OF THE IS40 m 01 H AGE MODERN LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEOO LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO ILLUSTRATED HISTORY OP THE UNITED STATES MINT WITH A COMPLETE DESCRIPTION OF AMERICAN COINAOE, From the earliest period to the present time. The Process of Melting, Refining, Assaying, and Coining Gold and Silver fully described: WITH BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, Robert Morris, Benjamin Rush, John Jay Knox, James P. Kimball, Daniel M. Fox, Edward 0. Leech, Oliver C. Bosby shell, and the Mint Officers from its foundation to the present time, TO WHICH ARE ADDED A QLOSSARY OR MINT LATEST OFFICIAL TABLES Annual Products of Gold and Silver in the different States, and Foreign Countries, with Monetary Statistics of all Nations. ILLUSTRATED with PHOTOTYPES, STEEL PLATE PORTRAITS and WOOD ENGRAVINGS, with NUMEROUS PLATES of Photographic Reproductions of RARE AMERICAN COINS, with List of Coins that command Premiums, New Revised Edition, Edited by the Publisher PHILADELPHIA. GEORGE G. EVANS, PUBLISHER. 1890. Copyrighted t>y GEORGE 6. EVANS. 1885. Reooprrighted, 1888. DUNLAP ft CLAKKE, PKIHTKBS AMD BOOK Binon 810-21 FILBERT STREET, PHILADILPHIA. INDEX. PAQB Adjusting room 32 American coinage, history of from 1792 to 1890 81-89 gold coins 141 " silver coins 141 Amount coined in fiscal year 141 ' of coin in the United States 142 Ancient coining 2 " Greek coins 44 " Persian coins 45 " Roman coins 46 Annealing furnaces 29 Architecture indebted to coins 5 Assay, process of. 23 Assayersof Mint 118 Assaying gold.., 24 silver 25 " rooms 24 Barber, Charles E., Mint Engraver 128 " William, " " 127 Bars manufactured at Mints during fiscal year 142 Bond of indemnity signed by employees of first Mint, 1799 17 Booth, James C., Melter and Refiner 123 Boudinot. Elias 102 Bosbyshell, Colonel O. C., Coiner ; 116 " Superintendent 110 Boyd, N. B., Assistant Melter and Refiner 124 Brief explanation of terms commonly used in treating of bullion, Mint coinage, and money (see Glossary) 149 Brazilian coins 58 Bullion deposit and purchase of. 139 " for the silver dollar coinage 140 " on hand at the Mints 139 Burchard, Horatio C., second Director, extracts from the Director's last report.... 100 Cabinet of coins and relics 41 Cashiers of the Mint 129,130 Childs, George H., Coiner 116 Chinese coins 51 Circulation of gold and silver in the United States 138,143 " silver dollars 141 Cloud, Joseph 123 Cobb, Mark H., Chief Clerk 129 Coinage Act of 1873 99,100 and milling rooms 35 " fiscal year 132 " of first silver dollar 15 Coiners of Mint 114-118 Coins, classification of 48-68 English, of the Commonwealth and Cromwell 56-57 issued at the Philadelphia Mint from its establishment in 1792 to 1890 81-89 of Athens 47 of China 51 of Egypt 45 of Ferdinand and Isabella 67 of Siam 50 of Switzerland 55 of Syria 46 rare '. 154 Colonial coins 59 paper money 134 " pine tree money ., 59 Comparison of expressing the fineness of gold in thousandths and in carats 143 Confederate coins (C.S. A.) 63 Copy of paper laid in corner-stone of the Mint 18 " old pay-roll 12 IV PAGK Costumes on coins 5 Cox, Albion 129 Curator of the Mint 13O Curiosities and minerals 43 Deposit melting room 23- " weighing room 21 Deposits and purchases of gold and silver 135 DeSaussure, Henry William, Director 101 Directors and Superintendents of Mints lOl-ill Dollar of 1804, history of. 64 ' standard, history of. 62 " trade, history of. 61 Donations of old coins 69 Double eagle of 1849, history of. 66 Du Bois, William E., Assayer .' 121-123 Earnings of Mint and Assay Offices 137 Eckfeldt, Adam, Coiner 115 " George N., M.D., Director JOa " Jacob B., Assayer 118-120 English coins 55,56 ' silver tokens 57 Engravers and die-sinkers at the Mint 125-128 Engraving dies '. 34 Egyptian coins , 54 Establishment of the Mint 13 Estimated value of foreign coins (official table of) 146 " product of gold and silver in the United States 133 Extract from Constitution of the United States relating to coining 132 from Director's report, year 1889 135 " from resolution of Congress relating to Mint 19 Family coins (Grecian) 47 First silver dollar 15 First U.S. money coined... 15 Foreign coins, value of in United States money (table of) 146 Fox, Hon. Daniel M., Superintendent 108, 109 French coins, Marie Antoinette, etc 54 German coins 55 Glossary of Mint terms 149 Gobrecht, Christian 127 Gold and silver productions of the world ;.. 137 ' coins of Oliver Cromwell 57 " and silver coins manufactured at the Philadelphia Mint since its establish- ment in 1792 81-89 Gold medallic ducat, hea4 of Luther 55 Golden daric of Persia 45 Grecian coins . 44 Greek Kepublic '. 46 Gun money of James If 57 Hamilton, Alexander 92 Head of Jupiter Amuion (a specimen of) 47 " of Minerva, with Greek helmet 55 Heraldic emblems 5 Historical sketch of first U. S. Mint 7-10 History of coinage, ancient, and modern 1-6 " of present U.S. Mint 18 Humor pictured in medals and coins 5 Incidents of history on coins 4 Introduction 1,2 Japanese coins 63 Jefferson, Thomas 90,91 "Joe" and half "Joe" '. 58 Kimball, James Putnam 93, 94 Key, William II., Assistant Engraver > 116 Knejiss, William, Engraver : 114 Knox, John Jay 95-98 Language upon coins and medals 6 Leech, Edward O., Director 100 Linderman, Henry Richard, M.D 104-107 Ixmgaere, James B., Engraver 115 PAGE McClure, R. A., Curator 129 McCullough, Richard S 123 Medals and cabinet coins 4 153 " partial list of, for sale at the Mint 150-152 Melter and Refiner's office 23 Melters and Refiners of the Mint 183,124 Melting rooms 26 Metallic money in Colonial times 60 Mexican coins 58 Money of Great Britain 65 " of the Chinese Empire 51 " " French " 64 " " German 55 " " Grecian " 46 " " ]i;i