, I23. Strensal, 306. Sturton, 1 in, 49, 232, 296, 304 2 , 309, 310, 315. Swalsham Prior, 252. Swillington, 79M, 89M, 209M, 217 3 , 222, 293. 299, 3Q2n, 303, 308 2 , 315, 345, 413. 423- Tadcaster, 3, 91, 220, 221, 252, 295, 300, 312, 329, 345, 390, 402, 413, 414 2 , 415, 416, 417. Templehirst, 30 1 2 , 308 2 . Temple Newsam, 86. Terling (Essex), 420. Thirsk, 2, 214, 229. Tholthorp, 304, 309, 315. Thorner, 10, 34, 40, 94, 156, 157 2 , 186, 215, 216, 218, 220, 222, 289, 297 2 , 303. 305. 3io. 312, 318, 320, 345, 375, 376, 378 2 , 379. 390, 392, 393 2 . 394. 395 2 , 398 s , 400, 402, 408 2 , 409 2 , 413, 414, 41 5 2 , 416. Thornhill, 27, 41911. Thorparch, 157 2 , 396, 402, 403 2 . Throstle Nest (Aberford), 334, 344, 367. 368, 370, 373, 384, 387, 424 2 , 424M, Tolston, 119. Tong, 3. Treaton, 421. Tunis (Turkey), 214. Wakefield, 28, 205, 215, 217, 2 296, 302, 320, 326*1, 393, 413, 417. 4i9- Waleworth, 309. Walling Wells (Notts.), 386M. Walshford, 216. Walthamstow (Essex), 419 2 . Walton, 2, 157, 396 2 , 415. Walton in the Wolds, 252. Wapping, 252. Warwickshire, 358, 406. Water Fryston, 155. Water Poppleton, 71. Weardley, 300. Weeton, Wheton, 291. Weetwood, 155. Westminster School, 195 w. Wetherby, 76, 119, 127, 216, 220, 248, 284, 316. Whitburn (Durham), 420. Whitehaven, 209n. Whitkirk, 12, 89, 127, 133, 136, 153, 155, 156 2 , 157, 158 2 , 172, 182, 183, 184, 212, 215, 216, 217, 219, 220, 22I 4 , 223, 226 3 , 229 2 , 23O 3 , 288, 291, 317, 318, 319 2 , 325, 326, 327, 33i, 372, 389. 39i 3 . 393. 394 3 . 395. 396 2 , 397 s . 398, 399 2 . 400, 401 2 , 402, 403. 407 2 , 408, 409, 410 2 , 41 2 2 , 41 3 6 , 414 8 , 41 5 8 , 416 9 , 417*. INDEX OF PLACE NAMES & SURNAMES 431 Whitley, 295, 300, 310. Whixley, 30. Wighill, 307, 395, 411. See Whihill, 171. Wighton, 300. Wike, 425. Wingate Hill, 316. Wintringham (Lincoln), 406. Wistow, 297, 320. Wold, 21. Womersley, 381. Woodford (Essex), 41 8n. Woodkirk, 58. Woodset (Worksop), 386M. Wooley, 222. INDEX OF Abbey, 106, 107, 390. Abbott, 94, 154, 194, 198, 205, 207 2 , 208, ail, 217, 219, 221, 239, 241, 244, 248, 259, 261, 262, 263, 265, 280, 282, 291 4 , 299*, 305 3 , 310 8 , 317, 318 2 , 321, 322, 336, 338, 381, 402, 403, 405, 406, 411, 41 3 2 , 422 s . Abdie, 99. Acomb, 405. Adams, 203. Adamson, 198. Addie, 100. Addiman, 201, 204, 290, 292, 296, 303, 3i8, 333, 334, 340 3 . 381, 384. 384. 406, 410, 423 s . Addison, 116, 223, 223*1. Admergill, 142, 184, 186, 188, 214, 234, 248, 255. Ainsley, 317. Airey, 122, 130. Akid, Akedd, 107, 108, iio, 112, 115, 116, 122, 137, 155, 156, 157, 167, 170, 39i- Akaster, 323. Akeland, 398. Allen, 381. Alleyson, 158. Allot t, Allatt, 148, 157, 169, 423. Allthouse, 404. Almond, 390. Alsop, 187, 234. Ambler, Awmbler, Hambler, 12, 141, 143, 144, 145, 146, 148, 149, 153, 154, 155, 156, 166 2 , 179, 180, 182, 185, 188, !90> J 93. !95> !99. 202, 204 2 , 212, 217, 219, 222, 226, 227, 229, 231, 232, 234 2 , 235, 236 2 , 237 2 , 239, 243, 244, 246 2 , 247, 249, 318, 321, 327, 330, 391, 415, 416. Ampshaw, see Hampshaw. Anderson, 212, 304 3 , 309 8 , 318, 328 2 , 342, 343- Andrew s, 91, 107, 113, 118, 147, 149, 150, 157, 163, 170, 172, 225, 245. Anne, 21, 45*. Antoms, 200. Apott, 313. Worksop, 386M. Wortley, 290, 294, 300, 305, 309, 315. Yafforth, 326ft. Yeadon, 391. York, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 28, 36, 90, 10m, 123M, 1 38 s , 159, 271, 293, 297, 303, 307. 3io, 314, 319. 323. 328, 33cm, 332, 340, 343. 345 2 . 346, 35L 3S2n, 383, 384n, 402, 402n, 403, 421 2 , 422. York. All Saints, 404. Belfreys, 413, 414. St. Helens, 400, 415. Youlton, 369. SURNAMES. Appleton, 292, 392 s . Appleyard, 80, 85, 127, 187, 189, 190, 192 2 , 194 2 , 195, 196, 197, 204, 206, 207, 208, 209, 215, 218, 222, 233, 239 2 , 241, 249, 250, 253, 259, 319 32 1 2 , 323, 324, 325, 328, 337, 340, 389, 391, 392, 404, 406. Archer, 407. Archibald, 105. Armistead, 118. Armitage, 302*. 308 3 , 314 8 , 347, 349. 353. 357. 363. 409 5 . 425- Arnton, 343. Arthington, Ardington, 35*1, 56, 283, 335, 404, see Hardington. Ascoughe, 45. Ashbuerry, 405. Ashton, 159, 417. Askwith, Askewicke, 14, 37, 38, 59, 92, 96, 101, 101 2 , 104. Aspinall, Aspinwall, Aspenwald, 70, 75, 79, 86, 176, 176A, 230 2 , 242. Asquith, 83, 211. Atack, 368. Athuck, 391. Atkinson, Adkinson, 74, 98, 112, 116, 118, 123, 131, 136, 140, 142, 152, 1 S3 2 . 156, 158, 166, 174, 176, 178, 180, 181, 183, 184, 185 2 , 186, 187 8 , 192, 194 2 , 196 2 , 198, 199 2 , 201, 202, 203, 204 4 , 205, 2o6 2 , 207, 208, 2IO a , 211, 215, 2l6, 2I7 2 , 2I9 2 , 220, 221, 222, 225, 229, 23I 2 , 232 2 , 235 2 , 236, 237, 241, 242, 243, 244, 246 s , 247, 249, 251, 252, 255 2 , 257 s , 258, 261, 28l, 282 2 , 284, 289, 294, 295, 3OO, 301, 310 2 , 318 4 , 3i8, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 326, 328, 332 s , 337 2 , 35o, 352, 354, 356, 357, 360, 364*. 370, 382, 384M, 385, 387, 391 3 , 393 a , 395 2 . 397. 402, 403, 404, 405. 4o6 a , 410, 411, 412, 413 2 , 414, 424. Auchtertownie, 350. Aughty, 390. Aunger, Aungell, 8n, 13. Aveson, 97, 305 8 , 342, 385. Awklande, 22. 432 INDEX OF SURNAMES Ayre -s, Air, Aier, 184, 186, 188, 189, 190, 191, 194, 202, 216, 220, 231, 234, 237, 238, 239, 277, 404. Backhouse, Baccus, Bauckhouse, 167, 195. 2 3> 2I 6, 218, 220, 221 2 , 239, 240, 246, 303, 308, 318, 333, 398, 399, 403, 412, 414, 417. Bagnall, 10. Bagnet, 408. Bailes, 410 2 . Bailey, Bayley, Baley, 267, 268, 271, 273, 274, 276, 279, 281, 308, 311, 315, 33i 2 . 3SO, 381, 387. 400, 403 2 , 406 2 . Bailie, 100, 102, 107. Bainbridge, 159, 402. Baine, 119. Baines, 271, 349, 391 9 , 405. Bakehouse, 327. Baker, 150, 152, 165, 361, 365, 414, 415. Bakes, 144, 154. Ball, 12, 42, 59, 72, 74, 76 2 , 102, 104, 107, 122, 123, 131, 136, 138 2 , 140, 144, 147, 148 2 , 163, 172, 174, 17s, 176 2 , 176A, 183, 185, 186, 187, 189, 190, 195, 199, 200, 202, 206, 212, 214, 216, 217, 218, 219, 221 2 , 234, 2 3S 2 2 37. 240, 2 242, 245 3 , 247, 250, 255 s , 320, 326, 326M. Ballance, 357, 395. Balme, 399. Balmer, 87, 317. Balmforth, 218. Bamlet, 417. Banks, 93, 177, 233, 396. Bannister, 319, 329, 393. Baram, 146, 156, 166. Barber, 350, 353, 356, 414. Bardon, 288. Bargh, 260, 262, 263 s . Barker, 56, 65, 105, 108, m, 131, 147, 148, 149, 153, 154, 158, 167, 169, 170 2 , 173, 174, 178, 183, 199, 221, 228, 236 2 , 238, 248, 263, 265, 267, 269, 271, 273, 278 2 , 283, 284, 285, 288 4 : 291, 293, 295, 298, 3o6 2 , 313 4 , 316*, 318, 319, 324, 325 s , 333, 342, 346, 349, 356, 359. 362, 367, 369, 37 2 . 374 s . 376. 378, 380 2 , 385, 387, 39s, 396, 397. 398, 401, 403, 404. 406 2 , 407. 410*, 412, 413, 416. Barnard, 404. Barnby, Barmbie, 12, 24, 28, 38, 56, 162, 219, 226, 232, 248, 248M, 256 s , 395- Barnett, 231. Barnyngham, 4. Barraclough, 138. Barrett, Barritt, 283, 303, 314, 335 s , 374, 411, 416. Barrow, 75. Barrowclif, 414. Barton, 107, 208, 210, 257, 260, 262, 274, 275, 277, 281, 283, 315, 324, 335, 349. 353. 355. 358, 360, 363, 366, 370, 372, 374, 376, 390, 392, 401, 402, 413. Barwicke, 117, 119, 121, 122 3 , 352. Bate, Baite, 265, 266, 268, 325. Bateman, 163. Bateson, Baitson, 69, 130, 155, 191, 213, 218, 221, 328, 336. Bathurst, 106 2 . Batley, 83, 267. Batman, 151, 153, 158. Battersby, 401. Batty, 197, 199, 202, 204, 205, 206 2 , 210, 219, 220, 221, 238, 241, 246, 248, 249, 258, 260, 277, 279, 280, 281, 283, 285, 287, 317, 319, 323, 325, 330, 333 2 , 334, 337. 338 2 , 341. 348, 350, 359 2 , 361, 362 s , 364, 365, 367, 368 2 , 369, 370,373 2 >379 2 ,382, 383 s , 384 3 .387. 389, 390, 391. 392 3 , 393 2 , 394 2 , 395 3 > 397 3 . 398 10 , 399 12 , 400 11 , 401 12 , 402 5 , 403 8 , 404 13 , 405 12 , 406 11 , 407 10 , 408 18 , 409 16 , 410 14 , 41 1 14 , 41 2 6 , 41 5, 42 1 6 , 424 7 , 424W. Baxter, 220, 282, 391, 2 393, 394 2 , 395 2 . Baynes, 33, 94, 96, 250. Beale, 127. Bean, 201, 202 2 , 203, 204, 205, 207, 208, 210, 220, 244, 245 2 , 251, 253, 257, 258, 259, 261, 263, 271, 272, 276, 278, 280, 281 2 , 283, 284, 285, 287, 291 4 , 302 4 , 327, 328, 329 s , 330, 333, 337 4 , 338 2 , 344, 355, 358, 365, 371, 374, 37^, 379, 387 3 . 390 2 , 391. 392 2 . 394 3 . 402, 403, 405 2 , 406 6 , 413, 421. Beanley, 350, 351, 353, 355, 359, 377 s . 378, 379. 404, 4H- Beanland, 362, 363, 368, 371, 382. Beardshaw, 289, 297, 303. Beatson, 218. Beaumont, 28. Beck, 207, 208, 210, 2ii, 252, 257, 259, 322, 363, 408. Beckett, 102, 247. Beckwith, 6n, 22. Bedford, 96. Beedall, Beedhill, 75, 101, 102, 103, 104, 113, 123, 130, 145, 161, 162, 176A, 190, 192, 193, 195, I95, 239, 255, 3 22 . 376. Belbrod, 34. Bell, 22, in, 199, 21 1 2 , 219, 220, 221, 222, 246, 251 2 , 253, 257 2 , 257, 258, 259,260,261, 262 s , 263 s , 265 2 , 267, 268, 270, 271, 273, 274, 277, 278, 286, 289 4 , 2 95 8 , 301 4 , 302 4 , 307 6 , 312 3 , 316 6 , 322, 324, 326 s , 327, 328 2 , 329, 33 1 2 , 333 2 , 335, 338, 341. 343, 2 352. 378, 380, 382 2 , 383, 388, 390, 392, 393 2 , 396, 399, 404, 405, 406 2 , 407 2 , 408, 411, 413, 415, 416. Bellabie, 99, 103, 105, 106, 112, 160, 161. Bellhouse, Bellas, 100, ioi, 106, 129, 2 35, 294. INDEX OF SURNAMES. 433 Benedict, 117. Bennet, 220, 274, 404. Benson, 206, 208, 210, 250, 251, 349, 35L 356, 360, 382, 386, 406 2 , 407 2 , 420. Bentham, 390 4 , 392 s . Bentliflfe, 77. Benton, 197, 246, 262, 276, 287, 291 4 , 299 s , 300, 306 3 , 313 3 , 317 3 , 323, 324, 328, 330 2 , 34i 2 348, 3SO, 352, 358, 376, 378 2 . 379. 392, 402, 403 2 , 416 2 . Beresford, 156, 156W, 158, 213 2 . Beroby, 2. Berry, 185W. Beverley, 14, 95. Bewerley, 11. Bickerdike, 23, 24, 287. Bickers, 197, 198. Bingley, 150, 151, 176. Bingy, 72. Binns, 196 2 , 198, 200, 206, 241, 242, 246, 319, 327, 331, 333, 376, 395, 405. Bird, 121, 174, 176A, 230. Birdsall, Birdsil, Burdsall, 158, 195, 210, 211, 222, 238, 258, 260, 261, 263, 265, 267, 324, 335, 336, 339, 378. Birkeby, 28, 29, 31. Birkes, 212. Birkhead, 93. Birkinshaw, 391, 400. Black, 235. Blackburn, Blackborne, 75, 85, 112, 119, 150, 152, 156 2 , 157, 158, 163, 169, 170 2 , 175, 177, 182, 204, 206 2 , 207, 208, 220, 225, 226, 229, 232, 239 2 , 240, 248, 257, 287, 292*, 296*, 297 4 , 304 6 , 310 3 , 337 2 , 342, 347, 349, 364, 377. 383. 389 2 . 395- 398, 400, 407, 408, 416. Blaime, 166. Blakey, 417. Blanohit, 414. Bland, 177, 178, 180, 391, 400. Bleasby, 369, 372, 410. Blithman, 33. Bloome, 405. Boardly, Bordely, 192, 194, 196, 197, 217, 247. Boardman, 389 s . Boffey, 403. Boldwin, 339. Bolland, -s, 87, 124 2 , 127, 148, 167, 172, 241, 411. Bolton, Boulton, 23, 43, 191, 193 2 , 195, 198, 212, 216, 317, 325 s , 344, 413. Booth, Boueth, 258, 317, 319, 322, 336, 393. 394. 405, 409, 413. 