THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES j STUDIES IN NIDDEJJDALE: UPON NOTES AND OBSERVATIONS OTHER THAN GEOLOGICAL, MADE DURING THE PROGRESS OF THE GOVERNMENT GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF THE DISTRICT, 1867 1872. JOSEPH LUCAS, F.G.S., F.M.S., Telfurd Medallist of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Associate of the Inttitution of Surveyors. LONDON : ELLIOT STOCK, 62, PATERNOSTER ROW. PATELEY BRIDGE : THOMAS THORPE. PRINTED BY T. THORPE, PUBLISHER, PATELEY BRIDGE. 670 tUfTEltKD AT STATinXEfifi' IT ALL STUDIES IN NIDDEKDALE. ERRATA. PAOE. LIVE. 13 26 The words " or the name may like Watch'em he from the word of command " Rak " drive (see Glossary)," in lines 29 30, should follow the word ' dog ' in line 2i. 16 20 for ' degression ' rtad ' digression/ 21 5 ,, 'imparts' ,, ' imports/ 28 4 ,, ' Whan ' ,, 'Wham/ 30 10 ,, ' passiu. ' ,, ' passin." ' 31 3 ,, 'ah,ve' ,, ' ah've/ 82 !l ,, ' Styre, Stirt ' ,, ' Styre, Stirc.' 37 (col) 6 'Uu' ' Un/ 51 6 'have the' ,, 'have of the/ 58 14 ,, ' Manmnm ' ,, ' Mannum/ 63 4 ,, ' that have " gates " See Introd. p. xviii. Glos., p. 254, s.v. G , and KKAT. 70 11 ,, ' vale Denbighshire ' ,, ' vale in Denbighshire/ 76 6 ' Lib/ Tib/ 78 20 ,, ' by doth ' ,, ' cry dost/ 80 38 ' Deel to diet* inn.' ,, ' [Beel to diri*ion].' 84 1 ' Britian ' ' Britain/ 89 28 'off' ., ' oft/ 92 23 islet ' ,, ' inlet/ M 29 ,, ' on ' 'an/ 97 7 'as' ,, ' has/ 97 9 ' bekkjr ' ' bekkja/ 97 21 ' pertineutiis Snis ' ,, ' pertinentiis snis. 97 24 ,, ' Lost honrrs ' ,, 'Losthonrs/ 101 IT) ' cover ' ,, ' Cover/ Vlll. STUDIES IN NIDDEEDALE. PAOE. LINE. 101 29 for ' probably ' read ' probable.' 112 13 ' besides ' ,, ' beside.' 116 10 ' Blasyhaw ' ,, 'Blayshaw.' 123 21 erase 'it.' 124 4 for ' King ' ' Kring.' 128 14 'TRIPLIATA' .. ' TRIFOLIATA. 141 15 ' clangornm ' ,, ' clangorum.' 145 2 ' Wharedale ' ,, ' Wharf edale.' 153 2 ' Laweslight ' ,, ' Lawslight.' 156 24 ' Kennit ' ,, ' Kemiet.' 176 6 ' EASTERLEY ' . . ' EASTERLY.' 176 24 ' cover ' ,, ' Cover.' 182 11 ' gentlemen ' , . ,, ' gentleman.' 197 1 ' in ' ' on.' 200 1 ' flashed ' ' flash.' 210 35 ' beet ' ,, ' breet.' 267 45 ,, ' Zauors ' ,, ' Yarrow.' 271 35 ' Gr. jflug ' ,, ' Ger. pflug.' CONTENTS. INTRODUCTORY Author's Commentary ; The Gael in Nid- dcrdale, &c., &c xiii. I. Physical Geology aud Geography of Nidderdale. . . . . 1 2 II. Traces of the plough on modern cattle-grazing lands. Long 3 horned cattle, 3. Shorthorns, "Betwenged," 4. Nidder- dale proper, described ; past failure of Agriculture. 5 Oatmeal ; ttye, tradition of . . . . . . . . . 6 III. Nidderdale Sheep; "Sheep-gates;" "Mugs" A. S. Laws. 7 The " half-bred," wool and mutton, A. S. Laws re wool. 8 The " Sheep-cratch " " Swathed " land ; Sheep in winter and srring, 9; " Blackwater ;" " Mosscrops and " Cut- throats;" getting " rigged;" track of a half-bred ; " Kake out," "Sheep-rakes;" " Blackfaced sheep," 10. Ancient Cymiic (or Welsh) Numbers up to 20 still in use. 11 Sheep-dogs apt to turn on sheep ; capacity ; require- ments : varieties, 12. Four types ; 46 Sheep-dogs' names in Nidderdale 1311 IT. ( 'AIMI AI, " Hasty-pudding," " lumpy ;" OATMEAL " fer- mented," Tiz. : " riddle-cake," ' held-on cake," or " turn-down cake," " clap-cake." WHEATEX FLOUB " tiffany cakes :" the " tiffany " or " temse," " Brush- shank," origin of " Temse." . . . . . . . 15 STONE OVENS. Called " Yewns ;" the " Bakstoue.' 1 .. 16 18 The " Branderi," or " Briggs." 1819 The " Kail-pot ;'' the " Swape," or " Beak ;" the "Reckons." 1920 The " Chiuiler-hoal ;" ancient Norwegian house. . . 20 The large chimney ; " Hoodeud ;" the " lUuncl Boak." 2121 X. CONTENTS. PAGE. " The Gaberlunzie Man ;" tlie " Langsettle." . . . . 24 The "Pore," "tengs," and "showl;" the "creel;" " peats," " settle " or " squab." . . . . . . . . 25 Ling Hall, 25-6 ; the " Fleak ;" " Beef-case ;" " Thivel " 2526 or " Spurtel." 26 The " Rush-stand ;" " Seaves." 27 The " Bukker," "Bink,' or " Binch :" the "Kern," " Sile," " Sine," " Blake " Butter . . 28 The " Cheese-press." 29 THE FARM. Garth, Cletch, Chook, Reckling, Stee, Mistal, Stower, Rung, Kelk ; " Reasted " horse, Twauc, Fettlin, Coaf, Lair, (O.N. Leir, Clay, see Gloss.), 30. Clogs, Skeel, Beild, Redstake, Bewce, Kye, Coo-bow, Far- Pastoor, (see Gloss.), High Lathe, " Backcan " or " Budget," " Beast-stang," Sheep-cratch " or " Pig- Cambril," " Stack-garth," 31. Helm, Thack, "Barn," (a man), Limmers, Conveyance, Sealh. Fleaing-spade ; Toft, Hog, Stirk, Stott-Stirk, Heifer- Stirk, Mug, Shipn ; Park, Stag, " Banky countrie," Tntak, "Swathed," " Gersinfield," " Beuty ;" " Hee Boon," " Low Boon," " Breah." (the broken bank of a river), " Nar Sleets," 32 Watli, Low Holm: Slape ; Fog, (after-grass), Blashy, Pelsh ; Grip, Croft, Hoose, Hind, Lea, (Scythe). " Park," meaning and origin of the word. . . . . 34 " SHEEPSCORING NUMERALS." . . . . . . . 35 41 YULE, T'ool Clog, FromartyNeet, Spice Cuke, T'ool Cake 42 Yule Cake, Jule Kage. T'ool Caudle, 43. Christmas 43 customs, Yule (meaning), 44. THE SWOIID DANCE, 45 49 THE NEW YEAH, T' Watch Neet 49 VI. THE GAUTU. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 54 VII. THE HELM All the passages containing the word in the A. S. Laws, etc. . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 5'J VIII. THE REINS " Reean," (50. " The Warder-marskc Reins." 6061 The Wharfedale Reins, 02 ; Laws of Ine, 6263 ; 6263 Tusscr, 6364; The Common-Fields; The Moors; Enclosure Acts, 1801, 1836 ; The Village Commune ; 6(5 Causes for depopulation, 66 67 ; Absence of " Reins " 66 67 in Nidderdale, 67 ; of Woolcombing ; Manufactures, 67 Line, the Leiim, Harden, Gum. . . : . . . . 68 IX. THE CKLT Kymrylaml, local Welsh names, 68 72. THE 6'J 72 ROMAN. Pigs of Lead with Roman inscriptions ; 72 Coins 35 Silver and 4 Bronze Roman Coins found in How Stean Beck, 73 76. The ROMAN'S FAREWELL, 77 7!) THE ENGLK, 80. Anglian place names, 8082. Bede's 8082 story about Gregory, 83. THE DANE, 84; Lodbrog's 8384 Death Song, 85 ; History ; Name of Niddurdalc. .. 8687 CONTENTS. XI. PAOB. X. TH* QUERN. "Whernside." 8889 XI. PHYSICAL FEATURES with NORSK Name*. . . . . . . 90 97 XII. CRIOS AND SCARS Names of, 98 101. Men's Names in 98 101 Place Names, 101 ; Mythical Names in do 101102 XIII. BECKS AND GILLS, 103-5. Sporadic settlement of English, 103 105 Norseman and Dane. Locative case, 105. " Angram " 105 a Norsk Settlement, " Lodge " Anglian, " Shipn " txplained, 106-7. " With," " Royd," and " Shaw." 107 " Wham," " Grain," " Brawn," 108. THE NORMAN.. . 109 XIV. VEBTIOES OF THE ANCIENT FOREST... .. .. .. 110 118 Peat-gathering .. .. 118120 XV. THE MODERN BOTANY, 121129. Mr. J. G. Baker, F.R.S., of Kew Gardens, kindly looked through this and made some Notes which will be fonnd in the Introduction. . . 121 129 XVI. THE FOMUD. Speculations on the name. . . . . . . 130 135 XVII. THE BIRDS OF NIDDERDALE, with Studies of Names. . . 136141 XVIII. TH* BIRDS OF NIDDERDALE, ETC., (Continued) .. .. 142144 XIX. THE BIRDS OF NIDDERDALE, ETC., (Continued), with a digression on the Name of " Gabble-Ratchet," . . 145 157 containing " Legend of the Troller's Gill." . . . . 147 149 The Bargest. 149150 Infant baptism in Anglo-Saxon Laws. . . . . . . 151 156 THE BIRDS OF NIDDZRDALE, ETC., (Continutd). Swift, Martin 158161 XXI. THE BIRDS OF NIDDEKDALE, ETC., (Continutd). Sand Martin to Fieldfare, 162165. The word " Field." . . 165166 XXII. THE BIRDS OF NIDDERDALE, ETC., (Continued). Thrash to Sandpiper, 167 175*. Summary 175181 Xll. CONTENTS. XXIII. XXIV. THE CLIFFORD FRAGMENTS. Outline of Story. .. .. 182 183 Fragments 184204 XXV. WEATHER AND FLOODS. Yoredale and Nidderdale ; . . 205 206 Wharfedale, 206209; Irwell 209 XXVI. ANTIQUITIES, ETC., Stone Celts, Flint Arrow Heads ; 210 Cannon Balls, Political Medals, 211213; Coins and 211213 Medals, 213. Mr. James Inglebj's collection 213214 Wheeled Conveyances. .. .. .. .. .. 214215 XXVII. THE DIALECTS OF NIDDERDALE. Part I., " Dicky and Micky Date." 216224 XXVIII. THE DIALECTS OF NIDDER'DALE. Part II., The Glossary. .. 225 etseq. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS PAGE. First impression of Ling Hall. Frontispiece. The Sheep-Cratch 9 The Branderi 19 The Rush Stand 27 The Cheese Press 29 The Wardcr-Marskc Reins 61 Wharfedale, from near Netherside. . . . . . 161 The Sled. 278 STUDIES IN NIDDEBDALE. Introductory Commentary. While hesitating to tax the patience of the reader, by introducing the subjects of these studies in the form of a commentary upon the text, a justification for this course is found in the Gaelic word ' Strath,' upon the very first page. This brings us to perhaps the most important, the last, and certainly the least expected outcome of these Studies, viz. : the former existence of a GAELIC population upon this area. That such a result was unexpected, may be shown by the effort in the footnote, (p. 1) to treat ' Strath ' as Welsh, and' by the fact that in the enumeration of the successive races, that have populated the District, (Study IX, p.p. 69-87) there is an omission of any mention of the Gad. It was not till the long list of words in the Glossary had been carefully worked out, that it became evident, not only that several of them are Gaelic, but that from their nature, it is impossible that they could be imported words. Lovers of Dialects have long been familiar with the Gaelic word (Nu) nor for tJuin, but its presence in England has not been accounted for. Several place names are Gaelic; names of pastures are especially Gaelic, and from their general character and local application forbid the idea of importation. Further particulars will be found in the commentary on the Gaelic element in the Glossary. XIV. STUDIES IN NIDDEBDALE. A curiously similar observation to that in line 8, p. 8, was made by Robert Brown, in 1799. To wit, ' Corn has already been cultivated there, for all the low fields have at one time or other been ploughed.' This proves the change older than the end of last century. The true key is found in Laveleye, (Prim. Prop., 1878, p. 254-5) who shows that it took place at the end of the 15th, and all through the 16th century. Local legends respecting Dun Bulls (p. 4.) must give place to the fact related by Barker, (Hist, of Wensleydale, p. 12, note) that they [are one of the badges of the Nevilles. In ' The Rising of the North,' ' Lord Westmoreland his ancyent raisde, The Dun bull he raysed on high. That the years 1795 and 1797 were historical ' bad harvests,' gives additional interest to the tradition recorded on p. 6, as to Ryebread. It should be mentioned that ' Bakewell ' was the name of a celebrated breeder of Leicester sheep, and that the ' Bakewell ram,' (p. 8, note) is in fact only a ' Leicester Tup ' called after him, which proves that the modern cross did originate as stated in the said note. (P. 15,) Old Tusser gives a curious note regarding Terns, ' Some mixeth to miller the Rye with the Wheat TEMS loaf on his table to have for to eat.' Sept. Ilusb. v. ii. The name terns loaf bears out the suggestion respecting tommy cake (p. 15, note]. The Chimler-hoal (p. 20), which enabled the stars to be counted by persons sitting in the room, (p. 21.) figures in Herodotus, (VIII, 187), who says, ' the rays of the sun reached into the house down the chimney.' 'The lad. ..traced a circle on the floor of the house round the sun's rays.' Beckmann infers INTRODUCTORY COMMENTARY. XV. from this passage the orifice iu the roof, which is prettily introduced by Tegner, in his beautiful Swedish version of Frithiof s Saga ' And adown the airy chimney ' Wakeful stars, celestial friends ! resting, viewed the festive circle.' (W. Strong's TransL, Canto III). The great festoons of sooti (p. 20) have suggested another beautiful verse to the great Swedish poet, (Canto XI, v. 18) where in describing Angantyr's house in Orkney as Frithiof saw it, he says, Ej midt paa golfvet gloder No fire on mid-floor glowed Den mantra brasans sken, Or brazier's bright flame shone, Men emot vagg sig stoder Kauiiii af inarmor sten. Ej rb'k i sal sig lade Ej sags der sotad as, ; Glasrutor fonstren hade, Och dorren hade his. But at the wall there stood Chimney of marble stone. No reek, the hall o'erspread, Sooted the Raunel-balk ; Glass panes the windows had And the door a lock. Were this contemporaneous, the reference to chimneys would bo very interesting, but Tegner's version is modern, while the " invention of chimneys " is put down in Haydn at " 1200, when they were confined to the kitchen and large hall." " One thing " says Leland, 1549, " I much notyd in the haull of Bolton howe ehimeneys were conveyed by tunnels made on the syds of the wauls betwyxt the lights in the hawll ; and by this means, and by no covers is the smoke of the harthe in the hawle wonder strangely convayed." By the 'covers' are meant the ' hood.' Harrison (Detcrip. of Britaynt in Holinshed, 1677), says " Now we have manye chimneyes then, we had nothing but reredosses, and yet our heads did never ache" thus proving their general introduction in the 16th century. King's ' Vale Royal,' 1656, says of the Cheshire farm houses, ' till of late years, they used the old manner of the Saxons, for they had their fire in the midst of the house against a hob of XVI. STUDIES IN NIDDEKDALE. clay, and their oven under the same roof, but within these forty years they have builded chimneys.' Barker (Hist, of Wemleydale, 1856, p. p. 76) says, 'It is a fact that the last farm house of this ancient construction was standing in the township of Tong- with-Haugh near Bolton, in Lancashire, within the last sixty years.' In connection with this ' central fire,' the reference in the above verse to Angantyr's house, and again (Canto III), " Central placed, with constant blaze, were the halmfed embers burning Cheerful in their walled hearth." fall in with the Valle house (p. 20) and Lambe's note in Percy, (p. 241 below). The curious will find further information in Rogers's Agriculture and Prices, V. 1, c. 18, p. 421. A parallel to Pferdich or Pferdisch and paddock, (p. 84) will be found in Pfalung and paling, pfund and pund, (pound) and many others. Andrew Borde (Boke of the Introwduction of Knowledge, 1542,) gives a list of Cornish numerals which differ slightly from those on p. 88 below. They are ' Ouyn, Dow, Tray, Peswar, Pimp, Whe, Eth, Naw, Dec, Unec, Dowec, Fredeec, Peswardeec, Pympdeec, Whedeec, Sythdeec, Ethdeec, Nawdeec, Igous.' According to Mr. Leyland, of Kettlewell, ' Sheepscoring numerals ' are unknown in Wharfedale, where ' Sheep are counted on the fingers in silence, or a little pebble dropped every score.' (Orally, Sep. 7th, 1881). This reminded me of the following passage ' Bargains among the Indians are conducted in the most profound silence, and by merely touching each other's hands. If the seller takes the whole hand, it implies a thousand rupees or pagodas ; five fingers import five hundred ; one finger, one hundred ; half a finger, fifty ; a single joint only ten.' (Hist. Acct. of Travels in Asia, Hugh Murray, in Simpson's History of the Gypsies, p. 311, note). Simpson also cites Bruce's account of two Indian brokers concluding a bargain as to the purchase of cargoes. ' After about twenty minutes spent in handling each other's fingers, below the shawl, the bargain is concluded, say for nine ships, without one word INTRODUCTORY COMMENTARY. XV11. ever having been spoken on the subject, or pen and ink used in any shape whatever.' (Bruce, Travels). In addition to Study VI, (p. 51-5) there is a short article on the ' Garth ' in the Glossary, p. 253. ' Sulh ' the A.S. name for the plough, which figures so largely in Study VII, is still in use in Somersetshire. Pers. Kulba, a plough. A glance through Amyot's Mantchou-Tnrtar and Fr. Diet, will reveal several familiar words, which are probably of Mongolian origin. la connection with the ' Helm,' the subject of Study VII, the Mantchou-Tartar ' Helmen ' the shadow of an opaque body, is very striking. Accurate figures, as to the rural populations ' early in the century,' (p. 62) from a remarkable paper ' on the Increase of Population in England and Wales,' by Mr. R. Price Williams, C.E., read before the Statistical Society, 15th June, 1880, show that ' the increase in the population of the rural districts of England and Wales during the first decade of this century, was 12-11 per cent., or very similar to that of the smaller towns, and as in that case, the maximum rate of increase (14'74 per cent} was reached in the following decade, (1811-21) from that time, down to the census of 1851, the increase of the rural pop- ulation was relatively very small... the decrement in the rate of increase being rapid and continuous. From that period, however, up to 1871, there was a rapid and continuous increment... The cause of the slow increase of the rural population between 1821 and 1851, is evidently in a great measure due to immigration into the towns ; this will at once be seen in referring to the diagrams,' [which show] ' that the periods of greatest increase in the town populations are coincident with those of greatest decrease in the case of the rural population. This is especially noticeable in the decade, 1841-51.'...' The population of the towns, which up to this period was considerably less than that of the rural districts, equalled it about the middle of the decade, and at the end considerably exceeded it.' (Journ. Skit. Soc., Sep., 1880.) XV111. STUDIES IN NIDDERDALE. In Col. A. H. Ouvry's translation of E. Nasse, 'Agricultural Community of the Middle Ages,' 1871, (p. 19) the passage from the Laws of Ine, c. 42, (p. 62) is given and translated. I had printed this part of the Studies before meeting with a copy of Nasse. He says ' Price and Schmidt remark very justly, that there is a hiatus after ' nsebben,' (p. 63, line 1, first word) which they fill up from Ine, c. 40, ' & recen heora neahgebnres ceap in ' (Ouvry p. 19). I had filled it up in the text with the words ' their cattle,' (p. 62, line 2) which is all that is required. In the next clause, however, (line 4) for ' have " gates " ' read ' that gap own.' The ' commotions ' mentioned in Mavor's note (p. 64) are explained by the following. ' Commencing with the great insurrection of the peasants in 1549, there were numerous local risings throughout the 16th century, all with the same object, the destruction of the enclosures which deprived them of their lands.' (Prim. Prop., p, 256,). Anent Mr. Atkinson's note, p. 65, on ' Sheep gates,' in France, under the system of common pasturage, a common flock of sheep receives from each inhabitant a number of heads, determined by the quantity of land which he possesses in individual ownership.' I must again refer to Mantchou- Tartar. ' Tchop ' means exactly the same as Welsh ' Cop ' Eng. ' Top,' summit of a hill, (p. 69). Wei. ' Tran ' (p. 70) is in Gael., 'Treann,' a field, ' Kist ' (p. 72) is classed as being of immediate Welsh descent into this dialect, because, being a Latin word, probably of monastic origin (see Gloss. ) it would be in use among the Celtic inhabitants long before the Angles came. ' Hull,' (p. 70) another Welsh word, appears in a 'Terrier of Glebe Lands' of the Chapel of Middlesmoor 1809 ' A little swine-hull, in length three yards, and breadth one yard and a half, covered with slate.' Grainge, (Hist of Nidd., p. 165.) Cleasby, or perhaps I ought to say Vigfusson, (Icel. Diet.) has 'Hask-wind' which is evidently wrong. Welsh Asgellwynt, is lit. ' the wing "of the wind,' (p. 72,) as I am informed by the Rev J. G. Roberts. INTRODUCTORY COMMENTARY. XIX. Few readers will have the dates of the Roman Emperors (p. 75) at their fingers' ends. They are Nero, A.D. 54-68 ; Galba, 68 ; Otho, 69 ; Vespasian, 70-79 ; Titus, 79-81 ; Domitian, 81-96 ; Nerva, 96-8 ; Trajan, 98-117 ; Adrian, 117-88. Very interesting is the account in Hobkirk's Hist, of Huddersfield, 1868, (p. 491) of the discovery at Cambodunum of the bronze companion me Jal to the silver ' Juda ' denarius, found in Steanbeck, which medal is mentioned on page 75. The bulk of Study VIII was written in 1871. Page 80 was printed off before the early months of 1881, when the Irish Question brought to light the Eundale system, still in use in Ireland. Some excellent plans or maps of the ' Rundale Villages,' with their radiating stripes of land, appeared in the Illustrated London Papers of that date. Nevertheless, the word seems to be O.N. Rond, a rim, border, stripe, and deel, division, which like Mere, a boundary, and Mark or March, a boundary, has given its name to the village land. (Russ. Mir, Get: Mark v ' 1 Ray ' or ' Wray,' (p. 82) is certainly Gael. Rae, a pasture, probably the same word as ' Reoh ' and ' Rough ' in Surrey. To the A.S. place names ' Bolton ' must bo added. The Domesday Bodelton, shows it to be A.S. Boll, or Botel an abode, hall, etc, and ton a name still preserved intact at ' Bootlc, 1 Liverpool. To p. 89 we may add Chaucer's line, ' Whereas they made him at the qucrnc grind.' Hani (p. 90) occurs in the form ' Hrani ' as a man's name in the Incantation of Hervor, v. 2. Sleet ' (p. 91) occurs in Somerset in ' Sheep-slate '=' sheep-walk.' Therefore also the 1 slate ' upon our houses is the same Gothic word, and means 4 fiat.' In addition to the Gothic forms given on p. 91, I find one apparently foreign word in Welsh, Ysletan, any flat body, or XX. STUDIES IN NIDDEEDALE. vessel, aflat, a flat bottomed boat. ' Huntari,' the ' hunting grounds,' or the district over which a tribe had the right of hunting, affords another example of a name being transferred to a newer form of the same thing. The venerable name of Mark, which in Dan. now simply means a field, occurs again half a mile east of MalhamTarn, in ' Gans High Mark,' ' Bordley Hall High Mark,' ' Cote High Mark,' fields ranging from 1400 to 1500 ft., and in ' Clapham High Mark,' 1650 ft. For ' Ketywell,' (p. 95) see p. 161. ' Itrdcnbec ' (p. 96) is evidently Doubergill Beck, which flows down through Wath. Roger de Mowbray gave by Charter, to the Abbot and Convent of Fountains all the land between ' Pateleigate and Iwdone,' (Hist, of Nidd. p. 89). Mr. Grainge adds in a footnote " This Iicdone is evidently not the place now called Yeadon." But it certainly is, Mr. Grainge himself proves it. The Carta (p. 96, bottom) shows that Fountains Earth originally extended from lu'denlcc to Beckermote. Mr. Grainge (Hist., p. 175) says, that it still extends " from a short distance above Beggarmote Scar, to where Doubergill falls into the same river, [Nidd] near the hamlet of Wath." He says again, "Doubergill divides it from Bishopside." The place really in doubt is ' Pateleigate,' which must have been the name of a road or track at the northern extremity of Fountains Earth= the ' Pateley road.' ' Mote ' is a commoner name than appears in the north. There is an old Cumbrian rhyme which says, " The Esk and the Liddle Run a striddle And meet at the Mote." which I take from Mr. Palmer's charming work, (The Tyne and its Tributaries, C. xiv, p. 157). As regards the suggested Groeco- Latin origin of Buskr, a bush, Lot, Boscus, (p. 104). ' By Inquisition, post mortem, (26 Ed. 1), Roger de Mowbray held ' Nidderdalo Chacea, INTRODUCTORY COMMENTARY. XXI. Baggworth bnscus, Glomescallo boscus ' which were within the Manor of Kirkby Malzeard,' (Hist, of Xidd., p. 175). Two Papers of mine, on " The Vestiges of the Ancient Forests of part of the Pennine Chain," have been published, one by the British Association, 1881, and the other in the beautifully printed publications of the " Geological and Poly- technic Society of the West Riding of Yorkshire, 1881." Both are founded on Studies XIII and XIV. For more about Charcoal-burning, (p. 117) see Rogers ( Agriculture and Prices, V. 1, c. 18, p. 421.) ' Terraced Reins.' (p. 120) are of world- wide invention ' At Murichon, a small village in Bhotan, which occupies a spot of even ground at the top of a mountain, the farmers level the ground they cultivate in the slopes of the hills by cutting it into shelves, forming beds of such size as the slopes will admit,' (Capt. Turner in Hamilton's East India Gazetteer, 1828. V. 2, p. 262). To Mr. J. G. Baker, F.R.S., of Kew Herbarium, the author df ' North Yorkshire,' with whom I had the pleasure of walking over some of the ground treated iu these Studies, when I had the honour of conducting the excursion of the British Association from York to Brimham Rocks, 1881, I am indebted for the following notes on Study XV. The Modern Botany, (p. 121). " Primula Elatior. The Yorkshire Oxlip is not P. Ehitior, which is confined to Essex, Sussex, and Cambridge, but a hybrid between the Primrose and Cowslip. Euonymus Europteus ascends to Leyburn Shawl, 700 feet, and Aysgarth Force." The London Pride,' (p. 122) " Dr. Lees, in his ' West York- shire,' treats it os a true native in Heseltine Gill." Melamjtyntm Sylcdticum should be M. Pratense var. Montana. The Surrey plant is no doubt J/. Pratense, which has a larger flower. Ilubus CTuwucmorus, the Nowt-berry, " marks off beautifully in A r . Eny. the lower boundary of Watson's Arctic region." Ojcyria Keniformis, " this must be a mistake, O.ryria is one of the few XX11. STUDIES IN NIDDEEDALE. plants frequent amcngst the lakes of Westmoreland and Cumber- land, not known in Yorkshire." I bow to tbis opinion. My herbarium contains several specimens, all of which I may have brought from Norway. Tricntalis Europcea, " plentiful on our hills above Thirsk, specially at Boltby." Mr. Reason has stuffed at Wath, a most life-like group of Merlins, (p. 137) cock and hen and five young birds covered with dirty grey down, which were taken on Sigs worth Moor, 1878. ' Tits, ' (p. 130) Euss. Ptetzei, birch . Mr. Leyland, (Sep. 7th, 1881) has stuffed at Kettlewell two Kingfishers, shot there. Professor Max M tiller has fulfilled hi? promise, (p. 141). The passage nows reads (Ed. 1880, Vol 2, Lect. 10) " The Emperor Julian, (Mieopogon, init.) when he heard the Germans singing their lays on fee borders of the Rhine, could compare them to nothing but the shrill cries of birds." Mr. Newbould has stuffed at Drygill, a Greater Spotted Woodpecker, (p. 143) shot near Pateley Bridge, (Sep. 6th, 1881). ' Ket Crow,' (p. 142) i.e., ' Kite Crow,' for Kite means ' belly,' and Ket means ' offal.' This explains Kite the falcon. Some further comments upon the text will be found in the Glossary. THE PATE. The Pate, brock, or badger, which gives its name to Pateley (but see Glossary for all I know about the word), has long been quite extinct in Nidderdale and Wharfedale. Mr. John Tennant of Low Green, told me tbo following respecting the Pate. " Fifty five or sixty years ago, when I was a boy, Pates were common about Goldsborough and Knaresborough, and used to INTRODUCTORY COMMENTARY. XX111. eat and destroy considerable quantities of corn and potatoes. We used to hunt them at night. They cannot run very fast, on account of the difference in the lengths of their legs." There is a great difference in length, between the fore and hind legs, but I can bear witness to the fact, that in Nidderdale, several persons of undoubted intelligence credit the story, that the legs on one side, are longer than those on the other ! They were formerly common in the Dales. Old John Wilkinson was living September 5th, 1881, with his wife, who was just over 92 years of age, and two months his senior, at his sou's house at Heathfield. They had been married upwards of seventy years, and seemed to be enjoying a peaceful old age, after a long life's work, quite content sitting side by side on the settle, with all they wanted in each others company, though they were both too deaf to converse easily, but in other respects in full possession of all their faculties. When I asked John Wilkinson, whether he had ever killed a Fomud or a Pate, he replied, ' Aye, scoores,' and his son, himself an old man, entertained me with the following relation. " About forty years ago, I was crossiu from Heathfield with fadther, to lay wait for a man that we thowt was like to be out poachin. We did not want ta cross t' brig, and, as t' Nidd was varra low, I greed to hug fadther across t' waiter. When I had taken ma stockings off, and had got inta t' middle, we heard a splash, and saw something swim across t' Nidd. So I maks back, and when it got ta t' bank we saw it was a Pate, so we gave chase, and as they cannot run s.t varra fast we seean catched it." Mr. John Leyland, of Kettlewell, related to me another personal experience. " A Badger was killed at Starbotn, [Wharfedale] about forty years ago. I and two brothers all rode on one horse to see the Badger- bait. We made a tunnel about 20 or 80 feet long, with a tub at t' far end Seven or eight fox terriers tried to draw the Pate, which was killed by Bx>ger Tattersall's dog." " Mr. Ley laud also told me that the XXIV. STUDIES IN NIDDERDALE. last Pates known in the district, were a family, which were all, including young ones, caught in Doubergill above twenty years since, by Frank Bentley." The ' Basons,' on page 133, are evidently Badgers, as the Yetholm Gypsies call the Badger ' Burran.' Mr. Thorpe tells me (June 1882), " That the last Pates seen or known in Nidderdale, were a male and female, and they were killed about 28 years ago in the Tenement Wood, Fountains Earth Township, by two men named respectively Mat Nelson, and Frank Bentley. Within ray recollection, I have known many Pates to have been killed at the Tenement by two brothers, Jack and Harry Blake. The Tenement was the stronghold of the Pate in Nidderdale. I also remember several Badger-baits, in the back yard of the Bay Horse Inn, Pateley Bridge." Some works that have previously gone over part of the same ground as the present work are referred to in the course of these Studies, but the ' Northern Tour ' of Arthur Young, ' North Yprkshire,' by J. G. Baker, and ' The Danes and Norwegians in England,' by Professor Worsaae, require special notice. As regards the last, large numbers of the words and names, which the learned Professor referred to the Danish, are identical with Old Norsk words, a circumstance that may be explained by the want of the very excellent Dictionaries of that Language which we now possess. The outline of these Studies was published in the Zoologist for September and October, 1879, under the title of " The Naturalist in Nidderdale." LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS. XXV. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS. KDITIO*. Al. 1880. Nidderdill Comic Almanac.- 1880. Annstr. Armstrong's Gaelic and English Dictionary. 1825. Atk. Cleveland Glossary. Rev. J. C. Atkinson. 1868. Bla. Poems in the Nidderdale Dialect. T. BJackah.* 1867. Boet. Alfred's Transl. of Boetius into Anglo-Saxon. Fox. 1864. Bos. Anglo-Saxon Diet. Rev. Jos. Bosworth. 1860. Bra. Etymological French Diet. Brachet. 1873. Brock. Glossary of North Country words. J. T. Brockett. 1846. Cleas. Icelandic English Dictionary. Richard Cleasby, and Gudbrand Vigfusson. 1869. CL Gl. See Atk. CoUoq. Heard by me in conversation. Cot. French and English Diet. Cotgrave. 1650. Crav. Gloss, Dialect of Craven, with a copious Glossary. Carr. 1828. Cur. Principles of Greek Etymology, (Transl.) Georg Curtius. 1875-6 ( Cur. Sk. ) Hand list of some Cognate words in English, Latin and Greek. W. W. Skeat, (after Curtius). 1871. DM/. Diefenbach. Supt. to Dncange (Lat.-Ger.) 1857. Du Canye. Gloss... Med. et Inf. Latinitatis. 1681. Eb. Eyrbygja Saga, (in Cleas.) Fritz. Oldnorsk Orbog. Johan Fritzner. 1865. Glow. Sax. JEfric. at end of Somner. 1659. Grainge. History of Nidderdale. Wm. Grainge.* 1863. Grose, Provincial Glossary. Francis Grose. 1790. Hall, Hal. Archaic and Provincial words: k; * S ' \ Liddel and Scott's Greek Lexicon. 1864. Lid. <}<, tl t ,r,l vim scyld We command that no shield if ////!/ ne lecge ndn sceajpcs fdle on tc^ld, and ijlj he hit dd maker lig (lay) any sheep's skin on a shield, and if he it do tjijlde xxx scill." let him pay 30 shill. When sheep are to be salved or sheared they are laid on a proper frame called a " sheep-cratch " shaped like a broad ladder, and erected horizontally, one end being supported upon two legs, and the other gradually curving down till the ends rest upon tut* ground. FIQ. 1. THE SHEEP-CRATCH. All the spring and summer the sheep run on the moors, each farmer turning out as many sheep as he has " gates " for; In November the farmers near the dale-head send their sheep down to winter in Haverah Park. Two or three flocks are joined together under the charge of one man, who drives then! down and remains with them all the winter, and bridgs them back on the approach of spring, late in March. They graze ofl the ling in Haverah Park, or on the sweet land that has been formerly ploughed and again " swathed." All the sheep, how- ever, do not go down. The fields in the upper parts of the dale in winter are full of sheep that have been brought down from the high moors. Though these undulating fields, with their ridges and hollows, are admirably adapted for wintering sheep, they can only accommodate a certain number ; many dw' ft 10 STUDIES IN NIDDERDAtE. in cold nights, when they contract a disease known as " black- water." In the spring the sheep feed greedily on the flowers of the moor-silk (cotton-grass), or, as it is termed in the dale, "Mrss- crops and cutthroats. " :f Many hundreds are lost on the moor during the summer by casualties, such as falling into holes in the peat, by getting entangled in the heather, by getting bogged, and sometimes by getting drowned. At all times of the year losses occur through the sheep getting " rigged," that is laid on their backs or " riggs " in a little hollow, so that they cannot get up again without help, (See Glossary.) These half-bred sheep possess a habit common to all animals that live among mountains, and which seems to attach to the quality of sure-footedness, viz. that when they walk they place one fore-foot in front of the other. Even the horses that go much upon the High Fjeld in Norway acquire this habit, which keeps the animal well-balanced, and prevents it from sprawling about. The hind legs on the contrary move straight forward, so that, in the result, the animal leaves a track which has taxed the perspicacity of several of my friends during the last ten years. This track is what the shepherd hopes to find on the snow when he is searching for a missing sheep, not indeed upon the rough high moors, but upon the bents and upland pastures. Sheep are said to "rake out" when they form into a line on being first disturbed by the shepherd, and the sheep-tracks which they make walking single file are called " sheep-rakes." Danish licckkc means a "row." Sheep breeding has been practised here from the most ancient times, and it is probable that the " Scotch " or " black- faced sheep" arc the descendants of the primaeval British stock. I now give side by side Spring is said to be "bad times" for sheep. They then feed so greedily, after winter short commons, on rar.k grass that they get diarrhea, or otherwise sicken and die. I have noticed that in spring one meets with more dying, or recently dead sheep than at any other time. J. R. D, STUDIES IN NIDDKRDALE. 11 1. " An ancient form of counting sheep in Nidderdale," supplied by Mr. T. Thorpe, Pateley Bridge, "which," he remarks, "you will probably be aware, are counted and sold in scores or half-scores." 2. " Swaledale numbers," supplied by my friend Mr. J. R. Dakyns, M.A., Trinity College, Cambridge, of H. M. Geological Survey, who says " they are also used in a Knitting Song," on the authority of Mr. J. G. Good- child, H. M. G. S. 8. " Welsh numbers," from Owen's Welsh and English Dictionary (1803). 4. "English numbers." I 2 3 4 / Yain Yahn Un One Fain Tayhn Dan Two J Eddero Tether Tri Tbree Peddcro Mother Pedwar, Petwar, } Ir. Cetliir } Four s- Pitts Mitnpb Pump, Pimp, Ir. Coic Five Ta> ter Hithiier Cwev * iSix *? Later Lithher Baith Seven Overro Anver Wyth Eigbt / Coverro Dunver Naw Nine Dix Die Deg Ten // Yain-dix Yahndic Un-ar-zeg Eleven Tain-dix Tavhndic Deu-ar-zeg Twelve /J Eddoro-dix Tetherdic Tii-ar-zeg Thir-teen Peddero-dix Metlierdic Pedwar-ar-zeg Four-teen /.r Bnmfitt Mimphit or Mumphit Pynitheg Fif-tceu Yain-o-buinfitt Yahn-a-mimphit Un-ar-bymtheg Six-teen r Tain-o-bnmfitt Tayhu-n-iuiinphit Deu-ar-bymtheg Seven-teen Eddero-o-luimfitt Tether-a-uiimpliit Tri-nr-liyintJu-g Eigli-teen f f Peddero-o-lmmlitt Metber-a-mimpLit Pedwur-ar-liynitbcg Niiie-teen Jiggit or Giggit Jigit Ugaiu or Ugaiut Twenty These numbers have been handed down from generation to generation, and remain, with the exception of a few singlo words, the sole surviving remnant of the ancient Cymric Welsh " v " is a guttural like Germ, cb., Span, x, Gr. cb. 12 STUDIES IN NI0DERDALE. dialect of the Pennine Chain though those are hardly cold in their graves who spoke it fluently in Swaledale. In times of snow, from their habit of sheltering in the hollows, sheep often become buried in the drift. When this is the case a good dog will " set " them, and, if his master is there, he M T ill recover the sheep ; but, what seems most strange, how- ever good the dog may be, if he is alone he will be certain to worry* the sheep. None of the dogs on these moors are to be trusted when they go by themselves, as they are all the best of them apt to turn on the sheep. The dogs on these moors do not attain to the same perfection as they do in Scotland, probably because the runs are smaller ; but many dogs are sent up to be trained here. The capacity of the dogs for managing the sheep is very different in different individuals. Some seem to be born to the work, others would never learn. A dog must be obedient, quick at understanding, swift, strong, and able to stand the fatigue of running over the uneven ground of the heather-covered high moors. He must be able to learn to know all the hundreds of sheep under his charge individually, and to detect a stranger's, so that if two flocks get mixed, he can single out his own from the stranger's. They have to do this repeatedly on the open moors. A wave of the hand is sufficient to send a good dog long distances in search of a missing sheep. The sheep dogs in Nidderdale are referable to four distinct varieties. One, a thin long-bodied dog, smooth-haired, black and tan, long sharp head, long tail, sometimes tall ; very strong, swift, and clever. A second kind is a smnller dog, smooth, silver-grey, with dark grey blotches ; always wall-eyed, light eye in lighter patch ; biirk snappish ; barks in a skulking way, with its tail between its Ings ; cowardly. A third kind, handsomer than the other two, and generally larger, is a long-haired shaggy *WoiTj' Kill (S -r Glossary). STUDIES IN NIDDKRDALE. 