417- Borrow, 413. Boswell, 3. Bourman, 49. Bourne, 418. Bowling, 263, 265, 391 2 . Boys, 313, 375, 398. Boyse, 396. Brabenour, Bravenor, Brawener, 66, 114, 115, 115W, 155, 161. Brabazon, i3i. Bradbery, Bradbury, 97, 412. Bradcliffe, 242. Bradford, 151, 170, 218, 219, 229 s , 232 s , 234, 235, 240, 243. Bradley, Bradeley, 199, 204, 206, 207, 210, 222, 242, 247, 251, 253, 317, 392, 397- Braham, 10, 155, 238. Brain, 333. Braithwaite, 318, 346 s , 348, 351, 353, 355. 358, 361. 364. 409 2 , 4I5 2 - Brame, Bram, Braime, see Blaime, 13, 14, 17, 27, 30, 31, 75, 78, 79, 84, 87, 92, 95, 96, 98, 100, 101 2 , 106, 138, 144, 145, 146, 147 2 , 149 2 , 156, 157, 162, 168, 169, 173, 175, 176 2 , I76a 2 , 178, 179, 180, 182, 184, 188, 189, J 93 2 . 195, 196 3 , 197 2 , 198 3 , 199 2 , 200 2 , 201 2 , 202, 203 2 , 204 2 , 205, 206, 207, 208, 215, 219, 222, 227, 231, 241 2 , 242 2 , 243 s , 244 s , 24s 3 , 249, 2S5 2 , 262, 266, 267, 268, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 294, 301 4 , 318 3 , 320 2 , 321, 322, 328 s , 330 2 , 33L 336 2 , 340, 376, 378, 382, 390 2 , 39 1 3 , 396, 399, 401, 404 2 , 408, 409 3 , 410, 414, 415, 423. Bramhall, 92. Bramham, 17, 386. Bramley, Brambley, 264, 265, 268, 273, 275, 277, 280, 282, 326, 328, 331, 362, 365, 369. 372, 385. 392, 424- Brawenor, see Brabenour. Bray, 157. Bremen, 245, 247. Brearecliffe, 102, 104, 106, 109 2 . Breatcliffe, # 2i2. Brennand, 268, 270, 328, 389 s , 390 8 , 39i- Brenton, 34. Brewer, 421. Brewerton, 425. Brewster, 413. Briame, 68. Bridges, 16, 66, 71, 72, 103, 104, 106 2 , 107, no 2 , 112, 113, 114, 117, 134, 136 4 , 137, 142, 143, 144 2 , 146, 154%, 155, 157, 159, 163, 215. Brigg, -s, 15, 16, 17 2 , 44, 45 2 , 64, 65, 71, 92 s , 96, 97 2 , 98 3 , 99 5 , ioo 2 , 101 3 , 102, 103, 104, 107 3 , 109, 112, 113, 116, 134 2 , 136, 137, i37, 140, 142, 143, 145 2 , 146, 147 2 , 148 2 , 149, 156, 158, 162 2 , 163 3 , 164, 166 2 , 167, 168, 171, 173 2 , 174, 175 3 , 176, 176A, 177, 183, I 95. 198, 199, 213, 214, 215, 217, 218 2 , 225, 227 2 , 235, 236, 240 3 , 242, 244. 245, 256, 329 s , 407, 417. Bright, 8. Brighton, 91. B2 434 INDEX OF SURNAMES. Brista, 349. Brittain, 219, 286, 292*, 300 4 , 397. Broadbent, 89, 160, 261, 262, 264, 267, 323. 376, 395 2 . 396 2 . Broadley, 96, 103, 104, 222. Brogden, 3168, 347, 349, 352, 355, 374, 385, 417. 420. Brook -e, 28, 38, 90, 105, 134, 137, 140, 141, 143, 145, 148, 149, 162, 167 2 , 169, 175, 177, 181, 191, 204, 212, 216, 217 2 , 227, 228, 233, 234, 242, 274, 293 s , 297 s , 303 4 , 307 4 , 308, 310 7 , 314 8 , 341, 342, 343 2 , 346 4 , 37s 3 , 377, 379, 380, 38on, 393 s , 394, 396, 411, 418 3 , 419W, 420 3 , 421 8 . Brotherton, Broderton, 6, 398. Brough, -e, 17, 27, 92, 121, 124, 126, 130, 138, 162, 164, 167, 224, 228. Broughton, 414. Browe, 144. Brown -e, Broon, 26, 42, 71, in, 11 6, I2i, 131, 140, 142, 144, 146, 148, 150, 153 3 , 158 s , 160, 165, 167, 172 2 , 177, 178, 179, 181, 182, 184, 185, 192, 199, 201, 202, 203 2 , 204, 205 2 , 206 2 , 207, 216, 218 2 , 219, 227, 228, 229, 231. 233, 236, 237, 241 2 , 246 2 , 248, 249, 250 2 , 260, 265, 267, 269, 271, 272, 275, 278, 281, 284, 310, 3I9 2 , 321, 323 2 . 327 2 , 329. 332, 34L 352, 376, 378, 383. 389. 393- 401, 402, 404 2 , 409 2 , 411. Brownley, 187, 233. Brownrigg, 281, 286, 293*, 303 3 , 312 3 , 346, 350, 380, 386, 411, 416. Brumpton, 237, 327. Brunton, 150, 152, 158, 163, 171, 177, 182, 184, 187, 188 2 , 189, 191 2 , 216, 222, 223, 224, 231, 236 s , 241, 244, 250, 255, 262, 328, 398. Buchan, 266, 269, 270, 320. Buchanan, 283, 289, 295, 358, 359, 372, 380, 383, 398, 406. Buck, 140, 141, 143, 145, 154, 165 2 , 166, 223, 351. Buckle, 284, 347, 397 2 . Bucktrout, Bucktrote, 22. Bullock, 101 2 , 105, 108, 115, 116, 137 2 , 138 2 , 140 2 , 141, 142, 143, 144. 145, 146, 148, 149, 152, 156, 164, 171, 181, 183, 184, 189, 198, 199, 201, 203, 207, 218, 225, 233 2 , 234, 237, 241, 242, 243, 247, 249, 262, 264, 265, 267, 269, 272, 294, 305, 307, 311, 316, 321, 323, 325, 3268, 327, 337 2 , 341, 346, 347, 349. 352, 355. 376, 395. 396, 400 2 , 402, 413- Bunting, 407. Burken, 216. Burket, Burckitt, 216, 400. Burland, 70, 71, 8i, 94, 109, 115, 116, 119, 124, 128, 129, 147, 148, 149, 151, 152, 159, 163, 168, 169, 171 s , 172, 175, 176A, 178, 180, 181, 190, 193, 194, 197 2 , 198, 199, 200 4 , 201, 203, 204, 211, 217, 220, 222, 227 s , 236, 240, 242 s , 243, 244 s , 251, 253, 256, 258, 259, 260, 262, 263, 289 4 , 291, 294 4 , 297, 308 3 , 3138, 317, 324 2 , 325, 327. 330, 338 2 , 376, 377 3 , 385, 390, 393, 395 2 , 398, 407. Burley, 373. Burman, 232. Burnett, 177, 178, 180, 183, 186, 218. Burnham, 3, 256 2 . Burnell, Burnhill, 59, 64, 65, 98, 99, 105, no, in, 114, 124, 141, 143 2 , 145, 148, 151, 153, 154, 159, 162 2 , 166, 174, 224, 359, 362, 364, 367. Burnley, 24, 33, 34, 46, 115, 192. Burrell, 76, 186, 248, 250, 295, 302. Burrough, 217. Burrow, -s, 262 2 264 2 , 267, 315 3 , 351, 401. Burstall, 196. Burton, 88, 102, 105 2 , 112, 138, 157, 158, 169, 171, 218, 317, 318, 322, 388, 390, 396, 41 3 2 - 4i6. Burwell, 307, 316, 403. Bushe, 22. Bustard, 326. Butcher, 188, 216, 220, 229, 238, 247, 252. Butler, 65, 104, 112, 118, 139, 185, 186, 203, 207, 209 2 , 219, 223, 227, 230, 232, 250, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272, 274, 308 3 , 312 3 , 318, 319, 328, 332, 334, 337, 343. 348, 35i. 355. 357- 376. 380, 381, 382, 383, 387, 389 s , 390, 394, 400, 401, 407 2 , 416. Butterfield, 204. Buzwick, 240. Byfield, 390. Bywater, 36, 98, 153, 155, 259, 318, 402 2 . Caite, 27. Calbeck, 104, 137, 161. Calloway, 396. Calverley, 97, 104. Calvert, 147, 271, 321, 328, 390, 402, 404. Campey, 391. Canfield, 218. Canon, 1, 256. Cappe, 402, 402M. Capstick, 394. Carbutt, Carburt, Carbot, 69, 203, 207, 246, 250, 253, 264, 319, 321, 391. Carber, 201. Carelton, 221. Carew, 291, 296, 302, 306, 326M, 380, 393 2 , 393 n , 402. Carlin, 203. Carling, 302, 308, 314, 341. Carne, 396, 397 s2 , 400. INDEX OF SURNAMES. 435 Carother, 115. Carr, 265*1, 285, 287, 291 4 , 294*. 298*, 3o6, 342, 354, 357, 360, 362, 365, 366, 368, 371, 382, 385, 398, 399, 400 2 , 401, 403 4 , 405, 407 2 , 408, 409, 415, 424. Carrack, 406. Carrit, Carrot, 218, 313, 397. Carter, 3, 31, 69, 203, 204, 220, 230, 234, 282, 284, 286, 287, 293 4 , 299 4 , 305 8 , 3128, 3458, 357, 375, 378, 379, 406. Carver, 65, 199, 200, 218, 253. Cash 137, 155, 172. Cass, 339. Cass, -e, 125, 339. Casson, 155. Catley, 408. Catterton, 69. Catton, 142, 144, 146, 148, 150, 153, 155, 167, 173, 179, 225, 226, 239, 402. Cawdray, Cauderou, 17, 29, 95. Cawood, Cauwood, Cood, 48, 88, 218, 222, 266, 267, 268, 271, 272, 273, 277, 292, 3088, 319, 331, 350, 353, 354, 358, 360, 363, 366, 367, 369, 370, 372, 374- 378, 387, 398, 400 2 , 401 2 , 4028, 408 s , 415, 416 2 , 425. Cawthorn, 284, 290 4 , 297 4 , 304 2 , 308 3 , 316 8 . 334. 34L 348, 353. 357. 359. 361, 364, 375, 378, 383, 395, 410, 415. Chadwick, 96, 408, 409, 411, 415, 425. Challinger, 274, 276, 278, 280, 282, 285, 333> 335 a - 375. 392, 403 2 . Challoner, 8, 384. Chamber -s, 40, 108, in 2 , 115, 120, 136, 156, 171, 172, 182, 185, 188, 189, 191, 213, 234, 240, 247, 298, 412. Chapman, 2, 108, III, 154, 194, 196, 197, 200, 217, 222, 249, 251, 319, 326. Chappel, 266, 268. Charlesworth, 401. Charnells, 131. Charter, 403. Cheatam, 337. Cheesebrough, 371, 410. Chetham, Cheethem, 241, 251. Child, 205, 408. Chippendale, 383. Clapham, 5m, 101, 277, 279, 284, 314 3 , 349. 35i. 353. 355. 357. 361, 363. 366, 37L 379. 394, 403. Clarendon, 380. Clarke, Clerk, 122, 126, 130, 146, 155, 160, 162, 166 2 , 200, 201, 203, 205, 244, 246, 280, 296 4 , 326, 327, 3842, 385. 390, 392, 395. 409, 415- Clarkson, Clerkson, 28, 29, 56, 84, 85, 148, 150, 157, 165, 170, 171, 207, 220,. 221, 248, 311, 315, 317, 320, 323, 335, 377. 379, 384, 397 2 , 401, 402 2 , 404 2 , 415, 416, 420. Clay, 407. Clayburn, Claburn, 292, 299, 305, 306, 311. 3i8, 338, 396. Clayton, Claton, 134, 156, 160, 278, 286, 294 4 , 296m, 332, 3392, 345, 353, 357. 362, 381, 384*1, 385 s , 411, 416, 425. Clement, 122. Clemishaw, Cleamshaw, 260, 262, 263, 267, 268, 367, 370, 372, 387, 399, 408 3 , 414. Clififorth, 304, 309. Clivinger, 156. Clopton, 213. Cloudsley, 87. Clough, -e, 31, 45, 63, 92 2 , 98 2 , 99, 102', 106, 107 2 , no, 135, 140, 143, 145, 146, 147, 148, 150, 161 2 , 164, 165, 172, 175, 176, 180, 193, 217, 233, 234, 238, 243, 317, 353, 378, 385, 395, 405 2 . Coates, 201, 203, 247, 253, 318. Coopland, see Coupland. Coaxe, 159. Cobb, 235. Cocker, 400. Cockshaw, 284, 309, 334, 340. Cockson, 96, 285. Coggan, 141. Colbert, 410. Coll, 105. Collins, 106, 113, 114. Collett, Collite, 62, 97, 99, 101, 103, 106, 112, 126, 129, 139 2 , 140, 141, 142 2 , 143, 144 2 , 145, 146, 147, 148, 150, 155, 156, 159, 163 2 , 165, i75 a , 176A, 180, 182 2 , 183 2 , 185 2 , 185*1, 187 2 , 188 2 , 190, 192, 194, 195, 196, 197, 209, 210, 212, 213, 214, 218, 221, 2328, 233, 235, 241, 247, 254, 255, 258, 261, 263, 278, 282, 284 4 , 300 4 , 309 3 , 314 3 , 321, 323 2 , 325, 331, 34i 2 , 347. 352, 355. 356, 358 2 , 363, 366, 371, 375 2 , 376, 377. 379. 380, 387, 390 2 , 392, 393, 394, 395. 396, 400, 402, 404, 405 3 , 410, 419 2 , 423, 424 4 , 4258, Colley, 328. Collinwood, 187. Colturd, 320. Compesorton, 415. Compton, 114. Connell, 221, 302 3 , 308 s , 314 3 , 347, 361, 364, 367, 370, 372, 3752, 381, 401, 410, 411, 416 2 , 423. Constable, 3, 86, 97, 105, 112, 126, 128, 129, 130, 133 2 , 134, 135, 136 2 , 140, 141, 143, 151, 165, 167, 172, 173, 216, 230, 232, 240, 241. Cook-e, 2 2 , 3, 10, 98, 99, in, iiim, 115, 116 2 , 131 2 , 135, 157, 200, 201, 205, 222, 250 2 , 256, 264, 267, 269, 301, 307, 312, 317, 322, 333, 345, 383, 400, 414. Cookson, 41, 104, 212, 389, 390. Coope, 224, 225, 225*1. Cooper, see Cowper, 137, 172 3 , 180, 181, 182, 185, 186, 188, 214, 220, 223, 226, 229, 234, 236, 241, 245, 326, 394. 436 INDEX OF SURNAMES. Copley, 22, 23 2 , 24, 355, 356, 360, 365, 379. 38i a - 386, 411, 417. Corbridge, 37. Corden, 103, 108, 114. Corney, 415. Coupland, Cowpland, Coapland, 49, 123, 124, 132, 137 2 , 138, 159, 176A, 178, 180, 183, 188, 218, 227, 238, 239, 25s 2 , 399. Cowell, 409. Cowper, Couper, 32, 46, 95, 96, 99, 121, 130, 152, 319, 332, 370, 405. Cox, 331. Coxon, Coxson, Cockson, 29, 35, 36. Craggs, 308, 347. Crabtree, 105 2 , 108, 115, 116, 168, 170, 178, 225. Crampton, 412. Cras, 1. Craspe, 12. Craven, 91, 95, 104. Crimson, 10. Critchley, 213. Croft -s, Crost, 35, 36, 49, 58, 59, 65, 66, 98, 101, 109, in, 133, 154. 3 J 9- Cromek, see Crummock, 305, 337 s , 340, 343, 344, 399 2 , 4008, 424. Crompton, Crumpton, 118, 164. Croscrowe, 8. Crosland, 111, 160, 181, 186, 236, 237, 362, 36S. 373 3 . 374. 384. 417. 420 10 . Crosley, 33. Crosse, 96. Crowther, Crowder, 219, 229, 410. Crummock, see Cromek, 210, 211, 258, 259, 261, 263, 265, 267, 270, 327, 413. Crutchley, 252. Cryer, 154, 218, 220, 396. Cullingworth, 1 10, 287, 292*, 299*, 306 3 , 3i3 3 . 338, 34S 3 . 