18 dog, with ft mass of long hair about the neck ; colour black ami white, being black over the back and sides ; has a white ring round his neck, (whence he is generally called " Ring") ; ears sharp, ^short, erect ; face short, triangular ; tail hairy. The fourth type is a noble-looking dog, rough-haired, terrier like, large ; colour dark slaty blue above, light ochreous brown below ; tan legs ; face hairy ; ears small, partly erect, then drooping ; tail large, dark above, light under ; bark loud a good honest announcement of the presence of a stranger. Though there are some few dogs that do not fall under any of these types, by fur the larger number of the sheep dogs in Nidderdale do ; and though the points of ditl'arence miy appear to be trifling, they are extremely characteristic and distinctive. A great many of these dogs are imported from Scotland, a few from Craven, and elsewhere. The following are some of the very old dog's names in the dale: Bute (said to be for Beauty), Corby, Cort (after Gorton in Craven), Crab, Craft, Daisy, Fan, Fleet, Flora, Gade, Gesa (pronounced like guess), Glan, Harry, Houve, Jessie, Jockie (said for Jock), Jos, Laddie, Lassie, Lady, Luce, Morna or Mourner, Nell, Rake, Rap, Ring (type 3), Rock, Roy, Sam, Shep, Spot, Sprat, Sweep (type 1), Swift (typo 1), Tip, Tossel, Trip, Turk, Watch, Watch 'Em, Wench, Wenny, Whip, Wily, Yarrow. Some of these are eminently suggestive of high antiquity. " Rake " probably has a Scandinavian origin, Ilakki being the Old Norsk for a dog. We may fairly conclude that the name of * 4 R:iko"*is at least 1000 years old in the dale. " Shep" may be A. S. Seep, a sheep, but Sep/ii is an Icelandic pet name for a dog ; or the name may, like Watch 'Em, be from the word of command " Rak," drire (see Glossary.) Similarly "Hoov" is the Welsh HICK (the Anglo-Saxon I/of) a hood (pronounced floor), and was probably given as a name to a dog in allusion to the shape of the hair on the head, or to its colour, presenting the appearance of a hood. The word 14 STUDIES IN NIDDERDALE. "Hove"' (a hood) was still in use in the time of Chaucer, and is, in fact, used by him in the " Canterbury Tales " : And some deal set his hove," V. 3909. The name " Hoov " may therefore be 1800 years old in the dale. Many of the others are equally interesting. Some are obviously imported from Scotland. STUDIES IN NtDDEKDALE. 15 IV. It is probable that we are more dependent upon animal food than we used to be. In tbeir early days, the present generation of dalesmen fed almost exclusively upon oatmeal ; either as "hastj pudding," that is Scotch oatmeal which has been ground over ayain so as to be nearly as fine as flour, boiled smooth and eaten while hot with milk or treacle ; or " lumpy," that is, boiled quickly and not thoroughly stirred ; or else in one of the three kinds of cake which they call " fermented," viz., " riddle cake " (see Glossary), " hold-on cake," or " turn-down cake," which is " made from oatcake batter poured on the bak' ston' from the ladle, and then spread with the back of the ladle. It does not rise like an oatcake." Or of a fourth kind called " clap cake." They also made " tiffany cakes " of wheaten flour, which was separated from the bran by being worked through a hair- sieve tiffany, or temse, south of England Taniitnj,* with a brush called the Brush Shank. Brachet refers the Fr. Tamis to a German origin from Dutch Tents, but Wedgwood takes us to the Italian and Latin " Fr. Tamis, It. Tamigio, Tainiso, a sieve, Fr. Estamine the stuff tamine, also, a strainer (Cotgrave), It. Stamiyna, a strainer made of Goat's hair, from Stame, Lat. Stamen, the fixed threads in a loom, woof, yarn" reasoning apparently upon the vrords. The fact however that we have the Dutch name Terns, would rather indicate that the Temse came into the North of England from the Netherlands, for otherwise " Tommy " is a common term for food among workpeople. As the ' tift'any " gave the name " tiflaiiy-cake," so, probably, the Fr. " Tamia " may have given " Tommy-cake," shortened to " Tommy." If this be BO, the name " Tommy " carries a tradition of the time when oatmeal was tho principal if not the only avticlu of food, and so came to mean " food " generally. J. tt. D. 10 STUDIES IN NIDDEKDALE. we should have expected Tammy as in the South. Again, it' the Dutch had derived their Terns from a French or Italian source, why should ir, who got our Tntnimj from the French, have gone to the Dutch for our Temxe ? That is, why should we have gone to two markets for the same article, the one being the original and the other a second-hand source ? It is true that the great commercial enterprise of that nation may explain the difficulty, under the light of an historical account of the inven- tion, which I have not before me. Stone ovens were formerly much used for baking, and a few are still in use. They are called " yewns," and are about two feet high by two feet square, vaulted, a>?d have a square door. They are made about breast high in the wall of the comfortable room on one side of the fire-place. The gude wife burned ling in this yewn till it became quite red-hot, when she raked out the ling and put in the dough to be baked. Dough is frequently called Doof and I remember, when a little boy at school at Blandford, in Dorsetshire, how we all hated a hot currant bunn, which went by the elegant cognomen of FifiM-duff. Pardon the degression, but on our way back to Yorkshire, it mav be inter- esting to note that on that very charming and beautiful range of hills, known as the Lower Greensands, in Surrey, stone ovens are still in use. Peat is there extensively used for fuel, and what is still more delicious, the small sticks and branches, picked up in the extensive plantations of Scotch Firs, are used as well as heather for heating the ovens. Sweet, indeed, is the fragrance of burning peat, but the scent of the pale blue smoke from the Scotch Fir boughs, with the leaves attached, is sweeter still. The Edfixtoiic was once an important thing in Nidderdale. It has given its name to several large Gills from whence they have been, and still are obtained, and that not only in Nidder- dale, and the surrounding dales, but all along the Pennine hain. From Bak-stone Gill, near Lofthousc, the stone is a very StUDIES IN NIDDERDAIJE. 17 fine bedded soft micaceous flaggy sandstone. It will stand fire quite as well as fire-brick, which at the Dale Head is an expensive article. It is still used for lining all the limekilns, ovens, boilers, etc., and is laid horizontally. It is left thicker in the middle for baking, so as to stand the heat better. It makes sweeter cakes than iron plates. This stone is useless for any other purpose, as it shives off with frost, on account of the extreme thinness of the layers. Mr. Atkinson cites " Hire cako beamed o' the stan," from Hali Meidenhead, (Ed 0. Cockayne, p. 87,) which he claims to mean hearthstone, in support of his untenable suggestion of O.N. Bafatjarn as the derivation of Bak'stone. That could never have named the Gills, however, from which the Bak'stone is actually dug. The word Bak&trjarn, moreover, referred to as 0. N. is Icelandic, meaning "an iron plate for baking sacramental wafers," and occurs in an Icelandic church M.S. of the fourteenth century, called after a Bishop, Vilkins-Maldagi, 15. 87. This, were the other evidence less conclusive, would effectually dispose of the suggestion that Bak'stone is the result of a " transition of sound " from " the 0. N. original " Bakstrjarn. The Bakstone is still in use for baking, but has generally been supplanted by an iron plate, which retains the old name Bakstone like iron milestones. It is now many centuries since the iron " bakstone " first came into use, and, indeed, I can throw no light upon the actual date at which this took place. All I know is, that Sir John Froissart in his immortal Chronicle, which is a model of patience and careful attention to details, in an account of the manners of the Scots, and how they carry on war, tells us that " in their invasions into England, they are all on horse back, except the camp followers who are on foot. The Knights and Esquires are well mounted on large bay horses," (the ancestors no doubt of thd 18 STUDIES IN NIDDERDALE. now nearly extinct Cleveland Bay,) "the common people on little galloways," (still the commonest kind of horse in Nidder- dale,) " they do not carry with them any provisions of bread or wiue ; for their habits of sobriety are such in time of war, that they will live for a long time on flesh half-sodden, without bread, and drink the river water without wine. They have therefore no occasion for pots or pans, for they keep the flesh of their cattle in the skins, after they have taken them off, and being sure to find plenty in the country which they invade, they carry none with them. Under the flap of his saddle each man carries a broad plate of metal ; behind the saddle, a little bag of oatmeal ; when they have eaten too much of the sodden flesh, and their stomachs appear weak and empty, they place their plates over the fire, mix with water their oatmeal, and when the plate is heated they put a little of the paste upon it, and make a thin cake like a cracknel or biscuit, which they eat to warm their stomachs ; it is therefore, no wonder that they perform a longer day's march than other soldiers." Cap. xviii. This was in the reign of Edward III., who was crowned A.D. 1326. The kind of cake they made was no doubt " clap-cake," Dan. Klappe-brod, or thin cakes beaten out with the hand. Mr. Grainge points out that though the name of " clap-cake" is retained in Nidderdale, the old method of making it from which it took its name has been given up.* The Bakstone, whether of stone or iron, is laid upon a frame called the Branderi, (pron Branderee,) which consists of four iron bars, upon two of which, a fifth, the slott bar, slides parallel to the remaining two, Branderi is used at and above Lofthouse, Briggs is the general name in the Dale. (A. 8. Bricg, Brig, Brie, Brycg, Brygc, Bryc, a Bridge, Dan. Brig). Nidderdale, p. 223, 1863. STUDIES IN XIDDKRDALE. 19 FIQ. 2. THE BRANDER!. The Branderi is made to fit on to the fire place, so that stones or vessels of any size, by shifting the sliding bar, can be placed u t " m it. The Branderi is uumistakeably of Danish introduction, (Dan. Branderi ; O.N. Brandreith,) and is not at all used in the south of England. It is a great addition to the open range. There was formerly in common use a round iron pan, about 10 inches deep, and 18 inches across, with a tight fitting convex lid. It was provided with three legs. The Kail Pot, as it was called, was used for cooking pies, etc., and was buried bodily in burning peats. As the lower peats became red hot, they drew them from underneath and placed them on the top. The Kail pot may still be seen in use on a few farms. The name is, doubtless, from Kale a cabbage. The Kale pot was probably originally designed, and used for cooking vegetables. The Su-ape or Beak is a crane over the fireplace on which hang the Reckons, or pieces of iron having several hooks to hang pots on. The name of Swape is Scandinavian, from Sveipa to sweep round, " haun Sneipadi til Sverdinu," he swept round him with the sword ; Sceipr, a Swape, that which sweeps round, an oar, so a long oar used for working a Keel oil the Tyne is still called, but I suspect that the Norsemen gave a new name to an article, which they found in some more primitive form, existing 20 STUDIES IN NIDDERDALE. in this Island at the time of their settlement, because I cannot find that the name is used, or ever was used, for the same article in Norway. Beak, the other, and probably the older name, is Cymric or Welsh. Becjn a little hook, dim. of Ba a hook. This carries us back to something more primitive than the kitchen range, however antiquated ; and that is the tripod, such as Gipsies use, made of poles meeting at about 5 or 6 feet above the ground, and having a pot suspended from a hook above the blazing wood fire. It also shows us that the name of Beak, a hook, has survived the change, and like Ijitkstnne has attached to the more " civilised " substitute that took its place. Upon tb.3 Swape or Beak hang the Reckons, or pot-hooks, pieces of irons hanging down, with several hooks, one above another, to hang pots on. No doubt in England there were formerly plenty of houses with a mere hole in the roof, such as I have seen in Norway and Shetland, the roof and beams being hung with great festoons o,f soot, that must have taken years to accumulate. In Shetland I noticed that the fire was sometimes at one end of the room, and the hole in the roof at the other, so that the smoke had to travel all along the roof before it could find exit. This was for the sake of creating a regular draught, the cold air sinking into the room at one end, while the smoke rose at I he other. When the hole (as in the cases mentioned by Percy, cited below,) is directly above the fire, the cold air sinking on to the smoke breaks the column, and tends to dissipate the smoke, and spread it about the house. A tradition of this hole exists in the name Chimler-hoal. In the old Scandinavian houses the tiro was in the middle of the room, and, in fact, some of thoHO may still bo seen. One of the oldest houses in Norway is at Valle, in Setersdul, at least it existed in 1870, when I went over it. In it the fire-place was in the middle of the room. When near the end or side how- ever, the Jurge flagstone .stood well out in the room, so that STUDIES IN NIDDERDALE. 21 people could sit all round it except on the side by the wall. The next progressive improvement was the large chimney, such as may be seen in the kitchens of many Abbeys, large enough to allow several people to sit round the fire under the chimney itself. The Ohimuey, as its name imparts, was introduced by the Norman French. ( Fr. Cheminee. Ital. Camminata, dim of cainino; Lat. Caininata, dim of Cuminits, whence also Dan. Kamin, used by Vitruvius for a chimney; Gr. Kiiminos an oven, also a flue. Probably from Kant, Kao to barn. Lid. & Ss.) (Bra.) This was shaped in its lower part like a hood, whence arose as I suppose, the name of lloodeud, which though stiil in use for " that side of the fire opposite to the yoon where there is no boiler " in modern houses, is clearly a tradition of these large hood-shaped chimneys. These chimneys were found in even very small cottages, when they had only a but and a ben, as well as in farm houses in the North of England and Scotland. The appearances of one of these cottages is thus graphically described in the little story of " Dicky and Micky Date ;" " They yuse ta git sat rooad t' oado fire-plaise t' father at yah side an' sou at tother 'coonim stars hoot d C chiinler tup far a wager as they sat, for it wer yau o' thcase oadefashuii'd chimlers 'ats rarely to be'y seen noo-a-duys. Ye cud see hoot o' i' topjra ontnj part o' t' harstan. Doon t' chimler hang a gert chean fra t' rannel Ituak o' witch they yuse ta hiiuj t' pndd'ush pan, I' fryi a pan, t' kettle, cr howt else 'at wautid ayther boilin er fryiu. The name of Hanncl Boak tells a tale. It literally means house-beam , lianns, gen. sing., Raima, gen. pi., of 0. N. liunn, a house, lidlkr, a beam. This requires a word of explanation, as it is evident that a beam across a chimney of the kind described, would never have received the distinctive appellation of the hou-e-beam. On the south side of the High Street in Redcar, there still stands a small white cottage. If one enters it, he will see just inside the door, some strong beams slanting 22 STUDIES IN NIDDERDALE. at an angle from the bottom of the present outside wall, and running right up to the middle ridge of the roof. On ascending into tha upper storey, a parallel series of similar beams will be seen slanting on both sides, fruin the base of the outside walls, up to the medial line of the roof, whore they all rest against one beam in sooth, the Rannel-boak, or house-beam, upon which the whole structure depends. If the upper surfaces of these slanting beams be further examined, they will be found covered with the marks of where there were formerly horizontal laths, not nailed on to them, but fastened on by wooden pegs. On these laths the rooting material, whatever it was, was laid. The structure of the house was exactly as if a span roof, were built upon the ground, without any walls except end walls of course the present side walls are modern. On the noble and wild estate, that formerly belong to the Elwes family, in Eskdale, Cleveland, in the years 1873 to 1875, a large number of old farm houses and other buildings, most of which had fallen into a wretched stale of decay, were under repair. I then saw several skeletons of these old roof-wall houses laid bare, so that it was evidently the common mode of building houses some centuries ago. In one case, the house had been for centuries an outhouse, for there was a very old farm house near it, which had been built to take its place, when it was made into an outhouse. These old beams were black with the soot and smoke of fires that had burnt beneath them, when they supported tho roof- walls that sheltered the farmer and his family, before the old farm house close by was built. This proves that there was no chimney but that, in all probability, as in Shetland, the tire was at one end of the house, and the chimler hoal at the other. Such then was the Rannel-boak, or house-beam. In the little story of " Dicky an' Micky Date," it says that " they had a jackass called Jerry," they all three "liv'd tagether in a oade thakt buildin i' t' loanside, Dicky an' Micky occupied t' maist o' t' buildin, Jerry hevvin a corner tav hisst'n t' yak end." Now STUDIES IN NIDDERDALE. 23 I have repeatedly slept in Norway, close to the partition between the house and the lair, and heard a cow eating within a foot or two of my head. In fact the cottage here described, is precisely similar to those which are found everywhere in Norway, but especially in the Sailers, or high up the dales. Now this end of the house, which is inhabited by the donkey, is called in Denmark, the FremmerS, from Frcmraffe, to project. " The Fremwers," says the Rev. J. C. Atkinson, " in old fashioned country -side houses, in several parts of Denmark, was a projecting end or portion of the building (whence the name,) which contained the oven, and gave shelter to one cow, or more, beside some sheop and the fowls." " In some cases the great or cooking fire of the establishment was also in the Fremmers, and where this was the case, meat, salt or fresh fish, and the like, were hung i roan." " Dan. D. roan, raane, or ran, rane, raande, the space below the roof'm the Freminers." Now from this Dan. Raan, Mr. Atkinson derives the Rannel in Rannel Boak. The question then arises, " Is Raan the same word as the 0. N. Rann, differently applied ? or is it a different word ? The oldest form in which we find the word Rann, is the Goth. Razn a house, but especially a ceiling, a roof (Lye) a structure, an edifice, something erected, that which is raised, probably a corruption of the part. pass. Raisgans ? of Goth. Raisgan, to raise. This passed into A. S., in the forms, Rttsen, Reesn, a covering, roof, ceiling, also, according to Somner, a beam in a roof or ceiling, or in fact Rannel-boak. The word did not survive in English, as the word " roof" proved the stronger of the two. In 0. N., as in A. S., it was a borrowed word from the Gothic, but it here underwent a marked change. Instead of Razn, it became Rann, of which Cleasby remarks, " the assimilation of zn or .iq cumln-ll, (0. Fr. Gamble, curved) because pigs are killed upon it. Now you shall see the Stack-garth, (0. N. Stnkk-gardrj. That Ih'lm (0. N, Pastoor above LoftLouse, lower down, I'ater. 82 STUDIES IN NIDDERDALE. Helma, straw, Hjdlmr, a barn ; A. S. Healm, straw, Halm, a shed) wants fresh thack, (0. N. Thak, thatch) but we sa'ant be able to get at it till t' back end o' t' week, as t' barns (0. N. Barn, a man) are agate making new limmers (0. N, Limir) for hooer conveyance, and some new sealh (A. S. Sealh. willow) shafts for t' fleaing spades. There in the toft, (0. N. Topt, Toft ; A. S. Toft, home field) are the hogs, (hoy, a lamb a year old, cp. Wei. Hof/en, Hor/yn, in Glossary) sum of thease Hogs er worth 2 or mair and sum Stirks (A. S. Styre, Stire) o' wer awn breedin. That Stott Stirk (Dan. Stud, an ox) hez just been seld for 1000 guineas ta gan tav America, and thease Heifer Stirks are worth 600 apiece.* It t' clooase yonder ye'll see wer oade Mugs, (Leicester Teaps) we've maaide a dear streight into t' ship'n for 'em. Noo if yer nut tired, ah'le tak je doon ta t' Parks, ta see hooer Stags. (A. S. Pearruc, a parruck, paddock, enclosure,) (Stay, a colt. 0. N. Steggr, prop, a mounter, from Stiga, to mount ; the application is obvious.) Ye see its varra lanky i' this countrie.- We can ayther gan doori to t' beck an' ower t' lo' brig, or cross a We bit hither up t' dual be'y t' hippins, but ah doot it'll be runnin ower t' steeans ; if it is, we can gan up o' this side be'y t' Intaks an' ower t' bank top, ta t' new Intak. (0. N. Inn-tak, that which is taken in, Dan. Indtage, to take in.) Its nobbut lately sicathcd, we lime'd it weel, but ah doot it'll mak a pooer gerxinjield ; it lewks sa benty. Will ye gan be'y t' beck ? Varra weel, then we'll gan doon through t' Hee Boon, an' t' Low Boon, ( ? Dan. Bund, a meadow, bottom, as I do not see how to explain it by the Boonserttce ; moreover it appears to me that the latter word proceeds from the former as the rt/ww in the old ecclesiastical sense proceeded from lu'hn.) and then be'y t' carrs an' alang t' break top, (A. S. Break, the broken bank of a river) doon through t' Xar Elects, (Nar, near. Tim prices here qnolcd arc no fable, I am reciting an actual experience. STUDIES IN N1DDERDALE. 33 O. N. Sletta, a level field) ta t' Wath, aboon t' Lo' Holm. (A. S. Wath, a way, 0. N. Vath, a ford.) A Holm is a flat meadow by a river, especially a small one, isolated from other fields by the sides of the valley approaching each other, and being steep and wooded on both sides to the River, so as to nip out the Holm at both ends. (0. N. H6hnr, Dan. Holm.) Its varra slape, (0. N. 6'fei/>r slippery,) tharrs sa mitch rain o' t' Foy, (Welsh Ficy, 0. N. Fob. Fog in Nidderdale is the young grass that springs up after a field has been mowed, the aftermath,) it maks it lilashy as weel, tharrs been sa mitch pelsh lately. I mun cut a yrijt doon this croft, (A. S. Grep a furrow ; A. 8. Croft a small enclosed field). This house (0. N. Hits a house) is whar me'y hind bides, (0. N. Hinc Hina a servant ; A. S. Uidan to remain). Thar he cums wi' t' lea," (0. N. Le a scythe, a large heavy scythe with a straight handle, and blade flat with the handle, unlike those of the south, which are smaller, and the blade is turned at an angle. The mode of using the lea is quite different from that of mowing with A south country scythe. Instead of being able to work him- self into an even swing, taking short steps, the mower with the lea takes a gigantic stride, and as he does so, bends down very far forward, at the same time taking in a far larger sweep than is possible with the south country scythe. It has the appearance of being far more laborious, than mowing with the common scythe, as the mower stops between each sweep, and has to raise himself upright to make a fresh start for every stroke. In addition to this there is no quick " recover " with the lea, which is too heavy for that, and at the end of the stroke has to be pulled back towards the imncer after a check, and then carried by a fresh effort over into position to commence the next sweep. Nevertheless, those who are used to it do formidable work with it, but I cannot say by which method a given area of arroc, park, so that we have in English, side by side, the two forms, paddock and park, proceeding from the same word, meaning "for, or leloiinin D ^ 3 *-C* w-?2 l> *G qS p> fl O _C 9 C s-a-s I H U M crit s ^s-c - WOH b >O 00 OS O .-i < 05 CO STUDIES IN NIDDERDALE. fl . fl CO O o ? tj J-l S o - 'S '3 i3 QJ 5 'S 'S o .^p iila^^tsl|'f r? sl^ I g^ 0.2-33^^ I *S !a ts J .^ 2 - f* a"S $ Dfl H CM STUDIES IN NIDDERDALE. 89 CD 1* o S * rH *" -O g 1 H c3 ^- r3 ^ &< p (3 0^3 = S S S d c ; S -a fH 1 sg |l l|jl aT g^Cj rfrt p X3 r ^C3V ^^C5| "a "o aaS * *" S s ? c ?:3 r 2;? t ?SS-S 3 (2 g s ^ rg g<,s! ^^s^ a 52^5 s S 2? 5 w"" S Sttj-l^a^HHSa^^HS'^ ' g tfl e J3 60 - S CO rH .11 _&0 -3 'g S ""3 -a P, 3 a ?'S .JP a c .3 S * 6 'S CU ^"25 =*e^' : Sa C ?"a"b .5 '3 a 'S -^'2 s o -- .5 ' 3 i "^ s S '^ i 'S .SP .s fe CO _^ 0) M *. '^ in r ^!i^ '! 1 | < ~ l 1 a 5* " -. _ 'S' S t, ^"^ e ' S e^B^^^ 1 a -2eiii'o fc 3a3 "5 SSc- 1 '""^?":- "P^^St o pq r^HH ?5 P-(Xt^5W^Sl"Hr"?;Sr H HHJ5O GO . C g rH '5 .; ^ s a - = e * S S t r ? ='~"^^^'u = S?'l5"=f2-7^ r- 1 H H S E K X H C G > H H J% ?5 >i H H J5 O T 3 1 . eo r_| -: : B| j<-2 s - ^.-5^ "^ E 1-f-? c a ifi ^;~s? 2-7*? - * _r - TiiAfc**iiS 9 !H a3 ^ ?=l=^ii'l^ ; ilia'='w> ^a _^ s> ,Jj ." 5 ** , = ^ vc , a ,- - i ^7 . 3 - ,^ >i c rt STUDIES IN NIDDERDALE. co CM Jftff 3 O< CD O WHH cq ca o CM _" W to g 2 Pnp, a S- 5 -S ~ S 3 S -3 fdHH fe II rS -^ ^ ^ CS a a % .a .= 2 -~ -g g-g^ rt WHH (T '"" Notes to Tables of Sheepscoring Numerals. COLUMN 1, up to 10 ; Co^s. 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 1220, or fifteen out of the twenty columns ore taken from Mr. Elhvood's Paper. COL. 2 is from Forbes'B Hindustani Dictionary. COL. 3, up to 5, from tlie Gypsies on Mitcham Cominou, above that from Grulluiunu and Hovlaiid. STUDIES IN NIDDEBDALE. 4 (DDLS. 5, 10, and 11, see page 11. COL. 12 was given to Mr. Elhvood by A. J. Ellis, Esq., Ex-presidc-nt Philolog. Society, who changed the Spelling from lhat of a copy taken down by Mr. J. A. H. Murray, from the month of Mr. W. H. Thompson, of Kirkby Stephen. COL. 13, obtained by Mr. Ellwood "from Mr. Ellis, who obtained it from Rev. W. F. Bell, Laith Kirk Vicarage, Mickleton, Barnard Castle, who had it from a youth, who learnt it from his grand- mother, a person of about 80, now living at Middleton," (1877). COL. 14 is on the authority of Mrs. Ellwood, who learned it from her mother, a native of Coniston. These numerals have been known in Coniston from time immemorial. COL. 15 was obtained about 1818, from the shepherds of Borrowdale, by the Ponsoubys, of Barrow Hall, who gave it to Mr. Browne, of Tallentire Hall, who gave it to the Rev. T. Ellwood, 1878. COL. 16 was obtained by Rev. T. Ellwood, from Mr. J. Hellon, of Dunnerdale, Seathwaite. COL. 17, given to Mr. Ellwood by Dr. Kendall, of Coniston, who got it from a servant, a native of Eskdale. COL. 18 was obtained by him from Mr. Ritson, of Wasdale Head. COL. 19, taken by W. Browne, Esq., of Tallentire Hall, from the dictation of a female traditioner, who got them as a girl, thirty years since, from a woman of fifty years old, who got them from an old woman of eighty years of age, when the woman of fifty was about 15. That makes 304-35-f-sny 65-130. COL. 20, given to Mr. Ellwood, "by R. S. Ferguson, Esq., Editor of Transact. Cumberland and Westmoreland Antiquary Society, who got it from A. Harris, Esq., who obtained it 42 years ago from an old lady in Epping, Essex," (1878). COL. 21, "used by the extinct Wawenocs in Maine, as written by Dr. Ballard. Sent to Mr. Ellis by Dr. Trumbull, Hartford, Connecticut ; was well known by residents in the Wawenocs territory as early as A.D. 1717. COL. 22, written in Glossic by Dr. Trumbull, from the dictation of a gentleman of Hartford, Connecticut, about GO years old, who had been taught the scoring when a child, by an old Indian woman, who Used to come to his father's house in Hebron, Connecticut, F 4^ STUDIES IN" NtDI/ERDALE. YULE IN NIDDERDALE. ' About Yu!e quheu the wind blew cule, And the round tables began." YOUNG WATERS I. I. Tool clog is provided by selecting a large log and getting it well dry. In some cases the fag end of last year's yule clog is used to light the new one, which in its turn is saved for a like purpose against the following year. The yule clog is lighted on Christmas Eve, which is called " Fromarty neet." Fromarty is a preparation of sodden wheat, and is eaten at tea on Christmas Eve. (I do not know that Fromarty, which is called the same, is eaten in the south at any other time of year than at harvest time, when the gleaners, who have not gleaned enough wheat to make it worth while to have it ground, " shuck " it with their hands, and boil it in water to eat at breakfast.) In addition to frumarty, " Spice Cake" is eaten at tea, and " T'ool Cake" sweet cakes with currants, sugar, etc. One Yule Cake is given to each member of the family and each servant. I now give, side by side, the method of making the Yule Cake, as made in Nidderdale and in Denmark at the present day, 20 miles south east of Hartford, to sell baskets, brooms, etc. "She must have been," says Dr. Trumbull, " a Narragausett Piquot, or Mohegan Squaw. " The woman used to stroll the country gipsy- like, to sell the articles of her own manufacture. COL, 23, To " A. J. Ellis in February, 1875, by Mr. H. .Tenner, British Museum, who had hoard it that day from Mr. E. A. Guy, Cincin- nati, Ohio, U.S., who was visiting the Museum. He said he learnt it from his mother, who learned it from the white hunters and trappers, who came in from the forests. They were said to be used by the Miami Indians, now extinct, formerly living in South Ohio. These numerals hiive no affinity whatever to the systems of numerals used in the Native North American Indian languages, %-Uich arc very complete in themselves. STHDIZS IN XIDDERDALK. the former supplied by Mr. T. Thorpe, Pateloy Bridge, the latter by a Danish friend of nfine : YULE CAKE. Nidderdal*: " 3| Ibs. of flour ; \ Ib. currants ; 1 Ib. raisins; 2 oz. candied leraou chopped fine ; a little cinnamon ; 2 eggs ; 2 pints of lake-warm inilk the eggs to be beaten in the milk ; i a tea-cup-full of yeast; 8oz. of butter; and 1 Ib. of sugar. Mix well. The paste is then dropped from a ppoon 011 to a cake-tin generally four on a tin. After they are baked, mix a little brown sugar in milk to glaze the cakca with. When finished, they are hardly so large && a tea- cake." In shape they are like the Danish Jule Kage, On Christinas Eve one Yule Cake is given to each member of the family, along with a piece of Christmas cheese. As a rule, part of it is 'eft for Christmas morning, and eaten at the breakfast. JULE KAGE. Denmark. " 1 J Ibs. of flour ; (5 07.. of butter ; G cardamoms ; 2 oz.- raisins ; 2 oz. mixed peel ; .J Ib. sugar. Beat the cardamoms with the sugar, and mix with the flour and fruit. Dissolve a little yeast (about a halfpenny worth; in a good half pint of luke- warm milk. Mix well, and beat with the hand until the paste is quite smooth and does not stick to the dish. Then lot it rise for a couple of hours. When well risen, work the butter in < 7 c not rub or roll it. Pat it into the tins, rise again, and bake." The Danish Jule Ka-je is a flat cake, about an inch or more thick in the middle, and 8 or 10 inches across, getting rather thinner towards the edges. It is powdered with white sugar, and when broken, ia very li"ht and well unrated. It is customary for the tradesmen to give each of their customers a caudle at Christmas, and I use the word advisedly, for this candle is part of the Christmas, and not properly of the Yule, and in consequence, the custom is found in the south, as well as in the north, called T'ool Candle, or, T' Yule Candle. Thus one house is often provided with twelve or more caudles. Sometime after tea, in the evening of Christmas Eve, these are all lighted together, and the members of the household hold them iu their fingers alight for about tea uiiuutcs, when all but one are 44 STUDIES IN NIDDEBDALE. extinguished. This one is left to cut the cheese by. A whole cheese is always provided for Christmas, and is cut for supper on Christmas Eve by the master of the house. After dark, on Christmas Eve, no person may take a light out of doors, not even a pipe alight, as it is considered unlucky to do so. After twelve o'clock at night, that is, the first thing on Christmas morning, people go round singing Christmas Carols, As early as five o'clock on Christmas morning, " t' lile barns" come round, holding each a sprig of green hollin, and saying, " Broiri ye f/ud luck." They receive a trifling present. The first comer gets most, sometimes as much as sixpence, while those who come after only get a penny. Grainge says : " He who enters his neighbours house first on the morning of Christmas Day is styled "the lucky bird ;" should a female enter first it is regarded as an evil omen." There is no further celebration of Christmas Day. They do not even have a Christmas pudding. This proves that the plum pudding is part of the Christmas, and not of the Yule. The earliest mention of Yule in the A. S. Laws, is in the Laws of Alfred, (A.D. 872,901) ' othtJie on Geol. " c. 5. or at Yule. From another passage in the same laws, it also appears that the Yule feast lasted twelve days with the Saxons, " xii dagas on Gehhol," c. 39. This was the groat feast of heathen times on to which Christianity grafted Christmas. As to the meaning of the name, there are eight or nine different theories with regard to that, and I shall not go into them, farther than to remark, that! as regards that one which makes the name to have meant ' feast', and to have been used of various other feasts in the year, a, curious passage occurs in the Ballad of ' The Boy and the Mantle,' in Percy's Reliques. " In the third day of May To Cnrleilc did come A kind cartoons child . . " [To Kiii Arthur's court]. STUDIES IN NIDDKRDALE. 45 " Forth cnme an old Knight Pattering ore a creed. And he proffered to this little hoy Twenty markes to his ineede, And all the time of the Christmasie Willinglye to ffeede.'' The word Christmasse, here applied to a feast held in May, may be substituted for the word Yule, in an older ballad. THE SWORD DANCE. Mr. Grainge, in his Jlistory of Nidderdale,* says : " Tho graceful and martial " Sicord dance " is yet practised at Christ- mas Tide by the young men of the Dale. Their dresses for this purpose are of many colours, and their persons are adorned with a profusion of ribbons and other ornaments." He has kindly supplied the following for these Studies : " My recollections of the sword dance as performed some forty years ago are, that the performers were from eight to twelve in number. They were young men, one dressed like a clown, with a wooden sword, the others all in white trousers, and jackets of red, yellow, or some very showy colour, decorated with sashes and rosettes of ribbon, their caps were ajso decorated with ribbon. Along with the dancers was always a fiddle. First, the performers stood on one side of the room in a line, with their swords in their belts ; the clown then as the leading man walked round and began his nominy, something in the style of the boys Christmas play of St. George of England, telling the audience that he is some wonderful great man, Sampson for instance, and that he has brought his valiant sons to make them sport. Then he calls on the first by the name of Alexander the Great, or some other mighty man, to follow him. Alexander draws his sword and follows his leader ; the same process is repented until all (he * T. Thorpe, PaU-lt-y Brid^o, 18G3 46 STUDIES IN NIDDKRDALE. performers are on the floor following each other with drawn swords ; when, at the words of their leader they face each other, clattering their swords against each other above their heads, at the same time dancing round in a circle. Afterwards each man grasps hold of the point of another's sword when held horizontally say two feet above the ground, when they all jump over them in qaick succession, a feat requiring much agility. This continues for some time. Afterwards one of then* holds his sword upright, when by some means the others interlock theirs with his, and form the whole into a kind of square lattice work, which the leader holding up carries round the ring some twice or thrice, dancing all the time ; then he throws down the let in the centre, and each man regains his own sword. Lastly, they clatter them against each other above their heads, as at the beginning, and after continuing this for some time the dance ends. The steps are timed to the music, which all the time keeps rattling away. I have no recollection of any particular song, although some of them sung all together at the end of the performance, something like the following rhyme : Now ladies fair and gentlemen, Our dance is at ail end, We do our best to please you, We come not to oft'cnd. We thank you for your kindness, We thank you for your chuer ; We wish you all a merry Christmas, And a lit-ppy new year. I have seen many parties of sword dancers, but the best and most respectable was trained at Grant-Icy, and George Watson, who once kept the George Inn, at Pateley Bridge, and his brother William, were two of them, and the music man was " Fiddler Leeniing," of Sawley." Mr. Grainge has also obligingly communicated the following Rotes on tht; Sicord J)nelgrad. This gives a lively interest to the name of " Hardcastle Garth," near Birstwith, because it was so called after a Mr. Hardcastle, a farmer, who formerly lived there. We will now trace the word in Welsh. (Owen's Diet.} IN NIDUKKDALE. ,: Cm-,-'- an enclosure, a garden ; Jtis ('rist<')iilum<', Tithes we ordain for every Christian mail, by his Christianity, <(' ci/ric-sceat, d- ^ELMES-FKOII. Gif liii /ura dun ir/llf & church first fruits, & alms mone}'. If anyone will not pay sy he anutnsuinud. let Lim he excommuuiciileJ. Here we may have the first mention of tithes paid in money, though the meaning of feoh is uncertain, for in the Laws of sEthelstan, Introd. it expressly says: " ayyfan iha teoihumjn give the tithes irtjther ije on cwieum. ceape ye on t/ia:s yea res eorlh tnnxtmniii. either in live cattle or in the fruits of the earth for th<: year. This I mention because sulh-oelruessan is tho word used in the samo passage. Next we find in Canon. 49, temp. Emljar, (A.l). 909- 975,) STUDIES IN NIDDERDALE. 57 *' And we l amplyand cheerfully, thonne bith his /(eaten Gode the geewemre." then his fast will be the more acceptable to God. Here for the first time the word .ELMESSAN stands alone, and here it evidently means imiwy as well as kiwi. lu (.'anons. 