346, 348 2 , 350, 3Si. 352, 364, 365 s , 367, 368, 370, 371, 372, 373. 375. 379. 383. 388, 398, 403, 406 2 , 409, 410, 41 1 5 . Cundal, 222. Cunningham, 296, 302. Dacre, 18. Dalby, 289. Dalton, 154, 165. Danby, 20, 328. Daniell, Danyell, Dayniell, 16, 17 2 , 20, 21, 23, 24, 25 2 , 27, 32, 34, 37, 41, 48, 59, 60, 61, 68, 71, 80, 89, 91, 96 2 , 97 2 , 99, ioo 2 , 101, 103 2 , 105 2 , 108, 109, 115, 121, 122, 131, 133 8 , 148, 157, 163, 164, 174 2 , 175 2 , 176 5 , 176A, 193, 195, 217, 232, 236, 239, 253, 255, 259, 265, 266, 267, 269, 270, 273, 275, 277, 325. 327. 336, 376, 377. 393 2 . 398, 400, 402 2 , 403, 405. Darby, 368, 370, 425. Darcy, Lord, 38, 45. Darell, 214. Darley, 31. Darnbrough, 391. Darton, 307 3 , 310 3 , 350, $77, 401. Darwin, 279. Davidson, 408. Davy, 219. Dawgill, Daughill, 31s 3 , 347, 352, 354, 357. 360. 363, 383 3 . 409.4". Dawson, 3, 19, 77, 80, 84, 93, 96, 97, 118, 126, 135, 139, 150, 158 s , 163, 171, 193, 194, 197, 199, 200, 201, 202, 202W, 203, 204 2 , 205 2 , 209, 211, 214, 217, 2l8 2 , 220 2 , 22I 2 , 237, 238, 246, 249, 25o 3 , 256, 258, 261, 263, 268, 275, 279, 284, 285, 285*1, 287, 290 4 , 294*, 302 3 , 3148, 317, 319, 332 2 , 334 2 , 335 3 . 339 2 . 340 3 , 342, 345 3 . 352, 375. 376 s , 380, 392, 3937, 3949, 3958, 396?, 397 7 , 403, 404 2 , 407 4 , 408 3 , 409 2 , 412, 413, 414, 419, 421 3 . Day-e, 95, 266, 268, 269, 272, 273, 275, 278, 281, 307, 311, 318, 320, 329, 331, 333. 346, 376, 385. 399, 401 5 , 404, 414. 423 2 - Dean -e, 280, 282, 291 4 , 294 s , 303, 309, 314, 315. 319. 320, 336, 356, 358, 378, 380 3 , 380M, 384, 397 2 , 399, 401 2 , 402 2 , 404, 405 2 , 406 3 , 408, 415, 418 2 . Deardon, 102, III, 122, 141, 146, 150, 151, 157 2 , 163, 164, 165, 168 2 , 228, 239. Dearlove, 70, 360. Deighton, 283. Demain, Demesne, 218, 266, 336. Denhill, 347. Den(n)ison, Dinnison, 93, 111, 113, 124, 141, 160, i65 a , 218, 243, 278, 281, 286, 289 4 , 297*. 303 3 , 334, 348, 393, 402, 403 2 , 407 2 , 409, 412, 415. Derley, 4. Derrick, 283, 367, 372, 388, 395, 398, 408. Dibb, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 217, 243, 322. Dickins, 1 56. Dickinson, Dickison, 105, 130, 151, 153, 171 8 , 174, 176, 178, 181, 182, 183, 185, 186, 187, 190, 196, 198 2 , 199, 201, 205 2 , 207, 208, 211, 218 2 , 219 2 , 221 2 , 234 2 , 237, 240 2 , 241, 242 s , 247, 248 2 , 250, 260, 262, 263, 26s 2 , 266, 269, 290, 297, 305, 308, 316, 318 2 , 319, 320 2 , 322 2 , 323 s , 324 2 , 328, 329, 340, 343, 349 2 , 359, 367, 386, 390, 393. 395. 400, 411,415, 417 2 . Dickson, 17, 115, 118, 121, 124. Dighton, 49, 50, 51. Dikes, 125, 403 7 . Dillon, 291*1. Dinefall, 156. Dineley, Dyneley, 21, 23, 24, 25, 71, 72, 74, 93, 107, in 2 , 155, 159, 163, 171, 173, 174, 175, 176 2 , 233, 234, 237, 423. . INDEX OF SURNAMES. 437 Dinsdale, 139. Dives, 31, 32. Dixon, 73, 78, 158, 199, 216 2 , 220, 241, 252, 2S4 2 , 267, 268, 270, 272, 276, 306, 318, 320, 3382, 341, 379, 404, 407, 414, 415. Dixwell, 18 $n. Dobson, 44, 90, 218, 389. Dodd, 358, 362 s , 366, 406. Dodgson, Dodshon, Dodgion, Dogson, 79, 84, 92, 948, 97, 99, 123, 134, 137, 138, 141, 143, 144, 145, 159, 165, 171, 17S 3 , 176, 176A, 180, 182, 186, 187, 190, 192, 194, 195, 197, 198, 208, 210 2 , 212, 214, 215, 218, 219, 222, 223, 227, 228, 229, 230 2 , 245, 249, 251, 253, 255, 257, 259, 261, 262, 264, 294, 299, 3OI, 302 2 , 305, 317, 322 a , 325, 326, 333, 334, 379, 397. 399. 41 3 2 . Dodsworth, 296, 303. Doerdon, see Deardon, 216, 234, 235. Dolbin, 202. Dollie, 102. Dolphin, 143, 145, 195, 199, 200, 240, 242, 243, 250, 327, 338, 390. Doman, 209M. Donfield, 214. Donwell, Donnell, see Dunwell, 202 3 , 204 2 , 206, 207, 208, 211, 222 2 , 246, 248, 252, 258, 259, 321, 322 s , 394. Doughty, 94, 157, 323, 335, 340, 374. Douglas, Dauglas, 80, 96. Doweman, 11, 12. Drake, 380M, 407, 421. Driver, 259, 262, 263, 266, 268, 271, 328, 329. Drury, Drurie, 106, 108, 11 5, 12 1,1 42, 143, 147, 153, 161, 166 2 , 167, 226, 232, 235. Dudson, 179, I79n, 182, 213 2 , 225, 226, 229, 230 2 . Dufneld, 98. Dufnn, 92, 155, 221. Dufton, 277, 287, 335, 348. Duncan, 178. Dungworth, Dungwith, Dangwith, 203, 219, 265, 266, 268, 270, 272, 274, 276, 289, 307. 3io. 3i5 2 . W, 3 X 9. 320, 334. 339, 352, 354, 356, 360, 375, 378, 381, 382, 383 s , 385, 391, 395, 396, 398,401,404. Dunn, 219. Dunnington, 71. Dunwell, Dunnell, see Donwell, 144, 155, 162, 174, 200, 201, 203, 215, 219, 230, 241, 244, 274, 275, 278, 281, 283, 286, 29 3 4 , 294*, 301 4 , 303 3 , 309 3 , 313, 3H 8 . 330, 333 2 . 335. 336, 339, 343, 346, 376, 380, 381, 382, 392, 395, 397, 399, 405, 407, 408, 414. Dutton, 368, 372. Eamonson, Eamanson, Eamorson, 75, 82, 153, 176, 176A 2 , 179, 179M, 182, 185, 187, 188, 190, 192, 196, 197, 217, 22i, 263, 266, 268, 269, 278, 308 3 , 312 3 , 3i6 3 ,3i7 2 ,323,32S 2 ,326, 327, 332, 334, 340, 346, 348, 391, 399, 400, 402 2 , 418 3 , 419 4 . Eare, 215, 394. Earle, 248. Eary, 243. Easby, 81, 219, 403. Eastburne, 93, 125, 140, 164, 179, 182, 186, 189, 205, 223, 227, 231, 238, 242, 321, 325, 329, 382, 395. Eastwood, 181, 237, 358, 365, 368, 374, 408, 412. Eddeant, 97. Eglin, 393 s . Elismought, 96. Ellerker, 378. Elliit, 217. Ellingworth, 384W. Ellar, 272, 274, 332. Ellart, 416. Elley, 397 2 . Ellis, Ellies, 5, 6, 8n, 11, \\n, 12 2 , 18, 21, 22, 23, 29, 40, 42, 45, 45M, 46, 65, 68, 76, 79, 79M, 80, 95, 96 s , 98, 99, ioo 3 , in, 115, 119, 121, 125 2 , 127, 128, 133, 136, 137, 138 2 , 140 2 , 141 2 , 142 2 , 143 2 , 144 2 , 145 2 , 146, 149, 154 2 , 161, 162, 164 2 , 166, 169, 172, 183 2 , 184, 186 2 , 188, 189, 215 3 , 216, 219, 220 3 , 223 12 , 228, 236, 246 2 , 247, 265, 272, 273, 324, 333, 418, 419 2 . Ellison, 217, 275. Ellott, 268, 327, 423. Elred, 32, 104, 114. Elston, 85, 86, 194, 197, 244. Eltson, 196. Elwood, 107, 113. Elsworth, 379. Emmerson, Emmetson, 114, 155, 194, 195, 196, 217, 239. England, 188, 262. Errington, 68, 129 2 , 165. See Irrington Eskeritt, 173. Evans, 158 2 . Evers, 15, 317. Ewan -s, 160, 162, 165. Ewington, 66. Eyres, Eire, see Ayre, 222, 238, 388, 415, 416. Fairburn, Farburne, 95 s . Fairfax, 28, 127, 397. Fames, 217. Farrand, 164. Farrer, Ferrar, Farrah, 99, 104, 112, 128, 141, 147 2 , 148, 149, 152, 166, 171, 174, 178 2 , 228, 234, 239, 302, 308, 314, 374. Fatkin, 425*. Favell, 22. Fawcett, 143, 144, 146, 169, 216, 231, 235. 240. Fearnelagh, 318. 438 INDEX OF SURNAMES. Feather, 95, 97, 98, 100, 102, 104, 105, 106, 108, 115, 117, 118, 161 2 . Featon, 176, 177 2 , 212. Felton, 253, 321, 321M. Felwell, 320. Fentiman, 113, 156, 243, 384M. Fenton, 95, 192, 193, 197, 240, 247 s , 322. Fidlinge, 109. Field, 95. Firth, 215, 222, 330. Fisher, 156, 214. Fitton, 41 5 2 . Fleming, 87, 94, 205, 206, 207, 209, ill, 217. 257. 32i, 323 2 . 390. Fletcher, 105 2 , no, in 2 , 112, 115, 118, 156, 163, 170, 175, 26$n, 3392, 384, 3968, 403, 413. Flockton, 304 8 , 3 1 1 3 , 400, 409. Flower, 397. Flowet, Flawett, 361, 363, 366, 369, 37L 373- Folkingam, 35. Forest, 332. Forster, 49, 98, 100, 101, 103, 292*, 295, 307 8 , 318, 375, 399, 401, 405, 414. Foster, 212, 288, 31 1 3 , 316 3 , 334, 370, 373. 393. 398, 401, 410, 41 1 2 . Fountain(s), Funtanes, 65, 72, 161. Fouston, 227. Fowler, 329, 334, 394, 406, 412. Fox, 143, 146, 154, 198, 212, 340. Foxcroft, 157. Frank -e, 160, i6ow, 192, 307 3 . Frankland, 108, 152, 167 2 , 170, 177, 178, 223 2 , 228, 232, 233, 393. Fretwell, 396. Fryer, 405. Fulliffh, Fullygh, 5, 6. Furness, Furniss, 364, 366, 369, 383, 385, 3982, 408 2 . Gaceton, 148. Gaggs, 264, 265, 330, 374, 395 2 , 396, 397- Gaiforth, 102. Gant, 384W. Garforth, 71. Gargrave, 75. Garnett, 115. Gascoigne, Gascon, Gascayng, 6, 6n, 7, 11, 12 2 , 23, 27, 27M, 28, 29, 30, 31, 35, 35, 36, 51. Si. 52, 53. 54. 55, 56, 91, 93, 101, 106, 107, 119, 119M, 133, 135. 163, 226, 229, 233, 234, 235, 242, 244 2 , 256, 330, 330W, 343, 343M, 3868, 386m, 407, 420 2 . Gatenby, Gaitenby, 131, 160. Gateton, Gaton, 150, 178, 182. Gawthrop, 114. Gayton, see Gateton, 146, 172, 196, 217, 239 2 , 245, 321. Geater, 112. Geggs, 292, 300. Geldard, 413. Gelder, 88. Germain, see Jermain, 186, 189, 220, 245, 246 s , 321. Gibbon -s, 252, 396. Gibson, 22, 70, 101, 115 2 , 116, 121 8 , 125 2 , 145, 146, 147, 149, 159 2 , 160, 168 2 , 172, 173, 191, 2I7 2 , 218, 220, 239, 241, 293 4 , 319, 399, 413, 425. Gill, 269, 344, 363, 368, 371, 383, 385, 406 2 , 408. Gilson, 22, 77, 78, 100, in, 184, 186, 188, 215, 242. Glave, 409. Gleadhall, 217. Glover, 14, 42, 45, 96, 100, 102, 107, 109, no, 112, 113, 118, 197, 216, 218, 229, 235, 240, 278, 280, 284, 286, 290 4 , 340 2 , 394. Golden, 211, 258, 260, 261, 2,63, 264, 266, 324, 328. Goldthorp, 410. Gomersall, 371, 373. Goodall, Goodaile, 44, 197, 198, 199, 200, 202 2 , 219, 275, 295*, 300 4 , 301 4 , 303 3 , 304 4 , 305 3 , 307 3 , 308 3 , 309 3 , 310 4 , 31 1 3 , 312 7 , 314 3 , 3 1 6 3 , 317, 320 2 , 342 2 , 343, 3457, 347^ 34 8 2 , 349^ 350, 35i 3 , 352, 353, 355 3 , 357, 358, 359, 360 2 , 364, 365, 373, 375, 376, 377 3 , 378, 379, 38o 2 , 381, 385 4 , 386, 387, 39L 395. 399 2 , 400 3 , 401, 403, 404 2 , 410 2 , 41 1 4 , 412, 413, 414 4 , 420. Goodyere, Godyeare, n, 22, 23, 31, 36. Gorge, 89. Gough, 31 3 3 , 323, 327, 330 2 , 333 2 , 335, 341, 347, 349 2 , 350, 351 2 , 352 2 , 353, 355, 357, 358, 360, 361, 363, 368 2 , 375, 386, 390 2 , 392 s , 397 2 , 400 2 , 403 2 , 405, 406 2 , 411. Gould, 392 s . Goulding, 375. Gowling, 277. Gowthwaite, Gouthwaite, 92 s , 102, 105, 134, 136, 165. Grafton,' 98. Graham, 349, 351, 353, 403, 407. Granger, Grainger, 277, 279, 283. Grant, 49, 391, 405. Gratton, 407. Grave -s, ill, 413. Graveley, 86, 86, 87, 94, 206, 211, 253, 317, 318, 321. Gray, 114, 339, 339M, 382, 387, 388, 399. Green, Grene, 4, 26, 63, in, 113, 122, 123 2 , 125 2 , 129, 137, 141, 144, 148 2 , 149, 152, 153, 157, 158, 160, 162, 167, 168 2 , 169 2 , 213, 216, 226, 233, 234, 241, 264, 265, 268, 289 2 , 306 8 , 318, 337 2 , 342, 351, 375. 378, 382, 399, 40 1 2 , 403 2 , 406, 408. INDEX OF SURNAMES. 439 Greenwood, 65, 96, 104, 117, 131, 160, 165, 174 2 , 247, 2832, 285, 286, 294 4 , 301 4 , 307 3 , 313 s , 336, 338 2 , 341, 352, 384, 393- 394. 395- 397 2 . 399. 404 2 . 405, 419W, 423. Gregson, 137, 173, 175. Grenefeld, 3, 4, 4, 419, 423. Greystock, Graistok, 6, 7. Grice, 28, 31. Grimes, 169. Grocock, 414. Groves, 354 s , 358, 378, 403, 404. Grundy, 422. Gullis, 25 1 2 . Gummersall, see Gomersall, 385, 399, 410. Hacksop, Hackshup, 186, 319. Haigh, Haigue, Hague, Heage, 76, 81, 92 2 , 93, 95, 96, 97 2 , 99 4 , 101, 103 2 , 104 2 , 106, 107, 108, no 2 , 115 2 , 118, 119, 121, 123, 124, 126, 127, 134 2 , 136, 139, 152, 154, 155, 157, 159, 160, 161, 163, 173, 174 2 , 178, 179 2 , 181 2 , 183 2 , 184, 185, 186, 187 2 , 189, 190, 192 2 , 194 2 , 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203 s , 204, 205, 206, 209, 212, 216, 218, 219 8 , 220, 224, 227, 232, 233, 235 4 , 238 2 , 239, 240 2 , 242, 243 s , 246, 247 s , 248, 253. 