54, 55, 56 ; we fiud, Can. 54, " And ice Itertith that Preostas And we ordain that Priests folc myneaian tha>s the hiy Gode don scidan, to yerihtan remind folk of that which they should do for God, to be correct on tcothunijuin <& on othnun thinyuin,, arest SULH-^ELMKSSAN in tithes & in other things, especially the plough-alms A'l' night on iifan Kiistrun. < geoguthe tcothumjc be Pentecosten. XV days after Eustisr. & tithes in young cattle by Pentecost. A eorth irestHtu be Omnium Sanctorum. J; Ruin fcoh be Pet res & earth fruits by All Saint's Day. & Home fee by Peter's Mtfxsun <& ciric sceat be Mi>/.w. was used in a certain sense, when another word, jZEhncsse, of ecclesiastical introduc- tion, a corruption of the Greek clcntm^nii', came into use in. the STUDIES IN NtDDERDALE, 69 / saute sense. The probability is that in the lapse of centuries the origin and meaning of Iltrlmysse was forgotten, and that the liisfiops regarded it as a corruption of ^Elinesse, which may account for the corrupt form H.ELMESSE. Whether or no, JElmesse at that time drove out Htelmysse, and literally took its place. Haslmysse, Which occurs in the sense of sEhiuasc, in Lib. Con., A.D. 1008, was not wanted, indeed, for Tithe was used inclusively ; and on the other hand, ^Elmesse had the sense of alms, charity, which never appertained to Hcclmysse. But though H&lmysae was driven out of the leading dialect, its meaning has survived to the present day in the sense of a cart load, the second sense of awnwus, which derives its pronuncia- tion from the 0. N. almusa, olmusa, alms. f>0 STUDIES IN NIDDKRDALfi. VIII. THE REINS. Up to the early days of the present generation, (1871) the' dalesmen lived upon the agricultural produce of their land. In Nidderdale, much of the upper part of the dale consists of property farmed by the landlords,* and in this respect Nidderdale differs from parts of the surrounding county. There is no trace of the former existence of a village community in Nidderdale, though I am far from asserting that such never existed in the dale or of any other state of things than that of individual ownership. In Nidderdale, a Reean is the strip that was formerly left mn ploughed arormd a ploughed field. The farmers used to allow the men who worked for them, to graze their cows on these strips during the winter. Since the introduction of the steam- plough, however, they plough much closer to the hedge, and these Recatts are not now left. This gives us, as nearly as possible, the original meaning of the name which was a strip of land left Rein, i.e. umhuj or unplouylied between two adjoining parties, whether freeholders or commoners. Thus we find in 0. N. Rein, a strip of land Hrcinn, pure, clean. f Jlccn. [two fields. f ) -r, . Dan ' 1 A.jcr-recn, a small ridge between} Recn > P ure > clean ' Swed. lien, a boundary lien, pure, clean. Germ. Rein, a strip of land Rein, pure, elcan. The original " Statesmen," in fact, from whom the leaders in Parlia- ment derive their tifcle. - A bank of earth surrounding Bishop Burton Park, near Beverley, in Ih* East Ruling, is called " The Rein " to this day. J. R. D. STUDIES IN NIDDK3DALE. (il A Ilt'in is the only kind of boundary which it was practicable for the occupiers of adjoining laud to imike, where there were no stones, and few labourers. The Danes brought the institution into these dales with them, as they did to Normandy, where I believe they are still in use. In Wharfedale, Coverdale, Wensleydale, and on the slopes of the hills to the east of Nidderdale, the country is covered with little step-like terraces called "reins," ('pr. reeansj. Some of the best examples are those at Wardermarske, of which I give a plan on a scale of 6 INS. to the mile, showing also tho modern fences, and the contours of the ground at 25 ft. intervals. FIG. 5. THE WARDERMARSKE REINS. The sides of the limestone slopes of Wharfedale are covered with them, each being twenty or thirty or more 62 STUDIES IN NIDDERDALE. yards long, and two or three yards wide, and though they almost always there run horizontally, yet occasionally they lie up and down. These " reins" lay on land which belonged to the village communities of the dale, and each man in the village had one. One man held a "rein" for three years, when he exchanged for another. This system was in full working order down to the time of the grandfathers of the present generation of men about fifty years old.* With the decline of agriculture and the increase of grazing farming, consequent upon the departure of manufac- turing, power to enclose was applied for, under the Enclosure Act [6 and 7 William IV., cap 115J, 1836, which gave power to enclose, without a special Act, " open and common arable and pasture lands, and lands commonable during part of the year only, by Commissioners with consent of two-thirds in number and value of proprietors, or, without Commissioners, with consent of seven-eights in number and value." Long stone fences were built, and the " ranes" remained as the monuments of a bygone age. This was followed by a rapid depopulation of the dales. The stream of emigration set in to the great manufacturing towns of Leeds and Bradford : so that the population of the dales is not now one-third of what it was early in the century. There is an interesting passage in the Laics of Ine, which throws considerable light upon the ancient usages in regard to common land, cap. 42. Be ccorlcs garstune. " Gif ceorlas Of farmers gers fields. If farmers haebban gffirstun gemamne, oththe other gedal land have a gersin-field amang 'em, or other common land to tynanne, & habben sume getyned heora da3le,f sumo to be fenced, and some have fenced their part some * I doubt the system of Reins, as part of the village community haying been " in full working order" so recently. Some reins may have been still used at that time, but the village community, if any, had died out long before. J. E. D. t Dale, a division. In Wharfedale, near Buckden, a certain piece of STUDIES IN NIDDERDALE. 68 nrebben & setten heora gemsenan aeceras oththe have not and their cattle eat the common arable or gaers, gan tha thonne the thaet geat agan & grass fields let them then gun that have " yates" and gebete thaem othrnm the heora dacle getyned haebben compensate them others that have fenced their part thone aefwyrdlan the thser gedon sy, & abidden him the damage that is done to them, and beg them off as aet thsem ceape, swylc riht swylc cyn sy. Gif regards those cattle, as formally as is proper. If thoune hrythera hwylc sy the hegas brece, & ga in however a beast there be which breaks fences, and goes in gehwaar, & se the hit nolde gehealdan se hit age oththe anywhere, and if he that owns it is unwilling to hold it or ne maage, nime se hit on his aacere gemete & ofslea cannot, let him take it to the 'reean' of his piece and kill it & nime se agen frigea his flwsc, & tholige thajs othres." and let the owner take again its carcase and lose the other part. Here the people had a common grazing field, and each commoner bad to make so much of the fence. Adjoining this field they had another, in which each commoner had a portion of land allot ed to him, and was obliged to make so much of the common fence, but each allotment was not fenced off from those about it. Every commoner had " (lutes' for so many cattle in the grazing field, whose trespasses occasioned the law. Tusser who published the 1st edition of his " Five hundred points of good Husbandry," in 1557, writes very sarcastically about the 'evils' of the common field system, but at that time it was so much part of the national system, that he was ground is called Buckdendales meaning I suppose a number of divisions for meadow among the different families, though it is not divMed now. Again a certain Harrow field is called Sykfdnle. J, II. D. 4 STUDIES IN NIDDSEDALE. apparently alone in his opinion. The grounds of his objection are thus quaintly expressed. " Some commons are barren, their nature is sneu. And somo over layeth their commons too much. The pestered commons smnll profit doth give, And profit as little some reap, I believe." " Some pester the commons with fowls and with geese, "With hog without ring, and sheep without fleece. Some lose a day's labour with seeking their own, Some inset with a booty they would not have known." On this W. Mavor, L.L.D., who published an Edition, 1812, has the following note: " The right of commons, though per- tinaciously insisted on by those who possess claims, is neverthe- less of comparatively little value, especially to the poor. That lazy industry, that beggarly independence, which are created by the miserable stock which the poor man can command, and which is generally seen on commons, are as injurious to himself as to the community. The prevalence of enclosures, to which thf ijood seme of our Author rendered him partial, thow/h the a;/e in which he lived was not ripe for swh an improvement, as may be learnt from the commotions excited about that period, has diminished the evils of the common field system, but till every acre of ground is in several ty, Agriculture c.iunot be said to have reached beyond the first stage of perfection." How sad a conclusion } but reserving comments, we see from this that two and a half centuries after Tusser's time, the system was still vigorous enough to call forth such a note as tbo above. We have indeed more authoritative statements on this head in the report of the great agricultural survey of 1799. Ayricultwe of the West liidin;/ which are as follows : From Ilijilcy to the western extremity of the Riding, nearly all the good laud is kept under the grazing sjstem, find srldf.m or never ploughed. . . . Bering the time we were in that part of the country we hardly eVi-r saw a plough, and u stack of corn is a grent rarity. STUDIES IN NIDDEBDALE. 66 Upon the higher grounds, there are immense tracts of waste, which are generally common among the contiguous possessors, and pastured by them with cattle and sheep. Some of these are stinted pastures,* hut the greatest part are under no limitations, the consequences of which are, the farms are oppressed, the stock upon them starved, and little benefit derived from them by the proprietors." P. 77. 4th. The Common Fields. These are most numerous in that part of the country to the eastward of the great north road from Doncaster to Boronghbridge. It is impossible ven to guess at the quantity of land under this management, in general, it may be said to be extensive, and from the natural good quality of the soil, and the present imperfect state of culture, great room is afforded for solid and substantial improvements heing effected upon all land coming under the description of common field. P. 78. 6th. The Moors. These lie in the western part of the Riding, and perhaps contain one eighth of the district. Upon them sheep are chiefly bred, and afterwards sold to the graziers in the lower parts of the country. A great part of these is common, which lays the proprietors under the same inconveniences as are already pointed out, and which might easily be remedied by dividing and ascer- taining the proportion which belongs to the respective proprietors. P. 78-79. The first fruits of this Report was the Enclosure Act of 1801, [41 Geo. 8. c. 109] which though perhaps inoperative, was the thin end of the wedge, and served to facilitate the passage of that of 1886. This latter has BO far swept away the common fields, that few men under 40 years of age can remember them. Regarding them as a part of the commune, one must regret the lost institution of the Reins. f Not satisfied with an equal division of land, the commoners caused a change " Mr. Atkinson Bays in Cleveland the Sheep-gate is na much connected with the farmstead as the fields or farm buildings. Ton cannot separate them, and you cannot create nw ones. It is all a bit of what wo speak of a* 'common right,' and the association is with the front stead, i.e., the site on which a honse stands, or has formerly stood." A consideration of all the passages quoted in these Studies, shows how the fc beep-gates grew p and the reason for their existence. * The physical rtasou for the TSXBACKD Being will Lc given in Study XIII. 1 66 STUDIES IN NIDDERDALE. every three years following the triennnial rotation of crops, in order to insure absolute fairness in regard to fertility of soil, and that each man should take the good with the bad. One man grew potatoes, another wheat, (where possible,) another oats, and so on. By means of " cowping " potatoes for oats, each man actually did live upon the produce of his Rein, and all went on well for nearly a thousand years after tho first settlement of the Danes. But as the population increased, notwithstanding that they added to the number of Reins, the struggle became harder and harder till at last the resources of the Dale were insufficient to maintain the inhabitants. With the difficulty of making a living at home, the impossibility of maintaining tho home manufacturer in competition with Leeds and Bradford, and the certainty of obtaining good wages in those and other centres of industry, there came the final blow in the Enclosure Act, 1836. The commoners of Kettlewell speedily availed themselves of this Voluntary Act, with the results stated above. (See p. 62.)* In Nidderdale other causes tending to depopulation have been working concurrently with that which operated in Wharfedale. The farmers engage their servants by the year, paying them so much wages, and finding them board, lodging, and paying their washing. In a farm house, in addition to the farmer, his wife, and family, there are all the servants of the farm. When I enquired what became of these servants, mostly young men, I was told that those who save a little money take farms of their own and marry, but that the improvident marry as farm labourers, and, as there are no cottages out of the villages, live at Middlesmoor, Lofthouse, or Ramsgill. If overburdened with children, they ultimately move to a manufacturing town, where In the Russian Mir "two thirds of tho votes of the peasants are necessary to pronounce the dissolution of tho community, and to divide tho soil into permanent individual property." Primitive Property, Laveleye, p. 11, (1878.) This provision may have been preserved by tradition in England from ancient times, aud so found its way into the Enclosure Act, cited on p. C2. STUDIES IN NIDDERDALE, 67 they get their children into a mill, and themselves obtain employ- ment of some kind from the manufacturers. That is one cause. There is another. Though much of the upper part of the Dale consists of property farmed by the landlord, the bulk of it lies in larger properties. It has been of late the practice on these to throw two or three small farms into one. They pull down all the habitable structures on the farms except one, to drive the tenants off, and prevent a possibility of any returning. Thus the same number of hands that formerly managed the small farms, now manages the larger one. It is true there has been a change from agriculture to grazing, and that on that account so many hands are not required to work the same area of ground, but capital is destroyed inasmuch as two of the three families who formerly lived upon the three farms, have to seek their living elsewhere, and become a burden to some already overburdened source of subsistence. " It's all very well," says the landlord, " but I was keeping them, now that they are gone, I get a larger rent for the single farm than I did for the three farms, and the land is far more profitable for grazing than it was for agricul- ture." All this is very true, but the public is the loser, to the extent of having two families and their servants to keep, or find occupation for, where they had none before, while the landlord and the largo farmer are clear gainers by the difference between the yield of the large farm and the three small ones, and the keep of the two ousted families and their servants. Few of these people take fresh farms. Most go to one or the other of tho manufacturing towns, where the difficulty of finding food enough for the teeming thousands is already terribly felt. The absence of "reins" in Nidderdale is not the only distinctive feature that isolates it from the surrounding country. Though woolcombing was the staple trade till very recent years of Masham,* West Burton, and Aysgarth, in Wousleydalc, thcro Masham, " lu spiuuiug of worsted a wotuau canu, if industrious, sixpcuco or oiglitpouc*- a day." Aurii.'u YOI'M;. Si>rtlicr:i Tjur, 1770, v. 2. p. 279. 68 STUDIES IN NIDDERDALE. never were any wool-combers in Nidderdale, unless on the. borders of the Dale at Greenhowhill. Blackah makes one of the miner's wives say (p. 80.) : " Ah've been carding and spinning all day." Weaving and spinning " line " A. S. Lin (flax) employed women till about forty years ago. They made sheets, huckaback table- cloths, and towels, many of which are still in use. At Ramsgill, the birthplace of Eugene Aram, they wove cotton with a machine they call a " learn " (loom). A man came from Hebden, in Wharfedale, bringing them the raw material, and took back what they had woven. He paid them for their work, and left them as much cotton as he thought they could finish before his next visit. But " t' oade harden looms, sowlin can, an' t' windin' wheel amang t' rest," are things of the past. " Grarn " 0. N., Dan., Swed., Grarn; A. S. Gearn, (yarn*) is still spun in the Dale for knitting stockings ; but all signs of manufacturing activity has long since been absorbed by. the great centres, and disappeared from the Dales. ADDENDUM. In Switzerland and Russia, the system of Community, under which the Reins existed, is still flourishing. It formerly prevailed throughout the Aryan Nations. In Russia, the body of inhabitants of a village owning common land is called the Mir. All the arable land is divided into zones round the village. . . .Each zone is divided into narrow strips from 5 to 10 yards broad, and from 200 to 800 yards long .... A partition of the soil was effected every year, or every three years, after each triennial rotation ... .In some places, partition takes place every six years, in others every twelve or fifteen, every nine is the most usual period .... The hay meadows are divided into fresh lots every year, and each family mows its own parcel, (dale) or else the whole is mown in common, aud the hay divided. Primitive Property, Laveleye, c. 2. There is a fine valley of land called Nidderdalo very populous, and the inhabitants are much engaged in the linen manufacture. They generally bleach the yarn before it is wove " etc. Agric. Surv., Wett Hiding, STUDIES IN NIDDEBDALE. 00 IX. THE CELT. Nidderdale lies in the ancient district of Kymry-land, and the kingdom of Strathclvde, and the evidence of names of places shows that the country immediately to the south of it, and west of Leeds, was well populated by Celts. Thus, in BUHny Hill, an eminence between the Wharfe and the Aire, falling sharply both ways from an exceedingly narrow ridge, is found the W. Byl, a brim or edge. Byliairy having a rim or edge. Otley Cherin, a long hog's back shaped hill, which pre-eminently features that locality, overhanging as it does with its steep wooded sides, and gigantic scars the broad flat meadows of the sluggish Wharfe, is W. Cevyn the back ; a ridge ; a long extended mountain. Pannal* is W. Funnel a dinyle, a slope or fall. In Wushburndale, Pend rayon Castle, the name of a house high up on Jack Hill, was, probably in Roman times, the site of the abode of a Pendragon, or chief leader of the Cyinri. Cop Cray (near Brandrith Crags) at the summit of the moor, is a name of two Welsh words, Cup the top, summit ; and Craiy, a rock. Craddock, the name of a house, is Welsh, being the name of the successful Knight at King Arthur's Court. " Craddocke wan the borne And the bores head ; His ladie wan the mantle Unto her meede." The Boy and the Mantle, w. 191-194. More properly written Caradoc, as in Caer Caradoc. Panual, (anciently culled Rosehurst.) ALLEN, 'Hi*t. of York*., v. iri., p. 187. 70 STUDIES IN NIDDERDALE. On the moors (Wharfedale side) north of Greenhowhill, " Coombes Hush," and " Coombes Marsh," 1500 ft., may contain a Welsh name. Coombs appears again on Arnagill moor, 1100-1200 ft. (W. Cwm, a hollow, a place between hills, a dingle or deep valley.)* Meugher, pron. Mewfa, a conspicuous conical hill over 2000 ft., on the watershed ridge between the Wharfe and the Nidd, and on the moors S.E. of Great Whernside, is probably Celtic. In Surrey, south of Godalming, there is a lofty hill called " Mervel Hill," but pron. by many Mi'erva Hill, exactly as we should pton. Minerva without the n. Myvyr Elian in Mona, and Glyn-y-Myvyr, a vale Denbighshire, are names which bear a striking resemblance to the present. Myvyr means contempla- tion, study, and is so explained in the above names by Owen. I can find no better explanation of the name of this lofty hill. " Slack," in " Foulcauseway Slack," as Kex Gill Moor, " Sough Slack," near Libishaw Hill, " Hey Slack," near Hud- storth, in Washburn, and especially " Clack Gill Beck," and many others, a boggy hollow in a moor as a place name generally because a road crosses it, (W. LLACA slop, mire, mud, dirt, is more in accordance with fact than 0. N. SLAKKI a slope on a mountain edge, (Cleas) which is perhaps more tempting). That magnificent hanging wood, " The Shawl," at Leyburn, (W. Gallt a woody cliff, or steep ; GWYZALLT a ^voody cliff, from GWYZ woody, overyrown, wild, and GALLT. In Wales this forms the names of several places, as " Y ZUALLT," " GALLT-Y-CRIB," " PEN-YR-ALLT," &c.) " Bather Standard " is the name of a sloping ridge or plateau, 1500 to 1G50 feet, on Grassington Moor. (W. RIIATH a cleared spot, a plain; YSTAIN that spreads or extends. " Tranmire " is generally an elevated moorland plateau, arid seems to me to bo a compound word. It has a wide range, however, from N. Wales to Cleveland which is rather against a compound origin. W. THAN a space- or stretch, On Patelcy Moor, situate in a hollow, is a bouse called Coombes cottage. The "Cain holes" of the Ordnance Map of Groat Wheruside is called " Coomb holes." STUDIES IN NIDDERDALE. 71 * a district or region.} " Crundell Hill," a small round knoll on the face of the hill above Braithwaite, near Middleham. (W. CRWN round, CBON round. CRONELL a globe, CRONELLU to glomerate. CRYNDER roundness, CRYNAU to round, etc.) " Round Hill " is not an uncommon name for a similar feature. " Jonaman" a rock on Roova Plain. ="Jona Stone," (W. MAJEN a rock, block of stone.) "Tarn" occurs several times in the Dales of the Pennine Chain, as the name of single houses far removed from any small lakes so called. In this case the word is probably Cymric, and may indicate a site of an ancient royal residence of some Chief of a clan or petty King. (W. Teyrn a King.) Pen in Pen Hill, which Arthur Young writes " Fennel," (Northern Tour, v. 2, p. 459, 1770,) and Pen-y- Ghent, is W. Pen head, summit. Respecting the latter name I have never heard so much as a plausible explanation of that, but it seems likely that we have the same word as in Kent, (spelt Client*' in Domesday Book,) and Canterbury, viz., W; Caint a plain, or open country, also & field of battle. There are many places called by the appellation of Caint, as Caer Gaint, Canter- bury. Similarly Pen-y-Gaint would mean summit of the open country, i.e. not wooded. Mr. Dakyns suggests that Malham may be Keltic, as it is pronounced Mainn, and " Maum is used in Ireland now to denote a connecting mountain gap or pass." (Kinahan " Valleys," p. 122.) Madhm is Keltic for the hollow of the hand, so any hollow. The name would apply to the "cove." The name Malham Core would then be a reduplication, as Pen Hill, etc. In the " Confirmation of gifts " to Fountains Abbey by Richard I., we find " Malghum cum toto Malghmore et Malghwatre," and in an enumeration of the possessions of the Abbey, " Malghnm or Malham." In the Nidderdale districts proper, (assuming that some of the unexplained names are really Cymric) there is at least a marked absence of Celtic names, and the one or two that can be Spelt " Caent " in Laws of Hlothar, c. 16. 72 STUDIES IN NIDDERDALE. t proved lie on the moors. We know that the Britons worked the! lead mines at Greeuhowhill, but there is nothing to show that the Celts ever made any settlement in Nidderdale. I question whether there are thirty Cymric words in the Nidderdale vocabulary. There are Beak and Beild, utensils ; Bogle and I suppose Boggart ; Brat, an apron ; Bray, BREUAN ; Brawn the place where trees branch ; Cabin ; Clog, (fool clog) a log ; Cluther, (Greenhowhill) ; Fog, aftergrass ; Hippings, stepping stones ; Hog, a lamb ; Kist ; Toppin ; and Yewn, to bully, Hidl, a small hovel or shelter, a very small shed, such as a tool-house, W. Hid a cover, covering. Ask, in the phrase an " Ask wind,' 1 a hard dry biting wind like the east wind, may be simply a corruption of W, ASGELLWYNT, a side wind, or it may be con- nected with Asg, a splinter ; Asgor, to divide ; Asglodioni, to shiver, etc., and so mean a sharp, cutting wind. For others see Glossary. Some of these are confined to Greenhowhill, and some only used by the lowest stratum. The most that can be urged on the strength of them is that there may still exist the descendants of a few Celtic slaves in the district. The statement at the head of page 12 that a Celtic dialect was till recently spoken in Swaledale, was inserted on high authority. Mr. Goodchild however, who has more recently studied that district, in answer to a question, replies, " I have BO well proved Celtic element at all in Swaledale." There is certainly a well proved Celtic element in Nidderdale, to the extent shown above, and generally over the districts on which the numerals are found. THE ROMAN. Of the Roman occupation Grainge mentions that two pigs of lead bearing the inscription IMP. C^ES : DOMITIANO. AUG. Cos. VII BRIG. were dug up at Hayshaw Bank, in 1785. This shows that they Were cast A.D. 81. STUDIES IN NIDDERDALE. 78 In addition to this, Roman coins have been discovered. The account of the discovery was thus narrated to me by the finder, Thomas Jackson, a carpenter, at Lofthouse.* " I was playing with another boy up How Stean, when I crossed to " Tom Taylor's Chamber," the other boy was afraid to cross. I fun a small coin like a fourpeniiy piece, on the lowest floor of the cave. Then I held it up and showed it to the other boy. "Now wont you come across !" says I. So he come across. Then we traced 'em, one by one, stuck in the floor, and in the crevices of the cave. Others were stuck on their edges, and had been pushed into the cracks so far that we could not reach them. We were climbing out of the gill when we met a gentlemen. " This is a curious place," says he. " Ay, an' its been a rich 'un yance," says I, as we each pulled out a handful of coins and showed them to him. " What'll ye tak for em ?" says he. " Ah'll tak a shillin fer my sharr," says I. "An' what'll ye tak fer yours?" says t' gentleman. " Six shillings," answers the other boy. So he Bed he'd only give five shillings. " Ye sal hev 'em then," we sed. I went back t' next day and taaike a pair o' pincers wi' me'y an' pulled hoot them 'at wer fast i' t' cracks 'at ah cuddaut draw t' day afoar. We fand altogither thirty-five silver pieces, and four bronze. When I had got 'em all, " Fetch me'y black coit" says I, "Ah'll work na marr !" * The same mail who found these coins also told me the following little anecdote : " I was a little boy, when I found a small coin. I took it to school, and was showing it to the other boys, when t' maistcr calls out " What hev ye'y got thar, Tom ?" So he maks me tak it up t 1 him and tuts it away. " Oh," says he, looking at it, " I'll tak it to be magnified." An its magnifying yet." Mr. Ormerod's father found, when a little boy, fifteen crossbar guineas of William and Mary, near Newhouses. He took them to his father, who was ploughing. " See," says he, "what curious buttons I've fun." His father went with him to the pluce, but they could find uo more, Some few years ago, Mr. Ormerod's brother ploughed up a crossbar shilling in a field High Loflhouae. J 74 STUDIES IN NIDDERDALE , In explanation of this curious story, it may be added that How Stean Beck runs through a very narrow cleft in the limestone, in places 70 feet deep or more, with vertical or overhanging sides. When the sun is shining, a rich effect of light and shade, is produced in the liquid atmosphere, by the shadows of the leafy trees, marvellously suspended overhead, playing upon the grey limestone, or lost in the dark recesses of its numerous caverns ; at the bottom runs the beck, now tearing its way in narrow strips of foam through the tortuous crevices of its adamantine channel, now checked in its velocity in some deep basin, through whose pellucid waters a rich pencil of light may steal down to illuminate the collection of stones by which the eddying torrent has excavated it. Between the summer level and the flood line, the surface of the limestone is worn smooth by the water, and has, by chemical action, become covered by a thin film of redeposited silica, which has the appearance of a high polish, and makes the rock as slippery as glass. Added to this, the edges frequently slope toward the rushing torrent at such an angle as to afford no hold to the booted foot. At one of the points, where all these unfavourable conditions combine to render the passage of the beck all but impossible, is the cave called "Tom Taylor's Chamber," which at that time was not easy of access. Mr. Metcalfe, the owner of Stean Beck, has obligingly communicated the following : "Friday, June 12th, 18G8. A few days prior to the above date it came to my knowledge that two boys at Lofthouse had found in the rock upon my property, at Stean Beck, a number of old coins. On inquiry I came to know that they had been met accidently by a gentleman, who informed me that when in Leeds, as yesterday, he had sold them to a person in the central market, a general broker. On this Friday evening I found the broker, who had the coins in his pocket. He demurred to my demand upon him for them, stating they were under offer to the curator of the Leeds Museum. I, however, prevailed upon him to sell them One Coin - Nero. Four Coins Two Galba. Two One ,, - Otho. Nine ,, Three -Vespasian. Nine One ,, Titus, (Juda Coin.) STOD1ES IN NIDDERDALE. 75 to me for 8 5s. They consisted of Thirty-two Silver pieces, viz. : Domitian. - Nerva. Trajan. - Adrian. Three others I had obtained in Lofthouse, besides four Bronze pieces. The Lord of the Manor, John Yorke, Esq., hearing of this find, presumed he was the rightful owner, and called upon me to look at them. I gave him ten silver pieces, (duplicates,) he giving me a Pig of Lead, found buried in the earth about 18 inches under the surface, in his land near the gate coming into Castlestead." Mr. Metcalfe has also added the following Notes on the Inscriptions on the Coins ; 1. NERO came to the throne A.D. 54. Obverse. Nero Caesar Augustus. Reverse. Jupiter Custos. As regards the " Juda" Coin mentioned in the above list, the owner furnishes the following extract from Dr. Kitto's Bible : " ' She being desolate, shall sit upon the ground.' This is strikingly illustrated by the attitude, in which the captive daughter of Zioii, is represented upon the medal struck by Ves., to commemorate the taking of Jerusalem, (A.D. 70.) The obverse contains the head of the Emperor, while the reverse represents a woman sitting in a mourning posture under a palm tree. The inscription J. CAP., precludes any misapprehen- sion of its meaning. So striking is the analogy, that some think the idea of the device on the medal was purposely taken from this probably at the suggestion of Joj.-epb.ns, who was then at the court of Ves. and enjoyed his favour. The same ovout 76 STUDIES IN NIDDEBDALE. is also commemorated in a silver denariu^ of the same Emperor,, in which the mourning female sits more markedly on the ground, while behind her rises the military trophy, which signalizes the triumph of the conquerors, and her own desolation." As regards the probable date at which these coins were hidden, we read in the Saxon Chronicle (MS. Cot. Lib., which was written AJ). 977.) " A.D. 418 This year the Romans collected all the hoards of gold that were in Britain, and some they hid in the earth, so that no man afterwards might find them, and some they carried away with them into Gaul." * This is the coin in question. STUDIES IN NIDDERDALE. 77 THE ROMAN'S FAREWELL. A Study in Verse. I. Briton, while summer on these mountains gilds And wraps in verdure all the dales below, While yet thy glad eye, feasting on these wilds, Marks pleased the brown hills dappled with folds of snow Ere yet their winttr-stricken summits go To bury their heads in all pervading ice, Ere yet to floods the swollen torrents grow Rome will have quit thy shores, moved by the imperative criea Of grim barbarian hordes beneath fair Italy's skies. II. Down this deep rift alope in cool seclusion, Hid from the hot rays of the scorching sun, Where thick trees shade, and herbs in wild profusion Cast flowers around, and winding creepers run, With doubting mind I peer the vista through, I see the bright flowers to the daylight turning, I see the sky above, whose bright dark-blue Tells how fiercely aloft the midday sun is burning. III. And bitterly I regard my own fresh tear That mingles dripping with the dark springs under, To think that I must eke deposit here The accumulated hoards of many a year And sally forth again to bear the brunt and thunder. IV. Here in this little dint I thrust these moneys Safe to remain till we have eke chastised The insolent Goth that with his Myrmidones Stands menacing Rome then straightway back to the prize Eftsoous I will retuni, and spend my treasure All in a life long spell of vengeance-sweetened pleasure. 78 STUDIES IN NIDDERDALE. V. Ye rocky dales where many a mountain stream With hoarser whisper vies the mountain's breath, Where crag born echoes, wakened from their dream, In distant answer carry the eagle's scream Up to the moorland solitudes and down to the dales beneath. VI. Ye dales of woodland and secladed farms, Of rills and ripples and of forest shade, Of bleakest summit sides, and mountain arms, Of deep-cleft gills where murmuring becks cascade In you, ye dales, not Rome, my heart is ever laid. VII. Lo, where a kingly heron from the beck Doth, rising loft, add grandeur to the grand ; With stately feet outstretched, and bended neck, And pale wings that the sable crest-plumes deck, He flaps his slow high flight toward the far marsh-land. VIII. Majestic bird ! alike of youth and age Beloved, and fitly favorite of kings, Thy swan peer delicate on lake let feedeth, A prince's child thy cousin gentle leadeth, Whilst thou with fierce wild by doth flap thy slow-arched wings. IX. Majestic bird, farewell ! Sweet dale farewell ! Farewell ye moorlands, fare ye well my flowers, Yet hear bow often on the heath-clad moor I listened to the golden plover's pipe, I watched aloft the curlew and the snipe How often, when the summer day was ripe, I lingered for a moment more To catch the sun's alternate stripe That lit aud dimmed on Middlcsmoor. STODIKS IN NIDDERDALE. 79 X. How often, when the night was nigh, I wandered out upon the hill To see the lines of daylight die, How oft have sat in dear July All night besiden Arua Gill, And listened to the corncrakes cry, That made the stillness doubly still, Or spoiled the blackcap's melody. XL Great Jove, amongst the Gods most high J Methinks I hear the hoarse war-cry. Een now I feel my heart's blood burn, And I inun to the battle fly. XII. With the rising sun Hack the painted shield, Now to the bath of blood, With the greedy goshawk And the sallow kite, Call the grey wolf of the weald. XIII. Let the vulture hoarse, And the swarthy raven With horny neb, And the eagle swift With yellow feet, Haw to devour Find the mangled corse. X I V. Farewell ! The Roman here painted is the degenerate Roman of the fifth century, and it Coloniit. Having once parted with hia coins he finds conrage, and ns he dues BO, the metre shortens, till he finishes in the mocking savage strain of the older Teutonic Heroic* poetry. Verses XII. and XIII. are in fact little mure than adaptations of versos in the of Ucgiicr Ludbrog, uud iu Uio Saxon Chronicle, year 'J'M, 80 STUDIES IN NIDDERDALE. THE ENGLE. * The Dale was first populated by the Engles. The great kingdom of Northumbria was founded by Ida the Engle, in 547> but the great influx of Engles into England on the north and east took place about A.D. 559, under Ella. They appear to have taken possession of the dale, at least as far as regards its upper half. The interior slopes of the hills, the villages, farms, pastures, sheds, one wood, the springs, tributary streams, and the main river itself, bear generally Anglo-Saxon names. Thus " Raydale Knotts " is the name of the interior side of Little Whernside. The occurrence of this name and that of Prydale, a field on Lodge Farm ; as well as Rundleside, (Rundale Side) the interior slope of the dale between Lodge and Woodale ; of Woodale itself; and probably of others in which the name dale is limited to fields or woods, induce me to withdraw the state- ment on P. 60. " There is no trace of the former existence of a Village Community in Nidderdale," and to suggest that in Anglian times there probably were such, or at least one family Community near the Dale Head. In this limited sense, Dale is an A. S. word, Dsel, used (as I have shown on P. 62) in the Laws of Ine, of divisions in common land (gedal land).f The word Dale meaning the valley, is 0. N., and was introduced later. "Thorpe" or "Thrope," probably the Thorp sub bosco, or ' Thorpe Underwood' of Fountains Abbey, and " Staen," villages ; " Limley " (lime-field) being situated upon the narrow strip of * The earliest use of the word Englishman I have found is in the Laws of Ine, c. 24, (A.D. 688-728.) " Englisc man," next, in " Treaty hetween Alfred and Guthrun," c. 2, A.D. 878. " Engliscne and Deniscne," next in "Treaty, Edward and Guthrun," introd. "Engle and Dene." I therefore prefer ENGLE to Angle. t In Germany, under the system of the Mark or Commonland, the fields were anciently " divided into long strips, all bordering on one side on the road left for Agricultural purposes. These parcels were called DEEL, Deel is the Danish for a division. Sciiiften, in the North ; in England Oxgang" etc. Prim. Prop., p. 111. STUDIES tlf NIDDEKDALE. 81 limestone in the bottom of the dale a farm ; " Tiedera Wood," tiedfra being a pure Anglo-Saxon adjective meaning " thin," most descriptive of the thin hanger of birches upon a steep cliff of limestone to which the name applies ; with such names as " Wising (imun//, guiding) sike," " Huya sike (hedge or fence, i.e., boundary), " Twisling " (ticisluny, tributary, ad.) ; " Thornit " (thorniht, thorny, or abounding in thorn-bushes) ; " Mere Dike " (meera, a boundary, being the boundary between Stonebeck Up and Fountains Earth) applied to streams, as well as "Heaning" to fields (Anglo-Saxon hedn, high; iny, field), as in the field called Heaning Top, on High Lofthouse Farm, also Heaning, a flat meadow by the Ure, near Kilgram, which may be 0. N. HEGNINN, fenced, enclosed." Other physical features demanding notice are Gladstones, a wreck of large grit blocks lying strown on the hill side below the scar at which they must formerly have made an imposing crag; (A. S. Glad slipped). Compare ' Slipstone Crags,' Colsterdale. Throstle Hill, a little conical eminence on Masham Moor, may be called after the Moor Throstle, or Ring Ouzel. (See Glossary.) In the Carta of Roger de Mowbray " de recompensatione de Niderdala," in the 'Register of Fountains Abbey,' Fol. 148. 6., given in Dugdale, Throstle How is thus mentioned as a point on the boundary of Fountains Earth : " et sic usque ad Frostilde- hou, et de Frostilde-hou usque ad Hameldon," [here the initial F is apparently a mistake for T] " et inde usque ad Dalhagha et totum Dalhagha (Dallowgill) et inde trans versnm moram deversus Scfoldene," etc. From the latter part of this passage, however, we have valuable hints as to the^correct etymology of Dallow, also written Dalayh in the ' Confirmation of Gifts' by Rich. I., and in the enumeration of the possessions of the abbey temp Hen. VIII. and of Skell, evidently the same word as ' Schelde' a river in Belgium. " Pony well," at Middlesmoor, may be A. 8. Funnr a pan, partly because the term Pony is cot used in the dale, Galloway being the term, and partly because of the celebrated enactment of King Edwin, (A. D. C27,) K 82 STUDIES IN NIDDERDALE. King of Northumbria, that wherever there were clear wells by public roads, cups of brass should be suspended upon posts for the refreshment of way-goers. (Bede Hist. Ecdes., Lib. 2, c. xvi., 137). If so, of course the name is 1250 years old. " Heathfield," A. S, Hathfeld. " Slade " near Blubberhouses, " Hanging Slade," " Slade Wham," a bog on moors, twice. Slade only occurs in Washburn and Wharfedale, A. S. Slcrd a slade, plain, open tract, but it seems to have meant a clear place in the forest as in Robin Hood and Guy of Gisborne : "And John is gone to Barnesdale, The " gates " he knoweth eche one ; But when he came to Barnesdale, Great heaviness there he hadd, For he found two of his own followers, Were slaine both in a slade." L, 56. " Hen Stones " recurs several times as the name of groups of rocks on the high moors. They are always on the highest ridges in the locality. " Hen Stones " on Pockstones Moor, 1860 ft.; " Hen Stones " on Barden Fell, 1500 ft. ; " Hen Stones Ridge, 1250-1350 ft., N.W. of Greenhowhill ; " Hen Stone Band," the watershed ridge between Wharfe and' Nidd, 1750 ft., S.E. of Meugher Hill.=" High Stones." A. S. Hean, high. Band in " Henstone Band," " Long Band, " means an elevated ridge on the high moors, but it only occurs in this one locality. I think "Ray" or " Wray" in " Raydale Knotts," " Raygill," "Wood- man Wray," (a bog at the head of Black Sike,) is the equivalent of what on the Lower Greensand in Surrey are called "Roughs," e.g. " Perton Rough, J ' near Abinger, (A. S. REOH rough, uncultivated). These give but a faint idea of the extent to which the Engles stamped their image upon the higher parts of the dale during the three centuries of their possession of it before the Danish invasion. Of the appearance of the Engles we know nothing from them- , but we gain some notion of their looks from a graceful STUDIES IN NIDDERDALE. 88 picture bequeathed to us in the time honoured anecdote, related partly by the venerable Bede, and partly by Antoninus, Archbishop of Florence, in his " Summa Historians." When Gregory was a Monk at Borne, years before he became Pope, some merchants, having just arrived at Rome, exposed many things for sale in the market-place, and many people went there to buy, among others Gregory himself. Amongst the other things for sale were some boys " candidi corporis ac venusto vultm capillorum qiioque forma egreyid," white in body, of beautiful countenance, and with fine fair hair. Having inspected them he asked from what country they were brought, and he was told that they were from the island of Britain, whose inhabitants " tails essent aspectiis " were all like them. Then he asked whether those Islanders were Christians or pagans, and was told that they were pagans. " Alas," said he, drawing from the bottom of his heart a long sigh, " what a pity that the author of Darkness should possess men " tarn luculi vultus," of such open, frank, and fair countenances, and that such external grace should be unaccompanied by imcard grace." He then asked again what was the name of that nation. The answer was that they were called "Angli," Angles. "Right," said he, "for they have the laces of angels, " anyclicam habent faciem," and it is fitting for such to be coheirs with the Angels in heaven. What is the name of the Province from which they are brought ?" The answer was " Deiri." " Truly are they de ira," said he, " withdrawn from wrath and drawn to the mercy of Christ, (" Bene" inquit " Deiri de ira eruti," etc.) What is the King of that Province called ?" The answer was " ^Ella." And he playing upon the name said " Alleluia, the praise of God the Creator must be ' Snuge in y* countrey y* so feyre chyldren were born in.'" Bede, Hist. Eccles., Lib. 2, c. I., 89; Fabian. L'hnm., c. cviii. Gregory lived to be Pope A.D. 592, and sent Augustine A.D. 590, 156 years after the coming of the Angles, and before his death wo hear him exclaiming, " Behold a louguo 84 STUDIES IN NIDDERDALE. of Britian, which knew nothing else but to utter barbarian speech, already in the divine praises of the Hebrews, has begun to resound ' Alleluia.' " THE DANE. Centuries before there was any permanent settlement of the Danes or Northmen from Scandinavia in North England, their name had become the dread and terror of Saxon, Engle, and Celt, in these islands. Whatever spirit the Saxons once had they soon lost, and the Chronicle sounds one long wail of a slothful, shiftless, spiritless people, without resource, organization, or grasp of mind enough to tackle with the quick movements and fertile resources of the Danes. Fabian quaintly recites one of the superstitions that sprang up after the terrible Dane had hacked, hewed, and burned his way from north to south, and from east to west, through the length and breadth of the land, maiming or hamstringing his prisoners, and leaving them to die of starvation, or to fall a prey to the wolves which then abounded in many parts of this island. Brightricus, first King of West Saxons, began his reign A.D. 678. " About the ii year of Brightrycus, was seen in Great Brytaygne, a wonder syghte, for sodenlye, as men walkyd in the strete, crossys lyke unto bloode fell upon they clothis, and blood fell from Hevyn like droppis of rayne : this after some exposytours betokened ye comynge of ye Danes into this londe ; the which entred shortly after. For, as. witnesseth POLYCRONICA, about the ix. year of Brigthicus, the Danes fyrste entered this londe." FAB. CHRON., cop, clvii. King Regner Lodbrog, one of those invaders, was King of Denmark early in the ninth century. He was taken at last, in battle, by Ella, King of Northumberland. In his Deathsong, he or his Scald, or Poet Laureate, records all the valiant achieve- ments of his life, and threatens Ella with vengeance, which, STUDIES IN NIDDBBDALE. Jristory tells us was effected by his sons. The following shows the irrepressible fiery energy of these bloody men : " Hinggom rer med hiaurvi. Hanrd kom rid & skiauldo Nar fell nidr til jardar A Northyinbra-Landi. Var'ut um eina 6tto Aulklom thaurf at fryia Hilldar-leik, thar er hvafsir Hjalm-stofn bito ski6mar. Varat sem uuga eckio I aund-vegi kista'c." Lodbrokar Qoida, v. 14. " We hewed with the sword. Hard came stroke on shields, Corps* fell down to earth In Northumberland.* There was not at the eighth-hour Need for man to waken [blade Hilda's game.t there- where J sword- Bit skull through bright helmet. Was it not as young widow At high-table kissed I." Piracy was the recognised occupation of the North men. Piratical invasions went on from time to time, until Harald Haarfagr, King of Norway, A. D. 860-933, by a new system of pnbearable tyranny, drove from Norway all the more independent of the aggrieved freemen whose allodial holdings he taxed, and otherwise meddled with.|| The fugitive was no slave. He had left the home of his fathers, where he thought no freeborn man could now care to live, and scattered over many lands. " But of all countries," says Sir G. Dasent, " what were called the Western Lands, were his favourite haunt," [among these] " England, where the Saxons were losing their old dash and daring, and settling down into a sluggish sensual race." Northuinbria. t HildaVlaik, ^Battle. HILDA, Goddess of War. } At which time eight in the morning. Was it not as pleasant as when I kissed the young widow at the high-table. || There still exists a descendant of this Harald Haarfagr, Tofte by name, at a farm called Tofu moen, far up among the Fjelds in the heart of; Norway. The King dined at his house on his way to be crowned at Troudhjem, in 1800. 86 STUDIES IN NIDDERDALE. Towards 867 an organised expedition of Norsemen under Ingvar and Ubba, two of their kings, landed in Northumbria, in which district, in the beginning of Alfred's reign, or about 872, Halfdene rewarded his followers with grants of land. The settle- ment was somathing like the Norman Conquest two hundred years later, and its extent may be gathered from the fact that in the four counties of Yorkshire, Lincolnshire, Cumberland, and Westmoreland, there are nearly one thousand places which have Dano-Norwegian names against less than four hundred in all the rest of England.* If the names of farms and physical features were taken into account, this number would be greatly extended. Among other places the Danes settled in Nidderdale. We may now consider the meaning of the name Nidderdale, and of Nidd the river in it. Several attempts have been made to derive this from a Celtic source, but I believe unsuccessfully. Near the end of the twelfth century, the Carta of Roger de Mowbray, above-mentioned, "derecompensatione de Niderdala" goes on " Scilicet totum Niterdale" and writes the name of the river NID. About a century later, or in 1284, the " Statute of Westminster the Second," [13, Edward I., c. 47,] writes the name of the river Niddiore. The abstract of Roll 32, Henry VIII., Augmentation office, given in Dugdale, has Nedirdale, while Camden, 1607, writes Nidherdale, and the name of the river Nidde. About four miles from its source the Nidd sinks into its limestone bed, and for two miles takes a subterranean course, like the Mole in Surrey, which does the same between Dorking and Leatherhead, and the Churn in Gloucestershire. It would have been strange if this phenomenon had escaped the notice of the dwellers in the dale, to which it gives a distinctive character. We find the Anglo-Saxon word NIDER, NYDEB, meaning " down,'' Pearson's 'Early and Middle AgRS,' ed. 1861, p.^,107 ; Worsane's 'Danes in England,' p. 71. STUDIES IN NTDUERDALE. 87 11 below," which may have been given in allusion to this descent and subterranean course, as a name to the river, and the A. S. word gedterul, the " down-pouring " or " channel, " to the second swallow through which the water flows. This is now called " Gooden Pot," ( W. Pot,) or " Goydin Pot." It has been attempted to give this word a Celtic derivation. The modern pronunciation of " Nidderdale " is as nearly " Nitherdil " and " Netherdil " as it can be written in modern English, but the modern name of the river is Nidd. This is, doubtless, one of the modifications introduced by the Dano-Norwegian invaders on their settlement in the dale three centuries after the coming of the Engles, for Nid is the name of a river which flows through Throndhjem, in Norway, and gives the name of Nidar- oss to a famous old town at its mouth. Similarly " Nidderdale" may be Norsk, Nidar-dalr, the dale of the Nid, but the earlier explanation seems preferable, considering the three centuries' occupation of the Engles. However this may be, the modern name of Nid certainly seems to be Norwegian or Danish. 00 STUDIES IN NID1JERDALE. X. THE QUEEN. From Nidderdale, Great Whernside and Little Whernsidd appear as two distinct hills, two miles and a half distant from 1 each other. The name of Whernside is itself of doubtful origin; (A. S. cicarn, 0. N. hvern, a quern ; and A. S. sid, 0. N. sida* side ; the first, given by A. S., seems best), but this much about it is certain, that the whole hill takes its name from a part of it, viz. the Wharfedale side, which is so called. Here are quarries from which the stone may have been dug to make querns. The Nidderdale side, however, is called Blackfell. In other words, the hill seen from Wharfedale, is called " Whernside," and from Nidderdale " Blackfell."* Similarly the slope of Little Whernside in Nidderdale is called " Baydale Knotts," and that in Coverdale' " Cowside," a common name for Pennine slopes,! while it borrows its general name from the larger hill. Whernside is pronounced " Whairnsid " which favours the A. S. origin. " Quernside " has been changed into Whernside, in the same way as " Quarrel" i. e., Quarry has been softened into ' Wharrel" in the name Wharrel Crags on the moors east of Coverdale. I received information of the discovery of two querns in Nidderdale, one in the flat field at the bottom of the hill below Middlesmoor, between the road and Stean beck, and immediately east of the confluence of Whitbeck with Stean beck ; and the' * The map in Camden's Brittannia, 1805, writes " Great Wharne- niile " for the northern end, and Blackfell for the southern eud of the hill, but this is wrong. (See below under Fell and Fieldfare.) 4- The name Ccnvside is very ancient, nud must have belonged to the' Unenclosed hill pastures of the Village Communities in A. 8. times. It is* Aiost common on the grassy limestone fells. STUDIES IN NIDDERDALE. b'J bther in the flat footpath field close to the Nidd, immediately south west of Low Sykes. The quern, or handmill, among the Greeks and Romans was worked by slaves. The labour of using it was exceedingly arduous, nevertheless the toil was imposed principally upon women. The smallest farmers, however, ground their own meal, rising before daylight to prepare enough for the requirements of the day. The graphic description of Virgil renders it unnecessary to draw upon our imagination, to picture the quern in use. The right hand turned while the left kept feeding the grain, " Laeva ministerio dextra est iutenta labore" or vice versa when the right hand required rest. Cowper thus translates the description in 11 The Salad." " Simulus poor tenant of a farm Of narrowest limits" .... [baring risen before the lark] " opes bis granary door. Small was bis stock, bnt, taking for the day A measured stint of twice eight pounds away, With these his mill he seeks. A shelf at baud Fix'd in the wall affords his lamp a stand And with a rubber for that use designed Cleansing his mill within, begins to grind. Each band has its employ ; labouring amain, This turns the winch while that supplies the grain. The stone revolving rapidly now glows, And the bruised corn a mealy current flows, While he to make his heavy burden light, Takes off his left hand to reKeve his right." That the quern was still worked in this country by female slaves in Anglo Saxon times, appears from a passage in the Laws of .lEthelbirht, c. 11., " OIF sio GRINDENDE THEOWA sm," "if she be a mill yirl" which incidentally alludes to them. It also appears from the same laws that the mill girl was not of the lowest rank, being compensated at a higher rate than the King's nurse, and the ' THRIDDE' third or lowest rank. I believe the quern is still in use in the Highlands of Scotland, or, if not, it has only very lately gone out of use. We owe our water-mills to the Romans, by the way. It 90 STDDIES IN XL PHYSICAL FEATUKES, With Norsk Names. That tract of moor included between the Nidd and How Stean 1 Beck bears the name of "In Moor" and " Middlesmoor " (Middel mor). "Middlesmoor" by the analogy of several Icelandic names compounded with middle would appear to be 0. N. The same must be said of "In Moor " as opposed to- Owster Bank, 0. N. Aiistr eastern, Bakki bank, the elevated ridge which forms the eastern watershed ridge of Nidderdale* opposite In Moor, and from which a magnificent view is obtained over the whole of the vale of York and Mowbray, and of the- Cleveland Hills. The summit of In Moor forms a conspicuous hill, 1488 feet in altitude, which now bears the name of " Rain- Stang." " Bane- star g- en " is the name of a mountain in Norway on the watershed between Valders and Hallingdall. " Rani" is the old Norsk for a hog's snout, a hog-shaped hill, or "hog's back," and "stang" the Danish for a pole or post, W. Ystttny. The name " stang " occurs many times on hills io Yorkshire, as " Kettlestang Moor" and " Stang Brae," jiear Cnrlesmoor in the Laver basin, and " Stanghow " (Cleveland). Besides " Rainstang " to its summit, the Danes gave various names to other parts of " Middlesmoor," of which they took possession: c. g., "Armathwaite " (0. N, thvrit, a clearing, detached piece of land), while Middlesmoor was eventually retained only as the name of the village. Armathwaite occurs several times on the Pennine Range and in Westmoreland. Other Nortk names of hills and eminences are "Bull brae' r STUDIES IN NIDDERDALE, 91 (led. bula, to tear asunder ; Norsk brae, hillside), the name of a part of the north side of the dale from which there has been a large slip, " Haden Carr " near the dale head, a plateau 1500 feet ending in a steep escarpment (0. N. had, hill, height ; Kjarr, bog covered with brushwood), " Jordan Moss " {Dan, jord, earth, peat ; en, the ; mos, moss, the peat-bog), peat-bogs on Braithwaite, near Greenhowhill sike, and Lofthouse Moors. "Blue Burnings," the name of a steep hillside above Lofthouse, (0. N. bldberne, the blaeberries), formerly a wood famous for bilberries ; also " Blubberhouses " (Bluber-husum) Washburndale ; " Trappen Hill," the steepest part of the hill- road that runs up by Blue Burnings, (Dan. trappe, staircase, en, the tmppen, the staircase). Before the road was made it is probable that steps were here cut in the soil ; they are common enough at the present day. " Arna Nab " (0. N. ama, gen. plur. of orn, an eagle ; Nab, Dan. nab, projecting point of a hill, eagle's point) ; " Arnagill," a picturesque rocky gill at the southern extremity of the Colsterdale basin. " Brown Ridge " {0. N. brim, brow of a hill), the northern watershed ridge of Nidderdale, 1500 feet ; " Acora Scar " (0. N. akr, arable land ; as opposed to enyr, grass laud). " Sleets," a flat field ; " Sleet Moor," an elevated flat moor, 1500 feet, east of Grassington Moor; " Nar Sleets=near Sleets" (0. N. Nd near,) and " Hunters Sleets," a flat moor, 1500 feet at Coverdale Head, probably also " Slight Hill," (875 feet) N. W. of Thornton Hall, and " Sleights" a village near Whitby ; (Goth. Slahits flat, level, O. N. Slettr, Dan Sletj. In the names "HUNTER'S Sleets" aud " HUNTER'S Stones," (near Jack Hill) we seem to have another vestige of the village Commune. " The Marken [or districts of the Communes] were called tireraulm in Alsace, or Hundsclinften or HUNTARI, among the Alemanni. They included cultivated land, pasturage, wood, and water." ( 1'iim. Prop. p. 101 j. So also in the names of " MARKENFIELD, MARKLNGTON." " Horso Hulks," a coufused pile of slips and Rocks on tho dalo 9Z STUDIES IN NID0ERDALE. edge, 1000 feet ; opposite Ramsgill, (0. N. Hals a neck, also a, hill, ridge between two parallel dales, a pass ; Holkn, a rough stony field).* "Kelds" springs, and " Kell " at Greenhowhill, " Kills Wham," etc., (0. N. Kelda whence, A. S. Keld a spring). " Stainin Gill Beck," (three 0. N. words, Steinn stone, inn the Gil & Bekkr) "Bain Grain Beck,"=near branch beck three 0. N. words, (Beinn, near, Grein, a branch, Dan. Green, & Bekkr), also " Grainings," " Crag Grainings," " Grainings Gill," and many others. " Green Nook," a knoll on Stean moors, 1550 feet, (0. N. hnjitkr, hniikr, a knoll, peak). "High Fleak," an elevated flat moor, (0. N. Fldki same). " Flask," on the north west side of Barden Fell ; " Half Flask," etc., (0. N. Flask a green spot among bare fells, also written Flas, Fles, in which form it appears in the name "Flesh Beck," East Witton, and " Flasby Fell." "Fell," 0. N. Fjall, Norsk Fjeld, Gr. Phellos.See Glossary. " Carle Fell," "Blackfell," " Barden Fell," " Blashaw Fell," and " Segsworth Fell." " This common North of England word," says Mr. Dakyns, " does not occur in Scotland save in compo- sition. In Yorkshire it is not found south of Skiptou, Flasby Fell being the most southern " Fell " in Yorkshire, but in Lancashire it reaches a little further south. "f The word Hope, (0. N. HOP) properly a small land-locked bay or inlet, occurs in England only in composition. In addition to the Northumbrian and Durham names Kilhope, Stanhope, Ryhope, etc., we find * " Horse," House, Hawse, hass, a ridge between two dales. Se in " Horsehouse " in Coverdale, " Honehead " between Whavfedale and Littondale, Hawes, properly " The Hawes," (pron. T' Hars) Wensleydale. Here you pass over from east, to west England, either by Widdalo to Dent, Ingleton, or Settle ; or by Garsdalo to Sedbergh (pron. Sebber or Sedber); or by Mallcrstang into the Vale of Eden five different routes. This is therefore par eminence " The Hawes." Helks, in Wharfedale, surfaces of bare limestone cut up by joints into numerous rhombs. J. 11. D. t For further remarks on the word Fell see under Field fare. STUDIES IN NIDDEBDALE. 93 " Widdop " in Yorkshire, north of Todmordcn ; " Gate-up," north east of Grassington ; " Bac-up," in Lancashire ; in which op and /7~-HOPE. To these we may add " Lead-up Beck," on the east aide of Coverdale. " Woogill Tarn " and " Coverdale Tarn," two large ponds in the peat, 1690 feet, on the plateau of the North Moor west of "Great Haw," (0. N. Tjorn.) " Priest Tarn," about 1700 feet, on Grassington Moor. " This northern word," says the same authority, " too only extends south about as far as Fell does the most southern Tarn being a pool near Keighley, called ' The Tarn.' " " Flamstone Pin," a rock 1350 feet, on the flat elevated plateau of Braithwaite moor, (0. N. Vlcemi a waste open place.) " The Three Howes " often recurring on the moors on elevated ridges, (0. N. Haugr a mound, burial mound j. " Storth's Hall " near Huddersfield. " Hoodstorth," Washburndale, (0. N. titorth, a young plantation). " Swinsty" (0. N. Sci?isti, swine sty). " Hammer," " Hammer End," a hill bank near East Witton, (0. N. Haimtrr, a hammer shaped crag, a crag). The river "Burn" (0. N. Brunnrj, but "Burn Gill"=Burn's Gill, after a farmer who formerly lived up there, where are now the ruins of farmstead and field-walls. " GirBeck" Coverdale, (O.N. Gciri, strip of grass among rocks). ' Birk Gill Beck," Colsterdale, three 0. N. words. Scale Gill= Shale Gill, that part of its course being between clifi's of blue shale. " Fuley Gill," a deep cleft in high Colsterdale moors, (0. N. Fjdlfr, Fjdlbr an abyss). " lioova Crag," " Roova Trough," East Scrafton Moor, 1500 feet, (0. N. Hrjfifr, rough). ' Wilder Botn, " a trough in the plateau of the same elevated range of moors, on the Coverdale Shed and " Starbotton " Wharfedale, (0. N. Botn, the head of a dale). " Grey Yaud," a crag above East Witton, (now a large quarry). " Yaud Head," the rocky gill in which lies Eavestoue Lake. " Rowan- tree Yards," crags on the moor near Hummerstone, Washburn dubious. " Sourmires," part ol Masham Moor, 1250 feet. 94 STUDIES IN NIDDERDALE. 41 Sour Ings," a field Colsterdale. " Sower Beck," high moors near Henstone Band, 1500 feet, (0. N. Saurr, mud; Myrr, moor, bog, swamp). " Vollens Gill," Coverdale. " Volla Wood," South of Sawley (0. N. Vdllr, a field, a close or paddock. Dat. plu. vollum). "Clint Gill" clint, narrow cleft in limestone. " Griff," trib. of Clint Gill, (0. N. Grof a pit, hole dug for limestone). " Hummerstone," Washburndale (0. N. Homul Norse Humul ; heaps of earth-fast stones Humul gryti}* " Gollinglith," pron. Gownley, ( Gula is a local name in central Norway. Hlith a slope, mountain side). Golling lith is a long spur in Colsterdale. " Gollinglith Foot" is the village at the foot of the slope, "Swidney " in Colsterdale, (O.N. Svida, in Norway, woodland cleared for tillage by burning. Swidney looks a dative or locative, in Icel. Si'idnur is a local name where sea- weed was burnt for salt making). " Melmerby," by the termination, is Dan., ' by ' being a town, village, or farm so with all places ending in 'by.' Places ending with um are generally Danish. We find " Kilgram" on the Ure, "Angram," and " Angram Cote," the latter at Ellingstring. " Toldrum " twice houses south of Evestoue Lake and west of Winksley. " Brandstone Scar," "B. Beck," etc., three 0. N. words mean- ing " hearthstone scar," i.e., the scar where the hearthstones were dug, and probably still are dug. Old English "brand" and (0. N. Brandr, the hearth.) Comp. " Bakstone Gill." Langbar, that fine ridge of moor that overlooks the ings of BoltOn, from a height of 1250 feet" Long Ridge, " or " long edge." (0. N. Barth, the verge, edge of a hill, freq. in local names in Icel. comp. " Langbarth " in Cleveland). " Bale Bank," a slope of grit grass covered 725-975 feet, (0. N. BALI a yrassy bank). " Ivin Waite," a farm house=" Ivy Thwaite." " Water Gate" = a ford where a road crosses the beck. " Blea Beck," " lied Beck," " Brown Beck," the two former near East * Also " Homerstoue grit," a coarse suudatouo with large quartz pebbles. J. li. D. STUDIES IN NIDDEKDALE. 95 Witton are ell 0. N. names ; the last 0. N. lirun, a brow, edge of a moor. " Bak'stori Gill," trib. of Loug Gill, " Bak'ston Gill," trib. of Birk Gill Beck both in Colsterdale. " Great Gill," in reality a very little gill, 0. N. GKJOT, grit from coarse sandstone forming a part of its bed. Grit is generally jmm. " Greet." " Beldin Gill," a very little gill on the moors rising on Great Haw. I cannot explain Beldin such a man's name is unknown tome. " Brown Rigg"=moor ridge, (0. N. BKUN, the brow of a fell, moor, etc., HRYGGR, a ridge, as in Fjall- hryggr a mountain-ridge.) " Braithwaite" is a compd. of Bra? and " thwaite," the clearing on, beneath, or beside the brce, a common man's name. " Braithwaite Banks," near Middle-ham, are 400 feet high. " Strutt Stear," a crag about 1250 feet on the same spread of high moors as " Flamstone Pin," and " Wharrel Crags ;" 0. N. STBUTR, as a local name, a " strut" formed fell in Icel. Strut, a hood jutting out like a horn; also Stryta a cone formed thing. STORK, Bents, bent grass. Strut Stear is therefore " the Bents with the ' strut ' formed crag." This interpretation would make the name rather that of the immediate part of the moor on which the crag is situated, than that of the rock itself, which would be simply ' Strut.' " Middle Tongue " occurs several times as a name of the mountain spur that runs doirn between two becks, 0. N. MEDAL, Middle, TUNGA, meaning the same as above, cp. " MEDAL FELL " Middle fell, MEDAL- LAND Middle Land, etc., and our " Middlesmoor," written MIDLESMORE in possessions of Fountains Abbey, and MIDDLEMORE- in Camden's Brittannia, 1607, Lib. vii., 68. The names of well known Northmen who settled in Yorkshire, enters into the composition of the following : " Ulfers Crags " and " Ulfers Gill," Coverdale, 0. N. ULFR man's name, lit " Wolf. 1 ' " About the time of King Canute the Dane, Ulph, the son of Thorold, a prince of that nation, governed in the western partofDeira." (CauuUiis Ilrittanj. "Kettlestang," "Kettle- ing," and "'Kettlowoll," spelt "Kcttclwol" in the possessions of )6 STUDIES IN NIDDERDALE. Fountains Abbey ; 0. N. KETILL, man's name. " Baxley," Coverdale, and " Barnley," Colsterdale, moorland pastui'es, seem" by their terminations to be Norsk. 0. N. Hlith, a slope, -comp, " Gownley " Gollinglith. "Great Stockiner" and "Little Stockiner," large moorside pastures in Coverdale, from the kind of fence by which they were enclosed, (0. N. Stokkr, a stock, stake, the beams laid horizontally above a loose stone wall, a mode of fencing much used in the Dales of the Pennine chain. These horizontal bars are supported by upright posts, and do not rest upon the wall. They are to keep sheep from jumping the wall and knocking it down. They are only necessary where the only available walling stones were round, and for that reason easily knocked down. "Stockiner "means "the Stock fence enclosure," dat. sing, with def. art STOCKINUM nom. plu. STOKKAENIR, the Stock fences. The name is either the nom, plu. or a dat of place. " Seavy Wham" a moorland bog, two 0. N. words. "Foss" Rakes " the ford in " Greet Gill," on the moors near Roova Crag, just above a " foss " or waterfall, (0. N, FORS ; IceL, Swed., and Dan., Foss ; and Rake a footpath. See Glossary.) " Fosse Gill," etc. " Pockst'ns " a group of rocks and crags on the high moor east of Barden Fell, (Dan. PAK, a group), " Mosscar Beck " three Norsk words, trib. of " Brandstone Beck," also Norsk. " Brown Beck Swang," a bog on Agra Moor, Colsterdale, (0. N. Briin a brow, edge ; Svanyr a hollow place). Blazefield occurs three times always high, bleak, bare ridges- Blaze is dubious, but field is certainly Norsk FJELD, as there are no fields, but open moor in two of the three cases, and only modern [?] enclosures in the third. Another physical feature of great interest that bears on old Norsk name is " Beckermote Scar," a steep cliff in limestone at the angle of the Nidd at which it first sinks in volume into the ground at a place called " Manchester Holes." The Carta of Roger do Mowbray " de recompensatione," etc., mentions this place. " Do Iwdenbec sursum in longum Nid usque ad BECKEB-- STUDIES IN NIDDERDALE. 7 iioiE." In Cumberland there is a place called " Beckermet," and in Langstrothdale " Beckermonds " is the name of the tongue of land between two rivers at their confluence. Beckermote (pronounced " Beckermort ") is 0. N. bekkja, gen. plu. of bekkr, beck, and mot, meeting ; but it does not mean a meeting of the waters, for there is no meeting of any waters. It simply means a "juncture," and as the same sense as in alda->nt, the end and beginning of two centuries ; missera-mot, the meeting, juncture of the seasons, where one ends the other begins ; so bekkjr-mot means the point at which the river on the surface ends, and that below ground begins. Beckarmote* Scar is opposite Tiedera* Wood, which is on a similar limestone cliff, but bears an Anglian name. The true explanation of the meaning of this interesting name shows how necessary it is to visit a place and see tlie nature of the spot to which a name is given. " Manchester " refers to the same event, and may be It. manchezza, loss, defect. It is interesting to note the collection of Danish names as opposed to old Norsk, on the east side of the Nidd near Loft- house, which is itself Danish. It is thus mentioned in the oft- quoted Cartti of Roger de Mowbray " Et preterea totum LOFT- HUSUM cum pertinentiis Suis. Lofthusum is the dat. plu. of Loft hus t a dative of place or locative, precisely as used and spelt in Denmark and Norway. The " Confirmation of gifts " by Richard I., writes it " Lost hourrs," in which a " long s " has been put for " f," and ''rs" for " se." These Danish names probably indicate that the settlers there were of a later date than the original Scandinavian invaders who settled on the west side of the Dale. Mis-spelt on the 6 IN. ordnance map" Beggarmote" and "Thedera' y respectively. 8 StuittES IN NIDDERDALE. XII. CRAGS AND SCARS. Several Crags on the moors bear Anglian names. " Ewe Crags " occurs as a name several times, A. S. EWE EA, water. These crags always have a spring issuing from their base. Several sets of crags on the moors take their names from having been used as guide-marks for shepherds or others. " Owing to the steepness of the hills, and the spongy and desolate nature of the surrounding moors," says Mr. Grainge, " the approaches to the dale were always difficult, and at some seasons of the year dangerous" "The road from Kirkby Malzeard, to Fountains Earth and Pateley Bridge, even to the commencement of the present century, was nothing but a track across the moors, indicated to travellers in misty weather, and in winter, by tall upright pillars of stone, some of which yet remain." (Hist, of Xidd. p. 11.) Everyone who goes much on the moors, will know how suddenly a Scotch mist comes on, and how utterly lost he is with no landmarks, once let him get sight of " Wigst'ns (A. S. WEG, a way) or of " Kaygill House Wigstones," or of the " Wising Crags," or of " Wising Gill," (A. S. WISUNG, yuidiny) or, where there are no natural crags, of the " Long Stoop," a stone post sometimes eleven feet high or let him find the straight line of large stones on the Great and Little " STANGATE "=hylos Uva-ursi, the bear-berry, which is very rare on these moor.s, occurs on Great Wham, 1750 feet, and on Little Whernside ; Rubus chamamorus, the smallest tree, the cloudberry, locally the ' Nosvt- berry,' with a beautiful white blossom, is scarcely six inches high, and grows sparsely on the high moors, but is very local in its distri- STUDIES IN NIDDERDALE. 1 25, bution on them ; Oxyria reniformis is common on moorside pastures and streams ; while Trientalis europaa is exceedingly rare. This last occurs also on the moors of Cleveland. The British type, or those that are fairly equally distributed throughout this island, is represented by niauy rare and interesting plants. Dronera rotundifolia, which is found on the peat on the moors in abundance ; the juniper, which is very rare, but of which a few bushes are preserved in sheltered gills on the borders of the moors, as in Lul Beck, at 1000 feet ; the asphodel, which is very rare, grows under Brimham Rocks, at 850 feet, and on Coni- stoue Moor, about 1750 feet: the golden yellow flowers of this exquisite little plant are some of the most beautiful things in nature. Menyanthes, bogbean, fairly common in bogs ; Mi/rica Gale, not common, moorland bogs ; Calluna cuhjaris, the ling, characterises the moors, but does not ascend above 1800 feet, often replaced by green grassy moors, called Bents ; Erica tetralix and cincrea occur among the Hug; Gymnadenia conupsea, sparsely, up to 1200 feat, in grass fields ; Corylus acellana, in the valleys, up to 1200 feet ; Yucdninm myrtHlus, local, but not uncommon, especially in moorside woods and in sheltered damp places on the moors on which the sun shines, when it fruits best; Draba verna, scarce, Pateley Bridge, 500 feet, and Galyhay 400 feet; Ophioglosium vulgatum, exceedingly common in places occurs right up the dale to Lodge, 1250 feet, in grass fields ; Digitalis pur}iurca, sparsely; Mercurialixperennis, less plentiful than south of Whurfe, where it is most common; I'rimultt vulytiris, 1800 feet, on Pen-y-Geut, in flower May 7th, 1871, very dwarf; Cochlea ria officinulus, Carrii-r Pasture, near Kettlewell, grassy boggy moor, 1000 feet, north-east aspect, same day ; Adojca moschatellina and Asplftiium viride, on north slope of Peu-y-Ghent, 2000 feet, both very dwarf. The following table shows the stations of several of the more interesting plants of the district. STUDIES IN NIDDERDALE. TROLLIUS EUROP^US. GLOBE FLOWER. Locality. Aspect. Elevatioc. Soil. Feet. Linton Bridge, Wharf e- dale 600 Hollin Close Dike, Nidderdale 800-850 Above Carltcn. Cover- dale 900 By Itiver Cover 620 Grantley, Skell 350 6 in. Ord. Map. 135 135 Remarks. Fl.JMay 27th,'1869. Near Haver Garth ; shallow, valley on high ground. 83 84 136 Steep wood to Cover. Alluvium of Skell ; one plant ; very small and meagre. DROSERA ROTUNDIFOLTA.- SUNDE W. North Gill Beck Gowthwaite Moor E. 1025 E. 1575 N.E. 800 Cot GL11 Between Cot Gill and Braiidrith How N.W. 800-850 Carle Top E. 1000 Sike fn.m Sanclwith Wham to Stock Beck N. 800 Stock Beck S.E. protected 725 Blayshaw Gill E. 1625 Seaves S. 1025 117 (N.E.; Aug. 16, 1870 : S.E. of Hambledon Hill wet ground close to stream. Peat 117 (S.W.) Wet bog culled Burn- ing and Rve close. 101 (N.W ) Bog 'beside stream. 101 N.W. Boggy Sike : near boundary of k Mas- hain moor. Hill Top, exposed. 101 S.W. On a slip : boggy. 101 S.W. Bog by side of stream. 116 (N.W.) Near head of Gill:* on hill top. ,, 135 Edge of Braithwaite Moor. PARNASSIA PALUSTRIS. Near Hard Gap E. 1150 Boulder clay 117 (N.W.)Sep. 2, 1870, Fl : bog on edge of grassy moor. Sike, south of Whit- beck E. Blayshaw Gill 1250 Protected 1050 Fountains Earth Moor W. Near Moor Lane Plan- tation 8. 950 1000 650 Aug. 25, 1870, Fl. : boggy ground. Aug. 2i, 1870, Fl. : small bog on stream bank. Aug. 24, 1870, Fl. Aug. 23, 1870, Fl. : bog at spring on steep hill side. In a little bog. STUDIES IN NIDDERDALE. 127 Locality. Bogs in Skell and Lavcr Basin COM ARUM PALUSTRE. Aspect. Elevation. Soil. 6 in. Ord. Feet. Map. E. 118 E. 136 Remarks. Below moors : with Mcnyathes trifoliata. RUBUS CHAMCEMORUS. CLOUDBERRY. Peat Scattered along the high moors above 1700 feet, among the Jiug. PETASITES VULGARIS. BUTTER-BUR. Cover dale. Arkleside Colsterdale. Pott Beck Agill Beck Nidderdale. Woodale Low Sykes 850 83 600 San ly drift 100 675 Alluvium 100 Common on the sandy banks of the streams 1 in the millstone grit. Bnnress Bank Wood, Deep valley. Very narrow, wooded gill. 840 500 Allnvinm Alluvium 100 117 Sandy bnnk of Nidd. Alluvium close to Nidd. CAMPANULA LATIFOLIA. Banks of Nidd above Lofthouse Above Carlton, Cover- dale 575 Limestone 100 700 At bottom of dale, here 750 ft. deep : not uncommon. ARCTOSTAPHYLOS UVA URSL RED BEAR BERRY. Moor near Little Whern- side N. 1750 Peat 99 Great Wham N.E. 1750 Peat 116 PYROLA MINOR. LESSER WINTERGREEN. Rare ; High moors : among the ling. An extensive swamp, on high moors. Backfall 400 Leaf Mould 101 Fl. June 23, 1869, a deep gorge in Mill' tone grit. 128 STUDIES IN NIDDERDALE. CHLOEA PERFOLTATA. Locality, Sutton Limestone Quarry Aspect. Elevation. Soil. Feet. Date. Remark*. N.E. 275 Mag. Lim. June, 1870, The'only one I saw in the district. GENTIANA AMAKELLA. Field E. of Great Wood S.W.prot. 400 Sandstone 136 Grass field north of Nidd. NearBiimhamKocks 136 Fl. Sep. 24th, 1869. Wike Fields S.W. 360 188 Grass field, side of nairow valley; S. of Harewood. MENYANTHES TRIPLIATA. BUCKBEAN. Several Bogs Bog ne;ir Lady Hill Below Hk'h Fish Pond 118 In Skell basin, below moors. 118 118 With Comarum Palus tre., bottom of narrow valley. 325 Mng. Lim. 102 Sheltered, on Drift. Bog near Sutton PIXGUICULA VULGARIS. BUTTERWORT. Kettlewell 800 Limestone Arkleside Force Gir N.W. S.E. 900 900 Drift Tranmire Bog E. 875 Do. Azerley 300 Bognr. St. John's Well and St. Helen's Well N.E. 175 Peat Deep G >rge with Piim. Faiiuosa. Coverdale. 84 On Aura Moor ; Gravelly Drift. 84 Gravelly Di-ift, on moor. 118 \Vilh Prim. Far. 118 With Mt-nyanthes trifoliata & Coin arum Palustre. 102 In valley on Magne- sian Limestone. PRIMULA FARINOSA. BIRD'S EYE PRIMROSE. 800 Limestone Kettlewell Linton, Wharfedale E. 600 Diift Grassington, do. W. 700 Do. Field south of Azerley 3JO Do. Bog nr. St. John's Well and St. Helen's Well N.E. 175 Peat Deep Gorge, near bott un. 134 i uii!c above Linton B.idye ; l>o^ in small landslip in field by Wlmife, fl. May27ta 1869. 134 Fl. June 15th, 1869. 118 B<> in valley, gi-een fields, lie low. 102 In valley on Mngne- sinu Liuii-stone, not far from Ripon, with- Pinguicula Vulyaris. STUDIES IN NIDDERUALK. 