255 s . 319. 329, 33L 379. 39i. 392. Haines, 368. Haire, 39, 101, 102 2 , 173, 179, 182, 224, 228, 230, 232. Haist, Hast, 76, 82, 83, 88, 113, 137, 140, 142, 144 2 , 146, 147, 149, 151, 153, 167, 172, 175, 176, 176A, 177, 189, 191, 192, 194, 195, 196 2 , 197 2 , 199, 201, 207 2 , 208, 209 2 , 210, 21 1 2 , 221, 227, 236, 238, 239 s , 242 s , 244, 245, 249 s , 250 2 , 251, 252 2 , 253 s , 255 12 , 256, 257, 258, 259 2 , 260 2 , 261 2 , 266, 279, 286, 287, 295 4 , 301 4 , 307 s , 312 3 , 3 J 3. 3i7 4 . 320, 321, 322 s , 324, 325, 326, 332 s , 340 s , 347, 349, 351, 377, 378, 381, 389, 398, 403, 405, 416, 419 2 , 423 s . Haley, Hailey, 198, 203, 241, 250, 263, 280, 293, 298, 303, 308, 313, 316, 376, 381, 382, 394, 395, 416 2 , 422. Hall, 70, 74, in, 148, 153, 158 4 , 158M, 172 2 , 173, 195, 241, 253, 260, 322, 326, 354, 389, 396. Halliday, 136, 150, 151, 157, 183, 229. Hallowes, 131, 13m, 132. Hambleton, 340. Hamilton, 260. Hammond, 275. Hampshaw, Ampshaw, Hanshaw, 261 2 , 266, 280, 283, 287, 291, 296, 302, 309, 315. 3i8, 323. 335. 343. 375. 381, 398. Hampshire, 364. Hanch, 263. Hancocke, 157. Handley, Haundeley, Hanley, 99, 100, 102, 105, no, 115, 116, 122, 133, 145, 146, 147, 149, 154, 155, 161, 174, 178, 180, 181, 218, 224, 226, 230, 372, 416. Hanks, 372, 374, 387. Hannah, 352W. Hanson, Handson, 218, 271, 273, 275, 277, 280, 310, 329, 333 4 , 334, 378, 379. 405- Hardcastle, 15, 20, 22, 46, 75, 97 2 , 98, IOI, IO5, I06, IO7 2 , I09 2 ,IIO, III 2 ,II2, 114, 116, 124, 131, 147, 154, 160 2 , 162, 163, 164, 169, 170, 216, 224, 228, 231, 233. Harde, 3. Hardinton, 279, 287, 341. Hardisty, 50, 51, 151, 175, 176 2 , 179, 183, 186, 218 2 , 228, 238, 245, 255 2 , 366, 369, 370, 372, 383, 408, 411. Hardwick, 65, 102, 135, 152, 157, 158, 158ft, 162, 169, 176, 177, 179, 181, 223, 226, 227, 246, 320, 397. Hardy, 153, 177, 216, 221, 224, 243, 326, 391, 406. Hare, 280, 344, 414. Harford, 397. Hargrave -s, Hardgrave, 48, 85, 100, 187, 189, 203, 204 2 , 206, 207 2 , 219 2 , 252, 255, 271, 278 s , 280, 303, 309, 314, 319, 334. 346 2 , 386, 394, 396, 397- 398, 399. 406, 409, 410, 424. Harper, 49, 90, 190, 209, 250, 257, 259, 261, 321, 325, 325M, 331, 339, 395, 396, 399- Harpyn, 2. Harris, 389. Harrison, Harryson, 17, 29, 91 2 , 97, 103, 118, 120, 122, 135, 136, 142, 1 58 s , 159, 163, 168, 172 2 , 277, 279, 286, 287, 291, 292 4 , 294, 301, 302, 303 3 , 307, 320, 325, 335, 342, 344, 361, 378, 394 2 , 397. 402 2 , 404, 412, 413, 415, 416. Hart(e), 22, 23, 34, 97. Hartley, 219, 391, 413. Harvy, 217. Harwood, 31. Haslegrave, 149, 224, 227. Hauton, 51M. Hawell, 106. Hawk, 5. Hawkins, 29, 30, 31, 273, 278, 281, 283, 286, 304 2 , 310, 342 s , 349, 363, 376, 387, 410, 414. Hawley, 403, 408. Haworth, Hayworth, 100, 103, 106, 126, 134, 139, 141, 212, 238. Haws, 415. Haxbie, 113. Hay, 147, 156, 166, 168, 219. Hayton, 15, 16, 21, 24, 25, 26, 96 s , 98. Hayward, 239. 440 INDEX OF SURNAMES. Hazlewood, 35. Heald, 132. Hearfield, 215. Heardson, 100. Heaton, 215, 307 3 , 311 3 , 316 3 , 343, 348, 350, 35i, 353. 355, 356 3 , 359, 362 s , 366, 368, 371, 373, 400, 401, 40s 2 . Hebden, i85, 219 2 , 220, 247, 320, 326. Helliwell, 409. Helsworth, see Elsworth. Hemsworth, 23, 25, 43, 44, 55, 96, 97, 101, 120, 1 26 s , 129, 131, 134, 139, 143,152,157,159,180,182,183,185,187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193 2 , 199, 211, 212, 215, 216, 218, 219, 221, 228, 235, 236, 237, 240, 243, 246, 247, 248 251, 258, 260 2 , 279, 282, 284 s , 293, 299, 308, 324, 334 2 . 335, 337, 345, 358, 379, 381, 385, 389, 400, 404, 41 1 2 , 413, 416 2 . Heptonstall, 417. Hepworth, 402, 404. Heresie, 219, 244, 329. Herring, 300 4 , 305 8 , 392. Heselgreave, 36. Hesill, 2. Heslegrave, 144. Hespenwall, Hespinal, 241, 247. Heton, 6n. Hewbie, 102. Hewett, see Huet, 180, 182 2 , 188, 190, 192, 193 2 , 195, 196, 210, 212, 217, 226, 237 s , 238, 257, 261, 273, 274 s , 277,287,293*, 299 4 , 3088,314, 3 1 54, 316, 333, 334, 338 3 , 344 2 , 345 3 , 347, 349, 351, 354, 355, 356, 358 2 , 361, 362 s , 365, 366, 369 2 , 372, 375 2 , 383, 392, 393, 394, 397, 401, 402 4 , 403*, 406, 407, 408, 409, 412, 41 3 2 , 416. Hewson, 222. Hey, 403, 415, 423. Heywood, 160. Hick(s), 117 2 , 128, 219, 417. Hickorngill, 53, 53*1, 54, 56, 57, 66. Higginbottom, 319. Higgins, 222, 267, 283, 287, 291, 356, 359. 361, 364, 368, 378, 391, 396, 405, 406. Hill, 93 2 , 95, 97 2 , 99, 100, 101 2 , 103, 105, 106, 109, 112, 115, 120, 140, 141, 142, 144, 150 2 , 151, 153, 160, 162, 168, 171, 174, 176 2 , 178, 179, 180 2 , 181, 183, 185 2 , 187, 189, 191, 194, 212, 215, 218, 223 2 , 225, 228, 237, 238, 242, 243, 246, 272, 274, 305. 3i5 8 , 331, 336, 364, 38i, 382, 390, 392, 401, 403, 423. Hillam, 98. Hillton, 103, 112, 128. Hinchliffe, Hinchcliffe, 145, 146, 147, 148, 150, 151, 156, 169, 170. Hindson, 264. Hineley, Hinley, 154, 177, 180,223,224. Hinskip, 198, 218. Hird, 412. Hirst, Hurst, 98, 103, 116, 120, 156, 300, 306, 313, 317, 358, 360, 363, 366, 369, 380, 382, 389, 390. Hodges, 412. Hodgson, Hodgshon, Hotchson, 22, 24, 36, 72, 74, 109, in 2 , 113, 143, 146, 161, 171, 175, 216, 274, 2752, 277, 279, 281, 282, 283, 285, 290 4 , 297*, 301 6 , 306 3 , 309, 312 3 , 314, 327, 332, 337, 340 4 , 353 2 , 354, 356 2 , 359, 361, 362, 364, 366, 377, 383, 384, 386, 387, 387W, 392 s , 395, 400 4 , 401 6 , 402 6 , 403, 405 2 , 406 2 , 407 2 , 408 3 , 409, 410, 416. Holcroft, 174, 212, 231, 233, 236 2 , 242. Holden, 11. Holdsworth, 252. Hollidaye, Holyday, 102, 185W, 319, 407, 425- Holling(s), 126, 187, 405, 407, 411. Holme -s, Hoowme, 33, 43 2 , 46, 59, 63, 64, 65, 81 2 , 89, 91, 93, 94, 101, III, 112, 114, 140, 148, 150, 154, 156, 161, 163, 166, 170, 171, 173 2 , 175, 176 2 , 176A, 177, 179, 180, 182, 184 2 , 202, 203, 205, 206, 207, 209, 212, 213 2 , 219, 220, 229, 231 2 , 243, 246, 251, 260, 261, 262 2 , 263, 264, 266, 270, 278, 281, 295, 301, 307, 315, 320 3 , 323, 324, 326 s , 329 2 , 330 2 , 332, 334, 353, 357, 360, 363, 364, 381, 384, 384W, 392, 394, 395, 399, 406 2 , 407, 410, 412, 423 s . Hompelby, 412. Hope, 319. Hopkinson, 82, 122, 123, 131, 151, 157, 165, 168, 226, 233. Hopton, 11, 158, 168, 173, 174, 284, 296, 313, 346, 396. Hopwood, 40, 41, 95, 96 s , 109, 117 2 , 129 2 , 130, 136, 139, 140, 141 2 , 142, 144, 145, 159, 160, 165, 177, 178, 181, 190, 213, 214 2 , 217 2 , 220, 223, 227, 230, 231, 2 233, 239, 242, 261, 263, 319 2 , 324, 334. Horberrye, Horbury, 11, 72, 115, 116, 156. Hornby, 305 3 . Horner, 186, 221, 341, 380, 384M. Hornshaw, 40 1 2 . Horsfield, 252, 269, 279, 308, 328, 390, 396. Horsforth, 248. Horsley, 83, 95, 97, 170, 233. Horsman, 291. Horton, 295. Houlcroft, Howlcroft, 152, 190, 23s 2 . How, 399. Howdell, 31, 95, 97, 99 2 , 100, 114, 154, 412. Howden, 65. Howley, 58. f INDEX OF SURNAMES. 441 Hoyle, 36, 156. Huby-e, 34, no, 112, 117, 122, 123, 164. Hudson, 86, 138, 140, 154, 214, 215, 232, 234, 318 2 , 320, 325, 360, 362, 364, 366, 367, 368, 370, 371, 373, 389, 405, 407, 409 2 - Huitt, Huett, 149, 150, 153, 177, 179, 181, 197, 198, 200, 220, 230, 243 2 , 284. Hungate, 52, 330M. Hunt, 76, 77, 78, 231. Hunter, 78, 123W, 130, 138, 145 2 , 151, 152, 157, 162, 163, 168, 169, 170 9 , I73 2 . 1 77. *7 8 > * 8l > 218 2 , 228 > 2 3> 343. 34 8 , 35i, 354. 357. 4Q5- Hunton, 275, 330, 394. Hurry, 342. Husber, 414. Huson, 204. Hustwit, 4252. Hutchinson, 66, 78, 85, 95, 378, 384, 399, 406, 407, 409, 42 1 2 . Hutton, 377. Ibbetson, Ibbotson, 97, 103, 122, 126, 156, 174, 228, 265, 265M. Idditson, 137. lies, 312, 345. Illingworth, Hillingworth, 415. Ilson, nw. Ingham, 76, 83, 219, 399. Ingle, 41, 42, 91, 92, 95 3 , 99, 100, 104, no, 113, 114, 116 2 , 119, 124, 135, 136, 141, 145 2 , 150 2 , 155. 156, i5 8 , 160 2 , 163 2 , 165, 166, 169, 171, 172, 174, 176A, 178, 183, 186, 213 2 , 214, 215, 223 2 , 226, 228, 229, 23O, 231, 235, 236, 241, 255, 256, 296, 304, 310, 404 2 , 406. Ingleby, Engleby, $w, 173, I73. Irrington, 168. See Errington. Issott, Hissot, 73, 74, 121, 178, 179, 181, 183, 184, 199, 200, 201, 203, 219, 228, 231, 251, 303, 307, 311, 315. Issottson, 98. Jackson, 36, 81 2 , 90, 97, 102 2 , 103 2 , 105, 107, 112 2 , 115, 123, I23n, 125 4 , 131 2 , 131M, 133, 134 2 , 137, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143 2 , 147, 158, 162 2 , 163, 168, 170, 174, 181, 183, 184 2 , 185, 187 s , 188, 192, 193 2 , 197, 198, 200, 201, 203, 204, 206, 207, 210, 211, 216, 217, 218 2 , 219, 220, 221, 231, 233 2 , 235, 237 s , 240, 243 2 , 245, 248, 249, 250, 252, 253 2 , 257 3 , 258 2 , 259, 261 2 , 262, 267, 281, 283, 286, 287, 295, 297*, 300 4 , 304 3 , 309 3 , 310 3 , 313 3 , 317, 318, 320, 323 s , 324, 325, 327 s , 329, 336, 339 3 . 341. 342, 356, 362, 364, 365, 367. 369, 37L 374. 376, 379, 3 8 o, 3 82 2 , 385, 386 2 387, 392, 3978, 398, 401, 403, 405, 408 2 , 409, 410 2 , 411, 41 3 2 , 415, 416 2 . Jakeman, 319, 370, 410. Jaques, Jakues, 380, 403. Jebson, Jibson, 135, 140, 143, 160, 164, 174, 178, 216, 224, 234. Jefferson, Jeffrason, 17, 26, 27, 49, 92, 96, 130, 319, 329, 401. Jeffray, Jefroy, 304, 309, 315. Jenkinson, 102, 365, 367, 399, 407, 408, 417. Jennison, 115. Jermaine, Jerman, see Germaine, 181, 182, 183, 193, 213, 214, 288, 229. Jewet, 216, 218, 244. Johnson, Jonson, 15, 94, 98, 105, 112, 113, 114, 127, 130, 134, 135, 136, 141, 142, 154, 156, 158, 159, 168 2 , 169, I73 2 . 175. 190, 191. 192, 193. I95 2 . 197, 198, 200, 201, 205, 208, 210, 215, 216, 218 2 , 219, 220, 221, 222, 227, 229, 244, 245, 25 1 2 , 262, 264, 266, 310 3 , 318, 319, 321, 323, 324, 325, 330, 332, 333. 340, 347. 349. 353. 356, 358, 360 2 , 361, 363 2 , 365, 366 12 , 367, 368, 3692, 370 2 , 372, 374, 377, 383, 384, 387, 390, 395, 404, 407 2 , 410, 41 1 2 , 416. Johnston, 392. Jolley, 284, 286, 289*, 335, 361, 381, 388, 416, 417. Jones, Joanes, 214, 392. Jordaine, Jordan, 99 s , 103, no, 194, 221, 283, 285, 286, 289 4 , 290 4 , 295 s , 302 4 , 309 3 , 314 3 , 321, 322, 325, 335, 336 2 , 346, 349, 398 s , 400, 41 1 2 . Jowitt, Jawitt, 162, 289*, 314, 315 2 , 319. 347. 372, 374. 376, 3 8 3. 3 8 5. 39 8 . 406, 411. Joy, 155, 215, 308. Jucent, 10. Judson, 85, no, 216. , Justice, 126. Kaye, 96 s . Keighley, 412. Kellet, 391. Kelshaw, Kelshay, 105, 108, 112, 148, 149, 150, 152, 153, 166, 172, 174, 176, 214, 223, 224, 418. Kemp, 386, 411, 424 s , 425. Kendall, 127. Kent, 124, 155, 160, 162, 163 2 , 164. Kereby, 1. Kettlewell, 352, 376. Kighley, 234. Kilby, 84, Killey, 93. Killingbeck, 14, 23, 58, 70, 151, 216, 22372. Kilner, 373. King, 75, 76, 233. Kingsley, 333, 393.413- Kirby, 387, 398, 407 2 , 416. Kirk-e, 92 s , 95, 99, 103, 113. 