129 PRIMULA ELATIOR. OXLIP. Locality. Aspect. Elevation. Soil. Feet. Pate. Remarks. Litton, Wharfedale S.W. 875 Limestone May 6th, 1871 Flower ; at foot of wood N.E. slope of valley. Netherside, do. 625 do. 15th, do. Flower. Carlesmoor Beck Protected 750 Sandstone 118 (N.W.) River Skell 415 On Alluvium ; near Hungate. River Laver 300 At foot of North Wood. Winksley 350 Field Beside a little stream which joins the Laver at Rough House. R. Laver 270 On Alluvium. Granny Bank N. 650 84 Steep wooded bank by River f!over. NARTHECIUM OSSIFRAGUM. ASPHODEL. Head of Gateup Gill S.W. 1650 Peat 116 Exposed ; face of ridge ; high moors. Bellow Brimham Rocks N.W. 850 136 Bog; hill slope; priiig fed. 130 STUDIES IN NIDDERDALE. XVI. THE FOMUD. The first time I ever saw a Fomud was during a never-to-be forgotten visit to my venerable friend, Col. Crompton, at Azerley Hall. It had been shot in the woods there a few years before. One hot afternoon in the summer of 1870, about three o'clock, as I was walking with Plato down High Ash Head Moor, at the height of 1200 feet above sea level, on a northern exposure, my dog, who was a few yards ahead of me, suddenly stopped. When I came up to him I found that he had at bay a most beautiful and courageous animal, in shape like a gigantic Stoat, in colour russell, and with a head like that of a Fox. It was crouching with its fore quarters down, and its pretty face turned up showing the sharpest white teeth, its ears erect, and beautiful eyes rivetted on its Leviathan assailant. My dog was burning to attack it, but I restrained him, when, taking advantage of the opportunity, the beautiful creature shot swiftly away. Its general appearance was that of a fox, with a long thin body and a very small head. In fact it more resembled a fox than any other animal. As I did not then know what the animal was I described it to the next man I met on the borders of the moor, who told me that it was the Fomud. This was all the enlighten- ment I could get, and I was obliged to rest satisfied with it for sometime afterwards when I learned from the late Mr. Wood, the intelligent keeper at Beworley, that it was a Marten. He said " The Foul Mart." Herein, however, my poor friend was mistaken, in common with everybody who has written about this name, than which no word has given rise to more confusion STUDIES IN NIDDERDALE. 181 or originated more mistakes. The Fomud is not the Foul Mart, which is a name of the Polecat. A Polecat would often be called a Foul Mart, but never Fomud. These are the salient facts. We have in England only one species of Marten, The Pine Marten, Maries Sylvatica, generally called Martes Abietum. This is the now accepted determination of Mr. E. R. Alston, in a paper " On the specific identity of the British Martens," published in the Proc. of the Zooloijical Society, 1879, p. 468, of which I now give an abstract. " Two European species of Martens have been generally recognised since the days of Albertus Magnus and Agricola, although Linnaeus and others regarded them as identical." " Martes Sykaticn. Outer fur rich dark brown ; under fur reddish grey with clear reddish yellow tips ; breast spot usually yellow, varying from bright orange to pale cream colour or yellowish white. Breadth of the skull across the Zygomatic arches rather more than half the length ; the arches highest posteriorly, whence they slope rather suddenly downwards and forwards. Sides of muzzle nearly parallel, etc." " Martes Foina. Outer fur dull greyish brown ; under fur greyish white. Breast spot smaller than in M. Sylvatica, pure white. Breadth of the skull across the Zygomatic arches much more than half the length, the arches regularly curved, broadest and highest near their middle. Sides of muzzle slightly converging, etc." " The young Pine Marten has a bright yellow throat, which fades in old individuals to white or greyish-white, or pale grey mottled with brownish." " Martes Foina is not ami never teas a member of the British Fauna. During the last ten years I have traced out every supposed Beech Marten I could hear of from various parts of England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland, and everyone has proved to be Martes Sylvatica." 132 STUDIES IN NIDDKRDALfe. " The Pine Marten, although greatly reduced in numbers by persecution, still maintains its ground in the wilder districts of Scotland, the north of England, Wales, and Ireland, and occa- sionally specimens are killed in counties where the species was thought to have been long extinct. In Scotland it is perhaps- the most abundant in Sutherlandshire and Rosshire, especially in the Deer Forest. In the Lowlands a Marten is now a great rarity. In the north of England, Mr. W. A. Durnford* sajs the species is " still plentiful" in the wilder parts of Cumber- laud, Westmoreland, and Lancashire. W. Harrison, (Description of Britayne , Bk. iii., c. vii., p. 108, in Holitished, 1577, V. i.,) in a chapter ' Of savage beasts and vermines,' says, " But it shall suffice that I have named them [Bevers] as I doe aleo the Martern, although for number I worthily doubt whether that of our Bevers or Martens may be thought to be the lesse." In Bp. Tegner's beautiful Swedish Version of Frithinf s Saga, the Marten is effectively introduced in the pretty lines " Som en mard ban flog Uti Hasten opp." Canto x., v. 8. which is, literally translated, " As a mart be flew Up tbe mast aloft." Upon this passage Strong has a Note : " Mustcht Mrtrtes, the' Pine Marten. In proof of the facility with which this little animal scales the yet unfelled masts of the forest, it may be stated on the authority of Buffon, that it usurps the nest of the' Squirrel and of the Buzzard, and dislodges the Woodpecker from its mine." 8trony's Transl. Note, p. 137. The Wood Marten, Pine Marten, or Fomurd is not an offen- sive animal like a Stoat and a Polecat, and has no smell, but on * Zjologist, 1877, p. 291. STUDIES IN NIDDERDALE. 133 the contrary, the skin is used by furriers and it is even called the Street Mart, in contradistinction to the Foul Mart or Polecat. Therefore the Fomard is not the Foulmart. Fomud is always assumed to be a contraction of Foulmart, but Fomard seems to be a name complete in itself from 0. N. Foa a fox, and Mordr, Dan. Maard, a Marten, =the Fox-Marten, as we say the Marten-Cat, etc. 0. N. Foa a Fox, 0. H. G. Folia, Goth, Fauho pi. Fauhons, (Ulfilas. Matt. viii. 20), and A. S. Mearth, meard, also ma-rth, Germ. Marder, Dan. Maard, 0. N. Mordr, a Marten, are from Gothic Matha a worm, (which also gives us our word Moth, from the caterpillar state,) as we call them Vermin from their worm- shaped bodies, Lat Vermis a worm. While Fomard is thus quite a different name from Foulmart this latter is equally an independent name, and is simply the two A. S. words Fill foul, and meerd, meard, meard, a Marten, weasel, stoat, etc., a generic name. This I gather from the old spelling of Foul without the o, as in King's Vale Royal, 1656, p. 18, " Foxes, Fulmards, Otters, Basons, and such like ;" and the beautiful lines cited by Brockett. " The hart, the hynd, the doe, the roe, The Pulmart, and false fox." The Cherry and Slae. Brockett says " Fulmart in Sherwood's Diet., and some of our old writers use Fulinwrt." The title was conferred upon the Polecat in recognition of the eminent qualities by which it is distinguished, and save under the book-learned idea that Fomard is a corruption of Foulmart, is never applied to the Marten cat. By a similar assumption, Fonlmart has been made the same name as Fr. Fouine, the Beech Marten, a third distinct species, which is also a Sweet Marten, but which does not occur in this island. In Cotgrave we find " Fou'inc, Fortune. The Foine 1 Wood-Martin, or Beech Martin. Foiiaut a Muske-cat, or as Foufnne. Fou a Beech tree." 184 STUDIES IN NIDDERDALE It is clear therefore that Foiiant and Fouinne in 0. Fr. means the Polecat as well as the Beech Marten, Martes Foina., but an impassable gulf exists between Fouinne, and the good old English word Fiilmart. So far from our being beholden to the French for our English name, the very name of Martre in French was borrowed from our Forelders on the Continent. The Med. Latin Martes is doubtfully used by Martial (Ep. x. 37). This gave Martalus, found in some late Latin texts. Ital. Martora, whence Martre (Bra). Again, Fouinne would appear to be corrupted by German influence. For the 0, Fr. Fou a beech tree, from which Fouine comes, is apparently changed from its original form Fan under the influence of the Germ. Buche. Faine, Beech mast, is from Lat. Fagina. Now the word Fagina is used for the Beech Marten in an Article of the Council of Tarragon, "Nulli canonici Let no canons vel clerici vestes rubeas vel virides nee forraturas pellium or clergymen presume to wear red or green garments or furs of skins de martis, de faginis portare praesumant." (Cit by Bra' of Martens or of Fouines. who says Fouine was formerly Foine, and originally Faino). We here see a distinction made between two Martens, which were not called by the same name, i.e. the Pine Marten was not called Fouine in France, where both kinds exist. Far less should it be called Fouine in England where the Fouine proper does not occur. It is therefore abundantly clear that three quite distinct names, Fomard, Foulmart, and Fr. Fouine, applied to three quite distinct animals, respectively the Pine Marten, the Polecat, and the Beech Martin, which last is not a British species, have been confounded and treated as one. As regards the cognomen Cat in " Marten- Cat." 0. N. Kottr gen. Kattar, Dan. Kat, Swed. Katt, 0. H. G. Chatza, Germ. Katze, Gael. Cat, Wei. Cdth, meant originally the Marten Cat or Weazel, ermine, wild-cat. The cat was not domesti- cated in the tenth century among the Scandinavians, (Cleas.) STUDIES IN NIDDEUUALK. 185 though, as Darwin shows, they were domesticated in the East and in Egypt more than 2000 years ago.* From 0. H. G. Chatza comes Fr. Chat, Lat. Catus, a cat. But what is Lat. Catta. Riddle translated it " a kind of bird, doubtful." When the passage is carefully read however there is little doubt that Martens are intended. It is necessary to state that Martial, who was born A.D. 48, published his 12th Bk. A. D. 108, and the passage in question occurs in Bk. xiii., Ep. Ixix. " Panuonicas nobis nunquam dedit Cattas Mavult hiec domino mittere dona Putens." " [Umbria] never gave us Punnonian Martens Pudeus prefers to send them as presents to our Sovereign." Bather than keep them himself, they being new to him, and on account of their novelty deemed worthy as presents to the Emperor. Paunonia was a province containing modern Hungary and part of Austria, whence they were sent as curiosities to Pudens, who was in Umbria. There is little doubt then that Catta and Catus both come from the German. In Latin there was already the word Feles meaning a Marten, Polecat, etc., Welsh Bele, and that our compound Marten-Cat is a similar one to Foa-modr, Fomard, Fomud. Animals and Plants under Domestication, v. 1, p. 43, 1868. 136 STUDIES IN NIDDERDALE. XVII. THE BIRDS OF NIDDERDALE. Pateley Bridge lies at the centre of a circle of somewhat over forty miles radius that passes through several points on the eastern and western seaboard. Thus it is forty-one miles from the Tees-mouth, forty-three from Morecambe Bay, forty-seven from the Ribble near Preston, and forty-five from the Humber at Goole. This central position, taken with the great vertical range of the district, 100 to 2800 feet, is eminently favourable for the occurrence of birds, resident, marine, migratory, and casual. Sea-birds occasional find their way across, and perhaps I should say not uncommonly, if all the occasions on which they have done so had been placed on record. In the summer Gulls slowly flap their way all along the eastern slopes of these hills. In June, 1868, I saw one above Billing Hill, in Airedale ; on July 29th, 1869, one over Haverah Park; and on May llth and 13th, 1871, a Lesser Black-backed Gull at Kettlewell, in Wharfedale. A young Gannet, in speckled plumage, was found on Bewerley Moor (1000 feet) in 1858, and is now in the possession of Mr. Yorke, of Bewerley Hall. ' Gannet , is an A.S. name, as appears from the beautiful line, " OVER GANOTES B;ETH," over the Gunnel's lath, i.e., the sea, Sax. Chron., A.D. 975. In the absence of any recent record of the Golden Eagle in the district, the names of" Arna Nab," " Arncliff," "Arnagill," indicate that it formerly bred on these hills.* Buzzards are occasionally seen on the moors. At Christmas, 1868, Mr. Yorke'g keepers trapped a Common Bu/zard on Gowthwaite Moor (1200 See i>ago 91. STUDIES IN NIDDERDALE. 137 1500 feet). Mr. Ormerod shot a Rough-legged Buzzard on the moors near Lofthouse about 1861. The Bough-legged Buzzard is said to be commoner here than the Common Buzzard. The Merlin Breeds on the moors. On February 22nd, 1868, 1 saw one a few miles west of Bradford ; on June 12th, 1869, one on the moor behind Guys Cliff (1100 feet), a magnificent cliff with a northerly exposure, over 100 feet in height, in the lower part of Nidderdale. Its flight is swift, low, and graceful. As it flies its wings seem sharper than a Kestrels, and its tail thinner, approaching the appearance of a Swift. The last week in June, 1869, Mr. Yorke's watchers found a Merlin's nest on Ramsgill Moor (1250 1500 feet, N.E. exposure), with four young birds. On July 1st, 1869, I saw a Red-backed Shrike at Hole Bottom (950 feet), a dell full of trees and bushes, slightly exposed to the S.E., chattering and making a great noise. It is here a rare bird, as I have no other record of its occurrence. Says Chaucer, in ' The Friar's Tale ' : . " As fall of Jangles,* As full of venom be these Wariangle*." V.6990. The Wariangle (Germ. Wurgengel,) is now a rare bird. I believe the name is still used in some West-Midland Counties. Mr. Speght (Edit, Chaucer, 15971602,) explains " Wariangle" to be " A kind of birds full of noise, and very ravenous, preying upon others, which when they have taken, they use to hang upon a thorne or pricke, and teare them in peeces, and devour them." A faithful description of the habits of the Red-backed Shrike. Cotgrave's " French Dictionary," published 1650, translates arneat by "The ravenous bird called a Shrike, nyn-murder wariangle." The Anglo-Saxon " Scric" is rendered by Manning, in Lye's " Gothic and Anglo-Saxon Dictionary," by " Turdus," i.e., Turdus viscivorus, the Screecher. The Old Norsk Skrikja is rendered by Cleasby. in his "Icelandic Dictionary, " "The "Chattering." B 138 STUDIES IN NIDDERDALE. Shrieker," and Sol-shrikja (i.e., sun or day-shrieker), " Shrike, butcher-bird," (" Itiuerarium, or travels of Eggert Olaffson," 1772, p. 582), while the modern Swedish Skrikja is the Jay, another " screecher." " Skrikes Wood," near Bewerley, pro- bably takes its name from either the present species, or the Jay. These birds commence their autumnal migration in July, when they are to be seen along the coast of Sussex. On July 80th and 31st, 1867, I saw two at Heene, and on August 7th and 8th S. F. Lucas (alas ! gone to a too early grave,) shot two migrating. The Tits, at least the Great Tit and the Blue Tit, are clever mocking birds. On January 26th, 1868, I heard the Great Tit uttering a cry like that of the Wryneck, but not so loud and sweeter. I have noticed the same note in the Lesser Spotted Woodpecker, and a young Kestrel. In 1867 there was an extra- ordinary abundance of holly-berries at Heene, Sussex. The Blue Tit (August 9th) was constantly in the holly bushes, in company with a Blackbird, cutting off the berries, the ground being strewn with them. On Sunday, October 25th, 1868, at Pool, Wharfe- dale, I watched from inside my window a Blue Tit busily engaged in pecking at the apparently bare bark of a trained cherry tree, on the young shoots and buds, and when he had gone I looked to see what kind of food he had been eating. The extremities of the young branches and buds were covered with the Aphis, much changed in colour, very few being the light green they are in summer ; they were dirty brown and black. The Blue Tit, through the autumn, goes in flocks with the Cole Tit and Great Tit, together numbering perhaps fifty birds. They like the sheltered deep valley of the Washburn, where all three kinds abound. The Blue Tit has a powerful, sprightly note like " Chick- w<-ed, chickwred, chickwced," quickly repeated. The Long- tailed Tits go in little flocks of six or seven ; they have a sweet little single note, a straightish flight, stronger than one would STUDIES IN NIDDKBDALE. 139 expect, with their long tails stuck out behind. It is uncertain whether one of the Tits is meant in the lines : " Pants enim qnamvis per noctem linnipet omnem At sua vox null! jure placere potest."* " Tit " is the 0. N. TITTE. The A. S. names were Col-mase* fr.'* Now should the bauble's brilliant glance Happen to catch thine eye by chance As thou rakest thy sheep to the fold, Wilt thou convey it for my sake Back to the Lady Margaret Who will in safety hold Trust me, though more I dare not break, Thy kindness I will ne'er forget." 10. With mute delight the shepherd hears, Her voice like music filled his ears As he drank her accents in. And ere, with eager utterance strung, The loosened bridle of his tongue Had courage to begin, A lile bird wewtaled on the bra). 11. Perched upon the topmost spray Of a lonely juniper- thorn, A Finch as dusky as the ling Sprako f its sprightly twittering "De bon cor," and "Pency a moy." " Be of good heart," aud " think of me." From a massive gold ring figured in Aubrey's History of Burrey. t Sprake, A. S. Sprac, p. of Brecon, to speak. 194 STUDIES IN NIDDERDALE. Sweet wild notes that seemed to sing " Hail ! smiling morn " That opes the buds of May " And then it flapped its little wing, Nor could ye reckon its wither-away. 12. Sayes, " What pretty brjd :;: is this so gay ? " 13. "Oh, that is a little bunting bird That flits in early spring. In March, as I have beard, Despite its slender wing, A gaumless flight it takes Along the northern path, Towards the silver hills and little lakes Where the old Eeindecr bells in noble wrath, On fields on ice when A.rtic morning wakes. 14. Then hither again in dark October nights, Tinged by the northern snows, he flitteth, white. " 15. Onco loosed, his speech began to flow. Ho marked the maiden's loveliness, And she, to see his ardour grow, Divining that the shepherd's dress Was but a veil that none might know The wearer's native birth and breed, Suffered the shepherd to proceed. Bryd, young bird. Bunting bird. The Snow bunting. I here recount an experience in Unst, the most northerly of the Shetland Isles, in June, 1874. STUDIES IN NIDDERDALE. 195 1C. " There be few that gan these gates, Iwis, Ay, marry ! but I can tell thee this, I'so vrarrant, save my dogs and mo There's not a carl in all the land, That, from the spot whereon we stand, Could look around and rightly tell The name of every dale and fell." 17. " Now I will scour the mountains ower, First I will try the Flask, Then double back along Foulcauseway Slack, And count full light the task. Nor yet content, upon the Bent I will wander round and round ; I give thee my pledge, I'll search the Edge, Nor will I pause, but through the Shaws, And all the Fleak, alone I'll seek Until the gem be found. 18. She essayed to speak. Her tongue refused. And as the mantling blush suffused The maiden's face, the shepherd read The one shy glance, the half- averted head, And seizing the happy moment's chance, With frank and fearless confidence he said : 19. " There rankle th that within my brain I could wish thy spirit to hear. Shall it with brazen chafing smart, Till, by its fiery weight amain, Lake molten lead through cere, It burn its way down to my heart ? " 196 STUDIES IN NIDDERDALE. 20. " Hard were the kyst as amethyst Could feel the inner senses prank With untold love, its prongs grown rank, Could feel their courage and resist !" 21. " Though I do keenly, keenly feel, That, trodden in the uuderdust Beneath new Education's heel, Love, that vain old sentiment, Hath disappeared, and must." 22. " Aloft on high advancement's wing We clutch at every shooting star. On the great struggle of fame intent, We shake off each retaining thing That tends to keep us where we are." 23. " While yet the golden early day Lights down on thine unclouded brow, While yet those fleckless beams array The dimpled smiles that fade and grow, Thou shalt not lack the multitude To whom thy very words are food, Who, could they clasp thce as their prize, Would 'sign their claim to Paradise." [The maiden draws her rein, as though to retire.] 24. " I yet thy mute attention claim For ono short moment only, Ere the world's pleasures have grown tame, And life feels cold and lonely." STUDIES IN NIDDERDALE. 197 25. " When Death hath in his work begun, Ani doth thino homo dismember, Thy friends, departing one by one, Shall leave theo like the lessening sun That yields to chill December." 26. 11 If ever, Annot, in thy need Alone thou wendest all the earth, If ever thou hast cause indeed To curse the day that gave thee birth If ever on that hated road The stones have made thy poor feet bleed, Then, wanderer, next thy God" 27. 11 Thou weepest then, ere quite debarred, Lend me once more thy dear regard. And mark thce if 'twas I that marred, If jaded slavish word, ill starred, Fleet in its uninstructed path, Hath stricken chord of thine so hard As wring out notes of grief or wrath, My conscience, 'midst its general stain, Burns smartly that I gave theo pain, And rather would I with the slain Lie dead upon the battle plain Than live to say the same again." 198 STUDIES IN NIDDEEDALE. CANTO V. MOONLIGHT AMONG THE MOUNTAINS. 1. All day through the shepherd true Had followed the loved behest, Till the black pall of dark night-fall Constrained enforced rest, Bat he rose as soon as the clear full moon Gave light to renew the quest. 2. The quiet mountains slept In the dream of their midnight swoon, The tips of their loftiest pinnacles lit By the light of a frosty moon, Or wrapped in a shroud of fleecy cloud, Like a moth in its soft cocoon. At last as he sought now left, now right In the stillness of the alpine night Broken only by murmuring streams Just as a falling meteorite Startled the stars from their dreams The diamond, sparkling at his feet, Flashed in the white moonbeams. 4. The hardy shepherd well-nigh wept for joy, And when his spirits had ta'en a moment's grace, He clapped" his faithful Glan, and huggled the noble Roy, * Clapped, i.e. patted ; O. Norsk, Klnppa, to pat, stroke gently. STUDIES IN NIDDERDALE. 199 Then framed for heiim" and in a little space Had reached the summit of the grassy knowl That rises rear the Hie Blow Tarn f sae lonely The stillness of its waters broken only By the plash of the startled wild-fowl. 5. In the weird moonlight night among the mountains He sate him down to rest on those wild shores, The silence only broken by the torrent That bears the waters of a thousand fountains, Together rolled in one ambiguous surge, Down through the wooded cliff with stark pines horrent, And over the force that leaps its craggy verge. 6. Fed by the scene, his wild imagination, Bound in the spell of moments all too fleeting, Fast yielded to the heavenly fascination While far off on the fells the wild sheep bleating Back to the herder's voice scut distant greeting, As from his innermost heart he uttered the burning invocation. CANTO VI. THE INVOCATION. 1. " Sibyl, at thy Campanian shrine, If thou cans't Fate unveil, Betray the lurking tale And tell me mine." Framed for heiim, made for home 0. N. Fremja ; A. S. Fremman, to make, etc. Heiim Norweg. and Dan., Hjem. The parallel northern form ' liame ' is 0. Norsk. Heim, ace. of Htitnr homo. t Plow Tarn, i.e., Blue Tarn. O. N., Blar, lead coloured, blue ; in compos. Did. As Bld-ber, Blaeberry, Bla-nucr, blue moor, so Bld-Tjorn, Blow Tarn. There are several small lakes so called. 200 STUDIES IN NIDDEEDALE. 2. " For, Annot/ me thought with meteor flashed unguided, The sharp knife Separation struck our star. I felt thine anguish, heard thy cry ' Divided,' But ere I claimed thee, lo, thou wast afar." 3. " Thine orb shines pale at midnight now, beloved, Whilst I from out the most unfathomed Hell Look on thy glory. Distance, the long-rayed, peering down his beams, Of all the firmamental field Marks thee the veriest far." 4. " How have I longed for thy return ! Day chascth day, while yet the sand Runs swiftly on at Time's demand. The hours are eager in the chase. As each one passes in his turn, Up steps the next to take his place." 5. " Forgive my ravings, for the wandering light That floats before me roaming through the night, Hath led me from thee, led me far astray, Far from the usual, plainly painted way, Painted upon a sign-post with a hand To show where men should follow And now the very ground whereon I stand, Shaken and cracked with earthquakes, trembles hollow." G. " ' Tis night, and past the hour of eventide ! While morn was young I watched thee, bathed in pride, STUDIES IN NIDDERDALE. 201 That thou wast happy. But \vhilo thus so proud To watch thine eye, a little sailing cloud Passed over it. Sadly thy sweet face bowed* Sudden of all its brightness disillumed, And thou didst weep. What did those barbed poigns Those ranks of thunder, demon prongs that fumed In Hell their crackling furnaces, conjoin To lunge thy lovely heart because on mine Their lightnings burned and baffled, unconsumcd I Annot, farewell. That most extremest distance, bridged by the beams That fled towards me when from thy dear eyes Too gracious thou hast deigned regarding me, And now do perish glistening on my tears, Doth stand most unsurpassed, dissundering us. One word from theo, and snapt the slender shaft That points me from thce, hostile though I viewed Thy lanced guardian, when his lightnings flamed Their ruddy hatred lest the pretty word Should 'scape thy lips, and with a rosy smile Light up the shadows of my sorrowing heart. Banned in love's darkest deepest catacombs, The stringed thoughts, vibrating in my braiu, Draw tensely that my native strength doth fail To raise my lowly level to thiuo own." Z 202 STUDIES IN NIDDERDALE. CANTO VII. THE SHEEPSCORING. 1. The shepherd and his dogs, the twain, Were early agate and on the moors Bound for the scoring. Many a swain Comes with his brace of curs.* And as he lightly strode along, They heard the careless shepherd's song. 2. " I'd as lief be a carl on these mountains of ours As heir to a peerage with paralysed powers. Lot me drink the pure air on my bonnie wild fells, And I'll leave them to live in their lordly castells. While sheep run on mountains, and cattle on plain, And there's strength in this arm, I'll not spend it in vain." 3. " Hey Glannie, lad, fa' yaud, fa' yaud! " Twenty flocks are mixed together. Wildly waving arms and shouting, Twenty shepherds, nothing doubting, Send their dogs across the heather. 4. Bute, Craft, Corby, Cort, | Crab, Fleet, Flora, Gade, Gess, Glan, Houve, Jock, Each knows his proper flock. Donald Bayne and Anty Homer Wave their hands to Eake and Morna. ' Cur ' is the gciioral name for Sheepdogs. Lapp. 'and Fin. 'Coira,' a Dog. t Sheep doge uames see p. 13. STUDIES IN NIDDKBDALE. 208 Rap, Ring, Roy, Rock, Jos, Laddie, Lassie, Luce, Shep, Spot, Swift, Sweep, Single out their proper sheep. Tip, Trip, Tossel, Turk, Watch, Watch'em, Wenny, Wench, Whip, Wily, Sprat, and Yarrow Each does his proper work. 5. While all the shepherds shout ' Drive him in,' or ' Fetch him out.' Soon the contrived to sever Flock from flock, with dogs so clever. Then the scoring work began, And this is how the numbers ran. 6. * "Yahn, Tayhn, Tether, Mether, Mimph, Hither, Lither, Anver, Danvcr, Dick, Yahn-dic, Tayhndic, Tetberdio, Methcrdic, Mimphit, Yahn-a-miraphit, Tayhn -a-mimphit, Tcthcr-a-mimphit, [Mether-a-mimphit, Jigit." 7. Shepherds from their different dales, Told the same with varied tales. But when nil the shcop were scored Here we leave the Shepherd Lord. Shecpscoring Nnmerols, p. 11, nnd 35. This shonhl he road very fast, as the shepherds ran thronght it. 204 STUDIES IN NIDDEEDALE. CANTO VIII, REST. 1. The battle had been lost and won ! * Into Barden Tower there ride Lord De Clifford and his bride.f 2. Sayes, " Now the race is over Let tho good steed eat his clover." 3. "Brightly, bravely, heroine, I have seen thy virtues shine. Bravely, brightly, all enduring, Thou hast ended in securing Heaven's favour, wife of mine." 4. " When tho rough tempest struck thy fragile form, Stcdfast thou stoodcsfc in thy meek defence. Though veterans quavered, thou wort undismayed. I marked thy seasoned mind, thy sober sense, The stern occasion kindled thy quick resource. Thine oven temper and thy passive force, With meek retirement of thyself, displayed That mental sovereignty that makes, the modest maid, The faithful wife, the gentle mother, the prudent damo." [End of the story of Henry De Clifford, the Shepherd Lord.] Dosworth Field. Fought August 22ud, 1485. Immediately after his accession to tho throne, Henry VII restored to their titles and estates all those Nohles who had been deprived of them by Edward IV. in 1461. + Ilia bride, Lord Do Clifford had married Anno St. John of Bletso. Their son was the 1st Earl of Cumberland, and tho hero of the ' Nut-brown Maid.' STUDIES IN NIDDEBDALE. 205 XXV. WEATHER AND FLOODS. 1. YOREDALE. The ' Great Flood ' in the Ure, at Masham, happened Feb. 2nd, 1822. There had not been snch a flood since February 2nd, 1782 or 8, when the 'tymbar' bridge at Masham, mentioned by Leland, and Tanfield bridge, were washed away. This was the greatest flood known in the memory of men then living. (Fisher, Mashamshire, 1865). 2. NIDDERDALE. The following notes have been contributed by Mr. R. Ingleby. Patclcij Brid'jc,, 1881. RESPECTING OUR FLOODS. The door check of our old mill, which we have this year covered np, has a many floods marked on it. Previous to covering it up wo took the levels, and had some of them engraved on the new door-jamb of our present old mill. ' The Great Flood ' which was talked of as the largest flood in the memory of man by our fathers was the 6th May, 1825. It was quite local, all the rain falling in a very short space of time, between Patcley Bridge and Ramsgill, principally on the east side of the valley, but more especially on the lower end of the township of Fountains Earth, and on High Bishopside, a large amount of damage being caused in Pateley Bridge, none falling further up the valley. It was severe and destructive, owing partly to the suddenness of the water coming down. The February 1st, 1868, flood was tho largest over known in this neighbourhood. It was up for several hours, and was a foot higher than the 6th May Flood. It was 8ft. 6in. deep on the mill threshold. All the ground floors of our buildings 206 STUDIES IN NIDDEKDALE. were under water. The pigs, over 20, we got into the houses, but in the bottom floor they would have been drowned. Therefore we had to take them up into the bedrooms ; and our two cows we took into the house also. We lost no stock. Heights above mill threshold : February 1st, 1868, 8. 6 May 6th, 1825, 2. 6 September 29th, 1852, 2. July 4th, 1777, 1. 7 July 6th, 1881, 0. 6 November 28th, 1881, 0. 9 Between July 6th, and November 28th, 1881, a series of seven floods occurred, the largest of which was on November 28th. On July 6th, nearly the whole of the Holme meadow land was under water, and after the grass was cut, other floods occurred which swept away entire fields of hay, thereby causing a great amount of damage to the farmers. It is a noticeable fact, that no two floods in Nidderdale are alike in effect, which is locally accounted for by saying, " that the rain falls in planets."* A great manj' floods have occured between 1777 and 1881, but those we have recorded were the highest. I myself witnessed the extraordinary amount of destruction of property caused bj the Floods of 1868, and July 6th, 1881. 3. VVHARFEDALE Mr. John Ley land, of Kettle well, from whom in 1871 I derived much information respecting the working of the reins, (p. 60 et. scq.) kindly allowed me in 1881 to copy the following notes from his note book, on the subject of Floods and Weather. May 28f/(, 1860. A great snowstorm on the Monday morning. Wm. Wrathall had about 80 ewes and lambs overblown in tho Halliwcll (Archaic and Provincial words) has this word: as lias Forby, (Vocab. of Ea*t Anglia) 1830-58, but neither explains its origin, (see Gloss.) It racaus locally, and in sheets. * STUDIES IN NIDDERDALE. 207 snow on Laugliflb [part of which is shown , marked ' LIMESTONE GIRDLES ' on p. 160, see also p. 161] Pasture. The fences in several places quite covered. February 9th, 1861. Great Snowstorm. I had two horses overblown and died on Haytongue Pasture. Two men lost at Cray same time. 1868. A very hot summer, no rain from the last of May, to 5th of August. The 4th day of August was the hottest day. The hottest summer in the memory of anyone living. ^ n this never-to-be-forgotten summer, I was engaged in working out the geology, and constructing the map of that fine range of pasture land to the north and south of the Wharfe, E. of Otley. The whole country was burnt up so that the soil of the pasture fields was everywhere exposed. Not a bkde of grass remained green, but curled up dry and brown as the soil itself, and to all appearance the roots were dead. Towards the end of the drought, an Indian officer, a friend, happened to return to England. On my remarking to him that the grass was killed, he replied ' In three weeks after the rain falls the grass will be as green as ever,' a prediction which was borne out by the result]. Kettletcell, December 18*A, 1869. The largest flood on the Saturday night that has ever occurred since I came to live at Kettlewell, riz. : .10 years. We had to dam it out at both doors in the cellar. It reached the top of the gantry. It was 8 in. higher than the flood in February last, in the same year. June 18th, 1872. A large flood or thunderstorm on Coniston Moor [hidden by Grass Wood on p. 160] and Whernside, doing a great deal of damage on the east side of Wharfedale: [This happened while I was at Harrogate shortly after leaving the Lodge near the Dale Head, Nidderdale. In the Trnmtic. Institution of Surveyors, Vol. IX. p. 146, reference is made to this event. " Mr J. Lucas (visitor) said that he remembered a waterspout (he believed in July 1872) which burst on Great Whernflide, 208 STUDIES IN NIDDERDALE, one of the Yorkshire hills, and swept away a vast amount of property in Coverdale, demolishing among other things a semi- circular bridge in Nidderdale, which had withstood the floods of 200 or 800 years." [It -was on this occasion that the then newly erected stone bridge over the Nidd near Lodge, which had cost 500 to build, was swept away]. October 21st, 1874. On the Wednesday night at 9 o'clock, one of the greatest floods that has occurred since I came here, viz. : for 1C years. The water came through the bar on a stream. I had to dam it out of both the front and back doors. 8 inches deep in the cellar. It was 4 inches above the taps on the gantry. 1878-9. A very severe winter. Snow fell on the 8th November, and continued until March 1st. The frost very severe. A deal of snow till the 20th of March. Never clear of snow from the 8th November till May 13th. A very late spring. November 8th, 1878. A very severe snowstorm. William Coatcs had 30 sheep overblown on Gillside Pasture, and several more in other places on the Friday. Saturday a fine day. 1880. October 21th, 28th, and 29$. A very severe snow- storm, accompanied with a very strong -wind. A great many sheep overblown, and several dead. 4 large trees blown down at Whitehouses, and 1 at Throstle Nest on the Thursday Afternoon. January 22nd, 1881. Tho watorfall at Hardraw Scarr, near Hawes, supposed to be about 110 feet high, was frozen to one solid icicle from top to bottom, supposed to be 80 feet in circumference. [Photographs of the frozen fall were taken at the time]. January 2Qth. 1881. A very severe frost. Had the milk frozen on my can handle during the time I was milking the cow at 7 A.M. STUDIES IN NIDDERDALE. 209 V March 3rd, 1881. A very severe storm. Snow continued to fall without intermission from March 3rd to Sunday March Gth. The Mail did not arrive at Kettlewell at all on the Friday, March 4th. Came on the Saturday, March 5th, at 4-30 P.M., with the Friday's Mail. Badger's carts left on Cassa Moss, near Cray, same time. Going from Kettlewell market. March 4th, 1881. The mail bags had to be conveyed on foot from near Craven Heifer to near Catch Hall. Conveyances overblown in several places on the road from Skipton. June 8th, 1881. Great Whernside quite covered with snow at 8 o'clock in the morning. July 5th, 1881. A very severe thunderstorm on the Tuesday night. Very severe lightning until 3 in the morning. This was followed by a very severe flood on July Gth, in Nidderdale. JOHN LEYLAND. 4. THE IRWELL. The ' Great Flood ' on the Irwell at Salford, happened November 16th, 1866. (Jacob, Proc. Inst. C.E., 1882). A 2 210 STUDIES IN NIDDEKDALE. XXVI. ANTIQUITIES, ETC. STONE CELTS. Mr. George Metcalfe has a stone celt of the ordinary shape, 6 ins. long, by 3 ins. wide at larger end, of which I have seen a drawing only. It was found on Pateley Moor. Mr. Metcalfe has also sent me drawings of two PERFORATED STONE HAMMER HEADS, which are comparatively modern. Both are flat, but otherwise differ in shape. One is long-shaped, wide at one end, and pointed at the other. It is 2f ins. thick, by 8 ins. wide at widest, with a circular hole of If ins. in diameter. It was found near How Stean by Old Willie Beckwith, about 40 years ago, (1882). Along with it was found a bronze spear-head, which has been lost. The other hammer-head is circular, reminding one strongly of a stone-breaker's hammer formed by fastening a thick iron ring on to the end of a stick. It was found up dale, somewhere near Lofthouse, where it was lying for some time in John Kirkbright's house, and was used as a plaything by his children. Mr. Robert Ingleby has two stone celts, one of Greenstone, 5| inches long by 2J inches wide at the broadest part. It is studded with minute black crystals, apparently hexagonal, and star-shaped with six points. The other is WJdnstone. It was picked up in a farm yard at Calf Haugh, in 1879, by Mr. Robert Ingleby. Interior, slate colour, rough texture. Exterior, worn smooth, dirty brown. Length Gjj inches. Width at broadest part 2% inches. I have drawings of both these celts. FLINT ABROW-HEAD. A very perfect flint arrow-head was picked up on Mr. Tennant's allotment on Pateley Moor, April 29th, 1881. Its length is 1.19-32 inch, and width 1.8-82 inch. It is symmetrical, sharp pointed, and beautifully barbed. STUDIES IN NIDDERDALE. 211 Two CANNON-BALLS have been found one near Middlesmoor about 12 years ago, 18 ins. in circumference, weight Sjlbs, in the possession of Mr. F. VV. Theaker, of Pateley Bridge the other Tibs. 9oz., found near How Stean, in March, .1874 ; in the possession of Mr. Metalfe, of Castlestead, who has also a very curious old BRONZE KAIL POT, (see p. 19), which was found on Greenhowhill. The body is globular in shape, 7 ins. diameter with a projecting rim or neck at the top, measuring from the bottom of the pot to the top of the neck 5 ins. ; this rim is 6 inches external diameter. A straight handle projects from the neck, having a curved support fastened to the middle of the globular portion, which was once supported upon three legs, about 4 ins. high, making the total height 9 inches Mr. Metcalfe has also two WOODEN SPADES found in Cockhill mine, near Greenhowhill, one with a shaft 2 ft, and blade 6 ins. ; the other with a shaft 17 ins., and blade 5 ins. Mr. Newbould has another, 2 ft long, found in the ' old man ' (i.e. old mine or old workings) of the Yorkshire mine about 13 years ago, Mr. Metcalfe has an IRON AXE-HEAD found buried 8 feet deep on Coldstones, by Thomas Blackah, the Greenhowhill Poet and Miner, June 19th, 1878. The shaft portion is 8 ins. deep by 1-J ins. wide, blade and shaft, 4 ins. across. The peculiarity of the shape is, that the neck is not opposite the medial line of the blade, but towards its upper edge. I have seen a drawing of this axe only. A fragment of a POLITICAL MEDAL was taken out of a loose stone wall on April 1st, 1874, in Nidderdale, above Pateley Bridge, on one side preserving the letters THE GEXERO GYLE round the margin, and at the foot NO PENTIONER, with a full length portrait of the duke, (all but the head) having behind him guns, swords, and flags. On tho other side MAKE ROOM FOR SI BERT round the margin, and a full length portrait, (all but one foot) of a gentleman in the dress of George I. time, but with a rope round his neck, by which he is led by Old Nick 212 STUDIES IN NIDDEEDALE. with horns and tail and goat's legs, and a four pronged fork, towards the open mouth of a Dragon representing Hell. The lower part of this side is broken off. A perfect example in the Brit Mus. shows on one side " MAKE BOOM FOB SIB KOBEBT" and at the foot ' No EXCISE,' and on the other ' THE GENEEOUSE DUKE OF AEGYLE,' and at the foot ' No PENTIONEB.' It is wrongly classed in the Brit. Mus. under date 1739, as will be seen from Keightley's History of England, 1839, V. 3, p. 376. Sir Kobt. Walpole formed a grand scheme for abolishing the Land Tax, preventing fraud, increasing the revenue, simplifying the taxes, and collecting them at the least possible expense. This was what was called the Excise scheme. Walpole's plan, which he introduced March 1st, 1733, was confined to the article of tobacco. It was what is now called the warehousing and bonding system. The word Excise was odious in the ears of the people.... Riots ensued. The Bill was abandoned ; rejoicings and illuminations took place all over the Kingdom ; the Ministers were burnt in effigy, cockades were worn inscribed with ' Liberty, Property, and No Excise,' and medals were struck, of which the present is an example. On other medals Sir Robert is associated with other characters. The medals are a very fine brass-like bronze, and in all probability of German manufacture. As works of art they rank high, the design and execution being masterly and bold, and the minutest details of the dress faith- fully expressed. The medals are lens-shaped, with a raised rim all round. The fragment belongs to Mr F. W. Theaker, of Pateley Bridge, who has also in his possession three medals (two bronze and one brass) struck in honour of Admiral Vernon, who took Porto Bello with only six ships, November 22, 1739. They were found about 15 years ago, in the neighbourhood of Lofthouso. One is brass (?) double-concave with raised rim ; another brass (?) double-convex, with thin edges ; and the third is bronze, double-concave, having Obv. Figures of Admiral Vornon and Commodore Brown, with Cannon on one side. STUDIES IN NIDDERDALE. 218 Inscrip. " ADMIRAL VERNON AND COMMORDORE BROWN. " Zfot?., View of Porto Bello, Harbour, Forts, Six British Men of War, and Two Guardacostas, with Merchant Ships behind Forts. Inscrip. Took Porto Bello with six ships only, November, 22nd, 1789. COINS AND MEDALS. Mr. II. Ingleby has a considerable collection of old English Coins which have been found in various parts of Nidderdale. Amongst others a guinea which was ploughed up in a field at " Red Brae," in the Township of Bewerlcy. A large number of Gold Spanish Coins, 1750, Josephus, J. D. G., were found at Woodale, in the wall of an old house when being pulled down, one of which the above-named gentleman has in his possession. Philip V. was King of Spain at this date. A small Silver Coin of Elizabeth was found by Mr. Peter Green on a by-road near Gowthwaite Hall, June, 1881, having been washed bare by the rain. It is now in the possession of Mr. H. Verity, Bewerley. Mr. Metcalfe, of Castlestead, has in his possession four Silver Coins, James I., Charles I., and Elizabeth, which were found in the wall of an old house at Whitehouscs, near Pateley Bridge, by a person named Jackson. MR. JAMES INGLEBY'S COLLECTION. Mr. James Ingleby, of Brirahousc Farm, Eavestono, has kindly contributed the following note. He has in his possession the following objects found in or near his farm, which lies out of the dale, some four miles east of Patcley Bridge. " Two Greenstone Colts ; five barbed flint arrow heads ; two leafed 214 STUDIES IN NIDDERDALE. ditto ; one diamond ditto ; one other (which has been broken) ; five flint spear heads ; two flint saws ; a large number of flint scrapers. A hollow dish was found near Skellgill covered over with a flat stone, the whole being buried in the ground. It contained burnt human bones and several peculiar small stones." [A full account of similar cases will be found in the works of Tylor, Lubbock, and others, but it may be as well to mention that the Rev. W. C. Lukis, Rector of Wath, will give a description of this particular find in a forthcoming work.] " Mr. J. Ingleby has a large collection of other flints and coins, one a silver coin of Charles I., found on the high road near Pateley Bridge. He has also a valuable collection of birds and their eggs. Nearly all have been ' collected ' by him during the last 15 or 20 years. In a field behind his house he shows a cremation ground in which a number of burnt human bones have been ploughed up, in company with several bronze articles." I understand from Mr. Thorpe that he has visited Brimhouso Farm, and was shown the above-named articles. WHEELED CONVEYANCES. Wheeled convejances are of very recent introduction in the upper part of the dale. During my stay at The Lodge, an account was related to me (if my memory be correct) by Anty Horner, of the first pair of wheels that were seen above Lofthouso or Middlesmoor. They were all in one piece, and quite solid, being cut out of a single piece of wood. This would be some 50 or GO years ago. Mr. Thorpe states that about two years ago he saw a conveyance of this description in a cart shed belonging to Mr. Matthew Teal, at the Tenement House, Wath, near Pateley Bridge. The wheels were wood, all in one piece, very thick and strong, and without tier; when in motion the axle STUDIES IN NIDDERDALE. 215 went round with the wheels. The body of the conveyance had low sides, strong- made, and was so constructed that it could be lifted off the axletrees and wheels and then used as a coop cart. All the work was done, and much is still done as has been related, with the sled. My amiable landlady at Apperley Bridge, used to tell a good story of the year 1828, illustrating the inconvenience arising from bad roads and defective convey- ances. " It was before hearses were used in this part of the country, when the vehicle used for the conveyance of the dead, was a kind of litter drawn by two horses, one before and one behind. My grandfather had gone to Manchester, and while there, had the misfortune to break his leg. My grandmother was at home at the time, [at Apperley Bridge]. Being anxious to get him home, she went to Manchester with a litter, as, owing to the bad state of the roads in those days, that was the easiest way for him to travel. My grandmother had to walk all the way. They had got as far as Keighley on their way back, when the litter broke down, and my grandfather was thrown on to the road. My grandmother ran straight into the nearest cottage, seized a chair, and without stopping to explain, ran out with it. A minute afterwards, the woman of the house being anxious about her chair came out to see what had become of it. The sight that presented itself to her astonished gaze, was the broken litter, my grandfather like a ghost, sitting in his night-dress on her chair. As soon as she was able to speak, sho called out to the other inmates of her cottage, " Come, quick, hero's a dead man come to life again." 216 STUDIES IN NIDDERDALE. XXVII. THE DIALECTS OF NIDDERDALE. PART I :- Dicky and Micky Date. By THOMAS THOEPE. I what ear Dicky Date wer bom he said he cuddant tell, an he diddant think onnybody livin cud. Dicky had an only son call'd Micky, When seen togither it wer hard ta tell whether Dicky er Micky wer t' oader. They baith dress'd alike fra top ta ta'ah they wok'd alike, an they tok'd alike. Wat taine did tother did ! Were yan went tother went, in fact they wer as Ruth an Naomi they cuddant net wuddant be'y parted. They had an ass call'd Jerry as oade as Micky, if nut oader. They all three liv'd tage- ther in a oade thakt buildin i t' loanside, leadin up ta some farm- hooses at t'hill top, at Herefild.* Dicky an Micky occupied t' maist o 7 t' buildin, Jerry hevvin a corner tav hissen i yah end. I summer, Jerry preferr'd ta hev his aboad, wen nut otherwise ingag'd, i t 1 loanside i cumpany wi' t' pigs an coafs belanging t' neoberin farmers. That part o' t' buildin occupied be'y t' fad- ther an son wer divided inta twea rooms t' livin end an t' par- ler end as they call'd 'em. T' livin end wer ther aboad baith day an neet, for ther bed steead i' yah corner. T' parler end wer occupied entirely wi' t' oade learn, at which Dicky had sat thraw- in t' shuttal weavin harden fer monny a lang ear. Micky wad noo an then tak his turn wi' t' warp an weft an rattle away * Heathfiold, near Pateloy Bridge. STUDIES 'IK NIDDERDALE. 217 clickity clackity, flickity flackity wal his fadther com again ta tak bis turn. Oado Dicky boose wer a faverbite plaise for all t' youug chaps roond ta gan sittan o' t' neets. They yuso ta git sat roond t' oade fireplaise t' fadtber at yah side an son at totber tellin all soarts o' tales, baitb possible an impossible, er else coontin stars hoot o' t' chimler top fer a wager as they sat, fer it wer yan o' thease oade fashun'd chimlers at's rarely ta be'y seen noo-days. Ye cud see hoot o' t' top ont fra onny part o' t' barstan. Doon chimler hang a gert chean fra t' rannel-boak at which they yuse ta hing t' poddish pan, t' fryin pan, t' kettle, er howt else at wanted ayther boilin er fryin. Dicky an Micky wer knawn be'y baith oade an young fer miles roond aboot, fer they went fra yah plaise tav anither hawkin har- den o' ther awn manifackter, Sometimes Jerry went wi' 'em, pertiklerly if they bad a lang journey. At other times they yuse ta carry it thersens i ther turns. They baith lik'd a bit o' bacco bud they nobbut can-id yah pipe, an when they did smeak yan bad a few pufls an then t' pipe wer bandid ta tother. I ther business ramals monny a act o' kindness wer shown tul 'cm which they certainly desarv'd, fer they wer twea as bonist, harmless mortals as iwer wok'd this earth ; an tho' ther lot wer a hard yan, they seem'd happy an contentid, an thauk'd ther Creator fer His manifold blessing bestow'd upon them which blessins seem'd nowt bud poverty, hunger, an starvation. It seems strange an unreasonable at foaks sud be'y thankful fer bein pincb'd an puuish'd efter toilin ommast day an ncet, an sa'ah monny aboot em i luxery an er thankful fer nowt. It is na'ab wonder then at some foak sud git t' noashun at tharr's yah God fer t' ritch, an anither fer t' pooer. Well ; let mo remain ta t' end o' my days like oado Dicky an his son honist, an content- id if iwor sa pooer, an still thankful to that Great Supreme Bein 'at rules all things, even t' sparros. Dicky an Micky warrant o' the hypocrite stamp, ner Jerry nayther jackass as he war fer B 2 218 STUDIES IN NIDDERDALE. it diddaut matter ta him whether it wer prince, squire, er begger at pass'd him at t' loanside, he maaid na'ah distinction, he wad cock his lugs at taine as seeane as tother, an if ayther on 'em touch'd him wear he cuddant hide it he gav 'em his reet hinder leg quick, accompanied wi' his perculiar scream, fer he, like t' rest ov his tribe, gat rnarr kelks an thumps ner corn. Dicky an Micky com in fer ther sharr o' teazin an varra oft abuse be'ya lot o' mischeevous young fellos i t' neeberhud. All soarts o' pranks wer play'd wi' em ; they had been subject ta this soart o' thing all ther lives. Sometimes when they wer sittin quiatly of a neet at t' fireside, wi' ther elbows o' ther knees an ther heeades i t' fireplaise nearly, a cat wad drop doon t' chimler, set up a yowl an cut intav a corner, er off thro' a brokkan square i t' winder terrified, an t' two oade fouk wad be as freetan'd as t 1 cat, an jump up an run ta t' far side o' t' hoose thinkin at t' varra divil hissel had landid, or some evil spent had cum an wer boon ta dew some harm i t' neeberhud, fer they, like maist o' foak i t' locality, i ther day, possess'd a gert amoont o' superstition. Yah nect a lot o' mischeevous young scamps fer miles roond had arrang'd ta hev wat they call'd a lark. They gat ther faises black'd, an dress'd thersens i all soarts ov queer fashuns. Two on 'em wer comin ta t' plaise o' meetin, an they wer just pagsin a lair, when a sarvant lass wer comiu hoot wi' twea canfuls o' milk, an when shey'd just turn'd t' corner she'y spied thease two black ens. She'y threw t' cans doon, spillin all t' milk. Ower t' wall she'y went, an off as fast as ivver her legs cud carry her, an nivver stopp'd wal she'y gat inta t' hoose, screamin' like somebody terrified. T' mis'ess wer sat darnin stockins ; she'y threw 'cm doon as scean as ivver she'y saw t' lass an seazed a pailful o' watter at wer standin a back o' t' deer, beside t' peat creel, an threw it reet i t' lass faiso an nearly droondid her. T' rnis'css wer sewer t' lass wer ayther in a fit er else gon mad. T' two young taislrills wer sewer t' lass wad dee wi' freet, sa'ah they went efter her ta t' farmhooso, an' wen they gat tharr, t' STUDIES IN NIDDEKDALE. 219 lass wer comin roon a bit, an wer tellin t' mis'ess wat she'y had seen ; but as seean as she'y clapt een on 'em cumin inta t' boose she'y flang her arms up, gav a gert scream, an- fell agane t' oado 'ooman on t' top o' t' laugseltle. Yan o' t* chaps sed " Its nobbut us." T' oade wooman set her een on 'em, an thinkin it wer " Oade Nick " at had cum fer t' lass cos she'y d laid lang i t' mornin an haddant had time ta say her prayers, she'y doon on her knees an sed " Tak me, maister, tak me Mr. Nick, fer t' pooer lass is ower young ta gan yet." T' chaps begin ta be'y flaid the'y freetan'd baith t' mis'ess an t' sarvant hoot o' ther wits, an at the'yd git hang'd. Hooiver, i t' end wi' a gud deal o* coaxin an declarin at it wer nowt bud thersens wi black faises an queer dresses, they gat 'em baith roond, an van o' t' chaps maaide it all reet wi' t' lass we'y a few kisses an leavin a black mark ov her faise. " Giv ower, noo ; gan awa wi' ye'y, ye'y nasty gudfernowts, ah's tell hooer Bin when he cums became." Wen Bin heeard t' tayle he ommast crack'd his sides wi' laffin, an sed it wer worth two canfuls o' milk ta hev freetan'd his oado wooman, fer he cud nivver dew it. Efter they'd maaide all rect wi' t' oade wooman an t' lass, they set off as fast as they cud ta meet t' other chaps, an they fand "em all waitin ; sa'ah they tell'd 'em o' ther spree they had wi' oade Mally an her sarvant lass, which wer rare fun fer all t' lot. T' next job wer ta plague pooer Dicky an his son. Yan o' t' chaps had a pistil i his pocket charg'd wi' pooder, an another had a squirt fill'd wi' watther colour'd wi' bleead. They all gat roond t' hoose, an leakin throo t' winder they saw Micky cleanin t' poddish pan hoot fer his supper. Yan o' t' fellas had a turnip an he threw it throo a brokkan square i t' winder an just miss'd pooer oade Dick heeale. " Seesta, fadther," sed Micky, "that turnip's cum'd through t' solid wall." 14 Nay nivver," sed t' oade man ; " thoo can mak mo beleeve howt ommast, bat nut that, Micky my lad. Its cum'd throo V 220 STUDIES IN NIDDERDALE. winder. Ah beleeve its that young scamp o' Jonas's but ah'le see." Up Dicky jump'd an oppen'd t' deer, an just as he put his heeade by t' deer-cheek a pistil wer fired off tother fellow squirted t' watter reet inta t' oade man's neckhoal. Dicky sprang reet back, an fell ower t' creelful o' peats, an bit wi' t' back ov his heeade agean a deer, an tharr he laid deeade fer howt he knew. Micky gat him intav his chair i t' corner, an when he saw t' colour o' bind aboot his neck he fetch'd a deep sigh, an said " Thoo's dun for this time, fadther. If they'd nobbut hittan me an all, ah waddant hev carr'd sa mitch ; but if ta dees, fadther, thoo sal be'y laid be'y side o' me'y muther, an ah sa'ant be lang efter the'. Ah'le put t' harden mezzer an the' Garman silver specticles inta t' coffin, an ah'le fetch oade Susy Barker an Pally Spenco ta lig the' hoot. Can ta' speeak fadther ? " " Oh I," sed Dicky, " ah izzant geean yet, bud pretha tak that bullet hoot o' me'y neck, fer it does hurt." Wen t' pooer fellow efter t' pistil had gon off fell agane t' deer, he gat a spell of it run intav his nek, which he wer certain wer a bullet. Micky tewk t' cannal an tried ta fin'd t' bullet, but he cud see nowt but bleead, sa'ah he clapt t' cannal doon an said he'd fetch t' docter. " Nay, niwer bother, Micky, fer he'll charge me'y threc-an- sixpence, an happen winnat dew me'y a fardin's worth o' gut). If ah dee, ah dee ! the Lord's will be'y dun." Just as Dicky had finis'd his prayer, in bounc'd a gert rough farmers' lad call'd Tom Merrifield, but he wer awlas call'd " Yallo Bullock," becos hede a carroty toppin. He ass'd wat wer np. Micky tell'd him all t' concarn fra t' thrcead ta t 1 needle. " Why," Tom sed, " hcv ye'y sattal'd yer worldly affairs, Dicky, fer ah see na'ah chance o' yc'y livin wal mornin ?" T' tears ran doon t' oade mon's faise, as he glaspt his 'ands, shut his een, and then began STUDIES IN NIDDERDALE. 221 " Few an eval hez me'y days been he'er belo, bud ah've a gud hoap o' tother side o' t' greeave. Eh Tom, ah beleeve Providence hez sent ye'y i' t' nick o' time ; sa'ah ye'y mun sit ye'h doon an write me'y will." Tom gat a pen an ink, a lump o' tea paper, an 'put oade Dicky specticles on. T' oade fello sat up i t' chair an began " I, Richard Date, o' t' oade loanside, i t' toonship o' Steanbeck Up an Doon, i t' Parish o' Kirkby Malzeard, an i t' Coonty o' York, bin o' soond mind, wind, limb, an eeseet (howt bud hevvin a bullet i me'y neckhoal), beleevin i t' Lord's prayer an t' ten cummandmense, an nut expectin ta ivver see dayleet again, I he'erby mak me'y last will an testament. Ah leeave ta my son Micky all my personal property t' oade harden learn, sowlin can, an' t' windin wheel amang t' rest ; I further order all my just debts ta be'y paid hoot o' me'y bit o' lowse brass t' main bulk al be'y fun i a oade coffee-pot widoot a spool, felt up i t' thak aboon hooer Micky bed an mine. T' first ah owe oade Tommy Kidd fer hoaf-a-laaid o' hav- vermeeale, an oade John Weitherhead a foarpenny bit at ah borrow'd on him fer thare charity sarmons at Gowthit. Jinny Varty wants pay fer twelve ounce o' garn, an she'y can ayther hev t' brass er t' garn back, fer ah've nivver had time ta knit it yet. Oade Jim Covert wants pay fer t' last sheep heart he sent, bud tell him ah said afoar ah deed at. heetpence wer plenty for't. An now ha mak me'y deein declaration an ah've gean a faithful statement o' me'y warldly consarns, an ah put Tom Merrifield an his bruther-i-law (at wed his oadest sister Liza) in as me'y exeketers." All wer as still as a mouse wal Tom read t' will hower, an when he'do finish'd t' last words, tears began a rowlin doon t' oade mon's cheeks an he tewk hod o' Tom hand an sed " Eh Tom, it feels hard ta hev ta leeave this warld an this lad o' mine wi' sitch a lile bit o' warnin. Ah conld hev lik'd ta 222 STUDIES IN NIDDERDALE. hev liv'd other two er three ears fer Micky saaike. We've been varra cumfertable tho' we've sumtimes been pinch'd ; bud still we've had nowt ta grurnmal at bud thcase gudfernowt chaps at's kill'd me, bud ah fergiv 'eui all. Tom, an' wen ah's geean thoo can tell 'em sa'ah." Tom tewk up his hat an bid t' oade fellow farrweel, an' just as he oppen'd t' deer two chaps went by wi Jerry. Dicky saw it wer him, an fergittin he wer o' t' point 6' deeath, he sprang hoot o' t' chair an ran ta t' deer, shootin, "bring t' wokin stick, Micky, bring t' wokin stick, ther runnin awa wi' t' ass." Doon t' loan they went by t' cade steane troff wi' Dicky an Micky behint 'em shootin " Jerry, Jerry, doant leeave us !" Yan o' t' young scamps wer astride o' Jerry, wi' his fceaco ta t' tail, singin at top ov his voice. Just when hede finish'd singin, doon com Jerry his full len'th, an his rider flew like a scopperdil reet hower his heeade ; his mates thowt he wer kill'd. They gat him up an he went limpin on as weal as he cud ta get hoot o' t' road o' t' fadther an son, wa'ah wer cloise at ther heels. When Dicky an Micky saw it wer na'ah yuse ta run after 'em onny farther, they turn' d back ta leak efter Jerry. They fand him quiatly grazin o' t' roadside as if nowt warr. When tl'ey gat up tul him Dicky sed " Pooer Jem'." Ta witch Jerry replied wi' a roat at wad hev alarm'd onnybody bud his maister an Micky. When they gat heeame Micky sed " Ah think, fadther, ye'll git better noo." Why'a, thoo sees, Micky, fer all ah'se sa'ah oade an sa'ah near me'y end, ah cannot bide ta see pooer Jerry abus'd, heze been sa lang i t' family. If ah wer droin away, ah beleeve ah sud git up if onnybody wer dewin howt at him. If ah sud dee afoar thee an thoo sud liv langer ner him thoo mun giv him a reet berrin. Mak him a rcct grecave doon t' loanside, under t' gert plane-tree, aside Jinny Lellan coaf garth." STUDIES IN NIDDERDALE. 228 " That's his faverhite plaise, fadthcr ; he awlas liggs tharr, an hoz dan ivver sin ah knew him." " I, I, that's wat ah mcean; an ah think his banes 'al rest tharr t' best ov onnywear." Dicky, Micky, an Jerry, haz gone t' way o' all flesh. T' oade hoose i' which they lived an slruggl'd, hezbeen pull'd doon, its foondation rip'd up, an it is noo grown ower wi' gers. Not a vestige is left ta mark t' plaise warr it stead. It may be'y truly said o' them an ther habitation, that the place which kent 'em yance will ken 'em agean na rnarr. 224 STUDIES IN NlDDERDALE. XXVII, ( continued) . THE DIALECTS OF NlDDERDALE. PART 2 :- TIHIIE By JOSEPH LUCAS. XXVIII. THE DIALECTS OF NIDDEBDALE. William of Malmesbury, who wrote in the 12th century, says, in the "Gesta Pontificum Anglorum": 11 Sane tota lingua Nor- danimbrorum, et maxime in Eboraco, ita inconditum stri- det ut nos Australes intelligere possimus. Quod propter vicinium barbararum gentium, et propter remo- tionem regum quondam An- glorum, modoNormannorum, contigit, qui magis ad Aus- trum quam ad Aquilonem Truly the whole language of the Northumbrians, and espe- cially in Yorkshire, sounds so confused that we Southerners cannot understand it at all. This is because the district is that of the barbarian races, and on account of the over- throw of the former English kings by the Normans, who sojourn more in the South than in the North. diversati noscuntur." Prologus, Libri III. (Chronicles and Memorials of Great Britain and Ireland, 1870. P. 209.) A GLOSSARY OF SOME OF THE WORDS USED IN THE DIALECTS OF NIDDEEDALE, CHIEFLY FROM WORDS COLLECTED BETWEEN THE YEARS 1868 AND 1872. By JOSEPH LUCAS. ABEAB, A. S. Aberan, bear, suffer, endure. 'Abere se borh that he aberan sculde.' ' Let the surety bear that which he ought to bear.' Lutes of Edgar, c. 6. ABOON, above, A.S. Abnfan (Sax. Chron., Anno 1090). That is the full form, the simplest being ' ufa '=over. There also occur ufan, ufane, ufene, ufenan, ufon ; be-ufan, b-ufan, b-ufon. ' At-be-ufa-n ' contracted to a-b-ufa-n = abufan ; but Goth, ufar, ufaro. ' Swa we her beufan cwzedon.' ' As we herein above ordained.' Laws of AZthelttan, Pi. 2, c. 2. ' Thaere rode the stode In/on tham weofode.' 'The rood that stood above the altar.' Sax. Chron. A.D. 1083. In the ballad of The King of Almaigne, A.D. 1264, temp. Ed. II., we have 'By God that is aboven us ;' and in the Ancient Ballad of Chevy Chase, probably about 1400, we find the contracted form, ' In Chyviat the hyllys aboun,' Fit. 2, 1. 102. In Nidderdale now common, as ' Tharr's nut aboon three on 'em,' colloq. Dan. oven, Dvt. boven, Gr. huper, Lot. s-uper. In a transition state, O.E. abowyue (Barbourt Bruce in Wtdg) and abowen; also abowue, abouene, abouen (Atk), 'That from abone shall fall.' Townley Myst., p. 23. ABOOT, about, A . S. Abutan, abuton ; a stands for on, as appears from the passage ' Logon onbuton tham weofode," Lay about the altar' (Sax. Chron., 1083), which gives on-buton, on-b-uton, on-b-(it-on or on-be-ut-an, which after removing prefixes and suffix leaves ut, out There also occur ut-an, but-an (be-ut-an). Unlike 'aboon,' this word is not necessarily a contraction of the full form. I suspect that in the phrase ' I don't care a button,' we are really using the full form without knowing it ' I don't care abutan,' which, when the word was forgotten and the real meaning of 'a button' with it, was cor- rupted into the present shape reduplicated in the sentence ' I don't care a button about it.' Uutn is the commonest form, ' Gif dynt sweart sie buton waedum.' * If a black bruize be left outiide the clothes' Leges SEthelbcrti, 59, i.e., on the face, hands or neck. ' C buton ithe.' ' An hundred without oath.' a 2 228 ACC. Laws of Lothair, 10. Abuton was a very uncommon form in A.S. It occurs only twice in the Laws. 'Abuton ende on ecnesse. Amen.' ' Without end for ever. Amen.' Art. 10, 'Confession? 'Canons,' temp. Eadgar. 'Abuton stan.' Laws of the Northumbrian Priests, c. 54, temp. Eadgar. ACCRA, 'Accra Scar." 1 O.N. Akr, Gollt. (Ulf.) Akrs, A.S. ^cer, Ger. Acker, Gr. agros, Lat. ager, arable land. ACCORA EARTH, green arable earth (Grose). ' Accora earth,' 0. N. akra-grerthi, afield garth, ploughed field. In c. 42, of the Lau-s oflne, cited at length on pp. 62-3, we find 'aeceres oththe gsers,' ' ploughed land or grass;' ' aecere gemete,' ' the boundary of his piece? where several parties cultivated a tract of common land ; each having allotted to him a certain small ' division,' not fenced off, but marked by a strip of unploughed turf, and therein called his ' (Ecre.' These are the senses of ' Haege ' and ' aceres ' in the proverb cited below. Here we have the rudiments of the modern meaning. Again, in c. 67 of the same Laws we find the word cecra, in the gen. plural, meaning the ploughed part of a small farm, 'and tholige thaera cra' but in the Rochester MSS. (Rqffensis, i.e., of .Hro/esceastre, gen. of Hrofe-ceaster, Rochester) 'tholige his acera.' 1 c. 67. ' Be gyrde landes. Gifmon gethingath gyrde landes, oththe maere, to raede gafol, & ge-eraeth [ereth, MS. Rojf.^i gif se hlaford him wille thaet land arseran to weorce & to gafole, ne thearf he him onfon, gif he him nan botle ne syld [slihd MS. Rqff". " built " suits the sense], & tholige thaera secra.' ' Of a virgate of land. If a man rent a virgate of land, or more, at a fixed rent, and plough [ear] it, if the lord determine to raise that land in work and in rent, (there is) no need that he take it if he has not built any house thereon, and let him lose those acres.' In the Laws of Alfred, 26. ' Gif hwa gewerde othres monnes wingeard oththe his ceceras? ' If a man damage another man's vineyard or his field.'' From Exod. xxii. 5. ' iii .fficera-braede.' Laws of Mihelslan (A.D. 924-940), Pt. 2, c. 2 implies a recognised standard measure, under a furlong, as appears from the context. In a charter of Edred, King of Great Britain (A.D. 948), we find ' 26 acras prati, 50 acras silvae, et 70 acras de Brushe.' The first Statute General defining the value of an acre was 31 Edward I., 'Bis octogies perticam continens.' Con- taining 160 perticas (sq. meas.) Spelm. It appears from the Hist, of Foundn. of Abbey de Bella, a pertica 16 sq.ft. (perch). Another was issued, 12 Edward II., No. 18, York. ' Decem acra; faciunt ferlingatam, quatuor forlingatie faciunt vir- ffatam, et quatuor mrgatcB faciunt hidam, quinque hidce faciunt feodum militis.'' Du Cange. This is, apparently, the same edict as that quoted from the Lib. Rid>. under the word Farden which, it is to be remarked commences with the Magnum Feodum Militis and ends with decem acris. This would suggest that the Danes still had the privilege, conceded in the Laws of Eadgar, of ' observing the General Statutes according to the best form of laws which they could choose.' Leg. Eadgari, Supplement, Par. II. Thus we see that 'acre' originally meant ' ploughed land;' then, a measure of land. The word occurs in the sense of arable land in the Saxon Citron. A.D. 1130. ' Haege sitteth Tha aceres daeleth.' ' The hedge aKideth That acres divideth.' The Latin had the word ager in the same sense, but later adopted the new forms acra and acrum from the German, meaning a measure of land, before A.D. 948, as shown above. Brachet quotes from Du Cange ' Ego Starchrius do S. Florentine octo acra de terra.' ' Give to S. Florentinus eight acres of land.' Chartul. de S. Flor. A.D. 1050. Now, the word terra, used simply in this form, denotes arable land as distinct from wood, meadow and pasture. ( Domcsd., Surrey, Vacher's Extension, 1862, p. 3, Note K). In Domesday Book, ' acra ' is used instead of acrum, 'una acra prati.' 'One acra of meadow. 1 Domcsd., Surrey, Vacher's Ex- tension, p. 8, 1. 5. ' xx acres prati,' &c. The Domesday acre contained 160 perches, but the perch had not the same value in all counties. In Domesday ADD ANE. 229 Book the amount of arable land is given not in acres, like the woods and meadows, but in 'ploughs. 1 'Terra est vi. carucarum.' 'The arable land is for six ploughs.' But we have seen that acre means 'plough* in the same sense. This explains the transition of meaning from ' ploughed land' to our sense of 'acre.' The rough or primitive ' acre' was as much as one plough and Hie beasts belonging to it could culti- vate in one year the quantity varying with the soil, mode of tillage, &c. Lord Macaulay well expresses the primitive notion of an acre not as an absolute measure, but as a measure of quantity, in the lines ' They gave him of the corn land, That was of public right, As much as ttco strong oxen Could plough from morn till niglit. Lay of floratius, v. Lxv. Du Cange gives one instance of ager being used in the sense of acre, ' Terra unius hidae, et terra 28 agrorum." 1 Lib. Rames., 245. ' Acair,' the Gaelic form looks like the sister of our 'acre,' which is not found in Skinner, Lex. Any., 1671. ADDLE, to earn ; O. *V. Odal, property, seems like ' boun ' to have been made into a verb, to earn ; A. S. eadan, to produce ; eadgian, to make prosperous or happy; O. N. audga, to enrich', Goth. (Ulf.) authagjan, to bless; O.N. audr, wealth; A.S. ead; Hel. od; C). N. odal, property; Goth, auds, blessed; Gr. ousia, properly, and onos, a price, value, payment, articles of traffic; Lot. vas, surety; Sans, vasnas, price (as O.N. audr. empty; Lot. vast us; and O. N. and, Gr. aisia, L, Sans. Bh, 0. H. G. P. ""IK. F,B = P P P F,B,V. BACK-CAN, a milk-can, flat on one side and having tight-fitting lid, made of tin and strapped on the back knapsack fashion ; for the steep dale sides. Also called ' Budget,' which see, also, p. 31. BACKEND, autumn. 'And oft i't' backend' (Bluckah, p. 38) 'in autumn] but also of other periods. ' I'll try and get at it t'backend o' next week.' Colloq. BAD. A somewhat stronger term than ' Awk'ard.' 'Peats 'are 'awk'ard ta reef when they won't stand up, but coal is ' bad ta git ' when the roof is dangerous, or from any other cause in the workings. A cheat, sharper, or bad- tempered man is ' bad ta dew wi'.' BADJER, a pedlar. A travelling, originally walking, grocer and butter- man, licensed victualler. Lat. bajulus (Brock.); Gr. badizo, to walk; Lat. bajulus,/bo< carrier, porter. Bra. finds Wei. baiy, a burden, load; Gael, bag, whence Fr. bague, bundles, parcels, bagage, luggage; we find also O.N. baggi, a burden, a packsaddle ; O. Swed. bagge. I suspect a connection between all the above. I cannot follow Fr. bagagier (Gent. Mag., Aug., 1829), or bladier (Wedff.) Though badger originally meant a walking merchant, we now talk of ' badgers' ' carts (see p. 208). Badjer is probably a Latin word. BAIN, near; O. N. Beinn, straight; Gr. pelas (IX.), near (Cur.); Lat. fere ferme (III.) ' Bain Grain Beck ' l near Branch Beck ' (p. 92). BAINEST, nearest. The ' bainest way ' is exactly O. N. or led. ' beinstr vegr,' ike shortest way. BAITH, both; O.N. Bcethi. ' Baith his sen and a' his band ' ' himself and all his company.' BAK, to bake; O.N. Baka, to bake; A.S. bacan; Ger. backen; Gr. phogein (Cur.) ; Hind, pakana, to bake; O. ff. G. bahhu, bake; Sans, bhaktas, baked, cooked (Cur. 164); Lat. coctus; Gael, fuin, to bake. BAKSTON, bakestone. Gives the name ' Bakstone Gill ' to several narrow glens in which the flaggy sandstone from which they were, and still are, made, occurs (but see pp. 16-18). BAND, string, $c. Hal. gives 'a space of ground containing 20 yards square.' North. (See also p. 82.) BANG, a blow; 0. N. Bang-, hammering; bangu, to hammer. BANK, a steep hill; O. N. Bakki, Noru-eg. and Dan. bakke, A. 8. bane, Wei, bant, a heiglit. ' Tir Bant,' upland (Owen Wei. Die.). Gives the name to ' Owster Bank ' (p. 90) and to ' Dacre Banks.' Oft has the weary tourist thought himself at the end of the endless succession of hills on the hilly Norwegian roads, and been saluted with the information ' Stor bakke til ! ""A big hill yetj and so in life it is ' Stor bakke til ! ' B ANKY, hilly. ' 'Tis banky i this coontrie.' Colloq. ' Bank Top ' = ' hill top,' as the name of a farm, &c. (see p. 32, 1. 22); see also Armstrong (Gael. Diet.), baenn. BARN, a child, also a man ; O.N. Barn, Dun. barn, Goth, barn, A.S. beam, Scot, bairn; Gr. pais, paidion, a child, boy; phero, / bear. Cur. Gael. BAR BEE. 233 paisde, paisdean; Lai. pner. Barn = ' lorn.'' "A bolder barne was never born.' Chevy Chase. ' \Ve like to see wer barns at neet.' Bla. 'T' lile barns start a beggin'.' p. 44, above. The Scotch ' bairn' seems to be A. S. ' Gif heo cvricbearn gebyreth. Laws of JEthelb. 77 'if she living bairn bear.' * Wife and beamed Laws of Hlothcer 6. B ARGITEST. For one view of the Earnest, see pp. 1 40-50 ; for another, Ritson (Fairy Tales, p. 58). Hal. ' a frightful goblin armed with teeth and claws, a suppositions object of terror in the North.' In Nidderdale, a word used to frighten children into obedience, ' also an imaginary hobgoblin, sometimes applied to a worthless, ragged, and ill-mannered fellow.' Grose. O. N. bar. in compos., and grestr., a stranger. Grose finds ' bar ' and ' gheist' from an erroneous sense of bar. Drake (Eboracum, p. 7, app.) has ' Sax. burh, a town, and ga&t, ghost.' Brock. ''Dut. berg, a hill; geest, ghost: or Ger. Bahr-gheist, spirit of the bier? Atk. supports Bahr-gheist. I find in Reg. Scot. (Disc, upon Devils and Spirits, 1 665, Bk. I., c. xxxiii, 4), a list of the seven good and the seven evil Demons known to the Black Art. No. 7 of the latter is ' Barman, who most commonly possesseth the souls of those who are joyned unto him.' I think the same ' bar ' entered into feel, bar-axladr, high-shouldered, bar-atta, a fight (atta, on all sides), bardagi, lit battle-day, metaph. a calamity, scourge. Bar-efli, a club, (eflir, helper) ; bar lomr, a wailing, (16mr, the loon). Qestr, a stranger; so, likeLat. hostis, an enemy. BEAK, a toothed crane above the kitchen fireplace ; Wcl. beqyn, a little hook, dim. of ' ba ' (see p. 20); Gael, bacan. BEEAK, bake (see BAK). The c runs through Russ. peche, peku, to bake; Pol. p\ec,astove; piec, to bake: Bo/tern, pec, heat; pec, an oven; pecu, pec^, to bake. ' Ah've a potfull o' floor yet to beeake.' U/ackah, p. 29. BEAST, cow; Gael. Blast, Dut. beest, Dan. boest, Gr. boskema, a cow; Lat. beslia, a wild beast ; O. Fr. beste, Fr. bete, but Lat. bestialia, cattle, whence Fr. bestiaux, betail, cattle. Beast, now the general name of a cow (beasts, cattle) in the Dialect, is neither O. N. nor A.S. It is only represented in this sense by I We/, 'biw,' cattle. In Lai. it is evidently a borrowed Teutonic word. In Nidd. it may really be a Celtic word, for we find A. S. boost, b$st, beestings, there in use ; but, as we have seen, boost does not appear in A . S. moaning a cow. Its connections are with Lai. pascere; Gr. boskein, to feed; pateomai, to eat. Also phagein, to cat; Sans, pitas; Goth, fodeins, food; fodgan, to feed; A.S. feoh, cattle; O.N. Fe. Beast comes under Grimm IX. for pascere, pastus; under Grimm III., for phagein (phadgein), whence, perhaps, Golh.fwlijan: but, as might be expected, many of the forms being names of food and eating handed about from one nation to another, defy all laws, see also BEWCE and BOKB, BAK and BEEAK, for other connections. In Surrey's ballad of Harpalus, 1557, ' His beastes he kept upon the hill And he sate in the dale. V. 41. BEAST-STANG- (see p. 31 and s.v. STANO), a short *tick to thrust through the legs of calves to hang them up by. BECK, a stream ; O. \. Bekkr, Dan. beck, Stred. back, Ger. bach, Dut. book, A. S. Becc (from the O. A'.), O. Steed, boekker, O. //. G. pah. a beck; Gr. pege, Lat. fons, a spring. Bekkr means both bank and beck, which are variations of one word. As Lat. 'ripa' and 'rivus,' O.Sw. 'banker' and 'boekker,' O./f.G. ' Panh' and ' Pah,' (nee also p. 28). 'Tooting Beck,' in Surrey, takes its name from the Abbey of Bech. in Normandy (to which it was given), which was called by the O. N. name (see BANK, BISK). BEEAT, bit; O. W. biti, 3r Beild is properly something bylled, or built from O. E. bylle, to build; A. S. byld-an. In the Creed of Piers Plowman, about A.D. 1390, we find 'Swichabildbold Y-buldupon erthe heighte.' Lines 311-12. BE'Y, be; A. S. Beo. ' Ic beo,' 1st pers. Jut., I shall be, and the 1st pers. subj., I may be, of beon, to be. This is a genuine survival of the A. S. inflection, as it is not always used by the same writer or speaker, even in the same sentence. In the sentence 'tell em thoo'll be'y cumin bye and bye,' (Blackah, p. 15) it probably represents the 2nd pers. plu. of the subj. beoth, as it is an indefinite promise. BELONED, or improp. BELLONED, poisoned by the fumes of lead, but it has no doubt had a wider meaning; A. S. Belene, belone, belune, the henbane, a very poisonous plant (Hyoscyamus Niger); Wei. bela ; Dan. bulmeurt, henbane. Watson (Cybele Brittan. Compend., p. 251) 'Native, Europe all. Low grounds. Humber to 100 yds.' Pateley Bridge is 500 ft. Lat. fel, bitterness of poison; A. S. bcalo, bealu, bale, evil; O.N. bb'l; Russ. boli, pain; Pers. bala, misfortune. This may also explain bar in bargest. W. bele ('bale'), a marten, or fomard; Gr. galce, gale; Lat. feles (' the fell one'), from its death-carrying qualities. W. bela, henbane, is connected by Owen with Bel, war, havoc ; Bel = Mars. Owen mentions a ' Romano-British ' altar found in the North of England, having the script ' Bel y duw Cadyr,' ' Mars, -the puissant god.' ' Bel ' appears as ' bane ' in ' henbane ' ; Pers. l>ang,Arab. banj, henbane; O.N. "bani, death; A. S. bana, killer, death, <%c, ; O.H.G. bano; O. N. bana-mathr' = ' bane-man,' i.e. slayer = ' Barman,' 'Bar- gest,' q.v. (see also BEWT). BEND, band, flock, company; A. S. Bend (beand), band; O. N. bendi, a cord; whence Mid. Lat. benda, a band (Du Cange). ' Mid bende ' ' with bands' (Laws of Mlfred, c. 2). I was told that a bend of black swans came down the dale, and that several were shot near Pateley. They must have strayed from some ornamental water. Grose also has ' Bend, the border of a woman's cap. North? Bosworth (A.S. Diet., 1860) has 'Bend, a band, bond, ribbon; a chaplet, crown, ornament. 