442 INDEX OF SURNAMES. Kirkby, Kir by, 43, 44, 100, 102, 104 2 , 113, 127, 131, 134, 210, 422 s . Kirkham, 207, 211, 249, 273, 279, 282, 313, 320, 329, 340 2 , 358, 360, 363, 366, 373, 380, 382 2 , 383, 391, 401. Kitchin, Kytchyn, 20. Kitchingraan, Kitcheman, 79, 119, 302 3 , 365, 369, 388, 400, 412. Knapp, 256. Knapton, 61, 71, 75, 76, 81 2 , 87, 88 2 , 90, 98, ioi, 105, no, in, 112, 113, 114 2 , 120, 121, 122, 124, 125 2 , 127, 128, 129, 130, 132, 133, 135, 136, 138, 140, 142, 145, 149, 151, 153, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 164, 167, 169, 171 2 , 172^ 174, 175, 176, 176A, 177 2 , 178, 179, 181 2 , 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 189, 198, 199 2 , 201, 202 2 , 205 2 , 206, 207 2 , 208, 2l8, 219, 223 2 , 224, 227 3 , 228, 229, 23O, 231, 232 2 , 234, 235, 2 36, 238, 243, 244 2 , 247, 251, 252, 255, 259, 260, 263, 266, 269, 271, 289, 293, 300, 301, 306, 309, 310, 313, 3I6 3 , 3I8 2 , 320, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 327, 330, 341, 345.346, 347, 348, 3So, 352, 353. 355 .358, 361, 363. 366, 377. 382, 383 2 . 389 3 . 39 6 . 39i 4 , 392 B , 393 2 . 394 3 , 395 4 . 396, 398, 400, 402, 404, 410, 412, 417, 422 s , 423. Kneedson, see Neeson, 245. Knight, 92. Knightson, 49. Knowles, 240 2 . Knubley, 319. Kymstan, 2. Laboura, 307. Labron, 393. Laburn, see Layborne, 304, 309, 313. Lamb, 94, 259, 260, 323, 326, 328, 335 s , 337- Lambert, 251, 261 2 , 264, 296, 318, 324 s , 332, 341, 389, 392, 39s 2 , 408. Land, 208, 248 s , 250, 251, 320, 330. Langley, 418. Langthorn, 403. Langtoo, 2. Langton, 406. Lansdale, 212. Lascy, 6, 6n, Laskew, 46. Lawe, 96, 212, 219, 220. Lawson, 245, 412. Lawton, 264, 266 2 , 325. Layborne, 55. Laycester, Leyesseter, Leaceter, 35, 65. 96. Laycock, 108, 113, 400. Laycon, 319. Lay field, 115. Layton, 30, 31, 35, 66, 135. Lazenby, Lasinby, 205, 206, 257, 259, 261, 274, 276, 290, 296, 298 s , 307, 321, 327, 342, 393 2 , 395, 406. Leach, 270, 293 s , 344, 399. Leadbeater, 95, 171. Leak, 400. Leaper, Leper, Leeper, 93, 97, 99, 108, in 2 . Ledger, 78. Lee, 93, 104, in, 130, 133, 140, 142, 163, 176 3 , 189, 193, 204, 217, 218, 219, 220, 233, 235, 237, 240, 243, 250, 255, 276, 280, 283, 286, 338, 341, 399, 400, 414 2 . Leedes, 150, 153, 164, 170 2 , 173, 224 s , 230. Leigh, 75, 136. Leighton, 121. Lennox, 365, 371. Lewes, 26. Leyton, 12. Liceter, 29. Liddle, 416. Lightfoot, 189, 192, 216, 217, 221, 237, 290, 295, 302, 309, 314, 324, 332, 376. Lilburn, 53*1. Liley, 315, 344, 3458, 348, 402. Limbard, 208. Limberts, 407. Lindley, 196, 364, 366. Linley, 215, 271, 300 4 , 308 3 , 311 3 , 315 s , 346, 355, 359 2 , 361, 368, 369, 373, 378, 384, 385, 386, 391, 396, 399, 401 2 , 411. Lister, Lyster, Lidster, 43, 99, 102 2 , 137, 141, 144, 153, 176A 2 , 178, 179, 181, 185 2 , 188 2 , 189, 190 2 , 192, 193, 196, 200, 202, 205, 208, 220, 221, 225, 230 2 , 231, 23s 2 , 238, 239, 250, 25 1 2 , 269, 271, 276, 284, 285, 288*, 293 4 . 299 4 , 303 3 , 309 3 , 331, 335, 360, 363, 376, 387. 389. 403, 407, 409. 411, 415. Little, 259, 403. Littlewood, 200 2 , 243, 264, 272, 393. Liversedge, Liversiege, 201, 203, 205, 263, 264, 324, 328. Lockeland, 154. Loder, 311, 313 3 , 343, 347, 349, 375. 382, 384, 401, 424, 425*. Lodge, 154W, 155, 184, 225, 231, 23m, 233, 368, 373, 409, 419- Lofthouse, 66, 105, 128, 143, 154, 187, 188, 216, 229, 241, 255, 295, 299*, 303 3 , 306 3 , 307 3 , 31 1, 3156, 319, 348, 377- Logg, 160, 261, 262, 264, 265, 267, 269, 272, 295 4 , 318, 323, 324, 375 2 , 378, 397, 403, 404, 405. Longbothome, 215. Longley, 185, 199, 242. Lorriman, Lawriman, Laureman, 278, 292*, 298*, 304 3 , 31 1 3 , 316 3 , 337 2 , J50, 351. 374, 375 3 . 377. 404 a . Lovel, 71. Lowden, 393. Lowrance, 316*. INDEX OF SURNAMES. 443 Lowriman, see Lorriman. Lowther, 791/1, 227. Lucas, 185M, 413. Luck, 161. Lucy, 412. Lumb, Lum, Lome, 88, 90, 98, 137, 140, 141, 143, 144, 146, 149, 151 s , 156, 160, 162, 168, 170, 171, 172, 178, 179, 182 2 , 184, 185, 186, 187 2 , 189, 191, 194, 195, 199, 200, 202, 205, 207, 208, 209 2 , 209W, 21 i a , 212, 219, 220, 221, 222 3 , 223, 224, 228 2 , 232, 234, 235, 243 2 , 248, 249, 252, 255, 257, 259, 260 2 , 26I 2 , 262, 264, 269, 270 2 , 27 1 2 , 272 s , 272n, 274 s , 27<5 2 , 277, 278, 279 2 , 279W, 280 2 , 281 3 , 28m, 283 s , 286 2 , 290, 291 4 , 29m, 296 s , 296W, 297 6 , 302 8 , 302, 304 3 , 306 4 , 312, 315 3 , 316, 318, 320, 324, 325, 326 s , 326, 327, 329, 330, 331, 332, 333, 334, 339. 340, 342, 343. 344. 347. 354. 356, 359. 363. 367. 369. 37o, 37L 372 2 , 373. 375 2 . 377 a . 378, 380, 381 3 , 38 in, 382 2 , 384, 38 5 2 , 388, 3898, 390 6 , 39i 6 , 392, 393 3 > 393, 394 6 . 395 8 , 396 s , 400 2 , 401, 402 3 , 403 4 , 404 3 , 405, 408 4 , 409 2 , 410 5 , 411, 422 s , 423 s . Lumbler, 228. Lumley, 112, 320, 32cm, 409. Lund, Londe, 18, 21, 22, 151, 171, 172 2 , 195M, 213, 233, 424. Lunn, 235, 271, 273, 274, 276, 278, 281, 286, 287, 296 4 , 315, 319, 332, 340 2 , 341, 385, 388, 409. Lupton, 24. Lutey, 320. Lydger, 10. Macdonell, 279W. Mace, 138. Machill, 105. Mackontosh, Macintosh, 348, 350, 351, 354, 377, 379. 4<>6, 412. Mackontrout, 29 1 4 , 296 4 , 302 8 , 309 3 , 3i 5 3 , 398. Madder, 399, 413. Malham, Mallam, Mallom, 115, 246, 364- Malkil, Malkin, 323, 326. Mallet, 12, 13. Mallison, 90. Mallory, 381, 384. Mann, 118, 250. Manners, 415. March, 402, 416. Marler, 195W. Mair, 402. Marriott, 380W, 407. Marrison, 403. Marsh, 158, 158*1, 185*1. Marshall, 3, 81, 179, 208, 212, 218, 221 2 , 239, 263, 312, 316, 318, 325, 331, 349, 350, 353, 356, 359, 365, 370, 389, 39 1 2 , 394, 395. 396, 405, 414 3 , 417. Marsland, 420. Marston, 129, 146, 148, 152, 161, 176, 177. Mason, 291, 294, 298, 306. Massie, Massy, 73, 74, 75, 82, 95, 101, 103 2 , 107, no, 114, 132 s , 143. 144, 145. 147. 154. I55 2 . 166, 167, I76 2 , 181, 183, 184, 188, 189, 200, 201, 202, 214, 215, 236, 237, 244, 249, 255, 324. Mather -s, Madther, 38, 203, 250, 282, 284, 306 3 , 377, 3932, 413. Matthew, 14, 122, 125, 126, 128. Maud -e, Mawd, 82, 152, 171, 172, 178, 190, 193, 194, 195, 196 2 , 198 2 , 199, 200 2 , 202, 203, 208, 220 2 , 221, 222, 235, 239, 243 2 , 246 2 , 247, 248, 252, 288, 318 333. 334. 34i. 360, 362, 366, 381, 407, 408. Maulume, Mawlam, 70, 239. Maw -e, 99, 101 2 , 104 2 , 106, 119, 150, 152, 161, 162, 164, 165, 173, 178, 189, 193, 226, 231, 238, Mawkin, 275, 385. Mawmond, 158, 175, 176, 212, 227, 234, 240, 254. Mawson, 25, 26, 27, 91, 397, 398 Maxfield, 248, 321, 337, 377. Maxwell, 197, 218, 222, 243. Mayon, 157. Mead, 257, 317. Merley, 95, 96. Metcalfe, 92, 100, 113, 161, 397 s , 416. Meynell, 52, 53, 54, 56. Micklethwaite, 185M. Michel, 332. Middlebrooke, 184, 185, 215, 216, 233, 238, 255. Middlebrough, 222. Middleton, Mydleton, 33, 35. Midgley, 109, 333, 41 1 2 . Milford, 2. Miller, 287, 292, 298 4 , 302 4 , 3088,375 MilHngton, 135. Mills, 295, 405. Milner, Mylner, 10, n, 156, 199, 202, 205, 244, 250 2 , 253 2 , 280, 286, 291 4 , 292 s , 384, 396. Mindewell, 19, 20. Mirfin, Murfin, 405 2 , 407. Mitchell, 32, 96, 98, 101, 220. Mitton, 96 2 , 101, 109. Mondaye, 8. Monk -s, 270, 272, 273, 275, 277, 282, 297, 308 3 , 314 s , 315, 343, 348, 354. 357. 358, 374, 386, 414. Moon, 417. 372, 410, I7L 100, 136, 160, 186, 227, 251, 177. 197. 210, 244. 320, 395. 121, 170, 342. 224, 405. 218, 398. 201, 283. 279. 346. 40 1 2 , 444 INDEX OF SURNAMES. Moore, More, 6, 13, 22, 23, 31, 98 s , 108, 128, i28, 130, 136, 142, 153 2 , 154, 157, 163, 171, 176A, 213, 231, 2342. Moorhouse, 239, 319, 325, 402. Morris, Morrice, 45, 157, 179, 180, 182, 185, 192, 201, 212. Morrisby, 187, 189 2 , 219, 238 2 , 248. Morritt, Marrit, Mirret, 77, 184, 188, 202, 212, 221, 233, 245, 248, 250, 287, 313. 3i6, 319, 321, 328, 336, 353. 355. 357, 360 2 , 362, 364, 368, 382, 386, 391, 394, 399, 401, 402, 404, 405, 410 2 , 412, 416. Mortimer, 117 2 . Morton, 319, 325, 327, 395. Moseley, 215. Moss, 290 4 , 296*, 303 3 , 343, 344, 375, 379. 380, 381, 402, 422 s . Mossaby, 301, 308. Mossman, 412, 41 2M. Motley, 400 2 . Mounsey, Muncie, Munsey, 42, 83, 84, 93, 103, 108 8 , no, in, 115, JI 9 136, 138, 140, 142, 151, 152, 158, 159, l60, l62, 169, l82, I97, I99, 201, 212, 2l6, 2l8, 220, 223, 224, 226, 237, 244 s , 245, 246, 249, 369, 399 2 . Mountain, 259, 312, 322, 367, 404. Mowbray, 223M. Moxon, 216, 251. Mullinax, 1 59. Murray, 411. Musgrave, 43, 389, 420, 42 1 2 . Myers, 407. Myott, 254. Nalson, 89M. Napier, 279M. Naylor, Nailer, 276, 304, 306, 309, 346, 389, 400 4 , 410, 414. Neesham, see Neeson, 247, 250 2 . Neeson, Neeham, 245, 329, see Kneedson Nelson, 115, 245, 274, 27411, 320, 392, 406, 424M. Netherwood, 58, 59, 156. Nettleton, 8m, 299, 304, 313, 359, 365, 370, 403, 406, 414, 416. Newby, 78, 238, 242, 282, 285, 291 4 , 297 4 , 326, 341, 367, 369, 370, 373, 374. 388, 395, 398. 403, 407. 408. Newcomen, 29, 30, 54. Newhouse, 354. Newis, 364, 416. Newsam, Newsham, 86, 408. Newsome, 91, 404. Nichols, 400. Nicholson, 58, 101, 121, 150, 152, 161, 162, 166, 173, 174, I95, 227, 300, 319; 332, 414. Nickson, 154. Noble, Nouble, 157. Norfolk, 214, 247, 255, 321. Norhan, 214. North, 308, 312, 401. Norton, 23, 30, 63, 86, 92, 98, 99, 108, no 2 , 143, 145, 146, 148, 149 2 , 151, 152, 155, 160, 161, 163, 166, 171, 172, 175, 176 2 , 177, 178, 185, 186, 187, 189, 190, 192, 205, 206, 210, 215, 234, 236, 237, 238, 240, 241, 243, 247, 248 2 , 249, 251, 255, 268, 270, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 278, 287, 303, 318, 325, 328, 329, 330, 331 2 , 332, 33^. 337, 345 2 , 347. 35L 375, 377, 379. 381, 392 2 , 394. 402, 403, 405, 415. Nott, 8. Nowell, 106. Nuby, 189, 192, 216, 374. Nunn, 66. Nutter, 97, 102. Oates, Ottes, 25, 94, 145, 147 2 , 167, 219. 250, 374. Oddy, 114, 149, 165, 169, 175, 180 2 , 201, 215, 219, 223, 254 2 , 412. Offine, 153, 228. Ogle, 401. Oglethorpe, 38. Oliver, 3 86m. Oneal, 392. Orton, 72, 146, 147, 148, 150, 152, 156, 190, 192, 193, 195, 197, 198, 204, 217 2 , 222, 231, 236 s , 240, 319, 344. Osborn, 368, 403. Othick, 297 4 , 414. Otlay, 1, 6. Ould, 396. Outerbridge, 319. Outhwaite, Outhwayt, 145, 147, 148, 151, 166, 192, 194, 195, 196, 197 2 , 198, 199, 221, 238, 239, 240, 241 2 , 245, 248, 260, 262, 318 2 , 323, 330, 332, 375, 376, 398. Overind, 395. Owen, 9, 10, 222 2 . Oxley, 331, 366, 374. Page 258. Palliser, 265. Palmes, 50. Paniell, 65. Parish, 154. Park -e, 282, 283, 288 4 , 306, 319, 334, 397- Parker, 6, 75, 197, 213, 218, 273, 274, 276, 279, 282, 285, 317 2 , 343, 356, 367, 381. 383. 404, 405. 407. 409. 424- Parkin, -s, 270, 273, 312, 329, 331, 342, 39i. 392 4 , 402. Parkinson, Perkinson, 35, 419M. Pate, 215. Patterson, Pattison, Pattinson, 187, 188, 189, 202, 246, 247, 250, 258, 320, 323 2 , 381. INDEX OF SURNAMES. 