1 BENSEL, to beat; O. N. Benzl, a bent bow (from bcnda, to bend, in its turn from band, bendi, a band), applied probably to any curved stick used for beating. Dan. bcngel ; Ger. bengel, a cudgel. Brock, has ' Teut. benghelen,' to ' band," 1 to beat with band. Connected with this is O. N. ben, a wound. ' I'll gie thee a good benselling,' said J. A. to his son, at Lodge. BEN BEW. 235 BENT, coarse grots on the moors; the grassy moor itself, as opposed to the heathery or ling-covered moors; O. E. Bent. Sir J. Hooker (Stud. Flora, 1870, p. 431) says 'an old Greek name, 1 without authority or explanation, apparently without foundation. Wei. banad, broom ; Hans, and Hind, bhend, a kind of reed; bans, a reed; binna, bunna, to lu-i.-t, to mat; Gr. sphingion, a band; sphingo, to bind together; Lot. fingo. * Gr. phimos, a muzzle; Lat. figo' (Cur.) O.H.G. pinoz, pinuz ( Wedg.) ; Ger. binse, a rush bent, A general name for the coarse grass or the grassy moors, in place names, ' Blnyshaw bents ' in fields, as in p. 32, 1. 25 ; certainly not confined to genus agrostis. 4 Bomen bickarte upon the bent. 1 Cfovy Cliase, ' A Skottyshe knyghte hoved upon the bent. 1 Otterburn, I. 77. ' Then a lightsome bugle heard he blowe Over the bent soe browne.' Sir Cauiine, I. 83. BEBRIN, burying, funeral. BESOM, broom, A.S., Besom, beam, Dut. and Ger. besem, possibly a Dut. form. B-s-m a failure to pronounce b-r-m. * Here's the beesom of the Reformation Which should have made clean the floor, But it swept the wealth out of the nation.' Rebellious Household Stuff (Pepy's Collect.) BETTEBXY FOLK, gentry, or thereabout ' They're Utterly folk, Mr. N 's well up* (q.v.). BETWENQED, cattle are said to be Betwenged when suffering from a disease which causes them to swell up about the eyes and tail (see p. 4), from which it would appear to mean stung, ' be-stinged.' Hut (?) The disease is said to be caused by eating something in the hedges, and ' betwenged ' to mean ' bewitched. 1 I strongly incline to connect it with A. S. thweenj?, a thong, a phylactery, thwungen, forced, constrained, compelled (pp. of Thwingan), by the votaries of the Black Art An obscure word (see p. 4). BETWIXT, A .S. Betwyac, very commonly used. 'Betwixt you and me,' in confidence. ' The betwyac us sylfum syndon,' which are betwift us. Laics of Eadmund c. 6. ' Swa swa lamb betwux wulfas,' ' as sheep among wolves.' S. Luke, x. 3. ' The betweox preostan sy.' Canons temp. Edgar, 7. BEWCE, COW-BEWCE, boose, cowshed; Wei. Bu$ca, a fold to trhich cows are brought for milking (Ow.), whence A.S. bo's, a stall, manger; O.N. bass, whence Fr. bauge, a boose ; Ger. banse ; Wei. bufes, from buf, cattle ; bu, a living being, kinc, whence Ital. bu, an ox; Gr. phuu, to bring forth; phus, a son; Sans, bhu, earth; ' Bhu, bhavami,' / come into existence, fie. ; Lai. fui, futurus, &c. ; A.S. Be6n, to be, exist, become ; O. //. G. bim, Ger. bin, am ; Goth. Bauan [Bauains, duelling, Mar. 5, 3, whence also liararia], Ger. bau, house; bauen, to build; Slav, byti, to be; LM. buvu, / am, (Cur. 417, c. 564), see also BY ILK and for bewce, p. 31. TO BEWT, TO BUTE, to boot; A.S. to B6tc, to b6t; from btan, to better, to improve. Bote, therefore, meant that makes goal, an emendation, com- pensation. Thus in the Laws, 'xxx sceatta to but' (.-Ktlielb.. 71); 'twyb6te,' double amends (Ib., 35); 'to b6te' (/Elf., 2, 40); 'twybot' (SElf., 36); 'twi- feald b6te '; and in later Sax. b6tleas, inerpiaUe ; as ' housebreaking and arson, and open robbery, murder in public, and treachery to one's lord.' Canute, A.D. 1017-35, pt 2, 61. Boot or bute, in the Ballads, was used in opposition to bale ' For now this day thou art my bale, My boote when thou shold bee.' Rob. Hood and Guy o/Gisborne, 1. 72. * Sen God he sendis bate for bale.' Robin and Maiane, 1. 37 (A.D. 1568). Blackah uses ' to bewt 'Potms in the Nidderdalc Dialect, p. 34. 236 BED BLA. BIDE, to remain, dwell, endure, wait; A.S. Bidan, O.N. bida. 'Whar dosta bide P' ' In London.' ' I Loondon ! ' (Colloq.) ' We hardly cud bide.' endure them. Bla., p. 38. BIGG-, to build; O. N. Byggja, Dan. bygge, Swed. bygga, A . S. byggan, Gr. pegnumi, peguo, Lat. Figo, to build; Goth, buan, Gr. oikein, A. S. buan, Hel. buan, to inhabit; Ger. bauen, Swed. and Dan. bo, O.N. bua, to dwell; Gr. phuo. See BEWCE for Sans, bhu, bhavami ; Lat. fui. BIGGIN, building ; O. N. Bygging, Nor. byggen (Fritzmr), Dan. Bygning, Gr. oikos, Lat. vicus, and (from Gr. peguo) pagus, whence pagensis ; Ital. paese, Fr. pays ; Lat. paganus, Eng. pagan ; Sans. pa9, pafayami, to bind; Lat. pax, peace; pango, to fasten, fix, &c. (Cur., 343) ; Eng. pitch, pack, peg (Lid. e Sc.). Vigfusson, in Cleasby, does not connect pegnumi. The Dan. bygning follows this form, as bygging follows peguo. ' Biggin Grange,' and freq. as a place name, also occurs as a man's name. BINK or BINCH, a flagstone, a stone seat. A large flagstone leant against a wall, and used to bray sand upon ; also improperly called ' BUKKER,' (which see). O.N. Bekkr, Dan. Bsenk, A.S. Benc, Eng. bench, Wallach. benca or bicasu,_/?wz<; Hung, beka ; see also BANK. O.N. Bingr, a bolster, bed, heap of corn! Swed. binge, a heap ; Dan. banke, a bank, hillock; see BUNCH. In place names, 'Binks Wood' and 'Jenny Binks Moss' = Jenny's Binks Moss places where they were dug (see p. 28, also BECK). BIBK, the birch; O.N. Bjork, Dan. birk, Ger. birke, birken (ScMlem, 1727) ; A. S. beorc, Eng. birch. 'Birch' is not understood by many, or is thought to mean ' beech,' to which, as well as to O. N. bb'rkr, Eng. bark, it is nearly related; all having furnished food. That bread was made from birch-bark, see Ray, Hist., 3, p. 12. Linnaeus (Flora Lapponica, 1737), says, of the birch, ' Cortex nunquam editur a Lapponibus' (p. 264), ' the bark is never eaten by the Lapps,' which implies that it is, or was, eaten by others. He gives, however (p. 276), a curious account of the mode of making ' bark breed,' lark bread, from the Scotch fir (pinus Sylvestris), which is called by the Lapps ' Betze.' ' Betze Lapponibus bietze aliis' (p. 274), that is, I doubt not, 'the food tree,' betze from Russ. peshche, food; found equally in Eng. 'beech,' Gr. phegos for which see BOKE and Ger. fichten {Dan. fyr, Swed. (Scania) fur, O. N. fura, Nor. (Trondhjem) furu, O. H. G. foraha, Ger. fohre, E. fir ; Su-ed. tall). The Lat. is betula ; ' betulla,' Plin. (Lib. 16, c. 18) ; according to Camden, from an old Celtic name, bedu, but Vossius laughs at this ; O. Fr. boule, boulay. Cot. The existence of ' fohre' and 'fichten' in Ger. as names of the same tree is suggestive (the former from the 'spines' or 'pines' (leaves), Lat. pinus or 'firs'; in Surrey reduplicated 'far-pins'), the latter from its _/ocx/-giving qualities seemingly a borrowed word, probably from the Greek. An identity is thus established between birk, bark and beech, as food, which goes a long way towards proving their identity as words. Nowhere is the birk more beautiful than in those majestically pathetic verses of Hamilton (who died 1754) on TJte Braes of Yarrow, where ' Sweet smells the birk, green grows, green grows the grass, Yellow on Yarrow's bank the gowan.' LI. 50, 51. BIT, beat. BLAKE, yellowisli-ivUte, bright yellow; O.N. Bleikr, i/ellow; Dan. bleg, pale, <$c.; Steed, blek; Ger. bleich and b\ns,s, pale; Russ. byeliey, byele, white, (zhultcig, yelloii'); Gr. palleukos, white; but O. H. G. plak, black. IftheGV. palleukos be really for pan-leukos, all white (Li'l. and Scott.), the ' b ' in blake, and the ' by6 ' in Huss. byeliey, represent an old word meaning all. ' Gode blake bollys.' Tourn. of'/'oltc.ii/tam. ' As blake as a marygold.' Colloq. Nidd. BLAY, bleak, A.S. Bleed, a blowing, looks tempting, but this very northern word must be accounted O. N., an adj. connected with led. blasa [Eng. blaze] ; of places, in the phrase ' ilasa vith ' to lie full and open before the eye, said by BLE BOK. 237 Cleasby to be modern. Perhaps, explains ' Blazefield,' certainly 'Blayshaw,' 'Blaywith,' &c. ' It's a blay poor place, fit to flay yan.' Collaq. Middlesmoor. This word is no doubt connected with O. N. blasa ; Gotii. (Ulf.) blesan, Steed. blasa, A.S. bla wan, bleu wan, Ger. blasen, /-'. 'Brown leemers' or 'brown shuilers' (Hall). Is 'brown-leemin' the liazel tree, from the colour of its bark (?) BE.OO, brow; A. S. Brew, brsew, brow, the common pron; Gr. ophrus; Ion. ophrue; Sans,, bhruwa; O. //. G. hrawa (Cur. 405). BRUSH-SHANK, a small brush used for working wheaten flour through a tiffany (sieve) for making ' tiffany cakes '; prop. ' brush-handle' (see p. 15). BUD, but; as A. S. abbud, abbudissc, for abbot, abbotess (abbat, abbatissa). BUDGET, a backcan; O. Fr. Bougette, ' a little coffer or trunke of wood covered with leather, wherewith the women of old time carried their jewelles, attires and trinkets at their saddle-bowes when they rid into the country ; now . . . any such trunke,' &c. Cotgrave, Fr. Diet., 1650. Dim. of bouge, a budget, wallet, great pouch, male, or case of leather serving to carry things in behind a man on horseback.' Gr. molgos, skin; Lat. bulga, a hide, a skin, a bag. According to Festus of Gaulish origin. ' Bulgas Galli saculos scorteos vocant. 1 The Gauls call their leather bags bulges (in Du Cange). Bulgia same as bulga, from Ital. bolgia; Late Gr. boulgion. Will, of Malmesbury writes ' bulgias et manticas coram efferri et expilari jussit.' Gest. Pontif, Lib. I. (Spelmaii). ' Bulga = hydig-faet,' a leather vessel. Gloss. Sax. JElfric. ' Bulgce et manticoa reseratoe sunt ' budgets and saddle-bags. Eadmer, Life of Anselm, 2, 27. Du Cange said ' bolgan ' was a Welsh word in his time, and that the Armoricans (Brittany) call it boulchet (see p. .HI and BACKCAN). BUKKER, or more properly Booker, Steed, bokare, breaker ;boka,fo bray sand; whence Fr. bocarder. The original booker was a beech stump, Goth. boka, from its hardness. Brockett describes an improved form of this, ' Bucker, an iron instrument with a wooden handle, used in the country to bray sand with.' A similar instrument used for ramming asphalte pavements near London is called a punner, i.e. pounder. For bukker see also p. 28, and BOKE. BULiLACE, the bullace, a wild sour plum; Wei. bwlas (Wedg.), from bwl, a ball, whence Fr. boule, bulle, a ball; Lat. bulla. From bwlas come Ital. bullos, bulloi, sloes; Eng. bollis (Skin.), Bret, bolas or polos; O. Fr. bellocier, a bullace tree. 'As heet as a bullace.' Colloq. Nidd. BUMMEL-KITE, blackberry. 'Bumble-kites' (Ffalliwell), i.e. bumble- belly, from the effect of eating too many. Brockett says ' I have often been admonished by the " good old folks " never to eat these berries after Michaelmas Day, because the Arch fiend was sure to pass his cloven foot over them at that time.' Atk. (Cl. Gl.~) gives a similar explanation. The name is used in Hamp- shire (Warner, Hist, of Hampshire). //. bombare, Lat. bombilare, Gr. bombos; Late Gr. bomboin, bomb'ule, bombulios, &c. (Skin. Et. Ang.) BUNCH, kick; O. N. Bunki, a heap, pile; O. Sw. bunke. a heap; O. N. bunga. elevation; O. Sw. bunga, to beat; Dut. bunzen, bumsen, to knock; bons, a knock. (Wedg. and Cleas.) 'bunch.' Lut. pungere, pugnus; Bel. boken, boocken, whence Fr. buquer (Skin. Et. Ang., 1671). ' Or mebbc thoo'll be bunched aboot Wi' t' barns across o' t' fleur.' Bla. p. 33. BURN, stream; A. S. Burn, burna, burne, byrne, from Goth, brunna, a spring, whence O. N. brunnr, Swe. brunn, Dan. brond, O. H. G. brunno, Ger. brunnen, born; S. Eng. bourne, Gr. phear (Cur. Skcat.) Only occurs in the name of the River Burn, Colsterdale. ' Burn Gill,' Gouthwaite = ' Burn's Gill,' after a farmer who lived up there. The Greek equivalent, phrounos, a toad, seems to liave baffled etymologists. Grimm's Fairy Tales, however, will explain this. It ia connected with fish, reptile, and water worship. 'Beck' is a parallel case. BUS CAM. 241 Sans, bhekka, a frog; also ' fish,' which means water as well. Gael. Tasg, a fish, gen. Eisg, Gael. Uisc, Eng. Esk, Siier. Wiika, water; Dan. fisk, fish; so also Nor. lax, salmon; Lai. lacus, &c. Probably Burn, a stream, should be classed as Gael, burn, water. BUSK, a bush ; Icel. Baskr ( Wedg., neither Fritz, nor Cleasby give this) ; Dan. busk, Swe. buske, whence Med. Lot. busca, busketus, busquetui, buscagium, &c. in Du Cange who derives them from ' boscus.' I should not like to separate ' bush ' and k brush ' however, thin, weak wood, and for other reasons, in part given on pp. 103-104, 'bush'cannot derive from 'boscus' (see BRASHWOOD). BUSK, the front bone of women's slays; Fr. Busc, busq, also buc, buste, ' a buske; plated body or other quilted thing worne to make or keep the body straight' (Cot.): a corrup. of Ital. busto, from Lot. bustum (Skin.) ; originally the busk, Fr. bu, bust, buste, meant the body ; or busk, the long small (or sharp- pointed) and hard quilted belly of a doublet. Cot. Busk in this sense occurs in the Ballad of Edom o' Gordon, 105. Compare Eng. Gypsy troopias, women's stays; Wallach. trupu, the body. BUTTERFLEE, butterfly; A.S. Buter-fleg'e (Somner); Teut. butter- fliege; Del. boter-vliegre. BUTTER SHAG, a slice of bread and butter, Bla. Gael. Sliseagr, a slice. C. I IV. Eng. C, Goth. K, Sans., Gr., Lai., Celt., G ; Slav. G, Z ; 0. H. O. Ch. OrimmA VII. Goth, h.g.(f); Sans. K, h; Gr. K, Lot. c, qw; Celt, c, ch; Slav. K, CABIN", Gael, and W. Caban, dim. of cab. a cot, booth, fyc. ; used by the lead miners at Greenhow Hill, of the huts or shelters they erect. It. capanna, Fr. cabane. ' Tugurium parva casa est quam faciunt sibi custodes vinearum ad tegimen sui. Hoc rustici capannam vocant.' Isidore of Seville. The Welsh cab was 'in the form of a cone made with rods set in the ground and tyed at the top.' Ow. The charcoal burners in the forests of the Brocken make these cabins of firpoles tied at the top, as I have seen. CADGER, ' a miller's man who goes from house to house collecting corn to grind, and returning it in meal.' Grainge. O. F. [ Achateur] acheteur, Gr. chad, kao, kapd, to take in, comprehend; chandano (chadein, chadeein), to take in, comprise ; O. A", kaeja, decoy, allure (?) ; fat. capio, capto adcapto, accapto. Fr. acater, llth century; achater, 12th century; acheter, 13th century. Bra. From achater, to buy, comes achat, a purchase (accaptum) ; similarly, from achater [achateur] acheteur, purchaser. If the ad be dropped throughout (in its later form a), we hare [chateur] cheteur for acheteur, which, I suspect, is our word ' cadger' = caterer, from cater. In the Rouchi dialect, or the patois of the Hainault, we find acater for acheter ; O. Fr. achepter, to buy ; It. accatare, to acquire ; Pro- vence acapta, acapte, acquisition of an estate. Neapolitan accattan, to buy (Dies) ; hence Old Eng. acates, cates, victuals, provisions purchased. The eatery was the store room, whence to cater, to purchase provisions ( Wedg.). CAIKE, cake. CAIME, comb. C AM, a fence ; O. N. Kambr, a ridge, a fence on the moors, formed by ^^BB'*tf two ditches and throwing up a ridge between them ; M'. camlas, a trench or ditch, in this district as a place name ' Camleas Dyke ' on the moors; O.N. kambr, a comb; Dan. and Steed, kam, comb; A.S. camb, O. If. G. champ, Ger. kamm, Eng. comb. Kambr first meant a ridge, afterwards a comb, from its shape ; Gr. kampter, a bend, angle ; the point at which a line turns; kamo, kampto, to bend, to turn round a point or angle; W. camu, to bend, boic, or curve; Gael, cam, crooked; cam, to bend. Connected with next word. 1 0C0BI18 15 NlDDKRDALE. LuCOt. 242 CAM CHE. CAMBRIL, a curved wooden frame to lay sheep or pigs on. Pig-cambril, another name for the sheep-cratch, for which see pp. 9 and 31, also CKATCH, below; (?) direct from O. Ft: Cambre crooked; Gr. kampule, a crooked stick; kampto, to bend; kampulos; Lat. camurus: Wei. cam, camawg, bent, crooked; M. Lai. camerare ; Fr. cambrer, to bend; cambre, crooked; Span, combar. to bend; O. H. G. or Goth. (?) whence Lat. hamus, hamulus, a hook; A, S. hamere, a crooked stick used for steering a boat; Gr. kampsa, a wicker basket; Russ. korobe; Eng. hamper; O. Wei. cwrwgyl, a coracle; ftuss, korable, a ship, whence O. N. kobl, Eng. koble, a boat, on the Yorkshire coast; Lat. curvus; Gr. kampe a cater- pillar; Sans, kapana, kampana (Cur. 31, b). ' Taureaux aux pieds cambres.' C. Carapanos (Dodone ft ses Ituines, p. 149), 1878. Cambrel, generally pron. ' Cam'rill,' but in view of the Gr. and A. S. forms the dialect word may be inde- pendent of the Fr. Gael, cam-luirg 1 , camlorg;, a crooked stick. CATsTNALi, candle; A. S. Candel, from Lat. candela, a candle, from candeo, to shine; whence also Fr. chandelle. The dropping of the d is a Danish charac- teristic, as 'mand,' 'man' ; ' vand,' 'van,' &c. Of monastic origin. CAP, to beat as a difficulty. Capped, beaten, in argument or otherwise, outdone, surprised, astonished; O. N. kapp, contest, zeal, Lat F - '1 VIII. Goth. Th and D, Lat., Celt., Slav. T; Lat. E;O.H.G.D; Gr. T; -Saws. T. Eng. D commonly = Lat. F, Gr. Th. , father. Almost as universally spread as babaor papa (Wedy.), which forms the subject of a very able and exhaustive excursus by Sir John Lubbock (Tlie Origin of Civilisation, ., and demed, pp. of deman, to condemn ; Lot. damnare. Part of an interesting conversation overheard one winter night in the inn at Lofthouse, which we know to be a Danish settlement, ' He says we're Saxons, an it's a demmed lee.' DEW, do; A.S. [Di6n obsolete form], see DEEA. DIKE, a stream; A.S. die, a ditch; O. JV. dik, dike, Dan. dige, Steed. dike, Cer. teich, Gr. teichos (Curt.). Often applied to small streams running off the moors or down the dale sides, but it originally meant a ditch. For instance*, see p. 104. Synonymous with SIKE, : 'apsos, a fastening, haps. These are very generally used in place of locks, for all inner doors, except in very modern houses. A Greek name imported by early Gypsy metal workers. See my Yetholm Hist, of the Gypsies. HARDEN, hemp, hemp-fabric; A.S. Heordan, tow refuse (Bos.); Goth. hazds, O.N. haddr, Dan. and Dut. haar, Swed. bar, hair', O.N. and Dan. hiirr, flax, linen; 'Sat tbrawin' t 'shuttle weavin harden for monny a lang ear' . . . 'hawkin harden o'ther awn manafakter.' AL, 1880. HARSTAN, hearthstone. HASTY-PUDDING-, gull, gulls, or oatmeal porridge, or poddish, in this neighbourhood Scot, oatmeal ground over again, boiled in milk, and then mixed with more milk till it obtains that consistency from which it takes its name. The 1 hasty pudding ' of the south is diff. HAVE, ieltave. ' have yersel.' HAVER, oats; O. N. plu. Hafar, oats; Dan. & Dut. haver, Swerf.havre, Ger. hafer, Russ. plu. ovese, oats ; Lat. avena, oat. HEEAD, Aeued. h'agg, Dan. hepi, A. S. haege, hege, a hedge ; A. S. baeca, a bar of a door ; haecce, a sheplierd's crook. ' Sum on dores and sum on heck.' Tourn. of Tottenham, \. 205. In Surrey, 'Hatch,' a wicket gate. HECK-BERRY, bird-cherry (Prunus Padus) ; Dan. Hoekke-bcer, the bird-cherry. HEETEEN, eighteen. HEIGH, HEE, high ; A. S. Heah, high. HEFTIN, 'gert heftin shignons.' Bla. in Al., 1880. O.N. Heptinn, part, of ' hepta ' or ' hefta,' to bind. * Heftin ' above means ' sham,' ' artificial ' from their being tied on, HELD-ON CAKE, a kind of oat-cake (tee p. 15). HELL,. In place names common, as 'Hell Hole, 1 'Hell Deck.' I believe STUDIES IN NIDDERDALE. Lucas. c 258 HEL HIN. all the 'Hell' holes or becks that have come under my observation have been deep, narrow, wooded (but that is not essential), gills, with spring at the bottom. I gave it in evidence before a Committee of the House of Commons that ' Hill Farm,' in the parish of Buckland, Surrey, is built over a spring, the source of the ' Shag Brook,' and that this spring is called the ' Held.' I have been tempted to explain this by A. S. keld, O.N. Kelda, a spring; Swed. kalla, Dan. kilde, Ger. quelle, A/. H. fi. qnal, quil, Eng. well; Or helos, a marsh; Lat. vallis (Cur., .530); and to regard 'hill' as a corruption of the same word, in the same way as the three place names on p. 92. 'Hell Hole' might thus mean '.-prmfl hole.'' But the ear and inclination suggest that 'Hell Hole' is like 'How Hill,' a reduplication, in favour of which view we have O. A'. hellir, a cane in rocks, but in most 'hell holes' there is no cave. Except that there is no religious meaning or application in the word, I have formed no more definite conclusion respecting it than the above (see WELL). HEI.M, HELLAM, straw, IhafcJi, a sited, barn; O. A". Halmr, helma, straw; hjalmr, a barn; Dan. and Ger. halm, straw, haulm; A.S. healm, liselm, strau', stubble; haulm, a thatched shedj Gr. kalnmos; Lat calamus, culrnus; Sans. kalama, rice, a reed; Arab, kalam, a reed (see also Study VII., pp. 55-tl). HEM, to draw in; O.N. Hemja, Dun. hemme, to stop, stay, limit; hemme sig, check, restrain. 'The days liems in short, sir' (Middlesmoor) reminds one of the beautiful opening line of Little John Nobody: ' In December, when the days draw to be short.' HENNOT, have not. HEPN, HEPEN, or improp. epn, able, well; O. N. Heppinn, lucky. ' ord heppinn,' readij-tongued. HE'RE, -he war' = he was (see WAR). HEERINSEW, heron; O. Fr. heronfeau (TyneMtt), sometimes called ' heearin.' ' Nor of their swannes, ne their heronsewes.' Chauc. Cant. Tales, v. 10,382. ' Heronshaw' = ' handsaw,' in the Prov., not to know a hawk from a handsaw. The second half, ' shaw' or ' se\v,' is Gael, corr, corra, a heron, crane, or stork; Jius*. tznplya, a heron; so that heron-ecau is a reduplication. I perceive that several diets, make heronshaw = heronry. O. E. hairon, from O.Fr. hairon, a heron (Strattn.), which is probably from Goth, hairus, a sword, from the beak. HERSEN, herself (see SEN). HET, heated; O.N. Het, prel. sing, of heita, to heat. In an early 17th century ballad, ' Limping Vulcan het an iron barr.' Tom of bedlam, 1. 31. 7 , v f A.S. hsebban, hacbbe, arc related to hev as habbe TT _,_ T _ TT -. T , . [ to have. HEVVIN, having } HEYTHER, either (see AYTHBU). HEZ, has; A.S. 'haefth' is to 'hez' as 'hafth' to 'has'. ' At hez him near two hands in height,' exceeds. (Ula.). HIF, if; A . S. gif (see GIEN). HIND, a wan put in to occupy a farm house where a farmer has more than one; A. S. hina, liine, a servant; hina-mann, a farmer; O.A. hjon, lijun or hju, one of the parsons belonging to Hie. household (I-'ritz.). HINDER, hind, back, behind; A.S. Hinder, Gotli. hindar, O. A r . hindri, O. II. G. hintar, Ger. hinter. Hinder log = hind leg of a horse. HING, to Itung. An orij!in;il form, lost except in these Dialects. Like A.S. bringan, brang.brungen; ./?/. bring, hrang, brung; A. 8. swingan, swang, swungcn; Emj. swing, swung, swung; sling, slang, slung; sting, stang, stung so hingr, hang:, hungr, as actually used in this Dialect, see HANG for Ex. Considerable HIP HOL. 259 vagaries are noticeable in the forms of this word, thus Dut. hing, hung, is imperf. of 'hangen,' to hang. In O. N. hanga, pret. hekk, part, hanginn; and A. IS. hangian, hon, part, heng, hangen; the pret. and purl, point to an original infin. hinga and hingan. O. II. G. hahan, Ger. hangen, Dut. hangen, henghen. ' Hinge', that on which a door' hings.' ' Gae bring a robe of your eliding, That hings upon the pin. 1 Gil Morice, 1. 98. HIPPINGS, stepping stones, over the Nidd, as at ' Haxby Hippings'; Wei. hypynt, a sudden effort; hwp, a sudden effort; hwb, a push forward, an effort; Enij. hop. HIPPINOS, a baby's napkins; A.S. Hip, hipe; hyp, hype, /em. hype, hypan, the hip; O. N. huppr, the hip, which in the North and Scot, means the buttocks. HISHER, higher. In the sh we have a very remarkable relic of the guttural running through Hath, hauhs, A.S. heah, Eng. high, O. N. har, Steed-, hog, Dut. hoog, Dan. hoi, O. II. G'. hoh, Ger. hoch. 'Are you going to Ramsgill?' ' Nay, were fer a lile bit hisber up t'daal.' Colloq. HISSEN, himself (see SEN). 'Jerry hevvin a corner tav hissen i yah end." Dicky and Micky Date. HIT, eat. HITTIN, eating; A. S. Hitath, to eat; Golh. itan. ' It's a job ta git summat ta hit.' /Ma., p. 23. 'And gave ower hittin just then.' Ib., p. 14. ' Eat' is A.S. etan, Dut, eten, Ger. cssen, Lot. edere. HOAFE, HOFE, adj., half; O. N. halfr; Dan. halv, Goth, halbs, Ger. lialb, Dut., Sired, and Eng. half, '/{us-: polovenneie, poly. 'T'HOASTIK CABLES.' ' Foaks hez lang toked aboot "t'hoastik carles " an ther wallin t' cuckoo in, an sike like.' At., 1880. The carls here referred to are no doubt spirits of the woods, the idea springing from the echo in lloastik Wood in the little story, 'Lost in the Wood,' Al., 1880 Carl is a word long lost, but formerly existing in this district in a more material sense, and still preserved in one or two place names, e.g., Carleside, Carle Fell, Carlton, in Coverdale, &c. O. H. G., O. A'., Dan. and Steed, karl, Dut. karel, O. H. G. charl, A. S. ceorl, a man, a rustic; O. E., mentioned several times in Stratm. as a name; Lat. Carolus, Enij. Charles. As above instanced, the meaning of the word being forgotten, a superstitious sense has attached to it. The names of gypsies offer many parallels. HOD, hold. HOG, a lamb a year old; Gael. 'Qg, young, youthful; tig, oig, a youth, young child; ogan, dim. of Off, a young man, twig, needling; Wei. hog-en, a yirt nearly full (frown; hogyn, a young man. Hawg, pi. hogion, completeness, fulness, perfection. Hog therefore means the same as Lat. pubes. Hence also prob. Mod. Midland Eng. hoggerel, hogget; Nor. Fr. hogetz, a year old theep. Hoff- colt, a colt a year old (Devonsh.). HOLLIN, holly. A.S. Holegn. holen; Gael, cuileann, crann, cuilinn. Holly is never used colloquially. Hollin is also freq. in place names (gee p. 1 1 7). HOLM, Inn-, Ilit land by riven; O. \. Holmr, meadow* beside rirert with ditches at the back, which exactly describes the sense here. Dan. holm, loir, flat land, Sfc. ; Sic&l. holme, an i-lft;A. S. holm, a river island, . N. leir, c/ay (see p. 80). LAITH, LATHE, shed ; 0. A r . Hlatha, Swed. lada; Dan. lade, o 6ar; G"er. and Dut. lade, a 6ox. LAIK, LAKE, to play; Goth. Laikan ; O. N. leika, to play; Steed, leka; Dan. lege; M. H. G. leicha, to laik, play; A. S. leecan, lacan, to 'lark,' play, O. A r . leikr, a game; A. S. lac, a ' lark," 1 game. ' And live in lust in lechery to leyke.' Lit. John Nobody, 1. 22. ' He lakes up an doon amaiig t" bogs.' Bla., p. 22. LAIT, LATE, to seek; Goth. (Utf.) Wlaiton, to look round about (Mark \. 32); wleitan, to look; A. S. wlitan; Goth, leyta (Cleas.); O. N. leita; Dan. lede. to seek; Gr. letho, to escape notice; lao, to see, look at. LAND, to arrive anyteliere; Dan. Lande, to land. A person lands on reaching the end of his journey. 'Then ye've landid,' or ' So ye're landid,' is a fieq. salutation. 'Thinkin at t' varra divil hissel had landid.' Al., 1880. This expression may well have arisen among the islands and isthmuses of Denmark, where there would be much boat travelling, and so become generalised. 'LANG O', owing to, tlirutujh ('ALL ALONG ON'); A.S. Gelangr on. ' & hit on preost grelang- sy,' and if it be lang- o' the priest, i.e., the priest's Jault. Canons, EaJg., On Punishments, c. 44. ' On wisum scrifte bith eac swithe forthg-elang wislic deadbot,' a wise-like punishment is forthg-elang: on, t/te property of, a wise priest. lb., 9. 'He sed summat aboot it bein' langr o' that gert parlement man we had sike bad weather.' Al., 1880. LANG, adj.. long; O.N. Langr. Dan. langr, A.S. langr, Dut. lang-, Goth, laggs, Hired, long. The pron. is A. S. probably. LANQEST, lomjest. ' An' t* langest of days hez an end.' Bla., p. 14. LANG SETTLK, settle, seat by kitchen fire (see p. 2.i). LANGSOME, slow, tedious; A.S. Langsum. ' Hu langsum waes,' &c. Alfred's Boet, 18, 4. 'The langsome labours of my way.' Kuth-a-ridtng, p. 1 92. O. N. [langsamr],langfsamlegra, ' Iangsoniely,''cmu;d/y; Steed, longsam. LANG-STKEAKED, stretched at full length; Dan. Lang-strakt. Of a horse, ' Ligging lang-streaked. upo' t' green.' Bla., p. 11. ' Long-stretched,' from Di//it ; A. S. Mot, can, may, tit '. \?>. When I was at Lofthousc in 1871, it was said that there was an old woman up there who had never been out of the dale, not even climbed the sides to look over. I remember a man in possession of a good farm, whose age was 60 years, who had never slept but two nights out of the house, and those two nights not together, and who had never been farther NEE NTJT. 269 than Ripon. Formerly there were plenty who never moved from home from the cradle to old age. NEEBER. NEABER, neighbour; A.S. Neah gebur, neahbur. NEET, night; A. S. Neaht, neht. 'Siththan ane neaht,' after one night.' L. Hlothcer, 10. ' Yah neet,' one night. Colloq. NEB, beak; A. S. and but. Neb, Dan. nceb, Steed, nabb, O. N. nef. 'Oif mon otlirum thaet neb ofaslea,' If a man cut off another's nose. L. JElfred, c. 40. At Lodge (1871), a bird caught in a brick trap was said to have been 'caught by its little neb.' Connected with NEAF, NIP, NEP. NEKT, nuked; O. A'. Nekt, nakedness. NEPPIN, nipping, cropping grass (fee KKEP). NESHT, neit. As with ' HISHER' and other words given in this Glossary, the ' sh' in nesht represents a guttural found in Ger. N'achst, lost in O. .iV. naest, Sired, nast, Dan. noest, Dut. naast, naaste; A. S. nexst, next. NEWX, nook; O. N. Hnjukr, a knob, peak, eminence. At Lodge and locality, as distinguished from NEAK at Ramsgill. Near Lodge is a high field, named 'Bewtcher Newking' = ' Butcher's ridge-field" 1 portion of the ridge (see pp. 92 and 113). NIP, pinch; Dut. Nijpen, Knijpen. The ramifications of this root are most various, e.g., O.N. hneppa, to cut short; O.H. G. knyppen, nippen, to snap the fingers; Ger. kneipen, Swed. niupa, Dan. knibe, liuss. shchepoke, to nip (see NEAP, NEB, NEP). * But ever shee droopeth in her mind As, nipt by an ungentle winde, Doth some faire lillye flowre.' Sir Cauline, 2, 39. NIWEB, never; A.S. Nsefre, contr. from ne, sefer. NOBBUT, only. * It's nobbnt us'=not but. NODDLE, Iiead (slang) ; 0. E. nodile, ' nodil, nodle.' Prompt., 357. Wei. cna, that is rounded; O. N. hnudr, a knob, ball; hnoda, a clew; led. hnod, a rivet- head; Dan. knudc, a knot, and many others; Lot. nodus, for gnodus; Gr. gnathos, a tooth. NOO, now; O. N. Nu, Dan. nu; O. N. ' Sommeren er nu over' (in Cleat.); Goth, nu, Dut. nu, Ger. nuh, nun; Gr. nun, Lot. nunc. NOOSE, nose; O. N. Nos, A.S. nosu; Swed. nk'sa, Dan. noese, Ger. nase, Ituss. and Eng. nose, Dut. neus. NOPE, a blow, properly the effects of a blow, a lump; O. N. knappr, a knob; hnappr, a button; Gael, and Wei. cnap, a knob; A. S. cnap, Ger. knopf, Dut. knop, Eng. knob; Wei. cnipvvs, a fillip with the finger; Dut. n6pen, to pr, prick, encourage. NOR, than ; Gael. Na, Wei. no, titan. ' Bigger nor me.' Bla. p. 36. NOWT, nothing; A.S. naht, contr. from na-wuht, na-wiht; no- whit, not a whit. ' Gif other care nawiht gehereth,' if the other with his ears nowt heareth. L. JEtluilberl, 40 (561-616). 'Nawiht on thaem wite.' L. JEthd- stan, 21 (924-940). ' Ac se Abbot nolde thacs naht,' but the Abbot would have nowt of it. Sax. Chron., 1083. ' Haveth he nout of Walingford ofer- lyng,' he has nowt of the Wallingford honours ('overling,' opposed to 'under- ling'). Rich. o/Almaigne, 1. 10. 'When they had ascertained his liabilities they ass'd him what his assets amoontid tew. He said, " Nowt." ' Al., 1880. * Liza may say it's gud, bud ah reckon nowt on't.' Ib. NUT, not. A further contr. of ' nowt.' Nawuht, naught, naht, nowt, nut, not. ' T moor's nowt like itsen.' Bla., p. 39. 'A thing at's nut reet,' 76., p. 13. STUDIES IN NIDDERDALE. Lucas. 270 OAD PAT. o. OADE, OWD, old; Dut. Oud. 'Een oud man' = 'an owd man,' 'eene oude \TOUVV ' = ' an oade ooman.' OFT, often; O. \. Opt, oft; A. S. oft, Goth. (Ulf.) ufta,' Swed. ofta, Dan. ofte. ' Se cyrlisce man the oft betoken were thyfthe,' the rustic man who has been oft accused of theft. L. hie, c. 37 (688-72U). ' T' OADE MAN,' or 'the old man,' i.e. 'the old mine. Gael. Mein, meinn, meun, a mine, mineral; Wei. maen, a stone, mineral; man, a space, u'Jiat holds or contains. The lead miners of Greenhow on striking into old workings underground say they have come upon ' the old man,' which is clearly the old mine, as shown above, but this being forgotten they sometimes express the same by saying ' the old man has been there.' ONT, aunt; O. Fr. Ante. ONNY, ONY, any; A. S. anig 1 , as ' any," from ' senig.' ONNYWERES, anywhere. ONTUV, on to. 'To mak back at neet ontuv Hardcastle Moor.' Bla., p. 39. OOR, our; A. S. tire, our, would suggest an unaccented form [tire]; Goth. unsar. GOT, out; O. N. ut. OP, up; Dan. and Dul. Op. OPPEN, open; 0. N. Opinn. OUT, OWT, anything, ouyhl, aught; A. S. out, contr. from awuht, awiht, a whit. ' Othtlie his landes awuht, 1 owt of his land. L. jE/fred, Introd. 26. 'Minra awuht feala,' my somewhat numerous. Laws, Ib. ' Nage heo his yrfes awuht,' she has not a whit of his estate. L. JElf, c. S. ' Wordes ne weorces owiht don,' by word or deed to do owt. L. jEt/u-lst., pt. 2, c. 2. 'And gif ther is out to eadwiten,' and if there is owt to blame. Ancren Riwle, pt. IV. 'Ah like it far better nor owt at's i t' hoose.' Bla., p. 42. OUT, OWT, ought, should. ' Ought ' for ' owed.' ' Proud he owt to feel hissen.' O V, on ; Dut. Over, of, about, upon, c. ' Per they'd seeame reight as us up ov Hardcastle Moor.' OWEB, over; A. S. Ouer. Sax. Citron., 1137. 'Comin ower t' moor,' 'ower neet,' ' gie ower,' leave ojf, &c., are common colloq. ' She wor awlus ageeat, an' scarce ivver gav ower.' Bla., p. 37. P. Grimm VI. Goth. P = 0. //. G. Ph. or f; Gr., Lot., Celt., Slav. B; Sans. B or V. PALLY, Polly as a place name, ' Pally's Crags.' PARK, an enclosure, field for homes, in Coverdale (see pp. 32, 34). PASHY, wet underfoot ; tier. Patsche, sludge, mud. ' T'wcathcr's been pashy this spring.' Bla., p. 21. PASTOOB, pasture; O. Fr. Pasture (Cot.). The O. Fr. pron. is well preserved at Lodge, and generally near the Dalehead (see p. 31). PATE, the badger. The Gael, is broc, brochd; U. N. b:'okkr(?), Dan. brok, We/, broch, Eny. Dial, brock, Alod.Gr. tioclios (Sived. giiitling, Dut. das, Ger. dachs). ' Pate' is a very local name, ' brock' being the usual word. ' Pate,' the PEA aUA. 271 lodger, does, I believe, give its name to ' Pateley,' which used to be spelt ' Pait-ley.' I cannot find an.C source or origin for the name of ' pate,' meaning the bwtyer, in any of the languages contributing to this Dialect. Guided by the well-established case of ' peat,' from ' bete,' I am led to identify the 'bad' in 'badger' with 'pate'; but is 'badger'? (1.) Wei. Baedd, a boar = Pate; baeddu, to wa/loic; to tumble about in the dirt; baeddwr, one who tumbles about in the dirt = ' badger '; Fr. bedoiie, bedouer. (2.) Pate, miyht h'r. Bete, as ' peat' = ' bete' ; but I think the former explanation pre- ferable in the absence of positive evidence, and because the latter does not explain ' badger' at the same time. The 'pate' is now extinct for an account of the last tee IKTROD. (3.) Note. ' Bite, a fox, among gypsies on Mitcham Common (1880). PEAT, peat; A.S. Betan, to better, to improve; be tan fyr, to mend or repair a fire (lion.) ; O. E. beten, ft. Fris. beta, O. N. boeta. ' Fires bete.' Chauc. Cunt, '/'a/ex, 2,253. 'A brighte fir wel belt.' Sir Perceval. 'Thornton Romances.' Yorks, early 15th cent, (Strutm.). ' Bete the fire,' gave the name of ' betes,' or ' peats ' to the sods with which the fire was * beted ' ( Wedg.) ; Gael. foid. PEAT-CREEL, a basket for holding peats, which stands in the room. PEWDER, pewter; Gael, peodar, pleodar; Dut. peauter, speauter (Spelter); led. piatr, Low. Lot. peutreum, O. Fr. peutre (bra.), Ital. peltro, SjMtn. peltre. 'PIN-FOLD,' a pound; A.S. Pinn, a penn, pound. '"Fund" and " pound," from the " pin " of the ancients, whence " pinfold.'" Wilkins Glots. to A.S. l.awt. t.v. Fundbrece. PLEEACE, place; A.S. Plaece occurs in the Cotton MS. of the Gospels, written about A.D. 9dO. The A.S. was interlined between the Lat., which was written about 680 (Somner). We cannot therefore have tiken our word straight from the Fr. as is commonly represented. Lat. platea, ,S/*//. plaza, Ital. piazza, Fr. place, Wel. plas. PLEAF, plouali, at Ramsjiill. PLIF, or PLEW, or PL.EUGH, plough, at Lodge. With plif and pleaf compare D>tn. plov; with plew, pleugrh, A.S. plou. O. \. p!6gr, Sired, plog, O. Dut. plog, ploug; hut. ploeg, Huns, plyge (ploog), 0. H G. ploh, phluog; M. //. G. phluoc, pHuoc; (jr. pflug; Gr. ploion, to tail; Sans, plava. *Sulh' is the word used in the A. S. Laws, ' plough' never. In O.N. arthr is the genuine word, according to Cleasby. Nor is plough Goth., for Ulf. uses hoha, hoe something like the breast-plough of the Cotswolds probably. Flough is therefore O.H.G., probably from the Rust. Sulh, the A. S. word Pert. kulba, a plough; //. sulcus, a furrow is still in use in Somerset. PODDISH, porridge; O. Fr. Potag-e, pottaye. P oddish is nearer the parent form than ' porridge.' POODER, powder-, O. Fr. Puldre, Fr. poudre; formerly poldre, origi- nally puldre, from /Ait. pulver (Bra.), Dut. poeder, poeijer, pulver; Ger. pulver. Fr. pron. well preservi-d. PORE, jxikfr. I suppose Po'er, like brea'r, briar, from breaker ($ee p. 25). PRETHA, pritliee. I pray thee. a. , ' gentlemen,' too often flash persons wholly unworthy to buckle the shoes of the Dalespcoplc, some of whom annually look forward to the grouse season, ' when t 'quality cums up t'DaaL' 272 RAK BAY. R. RAKE, w. (1.) The line of heaps on the surface, made by working a lead vein; the heaps on the 'back of a lode.' The Pers. (and Hind.) Rak, a row or line; Russ, draka, Dun. raekke, a row; O. N. rakr, straight; rak, the rakinys nf hay in a field; Atk. Cl. Gl. gives RAITCH, a white line down a horse's face (also Hall). (2.) A footpath, Pers. rak, a row or line; rah, a, road, way; O. N. rekstr, a beaten track, originally that made by a drove of sheep or cattle. (3.) A 'sheep-rake, 1 * sheep-track. Huntley (Colsu-old Gloss.) gives ' RACK, a path, chiefly applied to the paths made by hares; Dut. racke, a track.'' I find Dut. rak, apart of the road. We have ' een goed rakj e,'a good part of the road behind us. Holtrop. ' At Buckden,' writes Mr. Dakyns, ' we have " Hakes Wood," a wood through which goes the old straight road which is itself called " Buckden Hake."' Rake = road, in Sir Gawaj/ne, Lancash., about 1360. Also Alex., 3384, ' Out of the rake of rightwisness renne suld he nevire.' Stratm. 4. A dog's name. ? O. N. reki, driver (see p. 13 and Erratum to ditto). RAKE, v. (1.) Sheep on the moors are said to 'rake out,' when they form single file, as they do on being first disturbed. 'To rake in row,' in the passage ' But keip my sheip undir yon wod ; Lo quhair they raik on raw.' Robin Q MaJcyne, 1. 