445 Paver, 318. Pawson, 286, 292, 294*, 298, 301 4 , 302, 308, 397 2 , 398, 405, 4072, 408. Paxton, 397. Pearce, 4i8. Pearsey, 402. Pearson, Peirson, 49, 81, 85, 97, 105 2 , 160, 186, 187, 188, 189, 216, 219, 220, 234 s , 246, 250, 255, 309, 327, 414. Peart, 271, 395, 413 2 . Pease, Pees, 6, 133, 134, 140, 146, 167, J 73> J 75 2 , x 76, 179, 19S, 211, 216, 239, 248, 25s 2 , 257, 282, 290, 294, 302, 314, 326, 335, 339, 345, 352, 355. 357. 359, 361, 366, 370, 372, 374. 382, 383, 384, 386, 395, 396, 409 8 , 4232. Peel, 213. Peers, 403. Peirse, 411. Pemberton, 416. Pennington, 220, 412. Penny, 206, 210. Pepper, 220, 251. Perceval, 387. Perkin -s, 210, 221, 249 s , 249M, 251, 264, 266, 269, 272, 273, 275, 277, 294 4 ,299 4 ,3o6 3 ,3i2,3i9,332, 341,3458, 349, 35i 2 , 353, 355, 358, 360, 361, 363, 370, 373. 377 2 , 381. 387, 395, 396, 3982, 408, 415, 417, 422 2 . Perrot, 194, 195, 195W, 217, 217W, 238. Petty, 262. Peurey, 377. Phillips, 85, 86, 406 3 , 412, 419 4 , 420, 421. Pickard, 83, ill, 299, 304, 312, 358, 378,381,385,403,404,405. Picke, 404. Pickering, 99, 100, 102, 105, 112, 114, 158, 168, 217 2 , 220, 221, 234, 288, 291, 297, 299, 305 2 , 310, 319, 343, 357, 413- Pickersgill, 280, 285, 288 4 , 297 4 , 305 3 , 312 3 , 345 3 , 348, 351, 353, 355, 362, 363, 365, 367, 369, 37i 2 , 373, 374, 379 2 , 382 s , 385, 388, 395, 400 2 , 401, 404, 405 2 , 407 5 , 408, 41 1 4 , 415. Pike, 395. Piper, 339. Pitt, i85, 274, 285, 293 4 , 334, 342, 392 s , 402 2 , 405 2 , 407, 410 2 , 412, 424, Pitts, 76, 151, 156, 164, 179, 180, 226, 234, 236, 239, 282, 389, 393, 394, 395. 396 2 , 398 2 , 400. Plats, 89. Plaxton, 190, 191 8 , 202, 216 2 , 2i6w, 217, 219, 238 s , 245, 254 s , 256. Plowright, 287, 292 4 , 339, 423. Plows, 392 s , 396, 410. Plumpton, 6n, 327. Pollard, 101, 290, 390, 396, 405. Ponsonby, 395. Pool, 196, 197, 198, 240, 405 2 . Poppleton, 83, 227, 291, 292, 300, 303, 375. 390 2 , 397. 399- Popplewell, 150, 152, 177, 179, 195, 196, 198, 199, 202, 217, 243, 253, 260, 2632, 266, 267, 272, 318, 319, 322, 324, 3272, 329, 331, 333, 335, 339, 344, 376, 378, 390 2 , 391, 395- Porter, 385, 392, 399, 408, 409, 420 4 . Poskitt, 320. Poslewate, 86. Post, 11. Postgate, 69, 70, 164, 165, 166. Poteman, 6. Potter, 14, 15, 16, 17, 20, 23, 242, 25, 37, 40, 41 2 , 48, 57. 58, 60, 95, 97, 98, 99 4 , 100, 103, 106, 109, 114, 133 2 , 135, 140, 142, 1542, 155, 158, 159, 164, 165, 174, 175 2 , 183, 184, 188 2 , 189, 190, 194, 214, 229, 235, 2422, 341. Poulter, 338, 340. Pouter, 319. Powell, 198, 217, 242, 267, 308, 312, 316, 400 3 , 416, 417. Power, Poore, 23, 26, 31, 91. Poynton, 279W. Prentice, Printice, 157, 227. Preston, 7, 81, 199, 200, 202, 204, 206, 208, 210, 218, 247, 319, 330, 3372. Priestman, 94, 404 2 . Prince, 70, 71, 72, 93, 94, 97, 98, 99, 100, 103, 104 3 , 105 2 , 106, 108, in 3 , 112, 113, 114 2 , 115, 116 2 , 118 2 , 119, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126 2 , 127, 128 2 , 1292, 130, 133, 137, 145, 148, 150, 151, 155, 1592, 160, 161, 163, 164 2 , 165, 168 2 , 1692, 170, 173 3 , 174, 177, 179, 180 8 , 181, 182, 183, 186, 198 2 , 200, 20I, 203, 2l8 2 , 222 2 , 223, 224, 225, 23O 4 , 23I 3 , 232, 233, 239, 244, 246, 2472, 316, 327, 33 1 2 , 384M, 405 2 , 410, 414 2 , 415, 416 2 . Proctor, 92 2 , 131, 39 1 2 . Pullan, 371, 409 7 , 410 10 , 410H, 41 1 9 , 412 7 . Raine, 123M. Raingill, 333. Rakestraw, 156. Railings, 408. Ramsbotham, 412, 41 2w. Ramsden, 60, 67. Randall, 335. Raper, 222, 407. Rasine, 214. Rathband, 131. Raven, 91. Rawden, 208, 221, 278, 281, 283, 285, 322, 353, 380, 392, 394, 3962. 397, 399, 405. 406, 42 1 2 . Rawlinson, Rowlinson, 208, 210, 221, 251, 252, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261, 446 INDEX OF SURNAMES. 263, 273, 275, 276, 280, 283, 285, 286, 290 4 , 296*, 305 3 , 326, 327, 330 2 , 338 2 , 341, 343*. 350, 35L 353. 355. 359. 364, 370 2 , 377. 378, 380, 381, 387. 390, 392*. 393. 394 3 . 395 3 . 396, 398, 400, 403, 405, 407 5 , 408, 409, 410, 411, 412, 415, 2 424. Rawson, 29, 39, 49, 96 s , 103 s , 104, 108, 291W. Read, 215, 253, 347. Reader, Reder, 336, 371, 373, 381, 385, 386, 416. Reame, 66, 129. Redman, 97. Reed, 403, 414. Reedall, 156, 206, 208, 210, 221, 229, 257, 259, 273, 276, 280, 322, 392, 412. Renold, 134. Renton, 85, 142, 155, 193, 195, 196, 199, 217, 246, 318, 332, 336, 337, 414. Reynolds, 407. Rhodes, Rodes, 102, 106, 119, 1*1, 135, 202, 403, 407, 410, 414. Rhumbo, 299*, 399. Richardson, Richinson, 95, 190, 213 2 , 214 2 , 215, 229, 259, 262, 266, 270, 280, 281, 283, 284, 290 5 , 294 s , 300 5 , 305 4 , 309 4 , 3i 5 4 , 3i6 3 . 325, 33i, 334, 335. 342, 347. 349- 352, 357, 359, 368, 372 2 , 380, 382, 394, 395, 398 2 , 401, 409, 41 1 2 , 413, 414. Richmond, 9s 2 , 100, 107, 112. Riddle, 282. Ridley, 226. Righton, 127. Riley, Rilye, 8, 9, 10, 359, 381. Rish, 149, 152, 167 2 , 168, 224. Rishforth, 118, 141, 142, 145, 156, 161, 164, 174 2 , I76a, 179, 181, 221. Rishton, 132 2 , 161. Robert -s, 108, 109, 115, 116, 133, 374, 4". Robinson, 12, 46, 48, 82, 93 s , 96, 98, 99 2 , ioo 3 , 101, 102 5 , 105 2 , 106, 107, 114, 116, 131, 148, 149, 150, 1 5 1 2 , 152, 153. J54. 157 s . 159, 161 2 , 162, 167, 169, 170 4 , 171 2 , 172 2 , 173, 176A, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183 2 , 185, 186 2 , 188 8 , 192, 194, 195, 199, 201 2 , 202, 205, 206 2 , 207 2 , 209, 209, 210, 21 1 2 , 214, 2l6 2 , 2I7 4 , 2l8 3 , 219, 220 8 , 221, 222 2 , 223, 224, 226, 227, 228 2 , 229, 233, 234, 235, 236, 239, 24I, 242, 244 s , 245 4 , 247, 248, 250, 253, 2SS 2 , 258 s , 259, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272 s , 273, 274 s , 275, 278, 288, 295, 296*, 298*, 300 5 , 301 4 , 306 3 , 308, 309 3 , 314 4 , 320 2 , 321 3 , 322, 323, 324, 325, 326 s , 327 s , 329, 330, 331, 332 s , 335, 339, 34i. 343. 344 8 , 347. 35<>, 355, 361, 368, 371, 377, 381, 389*, 390 2 , 394. 398. 399 4 , 400 2 , 40i a , 402, 403, 404 s , 409, 411, 414, 423 s . Robshaw, 208, 257, 278, 285, 286, 288, 293 4 , 298*, 300 4 , 307 3 , 310 3 , 314 3 , 324, 3388, 339) 3463j 350> 354> 357> 360 2 , 361, 363, 367 2 , 369, 370, 371, 372 2 , 373, 374, 375. 381 2 , 382 s , 385, 394, 396, 398, 404, 406 2 , 407, 410, 412, 417. Robson, 82, 216, 220, 283, 386. Roebuck, 185, 356, 384 s . Rollinson, Rollison, 408 3 . Rollings, 409 2 . Roodhouse, Roydhouse, Rhoidhouse, Rodehouse, 29, 30, 35, 65, 66, 96, 129, 416. Rooke -s, 202, 205, 219, 276, 277, 283, 284, 361, 396 s , 397 2 , 407. Roote, 98, 103, 113, 155. Roper, 329. Rothery, 373. Rothmell, 288, 298, 307, 314, 394. Ross -e, 147, 156, 169, 175, 176 2 , 176A, 406. Roundthwait, 192, 193, 194, 199, 207, 208, 217, 321. Rountree, Rontree, 65. Rowland, 396. Rowlandson, 41 1 2 . Rowston, 1 10. Rumbolt, 408. Rush, 236, 243. Rushforth, 233 s , 234. Rushton, 236. Russell, 405. Ryther, 4. Ryder, 147. Salmon, 369. Sampson, 31, 88, 124, 248, 302^. Santon, 159, 214. Sare, 216. Saunder, 3. Saunderson, 53M, 96, 99, 108, 120, 125, 126, 268, 389, 403 2 . Savile, Savell, 21, 23, 27W, 66, 70, 118, 119, 120, 123, 124 2 , 125 8 , 126, 127 2 , 128, 129 2 . Sawer, 36, 48, 95, 96, 149, 319. Sawyer, 405. Saxton, 192, 193. Sayls, s, 6. Sayner, Saynor, Sanor, 95, 96, 99, 103, 105 2 , 106, 108, 109 3 , no 2 , III, 121, 129, 130, 133, 139 2 , 140 2 , 142, 143, 157, 160, 161, 162, 163 2 , 167 2 , 169, 174, 180, 182, 184, 187, 206, 207, 212, 213, 214, 220, 221, 230 2 , 231, 235, 240, 257, 258, 261, 263, 265, 322, 328, 395, 413- Sayver, 17. Scafe, 252. Scalbert, Scalvert, 149, 177, 222, 234, 335. 413- Scarbro', 386M. INDEX OF SURNAMES. 447 Scargill, Skargill, 6, 6m. Scawbord, 403. Scholeneld, Scolfield, 8o, 90, 137, 261. Scholes, Scoles, 88, 158, 158W, 272, 274, 276, 279, 282, 289*, 310 8 , 331, 345, 350, 352, 3SS. 358, 361, 364, 368, 370, 37 1 , 372, 374. 376, 382 s , 383, 385, 391, 402, 403, 404 3 , 410 2 , 416. Scholey, Scoley, 129. Scope, 94, 243. Scott, 49, 84, 91, 97, 147, 148, 174, 193, 194, 195, 208, 210, 217, 218, 221, 222, 237, 242, 243, 257, 257W, 259, 261 2 , 262 2 , 263, 278, 290, 293, 296, 301, 324, 328, 330, 336, 348, 351, 371, 379, 38i, 392, 394, 396 2 , 410, 416, 423 3 - Scoughthrop, Scowthrop, 109, 118, 121, 130, 134. Screaton, 298. Scruton, 372, 411. Seaman, 79. Seed, 402 2 . Selby, 206. Servant, 216, 235. Settle, Setle, Sethle, 14, 15, 16, 17, -20, 24, 252, 26, 29, 37, 39, 40 2 , 41, 42, 47, 49, 60, 62, 68, 69, 91, 92, 98, 104, 106, 108, 109 3 , 113 4 , 114, 116, 120, 121, 122, 123 3 , 124 8 , 126 3 , 128, 131 2 , 132 4 , I33 2 , 138, 149, 151, I53 3 , 1S6 4 , 1 57 2 , 159 2 , 160, 161, 162, 163, 165, 166, 168 3 , 171, 172, 173, 174 3 , 175 3 , 176*, 176A 2 , 177, 178, 179 2 , 181 2 , 182 2 , 183, 184, 186 2 , 187, 188, 189, 191, 192, 194, 195 3 , 197 2 , 198, 199, 200 2 , 204, 208, 210, 219, 222, 227, 228, 230 s , 231, 232 s , 233, 235, 239, 241 2 , 242, 244, 247 s , 249, 25 1 2 , 255*, 259, 269, 310, 317, 319, 322, 325, 327, 329 s2 , 343, 379, 380, 390 3 , 392 2 , 395, 402, 403, 404, 406. Shackleton, 56, 78, 221, 259, 317. Shann -e, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 27, 37, 40, 43, 44, 58, 60, 61, 62, 91 3 , 95, 97, 98, 100, 104, 105, 106, no, 112, 113, 122, I24 2 , 126, I3O, 157, 165, 169, 174, I75 2 - Sharp -e, 66, 87, 197, 218 2 , 240, 246, 320, 321 2 . Sharphouse, Sharpus, 123, 135, 159 s , 164, 189, 192, 194, 195, 196, 198, 200, 22 1 2 , 233, 242, 244, 248. Sharphurst, 168, 171, 183, 226. Sharpra, 219. Shaw -e, 10, 119, 141, 142, 154, 162 2 , 168, 224, 400. Shay, 196. Shearwood, 406 2 . Shenton, Sheynton, in, 113, 128 2 , 167, 171, 189, 192, 193, 230, 235 s , 237, 246, 247, 325. Shepherd, 317, 415. Shepley, 31 2 s , 312M, 3458, 393, 393W, 399 2 , 402 2 . Sherburn, 103, 409. Sherriff, Sheariffe, 279, 282, 284, 288 4 , 295 4 , 335, 342, 375. 397, 399- Sheyston, 237. Shilburn, 289, 295, 30i 4 , 307, 312, 316, 399, 413- Shillito -e, 136, 201, 203, 205, 207, 219, 243, 251, 253, 267, 269, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 279, 281, 282, 284 2 , 289*. 297*, 328, 332, 333, 334, 338 2 , 352, 354, 377 2 , 378 3 , 379, 385. 387, 389 2 , 393. 397, 399, 404, 405 2 , 409. Shippen, Shepin, Sheppen, 48, 67, 77, 93, 95, 98, 100, 103 2 , 104, 105 2 , 106, 109 2 , in, 113, 114, 115 2 , 116, 118, 128, 133, 134, 137, 139, 152, 159, 161, 164, 165, 169, 170 2 , 174, 176 2 , 1 76a 3 , 185, 186, 188, 190, 218, 223, 2248, 225, 228 2 , 232, 233, 234, 237, 238, 241, 244, 245, 246 s , 247, 249, 259, 260, 261, 328, 382, 385, 394, 396, 398 2 , 411, 420 2 . Shirkley, 319. Shoesmith, 101, 102, 103, 107, 144, 223, 241. Shore, 66, 67, 93, 104, 106, 107, 129, 131 2 , 132 6 , 133, 157, 159, 175, 176, 223, 236. Shutt, 94. Shuttleworth, Sutleworth, Shittleworth 97, 100, 134, 138, 160, 161, 166, 182, 214, 223, 224, 233, 239, 241 2 , 250 2 , 343, 386M. Sibury, Ciburry, Syburry, 31 1 3 . Sigston, 216. Simon, 394. Simpson, Sympson, 38, 85, 100, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, in, 112 2 , 139, 152, 164, 165, 172, 190, 207 2 , 209 2 , 211 2 , 217, 219, 221 2 , 231, 245, 256, 2588, 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 265, 272 s , 273, 274, 275, 276 s , 278, 281 2 , 282, 283 s , 284 s , 285, 286, 287 s , 288 2 , 289 4 , 292 s , 293, 294 4 , 297, 298 4 , 299, 300 6 , 303 2 , 305 3 , 3068, T )Q g i 310 2 , 31 1 9 , 3148, 315 3 , 317 4 , 325, 327, 329, 331, 334. 34i 2 . 342, 343 2 . 344 2 , 345 4 > 347. 348, 35o, 353. 354, 355. 356. 357, 358 2 , 360, 362, 363, 365 2 , 366, 368, 369, 370, 37i, 372, 373 2 , 374, 375. 377, 379 3 , 38o 3 , 382 2 , 384 2 , 385, 386, 387 4 , 388 2 , 390, 395, 396, 397 2 , 398, 400, 401 2 , 405, 406 3 , 408 4 , 409, 412, 413, 4168, 4I7 . Sinyard, Sunyard, 293, 295, 299, 305, 306, 311 2 , 315, 413. Sissons, 392. Skelton, 113, 406, 416. Slack, 333. Slater, Sclater, Sly tor. Slay tor, 16, 56, 448 INDEX OF SURNAMES. 75. 98 2 , lot, 104, 105, ii2, 121, 125, 127, 139, 141, 142, 1442, 147, 153, 155, 159, 162, 163, 164, 166, 167, 170, 175, 177, 180 2 , 182 2 , 184, 185, 1872, 188 2 , 190, 192, 194, 196, 200, 215, 216, 219, 221, 229, 230, 232 s , 233 2 , 235 2 . 237, 2388, 239, 243, 246, 248, 252, 2S9 2 , 263, 264, 265, 267, 269, 272, 285, 287, 293,2 294 4 , 303 s , 3058, 3098, 3148, 317, 321 2 , 322 s , 326, 327, 328, 329, 334 2 , 335, 341, 346.3, 34 8 r 349. 374, 376 3 , 379, 384", 387, 388, 391. 395, 398, 399, 400 s , 402, 405 2 , 408, 414 2 , 417, 421. Sleigh, 1 3 1 2 . Slingsby, 123, 400. Smales, 393. Smeaton, 57, 85, 89, 89M, 250, 417. Smith, Smythe, 37, 66, 73 s , 80, 93, 97, 98, 99, 102, 106, in 3 , 112, 113, n6 3 , 127, 129, 130 2 , 1 3 1 2 , 136, 138, 150 2 , 151, 152 2 , 155, 158, 159 2 , 162, 164, 165 2 , 168, 169, 175 2 , 176 2 , 176A, 177, 1 788, 1 798, 1 8o 3 , 1 8 1 3 , 1 82, 1 84 2 , 1 86 2 , 1 87, 188, 189, 190, 200 2 , 201, 202, 203, 204 2 , 205 2 , 206 3 , 207 3 , 208 3 , 2IO, 211, 2I2 2 , 2l8 2 , 221, 222, 224 2 , 227 2 , 228 3 , 229, 23O 4 , 232, 234, 239 3 , 24I, 244, 246 2 , 2492,250,25 1 2 ,255,257 2 ,259, 262, 2632, 265, 267, 268, 269 2 , 2702, 271 2 , 2738, 275, 276, 279, 282, 283, 289, 292 s , 293, 294, 298, 300 4 , 301, 304, 306 3 , 308, 3102, 313 4 , 318 s , 3195, 3218, 321M, 323, 3242, 327, 328 s , 330, 336, 339 3 , 345 3 , 348, 35i, 352, 353, 354, 35<5 2 , 359 2 , 361, 363, 365. 366, 367, 370, 374, 375 2 , 376, 377 2 , 379, 381, 384 2 , 385, 3898, 390 5 , 3912, 3942, 3962, 397 2 , 398 4 , 400 2 , 402 2 , 404 6 , 407 2 , 409 2 , 410, 412, 4132, 4142, 421, 4252. Smithson, 33, 66, 411. Snowdon, Snawden, 160, 212, 226. Somerton, 403. Sotheron, 369, 371, 372. Sothill, 6n, 27W. Southward, Southard, Sothard, Soot- hard, Sutherd, 181, 183, 187, 189, 192, 213, 218, 238, 240. Sowden, Soudon, 346. Spanyelle, 2. Sparke, 108. Sparling, 299*, 302 4 , 307 3 , 314 8 , 3402, 341, 357, 360, 363, 367, 371, 3862, 387, 394, 406, 41 1 2 , 420. Speight, 218, 358, 362, 365, 368, 371, 374, 384, 385, 4i6. Spencer, 4, 33, 192, 220, 414, 415. Spink, Spincke, 93, 105, 112, 1132, 118, 132, 136, 1372, 1392, 141, 143, 144, 148, 157, 161, 166, 168, 171, 173, 174, 175, 176a 2 , 230, 237, 2392, 255. Stafford, 348. Stainburn, 397, 405, 410. Stanbank, 203, 316. Stancliff, Staincliff, 320, 378, 382, 396. Standeven, 115, Standley, 181, 230. Stanley, 274W. Stannyford, 187, 233. Stansfield, 405, 416. Stapleton, Stapilton, 6, 5 m. Staveley, 157. Stead, 100, 128, 129, 167, 188, 189, 191, 193, 219 2 , 261, 263, 282, 284, 288, 297, 305, 312, 318, 345, 357, 369, 370, 390, 391, 395 3 , 398, 399, 410. 4158, 422, 4238. Steel -e, 86, 145, 165, 325, 326, 4io 2 . Stephenson, 109, no, 165, 210, 221, 250, 276, 278, 283, 322, 323, 332, 395. Steward, 6, 165. Stewart, 397. Stileman, Stillman, Stylman, 15, 26, 32. Stockdale, 118. Stoker, Stoaker, 151, 228, 242, 243. Stokes, 10. Stonehouse, 75, 193, 194, 217, 218, 2392, 240, 242. Stoner, 219, 352, 352*1, 354, 355, 358, 365, 369, 379, 404, 422. Story, 89, 217. Stotherd, 237. Stowe, 92, 101, 141, 155. Stowen, Stowing, 104, 106 3 , 107, 109, no, in, 113, 115, 116, 134, 139, 140, 143 2 , 144, 146, 155, 156, 161, 162, 163, 165 2 , 170, 171, 175. Strafford, 403. Street, 264. Strickland, "Ji, 97, 100, 103, 112, 127, 129, 131, 139, 141, 142, 143, 146, 150, 152, 157, 161, 166, 167, 169, 171, 176, 177, 179, 214, 407. Stringer, 106, 179, 181, 182, 184, 186, 187, 189, 219, 269, 271, 273, 275, 277, 279, 282 2 , 328, 330, 334, 355, 357. 364, 367, 382, 384, 3852, 387, 403, 405, 411, 417. Strodder, Strother, 197, 199, 210, 211, 222, 242, 251, 257, 260, 266, 269, 275, 277, 279, 284, 319, 324, 332 2 , 335. 339, 344. 376, 384, 387, 398, 405, 411, 415. Stubbins, 422. Stubbs, 295, 300 4 , 3088, 242, 347, 352, 354, 382, 399, 404, 405, 406 2 , 4098, 414. Studdard, 185. Styam, Styane, Stiham, 38, 39, 95, 118, 149, 151, 157 2 , 171. Summersgill, 413. Sunderland, 409. Surr, Sir, 401, 410. Sutton, 123. Swaile -s, Swale -s, 105, 118, 125, 133, 134, 141, 143, 161, 223, 425. INDEX OF SURNAMES. 449 Swaine, 397, 402. Sweeton, 415. Swinglehors, 319. Syburry, 401, Sykes, 192 2 , 214, 219, 247, 248 s , 404, 417. Symkin, 8n. Symmonds, I35. Tailforth, Tailford, 82, 83, 204, 249, 250, 322, 324. Tancred, 215, 21 $n. Tarbottom, Tarbotson, Tarboton, 93, 190, 191, 192, 194, 195, 197, 198, 216, 218, 219, 236 s , 239, 240, 241, 242, 246, 394 12 . Tasker, 218, 327, 329. Taskard, 249. Tatam, 392. Tate, Taite, Taitt, 15, 16, 17, 20, 23, 2S 2 . 37. 39. 41, 44. 48, 69, 72, 76, 91 3 , 93. 9S 2 . 96 2 , 97 2 , 98, 99, ioo 2 , 101, 102, 103, 104 2 , 105 4 , 106 3 , 107, io9 2 , no, 112, 113, 114, i 1 5, ii6 4 , 117, 121 2 , 124, 126 2 , 127, 130, 137, 138 2 , 139 2 , 141 2 , 142, 143 8 , 144 8 , 145, 146 3 , 147 3 , 148, 149 3 , 150, 152, 157 2 , 158, 159, 160 3 , 163, 165 2 , 166 4 , 167, 168 6 , 169 3 , 170, 171 3 , 173 3 , 174, 175 2 , 176 3 , 176A 3 , 177, 182, 183, 184, 185 2 , 188, 190, 192, 195, 196 3 , 197, 198, 200, 201 2 , 202, 204, 205, 207, 213, 214, 216 2 , 217 2 , 218, 219, 221, 227, 229, 231 2 , 233, 234 3 , 236, 237 2 , 238, 240 3 , 241, 242, 245, 246*, 247 2 , 252, 2 S5 3 . 257, 258, 259, 26o 2 , 262, 263, 264, 267, 269, 270, 277, 311, 317, 319, 320 3 , 323 2 , 32s 2 , 328 s , 3298, 330, 334. 339 3 . 34i. 344 2 . 377. 381 2 , 382, 384, 389*, 390 2 , 391 2 , 392 4 , 393, 395, 396, 398, 400 3 , 401 2 , 403, 414, 41 5 2 , 422 s . Taylor, Tailor, Taylyor, Tayler, 8, 9, io 2 , 15, 16, 17, 18, 25, 26, 28, 29, 42 2 , 43, 65, 66, 69, 71, 73 a , 75, 91 3 , 93, 96, 99, ioo 2 , 101, 103, 104 2 , 105 2 , 106, 108 3 , 109 2 , no 2 , 112, 113 s , 115, Il6, 117, Il8, I20, 121, I22 3 , I23,I24, 127 2 , 128 3 , 129, 131, 132 2 , 13s 2 , 137, 139 2 , 142, 143, 145 2 , 146 3 , 147, 148 2 , 149 2 , 150, 154, 15s 2 , 158, 163 3 , 164, 165, 166, 167, 168 2 , 169, 170 2 , 174 3 , 175 8 , 176 s , 176A 3 , 177, 179, 188, 192, 206 2 , 207 3 , 209 2 , 21 1 2 , 213, 218, 220, 22I 3 , 223, 224 2 , 227 2 , 228, 232 2 , 236, 237 s , 238, 244, 248, 252 s , 254 4 , 25s 2 , 258, 259, 260 3 , 261, 262, 264, 265, 269, 288, 296 s , 298, 301, 304 4 , 306, 309 4 , 311, 314, 315 s , 319, 321, 322, 323 2 , 324, 325, 334, 337, 339, 341, 349, 3Si. 353, 356, 370, 372, 37s 2 , 378, 379. 382, 386, 387, 396 2 , 3998, 406, 410, 413, 415, 416 2 . Teal, 372, 374, 413, 415. Teasdale, Teasdall, 201, 219, 247, 319. Telford, 203, 220, 243. Tempest, 54, 56, 108, 117, 119 2 , ngn, 138, 165, 222. Tencin, 265. Tennant, 407. Terrington, Tirington, 48, 97 s , 98, 103, 117, 118, 134, 136, 164. Tetlaw, 412. Tezington, 412. Thackerey, Thackwray, Thackray, 158, 220, 250, 287, 298 4 , 336 2 , 338 2 , 383, 412, 415. Theaker, 208. Thekston, 346. Thomas, 115, 193, 196. Thomlingson, 32, 33, 411. Thompson, Tompson, 29, 30, 36, 58, 71, 72, 97, 99 2 , 102 3 , 105, 107, 114, 116, 120 2 , 122, 123, 124, 125 2 , 130 3 , 133, 136, 140, 141, 144, 146, 148, 150 2 , 152, 154M, 156, 160, 161, 162, 164, 167, 174, 175, 176 2 , 176A, 177, 179, 180, 181, 182, 184, 185, 186, 190 2 , 195, 196 2 , 198 2 , 200 4 , 201 3 , 203 2 , 204 2 , 205 2 , 206 3 , 207, 209, 210 2 , 212, 214 2 , 215, 217, 219, 220 2 , 221, 222 s , 225 2 , 227 2 , 228, 23I, 236 s , 237, 239, 240 2 , 241 3 , 242 s , 2432, 245 s , 246 2 , 247 2 , 248, 251, 252, 257, 258, 259, 261, 262, 264 s , 268, 270, 278, 279, 280, 281, 282 s , 283, 284, 285 s , 286 2 , 288 12 , 289, 290 10 , 291, 294, 29 5 4 , 296 s , 297 4 , 299 4 , 300 8 , 301 4 , 304 6 , 305 3 , 307 6 , 3II 4 , 3I2 3 , 313, 314, 3I5 3 , 317, 318, 321, 322 s , 323 s , 324 4 , 325, 326 2 , 327, 336 3 , 339. 34L 342 6 , 344. 346 3 . 347. 349 2 . 35o 3 , 3S2 2 , 353. 354 2 . 355. 356 2 . 357 2 . 359 3 . 360 2 , 361, 362 2 , 364, 36s 2 , 366, 367, 368 2 , 369, 370 3 , 372 s , 373 4 , 374. 375 2 . 376 4 , 377 4 . 378, 379, 383s 384 s , 386 s , 387, 389, 390 3 , 391, 394 5 , 395. 396 2 , 397 4 . 398 2 , 399 6 . 402, 403, 404 5 , 405 2 , 406, 408 2 , 409 5 , 410 3 , 411, 413, 414 2 , 41 5 2 , 416 2 , 422 3 . Thoresby, 2i6. Thornebrough, 212. Thornes, 153,173,1 76A, 1 78, 1 79, 1 82, 183, 184, 186, 205, 217, 218, 227, 231, 247, 248, 255 s , 289 2 , 294, 299, 306, 312, 323, 345. 398, 400,. Thornton, 2, 3, 141, 142, 161, 166, 169, 184, 186, 188, 191, 194 2 , 202, 203, 215, 218, 219, 220, 234, 236, 238 2 , 246, 248 2 , 257, 258, 260, 262, 263, 265, 267, 280, 292, 299, 306, 313, 317, 334. 335 2 . 336, 345. 387, 396 2 , 398 2 , 399, 406, 410, 412. Thorp, 186, 188, 189, 192, 194, 232, 234, 255 2 - Thowley, 373. Thrash, Thrach, 121, 415. 450 INDEX OF SURNAMES. Thurkill, 217. Thwaites, 6w 2 , 56, 116. Thwenge, 5 m. Tildsley, 130. Tillotson, Tillison, 292, 295, 298, 300, 304, 305, 3ii a , 3158, 316,* 320, 338, 341. 347 3 . 349 2 , 3SO, 351. 352, 355, 356, 375. 376, 377, 378 3 , 379, 380, 382, 388, 399 2 , 402, 403 2 , 404, 415, 422. Tilney, Tinley, 280, 284, 286, 287, 293*, 298 4 , 303 3 , 308 3 , 313 3 , 316 3 , 336, 348, 35i. 354, 358, 361, 363, 366, 369, 371, 373. 376, 378 s , 384, 395, 399 2 , 407 2 . 408, 4246. Timme, Tym, 71, 124, 139. Tindall, 46. Tinsdale, Tinsdall, 142, 145, 164, 183, 230, 234, 238, 321. Tipling, Tipplin, 133, 205, 206, 209, 220, 221, 246, 248, 260, 261, 262, 265, 266, 268, 270, 293, 299, 304, 305, 310 3 , 312, 318, 324, 3282, 331, 333, 335, 345. 377, 382, 390, 391 2 , 396, 405, 414. Todd, 57, 58, 64, 65, 107, in, 276, 278, 281, 283, 286, 292*, 301 4 , 310 3 , 357, 358, 359, 360 2 , 363, 366, 367, 370, 37*. 373, 376, 379, 381, 383, 384. 385. 397, 407 3 , 412, 41 s 2 . Toft, 392 s , 415. Tolson, 89. Tomling, 324, 416. Tomlinson, 14, 279, 282, 286, 327, 336, 347, 363, 365, 367, 383, 38 4 2 , 3 86 2 . Topcliffe, 96, 100, in. Topham, 328, 390 s , 391, 394, 409. Toppin, Tophin, 72, 273, 275, 319, 332, 344- Tottie, 13, 23, 310. Townsend, 12. Townsley, 318. Trench, 386M. Tricket, 221. Trott, 97. Trowghton, 30. Tuke, 156, 220. Tulip, 212. Turner, 44, 46, 48 2 , 49, 50, 5 1, 58, 66, 96 2 , 97, 100, 101, 104, no, 113, 114, 115, 117, 118, 119, 120 2 , 123 3 , 124, 125, 130, 136 2 , 138, 139, 140 2 , 141, I42 2 , 143 2 , 144, 146, 147, 148, 154, 155 2 , 158, 159, 160, 162, 163, 164 2 , 166, 167, 168, 169, 174, 185M, 187, 188, 190, 192, 217, 223, 228, 236, 237 s , 238, 28 in, 310 3 , 343H, 354, 366, 370 2 , 373. 