12. Gael, rach, to go, walk, travel; O. N. rekja, to spread out, unfold ; Goth, rakj an, to reach, stretch; rikau, to reach, collect, Jieap up; Dut. reiken, Swed. riicka, Dan. roekke, Ger. reichen, Lai. rego, Gr. orego, Gael, ruig, to reach; O. N. reika, to wander, walk, in a wavering, unsettled manner, as sheep. ' To raik on raw.' (2.) To drive; Gael, ruaig, O. N. raka, originally vreka (Cleas.), to drive, to wander; Wei. rhacu, to put fonvard, to advance, to take the lead; Goth. (Ulf.) wrikan, wrakjan, to persecute; Dut. wreken, A. S. wrecan, Eng. wreak, O. H. G. rechan, Ger. rachen, Swed. vraka, D:m. vrage, Lot. urgere (Cleas. Skeat.). RAM, adj., stinkiny, fetid, offensive; O.N. Ramr, strong, bitter, $c., Dan. ram. RAMPS, garlic; A. S. Hramse (? meaning), Swed. rams, garlic, prob. from the O.N. ram, neut. ramt, bitter, strong, like an onion. Ramtgras (Elucidarium, 141, in Cleas), is no doubt garlic. Somner, followed by Bos. renders A.S. hramse, hromse, by ' Henbane,' but ? (see BELLONED). ' Rams- gill ' may take its name from rams, garlic, which is freq. in the woods, covering the ground like a carpet, to the exclusion of all other plants. RANDOM, the direction of a lead vein. ' We're following the random now,' used by the miners of Greenhow Hill. RANG, wrong; O. N. Rangr, A. S. wrang. Sax. Chron., A.D. 1124. RANNELBOAK, beam in the old chimney; O.N. Rann, the house; balkr, beam; ranns-balkr, house-beam (see pp. 21-24). RATTEN, a rat; Gael. Radan; a water rat, 'radan uisge.' O.N. rotta, with def. art. rotta-inn; Dan. rotte, with def. art. rotten; or Swed. ratta, rotta, with def. art. rotten, might indeed be the source of the Gaelic word, especially when we have regard to the history of the Norwegian rat, which has spread from thence. A. S. raet, O. H. G. rato, Ger. ratte, ratze; />. rat. The Prompt. Pare, has ratun or rat^n. RAY enters into several place names up dale, of which instances are given p. 82, with a suggestion as to meaning of ray. Since printing that sheet, however, I find that rae is Gael, for a pasture (see Introductory Commentary). BEE RIP. 273 REE AN = REIN, a strip of grass left unploughcd around a ploughed field; but see Study VIII., pp. 60-68. REE AST, rest; A.S. Reost, raest, re&t, rest. REEASTED, restive, Jresh, skittisli. I think this must be A. S. Rested, pp. of restian, restan, hrestan, to rest ' rested, 1 therefore ' eager.' ' Ay, Shoe's resisted, thoo mun let her gan oop t'bank a bit, t' tak t'joomp oot of her.' Cul'oq. REE A TS, roots. ' Ttree-reats.' RECKLING-, i he youngest or smallest of a brood of chickens, ducks, &c.; O. N. Reklingr, led. 'rekningr,' and rekingr'; Dan. rekling. an outcast, lit. ' the little driven one'; from ' reka,' to drive. Atk. Cl. Gl. finds in Kok, S. Jut- land, vrassel, vrasling, for vragsel, vragsling, in the same sense as above. Kok quotes Uutzcn for vrag, vragling (see p. 30). RECKONS, toothed sticks, now of iron, on which the pothooks arc hung. Wei. Rhignez, a notched slick (Ori:). The 'reckons' hang on the *s\vapa' or ' beak ' (p. 20), which Atk. Cl. Gl. calls the ' reckons.' Wei. rhig, rhigyn, a notcli, groove. Rhignez, a notched or furrowed part of Jinything, render's Atk.'s suggestion, ' Reek-airn,' * smoke-iron,' unnecessary ; moreover, ' reckons,' the * notched stick,' probably existed ages before iron was known here. REDSTAKE, the post in a bewce to whicli the cow is lied or fastened. A . S. Wraed, a band, tie; stica, a stake; wKede, a latdi, buckle, control, bundle, $c.; 1 writha,' a band, rein, thong, bridle. The beasts were formerly tied up with ticisted bands of willow, ash or hazel, still the fastening of the Cow-BOW, q.v.; also p. 31. REEK, n., smoke, foy or mist, drizzle; Stcetl. Riik, Dan. xog, Dut. rook, O. E. roke, Ger. rauch, smoke; Goth. (U/f.) rekwis, rikwiz, darkness; rign, rain. REEK, f., to smoke, to be misty, O. A', rjuka, Swed. roka, Dun. roge, to smoke; Ccr. riechen,/ome//; A.S. reocan, rlcan,ti> smoke; dr. hresso, hrugnumi, to lireuk; hregmin, hregniis, breakers, the 'reek' of the sea. * Epi hregmlni thalasses.' 11., I., 37. Russ. berege, tlte shore; Eng. breakers; Goth, rikwizjan, to Income dark. ' Why it rain'd and it reekt, barn, ye nivrer saw sike weather.' B. Bailey, in Grainpe's I list, of Nidderdale, p. 224. REET, right; A. S. Reht, riht, riyld. REWL, rule; A.S. Rewl, e.g. * Ancren Riwl.' The 'g' in Txi/. regula must have been pronounced as *y.' RID, to clear; A.S. Riddan, O. N. rydja, Dan. rydde, A.S. hreddan, to rid; Scot, red or redde (Clear.'). On Saturday night ' all's ridded up.' RIDDING-, (i clearinij; O. .V. Kjodhr, a clearing, open space in a forest (Cleas.). Sec RcDDiNO, ROVD. RIDDING or RHYDDING, a for,!; Wei. Rhjd, rhydlo, a ford; rhydiad, a forming a ford; rhydiaw, to form a ford. RIDDLE-CAKE, a kind t>f oatcake; Gael. Rideal, W. rhidyU; A. S. hriddel, a sieve, riddle. RIG (1), back; O. N. Hrygrgr, Swed. rygg, Dan. ryg, A. 5. hrycg (from the O. N.}, rig; Kuss. kryazhe, O. H. G. hnicki, Ger. riicken, Gr. hrachis. The farmers nevt-r speak of a sheep's back, but of his ' rig.' (2.) A ridge, common in names of hills; O. N. hryg-gr, Fjall-hryggr, a mountain ridge. RIGGERT, a close tup; O. A r . Rifir-g-yrthr, tight-girt, part, of rig-gyrtha, to girth tightly, from rigr, ttiffnes*. In n R. the testicles are under the back, whence some have supposed ' rig, girt.* RILE, disturbance. Hall, has ' RiLB, to disturb, to vex. East. 1 * Froons arc ruffled temper's shaddas I SMI in' fra sum hidden rile.' Ula., in Al., 1080. RIFE, to grub up txx/, scrulis, bushes, $c.; A.S. Ripan, to ripe or reap. 4 When " Turner Carr" was riped a few years ago there were brears, chewps, &c.' Colloq. ff STUDIES IN NIDDKBDALB. Lucas. 274 BIS SAA. RIS'D, raised. ' Ther rent'll be ris'd.' HIVE, tear, split; 0. N. Riufa, rifa; 8 wed. rifva; Dan. rive, to rip up. ROVEN, torn; O.N. Rofinn, part, of do. ' Roven up to the grain.' p. 108. KO AT, bray of an ass; Gael. Eaoic, a bellow, roar, the voice of a deer; Wei. rhocn, a grunt; hence Fr. ruit, mt;Eny. rut, ' the rutting season'; Swiss, r'uden, to bellow; Ger. ranzen, to rut; rauschen, to roar; Bret, ruda, to be on Iteat; Gael, raoichd, to bell as a deer, to roar; Wei. rhochain, to grunt like swine; rochi, to grunt, to growl; Dut. ruchelen, to bray, grunt. ' Pooer Jerry ' [to his donkey] 'to which Jerry replied wi' a roat at wad hev alarmed onnybody bud his maister.' AL, 1881). ROWANTREE, mountain ask; O.N. Reynir, Swed. rb'n, Dun. riinne, Lat. ornus, Goth, runa, O.N. run, a mystery, a written character; ratin, a trial, experiment, and reyna, to experience, are all kindred. The original notion is scrutiny, mystery (Cleas.). R. so called from being supposed to contain a magic power against witches (Carr., Crav. Gloss., and Atk. Cl. Gl.). ROOAD, road. ROOSE, rush on to ruin; A. S. Hreosan, to rusk, waver, fall; O. A r . hrjosa, to shudder; Swed. rysa; Wei. rh.wysaw, to flourish, wanton;rhvfys, adj., vigorous, wanton; rhwys, ., vigor, wantonness; rhwy, that runs out, excess. The word is therefore from the Wei. in the sentence, ' The rich may romp an roose away.' Dla., p. 9. ROYD, a clearing in a u-ood; O.N. Rjodhr (see RIDDING, RUDDING). RUCKLE, a slack of peats on the moors (p. 119). ' Ruckle, 1 ' little rick.' Gael, ruchdan, a little conical rick of hay or corn. ' Ruchd. a conical rick of hay or corn' (Armstr.). This is exactly the shape of the ' peat ruckles.' A.S. hreac, a rick; O.N. hruga. On the moors as a place name, ' High Ruckles.' RUDDING, a clearing; O.N. Rud, a clearing in a ivood; with def. art. inn, rudinn, the clearing. Ormerod = ' Orme's clearing 11 (see RIDDING and ROYD). ' Rudd' occurs as a place name, and as a man's name. RUDDLE, red paint for marking sheep; Wei. Rhuznll, red ocJire or ruddle; rhydlyd, rusty; rhwd, rust, rhwdawg, rusty; rhwzeli, a red salve; 0. N. ryd, rust; rydga, to become rusty ; Goth, rauds, Dut. rood, Ger. roth, red. REW, RUE, to repent; A.S. Hreowan, reowan, to repent, rue; hreowsian, reowsian, to be sorry for, to grieve for (Bos.); O. N. nryggja, to be grieved, also to grieve; A. S. ( Mid sothre hreowe,' with true penitence. Canons, Eadg., 'Be Be tan,' c. 18. ' And thow hast brent Northomberlond Full sore it reweth me.' Otterb., 1. 44. 'Sair, sair, I rew the deed.' Ld. Barnard, in Gill Morrice, 1. 194. RUNG, a round of a ladder; 0. iV. Rong:, same. From rangr, crooked, not straight; originally, no doubt, applied to the branch or stumps of brandies which formed the steps of the ladder. A ship's rib is called ' rong' or 'ranga.' 'His owen hand then made he ladders three To climben by the ranges and the stalks.' Cant. Tales, v. 3G25. RUNNEL, a sike or grip, open drain in a field ;Dan. Dial. Ronnel. S. SA AH, shall I. SAAH, so. SAANT, shall not, ' Ah saan't, sa ah noo.' AL, 1880. SAA SEE. 275 SAAIKE, sake. Goth. Sakjo, strife; sakan, to rebuke, strive; A.S. ssec, war, (tattle; sacu, a Ian-suit, c., a cause, accounts; ' for his sake,' for his cause, tide, -interest. SAIM, /an/; A/. <. Sagrimen, sain, sayn,/a<, especially /a/ which the monks used (Du Gauge); hence Gael, saira, nc/<; HW. snim, grease; Ital. sairae, /ard; O. Fr. ' sain, seam, tlie tallow, fat or grease of a hog.' Cot. Sax. seme. SAMMEL, gravel (Westmoreland. J. R. Dakyns). SAMMEN, a mass of conglomerated gravel. Some well diggers near Bedale told me that they came upon a 'salmon' at 25 feet. Goth, saman; O.N. saman, ace. sing, of samr, together; Dan. samxnen, Gr. hania, Lot. simul. SABVANT, servant. SAT, scaled; O. N. Sat, pret. of sitja, to sit, incorrectly used as a participle. SATTAL, ., to settle; sattal'd, settled. SATTAL, ., a settle; A. S. Ssetel. SC ADDLE, unsteady; O. A r . Skadligr, 'scathely,' * scaddle,' noxious, hurt- ful; sksethr, scatheful, noxious; A.S. scsethifr, noxious, criminal. SCALE, ., shale, laminated indurated clay; A.S. Scala. As a place name, ' Scale Gill,' ' Scale Hill ' near Leathley. S. so called because it separates. SCALE, ., to scatter molehills; O. N. Skilja, Sn-ed. skilja, to separate. SCOOB, icour; Dan. Skure, to scour, Dul. schuren, O. Fr. escurer. SCOPPEBDIL, a button mould. * In former years, when farmers dressed in drab breeches and gaiters, the scopperdill was covered with the same material as the garment. It is made of bone, with a hole in the centre. Boys used to fix a piece of stick through the hole and spin it with finger and thumb; hence to ' spin like a scopperdill." ' T. Thorpe. O. A', skapdr, skaptr, skapid, shaped; part, of skepjn, to shape. Kennett has ' A scoppering or scopperell, a little sort of spinning top,' &c. The term occurs in a MS. Diet, dated 1 540 (Hall.'). SKBAT, to scratch ; Dan. Kratte, kradse, to scratch. SCBEEAM, scream. SCBOGGS, stumps, low rouyh busliea; Dan. Skrogr, slump; O. A r . skrukka, a shell; Gael. sgro71). 1 B.urne sin thy cruel father is ganc.' Lady Anne Bc-thicelCn Lament, 1. 36. In Nidd. common as 'some time sin.' Fabian, 1493, uses the uncontracted fonus. And sethen that tima.' Chroit.,c. 134, and again, ' Bcnct, that was in good favour with King Os wy, went sythes to Home.' c. 134. SINQLET, a 'jersey.' Opposed to ' doublet,' or ' guernsey. ' A flannel worn next the skin. SIFE, to drip; PI. D. Sipen, Dut. zipen (Atk., Of. 6V.); Dan. sive, to drip, to give out drop by drop; but Wei. sipian and A.S. sipan, to take in drop by drop (see SINE). 278 SKE SLO. SKEEL, a milk pail or can; O. N. Skjola, a pail (see p. 31). Formerly a shallow wooden pan, with one of the staves left longer than the rest (the 'Beild.') Now any milk pail. SKIFT, shift, O.N. Skipta, Dan. skifte, ^4.6'. scyftan, to shift. At Lodge, a farmer from Melmerby, Coverdale, remarked, ' They'll happen have got skifted to-day' (1871). SKK.IKE, ., to shriek; O.N. Skrikja, Dan. skrige, Russ. krechate, za- krechate (see p. 137). SKRIKE, n., a shriek; Wei. Ysgrre9, a shriek; (2.) Name of a bird. SLACK, a hollow boggy place; Wei. Llaca, mire (see p. 70); O.N. slakki, 'Dan. slag, hollou-s of some length and breadth in a road or track' (in Atk. Cl. Gl.). 'cp. Dan. slank, Get: schlank.' Cleas. As a place name, ' Foulcauseway Slack,' near the Bolton end of the B. and Harrogate Road. SLANG-, slung; A. S. Slingan, to sling. 'An thar we lang switchers we slang: taty crabs,' And there with long swishes (bendable sticks) we slang: potato tops. Bla., p. 38. SLAPE, slippery, thin, weak; O.N. Sleipr, slippery. When the 'hippings' are wet with rain they are said to be ' slape,' i.e., slippery, but weak tea and I/tin ' hasty-puddiug' are also said to be slape. SLATE, flagstone. ' Slate' means flat. Goth. Slahits, O. N. slettr, Dan. Blet,flat; Gael, sgleat, sgliat, a slate, is, no doubt, a borrowed name. Shale is also called slate, e.g. ' Blue slate.' SLECK, to slake, quench; O.N. slokva, slecthi, slecqua ; Dan. slukke, to slake; Swed. sliicka, Dut. lesschen, Eng. lush. ' Hann slcektti thar nu thorsta sinn.' Barlaams Saga, 198, Cleas. SLED, a sledge; Gael. Siadd, Wei. ysled, O. N. sledi, Dan. sloede, Dut. sledde, sledde; Ger. schlitten, whence Hal. sliscio, Rms. salazkhe, a sledge; Gael. slaod, O.N. slzeda, slosda; Ger. schlittern, Ital. slisciare, to drag, to sled, perhaps the original of to 'lead' peats, &c., in Nidd. There are four kinds of sled in Nidd., of which one, sketched on Witton Fell, is shown below. 'He smote the sledded Polack on the ice.' Hamlet, Act I., sc. 1. SLEET, aflat meadow or moor. O.N. slettr, a plain; Dan. slette, level field; Goth. slahits (- /?a<; (see p. 91, also SLATE). Allied to 'slide' and 'sled.' SLITTER, adj., careless, slippery; A. S. slidor or slithor, slippery. ' And to a drunken man the way is slider.' Cant. Tales, v. 126G. SLITTER, ., to slip through; A.S. Slitherian, to slip out. 'Ah didn't carr hoo ah did it, nobbut ah gat slittered through it.' Colloq. SLOP, a loose garment ; Gael. Slapar, a skirl ; O. N. sloppr, A . S. slop, a gown, loose garment; Ger. schleppe; akin to Dan. sloebe, train, trail; O.N. slapa, Dan. sloebe, to hang loose. ' Blue lin slop.' Bla., p. 18. SLOTT-BAR, a moveable bar sliding horizontally on the Branderi (see p. 18, and Fig. 2, p. 19). SLOTJNQEINQ. ' If thee desn't gie ower, ah'll gie thee a sloungeing bat,' a heavy How. O.N, Slaungr, pret. of slb'ngva, slyngva slengja, to sling; part, slunginn. SLY STE. 279 SLY, to act slily; O.N. Slsegja, to cheat, act on the sly. Of a girl, 'An slyed oot In meet him. 1 lila., p. 18. SMEAK, smoke; A. S. Smeuc, smoke; sine oca n, to smoke. SMEAKIN, smoking; A. 6". Smeocend, smoking. SMELLER, a heavy or sharp blow; O.N. Smellr, a smack. 'Ahll gie thee a smeller.' O. N. smella, Swetl. smalla, Dan. smoeldc, to crack a whip. SMOWL, smile. ' Billy smowled an sed, " Thoo oadc madlin.'" Al., 1 880. SMOWLIN, smiling. ' Ahve seen yer smowlin leaks at van another.' Ib. SOFT, u-ft, rainy, especially nfine, wet, u-arm rain. From the climate, the salutation, "Tis soft,' is heard more frequently than any other. A.S. Soft, seft, connected with SIPE, to it; O. A'. st6rr,%; coinpat: staeri or staarri, s/wr. staerstr; 6V. uteiros, hard, barren; stein, u barren cow, (? a steer); A. S. steor, a st.-er; hit. stcrilU, sterile. STARVE, to shrivel with cold only; A. -V. Steorfan, stearflan. ' Starved ' in the ord. sense is given by ' hungered.' Starved meant an effect of cold first, as a. phrase given in Dos. specifies ' steerf of hungor.' ST AWL, falter, fail, give in; O. N. Stallra, to halt, falter; staulask, to icalk infirmly. ' Hjarfci drepr stall,' the heart fails (Cleas.). ' Ah's fairly beginnin to stawl.' lila., p. 25. Cle.isby says, * Metaphorically from stallr, the step of a mast.'' STEAD, stood. STEAN, STEEAN, stone; A.S. Stsan (see STAN). Goth, stains, 6V. stion, stia, HjieMe (Cur. 225, Sk.)\ Later Gr. steion, steia (L. and S); Per*, sang. STED, place; e.q. ' Doorsted.' STEE, a ladder; O. N. Sti, stigi, a step, steep ascent, ladder; Dan. Stiffe, ladder; sti, path (whence 'Sty Head Pass'); stige, to climb; A.S. stigan, 6V. steicho, Sans, stigh, tocJindi; O. II. G. steg:i, an ascending (Cur. 177), (nee ST.\O). In place names Braisty= Brae-sty, Cattcnty (in Cleveland), and perhaps Swinsty, Washburndale. STUDIIS in NIDDBRDALE. Lucas. 280 STE STO. STEE-STOWER, ladder-stalk (see STOWER). STE AL, stool; A.S, steal, steall, stsel, a seat. STINT, to limit; O. N.. Stytta, to tlwrten. Those who have experienced the good-natured hospitality of some remote farmhouse will have heard the frequent injunction, ' Don't stint yersel,' and doubtless responded thereto in true English fashion. The word as used in the Ballads is A. 8. stintan, to be, weak, faint. Thus : * He never styntyde ne never blane Till he came to the good Lord Perse.' Anc. Chevy Chase, Fit. 2, 1. 69. ' I wys he neither stint ne Llanne Till he his ladye see. 1 Sir Cauline, I. 151. Commons, i.e. moors, here, as elsewhere, are stinted and unstinted, on which the commoners can turn out a limited or an unlimited number of sheep (set pp. 9 and Co). STIRK, a year old calf; A.S. styrc, stirc, stiorc, a slirk; sterc, stearc, strong, stark (fee also STARK, STRONG and SXOWER). A stirk is either a ' stott-stirk ' or a 'heifer- stirk. 1 STOCK, cattle. On a farm, ' We keep the gate shut lest the stock should get through. 1 STOOP, a post, e.g., ' Yek yet stoop, 1 oak (jate-post. ' Long stoop, 1 tall stone way -post (see p. 98). STOOR, dust, disturbance; Wei. Ystwr, O. N. styrr, Dan. stoi, stir, tumult, brawl, fyht, tear; stor, dust; Gael, strigh, stir. 'Ah raised sike a stoor, 1 made such a noise. Ula., p. 66. ' It' ther owners had seen us thar'd been a nice stoor. II., p. 3!i. Obsolete in the sense of jiyht, as in the Ballads ' And Estmere he and Adlcr yonge Right stiffe in stour can stand. 1 King Estmere, 1. 272. Connected with next word. STORM, SHOW. 'Summat ta burn again a storm of aythcr frost or snow. AL, IfittO. STORMY, snowy, 'like snow.'' The sense is remr.rkablc. The salutation, ' Tis stormy, 1 is a greeting only heard in reference to snow. ' Tis rurt 1 (rough), being applied to wind. ' ''Tis wild, 1 to wind, ivind and rain, c. If a man says, there will lie ' a storm afore neet, 1 he means there will be a fall of snoir. But it is only near the Dale Head and up on the plateaux that folk are so correct. In the corrupt dialect of Patelcy Bridge, no doubt, the word may frequently be heard in its general sense. To my mind this word affords the key to the solution of the problem so ably and beautifully handled by Prof. Max Muller (Lcct. on Science (>/' Lawjuaijc, X I., v. 2, p. 506 et set].), as to the meaning of Sarama, and clinches the argument of Prof. Kuhn, ' who was the first to analyse the meaning and character of Sarama [and who] arrived at the conclusion that Sarama meant storm, and that the Sanscrit word was identical witli the Teutonic storm and with the Greek harme." 1 If the proper and original meaning of storm was frost and snow, and storm be ctymologically with Sarama (as Eny. ' stone 1 ; I'crs. * sang 1 ), then the query of the learned Professor, ' But admitting that Sarama meant originally the runner, how does it follow that the runner was meant fur storm P 1 is intelligibly answered, in the appearance of snow driven befoic the northern blast. If Sarama, the storm, meant frost and snow in countries lying to the north of India, we can understand why Sarama, 'discovered the cleft of the rock,' and how she 'crossed the waters of the Para,' and why the Panis say ' Thou art come in vain to this bright place,' .as well as why they ask Sarama about Indra (Jupiter 1'litvius) (10b*th Hymn of the last book of the Rigveda, pp. 50!)-U, Max Miillcr's Led.). Sarama is STO STB. 281 called ' the dog of the gods,' and said to have been ' sent by Indra,' in an Indian Commentary cited by M. Muller (p. 510), ' to look for the cows,' who ' were carried off by the Panis from the world of the gods and thrown into darkness'' ergo, towards the north, the land of frost and snow. Sarama, the Dog of Indra, was mother of the Sarameyau, the two four-eyed brindled watch dogs of Yama (conjectured by some to have been originally Indra and Agni (_/ire),and Sarameya to be the Greek Hermeias). Sarama is made to mean the 'dawn' by Max Muller, by others the 'wind,' by Williams the 'runner.' Suns.-Eng. Diet., 1872, p. 1092, col. 2, !ind p. 1110, col. 1. We can understand why storm, in the sense of 'frost and snow,'' hugs the north, where the storms arc of that character, and why it should mean rain and wind in more southern climes. It would be a curious point, if the sense of storm, preserved on part of the Pennine Chain, should be found by any other evidence to bear out lluhn in his identification of storm and Sarama, and that Sarama dates back to a northern 'land of dark- ness,' and first meant 'frost and snow.' I have deemed it my duty thus, with much diffidence, to draw attention to the issue arising upon this word storm. Steed., Dan. and Ditt. storm, Dan. stormvind, tint, stonnwind, Ger. Sturm, sturm wind, Russ. shchtorme, HW. ystorm, Gael, stoirm, A.S. storm, steorm, stearm, which looks like a locative storum, ' in the stoor' (.is they say 'stoor and drive') i.e., 'in the stir.' A.S. stirian, styrian, to stir, &c. (see ' STOOR'). Jamieson has ' STORM, snow, Aberd. This use of the term is pretty general in 3 1 Gotland], STOTT, a lull-calf; A. S. Stotte; Dan. stud, aw or. Lye has A. S. stotte in one passage only, where he renders it by eijttns vilis as a contemptuous term for a hone, like /eel. stoti, a nickname occurring in Landnamabok; O. N. stod, a stud (of horses). STOTT-STIRK, year old bull calf. HEIFER-STIRK, a year old coiv-culf. STOYT. 'They pointed an said, " What a girt stoyt is he."' Bla., p. 36; of a little boy. O. N. staut, a stuttering in reading; staut-faerr, able to read a little. STOWER, tlte stalk of a ladder, a stake, paling; O.N. staurr; Gr. stauros, a stake, paling; Sans. stararas,^rin; Lot. in-stauro, to erect; Goth, stiurjan, to fix; Dut. sturen; Ger. steuern, to steer (see STEE-STOWKR). STRAIT, narrow; Hal. stretto, O. Fr. estroit, Mod. Fr. etroit, from Lot. strict us. STRANQ, strong; A.S. Strung:, O. W. strangr, Sured. itrang, Dan. and Ger. strenz, string, O. H. G. strang, Lat. stringo, Gr. stranpo, strangeno (Cur., 577). ' Tham strang-an and tham unmagan,' the strong and the weak. Canons, temp. Eadgar, De Confessione, 3. STRANGER, stronger. STREET, straight. STREEAN, strain; O. Fr. Estraindre, estreindre; Mod. Fr. etreindre, to bind, tie up; Lat. stringere, to hurt, injure. STRTJKE struck; O.N. Struku, pret. (plural) of strjuka, to strike; Dan. stryge. 'A way she stroke off at full trot.' /#./..]>. 14. /eel. 'Hestrinn strauk fra mer,' the horse ran away from me. Strok-hestr, a runaway horse (Cleat.). STREIOHT, straight ; A.S. Qestreht, part, of streccan, to ttrddi. 'And straight came out.' St. George for Engd., Grubb. 16, 1. 59. O. Dut. strack, A.S. strac, strac, straiglit; O.Dut. s tracks; Dan. strax (Eny. straightway s), immediately. STREIGHTEN, to straighten; A. S. Stregdan, stredan, to spread, iftvw; strocgan, same; streccan, to stretch, make straight. * Cum don on thi' bonnet an' shawl, An' streighten thi' cap an' thi' hair.' Dla., p. 24. j n STUDIES IK NIDDKRDALE. Lucas. 282 STR SWA. STRETCH, to exercise ; A. S. Streccan, to stretch over. ' Capered and stretched up an doon.' Dla., p. 36. STROTH, in Langstrothdale = Lang strath Dale, and in Colsferdale = Coal, strath Dale. Gael. Strath (Scot, and Cornwall); lr. srath, a valley, moun- tain valley, $c.; Wei. ystrad, which latter is, in Eng. place names, common, e.g., Stroud. Strood, Stroud Green, Hornsey, Middlesex, and near Croydon, Surrey, &c. (see also p. 1, note). STUDY (pron. stoody), to think, ponder, think out ; Lot. Studeo, to apply the mind to; 0. Fr. Estudier, Mod.Fr. etudier. Always used in the sense of think. The response to an enquiry may often be, 'Let me stoody '= let me think. ' He's varra mitch gean [gi'en] ta studdin. What he thinks aboot ah nivver can tell/ AL, 1880. liuss. chydo (prnn. Chooda, Riola), wonder. STUFFLE, stew, fume, 'bade Snarle gat inta a reg'lar stuffle. ' Gael. stuadh, a wave; stuadhmhor, stormy, proud; or sturt, stuirt, sulkiness, pride; sturtail, sulky, sullen, proud. As stubh = stuff", and stuth = stuff, so stuadh or sturtail = stuffle. SUD, should; A. S. Sceolde, imperf. potent, and/lit. part, of scealan, ought, shall. SUER, fure (see SEDER). SUN SIDE, Me' south, towards the south; Norweg. solsiden, same sense. Used by the miners of Greenhow. SUP (pron. soop, like ' cook '), to drink; O. N. Supa, A . S. supan, suppan ; Dan. sobe, to sup drink, cf. Soup and Supper. SUTE, suit; O. Fr. Siute, sieute, seute; Mod. Fr. suite. ' He had a sute of silk About his middle drawn.' Boy and Mantle, 1. 9. ' Cooarderoy sute.' Dla., p. 3.5. SWANG-, 'a fresh piece of green swarth lying in a bottom among arable or barren land, a dool/ Grose. In place names freq., e.y., ' Brown Beck Swangrs,' Colsterdale. O. exchange blows, confirming Grimm's explanation of COWP, q.v. A. S. Swapan, to sweep round, to swap; Goth, sweipan, to swipe, sweep; Gael, sguab, to sweep; Wei. ysgubaw, to sweep. ' Swapte,' ' swapped,' in the Ballads; A . S. sweep, swept, p. of swapan. ' At last the Douglas and the Perse met, Lyk to Captayns of myght and mayne; The' swapte together till the both swat With swordes that wear of fyn niyllan.' Anc.' Chevy Chase, F. 2, 25-28. 4 They swapped together whyll that they swette Wyth swordes scharp and long.' Otlerb., F. 2,1 101. ' And to the wits of Glanctis away stole Jove Divine; Who with Tydidcs Diomede made swap and barter fine.' C. Merivale, Iliad, 18G9, VI., 235. SWARBLE, to swarm, i.e. to climb up a pole or a tree by the legs and arms; SWA TEE. 283 Rust. vzberat'sya, to climb, comes nearest pres. word, but swarble = swarmble ^scramble; Dut. grabbelen, Fr. grimper, agripper, to scramble; Dut. grabbel, Ger. krabbel, a tcramble. ' To swarble up t' trees an late birds' nests t' day lang.' Bla^ p. 38. SWAT, si)uat,flat. * Till ah fell we'y me'y noddle full swat ageean t' yoon.' Bla., p. 34. Wd. yswacL, a titrowing down, a fulling flatly; ystwatiad, a squatting down; yswatiaw, to squat, lie flat. As to line 26 in Anc. Chevy ' The swapte together till the both swat,' that might mean till they both/eW down or sicealed. SWATH prop. SWARTH, to convert arable intot/rass 'and, a verb formed from the noun; O. A r . svorthr, Steed, sward, Dan. gron-swoerd, Ger. schwarte; Dut. zwoord, skin of bacon; groene z6de, greensicard. Sward originally meant the skin, hiilc. SWEEL, to gutter, uxisle, of a candle; Wei. Ysweiliaw, to waste, consume; A. S. swdan, to burn. Connected with next word. SWELTED, overpowered with heat; (1) O.N. svelta, Goth. (Ulf.) swlltan, A. S. sweltan, to die; O. E. swelte (see SFETTLE), O. L. G. sveltan, O. H. G. svelzan (Strutm.); suilizon, to perish by heat; M.//.G. swiltan, to die (Atk. Cl. Gl.); (2) O.N. svelta, causal to preceding, to put to death (Cleat.); O. E. swelten. For O. K. instances see Stratmann. ' Ah's fair swelted. 1 Collog., after a walk on a hot day. SWITCHER, * a slender stick something like the shape of a whipstock,' a '" 'An thar we'y lang switchers we slang taty crabs.' Ola. T. Grimm V.(Eng.) Goth.T; Lith., O.Slav^, Lot., Gr., Sans.,D; O.II.G. Z. T', the; A.S. Te, the. ' Thaet te ryht awe,' that t' right laws. I*e, A.D. 688. ' Thaet te naenig ealdormanna,' that no alderman. First appears in the i&ix. CJiron. after A.D. 1 1 38 contr. for 'the,' which also appears iu the Citron. same date, contr. for theo for se6, heo, for se, se6, thaet, he, she, it. TA, to. * Ah thowt he're [he war = was] gine ta dee.' Dla., p. 16. TA, thou', Lot., whence Fr., Gael, and A.S. Tu. In O. N., after verbs, tu, as skal-tu, niun-tu, vil-tu; A. S. wilt-tu. ' Wil-ta gan wi' me.' Bla., p. 15. JKuss. tei ({iron, ty or tra) (see THOO). TAIS TRILL. In Urock. taistrel, testril; in Atk. tastrill; in Leeds Gloss. tarestrill, a mischievous, ill-behaved boy. Gael, (from taisdeal, a journey) tais- dealach, taisdealaiche, a saunterer, lounger. TAK, take; O. N. Taka, to take. TAK QTX,' take on? griete,tolamnt,be low-spirited. 'Dooan'ttak on like that' TATY, potato. TATY CRABS, potato tops. Bla., p. 38. TAV, to. ' It's been proved tav a gert fact' TAINE, the one (see TKEAH). ' What taine did tother did.' Al., 1880. TEE A. TEEAN, the one; A. S. Te can. Correctly used in the verse * Tone day to marry King Adland's daughter Tother day to carrye her home.' A". Estmere, 1. 109. But reduplicated in the following ' Therfor the ton of us shall de this day.' Anc. Chery Cliase, L 72. ' The tone of us tchall dye.' Otterb., F. 1, 1. 48; F. 2, L 8. Or, perhaps, ' the tone' is ' thaet one,' with the ' t ' misplaced. 284 TEE THI. TEEA,i!o; Wei. Tua. TEE ABLE, table; Fr. Table, Lat. tabula, Gael, taibhle (from the Eng.). TEE ALE, tale; A.S. Teale, tealde, told; taallan, to tell; O.N. tal, talk; tala, a tale; tala, to talk; Swed. tala, Dan. tale, io feW; Dut. taal, speech, fyc.; Ger. erziilung, a tale. TEEAP (Ramsgill), tup, ram; 0. Fr. Toup, a ram, from L.Ger. topp (Bra.). Generally pron. ' toop,' like ' cook' or ' book' (short). TEEASTY, tasty, agreeably flavoured. O. Fr. Taster, to feel ; Ital. tastare. Lat. taxitare (frequentative of tastare), to touch frequently. TEEM, to pour; A. S. Teeamian, to produce in abundance. In Nidder. to rain heavily, to empty a cart. TELLED, told. 'Noo, ah tolled ye nut ta due it.' A. &'. tealde. TEMSE, a hair sieve; Dut. Terns, "Dan. Dial., N. Fris. terns, Steed. Dial. tamms, Mid. Lat. tamisium. It. tamiso, tamigio; O. Fr. tamis, which gives Eng. tammy (see p. 15). TENGS, tongs; Swed. Tang; O.N. tong, taung, tongs; tengja, to tie or fasten together ; Dan. tang, Dut. tanghe, A.S. tange; Ger. zange, tonys (see p. 25). TENG-, to sting; Gael. Teum, to bite, sting; teumta, bitten, which is no doubt the betwenged which forms the subject .of a note on p. 4, and which in this Gloss. I was tempted to connect with the erroneous notion of witchcraft entertained by my informant, for want of a better explanation. I heard be- twenged at Lofthouse and Middlesmoor applied to cattle suffering from a disease. TENT, shoiv, teach; A.S. Teon, to tug, pull, lead, educate. 'And to craftan teon,' and induce them to learn a craft. Canons, Eadg., 51. 'Ah'll tent thee,' I'll teach thee. TEW, to; Wei. Tua. TEWK, took. 1EWFIT, peewit; Prov. Dan. Tyvit, from the bird's note. TEWT, to it. THACK, n., thatch; O. N. Thak, A. S. thaec, Dan. tcekke, Steed, halm-tak, O. // G. dakyu ; Ger. dach, thatch ; Lat. tectum ; 6V. stegos, tegos, a roof. THACK, v. To thatch; O.N. thekja, A. S. theccan, Dan. toekke, to tltatch; Lat. tegere, Gr. stego, Ger. decken, Dan. doekke, Sans, sthagami, to cover (Cur. 155). ' Ye'll see a oade thakt buildin i t' loanside.' THAB, THARR, there; O.N. Thar, A.S. thar, Goth. (U/f.) thar, O. If. G. darot, Ger. dort, Dut. daar, Dan. and Swed. der. THARF, adj., slow, unwilling, afraid; Goth, thaurfts, O. N. Thb'rf, A.S. thearf, need, poverty; thearfa,poor; Goth. (Ulf.) thaurfts, needy, poor. A man acts unwillingly because he is obliged to; slowly because he is unwilling; reluctantly he makes a journey on foot by night in fear from necessity. A very common word in the A. S. Laws. ' Gif he thurf,' if there is need. Ine, 54. ' Ne thearf,' no need. Mlf., Introd., Exod. xxii. 2. ' Ne thearf ic N. sceatt ne scyllig,' 1 do not oive N. a ' scot ' or a shilling. jEtftelst., pt. 2, c. 21. THEE, thou, you. 'Thee read it.' Dan. De. THEE, THE'Y, thy. THEEASE, those; O.N. Thessir, thessar, thessi (masc.,fem. and neut. plu. of thessi), these; Dan. disse. ' Those' is A.S. this, nom. and ace. plu. of thes, for which reasons ' these' for * those' prevails in N.E. and Scotland. THENK, thank; A.S. Thsenc. THERSENS, t/iemselves. T'THICK END, the greater part. ' T'thick end of hofc an hoor.' J3la.,p. 15. THINK-ON, remember; A.S. Thincan, pethenceaii, to think. 'Ah'll try and think-on,' really is, ' Ah'll try and thincan,' remember. ' On thisum anum d6me man inaeg gethencean.' L. JElf, Introd. ' Utan gethencan hu THI THY. 285 Jacob,' &c. L. AStheht., Introd. 'We moton eac thencan,' we mun eke think-on. II. See also my History of the Gypsies, Kutherfurd, Kelso, 1880, for ;i play upon this word and Zingano. THIRR, tftcse; O. A'. Their, they, them. THOO, thou; O.N. Thu. ' Thoo knaws,' thou knows. 'Thou' is Goth. and A. S. thu, G'er., Dan. and Swed. du; Lut. and Gr. tu; whence I regard the forms ' la, 1 " ' tu,' as in reality Lot. For Lat. ' t 1 we expect Goth. ' th,' by Grimm's law, and for 'tu' find Goth. ' thu.' THOWT, thought ;A.S. Thuhte, p. of thincan. Thane Halgan Gaste waes gethuht.' L. Mlf., Int. from Acts xv., 28. * Me rihtest thuhton,' seemed most just to me. / b. ' Thonne thuhte us aerest most thearf,' then it seemed to us first most needful. 1 L. Edmund, c. 6. THRANQ, busy; O. N. Thrimgr, thraungr, thrangr, close, tight; 0. Steed. thranger, Dan. trang, Siced. trang, A. S. thrangr, pressed, p. of thringan, to press, crowd, throng. ' If ta be thrangr we'll be back in an hoor.' Bla., p. 17. Goth. threihan, to throng; O. E. thring, Ger. drangen, Dut. dringen. THRAW, throw; A.S. Thru wan, to throw. 'Sat thrawin t 'shuttle weavin.' Goth, thragjan, to run, A.S. thraegian; cf. A.S. thrah, a space of time, a season; O.Eng. throw. THREAP, to argue; A. S. Threapian, to threap, reprove; threapungr, a threaping, chiding, }>u. drava; Wei. drefu, to bundle or tie together; O. N. thrifa, to thrive, and thrift. * Dreva mani- pulorum uniiis vinculi de arena.' Cambro- Britannic Lairs, in Spelm. THROOAT, throat; A.S. Thn'.te, Dut. strot; O. H. G. droza, drozza; Ger. drosssel, drostel, the throat. * Throte-golle.' Prompt. J'arv., with the note, ' throte-gole,' or * throte-bole,' ' ncu dc la gorge, gosier.' A.S. throt-bolla, the windpipe. *Throt-gole ' = 6'r. tmcholos, throat. A. S. Th = 6V. T; tra[d]-chelos (Gr. cheilos, chelumon, the chest). A . S. G = Gr. CH ; tliroa t-gole (Lat. gila, &c^ fee GULL). A.S. Th = Crfr. D; drost el (for drotsel, O. H. G. droza). ' Throat-gollc ' contracts into 'throttle,' ' throte-bolle' into the Cleveland form ' thropple.' Of the same origin is the next word. THROSTLE, thrush ; ' Moor- throstle, Ring -Ousel; A.S. throstle, throste; O. X. throstr, Dan. trust, liuss. drosde, Ger. drossel, Lai. turdus. THYVEL or THYBEL,, a Jlat piece of bcechicood used for stirring porridge; A. S. Thyfel, a shrub, thorn (Dot., but ?). Also called 'gull-thyTcL' 286 THYTWA. THYTHEL, same; A. S. Thythel, a busk, bough, branch. THYSEN, thyself. TIBER, tidier ;O. N. Tidari, comp. of tidr, customary, $c., from tid,/ue. The compar. tidier in Eng. is A. S. tidigere, tidiggere. Tidy means lit. timely, seasonable, fyc. T'L, TIL, to; O.N. til, Dan. til, Siced. till, to (see TUL). ' And quhat a hauld sail we draw till My mirry men and me.' Edom O'Gordon, 1. 5. TIV, to, used before a vowel (see Tov). TOFF, tough. TOFT, a homefield; O.N. Toft, topt, apiece of ground, messuage, homestead; A.S. toft (seep. 32). TOKE, talk. ' They wok'd alike an they tok'd alike.' TO MORN, to-morrow. TOPPIN, hair on the liead; Wei. Topyn, a tuft of hair; Gael, top; O. A". toppr, a tuft of hair. The following passage, ' Hest hvitr at lit, raudli eyrun ok topprinn,' a white horse with red ears andforelock, toppin (Laxdcela Saga, 1 94, in Cfeas),is strikingly like 'He'd acarrotty toppin.' Al., 1880. T'TOTHER, the other; A. S. Theet other with the ' t' misplaced. ' A the tothar syde that a man might se.' Anc. Chevy Chase, F. 2, 1. 25. ' The tone of them was Adler yonge The tother was King Estmere.' K. Est., 1. 5. TOV IT, to it; (see TIT, Tov). TORFLE, TURFLE, to die a natural death; Gael. Torchair, to perish, happen; torchar, a mortal fall, death; 0. N. thverra, to be drained, ebb out; part. thorinn, thurr, Wei. twyr, A.S. thyrr, dry, thyrran, to dry up, wither; tnurh, thruh, thryh, a coffin. A horse dying in a field is said to torfle; if at night, ' he torfled i t' neet.' Russ. soknyte, to wither. TREEACE, trace; O.Fr. Traict, a teame-trace or trait (Cot.); Lai. tractus. TRET, treated, badly used; A.S. Dreht, troubled, vexed, grieved, p.p. of dreccan, to oppress, use badly. ' The his leodscype swy the drehte,' which greatly harassed his country. L. Eadgar, Suppt. ' I never was so tret,' in the matter of rent by a landlord. Colloq. TREWTH, truth ; A. S. Treowth. The ord. pron. of truth is nearer O. N. tryggth, ' whence Mid. Lot. treuga, Eng. truce' (Cleas.); O.N. tryggr, Goth. (U/f.) triggws, true. TROOSERS, trousers; O.Fr. Trousses, Mod. Fr. trousse, breeches; trousser, to tuck up; Lot. tortiare, a verb formed from tortus, p.p. of torquere, to turn, tiet, Rutherfurd, Kelso, 1882). 288 VAR WAR. V. VARRA, VARY, very; O.Fr. Verai, vray; Chaucer, veray; O.Eng. verai, verrai, verray, verrei, verri (Stratm.); Dut, waar, Ger. wahr. ' Nut varra lang efter.' Bla., p. 39. VAST, n. } a large quantity. ' There war a vast o' money spent over that job.' Colloq. Fr. Vaste (subst.), Ger. wiiste; Lat. vastus (adj.). w. WAD, was; Goth. Vardh, 1st, 2nd and 3rd per s. sing., pret. of vairdhan, to le; O.N. vard, pret. of verdha, to be; A. 8. weard, pret. of weorthan, to be. "WAD, would; A.S. "Wolde, would. 'They thowt they wad hev a lark.' WAE, woe; A.S. Waa, was; Dut. wee, Ger. wehe, Wei. gwae, Lat. voe, Gael, wo, O. A T . Va, .4 . ain\ O. N. Verkr, Dan. voerk, pain. ' A bit o nice fatty- caike ... a glass of best becrtult, an a bit o' became fed bacon (some o' wer awn fecdin) ... it seems varra hard it and bring t'stummurk wark like this.' Al., 1880. WARK, WARKE, work; A. S. Wearc, weerc, weorc; Goth, vaurkjan, to work; O. N. verk, Dut. and Ger. werk, Dan. vcerk, work. 1 And bids me leave my wearye warke.' Aged Lover, 1. 35. WAR WES. 289 1 Ah'll warke na mair.' Culloq., Lofthousc. ' He's gaine tuv his wark.' AL, 1880. WAB, worse ; O. A r . Verr, Sired, varre, Dan. voerre, A . S. waerra, worse. WARSE, worse; A.S. Weersa. WARRANT, teas not; 0. N. Var'at, wot not (Lodbrok. Quid., tee p. 85). 4 Still he warrant a thief.' Bla., p. 12. WARP, threads that run trilh the length of a piece of cloth, &c. (see p. 216). WATH, a ford; O.N. Vath, aford; A.S. watb., a way; wad, a ford; Dut. watte; Lttt. vadum, a ford. ' Wath' as a place name occurs several times, e.g., three miles above Pateley and near Ripon. In Surrey * Waddon ' occurs twice; on the Wandle, near Croydon; and on the Wey, near Farnham. WATTHER, wafer. Like ' fadther.' WE, WI', WE'Y, with; A.S. Wid; O. N. vid, vidr, or vith, vithr, with; Goth, withra, Dan. ved. WE AM, stomach ; O. N. Vomb, the belly. ' Yah neet this week lile Mat began Ta plean aboot his weame.' Bla., p. 16. WEANT, trill not. WEE, with (Bla.). WEEAR, tcear; O. N. Vera, A. S. werian, to wear. WEEL, well; A.S. Wl, well, well. ' An slyed oot ta meet him as weel as ah cud.' Bla., p. 16. WEEST, trill l>e; A.S. Wyrst, contr. from weorthcst, wurthest, wyrthest, 2nd pers. ''/. pres. of weorthan, to liecome. * Ah'll wandta weest seun be all reight,' I'll warrant thou wilt soon, &c. Bla.. p. 29. Weest is here used in a future sense. Weorthan had no future, then-fore this was expressed by the pret. tense, as in the example. WELL, a tpriai/, a natural outflow nf water; A.S. wyl, wyll, wil, well, wcnll, a spring, lit. that which bultiles np; wyllan, weallan; Goth. wul;m, to well up,jfoic; ' wiel, whirlpool; fait, volvo; Gr. cluo,fo roll round* (Cur.); A.S. wyl = wylm, alioiling,lulJjling; sewylm (Kwelme, a place name, lit, 'water-well'; in the localire case, the place wltere the spring breaks out. ' Oth hire eewylm,' up to its source. Treaty of Alfred and Guihrun, 1 (A.D. 878). This is ' Ewelme,' in Bucks, and ' Ewell,' in Surrey, at both of which places large chalk springs issue. The Domesd. form, ' Etwelle,' for ' Ewell,' does not weigh against such evidence; the ' t' is probably a mistake for Eawclle (see HELL, and in ref. to that art. ef. A. and M. Gr. helos, a marsh, '.