374. 386, 412, 416. Turnpenny, 207, 208, 253, 258, 259, 261, 262, 320, 390. Turpin, 120, 215, 234, 238, 305, 342, 367, 371. 374, 388 2 , 397. 408. Turr, 318. Turton, 405, 409. Tute, 34. Twisleton, 62, 144, 147, 155. Umpleby, see Hompelby. Upton, 94, 194, 195, 196, 199, 210 2 , 257, 258, 259 2 , 261, 262 s , 263, 264 s , 266, 270, 317. 319. 322 2 , 330, 333, 342 s , 346, 348, 350, 351, 354 2 , 375, 378, 379, 383 2 , 386, 395 3 , 402 2 , 404, 408, 412,413,414. Usher, 100. Uttley, ii, 398. Vagy, 74. Varey, 198, 200, 204, 208, 210, 211, 222, 240, 250, 251, 260, 261, 263, 264 s , 266, 269, 270, 272, 275, 279, 281 2 , 282, 289, 293, 297, 303, 312, 319, 328, 332, 334 2 , 338, 340 2 , 34L 376, 378 2 , 389, 390, 394, 397. 404. 414- Varley, Varlow, 65, 72, 88, 120, 130, 135, 140, 150, 152, 158, 159, 163, 164, 173, 176A, 177, 178, 180, 197, 198, 199, 20I, 202, 204, 205, 208, 209, 2l8, 220, 23O, 236, 242, 245, 255, 259, 26l, 262 2 , 270, 272, 274, 276, 277 s , 279, 312 3 , 317, 323, 330, 334, 336 s , 340, 34L 343, 344, 347. 349, 35o, 352, 355, 358, 363 2 , 365, 367 2 , 370, 371*. 373, 374, 380 4 , 384, 389, 391, 397, 400, 40 1 2 , 403 2 , 404, 408, 410, 414. Varo, 194, 195, 196, 217, 239. Vaux, 124. Vavasour, 6, 6w, 10, n, 2in, 22, 23, 27. 36, 52, 256. Vevers, Viuers, 16, 17, 27, 29, 39, 40, 41, 48, 49, 62, 68, 75, 86, 89, 90, 93, 94, 95. 97. 98 2 , 99 2 , 101 2 , 103 3 , 104 3 , 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, no 2 , 112, 114 2 , 115, 117, 123, 123M, 126 2 , 129, 132, 134 3 , 136 2 , 139 2 , 144 2 , 145, 146 2 , 147 2 , 148, 149, 161 3 , 162, 163, 164, 167, 168 3 , 169 2 , 175 6 , 176 4 , 176A 2 , 184, 185, 186 2 , 187 2 , 188 2 , 189, 190 2 , I9i 2 , 192, I93 3 , I94 2 , 196 3 , 197 2 , 198, 199, 200, 201, 205, 206, 207, 208 3 , 209 2 , 211, 216 2 , 219, 221, 226 s , 232 s , 233, 235, 236 s , 238 2 , 240, 241 3 , 242, 243 2 , 245 2 , 248 s , 249, 251 2 , 252 s , 253, 254 s , 255 2 , 256 s , 257, 260, 261, 263, 272, 277, 286, 287, 297, 304, 315, 318, 320, 322, 323, 328, 331 2 , 332, 333, 340 2 , 343. 385. 391, 392, 394, 3 396 2 , 397 2 , 398 s , 400 2 , 401, 418, 419 5 , 420 3 . Vince -s, 280, 354, 398, 403, 411, 413, 416 2 . Vincent, 217, 345 s , 347, 349, 351, 357, 361, 374, 4028, 4 o 3 . Wad, 88. Waddingham, 406. Wadington, 308, 314, 3372, 391,401,409. INDEX OF SURNAMES. 451 Wade, 91, 95, 408. Waide, 252, 364. Wainman, 49, 318. Wainwright, Warnwright, 331, 334, 343. 359. 362, 39L 393- 394. 403. Wairde, 91. Wait -e, 85, 135, 203, 204, 206, 207, 208, 209, 311, 216, 219, 222, 258, 260 2 , 261, 263, 264, 266, 269, 272, 273, 274, 275, 277, 280, 282 2 , 283, 2842, 2872, 289, 2938, 298*, 298m, 305 3 , 31 1 3 , 320, 324, 325, 3262, 329, 330, 332, 334. 335, 339 2 . 340 2 , 342, 343, 344, 346, 350, 352, 3532, 3562, 358) 361, 3762, 378( 380) 382> 3 g 3) 3 g 5( 386, 391, 394, 395, 3988, 3998, 400, 402, 4042, 4052, 407, 408, 412, 413, 421. Waites, 389. Walbancke, 37, 39, 41, 42, 96. Wales, 390, 412, 419 3 , 419M. Walker, 27, 30, 32, 34, 38, 88, 89, 129, 142, 144, 150, 153, 154, 156, 158, 159, 161, 166, 1672, 169, 173, 1742,175, 176A, 183, 184, 186, 188, 189, 191, 193, 194, J 95> x 96, 198, 199, 200, 202, 203, 204, 220, 225, 227, 233, 239, 240, 242, 245 s , 247, 249, 251, 252, 318, 319, 320 2 , 327, 331, 336, 392, 402, 403 2 , 406, 410, 414. Waller, Whaller, 215, 300, 306, 331, 340. Walsh, 105, 212, 253. Walton, Wolton, 94, 135 3 , 140, 151, 155, 159, 162, 163, 181, 188, 189, 190, 192, 194, 198, I99, 212, 2l8 2 , 219, 222 2 , 234, 236, 2412, 242, 299*, 303 3 , 307 3 , 309 3 , 31 1 3 , 313 3 , 330,346 3 ,347.349.356, 369. 3802, 3812, 383> 384) 397> 399 2 ( 400, 401 3 , 410, 414 2 , 416, 417, 420. Walwayn, 6. Wansley, 108, 114, 121, 132, 159, 161, 171, 1742, 177, 178 2 , 179, 181, 182, 185, 222, 223, 2252, 228 2 , 231 3 , 255. Warburton, 317. Ward, 90, 120, 128, 197, 202, 206, 221, 222, 264, 266, 268, 269, 291, 295, 301, 307, 312, 317, 326, 327, 328, 334, 361, 364, 367, 368, 369, 370, 395, 398 s , 402, 4082, 4102, 416. Wardman, 201, 244. Wardell, 208. Wardle, 202, 211. Wardrop, 127. Warrander, 134. Warren, Warrin, 251. Warrington, 365, 409. Warwick, 156. Waterhouse, 108, 115, 129. Waters, 260. Waterson, 72. Waterton, 3, 366, 409. Waterworth, 40, 42, 107, 108, XII, 112, 121, 128, 142, 146, 1672, 220, 223, 237. Watkinson, 142, 145, 152, 159, 161, 164, 165, 172, 177, 1782, i8o 2 , 181, 183, 184, 185, 186, 188, 190, 193, 219 2 , 221 3 , 228, 233, 238, 245, 255, 320. Watman, no. Watson, 81, 83, 88, 94, 108, 153, 158, 180, 181, 182, 185, 187, 189, 193, 1972, 1992, 201, 202, 203, 205, 206, 2092, 2io 2 , 214, 219, 221, 222, 227, 228, 240, 2432, 2442, 246, 251, 254, 255, 257, 2582, 259, 262, 2632, 264, 269, 270, 271, 273, 274, 277, 278, 280, 282, 285, 290 4 , 296*, 297*. 298*, 299, 302, 303 6 , 304, 306 3 , 3072, 310 3 , 31 1 2 , 313 3 , 314, 316 4 , 320, 324, 326, 330, 331, 333. 335. 336, 339 3 . 346, 348, 351, 354. 356, 361 2 , 362 s , 363, 364, 3662, 368, 369, 373, 375, 377, 378 3 , 379, 381, 388, 390 4 , 391, 392 3 , 394, 3952, 398, 400, 401, 404, 407, 411, 415, 416 2 , 417. Waud, 399, 413. Waudman, 213, 214, see Wardman. Waugh, 139. Wayland, 411, 412. Weardley, 137. Weare, 162, 170. Weatherall, 138, see Wetherall. Webster, 2 2 , 20, 134, 215, 332, 394, 398. Wentworth, n, 36. West, 27, 38, 64, 65, 73, 92, 95, 96, 97, 98, 101, 103 2 , 105, 108, in, 113, 116 3 , 117, 118, 130, 135, 141, 150, 154, 156, 160, 161, 1632, 166, 167, 170 2 , 174 2 , 175, 176A 2 , 178, 179 2 , 180,. 181, 182, 184, 185, 187, 205, 208, 222, 227, 228 2 , 234, 24I, 2452, 246, 251, 255. Westerholm, 322. Westerland, 182, 186, 234. Westerman, 317, 417. Westmorland, 185, 216, 231. Westwood, 412. Wetherall, 141, 154. Wetherhead, Weatherhead, 320, 329, 39>i- Wetherid, 78. We(a)therill, 139, 350, 353, 355, 3842 399, 415, see Weatherall, Wetherall. Whalley, Whalay, Whawley, 14, 38, 1 3 1 2 . 139- Wharton, 56, 402. Wheat(e)ley, 140, 141, 162, 166, 179, 181, 183, 217, 219, 224, 229 12 ,. Wheater, 301 4 , 308 3 , 348, 362, 366, 368, 383 2 - Wheelhouse, Wheelous, 49, 70, 148, 150, 157- Whin, see Winn. Whincop, 99. Whinsor, 306 3 . Whitaker, Whitticars, Witecarr, 90, 158, 215, 219, 260, 323. Whitcroft, 213. 452 INDEX OF SURNAMES. White, 96, 270, 272, 273 s , 287, 291 4 , 295*. 306 3 , 346, 38671, 400. Whitehead, 141, 152, 168, 170, 186, 187, 189, 190, 192, 194, 195, 200, 201, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208 2 , 209 2 , 210, 21 1 2 , 215, 219, 220, 222, 226, 233, 235, 240, 248, 253, 259, 260, 261, 262 s , 265, 266, 267 2 , 268, 269, 270, 272, 274, 276, 282 s , 286, 291 4 , 292 s , 298 s , 305 4 , 312, 318, 319, 320, 322 2 , 324, 326, 328, 329, 330 2 , 331, 332, 333. 336, 339. 34i 3 , 357. 359. 366, 367. 374, 376. 32 2 , 387 s , 388, 389, 391 4 , 401 4 , 403, 404, 405 2 , 407, 408, 42I 8 , 422 2 . Whitehouse, 413. Whiteley, 408. Wiate, 202. Wighton, 392 e , 393 s . Wiglesworth, 220, 414. Wilberfoss, 411. Wilcock-s, Wilcox, 10,97,99, XI 9- I2 4. 147, 149, 1 Si 2 , 1 S3, 158, 167, 168 2 , 172, 173, 181, 184, 187 2 , 192, 194, I97 2 . I 99> 200, 218 2 , 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 225, 226, 227, 236 s , 239, 250, 261, 318 2 , 319, 320, 323, 329, 332, 343. 374, 381. Wild -e, 215, 401. Wildbore, 20 1 2 , 203, 331. Wiley, 99. Wilkinson, 95, 141, 285, 302W, 346, 348, 348M, 354, 361, 390, 395, 400, 406, 409, 418 4 , 418W, 422, 425. Wilkin, 209n. Wilks, 404. Williamson, 412. Wilson, 13, 14, 23, 31, 35, 38, 44, 49, 58, 59, 69, 70, 89, 91, 97, ioo 2 , 102, 105, no, 112, 113, 119, 121, 124, 136 2 , 148, 150, 151, 153, I55 2 . 157. 172 3 , 176A, 177, 179, 182, 184, 190, 192, 193 2 , 201, 203, 204, 205, 207, 208, 209, 210, 213,214, 215,216, 218, 219 2 , 222 2 , 237 3 , 244, 247, 25O, 25 1 2 , 254 2 , 255, 258, 264, 266, 272, 314, 318, 324, 329 2 , 331. 337, 371, 372, 384, 386, 39i, 393, 395 2 , 396, 399, 408, 409, 410, 41 1 2 . Wilton, 395. Winders, 100. Winn, Whin, 348, 350, 352, 354, 376, 378. Winter, 75, 76, 236, 238, 423. Winterburn, 43, 95, 132, Witham, 39, 107, 212, 216. Wittell, 35. Woliscraft, 409. Wolstenholme, 391. Womack, 310 3 , 386. Womwell, n. Wood, 62, 68, 74, 83, 85, 88, 94, 102, 104, 106, 108, no, inn, 113, 120, 128, 129, 133 2 , 137, 140 3 , 142, 145, 147, 149, 164, 166, 171, 172 8 , 176, 184, 186, 189, 196, 197 2 , 198 2 , 199, 200, 201 2 , 202, 203 2 , 204, 205, 206, 208, 210, 211, 212, 213, 219, 222, 223 2 , 231, 232, 235, 241, 242 2 , 243, 246, 248, 250, 252, 253 2 , 258, 260, 279n, 283, 289, 293, 317, 319, 322, 323, 324, 3253, 331, 339 2 , 340 2 , 343, 354, 363 2 , 366, 369, 372, 374, 375, 376, 377, 378, 384, 384W, 385 2 , 392, 394 3 . 395, 402, 404, 405, 407, 408 2 , 412, 415 2 , 416. Woodburne, 126. Woodhead, 319. Woolhouse, 13 m. Woolley, 385. Worfolk, 228, 254. Wormald, see Wormill, 268, 270, 271, 273, 275, 276, 277, 280, 304 3 , 309 3 , 327, 330, 33i, 336, 346 s , 348, 35i, 354, 357, 36o, 369, 371, 375, 385, 394, 400, 407, 41 2 3 , 421, 423 2 . Wormill, Wormild, 250, 265, 266, 319, 401 2 , 405 3 . Worsman, 202, 204, 205, 207, 248, 326, 332, 333- Worthington, 96. Wray -e, 97, 123, 273, 282, 283, 284, 328, 333, 391, 396 s , 418. Wright, Right, 52, 53, 54, 56, 63, 68, 73, 92, 99, 101, 103, 108, 109 2 , III 2 , 117 2 , 119, 120 2 , 122, 124, 127, 128 s , 130 3 , 134, 138, 140, 141, 143, 147, 149, 150, 153, 159 2 , 167, 169, 170, 172 2 , 175 2 , 176 4 , 176A, 178, 183, 184, 186, 187, 188, 189 2 , 191, 192, 194 2 , 195, 196, 202, 203, 205, 206, 211, 213, 214, 2l6 3 , 220 3 , 221, 227 2 , 230 2 , 232, 235 2 ,236,237 2 ,239,240 2 ,245 2 ,247 2 ,255 2 , 256, 257, 259, 261, 262, 263, 267, 268, 270, 273, 275, 277, 279, 280 2 , 281, 283, 285, 286, 288 4 , 316, 317, 318, 320, 322 s , 323, 327, 328, 329, 331 2 , 332, 333 3 , 334. 340, 342, 358, 365. 366, 367, 369, 372, 373, 376, 377, 379, 383, 384. 385, 393 2 , 394, 395. 396, 398, 401, 406 2 , 408 3 , 409 3 , 413, 414, 416, 417, 424. Wriglesworth, 313 3 , 382, 401, 407. Writer, 155. Wroe, 394. Wylton, 8. Wynders, no. Wynne, 105. Yates, 218, 279*1, 320, 329, 331. Yolton, 2 2 . Youdan, 290 6 , 338 s . Younge, 119 2 . Unknown, 102, 109, 146, 220, 222 2 , 227, 238, 329. 377, 407. 419. 423 2 - UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY Return to desk from which borrowed. This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. /-'52VW *WV 41952 m 9 JUL'83Bf>\ LD 21-100m-ll,'49(B7146sl6)476